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FIRST SUPPLEMENT (I882-I886). Royal 8vo, $8.00 net; sheep, $10.00 net; half morocco, gilt top, $12.00 net. VOLUME III. SECOND SUPPLEMENT (1887-1891). Royal 8vo, $8.00 net; sheep, $10.00 net; half morocco, gilt top, $12.00 net. VOLUME IV THIRD SUPPLEMENT (1892-1896). Royal 8vo, $10.00 net; sheep, $12.00 net; half morocco, gilt top, $14.00 net. VOLUME V. FOURTH SUPPLEMENT (1897-1901). Royal 8V0, $10.00 net; sheep, $12.00 net; half morocco, gilt top, $14.00 net. Postage 50 cents additional in each binding. VOLUME VI. FIFTH SUPPLEMENT (1902-I906). Royal 8V0, $10.00 net; sheep, $12.00 net ; half morocco, gilt top, $1400 net. Postage 50 cents additional in each binding. ABRIDGED EDITION EDITED BY WILLIAM I. FLETCHER AND MARY POOLE Covering the contents of Thirty-seven Important Periodicals. VOLUME I. (1815-1899). Royal 8vo, $12.00 net. Half morocco, gilt top, $16.00 net. Postage 53 cents additional in each binding. VOLUME II. FIRST SUPPLEMENT (I900-1904). Royal 8vo, $5.00 net. Half morocco, gilt top, $8.00 net. Postage 30 cents additional in each binding. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY BOSTON AND NEW YORK ' 'T_.;, 5" "v‘-‘$1 Y I/‘F1 . ,~ M " 13; .7 '5 T -' r‘.5l;.. . POOLESI _TO' PERHHHCALIJTERATURE FIFTH SUPPLEMENT FROM JANUARY 1 1902 T0 JANUARY 1 1907 BY WILLIAM I. FLETCHER, A. M. LIBRARIAN OF AMHERST COLLEGE AND MARY POOLE FORMBRLY OF THE NBWBERRY LIBRARY CHICAGO WITH THE COOPERATIO./V OF MANY LIBRARIANS Qui scit ubi sit scientia habenti est proximus T \: \ Y ‘ |'I' I ~ ‘ - - \y I " I ‘ '7' ' v>\_V| 0 ' I , r'.,' ' J |'j,'\}‘ -- q I \ , .1 ’ 7 A 7 "___‘_ I‘ nil J‘ "‘ ._ . "1. _ Press BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN ANDIZOMPANY Qlibc Binerzine lflrzas, Eamhrilme I908 Copyright, I908 BY WILLIAM I. FLETCHER AND MARY POOLE. All rzlglzts reserved. PI{El?A(IE. N the Preface to that magnum opus, the Poole’s Index of 1882, the following promise was made: “Supplements in a style uniform with this edition will be issued every five years, which will include not only the periodicals which have appeared during that period, but older serials which are worthy of being indexed, and are not included in this edition.” The present issue is the fifth of the five-year Supplements thus promised, mark- ing the completion of a quarter-century since the 1882 volume appeared. With the great increase in the number of excellent periodicals, growth in the size of these Supplements is inevitable, and it will be noticed that this issue contains ten per cent. more pages than its predecessor. It covers 190 different periodicals as against 170 in the last volume, and indexes I360 volumes. It will be observed on examining the Chronological Conspectus prefixed to this volume that of the 232 sets included in the edition of 1882 only 49 are continued in this Supplement, while I41 newer ones ’are here included. Of this number 33 appear in this Supplement for the first time, a portion of these being new ven- tures, started during the period or just before its beginning, and others represent- ing the effort to fulfil the promise that “older serials worthy of being indexed” should be taken up in the Supplements. Special pains have been taken to include in this volume references to a large number of college and university publications, making the index of special value to the larger libraries ; while at the same time it has not been in the least weak- ened on the more popular side. Among these additions to the list, special atten- . tion may well be called to the Princeton University Bulletin, I 5 vols., the Catholic University Bulletin, I2 vols., the University of Chicago Record, IO vols., the Co- lumbia University Quarterly, 8 vols., the California University Chronicle, 8 vols., the Wisconsin Alumni Magazine, 7 vols., and the Technology Review, 8 vols. While these periodicals are quite largely occupied with matters pertaining to the institutions issuing them, such matter not being of value for the purpose of this Index, they also have many papers of importance on live subjects, and it is thought that their inclusion will be appreciated in all the larger libraries. The increasing multiplicity and complexity of the subjects treated by magazine writers, and the lack of any well-established terminology in most departments of knowledge, makes the task of the indexer who would have his work somewhat systematic a well-nigh hopeless one. There is a strong temptation to depart from a strictly alphabetic order of entry and fall back upon a classification under well-established headings. But we have constantly resisted that temptation, and have endeavored to carry out as consistently as possible a purely alphabetic arrangement, modifying some headings to keep together things that belong together, but avoiding any considerable recasting of the titles. ~ 111 TEESV4 iv PREFACE. The separation of plural headings from their singulars, with many intervening heacfings having no relation to them, -—as in the case of “ Cat, The” and “ Cats,” with such headings as Catalogues, Cathedrals, Catherine, etc., between them, — this seems unfortunate and unreasonable, and an attempt has sometimes been made to avoid it, but we conclude -that a recognized and persistent adherence to strict alphabetic order is a sine qua mm in an alphabetic index, and have tolerated many apparent infelicities for the sake of such adherence, nothing being more impor- tant in a work of this kind than that its users shall know what they can depend on. Attention is called to the list of Collaborators on the opposite page, and the editors wish to express their high appreciation of the value of the help they have rendered, without which this work could not be continued. More than one-half of the references in this volume have appeared in the Library Index, published by the Library Journal office in New York, which furnishes the Annual Supplement to “ Poole,” suggested by Dr. Poole himself i~n 1882, and which is prepared under the same collaboration. - It is to be regretted that this volume appears so many months after the close, of the period it covers. A work of this extent undertaken by persons with other important claims on their time must necessarily proceed slowly ; and in the present case there have been unexpected obstacles in the mere process of print- ing. Now that it is done, may it prove no less useful in its day than its prede- cessors, or than the parent “ Poole’s Index.” VV. I. F. M. P. JANUARY 31, 1908. COLLABORATORS. WM. I. FLETCHER, Editor . . . . . . . . . . . _Librarian, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. MARY POOLE, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reading, Mass. GRACE ASHLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Public Library, Newark, N. J. MAY ASHLEY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian Public Library, Greenfield, Mass. \VILLARD AUSTEN . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Librarian Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. JAMES BAIN, JR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian Public Library, Toronto, Ont. WALTER S. BISCOE . . . . . . . . . . Librarian [Catalog_Dept.] State Library, Albany, N. Y. CAROLINE A. BLANCHARD . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian Tufts Library, Weymouth, Mass. ISAAC S. BRADLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian State Historical Society, Madison, VVis. ARTHUR N. BROWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. LAURANCE C. BURKE . . . . . . . . Assistant University of Wisconsin Library, Madison, Wis. CHARLES H. BURR . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. ELIZABETH CRANSTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Public Library, Providence, R. I. T. FRANKLIN CURRIER . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Mass. JOHN F. DAVIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Butte, Montana. CARRIE L. ELLIOTT . . . . . . . . . . . . Reference Librarian Public Library, Chicago, Ill. MABEL A. FARR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian Adelphi College, Brooklyn, N. Y. IDA F. FARRAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant ‘City Library, Springfield, Mass. FREDERICK W. FAXON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Book Co., Boston, Mass. MARY R. FOSTER . . . . . . . . . . Assistant State Historical Society Library, Madison, Wis. GEORGE L. FOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal University School, New Haven, Conn. ‘WILLIAM D. GODDARD . . _ . . . . . . . Assistant Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. WILLIAM C. HAWKS . . . . . Assistant Librarian Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford, Conn. DAVID HEALD . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Mass. CAROLINE M. HEWINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian Public Library, Hartford, Conn. WILLIAM J. JAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. FRED. P. JORDAN . . . . . . Chief Cataloguer Library of University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. ELLEN F. KNOWLES . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Boston Athenaeum, Boston, Mass. JOSEPH D. LAYMAN . . . . . . . . . Assistant Librarian University of California, Berkeley, Cal. GEO. T. LITTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. LYDIA W. MASTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Public Library, Watertown, Mass. MARY MEDLICOTT . . . . . . . . . . . . Reference Librarian City Library, Springfield, Mass. ANTOINETTE P. METCAL . . . . . . . Reference Librarian Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, O. ELIZABETH B. MILLS . . . . . . . . . Assistant State Historical Society Library, Madison, Wis. A. LOUISE MORTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant City Library, Springfield, Mass. C. ALEX. NELSON . . . . . . . . . Reference Librarian Columbia University Library, N. Y. City. MARY O. NUTTING . . . . . . . .Librarian emerz'z‘u.r Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. GEORGE M. PERRY . . . . . Ashland, Mass. FLORA R. PETRIE . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . Assistant Y. M. C. A. Library, N. Y. City. FRANKLIN O. POOLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian Bar Assoc. Library, N. Y. City., EDITH M. PRATT . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Librarian Public Library, Westfield, Mass. PUBLIC LIBRARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester, Mass. JOSEPHINE A. RATHBONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. ABBY L. SARGENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Public Library, Medford, Mass. MARY E. SARGENT . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . Librarian Public Library, Medford, Mass. ALICE SHEPARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Librarian City Library, Springfield, Mass. THOMAS H. SMITH . . . . . . . . . . . Chief Cataloguer Public Library, New Haven, Conn. WALTER M. SMITH . . .. . . . . . . . . . Librarian University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. IDA M. TAYLOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant City Library, Springfield, Mass. MARY S. TERWILLIGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Public Library, VVorcester, Mass. \/VILLIAM H. TILLINGHAST . . . . Assistant Librarian Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Mass. PERCY H. TUFTS . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Harvard College L‘ ary, Cambridge, Mass. AGNES VAN VALKENBURGH . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Public ' rary, Milwaukee, VVis. JULIA WHEELOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Pratt Institute Library, Brooklyn, N. Y. CARRIE W. WHITNEY . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian Public Library, Kansas City, Mo. SOLON F. WHITNEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian Public Library, Watertown,- Mass. MARY G. WILBUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Public Library, Providence, R. I. HARRIET B. WINSOR . . . . . . Assistant City Library, Springfield, Mass. ELEANOR B. WOODRUFF . . . . I I I I I I Assistant Pratt Institute Library, Brooklyn, N. Y. ELIZABETH A. YOUNG . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . Assistant Public Library, Chicago, Ill. Number in Abbreviation. Chronological Conspectus. Acad. . . 255 Am. Anthropol. . 422 Am. Antiq. 260 Am. Arch. 217 .Am. Cath. Q. _ 218 Am. Econ. Assoc. . 304 Am. Geog. SOC. Bull. . 443 .Am. Hist. R. . . 406 J Am. J. Archaeol. 286 Am. J. Philol. 246 Am. J. Psychol. . 3I4 .Am. J. Sci. I7 . . Am.J. SOC. Sci. 188 I . Am. J. Sociol. . 405 Am. J. Theol. 418 Am. Law R. . I71 1\nL_hI. . . 460 Am. Natural. I 72 Ann. Statis. Assoc. . . . 3I3 Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 323 ‘\ Antiq. n. s. 208 ~ Appleton’s M. 464 Archaeol. - Archit. Rec. . 367 1\rchin‘I{.. 415 Arena . . 324 Army & Navy L. 468 Art J. -. . II2 .As_ia. R.‘ 292 Ath. . 26I ~ ~:Atlan. . . . . . I3I ‘Bank. M. (Lond.) . 85 Bank. M. (N. Y.) I04 Bib. World 373 Bib. Sacra . 86 M Blackw. I3 Bk. Buyer . 343 ABBREVIATIONS, TITLES, AND IMPRINTS. TITLE. ACADEMY........................ AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN . . . . . . . . . AMERICAN ARCHITECT AND BUILDING NEWS . AMERICAN CATHOLIC QUARTERLY . . . . AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY BULLETIN . AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCH/EOLOGY . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE . . . . [AMERICAN] JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AMERICAN .JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THEOLOGY . AMERICAN LAW REVIEW . AMERICAN MAGAZINE . AMERICAN NATURALIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS . . . . ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. ANTIQUARY [NEW SERIES] APPLETON’S MAGAZINE ARCH/EOLOGIA . . . ARCHITECTURAL RECORD . ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW . ARENA . . . . . ARMY AND ‘NAVY LIFE ART JOURNAL . . . . . . . . [IMPERIAL AND] ASIATIC REVIEW ATHEN./EUM. ATLANTIC MONTHLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . BANKERS’ MAGAZINE BANKERS’ MAGAZINE . . . . . . . BIBLICAL WORLD . BIBLIOTHECA SACRA. . . . . BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE BOOK BUYER [later, LAMP, 9. v.] Published . London Chicago Chicago Boston . . Philadelphia . New York New York New York New York Baltimore. WVorcester New Haven . Boston Chicago Chicago St. Louis . New York Boston . Boston . . Philadelphia . London New York London New York London Boston . . New York London London London Boston London New York Chicago Oberlin Edinburgh New York Dates. I9O2—O6 1902-06 1902-06 I9o2—o6 I9O2—o6 I9o2—O6 1902-06 1902-06 1902-06 I902fO6 I902-O6 1902-06 1902-06 1902-06 I902—o6 1902-06 1905-06 I9o2—o6 I902-O6 I9o2—o6 I902-O6 I906 1902-06 I902—o6 1902-06 1902-06 I906 I9o2—o6 I902-O6 I9o2—o6 . I 902706 I902-O6 I902-O6 1902-06 1902-06 4. 1902-06 1902-03 Number of Volumes. H 0 II! III I-I H O N NLrlObJU1(.o~)U‘lU'\U'\Lrl OU1U1U1U\U1U1U1 Q\U‘lU‘I H Om N I-I OU1 H O H 0 EA 'SlNIH-¢ OU'\OU'lU1U\U‘l OOU1 H H :0 U‘! 0000: Otnuxu-IU1-l>~u1u1u1u1u1 A 'S.I.NIHcII/\II (INV ‘SEI'LI.LL ‘SLIOILVIAEIHHEIV H O H O 8'~!!U\L!lO\U1-I-“~L;J \McClure' . 387 MCCLURE’S MAGAZINE . . . . I . . . . . . . . . New York I902-O6 \ Macmil. I40 MACMILLAN’S MAGAZINE . . . London I902-O6 M. of Art . 337 MAGAZINE OF ART (CAssELL’s). . . London I902-o4 M. of Hist. 467 MAGAZINE OF HISTORY New York . I905-06 Mast. in Art . 425 MAS l‘ERS IN ART . . . Boston. I902-O6 Mast. in Music . 453 MASTERS IN MUSIC . Boston . 1903-05 Meth. R. 78 METHODIST REVIEW . . New York I902-O6 Mind. 2I9 MIND London I902-o6 Monist . . . . . 331 MONIsT. Chicago I902-O6 ,--Month . . . . . . . I 57 MONTH. . . . . . . . . . . . London . . . . . I902-o6 —»Month1y R. . . . . . 424 MONTHLY REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London . . . . . I902-O6 Munic. Aff. . . . . . 449 MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. New York . . . . I902 ~~Munsey . . . . 353 . MUNsEY’s MAGAZINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York . . . . 1902-O6 Music . . . . . . . 356 . MUSIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago . . . . . I902-o3 -~Nation . . . . . . . I63 . NATION . . . . . . . . . New York . . . . I902-O6 Nat. Geog. M. . . . . 318 . NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington . . . . I902-O6 ‘~Nat’l M. (Bost.) . . . . 403 NATIONAL MAGAZINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston. . . . . . 1902-06 “National . . . . . . 276 . NATIONAL REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London . . . . . I902-06 Nature . . . . . . . I94 . NATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London . . . . . I902-O6 N. Church R. . . . . 39I NEW CHURCH REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston . . . . . . I902-O6 N. E. Reg. . . . . . 106 NEW ENGLAND HIsToRICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER. . . . . . . . . . Boston. . . . . . 1902-06 New Eng. M. n. s. . 299 . NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE [NEW SERIES] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston. . . . . . I902-06 Igth Cent. . . . . . 222 NINETEENTH CENTURY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London . . . . . I902-O6 No. Am. . . . . . . I2 . NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York . . . . I902-O6 Open Court . 345 . OPEN COURT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago . . . . . I902-O6 LosAnge1es. . . . I902-O6 New York . . . . I902-O6 Out West. . . . . 447 . OUT WEST ~~ Outing. . . . . . . 305 . OUTING N O H hi 0 'SlNIH£:[WI (INV ‘SC*I'I.LI.L ‘SNOILVIAHHHHV H Mm H QU1U'lU1UlU1U1 *Out1. . . . . . . . 375 OUTLOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . New York . . . . I902-o6 Overland . . . . . . I86 OVERLAND MONTHLY [NEW SERIES]. . . San Francisco . . . I902-o6 Pall Mall M. . . . . 413 PALL MALL MAGAZINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London . . . . . I902 Pedagog. Sem. . 332 . PEDAGOGICAL SFMINARY . . . Worcester, Mass. . . I902-O6 Pennsyl. M. . . . . . 223 PENNSYLVANIA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia. . . . I902-O6 Philos. R. . . . . . 368 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston . . . . . . I902-o6 Poet-Lore . . . . . . 328 POET-LORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston . . . . . . I902-O6 Pol. Sci. Q. . . . . . 289 POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY New York . . . . I902-o6 Pop. Astron. . . . . . 393 POPULAR ASTRONOMY . . . . . . Northfield, Minn. . . I902-O6 Pop. Sci. Mo. . . 206 . POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY . . . New York . . . . I902-O6 Presb. & Ref. R. . . . 327 PRESBYTERIAN AND REFORMED REVIEW . . . . . New York . . . . I902 . Princ. Univ. Bull. . . . 429 PRINCETON UNIVERSITY BULLETIN . . . . . . . . . Princeton . . . I889-I904 Psychol. R. . . . . . 3 2 PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW . . . . New York . . . . I9o2—o6 Abbreviation. Pub. Lib. . _JPutnam Q. J. Econ. M Quar. . . . . Ref. Church R. . Reliquary . . VR. of Rs. (N. Y.) Roy. Hist. Soc. . /Sat R. . . . . School R. . Science . . Scot. Hist. R. ‘"“"SCIib. M. . -\Sewanee \ \So. Atlan. Q. \_/Spec. . . . Studio (Internat.) . Sund. M. . . . Technol. R. . \Temp. Bar Texas Hist. ASSOC. Q. * - zoth Cent. Q. Union Univ. Q. . “U11. Serv. M. . Ul1iV.\ Chic. Rec. Univ. Cincin. Stud. Univ. Col. Stud. Univ. Mo. Stud. Univ. Tenn. Rec. VMMMMUUEWAi : Wash. Univ. Bull. . Westm. . . Wis. Alum. M. . ~~World To-day ““World’s \Vorl< . Yale Div. Q. . »-Yale R. Number in Chronological Conspectus. 4I I 47° 3°3 6 228 I46 43° 2 52 377 277 459 3°9 410 45° 253 41 6 258 44I I48 437 469 46I 27 I 435 463 456 465 436 442 454 28 44° 45I 426 466 380 TITLE. PUBIJC LJBRARIES . . . PUTNAM’S MONTHLY . . . . QUARTERLY JO/URNAL OF ECONOMICS QUARTERLY REVIEW REFORMED CHURCH REVIEW RTEJQUARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . REVIEW OF REVIEWS, MERICAN MONTHLY. ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY TRANSACTIONS SATURDAY REVHHV SCHOOL REVIEW SCIENCE [NEW SERIES] . . SCOTTISH HISTORICAL REVIEW SCRIBNER’S MAGAZINE . SEWANEE REVIEW . . . . . SOUTH ATLANTIC QUARTERLY . SPECTATOR . . . . STUDIO (INTERNATIONAL) . SUNDAY MAGAZINE TECHNOLOGY REVIEW . TEMPLEBAR TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION QUARTERLY TWENTIETH CENTURY QUARTERLY UNION UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY . UNITED SERVICE MAGAZINE. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO RECORD . . . . UNIVERSlTY OF CINCINNATI STUDIES [2D SERIES] UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDIES. . . UNIVERSITY OE MISSOURI STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE RECORD VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY . WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY BULLETIN WESTMINSTER REVIEW . . . . . . . . . WISCONSIN ALUMNI MAGAZINE WORLD To-DAY . WORLD’S WORK . . . . . YALE DIVINITY QUARTERLY. YALE REVIEW . Published. Chicago New York Boston . London Philadelphia London New York London London Chicago New York Edinburgh New York Sewanee, Tenn. Durham, N. C. . London New York London Boston . London Austin, Texas London Schenectady,‘ N. Y. London Chicago Cincinnati Boulder, Colo. . Columbia, Mo. . Knoxville, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. St. Louis . London Madison, W Chicago New York New Haven . New Haven . Dates. I902-O6 I906 I9o2—o6 I902-O6 I9o2—o6 I902-O6 I9o2—o6 I890-I906 I9o2—o6 I9o2—o6 I902-O6 I9o4—o6 I902-O6 I902-O6 I902-O6 I9o2—o6 I9o2—o6 1902-05 1899-1906. 1902-06 1897-1906 I906 I9o5—o6 I9o2—o6 1897-1905 1905-06 I902-O6 1903-04 1897-1904 I9oI—o6 I903-O6 I9o2—o6 1899-1907 I9o3—o6 I902-O6 I905-O6 I902-O6 Number of H Volumes. H I-Q}-Q H OON'-'\O\OO0-PUT G1~'E>"\I\xo-I>O\\INOIN 'SlNIHé[WI (INV ‘SHTLIL ‘SNOILVIAEIHHEIV CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS. xi CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS. 1 6 12 13 17 28 33 64 73 78 85 86 89 90 91 104 5 0 .5 - E '5 "5 1% t‘-. 5 . ., T; . is U E 3‘ M £1: 7. '; ‘E _ 3 .:-2 .3 E 2 2° .2 E '3 5 2 E F52 T; ‘5 gs. '-9 § 3 5' E M E»-‘- 05 U m 8 H .: .5.’ C2 3 w _ U) "W :10 ‘ N..;._<_ .= M 2 ‘=1 ' "‘ . 3 :1 ti 5 .._'o .. 2? " -‘'’ § -- E 3 w >. .. , O s M 2 0 *5 :4 c o _g .. c 8 if *4 - >‘ *- 1: <: 9 9 5-3 -= ~,-1 — ,g 9. .5 -2.9 9 2-2: 275 9 ,9 .9 '2 *6 "73 '7 "‘ “ U 0'0 3 T-1 E: T3 “V T 55 '5 :1’ cv E 8 2 65 5” a 5. 8 Fl 2 as "E 6 2 2 as 1902 . I96 I96 175 I72 I64 158 154 I3[ 65 62 74 59 79 I39 235 65 1903. 198 198 177 I74 166 160 156 133 66 63 76 60 8o I4I 239 67 1904'. zoo 200 179 I76 I68 162 I58 I35 67 64 78 61 81 143 243 69 I905 . 202 203* 181 _178 I70 I64 160 I37 68 65 80 62 82 145 247 71 I906 . 204 205 I83 180 I72 166 162 I39 69 66 82 63 83 147 251 73 * Vol. 201 is the Index volume. CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS. - C01zz‘z'1z2¢ed. 106 112 II6 131 138 139 140 I46 148 157 160 161 163 166 171 I72 '3 Q3 2' 3' “‘ . .5 . .2 .2 -U-; it” -5 l ‘E '62)“ an E $1) 0; 2 _ ‘I g E ‘Q £52 7; 2 .3 9 '0 .9 . 3 ° >. 2 A z T[_ = A 2 ‘<3 5 5 F11 g 3 8- Q B is 8 § 32:» '-9-' E 3 E 8 -" .-=' -.3 IE9 2 E _g _z_3 :2 9 .2 ii "2 1; .2 -.7 *2 9 9 z 2 2: IE <3 65‘ ‘sf 2 E‘-’ 2 63 Q z 8 5 2 1902 . 56 54 105 90 86 43 86 V 42 I26 I00 75 78 75 82 36 36 1903 . 57 55 107 92 88 44 88 43 128 I02 77 8o 77 84 37 37 I994 - 58 56 I09 94 99 45 99 44 I39 -I94 79 82 79 86 38 38 1905 . 59 57 III 96 92 = 92 45 I32 106 8: 84 8t 88 39 39 1906 . 60 58 I13 98 94 I 46 I33 I08 83 86 83 9o 40 40 n.s. : CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS. _ Com‘imzed. 183 184 186 I88 194 200 206 208 217 218 219 222 223 226 228 230 ..-. as Q O >‘\ 0-» N 2° §= '5 THE 5 0 . % *5 ;:° -' '5 .__ .3 '5 r-,-5 Q -5 >-‘ '1 <1: w 03- _= C i? 5 U 8 3 ‘U gfj = L”:_=_ I? 55 5 33 '6 § 5,3 H E ?' g - E .212 2 E BE 8 .2§ , § '5; 5- 5.5 0 I3 0 < Z ._a 2 -n 5cv~ w 5 5 J9 .m 326 M Q 4 M 4 3 2 .993 @2233 m 33222 22222 2 I 1 I I I M .cmm.:w:EE< c~otoE<. M. Wmm 8 . 4 % o£§mm2 >%::m H3 ".23 $33 3: 7 . >2 3 4 5 M3 23>» E25 3 3 3 Mr .>>~m>..sm 468 0 2 2 b.8t§U 5250 5 5 56 6 M3 e < 6 6 6 6 7 3 . Q 9 I 3 5 7 % .233 m 8 9 9 9 9 2 5 .3252 .E:2~w wvmlom, w m 2 I I .m.. .n..=_o=.E 3 4 S6 7 2 we $520M E8ToE< 2 2 2 2 2 2 % .=2§_.§ n P3 M x2» I I I O D ‘* Succeeded in October by Putnam’s Monthly (no. 469). CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS. — Com‘z'nuea'. .§=v=$:§U M” W mw M. PM .993 @2222 .mcoa~umE=m cozmmuow MM -w< 2Eo:oHm E§.6E< M 3 4 56 7 3 .mumEo=ouHm M0 Reach fi._o..t~:O .0C~N . 3 5 7 9 I Lwmwz =B:oQoEmoU 3 3 3 3 4 2 .: JEN 68 0 2 4 -mums wcfiucw >62 2 2 3 3 3 .o.=z~.$:A I 2 3 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 Eém 2 159% 292 294 296 297 299 399 393 394 395 397 $=2:m 2 3 4 56 35:02 Me Rfizom 2 2 2 2 2 dt< M0 90 I 2 4. bomoom. 2: 3 _~E=,o_. 4 5 5 5 .5 §2.>oM .:.§.8=U 4600 O 2 B~£w< E8 3.-QQEM 3 3 3 4 4 .§=£ awn/mm .>§>vM 78 90 1 Rutofimm fi=w=H I I I 2 2 .3.Bt§O 700 90 I ouaomuw iuwzom I I I 2 2 .>w2oa._..:< 6 78 9o .3 13.50 H :~utoE< 6 6 Jucomum 276 277 286 289 290 291 §£>o% 3:232 . I . . I CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS. — Com'z'nued. .>5m>vM _~=oc3=wH 24 26 28 30 32 332 334 .>.=v.=mEow cwumwowmwom 9 10 II I2 13 we _m=..:cH E§.5E< .wcot~u:n=.m coummoom ".3 .282 m Um. vém 3 Ww dfiuwwaz mctoocmwsmm M0 99% ~2/ Mm My 9 M23 .?E=£. umEocoo..m U 8 2 .o2oQ-~oonH M3 M. U 3 TI §2>oM BEE“ 3: 3 6% use cmtoumnmobm I M .§£m M0 2 3 4 56 3 FFSQH _mcomEE8=H I I I I I 4 D W 89% 0% ms. W Mfi duzomom Euow flan T3 _~oE_o@. we >E%~o< Tu M 3 .EutoE< 2: Ho 2§E< W dB2>oM N0 325% /m 0% .00 M23 M oh zofiummwz 3 4 56 7 3 uEQEM8O 13232 I I I I I .mu.a .mmm 59.0 M. F3 I M ..»moHoao>v.m 3 3 I 3 9 O 3 &< iuwmfifiw :mum._uE< 00 9 é£-w~2 m..8E#.8w M23 m. 2 3 4 56 O O O O O 9 9 9 9 9 I I I I I Xlil CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS. CHRONOLOGICAL CoNsPEcTUs. —— Com‘z'nuea’. O M. ._H>12.8=O £085 6 oo 9 H . 3 > Eo _~co:~=._BcH =h ..$=§ M M. ofinmmfiz M=oE:O 2 4. E 2 - . 2 3&2 45/0 7 . 7 6 . 5791 3 2 6&2 Q GQOCOE W $=%=2sB; MHWEQ H... w $5.8m 1 I I 2 2 4 S .<. . < o n I . e 3 . O I 2 34 2 >>B>oM o>$m>._omcoU 5: moi .o£§%m§ m.AommwmU H ~00 & w >Eoao.§< .:w_:Qo.m I I I I I 4. 3 . 0 . O 2 46 8 5 2 2 mucom 98 5:5 ..... I .... __ E A 9.... H ..... ... 4 - .. .. - .. 3 . .m d o 3 ..m w .%woB2;. 6 78 9 m d I . 9 I 2 o @550 E3CoE an .>5€oM omfiocoofl M FD/w M W ” >>2>oM 55:0 BoZ I I I I W 4 L L . < 3 . . . U 7 Q w6 8 O 2 w 2 7 . 9I 357 Z dotwo x .. “rd .>vQ:/UNH flfiomumbo M m n flu QEMNNMNE w»0.:.-fiUUHZ I 2 2 2 2 W M . H am I rim -1 3 - 011 0 C 6 7 D C o . . O I 2 34 MQJ .o:::..w3>H wahomzsz W m) y um. _ 9%U >>o?oM 0?? I I I I I _ M. .QmcoumEo.._=C omofiw W % A4 3 . . m . S a S 9 ifiocoom 0 I 2 34 U 5 . . 90 I 2 3 W .€oA&:o.m .51 U @ W M Hdomiom W0 ~wc.5o_. I I I I I M1» U. 3£>oM 1B3o2Eu._< I I I I I E 8. .2:~aMw2 O I 2 324 . 3 00 W .>_5m>oM Hm2E._:_. M F31 _I/QM m hum T/O .w2m:wEU._oLm>.8H.H I I I I I W M. bfiumwng ~32 zdm 2 N d N e O 9 .?£>oM 4 56 700 M. O. W .B2>o~H _oosom m H M C H .mot@..£A 233% 700 9w H M b.5t§O :wm>>o_. I I I I I M C 3 4 c L % 9500 EEO /w A M ocmumwms :m€§-Q0 I 2 2 2 2 M M .>6€o- oocfisow w H H I I T 4. oo 90 I 2 G 5 .o_oo==O 2 58 I 4 MW 9 . . £.:2 1 3456 4 §2>oM b._3Lm=O >55 I I 2 2 2 w W 7 7 70000 L w. m : A. H 3 I O O .T N 4 . Q m o O 2 4600 N 8 .=ot=§wa~ outflow I 357 9 W .355 xoom M. O W Gfisoh. 783 S o O 2 2 2 2 2 M M. @852 2_:o1E.5oh. 3333 3 R . H d H 3 0 2 468 6 .>>2>oM 90 I I .oLoA-v:o...~ 56 700 9 e . .8 ~8=..=m . 78 M S8€oE< L0 _~=.5oh. I I I I I W. C N 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 C 40“. Eotoawmm :~utoE< I I m o 8 . Q I 2 345 5 ..Amo_omoow 78 90 I W .232 xoom m M u M aqua B£>oM Gui owomam I I I I I M. No cwfinoh. §otoE< I I 0 n 7 .Aw.=o$~JV 6 7W0 on W .u._oooM _m._3o2Eo._< M M.,wo.w % M. .oEN.@wm2 13232 /W. 3 m M % €< wo ocmnwwmg 2 2 2 ..m 3 4. G . I . V I I . . ' I O R . 23456 234%/W 234% 6 wwwww RNWQQ wmwg R IIIII IIIII IIII I H H H H H \O \O \8 \D \O O O O O O\U\ 4* M N 1899-1901 Wisconsin Alumni Q OW‘ A M { vols. 1-2 Magazine. % O0\I O\U1 -P~ { Technology Review. E 1901 Vanderbilt University E ow‘ 4:“ m N { vol, 1 Quarterly. (,0 (M M w M American GCOg~ SOC. £ O0\| O\u-I -P~ Bulletm. Q.) 6 6'05 Harvard Law Review. § .7‘ Country Life in i O O0O\-P N Amenca. U] 0 O0 O4; *3 Craftsman. % [Continuation of $3 $3 2 6 G “ Land of Sun- Out West. § shine ” (no. 433) "" H "‘ Ever bod "s Ma zine g I897-I9oI vols. I-5 t I d ed'n th Su . ' - ' H O\ ‘lbs? o;ni‘t$ted flr3§n; Municipal Afiaus. 0 tables in that vol- ume. South Atlantic A U‘ ‘P Q N H Quarterly. ‘3 .p : Q \, U1 World To-day. I3 4>o.> re I-I Hibbert Journal. lg H O\-l> " Masters in Music. (3 'p2nu_zzu0Q -— 'Sfl.I.I)EIdSNOQ TYOIOOTONOEHQ H N H H H 8888 m-kw N N N H " M hl R ' '5 U1 ,_.\,u\o ont y evIew. 4) . -b \I Chm 48 0: Masters In Art. g H '-' W ld’ w k ‘B N O 01' S or . m . . 4:- :\o CharIt1es. 3 - . A I 18804882 Cahforman. no vols. I-6 00 H -A H H I899-19OI Princeton University 4; U1 -I-“W V015, I-I2 Bulletin. I0 N III! III I- II! I89Q"I9OI Royal Historical Society as 00 O¢\1 O\ V013. 5-15 (n, 5,) Transactions. 0 4s % H I89I—I894 Californian Illustrated V015. 1--5 Magazme. M H H ,_ _, IS9O—I9OI Hartford Seminary 3 QU1-PM N Vols_ 1-1] Record. N Continued as __ “Out West ”|| Land of Sunshine. '5 110- (447) _ _‘ H 1895-1901 Catholic_University -3 N PI 00 OO V0]S_ I_7 Bulletm. 4; H J I897-I9OI University of Chicago -& O\O OO\I O\ 1 vols_ 1-5 Record. Ur ' I897—I9OI Univ. of Tennessee -P N am i v0ls. I-4 Reco . 96 1897-1901 Texas Historical Asso- -P © 0°“ ow‘ i V0lS. I-4 ciation Quarterly. Si I898—l90I Columbia University 4* OO\1 O\U1-l> { vols. I_3 Quarterly. ‘Oil I8 -190! (California) University #- oo\I O'\U‘l % W358. I__4 Chronicle. :8 'pa7zu_2;zu0_j ——-‘Sf1.I.I)'E[..om woxzbv .85 .982 RE >En< ..¢o$S.H H0 ociwmmz 1,2 4 8,9 .>..€otm:U EMBED 2w> .mo:o3w €:o.§.2 MO IQMMSZQD .o:m§wmmH\/H w.:oH2aQ< .3:35w SEC -535 we .§m.6>ED 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 .>EEo2.mm_H fisofitmfi :2.-CZNEU h:m._o>msD COED NOENMMHE §o€eE< $>3>oM Hmoioummm zwmfioom .>»£>uM uzowcoaows 457 458 459 460 461 Q2.” 65 : SEN xoom : we co$§:€coUH_ iEmQ .8%3w ODESOU H0 .§m.6>ED .o£§&m2 m....8>o§oom I.2 454 455 456 .=%==m 2:3 .5 CEROZGD c8w:Emm>? I234 I902 I903 . I904 . I905 . I906 . * Continued as “ App1eton’s Magazine ” (no. 464). T Indexing commenced with vol. 60. it Vol. I not complete. INDEX TO PERIODICAL LITERATURE. FIFTH SUPPLEMENT, 1902-1906. AL.l3. A. B., The Indefinite. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 82: 464. A la Grande Chaumiere. (C. Oliver) Blackw. I79: 403. I Liv. Age, 249: 362. A la Guamine. (W. McLennan) Canad. M. 25! 522. a-Rays, Absorption of, from Polonium. (M. Levin) Am. J. Sci. 172: 8, “ Abandoned Farm ” Club. Am. 10: 176, (M. Roberts) Ctry Life Abbas Eifendi, Phelps’s Life and Teachings of. (D. B. Macdonald) Nation, 78: 277. Abbiis Helmy II., a Modern Pharaoh. (G. M. F enn) Chamb. J. 80: 213. Abbess of Vlaye, The. 816-32: 640, Abbey, Edwin A., as a Painter of Pageants. (H. Mac- fall) Acad. 67: 415. — Award of Mayor Bibblesdon; etched. Art J. 571 332- -- O Mistress mine, where are you roaming? etching. Art J. 54: 366. -— Portrait of. Bk.-Buyer, 23: 528. Abbeys, Four, and Abbotsford. (J. P. Armstrong) Month, I08: 471. Abbot of Bon-Accord; a story. pinc. 74: 765. Abbot of Buskin Rock. 217. Abbotsford, 1311-1904. (M. M. Maxwell Scott) Cath. \VOI'ld, 80: 434. ' Abbott, C. Yarnall, illustrator. Lamp, 28: 141. Abbott, Francis Ellingwood. (C. S. Pierce) Nation, 77: 360. Abbott, Jacob. (F. Osgood) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 471. Abbott, Lyman, with portrait. Lamp, 26: 362, Abbreviations, A System of. (F. G. Porter) Yale Div. (S. J. Weyman) Munsey, 30: (Phoebe Lyde) Lip- (R. Wilsted) Lippinc. 70: Q. 2. 96. Abby Sophia’s Legacy. (H. A. Nash) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 299. Abdication of Mrs. Dogherty, The. Munsey, 33: 249. Abduction of Red Kelly, The. (H. R. Durant) Munsey, 35: 220, Abdul Hamid II., Sultan, with portrait. (R. S. Baker) Outl. 72: 67. ——Good Words, 44: 8I5.—- (C. Mija- tovich) Fortn. 86: 575. —- and the Pan-Islamic Movement. -— A Glimpse of the Sultan. Good Words, 46: 541, — His Majesty -Jekyll-and-Hyde. World’s Work, 7: 4087. Abel, Frederick Augustus. Nature, 66: 492. Abenaki Dialects, Differentiation between Penobscot and Canadian. (J. D. Prince) Am. Anthrop. 4: 17. Abeokuta. Chamb. J. 81: 641. Aberdeen, Earl of. (J. McCarthy) Outl. 72: 508. (A. O’Hagan) Blackw. I80: 291. (Margaret Macgregor) (H. Thompson) ABYDOS Aberdeen University, Quatercentenary of. Ath. ’o6, 2: 407. -— (A. T. Smith) Educa. 27: 184. —— Nation, 83: 324.—Nature, 74: 565. -— — Degrees Conferred. Science, n. s. 24: 602. Aberystwyth, Church of St. Padaru. (R. Murray) Antiq. n. s. 38: 210, Abigail’s Blue Bonnets. M. n. s. 311 659. Ability and Successes of Kinfolk of the Members of the Royal Society. (F. Galton) Nature, 70: 354. —— Heredity of. Nature, 74: 97. Abingdon, Eng. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 75: I2. Abingdon Abbey, The Beginning of. (J. E. Field) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 693. Abitibi Fur Brigade, The. (A. Fleeming) Scrib. M. (Keziah Shelton) New Eng. 32. 36. Ablative Absolute in Epistles of Cicero, Seneca, etc. (R. B. Steele) Am. J. Philol. 25: 315. i —- in Livy. (R. B. Steele) Am. J. Philol. 23: 295. Abolitionists, Hume on the. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 82: 143, Above the Booms. (G. Stanley Ellis) Longm. 46: 252. = Liv. Age, 246: 306. Above the Clouds at Metéqui. 96: 2 51. Abracadabra Afl-‘air. (P. W. Hart) Lippinc. 69: 216. Abraham, Age of. (A. H. Sayce) Bib. World, 26: 248 (A. S. Schmidt) Atlan. — Native Country of. Was the Religion Monotheistic ? (E. Kiinig) Meth. R. 62: 681, — Sacrifice of Isaac. (E. Gould) N. Church R. II: 295. “ Abroad,” Making Friends with. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: I56. Abruzzi, Duke of the, First in the Polar Race. (R. Dunn) Outing, 42: 277. ‘ Abruzzi Mountains, In the. (M. H. Elliott) Lippinc. 73: 695-- -— Legends of the. (Antonio de Nino) Monthly R. 25, n0,I2 I13. Absalom’s Wreath. (E. Taylor) Atlan. 91: 248. Absent, Criticism of the. Spec. 96: 4I3.=Liv. Age, 249: I85, Absent Guest, The; a story. (R. R. Gilson) Cent. 45: 593- Absolute, The, as Unknowable. (A. K. Rogers) Mind, 28: 35. —- Evolution and. (H. H. Bawden) Philos. R. 15! I45. Absolute and Relative Truth. (H. H. Joachim) Mind, 30: 1, “Absolute Criterion,” Mr. Bradley’s. (Howard V. Knox) Mind, 30: 210. _ Absolute Monarchs vs. Free Peoples. Contemp. 86: 497. Absolutism, Growth of. Spec. 93: 505. Abydos, Excavations at. (W. M. F. Petrie) Am. Antiq. 25: 362. ABYDOS Abydos, Ten Temples of. (W. M. F. Petrie) Am. Antiq. 26: 273. I Harper, I07: 834, Abyssinia, Army of. (G. F. H. Berkeley) Mapmil. 87: 390- — Berkeley on the Rise of Menelik. Ath. ’O3, 1: 295. — Conquest of. (F. A. Edwards) Asia. R. 39: 320. — England and. (Chesterfield) National, 38: 977. — Exploration in the Abai Basin. (H. Weld Blun- dell) Geog. J. 27: 529. —— Justice and Crime in. 40: I21, -— Making a Treaty with Menelik. ner) World’s Work, 9: 5795, — New Trail in. (H. Le Roux) Cent. 41: 885. — An Old Monarchy and a Young Republic. (J. J. O’Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 543. — Question of, and its History. (G. F. H. Berkeley) 19th Cent. 53: 79. —- Recent History of. Ed. R. 1951 331. -— Southern Borderland of, Exploration in. (P. Maud) Geog. J. 23: 552. — Southwestern. (B. B. Jessen) Geog. J. 25: 158. — Through the Country-of the King of Kings. (W. F. Whitehouse) Scrib. M. 132: 286. Acacia, Foliage in the Genus. (C. E. Preston) Am. Natural. 351 727. Academic Career as affected by Administration. Jastrow) Science, 11. S. 23: 561. Academic Courage. (W. C. Lawton) Educa. R. 322 (M. Shipley) Am. Law R. (Robert P. Skin- (J. 395- Academic Freedom. (John Dewey) Educa. R. 23: I. — (R. M. Wenley; F. Thilly; J. C. Colgate) Educa. R. 231 195- — and “Tainted” Gifts. (A. W. Small) Indep. 55: 710, ——- in Theory and Practice. (A. T. Hadley) Atlan. 91: 152,334- —Rights of Donors. (A. B. Parker) Educa. R. 23: I 5, Academic Life. (A. T. Murray) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: IO. —— Pleasant Incidents of an. 31: 614. Academic Reciprocity. (F. G. Peabody) Harv. Grad. M. 14: 365. ‘ Academic Sermon, An. (D. C. Gilman) Scrib. M. (W. P. Trent) Sewanee, 14: 267. Academic Spirit, The. (W. J. Kerby) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 347. —- Essential Elements of the True. of Chic.-Rec. 31 I59. Academic Syllabus, Revised, of N. Y. State. Goodwin) Educa. R. 31: I91, Academic Welfare. ‘Dial, 40: 31. Académie Francaise. (O. G. Guerlac) Lippinc. 69: 611. — Art of the. Brush & P. I5: 160. Académie Goncourt. (E. Gosse) Critic, 42: 219. —— and Leon Frapié. (A. Schinz) Bookman, 21: 288. Academies, International Association of. Science, 11. s. (C. C. Hall) Univ. (E. J. 19: 930. Academy, British, Plea for a. (A. C. Benson) National, 46: 281. See British Academy. Academy Education, Cost of. (C. Herrick) Educa. R. 23: 348. Acadia, What it owed to New England. Weaver) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 423, Acadian Weavers of Louisiana. (Campbell Macleod) Craftsman, 11: 332. Acadians and Governor Lawrence. Canad. M. 27: 256. Accessibility, The Charm of. Spec. 97: 357. = Liv. Age, 251: 187. (E. P. (A. W. Savary) 2 ACROSS Accident Insurance. (E. S. Lott) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 483. —— by Coupon. (R. S. Smyth) Chamb.‘J. 83: 798. Accidents in Building. Am. Arch. 75: 77. — Industrial. (H. J. Wilson) Chamb. J. 82: 129, -—- Prevention of, Devices for, in America. (G. E. Walsh) Cassier, 28: 223, — —- in Engineering Workshops. (G. W. Bissell) Cas- sier, 22: 79. — (W. H. Tolman) Cassier, 22: 525. — Queer. Chamb. J. 79: I71. -— Relation of Divine Providence to. Church R. II: 204, Accomplishments, Old-fashioned. (C. Black) Longm. 43: 45. :Liv. Age, 239: 564. :E(3l.'M. I42: I24, Accord and Satisfaction. (S. Williston) Harv. Law R. 171 459- According to Counsel. 29: 289. According to Grandma; pictures. Cosmopol. 42: 29. According to Lady Moyle. (Baroness von Hutten) LipI>in@- 73= 344. 643- 74: 251. 787. According to Meredith. (Mrs. Belloc Lowndes) Fortn. 86: 149. : Liv. Age, 250: 268, According to Scripture. (S. H. Henley) Overland, n. s. 39: 689. ‘ Account Book, An Old. (Lillian C. Smythe) Cornh. 87: 551.: Ecl. M. 141: 47. I Liv. Age, 237: 506. Accountancy, The Profession of. (J. E. Sterrett) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 16: 27, Accursed Races. (F. Boyle) Monthly R. 23, no. 2: (A. Roeder) N. (E. Elliott) New Eng. M. n. s. (B. C. Kilvert) 89. Ace of Hearts; a story. (W. A. Fraser) Canad. M. 24: 147. Acetylene, the Latest Illuminant. Univ. Bull. 7: 158, -— Stored and Transported in Safety. (J. S. Seymour) J. Frankl. Inst. I56: I, —— Thermal Constants of. (W. G. Mixter) Am. J. Sci. 172: 13. Achaemenian Inscriptions. (L. Mills) Asia. R. 39: I39, Acheson, Edward Goodrich, with portrait. (J. A. J. Fitzgerald) Cassier, 22: 93. Achill Island ; the Irish Westward Ho ! (J. H. Stone) Good Words, 46: 333. Achilleion Villa. (F. E. Perkins) Am. Arch. 88: 11. Achilles goes to Chicago. (J. Lee) Harper, 114: 115, Acids, Toxic Effect of, on Seedlings. (F. K. Cameron) Science, n. s. 18: 411, Acland, Henry W. Spec. 9!: 352. ——Acad. 55: 8. -— Atlay’s Life of. Ath. ’03, 21 159. Acmeea Testudinalis, Anatomy of. Am. Natural. 40: 171. — Biology of. (M. A. Willcox) Am. Natural. 39: 325. Acoma, New Mexico, Ancient City of the Quéres. (C. F. Lummis) Calif. M. I2 31. —— (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun‘. 5: 184. 9: III.——(O. C. S. Carter) J. Frankl. Inst. I62: 449, Aconcagua and Tierra del Fuego, Conway’s. Nature, 67: 175. — Ascent of. (R. Rankin) Longm. 42: I22, 214, : Liv. Age, 238: 278, Acorns. (Walter Raymond) Spec. 95: 751. Acousticon, The. (A. L. Griffith) World To-day, 5: 85 5. Acre, Siege of. (C. T. Brady) Cosmopol. 38: 707. Acre Territory and the Caoutchouc Region. (G. E. Church) Geog. J. 231 596. Acropolis, The, with views. (J. J. Griflin) Catl1. (M. A. Willcox) (P. Carus) Open Court, 17: 193. — Pre-Periclean PI-opylon of. (C. H. Weller) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 8: 35. Across a Picket Fence. (S. Ford) Scrib. M. 38: 3 5o. ,Acton, Lord. (Herbert Thurston) Cath. VVorld, 84: '— at Cambridge. ACROSS Across the Plains in ’61. (Lucy H. Fosdick) New Eng. M. 11. s. 32: 12, Across the State; a story. 20: 268, Act of Charity, An. (C. F. Marsh) Chamb. J. 82: 761. Act of God, The. (J. F. Wilson) Overland, n. s. 40: 55. — Moral Aspect of an. Spec. 88: 761, 803. “ Act-a Pilati ” and the Passion Document of St. Luke. (A. S. Barnes) Dub. R. 137: 99. Acting, Amateur, always Bad. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 95: I95. 138- —_The Art of. (David Belasco) Booklover’s M. 6: 5 38. — Has it Declined ? (J. A. Waldron) Indep. 54: 2182, -—vs. Talkingl (R. Mansfield) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 162 (G. K. Turner) McClure, Acting Manager; a story. (P. Marche) Canad. M. 20: 12-, Actinihm. (W. J. Hammer) J. Frankl. Inst. 155: 443. Activity, The Experience of. (W. James) Psychol. R. 12: 1. 357. — Ed.R. I97! 501. -— (R. L. Poole) Eng. Hist. R, 17: 692,—Ath. ’o2, 1: 817,- (M. E. G. Duff) Spec. 89: 12. —— (J. Bryce) Nation, 751 23. -— as a W1‘iter. (W. Meynell) Acad. 66: 347. (J. Pollock) Indep. R. 2: 360. — Gladstone’s Friendship with. (Maud L. Lyttelton) Lippinc. 74: 610, — a Great Leader. (Ethelred L. Taunton) Cath. World, 841 344. — Letters to Mary Gladstone, Ath. ’o4, I: 487. —— (A.’ Birrell) Contemp. 85: 473. -— (M. MacColl) Fortn. 81: 996. —— (J. Finley) Lamp, 29: 53. -— (G. Smith) Nation, 78: 242.— (M. E. G. Duff) 19th Cent. 55: 765.—(J. Bryce) No. Am. 178: 698. —Sat. R. 97: 94Z.——Spec. 93: 428.—(A. Lyttelton) I9th Cent. 60: 107. . —- A Man of Letters. Liv. Age, 241: 378.--‘Eel. M. 142: 823, Acton, Mass. 331- , Actor, American, Abroad Summering. Cosmopol. 39: 2 . — Art and the Stage. (Armiger Barclay) Monthly R. 25, no. 3: 107. -— Calling of the. (H. B. Irving) Fortn. 83: 820, — Man and the. (R. Mansfield) Atlan. 97 I 577. —— Personality of the. (E. K. Chambers) Acad. 68: (F. B. Noyes) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: I79- -— The Resting. , (Alan Dale) Cosmopol. 39: 389. —- VVho is our Worst ? (Alan Dale) Cosmopol. 40: 683, Actor in the French Farce, The. (H. M. Hyde) Ladies’ ' H. J. 23. no. 11: 16. Actors, Academy for, Beerbohm Tree’s. Spec. 92: 446- —— and Plays in the Sere and Yellow. (A. Goodrich) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 193. -— Brought too much into Public Notice. bol1m) Sat. R. 102: 74, —- How trained in Paris. (R. Whiteing) 19th Cent. 55: 966.=Liv. Age, 242: 115.=Ec1.M, 143: 411, —Fortn. 81: 511. ' — Matinee Idols, Past and Present. S91. 391 576. . , — of the 19th Century, Famous. (W. Winter) Munsey, 35= 347- —— On Parting with. Atlan. 89: 863. — Our Pampered. (Alan Dale) Cosmopol. 41: 6;, -— Prominent, with portraits. Booklover’s M. 1: 223, — Recipes for Making “Stars.” (Alan Dale) Cosmo- pol. 42: 189. — Russian Players in New York. (M. Beer- (W. Steel) Mun- (Florence Brooks) 3 Cent. 49: 301. ADAMS Actors. The Statue of Snow. (Brander Matthews) Munsey, 36: 109, — Summer Colony of. (C. H. Meltzer) Cosmopol. 33! 545- — Why VVomen are Greater. than Men. (Alan Dale) Cosmopol. 41: 517, Actor’s Patch, An. (G. Holmes) Gent. M. n. s. 743 I. Actors All. (J. B. Cabell) Booklover’s M. 72 536. Actors’ Church Alliance. (G. W. Shinn) Arena, 28: 15. — Church and Stage after Five Years. (G. W. Shinn) Arena. 32: 284, Actress, Reminiscences of. (Clara Morris) McClure, 26: 636. 27: 98. — Training of a German. pol. 37: 13. Actresses and Age. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 100: 652. — Four French. (H. H. F yfe) National, 40: 85. —- Six Effulgent Stars, with portraits. (Alan Dale) Cosmopol. 40: 429. — Society Amateur. Adair, Rhona. Amateur Golf Champion of Great Britain. Outing, 44: 62, Adam, the Word, in the Revised Version. Smith) Am. J. Theol. 6: 758. Adam of Usk, Will of. (E. Owen) Eng. Hist. R. 18: (Grace I. Colbron) Cosmo- (H. G. 316, Adam, James Noble. (J. P. Hamilton) World To- day, 11: 701, ——A Mayor of all the People. ‘ (I. F. Marcosson) World’s Work, 12: 7655, —A Municipal Leader of the New Time. Flower) Arena, 35: 576. Adam, Juliette. Reminiscences. Nation, 81: 512. Adam, Paul, French Apostle of Courage in America, with portrait. (A. F. Sanborn)-R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 329. Adam’s Aunt; astory. (M. L. Pendered) Temp. Bar, 129: 310, Adam’s Bridge, Legend of. 25‘ 39- Adam’s Peak, Legend of. Macmil. 89: 148. Adams, Andrew N. (E. H. Phelps) N. E. Reg. 60: (B. O. (A. Field) Am. Antiq. 45- Adams, Chas. Francis. Essays. (F. H. Head) Dial, 33: 27- Adams, Chas. Kendall. (C. F. Smith) 3: 41, 4: 10, Adams, Mrs. Chas. Kendall. Wis. Alum. M. 4: 105. Adams, Henry, of Braintree, English Ancestry of. (H. F. Fairbanks) N. E. Reg. 59: 320. ‘ Adams, John, and Mary Wollstonecraft. (E. L. Cary) Lamp, 26: 35. J Adams, John Quincy, and the Monroe Doctrine. (W. C. Ford) Am. Hist. R. 82 23. —- Letters to Alex. H. Everett, 1811-37. II. Am. Hist. R. 11: 332, Adams, Mrs. John Quincy. Narrative of a Journey from St. Petersburg to Paris, in February, 1815. Scrib. M. 34: 449. Adams, Jeremy, of Hartford, Conn., and some of his descendants. (A. Adams) N. E. Reg. 49: 315. Adams, Maude. (A. Davies) Munsey, 332 583- —— in “ Peter Pan.” (L. Boynton) Cent. 51: 320. Adams, William, first Englishman in Japan. (E. M. Thompson) Cornh. 90: 56.—(W. G. Hutchinson) Macmil. 90: 44. — Sat. R. 98: 390. Adams, William Davenport. Acad. 67: 77. Adams, W. Dacres, painter. Studio (Internat.) 30: 127, Adams Doctrine, The. (R. Ogden) Nation. 74: 341- Adams Family, The. (J. McGovern) Nat’1 M. (Bost.) 25: 47- Wis. Alum. M. (A. Davies) Cosmopol. 392 II 5 . . ADAMSON 4 Adamson, Robert. Philosophical Lectures. (G. D. Hicks) Mind, 29: 72. Adaptations, Volant. (R. S. Lull) Am. Natural. 40: 537- Addams, Jane, Head of Hull House, Chicago. (C. Tel- ler) Everybody’s, 8: 169. Addicks, J. Edward, and Bossism in Delaware. Outl. 7°‘ 471 — Holding ‘up a State. (G. Kennan) Outl. 73: 277- 429- — The Last of. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81: 177. — Unparalleled Impudence. Outl. 73: 469. Addison, Joseph, Political Ideals of. Sat. R. 962 228. Addograph, Electric. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 492. Addolorata’s Intervention. (H. B. Fuller) Scrib. M. 40: 715. Ade, George. (E. F. Harkins) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34: I93- — as Playwright and Chauffeur, with portrait. (J. M. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 559. —- Certain of the Chicago School of Fiction. (W. D. Howells) No. Am. 1762 734. Adeane, Edward Stanley. Geog. J . 20: 664. Adeler, Max. (C. H. Garrett) Bk. Buyer, 25: 124. Adeline Thurston, Poetess; -a story. (E. Jordan) Harper, 10g: 300. Adiabatics, Determination of Exponents of. Gardner) J . Frankl. Inst. I 59: 199. Adios! (Mrs. E. M. Nicholl Boyer) Overland, n. s. 391 857. Adirondack Camp, An. (H. Ellis) Craftsman, 4: 281. — Summer Life in a Luxurious. (W. F. Dix) Indep. 55: 1556. Adirondack Mountains, Camping in. (A. C. Robinson) Outing, 49: 246. — Physiography of the. (W. M. Davis) Science, n. s. 23: 630. —(J. F. Kemp) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 195. — Summer Resorts in. World’s Work, 4: 2390. —A Winter Tramp in the. (H. J. Howland) Outl. 80: 283, Adler, Felix, with portrait. Craftsman, 92 774. “ Administrative Administration.” (R. Ogden) Na- tion, 81: 232, Administrative Tribunals, American. man) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 609, Admirable Outlaw, The. (M’Cready Sykes) Scrib. M. 40: 627, Admirable Whoople, The. (T. M. (H. M. Bow- (N. Lloyd) Scrib. M. 37: 587. Admiral and the Colonel, The ; a story. (M. S. Boyd) Temp. Bar, 134: 20. -—'Liv. Age, 250: 424. Admirals of the Future. Sat. R. 992 371. — Some Forgotten. (W. J. Fletcher) Cornh. 932 379. Admiralties, An Epicure in. (A. White) Un. Serv. M. 32: 280. Admiralty. Un. Serv. M. 25: 339. — and Maritime Jurisdiction. (F. Bausman) Am. Law R. 36: 182, —- Extension of the Fellow-servant Doctrine to the. (F. Cunningham) Harv. Law R. 18: 294. - Need of a Technical Committee at. Un. Serv. M. 241 445- — or Admiralties. (L. H. Hordern) Un. Serv. M. 34: 129. —- Respondeat Superior in. (F. Cunningham) Harv. Law R. 19: 445. —- Retrograde. Blackw. 177: 597. Admiralty Policy Historically Examined. Blackw. 177: 737. Admiralty Scheme, The. Un. Serv. M. 26: 467, 573. Admiration. Psychology of. Nation, 80: 186. Admonition of Cain; a story. (C. Carey) Everybody’s, 8: 2 58, ADVERTISING Adobe in Architecture, The. Sun. 1: 25. — Lesson of the. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 2: 65, — Something about the. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 2: 48. ' Adolescence, Facts and Problems of. gell) World To—day, I0: 374, — G. Stanley Hall on. (J Greenwood) Educa. 29: 342.—-(A. K. Rogers) Dial, 37: 82. — (E. L. Thorn- dike) Science, 11. s. 20: 142, —- Natural History of. (J. Jastrow) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: (S. P. Hunt) Land of (James R. An- 457- Adolescent, Social Life of the. (H. H. Heller) Educa. 25 579- Adonia. (C. C. Martindale) Month, 105: I. Adonis, Attis, Osiris. Spec. 972 612. Adopted, The. (A. H. Donnell) Harper, II 3: 927. Adrenalin, Discovery of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 174- Adrianople. Am. Arch. 88: 125. Adulteration of Food. (A. S. -Wheeler) Outl. 80: 824. —(C. B. Cochran) J. Frankl. Inst. I60: 127, — —— and Drugs. (P. J. McCumber) Indep. 58: 28. See Foods. Adventure in Arcady, An. 78: 129, Adventure of Ignatius Ram-Lal. Macmil. 86: 204, Adventure of Miss Mackenzie; a story. (D. C. Scott) Canad. M. 21: 260. Adventure of the White Carnation, The. nett) Lippinc. 77: 599. Adventure on the Orinoco, An. .2_ Adventurer in Spain, The. (S. R. Crockett) Good Words, 44: 1-829, Adventurer’s Story, An. 28: 306, Adventures of Amaryllis. (P. Lyde) Lippinc. 72: 467. Adventures of Captain Claude; a story. (C. Danger- field) Cosmopol. 36: 595. Adventures of Captain De Longpré. Chamb. J . 83: 145, 168. Adventures of Duchess Ingebrun. ville) Idler, 28: 213. 29: 72, Adventures of a Parrot. (H. S. Edwards) Cent. 42: 204, Adventures of Sockalexius. n. s. 40: 115. Adverbs, Comparison of, in English in the 14th Cen- tury. (A. Hosic) Univ. Neb. Stud. 6: 251. Adversity, Uses of. Chamb. J . 80: 286. I Advertisements, Binding of, in Serials. (A. R. Kim- ball) Liv. J . 28: 706, —of Literature. Acad. 63: 111. _ Advertising. (J . O. Powers) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 470. — Abuses of Public. (C. M. Robinson) Atlan. 93: 289. — Artistic Possibilities of. (C. M. Robinson) Atlan. 943 53- —— by an Electric Central Station. (C. H. B. Chapin) Cassier, 29: 461, — Economic Value of. (V. Mataja) Internat. Q. 8: (R. H. Barbour) Lippinc. (F. J. Bur- Chamb. J. 83: 532, (E. Philpotts) Pall Mall M. (Margaret Sack- (J . F. Wilson) Overland, 379- - Human Nature and. (M. Jenkins) Atlan. 94: 393. —- Humors of. (R. L. Hartt) Atlan. 93: 602. — Newspaper, The Craft of. (M. MacDonagh) Monthly R. 20, no. 2: 102. — Past, Present, and Future. Arena, 29: 638. — Psychology of. (W. D. Scott) Atlan. 93: 29. —- Regulation of Public. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 163. -—(A. Fellows) Macmil. n. s. 1: 462. (N. C. Fowler, jr.) ADVERTISING 5 Advertising, A Study in. (H. C. Sheafer) Arena, 29: ~83. —- What America spends in. (G. B. Waldron) Chant. 38: 155.‘ Advertising Ideas. (L. E. Norman) Chant. 39: 175. Advertising Illustration, Beauty in. (J. B. Walker) Cosmopol. 33: 491. Advertising Methods, Modern. (H. Wisby) Indep. 56: 260. Advertising of Books, The Principles of. (G. French) Dial, 40: 5. Advisers of the Czar. (Wolf von Schierbrand) World To-day, 8: 376. Advocacy, Art of, Observations on the. (D. Dundas) Jurid. R. 15: 329. Advocate, The; a story. (A. Brown) Harper, I12: 845. ' Advocate’s First Plea, The; a story. (G. B. McCut- cheon) McClure, 20: 75. Advocates’ Library, Edinburgh. Jurid. R. 14: I, 113, 214, ]Eger in the Rivers Trent and Ouse. (W. H. Wheeler) Nature, 73: 29. Zflgina, Ancient, and Modern Cannes. (F. G. Dunlop- Wallace-Goodbody) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 475. — New Excavations at. (A. Furtwlalngler) Internat. Mo. 5: IO. — (A. V. Schneider) Monthly R. 16, no. 1: 146, Aerating Liquid Solutions. 38: 655. Aereacht, An. (S. MacManus) Good Words, 44: 679. Aerial Architecture. (H. Ince) Art J. 57: 264. Aerial Infection. Sat. R. 98: 41 7.=Liv. Age, 243: (W. K. Dickson) (S. O. Mast) Am. Natural. 379- Aerial Navigation. Science, n. s. 21: I 3. — (J. Bacon) Chamb. J. 8I: 699.—(O. Chanute) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 385. —Science, 11. s. 18: 633. — Dr. Bell’s Flying Machines. (T. Johnson) Canad. M. 20: 343. —— Conquest of the Air. Spec. 37: 834. I Ecl. M. 138: 4I0.=Liv. Age, 232: 121, ‘ —— Delights of. (P. Nocquet) Cosmopol. 37: 47. — Human Flight. Ed, R. 197: 323. — Progress in. (G. H. Bryan) Nature, 7I: 463. — Recent Progress in. (F. H. Taylor) Booklover’s M. 5: 227, —- Some Sequences of. 4% 548. Aerograph. Art J. 541 279. Aeronaut, Experiences of an. McClure, I9: 307, 454. — Impressions of an. (Wilfrid de Fonvielle) Indep. 59: 866. Aeronautic Sports, Popular. I358- Aeronautical Congress, International, May, 1902. (A. L. Rotch) Science, n. s. 16: 296, Aeronautics, Mechanical Flight. Science, 11. s. 23: 557. — Final Conquest of the Air. (J. P. I/Valger) Cosmo- pol. 36: 50:. Aeroplane, Wright’s Flight in a Motor-driven. (H. H. Clayton) Science, 11. s. 19: 76. — (J. E. Gore) Knowl. 271 4. ‘ Aeroplane Experiments at the Crystal Palace. (B. Baden-Powell) Knowl. 27: 111, 154, Eschylils, Agamemnon, at Harvard, 1906, More, jr.) Harv. Grad. M. I5: 31. — —— Time Element in. (F. A. Hall) Wash. Univ. Bull. 4: I03. — and Shakespeare. (R. S. D. Laffan) I9th Cent. 55: 585. — Eumenides, Last Scene of. Stud. 26: 268. (H. B. Sargent) Overland, n. s. (A. Santos-Dumont) (G. E. Walsh) Indep. 60: (P. E. (W. Headlam) J. Hel. ' Affection, Adolescent, Types of. AFRICA flischylus, Morality in. (L. Campbell) Hibbert J. 2: 83. Esop, Editio Princeps of, Greek. (G. C. Keidel) Am. J. Philol. 24: 304. ZEsthetic Reaction to Rectangular Forms, Psychology of. (T. H. Haines; A. E. Davies) Psychol. R. 11: 249. Esthetics, Ein Beitrag zur Experimentelle ./Esthetik. (O. Kuelpe) Am. J. Psychol. 14: 485. — Genesis of the ZEsthetie Categories. Philos. R. 12: 1. — Patience and the ZEsthetic Movement. Craftsman, I: 33. — Public. (W. Larremore) Harv. Law R. 20: 35. — Recent. (W. Paget) Quar. 19g: 420. — (T. Lipps) Lond. Q. 101: 420. —- The Relation of, to Psychology and Philosophy. (H. R. Marshall) Philos. R. 14: 1. Ethendun, Battle of. (W. H. Stevenson) Ath. ’o6, 2: 303, Aifair at the Green River Mine ; a story. (E. Dawson) Blackw. I73: 447. Affair in a Vestry, An. (A. Lewis) Overland, n. s. 44: (J. H. Tufts) (I. Sargent) 445- Affair of the Frontier, An. (A. H. Henderson) Good Words, 44: 205. Affair of Honor, An. M. 8: 465. Affectation. Social Stilt-walking. per, 111: 555- (Catherine Thayer) Appleton’s (E. Gregory) Har- (T. L. Smith) Peda- gog. Sem. 11: 178, Affective Qualities, A Study of the. Am. J. Psychol. 17: 358. Afghan War, The Second. Stewart) Lond. Q. 100: 56. Afghanistan, Amir Habibullah and the Russians. (A. Vambéry) Monthly R. II, no. 2: 37. — The Army of. (A. Hamilton) Un. Serv. M. 32: 414. — Awakening of. (D. C. Boulger) Fortn. 82: 1055. — Commercial Relations of England with. (T. H. Holdich) J. Soc. Arts, 52: 347. — Crisis in our Relations with. Serv. M. 34: 231. —— Indo-Afghan Relations under Lord Curzon. (A. Hamilton) Fortn. 86: 984, —- The Late Amir of. (F. B. Bradley-Birt) Westm. I 57: 58, — Shall Russia have a Representative at Kabul ? (D. C. Boulger) Contemp. 83: 683. A’ Fishing in the Keowee Country ; a story. McKants) Cosmopol. 34: 542. Africa, American Explorers in. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 186, — Ancient Art of. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 88: 107. — Animals of. (T. H. Huxley) Lond. Q. 102: 465. — (R. Lydekker) Quar. 200: 465. — Central, Changes of Climate in. ence, n. s. I9: 740, —- — British, Prospective Railway Development in. (C. S. Betton) J. Soc. Arts. 50: 684. — — Country between Lake Nyasa and Victoria Ny- anza. (O. L. Beringer) Geog. J. 21: 25. — — Expedition by Anthropological Section of St. Louis Exhibition. Science, 11. s. 19: 79. — — French Exploration between the Ubangi and Lake Chad. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 351 767- —— —- French in. (E. J. Wardle) Contemp. 821 5 5 5. — — Native Races of the Heart of. (Viscount Mount- morres) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 682. , — — The \Vhite Man’s Zone in Africa. (S. P. Verner) \Vorld"s Work, I3: 8227, — The Dark Continent and its People. (Arthur T. Pierson) Miss. R. I9: 407. (S. P. Hayes) Quar. I98: 56. — (D. (H. D. Carey) Un. (E. C. (E. S. Balch) Am. (R. D. Ward) Sci- AFRICA 6 Africa, Distribution of Missionary Forces in. (H. O. Dwight) Miss. R. I8: 590. —East, British. (Lord Hindlip) 19th Cent. 54: 903. — (A_. C. Coolidge) Nation, 82: 444. — — -— The Case of. (G. Phillimore) Monthly R. 16, no. 31 53. -- — — Colonization and Irrigation in. ley) Geog. J. 21: 349, — —- — from Ravine Station, Fort Nandi. (C. N. E. Eliot) Geog. J. 23: 97. -— — — Journey to the Rendile Country. (H. R. Tate) Geog. J. 23: 220. — — — Prospects of. Chamb. J. 81: 374, — — Protectorate of. Asia. R. 41: 65. —— — -— as a European Colony. 19th Cent. 552 370. — Eastern, British Dominion in. (H. Bindloss) Asia. R. ss= 71. ' — -— Dominion of Palm and Pine. (M. Frewen) Monthly R. 23, no. 3: 43.=Ecl. M. 147: 317. —— —- Hobley’s Journey in. Geog. J. 25: 292. —— —— Notes on. (Moreton F rewen) Monthly R. 23, no. 3: 43- —— —- Plateau Land and its Economic Condition. (A. St. H. Gibbons) Geog. J. 27: 242. — Exploration in, Methods of. Nat. Geog. M. 152 408. — Forward. Nation, 82: 294, —— France in. Liv. Age, 243: 193. — French Explorations in, Recent. Geog. M. 13: 119, — Future. (P. Barry) Westm. I57: 612, — Game in, Preservation of Big. Ed. R. 202: 399. — German Troubles in. (O. G. Millard) Nation, 78: 103, — Germany in. Spec. 92: 117. —— Gun and Camera in the Wilds of. lings) VVorld’s Work, 11: 6929. —— Hunting in, Joys of. (E. G. J. Moyna) Macmil. n. s. 1: 521, - Industrial Education in. (Booker T. Washington) Indep. 60: 616. — Mineral Wealth of. Nature, 68: 31.3. — A Mission in. Cath. World, 79: 599. — Missions in, American Negro. (L. J. Coppin) Indep. 541 748- - Mountains of Southernmost. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 593. -— New Aspirants for African Fame and what they must be. (H. M. Stanley) Fortn. 78: 738. -— North, French and Italians in. (James Bryce) Na- tion, 80: 263, —- —— French in. (Sir H. H. Johnston) Cornh. 89: 764. ' —— Railways of. (Sir P. Girouard) Scrib. M. 39: 553. — Roman. (T. J .' Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 433. — Side-lights for Studies on. (H. O. Dwight) Miss. R. 18: 91 I. — South, Agricultural or Land Banks of. Bank M. (Lond.) 82: 470. —.- — Amnesty and Compensation in. Westm. 158: 477. — — and Europe. (J. de Bloch) No. Am. 174: 489. -— — and Great Britain. (A. R. Colquhoun) Outl. 83: (R. B. Buck- (A. St. H. Gibbons) (C. B. Schil- (W. M. Davis) Am. (H. Reade) 513- --— and her Labor Problem. (C. S. Goldman) 19th Cent. 55: 8481. —— — as a Breeding Ground for Remounts. Serv. Inst. 35: 116. —- —— as an Imperial Recruiting Ground. Macmil. n. s. 1: S16. — —- as a Training Ground. Un. Serv. M. 28: 509, — — Banks of, and the Commandeered Gold. Bank. M. (Lond.) 761 605. J. Mil. (C. Rabot) Nat. AFRICA Africa, South, “ Bewaarplaatsen/’ Value of Rand. (A. C. Key) Fortn. 79: 512, —_- Black Peril in. (S. P. Hyatt) Macmil. n. s. 12 392.— (R. Jones) 19th Cent. 55: 712. — —— Black Problem in. (R. Jones) 19th Cent. 57: 760. — — British Government and. Quar. 204: 375. —- (A. Lyttelton) National, 47: 219, — — British Military Farms in. (E. F. Harvie) Fortn. 84: 294, —- —— British Policy in. II, no. 12 47. — -—- British Settlements in the New Colonies. Blackw. I71: 145. — —- A Briton’s Impressions of. Atlan. 90: I 36. — -— Chinese in. (W. Maitland) Contemp. 88: 818. —- — Chinese Labor for. Quar. I99: 611, —- Spec, 92$ 247. -— (I. Dobbie) Macmil. n. s. 1': 787. —(H. Birchenough) Lond. Q. 101: 611. —- (J. E. B. See- ley) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 21 36.-——(P. Leys) I9th Cent. 51: 181. — —— — and the Government. (J. S. Mills) Fortn. 85: 648. ‘ . — — College in, Prince of Wales’ Professorship at. Asia. R. 33: 306. -— — Color Question in. 165: 41, — — The Coming Rush to. Chamb. J. 79: 519. —- —- Constitution for. (H. ‘V. Massingham) World’s Work, 13: 8297. 4 —- Crying Need of. Quar. I96: 295. —— Lond. Q. 982 295- - —— Education in. (H. Reade) Westm. I62: 401, -- (W. Greswell) Macmil. 86: 230, —— —— — Is a South African Eton Possible ? (H. Reade) Westm. I59: 136. —— —~ Educational Problems in. (W. D. Worsfold) Monthly R. (W. M. Lightbody) Westm. (Francis W. Bates) Miss. R. 19: 438. — — Engineer in, Ransome’s. (J. Douglas) Nation, 78: 275, —- —- Ethnological Observations in. Am. Antiq. 24: 77. —— —— Evening on the Veld. Blackw. I71: 589. — —- Farming in. (W. Greswell) F ortn. 79: I34. — — for Soldier Settler. Un. Serv. M. 29: 211. —— — Fruits of the War. (F. P. Fletcher-Vane) Con- temp. 84: 122, — —- Future of. (F. W. Reitz) Indep. 54: 251.2. — — Geological Reports from. (A. J. Herbertson) Geog. J. 20: 630. — — German Danger to. 58: 524- — —. Great Britain and. (Viscount Milner) National, 471 2°9-—Liv- Age. 2491 203- — —- History of, Theal’s Beginnings of. Ath. ’o2, I: (G. E. Laidlaw) (O. Eltzbacher) 19th Cent. I 519- - —- Hold of Great Britain on, after the War. (M. J. Farrelly) Macmil. 86: 151, -- —— How keep British Supremacy ? Sat. R. 102: 160, -— —— Immigration into; Exclusion Proposed. (F. Greenwood) 19th Cent. 51: 174, — —— Impressions of. (W. Cunningham) National, 47: 228, — —- — in 1901 and 1903. 84: 635. — —— In Darkest Africa. Indep. 58: 139. — —- In the Tracks of War. 295. —-Liv. Age, 236: 65. -— — Indian Immigration to. (L. Griflin) 19th Cent. 51: 706. —— — —- Is it Peace ? (F. W. Reitz) No. Am. 175: 606, — — Labor in, Native. (H. H. Johnston) 19th Cent. 52: 724, (M. G. Fawcett) Contemp. (Irene Ashby—Macfadyen) [Blackw.] Eel. M. 140: AFRICA Africa, South, Labor Problem in. (A. E. Miller) F ortn. 771 968.——-(A member of Winchester Col- lege) National, 47: 852, —- — —- Chinese and the. (H. S. Maxim) Fortn. 792 506. —— — Language Question in. (A. E. Miller) Monthly R. 5, no. 12 59. ——(H. Reade) Westm. I57: 499. — (A: A. MacCullah) Contemp. 82: 375. — — Laying the Boundary Line from the Orange to Vaal Rivers. (C. Warren) Good Words, 43: 463- 88“. —— — Eibrary Conditions in. (B. L. Dyer) Pub. Lib. g: 409. —- —- Migration; an Example. (E. Ansell) Westm. I60: 640, —- — Military Situation in, 1904. (Alsager Pollock) Contemp. 35: 468. —— -— Lord Milner and. Quar. 203: 277, — -— Lord Milner and the Struggle for the Union ; a retrospect. 1897-1905. National, 462 1103. —— Lord Milner’s Plan. (H. Reade) Westm. I58: 237 —- —— M — — The Native and the White in. 19th Cent. 59: 314, —— — Native Labor in. (J. T. Moifat) Indep. R. I: 629. — (E. P. Rathbone) 19th Cent. 54: 404. —- (A. Fox; J. Macdonell ; H. E. Seebohm) Contemp. 83¢ 540.— (J. T. Darragh) Contemp. 81: 87, —— — -— and Irrigation in. (C. H. Wilson) Fortn. 80: 324- — — — Some Aspects of the Question. Econ. R. 132 59. — -— Native Peril in. Spec. 96: 246. ——Natives of. (A. A. MacCullah) Contemp. 83: 2oI_ — —— Need of Capital and Population. 19th Cent. 51: 671, — — Negrophilism in. hunted Troops in. Un. Serv. M. 272 191. (W. F. Bailey) (E. Fallaize) (J. W. Cross) (M. J. Farrelly) Fortn. 78: 301, — — Outlook in. (L. Courtney) No. Am. 175: 212, —- —- Peace in. Ed. R. 1962 260. —— (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. 26: 39.-—(M. J. Farrelly) Monthly R. 8, no. 1: 71. ' —— — The Phoenicians in. (W. B. Wallace) Antiq. n. s. 39: 208, — —— The Political Position at the Cape. (H. E. S. Freemantle) Contemp. 84: 526, — — Practical Problems in. (A. Lyttelton) No. Am. 175: 222. — —- Prejudices in. 7 (Douglas Blackburn) Chamb. J. 9: 813, Problem of Black and White in. \Vestm. I63: 656. -— — Problem of Home Life in. (E. P. Rathbone) 19th Cent. 60: 24,5. —-— Railroad Case in, and International Law. Barclay) Law Q. 21: 301, —— — Railway Developments in. M. 23: 183. -— ~- Reconstruction of Land Settlement. National, 391 316. -— —— Regeneration of. 521 49h —— — Representative Government in. Asia. R. 34: 346. —— —— Resources of. (E. Brabant) 19th Cent. 54: 391. — — Roman-Dutch Law in. (W. R. Bisschop) Law Q. 20: 41. — —— Salmagundi. (W. J. Corbet) Westm. I 59: 597, — —— Settlement of; a Transvaal Burgher’s Opinion. (F. Watkins) Monthly R. 7, no. I2 70. . — -— Situation in. (G. S. F ort) Fortn. 84: 854. (T. (A. C. Key) Engin. (Ben. H. Morgan) J. Soc. Arts, (C. A. Roe) 7 AFTERMATH Africa, South, Slavery in. (J. Burns) Indep. R. 2: 594. —- -— Some Blunders and a Scapegoat. 19th Cent. 52: 353. —- -— South African Assoc., 2-d Meeting, 1904. Nature, 70: 41, —- —— The South African Conspiracy. Westm. 1573 I6, I7I. — —— Spring Manoeuvres in. Un. Serv. M. 28: 382. -——Stock-diseases in. (D. Bruce) Nature, 721 496. :Science, 11. S. 22: 289, 327. — —- A Trek in the Kalahari. (R. H. Brand) Blackw. I80: 389. — —— Trip up the Uganda Railway and across Lake Victoria Nyanza. Blackw. I75: 608. — — University Education in. Nature, 69: 544. — -— Vantage Grounds of. (J. Buchan) Good VVords, (J. Fortescne) 46: 41, — — War in. See Transvaal War. — -— The War and its Critics. (A. Grifliths) Fortn. 78: 776. — —— Where there ’s Smoke. Monthly R. 24, no. II 17. — — White Labor for. Chamb. J. 83: 749. — —— With the British Association in. (E. W. Brown) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 5, I45, — —— Women Emigrants to. (M. H. Hutchinson) 19th Cent. 511 7!. —(E. Cecil) 19th Cent. 51: 683. — — Yellow Veldt of. (D. Story) Outing, -43: 639. — Southwest, German Troubles in. (L. Elkind) F ortn. 83: 250, —— — What Britain is doing in. Canad. M. 19: 128. — To Equatoria. (A. Balfour) Blackw. I79: 209. — ‘Vest, British Empire in. (H. R. Beddoes) Na- tional, 44: 701. -— — Some Impressions of. Chamb. J. 80: 777. — — Spiritual Beings in. (R. H. Nassau) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: I15, —— VVhite Man’s Place in. Cent. 55: 937. —VVildemess of, Through the. Harper, I13: 26. African and Indian Folklore. Nation, 80: 520, African Blood. Is there, in the White Race of Europe and America ? (O. M. Peterson) Scient. Am. Supn 591 24362- African Boys in an American School. WVorld’s Work, 4: 2289. (J. Knowles Benson) (W. F. W. Carstairs) (H. H. Johnston) 19th (H. W. Nevinson) (S. P. Verner) African Colony. (J. Buchan) Blackw. I76: 75. African F olk-Lore, Death and Dying in. (C. L. Lei- poldt) Gent. M. n. s. 702 538. African Institutions in America. (Hubert H. S. Aimes) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I8: 15. African Languages. (A. C. Madan) Nation, 832 347. —— and Religious, Some. (L. Plunkett) Cath. World, 78: 321. African Notes. (J. B. Dunbar) Chamb. J. 82: 5 51-. Afr-ica’s Appeal to Christendom. (Momolu Massaquoi) Cent. 47: 927. After the Accident. (George Hibbard) Cent. 49: 321. After-Dinner Oratory of America. (D. Crilly) 19th Cent. 57: 853.-_-‘Eel. M. 145: 237.?-Liv. Age, 245! 716, After Grouse with Hiram. (M. Foster) Outing, 49¢ 97. After the Symposium. (Sara A. Shafer) Outl. 81: 1077. After the Wedding; a drama. (VV. D. Howells) Har- per. 14W 64- After the Wedding; a story. (E. E. Peake) Harper, I06: 512, Afterglow, An. (L. H. French) 421 515- (Aftermath. (M. Y. Wynne) Outl. 74: 620. AFTERMATH Aftermath of War, The. (F. J . Cox) Chamb. J. 80: 141. Afternoon Calls. (Mrs. J . Lane) Fortn. 85: 696. =1 Critic, 48: 437. Afternoon Tea, An; a story. Sun. 3: 202. Afterthought, An. (Ben Hurst) Cath. World, 81: 208. Afton, Ind. Ter., Flint Implements and Fossil Remains from. (W. H. Holmes) Am. Anthrop. 4: I08. Against Orders. (F. H. Smith) Scrib. M. 40: 58 3. Agapé, The Christian. (J . M. Gillis) Cath. Univ. Bull. 9: 465. Agassiz, Alexander, with portrait. Harv. Grad. M. 12: 213. Agathocles, Eclipse of, B. O. 309. (Simon Newcomb) Pop. Astron. I3: I99. -— (W. T. Lynn) Pop. Astron. 13: 201, ' —- Position of, during the Eclipse. Nature, 75: 10. Agave Fibre Industry. J. Soc. Arts, 50: 102. Age and Eminence. (E. G. Dexter) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 538. Age of Reprint. Dial, 37: 559. Aged and Infirm, A Cottage Colony for the. 11: 132, Aggera, Alois, a Tyrolese Artist. Acad. 63: 162. Agincourt, Memorial of. (T. A. Archer) Sat. R. 100: (L. C. Barnes) Land of (P. ' H. Cowell) Char. ,--4 3 . Agnosticism. Month, 108: 337, —- An Agnostic’s Progress. (W. S. Pahner) Contemp. 89: 21, 166, —— and National Decay. (W. Barry) National, 45: 83. I Liv. Age, 245: 257. —- at the Grave. (W. Harrison) Meth. R. 62: 230, -—— A Comment on Criticism. (G. Forester) Westm. 158: 81, —- Flint on. (S. H. Mellone) Mind, 29: 106. —-Sat. R. 96: 304-—Ath ’<>3, B 489- -— From, to Theism. (C. F. Dole) Hibbert J. 2: 110, -— Gnosticism vs. Overland, n. s. 45: 556. —- in the Pulpit. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 411. — Montaigne on. (M. Kaufmann) Quar. I99: 15 3. -— Uniformity in Nature disproves. (J . Cooper) Meth. R, 64: 208, Agnostics, A Faith Helpful to. Church R. 11: 481, — Religious Training of the Young by. (Mrs. F. Dar- win) Int. J . Ethics, 13: 269. —— Should they be Miserable ? (G. M. Trevelyan) Hib- bert J . 3: 668. Agra, India ; Taj Mahal, the most Exquisite Building in the World. (F. C. Penfield) Booklover’s M. 7: 342- ‘ Agrarian Changes in England in 16th Century. Gay) Q. J. Econ. I7: 576. Agrarian Revival. (W. Hemstreet) Arena, 29: 142. Agreements of the U. S. other than Treaties. (C. C. Hyde) Green Bag, 17: 229. Agricola, Rudolph, Letters of. (P. S. Allen) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 302. (H. C. Hay) New (E. F. Agricultural Chemists, Some Problems for. (E. B. Voorhees) Science, 11. s. 24: 385. Agricultural College and the F arm-youth. (L. H. Bailey) Cent. 50: 733. Agricultural College Work. ence, n. s. 15: 534. Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations, Asso- ciation of, Convention Nov. 1903. Science, 11. s. 19: 61. — —- 1904. (E. W. Allen) Science, 11. s. 21: 340. -- —- 1905. (E. W. Allen) Science, 11. s. 22: 859, Agricultural Competition and German Policy. (I. A. Hourwich) J . Pol. Econ. 10: 259. (R. H. Thurston) Sci- 8 Agricultural Course, A Standard. Science, 11. s. 23: AGRICULTURE 514- Agricultural Economics. Science, n. s. 20: 313. Agricultural Education. (J . C. Medd) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 461. -— (A. C. True) Science, 11. s. 18: 684. — American, an Untilled Field. (K. L. Butterfield) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 257. ' —- in the U. S. (J. C. Medd) 19th Cent. 60: 299. —— Present-day Need in. (H. Tremayne) F ortn. 79: 1068. — Social Phase of. (K. L. Butterfield) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67= 353- Agricultural Experiment Stations, Achievements in State and National. (W. S. Harwood) Am. M. 61: 123, 412, — Work of the. (A. C. True) Science, II. S. 15: 939. Agricultural Gangs in England. (K. T anqueray) Con- temp. 81: 854. Agricultural Implements, A Trust in. Lewis) Cosmopol. 38: 666, Agricultural Machinery, Influence of, on Production (Alfred H. and Labor. (H. W. Quaintance) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 5: 791. Agricultural Parcel Post. (J. H. Heaton) I9th Cent. 53: 253- Agricultural Policy, An, for England. ning) Indep. R. 4: 458. Agricultural Produce, Loans to Dealers in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 49. Agricultural Prosperity of Germany. Contemp. 87: 457. (F. A. Chan- (0. Eltzbacher) Agricultural Research in England. (A. D. Hall) Con- temp. 86:675. Agricultural Science. (H. P. Armsby) Science, 11. s. 24: 673. -—Recent Developments in. (A. D. Hall) Science, 11. s. 22: 449. Agricultural Wages in England and Wales during the Last Fifty Years. (A. W. Fox) J. Statis. Soc. 66: 273. Agriculture, American, Growth and Management of. (F. T. Carlton) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 491- —— —— Origin of. (O. F. Cook) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 492. —— Ancient, and its Survivals To—day. (W. H. Legge) Reliquary, 45: 217, — and the British Empire. Nature, 73: 488. — as a Source of National Wealth. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 70: 235, — Attitude of Reformers toward. (R. Wiggs) Westm. I66: 32. —- Chemistry in. (M. Foster) Sat. R. 101: 230.“-'-“Liv. Age, 249: I88. — Clergy and. (L. Phillips) Econ. R. 16: 315. — Co—operative, in Denmark. (E. Gioskov) Econ. R. 12: 410, - Co—operative Methods in. 131: 581, —— Cultivation of Desert in U. S. Am. M. 61: 493. —— in England. Science, 11. s. 20: 313. —Ed. R. 197: 475. —- -— how it was Ruined by Protection. Spec. 91: 904. —- — The New Farmer and the New Earth. Galloway) World’s Work, 7: 4179. —— -— Possibilities of. (C. W. Sorensen) Contemp. 81: 61 (W. T. Thiselton-Dyer) (A. M. Brice) Temp. Bar, (J . W. Helburn) (B. T. —- —- Some Neglected Lessons. (R. H. I. Palgrave) National, 43: 946. — in Great Britain, Estimates of Losses in, 1870-1900, (B. H. I. Palgrave) J . Statis.ySoc. 68: 50. ~ AGRICULTURE ‘ 9 Agriculture, in Great Britain, Small Holdings of Far Forest, Worcestershire. (G. F. Eyre) Econ. R. 12: I ' 8 . — in 3its Relations to Bacteria. (H. W. Wiley) J. Frankl. Inst. I54: 81, 161, —in Mexico. (S. C. Andrus) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 48“. — in Qiuebec. (G. Boron) Canad. M. 242 429. — in the U. S. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 39. —— — Diffusion of Agricultural Prosperity. Adams) R. of Rs. 26: 235. _ — -— The Farmer’s Balance Sheet for 1902. (W. R. Draper) R. of Rs. 26: 332. — The International Institute of. (S. Suzzatti) No. (H. C. Am. 182: 651. — The New. (W. S. Harwood) Scrib. M. 31: 643. -— — and Country Life. (Mary C. Blossom) World’s Work, 3: I626. -- New Way of getting Money out of the Ground. (G. P. Serviss) Munsey, 34: 172, — Present Problems in. (L. H. Bailey) Science, n. s. 21: 681, —— Prosperity in. — Revolution in. (W. Hill) J. Pol. Econ. 10: 611, (S. A. Knapp) World’s Work, 12: 7733- --Rogers’s History of. (J. H. Hollander) Nation, 76: 195. — Scientific. Science, 11. s. 24: 92. —-(Frances E., Countess of Warwick) N 0. Am. 182: 408, — State Aid in. Sat. R. 95! 579. — under Cloth. (A. Goodrich) World’s Work, 3: 1732- — Vital Facts of. (C. W. Burkett) Ctry Life Am. 7: 2- . -— What Reformers can do for. Indep. R. 4: 321. Aguinaldo, Emilio, Wanderings of. (W. B. Cochran) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 34! 454. Ah-lo-ma. (Bert Huffman) Overland, n. s. 45: 491 . Ahmed—al-Hassan. (A. D. Grange) Idler, 28: 109, Ahr, Valley of the; a Vale of Health. (F. B. Wilber- force) Cath. World, 772 301. Ahrens, Carl, Painter. (E. Spencer) Brush & P. 14: 16, Aiken, Prof. C. A., with portrait. (W. A. Packard) Princ. Univ. Bull. 41 21. Ailesbury, Thomas, Earl; a Courtier of James II. (Winifred Burghclere) Quar. 203: 548. Ainger, Alfred. Ath. ’04, I: 2o9.:Liv. Age, 240: 696. —(A. W. Ward) Macmil. 89: 470. I Liv. Age, 24x: 295. — (E. Sichel) Monthly R. 14, no. 3: 64. —(E. Sichel) Quar. 201: 169, -— Lectures and Essays. Ath. ’06, II 239. — Life and Letters of. (H. A. Bruce) Outl. 84: 835. — (H. C. Beeching) Liv. Age, 250: 242, Ainsworth, W. Harrison. (F. Gribble) F ortn. 83: 533.—With portrait. (B. Stark) Bookman, 16: 368. Ainus, The. (P. Carus) Open Court, 19: 163. —- (Helen E. Gregory-Flesher) Calif. M. I: 365. —- The Hokkaido. (A. C. Hartshorne) Chant. 39: 574- - Air and Life. (J. E. Gore) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 504, — Compressed, Illness caused by. (T. Oliver) J. Soc. Arts, 54: 667.=Am. Arch. 89: 218, —— — Greater Economy needed in Production of. Sci. Am. Supp. 62: 890, —— —— in the Machine Shop and Foundry. Saunders) Cassier, 23: 3. — — in Mining. (E. A. Rix) Cassier, 22: 344, — —Railway run by. (C. B. Hodges) Cassier, 28: 6 (W. L. 46 . — — Recent Advances in Use of. (W. L. Saunders) Cassier, 311 125. ALABAMA Air, Disturbances in, Photography of. (H. S. Allen) Nature, 65: 575. — Filtration of. (J. C. Baker) Craftsman, 8: 521. — Impurities of. (G. C. Frankland) Longm. 39: 247. —— Liquid. (G. Claude) J. Frankl. Inst. 162: 375. — — Practical Possibilities of. (C. von Linde) Cassier, 24: 139. — Lower, Temperature of. Science, n. s. 20: I55. —— Mechanism of. (J. M. Bacon) Contemp. 83: 226. —- Medicated. (W. Ewart) 19th Cent. 56: 97. — Pure, as a Health Preserver. Chamb. J. 79: 420. Air-brush for Distributing Color. (C. L. Burdick) J -. Soc. Arts, 542 147. Air Radiation. (C. C. Hutchins and J. C. Pearsons) Am. J. Sci. 168: 277. Air-sacs, Animal Windbags and Love-displays. P. Pycraft) Knowl. 26: 1, Air-ship, Development of the. (J. M. Bacon) 19th Cent. 52: 48. :Liv. Age, 235: 292. =Ee1. M. 139: 822. — The Modern. (P. E. McDonnell) World To-day, 5: (W. 1471- — Stanley Spencer’s Trip across London, Sept., 1902. (F. Fayant) Idler, 22: 23, Air-ship and Aeroplane Experiments in Europe, Recent. Sci. Am. 95: 470. Air-ships and Flying Machines. No. Am. 174: 721. — and M. Santos-Dumont. (B. Baden-Powell) Fortn. 83: 496. ILiv. Age, 245: 736. — The Conquest of the Air. (B. Meiklejohn) \Vorld’s Work, 13! 8283. —Spec. 97: 818. — Era of. (J. F. Thorne) Munsey, 30: 647, — Future of. (A. Santos-Dumont) Fortn. 83: 442. I Liv. Age, 245: 129. — (A. Santos-Dumont) Outl. (A. Santos-D umont) 77‘ 52- — The Polar. (Walter Wellman) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 208. — Proposed, at St. Louis Fair. Science, 11. s. 161 34!. Aird, Thomas, Journalist and Poet. (T. Bayne) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 262, Airedale Terrier, The. 3: 235- Aisse, Mademoiselle, Letters of. Macmil. 89: 57. Aix, A Pool of Siloam. (E. O’E. Somerville) National, 4o= 579. Ajaccio. (R. W. W. Cryan) Westm. 157: 452. Akin, Louis, Painter of Indians. Brush & P. 18: II3. Akoulalion, for making the Deaf Hear. (B. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 129. Akron, Ohio. (C. Dick) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 397. ’Al Shechitah; poem from the Yiddish. (Helena Frank) Jew. Q. 19: I27. Alabama, Civil War and Reconstruction in, Fleming on. (J. W. Garner) Dial, 40: 150. —Confederate Finance in. (W. L. Fleming) M. of Hist. 1: 214, 274, 354. - _ - —- Constitutional Convention, 1901, Municipal Govern- ment in. (A. E. McKinley) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 143. — Educational and Literary Activity in. Fleming) M. of Hist. 2: 34. — Industrial Development in, during the Civil War. (W. L. Fleming) So.At1an. Q. 3: 260. — Industrial System of, Reorganization of, after the Civil War. (W. L. Fleming) Am. J. Sociol. I0: 473 — Internal Improvements in. Univ. Stud. 20: 127, — Library Association Meeting, Dec., 1905. Pub. Lib. 11: 81. . —- New Constitution of. (A. E. McKinley) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 480. (J. S. W'atson) Ctry Life Am. (W. L. (W. E. Martin) J. H. (G. Macdonald) . ALABAMA Alabama, Peace Movement in,_ 1863-65. (W. L. Flem- ing) So. Atlan. Q. 2: I14, 246, —Single-tax Colony. (G. Petrie) Booklover’s M. 2: 416. Alabastre, Wm., Sonnets of. (B. Dobell) Ath. ’o3, 2: 8'6. Aladdin’s Cap. (H. Black) Idler, 27: 130, Aladyin, Russia’s First “ Walking Delegate.” (Kel- logg Durland) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 168, Alameda, Cal. (F. N. Delaney) Land of Sun. I5: L89, Alamogordo De_sert. (T. H. MacBride) Science, 11. s. 21: 90, Alarc6n’s El Capitan Veneno ; ed. by G. G. Brownell. (R. E. Bassett) School R. 10: 717, Alaric. (W. B. Wallace) Un. Serv. M. 25: 643. Alarm of Angelone, The. (W. H. Osborne) Every- body’s, I3! 466. Alarm Bell, The ; a story. (H. B. M. Watson) Outing, 39: 527- Alaska, and International Law, from a Canadian Point of View. (F. H. Turnock) Outl. 75: 604. — and the Klondike. (S. Jackson) Chaut. 38: 235. —and the Reindeer. (J. C. Cantwell) Calif. M. 3: 259- — Botanical Trip to. Chron. 2: 321. -—Boundary of. (W. H. Dall) Nation, 74: 91. 752 258. ——(N. Patterson) Canad. M. 20: 59. — (T. VV. Balch) J. Frankl. Inst. 1532 I6I.——(C. C. Hyde) Harv. Law R. 16: 418, — — Adjudication of. (T. W. Balch) Pennsyl. M. 282 I76.— (F. C. Wade) Canad. M. 22: 336. — (J. M. Dickinson) Am. Law R_.,'38: 866. — With map. (J. W. Foster) Nat. Geog. M. I 5: I. -—— -— The Award. Spec. 91: 637. ILIV. Age, 237: 55. ——-Sat. R. 96: 505. —(E. Robins) Fortn. 80: 792. — Outl. 75: 439. -— (T. H. Holdich) Geog. J. 22: 674. —-Liv. Age, 239: 504. — (J. A. Cooper) Canad. M. 22: 93. — (T. W. Balch) Nation, 77: 379. — (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 772 314. — — -— and International Law. R. 96: 604, 635. — — Dispute over. (T. Hodgkins) Contemp. 82: I90, —- —- its Practicability and Cost. (T. Hodgkins) N 0. Am. 179: 65. — —- Question of. (R. W. Parker) No. Am. 176: 913. -— Sat. R. 95: I28. — (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 2oo_ — — Tribunal on, Questions settled by. (R. Lansing) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 65. — Canoeing through Southeastern. well) Overland, n. s. 452 I. — Coal Resources of. Nat. Geog. M. 13: I72. — Culture Conditions in. (D. M. Stromstadt) Educa. (W. A. Setchell) Calif. Univ. (T. Hodgkins) Sat. (Laura W. Max- 27: 18, — An Empire in itself. (W. T. Perkins) World’s Work, 10: 6528, - — Exploration among the Wrangel Mts. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 3 55. — Exploration in I891. (J. Bonner) Calif. M. I: 243. — Facts about. (A. Johnston) Nation, 74: 69. — Fuel Supply of. Science, 11. S. I 5: 674. -— Gardening in Northern. (M. Smith) Nat. Geog. M. 143 355- — Geography of, with map. Geog. M. 15: 213. —— Geological Survey of. l)rI0. 68: 42. -—— — Recent Work of. Soc. Bull. 34: I. -— Glacier Bay Goat-hunting. (A. H. Brooks) Nat. (A. H. Brooks) Pop. Sci. (F. C. Schroeder) Am. Geog. (E. R. Scidmore) Calif. M. 5: 537. — Glaciers of. (C. R. Ames) Calif. M. I: 564. 2: I35. 10 ALBANIAN Alaska, Glaciers of Yakutat Bay. L. Martin) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: I45, —- Gold-bearing Gravels of. (J. D. McGillivray) Engin. M. 25: 516. — Gold Fields of, Tanana, A Growing Camp in. (S. Paige) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 104, — Harriman Expedition to. (C. A. Kofoid) Dial, 37: 231. -—— (M. J. Rathbun and others) Science, 11. s. 20: 462. ——(W. E. Ritter) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 225, _ Nature, 66: I76. —- Land of Golden Sands. (M. Arrowsmith) Munsey, 27: 668. — Looting of. (Rex E. Beach) Booklover’s M. 7: I- 606. — Matters in. (A. G. Kingsbury) New Eng. M. 33: 97. I80. 325- — Mineral Wealth of. (A. H. Brooks) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 26. — Mining Development in Southern. Engin. M. 30: 688, ——Mountains in; a New Field for the Mountaineer. (A. H. Brooks) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 468. —— Natural Riches of. (A. C. Jackson) Nat’1 M. (Bost.) I9: 746, — Nelicatar of Arctic. 701, -- Nine Years in. (W. M. Brewer) (E. A. Mcllhenny) Cent. 46: (W. H. Bard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 25: 979- — Northern, Expedition to, Report of. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 403. — — To-day. (A. G. Kingsbury) New Eng. M. n. s. — O:;,)5ei1ifI.g of. (Harrington Emerson) Nat. Geog. M. — POSS 9ilities of. (C. C. Georgeson) Nat. Geog. M. — Pigszeréif -and Possible. (A. G. Kingsbury) New Eng. M. n. S. 32: 657. —— Proposed Surveys in, 1902. Geog. M. 13: 133. — Recent Change of Level in. (R. S. Tarr) Science, 11, S, 22: 879. — (R. S. Tarr and L. Martin) Geog. J , 28: 30, — Rich Empire in the North. (W. R. Stewart) World’s Work, 62 3955. (A. H. Brooks) Nat. —- Russians in, Sea Voyagers of the Northern Ocean. (A. C. Laut) Harper, I12: 291, — Salmon and Salmon Streams of. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 165. _ — Size of. (G. B. Hollister) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 183, —- Summer-land of. (A. J. Stone) Scrib. M. 33: 438. — Taking the Census in. (Guy N. Stocklager) Over- land, 11. s. 43: 479. » —— Telegraph Line in, Building the. Nat. Geog. M. 15: 357. — Transportation Facilities -in, Need of. son) Engin. M. 24: 657. — Transportation Methods in. (G. S. Gibbs) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 69. Alaska Dead-poles. (G. G. Cantwell) Land of Sun. 8: 214, Alaskan Days. (A. Inkersley) Calif. M. 4: 216. Alaskan Proserpine, An ; the Legend of Kish-ah-kla and Too-yet. Overland, n. s. 461 515. Alaskan-Siberian Railroad. From New York to Paris by Rail. (Herman Rosenthal) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33‘ 592- Albani, Madame. (K. Hale) Can. M. 20: 450. Albania. (E. J. Dillon) Contemp. 83: 583. — (R. Wyon) Temp. Bar, 128: 678. -—— Roman Catholic. (R. Wyon) Blackw. I73: 476.: Eel. M. 141: 1. = Liv. Age, 237: 5I3. Albanian Question, The. Ed. R. 196: 55. (W. Mitchell) (H. Emer- (R. S. Tarr and ' ILILIBALDIIT Albany, Countess of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 742 363. Albany, N. Y. All Saints’ Cathedral. (M. Parkin- son) Cutl. 84: 1005. Albatross Expedition to the Eastern Pacific. (A. Agas- siz) Am. J. Sci. 169: 143—367.—(A. Agassiz) Sci- ence, n. s. 21: 2, Albatrosses, Abducted by. n. s. 70: 51. Albergo Empedocle. (E. N. Forster) Temp. Bar, 128: 663. Albert Medal, Awards of, I364—I9OI- J. Soc. Arts, 50: (E. Molyneux) Gent. M. 313- Albert Trevor. (Hugh Clifford) Temp. Bar, 127: 217, Albert Victor, Prince, Marriage with Violanté Vis- conti. (C. H. Cromby) Ath. ’o2, I: 755, 818,- (J. Humphreys) Ath. ’o2, 2: 318. Alberta, the New Province. (F. W. Hunt) Canad. M. 25: 561, Alberti, Leon Battista. 84: 31, - Alberts, Jacob. M. of Art, 28: 74. Albinos. Notes on Negro Albinism. (W. C. Farabee) Science, n. s. 171 75. Albright, Adam Emory, Painter of Children, with por- trait. (H. E. Willard) Brush & P. 12: 1, Album Amicorum, The. (Agnes Repplier) Lippinc. 76: 203, Albumin, Recent Advances in the Chemistry of. (Emil Abderhalden) Nature, 72: 437, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 574, Albury, Surrey, Etching of. Art J. 57: 104, Alcatraz Island. (C. L. Cullen) Lippinc. 69: 751. Alchemists, Renaissance of the. (J. H. Coates) No. Am, 183: 82, Alchemy, Modern. —— Muir’s Story of. (Honoré Mereu) Am. Arch. (F. Legge) Acad. 64: 18. (H. C. Bolton) Science, 11. s. 17: 306, -— Transmutation of Matter. (R. K. Duncan) Outl. 79: 488. Alchemy of Illusion; a story. (A. B. Morrison) Cent. 461 790- Alciphron. Letters. (H. T. Peck) Bookman, I8: 5°4- Alcohol. (R. H. Clare) Luth. Q. 33: 207, — and the Doctors. (C. W. Saleeby) Liv. Age, 247: 189. — and Tobacco, Effect of. (R. B. Carter) Cornh. 94: 101. IEcl. M. 147: 226. :Liv. Age, 250: 479, — as a Fuel. (Elihu Thomson) Cassier, 30: 310. ——Etfect on the Body. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 68: 372- - Free, in the Arts. (C. Baskerville) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 211. — Formula for Mixing. 23: 787. —— from Sawdust. Sci. Am. Supp. 62: 25508, -— Illumination by. (P. Wittelshofer) Sci. Am. Supp. 62: 2 585 5, — in Industry, Report of British Govt. Committee on. Nature, 711 584. ‘ (E. W. Berger) Science, n. s. — Industrial Uses of. (H. W. Wiley) Sci. Am. Supp. 62: 25, 840, —- Tax-free. (J. H. Long) Science, n. s. 23: 234. — — Need of, for Industrial Purposes. J. Soc. Arts, 52: 504, — Use of. Outl. 75¢ 202. — — for Heat, Light, and Power, in Germany. (F. H. Mason) Cassier, 22: I43. Alcohol and Gasolene Locomotives. Cassier, 30: 392. Alcohol Smugglers of Paris. Sci. Am. 95: 208. Alcoholic Beverages and Longevity. (T. P. Whitta- ker) Contemp. 851 413. (T. Tyver) (G. L. Clark) 11. ALEXANDRA Alcoholic Fermentation, Matthews on. (J. T. H.) Nature, 66: 1, Alcoholic Liquors, Decline in the Use, of, in Medical Practice. (Mrs. M. M. Allen) Cent. 491 I 59. Alcoholism. (E. Powell) Econ. R. 16: 305. — and Degeneration. (E. C. L. Miller) Indep. 58; 261. —— Industrial. (W. C. Sullivan) Econ. R. I5: I50. Alcohols, Tertiary and Unsaturated. (J. B. Tingle) Science, 11. s. 24: 54. Alcott, A. Bronson, as a Pioneer Educator. Marble) Educa. 24: I53. - Alcott, Louisa M. (F. B. Sanborn) Critic, 48: 338. Alcuin, Gaskoin’s Life of. Spec. 93: 451. — Liturgical Libellus of. (M. Rule) Ath. ’o4, 1: 464. — — Sources of. (M. Rule) Ath. ’o5, I: 20, - _ Aldebaran, The Occultation of. Pop. Astron. I4: 103. Aldehydes, Aromatic and Fatty. (S. S. Sadtler) J. I Frankl. Inst. 1571 231. Alden, Cynthia Westover, with portrait. Chant. 38: (A. R. 372- Alden, Henry Mills. Outl. 84: 599. Alderman, Edwin A. (W. P. Trent) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 449. ——(R. H. Dabney) Outl. 77: 807. Aldershot, A Week’s WVork at. Un. Serv. M. 30: 583. — The Scottish, and Some of its Memories. Chamb. J. 80: 246, Aldis, H. G. Flower o’ the May. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 42. Aldrich, T. Bailey; an appreciation. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 74: 735. — Judith of Bethulia. (J. D. Barry) Critic, 46: 70, Aldrich Bill, The. (H. White) Nation, 76: 184. Alembert, Jean Lerond d’. (S. G. Tallentyre) Mac- mil. 91: 428. Alethea-Belle; a story. 746- Aleutian Islands, Value of. (H. Bohl) Booklover’s M. 3: 457. Aleutian Stories. (F. A. Golder) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I8: 215. Alexander the Great and Universal Monarchy. Meyer) Internat. Q. 8: 280. —— Retreat from India. (T. H. Holdich) J. Soc. Arts, (H. A. Vachell) Cornh. gr: (E. 49= 417. Alexander I. of Bulgaria, How Russia crushed. (E. S. Akrabova) Army & Navy Life, 9: 370- Alexander II. of Russia, An Acquaintance with. Rhea) Cent. 41: 835. — Tatistshev’s. Sat. R. 991 50. Alexander III. and a Polish Priest. Cath. World, 78: 88, —— Coronation of ; Letters of the French Ambassa- dress. (M. K. Waddington) Scrib. M. 33: 293. Alexander, George. Love’s Carnival. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 392. Alexander, Herbert, Painter. (Internat.) 22: 301, Alexander, John White, Portrait Painter. Book- lover’s M. 3: 473. ——With portrait. (C. H. Caflin) World’s Work, 9: 5682. — (P. T. F arnsworth) Craftsman, 10: 46, — The Favorite Corner, Picture by. Harper, 111: 402, — “A Mother,” from painting by. Cent. 492 633. — A Painting by. (VV. S. Howard) Harper, 1132 I82. _ The Quiet Hour. (W- S. Howard) Harper, I07: 638. Alexander, Miss, portrait by Whistler. Art J. 572 78. Alexander—Gosling Expedition, The. Geog. J. 25: 6 58. Alexandra, Queen. (B. F. Thompson) Canad. M. 24: 240. —- (H. Vacaresco) Contemp. 821 I76. — (M. Sherrington) Canad. M. 19: 328. — and her Gardens. (E. D. Shields) Outl. 78: 315, , — at Home. (F. B. Clark) Chaut. 37: 367. (H. (J. Brodhead) (L. Housman) Studio (W. S. Howard) , Alexandra F eodorovna, Czarina of Russia. ALEXANDRA 12 ALLEGRA Alexandra, Queen, Coronation of. (H. Thurston) Algol Variables, Prof. Wilson’s List of. (F. H. Scares) Month, 100: 1. Pop. Astron. I4: 238. — Early Life of. (T. H. Twells) Munsey, 28: 481. Algological Love-Story, An. (Herbert D. Ward) Cos- (M. Sher- rington) Canad. M. 19: 333. Alexandria, Va. (A. Cameron) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 259- —- Blockade Running and Trade through the Lines into, 1861-65. (W. L. Fleming) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 256. -— War Time in. (S. L. Lee) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 234. Alfalfa, Triumphant Eastward Progress of. (E. V. Wilcox) Ctry Life Am. 8: 422. Alfano, Vincenzo, Artist, with portrait. (E. H. Brush) Brush & P. 16: 3, Alfieri, V., and Louise, Countess of Albany. (F. Para- nelli) Bookman, 18: 272. — Centenary of. (A. J . Ruscoconi) F ortn. 80: 769. — (T. R. Sulhvan) Scrib. M. 35: 224. Alfonso XIII., King of Spain. (V. Thompson) Every- body’s, 14: 147. —- (L. Higgin) Fortn. 83: 977. — (F. Aguilar) Indep. 54: 2823. —With portraits. (A. E. H. Bramerton) Pall Mall M. 26: 521. — Coronation of. (J . W. T. Mason) Indep. 54: I4I7. —— Marriage of. (José Gaya y Busquets) Indep. 60: I256. —- (C. N. and A. M. Williamson) McClure, 27: 521, — —— Throwing of the Bomb at. Cornh. 94: 529. —- Most Modern of Kings, with portraits. (Y. del Blanco) Cosmopol. 41: 195. —- Pathos of a Throne. (J . Aflalo) Munsey, 27: 10. Alfred, King of England, and his Millenary. (L. Dyer) Calif. Univ. Chron. 3: 311. — as a Statesman. (W. K. Boyd) So. Atlan. Q. I: 57. -— Asser’s Life of, ed. by Stevenson. Ath. ’04, I: 556. —Spec- 931 394- —- In relation to English Literature. (W. P. Few) So. Atlan. Q. 1: 44. Alfred Jenkins and the Didi. Chamb. J . 80: 523. Algae. (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 211 674. — Collecting, Preserving, and Mounting. (H. J. Fos- ter) Knowl. 25: 211, Algebra. (A. L. Baker) Educa. 25: 488. — and Geometry, Educational Significance of. (B. C. Ewer) Educa. 27: 222, — Class of Content-problems for High-School. (G. W. Myers) School R. 14: 563. — Elementary, Teaching. (F. L. Lamson) Educa. 25: 368. —— —— — from Standpoint of the Teacher of Physics. (E. C. Woodrufi’) School R. I2: 120, — in Elementary Schools. (G. W. Evans) Educa. R. 28: 305. — Suggestions for Modifications in the Order and Time of Presenting. (A. R. Taylor) School R. 13: 331- — Thought Values in Beginning. (C. S. Osborn) School R. 10: 169, Algeciras, Conference at. Asia. R. 42: 302. — —— Results of. Sat. R. 101: 417, Algeria and Tunis, Nesbitt’s. (Mabel Loomis Todd) Nation, 83: 289. -—-Studies and Impressions, Belloc’s. (R. B. C. Gra- ham) Sat. R. 101: 813, I Algerian Swordsman, The. (F. G. Blakeslee) Lippinc. 78: 98. Algiers. (F. C. W- Barbour) Calif. M. 3: 405. — (A. M. Morce) Californian, 3: 468. — Ancient Art of. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 87: 87. — in Transition. (Maurice Baumfeld) Booklover’s M. 6: 751, Algol Stars, Early Observations of. (E. C. Pickering) Pop. Astron. I0: 195. mopol. 38: 417. Algonquian Names of Some Mountains and Hills. (W. W. Tooker) J . Am. F olk-Lore, 17: 171, Algonquian Word-formations, Some Principles. (W. Jones) Am. Anthrop. 6: supp. 369. Algonquian Words in American English. (A. F. Cham- ' berlain) J. Am. F olk-Lore, I5: 240. Alhambra, The. (Drawings by W. Hale) Bookman, 20: 295. — Lessons from the. (C. D. Tyng) Land of Sun. 4: 214. — Shall it be Saved ? (Joseph May) Nation, 83: 39!. Alhambra, Cal. Land of Sun. 4: 293. Alibi of the Autocar, The. (W. H. Osborne) Cosmo- pol. 39: 483. Alice in N ewspaperland. (F. Elias) Liv. Age, 245: 249- Alice’s Caprice. (B. Atkinson) Sund. M. 31: 698. Alien, The. (E. J . Prior) Macmil. 91: 440. Alien of the Wild, The; a Nature sketch. (C. G. D. Roberts) McClure, 22: 451, Alien Country, The. (H. J . Smith) Atlan. 98: 617, Alien Words in Language. Macmil. 87: 301. Alienation, Effect of an, by One Tenant without the Consent of the Other. (G. B. Staymaker) Am. Law R. 36: 214, Aliens in England. Sat. R. 96: 195. —— —- and the Empire. (H. H. Fyfe) 19th Cent. 54: 414. — (E. Ansell) Westm. I621 267. — Exclusion of. (B. Esterline) Am. Law R. 38: 836. — —— Rights of ; the Modern Droit d’Aubaine. (S. E. Baldwin) Science, 11. s. 21: 361. Aliens Act, English, of 1905. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 81: I4O.—S:1t.R. 99: 583. — —- The Attack on. (W. _E. Gordon) National, 48: 460, — — The Lords and the. (J . Ward) Indep. R. 10: 44. Aliens, The; a story. (Booth Tarkington) McClure, 22: 389. Aligarh, Study at. (G. L. Bell) 19th Cent. 60: 900. Aline and the Enemy. (M. L. Girault) Lippinc. 77: 2 51, Alkali, Manufacture by Acker Process. J . Frankl. Inst. 156: 221, Alkali Land of Utah, Reclamation and Cultivation of. (H. C. Myers) Out West, 18: 516. Alkaloids, Pictet’s Vegetable. (H. Kraemer) Science, 11. s. 20: 47. All. The; a poem. (J. A. Edgerton) Cosmopol. 36: 69 7. All for the Love of a Lady. (Elinor M. Lane) Book- lover’s M. 7: 13-211. All Gold Caiion. (Jack London) Cent. 49: 117, All-heroes Day. (F. L. Palmer) Nation, 78: 369. All on a Summer’s Day. (J . J . Bell) Good Words, 45: 28 . “All Right.” (H. L. Chase) Nation, 78: 108, “All’s Fair.” (W. P. Cockerell) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 463. All Saints’, Church of. (M. Escombe) Antiq. n. s. 41: 248, All Sorts of a Paper. (T. B. Aldrich) Atlan. 90: 735. Allan, Alexander Charles. Geog. J . I9: 225. Allan, Sir William, as President of the Royal Scottish Academy. Art J. 55: 56. Allard Burglars, The. (G. Hibbard) Munsey, 34: 689, Allegheny County (Pa.) Court House. (J . T. Comes) Studio (Internat.) 28: iii. Allegories. (J . La Farge) McClure, 24: 401, Allegra. (Agnes Repplier) Atlan. 89: 466. ALLEN Allen, Charles, and some of his Descendants. ' Allen) N. E. Reg. 56: 26. Allen, Charles Herman. Wis. Alum. M. 5: 307. Allen, Ethan, Country of. (Julian Ralph) Harper, I06: 201, —-— Use of English by. (R. D. Benedict) M. of Hist. I: 162. (F. W. Allen, Grant. (H. W. Tompkins) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 134. Allen, Henry T., with portrait. (J. W. Jenks) R. of Rs. 26: 436. —With portrait. Outing, 43: 727. Allen, James Lane. (E. C. Litsey) Bk. News, 24: 753. —-— With portrait. Lamp, 27: 117, -— Art of. (A. E. Hancock) Outl. 74: 953. Allen, R. Hinckley. (Lucy Noble Morris) Pop. Astron. 14: 592. Allendale Wolf, The. Spec. 93: 1004. Alliance of Laughter, The. (E. F. Benson) Scrib. M. 32: 665. Alliances, Special and General. Nation, 82: 400. Allibone’s Critical Dictionary of English Literature. (A. L. Clarke) Library, 11. s. 5: 419. Alligators and Crocodiles, Hunting, in Florida. (J. A. Dimock) Ctry Life Am. 3: 99. —- and Rattlesnakes near the Delta of the Mississippi. (F. A. Hunt) Overland, n. s. 46: 113. Allis-Chalmers Apprentice System. (B W. Gates) Engin. M. 27: 23. Alliteration, Artful Aid of. (W. G. Blaikie) Eel. M. 138: 826. = Liv. Age, 233: 298. Alliterative Poems, Scottish. (W. W. Skeat) Scot. Hist. R. I: 296, Allman, Geo. Johnston. Nature, 70: 83. Allouez, Father, and the Fox River, 1669-87. Martin) Cath. World, 81: 199, Alloys. (W. C. R. Austen) J. Soc. Arts, 49: 346. — Binary, Constitution, of. (J. A. Mathews) J. Frankl. Inst. I53: I, 119, Ml. —-— (W. Campbell) J. Frankl. Inst. I54: 1, 131, 201, (F. J. Mather, jr.) (D. B. -— for Bearings. (G. H. Clamer) J. Frankl. Inst. I 56: 49,297- — Introduction to the Study of. (H. M. Howe) Engin. M. 25: 647. -— of Copper and Tin, Microscopical Examination of. (W. Campbell) Nature, 65: 354, All ’s Fair in Love and War. (Ethel Holmes) Idler, 27= 478. Allston, Washington, Portrait of Coleridge. Meyer) Critic, 48: 138. Allusion, Literary. (Rollo Ogden) Nation, 83: 503. Alma Mater; a poem. (W. Gladden) Outl. 77: 854, Alma Tadema, Lawrence. Am. Arch. 90: 2 3, Almaden Mine. (S. E. Moifett) Cosmopol. 34: 346. Almanac, Absurdities of the. (F. Legge) Acad. 63: 118. =Liv. Age, 235: 168. Almanacs, Ancient. (W. H. Legge) Reliquary, 44: 1. — Old. (E. Cummings) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 49. Almond, The. (Horace Edwards) Land of Sun. 3: 76. —-— Hutchinson, of Loretto. Spec. 96: 181. Almond Culture in California. (Katherine ‘A. Chand- ler) Ctry Life Am. 1: 99. Almond-tree, The. (R. E. Francillon) Chamb. J. 81: 635.:Liv. Age, 243: 113, Almucantar, Durham. (R. A. Sampson) Knowl. 25: (A. N. 247. -— A New. (A. E. Douglass) Pop. Astron. 11: 252, Along the Stubbles. (M. Foster) Outing, 48: 665, “ Alonzo and Melissa.” (E. B. Reed) Nation, 80: 91, Alopeke, May Morning in. (J. I. Manatt) Indep. 54: 1236, . Alphabet, Beginnings of the. (A. Lang) Indep. 56: 765. -— History of the. (H. S. Williams) Harper, I08: 5 34, 13 ALTHEA’S Alphabet, Origin of the. (A. J. Evans) Am. Antiq. 24: I83. —— (A. Lang) Fortn. 82: 634, — Universal. (R. Stein) Science, 11. s. 21! 112. Alphabetic Origins. (H. Proctor) Am. Antiq. 27: 128. Alphabets, Ancients, and Sacred Books. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 27: 265. Alphabetum N arrationum, Authorship of. (J. A. Her- bert) Library, 11. s. 6: 94. Alpine Books. Acad. 69: 755. Alpine Climbing in Great Britain. Pall Mall M. 27: 433. Alpine Flora of Colorado. Natural. 40: 861. Alpine Lights and Shadows. ton’s M. 8: 305. Alpine Morning, An. (C. C. Abbott) Lippinc. 75: 212. Alpine Races in Europe. (J. L. Myres) Geog. J. 28: (G. R. Abraham) (T. D. A. Cockerell) Am. (Anne Warner) Apple- 537- Alps, Among the. (O. Kuhns) Chaut. 35: 153. — Charlemagne’s Passage of the Alps in 773. (WV. A. E. Coolidge) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 493. — Climbing, Dangers in. Sat. R. 94: 512. — — in Automobiles. (S. Heilig) Cent. 48: 605, — Climbing the Chamonix Aiguilles. (G. D. Abra- ham) Canad. M. 27: 195. 4 Climbing the High. (G. D. Abraham) Outing, 46: 57°- — M. W. Conway on. Spec. 93: 89. —Dangers of the. (H. Spender) Pall Mall M. 28: 8 25 , — In the, on a Motor-bicycle. (J. Pennell) Cent. 45: 607. — In the Grisons. — in the Ice Age. (A. C. Hall) Lamp, 26: 207, (W. M. Davis) Science, 11. s. 17: I94. — On the Wetterhorn in June. (E. E. Stock) Idler, 29: 284, — Over, in a Diligence. (E. R. Pennell) Lippinc. 69: 553- - Perils of. (R. Davidson) Munsey, 28: 481, — Railways through, and International Commerce. (A. J. Sargent) Geog. J. 25: 654. — The Rossbodenthal Avalanche. Blackw. I71: 807. — Scotch, Climbing the. an 635- ' — Simplon Pass and Tunnel. (H. S. Archer) Pall Mall M. 26: 29, Alsace-Lorraine and the German Empire. Howard) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 447', —- and William II. (K. Blind) Fortn. 78: 257. Altai Mts., Hunting and Fishing in. (C. W. Puring- ton) Outing, 393 577. Altar, The Christian. (E. Schreiber) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 658. — in the Christian Church. (W. L. Rutherford) Luth. Q. 34: 89- Altar Service, J ehovah’s Protest against. (M. A. Bul- lock) Bib. Sac. 59: 529. Altars, Marble, Duty on. Am. Arch. 90: 95. Alternating Current for Light and Power. Scott) Cassier, 23: 711, Alternating Current Engineering. Cassier, 22: 61. _ Alternating Current Generator. (D. B. Rushmore) J. Frankl. Inst. I60: 253, Alternation, Antithetic vs. Homologous. (D. H. Camp- bell) Am. Natural. 37: I53. — of Generations in Animals. (H. L. Lyon) Science, n. s. 21: 666. Alternators, Parallel Operation of. J. Frankl. Inst. I53: 241. Althea’s Lovers. (J. Finnemore) Chamb. J. 83: 8. (R. Hughes) (A. C. Gordon) Cosmopol. (Burt E. (C. F. (P. M. Lincoln) (B. A. Behrend) ' ALTITUDE Altitude and Acclimatization in the Tropics. (R. D. Ward) Science, n. s. 21: 711, Altitudes, High, Glamour of. Spec. 92: 45. = Liv. Age, 240: 760, Altoona, Battle of. Altruism in Hume’s Treatise. los. R. 12: 272. —- its First Appearance in Mankind. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 356. -— Monstrous. (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Indep. 61: 792. — The New. Atlan. 90: 429. Altruistic Idea ; Is it Evolving in Man ? (A. S. Walker) Westm. I58: 375. Aluminium. (Ernest Wilson) J. Soc. Arts, 50: 54. —- (Andrew Jamieson) Chamb. 79: 361. -— and its Alloys. (M. S.) Nature, 66: 655. —- Did the Romans know? (A. Duboin) Knowl. 26: 61, — History and Qualities of. (G. H. Perry) Idler, 22: 44. -— Iodometric Determination of, in Aluminium Chlo- ride and Aluminium Sulphate. (S. E. Moody) Am. J. Sci. 170: 181, Aluminium Conductors for Electric Lines. Adams) Engin. M. 25: 873. Alumino-thermics. (E. Stiitz) J. F rankl. Inst. 157: 241. -— Applications of. (E. Guarini) Engin. M. 26: 561, —- Goldschmidt’s System. J. Frankl. Inst. 160: 187, Alunite-Jarosite Group of Minerals, Some Additions to. (W. F. Hillebrand and S. S. Penfield) Am. J. Sci. 164: 211, Aluteh. (Edith Eaton) Chaut. 42: 338. Alverstone, Lord, as Chief Justice of England. Sat. R. 96: 41. Amalgamated Copper Co., History of. son) Everybody’s, II: 1-747. Amalia of Weimar, Duchess. nat. Q. 6: 386. Amana; a Study in Religious Communism. Ely) Harper, 105: 659, Amanda of the Mill. (Marie Van Vorst) Bookman, (M. R. Flint) M. of Hist. 3: 275. (E. B. McGi1vary) Phi- (A. D. (T. W. Law- (B. W. Wells) Inter- (R. T. 20: 237, 350. 21: 271, Amarino’s Roses. (M. E. W. Freeman) Harper, 111: 456- Amateur in Music, The. Acad. 71: 313. Amateur Emigrants, The; a story. (T. Cobb) Temp. Bar, 133: 81-466. 134: 74-553. Amateur Matador, An. (Herman Whitaker) Munsey, 33: 410- Amateur Santa Claus, An. Am. 7: 152. Amazing B‘elief, An. (Mrs. H. Dudeney) Harper, 110: 766. Amazi’s Courting [verse]. (Dora Read Goodale) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 306. Ambassador, An. (M. M. Hickson) Longm. 40: 50. = Liv. Age, 233: 810. Ambassador’s Story. (M. Rolleston) Cornh. 91: 56. Ambassadors, The; a novel. (H. James) No. Am. I’/'6= 138-945. 17'/'= 138-947- Amber; a tale. (C. W. Stoddard) Land of Sun. 10: 72, Amber in the Eastern United States. Am. Natural. 39: 137, Ambidexterity. Westm. 162: 649. ——-Sat. R. 981 326. ’ —- (G. M. Gould) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 360. - (H. L. Wilson) Ctry Life (A. Hollick) -— Learning. (Mrs. C. M. Bradfield) Land of Sun. 11: 9. Ambiguities. (T. Gilman) Open Court, 19: 385. Ambiguity of Truth, The. (F. C. S. Schiller) Mind, 31: 161. Ambition of Sandy Macllhenney. (Clara Morris) Cos- mopol. 33: 587. Amboise Chfiteau. (R. Whiteing) Cent. 48: 200. 14 AMERICAN Ambrosiaster, Morin’s New View of. (A. Souter) Expos. I3: 442. Ambulance Service, A National. (W. Hill Climo) Un. Serv. M. 30: 119. Amelia; a story. (M. Deland) Harper, 107: 384. Amelia and the Doctor. (H. G. Hutchinson) Liv. Age, 251: 598-790. Amélie, Queen of Portugal. M. 19: 495. Amenta, Belenta and Cementa. (B. F. H. James) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 529. America, Aboriginal Races and Religions in. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 26: 281, 345, —and the Alliance. (S. Brooks) Fortn. 77: 555.- Liv. Age, 233: 321, —- and Americans, Notes on, 1865-75. (G. Clemenceau) Indep. 61: I537. — and Germany, Academic Interchange between. (James H. Canfield) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 679. — as a World Power. (H. W. Warren) Meth. R. 65: I77. — [Lond. Outlook] Liv. Age, 246: 379, — at the Cross-roads. [Lond. Outlook] Liv. Age, 250: 61, —Catholic, Some Impressions of. Dub. R. 138: 79. — Certain Aspects of. go: 5. — Comparative Impressions of. (Sarah Bernhardt) Booklover’s M. 7: 833. — the Cradle of Asia. (S. Culin) Harper, 106: 5 34, -- Did it People the World ? (D. T. Pierce) Cosmo- pol, 40: 13. — Discovered by Phoanicians ? (F. C. Johnston) Calif. M, 2: 753. 3:41. —— Discovery of, Paolo Toscanelli and. New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 664, — -— Traditions of pre-Columbian Landings on West- ern Coast of So. America. (A. F. Bandelier) Am. Anthropol. 7: 250. —- First European Settlement in. (J. A. Cooper) Canad. M. 23: 338. — Greater. (C. P. Sanderson) Asia R. 38: 364. — —- Colquhoun’s. Spec. 93: I6. — Impressions of. (Maxim Gorky) Appleton’s M. 8: 177. — Intolerable Financial and Social Condition in, Rem- edy for. (C. E. Russell) Everybody’s, 13: 596. — Klein on. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 39: 162, — Map, First, containing the Name. (B. H. Soulsby) Geog. J. 19: 201. — A More Beautiful. (C. R. Woodruff) Char. 11: 101. —- Naming of. (E. G. Bowne) Am. Hist. R. 10: 41. — Peopling of Asia and, compared. (S. Wake) Am. Antiq. 25: 101. -— Perils of. (J. Burns) Indep. 57: 1475. — Place of, in World Politics. (D. J. Hill) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 5: I. — Prosperity and Commercial Activity of. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 7: 353. — Revisited. (James Bryce) Outl. 79: 733, 846. — See America first. (H. Lamont) Nation, 82: 68. —Through French Eyes. (T. W. Higginson) Indep. 54¢ 79- America; a story. (A. Kinross) McClure, 25: 631. American, The, and Brescia. (W. L. Alden) Harper, 10g: 418. — The New, New Traits in. Outl. 71: 694. American Academy in Rome. Cent. 48: I55. —- (Honoré Mereu) Am. Arch. 88: 99. -—(Homer Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 452 405. — (J. McMillan) N0. Am. 174: 625. — (F. D. Millet) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 713. (M. Sh errington) Canad. (F. A. Gasquet) (H. D. Sedgwick, jr.) Atlan. (F. A. Ogg) (Rebecca H. Davis) -American Art in relation to AMERICAN American Academy of Social and Political Science. 6th Annual Meeting. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 289, —— 7th Annual Meeting, 1903, Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: I91, -—— 8th Annual Meeting, 1904. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 213. — 9th Annual Meeting, I905. Sci. 26: 171, American Affairs. (A. M. Low) National, v. 44-46. American Aim, A Statement of the. (A. Bierbower) World’s Work, 5: 3227. American and German “Peril.” (Louis J. Magee) Engin. M. 30: 481. —- Engin. M. 30: 641. American Anthropological Assoc., August, 1905. (G. G. MacCurdy) Science, 11. s. 22: 591. American Antiquities. (E. Seler) Indep. 54: 2578.-— (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 24: 429, —- of the Southwest. (E. L. Hewitt) M. of Hist. I: 291, — Preservation of. (E. L. Hewitt) Science, 11. s. 21: 397. -"-‘Am. Anthropol. 8: 109, American Archaeology, Naming of Specimens in. (C. Peabody and W. K. Moorhead) Am. Anthropol. 7: 630, Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. American Life. (F. B. Sawvel) Educa. 23: 435. American Art Association of Paris. Lamp, 29: 62. American Artists, The Society of. (T. Williams) Bk. News, 24: 619. American Association for Advancement of Science, Chicago, 1901. Science, 11. s. 15: 121. —— Pittsburg, 1902. (D. T. MacDougal) Science, 11. s. 16: 41. ——-Anthropology. Science, 11. s. 15: I2.—(W. J. McGee) Am. Anthrop. 4: 464. ——Washington, December, 1902. Science, 11. s. 16: 904, 983, 1027.—Science, n. s. 17: 4I.——(F. H. Hitchcock) Science, 11. s. 17: 381. —— Anthropology. (R. B. Dixon) Science, 11. s. 17: 286. ' -— — Botany. (C. J. Chamberlain) Sciencg, n. s. 17: 241, -— Chemistry. (H. N. Stokes) Science, 11. s. 17: 416, — -— Economic and Social Science. (F. H. Hitchcock) Science, 11. s. 17: 921, — — Geology and Geography. (E. O. Hovey) Science, 11. S. 17: 217. — —- Mechanical Science and Engineering. Science, 11. s. 17: 210. (E. Mead) — —— Physics. (D. C. Miller) Science, n. s. 17: I70. — -.—Zoiilogy. (C. J. Herrick) Science, 11. s. 17: 241, -—-St. Louis, Dec. 1903. Science, 11. s. 17: 281. I8: 673, 705. — (C. S. Howe) Science, 11. s. 19: 81. — —— Botany. (F. E. Lloyd) Science, 11. s. 19: 161. —-— Chemistry. (G. B. Frankforter) Science, 11. s. 19: 441, —- -— Convocation Week. (E. L. Nichols and others) Science, 11. s. 19: _192-441, —- -— Geography (G. B. Shattuck) Science, 11. s. 19: 521. ——- -— Mathematics. (G. B. Halsted) Science, 11. s. I9: 401, —— -- Mathematics and Astronomy. (L. G. Weld) Sci- ence, n. S. 19: I61. —- —— Mechanical Science and Engineering. (W. T. Magruder) Science, 11. s. 19: 361, —— —— Physics. (D. C. Miller) Science, 11. s. 19: 201, —— —- Social and Economic Science. (J. F. Crowell) Science, n. s. 19: 281, -- —- Zoiilogy. Science, 11. s. 19: 210, 15 AMERICAN American Association for Advancement of Science. 1904, Chemical Section and American Chemical Society. (C. E. Waters; C. L. Parsons) Science, n,s,2I: 252, -- -- Executive Proceedings. n. s. 22: 643. — — Mathematics and Astronomy. (L. G. Weld) Sci- ence, n. s. 21: I74, -- — Zotilogy. (C. J. Herrick) Science, 11. s. 21: 263, ' --New Orleans, I905. Science, 11. s. 22: 643, 309.-— (C. A. Waldo) Science, 11. s. 23: 41. ——-Nature, 73: 402, — — Botany Section. Science, 11. s. 23: 201. —- —- Geology and Geography Section. (E. O. Hovey) Science, 11. s. 23: 286, —- — Mathematics and Astronomy. ence, n. s. 23: 460.» —- — Mechanical Science and Engineering. Magruder) Science, 11. s. 23: 764. —— — Social and Economic Section. Science, 11. s. 23: 601. — — Zoiilogy Section. Science, 11. s. 23: 257. -— Ithaca, June, ’06. Science, 11. s. 23: 956. —— Addresses of Welcome, etc. Science, 11. s. 24: 35 (C. S. Howe) Science, (L. G. Weld) Sci- (W. T. (J. F. Crowell) ‘conomic and Social Science. (J. F. Crowell) Science, 11. s. 24: 519. -- -— Geology and Geography Section. (E. O. Hovey) Science, 11. s. 24: 365.-—-(E.O. Hovey) Sci. Am. 95: 26, — — Physics. Science, 23: 415. —— Science, 11. s. 24: ' 609, —— Zoiilogy Section. (C. Judson Herrick) Science, 11. s. 24: 293. —- New York, Dec., ’o6. Science, 11. S. 24: 755, 826. American Authors of To-day. (R. Le Gallienne) Mun- sey, 32: 641. American Bankers’ Association, 1902 Meeting. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 402, 457, 878. — 1903 Meeting at San Francisco. 67: 722, -— 1904 Meeting at New York. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 363. -— 1905 Meeting at Washington. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 661, ' -— 1906 Meeting at St. Louis. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 723. — Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 750, American Beauty, Racial Traits in. (B. Brandenburg) Cosmopol. 41: 57. American Benefactions, Magnitude of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 464. American Bibliographical Institute, On the Need of an. Pub. Lib. I0: 24. American Books. Dial, 34: 5. — in England. (C. Roberts) World’s Work, 8: 5430. — Read Abroad. World’s Work, 4: 2574. American Business Houses -Abroad. (J. C. O’Laugh- lin) World’s Work, 7: 45 37. American Character. (Brander Matthews) Colum. Univ. 8: 97. — The Integrity of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) (G. J. Hagar) (Grover Cleveland) Harper, I12: 67. — Is it Declining ? (G. P. Morris) World’s Work, 51 2773- American Characteristics, The. (T. Jenks) Outl. 80: 876, American Charities in German Eyes. Char. I3: I51. American Chemical Society, and Section C of the Am. Assoc. Adv. Science, 1904. (C. E. Waters; C. L. Parsons) Science, n. s. 21: 252. -- Excerpts from the Report of the Census Committee. Science, 11. s. 15: 809, ‘— Contributions of the West to. AMERICAN American Chemical Society. Meeting, June, 1903, (A, M. Patterson) Science, 11. s. 181 97. —- -- June, 1904. (A. M. Patterson) Science, 11. s. 20: 38. — —— Buffalo, June, 1905. Science, 11. s. 22: 74, —- 1906. (C. E. Waters) Science, 11. s. 23: 321.- (G. R. White) Science, 11. s. 24: 193, 238. American Christianity, Mission and Opportunity of. (D. S. Schafi) Ref. Ch. R. 51 :' 161, American Church, Mediaeval. (T. O’Gorman) Cath. Univ. Bull. 12 415. American Cities, Social Needs of. 10: 352. American Citizen vs. American Soldier and Sailor. (J. W. Pullman) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 49: 329. American Citizenship, F oot-notes on. (W. L. Scruggs) Green Bag, 15: 84, American City Electorate. (W. Kent) Char. I7: 209. American Civilization, Ethics of, in its National and Political Aspects. (H. Y. Satterlee) Princ. Univ. Bull. 12: 2, American College of Musicians, The. Music, 21: 383. American Colonial History, Materials in Brit. Archives for. (C. M. Andrews) Am. Hist. R. 10: 325. American Colonies, 1550-I650, High Court of Admiralty in relation to. (R. G. Marsden) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 16: 69. — in the 17th Century, England and the. good) Pol. Sci. Q. 17: 206, — Osgood’s. (W. MacDonald) Nation, 79: 260.— (St. G. L. Sioussat) Dial, 37: 107. American Commercial Union. (W. Barker) No. Am. 178: 338. D American Coup d’Etat of 1961. Atlan. 94: 641. American Courts-martial. 177: 607, American Democracy. Can it be Regenerated? (O. E. McGillicuddy) Westm. I66: 657. (F. J . Turner) Atlan. (W. Booth) Char. (E. Swayne) (H. L. Os- (H. D. Sedgwick) (W. Larremore) No. Am. 91: 83. -— Doom of. (F. Grierson) Westm. I57: 519. — in the Orient. (C. H. Brent) No. Am. 181: 321. — Speech at a Banquet to Prince Henry, of Prussia, at Boston, March 6, 1902. (C. W. Eliot) Harv. Grad. M. 10: 505, — Types and Hopes of. 62: 237, American Desert, Wonders of. (R. T. Hill) World’s Work, 3: I818, — Transformation of. 1971, American Diplomacy. (F. C. Lowell) Atlan. 97: I . — Beginnings of. (J . B. Moore) Harper, I08: 497. —— Moore on. (F. A. Ogg) Dial, 40: 190. —- Pan-. (J . W. Foster) Atlan. 89: 482. American Economic Assbciation Meeting in Washing- ton, 1902. (J . H. Hollander) Nation, 74: 48. —- (H. R. Seager) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 269. — at Philadelphia, 1903. (J . H. Hollander) Nation, 76: 28, — at New Orleans, 1904. (J. H. Hollander) Nation, 781 23. —(J. R. Commons) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 209. — at Chicago, 1905. (J . H. Hollander) Nation, 80: 47. — at Baltimore, 1906. (R. T. Stevenson) Meth. R. (R. T. Hill) World’s Work, 3: 51 . - American Embassy to England, Literary Associations of the. (F. S. A. Lowndes) Fortn. 83: 1031, = Ecl. M. 145: 3o6.=Liv. Age, 246: 67. American Family, An. (Rebecca H. Davis) Indep. 60: 602. 16 (J. H. Hollander) Nation, 82: ~ AMERICAN American Federation of Labor, Convention of, 1904. (W. E. Walling) World To-day, 8: 89. American Federation of Labor, Twenty-fifth Annual Convention of, Pittsburg Meeting, 1905. Char; I5: 441- American Fiction, Beginnings of. Booklover’s M. 5: 263. American Finance in 1904. Bank. M. (Lond.) 79: 245. American Financial Depression, The Next. (H. George, jr.) Westm. I57: 527. American Fine Art League, Work of. winkle) Brush & P. 17: 103, American Foreign Policy, The Growth of. 203: 236.: Liv. Age, 248: 515. American Forest Congress, I905. Chaut. 41: 375. American Forestry Association, The. Outl. 82: 160. American Geographical Society, Annual Meeting, 1905 ; President’s Address. (Robert E. Peary) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: I29, — Semi-Centennial of. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 22. American Goods Abroad, Adventures of. (H. H. Lewis) World’s Work, 3: 1598. American Grub Street. (J . H. Collins) Atlan. 98: 634. American Highlanders and our Educational Mission. (W. P. Thirkield) Meth. R. 66: 410. American Historical Association. (W. MacDonald) Nation, 74; 47. —-Natidn, 82: 7, — at Philadelphia, 1903. Nation, 76: 27, — at New Orleans, 1904. Am. Hist. R. 9: 437.-—(C. Becker) Nation, 78: 27.—(D. Y. Thomas) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 211, — at Chicago, 1905. Am. Hist. R. 10: 489, —- at Baltimore, 1906. Am. Hist. R. 11: 493. American History, Literature of, Larned’s. Hodder) Dial, 33: 212, —— Myths of. (H. J. Haskell) Indep. 61: 31. — One Thousand Years of. (C. T. Brady) Munsey, 341 3- —- The Presentation of. (C. H. McCarthy) Cath. Univ. Bull. 12: 38, — Should reach beyond the U. S. Univ. Chron. I: 120, — What the Teacher of, should be and do. Knight) School R. 10: 208, American Husband, The. (G. Atherton) Fortn. 80: 516. American Imitation of England, An; a story. tave Thanet) Californian, 3: 5. American Industrial Peril. (C. C. Townsend) Con- temp. 82: 562. ' American Institute of Architects. (VV. S. Eames) Am. Arch. 87: 35. -— 1903, Annual Address of the President. McKim) Am. Arch. 82: 35. —- 1904, Report of the Directors. Am. Arch. 87: 36. — 1905, 39th Convention. Am. Arch. 39: 38. — —- Speeches at the Annual Banquet. Am. Arch. 87: 27. American Institute of Sacred Literature, 1881-1902. (J. H. Barrows) Bib. World, 19: 214, —- Important Change in Organization. 26: 144, American Institute of Social Service, Cent. 48: 475. — A Social Clearinghouse. (M. R. Cranston) Harper, 113: 142, American Invasion, Limits of the. (W. F. Ford) Con- temp. 81: 780, American Investments in England. (W. F. Ford) Contemp. 81: 401. American Language,The. (Enid C. Dauncey) Monthly R. 25, no. 1: 254. =Liv. Age, 2512 654. American League for Civic Improvement. (E. G. Routzahn) Chant. 351 501. (T. M. Parrott) (Pauline Peri- Ed. R. (F. H. (B. Moses) Calif. (G. W. (Oc- (C. F. Bib. World, AMERICAN American Library Association, 1876, Conference. Lib. J. 29: 20. — 1902, Magnolia Meeting. Pub. Lib. 7: 287. -—(C. A. Cutter) Nation, 752 7. — -— Proceedings. Lib. J. 272 supp. I20. — 1903, Niagara Falls Meeting. Library, 11. s. 4: 424. —Pub. Libl 8: 345. — —— Proceedings. Lib. J. 28: supp. 127. —— 1904, St. Louis Meeting. Library, 11. s. 6: 63.-— Lib. J. 29: 598. —(A. G. S. Josephson) Nation, 79: 350. —Pub. Lib. 9: 448. — — Proceedings. Lib. J. 292 supp. 188. — I905, Portland, Oregon, Meeting. Lib. J. 30: 415. -- Pub. Lib. 10: 466. —— 1906, Narragansett Pier Meeting. Lib. J. 312 324 & supp. —Pub. Lib. 11: 443. — — Press Notices of. (Herbert O. Brigham) Lib. J. 31: 715. — Headquarters for. (G. Iles) Lib. J. 28: supp. 24. — (M. Dewey, G. Iles, A. H. Hopkins, A. E. Bost- wick, J. Thomson, M. W. Plummer, H. C. VVell- man) Lib. J. 28: 757. —Lib. J. 31: 665. — Membership of. (J. C. Dana and others) Pub. Lib. 2: 143, 176, 360- — Organization of. (J. C. Dana) Pub. Lib. I: 178. — Publishing Board, Report of, 1902. (W. I. Fletcher) Lib. J. 271 supp. 83. — — 1903. (W. I. Fletcher) Lib. J. 28:‘ supp. 107. —— — 1904. (W. I. Fletcher) Lib. J. 292 supp. 169. — Statistics of Membership. (K. E. Jones) Lib. J. 28: 663. — Work and Needs of. Lib. J. 30: 858, American Library Institute: Constitution, etc. J. 31: 71. American Life, Moral Soundness of. World’s Work, 5: 2747. American Literary Influence Abroad. (C. A. L. Reed) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 459. American Literary Instinct. 113. American Literature. (W. C. Lawton) Sewanee, I41 Lib. (Julian Ralph) (C. L. Moore) Dial, 38: 149. —— and the High Schools. (J. M. Berdan) Arena, 29: 337- —Beginnings of. (G. E. Woodberry) Harper, I05: 232. — in the High School, How much Work is done in, and by what Methods? (M. J. Evans) School R. 11: 647. —-— Influence of the Classics on. 43: 121. —— Influence of Puritanism on. (H. S. Chapham) Macmil. 86: 183.:-Liv. Age, 235: 38. — Six Months of, I90I—02. Sat. R. 93: 405. -— Spirit of. (Winifred Webb) Arena, 36: 121. -— Trent’s History of. Ath. ’o4, 1: 456. — (J. W. Chad- wick) Nation, 772 25!. -— Wendell’s History of. (G. H. Powell) Contemp. 82: 111. —— What our Universities are doing for. Schoonmaker) Arena, 35: 498. --Why is it Bourgeois? (Gertrude Atherton) No. Am. 178: 771, —-— —- Is it Bourgeois ? (Mrs. Josephine Daskam Ba- con) No. Am. 179: 105. American Machinery in Spain. Work, 3: 1623. American Man on Horseback, The; a sketch. Steffens) McClure, 20: 207. American Manners. (C. Rook) Temp. Bar, 133: 224, I Liv. Age, 249: 86, American Manufactures, Success of. (J. F. Fraser) 19th Cent. 532 390. I-Ecl. M. 1401 819. =Liv. Age, 237: 276. (P. Shorey) Chant. (Edwin D. (E. Lowry) World’s (L. 17 AMERICAN American Manufacturing Methods; an Estimate of their Soundness. (W. O. Webber) Engin. M. 321 257- American Mathematical Society. (F. N. Cole) Science, 11,3, 18: 410. 21: 215. 24: 420, American Medical Association; its Origin, Progress, and Purpose. (L. S. McMurtry) Science, 11. s. 22! 97- American Methods. (E. Verney) Chamb. J. 81: 6. American-Mexican Pacific Railway. Overland, n. s. 4s= 458- American Millionaires and British Shipping. (W. Wetherell) Fortn. 77: 511. American Morality on its Trial. Blackw. 179: 138. American Morphological Society, Chicago, Dec., 1901. (M. M. Metcalf) Science, 11. s. 15: 521, 571. American Museum of Natural History, New York. (F. M. Chapman) World’s Work, 5: 2761. American Novel, The. (E. S. Brudno) Bookman, 19: 414- American Oriental Society, I902 Meeting. (E. W. Hopkins) Nation, 74: 286. — 1903 Meeting. Nation, 76: 351. — 1904 Meeting. (E. W. Hopkins) Nation, 78: 287. — 1905 Meeting. (E. W. Hopkins) Nation, 80: 349. — 1906 Meeting at New Haven. (E. W. Hopkins) Na- tion, 82: 339. American Origins. — London Films, pts. 4, 5. 111: 185, 368. American Ornithologists’ Union. 11. s. 22: 82 7. — Nov., 1903. Science, 11. s. 18: 783. American Paleontological Society, 1904 Meeting. P. Hay) Science, u. s. 211 294. American People. (F. Giddings) Internat. Q. 7: 281. —- Liv. Age, 246: 247, —— Racial Composition of the. (J. R. Commons) Chant. 381 33-433» 39: 13-217- American Peril, The. (V. Thompson) Munsey, 35: 177. American Philological Association, The. Nation, 77: 69. American Philosophical Association, 1st Meeting, 1902. Science, 11. s. 15: 583.—Philos. R. 11: 264. — — President’s Address. (I. J. Wistar) Science, 11. s. 15: 681. —— Proceedings,2d Meeting, Dec. 30, 31, 1902. Philos.R. I2: 163. —-— (H. N. Gardiner) Science, 11. s. 17: 140. — — 3d Meeting, Dec. 29, 3o, 31, 1903. Philos. R. 13: 176. — —- 4th Meeting, Dec. 28, 29, 30, I904. Phil. R. 14: 166. ——-5th Annual Meeting, Dec. 27-29, I905. Philos. R. 15: 157-181. American Philosophical Society, I743-1903- Rosengarten) Pennsyl. M. 27: 329. — April, 1903. Science, 11. s. 17: 681. - April, I904. Science, 11. s. I9: 713. American Physical Society. (E. Merritt) Science, n. s. (C. S. Wake) Am. Antiq. 26: 105. (W. D. Howells) Harper, (J. H. Sage) Science, (0. (J. G. 17: 180. — Dec., I903. (E: Merritt) Science, 11. s. 19: 330. American Poetry. (C. Collins) No. Am- 1781 86. 278, 438- — Harris Collection of, at Brown University. (H. O. Brigham) Lib. J. 28: 658. American Poets, Three, of To-day. (M. Sinclair) Fortn. 86: 421. American Political Science Association, The. (W. W. Willoughby) Nation, 82: 33. —(W. W. Willoughby) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 107. —— Establishment of. Nation, 78: 10. — 1904 Meeting at New Orleans. (S. E. Sparling) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 212. AMERICAN American Political Workers Abroad. II. The Diplo- matic Service. (G. B. Baker) Bookman, 23: 505. American Polity. (L. Waldorf) Open Court, 18: 611, - American Readers, W. H. Brett on. (Gertrude Ather- ton) Bookman, 18: 658, American Religions, Worship of Personal Divinities and Nature Powers in America. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq, 26: 281. .. American Religious Ideals. (L. Abbott) Outl. 78: 717. American Republics, 2d International Conference of. (W. I. Buchanan) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 47. —(J. C. Williams) Indep. 54: 617. American Revolution. (J. H. Smith) Cent. 43: 351, 713. 899- _ — A British Privateer in. (H. R. Howland) Am. Hist. R. 7: 286. — Close of. (J. W. Fortescue) Macmil. 85: 321. —— Diplomacy of, New Light on. (H. D. Skinner) Harper, 104: 777. —— S. G. Fisher’s True History of. Ath. ’O3, 11 437. — (C. Becker) Nation, 76: I98. — Lodge’s Story of. (C. Becker) Nation, 77: 366. — Loyalists in, Van Tyne’s. Sat. R. 96: 81. -— A New View of. (E. Reich) No. Am. 177: 31. — Newspaper Satire in. (F. A. Ogg) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 366. — Prologue of. (J. H. Smith) Cent. 43: 72. — Trevelyan’s, part 2. (W. Everett) Nation, 77: 506. —— Ath. ’04, II 74. -— (J. O. Peirce) Dial, 37: I0. — Ed. R. 199: 481. — (F. Harrison) Indep. R. 2: 162, American Revolution, The New. Liv. Age, 251: 816. American Satires in Verse. (Brander Matthews) Har- per, 109: 294. American Scholar of the 20th Century. (W. M. Payne) Internat. Q. 8: 262. American Securities in Europe, 1845-1905. Bank. M. (N- Y-) 711 498. 959- American Social Science Association, 1902. Whelpley) Char. 8: 413. -— New York Meeting, 1906. American Society, Uniting of. Work, 3: 1854. American Society of'Naturalists. ence, n. S. 17: 561. — Chicago, 1902. Science, 11. s. 15: 41. — Relation to other Scientific Societies. and others) Science, 11. s. 15: 241. — What Degrees should be Conferred for Work ? (W. Trelease and others) Science, 11. s. 19: 809. American Society of Zotilogists, Philadelphia, Dec., 1903. Am. Natural. 38: 485. , — Meeting of April, 1905. Science, 11. s. 21: 849. American Sociological Society. (C. W. A. Veditz) Q. J. Econ. 20: 301. -—— Organization of. Am. J. Sociol. 11: 555. American Soldier as he is, The. (A. H. S. Lander) No. Am. 178: 897. American Statesmen Series. (P. B. Char. 16: 245. (F. Emory) World’s (J. M. Cattell) Sci- (C. S. Minot (W. MacDonald) Am. Hist. R. 7: 792. American Students in France. (R. C. Super) Educa. 26: 584. American Supremacy. (A. B. Drahofe) Arena, 27: 286. American Taste, how it Improves. (C. H. Caflin) World’s VVork, 8: 5005, American Type, Is there an? (H. C. Payne) World To-day, 8: 255. — The New. (H. D. Sedgwick) Atlan. 931 535. American Universities, Oxford Man’s Impression of. (E. S. P. Hayes) Bookman, 15: 346. American University, Concerning the. Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 170. (J. M. Cattell) 18 AMIGO American Victory at Waterloo. (Hayne Davis) Indep. 591 7 77- American Wars, Trophies of. (A. D. Albert) Munsey, 31: 835. American Water-Color Society, Exhibition of, 1902. (C. H. Dudley) Brush & P. 10: 140, — 39th Exhibition of, 1906. Studio (Internat.) 29: iv. American Wives and English Housekeeping. (A. E. Lane) Fortn..77: 997.=Ecl. M. 139: 3o1.=Liv. Age. 22141 96- American Woman, The, in Art. To—day. 71 1433- American Women. 341 373- Americanism in Art. (S. Swift) Brush & P. 15: 51. — in Literature. (Edgar Fawcett) Californian, 1: 332. —- — French View. (Th. Bentzon) Outl. 72: 894. —— —- The Most American Books. Outl. 72: 776. -— True. (G. F. Hoar) Gunton’s M. 27: 33. ~Americanisms, Briticisms vs. (E. W. Bowen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 324. Americanists, 13th International Congress of, 1902, N. Y. (A. F. Chamberlain) Science, 11. S. 16: 884. —- (C. VV. Currier) Cath. World, 75: 476. — — 15th, 1906. (G. G. MacCurdy) Am. Anthrop. 82 691. —- M. of Hist. 4: 269. — Science, 11. s. 22: 574. 24: 417. -— (Natalie Curtis) Nation, 83: 258. —(A. C. Haddon) Nature, 741 595. Americanization of England. (E. Mayo) Forum, 32: 566. Americanization of Woman, Deleterious Effect of. (H. B. M. Watson) 19th Cent. 54: 782. =Ecl. M. 142: (D. Austrian) World (H. H. Boyesen, 2d) Cosmopol. I31, Americans, English Feeling towards. (W. D. Howells) No. Am. 179: 815. —— Foreign Flattery of. 4: 2668. — in Europe, as seen from a Consulate. Dwight) No. Am. 175: 316. —- — a Gentle Diatribe against the Residence of. Gregory) Cent. 42: 874, — Muensterberg on. (A. Tanzer) Nation, 79: 163. — of the Future. (Daniel J. Pierce) World To-day, 11: 735. — Titled Colonials vs. Titled (Colonial). Contemp. 87: 861, ' America’s Cup,‘ Mr. Lawson and the. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 75: 127. “ Amerika,” The Hamburg-American Liner. (J. P. Meyer) Cassier, 29: 91. Amersham, England. (A. Yockney) Art J. 551 337. Ames, Herbert Brown, Canadian Philanthropist. (A. B. Carman) Canad. M. 23: 303. Ames, James Barr, with portrait. Harv. Grad. M. 13: I, Amherst, Wm. A., 3d Earl, Library of. lard) Acad. 71: 283. Amherst, Mass., Village Improvement in. Atwood) Outl. 77: 543. Amherst College, Age of Graduation at, 1830-1900. (G. Harris) Educa. R. 25: 525. — Astronomy at, Early History of. (D. Todd) Pop. Astron. 11: 322, — Telescope for, New. 11: 22, Amici; a story. (A. Colton) Harper, 107: 296. Amicis, E. de, Memories of my Childhood and School Days. Liv. Age, 235: 15-792. 2361 81. Amid the Leopold Fastnesses. (Alex. Macdonald) Temp. Bar, 126: 231, Amidst the Shadows. Month, 1022 266. Amigo, The; a story. (W. D. Howells) Harper, 112: (C. Roberts) World’s Work, (H. G. (B. (A. W. Pol- (A. W. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 51- AMISH Amish Woman, One Day in the Life of an. Indep. 551 F393- Amitaba ; a story of Buddhist Metaphysics. Carus) Open Court, 16: 415-621. Ammonia, Solutions in Liquid. Science, 11. s. 22: 408. Ammonium Vanadate, Precipitation of, by Ammo- nium Chloride. (F. A. Gooch and R. D. Gilbert) Am. J. Sci. 164: 205. Amnesia, Retroactive. Psychol. 14: 388, Amoeba, Activities of. (H. S. Jennings) Am. Natural. 38: 625, — Death (‘E’) of an. Amoeba Blattae and Amoeboid Motion. ould) Science, 11. s. 23: 707. Among the Inscrutable Inevitabilities! (Eliz. Mc- Cracken) Outl. 82: 226, Amoor Valley, Exploration of the Lower. (G. Fowke) Am. Anthropol. 8: 276. Amoret Mansion, The; a story. (C. Oliver) Temp. Bar. 133: 454 ‘ Amorite Calendar, The. ser-Ii 123,337- Amos, Prophet, Modern Application of his Sermon. (D. L. Pierson) Bib. World, 21: 371, Amperemeter for High Potential Currents. Snook) J. Frankl. Inst. I59: 191. Amphibia vs. Batrachia. (L. Stejneger) Science, 11. s. 20: 924. Amphiboles, Canadian, Composition of. rington) Am. J. Sci. 165: 392. Amphion, Harpina, and Platymetopus, Note on the Names. (P. E. Raymond) Am. J. Sci. 169: 377. Amphitheater, Sports of the. (D. O. S. Lowell) Mun- sey, 28: 522, Amphora, A Signed, of Meno. (W. N. Bates) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 9: I70. Amulets, Certain, Moorish Origin of. right) Reliquary, 46: I06, — Jewish. (H. H. Spoer) J. Bib. Lit. 23: 97. — Pre-Columbian West Indian. (J. W. F ewkes) Am. J. Anthropol. 5: 679. Amurath to Amurath. Fortn. 78: 165.-_-Liv. Age, 234= 592- Amusements and Christianity ; a symposium. Every- body’s, I0: 694. —- of the London Poor. 9: 1070, — of the People. (J. G. Leigh) Macmil. 88: 445. — “Worldly; ” by a Methodist Woman. Indep. 60: 672, Amwell in Hertfordshire. (H. W. Tompkins) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 276. Anabaptists, Bax’s History of. Sat. R. 96: 707. — Reformation Controversies. (R. Winterbotham) Ex- pos. 6th ser. II: 377. Anacletus II., Elhanan the Rabbi’s Son, who became Pope. (W. Burnet) Gent. M. n. s. 68'. 555. Anacrap’. (Maud Howe) Lippinc. 76: 311, 432. Anadonta Grandis. (E. R. Downing) Am. Natural. 36¢ 395- Anaesthetics, Action of, on Plants. Nature, 692 440. "—'Liv. Age, 241! 635. -— Before. Good Words, 462 I45. — Sensations under. Liv. Age, 249: 821, Analogy and its Philosophical Importance. ding) Mind, 302 I99. Ananias of Poketown. 691, Anarchism. (G. H. Wood)Westm. I57: 181.—(R. ' H. Newton) Arena, 27: I. ——(C. P. Neill) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 160. —— and Socialism and Rubino. (P. (W. H. Burnham) Am. J. (E. Linton) Science, 11. s. 22: 88, (J. H. Ger- (C. H. W. Jones) Expos. 7th (H. C. (B. J. Har- (C. B. Plow- (Percy Alden) World To-day, (H. H6ff- (E. M. Tybout) Lippinc. 71: Sat. R. 94: 634. 19 AND Anarchism; at Close Quarters (R. W. Conant) Arena, 28: 337. —— Its Cause and Cure. (L. Abbott) Outl. 70: 465. — Political, Economic, and Religious Causes of. (R. H. Newton) Arena, 27: 113, — Treatment of. (H. Holt) R. of Rs. 25: I92. Anarchist, Making of an. (V. De Cleyre) Indep. 552 2276. Anarchist, An; a story. (J. Conrad) Harper, I13: 406, Anarchist, The; a tale. (J. A. Foote) Cath. World, W 59- Outl. 75: 678. (S. Dewey) Contemp. Anarchist Exclusion Law, The. Anarchist Movement in Spain. 81: 741. Anarchists as Pests. Sat. R. 101: 712, — The Bill against. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 145. — for Control of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 463. —- Legislating against. (H. Lamont) Nation, 74: 243. Anarchy and Government. Cath. World, 76: 44. —- Danger from a Present Peril. (J. K. Richards) Am. Law R. 36: 405. — Errors of. (Z. S. Holbrook) Bib. Soc. 59: 383. — in Europe and United States. (C. Lombroso) Every- body’s, 6: 165. — — Rise of. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 30: 305. —Second Thoughts on the Treatment of. Salter) Atlan. 89: 581, — Suppression of. (J. M. Beck) Am. Law R. 36: 190. Anastomosis, Nerve-, A Suggestive Case of. Ladd) Pop. Sci. Mo. 672 319. Anatomic Nomenclature. (B. G. Wilder) Science, 11. s. 241 559- Anatomists, Conference of, April, 1905, at Philadel- phia. Science, n. s. 2Ii 713. Anatomy, Human, Problems in. Science, 11. s. 21: 16, — Philosophical. (H. F. Osborne) Science, n. s. 21! 959- Anaximander, Earliest Precursor of Darwin. Eastman) Pop. Sci. Mo. 57: 701. Ancestor Worship, Confucianism and. Open Court, 20: 597 — in Japan. (A. Stead) Monthly R. 15: no. 3, 98. Ancestral Memory; a suggestion. (Forbes Phillips) 19th Cent. 59: 997.: Liv. Age, 250: 307. Ancestry of Irene. [Stories of the Nevada Madigans, 2.] (M. Michelson) Cent. 46: 421. Ancey, G. “ Ces Messieurs.” (J. F. Macdonald) Fortn. 84: 725. AnchoressesfFour Mediaeval. Spec. 66: 823, Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. Lovell) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 137, Ancient Landmark, The. (W. R. Lighton) Scrib. M. 37: 627, Ancient Monuments and Buildings, Law relating to. (W. Martin) Antiq. n. s. 41: 167. ' Ancoats Brotherhood, The. (K. Coman) Chant. 441 369- “ And Angels came.” (Anne O’Hagan) Harper, 110: (W. M. (G. T. (H. H. Donaldson) (C. R. (A. T. I79- _ “ And Maude.” (Anne Warner) Lippinc. 75: 251. “ And Other Considerations.” (M. C. Hews) Lippinc. 69: 504, “And our Ignorance in Asking.” (P. Landon) Liv. Age, 240: 426.=Ecl. M. 142: 462. “And so they were Married.” (C. Bryson Taylor) Everybody’s, I 5: 14, And what Good came of it at Last ? (R. Barr) Canad. M- 251 490- And who is My Neighbor? (M. F. Quinlan) Cath. World, 81: 327, ANDALUSIA Andalusia, Summer Life in. (B. H. Ridgely) Harper, 105: :89. Andersen, Hans Christian. (Paul Harboe) Outl. 79: 951,——Aea,d, 68: 364.-—(A. L. Salmon) Temp. Bar, 131: 4o9.—-Spec. 94: 469.—- (Paul Harboe) Bookman, 21: I32. — Centenary of. (Julius Moritzen) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) an 439- — Child’s Recollection of. (E. Roess) Munsey, 33: ~ 174. Anderson, L. A. Competition in Life Insurance. Yale R. 14: 285. Anderson, Mary, The Marvel of. Munsey, 32: 382. Anderson, Percy, Costume Designer. M. of Art, 27: 280, Anderson, Ind. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I92 396. Anderson City. The Founding of a City. more) Outl. 84: 875. Andersson, Charles John. (H. A. Bryden) Longm. (T. E. Pemberton) (G. B. Crozier) (A. Latti- 41 . 61, Andes, Chilean, Across the. Chamb. J . 81: 284. - Patagonian. (T. H. Holdich) Geog. J . 23: 153. —- A Woman in the. (A. S. Peck) Harper, 114: 3. Andorra, The Mediaeval Republic of. (Oliver Grey) Chamb.J. 83: 647.=Ecl. M. 147: 543.—(E. Kirk- patrick) Californian, 3: 108, —-Sat, R, 102: 425, Andover, N. H., Account of Marriages by Rev. Josiah Badcock, 1732-1828. (M. H. Kingsbury) N. E. Reg. 58: 16. André, Father, In the Steps of. (D. D. Martin) Cath. World, 80: 98, André, John. In the André Country. M. of Hist. 2: -, — Journal of. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 430. . Andrea del Sarto; a story. (J . M. F orman) McClure, 22: 573- Andreiif, Leonidas. (Simeon Linden) Indep. R. 8 : 215, Andrew, John A., Pearson’s Life of. Nation, 78: 314. — (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 36: 317. Andrews, Stephen Pearl. (J . T. Trowbridge) Indep. 55- 497- Andromeda. (E. Petersen) J . Hel. Stud. 24: 99. Andromeda; a story. (A. John) Canad. M. 20: 108. Anecdotes, New, of Celebrated People. Chamb. J . 81: 189. Anemiopsis Californica. (T. Holm) Am. J . Sci. 169: 76 Anemometer, Miniature, for Stationary Sound Waves. (B. Davis) Am. J. Sci. 163: 129. Angel, The; a Psychological Enigma. 225, Angel in the House, An; a story. (Harriet Prescott Spoiford) Harper, 107: 78. Angel of his Youth, The. (Alice French) Scrib. M. 36: 750. Angel of Rescue, An. 11. s. 33: 264. Angel Unaware, An. body’s 14: 737. Angelica, the Dragon. West, 23: 337. Angelica’s Loves. 28: 525,_ Angelico, Fra. Mast. in Art, 4: pt. 38. Angelo, Henry, Colburn’s Reminiscences of. Ath. ’O4, 2: 610, Angelo of the Perfection. (M. Van Vorst) Lippinc. 70: Macmil. 92: (T. J . Partridge) New Eng. M. (Eleanor Hoyt Brainerd) Every- (Mabel A. R. Abbott) Out (E. H. Miller) New Eng. M. n. s. 159- Angell, James B., Pres. (J. H. Finley) Outl. 80: 74 - Angels), Jewish, Christian, New Church. (J . Goddard) N. Church R. 13: 501. 20 ANGLO—SAXON Angels, Thomas Aquinas on. (E. Aveling) Am. Cath. Q- an 359- Angels, The; a story. (E. Pottle) Harper, 111: 253, Angels Unawares; a story. (G. L. Collin) Harper, 1°51 777. Angels’ Visits. (W. W. Jacobs) Cosmopol. 41: 445. Angelus, The. (H. Thurston) Month, 99: 61, 518, —- Antiquity of. (H. Thurston) Month, 103: 57. A.ngelus,.The; a story. (Eleanor H. Porter) Harper, 110: 237. Anger, Pleasure of. Blackw. I73: 472. Angevin Administration of Normandy. wicke) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 625. Angevin Empire, Ramsay’s. (B. Terry) Am. Hist. R. 91 549- Angevin Kings, Last Resting-place of our. (C. Hal- lett) 19th Cent. 52: 265. . Angiosperms. (H. L. Lyon) Am. Natural. 39: 13. — Embryo Sac of the. (D. H. Campbell) Am. Natural. 361 777. Angkor, The Ruins of. (A. C. Coolidge) Nation, 82: 6 (F. M. P0- 13 . Angle Measuring -Instruments. (F. E. Harpham) Pop. Astron. 13: I49. Angler, Impatient. (G. A. B. Dewar) Sat. R. 101: 687.:Liv. Age, 250: 445, Angler’s Philosophy, An. (V. Hardie) Macmil. 87: 21. Angler’s Tournament, An. (F. C. Holden) Outl. 77: 301, Angler’s Wish, An ; a poem. (H. van Dyke) Outl. 80: 2" . Anglicanism: Old and New. (W. S. Lilly) Dub. R. 138: 158. Anglin, Margaret. (M. White, jr.) Munsey, 35: 504. Angling, Bigotries of. Blackw. I78: 199, — Charms of. Canad. M. 22: 1o. —— Photographer goes A-faking. (E. F. Wolfe) Out- ing, 40: 172. — Season of the Dry-fly. Spec. 96: 1032, — Stewart’s Practical Angler. (A. G. Bradley) Mac- mil. n. s. I: 445.:Liv. Age, 249: 553. See also Fishing. Angling Memories. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 99: 625, 698, 77°- Anglo-American Treaty, A Permanent. (C. C. Hyde) Atlan. 95: 67. Anglo-Celtic Poets, Concerning a Few. (A. B. McGill) Cath. World, 75: 775. Anglo-French Agreement, Siam’s Place in. Blackw. I751 3- Anglo-French-American Understanding, An. (A. Car- negie) No. Am. 181: 510. Anglo-French Niger-Chad Boundary Commission. (G. S. McD. Elliot) Geog. J. 24: 505. Anglo-Japanese Fleets in Alliance. 84: 829, Anglo-Norman Church History, Sources of. (L. John- ston) Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: 48. Anglo-Persian Commercial Treaty. Asia. R. 36: 225. Anglo-Saxon, Whence came the ‘P (H. L. Chamberlain) Overland, n. s. 43: 157. (A. Hurd) Fortn. (H. F. B. Lynch) Anglo-Saxon in an English Curriculum. (W. Sheran) Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: 348. — E. D. Simms, American Pioneer in. (A. A. Kern) Sewanee, 11: 337. Anglo-Saxon Alliance, The Peril of the U. S. (C. F. Beach, jr.) Out West, 18: 485. Anglo-Saxon Friendship a Myth. Critic, 49: 113. Anglo-Saxon Grave in East Yorkshire. (T. Sheppard) Antiq. n. s. 42 : 333. Anglo-Saxon Law, Seebohm on Tribal Custom in. Ath. ’oz, 1: 422, ANGLO-SAXON Anglo-Saxon Laws and Institutions, Growth, Aggres- siveness, and Permanent Character of. (A. W. Gaines) Am. Law R. 40: 694. Anglo-Saxon Migration, An Early. (J. W. Shore) Antiq. n. s. 41: 251, Anglo-Saxon People, Future of. (H. Ellis) Indep. R. 2: 430. Anglo—Saxon Society Woman, The. =Ecl. M. 138: 515. Anglo-Saxon Spirit, The, and Religious Education. (C. C. Hall) Union Univ. Q. 2: 131. Anglo-Saxon Unity, A. R. Colquhoun on. Outl. 77: 320. Anglo-Saxondom, Reunited. (T. W. Higginson) Critic, Blackw. I62: 54, 48= 373. Anglo—Saxons, Are We? (C. C. Starbuck) Meth. R. 63: 940, Angola, Pioneer Journey in. Geog. J. 24: 153. Angora Coat, Heredity of, in Mammals. tle) Science, 11. s. 18: 760, Angouléfine, Duchesse d’, Escape of, during the Hun- dred Days. (S. Beazley) 19th Cent. 60: 909. Angus, Joseph. Ath. ’o2, 2: 319. Aniline. (J. B. Tingle) Science, 11. s. 24: 821. Animal Activities controlled by Nature. (S. S. Max- well) Harper, I07: 453, Animal Bibles. Good Words, 47: 97. Animal Breeding, Recent Discoveries in Heredity and their Bearing on. (VV. E. Castle) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67= 193. Animal Engraving of Stone Age, Gallery of. H.) Nature, 65: 299. Animal Experimentations. (B. A. Cunninghame) (W. E. Cas- (A. C. (H. C. Ernst) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 42: 98, Animal Heroes. Spec. 97: 158. Animal Immortality. (W. H. Long) Harper, I11: 873 Animal Individuality. (J. Burroughs) Indep. 56: 85. —(W. J. Long) Indep. 56: 1242, Animal Kingdom, Economy of the. Church R. 11: 273. Animal Life, Highways and Byways of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 499. — Studies of, Walter, Whitney and Lucas’s. Morss) School R. 10: 803. —— Study of, in Public Schools. (T. F. Moses) N. (H. Osborn) (C. H. (S. J. Hunter) Ednca. 24: 209, Animal Morphology. (C. B. Davenport) Science, 11. s. 20: 697, Animal Painters of Liverpool. (E. R. Dibdin) Art J. 56: 12, Animal Psychology, Fact and Fable in. Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 138, — The Window of the Soul. 321 255- Animal Stories, Fable and Woodmyth. Cent 45= 346.497.750- — The Flood of. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 264. Animal Story of To-day. (C. G. D. Roberts) Bk. Buyer, 24: 210. Animal Stowaways. Spec. 92: 367. =Liv. Age, 241: 184. Animal Thermostat. Nature, 67: 401. Animal Wealth of the U. S. (Francis E. Warren) Nat. Geog. M. I7: 511. Animals and Plants, Relations of. (N. S. Shaler) Har- per, 104: 721. —— and Poison. Spec. 911 1017. — as Masons. Spec. 94: 211- —— as Passive Resisters. Spec. 94: 435. — Behavior of, in Unfamiliar Circumstances. (J. Isa- bel) Longm. 40: 541.=Liv. Age, 235: 629. . (J. Jastrow) (C. C. Abbott) Arena, (E. T. Seton) 21 ANIMALS Animals, Behavior of, Notes on. (A. W. Weysse) Sci- ence, n. s. 19: 955. -— Brains and Longevity in. Spec. 89: 603. — Change in Landscape due to. Spec. 90: 1027. — Clothing of. Spec. 89: 79. — Coming of the. Chamb. J. 83: 321. — Consciousness of. (E. Claparede) Internat. Q. 8: 296. —- Dainty. Spec. 95: 79. — Do they Reason ? (J . Burroughs; C. F. Deacon) Outing, 452 753. —(W. J. Long) Indep. 59: 481. —- (J . Burroughs) Harper, I10: 354, -- (J , Burroughs) Outing, 45: 379. — (L. T. Sprague) Outing, 39: 427. ——Dumb. Spec. 95: 708. — Fasting. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 27: 144, — Fighting Power of. Spec. 88: 547. —- Foreign, at Leonardslee. (C. R. Knight) Cent. 44: 53:- — Greek Conception of. (E. Martinengo-Cesaresco) Contemp. 85: 430.1 Liv. Age, 241: 5 52.=E<;l. M. 143: 48. — Habits of, The Unexpected in. Harper, 106: 615, — Hands of. Spec. 91: 515. (R1 W. Chambers) — Hospitals and Doctors for. (W. B. Ashley) Outing, 43‘ 313- ' — How to read Wild Life. Chamb. J . 82: 605, —— Human Traits in. (J . Burroughs) Outing, 49: 297. — Humanizing the. (J . Burroughs) Cent. 45: 773. —-— in Ancient Rome. (E. Martinengo-Cesaresco) Con- temp. 86: 225. I-‘Liv. Age, 242: 741, — in Art. (R. H. Perry) Outing, 43: 515. — in British Parks: Warnham Court. (A. H. Knight) Cent. 43: 221. —-Arundel Castle. (C. R. Knight) Cent. 43: 233. —— in Court. (M. E. E. Kerr) Green Bag, 14: 164. — in Decoration. (Douglas English) Art J . 561 34. - in the Spiritual World. (T. F. Wright) N. Church R. 11: 305. —— in Towns. Chamb. J. 80: 761. — Intelligence of. (H. Maxwell) Monthly R. 11, no. 31 54.:Liv. Age, 238: 471, — — Experimental Method of Studying. (E. L. Thorn- dike) Internat. Mo. 5: 226. — — Wasmann on. (Lord Avebury) Nature, 73: 315. I Liv. Age, 248: 821, — Jewish Sympathy for. 117, — Kind Words concerning. 448- - Legal Protection to. (G. R Gordon) Westm. 166: 218 — Limitations of. Spec. 88: 172. — Limitations of the Brute. (M. D. Follin) Outing, 48= 355- — Love of the Chase in. Spec. 912 51. -— Man and Beast. (S. H. Drury) Atlan. 97: 42°. —— Meal Times of. Spec. 94: 939. — Moral Sense in. Spec. 95: 1 115. (L. Ginzberg) Nation, 83: (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 95: — Naming the. (C. W. Beebe) Outing, 46: 78. -—of the Farm. (J. P. Roberts) Ctry Life Am. 11 143. — of the Plant Kingdom. Science, 11. s. 20: 217. — Photographed and Described. (E. H. Baynes) Indep. 56: 1238. — Photography of, at London Zoo. Booklover’s M. 2: 6. — Playing Games. Spec. 92: 806. —Proper for Zoological Gardens. Sat. R. 952 546, 582.613.644- — Rare, living in London. (P. L. Sclater) Knowl. 27: 59, 17°- (N. P. Dana) ANIMALS Animals, Reason in, The Question of. (W. J. Long) Harper, 111: 588, — Resting-places of. Spec. 95: 347.: Eel. M. 145: 324- —- Sacred, of India. (Edmund Russell) Everybody’s, 13: 625. —- Schools of. Chamb. J. 81: 305. — Sense of Locality in. Spec. 97: 431. — Sight and Scent in. (G. S. Porter) Outing, 40: 295- ’ — Soul-wandering as it concerns. (E. Martinengo- Cesaresco) Contemp. 81: 696. -—-‘ Eel. M. 139: 262, — South American, and their Origin. (R. Lydekker) Quar. 197: 41, — State Protection of, at Home and Abroad. G. de Montmorency) Law Q. 18: 31. — Strange Things about. Outing, 46: 219, (J. E. — Surgery by. (W. J. Long) Outl. 75: 122. — Surgical Operations performed on. Chamb. J. 80: 539- - Swimming Powers of. Longm. 43: 326. = Liv. Age, 241: 492, _ - Sympathy for. (Paul Shorey) Nation, 83: 139. — Tailoring. (H. C. McCook) Harper, 108: 453. — Three Strange: the Maned Wolf, the Black Leop- ard, Felis Serval. (J. M. Gleeson) Cent. 42: 746. —— Tracks in Snow, and what they tell. (A. R. Dug- more) Ctry Life Am. 5: 117, — Training by their Sixth Sense. -—- True Lives of. Spec. 93: 943. -—- Useful to Men, Protection of. (VV. N. Lockington) Californian, 2: 124, -~ Visit to the Toronto Zoo. M. 20: 345. — What do they Know ? (J. Burroughs) Cent. 46: 555. -—- Wild, and Civilized Man. Spec. 88: 762. — — as Parents. (G. A. B. Dewar) Cornh. 91: 790.: Liv. Age, 246: 89, — -—- at Home. (W. J. Long) Outl. 74: 355. -—- -—- Born in Captivity. (A. W. Rolker) McClure, 21 : 608, —— — A British Yellowstone Park. Spec. 91: 1075. —— — Cash Value of. Spec. 92: 327. -—- -—- Farming. Spec. 91: 803, — —- Habits of. (J. H. Baldwin) Chamb. J. 83: 103. - —— in Art, The. (B. H. Smith) Outl. 81: 203, —- — Life of, in Captivity. (C. B. Taylor) Every- body’s, 6: 219.—— (A. W. Rolker) McClure, 23: 3. — (S. H. Adams) McClure, 24: 188, -— —- Marketing of. (C. F. Brownell) Am. M. 60: 287. — — of Central Park, N. Y. (J. W. Smith) Outing, Indep. 57: 653. (W. T. Allison) Canad. 42: 248, 43: 60, ‘ — — Photographing. (B. Meiklejohn) W0rld’s Work, 4: 2080, —_— — Prevention of Cruelty to. (T. A. Coward) Westm. I57: 546- —- — Property in. ' (W. F. Trotter) Jurid. R. 15: 138, 278, — — Securing for Zotilogical Parks. day) Booklover’s M. 7: 327. — — Trafic in. (L. Perry) Idler, 24: 115. -—- —— Training. (H. H. Boyesen) Cosmopol. 34: 123. —(H. Boger) Indep. 55: 2551. Animation, Suspended. Liv. Age, 250: 249. Anjidiv, Island of. (F. J . Varley) Geog. J . 23: 492. Anna Amelia, Duchess, Gerard’s Life of. Ath. ’02, I: 392- Anna Mareea. (E. B. Tiffany) Atlan. 92: 247, Annapolis, U. S. Naval Academy, Fighting at. Indep. 591 I409- — —- The Trouble at. (Park Benjamin) Indep. 50: 154. — — Winter Drills at. (W. T. Chiverius) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 8: 15. (W. T. Homa- 22 ] AN STEY Annapolis and West Point Codes of Honor. Book- lover’s M. 7: 614. Annapolis, Nova Scotia. (A. W. Savary) Canad. M. 23: 330. —— (E. P. Weaver) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 423- — — Tercentenary Greetings of the American Histori- cal Society. (R. G. Thwaites) Canad. M. 23: 339- Anne, St., Introduction of Cultus of, into the West. (H. M. Bannister) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 107, Anne, Queen, Defense Committee. (J . S. Corbett) Monthly R. 15, no. 2: 55. —- Farthing of. Reliquary, 42: 104, — McCarthy’s. (R. Putnam) Critic, 42: 536. —— (C. W. Colby) Nation, 76: I98. — Sat. R. 94: supp. p. iii. — Political Parties of her Reign. (W. F. Lord) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. I4: 69. Anne Boleyn, The Heart of. n. s. 38: 13. — Some Royal Love-letters to. (C. F. Yonge) 19th Cent. 57: 971. =Liv. Age, 246: 387. Anne of Cleves and her Rivals. (J . M. Stone) Month, 104: 243, Anne; a Tale of Old Salem. (W. L. Fullerton) Outl. (W. H. D’Oyly) Antiq. 71: 84. Annelid Egg, The. (E. B. Wilson) Science, 11. s. 20: 748- Annelids, Collateral Budding in, of the Genus Trypa- nosyllis. (H. P. Johnson) Am. Natural. 36: 295, Annie Keenan’s Hit; a story. (G. P. Coleman) Am. M, 62: 259, Annie Laurie, The Real. (K. E. Thomas) Munsey, 35: 237. Annuals, and how to Grow them. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. 4: 32. — Old. (K. Knox) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 597. Annuities. Sat. R. 102: 73. Annunciation, Festival of, at Tenos. Blackw. 180: 810. Annunziata. (Hope Lesart) Cath. World, 82: 378, Annunzio, Gabriele d’. (H. D. Sedgwick, jr.) Dial, 34: 7. — (A. Beauvoir) Lamp, 28: 336. —(H. James) Quan I991 333- ' — La Fiaccola Sotto il Moggio. (M. Hamilton) (R. Simboli) Critic, 46: 27, — La Figlia di J orio. (Helen Zimmern) No. Am. 100: 41.——(M. Bateman) Fortn. 81: 700.—(Ant. Cip- pico) Sat. R. 97: I3. — Francesca da Rimini ; tr. by Symons. Sat. R. 96: I14.—-Ath. ’03, I: 475.—(A. Symons) Fortn. 77: 237.’--E01. M. 138: 582.: Liv. Age, 233: 683.- (G. B. Rose) Sewanee, I0: 458. —- “ De Laudi.” (J. C. Bailey) Fortn. 80: 1022. -Sat-,. R. 96: 271. — Novels and Plays of. no. 2: I44. _, Anodyne, The, of the Kitchen Garden. Sat. R. 101: 235.:Liv. Age, 248: 817, Anopheles. (J . B. Smith) Science, n. s. 21 : 71. See Mosquitoes. Anonymous Writer, Emotions of an. (E. Hutton) Monthly R. 9, Indep. 59: 727. Another Man’s Excuses. (E. Spence de Pue) Lippinc. . 72: 2 5 3, 2 Another Milton. (Arnold M. Anderson) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 276. Anselm, Abbot of Bury, and the Immaculate Concep- tion. (H. Thurston) Month, 103: 561. Anson, George, Lord. Wreck of the Wager. (W. J . Fletcher) Cornh. 89: 394. Anstey, Christopher, and the New Bath Guide. Acad. 69: 804. Anstey Church. Hertfordshire. (W. B. Gerish) Antiq. n. s. 40: 115. ANSWER Answer from the Unseen. (L. E. Smith) Good Words, 45: 104. Answered ; a story. (M. Rock) Cath. World, 75: 338. Ant, Agricultural, New, from Texas. (W. M. Wheeler) Am. Natural. 36: 85. Antarctic Adventure, An. (G. E. Borchgrevink) Na- tional, 43: 980, =Liv. Age, 242: 783.: Eel. M. 143: 613, Antarctic Campaign, Results of the. (J. Scott Keltie) No. Am. 180: 210, Antarctic Continent, The. (C. E. Borchgrevink) Indep. 54: 573- —— Two Years on. (O. Nordenskjiild) Indep. 58: 751. Antarctic Expedition, Belgian. (W. H. Dall) Science, 11. s. 19: 656. 20: 536, 21: 624, 23: 977, -— British, 1902-03. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 210. — Science, 11. s. I7: 833. 20: 411.——(Angelo Heilprin) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 177.-——Geog. J. 20: 209.- (C. R. Markham) Geog. J. 23: 549. —-(Capt. Col- beck) Geog. J. 23: 741.—-—(R. F. Scott) Geog. J. 24: 17, —- — Map showing the Work of. Geog. J. 24: 248. -— -- Physical Observations of, 1902-04. (L. C. Ber- nacchi) Geog. J. 25: 642. ' — —— Results of. (R. F. Scott and others) Geog. J. 25: J. — — Return of. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 293. — — Scientific Results of. Nature, 71: 337. —- —— Work of. (J. W. Gregory) Nature, 73: 297. —- — Year’s ‘York of. (C. R. Markham) Geog. J. 22: 13. . —— French. (Jean Charcot) Geog. J. 26: 497. —- German, 1901. (H. R. M.) Nature, 66: 223,- (Ed- win S. Balch) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 544.-— (E. von Drygalski) Geog. J. 22: I95. 24: I29, —— — Scientific Work of. Nature, 65: 378. —— Scottish, I902. (F. W. Stokes) Indep. 54: 1956.- Nature, 66: 631, —- Geog, J. 20: 438, —-Nature, 731 42- —— Swedish, 1902-03. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 22. —- (O. Nordenskjiild) Geog. J. 24: 30. —- — Rescue of. (J. Irizar) Geog. J. 23: 580. ‘~ — Scientific Operations on board the “Antarctic” in the Summer, 1902—O3. (J. G. Andersson) Geog. J. 23: 218. —- — Scientific Work at the Winter Station. denskjiild) Geog. J. 23: 209. -— — Summary of Events. Geog. J. 23: 207. Antarctic Expeditions, I901-04. Nature, 69: 393. —- Re_eent; their Results. (G. von Neumayr) Geog. J. 27‘ 259- Antarctic Experiences. (C. E. Borchgrevink) Cent. 46: 785. Antarctic Exploration. (J. W. Gregory) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 209, — Farthest South. (C. E. Borchgrevink) Outl. 70: 809. —- Meeting at Albert Hall, London, Nov. 7, 1904. Geog. J, 24: 617. — New Era in. (O. Nordenskjiild) No. Am. 183: 758. -— Richthofen on. Geog. J. 27: 15, Antarctic Explorations, My. (J. B. Charcot) Harper, 111: 600, 899. Antarctic Lands ; Fascination of the Uttermost South. (G. R. Ford) Canad. M. 27: 221, Antarctic Meteorology. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 20: 57. Antarctic Nomenclature. (Edwin Swift Balch) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 718. Antarctic Regions, Artist in the. (F. W. Stokes) Cent. (O. Nor- 44: 521, —— Foehn Winds in. Science, n. s. 22: 284, — Latest Explorations in. (C. C. Adams) R. of Rs. ' (N. Y.) 28: 81, 23 ANTHROPOLOGY Antarctic Regions, Recent Exploration in. Quar. 205: 334- Antarctic Sledge Traveling. (C. R. Markham) Geog. J, 22: 299, Antarctic Vegetation, Zonal Distribution of . (C. Skotts- berg) Geog. J. 24: 65 5. Antarctic Voyage, Bellingshausen’s, 1819, (H. R. Mill) Geog. J. 21: 150. — of the “ Discovery,” Scott’s. Ath. ’og, 2: 581. Antarctic Winds. Science, 11. s. 20: I84. “ Antarctic,” Winter Expedition of, to South Georgia. (J. G. Andersson) Geog. J. 20: 405, Antarctica. (E. S. Balch) J. Frankl. Inst. I57: 81, —- (H. R. Mill) Science, 11. s. 18: 182, 303, — Ancient. (F. W. Hutton) Nature, 72: 244, - Balch’s. (H. R. Mill) Geog. J. 21: 525, . — Continent of. (A. W. Greely) Indep. 60: 33. -—— English Discoveries in. (E. S. Balch) Nation, 76: 33°- — Nordenskjiild and Anderson’s. Nature, 71: 560, Antediluvian World, The History of. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 28: 17. Antelope. How it protects its Young. Cent. 49: 783. —- The Prong-horned. _ (E. T. Seton) Scrib. M. 40: 33, Antelope Hunting. (C. F. Holder) Calif. M. 1: 209, —- in Lower California. (C. B. Slade) Outing, 39: (H. H. Cross) 5°5- — Thirty Years Ago and To-day. (G. B. Grinnell) Outing, 43: 196. Antelope~snake Ceremonies in Mishongnovi. Nature, 68: 111, Anthony, St., of Padua. (R. W. Carden) Archit. Rec. 16: 186. Anthony, Bessie, Western Woman Golf Champion, with portrait. Outing, 42: 321, Anthony, Susan B., with portrait. (Ida H. Harper) Indep. 60: 676. ——l/Vestm. I65: 547, — The Grand Old Woman of To-day. 321, — The Woman and her Work. Am. 182: 604. Anthropological Museum, Classification and Arrange» ment of Exhibits. (W. H. Holmes) Science, 11. s. 16: 487. Anthropological Research, Philological Aspects of. (F. Boas) Science, 11. S. 23: 641. Anthropological Society of Washington, May 26, 1903. (W. Hough) Science, 11. s. 18: 148, — Story of. (D. S. Lamb) Am. Anthropol. 8: 564. Anthropology. (H. I. Smith) Science, 11. s. I6: 201,- (A. C. Haddon) Science, 11. S. 23: 491. —— American, Progress of, 1902-06. Am. Anthropol. 8: 44,1. — at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. McGee) Science, 11. s. 22: 811, — at Washington Meeting, 1902. Am. Anthrop. 5: 118, — Foundation of a National Anthropological Society. (F. Boas) Science, 11. s. I 5: 804. — German Anthropological Association. (G. G. Mac- Curdy) Science. 11. s. 18: 623, -— History of. (F. Boas) Science, 11. S. 20: 513. — in America. Science, 11. s. 16: 436. — in American Secondary Schools. Educa. 23: 530. — International Congress of, Monaco, I906. (Adela C. Breton) Am. Anthropol. 8: 559. — Know, then, Thyself. (Frank Russell) Science, 11. s. 15: 561.=J. Am. Folk-Lore, I5: I. —— a Science? Quar. 195: 180. = Liv. Age, 232: 714, —Teaching of, in the United States. (G. G. Mac- Curdy) Science, n. s. 15: 211. ' Westm. 161 : (I. H. Harper) No. (W. J. (G. G. MacCurdy) (Frank Russell) AN TICHRIST Antichrist, The, of II. Thessalonians. (R. Mackintosh) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 427. Anti-clericalism in France and England. (Sir G. Ar- thur) 19th Cent. 55: 724. Anti—imperialist, Recantation of an. (D. Gray) Outl. 7 7: 931- Anti-imperialists, The Pesky. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 360. Anti-Jacobin, Canning’s. (F. Greenwood) Acad. 68: 275- Anti-patriotic Ulcer. (C. de Thierry) Un. Serv. M. 25: 51. Anticipations of Scientific Progress in Literature. Spec. 88: 247.:Liv. Age, 233: 57. Anticosti, Island of; Menier’s Experiment. Lewis) World To-day, 9: 731. Antietam, The Battle of. (F. H. Schell) McClure, 221 418, —— —— and Chancellorsville. (J. P. Gordon) Scrib. M. 33: 65. Antilles, Geological Aspect of. Sat. R. 93: 660.: Liv. Age, 234: 53. Anting-anting, The, of Maga. land, n. s. 46: 301. Antiochus III., and his title “ Great King.” Bevan) J. Hel. Stud. 22: 241, Antiochus IV., Cause of Death of. Bib. Sac. 61: 548, Antiphons, The Great, Heralds of Christmas. Thurston) Month, 106: 616. Antipodes, A Trip to the. (G. Brown) Asia. R. 39: 124, 40: 295. Antique, Use and Abuse of the, in Art. Acad. 69: (B. H. (C. E. Meyers) Over- (E. R. (E. M. Merrins) (H. 9 948- “Antiquers,” The; a story. (J . C. Lincoln) Am. M. 61: 254, Antiques, Making of. (VV. Le Queux) Am. Arch. 84: —— Purchasing of. Chamb. J . 79: 340. Antiques; a story. (C. Wheeler) Harper, I06: 700, Antiquities, The Collection of. (O. S. Tonks) Outl. 81: 505. —— English, Genuine and Spurious. (G. Clinch) Chamb. J . 83: 325. Antiquity, Beauty of. n. s. 28: 280, _ Antiquity of the “ Ronald; ” a story. man) Canad. M. 25: 244. Anti-toxin. Science, 11. s. 181 126. —— Ehrlich’s Seitenkettentheorie. Science, 11. s. 16: 664. Antoine André. (B. Van Vorst) Critic, 40: 517. Antoine’s Loves. (C. Ticknor) Lippinc. 70: 90, Antonine’s Itinerary, British Section of. (C. Raven) Antiq. n. s. 39: 83, 338. 40: 278, 374. Antonio’s Last Stake. (C. A. Stanley) Cent. 45: 709. Ants. (O. K. Cook) Science, 11. s. 20: 311. -— Agricultural. (H. C. McCook) Harper, 111: 292. — and Some Other Insects. (A. Forel) Monist, 14: 33, (A. F. Brown) New Eng. M. (W. A. Hick- (G. M. Sternberg) 177. - and their Herds. (H. C. McCook) Harper, 111: 941. —- Carpenter, A Guild of. (H. C. McCook) Harper, 113: 293, -— Daintiness of. (H. C. McCook) Harper, 109: 604. — Formica Cinera Mayr. (W. M. Wheeler) Am. Natural. 36: 947. — Honey, of the Garden of Gods. Harper, 113: 126. —in Captivity. Spec. 96: 531. —— Kidnapping, and their Slaves. Harper, I07: 751. — Life of, New Wonders of. (H. N. Casson) Munsey, 33¢ 235- (H. C. McCook) (H. C. McCook) 24 APOLOGETIC Ants, New and Little-known Guests of the Texan Legionary. (C. T. Brues) Am. Natural. 36: 365. — The Queen Ant as a Psychological Study. (W. M. Wheeler) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 291, — The Royal Mother of. (H. C. McCook) Harper, 107: I32, ' -— Sense of Smell in. (Adele M. Fielde) Indep. 59: 37 5. — Social Life of. (A. Forel) Internat. Mo. 5: 563, 710. - Strength of. (A. R. Miller) Science, 11. s. 26: 514. —- Ways of. (A. B. Comstock) Chaut. 38: I74, Antwerp, the Hub of Europe. (H. Gregmore) New Eng. M. n. "s. 35: 67. Any Man and Any Woman. 96: 16. Aoki, Siuzo, Japan’s First Ambassador to the U. S. (W. E. Griflis) Outl. 82: 164.—-R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 166. Aoyagi. (Yei Theodora Ozaki) 19th Cent. 532 427. Apache, San Carlos. (A. Hrdlicka) Am. Anthropol. (W. S. Moody) Atlan. 7: 480. “Apache Kid,” The. Taming the Frontier. (W. M. Raine) Outing, 46: 579. Apartment, A Bachelor, in the Ansonia, New York. (J . H. F reedlander) Archit. R. 12: I24, Apartment Hotel in N. Y., Engineering Problems. (R. P. Bolton) Cassier, 25: 27. Apartment House Design, New York City. (F. K. Winkler) Archit. Rec. II, no. 3: 98. Apartment Houses and Tenements, The Planning of. (E. Flagg) Archit. R. 10: 85. — Heating, Plumbing, and Refrigerating in. (O. F. Semsch) Archit. R. 10: I06. — Power Plant and Mechanical Equipment of. (P. R. Moses) Engin. M. 26: 713, — Some Data on Electricity in. (P. R. Moses) Archit. R. 10: III, Apartments, City, in Paris. (J . Schopfer) Archit. R. 10: 91, -— Suburban. (M. Hunt) Archit. R. 10: 101, Apes, Anthropoid, Man’s Nearest Kin. Open Court, 20: 6, —— — Blood-relationship of Man and. (Paul Uhlen- huth) Monthly R. 23, no. I1 89. — — Rothschild on. (A. E. Brown) Science, 11. s. 22: 12, Apex of the World, The; a story. (A. M. Roach) Harper, 112: 745. Apgar, the Attorney who Advertised; a story. (W. H. Osborne) Cosmopol. 36: I84, Aphrodite, The New York. (M. L. D’Ooge) Nation, 80: 373. —- — Antique or Modern ? Craftsman, 8: 61. Apices J uris. (C. Holmes) Green Bag, 17: 466. Apocalyptic Literature, Jewish. (J. W. Bailey) Bib. World, 25: 30. Apocrypha, The, and Immortality. Spec. 95: 76. —— New Testament. Spec. 91: 233. Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles. Am. J. Theol. 8: 592. Apodosis of the Unreal Condition in Oratio Obliqua in Latin. (G. Terrell) Am. J . Philol. 25: 59. Apollo, Temple of, at Corinth. (B. Powell) Am. J . (P. Carus) (J . W. Platner) Archaeol. n. s. 9: 45. Apollonius, Acts of. (F. Schaefer) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2: 486. -— Life and Career. (T. Whittaker) Monist, I3: I61. —— Mead’s. Sat. R. 93: 178. Apollos and the Fourth Gospel. (G. S. Rollins) Bib. Sac. 62: 484. Apologetic, The New. (T. J. Gerrard) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 655.-—Bib. World, 19: 403. -——Need of. (W. P. Merrill) Bib. World, 21: 38, (M. S. Terry) 129, (W. D. Mackenzie) I91, ('1' M- Coulter) 284. ' APOLOGETICS Apologetics, Modern. (G. T. Ladd) Am. J. Theol. 7: -1 2 3, — Piesent Position of. (W. R. Cassels) 19th Cent. 54: 595- -— Religious. (G. Smith) 19th Cent. 55: 318. -— A Study in Early Christian. (Patrick J. Healy) Cath. World, 83: 433. Apologists, Greek, of Second Century. (W. Fair weather) Bib. World, 26: 132. ' Apostasy of Moung Pyu. (W. A. Fraser) Canad. M. 26: 523, Apostate of the Talmud, The. (B. M. Kaplan) Open Court, 16: 467. Apostates, The; a story. (M. Manning) Harper, 113: 600, Apostle of Light, An. (N. P. Murphy) Gent. M. n. s. 76: 1. Apostles, Contendings of, tr. from Ethiopic by Budge. Sat. R. 93: 112. -— Jewish. (S. Krauss) Jew. Q.'17: 37o. Apostles’ Creed, The. (F. B. Meyer) Sund. M. 34: 43. — Liturgical Use of. (T. D. Bacon) Indep. 54: 2292, Apostolic Subgroups. (E. A. Schell) Meth. R. 64: 532. Apostolic Succession as an Historical Truth. (P. Carus) Open Court, 16: 335. -— Dogma and Criticism. Open Court, 16: 321. Apothecaries, The Society of. Antiq. n. s. 41: 220, Apothecary, Duties and Dangers of the. Chamb. J. 79: 92- Apotheosis of Colonel Arden, The. World’s Work, 12: 7954. Apotheosis of the Reverend Mr. Spangler, The ; a story. (Margaret Deland) Harper, 106: 134, Apotheosis of Woodward ; a story. (C. T. Brady) Cos- mopol. 37: 45!. Appalachian Americans, Our. (J. Ralph) Harper, Appalachian Club. (R. Stevens) World’s Work, 6: (F. Harding) 107: 32. 3 . Appalachians, Great Roads across the. (Albert P. Brigham) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 321. Apparition, The; a story. (Alice French) Cosmopol. 37¢ 155- Appeal. The Quest for Error and the Doing of Justice. (C. F. An1idon) Am. Law R. 40: 681. —— The Right of. (D. J. Brewer) Indep. 55: 2547. Appeal to Cwsar, An. (Annie H. Donnell) Craftsman, 11: 357- Appeal to the First Six Centuries, The. Krine) Indep. R. 5: 320. Appeal to the Past; a story. 50: 885. Appearances, For Preserving. (F. C. S. Schiller) Mind, 28: 341, . Appearances at the Black Knoll; a story. Blackw. 175: 92, Appendicitis and the Race. 11. s. 20: 19. -— Cause and Prevention. (J. Kidd) 19th Cent. 67: I 37, Appendix B. (V. Harper) Lippinc. 74: 234, Appile-Tree, De; a poem. (J. C. Harris) Cent. 43: 241. Appin Murder, The, in Fact and in Fiction. Chamb. J _ 80: 221, —- Sidelights on. Apple, La Belle Fameuse. Am. I: 22. — Newtown Pippin. (J. H. S. (H. J. O’Higgins) Cent. (E. G. Dexter) Science, Chamb. J. 80: 716. (F. A. Waugh) Ctry Life (Ruth Titus) Ctry Life Am. 1: 1 . Apple Industry in Canada, Coiiperation in. (R. H. Coats) Q. J. Econ. 21: I36. — of Tasmania, The. (F. A. W. Gishorne) Chamb. J. 82: 308. 25 ARAB Apple Orchard, Reclamation of a Barren. (W. J. Mann) Ctry Life Am. 1: 194, Apple Tree, Talking. (A. Coll) Outing, 40: 601, Applegarth, Residence of. (C. W. Wetmore) Archit. Rec. 13: 279. . Apples. (J. H. McFarland) Outl. 73: 794. — Bitter Rot Disease of. (H. von Schrenk) Science, 11. s. 16: 669. — In the Orchard. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 541 1566. —-Production of. (H. J. Wilder) Science, 11. s. 22: 715- —- Quality, for the Home Garden. (W. A. Taylor) Ctry Life Am. 62 456. v— Real, Where to find. Ctry Life Am. 3: 103. —- Soils for. (E. W. Hilgard) Science, 11. s. 23: 70. Appleton, William Sumner. (W. T. R. Marvin) N. E. Reg, 58: 219. Applied Arts, Some Principles of. (D. F. Bodley) Am. Arch. 79: 85. Applied Science and the University. Technol. R. 1: I53- Appointed Time. (C. Howard) Lippinc. 73: 382. Appointment, Exercise of Powers of. (J. H. Hender- son) Jurid. R. 17: 371. Appomattox, Personal Recollections of. Cent. 41: 936. Appraisal of Literature, Comments and Opinions. Lib. J - 27: 991. Appraisements. (H. G. Stockwell) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 21. Appreciation and Description. R. 14: 645. — of Beauty. (C. W. Eliot) Critic, 47: 172. Apprentices, Function of the School in the Training of. (F. T. Carlton) School R. 12: 631. — A Plea for. (J. P. Murray) Canad. M. 21: 319. — Question of, in the U. S. (E. H. Parks) Cassier, 23: 199. —-(F. T. Carlton) Cassier, 27: 49.—Cas- sier, 31: 72. — Training of, in Royal Dockyards of Great Britain. (Frank Barter) Cassier, 23: 205. Apprenticeship for Business Responsibility. Litchfield) Technol. R. 8: 395. Apprenticeship System, Modern Adaptation of. (O. M. Becker) Engin. M. 32: 321. — What should replace it ? Sat. R. 101: 227. Apprenticeships. (A. Ittner) Am. Arch. 85: 67. Apricots; a Southern California Specialty. (Horace Edwards) Land of Sun. I: 61. — How to Grow. (J. Craig) Ctry Life Am. 4: 211. April, Work and Play in. (W. B. Thornton) Ctry Life Am. 1: 222, “April Fool.” (P. Trent) Blackw. 177: 498. April Fool’s Paradise, An. (Edith M. Willett) Lippinc. 77: 497- April Primrose. An. (J . Gibbon) (W. M. Urban) Philos. (I. W. (May E. Bourne) Overland, n. s. 45: 424- April Thaw, An. (W. B. Ashley) Outing, 42: 49. Apulia, Italy. (Alfredo Melani) Am. Arch. 80: 83. Aquarium, A California. (C. F. Holder) Land of Sun. 11: 77. — Land and Water, How to make. ing, 46: 115. - New York. (Walter L. Beasley) Scientific Am. 921 (D. Beard) Out- 425- Aquatic Life. (A. G. McCloskey) Chant. 37: 182- - Water-folk. (A. G. McCloskey) Chaut. 35$ 286. Arab, The. Ed. R. 201: 386. Arab Bandits, A Night’s Ride with. (C. W. Furlong) Harper, 112: 489. Arab Hospitality. (Louisa Jebb) Longm. 46: 62. Arab Life at Fez. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 94: 358. ARAB Arab Settlements in Africa. Arts, 50: 909. Arabia, Exploration of, by Balloon. (J . M. Bacon) 19th Cent. 56: 251.-‘=Ecl. M. 143: 521.=Liv. Age, 242: 629, — Hogarth’s Penetration of. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 98: 43. ——(D. B. Macdonald) Nation, 79: 165. -—~ Journey to Sanaa. Blackw. 179: 597. —- North, and the Bible. (Dr. H. Winckler) Hibbert J, 2: 1, -—The Revolt in. (A. Vambéry) Contemp. 88: 678. =Ecl. M. 146: 30. — Travels in. (D. G. Fairchild) Nat. Geog. M. 15: (S. L. Poole) J. Soc. I39- Arabian Empire, An. (A. J. Dunn) National, 47: 798. Arabian Poetry and the Ballad Problem. (D. B. Mac- donald) Nation, 79: ' 518. Arabic, Gospels in. (D. B. Macdonald) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 3: 163. Arabic Numerals. -Earliest Use of. Antiq. n. s. 42: 449. Arabic Verbs. (A. H. Kisbaug) Asia. R. 41: 318. Arabs ; Religious Usages of the Dhiétb and Ruala. (S. I. Curtiss) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 275. Arachnids at Hanover, Cape Colony. (S. C. Cron- wright Schreiner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 14 5. Ararat, In the Valley of the. (E. Crayton McCants) EVerybody’s, 12: I15, Arbitration, Industrial. (M. A. Hanna) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 21. — (E. E. Clark) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 285. (W. E. A. Axon) —- —— Act of New South Wales. (B. R. Wise) National, 39: 88o. — -— Compulsory. (W. A. Stone) Indep. 54: 2219. — (J . B. Clark) Indep. 54: 2681. — (Alice Henry) Am. Arch. 79: 46. —- — —- A Half-way House to Socialism ? son) No. Am. 175: 597. -— — — in New Zealand. Out West, 16: 82. ———What is it? (J. B. Clark) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: 396. — —— Conciliation, Trade Agreement. mons) Indep. 56: I440, -— — Conciliation and, Douglas Knoop’s. (L. L. Price) Econ. J. 15: 381, —— — Crisis of, in Australasia. (J. A. Hob- (J . R. Com- (J . Collier) Nation, 81: 51. —- — in Australia. (H. T. Burgess) Indep. 54: I83 5. — — in the China and Earthernware Trade. Econ. J. 12: I29, — — in New South Wales. (F. R. Sanderson) Jurid. R- 141 394- — — in New Zealand. (E. Tregear) Indep. 55: 1908. — — Limitations of. (S. Gompers) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 29. ‘ — — Right Kind of. — — Mr. Wise’s Act. (H. White) Nation, 76: 4. (W. P. Reeves) Econ. J. 12: 320. — International. Green Bag, 15: 87. —— (J . B. Moore) Harper, 110: 610. — (B. Moses) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 259.—(Hannis Taylor) Green Bag. 17: 98.— (R. Reid) Jurid. R. 14: 333.—(R. Finlay) No. Am. 179: 659. — —— and Pan-American Conference. (H. Taylor) N0. Am. 174: 303. —(T. R. Dawley, jr.) Outl. 70: 232, Future of. (F. Passy) Indep. 54: 605. —- — A Century of. (J . MacDonell) 19th Cent. 57: 691. —- — Growth of Hague Ideals. (H. Taylor) Am. Law Rev. 40: 1. — — Hague Conferences and the Future of. (B. F. Trueblood) Atlan. 97: 721. 26 l ARCHZEOLOGICAL Arbitration, International, Happy Augury of Peace. (W. MacVeagh) No. Am. 178: 698. - - International Police. (L. A. Mead) Outl. 74¢ 7°5- -— —- made Attractive. (W. MacVeagh) No. Am. 178: I61, —- -— New Treaties of. (T. Barclay) Fortn. 82: 602, — — New Triumphs for. (T. Barclay) Contemp. 351 220. — -— on the American Continents. (J . B. Moore) Ann-. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 35. —- — The Real Facts about. Nation, 80: 184, — — Status at Washington of. (J . W. Foster) Indep. 56: 1186. — — Treaties of, shown by Diagrams. Indep. 59: 386. — — Two Treaties of. (T. Barclay) No. Am. 178: 62. — — What the United States has done for. Foster) Green Bag, 16: I 53. ——VVhy the U. S. obstructs it. No. Am. 183: 862, — — with England, Prospects of. (J . W. Foster) Indep. 55: 3025. Arbitration Proceedings, Interdiction of. Melville) Jurid. R. 152 379. Arbitration Treaties, The. Outl. 79: 472. — Constitutionality of General. (E. P. Wheeler) Green Bag; 17: 533- — The Dead. (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 126. — Objections urged to the. (J . W. Foster) Indep. 58: 9. — Only a Word. Outl. 79: 672. — Precedents for. Outl. 79: 515. — The Senate and. Outl. 79: 727. Arbitration Treaty between England and France. (H. W. Wolff) Econ. R. 13: 188. Arbitrations, Alternative Awards in. (R. D. Melville) Jurid. R. 17: 360, Arblay, Madame d’ [Fanny Burney]. Diary and Let- ters, Dobson’s ed. Ath. ’O4, 1: 5.—-Monthly R. 14, no. 1: 49.-—-(S. T. Irwin) Macmil. 89: 188,— (J. C. Bailey) Quar. 204: 89. I Liv. Age, 249: 268, —(A. S. Henry) Bk. News, 22: 567.—-Spec. 94: I41. —(W. C. France) Nation, 80: 317, 81: 526. — A Friendship of. (G. Paston) Monthly R. 8, no. 3: 148. 9, no. I: 136. — her Diary and her Days. Ed. R. 203: 85. —— Some Unpublished Letters of. (W. F rith) Cornh. (J . W. (E. L. Andrews) (R. D. 9B 454. Arblay Privilege. (Alice Meynell) Liv. Age, 240: 439- Arbor Day. (Hugh Macmillan) Good Words, 43: 854. — Significance of. (C. H. Grabo) Chant. 41: 335. Arbor Lodge; the Modern Family Estate. Archit. Rec. 19: 37. “ Arbutus, A Spray of. (J . Burroughs) Outl. 71: 82, Arc-light, The. (C. F. Brush) Cent. 48: IIO, Arc-method for Descriptive Astronomy. (Kurt Laves) Pop. Astron. 14: 217. Arcady. (M. Reed) Macmil. 88: 219.=Ecl. M. 141: 497. =Liv. Age, 238: 556. —- and Elsewhere. (J . I. Bennett) Union Univ. Q. 2: 2 . Arcella, Structure of. (J . A. Cushman and W. P. Henderson) Am. Natural. 40: 797. Arcetri Observatory, Florence. (W. A. Parr) Knowl. 25: 77- Arch-Street Theatre, Philadelphia, where Famous: Actors learned their Art. (A. F. Stull) Lippinc. 753 372- Archseological Bills passed by Congress. (F. W. Kel- sey) Nation, 83: 258. Archaeological Explorations. (Phoebe Hearst) Calif. Univ. Chron. 4: 49. ARCHZEOLOGICAL Archaeological Institute ofi America, 1901 Meeting, Proceedings of. Am. J. Archeeol. 2d ser. 6: 23. -— 1902 Meeting. Am. J. Archaeol. 2d ser. 7: 72. " 1903 Meeting. Am. J. Archaeol. 2d ser. 8: 71. — 1904 Meeting. Am. J. Archaeol. 2d ser. 9: 65.— (T. D. Seymour) Nation, 78: 407. — 1905 Meeting. Am. J. Archeeol. 2d ser. I0: 73.- (T. D. Seymour) Nation, 80: 29. — I906 Meeting. Am. J. Archeeol. 2d ser. II: 49. Archaeological Societies, Congress of, London, 1905. Ath. ’o5, 2: 56, Archaeological Society’s Museum of Wiltshire. (E. H. Goddard) Antiq. n. s. 39: 330, 369. Archaeological Wedding Journey, An. (Theresa Rus- sell) Out West, 24: 39-544. 25: 27-511. Archaeology and Ethnology, International Commission of. Science, 11. s. I7: 715. — and the Old Testament. (C. S. Duncan) Bib.World, 22: 116. — Congress of, Athens, 1905. (L. Dyer) Nation, 80: . L — Does it confirm Genesis ? (T. F. Wright) N. Church R. 9: 1. — Homer and his Commentators. —— In Praise of the Spade. 142: 500. — Sacred. (Sar Peladan) Fortn. 82: 1073. Archangel, Impressions of. (F. R. Sanderson) Chamb. J, 80: 305, Archangels of the Avesta. 20: 616. , Archbishop, A French. (C. E. Maud) Fortn. 85: 733. Archdeacon, The. (T. Roberts) Munsey, 35: 288, —— in England. Sat. R. 94: 636. Archdeacon’s Triumph, The. Macmil. n. s. I: 141. I Liv. Age, 2482 40- ' Archdeacon’s Visitation, The. Good Words, 44: 861. Archery, Modern. (A. W. Havens) Californian, 2: 106. — Old and Novel Sport of. (A. B. Casselman) Cent. 46: 628, — Revival of. (E. T. Seton) Ctry Life Am. 7: 273. Arches, Roman Memorial and Triumphal, Revised List of. (A. L. Frothingham) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 8: 1.: Princ. Univ. Bull. 15: 25. — Three-centered. (R. von Ezdorf) Am. Arch. 90: 35. Archie’s Baby. (V. Roseboro’) McClure, 27: 421. Archimedes, Cattle Problem of. (M. Merriman) Pop. Sci. Mo. 57: 660. Architect and Client, Arbitration between. Am. Arch. 79: 43- -- and the Engineer. (R. P. Bolton) Am. Arch. 85: 59. — —- Coiiperation of. Am. Arch. 85: 6o. 90: 142. - — — Relation of. (C. T. Purdy) Am. Arch. 87: 43. -— Dismissal of. Am. Arch. 80: 28. — in Recent Fiction. (H. Croly) Archit. Rec. 17: 137. — Socialism and the. (C. H. Israels) Archit. Rec. 17: Ed. R. 201: 189, (D. G. Hogarth) Ecl. M. (L. H. Mills) Open Court, (V. L. Whitechurch) 329. A1-chitect’s Drawings, Ownership of. Am. Arch. 87: 137.— (A. F. Topham) Am. Arch. 88: 101, Architects, American Institute of, Convention of, 1906. Arch. R. 13: 4. — and Amateurs. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 145. — as Blackmailers. Am. Arch. 78: 6, — a Century Ago. Am. Arch. 88: 55. — Compensation of. Archit. R. 9: 80, 285, —— Faults of. (F. W. Fitzpatrick) Am. Arch. 89: 135, — Fees of. Am. Arch. 832 23.— (G. H. Ingraham) Am. Arch. 83: 38. —-Am. Arch. 88: 31.— (A, Dehli) Archit. Rec. 15: 545. — Legal Rights and Liabilities of. (H. H. Richard- son) Am. Arch, 80: 12, — Liabilities of. Am. Arch. 87: 130. 27 ARCHITECTURE Architects, Licensing of. (P. B. Wight) Am. Arch. 85: 23. 89: 122, —— -— in New Jersey. Am. Arch. 76; 73. —- Modern, Failure of, to grasp the Spirit of Old Work. Archit. R. 10: 56. — Obligations to Clients. Am. Arch. 77: 70. —— Registration of. (A. Webb) Am. Arch. 82: 69. —- —Am. Arch. 87: 75. 88: 190. 89: 137, — U. S. Government. (W. W. Stevens) Technol. R. 4: 316. — Women. (E. M. Charles) Am. Arch. 76: 2o. — Works of Barney and Chapman. (M. Schuyler) Archit. Rec. 16: 203, Architectural Aberrations in N. Y. City. Archit. Rec. 12: 221. Architectural Club, Boston, Recent Exhibition of the. (J. R. Coolidge) Arch. R. 11: 149. Architectural Competition. Am. Arch. 89: 27. — (R.fD. Andrews) Am. Arch. 89: 29.——Am. Arch. 90: 86 —-A. I. A. Am. Arch. 89: 35. — R. I. B. A. Rules. Am. Arch. 88: 3. Architectural Competitions. tion, 83: I77. Architectural Design as it is in France. Archit. Rec. 11, no. 32 37. — Execution.of. (J. M. Harris) J. F rankl. Inst. I 58: 65, 121. Architectural Discussion. (F. S. Lamb) Craftsman, 8: 804, Architectural Drawings, Exhibition at Providence. Am. Arch. 80: 5. —- Ownership of. Am. Arch. 89: 153. Architectural Education. (H. L. Warren) Am. Arch. 87: 47. 89: 19.‘ — Federation in. Am. Arch. 89: I4. Architectural Evolution. (F. M. Simpson) Am. Arch. 82: 36. . Architectural Fashion. (T. M. Clark) Am. Arch. 89: (A. Allain) 103, Architectural League of America. Convention, 1906. Am. Arch. 89: 59. —Exhibition, 1903. Archit. Rec. I4: 74. — Crafts- man, 4: 59. . — — 1905. Craftsman, 8: 112, — A Modern Guild of Artists. World, 76: 436. —— Story of. (S. Howe) Craftsman, 10: 98. — Year at. (Sophia A. _Walker) Indep. 542 628. Architectural Refinements in Early Byzantine Churches and French Cathedrals. (W. H. Good- year) Archit. Rec. 16: 116, 439, 568, 17: 1. —in Italian Churches. (W. H. Goodyear) Am. J. Archaeol. 2d ser. 6: 166. —Mediaeval. (L. I. Wood) [Burlington Ecl. M. 146: 169. Architectural Study in London. Arch. 88: 60, Architectural Style, A Note on. (R. A. Cram) Archit. R. 12: 181. Architectural Styles in the Old and the New World. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 25: 343. Architecture. (W. L. Price) Am. Arch. 82: 27. -— Aerial. (H. Ince) Art J. 57: 264. -— ZEsthetics of Constructive Design in. (C. H. Black- hall) Archit. R. 9: 85. —-American. (Charles Collins) 83: 99.——(C. H. Is- raels) Am. Arch. 87: 119. — — and L’Art Nouveau. (C. Bragdon) Archit. 10: (W. L. Harris) Cath. (B. Fletcher) Am. 141. — — of To-day- (H. Croly) Arch. Rec. 14! 413. ——Recent. (R. Sturgis) Internat.~ Q. 5; 435.—- Archit. Rec. 12: 227, 14: 135. 16: 69. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Na- ARCHITECTURE Architecture, American, Standards of, and Possibilities of Improvement in. Archit. R. 9: 273, — American Aspect of. (J . F. Harder) Craftsman, 6: 4I9. — American Style of, Tendency toward an. gis) Craftsman, 10: 3. —— and Engineering. (L. H. Gibson) Am. Arch. 84: (R. Stur- 71. —- and Painting; a tradition. (H. C. Corlette) Art J . 58: 201, — and Rathskellers. 233- — Appreciation of, in U. S. Senate. Am. Arch. 84: 11, —— as a Career. (J . M. Carvére) Cosmopol. 352 438. — Beauty in Building. (B. Parker) Craftsman, 2: (W. L. Price) Archit. R. 11: 105, »— Blomfield’s Studies in. (R. Sturgis) Nation, 82: 3°7- —— Byzantine. (E. F. Reynolds) Art J . 571 3! I. — Byzantium or Ravenna ? (R. Blomfield) Quar. I97: 409- - Character in. (H. H. Parker) Craftsman, 8: 639. — Church, Essentials of. (Maurice B. Biscoe) Outl. 79: 821, — College, Recent. M. 6: 547. . —— Colonial, in the West. Archit. Rec. 20: 341. — Contemporary N. Y. Residence. (H. Croly) Archit. Rec. 12: 704. —— The Decorative Treatment of. (C. H. Walker) Archit. R. 11: 125. —— Design and Materials. (F. W. Hoyt) Am. Arch. (Christian Brinton) Booklover’s go: 83. — Domestic. Studio (Internat.) I9: 249. — — in England, Recent. (H. L. Warren) Archit. R. 11: 5. '- — — Problems of. (F. M. Mann) Wash. Univ. Bull. 1: 37, —— —- Recent. Studio (Internat.) 25: 51, 27: 233. 29: 43. 125. 233- 3<>= 50.141- — Early Jacobean. (J. L. Etty) Macmil. n. s. I: 896. —— Ecclesiastical; a Plea for the Renaissance in. (J . Hastings) Archit. R. 12: 184. — English, Movement of. (E. S. Prior) Archit. R. 10: 42- . — —— of the 15th Century. (W. H. Wood) Am. Arch. 86: 11, I9, — English House. —— for Business Streets. Archit. Rec. 201 81. (D. S. MacCol1) Sat. R. 98: 789. — for the Southwest. (A. B. Benton) Land of Sun. 4: 126 —— Form and Function artistically considered. Sullivan) Craftsman, 8: 45 3. — French, Modern. (A. Saudier) Internat. Q. 10: 54. — Garden, Details of. (I. T. Guild) Archit. R. 9: 90- (L. H. 265. — The Golden Rule in. Archit. R. 11: :81. — The Gothic Revival. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, I: 33. — Greek, The Message of. (A. D. F. Hamlin) Chaut. 43: 107. . — Greek Revival of the Far South. (J . R. Kennedy) Archit. Rec. I7: 388. . —- in America. (A. D. F. Hamlin) Forum, 35: 417. -— -— Anarchy in. Architi Rec. 191 207. — in England, Domestic. (T. C. Sorby) Am. Arch. 75= 28. 52, 91. 76= 27, 59- W 77- —— —— — Recent. (H. L. Warren) Archit. R. 11: 5, —- in Italy, Cummings on. (I. K. Pond) Dial, 32: I 53. — in N. Y. City; Renovation of the Brownstone Dis- trict. (H. Croly) Archit. Rec. 13: 555. — in Paris, Modern. (F. Riley) Archit. Rec. 13: 97. 28 ARCTIC Architecture, in the Proto~historic Age. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 26: 89. —- in Southern California. (E. Grey) Archit. Rec. I 7: I. — in Sweden. (0. Z. Cervin) Am. Arch. 88: 91, —— Individualism in. (A. H.‘ Moore) Archit. Rec. 151 55- —— Italian Villas. (E. Wharton) Cent. 46: 884. — Leadwork in. (L. \Veaver) Archit. R. 12: 157, — Life of. (I. K. Pond) Archit. Rec. 18: 146, — “ Made in France.” (C. Bragdon) Archit. Rec. 16: 560, -— Modern. (C. H. Walker) Craftsman, 91 36. -— in Italy. (A. Me1ani)Archit. Rec. 12: 357. I4: 393- — The Modern Problem. (A. D. F. Hamlin and others) Craftsman, 8: 325, — Natural Proportions in. (J . Hambridge) Nature, 67: 68. —— The New. (H. Seal) Westm. 157: I87. — New Use of Old Forms. (H. Croly) Archit.Rec. I7! 271, -— N. Y. City. Archit. Rec. 11, no. 31 84 —— of American Tribes, Ethnic Styles in. Am. Antiq. 24: 19, 61. — of Asia. (E. T. Foulkes) Am. Arch. 83: 83. — of City Streets. (T. G. Jackson) Am. Arch. 87: 30. — of Ideas. (A. C. David) Archit. Rec. I 5: 361. — of Office Buildings. (A. J . Barker) Booklover’s M. '(s. D. Peet) 2: 75. —— Oflicial. (P. E. Nobbs) Am. Arch. 891 201. — of U. S. Government Buildings. (J . S. Sewell) Am. Arch. 79: 3. —— Orders of. (W. K. Ware) Am. Arch. 751 II. 762 35. W 51. 83- W 27. — Painters’; (P. Waterhouse) Art J . 57: 229, 301, 357. —Paris; an “Art Nouveau” Edifice. (F. Mazade) Archit. Rec. 12: 53. —- Pittsburg, Pa., Residence of L. C. Phipps. Archit. Rec. 14: 166. — The Plan ’s the Thing. (S. Howe) Craftsman, 3: 289. — Plea for a More Liberal System of Education in. (H. K. McGoodwin) Wash. Univ. Bull. 4: 35. — Public, adapted to American Needs. Craftsman, 10: 32, — Recent English Designs. Studio (Internat.) I7: I13. — Relation to Sculpture. (E. R. Smith) Archit. Rec. 13‘ 493- — Renaissance, Moore’s Character of. (R. Sturgis) Nation, 81: 385, — Romanesque, in North Italy. Arts. 49= 369- - Some Leaves from an Architectural Sketch-book. (Arnold Mitchell) Studio (Internat.) 24: 202, — Spanish, in Mexico. (T. C. Haydon) Am. Arch. 89: 169, — Street. (B. Pite) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 505, -— (T, G, Jackson) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 107. — Suburban, Recent, near Philadelphia. (T. Nolan) Archit. Rec. 19: 167. — Suburban Homes. (S. Howe) Craftsman, 3: I12. — Summer Chapel. (H. Ellis) Craftsman, 4: 401. — Thought in. Ed. R. 203: I80. —— Thumb-nail Sketches from an Architect’s Note- Book. (M. Hunt) Craftsman, 32 275. — True. (L. H. Gibson) Am. Arch. 89: III. —— University of Pa., Fellowship in. (W. P. Laird) Am. Arch. 87: 15. —— Urban House. (H. Ellis) Craftsman, 41 313. -— Western. Archit. Rec. 18: 66. - What is ? (L. H. Sullivan) Craftsman, 10: I43, 507, Archives, History and Science of. Ath. ’O5, 12 16. Arctic America, Camp Life in. (A. J. M, 34: 613. (H. Hannus) J. Soc. Stone) Scrib. . Arctic Problems. ARCTIC Arctic Circle Touch-down, An. Everybody’s, 13: 793, Arctic Cliff-dwellers. (R. N. Hawley) World’s Work, 31 1844- Arctic Continent, In Search of a New. son) World To-day, 11: 731. Arctic Expedition, Danish. Science, 11. s. 23: 925. — A New. (Chas. Benard) Indep. 57: 595. — Russian, in the “Sarya.” (Ed. von Toll) Geog. J . 19: 475, 20: 216. Arctic Exploration. (A. Fiala) McClure, 26: 341. —- Duke of the Abruzzi’s. Ath. ’03, I: 723. — For the Conquest of the Pole. (P. T. McGrath) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 43. — Four Years’, 1898-1902, 646. — in High Latitudes. (A. Faustini) J . Frankl. Inst. 155: I7- —- Return of Sverdrup, Peary, and Baldwin. Geog. J. 20: 434. — Toward the North Pole. Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 55. Arctic Geography, Secrets of, revealed. (C. R. Mark- ham) Good Words, 44: 27. Arctic Geology. (W. A. H.) Nature, 68: 418, Arctic Oceanography. Knowl. 25: 207. — Nansen’s. (H. R. M.) Nature, 67: 97. (C. R. Markham) Geog. J . 20: (Hugh Pendexter) (C. R. Patter- (R. E. Peary) Geog. J . 22: 481, Arctic Railway. (G. S. Davies) Cornh. 90: 115, :Liv, Age, 242: 474. —(G. E. Walsh) Cassier, 25: 264. Arctic Regions, Commander Peary’s Triumph. (Al- bert W. Vorse) Indep. 61: 1082-82 b, — Duke of the Abruzzi on. (W. Rice) Dial, 35: 31 . — An Explorer-naturalist in. (A. J . Stone) Scrib. M. 331 438- — Fishing in. (J . B. Connolly) Harper, 110: 659. -—Next Great Discovery in; Beaufort Sea. (C. R. Markham) Geog. J. 27: I . — Sverdrup’s Four Years in. Ath. ’o4, 1: 629. — Two Years in. (A. Fiala) McClure, 26: 471. — Voyage of the “ Fram.” Nature, 70: 152. Arctic Sledging near the Pole. (R. E. Peary) Idler, 23- 579. Arctic Work, The Last Years of. (R. E. Peary) Mc- Clure, 20: 411, Arctomys, Monax and his Adumbration. (F. A. Hunt) Overland, 11. s. 452 215. Ardelia in Arcady ; a story. (J . D. Daskam) McClure, 18: 331. Arden, Mary, Home of. (J . B. Reid) Outl. 77: 537. Are we “ Re-barbarized ? ” (Goldwin Smith) Indep. 59¢ 15°5- Arene, Emanuel, and Capus, Adversaire. bohm) Sat. R. 99: 801. Arequipa, Peru, Harvard Observatory Station at. (G. A. Thompson) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 194. — S. I- Bailey) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 510. Aretino, Pietro, a Literary Blackmailer of the 16th Century. (P. Van Dyke) Atlan. 94: 256. (M. Beer- — Titian’s most Intimate Friend. (P. Van Dyke) Outl. 76: 794. Argentina and Food Supply. (VV alter T. Layton) Econ. J. 15: I97. — Climate and Crops in. Science, 11. s. 18: 154. — Debt of. (A. B. Martinez) No. Am. 174: 707, — Economic Geography of. (J . Russell Smith) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: I30. — Fertile Pampas of. (F. J. Cattell) Nat. Geog. M. 171 453- - Public Works in. (E. L. Corthell) J . F rankl. Inst. 155: 71, 213. — Rapid Rise of. (G. M. L. Brown) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 372. 29 ARISTOTLE Argentina; Trade with United States. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 171. —-— Vast Undeveloped Regions of. (F. A. Ogg) World’s Work, 12: 8078, — Wheat Growing in. Econ. 10: 266. — Wonderland of South America. Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 49. Argentine-Chilian Boundary. n. s. 16: 914. Argentine Farm, The. (W. S. Barclay) Macmil. 89: I 3. Argentine Gaucho. (J . D. Leckie) Canad. M. 24: 3. Argive Heraeum, Waldstein on the. Ath. ’03, I: 246. -—(H. N. Fowler) Nation, 75: 384. —Am. Arch. (E. Nelson) (R. R. Kuczynski) J . Pol. (J . Barrett) R. of (W. M. Davis) Science, 78: 102, Argob, Circuit of, Visit of. (G. L. Robinson) Bib. World, 20: 248. Argulids and their Nomenclature. (T. Gill) Science, n. s. 17: 33. Argument for the Defence, The ; a story. (G. S. Rich- mond) McClure, 21: 64, . Argyll, Archibald, Marquess of, Willcock’s. 96: 204. Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of. Au- tobiography and Memoirs. Blackw. I80: 34 3, — Nature, 74: 437. —Sat. R. 101: 790. Argyment, A. (Maarten Maartens) Lippinc. 78: 598. Arid Climate, The Geographic Cycle in. (W. M. Davis) Geog. J . 27: 70. Arid Countries, Ancient Civilization in, Causes of the Development of. (E. W. Hilgard) No. Am. 175: 3°9- Sat. R. -— Reservoirs in, Government Construction of. (H. M. Chittenden) No. Am. 174: 245. — Transformation of. (R. T. ' ) World’s Work, 3: 1971. See Irrigation; Reclamation. Arikara Story-telling Contest. (C. A. Dorsey) Am. Anthropol. 6: 240. Ariosto. (W. J . Courthope) National, 46: 452. :Liv. Age. Z431 91: Aristeas, Letter of, Recent Criticism of. hams) Jew. Q. 14: 321. — — Translation of. (H. St. J . Thackeray) Jew. Q, 15: 337. . Aristaeus, Story of, from Virgil. (Lord Burghclere) 19th Cent. 54: - 809. Aristocracy, American, Development of an. body’s, I0: 772. — in America, Scions of. (H. D. Richardson) No. Am. 182: 761, — The New. (Gertrude Atherton) Cosmopol. 40: 621, —— of the Dollar. (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 93: 506. Aristocrate, L’ ; a story. (D. K. Broster) Temp. Bar, 1333 495- Aristophanes as a Student of Society. Am. J. Sociol. 8: 655. —- Birds, performed at Cambridge, Eng., 1903. Ath. ’o3, 2: 763, — Clouds. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 99: 305. —- Thesmophoriazusae, B. B. Rogers on. Spec. 922 535- Aristotle as a Sociologist. (C. A. Ellwood) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 227. -— Authorship of the Tract, “ On the Constitution of Athens.” (R. Y. Tyrrell) Acad. 70: 330. —— Categories of. (I. Husik) Philos. R. 13: 514. —— Ethical Doctrine of. (J . MacCoun) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 288, —Ethics of. (Paul Shorey) Dial, 411 88- — (F- M- Cornford) Internat. J . Ethics, 12: 239. — on the Law of Contradiction. (I. Husik) Mind, 31: 215, (I. Abra- Every- (A. Fairbanks) ARISTOTLE Aristotle. Politics. Quar. 169: 128. —(M. E. G.Duif) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 10 : 1. —— — Newman’s. (T. D. Seymour) Nation, 76: 15. — Posterior Analytics. I. Demonstration. (J . Wat- son) Philos. R. 13: I. ' — — II. Induction. (J . Watson) Philos. R. 13: 143. — Practical Reason in. (F. M. Stawell) Internat. J . Ethics, 14: 469. — Principle of Proportion. 76: 748. -—- Psychology of, Hammond on. (W. R. Newbold) Psychol. R. 10: 658.,— (H. Hayman) Crit. R. 131 432- -- Theory of Conduct, Marshall’s. Nation, 83: 226, (W. DeW. Hyde) Outl. (C. S. Peirce) Arithmetic. (A. L. Baker) Educa. 25: 279. — and Algebra, Graphical Representation in. (G. W. Evans) School R. 12: 618, —— — The Superintendent and the Course in. (J. V. Collins) Educa. R. 27: 83. — Causes of Success and Failure in. (J . M. Rice) Forum, 34: 437. -—- Checks and Accuracy in. (J . V. Collins) Educa. 24: 102, — Solving Problems in. 345- —— Spelling and, in 1846 and To-day. (V. W. B. Hedge- peth) School R. 14: 352. — Teaching, Methods of. (Simon Newcomb) Educa. R. 31: 339. —— A Test in. (J. M. Rice) Forum, 34: 281. Arithmetical Processes, Psychology of the Simple. (C. R. Browne) Am. J. Psychol. 17: 1. Arizona. (J . W. Oates) Californian, I: 367. — Out West, 24: 7I. — (H. Monroe) Atlan. 89: 780. — Ancient Peoples of the Petrified Forests of. (W. Hough) Harper, 105: 897, ' — and New Mexico. (B. S. Rodey) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 101, _ ~— — Child’s Journey through. (Kate Heath) Califor- nian, 3: 14. — — Statehood Rights of. (J . W. Babcock) Indep. 60: 505. ‘ — Climatology of. (W. J. McGee) Science, 11. s. 23: 721. -—- Grand Canyon of. (J. V. Collins) Educa. 26: (Arthur Inkersly) Overland, n. s. 41: 423. — Last of the Territories. (M. G. Cunliif) World’s Work, 11: 7108, — Lost Races of. (R. E. L. Robinson) Calif. M. 3: 690, — Minerals from the Clifton-Morenci District. (W. Lindgren and W. F. Hillebrand) Am. J . Sci. 168: 448- -— Munk’s Sketches. (J . Douglas) Nation, 82: 80, —— Pre-Columbian Engineering in. (R. E. L. Robin- son) Calif. M. 5: 484. -—- Prehistoric Ruins in Navajo County. (F. M. Palmer) O11t West, 23: 525, -— Residence of the First Governor of. Land of Sun. 14: 119, -—- Statehood Claims of: Out West, 18: 217. — to the Antilles with the 2d Cavalry, 1898-1902. (H. E. Noyes) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 125. -— Why it opposes Union with New Mexico. B. Heard) World To-day, 10: 409, Arizona Antiquarian Association, The. 6: 93. Arizona Copper Co., The; a Wonderful Copper Plant. (M. Sullivan) Overland, n. s. 45: 476. Arizona Forests. (Sharlot M. Hall) Out West, 2 5: 473. Arizona Garden, In the. (H. C. Tibbetts) Ctry Life Am. 5: 402, (Dwight Land of Sun. 30 ARMS Arizona Nights. (S. E. White) McClure, 26: 292-647. 27. 63. Ark of the Law, Earliest Representation of. (W. Bacher) Jew. Q. 14: 737. Ark of S. Dominic. (C. Coleman) Archit. Rec. 14: 2SS- Arkadia, In. (D. Quinn) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 525, Arkansas, Traveling in. (C. Johnson) Outing, 47: 276. Arkansas Cotton Belt, The. (G. F. Wright) Nation, 76: 332. Arkansas Fashion. (Willis Gibson) Cent. 48: 276. Arlington Cemetery. Am. Arch. 85: 31. Arlington, Mass., Parsonage at. (A. E. Brown) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 80. Armaments and Peace. [Economist] Liv. Age, 248: 439- —— Burden of. Un. Serv. M. 32: 620. Armatures, A Plea for. Archit. Rec. 12: 241. Armenia, Ancient Church of. (W. H. Kent) Dub. R. 135‘ 143- — Lynch on. (I. M. Price) Dial, 32: 203, — Turkey and. Quar. 195: 590. Armenian Church, The. (E. Schreiber) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 772. — and Russian Govermnent. (S. G. Wilson) No. Am. 180: 88. ' Armenian Massacre, 1894. Hartf. Sem- Rec. 5: 251. Armenians, The, Suppression of a Faith. (C. de Kay) Outl. 77: 525. —— Tartars and. .(J. G. Browne) Contemp. 89: 72. — Uprising of, 1904. (L. S. Houghton) Outl. 78: Armies, Abolition of Typhoid Dysentery and Cholera in. (L. Canney) Un. Serv. M. 28: 45. —- C(l)1a8nging Views of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 82: 7 . — Great, Subsistence Service in the. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: I93. — High Command of. (E. P. Lawton) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 79, 280. — of the Powers. (C. W. Dilke) Munsey, 27: 17, —— Visit to some Foreign. (T. H. Lowe) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 388. — Wastage in, by Disease. (R. T. Hewlett) Nature, 73: 105. Armor and Arms of Europe in the Wallace Collection. (G. F. Laking) Art J . 54: 129, 273. — and Ordnance, Late Developments. Cassier, 24: 471. — and Weapons of the De Dino Collection. (I. R. Wal- lace) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 457. 36: 159, — in Ancient Churches. (Sarah Wilson) Chamb. J . 82: 815. — in Windsor Castle, Laking’s. Art J . 56: 294, — Metropolitan Museum Collection of. (J . W. Patti- son) World To-day, 8: 49. —Two Suits of, in the Museum at Berne. (R. C. Clephan) Antiq. n. s. 40: 15. — Wallace Collection. (C. F. Laking) Art J . 55: 19, 42. 109: Armor-plate Making in the U. S. Cassier, 22: 567, Armories, Two New, in New York City. (Montgomery (W. E. Ayer) (J. F. Meigs) (Charles O’Neil) Schuyler) Archit. Rec. 19: 259. Armour, J . Ogden, and the Food Trust. (R. Barr) Idler, 27: 29. — and his Monopoly; an English View. (R. Barr) Idler, 27: I89. Armour Refrigerator-car Conspiracy. (VV. G. Joerns) Arena. 331 I47- Arms, Small, New Springfield Rifle and the Improve- ment in. (C. J. Leach) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 570, lllthdli Arms and the Woman. (J. Oxenham) Cornh. 85: 326. Armstrong, H. E., Educational Campaign of. (A. Smithells) Nature, 69: 289. Armstrong, Helen Maitland, Illustrator. Brush & P. 10: 27, Armstrong, Capt. James. Pennsyl. M. 29: 483. Armstrong, Samuel Chapman. (J. W. Chadwick) Na- tion, 78: 294. — Talbot’s Life of. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 36: 143. Army, The, Advantages and Disadvantages of. Un. Serv. M. 29: 510. — and Sports. (A. Cornaz) Army & Navy Life, 8: no-10,57; no 11.59. — as a Career. (W. H. Carter) No. Am. 183: 870. — (Lloyd Buchanan) World’s Work, 11: 7236. —— as a Factor in the Upbuilding of Society. Stewart) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 391. — Clothing of an. Un. Serv. M. 24: 5 30. -— A Colonial. (G. Van H. Moseley) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 34= 24?- — Dress of the. — Health of, in Peace. 28: 55. — How the Loafer is bred in. Serv. M. 28: 169, — in Times of Peace. 47: 101, _ — A National. Un. Serv. M. 28: 481.— (R. Meinertz- hagen) Un. Serv. M. 32: 475. — (C. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. M. 30: 501, — of a Manufacturing People. Un. Serv. M. 27: 409. — A Permanent. (C. H. Browning) Un. Serv. M. 31: (M. B. Un. Serv. M. 24: 95. (W. Hill-Climo) Un. Serv. M. (W. A. Adams) Un. (R. L. Ballard) Overland, n. s. 641. — Problem of Number in the. Un. Serv. M. 30: 69. — Regeneration of the Enlisted Soldier. (C. W. Larned) Internat. Q. 12: 189, — A Regular, or a Civilian. (C. B. Bengough) Un. Serv. M. 24: I95. — Training in the. Un. Serv. M. 31: 320. Army of the Callahan, The. (John Fox, jr.) Scrib. M. 32: 73. Army of the Potomac, The. 2: 127, 171, 249, Army and Navy Combined Operations. (J. P. Wisser) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 31: 637. Army and Navy Manoeuvres as viewed Afloat. Comdr. Smith) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 32! 344. — of 1903. (J. S. Sewell) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 53. Army Animals, Diseases of. (C. Nockolds) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 286, Army Candidates, Military Education of. (J. M. Leith) Un. Serv. M. 27: 208. Army Council and Army Economy. Un. Serv. M. 31: 134. Army Expenses, from the Indian Point of View. Un. Serv. M. 28: 67, Army Jack; a dog story. (W. J. Carney and C. Thomas) McClure, I8: 195, Army Life, The Ilpxury of. Un. Serv. M. 24: 290. (R. N. Arpe) M. of Hist. (Lt. Army Manoeuvres at Camp Atascadero, Cal. (E. O. Sawyer, jr.) Out West, 21: 327, Army Medical Department, An Adequate. (A. A. Woodhull) Nation, 82: 337, Army Medical Reform. (W. Hill-Climo) Un. Serv. M. 30: 6"I. Army Medical Service, The. (W. Hill-Climo) Un. Serv. M. 25: 176. —Un. Serv. M. 25: 538. Army Morals, The Question of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 8I= 333- Army Mutual Aid Association. (E. E. Dravo) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 23!. ~ Army Oflioer, The Longsufiering. Un. Serv. M. 27: 420. £31. ARNOLD Army Oflicer, The Under-paid. Un. Serv. M. 31: 547. Army Oflicers and Professional Training. Un. Serv. M. 25: 296. — Brains and Keenness of. Un. Serv. M. 30: 89. -— Education and Training of. (T. M. Maguire) Un. SeI‘V- M- 25‘ 279. — (M. J. King-Harman) Un. Serv. M. 25: 289.—(F. N. Maude) Un. Serv. M. 25: 500. — (M. J. King-Harman) Un. Serv. M. 29: 62. —(W. M. Black) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 7, 209. -— Eliminating. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 82: 110, —Expenses of. (R. Dyke) Un. Serv. M. 25: 637.— Un. Serv. M. 26: 638, — Interests of, and the Service. Un. Serv. M. 29: 72, — on the N on-Effective List, Re-employment of. Un. Serv. M. 24: 283. —- Place of Geography in the Training of. (J. K. Trot- ter) Un. Serv. M. 30: 524. — Promotion and Examination of. Un. Serv. M. 28: 182, Army Penology, Three Stages of. (J. W. Pope) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 37. Army Promotion. (WV. A. Adams) Un. Serv. M. 28: 419. Army Recruiting. (M. J. King-Harman) Un. Serv. M. 29: 377- Army Reform. (M. J. King-Harman) Un. Serv. M. 27: I99- —- and Compulsory Service. M. 31: 51. —— Elements of. Un. Serv. M. 26: 608. — on a National Basis. (G. F. Shee) Un. Serv. M. 24: (R. H. Carr-Ellison) (J. Macartney) Un. Serv. 610, Army Reformers, The Plague of. Un. Serv. M. 32: 4'5- Army3 Reserve, An. (E. M. Weaver) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 73. Army Sanitary Service in Peace and War. Climo) Un..Serv. M. 24: 276. Army Service Corps. (J. A. Shipton) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 127. Army Supply Departments, Consolidating the. Villard) Nation, 74: 63. Army Surgery. Losses on the Battlefield. (L. Elkind) No. Am. 180: 694. Army Training School at Fort Riley. (C. S. West) World To-day, II: 1052, Army Woman, Woes of an. Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 9: 75. Arnauld, Angelique. (B. de Courson) Dub. R. I 301 39. (W. Hill- (O. G. Arndt, John. (J. O. Evjen) Luth. Q. 35! 540. Arne, Dr., Concerning. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 99: 206, Arnold, Benedict. Correspondence between Sir Henry Clinton and Gen. Haldimand. Pennsyl. M. 29: 499. —- Battle with the Wilderness. (J. H. Smith) Cent. 431 351.529. ' —— Should we Despise? (E. L. Morris) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 638. Arnold, Bendict,—Naval Patriot. (J. R. Spears) Har- per, 106: 277, Arnold, Bi6n Joseph, with portrait. (J. B. O’Hara) Cassier, 21: 437. ~ Arnold, Sir Edwin. Ath. ’o4, I: 432. —Dial, 361 227. —-Bk. News, 22: 94!. -— and 19th Century Religious Concepts and Ideals. (B. 0. Flower) Arena, 322 80, 227. — Poet, at Home. (J. M. Scovel) Overland, n. s. 39: 660, Arnold, Jonathan E., with portrait. (D. Mowry) Green Bag. W 305- Arnold, Margaret Shippen [Mrs. Benedict]. (L. B. Walker) Pennsyl. M. 24: 257, 401. 25: 20-452. 26: 71-322, ARNOLD Arnold, Matthew. (A. S. Henry) Bk. News, 21: 53. 22: 953.—-(G. K. Chesterton) Bookman, I6: 116. -Acad. 63: 197.—Ecl. M. 139: 621. =Liv. Age, 234: 75 5. — (P. S. Hillard) Atlan. 95: 264. —Aead, 68: 191, —(E. S. P. Hayne) Putnam, I: 187, -(T, H. Warren) Quar. 201: 221. — and his Recent Critics. (C. H. Harvey) Westm. 1591 421-’ — and Insularity. Ed. R. 200: 131, = Liv. Age, 242: 769.=Ecl. M. 143: 599. — and Ruskin. (W. C. Brownell) Bk. Buyer, 25: 318. — as a Critic. (H. H. Dodwell) Macmil. 91: 417. — as a Critic of Society and Religion. Outl. 78: 679. -— as a Man of Letters. (Minnie E. Hadley) Educa. 23= 47- —- as a Poet. (H. W. Peck) Arena, 33: 15 5. —- as a Popular Poet. (W. A. Sibbald) Macmil. 89: 385. I Liv. Age, 241: 83. :Ecl. M. 142: 742, — as a Social Reformer. (H. H. Dodwell) Macmil. n. s. 12 ' . — Blunders of. (F. Grierson) Westm. I575 300. — Dawson’s and Russell’s Lives of. (E. J . Rich) Dial, 37: 200, — The Ethnological in. Bull. 4: 112. —— Has America outgrown? (J . P. Mowbray) Critic, 40: 409, —- a Healing and Reconciling Influence. lin) Arena, 32: 362, (R. S. Starbird) Wash. Univ. (R. T. Ker- —N0tebooks. (J. C. Bailey) Fortn. 792 459.:-Liv. Age, 237! 129. :Ecl. M. I402 70I.—Spec. 90: 534- — on George Sand and Balzac, with Introductory Note by Brander Matthews. Lamp, 26: 464. — on the “ Powers of Life.” (Dickinson S. Miller) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 352. — Paul on. Ath. ’O2, 22 273. — (W. P. Trent) Forum, 34: 310, —(E. Wharton) Lamp, 26: 51. —— (W. M. Payne) Dial, 33: 157. — A Poet of Fifty Years Ago. (S. A. Brooke) Hib- bert J. I: 62, — The Poetry of. (T. M. Parrott) Princ. Univ. Bull. 14: 123, — The Spiritual Side. (C. H. Serch) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 74- — Study of. (L. Lewisohn) Sewanee, I0: 143, 302, Arnold, Sophie, Greuze’s Portrait of. M. of Art, 27: 53- Arnold, Thomas, and John Henry Newman. (J . Rick- aby) Month, 991 I7. I Arnold, Thomas, the Younger. (W. T. Arnold) Cent.\ 44= 115. Arnold, Wm. T. Spec. 97: 264. Arnold Arboretum, The. Ctry Life Am. 52 386. —— Charles Sprague Sargent and. (F. Duncan) Critic, 471 II5~ Arnon, The River. Aroostook County, Me., Hunting in. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 192 12!. Arouet, Armand. Critic, 49: 18. Arran, Scotland. Idler, 252 5 30. Arras Tapestry. (H. A. Bone) Art J . 572' 246. Arrested Development, An. (C. Gleig) Lippinc. 75: - 355- Arrested Stroke, The. (H. Scheifauer) Macmil. n. s. 1: 439. ILiv. Age, 249: 305. Arrived. (Mae E. Southworth) Overland, n. s. 46: 220, Arrow Making. (H. N. Rust) Land of Sun. 8: 13. Arrowood, Milton W., Midshipman, Case of. (P. Ben- jamin) Indep. 58: 538. Arroyo Chico, Rancho del; a great California Estate. J. Bib. Lit. 242 212, (C. H. Collins) 32 (C. H. Shinn) Ctry Life Am. I: 81. ART ’Arry’s Cannibal. (W. Victor Cook) CanadfM. 24: 358.‘ Ars, Curé of. (R. F. O’Connor) Cath. World. 81: 44. , Ars Amoris; a story. (A. Colton) Atlan. 94¢ 32. Ars Moriendi, Two Lyonnese Editions of. (R. Proctor) Library, 11. s. 3: 339. ' Arsenic. Science, 11. s. 20: 443. — in ligeer and Food. (W. Thomson) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 19 , —- Native, from Montreal. 165: 92, —— Separation of, from Copper, as Ammonium-magne- sium Arseniate. (F. A. Gooch and M. A. Phelps) Am. J. Sci. 172: 488. _ Art, Academic Teaching of. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 96: 728. — Altering Works of. 148, — Amateur, in Early New England. Harper, I04: 987. —— American, as seen in the Streets and Statues of New York. (L. Karr) Ecl. M. 146: 267, — — Contemporary, Some Tendencies in. ton) Scrib. M. 341 637. — — Distinctiveness of. (Mary H. Ford) Brush & P. 18: 61, — — Early. (J . Richardson) Calif. M. 5: 30. — — How to Aid. Cent. 50: 958. — — in Paris and London Exhibitions. Brush & P. 17: 186, — -— Is there an Academic Movement in ? (W. Wal- ton) Scrib. M. 38: 637. — —- J . P. Morgan False Friend of. Brush & P. 18: 219, —— — National Note in. Craftsman, 9: 75 3. — — Philadelphia’s Contribution to. (H. S. Morris) Cent. 471 714. — —- Tariif on. Am. Arch. 771 I5. — — To-day. (J . Williams) Bk. News, 24: 273. — — Trend of. (Leila Mechlin) Cosmopol. 41: 177. (N. N. Evans) Am. J. Sci. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: (G. B. Peck) (W. Wal- — —— Twenty-five Years of. (W. A. Cofiin) Scrib. M. 32: 125, — —— Vital Issue in the Battle for. (B. 0. Flower) Arena, 34: 479. —— — Vindicated. (L. Mechlin) Booklover’s M. 5: 27, — and American Students. (L. S. Dabo) Arena, 30: 499- . — and Architecture, Byzantine. (E. F. Reynolds) Art J - s7= 325- — and the Athlete. (M. Hardie) Macmil. 91: 301. — and Civic Improvement. Munic. Ail". 51 275. — and the Detective. (C. Chesterton) Liv. Age, 2 51: 505. — and Eccentricity. (M. Paul) 19th Cent. 51: 252,: Ecl. M. 138: 574. =Liv. Age, 232: 590, — and Education. (G. E. Bissell) Munic. Ali’. 6: 185, — and Free Will; towards a New Critique. (C. F. Keary) Fortn. 772 623. = Liv. Age, 233: 629, — and Ideas. (C. M. Bakewell) Hibbert J . 2: 780, —- and Letters: Personalia. Blackw. I74: 301. —-and Letters; a poem. (A. D. Godley) Cornh. 90: 218. =Ecl. M. 143: 680- — —— Primitive, Conventionalism in. J. Soc. Arts, 51: 881, — —- Progress or Decadence in. (E. Wake Cook) Con- temp. 86: 537. =Ecl. M. 143: 701. =Liv. Age, 243: 321, — and Life. (L. F. Day) Macmil. 85! 429. :Ecl. M. 139: 19. '--‘Liv. Age, 233: 348. — and Morality. (J . Laing) Int. J . Ethics, 14: 55. —and Religion. (R. E. Fry) Monthly R. 7, no. 2: 126, -_-Eel, M, 139: 241.: Liv. Age, 233: 650, — and Theology. (J . Lindsay) Bib. Sac. 62: 474. (G. Birdwood) —-— in America. — in the City ; the Furnishing of the City. ART Art, and the Toilers. (F. Sewall) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 40: 211. — and the U. S. Government. (Glenn Brown) Book- lover’s M. 7: 240, — and Usefulness. (V. Paget) Contemp. 80: 362, 512. :Ecl. M.‘138: 172, 346, —-— Appreciation of. (Okakura Kakuzo) Critic, 48: 406, ‘ — Ascetic. Archit. Rec. 17: 148. — Athletics and, Relation of. (R. H. Perry) Outing, 401 456- — Belgian, at St. Louis Exposition. Studio (Internat.) 25: I43. — British, Paris the Cradle of Modern. Fortn. 85: 930. ~ brought into the Lives of Wage-earners. (R. W. Gilder) Char. I3: 417. —-— Chinese, Bushell’s. Sat. R. 100: 471. — A Clearing—house for. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, (M. I. G. Oliver) (J . M. Price) 80: 497. — The Collecting of Works of. (Russell Sturgis) Ap- pleton’s M. 8: 100, — Comparative Exhibition of Native and Foreign. (R. Sturgis) Scrib. M. 37: 353.—(F. Raymond) Outl. 78: 932. — Decorative, at Glasgow. ternat.) 30: 31. — Decentralization of. Am. Arch. 88: 127. — Demands of, in this New Republic. (W. O. Part- ridge) Arena, 30: 225. — Democratic, A Plea for. 7: 42. — Duty on Works of. Archit. R. 12: 313. — Economic Foundations of. (A. M. Simons) Crafts- man, 1, no. 6: 33. K. —- Educational Side of. (F. E. Elwell) Arena, 28: 506. —- Ethnography of, in America. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 26: 201, — European, Danger to, from American Dollars. (Georges Cain) Indep. 58: 432, — Federal, Need of Advisory Board on. Brush & P. 17: 217, — for America; a Conversation. Arena, 28: 285. —— Forgeries of Works of. (Alfred Maskell) Art J . 58: (J . Taylor) Studio (In- (G. Stickley) Craftsman, (H. Grannis) (J . W. Stimson) 289, —-— German. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 101: 686, — Gladness of. (B. Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34: 302. Brush & P. 12: 281. (Alfredo Melani) — a Humanizing Power. ~— Hungarian, at Milan Exhibition. Studio (Internat.) 29: 300. (F. B. Sawvel) Educa. 22: 523. —-— in Black and White. (D. Story) Munsey, 27: 1, (J . Schop- - fer) Archit. Rec. 13: 42. —— in Germany, Politics of. 97: 328. — in the Home and in the School. (I. Sargent) Crafts- man, 7: 262-668. — in Industries. (C. Coleman) Craftsman, 2: 189. — (F. T. Carlton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 414. — in Public Works : Aqueducts ; Water-Towers; Power-Houses; Reservoirs; Bridges. (S. Baxter) Cent. 42: 912. -— in Schools. (K. L. Smith) Craftsman, 3: 249. — in the Street. (Sylvester Baxter) Cent. 49: 697. —-— in the United States, Problem of. (Ada Cone) Con- temp. 80: 375.=Ecl. M. 138: 38, —- in the Village. Spec. 97: 258. — Independent British, at Agnew’s Galleries. (E. G. Halton) Studio (Internat.) 28: 18, —— Indifierence to. (K. Cox) Nation, 75: 240, (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 33 \ ART Art, Informal Outdoor. (H. A. Caparn) Archit. Rec. 13: 259. — International. (F. P. Seeley) 19th Cent. 60: 152. = Liv. Age, 250: 623. —- Interpretation in. (R. Thorel) Music, 21: 273. — is Long. (H. W. Boynton) Outl. 81: 118, — Landmarks in. (W. Bayliss) Sund. M. 341 666- 895. — Mediaeval, Lethaby’s. (Russell Sturgis) Nation, 80: 339- — Modern, from the Japanese Point of View. Inter- nat. Q. 11: 197. — — The Quality of Emotion in. Am. 174: 348. — Modern British. Quar. 205: 126, = Liv, Age, 250: 771- -- Municipal. (Lena M. McCauley) Brush & P. 16: 93, \— National, in a National Metropolis. (W. H. Low) Internat. Q. 6: 107, — Need of Popularizing. 12: 24, — New. (C. H. Walker) Archit. R. 11: 13. —-(S. Bing) Archit. Rec. 12: 279. — (J. C. Locke) Craftsman, 2: 2o1.—(S. Bing) Craftsman, 5: I.—— (C. M. Shean) Craftsman, 8: 603, — — Architect’s Opinion of. (H. Guimard) Archit. Rec, 12: I27. —- — An Argument and Defense. (J . Schopfer) Crafts- man, 4: 229. — — at Turin. (A. Melani) Archit. Rec. 12: 585, — —' Interview with A. Charpentier. (G. Mourey) Archit. Rec. 12: 121, — — Its Origin and Development. Craftsman, 3: 129. — — The New World and. 12: 135. — — Permanence of. 5: 1603. — New and Old Painters. 27: 5, 67. _ — New Aspects of. (R. Cortissoz) Atlan. 91: 832, — of the Latin Countries. (H. Lauderdale) Brush & P, 15: 23, — of the 19th Century. (L. Binyon) Quar. 199: 80. — or no Art. (W. Morris) Craftsman, 6: 182. — Outdoor, Influence of American Expositions upon. (W. H. Manning) Brush & P. 10: I 70. — The Pictorial or the Creative ? (Leonora B. Ellis) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 170. — Pleasure, Idealism, and Truth in. ternat. J . Ethics, 15: 210. — Polish, Temperament in. Brush & P. 12: 161, — Primitive. American and Oriental, Human Figures in. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 24: 109, —- Profession of. (Lewis F. Day) Macmil. 91: 342. —- Public, Private Simplicity and. (I. Sargent) Crafts- man, 2: 209. —— Public Opinion in. (J . Rivers) Westm. 166: 676. —- Relation to Work. (J . Q. Adams) Chant. 38: 49. —-— Religion, and the Emotions. (R. M. Binder) Am. J. Theol. 8: 636. —- Russian, Modern. nat.) 21: 130. —-Sacred, of Long Ago. (C. Phillips) No. (G. F. Comfort) Brush & P. (A. D. F. Hamlin) (H. Croly) Archit. Rec. (J . W. Pattison) World To-day, (V. C. Prinsep) M. of Art, (G. Rebec) In- (L. E. Van Norman) (Rosa Newmarch) Studio (Inter- (H. Shaw) Good Words, 47: I47- —- Sales of Works of, in N. Y. (C. H. Caflin) World’s Work, 10: 6131, — Significance of. (H. Macfall) Acad. 68: 88. -— Sixth Exhibition of the International Society. Studio (Internat.) 28: 103, — Some Sensations in the World of. (A. W. Myers) — — Popular. (H. H. Powers) Nation, 75: 325. Chamb. J. 792 316. ART Art, A Stronghold of. (A. C. Benson) National, 46: 281. =Liv. Age, 247: 357. — Study of, in American Colleges. shade) Educa. 23: 290. . -— — in the University. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 74: 402,- (R. Sturgis) Brush & P. 10: 330. — Teaching of. (W. M. R. French) World To-day, 11: 961. -— -—— and the Academy. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 97: 9. — —— in Universities. (K. Cox) Nation, 75: I06, — Theory of. (J. W. North) Art J. 54: 258. — Time’s Changes in the Destinies of. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 1, no. 2: 33. —— Treasury and, in Scotland. Blackw. 172: S39. — True Gods and False in. (J . L. Gér6me) Harper, 106: 375, — Tyrolese. Acad. 53: 200. —- under the Roman Empire. 204: 111, -— Value of an Old Work of. - (R. C. Witt) Fortn. 77: 602, — vs. the Picture. (A. H. Espen- (H. S. Jones) Quar. (Martha S. Bensley) Indep. 59: 982, Art of Love, The. (G. Hibbard) Cosmopol. 40: 727, Art or Nature ? (Lucy Copinger) Lippinc. 77: 731. Art Books, Significant. (R. Cortissoz) Atlan. 95: 270. 97: 269. Art Collections of England, Royal. (Lionel Cust) Art J . 54: I61. — — Direction of. Sat. R. 99: 231. —-—Movement in Aid of. (R. C. Witt) 19th Cent. 54: 651. — (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 96: 393. — Private, Ofiicial Registration of. (Mrs. G. A. Strong) 19th Cent. 59: 239. Art Collectors, Wanted, ——a School for. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 75: 416. Art Decadence, Gore on. Art J . 582 220. Art Development, Conditions of. (J . W. Stimson) Brush & P: 11: 248, Art Education, Elementary. Arts, 49: 725. —- in America and Abroad. (VV alter Gay) Brush & P. 16: 45. —- Practical Trend of. Brush & P. 18: 141. -— Shortcoming of American. (E. A. Abbey) Brush (J. L. Tadd) J. Soc. & P. 9: 331. Art Effort in British Cities. (C. M. Robinson) Har- per, 105: 787. Art Events in England in 1904. (C. Ricketts) Acad. 68: 134, Art Exhibitions in London. (F. Rinder) Art J . 5a: 118. — — Painting and Sculpture at. Studio (Internat.) 17: 25. Art Galleries, American. (F. B. Sawvel) Educa. 25: 12, Art Gallery, National, in U. S., Plea for. (T. Moran) Brush & P. 12: 172, ‘ Art Guaranties and Gall. Brush & P. 17‘: 163. Art Handiwork. Art J . 57: 1o, — and Manufacture. A.rtJ. 57: 187-380. 58: 20-247, Art Importations to the U. S., how handled. (F. W. Coburn) Brush & P. 13: 18. Art Leagues, Municipal, True Function of. Grover) Brush & P. 12: 56, Art Libraries. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation 83: 197. Art Library, A Possible. (R. Sturgis) Scrib. M. 34: 381, 38: 253, Art Movement, A Democratic. Chaut. 36: 598. . —in France, Popular. (A. Vallance) Art J . 54: 325. Art Movements of To-day. (F. W. Coburn) Nat’l M. (B,ost.)17: 577, 744. 18: 378. (O. D. (E. B. Johnston) 34 ARTHUR Art Museum ;. how it should be Organized. (G. T. Plunkett) M. of Art, 37: 4 . Art élluseums, Small. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 80: 7 Art Prices and Art Values. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- tion, 8o: 432. 4 Art Reproductions, Reference Library of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 74: 321. Art Revival in Ireland. (Ellen Duncan) Acad. 71: 113. Art Sales. Art J. 56: 140, 359. — and Signatures. Brush & P. 17: 113. — of 1899- Art J. 57= 304. 337- — of 1900. Art J. 58: 300, — of 1902. (W. Roberts) M. of Art, 27: 45. -— Some Early. (Gerald P. Gordon) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 369. Art School in Belgium. A1n. Arch. 82: 39. Art Schools. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 66. — American, Problems of. (W. M. R. French) Brush & P. 10: 223, — and Museums. Indep. 58: 464. — English and Foreign. (J . Ward) M. of Art, 26: 170. -—— — National, Competition of, 190 5. Studio (In- ternat.) 26: 316, —— - -—— I906. (Aymer Vallance) Studio (Internat.) 29: 309- — Relation to Arts and Crafts. (VV. S. Perry) Crafts- man, 2: 195. Art Situation in New York, The. Nation, 80: 306, Art Societies, Public School. 38: 169. Art Student, American, in Paris. Scrib. M. 34: 509. — and his Portfolio. (J . H. Chapin) Lamp, 29: 605. Art Student Life in Munich. (L. Van Der Veer) Studio (Internat.) 25: 16. Art Students, Lady, Life of, in Paris. (C. Holland) Studio (Internat.) 21: 228, Art Tariff, Beauties of the. tion, 83: 322. Art Taste, Self-surrender in. (F. J . Mather, jr.) (R. F. Zueblin) Chant. (Will H. Low) (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- (H. T. Bailey) Chaut. 373 437- Art Training for Citizenship. (R. F. Zueblin) Chant. 39: 168, Art Training Methods. (B. E. Ward) Art J . 58: 9. Art Treasures of England, Increasing Export of. (C. Phillips) 19th Cent. 51: 421, =Liv. Age, 233: 329. =Ecl. M. 139: 9. Art Works, Freedom from Importation Tax Desirable. (Henry C. Lodge) Brush & P. 18: 226. — Italian Law to prevent Exportation of. Brush & P. 11: 29, Artagnan, The Real. (C. Sellier) Harper, 105: 278, Artedi, Peter. (C. R. Eastman) Science, 11. s. 22: 378, Artels. (N. Pinkus) Econ. J . 12: 485. Artemia, A New. (V. L. Kellogg) Science, 11. s. 24: 594- Artemis and Hippolytus. (J . G. Frazer) Fortn. 82: 982, Arthrodires, Dipnoan Aflinities of. (C. R. Eastman) Am. J. Sci. 171: 131. Arthur, King, and Gorlagon ; translated. Folk-Lore, 15: 40. — and the Holy Grail, Keltic. Sat. R. 100: 808. — Guinevere and Lancelot. (Juliet E. Robb) No. Am. 180: 918. (A. Nutt) -— Legends in the Hands of the Poets. (Lillian V. Lambert) Educa. 24: 28, 81. . —— Tintagel and its Arthurian Traditions. (A. L. Sal- mon) Temp. Bar, 131: 25. Arthur, Prince of Wales, 1486-1502, son of Henry VII. (W. Wood) Gent. M. n. s. 68 : 22o, ~ Artist in Hair. ARTICLE Article Seven; a. story. (Alice H. Donnell) Harper, 111: 595. Artillery. (E. Roberts) Un. Serv. M. 24: 586. — and Explosives, Development of Modern. Nature, 75: I74- - Armored Field. (C. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. M. 30: 267. —- at the Manoeuvres. Un. Serv. M. 28: 163. -—— Coast Defense, The Future of. Un. Serv. M. 25: 8 5. — Dispersed. (C. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. M. 26: 296. -- The Divisional. (C. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. M. 311 269. — Essays on. (C. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. M. 25: I47- — Field, Armament of. (E. R. Stuart) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 238. —— — is it Obsolete ? Un. Serv. M. 27: 493. — — Smaller Batteries for. (S. M. Foote) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 15. —— — Tactics for. (C. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. M. 32: 428. —-— Heavy. Un. Serv. M. 24: 489. — (A. A. McHardy) Un. Serv. M. 29: 54, -— —— at River Crossings. Un. Serv. M. 30: 164. -— in the Far East. (E. H. Parker) Un. Serv. M. 30: 180, — Japanese and Russian Field Guns. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 114. — Japanese Field and Mountain. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 351 1°4- — Manned by Volunteers. Un. Serv. M. 31: 272. -— Modern. (A. J. Dawson) J. Soc. Arts, 49: 271. — Mountain. (M. J. King-Harman) Un. Serv. M. 27: 480, — Q. F. in the Field, Employment of. (C. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. M. 29: 192, — Rearmament of our. 311 9- —— Royal. (L. L. Hepper) Un. Serv. M. 29: 237. — Royal Garrison, Duties of. Un. Serv. M. 29: 234. -— —- Heavy Batteries of. (J. M. Maguire) Un. Serv, M- 24: 633- - — Specialism in the. Un. Serv. M. 30: 87. Artillery Armament of Organized Militia. Serv. Inst. 33: 244. Artillery Co-operation. (C. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. M. 16 (C. H. Owen) Un. Serv. M. J. Mil. 9. Artillery Drill. (A. S. Hyde) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 252. Artillery Fire, Field. (T. Ridgway) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 410. -— —- Present Value of. Un. Serv. M. 32: 243. Artillery Remounts. J. Mil. Serv Inst. 341 519. Artillery Training, Garrison. Un. Serv. M. 27: 489. Artist and Craftsman. (J. Taylor) Craftsman, 7: 589. -— and True Art Critic Akin. (J. W. Moran) Brush & P, 16: 131. —— in our World, The. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 5. —- Profession of, Prospects in. ' Cornh. 88: 185. — Training of an. (H. Macfall) Acad. 66: 691. 67: 201, (M. A. Taylor) Atlan. 90: 838. Artistic and Utilitarian Subjects; to what Extent should they count toward the A. B. Degree. (W. T. Foster) School R. 13: 305. Artistic Incongruities and Anachronisms. (T. C. Hep- worth) Chamb. J. 82: 394. Artistic Inspiration. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34: 56. Artistic Production, Moral Causation and. (A. D. Lindsay) Internat. J . Ethics, I51 399. 35 ARTS Artistic Temperament, The, and its Expression. (E. Fuller) Critic, 47: 565. Artist’s Paradise, The. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 6: 232, Artist’s Way of Working, Sturgis’s Study of the. (J. La Farge) Nation, 82: 121, Artists, American, in their Studios, Photographs of. Booklover’s M. 5: 815. —- Jealousies of. Sat. R. 93: 169, -—- New England, at the St. Louis Exposition. (J . N. Oliver) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 259. —- of France, Giant. (H. S. Todd) Munsey, 27: 931. -- Right to purchase their Work. Am. Arch. 81: 85, —— Scandinavian, Homes of. (G. Briichner) Studio, (Internat.) 29: 219. -— Society of Western, Work of. & P, 11 : 336. — their own Models. —- Western, who stay in the West. son) World To-day,8 : 407, — with Theories, Convictions, and Principles. Sturgis) Scrib. M. 40: 125. Arts and Crafts, American, the Weakest Part of an Art Education. (R. C.) Brush & P. 15: 301. -— —- and Progress. (A. Spencer) Craftsman, 6: 228, — — Bearing of Modern Industrial Conditions on the Designer. Archit. R. 9: 274. — — Defense of the Movement. Indep. 60: 325. -— —- A Diagnosis. (D. W. Ross) Craftsman, 7: 335. -— —- Exhibition, Springfield, Mass., 1902. Craftsman, 2: 48. — —— —— Minneapolis, Jan., 1903. mm. 3= 373- -~——- Syracuse, I903. Craftsman, 3: 326. 4: 61, -~-———-London, 1903. (L. F. Day) Art J. 55: 37.- Studio (Internat.) 20: 22. — (A. Vallance) M. of Arts, 27: 169, 217. 28: 53.—-(D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 9s= 355- ——— London, 1906. Art J. 58: 88, 121. —Stndio (Internat.) 28: 48, 129, 213. - —— — Future of. (O. L. Triggs) Indep. 55: 2449. —— -— German, at St. Louis, 1904. (I. K. Pond) Archit. Rec. 17: 119. — —— Gild of, New York. Craftsman, 2: 99. —— —— Hand-made Articles. (F. W. Coburn) Nat’l M. (Bost.)18: 58. — —— in American Education. Chant. 38: 49, 169, 296, 384. 478. 587. se= 71. 168. 266- —— in Civic Improvement. (Mrs. M. F. Johnston) Chant. 431 375. — — in England, A Survey of. (C. M. Kurtz) Brush (D. Story).Munsey, 27: 687. (James S: Dicker- (R. (Madge C. J enisen) (K. L. Smith) Crafts- (R. F. Zueblin) Chant. 36: 167. —- —- in Europe. (Clara Ruge) Indep. 591 563- -- -— in Germany. (D. J. Howes) Brush & P. 15: I67. —— — in London. (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 76: 127. 82: 174. — — in Technical Schools. (H. McBride) Chant. 39¢ 71. —- — Is the Movement Degenerate ‘P (Martha S. Bens- ley) Indep. 58: 1301, — —— Patronage of. (R. F. Zueblin) Chaut. 37: 266. ——-Relation of the Art School to. (W. S. Perry) Craftsman, 2: 195. —- -— Revival of the Lesser Arts. (M. Blanchon) Craftsman, 32 74. —— -- Students’ Work. Art J . 58: 276. —- —- Where Women Work and Rest. end) Craftsman, 8: 339. Arts and Crafts Movement, The. 622- 37= 59, 172 -— Art Teachings of 284. (M. H. North- Chaut. 36: 409, 506, ‘the. (R. F. Zeublin) Chant. 36: ARTS Arts and Sciences, International Congress of. St. Louis, 1904. Science, 11. s. 20: 33. — (H. Miinster— berg) Science, n. s. 20: 289, -— —- Some Principles that may be Guides for. Bodley) J. Soc. Arts, 51: 181, —- Applied, in the Paris Salon, 1904, Craftsman, 6: 431. — Fine, as Ethical Factor. (H. T. Bailey) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 4!: I28. —- in Theory; Ideals. (J . P. Haney) Educa. 26: 161. Arundel Castle; Animals in British Parks. (C. R. Knight) Cent. 43: 233. Arundel Club, The. (M. Conway) Nation, 78: 493. Arundel Society, Work of. Brush & P. 12: 176. Arunta, Religious Ideas of the. (N. W. Thomas) Folk-Lore, I6: 428. Arvers, Felix. (W. Littlefield) Lamp, 26: 488. —- The Romance of a Sonnet. (H. A. Spurr) Gent. M. n. s. 76: 70. . Aryans, The Home of the. (F. Legge) Acad. 63: 710. “ As an Army with Banners.” (Robert Shackleton) . Booklover’s M. 6: 775. As a Man Sows; a story. 112: 630. As a Thief in the Night. Appleton’s M. 82 397. As in the Beginning. (F. O. Bartlett) Everybody’s, 13: 675. As It was Written. (G. F. (M. P. Verneuil) (G. D. Litchfield) Harper, (Porter Emerson Browne) (H. K. Harris) New Eng. M. 26: 268, As a Man Thinketh ; a New Thought Story. (M. F. Giles) Arena, 28: 75. As a Tale that is Told; a story. McClure, 20: 384, As you Sailed; a story. 208, Asam-ayama, Japan’s Highest Volcano. (H. G. Pont- ing) Cent, 46: 697.— (S. Ballard) Good Words, 44: 810, Asbestos Minerals of Belvidere Mountains, Vt. (V. S. Marsters) Science, 11. s. 21: 426. Asbury Park, N. J ., Carnival at. (C. B. Davis) Out- ing, 48: 689. Ascendency of the Future. 513 795- Ascham, Roger. “ Italian proverb.” Gent. M. n. s. 75: 226. Ascidian Egg, Conklin on. (C. M. Child) Science, n. s. 23: 340. Ascoli Cope of Nicholas IV. Art J . 57: 46. Ash Tree, Folk Traditions of the. (J . H. MacMichael) Antiq. n. s. 421 367, 421. Ashanti Tribes, Mohammedanism. Miss. R. 18: 696, Ashburton, Louisa, Lady. (C. M. Phillimore) Chamb. J , 80: 321. Asher, Alexander, with portrait. I7: 323. Ashes of Old Wishes, The. (Herminie Templeton) McClure, 25: 208, Ashland, Wis. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 253. Ashtoreth, Goddess of the Zidonians. with) Jew. Q. 18: 715. Ashworth, John. (J . H. Hollowell) Sund. M. 34: 749. Asia, American Interests in. Outl. 76: 205, — and Europe, Townsend on. (E. R. Bevan) Monthly R. 10, no. 2: 68.-(P. S. Reinsch) Am. Hist. R. (M. C. Huntington) (R. R. Gilson) Harper, 106: (L. Stephen) I9th Cent. (J . T. Curry) (A. Ure) Jurid. R. (G. H. Skip- 7: 584. — Central, and Tibet, Hedin’s Journey in. (I. M. Price) Dial, 36: 194.— (J . Bryce) Nation, 78: 112, —Nature, 69: 225,-Spec. 92: 156. —Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 445.—(Sven Hedin) Geog. J. 20: 3<>7.‘—'Ecl. M. 139: 683.:Liv. Age, 235: 1o,—(J, S. Keltie) Harper, 104: 897. 36 ASSIOUT Asia, Central. and Tibet. Scientific Results. (VV. ‘ Broadfoot) Geog. J . 27: 606, — — Coming Events in. (D. C. Boulger) Contemp. 81: 273. — —— The Destiny of Great Britain in. Monthly R. I8, no. It 57. — - The Lakes beside the Lower Tarim. (S. Hedin) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 78. — — Marco Polo and his Followers in. (A. R. Col- quhoun) Quar. 199: 5 53, — —- Three Years’ Explorations in, 1899-1902, (S, Hedin) Geog. J . 21: 221, -—Economic Changes in. (A. J . Brown) Cent. 451 (E. J . Solano) 732- —— England’s Strength in. (T. Holdich) Fortn. 84: 640, — European Advances in. (F. E. Yonnghusband) Monthly R. 6, no. 22 ,I7.'—_Ecl. M. 1381 603.: Liv. Age, 232: 705. —- Heart of, Younghusband’s. tion, 80: 157. — High, Problem of. (D. C. Boulger) Fortn. 81: 273. — in Transformation. (A. R. Colquhoun) Quar. I98: 155. = Liv. Age, 238: 641-. = Eel. M. 141: 561. —— Northeastern, Folklore of, and of N. W. America. (W. Bogoras) Am. Anthrop. 42 577. —- On Remotest Waters of. (Major R. L. Kennion) Longm. 46: 528. - 1000 Miles Across, from Pekin to Baikal. (C. D. Bruce) Un. Serv. M. 24: 388. —— Orography of. (P. R. Kropotkin) Geog. J . 23: 176, 331- — Political Situation in, 1906. Ed. R. 204: 239. —— The Powers in. (Lieut.-Gen. von Alten) No. Am. (G. F. Wright) Na- I8I: 834, — Recent Discoveries in Western. (J. Oiford) Am. Antiq. 27: I. _ — Ronaldshay’s On the Outskirts of the Empire in. Ath. ’04, 2: 507.—Blackw. 176: 688, — Russian, Travel and Research in. Geog. J . 23: 498- — Western, The Danger Line in. (F. A. Ogg) Chaut. 36: 569. Asia Minor, Geographical Conditions determining His- tory and Religion in. (W. M. Ramsay) Geog. J . 20: 257. --Moslem and Christian in. (W. M. Ramsay) Con- temp. 90: 1.:Ecl, M, 147: 215, Asiatic Ideas among the American Indians. Wake) Am. Antiq. 27: 153, 189. Asiatic Trade of our Pacific States. (H. W. Scott) Cent. 46: 210. Askewe, Anne, A New Light on. M. n. s. 71: 282. Asolo, Browning Lace School at. Craftsman, 10: 713. Asphodel, The. (A. Lee) No. Am. 182: 770, Asquith, Herbert H., Alderson’s. Sat. R. 99: 669, - Spec- 94¢ 857- Ass, Apotheosis of the. (J . L. Cowan) Overland, n. s. 48: 85. (C. S. (P. Sidney) Gent. (Esther Matson) -— in Repartee. Chamb. J . 792 575. -— that Vanquished Balaam. (E. M. Tybout) Lippinc. 7I: 811, Assam, Revival in. Miss. R. 18: 614. Assassination, Ethics of. Sat. R. 97: 806. Assassins and their Apologists. (A. D. White) Indep. 54: 1989. Assertion, Power of. Spec. 92: 913. Assilva, Carmen d’. (G. Corneau) Critic, 41: 433. Assiniboine, Mount, First Ascent of. (J . Outram) Cent. 44: 657. ——(L. J. Burpee) Outing, 40: 207. Assiout, Egypt. Am. Arch. 79: 22. ASSISI Assisi. (G. B. Rose) Sewanee, 14: 51. — A Day i11- (M. W. Crupper) Sund. M. 33: 259, —-— A Further Study at. (B. de Sélincourt) Monthly R. 14, no. 2: 127. —— Scenes from Life of Christ in Lower Church at. (B. de Sélincourt) Monthly R. I3, no. 1:-125. Assisted Providence, An; a story. (U. Hudson) Mun- sey, 32: 151, Associated Press. I. Its General Foreign Service. (M. E. Stone) Cent. 47: 888. —— II. The Removal of the Russian Censorship pn For- eign News. (M. E. Stone) Cent. 48: 143. — III. News-gathering as a Business. (M. E. Stone) Cent. 48: 299. — IV. Method of Operation. (M. E. Stone) Cent. 48: 379- — V. Its Work in War. (M. E. Stone) Cent. 48: 504. — and Germany, The. (E. Schrader) Nation, 82: 509. Associated Sensations. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 68: 1. Association between Two Things, Proof and Measure- ment of. (M. C. Spearman) Am. J . Psychol. 15: 72; Association of American Anatomists, Chicago, 1901, Science, n. s. 15: 130, -_ 1903 Meeting. (C. C. Huber) Science, n. s. 17: 335. Association of American Geographers, Organization of. (A. P. Brigham) Science, 11. s. 21: 300, — — 1906 Meeting. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 65. Association of American Universities. Calif. Univ. Chron. 42 I16. 6: 27. —— Annual Meeting, 1904. Colum. Univ. Q. 6: 288. — Annual Meeting, 1905. Colum. Univ. Q. 8: 232. — Membership Limitations. (I. Stringham) Calif. Univ. Chron. 5: 22. Association of Economic Entomologists. (A. L. Quain- tance) Science, 11. s. 17: 337. Assouan Dam of Nile River. (F. Fayant) Idler, 22: 257. -—Nature, 67: 184, Assortative Mating in Man. 22: 249. Assos, Investigations at. 274- Assurance, Christian Heart. 6th ser. 12: 380. Assyria, History of, Records of the Reign of Tukulti- Ninib, King on. Nature, 71: 222, Assyrian and Babylonian Prayers, Translation of. (R. F. Harper) Bib. World, 23: 279. Assyrian Poems on the Immortality of the Soul. (P. Carus) Open Court, 19: 107, Assyrian Politics. Ed. R. 195: 481. Assyrians and Babylonians, The Omen and Portent Tablets of. (J. Oiford) Am. Antiq. 27: 69. Aster Formations. (N. Yatsu) Science, 11. s. 20: 889. Asteroid, New, I906 TG. (G. Abetti ; A. C. D. Crom- melin) Knowl. n. s. 3: 500, 535. Asteroid Orbit of Great Eccentricity. ing) Pop. Astron. 10: 23. Asteroids, Differential Computation of Daily Motion, in Geocentric Right Ascension. (Herbert L. Rice) Pop. Astron. I4: 287, -— Variable. (Grace Agnes Thompson) Pop. Astron. 13: 378. -— Watson. (Frank E. Lutz) Science, (T. D. Seymour) Nation, 76: (G. G. Findlay) Expos. (E. C. Picker- (B. L. Newkirk) Pop. Astron. 12: 645. Asterolepid Appendages. (C. R. Eastman) Am. J . Sci. 168: 141, Asti, Sonoma County, California. (C. Donders) Out West, 17: 253. Astor, Col. J . J ., Country Residence of, at “Fern- clifl’.” Archit. Rec. 18: 20. —— Quiet Control of a Vast Estate. World’s Work, 5: 2750, (H. H. Lewis) 37 ASTRONOMY Astor Fortune, The. (Burton J . Hendrick) McClure, 24: 563. . Astoria. (A. B. Hulbert) Chaut. 39: 251. — The Cruise of the “ Tonquin.” (C. T. Brady) Har- per, 108: 463, — to be a Great City. 451 448- “ Astrida’s Lover.” (F. Whishaw) Longrn. 43: 317. Astrographic Chart, The. (H. H. Turner) Nature, 66: (G. C. France) Overland, n. s. 273- — and Methods. (H. H. Turner) Pop. Astron. 11: 433. Astrology and so forth. Sat. R. 98: 262, — Kepler’s Attitude towards. (F. A. Tondorf) Pop. Astron. 2: 299. — The Pretended Science of. 424.:Liv. Age, 235: 569, Astronomer, Aims of an. (E. C. Pickering) Harv. Grad. M. 15: I2. IScience, n. s. 24: 65. — Night’s Work of an. (T. J . J . See) World’s Work, 3: 1833. Astronomic Ideals. (E. C. Pickering) Pop. Astron. 14: 288, Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America. (W. S. Eichelberger) Science, n. s. 15: 255, 284. 17: 321, 19: 296. 23: 441, Astronomical Observations, Early. M. n. s. 74: 46. Astronomical Photography. 11: 8- 31 395. 419. 443- — Achievements of. (Garrett P. Serviss) Outl. 79: 787. Astronomical Problems, Solved and Unsolved. (A. W. Roberts) Chamb. J . 79: 68. Astronomical Research. (E. C. Pickering) Science, 11. s. 20: 292. — in the World’s Progress. 2: 163. — Recent, I904. (Wm. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 12: 89, Astronomical Society of the Atlantic at the Cape. (A. R. H.) Pop. Astron. 14: 104, Astronomical Work of 1905. (A. C. D. Crommelin) Pop. Astron. 14: 11. —— (E. W. Maunder) Pop. Astron. 14: 153. Astronomy. (A. Hall) Science, 11. s. 17: I.—-(L. G. Weld) Science, 11. s. 19: 161, — Ancient. (Kurt Laves) Pop. Astron. I4: 276. —- and History. Spec. 97: 61. — at the Brit. Assoc., 1904. Nature, 70: 536. — Autumn Night Skies. 4°11 5°3- — Coiiperation in. (E. C. Pickering) Nature, 68: 61. — Culture Value of. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 12: 634. — Current, and its Publication. Astron. I1: 182, — Elementary, Outline of a Laboratory Course in. (M. E. Byrd) Pop. Astron. 14: 294. — Endowment of Astronomical Research. Pickering) Science, 11. s. 17: 721. — Evolution in the Heavens. (A. M. Clerke) Monthly R. 21, no. 1: 29, — General Impressions from. (J . K. Rees) Pop. Astron. 10: 135. — Graphical Instruction in. Astron. I3: 185, 235, — Ignorance of. Sat. R. 94: 41. — in the High School. (Mary E. Byrd) Pop. Astron. 12: 199. — — Neglect of. (G. W. Myers) School R. 12: 29. — in the Old Testament, Schiaparelli’s. (L. N. Dem- bitz) Nation, 82: 246, — Instruction in, Decline of Interest. (J ona. T. Rorer) Pop. Astron. 14: 340. (F- Legge) Acad. 63: (J . E. Gore) Gent. (Alex. Smith) Knowl. (L. Boss) Union Univ. Q. (W. J . S. Lockyer) (E. A. Dent) Canad. M. 19: (W. W. Payne) Pop. (E. C. (Sarah F. Whiting) Pop. ASTRONOMY Astronomy, Jesuit. (J . Schreiber) Pop. Astron. 12: 94, 3°39 375- L —- Laboratory for General. Astron. 10: 131. —— Mathematics and. 16: 131, — The New. Ed. R. 198: 112, — of the Unseen. (R. A. Gregory) Cornh. 87: 217. —— Our Autumn Night Skies. (E. A. Dent) Canad. M, 20: 32, 132, — Predecessors of Copernicus. Sci. Mo. 64: 316, —- Progress of. (S. N ewcomb) Harper, 105: 246. — —- Recent. (J. K. Rees) Science, 11. s. 16: 366.-— (T. J. J. See) Atlan. 89: 113. —- Recent Advances in. (Sir R. Ball) Cosmopol. 35: 442 — Science of. (A. Hall) Nature, 67: 282. =Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 293. -—- Scottish. (Hector Macpherson, jr.) Pop. Astron. 14: 206, —— Teaching of. (Mary E. Byrd) Pop. Astron. 13: 542. — What Women have done for, in the United States. (Anne P. McKenney) Pop. Astron. 12: 171, -—- without a Telescope. (E. W. Maunder) Knowl. 25: 58, 226, Astrophysical Research, Importance of. (J . E. Keeler) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 2: 239. Astrophysics, Address on. (W. W. Campbell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 29]. — C1erke’s Problems in. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 77: 98. Asylum, The Right of. Sat. R. 100: 106. At the Castle of Kronberg; a Dramatic Sketch. (Oscar II.) National, 39: 375. At Cobweb and Crusty’s; a story. Californian, 4: 189, 5: 11, At the Crown and Sceptre. (R. H. Barbour) Lippinc. 72: 617, ’ At the End of the War. (F. S. West) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 436. At the Flight 0’ the Duck; a story. Lampson) Blackw. 176: 374. At Harvard Class Day. (E. Carmichael) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 428. At the High Water. (Mary E. Byrd) Pop. (E. S. Crowley) Science, n. s. (E. S. Holden) Pop. (Leonard Kip) (O. Locker- (L. Chamberlain) Scrib. M. 34: 030. At the Home of the Deceivers; a story. Macmil. 89: 37°- At Johnson’s Ford. (Lawrence Crist) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 705. At Kilcolman Castle; poem. 702, At Mediator’s Place; a story. (Holman Day) Am. M. 62: 115, At Oxford ; a poem. (A. S. Cripps) Ecl. M. 138: 389. At the Play, before your own Gas-F ire. (H. Seal) Westm. I58: 76, At Poso Real. (J . M. Fullom) Overland, n. s. 43: 137. At Prison Gates. Liv. Age, 232: 605. At Sainte Anne de Beaupré; a poem. ‘ Roberts) Munsey, 28: 119. At the Sign of the Lion. (Hilaire Belloc) Indep. R. 7: 328, At the Sign of the Rubber Plant; a story. (M. S. Cutting) McClure, 23: 207. At the Sign of the Waxen Woman. Lippinc. 74: 348. At the Stuffed-animal House; a story. Deland) Harper, I06: 941, At the Top of the Hill. (C. D. Stuart) Overland, n. s. (J . J . Piatt) Atlan. 90: (C. G. D. (C. Dangerfield) (Margaret W 300- At the Turn of the Tide; a story. (L. Covert) Harper, 106: 245, 38 ATHLETICS At the Turn of the Year. (F. Macleod) Fortn. 86: 48, (E. A. Gardner) J . Hel. Atalanta, The, of T egco. Stud. 26: 169. Atascadero; the Great Military Camp of California. (H. D. Walter) Overland, n. s. 44: 403. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, Story of the. (Rowland Thomas) World’s Work, 10: 66,17, Athabasca Belle, The_; a story. (Cy Warman) Am. M, 60: 271, Athanasian Creed, The. (J . Bainbridge Smith) Con- temp. 85: 555.—Westm. 162: 475. -—- The Deans and the. (P. F. Eliot) 19th Cent. 58: 729. -—- (W. Crouch) 19th Cent. 58: 1002..—— (H. M. Luckock) 19th Cent. 59: 271. —- Practical View of. (J . E. C. Welldon) 19th Cent. 56: 75: Athanasius, Saint, and Pope Julius I. (J . Chapman) Dub. R. 137: 29. Athapascan Traditions from the Lower Yukon. (J . W. Chapman) J. Am. Folk-Lore, 16: 186, Atharva-Veda Samhita, Whitney’s. (E. W. Hopkins) Nation, 82: 227. Atheism and Socialism. Bull. 11: 315. Athena, “ Mourning,” Relief Representing. banks) Am. J . Archaeol. 2d ser. 6: 4:0. Athenaeum Club, Changes in Membership in 1903. Acad. 66: 15. Athens on Greek Coins. (A von Schneider) Monthly R. 10, no. 2: 128. Athens, Acropolis of. (D. Quinn) Cath. World, 75: 70, 157. — (H. Lynch) Acad. 62: 610,:Liv, Age, 234: 380.: Ecl. M. 139: 555. — American College Woman in. Indep. 54: 1877. — American School at. (J . R. Wheeler) Outl. 71: 879. -—- (D. Quinn) Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 65, — —- Founding of. (C. E. Norton) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 7: 351. —— Ancient, E. A. Gardner on. Ath. ’O3, 1: 375. — Ancient and Modern. (E. L. Howe) Canad. M. 28: 3. — British School at. (T. D. Seymour) Nation, 79: 321. — Christian Churches of. (C. Gourlay) Am. Arch. 86: 6, — Erectheum. (E. Gale) Archit. Rec. 12: 498, -— Modern. (G. Pignatorre) Chamb. J . 82: 743. — of Pericles ; the most Socialistic City of the World. (W. D. P. Bliss) Arena, 32: 287, — Riots in. (R. B.‘ Richardson) Internat. Mo. 5: 547. — under the Franks, 1205-1456. (Wm. Miller) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 23. — University of. (C. F. Thwing) Harper, 108: 438, Atherton, Gertrude. (E. F. Haskins) Lit. W. (Bost.) 3 5: 317. — With portrait. (Ethel Armes) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 407. ' Athlete, Making an. (W. G. Anderson) Everybody’s, (W. J. Kerby) Cath. Univ. (A. Fair- (Mary S. Daniels) 13: 41. Athletes, Colleges seeking, in Preparatory Schools. (H. Lamont) Nation, 80: 240, — Colonial. Spec. 97: 978. Athletic Champions of 1904 [portraits only]. Outing, I 45‘ 3 - Athletic Contests, Intercollegiate. (J . J . Stevenson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 84. Athletic Peace Conference. (V. Prettyman) School R, 13: 816, Athletic Sports in the U. S. Army. _(D. A. Willey) Army & Navy Life, 9: 554. Athleticism at English Schools. (Norman Gale) Acad. 711 254- Athletics among Enlisted Men of the Navy. (M. E. Trench) Outing, 39: 436. ATHLETICS Athletics and Education. (P. Van Dyke) Outl. 79: 389- - and Health. Spec. 92: 562, -— Art and the Athlete. (M. Hardie)Macmi1. 91: 301. ——- as a National Institution. Sat. R. 981 130. — at Brown University. (W. MacDonald) Nation, 78: :87. —— at Dartmouth College. (E. J. Bartlett) Dart. Bi- Mo. 1: 66, —— at the U. S. Military Academy. ins. 39= 384. -~ College. (W. H. Johnson) Nation, 78: 229.—(F. A. Walker) Technol. R. 3: I67.——(L. Vander- vort) Outing, 40: 31,-(W. T. Reid, jr.) World To-day, 10: 482. —- — Abolition of Gate Receipts. Wash. Univ. Bull. 1: 97. —— — and College Morals. (W. H. P. Faunce) World To-day, 7: 1303. — — Commercialized. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 80: 431 . —-- — The Control of. Outl. 80: 561, — — — New Departure in. (C. M. Woodward) School R, 11: 321, ——- — Money in. (C. Deming) Indep. 55: 2343, -— ——- Money Power in. (C. Deming) Outl. 80: 569. —— —- Paternalism in. (W. R. Bridgman) Educa. R. 24: 398, (C. — —— Reflections of a Sub-freshman’s Father on. ——- College Track. (N. P. Stauffer) Booklover’s M. 5: 683 (R. P. Davis) Out- (C. M. Woodward) Laplace) Outl. 80: 572, -—~- — Progress of. (W. Camp) Indep. 57$ 259. — Commercializing Amateur. (C. J. P. Lucas) World To-day, 10: 281, -— Committee on, Report of. (E. L. Harris; C. A. Waldo; J. E. Armstrong) School R. 11: 348. — Competitive, are Injurious. (C. T. Heaslip) Educa. 27: :87. —- Control of, in School and College. (W . L. Dudley) School R. 11: 95. —- Developing Style in Woman. 42: 413, —— Domestic and Intercollegiate. Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 548. -— for the Aged. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 115. — for College Girls. (A. K. Fallows) Cent. 44: 58. ~— for Enlisted Men in the Army. (E. L. King) Out- ing. an 432- -- for Women. (C. T. Herrick) Idler, 22: 677. —- French, for the People. (L. Middleton) Outing, 442 189. — Greek Attitude toward, and Pindar. (W. C. Law- ton) Sewanee, I1: 36. ~— High School Managers of, Financial Responsibility of. (H. Keeler) School R: 11: 316. —- in the Army. (A. S. Hawkins) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 37 i 399. — (A. R. Chaffee) Outing, 433 707. — in a High School, Illustration of the Management of. (C. C. Parlin) School R. 11: 709. —- in Missouri and Adjacent Territory, Regulation of. (C. W. Hetherington) School R. 11: 329, —— in New York City Schools. (C. T. Heaslip) Educa. 26: 298, — in Switzerland ; most Athletic Nation in the World. (H. H. Boyesen, 2d) Cosmopol. 37: 83. —- Intercollegiate. (I. N. Hollis) Atlan. 90: 5 34. -— — and Scholarship. (W. T. Foster) Science, n. s. 24: 21, —— — Regulation of, Report of Committee on, 1900. Colum. Univ. Q. 3: 16. —— Inter-school. (J. M. Sarver) Educa. 22: 420, — Moral Effects of. (W. R. C. Latson) Outing, 49: 389. (E. Dryden) Outing, (C. M. Woodward) 39 ATMOSPHERE Athletics, Pitfall of. (E. H. Hall) Nation, 78: 209, — Place of, in Education. (W. P. Few) Sewanee, 12: 327- —— Professionalism in, and its Remedies. (E. H. Hall) School R. 13: 758. —— Regulation of ; what next ? (C. A. Waldo) School R. 11: 305. — Relation to Art. (R. H. Perry) Outing, 40: 4 56. —— Secret of Endurance. (W. R. C. Latson) Outing, 47¢ 633. — Secret of Success in F eats-of Skill. son) Outing, 48: 284. — Sport or Business? (W. James) Harv. Grad. M. 12: 225, , — Track, in ¢'Southern California. (F. M. Spencer) Land of Sun. 9: 44. —— What England can teach us in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 302. — Woman in. (C. T. Herrick) Outing, 40: 713, Athos, Schmidtke’s Cloisterland of. Ath. ’o4, 1: 235, Atkins Family Bible Records. (S. W. Smith) N. E. Reg. 60: 154. Atkinson, E. (H. R. Seager) Econ. J. 16: 308, —With portrait. (J. P. Gray) Technol. R. 82 162. Atkinson Family of Bucks Co., Pa. (O. Hough) Penn- syl. M. 30: 57-478. Atkyns, Mrs. Charlotte, and the Dauphin. 19th Cent. 60: 97. Atlanta; Carnegie Library, Negroes and. (W. E. B. Du Bois) Indep. 54: 810. V — Georgia’s Educational Center. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 571. — The Golden Rule in. (Booker T. Washington) Outl. 84: 913. — Negro Riots in, I906. (J. T. Graves; W. E. B. Du Bois) World To-day, 11: II69,—Indep, 61: 799, —— W. E. B. Du Bois) Indep. 61: 856. —— (A. J. Mc- Kelway; C. W. Clifford; E. T. Ware) Outl. 84: (W. R. C. Lat- (G. Upton Harvey) (R. Nevill) (Leonora B. Ellis) 557- ~ — — Racial Self-restraint. Outl. 84: 551. — Social Movement Growing in. (C. F. Weller) Char. I 5: 508. Atlanta University Conferences. (W. E. B. Du Bois) Char. 10: 435,551, ‘Atlantic City, Bi-state Library Meeting, 1903. Pub. Lib. 8: 239. —- — 1905. Pub. Lib. 10: 305. ——-~ 1906- (W. W. Bishop) Lib. J. 312 172.--Pub. Lib. 11: 211, — Free Public Library Building. Lib. J. 29: 304. Atlantic Fleet, Review of the, 1906. Army & Navy Life, 9: 334. Atlantic Monthly, The. (Bliss Perry) Atlan. 95: 1. — No. 4 Park St. (B. Perry) Atlan. 91: I, — On Catering for the Public. (B. Perry) Atlan. (A. M. Heston) 93¢ 1- - On Reading the, Cheerfully. (B. Perry) Atlan. 89: 1, Atlantic Oasis, An. Chamb. J. 82: 366. Atlantic Ocean, Across the, in an Open Boat. (Peter Johansen) Chamb. J. 83: 247. -— Connection by Precise Levelling between Pacific and. (J. F. Hayford) Science, 11. s. 21: 673. -— North, Floor of. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 13. Atlantic Shore, Along the. (R. Dunn) Outing, 422 '1 Atlas, Stieler’s New Hand. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 264, . Atlatls, Two Mexican. (D. L. Bushnell, jr.) Am. An- thropol. 7: 218. Atmosphere, The. (O. J. B. Cordeiro) Pop. Astron. I3: 384. ATMOSPHERE Atmosphere at Sea, Exploration of, by Means of Kites. Nature, 65: 545. — Circulation of the. (R. D. Ward) Science, n. s. 20:- 449- —- Explorations of the, by the Blue Hill Observatory. Science, 11. s. 22: 57. —- Gases of. (H. F. Keller) J . Frankl. Inst. I 53: 419. I54: 47: — General Circulation of. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 171 752- —- Mechanics of. (W. N. Shaw) Nature, 70: 225. — New. (C. Morris) Lippinc. 69: 704. — Nucleation of. (C. Barus) Science, 11. s. 16: 948. -— over the Tropical Oceans, Exploration of. (A. L. Rotch; L. Teisserenc de Bort) Nature, 73: 55. —— The Primeval. (Ralph H. McKee) Science, n. s. 23: 271, — St. Petersburg Conference on Exploration of. L. Rotch) Science, n. s. 21: 461. —- Strata and Height of. (W. B. Thomas) Pop. As- tron. II: 196, -— Upper, Man and. (R. Siiring) Harper, I04: 42 5. Atmospheric Pressure Changes of Long Duration. (W. J. S. Lockyer) Nature, 742 352. ' Atmospheres, Spiritual. (J. S. Bogg) N. Church R. 12: 20, Atmospheric Circulation, The Pulse of. (W. N. Shaw) Nature, 73: 175. (A. Atom, The. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 64: 516. — Divisibility of. (A. S. Mackenzie) J. Frankl. Inst. 153‘ 451- — Primordial. (E. P. Lewis) Calif. Univ. Chron. 32 ~30. — Structure of. (B. Ingram) Knowl. n. s. 22 74. —- The Two-thousandth Part of. (C. Aherne) Month, 103: 119, Atomic Disintegration. (F. Soddy and others) Nature, 7 31 151- Atomic Theory. (F. W. Clarke) Science, 11. s. 18: 513, — and Modern Chemistry. (P. J . Hartog) Nature, 68: 82, — without Hypothesis. (E. Divers) Nature, 66: 495. Atoms. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 68: 283, — and Evolution. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 151. — and Ions, a Century of Chemical Theory. (J . J . Griffin) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 193, — and Stars. Science, 11. s. 19: 159. —— Chemical, Methods of Weighing. stone) Cornh. 87: 228, — Form and Spectrum of. (F. Lindemann) Monist, I6: 1. - Form of, in relation to their Spectra. Nature, 73: (W. A. Shen- 392- —— Gassendi and the. (J. Masson) Hibbert J . 5: 85. -— On Weighing. (W. A. Shenstone) Liv. Age, 245: 268. Atonement. (S. Schwarm) Luth. Q. 34: 243. —- and the Modern Mind. 8: 81, 161, 241. -- — Denney’s, Reply to. (A. S. Peake) Expos. 6th ser. (J . Denney) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 47- — Biological Aspects of. (A. H. Ames) Meth. R. 65: 943- - Course of Reading on. (G. B. Stevens) Yale Div. Q- R 134. -- Doctrine of, Restated. (P. S. Moxom) Am. J . Theol. 8: 779. -— Expiatory Element of. (C. A. Dinsmore) Yale Div. Q. 1: 7. , -- The Old Testament Theory of. (H. P. Smith) Am. J. Theol. 10: 412. -- Present Theological Situation regarding. (L. H. Hough) Meth. R. 66: 928. 40 l AUGUSTINE Atonement, Realistic View of. (L. O. Brastow) Meth. ' R. 66: 60. -— The Sacrificial Types of Christ the Exponents of the. (Hiram King) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 321, — A Symposium on. (J . Rickaby) Month, 100: 397. —— Workirgg Theory of. (W. W. McLane) Bib. World, 22: 2 4, Atonement, The; astory. (Luellen C. Teters) Lippinc. 77: 88. Atsuko, Saisho, Leaves from the Scrapbook of. (A. Lloyd) Cath. World, 84: 176. Attack on the Chaise. (H. B. Marriott-Watson) Lip- pinc. 70: 716. Attention. Cent. 49: 972. -— Active. (F. H. Bradley) Mind, 27: I. -- and Thoracic Breathing. (Eleanor A. McC. Gamble) Am. J. Psychol. 16: 261. o — Distribution of. (J . P. Hylan) Psychol. R. 10: 373, 498- —— Experimental Examination of Phenomena ascribed to Fluctuations of. (C. E. Ferree) Am. J . Psychol. 17: 81, -— Fluctuations of, Eifects of Closing the Eyes upon. (Bertha Killen) Am. J. Psychol. I 5: 512. — A Plethysmographic Study of. (H. C. Stevens) Am. J. Psychol. 16: 409, ~— Problem of. (O. Kuelpe) Monist, I3: 38. Attention-process, Psychological Factors of the. (W. McDougall) Mind, 27: 316. 28: 289, 473, 31: 329, Atterbury, Francis, Bp. of Rochester. (H. C. Beech- ing) Cornh. 92: 166, Attic Homestead, The. (E. Martinengo-Cesaresco) Contemp. 82: 716. =Liv. Age, 235: 741. Attraction, Law of, in relation to some Visual and Tactual Illusions. (H. J . Pearce) Psychol. R. 11: I43- Aubrey, Captain F. X. (J . O’Meara) Californian, 5: 5.. Aucassin and N icolete. (A. Lang) Library, 11. s. 4: 22. Auction Sales, Psychology of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- tion, 76: 106, Auctions, Brie-a-Brac, in New York. (A. B. Paine) Cent. 45: 481, Audiences, American. (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 95: 38. Auditing, Relation of, to Public Control of Corpora- tions. (F. A. Cleveland) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 665. — Value of, to the Business Man. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 433. Auditory Sensation in an Elementary Laboratory Course. (M. Meyer) Am. J . Psychol. 16: 293. Auditory Tests. (B. R. Andrews) Am. J . Psychol. I 5: 14, I6: 302, Audrey; a story. (M. Johnston) Atlan. 80: 46, 213, Augsburg Confession, First Confutation of. (W. A. Lambert) Luth. Q. 32! 216. — Unaltered, Tschackert’s. (S. G. Hefelbower) Luth. Q. 32: 363. Augury, Mohammedan Book of, in Hebrew Charac- (H. Beck) Ann. ters. (I. Friedlaander) Jew: Q. 19: 84. August, Calendar of. (W. B. Thornton) Ctry Life Am. 2: 157. Augusta, Princess of Wales. Cent. 54: 660. Augusta Victoria, Empress of Germany. rington) Canad. M. 19: 427. “Augusta Says.” (Rosaline Masson) Chamb. J . 83: 209-250. Augustine, St., as an Exegete. (J . R. Smith) Bib. Sac. 6!: 8 — Confessions. —- Conversion of. 45°- (W. H. Wilkins) 19th (M. Sher- (B. B. Warfield) Am. J. Theol. 7: 500, (J . McCabe) Internat. J . Ethics, 12: AUGUSTINE Augustine, St., A Legal Study of. (J. M. Sullivan) Green Bag, 15: 498, Augustinian Priory of St. Bartholomew. Webb) Archaeol. 59: 375. Augustus Caesar, Schuckburgh’s. Ath. "03, I: 427. Augustus Lowell Laboratories of Electrical Engineer- ing. (H. E. Clifford) Technol. R. 6: I. Auk, The Great. (F. A. Lucas) Science, 11. s. I7: 311. Aula Christi. Chaut. 35: 368. Auld Lang Syne Sketching Club, The, 1865-67. (Mar- tin Hardie) Chamb. J . 83: 12. Auld Reekie. Blackw. 178: 92. Aunt F aithful’s Fishing; a story. Munsey, 31: 555. Aunt Glory’s Marriage Certificate. Cent. 49: 498. - Aunt Mary. (Fred M. White) Chamb. J . 81: 273-344. Aurora Borealis. (F. W. Stokes) Cent. 43: 487. — at Alta, Iowa, 1902. (D. E. Hadden) Pop. Astron. I0: 249, — Comets’ Tails, the Corona and. (J . Cox) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 265. — Magne-crystallic Action and. Astron. 12: 182, —of Aug. 21, 1903. (J. B. Coit) Pop. Astron. 11: 534, (W. M. Mitchell) 541. - 27-day Period in, and its Connection with Sun Spots. (H. H. Clayton) Science, 11. s. 18: 632. Auspicious Beginning, An. (K. Harris) Munsey, 34: (E. A. (A. MacGowan) (M. F. Childs) (M. A. Veeder) Pop. 743- Auspitz, Rudolph. (J . Schumpeter) Econ. J . 16: 309. Austen, Elizabeth Hancock de F euillide, God-daughter of Warren Hastings. Temp. Bar, I31: 562. Austen, Jane. (F. Greenslet) Atlan. 89: 555. — With portrait. (O. F. Adams) Booklover’s M. 1: 505. -— and her Country. (R. Garnett) Bookman, 15: 44. — Hill on. (E. K. Dunton) Dial, 32: 146. —- Home of. (Josephine Tozier) Outl. 71: 400. — The Legend of St. Jane. (W. S. N. Iddesleigh) Monthly R. 7, no. 1: 159. —- Novels. (W. F. Lord) 19th Cent. 52: 665.: Liv. Age, 235: 55.:Ec1. M. 149: 91.-—(P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. n. s. 712 399.‘ —- — Another View of. (A. Gladstone) I9th Cent. 53: 113. ILiv. Age, 237: 22. —-— The Snobs of. (Eugene W. Harter) Bookman, 23: 550- ' Austen, Sir Wm.’ Chandler Roberts. J .Soc. Arts, 51: 36. Austen, William Roberts. See Roberts-Austen. Austerlitz, Battle of, Ice Incident at. (J . H. Rose) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 537. — A Most Remarkable Forced March. (F. L. Huide- koper) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 31, 189. —-— Un Centenaire, Dec. 2, 1805. (G. Picquart) Cornh. 921 747. Austin, Alfred. Flodden Field. Sat. R. 96: 12, —— Open Letters to. —- Two Poet Laureates on Life. National, 47: 955-. ‘ Austin, Miss. Tristan and Iseult. Poet-Lore, 17, no. 1: 124, Austin, Texas. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 602. Australasia and Asia. (J . Douglas) 19th Cent. 52: 43. — Democracy in. (J . Collier) Yale R. 13: 159, — Library Association of, Annual Meeting. Pub. Lib. 7: 263. —- State Arbitration and the Minimum Wage in. W. Macrasty) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 112, -— What People read in. (H. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 469- /- The Wh' e Peril in. (G. H. Scholefield) 19th Cent. . 58: 198.-"—’Ecl. M. 145: 537. (W. B. Thomas) Good Words, 43: 601, (W. H. Mallock) (W. B. Smith) (H. 41 AUSTRALIA Australasian Cures for Coal Wars. Atlan. 90: 667, Australasian Finances. (S. Black) National, 46: 941. Australia, Aborigines of. (Andrew Lang) Quar. 203: 441- — (A. F. Chamberlain) Nation, 81: 243. — (J, Collier) Nation, 80: 308. — (C. M. Waage) Calif. M. 3: 5I0.—(J. M. Creed) Indep. 58: 1471. — — Beginnings of Religion and Totemism among. (J. G. Frazer) Fortn. 84: 162, 452, (J . — — Position in the Scale of Human Intelligence. — —— Sociology of. (R. H. Mathews) Am. Antiq. 28: 81, (H. D. Lloyd) M. Creed) 19th Cent. 57: 89, — and her Problems. (E. Barton) Indep. 54: 2165, — and Naval Defense. (L. H. Hordern) Un. Serv. M. 27: 134, 461. — (A. P. Matheson) Un. Serv. M. 27: 245: 345- — and New Guinea, A Naturalist in. (W. Seton) Cath. World) 80: 11, — and New Zealand, State Experiments in. (S. Ball) Econ. R. 13: 295. — —— Story of. Californian, 1: 302, — and Preferential Trade. (C. R.) National, 44: 1093, — Anthropology in. (J . Fraser) Am. Antiq. 24: 400. — Archaeology in. (J. Fraser) Am. Antiq. 24: 181. — Army of. (G. A. King) U. Serv. M. 27: 29. —- Artesian Water Supply of, from a Geographical Standpoint. (W. G. Cox) Geog. J . I9: 560. — as the Flowery Land. (E. M. Nall) Longm. 42: 322, —-— Birth-rate, Decline in. (A. J . Taylor) Sat. R. 99: 666, — Central, Northern Tribes of, Spencer and Gillen on. Ath. ’04, 2: 51, 84.—(E. Crawley) Nature, 70: 348- -— Chinese Exclusion in. (H. H. Lusk) No. Am. 174: 368. —-— Commonwealth of. (F. W. Holder) Indep. 56: 9. —(W. H. Moore) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: I83. —(J. A. Cockburn) J. Soc. Arts, 49: 381. ———Economic Resources and Prospects of. (P. F. Rowland) Econ. R. 12: I72. —— Cost of Living in. (Mrs. B. R. Wise) Cornh. 90: 631, —— Discovery of Gold in. (S. E. Moffett) Cosmopol. 36: 429. — Economic Geography and Development of. (J . W. Gregory) Geog. J, 28: 130, 229, — Federal Parliament, The Political Situation in. (F. Skurray) Arena, 32: 141, —— Field Sports in. (R. E. Desmond) Californian, 1: 389- — First Parliament of. (H. H. Lusk) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 333- —— F ree-trade New South Wales and Protected Vic- toria. (C. H. Chomley) Contemp. 85: 172. — The Genius of the Never-never Land. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 271. — governed by Laborers. (C. E. Russell) Everybody’s, 9 8' — Government of. (B. Gahan) Booklover’s M. 5: 457. — (C. E. Russell) Everybody’s, 15: 490. —— Hunting Methods of Natives of Northern. Chamb. J . 79: 686. I —— Imports of, Analysis of. Soc. 69: 200. —In the Back-blocks. Blackw. 1711 638-21301. M. 139: 187. I Liv. Age, 233: 734. — In the “ Never-never” Land of. Chamb. J. 81: 644, —- in 1904. Political and Industrial Situation in. (T. Mann) I9th Cent. 55: 475. (T. H. Haynes) J . Statis. (A. Macdonald) AUSTRALIA Australia, in the Pacific. (H. B. Bignold) Un. Serv. M. 30: 343. -—— in the “ Thirties.” 26, — in Time of Drought. =Ecl. M. 140: 28, — Interior of, Resources of: Chamb. J . 79: 174, — Labor Movement in. (A. Henry) Outl. 84: 566. — Labor Party in. (J . W. Kirwan) 19th Cent. 58: 827, _ — Land Scandals in. (J . Collier) Nation, 82: 404. — Military Forces of. (E. T. H. Hutton) Un. Serv. M. 28: 588. “ — Municipal Institutions of. (B. R. Gelling) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 255. -— National Character in, Beginnings of. land) 19th Cent. 52: 400. (P. L. Oliphant) Chamb. J . 81: (G. Lumley) Macmil. 86: 338. (P. F. Row- — Native Tribes of Southeast. (A. W. Howitt) Folk- Lore, 17: 174. — Naval Policy for. (J . Biddlecombe) Un. Serv. M. 26: 223, —— The New Capital of. (Henry Stead) Indep. 59: 746. —- Opportunity of. (R. E. Macnaghten) Econ. R. 13: 280, —- The Poetry of. (M. Bronner) Bk. News, 23: 71. —— Policy of, Some Problems of. National, 45: 716. — Political and Social Development of. (B. Gahan) Booklover’s M. 5: 171. — Political Life in. (P. F. Rowland) Econ. R. 12: 237- , — Politics in, Tangle of. (W. H. Fitchett) Spec. 95: 80, -— Press in, Growth of the. (Winifred Scott) J . Soc. Arts. 5% 775- -— Prospecting on the Gem-fields of. Blackw. 171: 246, — The Real. (B. Gahan) Booklover’s M. 4: 785. — River Roads Of. (W. H. Ogilvie) Macmil. 89: 433. :Ecl. M. 143: 189, :"Liv, Age, 241: 810, ' --Second Parliament. (H. H. Lusk) No. Am. 178: 597- —— Social Conditions in. (J . G. Jenkins) J . Soc. Arts, 54‘ 709. — South, The Elections in, 1905. National, 46: 158. — —- Land-grant Railway. (J . H. Gordon) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 457. — State Activity in, Sphere of. (J . A. Cockburn) J. Soc. Arts, 50: 589. — Suggestions for.a Commercial Treaty with. Grainger) 19th Cent. 54: 197. —- Telegraph System of. (H. H. Lusk) No. Am. 179: 741: —Timber Resources of. (E. T. Scammell) J. Soc. Arts. 50: 533- — Totemistic System in. (R. H. Mathews) Am. Antiq. 28: 140, (A. — Trade-unionism and Democracy in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 471. — Trans-continental Railroads in. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 410. — West, Cave Paintings in. (J . Fraser) Am. Antiq. 24: 457. — -— its Progress and Resources. (H. W. Venn) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 654. — — Vast Undeveloped Regions. Work, 12: 8078, — Where the Pelican builds its Nest. (A. Macdonald) Macmil. 85: 199. (F. A. Ogg) World’s _ — White, Japan and the Policy of. (A. Stead) Monthly R. 16, no, 1: 84, -— — The Policy of a. National, 45: 541. —— - what it Means. (O P. Law; W. T. Gill) 19th Cent. 55: I46. - 42 AUTHOR Australia, Women’s Suffrage in. (Lady Holder) In- dep, 562 1309. Australian Cinderella, The. Chamb. J . 81: 129, Australian Corroboree. (E. V. Palmer) 19th Cent, 60: 315. Australian Hard Woods. J . Soc. Arts, 49: 737, Australian Languages, Thoorga and other. (R. H. Mathews) Am. Antiq. 24: 101, Australian Literature. (P. F. Rowland) 19th Cent. 51: 655. Australian Loyalty and the British Navy. (N. Young) Un. Serv. M. 26: 445, Australian Marsupials. 284. Australian Museum at Sydney. (F. Starr) Am. Antiq. (R. Lydekker) Nature, 6g: 24‘ 93- Australian Naval Defense. (T. H. Smeaton) Un. Serv. M. 26: 456. Australian Poetry, Stevens’ Anthology of. (J . Collier) Nation, 83: 552. Australian Rabbit-Trapper, The. Chamb. J . 83: 681, Australians, Notable. Chamb. J . 83: 746. — Typical Group of, with portraits. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 332-. Austria and Hungary, The J uridical Nature of the Re- lations between. (A. Apponyi) No. Am. 180: 735, — and Pan-Germanism. (R. Whitehouse) Atlan. 89: 764. — Crisis with, Hnngary’s Side. (A. Apponyi) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 203. . ——R6le of, in European Diplomacy. (Demetrius C. Boulger) No. Am. 183: 1229, Austria-Hungary. (René Henry) Cath. World, 82: 47, -—— and the Peace of Europe. Spec. 92: 803, —— Army Question in. (A. Apponyi) Monthly R. 16, no. 1: 1. — Breaking Up of the Monarchy. (E. J . Dillon) Ecl. M. 141: 792.=Liv. Age, 239: 313. — Colonial Experiment of. (L. Villari) Monthly R. 8, no. 3: 72. -— Crisis in. (M. Baumfeld) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 443. —- Deadlock in. (M. A. Gerothwohl) Fortn. 80: 823, — Debt of. (M. Dub) No. Am. 174: 565. — Fiscal Question and the Experience of the Austro- Hungarian Empire. (L. Petritsch) Econ. J . I4: 24, — Germany and England. (R. Blennerhasset) 19th Cent. 56: 707. —— Grandfatherly Government in. Spec. 91: 11 I9, —— Hapsburg Romances. (S. M. Williams) Munsey, 27: 113, — Leaders in the Crisis in. (Alexander Hegedus, jr.) World To-day, 9: I298, — The “ Partition” of. (E. Reich) Internat. Q. 7: 45, — Politics in. (A. R. Gray) Sewanee, 14: 196. — Problem of. (R. Blennerhassett) Fortn. 83: 589. —— Trade Policy of, and the New German Tariff. (E. von Philippovich) Econ. J . 12: 177, Austrian Art at St. Louis F air. Brush & P. 15: 9, Austrian Craft Schools. (A. S. Levetus) Studio (In- ternat.) 26: 261. Austrian Merchant Marine, Marvin on. Ath. ’03, 1: 7°- Anstrian Meteorological Centralanstalt, Jubilee of. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Nature, 65: 440. Austrian Peasant, Personal Ornaments of the. Levetns), Studio (Internat.) 29: 332. Austro-German Press. (M. A. Gerothwohl) Monthly R. 7, no. 2: 71. Author and Himself, The. Acad. 63: 631-684. —— and his Earnings, The. (A. B. Maurice) Munsey, (A. S. ss= 382- - and Publisher. (E. Marston) Chamb. J . 82: 134, AUTHOR Author at Grass. (H. Ryecroft) Fortn. 77: 891. 78: 330-889. —- (G. Gissing) Fortn. 79: 365. -— Temptations of a Young. (B. Tarkington) Cosmo- pol. 39: 665. Authority and Infallibility. (J . H. Bernard) Expos. 6th ser. I2: 172, —— and Faith in Religion, Sabatier on. Am. J. Theol. 9: 107. — and Theology. (P. T. F orsyth) Hibbert J . 4: 63. '1 Liv. Age, 248: 18. -- Decadence of Positive. 35: 47- - Decay of. National, 41: 480. I Liv. Age, 237: 606, (T. C. Hall) (C. H. Parkhurst) Munsey, — in Religion. (A. E. Garvie) Contemp. 86: 235. -— — Old and New. (J. Goddard) N. Church R. 12: 321, — — Philosophy of. (W. Ward) Hibbert J . II 67 7 - — Sterrett on Freedom of. (James J. Fox) Ca_th. World, 81: 657. Authors, American, Abroad. sey, 26: 774. . — — Makers of Recent Chautauqua Literature. Chaut. 35: 322. — and Authorship, Sir Walter Besant upon. 65= 247- — and Real Estate. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: I45. — at their Work. (G. B. Burgin) Acad. 65: 719. —— British, New Portraits of a Group of. (A. L. Co- burn) Cent. 48: 11, ——- English, Habits of. 607. —— —- Eminent, American View of. Pall Mall M. 28: 7,247- — Famous, of New England, Thirty Years Ago. P. Morris) Booklover’s M. 3: 343. - —— The Lives of. (W. Raleigh) Scot. Hist. R. I: 1. — “ Obligatory.” (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 79: I 33. —— Right of Privacy of. (K. A, Graham) Putnam, 1: 124. . . — Self-hypnosis of. (Morgan Robertson) Critic, 48: 215, —- who have won “ Titles.” (A. Inkersley) Calif. M. (G. W. Smalley) Mun- Acad. (M. MacDonagh) Cornh. 90: (G. -1 4i 9:- Authors’ Letter Boxes. (S. E. White) Bookman, 21: 68; (Carolyn Wells) I 59; (G. B. McCutcheon) 286. (E. Lefevre) 22: 27; (H. K. Vielé) 160; (E, W, Townsend) 323. Authors’ Loves, Stories of. (Clara E. Loughlin) Good VV0rdS.44= 474-793- Authors’ Own Copies. (G. R. Redgrave) Library, 11. s. 6: 251, Authorship. (T. W. Higginson) Critic, 47: 163, — (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34$ 3!. — and Artificiality. Bk. News, 23: I8. — Autobiography of an Author. Acad. 62: 460. 138 63: I -— for a Living. (Gilson Willets) World’s Work, 10: 673°- —— Letters to a Young Writer. -— The Word-business. 110: 420, Auto-boat, The. (Cromwell Childe) Indep. 58: 1242, —-the Latest Fad. (A. E. Beyfuss) Overland, n. s. 44: 640. Auto—car, The. Auto da Fé and Jew. 15: 413, 16: 135. Auto da Fés, American. Critic, 43: 50. (R. Le Gallienne) Harper, Bookman, 23: 544, (E. N. Adler) Jew. Q. 14: 698. (E. N. Adler) Jew. Q. 17: 69. Autobiography of Aureola. (E. S. Phelps) Cent. 46: 109, Autobiography of a Country Spinster. 620, Indep. 61: 43 AUTOMOBILE Autobiography of an Elderly Woman. Everybody’s, I4: 625, Autobiography of an Old Maid, The. Everybody’s, I3: 839- Autobiography of an Only Child, The. Everybody’s, 15: 692, Autobiography of a Wandering Friar. (G- G. Coul- ton) 19th Cent. 57! I009. Autocracy and Bossism, Doom of. Outl. 82: 66. — — Struggle of, in the Early Days of the Republic. (E. P. Powell) Arena, 33: 13, —— — in the Mid-era [U. S. 1815-60]. (E. P. Powell) Arena, 34: 47, 277. ——and War. (J. Conrad) Fortn. 84: 1.:No. Am. 181: 33. —— Dying Words of ; Delusions of Democracy, with por- trait. (C. P. Pobedonostseif) Cosmopol. 40: 410, — Secret of. (Alfred P. Dennis) Yale R. 14: 117, Autocrat, The. (Mayne Lindsay) Chamb. J . 82: 481- 723- Autograph Cliff, The. El Morro. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 5:- 101. Autograph-collections and MSS. on American History. (Prof. Thruston) Sewanee, I0: 28, Autograph Collector, Meditations of an. line) Harper, 104: 969, (A. H. Jo- —- — J0line’s. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 32: 414, Autographomaniac, Confessions of an. Indep. 56: 1195- Autographs and Dedications. Californian, 1: 353, 528. — Collecting of. (A. H. Joline) Indep. 542 2764. — More about. (A. H. J oline) Indep. 57: 147, —- Some Literary. (J . B. Ames) Critic, 49: 232, Automata, Romance of. (H. R. Evans) Open Court, 19: 131, Automobile, Advance of the. (A. Post) Indep. 60: I333- — Anatomy of the. (L. H. Johnson) Overland, n. s. 40: 163, ' — An Armor-plated. Army & Navy Life, 8: no. 9, 63. — as an Aid to Business. (G. F. Whitney) Overland, n. s. 403 93. —as a Means of Country Travel. (H. P. Burchell) Outing, 46: 536. — as the Servant of Civilization. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 27: 93- —— as a Vacation Agent. (W. F. Dix) Indep. 56: 1256, —— Beginner with. (L. Vandervort) Outing, 40: 615, — Birth of an. (Sigmund Kransz) World To-day, I0: 386. — Camping out with an. (H. Wisby) Outing, 452 739. —— Can I afford an. (A. N. Jervis) Everybody’ s, 9: 33. —— (H. Norman) World’s Work, 6: 3502. —— Coming of the. (H. Norman) World’s Work, 5: 3304. — The Conquering. (Georges Dupuy) Indep. 60: 844, —Emergency Instructions. (J . D. Wright) Outing, 411 495- -— Evolution of the. (L. Scott) Am. M. 61: 363. — Flight of the. (R. G. Betts) Outing, 39: 392. —for Rural Free Delivery. (Walden F awcett) Sci. Am. 95: 84. —for War Service. (J . H. A. Macdonald) Cassier, 22: 670. —Forerunners of the. (F. M. Feldhaus) Sci. Am. Supp. 61 : 25284, —- From Coast to Coast in an. (M. C. Krarup) World’s Work, 8: 4740. — Frontiering in an. (P. Delany) Outing, 43: 131. — Future of the. (Winthrop E. Scarritt) Cassier, 29: 427. —— (J. P. Holland) Munsey, 29: I71. — Impressions by the Way. (F. A. Munsey) Munsey, 29: 181. ‘ — ~What it Costs to Run. AUTOMOBILE Automobile, in America. 403- — in Business. 7°9- — in Electioneering in England. Spec. 96: 90. -—— in Industry. (H. Olerich) World’s Work, 10: 6715. — in War. (T. B. Mott) Outing, 43: 273, — Inside of an. (H. Fournier) Munsey, 26: 624, — Laud Cruising by. (A. Post) Indep. 58: 1219. —— The Low-priced. (W. E. Scarritt) Munsey, 29: (F. A. Munsey) Munsey, 34: (J . A. Kingman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 178. —— Meaning of the. (W. J . Laughton) Outing, 40: 692. -— of 1904. Outing, 43: 734. —— (T. A. Russell) Canad. M. 23: 141. — Seventy Miles an Hour in an. Ctry Life Am. 8: 188, -—— So1ne Aspects of the. R. 19, no. 2: 58. — A Source of Sensible Pleasure. 83= 173. — Taking one Abroad. — Triumph of the. 48: 145. -— vs. the Railway. (S. Stewart) Engin. M, 25: 481, (F. Overton) Ctry Life Am. (A. H. Gleason) (E. A. Greathed) Monthly (W. F. Dix) Outl. (W. Hale) Outing, 48: 365, (A. H. Dutton) Overland, n. s. 10: 58. -— What it has done for France. Munsey, 34: 304, Automobile Club of California. land, 11. s. 40: 97. Automobile Comments Interesting. Overland, n. s. 40: 345. Automobile Endurance. (C. A. Hawkins) Overland, n. s. 402 III. Automobile Engines, from the Operative Point of View. (Rodolphe Mathot) Engin. M. 30: 5 5 5. Automobile Incident, An. (E. Elliott) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 594. Automobile J ourney of I 300 Miles. Scrib. M. 39: 257. Automobile Legislation; a Criticism and a Review. (J . Scott-Montagu) No. Am. 179: 168. Automobile Omnibuses, Public. (R. G. L. Markham) Cassier, 30: 1. Automobile Races, First Canadian. M. 23: 429. — Gordon-Bennett Cup Race. ing. 421 I32- —- Great Paris—Madrid Race. sea 291 771. — Racing through France for Records. Outing, 47: 85. — Vanderbilt Cup Race, 1906. Outing, 49: 259. — -— and its Results. (Arthur N. Jervis) Everybody’s, 14: 3. Automobile Racing. (W. P. Eaton) Am. M. 63: 174. (F. A. Munsey) (F. A. Hyde) Over- (W. M. Gardiner) (H. Norman) (F. Kyle) Canad. (H. P. Burchell) Out- (J . P. Holland) Mun- (A. Goodrich) -— International. (F. M. Randolph) Outing, 42: 711, — on Florida Beach. (O. L. Stevens) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 19. Automobile Traflic and the Public Roads. (W. Gilbey) 19th Cent. 56: 723. Automobile Trip in France. (C. . K. Crane) Indep. 58: 1351, ' Automobiles, America sets the Pace in. chell) Outing, 45: 746. — and Automobiling. (G. E. Latham) Munsey, 29: 161. —— and their Problems. M, 28: 407, -— Annual Show of the Automobile Club of America. Sci. Am. 95: 442. —- Commercial, in Great Britain. Cassier, 30: 221. (H. F. Bur- (J . Scott-Montagu) Pall Mall (Ernest F. Mills) 44 AUTOMOBILES Automobiles, Driver the Real Test of. (A. Appleton) Everybody’s, I0: 256, — Dust from, Prevention of. (W. R. Cooper) Nature, 7% 485. — for Every Use. (M. C. Krarup) World’s Work, I 3: 81 63. —- for Everybody. (Harry B. Haines) World’s Work, 11: 7346. —- Fourth International Exhibition at Paris. (W. L. Warden) Outing, 39: 694, —- Handling Racing. (A. H. Gleason) Ctry Life Am. 8: 407, — The Heavy Motor Vehicle Industrially considered. (J . McGeorge) Engin. M. 31: 378. —— Horse-power in. (H. F ournier) Outing, 43: 479. —- The Horseless Carriage, 1885-1905. (Claude John- son) J. Soc. Arts, 54: 359. — How to avoid Accidents. Outing, 47: 502. — How to take Care of your Motor Car. Outing, 47: 372- - How to Tour. (M. C. Krarup) Ctry Life Am. 6: 237- — Improvements in. (G. E. Walsh) Cassier, 30: 124, — in Alpine Climbing. (S. Heilig) Cent. 48: 605, — in Canada. (A. G. Brown) Canad. M. 21: 327, —— in the Country. (J . A. Kingman) Ctry Life Am. 2: 13 , — in 1834. (J. F. Lacey) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 102, — in the United States. (R. G. Petts) Outing, 42: 167. — Latest Types of Industrial. (L. Perissé) Engin. M. 28: 897. — Mechanical Road Vehicles. (W. W. Beaumont) J . 800- Arts, 5H 894. 903, 910. 932. — Mission of, in Rural Development. man) Booklover’s M. 5: 339. —— Motor-cars in the Present and Future. _ Fortn. 86: 448. — Motoring in England. (G. L. Dickinson) Indep. R. 1: 578. . — Motoring with “ Mr. Croesus.” 45¢ 7°1- —- the Motor Tyranny. 11: 15. —- New York-Pittsburg Races, 1904. Ctry Life Am. 5: 295. — of 1905, American. (A. Schwalbach) Booklover’s M- 5= 349- — Paris-Vienna Motor-Car Races. (C. R. D’Esterre) Engin. M. 23: 847. —- Popular Motor Cars. 52: 478. — The Public, the Motorist, and the Royal Commis- sion. (H. Norman) Fortn. 85: 683. —Race of the Four Nations, The. (E. E. Hawkes) Munsey, 29: 801. ' — The Regulation of Motor-Cars. Quar. 205: 511, — Reliable, at Moderate Prices. Outing, 41: 776. — Serious Problem of. (A. Harmsworth) National, 40: 231, (J . A. King- (Cygnus) (R. Bache) Outing, (G. L. Dickinson) Indep. R. (H. Souther) (M. O’Gorman) J . Soc. Arts, -— Sixth International Exposition at Paris. (I. Perissé) Engin. M. 27: 75. —- Speeding; the New American Sport. (E. R. Estep) World To-day, 6: 252. — Speeding of, in England. (W. Verner) Sat. R. 102: 79- - Steam Cars for Public Service. (T. Clarkson) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 234. — Style in. (H. Wade) Ctry Life Am. 8: 449. —- To the Arctic Circle in a Motor-car. (C. J . Glidden) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 603. ‘ — Transportation by. (J . B.Walker) Indep. 551 1333. —- 20th Century Runabout. (E. Clavering) Munsey, 28: 387. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles, Unjust Laws for. Outing, 46: 639. — Value of. (H. P. Burchell) Outing, 44: 122, —— Women and. (M. Mullett) Outing, 482 500. — Women as Chauifeuses. Outing, 44: 154. Automobiling, Emergencies of. (J . D. Wright) Idler, 23= 49- - in the Yosemite Valley. land, 11. s. 40: 104, (Dr. W. A. Club) Over- —Luxury in. (H. B. Haines) Ctry Life Am. 10: 516, Automobilist, Rights of the. (J . F arson) World To- day. W 307- Autonomy, Regeneration and Natural Selection. (O. C. Glaser) Science, n. s. 201 I49. Autophytography; a Process of Plant F ossilization. (C. H. White) Am. J. Sci. 169: 231. Autumn. Sat. R. 942 360. — In. (M. A. Bacon) Harper, I05: 699. —- in Cassiar. (C. Phillipps-Wolley) Cornh. 90: 680, Autumn Foliage ; the Red Days. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 59: 899- Autumn Leaves. (L. G. Giltner) Munsey, 36: 127. — Spec. 97: 323. — for Christmas Decoration. Life Am. 11: 169. Autumn Thoughts. (Edward Thomas) Atlan. 902 354. Autumn Tints of Foliage. (P. O. Keegan) Nature, 69: 30, Aux Italiens. (Kathleen Thompson) Overland, n. s. 441 604- Auxiliary Verbs in the Romance Languages. Fontaine) Univ. Neb. Stud. I: 3!. Avalanches of the Alps. (G. G. Thomas) Chamb. J . 79: 628. Avarice ; a Piece of Natural History for Worshippers of the Money-God. (J . Rickaby) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 461. — Avatar of Bishwas Dass; a story. (T. Hart-Davies) Blackw. I74: 814.:-Liv. Age, 240: 212. Avellaneda, G. G. de. Baltasar, performed in Ha- vana, I906. (F. M. Noa) Poet-Lore, 17, no. 22 118 (A. R. Dugmore) Ctry (J. A. Avenging of Nantloola, a Tale of the Etchemins. (W. C. Gaynor) Canad. M. 25: I16. Aventine, the, A Ramble on. (M. Barrett) Month, 102: I 58. Average Man in the Gospels. Spec. 88: 681. — Outlook for, in a Non-competitive Society. (A. Show) Ednca. R. 24: 1o9.=Univ. of Ohio. Rec. 6: 369. Averted Stepmother, The. 112: 577, Avery, Samuel Putnam, with portrait. (R. Sturgis) Colum. Univ. Q. 71 I4.—(F. J. Mather, jr.) Na- tion, 79: I52. Avesta, The Age of the, from a Critical Point. (L. (C. F. Aiken) Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: (M. Manning) Harper, Mills) Asia. R. 37: I12. — and the .Bible. 243- — and the Veda, The Comparative Claims of. (L. Mills) Asia. R. 35: no, — Arohangels of the. (L. H. Mills) Open Court, 20: 616, — First Gatha of the. (L. C. Casartelli) Dub. R. 133: 260. — Ninth Gatha of the. (L. C. Casartelli) Dub. R. 135: 382 -— the Persian Biblical Edicts, and the Achaemenian Inscriptions. (L. H. Mills) Crit. R. I3: 125, Avignon, France. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 80: 43, Avocets and Spoonbills. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 100: 3o4_ —— Fighting. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 100: 398, Avon Gorge, The. Acad. 69: 1028, Avowals. (G. Moore) Lippinc. 72: 343-697. 73: 99, 168. 45 ' Babylon. BABYLON Awakening, The ; a problem story. Overland, n. s. 452 39. Awakening of Helena Ritchie, The. (Margaret De- land) Harper, 112: 165-856, 113: 239, Awakening of the Lieutenant-Governor, The ; a story. (S. K. Glaspell) Munsey, 31: 660. Awakening of Simon Zacharias, The. Overland, n. s. (E. P. Spear) 45: 50°- Away. (W. B. Yeats) Fortn. 77: 726, Awkward Question, The; a story. Harper, I13: 68. Axe, Double, House of the. (L. Dyer) Nation, 74: 440. Axioms, Applied. (A. Sidgwick) Mind, 30: 42. Axinite, Chemical Composition of. (W. E. Ford) Am. J. Sci. I65: 195. Axoloti, Mexican. (H. Cadow) Nature, 67: 330. Ayacucho; the Spanish Waterloo of South America (F. M. Noa) Arena, 36: 255, Ayame; a story. Macmil. 90: 205, Ayton, R. Review of his “ Essays and Sketches of Character,” I325. Gent. M. n. s. 751 62 a. Azalea Garden in the South, A Great. (O. B. Capen) ,Ctry Life Am. 7: 474. Azay-le-Rideau Chateau. (R.Whiteing‘) Cent. 48: 370. Aziz, Muley, Mind of. (P. Bigelow) Indep. 57: 75. (M. H. Vorse) Azores, The. (W. H. Jaques) Californian, 6: 461, — An Artist in the. (W. Jenkins) Studio (Internat.) 18: 173, — Folk-Lore of the. (M. L. Dames and E. Seeman) Folk-Lore, I4: 125, Aztec Remains in Mexico. Aztecs, Mexico and the. 444- — of Yesterday and To-day, The. per, 106: 37. Azusa, Cal. (M. M. Bowman) Land of Sun. 4: 93. Am. Antiq. 24: 228. (S. Y. Stevenson) Chaut. 38: (A. Hrdlicka) Har- B. Jones, Butcher. 510, Baalbek, Ruins of. (D. Hunter) Cosmopol. 37: 21. Babar, Emperor, in Habibussiyar. (H. Beveridge) Asia. R. 41: 79. Babcock, Stephen M. 87 (Samuel H. Adams) McClure, 27: (H. F. John) World’s Work, 6: 36 . Babcock Milk Test. Wis. Alum. M. 2: 313. Babe Ranclolph’s Turning-point; a war story. (R. A. Wason) McClure, 23: 464. Babel and Bible. See Babylon. — Tower of. (Morris Jastrow) Indep. 58: 822, Babes of the Highway; a story. (O. L. Lampson) Blackw. I74: 800, : Liv, Age, 239: 805, Babies at Play. (J . R. McCrady) Char. I4: 973. — Giving away. (Ada Patterson) Cosmopol. 39: 405. — of the Tenements, How to Save. (V. M. Walker) Char. I4: 975. —— of Various Parts of the World. (M. West) Every- b0dy’s, 9! 748- - Oriental, Notes on. (Edith E. Wood) Am. Anthro- p01- 5= 659- Babism. (P. Carus) Open Court, I8: 35 5, 398. Baby and the Camel; Stories of the Egyptian Colony of New York. (M. A. Hamm) Cent. 48: 415. Baby from Ruggles’s Dip. (K. W. Hamilton) Cent. 43: 624- Baby goes A-fishing. (C. T. Brady) Lippinc. 74: 56. Baby Olney’s “ Cure.” (A. M. Shaw) Outing, 48: 609, (L. Jebb) Longm. 44: 168. = Liv. Age, 242: 268, —-— and the Bible. (F. Delitzsch) Open Court, I6: 209, 263. 17: 325. 20: 134, 266. — (T. K. Cheyne) Hibbert J. 2: 65. -—(E. Kiinig) Am. J. Theol. g: 4°5- _ Bach, Johann Sebastian. BABYLON Babylon and the Bible. Letters of Emperor William and Prof. Delitzsch. Bib. World, 23: 378. —— in Jewish Law. (L. N. Dembitz) Jew. Q. 19: 109, Babylonia and Civilization. (C. F. Lehmann) 19th Cent. 54: 269.=Liv. Age, 239: 686, - Boscawen’s History of. Ath. ’04, 1: 297, - Chronology and History of. (G. Bertin) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 5: I. - Devils and Evil Spirits of, Thompson on. (J . P. Peters) Nation, 81: 282. - Ath. ’04, 2: 103, - Exploration and Discovery in. (R. F. Harper) Am. Antiq. 26: 177. - Legal Code of. 256. — Myths and Laws of, and the Bible. (J . Offord) Am. Antiq. 25: 258. Babylonian and Assyrian Imprecations; translation. (R. F. Harper) Bib. World, 24: 26, Babylonian-Assyrian Sculpture, Meaning of the Ring and Rod in. (A. E. Whatham) Bib. World, 26: 120, Babylonian Calendar. Amer. Antiq. 28: 2 51. Babylonian Creation Story. (Morris J astrow) Science, 11, s. 21: 802, Babylonian Culture in Canaan. Antiq. 27: 317- Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsyl- vania. (J . P. Peters) Nation, 83: 149. Babylonian Inscriptions in the British Museum. Liv. Age, 234: 121, Babylonian Literature. Cry of the Penitcnt. Houghton) Bib. World, 22: 49. —— Hymns to Tammus. (J . Offord) Am. Antiq. 26: 337. - Prayers from the Neo-Babylonian Historical In- scriptions. (R. F. Harper) Bib. World, 23: 428. Babylonian Penitential Psalms; translation. (R. F. Harper) Bib. World, 23: 358. Babylonian Researches, Recent, Zoroaster’s Era in. (M. N. Kuka) Asia. R. 36: I22. Bacchylides, Jebb’s edition. Ath. ’o6, 1: 39. - Poems of. (R. Y. Tyrrell) Acad. 69: 1030. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 98: 790. — (W. Armstrong) Chant. 40: 52. —(With life and bibliography) Mast. in Music, 4: 241. - Celebrations. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 101: 391, - Music of, in Churches. Acad. 68: 240. - Organ Works, Registration of. (F. Peterson) Music, 22: 217. - Young on. Bache, Sarah, Portrait of. 106: 796. Bacheller, Irving. (E. F. Harkins) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34: 165, Bachelor, The; a poem. (S. Hesselrigge) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 517. Bachelor of Elements, A. (Nelson Lloyd) Scrib. M. 39: 469- Bachelor Apartment in the Ansonia, New York. (J . H. Freedlander) Archit. R. 12: 124, (A. H. Sayce) Am. J. Theol. 8: (A. H. Sayce) (L. S. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 93: 296. (W. S. Howard) Harper, Nation, Bachelor’s Degree, The. (J . .H. Penniman) 81: 503, - Bachelor’s Fancy. (Alice Brown) Atlan. 93: 37. Bachelor’s Ward, A; a story. (S. B. Kennedy) Everybody’s, 6: 235. Bachelors of Braggy. (S. MacManus) Atlan. 93: 597. Back-footed Beings. (A. T. C. Cree) Folk-Lore, 17: 131, Back Seat, A. (F. J . Davey) Good Words, 43: 577, Back to Indiana. (E. E. Peake) Harper, 111: 658. Back to Mother Earth. (L. W. C. Tuthill) Indep. 60: 855. Back Track, The; a story. (M. P. Pogue) Outing, 41: 41. - 46 BACTERIAL Back-yard, Beautifying the Urban. Outl. 78: 75. - Improvement of the. (W. E. Britton) Ctry Life Am. 3: 214. Back-yard Garden. 6: 356. Backgammon, Chess and, Invention of. erty) Am. Antiq. 25: 255. Background, Brightness of, Effect of. Fernald) Psychol. R. 12: 386. Backsets in Jersey. (S. Merwin) Outl. 80: 503. Backstairs ; an essay. (G. S. Street) Acad. 66: 495. Backward, Society’s Duty to the. (A. G. Spencer) Chor. 12: 875, Backward Boys, Training, in Georgia. (Martha Berry) World’s Work, 8: 4986, Backward Trail of the Saxon, The. (J . Fox, jr.) Scrib. M- 37‘ 274- Bacon, Alice Mabel, on Japanese Girls and Women. Bk. News, 21: 237. Bacon, Francis, and the Modern University. (E. O. Sisson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 320. - as a Poet. (G. O’Neill) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 91. - Bilateral Cipher and its Application. (W. W. Greg) Library, 11. s. 3: 4:. - Cipher, Omnia Per Omnia. (H. Thurston) Month, 99: 149- See Shakespeare, W., Authorship. - Claims of, on the Homage of Posterity. Westm. 160: 211, - Married Life of. (E. Manson) Temp. Bar, 132: 439. - Moral Teaching of. (Michael Macmillan) Internat. J. Ethics, 17: 55. ‘ - Philosopher, Law Reformer, Lord Chancellor. (E. M.) Am. Law Rev. 40: 28. - Shakespeare, Harvey, and Dr. Knott. Greenwood) Westm. 164: 552. - Some Questions of Legal Ethics suggested by his Career. (R. L. Ashurst) Green Bag, 18: 503. --Was he a Poet? (G. Stronach) Fortn. 83: 498. = Liv. Age, 245: 331, Bacon, John H., with portrait. M. of Art, 26: 193. Bacon, Michael, and his Descendants. N. E. Reg. 56: 364. Bacon, Robert. (F. A. Munsey) 34: 185. Bacon, Roger, Friar. (E. S. Holden) Pop. Sci. Mo. I 60: 255. - Bacteria and Ice. (G. C. Frankland) Longm. 40: 257. ==Ecl. M. 139: 519. -—-Liv. Age, 234: 432. - and a Simple Method of Making Photomicrographs. (E. W. Duckwall) Science, 11. s. 21: 484, - Classification of. (F. D. Chester) Science, 11. s. 21: (B. D. Knobs) (W. H. Colwell) Ctry Life Am. (H. G. Rav- (Grace M. (J . Knott) (G. G. (Marion H. Dixon) 485- - Effect of Freezing. (E. F. Smith and D. B. Swingle) Science, n. s. 21: 481, - Effects of Drying upon. (K. F. Kellerman and T. D. Beckwith) Science, 11. s. 23: 471, - The Good. (E. Woad) Everybody’s, 9: 613, - in Modern Agriculture. (A. Schneider) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 333- - Luminous. (J . E. Barnard) Nature, 65: 536. — Nitrogen-Fixing. (J . G. Lipman) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: I37- - of Leguminous Plants. (G. Clarke-Nuttall) Longm. 41: 1 19, - Shipping, on Cotton. (H. A. Harding) Science, 11. s. 24: 122, — Struggle for Existence among. (H. W. Conn) Indep. 54: 2887. Bacterial Flora. (C. A. Herter) Science, 11.‘ s. 24: 859. Bacterial Spot; a Carnation Disease. (A. F. Woods) Science, 11. s. 18: 537. BACTERIOLOGY Bacteriology, American Society of, 3d Annual Meeting, Chicago, 1902. (H. W. Conn) Science, 11. s. 15: I. ——- — 7th Annual Meeting. Science, 11. s. 23: 205. — Contagious Diseases. (H. W. Conn) Chaut. 40: 158. — Determinative, Chester on. (R. T. Hewlett) Nature, 65: 506, —— Food, Drink, and Sewage. (H. W. Conn) Chant. 4o: 71, — Methods of Isolating Colon Bacilli. (S. C. Prescott) Science, 11. s. 16: 671, —— Nature of the Specific Bacterial Toxins. (V. C. Vaughan) Science, 11. s. 16: 312. —— New Science of. (J. H. Stoller) Indep. 54: 340. — New Species of Bacterium Pathogenic to Trout (M. C. Marsh) Science, 11. s. 16: 706. -— Schmidt and Weis’s Die Bakterien. Science, 11. s. 16: 146, — Simple, for Public Schools. (Lillian Chapin) Pop. Sci. Mb. 66: 474, —- Sphere of. (E. O. Jordan) Science, 11. s. 20: 657. Bad Langenschwalbach. (Maud Howe) Lippinc. 76: 603, Badger, Peculiar Habit of the. (T. B. Comstock) Sci- ence, n. s. 20! 923. Badgers and their Ways. 421 444- Baedeker, K., an Appraiser-in-Chief. Lib. 3: 54. . Baedeker, House of. (J. F. Muirhead) Outl. 83: 224. Baiedeker in the Making. (J. F. Muirhead) Atlan. 97: 648. Baer, G. F., Master-spirit of the Anthracite Industry. (Frederic William Unger) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: (H. W. Conn) (H. A. Bryden) Longm. (G. Iles) Pub. 545' Baer, K. Ernst von, and the Rise of Embryology. (W. A. Lacy) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 97. — The Law of. (O. C. Glaser) Science, 11. s. 16: 976. Baertsoen, Albert, Recent Etchings of. (H. F rantz) Studio (Internat.) 30: 39. Baetylia. (G. F. Moore) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 7: I98. Bagasse as Fuel, Value of. (F. N. G. Gill) J. Soc. Arts, 49: 517. Bagatelle, Chateau. (A. Laugel) Nation, 77: 132. Bagdad Imbroglio, The Latin Rapprochement and. Fortn. 79: 809. Bagdad Railway, The. (D. G. Hogarth) National, 39: 462. —Asia. R. 36: 380. —(E. J. Dillon) Contemp. 83: 732. —- and the Turkish Customs. (A. G. Bell) Contemp. 901 359- ' ——- in relation to Great Britain. Sat. R. 951 477. Bagpipe, The. (J. H. MacMichael) Antiq. n. s. 40: 1 10. ——- in India. (D. N. Reid) Asia. R. 42: 138. Bahama Islands and the Caribbees. (A. K. Fiske) Chaut. 39: I15. —Expedition of the Geographical Society of Balti- more. (G. B. Shattuck) Science, 11. s. 18: 427. — G. B. Shattuck on. Science, 11. s. 21: 953, —- vs. Tortugas as a Station for Research. Mayer) Science, 11. s. 18: 369. Bahama Negroes, Items of Folk-lore from. (M. Clavel) Am. Folk-Lore, 17: 36. Baigha ; National Game of Turkestan. (James Locke) Scrib. M. 38: 233. Baile and Ailinn; a poem. (W. B. Yeates) Monthly R. 8, no. I: 156. Bailey, Joseph. Cosmopol. 41, no p. Bailey, Philip James. Ath. ’02, 2: 350. —(E. Gosse) Critic, 41: 456. =Fortn. 78: 759. =Liv. Age, 235: 769. :Ecl. M. 140: 218. — Festus, Passing of. (T. W. Higginson) Nation, 75: 241, , (A. G. 47 BALFOUR Bailly, J. S., Memoirs of. (F. M. Fling) Univ. Neb. Stud. 3: 331. Baily, Edward Hodges. Eaton) Art J. 55: 331. Bain, Alexander. Blackw. 176: 95. — Autobiography. Ath. ’o4, 1: 806. -—Sat. R. 98: 81, — Last of the “ English School” of Philosophers. (R. S. Rait) F ortn. 82: 38, — Philosophy of. (W. L. Davidson) Mind, 29: 161. Baino. (H. Fielding) Macmil. 86: 436.=Liv. Age, 235: 599' Baird, Spencer F. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: ~ (G. D. Leslie and F. A. Bait Act, Enforcing the. 82: 636. Baker, Gen. Edward D. 1: 422. Baker, John G., Obituary Notice of. J. Frankl. Inst. 153: 141. Baker, Lorenzo D., and Jamaica. jr.) World’s Work, 11: 7295. Baker, Marcus, with portrait. Geog. M. 15: 40, Baker City, Oregon. N at’l M. (Bost.) 18: 132, Baker, Mt., Ascent of. (G. C. Cantwell) Outing, 44: (P. T. M’Grath) Chamb J. (E. B. Jerome) Californian, (Eugene P. Lyle, (W. H. Dall) Nat. p 9. Bakersfield, Kern County, California. Out West, 17: 51 1 , Bakewell, C. M., Reply to. (C A. Strong) Philos. R. 131 337- Baku, A Visit to. (Lord Ronaldshay) National, 46: 289.: Liv. Age, 2471 297- Balaam. (H. M. WVhitney) Bib. Sac. 63: I 50. — Story of, Literary Problems of. (Julius A. Bewer) Am. J. Theol. 9: 238. . Balance of Power in Europe. (E. Maxey) Arena, 31: 231, “ Balance of Trade,” Origin of the Phrase. (W. H. Price) Q. J. Econ. 20: 157. Balances, The Mystery of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 71. Balancing Burglar; a story. (A. E. King) Canad. M. 20: 66. Balaton, Lake. Nature, 75: 79, Balbus, Hieronymus, in Paris. (P. S. Allen) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 417. Baldwin, W. H., jr. (O. G. Villard) So. Atlan. Q. 51 30. — With portrait. (G. R. Nutter) Harv. Grad. M. 13: 369, — A Life of Service. Cent. 47: 800. Baldwin Locomotive VVorks, Apprenticeship at. (S. M. Vauclain) Engin. M. 27: 321. ——- Labor System at. (J. W. Converse) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 1. = Cassier, 23: 656, Baler Church, Defense of. (H. M. Reeve) Cent. 48: 293- Balfour, Arthur J. (G. W. Smalley) Indep. 54: 1751. —(J. McCarthy) Outl. 71: 959. — With portrait. (A. W. Low) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 161.—With portrait. (T. P. O’Connor) Everybody’s, 7: 265. —"'- Pall Mall M. 28: 1. — and Chamberlain. Nation, 77: 277. — and the Constitution. (J. A. Spender) Indep. R. 61 132, — and his Government. Sat. R. 98: 192. —- and his Opportunities. (Sir G. Parker) No. Am. 175: 433- — and Retaliation. (G. S. Lefevre) Fortn. 80: 941. -— and the Unionist Party. Fortn. 85: 409. —- as Economist and Fiscal Reformer. (R. Rea) Con- temp. 86: 621, — as Leader of the House of Commons. Contemp. 86: 765. — as a Peacemaker. Sat. R. 97: 320. (J. E. Ellis) BALFOUR Balfour, Arthur J ., as Sophist. (H. Jones) Hibbert J . 33452- -- Essays and Addresses. Spec. 94: 288. ——Indep. R. 6: 111, —— Fall of the Government of. Ed. R. 203: 263. — Fiscal Leadership of. (W. P. Groser) F ortn. 85: 331. — the Fiscal Problem, and England’s Fate. (L. W. Burrell) Westm. I61: 161, — his Leadership of the House of Commons. (E. B. Iwan-Miiller) Fortn. 82: 198, -— Letters to Literary Statesman. (Alciphron) Atlan. 95= 564- —— Loquitur. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 81: 391. -— Mr. Balfour’s Device. Westm. I63: 488. -- on National Jealousies. (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 415- - a Political F abius Maximus. (W. Ward) I9th Cent. 571 877. — Record of. Sat. R. 100: 740. -- Results of Balfourism. (J. A. Spender) Contemp. 88: 479. — The Specialist in Downing Street. (K. Wilkinson) Fortn. 82: 79. ' —— Stevenson and Henley. 74¢ 54- — An Unconstitutional Minister. ham) Contemp. 88: 118, Balkan Peninsula, Structure of, Prof. Cvijic on. Peucker) Geog. J. I91 735. Balkan Proposal, A. (Felix J . Koch) Overland, n. s. 165 Question, Villari’s. (G. Pollak) Nation, 80: (G. L. Kittredge) Nation, (H. W. Massing- (K. 47 : Balkan 424- Balkan States, The. (W. E. Curtis) Nat. Geog. M. 14: 45- - Aflame. (Economist) Liv. Age, 238: 635. —— and the Powers. (H. P. Judson) World To-day, 5: 1289. -- A Blaze in. (M. E. Durham) Monthly R. 112, no. 3: 54.=Ecl. M. 141: 663. =Liv. Age, 239: 1. —— British Policy and. (H. D. Wolff) Monthly R. 13: no. 1: 55. — European Policy and. (M. A. Gerothwohl) Monthly R. 13, no. 2: 43. —— Freedom and Servitude in. (N. Buxton) Westm. 159: 481. — Future of. (H. Vivian) Fortn. 81: 1038. —- The Powder-magazine in the Near East. Spec. 94: 775- -—- Problem of. (A. L. Snowden) No. Am. 177: 365. — Problem of Italy and America in. Indep. 55: 1957. — Question of. (J . Westlake) 19th Cent. 60: 889, — The Rising in. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 223. ——Situation in, 1904. (H. Law) Indep. R. 2: 244.— (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 144. —— Storm Center in. (A. McLaughlin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64=I73- —Unrest in. Monthly R. 11, no. 1: 69, =Ecl. M. 141: 107. =Liv. Age, 237: 326. Balkistan. See Balkan States. Ball, Wilfrid. (H. M. Cundall) Art J. 57: 219. — Lincoln; an etching. Art J . 58: 138, Ball, Batting a. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 64: 420. Ball Punching, Art of. (M. Donovan) Outing, 40: 54, Ballad, The. In Old Ballad Days. (G. A. Pierce) Chaut. 351 595. -- The Saga and the. (H. Ibsen) Contemp. 90: 318. Ballad of Father Hudson ; a poem. (Bliss Carman) Outl. 72: 805. Ballad of Messengers, A. (Louise I. Guiney) Scrib. M. 40: 730. Ballad Poetry. Ed. R. 197: 303. 48 (R. Garibaldi) ' BALTIC Ballade of our Dreams, A; a poem. Munsey, 293 419. Ballade of Poor Souls. (M. Monahan) Atlan. 90: 793. Ballade of St. M3.rtin’s Clock. (L. H.) Cornh. 89: (C. Scollard) 393- Ballads, Border. Ed. R. 204: 306. -'— Dramatic Element in Popular. (G. M. Miller) Univ. of Cin. Stud. 1: 1. — in the Border Minstrelsy, Source of Some. Lang) Folk-Lore, 13: 191, —— of the Border. Blackw. I72: 651, — of the People. (M. McDonagh) 19th Cent. 54: 458. — on the Bishops’ Wars, 1638-40. (C. H. Firth) Scot. Hist. R. 3: 257. — Origins of. (A. Lang) Folk-Lore, 14: 147. — Traditional, in New England. (P. Barry) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I8: 123, 191, 291, Ballard of Broken Heart. (Grace M. Cooke) Lippinc. 781 498. Ballay, M. Geog. J . I9: 646. Ballet, The. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 101: 614. —- in England, Decline of. (S. L. Bensusan) Macmil- n. s. 1: 595. Ballin, Hugo. (Homer St. Gaudens) Critic, 47: 497. Ballooning as a Sport. (G. DeGeofroy) Cent. 451 713. -— (Julian P. Thomas) Appleton’s M. 8: 515. — Military. (F. P. Lahm) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 509. —— The New Sport. (A. W. Rolkoy) Am. M. 63: 65, — over the Alps. (J . I. McCallum) World’s Work, 7: (A. 4578. — Perils and Pleasures of. (J . P. Thomas) Cosmopol. 421 I79- — Pleasures of. (A. Santos-Dumont) Indep. 58: 1225, — Scientific. (W. N. Shaw) Nature, 65: 224, — Yachting among the Clouds. (A. Denison) Outing, 41: 70, Balloons and Kites in Meteorology. (W. H. Dines) Nature, 74: 35. — The Conquest of the Air. (B. Meiklejohn) World’s Work, 13: 8283, — Experiences in. (J . P. Thomas) World’s Work, I 3: 8274. — in Warfare. (J . M. Bacon) Macmil. 90: 108, — -— Use of. (E. H. Stuart Bruce) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 2 —- Law-of. (W. A. McClean) Green Bag, 16: 464. — War, of To-day. (W. G. F itz-Gerald) World To- day.9= 749. Ballot, Boodle and, in St. Louis. (Lee Meriwether) Arena, 33: 43. —Improved, in Practice. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81: 415- — New York’s Impossible. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81: 395- Ballot and Registration Laws, where they Fail. (H. D. Bruns) Chaut. 371 437. Ballot-box, Ethics in the. Cent. 49: 494. Ballot Laws and the Election, 1904. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 79: 428. —- and their Workings. (P. L. Allen) Pol. Sci. Q: 21: 38. — Good and Bad. (VV. B. Shaw) Outl. 81: 863. Ballygunge Cup; a story. (W. A. Fraser) Canad. M. 23: 451, . Ballyomalley, Day in. (A. Goodrich) Outing, 47: 694. Balm; a poem. (V. W. Cloud) Atlan. 90: 124. Balochi, Persia, Folk-lore of. (M. L. Dames) Folk- Lore, 3: 252. Baltic Expedition, The, and Northern Treaties of 1715. (J . F. Chance) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 443. Baltic Fleet, Russian, and the Northeast Passage. No. Am. 179: 161. _— The Hotel Belvedere. BALTIC Baltic Fleet, Voyage of the. (H. W. Wilson) National, 44: 617. :Liv. Age, 244: 45. See Japan Sea, Battle of. Baltic Provinces, The. (Prince Lieven) Indep. R. 11 ¢ 69. Baltéc Sea Sloop, On a. (J . B. Connolly) Scrib. M. 1: 663. Baltimore. (H. James) No. Am. 183: 250. — Cathedral, Centenary of. (E. A. Pace) Cath. Univ. Bull, 12: 226. —- Civic Art in. (J . Dannenberg) Craftsman, 9: 202. — Fire in, 1904. (S. H. Ranck) Indep. 56: 422. — (J. M. Rogers) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29¢ 298. — Bank. M. (Lond-) 77¢ 493- — — Emergency was met by Local Co-operation. (W. S. Ufford) Char. 11: 133. —- — Lessons of. (J. S. Sewell) Am. Arch. 85: 11. - (W. J. Fryer) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 303. — Fire Relief in. (J . R. Brackett) Char. 12: 602. Archit. R. 11: 177. — Mural Decorations of C. Y. Turner at. (J . W. Pat- tison) Studio (Internat.) 24: lvii, — One Year after the Fire. (D. A. Willey) R. of Rs. (N, Y.) 31: 184. — Organized Charity in. Char. 9: 37. —— Race—problem in. (J . C. Rose) N ation, 77: 497. — under its New Charter. (W. Reynolds) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 168. Baltistan, Ibex-shooting in the Mountains of. (J . C. Grew) Harper, 112: 541. Baluchistan. See Beluchistan. Balzac, Honoré de. (Hall Frye) Indep. 54: 2I.—(M. F. Sandars) Fortn. 82: 492.=Liv. Age, 243: 89. — With portrait. (A. E. Hancock) Booklover’s M. 2: 477. — Bk. News, 22: 1223,- (Mary F, San- dars) Temp. Bar, 133: 385. -— and Madam Hanska. (Vicomte de Spoelberich do Lovenjoul) Bookman, 14: 479, 604. 15: 74. — as Playwright. (W. Littlefield) Critic, 41: 246. —- Dinner with, in a Lunatic Asylum. (Max Tirand) Critic, 46: 454. — his Life and Writings. R. 18, no. 2: I63. — Letters to Mme. Hanska. — The Lesson of. (H. James) Atlan. 96: 166, —-— The Personal. (A. H.) Bookman, 14: 613. — Sandars’s Life and Writings of. Spec. 94: 86.- Sat. R. 99: 112. —— (A. R. Marble) Dial, 38: 413. — Short Stories. (F. Brunetiere) Critic, 43: 306. — Some Aspects of. (J . D. Bruce) Sewanee, 10: 257. — Stendhal, and Merimée, Rebell’s. (A. Laugel) Na- tion, 76: 108, 149, Balzac, Madame Honoré de. Critic, 45: 238. Bamberger, Louis ; Traits in the Life of a Great Ger- man Liberal. (Lily Wolffsohn) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 296, 397. Bamboos for Every Part of the United States. (W. E. Pendleton) Ctry Life Am. 7: 466. (Mary F. Sandars) Monthly Temp. Bar, 133: 399. (Princess Radziwill) Bamboula, The. (H. C. Rowland) Outl. 78: 133. Ban of Wodelok, The. (J . R. Oliver) Chamb. J . 79, sup . Ban-dogge, The; a Hallowe’en Phantasy. (D. Beard) Arena, 32: 523. Banana, Story of the. (G. C. Nuttall) Longm. 39: 320, Bananas. Chamb. J . 81: 46. — Raising and Sale of. (T. Robinson) Out West, 17: 33- Bancroft, Cecil F. P. (C. F. Palmer) Educa. 22:. 257, -—(G. D. Pettee) School R. 10: 257. Bancroft, Mrs. George. Letters from England in 1846-42 Scrib. M- 35¢ 163-424- 49 BANK Bancroft, John Chandler, Artistic Woodworker. (T. Armstrong) Art J. 54: 115, Bancroft Historical Library, California. (Frances F. Victor) Californian, 6: 487, — Report on. (R. G. Thwaites) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 126, — Some of the Material in. Pub. Lib. 11: 60. Bancroft Pedigree. (J. H. Lea) N. E. Reg. 56: 197. Bancrofts, Memorials of the. (A. Bates) N ation, 78: 128, Band, The. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: 271, — Military, The German. (Capt. Von Fritzenstein) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 9: 25, Bandelier, A. F., with portrait. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 13: 158. Bands and Music, Military. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35¢ 99. -— Church and Village Choirs of the Past Century. (F. W. Galpin) Antiq. n. s. 42: 101. Bangkok; Venice of the Far East. (F. Mury) Cath. World, 76: 159. Bangor, Me. (E. M. Blanching) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: 800. Bank, Credit Department of a. M. (N. Y.) 72: 408, — Economic, Lesson of the. Bank. M. (Lond.) 80: 5, — International, Establishment of an. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 5. —— Modern, Credit Ledger for. (C. W. Reihl) Bank. 64. — National,and Other Banks. Bank.M. (N. Y.) 65: 21. — — in Switzerland. (J. Landman) Q. J . Econ. 20: 468. —- — Issue of an Asset Currency by. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 529. -— of England, Andreades’s. Sat. R. 99: 115. -— —— and the Money Market. Bank. M. (Lond.) 81: 353, 532.-—Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 5, 325. —-— — Concerning the Bank Rate. (H. Withers) Cornh. 94: 797. — — Growing Strain of. (N. Y.) 72: 821. —- — Issue Department of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 76: 113. — — The Rate. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 83: 337. — — Weekly Accounts of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 84. — of France. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 238. — — Provident Funds connected with the. (Lond.) 82: 126. -— —- Retiring and other Provident Funds of the. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 185. — — Transactions for 1901. Bank. M. (Lond.) 74: I50. — — — for 1903. Bank. M. (Lond.) 78: 168. — —- — for 1905. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 156, — of Germany, The Imperial. Bank. M. (Lond.) 78: 196. 82: 199. — —- 1876-1900. Bank. M. (Lond.) 73: 372. —-— — Report of, for 1902. Bank. M. (Lond.) 76¢ 169. — — — for 1904. Bank. M. (Lond.) 80: 208, —- of the Netherlands. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 621. —of the U. S., Jackson’s War on. (G. F. Mellen) Sewanee, 10: 56, —— Practical Work of a. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64: 54. 65: 56. 66: 75. 67: 64. 68: 238. —-— State. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 255, 391, 704. — Value of an Independent Examination of a. M. (N. Y.) 170: 92. — Workings of a Model. (Will Payne) World’s Work, 9: 5872, Bank Advertising, Some Observations on. Sypherd) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73¢ 1003. Bank Auditor, The. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64¢ 332. Bank Buildings, The Planning of. (P. Sawyer) Archit. R. 12: 25, Bank Cashier, Making of a. Everybody’s, 9¢ 536- (W. R. Lawson) Bank. M. Bank. M. Bank. (H. M. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: - BANK ' Bank Checks, Cancelled. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 920. —- Extension of the Use of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 7. Bank Circulation, Increase in the. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 11, Bank Clerk, The Successful, of the Future. M. (N. Y.) 70: 601, Bank Clerks, American Institute of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67: 989. — and Civil Service. Bank. M. 65: 76. -—— The National Convention of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) Bank. 71 . 7. Bank Consolidation. (H. White) Nation, 77: 107. Bank Counter, The Incident of the. (J . Pendleton) Good Words, 46: 789. Bank Credit, its Character and Uses. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 70: 592. Bank Credits. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 70: 586. Bank Currency, Twenty Years of, Based on General Commercial Assets. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64: 387. Bank Defalcations — their Causes and Cures. (E. P. Moxey) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 32. Bank Furniture, Modern, and Fittings. (M. S. Kelley) Archit. R. 12: 32. Bank Holiday, on Hampstead Heath. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 46: 416, Bank Investment, Commercial Paper as. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 511. Bank Looters and Examiners. 83: I35. Bank-note Issues in Sweden, Centralization of. W. Flux) Yale R. 11: 361, Bank Officers, Individual Liability of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 70. Bank Panics, Prevention of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64: 706, 65: 188, Bank Pass-book, The. 7s= 423.729- Bank Presidents, Directors, and Promoters. (A. J . Noyes) Nation, 83: 195, Bank Rate, The. (F. E. Steele) Bank. M. (Lond.) 76: 348- Bank Reports, Comparative Studies of Some. Bank. M. (Lond.) 73: 232-729. 74: 31-470. 75: 231- 699: 76: 27-714. 79: 55.157. 82: 713- Bank Reserve and the Rate of Discount. Bank. M. (Lond.) 76: 437. Bank Reserves. (R. H. Inglis Palgrave) Econ. J. 16: (A. D. Noyes) Nation, (A. (J. Paget) Bank. M. (Lond.) 13', -—— The? Deficit in New York. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 83: 426. — Proper Proportion of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 13. Bank Returns, Form of the. Bank. M. (Lond.) 76: 575. —National. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64: 129, 933. 65: 232, 712, 66: 119, 416, 725, 67: I13, 607, Bank Robbers and Underground Excavations. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 563, Bank Vaults, Modern, The Design and Construction of. (F. S. Holmes) Archit. R. 12: 35. Bank Work, Every Day. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 786. -—— System for. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 503, Bankart, G. P., Leadwork by. (E. Radford) Studio (Internat.) 20: 90. — (A. Vallance) Studio (Inter- nat.) 29: 194. — Plaster Work by. (A. Vallance) Studio (Internat.) 30: 144.-—(E. Radford) Studio (Internat.) 18: 267. Banker, Function of a. (C. A. Conant) Q. J. Econ. 17: 476. — Investment, as an Educator. (G. Carey) Gunton’s M. 23: 498. Bankers, Check Files and Letter Files for the Use of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 169: 174. .— Convention -at New York, 1904. (VV. J . Boies) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 427, 50 BANKING Bankers. Conventions of 1902. Bank. M. 65: 30. — Crude Types of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 70: 630, — Frauds on. Bank. M. (Lond.) 73: 1, —— Institute of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 735. -—— Italian, and the English Crown. (R. J . Whitwell) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 17: I75. — Profits of, in 1904. Bank. M. (Lond.) 79: 48. —- —— in the First Half of 1905. Bank. M. (Lond.) 8o: 1, —-—in the First Half of 1906. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 1, —-—State Associations of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 533, 682, 66: 854, 67: 80, 574, 69: 50,811, 71: 80, Bankers’ Convention, The Joint. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64: 882, Banking, American, in the Far East, Expansion of. (E. S. Fischer) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64: 19. — and Commerce, A Practical Treatise on. (G. Hague) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 70: 33-699. 73: 35-919. — as a Profession in Canada. (J . H. Wilson) Canad. M. 25: 17. — Avoiding Errors and Losses in. M. (N. Y.) 72: 389. -— Branch. (T. Cooke) Q. J. Econ. 18: 97. —- —— Economics of. (Horace White) Gunton’s M. 27: 215, — British and Foreign. An Unconsidered Factor in the Industrial Problem. (H. W. Wolff) Econ. R. 15: 403, — by Mail. (J. M. C.) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 113, — Canadian, and Commerce. M. (N. Y.) 73: 98. —— Deposit. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 70: 307. — Elasticity of Currency and Sound. (F. A. Cleve- land) No. Am. 178: 388, — Financial, Growth of. (A. Youngman) J . Pol. Econ. (S. Woods) Bank. 14: 435~ —— Gold and the Banks. (R. H. I. Palgrave) Quar. 204: 187, — in Great Britain and Ireland during 1901, M. (Lond.) 73: 7-849. -— -— during 1902. Bank. M. (Lond.) 75: 1-825, ———- during 1903. Bank. M. (Lond.) 77: 1, 157, 509, 660, 817, — - during 1904. Bank. M. (Lond.) 79: I, 505, 669. —— during 1905. Bank. M. (Lond.) 81: 1, 157, 496, 661, 813, — in Hawaii, Porto Rico, and the Philippines. M. (N. Y.) 64: I10, — in the Leading Cities. Bank. Bank Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 481, 856, 67:372. 69:679. —-in the United States. (O. M. W. Spragne) Q. J . Econ. 17: 242. — —- Mr. Fowler’s Bill. (H. White) Nation, 74: 204, — International, Future of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 19. — Mistakes in. (S. Woods) Munsey, 34: 181, — Modern, The Tendencies of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 70: 709- — New Methods in. (W. J . Boies) World’s Work, 4: 2073- —- Palgrave’s Bank Rate and Money Market. Ath. ’O3, 2: 337. — (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 77: 341. - Practical. (C. W. Reihl) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 280. ——(H. M. P. Eckardt) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 732 629. — Bank. M. (Lond.) 821 597. —— Present-day Competition in. M. (Lond.) 79: 88. -— Safety-valve of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 78. -— State, in the U. S. since the Passage of the National Bank Act. (G. E. Barnett) J . H. Univ. Stud. 20: 1. ' Banking Accounts, Desirability of More Frequent. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: ‘ 579- (F. E. Steele) Bank. (J. A. Martin) Bank. BANKING Banking and Commercial Law. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 733 82—935. —Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 407, - — Decisions in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 23. Banking Business as a Source of Taxation. (J . N. ‘ Paget) Bank. M. (Lond.) 731 766. Banking Facilities and British Import Trade. (F. E. Steele) Bank. M. (Lond.) 73: 751. Banking Firms, Private Residences for. (A. C. David) Archit. Rec. 14: 13. Banking Interests in the United States, Concentration of. (C. J. Bullock) Atlan. 92: 182. — Scientific Publicity for. (A. Bumstead) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 471. Banking Law. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64: 27-801. 65: 158-800. 66: 36-782, 67: 42-948, 68: 44-753. 69: 17-896, 70: 41-716, 71: 24-885. Banking Laws, Tendency toward. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 70: 229, Banking Reform in the United States. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 208. —Bank. M. (Lond.) 75: 43. Banking Room, Laying out a. (W. J . Hoggson) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 313. Banking System, English, Tendencies and Weak Points in the. (F. E. Steele) Bank. M. (Lond.) 7s= 69. — Monopolizing the. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 652 6. — Our Democratic. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 63! 724. Banking World, Intervention of the State in the. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 288. Bankrupt Law, Merits and Defects of. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 40: 96. (G. C. Holt) Bankrupt Partners, Distribution of Assets of. (W. J . Shroder) Harv. Law R. 18: 495. Bankruptcy a Commercial Regulation. (J . M. Olm- stead) Harv. Law R. 15: 829. -— Debtor’s Interference in the Election of a Trustee in. (Lee M. Friedman) Harv. Law R. 19: 106, — Defect in our Law. of International. (A. F. Top- ham) Law Q. 19: 295. — in South Africa, The Incipient. (W. F. Ford) Econ. R. 15: 1. Bankruptcy System, National, An Enduring. Prendegast) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 380. Bank’s Money, Ways of Using a. (A. L. Ripley) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 229. Banks and Banking Laws, State. 74: 481. — and Trust Companies. 362, — — Government Control of. (W. B. Ridgely) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 17. — — Remarkable Growth of American. Pratt) Indep. 59: 1454. — Artistic Metal Work for. (W. F. Blanding) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 937. ' -— Boston, New Hampshire Notes, 1735. (A. M. Davis) N. E. Reg. 57: 386. — — 1681-1740. (A. M. Davis) N. E. Reg. 57: 274. -- — United States Government and the. (J . Eckels) No. Am. 177: 487, —- City and Country, Bookkeeping for. (N. Y.) 64: 716. —- Colonial and Foreign. Bank. M. (Lond.) 77: 353. -— Commercial, An Improved System for. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 65. — Consolidation of. World’s Work, 4: 2149. — Co-operation among. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 721, — Foreign, located in England. Bank. M. (Lond.) 79: (W. A. (H. White) Nation, (N. D. Noyes) Nation, 74: (Sereno S. Bank. M. 357- —Independent Examination of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 555. — (C. R. Hardt) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 261, --Loose-leaf Accounting in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 829, 51 BARBAZON Banks, lgational, Examinations of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 72. — - in the Reserve Cities. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: I24. - — Public Control of. (F. A. Cleveland) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 45. — of the United States. Bank. M. (Lond.) 78: 1. — Part played by, in Colonial and Foreign Trade. (F. E. Steele) Bank. M. (Lond.) 73: 411. — Prominent, and other Financial Institutions. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 849. - Sngall, in the United States. Bank. M. (Lond.) 81: 5 . —Sonie German, at the Present Time. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 11. — State. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 384, Bannatyne MS., The. (J . T. T. Brown) Scot. Hist. R. 1: 136, Bannerman, Sir H. Campbell. See Campbell-Banner- man, Sir H. Banquet in Modern American Life. Cosmopol. 36: 611, Banshee’s Hallowe’en, The; a story. (H. Templeton) McClure, 21: 101. Bantam Fowl. (James Glasgow) Ctry Life Am. 9: 61. Bantu Language. (H. H. Johnston) Nature, 73: 481. — (G. A. Wilder) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 12: 204. Bantu Races of So. Africa. (H. H. Johnston) Nature, (W. R. Stewart) i 70: . Bantugan, Story of. (R. S. Porter) J . Am. F olk-Lore, I51 I43- Bap Sloan’s Pisgah. (A. F. Johnston) Cent. 44: 730. Baptamodon, Dental Grooves and Teeth in. (C. W. Gilmore) Science, 11. s. 17: 750. — Some Notes on, with a Description of a New Spe- cies. (W. C. Knight) Am. J . Sci. 166: 76. — Teeth in. (C. W. Gilmore) Science, 11. s. 16: 913. Baptismal Formula. (J . H. Bernard) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 43- - of the Apostolic Age. (R. J . Cooke) Meth. R. 63: Baptist Controversy, The Dying. (H. Lamont) Nation, 81: 459. Baptists in California. (F. Dixon) Calif. M. 2: 442. — Recent Changes in the Theology of. (A. H. New- man) Am. J. Theol. 10: 587. Bar, Examinations for the. (L. Maxwell, jr.) Green Bag, 162 89, —- Preparation for the. (L. Maxwell, jr.) Am. Law R. 39: 822, Bar-Bahlfil, an Ancient Syriac Lexicographer. Hyvernat) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 58. — Duval’s Edition of. (H. Hyvernat) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 483. Bar Harbor. (Mrs. B. Harrison) Indep. 55: 1308, Bar Sinister, The. (R. H. Davis) Scrib. M. 31: 307. Bar 20 Range Yarns. (C. E. Mulford) Outing, 48: 68, 546. 491 329- Baranof, Prince Alexander, with portrait. Laut) Am. M. 61: 60. Barataria ; the Ruins of a Pirate Kingdom. (L. Hub- bard, jr.) Atlan. 91: 806, Barbados, The Records of. (C. W. Barrand) Month, 100: 622, 103: 31, -- Visit to. (F. T. Bullen) Cornh. 89: 388. — a West Indian Ireland. (Arnold Eiloart) Indep. R. 9: 298. Barbara at Home. (M. E. Merington) Chant. 411 418. 4% 7<>—s45- 43= 167. Barbara Frietchie, Truth about. (M. West) Munsey, 26: 542, Barbarossa. See Frederick I. Barbarossa. Barbazon, H. B., Water-color Art of. Wood) Studio (Internat.) 26: 95. (H. (Agnes C. (T. Martin ' Barbe of Grand Bayou. BARBE (J . Oxenham) Chamb. J . 80: 1-408. =Munsey. 28= 340-948. 291 147-634- Barbera, The House of. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 80: 1 ", Barbizon and By. (S. M. Farnham) Overland, n. s. 4s= 418. ‘ Barbizon Pictures, The, in the Staats-Forbes Collec- tion. (E. G. Halton) Studio (Internat.) 27: 3o, Barbizon School of Painters, The. Acad. 62: 280, — Ath. ’06, I2 427. — (J. La Farge) McClure, 21: 115, 586. — (N. Moore) Chaut. 36: 421, 498, Barclay, Robert: (E. Jaffray) Acad. 71: 86, Bardeen, Charles U. Wis. Alum. M. 4: 214, Bargain Day at Tutt House. (G. R. Chester) McClure, 25: 129, Bargain-driving. -Spec. 89: 1022, Barili, Notes on the. (E. R. Dennett) Folk—Lore, 16: 371- Barine, Arvede. (M. H. Bigot) Critic, 49: 213. Baringo District, East Africa, Geography and People of. (C. W. Hobley) Geog. J . 28: 471. Baritone and the Office Boy. (K. M. Roof) Atlan. 96: 2" . Barium Bromide, Precipitation of, by Hydrobromic Acid. (N. C. Thorne) Am. J. Sci. 168: 441. Bar-Kochbakrieg, Schauplatz des. (A. Biichler) Jew. Q, 16: 143. Barlasch of the Guard. (H. S. Merriman) Cornh. 87: 2o-723, 88: 1-433.=Cosmopol. 34: 225, 642, 35: 35-661. Barlow and the Octopus; a story. (A. H. Vanden- berg) Lippinc. 74: 777. Barn, Transformation of a, into a Comfortable House. Ctry Life Am. 4: 419. Barnabas. (M. Dods) Bib. World, 25: 334. —~ and his Genuine Epistle. (V. Bartlet) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 409. 6: 28, Barnabo, Cardinal. Cath. World, 77: 74. , Barnard, Geo. Grey, Sculptor. (A. B. Thaw) World’s Work, 5: 2831. I Barnard, Henry. (S. Hart) N. E. Reg. 56: 173. —(J. W. Stearns) Wis. Alum. M. 2: I. Barnard, James Munson. Am. J . Soc. Sci. 43: 29. Barnard College. Colum. Univ. Q. 2: 209. ' Barnardo, D., his Life and Work. (W. H. Tolman) Craftsman, 9: 461. —-With portrait. (A. Good- rich) Am. M. 61: 243, Barndoor’s Romance; :1 story. (C. H. Latta) McClure, I8: 442, Barnes, William. (M. E. S. Blundell) Acad. 68: 493. — (R. Page-Roberts) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 230. —— and Thomas Hardy. Two Delineators of Wessex. (M. M. Turnbull) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 469. Barney Doon, Braggart; a story. (P. V. Mighels) Harper, I08: 219. Barney of Bruges. (Edith Rickert) Booklover’s M. 7: 205. Barney’s Promotion; a story. (F. R. Robinson) Cos- mopol. 35: 82. Barnhorn, Clement J ., Decorative Designs by. (C. H. Caflin) Studio (Internat.) 20: cxli. Barns and Stables. Ctry Life Am. 4: 445. —— Farm. (A. Hopkins) Archit. R. 9: 237. -Medieeval. (F. B. Andrews) Antiq. n. s. 39: 168, 211.——Reliquary, 45: 85. — Somerset, Old and New. (R. C. Sturgis) Archit. R. 92 73- Barnstable, England. (0. F. Adams) N. E. Reg. 57: 59- Barnstormer’s Sketch-Book, Leaves from a. (R. Walker) Bookman, 18: 401, Barnum, P. T., Showman and Humorist. Cent. 42: 580. (J. Benton) 52 BARTHOLOMEW Barnyard Lesson, A. (W. J. Long) Outing, 40: 416. Barometer, Origin of the Word. (H. C. Bolton) Sci- ence, n. s. 171 S47.-—(J. C. Shedd) Science, 11. s. 18: 278. —Science, n. s. 19: 108. Barometric Pressure, Similarity of Short-period Varia- tions over Large Areas. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Na- ture, 67: 224. Barometric See-Saw. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 20: 409: — A World-wide. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Nature, 70: 177. Barometry, New, for the U. S., Canada, and the West Indies. (F. H. Bigelow) Science, 11. s. I 5: 417. Baron, The; a love story. (F. M. Hueffer) Macmil. 87: 304, Baronet, The. Macmil. 88: 234. Barons of the Cinque Ports. (M. F. Johnston) Mac- mil, 92: 130, 266, Barons of Gemperlein, The; a story. (M. von Ebner- Eschenbach) Chaut. 35: 443. Barque of Dreams; a poem. (C. Scollard) Munsey, 26: 675, Barr, Robert, at Home. Critic, 43: 435. Barre, Mass., Baptisms, from Records of 1st Church, 1767-1831. (F. P. Rice) N. E. Reg. 57: 410. 58: 54. Barres, Maurice, the New French Academician. (P. E. More) Nation, 82: 172. Barrett, Eaton Stannard, Last of the Burlesquers. (Mary Moss) Bookman, I6: 543. Barrett, John. Outing, 44: 487. Barrie, James Matthew. Critic, 48: 234. dmirable Crichton. (E. K. Chambers) Acad. ~i55.—(M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 94: 612. — ice Sit-by-the-Fire. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 99: 483. ' —as a Child. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 99: I3.=Liv. Age. 2441 503- . — as a Dramatist. (J . M.,Bulloch) Lamp, 26: 28, — Dramatic and Social Outlook. (E. A. Browne) Fortn. 85: 920. -= Liv. Age, 249: 661. — Little Mary. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 96: 423. — The Little White Bird. Acad. 63: 525. -— Monthly R. 10, no. 3: 12. — Open Letters to. Good Words, 43: 369. — Personality of. (J . L. Williams) Booklover’s M. 7: 290, — “ Peter Pan.” (H. St. Gaudens) Critic, 48: 87. —— a Poem. (Harry Graham) Critic, 47: 280. —Professor’s Love Story. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 96= 731- - Quality Street. (C. K. Chambers) Acad. 63: 312.- (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 94: 361. —Stage Heroines of. (E. L. Cary) Critic, 44: 265. Barrows, John Henry. Bib. World, 20: 58. -— With portrait. Open Court, 16: 44, Barry, James. (R. F. O’Connor) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 637. Barry, John, Commodore, with portrait. (M. I. J . Griffin) Booklover’s M. 6: 574, — in Philadelphia. M. of Hist. 2: 386. Barrymore, Ethel. (M. White, jr.) Munsey, 36: 218. Bartels, Hans von, Artist, Recent Work of. Studio (Internat.) 24: 316, Barter, Brutality of. Outl. 83: 878. Bartholdi, Frederic Auguste. Ath. ’04, 2: 489. — With portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30; 560. — Last Monument of. (P. de Coubertin) Am. Arch. 86: 63. Bartholdt, R., the Man and the Movement. (H. Davis) Indep. 58: 589. Bartholomaeus Arnoldi of Usignen. (M. Spitz) Dub- R. 135: 92. Bartholomew, C. L., a Pioneer Newspaper Cartoonist. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 35: 59. BARTLETT Bartlett, John. (T. W. Higginson) Nation, 82: 31. Bartlett, Nathaniel J . Lit. W. (Bost.) 33: 88, Bartlett, Paul, Sculptor, with portrait. (Ellen Strong Bartlett) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 369. Bartlett Carter’s Awakening. (W. F. Brown) Munsey, 351 655- Bartlett Families of Guilford, Conn. N. E. Reg. 56-: 155. Bartolommeo, Life, Works, and Bibliography, with portrait. Mast. in Art, 5: I. Barton, Elizabeth, the Holy Maid of Kent. Cheney) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 18: 107. Bartram, John, Botanist, 1699-1784. (J. H. Lovell) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 753. —- Country Home of. (Edgar M. Bacon) Ctry Life Am. 5: 37. — Redivivus ? (Lane Cooper) Nation, 80: 152. Baruffi, Alfredo, Italian Draughtsman. (V. Pica) Studio (Internat.) 25: 137. Barye, Antoine Louis. (R. I. Geare) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 539. —- With portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 5: 401, Baryta Water as a Protection for Stonework. Church) Am. Arch. 86: 103, Bascom, John. (D. B. F rankenburger) Wis. Alum. M. (R. D. Smyth) (A. D. (A. H. n 2: 3) . Baseball, Development of the Game. (J . L. Steel) Outing, 44: 333. ' — Flaws of the Diamond. (C. Deming) Outing, 44: 121. -— Old Days in. (C. Deming) Outing, 40: 357. —-— Our Great Game. (J . B. Casey) Indep. 61: 375, - The Strategy of. (Allen Sangree) -Everybody’s, I5: 5°9- Baseball Nine, Making of a. (E. B. Ploss) Outing, 421 454- Base Ball Players, Best, of 1903, with portraits. (T. Waters) Everybody’s, I0: 214, Bash Vourmak, The; or, The Striking of the Head. (F. Cowley Whitehouse) Chamb. J . 83: 110, Bashfulness as a Phase of Self-consciousness. (G. S. Hall; Theodate L. Smith) Pedagog. Sem. I0: 159, Bashgali Kafir Language. Asia. R. 36: 327. Bashkirtsefl’, Marie, Legend and. (Prince B. Kara- georgevitch) F ortn. 80: 647, Basil, A Pot of. Nature, 67: 205. Basing House, Relief of, I644. Longm. 41: 126, Basket of Fate; a story. (S. Pickering) Temp. Bar, 131: 108-752. 132: 112-641, Basket Collector, Confessions of a. , Land of Sun. 5: 3. Basket Designs of the Pomo Indians. Am. Anthrop. 7: 648. Basket Maker, The. (Mary Austin) Atlan. 91: 235. Basket Making. (Jeanne C. Carr) Calif. M. 2: 597. Basket Materials, Some Little-known. (C. L. Ed- wards) Science, n. s. I7: 826. Basket-weaving, Porno Indian. 18: 317. Basket-work, American Indian. (G. A. B. Dewar) (J. T. Connor) (S. E. Barrett) (C. Purdy) Out West, Studio (Internat.) 20: 144. Basketry, Coiled. (C. C. Willoughby) Science, n. s. I6: 31. —-— Indian. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 7: 321, -— — Mason’s. (L. Farrand) Science, n. s. I9: 538. — — Revival of, in California. Out West. 23! 539. — of the Aleutian Islands. (C. G. Porcher) Craftsman, 5: 575' — White’s More Baskets and How to Make Them. Craftsman, 4: 226, Baskets, Indian, The Campbell Collection of. Land of Sun. 2: 85. 53 Basuto, Folk-lore of the. BA—THONGA Baskets, Indian, Nevada. (C. MacNaughton) Out West W 433. 579- \ — — The Porno. (C. Purdy) Land of Sun. I5: 438. —- (C. Purdy) Out West, 16: 9, 151, 262, Basque Provinces, Spain. (E. Kirkpatrick) Califor- nian, 6: 178, 273, 368, ~\ ' Bass, Black. (W. C. Harris) Outing, 442 367. — -— How to Know and Catch. (J. A. Henshall) Outing, 48: 762, — — The People’s Game Fish. (J . A. Henshall) Ctry Life Am. 8: 169. —- The Canadian. (E. Sandys) Idler, 22: 496. - Sea, A 400—pound. (C. F. Holder) Ctry Life Am. 10: 415. -— —— of England. (F. G. Aflalo) Outing, 44: 356. Bass Fishing. (E. Sandys) Outing, 40: 706. — Canadian. (E. Sandys) Idler, 27: 206. —- (F, M. Iris) Canad. M. 19: 225. Bass Rock, The. Chamb. J . 82: 385. —Monthly R. 9.110. 31 144- Bass Rock Light. Liv. Age, 236: 301, Bass Singers. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. I00: 65 3. Bas_se vs. Bellomont; an Early Decision on Intercolo- nial Rights. (C. G. Parker) Harv. Law R. 18: 483. Bassett, Eli, Judge. (G. O. Blume) Green Bag, 15: 469. Bassett, Prof. John S., Case of. World’s Work, 7: 4284- Bassi, Fra Ugo, Inner Life of. Chaut. 34: 415. Bastian, Adolph. (A. H. Keane) Geog. J . 25: 571. —— —'With portrait. (W. H. Carruth) Open Court, I8: 321, Bastiat, F., Cobden’s Foreign Teacher. ford) National, 46: 68 3, Baston, Robert. Poem of the Battle of Bannockburn. (W. D. Macray) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 507. (Minnie Cartwright) Folk- (E. W. Latimer) (J . W. Wels- Lore, I5: 244, Basuto Land, and its People. (R. Crawshay) Geog. J . 21: 645. ‘ Bat, The Red. (H. L. Ward) Science, 11. s. 22: 20, Batangas, Pacification of. (H. A. White) Internat. Q. 71 43‘. Batavia, Reminiscences of. Chamb. J . 80: 220, Bateman, Stephen. Retrospective Review of his “Golden Books of the Leaden Goddes.” Gent. M. n. s. 77: 58. Bates, Arlo. (E. F. Harkins) Lit. W. (Bost.) 351 159. Bates, Blanche, with portrait. (M. White, jr.) Mun- sey. 35= 600- Bates, Lindon W., an Engineer of World-wide Suc- cesses. (F. Strother) World’s Work, 12: 7983. Bath, England, A Fortnight in. (W. D. Howells) Harper, III: 811, — in the 18th Century. Ed. R. 202: 162. —At.h. ’o4, 2: 232, —-— Kingdom of. (J . H. Lobban) Blackw. I77: 466. —-— Quarries at. (T. S. Cotterell) Antiq. n. s. 41: 87. Bath, The Public. (B. H. Smith) Outl. 79: 567. Bath Cure, The ; a Plea for Home Preference. (F. T. Bond) National, 45: 489. Bath-house, A Public, The Popularization of. Char. I4: 694. Bathers, The. (H. G. Dwight) Scrib. M. 34: 700. Bathing; is it Good for us ? (E. Wood) Everybody’s, 11: 645. . (D. Osborne) Outing, 402 517. Bathing Places, World’s. (J . Brent) Munsey, 27: 549. Ba-Thonga, Folklore of the. (H. A. J unod) Folk- Lore, I4: 116. BATI-IS Baths, Bibliography of. (W. P. Gerhard) Am. Arch. 87. 14, — Public; Bathers of the City. (R. D. Paine) Out- ing, 46: 558. Ba’tiste the Trapper. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 41: 628. Batoka Gorge of the Zambesi. Nature, 73: 111, Bats, Baby. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 26: 258. — English. Spec. 93: 831. Batsford, B. T. Ath. ’o4, 2: 658. Batteries, Field, in the Organized Militia. (J. P. O’Ryan) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 37; 273, 460. — Heavy. (C. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. M. 24: 193. — Six or F our-gun. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 448. Batteries, Primary. (C. Hering) J . F rankl. Inst. I62: 337- - — Cooper on. (M. S.) Nature, 65! 362. Battersby’s Valedictory. (R. MacAlarney) Atlan. 921 367- Batterson, James G., Founder of Accident Insurance in America. (J . M. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I51 367. “ Battery Fool, The.” (Oscar King Davis) Cent. 48: 747. Battery Resistance by Mance’s Method. (A. W. Smith) Science, 11. s. 22: 434. Battle, Emotions experienced in. (C. E. Benton) New Eng. M. n. s. 3!: 166. — How Men feel in. (S. H. M. Byers) Harper, I12: 931- — What you feel under Fire. (A. Whitshed) Un. Serv. M. 25: 521. Battle of Ethandune. (VV. Greswell) Ath. ’o6,_2: 186. Battle of the Books, Ancient and Modern. Westm. I60: 425, Battle of the Fools, The. (Samuel Merwin) Lippinc. . 77= 385- Battle of Gray’s1Pasture. (C. L. Teeple) Atlan. 92: 59:- Battle oif the Capes, The. (J . Barnes) Outl. 77: 55 3. Battle Abbey, Hides and Virgates at. (J . Tait) Eng. Hist. R. 1821705. Battle Creek, Mich. (F. ‘E S. Tucker) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17:118. Battle Street and St. James’s. (H. Colton) Outl. 84: 232, Battlefield, Humors of the. (Lewis Golding) Chamb. J. 81: x73. Battlefield Chl1I‘0l1,'I407. n. s. 39: 201. Battles in Fiction. (Eveline ' Godley) National, 41: 104. = Eol. M. 140! 774. I Liv. Age, 237: I06. —- of Birds and Beasts. Spec. 91: 863. —- Spirit that Wins. Spec. 92: 633. =Liv. Age, 2411 (W. G. D. Fletcher) Antiq. S71- Battleship, Building of a. (G. W. Dickie) Overland, n. s. 40: 3. -— — in Twelve Months. (J . R. Oldham) Cassier, 26: 565. ' -— Docking a. (B. Reid) Munsey, 27: 395. —in Action. (J. O. Cm-wood) Overland, 'n. s. 43: 444. — Launching a, from the _Congressional Ways. (W. M’Adoo) No. Am. 174: I82. — on the Defensive, The. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 80: 472. Battleships, Comparison of, England, France, and Russia. Un. Serv. M. 25: 560. —— Latest Developments in. (J . R. Spears) Outl. 84: 513- -- Mines, and Torpedoes. (Park Benjamin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 65. — Modern; Latest Types. (A. S. Hurd) Booklover’s M- 5= 745- 54 BEACONSFIELD Battleships, of the United States Navy. (H. G. Gill- mor) Cassier, 21: 473. —- Recent, Comparison of. (H. G. Gillmor) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 72 33. Batuschka; a poem. (T. B. Aldrich) Outl. 79: 272. Bauer Siebert’s Find. (W. L. Fraser) Cent. 43: 633. Baumes, Lewis, Colored Chalk Drawings by. (L. Van der Veer) Studio (Internat.) 21: 3 3, Bavaria and the Tyrol. (E. W. Porter) Calif. M. I: 237- —Bric-a-Brac Hunt in. (P. G. Hubert, jr.) Cent. 4I= 643- Bavarian and Tyrolian Types as painted. Byrns) Brush & P. 18: 3. Bavarian Literary Gathering, A. Liv. Age, 23 5: 252. Baxter, Margaret, ‘Wife of Richard Baxter. (F. M. Parsons) Eel. M. 139: 218. Baxter, Richard. (D. Baxter) Cath. World, 79: 726. Baxter, Mrs. S. T. [Leader Scott]. Ath. ’02, 22 684. Bax18:er’s Procrustes. (C. W. Chesnutt) Atlan. 93: 23, Bay City, Mich. (A. H. Gausser) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 191 (A. G. 117, Bay of Fundy, An Outing by. (F. C. Sears) Canad. M. 23: 200. Bayard, Ferdinand M., Travels in Virginia and Mary- land in 1791. (B. C. Steiner) Sewanee, I2: 52, Bayes, Gilbert, Sculptor. (W. S. Sparrow) Studio (Internat.) I6: I02, Bayes, Jessie, a Modern Illuminator. Art, 26: 5 59, Bayeux Tapestry, The. (J . H. Round) Monthly R. 17, no, 3: 109. Bayreuth and its Musical Festival. (N. Powell) Canad. M, 18: 403, ' Baza; Stranded in a ‘Spanish Hill Town. Dawley, jr.) Cent. 44: 227, Bazaar Party Outflanked, The. Words, 44: 511. _ Bazin, René. (A. Turquet) Fortn. 84: I037. - Novels of. (H. A. Stimson) Booklover’s M. 4: 743. Be it Ever so Humble} a story. (L. R. Meekins) Munsey, 29: 511. Be you Never so Gay. (Lee W. Dodd) Cosmop. 38: (J . Greig) M. of (T. R. (H. Davies) Good 297- Beach, Sir Michael Hicks. (J . McCarthy) Outl. 73: 726. — Pall Mall M. 26: 443. — and the Free—food League. tional, 42: 478. Beachcomber, The Word. (J . R. Wilson) Nation, 82: (Chas. Follett) Na- 343- Beacon of Progress Monument. (E. E. Harvey) Brush & P. 10: 78. Beaconsfield, Lord. (A. Cecil) Monthly R. 8, no. 2: 73.—-(E. Sa1tus)Munsey, 33: I59.—Macmil. 91: 229.—(L. H. Friswell) Temp. Bar, 132: 230,- (W. Meynell) Bk. News, 222 444. —-(G. S. Hell-' man) Bookman, I6: 386. Q and the Bar. Green Bag, 17: 90. -—- and his Work. (R. J . Creighton) Californian, 3: 545. —- as Orator and Novelist. Acad. 62: 675. — Lothair, The Allusions in. (G. Smith) Nation, 80: 310, — Maxims of. Spec. 95: 461. — Meynell’s Life of. Ath. ’o3, 2: 445. — (P. F. Bick- nell) Dial, 35: 461. — Novels. (Lord Iddesleigh) Monthly R. I3, no. 22 37. ~(L. Melville) Fortn. 82: 861, _ ProPhecies of. (W. Sichel) I9th Cent. 522 I12. —- Reminiscences of. (R. S. Gower) M. of Art, 26: 207, — Sichel’s Study of. Spec. 92: 603. — Vivian Grey and Pelham. (H. B. Samuel) Acad. 67: 316. . Beat of Drum, The. BEACONSFIELD Beaconsfield, Viscountess, Strange Story of. (J . Sykes) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 124,:Ecl. M. 139: 632, :Liv_ Age, 2341 670. — (J. H. Harris) Gent. M. 11. s. 70: I3)- Beagle, The. (J. Watson) Ctry Life Am. 2: 93. —(A. H. Higginson) Outing, 43: 37. Beaker, Pottery. (H. St. G. Gray) Antiq. n. s. 42: 18. Beaminster, Dorset. (Sophia Beale) Am. Arch. 88: 5. Beans, Irish’s Garden. (L. H. Pammel) Am. Natural. 1% 593- Bear, Adventure with a. (E. R. Young) Outing, 43: 431- ~— A New. (W. J. Holland) Cent. 48: 130. Bear Hunt, A Colorado. (T. Roosevelt) Scrib. M. 38: 387. -— President Roosevelt’s. (L. Denison) Outing, 41: 603. Bear Hunting. (T. M. Copeland) Calif. M. I: 420. —on Kadiak Island. (J. H. Kidder) Outing, 41: 348 Bear Lore, Grizzly. (H. G. Tinsley) Outing, 41: 154, Bear-maiden, The. (A. E. Jenks) J. Am. F olk-Lore, 15: 33._ Bear-stalking in Alaska. (J. H. Kidder) Outing, 41: 466. Beard, Dan; the Man and his Art. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 322 53. ——- Moonblight; Appreciations and Criticisms. (A. B. Paine ; I. Bacheller; H. Garland; H. George, jr.; B. Hall) Arena, 32: 67. Beard as a Test for Classification of Races. (C. S. Wake) Am. Antiq. 24: 43. Beards, Folly of. (F. Richardson) Cornh. 89: 678. Beardsley, Aubrey. (H. Macfall) Acad. 67: 462,- (Robert Ross) Acad. 70: 59. -— Art of, Literary Element in. (A. E. Gallatin) Critic, 41: 561. — Last Letters. Art J. 572 I76. Beardsley, Henry M., Mayor of Kansas City. (Hugh O’Neill) \¢Vorld To-day, I1: 696, Bearer of Glad Tidings, The ; apoem. (G. W. Carryl) Scrib. M. 38: 29. Béarn, The Fors of.‘ (A. R. Whiteway) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 146. Bears, Awakening of. — Five Grizzlies in Five Shots. World’s Work, 10: 6539. —- When you meet a Bear. (E. Mott) Outing, 42: 73. (W. H. Wright) (W. J. Long) Outl. 71: 387. Beasley and the Hunchbergs. (Booth Tarkington) Cosmopol. 40: 115, Beast Imagery and the Bestiary. (W. Kemp-Welch) 19th Cent. 54: 5o1.:Liv. Age, 230: 165, (W. Andrews) Antiq. n. s. 39: 151, Beat t’ Harbor, A; a story. (N. Duncan) Harper, 107: 614. Beatitudes, The. Bib. World, 22: 83, —(W. Fair- weather) Bib. World, 25: I34. —-(J. H. Moulton) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 97. -— (L. Abbott) Outl. 83: 647- 931. 84: 15-268. —Happiness as revealed in the. World, 231 180. Beaton, Cardinal, and the Will of James V. (H. F. Morland Simpson) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 112, Beatrice, Wife of Dante. (Mary B. Whiting) Temp. Bar, 126: 270, Beats, Ebbinghaus’ Explanations of. (I. M. Bentley; E. B. Tichener) Am. J. Psychol. 15: 62, — Study of Certain Phenomena concerning the Limit of. (A. Wyczolkowska) Psychol. R. 13: 378, Beau, The; a story. (M. C. Dyar) Harper, 112: 390. Beaufort Scale, The. (W. E. Plummer) Nature, 74: 106. (H. C. King) Bib. 55 BECKE Beaufort Sea. Next Great Discovery in Arctic Re- gions. (Clements R. Markham) Geog. J. 27: I. Beaujeu. (H. C. Bailey) Monthly R. v. 18-20, = Liv. Age, v. 248-251. Beaulieu Abbey, Hampshire, Eng. Arch. 82: 11. Beaumarchais. (S. G. Tallentyre) Macmil. 92: 391. Beaumont, F ., and Fletcher, J. The Elizabethan Ros- tands. Liv. Age, 232: 439. =Ecl. M. 138: 454. Beaumont, Sir G., and Cole Orton Hall. (H. B. John- son) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 540, Beautiful, The, and the Necessary. suke) Overland, n. s. 41: 1, — A Lover of the. (H. Joor) Craftsman, 91 73. — The Spring of Salvation. (H. B. Alexander) Inter- nat. J . Ethics, 14: 209, Beautiful Burden, The. (E. Pottle) Craftsman, 10: (S. Beale) Am. (Adachi Kinno- 443- Beautiful Lady, The; a story. (Booth Tarkington) Harper, I10: 38, 195, Beautifying the Ugly Things. (Mary B. Hartt) World’s Work, 9: 5859. Beauty and the Footlights. n. s. 42: 494. -— and Light. (Kenyon West) Arena, 33: 608. -— and Social Progress. (J . W. Stimson) Arena, 31: I35- —- Appreciation of. (C. W. Eliot) Critic, 47: 172. -— as a Municipal Asset. (C. R. Woodrufi) Craftsman, 9: 539- — Cheapness of. (E. Crosby) Craftsman, 7: 467. (L. G. Giltner) Overland, -— Cost of. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 142. —— Ethics of. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 170. — Evolution of the Art of. (A. M. Stevens) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 366. — Idea of. (Ethel D. Puffer) Internat. Mo. 5: 757. ——- in Men. (H. T. Peck) Cosmopol. 35: 627. — in Public Places, Civic Awakening for. (S. Baxter) Cent. 42: 255. —- in relation to Religion. (L. A. Fox) Luth. Q. 33: 49. —- Invisible. (M. Reed) Harper, I04: 572. — More, for All. (C. L. Hunt) Chaut. 37: 55. — A Plea for. (A. H. Granger) Archit. Rec. 18: 161. — Preservation of. (J . M. Taylor) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 397. — Quest of. (A. O’Hagan) Munsey, 29: 406, — Racial and Ideal Types of. (Gertrude Lynch) Cos- mopol. 38: 223. — Sleeping. (C. F. Bragdon) Craftsman, 4: 338. —— Types of. (N. T. B.) Temp. Bar, 129: 69, 687. —- The Vanishing. (J . Brumner) Ctry Life Am. 5: 477. Beauty and the Beast. (R. Pocock) Munsey, 34: 526, Beaux, Cecilia. (H. St. Gaudens) Critic, 46: 39. Beaux-Arts Skyscraper; the Blair Building, N. Y. City. (H. W. Desmond) Archit. Rec. 14: 436. Beaver, The Miraculous. (J . Burroughs) Outing, 46: 118. Beaver Hunting. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 39: 470. Beaver Ways. (F. H. Risteen) Outing, 41: 667. Beaver’s Reason, A. (J . Burroughs) Cosmopol. 39: 216, Beavers at Work. (C. E. Williams) McClure, 24: 292. Bebel, August. (E. Sellers) Fortn. 30: I54.—-(G. Egre- mont) Spec. 96: 332, Y 1 ~-.-.. “ Because of Nellie.” (B. H. Lippincott) Lippinc. 74: 82, . . Bechtel Mansion Muider, (F. W. Winch) Overland, ,n. s. 43; W" Beck, Adolf;'The Case of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 79= 495-—Spe9 931 279- — — One Lesson from. (R. Anderson) 19th Cent. 56: 1004. Becke, Louis. Lit. W. (Bost.) 332 25. BECKER Becker, Sherburn M., Mayor of Milwaukee. (W. Hard) World To-day, 10: 588, Becque, Henry. La Parisienne. (P. M. Craigie) Acad. 67: 17. Becquerel Rays. (W. Ramsay) Contemp. 81: 730.-— (J . J . Thomson) Harper, 106: 289. Bedales, School at. (D. S. Sanford) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 293. Beddoes, Thos. Lovell. 11: 306. Bedell, Wm., Two Lives of. Ath.’o3, 1: 363. Bedford, Jessie. (Eliz. Godfrey) Lit. W. (Bost.) 33: 90. Bedfordshire, Doubleday and Page’s History of. Ath. ’o4, I: 682, Bedlam in Literature. Acad. 68: 278. Bedquilt, The. (D. Canfield) Harper, I12: 889, Bedroom, The. (D. N. B. Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 16: 372 —- and its Individuality. Craftsman, 9: 694. Bedsteads and Cradles, Ancient. (A. S. Levetus) Stu- dio (Internat.) 27: I31. Bedtime Books. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 480. Bee, Honey, Enemies of the. (L. Rhead) Outl. 80: 1063. — in the Lady’s Slipper. Am. 8: 5 35. — Wrath of the. (M. Maeterlinck) Harper, I05: 467, Bee-keeping for Pleasure and Profit. (W. Q. Hutchin- son) Ctry Life Am. 4: 119, -— How to Begin. (A. B. Comstock) Ctry Life Am. (Barnette Miller) Sewanee, (W. H. Sargent) Ctry Life 7: 635. — Modern. (W. F. Reid) J. Soc. Arts. 51: 522. Bee Sermons, The. (A. E. McFarlane) Atlan. 91: 662, Beecher, Emerson. (C. Schuchert) Am. J . Sci. 167: 411. — (W. H. Dall) Science, 11. s. 19: 453. — (R. T. Jackson) Am. Natural. 38: 407. Beecher, Henry Ward. (F. H. Porter) Am. J . Theol. 8: 790. —— (L. Abbott) Atlan. 92: 539. — (L. Abbott) Bk. News, 22: 401. — Abbott’s Life of. (M. E. Barrows) Dial, 36: 42. — (J . W. Chadwick) Nation, 77: 5 30. -— Forgotten Nature Studies by. (Margaret F. Robin- son) Bk. Buyer, 24: 108, —- Some Letters of. Outl. 75: 365. Beecher, Thomas K., a Remarkable Personality. (W. S. B. Mathews) Outl. 82: 5 5 5. ' Beeching, Canon H. C. An Examination in English Literature, with Some Select Blunders. Liv. Age, 248= 79- Beef, Advance in Prices. (N. Y.) 27: 69. — Prices of. (F. C. Croxton) J. Pol. Econ. I3: 20!. — Why Price is High. (G. W. Ogden) World’s Work, 4= 2179. Beef-gelatine, The Action of Radium on. 246: 314. Beef Industry, and the Government Investigation. (E. D. Durand) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 464. Beef Trust, The, and the U. S. Govt. (Francis Walker) Econ. J. 16: 491. -— The Greatest Trust in the World. (C. E. Russell) Evervbodfs. W 291-779. 13: 56-380- — The So-called. (G. B. Fife) Cent. 43: 148. Beefsteak Clubs. Sublime Society of Beefsteaks. (“ Thormanby”) Temp. Bar, 133: 263. Beekman, Henry Rutgers, with portrait. Ogden) Colum. Univ. 3: 128. Beerbohm, Max. (W. W. Whitelock) Bk. Buyer, 608. — (J . Keating) Idler, 25: 371. Beers, Henry A. (B. J . Henrick) Critic, 42: 223, Bees ; Diadasia Patton. (F. D. A. Cockerell) Am. Natural. 39: 741. (F. C. Broxton) R. of Rs. Liv. Age, (D. B. 56 BEHIND Bees, Fertilization of Flowers by. (L, M. Weed) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 410, — Habits of. (A. Coll) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 172, — Halictine, of America. (F. D. A. Cockerell) Am. Natural. 39: 89. — Honey, that do not Sting. - (D. Everett Lyon) Ctry Life Am. 8: 520, — Hunting Wild. (H. C. McCook) Harper, 113: 592, —(H. Kephart) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 542, — Industries of the Hive. (A. B. Comstock) Ctry Life Am. 8: 462. _ _. -— Maeterlinck’s Life of. Sat. R. 93: 40.=Ecl. M. 138: 540.=Liv. Age, 232: 564. - of Australia. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Nature, 73: 439. —- Swarming of. Ecl. M. 145: 233. =Liv. Age, 246: 60. —- (E. Grinell) Out West, 19: 597. — Ways of. Chamb. J. 79: 549. — Wi6ld, in a London Garden. (J . Fyvie) Good Words, 4 : 312, Beet Culture in the U. S. (H. W. Wiley) Science, 11. s. 20: 244. . Beet-sugar from British Grown Beets. (Sigmund Stein) J . Soc. Arts, 54: 70. -— in California. Land of Sun. 5: I7 5. Beet-sugar Culture in Southern California. (Richard Gird) Land of Sun. 1: 17. — in Trouble again. (F. J . Whiting) Nation, 79: 69. —— in the United States, Conditions affecting. (G. VV. Shaw) J. Pol. Econ. 12: 327. Beet-sugar Industry. (C. M. Harger) Outl. 72: 128, Beethoven, Ludwig van. (G. P. Curtis) Cath. World, 77: 515.—Mast. in Music, 2: pt. 10, pt. 11.—-(A. Symons) Monthly R. 19, no. I: 31.: Liv. Age, 246: 19. =Ecl. M. 145: 206. — and his Music. (T. W. Surette) Chant. 40: 438. — Art of. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 97: 391. — as a Composer. (G. D. Mason) Outl. 79: I 3I. — as related to Mozart, Haydn, and Bach. (W. S. B. Mathews) Music, 21: 301, -— Love Quest of. (Mary B. Whiting) Good Words, 46: 567. — The Man. (G. D. Mason) Outl. 79: 57. — Place of. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 99: 303. — Statue by Max Klinger. (F. Morgenthal) Brush & P. 10: 305, Beetles, British, in Masquerade. (J . Isabell) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 369. — Life-saving Appliances used by. Gent. M. n. s. 69: 319. Before Adam. (Jack London) Everybody’s, I5: 445- (John Isabell) 844. Before Chloroform. Liv. Age, 246: 225. Before the Railroad came. (David Lansing) Outing,, 46= 747. Before the Storm; a /poem. (E. Pottle) Outing, 40: 75°- Beggar’s Pouch, The. (Agnes Repplier) Atlan. 93: 385- Beggars and their Ways. (Theo. Waters) Everybody’s, 12: 69. — London. (H. B. Philpott) Macmil. n. s. I: 617. —— Shall we give to ? (T. Waters) Everybody’s, I 1: 789. Begging as aFine Art. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 79: 516. Begging Letters. Char. 8: 321. —Spec. 88: 245. Beginning, Had the Universe a? (C. Morris) Monist, I6: 313, Behaist Movement, The. Behemoth, The Transformation of. ald) Nation, 78: 494. Behind the Dunes; a Story. (N. De Spalding) Cath. World, 78: 509. Behind the Gray Mask. (P. H. Coggius) Booklover’s M. 7: 756. Open Court, I9: 54. (D. B. Macdon- BEHIND Behind the Lattice and the Veil. (Margaret Mac- gregor) Good Words, 46: 784. Behind the Mask. (C. Rolleston) Westm. I63: 39. Behn, Aphra, Novels of. Ath. ’05, 2: 262. Behr, Hans Hermann. (A. Eastwood) Science, 11. s. 19: 636. Behring. See Bering. Being and Seeing. (E. B. Hulbert) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 1: 109, Beirut. See Beyrouth. Bcit, Alfred, a Co-worker with Cecil Rhodes. Sat. R. 102: 68, —- Diamond King, Empire Builder. (VV. F. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 300. --With portrait. Every- b0dy,s: 7: 348- — Will of. Science, 11. s. 24: 125. Bel, the Christ of Ancient Times. (H. Radau) Monist, 14: 67. Belasco, D. Darling of the Gods, criticised by a Jap- anese. Critic, 42: 70. Belated Christmas, A. (C. Goodloe) Cent. 47: 181. Belated Comedy, A. (E. Elliott) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 685, Belated Recognition, A. (F. E. Leupp) Cent. 46: 37. Belated Valentine, A. (V. Sheard) Canad. M. 24: 368. Belated Wooing, A; a story. (M. C. Crowley) Cath. World, 79: 473. , Belcher, Gov., Conference with Several Tribes of Western Indians at Deerfield. (G. Sheldon) N. E. Reg. 60: 256. —A “Scrub-poetical” Answer to, 1733-34. (0. G. Hammond) M. of Hist. 1: 18. Belcher Bible Records. (C. F. Read) N. E. Reg. 58: 335- Belcher Families in New England. (J . G. Bartlett) N. E. Reg. 60: 125, 243, 358. Belfry and Bells. (F. M. Damon) Overland, n. s. 44: 2“ . Belgian Art at St. Louis Exposition. (M. I. G. Oliver) Studio (Internat.) 25: 143, -— To-day. (J . E. VVhitby) M. of Art, 27: 224. Belgian Exposition, The. (J . Douglas) Nation, 81: 3"- Belgilh Literature, 1901-02. (P. Fredericq) Ath. ’02, 2: 7. —- 1902-03. (P. Fredericq) Ath. ’03, 2: 7. — 1903-04. (P. Fredericq) Ath. ’o4, 2: 295, Belgiojoso, Princess Christina Trivulzio. (A. Laugel) Nation, 76: 69. Belgium and Germany. (D. C. Boulger) 19th Cent. 581 43- - — Reading Journey in. Chant. 41: 26. — Art Crusade in. (C. M. Robinson) Harper, 104: 443, -— Battle of the Schools in. I°5= 236. 365. 476. -— Emancipation from the Dutch. (F. C. Conybeare) Internat. Q. 9¢ 33. —-— England, and Holland. (Y .) Fortn. 86: 265. —England, and Little States. (D. C. Boulger) 19th Cent. 51: 1023. -— Future of. (E. Vandervelde) National, 47: 594. = E01. M. 147: 150. —- Giants of. (J . E. Whitby) Good Words, 44: 256. —— Historic Pageants of. (A. M. Michelson) Crafts- man: 9: 357- - Home-industry and Peasant-farming in. Givkov) Contemp. 90: 388, 5 34, -— Independence of, from an Australian Standpoint. (J . M. Creed) Contemp. 81: 378. -— Neutrality of. (H. B. Phillips) Un. Serv. M. 33: (P. Verhaegen) Month, (Erik 53‘- —of Charles the Bold and Philip H. (C. de Graf- fenried) Chaut. 40: 30. 57 BELUCHISTAN Belgium, Periodical Press of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32¢ 186. — Political Situation in, 1902. (A. M. Simons) Indep. 541 970. —— To-day. (B. J . Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 433. —-— 20th Century. (C. de Graifenried) Chant. 40: 126. — Universal Suffrage in. Month, 100: 113. Belgrade and Sofia. (A. Symons) Harper, 107: 675. Belief and Credulity. (J . Jastrow) Educa. R. 23: 22. — as an Ethical Necessity. (E. H. Griflin) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 207. — Inadequacy of Common Grounds of. (J . Ellis M’Taggart) Hibbert J . 4: 116. — Rationality and. (A. K. Rogers) Philos. R. I3: 30. — Reconstruction of. (W. H. Mallock) Contemp. 87: 524.=Ec1. M. 145: 141. = Liv. Age, 245: 641. — — Mallock on. (S. F. Smith) Month, 108: 287, Beliefs and Realities. (J . Dewey) Philos. R. 15: 113- 129, Beljame, Prof. Alexandre. 2: 368, Belknap Mountains, Geology of. (L. V. Pirsson and H. S. \Vashington) Am. J. Sci. 170: 344. —-— Petrography of. (L. V. Pirsson and H. S. Wash- ington) Am. J. Sci. I73: 439, 493. Bell, Henry, and his Share in Steam Navigation. Chamb. J. 81: 797. Bell, Mrs. Isabella Bird, Stoddart’s Life of. Blackw. 180: 821, Bell, Brig.—Gen. James Franklin, the Roosevelt of the Army. (A. D. Albert, jr.) Munsey, 36: 52. Bell, John Joy, with portrait. (R. Barr) Idler, 23: (A. W. Ward) Ath. ’o6, 313- Bell, Lilian. (E. F. Harkins) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 363. Bell, Sir Lowthian. Nature, 71: 230. Bell, Mark Seaver, Colonel. Geog. J . 28: 187. Bell, Ancient Church. (G. F. Shaw) Canad. M. 22: 103. Bell, — a Chorus Girl; a story. (L. M. Rutherford) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 195. Bell Rock, 1808-1902. Chamb. J. 79: 730. Bell Towers, Italian. (Alfredo Melani) Am. Arch. 77: 3- “ Belle Aurore,” The; a story. (M. L. Pickthall) Temp. Bar, 134: 261. Belle Charnleigh’s Pearl; a story. Idler, 29: 422. Bellew, Frank P. W. Chip and his Dogs. sou) Munsey, 33: 601. Belligerents and Neutrals. Serv. M. 29: 266. Bellini, Vincenzo, and Donizetti, Gaétano, with por- traits. Mast. in Music, 6: 49. Belloc, Hilaire. (C. Chesterton) Temp. Bar, 134: 385, '—-Liv. Age, 251: 689. — The Aftermath. Acad. 64: 635. Bellows, John. Letters and Memoir. Spec. 93: 154. —(P. F. Bickuell) Dial, 37: 165.—(A. V. Dicey) Nation, 80: 355. Bells. (B. C. Finch) Gent. M. n. s. 68¢ 322.—-(J. F. Rowbotham) Good Words, 45: 110. — Clocks and Carillons. (A. A. Johnston) J. Soc. Arts. 49= 359- —— Large. (R. Quick) Reliquary, 43: 33. Belmont, August. (R. H. Graves) Cosmopol. 34¢ 468. Below the Mill-dam; a story. (R. Kipling) Monthly R. 8, no. 3: 23. Below Sea-level. (F. Anthony) Land of Sun. 15: 22. Beluchistan. (C. E. Yate) Asia. R. 42: 15. — and Eastern Persia, Through. (Earl Ronaldshay) National, 39: 787, — and its Possibilities. 40: 10. (R. M. Gilchrist) (T. Mas- (L. G. Laughton) Un. (C. E. D. Black) Asia. R. BELUCHISTAN Belnchistan, Journey through, via the Nushki-Sistan Trade Route, with map. . (Earl Ronaldshay; E. Penton) Geog. J . 20: 80, Ben Attow, Ascent of. (E. A. Baker) Temp. Bar, 129: 603. “ Ben Bolt,” Correct Version of. (T. D. English) M. of Hist. 1: 161. Ben Bnlben District, The. Nature, 71: 91. Ben Nevis, Glacial Aspect of. (Victor H. Gatty) Geog. J , 27: 487. Ben Sira, Primitive Exegesis. (J . H. A. Hart) Jew. Q. 15: 627. -— Wisdom of. (C. Taylor) Jew. Q. 15: 440. Ben Zoni’s Matinee; a story. (J. Blethe McClure, 2?» 34: Benard, Emile. (W. C. Jones) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 292, Benares, Holy City of the Hindus. (F. J. O. Alsop) Outing, 46: 33. Benbow and St. Malo. (C. Field) Good Words, 451 922, II Bench, Duty of the, to the Bar. Am. Law R. 40: 5. Bench-Ends, Somerset. (A. Gordon) Reliquary, 44: 83. Beneath the “ Bulldog’s ” Bilge. (T. J . Haines) Mc- Clure, 25: 348. Beneath the Cloak. (H. A. Bruce) Outl. 80: 975. Beneath the Dog’s Fang ; a Jacobite story. (M. Glass and H. M. Johnston) Canad. M. 21: 549, Beneath the Wrinkle ; a story. (C. Morris) McClure, 22: 429. Benedict, E. C., Estate of, at Greenwich, Conn. Ctry Life Am. 2: 148, Benedictine Nuns of Cambray, The. Dub. R. 135: 345- Benedictines, Two Passings of. (C. Oliver) Macmil. n.s,I: 202, Benediction, St. Paul’s. (J. H. Bernard) Expos. 6th ser. 8: 372. Benediction Service, English. 106: 394. Benefactor, A. (Katherine Tynan) Chamb. J . 79: 251. Benefactor, The. (Freeman Harding) World’s Work, 11: 6892. Benevolence of Montana Bill ; a story. (A. J . Stringer) Munsey, 27: 287. Benevolent Despotism. (J . G. Godard) Westm. 160: 8. Benevolent Institutions. Behind the Mask. (C. Rol- leston) Westm. 163: 39. Bengal, The Land and its People. Soc. Arts, 50: 178. — Mafassal Law Courts of. Baa W 337: — The Partition of. (S. M. Mitra) Asia. R. 41: 263, — (Sir James Bourdillon) J . Soc. Arts, 54: 102, Benguet; the Garden of the Philippines. Nat. Geog. M, 14: 203, Beni Hasan, Discoveries at. Arch. 80: 102, —- Dolls from. Knowl. 27: 185, Benin, Africa, Visit to the King of. (W. F. Bray) Californian, 5: 362. Benjamin, Genealogies of. (H. Thurston) Month, (F. H. Skrine) J . (A. T. Sibbald) Green (John Garstang) Am. (L. Abrahams) Jew. Q. W 343- Benjamin of Tudela, Itinerary of. (M. N. Adler) Jew. Q, 16: 453, 17: 123-762, 18: 84, 664, Benjamin, Judah P. (Burton Hanson) Am. Law R. 40: 331. Benjamin-Constant, J. J. (T. Haven) M. of Art, 24: 458. —-With portrait. (M. H. Spielmann) M. of Art, 26: 459. -—— With portrait. (E. S. Cameron) Brush & P. 10: 236. Benje’s Eulogy; a story. (M. C. Dyar) Harper, 107: 472- 58 BERLIN Bennett, Alfred William. Nature, 65: 321, Bennettiteae, Proembryo of. (G. R. Wieland) Am. J . Sci. 168: 445. ' Bennetts of Lancaster, Mass. Reg, 56: 241, “ Bennington,” Courts-martialbn the. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 82: 89. » Benson, A. C., Poetry of. (C. Weygandt) Sewanee, 14: 405. Benson, E. W., Archbp., Life, by his Son. (D. Moore) Pres. & Ref. R. 13: 306. Benson, R. H. The King’s Achievement. The Truth about the Monasteries. 89: 528, 90: 107, Bentham, Jeremy. (H. J . Randall) Law Q. 22: 311, Bentinck, George, Lord. (C. Whibley) Blackw. 176: 108 ’(E. S. Bolton) N. E. Bentinck, William, Lord, and Murat. (R. M. John- ston) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 263. Bentley, John Francis. Acad. 62: 249. —Ath. ’o2, 1: 409.—Sat. R. 93: 294. Benton, Andrew, of Milford and Hartford, Conn., and his Descendants. (J. H. Benton) N. E. Reg. 60: 3°°’ 34°- Benton, Thos. H. (Jessie B. Fremont) Indep. 55: 240, — as a Lawyer. (Eugene L. Didier) Green Bag, 18: 58' 3. Bentzon, Th. See Blane, Mme. Therese de Solms. Benyon, John Forster. “Wisdom ” Magazine. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 600, Benyowsky, Mauritius Augustus, Count, Pirate of the Pacific. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 47: 311. Benzine, Graded Condensation in Vapor of. (C. Barns) Science, 11. s. 15: 175. Beatrice and the Rose. (H. Willsie) Munsey, 35: 333. Beowulf, the Epic of the Saxons. (R. McCain) Educa. 27: 136. Bequests, Alternative. (VV. G.Miller)Jurid. R. 15: 19. —- in General Terms, Validity of. (J . D. Miller) J urid. R. 14: 246. Berard, Victor, and the Lestrygones. Ath. ’06, 2: I04, Berbers of Morocco, The. (W. Harris) Scrib. M. 36: Berea College and the Negro. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 791 389- - Attack on. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 78: 102, Bereshkovsky, Katharine, a Russian Revolutionist. (E. Poole) Outl. 79: 73. Bergh, Henry. (C. Morris) McClure, 18: 414, Bering, Vitus. The Tragedy of a Map. (C. Shackle- ford) Harper, 107: 22. Bering Sea Controversy, The. (A. G. Leech) Un. Serv. M, 28: 113, Bering Straits Route. Land Journey from Paris to New York. (H. De Windt) Harper, 104: 765, Berkeley, G., Influence of. (S. Paget) 19th Cent. 58: - 2-2, - — MiSsionary Plans of, and of Thos. Bray. (B. C. Steiner) Sewanee, 11: 289, Berkshire, Eng., The Heart of. D. S: I: 211. Berkshire Hills, Mass., Up in the. 011tins.47= 47. Berlin. (O. Heller) Chant. 42: 123. -— America’s First Embassadorial Building in. (G. Steinberg) Overland, n. s. 40: 139. — Bourse of. (W. C. Dreher) Cent. 44: 684. — British Soldiers at, in 1620. (H. W. Wolff) Macmil. 87: 219, -— Care of Dependent Children in. Char. 9: 118, 235, I — Elevated and Underground Railway. (P. Miiller) Engin. M. 27: 731. (A. Collett) Macmil. (V. Thompson) (A. H. Tenney) (G. G. Coulton) Contemp. I—- Tax Problem in. BERLIN Berlin, Modern. (C. A. Luhnow) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 74- . - Municipal Gas Works of. (R. C. Brooks) Yale R. 14: 361, 15: 24, — Nobleman’s Life in. (Countess von Krockow) Indep. 54: 2073, — Pergamon Museum. (C. A. Brussler) Am. Arch. 88: 199. — Royal Prussian Academy of Science. (E. F. Wil- liams) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 415,523. 65: 74, 170, 269, (Robert C. Brooks) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 665. -— University of, and the Proposed Change in the Ger- man System of National Education. (Maynard Butler) Arena, 36: 345. — A Winter in. (W. W. Crane, jr.) Californian, 2: 293,429- Berlin, Treaty of, Secret History of. (A. N. Cum- ming) 19th Cent. 58: 83. Berlin Council, Kaiser vs. Aff. 6: 252. Berlioz, Hector. (J. C. Hadden) Macmil. 88: 295, — (A. E. Keeton) Fortn. 80: 928.-— (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 96: 638, 667. — ‘and Realism in Music. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 84: 621, —- and Shakespeare. Acad. 65: 538. —— Influence of, on Later Music. (J . F. Runciman) (W. L. Hotchkiss) Mnnic. Sat. R. 96: 729. Bermudas, The; an Atlantic Oasis. Chamb. J. 82: 366. — and the Bermuda Biological Station for Research. (E. L. Mark) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 393, -—- Biological Station at. Science, 11. s. 17: 714, 834.- (E. L. Mark and C. L. Bristol) Science, 11. s. 19: 709- — Birds seen during July and August. (H. Bowditch) Am. Natural. 38: 355. — Boer Prisoners in. (K. W. Elwes) Fortn. 77: 985. -— (P. Bigelow) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 276. —— England’s “ Half-way House” to Panama. (C. T. Whitefield) World’s Work, 12: 7939. — Garden-farmer in. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. 5: 505. —- Under Storm Sails to. (P. Bigelow) Indep. 5 5: 2842, Bermuda Waters, Color Notes on. (C. R. Knight) Cent. 46: '5. Bernardin de St. Pierre et Rosalie de Constant. (W. ‘ Koren) Princ. Univ. Bull. 13: 75. Bernards of Abington and Nether VVinchendon, Hig- gins’s. (A. McF. Davis) Am. Hist. R. 9: 371. Berne, Educational Conference at, 1905. (S. T. Dut- ton) Educa. R. 31: 306. -- From Some Recollections of a Diplomatist. Rumbold) National, 40: 129, Bernhardt, Sara, as an Actress. ‘ 62: 635. — as a Playwright. — in Advanced Years. —— The Logical Death of. 556. Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo. (F. B. Clark) Chant. 35: 475. —-(A. Melani) Am. Arch. 76: 19, — and the Baroque Style. (E. M. Phillipps) F ortn. 86: 833. Bernstein, Edward, Socialism and. (A. F. Harrison) Fortn. 77: 123. Berry, Sir Edward. (W. H. Fitchett) Cornh. 86: 601, Berry Garden, The. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 54: 1935, Berrying, Going. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 59: 311, Berthelot, Pierre Eugene Marcellin. (O. Guerlac) Na- tion, 74: 8. — Nestor of Modern Chemistry. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 46. (H. (A. Symons) Acad. (A. Alexandre) Lamp, 26: 191, (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 98: 42. (Alan Dale) Cosmopol. 40: 59 BETWEEN Berthier, Marshall. (A. Laugel) Nation, 81: 276. Bertrand, Georges, with portrait. (B. Karageorge- vitch) M. of Art, 26: 219. Berwick, James Fitzjames, Duke of. Gent. M. 11. s. 71: 244, Beryllium or Glucinum. (C. L. Parsons) Science, 11. s. (A. Buckler) 20: 809. Berzelius and Wohler. (T. E. Thorpe) Nature, 67: 94. —- Correspondence of. (H. C. Bolton) Science, 11. s. 15: 740, Besant, Mrs Annie, and the Theosophical Society. (P. Carus) Monist, 4: 784, Besant, Sir Walter. Acad. 62: 365.——(W. P. Treat) Forum, 34: 150. —Spec. 88: 594, -- Autobiography. Ath. ’02, II 492. —(J. L. Gilder) Critic, 40: 505.—(W. M. Payne) Dial, 33: 7. —-(J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 74: 446. — Bk. Buyer, 24: 392- Besnard, Albert Paul, Artist. (Mrs. F. Keyser) Studio (Internat.) 20: 81, -- Exhibition of Works of. nat.) 26: 296. Bessemerizing Copper. (J . Douglas) Cassier, 22: 314, Besson, Jules Gustave, French Pastellist. (H. Frantz) Studio (Internat-) 22: 121, Best, Henry, 17th-century Farm-book of. Thompson) Gent. M. n. s. 731 266. Best Gift. (C. Dangerfield) Lippinc. 69: 638. Best Gun in the Valley, The. (N. Lloyd) Scrib. M. 33: 65. Bethel Community, Germany. (VV. D. P. Bliss) In- dep. 61: 687, Bethel Stone, The. (J . Patay) Chamb. J . 79: 764-819. Bethesda, The Pool of. (E. W. G. Masterman) Bib. World, 25: 88. —— (J . R. Harris) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 508. Bethesda Quarry Labor Disputes. Sat. R. 951 3 50. Bethlehem Greeting. (E. T. Devine) Char. I5: 395. Bethlem Land; a Christmas Carol. (C. W. Stubbs) Outl. 78: 1021. Bethune, George, of Craigfurdie, Scotland, and Boston, Mass. (C. P. Noyes) N. E. Reg. 60: 238. Betouu Family and some Letters of James VI. E. Malden) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 71 21. Betrothal, The ; from the French of Catulle Mendes. Good Words, 47: 65, Betrothal of Elypholate Yingst; a story. Martin) Cosmopol. 352 I96. Betrothal of Juanita Casas, The. body’s, 15: 225. Better Half, The. (E. S. Thacher) Harper, 104: 421. Better Part, The; a story. (Van T. Sutphen) Harper, 113: 841, Better Part, The. (H. Davies) Sund. M. 33: 704. Betterment Legislation, Recent. Chant. 37: 523. Betterment Movement, Philosophy of the. (O. L. Triggs) Chant. 37: 463. Bettina, Communistic Colony of. Texas Hist. Assoc. 31 33. Betting, Absurdity of. (W. Dalton) Sat. R. 101: 364. — and Gambling. (W. R. Sorley) Int. J . Ethics, 13: 421. — — Twofold Cause of. (A. T. Hadley) Cent. 42: 803. Betting-ring, Maelstrom of the. (J . F. Marsten) Mun- sey, 29¢ 7°5- -— Modern. (W. P. Pond) Outing, 48: 751. Betty, alias Nellie Neville. (Sarah C. Page) Lippinc. 77¢ 7°7- Between the Cataracts ; Notes from an Egyptian Diary. (H. Spender) Macmil. n. s. 1: 939. I Liv. Age, 251: 270, Between the Millstones. (Lancier Bartlett) Appleton’s M. 8: 204, (H. Frantz) Studio (Inter- (W. H. (H. (H. R. (W. Bulfin) Every- (L. Reinhardt) BETWEEN Between Taps and Reveille. (Hugh S. Johnson) Ap- pletou’s M. 81 567. Between Two. (F. C. Armstrong) Chamb. J . 82: 120. Between Two Lovers; a story. (T. Masson) Cosmopol. 37‘ 419- Between Two Trains. (D. C. Pedder) 19th Cent. 58: 649. Beveridge, Albert J ., with portrait. (G. H. Lorimer) Booklover’s M. 6: 709. Beverley, Eng., Town Riots, I 381—82, Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 19: 79. Beverly, Mass. (C. A. King) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 413. —- Historical MSS. (A. F. Leach) Ath. ’o2, 1: 18. Bewick, Thomas. (D. C. Thomson) Art J . 55: 366. Beyerlein, F. A. Jena or Sedan ? Spec. 92: 131, —— Lights Out. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 100: 553. Beyle, Marie Henri. (Count Liitzow) No. Am. 180: 829. —- Temp. Bar, 134: 1. Beyond; a poem. (H. C. Chadwick) Educa. 22: 506. Beyond the Blue Hills ; a story. (Jeanne O. Loiseaux) Cosmopol. 38: I77. Beyond the Limit ; a story. (Alice French) Cosmopol. an 451- Beyond the Outposts. (L. B.) Lippinc. 76: 488. Beyrouth, Syria, The University St. Joseph of. (J . Oiford) Am. Antiq. 27: 315. 28: 94, Bhagavadgita, The. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 113. Bhayakara, Ascent of. (W. H. Workman) Indep. 57: 6 (C. T. Fowler) 91 - Bianca, Angelo Dall’ Oca, Artist. (A. Melani) Studio (Internat.) 28: 230, Biarritz, France. (W. H. James) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 582. Bias, Secondary, in Objective Judgments. (R. Mac- Dougall) Psychol. R. 13: 97. Bible, American Revision. (H. M. Whitney) Bib. Sac. 60: 109, 347. 61: 248, 62: 71, 245, -—(E. Gould) N. Church R. 9: 424. —(B. B. Warfield) Presb. & . Ref. R. 13: 643. — (H. M. Whitney) Bib. Sac. 59: 217. 451, 653. — and the Church of England. Spec. 96: 488. — and Common Man. (J . A. Blaisdell) Bib. Sac. 62: 766. — and the Common Schools. Bib. World, 20: 243. -— and Criticism, G. A. Smith on. (M. Leitch) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 132. — and Education. (E. H. Hughes) Meth. R. 66: 765. — and Modern Criticism, Anderson on. (D. Purves) Crit. R. 13: 121. — and Nature. (H. S. Conant) N. Church R. 13: 550. — and a New Religion. (M. A. Lane) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: . — and Personal Experience. Bib. World, 22: 323. — and the Pulpit. (W. Kelly) Luth. Q. 33: 261, —- and Recent Archaeological Research. (S. G. Dorn- blaser) Luth. Q. 34: 577. -— and Swedenborg’s Writings. (J . Reed) N. Church R. 9: 481. — and Syrian Archaeology. 27: 197. — and Theology. Bib. World, 25: 243. -— Anglo-Saxons and. Liv. Age, 241: 590. =Ecl. M. 142: 677. — “Aristocratic ” Character of. (J . C. Todd) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 129. — as a Book of Life. Bib. World, 24: 163. — as Literature. (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 65. — (I. F. Wood) Outl. 80: 380, — as a Source of Style. (VV. D. Ellwanger) Critic, (H. Proctor) Am. Antiq. 43= 406. — Authority of, Ground of. (C. M. Mead) Bib. World, 25= 143- — Authorship of, The Two-fold. Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: 131, (C. P. Grannan) 60 BIBLE Bible, Bohemian Concordance to, Praze’s. (C. E. Ed- wards) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 298, —— Catechetical Use of. (G. U. Wenner) Luth. Q. 32: 153. — A Catholic and the. (James J . Fox) Cath. World, 80: 569, 780. 81: 185, 370, 512, —- Catholic and Protestant, Gould Prize Essays on. (J . F. Fenlon) Cath. World, 81: 217, — Churchman and the. Spec, 96: 65 7, —- Color in the, and its Signification. (E. Madeley) N. .Church R. 10: 365. —— Dictionary of, Hastings’. & Ref. R. 13: 641. —- Dualism of the. (A. Roeder) New Church R. 11: (B. B. War-field) Presb. 563- — Encyclopaedia Biblica, The; a criticism. Outl. 75: 157. ——-Vol. 3. (B. B. Warfield) Presb. & Ref. R. W O 46 . —- — Vol. 4. (T. K. Cheyne) Hibbert J . 2: 377. -— -— Extra vol. Ath. ’04, 2: 375. —- English, before the Reformation. Cath. World, 78: 791, —- -— Lineage of. (H. W. Hoare) Harper, I04: 519. —- —— Study of. (E. H. Knight) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 13: 32, — Evolution of. (G. J. Reid) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 563. — Familiarity with; a Symposium. Bib. World, 21: 260. — Fiction in. (E. Day) Open Court, 17: 641. (G. J . Reid) —- First Form of, C. R. Conder on. (H. Hayman) Crit. R. 13: 207.. — The £4000 [Mazarin] and others. (J . C. Hadden) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 511. =Ecl. M. I39: 354.=Liv. Ase. 2SW 184- -— Future of the. (H. Henson) Contemp. 85: 565. —— Higher Criticism as exemplified in. Acad. 64: 603. — Historical Criticism of, True. Bib. World, 20: 3. ——Historical Study of. Bib. World, 19: 323.—(R. Rhees) Bib. World, 21: 426, —- Homiletic Use of. (E. C. Moore) Bib. World, 23: 422, ~— How it Came Down to us. (F. G. Kenyon) Harper, 105: 917, —- Human Element in. (C. P. Grannan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 167. —— Improving the Style of. (J . H. Gardiner) Atlan. 94: 683. — in the American Colleges. Bib. World, 26: 215, — in Britain. Sat. R. 972 323. — in “ Evangeline.” (S. E. Sears) Meth. R. 64: 614. —- in the Light of the New Church. (J . Worcester) N. Church R. 9: 143. —in Many Lands. (J. H. North) Sund. M. 33: 251, 330- — in Public Schools. (H. W. Horwill) Atlan. 92: 296. —- in the Tudor Translations. Ath. ’O4, 2: 6. —- Inspiration and Inerrancy. (A. C. Zenos) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 1: 227. —— —,Open, vs. a Closed Canon and Infallible Bible. (C. W. Pearson) Open Court, 16: 175, — Interpretation of. (T. K. Davis) Bib. Sac. 60: 334. —- — New Method in. (C. M. Cobern) Meth. R. 66: 7°3- —— its Letter and Spirit. (L. G. Hoeck) N. Church R. 11: 339- - its Translation and Distribution in all Lands. G. Fitzgerald) Everybody’s, I22 I. -— Limitations of Revelation respecting the Word. (J . Hyde) New Church R. 11: 496, —- Literary Illustrations of: the Book of Daniel. (J . Moifatt) Expos. 6th ser. 11: 237, — — Ecclesiastes. (J . Moifatt) Expos. 6th ser. 10: 388. (W. _ BIBLE Bible, The Literary Loss of the. 43: 629. —- Literature of, Kiinig on. Ref. R. 13: 648. -— Love-Ditties of. (P. Haupt) Open Court, 16: 291, - Most Popular Book in the World; Curious Facts about the Printing, etc. (H. R. Elliot) Cent. 46: (R. Ogden) Cent. (R. D. Wilson) Presb. & 433- - My Fetish. (J . Parker) Outl. 84: 666. —- Myth and Fiction in; a symposium. Bib. World, 22: 342, — New Church View of. (H. C. Hay) N. Church R. 11: 85. -— Obligation to Interpret. Bib. World, 21: 163, —- Our Literary. (C. A. Dawson) Meth. R. 64: 264, — The Pastor and his. (E. G. Andrews) Meth. R. 66: 523- - Pastor with his Bible in the Light of Recent Study. (H. H. Ranck) Ref. Ch. R. 491 366. — Political Wisdom in. Spec. 96: 289. '—'Liv. Age, 249: 58, — Preéminence of, as a Book. (A. T. Perry) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 9: 183. ' ' — Present Knowledge and Influence of. Bib. World, 21: 243. — Rational Revelation. (C. H. Mann) N. Church R. 11: 584. i —- Revised Version, with Marginal References, 1893. (T. H. Stokoe) Expos. 6th ser. 8: 1. - Right Use of. Outl. 77: 203. -— Science, and Education. (VV. Lloyd) Westm. 162: 56. -— Social Teaching of the. (W. Sanday) Econ. R. 16: 38'. — a Spiritual Book. (T. F. Wright) N. Church R. 10: 13. — Study of, and Moral Character. Bib. World, 26: 163. —- — Historical Method. Bib. World, 19: 83. —-— — in Christian Schools. (E. D. Burton) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 1: 125. ' — —- in Colleges. (J. A.‘ Blaisdell) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 14: 289, -— — Larger Meanings of. Bib. World, 20: 163. — — Regular. Bib. World, 23: 163. — — To-day and Fifty Years Ago. Hartf. Sem. Rec. 12: 113, —— Teaching of, in our Public Schools. Bib. World, 20: 303. —— Textual Variation, Practical Value of. Bib. World, 19: 361. — The Tissot Pictures. Chant. 43: 397. —Unity of. (C. S. Beardslee) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 5: (M. W. J acobus) (K. Lake) 13;. ——- Welsh Translations of. Church Q. 60: 46. —- Old and New Testaments, Relation of. (A. Roeder) N. Church R. 10: 232, -— Old Testament and Archaeology. Am. J. Theol. 8: 562, — —— and the Excavations. 6: 685. -— -— Christianity in. Spec. 93: 181. — —-— Criticism of the. (S. A. Cook) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 524, — — Constructive Studies in. (VV. R. Harper) Bib. World, 19: 132-443. 20: 48-134. — — Discussion and Criticism in Princeton. (J . D. Davis) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 177. —-— — Early Traditions of. Bib. World, 21: 291, — — Eclectic Use of, in the N. T. (A. Carr) Expos. 6th ser. 11: 340, —- — Ethical Teaching of. (G. R. Berry) Bib. World, 21: 108, 197, (G. L. Robinson) (K. Budde)Am. J . Theol. 61 BIBLE Bible, Old Testament, Euphemistic Principle as ap- plied to. (F. A. Gast) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 453. —-—in the New Testament, Eclectic Use of. Carr) Expos. 6th ser. I1: 340, — — Inspiration of, The Moral Argument against. (A. H. Keane) Hibbert J. 4: I47. —-— Internal Sense. (W. L. Gladish) N. Church R. (A. g: 191, — — Morality of. (J . F. McCurdy) Bib. World, 23: 408. 24: 15. — — Pinches on. Ath. ’o3, 1: 266, — — Pressing Needs of Old Testament Study. (T. K: Cheyne) Hibbert J. 1: 747. —— Reconstruction of. (H. H. Spoer) J . Bib. Lit. 22: 75. — — Relative Religious Value of Books of. (W. J- Hinke) Ref. Ch. R. 511 433. — — Service of, in the Education of the Race. (G. A. Smith) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 1: 237_ — — Science in, Relations to Allied Departments. (K. Budde) Am. J. Theol. 9: 76. — —— Smith’s Old Testament History. Outl. 75: 458. —-Sat. R. 97: 429. —— —— Teaching the. Church Q. 54: 120, — —- Teaching it to Children. (Mrs. E. Stuart-Wortley) ational, 42: 289, —— Theology of, Davidson’s. Ath. ’o4, 2: 263, —— — Tissot’s Illustrations of. (C. H. Levy) Bib. World, 24: 431. — — Translating the. 160, -— — Turning-point in the Study of. 19th Cent. 158: 60. — —-— Undesigned Coincidences in. (D. B. Macdonald) Nation, 83: (T. K. Cheyne) (H. Pope) Dub. R. 131: 314. — Hexateuch, The Historical Method and the Docu- ments of. (Baron von Hiigel) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 198. — Pentateuch, Analysis of, and Inspiration. (E. C. Bissell) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 2: 5. — — Higher Criticism as applied to. (F. A. Gast) Ref. Ch. R. 50: 457. — —— Samaritan. (W. E. Barton) Bib. Sac. 60: 601, — Genesis. Eel. M. I43: 135.: Liv. Age, 241: 503. — — and the Religious Development of Israel. (E. E. Nourse) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 16: 91. — — Does Archaeology confirm Genesis ? (T. F. Wright) N. Church R. 92 I. ———Nowack’s Commentary on. (K. D. Macmillan) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 143. — — Problems Considered. (T. F. Wright) N. Church R. 1% 339. — — Religious Value of the Narratives in. (Alex. R. Gordon) Hibbert J . 4: 167. ——- chap. 3, as a Composite Narrative. Martin) Bib. Sac. 60: 84, — — chap. 3: I5, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 23: 130. — Exodus 4: 24-26, Ethnological Parallels to. (H. P. Smith) J. Bib. Lit. 25: I4. --— chap. 20: 7, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 21: 3oz, — — -— Meaning of. 201, — — chap. 22: 5, Dent. 5: 96. (Dean A. Walker) J. Bib. Lit. 21: 188, — Numbers, New Works on. Theol. 8: 575. — Deuteronomy; Christ’s Teaching and. Spec. 94: 936. — — Mechilta to. (S. Schechter) Jew. Q. 16: 695. — — Promulgation of. (E. Day) J . Bib. Lit. 21: I97- . (W. W. (E. B. Paton) J. Bib. Lit. 22: (F. B. Denio) Am. J. BIBLE Bible; Judges, Spiritual Meaning of. N. Church R. 12: 231. — Ruth ; a Hebrew Idyl. (A. Black) Expos. 6th ser. 11: 360. -— Kings, Books of. (F. Brown) Am. J . Theol. 8: 99. — I. Kings 18 : 21, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 21: 139. —- Esther, Why does the Protestant Church read? (H. Pope) Dub. R. 1372 77. — Job ; the Epic of Patience. Spec. 93: 249. — — the Hebrew Prometheus. (G. D.Sparks) Sewanee, (J . Goddard) 11: 49. — — The Literary Structure of. (F. A. Gast) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 1. —- — Poems of. (E. Kiinig) Am. J . Theol. 8: 66. -— — a Problem Play. (F. Phillips) 19th Cent. 60: 414. —— — chap. I9: 2 5-27, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 22: 301. —— Psalms, Cheyne on. Liv. Age, 242: 563. — — contrasted with Psalms of the West. mann) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 446. 6: 57. -— — Intuitional Interpretation of. (J . P. Peters) Am. J. Theol. 82 767. —— — Macoabean. (W. G. Seiple) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 191. -— — New Light on. (R. Cameron) Bib. Sac. 61: 689, — — Notes on the Text of. (D. H. Weir) Expos. 6th ser. 5: I56. 6: 236, -—- — Power of. Spec. 93: 589. — —- Poetry of. (W. T. Allison) Bib. World, 22: 42, — Psalm 1 ; an Interpretation. (H. Gunkel) Bib. World, 21: 120. —- Psalm 8; an Interpretation. (G. A. Barton) Bib. World, 24: 343.—(H. Gunkel) Bib. World, 21: 206. -—- Psalm 16: 8-H; an Interpretation. Bib. World, 24: 112, — -—- —— Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 24: 126. — Psalm 19: 12, I3,‘ Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 21: 447. — Psalm 22. (A. Hovey) Bib. World, 22: 107, — Psalm 23, Message of. (T. E. McFadyen) Bib. World, 26: 15. —- Psalm 24 ; an Interpretation. World, 21: 366. — Psalms 42 and 43 ; an Interpretation. Bib. World, 21: 433. —— Psalm 46 ; an Interpretation. (M. Kauf- (E. L. Curtis) (H. Gunkel) Bib. (H. Gunkel) (H. Gunkel) Bib. World, 21: 28. — Psalm 69. (W. E. Barnes) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 332. -—Psalm 95, Message of. (T. E. McFadyen) Bib. World, 26: 336. -—- Psalm 95 (96): 10, An Old Reading of. Hart) Expos. 6th ser. I2: 321, -— Psalm 103; an Interpretation. (T. A. A. (H. Gunkel) Bib. World, 22: 209. -— Psalm 122, Message of. (T. E. McFadyen) Bib. World, 26: 184. -— Psalm 126. (T. E. McFadyen) Bib. World, 26: 258. —- Psalm 137; an Interpretation. (H. Gunkel) Bib. World, 22: 290. -— — Message of. (T. E. McFadyen) Bib. World, 26: 96. -— Psalm 149; an Interpretation. (H. Gunkel) Bib. World, 22: 363. — Prov. 3: 11, I2. God’s Education of Men. (R. G. Murison) Bib. World, 4: 278. — Ecclesiastes. (P. Haupt) Am. J . Philol. 26: 125, -—- — and Omar Khayyam; Two Ancient Critics of Life. (W. C. Rhoades) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 8: 4o. — (W. B. Forbush) Bib. World, 26: 35 5, — — a Buddhist in Jewry. (E. P. Buffet) Open Court, 19: 622. '62 BIBLE Bible; Ecclesiastes, a Hebrew “Journal Intime.” Spec. 90: 325. =Liv. Age, 237: 122, = Eel, M, 140: 832, — — Literary Illustrations of. ser. I0: 432. I1: 77, — —- New Arrangement and Translation of. Gilmore) Bib. World, 22: 268, —- — Some Recent Views of. (J . Bruneau) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 498. —- —— The Sphinx of Hebrew Literature. _ Open Court, 17: 361. —- — chap. 11: 1, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 22: 139. (J . Moifat) Expos. 6th (G. W. (B. Pick) J. Bib. Lit. 21: 51, —— Outline of. (G. L. Robinson) Bib. World, 20: 191, — — Prophecy Analyzed. (J . Goddard) New Church R. 11: 507. — —— Prophetic Element, Constructive Studies in. (W. R. Harper) Bib. World, 23: 50,212. 24: 47-448. 25: 52, —- Isaiah. A New Chapter out of the Life of Isaiah. (K. Fullerton) Am. J . Theol. 92 621. —— chap. 9: 6, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 22: 449. — chap. 26: 3, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 24: 283, — chap. 45: 7, Dualism of. Was it Zoroastrian? (L. Mills) Asia. R. 40: 286. —Jeremiah, Study of. (A. R. Gordon) Bib. World, 22: 195. — — Translation from. (S. R. Driver) Expos. 6th ser. 7= 37—353- 8= 12- —— — chap. 1 : 4-10, Historical Criticism of. Bewer) Am. J. Theol. 6: 510. — — chap. 2: I-42, Specimen of a New Translation of the Prophets. (S. R. Driver) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 321. — — chap. 7: 22, 23, Meaning and Scope of. Ktinig) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 135, 208, 366. — — chap. I6: 49, Translations from. (S. R. Driver) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 104, 174, 394. 10: 61, 135, —- —chap. 3!: 33, 34, Comparative Translation of.‘ Bib. World, 23: 443. —— chap. 46, War Song of Long Ago. (C. L. Car- hart) Bib. World, 26: 224, —- Ezekiel. The Divine Forehead Mark. (J . W. Stim- son) Arena, 31: 363. —Daniel. (G. C. M. Douglas) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 224, — —— Literary Illustrations of. (J . Moffatt) Expos. 6th ser. IR 237. 389. 469- I21 74. — — chap. 5 : 5 ff. ; Assyrio-Babylonian Parallels to. (J. D. Prince) J. Bib. Lit. 22: 32, —— Minor Prophets. (F. W. F arrar) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 81, 271, — Hosea and Amos, Attitude toward the Monarchy. (W. R. Betteridge) Bib. World, 20: 361, 471. — -— Strophically Arranged. (VV. R. Harper) Bib. World, 24: 412. . — Amos, Date of. (E. E. Braithwaite) Bib. Sac. 59: 366. — — A Hebrew Prophet of Social Righteousness. (A. W. Wishart) Arena, 31: 603. -— — Notes on. (J . A. Montgomery) J . Bib. Lit. 23: 94. — — Why did he predict the Captivity? (E. E. Braithwaite) Bib. Sac. 59: I92. — Jonah, Theology of. (W. Caldwell) Bib. World, 19: 378, — Micah, Message of. (J . Taylor) Bib. World, 25: 201. (J. A. (E. — — chap. 4: 8-5 : 6, a Messianic Prophecy. (W. E. Barnes) Expos. 6th ser. I0: 376. * — Song of Solomon, Diflicult Passages in. (P. Haupt) . BIBLE Bible; Habakkuk, Interpretation of. (VV. R. Better- idge) Am. J . Theol. 7: 647, — — Recent Criticism by Giesebrecht and Stade. (A. H. Godbey) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 196. — — chap. I, 2, Interpretation of. (W. B. Stevenson) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 388. — —- chap. 2: 2-4, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 23: 287. -— New Testament according to the Hebrews. F. Adeney) Hibbert J . 3: 139. — -— Advantage of Using a Parallel Greek and Eng- (W. lish Edition of. (L. A. Gould) Bib. World, 25: 141, — -— Ambiguous in. (R. Winterbotham) Expos. 6th ser. 4: 449. — —— and Jewish Literature. (VV. H. Bennett) Expos. -6th ser. 5: 52, 135. — -— Bacon’s Introduction to. (J . H. Kerr) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 156, — — Canon of. (B. W. Bacon) Bib. World, 21: 115, —- — Case Absolute in. (H. A. Scomp) Bib. Sac. 59: 76. 325- —— — Criticism of. Quar. I97: 270. -—— — — and the Outlook for To-day. (M. W. J acobus) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 3: 9. . —- — The Earliest. (John Chapman) Expos. 6th ser. 12: 119, — — English, Revised Version. (J . B. McClellan) Expos. 6th ser. 10: 187, —(J, A, Beet) Expos, 6th ser. I0: 364. — — Greek, Codex Bezae, Original Contents of. (John Chapman) Expos. 6th ser. 12: 46. — -— —Study of. (A. Souter) Expos. 6th ser. 93 133. -— — — Western Readings, Origin of. Bib. World, 19: 210. — — Importance of a Knowledge of the Semitic Languages to the Proper Understanding of. (I. H. De Long) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 495. — — in Modern Speech, Weymouth’s. (S. D. F. Sal- mond) Grit. R. 13: 506. — — in Scots, by Nisbet, I 520. Hist. R. I: 260. —- — Is its Teaching Optimistic ? (M. Kaufmann) Ex- pos. 6th ser. 12: 137. — — Kenyon on Text of. Ref. R. 13: 463. — -— Materials for the Historical Interpretation of. (S. Mathews) Am. J . Theol. 8: 817, ——- — Recent Problems of the Study of. Burton) Am. J . Theol. 9: 201. —- — Religio-Historical Interpretation of. (H. Gunkel) Monist, 13: 398. ——Religion of. (C. R. Gregory) Am. J. Theol. 8: (T. M. Lindsay) Scot. (B. B. Warfield) Presb. & (E. De W. 94- — — Study of. (M. Coover) Luth. Q. 351 561. -—— Books for. (C. W. Votaw) Bib. World, 26: 271, — —- Syriac Version of. (H. A. Redpath) Am. J . Theol. 8: 162. — — Von der Goltz’ New MS. of. World, 21: 140. — Gospels, and the Greek Mysteries. (S. Butler) 19th Cent, 60: 802, — — Common Sense in. Spec. 97: 777, —— —— Crill’s Untersuchungen uber die Entstehung des. (T. Nicoll) C1-it. R. 43: 14. — — Criticism of, and Christian Origins. Bacon) Am. J. Theol. 8: 615. (J . H. Ropes) Bib. (B. W. — -—— Encyclopaedia Biblica on. (A. N. J annaris) Con- temn 831 37. 249, 532- -—_- — Haskell MS. of. (E. J . Goodspeed) J . Bib. Lit. 21: 100. r 63 BIBLE Bible; Gospels, in Alexandria, Text of. (K. Lake) Am. J. Theol. 6: 79. — — in Arabic. (D. B. Macdonald) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 31 I 3- -— — Narrative of, and the Greek Mysteries. (S. But- ler) 19th Cent. 57: 490, — — Recent Criticism of. (A. Menzies) Am. J . Theol. 8: 123. i — —— Suggestions on the Origin of. Monthly R. 16, no. 3: 84. —— — The Synoptic. Church R. 59: 408. — —— — Criticism of. Church Q. 58: 284, 378. —— — — Study of, exemplified by Matt._ 5: 21, 22, (W, O. E. Oesterley) Expos. 6th ser. 12: I7. — — Three Early Doctrinal Modifications of the Text of. (F. C. Conybeare) Hibbert J . 1: 96. — -— The Trustworthiness of. A Brief Catechism. (W. P. Behan) Bib. World, 26: 364. — — Dr. Weiss’s Text. (K. Lake) Am. J . Theol. 7: 249- — — Wellhausen on the Synoptic. (J . M. Trout) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 16: 122. — Matthew, Logia of, in Mark. (C. A. Briggs) J . Bib. Lit. 23: 191. — — A Part of the Gospel, from the Beiriit Syriac Codex. (E. J . Goodspeed) J . Bib. Lit. 25: 58. — — chap. 4, Doctrinal Study of. N. Church R. 11: 439- — — chap. 5, Interpretation of. N. Church R. 11: 609, — — chap. 6, Doctrinal Study of. N. Church R. 12: 128, — — chap. 9, expounded. 13: 123, — — chap. 10 : 26-28, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 23: 376, — —— chap. 11 : 12-15. Elias and the Men of Violence. (B. W. Bacon) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 3I. — — chap. 26: 53. (A. Carr) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 215. — — chap. 26: 73, 74, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 22: 224, — — chap. 27 : 9. “Spoken by Jeremy, the Prophet.” (J . R. Harris) Expos. 6th ser. I2: 161. ———6 chap. 28: 16-20. (H. B. Swete) Expos. 6th ser. : 241, -— Mark, Authorship of the Last Verses of. Bacon) Expos. 6th ser. I2: 401. — — Life of Christ according to. Expos. 6th ser. 8: 397. 220, 302, — — Original Conclusion of. J . Theol. 9: 484. — —— Suggestions on the Origin of. Monthly R. 17, no. I: 72. — -— What was the Lost Ending of ? (Torkild S. R6r- dan) Hibbert J . 3: 769. ——- chap. I4: 41, and the Papyri. Expos. 6th ser. 12: 459. — Luke,8Harnack on. (W. M. Ramsay) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 4 1, — — and Acts, One Treatise. R. 65: 779. — — chap. 6: 35, Study of. 6th ser. 5: 218. — -— chap. 13 : 32, 33, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 24: 35. — — chap. 16: I-13. Parable of the Unjust Steward. (W. O. E. Oesterley) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 273. ——- chap. 24: I3, 35, Authorship of. (A. Carr) Ex- pos. 6th ser. 9: 121. —John. Church Q. 60: 84, 387, 61: 106, — — Date of. (C. W. Rishell) Bib. Sac. 60: 244. (A. S. Barnes) (H. C. Dunham) (J . S. David) N. Church R. (B. W. (W. H. Bennett) 9: 76, 201, 301. 10: 18, (E. J. Goodspeed) Am. (A. S. Barnes) (J . De Zwaan) (J. J. Ferguson) Meth. (B. Whitefoord) Expos. BIBLE Bible; John, Drummond’s. Ath. ’o4, 2: 72, -— — Governing Idea of. (A. M. Fairbairn) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 161, 260. -— — Problem of. Direct Internal Evidence. Bacon) Hibbert J. 2: 323. 3: 353. —— — Recent Aspects of the J ohannine Problem. .W. Bacon) Hibbert J . I: 510, — -— Recent Literature on, 1903. Hartf. Sem. Rec. 14: I90. - —- Structure of. (C. Lattey) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 424. — — Wendt’s Theory of. (J. A. Howlett) Dub. R. 134: 3I4.— (G. W. Stewart) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 65, 135. — —- chap. 9, a Foreshadowing of Christian Martyrdom. (A. Carr) Expos. 6th ser. I0: 294, — —— chap. 10: 1-16. (A. Carr) Expos. 6th ser. II: 60. —- —— chap. I9 : 11, Note on. (Alex. R. Eagar) Expos. 6th ser. I2: 33. (B. W. (B. (G. H. Hubbard) — Acts, Character and Composition of. (J . V. Bart- lett) Bib. World, 19: 268. — — Notes on Some Earlier Portions. (R. J . Knowl- ing) Bib. World, 19: 410. — —— Purpose of. Bib. World, 22: 3. — — Western Text, Curious Bezan; Reading Vindi- cated. (J . R. Harris) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 189. -- — chap. 4: 13, Comparative Translation of. World, 23: 48. Bib. -- —- chap. 6: 9, History of, Blass’ Conjectural Emen- , dation of. (J . R. Harris) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 377. — -— chap. 28: 12, Nautical Language of. (E. J . Good- speed) Expos. 6th ser. 8: 130, —— Epistles, Pastoral, Authorship of. Church Q. 63: 63. —— Paul’s, Shaw on. (J . Moifatt) Am. J . Theol. 8: 306. -— — Salutations in, Verb Forms in. Hartf. Sem. Rec. 2: I46. —Romans. Spec. 95: 381. — — Did Paul write ‘? (W. B. Smith) Hibbert J . I: 309. — Reply. (P. W. Schmiedel) Hibbert J . I : 5 32. (O. S. Davis) — — Theology of. (J . Denney) Expos. 6th ser. 4: 422. — — to whom addressed. (O. Cone) Am. J . Theol. 8: 555- — — chap. II: I 3-24, Olive and “ Wild Olive ” in Paul’s Figure of Speech. (H. D. Porter) Bib. World, 26: S9- -— — chap. I2: I, 2,~Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 21: 216, —— chap. 15, 16. (W. B. Smith) J. Bib. Lit. 21: I17. -——— chap. 16: 14, Lessons from. (G. A. Chadwick) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 65. — I. Cor. 3: 22, “All Things are Yours.” Expos. 6th ser. 6: 309. — — chap. 1 3 : 9-12, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 23: 209. — Galatians 2: II, 32, Paul, and his Teaching in. (M. W. Jacobus) Bib. World, 24: 351. — Colossians 4: 5, 6, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 21: 379. -— I. Thess. 5: I9, 22, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 24: 359. — II. Thess. 2: 1-12, Eschatology of. Expos. 6th ser. I2: 99. — II. Tim. 3: I6, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 24: 199. — Hebrews, as the Work of Barnabas. (J . V. Bartlett) Expos. 6th ser. 8: 381. - — Authorship of. Spec. 89: 601. —(A. R. Eagar) Expos. 6th ser. I01 74, II9. 4 — -— — Harnack on. (F. M. Schiele) Am. J. Theol. g: 290. - — More Words on. (N. Bartlett) Expos. 6th ser. 1!: 431. . (A. Carr) (G. Milligan) 64 BIBLE Bible; Hebrews, Roman Destination of. (G. Milligan) Expos. 6th ser. 4: 437. — —— chap. 10: 19-25. Practical Outcome of the Epistle. (D. A. Hayes) Bib. World, 24: 443. — -— chap. 12: II, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 21: 46. -— James 1 : 7, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 22: 52. -— —— chap. 5: 14, I 5. Healing of the Sick. Expos. 6th ser. I0: 135. — I. Peter, and the Book of Enoch. (C. Clemens) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 316, — — chap. 1:11. Anderson) Expos. 6th ser. I2: 234. —- — chap. I : 17-21, Comparative Translation of. Bib. World, 6: 367. — — chap. 3: 24. Recent Emendation in the Text of. (J . R. Harris) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 317. — II. Peter. Is it a Genuine Epistle to the Churches of Samaria? (R. A. Falconer) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 459, 6: 47, 117, 218, — -— Notes on the Text of. 6th ser. I0: 284, —I. John. Spec. 92: 365. . — —Studies in. (G. G. Findlay) Expos. 6th ser. 8: 321, 455, g: 36, 226, 10: 30-451, 12: 380, ———chap. 5: 1-5. Fides Victrix. (G. G. Findlay) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 287. — II. John. (H. J . Gibbins) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 228. — — Problem of the Epistle. (H. J . Gibbins) Expos. 6th ser. 12: 412. ——Jude 12, Exegesis of. 881% 9! 98. 45°- —— Revelation, A doctrinal study of. N. Church R. 10: 2 —- — False Prophet, The. (A. Allen) Westm. 160: (J . B. Mayor) Expos. (J . B. Mayor) Expos. 6th 141, — — The Heart of. (A. B. Storms) Meth. R. 62: 97. — — in Light of the New Church. N. Church R. 9: 609. — — Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia. Ramsay) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 20. — — chap. 19: 10, Exegesis of. Expos. 6th ser. 9: 266, Bible Class, Adult, and Modern Bi'blical Scholarship. (I. F. Wood) Bib. World, 21: 375. Bible Club, Value of, in a Church. Bib. World, 26: 269. Bible Lands, Buried Treasures of. Church R. 11: 26, Bible Lessons, Grading of. (W. J . Mutch) Bib. World, 21: 449. - Bible Poetry, Power of. 384. Bible Reading. Church Q. 54:‘ 22, Bible Societies, The. Outl. 76: 683, Bible Society, British and Foreign, Canton’s History of, Ath. ’o4, 1: 297. —-Church Q. 58: 165.—Spec. 92: 414, — — Centennial of. (D. C. Gilman) No. Am. 178: 348. — (E. R. Biggar) Canad. M. 22: 71, Bible Studies, Modern. (I. M. Price) Dial, 37: 268. Bible Study for Business Men. (B. A. Konkie) Outl. 78: 526. — in Woodward Ave. Cong. Church, Detroit. De Forest) Bib. World, 21: 304. — Modern, Effect of, as seen by the Student. (I. F. Wood) Bib. World, 26: 55. — — its Aim, Methods, and Results. (T. S. Hamlin) Outl. 74: 282, Bibles, Bindings of. Animal Bibles. Good Words, 47: (W. M. (N. J . D. White) (T. F. Wright) N. (J . H. Gardiner) Atlan. 98: (H. P. 97. — in the Bible House. (H. Johnson) Sund. M. 341 469. “ The Sufferings of Christ.” (C. A._ BIBLES Bibles, Italian, Two Illustrated. Library, 11. s. 3: 227, — Old and New. (A. Harrison) Munsey, 29: 220. Biblical Criticism and the Pulpit. Jew. Q. 18: 291. — (R. J . Campbell) National, 46: 645. — Apologetic Value of Modern, with Special Refer- ence to the O. T. (W. H. Bennett) Bib. World, 2 5: 427- - Benefactors or Blasphemers ? (Sir R. Anderson) Blackw. 176: 536. . — The Declaration of Anglican Clergy on. (F. L. Pog- son) 20th Cent. I, no. 2: 66. — Early Jewish. (R. J. H. Gottheil) J. Bib. Lit. 23: 1. — Evangelical Churches and. (P. T. F orsyth) Contemp. 88: 574. —-“ Higher.” (A. Barry) Am. Cath. Q. 30: I59. — (C. A. Chadwick) Expos. 6th ser. 7 ¢ 94. — (Jacob Cooper) Ref. Ch. R. 50: 4t.—(F. A. Gast) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 1, 184, — — and Archaeology. 89: 518. — — as it affects Faith and Spiritual Life. ford) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 246. — -— Bankruptcy of. (E. Reich) Contemp. 87: 201, 500. 89: 45. 1‘ Liv. Age, 244: 734. 245: 449. 248: 387.:-‘Ecl. M. 144: 690. 145: 29, - -— -— Has the Clock stopped in ? a reply. (T. K. Cheyne) Contemp. 87: 657. = Liv. Age, 245: 588. : Ecl. M. 145: 116, —- -— an Inaugural. (G. W. Gilmore) Monist, 14: 215. —-— —— Modern, Lessons learned from. (A. Zimmerman) Ref. Ch. R, 50: 1, — —-— Outcome of. (T. D. Bacon) Outl. 70: 667. — — Reich on the Failure of. (D. S. Margoliouth) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 5I. — —— Shall we put the Clock Back in ? (T. K. Cheyne) Contemp. 87: 359.: Liv. Age, 245: 65. =Ecl. M. 144: 701, — —-— Thoughts about. ser. 12: 401. — in the 11th Century. 7th ser. 2: 553. —— in Religious Instruction. (F. Coblenz) Jew. Q. 19: 1. —- in the Roman Catholic Church. (H. C. Sheldon) Meth. R. 65: 376. —— its Aim and Method. (F. A. Gast) Ref. Ch. R. 50: 355- — Logic in. (E. H. Knight) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 2: 219. —-— Messages of, to the Preacher. (E. L. Curtis) Yale Div. Q. 1: 43. —- Modern Diseases of. (E. Kiinig) Meth. R. 63: 701. — of Present Day. (A. Knyper) Bib. Sac. 61: 409, 666. —- Old Testament, and the Pulpit. (T. G. Scares) Bib. World, 25: 267. — Place in the Sunday School; a Symposium. Bib. World, 19¢ 329. —— Present-day Aspects of. (C. W. Heisler) Luth. Q. 331 478- - Present Status of. (A. C. Zenos) Am. J . Theol. 8: 85. — Rational and Irrational. Church Q. 55: 147. — Shall we go Forward ? Bib. World, 25: 403. —— Some Principles of. Meth. R. 66: 890. Biblical Law, Lawyer’s Studies in. (D. W. Amram) Green Bag, 14: 83, 231, 343, 490. 15: 41, 291, Biblical Scholar as a Prophet. Bib. World, 26: 245, Biblical Science, Ultimate Problems of. (B. W. Bacon) J. Bib. Lit. 22: 1, Biblical Sites in Palestine, Recent Excavations of. (Hugh Pope) Dub. R. 136: 27. Biblical Studies, Institution of a Commission on. (Leo XIII.) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 173. - -— A Program of. (C. P. Grannan) Cath. Univ. Bull. Ii 35- (A. W. Pollard) (VV. H. Bennett) Contemp. (G. Har- (G. S. Streatfeild) Expos. 6th (D. S. Margoliouth) Expos. 65 BIERBAUM Biblical Theology, Influence of, on the Theological Sciences. (C. D. Hartranft) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 4: 277- — its Relation to Ministerial Training. Luth. Q. 35: 21, Bibliographic Exchange, Proposed. Lib. J. 30: 857. Bibliographic Needs and Possibilities, Some. McPike) Dial, 40: 78. Bibliographical Enterprises, Encouragement of Serious Reading through. (W. M. Bishop) Lib. J . 28¢ 235. Bibliographical Institute, Plan for Organization of. (A. G. S. Josephson) Lib. J . 27, supp. 61, Bibliographical Lectures at British Museum. Acad. 66: 156. Bibliographical Society, American, Scope of. Root) Lib. J. 27: 757. — Suggested Plan for. (J . Thomson) Lib. J . 27: 761. Bibliographical Society of America, Proceedings, 1906. Lib. J. 31: 667. Bibliographical Society of Chicago. Lib. J . 28: 618. ——(C. H. Brown) Science, 11. s. 18: 275, Bibliographical Work, Opportunities for. Lane) Lib. J. 31: 118. Bibliographies, List of, Published in Official Docu- ments of the United States, May, 1902, to April, 1903. (R. Falkner) Lib. J. 28¢ 774. Bibliography and Cataloguing. (F. L. Tolman) Pub. Lib. 10: -119. (L. Kuhlman) (E. F. McPike) (E. F. (A. S. (W. C. —-— — Some Aifinities and Contrasts. (F. L. Tolman) ‘ Pub. Lib. 10: 119. — Courtney’s Register of National. (A. G. S. Joseph- son) Nation, 81: 365. — Critical, and Book Annotation. Lib. J. 27: 1002, —— in America. (W. C. Lane) Dial, 38: 76. = Pub. Lib. 10: 111. — in Canada. (L. J . Burpee) Library, 11. s. 6: 403, — in a Small Library. (E. L. Abbott) Pub. Lib. 7: 8. — International. (E. C. Richardson) Lib. J . 29: supp. (W. D. Johnston) 93- — International ‘Institute of. (H. La Fontaine) Lib. J. 29: supp. IOI. — of Bibliographies, A Serial. -(E. F. McPike) Pub. Lib. 10: 123. — Practical. (Augusta H. Leypoldt) Lib. J . 31: 303. — (J. D. Brown) Library, 11. s. 4: 144, —Recent National, in the United States. Bowker) Lib. J. 29: supp. 121. — Science of. (T. Bouquillon) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 37. Bibliomania. (A. Lang) Cornh. 86: 69. =Ecl. M. 139: 5I2.=Liv. Age, 234: 425, Bicycle, Motor, and its Future. J. 80: 134. Bicycles and Motors in 1904. Sat. R. 97: 227. also Motor-bicycle. — Motor, Experiences with. (J . Pennell) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 181, Bicycling; across Old Castile. 391 593- - and Automobiles. The World is A-wheel again. (S. P. Makinson) Overland, n. s. 44¢ 219. Biddy. (J. J. Bell) Chamb. J. 82: 58, 75. Bidlake, N. H., Birmingham Architect. (A. S. Wain- wright) Studio (Internat.) 16: 245, Bidwell, Gen. John, with portraits. (VV. S. Green) Out West, 19: 625. —- Estate of, in California. Ctry Life Am. 1: 81. Biegas, Boleslas, Work of; Frozen Nightmares. Howley) Cosmopol. 41: 13, Bielefeld, Germany, Bethel Community at. (VV. D. P. Bliss) Indep. 61: 687, Bierbaum, Otto Julius. Acad. 55: 593. (R. R. (A. Candler) Chamb. See (C. Edwardes) Outing, (J . BIG Big Basin, Preservation of the. Overland, n. s. 40: 354. Big Bonanza Mine, The. (T. H. Hittell) Land of Sun. 11: 214, 276. Big Gun, a Santee Brave. (F. W. Calkins) Outing, (Carrie S. Walters) 40: 142. Big Thursday. (Elsie Singmaster) Cent. 49: 364, Big Tree, The. (B. Lessing) Cosmopol. 41: 545. Big White Diver and the Gay Young Porpoise. (J . S. Thomson) Good Words, 451 692. Bigelow, John, at Eighty-eight, with portrait. (C. Smyth) Munsey, 35: 172, Bigelow Co., New Haven, Cost-finding Methods of. (H. L. Arnold) Engin. M. 24: 385. Biggs City, Cal. (J. M. Cofiman) Out West, 241 577. Bigoudines, The, a Breton Clan. (A. Saglio) 452 232. Biles, William. (M. White) Pennsyl. M. 26: 58, 192, 3 . Bill the Trapper. (Mary R. S. Andrews) Scrib. M. 342 741. Bill Walton, alias Santa Claus; a story. (H. Whit- aker) Munsey, 32: 410, Bill for the City Beautiful, The. Booklover’s M. 7: 367. Bill-board Abomination, The. (B. J . Hendrick) Am. M. 60: (J . G. Sanderson) ' Bill-board Question, The Real. (P. B. Wight) Chaut. 371 491- Bill Brand, The; a story. (G. MacG. Cooke) Mun- sey, 30: 928. Bill-posting Regulations, Prussian. Am. Arch. 77: 101, Billerica, Mass., Town Improvement in. ding) New Eng. M. 31: 379. Billet de logement. (C. Oliver) Temp. Bar, 130: 684. Billets-doux; a story. (T. Cobb) Lippinc. 74: 756. Billiards, Game of. (J. H. Freese) Outing, 45: 611. Billiart, Julie, and her Order of Notre Dame. (F. Beton) Month, 103: 49, Billings, George, Five Thousand Miles for a Farm. New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 106. Billings, Robert C. (A. A. Noyes) Technol. R. 2: I. Billings of ’49; a story. (E. Palmer) Am. M. 62: 634. Billings Meteorite. (H. A. Ward) Am. J. Sci. 169: 240,. Billington, John. Ath. ’o4, 2: 392. Billy. (M. Kendal) Longm. 43: 163.=Liv. Age, 240: 1 Billy; a True Yarn. (James H. Williams) Indep. 60: (A. F. Spai- 27, Billy and the Dinner Party. (Margaret Winship) Idler, 27: 155- Billy Brent’s Dog-star; a story. (J . A. Pratt) Mun- sey, 321 92. Billy the Buck; a Deer Story. Clure, I9: 186. Billy does his Assessment. 110: 240, Billy in the Role of Match Maker. rup) Idler, 27: 466. Billy in the Rifle of Spartan. Idler, 262 494. Billy the Kid—a Man all “Bad.” Outing, 46: 73. Billy’s Long Day. (Margaret Westrup) Idler, 26: 603, Billy’s Orgy. (Grace S. Richmond) McClure, 24: 266. Billy’s Tenderfoot; a story. (S. E. White) McClure, 18: 546. Bilse, Lient. A Little Garrison; the Latest Military Sensation in Germany. R. of Rs. (N. Y.)2g: 319. —-(O. G. Villard) Nation, 782 45. Biltmore, Estate of Geo. W. Vanderbilt. F. Weston) Ctry Life Am. 2: 180. (H. W. Phillips) Mc- (T. V. Mighels) Harper, (Margaret West- (Margaret Westrup) (A. Chapman) 66. BIOLOGY Bimetallism, The Historic Failure of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67: 18. Bing, Siegfried, Art Dealer. Brush & P. 16: 161. Binghamton, N. Y. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 721, —- Public Library Building. (W. F. Seward) Lib. J . 30: I 52. Binham Abbey. Good Words, 43: 680. Binney, Horace, Binney’s Life of. Ath. ’o4, I: 202, Binney, Thomas, D. D. (J . G. Rogers) Sund. M. 34: 88 Binns, W. R., of the Royal Worcester Potteries. Craftsman, 8: 78. _ Binocular Vision and the Problem of Knowledge. (J. H. Hyslop) Am. J. Psychol. 14: 312. — W. M. Paxton’s Interpretation of. (F. W. Coburn) World To-day, 9: 1210, Biography. (H. H. Asquith) National, 38: 526. -—— Ecl. M. 138: 479. = Liv. Age, 232: 321. — (W. R. Thayer) No. Am. 180: 261, — Dictionary of National. (F. Greenslet) Atlan. 89: 270, . — Ethics of. (Edmund Gosse) Cosmopol. 35: 317. —— New Works of. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 451 449- —— of To-day, The. (H. A. Bruce) Outl. 77: 235. Biological Enlightenment, A. (M. Chater) Booklover’s M. 6: 144. Biological Research, Limitations of. (Jacques Loeb) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: 124, Biological Society of Washington. ence, n. s. 152 986. I7: 667. Biological Station in Greenland. Am. Natural. 39: 505. — A New. Chamb. J. 81: 783. Biology, Advantages of a Year’s Course in. Merrell) School R. 12: 216. — and Mathematics. (G. B. Halsted) Science, 22: I61, — and Medicine. (W. H. Welch) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 2: I41, —— — Experimental. Science, 11. s. 23-‘ 346. — and the Neighboring Sciences. (W. Ostwald) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: lot. —— and Religion. (G. D. Stahley) Luth. Q. 34: 489, -— Contrary and the Contradictory in. (E. G. Spaul- ding) Monist, I3: 595. — Discontinuous Variation in Pedigree-cultures. T. MacDougal) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 207. — Dynamic, and its Relation to High-school Courses. I. (C. F. Hodge) Pedagog. Sem. II: 381, — — in the College. (G. S. Hodge) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 158. — Farm for Experimental Investigation. man) Science, 11. s. 16: 504. — for First Year in High School. (C. W. Hahn) Educa. 26: 154, —- the Handmaid of Theology. Ch. R. 51: 59. — Hertwig’s Entwicklung der. (W. A. Locy) Science, 11. s. 15: I7. —— in the Rocky Mountains. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 162. — in Secondary Education. 251 475- —— Le Dantec’s Treatise on. Am. Natural. 39: 173, —— Marine, and the Laboratory at San Pedro. (W. E. Ritter) Calif. Univ. Chron. 5! 222. — the New. (A. 'W. Greely) Wash. Univ. Bull. 1: 11, — Recent Development of. (J. Loeb) Science, 11. s. 20: 777. -— Reply to Recent Strictures on American Biologists. (Le Stejneger) Science, n. s. 19: 371, — Revision of the Coccaceae. (C.- E. A. Winslow and A. F. Rogers) Science, n. s. 211 669. (F. A. Lucas) Sci- I8: 689. (M. E. Henriksen) (W. D. (D. (C. O. Whit- (G. L. Omwake) Ref. (C. W. Hargitt) Educa. BIOLOGY Biology; Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine. (W. J . Gies) Science, n. s. 20: 79. ——Science, 11. s. 22: 635. — Summer Laboratory as an Instrument of Biologi- cal Research. (C. J. Herrick) Science, n. s. 181 263. -— Teaching, What should be Emphasized in P (W. S. Jackman) School R. 12: 60, -— Testimony of, to Religion. (C. W. Saleeby) Atlan. 97‘ 5'4- —- Unsolved Problems of Organic Adaptation. (C. W. Hargitt) Science, 11. s. 191 I32. — Vitalism and Mechanism in. (S. J . Melzer) Science, 11, 5, lg: 18. Biometry and Biology. 608. —— and Biometrica. (K. Pearson) Science, 11. s. 17: 592. Biondi, Ernesto, and his "‘ Saturnalia.” Brush & P. 14: 257. Birches. Science, n. s. 20: 690, — Relationships of some American and Old World (Karl Pearson) Nature, 74: Birches. (M. L. Fernald) Am. J . Sci. 164: 167, — Story of. (H. W. Davenport) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 543. Bird in the Hand, A ; a story. (E. P. Butler) Am. M. 63: 23, Bird Cages, The Collecting of. (R. Riordan) Cent. 42: 855. Bird-gazer at the Grand Caiion. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 97‘ 739- Bird Life. (T. D. Pigott) Contemp. 82: zo7.=Liv. Age. 2351 47- - at Bingham’s Melcombe. (R. B. Smith) 19th Cent. 55: 776. =Ec1. M. 143: 238. I Liv. Age, 241: 783. — At the South Orkney Islands. (W. Eagle-Clarke) Nature, 73: 570. — The Bank Swallow. (F. Hope) Canad. M. 18: 501. — English, An American’s Impressions of. (F. M. Chapman) Scrib. M. 39: 705. — in Greek Waters. (W. W. Fowler) Macmil. 92: 186. — in I/Vales, Walpole-Bond on. (O. V. Aplin) Nature, 69: 272, —— in a Western Valley. (A. W. Rees) Chamb. J . 83: I. -— on Mont Blanc. Spec. 89: 286. I - on the Polders. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 100: 113, 304, ILiv. Age, 249: 632, — Worthington Society for Investigation of. Science, n, s, 20: 284. Bird-lover as a Scientist. (O. G. Libby) Am. J . Psy- chol. I32 457. Bird-seller, The. (K. Collins) Harper, I05: 463. Bird-song, Development of. (R. McLeod) Ecl. M. 140: 621. ILiv. Age, 236: 810, Bird-songs, Bird-mating, and other Mating. (A. H. Japp) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 557. — Translated. (F. H. Sweet) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 160. Bird-studies with a Camera. (W. L. Finley and H. T. Bohlman) Craftsman, 8: 611, Bird Study. (A. B. Comstock) Chaut. 41: 259, ——at Dawn. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 93: 331.=Ecl. M. 138: 822.: Liv. Age, 233: 188. — in City Schools. (H. E. Walter) School R. 10: 50. Birds and Beauties of an Old Orchard. (W. H. Legge) Longm. 46: 275. = Liv. Age, 246: 428. — and Bird-interpreters. (O. C. Abbott) Arena, 34: 285, - and the Gift of Flight. Spec. 97: 227. = Liv. Age, 251: 60, —- A Basket of Chips. (H. Oldys) Atlan. 93: 219. — A Bay-window in Florida. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 95: 467. — Bedtime of. Spec. 92: 82.: Liv. Age, 240: 444. 67 BIRDS Birds by the Severn. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 96: 421. —Caged. Spec. 97: 571. —- California. 376. — Can they Smell? (A. Hill) Nature, 71: 318. -— Carpenter. Spec. 90: 775, — A Chance for the. (A. J . Finck) Nation, 83: 278, — Character in. (W. J. Ward) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 70. — The Chickadee Family. Everybody’s, 8: 433. — Classsification of. (R. W. Shufeldt) Am. Natural. 3 : 311, —- — of Certain Groups of. (R. W. Shufeldt) Am. Natural. 37: 33. — Claws on Wings of. (W. P. Pycraft) Knowl. 26: 221. — Courtship of. (A. H. Japp) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 78. — Curiosities in Structure of. (C. W. Beebe) Outing, 47: 486. —— Departing. Spec. 93: 354. —— Destructive to Game. (E. Sandys) Outing, 46: 122. —— Diet of, Oddities of. (C. W. Beebe) Outing, 471 227. — Disposers of Bird-life. Macmil. 86: 217, — English, Songs of. (F. Whisham) Longm. 41: 409. -— Every-day. (A. M. Chadwick) Educa. 26: 400, —— Eye Camera of. (C. W. Beebe) Outing, 47: 559. — Families and Higher Groups of. (R. W. Shufeldt) Am. Natural. 38: 833. — Feeding. (W. B. Thomas) Liv. Age, 248: 317, — Food Supply of. (VV. L. McAtee) Science, 11. s. 21: 707. — Fossil Plumage. (C. R. Eastman) Am. Natural. 38: 669. — from a City Roof. (D. L. Sharp) Atlan. 92: 242, — Game, How to find. (E. Sandys) Outing, 45: 104. — — Preservation and its Relation to the Protection of. (T. A. Coward) Westm. I61: 564, — —— Scarcity of. (E. Sandys) Outing, 45: 373. — Garden, Taming of. (F. Irwin) Pall Mall M. 28: 472. =Ecl. M. 140: 3o5.=Liv. Age, 236: 75. — Hofi‘man’s Guide to Birds of New England and New York. Am. Natural. 392 411. — How Nestlings are Fed. (W. L. Finley) Outing, 47: 2 . . — How to Shield our. (L. Windmiiller) Outl. 75! 369- - Hunting with a Camera. (J . M. Boraston) Cosmo- p<>l- 39= 43. — in England ; where they Come from. Spec. 88: 433. — in Nesting-time. (E. Robinson) Blackw. I73: 488. —- In Praise of. Cornh. 85: 407. —- Inheritance of Song in. (VV. E. D. Scott) Science, n.s, 19: 154, 957. 20: 282. — Insect-eating. Spec. 97: II. — Instinct in Song Birds. (W. E. D. Scott) Science, 11. s. 16: 70. — Job’s Among the Water Fowl. :45. — Migrating, Method of Determining the Heights of. (Joel Stebbins) Pop. Astron. I4: 65. — — Nocturnal Flight of. (O. G. Libby) Wis. Alum. M. 1: 60. — Migration of. (H. F. Witherly) Chamb. J . 791 403. —- (F. H. Knowlton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 323. -— — Relation of Wind to. (C. C. Trowbridge) Am. Natural. 36: 735. — more Human than Moths. R, 102: 44. —— Names of. (C. W. Beebe) Outing, 483 717. — Nests of. (S. C. VVatkins) Temp. Bar, 131! 314. —Noisy. Spec. 931 46. — of Bermuda. (A. Bowditch) Am. Natural. 38: 5 5 5. — of the Bible. (M. E. Silsby) Chaut. 35: 606. — of Eden Hall. Spec. 88: 683. — of Florida. (H. K. Job) Outing, 43: 71, :62. Science, 11. s. 16: (G. A. B. Dewar) Sat. (E. and J . Grinnell) Land of Sun. 14: BIRDS Birds of the High Sierras. (Virginia Garland) Over- land, n. s. 46: 379. -—— of the Isle of Pines. (O. Bangs and W. R. Zappy) Am. Natural. 39: 179. -— of Lakes. Spec. ’O4, 93: 511. — of London, Past and Present. (F. H. C. Gould) Cornh. 93: 841. —- of New England. (A. H. Higginson) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 93. ' — of the Night, Unfortunate. (E. Ingersoll) Harper,‘ 110: 138. —- of the North Woods of Canada. Canad. M. 21: 340, — of an Ocean Island. (B. S. Bowdish) Sci. Am. 951 (C. W. Nash) 431- — of Paradise in the Arabian Nights. (A. R.Wa.llace) Indep. R. 2: 379, 561. — of Prey. (A. I. Shand) Longm. 43: 523. — — Increase of, in England. Spec. 91: II. —- of the Redwoods, Summer. (C. A. Keeler) Land of Sun. 9: 293. —- of Reservoirs. Spec. 881 282. — of the Sea; Photographs of Bird Life. Outl. 82: 939- - — of Southern California. (E. and J . Grinnell) Land of Sun. 12: 165, 239, 291, 344, — Old Thatched Rectory and its. (O. B. Smith) 19th Cent. 54: 99. =Ec1. M. 141: 628. —- on Bird Key. (H. K. Job) Outing, 44: 231. — Origin of. (W. P. Pycraft) Knowl. n. s. 3: 531. —— — of Certain. (W. E. D. Scott) Science, 11. s. 22: 27I. — (J. A. Allen) Science, 11. s. 22: 431. — Photographing, in the Tree Tops. (W. I. Finley) Ctry Life Am. 3: 232. —— Photographs of Wild Fowl. b0dy’s. 6= 169. 273- - Photography of, in Norway. (R. W. Shufeldt) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 464, — The Plague of. Liv. Age, 246: 573. —— The Rapid Growth of. (B. S. Bowdish) Sci. Am. Supp. 61: 25373. —- Sea, Courtship of. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 93: 631, 699. —— — Habits of. (H. K. Job) Everybody’s, 6: 481, — — off Pollock Rip. (H. K. Job) Outing, 45: 573, — —- Why are they White ? (J. Tarbell) Longm. 39: 526. — Shore, Migration of. (H. K. Job) Every- (H. K. Job) Outing, 45: 321. -— -— of the Northwest. (H. K. Job) Outing, 48: 671. — — of Old Virginia. (G. T. Dixon, jr.) Ctry Life Am. 4: 328. — -— Our Vanishing. (H. K. Job) Ctry Life Am. 10: 519 — Sight and Scent in. (G. S. Porter) Outing, 40: 295- ' — Some Misunderstood. (L. T. Sprague) Outing, 39: 717. — Song in. (W. E. D. Scott) Science, n. s. I5: I78. — (W. Craig) Science, 11. s. I5: 590. —— Song of. (IN. B. Thomas)Macmil. 90: 45 5, — Songs of. (H. Oldys) Lippinc. 71: 803. —— — The Music of. (H. Oldys) Harper, I13: 723. — Speed of Migrating. (J . Stebbins and E. A. Faith) ‘ Science, 11. s. 24: 49. —- Spring Music in a Marsh Meadow. Outing, 46: 69. -— Study of, Beginning. (E. Sandys) (A. B. Comstock) Chant. 41: 259- -— —— In the Haunts of the Rail. (B. Dale) Canad. M. 28: 11, —- Stuffing. (E. T. Seton) Ctry Life Am. 6: 267, -— Talk on. (W. E. D. Scott) Outl. 71: 609, — Texas and Arizona, A Bunch of. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 68 Q2: 95. BISHOPS Birds that Nest in Colonies. (W. L. Finley) World To-day, 10: 249, — Thirsty. Spec. 93: 146. —- A Tragedy in the Tree Top. (T. Brooks) Harper, 113: 564, — Weed and Dearborn"s Birds in their Relation to Man. Am. Natural. 38: 75. - — What do they Eat ? (Helen L. Grant) Sci. Am. 95: 379. — Wheelock’s Nestlings of Forest and Marsh. Am. Natural. 36: 757. — When they are Nesting. 15: 27, — Wild,8b8y a New Approach. (F. H. Herrick) Cent. an 5 . — Wild Wings. (VV. H. Hudson) Liv. Age, 247: 693, —— Winter. (A. G. McCloskey) Chant. 36: 297. —— Winter Habits of. (L. Jones) School R. I 3: 29. -—— Wooing of. (H. G. Curtiss) Calif. M. 1: 84, — Young, at Birth, Significance of the Condition of. (W. P. Pycraft) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 108, Bird’s Eye View of Heaven ; a story. (P. V. Miguels) McClure, 21: 270, Birds’ Kindergarten, The. (G. S. Porter) Outing, 40: (E. Grinnell) Land of Sun. 7°. Bird’s-nesting. Spec. 90: 855. —(A. I. Shand) Cornh. 87: 672.=Liv. Age, 237: 786. =Ecl. M. I41: 186. —Scientific. (S. C. Watkins) Liv. Age, 245: 438.: Ecl. M. 145: 134. Birds’ Nests. Liv. Age, 246: 252, — and their Environments. (A. Collett) Macmil. 91: 209. . — in Strange Places. (O. S. Berry) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 431. — Photographed. (O. J . Stevenson) Canad. M. 21: 335- Birmingham, Eng., Musical Festival, I906. Ath. ’06, 2: 412, 450, — School for Jewelers at. (A. S. Wainwright)pStudio (Internat.) 25: 324. Birrell, Augustine. (E. Porritt) Outl. 83: 702, — Mr. Birrell’s Choice. (J . W. Diggle) Hibbert J . 4: 54°- Birth Rate, Bishop of London on the Declining. (J . W. Taylor) 19th Cent. 59: 219, — Declining, and its Cause. (F. A. Bushee) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 355. — in New Hampshire. Assoc. 9: 263. — in 1905. (M. Carlyle) Westm. 164: 291, —- Question of the. (H. White) Nation, 76: 468, — Statistics of, Methods of Dealing with. (Carroll W. Doten) Am. Statis. Assoc. 10: 156, Birthday in Bogieland; a story. (E. P. Medley) Canad. M. 22: 256, Birthright. (V. W. Cloud) Booklover’s M. 5: 405, Birthright of the Wanderer, The ; a story. (G. Schock) Harper, 113: 301. Bishop, Heber R., with portrait. Anthrop. 5: 111, Bishop, Isabella Bird, Recollections of. (A. G. Stew- art) Blackw. I76: 698. = Liv. Age, 243: 682.- Bk. News, 23: 266, (Allyn A. Young) Am. Statis. (G. F. Kunz) Am. Bishop, Joel Prentiss. (C. S. Bishop) Am. Law R. B18132)‘, William Henry. (B. J. Hendrick) Critic, 42: Bish2o21i>-elect and Maria; a story. (H. Mabee) Harper, BishIc>g3s66O31?dination, 'I‘he. (Gisela D. Britt) Arena, 3 i 33- Bishops and Historians. (H. Paul) Indep. R. 4: 611. = Liv. Age, 244: 555. BISHOPS Bishops, The, and the Reformation Settlement. (G. 'Arthur) I9th Cent. 57: 276. -— as Legislators. (W. V. Roberts) Chamb. J . 83: I79. — Confirming, and Crown Prerogatives. (J . Edmond- son-Joel) Westm. 157: 536, ‘ — Election of, Primitive. (M. F. Hassett) Cath. Univ. B1111-3= 404- 4= 33?. — Income of; Episcopal Budgets. (A. Fellows) Westm. I63: 299. Bishopston Church. (VV. H. Legge) Reliquary, 43: 173. Biskra; Heart of North Africa. (B. Brandenburg) Am. M. 62: 24, Bismarck, Otto von. (B. Moses) Calif. Univ. Chron. 1: 464. > — and Kaiser Wilhelm I., Correspondence of, ed. by Kohl. (L. A. Rhoades) Dial, 352 39. — and Moltke. J . Mil. Serv. Inst: 32: 437. — The Falsification of the Ems Telegram. National, 453 1°55- — How he Retired. (H. de Blowitz) Harper, 107: 467. -— Personal Reminiscences of. (S. Whitman) Bk. News, 21: 481, — Retirement of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 324. — A Visit to. (H. Villard) Cent. 45: 664. Bismarck, House of. (E. Saltus) Munsey, 32: 651. Bismarck Dynasty, The End of the. Contemp. 90: 609. =Liv. Age, 251: 643. Bismarckian Policy, Bankruptcy of. Fortn. 81: 765. :Liv. Age, 241: 577, Bismya, Banks’s Excavations at, Beginning of. (R. F. Harper) Bib. World, 23: 295. ‘ -— Recent Excavations at. (Edgar J . Banks) Indep. 591 I321- Bison. See Buffalo. Bispham, David. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 96: 74. Bit of Human Nature. (E. O. Kirk) Lippinc. 70: 259. Bit of Old English Brio-a-Brac in Yankeeland ; a story. (E. Banks) Temp. Bar, I32: 175, Bit of Satsnma, A. (Beatrice E. Rice) Indep. 58: 982, Bit of the Sod, A; a story. (K. Jarboc) Munsey, 29: 307. Bitter, Karl, Sculptor. (H. H. Greer) Brush & P. 13: 466. — With portrait. (J . N. Laurvik) Booklover’s M. 3= 599- Bitter Cup, The; a story. (C. B. De Camp) Harper, 108: 608. Bitter Parting, A. (J . Garry) Gent. M. n. s. 743 I05. Bitter-rot Fungus. (Hermann von Schrenk) Science, 11. s. 17: 750. Bittner, Alexander. Geog. J . 202 461. Bitumen, Peculiar Occurrence of, and Evidence as to its Origin. (W. C. Morgan and M. C. Tallmon) Am. J. Sci. 168: 363, Bivins, Joseph Francis. So. Atlan. Q. 3: 383. Bivouac de Luxe. (E. Boltwood) Lippinc. 71: 112, Bizerta, Tunisia, French Works at. Pall Mall M. 27: 73. Bizet, Georges. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 75: 79.—(J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 99: 75. — With portrait and bibliography. 2: pt. 9. Bjiirnson, Bjiirnstjerne. (J. N. Lawvik) Critic, 42: 47, — (W. M. Payne) Internat. Q. 7: 171. — Outl. 73: 339. —Dial. 331 383- -— and Mrs. Bjiirnson, with portrait. Chant. 40: 373. — Prophet-poet of Norway. (L. P. Richards) Cosmo- pol. 34: 62!. — Souvenirs of, with portrait. 57¢ 73- Bjiirnsoniana. Dial, 34: 37. Black, Hugh. (F. Brown) Outl. 84: 743, Black, William. Spec. 88% 769.-—(E. Fuller) Atlan. W 409- —- Caz-fax GalleryExhibitiom (F. Rinder) ArtJ. 58: 240, Mast. in Music, (T. Stanton) Indep. 69 BLACKWATER Black, William, Reid’s Life of. Ath. ’02, I: 649, —- Bk. Buyer, 24: 472, — Visit to America. (Sir W. Reed) Harper, I04! 903. — With the Eyes of Youth ; an Autobiographical Sketch. Fortn. 78: 249, : Eel, M, 139: 667, Black, José. Chamb. J. 83: 264.=Ecl. M. 1461 524. Black and White, A Sketch in. (F. Clayton) Atlan. 97: 600, Black Books of Lincoln’s Inn. (E. Manson) Green Bay, 16: 793. Black Care and the Horseman. (Mary R. S. Andrews) Scrib. M. 38: 737. Black Creek Swamp. 130: 602, Black Death, The; a story. 108: 849. Black Diamond; a Hive of Enterprise. donald) Overland, n. s. 44: 645. Black Eagle Case, The. (L. M. Friedman) Green Bag, (D. O’Callaghan) Temp. Bar, (W. Deeping) Harper, (Janet Mac- I4: 63, Black Factor’s Wooing; a story. (H. Whitaker) Munsey, 32: 74o.:Canad. M. 26: 458. Black Fan. (E. Glanville) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 714. Black Forest, A Little Journey in the. (E. M. Dasch- bach) Cath. World, 79: 761, — Our Search for the. (H. W. Mabie) Ontl, 81: 767. —— A Tramp through the Southern. (W. H. Hulme) Chant. 35: 48. Black Hand, The; a story. (E. Uhich) Cath. World, 791 769. Black Hills of So. Dakota. (J . M. Chapple) Nat’1 M. (Bost.) 18: 763. — Resources of. Science, 11. s. 20: 191, Black Jake’s Souvenir. (H. R. Eliot) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 330. Black Labor vs. Italian Labor. tion, 82: 97, Black Masters; a Side-light on Slavery. (C. D. Wil- son) No. Am. 181: 685. _ Black Rain in North Carolina. (M. Morse) Science, 11. s. 15: 1 Black Roan of (W. G. Leland) Na- 034- “ 265,” The; a story. (A. W. Rolker) McClure, 24: 30. Black Sea, The. (Sven Hedin) Monthly R. 22, no. I 2 89. = Liv. Age, 249: 369. Black Sheep of the Regiment, The. Bar, 125: 704. _ Black Spider, The. (J . Ashton) Chamb. J . 82: 9, 26, 41. Black Vengeance, The. Monthly R. 18: 94.:Liv. Age, 245: 87. IEcl. M. 144: 723. Black Watch. (C. Morris) Good Words, 44: 411. — and its Band. Canad. M. 3: 385. Blackbirds. Spec. 96: 331. — at Lancing. (J . Truman) Macmil. 88: 51. —— The Hates of the Hens. (E. Selons) Sat. R. 99: 78. Blackburn, Jonathan B. (R. R. Wilson) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 28. Blackcock, Ecstasies of. (E. Selons) Sat. R. 991 415. Blackguardism, Election. Sat. R. 101: 98. Blackhawk, with portrait. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 24: 48. Blacklock, Thomas and Ross, J . T. J- 55= 377. Blackmailer, The. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 35: 628. Blackmore, R. D., and his Work. (J . Baker) Fortn. 81: 840. =Ec1. M. 143: 232. I Liv. Age. 2411 777- —- Letters of. Scrib. M. 32: 661. Blackstick Papers. (A. I. Ritchie) Cornh. v. 88-91. = Critic, v. 43-45. Blacktail Deer, Passing of the. Ctry Life Am. I: 156, Blackwater Tantrums, The. Everybody’s, 15: 502, (C. Milis) Temp. (G. Aikman) Art (Minnie J . Reynolds) (Sarah N. Cleghorn) BLADE Blade that Won. (B. E. Stevenson) Lippinc. 72: 2S9- Blagden, Sir Charles. (R. H. Howe, jr.) Am. Nat- ural-391 397- Blaine, James G., Reminiscences of. Calif. M. 3: 391. — Stanwood’s. -(W. H. Johnson) Nation, 82: 141, (L. A. Sheldon) Blair, Andrew G., Canadian Politician. (T. G. Mar- quis) Canad. M. 24: 114, Blair Eyrie, The Beautiful Garden at. (I. W. Jones) Ctry Life Am. 10: 35. Blake, Sir Patrick. Correspondence with Sir James Crawfurd. (J . C. Kennett) Cornh. 90: 195. Blake, William, with portrait. (J . V. Cheney) Calif. M. 4: 447. —Spec. 97: 826. —Art of. (L. Binyon) Indep. R. 2: 407.: Eel. M. 143: I29.=‘~Liv. Age, 41: 487.-—Art J. 56: 349. — at F elpham. (H. Ives) Monthly R. 21, no. 22 I23. — Family of. (A. Symons) Ath. ’06, 1: 515. —Il1ustrations of Job. (R. E. D. Sketchley) Art J. 551 "4- — Lord Crewe’s Blake Collection. (T. Nutt) Critic, 42: 463. — Paintings of. Acad. 70: 600. -— Poetry of. (A. Clutton-Brock) Acad. 71: 524. = Liv. Age, 215: 809. — (G. L. Strachey) Indep. R. g: 215, — Prophetic Books of; Jerusalem, ed. by E. R. D. Maclagan. Ath. ’04, 2: 102, -— Swinburne’s. (A. Symons) Sat. R. 102: 231, —- Text of. Spec. 96: 259. — Visionary Art of. Ed. R. 203: 161, — Was he a Poet ‘P (Percy C. Standing) Cath. World. 81: 445. Blakelock, Ralph A., Painter. (F. W. Morton) Brush & P. 9: 257. Blakesley, Samuel, of New Haven, Conn., and his De- scendants. (J . Shepard) N. E. Reg. 56: 277. Blane, F rangois, Founder of Monte Carlo. Temp. Bar, 131: 350. Blane, Mme. Therese de Solms [Th. Bentzon]. A. Fields) Cent.'44: 134. Blanc, Mont, Checked by a Storm on. Outing, 46: 465. — Scientific Work on. Nature, 75: 203. Blanchard Family Records. N. E. Reg. 60: 373. Blanche, Jacques Emile. (F. Lawton) Fortn. 85: 1106. —— Studio (Internat.) 21: 191, Blanchemains; a story. (J. M. F orman) Harper, 113: (Mrs. (J . D. Barney) 17.~ Blanding, Bad Man. (G. Bronson-Howard) Every- body’s, I22 305. Blanford, William T. Geog. J . 26: 223. —- (Archibald Geikie) Nature, 72: 202, - Blank Verse, Lost Art of. (C. L. Moore) Dial, 33: 317. — on the Stage. (J . Todhunter) Fortn. 77 2 346. Blankenburg, Rudolph; an Uneompromising Fighter. (G. E. Mapes) Outl. 83: 220, Blankets, Indian. (G. W. James) Outing, 39: 684. —— Navajo. (G. L. Patterson) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 64. — (J. J. Peatfield) Calif. M. 4: 377. Blashfield, Edwin Howland. (Homer St. Gaudens) Critic, 47: 233. — his Mural Decorations in Minnesota Capitol. (J . W. Pattison) Studio (Internat.) 24: lxxxvii. -— Recent Mural Decorations by. (W. Walton) Scrib. M. 37: 381. Blasphemer, The. Blast of the Trumpet. 611, Blast-furnace Practice. (E. A. Uehling) J . F rankl. Inst. I59: 117. (J . B. Connolly) Scrib. M. 39: 701, (E. M. Tybout) Lippinc. 73: 70 BLIND Blast Furnaces, Some Mexican. (J . Birkinbine) Cas- sier, 29: 3. Blat Elephant, The; a story. (G. Maxwell) Temp. Bar. 1341 217- Blatta, Head of. (W. A. Riley) Am. Natural. 38: 777. Blatchley, or Blachley, Thomas, and his Descendants. (R. D. Smyth) N. E.-Reg. 58: 357. Blavatsky, Madame. (H. R. Evans) Monist, 14: 387. Blazes and Indian Signs. (E. T. Seton) Ctry Life Am. 7: 632. Blazing Beach, A. (D. P. Penhallow) Science, n. s. 22: 794. ' Blazon, Gentle Art of. (Sir H. Maxwell) Blackw. 178: 26. Bleaching Powder, Manufacture by Acker Process. J. Frankl. Inst. 1562 22!. Bleckley, Logan E., with portrait. (L. B. Ellis) Green Bag. I5= 555- Bleeding Heart, A; a story. Arena, 32: 176. Blenheim Palace, Oxford, England. ton) Booklover’s M. 6: 45. Blennerhassett, Sir Rowland. (Arthur Strong) Cornh. 91: 632. Blessing in Disguise, A. (C. Keiting) Overland, n. s. (W. A. Dromgoole) (Marion Ellis- 431 317- Blessing of the Roses, The; a story. (C. C. Hallett) Eel. M. 141: 129.=Liv. Age, 237: 545. Blessing the Typewriter. (E. Hallowell) Lippinc. 73: 28 3 . Blind, Adult, Industrial Institute for. (C. H. Jones) Char. 15: 624. — — Necessity of State Care of. (F. P. Lewis) Char. 13* 497- ' -—- — Pennsylvania’s Inquiry into the Condition and Needs of. (E. E. Allen) Char. I 5: 622. — — Present Needs of. (F. P. Lewis) Char. I 5: 607, —- Associations for Helping the. (R. Hauptvogel) Am. J. Sociol. 8: 687. —— Books and Libraries for the. 30: 269, — Books for, at St. Louis Exposition. Pub. Lib. I0: 22, — — in the Library of Congress. (M. S. Gerry) Scrib. M, 33: 101, — Braille Library for, at Oxford. Lib. J . 30: 283, — Bureaus for Tickets for. (W. Holt) Char. I 5: 645. —- Experiment Station for the Trade Training of. (C. F. H. Campbell) Char. I5: 635, —- Friends of the. (W. Holt) Char. I7: 405. — How to be. (Helen Keller) Outl. 82: 983. —- in Massachusetts, Field Work in. (L. Wright) Char. 15: 613. — Industrial Home for. (E. P. Morford) Char. I5: 627. (R. C. Moon) Lib. J. — Labor of the. (W. B. Wait) Char. I7: 140, — Library Books for the. (Emma R. N eisser) Lib. J . 31: C78, — Library for, A National. (Asa D. Dickinson) Pub. Lib. 11‘: 308.=Lib. J. 31: 218. — Library Work for the. (E. E. Allen) Lib. J . 31: 8. -—- (E. E. Allen) Char. I5: 641. — Literature for the. (S. A. Draper) Pub. Lib. 9: 147. — Michigan Employment Institution for. (J. Perrine Hamilton) Char. I5: 632. — New Hope for the. (Elizabeth of Runiania) Outl. 84: 758, — New Lines of Work for. Char. 15: 673. -—- A New World for the. (G. M. Gould) Science, 11. s. 23: 268. — Psychology and Pedagogy of. (A. R. T. Wylie) Pedagog. Sem. 9: 127. — Royal Normal College and Academy of Music for the. (Katherine Carson) Good Words, 46: 863, BLIND Blind, What Some Libraries are doing for the. (G. D. Trader) Pub. Lib. 9: 150. -— Wisconsin‘ Workshop for. 15: 629, —- Work to improve the Condition of. (C. F. F. Campbell) Char. 15: 610, — Work the Salvation of. (Helen Keller) Char. I5: 674. Blind Animals, Behavior of. (W. Mills) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 334, Blind Babies, Boston Nursery for. (B. M. Snow) New Eng. M; n. s. 32: 625. — Sunshine Home for. (J . L. Barnard) Char. I4: 653. Blind Children; a poem. (I. Zangwill) Pall Mall M. 26: 327. Blind Doll, The. (Laura Sanford) Indep. 54: 1769, Blind Men, Indiana Industrial Home for. (C. S. Mc- Gifiin) Char. I5: 634, Blind Pension, The. (J . Forbes) Char. 15: 616. Blind Poor in England. Spec. 95: 421. Bliss, Eliphalet N., with portrait. Cassier, 22: 711, Blizzard, The Word. (S. Willard) Nation, 76: 434. —- “ Jayhawker,” "‘ Uncle Sam.” (A. Matthews) Na- tion, 76: 291. Bloch, Jean de. (R. E. C. Long) Fortn. 77: 228, —(E. D. Mead) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 298, Bloch Museum of Peace and War at Lucerne. (G. G. Thomas) Chamb. J. 80: 257.-—(R. Long) Book- lover’s M. 6: 27. ——J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 31: 755. Block, City, Beauty of a. (Charlotte P. Gilman) Indep. 57: 67. — — made Beautiful. (Z. Milhau) World’s Work, 6: 4000, Block Island. (C. E. Perry) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 515. Block-signaling Systems on American Railways. (D. A. Willey) Cassier, 28: 251, Blockade, North Atlantic, in the Civil War. (W. Jennings) M. of Hist. 4: 26. — Pacific, Passing of the. (T. S. Woolsey) Yale R. 11: 340, Blockade-running, Romance of. Chamb. J . 80: 727. Blockades. (L. Irwell) Green Bag, 15: 62, Blois Chfiteau. (R. Whiteing) Cent. M. 48: 191, Blommers, B. J ., Artist, with portrait. (Mrs. C. P. Gruppé) Brush & P. 12: 415, Blood, Changes in, at High Altitndes. (R. D. Ward) Science, n. s. 20: 847, -— Circulation of the. (Virginia Garland) Overland, 11. s. 48: 155. — — according to Bacon, Shakespeare, and Harvey. (J. Knott) Westm. 164: 46, 195, 205, —— Course of Flow of, in Lumbricns. (J . B. Johnston) Am. Natural. 36: 317, —- Elliptical Human Erythrocytes. Science, 11. s. 21: 473. —— Human, Superstitions concerning. Antiq. n. s. 38: 203, -— Nodnles and Molecules of Red Blood Corpuscles. (G. Maclaskie) Science, 11. s. I 5: 499. ‘ -—— Pressure of, in Man. Nature, 71: 375, —- — Estimation of. Nature, 74: 638. Blood Seedling, The. (J . Hay) Lippinc. 76: 44. Bloodhound, The. (L. C. Moeran) Outing, 40: 90. — in America. (L. D. Howe and C. E. Duflie) Cent. 42: 279. Bloodroot. (R. Blight) Outing, 40: 182, Bloomfield, Robert. Acad. 68: 663. Blouet, Paul, Death of. Ath. ’O3, 1: 639. Blonnt, Sir Edward. A Fine Bit of Old English Oak. (S. J . Reid) Good Words, 46: 620. —- Reid’s Memoirs of. Ath. ’02, 2: 44!. Blount Conspiracy, 1795-97, Documents on. Am. Hist. R. 10: 574, (O. Kiistermann) Char. (M. Dresbach) (E. Peacock) 71 Blue Jays. BOATS Blow-pipe Weapons. (P. Fountain) Longm. 41: 534. Blower, Fan, Realm of the. (W. B. Snow) Cassier, 31 . 63. —— — The Conditions of the Design of. (W. B. Snow) Cassier, 29: 219. Blowitz, H. G. S. O. de. Macmil. 87: 338.: Ecl. M. 140: 573. '-_-Liv. Age, 237: 13. — Memoirs. Monthly R. 14, no. 1: 50.—(K. Magee) Canad. M. 23: 55. — The Mysterious. Westm. I 59: 569. Bloy, Leon, as a Beggar. (A. Symons) Sat. R. 194: 326, Blue China Bowl, The; a story. (W. A. Dromgoole) Arena, 31: 95. Blue Cloak; astory. (A. Jones) Canad. M. 22: 419, 538, Blue Dress, The. (J . Daskam) Scrib. M. 33: 457. Blue-grass Country. (C. Johnson) Outing, 43: 682, Blue-girdle. (L. Griswold) Atlan. 97: 202, Blue Jay Family, Strange Experience of a. Chapman) Cent. 42: 405. (W. E. D. Scott) Outl. 77: 45. Blue Necklace, The. (J. T. Bishop) Munsey, 351 595. Blue Peter. (H. M. Rideout) Atlan. 96: 300, 463, Blue-stockings. (J . H. Lobban) Blackw. 180: 452, “ Blue Water,” or “ Hearth and Home.” (L. H. Hoddern) Un. Serv. M. 29: 470. Bluebeard, Legend of. (Sylvanus Urban) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 102, Bluebird’s Return, The. (F. M. (K. W. Patch) Harper, 110: 729- Bluebirds, Love and War among the. (J . Burroughs) Ctry Life Am. 10: 45, Bluefish and Blue Waters. (E. Sandys) Outing, 44: 563. Blum, Robert Frederick. (Robert Bridges) Lamp, 26: 473. — With portrait. Studio (Internat.) 21: clxxvii, Blundell’s Worthies, 1604-1904, Banks on. 2: 166. Blurred Memory of Childhood, A. (R. Shields) Cornh. 92: 223, Blush, The. (S. M. Creed) Longm. 39: 426.=Liv. Age,233: 172. Blush Roses; a story. (H. G. Duryée) Outl. 75: 1002, Blythburgh and its Church. (C. Mason) Reliquary, 46: 186. Blything Hundred, Notes on the Churches of. (J . C. Cox) Ath- ’°s. z= 343. 407. 8.74- Boa-constrictors, how Lodged and Boarded. (W. B. Northrop) Chamb. J . 80: 340, Boar-hunting in India. (V. Davidson) Cornh. 91: 528. Board of Education in Large Cities. (D. Mowry) Educa. 26: 71, Board School Teacher, Recollections of. Monthly R. 24, no. 2: 1. = Liv. Age, 250: 674. Boarding Schools for Girls, Rules for. ton) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 495. Boards of Inquiry, Federal. (H. White) Nation, 76: 262, Boat-race, Cambridge-Harvard, 1906. (R. A. Derby and W. B. Woodgate) Outing, 49: 211, — — Photographs. Outing, 49: 211. — New London, and its People. (A. Ruhl) Outing, 46: 387. Boat-racing, Long and Short Boats. Sat. R. 95: 418. Boat Sailing, Small. (A. J . Kenealy) Outing, 42: 535. Boating, College, in the ’60’s. (C. Deming) Outing, 44: 416, —— Motor; a New Sport. (P. Newton) Munsey, 31: 641. — (P. Severing) Everybody’s, I1: 314. See Motor Boats. Boats, and Boat Handlers. (H. C. Rowland) Outing, 48: 496. Ath. ’04, (W. F. Mel- BOATS Boats, Roller, and Revolving Ships. (Major C. Field) Good Words, 44: 360. Bob-white and Family. (A. R. M. Spaid) Ctry Life Am. 52 263. Bobadilla, Francisco Arias de, Count of Pufioenrostro; a Fiscal Reformer of Cervantes’ Time. (J . W. Crmnbie) 19th Cent. 58: 452. Boccaccio. (F. Gribble) Acad. 68: 471. Bocher, Ferdinand, with portrait. (G. H. Grandgent) Harv. Grad. M. II: 43. Bocock, John Paul and Walter K. Sewanee, I2: 4 '. Boden, Garrett, Spy. 79: 662, Bodleian Library. (E. A. Savage) 19th Cent. 522 448. -_-Liv. Age, 235: 96. — (J. B. Firth) Fortn. 78: 637. —- (R. V. Lennard) Gent. M. n. s. 59: 327. — Tercentenary of. (L. Dyer) Nation, 752 359. -—Lib. J. 27: 939, —Ath, ’oz, 2: 52o.—(A. Birrell) Outl. 731 59- — Two Rare Manuscripts in. (H. Beveridge) Asia. R. 33: 86. Bodley, J. E. Courtenay, France, England, and. (R. Dell) F ortn. 86: 496. 7 Body, Care of the. (S. H. Carney) Outl. 79: 742. — of the Future Life; is it Electrical? (C. Hallock) Open Court, 17: 657. — Personality and ; a Study in the Resurrection. (J . H. Skrine) Contemp. 86: 860, — Salvation of the, by Faith. Hibbert J . 42 606. — Spiritual. (G. D. Boardman) Bib. Sac. 60: 487. Boecklin, Arnold. (Anita MacMahon) Art J . 56: 54. —- With portrait. Mast. in Art, 7: 87. — Craftsman, 8: 747. —(S. C. de Soissons) Contemp. 88: 708.: Liv. Age, 247: 719. — (G. B. Rose) Sewanee, I0: 30- ——_ as a Sculptor of the Grotesque. (H. Lespinasse) Archit. Rec. I3: 169. — Painter of Romance. (L. C. Monin) World To-day, 5: I279- ' Boer, The, in War and Peace. Boer Concentration Camps. M. 27: 35. Boer Congress, 1904. Spec. 931 940. Boer Folk-medicine. (Alice B. Gomme) Folk-Lore, I3: 69, 181, Boer Generals at Downing Street. 78: 560. Boer Leaders. Honor to whom Honor is due. Dicey) 19th Cent. 52: 386. Boer Oflicer, A Diary of a. Un. Serv. M. 24: 499. 25: 357 I30, 303- ' Boer Prisoners in Bermuda. (K. W. Elmes) F ortn. 77: 935. ——(W. S. Key) Outl. 70: 424. — in Ceylon. (M. A. A. Galloway) 19th Cent. 51: 187. Boer School, Year in a. (F. H. Randal) Canad. M. 22: 411. Boer War. See Transvaal. Boer Women and Children. 19: 31. Boers. Blackw. I72: 426, —— and the Empire. (L. Botha) Contemp. 82: 609. = Liv. Age, 235: 577.=Ecl. M. 140: 116. -- in Battle, The. (E. B. Rose) Forum, 331 179. -— North of the Tugela. (Baron A. von Maltzan) 19th Cent. 521 371. Bog Plants. (R. Richards) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 419. Bogeys and Scarecrows. Month, 99: 459. Bogoslofs, The. (D. S. Jordan and G. A. Clark) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 481. “ Bogota,” Cruise of the. n. s. 42: 469. Bogs, Life and Death of. (R. L. Praeger) Knowl. 2 5: 241, 2 (J . B. Henneman) (W. H. Williamson) Chamb. J . Ed. R. 199: 84, 326. (K. Brereton) Pall Mall (E. Dicey) Fortn. (E. (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. (A. H. Dutton) Overland, 72 BOMBAY Bogue, Mrs. Lilian Bell. (E. F. Harkins) Lit. W. (Bost.) ss= 363- Bohemia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. 198: 463. — Europe and Question of. 40: 183. . —— Midsummer in. (Christian Brinton) Appleton’s M. 8: I 31. — The New. Cornh. 85: 315. =Liv. Age, 233: 28. — Revisited. (Anna Nedhobyty) Overland, n. s. 391 6. Bohemia, In Quest of. (E. P. .Irwin) Overland, n. s. 48: 91. Bohemian in America, The. 968. Bohemian Club, The Veteran Guard of the. (J . N. H. Irwin) Overland, n. s. 45: 261, Bohemian Farmers in Wisconsin. : 21, Bohemian Literature, 1901-02. (V. Tille) Ath. ’02, 2: 8. — I902-03. (V. Tille) Ath. ’O3, 22 3. — 1903-04. (V. Tille) Ath. ’o4, 2: 296. Bohemians, The, in Chicago. (A. G. Masaryk) Char. I3: 206. Boiler Design and Boiler Explosions-. Engin. M. 27: 233. Boiler-house Economy. 29= 373- Boiler-making, Modern Practice in. (E. P. Wats'on) Engin. M. 23: 19. Boiler Manufacturing Works, Cost—stores System of a Modern. (H. S. Knowlton) Engin. M. 32': 45. . Boissier, Gaston ; a French Critic of Old Imperialism. (G. Bradford, jr.) Atlan. 96: 805, Boito, Arrigo, Poet and Composer. (E. Fondi) Outl. 82: Ed. R. (K. Kramarz) National, (E. A. Steiner) Outl. 73: (N. Mashek) Char. (R. S. Hale) (Alfred W. Bemis) Cassier, 447. Bokhara, City beyond the Deserts. (J . Locke) Outing,- 471 32- — New Year’s Festival at. (J . Locke) Outing, 471 387. —— the Noble. (A. V. W. Jackson) Outl. 79: 319. Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount, and his Times. Ed. R. 195: I06, Bolivar, Simon. (F. M. N oa) Arena, 351 491. Bolivia and Argentina, Travels on Boundaries of. (E. Nordenskjiild) Geog. J . 21: 510, — and Peru, Travels on the Boundaries of. denskjiild) Geog. J . 28: 105, —— by the Rio de la Plata Route. Geog. J. 19: 64. —— Caupolican, Expedition to, 1901-02. Geog. ‘J. 22: 601. —- Exploration in. - (H. Hock) Geog. J. 25: 498. —- Field for American Trade. (A. McIlroy) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I5: 691. —— On the Roof of the New World. Chamb. J . 80: 698. -- Republic of. (W. S. Barclay) Macmil. 88: I05, — Undeveloped ; or, Between the Andes and the Am- azon. Chamb. J. 791 I57. Bolley, Prof. H. L., Work of, on Plant Diseases. (James L. Nash) World To-day, II: 1313, Bologna, City of Learned Women. (M. D. Walsh) Cath. World, 752 596. —— Famous Women of. (Mrs. B. Gilman) Critic, 45: 421, Bolson Plains of New Mexico, Geological Structure of. (C. R. Keyes) Am. J. Sci. 165: 207, Bolton, Henry Carrington. Science, n. s. 18: 798. Bolton, Conn., Records of the Church in, 1763-91. (M. K. Talcott) N. E. Reg. 56: I62, 347. Boltwood, Lucius Manlius. (G. Sheldon) N. E. Reg. 59= 341- Bombay, Presidency of. (W. Lee-Warner) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 199. (E. Nor- (G. E. Church) (J . W. Evans) BOMBAY Bombay, Towers of Silence at. (W. T. Fee) N at. Geog. M, 16: 529, — Town and Island of. Arts» 493 57°- Bombay Asiatic Society, Centenary of. Ath. ’o4, 2: (L. R. W. Forrest) J. Soc. 875. Bompas, Bishop of Selkirk. (F. Ebbs—Canavan) Canad. M. 27: 521. Bon Gaultier Ballads, The. (H. Selden Young) Ath. ’o5, 2: III. Bon Secours; a little Miracle Play. Fortn. 79: 359. Bonaparte, Charles Joseph, with portrait. (L. R. Meekins) Cosmopol. 36: 292. —- (D. A. Willey) Indep. 58: 1354.-—R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 321 35. —- as a Lawyer. (W. Reynolds) Green Bag, 17: 397, — as a Lay Preacher. Outl. 80: 709. — New Secretary of the Navy. (D. A. Willey) Mun- sey, 33: 6S8.—Out1. 80: 478. —Indep. 58: 1354.- R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 35. Bonaparte, Jerome. (A. Laugel) Nation, 74: 442. Bond, The; a story. (E. Pottle) Harper, I09: 288. Bond-Hay Treaty. (P. T. McGrath) I9th Cent. 53: 924. Bond of Comradeship, The. (M. F. Egan) Scrib. M. 40: 88. Bond of Her People, The. n. s. 45: 301. Bond or Free. (Blanche Smith) Indep. R. 7: 84. Bond or Free; a story. (G. P. Curtis) Cath. World, (E. Anstruther) (Maud Horsley) Overland, 80: 89. Bond Sales. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: I45. 67: I37, 68' I45. 69: no, 70: I45, Bonded Circulation, The Inertia of a. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 8I8. Bondmen under the Tudors. (Alex. Savine) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 17: 235.-— (H. E. Malden) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 19: 305. Bonds. About Buying Bonds— are they Cheap? World’s Work, 13: 8270, — Industrial. (L. S. Spitzer) Yale R. 112 374. —— Municipal, Safeguarding the Issue of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) W 939- ' -— Negotiable Coupon, Advisability of Registering. (J. P. Hill) Green Bag, 16: 14, —— Repudiated State. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 599. —-— Selling, to Investors. (H. C. Nicholas) World’s Work, 9: 6080. “Bone Cabin Quarry,” Wyoming, and its Fossils. (D. A. Willey) Land of Sun. 8: 5 54, Bone, Malar, Complete Division of. Am. Natural. 36: 273. Bone of Contention. (J. Oxenham) Longm. 39: 533, = Liv. Age, 233: 499. = Ecl. M. 139: 65. = Cosmo- pol. 34: 685. Boner, John Henry. (M. Benjamin) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 166 (A. Hrdlicka) Bones and their By-products. Chamb. J . 79: 202. - of the Reptilian Lower Jaw. (J . S. Kingsley) Am. Natural. 39: 59. Bones of Don Salluste, The. land, 11. s. 46: 388, Bonheur, Rosa, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 4: pt. 44. — Autobiographical Fragment. Art, 26: 531. ‘ — Her First Visit to England and Scotland. (T. Stan- ton) Lippinc. 7 5: 46!. Boniface VIII. (J . J . Walsh) Cath. World, 80: 31, Bonington, Richard Parkes, with portrait. (H. Frantz) Studio (Internat.) 24: 99. Bonne Ste. Anne. (M. Burkholder) Canad. M. 27: 513. Bonnell, Toby and James. Letters. (C. L. Falkiner) Eng. Hist. R. 19: I22, 299, (Paul G. Clark) Over- (Rosa Bonheur) M. of 73 BOOK Bonner, Rev. Carey. Sund. M. 32: 562. Bonnet Conspirators, The; a story. (Violet A. Simp- son) Temp. Bar, 125: 108-751, Bonnevie, F. Tiirres. Geog. J . I91 516. Bonney, Charles C. (T. F, Wright) N. Church R. 1!: 122. — With portrait. (P. Carus) Open Court, 17: 513, 570, (L. P. Mercer) 577. Bonney, Mrs. Lydia Pratt. (P. Carus) Open Court, 171 37. Bonus System of Rewarding Labor. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 326, — and Premium System, Combined. Engin. M. 29: 719. Boodle and Ballot in St. Louis. (H. L. Gantl) (Hugo Diemer) (Lee Meriwether) Arena. 331 43- Book, The, and the Place. (M. B. Dunn) Atlan. 91: 626, — as an Early Christian Symbol. Expos. 6th ser. II: 209, 294- — the Tenement. (Eliz. McCracken) Atlan. 90: 589. — Open, Early Christian Symbol of. (W. M. Ramsay) Expos. 6th ser. I12 294. —- The Primitive. (H. S. Williams) Harper, I08: 888, —with Seven Seals. (E. J. Goodspeed) J. Bib. Lit. 22: 70. Book of the Dead, Egyptian. 54: I662, —- Budge’s English Translation. Nature, 65: 337.: Ecl. M. 138: 8o5.=Liv. Age, 233: I69.——(C. J. Wood) Outl. 70: 68m, ;_ Book of Love, The ; a story. (Alice Brown) Harper, 105: 832, Book—agent, The; a monologue. 41: 629, Book Annotation in England. (VV. D. Johnston) Lib. J , 2g: 67. Book Cabinets. Craftsman, 4: 390. Book Collectors and Others. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- (W. M. Muller) Indep. (B. Herford) Cent. tion, 74: 86. — Vagaries of. (IV. S. Andrews) Lamp, 26: 102, Book Decoration. (Edith A. Ibbs) Studio (Internat.) 28: 239. Book-dusting Time. (M. B. Dunn) Atlan. 96: 81. Book Exhibits at St. Louis, I904. (A. W. Perkins) Bk. News, 23: 10. Book Illustration of To-day, English. (R. E. D. Sketchley) Library, 11. s. 3: 54, 176, 271, 358. Book Illustrators of Japan, The. (W. M. Wood) Over- land, n. s. 39: 761. Book Market, Crisis in the. 1088. Book-producing Trades, Technical Education in Con- nection with. (D. Cockerell) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 249. Book Publishing. (J . B. Lippincott) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 1, Book Puifery, Notes for a History of. (James H. Col- lins) Bookman, 24: 62, Book Reviewing, Authors’ Views on. (G. S. Goodwin) Critic, 40: S37. , -— Publishers’ Views. (G. S. Goodwin) Critic, 41: II7. — Reviewers’ View. (G. S. Goodwin) Critic, 41: 446. Book Reviews, Humor of. (Elliott Flower) World To- day, 11: 93:. Book Room, An Ideal. Acad. 68: 37. Book Sales of 1901. (J. H. Slater) Ath. ’02, I: 50. — of 1905. (J. H. Slater) Ath. ’o6, I: I6, 78, Book-stamps, Armorial, The Frank Collection of. (A. W. Pollard) Library, n. s. 3: 115. Book Titles, A Romance made from. Pub. Lib. 10: 22, Book Trade, Dignifying the. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- tion, 83: 432. (W. T. Shore) Fortn. 82: BOOKBINDERS Bookbinders, American, and their Work. (W. G. Bowdoin) Indep. 541 2997- — American Art. (E. G. White) Brush & P. 13: 373. Bookbindery in a Small Library, Value of a. (H. F. Marx) Lib. J . 30: 796. Bookbinding. (F. Foote) Craftsman, 2: 33, — and the Care of Books, Cockerell’s. (H. P. Du Bois) Bk. Buyer, 24: 330. — Beautiful Books. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 2: 1, -— Cobden-Sanderson and the Doves Bindery. Preston) Craftsman, 2: 21, —- Designs by Sir Edward Sullivan. Studio (Internat.) 24¢ 34~ -— Early American. (W. L. Andrews) Bookman, I51 56, 164. —— English. (Strickland Gibson) Acad. 70: 160. — Exhibition of, at Newark, N. J ., Public Library, Feb. I905. Pub. Lib. 10: 357. —for Libraries. Pub. Lib. 92 259.—(J. C. Dana) Pub. Lib. 115 287. —(H. E. Bliss) Lib. J. 31: 737. — — Better. (H. E. Bliss) Lib. J. 30: 840.: Pub. Lib. II: 294. —— — Report on. (G. F. Bowerman) Lib. J . 31: C I30. —— from the Librarian’s Standpoint. (W. K. Stetson) Pub. Lib. II: 300, — Historic and Artistic. (E. (Robert W. Adams) Pub. Lib. 11: 28.7, —— in America. _ (Ernest E. Meyer) Brush & P. 16: suPP- 35- — — Artistic. (W. G. Bowdoin) Outl. 71: 254, -—— Intricacies of. (C. Martins) Lib. J . 272 312. — Leather for. Lib. J. 27: I40.—(J. G. Parker) J. Soc. Arts, 50: 23. — — Report of Committee. J . Soc. Arts, 49: 621. — New Method of Decoration, “ Vellucent.” (H. G. Fell) Studio (Internat.) 20: 169. — An Old Craft in the School-room. Outl. 83: 731. —— Ornamental, in Ireland in 18th Century. van) Studio (Internat.) 27: 52. — Preparing Books for. (Mary R. Caldwell) Pub. Lib. I1: 302. — Styles and Terms in. Pub. Lib. II: 433. — What constitutes a Well-bound Book. Pub. Lib. 11: 431. Bookbindings, Literary Treasures in Old. (S. Gibson) Acad. 691 1148 supp. _ —— Old, New Method of Preserving. Library, 11. s. 6: 208. (C. M. Coburn) (E. Sulli- —- Tooled. (L. E. Day) Art J. 54: 317. — A Unique Collection. (A. S. Van Westrum) Lamp, 27: 507, Bookbuying, Aims of Municipal Librarian in. Avebury) Library, 7: 46. Booke of Martyrs, A; a story. (D. G. McChesney) Cornh. 92: 68o.=Liv. Age, 248: 50. Bookkeeper as a Human Being. World’s Work, 10: 6324, Book-lover, Pleasures of the. mil. 91: 123. Booklovers’ Library. Lib. J . 28: 175. —(F. H. Gill) Pub. Lib. 8: 257. — Books from, in Public Libraries. (G. F. Bower- man) Lib. J. 23! 772. —— A Visit to. (Grace Ashley) Pub. Lib. I0: 8. Bookmen’s Books. (A. Lang) Acad. 69: 1101. = Liv. Age, 247: 5°7- Book-plate, Plea for the Decorative. Craftsman, 51 5 52. Book-plates, Children’s. 812, -—— Competitive Designs for. ternat.) 18: 120, (Lord (M. Barrington) Mac— (F. C. Brown) (Z. A. Dixson) Outl. 72: (A. Vallence) Studio (In- 174 BOOKS Book-plates, Indiana Designers of. (Esther G. White) Brush & P. 16: 57. — Public Library. (H. W. Kent) Lib. J . 27: 932. —— Recent British. (J . J . Guthrie) M. of Art, 28: 86. — Some Indiana. (E. G. White) Craftsman, 4: 93. —— Some Italian. (H. M. Vaughan) Art J . 58: 243, -—— Western. (C. V. Kirby) Craftsman, 6: 54. - Work of Anthony H. Euwer. (W. L. Smedley) Craftsman, 6: 561, Books. (J . Conrad) Liv. Age, 246: 500, — and Free Libraries, Illustrative Examples and Testi- monies as to the Value of. (J . F. Dillon) Am. Law R. 38: 533. — and Life. (E. A. Birge) Lib. J. 31: 203. — and Politics. (D. C. Gilman) Princ. Univ. Bull. 10: 1, —— and Reading, A Little Essay on, by Martin Dooley. (F. P. Dunne) Cent. 42: 84. — and Shoes. Dial, 39: 365. — and Work. (A. W. Pollard) Library, n. s. 3: 92, 22-2. 333. 434- — Andrew Lang’s Adventures among. Chamb. J . 82: 7°9- —— as Merchandise. (Clement W. Andrews) Pub. Lib. 11: 241. — as Presents. (M. J . Moses) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 364, — as Tools. (A. G. Keller) Nation, 76: 129, — Bad. (R. F. Cholmeley) Library, 11. s. 5: 225, — — Action upon. (E. C. Doren) Lib. J . 282 167. — Best Selling. (H. Monroe) Critic, 44: 117, — Bookmen’s. (A. Lang) Acad. 591 I IOI. — Buying of, for Libraries, Methods of. Macurdy and others) Lib. J . 31: 14. — Care of. (G. H. Powell) F ortn. 772 415. — (Alice B. Kroeger) Pub. Lib. 8: 319. — The Choice of. (Agnes Repplier) Cath. World, 84: 48. — Cold Storage for. Archit. Rec. 12: 3 50. — Collecting, forpthe Future. (H. L. Koopman) Pub. Lib. 6: 131, I95. — Contagion through. (C. R. Perry) Pub. Lib. 6: (Theodosia 273. — Dedications of Elizabethan. (E. Gosse) Harper, 105: 165, — Early Printed. (VV. Voynich) Library, 11. s. 4: 189, —— Favorite, of Childhood. (H. van Dyke; A. H. Rice; T. W. Higginson) Outl. 78: 833. — Fifteenth-century. (R. Steele) Library, 11. s. 5: 337. 6: 137. — — hat they are About. (R. Steele) Library, 11. s. 41 337- — The First American. Land of Sun. 8: 20, — for Boys. (J . E. Rogers) Educa. 26: 601, -— for Children, Proper Make Up of. (J . M. Bowles) Brush & P. 122 377. — for the Young. Dial, 37: 379, 432. — Graded for Elementary Schools, List of. (M. C. Moore) School R. 11! 773. — How Librarians choose. (A. E. Bostwick) Pub. Lib. 8: :37. — Immoral. (C. H. Skinn) Californian, 6: 442. — Importation of, for Libraries; the Proposed Re- striction. (W. P. Cutter) Pub. Lib. II: 206, —- in the Balance. (Catherine Markham) Cosmopol. am 445. 565, 677. - in Relation to National Efiiciency. (S. Lee) Lamp, 29: 411, — Increased Production of. (H. Simpson) Bookman, 23' 436 - Living arid Dead. (0. w. Eliot) Lib. J. 27. 256.: Pub. Lib. 7: 215, — The Men who make our. (E. Vore) Overland, n. s. 41: 252. — — System of. BOOKS Books, Miniature, in British Museum. (H. Macfarlane) Pall Mall M. 28: 276. — The Misery of. (H. G. Wells) Indep. R. 7: 396. -— Net Prices and Libraries. Dial, 36: 71.—- (R. Mac- Lehose) Library, 11. s. 5: 52. , — —- English Situation as to. Lib. J . 28: 605. (G. F. Bowerman) Lib. J. 27! I34, 264. — —- What Next? Library, 11. s. 4: 25!. —— New and Old. (H. W. Boynton) Atlan. 98: 276. — of Machine-made Ideas. (J. Hawthorne) Book- lover’s M. 7: 8I3. —— of 1904. Acad. 68: 30. — — Favorite. Acad. 67: 570, 581. ~ —— Old, Collecting, Romance of. (Clive Holland) Chamb. J. 81: 814. = Liv. Age, 244: 250, -— -— The Rich and the Market for. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 74: 343. — —- Ups and Downs of. (J . P. Hobson) Ecl. M. 140: 519. =Liv. Age, 236: 637, —- On the Giving of. Cent. 42: 677. -— Ordering and Buying. (C. M. Underhill) Pub. Lib. 8: 142, -— Out-door. (L. C. Willcox) N0. Am, 183: 116, —- An Over-use of. (R. C. Davis) Pub. Lib. 9: 435. —— Parents and. (G. S. Lee) Indep. 541 I709. — Permanently Valuable. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 16. -— Praise of, Michael the Bishop in. Library, n. s. 43 367. -— Prices of. Gent. M. n. s. 73: 618. — Production of, in Great Britain. J. 292 supp. 50. — Purchase of. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34: 230. — Rare. (C. E. Goodspeed) Lib. J. 27: 320. -— Recognition of, in the Dark. (M. J . Moses) Lit. W. (Bost.) 351 I91. — Relative Production in Different Countries. Richardson) Pub. Lib. 52 I92. —- Repairing of. (M. W. Straight) Pub. Lib. 5: 88. — Reprints and their Readers. (J . Shaylor) Cornh. 91: 538. —- Selection and Purchase of, for Small Libraries. (Mabel E. Prentiss) Pub. Lib. II: 55. - — for Libraries, Current Aids to. (B. Winser) Pub. Lib. 10: 263. -- —- — General Principles of. (M. B. Lindsay) Pub. Lib. 10: 267. — —— for a Public Library. (N. D. C. Hodges) Pub. Lib. 9: 311. -— — from the Branch Librarian’s Standpoint. (Sara Jacobson) Pub. Lib. I0: 515. —- Sterilization of. (A. F. Currier) Lib. J . 27: 881. —— Survival of. (F. Grierson) Critic, 48: 116, -— that Publishers rejected. (H. T. Peck) Munsey, ss= 728. -- that stay by. Atlan. 97: 283. —- Three Sketches. (C. Lusted) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 577. -— Training Students in the Use of. (H. R. Mead) Lib. J . 301 C 82. —— Unread. (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 93: 344. -— which Failed. (W. Roberts) National, 40: 102, - Whon1 shall we write Books for ? (Churchill Wil- liams) Bookman, 22: 224, -— Why do Men Write ? (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 87. -— World’s Output of. (A. Growoll) Indep. 55: 2717, Bookseller, A Chester, I667—I700. (H. R. Plomer) Library, 11. s. 4: 373. Booksellers of London Bridge. (H. R. Plomer) Library, 11. s. 4: 28. Bookstall, The Railway. Chamb. J . 82: 375. Boom in Realty, A; a story. (Arthur H. Vanden- berg) Lippinc. 76: 241, (W. Powell) Lib. (E. C. 75 BOROUGH Boomerang, The, and the Bow and Arrow. Am. Antiq. 27: 233. Boone, Daniel. (E. Hough) Outing, 422 365. Boorn Murder Case, The. (R. W. Taft) Green Bag, 17: 702, Bootlglack, Biography of a_. (R. Corresca) Indep. 54: 2 Booth, Edwin, and Ole Bull. (R. Ogden Doremus) Critic, 48: 234, —— A Memorable Letter of. (C. F. B. Rogé) Cent. 45! 414- —— Memories of, with portrait. (Mrs. D. P. Bowers) Calif. M. 5: 471. Booth, Eva, Commander Salvation Army, with por- trait. (Rheta C. Dorr) Am. M. 60: 297, Booth, Maud Ballington; Little Mother of American Prisons. (T. Hopkins) Good Words, 46: 641. Booth, Wm., Gen. ; a Character Sketch. (M. Betham- Edwards) Indep. R. 4: 86. —— Home-life of. (C. E. Thomas) Sund. M. 34: 224, Boots and Shoes ; Great Industries of the United States. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 38: 473, Bopyrids. (H. Richardson) Science, 11. s. 20: 51. Boracic Acid or Boric Acid. Chamb. J . 82: 251. Borax, The Crusade against. (H. H. Langdon) Na- tion, 80: 9. Borax Industry, The, and its Chief Promoter. land, 11. s. 42: 24. Borden, M. C. D. (R. N. Burnett) Cosmopol. 36: 62. Border, The, in Ornament. (A. Grasset) Craftsman, 7: 421. Border [of England], The. (K. L. Bates) Chaut. 451 I7. —— Minstrelsy of. Liv. Age, 236: 53. Borders, Herbaceous, Making of. Ctry Life Am. 1: 56. Bore in the Rivers Trent and Ouse. (W. H. Wheeler) Nature, 73: 29. Boredom, The Dread of. Spec. 951 933. Bores. Sat. R. 99: 374.ILiv. Age, 250: 381. —— A Plea for. (Mary Moss) Bookman, 21: 645. Borghese Villa Art Collection. Am. Arch. 75: I 5. Borgia, Caesar, A Laureate of. (R. Garnett) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 15. Borgia, Lucretia. 405. — Gregorovius’s, translated by J. L. Garner. ’04. 2= 5-—Spec- 931 227- Borgia, House of, Corvo’s Chronicles of. Ath. ’02, R 43- Borglum, Gutzon, Sculptor. (Rupert Hughes) Apple- ton’s M. 82 709. —-Land of Sun. 42 34.—(Leila Mechlin) Studio (Internat.) 28: XXXV. Borglum, Solon H., Sculptor. Studio (Internat.) I9: cxxvi. —— (A. Goodrich) World’s Work, 3: 1857. — A Sculptor of the Prairie. (F. Sewall) Cent. 46: 247. Boric Acid and Borax, Influence of, upon Health. Science, 11. s. 20: 26, See Boracic. Born, Bertrand de. 478- Born to be Hanged. (Caroline Lockhart) Lippinc. 78: Over- (F. Gregorovius) Bk. News, 22: Ath. (M. H. H. Macartney) Acad. 70: 214, Borneo, British North, State of. (H. Walker) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 507. —- Diisun People of. (H. Clifford) Spec. 882 642. -— Head-hunters of, Furness on. (J . M. Hubbard) Nation, 75: 42Z.—(A. Cavendish) Chamb. J . 822 714. - North in a “ Dug-out” Canoe in. Chamb. J. 82: 443. Bornite, Formula of. (B. J . Harrington) Am. J . Sci. 166: 151, Borough Councils and Rates. (A. N. Emmel) Macmil. 88: 433. BOROUGHBRIDGE Boroughbridge and Morlaix, Tactics of Battles of. (T. F. Tout) Eng. Hist. R. I9: 711, Boroughs, Creation of. (M. Bateson) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 284, Borrow, George. (H. W. Boynton) Atlan. 93: 244. Borrowed Shift, The; a story. (Mary Hallock Foote) Land of Sun. 10: 13. Borrowers, The; a story. (J . R. Perry) Cent. 51: 56. Bosanquet, H. Strength of the People. Monthly R. 10, no. 2: 22. Bosch, Hieronymus, Painting by, in the Princeton Art Museum. (A. Marquand) Princ. Univ. Bull. I41 41- Boschke, G. W., with portrait. (C. M. Hyskell) World To-day, 10: 192, Bosco, Giovanni, 19th Century Apostle of the Little Ones. (E. Uhlrich) Cath. World, 77: 445. Boscoreale, The Villas of. (F. W. Kelsey) Chaut. 43= 234- Bo’s’n Hill Ground. (G. S. Wasson) Atlan. 90: 73. Bosphorus, The Blue. (M. Macgregor) Idler, 26: 504, — Sunnner beside. (M. Macgregor) Sund. M. 34: 381. Bosque, Fernando del. Expedition into Texas. (B. B. Brewster) Nat. Geog. M. 14: 339. Boss, The Burdens of a. (H. Lamont) Nation, 79: 409. Boss Gorgett; a story. (Booth Tarkington) Every- body’s, 9: 718. Boss, Political, Defense of the. Indep. '55: 1013, — The State, and how he may be Dethroned. (F. C. Garvin) Cent. 44: 310. Boss of the Gang. (N. Duncan) Canad. M. 25: 506, Boss of the World; a story. (E. W. Thomson) Canad. M, 21: 250, Bosses, Revolt against the. Bossiak and Russia’s Social Unrest. Fortn. 81: 60. Bostick, Sion R., Reminiscences of. Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 5: 85. Boston. Mass. (C. Whibley) Blackw. 180: 850, -— (H, James) Fortn. 85: 439.INo. Am. 182: 333.—(C. H. White) Harper, I13: 666, -— — Ancient and Modern. (M. Schuyler) PaH Mall M, 28: 325. —- as an Art Centre. 11. s. 30: 155. — Banking House in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 421, — Beacon Hill. (A. E. Brown) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 631, — Beacon Street, Architecture of. Am. Arch. 83: 27, — Beautifying. (W. H. Kilham) Am. Arch. 79: 21. — Carruth’s Fictional Rambles about. Craftsman, 4: Outl. 81: 646. (A. Kinloch) (VV. H. Downes) New Eng. M. (E. Garozynski) 398. -—— Christ Church Bells. (A. H. Nichols) N. E. Reg. 58: 63. — City of a Great Tradition. (D. Story) Munsey, 28: 1, , —- Commerce, Episodes of. (M. A. DeW. Howe) Atlan. 911 I75- - Drawings of. (V. H. Bailey) Everybody’s, 10: 317, —— Early Churches at the North End. (W. I. Cole) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 241. — 1825-75. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 32: 151, —- Ethnic Factors in the Population of. (F. A. Bushee) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 4: 299. -— Fenway Court Art Museum. (D. Moore) Cent. 45: 2. —- First Bank at. (A. McF. Davis) Q. J. Econ. 18: 2' . -— Fldfver Folk in the Boston Reservations. (E. Locke) New Eng. n. s. 26: 259, — Historic. (G. G. Wolkins) Educa. 23: 583. —Historical Snow-storm, Jan. 31—Feb. I, 1898. Woods) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 754. (A. 76 BOSTON Boston, Housing Conditions in. (R. T. Paine) Am. Arch. 79: 43. — Housing Commission, Report of the. (J . R. Cool- idge) Char. 12: 634. — Immigration to. (W. S. Alcott) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 404. —in Fiction. (F. W. Carruth) Bookman, 14: 507, 59°- —- Latin School. (E. E. Hale) Educa. 23: 607, — Literary Age of. (G. E. Woodberry) Harper, 106: 424. -— The “ Literary Center.” (M. A. DeW. Howe) Atlan. 92: 346, T — Metropolitan. (C. Zueblin) Chaut. 38: 478. — The Movement for School Reform in. (G. A. O. Ernst) Educa. R. 28: 433- —— Newsboys, how they live and work. (E. W. Good- hue) Char. 8: 527. — North Church, Paul Revere_’s Old. (Willard French) Archit. Rec. 19: 215. — Old Corner Bookstore. (T. W. Higginson) Indep. 55: 2144.—(A. R. Marble) Critic, 43: 423. —New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 303. — Park Street Church. 92: 219, — — Threatened with Demolition. -— A Playground Enterprise in. Char. I2: 812, — Playground System. (J . Lee) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 521, — Post Road to New York, Reminiscences of the. (E. W. Kemble and Walter Hall) Booklover’s M. (H. P. Arnold) Am. Arch. Archit. R. 10: 9. (L. V. Robinson) 7: 465. —- Public Library. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 15: 422, — — Bronze Doors for the. (D. C. French) Cent. 47: 937. -—Archit. R. 11: 253. — Outl. 78: 587. — (Rus- sell Sturgis) Scrib. M. 36: 765. — (C. N. Caffin) Studio (Internat.) 24: xxxii, — — Catalogue of. (E. B. Hunt) Lib. J. 272 supp. 25. -— —- Incidents in the History of. (J . L. Whitney) Lib. J. 27: supp. 16. — — Mural Decorations in. Archit. R. 9: 68. — Public Schools, A Larger Use of. (L. V. Robinson) Char. 14: 652. — Quincy Market. (J . N. Pardee) New Eng. M. n. s. 27‘ 45°- . —- Rapid Transit System of. (F. W. Coburn) World To-day, 6: 773. — Re-making of. 9: 6055. , — School Administration in. Educa. R. 31: 395. — Schools in, One Hundred Years Ago. (G. H. Martin) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 628, — Second Church in, aNest of Liberty. (T. Van Ness) Outl. 75: 549. —South Meeting-house, 1669-1729, E. Reg. 59: 265. — Street Franchise Contest in. B. Eastman) Outl. 82: 835, — Symphony Orchestra, and its Founder, H. Lee Hig- ginson. (R. Aldrich) Cent. 47: 585. (Rollin L. Hartt) World’s Work, (M. F. Ayer) N. (R. A. Woods and J . — Trinity Church, as a Monument of American Art. _ (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 31 329. -—— Vistas in. (J . T. Trowbridge) Outl. 78: 59. -— Westminster Chambers. Am. Arch. 87: 195. Boston and Albany Railroad, History of. (G. S. Har- rington) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 269. Boston Architectural Club. Exhibition, 1904. Arch. 84: 58. Boston Athenaeum. (Mary C. Crawford) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 272.——(A. W. Kellogg) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 197. Am. BOSTON Boston Basin, Clays of. (R. M. Brown) Am. J . Sci. 164: 445. Boston Families, Four: Holbrook, Yendell, Vail, Whit- man. (V. C. Sanborn) N. E. Reg. 58: 305. Boston Museum, Passing of. (H. M. Ticknor) New Eng. M. n. s. 281 379. Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Tcday. 9= 837- Boston Nursery for Blind Babies. Eng. M. 32: 625. “ Boston Religion, The.” (M. A. DeW. Howe) Atlan. 91: 729. Boston Subway Disaster, March 4, 1897. M. n. s. 29: 9. Boston Terrier. (S. Hawley) Ctry Life Am. 91 406. —-— a Boston Institution. (M. Warner) New Eng. M. n. s. 322 541. Boswell, James. — and his Practice at the Bar. Jurid. R. 17: 105. — Love Story of. (A. Filon) Fortn. 86: 487, — Some Bozzyana. (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. n. s. 68: I. Botanical Congress, International, Vienna, 1905. (A. B. Rendle) Nature, 72: 272, Botanical Garden at Bnitenzog, Java. Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 579. Botanical Laboratory in the Desert. Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 329. — on Pike’s Peak. (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 23: 853. Botanical Nomenclature at the Vienna International Botanical Congress, 1905. (N. L. Britton) Science, 11. s. 22: 217, . Botanical Research, Laboratories for. Science, 11. s. 20: 27, Botanical Society of America. Science, 11. s. 17: 338. — 12th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 1906. Science, 11. s. 232 221. Botanical Society of Washington, 1902, ber) Science, 11. s. 15: 895. —- May, I905. Science, 11. s. 22: 14. Botanist, A. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 101: 41, Botanist and the Machine, The. (Mrs. Wilson Wood- row) McClure, 25: 493. Botany. Aflinities of Certain Anomalous Dicotyle- dons. (D. H. Campbell) Am. Natural. 36: 7, —- American, Some Literary Aspects of. (E. L. Greene) Cath. Univ. Bull. 7: 147, 295, —- Annual Report of Central Botanists, Ann Arbor, ‘Dec. ’05. Science, n. s. 23: 133. — Applied, and its Dependence upon Scientific Re- search. (G. T. Moore) Science, 11. s. 21: 22I. — — Retrospective and Prospective. (B. T. Galloway) Science, 11. s. 16: 49. —— as a Factor in Education. 12: 609. -— Bibliographical Difficulties in. (E. L. Greene) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 62, — Caldwell’s Laboratory Manual. ence, n. s. 15: 786. — Classification of the Flowering Plants. inson) Science, n. s. 23: 81, '— Comparison of Recent Authorities on Methods of Teaching. (G. H. Trafton) School R. 10: 138, — The Cycadofilices. (E. W. Berry) Science, 11. s. 20: 56. -— Discontinuous Variation in Pedigree-cultures. T. MacDougal) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 207. —- Economic Plants of Porto Rico. (C. E. Bessey) Sci- ence, n. s. 18: 796, — Geotropic Response in Stems. Natural. 39: 77. (F. W. Coburn) World (B. M. Snow) New New Eng. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 38: 141. (J . S. Henderson) (F. Ramaley) (F. E. Lloyd) (D. T. McDougall) (H. J. Web- (J . M. Coulter) School R. (F. E. Lloyd) Sci- (B. L. Rob- (D. (J . A. Haynes) Am. 77 BOURDETTE Botany; High School, Essentials of. School R. 12: 41, — inEducation. Science, 11. s. 20: 689. — in England. (J. Britten) Science, n. s. 24: 597. —- (F. W. Oliver) Science, 11. s. 24: 321, 782. — Latin as the Language of Botanical Diagnosis. (E. L. Greene) Science, n. s. 22: 338. — Nomenclature in. (C. L. Shear) Science, n. s. 16: 1°35- —- North American Flora. n. s. 22: 282, — of the Desert, Carnegie Institution Laboratory. (W. A. Cannon) Out West, 24: 25. — Physiography and. (H. N. lVhitford) School R. 10: 45. — Physiological ; J ost’s “ Pflanzenphysiologie.” M. Richards) Science, 11. s. 21: 387, (O. W. Caldwell) (C. E. Bessey) Science, (H. — —-— Progress of. (J . R. Green) Nature, 66: 582,: Science, 11. s. 16: 921, - Plant Battles. (J . J . Ward) Harper, I05: 723. — Problems in Modern. Bull. 1: 200, — St. Louis and the Botanists. once, u. s. 18: 796, — Summer Study of. (E. L. Greene) Cath. Univ. (C. E. Bessey) Sci- (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 19: 77°- — 20th-Century. (B. T. Galloway) Science, n. s. I9: 11. —- Useful. (J . W. Harshberger) Ednca. 22: 378. — Variation in Ray Flowers of Rudbeckia. (R. Pearl) Am. Natural. 39: 87. Both Sides of the Shield. (A. W. Butt) Lippinc. 75: 257- Bothwell, Lady Anne. (J . Beveridge) Scot. Hist. R. 1: 379. Botley, Eng. Strawberry Land. Words, 46: 658. Botticelli, S. Adoration of the Magi. Monthly R. 6, no. 2: I33. — The Chigi Madonna. M. of Art, 26: 268, — The New Botticelli. (W. J . D. Croke) Westm. I591 94. — Rossetti and. (W. B. Shaw) Craftsman, 9: 341. Bottles; at the Sign of the'Carboy. (E. Carleton) Cent. 41: 827. Bouckhout, Adrian Kempe van, and the New Testa- ment of 1536. (E. G. Duff) Library, 7: 376. Boudin, Eugene. (F. Wedmore) 19th Cent. 67: 97. Bough,.S. (W. Reeve) Chamb. J . 83: 736. Boughton, Alice. Lamp, 28: 493. -— Studies in Child Photography. Lamp. 29= 333. Bouguereau, Adolf William, Artist. Brush & P. 16: 82-.—With portrait. Mast. in Art, 7: 381. — The Lesson of. (Frank Fowler) Scrib. M. 38: 765. Boulevard; How a “Jingo” Word was converted. (J. C. Adams) Chant. 40: 374, Boundaries, International, Geography and. (I. C. Rus- sell) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 147. — National. (Hannis Taylor) Am. Law R. 40: 750. Boundary Arbitration, A Century of. (B. J . Hen- drick) Nation, 80: 410, Boundary Line, The Indian, 1763-99. Am. Hist. R. 10: 782. Bounty of the River; a story. (M. Lindsay) Munsey, 31: 19, Bouquet, A Winter. Bourbon, Antoinette de, Duchesse de Guise. Maxwell-Scott) Month, 103: 176. Bourbons, The Later. Monthly R. 19, no. I: 76. — of Spain. (D. Hannay) Macmil. 92: 195. ' Bourchier, Arthur, as Self-advertiser. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 102: 166, Bourdette, John W., with portrait. Outing, 45: 599. (P. Collins) Good (H. P. Horne) (The Rambler) (Max Farrand) (Frank French) Cent. 49: 389. (M. M. BOURGET Bourget, Paul, Preacher. (H. Lynch) Contemp. 82: 353- Bournemouth, England, as a Resort. (J. R. Eyre) Idler, 21: 338. Bourneville, an English Garden-city. Cosmopol. 33: 190. — Housing Reform. (J . H. Whitehouse) Studio (In- ternat.) 15: 162. - a Model Industrial Village. (F. H. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 433.— Chamb. J. 79: 815. — Village Experiment. (Lyra D. Trueblood) Arena, 341 449- Bourse, The Berlin. (W. C. Dreher) Cent. 44: 684. Bouton, Gen. Edward. (Robert Cowden) Land of Sun. 7: 161. Boutteville, Franqois de Montmorency, Comte de. (E. C. Godley) Longm. 42: 312. _ Boutwell, George S. Bk. News, 21: 57. — (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 80: 168. Bow Arm, The. (Annie H. Donnell) Craftsman, 10: 585. Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll. Life and Correspondence, by his Son. (A. R. Marble) Dial, 34: 197. Bowdoin College and her Sons. (G. T. Little) Munsey, 28: 576. — a Century of Service. (W. I. Cole) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 693. Bowen, Lord Charles. Green Bag, 14: 488. Bowen, Edward. Acad. 64: 54. — Bowen’s Life of. (R. P. Keep) Nation, 78: 405. — (H. W. Horwill) Nation, 752 97. —Spec. 90: 897. —Sat. R. 95: 362.—Ath. ’02, 2: 817. Bowen, Herbert W., with portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 43- Bowery Savings Bank, New York. (E. Lowry) World’s Work, 4: 2229. Bowlders, Fractured, Inconglomerate. (M. R. Camp- bell) Am. J. Sci. 172: 231. Bowling in Canada. (G. Elliott) Canad. M. 19: 513. Bowling Green. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 630. —-— The Old. (Alex. I. Shand) Sat. R. 102: 326. Bowmen, Society of United, 1835. Pennsyl. M. 28: 379. Boxer. (K. Snowden) Longm. 421 433.=Liv. Age, 239: 752. Boxer’s Daughter, The. 81-136, Boxers. Fighters by Nature. (R. Edgren) Outing, 43: (A. L. Diggs) (A. Colbeck) Chamb. J . 83: 343- Boxing, Greek. (K. T. Frost) J. Hel. Stud. 262 213. Boxing, Modern American. (R. Edgren) Outing, 41: 735~ Boy. (Austin Lewis) Educa. 25: 98. Boy, The. (Chester B. Fernald) Everybody’s, 14: 164. -— and the Book. (Mrs. J. H. Resor) Pub. Lib. 2: 282. — and the Court. (B. B. Lindsey) Char. 13: 350. — in the Home Circle. Blackw. 175: 811. = Liv. Age, 242: 156. — in the Preparatory School. Blackw. I76: 501. Liv. Age, 243: 460. = Ecl. M. 144: 69. — in the Public School. Liv. Age, 244: 352. — of To-day. (V. Burnett) Craftsman, 9: 488. — that could n’t stand Fire. (C. King) Lippinc. 74: 749- — who lived at the Bottom of a Well. (E. Bjork- man) Atlan. 92: 674. Boy and a Girl, A; a story. (J . Hopper) Harper, 11.3: _ 514- Boy and Girl Story. (Tom Masson) Cosmopol. 352 I I3. Boy-beloved, Story of. (W. Canton) Good Words, %=M- Boy Hero, A. (Eugenie M. Fryer) Cosmopol. 34: 54. Boy-life in a Mass. Country Town Forty Years Ago. , (G. Stanley Hall) Pedagog. Sem. 13: I92. 78 BOYS Boy Problem, Forbush on the. School R. 10: 804. Boy-destroying Industry. Char. 11: 15. Boy-savers. (J. Britten) Month, 100: 356, 504, Boy-tramp, The Mere Repression does not solve the Problem of. (J . Forbes) Char. II: 432, Boycott in Germany, Legality of a. (J . Cummings) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 573. — Law as to the. (B. Wyman) Green Bag, 15: 208, —- Remedies for the. (H. White) Nation, 76: 222, Boyd, Robert, Seizure and Putting to Death of. (H. Mcllquham) Westm. 165: 288. Boyer, Mayor of Bodmin, 1549. Month, 99: 490. Boyland, Backward Glances at, Wood and Sabin on. (S. A. Shafer) Dial, 39: 375. Boyle, Sir Courtenay Edmund. J . Soc. Arts, 49: 536. Boyn von Lazar, August. (A. B. Hulbert) Cent. 46: 240, Boy’s Love, A. (J . W. Tompkins) Atlan. 92: 68. Boy’s Loves, A. (E. L. Sabin) Cent. 44: 409. Boys and their Management in School, Smith’s. (W. B. Owen) School R. 14: 311. -—- and Sport. Spec. 88: 875. — as Paper Agents. Sat. R. 99: 302. — Bad, How to reform. (B. B. Lindsey) Am. M. 60: (H. C. Henderson) 167. — The City and the. (C. C. Cooley) Outl. 76: 332. — City, Temptations to be Good. (A. K. Fallows) Cent. 45: 169. — Decennial Congress about. 13: 505, — Difficult. (J . M. Taylor) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 338. —- Employment for, Choice of. (S. J . Gibb) Econ. R. 14: 436. — Games of the City Street. (R. Dunn) Outing, 44: 271. — Getting at the. (F. Maule) Outl. 81: 822. — Higher Education of. (VV. E. Chancellor) Educa. 24: 167. ' _ — Home Training of. Blackw. I76: 244. = Liv. Age, 142: 749.-—-Ecl. M. 143: 672. — How they Express themselves. Spec. 90: 486. — Idle. (W. Noyes) Indep. 61: 330. — in the Home Circle. Eel. M. 143: 363. —— Kind of Education Best Suited to. Halleck) School R. 14: 512. —— Needless Destruction of. (F. Kelley) Char. 14: 798. — Our Ishmael. (M. W. Law) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 838. — Physiological Progress of. (J . R. Green) Nature, 66: 582. —— Reforming Bad ; a True Story of Erl Martin. (B. B. Lindsey) Am. M. 60: 609. — School, and Religion. (J . H. F. Peile) Monthly R. 6, no. 1: I 32. — — Language of. (Nowell Smith) Cornh. 85: 686. -—- Some Abnormalities of. (W. T. Talbot) Educa. 23: (E. S. Whitin) Char. (Reuben P. 299- - Teach them to Shoot. (J . Peters) Un. Serv. M. 28: 598. —J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 451. Boys’ Club, Cleveland. (W. F. McClure) Munsey, 30: 393. — (D. T. Pierce) World To-day, 8: 390. — in relation to the Church. (B. P. Tyler) Yale Div. Q. 3: 6. Boys’ Fun in the Old Town. (J . A. Riis) Outl. 83: 278 Boys’ Gangs. (J . Adams Puffer) Pedagog. Sem. 12: 175- Boys’ Good Government Club, New Haven. (Albert M. Mathewson) Indep. 60: 665. Boys’ Industrial School in Ohio, A. (E. Wood) Every- body’s, 13: 435. Boys’ Radiomicrometer. (C. C. Hutchins) Am. J . Sci. 165: 249. BRABAZON Brabazon, Hercules Brabazon. Acad. 70: 492.—Art J, 58: 209, Brace, De Witt Bristol. (E. W. Davis) Science, n. s. 22: '13. Brachioriod Nomenclature. (S. S. Buckman) Science, n. s. 24: 742. Brachiopoda. (S. S. Buckman) Science, 11. s. 23: 920. — Common Devonian, Developmental Changes in. (P. E. Raymond) Am. J. Sci. 167: 279. -— Conklin’s Embryology of. Am. Natural. 37: 121. ——- Old Age in. (H. W. Shimer) Am. Natural. 40: 95. Brachiosaurus Altithorax, the Largest Known Dino- saur. (E. S. Riggs) Am. J . Sci. 165: 299. Bracken, Clio Hinton, Work of. (M. A. Fanton) Craftsman, 8: 472, Bracquemond, Felix, Artist, with portrait. (H. F rantz) Studio (Internat.) 23: 93. Bradfield College. Sat. R. 95: 740. Bradford, William, and Allerton, Isaac, Letters of, 1623. Am. Hist. R. 8: 294. -— Journal. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 586. -— — a Bit of American Lost Property. Chamb. J. 79: 465. Bradford, English Art Exhibition at. (Ernest Rad- ford) Art J . 56: 248. —-Spec. 92: 724. Bradford-on-Avon, Oldest Church in England. (C. Horner) Sund. M. 34: 705. Bradford Academy. (H. O. Nelson) Educa. 22: 555. — (M. Hill) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 345. —- A New England School Anniversary. (H. W. Ma- bie) Outl. 74: 500, Bradley, A. C. Ath. ’03, 1: 37o.—Spec. 90: 331. Bradley, George Granville, Dean. (S. H. Butcher) Fortn. 80: 103. —Sund. M. 32: 448, Bradley, Henry. The Plowman’s Tale. 62, Bradley, John. Some Generations of a Lincolnshire Family. (J. K. Floyer) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 251, Bradley, Joseph H., with portrait. (Van V. Veeder) Green Bag, 15: 377. Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Illinois. (W. L. Richardson) Canad. M. 26: 33. Bradleys of New Haven and Guilford, Conn. (R. D. Smith) N. E. Reg. 57: 134. Bradshaw, Henry, Librarian and Scholar. (E. Ffhgel) Lib. J. 29: 409. Bradshaw’s Railway Guide. Words, 46: 220. Braeburn, Bonnie. 584. Bragdon Formation. (J . S. Diller) Am. J . Sci. 169: 379. Bragg, Gen. Edward S., with portrait. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 438. Brahe, Tycho. Temp. Bar, 125: 323. Brahmanism, Christianity illustrated by a Contrast Outl. 80: 806. Brahmanistic Parallels in the Apocryphal New Tes- (H. Rogers) Ath. ’02, 2: (J . Pendleton) Good (Ralph H. Barbour) Lippinc. 75: tament. (L. H. Gray) Am. J . Theol. 7: 308. Brahmins, Among the. (J . H. Gilmore) Calif. M. 4: 809, Brahms, Johannes, with portrait. Mast. in Music, 5: 193. — A Few Memories of. (Sir C. V. Stanford) Outl. 74: 743- — Life of, by Florence May. Spec. 95: 652. ——- Music of. Temp. Bar, 132: 25, — Work of. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 70: 84, Brain and Personality, W. H. Thomson on. Outl. 84: 909. — Human; is it Stationary? (W. I. Thomas) Forum, 36: 305- — Japanese, A Heavy. (E. A. Spitzka) Science, 11. s. 19: 899. — (K. Yamagawa) Science, n. s. 20: 215, 79 BRASS Brain, Loeb’s Comparative Physiology of. (R. M. Yerkes) Science, 11. s. 15: 18, —- Mechanism of the. (C. Snyder) Harper, 106: 918. — Neuronic Theory of the Action of the. (F. Legge) Acad. 62: 253, - of Otto C. Leven. (H. J . Eustace) Science, 11. s. 21: 994- — of a Swedish Statesman. n. s, 20: 612, — The Organ of Mind. (R. Jones) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 328. — The Use of a. (B. Hollander) Westm. 165: 63.: Ecl. M. 146: 213, — Vertebrate, Footnote to the Ancestral History of. (W. A. Locy) Science, 11. s. 22: 180, Brain Investigation, Commission for. 24: 26, Brain-power, Influence of, on History. (N. Lockyer) Nature, 68: 439.=Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 71.=Liv. Age, 239: I29.=Science, n. s. 18: 385, 417, Brain Weight, Cranial Capacity, and Form of the Head, and their Relations to the Mental Powers of Man. (E. A. Spitzka) Science, 11. s. 17: 753. Brain Weights, Biometrics of. Nature, 73: 200, Brainard, Maj. D. L., with portrait. Outing, 45: 223, Brains of Three Brothers, Hereditary Resemblances in. (E. A. Spitzka) Am. Anthrop. 6: 307. — Superseding of. Chamb. J . 80: 97. Braintree, England, with Booking. (O. F. Adams) N. E. Reg. 56: 271. Braintree, Mass., List of Marriages by Rev. Samuel Niles, 1739-62, not entered on Town Records. (E. E. Jackson) N. E. Reg. 60: 41, — Records of the 1st Church at. (E. E. Jackson) N. E. Rea 591 87. 36°: Brakes, Tram-car, Action of. Nature, 75: 86. — Triumphs of American. (F. W. Skinner) Cent. 42: 228, Bramantino, Portrait Panels said to be by. 43: 260, Bramley, Frank, and his Work. M. of Art, 27: 54. Bramwell, Sir Frederick. J . Soc. Arts, 52: 67. Branch Library, Functions of a. (R. E. Wilson) Pub. Lib. 6: 275. Brand from the Burning, A. (G. W. Carryl) McClure, (E. A. Spitzka) Science, Science, 11. s. Chant. 25: 573- Brand of the Wild, The: a story. (G. B. Lancaster) Harper, I13: 864, Brandes, Géorg. (W. H. Durham) So. Atlan. Q. 5: I76. — (J. G. Robertson) Indep. R. 2: 232. — and F. Nietzsche, Correspondence between. tional, 45: supp. — and his Country. (P. Harboe) Critic, 49: 125, — on English Poets of the 19th Century. Indep. R. 7: 101, — Reminiscences. (W'. M. Payne) Dial, 41: 323. Brandes, J . L. A. (J . F. Scheltema) Nation, 81: 52. Brandywine and Paoli, Action at, described by a Brit- ish Ofiicer. Pennsyl. M. 29: 368. Branford, Conn. Blackstone Memorial Library. Am. Arch. 84: 43. —New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 484. Brangwyn, Frank. (M. H. Spielmann) Scrib. M. 35: 33. -— (S. Image) Studio (Internat.) I9: 3. — Art of. (F. K. Rinder) Art J. 55: 78. — Decorative Designs of. (P. G. Konody) M. of Art, 27: 391. 483- — Furniture by. (P. G. Konody) M. of Art, 27: 111. —— Pictorial Work of. (P. G- Konody) M. of Art, 27: 157. — Scheme for Decoration of British Section, Venice Exhibition of 1903. (A. S. Covey) Studio (Inter- nat.) 25: 285. Brass and Copper Vessels: the Drake Collection. Howe) Craftsman, 2: 73. Na- (S. BRASS-FOUNDRY Brass-foundry Records and Costs. Engin. M. 30: 48. Brasses, Costume on, Druitt’s. Sat. R. 10!: 658. -—- Essex. (M. Christy) Reliquary, 43: 1 -—- —— Illustrative of Stuart Costume. Antiq- 11- 8- 38= H3. 175, 233- -- in Milton Abbey, Dorset. (H. Pentin) Antiq. n. s. (H. Deighton) 45 - (M. Christy) 4°: 73- - West Berks. (H. J . Daniell) Antiq. n. s. 42: 409. ~— Wynne, Llaurest. (G. Baily) Antiq. n. s. 40: 274, 337- 411 423. Brathwait, R. Shepherd’s Tales. (W. F. Prideaux) Ath, ’o5, 2: 896. Brawne, Fanny, John Keats and. Cosmopol. 372 733. Bray, Thos., Missionary Plans of. Sewanee, 11: 289, Braybridge’s Offer. 22 . Braybrook Baby’s Godmother, The. (D. Gray) Cent. (R. Le Gallienne) (B. C. Steiner) (W. D. Howells) Harper, 112: 44‘ 414- Brazeau Ice-field, The. (A. P. Coleman) Geog. J . 21: 502. Brazil. (Ethel Armes) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 243. — (S. Baxter) Outl. 84: 917. i — and Bolivia, New Boundary between. Soc. Bull. 36: 215. -—- Branner’s Stone Reefs of. (O. A. Derby) Science, 11. s. 21: 738. , -—- Caucasian in. (T. C. Dawson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 54: 550. —— German Colonization in. (F. W. Wile) Fortn. 85: I29.=Ec1. M. I461 205. —- The Gospel at Work in. Am. Geog. (Walker R. Lambrith) Miss. R. 18: 577, —- in Ancient Cartography. (O. A. Derby) Science, n. s. I9: 681, -—- A Letter from. (G. Chamberlain) Atlan_ 90: 821. — Matto Grosso, Industrial Resources of. (G. T. Milne) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 575. —- Mining and Hydraulic Engineering in. Maude) Engin. M. 28: 779. — Portuguese Colonization in. W 374- —— Reciprocity with, The Results of. (L. Hutchinson) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 282, -—- Red Men of. Am. Antiq. 26: 41. — Southern, Germany in. (Geo. A. Chamberlain) In- dep. 56: 1016, —- To-day. (Lléis Velloso) Appleton’s M. 8: 777. —— United States of. (E. A. Start) Chant. 34: 584. —- (G. M. L. Brown and Franklin Adams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 184, Brazza. See Savorgnan de Brazza. Bread. (F. Fox) Macmil. n. s. I: 45. —- Assize of. (S. and B. Webb) Econ. J . I4! I96. — English. Good Words, 44: 683, . -—- Prices of German and English. (G. Ruadh) Sat. R. < 97 i 299- — Some More Words about. It 424, Bread on the Waters. (A. Sutro) Lippinc. 72: 747. Bread Line, The. (C. C. Carstens) Char. I3: 51. —- Night with the. (A. W. Van Ness) Char. 13: 5 5 5. Bread-making, Modern. (H. S. Archer) Cosmopol. ss= I85- Breadsall Manor-house. Antiq. n. s. 38: 170. Breadsall Priory. (G. Bailey) Antiq. n. s. 39: 358. Breadth of Thought. (C. D. Hartranft) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 1: 5. Break in the Brownies, The; a story. gins) Am. M. 60: 235 (Wm. (A. G. Keller) Yale R. (F. Fox) Macmil. n. s. (H. J . O’Hig 'Break in Training, A. (Arthur Ruhl) Scrib. M. 32: I77' 80 BRIBERY Breakfast, Some Phases of. Chamb. J . 81: 753, Breakfast State of Mind. Spec. 88: 643. =Ecl. M. 139= 114- =Liv- Age, 5@331 634. Breaking in of a Yachtsman’s Wife. (Mary H. Vorse) Atlan. 96: 197. Breaking the Rules. Chamb. J . 80, Xmas no. 32. Breaking Trail. (F. E. Schoonover) Scrib. M. 37: 565. Breaking up of Gee Haw. (E. H. Leland) Cent. 47: 938. Breakwater, Haupt’s Reaction. J . Frankl. Inst. I 54: 33- Breath of the North ; a story. (N. Duncan) McClure, 22: 44. Breath upon the Spark, The; a story. (H. Clifford) Cornh. 92: 334.=Liv. Age, 248: 229. Breathing, Art of. (R. T. McKenzie) Outing, 40: 491, -— (Eustace Miles) Chamb. J . 79$ 165. — in Living Beings. (W. Stirling) Nature, 72: 355. Breck, Allan, The Case of. (A. Lang) Cornh. 89: 323- Breckenridge, Hugh H., Model Studio of. Bk. News, 24: 829, Brecks, of Sherborn, Mass. 56: 380, Bredichin, Theodor. Knowl. 27: 184. . Bredig’s Silver Hydrosols, Composition of. (J . C. Blake) Am. J. Sci. 166: 431. Breed of the West ; a story. (C. T. Jackson) Cosmo- p01- 34= 523- Breeding Habits of Crayfish. (E. A. Andrews) Am. Natural. 38: 165. Breezy, Grocer’s Clerk; a story. (J . G. Frederick) McClure, 19: 41. Brehons, The, and their Laws. (F. A. Sloss) Good Words, 45: 730. Breittmayer, G. Outing, 46: 108, (A. H. Bent) N. E. Reg. Brendan, St. (H. Prichard) Spec. 91: 87.=Liv. Age, 238: 376, Brenner, Victor D., Medalist. Studio (Internat.) I7: xci. Brenning’s Mission to England, 1595. (W. B. Rye) Antiq. n. s. 39: 72, 109, 134, Brent, Charles H., First Bishop of the Philippines. Outl. 70: 563. Breslau, Mlle., A Woman Master. (Count De Mon- tesquiou) Craftsman, 6: 343, Brest, Blockade of, 1803-05. Ed. R. 197: I. — —— Dispatches and Letters relating to. Ath. ’oz, 2: 243- —— English and French Squadrons at. (A. White) Na- tional, 451 949. Breton, Jules. Ath. ’O6, 21 49. -—- “ Le Soir.” (W. S. Howard) Harper, I07: 228. Breton Deputation, The, in the French Revolution, 1789. (C. Kuhlmann) Univ. Neb. Stud. 2: 207, Breton Shrine, A. (T. A. Janvier) Harper, I09: 276. Breton’s Four Seasons, The. (A. Castaigne) Cent. 43: 117, Brett, John. Art J . 54: 87. Brettesgrave, The Vanished Manor of. (I. G. Sieve- king) Gent. M. n. s. 682 396. Brewer, H. W. Am. Arch. 82: 47. Brewery, The Schoenhofen. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 17: 201, Brewster Autograph in Wisconsin. Nation, 74: 384. Briand Bill, Roman Catholic Church in France and the. (M. de Moreira) Cath. World, 78: 382. “ Briartown,” Nature Sketches; the Ruby Throat’s Nests. (H. S. Deming) Harper, 112: 919, Bribe that went Astray. (Elliott Flower) Cent. 49: (J . D. Butler) .03. I Bribaery and Trade. Sat. R. 95: 510. ‘ Bridger, Jim, Master Trapper and Trail Maker. BRIBERY Bribery, Cause and Cure of. (L. F. C. Garvin) Indep. 55: 829. —— How to Fight. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 306. — Municipal, A Cure for. (G. Crane) Arena, 36: 289. — The Remedy for. (L. F. C. Garvin) Arena, 30: I73- —— A Short View of. (H. Lamont) Nation, 77: 45. Bribing of the Senator. (J . Dixon) Lippinc. 72: 367. Brio-a-brac Auctions in New York. (A. B. Paine) Cent. 45: 481. Brick, Color in. Am. Arch. 82: 7I. —Sand-lime. Am. Arch. 80: 21, De Long) Am. Arch. 84: 23. Brick Building in London. (D. N. B. Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 14: 444. Brickdale, Eleanor Fortesque. M. of Art, 26: 256. Bricks, Sun-dried, from the Old Spanish Missions. (H. Ellis) Craftsman, 5: 212. . Bricks with Straw. Dial, 37: 411. Brickwork in Modern Italy. (A. Melani) Am. Arch. 85: 83. 86: 43. — Recent, in New York. W 145- Bridal Memory, A. (Frances B. Dillingham) Scrib. M, 31: 372, Bridal Pair, The; a story. 81: 36. ——(D. P. (A. C. David) Archit. Rec. (R. W. Chambers) Har- per, 106: 84, Bride’s Father, The. (C. M. Harger) Harper, I11: 1~0; Brideas and Bridegrooms, French. Liv. Age, 241: 566 — of Essen, The. (V. Thompson) Munsey,36: 212, Bridge, The. (W. H. Legge) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 335. -— Concrete, over Santa Ana, California. (A. M. Dole) Out West, 20: 347. Bridge across the Night, The. Scrib. M. 391 569. Bridge of Fancies, A. J- 83= 473. 490. Bridge Keeper, The. 213, Bridge Warden, The. (Owen Oliver) Appleton’s M. 8: 412, ‘ Bridge, The Game of. Chamb. J . 79: 293. -—Sat. R. W 307, 344. ——Brains and. (Basil Tozer) Monthly R. 17, no. 1: 5. — Doubling in. Sat. R. 99: 663. — Evolution of. Sat. R. 101: 618, 654, 689, 722. — Exposition of. (J . S. McTear) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 16. — Three-handed Game. Sat. R. 102: 46. —- Tyranny of. Spec. 90: 814.=Ecl. M. 141: 179.: Liv. Age, 237: 816. Bridge-building in the Middle Ages. Antiq. n. s. 39: 310. -— Recent Progress in. 16: 12, Bridgeport, Ct., Library Situation in. Lib. J . 29: 425. (A. (Katharine H. Brown) (C. J . Lloyd-Carson) Chamb. (F. H. Sweet) Craftsman, 10: (I. S. Robson) (H. S. Jacoby) Science, 11. s. Chapman) Outing, 47: 431, Bridges, Robert. Demeter. Liv. Age, 246: 506, —- Poetical Works. Ath. ’oz, 1: 40, Bridges, American Railway. (J . G. Walton) Cassier, 29: 202, — Ancient and Modern. (C. E. Ordway) New Eng. M. n. s. 302 548. — Architectural Treatment of. (H. H. Statham) Am. Arch. 76: 14. -— Building American, in Mid-Africa. World’s Work, 6: 3657. —— for Swift Waters. (D. Beard) Outing, 44: 639. — Improved, Design of. Archit. R. 10: 137, — Natural, Colossal, of Utah. (W. W. Dyar) Cent. 46: 505- (A. B. Lueder) 81 BRITISH Bridges, Natural, Formation of. (H. F. Cleland) Am. J. Sci. 170: 119. — New York. (M. Schuyler) Archit. Rec. 18: 243. — Picturesque Chinese. Craftsman, 9: 551. — Transporter. Cassier, 26: 435. Bridget, Queen of Fatuhiva. (Florence H. Miller) Overland, n. s. 46: 550, Bridgewater, Francis Egerton, 3d Duke of, and his Canal. (J . E. Mclnnes) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 342. Bridgman, Laura. (W. James) Atlan. 93: 95.—(M. Howe and Florence Howe Hall) Bk. News, 22: 333- — The Growth of a Soul. Outl. 75: 900. Briefny, The Valley of, and its Romance. (F. C. Arm- strong) Chamb. J. 83: 57I.- Brieux, Eugene. (E. A. Browne) Acad. 65: 545. —Plays of. (G. P. Baker) Atlan. 90: 79.— (C. de Pratz) Contemp. 81: 34 3. Brigands, In the Grip of. (Ellen M. Stone) Sund. M. 31: 386-919, — in Turkey, Why they Thrive. (E. P. Telford) Chaut. 35: 573. — Six Months among the. (Ellen M. Stone) McClure, W 3. 562- Briggs, Harry Elmer. (F. E. Doty) Wis. Alum. M. 4: 205. Briggs, Le Baron Russell, with portrait. Harv. Grad. M. 12: 253. Briggs, Octavius, Social Work of, in San Francisco. (Katherine A. Chandler) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 442. Bright, John. (J . H. Hollowell) Sund. M. 34: 161. — A Letter of. (M. D. Conway) Nation, 80: 246. Bright, William, D. D., and his Life Work. Sat. R. 96: 236. Bright Green Pole, A ; a story. 76: 368. Brighton, the English Riviera. 3°‘ 356- — Memories of. (J . B. Figgis) Sund. M. 34: 321. -— Revisited. (G. S. Street) Pall Mall M. 26: 208, — Water Supply Tunnels of. (W. V. Cook) Chamb. J . 79= 555- Brind au, P. L., Ornamental Metal Work of. Am. Arch. 77: 85. Brindle-boy. (Eleanor A. Hallowell) Lippinc. 74: 434. Briquetting of Fuels and Fine Mineral Ores. (W. G. Irwin) Engin. M. 22: 889. ' Bristol, Henry, Notes on the Family of. (D. L. Jaco- bus) N. E. Reg. 59: 167. Bristol, England, Brickley’s Little Red Book of. (T. W. Page) J. Pol. Econ. 10: 455. Bristow, Joseph L., the Argus of the Post-Ofl-ice De- partment, with portrait. (C. H. Matson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 45. ' Bristow, or Bristol, Richard and Henry, of Guilford, New Haven, Conn., and their Descendants. (R. D. Smith) N. E. Reg. 57: 263. Britain and Gaul, Beginnings of. Church Q. 63: 124. — How it became an Island. (E. A. Martin) Knowl. (A. W. Bailey) Outl. (K. Garron) Idler, n. s. 2: 75. “Britannia,” H. M. S., Cadet Life on. Cornh. 87: 685. Briticisms. (Brander Matthews) Harper, 106: 709. — vs. Americanisms. (E. W. Bowen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 324. British Academy of Learning. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Na- tion, 75: 166.--Liv. Age, 235: 56.—Quar. 195: 98.=Liv. Age, 232: 653.=Ecl. M. 138: 671. — (G. S. Street) Acad. 62: 122, --(F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 74: 224.—(E. Fluegel) Nation, 74: 237. — (H. E. Shepherd) N ation, 74: 306. — (E. Dicey) I9th Cent. 51: 493.——(J. Brent) Munsey, 28: 224. —— Proceedings, 1903-04. Ath. ’06, I: 392. BRITISH British Academy of Learning, Royal Society and. (N. Lockyer) Nature, 65: 493. British America ; Greater Britain on the Pacific. (Vincent Harper and Agnes D. Cameron) World’s Work, 10: 6543. British and American Legislative Practices compared. (A. M. Low) Appleton’s M. 8: 737, British Archaeological Association, Meeting at West- minster, I902. Ath. ’o2, 2: 420. —— Sheflield Meeting, 1903. Ath. ’o3, 2: 227, 259, British Archives, Extracts from. (E. F. McPike) M. of Hist. 3: 176-368. 4: 30, 88, British Aristocracy, Is it on the Wane ? Arthur) No. Am. 176: 39, British Association, 1902 Meeting. Nature, 66: 344- 663. 67: 17, — -— Geographical Section, President’s Address. H. Holdich) Geog. J . 20: 411. -—— —— Geography. Geog. J . 20: 522. — — President’s Address. (J . Dewar) Nature, 66: 462. =Science, n. s. 16: 533. — — A Retrospect. Science, 11. s. 16: 653. — 1903 Meeting. Nature, 68: 224-581. ——Science, n. s. W 321. 444- —- — Anthropology. Nature, 68: 635, — -— Astronomy and Meteorology. (W. N. Shaw) Na- ture, 69: 42. —- — Botany. Nature, 69: 18, -—— — Geography. Geog. J. 22: 544. —— — Geology. Nature, 68: 612, — — Physics. (C. H. Lees) Nature, 68: 611. -—— —— Physiology Section; President’s Address. S. Sherrington) Nature, 70: 460, —— 1904 Meeting. (H. S. Pritchett) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 483- — Nature. 7<>= 367. 397. 460. 488- —- — Presidential Address. (A. J. Balfour) Knowl. 27: I97. ZNature, 70: 368. -—— — Address on Cosmical Physics. Nature, 70: 399. —— — Botany Section ; President’s Address. win) Nature, 70: 466. -— — Chemistry Section; President’s Address. ney Young) Nature, 70: 377. — — Geology Section ; President’s Address. (A. Stra- han) Nature, 70: 382. — — Sectional Addresses. Knowl. 27: zoo. — — Zoiilogy Section; President’s Address. (W. Bate- son) Nature, 70: 406, -—— Meeting in South Africa, August, 1905. Nature, 72: 222, 368, 583.—(A. J. Herbertson) Geog. J. 26: 632.— (W. M. Davis) Nation, 81: 397, 419. — (VV. H. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 54: 46. —— (W. M. Davis) Nation, 81: 397, 419. -— (A. J . Herbertson) Geog. J . 26! 632. — (E. W. Brown) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 145, 520, — — President’s Address. (G. H. Darwin) Nature, 72: 439. : Science, 11. s. 22: 225. — — Anthropology. Nature, 73: 66. - —- — — Opening Address. (A. C. Haddon) Nature, 721 471- - — Botany. Nature, 73: 162. — — — Opening Address. (Harold Wager) Nature, 72: 519. —- — Chemistry. Nature, 72: 642, - — Education Section ; President’s Address. (R. C. Jebb) Nature, 72: 545. — — Educational Science at. Nature, 73.: 41. — — Engineering at. Nature, 731 64. — -— Engineering Section ; Opening Address. (C. Scott Moncriefi) Nature, 72: 465. — -— Geography. Nature, 73: I8. — —— Geography Section; Opening Address. (W. J . L. Wharton) Nature, 72: 445. (Sir G. (T. (C. (Sir John Eliot) (F. Dar- (Syd- 82 BRITISH British Association, Meeting in South Africa, 1905. Geology. Nature, 73: 90. — -— Mathematical and Physical Science at. Lees) Nature, 72: 640. — — Mathematical and Physical Section ; President’s Address. (Andrew R. Forsyth) Science, n. s. 22! 234- - —- Physiology. (J . Barcroft) Nature, 73: 138. — —- Physiology Section, Opening Address. (D. Bruce) Nature, 72: 496. — -— Zoiilogy. Nature, 73: 39. -— 1906 Meeting. (Gary N. Calkins) Science, n. s. 24: 289. —— Nature, 74: 321-387, — — President’s Address. (E. Ray Lankester) Na- ture, 74: 221, — — Anthropology. Nature, 74: 456, — —— Botany. Nature, 74: 5 75. — — Botany Section, Opening Address. (F. O. Oliver) Nature. 741 429- . -—— —- Chemistry. Nature, 74: 525. — -— Chemistry Section, Opening Address. (Wyndham Dunstan) Nature, 74: 361. — — Economics and Statistics Section, Address to. (A. L. Bowley) J . Statis. Soc. 69: 540. — — Education. (Hugh Richardson) Nature, 74: 501. (C. H. —— Engineering Section; Opening Address. (J. A. Ewing) Nature, 74: 418. — -—— Geography. Nature, 74: 478. — — Geology. Nature, 74: 549. —— -— Geology Section, Opening Address. (G. W. Lamplugh) Nature, 74: 387. —— — Mathematics and Physics Section, Opening Ad- dress. (E. B. Griifiths) Nature, 74: 356. = Science, 11. s. 24: 353. — — Physics. Nature, 74: 45 3, — — Physiology. (Joseph Barcroft) Nature, 74: 479. -— — Physiology Section, Opening Address. (Francis Gotch) Nature, 74: 422. — — Zoiilogy. (J . H. Ashworth) Nature, 74: 5 51. — — Zoiilogy Section, Opening Address. (J . J . Lister) Nature, 74: 400. British Catholic Converts, French Pensions to. Alger) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 532. British Cavalry, The, and the Lessons of 1899 to 1902. Un. Serv. M. 29: 419, 541. British Colonies. See Great Britain. Colonies. British Columbia and Lord Dufferin. (H. Sands) Canad. M. 21: 461, — The Founding of Bella Coola. (Iver Fougner) Canad. M. 3: 529. — Mineral Resources of. (W. M. Brewer) Engin. M. 23: 831. —— Mining Towns of. (J. G. (M. S. Wade) Canad. M. 21: 5°5- — Mountains of. (J . W. Henshaw) Canad. M. 20: 3, — Natural History Notes. (J . H. Keen) Canad. M. 2 5: 167. —— One Hundred Years in. (H. Sands) Canad. M. 27: 33- — Progress of. Canad. M. 23: 515. — Water Powers of. (E. Jacobs) Engin. M. 26: 333, -— Work and Wages in. Macmil. n. s. I: 440. British Cotton-growing Association, Work of the. A. Hutton) No. Am. 178: 742. British Embassy at Washington. (W. Fawcett) Canad. M. 21: 519. British Empire. See Great Britain. British Frontier towards Russia. Monthly R. 21, no. 3: 9. British Guiana, River-names of. (J . Rodway) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 396. British Industries, Ashley’s. (L. L. Price) Econ. J. 14: 83. (J . (C. W. Dilke) BRITISH British Manners. National, 42: 755.—"-Ecl. M. 142: 336. British Museum, Catalogues of the Library of. (R. de Cordova) Macmil. n. s. I: 121,-—-Liv. Age, 248: 221.—Ed. R. 203: 117, — Creation of. (E. M. Thompson) Cornh. 92: 641. — A Day’s Work in Reading-room of the. (G. F. Barwick) Library, 11. s. 51 304. — The Greatest Library in the World. (A. W. Jarvis and R. Turtle) Good Words, 46: 431. — Letters of Henry Bradshaw to Ofiicials of. Library, 11. s. 5: 266, 432. -—- Library, Subject Index. Sat. R. 951 359. — Natural History. Quar. 205: 491. -—- Progress of. Sat. R. 94: I95. —- Reading-room. (A. Black) Booklover’s M. 2: 667. -— Recent English Purchases at the. (A. W. Pollard) Library, n. s. 6: I. — Treasure Trove and the. (W. Martin) Law Q. 20: 27. British Oflicer, The. (Col. Telfer-Smollett) Un. Serv. M. 32: 569. British Poetry, History of, Corbet’s. Ath. ’o4, 2: 544. British Race, Physical Condition of. Spec. 921 I75. See Physical Deterioration. British Sailors and the Mercantile Marine. of Graham) National, 39: 944. British Science Guild. Nature, 70: 343. — Inaugural Meeting of. Nature, 73: 10. British Shipping. (J . H. Schooling) F ortn. 77: 888. — American Millionaires and. (W. Wetherell) Fortn. 77: 511. — and Fiscal Reform. (Marquis of Graham) I9th Cent. 56: I89.—(E. Cecil) 19th Cent. 57: 615. — and the State. (B. Taylor) No. Am. 179: 238, — Doomed. (P. Barry) Westm. 158: 50. British Soldier ; has he Deteriorated ? (A. W. A. Pol- lock) Macmil. n. s. I: 66. British Soldiers in Foreign Attire. Un. Serv. M. 29: 621, — Some New. (W. H. Brown) Un. Serv. M. 28: 414, British Statesmen from American Point of View. Pall Mall M. 26: 65. British Statesmanship in 1905. Westm. I63: 496, British Throne, The New Influence on the. (M. Jeune) No. Am. 174: 742. British Trade, Systematic Promotion of. Morgan) J . Soc. Arts, 531 21. -— with Foreign Countries. Chamb. J - 81: 231. British Wild Flowers, Familiar, and their Allies. (R. L. Praeger) Knowl. 26: 17, 65, 97, British Woodlands; as they are and as they ought to be. (Sir H. Maxwell) Blackw. I78: 610. British Zollverein, The Dream of a. (R. Giifen) I9th Cent. 5I: 693. —(V. Caillard) National, 39: 597. Brittany and its People. (T. O’Hagan) Cath. World, 79: 222. — Art Colonies in. (J . Quigley) Craftsman, 10: 701. —- The Bigoudines. (A. Saglio) Cent. 45: 282, —- In Old. (A. S. Schmidt) Atlan. 91: 542. -—Menpes’s. Sat. R. 101: 687, — Old Castles of. (A. De Caloune) Cath. World, 75: 581, — Recent Evictions in. World, 76: 339. -—- Sketches of. (J . Quigley) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 554. —— Stone Monuments of. (F. Yeigh) Canad. M. 20: 405, (Marquis (T. M. Maguire) (F. W. Rafferty) (B. H. (Comtesse de Courson) Cath. Brix, Chateau of, Normandy. (E. Dupont) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 424. Brixen and Health. (W. Paget) I9th Cent. 59: 488. -—- and its Millennial Festival. World, 75: 767, (C. H. Coursen) Cath. 83 BRONZE Broad-acre Sketches. (H. Wild) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 161, 450. Broadway, Country Life in. (A. Kortrecht) Outl. 80: 330- - The Lights and Stars of. (J . Corbin) Scrib. M. 37: 129, Broadwood Concerts. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 95: 420. Brock, Isaac, General. Spec. 97: 295. Brock, Robert Coleman Hall, 1861-1906, Obituary of. J. Frankl. Inst. 1621 42,5. Brockton, Mass., Enterprise and Accomplishments of. (Elroy S. Thompson) New Eng. M. n. s. 341 233. Brodrick, George Chas. Geog. J . 22: 705. — and Lord Curzon. (J . and R. Strachey) National, 461 593. Brodrick, St. John, with portrait. Pall Mall M. 26: 445- Brog. (W. Larremore) Atlan. 98: 405. Brogue, The Irishman’s. (A. Matthews) Nation, 79: 52' Broken Doll, The. (B. Lessing) Cosmopol. 42: 136, Broken Foil, The. (F. G. Blakeslee) Lippinc. 76: 599, Broken Glass. (C. F. Marsh) Longm. 42: 161. Broken Quarantine, The. (M. R. Rinehart) Munsey, 35‘ 3°°- Broken Toys. (Latta Griswold) Cosmopol. 33: 393. Broken Vase. (M. Endicott) Lippinc. 72: 73. Brome Mountain, one of the Monteregian Hills, Geol- ogy of. (J. A. Dresser) Am. J. Sci. 167! 347. Bromholm Priory and its Holy Rood. (P. Longhurst) Antiq. n. s. 38: 364. Bromic Acid, Estimation of, by the Direct Action of Arsenious Acid. (F. A. Gooch and J . C. Blake) Am. J. Sci. 164: 285. Bromides; Behavior of Typical Hydrous Bromides when heated in an Atmosphere of Hydrogen Bro- mide. (J . L. Kreider) Am. J . Sci. 170: 97. Bromsgrove Guild of Applied Arts. Craftsman, 42 101. Bronco-busting, an American Sport. (A. Chapman) Outing, 41: 333. — and the Cow-pony. 8= 45. —— Contest at Denver. (L. Steffens) Idler, 22: 509, Bronson, Mrs. Arthur. (H. James) Critic, 40: 162, Bronté, Charlotte. (C. E. Laughlin) Good Words, 45: I71. -—- With portrait. (Agnes Repplier) Book- lover’s M. I: 509. — Childhood of. (G. Harrow) Californian, 2: 465. -—Jane Eyre, Note on Source of. (J. M. Dembleby) Sat. R. 94: 292. (A. W. Dimock) Ctry Life Am. — Novels of. (L. E. Tiddeman) Westm. I60: 684, — Shirley Land. (E. Hobson) Westm. I66: 78. =Liv. Age. 25H 77. — Where she went to School. (E. Grierson) Sund. M. as 585. Bronté, Emily. Wuthering Heights. (Mary E. Wil- kins) Booklover’s M. I: 514. ——Acad. 65: 333. — Poems. (C. M. Mew) Temp. Bar, 130: 153. Bronté Novels. (W. F. Lord) I9th Cent. 531 434.: Ecl. M. 141: 10. =Liv. Age, 237: 522. -—- Landscape in the. Acad. 71 : 226. Brontosaurus, The. (W. D. Matthews) Indep. 58: 777. -—- Skeleton of the. (H. E. Osborn) Nature, 73: 282. Bronze, Corrosions found on Ancient. (W. Koch) Sci- ence, n. s. 17: I53. - Monumental Treatment of. (J . S. Gardner) J . Soc. Arts, 53: 666. Bronze Beetle of Honorable Happiness, The. (C. K. Moser) Harp. W. 50: 742. Bronze Statue from Cerigotto and the Study of Style. (C. Waldstein) J . Hel. Stud. 24: 129. BRONZE Bronze Statues, The Casting of. (A. J . Pietrie) Brush & P. 16: supp. 163. Bronze Work, Recent. Archit. Rec. 16: 488, Bronzes, American. (Russell Sturgis) Scrib. M. 36: 765- — Old Art, and their Imitation. (Artmeter) Chamb. J , 83: 586. Bronzes for Steam Uses. Inst. 159: 65. Brooches, Some Ancient. Antiq. n. s. 41: 145,- (S. L. Kneass) J . Frankl. Brook, The. (F. French) Harper, I10: 691, — The Midland. (H. T. Sheringham) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 346. Brook Farm as it is To-day. (L. I. Harris) Lamp, 28: 7. Brooke, Stopford A. Outl. 70: 869. Brookfield, Charles. Random Recollections. 26: 307, Brookfield, Mrs. Jane Octavia, and her Circle. (J ean— nette L. Gilder) Critic, 48: 84. — (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 39: 370. — (J. Bryce) Nation, 82: 76. Brookline, Mass. How the Richest Town in the World is ruled by Referendum. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 32: 377- — Wollaton Hotel, Foundations of. Am. Arch. 84: 55. Brooklyn, N. Y., Branch Library Buildings. Soule) Lib. J. 113. — Bureau of Charities, Twenty-five Years’ History of. (A. T. White) Char. 12: 7. — Church of the Holy Trinity, Windows of. (O, Heinigke) Archit. R. 13: 1. —— Libraries, Consolidation of. Lib. J . 28: 113. — Library of the Medical Society of the County of Kings. (A. T. Huntington) Lib. J . 28: 615. — Public Library. Architectural Program for Central Lamp, (D. M. Pratt) (C. C. Building. (A. D. F. Hamlin) Lib. J. 31: 771. — — Order Routine in. (Emma V. Baldwin) Pub. Lib. 11: 560, Brooks, Edward. Bk. News, 22: 219. Brooks, John Graham. The Social Unrest. (J . H. Gray) Atlan. 91: 569. Brooks, Noah. (F. Evans) Lamp, 27: 129, — and Castine. (H. C. Dickinson) Lamp, 28: 117, Brooks, Phillips, and the Girls’ Club. (L. D. Fuller) Cent. 45: 258. “' -— and Thomas Henry Huxley. Sac. 59: I. —- and the Yale Divinity School. Div. Q. I: 109. —- An Estimation. 176: 25 7. Brooks Family, of Woburn, Mass. (W. R. Cutter and A. G. Loring) N. E. Reg. 58: 48, 12;, Brookville, Indiana, a Cradle of Great Americans. (L. Knight) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 49. Brother Johnsing’s ’Sperience. (E. M. Tybout) Lip- (W. N. Clarke) Bib. (G. P. Fisher) Yale (Washington Gladden) No. Am. pine. 71: 243. Brother of Mercy, The. (Jeanie Drake) Cath. World, 82: 155. Brother to Diogenes, A. (T. N. Page) Scrib. M. 39: 290, Brother to the Immortals. (V. Sheard) Canad. M. 26: 169. Brotherhood, Christian, The, Heritage of; a sermon. (R. T. Davidson) Outl. 78: 260, —— Development of. (E. Parham) Arena, 27: 58. Brotherhood of Man; a Social Satire. (J . Hopp) Ecl. M. 147: 81, Brotherhood of Men and Nations. Univ. of Tenn. Rec. 4: 346. Brother’s Keeper, Am I my? Outl. 75: 203, 234. Brothers; a story. (H. F. Day) Am. M. 60: 513. Brothers, The. (Inez H. Gillmore) Lippinc. 78: 103. (C. W. Dabney) 84 BROWNE Brothers, The; a story. 1.06: 8 5 3, Brothers Implacable. (E. L. Stuart) Lippinc. 72: 625. Brothers in Love. (V. L. Whitechurch) Good Words, (Octave Thanet) Harper, 443 - - Brothers of the Cross. (Burton Richards) Craftsman, 11: 97, Brou, Savoy, France, Church of. Archit. R. 12: 121. Brouardel, Prof. Paul. Nature, 74: 412. Brough, Antiquities of. (T. Sheppard) Antiq. n. s. 38: 80, 103, Brougham, Henry, Lord. (J . A. Lovat-Fraser) Jurid. (E. W. Champney) . 17. 17, Brounoff, Platon. Wagner and Strauss. (J . F. Run- ciman) Sat. R. 100: 369, Broward, Napoleon, Gov., sketch with portrait. Outing: 45: 596- Brown, Alexander E., with portrait. Cassier, 22: 183. Brown, Alice, The Short Stories of. (C. M. Thomp- son) Atlan. 98: 5 5. Brown, Armsby. (A. L. Baldry) M. of Art, 26: 97. Brown, Charles Brockden, Minor Writings. (R. Gar- nett) Cornh. 86: 494. Brown, Edwin, with portrait. Bank. M. -(Lond.) 82: 377. Brown, Elmer E. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 343 I67. Brown, George Douglas. (C. Whibley and R. Barr) McClure, 20: 99.— (A. Melrose) Bookman, 16: 340, — The House with Green Shutters. Acad. 63: 237. Brown, Henry B., Justice. (C. H. Butler) Green Bag, 18: 321, ' Brown, John, Capt. New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 92. — and his Adirondack Home and Grave. (May E. Nichols) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 476. — Fifty Years after Ossawatomie. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 194, —Funeral of. New Eng. M. 11. s. 30: 229. —— Gerrit Smith and. (F. B. Sanborn) Critic, 47: 349. — In Kansas with. (Alex. G. Hawes) Californian, 4: 68. — Trial of. (F. T. Hill) Harper, 113: 264, Brown, Dr. John, Reminiscences of. Chamb. J . 83: 717- Brown, John Allen. (D. W. Kettle) Geog. J . 22! 574. Brown, Thomas J . , Retirement of, from the Supreme Court of the U. S. Am. Law R. 40: 548. Brown, Vincent. A Magdalen’s Husband. Monthly R. 15, no 3: 23. Brown, William Garrott. F oe of Compromise. (F. A. Ogg) Dial, 36: 323. Brown, William Le Roy. Science, in s. I5! 316. Brown, William Perry. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 232, Brown Brothers, Cricketers; a story. Blackw. 173: 691. ' Brown Eyes. (V. C. Hallsett) Temp. Bar, 125: 317, Brown Habit, The; a story. (A. Stoddart) Outing, 43: 673. Brown Lustre Jug, The. (Frank Hird) Chamb. J . 82: 487, 507, 523- Brown Puppy. (F. A. Smith) Longm. 43: 252. -—— Liv. Ase. 24°= 532- Brown University. The John Carter Brown Library. (M. E. Clarke) Lib. J . 30: 69. — Library. Harris Collection of American Poetry. (H. O. Brighain) Lib. J. 28: 658. — Recent Architectural Developments of. (N. M. Isham) Archit. R. 11: 173. Brown Wolf. (Jack London) Everybody’s, I5: 147, Browne, Edward Ingersoll. (E. H. Abbot) N. E. Reg. 56: 299. Browne, George Elmer, Painter. (D. C. Preyer) Brush & P. 14: 107. BROWN E Browne, Hablot K., Some Letters of. burgh) Bk. Buyer, 23: 542. Browne, Sir James, and the Harnai Railway. Scott Moncrieff) Blackw. I77: 608. Browne, Sir Thomas. (G. L. Strachey) Indep. R. 8: 158. —— (D. Johnston) Macmil. 92: 414. Z Liv. Age, 247: 289.— (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 81: 486.—(C. M. Hamilton) Sewanee, 11: 64. ——Spec. 95: 644. — and his Family. (H. C. Minchin) F ortn. 84: 616, —-— Religio Medici. Library, 7: I. Brownell, W. C., as Critic of Fine Art. Stnrgis) Internat. M0. 5: 448. Brownies, My Real. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. (W. C. Bam- (G. K. (Russell 7. 5. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. (N. K. Bright) Bk. News, 24: 46o.—— (T. W. Higginson) Bk. News, 24: 457.— (H. S. Pancoast) Bk. News, 24: 464.- (G. Perry Norris) Indep. 60: 501, -Liv. Age, 249: 173. —Ecl. M. 142: 825. = Liv. Age, 241: 312. —- Birthplace of. Acad. 69: 708. Browning, Robert. (E. Dowden) Bookman, 16: 351, — (G. K. Chesterton) Monthly R. 12, no. 2: 11, — (P. H. Wicksteed) Contemp. 83: 86, ——- Ancestry of. (F. J . Furnivall) Acad. 62: 394. — and Alfred Domett. (W. H. Griflin) Contemp. 87: 95.=Liv. Age, 244: 393. IEcl. M. 144: 467. -— and the Animal Kingdom. (E. L. Cary) Critic, 43: 163, -— and Elizabeth: a Romance of the 19th Century. (R. W. Gilder) Cent. 48: 918, -— — The Most Ideal of Love Stories. lin) Good Words, 44: 474. — as a Tree Lover. (F. Duncan) Bk. Buyer, 25: 138. -— Brooke’s Poetry of. Acad. 63: 435. — (T. W. Hig- ginson) Nation, 75: 426. -— Casuistry of. (L. Stephen) National, 40: 534. = Ecl. M. 140: 357.‘-:Liv. Age, 236: 257, — Chesterton’s Life of. (W. H. Griffin) Ath. ’04, 1: 306. — Ath. ’03, I: 745. — (E. L. Burlingame) Lamp, 27: I9. —(A. S. Henry) Bk. News, 21: 831, 28 (C. E. Laugh- 0 . -— Dowden’s Life of. (A. R. Marble) Dial, 373 267. — Spec. 92: 774.—Ath. ’o4: 1: 362, —- Early Friends of. (W. H. Griflin) Contemp. 87: 427. — In Venice. (K. De K. Bronson) Cornh. 85: 145.: Cent. 41: 572. — Joy-element of. (Mary Phelps) Poet-Lore, 15, no. 2' 95 -— Luria; a study. (M. K. Hill) Temp. Bar, 126: 49, — Message to Artists and Craftsmen To-day. (G. W. James) Craftsman, 4: 149, -—- New Lights on. (F. Greenslet) Atlan. 92: 418, — Optimism of, and of Meredith. (A. C. Pigou) Indep. R. 6: 92. -— Paracelsus. (C. W. Barnes) Meth. R. 64: 246, — Philosophy of Religion and Theory of Life. W. Helm) Meth. R. 62: 47, — Place of, in the Evolution of English Poetry. W. Smith) Sewanee, 11: 444. -— Plays, Stage Productions of. (Eliz. McCracken) Poet-Lore, 14, no. 3: 1 — Prospice l Life-motto of. Bar, 127: 606, —- Random Relations to Shakespeare. Gent. M. n. s. 75: 581, —-— Saul. (A. J . Coultas) Meth. R. 66: 784, -— — Elements of Hebrew Literature in. (C. A. Wal- ters) Meth. R. 62: 219. —— Treatment of Nature. (Stopford A. Brooke) Good Words, 43: 89-339.-"-'-Critic, 40: 308-533. 41: 69, -—- Two Estimates of. (W. P. Trent) Forum, 351 294. Browning, Sarianna. Ath. ’o3, I: 564. (N. (L. (Mary B. Whiting) Temp. (A. Thomson) 85 BRYCE Browning Pilgrimage in 1902. Lamp, 27: 291. Browning Tonic. (M. B. Dunn) Atlan. 90: 203. Brownings in Florence, The. (L. V. Lambert) Chant. 35: 590. — (A. H. Wharton) Bk. News, 24: 467, Brownson, Orestes A. (M. J. Harson) Cath. World, 791 1- Brownson, Sylvester A., Study of. (J . F. McLaughlin) Cath. World, 77: 310. Broyle and Ringmer, The Parks of. Reliquary, 42: 73, 156, 217, Brozik, Vacslad. Bk. News, 22: 782, Bruges. (Ellis Schreiber) Cath. World, 81: 790, — (E. G. Day) Idler, 30: I93. — (L. C. Willcox) Am. Arch. 88: 85. —Month, 101: 198. —-— Exhibition of Flemish Pictures, 1902. 27: 26. — (C. Phillips) Fortn. 78: 588. Brnmmell, Beau, King of the Dandies. Gent. M. n. s. 68: 277. — the Last of the Beaux. land, 11. s. 46: 501. Brunei; a Dying Kingdom. (A. B . McMahan) (W. H. Legge) M. of Art, (C. Wilkins) (Arthur Inkersley) Over- (H. Cliiford) Macmil. 86: 106. —— The Last of a Great Sultan. (P. Bigelow) Harper, 113: 716. Brunelleschi, Filippo. (M. L. E. Castle) Temp. Bar, 133: 347- — and the Freemasons. Am. Arch. 80: 87. Brunet, Francois, Travels in England, 1676, Broster) Cornh. 93: 660. Brunetiere, Ferdinand. Ath. ’06, 2: 771, — (P. E, More) Nation, 83: 502.—(Mrs. J . Van Vorst) Lamp, 291 H3. —Outl. 84: 912. Bruno, Giordano. (Martha P. Conant) Poet-Lore, 17, no. 2: 91 . — in England. Quar. I96: 483. — Monk, Philosopher, Seer, Martyr. Meth. R. 63: 46. Brunswick, Hanover, Hildesheim. (C. M. Stearns) Chant. 40: 228, Brush, G. de Forest. (H. St. Gaudens) Critic, 47: I 35. Brushwork Drawing. (B. E. Ward) Art J . 58: 148. Brussels. La Maison du Peuple. (M. R. Cranston) Chant. 40: 152, —Scientific Congress at, 1895. Univ. Bull. 1: 73. “ Brute,” The; a story. (D. K. (F. H. Wright) (T. J . Shahan) Cath. (H. Whitaker) Am. M. 62: 163, Brute’s Wife, The. (A. G. Steele) Munsey, 32: 661. Bryan, Guy Morrison. (G. P. Garrison) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 5: 121, Bryan, W. J ., and the Platform, 1904. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 324. — and our Complex Social Order. (F. H. Giddings) Cent. 51: 154. —-— a Character Study. (L. Abbott) Outl. 84: 66. —— Letters to a Chinese Ofiicial, A Reply to. (G. L. Dickinson) Cent. 51! 31 3. Bryant, Edwin E. (A. L. Sanborn) Wis. Alum. M. 5: 1, Bryant, Wm. C., our Pioneer American Poet. (C. L. Moore) Dial, 38: 223, — Mother of, Diary of. 206, — Home of, at Cedarmere. Life Am. 7: 353. Bryce, James. (J . McCarthy) Outl. 78: 118. — and Mr. Morley in America, with portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 549. — as Ambassador; “Irregular ” Diplomacy. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 55°. — Studies in Contemporary Biography. Bk. News, 21: 735. (A. Mathews) M. of Hist. 2: (Oliver B. Capen) Ctry BRYCE Bryce, James, Studies in Contemporary Biography. Ath_ ’o3, 1: 532. —(Harriet Waters Preston) Atlan. 92: 699. — (N. C. Sedgwick) Nation, 76: 400. —- Studies in History and Jurisprudence. Ath. ’oz, 1: 135. -— (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 74: 153. Bryozoa, Paleozoic, Development of. (E. R. Cum- mings) Am. J . Sci. 167: 49. Bubbles, Old and N ew. (H. Lamont) Nation, 77: 316. Buccaneers, The. (J . R. Spears) Outing, 48: 523, 742. — Bully Hayes, the Last Buccaneer. (J . Slocum) Out- ing, 47: 689. -— I have Known. (Lloyd Buchanan) Lippinc. 77: 342. — Voyage of the “ Cygnet.” Gent. M. n. s. 76: 243. Buchanan, George. (C. Whibley) Blackw. I80; 1. — Quatercentenary at Glasgow. Ath. ’06, 2: 656. Buchanan, James, as a Lawyer, with portrait. (E. L. Didier) Green Bag, 16: 637. Buchanan, Robert, Jay’s Life of. Acad. 64: 123.: Liv. Age, 237: 378. Bucharest. (Herbert Vivian) Sat. R. 97: 516. Bucher, J . C., Record of Marriages by, 1763-69. R. Kelper) Pennsyl. M. 26: 375, Bucket-shop vs. Board of Trade. Everybody’s, I51 707. Bucket-shop Sharks. (Merrill A. Teague) Every- b0dv’S. W 723- I5 33, 245. 398- Buckfast Abbey. (O. K. Park) Antiq. n. s. 42: 251, Buckingham, Geo. Villiers, Duke of, Lady Burgh- clere’s. Ath. ’<>4, II 76. --Spec. 92: 457. Buckinghamshire. Ed. R. 197: 419. Buckinghamshire Lace. (R. E. D. Sketchley) Art J . 57 1 I77- Bucktail Bards, The. (W. C. Ford) Nation, 78: 230, Buckton, Miss A. M. Eagerheart. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 98: 729. Buckton, G. Bowdler. (W. F. Kirby) Nature, 72: 587. Buda and Pest. (Frederick Palmer) Scrib. M. 34: 6 51, Budapest. The Twin City of the Magyars. (E. F. Baldwin) Outl. 81: 511. Buddha, The Big Butter. n. s. 43: I84. — Kant and the. (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 86: 218. — Last Meal of, and the Christian Eucharist. Edmunds) Open Court, 17: 240. — Recent Discoveries concerning. Davids) Cent. 412 337. -— A Story of, and its Sequel. (L. (C. C. Christie) (M. D. Kellogg) Overland, (A. J . (T. W. Rhys- (J . McGuire) Miss. R. 18: 925, Buddhism and Art. (R. G. Corbet) Asia. R. 34: 114, — and Christianity. (T. W. Rhys-Davids) Internat. Q. 7: I. — (M. Anesaki) Hibbert J. 4: 1. — and its Hell. (F. J . Masters) Calif. M. 3: 489. — and St. Luke. (G. Shann) 19th Cent. 54: 120, — as a Living Force. (T. W. Rhys-Davids) Hibbert J . II 465. —— Chinese. (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 342 372. -—- Concerning. Overland, n. s. 45: 387. — Extracts from the Literature of. Chant. 42: 152, — in Ceylon, Revival of. Misc. R. 18: 693. — in India. Church 58: 371, -—- Japanese. (K. Nakamura and C. E. Rice) Arena, 27: 468. . -— — how it appeals to a Christian Theist. (J . Estlin Carpenter) Hibbert J . 4: 503.:-Ecl. M. 146: 504. —— of Tibet. (C. N. Eliot) Quar. 203: 192, — Message of, to the Western World. (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 84: 197. =Ecl. M. 1451 500. —-(P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 755. — Tibetan, and Catholicity. (D. Dale) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 167, Buddhist and Christian Gospels, A. J . Edmunds on. Open Court, 19: 538. 86 BUILDING Buddhist Council, First. (T. Suzuki) Monist, 14: 25 3. Buddhist Monk, Cremation of a. (C. R. Callender) Indep. 60: 498. Buddhist Monks of Burma, Thathanabaing, Head of. (D. H. R. Twomey) Asia. R. 37: 326. Buddhist Poetry, Gems of. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 156, Buddhist Sect, Japanese, which teaches Salvation by Faith. (J . Troup) Hibbert J . 4: 281. Budding Diplomatist; a story. (H. Bartholomew) Cornh. 90: 72. = Liv. Age, 242: 418. Budgett, John Samuel. Nature, 69: 300. —Science, n. s. 192 278. Biilow, Prince von, Chancellor of Germany. (Adal- bert von Diirnstein) World’s Work, 11: 7181. — With portrait. (P. Goldschmied) Pall Mall M. 26: 402, — A Bismarck en Pantoufles. Fortn. 77: 206. Buenas Noches. (Eleanor Gates) Scrib. M. 39: 179. Buffalo, N. Y. Albright Art Gallery. (R. W. Gilder) Critic, 47: 154.— Brush & P. 16: 111.-(Frank Fowler) Scrib. M. 39: 381. — (C. M. Kurtz) Studio (Internat.) 26: xxxv. —- Charity Organization Society. (P. R. Lee) Char. 16: 589. — — Twenty-fifth Anniversary of, 1902. (F. Almy) Char. 10: 32. — Houses in. [Views only.] (G. Cary) Archit. Rec. W 459- —- Pan-American Exposition; the Color Scheme. (C. Y. Turner) Scrib. M. 31: 125. — Public Library, School Department of. (H. L. Elmendorf) Lib. J . 28: 157. — School System of. (F. R. J ewett) Educa. 242 596. -— Tenement Houses. (G. W. Gillette) Char. I3: 31. — Tenement Situation in. (G. W. Gillette) Char. I7: 70. Buffalo, The American. (E. T. Seton) Scrib. M. 40: 385. — the King of the Prairie. land, 11. s. 40: 155. — My First. (J . W. Pullman) Army & Navy Life, 9: 57 7. — Restoring the, to the Western Plains, with portrait. (G. W. Lillie [“ Pawnee Bill ”]) Cosmopol. 39: 651. Buffalo Herd, The Spectator visits a. Outl. 821 931. Buffalo Hunting in Canada. (J . Innes) Canad. M. 19: 9. — with the Karens. (C. Whitney) Outing, 461 427. Buffalo River; an Interesting Meandering Stream. (Robert F. Griggs) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 168. (R. B. Townshend) Over- Buffalo Runners. (A. C. Laut) Idler, 23: 635. — Out- ing, 40: 427. Buffaloes, Experiments with. (C. J . Jones) Indep. 60: 1351- Bugatti, Rembrandt, Italian Sculptor. loup) Studio (Internat.) 29: 23, Bugeaud, Thomas. (W. O. Morris) U11. Serv. M. 24: 75. Buggins, a Friend of the Throne; a story. (M. F. Quinlan) Cath. World, 79: 736, Bugler, The, of the “Light Brigade.” (A. B. Hyde) Meth. R. 64: 757. Buhot, Felix, in England. 385. Builders; a novel. (E. Bohn) Canad. M. 24: 244. Builders, The; a story. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 48: 45-7I9- 491 342- Builders, The; a Nocturne in Westminster Abbey. (Mrs. Woods) Cornh. 86: 721. Building, How to Look at a. (G. Kirkman) Crafts- man, 21 I43. Building, English vs. American Methods. Heathcote) Am. Arch. 83: 3. (M. Horte- (O. Uzanne) M. of Art, 26: (Charles BUILDING Building, Extravagance in. (A. Chausse) Am. Arch. 88: 83. —- without an Architect. Am. 4: 431. Building of the City Beautiful; a story. ler) Arena, 32: 633. 33: 71-636, Building Contracts. Am. Arch. 75: 70. Building Costs, Comparative. (W. A. Dyer) Ctry Life Am. 10: 633. Building Law. Summum Jus Summa Injuria. (C. G. Baldwin) Westm. I 57: 318. -— in Canada. (S. G. Archibald) Am. Arch. 84: 103. Building Laws, English and American. (Horace Cu- bitt) Am. Arch. 89: 161, 178, — Uniformity of. Am. Arch. 81: 85. Building Loan System, N. Y. Am. Arch. 84: 5. Building Materials, The Comparative Cost of. (J . W. Robertson) Ctry Life Am. 8: 640. —— Fire-resisting; Test at Baltimore. (Edward Atkin- son and C. L. Norton) Am. Arch. 84: 87. —— Testing, in New York. Am. Arch. 88: 116, Building Methods, English vs. American. (C. Heath- cote) Am. Arch. 82: 99. Building Operations, Financing of. (VV. H. Russell) Am. Arch. 87: 58. Building Stones, Natural and Artificial. J. Soc. Arts, 52: 384, —— Resistance to Frost. Am. Arch. 90: 111, Building Trades; Employers and the Unions. E. Walling) World’s Work, 6: 3790. — Methods of. Am. Arch. 80: 85. — New York, Paralysis of, 1903. J. Sociol. 9: 755. Buildings, Ancient, Restoration of. (T. Hardy) Cornh. 941 184- —— Crooked. Am. Arch. 88: 117, —- High, Art of. (B. Ferree) Archit. Rec. 15: 445. -— -— Do they Pay ? Archit. Rec. 12: 109. -—— —- in Berlin. (F. H. Mason) Am. Arch. 87: 23. -—— — Limitations to the Production of. (B. J . Hen- drick) Atlan. 901 232. -— —— Limits of. Am. Arch. 80: 100, —— — The Skyscraper Problem. (M. Schuyler) Scrib. M. 34: 253. —- High Office. (Paul Adam) Indep. 60: 1200, - Natural Surroundings of. Archit. R. 9: 93. — Portable, Utility of. (Arthur F age) Cassier, 28: 119, — Public. (T. Roosevelt) Am. Arch. 87: I9. — Sites of. (L. M. Phillips) Liv. Age, 243: 58. Buitenzorg, Java, Botanical Garden at. (F. Ramaley) Pop. Sci. Ho. 67: 579. Bulbs, California. Ctry Life Am. 5: 43. —— Culture of. (S. W. Fletcher; IV. F. Massey) Ctry Life Am. 5: 313. —— for every Place and Purpose. Am. 10: 507. — Hardy, for Fall-planting. Ctry Life Am. 4: 343. — Trade in. Sat. R. 94: 232. Bulgaria and the Balkans. Sat. R. 99: 299. — and the Gospel in Sofia. (M. N. Popofi‘) Miss. R. 18: 602, — Army. (F. W'. von Herbert) Fortn. 83: 1044, — — and the Threatened \Var. (F. W. von Herbert) Indep. 56: 773. —— —— A Chat about the. 190, —- Evening, Night, and Morning in a South Bulgarian Town. (F. J . Koch) Overland, n. s. 46: 346, —Serbo-Bulgarian Convention and its Results. (A. Stead) Fortn. 85: 537. —- To-day. (Ellinor F. B. Thompson) Monthly R. 22, no. 1: 12.-'-—'Liv. Age, 249: 3!. (W. Austen) Ctry Life (C. H. Mil- (L. P. Ford) (W. (H. Robbins) Am. (W. Miller) Ctry Life (R- Wyon) Un. Serv. M. 31: 87 BUNHILL Bulgarians of Macedonia. (H. N. Brailsford) Fortn. 81: 1049. Bull, Ole, and Edwin Booth. Critic, 48: 234. (R. Ogden Doremus) — as a Patriotic Force. (Margaret E. Noble) Cent. 48: 766. Bull and Gate Inn. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 543. Bull and Mouth Inn. Bull in Lamb-skin. 420, Bull in the (Library) China Shop. (W. I. Fletcher) Pub. Lib. 11: 549, Bull-dog, Transformation of the. Life Am. 6: 147, Bull Fight, A Provengal. (F. Miltoun) Idler, 30: 20, Bull-fighters, The Women. (J . T. Connor) Land of Sun. 10: 58. Bull-fighting, The Gentle Art of. (R. H. Davis) Scrib. M. 32: 641. — in Mexico. (E. K. Holmes) Calif. M. 1: 574, — Late Spanish Opinions on. (W. H. Bishop) Nation, 75: 222, Bull Mountain Pastoral. (H. Giovannoli) Lippinc. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 317. (E. C. Carpenter) Lippinc. 71: (J . Watson) Ctry ,- 71: , Bull Run, Third Battle of ; Manoeuvres of 1904. (H. C. Corbin) Cosmopol. 38: 3. Bullard, Frederic Field, the Man. Technol. R. 6: 557. — the Musician. (L. R. Lewis) Technol. R. 6: 566, Bullet Proof; a story. (M. C. Smith) Munsey, 28: 558- Bullets, Expansive, Explosive, and Poisoned. (A. Marks) Westm. I57: 619. Bullock, Jr., and the Octopus; a story. borne) McClure, 21: 578, “ Bulls” and “ Bears.” (W. H. Williamson) Chamb. J. 79: 591. Bullwhack Joe. (R. B. Townshend) Temp. Bar, 125: 328, Bullwhacker’s Pet, The. (R. B. Townshend) Over- land, n. s. 40: 71. Bulstrode in Loco Parentis. M. 40: 596, Bulstrode’s Portrait. (Marie van Vorst) Scrib. M. 39: (G. Burgess) (W. H. Os- (Marie van Vorst) Scrib. 410, Bulwer, Henry Lytton, Lord. Maxims. 19th Cent. 56: 262. Bumblebee, The Good. Chant. 35: 522. Bunau-Varilla, Philippe, The Case of. Nation, 78: 62. (R. Ogden) — Engineer and Diplomat, with portrait. (H. Hale) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 677. Bunco Game; Looting of the Tauqnis. (J. S. Met- calfe) Munsey, 27: 380, Bungalow, The, at its Best. Archit. Rec. 20: 297. — How to build a. Craftsman, 5: 253. — in America. (K. C. Budd) Archit. Rec. 11: 221. -—— The Log. (Elmer R. B. Chapman) Ctry Life Am. 8: 638. -— Possibilities of the, as a Permanent Dwelling. (Harlan Thomas) Craftsman, 9: 859. — Why not a ? (J. M. A. Darrach) Ctry Life Am. 10: /. Bungalow, A ; story of a Summer Cottage. lips) Ctry Life Am. 4: 411. Bungalow No. 182. Temp. Bar, 125: 465. Bungalows. Craftsman, 10: 105. —— California. Archit. Rec. 18: 217. — Designs for. Studio (Internat.) 28: 326. —— in California, An Architect of. (Arthur C. David) Archit. Rec. 20: 307. Bunhill Fields ; The Nonconformist “ Campo Santo.” Chamb. J. 831 46. (F. Phil- BUNKER HILL Bunker Hill, Battle of; Letter of Rev. Thos. Bar- nard, jr., 1775. M. of Hist. 1: 393. — — True Significance of. (S. W. Stevens) M. of Hist. 1: 388. Bunyan, John, and Ignatius Loyola. (J . Rickaby) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 294. -— Pilgrim’s Progress, Land of. (J . W. Davies) Book- man, 16: 157. -— — for the Metabele. (F. J efiery) Sund. M. 33: 643. Bunyan Warrant, The. Green Bag, I6: 639. Buondelmonte; a story. (M. Hewlett) Harper, 106: 343,531. Burbank, Elbridge Ayer. Craftsman, 7: 280. -— With portrait. (C. C. Shinn) Land of Sun. 14: 96, 182. -—and Child Culture. (E. P. Irwin) Overland, n. s. 471 265. -— How he produces New Flowers and Fruit. Serviss) Cosmopol. 40: 163. -— King of Horticulture. Overland, n. s. 471 226. -—- a Maker of New Plants and Fruits. (M. S. Har- wood) Scrib. M. 36: 49. —— The Miracle Maker of Gardens. (Emma B. Beeson) Indep. 58: 997. -—- New Creations in Plant Life. Dial, 40: 47. -— Personal Impressions of. (G. P. (T. H. Macbride) (H. De Vries) Indep. 60: I134. -— Production of Horticultural Novelties by. (H. De Vries) Open Court, 20: 641, -— Scientific Aspects of Work of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 363. -—- Scientist. (Honoria R. P. Tuomey) Out West, 23: 201, -— Some Experiments of. M0, 66: 201. -—- Transforming the World of Plants, with portrait. (G. P. Serviss) Cosmopol. 40: 63. -— A Visit to. (H. De Vries) Pop. Sci. Mo. 57: 329. -—- Wonder-worker of Science. (W. S. Harwood) Cent. 47: 656. Burden of Proof in Cases of Marine Disasters. (F. Cunningham) Am. Law R. 39: 178. Burden-bearers of the World; pictures. 161. Burdett-Coutts, Baroness. Sund. M. 321 337. Burford, England. Idler, 28: 68. —-(A. G. Webster) Art J. 57: 375. Burford Papers. Ath. ’o6, 1: 443. Burghley, William Cecil, Lord, Jessopp’s. Ath. ’O4, 21 37. Burgis, Thomas, of Guilford, Conn., and his Descend- (V. L. Kellogg) (David S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Outing, 44: ants. (R. D. Smith and B. C. Steiner) N. E. Reg. 571 404. Burglar Proof Safe. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 545, Burglary; the Great Cornhill Affair. (W. B. Robert- son) Chamb. J. 81: 154, -— The Higher. Sat. R. I02: 327. Burgos, Dream City of Old Castile. (E. Pound) Bk. News, 25: 91. Burgoyne’s Oflicers; were they quartered on Harvard College? (F. H. Smith, jr.) Harv. Grad. M. II: 50, Burham, Kent, Church of the Blessed Virgin. (J . R. Larkby) Antiq. n. s. 38: 297. Burial; a Grave Problem. (W. A. McLean) Green Bag. W 586. Burial Relics, Some Monastic. (H. Pentin) Antiq. n. s. 41: 2-4. Burial of St. Peter, The; a tale. (L. H. Lucas) Land of Sun. 8: 16. Buried Treasure. 115, Burke, Edmund, an Apostle of Conservatism. (B. J . Hoadley) Meth. R. 65: 102, (Stewart E. White) McClure, 27: 88 BURR Burke, Edmund, as a Statesman. (S. G. Kellogg) Calif. Univ. Chron. I: 30, —- on Party. (Goldwin Smith) Am. Hist. R. 11: 36. — on Religion and the Church. (W. F. P. Stockley) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 61, -— Style of. (W. Alexander) National, 47: 77.=Ecl. M. 146: 400, =Liv, Age, 249: 48, Burke. J . Butler, and his Experiments. Science, n. s. 22: 405. Burleigh, Bennett, and J ohnson’s Island. ard) M. of Hist. I: 306, 378, Burlesque in French Literature. Macmil. n. s. 2: 14 5. Burley-on-the-Hill House, Miss F inch’s History of. Ath. ’o2, 2: 147. Burlington House, “ Old Masters ” at. (J . P. Richter) Art J. 54: 81.—Ath. ’o2, 1: 57-2S1.——Ath. ’o3, 1: 56, 89, 12o,153.—-Ath.’o6, 1: 24, 84.—Spec. 90: 52, Burlington, N. J. List of Freeholders, 1745. (C. E. Godfrey) Pennsyl. M. 29: 421. Burmah. (F. Fryer) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 153. — At the Play in. (J. A. M. Gyl) Blackw. I71: 562. —— Colonial Administration of. (A. Ireland) Outl. 75: (F. J . Shep- 127, — The Little Widows of a Dynasty. (Mrs. E. Cotes) Harper, I06: 115, — Nisbet on. Nature, 652 243. — With Lord Curzon in. (E. C. Cotes) National, 30: 122.—Scrib. M. 32: 58. Burnaud, Eugene, Painter of Bible Scenes. ton) Everybody’s, 9: 711, Burne-Jones, E. (VV. Knight) Fortn. 86: 671, -—- Life and Art of. (Greenough White) Conserv. R. 5! 212. —Ed. R. 201: 237,-:Liv, Age, 244: 37,-— (M. S. Stillman) Nation, 80: 115, -— Church Q. 60: 333. —— Sat. R. 992 33. — (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 46: n8.—Spec. 94: 111. -(Basil de Se- lincourt) Indep. R. 52 117. — (E. K. Dunton) Dial, 38: 145. —(Julia Cartwright) Monthly R. 18, no. 3: 17.=Liv. Age, 245: 461.=Ec1. M. 145: 41. -— Studies by. Studio (Internat.) 22: 312, Burnett, Frances Hodgson, at Home. (C. Harwood) Critic, 40: 230. Burney, Fanny. See Arblay, Madame d’. Burney Family, Chronicles of the. Ath. ’O6, 22 647. —Spec. 97: 828. Burnham, Capt. Jesse, Reminiscences of. Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 5: 12. Burning of the Boats, The. 11. s. 741 209. Burns, John. (J. McCarthy) Outl. 73: 583. — Labor Minister. (E. Knight) Outl. 82: 793. — The Working-minister. (R. Donald) 19th Cent. 59: 191.:Ec1. M. 146: 283.:Liv. Age, 249: 75. Burns, Robert. (W. Clark) Canad. M. 19: 394. — as Commentator; Some Original Notes by the Poet. Chamb. J. 80: 401. — as an English Poet. (D. C. Murray) Contemp. 82: 648. :Liv. Age, 235: 681. =Ecl. M. 140: 194, —— as a Song Writer, Dick’s. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 96: 512. — “Charlie he ’s my Darling” and other Originals. (T. F. Henderson) Scot. Hist. R. 3: 171. — Cult of, in America. (J . M. Dixon) Chamb. J . 80: 785. — The Man and the Poet, with portraits. (J . Haw- thorne; W. M. Payne) Booklover’s M. I : 267. -— Popularity of Poetry of. (W. B. Wilson) Meth. R. 65: 430. — To; a poem. (R. Bridges) Monthly R. 6, no. 3: 157, Burns Recital, A; a story. (C. B. Going) Am. M. 61: 507. Burr, Aaron, and Morgan, G., Interesting Letters of. (G. D. W. Vroom) Pennsyl. M. 26: 370, (C. Brin- (G. Sieveking) Gent. M. BURR Burr, Aaron, as Lawyer, with portrait. (E. L. Didier) Green Bag, 14: 451. —-— Conspiracy of, McCaleb’s. (C. Becker) Nation, 77: 36. -- First Love of. (Mrs. J . K. Van Rensselaer) Lippinc. 69= 757. -- How Pres. Jefferson was informed of his Conspir- acy. (J . M. Morgan) Pennsyl. M. 27: 56. —— Trial of. (I. M. Tarbell) McClure, 18: 404. — (F . T. Hill) Harper, I13: 3, — True Love of. (L. K. Mabie) Munsey, 28: 437, 852. 29: 54, 210, Burrell, John, Diary of, 1759-60. E. Reg. 59: 352. Burro, Brother. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 4: 106, Burroughs, John. (W. S. Kennedy) Californian, 6: 187 (W. L. Palmer) N. —-— as Prose Writer. (H. M. Stanley) Dial, 32: 7. —— at Riverby on the Hudson. Craftsman, 8: 565. — Bird and Bough. (E. M. Thomas) Critic, 49: 139. —- Celery-growing of. (Julian Burroughs) Ctry Life Am. 9: 311. — Ways of Nature. (H. M. Judd) Nation, 82: 59. Burroughs, Stephen. (G. H. Hubbard) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 62. Burroughs Adding Machine. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 698. Burslem Art School, Ceramic Work of. (E. N. Scott) Studio (Internat.) 27: 333. Burton, John Hill. History of Scotland, Errors in. (W. L. Mathieson) Scot. Hist. R. 1: 48. Burton, Sir Richard. Acad. 70: 277, 303. —— A Reminiscence of. Chamb. J . 81: 538. —— Wanderings in Three Continents. (H. M. Stanley) Dial, 32: 244. —— Wright’s Life of. Dial, 41: 29.—(D. B. Macdon- ald) Nation, 83: 205. ——(H. S. Krans) Out]. 84: 84. Burton, Robert. Anatomy of Melancholy; an Odd Sort of Popular Book. (G. Bradford, Jr.) Atlan. 93= 548- Burton, Stephen, of Bristol, R. I., and some of his Descendants. (S. A. Smith) N. E. Reg. 60: 28, Burton House Beautiful, The; a story. (M. and R. Dawson) Munsey, 28: 763. Burton-in-Lonsdale, Excavations in Castle Hill. M. White) Antiq. n. s. 41: 411, Bury St. Edmunds. (Urbanus Sylvan) Cornh. 90: 403. Busch, W., Art of. (Robert C. Brooks) Bookman, 22: (H. 10, Bush, The Vintner’s. (H. C. Bolton) J. Am. Folk- Lore,‘ 15: 40. Bushido, the Japanese Ethical- Code. (A. Stead) Monthly R. I4, no. 3: 52.:Liv. Age, 241: 115, Bushmen, whom No Man can Tame. (C. Messer) Good Words, 45: 179. Bushnell, Horace, and Ritschl, Albrecht; a compari- son. (G. B. Stevens) Am. J. Theol. 6: 35, — Albrecht Ritschl, and Sabatier ; a comparison. B. Stevens) Ref. Ch. R. 50: 321, — as a Theologian. (F. H. Foster) Bib. Sac. 59: 601. — Secret of. (T. T. Munger) Outl. 71: 1063. — Theology of. (G. B. Stevens) Meth. R. 62: 692, Business and Science. (James T. Young) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 28. —-— the Genius of the U. S. (C. Ferguson) Nat’l M. (Bost,) 18: 248, 348. i — The Literature of. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 409- — Moral Tone in, Improvement of. World’s Work, 8: 4955. - — New Science of. World’s Work, 10: 6435, 6673, 7682. —- Organization for Quick Results. (Kendall Banning) World’s Work, 11: 7014, (G. (T. F. Woodlock) 139 BUTLER Business. Our Business Outlook. (Scrutator) No. Am. 183: 640. — Professional Training for. Work, 8: 4767. —- Prospects in, as a Career. — Publicity and Reform in. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 143. —-— “Regenerating,” Ways of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 462, — Science in Conducting. (A. Brownell) World’s Work, (H. L. Person) World’s Cornh. 87: 620, (H. Clews) Ann. Am. 9= 5596- —— Secret of, in the Management of Men. (A Carne- gie) World’s Work, 6: 3520, — The Small, as a School of Manhood. (H. A. Stim- son) Atlan. 93: 337. -— Training for. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 298. Business is Business. (M. Reed) Sund. M. 34: 340. Business of Empire. (E. Salmon) Fortn. 77: 1024, Business Basis for Public Schooling. (G. H. Martin) Educa. 26: 137. Business Colleges; why they succeed. tosh) Canad. M. 21: 314. Business Correspondence, Systematizing a. Page) World’s Work, 12: 7572. Business Department in a Public High School, Pur- pose of a Good. (C. P. Ellis) School R. 11: 123. Business Diplomats, Our. Indep. 57: 706. Business Doctor, The. (J . F. Gairns) Cassier, 30: (P. D. McIn- (E. D. 79- Business Education. (Harlow S. Person) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 341 IOI.-— Bank. M. (Lond.) 74: 341. —(Austin Lewis) Overland, n. s. 443 232. —(W. A. Scott) World To-day, 9: 878. - in Schools. (Joshua Fitch) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 488. Business “Engineer,” The. (R. Stevens) World’s Work, 6: 3445. Business Enterprise, Veblen’s Theory of. (J . St. G. Heath) Econ. R. 16: 492, ‘ Business Failures in Canada. Canad. M. 23: 51!. Business Libel, A ; a story. (J . Sykes) Cent. M. n. s. 70: 417, Business-man, English, The Paradox of. (R. E. Ver- nede) Macmil. 86: 450. -1 Eel. M. 140: 398. =Liv. 1&ge.236= 333. Business Outlook in 1904. Bank. M. (Lond.) 78: 673. Business Proposition, A. (Helen E. Richardson) Overland, n. s. 39: 955. Business Stagnation, Cause of. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 87. Business Success, Social Conditions and. Cortlandt) No. Am. 175: 517. Busoni, a Master of the Piano. (Harold E. Gorst) Sat. R. 102: 766, Buss, Robert Wm., Graphic Humorist, with portrait. (G. S. Layard) M. of Art, 26: 361, Busse, Ludwig. Geist und Korper. (J . Lindsay) Crit. R, 13: 223, Busy, Being, Illusion of. Sat. R. 97: 228. = Liv. Age, 240: 762, Butcher, S. H. Lectures at Harvard. Nation, 78: 270, Butler, Charles, Life of. Outl. 76: 1040. Butler, Howard Crosby. (E. M. Norris) Critic, 42: 516. Butler, James Davie. (W. P. Garrison) N ation, 81: (H. Bilgram) Ann. (R. B. Van (R. P. Keep) 4" . Butler, Nicholas Murray, with portrait. (E. D. Perry) Colum. Univ. Q. 4: 113. —— Cent. 41: 910. —-— With portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 170. —- Inaugural Address. Science, 11. s. : 641. — Exercises at Installation of, as President of Columbia University. Colum. Univ. Q. 4: supp. Butler, Samuel. Characters. Acad. 63: 290. BUTLER Butler, Samuel. Hudibras. Acad. 68: 119, - (M, Dickin) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 445. -— Hogarth of English Poetry. Westm. 166: 309, Butler, Samuel, 1835-1902. Ath. ’o2, 1: 81:9.--(R, A, Streatfield) Monthly R. 8, no. 3: 137, —Spec. 88: 405. —(D. MacCarthy) Indep. R. 3: 527, Butler Report, The. (P. Herbert) 19th Cent. 58: 167. Butte, Montana. (Helen F. Sanders) Overland, n. s. 48: 367. -—— Greatest of Copper Camps. (R. S. Baker) Cent. 43: 870. Butte County, Cal., Hills and Farms of. Olney) Overland, n. s. 39: 995. Butter, Adulteration of. (H. L. Puxley) Macmil. n. s. I: 607. — (C. Simmonds) Nature, 73: 466. —-'- Cheese, and Condensed Milk as Factory Products. (C. B. Lane) Cosmopol. 39: 193. - produced in U. S. ; a comparison. Everybody’s, 10: 235. Butter-making by Taylor’s Absorption Process. J . Frankl. Inst. 158: 233. Butterflies and Moths. (Anna Botsford) Ctry Life Am. 2: 50. — — Collecting, as an Industry. Am. 7: 630. — at the Zoiilogical Gardens in London. Sat. R. 1022 168. —— (Selwyn Image) Sat. R. 102: 267. -—— Collecting, with a Camera. (W. S. Rice) Out West, 19: 617. -- Dimorphic Mimicry among. Knowl. n. s. 2: 1. -— in Poetry. (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 93: 746, -—— Winter. (E. Kay Robinson) Good Words, 43: 65, Butterfly, The ; a story. (M. E. W. Freeman) Harper, 107: 441, Butterfly-hunter, The; (M. E. F ontaine) [Pall Mall M.] Liv. Age, 242: 245. Butterworth, Hezekiah. (Ralph Davol) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 507. Buxhall in Suflfolk, Copinger’s History of. Ath. ’o2, 2= 344. Buying a Sideboard. (W. S. Moody) Scrib. M. 39: 444. Buzzards, The. (C. A. Lyman) Outing, 41: 340. By Authority of the Commissioners; a story. (A. H. Warner) Munsey, 312 337. By the Book. (A. R. Carman) Canad. M. 25: 341. By Catalogue; a story. (B. Hanscom) Atlan. 93: 241. By Divers Portions _and in Divers Manners. (M. E. Beelars) Temp. Bar, 131: 159. By Favor of the Gods; a story. (A. S. Allen) Harper, 107: 172, By Firelight. (A. M. Daulton) Outl. 76: 827, By the Gentle Insistence of Zubi. (E. H. N efl’) Cent. 51: 98. By Hook or Crook. (M. Foster) Outing, 48: 348. By the Monk’s Well. Chamb. J. 83: 812, By my Faith as a Banker. (B. Copplestone) Cornh. 87: 370. By-products. The Later Day of Alchemy. (W. C. Morgan) Harper, I10: 620, -— Value of. (G. E. Walsh) Gunton’s M. 22: 456. By Proxy ; a story. (H. W. Phillips) McClure, 21 : 627. By Souvenir Postal Card; a story. (Margaret B. Slupp) Am. M. 61: 569. By Stages. (Gouverneur Morris) Cent. 50: 209, By Strategy. (C. Marriage) Longm. 41 : 547, By Strength of Arms and Artie. (M. Foster) Outing, 481 33- ' By the Terrors of the Law ; a story of Arkansas. (Alice French) Cent. 46: 258, By the Unfailing Band. (E. Vivian) Chamb. J . 82: (Caroline M. (F. W. Hewes) (P, Martyn) Ctry Life 697. By the Waters of Sparta. (E. F. Benson) Temp. Bar, 128: 151, Q 90 CABINET By Way of the Attic. (Walt Makee) Lippinc. 78: 69, By Way of Loss; a story. (M. J . Mayer) McClure, 23 : 292, By the Width of a Hair; a story. (S. M. Hall)~Land of Sun. 13: 37, 105. ‘ Byfield, Mass. Dummer Academy. (A. Woods) New Eng. M. n. s. 322 630. Byington, Ezra Hoyt. (G. M. Adams) N. E Reg. 56: 1 1 5, Bylow Hill. (G. W. Cable) Atlan. 89: 293-588. Byrd, Col. Wm., of Westover, Bassett’s Writings of. (W. H. Browne) Nation, 74: 253. — (A. M. Earle) Dial, 32: 308. Byrne, Miles. Irish Regiment under Napoleon. (S. Gwynn) Cornh. 921 355. Byron, Lord, and his N ature-Poetry. (P. Edgar) Canad. M. 19: 18. —- and Lady, Lord Lovelace on the Separation of. (Rowland E. Prothero) Monthly R, 22, no. 3: II. —- and Morals. (G. Rebec) Int. J. Ethics, 14: 39. — Burial of. Acad. 62: 435. —— Confessions. (A. B. MacMahan) Dial, 39: 235. - Don Juan. Acad. 64: 439. -—— —— Ethics of. (M. A. Gerothwohl) Fortn. 83: 1061, —- — Murray’s New Edition. (G. L. Kittredge) Nation, 77: 285, —— The King of the Humbugs. Good Words, 45: 467, S79- — Lord Lovelace and. (J . Murray) Monthly R. 22, I10: 2: I9. — Poetry of. Acad. 70: 5. -— A Study in Heredity. (C. Kassel) Arena, 36: 175, -— vs. Spencer. (J . Kindon) Internat. J . Ethics, 14: 362. -— Works; ed. by Coleridge and Prothero. (M. B. Anderson) Dial, 36: 389.—Ath. ’o4, 1: 645, 714. —(J. C. Collins) Quar. 202: 429, Bystander, The; a story. (Van T. Sutphen) Harper, 110: 79. Byway, Romance of the. Spec. 88: 940, Byzantine. (D. W. Clark) Meth. R. 63: 589. Byzantine Architecture. Ed. R. 200: 385.—Am. Arch. 86: 75. — in Greece. Church Q. 58: 295. Byzantine Craftsmanship. 575 311, 325- Byzantine Empire and the Crusades. (C. Diehl) Inter- nat. Mo. 5: 725. Byzantine Greece. 84: 3. Byzantium, Influence of, upon Rome. (A. L. Froth- ingham, jr.) Princ. Univ. Bull. 6: 38, (E. F. Reynolds) Art J. (W. Miller) Am. Arch. 83: 100, Caaba. The. (P. Carus) Open Court, 17: 151, Cabala, The Holy. Acad. 63: 57. Cabals of Exiles in the U. S. (B. Brandenburg) Book- lover’s M. 7: 806. Cabana, La. (G. E. Channing) Land of Sun. 8: 60, Cabbage, Black Rot of. (H. A. Harding; F. C. Stew- art) Science, 11. s. 20: 55. Cabeza De Vaca, Route of. (B. Ponton and others) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q.1: 166. 3: 54-230, 4: 1, Cabin on the Shoulder, The. (V. E. Roe) Munsey, 36: 206. Cabinet, English, Queer Side of the. Chamb. J. 83: 218, - President’s, Origin and Creation of the. Learned) Yale R. 15: 160. (H. Leach) (H. B. _ —- — Personal Impressions of New Members, 1906. Outl. 84: 745. Cabinet Ministers, Town Residences of. botham) Chamb. J . 791 577. Cabinet Oflicers in Congress. (E. A. Dodge) Sewanee, 11: 129, (Wm. Side- CABINET-WORK Cabinet-work, Home Training in. (G. Stickley) Crafts- man, 7: 713, 8: 85-663, 9: 864. 10: 658, 11: 120, 376, Cable, Geo. W. Bylow Hill. (F. W. Halsey) Bk. Buyer, 24: 469. Cable, The All-British. (Munro) Chamb. J . 791 375. Cables, needed for the British Empire. Sat. R. 93: 519- —— Ocean. (P. W. Hart) Lippinc. 70: 122, -— -—- How they unite the World. (D. Murray) World’s Work, 4: 2298, — Our Defenseless. (P. T. McGrath) Fortn. 78: 513. — Pacific, Vancouver to Australia. (W. C. Secretan) Pall Mall M. 281 393. — (T. C. Martin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 183. Cabmen, London. (V. Thompson) Outing, 45: 151. — New York Cab Driver and his Cab. (V. Thompson) Outing, 49$ 129. —— Paris. (V. Thompson) Outing, 43: 241. Cabot, S., Residence of. (A. C. David) Archit. Rec. 18: 263, Cabrillo, Voyage of, along Cal. Coast in I 542. Calif. M. 1: 100, 215, — Celebration at San Diego, The. Land of Sun. 1: 76. Cabs and Omnibuses. Spec. 97: 192. -— London, Centenary of. (H. C. Moore) Good Words, 46: 286, Cabul, The Mission to. Cachéd Buffalo Calf, The; a story. Munsey, 27: 399. Cacti of Arizona Deserts. (Sharlot M. Hall) Out West, 22: 363. —(D. Coolidge) Ctry Life Am. 5: 56, 93. —— (W. A. Cannon) Out West, 24: 25. Cactus, The. (Rosa de La Guerra) Land of Sun. 6: 133. —The Plant of Mystery. (A. J. Burdick) Am. M. ‘62: 204, -— -Spineless ; Latest Plant Marvel of Luther Burbank. (Hamilton Wright) World To-day, 8: 331. Cactus Family, Biology of. (WV. A. Cannon) Am. Natural. 40: 27. — of U. S. (C. R. Orcutt) Calif. M. 5: 177. Cadbury, George, with portrait. (Annie L. Diggs) Cosmopol. 351 482. Caddis-worm, The Net-making. Harper, I12: 276, Cadiz, Spain. (A. Symons) Sat. R. 94: 72. Cadmium, Estimation of, as the Oxide. (C. P. Flora) Am. J. Sci. 170: 456. — Estimation of, by Means of the Rotating Cathode. (C. P. Flora) Am. J. Sci. 170: 454. —— taken as the Sulphate, Use of the Rotating Cathode for the Estimation of. (C. P. Flora) Am. J . Sci. 170: 268, Cadwalader, Dr. Thomas, Sketch of. (C. W. Duller) Pennsyl. M. 27: 262, Caesar, Julius, Battlefields of, Visit to. son) School R. 13: 139. —- of Shakespeare and of History. (J . C. Allen) Poet- Lore, 13: 560. -—- Scott’s Portraiture of. (M. H. Morgan) Nation, 77: (A. Hamilton) Fortn. 84: 75. (A. C. Laut) (H. C. McCook) (W. Denni- 253- Caesar in Servitude. (Edith Rickert) Outl. 79: 840. Caesarea, Zur Topographic von. (S. Kraus) Jew. Q. 141 745- Caesium, Chromates of. (F. R. Fraprie) Am. J . Sci. 171: 309, Caiitani, Don Michel-Angelo, the Patriot Duke of Ser- moneta. (C. L. H. Demster) Monthly R. 20, no. 1: 133. Cafaggiolo, Majolica so signed. (Henry Wallis) Ath. ’02, 1: 824, Café, The, a Substitute for the Saloon. (Louis B. Pink) Indep. 60: 508, 91 CALEDONIA Café Procope, The. (A. M. Rothrock) Lippinc. 77: 702, Cafés, Continental. (H. K. Vielé) Cosmopol. 37 Z 651. Cagliostro. (A. Laugel) Nation, 782 37. — and Freemasonry, Almeras’s. Sat. R. 972 422. —- The Real. Macmil. 91: 130, —- A Study in Charlatanism. (H. R. Evans) Monist, 13: 523. “ Cahoot,” Origin of. (C. B. Wilson) Nation, 76: 311, Caimanera Mines, Lifting the. (A. M. Dalton) Over- land, n. s. 44: 25, Cain and the Moon. (O. F. Emerson) Ath. ’06, 2: 186, — Who was his Wife ? (W. H. Kesteven) I9th Cent. 531 33°- Caine, Hall, Open Letters to. Good Words, 43: 217, Caird, E., on the Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers. (R. P. Hardie) Mind, 30: 403, Cairo, Climate of. Science, 11. s. 18: 217, — Monuments at, Preservation of. Ath. ’06, I: 771, ——Streets of. (R. H. Blanchard) World’s Work, 4: 2045- Caissons in Bridge Building. (T. Oliver) J . Soc. Arts, ' 541 667. Caitlin Dhu. (S. MacManus) Lippinc. 71: 706, Cake-walk, Origin of the. (R. F. Smith) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 300. Calaveras Cave, California. M. 4: go. Calcite, Fetid, Interesting Variety of, and the Cause of its Odor. (B. J. Harrington) Am. J . Sci. 169: (Lillian E. Purdy) Calif. 345- - New Type of, from the Joplin Mining District. (D. B. Sterrett) Am. J. Sci. 168: 73. Calcite-prehnite Cement Rock, in the Tuff of the H01- yoke Range. (B. K. Emerson) Am. J . Sci. 167: 277- Calcite-sand Crystal, New Form of. (E. H. Barbour and C. A. Fisher) Am. J. Sci. 1541 45!. Calcites, Some Phosphorescent, from Fort Collins, C0lo., and Joplin, Mo. (W. P. Headden) Am. J . Sci. 171: 301, Calcium, Metallic, in Chemical Reactions. (J . B. Tingle) Science, n. s. 23: 712. Calculus, Differential, Introduction to, by Means of Finite Differences. (Roberdean Buchanan) Pop. Astron. I3: 245, 309, — Gibson’s New Treatise on. (G. M. Minchin) Nature, 65: 530. — Granville’s Differential and Integral. (J . Pier- pont) Science, 11. s. 21: 64. — Lodge’s Integral. (G. H. Bryan) Nature, 73: 337. — of Variations, Bolza on. (E. R. Hedrick) Science, 11. s. 22: 865. Calcutta, Black Hole of, Blackw. I74: 220, —- The City of. (C. E. Buckland) J . Soc. Arts, 541 275- — A Reminiscence of 1857. Chamb. J. 82: 428. —- Siege of, 1755-57. Blackw. 172: 836. —— Visit to. (R. E. Desmond) Californian, 2: 495. Calderon de la Barca, Pedro, How did he know Shake- speare’s Plays ? (H. Reade) ‘Westm. I60: 84. 1756- (G. W. Forrest) -—- English Translations of. (E. Murphy) Cath. Univ. Bull. 5: 72 — A Spanish Romeo and Juliet. (H. Reade) Westm. 161: 195. Calderon, George. Dwala. Monthly R. 15, no. 3: 19. Caldwell, Charles, of Guilford, Conn., and his De- scendants. (R. D. Smyth and B. C. Steiner) N. E. Reg. 58: 36. Caleb Jones. (R. W. Child) Atlan. 97: 494. Caledonia Mine ; a Sociological Experiment. (A. Cook) Outl. 83: 73. CALENDAR Calendar, The Amorite. (C. H. W. Jones) Expos. 7th 391* Ii 123- 337- —- Ancient Mexican, Periodic Adjustments of. (Zelia N uttall) Am. Anthrop. 6: 486, — Babylonian. Amer. Antiq. 28: 251, —— Chinese. (W. J . Hornsby) Pop. Astron. 10: 229, -— Excursion in a. Spec. 86: 139. -— A Possible. (G. M. Searle) Cath. World, 82: 239. -— Reform of the. (F. Legge) Acad. 63: 118. — (C. H. Genung) No. Am. 179: 569 Calendars, Ancient. Nature, 68: 593. — —- and Constellations, Plunket on. der) Knowl. 27: 1, — Chinese and Central American, Ideograms of. H. Geoghegan) Monist, 16: 562, —— Japanese. (E. W. Clement) Am. Antiq. 25: 25, 247. Calhoun, John C., Correspondence of. (G. M. Pinck- ney) Sewanee, 10: 429. -— (E. G. Bourne) Am. Hist. R. 7: 372. -—— Political Theory of. (C. E. Merriam) Am. J . Sociol. 7: S77- -— Principles, Acts, and Utterances of, Promotive of the Union. (J . L. M. Curry) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 3: 93- Caliban. (O. L. Triggs) Poet-Lore, 17, no. 4: 76. California. Ctry Life Am. -1: 71. -— and its Resources. (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 18: 3. — and the Southern Pacific Railroad. (A. Del Mar) Californian, 3: 207. -—— The Ark People of. (C. Vostrovsky) Land of Sun. 15: 17. , -—— Army and Navy Homes in. (A. H. Dutton) Army & Navy Life, 9: 573. -— Art in ; Old Masterpieces owned there. mis) Out West, 21: 211, — as a Gem State. (G. E. Bailey) Overland, n. s. 40: 468. — as a Health Resort. (P. C. Remondino) Calif. M. 4: 68:. —— as a Place of Residence for the Scholar. Dodge) Lib. J . 30: 793. - Big Trees of. (C. H. Hittell) Out West, 21: 307. -— (A. Kinney) Calif. M. I: 115. M Birds of. (V. Garland) Overland, n. s. 43: 386, —— Builders of. (F. M. Pixley) Overland, n. s. 41: 126, —— — Franciscan Period. (F. M. Pixley) Overland, n. s. 41: 192-367. —— Building it up by Publicity. World To-day, 8: 320, -—— Building up a State by Organized Effort. ton Wright) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 212. — Camp Meetings in, Passing of. (L. B. Davis) Out West, 19: 262, —- Climate of. (W. Lindley) Calif. M. 1: 54. - — and Resources of. (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 16= 569. 595- —- Climatology of. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 19: 353. —— Coast of, Discovery of. (R. A. Thompson) Out West. 16: 353. 489. — Congressional Campaign in, A. Out West, I7: 758, -—— Country Life of. (A. J. Wells) Ctry Life Am. 1: 75. -—— Curiosities of. Overland, n. s. 43: 123, -— Dairy Industry of. (E. C. Smith) Overland, n. s. 43: 268. — Division of the State. 3: 124, —- — Needed. (A. Kinney) Calif. M. 4: 387, - -—— Impossible. (M. M. Estee) Calif. M. 4: 397, -— Early Days of. Out West, 22: 3, I36. -—— Educational Institutions of. (P. N. Beringer) Over- land, n. s. 44: 653. -— Camps and Tramps in. (E. W. Mann- (R. (C. F. Lum- (M. G. (Rufus P. Jennings) (Hamil- (N. E. Smythe) (J . P. Widney) Californian, (J . H. Rogers) Char. I3: 61, 92 CALIFORNIA California, Civilization in, Conditions of a. (W. C. Jones) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 45. —— Ethnological and Archaeological Survey of. (B. I. Wheeler and F. W. Putnam) Science, n. s. 18: 570. —- Exposition, 1894. (J . J . Peatfield) Calif. M. 5: 145. -—— (M. H. De Young) Calif. M. 5: 393. — First Ship of, “El Triunfo de la Cruz.” (T. H. Hittell) Californian, I: 15. —- Flowers in. (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 22: 307. - —- Forest Trees in. (Bertha F. Herrick) Calif. M. 5: 81, —- From‘ Chicago to. 2 -— Fruit Crops of, Saving. (W. S. Harwood) Cent. 49: (C. R. Pattee) Land of Sun. 7: 571. —— Fruits and Flowers of. (C. G. Norton) Overland, n. s. 40: 371. ~— Gardens in, how they Grow. Californian, 1: 119, —- Geographical Peculiarities of. (T. H. Hittell) Land of Sun. 15: 152. -— The Golden Story of. (N. Dent) Munsey, 36: 135, -— Hermits of. (H. L. Jones) Out West, 21: 517. -— Highway, The King’s. (Auguste Wey) Land of Sun. 3: 156. —- —- —— The Cordon of. (C. F. Holder) Land of Sun. 3: 269. . ‘ -— History of, Early; trans. of Viceroy Revilla-Gigedo’s Report, 1768-93. Landof Sun. 11: 32, 105, 168, 225, 283, -—— -— — trans. of Fray Zarate-Salmeron’s “ Relacion,” 1538-1626. Land of Sun. 11: 336. 12: 39, 104, 180, —- — --trans. of Escalante’s Letter, 1778. Land of Sun, 12: 247, 309. —— — —— The Expeditions of 1769. Land of Sun. 14: 485. 15: 38. —- Home-Garden in. (A. V. Stubenrauch) Ctry Life Am. I: 95. — in 1772. Out West, 16: 56. — in 1849. Land of Sun. 13: 167, 272. —— Its Resources and History. (C. F. Lummis) Out West. 17¢ 3-527. ——John Brown Colony No. 1. Calif. M. I: 198. —Journalism in, before the “ Gold Rush.” (K. A. Chandler) Land of Sun. 14: 314, 403, (Josephine Clifford) (W. H. B. Hayward) — — Early. (D. E. Gordon) Overland, n. s. 432 363. -—— Trinity Journal. (D. E. Gordon) Overland, n. s. 43: 476. — —- —— John Rollin Ridge. — —— -— Humbolt Times. 11. s. 44: 423. — — Pioneer. (J . M. Scanland) Bookman, 23: 40. —— Lake Country. (F. De Laguna) Out West, 19: 262, —— Libraries of, Smaller. (W. P. Kimball) Pub. Lib. 4: 224, —- Library Field in. (F. J . Teggart) Pub. Lib. 4: 209. -—— Library Situation in. (Joy Lichtenstein) Pub. Lib. I0: 280, —— Lower. Land of Sun. 9: 261. -—Mail Route in, First. (W. J . Handy) Out West, 25: 174. -— Mendocino County, its Woods and Rugged Shore. (M. Troili) Out West, 22: 379. —- Midwinter Sun Mystery. (Mabel H. Brown) Over- land, 11. s. 45: 223. —-Mission Buildings. (G. W. James) Craftsman, 5: 321. 5: 541.-—(Laura B. Powers) Calif. M. 2: 547. 4: 142.——(Frances F. Victor) Californian, 5: 389, 514, 6: 15, -—— — Destruction of the. (B. J . Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 657. Overland, n. s. 44: 128, (D. E. Gordon) Overland, CALIFORNIA California, Mission Buildings, Paintings of, by Edwin Deakin. (R. L. Hewitt) Brush & P. 15: I. — — Preservation of the Old. Out West, I9: 5. —-— La Purisima. Out West, 23: 257. — National Guard. (C. C. Allen) Calif. M. 1: 541. -—-Native Languages of. (R. B. Dixon and A. L. Kroeber) Am. Anthrop. 5: I. —- Nature and Art in. (G. Stickley) Craftsman, 6: 370. -— Naval Battalion. (W. F. Burke) Calif. M. 4: 548, — Netherlands of. (L. Abbott) Outl. 78: 462. —- New Inland Sea of. (F. G. Martin) Booklover’s M. 7: 679: — Newspaper in, The First. (W. J . Handy) Out West, 23: 59. — — Extracts from, 1846. 23: 358. 24: 234. —- Normal Schools. (F. Burke) Ednca. R. 25: 3:4. — Northern. (C. H. Shinn) Land of Sun. 7: 140. — —- and its Riches. (Katherine Odenbaugh) Over- . land, 11. s. 45: 123. —— Oil-fields in, Newest. : 489. Turnpike Road from Placerville to Virginia (M. S. Meigs) Out West, 21: 403, (Arthur Inkersley) New Eng. M. (W. J . Handy) Out West, (H. A. Crafts) Overland, n. s. 44 -— Old City. —— Olive Culture in. n. s. 31: 643. — Outdoor Life in. (J. G. Brayton) Out West, 21: 267. — (J . W. Tompkins) Outing, 41: 442. -— Palm Valley. (G. H. Fitch) Calif. M. 1: 646. — Pinnacle Rocks of San Benito County. (S. S. Hain) Out West, 23: I27. — a poem. (C. W. Stoddard) Land of Sun. 10: 3. — Possibilities in. (A. J . Wells) Out West, 23: 345. -— Reading List on. (M. T. Pierce) Land of Sun. 9: 28, 76, - Redwoods of, Camping in. (H. S. Brock) Out West, 20: 401. — Regulations for the Government of 1781. Land of Sun. 6: 77, 117, 153, 193, 251, - Relics of Old. (Juan de Rio) Land of Sun. 14: 111, 205, —— Reminiscences of Early. (J . Bidwell) Out West, 20: 76-21: 193. — Resources and People of. (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 18: 139, 287, 415. —Right Hand of the U. S. (C. F. Lummis) Out VVest.I7= 3-527. 18: 139.287.699- —- San Mateo Country. (W. de Jung) Out West, 16: 223, — Schools in, Pioneer. (M. E. Dudley) Land of Sun. 10: 241, — Some Popular Fallacies about. (Elizabeth A. Ward) Overland, n. s. 45: 509. —— Southern. (C. H. Shinn) Californian, 3: 446. -— (L. Abbott) Outl. 78: 13, — — Architecture in. (E. Grey) Archit. Rec. 17: I. -— — Cities of. (L. Abbott) Outl. 78: 116, — —- Climate of. (Horace Edwards) Land of Sun. 1: 44. — (Owen Capelle) Land of Sun. 1: 114, — — Climates of. (P. C. Remondino) Calif. M. 1: 58. — — Climatic Studies in. (J . P. Widney) Californian, 2: 460, — - Coaching in. (C. F. Holder) Calif. M. 1: 327, -— —- Collection of Antiquities. (F. M. Palmer) Out West, 22: 23. _ —- —Education in. (C. C. Davis) Land of Sun. 9: 212, —-— — Fishing in. (C. F. Holder) Outing, 43: 425, -— — Forest Reserves. (S. Laner) Out West, 22: 163, — — Fruit Exchange of. Out West, 18: 773, — —- The Giant Infant and its Golden Spoon. (L. Dou- gall) Monthly R. 14, no. 2: I53. 93 CALIFORNIA California, Southern, Home Life in. (C. F. Holder) Land of Sun. 7: 255. . — —— in the Land of Sunshine. World To-day, 8: 171, — — Memories of. (E. B. Custer) Land of Sun. 3: 51. —— — Mountains of. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 3: 119, — —— Olden Times in. (H. E. Brook) Land of Sun. I: 29. — — Out-of-door Studies in. (Estelle Thomson) Land of Sun. 2: 42-100. 3: 23-266. — — Resorts in. Land of Sun. 1: 1. -— — ARodeo in. (H. A. Vachell) Cornh. 88: 652, = Liv. Age, 240: 145. =Ecl. M. 142: 351. — —— The Sea Coast of. Land of Sun. 2: 1. ' — Spanish Friars in. (B. J . Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. 27: (Henry Kingrnan) 760, — Sportsmen Clubs of. (A. Lee) Outing, 39: 5 35. — State Flower of. (Grace H. Tower) Overland, n. s. 39: 885. — State Normal School at San José. A Memorable Commencement. (H. M. Bland) Overland, n. s. 48= I57. — “ State Redwood Park,” How obtained. (J . C. McCracken) Out West, 20: 33. — Statute of User and Trusts. (J . Curry) Am. Law R. 36: 641. — Stone Relics of. Am. Antiq. 27: 169, -— Submarine Valleys of the Coast. (W. S. T. Smith) Science, 11. s. 15: 670. —— Summer Resorts in. (A. J . Wells) Out West, 19: I15, — Taxation in. (C. T. Hopkins) Californian, 3: 139. — Theatre in. (Mary T. Austin) Californian, 1: 20, — Tilling the “ Yules ” of. (A. J. Wells) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 312. — Towns and Places in, History, Origin, and Meaning of Some. (G. E. Bailey) Overland, n. s. 44: 39, ' 199. 558- -— under the Friars. (J . S. Hittell) Californian, 3: 432. — University of, Architectural Plans for Future. (J . G. Howard) Calif. Univ. Chron. 5: 273. — — Benefactors of. (B. I. Wheeler) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: 260, — — Cadets of. Overland, n. s. 41: 476. —— — Faculty Club. (L. Hutchinson) Calif. Univ. Chron. 5: I96. — — Financial Condition and Needs. Out West, 24: 311, — — Founders of. (S. H. Willey) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: 18, — — Growth in, 1902-03, Chron. 6: 8o. — — Laying of Corner Stone of Hearst Memorial Min- ing Building. Calif. Univ. Chron. 5: 292. — -— Old and New. (J . Royce) Calif. Univ. Chron. 5: 92. —- — Record of 1902. (V. Henderson) Calif. Univ. Chron. 5: 33, 104, 246, —— —— Record of Progress, I905. Univ. Chron. 7: 231, — Vineyards of. (Sallie R. Heath) Californian, 2: 216. —- Vintage of. (C. F. Holder) Outing, 47: 568. — Weather of. (J . P. Finley) Calif. M. I: I7. — when it is in Holiday Attire. (I. Choynski) Over- land, 11. s. 44: 164, —- Why? (Mark Sullivan) Overland, n. s. 45:- 237. — Wild Flowers of. (Bertha F. Herrick) Calif. M. 3: 3. —- Writers of. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 8: 206, 260. — Calif. M. 3: 728. — Year 1902 in Art. Overland, n. s. 40: 386. -— —— in Sculpture. Overland, n. s. 40: 447. — Yolo County. (R. A. Thompson) Out West, 17: 121. California Academy of Sciences. Science, 11. s. 231824, (B. I. VVheeler) (B. I. Wheeler) Calif. Univ. (A. H. Allen) Calif. 887. -— (C. F. Holder) Calif. M. 3: 229. Calla Lily, The. CALIFORNIA California Antiquities; a Loan Exhibit. Calif. M. 2: 335, 504, California Days, Old. Land of Sun. 7: 239. 8: 24-230, California Eve, A. (Lucia E. Loring) Overland, n. s. 43= 410. California Gas and Electric Corporation. Overland, n. s. (A. Way) 45‘ '- California Hall. Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 44. California Hop Garden, A. (Janet MacDonald) Over- land, 11. s. 451 325. California Housekeeping in 1849. Land of Sun. 13! 108. California Indians and their Food. Californian, 4: 443, California Lake Country. (G. C. Brooke) Calif. M. 21 (B. B. Redding) 315- California Library Association, Meeting, Dec. 1905. Lib. J. 312 77.— Pub. Lib. I0: 536. II: 151, California Millionaires. Early. Calif. M. 31 74. Californian’s Tale. (Mark Twain) Harper, 1041 601. Californians, Early. (Joaquin Miller) Californian, 32 48 ‘ California’s Harvest Home. (C. V. Norton) Overland, n. s. 40: 429. California’s Opportunity at Chicago’s World Fair. (M. De Young) Calif. M. I! I5. Caliphate, The Fight for the. Am. I81: 229, Caliposa Christmas Goose, A. (H. M. Hoyt) Overland, n. s. 42: 479. Call, A; a story. (G. M. Cooke) Harper, I13: 369. Call, The; a story. (J . Hopper) McClure, 22: 200, Call of the Subtle. (L. Simmons) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 118. (W. F. Bullock) No. (Nydia) Land of Sun. I: 41. Callandrean, O. (W. E. Plummer) Nature, 69: 441. Callaway, Samuel R., with portrait. Cassier, 21: 519. Callaway’s Code. (O. Henry) Munsey, 35: 687. Calligraphy and Illumination. (E. Johnston) J . Soc. A1-ts. 53= 323- Calling Ribs Mock to Mind. (B. Brandenburg) Every- body’s, I4: 321. Callousness. Spec. 94: I33. Calms, A Study of. (E. G. Dexter) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 521, Calne, The Town and District of. Antiq. n. s. 40: 266. Calthorp, Samuel Robert. Craftsman, 92 2. Calumet and Hecla Mine. (S. E. Moffett) Cosmopol. 343 679. — (T. Waters) Everybody’s, II: 336. Calvert, Edward, 1799-1883, as Artist. Art J . 56: 380. Calvin, Jean. (J . W. Moncrief) Am. J . Theol. 8: 331- — and Macchiavelli. (J . J . O’Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 680, — Brunetiere on Work of. 60: 148, — Doumergue’s. (H. D. Foster) Bib. Sac. (C. Borgeaud) Am. Hist. R. 71 350. 91 797- —Theological System of. (J . W. Richard) Luth. Q. 331 316- Calvinism, Renaissance of. (Frederic Platt) Liv. Age, 232: 8". Calvo, Carlos, and the Calvo Doctrine. Green Bag, 18: 377. Cam, On the, with a Camera. (L. E. Beedham) Sund. M. 34: 911. Camargue, The. (D. H. Wilson) 19th Cent. 58: 267. -— (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 98: 758. Cambarus, Habits of. (J . A. Harris) Am. Natural. 37: 601. Cambodia and Angkor Thom. 88: 416. (P. Bordwell) (H. Clifford) Macmil. 94 l CAMERON Cambridge, Geo. W. F., Duke of. Art Collection sold. Art J. 56: 265. l — Military Life of, by W. Verner (Militarist). Fortn. 85: 281, Cambridge, England, and Cambridge, Mass. (C. S. Myers) Nature, 68: 572, . -— and the River Cam. (F. C. Brown) Archit. R. 10: 167. — Sir Leslie Stephen’s Sketches of. Putnam, 1: 187. — Stubbs’s Story of. Ath. ’o4, I : 104. — Sat. R. 101 : 136. Cambridge, Mass., Historic, Literary, Scientific. Waldo) Educa. 23: 559. -— Bridge at, New. Technol. R. 4: 1. Cambridge Cat-alogue ; verse. Harv. Grad. M. H : 358 (E. S. P. Hayne) (F. ' Cambridge Modern History. (M. Whitcomb) Am- Hist. R. 9: 142.—(J. Bryce) Nation, 76: 154.- (E. Emerton) Atlan. 91: 278. —Ed. R. 200: 152, —— (J. H. Robinson) Pol. Sci. Q. 181 681. ——-Vol. 2. Ath. ’O4, 21 229.——(E. D. Adams) Dial, 361 390. — (J . Bryce) Nation, 79: 78. — Spec. 93: 600. -— Monthly R. 15, no. 3: 12. -— Vol. 3. (J . Bryce) Nation, 80: 314. —Vol. 7. United States. Nation, 772 324.—(J. F. Jameson) Am. Hist. R. 92 365. —Ath. ’04, 22 7. — (F. H. I-Iodder) Dial, 352 79. — Vol. 8. (H. E. Bourne) Dial, 372 161. ——(J. Bryce) Nation, 79: 504. — Vol. 9. (J. Bryce) Nation, 83: 225, Cambridge University, and Oxford. A Study in Types. (E. S. P. Haynes) Cornh. 94: 684. — Colleges of, Drawings of. (V. H. Bailey) Studio (Internat.) 22: 113. — Endowments of; ed. by J . W. Clark. Ath. ’04', 23 376- —- in 1802. Acad. 70: 332. — Mathematical Tripos at. 424- — Mathematics and Science at. ture, 65: 510. — Need of General Culture at Oxford and. Armstrong) National, 40: 57. — Need of Tripos in Economics and Politics. Sat. R. 95: 319- — New Buildings of. Nature, 69! 413. —- Plea for. Quar. 2042 499. — Rag Disturbances. Sat. R. I00: 675. —— Religion in. Church 59: I, = Liv. Age, 243: 513. Camden, Maine. (M. S. Stimpson) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 3. Camel, Ancestry of the. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 27: (L. T. More) Nation, 83: (C. A. Rumsey) Na- (H. E. 27, — and Elephant Lore. (B. C. Finch) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 9. “ Camel of Jesus, The.” A Christmas Story of the Egyptian Colony in New York. (M. A. Hamm) Cent. 47: 245. \ Camels, Days and Nights with. Blackw. I76: 530. : Liv. Age, 243: 440. . — in the Colorado Desert. (H. G. Tinsley) Land of Sun. 6: 148. Cameo, Etymology of. 49= 177. Cameos. (C. Davenport) J . Soc. Arts, 491 I41. Camera, The. (L. W. Brownell) Outing, 442 774. — in a Country Lane. (S. Allen) Scrib. M. 312 679. —- in War-time. (T. F. Millard) Everybody’s, I0: 463, Camera Obscura, The. Atlan. 92: 428. Cameron, D. Y., Etcher. M. of Art, 27: 268. — Paintings and Etchings of. (W. Bayes) Studio (In- ternat.) 27: 3. (G. Birdwood) J. Soc. Arts, CAMERON Cameron, Donaldine, and the San Francisco Chinese Slave Trade. Everybody’s, II: 40. Cameron, Hugh. (E. Pinnington) Art J . 541 I7, 297. Camino Réal, The. (A. Wey) Out West, 152 430. —— Construction of. Out VVest, 20: 79, 277. Cammerhoff’s Journey to Shamokin, Pa., 1743. (J. W. Jordan) Pennsyl. M. 29: 160. Camoens, Luiz de. Chaut. 42: 5 33. — In the Footprints of. Macmil. n. s. I1 765.=Liv. Age, 250: 669, Camp, Evolution of a. (Boyd Bartlett and F. M. Smith) Ctry Life Am. 8: 516. — The Making of a Mountain. (Marion Randall) Out West, 24: 396. —— Ten Days in. (B. E. Wood) Ctry Life Am. 6: 26. Camp of the Good Fairy, The. (Mary R. S. Andrews) Scrib. M. 35: 443. Camp of Instruction. Blackw. I79: 325. Camp Architecture, Recent. (Alice M. Kellogg) Stu- dio (Internat.) 25: lxxiii-vi. 26: vi—x, Camp—ball. (C. F. Marsh) Longm. 42: 251, Camp-building. (D. Beard) Outing, 43: 116, Camp-keeping as a Fine Art. (H. S. Breck) Ctry Life Am. 2: 217. Camp-meeting at Bluff Springs, The; a story. (J . T. Bishop) Munsey, 32: 121, Camp Outfit. (A. M. F redericks) Outing, 42: 519, Campagna of Rome. (Katharine Wylde) Temp. Bar, 128: 303. Campaign, Retrospect of a Successful. Un. Serv. M. 291 7 7- Campaign Funds and Campaign Scandals. (J. F. Carr) Outl. 81: 549. —— Raising. World’s Work, 12: 8070, Campaign Orators. (L. Denison) Everybody’s, II: 361. Campaign Songs and Ballads. (Catherine F. Cava- naugh) Bookman, 20: 115. Campaigning, Political, by Special Train. (L. Deni- son) Everybody’s, II: 242, Campbell, Floyd. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 34: 371. Campbell, Francis. (C. H. Browning) Pennsyl. M. 28: 62. Campbell, Reginald J . Outl. 74: 591. —- Renascence of Nonconformity in England. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 707. Campbell, Thomas. (A. Symons) Fortn. 82: 415. I Liv. Age, 243: I67.—(L. Campbell) Monthly R. 10, no, 21 I10. Campbell, Wm. Wilfred, poet. (J . Graham) Canad. M. 26 :,\1o9, Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry. (J . McCarthy) Outl. 73: 3 53. 7- With portrait. (A. Goodrich) Am. M. 61: 681. —-R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 311 580. ——- (W. T. Stead) Indep. 59: 201. —— Liv. Age, 2471 814. — A Coronation Duke ? National, 39: 409. —— Opportunities of. (Vicar of Bray, pseud.) Fortn. 85: 228. ‘ —- the Pattern Englishman and his Record. (Scrutator) National, 461 823. -— Shall he become British Foreign Minister ? Na- tional, 43: 933. — Success of. (O. J. Villard) Nation, 83: 196. Campden Mystery, The. (A. Lang) Cornh. 89: 193, Campers by the Sea. (J W. Muller) Outing, 46: 143. Camphor Industry in Formosa, Perils of the. (F. H. Major) Overland, n. s. 401 65. Camping. (G. Morris) Outing, 42: 477. —- Art of. (D. Beard) World’s Work, 6: 3539. —- ——i A Woman’s View. (M. Coman) Outl. 71: 370. -— at St. Clair Flats. (D. S. Nasby) Outing. 46: 542, — Building Piers and Bridges. (D. Beard) Outing, 44: 383. (W. T. 95 CANADA Camping; Camp Cooking and how to build a Camp Stove and Oven. (D. Beard) Outing, 47: 383. — Camp Equipment. (S. E. White) Outing, 49: 401. — A Chat about. (E. Sandys) Outing, 40: 412. — Home-made Furniture for. (D. Beard) Outing, 46: 5°3- — How to build Beaver-mat Huts, Camps, etc. (D. Beard) Outing, 44: 766. — How to keep Game and Fish. (D. Beard) Outing, 45: 122, — in an Abandoned Farmhouse. (W. B. Forbush) Char. I0: 328. — in the Snow. (A. R. Dugmore) Ctry Life Am. 3: 111. — On the Miramichi. (W. J . Long) Outing, 41: 77. — Out with an Automobile. (H. Wisby) Outing, 452 739' — Tent with a Fireplace. (M. C. Ninde) Outing, 45: 113. — Wilderness, near Home. (R. Dunn) Outing, 44: 469. — Woman in the Woods, The. (R. A. Phillips) Out- _ ins. 46= 473- — Woman’s Dress for. 585. Campion, Edmund, History of Ireland. (J . H. Pollen) Month, 1062 56!. - Campo Indians of California, Relief of Famine among. (W. H. Smith) Out West, 22: 13. Campodonico, Caterina. (L. L. Pepper) Chaut. 43: 453- Camps, Military, Dust in, Suppression of. (S. D. Rockenbach) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: I27. — Summer Outing. (Annie E. S. Beard) World To- day. III 724. — Winter, How to build. (D. Beard) Outing, 431 742. 45= 370- Can Men now rise from the Ranks ‘P World’s Work, 12: 7964. Canaan before the Israelites. World, 25: 125. — Civilization of, in the 15th Century, B. 0. Paton) Bib. World, 20: 25, 113. —— Conquest of Northern. (L. W. Batten) J . Bib. Lit. 24: 31, — in the Century before the Exodus. Contemp. 88: 264. Canada after Twenty Years. (G. Parker) National, 462 708. I Canad. M. 26: 105. — Agricultural Profits of. (A. Blue) Canad. M. 23: 523- — American Invasion of. (A. Smith) Econ. R. 12: 427. ——(C. H. Williams) Monthly R. II, no. 22 43.: Liv. Age, 237! 714. — (J. H. Todd) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 44o.—(J. O. Curwood) Overland, n. s. 41: 392. -— (H. F. Cope) World To-day, 5: I551. -— — Efl:'ect of. (J . O. Curwood) World’s Work, 10: 6607, — Americanization of the Canadian Northwest. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 34: 603.--(C. W. Hagel‘) Nation, 77: 6. — and Alaska. (R. W. Shannon) Nation, 74: 51 . — and the Americanizing of English News. Sat. R. (R. A. Phillips) Outing, 44: (A. H. Sayce) Bib. (L. B. (A. H. Sayce) 93: 39- — and the British Empire. (G. Peel) Indep. R. I1 611. —— and Mr. Chamberlain. Canad. M. 22: 130. —- and the Chamberlain Movement. (J . W. Longley) Canad. M. 221 233. — (Goldwin Smith) Monthly R. 13, no. 1: 38. :Liv. Age, 239: 449.: Ecl. M. 142: 78. — (J. S. Ewart) Monthly R. 20, no. 32 I. —— and the Crown. (E. B. O.) National, 47: 694. — and the Empire; Symposium. Canad. M. 19: 307. — and Great Britain. (VV. L. Griflith) J. Soc. Arts, 52: 581, CANADA Canada and the Imperial Conference. (G. T. Denison) 19th Cent. 5II_ 900. -— and Imperial Defense. (E. B. Osborn) Un. Serv. M. 312 39. -— National, 48: 726, — and Imperial Ignorance. (W. B. Thomas) Monthly R. 9, no. 3: 69. — and its Fiscal Policy. (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 21: 82. — and its Trade Routes. (G. E. Church) Fortn. 89: 412 — and the Joint High Commission. (L. J . Burpee) No. Am. 181: 555. —- and the Monroe Doctrine. 54= 721. —— and the New Imperialism. 84: 761, —— and the Preferential Tariff. Sat. R. 96: Z57. —— (J . Davidson) Fortn. 80: 474. — (A. H. Flux) Econ. J . 13: 469. — and the St. Louis Exhibition. (J . H. Cooper) Canad. M. 24: 33. -— and the South African War. M, 19: 204, —— and the United States. (E. Farrer) Contemp. 90: 550. — (John Charlton) Indep. 54: I711. -—- Liv. Age, 249: Z47.—National, 47: 512. —(F. B. Tracy) No. Am. 177: 578. — — A Comparison. 29, —— Annexation of, to United States. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 184, — — Mr. Stead and. (J. A. Cooper) Canad. M. 19: ' 182, — An Appeal from. (W. F. Hathaway) Contemp. 82: (J . W. Foster) Indep. (E. Farrer) Contemp. (N. Patterson) Canad. (V. E. Fuller) Canad. M. 26: (J . H. Dickson) 89. — Army of, New. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 524. -— Attitude toward the U. S. (VV. S. Harwood) World’s Work, 9: 5851. —— Auditing Public Accounts in. Canad. M. 21: 67, -— Banking, Commerce, and Manufactures in. Bank. (J . L. McDougall) M. (N. Y.) 64: 709, 65: 208, 690, 66: 240, 67: 241, 982, 68: 247, 70: 109, — Boundary of, with United States. (J . W. Foster) Nat. Geog. M. 14: 85. — Branch Banks and Agricultural Development. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 653. — Budgetary System of. (R. C. Matthews) J . Pol. Econ. 10: 409. — The Canadian Northwest School Question. (W. F. P. Stockley) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 472. -— Canal System of. (M. M. Wilner) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 321 177. — Census of 1901, Results of. Soc. 69: 433. -—- Charity in, Some Aspects of. Month, 100: 337. — Church-union Movement in. (J . P. Gerrie) R of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 720. — A Coming New Republic? New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 498. —- Commercial and Industrial Expansion of. (P. T. McGrath) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 77, — Commercial Independence, Growing. (E. Wiman) No. Am. 176: 692. ‘ -—- Confederation of, and George Brown. (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 25: 211. —— Constitution, Should it be amended ? (J . C. Brown) Canad. M. 19: H7. — Cost of Living in. 806, -—- Currency of, Elasticity of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 80, (A. W. Flux) J . Statis. (V. M. Crawford) (J . C. Mcllwraith) Cornh‘. 90: 96 CANADA Canada, Degree-granting Institutions in. (W. F. Lord) 19th Cent. 60: 765, -—- Development of. (G. W. Colles) Cassier, 27: 283, — Dominion of. (C. F. Lavell) Chant. 44: 289, -— (M. Minto) National, 45: 63. — — when it was Young. (J . E. B. McCready) Canad. M. 27: 68, 252, 453. —- Dominion Exhibition. (J. Johnson) Canad. M. 21: 234. — The Dominion’s 40th Birthday. Liv. Age, 250: 375- — Eastern Townships of. (L. S. Channell) Canad. M. 19‘ 34- — Elections in, 1904. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 79: 369. ‘ — Engineering Trade of. 164, —— Expansion of. Canad. M. 27: 439. —- Farmers and Fishermen of. (A. L. McCredie) Canad. M, 23: 520, — Feeling in, The Real. (W. P. Digby) Westm. 164: (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 773 377. — The Fight for, Wood’s. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 79: 2 — Financial Relations of the Dominion of, and the Provinces. (J . Davidson) Econ. J . I 5: 164, -— First Years of British Rule in. (Sir G. Parker) Ecl. M. 139: 646.: Liv. Age, 234: 694. —— Foreign Invasion of. (A. S. Hard) Fortn. 78: 1055. — Foreign Population of the West of. (J . Davidson) Econ. J. 12: 97. 4 — Forests and Forestry in. Arts, 52: 721. — Forests of. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 106. — (Wilfrid Laurier) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 504. -— French, Clerical Feeling in. Monthly R. 24, no. (A. H. Unwin) J. Soc. 3. 63. — -—- Glimpses of. (R. Lemieux) J . Soc. Arts, 54: 178, — French and English Militia in. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34= 146. ——from 1867 to 1903. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 21: I95- — From Quebec to James Bay. (E. T. D. Chambers) Canad. M. 20: 507, — Future of. (R. Barr) Idler, 27: 381.— Outl. 75: 520. — -— and Reciprocity with United States. (E. G. Hay) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 462. — — and Sir Wilfrid Laurier. (W. R. Stewart) Apple- ton’s M. 31 573. — Geological Survey of ; Mr. Low as director. D. Adams) Nature, 75: 149. — Governors-General of. (J . Macdonald Oxley) World To-day, 8: 33. -—- Granary of the Empire. (F. (R. Machray) 19th Cent. 54‘ 314- — The Great Duel with France. (C. F. Lavell) Chant. 44- 63: —— Harbors of. Canad. M. 26: 133, — History, Original Records of. (L. J . Burpee) Nation, 83= 434. — History and General Description of New France, de Charlevoix on.‘ Ath. ’oz, 2: 85, -— Houses in Cities of. (M. McL. Helliwell) Canad. M. 231 79. —' In the Home of the Habitants. (R. Wilson) Chamb. J . 81: 663. —-in the ’60’s. (P. Fountain) Longm. 42: 237, 407, : 58, -—in the 20th Century, Bradley on. (L. J . Burpee) Dial, 37: 113. —(Goldwin Smith) Nation, 78: 132, — The Key-note of. (H. C. Thomson) Macmil. n. s. 2: 151. -—- Lady-tramp in. (M. I. Pollock) Chamb. J . 82: 11, , -— Political History of, since Confederation. CANADA Canada, Land Settlement System in. ton) Monthly R. 20, no. 2: 70. -— Library Outlook in. (L. J. Burpee) Pub. Lib. 9: (R. J. Shrimp- 19'. . -— Loyaalist Tradition in. (J . Davidson) Macmil. 90: 398. —— Manners and Customs in Early. (F. Yeigh) Canad. M. 23: 226. —- Manufacturing Profits in. (A. Blue) Canad. M. 23: .23. — Mjilitary Forces. (W. A. C. Denny) Un. Serv. M. 33: 39- -— Militia of. (F. Borden) Un. Serv. M. 32: 138. -— -— and Canadian Defense. (L. G. Power) Canad. M, 18: 229, —— Mounted Police, Guardians of the Northwest. (VV. C. Roberts) Munsey, 29: 933. — Municipal History in. (J. A. Cooper) Canad. M. 22: 390. —National Policy of. (J . S. Willison) Canad. M. 20: 51:- -—Naval Policy of. Un. Serv. M. 28: 244.—(R. N. Hordern) Un. Serv. M. 28: 341, — The New. Liv. Age, 250: 115, —-— New England Loyalists in. (E. O. Grisbrook) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 477. — New Route to. (E. C. Burgis) 19th Cent. 51: 88. —— New Wheat Center of the World. (W. Frank McClure) Indep. 61: 191, —- Next Colonial Conference ; a Canadian opinion. (E. F arrer) Fortn. 84: 1022, — Northwest, Growth of. (Herbert Vanderhoof) World To-day, I1: 1303. - —— Its Needs. (C. Sifton) Canad. M. 20: 425, -— ——Migration to. (Cy Warman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 293. — — Progress of. (D. W. Iddings) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 147, —- — Settlement by U. S. Farmers. (J . Obed Smith) Booklover’s M. 7: 334. —Oifsetting the Lures of. (J . Oskison) Nation, 82: 523- — On a Branch Line. (C. Hanbury-Williams) Blackw. 171: 184. —— Ontario and the Canadian Northwest-. Chant. 38: 126. -— Opening up of the Great Northwest. (Cy Warman) Indep. 61: 545. — Outpost of Empire. day, 8: 148. — Pastimes of People of. Eng. M. n. s. 32: 3. (A. C. Laut) (W. S. Harwood) \Vorld To- (G. Waldo Browne) New (N. Pat- terson) Canad. M. 21: 114, — Popular Songs of Old. (G. Stewart) Monthly R. 19, no. 1: 64. = Liv. Age, 246: 162. — Prairie to Pacific. (C. H. Williams) Ecl. M. 140: 661, —— A Precedent for Devolution. (H. De R. Walker) Westm. I64: 498. _ ' — Progress in, A Year of. (J. P. Gerrie) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 47. - Progress in Wealth. Canad. M. 23: 507. — Problems in. (F. W. Grey) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 694. — Public Documents of. (W. G. Eakins) Lib. J . 27: 243. —(J. Bain) Canad. M. 25: 125, — Public Libraries in. (H. H. Langton) Lib. J. 28: su1>p- 43- - Quebec and Maritime Provinces. Chaut. 38: 20. —— Railway Problems of. (S. J . McLean) Econ. J . 12: 403. — Railway Progress in. (T. G. Marquis) Canad. M. 23: 508, 97 CAN ADI AN -— Canada, Railways and Emigration in. (F. E. Julian) Westm. I57: 202, —-— -- How Canada is solving her Transportation Prob- lem. (L. J. Burpee) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 455. - Reciprocity with. (J . Charlton) Forum, 32: 582,- (J . Charlton) Indep. 54: 667. —- (J . Charlton) Outl. 72: 209. —— (C. H. McIntyre and others) Canad. M. 23: 407, —-— Religious Development of. (J . W. Longley) Canad. M. 18: 317. — Royal Society of. Geological and Biological Sci- ences. (G. U. Hay) Science, n. s. I 5: 1009. -— School Question in. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 80: 282, —— School System of. Month, 108: 164, —-— Soldiers of. (O. Macdonald) Army & Navy Life, 8: no. I0, 41. —— Sport and Travel in Northern. Canad. M. 24: 299. —-— Successful \/Vriters of. (F. Yeigh) Bk. News, 25: 145. — Summer Playgrounds in. (E. M. Smith) Canad. M. 21: 33, —- Summer Resorts in. World’s Work, 4: 2394. — Tariff. (A. Shortt) Q. J. Econ. 20: 250. —-— — and Germany. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 83: 876, —- — Revising. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 466, — Tarifl" Mood towards the United States. N 0. Am. 182: 565, , —— Thoughts on Returning to. (A. M. Machar) Canad. M, 26: 72. ' —- through Barren Ground to Arctic Coast. Hanbury) Geog. J . 22: 178. ——Trade Combinations in. (W. W. Edger) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 427. — Trade Policy of. (J . A. Hobson) Canad. M. 26: 423, —-— Trading with. (F. J . Whiting) Nation, 78: 345. — Trans-Canada Railway. (E. T. D. Chambers) R. of , Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 453. —— Treaty-making Powers of. (G. Smith) Canad. M. 221 331. —- (T. Hodgins) Canad. M. 22: 479, - (De Sumichrast) Canad. M. 23: 26_— (T. Hodgins) Sat. R. 97: 687, 719. —~Spec. 92: 7. — Trend of Political Affairs in. (Agnes C. Laut) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 574, —- War’ of 1812. (C. F. Hamilton) Un. Serv. M. 34: 153. — Western, in 1904. (T. M. Knappen) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 578. —- — Vast Undeveloped Regions of. (F. A. Ogg) World’s Work, 12: 8078, -— Western Canadian View of the Fiscal Question. (R. P. Roblin) No. Am. 177: 667, —— What People read in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 720. -— Who should Emigrate to? (A. Haultain) Monthly R. 11, no. 3: 91. — Winning the Canadian West. pen) World’s Work, 10: 6595, — Women Writers of. Canad. M. 25: 583. Canada Underground Railway. (W. E. S. F ales) Indep. (D. T. (Theodore M. Knap- 59= I32- Canada’s Child-colonists. (F. Yeigh) Good Words, 47‘ 15- I Canada’s Trade with the Empire. (R. Munro) Canad. M. 19: 314. —-— but British. (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 22: 300. Canadian and American National Feeling. (A. G. Bradley) Sat. R. 97: 451. Canadian Archives, Building up. tion, 83: 52. Canadian Clubs. Canad. M. 27: 571. Canadian Coast Defense of the Grain Route to England. (P. T. McGrath) 19th Cent. 57: 632. Canadian College, Of Girls in a. (A. MacMechan) Atlan. 92: 402. ‘ (L. J . Burpee) Na- CANADIAN Canadian Composing Co., Cost-finding Methods. Falconer) Engin. M. 25: 89. _ Canadian Conference 6f Charities and Corrections. Char. 9: 321.—-(J. J. Kelso) Char. 11: 327, Canadian Country Schools. (Geo. Iles) World’s Work, 61 3415- Canadian Harvest. (M. J . Willson) Canad. M. 28: 67. Canadian Ice Carnival. (B. Martin) 19th Cent. 54: (K. 495- Canadian Loyalist of the Old School, A. (R. F. Dixon) Chamb. J. 83: 826. Canadian Loyalty. (G. Byrce) Canad. M. 19: 483. Canadian Manufacturer’s Tariif Campaign, The. Griflin) No. Am. 183: 195. Canadian Magazine ; a retrospect. Canad. M. 25: 559. Canadian Migration, Significance of. lean) Am. J . Sociol. 10: 814. Canadian Northern Railway. (W. H. Moore) Canad. M. 18: 334. Canadian Northwest England’s Granary. Idler, 27: 299, — The Lure of. (A. Fullerton) Canad. M. 25: I 26. Canadian Northwest Mounted Police. (H. A. Cody) Canad. M. 26: 403, Canadian Northwest School Question. Stockley) Am. Cath. Q. 301 472. Canadian Northwest Territories, their Future. Canad. M. 18: 45 3. Canadian Novels and Novelists. wanee, 11: 385. Canadian Pacific Railway, An Imperial Highway. (R. Frame) Good Words, 46: 726. — Romance of the. (E. A. Reynolds-Ball) Chamb. J . (U. (J . A. Cooper) (Annie M. Mac- (R. Barr) (W. F. P. (L. J. Burpee) Se- 79: 710. — Scandal of. (J . E. B. McCready) Canad. M. 27: 556- Canadian Patriotism. (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 18: 480. ' Canadian Preferential Trade. (G. W. Ross) Canad. M. 21: 411, Canadian Rivermen, The. (A. Heming) Scrib. M. 34: 40- Canadian Rocky Mts., a Tier of Lakes in the Clouds. (F. Yeigh) Good Words, 46: 939. Canadian Transcontinental Railway. (Cy Warman) Indep. 57: I430.——-(W. L. M. King) Q. J. Econ. 19: 138. — (J. Charlton) No. Am. 179: 591. — (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 20: 564. Canadian Wheat-tower, By a. (E. B. Osborn) National, 44= 35"- CanadiansjFrench, and their Relation to the Crown. (IV. T. R. Preston) J. Soc. Arts, 50: 289. — in the United States. (H. N. Casson) Munsey, 35: 473.-—(S. Morley Wickett) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 190. Canadienne, A. (K. L. Macpherson) Good Words, 46: 132, Canal and the Railroad, 1861-65. (E. D. Fite) Yale R. 15: 195. Canal New Barge, New York. (Col. T. W. Symons) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 257, . —- Passenger Trafiic on. (W. B. Paley) Gent. M. n. s. 741 5°5- Canal-boat Vacation. 10: 171. Canaletto Collection at Castle Howard. (H. E. Brown- ing) Art J. 57: 340. Canals and Railways, Pioneer, Millions for. Hulbert) Chaut. 39: 51. -— British. (W. M. Acworth) Econ. J . 15: 149. —— —— Problems of. (A. Lee) J . Soc. Arts, 53: 40. -— Cornwall, Canada. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 24: 395- (I. G. Tabor) Ctry Life Am. (A. B. 98 CANKER—BLOOMS Canals, Great, of the World. (0. P. Austin, abr.) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 475. -—(G. A. Angus) Chamb. J. 79: S3. : E01. M. 138: 626.: LIV. Age, 232: _ Am. Arch. 75: 47. — in Canada. (M. M. Wilner) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 177. — in New York State. (J. A. Fairlie) Q. J . Econ. 18: 286, — Lesson of the German Water-ways. bacher) Contemp. 86: 778, — Neutralization applied to. (J . H. Latané) So. Atlan. Q, 1: 310, — of the World. Am. Arch. 82: 85. — Our Neglected. Chamb. J. 83: 317. — Ship. (A. H. Ford) New Eng. M. n. s. 25: 712. Canals Commission, The. (Urquhart A. Forbes) Monthly R. 23, no. 1: 66. Canaries, French Conquest of, in I492—O6. Beazley) Geog. J . 25: 77. Cancani, Adolpho. N ature, 701 123. Cancer. (J . H. Schooling) F ortn. 80: 349. — Can it be cured? (E. Doyen) Booklover’s M. 5: (O. Eltz- (C. R. 44- - The Cure of. (C. W. Saleeby) McClure, 27: 438. — Etiology of. (M. L. Johnson) Westm. 162: 289. —— Increase of. (A. Wolif) 19th Cent. 53: 1025. —— The Investigation of. Sat. R. 100: 108, — — at the Harvard Medical School. (E. H. Nichols) Harv. Grad. M. I3: 376. — Latest Discovery concerning. Knowl. 27: 14. — Problem of. (F. Oswald)Knowl. 27: 58. — — Present Position of. (R. T. Hewlett) Nature, 721 295- — —To-day. (J . E. S. Moore) Monthly R. 16, no. 2: 8 ( J . T. Cunningham) — Progress in the Study of. Sat. R. 102: 103. = Liv. Age, 250: 694. — Research in. (Hammond Lamont) Nation, 83: 94. —— — Proposed Organized. (F. W. Tunnicliife) N ature, 65: 467. — Treatment of, Theoretically Considered. Gibson) Westm. 161: 208, — Violet Leaf Treatment of. (M. L. Johnson) Westm. I65: ~16, CancerousJGrowths, Nature of. (J . B. Farmer) Nature, 69: 319. Candace. (A. Colton) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: I41. Candebec. (A. W. Hopkinson) Temp. Bar, 108: 464, Candid Violet, A; a story. (J . Cooper) McClure, 22: (J. A. 5°5- Candidate for Stepfatherhood; astory. (M. L. Knapp) Munsey, 31: 763. _ Candidates, Unknown, not Desirable. (A. G. Sedg- wick) Nation, 78: 205, Candle-making in Great Britain. 20: 562, Candles, Feast of. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 574. -—— Old and New. Chamb. J. 82: 282, Candlestick Maker, A. (D. Van Denburgh) Craftsman, 4: 384. " Candlish, Robert, and the Disruption of 1843. Quar. 204: 418. Candy Boy and his Little Love, The. (Harriet Boyer) Lippinc. 77: 493. Candy Counters, Pure. (F. A. Field) Idler, (L. V. Robinson) Char. 13: 468. Canine Idyll, A. (I. F. Bellows) New Eng. M. n. s. 353 472- Canker and Black Rot. (P. J. O’Gara) Science, 16: 434- Canker-blooms and Canker. (Geo. Birdwood; R. F. Towndrow) Ath. ’o4, 2: 188, 219, 234. CANN A Canna, Antiquities of. (W. G. Collingwood) Antiq. n. s. 421 372. Cannes, Modern, and Ancient fldgitna. (F. G. Dunlop- Wallace-Goodbody) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 475. Cannibals, The, and Mr. Buffum. (C. B. Loomis) Cosmopol. 40: 321, Canning, Elizabeth, Case of. 641, Canning, George. (P. A. Sillard) Month, I07: 30. -—- and Lord Milner. (J . Jardine) Asia. R. 33: 254. -— and the Secret Intelligence from Tilsit, July, 1807. (J. H. Rose) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 20: 6!- — and Spanish America. (E. M. Lloyd) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 18: 77. —- and the Spanish Patriots in 1808. (J . Holland Rose) Am. Hist. R. I2: 39. — and the Tilsit Articles. (Arthur J . Butler) Ath. ’06, ' 2: 407. —Ed. R. 203: 345. —— Marriott’s Life of. Ath. ’03, 1: 521. — Rhyming Despatch to Sir Charles Bagot. land) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 20: 49. — Temper1ay’s Life of. (G. M. Trevelyan) Indep. R. 6, no. 4: 224. Canning and Preserving. (F. Williams) Cosmopol. 38: 213. Cannon, Joseph G., with portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 673.— (F. E. Leupp) Outl. 75: 684. — (N. O. Messenger) Indep. 55: 306. — With portrait. World’s Work, 7: 4195. —-—With portrait. (Rich- ard Weightman) Appleton’s M. 8: 49.-(A. D. Albert, jr.) Munsey, 35: 420. — Flat-footed Mr. Cannon. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 156. Canny Jeannie Deans, a story. M. (Bost.) 21: 410, Cano, Alonzo, “St. Agnes,” Picture by. 623, — Madonna and Child. (T. Cole) Cent. 43: 315. Canoe, Floating Downstream in a. (J . Craig) Ctry Life Am. 2: 61. — Handling a. (A. R. Dugmore) Ctry Life Am. 8: 200, -—- North, Passing of. (T. Adney) Outing, 41: 3. — Two Girls in a. (Isabel Knowles) Cosmopol. 39: 647. Canoe Makers, Montagnais Indians as. (K. Wilson) Canad. M. 27: 93. Canoe Thoughts. (W. S. Johnson) Canad. M. 23: 125. Canoeing, Delightful Art of. (A. R. Dugmore) Ctry Life A111. 6: 34. — Detroit Boat Club. 521, — down the Connecticut. (L. D. Sherman) Outing, (A. Lang) Cornh. 89: (H. Po- (C. H. Barrell) Nat’l Cent. 49: (L. Hubbard, jr.) Outing, 44: 46: -1-, — from Chicago to New York. (H. Wallace) Outing, 43= 92- - in Ottawa VVaters. (N. A. Kent and A. E. Kent) Outl. 79: 303. — in Woods of Maine. (F. H. Clifford) Indep. 56: 1266, -— of To-day. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Outing, 40: 700. — through Southeastern Alaska. (Laura l/V. Maxwell) Overland, n. s. 46: 1, Canoes, Aboriginal American. 44: 7°4- Canon Law, The, and its Authority in England. E. R. Stephens) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 474, — of the Church. (C. Kenny) Law Q. 19: 326, Canonbury House, Islington. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 381, Canonic Curse, The. (A. E. McFarlane)Cos1nopol. 33: (O. T. Mason) Outing, (J. 515- Canossa, A Pilgrimage to. (R. Hughes) Monthly R. 22, 110, 2: I07. Canrobert, Marshal, Last of the French Marshals. (A. Grifiiths) F ortn. 83: 282, 99 CAPERNAUM ~ Cantal, Haute Auvergne, A Farm in the. (M. Du- claux) Contemp. 82: 822.=Ecl. M. 140: 335.: Liv. Age, 236: 203, Cantator ; a legend of Rye Town retold. (M. C. Raw- son) Harper, 106: 787, Canteen, Army. (F. I. Maxse) National, 41: 831.— (A. J . Baden Jenner) Overland, 11. s. 45: 293. —Anti-canteen Legislation and the Army. (C. E. Littlefield) No. Am. 178: 398, 582, -—- from the Standpoint of the Man in the Ranks. H. Pritchett) Outl. 80: 676, -— Increasing Desertions and the. Am. 177: 855. — Why it should be restored. Am. 176: 80, —- Why it should not be restored. No. Am. 176: 215. Canteen Legislation to wait. 76: 65, . Canteens in H. M.’s Ships. Un. Serv. M. 26: 17, Canteloupes, A “Flyer” in. (J . H. Hale) Ctry Life Am. 6: 259. Canterbury. (W. T. Shore) Sund. M. 34: 6IZ.—(E. Schreiber) Cath. World, 78: 67. — Angel Steeple at. Ath. ’04, 2: 596. -—- Archbishop of, the Primate of England. ban) Outl. 70: 65. —Modern Pilgrimage to. lover’s M. 2: 299. Cantines Scholaires of Paris, The. Cent. 592 834. Canton, China, Up the River to. Temp. Bar, 132: 208, Canton, Mass. (M. S. Stimpson) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 111, Canton, O., as an Industrial Center. 16: 487. Canvassing in 1832. (G. Rooper) Longm. 39: 407. Canvey Island, Thames River, Old Dutch Settlement on. (E. E. Stock) Idler, 27: 125. Canyon, the Grand, How to photograph. nor) Overland, n. s. 44: I76. — On Bright Angel Trail to. (W. A. White) McClure, 25: 502, — Over Night at the Edge of. 371 6I5- Cap, Gown, and Hood, their Origin and Significance. (A. H. Chittenden) Chaut. 43: 562. Cap-box, The; a story. (L. J. Vance) Munsey, 31: 689. Cap—maker’s Story, A. 58= 935- Cape Castle, The Passing of. Chamb. J . 81: 627. Cape Cod Canal. (F. Crane) Ecl. M. 146: 277. Cape Cod Viking, A. (W. Jenkins) Outl. 80: 682. Cape Colony and its Parliament. (E. Dicey) F ortn. 78: 214, — Constitution of, Change needed. Sat. R. 93: 760, 796. — Elections, 1904. Spec. 92: 283. — Higher Education in. Nature, 73: 110. —— Proposed Suspension of the Constitution. (Sir A. E. Miller) Contemp. 82: 341. —- (A. Wilmot; A. T. YVirgman) 19th Cent. 52: I . — Rivers of. (E. H. L. Schwarz) Geog. J . 27: 265. Cape Colony Parsonage, A. Macmil. 87: 185. Cape Disappointment; a Point of Great Historic In- terest. (J . M. Baltimore) Overland, n. s. 43: 421. Cape-to-Cairo Railway, Recent Progress on. (J . Hart- ley Knight) Engin. M. 30: 15. Capelli-Bianchi. (E. G. Hayden) Temp. Bar, 125: I27. Capernaum, Site of. (W. Knight) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 48. (H. (W. C. Church) No. (L. L. Seaman) No. (L. M. N. Stevens) (O. G. Villard) Nation, (W. Dur- (T. B. Browning) Book- (C. A. Elliott) 19th (E. Washington) Nat’l M. (Bost.) (J . T. Con- (B. Brooks) Scrib. M. (Rose Schneiderman) Indep. O‘ .. O. Q 0 O J’ .‘ I I U€f" Q I e.’ I’... .6... .: 6 ‘U C O CAPETOWN Capetown, A Court of Justice in. Green Bag, I5: 336. Capistrano Mission, California. Out West, 19: 5. Capital and Income, Differentiation of. (W. Strachan) Law Q. 18: 274. — and Interest, B6hm—Bawerk’s. 14: 226, — and Labor. — as a Competitive Concept. Pol. Econ. 13: 31. — B6hm—B awerk and Rae on. Econ. 16: 385. —— Biihm-Bawerk’s Theory of. Econ. 17: I63. — Definitions of. — Emigration of. —— Expatriation of. (S. Ball) Econ. R. (H. I. Ginders) Westm. I66: 569. (H; J . Davenport) J. (C. W. Mixter) Q. J. (F. A. Felter) Q. J. (I. Fisher) Q. J. Econ. 18: 386. (J. B. Fraser) Contemp. 851 550. (W. H. Mallock) 19th Cent. 59! 435- — Fundamental Notion of, again. (C. A. Tuttle) Q. J. Econ. 19: 81, — Locking up by, Loans on Securities. (N. Y.) 73: 102. '—— Organization of. (H. Justi) Cent. 43: 795. — Perils of. (D. M. Parry) Bib. Sac. 60: 176. — Real Concept of. (C. A. Tuttle) Q. J . Econ. 18: 54. —Tuttle’s Concept of. (I. Fisher) Q. J . Econ. 19: Bank. M. 309. —- vs. Capital Goods. (E. Biihm-Bawerk) Q. J . Econ. 21: 1. Capital Punishment. Ethics, I 5: (263. — Abolition of, in .Belgium, Results of. Shipley) Am. Statis. Assoc. 9: 307. —— -— in Italy and San Marino. (M. Shipley) Am. Law R. 40: 240, —- in Switzerland. (M. Shipley) Am. Law R. 39: (W. J . Roberts) Internat. J . (Maynard 734- ' - —- Is it Defensible? (C. Warren) Westm. I65: 512. Capitalism, After. (Ernest E. Williams) Monthly R. 24,n0,2: I9, Capitalist as Critic ; a poem. I73= 634- Capitalistic Organization. (G. W. Anderson) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 411 I. ' Capitalizations, Egyptian, and their Reform. J urid.x R. 18: 185, 234, ' — Story of the. (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. 60: 17. Capitulation of Susanne, The. (Eleanor H. Brainerd) Everybody’s, I3: '78_:,, Cap’n Ellwell’s Kitchen Cabinet; a story. Day) Am. M. 60: I81, Cap’n Hezekiah’s Little Evy. Eng. M. n. s. 35: 113. Capodonico, Caterina. (L. L. Pepper) Chaut. 43: 45 3. Capping in the Hunting Field. (W. B. Woodgate) Fortn. 81: 69. * Capri, Blue Grotto of. Chamb. J . 80: 517. — the Siren’s Island. (Edith H. Andrews) World To- day, I0: 361. -—'-A Villa in. (C. De Kay) Archit. Rec. 12: 71. Captain, The. (Maximilian Foster) Everybody’s, I3: 2 6. Captain Arendt’s Choice. (Ralph D. Paine) Scrib. M. 38: 665. Captain Black and White. J . 81: 417. _ Captain Christy. (H. M. Rideout) Atlan. 98: 452. Captain England. (G. Morris) Cent. 41: 595. Captain Fishbright’s Mistake. (C. Edwardes) Macmil. 911 445- Captain Hattonlegh, Indian Staff Corps. Temp. Bar, 125: 155. Captain Kent’s Commission. (W. V. Cbok) Chamb. .1. 83: 625,655, 663. (St. J . Lucas) Blackw. (H. F. (F. G. Fassett) New (John Oxenham) Chamb. (A. Field) 100 CARD Captain Macklin,his Memoirs. M. 31: 421-32: 325, Captain Meaghan’s Retirement. Scrib. M. 33: 317. Cap’n N at’s Story. (C. Emery) Outing, 44: 105, Captain of the Christopher Duggan. (T. O. Curwood) Munsey, 33: 143. Captain 01; Company Q, The. (R. Shackleton) Harper, :13: 20, Captain Rachel; a story. (Lilian Bell) Everybody’s, I0: 398. Captain’s Folly ; a story. (S. Ford) Atlan. 94: 514. Captains, Four Tarpauling, 17th Century. (W. J . Fletcher) Cornh. 86: 196, — of Industry. (C. S. Gleed and others) Cosmopol. ss= 33-641. at 35. I63- — Omnipotent. [Pall Mall M.] Liv. Age, 237: 293. Capture at Sea, Exemption of Private Property from. (E. Maxey) Green Bag, 18: 1 5 5. Capture of Andy Proudfoot; a story. (G. McG. Cooke) Harper, 109: 35. Capture of Atbarac; a story. 283, Capture of the Canton. 227, Capture of Private Property at Sea. ' ertson) 19th Cent. 58: 716. Capus, Alfred. Deux Ecoles. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 94: 108, Car VVheels, Rolled-steel. Inst. I59: 81. Caracus, City of. (Marion P. Bowen) Indep. 54: 3083, —— A City of Leisure. (O. von Gottberg) Harper, I07: 9°9- — on the Day of the Independencia. Nation, 82: 381. Caraccioli, Louis Antoine; a Remarkable Literary Deception. (J . M. Attenborough) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 219. _ Caravan, The; a story. (M. T. Earle) Harper, I06: 367. — Days and Nights with a. (C. W. Furlong) Harper, (R. H. Davis) Scrib. (H. J. O’Higgins) (G. Owen) Munsey, 3!: (W. A. Fraser) Lippinc. 7'1: (Edmund Rob- (S. M. Vauclain) J . Frankl. (A. Heilprin) I13: 184, Caravansaries. (J . R. S. Sterrett) Harper, I09: 527, .Carbery, Ethna. The Four Winds of Eirinn. (F. Macleod) Fortn. 791 340. Carbohydrates as Foods, Analysis of. (W. H. Krug) J . Frankl. Inst. I 54: 349, 401, Carbon, Amorphous, Conversion of, to Graphite. (F. J . FitzGerald) J . Frankl. Inst. I 54: 321, —— and Plants. (H. T. Brown) Nature, 66: 620, -— and the Shapes of Atoms. (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 93: 675. — New Allotrope of, and its Heat of Combustion. (W. G. Mixter) Am. J. Sci. 169: 434, Carbon Compounds, Solubilities of, and Densities of their Solutions. (C. L. Speyers) Am. J . Sci. 164: 293- Carbon Dioxide, Action of, on the Borates of Barium. (S. C. Jones) Am. J. Sci. 164: 49, Carbon Disulphide, Graphics of. (T. M. Gardner) J. Frankl. Inst. I56: 291. Carbonero, José Moreno, Spanish Painter. liams) Studio (Internat.) 2 5: 298. Carboniferous and Permian, Russian, compared with those of India and America. (C. Schuchert) Am. J. Sci. 172: 29. Carboniferous Fish Remains. Natural. 36: 849, Carbutt, John, 1832-1905, Obituary of. (L. E. Levy and S. Sartain) J . Frankl. Inst. I60: 461, Card Catalogue, Progress of the Modern. (M. S. R. James) Pub. Lib. 7: 185. , (L. Wil- (C. R. Eastman) Am. CARD Card Catalogue Cabinet for Microscopic Slides. (C. L. Marlatt) Science, 11. s. 20: 925. Card Index for Organic Chemistry Work. Bogert) Science, 11. s. 21: 750, —- Manifold Uses of. World’s Work, 12: 7907. Card Systems, Useful Forms for. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 70: 102, Cardan, Girolamo. (E. M. Forster) Indep. R. 5: 365. Cardiff Giant, The. (A. D. White) Cent. 42: 943. Cardiff Musical Festival. Ath. ’02, 2: 526.‘ Cardiff Records. Ath. ’02, I: 328. Cardinal, The, and the King’s Will. Hist. R. 3: 410, Cardinal, Kentucky, Ways of the. per, I12: 623, Cardinal’s Pawn, The ; a story. Macmil. 87: 161. Cardinals and their Insignia. (G. A. Bouvier) Month, 103: 486. Cards, Scripture Playing. A Curious Pack of Cards. (Mary Farrah) Good Words, 46: 772. Carducci, Giosue. (A. Vivanti) F ortn. 86: 658. :Liv. Age, 251: 337. — (J. W. Mario) Nation, 74: 383. — (R. Garnett) Internat. Mo. 5: 264. -— (M. VV. Arms) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 2: 67. —Westm. 164: 53. . — Italy’s Tribute to. (J . W. Mario) Nation, 80: 88. —- A Tuscan Horace. (W. B. Wallace) Westm. 159: (M. T. (A. Lang) Scot. (J . Brooks) Har- 410, — Works, vol. 17. (J . W. Mario) Nation, 81: 297. ' Cardwell, Lord Edward, at the War Ofiice, 1863-74. Biddulph’s Sat. R. 97: 525. —Ath. ’04, I: 492. Care of her Child, The; a story. (E. Stuart) Temp. Bar, 129: 164. :Liv. Age, 240: 724. Career of the Middle-aged Child, The. (M. Manning) Harper, 111: 890. Carey, William Ellis, with portrait. Cassier, 21: 359. Carfax Gallery, Academicians at. Ath. ’06, 1: 85. Cargador in Mindanao. (P. Reade) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 371 "4- Cargo on the Venus. (Marvin Dana) Lippinc. 75: I21. Cargo Appliances, Some Modern Quayside. (Bryson Cunningham) Cassier, 26: 3. Carhampton, Church of the Hundred of. (J . C. Cox) Atl1. ’06, 2: 3o8,' Carhart Mystery; a story. (H. K. Vielé) Cosmopol. 3 i ' 9- ' Carib Race in the West Indies. (C. W. Currier) Cath. World, 75: 433. Carib Stone Implements. 169,‘ Caribbean Regions, Volcanoes and Earthquakes in the. (Francis C. Nicholas) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 440. Caribbean Sea, Control of the. (Eugene P. Lyle, jr.) World’s Work, 10: 6664, Caribbees, Bahamas and the. as 125- Caribou, The, and his Kindred. M. 39: 426. — Extermination of the. 65 5. — in Canada. (C. Dickson) Canad. M. 26: 14. —- Newfoundland. (R. D. Ware) Outing, 43: 24. —— — Relentless Pursuit of. (P. T. McGrath) Outing, 41: 60, — of British Columbia and Alaska. Outing, 40: 555. Caribou Herds of Newfoundland. M. 146: 407. Caucasus, The Frosty. (Col. C. E. de la Poer Beres— ford) Blackw. I78: 781. Caricature, American. (La T. Hancock) Bookman, 16: 120, 263. —— — and Public Opinion. 6: 232, (R. Quick) Reliquary, 42: (A. K. Fiske) Chant. (E. T. Seton) Scrib. (P. L. McGrath) Idler, 22: (Dr. J . A. Allen) (A. P. Silver) Ecl. (I. A. Pyle) World To-day, 101 CARMEL Caricature, History of 19th Century in. (F. T. Cooper and A. B. Maurice) Bookman, 17: 39-578. 18: 36, — in America. (R. R. Wilson) New Eng. M. n.s. 31:95. ——Political. Spec. 95: 50. — Recent English. Acad. 63: 624, —— Social History of the United States in. (F. Weiten- kampf) Critic, 47: 136, 234. Caricatures; their Use to the Library. (F. Weiten- kampf) Lib. J. 28: 112. Caricaturists, French, Modern. (W. Roberts) National, 42: 458. Carl Blake’s Chance. (J . W. Kennard) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 487, Carleton, William. (L. McManus) Acad. 65: 719. Carling, Sir John, Canadian Senator. (F. T. Yealland) Canad. M. 26: 224, Carlisle, Countess, and Lion-hunters. (I. Taylor) 19th Cent. 54: 486, — Two VVo1nen Temperance Leaders. (E. D. Sheilds) Outl. 76: 64. Carlisle, England, The Mediaeval Name of. (J . Wilson) Antiq. n. s. 41: 409. Carlisle, Pa., How the Site of, was purchased. Pennsyl. M. 29: 479. — Story of the Civic Club of. (G. B. Biddle) Chant. 371 503- ' Carlotta, Empress. (H. T. Peck) Munsey, 34: 637. Carlotta; a story. (J . M. Forman) Harper, I10: 900, Carlsbad Cure at Home and Abroad. (H. Cunynghame)' I9th Cent. 54: 947, Carlyle, Thomas. (C. H. Shinn) Californian, 2: 443, — and his Wife, Some Domestic Reminiscences of. E. W. Wallace) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 448.-—‘Ecl. M. 139: 197. = Liv. Ase. 233= 757. —- and Jane. (A. Lang) Longm. 43: 18. — — and Newman ; an Unrecognized Afiinity. (J . B. Fletcher) Atlan. 95: 669. — and the Present Tense. (Violet Paget) Contemp. 85: 386. :Ecl. M. 142: 781.:Liv. Age, 241: 213. — Chelsea Menage of. (E. Cook) National, 41: 609, -: Liv. Age, 238: 237. —Ecl. M. 141: 310. — Ethics of. (C. J . Goodwin) Internat. J . Ethics, 15: 198, — French Revolution. Acad. 64: 391. — Froude-Carlyle Dispute. (A. Lang) Indep. 55: 1565. — (Sir J . Crichton-Brown) Contemp. 84: 33. — Booklover’s M. 2: 22I.— (G. Smith) Nation, 77 I 29. — — New Light on. (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 79: 1000, — — Vindication of Froude. (R. McNeill) Contemp. 84: 761, - in Old Age. Sund. M. 34: 306. —-More Letters of. (A. Birrell) 19th Cent. 53: 813. =Ecl. M. 141: 231. -—-Liv. Age, 237: 637. —Ath. ’o3, I: 585. —(P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 34: 264. — C. (Shipman) Lamp, 26: 386. —(A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 76: 439. —Sat. R. 95: 589. —Spec. 90: 980. — (R. Garnett) Acad. 56: 448. ——Arena, 32: 95.—-Ath. ’04, I: 553.—(P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 36: 231, —Spec. 92: 814. 1 — Mother of. (H. M. Simpson) Meth. R. 66: 415. —- A Personal Recollection of, by a Captain of Indus- try. (J . D. Hague) Cent. 42: 430. — A Portrait of Carlyle — by Himself. Outl. 77: 950. — The Real. (Sir C. G. Duffy) Contemp. 84: 337. — Secret of his Life. (W. H. Mallock) F ortn. 80: 180. Carlyle, Mrs. Jane Welsh. Acad. 64: 455. Carman, Bliss, Poetry of. Acad. 62: 224.— (J. P. Mowbray) Critic, 41: 308. Carmargue, The. (D. H. Wilson) I9th Cent. 58: 267. “ Carmania,” The, of the Cunard Line. (A. S. Hurd) Cassier, 29: 179. Carmel, Anne of Jesus, Second Founder of. Cath. World, 77: 740. CARMELINA’S Carmelina’s Carabiniere. (Julian Street) Scrib. M. 40: 240. Carmelita; an episode of Idales. Chamb. J . 82: 810, Carmelita; a tale of Peru. (K. Balfour-Murphy) Chamb. J. 79: 65. Carmen Sylva, pseud. See Elizabeth, Queen of Ron- mania. Carmona; a City of the Dead. R. 100: 15. Carmontelle, Portraits by. 404- Carnations, How to Grow. Am. 3: 135. Carnegie, Andrew. (H. W. Mabie) Cent. 42: 956. — and the Re-union of the English—speaking Race. (E. Anthony) Westm. I63: 636. -—- at Skibo. Indep. 56: I421. —- (J . M. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 498. — Empire of Business. 175: 61. —— Gifts to Libraries. Lib. J. 30: 281. Library, 11. s. 4: 104. —— in 1901. Lib. J. 27: — — in 1902. Lib. J. 28: — — in 1903. Lib. J. 29: -—- — in 1904. Lib. J. 302 20. — — in 1905. Lib. J. 31: 72. — - 1881-1904. Lib. J. 30: C 120. — House of, Fifth Ave., N. Y. Archit. Rec. 13: 75. (Bartle C. Frere) Sat. (A. Laugel) Nation, 74: (E. Lonsdale) Ctry Life (M. W. Hazeltine) No. Am. 31: 123,- 24, 15, 22, — Letter to. Library, 11. s. 3: 36. — The Man and his Work. (Bernard Alderson) Bk. News, 212 390. -—- Philanthropies of. Bk. News, 22: 935. — Railroad of; The Pittsburg, Bessemer, and Lake Erie. (W. F. McClure) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 308, — Will he corrupt Scotland ? National, 42: 52. Carnegie Foundation. (J. Jastrow) Dial, 32: 109.- Science, 11. s. 211 7I6.—Science_, n. s. 23: 76. 241 59. — (H. S. Prichett) Outl. 83: 120, Carnegie Giving. (Isaac F. Marcosson) World’s Work, 9: 6092, Carnegie Hero Fund. (H. K. Webster) Am. M. 60: 569.—Cent. 46: 652.——Char. 12: 405, 413. Carnegie Institution, The. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 782 26.—— (S. Newcomb) No. Am. 178: 172.——(S. Newcomb) Science, n. s. 19: 268. —Science, 11. s. I5! 201; (J . M. Cattell) 460; (G. M. Sternberg and others) 481 ; (H. Miinsterberg and others) 521; (VV. J. Holland and others) 601; (B. Dean and others) 641 ; (J . Jastrow and others) 693 ; (W. L. Ritter and others) 731 ; (C. H. Eigenmann) 792. — Science, 11. s. 17: 161. 18: 797, 833. -—(E. 0. Jordan and others) Am. Natural. 36: 530. —(D. C. Gilman) Nature, 66: 548. — (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- tion, 74I 46. Y —— and an Academy of Sciences. tion, 76: 289. —— and the Marine Biological Laboratory. Gardiner) Science, 16: 667. -—- Application for Grant in Aid of Research. Science, 16: 979. — Appointment of Research Assistants. 17: 78. — Department- of Economics and Sociology. Science, n. s. 19: 268. — Grants made by the. Science, n. s. 18: 801. — Research Grants by, 1903-04. Nature, 692 235. —- Report of, 1903. Lib. J. 28! 172. —— —- 1904. Science, 11. s. 211 201. — —— 1905. (R. S. Woodward) Science, 11. s. 23: 121. ——What it is and is not. (D. C. Gilman) World’s Work, 5: 3166. — A Year of the. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 187. (M. Bloomfield) Na- (E. G. Science, 11. s. 10 2 CARTHAGE Carnegie Libraries. (Theo. W. Koch) Chaut. 43: 345. — (T. W. Koch) Lib. J. 30: C 78. Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. Sci- ence, n. s. 20: 220, Carnival, King, in France and Italy. Cosmopol. 38: 491, — Modern, in Thrace. 26: 191. Carnivora, Ancestry of. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 27: 61. Carolina Gentleman of the Old School, A. (H. E. Belin) M. of Hist. 42 135. (H. K. Vielé) (R. M. Dawkins) J . Hel. Stud. Carolina, North and South, Side Lights on the History . of. (H. E. Belin) M. of Hist. 1: 91, 142. Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark, A Queen of Tears. (W. H. Wilkins) Monthly R. 15, no. 21 I7. —Ath. ’o4, I: 103. Caroline Wilhelmina Dorothea, Queen Consort of George II., Wilkins’s Life of. Ath. ’O2, 11 71. — Sat. R. 93: 145. Caroline Co., Md. Marriage Licenses, 1774—I3I5. D. Cranor) Pennsyl. M. 28: 209, 320. Caron, M. A., Balzac’s Perfumer. (A. Laugel) Nation, 76: 187. Carpaccio, Vittore, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 4: pt. 43. Carpenter, E., and his Gospel of Friendship. Spargo) Craftsman, 11: 44. Carpenter, Jairus H. (H. L. Smith) Wis. Alum. M. 3: I83. Carpet-Weaving, Donegal, Ireland. (I. Sargent) Crafts- man, I: 34. — in Kentucky. (H. W. Graham) Craftsman, I: 45. Carpets, Persian.‘ Good Words, 45: 147. Carr, Comyns. Tristan and Iseult. (Max Beerbohm) Sat. R. 102: 328, Carr, John E., Metal Work of. (E. Wood and G. L. Morris) Studio (Internat.) 21: 218, Carrara, Quarries of. (G. H. Blackiston) Cosmopol. 391 247.—Temp. Bar, I30: 225.— (J. Tolerton) Sund. M. 33: 432. Carriage, Touring in a. 2: 168. Carriages, Origin and History of. Soc. Arts, 50: 554. -— Our Ancestors rode in. Pennsyl. M. 27: 373. Carrie-re, Eugene. Ath. ’o6, I: 402. — (Mrs. Arthur Bell) Art J. 58: 325. —— Later Works of. (B. Karageorgevitch) M. of Art, 26: 449. Carriers, Common, Duty of, as to Dependent Services. (Bruce Wyman) Green Bag, I7: 570. Carrigaloe Comedy, The ; a story. (H. Vallings) Temp. Bar, 1291 672. Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, Two Letters of. Penn.- syl. M. 28: 216. Carruthers for Sheriff. (R. H. Allen) Munsey, 33: 489. Carryl, Guy Wetmore. Bk. News, 22: 941, Cars, Freight, Shortage of, 1906, (J _ W. Midgely) World To-day, II: 1284. Carson, Kit; with portrait. Sun. 6: 97. Carson, Samuel Price. Assoc. 8: 263. Cartels and Trusts in Holland in the 17th Century. (A. E. Sayous) Pol. Sci. Q. I72 381. Carter, James C., with portrait. (W. B. Hornblower) Green Bag, 17: 681.—- (J . Noble) Harv. Grad. M. 13: 580. - Carter, J . J ., Canon. Carter, Mrs. Leslie. Carters of Covent Garden Market. Westm. I64: 186. Carthage, Ancient Reservoirs at. Sci. Am. 93: 242, (H. (J. (J . L. Wright) Ctry Life Am. (A. Chancellor) J . (J . B. Fremont) Land of (Z. T. Fulmore) Texas Hist. Church Q. 532 416. (M. White, jr.) Munsey, 35: 226. (H. V. Storey) CARTHAGE Carthage, Christian. (S. Beale) Reliquary, 46: 162. —— Punic Sculpture in the Lavigerie Museum of S. Louis at. (S. Beale) Monthly R. 21, no. 21 85. — Recent Excavations at. (M. Moore) Monthly R. 16, no. 1: 128, Carthaginian Sacrifice, History and Significance of. (S. Langdon) J. Bib. Lit. 23: 79. Carthusians expelled from Isere in France. Sat. R. 97 1 421- Cartography, Recreations in. (B. M. Lyttle) Harper, 1°41 743. Carton, R. C. Mr. Hopkinson. (Max Beerbohm) Sat. R. 99: 236, —— Public Opinion. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. I002 493. Cartoonist, A Pioneer Newspaper. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 33: 59. ‘ Cartoons and their Makers. Munsey, 31: 738. — in Newspapers. (J . A. Ewan) Canad. M. 27: 171, -Making of. (J. T. McCutcheon) Brush & P. 11: 401. Carus, Julius Victor. (J . A. Thompson) Nature, 67: 613. Carus, Paul. Fundamental Problems and Surd of Metaphysics. (H. C. Minton; P. Carus) Monist, I4: 452. — How far has he strayed from Christianity? Carus) Open Court, 19: 577. Caruso, Enrico, the Greatest Living Tenor. Kaufman) Munsey, 342 708. Carvajal, Luisa de. (M. P. Hefferman) Cath. World, 753 727- Carver, Jonathan, Travels of. Hist. R. 11: 287. — — Authenticity of. M. of Hist. 12 I05. Cary, John W., with portrait. Green Bag, 14: 507. Caryatide Architectural Figures. (J . Offord) Am. Antiq. 25: 359. Casa Grande, Arizona. (H. C. Hank) Californian, 2: 101. — (A. S. Clarke) Temp. Bar, 127: 308, Casabianca. (Montague Glass) McClure, 27: 445. Casanova, Jacques, de Seingalt. (Sylvanus Urban) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 5I8.—(C. Whibley) Macmil. 87; 273.:Liv. Age, 237: 550.-—(E. H. Eppens) Open Court, 20: 484. -— at Dux; an Unpublished Chapter of History. Symons) No. Am. 175: 329, — Memoirs of. Ath. ’O2, 21 445. Casati, Gaetano. Geog. J . I 9: 646, “ Casco Feet” in the F ilippino. (G. A. Skinner) Am. Anthrop. 6: 299. Case for the Psychical Society. 11. s. 12 471. Case of Conjur, A. 463. Case of Conscience, A. (Elliott Flower) Overland, n. s. 471 124- Case of Intellectuality ; a story. (E. Pottle) Atlan. 941 676. Case of Minna Lang, The. (C. M. Williams) Munsey, (R. K. Munkittrick) (P. (E. B. (E. G. Bourne) Am. (A. (G. Makgill) Macmil. (R. A. Bowen) Booklover’s M. 6: 30: 24. Case of Mr. Helmor, The. (R. W. Chambers) Harper, 199: 769. Case of Patricia, The. (Elizabeth Herrick) Cent. 48: 737- Case of Promotion, A ; a story. (W. B. M. Ferguson) Am. M. 60: 560. Case of Thomas Teague, The. 691 153. Case Went Up, The. Case—Law, Basis of. 293. 416- Cashel, See of, and Archbishop Croke. (J . J . O’Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 721. (H. D. Lowry) F ortn. (Clarke Gray) Cent. 47: 395. (A. H. F. Lefroy) Law Q. 22: 103 CATACOMB Caspian Sea, Russians on. Chamb. J . 79: 161. Cass, Lewis, as a Lawyer, with portrait. (E. L. Didier) Green Bag, 16: 573, Cass Family, A Branch of. sin 305- Cassatt, Alexander Johnston, Recreations of. Outing, (W. Stowell) N. E. Reg. 45: 593- Cassatt, Miss, Etcher. (Christian Brinton) Studio (In- ternat.) 27: 1. Cassidy at Cactus. (C. E. Mulford) Outing, 49: 329. Cassiers, Henri, Belgian Painter. (F. Khnopff) Studio (Internat.) I72 3. Cassini, Arthur, Count. To-day, 8: 534. — —- Typical Russian Diplomat. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 312 680, (C. Arthur Williams) World Cast Away on F eather’s Folly. (N. Duncan) Cosmopol. 4I= 3'3- Cast Brea>d. (Mary S. Boyd) Chamb. J . 81: 65, Castaigne, André, Artist. Brush & P. 9: 205. Caste, the Curse of India. (C. E. Russell) Cosmopol. 42: 124, — in England. (G. S. Street) Acad. 66: 525. Castiglione, Book of the Courtier. (J . E. Spingarn) Nation, 74: 330.— (W. C. Brownell) Bk. Buyer, 2 : -- . Castile, Old, Bicycling across. (C. Edwardes) Outing, 39: 59°- Castine Cottage, A. Craftsman, 6: 82. Casting Vote, The. (Mary H. Vorse) Everybody’s,14: 22, Castings Direct from the Blast—furnace. (W. B. But- lin) Cassier, 30: 239, , -— Economical Production of. (R. Buchanan) Engin. M. 24: 369. — False Witness of the Test Bar. (R. Buchanan) Engin. M. 23: 246. Castle, Egerton. (W. Armstrong) Bk. Buyer, 24: 119, Castle in Spain, A; a story. (J . M. Forman) McClure, 20: 529. Castle of Content, The; a story. (J . B. Cabell) Har- per, 107: 327. Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, Marchioness of Londonderry’s. Spec. 94¢ 55. Castles in England, Alleged Norman Origin of. (T. D. Pryce and E. S. Armitage) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 7°3- Castles of Indolence. (C. Bickerton) Good Words, 46: . I . Castor a Quadruple Star. (W. W. Campbell) Pop. Astron. 13: 87, Castro, C., President of Venezuela. (Marion P. Bowen) Indep. 54: 3083. —(Francois P. Savinien) World To-day, 9: 1324. ——- Latin-American Type. 747. — Message of. No. Am. 181: 448, Cat and the Canary, The. (M. Cameron) Harper, 1132 (S. Bonsal) No. Am. I76: 454- Cat and the Child, The. (C. E. Browne) Pedagog. Sem. II: 3. Cat and the Counters; a story. row) Am. M. 60: 373, Cat and the Painter, The. M. 35: 241. Cat Coquette, The. Cat, The, that played Cupid. New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 461. Catacomb of St. Calixtus, Visit to. tine) Cath. World, 74: 467. — Pictorial Art of. (P. L. Connellan) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 575- (Mrs. Wilson Wood- (Eleanor H. Porter) Scrib. (M. A. Hamm) Cent. 48: 823. (Eleanor H. Porter) (Sister M. Augus- CATACOMBS Catacombs of Rome. (H. W. Hoare) 19th Cent. 58: 757. I Am. Arch. 88: 173. -—— Wilpert’s Paintings of the. Cath. Univ. Bull. 103 I55. -—- ——,A Workshop of Roman Christianity. Tuker) Monthly R. 19, no. 22 113. Catalan Solidarity. (S. G. Morley) Nation, 82: 525. Catalina Island, Cal. (C. F. Holder) Calif. M. 3: 64. Catalogue, Card, Making of a. (E. L. Jones) Pub. Lib. 9: 109, —- Future of the, in Public Libraries. (VV. I. Fletcher) Lib. J. 30: 141, -—— International, of Technological Literature. Teggart) Pub. Lib. 10: 114. —— Use of, in the Northwestern University Library. (Lodilla Ambrose) Lib. J . 31: 257. Catalogue Cards, Distribution of, by the National Library. (H. Putnam) Outl. 70: 383. —Lib. J . 27! (M. M. Hassett) (M. A. R. (F. J. 314. -—Nnmber to a Book. (W. W. Bishop) Lib. J. 311 270, — Printed, of the Library of Congress ; Further Com- parisons of Use. Lib. J . 31: 260, Catalogue Reading, On. (D. G. McChesney) Monthly R. 20, no. 3: 109. =Liv. Age, 247: 86. Cataloguing. (L. M. Clatwort-hy) Pub. Lib. 92 I07. — and Analyzing, Helpful Points in. (L. Smith) Pub. Lib. 9: 103. — Careless. Library, 11. s. 31 321. — Cost of. (W. W. Bishop) Lib. J. 30: 1o. —— for Small Libraries. (W. R. Eastman) Pub. Lib. 11: 314. —— — Common Sense in. (Agnes Van Valkenburgh) Lib. J. 31: 127. — Rules for Corporate Entry in. (J . C. M. Hanson) Lib. J. 30: 72. —— Some Points in. (J . C. M.Hanson) Pub. Lib. 11: 62, Cataloguing Bureau for Public Libraries. Library, 11. s. 2 . — Plan for. (L. S. Jast) Library, 11. s. 5: 146. Catalogues, Book, Three of the Earliest. (H. O. Sever- ance) Pub. Lib. IO: 116. — Library, Arrangement of Entries in. (Alice B. Kroeger) Lib. J. 30: I46. I Pub. Lib. 10: 18, —— Subject Headings for State Documents. (Adelaide R. Hasse) Lib. J. 31: 123. — — in Dictionary. (W. W. Bishop) Lib. J . 31: 113, Catalonia Rebel. (H. Lynch) Contemp. 82: 56. Catalpa, 520/I, Profit a Year from. (Arthur H. Glea- son) Ctry Life Am. 8: 54. — The Hardy. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 348. Catalpa Hybrids. (D. P. Penhallow) Am. Natural. 391 I13- Catalpa Speciosa, The. (J . P. Brown) Chant; 41: 364. Catalysis. (W. Ostwald) Nature, 65: 522. Catalytic Processes; the Chemistry of Commerce. (R. K. Duncan) Harper, 112: 184, Cataract Canton, The Havasupais. Overland, n. s. 42: 392, Catarina; a story. (G. P. Curtis) Cath. World. 79: (A. Inkersley) Catastrophe, A Possible Celestial. (J . E. Gore) Knowl. n. s. 2: 261. ‘ Catastrophes and the Moral Order. Hibbert J. 1: 114, Catawba River Basin, Onomatology of. schet) Am. Anthrop. 4: 52. Catechism, The. Spec. 93: 420, — Revival of the. Church Q. 59: 77. Catechist, The Successful. (E. M. Baird) Cath. World, 74: 588. Catechn. (W. E. Ridenour) J . Frankl. Inst. 156: 417, Caterpillars. (J . J . Ward) Good Words, 44: 431. (G. H. Howison) (A. S. Gat- 104 ~ CATS Catfish, Fishing for. (F. W. Mather) Outing, 46: 401. Catfishes, Mailed, of South America. (C. H. Eigen- man) Science, 11. s. 21: 792, Catgut Musical Strings, Mechanical Properties of. (J . R. Benton) Am. J. Sci. 170: 383. Catharine II. of Russia and her Court. ander) Macmil. 90: 68, -— and the Holy See, 1772-96. Cath. Q. 30: 1. Catharine of Braganza, our Forgotten Portuguese Queen. (M. G. J. Kinloch) Gent. M. n. s. 741 463. Catharine Valley, New York. (M. E. Nichols) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 45. Cathay, A River of. (E. Dawson) Blackw. 173: 222. (W. F. Alex- (T. J. Shahan) Am. Cathedral, English, Inner Workings of an. (Florence T. Shore) Good Words, 46: 422, ' —— of the Peak. Antiq. n. s. 41: 340. — Uses of a. (H. Potter) Cent. 41: 565, Cathedral Builders in England, Prior’s. (Russell Sturgis) Nation, 82: 434, -— of the Middle Ages. (T. J. Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 405. Cathedral Close, An American. (E. F. Baldwin) Outl. 79: 283. Cathedrals as Originally Planned. Am. Arch. 75: 5. (Jules Adilin e) —— French. (E. R. Pennell) Cent. 50: 516. '— of the Rhineland. (E. Sperry) Craftsman, 2: 118, — Old and New. (H. B. Philpott) Macmil. 92: 124.: Liv. Age, 246: 370, -— Seven New. (H. B. Philpott) Pall Mall M. 28: 461. Catherine of Siena, St. (E. G. Gardner) Hibbert J . 41 57°- -— Letters of. Dub. R. 138: 143. Catherine the Great, Courtships of, Sergeant’s. R- 991 424- Catherine, Queen-Consort of George II. of England. Acad. 62: 80, Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. (W. E. Si1nonds) Critic, 42: 169. Catherwood’s Data of Ethics. (A. Train) McClure, 2 5: 376. Cathode, Rotating, Further Work with. (H. E. Med- way) Am. J . Sci. 168: 56. — — Material and Shape of. Sci. 168: 180, Catholic, A, and the Bible. (James J . Fox) Cath. World, 80: 569, 788, 81: 72-512, Catholic, How may we become more truly? (C. A. Briggs) Indep. 56: 177. — The Name and the Thing. (C. A. Briggs) Am. J . Theol. 7: 417. -— The Title, and the Roman Church. (M. A. R. Tuker) Crit. R. 13: 291, (H. Hayman) 387. ' See also Roman Catholic. Catholic Socialist, The. (T. Baty) Macmil. n. s. 2: 47. Catholic Truth and Historical Truth. (G. G. Coulton) Contemp. 88: 808. Catholic University (Washington), Apostolic Mission House. Cath. World, 76: 287, Catholic University of America, Leo XIII. and the. (T. O’Gorman) Cath. Univ. Bull. 11 8. —-Some Advantages of the. (J . F. Mullany) Am. Cath. 28: 479, Catkins. (C. M. Weed) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 159. Catnach, James, London’s First “Yellow Journalist.” New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 488. 1 Cats as Companions. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 97: 424. . -— as Plant Investigators. (D. Fairchild) Science, 11. s. Sat. (H. E. Medway) Am. J. 24: 498, —— The Fireside Sphinx, Repplier’s. (M. T. Earle) Bk. Buyer, 23: 576. CATS Cats, How to take care of. Am. 3: 35. —— of Piacenza, The. (W. L. Alden) Harper, 1131 398- - Paws of, Case‘ of Abnormality in. (F. Howe, jr.) Am. Natural. 36: 511, —— Prepotency in Polydactylous. ence, 26: 554. Catskills. The Ghost House. man, 10: 279, Cattell, J . McKeen, on University Control. Science, n. s. 23: 475. Cattle, Ancient Park. Spec. 93: 891. — Carrying, across the Atlantic. Chamb. J. 81: 453. —— Growing for Market in I4 Months. Ctry Life Am. 8: 336. — Improving the Breed of. (G. Scott) Cornh. 92: 624. See also Stock. Cattle Disease Legislation, Economic Efiects of. J . Pol. Econ. 15: 156. Cattle-farming in Paraguay. Chamb. J . 82: 536. (C. H. Jones) Ctry Life (H. B. Torrey) Sci- (Bliss Carman) Crafts- (Walter Wood) (E. V. Wilcox) Cattle Industry, Conditions in the. (W. Hill) J . Pol. Econ. 13: I. — Modern Methods in. (C. M. Harger) Outl. 72: 39. Cattle Problem of Archimedes. Sci. M0. 67: 660, Cattle—raising. The American Ox and his Pasture. (E. B. Andrews) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 61. Cattle-ranch, Day’s Work on. (Earl Mayo) World’s Work, 3: 1638, Cattle Range, Last War for the. Outing, 46: 668, Cattle-thieves in India. (M. Merriman) Pop. (Arthur Chapman) (C. K. Buck) Chamb. J. 83: 518, Catullus. (R. B. Steele) Sewanee, I2: 297. — Codex Romanus of. (W. G. Hale) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 4: 37- — Cornish’s Translation. Spec. 92: 642, Caucasus, Anarchy in the. (L. Villari) Fortn. 85: 357. —The Crimea and the. (G. F. Wright) Chant. 36: 253- — The Danger in the. (E. M. Bliss) Outl. 80: 964. — The Frosty. (Col. C. E. de la Poer Beresford) Blackw. I78: 781, —- Russia’s Conquest of. 27: 682, 5 —- VVith Revolutionists in. (E. Poole) Outl. 81: 653. Caucasus Mountains, and Southern Russia. (E. O. Ho,vey) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 327. Caucus, Convention and. (H. W. Wilbur) Gunton’s M, 22: 65. — or King. (W. Hemstreet) Arena, 30: 295. — Revival of the. (W. Hemstreet) Ecl. M. 145: 569. Causal Law, Content and Validity of. (B. Erdmann) Philos. R. 14: 138, 290, Causality. (W. B. Pillsbury) Philos. R. 13: 409. Causes and Reasons. (J . Bascom) Bib. Sac. 63: 125. — Final, Uses and Abuses of. (G. E. Underhill) Mind, 29: 220, Cavalier’s Library. 158. Cavalry, American, in the War of Secession. Serv. Inst. 30: 418. 31: 721, -— and Cannon. (IV. A. Holbrook) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 168, — and Infantry in India, The Training of. Clay) Un. Serv. M. 26: 47, —— before a Battle. (C. D. Rhodes) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 38= 392- — French Views on the Employment of. (C. W. Far- ber) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 467. 37: 9. —-— The Future R610 of. (E. Wood) Un. Serv. M. 26: 399. (D. Sampson) Am. Cath. Q. (H. R. Plomer) Library, 11. s. 5: J . Mil. (C. H. 105 CAYBIGAN Cavalry, German Ideas on the R6le and Employment of. J. Serv. Inst. 35: 294, 440. — in Modern War. (Lieut.-Gen. Von Pelet-Narbonne) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 235. -— in Peace Time, What is required to improve-the Training of. (H. Wyndham) Un. Serv. M. 241 199- — Mounted and Dismounted, Action of. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 381, —— Notes on. (W. Merritt) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 325. —of the Future. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 331 241. —(G; Y. Younghusband) Monthly R. 9, no. 2: 70. —— U. S., American Trooper and his Mount. (R. D.; Paine) Outing, 47: I. — Volunteer. (H. Barry) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 267. Cavalry Armament. (Lord Roberts) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. ss= I44- Cavalry Methods. 331 I19- Cavalry Mounts, Notes on. (H. T. Allen) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 115. Cavalry Officer, Education of the. Un. Serv. M. 30: 276, Cavalry Pioneers. Cavalry Raid, A. 318. Cavalry Regiments. Ld,3I: 422, — Proposal for Officering. Un. Serv. M. 32: 563. Cavalry Remounts. (C. G. Morrison) Un. Serv. M. 2 5: 626, Cavalry School, French, at Saumur. (D. A. Willey) Army & Navy Life, 9, no. 2:’ 10. Cavalry Scout, A, in the Indian Meeting. Chamb. J. 80: 589, Cavalry Tactics of To-day. Serv. Inst. 33: 500. Cavalry Training, Canada, 1904. 4I4- Cavalryman, Psychology of the. Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 417. Cave Exploration, English. Words, 43: 437. — in California, Recent. thropol. 8: 221. Cave Fauna. (C. H. Eigenman and others) Science, n. s. 21: 60, Cave-hunting. Nature, 71: 488. Cave Men of the Ozarks. (E. H. Jacobs) Am. Antiq. 25: 312, Cave of Adullam. (Alice Brown) Atlan. 90: 252. Cave Paintings in West Australia. Antiq. 24: 457. Cavendish, Thomas, Voyage to Pacific Coast of Amer- ica, 1587. Out West, 18: 139. Cavendish Laboratory. Nature, 69: 128. Cavern, Colossal, Kentucky. Booklover’s M. 4: 533. Caverns, Influence of, on Topography. (I. C. Russell) Science, 11. s. 21: 30, Caves, Hydration. (E. H. Kraus) Science, 11. s. 22: (J . Parker) (J . A. Shipton) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 435. (A. J . Campbell) Un. Serv. M. 32: (R. H. Carr-Ellison) Un. Serv. (J . Wallah) (A. W. Andrew) J . Mil. Un. Serv. M. 29: (Dr. Campeano) J . (J . W. Wilkinson) Good (J . C. Merriam) Am. An- 502, -— Sculptured, of East Wemyss. (J . Patrick) Reli- quaIy~46: 37- — The Wookey Hole, Mendip. (F. E. Hiley) Idler, 26: 578. Cawein, Madison, Poetry of. Acad. 63: 270. —(Anna B. McGill) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 376. Cawnpore, Story of. (P. A. W. Henderson) Blackw. 175: 628. Caxton, William. (R. H. Blades) Library, 11. s. 4: 113. Caxtoniana, Recent. (A. W. Pollard) Library, n. s. 5= 337- Caybigan. (James Hopper) McClure, 27: 326. , (J. Fraser) Am. ' CEANOTHUS Ceanothus Americanus and Ovatus. J. Sci. 172: 523. Cebu, Island of, Around, on Horseback. tock) Am. J. Sociol. 8: 432. Cecilia, Princess of Sweden, Journey to Court of Queen Elizabeth. (Margaret Morison) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11, 3. I2: I81. Cecilia the Pharisee ; a story of the Nevada Madigans. (M. Michelson) Cent. 46: 192. Cecilian Art, Evolution of. (M. D. Walsh) Cath. World, 76: 794. Cedar Hill Maze, The. 8: 527, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Public Library. (Harriet A. Wood) Lib. J. 30: 931. Cedars of Lebanon, The. (L. G. Leary) Scrib. M. 34: (T. Holm) Am. (S. McClin- (Cornelia Warren) Ctry Life, 79- Cedric; astory. Blackw. I73: 324. Ceiling, Painted, of Livery Hall of Drapers’ Co. Studio (Internat.) 20: 33. Ceiling Designs. Am. Arch. 82: 46. Ceilings, Some Old.“ (H. H. Ditchfield) Studio (Inter- nat.) 26: 17. Celebes, Geography and Geology of, Sarasin on. Na- ture, 66: 3. Celebration Noises. Sat. R. 93: 723. Celebrities, On Displaying. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 510. “ Celerity” in Diplomacy. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 458. Celery-growing; how J . Burroughs makes it Profit- able. (Julian Burroughs) Ctry Life Am. 9: 311. — in Peat—Lands of California. (Arthur Inkersley) Overland, n. s. 46: 101, Celestial Garment, A; a story. McClure, 22: 184, Celestial Photography, Concerning. Blackw. 172: 57. = Ecl. M. 139: 434. =Liv. Age, 234: 462. Celiastite, Occurrence of, near Syracuse, N. Y. (E. H. Kraus) Am. J. Sci. 168: 30. Celestite-bearing Rocks. (E. H. Kraus) Am. J . Sci. 169: 286. “Celia.” (E. Pottle) Cosmopol. 40: 179, Cell, in the Higher Plants, Study of. (H. A. Haig) Knowl. n. s. 3: 513, 526, -—— in Biology, Hertwig on. (J . B. Farmer) Nature, (M. T. Campbell) 74‘ 25- -—- The Living. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 64: 136. Cell-division, Dynamic, Interpretation of. (M. Har- toz) Nature, 67: 42. Cellmates in a Civilized Community. Char. I3: 120, Cell-unions in Plants. (B. M. Davis) Am. Natural. 395 217- Cellini, Benvenuto. Acad. 65: 135. -— and his Memoirs. (T. B. Reilly) Cath. World, 78: 52, Cells, Egg Follicle, of Insects. (V. L. Kellogg) Science, 11. s. 19: 392. —— Structure and Physiology of. ture. 721 519- Celluloid in Chromatic Polarization. Science, 11. s. 23: 706. Cellulose, The Wonders of. I I3: 573- Celon, The Wonderland of. (G. Wolseley) Idler, 29: 31. Celt, Character of the. Acad. 63: 39. - Tragedy of the. Acad. 63: 705. Celtic Drama, Neo—, in America. 27: 231, Celtic Literature. (C. L. Moore) Dial, 40: 18 5. Celtic Poetry and Legend. Liv. Age, 250: 816, Celtic Researches, Nicholson’s. Ath. ’04, 2: 166. Celtic Revival, The. Acad. 64: 85. ——Quar. I95: 423. -— Is it Really Irish? (M. K. Ford) No. Am. 183: 771. (Harold Wager) Na- (L. B. J oslin) (R. H. Duncan) Harper, (L. Gilhan) Lamp, 106 CENTER Celtic Sagas. (S. Gwynn)Macmi1. 87: 95. = Liv. Age, 236: 483. Celtic Spirit in Literature. (H. Ellis) Contemp. 89: 203. I Liv. Age, 248: 579, Celtic Texts. (F. N. Robinson) Nation, 77: 212, Cement, Artistic Possibilities of. Sci. Am. 94: 396. -—Natural Rock. (F. H. Doremus) Am. Arch. 79: 99- - Portland. (D. B. Butler) Am. Arch. 84: 6. -— —— Modern Plant for making. (F. H. Lewis) Engin. M. 31: 884, 32: 210, -— Production and Manufacture of, in the U. S. (Ed- win C. Eckel) Engin. M. 30: 715. — Testing. Am. Arch. 81: 19. -—Tests of. (J. E. Howard) Am. Arch. 84: 95. 85: 75- 87= 71. Cement Block Architecture. (L. H. Gibson) Am. Arch. 89: 71. Cement Construction, New French Method of. Schopfer) Archit. Rec. 12: 271, 374. Cement-making in Scotland ; a New Industry. Chamb. J. 82: 687. Cement-mill, Gravity, in the Pyrenees. Engin. M. 28: 369. Cement Mortar, Retempering. Am. Arch. 79: 102. Cement Tests. (J . E. Howard) Am. Arch. 8g: 95. Cements, Inspection and Testing of. (R. L. Hum- phrey) J. Frankl. Inst. I53: 23, 93. -— Military Tests of Hydraulic. (J . E. Howard) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 94. Cemeteries, Park-like. (O. C. Simonds) Ctry Life Am. 4: 349. — Trees in. (O. C. Simonds) Chaut. 41: 338, Cenotaph, The; a story. (M. T. Earle) Harper, 108: 868. (J . (G. M. Peck) Censor; a story. (G. B. Fife) Scrib. M. 33: 150. Census, British, Romance of. (T. J . MacNamara) Fortn. 77: 465. ~' —— in Foreign Countries. 879. —— The, in our Village. (Maud S. Rawson) Cornh. 85: (W. R. Merriam) Cent. 44: 760, —— U. S. Critics of the. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81: 138, — — First. (W. S. Rossiter) Outl. 84: 1071, -- - 1900, Manufactures in. (C. E. Munroe) J . Frankl. Inst. I56: 33, I43. — (W. G. S. Adams) J. Pol. Econ. 11: 343. —— —— — Notes on. Am. Statis. Assoc. 8: 3o. -—— —- — Noteworthy Results of. (W. R. Merriam) Cent. 44: 712. -—— —- — Population in. 11: 183, -—— -—— — Vital Statistics in. Statis. Assoc. 8: 127, —— —- A Permanent Census Oflice. Am. Statis. Assoc. 7: 381.-— (W. R. Merriam) No. Am. 174: 105, Census Statistics of Special Classes. (J . Koren) Am. Statis. Assoc. 9: 55. Census-taking, Evolution of American. riam) Cent. 43: 831, Censuses, Foreign, Notes on. Statis. Assoc. 7: 443. —— Interdecennial State. (H. Gannett) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 223. — Occupation and Manufacturing. (R. R. Kuczynski) Yale R. 11: 83. Centaurs in Art. Sat. R. 931 834. Centenarianism. Spec. 97: 487. ——Dames and Knights of the Three Century Order. (Isabel M. Hamill) Good Words, 43: 656, 720, Centennial-Habit. Dial, 32: 409. Center of an Area or of a Population, What is the? (J . F. Hayford) Am. Statis. Assoc. 8: 47, (J . Cummings) J . Pol. Econ. (F. L. Hoffman) Am. (W. R. Mer- (C. E. A. Winslow) Am. CENTERS Centers for Arches. Am. Arch. 88: 127. Central America. (J . W. G. Walker) 38: 544. -— Butterflies of, Godman on. (E. B. Poulton) Nature, 67: 25, — Characteristics of. (C. M. Pepper) Indep. 51: 210. -— Plateau of, Climate of. (G. Michaud) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 231, — Republics of. (R. W. Cater) Macmil. 91: 452. — Ruined Cities of. (S. D. Peet) Am. Autiq, 25: 1, Centralization and the Law. (H. N. Shepard) Green Bag, 18: 88, Centrosome, Morphological Value of, Boveri on. (J . B. F.) Nature, 66: 74. Century, A, and a Retrospect. Month, 100: 561. Century of Empire, A. (Sir T. Fraser) F ortn. 83: 1112, Century Club, London. (F. Harrison) Cornh. 88: 314. Century Plant, A. (H. N. Rust) Land of Sun. 7: 237. Cephalaspis and Drepanaspis, Marginal and Ridge Scales in. (C. R. Eastman) Science, 11. s. 19: 703. Ceptacle Hypothesis, The. (O. B. Taft) Monist, 15: 182 Ceramic Work of Burslem Art School. (E. N. Scott) Studio (Internat.) 27: 333. Ceramics, American. (Clara Ruge) Studio (Internat.) 28: xxi, — in America. (C. F. Binns) Craftsman, 7: 563. —in Architecture. (J. Schopfer) Archit. Rec. 11, no. 3: I. — Modern Decorative Wares. 113, Ceratopsia, Two New, from the Laramie of Converse County, Wyoming. (J . B. Hatcher) Am. J . Sci. 170: 413, Cerberus. (M. Bloomfield) Monist, I4: 523. Cerebellum, The; its Relation to Spatial Orientation and Locomotion. (Victor Horsley) Nature, 72: (W. P. Rix) Art J. 57: . 389. Cerebro-spinal Meningitis. (T. Darlington) Char. I4: 904. Ceremonies and Conduct. (A. G. Lewis) Westm. I 58: 560, Ceremony, Uses of, in a Nation’s Life. Sat. R. 93: 72. Ceres. (H. B. Sargeant) Overland, n. s. 44: 188. Cereus, A Night Blooming Giant. (T. B. Shepherd) Land of Sun. 2: 45. Ceric Chromate. (P. E. Browning and C. P. Flora) Am. J. Sci. 165: 177. Cerne Abbas, England. (A. Tomson) Art J . 54: 243. Cerne, Book of. (D. G. Hodges) Am. J . Theol. 8: 559. Cerro de Montezuma, Ruins of the. (A. H. Blackis- ton) Am. Anthropol. 8: 2 56. Certainty and Probability. (F. S. Turner) Westm. 159: 304. Cervantes, M. de. (G. E. Woodberry) McClure, 24: 616 - and his Work. (Jas. J . Walch) Cath. World, 81: 344- —— Don Quixote, Tercentenary of. (W. H. Kent) Dub. R. 136: 375. —(A. Dobson) Liv. Age, 244: 190. — (Havelock Ellis) No. Am. 180: 670.— (Miguel Mir) Indep. 58: 1117. -—- Life of, Calvert’s. supp. iii. Cesaresco. See Martinengo-Cesaresco. Ceti 82 ()8 395), The Orbit of. (R. G. Aitken) Pop. Astron. I3: I90. Ceuta, The African Gibraltar. quhoun) Harp. W. 50: 312. —— and Gibraltar. (J . F. Crease) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 462, Ceylon, Buried City of. (J . M. Abbot) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 613. — Education in. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 100: (Archibald R. Col- (A. G. Wise) Asia R. 37: 72. 107 CHAMBERLAIN Ceylon, Education in, Compulsory. (A. G. Wise) Asia. R, 41: 61, — Educational Problem in. (A. G. Wise) Asia. R. 42: 52- — Heathen Rites and Superstitions in. (C. C. Obl- mietz) I'9th Cent. 58: 127. -— Importance of Fiscal Relations of. Asia. R. 37: 255. — Pearl Fisheries of. Nature, 72: 395. — Police of. (A. F. Sibbald) Green Bag, I 5: 541. —- A Trip round Sunny. (A. E. Murrell) Asia. R. 40: (R. G. Corbet) 31 - — Twenty Years’ Captivity in. (Robert Knox) Gent. M. n. s. 76: 356. Chad, William ; an Elizabethan Bishop and his Flock. (J. Chapman) Dub. R. 134: 32. Chad, Lake, Region of, French Explorations in. Geog. J , 24: 202, Chadwick, John White. (E. L. Cary) Critic, 46: 114. Chadwick, Mrs., and Mme. Humbert. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 79: 474. Chagos, Archipelago, Percy Sladen Expedition’s visit to. (J . Stanley Gardiner) Nature, 72: 57!. Chahine, Edgar, Armenian Etcher. Studio (Internat.) I 5: 188, Chahnameed, The Name. Lore, I6: I07, Chain-gang in Georgia. (G. H. Clarke) World To-day, 10: 302. — (G. H. Clarke) Outl. 82: 73. Chain Gear, Renold Silent. (J . O. Nixon) J . F rankl. Inst. I53: 341. Chair Hunting with Jeremiah. Ctry Life Am. 8: 636, Chairman, The Quest of the Golden. tion, 78: 384. Chairs, Old, Dr. F igdor’s Vienna Collection of. (A. S. Levetus) Studio (Internat.) 24: 331. Chaise-Dieu, France. (V. R. Markham) Cornh. 94: (A. T. Sutherland) (R. Ogden) Na- 534- Chalcedony Park, Arizona. (R. I. Geare) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 505. _ Chalcopyrite, New Habit for. (R. W. Richards) Am. J. Sci. 167: 425. _ Chaleur Bay, Fire Ship of. Science, n. s. 24: 501. Chalk Horses. (W. A. Fraser) Canad. M. 27: 548. Chalker, Alexander, of Guilford, Conn., and his De- scendants. (R. D. Smyth) N. E. Reg. 59: 133. Challenge Cup, The. (L. G. Giltner) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 590. Chalmers, James. Acad. 62: 547, — R. Lovett on. Bk. News, 21: 2. Chamberlain, Austen, Chancellor of the Exchequer. (Herbert Vivian) Booklover’s M. 5: 673. Chamberlain, Mrs. Herbert. (M. E. Henderson) Canad. M. 27: 501, Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, our New Prophet. (R. C. Schiedt) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 145, 289. Chamberlain, Joseph. (S. H. J eyes) Bk. News, 22: 444. ——(J. M. Lyon) Westm. I61: 97. -— American View of the Proposals of. (R. E. Thomp- son) Fortn. 80: 466, — and Birmingham, -—- the Political Riddle. Harris) F ortn. 86: 18, — and Canada. Canad. M. 22: I30. — (L. Hunt) Canad. M. 22: 532.-—Outl. 75: 13. —and the Premiers. (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 26. ' —— and Rosebery. (F. A. White) Westm. I57: 335. —- and the Zollverein. Westm. I60: 1. — Antidote for. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 450. — as an Empire Builder. (H. Birchenough) I9th Cent. 51: 360. — the Country and the Government. 264. (G. H. Ed. R. 202: (G. Monrey) . (J . D. Prince) J . Am. Folk-' CHAMBERLAIN Chamberlain, Joseph, the Demagogue. (H. H. L. Bel- lot) Westm. I61: 123, -—— Early Career of, with portraits. Munsey, 33: 32. -— England’s Colonial Secretary. (B. J . S. Coleridge) No. Am. 176: 832. — With portraits. (C. Roberts) Everybody’s, 8: 2.41, — Fiscal Policy of. (T. W. Mitchell) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 105. ~ —— Future of. Fortn. 81: 445. = Liv. Age, 241: 257,: Ecl. M. 142: 724, —— the Greatest Colonial Minister. Fortn. 78: 913.‘ — Hold on the Midlands. (J . C. Rose) Nation, 781 163, — an Impossible Premier. I61: I45, -— in South Africa. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 106. — Journey to the Colonies, Constitutional Aspects of. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 75: 477. — Known and the Unknown in. (A. C. Pigou) Fortn. 81: 36. - — Man and Statesman, with portrait. Booklover’s M. 3: 21. — the Man of Emergency. Fortn. 77: 181. — New Chapter of. (E. Salmon) Fortn. 792 638. — the New Sir Robert Peel. (G. Peel) National, 41: (T. E. Pemberton) (W. J . Corbet) Westm. (F. A. Acland) 91'- — Parallels of. (F. G. Stevens) Westm. I65: 1, — Past and Future of. (L. Le Gay Burley) Indep. 551 2316, -— a Political Fabius Maximus. (Wilfred Ward) Ecl. M, 15: 382, — a Possible Prime Minister. (H. Parker) Munsey, 27: 224, - ‘ — The Protagonist and the Future. Fortn. 80: 734. — Reactionary Protectionism of. (H. White) Nation, 76: 429, - — Showing him Out. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 80: 240. —— Sir Robert Peel and. (H. Spender) Fortn. 80: 598. — Success of. Sat. R. 93: 197. — Tariff Proposals of. (Viscount Goschen) Ecl. M. 141: 434. -_-Liv. Age, 238: 398, - Quar. 198: 246, —(H. Cox) No. Am. 177: 1. — (J. E. Gorst) No. Am. 177: I61. —— (H. L. Nelson) No. Am. 177: 133. —- (Y. Guyot and others) Fortn. 80: 1-193, - (R. Ogden) Nation, 772 296. —— (B. Taylor) 19th Cent. 54: 839. —Outl. 74: 4o3.—— (L. Wolf) World To-day, 5: I415. — — Deductively Considered. (T. Middlemore) Econ. R, 15: 28, — — in the Light of French Experience. (Y. Guyot) Fortn. 80: I, — A Tribute to. National, 39: 39. — vs. Chamberlain. (F. J . Whiting) Nation, 78: 124, — who Did, and the Chamberlain who Will. Westm. 162: 262, Chamberlain, Sir Neville. (A. I. Shand) Cornh. 85: 598- Chamberlain, Lord Great, of England. (J . H. Round) Monthly R. 7, no. 3: 42. Chambers, Haddon, Australia’s Dramatist, with por- trait. (E. A. Keddell) Idler, 24: 549. Chambers, Robert W. (R. Hughes) Bk. News, 25: 73. — (E. F. Haskins) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: I89, Chambers’s Cyclopaedia of English Literature. der Matthews) Lamp, 28: 200, Chambord Chateau. (R. Whiteing) Cent. 48: 361, Chamier, Frederic, Novels of. (E. A. Baker) Macmil. 9% 385- Chamonix Electric Railway. (Archibald Wilson) Cas- sier, 25: 199. - Chamorro Language of Guam. (VV. E. Safford) Am. Anthrop. 5:289, 508. 6: 95, 501. 72 305. 108 (Bran- . CHAPEL , Champion, V. J . Roux. Notre Dame, Paris, etching of. Art J. 56: 76. Champion, The King’ s. Words, 43: 320. Champlain, Samuel de. (H. L. Nelson) Harper, :07: 947- Champlain Valley, Early Mention of Events in. (D. S. Kellogg) M. of Hist. 1: 77. Chan Sen, Evolution of ; a story. Macmil. 87: 205. Chance, can it build a World? (J . Cooper) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 503. . —— Continuity of. (J. H. T. Perkins) Good (E. W. Davie) Univ. Neb. Stud. 2: 131, Chancellor’s Nightmare, The. Westm. I62: 379. Chancellor’s Robe, The ; a Bygone Incident. (S. Chil- ders) 19th Cent. 59: 151. Chancery, Court of, British, of the 15th Century. (C. T. Martin) Archaeol. 592 I. Chandelier for Gas and Electric Lighting, Improve- ment of. (A. Hallard) Archit. Rec. 14: 117. Changeless, The. (M. A. Bacon) Harper, I04: 550. Changed Trunk, The. (S. Baring-Gould) Chamb. J . 81: 759. Changeling, The. (W. W. Jacobs) Cosmopol. 42: 79. Channel Islands, Education in the. Ath, ’o6, I: I 37. Channing, Ellery. (F. B. Sanborn) Critic, 46: 76. — and his Table-talk. (F. B. Sanborn) Critic, 472 121, 267, — Thoreau and. (F. B. Sanborn) Critic, 471 444. — Walks with. (R. W. Emerson) Atlan. 90: 27, Channing, Wm. Ellery, and the Religion of New Eng- land. (E. E. Hale) Am. J. Theol. 8: 78. -— Chadwick’s Life of. (W. M. Salter) Atlan. 92: 131. — (W. Walker) Nation, 77: 97. —— Verse of. (F. B. Sanborn) Nation, 76: 10. Chantal, St., and the Foundation of the Visitation, Bougaud’s. (J . McSorley) Cath. World, 76: 571, Chantemerle. (Edith Barnard) Appleton’s M. 8: 700, Chantey-man, The. (H. P. Whitmarsh) Harper, I06: 319- Chanties, Sailors’. (P. A. Hutchison) J . Am. Folk- Lore, 19: 16, Chantilly Castle. (J . Schoffer) Archit. Rec. 15: 499. Chantilly Library, Early Printed Books in the. (A. Laugel) Nation, 80: 372. Chantrey Bequest. Am. Arch. 85: 36, 85. -—Ath. ’o4, 2: 22, 248,— (Earl of Lytton) National, 43: 610.—Spec. 921 336. ——(Herbert Chorley) Sat. R. 96: 48.—Spec. 91: 521. — Administration of. (H. Quilter) Contemp. 84¢ 25 3. — and Whistler. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 952 454. — Committee Report, I905. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 97: 776. 98: 23o.—Art J. 56: 333. — Committee Work on, 1906. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. I01: 616, - — Mal-administration of. (D. S. MacColl and others) Sat R. 9s= 516. 706- W 573-793- -— Purchases from. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 992 621. — Strange Story of the. (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 79: 176. Chantrey Gallery as it should be. Chantry, The Old English. Bull. 9: 3. Chapbook, Mediaeval, as an Educational Factor of the Past. (J . G. Sieveking) Reliquary, 43: 241, Chapbooks, Boswell’s and others. (R. Bergengren) Lamp. 281 39- — Italian, 20th Century. 11. s. 52 239. Chapel of the Ascension, London. (C. Witherby) Sund. M. 34: 190, — of Nicholas V., In the. 406. Art J. 57: 133. (C. Holland) Cath. Univ. (W. E. A. Axon) Library, (H. Monroe) Atlan. 92: CHAPEL Chapel, Private, in Westchester. (C. Coleman) Archit. Rec. 18: 283, Chaplain, The Army. Inst. 36: 294. Chaplin, Mrs., Poems of. (Viscount St. Cyres) Cornh. 87: 101, ' Chapman, George, Sources of his Plays. Ath. ’o3, 1: 51. — the “ Rival Poet ” and William Shakespeare. Acheson) Ath. ’04, 1: 139, Chappaquiddick Island, Martha’s Vineyard, New Lower Tertiary Fauna from. (I. C. Brown) Am. J. Sci. 170: 229. Chapter House, Cornell University. Archit. Rec. 18: 211, Character and-Environment; a Socialistic Contention. (J . G. Brooks) Internat. Q. 8: 147. — and Reputation. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 567. -— as Collateral. (B. Williamson) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 219, — College Preparation in. 13: 606, — Physical Basis of. Spec. 93: 629. — Political Value of. Spec. 95: 600. — vs. Wealth. (O. S. Marden) Good Words, 47: 143. Character Writing. Acad. 65: 15,?-Liv. Age, 239: 59. I Eel. M. 141: 690, -— Charcoal Drawings by David Cox. Studio (Internat.) 25: 38. Chardin, J can-Baptiste-Simeon, Artist, with portrait. Mast. in Art, 6: 171. Charing Cross and its Immediate Neighborhood. (J . H. Macmichael) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 8. Chariot, Ancient Bronze, in the Metropolitan Museum. (H. N. Fowler) Chant. 42: 50. — Umbrian, in Metropolitan Museum. Cent. 46: 437. Chariot of Fire, A. Chariot Race, The Winner in the. tion, 80: 148. Charioteer of Delphi, The. J. Archaeol. n. s. 10: 151, Charitable Funds, The Press and.' Indep. R. 10: 64, Charitable Gifts, Scrutiny of. (VV. J . Neidig) Nation, 80: 311. Charitable Work, Publicity in. Am, 181: 24, Charities and Corrections, Conferences of. Char. 9: (C. C. Bateman) J . Mil. Serv. (F. S. Boas) (A. (C. D. Adams) School R. (T. Oldforde) (C. de Kay) (E. S. Phelps) Harper, I10: 777. (H. Lamont) Na- (O. M. Washburn) Am. (S. A. Barnett) (W. H. Allen) No. 554- — — California, Los Angeles Meeting, 1905. (W. A. Gates) Char. 15: 676, — —— Canadian, 7th. (J . J . Kelso) Char. 13: 93. — — Indiana, 13th. (A. W. Butler) Char. I3: 298. — —— Iowa, 7th. (E. T. Lies) Char. 13: 291. —- -— Kansas, Topeka Meeting, 1905. (E. A. Freden- hagen) Char. I5: 675. — — Massachusetts, 2d, Springfield. Char. 13: 160. —- ——- Michigan, 1905. (L. C. Storrs) Char. 15: 420. —— —— Minnesota, 13th. (A. W. Gutridge) Char. 13: 273- — — — 14th. (E. D. Solenberger) Char. 15: 397. — — Missouri, 5th. (C. A. Ellwood) Char. 13: 287. — — — 6th. (E. A. Fredenhagen) Char. I 5: 401. —— — National, Growth of. (F. H. Wines) Char. 14: 892, —- - — 1902 Meeting. — —-— — 1903 Meeting. — — — 1904 Meeting. —— — — 1905 Meeting. 1071. — — Newark, 1904. Char. 12: 399. — —- New Jersey, 1904. (A. W. Abbott) Char. I2: 219. Char. 9: 13. Char. 10: 465, 487. Char. 12: 636, 663, 710, Char. 14: 959, 1000, 1008, 1027, 109 CHARITY Charities and Corrections, Conferences of ; New Jersey, 1905. Char. I3: 507. “ - - — 1906. Char. I5: 727. —- —— New York, 5th. Char. 13: 60, 164. -— — —— 6th. Char. 15: 236, ——- —- Ohio, 14th. Char. 13: 105, —- State Control of. (A. W. Clark) Univ. Neb. Stud. 5‘ 357- —— A State Program of. (E. C. Runge) Char. I2: 862, — State Supervision of. (C. T. Lewis) Char. I0: 278, Charities, a Bureau of, Wherein lies the Work of. (W. I. Nichols) Char. 12: 13, — in New York State, The. Outl. 70: 211, —- Jewish. (L. K. Frankel) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 389, — —,National Conference of. 16: 255, —Medical. (J. J. Nutt) Char. 14: 752. -— of a New Republic. (G. W. Minns) Char. 12: 337. —- Organized, The Federation of. (R. W. de Forest) Char. 12: 16. — Supervision of, in New York. (R. W. Hebberd) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 477. Charity, Administration of, in England. (H. Bosan- quet) Internat. Q. 7: 392. -— and Democracy. (J . Lee) Char. 17: 387. — and Social Developments in Two Southern Cities. (C. F. Weller) Char. I3: 466. — Christian, of 20th Century Church. Bib. Sac. 59: 501. —- Essentials of a Policy of. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 343 —- a Hundred Years Ago. Cent. 57: 655. —- In the Name of. (E. P. Bicknell) Char. I3: 155. — The Mask of. (J . D. Miller) Arena, 28: 258, — Methods of. (C. Baumgarten) Econ. R. 13: 316. — Mischievous. (C. Rolleston) Westm. 163: 148. — Modern Methods of, Henderson and others on. (M. West) Dial, 38: 269, — The Modern Problem of. Month, 101: 250, — New Movements in. (S. H. Bishop) Am. J . Sociol. (M. H. Harris) Char. (H. F. Perry) (E. T. Devine) Ann. Am. (Countess of Jersey) 19th 7: 59'- — Organized, at Work. Char. 8: 30. —— — The Broadening Sphere of. (R. W. de Forest) Char. 13: 316. — —— Church in relation to. (L. F. Zinkham) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 379. — — The Impetus and Meaning of. (G. T. Smart) Char. 14: 951. —— — in Smaller Cities. (A. Johnson) Char. I4: 71 :. —— The Practice of. (E. T. Devine) Char. 12: 595. —- Private, and Public Relief in England. Univ. of Mo. Stud. 2: 53. -— Public, Some Problems of. 12: 438. — Spirit of. Char. 8: 45. —What can I do for. 403- — World-currents in. (C. R. Henderson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 263, Charity of the Boxe. (E. M. Graham) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 30, Charity of Widow Ogden; a story. (R. M. Gilchrist) Temp. Bar, 133: 539.‘—-Liv. Age, 250: 49. Charity Case, A. (J. T. Bishop) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 673. Charity Fakirs. (C. C. Carstens) Char. 12: 944. Charity Organization in Cities of Less than 60,000. (A. W. McDougall) Char. 9: 333. —- in France. (C. R. Henderson) Char. I4: 1038. — Notes on. (H. N. H. Hoare) Monthly R. 21, no. 2: (F. B. Sanborn) Char. (Lyman Abbott) Char. 17: 142, CHARITY Charity Organization, Things that may be learnt in. (W. A. Bailward) Econ. R. 14: 289. _ Charity Organization Societies at Edinburgh, Confer- ence of, 1902. Char. 92 128. Charity Reports and how to frame them. Char. I 5: 857. Charity Work by N. Y. Society Women. French) Cent. 411 321. - District Committees in. 418. -—- Personal Equation in. (H. A. Tomlinson) Char. I2! 394- Charity Workers, Problem for. Char. 8: 24, Charlemagne’s Passage of the Alps in 1773. (W. A. B. Coolidge) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 493. Charlemont House Memories. (W. S. O’Brien) Monthly R. 11, no. 3: 109. Charles I. as an Art Patron. of Art, 26: 114. —- Executioner of. (P. Sidney) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 217. —— A French Contemporary Account of the Death of. Dub. R. 136: 135. — Memoirs of the Martyr King; ed. by Allen Fea. Ath. ’05, 1: 39. Charles II. and the Bishop of Miinster in the Anglo- Dutch War of 1665-66. (C. Brinkman) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 686. -—- and James, Duke of York, Letters of. Archaeol. 58= I53- — and Reunion with Rome. R. 13, no. 3: 140. — Coronation of. (A. Valgsmigli) Antiq. n. s. 38: 302. — Court of. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 34: 44. -—- Eldest Son of. (P. Sidney) Westm. I 59: 217. — his Connection with Art and Letters. (W. G. Blaikie-Murdoch) Scot. Hist. R. 3: 4I. Charles V., Emperor. (E. Armstrong) Ed. R. 197: 273. -—- Armstrong on. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 76: 113,- Ath. ’02, 2: 543. —— Two Lives of. (E. F. Henderson) Am. Hist. R. 9: 23. Charles I., King of Roumania. (A. Stead) Fortn. 86: I.=-"Eel. M. 147: 261. Charles X. An Unknown Exile in New York: was he Charles X. ? (H. C. Maine) M. of Hist. 2: 96. — The “Unknown Exile ” not he. (Jane M. Parker) M. of Hist. 2: 153. Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender, in Lon- don. (P. Sidney) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 303. Charles of Lorraine. (A. Laugel) Nation, 772 27. Charles Stuart and the Burglar. (May K. Champion) McClure, 25: 31. Charles, James, Painter. Ath. ’o6, 2: 278. Charles River Dam Commission, Review of Report of. Technol. R. 52 455. Charles River Valley. n. s. 26: 645. Charleston, S. C-, Exposition, 1901. (T. C. Smith) In- dep. 54: 142.—R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 58.-—(G. Kennan) Outl. 70: 713. -—- — Art in. (E. C. G.) Brush & P. 9: 249. -—- — Sunny Days at. (L. W. Betts) Outl. 71: 120. Charlestown, Mass., Mill Pond. (I. C. Hersey) N. E. Reg. 56: 235. —- Navy Yard, Old Landmarks at the. (E. W. Huckel) Army & Navy Life, 9: 377. Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Wales. Gent. M. n. s. 73: 59. Charlotte‘ Elizabeth, Duchess of Orleans, 1660—1722, (D. M. Jones) Longm. 43: 500, Charming of Estercel, The ; a story. (G. Rhys) Harper, I09: 75. Charnwood Forest; a Buried Triassic Landscape. (VV. W. Watts) Geog J. 21: 623. (L. H. (F. H. McLean) Char. 15: (F. Mabel Robinson) M. (A. S. Barnes) Monthly (A. W. Kellogg) New Eng. M. (H. I. Arden) 110 l CHAUCER Charnock, Job. Blackw. 171: 770. Charrington, F. N. Sund. M. 32: 714. Charter of Liberties, Unknown. (H. W. C. Davis) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 719. Charterhouse School. Sat. R. 95: 255. Charters of Harmonds worth, Isleworth, Heston, Twick- enham, and Hampton-on-Thames. (T. F. Kirby) Archaeol. 58: 341. -—- Six Early. (G. S. C. Swinton) Scott. Hist. R. 2: 173. Chartist Tailor, Reminiscenees of a. (R. Crowe) Outl. 71: 915- Chartran, Theobald. (J . F. L’Espigarie de Tessan) Bookman, 21: 168, Charts, Organization, in Business. (Kendall Banning) World’s Work, 10: 6326, Chase, Caleb, of Boston and Cape Cod, with portrait. (J. M. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 122. Chase, Salmon Portland, with portrait. (F. R. Jones) Green Bag, 14: 155. Chase, William M. (H. St. Gaudens) Critic, 48: 515. — A Portrait by. (W. S. Howard) Harper, I13: 698, -— Portrait of a Lady by. (W. S. Stanton) Harper, I10: 436. Chasing a Rainbow. (J . Futrelle) Cosmopol. 41: 496. Chasse-galerie, La. (M. B. Parent) Canad. M. 27: 397, Chastity, Evolution of. (H. A. Stimson) Bib. Sac. 61: 80. Chateau de Madrid in Bois de Boulogne. 90: 1 . Chateau Gaillard, The. (T. A. Janvier) Harper, I09: 8 Am. Arch. 33 - Chateaubriand, F. A. (J . J . a’Becket) Am. Cath. Q. 291 743- 301 79-—-Chamb. J. 81: 757. —— and his English Neighbors. (D. W. Duthie) Cornh. 88: 636. -— Glimpses of. (G. Lenotre) Cath. World, 771 731. — in America. (A. Laugel) Nation, 81: 399. -— Last Years of. (A: Laugel) Nation, 75: 304. — Acad. 63: 395. — Memoirs. (A. I. du P. Ath. ’o3, I: 411.—Acad. 63: 269, 395. Chateaux, French, Rehabilitation of. Am. Arch. 89: 210. — of the Blois; Amboise; Cheverny. Cent. 48: 361. — of France, Minor. Am. Arch. 88: 117, — of the Loire ; Chinon-Chenonceaux-Luynes. Whiteing) Cent. 47: 803. —— of Touraine; Loches and Langeais. (R. Whiteing) Cent. 48: 73. — — Chambord ; Chaumont; (R. Whiteing) Cent. 48: 361, Chatham, Earl of, Green’s Life of. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 741 I73. ‘ --the Reformer. Ed. R. 202: 240, Chatham Chest, The. (R.M. Holden) Chamb. J . 83: 609, Chattanooga Campaigns of the Civil War, Physio- graphic Control of. (F. V. Emerson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 143. Chatterton, Hedges Eyre, Irish Vice-Chancellor. Sat. R. 97: 388. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Bk. News, 22: 1150, — and the Universities. (A. R. Bayley) Gent. M. n. s. 75¢ 7- — as a Book Lover. — Ballads on Fortune. 1: 82. — Canterbury Tales. Meth. R. 65: 513. —- The Development of the Genius of. (A. W. Pol- lard) Acad. 70: 227. -—- Grave of- (J . W. Hales) Ath. ’o2, 2: 199; (A. Hartshorne) 288 ; (Charlotte C. Stopes) 552. -Coleman) Critic, 42: 64. - (R. Whiteing) (R. Azay-le—Rideau. (L. Sears) Bk. News, 22: 158. (J . B. Bilderbeck) Ath. ’02, 106, 107.—(E. L. Dunton) Dial, 32: - CHAUCER Chaucer, Geoffrey, Poems wrongly attributed to. (W. W. Skeat) Ath. ’05, 2: 580. —— Skeat’s Works of. (E. P. Hammond) Nation, 80: . I _ — Some Words about. (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 5: 215, — Substantivation of Adjectives in.’ (A. G. Kennedy) Univ. Neb. Stud. 52 251. Chaucer’s Roundel. Scrib. M. 40: 350. Chaudiere, The Real. (J . Douglas) Nation, 74: 88. Chauffeur and the Jewels, The. (Edith M. Willett) Lippinc. 78: 257, Chauifeurs, The; a story. 817, Chaumont Chateau. (R. Whiteing) Cent. 48: 368. Chautauqua. Chant. 35: 354. —— as an Educational Center. 35= 367- —- Evolution of. Chaut. 352 349. ——Expansion of. Chant. 352 360. —— A Military. (W. H. Johnson) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 82 (G. Glendon) Munsey, 29: (G. E. Vincent) Chant. — a Model, Making. Chaut. 371 449. — A Native American Institution. (H. Miinsterberg) Chaut. 41: 421, — Out of Season at. (F. M. Hawley) Chaut. 35: 20. — a Permanent Educational Factor. (W. H. Hickman) Chaut. 41: 423.‘ — Recognition Day at; the Spectator. —— Vignettes of. Chaut. 392 449. Chautauqua Assemblies and Political Ambitions. S. MacArthur) World To-day, 92 I074. Chautauqua Assembly, Southern California. Weller) Land of Sun. 52 78. Chautauqua Circle Work, Twenty-five Years of. F. Kimball) Chaut. 37: 386. , Chautauqua Circles, Social Service at. Chaut. 3 5: 362. Chautauqua Extension in England, Jewish. (A. M. Hyamson) Chaut. 392 445. Chautauqua Life-stories. (A. S. Hoifman) Chaut. 37 I 352. Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle in other Lands. Chant. 371 373. Chautauqua Literature, Makers of Recent. 35= 332- 43= 4-2-1. Chautauqua Movement, The. (E. Spencer) Munsey, 31: 522. -—— (Julia G. Underwood) Indep. 61: 246, — (R. M. Pearson) Lippinc. 78: 190. Chautauqua Reminiscences. (J . H. Vincent) Chaut. 37‘ 337- Chautauqua Society, The Jewish. Chant. 39: 447. Chauterelle, Eugene Marie, Trial of. Spec. 972 297. Chauvenet, Wm., Personal Recollections of. (C. M. Woodward) Wash. Univ. Bull. 3: 123. Chavanne, Josef. Geog. J . 21: 464, Chavero, Alfredo. (M. H. Saville) Am. Anthrop. 81 Outl. 81: 860. (R. (S. H. (K. Chaut. (H. Berkowitz) 701. Chaworth, On the Family Name of. (A. Hall) Antiq. n. s. 38: 214. Chazy Limestone, Fauna of. Sci. 170: 353. Cheapness, Cost of. (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 83: 711. Check Collection, Perils of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 75: 846. Checking Accounts, Cost of Handling. (J . F. Wilson) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 412. Checks and Notes, Points about. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 12', — Conant:-y, Charges for Collecting. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 13. Chedsey or Chidsey, John, and his Descendants. D. Smyth) N. E. Reg. 60: 268, (P. E. Raymond) Am. J . (R. 111 CHEMISTRY Cheerful, On Being. (J . McSorley) Cath.World, 80: 745. Cheerful Giver, A. (Lucy Copinger) Lippinc. 77: 5 70. Cheerful Hero, A. (A. E. C.) Chant. 37: 104, Cheese, Making of, in the Mohawk Valley. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. 6: 35 3. Cheese Curing at the Wisconsin Experiment Station, Some Recent Investigations in. (H. L. Russell) Wis. Alum. M. 2: 273. Cheese-mites, Michael on. (T. R. R. Stebbing) Nature, 65: 482, Cheever, Ezekiel. Educa. 26: 181, — (J . T, Hassam) N. E. Reg. 372 40. Chef, Le. (R. B. Cunninghame Graham) Sat. R. 1002 176-208. Chef and the “Owl’s Nest ; ” a story. Maud) Cosmopol. 362 347. Chekhov, Anton P. (C. Brinton) Critic, 45: 318. — Visit to. (M. Gorky) Indep. 59: 2-99. Chelles, An Afternoon at, and the Evidence of Human Industry in France. (A. S. Packard) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 81. Chelmsford, Eng. (O. F. Adams) N. E. Reg. 56: 375, Chelsea, Eng., Charm of. Spec. 891 357. — Physic Garden. Nature, 66: 321. —- Some Bits of Old. (C. Ticknor) Lamp, 29: 205, Chelsea Hospital. (G. F. McMunn) Temp. Bar, 1301 353. Chelsea Old Church. (A. Marks) Nation, 78: 195. Chelsea, Vt. ; story of a Rural Shire. (H. K. Darling) Green Bag, 15: 522, Cheltenham College. Sat. R. 972 419. Chemical and Electrical Stimuli. (A. W. Greely) Science, 11. s. 17: 980. Chemical Basis of Life. 158: 643. Chemical Elements, Mendeleef on. Nature, 71: 65. —- Transmutation of. (C. Baskerville) Indep. 57: 1495. Chemical Industries in France, Condition of. Nature, 71: 369. Chemical Industry. (Constance (N. C. Macnamara) Westm. (B. Terne) J. Frankl. Inst. I58: 421, ——- of Germany. (O. Eltzbacher) Contemp. 85: 627. — Scientific Research and. (R. Meldola) Nature, 68: 398 Chemical Manufactures, Early, in America. (M. I. Wilbert) J . Frankl. Inst. 1571 365. Chemical Physiology, Present Position of. Halliburton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 27. Chemical Technology; Training of Technical Chem- ists. (J. B. F. Herreshoff) Science, 11. s. 192 561. Chemical Tests. (H. Leifmann) J . Frankl. Inst. 1622 (W. D. 37I- . Chemist, A, in the Days of the Stuarts. Chamb. J. 81: 734. Chemistry, American Contributions to Technical. (M. Benjamin) Science, 11. s. 21: 873. — and Physics in Prussian and American Schools. (E. H. Hall) Educa. R. 27: 144, — —- Teaching of. (C. Sheard) Educa. 26: 97. — and Toxicology of Plant Substances. (V. K. Ches- nut) Science, 11. s. 15: 1016. i — Applied, International Congress for, 5th. Nature, ' 68: 136. —- - — 6th. Nature, 74: 65. - as a Modern Industrial Factor. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 424, -— Bolton"s Select Bibliography of. Science, n. s. 22: 304. — Development of. (F. W. Clarke) Science, nl s. 15: 161, —— Elementary Experimental, Ekeley’s. (J . H. Ran- som) School R. 10: 717. -— Fifth International Congress of Applied, Berlin, 1902. (H. W. Wiley) Science, n. s. 161 899. (C. Baskerville) R. (J . L. Howe) CHEMISTRY Chemistry, for Admission to College. Educa.R. 25: 85. -—- in American Assoc. for Advancement of Science, 1902. Science, n. s. 16: 282, ~— in Engineering. (W. McMurtrie) Cassier, 22: 137, -— in the Secondary Schools, Teaching of. (W. C. Geer) School R. 14: 275. —— Inorganic. Science, 11. s. 16: 356, 475, -—- -—- Present Problems of. (VV. Ramsay) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 33. -— Instruction in, in Secondary Schools ; is it becoming too Academic ? (M. M. Butler) School R. 10: 52. —— Life and; (C. Baskerville) Science, 11. s. 21: 641. — Minimum Outline of, for Secondary Schools. (C. M. Mirick and Mr. Flynn) School R. 10: 57. -—- Modern Views of. (H. J . H. Fenton) Knowl. 27: 35, 57, 79- —-The New. (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 87: 348. —- (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 90: 523. -—— New Terms in. (H. Cooper) Science, 11. s. 18: 153. — Noyes’s Principles of Physical Science. (E. H. Loo- mis) Science, n. s. 19: 102, — Organic. (W. A. Noyes) Science, 11. s. 20: 490. — Physical, Future Development in. (Wilder D. Ban- croft) Science, 11. s. 211 50. -—— — What it has done for Chemistry. J. Frankl. Inst. 156: 425. (E. H. Miller) (H. C. Jones) —— Physiological, Recent Advances in. (J . H. Long) Science, 11. s. 22: 129, —- Relation of, to Modern Medicine. (J . H. Long) Science, n. s. 20: 1, -—- Requirements in. (J . F. Sellers) Science, 11. s. 23: 730- — —— of Course to train Men in Technical Chemistry. (W. A[Noyes) Science, 11. s. 15: 382. -— R6le of, in University Education. (H. VV. Wiley) Science, 11. s. 16: 841, -—— Roozeboom’s Die Hetterogenen Gleichgewichte. (W. D. Bancroft) Science, n. s. 15: 537. -—- Synthetic, Fifty Years of. (C. Snyder) Harper, 104: 717- ~—- Teaching, Modern Trend of. (J. F. Woodhull) Educa. R. 31: 236. —- -— in Graded and Secondary Schools. dict) Science, 11. s. 18: 465, -— — of Technical. (A. Lachman) Science, 11. s. 15: 775. —- Technical, Some Present Problems in. (W. H. Walker) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 435. — Thorpe’s Essays in Historical. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, (F. G. Bene- 753 I53- Chemists, Technical Training of. (J . B. F. Herres- hoff) Educa. R. 27: 338, Chemiyama, the Black Pit. 1: 191, Chemulpo to Seoul. (G. Casserly) Macmil. 90: 19. = Liv. Age, 241: 613, Chenier, André. (A. Laugel) Nation, 75: 459. Chenonceaux Chéiteau. (R. Whiteing) Cent. 47: 806. Chentu, China. In a Viceregal City. (Mrs. Archibald Little) Cornh. 89: 93.-_—Ecl. M. 142: 483.:Liv. Age, 240: 548. -—- (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 971 776. Chéret, Jules, French Pastellist. (H. Frantz) Studio (Internat.) 23: 317. . -—- Drawings in Sanguine. Studio (Internat.) 21: 330. Cherokees, The. Am. Antiq. 25: 65. — (V. O. King) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 2: 58. —— in Texas. (E. W. Winkler) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. (C. Tower) Macmil. n. s. 7 i 95- —— - Expulsion from East. (J . H. Reagan) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 1: 38. Cherries, How to grow. (G. H. Powell) Ctry Life Am. 4: 115. Cherries and Plums. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 54: 2289. 112 CHICAGO Cherry-blossoms; a play. 105: 367. Cherry Disease. (W. T. Thiselton Dyer) Nature, 553 296. — (W. Carruthers) Nature, 65: 413. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Outl. 75: 206. “ Chesapeake,” The, and “ Shannon,” Battle of. Un. Serv. M. 31: 250, — — Casualties in. M. of Hist. 3: 374, Chess and Backgammon, Invention of. erty) Am. Antiq. 25: 255. -— and its Champion Players. body’s, 11: 495. Chess-problems, About. Chamb. J . 81: 13. Chess Tournaments, International. (E. Kemeny) Forum, 35: 471. Chesson, Nora, The Poetry of. Monthly R. 24, no. 2: 92. Chester, England, our Nearest Point in Antiquity. (W. D. Howells) Harper, 113: 99. Chester County, Pa. (A. W. Qnimby) Critic, 46: 29. Chesterbrook Stock Farm. (F. N. Barksdale) Ctry Life Am. 1: 41, Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Lord, in Fact and Fiction. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 113. —- Letters of a Peer and a Pork-packer. Burrill) Chamb. J . 80: 705. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. (G. P. Morris) Outl. 81: 729. — (C. P. G. Masterman) Bookman, 16: 597,- With portrait. (B. Thomas) Idler, 23: 307. —— The Defendant. (R. Blackshaw) Critic, 421 459. — Napoleon of Notting Hill. Sat. R. 97: 693. -—- Twelve Types. Monthly R. 10, no. 22 19. Chestnut Trees, A Disease which threatens. Copp) Sci. Am. 95: 451. Chestnuts and their Growth. fornian, 52 137. Chevalier, Albert, and Guilbert, Yvette. bohm) Sat. R. 101: 782, Chevalier, The, and the Baby; a story. (E. R. VVhite) Harper, 105: 239. Chevierny Chélteau. (R. Whiteing) Cent. 48: 203. Cheviots, Heart of. Spec. 922 875. Chevy Chace, Ballad of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Sewanee R. 12: 385. Cheyenne, Wyoming, Carnegie Public Library Build- ing. Lib. J. 27: 327. Cheyenne Indians, Woman Customs of. nell) Am. Anthrop. 4: 13. Cheyenne Obstacle Myth. (G. B. Grinnell) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I6: 108, Cheyenne Plant Medicines. (Van T. Sutphen) Harper, (H. G. Rav- (P. Severing) Every- (S. Gertrude Ford) (Katherine (G. G. (J . I. Bleasdale) Cali- (M. Beer- (G. B. Grin- (G. B. Grinnell) Am. An- thropol. 7: 37. Cheyenne Songs, Notes on. (G. B. Grinnell) Am. An- throp. 5: 312. Cheyenne Stream-names. (G. B. Grinnell) Am. An- thropol. 8: 15. Cheyne, Ernest. (L. Withington) Ath. ’o3, 1: 113, Cheyne, T. K. “Bible Problems and the New Ma- terial for their Solution.” The Narratives of the Resurrection. (G. Margoliouth) Contemp. 88: 717, — Encyclopedia Biblica, vol. 3. Nature, 66: 193. “ Chi-Rho" Monogram, The. (J. B. McGovern) An- tiq. n. s. 40: 5. , Chiala, Luigi. (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 78: 423. Chicago. (J . Hay) Putnam, 1: 12. -— Anarchists in, 1887, The Last Appeal for. ' (J. R, Buchanan) Outl. 76: 117. -—- An Appreciation of. (Francis W. Parker) World To-day, 9: 996. ‘ -— Art Institute. (W. H. Low) World To-day, 6_: 318, — —- Exhibition, 15th Annual. (J . F. Bnell) Brush & P. 11: 298, -— -— —- 18th. (Ellis W. Chapin) Brush & P. 16: 205. CHICAGO Chicago, Art Institute. Collection of Paintings. (W. M. R. French) Scrib. M. 40: 380. —- — Recent Work at. (Maude I. G. Oliver) Studio (Internat.) 29: cv. — — where Western Artists are made. (I. McDougall) Chant. 38: 64. _ —-— Artists of, Work of. (A. A. Merritt) Brush & P. 9: 336, I1: ' 1, — at the End of a Century. (E. Buckley) World To- day: 5: I263- — Banking in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67: 378, — Begimfings of. (E. E. Sparks) Am. Arch. 81: 101. — Board of Trade. (W. Payne) Cent. 43: 745. —- Brevoort Hotel, Foundations. Am. Arch. 89: 105. — Capital of the New West. (J . Farson) World To- day, 8: 203, — Centennial of. - The Central Market. (E. E. Sparks) Munsey, 30: 12. (J . G. Shedd) I/Vorld T 0-day, 1 9‘ 9":- —-A Chdracter Study. (W. Payne) Everybody’s, 9: 423- — Children’s Conference. (F. H. Nibecker) Char. 14: 9'3- — a City of Homes. (J . R. Slater) World To-day, 9: 96' . —-— City3 Council, how regenerated. (G. C. Sikes) Chant. 36= 397. — Columbian Exposition. 3 (J . J . Platfield) Calif. M. 1 753- alifornia at the. (C. E, Markham) Calif. M. 4: 762, — — “ The White City ” and after. (C. Zueblin) Chant. 38: 373. —— Commons. (E. Parsons) World To-day, 6: 89, — Cook Co. Courthouse, New. (W. C. Graves) World To-day, .10: 604, — Department Store, Architecture of a. mond) Archit. Rec. 16: 53, — Election of 1902. (H. A. Millis) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 485. — — of 1904. (D. L. Cruice) Arena, 32: 21. — — —- and Referendum. (V. S. Yarros) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 584. —,— of 1905. (W. Hard) Indep. 58: 808. — — — Vote for Municipal Ownership. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 554. — — of 1906. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 295. — Faces in, Impressions from. (L. H. B. Knox) Atlan. 9'/'= 28- - Fifty Years Hence. (J . A. Seddon) Am. Arch. 77: 30. —1st National Bank. (A. C. David) Archit. Rec. 119= 49. —— Freight Tunnels in. day, 6: 780, — From School to Work in. 16: 231, — Harrison Dynasty in. 809, — Housing Conditions in. (S. T. Wald) Char. 15: 455. -— Intellectual Life of. (W. M. Payne) World To-day, 7: 923- — Iroquois Theatre Tragedy. Outl. 76: 108. — — Inquiries into. Am. Arch. 83: 75. — —-— Law’s Delays in. (E. E. Prussing) Nation, 78: (H. W. Des- (R. Rutherford) World To- (A. E. Nicholas) Char. (W. T. Abbot) Munsey, 29: 190, — Italy in. (K. G. Prindiville) Cath. World, 77: 452, — Juvenile Court, Building of. (H. W. Thurston) Char. 17: 542. — Library Club, Meeting of, Oct. 11, 1906. (Ellen G. Smith) Pub. Lib. II: 568. — Literary Interests of. (H. E. Fleming) Am. J . Sociol. 11: 377, 499, 784, 12: 68, - Madlener House. (R. Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 17: 471, 113 CHICAGO Chicago, Metropolitan Park System for. Perkins) World To-day, 8: 268. — Movement for Municipal Reform in. McClure, 21: 563, — Municipal Art in. (L. M. McCauley) Craftsman, 9: 1 (Dwight H. (L. Steffens) 32 - — Municipal Character and Achievements of. (L. C. Howe) World’s Work, 5: 3240. —— Municipal Electric Lighting. Munic. Aif. 6: 87. — Municipal Museum of. (L. A. Hamlin) Char. I 5: 170, — Municipal Ownership in, “ Immediate,” a Year after. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 549. — — The Movement for. (H. S. Grosser) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 72. — — Our Fight for. (E. F. Dunne) Indep. 61: 927, — Municipal Problems of. (H. S. Grosser) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 281. — Municipal Situation in. (N. Y.) 27: 434. — New Charter of. (F. W. Parker) World To-day, 8: 70. —The “New Theatre” of. (Wallace Rice) World To-day, I1: 844, — New Thomas Music Hall. (R. Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 16: 160, ' — Orchestral Institution. (Mrs. Theodore Thomas) World To-day, 9: 1054. —- Packingtown, Unhealthfulness Hedger) World’s Work, 12: 7507. -— Palette and Chisel Club, Permanent Exhibition. (T. E. MacPherson) Brush & P. 17: 15. -—Parks for, Scheme of. (Geo. L. McNutt) Indep. 57: 612, — Playgrounds and Park Extension. (A. W. O’Neill) Char. I2: 798, —Public Library, New Building, 1897. Pub. Lib. 2: 456, _ —— Redemption of. (N. A. Partridge) World To-day, 5: I147. — Referendum Vote. (G. Taylor) Char. 15: 199. — Reform Movement in. (H. King) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 235. — River-harbor of. (E. Flower) Cent. 41: 483. — Settlements in Ward Politics. (G. R. Taylor) Char. 16: 183. —Shakespearian Drama in. 393 23°- —— Stockyards, The Bright Side of. phrey) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 25: 257. — -— Some Social Aspects of. (C. J . Bushnell) Am. J . Sociol. 7: 433, 687, —— — A Visit to. (A. Smith) National, 47: 921. — Street Railway Litigation of. (B. Esterline) Am. Law R. 39: 244. — Street Railway Question in. (Edgar B. Thomson) World T0‘d-ay, 93 1181. —(G. C. Sikes) World To- day, 8: 515. — (G. C. Sikes) Outl. 82: 748. -—(Wil- lard E. Hotchkiss) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 27. —(Clarence S. Darrow) Internat. Q. 12: 13. — (Edgar B. Tohnan) World To-day, 10: 637. — -— Present Situation. (H. A. Millis) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 356, . —- Strike of 1894 and U. S. Government. Cleveland) McClure, 23: 227, — Strike of Teamsters, 1905. (Stanley Powers) World’s Work, 10: 6378. — Indep. 59: 15. —— (J. Cummings) J. Pol. Econ. 13: 536. —— Summer Outing Work in. 9= 342- -— Teamsters of. (J . R. Commons) Q. J . Econ. 19: 400. — Teamsters’ Union, How it smashed the Machine. (E. Poole) World To-day, 7: 896. (H. P. Judson) R. of Rs. of. (Caroline (W. E. Simonds) Dial, (Mary Hum- (Grover (F. H. McLean) Char. CHICAGO Chicago, Teamsters’ Union, Reforming the. (Victor E. Scares) World To-day, 10: 92. - Two Years’ Progress in. (T. A. De Weese) Educa. R. 24.= 325- - Uncommercial. (Shailer Mathews) World To-day, g: 984. — University of. See University of Chicago. -— Voters’ League. (S. E. Sparling) Outl. 71: 495. -— Water-color Exhibition. (Maude I. G. Oliver) Studio (Internat.) 29: xxiii. —— What Kind of Boston is it ? (James W. Linn) World’s Work, 12: 7766, — Why Municipal Reform succeeds in. Indep. 55: 831, - Chicago’s Five Maiden Aunts. (VV. Hard) Am. M. 62: 481, Chicane. (Sir J . G. Scott) Blackw. 178: 824. Chicimees, Region of the Ancient. (A. Hrdlicka) Am. Anthrop. 5: 385. Chick of the Easter Egg, The. Harp. W. 50: 509. Chickadee, The. (F. H. Herrick) Chaut. 34: 475.- (A. B. Comstock) Chaut. 38: 387. — Dallas L. Sharp) Ctry Life Am. 9: 302, —— at Home. (W. Lovell Finley) Ctry Life Am. 9: 303. Chickamauga Manoeuvres, 1906. (J . P. Fyife) Army & Navy Life, 9: 355. Chickens, Boy’s Fortune made by. Maur) Ctry Life Am. 6: 167. —- Humorously told Truths about. body’s, 13: 609. -— Rearing, with an Incubator. Chamb. J . 80: 654. Chico, Cal. (W. J . Costar) Out West, 24: 569. Chief End of Man. (F. C. French) Am. J . Theol. 7: (W. D. Howells) (Kate V. Saint (E. Wood) Every- 569- Chief Pamblo’s Stories ; the Chipmunk and the Squir- rel, as related to A. V. Hoffman. Overland, n. s. 96: 507. Chieftain; a story of the Heavy Draught Service. (Seivell Ford) Scrib. M. 32: 202. Chihuahua; a bit of Old Mexico. Arena, 27: 624, Child, L. M. Girl’s Own Book. (B. O. Flower) (C. Black) Longm. 43‘ 45- Child, The, and the Home. 165: 668. — and Life, Bremond’s. Cath. World, 76: 579. -— and Religion : Scientific Method in Religious Train- ing. (J . Sully) Liv. Age, 246: 821. —— as Father to the Man. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 95: (M. D. O’Brien) Westm. 581- . — Backward, What can be done in a Graded School for. (J . Richman) Char. I3: 129. — Cult of the. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 95: 581.:-Ecl. M. 141: 261.=Liv. Age, 237: 761. — Death of a, the Public’s Concern. Char. 16: 122, —- The Delicate. (M. Sherman) (Harold D. Meeker) Ecl. M. 145: 87°- -— The Eternal. (May Sinclair) Bookman, 32: 488. -— in Art, The. (E. M. Hurll) Booklover’s M. 2: 611, —— in Europe. (E. J . Rich) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21; 499. -—— in Factories. -— in the Garden; a poem. 452- — in Pennsylvania. (K. Durand) Outl. 74: 124, -— in Shops and Homes. (L. W. Bette) Outl. 73: 921. l -— Law of. (F. Kelly) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: (L. W. Betts) Outl. 73: 637. (H. van Dyke) Atlan. 91: 438- - The Mind of a. (E. S. Martin) Harper, 114: 70. - — Glimpses into. (K. Tynan) National, 45: 879. = Liv. Age, 246: 859. ‘ 114 CHILD Child, The Modern. (W. K. Greenland) Sund. M. 34: 74°- —- of the Large City. (J . M. Mayer) Char. 1,1: 417, —- Responsibility of a, for its Torts and Wrongs. (T. Sutro) Am. Law R. 38: 371. . — The Slav, A National Asset or Liability. (O. R. Lovejoy) Char. 14: 882. — Studies at a. (A. F. and I. C. Chamberlain) Peda- gog. Sem. 11: 264, 452, 12.: 427, —- Tribulations of a. Indep. 57: 854. Child, The; a story. (A. H. Donnell) Harper, 113: 693. Child-colonists, Canada’s. (F. Yeigh) Good Words, 471 15- Child Desertion and Extradition in New York State, (W. H. Baldwin) Char. 14: 1015. Child Labor. (J. Dowd) So. Atlan. Q. 1: 41. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 28: 305. -— (Elinor H. Story) Arena, 36: 584. —among the Miners. (F. E. Nichols) McClure, 20: 434- — and Family Disintegration. (Owen R. Lovejoy) Indep. 61: 748. — and the Law. (H. Folks) Char. I3: 19. — and Pauperism. (Jane Addams) Char. 11: 300. — and the Schools. (F. L. Sauville) Char. 14: 1022, — A Business Man’s View of. (S. W. Woodward) Ann. Am. Acad. -Pol. Sci. 27: 361.=Char. 15: 800, —- Census Statistics of. (H. L. Bliss) J . Pol. Econ. I 3: 237- — The Charity Side of. (H. Folks) Char. 10: 254, — Compulsory Education, and Race Suicide. (W. French) Arena, 36: 35. — from the Employer’s Point of View. (Emil G. Hirsch) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 551. — The Hoe-man in the Making. (E. Markham) Cos- mopol. 41: 480, 567, 42: 8, 143, — A Human View of. (G. Taylor) Char. I 5: 434. —- in Belgium. (E. Dubois) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 203, — in Coal Mines. (Owen R. Lovejoy) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 293. — in the Cotton Mills of Georgia. (M. A. Bacon) Char. 11: 60, — in the Department Store. (F. N. Brewer) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 167. — in Eastern Pennsylvania. (P. Roberts) Outl. 78: 982, — in France. -— in the Glass Industry. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 300. — in New Jersey. (H. F. Fox) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci, 20: 191, — in the South. (H. Robbins) Gunton’s M. 23: 48. — in Southern Cotton Mills. J . McKelway) Ann. . Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 259. — — Welfare Work and. (A. J . McKelway) Char. 17: 271, — in Southern Industry. (A. J . McKelway) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 450. — in the U. S., and its Evils. (F. Adler) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 447. ' —- in Washington, D. C. (A. P. Neill) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 270, — A Law on, for the D. C. E Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 364, The Movement to restrict. ii 28: 370. -—— a National Disgrace. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 301. —— (Austin Lewis) Overland, n. s. 48: 166. (H. J . Brunhes) Char. 14: 676, (O. Lovejoy) Ann. Am. (H. J. Harris) Ann. Am. (L. B. Ellis) Arena, — a National Problem. (S. McC. Lindsay) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 331. CHILD Child Labor, Operation of the Illinois Law on. Addams) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 327. —- Operation of the Wisconsin Law on. (E. W. Frost) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 357. — Organized Labor’s Attitude towards. (G. Gompers) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 337. —- Overwork, Idleness, or Industrial Education ? (W. Noyes) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 342. — Parental Responsibility for. (Graham Taylor) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci.‘ 27: 354. — Past and Present Arguments against. (J . Graham Brooks) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 272 281. — Physical and Physiological Effects of. (G. M. Ko- ber) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 272 285. — Poverty Excuse for. (G. A. Hall) Char. I5! 527. —— Proceedings of 1st Annual Meeting of National Child Labor Committee. A.nn. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 563. — — 2d Annual Meeting. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 371. -— School-house or Coal-Breaker ? (O. R. Lovejoy) Outl. 89: 1011. -—- The School against. (James H. Kirkland) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 559. — a Social Waste. (R. Hunter) Indep. 55: 375. — Street Labor and Juvenile Delinquency. (J . C. Gold- mark) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 417. -— A Study in Degeneracy. (A. J . McKelway) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 312. — Work of Federation of Women’s Clubs against. (Mrs. A. O. Granger) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25; (Jane 516. Child Labor Campaign National in Scope. (S. McC. Lindsay) Char. I3: 524. Child Labor Committee, A National. Char. I2: 409, Child Labor Federation. Cosmopol. 42: 109. — To free the Child-slaves. Cosmopol. 41: 679. Child Labor Law, Caddying and. (M. Curtis) Char. I4: 767. — in Georgia, New. (S. McC. Lindsay) Char. I6: 537. — Loophole of. (H. M. Van Der Vaart) Char. I4: 832. — Standard. (F. Kelley) Char. 9: 124. Child Labor Laws. Char. 12: 3. — The Necessary Sequel of. (J . C. Goldmark) Am. J. Sociol. II: 312. Child Labor Legislation. (F. Kelley) Char. I0: 67. — Chaut. 37: 439.—(F. Kelley) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 155. — and Methods of Enforcement in Northern Central States. (Halford Erickson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 467. — Enforcement of. (O. R. Lovejoy) Char. I4: 1024. — in New England. (Florence Kelley) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 480, —— in New Jersey, Operation of New. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 522. - in the South. (Neal L. Anderson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 491. -—— in the Western States. (Ben B. Lindsey) Ann. Am. Acad Pol. Sci. 251 508. -—- aRequisite for Industrial Efiiciency. (Jane Addams) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 542. — Synopsis of Report. (E. E. Williamson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 446. -—— Test of Eifective. (Owen R. Lovejoy) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 459. Child Labor Meetings, National. Char. I 3: 532. —- National. (S. McC. Lindsay) Char. I5: 367. Child Labor Problem, Charity Side of the. (H. Folks) Char. I2: 293. Child Life, Activity in, Significance of. (S. Bell) Indep. 551 9"- —- Women Illustrators of. (E. L. North) Outl. 78: 27:, (Hugh F. Fox) 115 CHILDREN Child Prisoners of Paris. (Charlotte Smith-Rossie) Good Words, 46: 537. Child Saving, Half a Century of. Char. 91 550. Child Spy, The ; a Story. (A. Daudet) Temp. Bar, 134: 207. Child-study. (E. F. Blanchard) Educa. 27: 209. — and Education. (T. Sully) Lib. J . 27: 195. — at Clark University. (Theodate L. Smith) Peda- gog. Sem. 12: 93. — Bibliography of, for 1902. (L. N. Wilson) Ped. Sem. I0: 514. — —- for 1903. (L. N. Wilson) Pedagog. Sem. I1: 292. — -—- for 1904. (L. N. Wilson) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 304. — —— for 1905. (L. N. Wilson) Pedagog. Sem. I3: 374. -—- Contributions from Wilson College. (Amy E. Tan- ner) Pedagog. Sem. I3: 509. -— in Great Britain. (Kate Stevens) Pedagog. Sem. I3: 2 — in Poland. (Anna Grudzinski) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 97. — in Recent Italian Scientific Literature. Chamberlain) Pedagog. Sem. II: 508. — in Recent Russian Scientific Literature. Chamberlain) Pedagog. Sem. II: 516. —— Literature of, Recent. (A. F. Chamberlain) Peda- gog. Sem. 9: 43. Child-training by Book-keeping. 83: 843. Child Wages as a Parental Subsidy. Char. I5: 546. Childers, H. R. E. Convocation and the Letters of Business. I9th Cent. 60: 841. Childhood, Anatole France on. (P. Mautaux) Acad. 64: 133. :Ecl. M. 140: 63I.=Liv. Age, 236: 820. — and Infancy. (T. K. Payton) N. Church R. 13: 220. — and Maturity, Common Ground of. N. Church R. 12: 256, — in Church Statuary. Liv. Age, 232: 188. —— in English 17th Century Poetry. (Louise 1. Guiney) Cath. World, 83: 447. ' —— Modern, Needs of. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 43: 161. — of a Book Lover. Acad. 67: 3:5, 484. — Religious Experiences of. (J. H. Twichell) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 16: 286, '-— through the Ages. (L. Claretie) Cosmopol. 36: 329. Children and Religion. (H. C. Hay) N. Church R. 13: 268. — and their Educators. M. 8: 213. — Artistic Dress for. (J . P. Bowles) Craftsman, 6: 62. — as Wage-earners. (N. Adler) Fortn. 79: 918. — at Home. (Florence M. Parsons) Temp. Bar, 125: (A. F. (A. F. (J . M. Parker) Outl. (A. A. Carey) (Agnes Repplier) Appleton’s 529- - Backward, Conference on. Char. I2: 657. — —— Education of. (A. C. Jelly) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 43: I70. — (J. L. De Forest) Educa. 24: 401, -—— — Forward Teachers for. (E. R. J ohnstone) Char. I22 889. — -— Responsiveness of, to Instruction and Treatment of the Right Sort. (M. P. E. Groszman) Char. I2: 897. — -—- Truant and Delinquent. I6= 359. — a Blessing. (W. H. Alden) N. Church R. 11: 401. — Books for. Chaut. 39: 370. — Spec." 92: 766. —- (Catherine Dodd) National, 45: 846, — —- A Century of. (E. C. Godley) National, 47: 437. I Liv. Age, 249: 689. — — Child’s Taste in Fiction. New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 325. — — Evaluation of. (C. Welsh) Lib. J . 27: supp. 76. —- -— Essentials of Good. (Eliz. L. Morrissey) Pub. Lib. I1: 548. (F. H. Nibecker) Char. (F. H. Winterburn) CHILDREN Children, Books for, Good and Bad. (Caroline Bur- nite) Pub. Lib. II: 360. — —- How lead them to love Good Books ? (Isabel Lawrence) Pub. Lib. II: 179, -— —— How to interest in Good Literature. (J . Elrod) Pub. Lib. 5: 56. — — On the Right Choice of. (N. Syret) Acad. 65: 641, — —— Report on List of, with Children’s Annotations. (C. M. Hewins) Lib. J . 27: supp. 79. —- — Schoolroom Classics in Fiction. Ed. R. 194: 414. =Ecl. M. 138: 498. — California. Land of Sun. 3: 7. — Can the State afford to Overwork its. (S. Nearing) Char. 15: 602. —— Character and Charm in. (F. O. Ide) Outl. 75: 447. — Christianity and the Child. (Florence Hayllar) Indep. R. 11: 83, — Churches and the. (J . O’Donovan) Indep. R. 5: 78. =Ecl. M. 144: 659. =Liv. Age, 244: 663. —— Citizens of To-morrow; Medical Inspection in Schools. (Margaret McMillan) Indep. R. 10: 173. — City, Country Outings for. (E. T. Lies) Char. I2: 695. ' — —— Gardening for. (L. B. Buell) Char. I4: 615. — — Health and Recreation for. (B. H. Smith) Crafts- man, 8: 735. — The City for. (G. W. Wharton) Outl. 72: 30. —Consider the. Liv. Age, 242: 505. — Criminality in. (G. C. Speranza) Green Bag, 15: 516. —— Crippled: the Children’s Plea. (J . A. Riis) Outl. 82: 753. . — — Craftsmanship for. Craftsman, 9: 663. — — The Education of. (R. A. Hibbs) Char. 13: 429. —— —— English Schools for. Char. 9: 230. —— Cruelty to, National Conference and Societies to prevent. (B. C. Marsh) Char. I 5: 867. —— —— Pennsylvania Society to prevent. Char. I3: I88. — Cry of the. Quar. 205: 29. I Eel. M. 147: 443. —— Defective, Education of. (R. J . Lloyd) Westm. 159: 662, -— Dependent, and the State. Arena, 34: 272. — — Delinquent, and Neglected. Char. II: 5 5. —- —in Berlin, The Care of. (A. H. Tenney) Char. g: 118, 235, — Destitute, Training of, in London. Am. M. 61: 243. — Education of, in the Home. Everybody’s, 12: 25-749. (Solomon Schindler) (A. Goodrich) (Martha S. Bensley) 13: 51, 180. — Essays by. (K. Bathurst) Ecl. M. 144: 27, — Ethics of; a study. (L. W. Kline) Pedagog. Sem. 10: 239, — Family Care of. (S. C. Kingsley) Char. I0: 387. — Faults of, A Study of. (N. Triplett) Pedagog. Sem. 10: 200, —— Feeding of. (Maria T. Earle) National, 432 793. — Foster, and the Shop. (F. D. Dale) Char. I2: 343. — Free Meals for Underfed. (F. H. Barrow) Monthly R. 19, no. 2: I. —(A. Clay) Monthly R. 20, no. 1: 94-104. — (S. A. Barnett) Indep. R. 6: 154, —- from English Workhouse Schools. Char. II: 245, —— Housing for. (Charlotte P. Gilman) Indep. 57: 434- — in American Street Trades. (Myron E. Adams) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 437. — in Canning Industry. (E. S. Whitin) Outl. 79: 177, —-in the Country. Spec. QII I25, 27I.—Liv. Age, 239: 56. — in Institutions, Training of. 8: 109, 209, (R. R. Reeder) Char. 116 (B. C. Marsh) CHILDREN Children, Institution, Good Citizens from. Roeder) Char. I1: 147, —- Institutional Care of. (T. L. Kinkead) Char. I01 392. — International Congress about, London Meeting, 1902. (A. Eliot) Char. 9: 137, — Language Interest of, Psychology of. (A. W. T. Trettien) Pedagog. Sem. II: 113, — Library’s Work with. (A. B. Maltby) Outl. 82: 360, — Library for, a Moral Force. (Clara W. Hunt) Lib. J. 31: 97. — Library Work with. (Arabelle H. Jackson) Lib. J . 31: 89. ——at Madison, N. J. (M. M. Miller) Lib. J. 28: 169. — — in a Few Leading Libraries. Pub. Lib. II 1 I93. — — in the Small Library. (C. W. Hunt) Lib. J . 282 $11PP- 53- — —— Personal. (Rose C. Gymer) Pub. Lib. I1: 191. -—— — Rational, and Preparation for it. (Frances J . Olcott) Lib. J. 302 C 67!. — Literature for. (Mary E. F. Blundell) Acad. 69: 924. I Liv. Age, 247: 122. —— —- Beginnings of. (Caroline Burnite) Lib. J . 312 107, — -— Great and Little. (Mrs. H. L. Elmendorf) Chaut. 39: 381. — The Luxury of. (E. S. Martin) Harper, I07: 402. —- — Making Paper Bags. Char. I4: 696. — Mentally Deficient, in Special Day Classes. Chace) Char. II: 385, — Modern Illustrators of. (N. Y.) 30: 712. — N. Y. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 774. — Notes on Oriental Babies. (Edith E. Wood) Am. Anthropol. 5: 659. —— of the People. (J. A. Riis) Cent. 451 227. — of the Poor, as cared for in Germany. Craftsman, 11: 222, — — The Pampered. Ethics, 13: 87. — of the Rich. (M. Manners) Everybody’s, 11:, 354. — of the Stage. (E. F. Jenkins) Char. I4: 655. -— (Eliz. McCracken) Cosmopol. 33: 50!. (L. G. (Ernest Knaufft) R. of Rs. (I. M. Metcalf) Internat. J . — — New England’s. (Alex. Hume Ford) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 400. — of the Streets. (Elodie Hogan) Calif. M. 4: 517. —— in New York City. (E. Davids) Everybody’s, g: 65, — Orphan, of Georgia. (H. L. Crumley) Char. I0: 6 56 . — out of School Hours. (L. W. Betts) Outl. 75: 209, — Pennsylvania’s Unfortunate. (H. K. Schoff) Char. II: 425. — Reception of. (VV ill S. Monroe) Pedagog. Sem. II: , 498. — Physical Deterioration. (Countess of Warwick) Fortn. 85: 504. — Proportion of, in the U. S. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 504. — Protection of, in Mines and Factories. (H. Marot) Char. I4: 834, — Psychology of. (T. L. Smith) Am. J . Psychol. 14: 21, —- Psycho-physical Tests of Normal and Abnormal. (R. L. Kelley) Psychol. R. 10: 345 — Punishment of. (E. H. Cooper) F ortn. 79: 1060, : Ecl. M. I41: 343.=Liv. Age, 38: 110, —Reading of. (Adele M. Shaw) Critic, 48: 177,-_ (H. Spender) Liv. Age, 2462 556.-—(Hammond Lamont) Nation, 83: 5 51. — (G. Stanley Hall) Pub. Lib. I0: 391. (R. R. CHILDREN Children, Reading of, at Home. (C. Welch) Lib. J . 27: 196 — —- What 183. — — What they Like. (Eliz. McCracken) Outl. 78: 827 ‘Children Read. (Lila Van) Pub. Lib. 11: at they Read and what they ought to Read. (G. S. Hall) Pub. Lib. I0: 391. —— Rights of. (C. L. Grout) Arena, 29: 288. — (J. E. Gorst) National, 45: 705. = Liv. Age, 246: 230, — Save the. (Dewi) Westm. I60: 559. —— Sayings of. (C. Sorabi) Ecl. M. 140: 136, —- School, and their Medical Supervision. (J . J . Cronin) Char. I6: 58. — —— Feeding of. (C. H. Loch) Yale R. I5: 230. — — — at Public Expense; Summary of Ofiicial Re- ports. (C. H. Denyer) Econ. J. 16: 617. — -— — How Foreign Municipalities feed their. (J . Spargo) Char. I6: 198. —- — Imaginative Elements in Written Work of. (S. S. Colvin and I. F. Meyer) Pedagog. Sem. I3: 84. —- -- 2500 Atypical, Examination of. Char. I4: 759. — Sea—air Treatment for New York’s Bedridden. (W. H. Allen) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 324. — The Sense of Humor in. (K. A. Chandler) Cent. 4% 959- - Smart. Spec. 941 398. — State Schools for Neglected. Some American Methods of Preventing Hooliganism. Good Words, 45: 765. —— A Study of their Ways. (J . Blewitt) Canad. M. 22: 514- —- Stunted for Life during their First Three Years. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 98: 72. ——- The Training of. (Annie P. Call) Am. M. 60: 333- —- Two Painters of, — Miss Wyman and Mrs. Nowell. (W. Walton) Craftsman, 9: I4. — Underfed. Spec. 94: 467. -— —— Social Significance of. (Robert Hunter) Internat. Q. 12: 330. — Unlucky and Lucky; Birth Superstitions. Rose) Folk-Lore, I3! 273. —— Vocabularies of. (M. C. and H. Gale) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 45. —— Wayward, Fair Play for. 511 253- -— What Public Libraries are doing for. man) Atlan. 90: 402, — who toil, The. (Robert Hunter) World’s Work, 11: (A. J. (A. K. Fallows) Cent. (H. C. Well- 6991. — who work at Night. (J . C. Goldmark) Char. I0: 569. —- Wisdom of. Spec. 941 282. — Work of Probation Officer among. Char. 13: 357. — Working Class, Physical Condition of. (T. J . Mac- namara) 19th Cent. 561 307. — Young, and Infants, Home Treatment of Summer Diarrhoea in. (E. M. Sill) Char. I4: 987. Children of the Streets; a story. (Wilhelmina Has- tings) Am. M. 63: 73. Children of the Sun. (Karl Edwin Harriman) Apple- ton’s M. 82 446. Children of the Sun ; a drama. Lore, 17, no. 2: I. Children of Tempest; a story. (N. Munro) Blackw. 17% 581, 755. I73= 7<>—3<>O- I74= 65-237. Children’s Costumes in the 19th Century. (R. Boutet de Monvel) Cent. 47! 278. Children’s Country Holiday in France. (E. Verney) Ecl. M. 140: 513. =Liv. Age, 236: 493. (L. F. Friday) (Maxim Gorky) Poet- 117 CHILLS Children’s Court in American City Life. Bjiirkman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 332 305. — in :;;n Orphan House. (G. R. Brown) Char. II: 42 - — The New York. (E. R. Coulter) Contemp. 87: 516. — A Year of the. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 77: 262, Children’s Dramatic Games. (Florence Pray) Educa 25: 356. Children’s Epoch, The. (F. Kelley) Char. I 5: 433. Children’s Essays, Some. (K. Bathurst) National R. 44: 478. =Liv. Age, 243: 603, Children’s Farm, The First. (F. G. Parsons) Outl. 74: 67. Children’s Farm School in New York City. (F. G. Parsons) Char. II: 220, Children’s Guests. Spec. 911 554. Children’s Happy Evenings. (M. E., Countess of Jer- sey) 19th Cent. 58: 942. =Liv. Age, 248: 177. Children’s Hospital, Sketches in a. (Margaret Waldo Higginson) Outl. 79: 1003. Children’s Hour, Idea of. (J. J. Reed) Meth. R. 64: 762, Children’s Ideas of Fire, Frost, Heat, and Cold. (G. S. Hall and C. E. Browne) Pedagog. Sem. I0: 27, Children’s Interest in Words, Slang, Stories, etc. (E. Conradi) Pedagog. Sem. I0: 3 59. Children’s Law in New Jersey. (E. F. Jenkins) Char. 13: 182, Children’s Librarians, Training School for, at Car- negie Library, Pittsburg. Pub. Lib. II: 116. Children’s Museum, A Model. (H. Shepstone) Sund. M- 341 302- Children’s Prayers and Prayer-manuals. Cooper) F ortn. 80: 663, Children’s Purgatory, The. Age, 2491 719- Children’s Sayings. (P. Tennant) Acad. 68: 238, 446. Children’s Story-books. (F. Maccunn) Good Words, 45: 341. =Liv. Age, 241: 746. =Ecl. M. 143: (E. H. Fortn. 85: 948.=Liv. 213, Children’s Strike on the East Side. (W. E. Walling) Char. 13: 305. Child’s Bedroom, A. Craftsman, 42 285. Child’s Diary, A. (E. H. Cooper) F ortn. 82: 350. Chile, Aim of, in South America. (G. Zallas) Indep. 54: 2880. — and Argentina, Arbitration between. 21: , — and Peru: the Rival Republics of the South. (G. M. L. Brown and Franklin Adams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 433. — Climate of. (R. D. Ward) Science, n. s. 19: 802. — Economic Geography of. (J . R. Smith) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 1. — in January. (H. K. Palmer) Out West, 22: 103. -— Industrial Future in connection with Panama Canal. (G. F. Collins) Engin. M. 27: I, -— National Library of. (F. A. Bennett) Lib. J . 29¢ supp. 92. —Revolution in, 1891, 138. —— Water-plants in, Geographical Functions of. (G. E. Scott Elliott) Geog. J . 27: 451. Chilham, England. (F. Watt) Art J . 551 343. Chili (China), Across. (Mary P. Gamewell) Chant. 42: 319. —-Journey among the Highlands of. (E. C. Young) Geog. J. 26: 307. —- A Trip into. (J. Hedley) Geog. J. 25: 513. Chillingham Castle, Northumberland. (Marion Ellis- ton) Booklover’s M. 62 47. Geog. J . (G. L. Dyer) Calif. M. I: Chills ; a story. (R. E. Young) Cent. 44: 532. (Frances M. CHILMARK Chilmark, Mass., Records of the Congregational Church of, 1787-1820. (W. J. Rotch) N. E. Reg. 59: 195, 257, 378- Chilo. (Aldridge Evelyn) Lippinc. 78: 798. Chiltern Hundreds, Stewardship of the. (M. McDo- nagh) Temp. Bar, 125: 681, ' Chimaera and Phaselis. (D. G. Hogarth) Cornh. 93: 689. Chimneys and Flues. Am. Arch. 90: 141. —— Factory ; Recent American Chimney Practice. (W. W. Christie) Cassier, 29: 267. — Smoky. (H. Grayson) Am. Arch. 84: 33. Chimpaapu. (R. A. Durand) Macmil. n. s. I: 311.: Ecl. M. 146: 304, Chimpanzee, Psychological Studies of the. (R. L. Garner) No. Am. 181: 272, Chimpanzees and Gorillas. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 27: 298. China. (G. W. Knox) Chant. 42: 125. — Address to 8th Internat. Geog. Congress. (J. W. Foster) Nat. Geog. M. 15: 463. —— after the War. (“ Far East”) Liv. Age, 24 : 1*. -—- American Interests in. (G. M. Walker) Chaut. 42: 528. — The American Manufacturer in. ter) World To-day, I0: 379. — American Opportunities in an Intimate Knowledge of. (F. Hirth) World’s Work, 6: 3454. —- America’s Attitude toward ; a Fool’s Paradise. (A. H. Smith) Outl. 82: 701, ' —— Among the Mountains of Shen-si. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 412. — An Ancient Empire in Quest of a Modern Govern- ment. (A. H. Smith) Indep. 60: 388. — Ancient Ruins of Kamboja in. (G. E. Gerini) Asia. R. 40: 89, — Ancient System of Literary Examinations, Passing of. (C. K. Edmunds) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 100. — and America ; what can be done. Outl. 82: 730. — and the Ancient Cabul Valley. (E. H. Parker) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 625. —- and Europe, Face to Face. Work, 3: 1961. — and the Gold Standard. Bank. M. (Lond.) 80: 441, — and Japan. The White Peril. (G. Lynch) 19th Cent. 57: 948. — — The Yellow Peril. (D. C. Boulger) 19th Cent. 55: 30. —(O. Eltzbacher) 19th Cent. 55: 910. — and the Powers. What of China ? (C. Holcombe) Outl. 76: 401. —— and Religion, Parker’s. Sat. R. 101: 53. — and Russia. Asia. R. 39: 11. —— and the U. S. (Chentung Liang-Cheng) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 554. — and the West. Liv. Age, 248: 636,- (T. Richard) Contemp. 89: 638, — Army. (E. J. Hardy) 19th Cent. 59: 595. =Liv. Age, 249! 427. —(H. D. Woolfe) Californian, 2: (Arthur D. Coul- (Bailey Willis) (Julian Ralph) World’s 393- - —- The New. Spec. 96: 7. = Liv. Age, 248: 435. — Asiatic Problem and its Relation to United States. (W. C. J. Reid) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 181, — Attitude of, towards Japan and Russia. Douglas) Asia. R. 44: 225. -—- Attitude to Foreigners. Sat. R. 101: 6. —- The Avars and the Franks. (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 33: 346. -— Awakened. (J . F. Griggs) Cent. 50: 392. —- The Awakening of. (Shanghai) National, 47: 35, = Liv. Age, 249: 131. -—- (K. K. Kawakami) No. Am. 183: 647.—(L. Giles) 19th Cent. 60: 521,- (W. A. P. Martin) World’s Work, 11: 7124, — Back Blocks of, Jack’s. Ath. ’O4, Ii 693. (R. K. 118 CHINA China, Beast and Man in. Spec. 91: 419. -—- Betrothal and Marriage in. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 741. — Boycott of American Goods. (O. G. Villard) N a- tion, 82= 27. -—- (J. W. Foster) Atlan. 97: 118. — — Reason for the. (C. Chaillé-Long) World To- day, 10: 309. —- Brinkley on. —- Business Methods in. nat. Q. 12: 124, —Canals of. (G. E. Anderson) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 68. Ath. ’04, I: 422. (Jeremiah W. J enks) Inter- — Central and Western, Recent Explorations and Economic Development in. (C. C. Manifold) Geog. J . 23: 281. — Childhood and Education in. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 668. — A Chinaman on the Situation. '(T. Y. Chang) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 423. — A Chinaman on the “ Yellow Peril” (Chang Yow Tong) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 337. — Christian Evidences in. (J . W. Bashford) Meth. R. 66: 45. — Christianity and. (A. R. Colquhoun) Fortn. 85: 1046, — The Coast Provinces. (G. M. Walker) Chaut. 42: 514. — Colleges for, Empress Dowager’s System. (R. E. Lewis) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 72. — Commissioners to Representative Governments. (G. Taylor) Char. I5: 577. — Crisis in 1900. (J . Walton) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 232, -—- — Origin of. (J. Freri) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 228, —— Darwinism and Empire in. (R. Balmforth) Westm. 158: 1, — Dawn of a New Era in. 41 47- —- Development of, Engineering and Industrial. (F. L. Garrison) Cassier, 22: 3, —— Diary in. (Francis H. Nichols) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 373 339- - Early Christian Road to. (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 36: 350. —— Christianity in, Earliest. (E. H. Parker) Dub. R. 131: 380, — Education and Reform in. (R. W. Swallow) Asia. R. 40: 138, —- — The College of the White Deer Grotto. (C. K. Edmunds) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 515. — —— The Content of. (C. K. Edmunds) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 29, — — The New. — The Educational Edicts of 1901. Sites) Educa. R. 25: 67, -— Educational Problem in, Some Phases of the. N. Fong) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 348. — Empress Dowager of. (K. A. Carl) Cent. 48: 803, 49: 44, 266. —National, 43: 786.— (P. Bigelow) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 132, —- — A Visit to. (B. V. Drake) Cent. 42: 691. —— Exploitation of. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 3: 441. -— Filial Piety in. (P. Carus) Open Court, 16: 754, —- Football and Polo in. (H. A. Giles) 19th Cent. 59: 508. —— Foreign Privilege in. (H. B. Morse) Atlan. 98: 626. -—- Future of. (F. W. Williams) Internat. Q. 9: 87. - — Li Hung Chang’s Forecast. (C. F. Ackerman) Everybody’s, 6: 85. _ -—- Genius of. (H. Ukhtomski) Contemp. 81: 788, — Gold Standard for. (C. A. Conant) No. Am. 177: 691. -—- Government of the Foreigners in. (A. M. Latter) Law Q. 19: 316. (T. Richard) Contemp. 83: II. (C. M. Lacey- (W. (JIIIIIII China, Great Wall of, Myths concerning, and its Builders. (C. E. Lorimer) Overland, n. s. 42: 280. —- Hostility of. (Kang Yu Wei) World’s Work, 12: 7487- — House-boat Trip in. (G. Kennan) Outl. 82: 595. —- Ideals, Eastern and Western. A Rejoinder to W. J . Bryan’s “ Letters to a Chinese Ofiicial.” (G. L. Dickinson) Cent. 51: 313. — In China’s Ancient Holy Land. Chant. 42: 403. —- in Convulsion, Smith’s. (J . P. Mowbray) Critic, 40: 215, — (J, R, Smith) Dial, 32: 38. — (A. S. van Westrum) Bk. Buyer, 23: 560, — in 1900, On the Way to. (J. A. Watrous) Army & Navy Life, 9: no. 2, 60. — in 1901, The Settlement with. (M. B. Dunnell) Forum, 32: 643. —- in 1902. (A. H. Smith) Outl. 71: 688. — in 1903. Unsatisfactory Outcome of the Negotia- tions. (G. Reid) No. Am. 176: 571. — in Transformation, and the War. (A. R. Colquhoun) N 0. Am. 179: 1. — — The Anti-foreign Rioting in Shanghai. nan) Outl. 82: 351, — ——the Causes of Anti-foreign Feeling; the Mixed Court. (G. Kennan) Outl. 82: 466. —- — Soochow, Hangchow, and the Grand Canal. (G. Kennan) Outl. 82: 739. — Japan in. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 214, -— Japanization of. (G. Lynch) 19th Cent. 54: 216, — Kamboja, Ancient _Ruins of. (G. E. Gerini) Asia. It s7= 355. 39= 361- -- Labor Question in. (H. Samuel) Contemp. 85: 457. — Land Journey from Fu-Chau to Kiu—Kiang. (A. B. Hamilton) Geog. J . 26$ 69. — Military Awakening of. (Constant Cordier) Over- land, 11. s. 47$ 271. — Minister to, Duties of a. (H. P. Beach) (G. Ken- (C. Denby) Forum, 33: 27, —- Mission Work in. (C. Liang Cheng) Indep. 55: 1846. —- The Missionary Enterprise in. (C. Holcombe) Atlan. 98: 348. — Money and Banking in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 530. —- Moral Training of the Young in. (C. Holcombe) Internat. J . Ethics, 14$ 445. —— Naval Resources of. (H. D. Woolfe) Californian, 2: 44- -Neutrality of. (D. C. Boulger) Contemp. 85: 542. =Ecl. M. 143: 1.=Liv. Age, 241: 385.— (A. M. Latter) Indep. R. 3: 199. —- The New. (Adachi Kinnosuke) Forum, 37: 416. —- (T. F. Millard) Scrib. M. 39: 240. -— of To-day. (T. W. Mitchell) Wis. Alum. M. 7$ 361. - Our Future Relations with. (F. Greenwood) Fortn. 80: 1033. -— Our Policy toward. (Edwin Maxey) Arena, 33: 5o 5. —- Our Threat to. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 82: 151. — Outlook in, 1903. (A. H. Smith) World To-day, 52 1296. - Past and Present, Parker’s. (W. E. Griffis) Nation, 78: 197. — Peking to Tsitsihar, A Journey from. (C. Russell) Geog. J. 23: 613. — Police in. (A. T. Sibbald) Green Bag, 14: 284, —Population of, in 1902. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 440- - Prehistoric. (M. Zieber) Am. Antiq. 26: 181, — Present Conditions in. (J . W. Foster) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 651. -—— Problem of the Upper Yangze Provinces and their Communication. (C. C. Manifold) Geog. J. 25: 589. 111) (IIIIIQII China, Problems of. (M. von Brandt) Indep. 54: 2580. — Progress in. Liv. Age, 251: 239.-— (J . C. Ferguson) Meth. R. 66: 439.— (J. W. Jenks) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 311 595- —- Progress of, in the 19th Century, Temple on. Ath. ’oz, 2: 177, — Railroad in, The New. Chamb. J . 83: 632. —— Railroad Building in. (T. H. Reid) Engin. M. 26: 321. —- (J. Burns) Engin. M. 28: 161 380, -— Railroads in. (D. C. Boulger) Contemp. 83: 25 5.- (A. J. Brown) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 177, — Reading Journey in. Chaut. 42: 403. — Real Rulers of. (R. E. Lewis) Indep. 55: 3121. — Recent Disturbances in, 1891. (F. J . Masters) Calif. M. I: 314, — Reception by the Empress Dowager at the Summer Palace. (M. N. Wood) Cent. 46: 574. — Reformed, and her Destiny. Asia. R. 36: 93. —- Religious Toleration in. I. Buddhism. (W. G. Walshe) Contemp. 85: 448, — -— II. Mohammedanism. (W. G. Walshe) Contemp. 86: 127, —- Renaissance of. (C. K. Edmunds) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 387. - Revolutionary Changes in. World’s Work, 12: 8115. — Rising Spirit of. Outl. 81: 315. — Russia in. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. 37: 14. — Russian, Menace of a. Gunton’s M. 22: 214, — A Shanghai Season. (H. M. Lewis) Canad. M. 21: 3, — Siam’s Intercourse with. (G. E. Gerini) Asia. R. 33: I191 361- 34‘ 39*- — The Single Track in. 61: 326, — Sir Robert Hart and. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 93- —— Situation in, 1906. Outl. 82: 634. -— Sketches in. (E. S. Morse) Am. Arch. 75: 11-83. —— Some Recollections of a Diplomatist. (H. Rumbold) National, 39: special supp. —- Southern Ports-— Canton, Hong Kong, Macao. (E. Wildman) Chant. 42: 495. —- the Sphinx of the 20th Century. Chaut. 42: 305. — State of Kashgar in. 328, —— Suicidal Policy with. (O. O. Howard) Indep. 54: 858. -— Through Three Provinces of. (E. E. F. Skeel) Na- tion, 81: 380, — Tonkin, Yunnan, and Burma; their Commercial Relation to each Other. (F. W. Carey) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 313. — Transformed. 12: 7844. — Traveling in. (F. H. Nichols) Outing, 41: 568. — Two Trips to the North of Cheng-fu. (R. Lock- hart Jack) Geog. J . 21: 282. — A United States Court in. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 26. — Outl. 84: 501. — U. S. Diplomacy in. World’s Work, 7: 4675. — U. S. Treaties with. (F. J. Masters) Calif. M. 4$ (W. A. P. Martin) (Courtney H. Fenn) Indep. (Guy M. Walker) (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 40: (A. W. P. Martin) World’s Work, 24, — Up the Yangtse to Tibet. (M. P. Gamewell) Chaut. 42= 419- — Voyage of a Tramp Steamship to. (J . H. Williams) Indep. 55: 2790. — Weakness of, Reasons for. (G. Kennan) Outl. 82: 787. — Western, Exploration in. (C. H. D. Ryder) Geog. J . 21: 109. -—What the People read in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 464. CHINA China, The World’s Competitor to be. (B. Branden- burg) Cosmopol. 39: 145, —— Yellow Peril. (A. R. Colquhoun) Indep. 56: 825, — — The True. Spec. 92: 834. China, Decoration of, Originality needed in. (Edith P. Wiseman) Brush & P. 11: 114, — Decorative Work on. (Edith P. Wiseman) Brush & P. 9: 270. — Old Blue Colonial Tableware. Life Am. 10: 423, —On Some Old Oriental. Temp. Bar, 127: 185,: Liv. Age, 236: 746. China-decorating, American. & P. 15: supp. 131. China Grass, its Past, Present, and Future. wood) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 395. Chinaman, John. (J . T. Connor) Land of Sun. 4: 111. Chinaman, Biography of a. (Lee Chew) Indep. 55: (W. A. Dyer) Ctry (T. McLennan) Brush (F. Bird- 417- — The Smuggling of a. (Sui Sin Fah) Land of Sun. 13: 100, Chinamen, The. (R. Roscoe) Macmil. 85: 461. — Educated; shall they be Welcomed ? (Helen M. Gougar) Arena, 36: 506, Chinatown, San Francisco. 6: 6. —— An Adventure in. (W. Brooks) Californian, (E. Rhoads) Land of Sun. 13: 257. — In. (Olive Percival) Land of Sun. 11: 50. Chinese and Japanese, Exclusion of. Chant. 42: 8. — — — U. S. Supreme Court’s Decision as to. (J. W. Foster) Indep. 58: 1292, — — Immigration of. (A. McLaughlin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 117, — and the South African Labor Question. Maxim) Fortn. 792 506. — and Western Civilization. per, 1062 190, —— Can they be Christianized? (F. J . Masters) Calif. M, 2: 622, — Exclusion of. (B. Esterline) Am. Law R. 38: 836. — (C. Denby) Forum, 34: 131. — (J . F. Miller) Californian, 1: 237.—(S. Pang) Forum, 32: 598. — (N g Poon Chew) Indep. 54: 301. — (C. Hol- combe) Outl. 80: 617. —— — and the Boycott. (C. Holcombe) Outl. 81: 1066. -— — and Problems of Immigration. (B. Penrose) In- (H. S. (Wu Ting-Fang) Har- dep. 54: 12. — — and the “Six Companies.” (R. H. Drayton) Calif. M. 4: 472. -— — Bill for, 1902. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 741 303. —— — Case of Sing Tuck. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, 79: 191. -—- — A Chinese Protest. (J . Bonner) Calif. M. 5: 603. —— The Folly of. (H. H. Bancroft) No. Am. 179: 263. —— — Our Laws for. (R. C. Callahan) Nation, 81: 338. -(T. J. Geary) Calif. M. 4: 304. -——Reasons for Continued. (Geo. C. Perkins) No. Am. 183: 15. -— —— Why they should be Excluded. (T. Beale) Forum, 33: 53. — — Why they should be Admitted. (R. Hutcheson) Forum, 33: 59. -—- Extinction of, in the U. S. (W. S. Harwood) World’s Work, 9: 5626. — Immigration of; Canada Underground Railway. (W. E. S. Fales) Indep. 59: I32. —— —— Restriction of. (C. Holcombe) Outl. 76: 971. —— in California and South Africa. (W. Maitland) Contemp, 88: 818. =Ecl. M. 146: 130, — in Los Angeles, The. (Ng Poon Chew) Land of Sun. 1: 102, 120 CHINESE Chinhease, in lgew England. (H. Heywood) New Eng. . n. s. 2 : 473. — U. S. Supreme Court’s Decision as to Admission to U. S. (J: W. Foster) Indep. 58: 1292, —- who look hke Enghshmen. (T. Wright) Chamb. J . 83: 203, Chinese Art, Bushell’s. Sat. R. me: 471, Chin(<;.~;e Books l())efore the Invention of Printing. (E. avannes) pen Court, 201 633. Chin8es8e Boy-girl, A; a story. (S. S. Far) Cent. 45: 2 . Chinese Buddhism. (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 34: 372. Chinese Children. (E. S. Hartwell) Land of Sun. 5: I53 Chinese Cities. (E. J. Hardy) Chamb. J. 83: 149. Chinese Citizenship in Hawaii. (D. Scudder) Outl. 81: 985- Chinese Civilization. (VVu Ting-Fang) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 5: 437. Chinese Conveyancing. (J . D. S. Cook) Am. Law R. 36: 825, Chinese Court, Summer Splendor of the. (M. N. Wood) Cent. 46: 574. Chinese Customs. (E. J. Hardy) Chamb. J . 79: 491. Chinese Dislike of Christianity. (F. H. Nichols) Atlan. 901 773- Chinese Doctors in America. Chamb. J . 82: 31, Chinese Drama. (A. Little) 19th Cent. 51: 1017, Chinese Dreamland. (H. A. Giles) 19th Cent. 55: 576. Chinese Drums, Bells and Towers. (H. Proctor) Am. Antiq. 28: 89. Chinese Emigrant; Colonial John. (A. Celesti) Westm. 163: 383. Chinese Festival of All Souls, The. (C. E. Lorrimer) Overland, n. s. 43: 303. Chinese Gentleman, Letters to a. 102: 670, Chinese Girls, American Education of. Chant. 36: 182. Chinese God of War, The. Land of Sun. 13: 243. Chinese Humor. (Helena von Poseck) Chamb. J . 81: (L. Tolstoy) Sat. R. (M. H. Krout) (M. T. Van Denburgh) 462, Chinese Industries and Foreign Relations. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 587, Chinese Journalism in California. (E. Robinson) Out West, 16: 33. Chinese Knowledge of Early Persia. Asia R. 35: 144. Chinese Labor. (Barrett Smith) Engin. M. 31: 728, — and the British Empire. Spec. 92: 480, — and Imperial Responsibility. (H. C. Thomson) Con- temp. 89: 430. — and the Panama Canal. (Eugene S. Watson) Indep. 61: 1201, — Business View of the Problem of. (H. E. Crawley) National, 43: 296, — Economy of. (E. H. Parker) Econ. J . I4: 254, — for the Rand. (P. Leys) 19th Cent. 51: 181, —for South Africa. Quar. 199: 611.—Sat. R. 97: 225, 384. —-(I. Dobbie) Macmil. n. s. I: 787. — — Problem of. (H. Marsh) Month, 106: 577. — Question of. (H. Kirke) Econ. R. 14: 305. — Truth about. Spec. 93: 545. Chinese Language, Philology of. (J . Fryer) Calif. Univ. Chron. 3: 1. Chinese Law. (V. Van M. Beede) Green Bag, 14: 534, 578. — and Equity. (E. H. Parker) Law Q. 22: 190. — Landmarks of. (V. Van M. Beede) Green Bag, 14: 466. -— Paternal Power in. (C. H. Huberick) J urid. R. 14: 378- (E. H. Parker) ' - in Japan. CHINESE Chinese Life and Customs. (P. Carus) Open Court, omit Sflily, The. (Olive Dibert) Overland, n. s. Chinliagse Lzitierature. (J . Fryer) Calif. Univ. Chron. 4: 1 4, (J . M. Scanland) Bk. News, 24: — in San Francisco. 715- — Selections from. Chant. 42: 439. — Woman in. (H. A. Giles) 19th Cent. 56: 820.: Liv. Age, 243: 810, Chinese New Year, A. (W. M. Wood) Land of Sun. 9: 12, — Couplets of. (H. P. Perkins) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 10: 3°7- Chinese Newspaper in San Francisco. World’s Work, 3: 1950, Chinese Occnltism. (P. Carus) Monist, I5: 500. Chinese Philosophy, Orthodox. (G. W. Knox) Am. J . Theol. 7: 41. Chinese Physician, Education of a. (T. Foo Yuen) Land of Sun. 3: 298. Chinese Press of To-day. 182: 97, Chinese Refugees in Japan, 17th Century. Clement) Open Court, 17: 598. Chinese Regiment, The Passing of the. Barnes) Un. Serv. M. 25: 631. Chinese Religion. (G. D. Wilder) Bib. Sac. 63: 85. Chinese Rifle Corps, France’s. (G. Robinson) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 8: 52. Chinese Script and Thought. (M. Pixley) (A. R. Colquhoun) No. Am. (E. W. (A. A. S. (P. Carus) Monist, 15: 271, Chinese Slave Trade in California. (W. Irwin) Every- body’s, II-: 40. Chinese Special Mission, Imperial. Jenks) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 299. Chinese Students, Exclusion of, from U. S. (L. Miner) Outl. 12: 984. (W. Straight) Nation, 81: 179, (K. L. Schaeffer) Wis. (Jeremiah W. Chinese Superstitions, Some. Alum. M. 4: 130, Chinese Treaties and Legislation of the U. S., and their Enforcement. (S. W. Nickerson) No. Am. 181: 369. Chinese Treatise on Response and Retribution. Carus) Open Court, 19: 477, 547, 604. Chinese Vendetta, A. (H. Grey) Chamb. J . 80: 145- 187, Chinese Woman in America, The. (Sui Seen Far) Land of Sun. 6: 59. Chingalee Tribe, Northern Australia. (R. H. Mathews) Am. Anthropol. 7: 301. Chinon Chateau. (R. Whiteing) Cent. 47: 803. Chinook Language, Vocabulary of. (F. Boas) Am. Anthropol. 6: 118, Chip-carving. (M. E. Reeks) Art J . 54: 37!. Chipmunks, Habits of. (Dallas L. Sharp) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 282, Chippendale, T., Furniture of. (E. A. Keddell) Art J . 581 75- ' Chippeway Indians, Fireside Stories of. (J . M. Bell) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I6: 73. Chipping Campden and the Cotswold Games. (VV. H. Hutton) Cornh. 88: 402, Chippinge ; a story. (S. J . Weyman) Cornh. 93: 116, (P. 812, 94: 1-721, Chiquite; a story. (A. M. Cleaveland) Munsey, 32: 269 Chiswidk, Drawings of. (E. 0. Clifford) Art J. 58: 270, Chitral, A Day in. (R. D. Kennion) Blackw. 172: 89, = Liv. Age, 246: 780, 121 CHRIST Chivalry, An Element of. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 684. . — Literature of. (L. Johnston) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 317- — The Modern. (J . Corbin) Atlan. 89: 601. Chivalry of David Henley. (Anne O’Hagan) Every- body’s, I2: 597. Chivalry of Van Buren; a story. (H. C. Rowland) Outing, 41: 673. Chlorides, Typical Hydrous, Behavior of, when heated in Hydrogen Chloride. (F. A. Gooch and F. M. McClenahan) Am. J . Sci. 167: 365, Chloroform, its Uses and Dangers. (J . H. Girdner) Munsey, 27: 501. Choate, Joseph Hodges, with portrait. Harv. Grad. M. 11: 185.-—(R. H. Titherington) Munsey, 33: 225.—Liv. Age, 246: 440. — as Ambassador. Sat. R. 95: 286. — Talk to Workingmen. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 78: 206, Choate, Rufus, with portrait. (J os. B. Moors) Green Bag. W 399. — In Court-room with. (J . S. Bacon) Californian, 2: 523- Chocolates, Making of. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 28: 161, Chodowiecki, D. N. (F. Weitenkampf) Bk. Buyer, 24: 45- Chogo Lungma Glacier, From Srinagar to the Sources of the. (W. H. Workman) Geog. J. 25: 245, Choice and Nature. (E. A. Singer, jr.) Mind, 27: 72. Choice of Circumstance. (C. Duer) Atlan. 96: 797. Choir Girls : the Angelic Choir. (B. D. Knobe) Munsey, 30: 420, Choir Pieces, Words of. (W. S. Pratt) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 11: 29. A Choiseul, Duke and Duchess of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 76: 189. —-(A. Laugel) Nation, 75: 79, 90. Choisy, M. Auguste. Am. Arch. 85: 13. Choral Music. Acad. 70: 408, 432. Cholera Panics, The Last of. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81 : 254- Cholmondeley, M. Moth and Rust. Monthly R. 10, no. I: I5. Chomei, Kamono. (Minakato Kumagusn and F. V. Dickens) Critic, 49: 209. Choosing of Lozumy Browder. (A. MacGowan) Cent. 48: 593-600. Chopin, F. (A. E. Keeton) Contemp. 89: 86. = Ecl. M. 146: 243, I Liv. Age, 249: 106.— (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 99: 589. — With portrait. Mast. in Music, 1: pt, 2, ' — and his Music. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 84: 517. — the Spirit of the Piano. (F. Young) National, 45: 644. “Chopping” on the Old Calabar River. (D. Bates) Longm. 44: 211, Chorea, Motor Phenomena in. (G. M. Parker) Psychol. R, 12: 370, Cboristers; a poem. (J . B. Tabb) Atlan. 92: 383. Chorthonicum. (H. Bradley) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 281. Chorus Girl, The Experiences of a. Indep. 61: 8o. Chorus Girls. (H. H. Boyesen, 2d) Cosmopol. 34: 483. Chosen City ; a story. (J ennette Lee) Harper, 112: 71. Chosen Peoples. (D. Wilson) Westm. I63: 212. Chouans of Mayenne, Morvan on. Ath. ’02, 1: 685. Chow-chow Kid, The; a story. Harper, I07: 214. Chrisma, The, and the Labarum. Court, 16: 428, Christ, the, The Old Testament and. (M. S. Terry) Am. J. Theol. I0: 233. (P. Carus) Open (P. v. Mighels) ' CHRIST Christ of the Andes. (Angla do Oleveira Cesar de Posta) Indep. 59: 804, — of English Poetry. Spec. 96: 449, See Jesus Christ. Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford. Am. Arch. 77: 79. Christendom; is its Moral Supremacy in Danger ? Hibbert J. 4: 19. Christening, The. (Zona Gale) Appleton’s M. 8: 364. Christian IX. of Denmark. (Julius Moritzen) Forum, 38: 116. —-With portrait. (H. Wisby) Indep. 55: 2208.—- (E. Schrader) Nation, 82: 156,-- (E. Bj6rk- man) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 289. Christian, Greek, or Goth? (H. W. Garrod) Hibbert J . 3: 510, Christian Beneficence, Spirit of. World, 80: 653. Christian Captive Indulgences in the British Museum. (W. E. A. Axon) Library, 7: 275. Christian Certainty, Basis of. (J . Stalker) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 334. Christian Character, Relation of Reading to. , Knowles) Meth. R. 65: 735. Christian Citizenship. (R. W. Gilder) Meth. R. 66: (H. A. Bram) Cath. (F. L. 379- Christian Commerce. (F. B. Meyer) Sund. M. 32: 890. Christian Democracy, Allocution on. (Leo XIII.) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 387. Christian Doctrine in the Apostolic Age. 19: 243. — in an Early Eastern Church. Dub. R. 138: 386. —— Laws and Limits of Development in. (W. Jones- Davies) Hibbert J . 4: 590. -— Sir Oliver Lodge on. (E. S. Talbot) Hibbert J . 2: 461. 649. —— — A Catholic Comment on. —- — —- and the Bishop of Rochester on. head) Hibbert J . 3: 26. — Revelation in Jesus the Sole Foundation of. (G. H. Gilbert) Bib. World, 24: 347. —- Teaching of. (J. F. Brady) Cath. World, 81: 671, Christian, Early, and Byzantine Research. Ed. R. 202: 330, Christian Endeavor Movement. (F. E. Clark) Sund. M. 32: 292. ——(James H. Ross) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 653. —-(H. B. F. McFarland) No. Am. 182: 194. —- Coming of Age of. (F. A. Rees) Sund. M. 31: 423. — Growth of the. (Mary C. Crawford) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 473- —- A Quarter-century of. (F. E. Clark) Outl. 82: 80, Christian Enthusiasm. Outl. 71: 14, Christian Experience, Evidential Value of. (W. R. Breed) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 327. — Psychology of. (A. A. Berle) Bib. Sac. 60: 1. Christian Faith in an Age of Science, Rice on. Science, n. s. 19: 949. -— One View of. (C. R. Buxton) Indep. R. 4: 523. Bib. World, Hibbert J. 3: 37. (J . H. Muir- Christian Fellowship, Centrality of. (E. H. Delk) Luth. Q. 32: 179. Christian Fragments, Some Early. (A. W. Patten) Meth. R. 63: 238, Christian Life, Conceptions of, in James, I. Peter and I. John. (H. M. Haydn) Bib. World, 23: 16. Christian Monuments, Early. (P. M. C. Kermode) Reliquary, 42: 182, Christian Origins, Pfleiderer on. Dial, 40: 323. (J . D. A. Cockerell) ' Christian Poetry, Origin of. (F. W. Fitzpatrick) Open Court, 16: 1. Christian Science. (J . W. Churchman) Atlan. 93: 433. ——(S. L. Clemens) No. Am. 175: 756. 176: 1, 173.-— (L. J. Motschman) Luth. Q. 33: 413. -—(E. W. Cook) Contemp. 82: 658. 122 CHRISTIANITY Christian Science and Mortal,Mind. (M. A. Stohart) Fortn. 78: 1028. - Attitude of the Pastor towards. (J . L. Cross) Yale Div. Q. I: 13, -—— Church Architecture of. (Alfred Farlow) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 38. -— (O. R. Washburn) Archit. Rec. 15: 158.--Craftsman, 7: 689, -—— Dedication of Boston Church, June 10, 1906, (Alfred Farlow) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 499. -— Essential Falsehood of. (F. W. Miiller) Westm. 158: 179. - -— First Church, N. Y. City. (C. H. Cottrell) Archit. Rec. 15: 165. —(H. M. Riseley) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 705. — from a Psychologist’s Point of View. (James R. Angell) World To-day, 80: 403. — Is it Christian? (W. M. Drum) Cath. World, 80: 638. — Meaning of. (VV. M. Drum) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 132. — Mrs. Eddy’s Relation to. (W. D. McCrackan) N 0. Am. 176: 349. — Personal Sources of. 593- — Quackery of. Sat. R. 102: 7. — The Truth about. (E. W. Cook) Contemp. 84: 511. — Truth and Error in. Outl. 83: 404. — Truths and Untruths of. (W. Gladden) Indep. 55: 776. — Why not? (C. Caverno) Bib. Sac. 59: 682. Christian Social Union. (T. C. Fry) Econ. R. 15: 385. —- Report of the Research Committee of the London Branch. (Constance Smith) Econ. R. 25: 349. Christian Socialist, The ; a story. (C. M. Sheldon) Indep. 55: 2007. Christian Society, The. Church Q. 59: 29, 257. 60: 317, 61: 341, Christian Thal. (M. E. Francis) Longm. 41: 193-481. 4% I93—38s- Christian Tradition and Popular Speech. (R. L. Gales) National, 47: n7,=Liv. Age, 249: 416, Christian Union. (W. E. Barton) Bib. Sac. 63: 277. - (Dugald Macfadyen) Hibbert J . 5: 42. —- Baptists and. (N. Fox) Indep. 56: 892. -— Proposition for. (A. H. Bradford) Indep. 56: 235, Christian Unity. Cath. World, 78: 5, 159. -—— aided by Church History. (A. D. Severance) Bib. Sac. 61: 141. —— Organic. (B. T. Stafford) Bib. Sac. 59: 623. (I. W. Reilly) Psychol. R. 10: Christian View of God and the World, Orr’s. (T. F. Dornblaser) Luth. Q. 33: 365. Christianity, An Ancient Moslem Account of. (A. J . Edmunds) Monist, 15: 120, — and Buddhism. (T. W. Rhys—Davids) Internat. Q. 7: 1. -—— and the Common Law. (A. W. Barber) Green Bag, 14: 267, — and Current Literature. (H. van Dyke) Meth. R. 64: 858. — and Judaism. 7: 241. — and Modern Civilization, Lilly on. Crit. R. 13: 534. — and the Natural Virtues. ics, 13: 286, — and the Present Industrial Order. (A. T. G. Apple) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 182.=Liv. Age, 249: 331. — and Revival. Spec. 951 741. — and Science. I. The Material Element in Chris- tianity. (Oliver Lodge) Hibbert J . 4: 3:4. — — II. Divine Element in Christianity. (Oliver Lodge) Hibbert J . 4: 642.=Liv: Age, 250: 171. — —8Reconciliations of. (C. R. Barnes) Am. J . Theol. 3 757- (A. F. Kirkpatrick) Expos. 6th ser. (H. Hayman) (G. Tyrrell) Int. J . Eth- CHRISTIANITY Christianity and Social Service. (G. S. Streatfeild) Contemp. 88: 104, — and the Working Classes. Spec. 951 662. — as a Natural Religion. (W. H. Mallock) I9th Cent. 58: 501, — as the Pleroma. — Beginnings of. 431- — — Wernle on. (D. Purves) Crit. R. I32 411. — Current Thought about. (A. L. Gillett) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 6: 173. —- Do we need a Substitute for ‘P (H. Sturt) Hibbert J . 5: 105. — Early, in Asia Minor. (J . H. Stepler) Ref. Ch. R. (P. Carus) Monist, I4: 120. (T. J. Shahan) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 53. 46. — End of the Age. (L. Tolstoi) Fortn. 851 I. —- Fssence of, Harnack and Loisy on. (J . Denney) Expos. 6th ser. 1!: I03. -— Fssentials of. (W. DeW. Hyde) Outl. 81: 567. -— The Ethical and Positive in. (D. Steele) Meth. R. 64: 51, — Final Test of. (C. D. Williams) McClure, 26: 223. — F inality of, Foster on. (A. C. Zenos) Am. J . Theol. I0: 529. — Formal. (Hiram King) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 47. —— from the Point of View of the non-Christian Re- ligions. I. Synoptic Gospels and the Jewish Con- sciousness. (C. G. Montefiore) Hibbert J . 31 649. — Fundamental, and the Education Question. Spec. 95: 1109, — Harnack’s Interpretation of. (N. Luccock) Meth. R. 64: 6o. — Heart of. (W. H. Ward) Indep. 54: 1410. — Historical. Ed. R. 202: 1, - Historical and Spiritual in. Ch. R. 50: 64. — How long halt ye? (G. L. Dickinson) Indep. R. (G. B. Stevens) Ref. 5. 27. — Impressions of, from the Point of View of Bud- dhism. (M. Anesaki) Hibbert J . 41 I- — in the Modern World. (D. S. Cairns) Contemp. 84: 694. 85: 34.=Ecl. M. 142: 367, 635. =Liv. Age, 240: 129-513. -—— Liberal Churchmen and “the Reproach of Christ.” (A. W. Hutton) Contemp. 87: 5 58. — Living up to. Cent. 47: 313. —— Making of. (A. S. Weber) Ref. Ch. R. 491 435. — Mallock on the Naturalness of. (W. L. Sullivan) Cath. World, 82: 527. — Message of, R. E. Speer on. Outl. 82: 591. — Moslem View of. (Ameer Ali) Hibbert J . 41 241. — Pagan Elements of. (P. Carus) Monist, I2: 404. — Primitive. (B. W. Bacon) Am. J. Theol. 7: 756. —- Proofs of, Knox’s. (S. F. MacLennan) Am. J . Theol. 8: 320. — Recent Development of. 62: 337. ——Reconstruction of. (J. J. Fox) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 171. —- Seeberg’s Grundwahrheiten der. (J . C. Tasker) Crit. R. 13: :33. -—- Spiritual Value of. (T. J . Gerrard) Cath. World, 83: 625. —— Spread of, in the First Three Centuries, Harnack’s. (J . S. Braren) Luth. Q. 34: 382. — Story of. (L Abbott) Munsey, 34: 259, — Transcendent Import of. (M. Valentine) Lnth. Q. (D. N. Beach) Bib. Sac. 34* 319- - The Trial of. (P. S. Moxom) No. Am. 183: 167, — Vital Spark in. Spec. 93: I045. — What is ? (S. McComb) Contemp. 87: 825, - Liv, Age, 246: 292. = Ecl. M. 145: 335.——(H. D. Foster) Outl. 74: 506. 123 CHRISTMAS Chris ity, What is? Harnack, Cremer, and Wernle 011- (W- RIIPP) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 270, — -—- Cremer on. (C. E. Hay) Lnth. Q. 33: 88. —— —— Harnack’s. (A. Stump) Lnth. Q. 33: 565. — What, then, is? (C. G. Shaw) Meth. R. 62: 576. Christianization of the World. (W. D. Mackenzie) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 15: 3. Christians, Early, Travel and Correspondence among. (W. M. Ramsay) Expos. 6th ser. 8: 401. Christians, Primitive, The Sunday Worship of. (J . V. Bartlett) Bib. World, 26: 341, Christie, Richard Copley. Spec. 88: 407. Christina, Queen of Sweden. Ed. R. 204: 327. —Pictures. (Baron de Bildt) I9th Cent. 56: 989.?’- Liv. Age, 244: 235. Christmas. Sat. R. 96: 788, — Ancient and Modern. (A. B. Jenner) Overland, n. s. 46: 485. — and the Literature of Disillusion. (S. M. Crothers) Atlan. 981 721. — and the Nativity of Mithras. (R. Sinker) Open Court, 18: 3. —- A, at Café Spaander. (E. Penfield) Scrib. M. 32: 653. — at Cape Sabine. (R. E. Peary) New Eng. M. n. s. 29= 533- — Celebrations of. (E. E. Hale) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 621. — — To-day. Outl. 78: 1013. -— Customs and Dishes of. (B. Ostertag) Ctry Life Am, 11: 158. — Easter, and Whitsuntide. 89: 814; — in Bethlehem. (B. W. Bacon) Indep. 61: 1459, — — Our. (Marion Harland) Lippinc. 76: 705. -— in the Hills. (Virginia Garland) Overland, n. s. 48: (A. E. Garvie) Contemp. 464. — in Many Climes. (F. Graham) Good Words, 47: 83. — in New England, Ups and Downs of. (A. E. Brown) New Eng. M. n. s. 291 479. — in New England Literature. Eng. M. n. s. 332 454. — in the Open. (H. W. Mabie) Ctry Life Am. 7: 128. — in the Pine Woods. (S. E. White) Ctry Life Am. 5: (Alice O’Brien) New 105, ‘ —- in Uncle Sam’s Colonial Possessions. (J . M. Shaw- ham and others) Overland, n. s. 40: 510, — in the Valois. (Mary K. Waddington) Scrib. M. 36: 641. , — in ye Olden Tyme. (A. J . B. Jenner) Overland, n. s. 46: 496. -—- its Legends and Lore. 676. — its Unfinished Business. (S. M. Crothers) Atlan. 941 721- —- Meaning of. Bib. World, 22: 403. ———for the 20th Century. (H. H. Henson) Indep. 57: I443- ' — Merrie, at Saint Johnland. (N. O. Halsted) Char. 11: 190. — The Message of. (J . T. Driscoll) Cath. World, 80: 342. —— (W. Boyd Carpenter) Liv. Age, 247: 757. —The New. Cent. 51: 317. — An Old Fashioned Boy’s. (J . C. Lincoln) Ctry Life Am, 11: 177, — Old-time New England. (W. J . Hopkins) Ctry Life Am. 9! I50. — on an Orchard Farm. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life (J. Hudson) Westm. 164: Am. 7: 145. — The One Unselfish Day. (E. Crosby) Cosmopol. 42: 1 I 3. -— Soldier’s; Yuletide in Barracks. Good Words, 47: 113, CHRISTMAS Christmas, Spirit of. (R. Whittle) Overland, n. s. 44: 601. -— Thoughts on. (Eugene Wood) Everybody’s, 15: 803, -— Travesty of. (F. Kelley) Char. 11: 537. -—— under the Redwoods of California. (Paul G. Clark) Overland, n. s. 46: 534. —- Universal Spirit of. World’s Work, 9: 5601, - Welsh. Sat. R. 96: 797. -—— with Irving, Thackeray, and Dickens. (Charlotte Harwood) Critic, 47: 541. ' —- with the Poets. (Edith M. Thomas) Critic, 47: S29- —— with the “ Profligate Adventurers.” Blackw. I731 40. = Liv. Age, 236: 399. - with the Roosevelts in 1765. 40: 149. -— Yule-tide Holly and Mistletoe. Roulet) Cath. World, 741 433. -—— Yule-tide in Merrie England. (Katherine E. Thomas) Overland, n. s. 48: 470. Christmas in Lucas County; a story. (J . F. Conrad) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 397. Christmas Amusements, Children’s. (E. H. Cooper) 19th Cent. 57: 78. Christmas Books, Fashion in. (J . Shaylor) Cornh. 92: (R. Bache) Cosmopol. (M. F. Nixon- 797- Christmas Box, A; a story. (Juliet W. Tompkins) Am. M. 61: 157. Christmas Camp in Australia, Our. mann) Temp. Bar, 127: 42. Christmas Carillon, A. (A. Rowland) Sund. M. 342 32. Christmas Carols. Spec. 95: I078. —— and Christmas Superstitions. Chant. 45: 89. -—— and Customs. (H. E. Krehbiel) Outl. 78: 819. -— Old English. (B. Ostertag) Ctry Life Am. 91 145. Christmas Child, The. (G. Schock) Harper, 112: (Laura B. Lufi- (H. K; Rausford) 704- Christmas Chime, A; a play. (M. Cameron) McClure, 22: 174. Christmas Comedy, A. (M. Moss) Bookman, 18: 398, Christmas Confession, A. (A. M. Daulton) Outl. 7 5: 936- Christmas Courtship ; a story. (Tom Masson) Cosmo- pol. 36: 223. Christmas Cracker, A. Chamb. J . 80: 817. Christmas Customs. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 366. —— English. (A. W. Jarvis) Pall Mall M. 28: 513. -— Old, in England. (S. A. Tooley) Canad. M. 124, Christmas Day. Canad. M. 22: 196. —— with the Early Californians. (Arturo Bandini) Calif. M. 3: 52. Christmas Dinner. 142, Christmas Eve Surprise; a story. Canad. M. 20: 163. Christmas Fiesta in the Philippines. 47: 426. Christmas Function, at 90 Bank Street; a story. (Clara Morris) Cosmopol. 37: 700. Christmas Games. (Mrs. Burton Kingsland) Ctry Life Am. 51 122. Christmas Garland, A. Sat. R. 102: 702, 736, 768, Christmas Gift, The. (Elizabeth Vore) Overland, n. s. 40: 542. Christmas Gift, Best, to our People. (Julia Ward Howe) Cosmopol. 40: no p. Christmas Greens and Flowers. Life Am. 5: 136, — where they Grow. 47- 28: (E. H. Gilman) Ctry Life Am. 7: (L. Q. Couch) (D. Gray) Cent. (T. McAdam) Ctry (L. Greenlee) Ctry Life Am. 1: 124 CHRONICLER Christmas Grocer, Wanted a. (Katharine Burrill) Chamb. J. 82: 801. Christmas House Party. (A. H. Gleason) Ctry Life Am. 7: 133. Christmas Hymn. (Alfred Domett) Cent. 49: 165. Christmas Incident at Santo Domingo, A; a story. (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, 30: 405, Christmas Keeping, The, of the Lukasgild. (C. L. Edholm) Overland, n. s. 40: 535. Christmas Mangers. (E. E. Porter) Cent. 45: 25 3. Christmas Marketing in Chinatown. (C. L. Edholm) Overland, n. s. 46: 513, Christmas Message, A. (C. Wagner) Booklover’s M. 4= 741- Christmas Music of Bach and Handel. Acad. 70: 18. Christmas Night; a story. (Harriet Prescott Spoiford) Calif. M. 5: 135. Christmas Night with Satan. M. 34: 673. Christmas Pastimes, Old English. (F. N. Jackson) Acad. 69: 1284 & suppl. Christmas Play at Dachau. Bookman, 22: 318, Christmas Poetry. Acad. 71: 636. Christmas Present, The Child’s Best. man) Ctry Life Am. 9: 139. Christmas Present; a story. (G. B. Burgin) Canad. M. 24: 152. Christmas Present for a Lady; a story. McClure, 20: 195. Christmas Rescue, A. (A. B. Paine) Cent. 45: 213. Christmas Roses; a story. (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, 36: 316, Christmas Songs. (A. F. Ferguson) Acad. 65: 641. Christmas Spirit, The, of Charles Lamb and Thack- eray. (J. R. Hayes) Bk. News, 23: 257. Christmas Sports in California. (Arthur Inkersley) Overland, n. s. 48: 433. Christmas Surprise Party, A. (Francis La Place) Over- land, 11. s. 48: 447. Christmas Surrender ; a story. mopol. 36: 169. Christmas Talk, A. (W. H. White) Am. M. 63: 182. Christmas Tangle, A. 27: 403, Christmas Valentine, The. (Alice MacGowan) Harp. W- 501 1754. Christmas Vigil, A. (John Fox, jr.) Scrib. (Maude Barrows Dutton) (Eliz. H. Gil- (M. Kelley) (R. H. Barbour) Cos- (H. A. Nash) New Eng. M. n. s. (Lena R. Smith) Ctry Life Am. 9: 271, Christology. (A. A. Shaw) Bib. Sac. 60: 454. —Suggestions for a Revised. (M. S. Terry) Meth. R. 66: 590. Christ’s Hospital School. Sat. R. 97: I96. Christs, Pagan, Robertson on. (P. Carus) Open Court, 19: 92. Chroaesthesias; are they variable ? (F. B. Dresslar) ‘ Am. J. Psychol. 14: 638. Chromatic Journalism. (John A. Macy) Bookman, 24: 127-33. ' Chromic Acid, Method of Determining the Value of. (L. F. Kebler) J. Frankl. Inst. I 53: 57. Chromo-xylographs in the Japanese Manner, Helen Hyde’s. (L. Van der Veer) Studio (Internat.) 24: 2 Chromosomes. (T. H. Montgomery) Science, n. s. 231 36. Chronicle of Convictions, A; a story. (O. H. Dunbar) Harper, 106: 194. Chronicle of Siloam, A. (Anne O’Hagan) Harper, 110: 885. Chronicler of the Baglioni, The. 87: 787. (A. Kinross) Cornh. CHRONICLERS Chroniclers, Estimates by, of Numbers and Oflicial Records. (J . H. Ramsay) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 625. Chronicles of the Imp. (J . F arnol) Bookman, 24: 163, 219,390- Chronicling Small Bees. 2 . Chronology, Determination of. (R. W. McFarland) Pop. Astron. I3: 531. -— The Farmers’ Years. (N. Lockyer) Nature, 65: 248. 66: 104, — Primitive. (W. F. Harvey) Westm. I57: 295. Chrysanthemums. Ctry Life Am. 3: 33.—(M. Mae- terlinck) Cent. 45: 165. — How to grow Big, without a Greenhouse. (T. Mun ray) Ctry Life Am. 5: 23. Chrysoberyl from Canada. (N. N. Evans) Am. J . Sci. 169: 317. Chrysochloridae, Fossil, in North America. (W. D. Matthew) Science, n. s. 24: 786. Chrysocolla, a Remarkable Case of Hydration. (C. M. Palmer) Am. J. Sci. 166: 45, Chrysostom, St. (J . Maynard) Sewanee R. 12: 481, — as Preacher. (H. C. Sperbeck) Bib. Sac. 63: 518. Chrystal’s Century. (E. W. Hornung) Atlan. 91: 738. Chudleigh, Elizabeth. (A. L. Cotton) Gent. M. n. s- (C. C. Abbott) Lippinc. 71: 70: 20. Chump, The; a story. (C. F. Embree) McClure, 23: 549- Chums; a Study in Youthful Friendships. (F. G. Bonser) Pedagog. Sem. 9: 221. Church, Dean. (A. Cecil) Monthly R. 20, no. 3: 139. Church, Frederick S., and the European Museums. Brush & P. 18: 228, -— A Painter of the Ideal. 81: 751. Church, Adornment of the. 513- — and Education. (J . F. Goucher) Meth. R. 62: 177. — and the Individual. (C. H. Toy) Internat. Q. 12: (W. St. J . Harper) Outl. (M. B. Biscoe) Outl. 80: 29", —andJ the Kingdom. (C. Clever) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 34"- -— andJMinistry, Early, Lindsay on. (S. D. F. Salmond) Crit. R. 13: 165. — and Political Action. (C. R. Henderson) Chant. 37¢ 435- — and Social Problems. (Washington Gladden) Inter- nat. Q. II : 135. — (C. C. Carstens) Char. I4: 927- —— and Social Service. (C. M. Sheldon; W. D. P. Bliss) Indep. 60: 737. — and State in France. Outl. 74: 498. See France. — — in New England. (A. F. Moulton) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 96. — — Relation between. (R. L. Ottley) Econ. R. 25: 2S7- — and Women. (F. Swiney) Westm. I 58: 442. — and the World. (L. P. Jacks) Hibbert J . 52 I. — —-— What is their True Relation ‘P (H. A. Hankey) Luth. Q. 33: 106. — as a Club. Outl. 79: 419, — as the Maker of Conscience. Sociol. 71 61 I. -— as a Trust. (Austin Bierbower) Indep. 59: 614, — Business Organization of a. (D. G. Phillips) Har- per, 1072 207, — Can it meet Present Demands? Luth.Q.321 191. —— The Childless. (C. B. Jordan) Outl. 74: 174, — City, Function of. (G. Taylor) Chant. 38: 5 3, — Democracy and the. (Vida D. Scudder) Atlan. 90: 521, (T. Z. Batten) Am. J . (H. E. Berkey) 125 CHURCH Church, Doctrine of the, in the Epistle to the Ephe- sians. (W. H. G. Thomas) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 318. — Duty of, to the Needy. (J. R. Brackett) Char. 31 315- — Early. (W. H. Wynn) Luth. Q. 32: 305. -— —— Harnack on. (H. C. Vedder) Am. J . Theol. 8: 164. - — -— Organization of. 799. — — Political System in. (F. W. Hass) Bib. Sac. 61: (A. C. Allen) Am. J . Theol. 8: . 4. — Eastern and Western, Schism of. (J . H. Richard) Luth. Q. 32: 54. — Essential Meaning of Ecclesia. (F. H. Argo) Bib. World, 262 I83, — for Freethinkers ; the Iconoclast as a Builder. (S. G. Hillyer) Arena, 27: 513, — Foreshadowing of the. (Arthur Carr) Expos. 6th ser. III 60. — Growth of. (E. A. Whiston) N. Church R. 9: 363. —— History of, Early, Rainy’s. (B. B. Warfield) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 662. —- — Moeller-Kaweran. (J . F. Seebach) Luth. Q. 32: 32. — How to make a Church pay. (R. H. Conwell) Indep. 54= 730- — “in the House,” The. (S. A. Cook) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 278. — in Social Service in N. Y. City. (W. D. P. Bliss) Indep. 60: 135. — Influence of, Passing of the. (D. Mowry) Arena, 29: 249, —— Lowrie’s Monuments of the Early. (J . C. Egbert, jr.) Nation, 75: I33. — Mission of the. (L. Abbott) Outl. 70: 911. — — in the World. (J. Brand) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 4: 22 5, — Modern, Supreme Need of the. — The Mystical Body of Christ. World, 8I: 307. — Need of Cooperation of Members. (J . Reed) N. Church R. 12: 359. — New Parochial Consciousness of the. (T. Chalmers) Bib. Sac. 59: 153. —— Non-churchman on the. Ch. R. 50: 84. —— of England, The. Quar. 205: 242, — — and the Higher Criticism. (A. St. Leger Westall) Month, 105: 615. — —- and Non-conformity. Sat. R. 93: 638, 668. — — and Non-Episcopal Churches. (Vernon Bartlet) Contemp. 8!: 530. — — Anglican Starvation and a Liberal Diet. Handley) 19th Cent. 57: 984. — —-— Appeal to the Dean and Canons of Westminster. (H. Hadley) I9th Cent. 531 577. -— — The Bishops and the Reformation Settlement. (G. Arthur) 57: 276. — — A Church of Compromise. Spec. 9!: 8. — — The Clergy and the Church. (E. V. Hall) Con- temp. 89: 852. — — The Clerical Conspiracy. (H. Paul) 19th Cent. 60: 668. — — Conflict of Ideals in. Q. I, no. 12 29. — — Crisis in. (Viscount Halifax) 19th Cent. 531 577. = Liv. Age, 237: 347, — — — Reply. (J . L. Walton) 19th Cent. 53: 747. —~ — — The Church, Dissent, and the Nation. (J . L. Davies) National, 41: 847, — — Disestablishment of. (M. Carlyle) Westm. I642 650, — — — Should Churchmen make for ? (O. D. Wat- kins) Contemp. 83: 501. Outl. 82: 879. (J . McSorley) Cath. (A. C. Dieifenbach) Ref. (H. (P. V. Smith) 20th Cent. CHURCH Church of England, First Six Centuries and the. (J . Freeland) Dub. R. 135: 233. — - Free Thought in. (W. H. Mallock) 19th Cent. 56: 386. — (W. A. Whitworth) 19th Cent. 56: 737; Rejoinder. (W. H. Mallock) 905. —- -—- History of, Stephens’s and Hunt’s. (F. A. Chris- tie) Am. Hist. R. 7: 342. -— -— in Australia. (G. H. Frodsham) 19th Cent. 58: 127, - -— in the Colonies. (J . E. C.Welldon) 19th Cent. 55: 795- - —— in South Africa. Church Q. 58: 241, -— — in Syria. Church Q. 59: 127. -— -—- Last Chance of. (C. Wimborne) 19th Cent. 533 555. =Liv. Age, 237: 385, -—- — Last Project of Church Comprehension. Attenborough) Westm. I61: 65 7, -—- — Letters of Business. (H. H. Henson) Contemp. 90: 703. -— — The Liberal Movement. temp. 84: 233. — — Liberalism in. (J . G. Greenbough) Am. J . Theol. 7‘ 517- the Georges, The. (C. W. Stubbs) Liv. Age, 250: 811, — — Old Service-books of, Wordsworth and Little- hales’s. Ath. ’04, 2: 409, — — Ordination of Priests in the. Cent. 51: 626, -— —— Our Unhappy Divisions; Comments on Canon Henson’s Plea. (Bishop of Durham, Deans of Ri- pon, Durham, Winchester, Ely; H. Rashdall) Con- temp. 81: 129. -— —- The Parson and his Flock. temp. 89: 714. -—- -— Present Conditions in the. Cath. World, 79: 662, 826. -— -—- Present Position of, I904. World To-day, 6: 523. —— — Reform in. Church Q. 59: 138. 60: 1. 62: 1, — — Report of the Ritual Commission. (R. H. Ben- ton) Dub. R. 139: 252. —Macmil. n. s. I: 949. —- (J. J. Lias) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 2: 15. — — Ritualists and the Royal Commission. (H. P. Russell) F ortn. 86: 276. — — Rome or the Reformation? (C. Wimborne) I9th Cent. 56: 543. 57: 390. — — Royal Commission on Ecclesiastical Discipline, 1906. Church Q. 63: 1.— (C. Wimborne and others) I9th Cent. 60: 169, -— — the Schools, and the Lords. Blackw. I80: 282, -—- — Spirit of. Spec. 93: 544. — —- Standard of Orthodoxy in. (J . Gamble) Contemp. 85: 563. —— -— Stephens’s and Gairdner’s Histories of. Rait) Crit. R. 13: 22, — of Scotland, Case of, and Disestablishment. (J . W. Cameron) Westm. I62: 519, See Scotland. - —— of the Strong Men, The. (G. S. Lee) Outl. 79: 336. —- Place and Work of Laity in. (W. E. McLennan) Meth. R. 62: 924. — A Practical. (A. W. Anthony) Indep. 58: 665. — The Presence of Jesus Christ in his. (N. J . D. White) Expos. 6th ser. I1: 446. —— Relation of, to the State. (S. D. Schmucker) Luth. Q. as= 501- ' — School and. (W. D. Parkinson) School R. 13: 661, —- Sinners in the. A Layman’s Point of View. (H. C. Emery) Outl. 775 658. — Some Immediate Questions. (T. T. Munger) Atlan. 92: 701, — Spiritual. (T. F. Wright) N. Church R. 9: 576. (J. M. (J . Verschoyle) Con- (F. Verney) 19th (D. C. Pedder) Con- (C. F. G. Masterman) (R. S. 126 . Church-union Movement in Canada. CHURCHES Church, The Strongest Hold of the. Meth. R. 65: 273. — True Function of. 111, —- the University, and the Labor Union. Irvine) Indep.,60: 38, —- What Laymen do for the. 10: 321. I . — Will it survive ? (C. E. Ordway) Arena, 29: 593. —Young Men and the. (E. Bok) Outl. 76: 934.—— (J. E. Freeman) Outl. 76: 1019, Church Architecture, California. Craftsman, 10 : (J. H. Potts) (W. H. M.) N. Church R. 9: (Alex. F. (J . Reed) N. Church R. 33°- — in America, Development of. (W .' T. Demarest) Chaut. 37: 438. . Church Army and the Reclamation of Criminals. (W. Carlile) 19th Cent. 57: 285. Church Blunders and Stories Clerical. Chamb. J . 81: 652, Church Building in New York. (M. Schuyler) Archit. Rec. 13: 509. —- Chancel, The, and its Furnishings. Luth. Q. 35: 110, (G. H. Cox) - Old and New in. (M. B. Biscoe) Outl. 80: 61, — Practical Talk on. (C. D. Maginnis) Cath. World, 76' 368 Church Buildings, What do our, Express ? (C. De Kay) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 689. Church Congresses, Too much of. Sat. R. 962 432. Church Decoration at Great Warley, by W. Reynolds- Stephens. (A. L. Baldry) Studio (Internat.) 2 5: 3. Church Discipline. (G. G. Henry) Luth. Q. 33: 382. Church Federation, Facts Forcing. (E. T. Root) Yale Div. Q. 2: 139. — in England. (G. Campbell Morgan) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 321 592- Church-goer, Some Experiences of a. Outl. 80: 820, Church-going. (Margaret Deland) Indep. 55: 2452. —- A Message from Non-church-goers. Outl. 83: 64. Church History, English, Disputed Points in. (R. J. Cooke) Meth. R. 65: 711. — Exhibition at St. Albans, 1905. Ath. ’05, 2: 24, - Philosophy of. (W. H. Kent) Dub. R. 133: 46. — Recent Literature in. (H. ‘V. Hulbert) Am. J. Theol. 8: 814, — Study of. (T. J. Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 431. 5: 230, Church Legislation in England during the 19th Cen- tury. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 74: 129, Church Music as a Part of Theological Education. (W. S. Pratt) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 12: 5. — The Reform in. (J . B. Ward) Atlan. 97: 455. Church Needlework, Decorative Art of, from the Conquest to the Reformation. (V. W. Magrath) Month, 103: 612, Church Singing. Acad. 69: 1180, Church Towers and Spires. (W. H. Bidlake) Am. Arch. 89: II. Church Union, One Way to. (W. H. Ward) Indep. 55: 1003, (G. S. Lee) (J . P. Gerrie) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 720, Church Unity. (S. J. Andrews) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 6: 202, Church Windows in America. Archit. R. 12: 196. Church Work, Every-day. (B. H. Smith) Munsey, 32: 481, Churches, Eastern, in Communion with Rome. (L. O’Rourke) Cath. World, 77: 627. — A Federal -Congress of. (W. Hayes Ward) Indep. 59: 1135- ' (H. E. Goodhue) CHURCHES Churches, Federation of American. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 591. — in Social Service. (W. D. P. Bliss) Indep. 60: 314. — Some, and their Problems; by a Minister’s Wife. Cosmopol. 38: 187. . — Unity of the. (Eugene Wood) Everybody’s, 14$ 461. Churches, Colonial, Remodeled. Am. Arch. 76$ 37. — Designs of. Archit. R. 12$ 200-292. — English and French, in Fiction. (Algar Thorold) Indep. R. 7: 48. —- French. Am. Arch. 85: 38. — in the Darent Valley. (J . R. Larkby) Reliquary, 45: 162. (G. P. Morris) — Restoration of, Memories of. (Thomas Hardy) Liv. Age, 250: 515.: Ecl. M. 147: 333. -—Thatched. (C. H. E. White) Antiq. n. s. 38: 69, .116, 151, — Wave-washed. Good Words, 47: 123. Churchill, Lord Randolph. Bk. News, 24: 505. —Ed. R. 204$ I. — (A. L. Lowell) Atlan. 98: 247. — (R. Temple) No. Am. 174: 466. —-Liv. Age, 248: 367. —— (W. S. Churchill) Monthly R. 22, no. 22 41. —,(W. S. Blunt) 19th Century, 59: 401. -—Ath. ’06, 1: 7. — Churchill’s Life of. (Herbert Paul) Indep. R. 8: 326. ——(G. L. Beer) Critic, 49: 83. —Sat. R. 101: 18. — “ The Grand Young Man.” (H. A. Bruce) Outl. 83: 9°5- — The Making of a Statesman. (J . S. Mann) Contemp. 89: 233, — Mr. Churchill’s Father. (H. Vivian) Fortn. 86: 893. — Rosebery’s Life of. (A. A. Baumann) Sat. R. 102: 422, Churchill, Winston. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 582. — and his Campaign. (J . W. Remick) Outl. 84: 117, — Historical Fiction of. (A. E. Hancock) Outl. 77: 753. Churchill, Winston (of England), and Democracy. Westm. 165: 15. Churching of Grandma Pleasant, The. bar) Lippinc. 75$ 337. Chusan, Wei-Hai-Wei and. 84: 656. Cibber, Colley, Apology of. (H. B. Irving) 19th Cent. 56: 451. Cicada, Strange Cycle of the. (H. C. McCook) Harper, 109: 44. Cicatrice, The. (Gouverneur Morris) Cent. 47$ 393. Cicero. Brutus, Literary Sources in. (G.,L. Hendrick- son) Am. J . Philol. 27: 184, -— De Senectute. (W. Knight) Acad. 69: 1103, 1127, =Liv. Age, 247: 747, — His Appreciation of Greek Art. Am. J. Philol. 25: 306. — How Useful to Modern Statesman. Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 12: 1. — in Maine. (M. B. Dunn) Atlan. 93$ 253. — Inner Experience of. (R. S. Conway) Contemp. 81: 836. — An Interview. (R. Y. Tyrrell) Internat. Q. 6: 74. — Plutarch’s Life of, Gudeman’s Sources of. (W. H. Johnson) Nation, 77: 17, — Verrines, Vatican Codex of. (VV. Peterson) Am. J . Philol. 26: 409. Cicindela, Distribution of. Natural. 38: 643. Cider, Normandy, Production of. J . Soc. Arts, 49: 718. Cigarette Habit, The. (C. B. Hubbell) Indep. 56: 375, Cigarette-smoker, Confessions of a. Chamb. J . 80: 4. Cigarette Smoking. Sat. R. 94$ 484. Cigars. From Leaf to Cigar. Sci. Am. 95: 10.. Cilicia, Tarsus, and the Great Taurus Pass. (W. M. Ramsay) Geog. J . 22: 357. (P. L. Dun- (D. C. Boulger) Fortn. (G. Showerman) (M. E. G. Duff) (H. F. VVickham) Am. 127 CITIES Cilurnum, Roman City, Ruins of. (E. Tebbutt) Idler, 241 451- . Cimabue, The Real. (L. Douglas) 19th Cent. 53: 453. Cimaruta, Structure and Development of the. (R. T. Gilenthea) Folk-Lore, 16: 132, Cinchona, Jamaica, Tropical Station at. ton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 427, Cincinnati, Government of. Clure, 25: 293. —- Music Festival, 1906. Outl. 83: 66, Cinderella, Tagalog Versions of. (F. Gardner) J . Am. F olk-Lore, 19: 265. (N. S. Brit- (Lincoln Stefiens) Mc- Cinderella of the Blackberry Patch. (W. M. Raine) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 449, Cinderella of the Garden House. (Caroline Duer) Lip- pinc. 76: 513. Cinderella of the Links. (Zona Gale) Everybody’s, 12: 5, Cinderella’s Sisters. (E. Ayrton) Lippinc. 70: 733. Cinque Ports, Barons of. (M. F. Johnston) Macmil. 92: 130. Cintra, Convention of, where signed? (H. N. Shore) Un. Serv. M. 29: 81, Cipher-writing. (G. Wilkes) Cosmopol. 36: 475, 584, 745- Ciphers, Sacred. (C. Coleman) Craftsman, 5: 207. Circle, Euphratean Divisions of. (R. Brown) Knowl. 25= 190. Circles in Cornwall. (Norman Lockyer) Nature, 73: 366, 561. 74: 126. Circuit Rider, The; Reminiscences. (F. J . Russell) Green Bag, 15: 529, Circular Projection, Van der Grinten’s. (G. W. Little- hales) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 14. Circulation, Clearing-house Emergency. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67$ 416. — (H. White) Nation, 77: 87, — of Water in Steam Boilers. (E. P. Watson) Cassier, 27: 248. — Quantitative Circulation Scheme. Science, 11. s. 21: 752, Circumcision, Origin of. (J . G. Fraser) Indep. R. 4$ 204, Circumstantial Evidence, 1820. 40: 142. Circumventing of Roxy Ann Purse, The ; a story. (A. MacGowan) Munsey, 30: 494, Circus, The American. (E. S. Hallock) Cent. 48: 568. — Modern Organization of a. (W. Allen) Cosmopol. (W. T. Porter) (G. Rooper) Longm. 33¢ 37"- —Side-shoow Studies. (F. Metcalfe) Outing, 46: 28, 406. 584- 47= 22-587. — Social Side of the. (K. E. Harriman) Cosmopol. 41: 309. — Society’s Amateur. (H. S. Archer) Cosmopol. 35$ 105. — Visit to the. (C. B. Davis) Outing, 44$ 145. Circus Day. (Eugene Wood) McClure, 25$ 526. Cirque at O1’ Ste. Anne, De. (W. B. Amsbary) Cent. 41: 708. Cirques; a review. (Robert M. Brown) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 86. Cistercian Houses, Scottish. (M. Barrett) Dub. R. 130: 372, 131: 74, Cistercian Order, Beginnings of. (W. A. P. Mason) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 19: 167. Citania. (P. T. Lafleur) Nation, 76: 246. Citation in Dialogue, Technique of. (G. L. Hendrick- son) Am. J . Philol. 27: 184. Cities, American, Betterment of. (J . H. McFarland ; C. R. Woodruif) World’s Work, 8$ 4963. — —— Geography of. (W alter S. Tower) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 371 577. CITIES Cities, American, Lack of Civic Beauty in. (A. Kelsey) Booklover’s M. 21 163. — —— Social Uplift in. (W. A. Hoy) Outl. 76: 740. —— —- Statistical View of. (W. G. Davis) Gunton’s M. 23: 297, — — Untidiness of. (A. D. F. Hamlin) Forum, 33: 322. — — Vital Statistics of. (C. E. A. Winslow) Am. Statis. Assoc. 71 449. — Ancient, and Clan Villages. Antiq. 252 375. — Art in. (J . Schopfer) Archit. Rec. 12: 573. ———Beautifying of. (F. L. Olmsted) Indep. 54: 1870. -—- (F. S. Lamb) Craftsman, 2: 172. — Charters of. (J . T. Newcomb) Nation, 75: 126. — Exodus from Country Districts to. (A. M. Brice) Macmil. 90: 351. — Home Rule for. (J . T. Newcomb) Nation, 751 6. —- Internat. Q. 6: 399. — Land Values in, Distribution of. Yale R. 11: 124, —— of the Pauline Churches. (W. M. Ramsay) Expos. (A. H. Godbey) Monist, 15: (S. D. Peet) Am. (R. M. Hurd) 6th ser. I0: 401, — of Refuge, Semitic. 605, — Recent Growth of. (A. F. Weber) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 223. —— Remaking of. (C. M. Robinson) World’s Work, 12: 8046, — Ruined, of Asia and America. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 24: 135. -— Structure and Growth of. (R. M. Hurd) Munic. Aff. 6: 24. — The Urban Sentiment. Spec. 971 394. See Municipal. Citizen, Debt of, to his Country. (B. Winchester) Arena, 28: 125. ' Citizen Exiled, The. Spec. 92: 286. Citizen Soldier, The Volunteer. (R. L. Bullard) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 153. ' Citizens, Ideal Duties of Leading. (T. Roosevelt) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: 73. ' - —- of To-morrow. (Margaret McMillan) Indep. R. 10: I73. =Liv. Age. 250: 600, ._ Citizenship and Allegiance. (J . W. Salmond) Law Q. 18: 49. — and Suffrage. (W. L. Scruggs) Indep. 54: 1774. — (W. L. Scruggs) No. Am. 177: 837. — Basis of. Spec. 94: 207. — — Christian. So. Atlan. Q. 1: 118, —— Education for. (S. E. Forman) Educa. 25: 104, — Good, True Patriotism and. (J . T. Yates) Arena, 29: 5 30. —— in Southern Education. (VV. H. Heck) School R. 12: 810, —— Lowell’s Conception of. (A. F. Lange) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 106. — Lower Standards of Morality in U. S. (F. T. Hill) Everybody’s, I0: _ 51.} ' _ —— Nature Study and. (C. F. Hodge) Chant. 37: 438. — of To-morrow, Saving the. (B. B. Lindsey) Char. I5: 757- — of the United States, Van Dyne’s. (G. Hunt) Nap tion, 78: 216. - —- Potter on, in relation to the Industrial Situation. Craftsman, 4: 306. —— Responsibility of. (J . W. Folk) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 5: 155. — Science and. (Victor V. Branford) Am. J . Sociol. 11: 721. — Training for, Smith on. (J . S. Young) School R. 10: 802, -—- Training Schools for. (R. C. Wylie) Bib. Sac. 61: 466. . 128 CIVIC Citrus Fruits 250 Years Ago. West, 16: 377, Citrus Plants ; Another of our First Families. Powell) Indep. 60: 1086, City, American, Wilcox on. (C. Zueblin) Dial, 37: 167, — and its Church. (W. R. Richards) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 6: 23 5, —— Beautifying the. (R. Sturgis) Scrib. M. 33: 509. — The County of the. (G. W. Wilton) Jurid. R. 18: (C. F. Lummis) Out (E. R. 65. -— Great; How it amuses itself. (J . W. Linn) World To-day, 7: I543- —-— Government of the. Forum, 36: 611-, -— — How supplied with Food. (E. Parsons) World To-day, 5: 1432. — -— of To-day. (A. Johnson) Char. 12: 23, — The Insanity of the. (E. P. Powell) Arena, 29: 5 77. -— of the Future, Forces Moulding the. (C. R. Wood- ruff) Char. 17: 234. — Plan of a. (J . Schopfer) Archit. Rec. I2: 692, —— The Smaller, Social Significance of. (A. R. Mer- riam) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 13: 291. — Sonnet for the. (A. H. Branch) Atlan. 94: 5 I 3. — Urbi et Crbi. Craftsman, 51 3 58. — What a City might be. (M. G. Cunniff) World’s Work, 10: 6353. City Charters, City-made. 13: 380, City Church, The Function of the. (G. Taylor) Chant. 38= 53- City-country Club Plan, The. Eng. M. n. s. 35: 169. City Development, Civic Education and. Contemp. 87: 413. — P. Geddes on. Nature, 71: 511. (W. Rodman Peabody) (M. R. Maltbie) Yale R. (W. S. Newell) New (P. Geddes) City Editor, The. (C. W. Meade) Bookman, 20: 25. City Franchises, Mayor Low on. (J . T. Newcomb) Nation, 77: 66. City Government, Good, How it may be had. (L. E. C. Garvin) No. Am. 179: 543. See Municipal Government. City Houses; Making them Beautiful. (Z. Milham) World’s Work, 6: 4000. City Improvement, Spirit of. Brush & P. 18: 149, City Life, Crime, and Poverty. (J . R. Commons) Chant. 39: 115. City Lots, Vacant, Farming. (Allan Sutherland) R. . fif Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 567, City Making, Art of. (M. Schuyler) Archit. Rec. 12: 1, City Monopolies, Municipal: Electric Lighting. Munic. Afl-‘. 6: 87. — Street Railways. Munic. Aff. 6: 68. City Noise. Chamb. J. 791 670. City Physicianship, The. (Lilian T. Bryant) McClure, 25: 323, City Plan. (C. R. Lamb) Craftsman, 6: 2, City Problems, Spiritual Solvents of. (G. Taylor) Char. 15: 753. City School, Social Service of a. man, 10: 605, City Water and City Waste. (H. Godfrey) Atlan. 98: (J . Spargo) Crafts- 37 9~ Civic Art in Baltimore. (J . Dannenberg) Craftsman, 9: 202, -— Robinson’s Modern. Craftsman, 4: 395. — What is ? (H. Croly) Archit. Rec. 16: 46. Civic Awakening, The Great. (J . H. McFarland) Outl. 73: 917. Civic Beauty. (C. M. Robinson) Craftsman, 5: 28 5, — Duty of. (L. W. Miller) J . Frankl. Inst. I60: 71, Civic Betterment, Survey of. Chant. v. 37—43. Civic Centers. (J . D. Warner) Munic.Afi. 6: 1, CIVIC Civic Chronicle for I903 and 1904. (C. Zueblin) Chant. 39: "9I. Civic Edhcation and City Development. (P. Geddes) Contemp. 871 413. — Ideas from the Juvenile City League. (W. C. Lang- don) Chant. 431 370. Civic Effort, Coiirdination of. (C. R. Woodruff) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 359. Civic Federation, National. (R. M. Easley) Indep. 54: 206'. Civic Irhprovement, A Decade of. (C. Zueblin) Chant. 36: 174. —— from an Artistic Standpoint. Am. Arch. 89: 55. — in Street and Highway. (S. Baxter) Cent. 42: 682. — The Most Important Event in; Symposium. Chant. 37‘ 477- —- Nationalization of. (J. H. McFarland) Char. I7: 229, — What to Do and How to Do it. (S. Baxter) Cent. 2: 43. — A4Year’s Work for. (Clinton R. Woodrnff) Chant. 431 3°‘- Civic League of Mass., Town Room of. Craftsman, 91 675- Civic Lessons from Europe. Civic Movements, State—wide. I7: 242, Civic Organizations, Activities of, in the United States. (Symposium) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 359. Civic Oversonl, The. (A. Roeder) Arena, 28: 346, Civic Problem from a Sociological Standpoint. (I. W. Howerth) Am. J. Sociol. II: 207. Civic Renascence, The. Chant. 38: 55-373. Civic Spirit, The. (C. Zneblin) Chant. 38: 55. Civics, Aim and Scope of. (S. E. Forman) School R. 11: 288, — Junior, What is ? (E. C. Routzahn) Chant. 37: 515. —— A School of. (A Roeder) Arena, 29: 131. — A Test of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 399. Civil Engineering as a Profession. (Daniel Willard) Cosmopol. 35: 657. — Graduate Study at the University of California. (C. Derleth, jr.) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 388, Civil Engineers of the Navy. Science, 11. s. _I8: 440, Civil Government taught by Laboratory Method. (F. H. H. Roberts) Educa. 22: 477. Civil Service as a Career. Cornh. 88: I18, Chant. 40: 548, (D. F. Wilcox) Char. — British. (H. L. Eccles) Canad. M. 28: 12o_—S;;,1;_ R. 102: 195. — —-— Anomalies of the. (D. A. Thomas) Fortn. 79: 874- ~ — College Graduates and. (W. B. Shaw) Outl. 80: 129. — Colonial, in Germany. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 469. —-— in American Cities. (C. D. Willard) Outl. 76: 938. —in our New Dependencies. (W. D. F onlke) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 34°. — Nation’s Debt to. Sat. R. 95: 38. — under Roosevelt. (W. B. Shaw) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 317. Civil Service Applicants, Curious Answers given by. (A. M. Jones) McClure, 21: 170, Civil Service Examinations and Oxford. Sat. R. 93: 260, 396. Civil Service Reform. (E. T. Lies) Char. I1: 474. —— in Anglo-Saxon History and its Meaning to Civil- ization. (M. F. O’Donoghne) Arena, 32: 369, — in Wisconsin. (E. N. Warner) Canad. M. 27: 508, — Legacy of. (C. T. H. Palmer) Californian, 4: 427. -—Progress of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 76: 408,- Outl. 78: 964. Civilization. Spec. 89: 77. 129 CLARKE Civilization, Interests of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 782 42. ——Kidd’s Principles of Western. (W. G. P. Smith) Mind, 27: 563. —- (A. M. Mergeland) Dial, 32: 416. —- (D. MacG. Means) N ation, -74: 389. ——Quar. I951 617, -— The Pride of Life. (M. Dana) Arena, 28: 48. — The Tide of. (A. P. Trotter) Monthly R. 12, no. 11 I25.=Liv. Age, 238: 379. Civilizations of Old and New Worlds, Mrs. Nuttal’s Fundamental Principles of. Nature, 65: 268. Cladel, Léon. (A. Symons) Sat. R. 102: 264. Clafiin, Wm., with portraits. (Mary O. Sumner) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 270. Claim in the Wilderness, The. Overland, n. s. 46: 58. (Alex. R. Schmidt) Clammer, The. (W. J . Hopkins) Atlan. 96: 145. Clams, Southern California. (C. M. Drake) Land of Sun. 5: 159. Clan System and Secret Societies among the North- western Tribes, Development of. (J . R. Swanton) Am. Anthropol. 6: 477. Clancy of the Jack-pot. (C. F. Holder) McClure, 28: 150, Clannish Criticism. Dial, 39: 103. Clapp, Elmer E., Suburban Home of, Dedham, Mass. Archit. Rec. 20: 419. Clapp, H. A., Reminiscences. (I. A. Pyle) Dial, 33: 58. Clapp, Moses E. Wis. Alum. M. 2: 237. . Clare, St., at Assisi, Memories of. (G. V. Christmas Cath. World, 79: 5 3o. Clare, Ada, Queen of Bohemia. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 637. Clare, John. (R. Oswald) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 382. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Lord. Am. Law R. 402 883. Clarendon House. Ghosts of Piccadilly. (G. S. Street) Monthly R. 25, no. 21 57. ‘ Clarissa’s Mission. (U. Hudson) Munsey, 332 723. Clark. Ellery H., Athlete, with portrait. Every- body’s, 9: 463. Clark, George Rogers, and the Great Northwest. (C. T. Brady) McClure, I9: 274. — and the Kaskaskia Campaign, I777—78. Am. Hist. R. 8: 491. Clark, John Bates, on Distribution of Wealth. (E. Biihm-Bawerk) Q. J. Econ. 21: 1. Clark, Thomas, of Milford, Conn., and his Descend- ants. (R. D. Smyth) N. E. Reg. 59: 132. (C. W. Stoddard) Clark, Thomas March, Bishop, and his Successor.’ Outl. 75: 296. Clark, Walter Appleton, Former Apartment and Studio of. Archit. Rec. 14: 219. Clark, Gen. Wm. (W. R. Smith) Wash. Univ. Bull. 4. 46. Clark, Professor W. (T. E. Champion) Canad. M. 18: 538- Clark, Wm. A. (H. R. Knapp) Cosmopol. 34: 474. Clark, Wm. M., Senator, House of. Archit. Rec. 192 29. Clark, Lake, Alaska. (W. H. Osgood) Nat. Geog. M. 15: 326, Clark University Library Building, Worcester, Mass. (L. N. Wilson) Lib. J. 29: 249. Clarke, Sir Andrew. Geog. J. 19: 763. Clarke, C. Baron. Nature, 74: 495. Clarke, Sir Caspar Pnrdon. (W. G. Panlson Town- Send) Critic, 471 2II. —— (Geo. F. Knnz) Indep. 582 ' 259- "- (J. Lane) Studio (Internat.) 25: 30. — Metropolitan Museum under. Craftsman, 11: 156, Clarke, Charlotte; her Book. (E. Rickert) Lamp, 28: 365. Clarke, Sir George, with portrait. (VV. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 195. CLARKE Clarke, Mary C. Letters to an Enthusiast. (C. Ship- man) Bk. Buyer, 24: 471, Clarke, Richard, of Rowley, Mass., Descendants of, in the line of Timothy Clark of Rockingham, Vt. (T. B. Peck) N. E. Reg. 58: 267, Clarke, W. Eagle. Bird-life at the South Orkney Islands. Nature, 33: 570, . Clarke, William Newton, The Theology of. (C. B. Dalton) Meth. R. 63: 388. Clarkson School of Technology. Educa. 22: 648. Clash of Sentimentalists. (A. D. Miller) Scrib. M. 33: 61, Class Boy, The ; a story. 700, . Class Criticism as a Means of Teaching Composition. (E. C. Noyes) School R. 13: 696. Class Struggle, The. (Jack London) Indep. 55: 2603. Classes, The War of the. (T. B. Wilson) Overland, n. s. 45: 465. ' Classic Influences in Modern Life. 107, 203, ' Classic Myths in Modern Art. Chaut. 42: 549. Classical Association of the Middle West and South. (W. G. Hale) Nation, 80: 330. Classical Conference in connection with Michigan Schoolmaster’s Club, Proceedings of. (J . C. Rolfe) School R. 10: 154.—(J. H. Drake) School R. 10: 374. — School R. 11: 406, Classical Conferences, Ten; a retrospect. School R. 13: 423. Classical Course, How make more attractive to High- school Students ? (C. Allison) School R. 12: 365. Classical Culture, True Spirit of. (A. F. West) Princ. Univ. Bull. 10: 73. Classical Education, A. 806. —— Advantages of. (C. R. Gaston) Educa. 23: 257, 347. —— Grammar to the Wolves. (P. A. W. Henderson) Blackw. I79: 667, -— The Navy and. (C. A. G. Bridge) Monthly R. 16, no. 1: 63. Classical Literature, Modern and. (R. Y. Tyrrell) Liv. Age, 240: 567.:Ecl. M. 142: 520. —- through English Translations. (E. O. Sisson) School R, 14: 660. Classical Quotation, Art of. (J . E. C. Welldon) 19th Cent. 57: 671. Classical Scholarship, Sandys’s History of. Johnson) Nation, 78: 394. —Spec. 92: 53. Classical Studies against Scientific, Lankester on. Sat. R. 99: 831. —— Claims of. 2: 86. - in Rome. (H. Edmiston) Nation, 80: 478, 499, -— Schools of, in Athens and Rome. (Rufus B. Rich- ardson) Chaut. 43: II. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 31: Chaut. 43: 1 1, (F. Kelsey) (A. C. Benson) Liv. Age, 246: (W. H. (A. W. Pickard-Cambridge) Indep. R. Classical Study; how to make it Interesting. (H. E. Burton) Educa. R. 25: 49. Classical Teaching, Few Pedantries in. (J . E. Barrs) School R. 10: 290, Classical Training in a German Gymnasium, Some Notes on. (F. J . Miller) School R. 12: 97. Classical Writings, Did the Monks preserve the ? (W. Birney) Monist, 15: 87, Classics, Ancient and Modern, as Instruments of Edn- cation. (T. H. Warren) Monthly R. 22, no. 2: 47-61. -— are they to go ? (J . P. Postgate) Fortn. 78: 866. —— as a Modern Study. (M. E. Robinson) Westm. 162: 92- -- Compulsory. — The 97- (J . Collier) Cornh. 91: 496, Crusade against. (T. R. Holmes) National, 42: 130 CLEMENS Classics, English Translations of the. (R. Y. Tyrrell) Acad. 71: 309. -— Ignoble Use of. 1002, — in Education. Spec. 92: 874, —in Modern Education. (W. Baird) Educa. R. 23: 407. -— The Influence of, in the Lives of Well-known Moderns. (V. V. M. Beede) Chaut. 43: 141, — —— on American Literature. (P. Shorey) Chant. 43: 121, — Lineage of the. (F. G. Kenyon) Harper, 105: 335, — New Way of Teaching, in Germany. (H. C. Brere- ton) Educa. R. 28: 178, —— Practical Side of the. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 6, — in Elementary School Curriculum. son) Educa. 24: 1, See Latin and Greek. Classification, Library, James Duff Brown’s. (VV. W. Bishop) Lib. J. 31: 836. — — Decimal, Suggestions on the Use of. (F. D. Tandy) Pub. Lib. 4: 139. —— —— Problems in. (E. Bullock) Pub. Lib. 5: 6. — — Richardson on. (C. W. Perley) Dial, 32: 84. —of the Sciences, A New. (A. Schinz) Monist, 13: 456- ' — — Robert Flint on. Nature, 71: 505, Claude Lorrain, with portrait. Mast. in Art, 6: 339. Clausen, George. (H. Macfall) Acad. 67: 569. Claverhouse, John Graham of, in Literature. Barrington) Blackw. 177: 372. Clay, Ben, Pocket-knife Artist. (Day A. Willey) Sci. Am. 95: 425. Clay, Henry, as a Lawyer. Am. Law R. 37: 1. — Home of. (O. B. Capen) Ctry Life Am. 6: 158. -— Promoter of the National Road. (A. B. Hulbert) Chaut. 38: 578. -— J. M. Rogers on. Outl. 80: 933. Clay, John Cecil, A Reporter in Crayons, with por- trait. Bk. Buyer, 25: 39. — Building in. (C. F. Binns) Craftsman, 4: 303. — Burned, for Fire-proofing. (P. B. Wight) Am. Arch. 90: 67, 75, 84. Clay Modeling. (C. V. Kirby) Craftsman, 5: 490. Clay-sealings from the F ayum. (J . G. Milne) J . Hel. Stud. 26: 32. Clay Workers, New School for. 845. Cleanliness and its Advertisement. Char. 12: 333. Clear, Claudius. Letters on Life. Ath. ’02, 1: 105, Clear Case of Science; a story. (J. H. Graves) Mc- Clure, 25: 327. Clearing the Way. 596- Clearing-house System. (T. Gilman) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 208 (B. Winchester) 19th Cent. 52: (H. A. Peter- (M. Science, n. s. 22: (W. L. Ross) (W. C. Morrow) Cosmopol. 41: -— Extension of the. ‘ Bank. M. (N. Y.) 70: 433. Clearing-houses, Federal. (H. White) Nation, 74: 85. Clearness, Psychological Meaning of. (I. M. Bentley) Mind, 29: 242. Cleavage. (E. P. Lyon) Science, 11. s. 19: 350. Cleghorn, Isabella and Joseph Hynson. (Katharine Prence) M. of Hist. 1: 203. Cleland, J . (R. P. Karkaria) Ath. ’05, 2: 866. Clemenceau, Georges. (Laurence Jerrold) Contemp. go: 679. = Liv. Age, 251: 579. —- (G. Brandes) Contemp. 84: 656, —- the Warwick of French Politics. (W. T. Stead) (T. M. Parrott) Book- R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 677. Clemens, S. L., with portrait. lover’s M. 3: 145. — (R. Simboli) Critic, 44: 518. , Clermont-Ferrand. CLEMENS Clemens, S. L., and the First Nevada Legislature. (M. L. Luther) Land of Sun. I 5: I44. — at Seventy. Outl. 81: 808. -—— (H. Lamont) Nation, .81: 478. — Boyhood Home of. (H. M. Wharton) Cent. 42: 675. — Extracts from Adam’s Diary. Spec. 921 925. —— Mark Twain and the “ Chat Noir.” (R. Phillips) Bk. Buyer, 24: 379. -— Reporter in San Francisco, 1862. (Dan De Quille) Calif. M. 4: 176, —— Spoken and Written Art of. (R. W. Gilder) Outl. 78: 842, Clement of Alexandria. Church Q. 58: 348. — (J . B. Mayor) Expos. 6th ser. I2: 13. -—- The Broad Churchman. (J . B. Mayor) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 401. Clement VII.; Campeggio and the Divorce. Thurston) Am. Cath. Q. 291 233. Clement XIV-.; A Remarkable Literary Deception. (J . M. Attenborough) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 219. Clementsia Markhamiana, New Genus of Algw. Murray) Geog. J. 25: I21. Cleomenes I., Chronology of Reign of. (J . Wells) J. Hel. Stud. 25: 193. _ Cleopatras, Six. (W. Everett) Atlan. 95: 252. Clergue, Francis H., of New Ontario. (A. E. McFar- lane) Idler, 22: 201. — (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 36: 179, Clergy, The, and the Church. (E. W. Hall) Contemp. 89: 852.:Liv. Age, 249: 784. — Anecdotes of the. (R. Tangye) Chamb. J . 80: 369. -—— Are they Honest? (W. Manning) Hibbert J . 4: 406, —— Children of the. (H. (G. (J . E. C. Welldon) I9th Cent. 59: 230, -— English. Blackw. I74: 165, — The French, and its Calumniators. (J . Gerard) Month, 104: 26. — Want of Confidence in the. Westm. I60: 462, Clergyman, City, Day’s Work of. Indep. 54: 1174. — Temptations of a Young. (R. Mackenzie) Cosmo- pol. 40: 417. Clergyman’s Wife; a story. M. 20: 7o. ' Clergymen as Educationalists. Westm. I 58: 433. — Honor among. (A. S. Crapsey) Outl. 81: 25. — Letters to, Curious. Indep. 54: 794. Clerical Robinson Crusoe, A. (A. Birnage) Good Words, 47: 57. Clerical Veracity. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 359. Clerk, Position of the. (J . J . Nevin) Westm. I 58: 462. Clerks of Works and their Duties. Am. Arch. 88: 174. (A. Symons) Sat. R. 96: 452. Clesinger, Solange Dudevant-Sand. Macmil. n. s. I: 862, (N. B. Lugrin) Canad. Cleveland, Grover. (VV. A. White) McClure, I8: 322, — (F. A. M-unsey) Munsey, 34: 7 56. — Ambition of. (R. H. MacDonald, Jr.) Calif. M. 4: 192, , -— goes a-fishing. (C. W. Sanders) Outing, 46: 680. Cleveland, Ohio, a City finding itself. (F. C. Howe) World’s Work, 6: 3088, — Civic Art in. (E. A. Roberts) Craftsman, 9: 41, — Education of, through its Chamber of Commerce. (F. C. Howe) Outl. 83: 739. —Evening Schools of. (F. H. Reed) School R. 12: 319- — Franchise Situation in. (E. W. Bemis) Munic. Aif. 6: 261. — Government of. (Lincoln Steifens) McClure, 25: 293’- — Grouping of Public Buildings in. (Edwin C. Baxter) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 561, 131 CLOCKS Cleveland, Ohio, Home Gardening Association. (Starr Cadwallader) Chaut. 43: 320. —- Housing-problem in. Char. I2: 346. -— Plan of School Administration. (S. P. Orth) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 402. -— Public Library Building. (W. H. Brett) Lib. J . 271 27, — -—- Woodland Branch Building. Lib. J . 291 479. -—- The Significance of Mayor Johnson’s Election. (E. W. Bemis) Arena, 29: 582, —- The Slavic Race in. (M. Kucera) Char. I3: 377. -— to Milwaukee, A. L. A. Post-conference Trip, 1896. Pub. Lib. I: 140, —- Traction Struggle in. (G. C. Sikes) Outl. 84: 657. Clever Fraud, A. (W. S. Rogers) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 693. Clever Necromancer. (M. Sherwood) Atlan. 972 547. Clever People, A Cure for. Chamb. J . 79: 97. = Liv. Age, 232: 673. =Ecl. M. 138: 604, ' Cliif-dweller Expedition, The. Land of Sun. 14: 220, Cliff-dwellers. (E. C. Peixotto) Scrib. M. 33: 741. — A Day with the. (G. H. I/Vallace) Land of Sun. 131 23, — of America. (G. N. Richardson) Calif. M. 4: 774. — Ruins of the Mesa Verde. (A. H. Thompson) Am. Antiq. 27: 6. Cliff Dwellings of S. W. United States. (H. T. Mason) Calif. M. I: 193. — Preservation of the. (Katherine L. Smith) Overland, n. s. 39: 875. Clifford, Anne. (G. Hill) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 56. Clifford, Hugh. A Free Lance of To-day. Monthly ‘ R. II, no. 2: I2. - Cliifords, The, in Shakespeare and Wordsworth. (M. G. Hering) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 233. Clifton College. Sat. R. 95: l447. Clifton House, Richmond, Va. (G. R. Tolman) Am. Arch. 83: 21. ' Cliftonite, Internal Stucture of. (J . M. Davidson) Am. J. Sci. 163: 467. Climate and Railroading. n, 3, I82 I86. —- Changes of. (R. De C. Ward) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 458. — Efiects of Civilization upon. (S. L. Bastin) Monthly R. 24, no. 3: 90. ILiv. Age, 25!: 721, — Therapeutics of. (G. Brown) Asia. R. 42: 334. Climates, Classification of. (R. De C. Ward) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 401, 465. — Evolution of. Geog. J . 24: 574. Climatic Features in the Land Surface. Am. J. Sci. 169: 165. — of the Pleistocene Ice Age. 27: 182. (R. De C. Ward) Science, (A. Penck) (A. Penck) Geog. J. Climatic Zones, The, and their Subdivisions. (R. De C. Ward) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 371 385. Climatology, Teaching of, in the U. S. (R. De C. Ward) Science, n. s. 23: 822. Climax, The; a story. Blackw. I73: 753.=Ecl. M. 141: 486_:Liv, Age, 238: 422, Climbing the (J oint-stock) Tree. (G. Yard) Liv. Age, 244: 623, . Clipped Wings. (Mary S. Boyd) Chamb. J . 791 1-506- Clipper Ship, A, and her Commander. (F. J . Mather. jr.)At1an. 94: 649. Clive, Robert. (C. F. Lavell) Cl1aut. 441 I53- Clock without a Face; a story. (M. H. Peixotto) Cosmopol. 35: 239. Clocks, Carillons, and Bells. (A. A. Johnston) J . Soc. Arts. 49= 359- — The Crown. Chamb. J. 81: 772. —— Long Case. (J . F. Butler) Studio (Internat.) I7: 188. — Markers of Time. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 2: 5 3. - Strasbourg. Good Words, 44: 681. oLo1soNN15 Cloisonné Glass. Am. Arch. 89: 202, Cloisonné Vase, The. (Mabel H. Urner) Booklover’s M. 6: 717. -Cloister Cask, The. (E. L. Edholm) Overland, n. s. 39‘ 529- Clopton, Joan, an English Anchoress. (F. M. Steele) Cath. World, 781 331. Close Call, A. (Alex. Hunter) Outing, 45: 40!. Closed Account. (H. B. Smith) New Eng, M. n. s. 27: 31. Closed Book, The. (W. Le Queux) Chamb. J . 81: 1- 612, Closed Market, Union Shop, and the Common Law. (W. D. Lewis) Harv. Law R. 18: 444. Closed Shop, The. (C. J . Bullock) Atlan. 94: 433. —- Fallacy of the. (G. H. Ellis) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 517. —- Law of the. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 79: 46. Closed-shop Controversy, The. Bag, 18: 339. Cloth Manufacture and the Law under the Earlier Edwards. (L. G. Smith) Green Bag, I4: 595. (C. R. Darling) Green Clothes, My. (W. Kirkland) Atlan. 94: 359. —- Psychology of. (L. W. Flaccus) Pedagog. Sem. 13: 61 Clothing Industry in New York, Pope on. (Edith Abbott) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 252. Cloud F ancies. (G. S. Hall) Pedagog. Sem. IO: 96. Clouds. (D. W. Barker) Knowl. 25: 104. — and Health. Science, 11. s. 23: 511. — as seen from Cloud Level. (J . M. Bacon) Knowl. 26: 114, —— Clayden’s Studies of. (Mabel Loomis Todd) Nation, 82: 328.—Sat. R. 101: 456, -— Formation and Motions of. (F. H. Bigelow) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 495. - —— General Motion of. Nature, 711 329. — Iridescent. (R. D. Ward) Science, 16: 32, 192. — Photographing. (H. G. Cox) Ctry Life Am. 4: 278. —(W. J. S. Lockyer) Knowl. n. s. 3: 495. —- —from Mt. Tamalpais. (O. Van Bargen) Ctry Life Am. I1 203. Clouds of the Sun; a drama. (Isabella H. Fiske) Poet- Lore, 15, no. 2: 53. Clough, Anne Jemima. Acad. 65: 230. Clough, Arthur Hugh. (C. T. Winchester) Meth. R. 66: 716, Clovers, The. (A. B. Comstock) Chaut. 39: 384. Clowes Family Record. Pennsyl. M. 29: 489. Clowns and Clowning. (K. E. Harriman) Cosmopol. 39: 151. — Shakespeare’s Clownery. (C. W. Hodell) Poet-Lore, 17, no. 4: 113. Club of Croesus; a story. (J . Blethen) Booklover’s M. 5: 245. Club Deficits. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 80: 66. Club Woman, The. (Eliz. McCracken) Outl. 76: 419. Clubland, Literary. See Literary Clubland. —- A Ramble in. (A. I. Shand) Monthly R. 13, no. 3: 156.-=Liv. Age, 240: 182.:-‘Eel. M. 1421 358. Clubs I have known. (T. H. S. Escott) Chamb. J . 79: 624. —— Loi1don’s Clubland. (A. Kinnear) Munsey, 26: 646. — The Powers of. (T. C. Williams) National, 42: 235. -—— Sportsman’s, of California. (A. Lee) Outing, 39: 535- Cnidus. (E. M. Forster) Indep. R. 2: 278. Cnossus, Crete, Palace at. (W. N. Bates) Am. Arch. 89: 87. . ‘ Coach, The Old Road. (H. H. S. Pearse) Outing, 40: 649. Coach Roads of England, Harper on. Ath. ’03, 1: 39. 132 COAL Coaches, College Athletic, ' Professional. (O. G. Vil- lard) Nation, 77: 46. Coaching. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Outing, 42: 354. —— in England. (M. W. Higginson) Outl. 74: 831, —— in France. The Charm of the Road. (J . M. Hyde) Harper, I04: 914, —- Road-coach “ Pioneer.” (R. W. Rives) Outing, 44: 139- Coahuia Indian Food-getter. (D. P. Barrows) Land of Sun. 4: 164, Coahuia Indians, The. 5: 106, Coal and Water Power; Natural Sources of Wealth. Chamb. J. 80: 189. — Anthracite, in Virginia. 27: 328, — Anthracite Carrying Railways. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 66, — Anthracite Industry in Pennsylvania, Roberts on. Nature, 66: 50. —— (J. Douglas) Nation, 74: 254. — — in the U. S. (John Birkinbine) Cassier, 22: 507, — — in West Virginia. (W. Griflith) J . Frankl. Inst. I54= 431- — —— Labor Situation in the Industry. (F. J . Warne) Outl. 81: 922. —— — Present Conditions in the Industry. (D. Willcox) No. Am. 181: 216, — Anthracite Mine VVorkers and their Demands. (P. Roberts) Internat. Q. 12: 208, — Big Stone Gap Field of Virginia and Kentucky. (J. L. Pultz) Engin. M. 28: 71. —- British and American Mining by Machinery; a Comparison. (A. S. E. Ackermann) Engin. M. 231 357. — Conservation of. (D. P. Barrows) Land of Sun. (L. S. Randolph) Cassier, (H. T. Newcomb) (A. J . Martin) J. Soc. Arts, 54: 5 31. —— Cost of. A Ton of Anthracite. (F. J . Warne) Outl. 82: 888. — The Drama of. 12: 7894. — Duty on, and the Duty of Congress. Outl. 72: 925. — for Russia. (T. Baty) Monthly R. 18, no. 21 I28. — Free, and the Future of the Tarifi. Nation, 76: 64, — Geological Excursions in the Pittsburgh Coal Re- gion. (A. W. Graban) Science, 16: 274. — Growth and Direction of British Foreign Trade in. (D. A. Thomas) J. Statis. Soc. 66: 439. -— in the Anthracite Region. Pictures. Oakley) Cent. 50: 724. — Indian, Commercial Value of. 25: 367, —Misuse of. (W. Rosenhain) Nature, 66: 29. — (J. Perry) Nature, 65: 464. — (D. E. Hutchins) Na- ture, 66: 246, (R. Wadsworth) World’s Work, (Thornton (M. Brown) Cassier, — Problem of ;' its Relation to the Empire. (C. W. Bellairs) J. Soc. Arts, 49: 549, —Soft, Collective Bargaining in. (U. S. Parker) J. Pol. Econ. 12: 546, — Supply of Admiralty. 461 542- —— Testing of. (H. S. Knowlton) Cassier, 29: 289. - —- The Tragedy of. (R. H. Brewer) Good Words, 47: (W. B. Dawkins) National, 46. -— Weathering of. (Edward Atkinson) A1n. Arch. 83: SS- —— Welsh; an Industrial Romance. Chamb. J. 83: 577. —— Welsh Smokeless, for the Navy. (VV. H. Renwick) 19th Cent. 57: 154. Coal and Iron Combinations in Germany. ous) Q. J. Econ. 17: 326. Coal Capital, Exports of, from England. (J . H. School- (A. E. Say- ing) J . Statis. Soc. 67: 81, . Coal Resources of the Pacific. COAL Coal Conflict, The Public and the. (H. E. Rood) No. Am. 181: 603. ‘ - Coal Cutting Machinery. (E. W. Parker) Cassier, 22: 291. Coal Deposits of the Northwest. (F. A. Wilder) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: I86, Coal Famine and the Railroads. tion, 83: 527. Coal-fields of Arkansas. Science, 11. s. 24: 5 32. — of Crow’s Nest Pass, British Columbia. (E. Jacobs) Engin. M. 27: 36. Coal Industry, The. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 39: 73. — Development of. (W. G. Irwin) Gunton’s M. 222 544. — German, Monopolistic Combinations in -the. (F. Walker) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 5: 45!. Coal Mine, Burning, Attempts to extinguish. Am. Arch. 85: 54. Coal Miners and Operators. (A. D. Noyes) Na- (F. J . Warne) Outl. 82: 643. ——- Anthracite, Investor’s Interest in the Demands of. (E. S. Meade) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 36. ——- Scottish. (K. Durland) Outl. 72: 45 5. Coal Mines and the Law. (B. Wyman) Green Bag, 14: 514, (H. W. Chaplin) 540. ' — and Mining, Anthracite. (Rosamond D. Rhone) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 54, -— Economic Study of. (R. Cartright) Cath. World, 751 715- -- Government. (H. White) Nation, 75: 298. — Prussian Ownership of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 79: 233- Coal Mining by Receivers. (H. White) Nation, 75: 258, —— Hoisting Practice in Pennsylvania. (R. V-Norris) Engin. M. 29: 892. —- in India. (E. Benedict) Cassier, 22: 365. —~ in the Pocahontas Field, Va. (G. L. Fowler) Engin. M. 27: 217. —- —- Social and Industrial Conditions in. Fowler) Engin. M. 27: 383. — in the United Kingdom. Engin. M, 26: 20, 193, 400, Coal-mining Industry, Conciliation and Arbitration in. (H. Justi) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 3: 279. Coal-mining Regions, Life in the. (J. Douglass) Nation, 78: 474. -— WVhat has followed the Strike. World’s Work, 7: 4571, (G. L. (R. A. S. Redmayne) (C. Warfield) (H. Emerson) Engin. M. 23: 16!. Coal Strike. See Strike, Coal. Coal-strike Commission, Results of Arbitration under. (C. D. Wright) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 42: 71. Coal-supply, The National British. Quar. 203: 136. —- -— Report of the Royal Commission on. (J . Macau- lay) Econ. J. 15: 267. —(J. Macaulay) Econ. J. 15: 267. Coal-tar, Richness of. (E. Wood) Munsey, 33: 216. Coal-tar Color Industry. (H. Schweitzer) Science, 11. s. 24: 481. , Coal-tar Industry and its Jubilee. (C. Baskerville) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 43I. ——- in England and Germany during past Fifteen Years. (A. C. Green) Science, 11. s. I5: 7. ——- Jubilee of the. (J. C. Cain) Nature, 74: 318, Coal-testing Plant at St. Louis Exposition. (D. T. Randall) Cassier, 26: 59o.— (E. W. Parker) Engin. M. 29: 211. Coal Trade, American, Problems of the Expansion of. (F. E. Saward) Engin. M. 30: 374. — British, \Vages and Profits in. (T. Good) Cassier, 29: 370. —-— Retail, Course of. 394- (D. T. Day) Nat. Geog. M. 13: KB COCHRANE Coal Trade, South Wales. (T. I. Jones) Econ. R. 16: 15. Coal Trust, The, and the Labor Trust. (H. Davis) Everybody’s, I4: 640, —- Labor Trust and People. 14‘ 435- Coal Wars, Australasian Cures for. Atlan. 90: 667, Coaling of Warships, New Apparatus for. 95: 381- Coaling Competitions in the Royal Navy. (H. C. F yfe) Good Words, 45: 20. Coals of Fire. (K. W. Yeigh)_Canad. M. 27: 463. Goals of Fire. (A. Stoddart) Lippinc. 69: 356. Coast, Denudation of, in England. (E. A. Martin) Knowl. n. s. 3: 348, 368. Coast Artillery, Statement of the Present Needs of. (G. M. Brooke) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 257, Coast Artillery Regiment, New York’s. (F. B. Ed- wards) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 10: 47, Coast Defense and the Fleet. (H. N. Shore) Un. Serv. M. 24: 325.- (Garrison Gunner) Un. Serv. M. 25: 1o. — Future of. (W. A. Moore) Un. Serv. M. 28: 234, Coast Erosion. (Clement Reed ; E. R. Mathews) Geog. J. 28: 487. -— and Protection. Nature, 712 92. Coast Patrol, The. (A. Hewitt) Outl. 79: 5 3!. Coast Survey, Shall we dismember the ? Nation, 77: 260. Coasting. (J . L. Steele) Outing, 41: 460, Coat at the Furrier’s. (L. F ulda) Lippinc. 72: 704. “ Cob-walling,” Decadence of the Art of. (I. G. Sieveking) Gent. M. n. s. 7!: 221, Cobalt, The New Silver City. (Starr Bullock) Harp. W. 50: 806. —(G. L. Stryker) World To-day, I1: 2. Cobalt Ore Deposits. (J. A, Macdonald) Engin. M. 31: 406, Cobaltite occurring in Northern Ontario, Canada. (J . S. De Lury) Am. J. Sci. 171: 275. Cobb, B. Francis. J . Soc. Arts, 49: 414. Cobb, James, Tours of, I8I5—I6. (W. L. Clowes) Spec. 91: 342. Cobb, Sanford Hoadley. Lit. W. (Bost.) 33$ 120. Cobbe, Frances Power. (F. B. Sanborn) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 42: 63.——(J. Verschoyle) Contemp. 85: 829. =Liv. Age, 242: 70.——(M. L. Johnson) Westm. 161: 653. Cobbett, William, Carlyle’s Life of. Ath. ’03, 2: 6:5. —Spec. 93: 867. Cobden, Richard. Blackw. I75: 140. —— and Cobdenism. (L. J . Maxse) National, 43: 861. — and the Corn-laws. Spec. 91: 279. — and Modern Liberalism. (H. Samuel) 19th Cent. 55: 898. — Centenary of. Spec. 92: 912. -— Civilization and Commerce. Westm. I66: 265. —-Foreign Teacher of, [Frédéric Bastiat]. Welsford) National, 46: 68. — The Real. (H. W. Wilson) National, 43: 634. (H. Davis) Everybody’s, (H. D. Lloyd) Sci. Am. (W. E. A. Axon) (J. W. Cobden-Sanderson and the Dover Bindery. (E. Pres-' ton) Craftsman, 2: 21, Cobdenism and Capital. Fortn. 80: I9. — and the Colonies. Fortn. 80! I93. — The Revolt against. (H. W. Wilson) National, 41: %L Cobra, The, and the Mongoose. (Lt.-Col. J. Mac- gregor) Chamb. J. 83: 193. “Cocher Martin.” (J. F. Macdonald) Sat. R. 97: "82, Coclirane, Sir Alexander Inglis, a great British Ad- miral. (N. R. Martin) Gent. M. n. s. 76: 85, COCHRAN E Cochrane, Alfred. Collected Verses. Monthly R. 14, no. 11 44. Cochrane, Thomas, Lord, “ Secret Plans” of. Un. Serv. M. 27: 457. Cook Robin. (J . Oxenham) Longm. 40: 437,=Ecl. M. 139: 812.=Liv. Age, 235: 155. Cockchafers. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. 25: ,1. Cocker Spaniel, The. (J . Watson) Ctry Life Am. 9. 64. Cockerell, S. Pepys, Artist. (C. H. Browne) Studio (Internat.) 21: 116, Cockrell, Francis Marion, with portrait. Williams) World To-day, 8: 38. Cockroaches, Geological History of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 244, -- Paleozoic, Some N ew Structural Characters of. (E. H. Sellards) Am. J. Sci. 165: 307. — —— Study of the Structure of. (E. H. Sellards) Am. J. Sci. 168: 113, 213. . Cocoa in Trinidad: an Opening for Enterprise. Chamb. J , 82: 663, Cocopah Indians, Among the. Land of Sun. 14: 196. Cocos Island, 'I‘reasure—seeking on. (Walker (E. H. Sellards) (N. H. Chittenden) Chamb. J . 82: 113, Cocos Keeling Islands. Romance of a Scots Family. (H. Clifford) Blackw. 171: 309. Cod, Cape. (C. Johnson) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 739, — Decay of. New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 343. — Hunting on the Sand Dunes of. (A. E. Marr) Out- ing. an 373: — Lakes of. (S. W. Abbott) New Eng. M. n. s. 261 339- - Notes on. (A Returned Native) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 329, Code Napoleon, The ; how it was made, and its Place in the World’s Jurisprudence. (U. M. Rose) Am. Law R. 40: 833. Codera, Francisco, Saavedra’s Homenaje 11. Macdonald) Nation, 81: 244, Codex Bezee, Original Contents of. (J . Chapman) Expos. 6th series, 12: 46. Codfish, Catching of. (W. J . Henderson) Cent. 50: (D. B. 485. Cod-fisheries, A Polemic on. (VV. D. Foulke) Dial, 361 37. Codfishers of Newfoundland. ‘Work, 6: 3617. Codling Moth, George Compere and the Parasite for the. (E. P. Irwin) Overland, n. s. 45: 358. Codonotheca, a New Type of Spore-bearing Organ from the Coal Measures. (E. H. Sellards) Am. J. Sci. . 166: 87, Co-educated Girls, Ten, Two Hundred Years Ago. (Mrs. H. M. Plunkett) Scrib. M. 33: 450. (N. Duncan) World’s Co-education. Canad. M. 21: 377.—(J. P. Garber) Educa. 23: 235. —- Adjustment to. (E. B. Clapp) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 333- —— at the Un'versity of Chicago. Nation, 75: 147. -— from Anolther Standpoint. (E. E. Slosson) Indep. 55: 366. — in Colleges. A Man’s View. (W. A. Curtis) Outl. 72: 887. -— —- A Woman’s View. (M. E. Cook) Outl. 72: 890. — in Practice. (John Russell) Acad. 71: 253, —— in Secondary Schools. Nation, 76: 455. — in the United States. (A. S. Draper) Educa. R. 25: 1o9.—-(A. L. Diggs) Westm. 160: 665, -—- Limited Segregation. (J . E. Armstrong) School R. 14: 726. ____.2--Permanency of. (Ida HllHarper) Indep.,55: 603, -- Pros and Cons of. Nation, 76:367. . 134 COLERIDGE Co-education, The Question of. (G. S. Hall) Munsey, 34: 588. -— (D. S. Jordan) Munsey, 34: 683, — Reaction from. (J. R. Angell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 5. — Recent Experiments in. (E. S. Tylee) Westm. 160: 313- — Why it loses Ground. (H. T. Finck) Indep. 551 301, 361, Co-educational College, Social Life of the. (E. S. Par- sons) School R. 13: 382. ' ' Coffee and Coffee-houses. (E. Hill) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 47. — in Guatemala. 742- - King. Chamb. J. 82: 23. Cofiee-club Movement in California. 321 519- Coifee Culture in Hawaii. land, 11. s. 41: 171. Coifers, Ancient, and Cupboards. Antiq. n. s. 39: 50. -- (J . C. Cox) Reliquary, 43: 109, —— — Roe on Ancient. Ath. ’03, I: 8. Coflin, Charles, President of East Tennessee College, with portrait. (T. W. Jordan) Univ. of Tenn. Rec. 3: 3. Cog-wheels, Geometry of, Tessari on. Nature, 66: 218, Cogswell, Francis. 11. s. 33: 230, Cohesion, Studies in. 3: 502, Cohn, Albert. Ath. ’O5. 21 336. Coigny, Aimée de, Memoirs. (A. Laugel) Nation, 75: 148. Coin-counting and Coin-wrapping Machine. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 661. Coinage Oflicial, the, Evolution of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 319. — Romance of. 101, — Silver. (W. W. Bower-s)_Calif. M. 4: 544. Coining Machinery in Chinese Mints. (Oberlin Smith and H. A. Janvier) Cassier, 24: 3. Coins and Coinage in the New England Colonies. A. Ogg) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 739. — Frauds with Gilded. Chamb. J . 79: 88. (E. T. Y. Parkhurst) Calif. M. 2: (E. Fox) Arena, (J . L. McClelland) Over- (G. H. Bryan) (A. Gradenwitz) Knowl. n. s. (T. A. Cook) Monthly R. 16, no. 3: (F. — Greek. (O. S. Tonks) Chaut. 43: 203. — Religious Symbols on. (W. H. Render) Sund. M. 35: 117- —- Roman, A Hoard of, from Tarquinii. (G. N. Ol- cott) Am. J . Archaeol. 2d ser. 6: 404, —- Various Types of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 70: 467, Coit, Stanton, Positivists and. (F. Harrison) Internat. J. Ethics, 17: 13. _ Cokain, Sir Astor, Works of. (G. Barnett Smith) Ath. ’o2, 1: 468. Coke Ovens, Bee-hive, Increasing Yield from. (C. Catlett) Cassier, 24: 534, Cokelers, The. (Viscount Turnour) National, 44: 106. Colby, Everett, in Politics. (L. Stefiens) McClure, 26: 420. —— the Man who “got mad.” (J . L. Williams) Outl. 82: 407 Colchester Mint in Norman Times. Eng. Hist. R. 18: 305. Cold, Effect of, on Animals. Spec. 88: 11. — Taking. (S. S. Wallian) Outing, 40: 754. Cold-frames. Ctry Life Am. 5: 43. Coleman, John, Fifty Years of his Life. Ath. 04, 2: (J . H. Round) 219. Coleridge, Hartley. (W. Bailey-Kempling) Good Words, 46: 444. —-— (J . K. Hudson) Temp. Bar, 127: 409. = E81. M. 141: 75- = Liv- Age. 257= 475- (M. B. Brinkerhoff) New Eng. M. ' COLERIDGE Coleridge, J . Duke, Lord. Ed. R. 201: 361. — Coleridg-e’s Life and Correspondence of. Ath. ’03, 2: 725.--Spec. 94: 53. Coleridge, S. T. (M. J. Ryan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 12: 313. —-(A. Symons) Internat. Q. 9: 317. —— and the Wedgwood Pension. (T. Hutchinson) Acad. 70: 283, 306. — and Tennyson at Clevedon. (A. L. Salmon) Temp. Bar, 132: 153.: Ecl-. M. 145: 512, —— at Samuel Rogers’s; a Literary Symposium. M’Clure) Chamb. J. 82: 716. -—— Bibliography of. (L. H. Haney) Ath. ’04, 1: 498. — Coleridgeana. (B. Dobell) Ath. ’04, 1: 5 3. — The Enigmatical. (F. McElfresh) Meth. R. 64: (R. 75- — a Religious Teacher. (G. M. Hughes) Meth. R. 64: 590. — Washington Allston’s Portrait of. (A. N. Meyer) Critic, 48: 138. Coleridge Family of England, Lord Coleridge’s Story of. Ath. ’05, 2: 885. Colet, Dean, and Archbishop Warham. (P. S. Allen) Eng. Hist. R; 17: 303. Colin Clout, Spenser’s Dating of. (Percy W. Long) Nation, 33$ 368. Collaboration, A; a story. 55° (G. Burgess) Munsey, 26: Collaboration; a story. (J . Noel) Overland, n. s. 41: 385. Collar Starcher’s Story, A. Indep. 59: 305, Collecting, Romance of. Art J . 57: 52. Collections, Special, in Small Libraries. (C. McIlvaine) Pub. Lib. 10: 271, Collective Morality. Spec. 91: 597, Collective Phenomena, and the Scientific Value of Sta- tistical Data. (E. G. F. Gryzanovski) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 7: 476. College, The. (W. De W. Hyde) Educa. R. 28: 461, — (M. Carey Thomas) Educa. R. 29: 62, — Administration of the Modern. (W. J . Tucker) Q Dart. Bi-Mo. 1: 129, -— Admission to; are the Requirements too Great? (Wilson Farrand) Educa. R. 31: 1. I — — by Certificate. (G. E. McLean) Science, 22: 167. -—— (J. M. Hart) Nation, 17: 207, — —— Conditions of. (G. E. MacLean) Science, n. s. 23: 645. (J . E. — —— Educational Value of Examinations for. Russell) School R. 11: 42, -— —— A New Method of. (D. D. S. Lowell) Educa. R. 24: 338. -—— — Requirements for. (E. H. Sears) Wash. Univ. Bull. 4: _12.-O-(F. Ramaley) Educa. 24: I277. -— — -— and the Secondary-school Work. (J . C. Kirt- land, jr.) School R. 13: 818, -— — —- Is the Course Best for those who go no further ? (J . G. Needham) Science, n. s. 19: 650. -— — —— Should Biblical History and Literature be offered? Bib. World, 23: 339. — — —- Should High School Diploma admit ? (W. T. Foster) Educa. 26: 203, _-- — —- Uniformity of, What has been gained in the Past Twenty Years? (C. W. Eliot) School R. 12: 7 . ——- Admission Tests in Common. (E. H. Hall) Harv. Grad. M. 10: 525. - The American. (N. M. Butler) Educa. R. 25: 11. -— —— The Immediate Future of. (A. T. Hadley) Cent. 47: 864. - — Independence of. World’s Work, 12: 7927, -— — Problem of. (Brander Matthews) Bookman, 193 291, 135 COLLEGE College, the American, Self-supporting Student in. (O. F. Lewis) No. Am. 179: 718. — — A Weakness in. (C. F. Thwing) Lamp, 26: 187. —- The American Boy and. 42: 158. —- and Community. Outl. 83: 926. — and the Drama. (Frank S. Arnett) Appleton’s M. 8: 372. ——and the University. (S. Low) Colum. Univ. Q. 2: 235- —- -— American. (W. O. Thompson) Educa. 26: 315. — — Shall the State restrict the Use of these Terms. (A. S. Draper) Educa. R. 24: 10, (W. L. Hervey) Chant. — An Apology for going to. (Helen Keller) McClure, 2 5: 190, — as an Educational Influence. (C. E. Birdseye) Outl. 83: 757- - Best. (E. G. Dexter) Educa. 24: 603, — —- What is ? (E. G. Dexter) World’s Work, 5: 3302, — Business Men’s Criticisms of. (D. S. Jordan) Indep. 54‘ I932- — The Christian ; its Function and Opportunity. (A. T. Perry) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 11: 5. — The Denominational. (C. Clever) Ref. Ch. R. 50: 386. -— Dubious Outlook for. 638. —- Dynamic Biology in. (G. F. Hodge) Pedagog. Sem. 12: 158. — East and West. 1006, — Existing Relations between School and. rand) Educa. R. 25: 182. , —- “ Fundamentals” in. (H. Lamont) Nation, 81: 438, — High-grade Men in, and in After Life. (E. G. Dex- ter) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 429, — Honorary Student Societies in. Nation, 80: 7. —- in the University. (J . N. Swan) Educa. 25: 602, -— Influence of Society on. (Eliz. D. Hanscom) Educa. R. 25: 527. — of Applied Science, Proposed. Nature, 72: 2 50, — —— Report of Departmental Committee on. Nature, 72: 232, — of the City of New York, and its New President. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 672. — The Old, and the New University. (J . B. Angell) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 4: 77. —— Place of, in the Social System. (W. De W. Hyde) School R. 12: 782. ‘ — Selective Influence of. (D. W. Hering) Educa. 22: (S. Mathews) World To-day, 7: (W. Far- (F. J . Mather, jr.) (E. L. Thorndike) Educa. R. 30: 1. —— Sending a Son to. (C. F. Thwing) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 682, —- Simple Life in. (H. Lamont) Nation, 80: 46. -—The Small. (E. Post) Meth. R. 66: 859,-—(F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 75: 6. — -— but Fit. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 508. -—— —- The Dangers of. (W. T. Foster) Nation, 83: 367. —- — Future of. 71: 886. — — in the South, Problems of. wanee, 10: 86, —- ——- Money for. (H. Lamont) Nation, 80: 349. -— -— Plans and Budget for a. (C. R. Henderson) Am. J. Sociol. 7: 721, — -— vs. Large. (W. J. Tucker) School R. 14: 717. - -— What shall it Do ? (A. Brigham) Educa. R. 23: 338, ' — Training for Strength. 40: 31, (W. De W. Hyde; G. Harris) Outl. (E. H. Babbitt) Se- (L. Vandervort) Outing, —— Recent American. COLLEGE College, Why Boys go to. (O. F. Lewis) Educa. R. 25: 308. — Why do Students leave before Graduation ‘P (W. S. Currell) School R. 12: 246, College Administration. Science, 11. s. 22: 572, College and University Education in the U. S., The Trend of. (W. R. Harper) No. Am. 174: 457. College and University Students, Geographical Distri- bution of, in the U. S. (R. Tombo, jr.) Science, n. s. 24: 166. College and University Work in Music. Hanchett) Educa. 25: 345. College Architecture. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 108 (H. G. (A. D. F. Hamlin) Outl. 741 791- — — Harvard-Yale. (Christian Brinton) Booklover’s M. 7: 78. College Athlete, The. (H. B. Needham) McClure, 25! 260. College Catalogues, Uniformity in. (E. G. Dexter) Educa. R. 25: 206. College Commencement, American. (L. G. Price) Bookman, 19: 375. College Conference of the Middle West. ton) Educa. R. 27: 42. . College Coiiperative Stores in America. (Ira Cross) Arena, 35: 379. College Course, The American. (H. E. Keyes) Educa. R. 27: 60, — (H. A. Overstreet) Educa. R. 27: I68. -—— (W. F. Walsh) Educa. R. 27: 279. — (H. B. Wright) Educa. R. 27: 384.— (H. A. Coflin) Educa. R. 27: 497. —(J. J. Stevenson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 202. — — from the Point of View of a Recent Graduate of Amherst. (H. C. Goddard) Educa. R, 26: 92, —— — from the Point of View of a Recent Graduate of the University of Wisconsin. (G. Showerman) Educa. R226: 166. - — -— from the Point of View of a Graduate of Smith College. (Edith M. Putney) Educa. R. 26: 352, — -— from the Point of View of a Recent Graduate of Bryn Mawr College. (A. C. Emery) Educa. R. 26: we — Bi~sected. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 75: 301, —— Elimination of First Two Years ; a protest. (Julius Sachs) Educa. R. 30: 488. —- Length of. (P. S. Reiuach) Wis. Alum. M. 4: 95. —— (M. S. Snow) Wash. Univ. Bull. 1: 88. -— (C. W. Eliot; A. F. West; W. R. Harper; N. M. Butler) Educa. R. 26: 120,- (J . H. T. Main) Educa. 23: 6?-8.—(J. G. Schurman) Science, 11. s. 16: 816, -— -— and the Professional Schools. (N. M. Butler) Science, n. s. 16: 613.—— (N. M. Butler) Educa. R. 24: 503. — Shortening the. Colum. Univ. Q. 5: 133, —--— Chicago Conference, I903. Colum. Univ. Q. 51 (H. J. Bar- 3°7- —— —— from Point of View of the Elementary School. (F. L. Soldan; J . S. Brown) School R. 12: 15, -— — from Point of View of the College. ler; R. Rhees) School R. 12: 22, —— — from the Social Point of View. Am. J . Sociol. 8: 746. —— — Objections to. (E. J . Goodwin) Educa. R. 25: 21. — The Three-years’. Harv. Grad. M. 14: 580. ——in New England. (W. McDonald) Nation, 75: 2. College Course, Two-years’, an Interview with Pres. N. M. Butler. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 589. College Curriculum, Disintegration and Reconstruction of the. (G. T.‘ Ladd) Forum, 33: I65. ‘ -— from the Viewpoint of a Graduate Student. (J . D. Rodeifer) Luth. Q. 342 556. (M. V. O’Shea) nm (N. M. But-‘ COLLEGE College Curriculum, how shall it be Reconstructed? (C. T. Ladd) 35‘ 130. College Degree, Equalization of Requirements for. (F. M. Moore) School R. 10: 217. College Detail \Vork. (E. P. Lawton) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 437. College Dramatics; the College Girl on the Stage. (Mabel H. Brown) Overland, n. s. 45: 67. — (A. K. Fallows) Munsey, 27: 701. College Education. (H. C. King) Bib. Sac. 60: 510. — and Business Life. (A. C. Miller; H. W. Thurston) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 4: 216, — as a Luxury. (C. W. Hodell) Meth. M. 66: 448. — Christian. (J . A. B. Scherer) Luth. Q. 34: 352. — Current View of, formulated in Propositions. (J. B. Davis) School R. 14: 414. —— Desirability of, for Railroad Work. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 124. - Philosopher’s Stone of the Philistines. win) Educa. R. .27: 338. — A Question. (J . Smith) Outl. 83: 900. — Some Present Tendencies in. (C. F. Adams) Educa. R. 32: 132, College Entrance Examination Board ; 2d Annual Re- port, I902. (T. S. Fiske) Educa. R. 24: 27!. — 3d Annual Report. (T. S. F iske) Educa. R. 26: 266. — 4th Annual Report. (T. S. Fiske) Educa. R. 28: 265, — 5th Annual Report. (T. S. Fiske) Educa. R. 30: 2 50. — (Wilson Farrand) Educa. R. 30: 217. — 6th Annual Report. (T. S. Fiske) Educa. R. 32: 275, (A. J . County) (C. S. Bald- — Future of. (E. L. Thorndike) Educa. R. 31: 470. —— Report of a Member of. (W. Gallagher) School R. 13: 801. College Entrance Examinations. (E. L. Thorndike) Science, 11. s. 23: 339. — (J . Y. Bergen) Science, 11. s. 23: 981. — A Comparison of. (E. J . Goodwin) Educa. R. 26: 140. — in English, Uniform. (T. H. Stoddard) Educa. R. 303 375- College Fraternities. See Fraternities. College Girl, American, by a European University Girl. Outl. 76: 171. -—-— by a European University Woman. Outl. 81: we -—- Practical Religion of the. (A. K. Fallows) Outl. M=&a College Girls, American, Ignorance of Literature. (J . Marks) Critic, 47: 312, College Government, Alumni Representation in. (L. P. Wood) Technol. R. 8: 301, College Graduates have Small Families. (C. W. Eliot) Harv. Grad. M. 11: 355. College Graduation, Age of, Changes in. (G. J . Thomas) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 159, College Heads, Poor Material for. Sat. R. 96: 665. College Journalism. (L. C. Price) Bookman, 17: 69. College Libraries and Librarians. (W. N. C. Carlton) Lib. J. 31: 751. College Library, Distribution of Income in the. (J. C. Rowell) Lib. J. 30: C 84. —— The Modern. (J . H. Canfield) Educa. 27: 129. — Stimulation of, General Reading in. (Isadore G. Mudge) Lib./J. 31: 764. . — What can the Public Library do for ? Gunthorp) Pub. Lib. 82 454. College Life, Changes in. (J . Bascom) Atlan. 911 749. College Literary Society, The. (H. N. Snyder) Se- wanee, I2: 78. "" College Man, The American. Outl. 772 5 57 — as Leader in the World’s Work. (R. H. Thurston) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 346. (Pauline COLLEGE College Men and Women, Marriage and Fecundity in. (G. S. Hall and T. L. Smith) Pedagog. Sem. I0: . 27_. — Cariaers of Scholarly Men in America. (E. L. Thorn- dike) Cent. 44: 1 5 3. _ —in Business. (H. J. Hapgood) World To-day, II: 827. —— (H. J . Hapgood) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: ‘8. College lilethods and Administration. (G. E. Fellows) Educa. 27: 1. —-— — Laboratory. (C. R. Mann) Educa. 27: 200. —- —-— vs. High School Methods. (R. J . Aley) Educa. 27: 65, (J . A. Himes) Luth. Q. 34: 182. (C. D. Adams) — Mission of the. College-preparation in Character. School R. I3: 606, College Presidency, Need of Training for. Graves) Forum, 32: 680, College President, The American. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 244, 300, - — The Burden of the. (H. Lamont) Nation, 81:, 33 5. —- The Crime of being. (H. Lamont) Nation, 78: 164. — Sorrows and Joys of. 1890, College Presidents, Prominent, with portraits. Book- lover’s M. I: 111, College Professor, Autobiography of a. 26: 503. College Professor’s Wife, A. Indep. 59: 1279. — in the Public Service. (W. H. Glasson) So. Atlan. Q- 11 247- College Professors and the Public. (B. Perry) Atlan. 89: 282, —-— A Pension Fund for. (C. F. Thwing) No. Am. 181: (F. P. (C. F. Thwing) Indep. 54: Educa. R. 722, —Salaries of. (H. Lamont) Nation, 77: 520.—Na- tion, 78: 69, I29, I91.—(F. C. S. Schiller) Nation, 78: 210. — — at Amherst. (G. Harris) Nation, 78: 10. -— — What should they be Paid ? Atlan. 95: 647. — Status of American. (J . J . Stevenson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 122. 67: 748, College Rank and Distinction in Life. (A. L. Lowell) Atlan. 92: 512. College Rowing in America. (N. P. Stauifer) Book- lover’s M. 5: 781, College Settlements and College Women. Scudder) Outl. 702 973. — Country. (Winthrop Packard) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 562. College Sport, The Spirit of. I. American and Eng- lish Rowing. (R. D. Paine) Cent. 48: 483. — — II. English and American Football. Paine) Cent. 49¢ 99. College Sports, Commercialism in. Outing, 46: 485. —— Passing of the Professional. Outing, 49: 109, — School and College Outdoor World. (R. D. Paine) 011tins,45= 237. 366- 46= 626- W 366, 497- 48= 106, 618. College Student, A. Chant. 37: So. -— and the Bible. (H. T. Colestock) Outl. 81: 83. College Student Clubs and the University Spirit. (G. E. Vincent) I/Vorld To-day, 7: 1369, College Students as Thinkers. (C. F. Thwing) No. Am, 183: 62, — Expenses of. (W. B. Bailey) — Mind of the Undergraduate. R. 30: 189, — Reading of. (J. H. Canfield) Outl. 74: I63, —- Should they Study ? (C. F. Thwing) No. Am. 180: 2 30, — Statistics of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 278, (Vida D. (R. D. World To-day, 8: 386. (G. P. Baker) Educa. 137 COLLIE College Students’ Dramatics. 18: 373. College Teacher, The. Bull. 52 275. College Teaching as a Career. Univ. Chron. 8: 10, College Tendencies, Some Modern. Colum. Univ. 8: 347_ College Training and the Business Man. Thwing) No. Am. 177: 587. College Tuition Fees. (H. Lamont) Nation, 80: 129, College Vacations. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 74: 265. College Woman’s Code of Honor. (Amy E. Tanner) Pedagog. Sem. I3: 104. College Women as Mothers. Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 45. — Marriage among. (L. Clark Seelye) Indep. 60: 624. — Relation to Society. (Annie T. Allen) Educa. 22: (L. G. Price) Bookman, (T. J . Conaty) Cath. Univ. (A. T. Murray) Calif. (C. F. Adams) (C. F. 3“- — Sodial Mission of. (A. W. Small) Indep. 54: 261, — Three Decades of. (F. M. Abbott) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65' 350 College Work for Agriculturists. (R. H. Thurston) Science, n. s. 15: 534. College Yard, History of the Term. Harv. Grad. M. II: 375. Colleges. Science, n. s. 20: 689, —— American, Bible in. Bib. World, 26: 215, — — Distribution of Distinction in. (Joseph Jastrow) Educa. R. 31: 24, — — Religious Life in. (G. Hodges) Outl. 83: 693. — — Wealth and Democracy in. (A. T. Hadley) Har- per, II3: 45o. — and Universities and the Fine Arts. Archit. Rec. 12: 655. — — Geographical Distribution of Students, 1904-05. (R. T ombo) Science, 11. s. 221 424. — —- Shall they become Business Corporations ? Sci- ence, n. s. 222 504, — Closer Relations between Trustees and Faculty. (J . P. Monroe) Science, 11. s. 221 349. — A Comprehensive View of. (VValter H. Page) World’s Work, 12: 7789, -— Financial Administration of. 74: 1028. — “Fit” required by New England. tyne) School R. 11: 263, — Honor System in American. Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: I76. — in the Training of Gentlemen. Dart. Bi-Mo. I2 13. —-— of To-day, are they sufliciently honoring the Claims of Scholarships. (W. J . Tucker) Dart. Bi-Mo. 21 7. ———Rowdyism in American. (J. P. Worden) Nation, 83: 303. —- Small ; why do they remain Small ? (E. A. Knapp) Educa. R. 27: 75. —— Southern, Professors’ Salaries in. Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 3: 96. -— Teaching Literature in. (E. K. Graham) Bookman, 24: 68, -— Women’s, and their Presidents. Booklover’s M. 2: 34!. Collegiate Alumnae, Association of. (A. C. Emery) Wis. Alum. M. I: 96, . Collegiate Church of St. Saviour, Southwark. Antiq. n. s. 41: 63. Collegiate Conditions in the United States. Thwing) Forum, 33: 372. Collegium Poetarum at Rome. Philol. 26: 1. Colley, Sir George, in South Africa. 19th Cent. 55: 402, Collie, Scotch. (M. M. Palmer) Ctry Life Am. 4: 190, (A. Matthews) (H. A. Stimson) Outl. (W. G. Ballan- (W. Le C. Stevens) (W. J . Tucker) (B. H. Locke) (Jane A. Stewart) (C. F. (E. G. Sihler) Am. J . (Lady Colley) COLLIER Collier, J . P. Henslowe, and the latest German Criti- cism. (W. W. Greg) Library, 11. s. 5: 293. Collier, Thomas, Water-color Painter. (F. Wedmore) Studio (Internat.) 23: 3. Colliers, Fast, for British Navy. court) Cassier, 24: 264. Collingwood, Admiral Lord. (S. Denton) Un. Serv. M. 32: 52, Collins, Arthur, as Symbolist. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. (E. H. T. D’Eyn- 95: 45- Collins, C. Allston, and Smetham, James. Art J . 561 281, . Collins, Patrick A., with portrait. Harv. Grad. M. 14! 237. —— New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 222. Collins, Sir Richard Henn, as Master of the Rolls. Sat. R. 96: 135, ‘ Collins, Wilkie, and his Mantle. 62: 364. = Liv. Age, 233: 566, — Recollections of. (Wybert Reeve) Chamb. J . 83: 458- Collins, William. Ode on Popular Superstitions. (C. R. Stone) Acad. 7!: 587, Collision, Should the Proposed Treaty on, be made the Law of the United States ? (F. Cunningham) Am. Law R. 40: 671. Colloidal Mixtures, Preparations and Properties of. (A. A. Noyes) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 263. Colloquies in a Suburban Garden. National, 46: 907. 47: 488. Colman, Rev. Benjamin, I673-1747, port) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 476. Colney Hatch, Holocaust at. (W. J . Corbet) Westm. Is9= 383- Cologne, Saunterings of a Californian on the Highway to. (C. L. Edholm) Overland, n. s. 402 407. Colombe, Michel, Vitry’s. (R. Sturgis) Nation, 75: (A. Waugh) Acad. (G. H. Daven- 134. Colombia and the Panama Canal. (J . G. Leigh) Engin. M. 26: 1, —- and the U. S. (R. Reyes) Indep. 55: 2899. — Army and Navy of. (A. H. Dutton) Overland, n. s. 44=158- -— Barbarity in. 106. —— Conditions in. (A. M. Beaupré) Indep. 56: 121. — Government and People. (T. S. Alexander) World’s Work, 7: 4336. — Hygienic Conditions of. (H. B. Sargeant) Overland, n. s. 43: 108. —— Last Vision of Eldorado. (M. Wilcox) No. Am. 177: 919- —— Love-making in. —— The New Era in. (N- Y-) 331 567- — Political and Economic Situation of. rales) No. Am. 175: 347. -—— Re-making of. (E. H. Mason) World To-day, I0: 33. — Republic of. (Mary A. Davis) Overland, n. s. 46: 1 50 —- Rights of ; a Protest and Appeal. Outl. 7 5: 73 5. (A. H. Dutton) Overland, n. s. 43: (C. Smyth) Indep. 551 2323. (Francis P. Savinien) R. of Rs. (E. A. Mo- — The Treacherous Treaty; a Colombian Plea. (R. Perez) No. Am. 177: 934. — Treaty Relations with United States. (J . H. La- tané) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 115, — Truth about. (T. S. Alexander) Outl. 752 993. —- U. S. Treaty with, I846-I903. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77:. 438. — (H. White) Nation, 76: 84. Colonel and the Horse-thief, The; a story. Beach) McClure, 22: 5 54, Colonel A1-den’s Intrusion. (Freeman Harding) World’s Work, 11: 7289, Colonel Lumpkin’s Campaign; a story. (J . M. Palmer) McClure, 21: 372. (R. E. 138 COLON N A Colonel’s Accretion; a story. 92: 811, Colonel’s Arab, The. (C. De Crespigny) Outing, 49: 206, Colonel’s Collection, The. (A. E. McFarlane) Cent. 50: 198, Colonel’s Daughter, The. 82= 397- Colonel’s Murillo, The. (A. W. Arnold) Chamb. J . 81: 62 5. Colonial Administration, Studies in. (A. Ireland) Outl. 72: 684. 74: 128, 746. 75: 127. 77: 737. 78: 667, Colonial Architecture, Modern Instance of. (A. C. David) Archit. Rec. 17: 305. Colonial Autonomy. (J. T. Young) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 392. Colonial Conference, the, of 1902, The Colonies and the Navy at. ~ (L. R. Hordern) Un. Serv. M. 26: 233. -—— of 1905. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 80: 495. (C. D. Stewart) Atlan. (Helen Porter) Chamb. J . Colonial Controversies between France and England. (E. Etienne) National, 41: 732. Colonial Government and Representation. Reinsch) Forum, 333 409. — Experiments in. (F. L. Oswald) Arena, 27: 225. Colonial Governor, Evolution of a. (J . Collier) Mac- mil. 89: 44. Colonial Grievances. (L. H. Hordern) Un. Serv. M. 28: 444. — (C. De Thierry) Un. Serv. M. 29: 21. Colonial History, Study of, at Oxford. (W. Greswell) hlacmil. 91: 275. Colonial Maritime Defense. National, 47: 336. Colonial Markets, Our Position in. National, 47: 649, Colonial Memories ; Old New Zealand. Liv. Age, 240: 411—242: 149, Colonial Policy in the Far East. (A. Ireland) Outl. 79: 744. — of the Germans. I1: , Colonial Question and the British Empire. Ewan) Canad. M. 192 369. Colonial Reciprocity Offer, Truth about the. (W. B. Duflield) Fortn. 832 654. Colonial References and Colonial Navies. (N. Young) Un. Serv. M. 29: I2. — Why were they given up ? (J . P. Smith) National, 451 870. Colonial Secretaries I have known. Chamb. J. 79: 327. Colonials, Titled, vs. Titled Americans. Contemp. 87: 861, Colonies and Free Trade. M. 28: 343. — British. See Great Britain. Colonies. —— of the World. (E. Parsons) World T o-day, 51 359. — Suffrage in. (H. R. Burch) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 408. — Value of Study of, for Sociology. Am. J. Sociol. I21 417. Colonist in his Garden, A. R. 15, no. 2: 91. Colonists, British. Sat. R. 96: 207. Colonization, Dutch, Lessons from. (J . W. Jenks) Internat. Q. 7: 134. — is it a Crime ? (H. Taylor) No. Am. 183: 732. -— Military. (T. Bland-Strange) Un. Serv. M. 27: (P. S. (C. C. P. Fitzgerald) (J . H. Schooling) (A. G. Keller) Yale R. 10: 390. (J. A. (J . H. S. Escott) (Colonial) (C. De Thierry) Un. Serv. (A. G. Keller) (W. P. Reeves) Monthly 149- — Theory of. (J . Collier) Am. J . Sociol. I1: 252, — Tropical ; is it Justifiable ? (A. Ireland) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 331. Colonna, Vittoria, Grave of. (Rodolfo Lanciani) In- ternat. Q. 11: 215. COLONY Colony, Plantation Type of. (L. D. Scisco) Am. Hist. R. 8: 260. Colony-making in English Counties. Temp. Bar, 129: 204, Colophons. (A. W. Pollard) Acad. 70: 160, supp. Color and its Spiritual Correspondence. (E. Madeley) N. Church R. 10: 57. — an Expression of Modern Life. man, 2: 261. — in the House. A. Dyer) Craftsman, 2: 304. —— in Nature, Distribution of. (G. Trobridge) Westm. 162: 47, — A New Scheme of. Nation, 76: 433. — A Note of. (H. Ellis) Craftsman, 5: I52. — on Outside of Buildings. (George Aitchison) Am. Arch. 82: 19. — Physical Basis of. 864. —— Significance of, in the Bible. Church R. 10: 204. -— Theory of, Oppolzer’s, ill considered. (C. L. Frank- lin) Psychol. R. 10: 551. Color-blindness. (F. W. Edridge-Green) 19th Cent. 51: 604. — Is it Preventable ? (A. S. Williams) Educa. R. 24: 407. -— (H. T. Finck) Nation, 761 27. — A Survival? (E. Pontoffidan) Californian, 6: 35 3. Color Inheritance in Mice. (C. B. Davenport) Science, 11. s. 19: 110. Color Perception among the Visayans of Leyte Island, P. I. (W. A. Kepner) Science, 11. s. 22: 680. Color-printing by Three-color Process. (F. W. Mor- ton) Brush & P. 17: supp. 27. Color-prints, Japanese. (M. L. Stowell) Craftsman, (F. D. How) (I. Sargent) Crafts- (C. A. Chant) Science, n. s. 17: (E. Madeley) N. 5- 53- — of S. Arlent Edwards. (R. Sturgis) Scrib. M. 39: 125, — More. (R. Sturgis) Scrib. ‘M. 39: 637. Color-seeing. (E. H. Hall) Nation, 75: 223. Color Sense, Early, A Study of. (R. E. Marsden) Psychol. R. 101 37, 297. Color Tones. (I. M. Bentley) Am. J . Psychol. 14: 92. Color-vocabulary of Children. (H. K. Wolfe) Univ. Neb. Stud. 1: 205. Colorado, Battle-ground of Labor and Capital. (A. Chapman) World To-day, 6: 93. — Boundaries of. (F. L. Paxson) Univ. Colo. Stud. 2: 87. — Breaking-down of Democratic Government in. (B. I. Flower) Arena, 32: 187. -—— Desert of. Science, 11. s. 23: 894.—(D. P. Bar- rgws) Land of Sun. 13: 312. — Economic Struggle in. (J . Warner Mills) Arena, 34= I—6<>s- 35= 150-467. 36= 375- —- Election Frauds of. (Arthur Chapman) World To- day, 8: 290, —— Juvenile Laws of. 28: 126. —— Labor Troubles in. (W. E. Walling; C. M. Shel- don) Indep. 57: 361. —— Lawlessness in. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 23: 43. — Library Assoc., Meeting Dec. 30, 1905. Pub. Lib. 11: 82.—Lib. J. 31: 79. — Pre-Cambrian Rocks of the Georgetown Quad- rangle. (S. H. Ball) Am. J. Sci. 171: 371. — Territory of. (F. L. Paxson) Am. Hist. R. 12: 53. -— Woman Suffrage in. (M. G. Slocum) Outl. 75: (Ben. B. Lindsey) Green Bag, 997- - Topographic Surveying in. Science, 11. s. 18: 254, Colorado Ballot, and others. (P. L. Allan) Nation, 80: 84. Colorado College. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 27. 139 COLUMBIA Colorado College, Medical Research Laboratory of. (W. F. Slocum) Science, 11. s. 18: 58. Colorado Desert. (G. Stickley) Craftsman, 6: 2 34. — Animal Life on the. (J . M. Scanlan) Overland, n. s. 39: 769. Colorado Fuel & Iron Co. Uplifting 17,000 Employees. (Lawrence Lewis) \Vorld’s ‘Work, 9: 5939. Colorado Glacier, A. (J . Henderson) Harper, I12: 609. Colorado River. (J . B. Lippincott) Out West, 16: 430. -— The American Nile. (G. G. COPP) Harper, 112: 786. — Delta of. (Daniel T. Macdougal) An1. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 1. — —- and its Problems. (N. Y.) 33= 428. — Fate of. (W. E. Smythe) Out West, 20: 487. —- Finding the. (G. P. WVinship) Land of Sun. 12: 269. — Grand Caiion of. (C. F. Lummis) Calif. M. 4: 10. — (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 3: 195. — Land of Sun. 9: 145. — Land of Sun. 13: 28. —(T. W. Ste- vens) Indep. 54: 1358. — (J. Muir) Cent. 43: 167, — — Making of the. (A. R. Crook) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: (C. J . Blanchard) R. of Rs. 417- - —— Mapping the. (F. E. Matthes) Technol. R. 7: 1. —— The Problem of. (S. M. Hall) O11t ‘Vest, 25: 306. Colorado Springs, Colo. (H. R. Wray) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 691. Colorado Strikes, and Martial Law. (G. De G. Cat- lin) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 351 392. Coloration in Mammals and Birds. (J . T. Bonhote) Knowl. n. s. 2: 293. 3: 316-402, Coloring, Protective, A Case of. (L. A. Fuertes) Ctry Life Am. 3: 150, —— Gay Plumes and Dull. (J. Burroughs) Atlan. 95: 721. ' Colored Supplement, Humor of the. (R. Bergengren) Atlan. 98: 269. Colored Troops, Great Britain’s. (O. McDonald) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 8: 35. Colors, Artists’, Chemistry of, in relation to their Composition and Permanency. (J . M. Thomson) J. Soc. Arts, 54: 388. — Harmony in. (Sarah Wilson) Chamb. J . 79: 236. — New Theory of Light and. (Sir I. Newton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 461. — of Fishes. (D. S. Jordan) Am. Natural. 36: 803, -— Rafl:'aélli’s. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 95: 259- Colter, John, the Free Trapper. (A. C. Laut) Outing, W 358- Colton, W. R. (M. H. Spielmann) M. of Art, 27: 30:. Colton, California. (Tacie M. Hanna) Out West, 23: 505. . Columba. St., Work of, in the Islands of the Sea. Blackw. 178: 245. Columbanus, St., at Luxeuil. Cath. Q. 27: 54. Columbia, S. C., Who burned? (J . F. Rhodes) Am. Hist. R. 7: 485. Columbia College, Riotous Commencement of, 1811. (H. T. YVade) Colum. Univ. Q. 3: 229, 354. Columbia Park Boys’ Club, Cal. (S. S. Peixotto) Out West, 24: 253. Columbia River, Oregon. 3: 292, -—- Discovery of. (Agnes C. Laut) Am. M. 60: 276. — Noteworthy Archaeological Specimens from Lower Valley of. (Harlan I. Sinith) Am. Anthropol. 8: 298. — When the June Rise is on. 273- Columbia University. (Munroe Smith) Indep. 54: 907. —- and Dr. R. S. Woodward. Science, n. s. 21: 997. (T. J. Shahan) Am. (Laura C. Starr) Calif. M. (E. Hough) Outing, 49: COLUMBIA Columbia University ; Avery Memorial Library of Architecture and the Allied Arts. (E. R. Smith) Lib. J. 28: 277. . —— From King’s College to. (N. M. Butler) Educa. R. 28: 499. -— Men of Letters at. (G. S. Hellman) Critic, 43: 316. — 150th Anniversary Celebration, 1904. Colum. Univ. Q. 7: 75. —Science, 11. s. 20: 613. -— Program of Studies of. Science, 11. s. 21: 476. —- Proposed Department of Fine Art at. (Will H. Low) Scrib. M. 32: 765, — School of Architecture. Am. Arch. 88: 212, — Studies in Comparative Literature. Atlan. 90: I3. — Transit of Idealism from. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- tion, 78: 104. Columbine, Developing the. 1" . Columbus, Christopher, and the Discovery of America. Ed. R. 198: 417. Archit. Rec. 17: 149.- (R. Blight) Outing, 48: — not the Real Discoverer of America. (H. Vignaud) Everybody’s, 6: 549. — Real Birth-date of 1451, Vignaud on. (F. H. Hod- der) Dial, 37: 12. — Thacher’s Life of. Ath. ’04, I: 150. — (E. G. Bourne) Am. Hist. R. 9: 78. —(F. H. Hodder) Dial, 37: 85. —- (G. P. \/Vinship) Nation, 77 : 447. —— Vespucius, and Magellan. (P. Magee) Calif. M. 3: 704- Columbus Codex in Library of Congress. (H. Putnam) Critic, 42: 244, Columbus, Ohio. (R. C. Bowie)'Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 625, Columns, Small, in Camp and on the March, Protection of. (H. C. Wylly) Un. Serv. M. 29: 284. Combe, WVilliam. (C. Wilkins) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 162, Combe Abbey, Coventry, England. (Marion Elhston) Booklover’s M-. 6: 43, Combes, Emil, French Premier. Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 74. — and Republican Policy. tional, 45: 225. —— at Auxerre. Spec. 93: 35I.=Liv. Age, 243: 186. Combinations Laws as Illustrating the Relations be- tween Law and Opinion in England in the 19th Century. (A. V. Dicey) Harv. Law R. 17: 511. Combustion, Regulation of. (B. Eldred) J . Frankl. Inst. 162: 201, Comedian’, Art and the. Rec. 5: 409. Comédie F rangaise, and what it has done for the French People. (J . Claretie) Fortn. 85: 115 3, Comedy. (Brander Matthews) Booklover’s M. 7: 24, — The Art of. Acad. 67: 486. — East and Tragedy West. (A. Marshall) Chamb. J . 80: 625. — Greek and Roman. Q. 8: 44. — The Nature of. Liv. Age, 248: 378. Comedy of Cunning, A ; a story. (F. Savile) Munsey, 28: 652. Comedy of the Exile, A. (Isabella H. Fiske) Poet- Lore, 17, no. I: 5!. Comedy of Industry, A. 4I= 271- 4% 449- Comedy of Lieutenants, A. 81: 209, Comedy of Masks, A; a story. (Anna McC. Sholl) Nat’l M, (Bost.) 21: 427, 539, 662, 22: 51, 161, 269, Comedy of Pearls, A. (A. H. Norway) Chamb. J . 79: 337-394- Comedy of Petulance, A. 223, (O. Guerlac) R. of (Viscount Llandaff) N a- (C. Coquelin) Univ. of Chic. (Brander Matthews) Internat. (F. Lorence) Overland, n. s. (R. Arthur) Chamb. J. (Guy Rawlence) Idler, 27: 140 COMMERCE Comet of 1901, Great Southern. (J. T.- Bird) Sund. M. 31: 180, _ b, 1902 (Perrine). (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 10: 477. — —— Photographs of. (I. Roberts) Knowl. 26: 9. - 9, 1903 (Borelly), Photographs of. (I. Roberts) Knowl. 26: 201, ' - a, 1904. (E. Hayes) Science, 11. s. 19: 833. — Encke’s, Return of. (W. F. Denning) Knowl. 27: I47- —— What is a? (VV. H. Pickering) Harper, 112: 379. Comets. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 65: 137.—— (G. David- son) Californian, 4: 330. — and Meteors, Notes on. 26: 46, 93, 118, —— — Observations of. (VV. F. Denning) Pop. Astron. 10: 69, — Brooks’s, I889—96-I903, and Lexell’s, 1770, Identity of. (C. Lane Poor) Pop. Astron. I3: 178. —-Halley’s and Others. (E. Ledger) 19th Cent. 59: 379- — Jupiter’s Family of. 14: 221, —Motion of, when far from the Sun. (G. C. Com- stock) Pop. Astron. I0: 169, — of 1903. (J. B. Dale) Knowl. 25: 273. — Structure of. (E. I/V. Maunder) Knowl. 25: 180. — Tgéls of, and Aurorae. (J . Cox and others) Nature, 1 54. —- — the Corona, and the Aurora Borealis. (J . Cox) Po. Sci. Mo. 60: 265. — Velocity of. (J . B. Wood) Pop. Astron. 13: 140, Comic, The. (B. de Casseres) Critic, 42: 370. —— Psysrchology of the. (L. J . Martin) Am. J . Psychol. I 1 35- — A Theory of the. (W. N. Guthrie) Internat. Q. 7: 2‘ . Comic Journalism, Aspects of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- tion, 82: 153, — A8 Sidelight on. (G. S. Layard) Good Words, 44-: 53- Comic Opera, Building the. (H. M. Blossom, jr.) Bookman, 19: 277. Comic Papers, Passing of the American. Hancock) Bookman, 22: 78. Coming of Godiva, The; a story. (V. M. C. Halkett) Temp. Bar, 130: 287, Coming of the Maestra, The; a story. McClure, 23: 361. Coming of the Piano, The; a story. (E. E. Peake) Harper, 104: 975. Coming of the Sea Wind, The. Overland, n. s. 45: 355. Coming of the Tide. (Margaret Sherwood) Atlan. 9s= 289—78s- 96= 47. 223- Coming Age, The; Harvard Baccalaureate. bott) Outl. 83: 605. Coming Political Realignment, The. (James A. Edger- ton) Indep. 59: 359. Commander, Reciprocal Relations with his Troops. (Dr. Campeano) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 167. Commandments, Ten. (C. B. Wheeler) Hibbert J . 3: 102, - Commensals. (H. E. Enders) Am. Natural. 39: 37. Commerce, American, Development of. (O. P. Austin) Science, n. s. 16: 378. — as a National Peacemaker. (W. P. Wilson) Gunton’s M. 22: 428. ' -— as a Science. -— Atlantic, Fight for. 802, —— College of, in relation to Business. (B. I. Wheeler) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 385. (W. F. Denning) Knowl. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. (Ernest L . (J . Hopper) (Miriam Van Waters) (L. Ab- Canad. M. 27: 560. (W. L. Marvin) Munsey, 28: COMMERCE Commerce, English vs. American. Mall M. 26: 362, —— English Trade under the First of the Stuarts. Menmuir) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 35. —- High School of, New York City. School R. 11: 555. —— in Germany, Relation of the Government to. Huebner) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 525. — Neutral, in Time of War. (Economist) Liv. Age, 240: 441. — Our Missionaries and our. Am. 182: 886. — Problems of. d (C. Furness) Pall (C. (G. H. Locke) (S. (R. Weightman) No. (W. L. Marvin) Science, 11. s. 21: — Protection of, Mercantile Cruisers and. (E. R. F re- mantle) National, 39: 759. — Reign of. (G. Trobridge) Westm. 158: 487. — A Study in Exports and Imports. (R. E. Macnagh- ten) Econ. R. 15: 184. -— A U. S. Secretary of. (H. P. Willis) Nation, 74: 44, — Where Science is allied to. (J. A. Stewart) Chaut. 38: 264. Commercial Code, A. 371 343- Commercial Congress, Montreal, I903. Canad. M. 21: 489, Commercial Courses in High Schools, Educational Value of. (C. A. Herrick) School R. 141 123. Commercial Crime, Unpunished. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 79: 134. Commercial Education. Bank. M. (Lond.) 73¢ 212. —- (J. Cox) Canad. M. 18: 446.—(D. R. Dewey) Tech- (L. D. Brewster) Am. Law R. (E. H. Cooper) 1101. R. 3: 141. — and University Degrees. (E. R. Dewsnup) Econ. R. 13: 1, — Higher. (J . L. Laughlin) Atlan. 89: 677. — (C. C. Plehn) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 346. —-— -— Ann Arbor Conference on. (I. A. Loos) J . Pol. Econ. III 457. —- in Europe. Ednca. 22: 510. — (E. L. Harris) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 8: 259. — in Germany and in England. I0: I24, — in Secondary Schools. (C. B. Ellis) Ednca. 222 631. — Practical Side of. Chamb. J . 79: 247. — Universities and. (IV. J. Ashley) No. Am. 176: 31. Commercial Facilities, American System of. (J . B. Byall) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 439. — British System of. (J . R. Smith) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 241 507. ‘ Commercial Geography ; the New Science. penter) School R. II: 593, Commercial High School, History in the Curriculum of. (C. A. Herrick) School R. II: 572. Commercial Law. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 820. Commercial Leadership and Trade Morality. L. Taylor) J . Pol. Econ. I2: 179, Commercial Morality. (H. S. Holland and J . Carter) Econ. R. 25: 322. -— The Clergy and. (J . Adderly) National, 46: 247, Commercial Policy of» Europe. (W. C. Ford) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 3‘: 118. Commercial Prize of the Orient, The. (O. P. Austin) Nat. Geog. M. 161 399. Commercial Relations, American. (Maurice A. Oudin) Engin. M. 31: 161. , Commercial Restrictions, The Contest with. Moore) Harper, I09: 459, Commercial School Prize Distribution, The. (C. Oliver) Temp. Bar, 130: 179. Commercial Strategy and the Loss of the Neutral Markets. (G. C. Tryon) National, 45: 314. -— What is Our ? (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 125, (A. Heinig) School R. (F. O. Car- (W. G. (J. B. 141 COMMUN ION Commercial Studies in the High School, Place of. (C. W. Irish) School R. I0: 550. Commercial Training in Public Schools. penter) Ednca. 26: 191, Commercial Travelers in England. (F. J . Pool) World’s Work, 6: 3639. — Iowa Association of. (Bost.) I9: 644. — On the Road. Chamb. J. 79: 715. Commercial Work in the School. (E. L. Robinson) Ednca. 23: 410. — Mathematics in. (F. O. Car- (M. Mannering) Nat’l M. (E. L. Thurston) School R. II: 585. — Science in. (F. M. Gilley) School R. II: 579. Commercialism. (E. Atkinson) Atlan. 902 5I7.— (Grover Cleveland) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 772. —-— and Imperialism. (J . C. Godard) Westm. I60: 506, 621, — and the Ministerial Life. (E. S. Tipple) Meth. R. 64: 908. —in the Arts. (F. Crowninshield) Internat. Q. 9: I29, — Is it in Disgrace ? '(J. G. Brooks)'Atlan. 93: 194. — Reign of. (C. E. Mandeville) Meth. R. 66: 94, Commercialization of Literature. (H. Holt) Atlan. 96= 577. — — and the Literary Agent. Fortn. 86: 355. Committee of Ten, Fundamental Assumptions in the Report of 1893. (C. W. Eliot) Ednca. R. 30: 325, — Ten Years’ Influence of the Report of. (E. G. Dexter) School R. 142 254. Committee on Matrimony, The '; a story. (M. Cameron) McClure, 21: 659, Committees of Council under the Earlier Stuarts. I. Carlyle) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 673. Commodores of United Colonies Navy ; Hopkins, Jones, Barry. (M. I. J . Griflin) Booklover’s M. 6: 574. Common, Andrew Ainslie. Knowl. 261 I56.— (H. H. Turner) Pop. Astron. II: 367, Common, Use of the “Ford, in Natural History. Knowl. n. s. 2: 52, Common Business Honesty; a story. (A. S. Pier) Am. M. 60: 386. Common Chord, The; a Thanksgiving story. Joor) Craftsman, 9: 252, Common Fields, Inclosure of, in the 17th Century in (E. (H. England. (E. M. Leonard) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. I9: 101, Common Lot, The. (R. Herrick) Atlan. 93: 14-754. M 20-179- Common Occurrence, A; a story. (N. Syrett) Harper, 108: 345. Common People, The, Coronation of. Meth. R. 64: 445. Common Sense, An Age of. 41: 5 58. ——- not Safe. Sat. R. 98: 261, (W. Harrison) (E. Hubbard) Cosmopol. Common-sense Man, The. Sat. R. 98: 26I.=Liv. Age.’-’43= 66. Commonage System of Rhode Island. (F. C. Clark) M. of Hist.3: 341. 4: 17. Commonplace Book, An 18th Century Yeoman Far_mer’s. (A. Ransom) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 193. Commonplace Story, A. (E. B. Williams) Temp. Bar, 127: 332. Commonwealth vs. Lamb; a story. (H. B. Boone) Green Bag, I7: 472, Communal Houses in British Columbia. (C. Hill-Tout) Am. Antiq. 24: 107, Communes, Feudalism, Chivalry and the, in the Middle Age. (R. Parsons) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 39. Communion Cups, Individual. (J . D. Krout) Luth. Q. 35: 588. COMMUNIPAW Communipaw, N. Y., Van Home House of the Four Chimneys. (G. Van Arkel) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 59. Communism, American, Survivals of. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81: I60, — Were the Church Fathers Communists ? (F.Granger) Int. J . Ethics, 14: 26, Communistic Colony of Bettina. (L. Reinhart) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 3: 33. Communistic Experiment of Acts II. and IV. Hicks) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 21, Communistic Idyl, A. (L. R. Watkins) Outl. 80: 234. Communistic Societies in the U. S. (F. A. Bushee) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 625. Communitas Bacheleriae Angliae, The. Eng. Hist. R. I7: 89. Community as Founder. (E. L. (T. F. Tout) (H. W. Blunt) Econ. R. 16: Community of Goods, Early Christian. Church Q. 59: 29, Companies, Reconstruction of. 20: 392, Companies Act, I900, Working of the. Jurid. R. I5: 350, ' Company of Longwood Grange; a story. (A. De Mille) Canad. M. 21: 119, Company Counsel, The ; a story. (E. Boltwood) Mun- sey. 3% 725- Company Directors and Qualification Shares. Smith) Jurid. R. 15: 35. Company Law Amendments needed in England. Sat. R, 102: 38, “ Comparative Literature ” and “Philology.” Cooper) Nation, 82: 321, -—- Aspects of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 82: 256. Comparative Method in Literature, The. (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 9: 332, Compartment Number Four — Cologne to Paris. (F. H. Smith) Scrib. M. 32: 693, Compass, The Mariner’s. (S. Newcomb) Harper, I08: 422. —— —— Origin of, in China. (F. Hirth) Monist, I6: 321. -—- — Who Invented ? (P. Benjamin) Indep. 55: 21 I 5. Compassion. Spec. 92: 285, Compatriot’s Club, The. Spec. 95: I92. — Lectures of. (L. L. Price) Econ. J. I5: 390.—(L. L. Price) Econ. R. 25: 362. Compelling Power, The. (C. M. Hyskell) Overland, n. s. 46: 323. Compensation. (P. E. Browne) Munsey, 362 374. Compensations. Acad. 71: 442. Compere, G., and the Parasite for the Codling Moth. (E. P. Irwin) Overland, n. s. 45: 358, Competition and the Law. (B. Wyman) Harv. Law R- I51 427: — Markets and Misery. (U. Sinclair) N 0. Am. I82: 591, — Paradoxes of. (W. Z. Ripley) Q. J . Econ. 20: 211, —- Social Price of. (E. Stewart) Outl. 74: 236. Compiegne to Rouen. (Mrs. Maxwell-Scott) Month, 107: 128, Complete Melody, The. (E. L. Preble) Overland, n. s. 45: 22, Complete Rest ; an Adventure upon the Labrador (F. Evans) zLaw Q. (E. Mason) (W. C. (Lane Coast. (T. Roberts) Canad. M. 25: 121. Complex Enchantment. (N. H. Dole) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 147. Complexes and Assumptions, Meinong’s Theory of. (B. Russell) Mind, 29: 204, 336, 509. Composers, American, Some. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 70: 674. -— Eminent Foreign, as Guests of America. (Lawrence Gilman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 341 698. —— Famous American Patriotic. (M. C. Crawford) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 508, 142 CON CIERGERIE Composers, Native, Neglect of. Spec. 89: 668. -— of To-day. (W. T. Henderson) Munsey, 32: 861. -— Three Scandinavian Schools of. (A. E. Keeton) Fortn. 84: 1116. Composition, The Act of. 704. -—- as the Basis of Art Instruction. Educa. 26: 80, (W. L. Cross) Atlan. 97: (F. W. Coburn) -— Boys in. (J . H. Mofl-'att) School R. 11: 636. —- Characteristic Curves of. (R. E. Moritz) Pop. Sci. M0. 65: 132. — Class Criticism as a Means of Teaching. (E. C. Noyes) School R. 13: 696, -- A Definite Aim in. W 34- -- Experiment in Teaching 1st-year. don) School R. 14: 671. -— In the Throes of. (M. Donagh) Cornh. 90: 607.: E01. M. 144: 252. i —— Teaching. (A. N. Hitchcock) Educa. 24: 348. - —- Use of Literary Material in. (B. R. Hooker) School R. 10: 474, Composition Writing, Individual. Educa. 24: 306. Comprehension of Private Copper. Everybody’s, 7: 316. Compressor Cylinders, Air and Ammonia, Temperature in. (Leicester Allen) Engin. M. 29: 683, Compromise, Christianity and. Spec. 96: 373. -— The Field for. Outl. 77: 16. -— The Foe of. (W. G. Brown) Atlan. 91: 480. = Fortn. 79: 646. — Weakness of. Sat. R. 95: 673. — When is it J ustifiable ‘P Outl. 80: 9 52, Compton VVinyates. (W. H. Hutton) Cornh. 88: 131, Comptonia. (E. W. Berry) Am. Natural. 40: 485. Compulsory Christmas, A. (Mary A. F anton) Crafts- man, 11: 311, Compulsory Service, A Practical Scheme of. Browne) National, 45: 1035, “ Comrade!” (Maxim Gorky) Craftsman, II: 288, Comrades. (L. A. Harker) Longm. 891 347. Comrades of Great Britain. (G. A. King) Un. Serv. M. 29: 463. " (Genevieve Apgar) School R. (Margery Gor- (Margaret Alton) (R. Kipling) (A. Comstock, Anthony, and the Art Students’ League, ' N. Y. Brush & P. I8: 167, Comstock Lode, Half a Mile below the Surface on the. (Mabel Beazell) Overland, n. s. 41: 417. Comstock Mine and its Bonanza. (S. E. Moffett) Cosmopol. 34: 212, Comte, Auguste, Lévy-Bruhl’s Positive Philosophy of. (L. F. Ward) Science, 11. s. 19: 376.— (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 78: 335. Countesse Ernestine. “ Con Appassionata.” 76. Con, Cornelius; a Highland Romance in Real Life. (W. C. Mackenzie) Chamb. J . 82: 449. Conal Grund, Story of. Scot. Hist. R. I: 300. Conant, Charles A. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64: 248. Concerning my Aunt Ellen. (G. Morris) Cent. 46: 943. “ Concerning One Old VVoman”; a story. (G. Ous- pensky) Monthly R. 17, no. 2: 106. Concerning Temperance and Judgment to come. B. Dunn) Atlan. 94: 240. Concerning Two Trout. (Ward Muir) Chamb. J . 83: 382, Concert-goers. Spec. 90: 492. Concert Hall, Municipal, for London. (F. Verney) 19th Cent. 58: 561, Concerts, English Promenade. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 96: 232, Conciergerie, The. (A: Laugel) Nation, 74: 482, (I. Lloyd) Cornh. 86: 823. (Joseph Blethen) Lippinc. 78: (M. CONCILIA Concilia, Provincial. (W. D. Hadzsits) School R. 12: 374- Concilium Bibliographicum in Zurich, Switzerland. (H. H. Field) Lib. J. 28: 661. — Bibliographical Work of the. Science, 11. s. 16: 1023. — —— 1903. Science, 11. s. 19: 802. — Progress of. (H. F. Osborn) Science, 11. s. 17: 951. — The Supplementary Bibliography. (H. H. Field) Science, 11. s. 17: 1014, Conclaves, Past and Present. 102: 227, Concord, Mass. (K. M. Abbott) Critic, 43: I32. —— (A. H. Lewis) Everybody’s, 9: 773. —— and Emerson. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 741 I8. — and her Visiting Nurses. (L. C. Streeter) Char. I4: 732- < — and Lexington. (F. B. Sanborn) Educa. 231 490. -— her Ancient Glory and Abiding Charm. (C. E. Wagner) Ref. Ch. R. 512 22. — Women of. (B. F. Sanborn) Critic, 48: 154. Concordat of 1801, The. (R. R. Elliott) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 543. — (D. M. O’Connor) Dub. R. 133: 297. I34: 127, — Romanism, Catholicism, and the. 156. Concrete. (T. Potter) Am. Arch. 89: 208. — and Cement Products. Am. Arch. 832 6. — Armored. Am. Arch. 79: 51. —- Dawn of the Age of. (E. S. Hanson) World To-day, II: 1162. — Effect of Clay. Am. Arch. 832 68. —- for Artistic, Durable, and Inexpensive Garden Ac- cessories. (L. Underwood) Archit. R. 132 69. —— Impervious. Am. Arch. 8!: 91. — in its Modern Form and Uses. (C. De Kay) Crafts- man, 8I 760. -— Permeability of. Am. Arch. 80: 14, —— Proportioning. (S. E. Thompson) Am. Arch. go: 59, — Reinforced. (Julius Kahn) Am. Arch. 83: 38.- (E. G. Perrot) Am. Arch. 84: 79.—(J. Monash) Am. Arch. 862 59.-—(W. L. Webb) Am. Arch. 881 I96. — (J. R. Worcester) Am. Arch. 89: 3. — J. Frankl. Inst. I61: 1. — - at the London Congress. Am. Arch. 90: 48. — — Building Code for. Am. Arch. 891 193. — — Chapel Building, U. S. Naval Academy. Arch. 881 51. —— -— Fire Resistance of. (J . Sheppard) Am. Arch. 901 37- —— — in Germany. 188. -—— —— The Inventor of. Am. Arch. 903 14. -— — Literature of. Am. Arch. 89: 159. —- Villas all Concrete. (C. De Kay) Archit. Rec. (H. Thurston) Month, Church Q. 60: Am. (O. Kohlmorgen) Am. Arch. go: I I7: . Concrete Blocks in Architecture. Am. Arch. 89: 39. Concrete Buildings, Centring for. (E. P. Goodrich) Am. Arch. go: 171. Concrete Column Tests. (J . E. Howard) Am. Arch. go: 1:. Concrete Construction. (L. F. Brayton) Am. Arch. 88: 79. —- Henebique Armored. (L. Mensch) Am. Arch. 78: 67. — Possibilities of. (Wm. T. Price) Am. Arch. 89: 119. —— Re-enforced. American Methods. (G. Hill) Archit. Rec. 12: 393. —- — Practical Applications of. (J . Boyer) Engin. M. W 559. 659- Concrete Cottage for $4200. Life Am‘. 72 278. Concrete Example, A. (H. L. Harley) Ctry (T. Jenks) Outl. 81: 878. 143 CONFESSION Concrete Houses. (S. Stone) Ctry Life Am. 8: 650. Concrete Lattice-girders. Am. Arch. 81: 99. Concrete Piling. J. Frankl. Inst. I60: 455. Concrete Sky-scraper, The First. (A. O. Elzner) Archit. Rec. 15: 531. Concrete Steel Construction in New York. Am. Arch. 82: 21. Concrete Structures, Waterproofing. Am. Arch. 87: 72. Concrete Telegraph Poles. Concrete Walls, Facing. 87: I03, Concretes, Gravel and Broken Stone. son) Am. Arch. 78: 35. Condensation, Actual Drop of Pressure in the Fog Chamber. (C. Barns) Am. J . Sci. 172: 339. Condensation Nuclei, Barus on. (C. T. R. Wilson) Nature, 74: 619. , Condenser Tubes, Preservation of, from Contaminated Water. (W. W. Churchill) Science, n. s. 24: 405- Condensing Plant. (W. H. Booth) Cassier, 26: 543. — British. (W. H. Booth) Cassier, 27: 60. Conder, Charles, as Decorator. Art J. 58: 42.—(T. M. Wood) Studio (Internat.) 25: 201. Conditional Thought, Order of. (H. C. Nutting) Am. J. Philol. 24: 25, I49, 278. Condor, The California. (T. S. Van Dyke) Land of Sun. 3: 262. “ Condor,” the Lost Sloop of War. Canad. M. 19: 43. Condorcet, Marie N. C., Marquis de. tyre) Macmil. 92: 309. — G. T. Ladd on. (H. Barker) Philos. R. 11! 617. Conduct, Antiseptics of. Spec. 94: 778.: Liv. Age, 246: 381, — Philosophy of, Ladd’s. Ref. R. 13: 679. — Problem of. (J . H. Muirhead) Mind, 28: 365. —~ Taylor’s Problem of. (J . B. Baillie) Internat. J. Ethics, 12: 227. —-(A. Lefevre) Philos. R. II: 56. — (A. J . Jenkinson) Internat. J . Ethics, 12: 460, Conducting, Musical, The Art of. (H. E. Gorst) Sat. R. 102: 640, Conductor Pat Francis. M. n. s. 29: 253. Conduit, Torresdale, at Philadelphia. Frankl. Inst. I 591 241. Coney Island. (Robert W. Neal) World To-day, III 818. (W. H. Finley) Am. Arch. 8:: 83, (F. W. Taylor) Am. Arch. (S. E. Thomp- (A. D. Cameron) (S. G. Tallen- (H. C. Minton) Presb. &- (F. H. Spearman) New Eng. (J . W. Hill) J . — Biggest Playground in the World. Munsey, ss= 557. — Human Need of. (L. Denison) (R. Le Gallienne) Cosmopol. 39! 239- - The New. (A. B. Paine) Cent. 452 523. —The Opportunities at. (W. H. Allen) Char. I2: 580, — Renaissance of. (C. B. Davis) Outing, 48: 513. Confectionery, Chemistry of. (W. Jago) J . Soc. Arts, 501 93- Confederate of Chaperones. (A. M. Fstabrook) Lip- pinc. 73: 629. Confederate Cruisers. (Goldwin Smith) Indep. 54: 849. Confederate Generals, Last of the. (Z. Armstrong) Munsey, 311 387. Confederate States of America. Dial, 32: 10, Confession and Absolution in the Church of England. Sat. R. 93: 421. — Auricular. Confessions of a Confessor. Indep. 552 (M. B. Hammond) 534- — Habitual, for the Young. (A. J . Wilson) Contemp. 83: 834. CON FESSIONAL Confessional, Ethics of the. (E. K. Chambers) Acad. 65: 217, Confessions of a Commercial Senator. World’s Work, 9: 6069. 10: 6:86. Confessions of a Drone. (Joseph M. Patterson) Indep. 61: 493. Confessions of aNew York Detective. (An ex-Captain of Police) Cosmopol. 39: 473, 607. 40: 105, 351, Confessions of an Obscure Teacher. Atlan. 98: 368. Confessions of a Physician. Indep. 54: 1650, Confessions of a Quill-driver. (E. L. Didier) Book- man, 18: 135, Confessions of a Schoolmaster. Educa. R. 30: 433. Confessions of a Speculator. World’s Work, 10: 6759. Confessions of a Wife. (Mary Adams) Cent. 41: 945. 42: 135-884, 43: 26, Conflagration in Ghargaroo, The. (A. Bierce) Cos- mopol. 40: 457. Conflict, The. (E. Ivan) Westm. I63: 98. —— Sociology of. (G. Simmel) Am. J. Sociol. 91 490, 672, 798. 10: 64, 228, Confluence, The; a story. (J. Hopper) McClure, 27: 596- Conformity, Religious. (G. M. Trevelyan) Indep. R. 41 374- Confoundi g of Emma Louise, The. (H. C. N. Wilson) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 477. Confronting Life. (Maxim Gorky) Cosmopol. 38: 717. Confucianism and Ancestor Worship. Open Court, 20: 7. Confucius, Teachings of. (VV u Ting Fan) Chant. 42: 342- Congé sans Cloche. (Agnes Repplier) Atlan. 96: 214. Congering at the Wolf. (J . Isabell) Longm. 41: 448. Congested Districts, Our New. (P. Kennaday) Char. I3: 581, Congo, Ancient Kingdom of. 541- Congo Commission, Evidence before the. Antisdel) Indep. 59: 1079. Congo Conference, 1834-8 5, Reminiscences of the. (Sir A. W. L. Hemming) Chamb. J. 83: 401. Congo Forest, The. Science, n. s. 20: 479. Congo Museum, The. (F. Starr) I/Vorld To-day, I0: 487. Congo River, Missions on, Catholic, Narrative of. (J . B. Tugman) Cath. World, 77: 783. 78: 38-368. -— Upper, as a Waterway. (G. Grenfell) Geog. J . 20: 435. Congo State, The. Spec. 921 282. -—- Administration of. Asia. R. 42: 261, ——Affairs of. (S. P. Verner) Forum, 36: I50,-—(H, R. F. Bourne) Fortn. 81: 49, I -—- and the Commission of Inquiry. (Herbert Samuel) Contemp. 88: 872. --Attack upon the. (D. C. Boulger) No. Am. I77: —— The Belgian Curse in Africa. (E. D. Morel) Con- temp. 8:: 358. -— Belgium and. (E. D. Morel) Contemp. 88: 362, — Catholic Mission in the. (J . de C. MacDonnell) Dub. R. 139: 362. —- Conditions in. (Baron Moncheur) No. Am. 179: 494- -- Cruelty in. (B. T. Washington) Outl. 78: 375. -—- Exposures as to. Liv. Age, 249: 125, -—- F ox-Bourne’s Civilization in. (J . M. Hubbard) Na- tion, 76: 441. -—- The Great Iniquity in the. (Harold Spender) Con- temp. 901 43.=Liv. Age, 250: 259, -— King Leopold and, at Bar of Belgian Opinion. (Scru- tator) National, 48: 225, -—- King Leopold’s Trusteeship in. Sat. R. 101: 777. (T. Lewis) Geog. J. 19: (C. B. 144 CONGRESSO Congo State, Misgovernment of. (WV. M. Morrison) Indep. 55: 1604.—-(W. M. Morrison) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 38. —- Moketo, Gurth, and Bill Brown. (E. Jenks) Indep. R. 8: 270, —— Oppression in. Outl. 74: 1018, -—- Problem of. (E. D. Morel) Indep. R. 8: 51, -~ Question of. (E. D. Morel) Outl. 79: 440. — (A. G. Leonard) Asia. R. 42: 276. -—- Quar. 204: 45. —- Real Conditions in. (P. S. Reinsch) No. Am. 178: 216, -—- Story of. (R. E. Park) Everybody’s, I5: 763. -—- The True Situation. (Baron VVahis) National, 48: 415- - The Truths about. Outl. 82: 155. -~ Wack and Boulger on. (J . S. Reeves) Nation, 80: 289. —— Wack’s Story of. (H. L. Shumway) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 350. Congo-Zambesi Water Parting. (C. Lemaire) Geog. J . I9‘ I73- Congregationalism. 277. -— Impending Changes in. (G. P. Morris) Bib. Sac. 61: 639. -— in New England, Three Phases of its Development. (Williston Walker) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 31 95. Congregationalist Pastor, Legal Rights of a. (E. Peck) Yale Div. Q. 2: 58. Congregationalists, Changes in the Theology among. (W. Walker) Am. J . Theol. I0: 204. Congress, Acts of, declared Unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States. (B. Ester- lins) Am. Law R. 38: 21, -— Acts as a State Legislature. 15‘ 755- —- and the Children. -— and Public Opinion. Outl. 83: 591. —— and the Railroads. Legislative Grimace. den) Nation, 80: I26. —- A Defense of. (J . Oskison) Nation, 82: 130, -— Election of Members of. (C. R. Fish) Nation, 82: 72~ -— Humors of. (F. E. Leupp) Cent. 43: 760, —— Is it a Conservator of the Public Morals ? Sutherland) Am. Law R. 38: 194, — Letters of some Members of the Old. Pennsyl. M. 29: 191, -— Library of. See Library of Congress. -—- The Muck-rake. (R. Ogden) Nation, 832 4. -— Rules of. (J . M. Thurston) Indep. 54: 961, —— Session of 1901-02. (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 4. -—- Session of 1904. (R. Ogden) Nation, 781 344. -— Wit of. (J . E. Watkins) Am. M. 62: 62, -— 39th. (W. G. Brown) Atlan. 97: 465. -—- 51st. (L. A. Sheldon) Calif. M. 1: 154, —— 58th, Larger Aspects of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 204. -— 59th. (S. W. McCall) Atlan. 98: 577. Congress of Nations. (Hayne Davis) Indep. 57: 11. See Parliament of Nations. Congressional Apportionment, The New. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 742 419. Congressional Elections, Contested. kamp) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 421_ Congressional Guardianship. (J . Oskison) Nation, 82: 5°3- Congressman, New, Troubles of the. (R. L. O’Brien) Outl. 81: 818. Congressmen, Author. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 105, —- The Virtuous. (H. Lamont) Nation, 78: 304. Congresso Internat. di Scienze Storiche, Rome, 1903, Ath. ’o3, I: 467. (A. A. Berle) Bib. Sac. 60: (S. M. Lindsay) Char. (E. T. Devine) Char. I5: 587. (R. Og- (W. A. (C. H. Rammel- CONIFERALES Coniferales, Anatomy of the. (D. P. Penhallow) Am. Natural. 38: 523, 691, —— North American. (D. P. Penhallow) Am. Natural. 38: 243. Conjurers, Some Old-time. (H. R. Evans) Open Court, 19: 337- Conjuriug, Indian, Explained. (Prof. Hoffman) Liv. Age, 2322 559. IEcl. M. 138: 535. Connaught Homes. (E. Lawless) Monthly R. 11, no. 1: 143. ILiv. Age, 237: 565. Connecticut. (E. E. Hale) Outl. 81: 1021, —— Constitutional Convention, 1902. (C. H. Clark) Yale R. 11: 146, — the Home of Invention. Work, 7: 4346. — Inscriptions from Cemeteries‘ in. N. E. Reg. 60: 370. — Land System of. (N. P. Mead) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 59. — Library Association, Annual Meeting, I903. Pub. Lib. 8: 168. — — Annual Meeting, 1904. Pub. Lib. 9: I 32. —— —— Annual Meeting, 1905. Pub. Lib. I02 I9I. — Library Commission, Work of. (C. M. Hewins) Lib. J. 30: C 51. -— Pennsylvania, Ohio; a story of three States. Matthews) Scrib. M. 31: 408-558. — Rural Domination of Cities in. (G. S. Ford) Munic. Aff. 6: 220. — Undemocratic Government of. tion, 74: 222. “ Connecticut,” The New Battleship. Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 101 50. —- (J . R. Spears) World’s Work, 5: 277°- Connecticut River, Canoeing down the. man) Outing, 46: 515. Connecticut Stillwater, On a. 80: 315, Connemara. The Killarnies. Words, 452 121. — and the Government. 418. —— Land and People of. (W. C. France) Nation, 76: 107. Connemara Mare, The; a story. (E. O. Somerville and M. Ross) Longm. 41: 427.=Ecl. M. 1402 760. 1‘ Liv. Age, 237: 92. Conner, Jerome, Sculptor, with portrait. Sheafer) Booklover’s M. I: 623, Conners at Shnngopovi. (Lucia Chamberlain) Every- body’s, I3: 349- Connor, Jerome. Craftsman, 72 469. Conquered, Absorbing the. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 408. Conquered, The; a story. 112: 592, Conquering of Caroline. n. s. 25: 21. Conqueror of Barney the Balky. 481 899- Conquerors of New York, The; a story. Ralph) Harper, I04: 963, Conquest of Canaan, The; a novel. (Booth Tarking- ton) Harper, III: 3-908. 112: 92, Conquest of Charlotte; a story. Blackw. I71: rog- (A. Goodrich) World’s (L. M. Dewey) (A. (G. E. Bearn) Na- (L. D. Sher- (E. Woodbridge) Outl. (J . H. Stone) Good (W. C. France) Nation, 75: (F. B. (E. Moorehead) Harper, (E. H. Porter) New Eng. M. (E. H. Neif) Cent. (Julian 812. 1722111, Conrad, Joseph. Acad. 66: 198. —-— (J . A. Macy) Atlan. 98: 697. -— Art of. (H. Clifford) Spec. 89! 827.: Liv. Age, 236: I20, -— as a Novelist. Acad. 64: 463. —- Genius of. (H. Clifford) No. Am. 178: 842, Conried, Heinrich, and the Repertory Theatre. (J. Corbin) Booklover’s M. 7: 358. 145 CONSPIRACY Conried, Heinrich, and what he stands for. (N. Hap- good) Outl. 77: 81, Conscience. (C. F. Dole) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 418. — and Creed. (A. E. Garvie) Expos. 6th ser. I0: 202, —— The Balance-sheet of. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 82: I I 1 , —— a Divine Guide. (H. C. Hay) N. Church R. I2! 544. — Evolution of. (E. K. Robinson) Canad. M. 19; 508. — — and its Social Functions. Ref. Ch. R. 49: 69. —- — as a Phase of Sociology. (W. L. Sheldon) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 360, — The Mystery of. 67. — The Public. (A. T. Hadley) Indep. 58: 641. —- Witness of, to the Existence of God. (D. Barry) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 331. Conscience of Isadore; a story. Canad. M. 22: 13, Conscientious Objector, A. Chamb. J . 81: 125, Consciousness and its Object. (Felix Arnold) Psychol. R, 12: 222, —-— Conceptions and Misconceptions of. Psychol. R. 11: 282, — Human and other Forms of. Sci. Mo. 57: 252. — Notes on. (P. R. Shipman) Monist, I3: 124, —- On Lapses of. (J . Jastrow) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 481. — The Problem of. (C. W. Saleeby) Harper, III: 90, — (P. Carus) Monist, I3: 69. — — in its Biological Aspect. (A. E. Maddock) Westm. 163: (S. F. Harrison) (R. B. Perry) (C. S. Minot) Nature, 651 300.=Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 289.:Science, n. s. 16: 1. —— — Minot on. (I. M. Bentley) Science, n. s. 16: 386. —— Schleiermacher’s Development of S,ubjectiv'e.“ (E. H. Hollands) Philos. R. I 5: 293'. I i — Scientific View of. (G. Gore) Monist, I 5: 227. —Unity of Process in. (H. R. Marshall) Mind, 27: 47°- Conscript, The; a Story of the Siege of Port Arthur. (C. Lorrimer) Overland, n. s. 47: 228. Conscripts, Old and Young. (M. Betham-Edwards) Chamb. J. 81: 677. Conscription in England, Reasons for. Sat. R. 100: 360, Consecration. (W. H. Bates) Bib. Sac. 62: 426. Consent of the Governors. (H. Lamont) Nation, 79: 348- —— Where Consent is, there is no Injury. (N. G. L. Child) Jurid. R. 17: 43. Consentins, A Bale MS. of. Philol. 26: 22. Conservation of Energy. Astron. I3: 36. — —— and the Vital Activity of Organisms. Donald) Dub. R. 131: 53. — — and Voluntary Activity. Cath. Q. 28: 588, Conservative Party. The Organizers of Disaster. Na- tional, 47: 935. — Organization Needed. Sat. R. 101! I95. Conservatory Journal, 1859. Technol. R. 4: I37. Consideration, Notes on. (J . H. Beale, jr.) Harv. Law R. 17: 71. Consideration of Mr. Whimpett, The. Munsey, 33: 348. Consolate Giantess, A; a story. per, I<>5= 573- Consolation; a story. (S. Macnaughtan) Temp. Bar, 131: 322.=Ec1. M. 144: 594.-'=Liv. Age, 245! 34. Conspiracy, Judge-made Law of. (F. P. Blair) Am. Law R. 37: 33. Conspiracy, The. (F. C. Williams) Lippinc. 69: 600. (E. O. Winstedt) Am. J . (Ph. E. B. Jourdain) Pop. (W. Mc- (M. M. O’Kane) Am. (E. Walker) (T. A. J anvier) Har- (H. R. Marshall) Pop. CONSPIRACY Conspiracy in St. Mark’s. (D. H. Talmadge) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 71. Conspiracy of Arnave, The; a story. Harper, I07: 122, Conspiracy of Krass. (J . B. Cabell) (R. H. Schauffler) Cent. 46: 374- Constable, Archibald, and his Literary Friends. Chamb. J. 79: 755. Constable, John. (G. D. Leslie and F. A. Eaton) Art J. 55: 5. —With portrait. Mast. in Art, 7: I71. —— and Landscape Painting. Sat. R. 95: 136. —— Influence on Landscape Painting, Holmes on. Ath. ’O3.1= 471. — Landscape of. (F. Wedmore) 19th Cent. 54: 1013. Constable’s Move, The. (VV. W. Jacobs) Cosmopol. 40: 29, Constance Council, Politics of the. Hist. Soc. 11. s. I3: 103. Constant, Benjamin, Mme. de Stai§l’s Letters to. Critic. 48= 273. 357. 444. Constant of Refraction, an Untried Method of Deter- mination. (G. A. Hill) Pop. Astron. 13: 417. Constantine, Africa, Art of. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 88: 213, Constantinople, Bookshops in. (H. O. Dwight) Forum, 33= 487. -—— Harem Life in. Blackw. I80: 733. — an Impression. (A. Symons) Harper, I06: 863. ——a Reminiscence. Blackw. I801 485. I Liv. Age, 25I= 473- . — St. Sophia. (E. M. Antoniadi) Am. Arch. 80: 6, —— — Cross of. (F. C. Burkett; E. M. Antoniadi) Knowl. 26: 181, — Three Aspects of. (A. Symons) Sat. R. 95: 741. Constellations and their History. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 27: 17. ' -— Antiquity of. Knowl. 27: 118, — Studies of. (E. W. Maunder) Knowl. 25: 7. Constitution, An Outline of Pinckney’s Plan for a. (A. C. McLaughlin) Nation, 78: 330. (J . N. Figgis) Roy. See United States. Constitution. Constitution-making and the Initiative. (F. Foxcroft) Atlan. 97: 792. —— Recent State. (J . B. Phillips) Yale R. 12: 389. = Univ. Colo. Stud. 2: 67. . Constitutional Government and the Alternative. (I. M. Griscom) Nation, 77: 28. Constitutional Initiative. (L. F. C. Garvin) No. Am. 177: 78. Constitutional Law of England, Ridges’s. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 81: 466, — Present Problems of. (J . W. Burgess) Pol. Sci. Q. W 545- Constitutions, Written, Elasticity of. (H. Taylor) No. Am. 182: 204, —— Unwritten, in the U. S. R. 15: 531. Constructions, Wood and Fire-proof, Comparative Costs of. Archit. R. 12: 129, 165. Consul, The American; a new type. (J . C. Monaghan) Booklover’s M. 4: 649, —— Duties of a. (D. Colnagh) National, 42: 449. Consular and Diplomatic Service. (O. S. Straus) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 40: I. Consular Reform. Outl. 70: 167.—Outl. 82: 11,- (C. Arthur Williams) World To-day, I0: 393, — Remoteness of. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. '7: 845. Consular Reports, Editing. (W. S. Nevins) Nation, 83: 282, ' Consular Service, American. (E. T. Sheppard) Calif. Univ. Chron. 4: 387.——(H. G. Dwight) Bookman, 23: 263.-— (A. W. Tourgee) Indep. 54: 208. (E. McClain) Harv. Law 146 CONTINGENT Consular Service, American. Ambassadors of Trade. (J . G. Whiteley) Forum, 33: 85. —- — Our Disgraceful. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 82: 274. —- — Reorganization of. (Francis B. Loomis) No. Am. 182: 356. — (G. Hunt) World’s Work, 3: 1606. — and Congress. (J . Sloat Fassett) R. of (Rs. (N. Y.) 33‘ 555- -— Bettering our. (Nicholas Longworth) Indep. 61: 19, — British, and its Wrongs. Quar. I97: 598. —— Jefferson and the. (B. E. Powell) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 626. Consule Planco. (J . H. Yoxall) Cornh. 92: 326, Consuls and the Senate. Nation, 82: 379. -— Our. (J . E. Watkins) Cosmopol. 331 317. Consulship, The Glamour of a. (J . B. Osborne) Atlan. 91: 800, Consumer, Duties of the. (R. F. Zueblin) Craftsman, 7: 88, Consumption, Campaign against. (S. H. Carney, jr.) Munsey, 31: 579. —(Eugene Wood) Everybody’s, 14: 792, — Catching, Preventable, Curable. Everybody’s, 10: 617. -— Curable. (E. Wood) Everybody’s, I0: 795. — Home Cure for. (C. E. Webster) Char. II: 276, — in its Stronghold. (E. Poole) Char. 11: 193, — in New England, Decrease of. (S. W. Abbott) Am. Statis. Assoc. 9: I. — in the U. S. (L. Brandt) Char. 9: 570. I0: 310, — Modern Crusade against. (1. Fisher) Outl. 75: 69!. — Open-air Treatment of. Indep. 55: 2910. — Warfare on. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 509. — World’s Battle with. (H. F. Cope) World To-day, 8: 62, Consumption [in Economics], not a Test of Progress. Sat. R. 962 289. Consumptives, Boycott of. (W. K. McClure) Indep. R. 11: 183. =Liv. Age, 2511 624. — Chances of, in Colorado. (F. S. Kinder) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 698. —— Government Care of. (N. Y.) 30: 59. _ — Jewish Hospital for. (A. Muller) Char. II: 554. — Mountain Home for. (G. Holme) Munsey, 27: 757. —Nelson’s Home for, in California. (N. 0. Nelson) Indep. 56: 414, 1314, — New Home for. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 689. — Tent Cottages for. Char. 10: 516, Contact Metamorphism, Physical Eifects of. rell) Am. J. Sci. 163: 279. Container, New Form of, for Use in Museums of Eco- nomic Botany. (G. L. Goodale) Am. J . Sci. 171: 45‘- Contemplation. Am. Cath. Q. 28: 60, Contempt of Court, —-the Anglo-Saxon Crime. (T. S. Mosby) Arena, 36: 373. . Content in Work. (C. W. Eliot) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 42: 75. Contentment, Adventures in. (D. Grayson) Am. M. 63: 29, 158. Continental Complications, Coming. (D. C. Boulger) I9th Cent. 55: 555.=Liv. Age, 241: 449. Continental Congress, 2d Election of Delegates from New York to, 1775. (C. Becker) Am. Hist. R. 9: 66. Continental Entanglements, Lord Salisbury and. Na- tional, 39: 871- Continental System, Document relating to the. (J . H. Rose) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 122, Contingent Fee, Abuse of the. (J . B. Leavitt) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 44: 110. Contingent Future Interests. 21: 118. (O. P. Newman) R. of Rs. (J . Bar- (M. A. Kales) Law Q. CONTINUOUS Continuous Groups, Lie’s Theory of, Campbell on. Nature, 71: 49. Contraband of War. (T. Baty) Macmil. 89: 439.— Ecl. M. 142: 517.:-Liv. Age, 240: 504. -— Law of. (T. Baty) Jurid. R. 16: 268. — Russia and. Law Q. 20: 239. Contrabandista, The. (E. H. Currey) Chamb. J. 81: 801. Contract, Assignability of. Law R. 18: 23. _ Contract, Law of, in England and Scotland. (R. Brown) Jurid. R. 15: 391. -— — Studies in the. (A. Hindenburg) Jurid. R. 15: 213. Contract Labor in Hawaii and Elsewhere. (O. G. Vil- lard) Nation, 77: 166. Contractor, A New Kind of. Archit. R. 9: 23 5. Contracts, Discharge of, by Alteration. (S. Williston) Harv. Law R. 18: 105, 165. -— for the Benefit of a Third Person. Harv. Law R. 15: 767. 16: 43, -— Interpretation of Reference Clauses in. (R. D. Mel- ville) Jurid. R. 16: 297. — Protection to, by the “ Due Process of Law ” Clauses inthe Federal Constitution. (J . J . Egan) Am. Law R. 36: 70, Contradiction and Reality. (B. Bosanquet) Mind, 31: 1, — Aristotle on the Law of. (I. Husik) Mind, 31: 215. Contrary to Precedent; a story. (S. K. Claspell) Booklover’s M. 31 235. 1 Contributions, Rejected. How Editors say “ No.” Chamb. J. 79: 718. _ Controlling Interest. (A. M. Barbour) Lippinc. 73: 230, Convalescence. Sat. R. 102: 107, Convalescence of Gerald, The. born) Scrib. M. 3 5: 496. Convalescence of Mr. M’Lerie. (J. J. Bell) Cent. 45: 271. Convent, An Egyptian. Convent of the Bleeding Heart. Temp. Bar, I25: 583. Convent Garden, From a. Cornh. 87: 654. Convent Graduate, Opportunities for. (L. J. Barry) Cath. World, 74: 793. Convent Stage, The. (Agnes Repplier) Atlan. 95: 749. Convent’s Narrow Room, The. (Katharine Tynan) Monthly R. 24, no. 2: 112, Convention, National Political, The Anomaly of. (A. P. Dennis) PoL Sci. Q. 20: 185. —~ of I 787. (G. S. Boutwell) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 500. -—— —- and its Purpose. (G. S. Boutwell) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 244. Conventionality and Morality. Sac. 62: 738. Conventions of 1902, Forecast of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 577- -— of 1905, Announcement of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 311 54°- -—— Presidential, of 1860 and 1880. (J. M. Rogers) Book- lover’s M. 3: 355. -— — of 1892 and 1896, (F. C. Woodward) Harv. (S. Williston) (Georgia W. Pang- Cath. World, 80: 85. (E. B. Williams) (H. A. Stimson) Bib. (J. M. Rogers) Booklover’s M. : 513, -—— — Representation and the Party Strengths. (P. J . Hoban) Indep. 56: 1369. -—- -—- Supreme Moments at. (E. G. Riggs) Everybody’s, 11: 76. Conversation, Art of. (A. Ainger) Cornh. 89: 313,: Ecl. M. 144: 581. =Liv. Age, 245: 21. — The Vanished Salon; or, The Lost Art of. (M. Betham-Edwards) Chamb. J . 83: 122. -- Wordless, Mrs. Hugh Bell on. Spec. 92: 953. Conversationalists, A Few. Cornh. 85: 526. =Liv. Age. 2331 547. 147 COOKERY Conversion, Christianity and. Spec. 97: 321. -—- Period of. (G. A. Tawney) Psychol. R. 11: 210. —— Problem of. (J . B. Crozier) Fortn. 78: 1004. -—- Variety in Types of. (A. R. Merriam) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 9: I 35. Conversion, Equitable. R. 18: 1-321. Conversion of Bullock Tommy; a story. (S. M. Dur- ing) Temp. Bar, 130: 168. I Liv. Age, 242: 733. Conversion of Casey; a story. (F. Z. Stone) Munsey, 29: 467. Conversion of Elviny, The; a story. McClure, I9: 69. (C. C. Langdell) Harv. Law (H. R. Martin) Conversion of Father Cassidy, The; a story. (H. Templeton) McClure, 20: 509, Conversion of Jabez Trimble, The; a story. (P. H. Coggins) Harper, 112: 615. Converted Dacoit, The. (D. Wilson) Westm. 163: 544. Conveyancing, 14th Century. (J . F. Kilby) Archaeol. 59‘ 25"- —— Logical.J (T. F. Martin) Law Q. 20: 195. Conveying Machinery in Coal Mining. (S. Howard- Smith) Cassier, 21: 385. ' Convict Labor in Texas. (C. S. Potts) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 426. —— Outdoor. (S. E. Baldwin) Char. 17: 137. Convict Prison, Life in a. Chamb. J . 79: 365. Conviction, the Decay of. (A. Gladstone) Westm. 161: 683.—(Prof. W. J. Brown) Hibbert J. 2: 553- Convincing, Art of, and some Recent Novels. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 21: 363. Convocation and the Letters of Business. (H. R. E. Childers) 19th Cent. 60: 841, — The Government and. (P. Herbert) I9th Cent. 60: 851. Convocation Man of Reformation Days. 263. Convocation Week, for Association Meetings. Minot) Harv. Grad. M. 10: 348. Conway, Ann, :1 Pupil of Van Helmont the Younger. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 464. Conway, Moncure D. Autobiography. (M. A. De W. Howe) Atlan. 95¢ I28.—(P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 37: 229.—(T. W. Higginson) Nation, 79: 358.- (W. Lloyd) Westm. 163: 294, Sat. R. 98: (C. S. —- an Exile from the South. (J . S. Bassett) So. Atlan. Q, 4: 82, —- Reminiscences. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 46: I20, Conway, Sergeant Patrick, Military Career of. Frith) Cornh. 92: 657. Cony High School Assembly, The. (Arthur H. Na- son) School R. I41 505. Coo-eel (F. J . Davey) Good Words, 43: 845. Cook, Henry H., Estate of, at Lenox, Mass. Miller) Ctry Life Am. 31 I15. Cook, James, Navigator. (C. F. Lavell) Chaut. 44: 172, -— Adventures of. (Agnes C. Laut) Am. M. 60: 12, (W. (W. — Place where killed. (W. K. Fisher) Out VVest, 22: 181. . Cook and the Captain, The. (M. Robertson) Cosmo- POL 391 49- Cook at Copley’s. (K. E. Harriman) Lippinc. 72: 507. Cook Books, Conceits from Old. (Eliz R. Pennell) Everybody’s, 8: 212. Cooke, Jay, and the Financing of the Civil War. (E. P. Oberholtzer) Cent. 51: 116, 282, Cooke, Col. Wm. G. (H. Warren) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 9: 210. Cookery as a Handicraft. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 95: 135- oooxsnr Cookery, Carols of. (Arthur Penn) Bookman, 14: 474. - Every Woman a Cook. (Z. Cooke) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 217. — The Feeding of School Children and the Cookery Classes. (M. A. Davies) Contemp. 87: 564, -—— Flamboyant Period in, 17th—18th Century. R. Pennell) Cornh. 87: 493. —— in Camp. (S. E. White) Outl. 77: 897, —- Mediaeval. (D. Dale) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 323. —— Physical Deterioration and the Teaching of. (M. A. Davies) Contemp. 87: 88, — Teaching of. (K. Herbert) !9th Cent. 59: 811. Cookery-book, Leaves from an Old. (L. Morrison) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 389. -— Pennell’s. (W. R. Browne) Dial, 36: 84, —— 17th Century. (W. B. Thorne) Library, 11. s. 4: 180, Cookery Books, My. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Atlan. 90: 221, 679, Cooking and Cooks. (K. Burrill) Chamb. J . 80: 497. — A Chef and his Development. (P. Grand) Munsey, 26: 633, -— Spanish. Land of Sun. I: 96. Cooley, Julia, The Poetry of. (R. Le Gallienne) Har- per, 105: 622, Coolie Emigrant, The. Chamb. J . 82: 225. Cooling and Heating Houses. Am. Arch. 79 :5 5 3. Cooling a Room with Ice. (J . J . Harris) A1n. Arch. (Eliz. 79‘ 54- Cooli11s, In the Heart of the. Blackw. 179: 753. Coon Hunt. (F. J . Blanchard) Canad. M. 27: 310. Coon-skin Cap Law. (H. C. Caldwell) Am. Law R. 371 677. Cooper, James Fenimore. 391 455- Cooper, Dr. James G. (W. D. Dall) Science, 11. s. 16: 268. Cooper, Jolin Campbell, Painter. (A. W. Barker) Booklover’s M. 5: 32-7. — (W. E. Hare) Brush & P, 18: 72, Cooper, Myles. (A. L. Jones) Colum. Univ. Q. 1: 347. Cooper, Samuel, Letters to Thomas Pownall, 1769—77. Am. Hist. R. 8: 301, Cooper, Samuel; Queen Christina’s Miniature Painter. (G. C. Williamson) 19th Cent. 58: 667, Cooper, Thomas Sidney. Ath. ’02, I: 215. — With por- trait. M. of Art, 26: 272, — Evening. Art J. 54: 125. Co-operation, Agricultural, in the United Kingdom. (A. Dulac) Econ. R. 12: 185, —- among Western Farmers. (C. Vincent) Arena, 31: (W. C. Brownell) Scrib. M. 286, — and Commercial Morality. (E. F. Forrest) Econ. R. 13: 168. — and the Poor. (H. W. Wolff) Econ. R. 13: 25. -—— as a Link among Nations. (H. W. Wolff) Econ. R. 12: 448. — Coercion, Competition. (L. M. Keasby) Pop. Sci. M0, 63: 526, — Higher, its Inner History. (G. J . Holyoake) Fortn. 77: 81, — in the Apple Industry in Canada. (R. H. Coats) Q. J. Econ. 21: 136, —— in Europe, Rise and Progress of. Arena, 30: 27. — in Ireland, Growth of. 20: 547. —— in Italy. (H. W. Wolff) Econ. R. 12: 1, —— Key-note of the Present Revolutionary Movement. (B. 0. Flower) Arena, 28: 84. -— Labor’s Solution. (R. L. Bridgman) Outl. 75: 179. -— National Festival of, 1901. (E. O. Greening) Econ. R. 12: 87, (F. Parsons) (D. A. McCabe) Q. J . Econ. 148 COPPER Co-operation, National Festival of, 1902, liams) Econ. R. 12: 472. — Neglected Opportunities of. R. 16: 190. — of Civic Societies. Chaut. 37: 44!. — Present Ideal of. Econ. J . I2: 29. — Present Status of, in the Old World. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 28: 202, —- Robert Owen and. (F. Podmore) Econ. J . 15: 257. — Struggle between Life and Death in the Economic World. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 27: 315. Co-operative Act, Indian. (H. W. Wolff) Econ. R. I4: 472- Co-operative Association of America, The. man) Arena, 28: 602, Co-operative Brotherhood, The. Arena, 23: 403, —- and its Colony. (W. P. Copeland) Indep. 55: 317. Co-operative Conference, A National. (H. Vrooman) Arena, 27: 611, Co-operative Congress, 1902. 12: 333, — 1904, at Budapest. (H. W. Wolff) Econ. R. 14: 449. — 1905. (F. Maddison) Econ. R. 15: 316. Co-operative Coopers of Minneapolis. (G. O. Virtue) Q. J. Econ. 19: 527, Co-operative Credit. (E. M. Lynch) Cath. World, 75: 668. Co-operative Credit Associations, Agricultural. H. Dawson) Econ. J. I2: 327. Co-operative House-keeping, An Experiment (Martha Martin) Cosmopol. 35: 346. Co-operative Industries. (M. R. Cranston) Chaut. 40: 351- Co-operative Societies in Agriculture. Temp. Bar, 131: 581, Co-operative Undertakings in England and America. (F. Parsons) Arena, 30: 159. Co-operative Village for VVorking People. Priestman) Craftsman, 10: 494. Co-operative Work in Ghent. (V. Thompson) Every- body’s I3: 29!. Copan, Certain Group of Sculptures at, Interpretation of. (G. B. Byron) Am. Anthrop. 4: 130. Co—partnership, Twenty Years of. (A. Williams) Econ. R. 15: 15. Cope, Walter, Architect. (E. V. Seeler) Archit. R. 9: 289. -— (R. C. Sturgis) Outl. 73: 775. — Work of. (R. A. Cram) Archit. Rec. 16: 407, Cope of Nicholas IV. at -Ascoli. Art J . 57: 46. Cope Pampean Collection. Science, 11. s. 17: 157. Copeland, Charles Townsend. (F. W. Noxton) Critic, 42: 126, Copeland, Ralph. 14: 1, Copenhagen, City Hall at. (O. Z . Cervin) Archit. Rec. 18: 283. Copepoda of Massachusetts. ural. 40: 24!. — Rhode Island. 639. Copernicus. (E. S. Holden) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 109. —— The Earliest Predecessors of. (C. R. Eastman) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 323. Copley, John Singleton. (R. R. Wilson) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 26, — With portrait. Mast. in Art, 5: 485, Copley Society of Boston, The. (Jean N. Oliver) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 605. Copper as an Antiseptic against Typhoid Organisms. Science, 11. s. 22: 347. —— as Cuprous Sulphocyanide, Estimation of, in the Presence of Bismuth, Antimony, Tin, and Arsenic. (R. G. Van Name) A1n. J. Sci. 163: 138, (A. Wil- (H. W. Wolff) Econ. (H. Vroo- (W. E. Copeland) (F. Madison) Econ. R. (W. in. (A. M. Brice) (M. T. (N. Macpherson, jr.) Pop. Astron. (A. S. Pearse) Am. Nat- (L. W. Williams) Am. Natural. 40: COPPER Copper, Bessemerizing of. (James Douglas) Cassier, 22: 314, —-— Delicate Color Reaction for. (H. C. Bradley) Am. J. Sci. 172: 326, —— Electrolytic. (L. Addicks) J . Frankl. Inst. I60: 421. —-— in the U. S. (J. P. Channing) Cassier, 22: 2 5 3. —- Metallic. Am. Arch. 86: 87. ——~ Sheet, from the Mounds, not necessarily of European Origin. (C. R. Moore) Am. Anthrop. 51 27. ' — The Story of. (C. F. Speare) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 561. — The World’s Output of, for 25 Years. (J. B. C. Kershaw) Cassier, 30: 4594, Copper Age in the U. S. (P. U. Lawson) Am. Antiq. 24: 459. — (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 28: 149. Copper Mines of California. (T. H. Guptill) Overland, n. s. 41: 478. Copper Mining. The Calumet and Hecla. (T. Waters) Everybody’s, I1: 336, —-— in British Columbia. (E. Jacobs) Engin. M. 26: 236, Copper Objects, Hopewell; are they Prehistoric ? (W. K. Moorehead) Am. Anthrop. 5: 50. Copper Ores, New Methods in Metallurgical Treatment of. (W. S. Keith) J. Frankl. Inst. 160: 147, Copper Plant, A Wonderful ; the Arizona Copper Company. (M. Sullivan) Overland, n. s. 451 476. Copper Relics among the Mounds. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 28: 213, Copper River Country, Alaska. (W. H. Abercrombie) J. Frankl. Inst. I58: 289, 353. Copper Ship, The. (J . C. Curwood) Munsey, 3 5: 605. Copper Sulphate, Action of, upon Iron Meteorites. (O. C. Farrington) Am. J . Sci. 164: 38. Coptic Monasteries of Egypt and Nitria, First Visit by Women to. (A. S. Lewis) Cent. 45: 745. Coptic New Testament. Church Q. 62: 292,- Ath, ’o5, 2: 104, Coptic Psalter, Two Versions of. (J . D. Prince) J. Bib. Lit. 21: 92. Copyhold Cases in the Early Chancery Proceedings. (A. Savine) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 296. Copyhold Enfranchisement, A Scheme of. (H. J . Randall) Law Q. 21: 150, Copyright. (S. L. Clemens) No. Am. 180: 1, —— Australian. (W. M. Colles) Acad. 71: 11, — English and American. Ath. ’o5, 1: 369, —— from the Chinese Standpoint. Acad. 65: 215. — Improvement in. (T. Solberg) Nation, 76: 348. -—- in the English Colonies. (W. M. Colles) Acad. 65: 0. —Law of. (T. Solberg) Nation, 77: 249.—— (S. J. Elder) Lit. I/V. (Bost.) I34: 195, 225, -— Legal Aspect of the Book War. Monthly R. 25, no. 3: 51. —— Musical, in England. (W. M. Colles) Acad. 68: 517. — New Encyclopasdias on. (T. Solberg) Nation, 76: 39°- — Our Archaic Laws. (S. J . Elder) Am. Law R. 37: 206. -— U. S. Law of, and International Copyright. Herbert Thring) No. Am. I81: 69. Copyright Bill, New, 1906, Hearing on. Lib. J. 31: 320. Copyright Books, Proposed Prohibition of Importation of. Lib. J. 31: 60. Copyright Law, Need of a New. Indep. 562 612. — Proposed Amendment ; a Discussion by the A. L. A. Exec. Board. Pub. Lib. I1: 109. — Resident or Non-resident Authors protected. (G. H. Putnam) Critic, 44: 60, Copyright Procedure. (H. Putnam) Critic, 40: 57. (A. Fellows) (G. (Geo. P. Brett) 149 CORN Copyright Reform, American. (W. M. Colles) Acad. 68: 28. Coquetry), Art of. 603, Coral._ (C. F. Holder) Calif. M. 2: 611. (Gertrude Lynch) Cosmopol. 36: ——- Aggregated Colonies in Madreporarian Corals. (J . E. Duerden) Am. Natural. 352 461. -— and the Codice Corallino of the 18th Century. (A. Warner) Ath. ’02, I: 822, — Duerden’s West Indian Science, 11. s. 18: 80, —— Vaughan’s Fossil. (J . E. Duerden) Science, 11. s. I 5: Madreporarian Polyps. 143- Coral Island, Borings on a. Knowl. 27: 32.-—Nature, 69: 582, Coral Reefs, Formation of. (J . S. Gardiner; E. H. L. Schwarz) Nature, 691 37!, 581.-—(T. G. Bonney) Cornh. 891 357. — Origin of, as shown by the Maldives. diner) Am. J. Sci. 166: 203. Corals. (J . S. Gardiner) Science, 11. s. 20: 765. —— Paleozoic, Studies on Early Stages in. (C. E. Gor- don) Am. J. Sci. I712 109. Corbet, Ridley. M. of Art, 26: 236, Corbin, Henry Clark, with portrait. Army & Navy Life, 9: 207. Cordier, Mathurin, Schoolmaster of Calvin. son) School R. 12: 281, 569, 722, Cordova and Seville. (E. Hutton) Monthly R. 20, no. 2: I 31. Corea. See Korea. Coreless Apple, The. (S. Morgan) 19th Cent. 56: 966. Corelli, Marie. (T. F. G. Coates) Bk. News, 22: 131, — as an Antiquary. Antiq. n. s. 40: 294. —— Life Literary. Bk. News, 23: 6. -— Note upon. Westm. I66: 680, —- Temporal Power. Bk. News, 21: 61. ‘ Corey, Wm. Ellis. (R. D. Paine) World’s Work, 6: 4°25- Corfu; the Paradise of the Phaeacians. (Wm. Miller) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 31, Corinth, Colossal Statues at. (R. B. Richardson) Am. J . Archaeol. 2d ser. 6: 7. —-— Excavations at. (R. B. Richardson) Nation, 75: 89. (J . S. Gar- (F. Wat- — —— in I904. (T. W. Heermance) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 8: 433. —- — in 1905. (O. M. Washburn) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 10: 17. — Fountain in Agora at. (R. B. Richardson) Am. J . Archaeol. 2d ser. 6: 306. — Greek Inscriptions from. Archaeol. n. s. 7: 26. —Terra-cottas from. (D. M. Robinson) Am. J . Ar- chaeol. 11. s. 10: 159. Corinthian Canal. Am. Arch. 80: 63. Cork, Richard Boyle, Earl of, Townsend’s Life and Letters of. Ath. ’04, I: 741. —(C. W. Colby) Nation, 792 280, —Spec, 92: 923,- Cork, Curious Facts about. (J . M. Scanland) Over- land, 11. s. 46: 69, Cormorant-fishing in Japan. (G. E. Scott) Booklover’s M- 5= 570. Cormorants. Sat. R. 94: 485. - Corn. (H. W. Davenport) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 239. —(E. P. Powell) Indep. 591 I325. —— Breeding New Kinds of. (W. S. Harwood) World’s Work, 4: 2502. — Culture of, Marvels of. 35: 21. — Growers of, in the West. Work, 7: 4127. —- Iowa’s Campaign for Better. Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 563. (Benj. Powell) Am. J. (A. D. Shamel) Cosmopol. (T. N. Carver) World’s (P. G. Holden) R. of CORN Corn, The Ripened. (A. B. Comstock) Chant. 38: 172, -— Sweet, How to makethe Best. (W. Miller) Ctry Life Am. 6: 264. —— What is an Ear of ? (T. G. Montgomery) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 55. . Corn Belt, Life in the. (T. N. Carver) World’s Work, 7: 4232, Corn Gospel Train, A. Work, 12: 7515. Corn Law Memories. 64. Corn Laws, Effect of ; Reply to Sir G. L. Molesworth. (H. Cox) 19th Cent. 53: 264. — — Rejoinder. (Sir G. L. Molesworth) 19th Cent. 53: 476. - French, 1515-1660, (E. P. Lyle, jr.) World’s (J . K. Snowden) Contemp. 88: (A. P. Usher) Q. J. Econ. 19: 452- - Real Object of. (G. L. Molesworth) 19th Cent. 52: 913- Corn Lore, A Sheaf of. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 607. Cornage and Drengage. (C. T. Lapsley) Am. Hist. R. 9: 670, Corneille, Pierre. (Francis Gribble) Bookman, 23:441. — (H. C. Macdowall) Macmil. n. s. I: 627. — and the Spanish Drama. Sat. R. 94: 552. — Home of. Cath. World, 75: 230. — — A Domestic Enigma. (M. A. Gerothwohl) Fortn. 86: 301, — The Neo-classic Tragedy, and the Greek. Frye) Univ. Nob. Stud. 6: 219. Cornelia’s Birthday; a story. (L. W. Reese) Harper, 107: 25, Cornelius, Peter’s Sermon to. (C. F. Sanders) Luth. Q- 35= 103- Cornelius, Hans. Einleitung in die Philosophie. E. Moore) Mind, 30: 244, Cornell University, Agriculture at. Science, 11. s. I7: 831. -— Distribution of the Daily Time of Students. (G. M. Whipple) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 538. Corner in Troubles. (C. Dangerfield) Lippinc. 73: 763. Corner in Fiancés. Corner-cupboard Man, The. (P. H. (G. (R. H. Thurston) (G. G. Lincoln) Munsey, 35: 32. (Sydney Preston) Scrib. M. 36: 732. Corner-stone Calf, A. (C. E. Hollingsworth) McClure, 24: 63". “ Cornfield)” Law, The Perils of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 274. ' Cornish, C. J. Ath. ’06, I: I73.—Spec. 96: 252. Cornish, N. H., as a Literary Center. (H. Saint-Gau- dens) Bk. News, 24: 379. —- Gardens of. (Frances Duncan) Cent. 50: 1, —— An Impression of. (H. W. Henderson) Lamp, 27: 185. — Ont-door Masque at. (K. Cox) Nation, 80: 519. Cornish Art School, At a. (T. K. C.) Good Words, 46= 534- Cornish Burial-Ground, An Ancient. (Arthur Kelly) Good Words, 43: 888. Cornish Craftsmen. (M. T. Whitmore) Craftsman, 2: 91. Cornish Fonts. Reliquary, 42: 96. Cornewall, James, Monument to, in Westminster Ab- bey. (I. J. Cornwall) 19th Cent. 58: 468, Cornu, Alfred. (S. P. Thompson) Nature, 66: 12, Cornwall, Circles in. (Norman Lockyer) Nature, 73: 366. -—- Coast of. (A. Symons) Sat. R. 98: 265, —— Colors of. (A. Symons) Sat. R. 98: 458. — Duchy of, and Estates. (W. M. J . Williams) Chamb. J . 83: 269, ~— Fisheries of. (J . Isabel) Longm. 40: 344. 150 CORPORATE Cornwall, Holidays in. Spec. 92: 839. — In the Delectable Duchy. (R. Tangye) Sund. M. 34: 36. -—- Sculptured Norman Tympana in. (A. G. Langdon) Reliquary, 42: 113, —— Sketches in. (A. Symons) Sat. R. I00: 240, ——Stone Monuments of. (F. Yeigh) Canad. M. 20: 4°5- _ —- A Valley in. (A. Symons) Sat. R. I00: 240, Coronado, The Story of. (G. P. Winship) Land of Sun. 9: 53- Coronado Beach Tent City. (E. Hilton) Out West, I8: 799- Corona. See Sun. Coronas, Apertures of, in relation to the Number of Nuclei and their Size. (C. Barns) Am. J . Sci. 165: 335- —- Flower-like Distortion of, due to Graded Cloudy Condensation. (C. Barns) Am. J . Sci. 163: 309. — of Cloudy Condensation, Geometric Sequences of, and the Contrast of Axial and Coronal Colors. (C. Barns) Am. J. Sci. 163: 81, — — New Method for Standardizing. (C. Barns) Am. J. Sci. I72: 342. Coronation, The Empire and the. Fortn. 78: 21, — of George II., 1727. (C. de Saussure) Monthly R. 7, no. 1: 25. —— of George IV. 2341 41- —— of the King of England. Quar. 196: 342. —(H. M. Cundall) Art J. 54: 192. — — The Religious Service. 163. . See Edward VII., Coronation of. Coronation Ceremonial, English. (H. Thurston) Month, 99: 561. Coronation Music. Ath. ’02, 2: 230. — of the Past. Ath. ’02, I: 25. Coronation Ode. (J . Rhoades) Fortn. 77: 92 5. Coronation Odes. Good \/Vords, 43: xi. —Sat. R. 94: 165, Coronation Progresses, Some Bygone. (E. S. Hope) 19th Cent. 51: 994. Coronation Records, English. Ath. ’02, 1: 263, Coronation Rites. (C. Edmonds) Dub. R. I30: 241. -— Unique Continuity of British. (D. Macleane) 19th Cent. 51: 744. Coronation Robes, Preparation and Manufacture of English. Pall Mall M. 26: 549, Coronation Service. Acad. 62: 585. Coronation Stone, The Legend of the. Antiq. n. s. 38: 173. Coronation Vestments, English. Good Words, -43: 381. Coronation Weaving. (R. E. D. Sketchley) Art J . 54: 196, Coronations, English. Church Q. 53: 257. 54: 1, — Historic. (A. Kinnear) Pall Mall M. 27: 241. —— Poetry of Courts and. (R. E. Vernede) Macmil. 86: 299. — Scottish. Corot, Jean B. C., Reminiscenees of. Putnam, I: 272. — Pictures by, in Alexander Young’s Collection. G. Halton) Studio (Internat.) 30: 3. Corporal Punishment, Ethics of. (H. S. Salt) Internat. J . Ethics, 163 77- — Unrecognized Causes of. 499: Corporal 19th Cent. 51: 1013.: Liv. Age, (Mrs. A. M. Smith) 27: (R. Bruce) (J. H. T. Perkins) (M. G. J. Kinloch) Dub. R. 130: 263, (G. Cl1ardin) (E. (H. L. Clapp) Educa. 25: Sweeney, Deserter. (R. D. Paine) Cent. 46: 733- Corporate Control in America. (P. S. Grosscup) Am. M. 61: 146, CORPORATE Corporate Reunion. (S. F. Smith) Month, 106: 498, 82, Corporate Wealth, President Roosevelt and. (Arthur W. Dunn) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 687. Corporation, The Genesis of. (Robert L. Raymond) Harv. Law R. 192 350. -—— Legal Personality of a Foreign. (E. H. Young) Law Q, 22: 178, — Personality of the. (W. J . Brown) Law Q. 21: 365. — Re-birth of the. (P. S. Grosscup) Am. M. 62: 188, Corporation Absolutism. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 2 52, Corporation Christmas Present, A; a story. (M. C. Deering) Munsey, 302 499. Corporation Directors, English. (W. R. Lawson) Na- tional, 40: 118, Corporation Law Business, in Massachusetts. Calkins) Q. J. Econ. 18: 269. Corporation Lawyers. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 276, ' Corporation Scandals regulated by a National Incor- poration Law. (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 36: supp. Corporation Securities, Private. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 703, 877. Corporation Standard of Honesty. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 1. Corporations, American Business, before I789. (S. E. Baldwin) Am. Hist. R. 8: 449. — and Finance. (T. Roosevelt) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 110, — and the Judiciary. (D. J . Brewer) Indep. 57: 301, —- and the Supreme Court. Outl. 82: 636. -— Business, Change of Position of. (S. E. Baldwin) Science, n. s. 162 377. — Capitalization of Profits by. (C. Sweet and C. P. Sanger) Jurid. R. 15: I. — Congress and the Regulation of. Prentice) Harv. Law R. 19: 168, — Control of. (F. N. Judson) Green Bag, 18: 662, — Corruption of Government by. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 302 55. — Effect of Consolidation of, upon Rights of Action against the Constituent Companies. (S. D. Thom- son) Am. Law R."36: 60. — Federal Control of. (J . B. Sanborn) Am. Law R. 37: 703. — Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 327. —- Federal Regulation of, a Dangerous Departure. (J . E. Parsons) Green Bag, 17: 135. — — a Public Necessity. (W. J . Curtis) Green Bag, 17: 138. » —- Foreign, Taxation of. R. 17: 248- — “ Half-Billion,” Control of. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 74I 263- — Investigation of. Cent. 49: 329. — Jurisdiction of Federal Courts in Actions where Cor- porations are Parties. (J . Trieber) Am. Law R. 39: 564- . -— Lawyers and Corporate Capitalization. (E. M. Shepard) Green Bag, 18: 601. . —- Liability of, on Contracts made by Promoters. (H. S. Richards) Harv. Law R. 19: 97, — Limitations of Actions against, for Corporate Debts. (G. P. Costigan, Jr.) Green Bag, 18: 550. —- Parasite. (E. B. Whitney) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 40: 1 10, -—— Private Accountability of. (H. A. Garfield) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 4!! 116. — Problem of. (P. S. Grosscup) Am. Law R. 39: 835- - Public Control of, Relation of Auditing to. (F. A. Cleveland) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 665, -— Real Enemies of Good Government. (G. Myers) Indep. 551 297. (C. (E. Van Deusen) (E. Parmalee (J . H. Beale, jr.) Harv. Law 151 CORY Corporations, Regulation of. (F. R. Coudert) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 44: 95. -— State Enterprise and. I7: 111, — State vs. (C. T. Carr) Jurid. R. 182 159. — Suggestions on the Problem. (F. Rackermann) New Eng. M. n. s. 282 617. — Taxation of. (R. C. McCrea) Q. J. Econ. I92 492. — (F. Walker) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 165. —-Virginia State Commission on. (A. C. Braxton) Am. Law R. 38: 481, — Wrong without a Remedy; a satire. mant) Green Bag, 15: 234, 572. Corpse-candle, The. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 314. Corpulence. Dieting vs. Exercise to reduce Flesh. (G. E. Flint) Outing, 48: 408. — The Gospel of the Curve. (J. Oldfield) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 66. — its Dismimforts and Dangers. (N. E. Yorke-Davies) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 564. Corpus Christi, Mexican Raid on, in 1875.’ (L. Morris) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 41 128. Corpuscles, Elliptical Human Red. (M. Dresbach) Science, n. s. 192 469.—(A. Flint) Science, 19: 796. Corral, Ramon, Vice-President of Mexico, with por- trait. (E. M. Conley) Booklover’s M. 7: 180. Correggio. Five Great Painters of the Renascence. (W. Bayliss) Good Words, 46: 371. Correlation, Advance in Theory of. ence, n. s. 21: 32, — Proof and Disproof of. chol. I5! 228. Correspondence, Teaching by. (R. Doubleday) World"s Work, 4: 2523. — The, and Technical Education. ence, n. s. 24: 327. _7 — for the National Guard. (J. McA. Palmer) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 395. Correspondence Schools, Educational Value of. C. Martin) Indep.54: 1896, Correspondent at Hampstead, The. Overland, n. s. 432 234. Corrigan, Michael A., Archbishop,with portrait. Cath. VVorld, 75: 282, Corrosion of Condenser Tubes. ton) Engin. M. 30: 211, Corrupt Practices, Rural. (R. Ogden) Nation, 822 (G. S. Callender) Q. J . Econ. (W. McCa- (R. Pearl) Sci- (C. Spearman) Am. J . Psy- (J. J . Clark) Sci- (T. (D. H. Clift) (A. Humboldt Sex- 313- Cormiption, Official. Spec. 921 482. —— Political. The Fight of Three States. Outl. 81: 154- Corruptionist, The. (W. A. Fraser) Appleton’s M. 8: 237- Corsets, The Curse of. (A. Kenealy) 19th Cent. 5 51 I 31. Corsica. (A. Balfour) Blackw. I80! 656.:Liv. Age, 251: 663. — (J. Bryce) Nation, 78: 389. Cortelyou, George Bruce, with portrait. (H. B. F. Macfarland) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 297.——-(D. Barry) W0rld’s Work, 5: 3337.—-— ‘With portrait. (L. A. Coolidge) R. of Rs. (N. Y-) 30: 684. — and the Republican Campaign, 1904. (A. Halstead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 301 294. —- Outdoor Life of. Outing, 46: 65. —- President’s Secretary. (J . C. O’Laughlin) Munsey, 27: 53. Cortona. ‘ (H. Zimmern) Sund. M. 342 633. Corundum, and a Graphitic Essonite from Barkham- sted, Conn., Note on. (B. K. Emerson) Am. J. Sci. 164: 234. Corvo, Island of, Azores. Chamb. J . 81: 95. Cory, J . Campbell, Cartoonist. (B. O. F lower) Arena, 35: 48. CORY (Herbert Paul) Indep. R. 8: 88. (Edna Kenton) Cosmo- Cory, W. Johnson. Cory, of the W0man’s Page. pol. 38: 673. Coryate, Thomas. Acad. 63: 198. — Crudities. (J. D. Butler) Nation, 81: 80. — Spec. 94: 821, -— The Primitive “ Tripper.” 971 694- Cosmati Mosaic. Cosmic Cycle. 185, Cosmogonies, Early Greek. Stud. 1: 49. —~ Modern. (Agnes M. Clerke) Knowl. 26: 57-251. 27: 6-211. 11, 3, 2: 24, 95, Cosmogony, New. (J . E. Gore) Knowl. n. s. 3: 523. Cosmology of the Sumerians. (H. Radau) Monist, I3: 103, Cosmopolitan Club, London. 88: 163, Cosmopolitanism, Literary. Dial, 33: 201, I (H. V. Abbott) Atlan. (C. Coleman) Archit. Rec. 12: 202. (F. W. Very) Am. J. Sci. 1531 47, 97, (G. Norlin) Univ. Colo. (Algernon West) Cornh. Cosmos, The. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 68: 107. —— and the Logos, Minton’s. (J . Orr) Presb. & Ref. R- W 494- —a Living Mantle of God. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 277. Cossaar, J . C. W. (Lady C. Campbell) Art J. 45: 3. Cossacks, The. —— Russia’s Unique Troopers. (N. Y.) 29: 688. — Visit to the. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 527. Cost, History and Theory of. (H. J. Davenport) J. Pol. Econ. 13: 449. Cost-accounting, Tabulating-machine. Gaines) _Engin. M. 30: 364. Cost-finding Methods under the Premium Wage Sys- tem. (H. Diemer) Engin. M. 242 577. Cost-keeping, Importance to the Manufacturer. N. Lauer) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 459. — in General Contract Work. (A. W. Buel) Engin. M. 392 243, 707.—-(J. P. Cowing) Engin. M. 29: 921, — Manufacturing; Costs and Dividends. Engin. M. 261 367. (D. B. MacGowan) Cent. 46: 840. (J. A. Baer) R. of Rs. (Morrell W. (C. (H. Hess) Cost—stores System of the Robb-Mumford Co. (H. S. Knowlton) Engin. M. 321 45. Cost System of an Engineering Works. (A. W. Buel) Engin. M. 28: 971. Costa, Giovanni, Artist. (0. R. Agresti) Studio (In- ternat.) 19: 237. —(N. Bell) Acad. 67$ 62. ——(M. S. Stillman) Nation, 79: 181, — his Life and Art. (Julia Cartwright) National, 43: 812, Costa Rica. — Archaeological Researches in. — Folk-lore of Bribri and Brunka Indians. tier de Fabrega) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I6: I. Costers, at Work and at Play. (M. Doney) Outing, 48: 176. Costume, Grace in. 34: 611. —- Historic Dress in America, Elizabeth McClellan on. (VV. C. France) Nation, 79: 507. —— in America, Earle’s Two Centuries of. Ath. ’o4» 1: 263.-— (M. E. Cook) Dial, 362 46. —— (W. C. France) Nation, 782 5 5. —Spec. 921 336. — Ladies’ Dress, Time of George II. (R. Heath) M. of Art, 26: 562, — of Peasants of Europe. (G. E. Church) Nature, 71: 461, Am. Antiq. 26: 249, (H. Pit- (H. H. Boyesen, Jr.) Cosmopol. (W. F. Day) Munsey, 28: 231. — Women’s, in Colonial Days. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 675 152 Cottage and Farmhouse Lodgings. Blackw. 178; 364., COTTON Cottage, The Cheap. Quar. 205: 468. —— Country, Design for. (H. B. Scott) Studio (Internat.) 16:86. 23: 119, —- The Inexpensive. (J. W. Dow) Indep. 55: 2624, Cottage by the VVaters, The. (D. Johnston) Macmil. 92: 105, Cottage Housing in the Country. (R. R. Reeder) Char. 13: I6, 123, 364. — (R. R. Reeder) Char. 15: 186, 656. -— — Effect on Institution Children. Char. 14: 886. Cottage Plans, Thornton Hough Village, Cheshire. (H. B. Bare) Studio (Internat.) 22: 30, Cottage Quality, The. (E. G. W. Dietrich) Craftsman, 3: 280. Cottages, Cheap, Exhibition of 1904. Spec. 93: 838. — —-July, 1905. Spec. 95: 112. —- Country, Materials used in Construction of. (G. L. Morris and Esther Wood) Studio (Internat.) 271 (R. R. Reeder) 146, —— Designs for. Studio (Internat.) 18: 13, — Garden City. (L. M. Salmon) Craftsman, 9: 166. —- Outing, Sketch Plans for. lander) Cent. 50: 618, —— VVeek—end, Designs for. Studio (Internat.) 22: 321, 23: 43. Cottagers, The New. Spec. 95: 282, Cottet, Charles, Painter of Sailor-life, with portrait. (B. Karageorgevitch) M. of Art, 26: 481. —-With portrait. (A. A. Jaynes) Brush & P. 11: 210, Cotton again King. World’s Work, 8: 4793. —— and Cotton Goods. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 37: 315- - and Crop Reporting. (H. P. Willis) J. Pol. Econ. I 3: 506. —- and the Empire. (B. Taylor) Fortn. 82: 1020. —— and the General Agricultural Outlook. (D. F. Houston) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 5: 113, — Cobden, Chamberlain, and. (M. W. Ridley) Na- tional, 421 799. — Improved Position of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 78: 680. — Is the High Price the Result of Manipulation ? (D. J. Sully) No. Am. 178: 194. — Is our Monopoly in, Secure ? (Clarence R. Poe and C. W. Burkett) World’s Work, 12: 7744, — A Lady’s Blouse. (G. R. Fleming) Good Words, 44: 660. -— Over-production of, and a Remedy. lips) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 148, — Prices‘ of, Inflated. (F. C. Penfield) Indep. 57: (U. B. Phil- 373- — Scouring of. (J. M. Matthews) J. Frankl. Inst. 162: 25, Cotton Belt, Conservatism and Progress in the. (U. B. Phillips) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 1, Cotton Boll Weevil, The. (M. J. Munn) Indep. 56: 368.——(L. O. Howard) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 188. -— (L. 0. Howard) Science, n. s. 18: 693, — (O, F, Cook) Science, 11. s. 20: 6.—Science, n. s. 20: 286,- (W. M. Wheeler) Science, 11. s. 20: 437.- Science, n. s. 202 475. —Science, n. s. 20: 666, — (W. M. VVheeler) Science, 11. s. 20: 766, — An Enemy of the. (O. F. Cook) Science, n. s. 19: 862, 21: 5 52 — The Fight against. (C. A. Williams) World To- day, 7: 1307. —— Red Ant vs. Nat. Geog. M. 151 262. Cotton Crop of To-day. (R. H. Edmonds) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 305. . Cotton Family of Portsmouth, N. H. (F. E. Cotton) N. E. Reg. 58: 294, 537, 59: 34, 186, Cotton Farming, Enormous Leaks in. (Clarence H. Poe) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 128. , (Stillman and Freed- , COTTON—GARDEN Cotton-garden, A, in Nigeria. (C. Larymore) Chamb. J, 82: 55. Cotton Growers, The. (Arthur W. Page) World’s Work, II: 7049. Cotton Growing and Cotton Gambling. (H. K. Web- ster) Am. M. 61: 550, — and the Cotton Industry. Nation, 77: 261. —-— in the British Empire. (A. Emmott) J . Soc. Arts, 523 439- - Making it Pay. 4782- Cotton Industry, The. (D. A. Tompkins) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 5: 144, — Beginnings of, in Scotland. Chamb. J . 80: 427. —— British. (O. Fleming) Econ. R. 25: 335. -— in England, Beginning of. (W. H. Price) Q. J . Econ. 20: 608. —— International Survey of. (E. Helm) Q. J . Econ. I7: (U. B. Phillips) World’s Work, 8: 417- —— Lancashire, Chapman’s. (F. J . Faraday) Econ. J . I5: 215, — of India. (S. M. Johnson) J. Soc. Arts, 54: 897. — Present Position of. (O. Fleming) Econ. R. I 5: 214, Cotton Manufacture, The South End. (C. L. Raper) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 332, Cotton Manufacturing, North and South. Kittredge) Gunton’s M. 23: 141, Cotton Market, Anticipation in the. (S. J . Chapman; D. Knoop) Econ. J . I41 54!. IJ. Statis. Soc. 692 321, Cotton—mill Communities, Southern. (Leonora B. El- lis) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 623. Cotton-patch Life in Tennessee. Outing, 46: 193. Cotton Pickers. (Clifton Johnson) Outing, 45: 89. Cotton Picking in the South. (Anne Hobson) Every- body’s, 6: 64. Cotton Plant and the Kelep. ence, n. s. 20: 887, Cotton Problem in the South. M. 62: 302, , Cotton Protecting Kelep. n. s, 221 706. Cotton-seed Oil Industry, in America. kins) Cassier, £4: 45. — Development of. (D. C. Roper) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 237. Cotton Trade in New England, Recent. (A. T. Lyman) Q. J. Econ. I6: 588, —- Crisis in the, 1904, Sat. R. 97: 37, 386. —— Present Condition of. 10, Cottonwood Seeds, Number and Weight of. Science, 11. S, 20: 118, Cottrell Printing-press Factory; Cost-finding Methods. (H. L. Arnold) Engin. M. 24: 714. (H. G. (Clifton Johnson) (E. D. Sanderson) Sci- (H. K. Webster) Am. (W. M. Wheeler) Science, (D. A. Tomp- (E. Helm) Econ. J. I4: 259.— (A. Simpson) Chamb. J . 80: Coubertin, Pierre de; an appreciation. (M. Girard) Fortn. 80: 336. Conch, A. T. Quiller ; a Cornish Novelist. (H. Beg- bie) Good Words, 44: 407. — A Visit to. (W. W. VVhitelock) Bk. Buyer, 25: 34, Cones, Elliot, with portrait. (Mary E. Woodhull) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: 60. —— With portraits. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. I2: 159, Cougar, About the. (F. W. Calkins) Outing, 40: 448. —— The American. (F. W. Calkins) Idler, 23: 71. Cough in Lower Seven. (F. H. Spearman) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 418. “ Couleur Locale” in the French Classroom. (F. R. Arnold) School R. I3: 540. Council, The King’s, Antiquities of. (J . F. Baldwin) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 1. —— and Star Chamber. (A. T. Carter) Law Q. 18: 247, 153 COUNTRY Councils of Chelsea, Where held? (H. Peak) Antiq. n. s. 39: 363. Counsel for the Prisoner. (J . K. Leys) Munsey, 353 772- Counsellor MacCarty’s First Scalp. (S. MacManus) Good Words, 44: 335. ' Counsels, The. (A. de Trueba) Chamb. J . 83, supp. I 9. Count Bunker ; a story. (J . S. Clouston) Blackw. 179: 32-780. 180: go, Counterfeiters, Ancient and Modern. (S. Krausz) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 52. Countess, The, and the Frying-pan. (M. E. Francis) Cornh. 88: 697. Countess at Pondsville Center. gr: 404, Countess Berthe’s Dream Melody; a story. Blundell) Cornh. 92: 186, Counting and Adding. (L. D. Arnett) Am. J . Psychol. 16: 327. Counting-rhymes of Children. Anthropol. 6: 46. Country, The. (E. S. Martin) Harper, I04: 825, —— and Cottage. (R. R. Reeder) Char. I6: 215, — and its Wards. Char. I2: 926. — An Apology for the. (A. Colton) Atlan. 96: 265. — “ Back to the Land.” (K. D. Cotes) Macmil. n. s. I: 359. ——-Liv. Age, 249: 179. — Back to the Land. (H. Rider Haggard) World To- day, II: 1261. — Churching the, from the Town. (E. L. Heermance) Yale Div. Q. 2: 64, —-— The Coming Exodus to the. Arena, 35: 390. —— The Cult of the. Spec. 90: 653. — The Decrease in Rural Population. (W. S. Rossiter) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 341 74. —— Depopulation, of and By-law Tyranny. Blunt) 19th Cent. 56: 643. — Exodus from. (F. W. Bussell) Econ. R. I4: 385. - — in November. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 96: 650. — Must we apologize for the? (E. R. Powell) Indep. 60: 445. — Reflow from Town to. 1023, —-— Sanitary Needs in the. (K. D. Cotes) Macmil. n. s. I: 359- —— Town or. (Godfrey Blount) Craftsman, 9: 819, — An Undertow to the. (Florence F. Kelly) Crafts- man, II: 294. Country of Elusion, The. (O. Henry) Everybody’s, I 5: (E. B. Tiffany) Atlan. (M. E. F. (W. S. Monroe) Am. (Arthur S. Phelps) (W. S. (R. Hunter) 19th Cent. 56: 465. Country Boy, The. Spec. 9!: 903. Country Children, Education of, for the Farm. E. McClure) Educa. 26: 65. Country Church and its Social Problem. (G. E. Wells) (D. Outl. 83: 893. — Civic Function of the. (G. Taylor) Chant. 36: 274. —— Passing of the. (J . E. Boyle) Outl. 77: 230. Country Club in England, Possibilities of the. (Horace G. Hutchinson) Spec. 96: 575. Country Clubs. (R. Dunn) Outing, 47: I60. —— American. (F. S. Arnett) Munsey, 27! 48I. -— Prominent. (David Paine) New Eng. M. n. s. 322 2. — Some Canadian. Canad. M. 28: 153. Country Colony, A Coiiperative. (P. Colt) Ctry Life Am. 6: 2 50, Country Conversations ; an Unknown Humorist [Miss Tollett]. (E. V. Lucas) Monthly R. 7, no. 21 40. Country Doctor, The ; a story. (C. Hawkes) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 153. Country Estate, The American. (H. Croly) Archit. Rec. 811 I. — (W. F. Dix) Indep. 55: I858. COUNTRY 1 Country Girls in Town. (Rebecca H. Davis) Indep. 54: 1691. Country Holiday, Children’s, in France. (Sir E. Ver- ney) Good Words, 44: 43. Country Home, An Artist’s Unspoiled. (A. H. Good- win) Ctry Life Am. 8: 625. -— Breaking up of a. (Allen French) Ctry Life Am. 51 I 306. —- Discovering a. (E. L. and H. B. Fullerton) Ctry Life Am. 4: 112, -— for 8820. (F. L. Oswald) Ctry Life Am. 5: 3!. — for the Professional Man. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 55: 1131, -—— How we built “The Grange.Z’ (E. W. Bok) Ctry Life Am. 4: 17. —Making a. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 55: 845, 968,-— (E. P. Powell) Outing, 46: 499.—- (B. Fleming and others) Ctry Life Am. 1: 200, 3: 14, —- Making the. (E. E. Rexford) Outing, 471 106-798- 48= Io9—745. 49% 126-409- — of a City Architect. (H. Atterbury Smith) Crafts- man, 10: 581. —— of the Old Régime. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Outing, 39: 424. —— Rented. (A. French) Ctry Life Am. 3: I47. — The Selection of the Site. (E. C. Holtzoper) Ctry Life Am. 7: 615. — What constitutes a Successful ? Ctry Life Am. 8: 603. —— Why and how I made my. (W. C. Egan) Ctry Life Am. 3: 211. Country Homes, Building of. 42: 69, 240, -—— Making. (E. E. Rexford) Outing, 48: 503. --of Famous Americans. (O. B. Capen) Ctry Life Am- F 353. 474, 697- 8= 58. 308. 512- 9= 42- —- Representative. (J . W. Doa) Ctry Life Am. 62 497. Country House, The American. (K. C. Budd) Outl. 791 327- —— and its Style. (F. J . Hunt) Craftsman, 3: 283. ~—— for 82000. (H. E. Everett) Ctry Life Am. 6: 150. — Lighting of. (J . J . Bellman) Ctry Life Am. 6: 548, (F. A. Russell) (E. E. Holman) Outing, —— Plumbing for. (E. C. Holtzoper) Ctry Life Am. 10: 660, —— The Small. (H. F. Steven) Craftsman, 2: 152. -—— Unburnable. (C. de Kay) Ctry Life Am. 10: 647. Country House Architecture, Recent. (T. R. Davison) M. of Art, 27: 328, 477. —— Work of Winslow and Bigelow. (C. H. Walker) Archit. R. 12: 109. See Architecture, Suburban. Country Houses, The Changing Styles of. drews) Archit. R. 11: 1, -— Good Taste in. (S. Hawley) Ctry Life Am. 10: 612. -— Ideas for. Outing, 44: 349. —— Successful. (J . A. Cade) Ctry Life Am. 4: 397. Country Life. (R. W. Emerson) Atlan. 942 594. —— Back to the Land. Church Q. 62: 249. — in the Cotton Belt. (L. Vandervort) Outing, 39: 642. -—— In Praise of. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 3: 265. — The New. (P. H. Boynton) World To-day, 6: 801. — Urban and. (F. T. Carlton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 25 5. Country Manse in Scotland. (Wm. McConachie) Good Words, 47: 72. Country Merchants Buying in New York. (I. F. Mar- cosson) World’s Work, 72 4141. Country Mission, A. (H. S. Squirrell) Month, 106: 632, Country Parson of the 18th Century. (A. J essopp) 19th Cent. 58: 91. Country Pastor, his Problems and Rewards. (A. Good- enough) Outl. 77: 945. Country People, VVays of. 37 I - (R. D. An- (E. P. Powell) Indep. 57: p 04 COURTS—MARTIAL Country Place of one Acre. (I. G. Tabor) Ctry Life Am. 82 323. Country Residence, A. (D. K. Boyd) Craftsman, 3: 297- Country Sermon, A. (M. Asquith) National, 38: 970, Country Store, The. (C. M. Harger) Atlan. 95: 91, Country Town, Decline of the. (A. H. Anderson) J. Soc. Arts, 531 336. Country vs. City Life. Sat. R. 931 I05. Countryman, The Real. Liv. Age, 251: 184, County Clare Angel, A. (S. MacMauus) Cosmopol. 33: 96. County Court, Day of my Life in the. (E. A. Parry) Cornh. 89: 343.-=Ecl. M. 142: 733.=Liv. Age, 241: 74. — Future of the. (E. A. Parry) Fortn. 86: 287. — Passing of the. (K. P. Woods) Outl. 73: 264. County Court Judges and their Jurisdiction. (E. B. Rowlands) Law Q. 18: 237. County Fair, The. (Eugene Wood) McClure, 25! 595. County F air, The. (N. Lloyd) Scrib. M. 341 129. County Families. Quar. 2052 5 3. Coupled in the Betting. (A. Stoddart) Outing, 49: 292. Courage. (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 37: no p. —- and Creed. Spec. 963 398. — of English People ; Is it Declining ? Spec. 93: 114, Courage of Shorty, The. (E. G. Bemis) Munsey, 35: 2 . Courier, Paul Louis, Wane of. (R. T. House) Sewanee, 14: 288. Courier from the North, A. 587 Cournot, Antoine Augustin, Personality of. Moore) Q. J. Econ. 19: 370. Courrieres Country, In the. (L. Jerrold) Contemp. 89: 623.=Ecl. M. 147: 10, Course of Justice, The. (E. Russell) Outing, 48: (H. L. (V. L. Whitechurch) Sund. M. 31: 21-993. Court, Appeal Justiciary. (E. T. Salvesen) Jurid. R. 17: ~32, —— High and County, Consolidation of. (T. Snow) Law Q. 22: 127, — The, is King. (T. S. Mosby) Arena, 36: 118. —— of Claims, English. Green Bag, 14: 79. — of Criminal Appeal, A. (T. Baty) Macmil. 91: 225, —— vs. the Mob. (A. E. Maxey) Am. Law R. 40: 864. Court of Pan. (E. Duer) Lippinc. 74: 61. Court of Sacharissa. (H. Sheringham and N. Meakin) Macmil. 89: 81, 161, Court Bible, The. (A. Black) Atlan. 90: 809. Court Lady. (Jennette Lee) Lippinc. 732 368. Court Lodge, Ightham. (J . R. Larkby) Gent. M. n. s. 751 575- Court Martial System, Our. Navy Life, 8, no. 8: 18. Court Sheriff Procedure, Report on. Jurid. R. 17: 6, Court Studies from Life. (E. G. Davis) Army & (J . Chisholm) (L. F. Friday) Char. 15: 79- Courtesy, Art of. (H. T. Peck) Munsey, 35: 108. -— Leagues for. Outl. 77: 14. Courting and the Courts. (A. W. Gaines) Green Bag, 16: 34, Courtney, Charles E., with portrait. Outing, 43: 458, Courts, Curiosities of. (W. H. Legge) Longm. 44: 70, -—— Experiences in, and on Juries. (J. B. Drayton) Chamb. J. 82: 382. —- Halting Justice in. (F. Payler) Macmil. 92: 98. - in England; Some Legal Scandals. National, 47: 87. -— Laughter in. (F. Payler) Macmil. n. s. 11 291. Courts-martial, Military and Naval, and their Defects. (J. E. R. Stephens) Un. Serv. M. 24: 120. COURTSHIP Courtship and Matrimony, Chats of. hlunsey, 28: 246. — Art of Wooing. 441- ~ The Way to win a Woman. mopol. 35: 399. Courtship of the Boss, The. (Anne O’Hagan) McClure, 26: :33. Courtyards of New Orleans. 10: 300, —— Restoration of, to Modern Houses. kins) Craftsman, 9: 92. Coury; a Village of Healing. Chamb. J. 83: 398. “ Cousin ” Hiram’s Antique Furniture. (Stanley John- son) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 304. Cousin to a King; a story. (L. H. Bugg) Cath. World, 791 524- Couture, Thomas, and Dutuit, M. Am. Arch. 77: 86. Covenant, The New, in Jeremiah. (W. J. Moulton) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 370. Covenant Redeemed, A. n. s. 42: 417. Covenant Vivien, Origin of the. Mo. Stud. 1: 81, Covenanters, and the Deeds on Magus Muir. Brown) Temp. Bar, 130: 194, Covent Garden Opera. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 94: O, ' Coventry, Changes in. Chamb. J . 83: 763. — VVeaver’s Pageant of, Manuscripts of. Princ.‘ Univ. Bull. 14: 199, Coventry Scandal. (A. F. Bell) Idler, 26: 453. Covered Embers; a story. (Eliz. S. Phelps) Harper, 111: 351. Cow, The. (A. B. Comstock) Chaut. 42: 166, Cow, The ; an Animal Sketch. (M. M. Williams) Mc- Clure, I8: 423. —-Idler, 21: 468. Cow, The; a story. (K. E. Harriman) Temp. Bar, 132: 340. Cow-boy of To-day. (J . L. Ford) (Eliz. M. Gilmer) Cosmopol. 38: (Lavinia Hart) Cos- (C. Macleod) Craftsman, (U. N. Hop- (F. C. Whitehouse) (H. E. Wright) Overland, (R. Weeks) Univ. of (H. H. (H. Craig) (A. Chapman) World’s Work, 8: 5272- . —- Passing of the. (Ben G. Truman) Overland, n. s. 40: 464. -— Passing of the Texas, and the Big Ranches. (W. R. Draper) Overland, 11. s. 45: I46. — Truth about the. (R. Adams) \Vorld To-day, 7: 9°9- Cow-boy and the Mermaid, The. (Gay B. Wuerpel) Lippinc. 77: 450. Cow-boy Carnival, A. (Ella Thorngate) Overland, n. s. 43: 50. Cow-boy’s Pencil, A. (C. F. Lummis) Land of S11n. 11: 1'9. Cow-boys); the Texas Trail. (M. J . Reynolds) Munsey, 29: 576. Cow Puncher at Home. Cow-towns, Men who tamed the. (D. Mackay) Munsey, 27: 759. (A. Chapman) Out- ing. 451 I3I~ Coward, The; a story. (E. Cummings) McClure, 22: 484. Cowardice of Culture, The. (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 96' 481 Coward’s Wife, The. (Maud Oxenden) Temp. Bar, 127: 286.=Liv. Age, 237: 39.=Ecl. M. 140: 641, Cowell, Edward Byles, Life and Letters of. Ath. ’03, 1: 209, ’o4, 2: 17o.—— (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 37: 193. Cowen, John Kissig, with portrait. (J . Harmon) Green Bag, 17: 461. Cowley, Abraham. Acad. 63: 472. — (J. T. Curry) Gent. M. 11. s. 71: 578. — and the Metaphysical Poets. Spec. 96: 95. 155 CRAFTSMAN Cowley, Abraham, Last Testament of. (H. C. Min- chin) Fortn. 81: 572, -—— Waller’s Edition of. 14: 248. (J . M. McBryde, jr.) Sewanee, Cowper, Frank Cadogan. Molly; a painting. Art J . 57¢ 348- Cowper, W. Liv. Age, 248: 812, -— and Wordsworth; Letter. (A. Law) Fortn. 77: 363. -—- Liv. Age, 233: 316, -—- as a Letter Writer. (S. Thompson) Acad. 66: 420. —- Bailey’s and Milford’s Editions. Ath. ’06, I: 505. —— Correspondence of, ed. by VVright. Ath. ’04, I: 617.--Ecl. M. 143: 720. I Liv. Age, 243: 340. —— (F. Greenslet) Nation, 79: 361, —- Spec, 92: 777, -—(G. A. B. Dewar) Sat. R. 99: 12. —- Church Q. 60: 27, -— A Plea for. -—— Satire and Poetry at Olney. R. 8:‘ 293. — Walpole and. (R. E. Prothero) Quar. 201: 35, Cowthorpe Oak, The. Nature, 72: 43. Cox, C. C., Reminiscences of. Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 6: 113, 204, Cox, David, Charcoal Drawings of. Studio (Internat.) 25¢ 33. Cox, Kenyon. (Homer Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 48: 233, — Old Masters and New. (Albert E. Gallatin) Critic, 47 3 259- Coxon, John, Pirate. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 1. Coy; a story. Blackw. I76: 364. Coyote, The. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 3: 213. — (C. F. Holder) Land of Sun. 4: 179. — Hunting. (A. Chapman) Outing, 44: 131. Crab, Eggs of the. Am. Natural. 38: 897. Crabbe, George. (E. D. A. Morshead) Acad. 69: 944. — (H. W. Boynton) Bookman, 23: -49. -— (J . Law- (T. E. Cavit) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 607, (S. T. Irwin) Indep. (T. Oldforde) son) Gent. M. 11. s. 71: z3.—Ed. R. 198: 3o.— Spec. 91: 943. —- Ainger’s Life of. Ath. ’03, 2: 573. -— The Borough. Sat. R. 95: 520. -—— Commemoration of. Liv. Age, 247: 169. —— Two Unpublished Poems of. (R. Huchon) Monthly R. 14, no. 3: 117. Crabbed Age and Youth; a story. Gent. M. n. s. 70: 105, Crabbing on the N. E. Coast of England. Spec. 96: 91. Crabs, Fossil. (J . A. Cushman) Am. Natural. 39: 331. — Nemertean Parasites of. (IV. R. Coe) Am. Natural. 36: 431. Crace, John Dibble, as Artistic Architect. (H. C. Corlette) Art J . 58: 201, Cradle, Story of the. (Pauline C. Bouvé) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 709. Cradles and Bedsteads, Ancient. dio (Internat.) 27: 131, — Papoose, for Babies. (H. S. Benton) Outing, 45: (K. Sylvester) ( A. S. Levetus) Stu- 309. Craft Cramps. (T. Hopkins) Ecl. M. 140: 23. :Liv. Age. 2351 SOI- Craft Schools of Austria, The. (A. S. Levetus) Studio (Internat.) 26: 201, Crafts, James Mason, Prof., with portrait. Technol. R. 1: 5. Crafts in Elementary Schools. (M. G. Campbell) Chaut. 38: 478. — (A. L. Marlatt) Chaut. 38: 587. Craftsman, Jew as a. (J . Leiser) Craftsman, 2: 232. -— Master. (A. Kirk) McClure, 20: 563. —- The Modern Question of his Livelihood. Albee) Craftsman, I, no. 6: 42. —— of Persia. (E. A. Reed) Craftsman, 6: 186. — Revival of the. (H.W. Belknap) Craftsman, 3: 183, —- Rise and Decadence of the. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, I, no, 2: 13, (H. R. CRAFTSMAN Craftsman House, The. Craftsman, 4: 84. Craftsmanship as a Preventive of Crime. (C. V. Kirby) Craftsman, 8: I71, -— for the Artist. (S. Howe) Craftsman, 2: 246. -— The New Industrialism. (O. L. Triggs) Craftsman, 33 93- —— Success and Failure in. (D. Van Denburgh) Crafts- man, 5: 617. -— vs. Intrinsic Value. 4: 181, —— Workshops of the United Crafts, Eastwood, N. Y. Craftsman, 3: 59. Craftsmen, Some Cornish. (M. T. Whitmore) Crafts- man, 2: 91. --- Touring French. (A. Castaigne) Harper, I05: 375. Craftswoman, A, in Agriculture. (Eliza H. Badger) Craftsman, I9: 630, Craig, Gordon, with portrait. Lamp, 27: 6. — as Scenic Artist. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 93: 426. -— (A. Symons) Monthly R. 7, no. 31 157. (F. W. Lawrence) Craftsman, —— School of Theatrical Art. Acad. 66: 276. Craiger, J. Sidney; an Iowa Cartoonist. Arena, 35: 290, Craigie, Mrs. Pearl. Ath. ’o6, 2: 187. — Bk. News, 252 79. —- (C. Clifford) Cath. World, 842 73. -—— Gent. M. n. s. 77: 326. —- Fiction of. (W. D. Howells) No. Am. 183: 1251, Cranberries. Ctry Life Am. 3: 7. —- $300 an Acre from. (F. Overton) Ctry Life Am. 111 71- Cranberry, The. (Hugh Macmillan) Good Words, 43: 661, ' Cranberry Harvesting. (J . E. Rogers) Booklover’s M. 4: 749- ' Crane, Bruce, Painter, with portrait. rence) Brush & P. 11: 1. Crane, Walter. (R. E. Moreland) Brush & P. 10: 257, — Art of, Konody on. M. of Art, 272 94. —— Dream Voyage. (Ernest Radford) Art J . 55¢ 37!. —— English Decoration and. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. (H. T. Law- Rec. 12: 684 Crane, Wm. Murray. (Marion Melius) World’s Work, 9: 5594- Cranes. (J . Horner) Cassier, 21: 247, 317. ~— for Machine Shops. — Hydraulic, and Wharf Machinery. Engin. M. 27: 187. (G. L. Clark) Cassier, 23: 93. (G. H. Baxter) —— Locomotive. (Percy R. Allen) Cassier, 302 417. '— — as Labor Savers. (L. G. Howlett) Cassier, 29: 31- -- Special Forms of. (Joseph Horner) Cassier, 27: 308, 39‘- Cranial Capacity, Modification in Measuring. (A. Hrdlicka) Science, n. s. I7! 1011. Crapsey, Rev. Algernon S. Trial for Heresy. (H. La- mont) Nation, 82: 255. —Outl. 83: 1 12, Crary, Peter, of Groton, Conn., and some of his De- scendants. (L. M. Dewey) N. E. Reg. 60: 350. Crashaw, Richard. (W. B. Salvage) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 61. —- (Katherine Brégy) Cath. VVorld, 80: 756. Crater Lake, Oregon. (H. W. Fairbanks) Out West, 17: 173. —National Park. (N. Bachelor) Overland, n. s. 41: 334~ Craven and Claverhouse, Lord. (D. G. McChesney) Cornh. 932 642. Craven Bank Limited. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 360, Crawford, F. Marion. (A. H. Garrett) Lamp, 27: 216. -—— and his New Work on Venice. (A. J . D. Biddle) Bk. News, 24: 422, —— Francesca da Rimini. 804, -—— Novels of. Ed. R. 204: 61. ‘-'-“Liv. Age, 250: 451. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 93: 156 CREED-MAKING Crawford, F. Marion. Rome. (Louisa C. Hale) Book- man, 15: 350. . Crawford, Isabella Vallancy, a Canadian Poet. (L. J . Burpee) Poet-Lore, I32 575. Crawford-Humbert Millions, The. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 741 439. Crawhall, Joseph, Draughtsman. (Internat.) 23: 219, Crayfish Industry. (E. A. Andrews) Science, 11. s. 20: 983, Creation, Art of, Ca.rpenter’s. Indep. R. 4: 634. — “Atmosphere” as Means of. Church R. 132 336. — Babylonian and Biblical Accounts of. (A. H. Sayee) Am. J. Theol. 91 I. —~ Babylonian Legends of. Nature, 67: 204. -— Bible Story of. (W. L. Davidson) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 286. —— Christian Theory of. (Emma M. Caillard) Contemp. 86: 409. ~— Dogma of, The Social Ideal and. (H. S. Nash) Am. J. Theol. 7: 20. — Hebrew and Babylonian Cosmologies. Tisdell) 19th Cent. 58: 259. (P. Bate) Studio (G. L. Dickinson) (J. B. Keene) N. (W. St. C. —- of Man, The. (E. F. Goerwitz) N. Church R. 11: 262. -— Traité de l’Infini Crée. (N. Smith) Philos. R. 14: 456- — Two Theories of. (E. M. Caillard) Contemp. 85: 72:. Creation Legends in Ancient Religions. (M. Jastrow, jr.) Harper, I05: 139, Creation-story of Genesis. 568, I 3: 103. Creative Education in 2. Democracy. Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 159. Creative Purpose, Science and. Spec. go: 852. I Liv. Age, 238: 117. Creative Spirit in Literature, The. Outl. 84: 694, 719. Creator, Morality of the. (A. B. Sharpe) Dub. R. I 36: (H. Radau) Monist, 12: (H. van Dyke) I46. Credit and Prices. (Thorstein Veblen) J . Pol. Econ. 13: 460, —-and Trade. Bank. M. (Lond.) 75: I98. 772 I96. 81: 198, —— — in the United States and Canada. Bank. M. (Lond.) 73: 264. 75: 255. 79: 252, — and the Value of Money. (D. Kinley; A. P. An- drew) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 6: 84. -— as an Instrument of Trade and Industry. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 790. -— Coiiperative. (E. M. Lynch) Cath. World, 75: 668, -—— The Elements of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: I86. — Influence of, on Prices. (W. G. L. Taylor) Yale R. 15: 113. -— Public, Some Unsettled Questions of. Econ. J. 16: 2:2. Credit Currency, A. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 606,- (A. B. Hepburn) No. Am. 183: 1171. Credit Ledger, A. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 702 740. 71: 228. Credits, Mercantile, Judgment of. (O. Newfang) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 995. Credulity, The New. (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 241, Cree Indians, Folk-lore of. (F. Swindlehurst) J . Am. F olk-Lore, I8: I39. Creed, The Athanasian. (S. F. Smith) Month, 104: 366. — Faith and. (C. M. Stack) Zoth Cent. Q. I, no. 1: 56. — of a College Class, The. (W. DeW. Hyde) Outl. 74: 510, Creed Carrier’s Wiving; a story. Munsey, 32: 558. Creed—making, Extemporaneous. Outl. 73: 85 5. (G. Cohn) (Alice McGowan) \ CREEDS Creeds and the Clergy. (H. Rashdall) Indep. R. 2: 48. —- The Eastern, and the Old Roman Symbol. (W. W. Bishop) Am. J . Theol. 6: 518. — Use of, in \Vorship. (B. W. Bacon) Yale Div. Q. I: 73. Creevey, Thomas. (H. Maxwell) Ath. ’o4, I: 306.—- (R. Edgcumbe; H. B. Poland) Ath. ’04, I: 271, 339- — and his Contemporaries. (T. E. Kobbel) Quar. I991 216. — Papers of. (G. S. Street) Fortn. 81: 143. = Ecl. M. 142: 511. I-‘Liv. Age, 240: 498.—- (R. E. Prothero) Monthly R. 14, no. 12 IO3.— (J. R. Smith) Dial, 36: 152. —(E. Porritt) Am. Hist. R. 9: 579. —— (C. W. Colby) Nation, 78: 194,-Sat. R. 96: 7o4,—- Spec. 91: 1026. Creighton, Mandell. (J . H. Rose) Acad. 572 332. — Ed. R. 201: 109. — Quar. 202: 458. — (J. N. Figgis) Indep. R. 4: 470. I Liv. Age, 244: 121. — (R. Gar- nett) Nation, 80: 95. —- and W. Stubbs. Church Q. 61: 134, —- Lectures and Addresses. Monthly R. 14, no. 2: 21. —- Life and Letters of. Monthly R. 17, no. 3: 161. — Ath. ’04, 2: 687. Cremation among Mojave Indians. West, 18: 60. —— of a Buddhist Monk. (S. M. Hall) Out (C. R. Callender) Indep. 60: 498- - of the Dead. (J . R. Chadwick) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 43: 71. Crematories. (A. C. Freeman) Am. Arch. 88: 141. Cremona, Prof. Luigi. Nature, 68: 393. Cremona, Tranquillo. (A. Melani) Studio (Internat.) Z41 44. Cremona. (W. L. Alden) Harper, I05: 127, Créquy, Marquise de. (M. Maitland) Month, 108: 38 5, Crescent and Cross. (D. G. Hogarth) Monthly R. 14, no. 12 78. Crescent, Lake, Gem of the Olympics. Overland, n. s. 41: 323, Cresses, Praise of. Spec. 94: 283, Cressida goes A-sailing; a story. Outing, 44: 727. Cretaceous, Uniformity of, in Older Rocks in Central New Mexico. (C. R. Keyes) Am. J . Sci. 168: 360. Cretaceous Outliners, Significance of, in the Klamath Region, Cal. (O. H. Hershey) Am. J.Sci. I64: 33. Cretaceous Plant Remains. (A. Hollick and E. C. Jeffrey) Am. Natural. 40: 189, Cretan Exhibition, London, 1903. Cornh. 87: 319. Cretans always Liars. (H. F. Dodge) (S. K. Davies) (D. G. Hogarth) (J . R. Harris) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 305. Crete and the Older Greek Civilization. (H. H.) Na- ture, 66: 390. -— the Bridge by which the Culture of Asia passed into Europe. (R. N. Lucas) Asia. R. 36: 101. —— Discontent in, History of the. (D. G. Hogarth) Monthly R. 21, no. 12 118. — Eastern. (Rufus B. Richardson) Indep. 58: 766, ——- Excavations in. Acad. 64: 107, —— Free and Autonomous. (D. G. Hogarth) Fortn. 80: 492- -— Future of. (H. N. Brailsford) No. Am. 181: 2_:1, -— Inscriptions in. (D. Quinn) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 667, —— Island of Zeus. (R. B. Richardson) Lamp, 29: 309, — The Land of Mines and the Labyrinth. (R. W. W. Cryan) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 549. — Mycenean, Discoveries in. (H. R. Hall) Nature, 67= 57. —— Recent Discoveries in. (C. H. H.) Chant. 43: 220, - Recent Excavations in, and their Bearing on the early History of the Egean. Church Q. 61: 379, 157 CRIME Crete, Some Aspects of. (Blanche E. Wheeler) Scrib. M. 37: 657. — under Prince George. (Eothen) Fortn. 84: 538. — under the Venetians, 1204-1669. (W. Miller) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 220, Crevice Tree, The. (S. Preston) Scrib. M. 33: 494. Crewe, England, as 2. Railway Town. (C. S. Lake) Cassier, 24: 393, 519. “ Cribbing,” Diagnosis of. (E. P. Buffet) Ednca. 23¢ 91- Cribs in the Study of the Classics. Spec. 97: 104. Crick Tunnel Mystery. (J . C. Collins) National, 47: 145- Cricket as a Game. (G. W. Sympson) Fortn. 84: 716. — Australian vs. English. Sat. R. 94: 199. — Dynamics of Bowling. Nature, 7 5: 8. — English Season of 1902. (A. C. Maclaren) Pall Mall M, 28: 229, — The Farce of. (E. H. D. Sewell) Chamb. J . 83: 369. —- First-class. (H. Gordon) National, 48: 658. — Future of. (P. Trevor) Fortn. 86: 526. —Spec. 97: 322, — in 1904. Sat. R. 98: 295. — in the Year 2oo6 A. D. (H. Macfarlane) Monthly R. 20, no. 2: 37. — Modern, Individualism in. Blackw. I712 625. —~ New Style of. Spec. 92: 837. —Science and Art of ; Beldam and Fry’s Great Bats- men. (C. G. K.) Nature, 73: 82, — Sharping at. (“ Varsity”) Monthly R. 24, no. 3: 38. — Surplus Enthusiasm for. Sat. R. 992 727. — The Traditions of. Spec. 95: 783. — The Two Sides of. Fortn. 78: 119. — University, The Importance of. (H. Gordon) Na- tional, 47¢ 812. —- Waning Popularity of First-class. National, 46: 699. — Waste of Time at. (W. J . Ford) National, 41: 981, — Worship of. (An Old Harrovian) National, 46: 92, Cricket Contest between England and Australia. Sat. R. 97: 165. Cricket, Egg Follicle, Cells of the. Am. Natural. 27: 667. — Habits of the Striped Meadow. Am. Natural. 39: I. “ Crif Columbus.” (Louis Tracy) Chamb. J . 80: 200. Crillon, H6tel de. (C. Gronkowski) Cent. 49: 256. Crime against Beauty, A. (A. Bates) Atlan. 92: 661, — and Criminals. (E. A. Dausman) Am. Law R. 36: 661, — — in United States. 44‘ 5°5- —— and Detection. Spec. 96: 174. — and its Suppression. (J . J. Kelso) Canad. M. 22: (H. Gordon) (E. G. Conkliu) (J . L. Hancock) (J . F. Carrere) Overland, n. s. 444- - and the State. (G. J . F. Grant) Westm. 165: 517. — Churches, Education, and. Cent. 46: 653. — Commercial, Unpunished. (G. W. Alger) Atlan. 941 17°- —— Consecrated to! (Agnes Repplier) Atlan. 92: 231. —— Color and. (J. C. Rosa) Nation, 76: 24. — Criminal Treatment of. (H. R. Cooley) Arena, 30: 617, — The Economics of. (Col. M. Hardy) Jurid. R. 14: 45- — Education and. (F. A. Kellar) Conserv. R. 5: I39. — in England. (S. J . Barrows) Internat. J . Ethics, 14: 180, — in relation to State and Municipalities. Smith) Am. J . Sociol. II: 90. (Eugene —— Music and. (H. W. Stratton) Arena, 27: I37. — Present Epidemic of. (J . M. Buckley) Cent. 45: 149-. CRIME Crime, Problem of, in the 20th Century. Flower) Arena, 27: I99. -—- Psychology and. (F. E. Lyon) Arena, 29: 136. —— A Sequence in. (H. G. Chapin) Green Bag, 14: 36. —- The Undiscoverable in. Spec. 95: 557. Crime of Jasper, The. (A. Lang) Indep. 59: 609. Crimea and the Caucasus, The. (G. F. Wright) Chant. 36= 253- (B. O. Crimean War, Russia during. (A. D. VVhite) Cent. 46: 412. 597. -— Some Recollections of. (T. Maunsell) Cornh. 87: 244- Crimes I have compounded. Chamb. J . 80: 529. —- The Minor. (A. E. Lane) Fortn. 85: 1143, Criminal, The. (Béla F tildes) J . Statis. Soc. 59: 558. —- as Man. Spec. 92: 526. — Justice for. (G. W. Galvin) Arena, 33: 53. —— A Study of. (W. H. Hayes) Yale Div. Q. 2: 134. —— Treatment of. Char. I5: 406. Criminal Alien, The. (E. J . Prior) Chamb. J . 81: 216. Criminal Appeal, Abuses of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 295- —— Proposed Court of. (F. Tayler) Macmil. n. s. I: 513. Criminal Attempts. (J. H. Beale, jr.) Harv. Law R. 16: 491, Criminal Cab, The. Overland, n. s. 47: 306. Criminal Cases in Scotland. Verdict “ Not Proven.” (Lord Moncriefi) Blackw. I79: 763. Criminal Classes. (A. W. Wright) Arena, 28: 274, Criminal Courts in General. (A. E. Ommen) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 43: 38. Criminal Equity, Revival of. (E. S. Mack) Harv. Law R, 16: 389, , Criminal Statistics. (Carroll D. Wright) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2: 162, Criminal Freak, A. (E. Jepson) Macmil. 87: 116. Criminal Law : Our Legal Machinery and its Victims. (C. VV. Galvin) Arena, 32: 471, —- Private Societies and the Enforcement of. Andrews) Forum, 36: 280, —— Reform of. (G. W. Alger) Atlan. 97: 502, Criminal Legislation in America, Recent. (S. J . Bar- rows) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 493. Criminal Reform, Application of Science to. Champness) Westm. 158: 658. Criminal Sentences Commission up to Date. (M. Crack- enthorpe) 19th Cent. 52: 847. Criminal Trials and Public Opinion. Criminals and their Treatment. (C. S. (W. H. Outl. 83: 687. R. 36: 10, -—- How they are caught. (E. J . Prior) Chamb. J . 83: 293- -— of Genius; Why they have No Type. (C. Lom- broso) Internat. Q. 5: 229. -—- Probation System of Reformation of. (A. Reed) Macmil. 91: 36, -—- Professional. (R. Anderson) 19th Cent. 52: 562, -— — Crusade against. 496. . —- —— An ex-Prisoner on. (H. G. B. Montgomery) 19th Cent. 55: 278. -—- (R. Anderson) 19th Cent. 55: 81 1 (R. Anderson) 19th Cent. 53: —- —— Home Oflice Scheme for. (R. Anderson) 19th Cent. 55: 117. — — Reform of. Spec. 92: 79. —- Reclamation of, and the Church Army. lile) Westm. 57: 285. -—- Reformation of. ' (J . F. Fort) Forum, 32: 730. -—- Treatment of, in England. _(W. D. Morrison) In- ternat. J. Ethics, 13: 27. Crimping. Chamb. J . 80: 612. Crimson Rambler, The. (Helen Haines) Scrib. M. 39: 7 2- (W. Car- 158 (C. Curry) Am. Law ' CRITICISM Cringe, Bishop, of British Columbia. Canad. M. 23: 422. Crinoids, Development of the Biserial Arm in Certain. (A. W. Gra-bau) Am. J . Sci. 166: 289. Cripple Creek, Strike at, I904. (W. E. Walling) Indep. (J . Nelson) 51: 539- —— Gold Fields of. (R; E. Bicknell) Land of Sun. I 3: 219. Cripple Creek Miner, Story of. 57: 380. Crippled Children, Craftsmanship for. Craftsman, 9: 663. Crippled Mercury, A. 33‘ S57- Crises, Economic, Kinetic Theory of. lor) Univ. Neb. Stud. 4: I. -- of 1837, 1847, and 1857, in England, France, and the U. S. ; a comparison. (I. Rymer) Univ. Neb. Stud. 5: 143. Crisis of 1893, Mercantile Conditions of. lips) Univ. Neb. Stud. 2: 299. See Panics. Crisp, Samuel. “ Daddy Crisp.” (J . B. Firth) Fortn. 81: 801. :Liv'. Age, 242: 279, Crispi, F ., Monuments to. (J . IV. Mario) Nation, 80: 130, Criteria. (C. B. Wheeler) 19th Cent. 54: 802. “ Critic,” The. Putnam, I: 82. Critic and Author. Liv. Age, 236: 61, — and the Law. (R. W. Child) Atlan. 97: 620, - as Pariah. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 95: 543. — First Aid to the. (C. F. Keary) Indep. R. 4: 69. = E01. M. 144: 128. = Liv. Age, 243: 530. — Literary Mission of the. (G. Bradford, jr.) Atlan. (R. B. Moudy) Indep. (M. R. S. Andrews) Scrib. M. (W. G. L. Tay- (F. S. Phil- 94: 537- — A, on Criticism. (C. L. Moore) Dial, 37: 261. — Task of the. (J. S. Bassett) S0. Atlan. Q. 3: 237. —— What is a ? (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 97: 10. Critical and Creative Moods. (Martha F. Crow) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 1: 69. Critical Court of Honor. (W. Archer) Fortn. 79: 698. Critical Magazines, Best, for Selecting Books. (J . El- rod) Pub. Lib. 72 22. Critical State of Pure Substances. N atnre, 69: 217. Criticism. (H. W. Desmond) Scrib. M. 36: 125. -—- and Book-reviewing. (Brander Matthews) Cosmo- pol. 33: 89. — and Dogma. (C, A. Briggs) No. Am, 182: 861, -— and Literary Taste in Europe, Saintsbury’s. Lamp, 26: 286. —A Canon of. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34: 146. — Chaos of. (W. J. Ghent) Indep. 55: 1622, — Creative. (J . B. Vincent) Acad. 71: 331. - The Disease of Second-hand. Spec. 97: 530. —- English, Progress of. (W. Lewin) Temp. Bar, 130: 407- — First Aid to the Critic. (C. F. Keary) Indep. R. 4: 69.=Liv. Age, 243: 530.=E0l. M. 144: 128. — Higher. See Biblical Criticism. — History of, Saintsbury’s. Spec. 93: 596. - Ath. ’03, 1: 743, ’05, 1: 167.-—Nation, 76: 56,- (W. C. France) Nation, 80: 155, —- Intuitional. (C. M. Mead) Am. J. Theol. 6: 507. — Literary, The Contradictions of. (H. C. Howe) N 0. Am. 175: 399. —— of Public Men. _ 13: 1, — Paralysis of. (H. Black) Outl. 82: 606, — Poetic, Some Principles of. (H. H. Dodwell) Mac- mil. 88: 123. — Problem of. (C. L. Moore) Dial, 39: 7. —— Recent English. (H. H. Dodwell) Macmil. 91: 198, (W. L. Cook) Internat. J. Ethics, . —- and the Ironsides Regiment. CRITICISM Criticism, Right of. Spec. 89: 889. — Some Asperities and Amenities of. (P. F. Bicknell) Dia1.38= 257- — Standpoints of. (E. E. Hale, jr.) Union Univ. Q. 21 181. Criticisms, Literary, ZEsthetic, and Psychological. Ed. R. 204: 400, Critics and Criticism. Blackw. 176: 5 59. I Liv. Age, 243: 360, —— Challenge to the. National, 41: 599. =Ecl. M. 141: 360. — School for. (W. Barry) Quar. 203: 1. Croatia, The Founder of Modern. World, 81: 773. Crockett, David. (C. T. Brady) Idler, 21: 522, -(C, T. Brady) McClure, I8: 252, — (E. Hough) Outing, 42: 440. Crockett, S. R., Open Letters to. (Ben Hurst) Cath. Good Words, 43: 525- Crocodile-fishing. (G. Maxwell) Blackw. I771 749.: Liv. Age, 246: 146. -'—‘Ecl. M. 145: 343. Crocodile-hunting in Jamaica. Chamb. J . 80: 678. Crocodiling with a Camera. (J . A. Dimock) Am. M. 61: 269. Crocoite, Crystals of, from Tasmania. (R. G. Van Name) Am. J. Sci. 153: 339. Crofters, Past and Present. Blackw. I80: 264. Crofts, Ernest. Evening of the Battle of Waterloo. Art J. 54: 143. ‘ Crofts, Lizzie, a Saint of Unfrequented Ways. Chant. 371 79- Crome, Doctor, as a Heretic, 1540. Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 19: 295. Crome, John. Grove Scene, Marlingford ; painting. Art J . 582 28, Cromer, Lord, with portrait. Pall Mall M. 26: 439. Cromwell, Frances, Love Affairs of. Liv. Age, 232: 267. Cromwell, Oliver. (Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice) Good Words, 431 39. — (E. Baker) Sund. M. 342 484. —and the Crown. (C. H. Firth) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 429, I8: 52, — and France. (H. Haines) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 5: 147. —— and Irish Prisoners. (W. F. Dennehy and others) Ath. ’O5. 2: 70. (R. H. Brodie) (C. H. Firth) Roy. 1 . Hist. Soc. 11. s. 13: 17. - 1. E. K. Chambers) Ath. — and H. Vaughan. (L. I. G. ; ’o2, I: 402, — Army of. Acad. 62: 273. -— — Firth’s English Soldier in the Civil Wars, Com- monwealth, and Protectorate. Ath. ’02, 21 51. ——Before Cromwell came to Ireland. (W. F. Den- nehy) Cath. World, 82: 80, -—Carlyle’s Letters and Speeches of, ed. by S. C. Lomas. Ath. ’o4, 2: 70. — Fate of Remains of. (J . E. C. Weldon) 19th Cent. 57: 928. —The Great Puritan. (Goldwin Smith) Atlan. 94: 308. ' —— Imperialism of. (W. Cunningham) Macmil. 87: 72. — Lives of, Morley’s and Roosevelt’s. (W. Roy Smith) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 28. Cromwell, Richard, Two Letters of, 1659. R. 8: 86. Cromwell, Thomas. An English Pupil of Machiavelli. (Goldwin Smith) Indep. 54$ 212. -— Merriman’s Life of. Ath. ’O2, II 650. Cronaraidh Ghost, The. (S. MacManus) Lippinc. 75: Am. Hist. 74- . Crooked Buildings. (W. H. Goodyear) Am. Arch. 88: 203, -— Glamor of. Am. Arch. 892 42. 159 l CROWN ED Crookes’ Tubes, Phenomena observed in. (N. S. Bacon) Am. J. Sci. 172: 310, CroomiaPauciflora. (T. Holm) Am. J . Sci. 170: 50. Crop Estimates. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 183. — in the Making. (R. L. Allen) Nation, 82: 483. Crop Reporting, Cotton and. (H. P. Willis) J. Pol. Econ. 13: 506. Crop Statistics, Adjustment of. Econ. 11: 1, 363, 540, _ — Exploring for New American. World’s Work, 12: 7951, —- Horticultural Varieties of Common. man) Science, 11. s. 191 34. —— Influence of, upon Business in America. Andrews) Q. J. Econ. 20: 223. —— Rotation of. (L. H. Bailey) Cosmopol. 38: 682, Crosby, Ernest Howard, with portrait. Chaut. 38: 160. —(A. S. Jennings) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 44. Crosby, Frances Jane, New England’s Hymn-writer. (H. L. Shumway) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 313. Croscombe Old Church. Archit. Rec. 122 195. Cross, Wm. Henry. (G. T. Goldie) Geog. J . 21: 461, Cross, The. (R. H. Clark) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 249. —— and the Wheel. (A. Carus) Open Court, 16: 478. — Christ’s Thought of. (R. B. Peery) Luth. Q. 342 275- — in History and Art. Am. Arch. 75: 59. — in History and the Bible. (W. Smith) N. Church (H. P. Willis) J . Pol. (T. E. Marcosson) (W. J . Spill- ‘ (A. P. R, 9: 508. — in relation to Sin. (W. L. Walker) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 209. — of Christ, Peter’s Thought of. (R. P. Peery) Luth. Q 33: 268. hape of. (P. Carus) Open Court, 16: 247. Cross and the Dragon, The. (Ednah Aiken) Cosmopol. 41: 613, Cross of Carabuco in Bolivia. Anthrop. 6: 599. Cross-country Running. Cross-examination, Wellman on. Nation, 77: 532. Cross-section Paper as a Mathematical Instrument. (E. H. Moore) School R. I4: 317. Cross-sections of Life, and some Recent Books. Taber Cooper) Bookman, 23: 187. Cross-slab at St. Andrews. (D. H. Fleming) Scot. Hist. R. I: 42, Crossbill, The. Chamb. J . 80: 331. Crosses, Pre-Christian, as Symbols of Chthonic Deities. (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 28 5, —— Pre-Norman. (G. L. Smith) Reliquary, 44: 194, — Ruskin Cross at Coniston. Craftsman, 2: 271, — Some Ancient. (W. G. Collingwood) Reliquary, W 35- Crossing the River. (J . S. Popham) 19th Cent. 51: 649. I Liv. Age, 234: 222, - Crow, Carrion. Spec. 88: 511, —- Hours with a; a “ Brier-town ” Sketch. Deming) Harper, III: 704, — Indian. (J . Dewar) Longm. 44: 446. —— Oliver, the Tame. (W. F. Bucke) Pedagog. Sem. 10: 23. Crowds, Character in. Sat. R. 101: 652. Crown, The, as Corporation. (W. H. Moore) Law Q. 20: 351. ~ Crown of England, as a Symbol. Pall Mall M. 27: 177. Crown of Gold, A. (A. Brown) Out]. 80: 783. Crown Estates, The, in London. ‘Chamb. J . 79: 790. Crowne, Col. Wm., and his Family. (W. H. Davis) N. E. Reg. 57: 466. Crowned with Glory and Honor. (Mary R. S. Andrews) Scrib. M. 31: 189, (A. F. Bandelier) Am. (A. Ruhl) Outing, 45: 176. (A. G. Sedgwick) (F. (H. S. (Duke of Argyll) CROYDON Croydon. Hospital of the Holy Trinity. Reliquary, 471 29- Crozier’s Philosophy. (T. A. Haultain) Canad. M. 22: 427- Cruelty, Pleasure in. (F. P. Cobbe) Contemp. 81: Cruise in a Small Sloop. (R. M. McBride) Ctry Life Am. 8: 180, Cruise of the Cadis, The. (R. S. Spears) Munsey, 34: . 3. Cruising in a Power Boat. (T. F. Day) Ctry Life Am. 8: 178, Crusaders, English, of Richard I. (J . H Round) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 475. Crusades, The. (T. J . Shahan) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 1. — Byzantine Empire and. (C. Diehl) Internat. Mo. 5‘ 725- — A Devotional Study of. (J . A. B. Scherer) Luth. Q. 33= 236- Crustacean Courtship, A. pinc. 74: 738. Cruzada Bulls, The. (Mabel N. Thurston) Lip- (S. F. Smith) Month, 103: 131, 22;, Cry of the Little Peoples ; a poem. (R. Le Gallienne) Ecl. M. 143: 829, Cry of the Penitent, a Babylonian Prayer. Houghton) Bib. World, 22: 49. Cry on the Trail, A. (G. H. Preston) Overland, n. s. 43: 140. Crying. (A. Borgquist) Am. J . Psychol. 17: 149. Cryptobranchus, Anatomy of. (A. M. Reese) Am. Natural. 40: 287, Cryptogamic Botany of the Harriman Expedition. (L. M. Underwood) Science, 11. s. 19: 917. Cryptography. (G. Wilkes) Cosmopol. 352 475. Crystalline Rocks in Southwestern New England. (W. H. Hobbe) Science, 11. s. 24: 655. Crystallography, Solution of Problems in, by Means of Graphical Methods. (S. L. Penfield) Am. J . Sci. 164: 249. — Teaching of. (A. F. Rogers) Science, 11. s. 24: 620. Crystals, Birth of. Knowl. 27: 182, — Drawing of, from Stereographic and Gnomonic Pro- (L. S. jections. (S. L. Penfield) Am. J. Sci. 169: 39. 171: 206, — Structure of. (H. Hilton) Knowl. 27: 109. Cuba. (M. E. Hanna) Chant. 39: 228.—(W. S. Dun- bar) Outing, 39: 552, — Administration of, by the U. S. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 3195. 20: 471. — Affairs in, Internal and External. Outl. 81: 606. - Agriculture. (F. S. Earle) World To-day, 11: 1175, — American Progress in. Nat. Geog. M. 13: 97. -— and her Independence. (W. Hemstreet) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 267. -— and Jamaica. (J . Bryce) Nation, 74: 127. -— and Porto Rico, Causes of Unrest in. (Albert G. Robinson) Indep. 60: 612, —-and the U. S., Reasons for Reciprocity between. (L. Wood) Outl. 70: 169, -— Army, Increasing the Efliciency of the. Hanna) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 28, -— Battlefields in, Nation’s Monuments on. Paxson) Army & Navy Life, 8: no. IO, 9. — Charities of. (J . R. Kean) Char. 8: 408, -— — Public of. Char. 11: 46, -— Claim upon the United States. Am. 175: 145. —- The Commercial Annexation of. (Atherton Brown- ell) Appleton’s M. 8: 406. —- Complication regarding, I902. Indep. 54: 556. (G. de Quesada) (M. E. (S. A. (O. H. Platt) No. (A. G. Robinson) 160 CUBA V Cuba, Condition and Outlook of. (F. V. Adams) World’s Work, 13: 8237. — Condition of Women in. (F. M. Noa) Outl. 79: 642. -— Conference of Charities and Correction in. (E. Martinez) Char. 12: 440. -— Congress and. Outl. 70: 658. — Economic Administration in. 76: 225, — Economic Distress, Political Aspect of. (J . Quincy) No. Am. 174: 12. i — Education in, Public. (M. E. Hanna) Atlan. 89: 736. — Free Labor in,‘Transition from Slave to. S. Aimes) Yale R. 15: 68. — Future in. (W. Inglis) No. Am. 183; 1037, — Future of. (L. Wood) Indep. 54: 193. —- (T. E. Palma) Indep. 54: 789. _ — Geography of. (T. W. Vaughn; A. C. Spencer) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 105. -— A Glimpse of. (J . Bryce) Nation, 74: 50. — The Government’s Side. (M. Carrillo Aldama) Indep. 61: 663. — Industrial and Commercial Conditions in, 1902. (A. G. Robinson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 195, -— Insurrection in, Causes of. (T. Williams) Outl. 84: III.— (F. G. Puente) No. Am. 183: 538. — Juggling with, More. (R. Ogden) Nation, 761 222. — Libre, or Annexation? (W. R. Stewart) Ecl. M. 147: 292, —— Local Government in, Reorganization of. (L. S. Rowe) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 311. — Municipalities in. (V. S. Clark) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 202, —- Need of, and our Honor. 623, —- New Day of. (A. G. Robinson) Indep. 54: 1279, —— New Republic and its President, with portrait. (R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 167. - — On a Cuban Ingenio. (N. Amarga) Longm. 43: 71. = Liv. Age, 239: 809, — only Nominally Free. Sat. R. 93: 657. _ — Outlook for. (A. G. Robinson) Indep. 54: 135. —— Pearl of the Antilles. Nat. Geog. M. 17: 535. -— Prehistoric Culture of. (J . W. F ewkes) Am. An- throp. 6: 585. — The President and. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 242. — Questions about New. — Railroads in. (A. G. Robinson) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 108. — Reciprocity with. (H. P. Willis) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 129,-(W. A. White) McClure, 19: (M. Levy) Nation, (H. H. (M. Wilcox) Forum, 32: 387. — — as a Moral Issue. Gunton’s M. 23: 286. —- Religious Conditions in. (Warren A. Candler) In- dep. 61: 37. -— Republic of. (VV. H. Gleadell) Pall Mall M. 27: 361. — (F. Putnam) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 146. -— — on Trial. (Atherton Brownell) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 343 424- — — Our Legacy to. (A. G. Robinson) Forum, 33: 45°- — Rescuing it from Europe. (Francis W. Shepard- son) World To-day, 11: 1197. -— — from the Cubans. (J . G. Rockwood) World To- day, 11: 1199, —— Revolution and Intervention in. Chaut. 44: 275. —— — The Revolutionist’s Side. (C. M. Aguirre) Indep. 61: 664. — Self Government in, First Steps of. son) Indep. 54: 1705. —— —— The First Year of. 113 -— Sincerity with. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 282, (A. G. Robin- (M. E. Hanna) Atlan. 92: (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 124, ' CUBA Cuba, Sitnation in, 1902. (M. Wilcox) No. Ath. I75: 819 - Some Reflections on the State of. (J. Bryce) No. Am. I74: 445. - Transportation in. (E. W. Dennison) World To- day, II: 1071, — Treaty with, Later Aspects of. (H. White) Nation, 76: 81, -—Truth about. (H. H. Lewis) World’s Work, 42 2217, —-— under American Rule. (L. Wood) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 153. '— -— Saving a People from Themselves. (H. J . How- land) Outl. 84: 455. —- United States in. (C. G. Phelps) World’s Work, 3: 1986. - us. the United States. (F. B. Thurber and L. V. de Abad) Arena, 27: 234, -— Women of. Teaching Cuban Women to teach. (L. ' W. Betts) Outl. 70: 670, Cuban Experiment Station. 20: 444- Cuban Tariff, The. Outl. 70: 362. Cuchulain and the Volsungs. (E. L. Cary) Lamp, 29: (F. S. Earle) Science, n. s. 36. - Life and Death of; the Great Irish Epic. (W. G. Blunt) 19th Cent. 51: 811.‘-=Liv. Age, 234: 298. Cuckoo, The. (O. H. Latter) Cornh. 87: 54I.=Liv. Age. 237= 439. Cuckoo whose Nest was made for her, The; a story. (L. Housman) Cornh. 89: 637, Cuckoos, About. (A. H. Japp) Gent. M. n. s. 712 374. - and Cuckoo-lore. (E. K. Robinson) Good Words, 44: 324- Cuernavaca, Mexico. (Clara Driscoll) Booklover’s M. 7: 276. Cul-de-sac ; a story. (F. Danby) Cosmopol. 36: 412. Culebra Cut, Mining Methods for. (H. M. Chance) Engin. M. 31: 565. ‘ ~ Culebra Island. (A. C. Haeselbarth) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 125. Culex, Breaking-up of the Old Genus. (D. I/V. Co- quillet) Science, 11. s. 23: 312. ' Culiacan, and the Way Thither. (C. De Kalb) Nation, 77: 48. Cultivated Man, The, in an Industrial Age. (W. H. Paige) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 9: 48. Cultivated Man in an Industrial Era. VVorld’s Work, 8: 4980. - New Definition of the. (C. W. Eliot) World’s Work, 6: 38o6.=Science, n. s. I8: 76. \ Culture. (H. H. Furness) Harv. Grad. M. I2: 185. —— among the Poor. (M., Loane) Contemp. 90: 230. :: Liv. Age, 250: 788, - and “Commonness.” (F. P. Palmer) Nation, 76: 170. 247- - and Efficiency in Education. Westm. I62: 285, - and Restraint, Black on. (C. S. Nortl1up) Dial, 32: 121, - The Cowardice of. 481, - Economic Significance of. Sci. Q. I8: 449. - English, Johnson on. (G. H. Stempel) Dial, 37: 304. - Middle-class, in the Fifties. (J . G. Alger) Westm. 159‘ 47- - A National Type of. (B. I. Wheeler) Atlan. 92: 74, —— or Something Akin. (J . B. Storms) Nation, 76: 208, —-Real, and Mr. Morley. (J. M. O’Fallou) Westm. I62: 415. p - The Way to Larger. (A. A. Stevens) Harper, I07: 47. (W. H. Page) (W. M. Lightbody) (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 96: (F. H. Giddings) Pol. 161 CURRAN Culture in Kansas; a story. (F. Richardson) Cornh. 86: 101, Culture Studies, Nature of. (R. M. Wenley) School R. 131 441- Culver, F. C., House and Garden of. Archit. Rec. 20: 335. Cumberland before the Norman Conquest. (H. W. C. Davis) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 61, Cumberland Fells, A Night on Great Gable. (A. R. Elliot) Idler, 23: I38, Cumberland Mountains, Feuds in. (O. O. Howard) Indep. 56: 783. Cuming, Henry Syer. Ath. ’02, 2: 525. Cummings, C. A. (W. P. P. Longfellow) Am. Arch. 88: I47, Cummings, Thomas S., and Early Art in New York. (Mary T. Earle) Bk. Buyer, 25: 304. ' Cnmmins, Gov. Albert B. (Lewis W. Smith) Arena, 361 33.-(H. G. Moorhead) World To-day, II: 1089. - With portrait. (A. Mcllroy) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 238. ——(Johnson Brigham) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 291. Cunard Steamship Contract, The New. (E. T. Cham- berlin) No. Am. 177: 533. -(W. R. Lawson) Con- temp. 82: 703. Cuneiform Characters, Alleged Indo-European Lan- guages in. (M. Bloomfield) Am. J. Philol. 25: L Cunningham, Dan, a U. S. Deputy-marshal. (S. H. Adams) McClure, 23: 215. Cunningham School, The. (G. 0. France) Overland, n. s. 44: 193. Cunnylums. (U. Sinclair) Indep. 54: I827. Cup and Saucer, Story of the. (Pauline C. Bouvé) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 429. Cup of Judgment, A ; a Play in one act. (C. Graves) National, 47: supp. I. Cupeiios Indians of California. West, 16: 465. Cupid. (Robert A. Wason) Everybody’s, I5: 79. Cupid and the River-god ; a story. (W. McL. Raine) Cosmopol. 35: 457. Cupid in the Horse-camp. (E. Boltwood) Lippinc. 72: (C. F. Lummis) Out 230, Cuprous Sulphocyanide, Influence of Hydrochloric Acid on the Precipitation of. (R. G. Van Name) Am. J. Sci. I63: 20. _ Cura Animarum. (Vincent McNabb) Cath. World, 81: 751, Curacao, A Bit of Holland in the Caribbean. (W. Hale) Outl. 73: 802, - A Month in. (G. M. L. Brown) Canad. M. 241 203. Curate, -Decay of the. (T. C. Dale) Westm. I58: 454. Curel, Francois de, and his Works. (C. de Pratz) Contemp. 84: 209, Cures, Craze for. (G. W. Carryl) Munsey, 27: 93. - Famous, of Europe. (Julian Ralph) Cosmopol. 34: 665. Curfew Bell, The. (J. C.' Hadden) Gent. M. n. s. 721 74- Curie, Pierre. Ath. ’o6, 1: 519, -Nature, 73: 612, - and Mme., at Home. (E. Crawford) World T o-day, 6: 490. Curios of the Camera. Sund. M. 31: 1051. Curiosity and Interest. (G. S. Hall and J . L. Smith) Pedagog. Sem. I0: 315. Curlew Mountain; a poem. (N. Chesson) Eel. M. 142! 686. Curling, Early Canadian. Canad. M. 21! 578- - in Canada. (J. K. Munro) Canad. M. I8: 527. -— —-— Women’s Clubs. (M. McL. Helliwell) Canad. M. 20: 384, Curran, Charles Courtney. (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 48= 39- CURRENCIES Currencies, The Chaos of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 308. —— English and United States, compared. (W. R. Lawson) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 731 563. —— Paper, of Leading Countries. (G. M. Cofiin) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 391. Currency, Bank-note, Coin and Commercial Paper as Foundations of a. (W. B. Greene) Bank. M. (N.Y-)72= 514- — Business and the. (F. J . Whiting) Nation, 77: 334. ——Congress and the. (W. A. Nash) No. Am. 1771 481. — Denominations of Our. (N. Y.) 68: 22. —— An Elastic. (R. V. Phelan) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 731 583. ———Demand for. (J. H. Schiif) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: II4.—-Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 245. —— —— To Provide an. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 226. —— Elasticity in the. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 68. — for Moving the Crops, How Canada provides. St. L. Trigge) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 834. —- in the Orient, Problems of. (J . W. J enks) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 4: 269. —- International. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 935. —— National, or Bank Currency. (W. Barker) Arena, (E. H. Roberts) Bank. M. (A. 30: 382, — N. Y. Chamber of Commerce on. (L. J . Gage) In- den 54= 3°65- -— Our, Question of. (L. M. Shaw) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 932. -—— Our Unelastic. (G. von L. Meyer) Atlan. 98: 126. — Reform of, in the U. S. Liv. Age, 251: 750. — The San Francisco Plan. (H. VVhite) Nation, 77: 356. — Situation as to the, I903. (J . L. Laughlin) World T0-day. 51 1405- — Under the Tudors, 1526-60. (C. W. C. Oman) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 9: 167. —- United States and National Bank Notes, Redemp- tion of. (J. A. Sample) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 7: 522. Currency Legislation in Congress, Outlook for 1903. (A. Purves) Q. J. Econ. 18: II4. Currency Question, The. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 832. Currency Questions for Congress, 1902. (H. White) Nation, 75: 438. Currency Reform in Mexico and China. (L. Darwin) Econ. J. 14: 395. — Mr. Hepburn on. (H. White) Nation, 74: 244. —Plans for. (C. A. Conant) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 897. — Practical. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 928. -— Real. (H. White) Nation, 76: 388. -— Secretary Shaw on. (H. White) Nation, 77: 200. —— Suggestion for. (P. Berman) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 945- Current of Fear, The. (L. Mott) Outing, 49: 30. Curriculum, Common School, Changes in. (W. L. Hervey) Chaut. 40: 459. -—— Development of, and the Preservation of the Daily Recitation. (E. C. Rowe) School R. I3: 411. - Indiana State. (T. A. Mott) Educa. 25: 396. Curse, The, in the Blessing. (G. H. Westley) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 745. Curse of Mona, The. (A. Sassenaeh) Chamb. J . 83: 753~ Curtain Falls, The. (J . Kiugstead) Chamb. J . 82: 831. Curtain of Dreams, The; a poem. (E. Clifford) Ecl. M. 143: 129, Curtains and Coverlet. Craftsman, 4: 288. Curtesy, The Vanishing. (W. H. Hudson) Liv. Age, 2441 634- . Curtis, Cyrus H. K., Publisher, with portrait. (J . M. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 684. 162 CYCLONIC Curtis, George William, with portraits. McClure, 23: 614. Curtiss, Samuel Ives. (H. M. Scott) Bib. World, 24: 33°- —— Obituary of. (H. M. Scott) Bib. Sac. 62: I99. Curtius, Ernst. (R. P. Keep) Nation, 75: 419. -— Letters of. Ed. R. 199: 403. Curzon, George Nathaniel, Viceroy of India, with por- trait. Pall Mall M. 26: 437.--Chaut. 42: 3.- (R. H. Titherington) Munsey, 34: 449, -—— and Mr. Brodrick. (J . and R. Strachey) National, (C. Schurz) 46= 593- —- and Lord Kitchener. (Sir G. Arthur) Fortn. 84: 244. —— as a Leader. Sat. R. 98: I00, — Career of. (Geo. Peel) National, 41: 44. -— Failure of. (A. Rogers) Asia. R. 37: 5 3. , —— A Great Viceroyalty. Blackw. I78: 718. —- His Resignation and Record. (Anglo—Indian) No. Am. 181: 568. —— in India. (Anglo—Indian) Monthly R. 22, no. 3: 73. = Ecl. M. 1461 385.—Sat. R. 100: 615. 102: 2:6 — Indo-Afghan Relations under. (A. Hamilton) F ortn. 86: 984. — Services to India. No. Am. 176: 68, — Viceroyalty of. Liv. Age, 246: 872. Cushing, Frank H., with portrait. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 133 8. Cushing, Otho, Artist. 11: 351. Custom House Customs, Some Old. (J . C. McCleery) Good Words, 45: 256, Custom-House Inspection. American Travelers and the Treasury Department. (F. W. Whitridge) No. Am. 174: 222. Custom-made Poet, A. (A. E. Gallatin) Brush & P. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 33: 493- ' Customs, Administration of. (W. M. Daniels) Na- tion, 80: 430. — Hide and Seek with the.‘ (O. K. Davis) Cent. 46: S3- Cut-glass, American. (E. L. Prentiss) Brush & P. 10: 83. — — Manufacture of. (E. L. Prentiss) Brush & P. 16: supp. 131. Cut-works, New and Old. (A. Sterling) Chaut. 35: 496- Cutha (Ku-tu), Excavation of. (E. J . Banks) Bib. World, 22: 61, Cuthbert, St., of Lindisfarne. Cath. World, 76: 303, Cuthbert Rookery. (H. K. Job) Outing, 43: 583. Cutter, Charles Ammi ; a memorial sketch, with por- trait. (W. E. Foster) Lib. J . 28: 697. — Some Memories of. (T. Solberg) Lit. J . 28: 769, Cy pres Doctrine with Reference to the Rule against Perpetuities. (J . Quarles) Am. Law R. 38: 683, Cyanide of Potassium. (F. J . H. Merrill) Science, 11, S, 22: 568. Cycad, Famous Fossil. I68: 40, Cycads, Living. (G. R. Wieland) Am. J . Sci. 163: 331. Cycle of Cathay. (G. F. MacMunn) Blackw. I76: 85. Cycling in Southern California. (C. F. Gates) Land of Sun. 5: 41. Cyclones and Anticyclones. Science, n. s. 23: 511. — and Tornadoes. (H. W. Phillips) Out West, 19: 286, — of the Far East. Science, 11. s. 20: 810. — Temperature in. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 20: (M. F. Nixon-Roulet) (L. F. Ward) Am. J. Sci. 890, -— Tornadoes and Cold Waves. (D. T. Smith) Science, 11. s. 21: 705. —- Typhoons and. Ed. R. 201: 216. Cyclonic Theory. (R. D. Ward) Science, n. s. 24: 743, CYMA Cyma Recta and Cyma Reversa. J. Archaeol. n. s. 10: 282. Cymric Metal-work. (A. Vallance) M. of Art, 26: 271, Cynewulf. Christ. Spec. 96: 449, Cynicism. (A. S. Pier) Atlan. 93: 260. —— Modern and Ancient. (H. P. Humphry) Acad. 67: (A. Marquand) Am. 185. Cynics, The. (J. MacCunn) Internat. J. Ethics, 14: 185. Cyno-psychoses. (W. W. Bucke) Ped. Sem. I0: 459. Cyperaceae. (T. Holm) Am. J. Sci. 164: 57, 417. 165: 145. 166: 17, 445, 167: 301. 168: 12, 301. 170: 301. Cyprian Dialect, Sounds and Inflections of the. (C. E. . Bennett) Univ. Neb. Stud. I: I31. Cyprus, Archaeological Researches in. (Sir R. H. Lang) Blackw. 177: 622, Cyprus, Island of. (W. A. T. Allen) Cornh. 94: 659. -—- under British Rule. (R. H. Lang) Blackw. 173: 181, Cyrenaica. (D. G. Hogarth) Monthly R. I8, no. 1: 90, Cyrene. (R. Norton) Nation, 78: 449. -—- The Fortunes of. (W. B. Wallace) Antiq. n. s. 38: 167. Cyril of Alexandria, St., and the Murder of Hypatia. (F. Schaefer) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 441. Cyrus, the Lord’s Anointed. (A. Carr) Expos. 6th ser. M 414. Cyrus Vase Inscription‘and Behistun. (L. Mills) Asia. R: s7= 319- -- Ezra and Isaiah. (L. Mills) Asia. R. 38: 83. Cyzicus. (R. de Rustafjaell) J . Hel. Stud. 22: 174, — Inscribed Basis from. (F. W. Hasluck) J . Hel. Stud. 22: 126. -— Inscriptions from. (Cecil Smith and R. de Rustaf— jaell) J . Hel. Stud. 22: 190, 24: 20, -— Topography of. (F. W. Hasluck; A. E. Hender- son) J. Hel. Stud. 24: 135. Czar! Louis XVI.! Adsit Omen; a poem. Swinburne) Ecl. M. 144: 373. Czar’s Concessionaries, The. (J . W. Bruner) Over- land, 11. s. 44: 411, Czar’s Soliloquy, The. (S. L. Clemens) No. Am. 180: 321. D. N. & W.; a story. Dabchick, The, or Little Grebe. M. n. s. 68: 40. Dabney. (Gertrude Roscoe) Cosmopol. 42: 215. Dabney, Louis Robert, Johnson’s Life and Letters of. (G. A. Thayer) Nation, 78: 254, (A. C. (A. Stoddart) Munsey, 28: 191. (A. H. Japp) Gent. Dabo, Leon, and Dabo, Theodore Scott, Artists. (Amelia Von Ende) Brush & P. 17: 3. Dactyl, Quest of the. Macmil. 92: 28. Daddy Billy’s Juno. (Susan T. Moore) Cent. 47: 467. Daeva is Deva. (L. H. Mills) Am. J . Philol. I5: 74. Daffodils, New. (Selwyn Image) Sat. R. 97: 553. —— A Poem. (H. L. Brewster) Canad. M. 23: 127. — Vignettes of. Sat. R. 99: 554. Daft Days. (Neil Munro) Blackw. 180: 17-797, Dagger, The. (O. Oliver) Munsey, 32: 668, Daguerreotypes. (P. King) Cent. 46: 81. —- Lost Art of. (A. Bogardus) Cent. 46: 83. Dahl, Henry Renter. (F. T. Jane) Bk. Buyer, 24: 383, Dahlia, New Forms of. Ctry Life Am. 3: 246. “ Daibutsu,” The Great Bronze of Kamakura. Chamb. J. 80: 587. Daily Courant, History of the. Acad. 62: 275, Daily Journal, 1758. (W. K. Stride) Macmil. 86: 444. Daily Twins, The. (E. Flower) Cosmopol. 33: 273. Dairy, How to manage a Successful. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. 7: 275. 163 DAMPIER Dairy-farming. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. 5: 11. Dairy Products, Production and Consumption of, in Great Britain. (R. H. Rew) J. Statis. Soc. 67: 413: Dairy Statistics, U. S. Science, n. s. 16: 374. Dairying Opportunity in Maryland. (W. Miller) Ctry Life Am. 10: 431. Dakota, North, where Wild Fowl breed. Higginson) Outing, 41: 276. — With the 13th Infantry in. Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 5:9. Dakota Romance, A; a story. body’s, 8: 544. Dalai.-Lama’s New “ Tse-boum ” from Paris. (J . Den- iker) Cent. 45: 582. Dale, Gilbert. What a Gentleman would do. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 94: 391. Dale, R. W. Spec. 89: 437. Dale, Stephen M. Memories of an Early Boyhood. Indep. 56: 147. Dalen. Absalom’s Wreath. 248, Daley, Victor James. (A. G. Stephens) Acad. 70: 452. Dalgetty, Dugald, The Real. Liv. Age, 251: 376. Dalgety, the New Capital of Australia. (H. Stead) Indep. 59: 746. Dalhousie, James Andrew Brown Ramsay, Marquis of, Lee-Warner’s Life of. Ath. ’o4, I: 711,- Blackw. I75: 863.—Spec. 921 879. Dallas, Texas. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 206. — Public Library Building. (R. M. Leeper) Lib. J . (A. H. (W. M. Wherry) J. (M. W. Law) Every- (E- Taylor) Atlan. 91: 27: 79. - Dalmatia, Impressions of. (E. C. Peixotto) Scrib. M. 40: 1, Dalny. (H. J . Whigham) Good Words, 45: 219. — (J. H. DeForest) Indep. 59: 503. — A Fiat-city. (C. Cary) Scrib. M. 33: 482. Dalon, Jules, Sculptor, with portrait. (E. Lanten) M. of Art, 26: 376. Dalrymple, Sir James, Earl of Stair. Blackw. I75: 158. Dalton Celebration at Manchester, Eng. Science, 11. s. 17: 954- Daltons, The, and the Legacy. (Eleanor H. Porter) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 584. Daly, Arnold, and Bernard Shaw; a Bit of Dramatic History. (A. Henderson) Arena, 32: 496. Daly, Augustin, Dramatic Dictator, with portrait. Booklover’s M. 3: 401, Daly Banquet, The. (Clara Morris) Am. M. 63: 196. Dam at Mill No. 3, The. (Julia B. Foster) Lippinc. 75: 348- Dam Reef, The. (F. Eliot) Chamb. J . 80: 65. Damaris Endacott; a story. Temp. Bar, I 32: 447. Damascening and the Inlaying and Blending of Metals. (S. Cowper-Coles) J . Soc. Arts, 54: 738. — in Japan. (F. O. Janes) Craftsman, 9: 545. Damascus. (Dulany Hunter) Cosn1opol. 34: 363. -— English Influence and Scottish Hospital. Knollys) Blackw. I76: 775. — Water Supply of. (E. W. G. Masterman) Bib. World, 21: 98. Dames and Daughters of the French Court. News, 23: 319. — at Eton. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 49 a. Damophon of Messene. (A. M. Daniel; C. Wald- stein) J. Hel. Stud. 24: 41, 330. — Date of. (Ida C. Thallon) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 10: 302, Dampening of Maria’s Ire. Eng. M. n. s. 32: 287. Dampier, Wm., Voyage to Pacific Coast of America, 1686.~ Out West, 18: 351, 492. (H. Bk. (Mary G. Chawner) New DAMROSCH Damrosch, Frank, and a Great School of Music. (E. N. Vallandigham) World’s Work, 11: 7174, Dan Black, Editor and Proprietor ; a story. Piper) Booklover’s M. 2: 573. Dan Com-oy’s Triumph. (E. W. Townsend) Scrib. M. 38: 186. Dance in Ancient Greece. (P. (M. A. Hincks) 19th Cent. ss= 447. — Passing of- the. (W. E. Rollins) Overland, n. s. 42: 111, Dancing. (Bashi Bazouk) Californian, 1: 154, 263, -— and Pantomime. (Grace L. Colbron) Cosmopol. 37: 387. -—— The Art of, in Japan. (M. A. Hincks) Fortn. 86: 8 5. — Future of. (H. T. Finck) Indep. 58: 1177. — Old-fashioned Country Dance. (R. D. Paine) Out- ing’ 47: 269- Dancing-tower Processions of Italy. (A. Wherry) Folk-Lore, 16: 243. Dandies. See Exquisites. Dane’s Breechin’. (E. O. Somerville and M. Ross) Longm. 41: 332. Danesmoor, Battle of, July 26, 1469. (J . A. Clapham) Antiq. n. s. 42: 287, Danger in Performance as an Element of Interest. Sat. R. 95: 11. —- Sense of, and the Fear of Death. Monist, 13: 3'52. Dangerous Trades. (C. Smith) Econ. R. 15: 434. Daniel of Kiev, Archimandrite, Journey to Holy Land, 1106-07. (C. R. Beazley) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 14: (G. R. Wilson) 175- Daniel, John M., and some of his Contemporaries. (Oscar P. Fitzgerald) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 13. Daniel, Samuel Delia. (W. F. Prideaux) Ath. ’o3, 2: 127, Daniels, Capt. Joseph. (A. B. Looscan) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 5: I9. Daniels, Lulu C. Wis. Alum. M. I: 59. Daniels, Winthrop More. (E. M. Norris) Critic, 42: 515, Danish Ballads, Mediaeval. (M. Dunn) Sewanee, 14: 488. ' — On the. (W. P. Ker) Scot. Hist. R. I: 357. Danish Fiction of To-day. (P. Harboe) Bookman, 20: 333- Danish Literature, I-901-02. (A. Ipsen) Ath. ’o2, 2: 9. —— 1902-03. (A. Ipsen) Ath. ’o3, 2: 9. —- 1903-04. (A. Ipsen) Ath. ’o4, 2: 297, Danish West India Islands. (H. E. Behn) Indep. 54: 319. -— (C. E. Taylor) Indep. 54: 1223, - Chamb, J_ 791 S°3- . — Denmark and the Treaty. (G. Atherton) No. Am. 175: 5oo.—(H. White) Nation, 75: 320, 340. — Notes on. (A. G. Keller) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 99. ' —- Our Duty in. (H. Wisby) Arena, 28: 243. Dannat, William T. (A. Dayot) Craftsman, 6: 154, Danny ; a story. (A. Ollivant) Monthly R. vol. 10. Danny’s Friday. (Gilbert Turner) Cath. World, 82: 74. Dante. (J . S. Carroll) Bookman, 21: 412. —(E, G, Gardner) Hibbert J . 3: 4 5. - and Beatrice. (R. Le Gallienne) Cosmopol. 33: 305. — and the Fine Arts. (A. Higgins) 19th Cent. 51: 785. —— and his Development. Acad. 63: 389. ~— and Shakespeare. (E. G. Gardner) Dub. R. I 30: 316. —— and the Spirit of Poetry. (W. Barry) Cath. World, 83 : 145. —— and Swedenborg. (C. Trobridge) Westm. 162: 563, 683. — and Tennyson. (T. H. Warren) Monthly R. 14, no. 1: 117, — as Lyric Poet. (W . R. Thayer) Atlan. 89: 339. -— at Drury Lane. (S. H. Dunn) Month, 102: 64. 164 DARTMOUTH Dante, The Black-washing of. (H. Candler) Contemp. 88: 552. — Carlyle on. (F. N. Scott) Nation, 77: 502, — Characteristics of, with portrait. (A. C. Storer) Cath. World, 76: 172, —- Conception of the Beatific Vision. Am. Cath. Q. 27: 417, — Divina Commedia, The Advocatus Diaboli on the. Quar. 200: 358. =Liv. Age, 243: 593, — —— Earliest Editions printed in England. (P. Toyn- bee) Ath. ’o4, 1: 17, — —— Trans. by Norton. (M. E. Anderson) Dial, 32: 345. —- Earliest Portrait of. (W. Littlefield) Lamp, 29! 57. — Illustrations of the Divine Comedy, Some Famous. Chaut. 42: 360, —— Imperialism of. Liv. Age, 240: 329. — Inferno, Vincent’s. Nation, 791 466. -— Influence upon the Art of his Century. (A. McLeod) Art J . 54: 281. — Interpretation of. (S. Udny) Contemp. 83: 721. '-I Liv. Age, 237: 735, — Madonna of. (F. de Capitain) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 645. — Message to the Preacher. (R. J . Wyckofi) Meth. R. 65: 75. — Moore’s Studies in. Ath. ’o4, 1: 332.—Sat. R. 971 460. — Portraits of. (Addison McLeod) Art J . 58: 365. — (F. W. Parsons) Cath. World, 78: 749. —- Good Words, 44: 451. -— (W. Littlefield) Critic, 422 525. — — Discovery of New. (K. Blind) Westm. 160: 59. — Sir Henry Irving’s. (J . J . Walsh) Cath. World, 78: 284. Danube, Down the, in a Canadian Canoe. (A. Black- wood) Ecl. M. 138: 153, 359. _ ‘ Danvers, Juland. Geog. J . 20: 664. Danvers, Mass. (F. E. Moynahan) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 220, Daphne; a novel. (F. de Capitain) (Margaret Sherwood) Atlan. 92: I45- Da-Ra—Sa-Kwa; a Cauglmawaga Legend. (M. R. Har- rington) J . Am. F olk-Lore, I9: 127. Darien, Isthmus of. (O. M. Wozencraft) Californian, 4: 80, 163, 250. - Old Gold Mine of. (G. B. Lyttle) Out VVest, 22: 235, Darien; a poem. (Sir Edwin Arnold) Liv. Age, 232: 240. ‘—- Ecl. M. 138: 376. Darien Co. Scots, Early History of. Scot. Hist. R. 3: 210, 316, 437. Darius, King, Great Rock Inscription of. liams Jackson) Indep. 59: 425. Dark of the Moon. (M. Hartley) Temp. Bar, 126: 761, Dark Ages and the Renaissance. (B. Bosanquet) In- ternat. J. Ethics, 12: 195. Dark Horse, The ;‘ a Sporting Sketch. Lippinc. 741 430. Dark Room, The Ideal. Pop. Astron. 11: 16, Darky, the Boundary Dog. (J . Buckland) Longm. 451 3O5-=Ec1-M- I44: 438.:Liv.Age, 244: 530, Darley, George. Quar. I96: 176. —Acad. 63: 164, 183. — N epenthe. (Robert Bridges) Acad. 71: 110, Darling, Justice Charles John. Sat. R. 96: 508, Darling. (A. Tchekhof) Fortn. 86: 560, Darling Traitor, A. (Alden March) Lippinc. 74: 673, Darmstadt, Artists’ Colony at. (W. Fred) Studio (In- ternat.) I 5: 268, Darnick Tower. Chamb. J . 80: 509. Dartmoor, American Prisoners at. (J . G. McNeel) Harper, I09: 548, -— Autumn on. (F. M. Peard) Cornh. 90: 488. = Liv. Age, 243: 305. — Pre-historic. Reliquary, 42: 87. Dartmouth, Earl of, Howe vs., The Rule in. (W. C. Smith) Jurid. R. 18: 30. (H. Bingham) (A. V. Wil- (A. Stoddart) DARTMOUTH Dartmouth College. (Mary R. P. Hatch) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 131. -— An Early Student of. Eng. M. n. s. 32: 282, — in 1856. (A. N. Currier) Dart. Bi-Mo. 1: 244. Dartmouth College Paralogism, The. (A. W. Trick- ett) Am. Law R. 40: 175. Darwin, Charles. (J . M. Coulter) Chant. 45: 66. — and Mendel. (L. Doncaster) Indep. R. 9: 174. — Evolutional Writings of. (B. Dean) Science, 11. s. 23: 986. —— Human Side of. (H. A. Bruce) Bookman, 17: 367. -— More Letters ; ed. by F. Darwin and A. C. Seward. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Dial, 34: 329. — (T. G. Bon- ney) Nature, 67: 529.—- Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 387. Darwin, Ephraim, of Guilford, Conn., and his Descend- (A. Brownell Spencer) New ants. (B. C. Steiner) N. E. Reg. 60: 20. Darwinism and Empire. (R. Balmforth) Westm. 158: 1. -— The Decline of. — in the Light of Modern Criticism. Harper, 106: 476, — Latest Defense of. 80: 719. — A New Aspect of. (D. Wilson) Westm. 162: 341. ——- (F. J. East) Westm. 163: 91. -—on its Deathbed. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 80: 348- - Present Position of. (Jas. J . Walsh) Cath. World, 80: 499. — Rise and Influence of. Ed. R. 196: 366. -—— Some Recent Aspects of. (E. T. Brewster) Atlan. (P. Verhaegen) Month, 105: 497. _ (T. H. Morgan) (E. V. O’Hara) Cath. World, 933 513- -— The True. (G. Henslow) 19th Cent. 60: 795. Date Palm in America. (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 19: 868. — Where it Grows. )- Datolite from Westfield, Massachusetts. (E. H. Kraus and C. W. Cook) Am. J. Sci. 172: 21. Datto Pata Mata, Story of. (R. S. Porter) J . Am. Folk—Lore, 15: 162, Daubigny, C. F., Paintings of, in Alexander Young’s Collection. (E. G. Halton) Studio (Internat.) 30: (G. H. Fitch) Land of Sun. 13: 99- Daudet, Alphonse. (M. F. Sandars) Monthly R. 20, no. 3: 35. — (M. F. Sandars) Temp. Bar, 134: I93. =Ecl. M. 147: 395. ‘ -— Early Struggles of. (C. J . Hamilton) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 597- — Margot. —-— Tartarin, Trail of. 520. — -— Town of. (J . A. Hamerton) Critic, 47: 317. Daughter, The. (Frank H. Sweet) Arena, 34: 626. Daughter of Accra Queens. (A. J . Dawson) Bookman, 17: 140. Daughter of Age at Home. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 95: 225. =Liv. Age, 237: 188, Daughter of Cosmopolis, A. (Prince Vladimir Vani- atsky) Lippinc. 77: 330. Daughter of Ecclesiastes. (Edith M. Thomas) Critic, (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 98: 760. (A. B. Maurice) Bookman, I5: 47: 412, Daughter of the Enemy. (J . S. Martin) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 71 43. Daughter of Old Virginia. (A. Stoddart) Munsey, 33: 58. Daughter of the Puritans, A; a story. (B. M. Dix) Harper, 104: 907, Daughter of the Rich, A. 96: 736. Daughter of the Sea, A. (Amy Le Feuvre) Good Words, 43: 1-870. (W. J . Hopkins) Atlan. 165 DAVIS Daughter of the Soil, A. (G. Schoek) Scrib. M. 33: 675. Daughter of the Stars. (W. L. Wilson) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 633 ' Daughter of the States, A. (M. Pemberton) Munsey, 29: 369-882. 30: 82-634. Daughter of Storms, A. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 35: 428, Daughterly Chaperon, A; a story. lins) Munsey, 29: 184. D. A. R., Historical Work of, Rhode Island. (Mary A. Greene) M. of Hist. 3: 381, 4: 34, 216. Daughters of the Cabinet. (K. Hoffman) Munsey, 27: (Mrs. C. T. C01- 191, Daughters of the Empire, Imperial Order of. (J. Graham) Canad. M. 26: 590. Daughters of Toil; a poem. Westm. 166: 693. Daughters of Zion. (Kate D. Wiggin) Scrib. M. 40: 406, Daulias Luscinia Affair, The; a story. (H. Vallings) Temp. Bar, 132: 418. Dauphin, The, and his Keepers. 77: 7 °~ . Davenant, Sir William, and the Revival of the Drama during the Protectorate. (C. H. Firth) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 319. Davenport, Homer, Cartoonist. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 34: 58. Davenport, Homer Calvin, Home Life of. Outing, 433 449- Davenport, J . P. First Discharge of a Public Servant. (E. Pomeroy) Indep. 58: 69. Davenport, Iowa, Carnegie Library Building. (M. W. Freeman) Lib. J. 29: 428. David, King. (J. Goddard) N. Church R. II: 253, — and Jonathan. (G. B. Burgin) Good Words, 44: I13. — Statue of, and what it teaches. (E. J . Banks) Open Court, 20: 212, David, Jacques-Louis, with portrait. Mast. in Art, 7: 45. — (A. Laugel) Nation, 79: 476. David, Sacred Play of, at Oberammergau. (Maude B. Dutton) Critic, 47: 481. David and Goliath; a story. (Clarence Hawkes) Over- land, 11. s. 47: 248. Davidson, Andrew Bruce. (G. A. Smith) Bib. World, 20: 167, 288. ——- (J . Y. Simpson) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 161.—Ath. ’02, 1: 146. — as Preacher and Essayist. World, 26: 378. -— Theology of the Old Testament. (L. B. Paton) Bib. World, 25: 283. Davidson, John, Realist. Monthly R. 20, no. 1: 36. Davidson, Randall T., Archbishop of Canterbury, with portrait. Outl. 78: 2 58. — (T. W. Winfield) Indep. 57: 431. — in America. Spec. 93: 248. :Liv. Age, 244: 440. Davidson, Thomas. (William James) McClure, 25: 3. Davie. (Grace Helen Bailey) Overland, n. s. 461 382. Davies, I). Ffrangdon-. Christ in Education. Hibbert J. 5: 54. Davies, Hubert Henry. (E. A. Browne) Acad. 66: 497. —— Cynthia. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 650. Davies, John Eugene. Wis. Alum. M. I: 187, 290. Davies, Scrope; a Learned Dandy. (J . A. Lovat- Fraser) Gent. M. n. s. 76: 24. Davis, Charles H. J ., Landscape Artist. Downes) New Eng. M. 11. s. 27! 423- —— Recent Work of. Brush & P. 12: 107. Davis, F. H., House of. Archit. Rec. 14: 107. Davis, Henry Gassoway, with portrait. (F. E. Leupp) Indep. 57: 124.-—With portrait. (C. S. Albert) R. of. Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 171, Davis, J eiferson, My Treatment of. (Nelson A. Miles) Indep. 58: 413. (J . A. H. Simpson) (A. Laugel) Nation, (W. G. Jordan) Bib. (W. H. DAVIS Davis, Mrs. Jefferson. (R. Blackshaw) Putnam, I: 362.—R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 341 560, Davis, Sir John. Ed. R. 200: 206, Davis, Nathan Smith. (F. S. Johnson) Science, n. s. 20: 237. Davis, Rebecca Harding. Bits of Gossip. Bicknell) Dial, 37: 303. Davis, Richard Harding. (J . F. J . Archibald) Bk. Buyer, I5: 216. -— With portrait. (Arthur B. Maurice) Bookman, 23: 137. —- and the Real Olancho. (W. H. Porter) Bookman, 15: 557- —— His Home at Marion and Methods of Work. (J . F. J . Archibald) Bk. Buyer, 25: 216. -— Localities and Scenes of his Stories. chibald) Bk. Buyer, 25: 115; Davis, Gen. W. W. H. Land of Sun. 8: 71. Davitt, Michael, the Irish Patriot. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) (P. F. (J. F. J. Ar- 34: 81. — a Personal Recollection. (W. S. Blunt) Liv. Age, 250: 110, -— Unfinished Campaign of. (F. Sheehy-Skeffington) Indep. R. 10: 298. Dawes, Henry Laurens, with portrait. (G. P. Morris) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 301. — Outl. 73: 374. Dawn. (K. H. Brown) Scrib. M. 36: 182. Dawn, Before the. Chamb. J. 82: 337. Dawn of a To-morrow, The. (Frances H. Burnett) Scrib. M. 38: 643. 39: 34. Dawn-bird and other Friends. Blackw. I78: 51. Dawson, Henry. St. Paul’s from the River ; etching of his Painting. Art J. 54: 6. Dawson, Sir J . William. (A. Geikie) Nature, 6 5: 339. Day, Frank Miles, and Brother, Work of. (R. A. Cram) Archit. Rec. 15: 397. Day, Prof. George E. (J . Dwight; E. L. Curtis) Yale Div. Q. 2: 70, 85. Day, Thomas. (A. C. Ray) Bk. Buyer, 24: 287, — A Forgotten Patriot. (H. S. Pancoast) Atlan. 91: 758- ' — A Philosopher’s Wooing. (Anna C. Ray) Bk. Buyer, 24: 287, Day, J ., Photographic Work of. Studio (Internat.) 22: 47. Day and the Hour. (R. W. Gilder) Critic, 48: 73. Day and Night; a poem. (W. W. Campbell) Atlan. 91: 548. Day of Reckoning, A. 24, no, 1: 120, Day of the Dog, The; a story. (C. B. McCutcheon) McClure, 21: 407, 520, Day of the Game, The ; a story. ser. 3% 343- Day of Precious Penalties, The. Clure, 26: 358. Day of Rest, A. [Macmil.] Liv. Age, 237: 83. Day Off, A. (A. Brown) Harper, III: 381, Day on the Roof, The. (E. P. Butler) Cent. 45: 839. Day shall declare it, The. (J ennette Lee) Scrib. M. 31: 699- Day-dreams, Psychology of. Psychol. 15: 465. Day Expedition to Fossil Fields. (J . C. Merriam) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 217. Day Nursery, The, for what does it stand ? (M. Hall) Char. 12: 764. Day’s Disdain. (G. Jones) Lippinc. 72: 495. Day’s Doings of aNobody. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 27 a- 150,254,384 771 256- Day’s Harvest, A; a story. World, 79: 105. Day’s Work in the Mounted Police. (L. Mott) Outing,- 48: 96. (W. K. West) (Guy C. Vachell) Monthly R. (E. Boltwood) Mun- (Marion Hill) Mc- (T. L. Smith) Am. J. (J . F. Wynne) Cath. 166 DEAL Days Errant. (Robert Aitken) Appleton’s M. 8: 527. Days gone by. (J . G. Whittier) New Eng. M. 11. s. 301 574- Dayton, O. (C. W. Chamberlain) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 109, Dayton’s Wooing ; a story. (C. King) Cosmopol. 37: 339- De Le6n’s Expedition of 1689. (E. H. West) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 8: 199. De Mortuo; a story. (F. R. Earp) Indep. R. 3: 277. De Politique on St. Martin ; a story. (J . A. McShan) Canad. M. 21: 270, De ’Possum an’ de ’simmon Tree; a tale. (E. W. Kemble) Outing, 41: 577. De Profundis; a story. (Van T. Sutphen) Harper, I12: 250, De Profundis ; a story. (F. H. Williams) Lippinc. 70: 242, Dea ex Machina; a story. 108: 304., Deacon’s Dilemma, The. (A. Warner) Cent. 47: 709. (Eliz. S. Phelps) Harper, Dead, How shall we think of the? (L. Abbott) Outl. 70: 16. — Legal Rights in the Remains. (F. W. Grinnell) Green Bag, 17: 345. — Mental State of the. 8: 80, — Worship of the, Garnier on. Ath.’O4, I: 425. Dead and Down ; a story. (J. R. Gill) McClure, 21: 95. Dead Hand in Wealth. Ecl. M. 147: 196. Dead Hand, The; a story. (H. White) Gent. M. n. s. 731 521- Dead Hand, The; a story. (Mrs. J . H. Needell) Chamb. J. 81: 689. Dead Letter Oflice ; Uncle Sam’s Postal Morgue. (J . N. Kyle) Overland, n. s. 41: 204, Dead Man’s Chest, The. (H. K. Vielé) Booklover’s M. 6: 357. Dead Persons, Trials of, in Court. (R. V. Rogers) Green Bag, 15: 239. Dead Sea, East Shore of, and the Ruins in Wadi (J . H. Hyslop) World To-day, Suweil. (N. Schmidt) J. Bib. Lit. 25: 82. — A Forgotten Exploration of. (J . R. Spears) Chant. 35‘ 562- Dead Sea Region, Exploration in. (P. Cady) Bib. World, 21: 327. — Historical and Physical Geography of. (P. Cady) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 577. .Dead Sea Valley, Explorations in the. (E. W. G. Masterman) Am. Antiq. 27: 249. — Physical History of. (E. W. G. Masterman) Bib. Wor1d,25: 249. Deader ’n a Mackerel. (James M. F eilom) Overland, n. s. 44: 156. Deaf cured by Electricity. (Bost.) I8: 129. Deaf Blind, The. (D. A. Willey) Munsey, 30: 739. — Educating the. (Ruth Everett) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 435- Deaf-mutes, Education of. (Warring Wilkinson) Cali- fornian, 4: 376. Deakin, Edwin, Artist, with portrait. Brush & P. I5: I. — Painter of the California Missions. (P. R. Bird) Outl. 76: 74. Deal in Dates ; a story. 26. Deal in Eggs; a story. (B. Chapple) Nat’l M. (L. E. Hewitt) (F. N. Stratton) Munsey, 31: (E. C. McCants) Outing, 45: 359~ . Deal in Mines and Morals ; a story. (E. W. Townsend) Cosmopol. 38: 455. Deal in Wheat, A; a story. 7: 173- (F. Norris) Everybody’s, DEAN Dean, Forest of, History of. (J . Nisbet) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 445. Dean, John Ward. (D. P. Carey) N. E. Reg. 56: 223. Deane Family Bible Records. (B. L. Deane) N. E. Reg. 59: 32. Deans, of the Church of England, and the Athanasian Creed. (P. F. Eliot) 19th Cent. 58: 729. Dearborns, English Origin of American. (V. C. San- born) N. E. Reg. 60: 308, “ Dearest.” (H. Boyer) Lippinc. 731 209. Dearle, H., a Disciple of William Morris. Art J. 57: 784. Dearth, H. Golden. (A. Hoeber) Cent. 48: 157. Death, and the Great. (I. Ewing) Temp. Bar, 131: 618. —— and the Crown. (M. Maeterlinck) Critic, 44: 315. -— as viewed by Certain Poets. (Jane Barlow) Acad. 71: 160. —— Fear of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 68: 177. -— Hora mortis nostrae. Contemp. 88: 181. I Liv. Age, 246: 748, — in the Desert, A. (W. S. Cather) Scrib. M. 33: 109. —— Legend of, among the Bretons. (A. Le Braz) Internat. Q. 7: 108. —— Love of. (D. M. Jones) Westm. I57: 446. —— Nox Dormienda. (J . Gray) Atlan. 91: 102, ——Plato’s Conception of. (B. Bosanquet) Hibbert J. 2: 98, —— Religious View of. A Cook to ZEsculapius. (T. T. Munger) Outl. 72: 989. — The State of. (J . H. Leuba) Am. J . Psychol. I4: 403. —— The Thought of. Acad. 66: 547, 595. Death, What is? (A. R. Mathews) World To-day, 9: 6 (L. F. Day) 74 ~ Death of Adam; a poem. (L. Binyon) Monthly R. 6, no. 21 171. Death Duties, should they be increased ? (W. T. Bell) Westm. I65: 380, Death-legend in Folk-lore. Ed. R. 195: 372. Death-rate of Chicago. Science, 11. s. 222 406. —- of Large American Cities. (F. L. Hoffman) Am. Statis. Assoc. 10: 1, — of the U. S. in 1900. (Walter F. Willcox) Am. Statis. Assoc. 10: 137. Death Valley. (J. R. Spears) Calif. M. 3: 312. — (O. C. S. Carter) J . Frankl. Inst. I 54: 193, — Deserts of Nevada and. (Robert R. Chapman) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 483. Death Valley Party of 1849. I8: 326, 456, Deathless Forest, The; a story. (S. F. Whitman) Harper, I13: 675. Debating Society, High School, Function of the. W. Kittredge) School R. 10: 292, Deborah of Fort Yaivik ; a story of Labrador. B. Sanford) Lippinc. 76: 229, Debs, Eugene V., with portrait. Am. M. 60: 411. Debt and Debtors. Spec. 90: 1024, Debts, National, of the World. (A. Raifalovich and others) No. Am. 174: 125-845. 175: 136—701_ Debts of Antoine, The. (W. B. Mac-Harg) McClure, 28: 188. Debussy, Claude, Poet and Dreamer. man) No. Am. 183: 877. Débutante, Education of a. (J . W. Brier) Out West, (H. (Mary (H. K. Webster) (Lawrence Gil- (E. B. Kaufman) Cos- m0p01- 351 499- , Decade of Decadence in Finance. (Lord Welby) Con- temp. 871 214. ' Decadence, Signs of, in the U. S. (Franklin Smith) Conserv. R. 51 I93. —— The True. (St. J. Lucas) Macmil. 86: 133. Decalogue, The. (L. B. Paton) Bib. World, 22: 22, 167 DECORATIVE Decastro, John, History of. Ath. ’03, I: 617. Deceivers Ever. (R. E. Vernede) Lippinc. 712 256. Decennial of the Black Sheep. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 351 23- Decent Thing, The; a story. (F. O. Bartlett) Atlan. 93: 379. Deception and Reality. (A. Kirschmann) Am. J. Psychol. 14: 24, ——Pleasure of. Blackw. 173: 668, Deciding of Encarnacion; a story. (H. S. Kirk) Harper, 105: 229. Deciding Silence, The. (M. H. Carter) Everybody’s, I3: 589, Decies and Desmond. (J . H. Rounds) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 709. Decimal Coinage, Weights and Measures. (E. An- thony) Westm. I63: 139. Decision, The; a story. (I. B. Roberts) Lippinc. 71: 116. Decisions in France. (H. C. Coxe) Green Bag, 16: 449, Decisions of Nina, The; a story. (A. H. Henderson) Temp. Bar, 133: 322. Decisive Range, The. Un. Serv. M. 29: 295. Decker, Mrs. Sarah S. Platt, President of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. (D. T. S. Denison) Outl. 78: 267, Declaration of Independence, A Defense of the. (S. C. Parks) Arena, 301 152. —— Final Outcome of. (H. Davis) Indep. 55: 1543. —- Pine and Savage’s Painting of the Signing. (C. H. Hart) Pennsyl. M. 29: 1. Decoration and Ornament, English, Walter Crane and. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 12: 684. — — The Wavy Line. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 2: 131, — Animals in. (Douglas English) Art J . 56: 84. — Colored Exterior. Am. Arch. 90: 3I. —- English Interior. Craftsman, 62 97. — Heraldry in. (G. W. Eve) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 305. — Interior. (B. Young) Am. Arch. 85: 45. —- Interior Color. (G. C. Horsley) Am. Arch. 76: 30, 38. 53- — Mural. (Frank MacLean) Art J . 57¢ 18. See Mural Painting. —— of Costly Residences. Rec. 13: 397. — of a Minor French Salon. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 4= 450- - Painted. (J. D. Crace) Art J. 571 47. — The Sentiment of. (A. East) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 563. -— Structural Color, of Interior of Public Buildings. (G. C. Horsley) J . Soc. Arts, 502 429. — Symbolism of European Snobbery. (J . Dowman) Arena, 282 I74. Decorative Art, A. B. C. of. Craftsman, 5: 289. -— East Siberian. (A. C. Haddon) Nature, 67: 560. — Exhibition of, at Turin, 1902. (W. Crane) M. of Art, 26: 488.-— (H. H. Fyfe) Monthly R. 8, no. 22 I50. — (E. Thovez) Studio (Internat.) 17: 45, 91, 251. — —— Austrian Section. (W. Fred) Studio (Internat.) 18: 130. — Fish Forms in. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 8: 68. — New Era in. (P. S. Reinsch) VVorld’s Work, 52 2779- -— of Nancy, France. (H. Frantz) Studio (Internat.) 19: 108, —— of the Near Future. (C. L. Eastlake ; A. Vallance) M. of Art, 27: 36. —— Spirit of Japan in. (Mrs. F. Edwin Elwell) Arena, (Russell Sturgis) Archit. 351 I7- Decorative Arts in America. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 82: 317. — of our Forefathers. (W. H. Legge) Reliquary, 43: 81. DECORATIVE Decorative Landscape Painter (Paul S. Naumburg). (L. Bartning) Studio (Internat.) 24': 210, Decorative Painting, Mantua, Italy. (A. Melani) Archit. Rec. 18: 202. Dedham, Massachusetts, Public School in, 1648, (N. L. Sheldon) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 509. Dedicated to the Alpine Club. (G. Coleridge) Fortn. 83: 124, Dedication, Law of, in relation to Trust Legislation. (H. W. Chaplin) Harv. Law R. 16: 329, Dedication, A; a poem. (L. Binyon) Ecl. M. 142: 211, 143: 556, Deed Foreborne, A; _a modern American short story. (Louise C. Willcox) Poet-Lore, 15, no. I: 30. Deed of Gift. (E. A. Smith) Longm. 40: 245. Deep-sea Explorations of the Prince of Monaco. Joubin) Internat. Q. 10: 374, Deep-sea Fisherman, The. Macmil. 86: 291. Deep Waters; a story. (L. Housman) Cornh. 88: 423. Deep Waters of the Proud; a story. (F. W. Whar- ton) Lippinc. 74: 257. Deepwater Debate, The. 26: 172, Deer and Bear, Remains of, on Shores of Onondaga (L. (May McHenry) McClure, Lake. (W. M. Smallwood) Science, n. s. 18: 26, -— in English Parks. Spec. 92: 635. -— Japanese. (L. Stejneger) Science, 11. s. 22: 402, -— Mule-deer Hunting in British Columbia. Leckie-Ewing) Outing, 47: 359. -— of the Peking Parks. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 25: 169. -— Virginia, Hunting. 2o, -— The White-tailed (Virginia), and its Kin. Seton) Scrib. M. 40: 321, —— Wild Red, Chase of the, in Exmoor Forest. Cordley) Cosmopol. 38: I31. Deer-forest, The Year in a. (C. H. Sharp) Chamb. J . 83: 689. Deer-forests, economically considered. Chamb. J . 82: 321, - in the Highlands. (R. (T: S. Van Dyke) Outing, 41: (E. T. (C. (VV. C. Mackenzie) Indep. R. 8: 19 , —— Scotch. (G. T. Buckell) 19th Cent. 60: 745. Deer Hound, The, in America. (G. Macdougall) Calif. M. 4: 701. Deer-hunt, A California. (T. S. Van Dyke) Calif. M. 1: 72, -—- Morning. (C. A. Lyman) Outing, 39: 466. Deer-hunt with the Bow, Game of. (E. T. Seton) Ctry Life Am. 7: 370. Deer-hunting; Following Trails. (H. S. Canfield) Outing, 45: 187. -— in Southern California. (T. S. Van Dyke) Land of Sun._ 2: 2. -- A Malay Deer Drive. (G. Maxwell) Blackw. 174: 477- —— on St. Catherine’s Island. (J . G. Van Marter) Out- ing: 432 441' —— on the Sierras. (W. T. Jordan) Calif. M. 5: I71. — 20th Century. (T. S. Van Dyke) Outing, 45: 73. Deer Parks, English. Ed. R. 198: 178, Deer-stalking in Scotland. (H. M. Warrand) Blackw. 172: 21. — (H. A. Vachell) Outing, 49: 83. -— — Sixty Years Ago: Recollections of Christopher North. (Miss J . P. Wilson) Chamb. J . 82: 593. Deerfield, Mass., Conference between Gov. Belcher and Several Tribes of Western Indians. (G. Shel-_ don) N. E. Reg. 60: 256, —— From Merton Abbey to. 183. —- Renaissance in. (Pauline C. Bouvé) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 162. ' (J . Pratt) Craftsman, 5: 168 DEGREES Defamation, Law of, The English. (F. Carr) Law Q. 18: 2 5 5, 388, Default in Practice, A. (E. Walker) Munsey, 35: 501. Defective, The; Modern Methods of Care. (A. John- son) Char. 12: 883. Defective Children and the Schools. (J . T. Prince) Educa. 24: 340, Defectives, Marriage of. (A. Johnson) Char. 15: 866. —- Schools for. (A. T. Smith) Educa. 27: 116. Defense, Efficient, of our Seaports, Are Disappearing Guns essential to ? (E. R. Stuart; J . W. Ruck- 1nan) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: 183, 344. —-(J. W. Ruckman) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 31: 529. —— Federation in. (P. A. Silburn) Un. Serv. M. 29: I57- — Home, with or without Compulsion ? (H. Roberts) Un. Serv. M. 29: 499. — Imperial. (J . R. Thursfield) Un. Serv. M. 321 21. — Imperial Federation for. (H. D’Egville) Un. Serv. M, 31: 556. 32: 252, 34: 109, 216, 327, — Land, of a Coast Fortress. Serv. Inst. 33: I12. — -— of Seacoast Fortifications. (E. H. Schulz) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 88. — National and Fiscal Policy. Serv. M. 30: 441, — Our Second Line of. (C. Dick) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 311 747. — Sea—coast, Signal Corps in. (CaptfLe R. S. Lyon) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: 92. Defense Movement, English National, Opposition to. Westm. 159: 324. Defenses, Land, of Coast Batteries. inson) Un. Serv. M. 33: 251. — Our Coast. (D. O’Callaghan) Un. Serv. M. 30: 355. Deficit [U. S. Treasury], The Persistent. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, 81: 90. Definition, Brown’s Study in the History of. (H. R. Mackintosh) Crit. R. 13: 483. — Elements in a. (A. L. Gillett) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 31 39- Defoe, Daniel, and Selkirk at"'Bristol. Acad. 69: 1357. — as a Sociological Novelist. (Ernest A. Baker) Acad. 70: 502, — New Edition of. (W. P. Trent) Forum, 36: 625. — Robinson Crusoe. Acad. 63: I59. — —— Authorship of. (W. L. Purves) Ath. ’O3, 1: 563, (C. G. Vereker) J . Mil. (F. N. Maude) Un. (H. Rowan-Rob- (C. Wells) 595- — —— The “ O” edition. (W. L. Purves) Ath. ’03, I2 465, 498. Degas, Edgar, Manet, Edouard, and Renoir, P. A., Figure Painters. (F. Wedmore) Brush & P. 15: 253- — The Artist and his Work. (Marie Van Vorst) Lip- PiI1@- 77 = 442- Degenerate Age, Is this a ? (J . J . Stevenson) Pop. Sci. M0, 60: 481. ' ' Degenerates, Moral, Proposed Sterilization of Certain. (Robert R. Rentoul) Am. J . Sociol. 12: 319. A —- National, Training and. (W. B. Thomas) Monthly R, 15, no, 3: 112, — Physical and Mental. 327- Degree, Value of a. 212, Degrees, Academic, Abolition of. Bookman, 23: 562. — —— Studies and. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 74: 284. — Conferred by American Universities. Science, 11. s. 22: 321, — Doctorates conferred by American Universities. Science, n. s. 16: 361. ‘ (R. Jones) J . Soc. Arts, 52: (Sir W. Ramsay) Contemp. 83: (E. E. Hale, jr.) DEGREES Degrees, New Variety of Ph. D. (S. W. McCallie) Science, 11. s. 24: 693. — Post-graduate, in Absentia. Sci. Mo. 621 257. —— Scientific and other. 466. -Some Ph. D. Statistics. (R. Tombo, jr.) Science, 11. s. 21: 961. De Haven, Frank, Artist, with portrait. gomery) Brush & P, 17: 179, Deified Men. (S. I. Curtiss) Bib. World, I9: 345. Deirdre, Story of, and the Social Development of the Folk—tale. (Eleanor Hull) F olk-Lore, I 5: 24. Deism, in Yale College, Rise of. (J . W. Riley) Am. J. Theol. 9: 474. Deity, Dual Nature of. — The Heart Side of. 39°- Dejection; a study. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. I01: 392. De Julien, an Unknown Explorer. Outing, 46: 601, Dekker, Edward Douwes. (C. L. Leipoldt) Westm. 160: 438. De la Bere, Stephen B. (Internat.) 21: 328, (A. L. Benedict) Pop._ (M. A. Rosanoff) Nation, 78: (W. Mont- (J . Barlow) Contemp. 87: 77. (F. F. Hagaman) Arena, 31: (L. Van der Veer) Studio Deland, Margaret ; a Study in Influences. (M. A. De W. Howe) Outl. 84: 731, Delane, John Thaddeus, Memories of. (A. I. Shand) Cornh. 89: 500. De Langeton, Walter. 42: 255. Delaselle, Mad. Angele, with portrait. M. of Art, 26: 349. De Laval Steam Turbine in America. Cassier, 28: 103, Delaware, Anarchy in. Outl. 74: 543. Delaware Bible Records. Pennsyl. M. 29: 467. Delaware River Improvement of. (G. S. Webster) J . Frank]. Inst. I60: 161, —- Skimming down the. (K. A. Patmore) Antiq. n. s. (B. Dufernex) (J . L. Mohun) (H. Williams) Outing, 48: 471- Delayed Destiny; a story. 34: 658. """"~' Delayed Heritage. (E. H. Porter) Lippinc. 74: 115. Delcassé, Théophile, and Rouvier. (W. G. F itz-Gerald) World’s Work, 11: 7185. - Character Sketch. (P. de Coubertin) F ortn. 77: 7I. =Liv. Age, 232: 598. _ - The Fall of. (L. Jerrold) Monthly R, 20, no. 1: 5o. — - and the Anglo-French Ententé. 19th Cent. 581 22, c — Retirement of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 80: 474, Deledda, Grazia, and “ Cenere.” (M. Bateman) Fortn. 82: 615, Delhi. (W. F. Dix) Outl. 73: 19. - Coronation Durbar at. (Geo. Peel) Cornh. 87: 309. - Sat. R. 95: 4. - (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 98: 392. - - A Retrospect. Blackw. I73: 310, - - Side—lights on. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 95: 10. - in 1857. (Maj.-Gen. Tweedie) Chamb. J. 79: 401. - - Siege of, Young on. Ath. ’oz, 2: 341, —— Lake at. (G. F. MacMunn) Un. Serv. M. 28: 646, - Letters from. (G. S. Barnes) Monthly R. I0, no. 1: (G. W. Carryl) Cosmopol. 17, Delian Choregic Inscriptions. (D. M. Robinson) Am. J. Philol. I5: I84. Delicate Trial, A. (M. Wilcox) Atlan. 90: 766. Delinquent, the, Treatment of. Char. I5: 732. Delisle, Leopold. Pub. Lib. 8: 465. Delitzsch, Franz. (G. H. Gilbert) Bib. World, 25: 327. Delitzsch, Friedrich. Outl. 73: 761. - Gunkel vs. (P. Carus) Open Court, I8: 226, — The Struggle for Babel and Bible. (T. J . McCor- mack) Open Court, 17: 129, 169 DEMOCRACY Delivering Angel, The; a Christmas story. Fife) Lamp, 27: 417, Delphi, Chasm at. (A. P. Oppé) J. Hel.- Stud. 24: 214, - Details from. (C. H. Levy) Indep. 57: 693. -Excavations at. (M. L. D’Ooge) School R. 12: 372- ' — The F ’étes at. (D. Kalopothakes) Nation, 762 430. - French Excavations at. (C. H. Levy) Indep. 55: (G. B. I439- Delpino, Federico. (J . Y. Bergen) Science, 11. s. 21: 996. Del Sarto, Andrea. (H. M. Vaughan) Canad. M. 26: 99- Deluc’s Geological Letters. (C. R. Eastman) Science, n, s, 212 III, Deluding of Aunt Thankful; a story. New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 716. Deluge, The. (S. E. Bishop) Bib. Sac. 63: 510. - Ezekiel and the Babylonian Account of. (S. Daiches) Jew. Q. 17: 441. — Geological Confirmations of the. Bib. Sac. 59: 282. 537. 695- — not supported by Science. (T. G. Bonney) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 456. - Peruvian Story of the. Am. Antiq. 26: 342. — The Story of the. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 27: 201, Deluge Legend, Caingang. (G. Williamson) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I8: 223. Delusion of Grandeur, A. 348- Demand and Supply Concepts ; an Introduction to the Study of Market Price. (R. H. Hoxie) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 337, 401, De Mar, John L., Cartoonist, with portrait. Flower) Arena, 34: 593 Dematerialized Scoop, A. M. n. s. 29: 229. De Mattos, Henri Teixeira, Art of. (Haldane McFall) Studio (Internat.) 30: 45. ' Demerara and Essequibo, British Guiana. Gray) Geog. J . 20: 408, Demetrias, City Gates of. Archaeol. n. s. 9: 166. De Mille, James. (L. J . Burpee) Nation, 83: 138, 303. -(A. MacMechan) Canad. M. 27: 404. Demi-man, The. (E. Ayrton-Zangwill) Lippinc. 78: 654. Demi-monde of Paris. (J . F. Macdonald) Sat. R. 96: (W. Jenkins) (G. F. Wright) (E. Stuart) Scrib. M. 33: (B. O. .(W. F. Brown) New Eng. (F. J. (R. G. Kent) Am. J. 541. Deming, Edwin W., Artist. Studio (Internat.) 27: xv, —Craftsman, 10: 150, Democracies, Hybrid. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, 81: 115, Democracy and the Church. (Vida D. Scudder) Atlan. 90: 521, — and Culture. (H. van Dyke) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 4: 1. - and Education. (Vida D. Scudder) Atlan. 89: 816. - and Fine Art. Archit. Rec. 143 227. - and the Forming of Political Parties, Ostrogorski on. (E. B. Smith) Dial, 34: 193,- (W. M, Daniels) Nation, 76: 356. - and Reaction. Hobhouse’s. (J . Cummings) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 181. —(J. Morley) 19th Cent. 57: 361. — — Irrepressible Conflict between. (W. J . Hendrick ; E. Pomeroy; S. H. Shibley) Arena, 301 593. — - Present Struggle between, in Europe and Amer- ica. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 30: 428. - and Society. (Vida D. Scudder) Atlan. 901 348. — The Awakening of. (W. M. Lightbody) Westm. 165: 370, DEMOCRACY Democracy, Conditions and Prospects of. (B. Moses) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 1: 297. - The Crisis of. (E. B. Andrews) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 7: 164, — Dangers of. (J . S. MacKenzie) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 129, — Delusions of. (C. P. Pobedonostseff) Cosmopol. 40: 410, -— — The Czar’s Man answered, with portrait. (C. Ferguson) Cosmopol. 40: 414, — Doubts of the Fathers concerning. New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 504. (F- A. Ogg) — Elite of. (N. Vaschide; G. Binet-Valmer) Monist, 14: 427, —- Growth of. (W. E. C. Wright) Bib. Sac. 63: I18. —— A Hidden Weakness in our. (Vida D. Scudder) Atlan. 89: 638, — in the 20th Century. (A. O. Lovejoy) Wash. Univ. Bull. 4: 81, —— or Autocracy— which ? (J . W. Bennett) Arena, 291 35'- — Plea for). (H. N. Shepard) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 587. — Prophets of Progressive. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, 791 69. — Race and. (J . R. Commons) Chaut. 38: 2o, — Re-statement of. (J . A. Hobson) Contemp. 81: 262, -— Struggle of Autocracy with, in the Early Days of the Republic. (E. P. Powell) Arena, 33: 13. — The Study of Popular Governments. Quar. 203: 170, — Theory of Government by. temp. 82: 526, -— Trend toward a Pure. (P. L. Allen) Outl. 84: I20, -— \Veaknesses of. (T. B. Stork) Luth. Q. 32: 109, Democratic Appeal, The ; Issues of the Campaign. (E. M. Shepard) Atlan. 94: 5 56. Democratic Concentration, The, 1904. (R. Ogden) Na- tion, 78: 424. ' Democratic Convention, 1904. Nation, 79: 24,—(F_ E. LeuPP) Outl. 77: 638. —R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 186. (E. R. N ewbigin) Con- Democratic Government vs. Aristocratic. eroy) Arena, 28: 119, Democratic Ideal, True. Ethics, 14: 138, Democratic Interests and Rights. (R. H. Smith) Westm. 165: 616. Democratic Party and the Railroad Question. (J . Sharp Williams) Indep. 60: 485, —— Future of the. (W. J . Bryan) Outl. 78: 919. — (A. J . McNeal; W. E. Mikell) Sewanee, I0: 463, — Is it Insincere ? (J. S. Auerbach) No. Am. 179: 748- -- New Alignment of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 464. — Opportunity of, I904. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 244. — The Predicament of. (E. Stanwood) Atlan. 95: 145. — Present Status of. (J . S. Williams) Everybody’s, 10: 180, — The Road to Discovery. (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 374, Democrats, Conservative Western. (J . Oskison) Na- tion, 82: 358. Demoniac Possession. 300, 460, — in the New Testament. Acad. 62: 331, Demonology and the Dark Arts in the Middle Ages. (D. S. Schaif) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 156. De_mon’s Shell, The; a Japanese play. Poet-Lore, 17, no. 3: 44. Demosthenes, Goodwin’s. 74: 211, Demure Wife of Ned Barrett. 71: 261, (E. Pom- (W. J . Brown) Internat. J . (E. M. Merrins) Bib. Sac. 63: (J . H. McDaniels) Nation, (E. Flower) Lippinc. 170 .Dependence, On the Verge of. DEPENDENTS Den, Pansy. Outing, 44: 488. Deneen, Gov. Charles S., with portrait. (Edwin B. Smith) Green Bag, 17: 129. Denison, G. A., Letters of, 1845-95. Ath. ’oz, 1: 421, Denison, George Taylor, Lieut.-Colonel. Canad. M. 19: 398, Denmark, Agriculture in, Development of. Thompson) J . Statis. Soc. 69: 374. — — its Progress under Free Trade during the Last Generation. (R. A. Westenholz) Monthly R. 14, no. 2: 69. — the Buffer State of the North. (Julius Moritzen) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 305. -—— Christian IX. and the European Polity. Sat. R. 101: 129, — The New King and Queen of. (F. A. Ogg) Munsey, 351 242- ' — Our Beautiful Summer in. (R. J. (J. A. Riis) Outl. 80: 47. — Politics in,- Anomalies of. (H. C. Peterson) Gun- ton’s M. 22: 527. — Public Libraries in. (A. S. Steenberg) Pub. Lib. 9: 379- Denne, John, 1693-1767. (A. Hartshorne) Ath. ’o3, 2: 3 , Dennehy, W. F. Philip, Duke of Wharton. Cath. World, 83: 792. Dennys, John. Secretes of Angling. Sewanee, I0: 199. Denominate Units. (K. Miller) Educa. 22: 468, Denominational College, The, in the South. (H. N. Snyder) So. Atlan. 5: 8. Denominationalism, Mission of. (H. W. Hulbert) Bib. Sac. 60: 718. — Transplanted. (VV. Boyle) Outl. 83: 323. Denoting, On. (B. Russell) Mind, 30: 479. Dénouement, The. (M. Cameron) Harper, I11: 63, Dens. How to build and furnish a Surprise Den in a Modern House. (D. Beard) Outing, 48: 112, Dentition of Fossil Fish. (C. R. Eastman) Am. Natural. 38: 295. Denver; Art Exhibition. (H. W. Tomlinson) Brush & P. I 5: 306. — Opening the Center of. Archit. Rec. 19: 365. — to Salt Lake City: a Feat in Railroad Building. (Lawrence Lewis) World’s Work, 112 6859. — a Typical American City. (Arthur Chapman) World To-day, II: 982, Department Store, The. Bull. 8: 454. — All Kinds of a Store. Archit. Rec. 12: 286, —— Construction of. Am. Arch. 751 45. — Evolution of. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 27: 42 5. — The Great. Men, Mechanism, Methods. (T. Wil- liams; W. R. Hotchkin; C. T. Brady) Book- lover’s M. II 449. Departmental Teaching in Elementary Schools. (Van Evrie Kilpatrick) Educa. R. 29: 468.— (E. L. C. Morse) Educa. R. 31: 93. Departure of Lilywhite Avery, The. Munsey, 28: 721, (R. L. Bower) (L. L. Dubois) Cath. Univ. (E. Boltwood) (L. Brandt) Char. I 5: 395, 462- —— Pecuniary. (Lydia F. Dickinson) N. Church R. 9: 545- Dependencies, Control of. (B. Moses) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 84, — Tropical, Administration of, A. Ireland on. (J. Bryce) Nation, 81: 145. Dependent Children in Indiana, The Care of. (W. B. Streeter) Forum, 321 737. Dependents and Defectives, Public Care of. Char. I 5: 903 ' DEPEW Depew, C. M. Return to the U. S. Senate, 1905. (H. Lamont) Nation, 80: 5. Deportation of Aliens, International Law in the. (C. N. Gregory) Jurid. R. 18: 121, Deposit, N. Y., before the Railroad came. sing) Outing, 46: 747, Deposit Slips. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 643. Depositor, the Individual, A Square Deal for. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 396. Depositors’ Ledger, Evolution of the. (C. E. Sprague) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 769. Depot-giants, The. (W. Cornish) Canad. M. 272 210. Depth, Perception of, Influence of Accommodation and Convergence on. (J . W. Baird) Am. J . Psy- (D. Lan- chol. I4: 150. Deputy to the World. (O. H. Dunbar) Cent. 49: 36. De Quincey, Thomas. (E. Thomas) Temp. Bar, 133: 289. — and the “Grand Style.” (H. P. Robinson) Acad. 7°‘ I59- —- Grammar of. (H. C. Kidd) Sat. R. 102: 237, — Neglect shown to. (J . B. Jarvis) Month, 108: 478, — Syntax of. (V. Paget) Contemp. 84: 7I3.:Liv. Age, 239: 785,- Ecl. M. 142: 245, Derbe. (W. M. Ramsay) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 544. Derby Day in England. (H. Logan) Munsey, 27: 450. — in the East End. Spec. 94: 851. Q its Origin and Development. (E. Spencer) Outing, 40: 289, — 1903. Blackw. I74: 81,:Eel. M. 141: 520, :Liv, Age, 238: 609, Derbyshire Peak District in Fiction. Idler, 29: 226, “ Dere ees no God ! ” (E. Poole) Atlan. 98: 412. Derelict, The; a poem. (E. N. Pomeroy) Atlan. 92: (J . B. Hobman) 251. Derelict of Silver Saddle, The. (Grace McE. Ivers) Lippinc. 75: 631. Derelict-hunters, The. (H. H. Lewis) Harper, I08: 297- Derelicts, Dangerous. (W. Rutherford) Chamb. J. 82: 583- - the Terror of the Sea. (P. T. McGrath) McClure, 25: 57- Derelicts, The ; a story. (L. F. Tooker) Am. M. 62: 343- Deroulede, Paul, as Agitator. Sat. R. 93: 393. Derry, Westward from. (Alfred Yockney) Art J . 581 359- Derwentvvater, James, 3d Earl of, Last Days of. (R. E. Francillon) Dub. R. 1352 253. Descartes and the Philosophy of the French Revolu- tion. (G. McDermot) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 272, -—- Haldane’s. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 82: 242. —- a Representative Philosopher. Ed. R. 204: 157. Descent of Blanche. (M. F. Egan) Cent. 50: 713. Descent of Man and some Recent Books. (F. Taber Cooper) Bookman, 22: 232, — Weismann’s Theory of. Am. Natural. 402 375. Descent of Man, The; a story. (Edith Wharton) Scrib. M. 35: 313. Deschanel, Emile. Ath. ’04, I: 148, Description, and the Psychology of Values, Appreci- ation and. (WV. M. Urban) Philos. R. 14: 645, Descriptive Writing. (B. A. Heydrick) Chant. 36: 47- Desert, The. (Hilaire Belloc) Indep. R. 9: 20o, -_ (V, Z. Reed) Atlam 90: 166.—-(A. C. Smith) Scrib. M. 32: 731. — Californian, Heart of the. 451 417- —Great American, Death in the. Chamb. J. 32: 318. (C. F. Holder) Outing, (A. C. Simkins) 171 DESPERATION Desert, The; a Land of Little Rain. (Mary Austin) Atlan. 91: 96. —- Life in. (R. E. Dodge) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 341 412, — Plant Life in the. —- The Sound of the. Desert Air; a story. (E. Ingersoll) Harper, 110: 577. Liv. Age, 241: 229, (R. Ilichens) Outing, 422 573. Desert Animals. Spec. 88: 207, Desert Blossom, The. (J . H. Hamlin) Out West, 22: I48 Desert Botanical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institu- tion. (F. E. Clements) Science, 11. s. 19: 885. - Am. Natural. 381 327.—(W. A. Cannon) Out West, 24: 25. Desert-cure, The. (W. J . McGee) Indep. 59: 669, Desert Farming without Irrigation. (H. Quick) World’s Work, 12: 7886, Desert Hop, A. (L. J . Stellman) Overland, n. s. 47: 143- Desert Islands. /Atlan. 891 7I9. Desert Romance, A. (F. Remington) Cent. 41: 522, Desert Vegetation. (Sharlot M. Hall) Out West, 22: 363- Deserted Wives and Deserting Husbands. Char. 8: 113. Deserted VVives, Parochial Settlement of. (R. La- mond) Jurid. R. 14: 270. ~ Deserters, Extradition of, Inter-state Rules relating to. (W. H. Baldwin) Char. I5: 854, Desertion. (J. W. Pope) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 371 I3. — from Merchant Ships. Un. Serv. M. 322 287. —— Statistics of. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 313. Deserts, American. (F. V. Coville) Nat. Geog. M. 15: I“ . —of Nevada and the Death Valley. Chapman) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 483. Deshon, Rev. George, with portrait. Cath. World, 78: 569, Design, Commercial Value of. (F. S. Lamb) Crafts- man, 5: 546. — The Evolutionary Sequence in. (C. H. Walker) Archit. R. 11: I37. -— Importance of, in Life. 13: 261, — in Nature proved by Analogy. (J . Cooper) Luth. Q- av 157- — —— Evidence of, in the Elements and Structure of the Cosmos. (Wm. P. Montague) Hibbert J. 2: 280. —Nature’s Aid to. (E. S. D. Owen and Louise M. Bunce) Studio (Internat.) 27: lxix_ — Primitive, Conventionalism in. (C. Lumholtz) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 785. — Structural, of Buildings. Arch. 86: no, Designer, A Glasgow Artist and, E. A. Taylor. (J. Taylor) Studio (Internat.) 24: 217. — Some Precepts for the. (J . E. Reid) Am. Arch. 88: I11, Designing, Life History of a Design. Craftsman, I, no. 41 33. — School and Practice. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 19: 413, Desmognathus F usca. 38: 117, Desmond Rebellion, 1580. Gent. M. n. s. 752 I36. Despair of Sandy Maclntosh. (I. E. MacKay) Canad. M. 24: 351. Desperate Case of Dr. Harwood; a story. (F. W. Wharton) Cosmopol. 352 509. Desperation of Mr. Boone Spivey ; a story of the Ten- nessee Mountains. (A. MacGowan) Cent. 46: 228, (Robert H. (G. M. Searle) (D. W. Ross) Brush & P. (J . K. Freitag) Am. (I. Sargent) (H. H. Wilder) Am. Natural. DESPOTISM Despotism, Drift toward. (H. N. Shepard) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 587. De Soto, Hernando. See Soto, H. de. Destiny and Wizardry in the Northern Sagas. (W. C. Green) Antiq. n. s. 42: 106, Destiny Decides; a story. (W. Smade) Liv. Age, 249: 496- “ Destroyer,” Voyage of, from New York to Brazil. (J . Slocum) Idler, 21: 77. Destructive Life. Spec. 941 587. Des _Ursins, Princess. (A. Laugel) Nation, 79: 235. Des Voeux, Sir Wm. Spec. 91: 426. —— Colonial Service of. (N. D. Davis) Nation, 77: 407. De Tabley, John L. Warren, Lord. Acad. 65: 288. Detective, Apparatus of the. Spec. 91: 862. —in Fiction, The. (A. B. Maurice) Bookman, I52 231, -—. in Literature, The Passing of the. : Liv. Age, 248: 437, Detective Agencies, American Private. (Thomas Beet) Appleton’s M. 8: 439. Detective Stories, Art and. (C. Chesterton) Temp. Bar. 1% 322- Detectives of Paris. 15: 456. Detention of Clarence, The; a story. (E. S. Small) Munsey, 29: 670. Deterioration, National. Spec. 95: 311. —— Physical, Smyth’s. Ath, ’04, 22 147. —Nature, 70: Acad. 69: 1356. (Vance Thompson) Everybody’s, 346. Determined Celibate, A. (J. Drake) Cath. World, 83: 32, Detroit, Michigan. (H. E. Keep) New Eng. M. n. Is. 29: 19", —— The Neiv. (Hugo Erichsen) World To-day, III 703. — Thomas Normal Training School. Educa. 26: 377. Dettman, Ludwig. (Max Osborn) Studio (Internat.) 26: 279, Development and Evolution, J . M. Baldwin on. (J . R. Angell) Philos. R. 12: 442, —- Experimental Studies in. Nature, 69: 241. — Limits of the Theory of. (G. Tyrrell) Cath. World, 81: 7~0_ —— Probleih of. (E. B. Wilson) Science, 11. s. 21: 281. Vere, Aubrey. (F. Thompson) Acad. 62: 93. — (W. M.) Ath. ’o2, 1: n6.:With portrait. Cath. World, 74! 567-—(A. J. George) Atlan. 89: 829. —(T. L. Almond) Dub. R. 136: 389.—Ecl. M. 144: 117.—Ed. R. 201: z7.—(Mrs. C. Towle) Long1n. 451 215. —— (C. Towle) Month, 100: 232, -—— Memoirs of. (C. S. Northrup) Dial, 38: 7. —- Memories of. (E. Gosse) Indep. 54: 1120.- —-Philosophy of. (M. Barrington) Temp. Bar, 131: 664. -—-A Poem. (E. Gosse) Fortn. 77: 342.-'=Liv. Age, 232: 505. =Ecl. M. I381 494. —- W. Ward on. Ath. ’04, 2: 437. —Liv. Age, 243: 405. —(J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 79: 359. —Sat. R. 99: 85.—Spec. 94: 290, Devereux, John C., and Nicholas. Cath. World, 76: 77. Devil and his Crew, The. (G. M. Searle) Cath. World, 80: 1 '7. —- Decay bf Belief in. (F. C. Conybeare) Internat. Mo. De (T. C. Brogan) = 299- —— in5 Christian Tradition and Legend. (R. L. Gales) National, 48: 123, —— Reality of the. (P. Carus) Open Court, 19: 717. Devil-fish, A Little Known. (T. Gill) Science, 11. s. 18: 473- Devil’s Alley, The; a story. (M. F. Quinlan) Cath. World, 80: 173. 172 DIALOGUE Devil’s Arrows, Boroughbridge. (E. Wallace) Good Words, 46 : 155. —— (A. D. H. Leadman) Antiq. n. s. 8 39‘ - Devil’s Carbuncle. (J . W. Harding) Eel. M. 147: 45 7, Devil’s Muskeg, The. (H. Whitaker) Canad. M. 26: 561. Devil’s Slide, The. (H. Whitaker) Everybody’s, I5: 6 03. Devils, J. C. Wall on. Ath. ’o4, 2: 376. — White and Yellow; a story of San F rancisco’s Chinatown. (Adriana Spadoni) Overland, n. s. 44: 80. Devolution, A Precedent for. Westm. 164: 498. , Devonian Formation, New, in Colorado. (W. Cross) Am. J. Sci. 168: 245, (H. de R. Walker) — Upper, Fish Remains from Colorado. (C. R. East- man) Am. J. Sci. 168: 253. Devonport Dockyard Extension. (A. S. Hurd) Cas- sier, 23: 441. 1. Devons, The. Macmil. 86: 115, Devonshire, Spencer Compton Cavendish, Duke of, the New Leader of the Opposition. National, 42: 702, Devonshire, an American Annex. Harp. W. 50: 1312. — Day with a Farmer in. 678. —— Phillpott’s Devon Year. Spec. 92: 157, Devonshire Garden, In a. Longm. 40: 14, 225, :Liv, Age. 2331 778- 2341 549- Devonshire House. Ghosts of Piccadilly. (G. S. Street) Monthly R. 25, no. 2: 57, —- Story of. (Lord Coleridge) Monthly R. 22, no. 1: 122, Devotion of Francesca. n. s. 31: 364. Devotional Services in Biblical Language. Pratt) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 41 5. De Vries, H., and his Critics. (G. S. Gager) Science, 11. s. 24: 81. Dewbows, Formation of. 16: 474. Dewees Genealogical Notes. Pennsyl. M. 28: 251, Dewing, Andrew, and Some of his Descendants. F. Dewing) N. E. Reg. 57: 101, Dewing, Thomas W. (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 48: (Sydney Brooks) (A. Goodrich) Outing, 48: (E. M. Fryer) New Eng. M. (W. S. (L. J . Briggs) Science, 11. s. (B. 419. De Winton, Sir Francis. Geog. J . 19: 223, De Witt’s Colony. (E. Z. Rather) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 8: 95. Dexterity. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 65: 156, Dextrality and Sinistrality. (G. M. Gould) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 360. See Ambidexterity. Dharmapala, Mission of, to the U. S. Open Court, 18: 53-. Diable, — a Dog. (Jack London) Cosmopol. 33: 218. Diaconate, Functions of the. (A. E. Truxal) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 483. — of New Testament. (R. E. Neighbor) Bib. Sac. 61: 711, Diagrams. (G. B. Fife) Scrib. M. 38: 409, Dialect; the Jargon of Low Literature. dare) Indep. 61: 139, Dialect Dictionary, English. (Leonard W. Lillingston) Good Words, 430: 267. Dialect Plays in Italy. (J . Dormis) Contemp. 85: 76, Dialects, Causes of. (Mary A. Davis) Out West,_22: _2 _ . —- The Rights of. (P. T. Lafleur) Nation, 76: 411, Dialectics, Value of. Spec. 911 553. Dialogue, The Use of, in Novels. " Acad. 63: 443. (Owen Kil- DIALOGUE Dialogue in Hades. (J. N. McIlwraith) Atlan. 89: 808. Diamond. Sat. R. 100: 331, Diamond Brooches, The ; a story. (M. R. S. Andrews) Harper, 112,: 55. Diamond Drill Rods, Magnetism of. Science, 11. s. 23: 739. Diamond Kirby found, The. 321 574- Diamond Mines, The Great California; a true story. ' (A. D. Wilson) Overland, n. s. 432 291. — The Master of. (M. C. Cunniif) World’s Work, 18: 8211, — of South Africa. I7 (D. W. Johnson) (M. Martin) Munsey, (G. H. Williams) Nat. Geog. M. = 344- illiams on. (G. F. Kunz) Science, 11. s. 17: 695. Diamond Necklace, Mystery of. (A. Lang) Cornh. go: 104, Diamonds. (Sir W. Crookes) Nature, 721 593. — and the Diamond Industry. J . Soc. Arts, 53: 941. —— Home of. (J. G. Bonney) Cornh. 91: 614. — The Making of. Chamb. J. 79: 724. —— Mining in South Africa. (J . S. Hamilton) World’s Work, I2: 7904, —- Prize for a Method of Setting Diamonds for Cutting. Science, 11. s. 21: 901, Diamonds; a story. (Maarten Maartens) Cosmopol. 36: 161, ' Diana, Lady Sinclair, Cosway’s Engraving of, used to represent Caroline of Brunswick. (W. M. Sin- clair) Art J. 54: 158, Diana; astudy. (Florence Hayllar) Longm. 45: 329. Diane, ‘Priestess of Haiti. (J . S. Durham) Lippinc. 69: 387. Diaper, Frederic. Diaptomus, New Species of. ural. 38: 889, Diarists of the Last Century. Quar. I97: 186. Diary of a Domestic Drudge. (Annie M. Maclean) World To-day, 8: 601, Am. Arch. 902 94. (A. S. Pearse) Am. Nat- Diatoms. (W. W. Bailey) Educa.'25: 354. —— Movements of. (D. D. Jackson) Am. Natural. 39: 287 — Plants of Crystal. (A. Mann) Harper, I06: 228, Diaz, Porfirio. (A. Marshall) Macmil. 89: 283, — With portrait. (F. H. Taylor) Booklover’s M. 3: 763. — (C. Johnston) No. Am. 176: 115, —(A, H, Noll) Sewanee, 14: 436. —— and Thackeray, Friendship of. (G. R. Miller) 29: 36. — and Washington Irving, Friendship of. (T. E. Pem- berton) Munsey, 31: 487. — Land of Sun. 11: 309. —- An Audience with. (A. B. Mason) Cent. 42: 187, -— His Escape in 1876. (A. Brown) Calif. M. I: 306. — Renomination of, with portrait. (L. S. Rowe) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 318. —— Rise of. (Jose Gonzales) Calif. M. 2: 669. — Soldier and Statesman. (J . W. Foster) Internat. Q. 8: 342, Diazenital, The. (Fr. Nuel and Josef Fric, tr. by Isa. Watson) Pop. Astron. 13: 16, Dick. (J . G. Clinkscales) Outl. 78: 934, Dick, Gen. Charles Wm. Frederick; the New Senator - from Ohio. (F. B. Gessner) Munsey, 31: 197, Dick, Elisha Cullen, Painter of Last Portrait of Wash- ington. (J. G. Dennis) Cent. 45: 627. Dick, Sirs John and Alexander, Scotch Cousins. Blackw. I79: 313, Dickens, Charles. Acad. 63: 191.—(G.Gissing) Critic, 40: 47.—Quar. 1961 20.=Liv. Age, 234: 449,: Eel. M. 139: 421.-—(W. F. Lord) 19th Cent. 54: 765."-=Liv. Age, 239: 723.-—"Ecl. M. 142: 166,- With portraits and caricatures. (A. Lang) Book- lover’s M. 1: 59. 173 DIFFERENCE Dickens, Charles, and the Guild of Literature and Art. (J . R. Robinson) Cornh. 89: 28. — and his Illustrators. (B. W. Matz) Critic, 40: 43. ——- and his Models. (I. S. Shepard) Month, 99: 369. —— and Modern Humor. [Macmil.] Ecl. M. 138: 192. —-— and the Popular Novel. Liv. Age, 250: 819. —— and Thackeray. (L. Melville) Temp. Bar, 126: 413, ——- as an Editor. (R. C. Lehmann) Chamb. J . 80: 433. =Ecl. M. 141: 400. :Liv. Age, 238: 307, — as a Husband. (Leyndon Orr) Bookman, 23: 14. — as a Literary Fashion. (J . M. Bulloch) Lamp, 27: 203, — as a Lover of Art. (Kate Dickens Perugini) M. of Art. 27: 125, 164, —-— as a Man of Letters. — as Melodramatist. — Certain Lovers in. (A. Meynell) Atlan. 91: 52. (C. Chesterton) Sat. R. 100: 335. (W. Matchett) Liv. Age, 249: 167, —- Chesterton’s Life of. Spec. 97: 364. —Ath. ’06, 2: 294. — (Percy F. Bicknell) Dial, 41: 272, — Contemporary Criticism of. (A. B. Maurice) Book- man, 17: 130. —-— David Copperfield. Acad. 67: 69. —— — Autobiographical Element in. Good Words, 45: 386, 474, - — The Dramatic Element in. (Isabelle M. Pagan) Liv. (F. G. Kitton) Age, 246: 791. —— Edwin Drood, The Plot of. (A. Lang) Acad. 69: 780, 862. — in his Books. (P. Fitzgerald) Harper, I04: 700, — in Switzerland. (D. Welch) Harper, 112: 714, — London and. (C. Ticknor) Lamp, 29: 34. —— “ Mrs. Harris,” 19th Century Philosopher. (F. J . H. Darton) Cornh. 89: 129, — Relics of Dickens’s London. (C. W. Dickens) Mun- sey, 27: 833. — Religion of. Spec. 89: 891.1‘-‘Liv. Age, 236: 184, — The Secret of. (H. Paul) Liv. Age, 247: 562, —— Verses by. Acad. 64: 417. —— With, in Hatton Garden. Chamb. J . 79: 381, Dickinson, Asa Don. A National Library for the Blind. Pub. Lib. 11: 308. Dickinson, Jonathan, and the Founding of the College of New Jersey. Princ. Univ. Bull. 8: 1. Dickson, Antonio Kennedy-Laurie. Chan1b. J . 81: 5:- “ Dicky” of Tunstead. (G. L. Smith) Reliquary, 45: 228, Dicky; a story. (M. E. O. Snow) Temp. Bar, 129: 699. Dictionaries, Old English. (D. Forsyth) Temp. Bar, 127: 734. Dictionary and the Bachelor Maid, The ; a story. (W. H. Osborne) Munsey, 28: 2 51, Dicuil: an Irish Monk in the Ninth Century. Esposito) Dub. R. 137: 327. Diderot, Denis. (S. G. Tallentyre) Macmil. 91: 356. Dido; a Character Study. (J . R. Nelson) School R. 12: 408. Die Vernon, The Original of. (Florence MacCunn) Good Words, 46: 721, Diel, of the Corduroys. 39: 209, Diet; Appetite waiting on Digestion. Nation, 81: 256, — Coming Revolution in. (M. (W. L. Comfort) Cosmopol. (P. L. Allen) (Neville Lytton) National, 45: 869. — Delusions about, Some. (Woods Hutchinson) Mc- Clure, 26: 116, Difference, The ; a story. (F. M. Hueffer) Cornh. 88: 276. Difference, The; a story. (A. M. Lederer) Lippinc. 73: 735- DIFFERENTIAL Difierential Method . . . applicable to all Solutions Proceeding by Successive Approximations. (Her- bert L. Rice) Pop. Astron. I3: 370. Differentials of Area and Volume, Transformation of. (A. Hall) Pop. Astron. I0: 251, Diffraction and Polarization Effects, Photography of. (VV. B. Croft) Nature, 66: 354, Diffraction Grating Replicas, A Note on. (T. Thorp) Pop. Astron. I41 93. . D “Digger” Indian Legends. (L. M. Burns) Land of 'Sun- I4= I30. 22-3. 310. 397- Digits, Extra, and Digital Reductions. tiss) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 336. Dijon, France. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 85: 99. —— Burgundian Monuments at. (S. Beale) Good Words, 45: 563- Dikes. New Exposures of Eruptive Dikes in Syracuse, N. Y. (P. F. Schneider) Am. J. Sci. 164: 24. —— Petrography of Recently Discovered Dikes in Syra- cuse, N. Y.; with Note on the Presence of Meli- lite in the Green Street Dike. (C. H. Smyth, jr.) Am. J. Sci. 164: 26. Dileas : a Child of the Mist. (Norman Maclean) Good Words, 43: 235. Dilettante, The; a story. (E. Wharton) Harper, 108: (C. W. Pren- I39- Dilke, Emilia F. S., Lady. Ath. ’o4, 2: 590. —— Art-work of. Quar. 205: 439, — Book of the Spiritual Life. (C. Harwood) Critic, W 435- Dilke Gift to the National Art Library. (G. R. Red- grave) Library, 7: 257, Dill, J. B. (W. J. Boies) Cosmopol. 34: 589. — With portrait. (W. J . Boies) World’s Work, 3: 1885. Dill, Ludwig, German Art Professor. (L. Van der Veer) Studio (Internat.) 25: 210, Dillon, E. J ., Journalist and Traveler. (N. Y.) 30: 435. Dillwyn Genealogical Notes. Dime Novel Makers. 108, Dimension Limits and Limit Gauges. Engin. M. 27: 575. D’Indy, Vincent, A Morning with. Outl. 79: 563. Dinet, Etienne, Painter of the Orient. (F. W. Morton) Brush & P. I3: 251, Dining in Public. (R. Turner) Macmil. n. s. 2: 12;, — with Duke Humphrey. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 581. Dining—room, The. Arcliit. Rec. 16: 353. — and Kitchen. (E. C. Holtzoper) Ctry Life Am. 8: 49. -— as a Centre of Hospitality and Good Cheer. Crafts- man, 9Z 229. Dinner a la Carte or Table-dy’hote. Chamb. J. 81: 401. Dinner at —- . (O. Henry) Critic, 44: 530. Dinner of Herbs, A. (Mary T. Earle) Outl. 712 1021. Dinner with Balzac in a Lunatic Asylum; a story. (Max Tirand) Critic, 46: 454. Dinner Hour, The Fashionable. (W. J . Forman) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 50, Dinners of Fifty Years Ago. Lippinc. 70: 711, Dinoflagellata on the California Coast. (H. B. Torrey) Am. Natural. 36: I87, Dinomys, Re-discovery of. (F. A. Lucas) Science, 11. s. 20: 8 Dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Wyoming. (S. W. Williston) Science, 11. s. 22: 503, — Restoration of the Horned Dinosaur Diceratops. (R. S. Lull) Am. J . Sci. 170: 420. Dinosaur Footprints from Arizona. (E. S. Riggs) Am. J. Sci. 167: 423. R. of Rs. Pennsyl. M. 28: 248, (G. C. Jenks) Bookman, 20: (A. A. Fuller) (D. G. Mason) (Mrs. E. S. Bladen) 174 DIRECT Dinosaurian Gastroliths. n. s. 23: 819. Dinosaurian Genus Ceratops, New Name for. Lull) Am. J. Sci. 171: I44, Dinosaurs, Morosaurus and Brontosaurus, Skull and Skeleton of the. Science, 11. s. 22: 374, — of the Bone-cabin Quarry. (H. F. Osborn) Cent. 46: 680. Dio Chrysostom, Tarsian Orations of. J. Hel. Stud. 24: 58. Diogenes, Tomb of, so-called, in Héiss. (W. K. Pren- tice) Princ. Univ. Bull. 142 74. Dionysiac Sculptures from Corinth, Group of. (R. B. Richardson) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 8: 288. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Egger on. Ath. ’o2, 2: (G. R. Wieland) Science, (R. S. (T. Callander) 373- Dionysus, The Cult of. (R. M. Dawkins) J . Hel. Stud. 26: 207, -—- Foucart’s Attic Cult of. (J . H. McDaniels) Nation, 79‘ 36°- Diplodocus, in the British Museum. (W. P. Pycraft) Knowl. n. s. 22 128. —Sat. R. 99: 626. —— Story of the. (W. J. Holland) Westm. I63: 683. Diplomacy. O. Cooke) Chamb. J. 82: 312, 329. -- _._(L. E. Smith) Longm. 39¢ 519."--"Liv. Age, 233: 69. — American. (F. C. Lowell) Atlan. 97: I. —— Incidents in. (C. Roberts) World’s Work, 3: 1659. — — its Influence and Tendencies. (J . B. Moore) Harper, 11!: 690. — in Europe, D. J. Hill on. Outl. 81: 329. — in the 10th Century. (R. Garnett) Cornh. 89: 63, —— An Incursion into. (A. C. Doyle) Liv. Age, 250: 42- — “ Nerve” in. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 64. —— Position of. Spec. 96: 87. — Relation of, to the Development of International Law. (J. Cambon) Am. Law R. 36: 161, — the, “Te need. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 26. - Diplomacy of Jane; a story. (J . T. Bishop) Munsey, 30: 184. Diplomacy of McGlinchy, Fils, The; a story. (Porter E. Browne) Appleton’s M. 8: 624. Di.plomat from Chicago. (C. Lockhart) Lippinc. 69: 712, Diplomatic Adventure, A. (S. W. Mitchell) Cent. 49: 612, 684, 875, Diplomatic and Consular Service, Bettering our. (N. Longworth) Indep. 61: I9, Diplomatic Life, Chapters from my. (A. D. White) Cent. 44: 591. Diplomatic Masters of Europe. 7177. . Diplomatic Representation, The Proper Grade of: a Reply. (J. F. Barnett) No. Am. 180: 758. -—--A Reply. (Mrs. Van R. Cruger) No. Am. 180: I World’s Work, 11: 899. Diplomatist, Recollections of a. (H. Rumbold) Na- tional, 41: 858, 1030, — Reminiscenees of a. Ecl.M. I45: 590. I46: 39, 173, Dip1omat’s Sacrifice; a story. (W. A. Fraser) Canad. M. 23: 1:8. " Diplomats at the Capital. Munsey, 26: 449. —— Our Strenuous. (H. Bolce) Munsey, 32: 728. Dipsomaniac, Confession of a. (W. L. Howard) Arena, 32: 1, Direct Legislation. 361 45- —- and its Prospects in the United States. Peabody) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 443. —— Chief Objections examined. Arena, 34: 234. (E. Pomeroy) Arena, 28: 464. (W. R. (C. S. Lobingier) DIRECT Direct Legislation, Educational Value of. (Eltweed Pomeroy) Arena, 34: 142, — in Cartoon. (Eltweed Pomeroy) Arena, 3 5: 92. — in Illinois. (D. L. Cruice) Arena, 31: 561, -— in Los Angeles. Really Masters. (Eltweed Pom- eroy) Arena, 33: 51, -— The March of. (Eltweed Pomeroy) Arena, 35: 271. -— Oregon Experiment with. (G. A. Thacher) Outl. 83: 612, — Organized Labor and. 533- —— Primer of. I. Arena, 35: 507, 600. -— Two Arguments against. (Eltweed Pomeroy) Arena, 31: 153. Direct Primary Nominations. M- I46= 79. Directors, The Criminal Liability of. Monthly R. 20, no 2: 94. -— Superfluous. Sat. R. 95: 161. Directory, An Old. (J . Rivers) Library, 11. s. 5: 173. Disabilities, Legal and Political, in the South, Re- moval of, 1868-98. So. Atlan. Q. 2: 346. —(J. G. DeR. Hamilton) So. Atlan. Q. 32 39. Disadvantage of too much Law ; a story. F arlane) Outing, 40: 162, Disappearance, The Art of. Spec. 96: 1031, Disappointing Magic, A. (Alice C. Haines) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 549. Disarmament. (A. C. Sharpe) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 327. — (Earl of Erroll) 19th Cent. 60: 44, —— and Union of Nations. (Hayne Davis) Indep. 582 (B. O. Flower) Arena, 271 (W. Hemstreet) Ecl. (E. Manson) (A. E. Mc- 1404, —- Blind Leaders of the Blind: the Government and Disarmament. (H. W. Wilson) National, 48: 243. — Precedent for. (E. Crosby) N0. Am. 183: 776, —— to follow International Organization. (Hayne Da- vis) Spec. g7: 161, Disarmament Trust, A. (R. Ogden) Atlan. 89: 702, Disasters, Great, of the World. (C. B. Taylor) Every- body’s. 7= 57. - Public Responsibility for. (T. Scanlon) Outl. 78: 1078, Disciples of Minerva. (E. F. Gray) Overland, n. s. 40: 546 Discipline, the, Editions of, from 1785 to 1808. (J - J . Tigert) Meth. R. 62: 356. Discipline, Formal, and Future of Latin and Greek. (J. H. Harris) %duca. 25; 421. —- Mathematics an e octrine of Formal. Collins) School R. 14: 604, — School. When Mercy seasons Justice. Milner) Educa. 27: 216. — Study in Formal. (F. C. Lewis) School R. 13: 812, Disciplining of Mathias, The; a story. (H. R. Mar- tin) McClure, I9: 514. Discontent, The Day of. Cosmopol. 40: 603, -— the Source of Progress. 48’. —— vs. Contentment. (W. Goddard) N. Church R. 9: 78. Discounts, Loans and Investment. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 451. Discoverer, The. (F. Ridge) Gent. M. n. s. 741 417. '1 Liv. Age, 246: 100, Discoveries; a story. (M. L. Luther) Am. M. 61: 1 262, “ Discovery,” Voyage of the. (H. R. Mill and others) Geog. J. 19: 417. — (A. W. Greely) Indep. 60: 33. —— ——- Meteorological Observations. Science, 11. s. 18: 345- Discovery in Massachusetts. Law R. 16: 110, 193, (J. V. (Florence (A. H. Lewis and others) ((1 W- Saleeby) Acad. 67: (F. W. Grinnell) Harv. 175 DISSENTIN G Discovery of Don Benito, The. (Will G. Taflinder) Overland, n. s. 46: 421. Disease and Dependence. (H. Folks) Char. II: 297. -— Causes and Antecedents of. (T. Smith) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 43: 102, — The Cellular Theory of. (F. Legge) Acad. 63: 294. — Contagious, Bacteriology and. (H. W. Conn) Chant. 40: 158. — Elimination of. Liv. Age, 249: 318. — Extermination of. (C. W. Saleeby) Harp. W. 491 465. — Filth Theory of, End of. (C. V. Chapin) Pop. Sci. hlo. 60: 234, -— Light-treatment of. (G. Pernet) Quar. 204: 138. —- Modern Life and. (F. M. Crandall) World’s Work, 4: 2656. — Prevention of. Nature, 68: 49, — — Real. (N. B. Foster) Nation, 83: 410. — — The World’s Greatest Problem. (A. E. Wright) Indep. 59: 446. — Protozoa and. (G. N. Calkins) Cent. 45: 931. — Relations of Animals to. (H. B. 'Ward) Science, 22: 193. — Safeguards of the Body against; a Short Study of Immunity. (T. M. Prudden) Outl. 791 589. — The War against. (C. E. A. VVinslow) Atlan. 91 I 43. Disease, The, and the Remedy. (A. E. P. Rockwell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 446, Diseases, Functional. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 67! 342. — Infectious. (A. Springer) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 72. — —— Immunity in, Metchnikoff’s. Sat. R. I023 I73. — of the 18th Century. (S. G. Tallentyre) Cornh. 92: 375.?-Liv. Age, 247: 37, — Statistics of. (C. E. A. Winslow) Am. Statis. Assoc. 7: 452. 8: 92. Disenchanted Squirrel. (N. Syrett) Longm. 43: 82, Disenchantment by Decapitation. (G. L. Kittredge) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I8: 1. Disentanglers, The. Longm. vols. 39-41. Disestablishment in France. Liv. Age, 248! 2 5 3. Disgrace of Sarah Emma Hawtree, The. (K. Hoff- man) Munsey, 33: 322. Disguised Providence, A; a story. Harper, 105: 447. Dishonesties, Petty. Sat. R. 97: 648. Disillusion, The. (Annie H. Donnell) Everybody’s, I 5: 833 d. Disinfecting Stations, Floating. sier, 23: 748. Disinfection and Disinfectants, Rosenau’s. Park) Science, 11. s. 17: 502. Disinherited, The; a story. (T. Mufson) Arena, 32: 630. Disjunctive Judgment, The. 28: 489. Dismal Swamp, A Day in. 21 339: Dismissal of Lydia Day, The. M. 341 415- Dispensary, Utilization of the. (F. B. Kirkbride) Char. I4: 1086, Dispensary Law, Effective. (S. Smith) Char. III 130. Dispensary Problem, Some Phases of the. (F. B. Kirkbride) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 231 424- Dispensation, A. (Georgia W. Pangborn) Everybody’s, 15: 302, Dispersion of Bilkington, The; a story. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 43: 420. Disraeli, Benjamin. See Beaconsfield. Dissatisfied Soul, A. (A. T. Slosson) Atlan. 942 114. Dissent, Advantages of. (H. B. S. K.) Sund. M. 31: 765. Dissenting Opinions. (V. H. Roberts) Am. Law R. 39: 23.—(W. A. Bowen) Green Bag, 17: 690. (E. S. Martin) (D. A. Willey) Cas- (W. H. (G. R. T. Ross) Mind, (L. E. Catlin) M. of Hist. (A. N. Bourne) Scrib. DISSOLVING Dissolving View, The; a story. (M. Harris) Harper, no: 5 34, Dissonance and Evil. (D. G. Mason) Atlan. 94: 226. Distance, Judging. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 108, Distances, Process of Judgment in Estimating. (M. L. Ashley) Psychol. R. 10: 283. Distant Relation, A. (W. W. Jacobs) Cosmopol. 40: 646. Distress and its Prevention. (C. S. Loch) Char. I0: 3 50. Distribution by a Law of Rent. (C. W. Macfarlane) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 4: 154. — Hohson’s Theory of. (J . L. Laughlin) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 305, — Marginal Theory of. (J . A. Hobson) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 449. I3! 587.—-(T. N. Carver) J. Pol. Econ. 13: 257, ~— Theory of, Marginal Units in. Pol. Econ. 12: 449, — -— Present State of. Assoc. 3d ser. 7: 24. District, In the. (Nelson Lloyd) Scrib. M. 38: 568. (J . A. Hobson) J. District of Columbia, Government of. (C. Howard) Calif. M. 3: 441. -— Governmental Progress in. (H. B. F. Macfarlane) Char. I5: 819. ~— Library Association, Meeting, Jan. 1906. Lib. J. 31: 80. —— Well-governed. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 677. District Attorney, The ; a story. (Churchill Williams) Bookman, I8: 290, District Attorney’s Oflice, In the. Atlan. 95: 476. District School. Atlan. 91: 574. — Old-time. (Clifton Johnson) Cut]. 76: 568. District Visiting. Macmil. n. s. I: 348. Dithionic Acid and the Dithionates, Analysis of. (R. H. Ashley) Am. J. Sci. 172: 259. Ditmarsh, Germany, Home of Klaus Groth. (T. H. Rearden) Californian, I: 136, Divers, Submarine, and their Work. (A. W. Rolker) Appleton’s M. 8: 331. Diversions of an Idler. (A. Bierce) Cosmopol. 39: 442, 562, “ Divided ; ” the Story of a Poem. lin) Scrib. M. 36: I13. Divided Interest, A. (Christine D. F. Hills) Temp. Bar, 128: 56. Divine and the Human. (L. Tolstoi) Fortn. 85: 960, I160.-=Liv. Age, 249: 5x5, 250: I2. Divine Benediction, The. (H. S. Symmes) Putnam, I: 112, Divine Element in Common Life. Calif. Univ. Chron. 3: 168, Divine Service Afield and Afloat. Army & Navy Life, 9: 217. Divining Rod, The. (R. W. Raymond) Cassier, 27: (Clara E. Laugh- (C. R. Brown) (C. Macdonald) 113. — Water-finding with the. Knowl. n. s. 2: 36. Divinities, Local; Transformation into Gods. Curtiss) Bib. World, 21: 7, Divinity School, The, and the University. (T. T. Mun- ger) Outl. 70: 728. — Problem of Religious Education and the. Bacon) Am. J. Theol. 8: 683, Division of Sin, A. (Hugh Pendexter) Booklover’s M. 6: 285. Divorce and its Effects on Society. Cath. World, 731 92. — and Remarriage. (H. F. Harris) Arena, 35: 392,- (J . W. Richard) Luth. Q. 35: 36. —- A Catholic’s Answer to Dr. McKim. way) Cath. World, 81: 11. — Children’s Side of. (Laica) Outl. 70: 478. (S. I. (B. W. (G. Giglinger) (B. L. Con- 176 / (J . H. Hollander) Am. Econ. (C. C. Nott, jr{ DIXIE Divorce, Children’s Side of; Another View. (P. S. Moxom) Outl. 70: 619, —— The Church and. (J . W. Richard) Am. J . Theol. I0: 452. ——- Constitutional Protection of Decrees for. H. Beale, jr.) Harv. Law R. 19: 586, -- Decision of the Supreme Court. Outl. 82: 919, -— Dr. McKim and the Fathers on. (B. L. Conway) Cath. World, 80: 767. ~ Evolutionary Ethics of Marriage and. Contemp. 88: 397. —— First Cause of. (W. H. Cooley) Arena, 32: 291. —— Good Society and. (E. M. Henrotin) World To-day, 73 I323- — Is it a Forward or Backward Step ? C’Hare) Arena, 33: 413, 7A Lawyer’s View. (Ernest Dale Owen) Arena, 34: 167. — Light vs. Legislation. 16. ——Marriage and. (H. F. Harris) Arena, 292 167.- (Elizabeth Carpenter) No. Am. 181: 123, -—(G, L, Hill) Yale Div. Q. 2: 128. -— — in America. (S. Brooks) Fortn. 84: 329. — — The Letter of the Law. (N. W. Jones) No. Am. 181: 597. — Physician’s View of the Question. Arena, 34: 473. /— Plea for Freedom of. (C. B. Wheeler) Westm. :57: (Joseph (Kate R. (Katrina Trask) Arena, 33: (A. D. Bush) 79- —- Provisions in the State Constitutions. (F. C. Hicks) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 745. — Remarfiage after. The Practice of the Roman Church contrasted with its Theory. (W. C. Doane) No. Am. 180: 513. — —— Reply to Bishop Doane. Q- 30: 345- — — Strange Reasoning of Bishop Doane. Creech) Cath. World, 81: 287. — Separation Agreements under the English Law. (R. J. Peaslee) Harv. Law R. 15: 638. — Suppression of, Impurity of. (T. Schroeder) Arena, 331 I42- —— Teaching of the New Testament and of the Church regarding. (H. Pope) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 807. 2g: 51- — too Diflicult. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 82: 505, — Whom God hath joined. (M. M. Irwin) Arena, 30: 186. See also Marriage. Divorce Agitation, The. Law Q. 20: 363. Divorce Court and the Public. (F. Payler) Macmil. g2: 35I. Divorce Germ, The. (Lavinia Hart) Cosmopol. 37: 201. Divorce Law, American. (Wilbur Larremore) No. Am. 183: 70. -— English, Anomalies of. 86: 1115. —/National Congress on Uniform. cutt) Indep. 61: 1265, Divorce Legislation of Switzerland. Arena, 34: 10. ——Some Needed Reforms in. Bag, 18: 598. Divorce Novels from Three Countries. (Edwin E. Slos- son) Indep. 58: 1005, Divorces, European, while you wait. (J . H. Beale, jr.) Green Bag, I42 9. Dix, Dorothea L., and the Treatment of the Insane Poor in Massachusetts Sixty Years ago. (B. 0. Flower) Arena, 322 535. Dixie Industrial Company. (T. Barrett) Am. Cath. (J . T. (E. S. P. Haynes) Fortn. (Ernest W. Huf- (Louis Wuarin) (E. D. Leach) Green (C. H. Kelsey) Outl. 83: 898. IHXON Dixon, L. M., and his Work. of Sun. I0: 4. Dixon, Thos., jr. (C. F. Lummis) Land (E. F. Harkins) Lit. W. (Bost.) 352 35- Do I want an Automobile? (E. Wood) Everybody’s, 14: 35. Doane, W. Croswell, on Remarriage after Divorce. Am. Cath. Q. 30: 345. Doane Family Bible Records. (C. W. Doane) N. E. Reg. 59: 16o. Dobson, Austin. Liv. Age, 2462 883. -— Sidewalk Studies. Ath. ’02, 21 511. Dock-labor in Ipswich. (A. J. Allen) Econ. R. 12: 289. Docks, Modern Development of. (Brysson Cunning- ham) Cassier, 25: 485. Dockyards, The, a Century Ago. Un. Serv. M. 30: 1. - of Japan. (C. Albertson) Engin. M. 29: 850. 303 32- Doctor, The Country, in France. Chamb. J . 81: 241. - Fashionable. Sat. R. 98: 422, 460, 507. Doctor of Laws, Degree of. (F. S. Thomas) Harv. Grad. M. 11: 515. Doctor of Philosophy, The Degree of. Educa. R. 30: 31. - - in the U. S. (E. D. Perry) Colum. Univ. Q. 6: 255. IEduca. R. 28: 164, Cox’s Discovery ; a story. (H. D. Ward) Cosmopol. 34= 297. Dorothy Treherne ; an Easter story. (J . Blewett) Canad. M. 20: 558, Marsh’s Fortunate Call. (G. B. Adams) Dr. Dr. Dr. (M. Holley) Lippinc. 70: 44 Pether’s Parrot. (Mrs. Isabel Smith) Chamb. J . 79¢ 75- Doctor Pope; a story. (J . W. Sherer) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 1, Doctor Wentworth’s Patient. (Minnie B. Ames) New Eng. M. 11. s. 34: 663. Doctor lVorthington’s Nightmare. Chamb. J. 83 s: 1. Doctorates conferred by American Universities, 1903. Science, 11. s. I82 257. — -— 1904. Science, 11. s. 20: 225, — - 1906. Science, 11. s. 24: 206. Doctoresse malgré Elle, La. (Zelia de Ladeveze) Cornh. 85: 232.1‘-Liv. Age, 233: 357.=~"Ecl. M. 139: 28, Doctor’s Sign, The. n, s, 322 I88, Doctor’s Wife speaks, The. Dr. (W. E. Cule) (Emma J . Gomif) New Eng. M. (S. A. Shafer) Outl. 75: )- Doctors, Charges of. (H. Lamont) Nation, 82: 48, -— Concerning. (Maria T. Earle) N ational, 42: 916. - Quack. Macmil. 92: 438. Doctrine, Christian, Basis of. J . 1: 5. - Drifting of. (J . P. Mahaffy) Hibbert J . I: 498, Dodge, Mary Mapes. Cent. 49: 156. —— (S. S. Mc- Enery) Critic, 47: 310. Dodgson, C. L. Alice in Wonderland, The Poems in. (Florence Milner) Bookman, I8: 13, Dodona, Gong at. (A. B. Cook) J . Hel. Stud. 22: 5. - The Grove of. (Andre Saglio) Cent. 50: 244. Doellinger, J . J . I. von, Life of. (W. Rauschenbusch) Am. J. Theol. 7: 733. Dog, Ancestry of the. (W. D. Mathew) Science, 11. s. 17: 2, - Bird, The American. (J . E. Isgrigg) World To- day, 11: 1273. - Fidelity of the. (Cy Warman) LiPPiI1C- 711 361- -Tbe Mind of a. Liv. Age, 249: 443. —(S. Alexan- der) Cornh. 94: 28.=Liv. Age, 250: 612, (P. Gardner) Hibbert TN ' — Fishers of the. DOGS Dog. Sketch of a Dog’s Life. (E. Merwyn) McClure, 26: 78, —— Summer Work for a. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 46: %z ' — Weapons and Tools of the. (W. Hutchinson) Open Court, 19: 205. —- What is he built to do? (W. Hutchinson) Open Court, 18: 577. — White Raccoon ; a New Species. Knowl. n. s. 2: 84. Dog and the Under Dog, The. 341 454- Dog eat Dog; a fable. 242, Dog Breeding, Professional and Amateur. Giles) Outing, 39: 603, Dog Ghost, The; a story. M. n. s. 72: 1. Dog-police of European Cities. Cent. 50: 823. - in Belgium. (J . E. Whitby) Cosmopol. 39: 515. Dog Show, New York, 1903. (B. Waters) Outing, 42: 128 (E. Guarini) (E. H. Peple) Munsey, (Cy Warman) Canad. M. 24: (Mrs. O. (E. M. Rutherford) Gent. (W. G. Fitz-Gerald) Dogberry, A Modern. Spec. 94: 667. Dogger Bank, and After. (L. G. C. Laughton) Un. Serv. M. 30: 213. (F. J. Hart) Cosmopol. 39: 329, Dogger Bank Affair. The Commission of Inquiry. (B. H. Conner) Green Bag, I7: 361.-(T. Baty) Indep. R. 4: 393. - Spec. 93: 631. Dogma. (A. Reynaud) Cath. World, 77: 362. - The Anatomy of. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Dial, 41: 60, - Criticism and. (C. A. Briggs) No. Am. 182: 861, - Do we need ? (S. McComb) Contemp. 82: 271. I Am. J. Theol. 6: 753. - History and. (T. B. Saunders) Monthly R. II, no. a r 2. , - Progress of, J. Orr’s. (B. B. Warfield) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 486, Dogmatism, Perils of Unauthorized. (C. M. Westcott) Cath. World, 77: 670. ‘ Dog’s Tale, A; a story. II, (Mark Twain) Harper, I08: Dogs. (C. F. Holder) Calif. M. I: 443. - Ambulance, in Warfare. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: $8 — American Llewellins. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 44: we - and Languages. Spec. 93: 475.?-Liv. Age, 243: 506. —‘Anecclotes of. Blackw. 172: 43. - Beagle. (A. H. Higginson) Outing, 43: 37, - Bench Show Setters. (B. Waters) Outing, 41: 646. — Boilers of, and their Fuel. (W. Hutchinson) Open Court, 20: 417. -Breeding and Breaking. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 46: 120. --and Showing of, by Women. Outing, 40: 401, - - in America. (J . Watson) Outing, 41: 772. --in England and America. (G. Raper) Outing, 4O= 343- - - of Sporting. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 45: 254, - Can they Reason ? (Alex. Hill) Nature, 67: 5 58. - Canine Partnership. (E. R. Young) Outing, 44: 591. - Caring for the Bird-dogs. (E. Sandys) Outing, 4I: (L. C. Moeran) 649. - Choosing a Field Dog. (E. Sandys) Outing, 46: 122, - Choosing the Field Trial Dog. (J . A. Graham) Out- ing, 48: 637. - Chums. (E. L. Sabin) Cent. 44: 201. - Civilization and. Atlan. 89: 723. - English Gun. (E. D. Cumining) Outing, 43: 289, DOGS Dogs. English Setter Questions. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 44: 252. — Field, in Action. (H. B. Rathbone) Outing, 42: 69. — Field Trials. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 43: 605. — — How they influence Breeding. (C. B. Cook) Out- ing. 4% 516- - — of Setters and Pointers. (B. Waters) Outing, 40: 728, —— History of the Pointer, Arkwright’s. Dewar) Sat. R. 96: 199. — How the Pointing Dog holds its Tail. nell) Outing, 47: 218, — Hunting. Blackw. I76: 263. —- — Training of. (H. B. Rathbone) Ctry Life Am. 5: 18, —-I have Known and Loved. Blackw. I71: 467.: Liv. Age, 233: 483.:Ecl. M. 139: 75. — Irish and Gordon Setters. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 44: 762, . — Kennel Notes. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 44: 248, 346. — Laveracks in America. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 44: (G. A. B. (R. C. Cor- 499- - The Mad-dog Fallacy. (J . Watson) Ctry Life Am. 8: 340, — Manners and Morals in the Kennels. (T. T. Dale) Blackw. 177: 82. =Liv. Age, 244: 471. =Ecl. M. 144= 540. — Master Tartar. Blackw. I71! 90. — Mistakes of the Amateur Dog-handler. (J . H. Tuckerman) Outing, 46: 700. —— My Dog Grouse. (W. E. D. Scott) Outl. 77: 305. -— Our Friend, the Dog. (M. Maeterlinck) Cent. 451 415- —— Photographing, in Action. ins. 431 592- —- Pointer Families. — Quarantine Kennels. (E. A. Donnally) Out- (J . A. Graham) Outing, 44: 114, (T. E. Kebbel) Macmil. 87: 344- — Racing and Burrowing Outfit of. (W. Hutchinson) Open Court, 20: 523, — Reasoning Power of. (S. L. De Fabry) Outing, 48: 5°5- — Red Wild. Sat. R. 102: 13, — St. Bernard. (Anna H. Whitney) Ctry Life Am. 31 I43- — Scent in. (J . G. McPherson) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 152, —— Sheep. (M. Austin) Harper, 113: 757. —— -—— Training of. (A. R. Dugmore) Everybody’s, 7: 121, —— Shooting, Choosing. 635. — Show, America and England compared. ples) Outing, 43: 484, —— Sporting, American Variations of. (J . A. Graham) Outing. an 737. - — Class in. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 45: 375, —- -— Training and Care of. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 45: 117. — Starting a Kennel. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 47: 661. —— Starting an Exhibition Kennel. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 48: 119. — Studies of, by B. Riviere. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 44: (T. Mar- (VV. B. Tegetmeier) M. of Art. 37¢ 313. —— Timid, Dealing with. (J . A. Graham) Outing, 48: 760, —-Use of, in German Army. (M. Foster) Idler, 21: 683. -— used in War. (C. N. Barney) Scrib. M. 37: 689. -- (E. H. Richardson) 19th Cent. 57: 427.: Liv. Age, 2451 I79- . -—— Westminster Kennel Club. Outing, 44: 125, Doherty, H. L. and R. F. Their Success and Influ- ence on Tennis. (J . T. Bailey) Outing, 43: 112, 178 DOMESTICATION Doing Counts. ' (H. Weinstock) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 209, Doing Good, Luxury of. (S. Gwynn) Cornh. 85: 195. Doing of Galinter, The; a story. (M. van Vorst) Har- per, 106: 313. Doll, A; a story. (A. MacGowan) Harper, I12: 283. Doll, The, Dominion of. (C. Q."Turner) Craftsman, 7: S91- Doll Lady, The. (E. Kenton) Cent. 50: 859. Doll Mildred. 191, Dollars the French took, The. (C. Edwardes) Chamb. J . 80: 755. Dollie, Aide-de-camp. n. s. 31.: 493. Dolling, Father. Spec. 90: 813. -—Acad. 64: 527, —- Osborne’s Life of. Cornh. 88: 71. Dolomites, The. (M. W. Higginson) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 391. —- Country of the. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 7 5: 561. Dolores Mission, The Graveyard of. (Stella Maximo) Overland, n. s. 47: 240, Dome, Stone, Construction of. (J . S. Boyd) Am. Arch. 88: 27, Domesday, Burgesses of. 21: 699, —- — and the Malmesbury Wall. (Mary Bateson) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 709, 4 Domesday Book. (H. M. Lyte) Pall Mall M. 27: 209. Domestic Affection in Saintly Characters. (J . Free- land) Dub. R. 135: 296. Domestic Animals in the U. S. Geog. M. 17: 511. Domestic Art. (Charlotte P. Gilman) Craftsman, 5: 512, Domestic Economy. Chaut. 34: 634.—(Charlotte P. Gilman) Indep. 56: 1359. Domestic Evolution, The Coming. Chamb. J . 81: 289. Domestic Finance, An Experiment in. (J. H. Can- field) Cosmopol. 33: 280. Domestic Life in Mediaeval England. ston) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 310. Domestic Products, Purity in the Manufacture of. (A. Morris) Canad. M. 27: 526. Domestic Science as a Factor in our Modern Education. (M. M. Pugh) Chant. 42: 272, — as a Profession. (A. Barrows) Chaut. 39: 432. -—Martyrdom_ of the Housewife. (H. Lamont) Na- tion, 77I 317- - Teaching the Home-makers. 30: 491. Domestic Servants: Mistress and Maid. (Mrs. F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 53: 284.=Liv. Age, 236: (E. M. Fryer) New Eng. M. (A. Ballard) Eng. Hist. R. (F. E. Warren) Nat. (Lucian John- (R. Everett) Munsey, 786. -— A Nine-hour Day for. (Inez A. Goodman) Indep. 54: 397- -— Problem of. (L. Pettengill) Everybody’s, 8: 273.. 560. Domestic Servants’ Union formed at Holyoke, Mass. Everybody’s, 9: 224. Domestic Service. Chamb. J . 83: 166, —and Farm-service. (D. C. Pedder) Contemp. 83: 269. —- More Life for the Household Employee. (C. L. Hunt) Chaut. 36: 392. —- Problem of. (J . M. Rubinow) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 502, — An Unpopular Industry. (C. Webb) I9th Cent. 53: 989. =Liv. Age, 238: 249, — Why is it a Problem ? Outl. 78: 299. Domestic Tyrant, The. Chamb. J . 82: 545. Domestication of Rackenstoe. (E. Boltwood) Mun- sey, 32: 500, (Anne Story Allen) Everybody’s, I4: 1 _ DOMETT Domett, Alfred, Robert Browning and. (VV. H. Grif- fin) Contemp. 87: 95. Dominae Scholae. (Mrs. A. Earle) Contemp. 87: 803. Dominique. (H. C. Bailey) Macmil. 87: 293. Domremy and Rouen; a poem. (H. W. Boynton) Atlan. 902 514, Don Cupid. (E. Ayrton) Lippinc. 76: 729. Don Damon’s Revenge. (Mrs. W. D. Hudnall) Over- land, 11. s. 44: 521, Don Juan, Ethics of. 1061, Don who loved a Donna. (W. M. Clemens) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 494. Donatello, Balcarres’s. (M. A. Gerothwohl) F ortn. 83: (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 972 454- — Life and Works, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 4: pt. 41. Donegal, In. Good Words, 442 416. —— A Land of Flowers and Saints. Good Words, 46: I94, Donegal, Marchioness of. (M. E. Henderson) Canad. M. 24: 308. Donizetti, Gaéitano, and Bellini, Vincenzo. Music, 62 49. Donkin, Bryan. Nature, 65: 495. Donn, Rob. (A. M. Mackay) Westm. I65: 431. Donne, W. Bodham. Spec. 942 823. — and his Friends. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 47: 159. —(P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 39: 10. Donnelly, S. R. The Trade Agreement in the Build- ing Trades. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 510. Donnelly, Sir John. Nature, 65: 5 38. Donnet, Sir James. (C. R. Markham) Geog. J . 25: 224, Donoghue, John, Sculptor, Pathos of Career of. (J. C. McCord) Brush & P. 12: 364. Donors, Rights of. (A. B. Parker) Educa. R. 23: 15. Don’t Hurry Club, The. (A. B. Paine) Cent. 41: 586. Dooley, Mr., on the Christmas Spirit. (F. P. Dunne) Am. M. 63: 172. Doolittle, James Rood, with portrait. Green Bag, 15: 203. — and Reconstruction. (D. Mowry) Sewanee, I4: 449. Doom of London. (R. Barr) Idler, 26: 540, Doones of Exmoor, The. (J . C. Cox) Ath. ’o5, 2: 274— - 370. —— (S. Urban) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 309. Door in the Wall, The. (H. G. Wells) Everybody’s, I5: 328. Door of the Cage, The. (Mary Heaton Vorse) Apple- ton’s M. 8: 561. Door of Unrest; a story. (O. Henry) Cosmopol. 37: 21. ., Door to the Right, The. (Bettina von Hutten) Lip- pinc. 77: 71. Door Draperies. Craftsman, 4: 387, Door Latches, How to make, with Jack-knife. Beard) Outing, 47: 248. Doors and Door-handles, Some French. (J. G. Sieve- king) Antiq. n. s. 41: 51, — and Doorways. (E. C. Holtzoper) Ctry Life Am. 6: 135. — Bronze, in Italy. (A. Melani) Am. Arch. 78: 83, —— Old French, and Door-handles. (J . G. Sieveking) Antiq. n. s. 411 SI. — Portals and Bronze Doors, St. Bartholomew’s Church, N. Y. (R. Sturgis) Archit. Rec. I 5: 293. Doorways in New York. (F. S. Arnett) Munsey, 28: (Rosa M. Barrett) Mast. in (D. Mowry) (D. 97- - Old English. Antiq. n. s. 39: 238 — Parisian, of the 18th Century. Architec. Rec. I92 I23. Doppler Effect. (H. C. Richards) Science, 11. s. 24: 466. ‘(Russell Sturgis) 179 Dorchester, Mass., Strangers in. N. E. Reg. 60: 387. DOW Dorchester House; the Home of the American Am- bassador. (E. Douglas Sheilds) Outl. 81: 467. Dorchester Monument, The. M. of Hist. I: 190. Dorchester Religious Society of Young Men. Matthews) N. E. Reg. 60: 3o. Doreen. (E. Fawcett) Lippinc. 73: 1. Doremus, Robert Ogden. (C. F. Chandler) Science, 11. s. 23: 513. - Dormitories of University of Penn., Heating of. (H. W. Spangler) J . Frankl. Inst. I61: 179, Dornay’s Revenge. (T. W. Speight) Chamb. J . 321 209, 234, 248. (A. Dorothea Dix Hall in Boston. (Marg. Turner) New _ Eng. M. n. s. 31: 693. Dorothy of the Mill. (Robert Barr) Idler, 29: 41. Dory-mates. (J . B. Connolly) Scrib. M. 37: 5 3o, Doryphorus on a Red-figured Lecythus. (Robert C. McMahon) Am. J . Archaeol. 2d ser. I0: 405, Dossi, Dosso, An Unknown Picture by. (Claude Phil- lips) Art J. 58: 353. Dostoyevsky. (E. Garnett) Acad. 71: 202. Douarnenez, France, With the F isher-folk at. (J. Quigley) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 282. Double Anemone, The. (M. Hardy) Chamb. J. 82: 353. 378- Double-barreled Detective Story. (Mark Twain) Har- per. 104: 429~ Double-dyed Deceiver, A. I 3: 814, Double Harness. (A. H. Hawkins) Munsey, 30: 331, 53,0, 31: 83. 32: 156. Double Hold-up, A. (A. McEwen) Munsey, 341 309. Doubles. (Zozimus) Chamb. J . 82: 587-.- —— Personal. Spec. 92: 688. Doubt, Difliculties of. (C. H. Vine) Sund. M. 332 589. Doubtful Age, The. (A. C. Muirhead) Cent. 50: 365, (O. Henry) Everybody’s, 496. Doubting of the Doctor, The; a story. (H. C. Row- land) McClure, 23: 6S. Doubting Castle. (Georgia W. Pangborn) Bookman, 23: 492, Doubting Thomas, A. (Carter Goodloe) Scrib. M. 371 605, Doudan, Ximénes. (E. Wright) Acad. 69: I152. Dougall, Lily, Novelist. (K. L. Macpherson) Canad. M- 271 478- Douglas, George. See Brown, George Douglas. Douglas, Stephen A., as a Lawyer, with portrait. Green Bag, 15: 455. — Lincoln’s Rival. (W. G. Brown) Atlan. 89: 226. Douglas, Sir W. Fettes. Art J. 58: 118. Douglas, William L., with portrait. (H. L. Wood) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 686.-—(R. L. Bridgman) Outl. 78: 715. Douglas, House of, Maxwell’s History of. Ath. ’02, I1 0. Douglass, Frederick, Last Days of. (J . E. Rankin) IndeP- 55= 95°- Doukhobors, The. (J . Elkinton) Char. I3: 252. —-(A. Maude) World To-day, 7: 14o9.—Acad. 652 231. —- Among the. (F. Ingold) Outl. 72: 35 3. — Elkinton’s. (I. F. Hapgood) Nation, 76: 382. — in Canada ; their Pilgrimage. (J . Reddington) Canad. M. 20: 211. — Maude’s. (I. F. Hapgood) Nation, 80: 212. — of Manitoba. Canad. M. 26! 282. Dounza. (Ernest Poole) Indep. 592 974. Dove, The. (J . B. Tabb) Atlan. 90: 304. Dover Road, a Literary Highway. (W. Dexter) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 365.=Liv. Age, 239: 626. Doves and Pigeons. (H. W. Bromhead) Art J . 54¢ 239. Dow, Gerard, Life of, with portrait. Mast. in Art, 4: pt. 42. DOW Dow, Gerard; Portrait of himself. (W. S. Howard) Harper, 105: 470. Dower-chest of Ann Ponsford; a story. (U. L. Sil- berrad) Blackw. 173: 190.=Liv. Age, 236: 730, 801. Dowie, John Alexander, with portrait. man) Everybody’s, 9: 567. —Analyzed and Classified. (J . M. Buckley) Cent. 42! 928. -—— and his City of Zion. (H. J . Shepstone) Sund. M. (I. K. Fried- 33: S53- —- City of the Plains. (G. Townsend) Munsey, 27: 843. — The Dream of. (W. E. Barton) Indep. 60: 915. —— Genesis of a Modern Prophet. (J . J . Halsey) Am. J . Sociol. 9: 310. —— The Prophet and his Profits. (J . Swain) Cent. 42: 933- Dowieism; New Sects and Old. (E. H. Abbott) Outl. 72: 122. Dowland, John, New Facts about. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 287. Down the Court; a story. (W. H. G. Flood) (M. F. Quinlan) Cath. World, 79: 299. Down the Flume with the Sneath Piano. (B. Millard) Cent. 117. Downfall of Fogerty, The. (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, ss= 546- Downing Street ; most Famous Street in the Empire. (M. MacDonagh) Good Words, 43: 466. Downside Celebrations, The. (M. F. Quinlan) Cath. World, 82: 223. Dowson, Ernest. (F. Reid) Monthly R. 19, no. 3: 107. -—— Poems. 'Sat. R. 99: 808. Doyle, Sir A. Conan. Acad. 65: 444. —— (J . E. T. Wil- liams) Bookman, 17: 647. —Home of. (D. A. Willey) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 607. ——John Chilcote, M. P. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 99: 588. — A Literary Portrait. (H. MacFall) Canad. M. 23: 3°5- —Novels of. Quar. 200: 158.: Liv. Age, 242: 641, =Ecl. M. 143: 658. —- Open Letters to. Good Words, 42: 815, — Sherlock Holmes’s Plots and Strategy. (J . B. Mac- kenzie) Green Bag, 14: 407, Doyle, Richard, Best Drawings. (Lewis Lusk) Art J . 54: 248. Draft, Mechanical; Conditions of Production. (Wal- ter B. Snow) Cassier, 29: 398. Drafting Room, Economic Equipment and Manage- ment of. (T. Doane Perry) Engin. M. 31: 366, Draga, Queen of Servia, Truth concerning, by her Sister. (C. P. Lunyevitza) Fortn. 86: 1065, Drago Doctrine of N on—enforcement of Claims. Sat. R. 102: 224, — International Law and. 183: 602, Dragon of Deerhurst Church. (E. S. Hartland) Antiq. n. s. 38: 140. Dragon of the Swale, The. (D. L. Sharp) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 362. Dragon Boat Festival in China. Overland, n. s. 44: 136. Dragon-flies. Spec. 89: 111.=Liv. Age, 234: 569.: Ecl. M. 139: 452. — in Brackish Water. W 395- Dragon-fly Nymphs, Number of Moults of. (A. East) Knowl. 25: 198, Dragon’s Discipline, The. 76: 114. (G. W. Scott) No. Am. (C. E. Lorrimer) (R. C. Osb urn) Am. Natural. (Arthur S. Riggs) Lippinc. 180 DRAMA Drainage and the Distribution of Fresh-water Fau- nas. (D. W. Johnson) Science, 11. s. 21: 588. Drake, Sir Francis. (Julian Corbett) Geog. J . 21: 605. — and the “ Golden Hind.” (J. R. Spears) Outing, 481 742- - and his Voyage to Pacific Coast of America. Out West W 593. 723- - and Togo compared. Blackw. 178: 150. — Romantic Adventures of. (A. Laut) Harper, 111: 165, Drake; an English epic. (A. Noyes) Blackw. 179: 460, 648. Drama, Apostles of the New. (E. L. Cary) Lamp, 27: 593- —— Appeal of the. (M. Gill) Acad. 57: 57!. -— Art of‘ the Dramatist. (Brander Matthews) No. Am. 1'76: 200, — Bases of. (Marguerite Merington) Bookman, I5: 429. 536- I6= 42- - Beauty and Light in the. (Kenyon \Vest) Arena, 33: 608. -— British, A Hope for. (E. F. Spence) Indep. R. 7: 190. —- The Case of the. Dial, 39: 195. —- Critics of. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 93: 727. — Crucial Test of a. (P. E. More) Nation, 78: 447. —— Deeper Interest needed. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 98: 108. — Defense of Play—reading. (W. E. Hicks) Longm. 431 438- —- Development of, Matthews on. (G. P. Baker) Lamp, 27: 329. — Elizabethan, Some Recent Books on. (G. P. Baker) Atlan. 92: 706. —— Endowment of. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 168, — English and French. (F. Wedmore) I9th Cent. 51: 568.-—Ed. R. 196: 178. —— Future of the. (J. R. Towse) Nation, 76: 147,- (Brander Matthews) Bookman, 17: 31. = Monthly R. 10, no. 2: 139. — Impressional. (Lady A. Campbell) 19th Cent. 58: 204.-_-‘Liv. Age, 246: 668. — in America. Art for Business’ Sake. Cosmopol. 40: 231, — in Colleges. (K. Merrill) Educa. 26: 419. -— in the 18th Century. (Brander Matthews) Sewanee, 11: 1. - in England. (E. W. Bbwen) Meth. R. 65: 9<>3.\ — in New York. (H. Tyrrell) Forum, 35: 402, — — Season of 1906. (J . E. Webber) Canad. M. 27: 9» 109- ° — Literary Critics and the. 53: 614. — Literary Merit of our Latter-day. thews) Scrib. M. 34: 607, -— Literature and the Modern. 98: 796. —- Making of a Play. (P. Wilstach) Munsey, 26: 567, — Metropolitan Audiences. (Mrs. Richard Mansfield) Cosmopol. 36: 667, —- Modern, Cornerstones of. 1084. f — — Simplicity needed in. (D. Belasco) (H. A. Jones) I9th Cent. (Brander Mat- (H. A. Jones) Atlan. (P. M. Craigie) Acad. 66: 83. — Modern Social, as influenced by the Novel. (W. L. Courtney) F ortn. 77: 666. =Liv. Age, 233: 396. “- Eel. M. 139: 44, — A Museum-gallery for the. Bookman, 22: 174, -— National, and University Towns. (Daniel K. Dodge) Nation, 81: 462, — Odd and Eccentric in. (H. H. Boyesen, 2d) Cosmo- (Brander Matthews) pol. 36: 279. (H. A. Jones) Fortn. 86: V DRAMA Drama, of the Future. (0. Crawfurd) 19th Cent. 52: 967. — of To-day, Makers of the. Atlan. 91: 504. —- of the Winter of 1903-04, and Public Taste. Hammerstein) Cosmopol. 35: 707. —— Old English Sacred. (F. E. Schelling) Lippinc. 74$ (Brander Matthews) (Oscar 4411. — Our National (English). (A. O. D. Bartholeyns) Westm. 162: 444. -— Plays of the Season (1906) in New York. (J. E. Webber) Canad. M. 28: 171. -~— Plays should vary in Length. R. 93: 295- — Poetic, and its Prospects on the Stage. (J . Tod- hunter) Fortn. 77: 713. ‘ -— — Revival of. (E. Gosse) Atlan. 90: 156. —~ The Popular Play. (J . T. Smith) Am. Cath. Q. 281 (M. Beerbohm) Sat. 339- — Present-day ; a Review and a Forecast. (E. P. Ober- holtzer) Booklover’s M. 4: 515. —— Recognition by the State. (H. A. Jones) 19th Cent. 55: 449. — Religious. (R. Lawson) Macmil. n. s. 1: 505. = Liv. Age, 249: 611, — — Plea for the. -— ——- Revival of. —— Season of 1902-03, 625, -—The Social, and its Purpose. (J. Hopp) Ecl. M. 146: 4, - — Some Great Old Plays. I. The Two Orphans. (J. L. Ford) Munsey, 34: 122, -— — II. The Banker’s Daughter. Bey: 34: I22» I99- - — III. “ Rip Van Winkle.” (B. W. Findon) F ortn. 84: 708. (J. M. Oxley) Canad. M. 21: 117. (W. Bathon) Cosmopol. 333 (J . L. Ford) Mun- (J . L. Ford) Munsey, 351 72- —— Some Recent French and English Plays. Ed. R. 200: 207. — Some, Winter Plays. (Eveline C. Godley) National, 4% 940 —- The Stock-size of Success. 19th Cent. 58: 763. — Study of. (Brander Matthews) Internat. Q. 10: 91. —— Symbolical. (E. Faguet) Internat. Q. 8: 329. —Theater of the People. (A. Schinz) Lippinc. 73: (Gertrude Kingston) 73- — The Unactable. (Brander Matthews) Lamp, 26: 99, — Vicissitudes of the Hero in. (W. L. Courtney) Na- tional, 59: 305. = Eel. M. 139: 203.=Liv. Age, 233: 695. Drama in the Pine Forest, A. (F. Whishaw) Longm. 42: 60,:Liv. Age, 237: 803, Drama of Devon, A; a story. (H. Hutchinson) Cornh. 93: 47. 3-‘Liv. Age, 248: 356. Dramas and Lengthened Poetry, Interest in. Webb) Nation, 78: 331, Dramatic Art, The. (Mme. Réjane) National, 41: (A. 959- — German. (E. S. Meyer) Nation, 74: 207. Dramatic Censorship in England. (A. Symons) Acad. 63: 21. -—(M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 93: 835. Dramatic Critic ; can he be quite Honest ? (Alan Dale) Cosmopol. 41: 397. — Confessions of a. Indep. 60: 49. Dramatic Criticism. (J . L. Ford) Munsey, 29: 249, —— Doubts as to. (F. M. Colby) Bookman, I 8: 603. Dramatic Form and Substance. (P. Littell) Contemp. 891 568- = Lin Age. 241% 546. Dramatic Ideals of Character, Influence of Christianity on. (I). M. O’Connor) Dub. R. 131: 271, Dramatic Literature, Censorship of. (J . M. Bullock) Lamp, 28: 893. 181 DREAMER Dramatic Outlook, 1905-06. (Henry Tyrrell) Forum, 37: 211, Dramatic Realism, Modern. 29: 391- Dramatic Rights to “ Laurel Crowns ;” a story. (Eliz. McCracken) Cosmopol. 34: 219. (F. H. Gaffney) Arena, Dramatic Schools -and the Profession of Acting. (D. Belasco) Cosmopol. 35: 359. Dramatic Thoughts, Retrospective-Anticipative. (S. Bancroft) Fortn. 83: 933. Dramatic Translation. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 99: 76. Dramatists, The American. (A. Davies)'Cosm0pol. 40: 81. — (M. J. Moses) Indep. 61: 735. —-— —— and British, of To-day. (L. B. Glover) World T0-day. 7= 1454- Dramatists’ Wives. 639. Dramatizations. (P. Wilstach) Dial, 33: 5. Dramatizing Novels, Art of. (P. Potter) Cosmopol. 36: 387. Draper, Herbert, Painter. Studio (Internat.) 20: 33, Drawing, Appearance, in the High School. (H. H. Brown) School R. 13: 531. ' — as a Subject for College Entrance Credit. ‘ Bennett) School R. 11: 21, —— Automatic, A Case of. (W. James) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 195. — English, Landscape and Figure Sketches of Older Masters. (T. M. Wood) Studio (Internat.) 30: 119. —— —-— The Leighton House Exhibition. (T. Martin Wood) Studio (Internat.) 29: 57. -— Genetic vs. Logical Order in. (F. Burk) Pedagog. Sem. 9: 296. ——- in the Preparatory Schools. (C. B. Tibbetts) Ednca. 26: 47. — in relation to Other Subjects. Ednca. 24: 285. —- Pencil, from Nature. 30: 23. Drawings for Illustration of Scientific Papers. Daly) Science, n. s. 22: 91. Drawn Shutters, The. (J . B. Connolly) Scrib. M. 40: 460, Drawn--work, Spanish. (F. E. Fyles) Everybody’s, 9: (C. A. (H. W. Williams) (A. East) Studio (Internat.) (R. A. (Auguste Wey) Land of Sun. 4: 51. Drayton, Michael, Revival of. (W. A. Bradley) Dial, 41: 10, “ Dreadnought,” The. Cassier, 30: 134. —(Pompeins) Fortn. 85: 883. “ Dreadnought” Naval Policy, A. 86: 1017, “ Dreadnought ” Scare, The. (Park Benjamin) Indep. 60: 898. Dream, A, and a Vision. (A. Hurd) F ortn. (I. S. Dodd) No. Am. 180: 535- Dream of Akinosuké. (L. Hearn) Atlan. 93: 340. Dream of Aristotle and of Isaac, The. (E. Poole) Outl. 79: 384. Dream of an Autumn Sunset. Lore, 15, no. 1: 6. Dream of the Dancing Bear; a poem. (A. Coll) Out- ins. W 739. ' Dream of her Life, The. (Jeanie Drake) Cath. World, 80: 592. Dream of Nageeb Fiani, a Story of the Syrian Quarter, New-York. (N. Duncan) Canad. M. 25: 241. Dream of Spring Morning; a play. (G. d’Annunzio) Poet-Lore, I4: 6. _ Dream, A, or What? (J . A. Riis) Cent. 42: 872. - A Realistic. (E. A. White) Science, 11. s. 16: 711. Dream Fair; a poem. (A. Noyes) Blackw. 176: 768. Dreamer, A. (J . D. Turner) Lippinc. 75: 498. (G. d’Annunzio) Poet- DREAMS Dreams. (A. Lang) Longm. 41: 24,=Liv, Age, 235; 445.--"Ecl. M-.140: 131.-—Spec. 95: III, —and Idealism. (F. C. S. Schiller) Hibbert J. 3: 83. -—Causes of. (F. Legge) Acad. 63: 141,=Ecl. M. 139: 693. =Liv. Age, 235: 123, —- Odd, and Old Houses. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 348. — Psychologie du R6ve. (H. Beaumes) Am. J . Psy- chol. I4: 271. — Psychology of. (J . R. Jewell) Am. J . Psychol. 16: 1, —— The Way of. (M. M. Currie) 19th Cent. 53: 950. Dreams in the Redwoods ; a poem. (C. Urmy) Atlan. 9% 94- Dreamwold, Farm of Thomas W. Lawson. Archit. R. 9: 249. Dredges for Tidal Harbors and Waterways. (A. W. Robinson) Engin. M. 251 I7. Dredging Appliances. (Brysson Cunningham) Cassier, 29: 58, 132, Dresden, Arts and Crafts in. (Internat.) 221 5 5. Dresden Exhibition of Craftsmanship. dor) Craftsman, 11: 100, Dresden Gallery and its Celebrated Masters. (J . N. Oliver) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 443. Dress, Art in. (J . C. West) Munsey, 28: 26, —— of Women. (Mrs. Wilson Woodrow) Cosmopol. 36: I3. — (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 95: 708, —- Savage and Civilized. (E. S. Balch) J . Frankl. Inst. I57: 321. — Symbolism in. 1294. — Women"s, Extravagance in. 58: 925. — — Why these Clothes ? (Charlotte P. Gilman) In- dep. 58: 466.‘ Dress Reform Movement, The German. (Else Oppler- (Amelia Des Moulins) In- (H. W. Singer) Studio (Heinrich Pu- (Charlotte P. Gilman) Indep. 58: (E. Atkinson) Indep. Legbaud) Indep. 59: 487. Dressmaker’s Life Story. dep. 56: 937. Dressmakers of Paris. b0dy’s. I3= 473- Drew, John. (A. Davies) Munsey, 341 630. Drew, Mrs. John. (C. Morris) McClure, 22: 208, Dreyfus, Alfred. A Modern Tragedy. Outl. 83: 640. —— Some Note on the Case. (James J . Fox) Cath. World, 83: 664. —- Spiritual Regeneration of. (J . Spargo) Craftsman, 10: 626, Dreyfus Case, Present Status of. (R. W. Hale) Green Bag, 16: 98. Drift Casks, Story of the. 27: 366. Drill Regulations in the Army and Navy, Importance of. (F. H. Low) J . Mil. Serv. Inst-. 34! 431. -—- Our New Infantry. (C. J . Crane) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 238. Drink from the Hassayampa, A. (G. B. Rodney) Lip- pinc. 78: 366. Drink in England, the United States, France, and Germany. (J . H. Schooling) Fortn. 77: 150. Drinking. Alcoholism. (E. Powell) Econ. R. 16: 305, Drinking Customs of the Old Scottish Gentry. (A. Wood) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 610, Drinking-vessels, Leather. I. The Water Bouge. Gent. M. n. s. 751 363. -— — II. The Black Jack. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 484. -— -— III. The Leather Bottle. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 153. -—- -— IV. Their Makers. Gent. M. n. s. 77.: 367. Driver Dick’s Last Run; a story. (R. J. C. Stead) Canad. M. 23: 359. Driving for Novices. (F. M. Ware) Ctry Life Am. 4:~ 317- (Eleanor H. Brainerd) Every- (G. W. Melville) Munsey, 182 DRY Driving; How to drive Tandem. R. T.) Outing, 42: 264, -—- in the Hill Country. (R. M. McBride) Ctry Life Am. 10: :73. ' — Recollections of. 359, 391- Driving Trip, A. (Mrs. B. Harrison) Outing, 43: 185. Drollsay, Loch. Spec. 95: 971. Dromenagh Estate, Plans for. (Internat.) 27: 47, Dromgoole, Will Allen. A Daughter of Tennessee. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 31: 84. -—- Footsteps of. (M. L. Littleton) Arena, 32: 293, Drosometer, A New. (R. D. Ward) Science, n. s. 19: (B. Purdy and E. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 98: 327, (C. R. Ashbee) Studio 740- I Droste-Hulshoif, Annette Elizabeth von, a Queen of German Poets. (G. O’Neill) Am. Cath. Q. 92: 492. Drought in the North of England, 1905. Spec.,95: 183, Drought, The; a story. (E. C. Waltz) Cent. 44: 101. Drouot, Antoine, Napoleon’s Gunner. (Wilfrid C. Robinson) Am. Cath. Q. 311 33. Drown, Thos. M., with portrait. (H. P. Talbot) Technol. R. 7: 182, — Obituary of. (P. Frazer) J . Frankl. Inst. I 58: 465. Drowning, How to Save from. (A. Meffert) Outing, 401 597- Druce Case, The. (K. Henderson) Idler, 28: 357, 518, 630. 29: 114, 254, Druella’s Banburys. (B. W. Babcock) Ecl. M. 145: 460, Druids and Druidism. (E. Madeley) N. Church R. 11: 58. — of Ireland. (J . von Pflugk-Harttung) Roy. Hist. . Soc. 11. s. 71 55. Drum, The. (J . F. Rowbotham) Good Words, 452 45. Drum, The; a story. (C. M. Williams) Munsey, 28: 895. Drumlinoids of the Catatonk Folio. (G. D. Hubbard) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 355. Drumming of Drum Fishes. (H. M. Smith) Science, 11. s. 22: 376. Drummond, George Edward. Canad. M. 22: 17, Drummond, Henry. (J . Y. Simpson) Expos. 6th ser. 51 343- Drummond, James. Character and Authorship of the Fourth Gospel. (P. P. Flournoy) Bib. Sac. 62: 747- Drummond, Josiah Hayden. (M. F. King) N. E. Reg. 57: 241. Drummond, William, of Hawthornden. ders) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 360, Drummond, William Henry, Canadian Dialect Poet. (T. O’Hagan) Cath. World, 77: 522, Drummond Castle. (J . M. Gleeson) Cent. 44: 833, Drums, Suppression of. (W. E. Mould) J . Mil. Serv. Inst.371 5 50. Drunkard, The, and Science. Westm. I61: 524. Drunkenness, Can it be cured ? (J . W. Helburn) Am. M. 62: 540. — Discrimination in Dealing with. Char. I4: 996. Drury, Alfred, Sculptor. (A. L. Baldry) Studio (In- ternat.) 28: 3. Dry Docks, Development in Floating. (J. S. Shultz) Engin. M. 251 673. —- Development .of Machinery of. (J . S. Shultz) En- gin. M. 28: 348, -— Development of Pumping Machinery for. (J . S. Shultz) Engin. M. 28: 348, Dry Tortugas, Army Life on the. (W. R. Prentice) McClure, I8: 564. (H. M. San- (VV. H. Champness) 1 — Last Letters from Russia, with portrait. DRYDEN Dryden, Mrs. S. H. Daisy Dryden; a Memoir. (W. H. Mayhew) N. Church R. 13: 262. Dryden, John, and “ The Rehearsal.” — Art of Painting. 208, 242, 276, — First Funeral of. Ath. ’04, 2: 271. — Religio Laici. Spec. 97: 673. Dualism, Persian. (H. G. Smith) Am. J. Theol. 8: Acad. 64: 34. (E. Gosse and others) Ath. ’o5, 2: 487. Dub, The. (R. H. Barbour) Lippinc. 76: 577. Du Barry, Madame, Williams on. Ath. ’O4, 2: 690. Spec. 931 951- Du Bellay, Joachim. (H. Belloc) Ecl. M. 142: 254. Liv. Age, 239: 250. Dublin, A Quaint Old Library in. M. n. s. 75: 518. — Trinity College, Reform of. Church Q. 63: 148. — —— Royal Commission on. Ath. ’06, 2: 479. Dublin Castle in 1798. (W. F. Dennehy) Cath. World, - 81: 431. Dublin School of Authors, The. Liv. Age, 245: 753. Dublin University in relation to Ireland. Hinkson) Cath. World, 84: 36. Dubois, Cardinal. (A. Laugel) Nation, 74: 188. Du Bois, W. E. B., and Booker Washington, Two Negro Leaders. (J . S. Bassett) So. Atlan. Q. 2: (A. Peter) Gent. Acad. 68: 447. I (H. A. 267. Dubuque, Iowa. Carnegie-Stout Free Library. Lib. J, 28: 20, Ducal Mottoes. (J . A, Manson) Chamb. J . 79: I39. Duccio and the Early History of Italian Painting. (E. Douglas) Monthly R. 12, no. 2: 130. Du Chaillu, Paul B. (E. G. Ravenstein) Geog. J. 212 680. —- Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 230. — With por- trait. Nat. Geog. M. 14'. 282. Lamp. 26: 392. ‘ Duck, Stephen. (J . M. Attenborough) Cornh. 87: 798. Duck, The ‘Wood, and its Shooting. (E. Sandys) Idler, 23: 143.IOuting, 41: 163, Duck Calling. (A. G. Holmes) Outing, 43: 106, Duck Decoys, How to make. (L. B. Hunt) Outing, 49‘ 41‘. — Revival of. Spec. 942 547. Duck-float, How to build and use. Outing, 41: 45. Duck Hunting as seen by a Woman. Out West, 21: 137. Duck Raising for Profit. Life Am. 2: 52, Duck Shooting along the Columbia. son) Outing, 39: 453. — Building Olf-shore Blinds. 43= 609- — in Illinois. (F. McGaffey) Outing, 45: 381. — on a Mississippi Overflow. (F. E. Kellogg) Ollting, 43: 611, -— on Southern Bayous. (J. B. Harper) (F. D. Reese) (Frances E. \/Vheeler) Ctry (J . B. Thomp- (D. Goodale) Outing, (H. S. Canfield) Outing, 43: 415- Duckingblind, In the. (Photographs by A. R. Dug- more) Ctry Life Am. 5: 221. Ducks. Spec. 951 I75. — and Geese, Wild, following in a Shanty Boat. (E. Hendrick) Outing, 41: 482, — Punt and Battery Duck Shooting. Outing. 47: 545- -— Shooting the Chesapeake Duck. (D. B. Fitzgerald) Outing: 47: 375- —- Shooting Ducks on Middle Western Ponds. Hunt) Outing, 47: 305, — Surface-feeding, Millais on. (T. D. Pigott) Nature, 66: 266. (W. H. Sage) (L. B. 183 DUFFY Ducks, Wild, where they breed. Outing, 41: 276. Duck’s Back, The. 12: 92. Duclaux, Emile. (C. J . Martin) Nature, 702 34. Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. D. See Sand, George. Dudevant-Sand, Solange [Mme. Clésinger]. Macmil. n. s. I : 862. ‘ Dudley, John Wm. Ward, 1st Earl, Letters of. Spec. 95: 611. Duel, The Effort to abolish the. (Alfonso de Bour- bon et Autriche-Este) No. Am. 175: 194, —- How to fight a. (S. Hellig) Idler, 23: 293. -— in Germany and Austria. (R. C. Bachofen von Echt) 19th Cent. 53: 678. —- The Passing of the. (Alfred Fellows) Chamb. J . 83: 695. —— A Reformation. (C. H. Firth) Scot. Hist. R. 31 I. Duel at Dottleford, A. (D. H. Talmadge) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 293. Duel of the Sexes. (M. Caird) Fortn. 84: 102, Duelling and Courts of Honor. (C. W. Robinson) Monthly R. 7, no. 1: 77. — its Early History. (L. Willaert) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 463. — 17th Century Duellist. (E. C. Godley) Longm. 42: (A. H. Higginson) (Margaret Johnson) Everybody’s, 312. Duels, Famous American. (C. T. Brady) Munsey, 33: 608, Duer, Wm. A., with portrait. Colum. Univ. Q. 4: 147. Duerer, Albrecht. Acad. 63: 293. — (J. La Farge) Mc- Clure, 20: 129, — Engravings of, with portrait. Mast. in Art, 5: 8 7. —- Mathematical Constructions of the Human Figure. Ath. ’03, 1: 472. — Moore’s. Ath. ’05, II 247. Duerer, Albrecht, the Elder, Portraits of. (C. Dodg- son) Ath. "04, 1: 185. Duesseldorf. A Benevolent Oligarchy. (R. Donald) Outl. 72: 633. Dnesseldorf Exhibition, Early German Art at. (C. J . Foulkes) Ath. ’04, 2: 277, 420, 451.- (K. Francke) Nation, 74: 464, Duet, A. (H. Baldwin) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 86. Duff, Sir Mountstuart Grant, with portrait. (G. T. Goldie) Geog. J . 27: 306. — Notes from a Diary, 1851-91. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 46: 508. — Ath. ’O4, 12 584. —- (P. F. Bick- nell) Dial, 372 31. —-Liv. Age, 2412 757. Dufferin, Helen Selina, Lady. (A. Beaver) Longm. 45: 70. Dufferin, F. T. Blackwood, Marquis. (Goldwin Smith) Indep. 58: 1353.— Quar. 202: 321. ILiv. Age, 2452 204.—Ed. R. 202: 213.—(W. F. Rae) Ath. ’02, 1: 242.——Geog. J. 19: 384, —Spec, go: 1034. — and the Canadian West. (H. Sands) Canad. M. 21: 461. -— B1ack’s Life of. Ath. ’03, I2 746. — A Life of Imperial Service. Spec. 88: 280. —Lyall’s Life of. (J. L. Burpee) Dial, 39: 58.- (C. W. Colby) Nation, 81: 342. —- Reminiscence of the Viceroyalty of. National, 40: 607, ——- Reminiscences of. M. 18: 525. Duffer’s Drift, The Defense of. Un. Serv. 29: 398. Duffey, Arthur F., the Fastest Sprinter. (A. Kidd) Outing, 40: 433. Dufiield, John Thomas. Bull. 12: 81, Duffy, Charles Gavan. (J . Manning) Californian, 6: 471- (E. Collen) (A. H. V. Colquhoun) Canad. (T. L. -Cuyler) Princ. Univ. DUFFY Duffy, Charles Gavan. Five Times arraigned for Trea- son. (R. B. O’Brien) Cornh. 88: 251. Dugong, Biology of the. (H. Dexler and L. Freund) Am. Natural. 40: 49, 567. Duisburg Music Festival, 1903. Ath. ’03, I: 689. Duke, J am'es Buchanan, Tobacco Merchant, with por- trait. (A. H. Lewis) Everybody’s, 9: 108. Duke, Washington. (W. P. F ew) So. Atlan. Q. 42 2 03. Duke Pays, The. (W. E. Cule) Chamb. J. 82: 769, 786, 803, 818. =Liv. Age, 248: 13-274, Dulany, Daniel, the Elder, Public Services of. Sioussat) J. H. Univ. Stud. 21: 27!. Dullness. Spec. 94: 546. '-=Ecl. M. 145: 276. = Liv. Ase. 245= 757. — Cause of Literary. Acad. 69: 878. —— of the Disreputable, The. (P. M. Craigie) Acad. 67: Duluth. (G. L. 34- (Dwight E. Woodbridge) New Eng. M. n. s. 353 231- Dulwich College. Sat. R. 96: 324. Dulwich Picture Gallery, The. Acad. 55: 274. Dumas, Alexandre, the Elder. (G. B. Ives) Atlan. 90: 34!. — (F. Gribble) F ortn. 78: 66. I Critic, 412 61 . -— (G. K. Chesterton) Bookman, I5: 446.— Dial, 33: 27. —(H. Frye) Indep. 54: 2123. —(P. T. La- fleur) Nation, 752 447. — (F. Grierson) Critic, 43$ 65. — Liv. Age, 236: 187. —— Centenary of. (A. C. Swinburne) 19th Cent. 522 I17. I Ecl. M. 139: 442. — (W. Southwick) Pall Mall M. 27: 507. = Liv. Age, 234: 541. — Bk. News, 21: 135, — Davidson’s Life and Works of. (G. B. Ives) Atlan. 90: 841,—Ath, ‘oz, 2: 305. — Novels falsely ascribed to. Acad. 65: 205. —- Some Talk of. Cornh. 87: 123. Dumas, Alex., Fils, A Monument to. jr.) Nation, 82: 524, Dumb Nightingale, The. (L. G. Giltner) Munsey, 34: 1 . Dummer Academy. 32: 680. Dummies for Drill Purposes. M. 29= 475- Du Montet, Baroness, Reminiscences of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 80: 8, Dumortierite. (W. T. Schaller) Am. J . Sci. 159: 211. -— Chemical Composition of. (W. E. Ford) Am. J . Sci. 164: 426. Dumping. (H. Bell) Indep. R. 2: 214.— (W. M. Dan- iels) Nation, 79: 71. — and Retaliation, Professor Dietzel on. (A. C. Pigou) Econ. J. 15: 436. — Mystery of. (J . A. Hobson) Contemp. 85: 186. Dun Club, The. (Margaret Hughes) Overland, n. s. 47: 347- Dun Emer Press, The. Spec. 95: 182. Dunbar, C. F., Economic Essays. (C. J . Bullock) Nation, 80: 159. Dunbar, Paul Laurence. (W. D. Howells) Bookman, 23: 185.-—(D.W. Clark) Meth. R. 66: 555. Dunbar, Battle of. (C. H. Firth) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. (F. J . Mather, (A. Woods) New Eng. M. n. s. (H. N. Shore) Un. Serv. 14: 53. Dunc, Constable and Pagan. Spec. 94: 82. Duncan. Louis, with portrait. Technol. R. 4: 328. Duncombe, Thomas, Bogus Speech of. (J . Sykes) Gent. M. n. s. 531 31. Dundee. Bishop Norie’s Baptismal Register, 1722-26. Scot. Hist. R. 4: 73. _ — The Mills of. (E. W. Dinwiddie) Char. I 5: 522, Dunkeld, Bishops of. (J . Dowden) Scot. Hist. R. I: 197, 314, 421, 2: 61. 184 DUTCH Dunleith Plantation, Mississippi, An Experiment at. (A. H. Stone) Q. J. Econ. 19: 270. Dunmow Chair, The. (C. H. D. Grimes) Antiq. n. s. W 309- Dunne, E. F., Mayor of Chicago. (R. Fairchild) Mun- sey, 33¢ 427- Dunne, Finley Peter, “Mr. Dooley.” (E. F. Haskins) ' Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 215. — Certain of the Chicago School of Fiction. (VV. D, -Howells) No. Am. 176: 734. —— Humors of. Acad. 64: 108. Dunnottar and its Barons. (J . C. Watt) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 389. Dunster, Henry, Harvard’s First President. Costigan, jr.) Harv. Grad. M. 14: 395. Dunton, Theodore Watts. See Watts-Dunton. Dunwiddie, Benjamin F. Wis. Alum. M. 1: 21, Duquesnoy, Adrien, Journal of, Authorship of. (F. M. Fling) Am. Hist. R. 8: 70. Durand, Sir Henry M., with portrait. (G. P. (A. E. Hough- ton) Indep. 55: 2852. —With portrait. (F. Cun- liife-Owen) Munsey, 30: 513. ' Durango, Across the Sierra Madre in. (C. De Kalb) Nation, 77: 224. Durant, C. S., a Forgotten Naturalist. (E. Howe) Lamp, 28: 485, Duration as an Attribute of Sensation. (M. F. Wash- burn) Psychol. R. 10: 416. Durham, Lord, and the Colonies. I9th Cent. 59: 914, — Canada Report of. I7 (V. R. Markham) (H. E. Egerton) Eng. Hist. R. = 539- uthorship of. (R. Garnett) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 268. Durham and its Surroundings. 341 514. Durham Abbey, Discoveries in Cloister of. (W. H. St. John Hope) Archaeol. 58: 437. — Shrine of St. Cuthbert. (M. F. N ixon-Roulet) Cath. World, 76: 303. Durrington, Wilts, Records of the Manor of. Kirby) Archaeol. 59: 75. Duse, Eleanora. (W. Littlefield) Critic, 41: 418. — and D’Annunzio. (J . R. Towse) Critic, 41: 574. Dust from Automobiles, Prevention of. (W. R. Cooper) Nature, 72: 485. Dust of Creeds Outworn, The ; a story. (C. L. Antro- bus) Temp. Bar, 132: 67. Dust-fall of Feb. 1903. Science. 11. s. 201 I 5 3. Dust Figures. (W. J. Russell) Nature, 67: 545. Dust Storms. Nature, 68: 222, Dutch in America, The. (H. N. Casson) Munsey, 36: 238. — on the Amazon and Negro in the 17th Century. (G. Edmundson) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 642, 19: 1. Dutch Art at St. Louis Exposition. (M. I. G. Oliver) Studio (Internat.) 24: 321, Dutch Courage ; a story. (J . M. Stoddard) McClure, 21: 246. Dutch East Indies, The. 79: 236. Dutch Literature, 1901-o2. melin) Ath. ’o2, 2: 19. — 1902-03. (H. S. M. Van W. Crommelin) Ath. ’o3, 2: 17. — 1903-04. (H. S. M. Van W. Crommelin) Ath. ’o4, 2: 305. Dutch Pictures, Modern, in Stuart Forbes Collection. (L. G. Halton) Studio (Internat.) 27: 107. Dutch Types, Three, from Volendam. (I. M. An- drews, artist) Cent. 49: 128. Dutch Undergraduate, The. 91: 189 (M. Wilson) Sund. M. (T. F. (J . F. Scheltema) Nation, (H. S. M. Van W. Crom- (J . D. Hoare) Macmil. DUTCH Dutch Woman Outdoors, The. Craftsman, 10: 191, Dutchman’s Fireside, The ; a story. (J . K. Paulding) M. of Hist. 3: 55. 4: 54. Dutchmen, Among the. (E. B. Mitford) Sund. M. 341 6 45 - Duties, The Effect of Export and Import, examined by the Graphic Method. (H. Cunynghame) Econ. J . 13: 313, — Hide and Seek with the Customs. (O. K. Davis) Cent. 46: 55. Dutton, J . E., Obituary Notice of. Nature, 721 37. Duty, Call of. (C. R. Brown) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 23, — The Sacrament of. (Joseph McSorley) Cath. World, 84: 289. Duval, John Crittenden, with portrait. (W. Corner) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 1: 47. Dvorak, Antonin, with portrait. Mast. in Music, 4: 49- —Work of, with portrait. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 71: 649. Dwarf Fruit Trees for Suburban Gardens. (F. A. Waugh) Ctry Life Am. 9: 564. Dwarf’s Tragedy; a poem. (A. Noyes) Blackw. I761 358- Dwarfs and Jesters, Court. Good Words, 44: 824. Dwelling-houses, Paris Exhibition of. Am. Arch. 82: 59.—J. Soc. Arts, 51: 890, ' Dwellings, Workingman’s, in France. (C. Gans) Crafts- man, 5I 367. Dwight, E. Foote. Wis. Alum. M. 4: 163. Dwight, Harvey P., President Great Northwestern Telegraph Company. (J. Hedley) Canad. M. 242 312, Dwinelle, John Whipple. (J . H. Smyth) Californian, 4: 20, Dyck, Anthony van. Acad. 65: 299. Dyer, George, Friend of Lamb. (E. V. Lucas) Cornh. 91: 107. ‘Dyer, John. (J . E. Bailey) Monthly R. 15, no. 3: 140. -— Poetry of. Acad. 65: 145, Dyer, J . Milton, Work of. Archit. Rec. 20: 385. Dyer, Mary. (Louis Dyer) Nation, 7 5: 9. — (W. C. Ford) Nation, 74! 423. Dyes, Sulphur. (J . M. Matthews) J . Frankl. Inst. 159: 143. Dyestuifs, Analysis of. (J . M. Matthews) J . Frankl. Inst. 161: 229. Dynamics of Living Matter, Loeb’s. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 83: 17. Dynamite: the Power Untamable. Am. M. 62! 626. Dynamo, A Simple Experimental. (Paul H. Wood- ruif) Sci. Am. 95: 485, (S. H. Adams) Dynamo-electric Machines, Direct-current. (C. P. Poole) J . Frankl. Inst. I 56: 365, Dynamophone, Dr. Thaddeus Cahill’s. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 27: 291. Dyserth Diamond, The. (A. Colbeck) Chamb. J . 83: 769. 787, 803. Dziatzko, Karl. Pub. Lib. 8: 159, - (R, Pietschmann) Lib. J. 29: supp. 87. — Obituary and Bibliography. (F. Neuman) Lib. J . 28: 105. ' Dzierzon Theory, Dr. Castle and the. (W. M. Wheeler) Science, 11. s. 191 587. E. Holbrook’s Patience. p1eton’s M. 82 I 39. E. M. I. B. Lowestoft, The. (Georgia W. Pangborn) Ap- (W. S. Moody) Scrib. M. 391 733- Each for All and All for Each. (E. E. Hale) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 424, 185 EARTHQUAKE Each to his Lights; a story. (J . B. Connolly) Harper, 112: 953, Eagles of the Harbor, The. 351 546- Eakins, Thomas. (C. H. Cafiin) Critic, 44¢ 34. Eamont River, Natural Gardens of. Spec. 911 307. Ear, The, and Hearing. (E. Wood) Everybody’s, 12: (A. B. Paine) Scrib. M. 55°- —— Human, why Immobile ? (W. Smith) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 228, Earle, John. Ath. ’03, I1 I77. Earl’s Ferry, The. (G. Law) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 14. Early, Jubal A. (Clara Morris) Cosmopol. 3 5: 541. — Recollections of ; by one who followed him. Cent. 48: 311, Early Bird, The; a story. (H. M. Rideout) Am. M. 62: 98. ' Early Victorians and Ourselves. (G. S. Street) F ortn. 86: 871. Early Western Travels, ed. by Thwaites. (F. J . Turner) Dial, 372 293. Earnestness, The Decay of. (Josiah Royce) Califor- nian, 3: 18. Earth, Age of our. (N. Y.) an 466. ' — -— and Impossibility of Life on other Planets. A. Lane) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 202 660. — and Man. (N. S. Shaler) Internat. Q. 10: 227. — as a Magnet. (L. A. Bauer) Science, 11. s. 20: (Charles R. Keyes) R. of Rs. (M. 634- — Consolidation of the. (T. J. J. See) Nature, 72: 3o. — Inside of the. (J . Milne) Good Words, 451 97. — Journey of, through Space. (W. Sandeman) Sat. R. 100: 813, -— Measuring the. 265. — Origin of. (F. H. Moulton) Pop. Astron. 14: 327. — Rigidity of. (T. J. J. See) Science, n. s. 24: 558. —Shape of, the Physical Basis of History. (C. R. Keyes) Arena, 27: 585. —Structure of, J . M. Reade on. (J.Milne) Nature, 69: 251, — Surface of, Corrosion of. Am. Arch. 902 181. — The Vital. (G. A. J. Cole) Knowl. 27: 285. —— Weighing a World. (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 91: 67.=Ec1. M. 144: 623. Earth-eaters in India. Nature, 74: 543. Earth Lodge, The, in Art. (W. Matthews) Am. An- throp. 4: 1. Earth-sciences, Methods of the. Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 66, Earthly Purgatory, The; a story. (L. Dougall) Temp. Bar, 129: 1-641. Earthly Welfare, Old Testament Conditions and Con- cepts of. (G. J . Reid) Cath. Univ. Bull. 9: 238. Earthquake at Kangra, 1905. Nature, 731 418. —- at Stanford University. Science, 11. s. 23: 716. — The Great, in Peru. (S. C. Holland) Good Words, 45= 164. --in Guatemala in 1902. Bull. 35: 325. — in India, 1897. (Sir H. Cotton) Blackw. I732 340. = Liv. Age, 238: 176, — — April 4, 1905. Nature, 71: 563. — Kangra, of April 4, 1905. (T. H. Holland) Nature, 72: 428, —-— Tests and Ennobles Character. Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 365. . Earthquake Areas. Knowl. 32 536. Earthquake-child. (Eden Phillpotts) Cent. 48: 398. Earthquake Countries, Building in. (Montessus do Ballore) Am. Arch. 90: 149. ' (E. Marshall) World To-day, 10: (T. C. Chamberlin) (G. Eisen) Am. Geog. Soc. (W. F. Nichols) EARTHQUAKE Earthquake Shocks at San José, Cal., 1906. Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 353. Earthquakes. (J . Milne) National, 47: 608. — and the New Seismology. Ed. R. 201: 294, =Eol, M. 145: 262.=Liv. Age, 245: 795.-Sat. R. 99: 352- - and their Causes. (J . F. Kemp) Outl. 82: 927, -—— and Volcanic Eruptions. (A. P. Coleman) Canad. M. 27: I40. -—— (J. F. Kemp) Cent. 42: 593. (C. W. -— Causes of. (Rollin D. Salisbury) World To-day, I0: 614, -— Dutton on. (H. A. Howe) Dial, 37: 310. — The Earthquake Rift of 1906. Sci. Mo. 69: 289, -—— Echoes of, and Horizontal Pendulums. (C. C. Farr; J. Milne) Nature, 74: 575. — in Alaska and California. 954~ —— in Great Britain. (C. Davison) 19th Cent. 59: 458. -— in Japan. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 216. -— of March 30 and April 14, 1898. (A. O. Leuschner) Calif. Univ. Chron. I1 I69. -— Origin of. (R. D. Oldham) Nature, 73: 620. — Our Greatest. (M. L. Fuller) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 76. —- Our Unstable “ Terra Firma.” (N. H. Darton) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 707. — Pre-Columbian, in Western South America, Tradi- tions of. (A. F. Bandelier) Am. Anthropol. 8: 47. — Problem of. (J . S. Gardner) 19th Cent. 60: 647. -— Recent, Davison’s. Sat. R. 99: 352. — Recorded at Albany, N. Y. (D. H. Newland) Sci- ence, n. s. 23: 851, -— — at Cheltenham Observatory, Jan. ’06. Science, 11. s. 23: 633. — Seismological Observations and Earth Physics. (J . Milne) Geog. J. 21: 1. —— Some English. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 379. -— Times and Places of. (H. H. Turner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 537. See Seismology. Earth’s Crust, Suggested Cause of Changes of Level in. (O. Fisher) Am. J. Sci. 171: 216. Earth’s Surface, Whole, New Circular Projection of. (A. J. van der Grinten) Am. J. Sci. 169: 357. Earthworks, Old, in England. Sat. R. 101: 720, —‘— Preservation of Ancient. Spec. 91: 162. East, Alfred, Etchings of. (F. Newbolt) Studio (In- ternat.) 25: 124, East, the, American Overland Transport to. (H. Em- erson) Engin. M. 24; 821, -—— American Students in. .(C. R. Lanman) Nation, 76: 493- — and Greece, Botsford’s History of. speed) School R. 10: 716, — and the West. (H. Clifford) Monthly R. 11, no. 12 128. - (F. Carel) Monthly R. 20, no. 3: 98. —-(G. H. Trevor) Temp. Bar, 125: 30. — — Ways and Means. (J. D. Rees) 19th Cent. 52: 806. -— Arts of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 752 26. —The Call of. (A. M. Latter) Indep. R. 6: 170. = Liv. Age, 2462 96. -— Diplomatic Relations of the U. S. with. Crooks) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 2: 89. -— Disclosure of, by the Russo-Japanese War. Iyenaga) World’s Work, 9: 6041, — Education of. Outl. 77: 157. — English and Russian Politics in. (Ali Haydar Mid- hat) 19th Cent. 53: 67. —— Ex Oriente. (G. L. Bell) Monthly R. 12, no. 1: 100, -— Far. Ecl. M. 142: 550. -— -— after the War. (K. Kaneko) World’s Work, 9: 5868. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. (R. S. Tarr) Indep. 60: (G. S. Good- (Ezra B. (J . 186 EAST East, Far, America in. (S. Brooks) Ecl. M. 142: 330. —- —- American Commercial Interests in. (J . Hays Hammond) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 83, -- — America’s Economic Future in. (K. Kaneko) Forum, 36: 604. —- —- Awakening of. (H. C. Hay) N. Church R. 13: 91. —— —- Britain and. Westm. I61: 117, — — British Commercial Prospects in. J. Soc. Arts, 53: 289, — — Circumstances in. 2: 107, — -— Crisis in. (R. Machray) Monthly R. 14, no. 2: 27. -— — —- and its Origin. (E. H. Vickers) Nation, 78: 105, —- —— Conflict of New World-forces in. (V. Chirol) National, 34: 578, - —— Destiny of. (A. H. Ford) Munsey, 31: I. -— -—— England’s Mission in. Blackw. I79: 427. — —- First Principles in. Fortn. 81: 194. —— —- How to extend Commerce in. (J . W. Jenks) No. Am. 181: 518, — —— Ideals of, Okakura’s. (W. E. Griifis) Nation, 78: (B. Brenan) (A. J . Herbertson) Indep. R. 154. -— — The New Balance of Power in. (E. G. Barrow) National, 46: 235. — — Peace in. (A. Stead) Fortn. 84: 593. ———Problem of. (A. Stead) Fortn. 81: 137, 817,- (Baron Suyematsu) Open Court, 18: 518. -—— —— Questions of. (J . W. Foster) Atlan. 97: 542, — —- Re-shaping of, Weale on. (F. A. Ogg) Dial, 40: 317- — -— Revelation of. (A. M. Stewart) Contemp. 86: 252, —— — Russian Opinion on American “ Meddling ” in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 455. — — Settlement of Political Affairs in. son) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 59. — — Situation in. (E. Maxey) Overland, n. s. 43: 110. —- (E. Maxey) Sewanee, II: 490, — — United States in. (Sydney Brooks) Liv. Age, 240: 372. — — War and Neutrality in, Lawrence’s. Sedgwick) Nation, 79: 101, -— Hogarth’s Nearer. (J . Bryce) Nation, 76: 476. — Humors of Travel in. (L. Jebb) Longm. 43: 244, — Influence of the West on. (E. N. Bevan) National, 42: 107. ' —— Irrepressible Conflict in. (J . H. Wil- (A. G. (G. F. Wright) Nation, W 187- — Menace of. (T. H. Reid) Contemp. 87: 628. — The Near. (J . Bryce) Liv. Age, 232: 549, — —— British Excavations in, 1904-05. N ature, 73: 102, —~ —— English Liberal Policy in. (H. N. Brailsford) Indep. R. 3: 321. =Ecl. M. 142: 37, -—— — Problem of. (C., Mijatovich and A. Stead) Fortn. 86: 575. -— Opening of. (C. F..Lavell) Chant. 44: 45. — Outlook to (in Literature). (O. L. Triggs) Sewanee, 11: 87. -— Recent Books on, 1905. 376. . -— Recent Discoveries in. Am. Antiq. 25: 263. — The Road to. (C. F. Lavell) Chant. 44: 303. — Spirit of. (G. W. Knox) Chaut. 42: 11, ~— through Western Eyes. (E. E. Slosson) Indep. 57: (H. E. Coblentz) Dial, 39: 9°9- — Treves’s Other Side of the Lantern. dich) Nature, 71: 553. — The West in. (M. Nordau) Internat. Q. 9: 274, — Western Stories of; an Eastern Criticism. Liv. Age, 238: 193. East, The (U. S.), against the West. (W. Thorpe) Indep. 58: 33. (T. H. Hol- EAST East Anglia, Vanishing. (H. Rider Haggard) Liv. Age, 251: 123. East Boston Tunnel. 31: 635. East Hampton, L. I., Summer Homes at. (C. De Kay) Archit. Rec. 132 19. East Greenwich, Kent, Eng., Manor of. ney) Am. Hist. R. 11: 29. East India Association, Proceedings of. Asia. R. 37: 173. 399- am 162. 395- 4<>= 148.348. 4I= 355- East India Co., Charles I. and. (W. Foster) Eng, Hist. R. 19: 456. —- Willson’s History of. Spec. 92: 294. --Sat. R. 97: (F. Rice, jr.) New Eng. M. n. s. (E. P. Chey- 591- East Indies, Dutch, An Evening in. (P. Bigelow) Open Court, 20: 26, East River Bridge, New; Bridge Builders’ Triumph. (F. W. Skinner) Munsey, 26: 717, East Side Music School ; how Art helps to make Good Citizens. (K. M. Roof) Craftsman, 10: 219, East Tennessee Law Stories. (Chas. D. McGuifey) Green Bag, 16: 669, East Wall No. 46. (J . Coan) Overland, n. s. 45: 44. East Wind, Morals and the. Spec. 96: 490. Eastbury, Conn., Records of the Church in. (M. K. Talcott) N. E. Reg. 60: 376, Easter. (A. J . B. Jenner) Overland, n. s. 43: 288, — The Festival of Life Victorious. (P. Carus) Open Court, 16: 193. —- in Different Countries, Observance of. (C. B. Tay- lor) Everybody’s, 8: 291, — in the Fields. (S. Image) Sat. R. 101: 484. — Meaning of. Sat. R. 97: 420. — Russian. Sat. R. 99: 521. Easter Child, An; a story. (T. Roberts) Indep. 56: 714- Easter Drum, The. (C. N. Sinnett) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 220, Easter Eve. (V. Korolenko) Bookman, 21: 27, Easter Event; a story. (J . Blewitt) Canad. M. 182 560. Easter Island. (V. S. Frank) J . Frankl. Inst. I 52: 179. —- Monoliths of. (V. S. Frank) Am. Arch. 90: 119. Easter -Lily of Bermuda. (Charline W. Hervey) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 193. Easter Meditation, An. (J . D. Davies) Sund. M. 34: 415- Easter Oifering, An; a story. Cornh. 93: 492. =Liv. Ages 249: 150' Easter Redemption of a Soul ; a tale. (E. T. Drought) Cath. World, 76: 752, Easter Sepulchre, or Altar of Repose. Month, 101: 404, Eastern Christendom. 8: 92, Eastern Mind, The. (D. G. Hogarth) Monthly R. 15, no. 1: 1I3.=Ecl. M. 143: 119.=Liv. Age, 241: 431- Eastern Question, The. (F. A. Ogg) Chaut. 36: 463. — Beginning of. (D. Hannay) Cornh. 89: 523. -— Coalition Cabinet"s Treatment of ; Behind the ‘Scenes. (G. D. Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll) Blackw. I80: 343, — Old and New. (A. R. Gray) Sewanee, I2: 92. Eastern Seas, British Naval Position in. (A. Clarke) 19th Cent. 51: 1. Easthampton, Mass. (H. Thurston) (E. K. Mitchell) Am. J. Theol. (L. S. Smith) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 314. Easy Mark, The; a story. (A. Stoddart) Munsey, 28: 927. Eating; the Growth of Fletcherism. (I. F. Marcos- son)Wor1d’s Work, 11: 7324, 187 ECLIPSE Eaton, Rev. Charles H. Gunton’s M. 22: 462, Eaton, Dorman B. (J . B. Pine) Colum. Univ. Q. 2: 127. . Eberfield Failure, The ; a story. (D. M. Bacon) Mun- sey, 3<>= 147- Eberle, Abastenia, and Hyatt, Anna, Two Women who collaborate in Sculpture. Craftsman, 8: 62 3. Ebernand von Erfurt, Relation to his Sources. (G. M. Priest) Princ. Univ. Bull. 15: 1. Ebers, George, Memoirs of. (Monson and Gower) Bk. News, 221 I33. —-—Spec. 91: 465, Ebony Hand, The. (Clerin Zumwalt) Arena, 34: 287. Eccentrics, Literary, Fyvie on. (E. M. Forster) Indep. R. 11: 105. ' Ecclesiastical Discipline, Report of the Royal Com- mission on. (H. H. Henson) Contemp. 90: 408, - (D. C. Lathbury) I9th Cent. 58: 474. Ecclesiastical Figure Sculpture, Modern. gis) Archit. R. 12: 192. Ecclesiastical Furniture. (B. G. Goodhue) Archit. R. 12: 187. Ecclesiastical Historiography in Germany. (F. A. Ecclesiastical Polity, Hooker’s. Sat. R. 95: 686. Ecclesiastical Trials. (J . G. Godard) Westm. I601 246, 357. Ecclesiasticus; Newly Discovered Fragments. Church -—- A pre-Messianic Professor. Spec. 90: 485. Echo in a Boy, The. (W. B. MacHarg) Scrib. M. 31: (R. C. Stur- Rauch) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 380, (H. Lamont) Nation, 80: 7, Ecclesiasticism and Imperialism. Q. 54= 164. 337- Echo Haunts. (G. Bacon) Good Words, 44: 778. Echo Hills, The Model Boys’ Village. Char. I0: 441. Echo Hunt, The. (D. Gray) Cent. 43: I27. Echoes. (Zona Gale) Everybody’s, 14: 598. Eckenfjiirde Fjord, Battle of, 1849. (King Oscar Fred- rik) National, 41: 224, " Eckley, Wm. T., with portrait. (M. A. Lane) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 164, Eckmiihl, Campaign of. Serv. Inst. 31: 508, 677. Eclipse of Agathocles, B. C. 309. (Simon Newcomb) Pop. Astron. I3: 199. — (W. T. Lynn) Pop. Astron. I3: 201. —— of the Moon, 1902. (W. Shackelton) Knowl. 25: 229.—— (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 10: 480. ——Feb. 8, 1906. (W. H. Pickering) Pop. Astron. 14: 3, — of the Sun, Observing an. Harp. W. 49: 1156, -— —- May 28, 1900, Mass. Inst. of Technology Expedi- tion. (A. E. Burton) Technol. R. 2: 193. — — — Princeton Expedition to N. Carolina. (C. A. Young) Princ. Univ. Bull. 11: 69, —- — 1901; U. S. Naval Observatory Expedition to Sumatra. Pop. Astron. I0: 1. . -— — August 30, 1905. (E. L. Larkin ; W. B. Kaempf— fert) Cosmopol. 39 2 541. —- (W. Shackelton) Knowl. n. s. 2: 45, 71, 246, 271. -— Nature, 73: 173. — (E. Ledger) I9th Cent. 58: 918. —Pop. Astron. I32 491. —(C. P. Howard) Pop. Astron. I3: 534. — (W. W. Campbell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 97. -— (P. T. M’Grath) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 194.-— (C. M. Ches- ter) Science, 11. s. 21: 635.‘-—-(L. A. O. Bauer) Science, 11. s. 22: 411, — —- -—— American Expedition. Geog. M. 17: 589. — -— - Approaching. (N. J . S. Lockyer) Nature, 71: 393.-—-Ecl. M. 144: 632. =Liv. Age, 244: 698. -— — —— as Visible in the United States. (VV. F. Rigge) (Mabel Loomis Todd) (C. M. Chester) Nat. Pop. Astron. I3: 134. ' (F. L. Huidekoper) J . Mil. - ECLIPSE Eclipse of the Sun, August 30, 1905. Expedition to Spain. (S. A. Mitchell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 5 51, —— —— —- Expeditions for. (Mary Proctor) Pop. Astron. 13: 90. —— —- — in Egypt. (Ethel F. Hussey) Indep. 59: 1029. — (Ethel F. Hussey) Pop. Astron. 14: 129. — — —- Observations at Sfax, Tunis, Africa. gourdan) Pop. Astron. 14: 28. -— -—— -— Observations in Tripoli. (David Todd) Nature, 72: 484. -(Mabel L. Todd) Nation, 81: 236. — — —— Observer’s Experiences in Sumatra. (C. D. Perrine) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 289. —- —- —— Observing, in Labrador. (Alfred S. Johnson) World To-day, 9: 1227, -— —— —- Predictions for. (D. Todd and R. H. Baker) Pop. Astron. 13: 240. -— — — Report of Observations. Nature, 72: 453. -— -— —- Solar Physics Observatory Expedition. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Nature, 72: 475, 508. —- —— —- Some Notes on. (C. F lammarion) Cosmopol. 40: 27, -— —— —— Viewed at Burgos. Pop. Astron. 14: 151. -— -—Jan. I907; Local Predictions for, in Turkestan and Mongolia. (D. Todd and R. H. Baker) Am. J. Sci. 171: 245. Eclipse Cycle, An. 10: 240, Eclipse Work, Thorp Gratings and Small Cameras in. (W. J. S. Lockyer) Knowl. n. s. 2: 117. Eclipses, Ancient. (P. H. Cowell) Nature, 74: II. — — Elementary Treatise of Recent Researches on. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 14: 36. — — Notes on. (W. H. S. Monck) Pop. Astron. 11: (G. Bi- (W. H. S. Monck) Pop. Astron. 131. -— and Ancient Chronology. (W. H. S. Monck) Pop. Astron. I1: 242. -— as an Aid to Chronology. (Q. A. Wheat) Pop. Astron. 10: 19, 138, 207. —- (R. W. McFarland) Pop. Astron. 10: 172. -— Cycles of. (A. C. D. Crommelin) Knowl. 26: 202, 224. —— Mathematical Theory of, Buchanan on. (Wm. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 12: 515. —- of 1900 and 1901, American Observations of. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Nature, 73: 486. —--of the Sun, Ancient. (E. Neville) Pop. Astron. 14: 616. —- —— Recent Total. (C. V. Chapin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 249- - Shadow Bands in. Nature, 72: 307. Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Greetings from. Am. Arch. 89-: 47. Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées. Am. Arch. 83: 102. Ecological Adaptation and Ecological Selection. Robertson) Science, 11. s. 23: 307. Ecological Plant Studies. Science, 11. s. 20: 217, Ecology. (H. W. Wiley) Science, 11. s. 17: 794. —- Applied. (B. E. Fernow) Science, n. s. 17: 605, — Cardinal Principles of. (W. F. Ganong) Science, n. s. 191 493. -— Clements’s Research Methods in. Science, 11. s. 22: 45. —— of the Cold Spring Beach, Annual. port) School R. 10: 47. -— of Vegetation, Comparison of Lake and Marine Beaches as to. (K. C. Cowles) School R. 10: 48, -— Rise and Progress of. (V. M. Spalding) Science, 11. s. 17: 201, —— The Word. Science, n. s. 15: 792. -— Work of the Year 1903. (K. C. Cowles) Science, 11. s. 191 379. Economic and Political Studies in American Univer- sities. (V. Branford) Econ. J . 12: 535. (C. (C. MacMillan) (C. B. Daven- 188 ECONOMICS Economic Conditions for Future Defense. (B. Adams) Atlan. 92: 632. Economic Cycle, End of an. 611, Economic Dynamics, The Field of. Pol. Sci. 20: 246. Economic Evils due to Social Conditions. Andrews) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 4: 113. Economic Evils, Existing, How to remedy. Beecher) Am. Law R. 40: 384. Economic Fact, The. (A. Lewis) Overland, n. s. 45: 165. Economic Foundation of Art. man, 1, no. 6: 33. Economic History of the United States, Recent. (A. D. Noyes) Q. J. Econ. 19: 167. - Study of. (L. L. Price) Econ. J. 16: 12. — Tésoughts on. (C. E. Dutton) Texas Hist. Assoc. . 1: 151, Economic Ills, Surgical Cures for. (A. Johnson) Char. 13: 594.—— (W. H. Kidder) Char. I4: 764. Economic Interpretation of History. (E. R. A. Selig- man) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 3: 369. = Pol. Sci. Q. 17: 284, Economic Law, Social Aspects of. (E. R. A. Selig- man) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 5: 49. Economic Legislation, English, of the Year 1901. (M. Barlow) Econ. J . 12: 120. — — for 1903. (C. A. M. Barlow) Econ. J. 14: 113. Economic Life of the U. S., Problems of. (A. Shaw) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 6: 151. Economic Man; a Definition. Anthrop. 4: 201, Economic Revel, An; astory. 50: 478. Economic Science, Practical Utility of. Econ. J. 12: 459. — Unity of Political and. (A. C. Pigou) Econ. J . 16: 372- _ Economic Structure of Society. Univ. Bull. 6: 139. Economic Studies in Italy. (A. Loria) Econ. J . 16: 149, Economic Tendencies, Restatement of. (D. H. VVil- son) Westm. 164: 124, Economic Theory and Fiscal Policy. Econ. J. 14: 372. Economics and Ethics. (J . Bascom) Bib. Sac. 62: 211, —(C. C. Plehn) Calif. Univ. Chron. 51 301. —— and Science. (C. D. Wright) Science, 11. s. 20: 897, —- and Social Progress. (E. R. A. Seligman) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 41 52. — as an Exact Science. (S. Newcomb) Science, 11. s. 21: 447. —- at Cambridge, Study of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 76: 1. —— Authority in, Use and Abuse of. (J . S. Nicholson) Econ. J. 13: 554. —-Bibliography of. Q. J. Econ. 16: 311, 460, 595, W 188. 347. 511. 687- W 146,305,441. 596- W 152, 324, 512, 657. 20: 168, 304. 21: 166. — Compulsory Training in. (J . B. Clark) Indep. 54: (F. C. Howe) Atlan. 90: (J . B. Clark) (E. Benj. (F. (A. M. Simons) Crafts- (A. E. Jenks) Am. (C. A. Selden) Cent. (S. Cannon) (C. P. Neill) Cath. (L. L. Price) 2503. — Doctrinal Tendencies in; Fetter, Flux, Seager, Car- ter. (H. J . Davenport) Yale R. 14: 300, —- Ethical Aspects of. (W. R. Sorley) Internat. J . Ethics, 17: 1. - Ethics and. (H. W. Wolff) Econ. R. 16: 70. —for Business Men, A. Marshall on. J. Pol. Econ. 10: 429. — Gide, Flux, and Seager on. Econ. 19: 124. -— in the High Schools. (J . B. Phillips) Educa. 25: 428. —— of Democracy. (F. W. Aitken) Calif. Univ. Chron. 4: 203, _ (H. B. Gardner) Q. J. ECONOMICS Economics of Moses. (G. McA. Miller) Arena, 34: 569- 35 33. 234- — Positive Theory of. (F. B. Hawley) Q. J. Econ. 16: 233. —-— Principles of. (E. R. A. Seligman and T. W. Tans- sig) Q. J. Econ. 21: 151. — Relations to Ethnology. 12: 199. -— Unconscious Assumptions in. (W. Cunningham) J . Statis. Soc. 68: 715. —-(W. Cunningham) Pop. Sci. Mo, 67: 528. — Useful, Growth of. Gunton"s M. 22: 120. — Value of. (E. Cannan) Nature, 66: 507. —VVanted! a Science of. (G. H. Hubbard) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 4! 143. (W. W. Carlile) Econ. R. Economics Tripos in Cambridge University. (E. F. Gay) Q. J. Econ. 17: 492, Economics, Expensive. Chamb. J. 83: 452. Economists, On Some Neglected British. (E. R. A. Seligman) Econ. J. 13: 335. Economy. (Stuyvesant Fish) Arena, 35: 264. — Governmental, Pains of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 791 514- —— The Hard Road to. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 80: 205. ——- Problem of. Spec. 962 88. Ecuador, American Teacher in. (M. M. Harris) Indep. 553 543. Ecumenical Conference, The Third. (P. H. Swift) Meth. R. 62: 211, Eddy, Mary Baker G. Indep. 61: 12o6._—McClure, 28: 211. . —-— and Christian Science. (W. D. McCracken) No. Am. 176: 349. — in Error. (S. L. Clemens) No. Am. 1752 505. Eden, Fannie, a Writer of Religious Stories. (H. F. B. Wheeler) Good Words, 472 37. Eden. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 952 513. Eden, Garden of; the Story and its True Meaning. (J. B. Spiers) N. Church R. 10: 71. — Past and Present. (C. C. Abbott) Lippinc. 69: 633‘ Eden in Cold Storage; a story. (M. C. H. Jarvis) Canad. M. 261 580. Eden-Gates; a story. (J . M. Forman) Harper, 110: 57°~ Edentata of the Santa Cruz Beds. (W. B. Scott) Sci- ence, n. s. 17: 900. Edestus, Literature of. (C. R. Eastman) Am. Natural. 393 4 '- Edgar, John Ware. Ath. ’02, It 755. Edgar, the Choir Boy Uncelestial; a story. (Jose- phine D. Daskam) McClure, 18: 262. Edgartown, Mass., Church Record. (M. B. Fairbanks) N. E. Reg. 60: I59. ——- Deaths at, 1793-1801, 202, 297, 400. Edge 0’ the World. (Beulah M. Dix) Lippinc. 77: 721, Edge of the Desert, The. (Dwight L. Elmendorf) Scrib. M. 38: 319. Edge of the Wilderness, The. Scrib. M. 37: 441. Edgewood Farm of Ik Marvel. (Arthur H. Gleason) Ctry Life Am. 9: 298, —— Glimpses of. (A. R. Kimball) Bk. Buyer, 25: 99. Edgeworth, Maria. (S. M. Francis) Atlan. 96: 423. —- (H. S. Krans) Internat. Q. 10: 190, - (A, P, Rex) Lamp, 28: 203. Edictum Diocletiani, New Fragment of. (M. N. Todd) J. Hel. Stud. 24: 195. Edinburgh. Auld Reekie. Blackw. I78: 92, — Castle, Siege of, I689. (C. S. Terry) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 163. — Days in, My Halcyon. Chamb. J . 82: 65. — Older. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 94: 512, 544, 609, (H. M. Pease) N. E. Reg. 59: (F. E. Schoonover) 189 EDUCATION Edinburgh, Sixty to Eighty Years Ago, Reminiscences of. Chamb. J. 79: 732. -— Social Life Long Ago. (T. M. Parrott) Booklover’s M. 4: 313. — Sc8>me Literary Landmarks of Central. Chamb. J . O: 362. Edinburgh Museum. (L. P. Gratacap) Science, 11. s. 24: 422. Edinburgh Review, The. Age. 235= 449-536- — Spirit of. Spec. 89: 602, Ed. R. 196: 275. =Liv. Edinburgh School of Literary Critics. (J . M. Atten- borough) Westm. I 57: 669, Edison, Thomas A., with portrait. Outing, 44: 6o. — and the Incandescent Lamp. Cassier, 25: 545. Edison Medal Association. (B. J . Arnold) Science, n. s. 19: 835. Editha. (W. D. Howells) Harper, 110: 214, Editing and Reviewing. (F. A. Gasquet) Dub. R. 130: 278, Editions de Luxe. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 771 420. Editor, Confessions of a Provincial. Atlan. 89: 351. —— Passing of the. (R. Le Gallienne) Bookman, 21: 166. Editorial Chair, In the. Editorial Desiderata. Editorial Rainbow, An. 28: 29, “ Editorialene.” (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 459. Editors and Reviews. Spec. 952 75. —Famous. Munsey, 30: 834. — Magazine, Experience of a Would—be Writer with. (Roselle Mercier) Bookman, I4: 562, — Modern. (Zona Gale) Critic, 44: 318. —— New England, in the South. (G. F. Mellen) New Eng. M. n. s. 271 679. -—~ A Short Study of. Atlan. 97: 133. — What I know about. By a Southern Novelist. Indep. 59: 1035. Edmond, J . Philip. Ath. ’o6, I: 170. Edmonton, England. Gent. M. n. s. 771 538. Edmund, St., of Canterbury, Conjectural Chapter in the Life of. (H. Thurston) Dub. R. 135: 229. Edom, Significance of. (J . Goddard) N. Church R. Cornh. 85: 792. Chamb. J. 80: 113, (G. M. L. Brown) Canad. M. 13. 58. Educated Class, Civic Efliciency of the. (H. M. Whit- ney) Arena, 35: 561, Educated Men. (C. Gore) Ednca. R. 32: 21. —— and the State. (H. S. Pritchett) Technol. R. 3: 55. Educated Wage—earner. (J . Lewis) Atlan. 921 387. Education. (M. B. Dunn) Atlan. 96: 345_—Science, n. s. 20: 474.—(A. Gilbraith) Westm. I59: 145. — The Academic Ideal of, in its Larger Relation to Life. (J . A. Milburn) Sewanee, I4: 65. —— Aim of Productive Efficiency in. (Elsie C. Par- sons) Educa. R. 30: 500, -— American, Some Fundamental Principles of. (N. M. Butler) Educa. R. 24: 187, —— -— The Trend in. (J. E. Russell) Ednca. R. 322 28. — Among Mohammedans in the Middle Ages. (Kate Stevens) Pedagog. Sem. I1: 249. — and the American Boy. (W. L. Hervey) Chaut. 40: 78. — and Business, Remote Relation between. ley) School R. 11: 563. — and Charitable Work, Importance of Publicity in. (W. H. Allen) No. Am. 181: 24. —— and the Churches. (J . O’Donovan) Indep. R. 51 78. —— and Efiiciency. (G. E. Vincent) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 2: 162, —— and Empire, Haldane on. Ath. ’o2, 2: 145. — and Ethics. (A. Smith) Westm. I66: 144. —-— and Evolution. (I. W. Howerth) Ednca. R. 23: 60. (E. Man- EDUCATION 190 Education and Industry. (E. D. Jones) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 4 31. ' —and Labor. (C. R. Gregory) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 6: 181, —— and the Larger Life, Henderson on. (J . Jastrow) Dia1.32= 274- . - and the New Church. (C. W. Harvey) N. Church R. 13: 69. — and Politics. Church Q. 521 403. -—- and the Press. (A. H. V. Colquhoun) Canad. M. 21: 209. I — and Progress and the Industrial Engineer. (H. F. J . Porter) Cassier, 23: 145. ' -—- and Religion. (A. T. Hadley) Indep. 552 309. — and Religious Liberty. Church Q. 55: I69. —— and the Scientific Method. (E. J. Swift) Wash. Univ. Bull. 2: 5. ' — and Service. (C. B. Aycock) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 3: 151. -—- and the Social Ideal. (J . W. Howerth) Educa. R. 24: 150, —- and Social Progress. (J . W. Howerth) Educa. R. 224 355- — and the Teaching Profession. Westm. I58! 629. — and the World’s Work of To-day. (R. S. Wood- ward) Science, n. s. 182 161. -—- Applied, Place of. (C. A. Herrick) Educa. R. 311 ISO_ — As a Civilizing Power. (C. E. Greenlee) Educa. 23: 222, —- as a Development. (B. I. Wheeler) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 238. — as an” Element in Success. Am. Arch. 84: 97. — as Evolution. (M. A. Carringer) Educa. 22: 287, —— as a Scientific Pursuit. (E. P. Buchner) Educa. 24: 129, . . -—- as a Study in the University. (E. E. Brown) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 296. — as a University Subject. (W. H. Burnham) Educa. R. 25: 236. -—- at St. Louis Exposition. (G. E. Gay) Educa. 24: 298. -— away from Home. (H. van Dyke) Educa. R. 26. 217. —— Bibliography of, for 1901. (J . I. Wyer, jr., and Isabel E. Lord) Educa. R. 24: 61. -— — 1902. (J . I. Wyer, jr., and Isabel E. Lord) Educa. R. 26: 49. — (J. I. VVyer, jr.) School R. IO: 605. - -— 1903. (Isabel E. Lord and J . I. Wyer, jr.) Educa. R. 28: 38. —— -— 1904. (Isabel E. Lord and J . I. Wyer, jr.) Educa. R. 30: 4I.—(J. I. Wyer, jr.) School R. 12: 653, —— 1905. (Mabel E. Leonard and J. I. Wyer, jr.) Ed11ca- R- 321 I65, 228. — (J. I. Wyer, jr.) School R. 13: 648. _ _ 1906. (J. I. Wyer, jr.) School R. 14: 594, —— Board of, Elective. (D. Mowry) Dial, 33: 82. —— by Permeation. (S. A. Barnett) Char. I6: 186. — by the State, or the Evolution of a State Religion. (L. J . Markoe) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 782, —- Catholic Teachers and History of. (E. A. Pace) Cath. World, 83: I. —— Chance for the Poor Man’s Child. (T. J . Macna- mara) Fortn. 822 I63. —- Christ in. (D. F frangdon-Davies) Hibbert J . 5: 54. -— Church and State in. (J . H. Stough) Luth. Q. 34: no. — Church of England and. Church Q. 53: 456. -— Civil-service Reform Principles in. (Lucy M. Sal- mon) Educa. R. 25! 343. -—- College Course in the Principles of. (J . A. Mac- Vannel) School R. 14: 60. EDUCATION Education, Compulsory, Indirect. (J . W. Perrin) Ed- uca. R. 31: 383. —- Compulsory Beginnings in. (J . W. Perrin) Educa. R, 25: 240, - Cost of. (C. W. Eliot) Educa. R. 25: 490. — Creative. (H. van Dyke) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 159. — Creighton’s Thoughts on. Ath. ’02, 22 209. — A Critical Paper in. (R. F. Cholmeley) Monthly R. 12, no. 3: 158. — The Culture Element and Economy of Time in. (J -. 9 H. Baker) Educa. R. 27: 494. — A Definition of. (W. E. Aikin) Educa. 25: 366. — Democracy and. (Vida D. Scudder) Atlan. 89: 816, — —- Conversation ' with Rabbi Charles Fleischer. Arena, 27: 487. — Democracy in ; Principles and Practice of Pres. W. R. Harper. (Shailer Mathews) World 'To—day, 8: 432-. — Diflicult. (A. E. Eichmann) Educa. 26: 393. — Disadvantages of. (O. Eltzbacher) 19th Cent. 53: 315- — Dominae Scholae. (Mrs. A. Earle) Contemp. 87: 803. —— Early, Limitations of. (J . T. Prince) N. Church R. g: 321, . — Eastern [U. S.] through Western Eyes. (Grant Showerman) Educa. R. 30: 47. — Economy in. (C. S. Hartwell) Educa. R. 30: I59, — The Educational Fact. (T. Brosnahan) Am. Cath. Q- am 209. 508- — Elementary, in New York City. Dial, 38: 2 55, — English and American Views of. Spec. 92: 595. — English Ideal of. (M. E. Sadler) Indep. 54: 2015. — English Public School, from a Colonial Point of View. (A Victim) Chamb. J . 83: 173. —Ethnic Factors in. (Edgar L. Hewett) Am. An- thropol. 7: I. —— Exhibit of Sweden at St. Louis. (A. T. Smith) Educa. 252 440. —- for Country Children. (R. G. Wilberforce) 19th Cent. 59: 678. — for Efiiciency. (W. H. Maxwell) Pop. Sci. M0. 67: 363- — for Life. (T. Addison) Calif. Univ. Chron. 42 342. — for the Machine Trades. (S. M. Vauclain) Cassier, 21: 509. — for Social Efiiciency. (M. V. O’Shea) Am. J . So- ciol. 11: 646. l .—- From High School to College. (T. M. Drown) Sci- ence, n. s. 17: 521. — Gap between Elementary and Higher Schools in. England. Nature, 75: 88. — Gifts to. (C. F. Thwing) Outl. 72: 222, -— Health and. (T. C. Horsfall) Contemp. 89: 340, — Higher, Accessible to the Poor. (J . B. Angell) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: 247, —— and the Government. (C. D. Walcott) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 6: 40. —— The Church and. (W. H. Hickman) Meth. R. 62: 741. — — Contribution of Germany to. (J . M. Coulter) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 81 343. —— — for Business and Manufacturing. (J . H. Con- verse) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 34: II 5. —— in America. (E. O. Sisson) Dial, 41: 321. — — in Germany and the United States. (R. Tombo, jr.) Science, 11. s. 20: 73. -—- — in a Prosperous Democracy. (C. F. Thwing) Outl. 70: 374. —— — in Wales. Quar. 200: 599. - — National Standard in. (H. W. Horwill) Atlan. 9°: 329~ EDUCATION Education, Higher, of the Bread Winners. (T. W. Davidson) Craftsman, 2: 233, -—— -— of the Business Man. (D. S. Jordan) Indep. 541 I867. — —- of the Central West. (C. F. Thwing) Internat. Q. 91 382- -— — of Workingmen. (J . A. R. Marriott) Fortn. 86: 247. — —- Problem of, in the Lutheran Church. (F. L. Sigmund) Luth. Q. 342 I93. — —— Some Features of American. (E. J . James) Science, 11. s. 16: 681. ——-— State Aid for. Nature, 711 487. —- History of. (E. C. Moore) School R. 11: 350. —— — Scope and Aims of. (A. O. Norton) Educa. R. 271 443: ——- Home. (W. L. Hervey) Chant. 40: 165. — How can we adapt our System to Present Needs? (J . M. Tyler) School R. 10: 742. — Imperial Co-operation in. (C. A. Barnicoat) Monthly R. 20, no. 2: 142. — in Alabama, Current Problems in. - Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 221 280. -— in American Expositions. (F. W. Smith) Educa. 24: 222, — in Ancient Greece, Philosophy and. Calif. Univ. Chron. 3: 124. — in Australia, Primary. (G. H. F rodsham) 19th Cent. 55: 219. —- in Canada. Canad. M. 23: 509. -—— -— Public School Question. (G. Smith) Canad. M. 18: 222, I — in Canadian Northwest, and Autonomy Documents. (J. A. Cooper) Canad. M. 25: 214, — in the Channel Islands, Ath. ’06, 1: 137, —in a Democracy. (Joseph W. Folk) So. Atlan. Q. (J . B. Graham) (E. C. Moore) 5: 226, —in England. Blackw. 176: 756. ‘ — — and the Evangelicals. (C. Wimborne) 19th Cent. 591 387.- — -— and in America, Points of Contrast in. (M. E. Sadler) Educa. R. 241217. . —- — and the New Government, 1906. (Stanley of Al- derley) 19th Cent. 59: 371. —— — at Public Schools. (N, A. Thompson) Westm. 163: 597.—Ed. R. 204: 263. — — Bill of 1902. (E. L. Stanley) Contemp. 81: 609, —(J. A. Spender) Contemp. 82 : 808. —— (T. J. Macnamara) Fortn. 77 : 830. -— (C. Brereton) Monthly R. 7, no. 2: 55. -— (H. M. Bompas) Fortn. 781 44I.—(M. F. Glancey) Dub. R. 131: 1. — Educa. R. 24: 420.—Blackw. 172: 864. ——(O.-J. Lodge and others) Nature, 65: 562. — Church Q. 54: 204.—Ed. R. 146: 236.-—(P. Lynch) Dub. R. 130: 238.—(W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 78. —(G. Simmons) Cath. World, 76: 724.——(T. J. O’Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 1I4.—(D. L. George) Contemp. 83: 569.—— Educa. 23: 384. —- Sat. R. 95: 112, —— —— —- Amendment of. 84= 457- —— — -— and after. Church Q. 58: 396. —Educa. 25: 184. l —- — -— and the Free Churches.. (W. R. Nicoll) Con- temp. 822 632. — —- — at Work. (T. J . Macnamara) Fortn. 79: 28, --—— Attitude of Non-conformists. Contemp. 82: (G. W. Kekewich) Contemp. 429- - — — The Church and. (G. W. Kekewich) Contemp. 831 779- - - —- Clergy and. National, 412 95. -— (D. C. Lath- bury) 19th Cent. 531 I. 191 (W. Poland) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 145. — EDUCATION Education, in England, Bill of 1902, Compromise on. Spec. 922 434. -— — —- Concession, Compromise, Concordat. (J . Mas- sie) Contemp. 86: 243, — —— —- Concordat not Compromise; a Reply. Rogers) F ortn. 85: 332. — — —— Crux of the Difficulty. 541 2575- — —- —- Educational Conciliation. 19th Cent. 56: 67. —- —- —- A Few Words on. (J . Bryce) 19th Cent. 51: 349. ILiv. Age, 235:"321. ' ——-—-how Long will it Last? (D. C_. Lathbury), 19th Cent. 55: 47. — — — in the Counties. Ed. R. 199: 457, -— — — in the New Parliament. (T. J . Macnamara) (J . G. (W. T. Stead) Indep. (D. C. Lathbury) F ortn. 301 800. ,- — —— —- Local Option. Quar. I95: 637, — —— -— N on-conformists and. (J . C. Rogers) 19th Cent. 532 14.. — — — Passive Resistance. (C. S. Horne) Outl. 74: 656. — (F. W. H. Reed) Westm. 161: 33. — - — A Postscript on. (Northumberland) National, 39: 828. —- — —— Reasonableness and. (A. W. Gattie) 19th Cent. 52: 472. — — -—— Renewed Struggle for the Schools. Fletcher) 19th Cent. 51: 540, ————— Secondary and Technical Education. Wertheimer) Nature, 67: 177, — — -—— Secularist Position with regard to. (T. Gardi- ner) Westm. I59: 545. — -— — Some Possible Amendments in. (J . Fitch) 19th Cent. 51: 952. —-—Bill of 1906. Quar. 204: 590.—(T. J. Macna- mara, H. Paul, Archbishop of Westminster, Vct. Halifax, J . GI Rogers, D. C. Lathbury) 19th Cent. 59: 705- = Liv- Age. 249= 579. 643- —Spec- W 704. ——- (M. E. Sadler) Educa. R. 32: 109. —- (Stanley of Alderley) Contemp. 89: 609. -— (K. D. Cotes) F ortn. 85: 871. —Blackw. 179: 735. 180: 575,— (G, W, Kekewich) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 2: 5 5. ——- (James Moorhouse) National, 47 Z 575. — (S. F. Smith) Month, 107: 337, 449, 561. — (D. S. A. Cosby) Westm. I65: 602, — —— — Amendment of the. temp. 89: 380. —— —- — and Religious Teaching. Chaut. 43: 395. — — — Mr. Birrell’s Choice. (J. W. Diggle) Hibbert J. 4= 540- —— —— —‘ Bishop Ilsley and. (J . H Muirhead) Hibbert J . 5: 64. —— (J . Gorst) Ple ator Mutual Conces- sions; (J . Hereford); Symposium (R. B. Haldane and others) 19th Cent. 52: 576. — — — The Catholic Threat of Passive Resistance. (P. T. Forsyth) Contemp. 89: 562. —- -— —- Conflict or Compromise? (D. C. Lathbury) 19th Cent. 60: 136, — - —- Controversy on. (J . G. Rogers) 19th Cent. 60: 337.— (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 342 722. — (W. B. Carpenter) Fortn. 85: 1001, — —- — A Forecast. (Beriah G. Evans) Monthly R. 22, no. 3: 19, -— w — House of Lords and. (Francis Bourne) 19th Cent. 60: 835. I Liv. Age, 251: 525.--— (Lord Evers- ley) 19th Cent. 60: 1017, — — — A Lost Opportunity. dep. R. 10: 13. — — —- The Omnipotent Halfpenny. Westm. I65: 158, — —— -—— Prospects of. (H. Paul) 19th Cent. 60: 145, — -— -— The Religious Difiiculty. (S. A. Barnett) In- dep. R. 8: 252. (R. C. (J. (T. J . Macnamara) Con- (James M. Wils0n)In- (F. Swiney) EDUCATION Education, in England, Bill of 1906. The Secular Solu- tion. (J . M. Robertson) Indep. R. 9: 133. —— -— -— What will the Lords do ? (St. Paul) 19th Cent. 60: 1027. -—- The Bishops’ Resolutions on, 1901. (W. J. B. Richards) Dub. R. 1301 I. —- — Church, State, Dogma and. (P. T. F orsyth) Con- temp. 90: 827. — —— Difiiculty of; Cannot Churchmen and Noncon- formists agree ? (H. J . Bardsley) F ortn. 84: 280. ' — —— Crisis in, 1902. (G. Simmons) Cath. World, 751 152. — — -— 1906. (W. Barry) Cath. World, 83: 642. — — Elementary, and the Religious Question. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 82: 506. —- —— — Flaws in. (Cyril Jackson) Indep. R. 91 45. — — Future of Denominational Schools. (M. E. Sadler) Indep. R. 9: 253. -— —— Hodge and his Educators. Indep. R. 6: 38. —— — in 1904. (F. Watson) School R. 13: 105. —- -— in the Village. Spec. 93: 1046. — — Irish Party and Voluntary Schools. McCall) Westm. 163: 279. — — Latest Blue Book on, 1903. Month, 102: 572. — — Movements in. (WV. K. Hill) School R. 10: (Edmund Verney) (T. B. 195. — —— Politics and Education. (A. Birrell) Contemp. 82: 479. . — — Problem of. (J . Fitch) 19th Cent. 51: 24. —— The Question of, 1907. (N. D. J . Straton) 20th Cent. Q. I,-_no. I: I5. — — Revolution in. (C. Brereton) Monthly R. I 5, no. 3= 55- School Reform. (O. Lodge) Contemp. 85: 153. -—- —— Schoolmasters and their Masters. (D. C. Pedder) Contemp. 89: 795. —— — Sir Francis Sharp Howell on. 561, —— — Some Aspects of. 31: 67, —- — Story of. (J . E. G. de Montmorency) Pop. Sci. M0- 65= 263, 344. J. Statis. Soc. 67: (Lucy M. Salmon) Educa. R. — — iFowards Germany or France? (C. Brereton) Monthly R. 15, no. 1: 81. —- — What have we gained ? (F. Greenwood) I9th Cent. 52: 179. — in France. (E. P. Baillot) Educa. 26: 385. — — Rural. (C. Brereton) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 54. — —-Secondary, Reform in. (G. Compayré) Educa. R. 25: 130. — in Germany. — —— and England. —— — and Mis-education. go: 516. -—- — Long Vacation and the Afternoon Lessons. (O. Thiergen) School R. 10: 601. —— — System of. (W. von Schierbrand) No. Am. 183: 376. — in India. Nature, 69: 621. — in Ireland, Primary. (Michael McDonnell) N 0. Am. 181: 386, — — The Ruin of. (J . R. Fisher) National, 40: 278. —- —- University. Month, 103: 314. — in Japan. Educa. 24: 380. — in the Leading Co-untries. World’s Work, 8: 5°45. — in London after May, I904. Sat. R. 97: I 35. ' —— — Bill for, I905. (T. J . Macnamara) Contemp. 83: 183. ——(C. Brereton) Fortn. 79: 193.—Sat. R. 95: 44-4, 542- — -—- —— Imperfections of. Sat. R. 95: 129. -—- in Mexico. (A. T. Smith) Educa. 26: 563. (M- D. Learned) Educa. 27: 25. (F. M. Perkin) Nature, 67: 226. (J . Ellis Barker) Contemp. 192 EDUCATION Education, in the Middle West, Democratic. (F. J. Turner) World’s Work, 6: 3754. -—- in Mississippi, Progress of. (R. B. Fulton) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 222 304. — in the Netherlands. (J . C. Medd) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 340- -- in New Jersey, Legal Status of. Educa. 26: 496. (C. J . Baxter) -—- in North Carolina. Current Problems. (C. D. McIver) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 293. — in the Orient, Pacific Coast’s Relation to. (B. I. Wheeler) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 65. — in Russia, Reform in. (Sofja L. Friedland) Indep. 54: 216. — in Scotland; how ought it to be organized ? (Jas. Donaldson) Contemp. 89:181. , — — Scotch Education Bill, 1905. Blackw. I78: 142. -— in the South. (L. Hulley) Educa. 26: 486. -— — Conference for, I903. (R. C. Ogden) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 171. — — Progress of. (J . Daniels) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 310, —— in the Southwest. (E. A. Alderman) Ann. Am. Acad Pol. Sci. 22: 287, — in Spain, National and Clerical. Indep. 57: 427. —in Tennessee. (C. W. Dabney) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 284. (M. De Unamuno) —— in the United States. (A. Moseley) Indep. 56: 359. 5 —. -— Dexter’s History of. Cath. World, 80: 104. — — Frencl1man on. (A. T. Smith) Educa. 25: 631. — — How the American Boy is educated. Chaut. 41: 60, — — Impressions of. (F. W. Nash) Educa. R. 25: 217. —- — Needs of Public. (C. W. Eliot) World’s Work, 5= 2894. — —— North and South. 486. — — Our Chaotic. (P. H. Hanus) Forum, 33: 222. — — Our National Superstition. (B. Wendell) N 0. Am. 179: 388. —- — Problems of. (W. DeW. Hyde) Forum, 32: 551. -— — The Trend of. (Andrew S. Draper) Appleton’s M. 8: 146. — in the Light of a New Church. (J . Reed) N. Church R. 9: 337. —— in Moral Principles. (J . Goddard) N. Church R. 9: 245- -—in the West, Higher. (W. R. Harper) No. Am. 179: 584. — Influence of, upon Trade and Industry. (F. M. Perkin) Nature, 66: 442, — Influential Fallacies about. (E. H. Russell) School R. 11: 827. ——(M. A. Jordan) School R. 12: 129, —Jewish, Origin and Development of. (G. Harold Ellis) Pedagog. Sem. 9: 5o. — Kind of, best suited to Boys. School R. I4: 512. — The Ladder of. (G. Bourne) Macmil. 91: 471. — Liberal, The Present Peril of. (A. F. West) Princ. Univ. Bull. 14: 159. —— Machinery of. (P. S. Burrell) Macmil. 89: 336. —— Making it hit the Mark. (W. G. Parsons) Atlan. 971 433- —— Mental Types and their Recognition in our Schools. (A. T. Hadley) Harper, III: 123. —Methods and Principles of the 19th Century. (A. T. Hadley) Educa. R. 28: 325. —Modern, Phases of. (F. O. Carpenter) Educa. 26: (R. R. Halleck) 191. —- Monroe’s History of. (E. O. Sisson) Dial, 40: 116, — Moseley Educational Commission. Science, n. s. 18: 505. (C. W. Eliot) Educa. R. 23: EDUCATION 193 - EDUCATION Education. Nature and Man. (E. R. Lancaster) Pop. Education, Rockefeller’s Endowment for Higher. Sci- Sci. Mo. 67: 435. ence,n. s. 22: 28, \ — Need of a New Basis in. (J. M. Rice) Forum, 351 — Rural, in France. (A. D. H.) Nature, 66: 225, 440. — St. Thomas’s Theory of. (E. A. Pace) Cath. Univ. — New. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. 5: 34. Bull. 8: 290. —— — An Academic Center for. (G. M. Millar) Arena, — School and College. (W. C. France) N ation, 74: 5 5, 29: 601, -—(Magister Artium) Cornh. g1i 488. — Non-School. (R. G. Boone) Educa. 23: 83. — Science and. Contemp. 87: 383. __ of Adult-,s_ (H, G, Bumpus) Am, J, soc, Sci, 42: —Science of. (C. M. Woodward) Science, n. s. 24: 144. — (H. M. Leipziger) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 42: 133. 333 — (M. Dewey) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 422 I52. — Scope of. (H. E. Armstrong) Nature, 66: 589, —— of Business Men. (W. A. Scott) World To-day, 9! — Secular, American Principles vs. (T. F. Woodlock) 378. —— (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 39: no p. Cath. World, 79: 711. —— of Children begun too Early. (C. W. Saleeby) — — in the Interest of Religious Truth. (M. M. Bar- Acad. 66: 51. rie) 19th Cent. 59: 1045. —- of Country Children for the Farm. (D. E. M’Clure) -— Secularist Position with regard to. (T. Gardiner) Educa. 26: 65. Westm. I58: 431, '_ Of the Future. The- (E. Pomeroy) Arena, 311 449. — Separation of the Church from the Tax-supported — of the Physical Life. (W. Channing) Am. J . Soc. School. (W. T. Harris) Educa. R. 26: 222, Sci. 431 163. — Shall the State educate ? (Goldwin Smith) Monthly — of School Boards. (W. McAndrew) Dial, 352 81. R. I0, no. 11 37. -— of the Upper Classes in France and England. —— Seven Factors of. (H. E. Osborn) Educa. R. 32: 56. 0- Yorke) Gent. M. n. s. 681 563. — Sex in. (E. L. Thorndike) Bookman, 23: 211, —— The Old, and the New. (F. Burk) Forum, 331 474. — Social, Congress on. (O. H. Moore) Char. I7: 439, — Organization and Progress in American Cities. Ann. —- — in the Public Schools. (H. Woolston) Char. 16: Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 252 I57. 570 —— Panton’s Views on. (F. Watson) Gent. M. n. s. 741 - Social ‘Aspects of. (G. S. Hall) Pedagog. Sem. 9! . 554. 93. - (G. S. Hall) Educa. R. 23: 433. — The Pathology of. (J . M. Tyler) Am. J . Soc. Sci. — Social Basis of. (Jeremiah W. Jenks) Educa. R. 43: 152- s<>= 442- — Person in. (H. C. King) Bib. Sac. 60: 510. — Some Reflections upon English and German. (R. —— Place of, in Reform. (E. C. Moore) Arena, 27: B. Lattimer) Monthly R. 25, no. I: 91. 499. — Specialization and Concentration in. (J . W. Rich- — Popular, Neglected Factor in. (D. H. Bauslin) ard) Luth. Q. 34: 237. Luth. Q. 35: 189. — State-aided, in England and Scotland. (J . E. Gra- — Practical in. (M. V. O’Shea) Indep. 54: 1894. ham) Jurid. R. 142 365. -— The Preparatory Day School of the Future. (C. — State, and Militarism. (R. Knyvet-Wilson) Westm. ' Simmons) Contemp. go: 344, 161: 386, —- “ Primary” and “ Secondary ” in. (E. E. K. — Strengthening the Foundations. (F. J . Adkins) Warner) Educa. R. 28: 420. - Westm. 163: 177, — a Process. (R. G. Boone) Educa. 22: 604. -— Superficiality in. Undigested Securities in Educa- — Professional Literature. (M. Hill) Educa. 25: 612. tion. (J . Trowbridge) Outl. 752 704. —-— Professionalism in. (R. M. Green) Harv. Grad. M. — Survival of the Unfit in. (J . B. \/Veems) Educa. R. 12: 376. 31: 248, —— Progress in, 1903. (W. DeW. Hyde) World’s Work, —- Tendencies in, in England, France, and Prussia. 6: 3780. —- (E. Lyttelton) National, 421 824. (A. T. Smith) Educa. 27: 243. — Psychical Dispositions in. (C. A. Dubray) Cath. — That Idol. (A. J . Richardson) Un. Serv. M. 31: Univ. Bull. 122 15. 541, -— Public Purpose in. (A. T. Hadley) Indep. 572 254. — Theory of, Present Problems in. (Elmer E. Brown) 1 —— Public School. (A. C. Benson) Monthly R. ZI, no. Educa. R. 291 36. 3- 3I. —— through Activity. (S. N. Patten) Char. 12: 790. — — Value of a. (R. Lucas) National, 472 427. -— through Social Intercourse. (R. G. Boone) Educa. -— — —— Rejoinder. (C. Lester) National, 47: 622. 23: 617, - Public School Garden. (H. L. Clapp) New Eng. —- Too Much. (P. S. Burrell) Westm. I592 271. M. n. s. 26: 417. — Training of the Citizen.- (C. Zueblin) Chaut. 38: — Public Schools. (N. A. Thompson) Westm. 163: 161. 597- —- The Trick of. (A. Meynell) Harper, I08: 376, -— Quantitative Study of. (E. L. Thorndike) Forum, —-— Twentieth Century. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 29: 84. 36: 441. — Two Foreign Schools and their Suggestions. (D. S. — Recent Books on, 1905. (H. D. Sheldon) Dial, 332 Sanford) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 293. 270. — U. S. Commissionership of. (Ossian Lang; C. M. — Recollections of a Board School Teacher. Monthly Gayley) Nation, 83: 8. R, 24, no. 2: 1. — University Study of. (N. M. Butler) Univ. of Chic. -— Relation to Good Government. (Hermann Speck Rec. 9: 13. von Sternbnrg) Forum, 38: 244. —-vs. Crime; Elmira Reformatory School. (A. D. —— Religion and Public. (James H. Canfield) Educa. Call) Educa. 22: 587. R. 321 453. —— Viscount’s, in the Seventeenth Century. (D.Towns— — Religion as concerned in. (J . C. Kilgo) So. Atlan. hend) Temp. Bar, 133: 524. . Q- 21 209- —-— Lester F. Ward on. (E. L. Thorndike) Bookman, — Required by the Times. (E. B. Knerr) Luth. Q. 24: 290. 34: 218. — What is ? (C. W. Super) Bib. Sac. 622 146,- (J. B. -— Rhoda’s Teacher and her School. (A. Gilman) Walker) Cosmopol. 37: 401. Atlan. 96: 160. 4 -—which lessens Vulgarity. Sat. R. 100: 453. EDUCATION Education, without Religion. (Rebecca H. Davis) Indep. 55: 2848. — Work and Play as Factors in. Chaut. 42: 251. — The Workshop and School. (O. L. Triggs) Crafts- man, 3: 20. -—— World-unifying Forces in. (J . L. Barton) Outl. 72: (Jane Addams) 453- -— Zola’s Last Word on. (T. Dickinson) Educa. 25: 468. Education of King Jim, The. (G. S. Chappell) Scrib. M. 38: 577. Education of a Saint; a story. (E. W. Blashfield) Atlan. 94: 333. Education Board in Large Cities. (D. Mowry) Educa. 26: 71. Educational Administration, Progress of. (Nicholas M. Butler) Educa. R. 321 515. Educational Agencies, Supplementary. Educa. R. 23: 117. Educational Bill of Settlement. 77: 821, Educational Concordat, An. (A. Birrell) Liv. Age, 239: 385.=Ecl. M. 142: 47. Educational Courses in German Universities. Sisson) Educa. 25: 253. Educational Diagnosis, (W. I. Crane) School R. 10: (G. Harris) (C. Brergton) Fortn. (E. O. 433- Educational Diversity. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 75: 458. — (R. H. Thurston) Nation, 76: 91. Educational Ideals. Ed. R. 195: 58. — English. (A. H. Gilkes) Indep. R. 7: 168. Educational Ideas in 19th Century, Development of. (J. L. Spalding) Educa. R. 28: 335. Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast. (L. Ab- bott) Outl. 78: 213, — Political Interference with. Univ. Chron. 2: 392. Educational Legislation in the U. S. in 1904. (Andrew S. Draper) Educa. R. 29: 387. Educational Machinery, why it fails to yield a Better Product. (J . M. Rice) Forum, 36: 96. Educational Methods, Some New. Chamb. J . 79: 660. Educational Museum of Paris. (F. P. Graves) School R, 13: 127, Educational Outlook, The, based on Occupations. (L. D. Arnett) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 334. — in 1906. (Ossian H. Long) Forum, 37: 528. Educational Peril, England’s. Fortn. 77: 497, Educational Philanthropy, Expenditures in. Woods) Educa. R. 25: 483. Educational Prejudices. (J . G. Smith) Fortn. 78: 448. Educational Problem of the United States. (P. Chubb) Nation, 79: 31!. Educational Problems. 66: 273, — Light on Some. 847. Educational Professional Literature. (M. Hill) Educa. 25: 612, Educational Progress, Another View of. (W. E. Dodd) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 325, -— Citizens’ Initiative as a Factor in. Hall) Pedagog. Sem. 12: 471, —of the Year 1901-02. ' (W. R. Harper) Educa. R. 24: 238. —— of the Year 1903-04. Outl. 77: 776. — of the Year 1904-05. (Howard J. Rogers) Educa. R. 30: 109, -—— Outl. 80: 704. Educational Question. England - America-Ireland. Cath. World, 76: 96, Educational Reciprocity. (C. F. Beach) No. Am. 183: 611. (G. C. Pardee) Calif. (R. A. (John Percival) Pop. Sci. Mo. (H. A. Stimson) No. Am. 177: (G. Stanley 194 EDWARD VII Educational Research: the Need of a New Basis in Supervision. (J . M. Rice) Forum, 35: 590. - Society of. (J. M. Rice) Forum, 35: 118, Educational Tendencies, Desirable and otherwise. 5 (A. S. Draper) Educa. R. 23: 446. Educational Theory, Some Phases of. So. Atlan. Q. 5: 393. Educational Trusts, Perpetual. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 74: 105. Educational Values, Facts and Fictions concerning. (F. E. Bolton) School R. 12: 170. Educational Work, Some Present Needs in. (C. G. (J . M. Greenwood) Educa. (W. H. Heck) Heckert) Luth. Q. 34: 193. Educators I have known. B, 25: 289, 400, 508, —— Our F oreign-born. (D. O. S. Lowell) Munsey, 32: 4°- Edward I. and Gascony in 1300. (J . G. Black) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 518. — Earldoms under. 8: 129, — Irish Exchequer Memoranda of the Reign of: (M. Bateson) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 497. Edward I. to VII., Kings. (A. H. V. Colquhoun) Canad. M. 19: 321. Edward III., the Confessor, in Alliterative Prophecy. (G. Neilson) Antiq. n. s. 41: 57. — Officers of. (J. H. Round) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 90. — Shrine of. (Louise I. Guiney) Am. Cath. Q. 31: (T. F. Tout) Roy. Hist.Soc. n. s. 513- Edward VII. Good Words, 43: 457. —Outl. 71: 603. —-(H. Davies) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 93. — (C. Rob- erts) Everybody’s, 6: 531. —— and Foreign Policy. National, 44: 47. —— and his Consort. (S. Tooley) Canad. M. 19: 99. — and his Parliament. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 57: 779. — and Sandringham House. (S. A. Tooley) Canad. M. 22: 138, — and-William II. at Kiel, 1904. Contemp. 86: 1.— Spec. 92: 868. — as Social Leader. (Lady J eune) Critic, 45 :_ 219. — as a Theater-goer. (H. Windham) Munsey, 29: 364. — at Home at Sandringham. (E. M. J essop) Pall Mall M. 28: 493. , — Coronation of. (J . C. Crawford) Cosmopol. 33: 137. —— (A. Birrell) Outl. 7,2: 250. -— (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 19: 303. —— (Viscount Esher) Pall Mall M. 27: I45. — (G. A. Fitzgerald) Munsey, 27: 169, —(Mrs. C. W. Simpson) Good Words, 44: Xmas no. -— (T. M. Maguire) Un. Serv. M. 25: 356. — (Lady Jeune) Pall Mall M. 27: 565. —- (J. Balfour Paul) Jurid. R. 14: 205. — — and its Significance. 33¢ 657. —— -— and the Pseudo-Jacobites. Monthly R. 7, no. 21 36. — — and Some of its Lessons. Liv. Age, 233: 763. — — Animal’s View of. Spec. 89: I1. — -— Artistic Aspects. (W. J . Loftie) M. of Art, 26: 4°5- — —— Mr. Bodley on. Ath. ’03, 2: 51. — — Celebration Reflections. Sat. R. 93: 797, 802. — -— Decoration for, Scheme of. M. of Art, 26: 537, -— — India and. . (I. Malcolm) Pall Mall M. 27: 225, ‘ — — London in Time of. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, (W. T. Stead) Cosmopol. (W. C. McPherson) (J . McCarthy) Fortn. 81: 650.‘- 3: 1, — — Men of. Sund. M. 31: 563. — — Military View of. Blackw. 172: 409. -— —— Music for. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 94: 9. -— -— Ode for. (L. M. Watt) Critic, 41: 19, -— — Picture of, Abbey’s. Art J . 56: 391, EDWARD VII Edward VII., Coronation of, Postponement of, Dra- matic Efiects of. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 94: I0. —- — Significance of. (W. J. Thorold) Canad. M. 19: 387. — Early Days of. (Mrs. B. Lowndes) Munsey, 36: 350. —First Court held by. (Mary Howarth) Pall Mall M. 27: 258. —— How he Travels. (J . Vandercook) Munsey, 30: 38. — in Paris. Liv. Age, 245: 633. — The King’s Faith. (C. L. O’Malley) Westm. 151: 438- — Shooting with, at Sandringham. Outing, 41: 687. —— the Uncle of Europe. Bookman, 24: I51. —— When he visited New York. (G. F. Williams) Indep. 54: 569. Edward VIII., King, Diary of. Cosmopol. 36: 267. 37: 96. Edward, Alfred S. Art J. 55: 286. Edwardes, George, Cingalee. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 329- Edwardes, Ticknor, Author, with portrait. Idler, 27: 164. Edwards, Arthur. Edwards, Edward. (S. J. Herben) Meth. R. 62: 513, (W. E. A. Axon) Library, 11. s. 3: 398. — In Memory of. Lib. J. 272 I40. Edwards, Jonathan. Outl. 75: 248.— (K. M. Cone) Outl. 75: 255.-— (W. H. Ward) Indep. 55: 2321. — (F. J. E. Woodbridge) Philos. R. 13: 393. —— as Philosopher and Theologian. (H. C. King) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 14: 23. — Descendants of. (D. O. S. Lowell) Munsey, 35: 263. -—(E. A. Winship) World’s Work, 6: 3981. — A Historical Review. (S. Simpson) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 14: 3. -— Witness to the Truth; a poem. (S. V. Cole) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 583. Edwards, S. Arlent, Color-prints of. Scrib. M. 39: 125. Edwards Family of Wenham, Mass., prior to 1715. (W. S. Mills) N. E. Reg. 56: 60. Edwin, David, Engraver. (Mantle Fielding) Pennsyl. M. 28: 420. 29: 79, 320, 30: 353. Eeden, Frederik van. Deeps of Deliverance. Van Noppen) Critic, 42: 312. Eel, Conger, Leptocephalus of the. mann) Science, 11. s. 19: 629. Eel-catching, Ancient Method of. Chamb. J . 80: 439. Eels and the Eel Question. (M. C. Marsh) Pop. Sci. M0, 61: 426. Effect Abroad, The. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 482. Effective Living. (B. I. Wheeler) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 122. Eifeminization of the United States. neko) World’s Work, 12: 7521. Efliciency, Absolute and Relative. Cath. World, 79: 719. —- The Cant of. Spec. 95: 642. — Education and. (G. E. Vincent) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 2: 162. -— The “ Goodness ” Fallacy. Work, 13: 8186. — The Gospel of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 159. — Industrial. Spec. 97: 493. — Standards of, in School and in Life. ' Pedagog. Sem. IO: 3. -— Test of. Fortn. 78: 405, Egg of the Bufo Lentiginosns, Gastrnlation of. (H. D. King) Am. Natural. 362 527. Egg-cases, Fossil. (T. Gill) Science, 11. s. 22: 601. Egg-laying in Gonionemus. (L. Murbach) Science, n. s. (Russell Sturgis) (L. C. (C. H. Eigen- (J . Conger-Ka- (J . C. Monaghan) (W. H. Allen) World’s (E. J . Swift) 17: 192. —— of Crayfish. (E. A. Andrews) Am. Natural. 40: 343. 195 EGYPT Eggleston, Edward. (M. Nicholson) Atlan. go: 804.. — With portrait. (Rossiter Johnson) R. of Rs. (N- Y-) 251 443. —(E. Cary) Bk. Buyer, I5: 221. Eggleston, Geo. Cary. (E. F. Harkins)Lit. W. (Bost.) 353 133- Eggs, Double Hens’. (G. H. Parker) Am. Natural. 40: 13. - of Ascidians. (E. G. Conklin) Science, 11. s. 21: 381. Egidio, a Franciscan Wonder-worker. (R. F. O’Con- nor) Cath. World, 80: 473. Eglantina; a story. (Mary E. Wilkins) Harper, I05: 3 . Egleston, Thomas. (C. F. Chandler and C. E. Pellew) Colum. Univ. Q. 2: 138. Ego, Prof. Bakewell on the. 13: 546. Egotism, The Literature of. Quar. 205: 215. =Liv. Age, 250: 707. Egret, Extermination of the. Am. 7: 626. Egusquiza, Rogelio de. (F. Weitenkampf) Critic, 43: (C. A. Strong) Philos. R. (H. K. Job) Ctry Life 14, Egypt, Ancient, and Syria. (W. M. Patton) Bib. Sac. 60: 92. —— — Recent Lights on. (E. A. Wallis) Quar. 200: 48. — Ancient Cities of. (W. E. Curtis) Am. Antiq. 26: 77. — and England. (W. M. Sloane) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 459. — and the Soudan, Religious Situation in. Month, 103: 404. — Anglo-French Compact and. 778. - Arab Conquest of, Butler on. Ath. ’03, I: 45 5. —- (W. H. Kent) Dub. R. 134: 94. —— Archaeological Discoveries in. (G. Steindorf) Am. Antiq. 25: 368. —- Archaeological Exploration in. (E. Dicey) Fortn. 81: (L. Dyer) Nation, 751 417- —— Archaeological Survey of. (N. de G. Davies) Bib. World, 23: 382. — Archaeology in. (H. N. Fowler) Nation, 78: 228. — Art in, Rise and Development of. (W. M. F. Pe- trie) J. Soc. Arts, 49: 593. — British. (Ernest Crosby) Arena, 35: 482. 36: 41. —- -—— Administration and Irrigation in. (S. Peel) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 513. — British Rule in. Quar. 200: 526. —— Budge’s History of. Am. Hist. R. 92 I20. —- Conception of the Soul and Resurrection in. Carus) Monist, I 5: 409. — Cromer’s Report on, 1904. Spec. 92: 593. — Destruction of Monuments in. (J . Warde) Am. Antiq. 25: 365. -— Discoveries in. (J . Offord) Am. Antiq. 26! 73. — Education in. (R. F. Bell) 19th Cent. 52: 412. — Educational Revolution in. (E. Verney) Contemp. 88: 60. ' —- Emancipation of. (A. S. White) Monthly R. II, no. 2: 77; no. 3: 76. — England, and Turkey. (H. Spender) Contemp. 902 (P. 457. — England in. Blackw. I73: 530. = Eel. M. 141: 221. ILiv. Age, 2372 769.—(O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 27. -—— Excavations in. Am. Arch. 88: 143. — Excavations of the University of California as Con- ducted by Geo. A. Reisner. (J . L. Dobbins) Over- land, n. s. 42: 99. — Fellah’s Yoke-mate. (Sir W. F. Miéville) Fortn. 85: 1093. — From Cairo to Khartum. (W. G. Erving) Cent. 43: 341- EGYPT Egypt, Gods of, Budge on. Nature, 69: 175. -—Ath. ’03, 2: 820, -— Golden Age of. (J. Ward) Monthly R. 9, no. 1: 83. — A Great Discovery in; the Tomb of the Parents of Tii. (H. C. Greene) Cent. 49: 60, — in 1903. (J . Douglas) Nation, 77: 111, —- Industries for the Blind in. (Countess of Meath) I9tl1 Cent. 55: 1050, -— Irrigation Works in. (L. Gibbs) Longm. 42: 550. —- Islam in. (Mme. E. Loyson) Open Court, 19: 418. —- Islamic Influence against British Rule. Sat. R. 102: 69. — Khedivate of, Dicey’s Story of. Ath. ’02, 1: 489. -— Life in, under the Ptolemies. (J . H. McDaniels) Nation, 77: 154. —— Mediterranean Coast Region of. Geog. J. 20: 502. — Mining and Use of Metals in Ancient. George) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 687. —— The New Nationalism in. (Wflfrid S. Blunt) Indep. R. 11: 23, —- of To-day. (J . W. J enks) Internat. 6: 89. — Petty Crime in. Sat. R. 96: 5. — The Problem of. (J . M. Robertson) 20th Cent. Q. (Maj. Rycroft) (R. D. 1, no. 3: 1. — Recent Excavations in. (J. H. Breasted) Bib. World, 25: 66. —- Religions of Ancient, Sayce’s. (J . P. Peters) Na- tion, 7.7¢ I3. —— The Road to the East. (C. F. Lavell) Chant. 44: 303- —— Study on Christianity and Catholic Copts in. Month, 104: 51, —— To-day. — A Tour in. —- Upper, Religion in. — Waning of the Light of.‘ Court, 20: 228, — With the Pre-dynastic Kings. Atlan. 912 220. Egypt Exploration Fund. (VV. W. Goodwin) Nation, 77¢ 464. —- Progress with. Sat. R. 98: 169. Egyptian Beads and Symbols, Ancient, in my Collec- tion. (R. C. Clephan) Antiq. n. s. 38: 18, Egyptian Civilization and Celtic, Connection between. (W. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 52: 815. Egyptian Church of To-day. Month, 100: 160, Egyptian Convent, An. Cath. World, 80: 8 5. Egyptian Enigma, An. (Eleanore F. Lewys) Over- land, 11. s. 43: 128, Egyptian Mysteries and Modern Freemasonry. (H. R. Evans) Open Court, 17: 437. Egyptian Mythology and the Bible. Monist, I6: 169, Egyptian Question of 1840, Letter by Lord Palmerston (A. France) Good Words, 46: 192, (J. Kendal) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 671, Month, 103: 18. (E. L. Larkin) Open (H. D. Rawnsley) (A. Grenfell) on the. (R. Garnett) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 125, Egyptian Research Account, The. (W. C. Winslow) Nation, 82: 117, Egyptians in Sinai, The; an Account of Recent Dis- coveries. (W. M. F. Petrie) Harper, 112: 440. Eh, Eugene ? (C. Oliver) Macmil. 92: 35. = Liv. Age, 245: 591- _ Ehnasya, Egypt, Exploration at. (W. M. F. Petrie) Am. Arch. 84: 82. Eider-ducks, Feeding. Eidolons of Brooks Alford, The. Harper, 113: 387. Eiffel Tower, Eiffel on the. Nature, 65: 291, Eight Captains of their Fate. (J. Cassidy) Gent. M. n. s. 73¢ 91. Eight-cell, Double Stereoscopic Projection of the. (G. H. Bryan) Knowl. 27: 92. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 98: 76. (W. D. Howells) 196 ELECTIVE Eight-hour Day, Social Effects of the. (F. L. McVey) Am. J. Sociol. 8: 521, Eight-hour Movement in New York. Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 414, “ 1815,” Houssaye’s. (A. Laugel) Nation, 80: 287. 1850’s, Memories of the. (M. R. Morgan) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 147. Eighteenth Century, Emile Faguet and the. 196: 507, -— A Poem. (A. T. Kent) Sat. R. 96: 327. -— The Reaction against. Liv. Age,233: 563. Eighteenth-century VVooing, Story of an. Good Words, (G. G. Groat) Ed. R. 44: 439- Eighty Years‘ Ago. (G. Rooper) Longm. 41: 213;: Liv. Age, 236: 610, Eileithyia. (P. V. C. Baur) Univ. of Mo. Stud. 1: 208, Eitel Fritz, Prince, and his Bride. Munsey, 34: 412, El Inglesito. Blackw. 179: 180. El Miserere. (Becczner) Poet-Lore, 15, no. 21 25. El Moko. (E. Mitchell) Longm. 44: 520. El, Yahveh; Dyans, Zeus, Jupiter. (A. H. Keane) Jew. Q. 15: 559. _ (E. G. Taylor) Atlan. 90: 548, Elasticity for Engineers, F oppl on. Nature, 65: 505. Elba in Summer Time. (W. H. Bishop) Nation, 79: (F. Cunliife-Owen) 255- I . Elberfeld System, The, in England. (A. Holden Byles) Indep. R. 9: I59. Eldorado of the Ancients, Carl Peters on. Ath. ’02, 2: 788. - Eldest, The ; a story. (E. L. H. Thornton) Temp. Bar, 132: 601,=Liv. Age, 2471 622. Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen, Letters to Pope Celestine III. (B. A. Lees) E11g. Hist. R. 21: 78. Eleanor of Castile, Queen, Funeral March of. (T. A. Janvier) Harper, 110: 838, Election Laws, Recent Amendments to. (R. H. Whitten) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25¢ 326. Election Contests, Close. (J . T. Wheelwright) Atlan. 94: 658. — The Single Vote in Plural Elections. (R. Tyson) Arena, 32: 403. Election Expenditures. Publicity of. (Perry Belmont) No. Am. 180: 166, Election Frauds Petitions. Sat. R. IOI¢ 779. Election Frauds of Colorado. (Arthur Chapman) VVorld To-day, 8: 290, Election Laws of Pennsylvania. (W. R. Patterson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20! 638. — Recent Amendments to. (R. H. Whitten) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 326. Election Reforms : the Trend towards Democracy. (J . C. Ruppenthal) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 53, Elections, Clergy in. Sat. R. 101: 131, -— Comedy of. (C. Chesterton) Temp. Bar, 133: 141, — Contested. Decision by Judges. (A. T. Dicey) Nation, 83: 96. — Contested Congressional. (C. H. Rammelkamp) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 421. —— Electoral Management. Canad. M. 25: 316. -—— of Nov. 1905. (J. Oskison) Nation, 81: 374. —— of 1906, National Aspect of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 408. — Primary, in Minnesota. 15: 650. — Resort to the Judiciary to preserve the Purity of. (VV. E. Hutton) Green Bag, 17: 159. Elective Studies. (E. P. Seaver) Educa. R. 23: 48 3. — (J. H. Robinson) Internat. Q. 6: 191, — Graduate Testimony on. (P. Hanus) Harv. Grad. M. 10: 354. ' (R. Luce) Nat’l M. (Bost.) ELECTIVE Elective Studies in Theological Seminaries. Gillett) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 3: 296. Elective System, The. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 77: 47. -— at Harvard College. (C. S. Moore) Harv. Grad. M. 11: 5 30. — in Public High Schools. I 3: 150, 243. Electoral Abuses in England. (W. J . Fisher) Indep. R. (A. L. (W. T. Foster) School R. 9= 34- Electoral College, The Useless. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81: 5. Electoral Commission of 1877. (J . Goode) Am. Law R. 38: 1, 161. Electoral Machine, The. (W. B. Hodgson) Westm. 159: :64. Electoral Management. (H. B. Ames) Canad. M. 25: 26, Electorate Supreme, The. (M. Seal) Westm. I52: I 3 5. Electors, Wooing of the. (M. MacDonagh) 19th Cent. 581 677-=Liv- Age. 2471 643- Electric Cables, Troubles with. Cassier, 31: 131 Electric Car, The. Electric Carbons a Source of Light. Westm. 165: 568, Electric Central Stations, Analysis of Costs and Revenue of. (H. S. Knowlton) Engin. M. 39: 238. (J . H. C. Brooking) (C. M. Skinner) Atlan. 89: 799. (W. F. Reid) — Getting New Business for. (F. M. Kimball) Cassier, 30: 58.— (J. C. Hammond) Cassier, 30: 256. —-(R. L. Goodale) Cassier, 31: 58. Electric Charging and Discharging at a Distance. (Hertha Ayrton) Nature, 65: 390. Electric Circuit-breaker. (W. M. Scott) J. Frankl. Inst.158: 185, Electric Circuits, Static Discharges in. Thomas) J. Frankl. Inst. 156: 387, 433. Electric Convection. (J. F. Meyer) J. Frankl. Inst. 156: 453. —Nature, 69: 32. Electric Current, What is? (F. E. Nipher) Science, n. s, 202 651. Electric Direct-current Service, The Field of. Abbott) Cassier, 29: 457. Electric Discharge through Gases applied to Spectro- scopy. (J . J . Thomson) Nature, 73: 495, Electric Displacement, Magnetic‘ Eifect of. Whitehead, jr.) Am. J . Sci. I54: 109. Electric Drilling and Riveting Machines, Portable. (F. C. Perkins) Cassier, 25: 319. Electric Drive, Some Economical Aspects of the. M. Feiker) Cassier, 30: 543. Electric Energy, Cost of. (A. D. Adams) Am. Arch. 80: 11, Electric Equipment of Factories. (P. R. Moses) Engin. M. 27: 969. Electric Furnace. Electric Furnace Processes. 24, Electric Generator, Constant-pressure, Experiments on a. (C. M. Garland)'Engin. M. 31: 707, Electric Installations of Italy, Great. (E. Bignami) Engin. M. 252 362. Electric Inventions; their Relation to Human Activi- ties. (L. Bell) Engin. M. 251 967. Electric Lamp for Microscopical Illumination. Metcalf) Science, 11. s. 15: 937. Electric Light and Power, Korea. Cassier, 22: 596. - — The Flaming Arc Light. (A. F. Collins) Sci. Am. 951 70. Electric Light Fittings of To-day. M. of Art, 27: 540. 28: 58. — Ornamental. Art J . 56: 321. (P. H. (H. L. (J. B. (F. (J . Wright) Cassier, 24: 100. (J- Wright) Cassier, 26: (M. M. (R. A. McLellan) (E. H. Jackson) 197 ELECTRIC Electric Lighting, Municipal Ownership of. (V. Rose- water) Indep. 55: 93. — Progress in. (Leon Gaster) J . Soc. Arts, 542 322. Electric Locomotion, High-speed. (T. C. Martin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 48. Electric Machine Tools, Portable. Cassier,25: 319. . Electric Machinery for Mining and Milling. (C. V. Allen) Engin. M. 31: 668. —Hi8gh-speed. (S. P. Thompson) J. Soc. Arts, 542 9 9- —— in Mexican Mines. (C. V. Allen) Engin. M. 31: 848. 323 35- Electric Meters. (C. D. Haskins) Cassier, 241 408. Electric Micrometer, An. (P. E. Shaw) Nature, 721 (F. C. Perkins) u 4 . Electric Motor, Development and Use of the Small. (F. M. Kimball) Engin. M. 25: 35. — for General Manufacturing Purposes. ball) Engin. M. 25: 488. — in the Machine Shop. (F. M. Kimball) Engin. M. 25: 168. —-— Single-phase, in Germany. Knowl. 27: 93. Electric Motors for Machine Shop and Factory. ' M. Kimball) Engin. M. 25: 374. -— in Agriculture. (Franz Koester) Engin. M. 31: 6 57. — Individual Application of, to Machinery. (William Cooper) Cassier, 25: 369. -— Small, Widening Use of. 27= 291, 363- — Speed Characteristics and Control of. Engin. M. 31: 60, 199, — Three-phase, Application of, to Driving of Machin- ery. (A. C. Eborall) J. Soc. Arts, 51: 464. Electric Organ in an American Fish. (U. Dahlgren) Science, 11. s. 23: 469. Electric Plants, Economy in the Design and Operation of. (P. R. Moses) Engin. M. 241 563. — Economy of Isolated. (I. D. Parsons) Engin. M. 22: 573, 721, — Operation of Isolated. (P. R. Moses) Engin. M. 26: (F. M. Kim- (F. (F. H. Kimball) Cassier, (C. F. Scott) 410. — Reduction of Fire Risks in. (H. S. Knowlton) Engin. M. 27: 353. Electric Polyphase Currents. Arts. 491 749. (A. C. Eborall) J . Soc. Electric Power and Transmission for Mining; High-, tension Plant at Snake River, Idaho. Pharo) Cassier, 272 267. — Developments in Mexico, 1905. Cassier, 28: 171. -— Distribution of, from Transmission Septems. (Louis Bell) Cassier, 26: 180. -—-from Mount Rainier. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 206. — from Shawinigan Falls, Canada. (W. C. Johnson) Cassier, 26: 187, — Hydro-electric Stations of Italy. Engin. M. 27: 58. — in American Cotton Mills. Cassier, 21: 394. — in British Shipyards. (H. A. (F. O. Blackwell) (E. Bignami) (W. B. S. Whaley) (C. S. V. Brown) Cassier, 25= 407. 526- — in European Collieries. (C. S. V. Brown) Cassier, 26: 243. -— in India. (J . H. Thomson) Cassier, 23: 379. — in the Machine Shop. 23: 61. —- in Manufacturing Plants. Cassier, 26: 155. — in Mines of Europe. 657, 856. — Mexican Hydro~electric Plant. Engin. M. 27: 744. (W. M. McFarland) Cassier, (D. C. & W. B. Jackson) (E. Guarini) Engin. M. 25: (R. McF. Doble) ELECTRIC Electric Power, Providing the World with. (A. Good- rich) World’s Work, 7: 4428. — Purchased Advantages of. (H. B. Gear) Cassier, 30: 521, Electric Power Factor. 162: 429. Electric Power-house Economics. Cassier, 30: 85. Electric Power Plant, Hydro-, at Engelberg and Ober- matt, Switzerland. (Enrico Bignani) Engin. M. 32: 196. —~ in the West Indies. (P. R. Moses) Engin. M. 301 569. ~ Planning and Construction of. (A. E. Dixon) Engin. M. 31: 909, 32: 58, 227, 370, Electric Power Plants, Design and Economics of. Koester) Engin. M. 29: 689, 812, 30: 71, 182, — in the Canadian Niagara District. Engin. M. 282 727- - in the Pacific States of the U. S. J . Soc. Arts, 50: 678. Electric Power Stations, Some British Central. F. Parshall) Cassier, 26: 233. Electric Power Supply from Central Stations in Gt. Britain. (G. L. Addenbrooke) Engin. M. 282 761. Electric Power Transmission. (W. E. Ayrton) Nature, 72: 612. —— Costs of. (A. D. Adams) Cassier, 22: 652, -—- Development of. (L. B. Stillwell) Cassier, 26: 97. — High Tension. (G. H. Gibson) Engin. M. 23: 75.—— (P. N. Nunn) Cassier, 27: I71. —— Long-distance. (C. F. Scott) Cassier, 26: 122, — —- Limitations of. (P. M. Lincoln) Cassier, 26: 129, Electric Radiation from Wires. (J . Larmor) Nature, 67: 361, Electric Railway as a Social Factor. man) World To-day, I0: 137. — Interurban. (H. H. Norris) World To-day, 8: 608. — (F. T. Carlton) Yale R. 13: 179. -— — in Ohio, Economical and Social Effects of. (E. L. Bogart) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 585. -—- Vevey—Mont Pélérin (Switz.), Gas Power Electri- cally Applied to Cable Traction. (E. Bignami) Engin. M. 23: 363. Electric Railways. (P. Cardew) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 641- 665. — (S. E. Moffett) McClure, 20: 451, — I. A Résumé of the Early Experiments. (F. J . Sprague) Cent. 48: 434. —— II. Later Experiments and Present State of the Art. (F. J. Sprague) Cent. 48: 512. — Advance of the Trolley. (A. H. Ford) Indep. 59: 846. -— By Trolley from New York to Chicago. (A. B. Paine) World’s Work, 4: 2553. —- High-speed for Freight and Passengers. (R. Scott) Engin. M. 28: 56. — -— Inter-urban. (G. H. Gibson) Engin. M. 23: 358. —— in Berlin. (F. H. Mason) Cassier, 22: 547. —— in London. (J . C. Robinson) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 408. —(R. P. Porter) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 231. —— Marienfelde-Zossen High-speed Trial. (A. Graden- witz) Engin. M. 26 : 494. — (H. S. Pritchett) Mc- Clure, 22: 543. -—- Mechanical Engineering of. M. 23: 511. -—- Operating Cost and Revenue of. Engin. M. 31: 551. —- Present Development of. 397- — Signaling on, Automatic. (C. C. Rosenberg and H. S. Balliet) J . Frankl. Inst. I 56: 161, Electric Safety Fuses. (J . Sachs) J . Frankl. Inst. :55: 1. (A. F. Ganz) J . Frankl. Inst. (W. P. Hancock) (F. (H. (Karl E. Harri- (H. P. Quick) Engin. (H. S. Knowlton) (F. Fayant) Idler, 22: 198 ELECTRICAL Electric Shocks. (A. Wilson) Cassier, 24: 242. - Treatment for. Am. Arch. 88: 167, Electric Sparks, Photography of. (G. H. Rodman) Knowl. 27¢ 28. Electric Storage Batteries. (A. Reuterdahl) Cassier, 21: 489. Electric Storage Battery Engineering. (J . L. Wool- bridge) Cassier, 29: 72. Electric Theory of Matter, The. (O. Lodge) Harper, 109: 383. Electric Traction, Aerial. 363- — and its Rivalry with Steam. (G. Iles) Outl. 792 31. -— by Alternating Currents. (L. Bell) Engin. M. 30: 653. — for Main Lines of Railway. (W. E. Langdon) Cas- sier, 28: 77. — for Railways. (C. T. Child) Engin. M. 23: 70!. — on German Rivers and Canals. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: :83. — on Steam Railways. (A. D. Adams) Cassier, 23: 736- — Sprague’s Multiple—unit System of. J . Frankl. Inst. I58: 148. Electric Transit in London and Paris. Cent. 41: 399. Electric Transmission Lines. (A. D. Adams) Cassier, 23: 650, Electric Trolley Omnibus Lines. (G. E. Walsh) Cas- sier, 27: 318. Electric Trolley Vehicles without Rails. Engin. M. 26: 33. Electric Water-power Stations, Location of. (A. D. Adams) Cassier, 25: 496, Electric Waves. (W. S. Franklin) J . Frankl. Inst. I60: 51.—(C. C. G.) Nature, 65: 212.—(J. A. Flemming) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 69-113, — Experiments on the Reception by Wires of. (C. A. Chant) Am. J. Sci. 168: 403. — Reflection of, at the Free End of a Parallel Wire System. (H. A. Bumstead) Am. J . Sci. 164: (A. S. Clift) Cassier, 21: (I. N. Ford) (E. Guarini) I — Variation of Potential, along a Wire transmitting Electric Waves. (C. A. Chant) Am. J. Sci. 165: 54- Electric Welding, Development in. (Elihu Thomson) Cassier, 26: 225, Electrical Conductors, Inspection of. (W. Devereux) J . F rankl. Inst. I 59: 299. Electrical Conductivity and Absorption of Energy in the Electrodeless Discharge. (B. Davis) Am. J. Sci. 165: 202. Electrical Development in Russia. Cassier, 23: 740, Electrical Energy Direct from Coal. Cassier, 2!: 465. Electrical Engineer, Training of. (Louis Bell) Cassier, 27: 220, Electrical Engineering, College Courses dealing with. (D. C. Jackson) Science, 11. s. 18: 710. — Limits in Heavy. (J . Swinburne) Nature, 67: 159. — Testing, Parr on. (D. K. M.) Nature, 65: 242. Electrical Fire Hazards. (W. Devereux) Am. Arch. 79: 75- Electrical Forms, Curious, as shown by T. B. Kin- raide. (A. Parker) Cent. 42: 376. Electrical Fountain, The. (H. S. Archer) Cosmopol. 33: 263. Electrical Industries of Pittsburgh and their Econo- mic Influence. (G. H. Gibson) Science, 11. s. 16: (T. E. Heenan) (J . Wright) 373- Electrical Industry, Recollections of the Rise of. (Elihu Thomson) Engin. M. 29: 563. ELECTRICAL Electrical Laboratories, Apparatus Tables for. (G. W. Stewart) Science, 11. s. 22: 344, Electrical Machinery for Mines. (G. Farmer) Cassier, 30: 413. Electrical Measuring Instruments. J. Frankl. Inst. I55: 81, Electrical Oscillation and Waves. J. Soc. Arts, 49: 69-113, Electrical Oscillators, Experimental Investigation into the “ Skin” Eifect in. (C. A. Chant) Am. J . Sci. 163: 1. Electrical Progress in Canada. sier, 27: 5 3. Electrical Resistance of Glass, Quartz-mica, Ebonite, and Gutta-percha. (O. N. Rood) Am. J . Sci. 164: 161. Electrical Supply, Cost of Energy in. Engin. M. 242 181, Electrical Works, Wind-power for. Knowl. 27: 37. Electrically Welded Screw Caps and Bolts. J . Frankl. Inst. I60: 181, Electricity; Advertising in connection with Electri- cal Supply. (A. A. Day) Cassier, 30: 467. — and Light. (C. P. Steinmetz) Cassier, 26: 220, —- and Magnetism; Half a Decade of Progress in. (Edwin J . Houston) Cassier, 29: 280. -—— and Matter. (W. C. D. Whetham) Quar. I99: 100, — (O. Lodge) Nature, 67: 450. -— —— J . J . Thomson on. (O. Lodge) Nature, 70: 73. — applied to Agriculture. (E. Guarini) Engin. M. 25: 550. ——- (L. Ramakers) Overland, n. s. 46: 15. — as a Motive Power on Trunk Lines. (C. Vander- bilt) No. Am. 175: 779. —(C. L. de Mnralt) No. (C. D. Haskins) (J . A. Fleming) (George Johnson) Cas- (A. D. Adams) (A. Gradenwitz) Am. 176: 719. — at High Pressure. (E. Thomson) Science, 11. s. 18: 337- —- Atmospheric. (C. T. R. Wilson) Nature, 68: 102, —— Defective Insulation in. Frankl. Inst. 1562 119, — Electronic Theory of. Mo. 16: 5. — from the Radium Products. 11. s. 34: 48. —— from Water-power. (A. A. Campbell Swinton) J . Soc. Arts, 53: 185, 214. -— — vs. Gas. (A. D. Adams) Cassier, 27: 478, —— General Supply of, for Power, etc. (J . N. Shool- bred) J . Soc. Arts, 54: 720, -— Healing by. (J . H. Girdner) Munsey, 29: 8 5. — in Domestic Uses. (H. S. Knowlton) Cassier, 3o: 99- - in the Foundry. (H. S. Knowlton) Cassier, 29: 389, -— in Greece. (F. W. Jackson) Cassier, 21: 443, -— in the Home. (H. W. Hillman) Cassier, 311 25. -— in the Kitchen. Chamb. J . 79: 736. —- in Mining. (VV. B. Clarke) Cassier, 22: 409, -— in a Modern Shipyard. (J . B. O’Hara) Cassier, 22: 117, -— in the Workshop. Chamb. J . 79: 109, —- a Material Substance. Am. Arch. 77: 38. —— Measurements of High Frequency Currents and Electric Waves. (J . A. Fleming) J . Soc. Arts, 54: I59- —— New Discoveries in. (A. Zimmern) 19th Cent. 55: 79. ILiv. Age, 240: 540.IEcl. M. 142: 475. — Newest Definitions of. (C. Snyder) Harper, 105: 769- -— Recent Progress in. (W. J . Hammer) J . Frankl. Inst. 155: 321. —- Sidd Discharge of. (J . Trowbridge) Am. J . Sci. 170: , —- Source of. (C. E. Farrington) J . (J. A. Fleming) Pop. Sci. (W. Duane) Science, (F. Legge) Acad. 62: 464, 590. 199 ELEMENTARY Eleczsjricity, Supply of, Future of. (VV. S. Barstow) assier, 21: 234, -— Transforming Traflic. Work, 10: 6175 —- Two Early American Letters on. Nation, 78: 308, -— What is ? (W. Ramsay) Indep. 60: 1416. Electricity’s Farthest North. (G. H. Guy) Cosmopol. 40: 331. Electrification of Steam Railways. (W. Maver, jr.) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 712, —— of the Underground Railway. Good Words, 46: 448, Electro-chemical and Electro-metallurgical Industries in 1906. (J . B. C. Kershaw) Cassier, 30: 23, Electro-chemical Calculations. (J . W. Richards) J . Frankl. Inst. 1611: 131, (B. Meiklejohn) World’s (J . Trowbridge) (H. G. Archer) Electro-chemistry. (J . W. Richards) Nature, 68: 299- — Continuous Advance of. (J . W. Richards) Science, 11. s. 19: 905. —— Hopkins’s Experimental. 11. s. 23: 812. — Recent Advances in. 743, 753, 767- Electrode, New Form of, for Lead Storage Cells. (H. M. Dadowrian) Am. J . Sci. 169: 315. Electrolyggis, The Ions of. (A. C. Brown) Science, 11. s. 15: 1, — Remedies for. (A. A. Knudson) Cassier, 30: 337. Electrolytic Dissociation, Development of the Theory of. (S. Arrhenius) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 385. Electromagnetic Theory of Matter. Science, 11. s. 181 (E. F. Smith) Science, (B. Blount) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 312, Electromagnetically Compensated Alternating Cur- rents, Demagnetizing Effects of. (Z. E. Crook) Am. J. Sci. 164: 133. Electro-magnetism, Barnett’s Elements of. Searle) Nature, 71: 409. Electrometer for the Stage of the Microscope. (W. T. Porter) Science, 11. s. 22: 602, Electron, Physics of the. (R. A. Millikan) Science, 11. s. 22: 785. Electron Theory. Science, 11. s. 19: 896. —— and its Difliculties. Ath. ’06, 1: 769, 801. Electrons, The Shape of. (A. B. Bucherer) Ath. ’06, 1: 365. Electro-physiology, Augustus Waller’s Experiments in. Monist, I2: 440, Electro-plating, Chemistry of. Frankl. Inst. 160: 139. Electrotyping. (F. M. Perkin) Knowl. n. s. 22 9, I49. Element, What is an? (W. Ramsay) Monthly R. 18, no. 21 93. Elementary Course of Study. Educa. R. 32: 331, Elementary Education in England. (Anna J . McKeay) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 69, Elementary Instruction, Social Bearing of. (W. Po- land) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 142, Elementary Mathematics: Algebra. Educa. 25: 488, Elementary School, American and English. Mark) Educa. 23: 250, —— Aspects of the. (W. L. Hervey) Chant. 40: 558. Elementary School Curriculum, New Factor in. (Kath- erine E. Dopp) Am. J . Sociol. 31 I45. -— Advisable Omissions from, and the Basis for them. (F. M. McMurry) Educa. R. 27: 473. Elementary Schooling, Shortening the Years of. (F. L. Soldan) School R. 11: 4. = Educa. R. 25: 168, Elementary Schools, in New York City. Dial, 38: 255- (G. F. C. (W. D. Bancroft) J. (James M. Greenwood) (A. L. Baker) (H. T. ELEMENTS Elements and Compounds. (VV. Ostwald) Nature, 70: 15, -— Are they Transmutable ? (S. L. Bigelow) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 38. — Chemical, Mendeleef on. Nature, 71: 65. -— Modern Transmutation of. (W. Ramsay) Nat. Geog. M, 17: 201. -— Some Rare, and their Application. Harper, 113: 417. -—- Transmutation of, and Helium. ’06, 1: 301, -—- Verified and Unverified. (C. Baskerville) Science, 11. s. 19: 88. See Chemical Elements. Elephant, Ancestry of the. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 25: I69. — (A. S. Woodward) Knowl. 27: II. -—- as a Machine. (M. Barakatullah) Cassier, 26: 276. -— The Blat. (G. Maxwell) [Temp. Bar] Ecl. M. 147: 511. = Liv. Age, 251: 93. -— South African, Decline and Fall of. den) Fortn. 79: 100. (R. K. Duncan) (W. Ramsay) Ath. (H. A. Bry- Elephant and Camel Lore. (B. C. Finch) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 9. Elephant Drive in Siam, An. (A. H. Burgoyne) Har- per, 108: 358. Elephant Hunt of the King of Siam. more) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 673. Elephant-hunting. (Julian Hawthorne) Cosmopol. 39: 229. — (W. S. Cherry) World To-day, 5: 1426. — and Trapping. (S. F. Whitman) Everybody’s, 8: I95- -— in Sumatra. (C. Whitney) Outing, 43: 559. Elephants, King’s Mahout. (C. Whitney) Outing, 45: (Eliza R. Skid- >1- -— Training. (A. W. Rolker) Appleton’s M. 8: 387. -— Two Jungle Rogues. (C. H. Nicholson) Outing, 42: 61. ' Elephas Columbi and other Mammals in the Swamps of Whitman County, Washington. (G. H. Stern- berg) Science, 11. s. 17: 511. Elevator, Grain, Operation of the Modern. Willey) Engin. M. 23: 223, Elevators, Accidents in, Prevention of. (R. P. Bolton) Engin. M. 32: 401, -— Electric, of Otis Elevator Co. J . Frankl. Inst. 156: 215, — Electricity applied to. (D. A. (S. Morgan Bushnell) Cas- sier, 30: 251. — for Tall Office Buildings. (R. P. Bolton) Cassier, 21: 228. -— Grain, and Modern Granaries. (D. McVoy) Canad. M, 21: 204, -—- Novel. Am. Arch. 89: 202, — Passenger. (T. E. Brown) Am. Arch. 86: 51-91. —- — Types and Practice in. (H. S. Knowlton) Engin. M, 28: 241, Eleventh Hour, The. (Mary Hallock Foote) Cent. 49: 485. Elga; a drama. (G. Hauptmann) Poet-Lore, 17, no. 1: 1. Elgar, ward. (H. Scott) Acad. 65: 416.-—Outl. 84: 220. -—- Dream of Gerontius. Cath. World, 77: 340.—(J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 95: 743. . Elgin, Lord. (A. H. U. Colquhoun) Canad. M. 26: 182. -— Bourinot’s. (Goldwin Smith) Nation, 78: 15, Elgood, Geo. S., The Art of. (C. Collins Baker) Art J , 58: 307. -— Water-color Drawings by. Studio (Internat.) 22: 209. Elhanan, the Rabbi’s Son, who became Pope. (W. Burnet) Gent. M. n. s. 55: 555. 200 ELIZABETH Eli th’ Fiddler; a story. (C. L. Antrobus) Temp. Bar, 132: 671. = Ecl. M. 146: 138.=Liv. Age, 248: 85, Eliana; the Latest Windfall. (W. C. Hazlitt) Atlan. 97¢ 252- Elijah, Mission and Work of. (S. Burnham) Bib. World, 24: 180. Eliot, Charles, Landscape Architect. Harv. Grad. M. 11: 31. ——(VV. W. Ellsworth) Outl. 72: 135. — A Story of Achievement. (H. Lamont) Nation, 7 5: 47- Eliot, Charles William, President. Out West, 20: 387. — With portrait. (G. P. Morris) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 289.—Science, n. s. 19: 512. — as Students see him. (B. Kline) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 194. — at Seventy. (H. Lamont) Nation, 78: 225. — — Letter presented on his 70th Birthday. Science, 11. s. 19: 557. — on the Labor Problem. Cent. 47: 798. — Our Foremost Citizen. W01-ld’s Work, 8: 5016, — Personality of. (M. Sullivan) Outl. 77: 825. Eliot, George. (H. Paul) 19th Cent. 51: 932.=Ecl. M. 139: 5°°-=Liv- Age. 2341 321- — after Twenty Years. (W. A. Sibbald) Macmil. 86: 357- -— and George Combe. (M. L. Jonson) Westm. 166: 557- — as a Prose Artist. (E. W. Bowen) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 73- - as Religious Teacher. (J . Royce) Californian, 3: 300. — Chas. Reade’s Opinion of. Bookman, 18: 252, — Coventry Friends of [Caroline Bray and Sara Hen- nell]. (W. H. Draper) Cornh. 93: 225. —— the Essayist. (E. P. Dargan) Conserv. R. 5: 36. — Ethics of. (G. P. Curtis) Cath. World, 76: 217, — Her Later Work. (M. W. Shinn) Californian, 3: 501, —- Place in Literature. (W. A. Sibbald) Westm. 163: 303, 431- - Should she have married Herbert Spencer ? (K. A. Graham) Critic, 49: 22, — Silas Marner, Outline Study of. (Maud E. Kings- ley) Educa. 24: 301, — Stephen’s Life of. (W. M. Payne) Dial, 33: 156, — Harv. Grad. M. II: 45. — (Edith Wharton) Book- man, 15: 247.—(W. D. Howells) Harper, 105: 963. ——Sat. R. 94: 460. -— (W. C. Brownell) Bk. Buyer, 25‘ S9- Eliot, John, Missionary to the Indians. (VV. C. Rhoades) Meth. R. 64: 778. Eliot, William Greenleaf. (J . W. Chadwick) Nation, 78: 458. — (M. S. Snow) Wash. Univ. Bull. 2: 104, Elixir of Life. (J . H. Slater) Antiq. 11. s. 42: 8. Elizabeth, Queen, Exploration under. (C. R. Beazley) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 9: 119. —— Good Queen Bess ? (M. Hume) Harper, 109: 410. — Jailor of. (J. M. Stone) Dub. R. 136: 255, —— Politics of English Catholics during Reign of. (J . H. Pollen) Month, 99: 43-600. 100: 70, 176. — Religious Persecution under. (J . H. Pollen) Month, 104: 501. -—Story of her Dying. (J. J . O’Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 531. — Successor of, Question of. Month, 101: 517, —-Supremacy Bill of. (J. H. Pollen) Dub. R. 132: 44- —— Tercentenary of. (H. Reade) Westm. I 59: 563. — -— Address on. (C. R. Markham) Geog. J . 21: 539. Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania. (M. Sherrington) Canad. M. 19: 431. —(J. C. Young) Outl. 78: 290, —- and the Jews. (A. A. Landesco) Cent. 50: 160, — Early Years of Reign of. - Church Q. 54: 339. 1- Summer Life of. (Z. de Balalchano) Cent. 42: 107, ELIZABETH Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia-, the Queen of Hearts. (H. A. Beers) Atlan. 921 392. Elizabeth, Princess ; a Forgotten Princess. (R. Lucas) Monthly R. 22, no. 2: 92. Elizabeth, N. J . Edward Clark Club House. Outl. 7: 20, “Elizabeth,” Last Voyage of the. Macmil. 90: 261, Elizabeth; a story. Elizabeth ; a Story of the Oklahoma Run. Harper, 104: 615, Elizabeth and Davie; a story. 109: 556. Elizabeth in her German Garden, The Real. Schauffler) Outl. 811 775. Elizabeth in Riigen, Adventures of. Spec. 921 417. Elizabethan Army, An. (Col. Holden) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 369. Elizabethan Costume, Essex Brasses Illustrative of. (M. Christy) Antiq. n. s. 38: 6, 44. Elizabethan Crime-plays. (J . S. Roberts) Monthly R. (W. J . Fletcher) (M. Harris) Harper, I08: 470. (E. Hoyt) (M. C. Dyar) Harper, (1t.i1. 17» 110- 31 79- Elizabethan Critical Essays, ed. by G. G. Smith. Ath. ’O4. 21 341- Elizabethan Gleanings. (F. W. Maitland) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 517. Elizabethan MS., Collotype Facsimile and Type Tran- script, ed. by Burgoyne. (F. I. Carpenter) Dial, 38: 85. Elizabethan Playwright, The, in his Workshop. (E. B. Buckley) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 530. Elizabethan Schoolmaster, An; John Stockwood. (F. Watson) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 335. Elizabethan Sonnets, Lee’s. Ath. ’o4, 2: 165. Elizabethan Stage Theories. Liv. Age, 247: 547, Eliz-abeth’s Husband; a story. (Rebecca H. Davis) Indep. 55: 2149. Elizabeth’s Rooinek. (E. Jepson) Macmil. 88: 389. : Ecl. M. 141: 728.=Liv. Age, 239: 92. Elizabeth’s Situation; a story. (H. Whitaker) Mun- sey, 3B 346. Elk, In the Home of the. (H. F. Cope) World To-day, 7: 1284, -— Last of the Big-game Herds. (W. A. Johnson) Ctry Life Am. 8: 509, —— The_Norway. (H. Prichard) Blackw. I80: 104. I Liv. Age, 250: 294, — of the Pacific Coast. ~ (T. S. Van Dyke) Outing, 40: 83. —- On the Trail of an Oregon. (D. H. Stovall) Over- land, 11. s. 41: 264, Elkhart, Ind., Carnegie Library. Lib. J . 28: 774. Ellen; a Sketch. (R. R. Gilson) Harper, 108: 417, Ellie’s Furnishing; a story. (H. R. Martin) McClure, 22: 212, Elliot, Ebenezer, and the Corn Laws. VVestm. I621 477. ——Spec. 91: 305, — The Poet of Free Trade. (H. C. Shelley) Fortn. 85: 298. Elliott, Maxine. (M. White, jr.) Munsey, 35: 764. Elliptic Motions. (Asaph Hall) Pop. Astron. 1'3: 287. Elliptographs, and the Application of Elliptical Curves. (F. J. Gray) J. Soc. Arts, 50: 143. (S. Wellington) Ellis, Havelock, The Work of. (G. Mortimer) Westm. 158: 540. Ellis Island, N. Y., Immigrant Station. Archit. Rec. 12: 726. Ellis Johnson’s Book. (M. W. Jarrell) McClure, 26: 274. Ellsworth, Oliver. - (E. C. B. Buel) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 611, — and Federation. (F. G. Cook) Atlan. 89: 524. 201 EMBROIDERY Ellsworth, Oliver, as Continental Congressman. (W. Garrott Brown) Am. Hist. R. 10: 751. —Brown’s Life of. (W. MacDonald) Nation, 82: 329- ' — Early Life of. (W. Garrott Brown) Am. Hist. R. W 534. Ellwood, T ., and Crowell. (F. N. Davis) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 511. Elm and the Tulip, The ; two Unique American Trees. (J . H. McFarland) Outl. 751 277. Elman, Mischa, as Violinist. 101: 718. Elmira State Reformatory. 587. Elmy, Ben. Pioneers! (A. D. Call) Educa. 22: O, Pioneers! Westm. 165: 415- Elnore, Andrew. (F. B. Sanborn) Char. I6: 225, Elocution, Forensic. (F. Payler) Macmil. n. s. 1: 919. Elopement of George Washington Brown. (M. D. Pretlow) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 251. Elopers, The. (N. E. Carey) Idler, 27: 9. Eloquence of the Dumb, The. (P. M. T. Craigie) 65: 626, El Paso, Texas, Public Library. Lib. J . 28! 333. Else Tears must come; a story. (Louise Satterthwaite) Lippinc. 78: 647, Elsi, Abbott, Legend of. (H. Thurston)Month, 104: 1, Elsinore again Overhauled. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 991 45°- — Hamlet’s Castle. (J . H. Twells, jr.) Cosmopol. 37: 347- —-VVhere the Ghost walked. (F. B. Clark) Chant. 391 427. Elstob, Elizabeth, an Old-world Governess. (D. W. Rannie) Fortn. 8o: 81o,=Ecl. M. 142: 2o1.=Liv. Age, 240: 26. Elstow, The Name. Elusive Misogynist, An. 128: 706, Elusive Ten-dollar Bill, The; a story. McClure, 22: 413, Elusive Wedding, The. (E. Flower) Cent. 49: 277. Elwell, Frank Edwin, and the Battle for American Art. Arena, 34: 479. Elwin, Whitwell. Spec. 90: 186. Ely, Cathedral. Am. Arch. 90: 158. -—St. Mary’s Church. (G. G. Martin) Sund. M. 34: (W. W. Skeat) Ath. ’o6, 1: 298, (H. Vallings) Temp. Bar, (E. Flower) 9°9- Elysée Palace. (Camille Gronkowski) Cent. 50: 276. Emancipation of Cecilia Mason, The. Temp. Bar, 127: 494. =Liv. Age, 238: 544. Emancipation of Lydia Duroe. Lippinc. 742 96, Embalming; Restoration of Dried Tissues. Wilder) Am. Anthropol. 61 I. Embarrassment of‘ Expansion; a Porto Rico story. (C. B. Howard) Cent. 49: 567. Embers rekindled, The; a story. Cath. World, 78: 377. Embden, Judge Alfred. Sat. R. 97: 164. Emblem of Home, The. (Eleanor Stuart) Scrib. M. 38: 130, Embroideries, The Royal School of, in Athens. Dodd) Cent. 50: 120, Embroideries, Stuart. Art J . 56: 234. Embroidery, Art of. (S. Dick) Craftsman, 8: 357. — Austrian Peasant. (A. S. Levetus) Studio (Internat.) 29: 111. — Cross—stitch. (M. W. Strickland) Craftsman, 4: 197. —-Decorative, of the 17th Century. (R. E. Head) Reliquary, 422 14 5. —- Experiments in. (M. H. Baillie-Scott) Studio (In- ternat.) 19: 279. (M. N. Thurston) (H. H. (G. V. Christmas) (A. B. (H. E. Gorst) Sat. R. EMBROIDERY Embroidery, in Muslin; a Vanished (G. Tro- bridge) M. of Art, 26: 199, -—— Leek School of, and its Work. of Arts, 26: 550. — A Neglected Branch of Woman’s Work, Martin) Chamb. J . 83! 506. — of Mad. de Rudder. (M. P. Verneuil) Brush & P. 13: 98. -—Some Aspects of Ancient and Modern. Cole) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 956. Embryology, Intellectual Conditions for Science of. (W. K. Brooks) Science, 11. s. 15: 444. -— McMurrich’s “ Human Embryology.” Am. Nat- ural. 39: 501. — Relations of, to Medical Progress. Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 5. Emergency Circulation. (N. Y.) 71: 9. Emerson, Mary. (F. B. Sanborn) Critic, 48: 155. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. (H. James, sr.) Atlan. 94: 74<>.—Acad. 64: 280.——(Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34: 120. —(J. W. Howe) Critic, 42: 411. —(J. H. Choate) Critic, 43: 212.—- Outl. 74: 210. —-(C. L. Moore) Dial, 34: 203.——(W. R. Nicoll) No. Am. 176: 675.—Macmil. 88: 37,—(W, P, Trent) Bookman, 17: 421. — With portrait. Harv. Grad. M, 11: 493.——With portraits. Lamp, 26: 317. — With portrait. (M. D. Conway) Open Court, 17: 257. —(E. D. Mead) Bk. News, 22: 6. —(F. B. Sanborn) Critic, 49: 273. — (E. M. Bowen) Luth. Q. 35: 418. —Spec. 96: 219.: Liv. Age, 248: 701. ~— and Concord. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 74: 18. —— and Contemporary Poets. (F. B. Sanborn) Critic, 42: 413, —— and German Personality. Q. 8: 93. —— and Scholars. 14: 383. -— and Swedenborg. (J . Reed) N. Church R. 10: 434, — and Transcendentalism. (G. W. Cooke) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 264. — as a Citizen. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 428, — as Poet. (G. S. Lee) Critic, 42: 416. — (James Mudge) Meth. R. 63_Z__19.2. —- as a Public Speaker. (A. R. Marble) Dial, 34: 327. —— as a Religious Influence. (G. A. Gordon) Atlan. 91: 577- —— as Seer. (C. W. Eliot) Atlan. 91: 844. — Bacchus ; one of the World’s Great Poems. (C. Mal- loy) Arena, 32: 504, -—— Brahma. (Harvey W. Peck) Arena, 33: 375. — Cary on. (A. R. Marble) Dial, 37: 366. — Centenary of Birth, May 25, 1903. (W. R. Thayer) Harv. Grad. M. 11: 56.— (H. Robbins) World To- day, 5: 885.— (G. W. Cooke) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: (W. S. Sparrow) M. (Blay (Alan S. (C. S. Minot) (Leslie M. Shaw) Bank. M. (K. F rancke) Internat. (E. W. Emerson) Harv. Grad. M. ii 293- 1 — Charm of. (J. R. Mosley) Arena, 34: 31. —- Correspondence with Herman Grimm. (F. W. Holls) Atlan. 91: 467. — (A. R. Marble) Dial, 35: 13, —- Doctrines of. (E. R. Sill) Californian, 6: 295,, —- Early English Criticism of. (T. C. Evans) Lamp, 26: 470. '— First Editions of. (A. R. Marble) Critic, 42: 430, ——Home of, Concord, Mass. (O. B. Capen) Ctry Life Am. 6: 40. -— in 1903, (H. W. Mabie) Harper, I06: 903, — the Individualist. (F. M. Colby) Bookman, 17: 300, — Influence of. (P. E. More) Indep. 55: 1183, — —- in Education. (M. E. Sadler) Educa. R. 26: 457. —— the Man. (R. H. Newton) Arena, 30: 359, — a Master of Maxims. (C. L. Moore) Dial, 34: 293. — the Modern. (E. B. Brown) Critic, 142: 440, 202 EMMET Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Nature in the Essays of. (Mary G. Chawner) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 215, -— Ode on. (G. E. Woodberry) Atlan. 91: 867, —- Our Inheritance in. Cent. 44: 156. —- Personal Glimpses of, with portraits. (J . Haw- thorne ; E. W. Emerson) Booklover’s M. 1: 148. -— Personal Recollections of. (Kate D. Smith) Cali- fornian, 5: 491. — A Personal Reminiscence. (D. Macrae) Spec. 90: 972- — Personality of. (T. W. Higginson) Outl. 74: 221. —- the Philosopher of Democracy. (J . Dewey) Int. J . Ethics, 13: 405. — Philosophy of. (C. M. Bakewell) Philos. R. 12: 525. -—— and William James. (F. T. Brown) Meth. R. 64= 747. ——Poems of. (C. Malloy) Arena, 31: 138-592. 32: 39-278- — — Hermione. (C. Malloy) Arena, 33: 65. — — What Bearing have their Titles? (C. Malloy) Poet-Lore, 14, no. 3: 65. — A Reminiscence of. (T. H. Clark) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 284, — The Sage of Concord. (W. Jerrold) Temp. Bar, 128: 430, —Sceptic and Pessimist. (B. de Casseres) Critic, 42: 437- —- The Secret of. (R. Garnett) Ecl. M. 138: 108, — Self-Reliance; Study Outline. (C. Porter and H. A. Clarke) Poet-Lore, I4: 111, — Social Message of. (Owen B. Lovejoy) Arena, 33: 38. —- the Teacher and the Man. (M. D. Conway) Critic, 42: 404. — Tribute to. (J . Albee) Indep. 55: 1177. — Two Unpublished Letters by. Poet-Lore, I4: 104, — Views of Society and Reform. (W. M. Salter) Int. J. Ethics, 13: 414, Emery Wheels. (T. D. Paret) J . Frankl. Inst. I58: 97. Emigrant, The Coolie. Chamb. J . 82: 225, Emigrant Ship, To America in an. (Count Vay de Vaya and Luskod) Monthly R. 25, no. 3: 90. Emigration. Alien Transmigrants. (M. J . Landa) Econ. J. 16: 353. — and Migration. (B. Willson) Canad. M. 25: 497, — Assisted, from the South. (F. A. Kellor) Char. 15: II, —— Control of, in Europe. (James D. Whelpley) No. Am, 180: 856, — an Experiment in. (J . H. Richardson) Monthly R. 19, no. 3: 78. — an International Affair. (J. D. Whelpley) Fortn. 83: 317.=Ecl. M. 144: 668.=Liv. Age, 244: 705. — The Italian Department in 1904. (G. C. Speranza) Char. I5: 114. _ — Italy’s Attitude toward her Emigrants. Tosti) No. Am. 180: 720, — Unwise Assisted. Sat. R. 100: 393, Emigration Department of Italy a Mission of Peace. (G. C. Speranza) Outl. 78: 128, Emigration Law, The Hungarian. (L. de Levay) No. Am, 182: 115. “ Emigré, The. (Mary Geoghegan) Temp. Bar, 125: 59, Emily’s Husband; a story. (L. M. Montgomery) Canad. M. 22: 78, Eminence, Universal. (A. C. Lane) Atlan. 89: 265, Eminent Domain, International. (M. O’Connor) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 62, —— Right of, in Mass. Am. Arch. 79: 23. Emir, An. (R. D. 0. Graham) Sat. R. 100: -747, Emmanuel College, Shuckburgh’s. Ath. ’05, 1: 138, Emmet, Ellen G. (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 48: 333, Emmet, Robert, Tragedy of. (M. MacDonagh) Cornh. 88: 380.: Ecl. M. 141: 669. =Liv. Age, 239: 7. (Gustavo EMMET Ed. R. 198: 330. (W. D. Hall) Lamp, 29: Emmet Insurrection, The. Emmett, Daniel Decatur. 613, Emmons, Nathanael. (A. Millard) Am. J . Theol. 6: 17, Emotion, ZEsthetic, Cult of. (G. Woodhams) Macmil. 87: 457.IEcl. M. 141: 42. — Liv. Age, 237: 501. — —- Some of the Extra-artistic Elements of. (C. Dana) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 411. — and Truth. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 68: 642. —— in Religion. (F. Aveling) Month, 106: 33. Emotional Expression, Rhythm of. (R. Garnett) Na- tion, 74: 288, -— The Riddle of. Emotions, Problem of the. chol. I5: 569. Emotions of an Anonymous Writer. Indep. 59: 727. Emperor of Germany; the Passing of a Great Title, 1806. (Sophia H. Maclehose) Chamb. J. 83: 564. Empire, Anatomy of. (A. F. Wallace) Good Words, 44: Xmas no. — The Arts of. (Sir Walter Ralegh [pseud.]) Na- tional, 48: I46, ' — Economics of. National, 42: supp. — Evolution of. (J. A. Cockburn) Nature, 69: 568. — Miscellany of. (T. A. Seed) Quar. I03: 276. — State, and Individual, The. (L. H. Hordeen) Un. Serv. M. 33: 142, — Tone of. (K. A. Chapman) Good Words, 44: Xmas no. Empire Builder, An; a sketch. Contemp. 87: 692, Empire-building; its Pleasures and Pains. meyer) Chamb. J. 792 209. Empire Day. Spec. 94: 777. Empiricism and the Absolute. Mind, 30: 348. — Radical, as a Logical Method. Philos. R. 14: 696. Employees, Enlightened Methods of Treating. J . Porter) J. Frankl. Inst. I62: 161. — in Industrial Establishments, Health of. Palmer) Am. J. Soc; Sci. 43: 94. — Provision for Comfort of. (J. B. C. Kershaw) Engin. M. 25: 399. -— Welfare of, as provided for by National Cash Reg- ister Co. (C. T. Fugitt) Cassier, 28: 339. Employers and Employees, Organization of. (J. B. Phillips) Univ. Colo. Stud. 2: 159. -— Remuneration of. (S. J. Chapman) Econ. J. 16: 52 3. Employers’ Association, Chicago. (I. F. Marcosson) World’s Work, 7: 4309, Employers’ Association Movement, The. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 23$ 279. Employers’ Associations vs. Labor Unions. (W. F. Willoughby) Q. J. Econ. 20: 110, Employers’ Liability. (J. T. Newcomb) Nation, 82: (J. Donovan) Westm. 166: 648, (G. Spiller) Am. J. Psy- (Sydney Olivier) (A. Hof- (F. C. S. Schiller) (G. H. Sabine) (H. F. (L. M. 440- -- and Accident. (A. F. Weber) Pol. Sci. Q. 17: 256, — as an Industrial Problem. (R. S. Warner) Green Bag, 18: I85. —— Death Claims. (Andrew Hellthaler) Indep. 6!: 156:. - in France. (B. H. Conner) Green Bag, 18: 225, — in the United States. (A. A. Bruce) Forum, 33: 46, —— Was it worth while ? (J. Lewis) Outl. 83: 902, See Workmen’s Compensation. Employers’ Liability Legislation. (J. R. Burnet) Am. J. Soc. 40: 52. Employers’ Policies in the Industrial Strife. (C. W. Eliot) Harper, I10: 528, Employment, Ethics of. (J. G. Leigh) Econ. R. 12: 399- - The Right to. Westm. I64: 34. 203 ENDOWMENTS Ems, A Visit to, 50 Years Ago. (Rosa Bonheur) In- dep- 54= 1991- Ems Telegram, The Falsification of the. 45: 1°55- Emulation. (Alice D. Miller) Scrib. M. 33: 723. Emver, Anthony H., Work of. (W. L. Smedley) Craftsman, 6: 561, En Route; a story. (Edna Kenton) Bookman, 19: National, 258, Enamel as a Decorative Agent. (S. Howe) Crafts- man, 22 61. Enamel Bug in Black Canyon, The. (C. Revere) Atlan. 95: 30. Enameling on Metal. (A. Fisher) Studio (Internat.) 16: 108. — — in America. (E. H. Middleton) Brush & P. 16: supp. 67. Enamels and Enamelers. (M. P.-Verneuil) Crafts- man, 6: 14. — Cloisonné. Art J. 552 303. —— Painted, The Art of. (A. Fisher) Studio (Internat.) I9: I69, Encampments, Summer. (D. A. Willey) Army & Navy Life, 9: 17. Encaustic Portraits, Greek. 7: 142. Enchanted Mesa, The. (R. I. Geare) Craftsman, (Benj. Brooks) Scrib. M. 35: 374- Encore, An; a story. (Margaret Deland) Harper, I10: 96. Encyclical Longinqua. Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 231. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Supplement to, Scientific Terms in. Nature, 66: 97, Encyclopaedias, Science in. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Dial, 33‘ 34°- End of the Age. I. (L. Tolstoi) F ortn. 85: I. Z Liv. Age. 248= 323- —II. (L. Tolstoi) Fortn. 85: 203.:-Liv. Age, 248: 643. End of the Argument, The. (Alice N. Andrews) Overland, n. s. 39: 793. End of the Chase, The. (C. Edwardes) Chamb. J. 79: 193. End of Desire; a story. (R. Herrick) Atlan. 92: 2. End of the Dream, The. (J. G. Neihardt) Overland, n. s. 46: 253. End of a Feud, The; a story. Luna) Land of Sun. 5: 64. End of the Feud, The; a story. (C. M. Williams) Munsey, 29: 31. End of the Feud, The; a story. 81: 270, 317, End of an Idyl; a story. (Sara B. Kennedy) Cosmo- pol. 36: 314. End of the Journey, The ; a story. Harper, I10: 936. End of the Reef. (T. J . Hains) Cent. 48: 561. End of the Task, The ; a story. (B. Lossing) McClure, 2!: 600. End of the Tether; a story. 172: 1-68;, End of the World. (F. Legge) Acad. 63: 664. End of the World, The ; a story. (S. Newcomb) Mc- Clure, 21: 3. End pays for All, The. Bar, 126: 222, Endless Life, The. (S. M. Crothers) Atlan. 961 442. Endowment of Learning. (J. Jastrow) Dial, 382 343. — of Research, Some Aspects of. (H. H. Donaldson) Science, n. s. 23: 282, Endowments, Millionaire. (J. A. Hobson) lndep. R. 5: 90. =Ecl. M. 144: 573. = Liv. Age, 245! 13. (Beatriz Bellido de (M. C. Skeel) Outl. (G. E. Channing) (J . Conrad) Blackw. (Elizabeth M. Moon) Temp. ENDOWMENTS Endowments for Scientific Research. (T. C. Cham- berlin and others) Science, n. s. 17: 571, Endurance, Secret of. (W. R. C. Latson) Outing, 47¢ 633. Enduiance Limit, The. (W. B. Foster) Munsey, 35¢ 468. Energetics and Mechanics. (F. Slate] Science, n. s. 19: 511, > — Theory of, and its Philosophical Bearings. (J . G. Hibben) Monist, 13: 321. Energy from Moving Electron, Waste of. (O. Heavi- side) Nature, 67¢ 6. — Natural, Utilizing of. — A New Form of. Age. 236¢ 445- —— Ostwald‘s Philosophy of Nature. —- The Partition of. 161, — Philosophical Meaning of. Q- 71 300- - Principle of the Conservation of. (H. Kleinpeter) Monist, 14: 378. ‘ — Waste, Utilization of. Science, 11. s. 212 8. Enghien, Duc d’. (A. Laugel) Nation, 78: 307. Engine, Binary. (R. H. Thurston) J . F rankl. Inst. 1 5 5: 129, Engine Billy. (K. Snowden) Sund. M. 34: 70. Engine—room Affair, An. (A. H. Henderson) Longm. 45: I75.-"-'-Ecl. M. 144: 410. Engineer and the Architect. Arch. 85: 59. —— Coiiperation of. Am. Arch. 83: 60. — and Construction Company. (R. P. Bolton) Engin. M, 27: 768, — and Executive Officers, Against, Combined Training of. Un. Serv. M. 26: 471, — as Financier. (R. H. Thurston) Cassier, 23: 332. —— as a Citizen. (A. C. Humphreys) Science, 11. s. 24: 583. —- Business Training for the. (A. C. Humphreys) Cas- sier, 23¢ 633. — Duty of. (Edgar Marburg)‘ Am. Arch. 78: 46. -— Education and Training of the. Nature, 74: 33. -— Life as an. Chamb. J. 83¢ 301. — Locomotive; the Man who runs the Train. Hamblen) Munsey, 29¢ 339. — Reign of the. (H. E. Armstrong) Quar. 198: 462. — Standards of the Young. (J . P. Munroe) Technol. R, 8: 402, — Work of the. 93 253- Engineer Ofiicers in the British Navy. Cassier, 27¢ 201. Engineering, American Government, Army View of. (W. I. Sibert) Engin. M. 31: 361, — Bibliography of Works Management. Engin. M. 27: 626. —- Commercial Side of. 25: 209. — General Education for Engineers. Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 442, -— Honorary Degrees in. Science, 11. s. 20: 148, —— in the Orient. (W. S. Smith) Am. Arch. 80: 29, — Index to Periodical Literature of Industrial. Engin. M- 27= 643 —— Legislative. 162: 407, — Mathematics. in. (Thorburn Reid) Cassier, 26: 457, — Methods of Teaching. (C. F. Allen) Technol. R. 1: 427. —— Military, in the National Guard. Mil. Serv. Inst. 31: 666. -— Paradoxes in. (A. H. Gibson) Cassier, 30: 232. (L. Bell) Cassier, 29: 466. (F. Legge) Acad. 63: 636. =Liv. Nature, 65: 265. (W. F. Magie) Science, 11. s. 23: (W. Ostwald) Internat. (R. P. Bolton) Am. (H. E. (P. Trenchard) Army & Navy Life, (A. S. Hurd) (H. Diemer) (W. M. McFarland) Cassier, (C. D. Marx) ' (J. C. Trautwine, jr.) J . F rankl. Inst. (E. Jadwin) J . 204 ) ENGLAND Engineering, Prospects in the Profession of. Cornh. 87: 53. — Relation of Mathematics to. (C. A. Waldo) Science, 11. s. 19: 321. —— Rough-and-Ready. (E. D. Meier) Cassier, 21: 405. -— Some Principles of Sound. (Thorburn Reid) Cas- sier, 30: 527. -— Training of Apprentices. M, 26: 380. —— Value of the Humanistic Studies as a Preparation for the Study of. (H. C. Sadler) School R. 14: 400. Engineering College, Work of. (D. S. Jacobus) Sci- ence, n. s. 23¢ 92. Engineering Contracts, Penalty Clause in. Ball) Engin. M. 26: 674, Engineering Education. (J . Perry) Nature, 66: 530. -— Address to Engineering Section of the British As- sociation. (J . Perry) Science, 11. s. 16: 761. — A Graduate School of Engineering Research. Sci- ence, n. s. 16: 940, —- in America and Continental Europe. don) Nature, 68: 17. — Society for Promotion of. Science, 11. s. 16: 183. — Value of the Mechanical Laboratory in. (J . Boul- vin) Engin. M. 23: 60. Engineering Exports and Imports, Industrial Depres- sion and. (W. P. Digby) Engin. M. 30: 705. —— of Great Britain, Germany, and the U. S. (W. P. Digby) Engin. M. 29: 321. Enaneering Finances. (W. D. Marks) J . Frankl. Inst. 161: 197. Engineering Index, 1896-1900. (M. Merriman) Science, 11. s. 15¢ 539. Engineering Industries, Cassier, 21: 330. Engineering Institutions, Military Duty of the. (G. W. Melville) Forum, 32: 515. Engineering Mind, The. (J . C. Sutherland) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 254. Engineering Projects, Some Remarkable Russian. (R. E. C. Long) Forum, 33: 15. Engineering Schools and the Government Landgrant. (R. H. Fernald) Am. Arch. 81: 84. — Potency of, and their Imperfections. son) Science, 11. s. 17: 641, Engineering Societies of Europe. gin. M. 26: 520, (C. E. Downton) Engin. (W. V. (A. C. Had- Standardization in the British. (D. C. Jack- (E. H. Suplee) En- —— Organization and Administration of National. (J . W. Lieb, jr.) Science, 11. s. 22: 65. Engineering Works, Commercial Management. (G. Siebert) Engin. M. 22: 65 3, Engineer’s Side of it, The. Indep. 59: 443. Engineers, Canadian vs. United States. (J . Johnston) Canad. M. 24: 558. -—— Education and Training of. Cent. 59: 1022. — in the United States Navy. sier, 21: 258, Engines, Combustion. Science, 11. s. 21: 8, -— Internal-Combustion, Process in. (W. H. Booth) Engin. M, 24: 216. — Multiple Expansion in Marine Engineering. (W. M. McFarland) Engin. M. 23: 207. — Series Vapor and Heat Waste. (R. H. Thurston) J. Frankl. Inst. 154: 291, 367, 447, England after the Boer War. F ortn. 78: 1. = Liv. Age. 234= 257-=Ec1. M. 132» 381- - American Invasion of, More Stories of. Work, 3: 1649. — Americauization of. (E. Mayo) Forum, 32: 566, —- (H. W. Horwill) Forum, 33¢ 235. — and America; Anglo-American Unity Fast Com- ing. (J . F. Carr) World’s Work, 6: 4016, (W. H. White) 19th (G. W. Melville) Cas- World’s ENGLAND England and Athens. (T. E. Kebbel) Blackw. I791 856. — and the Black Races. (S. Gwynn) Fortn. 791 447. -— and France. (R. Blennerhassett) I9th Cent. 55: 926. —- — Agreement between, 1904. (P. Doumer) Na- tional, 43: 556. = Liv. Age, 242: 137. —— Liv. Age, 241: 445.— (E. Percy) World To-day, 9: 899.— Spec. 92: 592. — -— Amity between, Some Promoters of. Fortn. 80: 132. —— — Arbitration Treaty. — — Social and Literary Relation between. Edward Stuart-Wortley) National, 41: 781. -— — War of 1803, Causes of. (Waldemar Ekedahl) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 82 181. — and Germany. (C. De Thierry) Un. Serv. M. 33: 27. — —— Anglophobia in Germany. Contemp. 81: 13. — — Conversation with Count von Biilow. (J . L. Bashford) 19th Cent. 56: 873.: Liv. Age, 243: 866. -— — in Turkey. 901 305. —— — Relations between, Future of. (J . E. Barker) 19th Cent. 59: 525. I‘-Ecl. M. 146: 532, See Germany. —— and the Industrial Revolution. 40: 413. — and Italy. Fortn. 77: 247, — and Japan. Would England side with Japan against (F. Lees) (H. Davis) Indep. 56: 136. (Mrs. (A Traveler in the East) Contemp. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. the U. S. ? (Mayo W. Hazeltine) No. Am. 183: 1280. . ——- and Little States. (D. C. Boulger) 19th Cent. 51: 1023, — and Russia. Diplomacy of First Half of 18th Cen- tury. (Mrs. D’Arcy_Collyer) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 14: 143. ~—— -— Obstacles to a Convention between. (E. J . Dil- lon) Contemp. 86: 41, — and the Russo-Japanese War. 178: 328. 4 —- and Scotland, Journey in 1584-85. (L. von Wedel) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 91 223. — and the U. S. Anglo-American Friendship. (W. (U. D. Eddy) World’s (S. Brooks) No. Am. H. Carter) No. Am. 177: 204. — — Our Special Partner. Work, 31' 1645, —-— and Wales, Note Circulation in. Bank. M. (Lond.) 74‘ 557- —— Viewed Geographically. (H. R. Mill) Geog. J. 24: 621. — Annexation of, Tercentenary of. (R. S. Rait) Fortn. 791 497. — Antiquities. Story of an Old Race told by itself. (A. Herbert) Contemp. 85: 99. -— Art and Humor in. (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 77: 378. — as seen by Africans. (H. Mukasa) Booklover’s M. 5: 219, — as seen by an American Business Man. rich) World’s Work, 4: 2570, — Author-politicians in. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 56: 1326. 57: 780. —— Belgium, and Holland. (Y .) Fortn. 86: 265, — By Way of Southampton to London. (W. D. How- ells) Harper, 113: 892. —- Castles of the Conquest of. Archseol. 58: 313, — Catholic, in the Olden Time. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 78: 585. —-— Church of. See Church of England. ——- Coast Defense. (Major Hoenig) Pall Mall M. 26: 230, — Collapse of. (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 77: 771, —— Commerce of, How Englishmen are Destroying. (F. S. Tatham) Monthly R. 17, no. 1: 146. (A. Good- ME ENGLAND England, Commerce of. Our Position in Foreign Mar- kets. (J . H. Schooling) National, 47: 126, ' — Commercial Policy, Proposed Reversal of. (L. Bren- tano) Fortn. go: 212. — Commercial Supremacy of, Impending Loss of. (“Jolet Capel ”) Westm. 157: 163. — Constitution, The Paralysis of the. (A. V. Dicey) Contemp. 88: 305. =Liv. Age, 246: 3. —— Constitutional Phases of History of, in the 17th Century. (J . O. Pierce) Am. Law R. 37: 26. —— Continental Dislike of. (M. Nordau) National, 38: 838. — Country Life in. (Lady C. Campbell) Munsey, 27: fin -— A Countryside Forlorn. (E. E. Williams) National, 4°: 553- — Court and Society in; Letters of the French Am- bassadress. (M. K. Waddington) Scrib. M. 33: 39-195- — Cumberland and Westmoreland. Bates) Chaut. 451 I7. — Description of. (F. W. Cornish) Cornh. 94: 340. — Deserted Villages in. Ecl. M. 146: 436, — Early Stuarts and the Interregnum State Papers. (Mrs. S. C. Lomas) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 163 97. — The Economic Hesitation in. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 81: 316, — Education in, before the Reformation. ard) Month, 104: 284, See Education in England. — Educational Movement in. (W. K. Hill) School R. 10: 649. — Educational Peril of. Fortn. 77: 497. — Educational Situation in, 1904. (F. Watson) School R. 13: 105. — Eighty Years Ago. Ecl. M. 140: 533. -- Electoral Corruption in, in the Old Days. tow) No. Am. 182: 275. — February in. (Edward Thomas) Atlan. 89: 209. —- Fighting for the Crown in Shropshire. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 155. — Fighting Power of. (F. N. Maude) Macmil. 88: 14. — Finance, Liberal, Prospects of. (R. Giffen) I9th Cent. 59: 885. - (Katharine L. (J . S. Shep- (G. Rooper) Longm. 41: 213. = (A. Pot- —- Financial Relation between Localities in. (E. Can- nan) Econ. J. 131 6. — Food Supply, American Control of. (J . D. Whelp- ley) No. Am. 174: 796. — — Defense of the Grain Route. 19th Cent. 57: 632. —- Foreign Trade and the Money Market. ter) Monthly R. 14, no. 1: 1. — Foreigners in. (J . H. Schooling) F ortn. 82: 880. —- France, Germany, and the Peace of the World. (F. de Pressensé) Contemp. 88: 153.=Liv. Age, 246: 589. . — Free Churchism in, Evangelical Basis of. '(P. T. Forsyth) Contemp. 81: 680, — Free Trade or Protection for. (J . B. Crozier) Fortn. 771 427- —— French Invasion of; the False Alarm of 1804. (Eliz. Grierson) Chamb. J . 81: 49. —- Friends of, Peel on. (F. A. Ogg) Dial, 39: 88. -— The Garden of; its Literary Fertility. (W. Scott King) Chamb. J. 81: 433. — Genealogical Research in. 58: 184, 285. — Geographical Distribution of Vegetation of the Basins of the Rivers Eden, Wear, and Tyne. (F. J. Lewis) Geog. J. 23: 313. 24: 267, — Germany, and Austria. (R. Blennerhassett) 19th Cent. 551 707. (P. T. McGrath) (F. Schus— (J. H. Lea) N. E. Reg. 1 "d'L’_.*_t'- , - . ENGLAND an England, A Glimpse of Old. (D. Baxter) Cath. World, 791 1S9- - Going, going, gone. (W. Sichel) Monthly R. 18, no 1: 1. - Governance of, Low on. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 80: 400, - The Heart of. (J . Corbin) Scrib. M. 31: 259, - History for Twenty-five Years. Ed. R. 201: 271. - - The Making of Greater Britain. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. 36: 127. . - - Modern Bibliography needed. (G. W. Prothero) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 17: vii. -— -— Oman’s. (E. D. Adams) Dial, 39: 38. - - Recent Works in. (E. Fuller) Bookman, 23: 286. - - Terry’s. (G. E. Howard) Am. Hist. R. 7: 543. - Homelessness of the Agricultural Laborer. (D. C. Pedder) Contemp. 81: 846. - How it strikes an Australian. (J . H. M. Abbott) Spec, 95: 220-424, - Impending Changes in. (C. F. G. Masterman) Indep. R, 4: 161, - Imperial. (C. F. Lavell) Chant. 44: I7, 289. - in 1856-80, Walpole’s History of. Nation, 79: 139. - in the 14th Century, Life in. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 76: 531. - in 1901. (R. B. Johnson) Atlan. 89: 64. - in 1902. (R. B. Johnson) Atlan. 91: 118, - in 1903. (J . B. Crozier) Fortn. 79: 7o. - in Leading Strings. Contemp. 86: 213, - in the Mediterranean, Corbett’s. (C. W. C. Colby) Nation, 79: 377. - In Poor Man’s. (W. H. Allen) Chaut. 41: 264, - Industrial and Social History of, Cheyney’s. (K. Coman) Am. Hist. R. 7: 339. - Industrial Crisis in. (H. Hodgson) Westm. 157: 4°5- — Industrial Condition of, 1905. (R. H. I. Palgrave) National, 45: 149. - Industry and Commerce in Modern Times, Cun- ningham’s Growth of. (J . Davidson) Econ. J . I 5: 205, - Industry in, “ Decline ” of. (F. J . Whiting) Nation, 77= 336. - Invasion of. (A. White) Monthly R. 21, no. 2: 57. - King of ; his Prerogatives and Disabilities. (Mi- chael McDonagh) Good Words, 43: I5 3. =Ecl. M. 138: 740, - - in Politics. (E. Robertson) Pall Mall M. 27: 173. - Last Royal Veto. (W. Everett) Atlan. 92: 767. --Law Reform in. (Sir H. Fowler) Am. Law R. 36: 168. -- Life in, in the _12th and 13th Centuries. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 76: 351. — - in the 14th and 15th Centuries. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 76: 636, . - - in the 16th Century. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 76: 761. -—- Materialism of. (H. W. Massingham) Contemp. 85: 841, . - Mediaeval, The Social Life of. Antiq. n. s. 40: 212, — Midland Revolt and Inquisitions of Depopulation of 1607. (E. F. Gay) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 18: 195. - Military Training for the Youth. (Lord Methuen) 19th Cent. 57: 238. - Mission in the Far East. Blackw. I79: 427. - Modern, The Approach to. Church Q. 60: 285, - Municipal Socialism in. (J . Boyle) Munic. Aif. 6: 268. - A Nation of Shop-keepers. Sat. R. 932 59!. —— Naval Supremacy of. Un. Serv. M. 33: 469. - Norman Conquest and Invasion of. (G. Hill) Antiq. n. s. 40: 208. ENGLAND England. Nouveaux-richesinthe 14th Century. (Alice Law) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 9: 49. - of Arthur Young and W. Corbett. (A. I. Shand) Cornh. 86: 388. - Parliament and Persons in. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 58: 1056. — Passing of the House of Hanover. (E. Clavering) Munsey, 27: 512. - Political and other Life in. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 59‘ 32°- - Political Corruption in. (E. Porritt) No. Am. 183: 995~ - Political Crisis in. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 58: 299. — Political History of, ed. by Hunt and Poole. (St. G. L. Sioussat) Dial, 40: 122, - Politics and Literature in. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 56= 379- - - Thoughts on the Present Discontents. (F. Har- rison) Fortn. 83: 1. - Power of, Agitation Against. (A. Vambéry) 19th Cent. 53: 353. - Protection Policy of, Effect on U. S. (T. Williams) Booklover’s M. 3: I 5 5. - Public Men and Publications in. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 58: 818, -Rebellion of the Earls, 1569. (R. R. Reid) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 20: 171. — Rebellion of 1642, Clarendon’s History of. (C. H. Firth) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 26, 246, - Recent Events in. (E. Porritt) Outl. 83: 80, — Regalia of. (J . H. T. Perkins) Good Words, 43: III, - Religious Forecast in. (A. T. Innes) Am. J . Theol. 8: 625, — Religious Troubles in, 1642-43. Dub. R. 1311 333- — Rising Men of. (I. N. Ford) Munsey, 31: 543. - Romans in. (M. Reed) Temp. Bar, 130: 481, - Royal Family of. (O. Browning) Cent. 42: 245. - Rural. (W. W. Fowler) Putnam, I: 147. -(L. R. Phelps) Econ. R. 13', 129. —- from Within. (E. F. Buhner) Indep. R. 6, no. 4: 161, - - Haggard’s. (C. B. R. Kent) ‘Longm. I2: 26. —- (L. L. Price) Econ. J. 13: 204. - - Needs of. (H. R. Haggard) Quar. I97: 540, - Scenery of. (J . Lubbock) Nature, 65: 490. - - Lubbock on. Nation, 74: 369. - Sea-coast of, Wheeler on. Nature, 65: supp. - Sea Power of, Beginnings of. (C. F. Lavell) Chant. 443 17- - since the Making of Peace, Sept. 1905. (J . Mc- Carthy) Indep. 59: 862, - Social. Antiq. n. s. 40: 369, - - History of. Antiq. n. s. 38: 367. - — - according to “ Punch.” (L. Strachey) Critic, 44‘ 54- - Social Life in. (Mrs. F. Harrison) Cornh. 89: 187. - (Lady Henry Somerset) Cosmopol. 36: 131. - Social Problems of. (C. F. G. Masterman) Indep. R. 2: 497. - Some Candid Impressions of; by a German Resi- dent. National, 45: 625. - Some French Impressions of. (S. G. Tallentyre) Monthly R. 25, no. 3: 59. - Some Men and Some Books in. (J . McCarthy) In- dep. 58: 75. -Sport in the Middle Ages in. (W. H. Legge) Blackw. 176: 797. - Stride towards Democracy. (S. Brooks) Outl. 82: 797- - through French Spectacles. (A. Colin) Quar. 195: 501, ' — What is Truth about ? . ENGLAND England, under the Stuarts. (G. Trevelyan) Monthly R. 20, no. I: 147.-Ath. ’<>5, I: 135. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 81: 366. -—— Upper Classes under Former Edwards. J ebb) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 273. -— Village Life in. (V. Brooke-Hunt) Outl. 77$ 55. — A Vision of. (C. R. Buxton) Indep. R. 71 I49. —— Westminster Bridge to Eastborne. Blackw. I73! 820. —— What is the Matter with? (A. Henry) Westm. I662 638 (H. H. (C. Battell Loomis) Book- man, 24: 216, -— What we are Thinking about in, 1904. thy) Indep. 56: 75. — Women of, Present Disabilities of the. Fortn. 86: 135. See Great Britain. England’s Double Problem of Migration. (H. Vincent) Char. 13: 59. Eugland’s Relief Problem, Some Factors in. Char. (J . McCar- (A. Grove) 15. 58 5. Englands, The Two; North and South. Spec. 922 563. -'—"- Liv. Age, 241: 442, English as an Art Study. (W. Schuyler) School R. 12: 716, —- College. (C. F. Stevens) Educa. 27: 101. —- College Admission Paper in, Setting of a. S. Lowell) School R. I0: 755. -— College Entrance Examinations in. derbilt Univ. Q. 42 3. — College Entrance Requirements in, Investigation into. (R. N. Bowles) School R. 12: 331. — — Recommendations of Committee on. (C. L. Han- son) School R. 12: 330. -— —— Report of the Delegates to the Conference on Uniform. (M. A. Jordan) School R. I 32 795. — Courses of Study in, for the Primary and the Lower Grammar Grades. (M. C. Moore) School R. 11: 746. — —- for the Upper Grammar and the High School (D. O. (R. Jones) Van- Grades. (P. Horne) School R. 11: 753. —— -—— Teacher’s Qualifications for. (F. W. Lewis) Educa. 232 I5. —— Curriculum in, Recent History and Present Status of. (J. H. Harris) School R. 10: 566. — Experiment in Teaching. (E. S. Johnson) School R. 10: 666. — Facts and Fictions in. 12: 361. —- Fossilization among Teachers of. (F. C. Bailey) School R. 131 712. (M. A. Jordan) School R. - Freshman. (C. S. Baldwin) Educa. R. 32: 385, 48'. — Hal-Jvard Examination in. (J . G. Hart) School R. 12: 329. -—— High School. (Eugene Bouton) Educa. 25: 36. — — Experiment in. (A. Abbott) School R. 12: 5 50. ~— in the College. (S. C. Hart) School R. 10: 364. ~—- in the Elementary School. (L. E. Wolfe) Educa. R. 28: 1'2, 7 - - Teadhing of. (K. H. Shute) School R. 10: 332. — in the Secondary Schools. (D. O. S. Lowell) School R. 10: 351. —(F. H. Sykes) School R. 14: 157, —— Instruction in, as related to other Branches. F. Lange) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: 169, — The King’s. (H. Lamont) Nation, 83: 29. -— Mastery of, by the Study of Latin. (L. C. Hull) School R. 11: 665. — Method of Teaching. (A. (C. M. Lewis) School R. 11: I87. — of Doctors’ Dissertations. (H. Lamont) Nation, 74: 206. 207 ENGLISH English, Practical Studies in. (B. A. Heydrick) Chaut. 36: 47—49o_ 37: 43, 159, 263. — Prgparatory for College. (G. W. Benedict) Educa. Z = 534- — Present Status of. Acad. 64: 440. — Secondary, The Vital in Teaching. School R. 14: 469, — Slovenly Speaking of. (Sarah W. Hiestand) Na- tion, 82: 72. —— Some Backgrounds of. (C. E. Blake) Outl. 78: 528. — Standard of Usage. (T. R. Lounsbury) Harper, III: 35. — Study of. (J . I. Manatt) Indep. 55: 1669. ——- ——- as an Instrument of Christian Culture. Whitney) Bib. Sac. 60: 698. — — Constructive Side of. (R. M. Kavana) School R. 10: 298. — —- Outline in. (E. J . Bailey) Educa. 25: 50. —- — Situation as to. (S. Thurber) School R. 11: 169, —— Teacher of, Aspect of the Work of. (E. D. Cabell) School R. 13: 560, — Teaching Elementary. uca. R. 30: 303. — Teaching of. Ath. ’o5, 2: 4oo.-- (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 5i3.——(A. F. Chamberlain) Peda- gog. Sem. 9: 161. —— — Suggestions on. (Mary E. Coppersmith) Pedagog. Sem. I3: 461. -— Units in, Time Requirements in. School R. 121 64. — University Teaching of. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 387. ' —- Why it is Dying. (W. M. Cole) (H. M. (Martha H. Shackford) Ed- (E. H. Lewis) (W. M. Lightbody) Westm. 14g: 415- See English Literature. English, The, in America. 35: 202, —— Insularity of the. (A. H. Adams) I9th Cent. 592 667. — ——- and Imperial Federation. ‘ (T. J. Allan) 19th Cent. 60: 437. — Recent Impressions of the. per, 106: 929, English and American Cousins. Atlan. 93: 184, English and Indian; a study. Monthly R. 9, no. 22 133. English Archives, Genealogical Gleanings among. (J . H. Lea) N. E. Reg. 56: 84-402. 57: 93, 216, 310. 58: 311, 396, 59: I01, 172, English Bar, The. (J . Walton) Month, 104: 481. , English Borough Courts. (S. D. Cole) Law Q. I8: 376. English Cell of a Norman Abbey. (J . G. Sieveking) Antiq. n. s. 41: 265, English Channel Trip Years Ago. R. 100: 367. English Composition. 426. ——- Model in. (Catherine A. Dole) Educa. 242 426. — Undergraduate Study of. (W. E. Mead) School R. 10: 317, English Country Houses, Treasures of. Spec. 921 4°7- English Country Town and Country House, An. (W. D. Howells) Harper, I13: 165, English Culture, Johnson on. (G. H. Stempel) Dial, 37¢ 3°4- English Dictionary, Murray’s, Outjet—Ozyat. ’o4, 1: 684. ——- — P-Pargeted. Ath. ’o4, 2: 200; Reactively—Ree, (H. N. Casson) Munsey, (H. C. Merwin) Har- (T. W. Higginson) (Cornelia Sorabji) (A. I. Shand) Sat. (J . M. Greenwood) Educa. 221 Ath. 374. English Drama of To-day. (H. A. Beers) No. Am. 180: 746. — The Past and Future of. Acad. 67: 70-168. See also Mystery Plays. ENGLISH English Duchesses, The. (R. D. Blumenfeld) Mun- sey, 574- 7 English Exile, Count Tallard’s. (A. Stapleton) Antiq. n. s. 41: 462. English Girl, The Young, Self-portrayed. (Countess of Jersey) 19th Cent. 51: 456. English Grammar,_Reviva1 of. (A. H. Tolman) School R. 10: 157. English Homes of American Women. (Marion Ellis- ton) Booklover’s M. 6: 41, ' English Housekeeping, American Wives and. Lane) Fortn. 77: 997. =Ecl. M. 139: 301, English Idiom, Story of an. (T. R. Lounsbury) Har- per, 109: 28. English Idiosyncrasies. 181: 649, 897. English Inns. (Ralph D. Cleveland) World To-day, 8: 640, English Institutions, National, in Rome during the 14th Century. (W. J . D. Croke) Dub. R. 134: 274. English Judicature, Century of. (Van V. Veeder) Green Bag, 14: 27, 71, English Language, The. M. 6: 199. -— as a Foreign Language. 470. - as spoken in the West.Indies. Gent. M. n. s. 70: 36. —— Christian Tradition and Popular Speech. Gales) National, 47: 117. —— Conflicting Ideals in the Teaching of. (M. E. Mead) Educa. R. 25: 275. — Development of. (Brander Matthews) Munsey, 30: 695. —— Developments in the Teaching of. (E. K. Broadus) Educa. 23: 502. — Foreign Words in. (Brander Matthews) Harper, 107: 476. -—- in the Home. Outl. 73: 759. — Is it becoming Corrupt ? (T. R. Lounsbury) Har- per, IO8: 108, 193, — The Language we speak. (E. Wood) Munsey, 32:86. —— Making of, Bradley’s. Spec. 92: 962. -— Notes on the Growth of. (S. C. Walker) Macmil. 92: 216. — Our Unhappy Language. Macmil. 86: 122, —- Pedantic Usage. (T. R. Lounsbury) Harper, 112: (A. E. (W. D. Howells) No. Am. (Henry James) Booklover’s (A. D. Weeks) Educa. 24: (A. R. Loscombe) (R. L. 739- - Schoolmastering the Speech. (T. R. Lounsbury) Harper, 112: 457. — Study of. (A. E. Tuttle) School R. 14: 204, —— Study of the History of. (F. Tupper, jr.) School R. 14: 191, —Taste vs. Rule in. (W. H. Johnson) Nation, 83: 455- -- Teaching to Foreigners in the Elementary Schools. (J. H. Wade) Educa. R. 27: 355, — Uncertainties of Usage. (T. R. Lounsbury) Har- per, 111: 429, English Law; Court of Criminal Appeal. (T. Baty) Macmil. 91: 225, English Lawns and Literary Folk. Atlan. 97: 817. English Liberal Leaders, with portraits. land) Booklover’s M. 4: 187. English Literature. After the Reaction. (C. F. G. Masterman) Contemp. 86: 815.:-Liv. Age, 244: 193. — and Society in the 18th Century, Leslie Stephen on. Ath. ’04, 1: 391. —— (C. S. Northup) Dial, 37: 11, - Spec. 92: 669. —— Examination in, with Some Select Blunders. (H. C. Beeching) Cornh. 92: 760.: Liv. Age, 248: 79. (J . Hawthorne) (F. A. Ac- 208 ENGLISH English Literature, Garnett and Gosse’s History of. Ath. ’04, 1: 424.— (M. Schuyler) Lamp, 27: 50, 197. 28: 389. —Monthly R. 15, no. 3: 14. — Sat. R. 97: 113. — Golden Age Regrets. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 101: 485. 520. 583. = E01. M- 146; 551. =Liv. Age, 250; 92- - History of. (VV. P. Trent) Internat. Q. 8: 190, — in France. (H. D. Davray) Acad. 65: 172. -— in the Schools as an Ally of Religion. (O. S. Davis) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 2: 205. —- in Secondary Schools, The Fate of. (R. N. White- ford) Dial, 38: 35. - Later, Indebtedness of, to Earlier. (T. W. Hunt) Bib. Sac. 62: 90. — Monographs on. (D. R. Keys) Canad. M. 26: 331. — since 1879, Edmund Gosse on. Acad. 63: 177. = Eel. M. 139: 626, -—- Study of. (W. E. Aiken) Educa. 26: 36.—(J. E. Colburn) SchoolR. 14: 178. — Study of the History of. (S. Axson) School R. 14: 164, — To—day. (E. Dowden) Outl. 71: 229, — Who are the Great Modern Writers? (M. Beer- bohm) Sat. R. 93: 595. See English. English Lyric Poetry, History of. (T. W. Hunt) Bib. Sac. 63: 688. English Manor, An Old. English Men of Letters. 20: 296, — Emily Lawless’s. Ath. ’04, 2: 408. English Novel, The Russian Novel and. (A. E. Cross) Chaut. 37: 185. English Parish, What happened to the. Webb) Pol. Sci. Q. 17: 438. English Peasantry, The Old.. (G. Bartram) Macmil. 92: 259- English People; are they too Genteel? Turner) Longm. 45: 501, — Political Psychology of, Boutmy on. Ath. ’o4, 1: 620. —Spec. 92: 922. — (A. L. Lowell) Am. Hist. R, 7: 360. English Pictures in France ; Cheramy’s Collection. (H. Frantz) M. of Art, 26: 108, English Poetry and English History. (G. Smith) Am. Hist. R. I0: 28.: Canad. M. 26: 323. — Courthope’s History of. Vols. 3, 4. Ath. ’03, 2: 785- —— Future of. (H. Newbolt) Internat. Q. 9: 366. —- Liddell’s Introduction to Scientific Study of. Ath. ’<>2. 2= 545- - of 16th Century, Classic Versification in. Lancaster) Sewanee, 11: 467, — Old, Lyric Elements in. (E. M. Daschbach) Cath. World, 79: 74. -— Prospects of. (G. Saintsbury) Indep. 56: 432. —- Shakespeare to Pope, Courthope’s. Church Q. 58: 3°7- -—- hat it owes to Young People. (F. E. Clark) No. Am, 182: 25 5. English Policy toward America in 1790-91. Am. Hist. R. 7: 706. English Politicians, Courage among. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 76: 328. English Preparatory Schools. (J . Tetlow) Educa. R. (W. Davis) Month, 106: 606. (G. W. Smalley) McClure, (S. and B. (Reginald (H. C. cm 304. English Prose, Development of. (T. W. Hunt) Bib. Sac. 63: 42. —— Golden Age of. (E. Dowden) Quar. I96: 82. English Records should be preserved and studied as French are at Ecole des Chartes. (F. Y. Powell) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 11: 31. ‘ Enteric Fever, Prevention of, in War. ENGLISH English Reform, The Great Era of. Chant. 40: 511, English Reserve. (Louise I. Guiney) Scrib. M. 39: 757. English Social Life. (M. Fennell) Month, 104: 256. English Society during the Wars of the Roses. (A. E. Radice) Antiq. n. s. 40: 229, 269, 330, 356. English Statesmen. (G. W. Smalley) McClure, I8: 216, I9: 49, English Style and some French Novels. (Margaret L. Woods) I9th Cent. 54: 1026. = Liv. Age, 240: (F. A. Ogg) 9:- —- Machinery and. (R. L. O’Brien) Atlan. 942 464. English Theater, Ancestry of the. (C. H. Grabo) Chaut.441 211. English Towns, how they are managed. (C. H. Harts- horne) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 91. English Trade under the First of the Stuarts. (C. Menmuir) Gent. M. n. s. .751 35. English Traits. (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 25: 466. English Trip, 9 weeks, 8125. (A. W. Gleason) Ctry Life A1n. I0: 169, English Verse, On the Writing of. (C. Oman) Cornh. 86: 520, — Study of. (H. van Dyke) Atlan. 92: 469. English Villages, Beauty of. Spec. 94: 814. English Women Novelists. Bonnell’s Charlotte Bronté, George Eliot, Jane Austen. (W. C. Brownell) Lamp, 26: 121, Englishman at the Court of Akbar. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 128, — The, of Tradition. Spec. 95: 218. Englishmen in Foreign Service. (M. F. Johnston) Fortn. 86: 902. — The “ Tonelessness ” of. Spec. 95: 422. Englishwoman of the 18th Century. (J . A. Nicklin) Macmil. 92: 296.: Liv. Age, 246: 734. Engraving in a Single Spiral Line. M. of Art, 27: 567. — in the Stone Age. Nature, 72: 81, — Line, Famous Masters of. Brush & P. 11: 206. — Wood, American. Studio (Internat.) I8: xcix, Enigma of Life. (M. Jayne) Westm. I59: 652. Enlightenment of Ridgeville, The; ..a story. (M. Ken- nedy) Cosmopol. 37: 307. Enlisted Man’s Contract. Serv. Inst. 38: 199, 418. Enlistment. (H. B. F arrar) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 8, -— Voluntary. (T. Innes) Un. Serv. M. 30: 127. Enneking, John J ., Art of, with portrait. (J . B. Rit- tenhouse) Brush & P. 10: 335. Ennodius, Latinity of. (J . J . Trahey) Cath. Univ. Bull. 11: 327. Enoch, Book of. (R. H. Charles) Am. J. Theol. 7: 689 (E. M. Johnson) J. Mil. “ ’En1'-ietter.” (Eliz. R. Pennell) Lippinc. 75: 93. (Hill-Climo) Un. Serv. M. 26: 629, Enteropneusta, Revised Classification of the. (VV. E. Ritter) Am. Natural. 36: 590. “Enterprise,” The; a Charmed American Warship. (J . R. Spears) Harper, 104: 927, Entertaining. (A. E. Lane) Fortn. 81: 471, —-— Art of. (Mrs. Wilson Woodrow) Cosmopol. 3 5: 597, —-— An Evening’s. (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 38: no p. — Risking Life for. (C. R. Sherlock) Cosmopol. 35: 613. Entomology at St. Louis Fair. Science, n. s. 20: 769, Entrance Requirements in English. (J . M. Owen) Educa. 25: 619. Entropy. (J . Perry) Nature, 57: 602. — Practical Aspect of. (Jos. H. Hart) Engin. M. 31: 565- Environment, Environment and. ternat. Q. 8: 147. (J . G. Brooks) In- 209 EPISTEMOLOGY Environment, Individual Adaptation to. Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 440, Eocene Mammalia, in the Marsh Collection, Peabody Museum. (J . L. Wortman) Am. J . Sci. 153: 39- 443. 165: 165-419. 166: 345. 167: 23-203. Eolithic Controversy, The. (J. R. Larkby; W. A. Dutt) Knowl. n. s. 3: 332, 399. Eolithic Problem, The. (G. G. Maccurdy) Am. An- throp. 7: 425. Eoliths, Origin of, Boule on. Nature, 72: 635. (J . H. Bair) Eon de Beaumont, Chevalier, Mystery of. (A. Lang) Cornh. go: 349. Epernay, France, Locomotive Works at. (C. R. King) Engin. M. 29: 657. Ephesus, the Home of Religion. Lamp, 29: 27. — Sojourn of the Apostle John at. J. Theol. 9: 643. —— Treasures from the Artemisium at. (G. B. Dibble) Nation, 83: 400. ' — Worship of Virgin Mary at. Expos. 6th ser. I2: 81, Ephod, The. (T. C. F oote) J . Bib. Lit. 21: 1, Epic, Distinction between Art-epic and F olk-epic. (C. B. Bradley) Calif. Univ. Chron. 82 377. Epic of the Oak. (Ray E. Chase) Overland, n. s. 46: 21, Epic Novel, The. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, I9: 42. Epictetus, Crossley’s Translation. Spec. 91: 134. — Notes from the Lecture-room of. (E. A. Abbott) Expos. 7th ser. 11 I32. Epicurea. (W. A. Heidel) Am. J . Philol. 23: 185. Epicureanism, New. Spec. 93: 280. = Liv. Age, 243: 123.=Ec1. M. 143: 746. Epidaurus, Corinthian Capitals from. (C. S. Kaiser) Am. Arch. 84: 47. — An Unusual Approach to. (R. B. Richardson) In- den 54= 734- Epidemics en route. (R. B. Richardson) (C. Clemen) Am. (W. M. Ramsay) (C. W. Saleeby) Liv. Age, 247: 252. Epidiascope, The. (A. D. Mead) Science, 11. s. 21: 152. Epigram, The, and Martial. (F. B. R. Hellems) Poet- Lore, 16, no. 4: 67. Epigrams, American. (Brander Matthews) Harper, 107: 862, -— The Best Prose. (A. Penn) Munsey, 3 5: 610. — A Handful of. (Brander Matthews) Munsey, 34: 728, . - 17th Century. (E. Gosse) Harper, 112: 33. Epigraphia Zeylanica. (H. C. Norman) Asia. R. 39: 146. Epilepsy, Study and Treatment of. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 456, Epileptics, Conditions at the New York State Colony for. (W. P. Spratling) Char. 15: 859, —-— Craig Colony for. (W. P. Spratling) World To-day, 5: 890. Epinay, Madame d’, and her Circle. Ed. R. 195: 157. Episcopacy and Reunion. Church Q. 54: 178. — High Church, Origin of. (A. C. McGiffert) Am. J - Theol. 6: 417. —— Our, A Study into Doctrine of the Fathers. Miller) Meth. R. 65: 392. Episcopal Budgets. (A. Fellows) Westm. 163: 299. Episcopal Supervision for Eastern Asia. (D. H. Moore) Meth. R. 64: 177. Episode in Elinor’s Life, An; a story. (M. J. Rey- nolds) Munsey, 29: 665. Episode of Teacup Canyon, An; a story. (F. Savile) Munsey, 30: 189. Episodes of Journalism. (F. E. LeuPP) Cent. 42: 314. Epistemology and Ethical Method. (A. Lefevre) Philos. R. 11: 557. (R. T. EPISTOLARY Epistolary Anachronism. (M. Cruikshank) Munsey, 30: 19. Epitaph and a Ghost, An; a story. Harper, I09: 846. Epitaphs; California’s Graveyard Literature. Atkins) Overland, n. s. 39: 897. Epworth League, Exine and the. (W. F. Warren) Meth. R. 66: 757. Equality. (S. M. Jones) Craftsman, 9: 261, — A New. (W. I. Cranford) So. Atlan. Q. It 66, Equations, Cajori’s Modern Theory of. (J . Pierpont) Science, 11. s. 21: 101, — Surface Tensions ; Molecular Forces. ley) Science, n. s. 17: 869. Equatoria, To. (A. Balfour) Blackw. I79: 209. Equatorial Islands, Our. (J . D. Hague) Cent. 421 653. Equinoctial Disturbance; a story. (Trumbull White) Cosmopol. 35: 217. Equisetum, Afiinities of the. Natural. 39: 273. Equitable Life Assurance Society, British Confidence in. Sat. R. 100: 617, —— Controversy in. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 80: I46, -—— Mr. Hendrick’s Report. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 80: (A. M. Roach) (David (E. H. Haw- (D. H. Campbell) Am. 515- - The New Turn in the Case. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 80: 472. — Not Letting it “Blow Over.” 81: go, -—— The Main Question. — Scandal of. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 34: 200. -—— Situation in. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 80: 450, -—— Some Legal Aspects of the Case. Green Bag, 17: (R. Ogden) Nation, (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 262, 353- — “ Underwriting” and the. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 8d: 304. Equity, Court of; a Theory of its Jurisdiction. (C. P. Campbell) Green Bag, I 5: 108, Equity, A Master of. (H. H. Brown) Law Q. 20: 308, Er ist unser. (A. F. Lange) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 33~ Erasmus, Desiderius. (W.S. Bishop) Sewanee, I4: 129. —— and Reade’s Cloister and the Hearth. (E. C. Peixotto) Scrib. M. 38: I16. — and the Reformation. (W. H. Hutton) Quar. 203: 411. — Famous School—book of: De duplici verborum et rerum copia lib. ii. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 164. —- Letters of, Nichols’s. (E. Emerton) Nation, 742 II4. —Ath. ’02, I: 297, . — Triumph of, in Modern Protestantism. ‘ (H. G. Smith) Hibbert J . 3: 64. — A Wandering Scholar of the Renaissance. Church Q- 53= 399- Erasmus, the Nero of the Transvaal. (A. Miller) Canad. M. 19: 3:8. Erckmann, Emile, and Chatrian, Alexandre, The Sig- nificance of. (R. Burton) Chaut. 40: 546. Erech [Gen. 10: 10], Warka, the Ruins of. (E. J. Banks) Bib. World, 25: 302. Erechtheum, Building Inscriptions of the. (O. M. Washburn ; A. Trickenhaus) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 10: 1. _ —- East Wall of the. (G. P. Stevens) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 101 47. — Restoration of the. (G. P. Stevens) Putnam, I: 66, E1-gograph, New Type of. (J . A. Bergstrom) Am. J . Psychol. I42 516. — Validity of the. (T. L. Bolton and E. T. Miller) Univ. Neb. Stud. 41 79. Erie Canal. Outl. 75: 437, — and Freight Rebates. (C. H. Quinn) World To-day, I0: :64. 210 ESPERANTO Erie Canal, Past and Future of. (M. M. Wilner) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 59. Erie, Lake, Rainfall and the Level of. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 327, Erigena, John Scobus, and Thomas Aquinas. Turner) Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: 338. Eros, The Planet. Science, n. s. 16: 317, — and the Solar Parallax. (A. R. Hinks) Pop. Astron. I1: 439. -— Eleventh Circular on. (H. H. Turner) Nature, 71: I54- — Opposition of, in 1905. (E. C. Pickering) Pop. As- tron. II: 501, -— Reduction of 295 Photographs of, with a Determi- nation of the Solar Parallax. (A. R. Hinks) Pop. Astron. I2: 531, Erosion by Water. (A. Fullerton) Canad. M. 25: 387. Errera, Leo. (Jean Massart) Nature, 72: 537. Error, Generalized Law of. (F. Y. Edgeworth) J . Statis. Soc. 69: 497. —— History of Human. Blackw. I79: 517. —Justice and the Quest for. (C. F. Amidon) Outl. 331 6ol.—(Editor) Outl. 83: 641.—-Outl. 84: 60; (G. N. Moore) 75 ; (Various) 253. — Toéleration of. (E. Ritchie) Internat. J . Ethics, 14: 1 (W. 1. Error of the Day, The. (Gilbert Parker) Everybody’s, I5= 44- Error of Judgment, An. (M. W. MacLaren) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 295. Ertz, Edward, Artist, with portrait. (C. E. Hall) Brush & P. 13: 379. Erudition, The Age of. (J . F. Jameson) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 10: 19. Eruptfiions, Recent, Records and Results of. Nature, 6 2 15 3. Eryx, Mount, A Festa on. (H. F. Jones) Monthly R. 12, no. 22 148.: Liv. Age, 239: 348, Esar-Haddon, Letter of. Am. Antiq. 28: 186. Esau. Temp. Bar, 129: 229, Escalator, The. (C. D. Seeberger) Cassier, 25: 455. Escape of Two Union Soldiers, The Miraculous. (W. H. Sheak) McClure, 24: 101, Escape of Wilkins, The. (A. Train) Scrib. M. 38: II 1, Esch, John J., with portrait. (A. J. Dodge) Am. M. 60: 681. Eschatology, New Testament, Is there a Self-consist- ent? (G. B. Stevens) Am. J . Theol. 6: 666, — of Paul. (S. MacComb) Bib. World, 22: 36, Eschweiler, Alexander C., Work of. (S. Ilsley) Ar- chit. Rec. 17: 208. Escobedo, Juan de, Murder of. 814, Escondido, San Diego County, Cal. Out West, 25: (A. Lang) Cornh. 89: 467. Esher, Lord. (E. M.) Am. Law R. 36: 526. -- With portrait. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 192, Eskimo Dance House. (T. Wickersham) Am. Antiq. 24: 221, Eskimo Seal Hunters, A Day with. (F. Swindlehurst) World’s Work, 7: 4331, Eskimos, Decorative Arts of. M. n. s. 32: 290. — Folk-lore of. (F. Boas) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I7: 1. —— Life and Habits of. (F. A. Cook) Everybody’s, 6: (R. I. Geare) New Eng. 19. Esmerian; a Story founded on Fact. Outl. 79: 647. Esmond, Henry V. My Lady Virtue. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. g4:_ 547. Esperanto. Gent. M. n. s. 77: zoo. — Aspirations of the Founder of. No. Am. 183: 1183. — Case of. (G. Macloskie) No. Am. 183: 1144, (L. L. Zamenhof) ESPERANTO Esperanto, a New International Language. (Zamenhof) Indep. 57: ‘326. — (A. Schinz) Nation, 82: 221, — (A. Schinz) Atlan. 97: 77. Espiritu Santo, Bay of, Discovery of. (D. Manzanet) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 2: 253, — — Mission of. (B. Coopwood) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q, 2: 162, Esprit de Corps in Elementary Schools. Monthly R. 25, 110- 3: 45- Esquemeling, John, the Buccaneer Historian. Sayler) Lamp, 27: 90, Essay, The Ancient and Modern. Acad. 64: 611. -— English. (C. B. Bradley) Calif. Univ. Chron. I: (H. L. 383. — in the 18th Century. (E. W. Bowen) Sewanee, 10: 12, — Prosperity of the. Outl. 81: 697. Essay-writing, The Decay of. (V. Stephen) Acad. 68: 165. (E. Fuller) Critic, 47: 244, Essays, Great and Small. (R. H. Essen, The Krupps and their Steel Works at. Knorr) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 51. Essentials, The. (Edith Barnard) Appleton’s M. 8: 433- Essex, Tithing Lists from, 1329-43. (A. Clark) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 715. “ Essex,” Whaler, The Yarn of the. Cosmopol. 38: 68. Estabrook, Joseph. Univ. of Tenn. Rec. 2: 165, Estate Agent, The. Chamb. J . 83: 225. Estate Duty, Incidence of. (P. J . H. Grierson) Jurid. R. I 5: 247, Estates, Protected Life. (W. J . L. Ambrose) Law Q. 22: 401, Este, Isabella d’. (Julia C. Ady) Monthly R. 12, no. 1: 22, -—Ed. R. 199: 304. =Am. Arch. 84: 63. — Mrs. Ady’s Life of. Ath. ’03, 2: 305. -—Spec. 90: 901. — (M. A. Scott) Dial, 36: 86, Esther Gaunt becomes a Deserter. Words, 44: 656. Estoppel, Equitable, A New Phase of. (Silas Alward) Harv. Law R. 19: 113, — Principal and Agent. (J . S. Ewart) Harv. Law R. 16: 186. Estuary, Thoughts on an. (F. G. Alfalo) Chamb. J . 82: 45. Etaples, France. (R. S. Gundry) Sat. R. 102: 200.- Illus. by M. Gwilt-Jolley. Art J . 56: 355. Etching; Art of the Needle Point. (D. Story) Munsey, 27: 576. -— by Machinery. (C. T. Brady) (H. Davies) Good (L. E. Levy) J . Frankl. Inst. 161: S9- Etchings, Art of Printing. (Frank Newbolt) Studio (Internat.) 30: 134. — of W. Mark. (T. Martin Wood) Studio (Internat.) 25: 30. Etchunéidzin. Un. Serv. M, 30: 188, Eternal, The, and the Practical. (J . Royce) Philos. R. 13: 113, Eternal Life, The. (H. Miinsterberg) Atlan. 95: 445- Eternal Moment, The. (E. M. Forster) Indep. R. 6: 206. no. 3: 86. no. _4: 211. - Eternal Punishment, A Dialogue on. (J . Gerard) Hib- bert J. 5: 119. Ethel’s Babies. (S. Slocombe) Overland, n. s. 44: 583. Ether, The, and Wireless Telegraphy. (St. John Richards) Chamb. J . 80: 44. — as a Field of Activity and Progress in Physical Science. (J . Daniel) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 2: 245, - Gravitation and the. (C. W. Saleeby) Harper, 111: 237- 211 ETHICS Ether, Manifestations of the. (W. S. Andrews) Monist, 16: 17. — Mendeléef’s Conception of. Science, n. s. 19: 394. —- Nature of the. (L. d’Au1-ia) J. Frankl. Inst. 155: 207, — — Relation between Mean Speed of Star, etc., bear- ing upon. (L. d’Auria) Pop. Astron. I1: 254. — The Plane of. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 29. . -- Relation between Gravitation Constant and the Constants of. (B. Davis) Science, 11. s. 19: 928. — Reynold’s New Mechanical Theory of. (G. H. Bryan) Nature, 68: 600, — Some Recent Theories of. (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 92: 202. =Liv. Age, 246: 724, Ether Atoms, Lord Kelvin’s New Idea about. (J . G. McPherson) Know]. 26: 76. Etheridge, Robert. (H. B. Woodward) Nature, 39: 181, Ethical and Esthetic Elements in Literature, Rela- tion of. (J . Seth) Internat. J . Ethics, 15: 162. Ethical Creed, An. (J . M. Whiton) Outl. 84: 419. Ethical Function of the School. (W. D. Sheldon) Educa. 25: 321, Ethical Ideal of Pentarch and the Greeks of the 1st Century, A. D. (G. D. Hadzsits) Univ. of Cincin. Stud. 2d ser. 2: 402. Ethical Inquiry, Limitations of. (N. Wilde) Int. J. Ethics, 13: 458. . I Ethical Movement in 1902. (F. Thomasson) Westm. I59‘ I53- Ethical Need of the Present Day. (P. Kropotkin) 19th Cent. 56: 207. Ethical Progress, The State in its relation to. (C. VV. Super) Meth. R. 65: 53. Ethical Research, Evolutionary Method in. (T. de Laguna) Philos. R. 13: 323. Ethical Science and Ethical Culture. (C. G. Shaw) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 14: 120. Ethical Sentiment, Development of, in the Child. (M. V. O’Shea) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 68. Ethical Society’s School, N. Y. City. Craftsman, 9: 774- Ethical Stability. (Mary E. Boole) Monist, 12: 236, Ethical Subjectivism. (T. de Laguna) Philos. R. I 31 642 Ethical Teaching. (W. D. Sheldon) Educa. 27: 193. Ethical Theory as a Basis for Educational Theory and Practice. (B. R. Payne) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 365. Ethics and Economics. (C. C. Plehn) Calif. Univ. Chron. 5: 301. — and its History. 229, -- and Literature. (T. W. Hunt) Meth. R. 65: 22. —- and Metaphysics, Relation of. (W. H. F airbrother) Mind, 29: 38. (A. H. Lloyd) Am. J . Sociol. I1: -— and Religion. (G. W. Knox) Internat J. Ethics, 12: 300, — as a Natural Science. (VV. M. Lightbody) Westm. I66: 430. —- as a Science. (E. B. McGilvary) Philos. R. 122 627, — Christian, The Province of. (R. L. Ottley) Econ. R 15' 164 — Critical Studies of. (E. J . Hamilton) Presb. &. Ref. R. 13: 682. -— Evolutionary Stages of the Discussion of. Laguna) Philos. R. 14: 576. — for the Times. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 791 I73. — E. J . Hamilton on. (J. L. Taylor) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 676. -- Heart of. (G. H. Palmer) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: 141. (T. de ETHICS Ethics, in the High School. (C. Dye) School R. 10: 270. — in Subordinate Positions. (T. R. Slicer) Cosmopol. 36: 76, -— Method of a Metaphysic of. (W. R. Sorley) Philos. R. 14: 521, —- G. E. Moore on. (E. B. McGilvary) Philos. R. 131 351- —~ More Conscience for the Consumer. Chant. 37: 273. — The New. (W. DeW. Hyde) Atlan. 90: 577. — of Green, Spencer, and Martineau, Sidgwick’s. Sat. R- 951 554- —- of our Village. (Lydia K. Commander) Indep. 601 201. — Phenomenalism in. (F. C. Doan) Mind, 30: 221. — Place of, in the Table of Sciences. (J . H. Harley) Internat. J . Ethics, 12: 347. -— Principles of, Wundt’s. (S. H. Mellone) Internat. J. Ethics, 12: 251, —— Professional Codes of. tion, 83: 388. —— Rationalism in Modern. (C. L. Hunt) (Archibald Alexander) Na- (D. Irons) Philos. R. 12: I38, - -— Relation of Schiller’s to Kant. (E. C. Wilm) Philos. R. I 5: 277. — Relativity and Finality in. J. Ethics, 14: I50. -—— Sidgwick’s Methods, A Recent Criticism of. (H. Barker) Philos. R. 11: 607. — Spencer’s Theory of, in its Evolutionary Aspects. (K. Gordon) Philos. R. 11: 592. — A. E. Taylor on. The Latest Word of Agnosticism. Outl. 70: 634. —— Truncated. (J . Rickaby) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 239, Ethics of Pig, The. (0. Henry) Munsey, 36: 61, Ethiopia, Southern; From the Somali Coast to the Sudan. (0. Neumann) Geog. J . 20: 373, Ethiopic Magic Scroll at Princeton. (E. Littmann) Princ. Univ. ‘Bull. 151 31. Ethnic Religions, Missionaries in relation to. (J . L. Barton) Outl. 70: 236. Ethnic Types and Isolation. (C. Wissler) Science, n. s. 23‘ I47- Ethnological Museums, Popularizing of. don) Nature, 701 7. Ethnological Significance of Esoteric Doctrines. (F. Boas) Science, 11. s. 16: 872. Ethnology, American, U. S. Bureau of. Science, 11. s. 16: 829, -— and the Science of Religion. Q. 6: 305. —— Field-work of the Museum of Natural History, 1901. Science, n. s. 15: 96. — Racial Composition of the American People. (J . R. Commons) Chant. 38: 33, 333, —— Relation of Economics to. (W. W. Carlile) Econ. R, 12: I99. ' — Standpoint, Method, and Tentative Results. (T. P. Bailey, jr.) Calif. Univ. Chron. I2 539. 2: 3°- — Systematic Nomenclature in. Anthropol. 72 579. Etiquette, American Manners. (C. Rook) Temp. Bar. I 33: 224, —— Old Time. (C. Oliver) Cornh. 90: 5 37. Etiquette Book of 1685, An. Gent. M. n. s. 751 512. (T. C. Hall) Internat. (A. C. Had- (F. Boas) (T. Achelis) Internat. (A. L. Kroeber) Am. Etna, Mt. Round an Active Volcano. (V. Tweedale) Chamb. J. 80: 721. —— A Walk up. (W. F. Shannon) Temp. Bar, 128: 348.: Liv. Age, 239: 693. Eton College. Sat. R. 95: 72. -— and Education. Church Q. 592 418. —~ Bygone, Leigh’s. Sat. R. 100: 397. 212 EURIPIDES Eton College, Collegers and Oppidans at. (O. C. Wil- liams) National, 40: 397. -— Dames at. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 49 a. — Fire at. Sat. R. 95: 705. — Reminiscences of. (W. J . Monson) 19th Cent. 59: 619. , -—— Some Recent Impressions of. (E. Turnour) Na- tional, 38: 766. 45: 844. — under Hornby. Fortn. 83: 50. — Dr. Wane and. Spec. 94: 357. Eton Coélege Epigrams. (W. C. Green) Antiq. n. s. 393 °- Eton Correspondence, An. National. 45: 98. Eton Education, An. (A. C. Benson) National, 45: 446. Etty, William. (G. D. Leslie and F. A. Eaton) Art J . 55: 374- Etymologies, Curious. Chamb. J . 791 352. — Greek and Latin. (E. W. Fay) Am. J . Philol. 27: 306, Etymology ; some Derived Cases. J. Philol. 23: 195. — Studies in. II. (E. W. Fay) Am.J. Philol. I5: I63. Eucalypts, The. (D. E. Hutchins) Nature, 68: 320. — Cultivated in the U. S. Science, n. s. 17: 858. — in the Philippines. (R. E. C. Stearns) Science, 11. s. 18: 439. Eucalyptus. Am. Arch. 83: I3. Eucalyptus Tree, The. Land of Sun. I: 62, —of California. (H. J . McClatchie) Out West, 20: 336.422. Eugene, Prince of Savoy; Great Catholic Soldier. (J. J. O’Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 662, — a Royal Artist. (L. G. Northlaud) World To-day, I0: 425. Eugenics. (F. Galton) Nature, 70: 82, — and St. Valentine. (H. Ellis) 19th Cent. 59: 779. = Ecl. M. 147: 14. =Liv. Age, 250: 81. —- The Essential Factor of Progress. (C. W. Saleeby) Monthly R. 23, no. It 47. — its Definition, Scope, and Aim. Sociol. I0: 1. — Studies in. (F. Galton) Am. J . Sociol. II: II, — — Galton’s. Nature, 71: 401, Eugenie, Empress of the French, with portrait. Book- lover’s M. 3: 219. — Flight from Paris. (T. W. Evans) Cent. 48: 840, — how she crossed the Channel. (J . M. Burgoyne) Cent. 48: 857. Eunice and the “ Eunice ” ; Cosmopol. 363 539. Euphrates River, Great Caiion of. Geog. J. 20: I75. — Recent Changes in the Course of the Lower. (H. W. Cadoux) Geog. J . 28: 266. — Upper Valley of, and its People. (E. Huntington) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 301, 384, Eur-Asia, Desiccation of. (P. Kropotkin) Geog. J . 23: (F. A. Wood) Am. (F. Galton) Am. J . a story. (H. M. Hoke) (E. Huntington) 722, Euripides. Alcestis, performed at Bradfield College. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 812, — and the Spirit of his Dramas, Decharme on. R. Hellems) Dial, 40: 389_ -—Electra. (G. Murray) Indep. R. I: 590.-(J, W_ Mackail) Liv. Age, 248: 505, -— —— Murray’s. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 101: 75, — Hippolytus, on the Modern Stage. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 716. —— “Trojan Women” of. (G. Murray) Indep. R. 4: 432. =Liv. Age, 245: 37. -— -— Performed at Court Theater. Sat. R. 99: 520. I — Unrest of. Acad. 64: 47.=Ecl. M. I40: 523, : Liv. Age, 236: 503, (F. B. (M. Beerbohm) EURIPIDES Nation, 82: 302. Europa; a poem. (Armine T. Kent) Sat. R. 96: 793. Europe, Affairs of, 1902. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 82: 283. —-— The American “ Commercial Invasion ” of. (F. A. Vanderlip) Scrib. M. 31: 3-207, —— The Anarchy of. (J . Finot) Contemp. 84: 395. —-— and Asia, The Services of the Turks in Joining. (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 372 336. —- and the U. S. (J . D. Whelpley) World’s Work, 9: 5621. — (E. Reich) World’s Work, 92 5640. — -— coming Continental Complications. (D. C. Boul- ger)19th Cent. 55: 555. — — Era of Social Speculation and Experiment. A. Ogg) Chaut. 40: 317. — — how Great Powers are Faring. World’s Work, 9= 5631- — at the Close of the 19th Century, Rose on. Adams) Dial, 41: 63. —-— Balance of Power, Attempts at, 1648-1702. (Miss E. M. G. Routh) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 18: 33. -— Benefits of a Vacation in. (C. M. Depew) Indep. 58: 1247, -— Civil Lessons from. Chaut. 412 48. — Commercial Policy of. (W. C. Ford) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 3: 118, —— Diplomacy in, Hill on. (D. Y. Thomas) Dial, 40: 9. — Federation of, Dreams of. (G. C. Speranza) Nation, (F. (E. D. 751 I44- -- France and the Equipoise of. (Perseus) Fortn. 84: 767. —— Future of. (Lord Avebury) 19th Cent. 59: 416. = Eel. M. 146: 443. —- History, 1815-71, Stern’s. Hist. R. 7: 357. — Impressions of a Careless Traveler. Outl. 72: 877-976. -— Letters from, 1828-29. (J . Farley) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 82, 239. -— Modern, Foundations of, Reich on. Spec. 93: 324. -— —- Making of. (J . G. Bonney) Cornh. 86: 661.: Liv. Age, 236: 15. —— New Trade Routes in. 66 5. —-— Peace of, Shifting Foundations of. F ortn. 78: 36!. = Ecl. M. 139: 674. -_-Liv. Age, 235: 1. — Playground of the World. (E. Clavering) Munsey, 27: 357- — Political Problems of, as they Interest Americans. (F. A. Vanderlip) Scrib. M. 37: 338. -— Politics of, as seen by a Canadian. (W. H. Ingram) Canad. M. 26: 407, — Present State of. (E. Reich) Internat. Q. 10: 211. -— Recent Social Conditions in the Romance Countries. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. 41: 15. -— Seen and Learned in. (T. D. Simonton) Pop. As- tron. 12: 113, 338. — Social Progress in. (F. A. Ogg) Chaut. 40: 15-317. — Society in, contrasted with ours. (H. Watterson) Cosmopol. 40: 3. —- Suggestions for a First Trip to. (Jeannette L. Gil- der) Booklover’s M. 1: 491. — Tour through, on $100. (W. M. Pratt) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 150. (C. M. Andrews) Am. (L. Abbott) (J . S. Mann) Contemp. 88: —— Travel-hints for Economical Tourists. (E. A. Dix) Outl. 83: 571. — Travel in, by an Artist. (Ivan Swift) Brush & P. 16: 183. — United States of. (E. Crawford) Fortn. 80: 992.‘:- Liv. Age, 240: 357. European, Birthplace of the. (F. Legge) Acad. 62: 488. 213 'Euripides, Verrall’s_ Four Plays of. (VV. C. France) EVENING European Alliances and the Russo-Japanese War. (F. A. Ogg) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 295, European Anarchy and American Duty. (Baron d’Es- tournelles de Constant) Outl. 83: 805. European Archives. (G. L. Burr) Am. Hist. R. 7: 653. European‘ Correspondent, The. (E. A. Dithmar) Book- man, 19: 244. European Countries almost Ripe for a Federation. (E. Crawford) Everybody’s, 9: 279. European Diplomacy, New Light on. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 342. European Federation. A Glance at VVorld-politics. (S. Brooks) No. Am. 179: 269. European Polity, Sidgwick on Development of. ’<>4. I= 776-—Spec- ’<>4, 931 641. European Professors on Psychological Problems. (A. T. _ Smith) Ednca. 25: 507. European Thought, Merz’s History of, in the 19th Century. Ath. ’04, I1 421. —- (D. C. Gilman) Na- tion, 80: 487. Eusebius, Church Father, Historian, and Apologist. (E. C. Richardson) Am. J. Theol. 8: 582. — Purpose of. (W. R. Cassels) Hibbert J . 1 : 781, Euthanasia. Spec. 88: 134, 175.:Liv. Age, 232: 635. --Eel. M. 138: 683. Euthanasia; from the Note-book of an Alpinist. (G. L. Dickinson) Indep. R. 71 476.: Liv. Age, 248= 445- Eutropy, Swinburne on. (J . Perry) Nature, 69: 561. Evangelicalism, English. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 81 : 1 96. Evangeline and Gabriel, where are they Buried ? (M. I. J. Griffin) M. of Hist. 22 403. —— The Genesis of. (A. J . Lockhart) Meth. R. 63: 5 30. Evangeline’s "’ At Home.” (C. A. Winslow) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 204. Evangelism, Aggressive. R, 66: 275, — Modern. (L. L. Sieber) Luth. Q. 343 514. — New. (C. H. Richards) Bib. Sac. 62: 354. —(W. Rauschenbusch) Indep. 56: 1055. —-— Social Aspects of. (W. F. Spalding) Char. I4: 612. Evangelist of Culture, The; a story. (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, 29: 654. Evangelist’s Four Daughters, The. Good Words, 46: 712, Evans, David, Excerpts from Day Books of, Philadel- phia, 1774-1811. Pennsyl. M. 27: 49. Evans, Major C. Rountree. Wis. Alum. M. 3: 14. Evans, Silvan. Ath. ’O3, It 563. Evans, Thomas W. Memoirs. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 48: 82. — Sat. R. 101: 367, Evans, W. T. Collection of American Paintings. (L. Méchlin) Booklover’s M. 7: 472. —Studio (Inter- nat.) 301 Xlix. Evansville, Ind., a Northern City in the South. Roosa) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: 651. Eve, Creation of. (S. W. Howland) Bib. Sac. 601 121. Evelina’s Auction. (W. A. Bradley) Munsey, 34: 143. Evelina’s Return. (Chapin Howard) Cent. 47: 44!. Evelyn, John, the Diarist. (P. A. Sillard) Month, 108: 402, — “Grand Tour.” (A. Dobson) National, 42: 896. ——- Surrey Downs. (A. Colton) Harper, 105: 861. Evening High School, The True Function of. (H. E. Buttrick) School R. 12: 588, Evening School, The ; a Neglected Social Factor. (A. R. Merriam) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 12: 85. Evening Schools for Foreigners. (Adele M. Shaw) World’s Work, 9: 5738. —— of Cleveland. (F. H. Reed) School R. 12: 319. — Students of. (J . H. King) School R. 12: 253. Ath . (J . P. Brushingham) Meth. (Isabel Smith) (H. EVEREST Everest, Mt., Identification and Nomenclature of, Wood on. Nature, 71: 42, - Gaurisankar is not. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 744. - Story of a Long Controversy. (S. G. Burrard) Na- ture, 7I: 42. Everett, C. C., Essays, Theological and Literary. M. Crothers) Atlan. 89: 712, ~ Everett, Joseph David. Nature, 70: 397. Everglades of Florida; a Region of Mystery. (E. A. Dix and J . N. MacGonigle) Cent. 47: 512. Evergreens, The. (A. B. Comstock) Chaut. 402 366, 465. - Southern, for Northern Christmas Decorations. (Caldwell) Ctry Life Am. 7: 171. Every Day. (R. R. Gilson) Outl. 741 425'. Everyday Dwarf, An. (D. R. Freeman) Meth. R. 55: 775. Every Man ; a sequence. (F. M. Hueffer) Sat. R. 90: 343.: Ecl. M. 145: 250. Everyman; a morality play. (E. L. Cary) Critic, 422 43. - (E. K. Chambers) Acad. 64: 394. - Spec. 94: (S. .1 5°)- Every Man for Himself. (N. Duncan) Harper, 1132 25$ “ Everyman’s Library,” One Way to do it. Outl. 331 547. Everyman’s Wife his own Agent. Liv. Age, 248: 631, Eve’s Diary. (Mark Twain) Harper, I12: 25, Evidence, Defects in Law of Obtaining. Sat. R. 98: 288. -— Expert. (J . Woodward) No. Am. 175: 486. - Extrinsic in Aid of Interpretation. (S. L. Phipson) Law Q. 20: 245. _ - How should it be taught? (C. F. Chamberlayne) Green Bag, 28: 677. - Law of, Doctrine of Res Gestae in the. (S. L. Phip- son) Law Q. 19: 435. - Specially Admissible. (N. W. Sibley) Law Q. I9: 203, - Wigmore’s Treatise on. (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, __ 82: 14, Evil. (N. Pearson) Monthly R. 17, no. 21 I42. — Powers of. (C. D. Robertson) Indep. R. 3: 419. - Problem of. (St. George Stock) Hibbert J . 22 767. -(Sybella Gurney; A. Slomen; J . H. Spalding) Hibbert J. 3: 160. Evil Eye and Witches’ Night in Rome. Cent. 46: 388, Evil Spirits as a Cause of Sickness in Babylonia. Na- ture,-71: 249. Evolution. (C. Morris) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 500. - (G. H. Darwin) Science, 11. s. 22: 257. - (T. W. Vaughan) Science, 11. s. 23: 681. — (M. M. Metcalf) Science, 11. s. 23: 786. - (A. E. Ortmann) Science, 11. s. 23: 947- — Anaximander, Earliest Precursor of Darwin. R. Eastman) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 701. — and Adaptation, Morgan on. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Dial, 36: 196.-— (B. Dean) Science, 11. s. 19: 221, - and Anti-materialism, Kidd on. (F. W. H.) Nature, 65= supp- — and Christian Theology. (M. Dods) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 6. . — and Design, Hutton on. (R. Meldola) Nature, 66: (M. Howe) (C. 219. - and Ethical Method. (H. W. Wright) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 59. - and its Teaching. (F. W. Hutton) Nature, 65: 425, .- and the Miraculous. (T. McK. Stuart) Meth. R. 63: 360, - and Mutation. (A. E. Ortmann) Science, 11. s. 24: 728, . 214 EVOLUTION Evolution and Physics. 20: 87, — and the Present Age. (J . F iske) Harper, 105: 869. — agd Religious Thought. (J . R. Thurston) Bib. Sac. 2: 264. - and the Theory of Probability. Calif. Univ. Chron. 32 402. - Arguments alleged against Doctrine of Organic. (Phil. B. Hadley) Science, 22: 143. . - J . M. Baldwin on. (WV. M. Wheeler) Psychol. R. 10: 70. - Beecher’s Studies in. 503.. — Collapse of. (E. T. Brewster) Science, 11. s. 22: 6 (O. F. Cook) Science, 11. s. (A. W. Whitney) (A. S. Packard) Science, 15: 79 - - Cytology and Mendel’s Laws. (O. F. Cook) Pop. Sci. Mo. 53: 219, - Darwin and Wallace share Honors of Discovery of Theory. (J . Le Conte) Californian, 3! 435. - Evidence of. (H. De Vries) Science, 11. s. 20: 395. = Univ. of Chic. Rec. 9: 202. - - De Vries on. (E. G. Spaulding) Philos. R. 14: 354- - Fallacy in. (E. T. Shanahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 7: 2'7, — a Friend of Faith. Rec. 5: 21. (W. F. English) Hartf. Sem. — Gulick’s Evolution, Racial and Habitual. (W. H. Dall) Science, n. s. 22: 593. -Herbert Spencer and the Master Key. (J. B. Burke) Contemp. 89: 783. - Human, Place of God in. Theol. 8: 302. - in Animals. (C. B. Davenport) Science,n. s. 24: 556- - in the Barnyard. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 61: 616. - in the Heavens. (A. M. Clerke) Monthly R. 21, no. 1: 29, - Individual. (J . L. Tayler) Westm. I64: 286, - Inorganic, Lockyer on, as studied by Spectrum Analysis. (E. B. Frost) Science, 11. s. 15: 584, - Isolation and. (E. W. Berry) Science, 11. s. 231 34. - Isolation as one of the Factors in. Science, 11. s. 23: 71. — Knipe’s Nebula to Man. (W. J . Holland) Science, 11. s. 23: I07. — The Language of. (E. T. Shanahan) Cath. Univ. Bull.7: 415. 8: 35. - Laws of. (F. H. Giddings) Science, 22: 206. — Logic of. (S. Z. Batten) Am. J. Theol. 8: 470, -Mind in, Hobhouse on. (C. L. Morgan) Nature, 67: 199. — Morgan’s Evolution and Adaptation. Science, 11. s. 19: 221. - Mutation Theory of. Science, 11. s. 21: 521. - Nature of. (O. F. Cook) Science, 11. s. 24: 303. - Neglected Factor in. (W. M. Wheeler) Science, 11. s. 15: 766. > — The New Creation. (C. R. S. Stewart) Monthly R. 12, no. 3: 131. - of Man. (Hiram King) Ref. Ch. R. 50: 69. — - Kinetic. (O. F. Cook) Science, 11. s. 151 921. - of Mind, Hobhouse on. Ath. ’02, II 266. - of Species through Climatic Conditions. Cockerell) Science, 11. s. 23: 145. - Other Side of. (C. H. Eigenmann) Science, 11. s. 23: 576- - Palaeontological Case for. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 26: 73, 100, 123. - Prehistoric Darwinians. Science, 11. s. 22: 23, - Rafinesque on. (L. Stejneger) Science, 11. s.23: 78 5, (C. S. Patton) Am. J . (E. A. Ortm ann) (B. Dean) (W. E. Castle and others) (T. D. A. EVOLUTION Evolution, Relation of Phylogenesis to Historical Ge- ology. (C. A. White) Science, 11. s. 22: 105. —— The Religious Side. (J . B. Keene) N. Church R. 9: 39- —~ St. Paul and. (E. Caird) Hibbert J . 2: I. —- Some Christian Aspects of. (P. T. F orsyth) Liv. Age, 247: 323- —'— Stages of Vital Motion. 63: 14. —- Theistic, The Divine Environment, a Neglected Factor in. (W. C. Schaeifer) Ref. Ch. R. 501 (O. F. Cook) Pop. Sci. M0. 336- - too Widely Applied. Sat. R. 100: 299. — Trial and Error as a Factor in. (W. B. Pillsbury) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 276. —- Unsolved Mystery of. (F. Legge) Acad. 62¢ 281. —— Variation vs. Mutation. (T. L. Casey) Science, n. s. 23: 632, — Weismann’s Theory of. n. s. 22: 668. Evolution of a Conscience. 128: 685. Evolution of Cousin Marcella, T he. (Lilian T. Bryant) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 412, 535, Evolution of a Gir1’s Ideal, The. (Clara E. Laughlin) Scrib. M. 31: 499. ' Evolution of Mrs. Thomas, The; a story. H. Field) Chaut. 391 437. Evolution of Potiphar, The; a story. Cath. World, 782 738. Evolution Theory in Theology. Ref. Ch. R. 49: 384. Evolutionary Ethics, Stages of the Discussion of. (T. de Laguna) Philos. R. 142 576. , Evolutionary Speculation. (G. H. Darwin) Nature, 72= 368, 439- = Lin Age, 24¢ 771. 2W 67. I Science, n. s. 22: 225, 257, Evolutionists, Some 18th-Century. Sci. Mo. 65: 238, 323, Ewald, Heinrich, and the Old Testament. Smith) Bib. World, 222 407, Ewell, Erwin E. Science, 11. s. 192 Examination Questions in English. Educa. 27: 231. (W. E. Castle) Science, (E. L. Banks) Temp. Bar, (Mrs. M. (G. P. Curtis) (A. Lovejoy) Pop. (J. M. P. 741. (M. H. Shackford) Examinations, College Entrance. (A. Flexner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 53. — The Examination of Wits. (F. Watson) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 238. —— Final, or Examinations of Maturity at the German Gymnasium, and Real-gymnasium. (O. Thiergen) School R. 11: 721. —- Grades and Credits. (J . McK. Cattell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 367. —— Standard, for Non-college Pupils. kell) School R. 14: 754, Examiners, Education of. 70: 63, Excavating and Dredging Machinery. . (A. W. Robin- son) Engin. M. 24: 84x, Excavating Machine, The Buckeye. Cassier, 28: 239, Excavating Machinery, New. gin. M. 39: I61- Excavation, Romance of. Spec. 97: 257. Excavations and the Bible. (C. J . Hawkins) Open Court, 19: I. -—at Arbor Low, 1901-oz, Archaeol. 58: 461, -—— at Caerwent, Monmouthshire. (T. Ashby) Archaeol. 58: 87-391. -—— in Castle Hill, Burton in Lonsdale. (H. M. White) Antiq. n. s. 41: 411, -—Italian, at Crete. (F. von Duhn) Antiq. n. s. 40: 138, 178. (Mary E. Has- (E. B. Sargent) Nature, (D. A. Willey) (A. W. Robinson) En- (H. St. George Gray) 215 EXPANSION Excavator of Antiquities, The Hope of the. Spec. 96: 782, “ Exceeding High Mountain, An ; ” a story. (Mar- garet Deland) Harper, I07: 893, Exception, The. (I. B. Roberts) Lippinc. 71: 836. Exchange, Distribution in. (F. Y. Edgeworth) Q. J . Econ. 18: 159. — Falling, Influence of, upon Prices. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 66o. Exchange Theory, The Double. (VV. W. Carlile) Econ. R. 25: 306. Exchange-value, Austrian Theory of. port) Q. J. Econ. 16: 355. Exchange of Confidences, Au; a story. Harper, I07: 426, Exchanges, The Foreign. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 740. Exclusiveness. (E. S. Martin) Harper, I13: 610, Ex Curia. (O. W. Chambers) Scrib. M. 36: 240. Exe, May-Day on the. (H. T. S.) Macmil. 86: 32.: Ecl. M. 139: 209. Executive as Legislator, The. 502, Executive Agreements, Treaties and. (J . B. Moore) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 385. Executive Judgments and Executive Legislation. M. Parker) Harv. Law R. 20: 116. Executive Ofiicials, Autocratic and Bureaucratic Usur- (H. J . Daven- (E. Kelley) (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: (E. pations of Legislative Functions by. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 31: 629. Executive Prerogative in the U. S. (D. Y. Thomas) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 273, 340, Exegesis, Appeal for a Higher. (T. K. Cheyne) Expos. 6th ser. 9: I. — Sound, the Basis of Effective Preaching. mer) Ref. Ch. R. 50: 522. Exercise; can a Business Man walk 5000 Miles a Year ? (W. A. Green) Outing, 45: 533. — for Health. (Bernard MacFadden) Cosmopol. 341 (P. Voll- 7°5- Exercises. (A. Ruhl) Outing, 43: 676. —— for Middle-aged Men. (P. Collier) Outing, 44: 280. Exeter, Eng., Twenty-four Hours at. (W. D. Howells) Harper, 1112 497. Exeter, Mass. (S. B. Lawrence) New Eng. M. n. s. 341 465- Exeter, N. H. Phillips Exeter Academy. (R. H. Bowles) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 601. Exhaust Steam, Utilizing. (Alex. A. Mauer) Cassier, 29: 407, Exhibitions. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 27: 290.— (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 99: 659. — “International” and Other. 571 9°- —— London, 1906. Art J. 581 377. Exile, The. (E. R. de Schell) Atlan. 892 397. Exiles, The. (H. J . O’Higgii1s) McClure, 26: 464. Existence and Content. (S. F. MacLennan) Mind, 28! (F. Rinder) Art J. 78. Exit, The Effective. Sat. R. 102: 542.=Liv. Age, 251: 818. Exit the Prince. (Carter Goodloe) Scrib. M. 38: 177. Exmoor, Snell on. Ath. ’o3, 2: 338. Exodus, Period of the. (G. W. Shaw) Monist, I6: 201. Exodus from Philistia, The. (Ernest H. Abbott) Outl. 81: 1073, Expanding and Flanging Machinery. (L. D. Lovekin) J. Frankl. Inst. :54: 43. I57: 425. Expanding Process of making Cold Flowed Steel Joints. (R. S. Riley) Cassier, 27! 404. Expansion and Expansion. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 366. — and Expenditure. Ed. R. 1972 34 7. — A Century of, Johnson on. (F. A. gg) Dial, 362 47. . — Certain Characteristics of. EXPANSION Expansion, Continental [of U. S.], One Aspect of. (J . W. Richardson) Arena, 28: 569, —- Democratic. (H. W. Seymour) No. Am. 179: 96. -—- Our New Horizon. (F. Emory) World’s Work, 3: 1614. Expansion of Alphonse, The; a story. (F. Metcalf) - Am. M. 61: 135. Expansionist Inconsistencies. (H. E. von Holst) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 3: 339. Expatriation, Doctrine of. (J . B. Moore) Harper, 110: 225, -—- Right of American Citizen to. (G. B. Slaymaher) Am. Law R. 37: 19. Expedient, The. (Annie H. Donnell) Cosmopol. 401 I99~ . Expelled, The; a story. (A. C. McKenzie) Munsey, 29: 822, Expense of Living; a Plea for Simpler Living. Jones) Arena, 29: 345. Experience and Subjectivism. R. 15: 182,- —— and Transcendence. (S. M. (A. W. Moore) Philos. (F. von Hiigel) Dub. R. 138: -I 7. -— The Argument from. (W. S. Edwards) Meth. R. 63: 71, — Avenarius’s Philosophy of Pure. 311 13-. I49- (N. Smith) Mind, (S. S. Colvin) Psychol. R. 13: 396. —— Concept of Pure. 684. -— Conception of, in relation to English Philosophy. (T. M. Forsyth) Mind, 29: 394. —— Distinction of Inner and Outer. Mind, 28: 59. —-—,Standpoint of. (J . E. Creighton) Philos. R. 12: 593. Experience-philosophy. (W. F ite) Philos. R. 15: I . Experiences of a Woman Bachelor. (J . Blewett) Canad. M. 26: 154. _ Experiment in High Finance. (H. Shafto) Chamb. J . 83: 589. Experiment in Neurology, An. Chamb. J. 82: 273. Experiment Stations and Agriculture. erts) Science, 11. s. 15: 431. —— Central Control of. (E. W. Hilgard) Science, 11. s. 15: 668. Experimental Theory of Knowledge. (J . Dewey) Mind, 31: 293. Expert Opinion. —- How to get an. 380. Expert Testimony, Proper Scope of, in Trials involv- ing Pharmacologic Questions. (S. Solis-Cohen) Am. Law. R. 39: 187, Expiation 5 a story. (Edith Wharton) Cosmopol. 36: 209. Expiation of Kinkometta, The. (E. B. Osborn) Monthly R. 23, no. 2: I04. —Liv. Age, 249: 680, Exploiter of Souls, An; a story. (Margaret Deland) Harper. I°9= 349. (B. H. Bode) Philos. R. 14: (G. Galloway) (A. M. Belding) (H. F. Rob- (B. C. Frere) Sat. R. 98: 542. (A. S. Osborn) Am. Law R. 37: Exploration. (N. S. Shaler) Atlan. 97: 145. -—- Oriental, German Activity in. (I. M. Price) Bib. World, 24: 305. Explosions, Recent. (C. Davison) Knowl. 27: 94, Explosive Vapors and Dust. (V. B. Lewis) Am. Arch. 90: 110, Explosives, Development of Modern. Nature, 75: 174, -— High, Manufacture of. (VV. H. Booth) Cassier, 30: 291, —- Storage of. (— Thompson) Am. Arch. 85: 27, Export Trade, Our Imperiled. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74¢ 24-, 216 EYE Exports and Imports, A Study in. naghten) Econ. R. I 5: 184, -—- — Their Progress and Importance. (Lond.) 74: 689. — A Comparison of, to the U. S., European Protective States, and our Colonies. (B. Ellinger) Econ. R. 14: 279, , —— Engineering, of England, Germany, and the U. S. (W. Pollard Digby) Engin. M. 29: 508, 673. Exposition. (B. A. Heydrick) Chant. 36: 270, Expositions, International. “ The White City,” and after. (C. Zueblin) Chaut. 38: 373. — Lesson from. (F. S. Lamb) Craftsman, 3: 49. — The Management and Use of. (G. F. Kunz) No. Am. 175: 409. Expgsure, After, What? (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 2: 234, — Literature of. (G. W. Alger) Atlan. 96: 210. Express Companies, Public and. (P. L. Allen) Na- tion, 81: 28. —~PubliEity for. (F. H. Dixon) Atlan. 96: 1. Expression. (H. W. Warren) Meth. R. 62: 9. -—- Art of ;.its Importance in Business. (E. A. Rus- sell) Craftsman, 10: 101, — Facial. (R. Mann) Internat. Q. 11: 148. — -— The Art of. (Anne O’Hagan) Harp. Baz. 40: 502. — -— The Music of Woman’s Face. (G. Kobbe) Idler, 22: 445- ‘“Expugnatio Hibernica,” Irish Abridgment of the. (Whitley Stokes) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 77. Expurgated Prayer. (J . W. Strout) New Eng. M. n. s. SH 279. Exquisites of the Regency, Some. (Lewis Melville) Chamb. J. 83: 476—529. Z Ecl. l\I. I47: 239, Extensity and Pitch. (Knight Dunlap) Psychol. R. 12: 287, Extenuating Circumstances in French Law. Boyle) Jurid. R. 18: 259. Extinction of Egeria. (T. H. S. Escott) Fortn. 84: 317. Extra Blanket, An. (F. H. Smith) Scrib. M. 36: 533. Extradition. (L. Irwell) Green Bag, 14: 314. Extradition ; a story. (A. Train) Scrib..M. 37: 3 54. Extraordinary, The Word. (R. Bridges) Ath. ’03, 2: (R. R. Mac- Bank. M. (H. E. 93- Extraordinary Adventure of Baron de Ville.’ (A. Train) Scrib. M. 37: 230, Extravagance. (C. N. Burch) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 4: 181, -—- and Economy. (F. J . Whiting) Nation, 78: 264. — The Mania of. Liv. Age, 249: 122, — Private, and the Public Weal. (A. Lewis) Over- land, 11. s. 47: 318. Extravagant Economy of Women. Fortn. 84: 129. Extrication of Patricia, The. ‘(M. T. Waggaman) Cath. World, 81: 485. Exuberance of Billy, The. 27: 42, Eyck, H. and J . van. (A. Marks; W. H. J. Weale) Ath. ’03, 1: 345-410, 2: 258. —- Portraits, Life, and Bibliography. Mast. in Art, 5: (A. E. Lane) (Margaret Westrup) Idler, 317- Eye, The, and the Human Power-house. (C. Prentice) Conserv. R. 5: 146. — Human, Error of Collimationg in. (C. S. Hastings) Am. J. Sci. 169: 310. -—- -—- Group of Visual Phenomena depending upon Optical Errors of. (C. S. Hastings) Am. J. Sci. 169: 401. —- —— Optical Constants of, for Different Colors. (C. S. Hastings) Am. J . Sci. 159: 205. ' — Injuries caused by Intense Light. (F. Allen) Sci- ence, n. s. 15: 119, Eye, Properties of the Muscles of the. -Eye Anomalies. EYE (G. C. Savage) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 3: 91. Eye for an Eye. (F. H. Lancaster) McClure, 26: 18. Eye of the Serpent, The. (H. E. Wright) Overland, 11. s. 42: 18. (C. Barns) Science, 11. s. 23: 390. Eye Movements. (B. Barnes) Am. J . Psychol. 162 199. Eye Strain. (F. D. W. Bates) Canad. M. 25: I9. —-— and its Effect on Literary Men. (G. M. Gould) Booklover’s M. 31 669. —-— Cause, Nature, and Consequences of. (G. M. Gould) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 736. Eye of the Mind, The ; a story. .(J. Morton) Harper, 109: 319, Eyes, Care of the. — Right-eyedness and Left-eyedness. Science, 11. s. 19: 591. —-— Women’s, Beauty of. 35: 11, Eyes of Affection, The. (A. B. Norton) Atlan. 903 614. (G. M. Gould) (E. A. Fletcher) Cosmopol. (G. Hibbard) Harper, 111: 397- -Eyes of Men. (H. Brooks) Atlan. 98: 674. Eyesight among the Higher Alps. (P. W. Search) Educa. R. 23: 92. —- of School Children, Inaccuracies in. lian1s) Educa. R. 261 180. Eyre, Edward John, Gov. of Jamaica, with portrait. Geog. J. 19: 99. . —- Case of. (J. B. Atlay) Cornh. 85: 202, Eyre, Wilson, Work of. (J . Millard) Archit. Rec. 14: 2 (Alida S. Wil- 79- Eyre, Lake, Gregory’s Expedition to. Geog. J. 19: 607, Ezra and Nehemiah. 2: 1, (G. A. Smith) Expos. 7th ser. Faber, Frederick Wm. and Elton. Month, 101: 458. — Hymn “ Hark, Hark, my Soul,” analyzed. Hartf. Sem. Rec. 6: 134. ' —— The Vision of. (J. Parsons) Meth. R. 63: 555. Fable, ZEsopic, Comparative Study of. (P. Harry) Univ. of Cin. Stud. 1: no. 2. -— and Wood Myth. (E. T. Seton) Cent. 45: 35, 276. —— The Beast. (J. S. Robson) Antiq. n. s. 39: I7. Fable of the Old Fox and the Young Fox, The Modern. (G. Ade) Cent. 41: 670, Fabre, Ferdinand. Church Q. 60: 70. I Liv. Age, 246= 343- Fabrice, Mission of, to Sweden, 1717-18. (J . F. Chance) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 57. Fabrics, Some American Made. (M. Greenleaf) Archit. Rec. 17: 499. Face, Study of the, in Breathlessness. Keuzie) Outing, 39: 447. Face of Clay, A. (H. A.Vachell) Monthly R. 21, no. 3: 129. 22, no. 1: 133, no. 2: 130, no. 3: 137, Face of the Poor. (M. C. Graham) Atlan. 96: 352. Face of the Shadow, The. (Katharine H. Brown) Everybody’s, 15: 353. “ Faciens pacem et creans malum.” Dub. R. 137: I53. Facing Down of Polk Dillard; a story. Harper, 106: 610, (R. T. Mac- (A. B. Sharpe) Factories and Warehouses. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 19: 569. —— Commercial Management of. (I. Andrews) Engin. M. 24: 738. 25: 539. _ —- Industrial Betterment. (R. T. Ely) Harper, 105: 548 Factory, The, as an Element in Social Life. (Carroll D. Wright) Cath. Univ. Bull. 7: 59. -— Four Days in an English. (A. Russell) Contemp. 84: 52.: Ecl. M. 141; 464. = Liv. Age,238: 433. 217 FAILURES Factory, in the United States, Tendencies of. (S. S. Whittelsy) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 235. —— Warehouse and, in Architecture. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. I 5: 1. Factory Betterment, Obstacles to. land) Chant. 37: 536. Factory Depreciation. (Ewing Matheson) Cassier, 23: 140, Factory Inspectors, what are they for ? (W. E. Wall- ing) Char. 13: 375. Factory Legislation considered with Reference to Wages. (G. H. Wood) J . Statis. Soc. 65: 284. -— in the South, Necessity for. (H. Robbins) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 181. —- of N. Y. State. (F. R. F airchild) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 6: 737. —— Past and Future of. Ed. R. 197: 174. Factory Management; Machining and Tool Equip- ment. (C. U. Carpenter) Engin. M. 23: 562. —-— Modern. (Egbert P. Watson) Cassier, 311 106. — Piece-work, Day Work, etc. (C. U. Carpenter) Engin. M. 23: 733. (J . R. McFar- — Stock Tracing Inspection and Scrapping. (C. U. Carpenter) Engin. M. 23: 413. Factory Methods. The New lndustrialism. (M. R. Cranston) Chant. 37: 499. Factory Office as a Productive Department. (K. Fal- coner) Engin. M. 23: 70. — Economy of, Mechanical Aids in. Engin. M. 27: 605. -— Relation to the General Management. coner) Engin. M. 23: 573. — Relation to Stock Roo1n and Shipping Bureau. (K. Falconer) Engin. M. 23: 386. — Relation to the Stores Department and Shops. (K. Falconer) Engin. M. 23: 253. Factory Purchase System. (H. L. Arnold) Engin. M. (G. H. Seward) (K. Fal- 25= 399- Factory School, A Successful. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 322, Factory Systems. Money-making Management. (C. U. Carpenter) Engin. M. 23: I 5. — Typical. (Egbert P. Watson) Engin. M. 31: 540. Factory-workers of the 20th Century. (P. E. Moulder) Chamb. J. 81: 812, Facts, Curious, and Statistical Truths. Overland, n. s. 42: 261-534. -— Discussion of the Word. 11. s. 21: 68. — The School of. (T. Jenks) Chant. 40: 273. Faculty, the, in American Universities, Changing Conception of. (A. E. West) Educa. R. 32: 1. Faddists of the Road. (Sarah Comstock) Lippinc. 781 116, Fading of IShadow Flower, The. (J . G. Neihardt) Overland, n. s. 41: 145, , Faery, The Spell of. (R. G. T. Coventry) Acad. 712 284. Fagan, James Bernard. Hawthorne, U. S. A. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 99: 768. -— Prayer of the Sword. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 981 424. Fagan, Mark, Mayor of Jersey City. McClure, 26: 297. Faguet, Emile, and the 18th Century. Ed. R. 1961 507. F ahey, Alfred, Metal-point Dranghtsman. M. of Art, 373 142- Failure, The; a story. (T. Carrison) Harper, I06: 527. Failure, The ; a story. (J . Hopper) McClure, 22: 307. Failure of the City; a story. (M. Fawcett) Munsey, 32= 755- Failures of the Great. 376- (G. K. Gilbert) Science, (L. Steif ens) (A. Bierbower) Chant. 40: FAIR Fair Advantage, A. (W. A. Dromgoole) Arena, 31: 511. Fair Exchange; an Old Home-week Romance. (E. G. Wallace) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 708. Fair Fee, A. (B. C. Caughey) Lippinc. 71: 125, Fair Margaret. (F. M. Crawford) Munsey, 331 263- 697. 34: 84-618. Fair Trade, What is? (D. H. Wilson) Westm. I541 237- Fair Upsetter of Customs, A; a story. (F. Wilkinson) McClure, 20: 306, F airbairn, A. M., on the Philosophy of the Christian Religion. (S. F. MacLennan; G. W. Knox) Am. J. Theol. 71 9I.——Church Q. 582 24!.-—(J. Orr) Contemp. 82: 362. =Liv. Age, 235: 273. — (R. F. Horton) Sund. M. 3!: 727. Fairbanks, Charles Warren. 571 3!. — With portrait. (N. Y.) 30: 177. — An Appreciation, with portrait. Everybody’s, II: 788, — The Boy and Man. (E. I. Lewis) Indep. 572 I27. Fairbanks, Geo. Rainsford. (J . B. Hcnneman ; W. P. Du Bose) Sewanee, I42 493. Fairchild, James Harris, 1817-1902, Obituary Notice of. Bib. Sac. 59: 375. Fairfax, George VVilliam. (C. W. Stetson) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 279. - Fairford Church and the Tomb of its Founder. (F. A. G. Davidson) Antiq. n. s. 40: 21. Fairhope, Ala., Home of Single Tax and Referendum. (E. B. Gaston) Indep. 55: 1670. Fairies, The English. (May Byron) Liv. Age, 251: 120. — Irish. (S. MacManus) Lippinc. 78: 747. — (J . Mans- field) Liv. Age, 251: 760. Fairway, The; a story. (0. Onions) Blackw. I80: 70, =Liv. Age, 250: 353. Fairy and Folk Tales, Irish. (C. Welsh) Cath. World, 791 753- F airy Bridges. Fairy Godfather, A ; a story. 31: 382, Fairy Lore and Primitive Religion. Internat. Mo. 5: 316. — of Ulster. (E. Andrews) Antiq. n. s. 42: 299, Fairy Play, Staging a. (G. Kobbe) Cosmopol. 33: 3. F airy-tale, A, told by Boys. (W. J . Batchelder) Temp. Bar, 133: 353.=Liv. Age, 249: 491. Fairy-tales. Spec. 95: 750. -— in Public Libraries. Pub. Lib. II: 175. —- in the Schoolroom. (C. L. Dodd) National, 402 238. =Liv. Age, 235: 369. = Ecl. M. 140: 39. —— Realm of Faéry. (F. E. Luepp) Indep. (T. R. Shipp) R. of Rs. (B. Tarkington) (E. Brennan) Booklover’s M. 6: 399. (M. B. ShipP) Munsey, (W. W. N ewell) 377- Fairy Valley. The; a sketch. (F. Wilkinson) Harper, 107: 710. Fairy Year, The. (S. Image) Sat. R. 1022 609. Faith. (Mary Dever) Luth. Q. 35: 270. —— According to Paul. (S. MacComb) Bib. World, 25: 292, — Age of; is it returning ? (J . A. Hutton) Hibbert J . 3: 727. -— Agnosticism of. (F. Aveling) Dub. R. I33: 82. —- and Creed. (C. M. Stack) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 1: 6. -— arid Knowledge. (G. L. Dickinson) Indep. R. 4: 274. ~— and Morals. Spec. 94: 281, — First Principles of. (O. Lodge) Hibbert J . 4: 721. :Liv. Age, 250: 545, — in Nature. (N. S. Shaler) Internat. Q. 6: 281, — in the Undiscovered. (R. J . Burdette) Calif. Univ. Chron. 3: 270. 218 (R. Birkmyre) Gent. M. n. s. 75: I FAME Faith, The Knowledge of. (E. P. VVheeIer) Outl. 74: 132, — The Margin of. (G. M. Searle) Cath. World, 83: 65. ~--— of Literature, The. Acad. -65: 329. -~ of the Moslem Woman. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 96: 230, -— of the Orientals. Spec. 89: 933, 936. — The Old and the New. Westm. I60: 448. — Rational Basis of. (J . M. VVilloughby) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 3: 85. -— Reason, and Religion. J . 4= 329- - Recovery of. Outl. 82: 298. —— Religious, Scientific Basis of. (J . R. Swanton) N. Church R. 13: 560. F aith-healer, Errors of the. R. 65: 935. Faithful Brady, The. (Larrey Bowman) McClure, 24: 665. Faithfulness, Decay of. Spec. 931 336. F aithists, and their Land of Shalam, New Mexico. (G. B. Anderson) Out West, 25: 414. Falashas, The. (C. Singer) Jew. Q. 17! I42. Falcon of the F ontarini, The. (N. K. Blis et) Macmil. 92= 51-=Liv- Age. 245= 729. 790- Falconer, Patrick, of Newark, N. J., and his Descend- ants. (B. C. Steiner) N. E. Reg. 60: 21. F alconio, Diomede, Mgr., with portrait. Cath. World, 76: 569. Falconry of To-day. (V. Thompson) Harper, I05: 250, Falcons. (B. Dean) Science, n. s. 22: 499. Faliero, Marino. Ed. R. 204: 221, Falkland, Lucius Cary, Lord. (H. Beers) Open Court, 17: 667, Falkland Islands, Scientific Work of the Swedish An- tarctic Expedition at. (J . G. Andersson) Geog. J . 21: 159. Falkner, J. M. The Nebuly Coat. Monthly R. 14, no. 1: 43. Fall, Bible Story of the. (F. C. S. Schiller) Hibbert (G. H. Bennett) Meth. (C. M. Cobern) Meth. R. 63: 513, Fall of the Flag, The ; a story. (L. G. Giltner) Mun- sey, 28: 46, Fall of the House of Johns. 98: 194. Fall of the Kitchen Barometer, The; a story. (E. H. Porter) Arena, 28: 638, (W. J . Hopkins) Atlan. Fall of a Metan, The; a tale of war in Mindanao. (C. C. Bateman) Overland, n. s. 44! 569. Fall of Thomas Oakley, The ; a story. (F. M. Alger) Outing, 42: 659. Fall River, Mill Girl of, Story of a. (Gertrude Barum) Indep. 58: 241, —— Strike at, Relief Work in. Fallacies, How to know the. 96: 617. Fallieres, Armand, New President of France. Indep. 60: 367. —- With portrait. (V. Thompson) Every’ body’s, I42 6I7.—-Spec. 96: 86, Falling a Mile; a story. (C. H. Claudy) Outing, 45: 161, Falling Bodies. (A. Hall) Science, 11. s. 17: 349. False News, Publishing of, a Misdemeanor. (M. H. Judge)Westm. I66: 617, False Start; a story. (J . Barlow) Cornh. 90: 654, Falstaff, Sir John, Rejection of. (A. C. Bradley) Fortn. 77: 849. =Liv. Age, 233: 711. Fame. Does it pay to be Famous? (W. D. Hall) Lamp, 29: 613, -- Immortality and. (E. Gosse) Cosmopol. 36: 547, -—— Posthumous and Contemporary. Dial, 34: 229, Char. I3: 391, (S. M. Crothers) Atlan. FAME Fame of Don Esteban. (W. Bulfin) Everybody’s, I2: 389- Familiar Touch, Trick of the. (F. T. Cooper) Book- man. 19‘ 495- Familiarity in Address. Sat. R. 94: 731. Families, American, Decrease in the Size of. Thorndike) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 64. — Needy, Aiding, in their Homes. (E. D. Solenberger) Char. I4: 1000, -—. The Right of the Child. 176: 106. -— Small, Why do Americans prefer ‘P (Lydia K. Com- mander) Indep. 57: 847. Familistere Childhood Festival, Guise, France. Champury) Californian, 3: 61. Family, The. Indep. 58: 830, —— and Christ’s Teachings. (C. F. Thwing) Bib. Sac. 61: 1. — Evolution of the. (Oscar Browning) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 61 87. —— My Large. -— of the 20th Century, The. Age, 241: 820, --— Plea for the. (J . Hill) Bib. Sac. 62: 626. — Pleasures of the. Liv. Age, 246: 249, -— Should the Individual be sacrificed to the ? (E. L. Sutherland) Westm. I66: 436, —— Small, has it become an American Ideal? (Lydia K. Commander) Indep. 56: 836, —— Tribe and. (A. Lang) Fortn. 80: 782. -—— vs. Solitude of Self. (Marion Harland) Indep. 54: 202, -—- Why I have no. Indep. 58: 654. Family Ability. Nature, 74: 97. Family Cruise, A. (J . F. Wilson) Munsey, 34: 466. Family Desertion. (J . Garfield Moses) Char. I3: 484. — and Non-Support Laws. (W. H. Baldwin) Char. 14: 912, — Conference on. Char. I0: 483, -— Legislation on, in New York State. Char. 13: 145. — a Pressing Social Problem. Char. I4: 657. Family Jars ; a story. (G. A. England) Am. M. 62: 172, Family Life. (Annie P. Call) Am. M. 60: 197, —— Christian, in Pre-Reformation Days. (F. A. Gas- quet) Cath. World, 84: 146, —- Recovery of. (Rebecca H. Davis) Indep. 59: 673, Family Pride. (Murray Gilchrist) Idler, 29: 64. Family Record, A, of the 16th Century. (H. J. Car- penter) Antiq. n. s. 38: 48. Famine and Controversy. (G. M. Chesney) 19th Cent. (E. L. (I. H. Harper) No. Am. (E. Indep. 58: 659. E01. M. 143: 221. = Liv. 511 478- —- and Plenty in Joseph’s Time. (G. F. Wright) Bib. Sac. 59: 169. — Railroads and. (H. Bell) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 290. Famous Feuton Opal, The; a. story. (A. T. Sadlier) Cath. World, 80: 187, Famous Irish Trial, A. (G. J . Ball) Westm. 163: 5 30, Fan, Glories of the. (O. Uzanne) Cosmopol. 41: 167. Fan of Iacchus. (J . E. Harrison) J . Hel. Stud. 24: 241. Fanaticism in the United States. (J. M. Buckley) Cent. 45: 196. Fanny the Rebel; a story. 11. s. 73: 209. Fans, Artistic. (Hannah Falcke) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 489, Fantasies which have come True. (T. C. Hepworth) Chamb. J. 81: 712, Fantin-Latour, Henri. (F. Weitenkampf) Critic, 43: (K. Sylvester) Gent. M. . 514. —- and Boudin, Eugene. (F. Wedmore) 19th Cent. 67: 97, = Liv. Age, 245: 106. —-Art J. 57: 58.-—-Ath. ’04, 2: 326.-- (R. Bonyer) Studio (Internat.) 24: 36. — Art J . 56: 348. — (D. S. MacCo1l) Sat. R. 98: 425- 219 FARMER’S Far- Adventures of Billy Burns; a story. Manus) Cosmopol. 36: 459. Far East. See East, Far. Farallone Islands, California. West, 16: 489. Farley, James, Strike Breaker, with portrait. (B. T. F redericks) Am. M. 60: 106. —- (Leroy Scott) World’s Work, 10: 6199. Farley, John, Lieut., Letters of, with portrait. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 49. Farley, John Murphy, Archbishop of New York, with portrait. Oath. World, 76: 142. Farm, Going Back to the Old. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. 6: 435. —Modern, Making of a. 942- - — Starting Life on a. 59: 841. — University, Use of. (L. H. Bailey) Calif. Univ. Chron. 31 49. — Why do the Boys leave the? (L. H. Bailey) Cent. 50: 410, Farm Book, A 17th—Century. (W. H. Thompson) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 266. Farm Boy’s Triumph. (J . S. Crawford) Gunton’s M. 231 314. Farm Colonies for Middle-class Families. ston) Westm. I59: 635. Farm Colonies, Salvation Army’s. Ctry Life Am. 3: 238. — — in Prowers Co., Col. 26: 561. Farm-cottage Holdings. Bar, 125: 695. Farm Education. (D. E. M’Clure) Educa. 26: 65. Farm Laborers, Ancient Customary Privileges in Use till Sixty Years Ago. (F. S. Potter) Gent. M. n.s. 773 399- -— British. (B. Seebohm Rowntree) Indep. R. 6: 216, Farm Machinery, Revolution by. (W. B. Thornton) World’s Work, 6: 3766, See Agricultural Machinery. Farm Mortgage of To-day. (C. M. Harger) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) ss= 572-. Farm Population, Keeping Back the. World’s Work, 132 8243. Farm-school in the Transvaal, A. Indep. R. 5: 210, =Liv. Age, 245: I65. Farmer, New England. (H. C. Merwin) Everybody’s, 8: 337- Day’s Work of. (H. F. Day) Everybody’s, 7: 161, Farmer Youth and the Public Schools. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 449. — Practical Education for. (N. Y.) 28: 456. — vs. City Boys. (S. Mac- (R. A. Thompson) Out (L. H. Bailey) Outl. 83: (Josepha B. Godson) Indep. (J . John- (W. J . Reynolds) (A. Shaw) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) (H. B. M. Buchanan) Temp. (C. A. F icke) (W. M. Hays) (O. J. Kern) R. of Rs. (F. Putnam) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I33 234- Farmers, American, Life of, Improved Conditions in. (C. H. Matson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26! 329. — — Social Problems of. (K. L. Butterfield) Am. J. Sociol. 10: 606, — New Hope of. (D. Fairchild) World’s Work, 12: 7731- - of the U. S. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 39. Farmer’s College on Wheels. (B. T. Washington) World’s Work, I3: 8352, Farmers’ Institute, Traveling. World’s Work, 12: Farmers’ Institutes. 638. Farmer’s Seasons, The; Four Pictures in Colors. B. Frost) Scrib. M. 40: 215. (E. P. Lyle, jr.) 2515, (K. L. Butterfield) Chant. 34: (A0 ' Farmhouses, English. FARMERS’ Farmers’ Trust in Iowa. (H. A. Wood) World’s Work, 6: 3651, Farmer’s Wife, One. Indep. 58: 294. Farmhouse. Reconstruction with an Ax. Ctry Life Am. 8: 609, Farmhouses, Attractive. Am. 6: 546. (I. Cox) (R. C. Spencer) Ctry Life (G. A. T. Middleton) Archit. Rec. 12: 514. Farming as a Business Enterprise. (E. C. Parker) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 62. ‘ -—— as an Occupation. (W. J . Bryan) Cosmopol. 36: 369- — by Modern Machinery in Western U. S. (D. Rankin) Booklover’s M. 6: 458. — Cotiperative. Spec. 93: I56. — —- An Economic Experiment in'Iowa. wood) Cent. 44: 98. — Creative. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 57: 732. — Desert, without Irrigation. (H. Quick) World’s Work, 12: 7886, — Dry, the Hope of the West. (J . L. Cowan) Cent. 5°! 435- —- F1-eak,Collapse of. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. (W. S. Har- 4- 14. — in California. (J . R. Grayson) Calif. M. 4: 200. —— Passing of the Hired Man. Science, 11. s. 16: 375. — Small, in Yorkshire. (J . L. Kyle) Econ. R. 12: 299. —- Some Aspects of. Chamb. J . 80: 283. — Successful, in Connecticut. (Wilhehn Miller) Ctry Life Am. 8: 538. -— Tod’s. (A. D. Hall) Sat. R. 96: 697. —- Why Some Boys take to. (L. H. Bailey) Cent. 50: 612, — without Water. 11: 862. Farming College, Lady Warwick’s, for Girls. Spender) Cent. 48: 548. Farming Holiday, A. (C. L. Maynard) Contemp. 88: 90. = Liv. Age, 246: 5 30, Farmington, Maine. (M. S. Stimpson) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 387. Farms, British Military, in South Africa. (E. F. Har- vie) Fortn. 84: 294, Farms, French. (Anatole Girard) Archit. Rec. 13: 299. — Government Model. (J . J . Hill) Cent. 51: 184. —- Object-lesson. (H. B. N eedham) World’s Work, 11: 6871, Farnham, Paulding, Recent Art Work by. (Internat.) 292 Xciii. F arnum, Charles, Oregon Expedition of. Am. Antiq. 28: 4, Fiiroe-Shetland Channel, Hydrography of. Dickson) Geog. J . 21: 418, F arquhar, G. (W. Archer) Fortn. 84: 799. Farragut, David, Admiral, Letter of, 18 5 3. Thwaites) Am. Hist. R. 9: 537. Farragut, George, Two Letters from, to Andrew Jack- son, 1815-16. (W. C. Ford) Am. Hist. R. g: 766. Farrar, Dean F. W., as Headmaster. Cornh. 87: 597. '-‘Eel. M. 141: 2o.=Liv. Age, 2371 577. (J . L. Donahue) World To-day, (H. Studio (H. N. (R. G. -—— Farrar’s Life of. (M. E. Cook) Dial, 36: 297. Fascinating of Mr. Savage. (H. Milecete) Lippinc. 72: 643. Fascination of the Dolls’ House ; a story. Temp. Bar, 133: 109. Fasciolaria. (H. L. Osborn) Am. Natural. 38: 869. Fashion. (G. Simmel) Internat. Q. 10: 130, — An Economic View of. (J. Cruikshank) Arena, 27: (N. Syrett) 387- — Geography of. Spec. 92: 122, -— The Wheel of. Spec. 94: 666, 220 FATTED Fashionable Set, Ultra, in American Society. (C. W. de L. Nichols) Indep. 54: 9!. Fashions, how Originated in Paris. Booklover’s M. 5: 619. -— how they are set. (Nancy M. W. Woodrow) Cos- mopol. 33: 253. — in Dress, Creating. (Eliz. Meredith) Cosmopol. 39: 62 3. —— in Fiction. (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Indep. 58: 1407. -—— Paris, Evolution of. (F. Lees) Pall Mall M. 27: 113. — Some Affected. (G. P. Gordon) Gent. M. n. s. 74; (Anna M. Ewing) 73' Fast and Loose. (Mrs. Robert K. Evans) Overland, n. s. 47: 177. Fat, The Body’s Utilization of. (F. S. Mathews) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 425. Fata Morgana of the Straits of Messina. (G. H. Bryan) Nature, 67: 393. Fatal Chamber, The. 239. Fatal Hand, The. (Tr. fr. the French by I. Sargent) Craftsman, 3: 144, 225. . Fatal Sisters, The. (M. C. McGiffert) Scrib. M. 33: 284. Fate. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 99: 377. Fate and the Pocketbook. (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, (C. Dangerfield) Lippinc. 73: 355 374- Fate of Alvara, The. (Elliott Flower) Lippinc. 78: 3 5 3. Fate of Francesco, The. (Sophie Jewett) Scrib. M. 38: 101, Fate of Sir Aubrey Draxell. J. 80, Xmas no. 25. F ate’s Juggler. (Prince Vladimir Vaniatsky) Lippinc. 73: 620, Fate’s Revenge. (C. Holland) Chamb. J . 82: 189. Father; a sketch. (R. R. Gilson) Harper, I05: 515. Father, A. VVhat he can do for his Son. (H. T. Peck) Cosmopol. 33: 704. Father and his Son, A; a story. (E. Pottle) Harper, 113: 614. Father by Grace of the Court ;_ a story. (L. K. Mabie) Munsey, 32: 175. Father James; a story. Harper, I09: 16, Father Louis ; a story. (A. D. Brodie and W. V. Cook) Temp. Bar, 132: 737. = Liv. Age, 248: 285, Father of the Fields, A. (Jean Rameau) Liv. Age, 232: 26. , Father of a Full-back, The ; a story. (M. Michaelson) Munsey, 30: 443. Father Redbeard. (Wm. Westall) Good Words, 46: (T. W. Speight) Chamb. (Harriet Prescott Spofiord) 870, Father Rhine. (Francis E. Romanés) Chamb. J . 83: 1 56. Father, Son, and Grandson ; a story. (W. R. Lighten) Cosmopol. 36: 337. Father’s Heroism, A. C-haut. 37: 302. Father’s Relation to his Daughter. Cosmopol. 34: 46°. “ Fathers, The, gave Rome the Primacy.” Westall) Dub. R. 132: I00, Fatigue. (W. R. Gowers) Quar. 200: 556.=Ecl. M. . I44= 344- - —— Attention Waves as a Means of Measuring. (W. B. Pillsbury) Am. J . Psychol. 14: 547. -— Study of Present Methods of Testing. (A. C. Ellis and Maud M. Shipe) Am. J . Psychol. 14: 547. — Suggestions for a New Method of Investigation. (C. R. Squire) Psychol. R. 10: 248. ' Fatio, Edmond, and his Swiss Architecture. (R. Mobbs) Studio (Internat.) 24: 17. Fatted Calf, The ; a story. (G. MacG. Cooke) Munsey, 31: 669. (H. T. Peck) (A. St. L. FATTENING 61: 452. Fatuity of Tompkin; a story. sey, 3122 JIO, Faught, Luther R., 1828-1901, Obituary Notice. (E. J . Houston) J . Frankl. Inst. I53: 301. Faulkner Farm, Brookline, Mass. (B. Fisher) New Eng. M. n. s. 251 577. Faunt, Nicholas, Discourse Touching the Oflice of Principal Secretary of Estate, etc., 1592. (C. _ Hughes) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 499. ' Faust in Music. (E. Newman) Contemp. 83: 673.-—" Liv. Age, 238: 45. Faust Puppets. (W. H. Pollock) Sat. R. 95: 481, 514- Faversham Abbey, Notes on, from Parishioners’ Wills. (A. Hussy) Antiq. n. s. 42: 51. Favor of Hachieman. (A. M. Bacon) Atlan. 96: 95. Favorite Texts of Famous People. (D. Loinaz) Sund. M. 32: 324. Favorites of the Regent, The. (K. S. Macquoid) Chamb. J. 81, Extra no.: 23. Fawcett, Edgar. (N. Newmark) Californian, 3: 327. Fay, Hervé. (W. E. Plummer) Nature, 66: 277. Fayette County, Texas, Early Newspapers of. (J . L. Sinks) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. I: 34. Fayum Province of Egypt. Nature, 72: 5 35. — (O. G. Brooke) Calif. M. 5: 97. — Fossil Vertebrates of. (R. Lydekker) Nature, 74: (R. G. Giltner) Mun- I75- . Fayum Portraits, Dating of the. (G. G. Edgar) J . Hel. Stud. 25: 225. “ Fear, Frantic.” (J . Isabell) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 242. - Place of, among Religious Motives. (H. M. Whit- ney) Bib. Sac. 63: 227. Fearing, Blanche Mildred. uca. 22: 448, “Feast of Kebobs ; ” a reminiscence. Blackw. 175: 459. Feast of the Lilies at Nola. World To-day, I0: 184, Feast of Locusts. (E. M. Tybout) Lippinc. 73: 475. Feaster, The; a poem. (Josephine P. Peabody) Atlan. 91: 364. Feasts and Fasts of the Jews in Modern Palestine. (E. W. G. Masterman) Bib. World, 23: 24, 110, — of All Souls. (J . G. Frazer) Fortn. 86: 475. — A Round of Oflicial Dinners. (H. Macfarlane) Chamb. J. 79: 289, Feathered Failure, A; a story. (J . O. Whittemore) Outing, 43: 258. Feathers, Emarginate Primary, Interlocking of, in Flight. (C. C. Trowbridge) Am. J . Sci. 171: 145- February in England. (E. Thomas) Atlan. 89: 209. Fechner, Gustav Theodor, with portrait. (J . M. Bald- win) Psychol. R. 13: 141, -— Principles of ZEsthetics, An Experimental Study of. (L. J. Martin) Psychol. R. 13: 142, Fechner’s Colors. (Florence N. Bagley) Am. J . Psy- chol. 13: 488. F eddén, A. Romilly, Sketches in Pencil by. Studio (Internat.) 25: 310, Federal Convention of I 73 7, Papers of James McHenry on. Am. Hist. R. 11: 595. Federal Courts, N on-federal Law administered in. (W. Trickett) Am. Law R. 40: 819, Federal Power, New Fields for. (P. L. Allen) Na- tion, 82: 131, Federation, Biology of. (J . A. Cockburn) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 272, —- Imperial. (T. B. Strange) Un. Serv. M. 26: 563. Federation of American Churches, A Great. (G. P. Morris) R. of Rs. (N.Y.) 32: 591. (Bessie L. Putnam) Ed- (Lady Currie) (W. G. Fitz-Gerald) 221 ' Fattening of David; a story. (W. B. Adams) Am. M. FENN ' Federation of Churches. (W. H. Ward) Indep. 591 1135. ——Hartf. Sem. Rec. 10: 183. Feeble-minded, The. (M. Dendy) Econ. R. 13: 257. - Convention of Ofiicers for. (E. R. J ohnstone) Char. 9: 112, Feed-water Heaters. (W. W. Christie) Cassier, 24: 33°- Feeding the Army of the Potomac. (J . Rodney Ball) New Eng. M. 11. s. 322 345. ' Feel Doll, The; a story. 111: 298. Feeling and Intellect. (F. Grierson) Critic, 48: 264. —- Psychological Accompaniments of, Experimental Study of. (L. P. Boggs) Psychol. R. 11: 223, — Tridimensional Theory of, Plethysmographic Evi- dence for. (H. C. Stevens) Am. J . Psychol. 14: 13. Fees, Determinable, in American Jurisdictions. (J . M. Zane) Harv. Law R. I7: 297. Feldspars. Nature, 72: 258. — Determination of, by Means of their Refractive In- dices. (F. E. Wright) Am. J. Sci. 171: 361. —- Isomorphism and Thermal Properties of. (A. L. Day and E. T. Allen) Am. J. Sci. 169: 93. F élibres in Provence, Among the. (Constance E. Maud) Monthly R. 22: no. 1: 40, Fellah, My Friend the. (W. Miéville) 19th Cent. 56: 443.=Liv. Age, 243: 102. Fellah Wedding at Siloam. (H. H. Spoer) Bib. World, 26: 7. Fellah’s Yoke-mate, The. 85: 1093, Fellow Servant Doctrine, Extension of, to the Admi- ralty. (F. Cunningham) Harv. Law. R. 18: 294. F ellow-feeling Kinship, A. (Francis Lynde) Lippinc. -76: 318. Fells, Harvest Time on the. 89: 359. — Storm and Calm among the. (W. T. Palmer) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 33. Fells Tragedy, A; a story. 11. s. 68: 74. Felsted School. Sat. R. 972 104. Feminine Mind Worship. (J . Swinburne) Westm. I58: 18 (A. H. Donnell) Harper, (Sir W. F. Miéville) F ortn. (W. T. Palmer) Spec. (W. T. Palmer) Gent. M. 7. _ Feminine Standard, A; a story. (C. Oliver) Cosmo- P01-37= 207. - F éminisme, Mon, Review of. Westm. 164: 27, Feminist in Science, The. (G. Stanley Hall) Indep. 60: 661. Fence, Beautifying a. (W. C. Burgess) Ctry Life Am. 6- 545- Fences, Problem of. (L. H. Bailey and others) Ctry Life Am. 4: 324, Fencing and F encers, Stage. (K. Bellew) Outing, 42: 53- ~ — Art of. (T. Lowther) National, 41: 300. — French and Italian Schools. (A. Lynch) Outing, 39: 673- — in France. (F. A. Schwab) Outing, 46: 105. - Swordsmanship Historically Considered. (E. Castle) Cornh. 89: 686, ——- Two Masters of Fence. (W. W. Dixon) Chamb. J. 83: 319. Fénélon and his Critics. (V isct. St. Cyres) Quar. I95: 29. =Liv. Age, 233: 136. : Ecl. M. 138: 789. - in Exile, 1699-1715. (M. M. Maxwell Scott) Dub. R- I39= 300- . — Three Lives of. Month, 100: 208. Fenestella, Development of. (E. R. Cumings) Am. J. Sci. 170: 169. Feng. (H. L. Morris) Longm. 451 36. Fenn, Frederic, and Pryce, Richard. Saturday to Monday. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 520. FEN N Fenn, John R. (A. B. Looscan) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 8: 259. Fens, In the. (A. C. Benson) Atlan. 98: 832, F enway Court, Boston, Art Treasures of. (M. A. Mil- likin) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 241. -(Anne O’Ha- gan) Munsey, 34: 65 5. F enwick’s Career. (Mrs. Humphry Ward) Cent. 491 3“955- 50: 55-220- Ferguson, C. The Czar’s Man [Pobedonostseif] an- swered, with portrait. Cosmopol. 40: 414, F eria, Jane, Duchess of. (H. I. Arden) Gent. M. n. s. 74= 444. Fermentation, Geometry and the Chemistry of. (W. J. Pope) J. Soc. Arts, 49: 677—713. - without Yeast Cells. (R. H. Bradbury) J . Frankl. Inst. 157: 41. - Ferments and Fermentations. Cornh. 88: 834, (VV. A. Shenstone) -Fernando de N oronha: Is its Peak a Volcanic Plug like that of Mont Pelé ? (J . C. Branner) Am. J . Sci. 166: 442. Ferns, Fertile Fronds of Crossotheca and Myriotheca, and the Spores of other Carboniferous Ferns from Mazon Creek, Ill. (E. H. Sellardo) Am. J. Sci. 164: 195, - and their Habits. (C. E. Waters) World To-day, 6: 655. - California Mountain. Sun. 6: 74, 113. - Collecting California. Sun. 7: 91. - Giesenhagen’s Die Farngattung Niphobolus. M. Underwood) Science, 11. s. 15: 623. - Mountain, for the Home Garden. (H. L. Jones) Out West, 21: 117, - Number of Known. (M. L. Merriman) Land of (M. E. Francisco) Land of (L. (L. M. Underwood) Science, 11. s. 24: 761, - Some California. (Kate E. Smith) Overland, n. s. 4I= 247- - Waters on. (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 18: 796. Ferrara, Italy. (Honoré Maren) Am. Arch. 89: 207, 216, go: 29, - Dukes and Poets in, Gardner’s. Ath. ’04, 2: 509. Ferrers, Norman Macleod. Ath. ’o3, 1: 180, Ferric Chloride, Behavior of, in the Zinc Reductor. (D. L. Randall) Am. J. Sci. 171: 128. Ferro-concrete. Am. Arch. 782 38.-(E. Noaillon) Am. Arch. 88: 67, Ferrous Sulphate, Use of, in the Estimation of Chlo- rates and Bromates. (I. K. Phelps) Am. J. Sci. 167: 201, Ferry, The. (S. G. Tallentyre) Temp. Bar, 125: 308, F ersen and Marie Antoinette. (A. Laugel) Nation, 75: 398. Fertile Hand, The; a. story. (E. Rickert) Atlan. 94: 692, . Fertilization, Cross, in Sociology. (J . Collier) Knowl. 26: 25, 77. Fertilizer, Ground Rock for. (A. S. Cushman) Science, 11. s. 22: 838. Fertilizers and the Reaction of Soil. Science, 11. s. 23: 710, Festing, Gabrielle. On the Distafl-' Side. Monthly R. 15, no. 2: 14. Festum Stultorum. (V. Hemming) 19th Cent. 57: 1000, Fete des Vignerons in Vevey. (A. Schinz) Bookman, 22: 325. Fetish; its Relation to the Family. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 410, Fetish Stone of the MacNabs. (A. Long) Indep. 55: (F. P. Veitch) (R. H. Nassau) 2801, Fetishism in Children. (G. Harold Ellis) Pedagog. Sem. 9: 205. 222 FICTION Fetishism, in West Africa, Nassau’s. berlain) Nation, 80: 465. - Ath. ’04, 2: 698. Fetter, Frank A., on Theory of Value. (R. F. Hoxie) Q. J. Econ. 19: 210. 5 Feud in the Five Towns, A. (E. A. Bennett) Cornh. 86: 53. = Liv. Age, 234: 303. Feudal State, The Modern. (G. V. Morris) Meth. R. 66: 914. Feudalism, Benevolent. (W. J . Ghent) Indep. 54: 781. - Chivalry and the Communes in the Middle Age. (R. Parsons) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 39. — or Commonwealth ? (J . B. Clark) Indep. 54: 1275. - or Individualism ? (W. J . Ghent) Indep. 54: 1647. Feuds, Land of. (H. Davis and C. Smyth) Munsey, 30: 161. Fenilletons and their Writers. Acad. 69: 1174. Feure, Georges de, Artist. (R. Paux) Brush & P. 12: 101, Fiancé in Triplicate. (E. F lower) Lippinc. 71: 587. Fianna, Living Legends of the. (Augusta Gregory) Monthly R. 18, no. 2: 74. Fibers, Vegetable, of the Philippine Islands.- (H. T- Edwards) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 222. Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, Defense of Fichte and Las- salle. (D. B. Montfiore) Westm. 107: 89, — Leon on. (E. B. Talbot) Philos. R. 12: 68, Fick, Adolf. (A. J . Kaukel) Nature, 66: 180, Fiction, American, Beginnings of. (T. M. Parrott) Booklover’s M. 5: 263. - and Fact. (The Bachelor Maid) Indep. 60: 1020, - and F atalism. (I. Crook) Meth. R. 65: 433. - and Modern Scientific Beliefs. Acad. 70: 548. - and Social Ethics. (E. Steele) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 254, - Art and the Detective. (C. Chesterton) Temp. Bar, 134: 322, . - Aspects of Contemporary. (Archibald Henderson) Arena, 36: 1. - The Cardinal Virtues of. Dial, 40: 221, - Classification of, in Libraries. (0. R. H. Thompson) Lib. J. 28: 77o.=Pub. Lib. 8: 414. — - — Proposed. Lib. J . 27: 946. - Coming Thing in. (N. Stephenson) World To-day, g: 885. - Contemporary Themes in. (M. Moss) Outl. 84: 7 72- - Decay of the Novel. (B. Swift) Critic, 42: 59.- (J. K. Bangs et al.) Critic, 42: 149. - Development of Character in. Acad. 69: 85 5.: Liv. Age, 246: 819, — English and French, in the 19th Century. Acad. 62: 117, ' - English Isolation of. Acad. 63: 505. — Fallacies about the Short Story. Acad. 63: 396, 420, I - Fashions in. (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Indep. 58: 1407, -(B. O. Flower) Arena, 30: 287. - The Flood of. Gent. M. n. s. 66: 246.: Liv. Age, 251: 179. - for the Sickroom. (Mrs. M. E. Francis Blundell) Acad. 70: 403. — History in. (P. Sidney) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 571. - The Hopeful Tendency in. (F. T. Cooper) Am. M. 61: 94. — Ideal Characters in. 1 Pall Mall M. 26: 276. - in Education, Use and Value of. (I. E. Lord) Lib. J. 28:'supp. 23. - in the Free Public Library. (J . C. Dana) Lib. J . supp. 36. — - J. C. Dana on. Lamp, 27: 62, - - Some Problems concerning. (P. C. Steiner) Lib. J. 28: supp. 33. -—- - Where draw the Line of Exclusion ? (A. G. Rockwell) Pub. Lib. 8: 307. (A. F. Cham- ' FICTION Fiction, in our Public Libraries. Atlan. 94: 859. —- (Zaidee Grifiin) Pub. Lib. 8: 57. -— (H. G. Wadlin) Pub. Lib. 9: I70, -—— Influence upon Reform. 466. —- Is it deteriorating ? (J . H. F indlater) National, 432 57. I Eel. M. I421 314. =Liv. Age, 241: 134, ——- Local and National Types in. (M. Twombly) Bk. Buyer, 24: 105. -—— The Longevity of. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 23: 412, — Mainspring of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 65: 515. —- Modern, Jane H. F indlater on. Spec. 92: 644. — Murder in Modern, Psychology of. (W. C. Sullivan) Gent. M. n. s. 731 487. — New Types in, Evolution of. 12: I29, —- 19th Century, Supernatural in. Ed. R. 197: 395. -— North and South. (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Critic, 43: (Elliott Flower) Critic, 48: (P. Butler) Sewanee, 273- —- Novels of 1902. Acad. 63: 493. =Liv. Age, 235: 698. ~ — The Old Controversy. (H. B. M. Watson) Monthly R. 13, no. 1: 154. — Overproduction of, Publishers’ Views on. (C. Ship- man) Critic, 44: 249. — Point of View in. (Agnes Repplier) Harper, I04: 611, — “' Prigs” and “ Cads” in. (N eith Boyce) Bookman, . 23: 490. -— Prose, Bliss Perry on. Ath. ’o3, I: 588, -— Prospects of 1905. (C. F. Keary) Liv. Age, 247: 696. —- Readers of, and the Libraries. (J . C. Dana) Outl. W -512. — Red Blood in. (Churchill Williams) World’s Work, 6: 3694. — Red Torches and White. Macmil. 85: 279. ——- Reviewing of. (R. Bagot) 19th Cent. 59: 288, : Liv. Age, 248: 673. — Sanity in. (H. Garland) No. Am. 176: 336, — Sensational, Ethics of. (A. Smith) Westm. I62: 188. —- The Short Story in England. Acad. 64: 252, — -—— in the Novel. (I. Moore) Critic, 42: 275, ——- Significant Tendencies in Current. (M. Moss) Atlan. 95: 689. — Some Phases in. (W. Sichel) Fortn. 78: 28 5, : Eel, M. 139: 701. =Liv. Age, 235: 65, — Some Racial Contrasts in. Ed. R. 196: 120, — Some Real People in. (W. M. Clemens) Bookman, 16: 486. — Sordid Detail in. (M. K. Ford) Putnam, I: 123, —- Subjects Fit for. (Owen VVister) Lib. J . 31: C 20, — Suggestions for Purchase and Circulation. (F. L. Rathbone) Lib. J . 28: 110, — Tendencies of Recent. (F. W. Nichols) Arena, 32: 10. —— Tragic in. — The Truth about. I75- - — Unimaginative View of. Cent. 46: 488. -— Use and Abuse of. (C. M. Shelton) Indep. 54: 965. —The World’s, for I901. (Talcott Williams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 440, See also Novels. Fiddler, The; a story. Field, Eugene, the Humorist. (Jack London) Critic, 42: 5 39, (A. E. Bostwick) Pub. Lib. 7: (S. Ford) Harper, I12: 780, (F. Wilson) Cent. 42: 446- - The Many-sided. (Julian Ralph) Bk. Buyer, 24: 6 . 2 . Field, Kate, with portrait. (C. W. Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 361, ' 223 FILIBUSTERING Field, Marshall, with portrait. (J . Dennis, jr.) Every- body’s, 14: 29I. —- a Good Example. (F. H. Giddings) Indep. 60: 2 56. Field, Stephen J ., with portrait. (Van V. Veeder) Green Bag, 15: 323, Field and Siege Operations. Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 105. Field-artillery, March of the 6th Battery. Gatchell) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 57, 219. Field Duties, Notes on. (J . Parker) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 347- —— History and Present Position of. Un. Serv. M. 25: 272, 380. Field Howitzer. Un. Serv. M. 25: I 54. Field Instruction and Manoeuvers. (E. E. Britton) Army & Navy Life, 9: 315. Field Names. Spec. 91: 556. Field Sports of To-day. (D. W. Huntington) Cent. 44: 890. Fieldcraft and the Townsman. Spec. 96: 608. Fieldfares. Spec. 952 359. Fielding, Copley, Two Pictures by. Art J . 58: 298. Fielding, Henry. (A. M. Logan) Nation, 772 441. —— for the Girl of Eighteen. (J . M. Bullock) Lamp, 29: I95- —— Wholesomeness of his Novels. (P. M. Craigie) Acad. 67: 51, Fielding, William Stevens, Canadian Minister of F i- nance. (H. F. Godsby) Canad. M. 21: 310, Fiesole, Italy. (Grace E. Channing) Calif. M. 4: 623, — (M. G. J. Kinlock) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 31. Fiesta at Warner’s Ranch, A. (H. N. Rust) Land of Sun. 10: 230, Fife Miners, Among the. 41.37o.~- Fifteen Drops; a story. (W. E. Norris) Cornh. 92: (W. R. Livermore) J. (G. W. (K. Durand) Blackw. I71: 784. Fifth Wheel. (I. B. Roberts) Lippinc. 70: 343. Fifty—mile Order, The. (Historicus) No. A111. 178: 235- Fifty-two Pound Salmon. (G. W. Hartley) Blackw. 178: 553. Fifty Years’ Wrestle. M. n. s. 30: 561, Fig, The. (Horace Edwards) Land of Sun. 3: 21. Fight; a story. (R. W. Child) Am. M. 61: 374. Fight at Buckskin, The. (C. E. Mulford) Outing, 47: 2 . Fight on Assembly No. 153, The. (Agnes L. Prevost) Overland, n. s. 422 199. Fighting for the Crown in Shropshire. 76: 155, Fighting Machines, New. (B. Brandenburg) Every- body’s, II: 579. Fighting Ships, Armor and Guns of. Cassier, 22: 99. Fights between Crécy and Poitiers, Some Neglected. (T. F. Tout) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 726. Figs from Thistles. (F. Reddale) Lippinc. 73: 515. Figure Heads; a Forgotten Art. (I. Moore) Crafts- man, 51 485. Figure Painters, American. 221, Fiji, Court Day in. (A. T. Sibbald) Green Bag, I 52 I91 . (M. E. S. Hymers) New Eng. Gent. M. n. s. (P. R. Alger) (0.121. Caflin) Critic, W —A Dance in the Pacific Islands. (F. Campbell) Fortn. 79: I083. — Geology of Vanua Levu. (T. C. Bonney) Nature, 69: 31. Fiji Festival, A. (J. La F arge) Cent. 453 513. Filial Pretense, A ; a story. (W. N. Harben) Harper, 107: 252. Filibustering, Strenuous Artof. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 42: 605, FILIBUSTERS Filibusters ; Fate of a Treasure-town. (H. Pyle) Harper, I12: 3. — Marooned with a Crew of. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 42: 730. Filing Papers, New Method of. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 427, Filipino and Chinese Banking, Humors of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 394. Filipino Death-warrant. Filipino Labor Supply. 331 317- Filipino Literature and Drama. land, 11. s. 45: 105. Filipino Songs and Music. (A. S. Riggs) Dial, 37: 227, Filipino Women and American. (Maria G. G. Q. De Joseph) Indep. 58: 1412, . Filipinos, Fighting Tactics of the. (J . C. Crane) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 31: 496, ——Splayed Foot in. (A. E. Jenks) Am. Anthropol. (J . R. M. Taylor) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 55. (G. H. Guy) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) (A. S. Riggs) Over- 7: 5°9- —- Teaching the. (P. N. Beringer) Overland, n. s. 43: 191, —— Working through the. 76: 86_. Filtration Works, Belmont. (J . W. Hill) J . Frankl. Inst. 157: 1, 89, 179, _ Final Propositions. (C. J . Brady) Lippinc. 70: 192, Final Selection. (G. B. Wuerpel) Lippinc. 74: 498. Finance, American. (M. M. Estee) Calif. M. 4: 536. — Decade of Decadence in. (Lord Welby) Contemp. 87: 214, -— Frenzied. (O. Villard) Nation, (T. W. Lawson) Everybody’s, vols. 11- 15. ~ -— Local [English]. (H. Morgan-Browne) Contemp. go: 568; Reply. (J. H. Schooling) 90: 758. — (J . H. Schooling) Fortn. 86: 331, -— Paternalistic. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 65, — Public, Pending Problems in. (E. R. A. Seligman) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 480, —- Source of Financial Power. (W. G. Langworthy Taylor) J. Pol. Econ. 13: 368. 4 -— State; Independent Treasury vs Bank Depositories. (C. S. Potts) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 571, ' Finances of the Shark System. (J . M. Palmer) Mc- Clure, 25: 406. Financial Crisis, Why there has been no. (A. D. Noyes) Yale R. 13: 239. Financial Dangers of American Credit Expansion. (F. A. Vanderlip) World’s Work, 5: 2906. Financial Future. (J . W. Cross) 19th Cent. 53: 98. Financial Institutions, Modern, and their Equipment. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 479, 643, 1011, Financial Measures in Congress, Failure of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 17. Financial Movements, Recent, in the United States. (J. Mavor) Econ. J. 14: 169, Financial Oligarchy, Our. (S. S. Pratt) World’s Work, 1o:'67o4, ’ . Financial Power, The Concentration of. (C. A. Co- nant) Internat. Q. 12: 34, Financial Retrospect, 1861-1901, Soc. 65: 47°. F inaucial Signs of the Times. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 741 34°- ‘ Financiers, Famous American. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: (R. Gifien) J . Statis. 219. Finches, North American. Am. Natural. 36: 333. -— Fruit Trees and. Spec. 96: 291. -— Wild, reared by Foster-parent Birds. (W. E. D. Scott) Science, 11. s. 19: 551. Finding of Martha ; Sequel to the Strength of Gideon. (P. L. Dunbar) Lippinc. 69: 375. 224 FINLAND Finding of the White Lama. (A. F. Mockler-Ferry- man) Chamb. J. 79: 4I7.=Liv. Age, 234: 356- 419- Findlater, Mary. The Rose of Joy. Monthly R. 14, no. 2: 17. Fine Arts, Abolish Duty on. 17: 106, -— The Artist’s Emancipation of Vision. (Margaret F. Richardson) Brush & P. 17: 62, — as Ethical Factor. (H. T. Bailey) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 41: 128. — at Columbia University. Brush & P. 17: 124. — Collecting VVorks of. (Russell Sturgis) Appleton’s M. 8: 166. — Experts in. Am. Arch. 88: 37. — Government Support of. (A. J . Finberg) Monthly R. 6,110, 2: 119, —— How to criticise. Brush & P. 18: 175. — in American Colleges. (E. Van Mach) Brush & P. 11: 107. — in the Netherlands. Am. Arch. 80: 51. — in Northern Europe. (H. Lauderdale) Brush & P. 14: 307. — Italian Law on. Am. Arch. 77: 71. —— More American Museums needed. (G. F. Comfort) Brush & P. 10: 285. —-Ministry of, Plea for a. Cent. 58: 376. — Muck-raking in the. Brush & P. 18: 18 3. — New York School of, Proposed. (N. M. Butler) Am. Arch. 87: 129. — Registration of. (Eugénie Strong) Am. Arch. 89: 127, — Types and Stereotypes in. Brush & P. 17: 82. —— Universities and. Archit. Rec. 12: 655, Fine Arts Federation of New York; The New York Alliance of Art Societies. (F. Crowningshield) Scrib. M. 38: 125. F inerty’s Ferry Tale, from “ The Fugitive Black- smith.” (David Stewart) Cent. 47: 528. Finger-prints an Aid to Identification of Criminals. (S. Heilig) Idler, 22: 333. —— Spec. 89: 393. = Ecl. M. 140: 254.=Liv. Age, 235: 315. —Liv. Age, 251: 698. —(Edmund Mitchell) World To-day, 9: (T. Allen) Brush &. P. (M. H. Spielmann) 19th 1000, —— an Ancient Reading of. (L. Robinson) No. Am. 180: 727. Finland and her Relation to Russia. (S. A. Korff) Outl. 82: 547. — and Russian Oppression. Everybody’s, I0: 597. — as it is, De Windt on. Ath. ’02, 1: 137, — Conflict in. (D. B. MacGowan) Cent. 47: 620, — The Crisis in. (H. M. Donner) Outl. 72: 157, — Education in, Russia and. (P. S. Reinsch) World To-day, 9: 852. — Fight of, for Freedom. 2857. — Frederiksen on. (L. M. Larson) Dial, 34: 236, — Latest Troubles of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 7 5: 44. — Libraries in. (A. A. Granfelt) Pub. Lib. 9: 396. — Literature of. (H. Ramsden) 19th Cent. 56: 772.: Liv. Age, 243: 833. — Pre—historic. (A. F. Chamberlain) Am. Antiq. 25: 42- — Present Danger of. (H. M. Donner) Outl. 82: 903, — Reign of Terror in. (J . Jackol) Arena, 30: 37. — Resurrection of. (W. T. Stead) Contemp. 88: 761. — Russia’s Policy in Defense of. (M. de Plehve) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 577. — Schools of vs. those of Russia. 26: 242, . —- Situation in. (I. A. Hourwich) J . Pol. Econ. 11: (E. Ehrstroem) Indep. 55: (A. T. Smith) Educa_ 290. -—- No. Am. 1791 913- FINLAN DER Finlander, The Young, and the National Spirit. M. Donner) Outl. 73: 124, Finley, John Huston. (E. M. Norris) Critic, 42: 515. — With portrait. Outl. 74: 826. Finley, W. L., Omithologist. (Grace A. Pierce) Out West, 23: 15. -- and H. J . Bohlman and their Bird Studies with a Camera. Craftsman, 8: 611, F innerty of the Elephant Keddah. Canad. M. 27: 163. Finney Family, Bristol Branch of. E. Reg. 60: 67, 155. Finnish Literature. (R. Puaux) Internat. Q. 8: 108. Finnish Writers, Representative. (Paul Harboe) Book- man, 23: 36. Fins of Fishes. (H. (W. A. Fraser) (F. C. Clark) N. (R. C. Osbnrn) Science, n. s. 23: 585. —-— Origin of. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 5 36. Finsen, Niels Ryberg. (G. M. Fox-Davies) Chamb. J . 82: 49. —- (J . A. Riis and others) McClure, 20: 360. — Nature, 70: 5 32, — and R. L. Stevenson. Spec. 93: 473. -— Light-treatment of Disease. (G. Pernet) Quar. 204: 133. -— (J. Moritzen) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 251 431. Fioretti, The, and the Gospels. (C. J . Shebbeare) Conte1np. 85: 739. Fir, Balsam. (A. O. Huntington) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 225, Fire and London Crowd. Spec. 92: 690, -— at Sea. (L. Perry) Am. M. 60: 599. —-— by Rubbing Sticks. (E. T. Seton) Ctry Life Am. 6: 145. -— fight Fire. (G. A. England) Munsey, 35: 461, -— Fighting. Chamb. J. 80: 69, — -— To-day and To-morrow. Scrib. M. 32: 449. —— Fire Risks, and Fire Prevention. Soc. Arts, 54: 927. —— History of. (J . C. Fernald) Harper, I05: 182, — In Defense of. (C. F. Binns) Craftsman, 3: 369. -— Precautions against. Am. Arch. 84: 75. — Protection against. (E. O. Sachs) National, 44: 1oo9. — —-— Existing Laws in England on. (T. B. Phillips; G. H. Paul; W. C. Henderson) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 375- — — — Dr. von Schwartz on. Ath. ’o4, 1: 534. —— -—for London, New. (A. M. Watson) 19th Cent. 59: 656. —-— —- High-pressure Systems for. sier, 28: 420. —- - in Theaters. 21, — Sacred, of Israel. 277- -— Wild, Riding through. Work, 6: 3581. Fire, Gun, Higher Control of. M. 32: 233. Fire Combat. 578. Fire Drills, Factory. (H. F. J. Porter) Cassier, 28: 277- F ire Engines, Automobile. (P. G. Hubert, jr.) (V. B. Lewes) J . (A. Blauvelt) Cas- (J . R. Freeman) Am. Arch. 89: (F. W. Balkwill) 19th Cent. 60: (Grace G. Seton) World’s (H. Mead) Un. Serv. (J. H. Verschoyle) Un. Serv. M. 30: (G. Glendon) Cassier, 28: 91. Fire Escapes in American Commercial Buildings. (C. A. Danbney) Am. Arch. 79: 27. Fire Hazards and how to avoid them. Cassier, 29: 209, -— Electrical. (J . C. Forsyth) Cassier, 24: 552. Fire Insurance Laboratories at Chicago. (W. H. Mer- rill, jr.) Am. Arch. 81: 63. See Insurance, Fire. (W. Devereux) 225 FIRES F ire-losses in Chicago. (H. B. Seely) Am. Arch. 87: 83. -— in the U. S. (Joseph K. Freitag) Engin. M. 31: 321. F ire-resisting Building Materials. Am. Arch. 81: 83. —-— (F. E. Cabot) Am. Arch. 87: 63. Fire-service in England and on the Continent. (Soc) Chamb. J. 82: 519. Fire—shntters. (J . R. Freeman) Am. Arch. 87: 162. F ire-sticks, Queensland. Knowl. n. s. 2: 58. F ire-walking in Fiji. Nature, 67: 130. = Liv. Age, 236: 252, Fire-warden, The; a story. (R. W. Chambers) Har- per, 108: 930. Fire \Vorship and the Swastika in America. Am. Antiq. 26: 185. F ire-worshipers, Persian, of Yezd. (A. V. W. Jack- son) Cent. 50: 691. Firearms, Evolution of, and Advancing Civilization. (J . Wheeler) J . Frankl. Inst. 153: 193. - of Ancient Times. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 587. — Rise of. (E. J. King) Un. Serv. M. 33: 323. Firemen in Foreign Countries. (Fritz Morris) Cosmo- pol. 34: 321. Firemen’s Tournament, The; a sketch. McClure, 23: 631, Fireplace, Building a. (E. Wood) (H. Garland) Ctry Life Am. 8: 645. -— Evolution of the. (R. C. Spencer, jr.) Ctry Life Am. 3: 73. —— A Family. Craftsman, 4: 201, Fireplaces, Ancient Indian, in So. Dakota Bad-lands. (A. E. Sheldon) Am. Anthropol. 7: 44. — in the Country Home. (W. H. Wickes) Ctry Life Am. 4: 413. — Italian. (A. Melani) Am. Arch. 87: 11. —— Old and New. Craftsman, 2: 309. Fireproof Building Construction. (Arthur Pordage) Am. Arch. 81: 75.-— (P. M. Stewart) Am. Arch. 82: 30. —— (F. W. Fitzpatrick) Am. Arch. 892 15!. Fireproof Buildings. (Max Clarke) Am. Arch. 81: 76. Fireproof Country Homes, Need of. (G. E. Walsh) Archit. Rec. 17: 508. Firepoof Material in Baltimore Fire. Am. Arch. 85: 19. Fireproof Wood. (E. Atkinson) Am. Arch. 77: 75. — (P. M. Stewart) Am. Arch. 79: 71. —— (Woolson) Am. Arch. 81: 61, Fire-proofing. Am. Arch. 88: 86. — in Theaters. (J . R. Freeman) Am. Arch. 89: 98. —- of Wood by Ferrell’s Apparatus. J . F rankl. Inst. 158: 139, — — Recent Advances in. n. s. 16: 424. — Simple VVays of. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 13: (J . R. Freeman) (S. P. Sadtler) Science, 1 1 9, Fires, Common Causes of. Am. Arch. 75: 22. — Factory, Preventing. (G. Iles) World’s Work, 6: 3679- -- Prevention of. (E. U. Crosby) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 404, — — in the U. S. (E. Atkinson) Am. Arch. 81: 43. — — Sachs on. (Russell Sturgis) Nation, 76: 380. — Nature, 67: 217. — Prevention of Loss by. 791 7°- — Recent, and their Lessons.’ (Ellis Marshland) Am. Arch. 79: 61. — the Red Monster. 20: 726. —-— Some Curious Causes of. J . 82: 364. See also Forest Fires. (E. Atkinson) Am. Arch. (F. W. Fitzpatrick) Open Court, (T. C. Bridges) Chamb. ‘ Fires of Cyfarthfa, The. FIRES (F. Wedmore) Sund. M. 34: 2 50. Fireside Patriots. (S. Scott-Moncriefl‘) Chamb. J . 79: supp. 38. ’ Firesides, English. Spec. 94: 171. Firing Regulations, Our New. (C. J . Crane) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 211. First Aid to Kittie James. (E. Jordan) Harper, I09: 469. First and Last, Sayings of Jesus about the. (F. C. Porter) J. Bib. Lit. 25: 97. First Love in Poetry. (C. J . Norris) Fortn. 84: 254. First Love of the Saxon, The. (G. Bronson-Howard) Everybody’s, I3: 659. First Mountain Ride; a sketch. (J. Blewctt) Canad. M. 22: 383. First Nights, Thirty Years of. Chamb. J. 80: 758. _ First 0’ May. (B. Bolt) Longm. 43¢ 30. First of October, The; a Dramatic Episode. Bacon) Harper, I09: 721, 4 First Steps. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 495. Firstlings and Other Sacrifices. (S. I. Curtiss) J . Bib. Lit. 22: 45. Fiscal Fallacies. (J . Dowman) Westm. I61: 375. Fiscal Problem, The. (“ Compatriot ”) National, 482 (W. M. Thomas) (J. D. 403. Fiscal Problems of To-day. (G. Byng) Fortn. 78: 453. See Great Britain: Tariff ; also, Tariff, and Pro- tection. Fischer, Otto, Artist, Work of. Studio (Internat.) 25: 44. ' Fish, Elisha, Notes from the Diary of. N. E. Reg. 56: 121, Fish, Hamilton, Secretary of State. Law R.'4OI 801, Fish, Stuyvesant. (R. N. Burnett) Cosmopol. 35: 647. —With portrait. Indep. 60: 557. Fish and Fishing Stories. (J . Johnson) Outing, 44: (Hans W. Singer) (G. T. Fish) (A. Spring) Am. 619, — Breeding Habits of Cray-fish. (E. A. Andrews) Am. Natural. 38: 165. —— Cranium of. (E. C. Starks) Science, 11. s. 21: 754. — Fish Life under the Ice. (C. Deming) Outing, 47: 378. -— Flying. (C. D. Durnford) Am. Natural. 40: 1. -—— Game, of the Middle-‘Vest. (T. E. G-ilpin) Indep. 56= I433- — How they got their Names. (C. W. Beebe) Outing, 46: 618. -— How to save the. (W. E. Meehan) Outing, 46: 377. —- Leap of the Trout and Other Fish. (W. C. Harris) Outing, 45: 125. ‘ — of Southern California, Famous. (C. F. Holder) Land of Sun. I: 110, — of the Western Sea; Some Curious Ones. P. Forbes) Overland, n. s. 43: 175 — Oral Breathing Valves of Teleosts. Am. Natural. 38: 153. -— The Pacific Jew Fish. (C. F. Holder) Calif. M. 2: 129, —— Planting of, as a. Business Enterprise. Outing, 47: 182. -— Report of the Ichthyological Research Committee. (A. K. Moe) Science, 11. s. 17: 1016, F ish-destroyers, Marine. (W. C. McIntosh) Harper, 1% 955- . Fish-destroying Birds and Seals. (R. B. Marston) 19th Cent. 55: 107. Fish Forms in Decorative Art. man, 8: 68. F ish-hawk, Nest of the. Am. 5: 510. (H. R. ' (E. G. Mitchell) (R. Bache) (I. Sargent) Crafts- (W. A. Johnson) Ctry Life 226 FISHES Fish Hawks. (W. J . Long) Outing, 40: 150, Fish-hooks, Strange. (C. J . Praetorius) Good Words, W 516. Fish-hospitals. Chamb. J. 83: 134. Fish Talk, Random. (W. C. Harris) Outing, 42: 762. Fish Trade of Boston. (Irah Dunklee) World To-day, 10: 581, Fisher, Alexander, Silverwork of. (T. M. Wood) Studio (Internat.) 22: 224, Fisher, Harrison, Illustrator. Brush & P. 9: 346. Fisher, John, Admiral, with portrait. Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 3: 51. —With portrait. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 23: 197. — Reformer of the British Navy. (F. T. Jane) Mun- sey. 33¢ 529- Fisher, Mrs. Rebecca J ., Capture and Rescue of. Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 3: 209. Fisher, S. Meton. (A. B. Daryll) M. of Art, 26: I47. Fisher—folk, New England. (G. W. Carryl) Harper, 105: 909. Fisheries, Atlantic, and Protection. Nation, 75: 111, — Cornish. (J . Isabel) Longm. 40: 344. I —— Hawaiian. (B. W. Evermann) Outing, 43: 660. — International Investigations of. (J . J ohnstone) Na- ture, 73: 255. — Laboratory of, at Beaufort, N. C. (C. Grave) Sci- ence, n. s. 211 732. (D. W. Prowse) — of Japan. (Hugh M. Smith) Nat. Geog. M. 16: ZOI, — of New England. (W. S. Birge) Booklover’s M. 4: 679. —- of the North Sea. (W. Garstang) J . Soc. Arts, 54: 401, -— Question of, Atlantic. (P. T. McGrath) Atlan. 90: 741- — U. S. Bureau of. (B. W. Evermann) Nat. Geog. M. 15: 191, —- U. S. Inland, Saving the. Work, 5: 2729. Fisherman of Costla, A. (J . B. Connolly) Scrib. M. 321 344- F isherman’s Luck ; a story. (W. S. Harwood) World’s (E. C. McCants) Outing, 43= 319- ~ Fishermerf, Among the Deep-sea. (W. T. Grenfell) Outl. 74: 695. — and the Law. (J. J. O’Connor) Green Bag, 16: 582, — of the Deep Sea. (A. J . Kenealy) Outing, 40: 733. =Ecl. M. 139: 613.: Liv. Age, 234: 747, — of Gloucester. (V. J . Slocum) Outing, 42: 587, — of Newfoundland. (P. T. McGrath) Outing, 442 306. Fisher’s Island. (H. R. Palmer) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 567. Fishery, Making a. Spec. 95: 11. — by Chinese on Pacific Coast. M. 4: 833. Fishery Commission Laboratory at Bergen, Instruction offered in. Science, 11. s. 16: 676. Fishery Congress, International, 1908. Science, n. s. 24: 57. Fishes, Blind, in Cuba. To-day, 5: 1131. — Boulenger’s Teleostean. Am. Natural. 38; S97. —— Bureau of Fisheries at Wood’s Hole, Mass. (F. B. Sumner) Science, 11. s. 21: 566. —- Classification of. (R. F. Wash) Calif. (H. M. Smith) (C. H. Eigenmann)‘World 63: 5, -— Colors of. (D. S. Jordan) Am. Natural. 36: 803. — Defensive Methods of. (F. G. Afialo) Cornh. 90: 822, -— Diseases of, Hofer’s Handbuch. ence, n. s. 202 14. (M. C. Marsh) Sci- (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo._ Q FISHES Fishes, Ears of. (W. M. Webb) Knowl. n. s. 2: 59. -— Electric Organ in some. (U. Dahlgren) Science, 11. s. 23: 469. — Evolution of. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 556. -— Extinct Pediculate. (T. Gill) Science, 11. s. 20: 84 5. — Flying, Flight of, Dumford on. Knowl. n. s. 3: 603. — Food of. (F. H. Sweet) Lippinc. 69: 596. — Fossil, in the British Museum. (G. A. B.) Nature, 65: 388. -— Fresh Water, of Mexico. (S. E. Meek) Am. Natural. 371 771- — — of South and Middle America. mann) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 515. — Fins of, Functions of. (A. Duges) Science, 11. s. 22: (C. H. Eigen- 798- —— Game, of the Pacific. (H. T. Payton) Calif. M. 2: 226, - — Habits of. (R. R. Gurley) Am. J . Psychol. 13: 408. —(F. G. Aflalo) Cornh. 86: 91. -— — Gurley on. Am. Natural. 37: 72. — How Rooting Aquatic Plants influence the Nutri- tion of the Food Fishes of our Great Lakes. (R. Pond) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 251. — How to Collect. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 85. -— Introduction to the Study of. (T. Gill) Science, n. s. 21: 653. —- Jordan’s Guide to. (C. A. Kofoid) Dial, 39: 84. — (J. Reighard) Science, n. s. 22: 361. — Nationality of. (F. G. Aflalo) Chamb. J . 82: 218. — Non-education of the Young by Parents. (T. Gill) Science, 11. s. 19: 861, — of the African Family Kneridas. n. s. 18: 338. — of Guam. Am. Natural. 36: 585. -— of the Pacific Slope, A Convention of the. (C. Rut- ter) Out West, 19: 369. - of Panama. (C. H. Eigenmann) Science, 11. s. 22: 18, — on their Defense. (F. G. Aflalo) Ecl. M. 144: 405. — Our Game. (C. F. Holder) Land of Sun. 3: 67. -— Psychic Life of. (E. C. Sanford) Internat. Q. 7: 316, —- Pycraft’s Story of. Nature, 65: 219. — Sense of Hearing in. (G. H. Parker) Am. Natural. 37: 185, —— Sense Organs of. (C. J . Herrick) Am. Natural. 37: 295. — Senses of. Spec. 97: 1035. —— The “ Submerged Tenth ” among. Spec. 95: I14. — Subterranean. (C. R. Eastman) Science, 11. s. 21: 516. - Fishing. (W. P. Frye) Indep. 56: 1235. — (E. Sandys) Outing, 42: 80, -— among the Florida Keys. 43: 615- - Anglers of the Wharf. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Outing, 40: 389. — Angling Bigotries. Blackw. I78: 199. — as Sport. (G. A. B. Dewar) Sat. R. 97: 809, — as viewed by an Angler’s Wife. (J . Johnson) Out- ing. 42: 532- — at the Mouth of the Saskatchewan. Williams) Blackw. 179: 392. -— At the River’s Mouth. (H. Warrand) Blackw. 174: (T. Gill) Science, (W. C. Harris) Outing, (C. Hanbury- .3_ -- Bait vs. Fly, for Trout. (W. C. Harris) Outing, 44: 2-0. — Bi;-game. (C. F. Holder) Outing, '41: 450, — Boys’. (S. Gwynn) Cornh. 89: 129. — Casting at Tournaments. (W. C. Harris) Outing, 45: 2-1, -— The Cdtching of the Cod. (W. J . Henderson) Cent. 50: 485. 227 FISKE Fishing, Deep-sea. (A. J . Kenealy) Idler, 23: 37. — — near New York. (A. B. Paine) Booklover’s M. 6: 411, — Fly, for Brook Trout. (C. Bradford) Ctry Life Am. 9: 697. —- for Fun. (E. Sandys) Outing, 46: 229. — for Japanese Smalets. (D. S. Jordan) Outing, 40: 23. — for Sewin. (A. T. Johnson) Idler, 25: 581. — French Fleet in Possession of the Channel. (J . Isa- bell) Longm. 42: 154, — Fresh-water, Joys of. (E. Sandys) World’s Work, 6: 3528, — Geen’s. (S. Buxton) Sat. R. 100: 495. —— Gentle Art of Killing Fish. (J. H. McFarland) Outl. 84: 79. — How to fish on the Ice. (C. Deming) Outing, 47: 510 — Ice, at Chautauqua. (F. M. Hawley) Chant. 36: 628, — in Arctic Seas. (J . B. Connelly) Harper, I10: 659, — in Canadian Lakes. (F. M. Iris) Canad. M. 19: 225, —- in Colorado. (H. M. Hart) Outl. 77: 284. — in the Rocky Mountains. (J . W. Henshaw) Canad. M. 27: 225, — in Southern California. 425- . — Lake Superior. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Outing, 42: 716. — Laws of, Uniform. (W. C. Harris) Outing, 44: 771. —— Night’s, in Wales. (A. T. Johnson) Longm. 45: 120. — Old-time. (J . S. Compton) Outing, 44: 203, — on a Chalk-stream. (IV. Caine) Macmil. 92: 210, —- on the River Test. (A. Cavendish) National, 48: 100, —— Pike, Pickerel, and Muskellonge. Canad. M. 21: (C. F. Holder) Outing, 43: 3°7- —- Pleasures of. (S. Gwynn) Cornh. 88: 505. — Salt Water. (E. Sandys) Outing, 44: 444. — Scotch Loch. Gent. M. n. s. 72: 251. — Sea, In Praise of. Spec. 97: 123. — Surf. (J . W. Muller) Outing, 41: 145, — up or down Stream. (W. C. Harris) Outing, 43: 114, —— Wet-fly. Spec. 97: 195. —— What to fish for in February. (W. C. Harris) Outing, 45: 638, — Where to fish and what to wear. (W. C. Harris) Outing, 46: 12 5, —— Where to go. (E. Hough) World To-day, 5: 897. —— Winter, in the Sub-Tropics. (C. Deming) Outing, W 649- — with a Worm. (B. Perry) Atlan. 93: 699. Fishing Interests, New England’s Deep-sea. (P. T. M’Grath) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 56I._ Fishing Laws, Conflicting. (W. C. Harris) Outing, 43: 363. Fishing Ships, On the. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Outing, 43: 9- Fishing Tackle. Best Flies for Brook Trout. (L. Rhead) Outing, 47: 807. —- Hints on Terminal Tackle. (C. Deming) Outing, 48: 25, — How to buy a Good Rod. 805, — Inventing the Split-bamboo Rod. (J . A. Henshall) Outing, 40: 212, F iske, Daniel Willard. (G. W. Harris) Lib. J . 29: 534. -- (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 79: 233. ‘ Fiske, John, an American Scholar. (F. K. Waldo) Educa. 22: 331. (C. Deming) Outing, 47: — An Appreciation. (T. S. Perry) Atlan. 89: 627. — as a Popular Historian. (H. M. Stephens) World’s Work. s= 3359. —- Essays, Historical and Literary, with portrait. (J . Finley) Lamp, 26: 41, FISKE Fiske, .Minnie Maddern, with portrait. Booklover’s M. 5: 667. — in Leah Kleschna. (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 462 (H. Tyrrell) I39- —— in “Mary of Magdala.” (P. S. Grant) Critic, 41: 533. Fission in Metridium. (M. L. Hammatt) Am. Natural. 40: 583. Fit of the Blues, A. (E. Sandys) Outing, 46: 590, Fitch, Clyde. (E. E. Fyles) Am. M. 61: 72. —- The Obstinacy of. (E. E. Hale, jr.) Bookman, 23: Fitch, Sir Joshua: a Reminiscence. (Sir R. Hunter) Contemp. 84: 807, Fitch, Zachary, of Reading, Mass., Descendants of. (E. S. Stearns) N. E. Reg. 56: 41. — A Letter of. Nation, 74: 268. Fitchburg, Mass. (G. W. Miller) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7! 260. Fitness to win. Army & Navy Life, 9, no. 2: I. Fitzgerald, Edward. (W. Elwin) Monthly R. I 5, no. I1 I35.—Ecl. M. 138: 460, ' —- and his Friends. (Mrs. C. Towle) Longm. 46: 310. — and Omar Khayyzim. (A. S. Henry) Bk. News, 23: 912, ' < — as a Translator of Calderon. Acad. 64: 5 36. -— Benson’s Life of. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 47: 158, . — Cause of his Popularity. (VV. Meynell) Acad. 66: 118, —— Homes and Haunts of. (M. Kerrich) Blackw. I74: 439- ——- Nine Letters from, to Mrs. Kemble. Temp. Bar, 131: 537- - on Music and Musicians. (C. W. James) Macmil. 85: 33o.=Liv. Age, 232: 445. — Variorum Edition. (A. I. du P. Coleman) Critic, 43= 561- — Wright’s Life of. (W. R. Browne) Dial, 36: 393, — (W. C. France) Nation, 782 455. —- Spec. 92: 697. Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, Life of, Ida A. Taylor’s. Spec. 92: 89. Fitzherbert, Mrs., Marriage of, to Prince of Wales. (H. Thurston) Month, 107: 1. -— Vindication of. (J.J. O’Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 1. — Wilkins on. (R. M. Johnston) Nation, 82: 350, Fitzpatrick, Charles, with portrait. (C. Morse) Green Bag, 16: 508. Fitzralph. Richard, of Armagh and the English Fran- ciscans. (J . J . Greaney) Cath. Univ. Bull. 11: 68, 246. Five-head Creek. (L. Becke) Chamb. J . 81: 721. Five-hundred-mile City, The. (F. W. Coburn) World To-day, II: 1251, Five Thousand Miles for a Farm. Eng. M. n. s. 34: 106. Flag, The British. Un. Serv. M. 27: 233. — The Duty of the. (G. Hewlett) Un. Serv. M. 33: 17. —- United States, a Boston Idea. (G. J . Varney) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 539, -— -— Suggestion for the Arrangement of Stars on. Army & Navy Life, 9: 599. Flagellate Monads, Origin of, from Zoiiglosa. Bastian) Nature, 71: 77. Flageolets, Primitive. (E. H. Hawley) Science, 11. s. 18: 412. Flagg, Ernest, Works of. Archit. Rec. II, no. 4: 1. Flagler, H. M., Residence of, at Palm Beach. Archit. Rec. 15: 385. Flags, Historic. (R. I. Geare) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 702. Flagstaff, Arizona. Land of Sun. 4: 241. Flame of Combustibles, Value of. (P. Mahler) J . Frankl. Inst. I 59: 31, —— Why it emits Light. 63: 209. (G. Billings) N... (H. C. (R. M. Bird) Pop. Sci. Mo. 228 FLIGHT Flamingo City, A. (F. M. Chapman) Cent. 47: 163. Flamingoes in Africa. (C. L. Leipoldt) Macmil. n. s. 1: ~67, —— in at Bahamas. (L. A. Fuertes) Outing, 42: 12. — Osteology of. Am. Natural. 36: 588. -— Photographing. (F. M. Chapman) Ctry Life Am. 8- . 41, Flamsteed, J ., and Piazzi Identities. (Herman S. Davis) Pop. Astron. I3: 423. —— Controversy, with Newton and Halley. (E. S. Holden) Science, n. s. 2x: 706. Flanagan and Stevey Todd. (A. Colton) Harper, I10: 424- Flanders, Royalist and Cromwellian Armies in, 1657- 62. (C. H. Firth) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 17: 67. Flandre, Yolande de. (J . H. Yoxall) Pall Mall M. 27: 358- Flat-dwellers of a Great City. (A. B. Paine) World’s Work, 5: 3281. Flattery. Spec. 93: 889. Flaubert, Gustav. (F. T. Marzials) Critic, 431 I48. -— and Symonds, J . A. Intellectual and Human Ideals in Literature. (J . W. Young) Sewanee, I0: 160, —Less Known Stories. (F. M. Hueifer) Acad. 69: 1175. Flaw in the Title. (E. Walker) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 52- Fleas and Disease. (C. F. Baker) Am. Natural. 39: 507. —_-Science, 11. s. 22: 340, Fleet, the, Distribution of. ,Un. Serv. M. 24: 464. Fleet Marriages.‘ (V. Van M. Beede) Green Bag, 14: 234- Fleet Tactics. Un.Serv. M. 28: 572. - Fleischer, Prof. Fritz. (Dr. Abel) M. of Art, 27: 45!. Fleming, Williamina Paton. (Annie E. S. Beard) World To-day, 9: I179. Flemings in Eastern England in the Reign of Henry II. (G. T. Lapsley) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 509. Flemish Art, Early, Exhibition in Bruges of. (M. H. Witt) 19th Cent. 52: 455. :Liv. Age, 235: 403. I Ath. ’o2, 2: 35 5. —— (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 75: 262. -—Acad. 63: 241. Flemish Masters, Old, at Home. Month, 100: 348. Flemish Painting. (J . La Farge) McClure, 24: 529. Flemish Paintings at the Guildhall, 1906. Ath. ’o6, I: 675. Flemish Race and the Walloons. (M. Maeterlinck) Putnam, 1: 77. Fletcher, Banister. History of Architecture. (J . C. (A. Goodrich) Am. V (B. de Courson) Cox) Antiq. n. s. 38: 21, Fletcher, Horace, with portrait. M. 62: 198. Fletcherism, The Growth of. World’s Work, III 7324. Fleury, Albert F., Painter. (F. E. Towne) Brush & P, :2: 2o1.—(M. I. G. Oliver) Studio (Internat.) 22: 21, Fleury, Gen., at St. Petersburg, 1870. Nation, 77: 357. Flickerbridge. (Henry James) Scrib. M. 31: 170. Flies, Infinite Torment of. (A. S. Shipley) Indep. R. It 425. = Liv. Age, 241: 305. - — Remarkable Occurrence of Bibio Fraternus. (J . G. (E. Wilson) Sci. Am. (I. F. Marcosson) (A. Laugel) Needham) Am. Natural. 36: 181. Flight, Natural and Artificial. 93= 481- — Problems of. (F. Legge) Acad. 632 342. -— Chamb. J . 79: 441. See also Flying. Flight into the Mountains, A. (G. Dix) Munsey, 33: 368. Flight of Claudio Albright, The. (L. K. Mabie) Mun- sey. 33= 436- FLIGHT Flight of “River Bell,” The. lover’s M. 6: 293. Flight to F lameland. (E. E. Peake) Book- (E. P. Medley) Canad. M. 28: Flint, Thomas Barnard, Clerk of the Canadian House of Commons. (P. St. C. Hamilton) Canad. M. 20! 536. Flint-knives, Prehistoric. (C. C. Willoughby) Am. Natural. 36: 1. Flints, Prehistoric Portraiture in. temp. 85: 99. Flittermouse, The. (Amélie Rives) Harper, 111: 825. Floating Ideas and the Imaginary. (F. H. Bradley) Mind, 31: 445. Floating Islands. Am. Arch. 83: 13. Floating of “ Utah Extension,” The. (F. Lynde) Scrib. M- 39= 318- Floods, Animals in. Spec. 90: 971. —in the Middle West, 1903. (C. M. Harger) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 74. ' -— on English Rivers. Spec. 91: 383. — Prevention of, and Irrigation ; Twin Ideas. (J . R. Burton) No. Am. 177: 522. Floor Coverings, Frugal, Frivolous, and Final. VVhitefield) Ctry Life Am. 6: 5 31, Flooring, “ Secura.” Am. Arch. 85: 35. Floors, Castle Kelso, England. (Marion Elliston) Booklover’s M. 6: 41, Flora of the Barrens of- Southeast Penn. Harshberger) Science, 11. s. 18: 339. — of Holy Church, A Study in the. Dowling) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 453. Florence, Italy, and the English Poets. Channing) Calif. M. 2: 165. — Children of. (R. M. Bradley) 19th Cent. 60: 618. = Liv. Age, 251: 410, — Days in. (L. Whiting) Arena, 30: 623, —— Great Gnomon at. (W. A. Parr) Knowl. n. s. 2: (A. Herbert) Con- (H. D. (J. W. (A. E. P. R. (Grace E. 287. -— Hyett’s History of. Ath. ’03, 21 245. —-— in the 15th Century. (H. H. Powers) Bib. Sac. 62: 401. — of Landor, Whiting’s. (M. S. Stillman) Nation, 81: S27- — Villas of, Ross’s. (M. S. Stillman) Nation, 74: 155, Florentine Movement, The. (£Elfrida C. IV. Tilyard) Indep. R. 9: 71. Florentine Painters, Berensen’s Drawings of the. . (K. Cox) Nation, 77: 116, Florentine Service-book in the British Museum. (G. Margoliouth) Jew. Q. 16: 73. Flores, Juan, the-Outlaw. (E. B. Julian) Land of Sun. 61 133. Florida, A Bay-window in. 467. ' ——- Camping in. (A. R. Dugmore) Ctry Life Am. 3: (B. Torrey) Atlan. 95: 4 —— Dall’s Tertiary Fauna of. (H. A. Pillsbry) Science, 11. s. 191 613. -—-Everglades of; a Region of Mystery. (E. A. Dix and J ..N . MacGonigle) Cent. 47: 512, -—-Failures in. Blackw. I71: 493. —— for a Winter Home. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 59: 731. — Home at Christmas. (T. L. Mead) Ctry Life Am. 3: 77- -— Resorts in. (W. Packard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7 3 601. — A Southern Industrial Experiment. (A. W. Dimock) Harper, 111: 302, Florida Key Cruise. 167, Florida Keys, The. (J . Gifford) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 5, —-— Birds of. (H. K. Job) Outing, 43: 71, 162. — Birds on Bird Key. (H. K. Job) Outing, 44: 231, (V. Gilpin) Ctry Life Am. 10: 229 FLOWERS Florida Ship Canal, Proposed Routes of. (L. B. Ellis) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 55, Flounders as Rod and Table Fish. (W. C. Harris) Outing, 44: 506. Flour Milling, Science of. (W. Jago) Nature, 68: 1. Flow of Solids, Experimental Method in, and its Ap- plication to the Compression of a Cube of Plastic Material. (J. R. Benton) Am. J . Sci. 163: 207. Flower, Elliott. (E. F. Harkins) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34: 297- Flower, Sir William Henry, Cornish’s Life of. Ath. ’o4, 2: 116, —Spec. 92: 963, — Memorial to. Science, n. s. 18: 249. Flower, Evolution of the. (S. L. Bastin; G. Henslow) Knowl. 11. s. 3: 321, 344, — National, U. S., Maize as. M. (Bost.) I9: 600. Flower and the Leaf, Authoress of. (W. W. Skeat) Ath. ’o3, 1: 340; (J. W. Hales) 403. Flower of Forgiveness, The. (F. A. Steel) Chaut. 42: 375- (Edna D. Proctor) Nat’l 56. Flower of a Hundred Years, The. (L. B. Ellis) New Eng. M. n. s. 322 519. Flower 0’ the May. (H. G. Aldis) Gent. M. n. s. 76: 42. F lower-farming in Sicily. (P. Collins) Good Words, 451 37- Flower Farms of California. (S. M. Hall) Land of Sun, I2: 280, Flower Garden, How to make a. Life Am. 7: 548. Flower Gardens for Children. Work, 8: 4799, F lower-hunt, A February. Sun. 12: 222. Flower Painter; Paul de Longpré. Craftsman, 8: 498. Flower Painting, Modern. (T. Martin Wood) Studio, (Internat.) 28: 191, Flower-raising on a Large Scale. Life Am. 6: 405, Flower Show, Prerequisites for a. Sat. R. 98: 137. Flowerdew, Herbert. Acad. 65: 460. Flowering of the Elysian Fields. (B. Hanscom) Scrib. M- 341 321. (A. R. Mason) Ctry (J. M. Bowles) World’s (C. A. Moody) Land of Flowering Plants, Rendle’s Classification of. (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 20: 434. Flowers and the Greek Gods. (Alice Lindsell) Indep. R. 8: 207. —— Arrangement of, Japanese Art of. (C. Lorrimer) Overland, n. s. 47: 116. — Brave Blossoms. (F. E. Hawsen) Overland, n. s. 46= 471- —- Briti h Wild. (R. L. Praeger) Knowl. 26: 161, 193, 243- — California Wild. (Bertha F. Herrick) Calif. M. 31 3. — Children’s Interest in. (Alice Thayer) Pedagog. Sem. 12: 107. 13: 502, — Colors of Northern Gamopetalous. (J . H. Lovell) Am. Natural. 37: 365, 443. — Colors of Northern Polypetalous. (J . H. Lovell) Am. Natural. 36: 203. — Dancing Flowers and Flower Dances. (A. M. Earle) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 556. — Fertilization of. (C. M. Weed) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 317. — —- by Bumblebees. n. s. 28: 410. —— Field. (M. Maeterlinck) Fortn. 791 243. — Flower-folk in the Boston Reservations. (E. Lock New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 259. i — for Christmas, Home-grown. Ctry Life Am. 9: 166. —— for Every Place. (M. G. Kains) Ctry Life Am. 5: 375. (C. M. Weed) New Eng. M. (Lennie Greenlee) (J. W. Elliott) Ctry ‘ FLOWERS Flowers, from Frost to Frost. (H. Maxwell) Ctry Life Am. 9: 553. - The Gospel of the. (C. E. Cunningham) Overland, n. s. 45: 517. - in California. (J . E. Mathis) Land of Sun. 3: 253. - (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 22: 307, - in the City. (K. C. Budd) Outl. 81: 193, - in Fiction. (M. E. S. Blundell) Acad. 68: 361, - in New Mexico. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Am. Natural. 36: 809. - Intelligence of the. (M. Maeterlinck) Harper, 114: S9- - Japanese, in English Gardens. (H. N. Ellacombe) Cornh. 90: 233. - The Joy of. (A. Scammell) Idler, 23: 157. - Mimic Resemblance in. (P. Collins) Knowl. 27: 37. - of Late Autumn. (J . H. McFarland) Outl. 70: 73. — Old-time. (M. Maeterlinck) Outl. 76: 319. - Outdoors, at Christmas Time. (W. Miller) Ctry Life Am. 11: 187, - The Sleep of. Liv. Age, 250: 573. - “ Transformations; ” or, the Heart of the Flower. (G. C. Nuttall) Good Words, 45: 627. - Wild, Among the. (F. M. Wells) Good Words, 46: 460, - — Decorative Use of. (C. Wheeler) Atlan. 95: 630. - - Preservation of. (F. Zirngiebel) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 246. — - Studying with Camera. ing, 40: 268, - Winter. (J . N. Gerard) Ctry Life Am. 5: 132. - Wooden. (O. P. Phillips) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 65. Flowers of Paradise. (Alice Brown) Atlan. 96: 776, Flowing Road, The ; a Record of the Perfect Holiday of an Automobile Journey of 1300 Miles. (H. Nor- man) Scrib. M. 39: 257. Flowing Tide, The. (J . Arckland) Contemp. 85: 393. Floyd and the Archduchess. (O. H. Dunbar) Cent. 461 453- Fluid, Definition of. (O. W. Willcox) Science, 11. s. 24: 592, Fluids in Motion, Geometry of. (R. de Saussure) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 183. Fluorescence and Phosphorescence. (VV. S. Andrews) Science, 11. s. 19: 435. - (E. L. Nichols) J. Frankl. Inst, 162: 219. Fluorine, Estimation of, Iodometrically. man) Am. J. Sci. 173: 133. ' Flurry in Bubbles, The. (V. Harper) Everybody’s, 12: 680. Flute, The. (J . F. Rowbotham) Good Words, 45: 243. Flying, Experiments in. (W. Wright) Science, n. s. 19: 269. Flying Chance, A. (G.W. Ogden) Booklover’s M. 64: 49. Flying Colleen Bawn, The. (J . B. Connolly) Scrib. M. (L. W. Brownell) Out- (A. Hile- 341 25- Flying Death, The; a story. (S. H. Adams) McClure, 20: 280, 424, Flying-fish. (C. F. Holder) Outing, 43: 145, Flying-machine, The Advent of the. (A. Baden- Powell) National, 47: 463.: Liv. Age, 249: 629, - A Bird-like. (F. W. W. Hutchinson) Knowl. n. s. 2: I20, - The First “ Manned.” Nature, 75: 35. - in the Army. (E. W. Serrell) Science, 11. s. 19: 952. - Langley, Experiments with. (S. P. Langley) Na- ture, 72: 645. - Maxim’s. Science, 11. s. 19: 774. - Modern. (J . Boyer) Idler, 22: 106, - Outlook for the. (S. Newcomb) Indep. 5 5: 2508, - Wright, Experiments with. (W. Wright) Indep. 56: 2 42- See Aeroplane. 230 F0 LK—S ON GS Flying-machines. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 28: 48. - American. (C. H. Ames) Nation, 83: 436. - Law of. (W. A. McClean) Green Bag, 16: 464, - The Unsolved Problem of Mechanical Flight. (G. Calvert) Booklover’s M. 7: 738, - Up-to-Date. (T. Waters) Everybody’s, 11: 435. Flying Russian, The. (F. Palmer) Scrib. M. 34: 222. Fog. Spec. 89: 890, - Utilization of. Science, 11. s. 20: 283, Fog and the Facts, The. (Norman Bridge) Land of Sun. 3: 166. Fog and Smoke, Dispelling by Electricity. (Emile Gnarina) Overland, n. s. 45: 296, Fog that cleared Things, The; a story. (W. D. Quint) Outing, 42: 323. Fog-bows. (W. A. Wright) Land of Sun. 12: 376, Fog Particles, Direct Micrometric Measurement of. (C. Barns) Am. J. Sci. 167: 160, Fog Signals, Edwards on. Nature, 66: 115, Fogazzaro, Antonio. (Harriet Reid) Monthly R. 24, no. 3: 25. =Liv. Age, 251: 139, - and his Masterpiece. (W. R. Thayer) N 0. Am. 183: 178, - and his Trilogy. (L. E. Lapham) Cath. World, 84: 240, 381, - Il Sauto. A Saint in Fiction. (V. M. Crawford) Fortn. 85: 66o.=Liv. Age, 249: 286,-(J, S, F iske) Nation, 82: 69, F ogg, Gladys Perkins, Singer, with portrait. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 647. Fogg Art Museum of Harvard University. (C. H. Moore) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 699, Fogs, Reduction of Town. (R. Russell) 19th Cent. 51: 131, Foix, Gaston de, La Chasse. (W. A. B. Grohman) Monthly R. 6, no. 1: 147, Foil of Laertes, The. (F. G. Blakeslee) Lippinc. 77: 595- Folch, Vincent, and Gen. Wilkinson, Interview be- tiveen, 1807. Am. Hist. R. 10: 817, Folding of a Morning Glory, The; a story. (J. H. Tuckerman) Outing, 45: 166, Foley’s Ward's. (P. S. Leland) Out West, 23: 350, Folk, Joseph W. (T. S. Mosby) Arena, 36: 602, — With portrait. (W. A. \/Vhite) McClure, 26: 115, -(F.- C. Howe) Cosmopol. 35: 554. — Legal Side of, with portrait. (K. G. Bellairs) Green Bag, 17: 65. - The Moral of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 79: 68, - What he has done. (W. D. Vandiver) Indep. 60: 258. Folk-lore, Collection of. (S. O. Addy and others) Folk-Lore, 13: 297. - Individual and Collective Characteristics in. (W. W. Newell) J . Am. Folk-Lore, 19: 1. - of Eggs in Languedoc. (E. W. Brabrook) Antiq. 11- 8- 39‘ I74- - of Human Life. Ed. R. 199: 35. - Romance of. (S. Tindall) Indep. 61: 922, Folk-lore Jottings. (A. L. Salmon) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 178, Folk-l_ore Lights of Vornaas, The. (A. H. Henderson) Temp. Bar, 131: 419, Folk Music, American. (N. Curtis) Craftsman, 7: 35, Folk-song, Breton. (E. Wright) Acad. 70: 12, - Influence upon Classical Music. (L. C. Elson) In- ternat. Q. 7: 32. - - A New Mexico. Land of Sun. 10: 192. - (J. C. Fillmore) Land of Sun. 13: 44. ‘ - - with Music. Land of Sun. 14: 318. Folk-songs, Bulgarian and Ronmanian. (W. C. Bundy) Dial, 39: 59. -01 the South. (D. s. Jordan) Calif. M. 1: 52, . — —— Notes on. FOLK—SONGS Folk-songs, Real Spanish. Land of Sun. 8: 227, 273. — Two Tigua. (J . C. Fillmore) Land of Sun. 4: 273. —— Yorkshire. Ecl. M. 145: 554. F olk-tales from the Indus Valley. Antiq. n. s. 381 181, -— Origin and Transmission of. Acad. 70: 380. F olkestone out of Season, In. per, 109: 821, Follansbee’s Play. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 341 560. Follette; a story. (L. Motte) Harper, I13: 567. Followers of Dorcas. (M. F. Quinlan) Cath. World, 82: 56. Folly of Lamar, The; a‘ story. Clure, 23: 128. Folly of the Rich, The ; Sequel to “ A Unionized City.” (G. R. Halifax) Overland, n. s. 42: 516. Fond Adventure, The. (M. Hewlett) Cornh. 88: 579, (J . A. MacCulloch) (W. D. Howells) Har- (H. C. Rowland) Mc- ~ 721, Fond du Lac, Wis. (E. M. Jennison) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 621, Font, The, at Dolton, Devonshire. (J . R. Allen) Reli- qua1‘y.42= 243- ‘ — The Bingley. (A. C. Fryer) Antiq. n. s. 39: 19. -— Lapley, Staffordshire. (C. Lynam) Antiq. n. s. 412 12, Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de. (F. St. J . Thack- eray) Monthly R. 15, no. 2: 1O7.—(A. Laugel) - Nation, 80: 500, -— Father of French Rationalism. Indep. R. 11: 204, Fontenoy, Skrine’s. Blackw. I79: 822, Fontevrault Abbey. (C. Hallet) Am. Arch. 77: 101. 1' 19th Cent. 52: 265. Fonts, Baptismal, Dragons and Monsters beneath. (J . Tavenor-Perry) Reliquary, 45: 189. —- Cornish. Reliquary, 42: 96. — (G. L. Smith) Antiq. 11. s. 39: 81. (Algar Thorold) (G. L. Smith) Antiq. n. s. 40: 81. -— Norman, in Norfolk. Reliquary, 43: 51, Food, Cost of. (H. White) Nation, 77: 459. —'— Cost of Home-cooked and Purchased. (A. M. Stod- dard) A1n. Statis. Assoc. 73 461. — Economy in. (R. H. Chittenden) Cent. 48: 859. — for the Farmer’s Family. (Van Rensselaer) Chaut. 35: 180. —— Leach’s Food Inspection and Analysis. ' Science, 11. s. 21: 465. —— Price of, in our Next Great War. 19th Cent. 53: 122, —— Pure, Household Economics and. Chaut. 42: 272, — — The Pursuit of. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 79: 472. —— — Report to Federation of Women’s Clubs. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 296, —- — The Senate Plot against. Work, 10: 6215, -— Pure Food Legislation. Mo. 693 52. -— Rideal Disinfection and the Preservation of. V W. Wiley) Science, 11. s. 19: 730, -— Standards of. (H. W. Wiley) Indep. 61: 368, —— -— and Purity of. Science, 11. s. 19: 774. —— we eat, The. (J . M. Girdner) Munsey, 28: 188, Food of the Gods; a story. (H. C. Wells) Cosmopol. 36= 3I—7<>3- 371 29-461- Food of Love, The; a story. (J . J. Bell) Cosmopol. 38: 81. Food and Drugs Acts in England. Nature, 69: 201, Food Laboratory. (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 35: 103. Food Laws, Administration of. (W. D. Bigelow) J . Frankl. Inst. I61: 213, -— Our Chaotic. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 772 88. —- The Year of. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 82: 252, (W. Frear) (S. L. Murray) (E. Lowry) World’s (R. McD. Allen) Pop. Sci. (H. 231 FOOTBALL Food Legislation in Massachusetts. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 43: 89. (C. Harrington) Food Preservatives, Effect of, upon Health. (H. J. VViley) J. Frankl. Inst. 157: 161, Food Problem, The Scientist and. (R. S. Baker) Harper, 107: 932. Food-production of the Future. 36: 173. Food Science and the Pure-food Question. Brooks) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 452. Food Supply, Argentina and. (Walter T. Layton) (J . A. Morris) Arena, (R. O. Econ. J. 15: 197. — British, in Napoleonic War. (J . H. Rose) Monthly R. 6, no. 3: 63. — —- and Raw Material in War. (E. R. Fremantle) Fortn.79: 355. ——in Time of War. Blackw. 173: 275.—Quar. 203: 572.—Sat. R. 100: 203, 234, —— of Great Britain. Sat. R. 93: 133, 200, 228, '—— — Report of the Royal Commission on. Econ. J . 15: 609. Foods, Adulteration of. (C. B. Cochran) J . Frankl. Inst. 160: 127. — —and Inspection of. (A. E. Leach) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 42: 110. —- and Feeding, On. (J. Cater) Chamb. J. 81: 158, — and Fluids, F ailings and Fallacies in. (N. E. Yorke- Davies) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 64. —- Emergency, in the Forest. (E. T. Seton) Ctry Life Am. 6: 438. — Perfect. (I. F. Marcosson) VVorld’s Work, 7: 4457. —-Psychology of, Introductory Study of. (S. Bell) Pedagog. Sem. III 5!. — that Feed us, The. Chamb. J . 83: 714. Fool, The. (G. Spring) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 444. Fool and a Mule, A. (G. W. Ogden) Everybody’s, I 5: 773- Fool for Love, A. (F. Lynde) Lippinc. 75: 38 5. Fool of Skeleton Tickle, The. (N. Duncan) Outl. 81: 229, . Fooling of the Mongrels, The. (C. G. D. Roberts) Indep. 59: 186, Foolishness of Stephen, The. (Adele M. Shaw) Lippinc. 77= 462- Fools. Spec. 912 38!. Football. (I. N. Hollis) Harv. Grad. M. 11: 350. — (J. Kennedy) Educa. R. 25: 60. — (W. T. Reid, jr.; E. P. Nichols) Educa. R. 31: 451. —— and its Critics. (J . W. White) Outl. 81: 662, — and Polo in China. (H. A. Giles) 19th Cent. 59: 508. = Liv. Age, 249: 353. — Army and Navy Games, 1906. 493 3°5- — Association, A Plea for. (J . Morgan) Indep. 61 : 633. ——- at Chebause ; Kankakee Ballads. (W. B. Ams- bary) Cent. 43: 40. -— Beginnings of. (D. P. Myers) Outing, 472 245. — British, New Zealand and. (E. H. D. Sewell) National, 46: 1070, —— College, Accidents from. 25: 415. — The Cutts Case. Harv. Grad. M. 10: 421. ——- “ Day of the Game.” (J . L. Williams) Outing, 491 (A. Ruhl) Outing, (E. C. Dexter) Educa. R. 142, — Elizabethan. (W. L. Phelps) Indep. 55: 665. — English. (J. Morgan) Indep. 59: 1334. — — and American. (R. D. Paine) Cent. 491 99. —— Ethics of. (R. J . Sturdee) Westm. I 59: I80. — Evils of. (C. W. Eliot) Harv. Grad. M. 13: 383. — for 1906. Outing, 48: 748. — Fortunes of. (E. Clavering) Munsey, 28: 66, — Honesty in. (F. S. Butterworth) Outing, 45: I41. — in the Proper Light. (0. G. Villard) Nation, 80: 108, FOOTBALL Football, in Western U. S. (C. L. Clemens) Calif. M. 4: 795- - Is it Good Sport ? (G. E. Merrill) No. Am. 177: 758. — Is it Worth Saving ‘P (C. F. Thwing) Indep. 54: 1167. -— Leading Scores of 1903. Outing, 43: 486, —- Making a Team. (W. H. Lewis) Outing, 41: 221, — The New ; Origin and Meaning of the Revised Rules. (H. E. Keyes) Outl. 84: 775. = Dartm. Bi-Mo. 2: 62, -—- Newspaper. (E. G. Dexter) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 261. -—- New Zealand. (E. B. Osborn) 19tl1 Cent. 59: 107. — of Yesterday and To-day. (Harold Macfarlane) Monthly R. 25, no. 1: I29. —— Old Games ‘and New Methods. Spec. 95: 646. — Psychology of. (G. T. W. Patrick) Am. J . Psychol. 14- 375- — Public, vs. Naval Education. (P. Benjamin) Indep. 551 2777- -— Reform in. Outl. 81: 648. -—- -—- by Abolition. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 81: -437. — Reforming, in the Central West. (Shailer Mathews) World To-day, 9: 1221, -— Rugby, of To-day. (H. B. Tristram) Sat. R. 102: 606. —— Safe and Sane. (A. B. Reeve) Indep. 61: 1220, — Season of 1906. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 455. -— Shall it be Ended or Mended? R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 71. -— The South African Team. (E. H. D. Sewell) Fortn. 86: 1105, — Straight Road to an Open Game in. Outing, 47: 368. -— Ten-yard Rule— the only Practical Suggestion. Outing, 47: 371. (W. Camp) ‘ — Three Ages of. (C. Deming) Outing, 41: 57. — What it does. (A. E. Colton) Indep. 57: 602, See also Athletics. Football Fever, The. Football Heroes of Yesterday, The. Munsey, 36: 335. Football Players, Eleven Greatest of America. Camp) Indep. 57: 949. Footfalls from Another World. Chamb. J . 83: 790. Foppa, Vincenzo; New Facts on. Ath. ’02, 1: 216. “ For a’ That.” (C. Dangerfield) Lippinc. 72: 239. For Better, for Worse; a story. (M. Ross) Cornh. 94: 356- “ For Business Reasons.” (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 25. For a Cap and Bells. Temp. Bar, 125: 730. For the Faith. (H. G. Dwight) Scrib. M. 35: 609. For Faithful Service; a story. (J . W. Tompkins) Munsey, 29: 569. For the Honor of the Corps; a story. (H. Clifford) Macmil. 80: 191, 302,‘-—Ecl. M. 138: 596.: Liv, jXge,232: 665, For the Honor of his Wife. 69: 277. For Love of Country; a story of Japan. McClure, 24: 289. For Love of One’s Self. Harper, 110: 303. For the Resurrection. n. s. 29: 84. For the Sake of the College; a story. Blackw. 172: 818. For Sweet Charity’s Sake. 771 323- For Thirty Ponies. 813, For To-morrow; an Easter Story. Booklover’s M. 5: 559. For the Under Dog; a story. 23: 143. (H. F. Abell) Macmil. 89: 276. (R. D. Paine) (W. (C. H. Claflin) Lippinc. (J . Dwight) (Mary E. W. Freeman) (D. L. Hastings) New Eng. M. (W. Carey) (Ina B. Roberts) Lippinc. (A. M. Cleaveland) Munsey, 32: (S. K. Glaspell) (R. H. Allen) McClure, 232 FOREST For Winnie’s Sake. (E. W. Wood) Sund. M. 33: 199, F oraminifera, Chapman on. Nature, 66: 196. -— Collecting and Preparing. (A. Earland) Knowl. 25: 19.44- Forbes, Elizabeth Stanhope. (G. B. Crozier) Art J . 56: 382, Forbes, Mt., Climbing. (J . Outran) Outing, 45: 35. Forbidden Guests, The. (J . Corbin) Cent. 51: 221, Force and Matter, ‘Some Conceptual Errors relating to. (I. W. Heysinger) Monist, 14: 492. — Rule of. (A. R. Carman) Gunton’s M. 23: 234. Ford, Edward Onslow. Ath. ’02, I : 23. —- (F. K. Rinder) Art J. 54: 59.—M. of Art, 26: 181, Ford, Paul Leicester, with portrait. Bk. Buyer, 24: 363. -—- as Bibliographer and Historian. (V. H. Paltsits) Bookman, 15: 427. —- In Memoriam. Lib. J . 27: 267. Ford, Mrs. Paul Leicester, Residence of, N. Y. City. Archit. Rec. 14: 62. Ford, Sewell, with portrait. Lamp, 26: 507. F ordham Castle a story. (H. James) Harper, 110: I47. Foreign-born American, The. 83: 891. Foreign Element in our Population, How to assimi- late. (J . T. Buchanan) Forum, 32: 686, Foreign Exchange. Ba11k. M. (N. Y.) 71: 868, Foreign Exchanges, Notes on. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64: 699.857. Foreign Fiddler’s Fee, The. 127, Foreign Languages, Comparative Study of Words in. (W. A. Chamberlin) School R. 13: 315, Foreign Law, Presumption of the. (A. M. Kales) Harv. Law R. 19: 401. Foreign Service, The American. (J. E. Robbins) Outl. (L. Crane) Out West, 22: 821 499- Foreign Trade, Fallacies about. (W. M. Daniels) Na- tion, 79: 131. — What is the Advantage of ? (L. Courtney) 19th Cent. 53: 806. Foreign Voters in New York. Nation, 79: 429. Foreigners, Jurisdiction in Actions between. (A. Pil- let) Harv. Law R. 18: 325. Foreman, The ; a story. (S. E. White) McClure, 21: 39l- Forerunner, The. (M. E. M. Davis) Atlan. 98: 273, Foreshore Fictions. (Mrs. Byron) Cornh. 86: 228, Foresight; a story. (N. Lloyd) Harper, 112: 889, Forest, The. (S. E. White) Outl. 73: 679-957, 74: 75"75I- -— and Mountain, Law of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 75: 203. — and Rivers. Nature, 73: 319, — Conquest of the. (R. S. Baker) Cent. 44: 85. —— On a. (H. G. Hutchinson) Cornh. 86: 366. —— Primeval. (P. W. Ayres) Outl. 82: 681, —- Tales of a. (G. W. Hartley) Blackw.‘177: 41 1, Forest of Arden, In the. (R. Shackleton) Scrib. M. 4° 1 752- Forest of Dean, The. -1 (W. Andrews) Chamb. J. 81: Forest and ReclamationServices of the U. S. (Theo- dore Roosevelt) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 645. Forest Centers of Eastern America; (E. N. Trauseau) Am. Natural. 39: 875. Forest Congress, American, 1905. Chaut. 41: 375. Forest Fables; Talking Apple Tree. (A. Coll) Out- ing, 40: 601. Forest Fires, Fighting. (H. M. Suter) Chant. 41: 348. — in the Adirondacks in 1903. (C. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 19: 769. (H. Wilson) Outl. »- FOREST Forest Fires, in the Sierra. (A. Kinney) Land of Sun. 5: 242, — in the United States. (H. M. Suter) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 68. Forest Law in the British Empire. Spec. 96: 743. — Tnrner’s Select Pleas in. Ath. ’02, 1: 233. F orest-making on Barren Lands. (C. M. Harger) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 679. Forest Policy of Pennsylvania. (G. H. Wirt) J . F rankl. Inst. 155: 341. Forest Preservation in the Hawaiian Islands. Sci- ence, n. s. 20: 126. . _ Forest Ranger, The. (Helen L. Jones) Overland, n. s. 4°= 439- — A Day with a. Forest Reservation, Aggressive. Am, 177: 210, -— Progress in. (G. Pinc11ot) Cent. 46: 309. — The Purpose and Method of. (H. Michelsen) No. Am. 177: 751. Forest Reserve Blanket, The. land, 11. s. 421 498. Forest Reserves. (W. B. Hepburn) Indep. 60: 667. — and Fire. (C. S. Newhall) Forum, 33: 109. —New National, in the Southern Appalachian and (A. Chapman) Outl. 81: 489. (J . P. Kimball) No. (A. G. Foster) Over- White Mountains. (T. E. Will) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 708. -— of California. (M. Neuman) Calif. M. 4: 802, — of Nebraska. (R. H. Wolcott) Science, 11. s. 212 791- —— of So. California. (S. Lauer) Out West, 22: 163, — Our National. (S. R. Wright) Munsey, 29: 537. —United States, as Breeding-places for Wild Life. (J . F. Lacy) Outing, 48: 249, Forest Runner, The ; a novel. (S. E. White) McClure, 18: 205, 370.:-Idler, 21: 579. Forest Scenery. (A. L. Baldry) Art J . 58: 265, Forest Service, U. S. (R. L. Black) Outl. 80: 1021, Forester, Day’s Work of a. (P. G. Huston) Atlan. 89: 507. Foresting the Prairies. 10: 6255. Forestry. (Gen. C. C. Andrews) Outing, 40: 79, -— abroad and at Home. (Gifford Pinchot) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 375. -—American, a New Career. 33- 356- — at the Portland Exposition. (W. E. Brindley) Chant. 41: 359. -— The Black Locust Tree and its Despoliation. (C. A. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 211, — British. (G. Cadell) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 16, — —— The Improvement of. (J . Nisbet) Quar. 198: 81, — British Woodlands. (Sir H. Maxwell) Blackw. I781 610, — A California School of. Sun. 10: 283. — A Country that has used up its Trees. welder) Outl. 82: 693. — A Depressed Industry. (C. M. Harger) World’s Work, (J . R. Smith) Forum, (G. W. White) Land of (E. Black- (R. M. Ferguson) Indep. R, 2: 542. -— Economic Importance of. (O. W. Price) Pop. Sci. M0, 62: 310, — Experiment in. (B. B. Thrasher) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 44. — Farm; Does it Pay ? (A. Chamberlain) Ctry Life Am. 3: 22. —— Fernow’s Economics of. (V. M. Spalding) Science, 11. s. 17: 267. — Forbes’s English Estate. (G. L. Goodale) Nation, 80: 402, — German and American Methods in. Forum, 36: 458. (T. Guenther) 233 FORGIVENESS Forestry, in California. Out West, 19: 450. — in Germany. (R. G. Zon) Chant. 40: 253. — in the Hawaiian Islands. Science, 11. s. 16: 436. — in Massachusetts. New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 465. — in Michigan. Science, n. s. 21: 963. — in Nebraska. (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 18: 122, -— in New York State. Science, 11. s. 15: 91. —Influence on Lumber Industry of U. S. (O. VV. Price) Nat. Geog. M. 14: 381. — National School of. Science, 11. s. 20: 191, — New Profession of. (G. E. Walsh) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 284, — N. Y. State School of. Science, 11. s. 17: 950, 1018. 19: 118, — Next Steps in the Reform. Cent. 47 Z 315. — Nisbet’s The Forester. Sat. R. 100: 839, -— Our Wealth in Trees. Munsey, 26: 778, —- Practical, in America. 62: 247, —— Progress in Instruction in. (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 19: 315. — Railroads and. (J . Gifford) World’s Work, 5: 3347. — Roth’s Introduction to. Am. Natural. 37 I 437. — The Struggle of N. Y. State to preserve its Forests. (R. H. Fuller) Appleton’s M. 8: 613. — Study of, in the U. S. (H. H. Wetmore) Outl. 71: 166, —-— Uncle Sam’s Foresters. J 43: 629. — What Women have done for. Chant. 37: 508. — Whitford’s Vegetation of the Lamao Forest Re- serve. (F. Shreve) Science, 11. s. 241 529. — Why Prairies are Treeless. Science, 11. s. 22: 5 5, (L. Vandervort) Outing, (M. E. Mumford) — A Word for. (Grover Cleveland) Cent. 462 308. —- Yale Summer School of. (J . W. Pinchot) World’s Work, 8: 5389. See also Trees. Forestry Bulletins. (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 20: 472. Forestry Congress, An American. (H. M. Suter) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 709. Forests, American Private. (O. W. Price) Harper, 105: 210, — and Forestal Laws, English, of the 13th Century. Ed. R. 195: 456. — of Arizona. (Sharlot M. Hall) Out West, 25: 473. -—(A. Kinney) Calif. M. I1 II5. —- of Germany. Am. Arch. 82: 38. — of the Pacific Slope of U. S. (J . G. Lemmon) Out West, 24: 173. —-— Our Inherited Disparagement of. (F. W. Moore) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 2: 257. — Southern, Saving the. (O. W. Price) World’s Work, 5: 3207. Foretelling of the Future. (M. Maeterlinck) Fortn. 78: 240.=Liv. Age, 234: 781. Forged Indorsement. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 558. Forged Transfers of Stock. (J . L. Thorndike) Harv. Law R. 17: 373; (J. B. Ames) 543. — Bankers and. Bank. M. (Lond.) 74: 685. 751 317. Forger, The ; astory. (R. F. Foster) McClure, 22: 404. Forgeries and Connterfeits in Art. (M. H. Spielmann) M. of Art, 27: 403-549. 28: 36, 77. — Famous. (S. Woods) Cosmopol. 401 539. -— Literary, in England. (G. Goodwin) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 491. —— —-— Wm. Lauder. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 449. Forgetfulness of the Maestrino; a story. Walsh) Cath. World, 78: 338. Forgiveness. Spec. 88: 585. — Fatherhood and. (N. S. Burton) Am. J . Theol. 9: 275- (M. D. (J. W. Helburn) Am. M.‘ ‘-—— under Japanese Administration. FO RGIVENESS Forgiveness of Sins, What is ? (W. H. Walker) Bib. Sac. 60: 158. Fork of the Road. (O. H. Dunbar) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 718. . Form and Color. (L. March-Phillipps) Contemp. go: 258. I Liv. Age, 251: 38. —— in Literature, Development of. Univ. Neb. Stud. 1: 337. Formal, Some Dangers of. n. s. 18: 87, “Former,” The, and the “ Latter.” Liv. Age, 237! 699. =Ecl. M. 141: 276, Formians, Land of. (F. Mathew) Macmil. 87: 437. Formicidae, The Family of. (C. Emery) Am. Natural. 36: 707, Formosa, Development of, by Japan. J . Soc. Arts, 54: 613. (L. A. Sherman) (E. A. Spitzka) Science, A First Impressions of. (Emily E. F. Skeel) Nation, 81: 520, . —- Head-hunters of. (N. Shaw) Macmil. n. s. I: 455. — Japanese in. (J . Keane) Blackw. I76: 159. =Ecl. M. 143: 792. =Liv. Age, 243: 71. —- The Southern Islands and. (A. C. Hartshorne) Chant. 39: 585. (S. Goto) Indep. 541 1578. Forsaken Temple, A. (A. D. Sedgwick) Cent. 43: 43, 3. Forster, H. O. Arnold, and the Volunteers in South Africa. Spec. 94: 360, 588. Forsworn; a poem. (T. Roberts) Canad. M. 20: 162, Fort Amity; a story. (A. T. Quiller-Couch) Monthly R, v. 12-I5. Fort Drouthy, England. Blackw. I75: 410. = Ecl. M. 142: 786.=Liv. Age, 241: 168, Fort Louis of Mobile, a Commemoration. Outl. 702 433. Fort Riley, National Camp of Instruction at. Sharpe) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 35 3. — — Manceuvers at. (P. Eastman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 564. Fort Ross, California. (G. King) (A. C. (Gertrude Atherton) Calif. M. 5: 57- Fort Wayne, Ind. (J . B. Manning) Nat’l M. (Bost.) W 274- Fort William, Canada. (J . R. Lumby) Canad. M. 28: 33- Fort Worth, Texas. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 769. Fortescue, Lieut. G. Roland. Outing, 46: 68, Fortescue, J. W., on the British Army. (Sir G. Ar- thur) Fortn. 86: 799. Forth, An Island Prison on the. Fortress, The. W 257. Fortress Churches. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 79: 75. Forts, Sea-coast, of the Land Defense. (W. W. Harts) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 185, —— Who are to man the ? (H. A. Shore) Un. Serv. M. 24: 555- F ortunata; a story. (Katharine Wylde) Temp. Bar, 127: 98. =Liv. Age, 236: 534. Fortunate Lord Fabrigas, The ; a story. (J . S. Clou- ston) Harper, I13: 747, F ortunato’s Ride through Society. (W. Bulfin) Every- body’s, I2: 828. Fortune-hunter, The; a story. (Van T. Sutphen) Har- per, I082 181, Fortune Teller, The. (Una Sothern) Indep. 60: 1463, Fortune Tellers. Spec. 951 374. Fortune’s Hill; astory. (V. Sheard) Canad. M. 20: 50, Fortunes, Great. (J . L. Laughlin) Atlan. 96: 40, — —- and the Community. (W. H. Mallock) No. Am. I83= 349. Chamb. J. 82: 385, (Will Levington Comfort) Lippinc. 234 FOSSILS Fortunes, Great, are they Great Dangers ? with por- traits. (F. U. Adams and others) Cosmopol. 40: 2. —- -— Old and New. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 82: 192, Fortunes of the Midas, The. (J . Delaney) Overland, n. s. 432 I97. Fortunes of Oliver Horn. (F. H. Smith) Scrib. M. 31: 87-32: 189, Fortuny, A portrait by. (IN. S. Howard) Harper, I09: 561, F orty-horse-power Stratagem, A. (P. H. Mighels) Cent. 44: 371. ’49 and ’50. (J. Vance Cheney) Californian, 3: 197- 5°5~ 4: 25-342- “49 Message;” a story. (C. B. De Camp) McClure, 21: 218, Forty-niner, The Log of a. (F. E. D. Muzzy) Harper, 113: 920, F orty-seven Ronins, The (condensed). Chant. 42: 242, Forty Years Between; a story. (L. Osbourne) McClure, 20= 475- Forty Years in the Wilderness. Arena, 33: 1-569. 34: 15-128, Forty Years of Age, Literary Production above. Furst) Science, n. s. 21: 513. Foss, Sam VValter. (R. E. Bisbee) Arena, 34: 159. Fossil Brachiopod, Platystrophia Lynx, Quantitative Study of Variations in. (E. R. Cummings and A. V. Mauck) Am. J. Sci. 164: 9. Fossil Bird from the Wasatch. (F. B. Loomis) Am. J . Sci. I72:481, Fossil Faunas and their Use in Correlating Geological Formations. (H. S. VVilliams) Am. J. Sci. 143: (R. Blankenburg) (C. 417- _ Fossil Fishes. (C. R. Eastman) Science, 11. s. 20: 245, 8 64 . — Dentition of. (C. R. Eastman) Am. Natural. 38: 295- — Hitherto Unpublished Observations of Orestes St. John on Paleozoic Fishes. (C. R. Eastman) Am. Natural. 36: 653. —— in the American Museum of Natural History. Sci- ence, n. s. 191 437. — of Mount Lebanon, Syria. (O. P. Hay) Am. Nat- ural. 27: 685. -— Study of. (A. S. Woodward) Nature, 742 597. Fossil Flora. Seward’s Jurassic Flora. (L. F. Ward) Science, n. s. 20: 917, Fossil Mammals of Mexico. Science, 11. s. 21: 931. Fossil Man of Lansing, Kansas. (S. W. Williston) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 463. —Nature, 68: 7, Fossil Plant, Validity of ldiophyllum Rotundifolium Lesquereux, a Fossil Plant from the Coal Measures at Mazon Creek, Ill. (E. H. Sellards) Am. J . Sci. 164: 203, Fossil Plants and Evolution. (A. C. Seward) Contemp. 82: 392.-=Liv. Age, 235: 436. Fossil Remains of Mammals in the Interior of the States of Pernambuco and Alagfias, Brazil, Occur- rence of. (J. C. Branner) Am. J. Sci. 163: I33. Fossil Vertebrates, Note on the Dates of Publication of certain Genera of. (L. P. Bush) Am. J. Sci. 166: 96. — Western Explorations for. (H. F. Osborn) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 561. ‘ Fossil Wonders of the West. (H. F. Osborn) Cent. 46: 680, — Evolution of the Horse in America. (H. F. Osborn) Cent. 47: 3. Fossils, Gigantic, New Order of. (E. H. Barbour) Univ. Neb. Stud. 1: 301. 2: 1, 81. - Musk’s or Ox Skull found near Steubenville, O. (J . B. Hatcher) Science, n. s. 16: 707, FOSSILS Fossils, N ew. Mammal from Japan. (H. F. Osborn) Science, 11. s. 16: 713, — Pneumatic Tools in the Preparation of. Riggs) Science, 11. s. 17: 747, Foster, Clement Le Neve. J. Soc. Arts, 52: 538.- Nature, 69: 614. Foster, Joseph. Ath. ’05, 2: 177, 0 Foster, Randolph S. (M. S.‘ Terry) Meth. R. 64: 9. Foster, Rebecca Salome; the “Tombs Angel.” (A. Henry) Outl. 72: 163. ' Foster, Stephen. (L. B. C. Wyman) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 536. Fosterage. (J. M. Sullivan) Green Bag, 15: 391. Fothergill, George A. (H. W. Bromhead) Art J . 54: 11. Fouché, Joseph, Minister of Police, Outwitter of Na- poleon. (H. W. Wilson) Cornh. 87: 506.— Church Q- ss= 351- —More about. (A. Laugel) Nation, 79: 275. Foucquet, Nicolas, and French Letters. (A. Laugel) Nation, 80: 329. Fould, M’lle Achille. (E. S. (B. Karageorgevitch) M. of Art, 27: 341, Foundation Walls. (A. S. Small) Am. Arch. 88: 125, Foundations. (L. L. Buck) Am. Arch. 87: 187, — by Compression of Soil. Am. Arch. 79: 15. — for High Buildings in Chicago. (E. C. Shankland) Am. Arch. 88: 115. ' — of Buildings. (H. T. H. Siccama) Am. Arch. 82: . 92. Founders of States and Founders of Colleges. (W. L. Wilson) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 3: 85. Foundling, The. (F. T. Bullen) Cornh. 88: 196. F oundlings in New York, how cared for. (J . W. Tompkins) Everybody’s, 10: 647. Foundry, Electricity in the. (H. S. Knowlton) Cassier, 29: 389. -— Labor-saving Machinery in the. Engin. M. 26: 896, —- A Modern. (A. L. Rohree) Cassier, 21: 292, -— Recording and Interpreting Costs. (P. Longmuir) Engin. M. 23: 887, Foundry Appliances, Modern. Cassier, 23: 251. Foundry Cupola, The. 22: 83. 25: 49. Foundry Equipment. (J . Horner) Cassier, 24: 486, (R. Moldenke) (Richard Moldenke) (Robert Buchanan) Cassier, Foundry Management; Crane Service and Transport . (R. Buchanan) Engin. M. 24: 515, (R. Buchanan) Engin. M. Appliances. '— Dressing of Castings. 25: 215, —- Modern. (J . V. V. Colwell) Engin. M. 32: 248, — Moulding by Hand and Machine. (R. Buchanan) Engin. M. 24: 695. - -— Purchase of Coke, Iron, and Sand. (R. Buchanan) Engin. M. 24: 879. Foundry Manager, Qualities and Training of the. (R. Buchanan) Engin. M. 25: 409, Fountain, Paul, and his Travels in South America. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 95 :, 353. Fountain, The; a story. (Anna M. Sholl) Appleton’s M. 8: 30. Fountain at Georgian Court. Archit. Rec. 13: 70. Fountain of Gardens, A. (Z. Gale) Outl. 83: 991. Fountain of Youth, The; a story. (M. C. Crowley) Cath. World, 80: 65. Fountain of Youth, The; a story. 63: 141, Fountains and Aqueducts, Ancient and Modern. Am. Antiq. 24: 478, —- for Home Gardens. (D. Wylie) Ctry Life Am. 10: (E. Pottle) Am. M. 50- -- Roman. (E. McAuliffe) Cath. World, 77: 209, 235 FOX Fountains Abbey. (Ellis Schreiber) Cath. World, 81: 162 -— Hodges’s. Art J. 56: 250, Four Feathers. (A. E. W. Mason) Cornh. 85: 123-833. ' 86: 122~841, Four Hindu Cotton Merchants and their Cat. Chamberlain) Indep. 60: 395. Four in the Open. (Vivian Burnett) Craftsman, 10: 775- Four Nations; a sketch. (F. von Wrangell) Contemp. 87: 676. =Liv. Age, 246: 36,-—_Ecl, M, 145: 216. Four of a Kind; a tale. (E. Sandys) Outing, 42: 735. Four Pigeons. (W. W. Jacobs) Cosmopol. 39: 577. Four Roads to Paradise. (M. W. Goodwin) Cent. 45: 99-236. 847- 46= 93- Fourteenth Amendment [to the U. S. Constitution]; shall it be Enforced ? (Edgar G. Murphy) No. Am, 180: 109, Fourth Century, Life and Letters in, Glover’s. (B. B. Warfield) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 664. Fourth Dimension, The. (C. H. Hinton) Harper, I09: 229, _, 1 Fourth Elizabeth, The. (Elizabeth F. Wade) Every- body’s, I3: 602, Fourth Gun, The; a story. (C. F. Marsh) Cornh. 94: 639.: Liv. Age, 251: 672, Fourth in Salvador, The; a story. Clure, 21: 328, Fourth Juror, The. (M’Cready Sykes) Scrib. M. 39: (J. (O. Henry) Mc- 592- Fourth of July; the Day we Celebrate, 1836-60. Atlan. 94: 108. -— On keeping the. (B. Perry) Atlan. 90: 1, — The Real. (P. L. Haworth) Harper, 111: 214, Fourth Time, The; a story. (W. P. Groser) Cornh. 91: 680,-—-Liv, Age, 246: 155, Fourth Watch, The. (Georgia W. Pangborn) Book- man, 24: 251. Fowey, England, the Cornish Riviera. Idler, 26: 430. Fowle Family. (E. A. Sawyer) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 6 (G. Wolseley) Fowler,’ Katherine, the Matchless Orinda. (Elinor M. Buckingham) Sewanee, I0: 267. Fowler, Littleton, Journal of. Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 2: 73, Fowler, William. (R. H. I. Palgrave) Econ. J. 15: 617. Fowler’s Day in the Outer Isles. (A. Maxwell) Blackw. 177: 764. Fowler’s Folly. (S. N. Swinnerton) Overland, n. s. 46: 187. Fowls, Variation in. (F. Finn) Nature, 65: 297, Fowlsheugh, Caves and Birds of. (J . Reid) Good Words, 45: 410. Fox, Charles, at Brooks. (H. Bristowe) Macmil. n. s. I: 101, I‘-Liv. Age, 248: 109, Fox, Charles James. (J . L. Hammond) Indep. R. 10: 272. — (Lewis Melville) Monthly R. 24, no. 2: 74. — Hammond’s Life of. (C. H. Cooper) Dial, 35: 417. — (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 77: 174, Fox, C. P., House of, Penllyn, Pa. Archit. Rec. 20: 317. Fox, George. Acad. 65: 151 —— From Prison to Prison. n. s. 72: 132. Fox, John, jr. Bk. News, 22: 1037. Lit. W. (Bost.) 351 3. Fox, Lane, Ethnological Work of. :(H. Balfour) Pop. Sci. M0. 65: 537. Fox, Blue and White. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 25: 271. -—Carolina Red. (E. C. McCants) Everybody’s, 7: 457- (H. W. F rohne) (E. E. Taylor) Gent. M. - (E. F. Harkins) FOX Fox, Gray. (H. K. Job) Ctry Life Am. I: 198, —- in Fact and Fable. (L. T. Sprague) _Outing, 39: 586. —- On the Trail of the. (D. Macleod) Chamb. J . 80: I73- Fox-brush, The; a story. (J. B. Cabell) Harper, I11: 327- Fox-farming in Alaska. (E. S. Meany) Out West, 211 1 1 5 , Fox-hounds, English. (T. F. Dale) Outing, 49: 33. Fox Hunting. (A. Stoddart) Outing, 41: 133. — about Rome. (P. D. O. Zabriskie) Outing, 43: 321. — Blue-fox Trapping on the Pribilof Islands. (W. I. Lembkey) Science, 11. s. 16: 216. -—— “Capping.” (G. T. Teasdale) National, 44: 314. -— in America. (D. Gray) Outing, 45: 237. — in Argyllshire. Good Words, 44: 215. —— in the Genesee Valley. (F. S. Pier) Ctry Life Am. 9- 3:- — in Ireland. (VV. E. Cairnes) National, 40: 430. — in the Lake Country. (A. G. Bradley) Macmil. 86: 192, —- On Riding to Hounds. (B. Tozer) Monthly R. 25, no. 22 43. Fox Terrier, The. (J . Watson) Ctry Life Am. 4: 2 53. -— up-to-date. (L. C. R. Mallock) Outing, 46: 21. F oxford, Ireland, The Angels in. Sat. R. 96: 796. — The Transformation of. (E. Leahy) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 632, F ox’s Understudy, The; a story. Harper, I05: 425. Foyle, Lough, On the Shores of. (J . Carry) Temp. Bar, 128: 184, F ra Giovanni’s Story. (M. R. S. Andrews) (T. B. Reilly) Cath. World, 78: 45 - “ Fram,” Second Norwegian Polar Expedition of, 1898- 1902. (O. Sverdrup; P. Schei) Geog. J . 22: 38, F ramlingham, England. (O. F. Adams) N. E. Reg. 57 1 I93- France, Anatole. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 97: 394. —Ed. R. 195: 498. —(J. Conrad) Liv. Age, 242: 698,- (F. H. Deke) Bookman, 24: 281, — Ideas of. (A. Thorold) Indep. R. 4: 572. France, Agricultural Prosperity of. (O. Eltzbacher) Contemp. 88: 729, —— Ancient Sports and Games of. 401 117. = Liv. Age, 234: 233. -— and America. (G. Deschamps) N 0. Am. 174: 751, (E. Lecky) Longm. — and England. (R. Blennerhassett) 19th Cent. 55: 926, -— — as Friendly Neighbors. Sat. R. 97: 416. — —— Colonial Negotiations. Sat. R. 971 430. — — Military Advantages of an Alliance. (A French Oflicer) National, 47: 563. , — —— Recent Growth of Friendliness. Sat. R. 96: 36. —— — Social and Literary Relations. Stuart-Wortley) National, 41: 781, — and the Equipoise of Europe. (Perseus) F ortn. 84: 767. -—— and Germany, and the First Coalition before the Campaign of 1796. (J . H. Rose) Eng. Hist. R. 18: (Mrs. Edward 287. -- _ in 1875. A Famous War Scare, and M. de Blowitz. (C. Lowe) Contemp. 84: 91, — — in England’s Foreign Policy. (T. Barclay) Indep. R. 8: 14. -— — Relations of. (R. Blennerhassett) Fortn. 84: 236, -—-Fortn. 84: 507. —— —- Religious Reconstruction in. (J . Collier) Hibbert J , 5: 166, -—— —— The Threatened War of 1875. (R. Blennerhas- sett) National, 46: 440. %% FRANCE France and the Holy See. (E. Taunton) 19th Cent. 591 495- — and Italy, Friendliness between. Sat. R. 97: 544. — and the Low Countries, I814—I9, Letters from. (L. Twining) Antiq. n. s. 40: 46, 70, — and the Papacy, Rupture of Diplomatic Relations. (J . T. Creach) Cath. World, 80: 141, — and Rome. (R. Heath) Contemp. 87: 22. — and Russia. (U. Gohier) Indep. 54: 1642. —and the Vatican. Ed. R. 200: 265.-_-Liv. Age, 243': 705. —_-Eel. M. 144:‘158. —— (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 406. 79: 93. — Anti-clericalism in. (J . Réville) Am. J . Theol. 9! 605, —- Anti-militarism in. (Urbain Gohier) Indep. R. 91 264. — (G. Heroe) Indep. 54: 2170, — Anxieties in. (Urbain Gohier) Indep. 59: 1220. — Architectural Stroll in. (A. Laugel) Nation, 8!! 116, 163, — Army, Historical Records of. (F. H. Tyrrell) Un. Serv. M. 26: 418. —as an Investor. (C. F. Speare) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 341 71. —Associations Law. (W. Littlefield) No. Am. 175: 2. -—Automobile Trip in. (C. K. Crane) Indep. 58: 1351, — Betham-Edwards on. (J . R. Smith) Dial, 39: 300. — Bishops of, Plenary Assembly of. (J . R. Slattery) Indep. 60: 1262, -—— Canal-trackers of. 47: 18. — Cathedrals, Architectural Refinements in. (W. H. Goodyear) Archit. Rec. 17: I. -— Catholic, prior to the French Revolution. Elliott) Am. Cath. 27: 119, — Catholic Reaction in. Church Q. 54: 296. — Catholics in, Social Activity of. (Max Turmann) Cath. World, 82: 577. — Central, With a Canadian Canoe in. Blackw. I74: 210, — Church and State in. (Y. Guyot) Indep. 57: 663. — (J. Romieux) Arena, 36: 626, (W, H, Ingram) Canad. M. 27: 361. -—-(E. Tavernier) Fortn. 84: 441. — (W. Ward) Monthly R. I7, no. 3: 54, — (G, Clémenceau) National, 44: 253. —Outl. 82: 294. — (A. Galton) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 3: 19, — — The Pope and the Separation Law. (J . J . Fox) Cath. World, 84: 228, -— — Separation of. (R. Heath) Contemp. 88: 317. = Ecl. M. 145! 48I.—(F. W. Parsons) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 493. -—Month, 107: 113. —(E. H. Casa- major; G. Clémenceau; Marquis de Castellane) Cosmopol. 40: 48. —- (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 82: 114. —(Felix Klein) World To-day, II: 934. —- (Robert Dill) Indep. R. 6, no. 3: 27. — (Emile Combes) Indep. R. 72 I 3. — (Emile Combes) World To-day, 9: 951. — (L. S. Seymour) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 332, 464.—Liv. Age, 2482 253. — [In French.] (E. Tavernier) Sat. R. 100: 807, —- — —- and its Consequences. (A. Mater) Contemp. 86: 576. (R. Boutet de Monvel) Cent. (R. R. (H. Walter) — — -— Anti-Christian Policy of the Government. (A. Coleman) Dub. R. 137: 129. — — — Encyclical to French Bishops. Am. Cath. Q- 31: 571, I — — — Champion on. (J . H. Robinson) Nation, 80: 524- —— Church Crisis in, 1904. (K. D. Hunter) Outl.,7g: 696. — (Count Albert de Mun) National, 43: 199. — Outl. 78: 708. —- — Some Causes and Lessons of. Cath. World, 80: 733- ‘ FRANCE France, Church Crisis in, 1904. Views of some Ameri- can Catholics. Outl. 84: 1055, — Church of, and the French People. Dub. R. 139: 400. — Church vs. State in; the Real French View. Jerrold) Monthly R. 16, no. 3: 26. — Circulating Medium in. Bank. M. (Lond.) 78: 117. — Colonial Policy of. (J . Chailley-Bert) F ortn. 80: 310, — Constitution of 1791 and U. S. Constitution, a Com- parison. (C. H. Rammelkamp) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 56. -- Constitutional Theories in. (J . H. Reed) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 637. -— Contemporary. (A. Lebon) Internat. Mo. 5: 112. — —— Hanotaux’s. (J. E. C. Bodley) Sat. R. 95: 803. —(J. Bryce) Nation, 77: 96. — Cost of Living in. (M. E. Betham-Edwards) Cornh. go: 336. -'ICritic, 45: 345. — The Crisis in the French Chamber. Blackw. I77: 272, — Decadence of. (C. Lylia, B. Bjiirnson, C. Lemon- nier, and others) Open Court, 18: 296. —-— Defeat of Clericalism in. (E. Combes) Indep. 58: (L. (I. Malcolm) I77- — Deputies, Chamber of, Reform of Procedure in. Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 475,_ -— Ecclesiastical Question in, Brunetiere and Bourget on. (Albert Schinz) Bookman, 20: 514, —Election in, The Coming General, 1902. (J. Cor- nely) National, 38: 954. = Liv. Age, 232: 641, — — in 1906. Quar. 205: 263. —-— Working of an. (V. H. Walsh) Blackw. I80: 763.:Liv. Age, 251: 778, — Electioneering in. Sat. R. 101: 546, I ——England, and Mr. Bodley. (R. Dell) Fortn. 86: 496- — England, Germany, and the Peace of the World. (F. de Pressensé) Contemp. 88: 153. — Evolution of Religion in. (P. Sabatier) Contemp. 88: 163. - Foreign Policy of. —Spec. 93: 142. — Franco-German Frontier. temp. 89: 505. — French Facts, Yet a Few More. 78: 571. -- The French Presidency and the American. roe Smith) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 163. — From the Monarchy to the Republic, 1783-92, Sophia MacLehose on. Ath. ’05, 1: 101, —- The Gothic in the Cathedrals and Churches of. (A. Rodin) No. Am. 180: 219, —— The Great Duel with. (C. F. Lavell) Chant. 44: 63. . —- Historic R610 of, among the Nations. glois) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 9: 327. — History of, Educational Value of. School R. 13: 702. — —— 2d Empire, Decline and Fall of. Ed. R. 196: 1, -— History of the Working Classes in. (A. M. Werge- land) J. Pol. Econ. 13: 419. — Home-life in the 14th Century. World, 79: 638. — Housekeeping in. (M. B. Betham-Edwards) Cornh. 89: 367.=Liv. Age, 241: 234. — Impressions of, To-day. (B. J . Clinch) Am. Cath. (J . Delafosse) National, 46: 33. (D. C. Boulger) Con- (R. Davey) F ortn. (Mun- (C. V. Lan- (I. F. Bellows) (D. Dale) Cath. Q, 29: 119. — in Africa. Ed. R. 200: 1. — Industrial Life in. (J . C. O’Laughlin) World’s Work, 9: 5969. —- Industry and Taxes in. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 82: 8. EKB7 FRANCE France, Infant Mortality in. (P. Strauss) Char. 13: 70. —4 Internal Navigation of. (P. Baudin) Contemp. 83: 797- - Jackson, W., on Conditions in, 1794. Am. Hist. R. 9= 525- — Judicial System of. (C. Gans) Jurid. R. 15: 362. —- (L. Irwell) Green Bag, 14: 527, -—Law Decisions in. (H. C. Coxe) Green Bag, 16: 449- - Liberal Catholicism in. (A. Loisy) Quar. 199: 268. — Life and Literature in. (W. Lawler-Wilson) F ortn. 84: 874. ——- Memoirs of a Minister of. mi1- 92= 459- —- Ministerial Change in, 1905. Chaut. 41: 4. —— Modern, in Rod’s Novels. Macmil. n. s. 1: 533. —— Monarchy in, Miss MacLehose’s Last Days of. Ath. ’oz, 1: 39. —- A Motor-flight through. 981 733- — National Assembly, American Constitutional Pre- (H. G. Macdowall) Mac- (Edith Wharton) Atlan. cedents in. (H. E. Bourne) Am. Hist. R. 8: 466. — Nationalist Party in. (G. Syveton) National, 41: 904 ' — Navy in, 1805. (J. Leyland) Un. Serv. M. 32: 166. — — New Flying Squadrons. (A. S. Hurd) F ortn. 78: 321. — Next French Revolution. I83= 495- — Old Régime in, Some Features of the. Chaut. 40: 15. — Organization of Justice in. 19: 263, 402, —- Origins of, F lach on. 9: 777- — Papal Aggression in. Ecl. M. 147: 497. — Papal Attack on.‘ (R. Dell) 19th Cent. 593 640. — Partridge Rearing in. (C. J . Cornish) Cornh. 89: 827, -— Peasant Industry in. Spec. 93: 315. — Peasants of. (O. Uzanne) Indep. R. 2: 457. — Persecution in, To-day and Fifty Years Ago. Lynch) Contemp. 84: 573. — Political Situation in, 1905. Am. J. Sociol. III 107. (U. Gohier) No. Am. (F. A. Ogg) (F. P. Walton) Law Q. (G. B. Adams) Am. Hist. R. (R. Dell) Fortn. 86: 602.: (H. (A. and H. Hamon) — Politics in. Liv. Age, 239: 690. — — and the Coming Elections, 1906. (R. Dell) Fortn. 85: 62. —— and the French People. (L. Jerrold) Contemp. 90: 560, ~— — the Present Upheaval. (D. G. Phillips) Cosmo- pol. 38: 123. — — Storm Center of. (O. Guerlac) Cent. 45: 323. — Population, and Race Suicide. (J . C. Monaghan) Cath. World, 81: 575. — — Decreasing. (C. Dawbarn) 19th Cent. 58: 966. — —— Stationary. (E. Castelot) Econ. J . I41 249. — Protestantism in, A New Theological Movement within. (A. C. Zenos) Am. J . Theol. 6: 294. — “ Race Suicide” in. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 752 286. -— Radical Democracy in. 18: 238. — Reaction and the Republican Revival. Chaut. 40: 217, —Recent Educational Progress in. Ednca. R. 272 I9. — Recent Social Conditions in the Romance Countries. (F. A. Ogg) Chaut. 41: 15. —- Reformed Church in the 19th Century. Contemp. 81: 877. (W. M. Sloane) Pol. Sci. Q. (F. A. Ogg) (G. Compayré) (D. Joye) — Religion and Politics in. Church Q. '54: 423. FRANCE France, Religion in. (L. Arreat) Monist, 13: 235. -- (P. Topinard) Open Court, 18: 305, - Religious Associations and the French Government. , (F. Klein) No. Am. 178: 246, -—- Religious Crisis in, 1902, Prelates on. (M. A. Ge- rothwohl) Monthly R. 9, no. 3: 21, -—- Religious Education Suppressed. Educa. 24: 637. - Religious Movement in. (P. Sabatier) Contemp. 90: 687. - Religious Orders in. (J . Cornély) National, 40: 45 7.1 -(F. W. Parsons) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 209, - - and the Law. (J. B. Milburn) Dub. R. 130: 10. - - La France et Les Congregations. Quar. I93: 5I5~ - Religious Problem in. (O. Gnerlac) Nation, 76: 327. - Religions Situation in, 1904. (P. Passy) Contemp. 85: 70.- (Abbé Hermeline) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 734. -(Max Turmann) Cath. World, 83: 612. 84: 6, 198, - A Reply. (C. L. Merle d’Aubigne) Contemp. 81: 302, - Reply of the Bishops. Am. Cath. Q. 31: 751. - Republic of, Strengthened. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- tion, 74: 332. - Republican Government in, Thirty Years of. Is the Economic Activity of France Decaying ? (J. Bar- doux) Econ. R. 13: 395. - Republican Leaders of, and European Peace. (K. Blind) Westm. 159: 237. - Revival of. Fortn. 77: 785. - Revolution of 1789, Recent Tendencies in the Study of. (J. H. Robinson) Am. Hist. R. 11: 529. - - The Cambridge Modern History and. (James J . Fox) Cath. World, 82: 91. - Roman and Romanesque. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. W 85- 78= 13. 70. 79: 484. 8°: 27. 43. 69: 84: 25» 39- - Roman Catholic Church in. (R. Davey) Fortn. 82: 403- - Roman Catholicism in, 1903. World, 77: 819. - Royalist Movement in. Fortn. 81: 314. - Rural Schools of. (A. T. Smith) Educa. R. 24: 471. - Small Industries of. (E. Gioskor) Contemp. 86: 333, - Social Solidarity in. (C. R. Henderson) Am. J . Sociol. 11: 168. -~ Socialist History of. 111, - Socialists and the Church in. (J . James) Indep. R. 2: I77, - Southern, and my Bridal Trip; a sketch. (A. R. Carman) Canad. M. 20: 10, - Statesmen of the Third Republic. (P. de Couber- tin) Fortn. 82:. 623, - Strong Men of. (Comte de Malétroit) Munsey, 26: 527- - Struggle in, 1904. 4: 503- - The Succession of French Presidents. Liv. Age, 248: 381. -—- Suppression of the French Congregations, The Al- ' leged Reasons. (I. Kellet) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 693. -—- - The Real Reason. (B. J. Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 707, - Talebearing in. (A. F. Sanborn) World To-day, 8: (W. Seton) Cath. (C. A. Beard) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: (H. W. Massingham) Indep. R. 307- - - Theater of, Great National. (Brander Matthews) Munsey, 33: 741. - Through, on Business, Fifty Years Ago. Drayton) Chamb. J . 82: 462, - under Thiers, 1871-73. Ed. R. 198: 82, -—- University Education in, Thirty Years of. (H. C. Brereton) Educa. R. 26: 476. (J. R. 238 FRANCISCAN S France, Wedding Customs in. (M. B. Betha.m- Edwards) Cornh. 89: 657. - What the People read in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 337. -—- Working Classes in, History of. (A. M. Wergeland) J. Pol. Econ. 12: 225, - The Year in, 1903. (A. F. Sanborn) Atlan. 93: 652. -—- -— 1904. (A. F. Sanborn) Atlan. 95: 826, -- — 1905. (S. Dewey) Atlan. 98: 182. Francesca, La Bella. (A. S. Dennehy) Good Words, 46: 417. Francheville, Piper of. (May Byron) Temp. Bar, 126: 471- Franchise, Special, in New York. (E. R. A. Seligman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29; 716. Franchise Tax, Bank. (C. C. Plehn) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 718, Franchises, Question of. (C. C. Sikes) Atlan. 91: 408. - Taxation of, in California. (C. C. Plehn) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 42. Francia, Francesco de Marco di Giacomo Raibolini, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art. 7: 465. - Last Portrait by. (H. Cook) Ath. ’03, 1: 183, 216. Francia, Gaspar. (C. A. Washbnrn) Californian, 5: 164, 1 Francis, St., of Assisi. (O. Knhns) Meth. R. 65: 868. - (J . Goddard) N. Church R. 9: 389. -With portrait. (M. Conway) Monthly R. 9, no. 1: 108.- (Ellen Barrett) Calif. M. 5: 245. —According to Thomas of Celano. Sat. R. 98: 336. - and his Biographers. (J . H. Robinson) Nation, 80: 334. - and Modern Society. World, 83: 299. - and the 20th Century. (P. Sabatier) Contemp. 82: 761. =Ecl. M. 140: 386. = Liv. Age, 236: 321, - Catholicism of. (Montgomery Carmichael) Cath. World, 83: 289, - Fioretti, Selections, tr. by J . Rhoades. Fortn. 82: 532- . — Footprints of. (Vida D. Scudder) Outl. 74: 332. - Gospel read to him in transitu. (M. Carmichael) Dub. R. 132: 321. (Father Cuthbert) Cath. - Non-Catholic Work in Franciscan Studies. Cath. World, 83: 721, - Origin -of the Rule of. (M. Carmichael) Dub. R. 134: 357- - Poet and Lover of Nature. World, 77: 268. — Sources of the History of. R- W 643- - Third Order of. Church Q. 55: 117. — The Wealth of. (E. H. Crosby) Craftsman, 3: 33. - Writings of. (M. Carmichael) Month, 103: 156, Francis, St., de Sales. Social Admonitions. Spec. 96: 489. Francis, David Rowland, with portrait. (F. M. Crun- den) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 681. -With portrait. (A. H. Lewis) Everybody’s, 10: 753, Francis, Dr. Wm. Nature, 69: 326. Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria. Spec. 95: 553.- (S. Brooks) No. Am. 1751 92. - English Tribute to. (H. Rumbold) National, 40: 364. ~ Franciscan Legends in Italian Art. (E. G. Salter) 19th Cent. 55: 421. Franciscan Literature. Franciscan Tertiary Conference. Cath. World, 80: 324. Franciscans in California, Traces of. (E. Markham) Craftsman, I, no. 5: 29. - Sacrum Commercium. Sat. R. 97: 785. - Side Lights on the. (G. G. Coulton) Indep. R. 5: 66. (F. D. New) Cath. (A. G. Little) Eng. Hist. Ed. R. 199: 145. (Father Cuthbert) FRANCK Franck, César, with portrait. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 72: 49 285- —- With portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 5: 97- Francke, Kuno. (F. W. Noxon) Critic, 42: I27. Franco-American, Reminiscences of a. I. Jules Le- maitre. (Jeanne Mairet) Critic, 48: 258. Franco Matteo ; Domestic Chaplain of the Medici. (J anetRoss) Monthly R. 6, no. 3: 112. Franco-Prussian War of 1870, Origin of. (R. Blenner- hassett) National, 40: 216. Franco-Scottish Words, Vocabulary of, Isabel G. Sin- clair’s. Ath. ’o4, 2: 438. Frank Rust, Hero. (H. D. Ward) Cosmopol. 39: 535. Frank, Town of, Rocky Mountains, destroyed. (D. A. Stewart) Canad. M. 21: 227, Frankenburger, David Bower. Wis. Alum. M. 7: I99. Frankenstein of “ The Fancy,” A. (K. Harris) Everybody’s, I4: 491, Frankenwald; A. Beit’s Gift to South Africa. Reade) Westm. I62: 540, Frankfort Fleet, The. (A. T. S. Goodrick) Cornh. 89: (H. 355- Frankish Monarchy, Mediaeval. Church Q. 53: 300. Franklin, Benjamin. (J . H. Choate) Critic, 48: 51. —— abroad. (V. Straus-Frank) J . Frankl. Inst. I61: 429: —- and Chatham. (W. C. Ford) Indep. 60: 94. — and Electricity. — and the French Intriguers. Booklover’s M. 7: 221, — and his Times. (H. C. Lodge) Indep. 60: 72. -— and Plato. (C. M. Walsh) Open Court, 20: 129. — and Tom Paine. (J . McGovern) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 426, - as a Diplomat. (J . W. Foster) Indep. 60: 84, -—— as the Man. (J . Bigelow) Indep. 60: 69. — as a Man of Science. (E. L. Nichols) Indep. 60: 79. — as Man of Science and Inventor. (E. J. Houston) J. Frankl. Inst. I61: 241, — as a Printer. (A. H. Smith) Indep. 60: 104, —-(A. Growoll) M. of Hist. 32 44. — as Printer and Philosopher. n. s. 23: 833. — at Paris in 1783. Everybody’s, 8: 13-5, -— Bi-centenary of. (E. W. Bowen) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 352. —— (G. H. Darwin) Nature, 74: 36. —-Science, n. s. 23: 929.—(Paschal Robinson) Cath. World, 83: 338. - — Things recalled by. (L. B. Ruggles) Critic, 48: 40- -—- the Citizen, with portrait. 61: 317. —- The Fame of. (W. MacDonald) Atlan. 96: 450, — His Trials as a Benefactor. (Emma Repplier) Lippinc. 77: 63. — An Important Franklin Discovery. ford) Outl. 82: 1 17, — in Boston in 1906. (Burton Kline) New Eng. M. n. s. (J . Trowbridge) Nation, 82: 93. (Caroline Crawford) (C. W. Eliot) Science, (G. W. Alger) Am. M. (M. C. Craw- 33= 546- - in Europe. (E. P. Oberholtzer) Bk. News, 24: 315. — in France. (John Hay) Cent. 49: 447. — -—Social Life of. (A. H. Smyth) Putnam, I: 30, 167, 310, —- in Germany. (J . G. Rosengarten) Lippinc. 71: 128, — in Literature. (Paul Elmer More) Indep. 60: 94, — Letter of, 1775. (W. C. Ford) Am. Hist. R. 9: 524, -— Love and Humility of. (Countess De la Warr) Cath. World, 83: 332. --- the Man. (E. Robins) Bk. News, 29: 305. ——- Masonic Chronology of. (J . F. Sachse) Pennsyl. M. 30: 238, -— New Editions of. (VV. P. Trent) Forum, 37: 398. 236) FRAUNCE Franklin, B., One of the Friendships of. (VV. C. Ford) Harper, I13: 626. -—— Oxford Degree of. Nation, 76: 514.——(J. A. H- Murray) Nation, 77: 403. -— Periodical Articles about. 48: 561, —- Place in Literature. 311, -— Poor Richard’s Poetry. (W. P. Mustard) Nation, 82: 239, 279. -— Return of Portrait of, by Earl Grey. (C. H. Hart) Indep. 60: 953. —- Social and Domestic Life of. Inst. 161: 431. —- Some Letters to. Pennsyl. M. 27: 151. -— Some Sidelights on the Life and Character of. (R. F. Dixon) Canad. M. 28: 71. —- Trust Funds to Boston and Philadelphia. (E. J . Houston) J . F rankl. Inst. I61: 385. —Unique Letter of. (F. W. Gunsaulus) Outl. 83: 28, -—— When did he invent the Lightning-rod? Rotch) Science, 11. s. 242 374. —— The Wilson Portrait of. (C. H. Hart) Pennsyl. M. 30: 409. Franklin, Mass., Ray Memorial Library. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 81 14. Franklin, State of. (G. H. Alden) Am. Hist. R. 8: 27I.— (W. M: Clemens) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 772. Franklin and Marshall College, The Language Ques- tion as it confronted. (Linn Harbaugh) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 448. —— Jubilee Symposium on. Franklin Square House. Char. 9: 425. Franklin Syndicate, The. (A. Train) Am. M. 611 204. Franklins, English Home of the. (A. G. Bradley) Nation, 77: 187. Franks, Col. David S. 63. Franks, The, in the Morea. (Wm. Miller) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 478. Franz, Robert. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 76: 69. — With portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 3: 49. Frapié, Leon. (A. Schinz) Bookman, 21: 288, Fraser, Alexander, Paintings of. (E. Pinnington) Art J. 56: 375. Fraser, Alexander Campbell. Biographia Philoso- phica. Blackw. I75: 799. ILiv- Age, 242: 398. Fraser, James Earle. (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 47: (R. M. Bache) Critic, (A. H. Smyth) Bk. News, 24: (A. Irwin) J . F rankl. (A. L. Ref. Ch. R. 50: 145. (M. J . Kokler) M. of Hist. 4: -I Fraternal Beneficiary Corporations doing Business in Mass. (F. B. Forbes) Am. Statis. Assoc. 8: 1. Fraternal Movements of the Present ; Socialism, Single Tax, Coiiperation. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 29: 31. Fraternal State, the Divine Quest. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 28: 152, 386, 481, Fraternities, College. Outl. 83: 682. —— — Distractions of. Indep, 60: 391, -— —— Good and Evil of. Indep. 59: 799. ——- High-school, The Problem of. (W. B. Owen) School R. 14:, 492, A —— — Washingiton Decision on. School R. 14: 739. —— in Secondary Schools. School R. 12: 2. — — Report of the Committee on the Influence of. (S. R. Smith) School R. 13: 1. Fraud as an Element of Unfair Competition. Coflin) Harv. Law R. 16: 272. -—— Growth of, in England. (J . H. Schooling) Contemp. 81: 860, Frtiulein Schmidt and Mr. Anstruther; Letters of an Independent Woman. (M. A. B. Arnim) Cornh. 94‘ 41°- Fraunce, Abraham. Poetry. Sat. R. 94: 229. (C. R. FRECKLES Freckles McGraw ; a story. (S. K. Glaspell) Munsey, 31: 481, Frederick I., Barbarossa. (C. T. Brady) Cent. 41: 445- Frederick II., Emperor, the Hohenstaufe. (W. Koch- ler) Am. J. Theol. 7: 225. Frederick II., the Great. (L. Giles) Library, 11. s. 3: 148. -—- and America. (E. E. Sparks) Chant. 35: 507. —— and the American Revolution. (P. L. Haworth) Am. Hist. R. Q: 460, -—Educationa;l Reforms of. (S. Weir) Educa. 26: 291, ~— Invasion of Saxony and the Prussian “ Mémoire Raisonné,” 1756. (A. E. Ropes) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 5: 157. -—- Napoleon, and Moltke, Characteristics of the Cam- paigns of. (N. S. Jarvis) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: 62, Frederick II., Elector Palatine. and Spain in 16th Century. 85: 456. Frederick VIII., of Denmark, at Home. (J . A. Riis) Outl. 82: 552. Frederick, Empress. See Victoria, Empress. Frederick William, the Great Elector of Brandenburg. (W. F. Reddaway) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 15: :51. Fredericton, N. B. The Old Government House. (M. Robinson) Canad. M. 27: 491.——(C. G. D. Roberts) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 362. Frederiksen, Niels Christian. (H. L. Braekstad) Econ. J. 16: 160. Fred’s “Aunts.” (J. Cassidy) Gent. M. n. s. 75: Travels in England (R. Garnett) Cornh. 313- . Free-food-ers and the Empire. Blackw. 176: 705. Free Imports, The Doom of. National, 42: 173. Free Religious Association, The. (G. W. Cooke) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 484, Free Thought. (A. J. Baden Jenner) Overland, 11. s. 46: 249. —(J. Gerard) Month, 105: 337. — in Matters of Religion, Right of. (F. Granger) Int. J. Ethics, 14: 16, Free Trade and British Shipping. 19th Cent. 55: 323. — and Home Rule. (E. Dicey) Fortn. 90: 222. — Spec. 92: 40. _ — and its Critics. (A. C. Pigou) Fortn. 79: 542. —— and its Defenders. (V. Caillard) National, 41: 420, — and its Fruits. (J. A. Spender) F ortn. 80: 391. —— and the Labor Market. (H. Dietzel) Econ. J . 15: 1, — and Labor Unions. Sat. R. 97: 226. —— and the Position of Parties. ,Ed. R. I 99: 547. — and Preferential Tariifs. (R. Neville) Monthly R. 12, no, 1: 56. - and Protection. (L. L. Price) Econ. J . 12: 305, -- (N. M. Tayler) Westm. I65: 493. —- -—- from the W01-kmanls Point of View. Barrie) 19th Cent. 54: 202. - — in England. (A. V.°Dicey) Nation, 77: 90. —— and Statistics. Sat. R. 961 32-3. —— and Trade Unionism Contradictory. Sat. R. 96: 536- -— and the Unionist Party. Ed. R. 199: 264-. —- Approaching Abandonment of. (J . A. Hobson) Fortn. 77: 434. — Lord Avebury on. Spec. 92: 924. — British. Nation, 74: 304. — Business of Empire. (E. Salmon) Fortn. 771 I024. -—- Canada’s Trade Policy. (J . A. Hobson) Canad. M. 26: 423. -—- Doctrine of, Present Position of. Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 6: 29. (W. R. Renwick) (M. M. (F. W. Taussig) 240 FREEDOM Free Trade, An English Protectionist on British. (A. Mosely) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 334. -—- -—- The Fiscal Controversy. (O. Eltzbacher) 19th Cent. 54: 538. -— The Foundation of Empire. Monthly R. 15, no. 3: 40. — Free Land, Peace. (A. VVithy) Westm. 163: 255. -—- A Gigantic Error. (C. J . Follett) National, 46: 894. — Horns of the Dilemma. (F. W. Miiller) VVestm. 158: 242, —— An Imperial Parliament and its Work. Burrell) Westm. 160: 612, — in New South Wales, and Protection in Victoria. (C. H. Chomley) Contemp. 85: 172. —- Influence on Wages. (G. Byng) National, 41: 649. — Is it a Fallacy ‘1’ (A. E. Macnaghten) Econ. R. 14: (J . St. L. Strachey) (L. M. 23, - -—- The Larger Basis of Colonial Preference. (B. Kidel) 19th Cent. 55: I2. —-- The Natural Outcome of. (G. Byng) Econ. R. 13: 45- — not Preference,‘ the True Basis of Empire. (P. E. Roberts) Westm. 163: 477. — One-sided. (W. M. Lightbody) Westm. 161: 492. — or Federation. (E. Ansell) Westm. 160: 500, -—- or Protection? (J . B. Crozier) Fortn. 80: 49. — — for England? (J . B. Crozier) Fortn. 77: 427. — Organization or Protection ‘P (H. W. Macrosty) Fortn. 77: 876. -— A Plea for Absolute. 477 - - Principles in the Balance. Sat. R. 96: 132. — Results of, in England, and of Protection in the U. S. (A. Pulbrook) Westm. 163: 126. -—- Revolt against, in England. (J. R. Bishop) Internat. Q, 8: 405. — Rise and Fall of. (C. A. Pearson) Munsey, 31: 31. —— Setting back the Clock of Empire. F ortn. 80: 3 5. — A still Broader View of the Fiscal Controversy. (A. Withy) Westm. 163: 1. — Taxing the Foreigner. (W. M. Lightbody) Westm. 160: 606, (L. M. Burrell) Westm. 160: — vs. Protection. (W. D. Hamilton) Westm. 164: 135- — Why it wins. (A. Richmond) Westm. 165: 115, Free Trade Nation, How to ruin a. (J . B. Crozier) Fortn. 78: 32. — with it there must be “ Fair Cess.” (W. C. Wright) Westm. I57: 271. Free Trader in Letters, A. Cornh. 85: 403. Free Traders at Bay. (E. E. Williams) National, 41: 930- — Failure of, to attain their Ideal. (W. Cunningham) Econ. R. 14: 39. -— Unionist. (J . St. L. Strachey) 19th Cent. 56: 236. Free Trading Imperial Zollverein. (L. M. Burrell) Westm. 160: 237, Free Will. (L. S. Potwin) Bib. Sac. 63: 3 5. —- and Determinism. (O. Lodge) Conte1np. 85: 448. — Doctrine of, Old Lutheran. (J . VV. Richard) Luth. ti-35¢ 153.303.455- Freedman’s Savings Bank. 15: 40, 134. Freedom, The Illusion of. (W. Johnson) Westm. 163: 664. -— in the Truth. (S. Z. Bearn) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 231, —— Individual. (E. Del Mar) Arena, 28: 398, — Practical Consciousness of. (R. B. Perry) Internat. J. Ethics, 13: 40. Freedom of the City, The. (J. E. Macy) Green Bag, 16: 732. Freedom of Speech, Christianity and. Church R. 13: 357. (W. L. Fleming) Yale R. (F. Sewall) N. Freeing of Ivancho, The. FREEDOM Freedom of Thought, How the United States curtails. (E. Crosby) N0. Am. 178: 605, (N. C. Graham) Chamb. J . 81: 572.=Liv. Age, 242: 816. Freeman, E. A., Froude and. (R. McNeill) Monthly R. 22, no. 2: 79. ' — vs. Froude. (A. Lang) Cornh. 93: 251. Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins. See Wilkins, Mary E. Freemasonry. (E. A. Quick) Munsey, 32: 100. — Month, 102: 607, — Catholicism and. (M. F. O’Donoghue ; L. J . Young Withee) Arena, 32: 591. — i11 France. (G. A. Raper) 19th Cent. 51: 635. — New York Society in. (W. H. Hamilton) Eel. M. 146: 83. Freemasons in F rance. (W. Barry) National, 45: 826. Freer, Charles L., Art Collector. (J. O. Cnrwood) Studio (Internat.) 25: lxxvi. Freight, Substituted. (H. B. Sharpe) Law Q. 20: 160, Freight of Number Seven, The. (J . Roberts) Over- land, 11. s. 43: 403. Freight Car, A Night in a. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 94: 497. Freight Cars and their Use. (W. H. Price) Q. J . Econ. 18: 299. Freight Rates, Making Low. Work, 6: 3472. — Ocean. (J . Russell Smith) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 237, — — and their Control by Line Carriers. (J . R. Smith) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 525, See Railroad Rates. (M. C. Miller) World’s Freighter’s Story, The. (Grace B. Turner) Overland, n. s. 46: 233. F rejns; all that Remains of the Forum J ulii. (F. G. Dunlop-Wallace-Goodbody) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 17. Fremont, Jessie Benton, with portrait. (C. A. Moody) Out West, 13: 169. ' Fremont, John C., California and, with portraits. _ B. Fremont) Land of Sun. 4: 3. French, Daniel Chester. (N. H. Moore) Chant. 38: I41. — (C. H. Cafiin) Studio (Internat.) 20: cxxxiii. -— The Four Continents. Indep. 60: 1141, — Groups for the N. Y. Custom House. 10: 75. French, J . Russell, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 143. French, Major-General Sir John Denton Pinkstone. (W. E. Cairnes) Pall Mall M. 26: 185, French, The, in America. (H. N. Casson) Munsey, ss= 360- - in Canada. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 83: 57, French and German in the University. (E. A. Pace) Cath. Univ. Bull. 10: 182, — in the High School, Brief for. R. 13: 77. —— in Secondary Schools, Teaching of. C. Fontaine) School R. 12: 502, — Instruction in, in California ; its Aims and Methods. (S. A. Chambers) School R. 12: 473, —-— Teaching of. (M. C. Duby) School R. 12: 518. —- -— in the 14th Century. Sat. R. 100: 716. French Actors in London, The Earliest. Acad. 68: 617. French Alliances in the U. S., Literary. Educa. 23: 644. French and Indian Wars, Soldiers in, 1758. Davy) N. E. Reg. 58: 141. French Archbishop, A. (C. E. Maud) Fortn. 85: 733, = Liv. Age, 249: 436. French Art for French Children. man, 4: 185. —-— The Prize of Rome. (J . Craftsman, (T. Jenkins) School (W. B. Snow; (E. Morhard) (G. A. (I. Sargent) Crafts- (A. Hoeber) Cent. 48: 1. 241 FRENCH French Associations Law. (John Gerard) Month, 99: 1. French Bishops, Encyclical to. (Pius X.) Am. Cath. Q- 311 571- French Books that American Women ought to read. (Stephane Jousselin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 89. French Brides and Bridegrooms. (M. B. Betham- Edwards) Cornh. 89: 657.=Ec1. M. 143: 62. French Canadian Literature. (B. Snlte) Canad. M. 25: 483. French Canadians; Courting among the Habitants. (M. B. Parent) Canad. M. 25: 393. — in the British Empire. (H. Bourassa) Monthly R. 8, no. 3: 55. 9, no.-1: 53; no. 2: 1, French Cathedrals. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Cent. 50: 516. French Character, Southern. (A. R. Whiteway) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 92. French Chateau, The Restoration of a. (A. Destail- leur) Archit. Rec. I4: 1. French Civil Code, The Family in the. (C. Gans) Jurid. R. 14: 28!. ' French Classroom, “ Conlenr Locale ” in. (F. R. Ar- nold) School R. 13: 540. French Clericalism, A F renchwoman’s Views of. D. Hunter) Outl. 78: 675. French Communes, in the Light of their Charters. (E. W. Dow) Am. Hist. R. 8: 641. French Corn Laws, 1515-1660. (A. P. Usher) Q. J. Econ. 19: 452. French Country F étes. French Detail, Modern. (K. (E. C. Peixotto) Idler. 22: 414. (J . Schopfer) Archit. R. 12: 1, 13, ~ French Doctors, The; what they saw. (E. Priestley) 19th Cent. 56: 892. French Drama, Development of. Internat. Q. 7: 14. — i11 1901. (R. Doumic) Fortn. 77: 170. -— of To-day, The. (Mary Moss) Lippinc. 78: 591. French Engravers, Contemporary. (E. Rod) Book- lover’s M. I: 63. — of the 18th Century, Lady Dilke’s. Ath. ’03, 1: 151, French Exiles in Pennsylvania. (J . W. Ingham) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 81. French Fiction, Contemporary. Cent. Q. I, no. 3: 68. — of To-day. (G. M. Harper) Outl. 82: 28, French Freemasons and their Work. (Countess de Courson) Month, 106: 281, French Girl, The Modern. Scrib. M. 33: 757. — The Young, Interviewed. (H. Lynch) 19th Cent. 51: 276.=Liv. Age, 232: 677. French Government, The, and the Teaching Congre- (Brander Matthews) (A. W. Evans) 20th (Mrs. P. G. Hamerton) gations. (M. A. Gerothwohl) Month, 101: 1 5 3. —— Power behind the. (J. B. Milburn) Dub. R. 131: 241, . French- Impressionism and its Influence in Europe. (C. Manclair) Internat. Mo. 5: 54. French Impressionists, The. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 991 I74. French Influence, The Decline in. Liv. Age, 2341 58. =Ecl. M. 139: 276. French Language as a Substitute for Latin. (C. H. Grandgent) School R. 12: 462, — as taught in English Public Schools. (J . E. C. Bodley) Sat. R. 93: 45. —- Brnnot’s History of the. 362, (H. A. Todd) Nation, 81: French Law and the French Judicial System. (C. F. Beach, jr.) Green Bag, 15: 33. French Life and the French Stage. (J . F. Macdonald) F ortn. 84: 342, — — “ Ces Messieurs.” 725- (J . F. Macdonald) F ortn. 84: - FRENCH French Life, in Town and Country, Lynch’s. (P. Far- relly) Cath. World, 75: 759. French Literary Criticism. (E. Wright) Contemp. 81: 46. — (Garnet Smith) Quar. 203: 359. French Literature, Burlesque in. Macmil. n. s. 21 I45- —— Contemporary, Evolution of. (O. Uzanne) Fortn. 80: 576. —- Conflicting Standards in. (A. Schinz) Bookman, I6: 252. — in 1901-02. (J . Pravieux) Ath. ’o2, 2: 1o, — in 1902-03. (J. Pravieux) Ath. ’03, 2: 1o, -— in 1903-04. (J. Pravieux) Ath. ’04, 2: 298. -— Last of “Les Jeunes.” (L. Jerrold) Temp. Bar, 1311-457- — Present Condition of. (Th. Bentzon) Outl. 71: 224. French Lyric Poetry in our Days. (R. de Poyen—Bell- isle) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 2: 295. ' French Maid, The; a story. (J. M. F orman) Outing, 423 471- French Man, The. 629, ' French Mancsuvers. French Markets and Russian Securities. Bank. M. (Lond.) 8!: 359. French Men of Letters in Caricature. sillon) Bookman, I6: 32, French Missions in the East. 132: 115, — to Siam, History of. Asia. R. 33: 91. French Mother, The. (C. Wagner) Cosmopol. 38: 718. French Novels of To-day, On Some. (Comte de Ségur) Fortn. 8I: 257. French Painting at the Beginning of the 20th Century. Scrib. M. 38: 381, French Peasants before and after the Revolution. (M. Duclaux) Contemp. 84: 349, 498.=Liv. Age, 239: 291-492, French Plays, Recent. (Alvan F. Sanborn) Indep. 61: (H. Hensman) Un. Serv. M. 34: (L. E. Rous- (F. Goldie) Dub. R. (S. C. de Soissons) Contemp. go: 854. French President goes hunting. (A. Castaigne) Cent. 44: 801, French Press, Changes in the. (W. A. Gill) Nation, 83: 432. French Pri1nitifs, Exhibition of, at Paris. (L. M. Richter) Studio (Internat.) 23: 191. French Profiles, Gosse’s. (A. G. Canfield) Dial, 40: 13, French Revolution, Afterglow of the. (F. W. Ogg) Chant. 40: I16, -—— and Religious Reform, Sloane on. Dial, 32: 83. -—Aug. 4, I789. (C. Christophelsmeier) Univ. Neb. Stud. 6: 293. -— Carlyle’s, A Reéstimate of. 76: 132, -—— Causes of the Insurrection of Oct. 5-6, 1789. (J . C. Stoddard) Univ. Neb. Stud. 4: 267. , — Fall of the Directory. Ed. R. 201: 77. -— French Exiles in Pennsylvania. (J . W. Ingham) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 81, -— Martyrs of the. (M. E. Ferguson) Month, 105: 43, —- New Lights on. (P. F. Willert) Quar. 198: 127, -—- Pius VI. and. (Donat Sampson) Am. Cath. Q. 31: (E. D. Adams) (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 413. -— Rationale of. (R. D. Hunt) Meth. R. 62: 537, -— Religion under the. Ed. R. 203: 33 French Revolution for One Cent, A. mopol. 412 505. French School and Home, Influence of. 77: 809. French Society Amusements. (V. Thompson) Every- body’s, II: 185, - ‘ (E. Poole) Cos- (G. Fraser) 242 FRIENDLY French Spelling, The Reform of. (O. Guerlac) Nation, 80: 307, French Stage, French Life and the. (J . F. Macdon- ald) Fortn. 82: 728. 83: 327. 84: 725, French Utopia, A. (J . Rivers) Library, n. s. 6: 265, French Versification, Kastner’s History of. Ath. ’03, 2: 212, French Woman, The. (Alvan F, Sanborn) Indep. 61: 6 Frenchwoman’s Son, The. 449. Frenchwomen of the Salons. Cent. 60: 771. Freneau, Philip. (E. W. Bowen) Sewanee, II: 213. -— (A. R. Marble) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 421. -— Austin’s Life and Times of. (C. S. Northrup) Dial, (S. Carleton) Atlan. 932 (Mrs. H. Dale) 19th 33‘ 55- -- Political Activities of. (S. E. F orman) J . H. Univ. Stud. 20: 473, Frenssen, Gustav. (H. B. Boas) Outl. 83: 282. Frenzied Finance. (T. W. Lawson) Everybody’s, 12: 40-717. 13: 28-822, Frenzy of the Imagination. n. s. 46: 264, F rere, Sir Bartle. (G. Arthur) Monthly R. 9, no. 12 69. (A. H. Shirk) Overland, Frescoes, Old, in Preston Church, Brighton. (L. E. Williams) Antiq. n. s. 40: 340. Fresh Air for the Youngest Sweeney. (Anne O’Ha- gan) Char. I4: 981, Fresh Air Farm, Life’s. Am. 3: 89. F resh-air Work. Sci. 23: 464. Fresh’ on the Ma’sh. (C. C. Abbott) Lippinc. 71: 5 56. Freshmen, Advice to. (B. I. Wheeler) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 79. Freshwater, Isle of. (J . Vaughan) Good Words, 44: 354~ Fresh-water Springs in the Ocean. Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 673. I Fresno County, Cal. (A. A. Martin) Out West, 24: 333. — (French Strother) World’s Work, 9: 5827, Frey, Emil, with portrait. Chant. 42: 171. Friars, Mendicant, Educational Organization in Eng- land. (A. G. Little) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 8: 49. F rick, Henry Clay, with portrait. (R. Mayhew) Am. M. 60: 34. Friday, the 13th. (T. W. Lawson) Everybody’s, 15: 82 (J . S. Metcalfe) Ctry Life (C. H. Hitchcock) 0. Friend in Need, A. (Ethel F. Heddle) Chamb. J . 82: 6" 3. Frienll in Need, A. (F. J. Davey) Good Words, 43: 401, Friend of the Family; a story. (C. Oliver) Macmil. go: 431. =Liv. Age, 243: 334.=Ecl. M. 143: 714. Friend of the Family, The ; a story. (St. John Lucas) Temp. Bar, 134: 396. Friend of Nelson. (H. G. Hutchinson) Longm. 39: 255-542. 40: 68, 158.=Liv. Age, 234: 471. 235: 733- Friendly Fog, The; a story. (H. C. Rowland) Mc- Clure, 232 499. Friendly Societies. (C. F. Yonge) Econ. R. 16: 293, —- (E. W. Brabrook) 19th Cent. 66: 998.—(E. W. Brabrook) J . Statis. Soc. 66: 603. — Centenarian. (J . M. Ludlow) Contemp. 82: 546. — English. (E. Pomeroy) Arena, 27: 13. — Progress of, in British Isles, I894-1904. Brabrook) J . Statis. Soc. 68: 320. Friendly Society, An Ideal; Thrift amongst the Work- ling-classes. Chamb. J. 83: 22, 277. Friendly Visiting, The Personal Equation in. (S. H. Bishop) Char. I1: 372. (E. W. (W. H. Allen) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. .- FRIENDS Friends. (L. Mott) Outing, 47: 23. —— in Fiction. Spec. ’04, 93: 830, — Other People’s. Liv. Age, 232: 143. Friends; a story. (L. Forsslund) Bookman, I8: 168, Friendship. (J . Hudson) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 373. -— The Art of. Liv. Age, 232: 331. =Ecl. M. 138: 489. — in the Bible. Spec. 88: 641,=Liv, Age, 233: 821. =Ec1. M. 139: 259. — Indiscriminate. Spec. 97: 88. I Liv. Age, 250: 506. Friendship of Man; a story. (W. B. M. Ferguson) A111. M. 61: 381, Friendships and Alliances, National. Liv. Age, 241: 5°7- Frietchie, Barbara, with portrait. Calif. M. 3: 155. — at Home. Atlan. 90: 717. Fringer, Reflections of a. Atlan. 92: I 39. Frio River, Indian Fight on the. (J . S. Ford) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. I: 113. Frisbie, Edward, of Branford, Conn., and his Descend- ants. (R. D. Smyth) N. E. Reg. 58: 178. Friskines, The. Chamb. J . 81: 235. ‘ Fritz Pufl:'er’s' Trouble. (Pauline C. Bouvé) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: I96. Frobisher, Sir Martin, Early Career of. den) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 538. Froebel’s System being tried in New York City. (C. T. Heaslip) Educa. 26: 489, Froeligh, Solomon, and his Great Schism. (J . R. Duryee) M. of Hist. 2: 330. Frog, Anatomy of the. (J . S. Kingsley) Science, 11. s. 20: 672. — Life Story of a. \ (Nellie B. Eyster) (R. G. Mars- (Mary R. Miller) Ctry Life Am. 1: 19, Frog, he would A-wooing go. (A. C. Carr) Longm. 40: 252, Frog Culture in California. -(M. Heard) Out West, 21: 21, Frogs,‘ Destruction of. (A. M. Reese) Science, 11. s. 17: 311, —- Slanders about. (L. R. Meekin) Outing, 39: 708. — Study of. Blackw. I80: 470, Frohman, C., and his Theater of the Future. (Gordon Craig) Sat. R. 102: 548, From the Background’s Point of View. West) Lippinc. 78: 790, From a Boy’s Standpoint. Baz. 40: 698. From a Clear Sky; a story. 107: 43, From a College Window. (A. C. Benson) Cornh. 91: 820, 92: 110-827, 93: 204-537. = E61. M. 145: 200-621. I Liv. Age, v. 246-249. From the Captain’s Log Book. (E. O. Marshall) Harp. W. 50: -1896. . From the Cell. (A. E. McFarlane) Booklover’s M. 7: 660, From Dusk to Dawn. (E. Adams) Good Words, 44: Xmas no. From the Heart of a Maid. (E. R. Blanchard) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 490. From her Affectionate Self ; a story. (A. M. William- son) Cosmopol. 38: 161, From a Lover’s Notebook; a poem. (R. Le Gallienne) Cosmopol. 39: 205. From Natural Causes. (Harold Bindloss) Good Words, (Jean L. (Marion C. Jacobus) Harp. (G. Hibbard) Harper, 45: 597- From an Old Man’s Journal; a story. (B. B. O’Reilly) Cath. World, 783 809. From the Pedestal. (Eliz. McCracken) Lippinc. 75: 476. From this World to the Next. (F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 53: 645. 243 FUCHS Fromentin, Eugene. (C. G. Compton) Fortn. 77: 508. Frontenac. (H. L. Nelson) Harper, I09: 776. Frontier, The, gone at Last. (F. Norris) World’s Work, 3: 1728. Frontier-' Ministers, Glimpses of. 72: 167. Frontier Transportation in the Southwest. Raine) Outing, 46: 47, Frontiersman’s Day in Wyoming. (C. J . Lucas) World To-day, I1: 1096. Frontiersmen, Forecast of a Legion of. Fortn. 85: 720. Frontinus; a Roman Waring. (C. E. Bennett) Atlan. 89: 382, Frost, William Goodell, with portrait. Chaut. 38: 263, Frost Fairies, Work of the. Spec. 91: 1122, Frosted Pane, The; a story. (B. K. Daniels) Canad. M, 22: 370. Froude, Hu'rre]l, Guiney’s. (J . W. Chadwick) Nation, 80: 214, Froude, James Anthony. (Goldwin Smith) Atlan. 97: 680. —— (A. W. Evans) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 1: 116, — and Freeman. (R. McNeill) Monthly R. 22, no. 2: 79. =Liv. Age, 248: 624. —- Letters of, Some. (Theo. Stanton) Nation, 74: 504. — Paul’s Life of. (G. L. Beer) Critic, 49: 180. —- (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 40: 80, . — Personality of. (J . S. Bassett) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 114, — The Real F roude. (R. McNeill) Contemp. 84: 224, — Relations with the Carlyles. (A. Lang) Longm. 43: 18, (C. H. Shirm) Outl. (W. M. (R. Pocock) Frozen in with the Portland. Overland, n. s. 41: 59. Frug, Poems by; trans. from Yiddish. (H. Frank) Jew. Q. 14: 544. Fruit and Vegetables, Midsummer. Ctry Life Am. 2: 115, — Citrus, History of. Calif. M. 1: 78, — Food Value of. Science, 11. s. 18: 540, — of Autumn, First. (W. B.Thornton) Ctry Life Am. 2: 193. —- Storing and Keeping. (J . Craig) Ctry Life Am. I: 61, Fruit of the Fair, A; a story. (M. Hill) McClure, 23: 623, Fruit of his Bravery. (D. H. Talmadge) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 535. ' Fruit of the Yucca Tree, The. (Sharlot M. Hall) Out West, 23: 569. - Fruit out of Season. (M. Moss) Lippinc. 70: 38 7. F ruit-culture on Small Holdings. (J . M. Hodge) Chamb. J . 81: 580, Fruit Garden, How to plant a. Life Am. 7: 530. Fruit Industry, Foreign. J . Soc. Arts, 53: 258. — of Great Britain. (W. E. Bear) Econ. J. 15: 427. Fruit Trade, Foreign, in Britain. (S. Morgan) 19th Cent. 54: 966. Fruit Trees for Beauty, Shall we plant ? (T. McAdam) Ctry Life Am. 10: 39, V — How to make them bear. (S. W. Fletcher) Ctry Life Am. 6: 140, _ — How to make them bear Better F ruit. Ctry Life Am. 7: 638. .- Fruits, Christmas; where they grow. (J . H. McFar- land) Ctry Life Am. 7: 160. — New, Creating. (H. G. Gardner) Cosmopol. 37: 262. — Tropical; Growing them in Florida. (E. N. Rea- soner) Ctry Life Am. 9: 319. Fruits of Toil, The; a story. (N. Duncan) McClure, 19: 257, Fry, Danby. Ath. ’03, 1: 274. Fuchs, Emil, Sculptor and Portrait Painter. Titherington) Munsey, 35: 619. ‘Fuchs, Lazarus. Nature, 66: 156. (R. H. (S. W. Fletcher) Ctry _, FUEL Fuel, Liquid, for Ships. (Sir J . F. Flannery) Cassier, 22: 698, —- — for Steam Purposes. (J. S. S. Brame) Nature, 66: 186, —— — Real Problem of. 75= 318- —- Losses of, in Steam Plants. (G. H. Barrus) Cassier, (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, i 25 . . —- Smokeless, for Cities. (C. G. Atwater) Cassier, 30: 313' Fuel of Fire. (Ellen T. Fowler) Bookman, 15: 92-579. 16: 75—407. Fuel Briquettes in Germany. 23: 418. Fuel Economy in Steam Plants. (J . B. C. Kershaw) Cassier, I6: 40, Fuel Shortage, The Facts of. Char. I0: 98. Fuels, Low-grade, for Steam Generation. (W. F. Good- rich) Engin. M. 30: 346, 528. F uero Juzgo, The; or, Forum Judicum. Whiteway) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 257. Fuertes, Estevan Antonio. (R. H. Thurston) Science, 11. s. 17: 303 Fugitive, The. 285. Fugitives of Pleasures, The; a story. (L. Osbourne) McClure, 22: 379. Fujiyama. (C. E. Lorrimer) Overland, n. s. 43: 3. — Ascent of. (M. G. Underwood) Idler, 26: 5 5. — (Ernest W. Hewson) Overland, n. s. 442 II9.— (R. R. Lawrence) Technol. R. 4: 442. Fulda, Ludwig. (E. S. Meyer) Nation, 74: 248. Fuller, Loie, in French Sculpture. (C. Anet) Archit. Rec. 13: 270. Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli, Sarah Margaret Fuller, Marchesa d’. Fuller, Thomas. Acad. 68: 419. Fuller Family Genealogy ; an Old Sussex Family. (J . Chandler) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 589. Fullerton, Orange Co., Cal. (W. VV. Kerr) Out West, 29: 551. Fullerton Salvage Case, The. pine, 781 641. F ullwood, John. English Pastoral; Etching. Art J . (F. H. Mason) Cassier, (A. R. ‘(Mary R. S. Andrews) Harper, 110: (George Carling) Lip- 54: 238, Fulton, Robert, Reminiscences of. (J . B. Calhoun) M. of Hist. 2: 326, Fulwood, W.; Review of his “Enemy of Idlness,” 1568. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 390. Funambulist, The. (A. Watson) Reliquary, 44: 217. Function, Analogy of, the Key to Nature. (Jacob Cooper) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 236. Function Theory applied to Physical Problems. (J . McMahon) Science, 11. s. 16: 121. —- Practical Application of. (J . McMahon) Nation, 77: 32°- Fundy, Bay of, and its Tides. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 132 302.—Nat. Geog. M. 16: 71. Funeral of Rat Brooks. (H. S. Edwards) Cent. 50: 447. Funeral Garlands. (VV. Andrews) Antiq. n. s. 40: 146. Fungi. (H. Marshall Ward) Nature, 71: 49 5. —— as Links in the Chain of Life. (G. Massee) Knowl. 27: 3. — Influence of. —— Lecture on. — Papers on. — Reform in Nomenclature of. n. s. 19: 508. Fungus-germs, Heterogenetic, Origin of. tian) Nature, 71: 272, Funny Man’s Freak, The; a story. goole) Arena, 31: 199. (G. Massee) Knowl. 27: 141, ' (H. Marshall Ward) Nature, 71: 496, (C. E. Bessey) Science, n. s. 24: 601, (F. S. Earle) Science, (H. C. Bas- (W. A. Drom- 244 FUSTAT Funston, Brig-Gen. Frederick A., Defense of. (S. L. Clemens) No. Am. 174: 613. Fur-bearing Animals, Raising, for Profit. Seton) Ctry Life Am. 9: 294. Fur Companies, Fights of the. (A. C. Laut) Cent. 45: (E. T. 797- Fur Trade, The. (D. MacArthur) New Eng. M. n. s. 33‘ 255- —— Founders of, in Northern Minnesota. M. of Hist. 4: 187. — in the Far West, Chittenden’s. (J. D. Butler) Na- tion,75: 34.—(F. H. Hodden) Dial, 32: 412.—(R. Hitchcock) Bk.Buyer, 24: 303. — Romance of. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Outing, 43: 649. — R6ussian, in the Pacific. (Agnes C. Laut) Am. M. 1: 60, F ur-trader, The. 1063, (W. Upham) (A. Williams) World To—day, II: Furnace, The Sacred, of Mon War. (Harriet Quimby) . Overland, n. s. 39: 972. Furnaces for Jewelers’ Work, etc. hame) J. Soc. Arts, 522 72. Furness, Horace Howard. (T. Williams) Outl. 72: 820, Furnishing a House for $1,500. (W. A. Dyer) Ctry Life Am. 92 418. Furnishing of Pat Maguire ; a story. Canad. M. 23: 57. Furniss, Harry. Confessions of a Carieaturist. Sat. R. 93= 239. Furniture and Decoration, British, in 1903. (A. Val- ance) M. of Art, 27: 169, — Antique. (W. A. Dyer) Ctry Life Am. 9: 706. — Bedroom. (J . S. Henry) Craftsman, 4: 204, — Chests, Chairs, and Settles. (J . K. Curtis) Crafts- man, 2: 296, -— Collecting. (L. V. Lockwood) Indep. 54: 1599, -—— Colonial, in America, Lockwood’s. Bk. Buyer, 23: 553. — (G. M. R. Twose) Dial, 32: 200, — Designed by Geo. Logan. Studio (Internat.) 21: 201, — Dining-room. Craftsman, 5: 88. — from Georgian Times. Craftsman, 6: 193. — 18th Century French, and its Imitators. Chamb. J . 83: 726. — Exhibition of, in Paris, 1902. Rec. 14: 126. — Frank Brangwyn’s. (P. G. Konody) M. of Art, 27: III, 0 — Georgian. (G. L. Hunter) Ctry Life Am. 10: 628, — German Art. M. of Art, 26: 72. —- Good, and Decoration. (A. Vallance) M. of Art, 28: 16, 68. — Hired. Sat. R. I01: 356, — History in. Ed. R. 2031 410. =Liv. Age, 250: 22, —— A Man’s Dressing Cabinet. Craftsman, 4: 267. — of our Ancestors. Pennsyl. M. 28: 78, 199, —— Some Modern. (J . A. Gotch) Art J . 56: 125, (H. H. Cunyng- (W. Boggs) (A. Hutton) Archit. — Study of. (H. M. Smith) 19th Cent. 60: 962, Furs, Supply of Valuable. (R. Lydekker) Nature, 71: 115, —— Two Fashionable. Liv. Age, 236: 288, Furse, Charles Wellington. Acad. 70: 311. —-Ath. 2: 557- - — In Memoriam. (D. C. MacColl) Sat. R. 98: 511, Further Adventures of a Yachtsman’s Wife. (Mary H. Vorse) Atlan. 98: 240, Further Rambles with an American. (C. Tearle) Temp. Bar, 130: 426, 552, 713, Fusion, A Critique of. (I. M. Bentley) Am. J . Psychol. 14: 330, Fustat, Jews in. (E. J. Worman) Jew. Q. 18: 1, FUSTEL 245 GAMBLING Fustel de Coulanges, as a_Sociologist. (C. W. Colby) Gainsborough Lady, A; a Christmas Masque. (Mar- Nation, 81: 93. guerite Merington) Scrib. M. 31: 65. Future, Discovery of the. (H. G. Wells) Nature, 65: Galata Bridge, From the Toll-bar of the. (Mary M. 326, — Foretelling of the. (M. Maeterlinck) Fortn. 78: 240. -— Golden Age in the. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 74: 569. Future Life. (G. U. Wenner) Luth. Q. 34: 449. — Body of the; is it Electrical? (C. Hallock) Open Court, 17: 657. —- Desire for. (F. C. S. Schiller) Indep. 57: 601. — Development of Belief in, among the Jews. (R. H. Charles) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 49. — Egyptian Ideas of, according to Wiedemann. Schmidt) Bib. World, 19: 384. —' Our Ignorance of. Spec. 95: 217. —Science and a. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 30: 190. — Outl. 80: 1o68. See Immortality. Fyfe, James, of Berlin, Mass., and his Descendants. (J. W. Fyfe) N. E. Reg. 56: 167. Fyffe, R. E. Conqueror. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 1001 (E. 432 Fylfot and Swastika. (P. Carus) Open Court, 16: 153, 356. Gabriel, Chief of the Tulare Indians, Cal. (Edith Wagner) Land of Sun. 5: 234, Gabriele. A Dream from the Treasures contained in the Letters of Abélard and Héloise. (K. Mackay) No. Am. 176: 610. Gabrielle; a story. (G. P. Curtis) Cath. World, 78: 181, Gace de la Buigne. A French King’s Hunting Book. ' (W. and F. Baillie-Grohman) Fortn. 81: 789. Gachupin War, the. (M. B. Stewart) Army & Navy Life, 9: 450. Gadski, Madame Johanna Pauscher, with portrait. (K. M. Roof) Booklover’s M. 5: 322, Gael, Language of the. (T. McCall) Westm. I 58 :, 321. —- Sagas and Songs of. Quar. 198: 1, Gaelic, Progress in. (R. Heneboy) Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 524. — Revival of. (J . Dunn) Cath. Univ. Bull. 11: 413,- (S. Gwynn) Macmil. 85: 231. I Liv. Age, 232: 550, = Ecl. M. 138: 544. —- Quar. 195: 423, — — Eugene O’Growney and. (R. Heneboy) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 50. —— — in Ireland. (T. O. Russell) Monthly R. 17, no. 2; 123, Literature and the Living Voice. (W. B. Yeats) Contemp. 90: 472. Gaelic League, The. (Ellen, Countess Dowager of Desart) 19th Cent. 58: 755. = Eel. M. 146: 24, —- (J. C. Hannay) Indep: R. 7: 302. —— and its Operations. National, 47: 1012, —-— A Word for. (J . O. Hannay) National, 47: 833, —— Work of. (Sydney Brooks) Harp. W. 50: 1711, — (S. MacManus) World’s Work, 8: 5279, Gaelic Literature; The Four Winds of Eirinn. (F. Macleod) Fortn. 79: 340. Gage of Land in Mediaeval England. (H. D. Hazeltine) Harv. Law R. 17: 549. 18: 36. Gaggini da Bissone, Cervebbo’s. (A. McLeod) Art J . 56= 333- Gaho, Hashimoto, Japanese Artist. (C. H. Caflin) Studio (Internat.) 23: cccli, Gaines, Myra Clark; a Romance of the Courts. (A. D. Young) Green Bag, 18: 91. Gainly Jones; astory. (A. Colton) Harper, 109: 89, Gainsborough, Thomas. The Hon. Mrs. Graham; painting. (G. Aikman) Art J . 55: 311. — “ Perdita ” in the Wallace Collection. (C. Phillips) Art J . 56: 145. '~ Currie) 19th Cent. 571 307.?-Liv. Age, 245: 278. Galaxy, Stellar Revolutions within a. (F. W. Very) Am. J. Sci. 166: I27. Galdos, Benito Perez, Novelist, Dramatist, and Re- former. (R. W. Waldeck) Critic, 45: 447. Galiani, Ferdinand. (S. G. F allentyre) Macmil. 92: 68 Galicia and Hungary, A Mountain Region between. (W. T. Benda) Cent. 50: 169, Galignani’s Messenger. (W. Roberts) Ath. ’04, 2: 219, Galilee, Sea of, Three Days’ Tour around. (E. W. G. ' Masterman) Bib. World, 26: 167, Galileo. (J. J. Fahie) Bk. News, 22: 443.—(E. S, Holden) Pop. Sci. Mo. 57! 66. — (C. J . Little) Meth. R. 66: 185. ——- and Bruno. (G. H. Bryan) Nature, 69: 505. — Fahie’s Life of. Ath. ’o3, 2: 585.—Ed. R. 199: 197. — (H. A. Howe) Pop. Astron. I2: 80,—((), S, Pierce) Nation, 78: 113. —Spec. 92: 155, Galland, Baudry, and Puvis de Chavanne ; a Compari- son. (Will H. Low) Scrib. M. 31: 637, Gallantry, Decline of. (D. F. T. Coke) Temp. Bar, 133: 437- Gallatin, Albert, on Banking and Currency. Dodd) Nation, 76: 52. Galle, Emile, Artist. (H. Frantz) Studio (Internat.) 19: 108, Galleries, A Morning in the. (F. Harrison) Fortn. 84: (W. E. 3:- — Public, Additions in 1904. Art J . 57: 5 5. Gallery, Wanted —a National. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 73: 343. Galliera Museum, Paris. (C. Fromentin) Archit. Rec. 13: 1. Gallison, H. H., and Juglaris, T., two Artist Friends. Craftsman, 8: 43. Galloway, Joseph, Loyalist Politician. win) Pennsyl. M. 26: 161, 287, 417, Galls, Vegetable. (C. E. Bessey) Science 11. s. 17: 247, (E. H. Bald- 472- Gallup, Mrs. E. W., Bad History of. (R. S. Rait) Fortn. 77: 328, Galois Field, Dickson’s Linear Groups, with an Expo. sition of. (G. A. Miller) Science, 11. s. 16: 113, Galvanometer, Comparison of Two Ways of using. (H. A. Perkins) Am. J. Sci. 168: 53. — Development of. (J . Wright) Cassier, 22: 601, Galveston, Tex. (J . H. Johnston) N at’l M. (Bost.) 16: 735~ — Great Sea Wall at. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 574. V —— How secured Protection against the Sea. (W. W. Davis) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 200. — Municipal Government of. (G. K. Turner) McClure, 27: 610, — The New. (VV. B. Slosson) Indep. 56: 1382,—(C. A. Williams) World To-day, 7: 1462. —- Turner’s Reminiscences of. (F. Harwood) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 3: 44. ' Galway. Sat. R. 102: 607, Galway Life, Old; Random Recollections. Blackw. 175= 205- 1W 52- I’/9= 79. =Liv- Ase. 240= 608, 248: 34I.:Ecl. M. 146: 192, Gambler’s Chance, A. (M. Glass) Munsey, 362 390. Gamblers, Some Famous. (H. N. Williams) Chamb. J , 79: 606. — Women. (M. W. Sanford) Munsey, 30: 100. Gambling and Thrift, A Combination of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 70: 13. — Chinese, in California. (H. R. Cutter) Calif. M. 5: 312, GAMBLING Gambling, Ethics of. (L. B. Donohue) Cath. Univ. Bull. 12: 423. - (J . A. Hobson) Internat. J . Ethics, 15. I35- - Loaded Dice. (C. Rollestone) Westm. 162: 151. Gambling-house, In a New York. (S. Sutcliffe) Mun- sey, 29: 922, . Gambling Impulse, The. (C. J . France) Am. J . Psy- chol. 13: 364. Gambra River, Discovery of, Jobson’s ed., by C. G. Kingsley. Ath. ’04, 2: 19. Game. (E. Sandys) Outing, 41: 523, - Big, How to hunt. (C. D. Cleveland) Outing, 47: 239: - - in Africa, Findlay’s. (H. H. Johnston) Nature, 69: 313. - - in the West. (Don Arturo Bandini) Calif. M. 4: 314. ' - - Photographing. ' (J . A. Burgess and E. M. Saw- yer) Outing, 40: 478. - - Preservation of. (E. V. Wilcox) Forum, 33: 188. - - - and its Relation to the Protection (if Birds. (T. A. Coward) Westm. 161: 564, - - -in Africa. (E. N. Bnxton) J. Soc. Arts, 51: 566,- Spec, 95: 1031, - A F owler’s Day in the Outer Isles. Blackw. 177: 764. ~ - in Australia. Sat. R. 95: 480. - Master of, Baillie-Grohman’s. Ath. ’04, 2: 104, (A. Maxwell) 178, - of the Staked Plains. (R. M. Barker) Outing, 39: 444- - Preserving of, Growth of. (W. A. B. Grohman) Outing, 39: 667. - Prospects of, in England. Spec. 97: 89, ' — Protective Instinct in. (L. T. Sprague) Outing, 40: 26, Game of Chess. (C. Dangerfield) Lippinc. 71: 235, Game of War, A Modern. (J . C. O’Langhlin) Cosmo- pol. 34: 22. Gaine Field, The. (E. Sandys) Outing, 42: 759. 44: 126.257. 387. 45= 243- Game-keepers and Gillies I have known. (Sir Herbert Maxwell) Blackw. I79: 444. = Ecl. M. 146: 492, Game Laws of other Countries. Quar. 196: 415, Game-park, An English ; Sir Edmund Loder’s Seat at Leonardslee, Sussex. (J. M. Gleeson and C. R. Knight) Cent. 44: 530. - Powerscourt and Drnmmond Castle. son) Cent. 44: 827. ' Game Preserve, Making a. Life Am. 8: 303. Game Preserves. Forest Reserves as Breeding-places for Wild Life. (J . F. Lacey) Outing, 48: 249, Game-preservation in the Transvaal. (J . Stevenson- Hamilton) Blackw. 179: 407. _ Games, American Indian. (S. Culin) Am. Anthrop. 5: 58. - (S. Culin) Outing, 42: 222, - - Children’s, Modern. (C. T. Herrick) Outing, 43: 64. - Children’s Dramatic. (Florence Pray) Educa. 25: 356- - City Street. (R. Dunn) Outing, 44: 271, - for the Lawn: Jack o’ the Green and Qnoits. (C. Q. Turner) Ctry Life Am. 2: 226. - Garden, of Children. Spec. 94: 887. =Liv. Age, 246: 503. - National, and the National Character. Macmil. 85: (J. M. G166- (H. B. Rathbone) Ctry 295- - ; a Dialogue. (J. C. McTear) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 386. - Peril of; a Nation at Play. Blackw. 175: 21, : Ecl. M. 142: 322. ='-Liv. Age, 240: 364. - Should be Games. (Cecil S. Kent) Sat. R. 101: 719, - Spectacular. Spec. 96: 51. 246 GARDEN Games, Street, of N. Y. Children. Pedagog. Sem. 12: 5°3- - Team, and Civic Loyalty. (Luther H. Gulick) School R. 14: 676, — Winter, Origin of. Ctry Life Am. 3: 51. Gandhi, Virchand R., with portrait.‘ (Mrs. Chas. How- ard) Open Court, 16: 51. Gangs, Boys’. (J . A. Puffer) Pedagog. Sem. 12: 175. Ganthony, Richard. Prophecy. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. 18- 95: 324- Ganymede and Lady Disdain. (A. W. Coope) Cath. World, 81: 238, Gapon, Father George. (Vladimir Bienstock) Indep. 58: ~51. - Storyoof my Life. (Isabel F. Hapgood) Nation, 82: 371, - Who is ? (C. Breshkovsky) Outl. 79: 268. Garcia, Manuel; aMusical‘Centenarian.. (H. T. Finck) -Nation, 80: 187,. Garden, The .American. 621, - An Ancient. - and Orchard, Profits of. Work, 7: 4419. - and Park. (E. Schoen) Craftsman, 4: 16. — Azalea, in the South, A Great. (0. B. Capen) Ctry Life Am. 7: 474. - A Devonshire, at Seed-time. (F. Whishaw) Longm. 40: 14, 225,:Ecl. M. 139: 170, - Early Spring. (E. Kay Robinson) Good Words, 43: 264. - An Eastern. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 96: 42. — Elizabethan Flower. (E. Goose) Harper, I11: 139, — The Formal, and its Revival. (F. M. Day) Inter- ' nat. Mo. 5: 745. ' -- How to make at Moderate Cost. ning) Ctry Life Am. 3: 336. - - on the Hillside. (O. B. Capen) Ctry Life Am. 5: 408, — Hidden by Informal Planting. Life Am. 9: 544. - Home. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. 3: 173. - House and the. (H. Troth) Ctry Life Am. 6: (G. W. Cable) Scrib. M. 35: (H. E. Smith) Cent. 50: 112. (B. T. Galloway) World’s (W. H. Man- (T. McAdam) Ctry 514- - in England. (W. H. Tolman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 436: - In an Old French. (Will H. Low) Scrib. M. 32: 3, - in Summer. (Eben E. Rexford) Lippinc. 76: 62, - Italian, that is Full of Flowers. (W. Miller) Ctry Life Am. 7: 485. - Japanese, in America. (W. Verbeck) Ctry Life Am. 3: 182. - My Vacation. (E. P. Powell) Indep, 54: 1335, — of Attalus, The. (C. L. Antrobus) Temp. Bar, 123: 243,=Liv. Age, 232: 169, — of the Gods. (J . J . Peatfield) Calif. M. 4: 632. —- of Memories. (C. A. Mercer) Atlan. 90: 703, - of the Sun; Route Notes in Sicily. (W. Sharp) Cent. 49: 663, 50: 37, — of Surprises. (H. Maxwell) Ctry Life Am. 7: 480 - of a.Tenderfoot, Late Planted. Ctry Life Am. 5: 392- - of “Weld.” Archit. Rec. 13: 433. - Old, at Mount Vernon. (F. E. LeuPP) Cent. 50: 73- — - In an. (E. W. Schermerhorn) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 210, — - Story of an. (J . W. Guthrie) Harper, 104: 980. - Plea for the Inclosed. (S. S. Wainwright) Atlan. 97 i 5°9- - Public School. (H. L. Clapp) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 417, I GARDEN Garden, Public School, as an Educational Factor. Southard) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 675, -— School. (W. A. Baldwin) Educa. 26: 447. — -— at Hampton Institute, Va. Ctry Life Am. 3: (L. 192, —- Seashore, A Wind-swept. (F. E. Gifiord) Ctry Life Am. 7: 496. — a Small, The Architectural Treatment of. (R. Riordan) Cent. 50: 35. — Suburb, at Hampstead. Contemp. 87: 231, —— A Suburban, Colloquies in. National, 46: 135-144. -— The Terraced. (S. S. Wainwright) Atlan. 97: 671. — A Vagabond, reclaimed. (M. Leonard) Ctry Life (Henrietta O. Barnett) ' Am. 9: 531. — The Villa. (G. F. Pentecost, jr.) Archit. Rec. 11, no. 3: 60. —— Winter. (E. Kay Robinson) Good Words, 43: 143.. Garden that I love; Missing Chapters in. (Alfred Austin) National, 48: 265, Garden Accessories. (E. C. Holtzoper) Ctry Life Am. 8: 523. Garden Beautiful. (W. Robinson) National, 39: 258. Garden Cities. (R. Neville) Am. Arch. 83: 67. I Ecl. M. 142: 27I.=Liv. Age, 240: 118. — (R. Neville) Monthly R. 13, no. 21 103. ——- in relation to Industries and Agriculture. Sennett) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 282, Garden City, The. (G. B. Levy) Craftsman, 7: 284, V — and the Cheap Cottage. (T. Adams) J . Soc. Arts, 54= 299- - and Garden Suburb. Ed. R. 202: 501, ——- First, (H. E. Seebohm) Indep. R. 2: 518. —- — a Reply. Indep. R. 3: 179. Garden City Movement, The. (A. L. Diggs) Arena, 28: 626. Garden Close. Sat. R. 98: 423. Garden Design in relation to Architecture. Butler) Am. Arch. 82: 75. Garden Games of Children. Spec. 94: 887. Garden-house at Beckett, Shrivenham. (W. Niven) Archaeol. 58: 571. Garden Idyll, A; a story. (K. W. Patch) Harper, 108: 593. Garden Lover, True. 27: 25, Garden Marbles, Italian, in America. Brush & P. 13: 137. Garden Party, A. Elliott) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: (A. R. (W. R. (E. R. Macdonald) Canad. M. (S. E. Howard) 464. Garden Shrubs. (H. N. Ellacombe) National, 46: 112, = Liv. Age, 247: 163. l Garden Slopes and Banks. Liv. Age, 249: 311, Garden Spices. Sat. R. 100: 273. Garden-wife, The. (Mrs. Anstruther) Cornh. 87: 90. -—-Liv. Age, 236: 566, Garden Work, School, and the Department of Agri- culture. (L. C. Corbett) Char. II: 218. Gardendale Burglar Cure, The ; a story. (E. J . Rath) Am. M. 63: 133. Gardener, Harmonious. Sat. R. 94: 638. Gardening, Amateur. (R. Blight) Outing, 40: 99. —— Ancient. - (F. Boyle) Cornh. 93: 78 5. ——- Art of Formal. (Jessie M. Good) Ctry Life Am. 1: 206, —— Backyard Gardens. (E. E. Rexford) Lippinc. 69: 363. -— Fall Work in. (E. E. Rexford) Lippinc. 70: 327, — Fashionable. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 95: 354. — Garden of Native Plants. (E. E. Rexford) Lippinc. 69: 483. / —— Home Greenhouse. (E. E. Rexford) Lippinc. 70: 247 45 7| GARFIELD Gardening; Next Summer’s Garden. (E. E. Rexford) Lippinc. 711 573. —— Prize Articles on. Ctry Life Am. 5: 411. 7: 499. — Result of an Idea. (J . L. Ferguson) Chaut. 37: 502. ——- Spring Work in. (S. T. Maynard) Outing, 46: 93. —— vs. Sewing. (Edith L. Fullerton) Ctry Life Am. 5: 404- — Where to plant what. (G. W. Cable) Cent. 50: 9o. — Wild, The Gentle Art of. (T. McAdam) Ctry Life Am. 7: 470. -—— -— in Little. (J. J. Allen) Ctry Life Am. I: 13!. — Winter ‘Window-garden. (E. E. Rexford) Lippinc. 74: 488. Gardening Philosophy. Sat. R. 97: 198. Gardening Tools and Implements. Photographs by H. B. Fullerton. Ctry Life Am. 7: 634. Gardens. (I. Thomas) National, 38: 924, -—— American. (G. F. Pentecost, jr.) Archit. Rec. 13: 436- —- American Private. Studio (Internat.) I7: 122, — and Garden-craft. (F. Duncan) Atlan. 90: 559. -— City. (G. F. Pentecost, jr.) Archit. Rec. I4: 50. —- (A. M. Kellogg) Studio (Internat.) 25: Xxviii. — Country. (C. W. Leavitt, jr.) Outing, 42: 310, — English, Japanese Flowers in. (H. N. Ellacombe) Cornh. go: 233. ——- — Nichols on. 334- — Great Personages and. (E. M: Colson) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 105. ——- Grounds of . an English Villager’s Cottage. Shurtleff) Craftsman, 4: 9. —- Home, A Story of. (S. Cadwallader) Outl. 70: 309. — Home and Club. (E. Rafter) Char. I1: 210, — Italian. (R. Pantini) Studio (Internat.) I6: 181, —— —— and Villas. (E. Wharton) Cent. 45: 21, 162. ——Japanese. Craftsman, 4: 169. — Joy of. (J . Norregard) Harper, I04: 607, —— London. (C. A. Whitmore) National, 39: 769. —— Mediaeval. (Alice Kemp-Welch) Monthly R, 19, no. 3: 46.=Liv. Age, 246: 219. — of Adonis, Lord Penzance and the. Nation, 77: 359. ' — of ‘Cornish. (Frances Duncan) Cent. 50: 1. -— of the Rich, The. (H. Sutherland) Munsey, 29: 48.1, —— Old. (J . P. Mowbray) Ctry Life Am. I: 116, — (P, H. Ditchfield) Chamb. J . 79: 679. —- School. (H. C. Bennett) Booklover’s M. 5: 469. —- Ctry Life Am. 3: 190. — Some, in Spain. (Helena R. Ely) Scrib. M. 35: 131. -— Some Memories of. (Alex. I. Shand) Sat. R. 102: 641, — Summer, Winter Plans for. Outing. 45: 755- -Three, and a Garret. 23, no, 3: I10, —— True Ordering of. (E. K. Robinson) Cornh. 86: 256, -'-_-Liv. Age, 234: 625, —- Workmen’s. (H. W. Wolff) Econ. R. 16: 68. Gardiner, Samuel Rawson. Quar. 195: 547. — (J. F. Rhodes) Atlan. 89: 698. --Ath. ’02, 1: 272. — (W. H. Hutton) Cornh. 14: 785. —— (C. G. Robertson) Sat. R. 93: 262.: Liv. Age, 232: 764. —- (F. Y. Powell) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 276. — as an Historian. Acad. 62: 223. - Gardner, Mrs. Jack, Estate of, in Brookline. Ctry Life Am. I: 148, —- Fenway Court, Museum of. (S. Baxter) Cent. 45: 362. — (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, 34: 655. Garfield, James A.; Lincoln-—Garfield--McKinley. (R. H. Titherington) Munsey, 27: 306. — Death of. (J . H. Girdner) Munsey, 26: 546. (A. C. David) Archit. Rec. 13: (A. A. (A. Matthews) (C. H. Greathouse) (A. M. Curtis) Monthly R. I GARFIELD Garfield, James A., Nomination and Election of. (L. A. Sheldon) Calif. M. 2: 58;, 687, 782. Garfield, James R., the First Commissioner of Corpo- rations. (G. Hunt) Outl. 82: 677. Gar-fish and Mackerel, Habits of. (J. T. Cunning- ham) Nature, 65: 586, Gargiulo, A. A. McClure, I9: 587. Gargoyles, Old and New. (C. de Kay) Archit. Rec. 19: 419. Garibaldi, Anita. (L. L. Peppei) Chant. 35: 511. Garibaldi, Giuseppe, Love Story of, with portrait. (E. A. Abbott) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 487. Garibaldi’s Englishman. (Frances M. Peard) Cornh. 88: 264. Garland, Hamlin. Sanity in Fiction. jr.) Critic, 43: 146, Garnett, Richard. Ath. ’o6, I: 480. -—- (A. Dobson) Library, 7: 225. — Lib. J. 311 218.-— (Arthur Sy- mons) Liv. Age, 249: 431. -— Library of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 456. Garnier de Nablous. (J . H. Round) Archaeol. 58: 383. Garrett, Philip C. (I. C. Barrows) Char. I6: 226. Garrick, Winslow’s Life of. (R. Bergengren) Bk. Buyer, 25: 29. Garrick Club, The, Fitzgerald’s. Ath. ’05, I1 I03. Garrison, William Lloyd. (M. D. Conway) Char. I 5: 445. — Nation, 81 : 479. —- and the Negro. (W. E. B. Dubois) Indep. 59: I316. — and Non-resistance. (L. Tolstoy) Indep. 56: 881. — and Whittier. (T. W. Higginson) Indep. 59: 1310. Garrisons, Imperial. (0. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. M. 26: 14, Garter Snake, Color Variation of. (E. C. Eckel) Am. Natural. 38: 481. Gary Collection of Law Books. (F. B. Crossley) Green Bag, 18: 146. Gas and Coke, New England. Econ. 11: 257. -— Blast-furnace, Cleaning of. 28: 43 5. — Coal, and Allied Illuminants, Future of. (V. B. Lewes) J. Soc. Arts, 51: 106, — — Future of. (V. B. Lewes) Nature, 67: 426. —- Distribution of Velocity in. (G. H. Meeker) J . Frankl. Inst. I59: 383. —— for House Heating. (W. Forstall) Cassier, 24: 543. -— Fuel, for Internal Combustion Engines. (J . R. Bibbins) Cassier, 26: 524, —— Natural; Ideal Fuel. (J.,T. Murphy) Cath. World, (J. E. Routh, (A. D. Adams) J. Pol. (Axel Sahlin) Cassier, 77: 60. — — in England. (I. Watts) Cassier, 24: 343. — Producer. (F. J . Rowan) Cassier, 22: 500, —- Water, Death by. — — Manufacture of. Am. Arch. 81: 59 ‘ (A. H. Sexton) Engin M. 26: 205. " Gas and Electric Light Service, Relation of American Municipalities to ; a symposium. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 210. Gas Engine for Marine Motive Power. witz) Engin. M. 29: 347. -— Large, in Great Britain. 24: 412, — Tests of a. Cassier, 30: 432, Gas—engine By-product, A New. (F. E. Junge) Cassier, 30: 348. Gas Engines, Large, Recent Progress in. Humphrey) Nature, 66: 643, — Methods for Starting. (R. E. Mathot) Engin. M. 293 "59- Gas Heating Stoves, Novel. (W. P. Gerhard) Cassier, 31: 52. Gas Industry, Some Aspects of the. Chamb. J. 81:: 39°- (A. Graden- (W. H. Booth) Cassier, (H. A. 248 GATE Gas Mantle, Theory of the. 67: 83. Gas Power for High Pressure City Fire Service. (J . R. Bibbins) Cassier, 25: 387. Gas—power Plants for Mining and Smelting. (Hawley Pettibone) Cassier, 22: 48. Gas-power, Suction. (W.'H‘ii Booth) Cassier, 29: 415. -— (R. Mathot) Engin. M. 39: 185. Gas—producer, Suction. (W. H. Booth) Cassier, 295 477. — (R. Methot) Engin. M. 39: 185. Gas-producer Plants, Suction. (O. Nagel) Cassier, 28: 392. Gas—producers for War-ships, etc.; End of the Steam Age. (L. Nixon) Cosmopol. 38: 169. _ Gas Turbine, Question of the. (Sidney A. Reeve) Engin. M. 39: 407. -—- (C. E. Lucke) Engin. M. 39: (M. Solomon) Nature, 96. —-Some Tests of the. (C. E. Lucke) Engin. M. 31: 641, Gas Wells, Natural, Cost and Life of. Am. Arch. 87: 92, ‘ Gas Works, Municipal, of Berlin. (R. C. Brooks) Yale R. I4‘: 361. I5: 24. Gascon Rolls as a New Element in English History. (M. Burrows) Roy. Hist. Soc. I62 I09. Gases at High Temperatures, Spectra of. (J . Trow- bridge) Am. J. Sci. 168: 420, —— Blast-furnace, Utilizationof, for Power Purposes. (C. Kirchhoff) J . Frankl. Inst. I 56: 81. — Cooling of, by Expansion, and the Kinetic Theory. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Science, 11. s. 16: 592, — Dynamical Theory of, Jeans’s. Ath. ’o5, 1: 244, ~— Experimental Work with, Travers on. Nature, 65: 461, — Kinetic Energy of. (G. M. Westman) J . Frankl. Inst, 162: 317, 383. ' — Liquefaction of, and Low Temperatures. (J . Dewar) Pop. Astron. I0: 477, 531. 11: 8, 79, 117, — Most Volatile, Separation of, from the Air without Liquefaction. (J . Dewar) Am. J . Sci. 168: 290. — occluded in Charcoal at Low Temperatures, Absorp— tion and Thermal Evolutions of. (J. Dewar) Am. J. Sci. I68: 295, —— Possibility of a Colloidal State of. (C. Barns) Am. J. Sci. 163: 400. Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn. nam, 1: 345. Gasoline, The Age of. 32: 320, Gasquet, Francis Aidan, Abbot. (E. L. Taunton) Cath. World, 79: 623. — on Henry III. (Ethelred Taunton) Cath. World, 81 : 802, Gass, Patrick, Journal. (E. E. Sparks) Dial, 37: 270. Gassendi, Pierre, and the Atoms. (J . Masson) Hibbert J . 5: 85. Gassey Thompson’s Prize Money ; a story. (C. Carey) Munsey, 312 222. Gassiot, Charles, Bequest of Paintings to Guildhall Art Gallery. (A. G. Temple) Art J . 55: 47, V Gastronomic Divagations. (A. I. Shand) Cornh. 91: 7 75. Gastronomic Tragedy. 271 344- Gastronomy, Decline of. (Mrs. R. Ritchie) Put- (F. K. Grain) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) (T. Bailey) New Eng. M. n. s. (Herbert Vivian) Sat. R. 98: 199. — Ellwanger’s Account of. Macmil. 88: 53. Gastropodes, Studies of. (A. W. Grabau) Am. Natural. 36= 917. s7= 515- Gate, The. (J .Oxenham) Longm. 39: 236. = Liv. Age, 232: 807, Gate of Understanding, The; a story. (Edith Bar- nard) Am. M. 62: 587. GATES Gates, John W., with portrait. (E. M. Kingsbury) Everybody’s, I0: 79, Gates, Lewis Edwards. (F. W. Noxon) Critic, 42: 132. Gates and Gateways. Ctry Life Am. 6: 541. Gateways, Artistic and Characteristic. (P. W. Hum- phreys) Cosmopol. 35: 129. — Good Types of. (L. ll/losks) Ctry Life Am. 62 545. Gath, a Daughter of the Empire. ‘Good Words, 451 734- Gaucho’s Day’s Work. (W. Bulfin) W01-ld’sWork, 3: 1742, Gauge, New, for the Measurement of Small Pressures. (E._ W. Morley and C. F. Brush) Am. J. Sci. 163: 455- Gauges, Limit. (W. H. Booth) Cassier, 23: 185. Gaul, Beginnings of Britain and. Church Q. 631 124. — Decadence of Learning in, in the 7th and 8th Centu- ries. (A. H. Wilde) Am. J . Theol. 7: 443. Gault, Andrew Frederick, Montreal. Canad. M. 21: zoo, Gauriashankar, an_Indian Minister. (J . Jardine) Asia. R. 34: 76. Gaurisankar, Mt., is not Mt. Everest. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 744. Gautier, Théophile, Colorist. Critic, 43: 47. —- Poetry of. (E. Fawcett) Californian, 3: 397. Gay Chevalier, The ; astory. (S. H. Preston) Harper, 1% 773- Gayatri, The, and Om. Open Court. 16: 97. Gayety of Life, The. (Agnes Repplier) Harper, 108: (F. C. de Sumichrast) (E. Martinengo-Cesaresco) 947- Gaynor, J . F., and Benj. D. Greene, Extradition Case . of. (W. L. Barnard) Green Bag, 17: 652, Gearing, Cut. (O. J . Beale) Cassier, 23: 459. God. (Elia W. Peattie) Scrib. M. 34: 580, Geese, Shooting, on the Pacific Coast. (T. S. Van Dyke) Outing, 43: 667, —— Wild. (W. Verner) Sat. R. 100: 241, “ Geest,” Use of the Word, in Geology. (C. R. Dryer) Science, 11. s. 17: 234. Geiger, Erik Gustaf, Swedish Scholar. (B. Moses) Californian, 5: 184, Geikie, Archibald. Reminiscences. Nature, 70: 76. --Sat. R. 98: 81. -—Spec. 93: 292, Geisha, The. (R. J . Farrar) 19th Cent. 552 630. Gelatine, Molecular Force in. (A. L. Foley) Science, 11. s. 231 790. Golder, Otto van, a Gifted Boy. (C. T. Chester) Bk. News, 251 222. Gem-engraving, Epochs of. (M. Sommerville) Har- per, 105: 602, { Gem-workers of the Far East. (A. H. Antona) Crafts- man, 6: 142. Gems and Precious Stones, Ancient. (D. A. Willey) Chamb. J. 83: 222. —- Farrington’s Gems and Gem Minerals. (G. F. Kunz) Science, 11. s. 20: 307, Genealogy, Amateur. (F. W. Brown) New Eng. M, n. s. 30: 567. —— The Quest of Ancestors. (D. O. R. Lowell) Mun- sey, 34‘ 543- - The Romance of. (D. Browne) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 537- ' --The Science of. Spec. 961 4I4.=Liv. Age, 249: 634. —— The Value of. (G. W. Dial) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 28’. “ Genejral Armstrong,” Brig, Case of the. (C. M. Gre- gory) Green Bag, 18: 33:. ' . General MacKenzie’s Coup. (H. L. Pattmson) Temp. Bar, 127: 699. 249 GENTLEMAN General Average, Contribution to. Law Q. 21: 155. General Counsel, The ; a. story. (H. B. Sharpe) (E. Flower) Cent. 48: 51- General Education Board, Methods of the. (VV. H. Heck) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 327. “ General Slocum ” Disaster. (H. N. Casson) Munsey, 32: 321, —- Relief Fund. Char. I2: 909, General Staff, The Coming. (T. Schwan) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 1. — Evolution of a. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 332 200. General Wade’s Road. Gent. M. n. s. 771 34. Generations, Alternation of, in Animals. (C. J . Cham- berlain) Science, 22I 208. ’ Generosity and Corruption. (G. W. Alger) Atlan. 951 781, Generous Conqueror, A; a story. Outing, 43: 19. Generous Mr. Dean, The. (Abby M. Roach) McClure, 27: 253- Genesee River, Preglacial Course of Middle of. H. Whitbeck) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 32. Genesis, A Buddhist. (A. J. Edmunds) Monist, 14: (H. C. Rowland) (R. 215. — Chronology of. (A. J. Maas) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 417. Genetic Progression of Psychic Objects. (J . M. Bald- win) Psychol. R. 11: 216, Geneva. (J . M. Vincent) So. Atlan. Q. I: 14. — before Calvin, I 387-15 36. (H. D. Foster) Am. Hist. R. 32 217. — The University of. (C. F. Thwing) Harper, I12: 57°- Genevieve, St., Maid of Manterre. (M. F. Nixon-Rou- let) Cath. World, 75: 185. Genius. (R. M. Ogden) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 352. — and Insanity. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.)341 I75- . — and the Struggle for Existence. (0. Lodge and others) Nature, 67: 270, 296, 415, — and Stupidity. (L. M. Terman) Pedagog. Sem. I3: 307. — The Hunt for. Spec. 89: 109. — Philosophy of. (M. M. Snell) Arena, 28: 248, — Statistical Study of Eminent Men. Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 359. — The Test of. (Werner A. Stillé) Nation, 83: 1!. Genius of Retta Romany Tompkins. (R. E. Young) Atlan. go: 55. Genizah, Cairo, at Cambridge, Arabic Portion of the. (Dr. H. Hirschfeld) Jew. Q. 15: 167, 677. I6: 98— 690, 17: 65-712, 18: 113-600. 19: 136, - — in the British Museum, Talmudic Fragments from. (Herbert Loewe) Jew. Q. 17: 456. Genizah Document, An 18th Century. (I. Abrahams) Jew. I7: 426. Genizah Fragments. (S. Schechter) Jew. Q. I6: 425. —— in the Bodleian Library. (A. Cowley) Jew. Q. 181 (J . M. Cattell) 399. W 104- Genizah Studies. (L. Ginzberg) Jew. Q, 16: 650. I7: 263, 182102, Genizah Texts, British Museum. Jew. Q. 14: 303. Genoa,_Summer Holiday at. Acad. 671 I48. —— Visit to. (E. Waters) Canad. M. 24: 329. Genotypes, Elimination in Fixing. (F. A. Bather) Science, n. s. 24: 809, Gentle Art of Mending Broken Hearts. michael) New Eng. M. n. s. 321 672. Gentle Bachelor, A. (G. Robinson) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 217, Gentleman Ger. (L. A. Harker) Temp. Bar, 128: 440. = Liv. Age, 239: 303. (G. Margoliouth) (E. Car- GENTLEMAN Gentleman of the Plush Rocker. (R. M. Stuart) Cent. 41: 409. “Gentleman of Rank, A.” (W. B. Harris) Blackw. 180: 327. Gentlemanliness. Spec. 93: 942. Gentleman’s Library. Dial, 38: 184. Gentleman’s Magazine; an historical sketch. (A. H. Bullen) Gent. M. n. s. 76: 1 a. “Gentlemen by Profession.” (T. W. Higginson) In- dep. 601 850, Gentlemen Commanders, Two: Holmes and Spragge. (W. J . Fletcher) Cornh. 87: 809. Gentleman-in-waiting. Chamb. J . 81: 683. Gentlewoman, The Decayed. (A. Moore) Westm. I621 45°- — Return of the. (H. L. Bradley) Atlan. 93: 400. Ge-nun-de-wah, Legend of. (J . M. Clarke) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 657. _ Geo-biological Terms. (C. R. Eastman) Science, 11. s. 20: 51. Geocentric Right Ascension and Declination, Compu- tation of Daily Motion from Elements. (R. T. Crawford) Pop. Astron. 14: 397. Geodesy, Present Position of. (T. H. Holdich) Nature, 70: 104. — (O. H. Tittmann) Science, 11. s. 21! 46. Geodetic Conference, International, at Buda-Pesth, 1906. (G. H. Darwin) Nature, 752 33.— (O. H. Tittmann) Science, 11. s. 24: 713. Geodetic Society, International. (W. Eimbeck) Sci- ence, n. s. 17: 832, Geoffrey of Monmouth. Quar. 205: 54. Geographer, An Old-fashioned. (W. C. Green) Antiq. n. s. 402 9. Geographers, Association of American. ham) Science, 11. s. 21: 300. —— —- 2d Annual Meeting, New York, I906. Science, 11, 3. 23! 222, — of the U. S., Early. 15: 392, Geographic Congress, Eighth International. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 362 36, 633. —-Nat. Geog. M. 15: 74, 419. — (C. C. Adams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 467. — (H. R. Mill) Geog. J. 25: 55. — -— President’s Address. (R. E. Peary) Nat. Geog. (A. F. Brig- (C. M. Chester) Nat. Geog. M. M. 15: 387. ~— German, 15th. (A Wolkenhauer) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 65 3. Geographic Dictionary. (C. Abbe) Science, n. s. 20: ('9- Geographic Influences in American History, Brigham on. (F. V. Emerson) Science, 11. s. 20: 370. — upon Human Affairs. (G. D. Hubbard) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 145. Geographic Names in the U. S., and the Stories they tell. (R. H. Whitbeck) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 100, Geographical Exploration ; its Moral and Material As- pects. (A. W. Greely) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 1. Geographical Pivot of History. (H. J . Mackinder) Geog. J. 23: 421. —Nat. Geog. M. 15: 331. Geographical Research. (T. H. Holdich) Geog. J . 23: 29, ‘ Geographical Societies, Coiiperation among American. (I. C. Russell) Science, n. s. 21: 121, Geographical Society, Royal, Address to. Markham) Geog. J . 24: 1, Geographies of our Forefathers. Eng. M. n. s. 292 61. (C. R. (C. Johnson) New Geography. (W. Wharton) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 483, —— and College English. (M. H. Shackford) Educa. 26: 342. Net. Geog. M. 16: 70. (S. Strunsky) Nation, 83: 502. Geog. J. 25: 17. —- and Culture. - and Diplomacy. — and Education. 250 GEOLOGICAL Geography, Commercial, in the Secondary School. (C- A. Herrick) Educa. 25: 129, -- Content of. (W. M. Davis) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 67. - Early Christian. 11, 5, IO: 85. —- The Essential. (W. M. Davis) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36= 470. -—— Field of, and Some of its Problems. (W. J . L. Wharton) Geog. J . 252 42-9. - First American. (C. Johnson) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 516. —— Hungarian Activity in. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 697. —- Impetus and Direction of, in the 19th Century. (F. von Richthofen) Geog. J . 23: 229. -—— in Education, Importance of. (J . Bryce) Geog. J . 19: 301, , —- in our Public Schools. Cent. 60: 632. — in relation to Other Subjects in Elementary Course. (T. H. Armstrong) Educa. 23: 331, —- in the U. S. (W. M. Davis) Science, 11. s. 19: 121, 178, — in the University of Chicago. Science, 11. s. 17: 713. — Making Geography while you wait. (T. H. Mac- bride) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 333. — Mediaeval, Beazley on. N ature, 67: 73. — Place of, in the Elementary Schools. (W. T. Harris) Forum, 32: 539. —— Present Problems of. (H. R. Mill) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 657.—Geog. J. 25: 1. — Progress in. (G. H. Grosvenor) Chant. 42: 148, — Recent Regulations and Syllabuses affecting Schools. (A. J . Herbertson) Geog. J . 27: 279, — Regional, A Field for Studies in. (W. S. Tower) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 48: 481, — Relation of History to. (A. W. Skinner) Educa. (C. R. Beazley) Roy. Hist. Soc. (R. E. Macnaghten) 19th 25* 597- - A Scheme of. (W. M. Davis) Geog. J . 22: 413, —School, in the U. S. (Martha K. Genthe) Educa. 25: I35, — Some Lessons in. (E. Atkinson) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 193- — Sphere and Uses of. (C. R. Markham) Geog. J . 26: 593- - Teaching of. (R. S. Tarr) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 5 5. — 25 Years’ Progress in. (G. T. Goldie) Geog. J . 28: 377. Geological Congress, 9th International, Vienna, 1903. Nature, 68: 515. — 10th International, Mexico, 1906. Nature, 75: 64, — (E. O. Hovey) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 730, Geological Explorations in Egypt. Science, 11. s. 18: 441- Geological Society of America. (A. W. Grabau) Sci- ence, n. s. 15: 81. — Cordilleran Section. Science, n. s. 15: 410, — Meeting at Pittsburg, 1902. (F. P. Gulliver) Sci- ence, n. s. 16: 258, — — at Washington, 1903. (J. F. Kemp and A. W. Grabau) Science, n. s. 17: 290, —- — at Philadelphia, 1905. (E. O. Hovey) Science, 11. s. 21: 216, Geological Society of American Universities. (R. Ar- nold and D. C. Wiley) Science, 11. s. 18: 691, Geological Society of Washington. (A. H. Brooks) Science, n. s. 16: 985. ~ — Meeting, February, 1902. (A. H. Brooks) Science, n. s. I 5: 506. - — of 1903. (W. C. Mendenhall) Science, n. s. 17: 668. — — of 1906. Science, n. s. 23: 695. GEOLOGICAL Geological Surveys, Recent Reports of. Nature, 73: 377. Geological Time. (W. Upham) Pop. Astron. I4: 264. Geologist, Training and Work of a. (C. R. Van Hise) Science, 11. s. 16: 321, Geology and Geo-botany of Asia. (P. Kropotkin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 55: 63. —— Carboniferous, Russian, and Permian compared with those of India and America. (C. Schuchert) Am. J. Sci. 172: 143, — Chamberlin and Salisbury on. (H. F. Bain) Dial, 36: 395. =40: 384. ——Pop. Astron. 14: 327. —- Columbia Field Work in. (T. C. Brown) Science, n. s. 23: 587. -— Geikie’s Structural and Field Geology. (B. K. Em- erson) Science, 11. s. 22: 628, —-Nature, 72: 223, — History of, Zittel on. Nature, 66: 242. —— Modern, Some Aspects of. Ed. R. 199: 217. — of New Mexico. (C. R. Keyes) Science, n. s. 23: 921, — Physical Characteristics of New York Formations. (A. W. Grabau) Science, n. s. 22: 528. — Reade’s Evolution of Earth Structure. Science, 11. s. 20: 212, — Stratigraphical, J ukes-Browne on. Nature, 65: 5°7- — The Term. ' (S. F. Emmons) Science, n. s. 20: 866, — Time Element in Stratigraphy and Correlation. (T. W. Stanton) Science, 11. s. 21: 583, Geometric Chuck, Mathematical Theory of. (E. A. Partridge) J. Frankl. Inst. 155: I39, I95. Geometry, Automatic Diagrams in. (A. L. Baker) School R. 10: 486. —- Foundations of. (P. Carus) Monist, 13: 370, 493.- (G. B. Halsted) Open Court, 16: 513, -- (O, Veblen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 21, -— —- Hilbert on. (O. Veblen) Monist, I3: 303. —- Linc-, Principles of a New. (R. de Saussure) Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: 81, -— Measurement Theorems in. R. 13: 307. _ _ —— Non-Euclidean. (B.Russell) Ath. ’O4,2: 592.—-— (I. E. Rabinovitch) Science, 11. s. 24: 440. — -— Supplementary Report on. (G. B. Halsted) Pop. Astron. 10: 26, 176. ' — — Value of. (G. B. Halsted) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 639. — Origin and Development of. (G. Loria) Monist, 13: 80, 218, —- Passing of Euclid. (C. Godfrey) Cornh. 94: 72. —- Plane. (A. L. Baker) Educa. 25: 607. —- The Psychological and the Logical in Teaching. (J . Dewey) Educa. R. 25: 38.7, —- Psychology and Natural Development of. Mach) Monist, I2: 481, — A Study of the Development of Geometric Methods. (G. Darboux) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 412, —— Teaching of. (G. B. Halsted) Educa. R. 24: 456. —— What is ? (A. L. Baker) Educa. 23: 32. Geonic Responsa. (L. Ginzberg) Jew. Q. 18: 425, 692, Geophysical Research, Suggestions on. (J . W. Gibbs) Am. J. Sci. 171: 461. ‘ Geophysics. (G. F. Becker) Science, 11. s. 20: 545, George I. in his Relations with Sweden. (J . F. Chance) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 50. — Northern Policy, to 1718. Soc. 11. s. 20: 79. George II., Coronation of. R. 7, no. 1: 25. George III. and his First Cabinet. Eng. Hist. R. 17: 678. George IV., Coronation of, Letter from an Eye-wit- ness. (Countess Gersdoflf) I9th Cent. 51: 1013,: Ecl. M. 139: 267. (G. W. Evans) School (E. (J . F. Chance) Roy. Hist. (C. de Saussure) Monthly (D. A. Winstanley) 251 GERMAN _ George IV., The First Gentleman of Europe, as Pater- familias. (E. L. Dillon) 19th Cent. 59: 514. —— Wives of. (K. Hofiman) Munsey, 32: 125, George, Prince, of Crete. Contemp. 86: 872. George, Prince of Wales, Indian Tour of, 1902. Morison) No. Am. 181: 912. -Quar. I96: 1. George, Henry, and his Utopian Theory. (M. G. Up- ton) Californian, 3: 5 30, ‘ -—— No Socialist. (H. M. Holmes) Nation, 79: 394. George Junior Republic, 8th Anniversary of. (J . A Parker) Char. 11: 64. George, Old Fort, N. Y. City. (E. H. Hall) M. of Hist. 1: 107, George Marlowe; a story. (P. (F. R. Earp) Indep. R. 91 91- George Peabody College for Teachers, The. (J. D. Porter) Nation, 80: 152, George Washington University, The, and George " Washington Memorial Assoc. Science, 11. s. 21: 155- Georgetown, S. C.; an Ancestral Pilgrimage. (B. C. Steiner) So. Atlan. 2: 173. Georgia. Among the Crackers. 43: 522- — Farmers in, Tendencies among. (E. M. Banks) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 109. ' — Governorship of, 1902, 170, —— Massachusetts Model School in. New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 131. Georgia [Russia], The Revival of. (A. Ular) Contemp. 88: 21; Georgian Architecture, Examples of, in Charleston, S. C. (J. R. Kennedy, jr.) Archit. Rec. 19: 283. Georgian Bay, Camp—home on. (E. McLean) Ctry Life Am. 4: 321. -—— Camping at. (E. McLean) Idler, 25: 468. Georgian Court Fountain, Lakewood, N. J . (R. Lade- gast) Am. Arch. 80: 27. Georgian Period, Paston on. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, _ 34: 231.—M0nthly R. 10, no. 1: 8. Georgiana’s Conscience. (E. G. Rowe) Overland, n. s. 42: 400, Georgius Rex. (H. Martley) Cornh. 85: 805. Geranium, A California. Land of Sun. 3: 212. Gerard, Gilbert. Diary, 1865-85. Spec. 92: 813. Gerbert, Pope and Philosopher. (W. Turner) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 295. Gerhart, Emanuel Vogel. R. 51: 563. Gericke, Wilhelm. Outl. 82: 637. German-American Literature. (Amelia von Ende) Poet-Lore, 17, no. 3: 108, German-American Poetry. (L. Lewisohn) Sewanee,. 12: 223. - German-American Trade Relations. Nation, 82: 150, German and American Universities, Entente between. (W. H. Carpenter) Nation, 80: 186. German and Other Public Men. (G. Pollak) Nation, 78: 326. ' German Art. (E. R. Chevy) Brush & P. I8: 244. — in London. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 83: 10. —- The Secession Movement in. (A. Kinross) Cent. 48: (C. Johnson) Outing, R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: (M. A. Bacon) (E. N. Kremer) Ref. Ch. (0. G. Villard) 323- German Arts and Crafts at St. Louis Exposition. (M. I. G. Oliver) Studio (Internat.) 24: 233. German Band, Home of the. Blackw. I72: 451.: Liv. Age, 235: 617, German Bank Act, The Elastic Clause of the. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 50. , German Cavalry Steel Pontons. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 315. (ilfiltldlill German Chancellors, Conversations with the Four. (W. von Schierbrand) Cent. 42: 154, German “ Chansons.” (S. C. de Soissons) Contemp. 83: 524. German Children, Ideals of a Group of. dard) Pedagog. Sem. 13: 208, German Cities: why they are Beautiful and Health- ful. (W. H. Tolman) Outl. 83: 618, German Code, The. (F. P. VValton) Jurid. R. 16: 148. German Colonial Scandals, The. (O. G. Villard) Na- tion, 83: 159. German Colonies and Naval Powers. (J . L. Bashford) Fortn. 78: 622. German Commercial Treaties, Influence on British Industries. (W. A. S. Hewins) National, 451 693. German Contributions to American Progress. (H. H. Fick) Educa. 22: 363, German Court Beauties. pol. 34: 13. German Criticism, and Henslowe and Collier. (W. W. Greg) Library, 11. s. 5: 293. German Criticisms of America. (W. H. Wannamake) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 150, German Customs Tariff, The New. A1n. 181: 392, German Drama, Modern. (E. S. Meyer) Critic, 46: 61. —- of To-day. (S. C. de Soissons) Contemp. 89: 370. = Liv. Age, 249: 345. —(Elizabeth Lee) Cornh. 85: 767.-'iEcl. M. 139: 327.: Liv. Age, 234: 156. German Editors visiting England. (Lucy Brann- Gizychiu) Indep. R. 10: 165. - German Emperor’s War Scare, The. (Custos) National, 44: 1018, German Folksong, The. (J . S. Flory) Sewanee, I4: 38. (H. H. God- (F. Cunlifie-Owen) Cosmo- (N. I. Stone) No. _-'-German Gymnasium and the Real Gymnasium, Strug- gle for Equality of Rights between the. (O. Thier- gen) School R. 10: 243, German Ideals of To-day. (K. Francke) Atlan. 96: 783. German Immigrant in America, The. (E. A. Steiner) Outl. 73: 260, German Immigration, The Phantom Peril of. (S. von Sternberg) No. Am. 182: 641, German Industrial Corporations and the Forcing of Markets. (W. Berdrom) Forum, 33: 68. -< German Influence in America. (J . G. Rosengarten) Lippinc. 69: 501, German Intrigue, The New. Fortn. 82: 385. German Judiciary, The. (J . W. Garner) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 512, German Language, Capitalizing of ,Nouns in. (C. Martel) Lib. J. 30: 333. — in the Class-room. (K. Darrin) School R. 12: 559. -— Teaching, First Year of. (A. Werner-Spanhoofd) Educa. 24: 581, — — in German Middle-class Schools. School R.13: 678. German Law, Interesting Features of. (R. Dulon) Am. Law R. 36: 565. German Leaders, Modern. (Bost.) 20: 309, German Life and Thought since 1870. °(G. Simmel) Internat. Mo. 5: 93, 166, — in Town and Country, Dawson’s. Cath. World, 76: 64, German Literature, Critical Studies in. (R. W. Deer- ing) Chant. 34: 519, 624, 35: 66, 170, 271, — in 1901-02. (E. Heilborn) Ath. ’02, 2: 13. (O. Thiergen) (P. Bigelow) Nat’l M. (P. Farrelly) — 1902-03. (E. Heilborn) Ath. ’03, 2: 13. -— 1903-04. (E. Heilborn) Ath. ’04,2: 301. — 1904-05. (E. Heilborn) Ath. ’05, 2: 675. —— 1905-06. (E. Heilborn) Ath. ’06, 2: 357. ' -— of the 18th Century, Significance of. (J. F. Coar) 2582 GERMAN German Literature, Recent. (E. Lee) Library, n. s. 4: 85. 32¢- — The “ Time Spirit ” in. (W. Sichell) Quar. I98: 404. - Women of the New School. (G. I. Colbron) Critic, 43¢ 425- German Manoeuvers, Impressions of the. man) Un. Serv. M. 34: 31. German Master Musicians. Chaut. 40: 438, 540. 42: 140, German Mercantile Marine. (J . L. Bashford) Fortn. 79: 287. — (O. G. Villard) Nation, 76: 430. German Middle-class Schools. (O. Thiergen) School R. 12: 62;, German Municipal Exposition. Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 571, German Municipal Social Service. (H. Hens- (H. Woodhead) Chant. 40: 548. German Note Circulation, Elasticity of the. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 3. German Notions of America. (H. M. Clarke) Nation, 79= 196- German Novel, Modern. (S. C. de Soissons) Contemp. 85: 245. = Liv. Age, 240: 746. German Oflicer, The. (W. von Schierbrand) World To-day, 7: 1292. — Mischief of. (P. Bigelow) Indep. 57: 3 59. German Paintings and Sculpture at St. Louis Exposi- tion. (Maude I. G. Oliver) Studio (Internat.) 25: 57. German “Peril” and American. (Louis J. Magee) Engin. M. 30: 481, 641, German Philosophy in St. Louis. (W. Schuyler) Wash. Univ. Bull. 2: 62, German Plays, Realistic and Romantic. (L. Strachey) Lamp, 28: 379. German Poems translated. 480, German Poetry, Modern, Verse Translations from. J . Lindsay) Bib. Sac. 59: 162, German Policy, German Light on. Fortn. 78: 604. German Romantic Poetry. (J . F. Coar) Open Court, 19: 227, German Scholarship, Causes of Eminence. (E. B. Clapp) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 41. -German Schools and American. (W. S. Monroe) School 1 R, 14: 217, — in the XVIth Century. Bull. 1: 379. German Severity in the Franco-Prussian War. Herbert) Contemp. 82: 39. German Stage, The Struggle for Individuality on. (K. Francke) Nation, 74: 167. German Steel Syndicate. (F. Walker) Q. J . Econ. 20: (J . Lindsay) Bib. Sac. 60: (T. J. Shahan) Cath. Univ. (A. 353- German Student Corps. (P. G. Hubert, jr.) Bookman, 24= 44- German Tales collected in Canada. berg) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I9: 241, German Town, In and about a. Liv. Age, 248: 534. German Trade, The Menace of. (J . D. Whelpley) World’s Work, 11: 6874, German Troubles in Southwest Africa. (L. Elkind) Fortn. 83: 250. German Universities, Impressions of. (R. H. Jesse) Educa. R. 32: 433. —- Taking a Degree in. (W. W. Whitelock) Chant. 351 553- —- Thirty Years’ Growth of. (C. E. Wright) Educa. R. 27: 66, — Women at. (M. K. Gerithe) Forum, 33: 243. German Water-ways, Lesson of. (O. Eltzbacher) Con- temp. 86: 778. German Woman, The. (C. L. Franklin) Nation, 78: (W. J . Wintem- Open Court, 18: 733. 35°- —(A- Rupp) Nation, 78: 370, (G. E. Hooker) R. of ' GERMAN German Woman-writer, The, in the 19th Century. (Otto Heller) Wash. Univ. Bull. 1: 46. German Working Man and Protection. (W. H. Daw- son) Contemp. 88: 5 34. — Condition of the. (E. D. Howard) J . Pol. Econ. 14! 65, German Workman, Dawson’s. (C. J . Bullock) Nation, 831 397- Germanic Etymologies, Some. Philol. 27: 154, Germanic Museum at Harvard College. Harv. Grad. M. II: 360, -— Housing of Emperor William’s Gifts. (K. Francke) Nation, 83: 117. Germanizing the World. 40= 274- German’s Appeal to the English. Age. 239= 503- Germans in America, The. as 69 — in the - (Paul Haupt) Am. J . (K. Francke) (C. E. Russell) Cosmopol. (T. Mommsen) Liv. (H. N. Casson) Munsey, United States. (K. Blind) Westm. I59: 15, —— Industrial Capacity of the. (Earl Dean Howard) J . Pol. Econ. 13: 452, Germantown, Battle of. Account of Robert Proud. Pennsyl. M. 29: 114, — Washington’s Plan for Attack at. Pennsyl. M. 26: 387. Germany, Affairs in. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 87: 870. 88: 135. 89: 576. 90: 584, -— Agrarian Movement in. (VV. H. Dawson) Contemp. 86: 65. —— Agricultural Policy of. Science, 11. s. 20: 315. -—‘ Agricultural Prosperity of. (O. Eltzbacher) Con- temp. 87: 457. ——- An American in. Chamb. J. 83: 657. — and America, Academic Interchange between. (J. H. Canfield) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 679.— (K. Francke) Nation, 80: 111, —-— and American Public Opinion. Liv. Age, 246: 434. — and England. (J . A. Ewan) Canad. M. 20: 380. —- Contemp. 81: 153. 83: 100, 512.——(Countess von Krockow) Indep. 54: I718. -— Spec. 89: 984. — (F. Paulsen) Contemp. 86: 808. -— (J, A, Spender) Fortn. 84: 811. I Eel. M. 146: 12. — (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 139. ——- — after the Boer War. 82: 166. — -~— and Russia; a Warning and a Moral. (M. Mac- Coll) Fortn. 77: 21, —— Anglophobia in Germany. Contemp. 81: 13.: Liv. Age, 232: 449. = Ecl, M. 138: 421, —- —— — Is it on the Decline ? (J . L. Bashford) Fortn. 77: 613. — —-— Anti-British Movement. Cent. 52: 190. — — Conversation with von Biilow. 19th Cent. 56: 873. — —— Future of Anglo-German Relations. (J . E. Bar- ker) 19th Cent. 59: 525.=Ecl. M. 146: 532. — —— How preserve Peace between. (R. Blennerhas- sett) National, 42: 542, —— —— Our German Ally. (A. R. Colquhoun) Monthly R. 6, no. 12 73. —— — Teutophobia. National, 41: 662. — and France in England’s Foreign Policy. (T. Bar- clay) Indep. R. 8: 14. —- — Relations of. (R. Blennerhassett) Fortn. 84: 236, (C. H. Lincoln) Spec. 95: 108.: (J . L. Bashford) Contemp. (O. Eltzbacher) 19th (J . L. Bashford) 5°7- -— -— The Threatened War of 1875. (R. Blennerhas- sett) National, 46: 440. — and her Polish Subjects. Chaut. 34: 573. 253 GERMANY Germany and her Subject Races. Nation, 80: 496, — —- A Struggle for the Soil. 87: 813, — and Holland. Spec. 90: 408, 450. ——- — Pan-Germany. Contemp. 84: — and the Papacy. (J . T. Murphy) (0. G. Villard) (E. Givskov) Contemp. I75- Cath. World, 77 : 427- —- and the Progress of Socialism. (F. A. Ogg) Chaut. 41: 111, —- and Russia, Coming Struggle between. Contemp. 83: 57. —and the U. S. (Carl‘Schurz) Indep. 54: 665.- (N. I. Stone) No. Am. 182: 433. —Spec. 90: 368. —— -— Diplomatic and Commercial Relations histori- cally considered. (G. M. Fisk) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 323, — — Future Relations of. World’s Work, 4: 2112, — and the Vatican. (J . W. Thompson) World To-day, 9: 962, — and War Scares in England. (K. Blind) 19th Cent. 58: 639.=Liv. Age, 247: 707. —— Archaeological Remains in. (E. S. Balch) J . Frankl. Inst. 1552 55. — Army of. (L. Wright) World To-day, I1: 1295, —- (W. G. Fitz-Gerald) World’s Work, 11: 7309. — — Degeneracy of the. (W. von Schierbrand) No. Am. 179: 72. — — 14th Corps, Manoeuvers of, 1903. Un. Serv. M. 28: 606, -— — in France. (J . M. Maguire) National, 39: 228. — — in German Fiction. (H. C. Macdowall) Macmil. 891 344- — — A Soldier of the Kaiser. 61: 430, — —-— System of, and how it works. 19th Cent. 56: 606, (W. von Schierbrand) (A. E. Turner) (E. Schultz) Indep. (J . L. Bashford) — as a World Power. (W. von Schierbrand) 34: I38. — at Close of 1901. (Countess von Krockow) Indep. an 258- — Awakening of Women in. (H. Ellis) Fortn. 86: 123, -— Banking and Finance in. Bank. M. (Lond.) 77: 697. — Banking Position in. Bank. M. (Lond.) 74: 595. -— Bankruptcy of Bismarckian Policy. Fortn. 81: 765.=Ecl. M. 143: 94. — Battle between Democracy and Reaction in. Flower) Arena, 302 93. — British Distrust of. (D. C. Boulger) 19th Cent. 591 1- — Caesar and the Sentimentalists [Germany and Brit- ish Naval Supremacy]. (Ignotus) National, 46: 209, — Census of 1905, Results of. Science, 11. s. 24: I57. (B. O. — Chemical Instruction and Industries in. (J . E. Thorpe) Nature, 66: 32, — Civil Code of, Making of. (F. W. Maitland) Indep. R. 10: 211, —- Colonial Ambitions of, and Anglo-Saxon Interests. (E. Eltzbacher) Fortn. 79: 469. — Colonial Forces of. (F. Harvey) Un. Serv. M. 25! 430- — Commerce. “Made in Germany.” (G. B. Wal- dron) Chaut. 35: I27. —— Commercial Relations of. (L. Elkind) Fortn. 86: 74. — Cost of Living in. (Mrs. A. Sidgwick) Cornh. 90: 87. = Critic, 45: 264, —- Crown Prince of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 80: 452, —— Debt of. (A. Wagner) No. Am. 174: 845. — Eclipse of. (O. Berolinensis) National, 431 566. — Economic Crisis in. (H. M. Hodgson) Contemp. 81: 549. —(A. Braun) Yale R. 11: 9. GERMANY Germany, Economic Developments in. (Lond.) 82: 706. - Educational System of. (W. von Schierbrand) No. Bank. M. Am, 183: 376, — Educational Troubles of. (H. T. F inck) Nation, 83: 433: - Elections in, I903. (N. Gibside) National, 41: 1017, -(O. G. Villard) Nation, 76: 509, - - - and the Socialist Party, Moral of. Liv. Age, 238: 441. - (W. von Schierbrand) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: I85, - - - Results of. (W. von Schierbrand) No. Am. 177: 192, - - - Significance to Democracy. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 30: 311, - - 1906. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 527. - Emancipation of. (E. S. Meyer) Critic, 45: 463. - Empire as made in. (H. Reade) Westm. I58: 42. - Empire of, Formation of the. (R. Blennerhassett) ~National, 40: 567, - England, and Austria. Cent. 56: 707. - England and, in Turkey. Contemp. 90: 305. - England’s False Friend. National, 44: 266. - Exchange of Professors between America and. Francke) Nation, 80: 111, - Expectations and Aspirations of. Spec. 90: 289. — Exports of, Growth of. (E. Bernstein) Contemp. 841 775: - Financial and Industrial Crisis in, I902. (N. Y.) 64: 71. - Fiscal Policy of. (O. Eltzbacher) 19th Cent. 54: 181. - Foreign Correspondent in. (W. von Schierbrand) World’s Work, 5: 3355. - Foreign Observers of Modern. 81: 498, - Foreign Policy of. (R. Blennerhassett) Fortn. 83: 781.=Liv. Age, 245: 688.:Ecl. M. 145: 180. — Fortn. 84: 1005. .(R. Blennerhassett) 19th (A Traveler in the East) (K. Bank. M. (G. Pollak) Nation, - Franc-parler sur l’expansion de’ l’Allemagne. (P. Déroulede) National, 46: 224, - France, and the Peace of Europe. (R. Garibaldi) Internat. Q. 9: 407. - Future of. (E. Reich) Fortn. 81: 597, =Liv. Age, 241: 528. - History of the Struggle for Liberty, Bigelow’s. Spec. 92: 985. - How Science helps Industry in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 167. - In and about a German Town. - in Asia; German March to the Persian Gulf. Blennerhassett) National, 41: 495. - in International Commerce. (P. Arndt) Internat. M0. 5: 526. - in the Mediterranean. 987. - in 1906. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 90: 723. - in I950; a forecast. (P. Bigelow) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 26, ' - in the Pacific. (R. Bedford) Macmil. n. s. 1: 499. - Industrial, Some F eatnres of. (W. G. L. Taylor) J. Pol. Econ. 12: 537. - Industrial Advance of. (J . Horner) Cassier, 25: 515. - (W. Sombart) Yale R. 14: 6, 34. — Industrial Training of the People of. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 111, - Intellectual, of To-day. mopol. 37: 57. - Isolated in European Politics. Sat. R. 100: 456, - Isolation of, Plea for. National, 38: 703. - Judicial Ofiice in. (B. E. Howard) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 328. (H. S. Pritchett) Blackw. I78: 804. (R. (J . L. Bashford) F ortn. 83: (W. von Schierbrand) Cos- 254 GERMANY Germany; Judiciary of the German Empire. (J . W. Garner) Pol. Sci. Q. 17: 490, - Leadership of. Outl. 82: 393, - Legitimate Expansion of. (H. H. Johnston) Fortn. 84: 427, - A Letter from. (W. C. Dreher) Atlan. 89: 399. 91: 338. or 389- - Libraries in. (C. Niirrenberg) Pub. Lib. 9: 365. - Local Autonomy and Imperial Unity. (G. Fottrell) 19th Cent. 59: 331. - A Message' from Kiel. (A. White) National, 39: 732- - Military System of. (P. Bigelow) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 684, - Military Technical Academy of. Army & Navy Life, 9: 409. - Naval Policy of. Un. Serv. M. 32: 617. - Naval Power of. (“ V.”) Monthly R. 21, no. 1: 68, - Navy. (F. Q. C. Gardner) Army & Navy Life, 9: 342. - (A. S. Hurd) Cassier, 25: 3. - - British & German Fleets. F ortn. 83: 15. - - Command of the “ German Ocean.” (Excubitor) Fortn. 86: 509, - - The Frankfort Fleet. (A. T. S. Goodrick) Cornh. 89: 355- - - Future Functions of. By a Member of the Ger- man General Staif. National, 45: 242. - - German Naval Bill. (Excubitor) F ortn. 85: 72. - - Growth of. National, 42: 468. - — The Imperial. (L. C. Cornford) Monthly R. 21, no. I: 48. - - The Kaiser’s Dream of Sea Power. (A. S. Hurd) 19th Cent. 60: 215. - - the Kaiser’s Fleet. (A. S. Hurd) 19th Cent. 52: 34. I Liv. Age, 234: 482, - - Menace of. (H. W. Wilson) National, 43: 373. - Navy League, The. National, 46: 633. -(L. El- kind) I9th Cent. 56: 1012, - - Why it strengthens her. (A. J . Bader) (K. Blind) No. Am. 176: 699, - Next Emperor of. (F. Cunliffe-Owen) Munsey, 32: 225, — on the Sea. (W. L. Marvin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 30 - Pan-Germanic Idea. (R. Blennerhassett) National, 39: 547. —Quan 196= I52 - - Le Pangermanisme, la Hollande, et la Belgique. (Y. Guyot) 19th Cent. 59: 345. - Personal Government in. Contemp. 86: 94. - Policy of the German Emperor. F ortn. 79: 581, - Policy of. Mystification ; a Bismarckian Indict- ment of Recent German Policy. (M. Harden) N a- .tional, 46: 1009. - Political Economy in. (G. Cohn) Econ. J. 15: 600. - Political Parties in. (F. Tiinnies) Indep. R. 3: 565. — Political Turning-point. (W. von Schierbrand) N 0. Am. 174: 289. - Popular Government in. (J . S. Mann) Contemp. 83: 820, ‘ Technol. R. 1: 300, Bank. M. (N. Y.) - Post-graduate Study in. - Present Banking Situation in. 66: 677. - Press in. National, 44: 632. - Progress of, and of Greater Germany. bacher) Contemp. 88: 203, - Prussia and, in the 19th Century. National, 47: 942, - Railways of. (O. Eltzbacher) Contemp. 87: I74. - Recent Events in, 1905. (W. C. Dreher) Atlan. 95: (O. Eltz- (F. Meinecke) 391- - Religion in. (G. F. Irwin) 20th Cent. Q. I. no. I: 34. - Religious Reconstruction in. (J . Collier) Hibbert J . 5: 166, GERMANY Germany, Russia, and the East. Spec. 90: 488. — Russia and. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 88: 609. —— Shipbuilding and Shipping Industries of. (J . E. Barker) Contemp. 89: 32 5. — Sobriety in. (J . L. Bashford) Contemp. 83: 640. — Social Democracy in. (E. Bernstein) Internat. Q. 8: 175.— (O. Eltzbacher) 19th Cent. 53: 755. —— Supreme Court of, Measures for Relief of. (H. Muencb) Am. Law R. 38: 51, —— Tariff, The Genesis of. (W. H. Dawson) Econ. J . 14: 11, ——how it was Revised. (N. I. Stone) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 719. — Tariff Controversy in. (H. Dietzel) Q.J. Econ. 17: 365. — Tariff Differences with. (W. von Schierbrand) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 205, — Town and Country Byways. (C. M. Stearns) Chaut. 40: 522, -— rade and the Spade -in. (L. Magnus) Monthly R. 6, no. 12 87. — Trial by Jury in. 650, — An Unexpected French War-cry against. (K. Blind) No. Am. 183: 1019, — Von Schierbrand’s. (E. S. Meyer) Critic, 421 263. — Waning Prestige of. (C. G. Hall) Westm. 166: 66, (B. E. Howard) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 173. — Welding of a World-power, Schierbrand’s. Spec. 92: 18. — What the People read in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 210, — Workmen in, Legal Position of. (W. H. Dawson) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 264, — Workmen’s Insurance in. 418. — The Year in, 1906. Germination, Recent Literature on. Am. Natural. 36: 981. Gériime, Jean Léon. Ath. ’o4, 1:, 89. —Acad. 66: 107. -—iVith portrait. (R. W. Glessner) Brush & P. I42 54.—Ath. ’04, I1 89. — (R. H. Titherington) Munsey, 35: 279. . -— A Morning with. (S. K. Wiley) Lamp, 29: 152. Geronimo, Apache War-chief. Outing, 47: 478. Gersoppa Falls, India. (G. Wolseley) Idler, 29: 694. Gerund and Gerundive in Livy. (R. B. Steele) Am. J . Philol. 27: 280, “ Gervie zame, gervie door.” Clure, 25: 552. . Gesta Romanorum. Acad. 69: 781. = Liv. Age, 246: (N. Pinkus) Yale R. 13: (W. C. Dreher) Atlan. 98: 663, (J . A. Harris) (Jean Webster) Me- 763- \ Gestiire and Facial Expression. (J . H. Schooling) Pall Mall li/I. 280: 197, 343, Get-away of Jonas, The. 422, Getting an Engagement. 46: 65. Gettysburg. (J . B. Gordon) Scrib. M. 34: 2. Gezer, Ancient, Excavation of. (E. W. G. Masterman) Bib. World, 21,: 407. —(R. A. S. Macalister) Ath. ’03, 1: 185.-—(C. W. Wilson) Monthly R. 10, no. 3: 82,: Liv, Age, 237: 286. — (A. Macalister) Harper, 107: 83. — (R. A. S. Maealister) Ath. ’02, 2: 458. —(T. F. Wright) Bib. World, 20: 388,-' (I. N. Price) Bib. World, 23: 146. ' Ghazipur, the City of Roses. (P. C. Mozoomdar) Outl. 75: 453- Ghent and its Coiiperative “ Vooruit.” (V. Thompson) Everybody’s, I3: 291. - International Art Exhibition at. Nation, 83: 219. -—— Negotiations at, in 1314. R. 11: 68. (A. J . Hains) Munsey, 33: (A. Hervey) Good Words, (Eliz. R. Pennell) (A. T. Mahan) Am. Hist. 255 GIBRALTAR Ghent; School for Mothers. (Mrs. B. Russell) 19th Cent. 60: 970, Ghetto, Parnassus of the. (Mary K. Synon) World To- day, 11: 1041, Ghetto Pedagogue, The. 72: 209, Ghirlandajo, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art. 7= 339- Ghost, Decay of the, in Fiction. Dial, 38: 377. —- Development of the Modern. (M. MacMurchy) Bk. Buyer) 24: 116, — in Fiction. (T. R. Sullivan) Atlan. 97: 133, — in Hamlet. (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 7: 393. Ghost in the Red Shirt. (-B. M. Bower) Lippinc. 741 121, Ghost of Chance, The. body’s, 13: 147. Ghost of Fan-Tai, The. n. s. 43: Ghost of a 41: 101, Ghost-dance in California. Folk-Lore, I7: 32. Ghost Extinguisher, The. 38: 698. Ghost House, The; a Quiet Day in the Catskills. (Bliss Carman) Craftsman, 10: 279. Ghost-making Extraordinary. (H. R. Evans) Open Court, 19: 65. Ghost Stories, Concerning. (E. Scribe) Gent. M. n. s. (Olivia H. Dunbar) (R. W. Chambers) Every- (Amy M. Parish) Overland, S215, The. (D. Atkins) Overland, n. s. Q (A. L. Kroeber) J. Am. (Gelett Burgess) Cosmopol. (W. S. Lilly) 19th Cent. 511 465- — Some Authenticated. (A. C. Rich) Arena, 30: 84. Ghostly Stowaway, The. (J . W. Strout) Outing, 49: 28. Ghosts. Acad. 67: 389. ' — and Telepathy. (C. C. Greenwood) Westm. 160: 271, —— of Piccadilly. (G. S. Street) Monthly R. 25, no. 21 . 57. — Prehistoric. (J . A. MacCulloch) Acad. 71: 14. — Richard Baxter’s. (F. M. Parsons) Longm. 40: 147. -—Status of. Sat. R. 99: 171.=Ecl. M. 144: 634.: Liv. Age, 244: 700. Ghosts of the Abbey, The; a story. Cath. World, 79: 613. Giacosa, Giuseppe. Ath. ’06, 21 283. Giant Circumstance; a story. (J . Oxenham) Chamb. J , 82: 1-469, Giant’s Causeway, Some Notes on the. Knowl. n. s. 3: 607. ' Gibb, E. J . W., Manuscripts and Unpublished Work of. (E. G. Browne) Ath. ’02, II 81. Gibbeting Irons, Leicester. (C. A. Markham) Antiq. n. s. 42: 212, Gibbon, Edward. 9: 31, — Centenary Commemoration. Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 9: 25. Gibbon, John, General, Reminiscences of. (H. P. God- dard) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 145. Gibbons, Grinling, Sample of his Wood Carving. Art J , 56: 361, Gibbons, James, Cardinal, with portrait. (J . T. Smith) Munsey, 32: 841, Gibbons’s Promotion; a tale. (0. OT. Rowe) (E. A. Martin) (F. Harrison) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. (M. E. Grant-Duff) (C. M. Skinner) Outing, 41: 580, Gibbs, Josiah Willard. (H. A. Bumstead) Pop. Astron. 11: 446.—-(G. H. Bryan) Nature, 68: 11.—With portrait. (H. A. Bumstead) Am. J . Sci. 166: 187. Giberti, Gian Matteo. (M. A. Tucker) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 24, 266, 439, . Gibraltar. (C. Bill) Monthly R. 19, no. 3: 38. — The African. (A. R. Colquhoun) Harp. W. 50: 812. , Giifen, R. Economic Inquiries and Studies. GIBRALTAR Gibraltar, and the Bay of Algeciras. (R. J . B. Mair) Un.Serv. M. 26: 133. — and Ceuta. (J . F. Crease) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 462. —— and its Surroundings. (P. Bigelow) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 171, — Bi-centenary of English Possession. I9th Cent. 56: 181, -—- Capture of, July 24, 1704, M- 29‘ 544- — Keeper of the Eastern Gate. Cosmopol. 36: 723. —— The Key to the Orient. Inst. 37: 490. -—- The Mountain of Tarek. (C. W. Furlong) Outl. 791 45- — Question of. (A. Grifliths) Fortn. 77: 839. — the Rock of, How the British hold. (J . Scriven) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 7: r7. — Value of the Rock. (W. Verner) Sat. R. 100: 714. Gibraltar Docks, The Defense of. Un. Serv. M. 241 57I Gibson,‘ Charles D. (M. H. Spielmann) M. of Art, 27: (R. McNeill) (R. J . B. Mair) Un. Serv. (B. Brandenburg) (A. S. Rowan) J . Mil. Serv. 1 5. — The Future of his Work. Brush & P. 16: 165, -— Home of, N. Y. City. Archit. Rec. I 5: 172. Gibson, Wm. Hamilton, Adams’s Life of. (E. Granger) Dial, 32: 237. “ Giffard of Barbastre.” R. 18: 303. (T. A. Archer) Eng. Hist. (C. F. Bastable) Econ. J. 141 271. —Spec. 92: 605. Gifford, Humfrey, a Neglected Elizabethan Poet. (L. W. Payne, jr.) Sewanee, II: 221. Gifford, Robert Swain, Landscape Painter, with por- trait. (C. Gaw) Brush & P. 15: 201, Gifford, William, in I586. (C. Butler) Month, I03: 243. —— (J. H. Pollen) Month, 103: 348, Gift, The; a Christmas story. (H. Joor) Craftsman, 9: 397- Gift of Angelo. (H. F. Sanders) Craftsman, 11: 181, Gift of F ernseed, The. (Harry P. Robinson) Good Words, 431 479. Gift of Life, The. (E. Spence de Pue) Overland, n. s. 42: 506, Gift-making. (Mrs. J . F. Cox) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 6 5. Gifts.3 (C. B. Wheeler) 19th Cent. 56: 312, ::Ecl. M. 143: 694.: Liv. Age, 242: 794. -— and Moral Independence. Outl. 81: 61, - for a Non-charitable Purpose. (J . C. Gray) Harv. Law R. 15: 509. — for Religious Purposes, Scrutiny of. (D. Evans) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 43: 123.—(F. S. Baldwin) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 43: 131, — “Tainted.” (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 126, — To make the Gift Divine. (H. Meade Blend) Over- land, n. s. 48: 455. Gila Monster, The. (E. C. Vick) Ctry Life Am. I: 102. -— Is it Poisonous ? (R. W. Shufeldt) Ctry Life Am. 1: 182. Gilbert, Mrs. G. H., and her Contemporaries. (J . R. Towse) Nation, 79: 455. — An Appreciation. (Eliz. A. Cary) Critic, 46: 31. Gilbert, Sir J . Henry. Nature, 50: 205. Gilbert, Sir John. Shylock, Salanio, and Salarino; painting. Art J. 552 274. Gilbert, William, and Terrestrial Magnetism. (S. P. Thompson) Geog. J . 21: 611, — The First Magnetician. (R. T. Glazebrook) Nature, 66: 249. Gilbert, Wm. S. -— as Humorist. (L. M. Isaacs) Bookman, 16: 150. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 619. 256 GIRL Gilbert, Wm. S. Bab Ballads. R. 99: 696. — Librettos of. (G. H. Powell) Temp. Bar, 125: 36. Gilchrist, R. Murray, Derbyshire Novelist. (J . B. Hobman) Idler, 29: 226, Gilchrist Trust, and Popular Education. lins) National, 452 669. Gild Merchant, London and the. Hist. R. 18: 315, —- of Shrewsbury. (W. Cunningham) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 9: 99. Gilder, R. Watson. Outl. 81: 736. Gilds and Livery Companies. (O. Roberts) Am. Arch. 88: 189, . -—- English Craft, and the Government, Kramer’s. (L. —— German and Dutch. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 3: 201. Knowles) Econ. J . I5: 543. — of the Middle Ages. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, I, no. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. (J. C. Col- (C. G. Crump) Eng. 3: 1. — — The Religious Element in. (R. H. Tierney) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 647. Giles of St. Joseph, Brother. Wo1'ld, 80: 366. Gilgames, Story of. Am. Antiq. 25: 185. Gilhooley Case, The. (F. L. Fake, jr.) Green Bag, 181 (R. F. O’Connor) Cath. 453- Gilkin, Iwan. Prométhée. (J . L. Borgerhoff) Sewa- nee, I1: 257. Gill, lVilson L., Apostle of Democracy in Education, with portrait. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 351 I 77. Gill School City, The. Gunton’s M. 22: 535. Gillette, William. Clarice. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 100: 4oo, Gills of Simulium. 875. Gin Terror, The Reign of the. (J . H. Carmichael) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 140. Giorgione, Painter, with Bibliography. Mast. in Art, 41 1>t.47- Giotto and Early Italian Art. (J. A. Crowe) Quar. 200: 27, — Life, ‘Work, and Bibliography, with portrait. Mast. in Art, 3: pt. 32. Gipsies. (D. C. Cahalane) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: (T. J . Headlee) Am. Natural. 40: 321, — English. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 45: 329. —— False. (C. S. Baldwin) Atlan. 91: 415. — Notes on the. (A. T. Sinclair) J . Am. Folk-Lore, 19: 212, — The People of Little Egypt. Monthly R. 19, no. 2: 41, ——Russian; Zirians. (E. W. Lowry) Gent. M. n. s. (D. MacRitchie) 681 344- Gipsy Christening, A. (Alice E. Gillington) Liv. Age, 248: 442. Girafies. (R. Leydekker) Nature, 69: 400, — Some New, at British Museum. Sat. R. 99: 205. Girardin, Emile de, The Father of Cheap Newspapers. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 338, Girl behind the Counter, The. World To-day, I0: 270, — in the Grammar Grades. (H. A. Bryden) (Mary R. Cranston) (J . M. Tyler) Educa. 26: 404. — of the Middle West, The; with drawings by H. R. Boehm. (E. Hubbard) Cosmopol. 401 516. — Problem of, in the Library. (Lutie E. Stearns) Lib. J . 31: 103. “ Girl;” a story. (E. Hough) Am. M. 61: 163, Girl and the Butcher, The; a story. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 30: 173. Girl and the Gun-fighter, The. (Eleanor Gates) Cos- mopol. 41: 303. GIRL Girl at Duke’s, The; astory. (J . W. Linn) McClure, 21:'398 , Girl decides, A. (A. H. Henderson) Good Words, 442 444- Girl from’ the Machine, The. (J . L. Williams) Scrib.‘ M. 40: 467. Girl in the Rockies. (C. Lockhart) Lippinc. 701 I 77. Girl in Waiting, The. (A. Eyre) Idler, 27: 327, 431, 591. 28: 30-613, 29: 9o. ‘ Girl of the Engineers. (E. Foote) Atlan. 95: 38I. Girl of Maine. (G. Robinson) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 125, Girl of the Rose, The. (Capt. Vaughan) Longm. 46: 421, 5°9- Girl who travels Alone, The. (Eleanor Gates) Cosmo- pol. 42: 2, 163, Girl with the Banjo. (J . D. Hallowell) Lippinc. 72: -0 :94- Girl with Five Names, The. (M. A. Ellis) Sund. M. 341 874.- Girl with the Soft Gray Eyes, The. (A. O. Vaughan) ' Liv. Age, 244: 338. Girlhood, Public School. Sat. R. 102: 539, Girl’s Garden, The. (Barrington Kidd) New Eng. M. n. s. 322 316. Girls and Board Schools. (Flora A. Steel) Sat. R. 96: 606, 696. ~ — The Curriculum for. (A. C. E. Allinson) Nation, 198 — Do they ‘take an Interest in Literature ? (Marga- rita Yates) Monthly R. 23, no. I : 12o, -—— Fall River Mill, in Domestic Service. (G. Barnam) Char. I3: 550. -— A Fraternity of Wage-earning. (F. Woolston) Char. I 5: 892, 899. — in Colonial Schools. (W. H. Small) Educa. 22: 532. — Labor of, in Textile Industries of Pennsylvania. (P. Roberts) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 434. —-— Little. (May Byron)'Cornh. 902 244. — Manhattan Trade School for. (M. S. Woolman) Char.I01 29. -- Moral Training of, Special. Ethics, 14: I. — Physique of. (K. Bathurst) I9th Cent. 59: 825. —- Poor, who marry Millions. (Lida R. McCabe) Cos- mopol. 41: 249. —Southern, in New York. (J . C. Sleet) Char. I4: 766. -— — in the North. (F. A. Kellor) Char. I3: 584. —— Talks with. (Katherine Burrill) Chamb. J . 8: 67- 673. — Why should they have Nothing to do ? (E. Eustis) Char. I42 1083. — with Nothing to do. (E. C. Parsons) Char. I 5: 124, — —- A Plan for. (E. C. Parsons) Char. I3: 545. Girls’ Club, Phillips Brooks and the. (L. D. Fuller) Cent. 45: 258. Giron, Charles, Swiss Painter. ternat.) I52 81. Girtin, Thomas. 562, —— Centenary of, with portrait. (W. S. Sparrow) Stu- dio (Internat.) I82 81. Girton College. (E. A. McCallum) Sund. M. 34: 432. Gissing, George. (W. M. Colles; G. C. Williamson) Acad. 66: 40, 46. — (E. Bjorkman) Bookman, I8: 600. —(A. Waugh) Fortn. 81: 244.=Ecl. M. 142: 667- =Liv. Age, 249, 714. —Ath. ’o4, 1: 82,- (N, Wedd) Indep. R. 2: IOI. —(A. Harrison) 19th Cent. 60: 453.=Liv. Age, 251: 216, —— Idealistic Realist. Atlan. 932 280. — An Impression. (H. G. Wells) Monthly R. 16, no. 2: 160. =Ec1. M. 145: 580.: Liv. Age, 243: 38. (Alice Henry) Int. J . (R. Mobbs) Studio (In- (C. J . K. Fenton) Temp. Bar, 126: 257 GLADSTONE Gissing, George, Some Recollections of. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 11 a. = Liv. Age, 249: 238. — the Spokesman of Despair. National, 44: 511. = Liv. Age, 243: 733. =Ecl. M. 144: 186. Giuseppe’s Christmas. (M. H. Peixotto) Scrib. M. 33: 29. . “ Give me not Love ; ” a poem. (F. E. Coates) Atlan. 91: 855. Giving, Meanness in. Spec. 92: 9. Glacial Channels in New York. Science, 11. s. 171 115. Glacial (Dwyka) Conglomerate of South Africa. (E. T. Mellor) Am. J. Sci. 170: 107, Glacial Hypothesis in America, The Development of the. (G. P. Merrill) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 300. Glacial Notes from Canadian Rockies. (W. H. Sher- zer) Science, 11. s. 23: 351. ‘ Glacial Remains near Woodstock, Conn. (J . W. Eg- gleston) Am. J. Sci. 153: 403. Glacial Reservoirs and their Outbursts. Geog. J. 25: 534. Glacial Stages in New England. ence, n. s. 24: 467, 499. Glacial Studies in Canada. 72: 310. Glaciation, Hess on. (G. A. J . Cole) Nature, 70: 477. — in Southern Arizona and Northern Sonora. (F. J. H. Merrill) Science, n. s. 24! 116. Glacier, A Colorado. (J . Henderson) Harper, I12. 609, —- New Canadian. 2 . Glaciers, American. (C. R. Ames) Calif. M. I: 564. 2: 1 3 5. . — Ancient, of the Sierra Mts. (J . Muir) Californian, 2: 5 50. — and Civilization. (F. Legge) Ecl. M. 140: 66. —- as Conservative Agents. (W. M. Davis) Science, 11. s. 17: 195. — Grained Structure of. (G. Quincke) Nature, 72: (C. Rabot) (M. L. Fuller) Sci- (G. A. J . Cole) Nature, (W. W. Beaton) Canad. M. 18: 543- — Hess’s “Die Gletscher.” (H. F. Reid) Science, 11. s. 2r: 507, — Himalayan. From Sainugar to the Sources of the Chogo Lungma Glacier. (W. H. Workman) Geog. J . 25: 245. — in the U. S. (C. J. Maury) M. of Hist. 3: I65, — of California. (F. M. Carlin) Calif. M. 3: 520. — of Kawgchenjunga. (D. W. Freshfield) Geog. J . 1;» 45"- — — Notes0 on a Map of. (E. J . Garwood) Geog. J . 202 13, — Variations in Length of. Geog. J . I9: I94. Gladden, Washington. McClure, 26: 448. — Outl. 82: I 54. —— Preacher and Patriot. 815, “ Gladiators, The ; ” a story. (Dorothea Deakin) Cent. 50: 683. Gladiolus, The, and how to grow it. Life Am. 5: 381. Gladstone, John Hall. (W. C. Roberts Austen) Nature, 66: 609. Gladstone, William Ewart. (J . Morley) Quar. I98: 545.=Bk. News, 22: 265.: E01. M. 138: 66,: Liv. Age, 2351 5I3.—(C. D. Foss) Meth. R. 562 545, — Church 58: 1. —- (Goldwin Smith) N0. Am. 178: 49. — and the Confederate Cotton Loan. (Goldwin Smith) Nation, 81: 462, 502. — and the Dissolution of 1874. R. 20, no. 3: 60, — and Imperialism. 243- (G. P. Morris) Cent. 49: (R. McNeill) Monthly (H. ‘V. Marcus) Canad. M. 22; (A. Cowee) Ctry GLADSTONE Gladstone, William Ewart, as Foreign Minister. (E. T. Cook) Monthly R. 13, no. 2: 70. -— as I knew him. (A. West) Cornh. 93: 314. =Liv. Age. 24:» 410- -- as a Moral and Religious Personality. penter) Hibbert J . 2: 494. -— Closing Years of. (W. H. Rideing) Critic, 43: 347. -— Foreign‘ Policy of, and how Lord Rosebery failed to adhere to it. (M. D. O’Brien) Westm. I57: 366. -— An Incident in the Life of. (W. J . Madden) Cath. World, 80: 57. -— Letter of, and the American and Mexican War. (K. Blind) Westm. I62: 237, —— Library at St. Deiniol’s, Hawarden. (Mrs. M. Drew) 19th Cent. 59: 944. = Liv. Age, 2501 403. —— Life of, by J . Morley. (H. Cecil) 19th Cent. 59! 360. -— (G. M. Wrong) Am. Hist. R. 9: 591.— (R. Ogden) Atlan. 93: 63. —Ed. R. 199: 374.—- (W. von Schier- brand) Critic, 431 5I9.-—(W. O’C. Morris) Fortn. 80: 956. -— With portrait. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 703. — (Goldwin Smith) No. Am. 177: 3I2.—Macmil. 89: 64. —— Quar. I98: 545.: Ecl. M. 142: 1.-—-Liv. Age, 239: 573.—-Ath. ’03, 2: 473, 507.—(W. Meynell) Acad. 65: 331. -—Spec. 91: 563, 607, 652.—Blackw. 174: 624.-—(H. H. 14- Bellot) Westm. I60: 597. —(J. J. Fox) Cath. World, 782 430.—(A. Birrell) Contemp. 84: 609. —(N. Hapgood) Outl. 75: 797. —-(E. D. Adams) Dial, 35: 410. —Ecl. M. 140: 100, -— — Remarkable Omissions in. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 65: 566. -— New Light on. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 296. — Recollections of. (C. S. Roundell) Indep. R. 5: 175-83. -— Religious Side of his Life. Month, 102: 449. -— Some Traits of his Character. (J . Bryce) Fortn. 77: (W. B. Car- 13, -— A Visit to Hawarden. (Lady C. Ribblesdale) 19th Cent. 55: 637. Gladstone, Mrs. William Ewart. Smith) Lippinc. 692 349. Gladstone-Browning Controversy, The. (R. E. Crook) . Gent. M. n. s. 752 I42. =Liv. Age, 246: 626. Gladstone Monument, Richmond’s. Art J . 56: 373.— Liv. Age, 247: 636, Glaisher, James. Ath. ’O3, 12 213. Glamour and Vision in Poetry. (E. Wright) Acad. 70: 428, Glareanus; his Geography and Maps. (E. Heawood) Geog. J. 25: 647. Glasgow.‘ (F. C. Howe) Scrib. M. 40: 97. -—— Exhibition of 1901, Applied Art at. (W. M. Gilbert) M. of Art, 26: 105. -—— Greyfriars in. (J . Edwards) Scot. Hist. R. 3: 179. — Mediaeval, Queer Laws. (W. R. Johnson) Green Bag, 14: 416. ' — Municipal Ownership in. Acad. Pol. Sci. 272 I. — — of Street-car Service. (Mrs. E. T. Murray- (R. Crawford) Ann. Am. (F. Parsons) Arena, 32: 461, —- University of, Lord Kelvin and. Nature, 71: 104, Glasgow Artist and Designer: E. A. Taylor. (J . Tay- lor) Studio (Internat.) 24: 217, Glasgow School of Art. Brush & P. 18: 15. Glasgow University. ' Ninth Jubilee. (C. M. Gayley) Calif. Univ. Chron. 4: 325. Glass, Action of Sunlight on. (T. Gaflield) Am. Arch. 82: 78, - Antique Phoenician and Roman. (M. Shirley) An- tiq. n. s. 382 132. -— Cut. (H. Powell) J . Soc. Arts, 541 776. |-- —— and Engraved, Story of. (H. P- Tilden) Brush & P. 18: 195. 258 GLOUCESTER Glass, Enameled, of Mediaeval Date. (C. H. Read) Archreol. 58: 217. 1 — Farming under. (B. T. Galloway) World’s Work, 7= 4583. — for Optical Purposes. (R. T. Glazebrook) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 877. — The Making of. (S. Howe) Craftsman, 3: 361, — Manufacture and Application of, in Art and Deco- ration.‘ (W. Schroeder) Overland, n. s. 40: 525. -— Old Heraldic, in Brasted Church. (W. E. Ball) Antiq. n. s. 42: 12-95. — Old Sussex; its Origin and Decline. Antiq. n. s. 41: 3. —— Stained, in its Relation to Church Ornamentation. (F. S. Lamb) Cath. World, 74: 667, —— Table. (H. Powell) Am. Arch. 8!: 35. Glass—bottle Industry, Length of Trade Life in. A. Hayes) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 496. Glass Enameling in Relief by Henry Holiday. Murray) Studio (Internat.) 25: 304. -Glass Houses, Those who live in. Chamb. J . 80: 235. Glass-making. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 371 I 39. —at Knole, Kent. (T. B. Lennard) Antiq. 11. s. 41 : 127. Glass-mosaic. (W. H. Thomas) Studio (Internat.) 28: lxxiii. Glass Rooms and Sun Parlors. (E. Lehlbach) Ctry Life Am, 10: 625. Glass Staining. (O. Heinigke) Craftsman, 3: 170. Glass-trade, The, in Bohemia. (J . Baker) Chamb. J . 80: 668, Glassware, Old. (W. A. Dyer) Ctry Life Am. 11: 165, Glass—eyed Bill; a story. (L. Osbourne) McClure, 23: 604, Glasse, Hannah. “Cook Book.” Critic, 45: 261. Glasses, Crystalline, and their Use in Pottery. Burton) J . Soc. Art, 52: 595. Glehn, Wilfrid Gabriel von. M. of Art, 27: 276. Glen Haven, N. Y., Public Library and School. (A. R. Phelps) Lib. J . 27: 878. Glencoe, In Quest of Salmon in. Good Words, 46: 469. Glengarrys, The Two ; Diary of Mrs. Robert Ellice, the last Surviving Prisoner of the French-Canadian Re- bellion of 1838. (N. Maclean) Chamb. J. 81: 108. Glensheil, The Battle of. (C. S. Terry) Soot. Hist. R. 2: 412, Glinka, Michail Ivanovitch. (A. E. Keeton) Fortn. 82: 48, Gloag, Isabel Lilian, and her Work. (J . Greig) M. of Art, 26: 289, Globe of I593. (C. R. Beazley) Geog. J. 23: 496. Globe—flower. The. (Hugh Macmillan) Good Words, 43: 328, . Globes, On a Flat Model which solves Problems in the Use of. (J . D. Everett) Geog. J . 23: 234, Gloria in Excelsis. (G. A. Quellhorst) Studio (Inter- nat.) 251 51. ‘ Glorious Fourth, The. (Eugene Wood) Everybody’s, (C. Dawson) (D. (H . (Eliz. R. Pennell) (W. 15. 25, Glory and the Sacrifice ; a story. (E. H. Porter) Arena, 27: 640. Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, and Pier Candido Decembrio, Correspondence of. (M. Borsa) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 509, 20: 484, — Dining with. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 581. Gloucester Co., N. J ., Records of. (W. M. Mervine) Pennsyl. M. 27: 80. Gloucester, Mass., as a Summer Resort. (J . J . Somes) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 674. — Linzee’s Attack on. (J . J . Somes) M. of Hist. 2: 85. — Marriages from the Almanac Diary, 1761-64,‘ of Rev. Samuel Chandler. (A. M. Pickford) N. E. Reg. 56: 318. GLOUCESTER Gloucester Fishermen, With the. (A. W. Dimock) Outl. 75: 43. — N ight-seining and Winter Trawling. (J . B. Con- nolly) Scrib. M. 31: 387, Glove, The, in relation to the Bench and Bar. (C. J . Aldrich) Green Bag, 15: 474. Glove Stakes. (W. A. Fraser) Canad. M. 28: 179.' Gloversville, N. Y., Free Library Building. Lib. J. 29: 140, Glow-worm, The Light of the. Chamb. J. 82: 84. Gluck, Christoph Wilibald, with portrait and biblio- graphy, Mast. in Music. 6: 97. Glyndwr, Owen. Sat. R. 96: 136. Gnats and Mosquitoes. (J . J . Ward) Good Words, 44: 728, Gnosticism, Mohammedan, in America. tralsky) Am. J . Theol. 6: 57. —- vs. Agnosticism. Overland, n. s. 45: 556. Gnostics, Notes on. (G. R. S. Mead) 19th Cent. 52: 822. Goat-ranch, A California. (K. P. Sieghold) Land of Sun. 11: 252. Goats, Angora, as a (T. L. Phipson) (S. K. Va- Source of Profit. Ctry Life Am. 4: 260, Goblet, Story of the. (Pauline C. Bouvé) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 322. Goblin Coombe. Spec. 96: 900, Goblin Gold. (Dorothy Canfield) Everybody’s, 14: 766 Gobrecht, Christian, Artist and Inventor. (C. G. Dar- rach) Pennsyl. M. 30: 355. God. Bib. World, 24: 83. — According to the Prayer-book. Bib. Sac. 62: 54, -— and His Bible; Swedenborg’s Revelation consid- ered. (J . Reed) New Church R. 11: 537, — as Mortals should think of Him. (H. C. Small) N. Church R. 9: 532. -— as Spirit. (J . H. Bernard) Expos. 6th ser. 8: 195, — Conceptions of, among Modern Semites. (S. I. Cur- tiss) Bib. World, 19: I22. —- a Divine Man. (J. B. Keene) N. Church R. 12: (B. T. Stafford) 7°- —- Estrangement from, The Growing. (J . G. Raupert) Dub. R. 133: 318. — Existence of. (Hiram King) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 219, -— Fatherhood of. (J . W. Ross) Bib. Sac. 62: 666. — (G. S. Streatfield) Expos. 6th ser. 8: 24, — — Lidgett on. (H. R. Mackintosh) Crit. R. 13:- 316. -—— Friends of. (D. M. Tompkins) Meth. R. 63: 571. -—— Hebrew and other Names for. (A. H. Keane) Jew. I Q- 15: 559. — Humanity and. (Stanton Coit) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 424. . —-Idea of, Fiske on the. Univ. Bull. 3: 3. — — in the Universe. (E. T. Shanahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 3. . ' —Immanence of. (J. B. Brady) Arena, 31: 113, — Bib. World, 24: 83, — in His Own World. (B. Palmer) Meth. R. 62: 603. — Is He Knowable ? (J . Ten Broeke) Am. J . Theol. 8: 372. — Is He Universal Father? (C. Goodspeed) Am. J . Theol. 8: 152. — is not Here ; a poem. (F. Langbridge) Ecl. M. 143: 548- — Japanese Idea of. (H. L. Latham) Open Court, 20: (E. T. Shanahan) Cath. 449- - Love of, Scriptural Doctrine_ of. (G. Vos) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 1. — Maternity of. 676. (F. L. Swiney) Westm. 165: 556, 259 GOETHE God. The Name I AM in Exodus 3: 14. (W. R. Ar- nold) J . Bib. Lit. 24: 107. — Names of, in the Pentateuch. Am. J. Theol. 8: 286. — of Science, The. (P. Carus) Monist, 14: 458. —— of Sinai and Jerusalem. (G. H. Skipwith) Jew. Q. 17: 489. — Prolegomena to an Argument for the Being of. (G. T. Ladd) Philos. R. 12: 130, -— Relation to the World. (M. Valentine) Luth. Q. 34: 1. — Righteousness of. (G. B. Stevens) Bib. World, 2 5: 274. -— The Same, Yesterday, To-day, and Forever. Kuhns) Meth. R. 66: 45. — A Self-sacrificing, and the Problem of Evil. (H. W. Wright) Open Court, 19: 745. . — Spinoza’s Conception of. (E. Ritchie) Philos. R. 11: 1, — The Still, Small Voice. (P. Carus) Monist, 14:. 1,94. — The Suffering of. (F. Warburton Lewis) Expos. 6th ser. 12: 40, -—— The Unknown. (H. Thompson) Fortn. 77: 393. — Witness of Conscience to the Existence of. (D. Barry) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 331. ' God of Dimples, The; a story. (H. A. Redpath) (O. (M. C. Craft) Munsey, 29: 491, God of the Open Air; a poem. (H. van Dyke) Cent. 46: 865. God rest you, Merry Christians; a story. tin) McClure, 24: 148, Goddard, Benjamin, Les Guelfes. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 93: 74. Goddard, Norton. (T. R. Slicer) Cosmopol. 36: I76. Goddesses from the Machine. (Josephine D. Bacon) Scrib. M. 37: 18. Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry, Who killed ? (A. Lang) Cornh. 88: 174, Godkin, Edwin Lawrence. (VV. P. Garrison) Nation, 74: 403. -— Critic, 41: 82. — Memorial to. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 76: 307. — Personal Recollections of. (J . B. Bishop) Cent. 42: (G. M. Mar- 694. “ Godmundeslaech.” (F. M. Stanton) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 697. Godolphin, Mrs. Margaret Blagge. Temp. Bar, 131: 743. Godric, St., Note on. (T. A. Archer) Eng. Hist. R. (D. M. Jones) 171 479- God’s Hand; a story. (H. Clifford) Temp. Bar, 133: 410, Gods, and the Little Fishes. (J . S. Thomson) Mac- mil. 85: 181. — The, as Embodiments of the Race-memory. Carpenter) Hibbert J . 2: 259. Gods of Brass. (Beatrice Hanscom) Scrib. M. 36: 457. Godwin, William. Novels. (L. Stephen) National, 38: 908. — St. Leon, a Forgotten Novel. (W. B. Wallace) Westm. 157: 687. Goebel, Gov. W., Assassination of, and the Attempt to punish the Perpetrators. (D. G. Phillips) Cos- mopol. 38: 611. (Ed. Goerres, Joseph; his Work and his Friends. (J . M. Stone) Dub. R. 137: 357. Goethe. Art of Living and Ways of Life. (H. S. Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 160, — Bielschowsky’s Life of. (L. A. Rhoades) Dial, 40: 85. _—— (J. M. Hart) Nation, 82: 430. — Ethical and Religious Views. (A. B. Faust) Meth. R. 62: 755. — Faust. (R. W. Deering) Chaut. 35: 66, 170,—(A. ' R. Hohlfeld) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. I: 250. GOETHE Goethe. Faust, Swedenborg’s Influence in. Goerwitz) N. Church R. 9: 222, -— The Goethian Ideal. (A. Jordan) Gent. M. n. s. (E. F. 68: 5 5. -— Influence of Shakespeare on. (E. W. Chubb) Poet- Lore, 16: 65. -—— Mother of. (Janet Trevelyan) Quar. 203: 492. — Orientalism of. (A. Yusuf-ali) Contemp. 90: 169. =Ecl. M. 147: 298. -— Shakespeare’s Influence on. (E. W. Chubb) Poet- Lore, 16, no. 1: 65. -— Some Odes and Didactic Verse of. rie) Sewanee, I4: 459. -—— Swedenborg’s Influence upon. Church R. 13: 285, —— Young. (E. L. Cary) Critic, 48: 364. Goettingen, New Physical Laboratory at. (J . A. Har- ker) Nature, 75: 55. Golf, Emmett Stull. (F. Cranefield) Wis. Alum. M. 31 409- Gogol Memorial Celebration, The. Outl. 70: 786. Goin’ Fishin’. (E. L. Sabin) Cent. 48: 31. Going, going, gone. (Walter Sichel) Monthly R. 18, no. I: 1. Golconda; a City of the Dead. Chamb. J . 82: 204. Gold. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67: 945. —— and the Banks. (R. H. Palgrave) Quar. 204: 187. —— and Silver, .International Relation of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 251, -— as Exchange, Ricardian Theory of. aker) Q. J . Econ. 18: 220, -— Calorimetric Determination of Small Amounts. (R. N. Maxson) Am. J . Sci. 171: 270, -— Colloidal; Absorption Phenomena and Allotropy. (J. C. Blake).Am. J. Sci. 166: 381, (W. N. Guth- (T. F. Wright) N. (A. C. Whit- . -—— Depreciation of. (J . P. Norton) Yale R. 15: 293. — Discoveries of, What is the Use of ? (L. Courtney) 19th Cent. 56: 299. —— Discovery of, in Australia. (S. E. Molfett) Cosmo- pol. 36: 429. -— Dredging for, inthe Western States. (R. H. Postle- thwaite) Overland,n. s. 42: 26 5. —— — in New Zealand. (H. E. Duncan) Cassier, 22: 271, — Egyptian. (M. Berthelt) Am. Antiq. 25: 178. —- from Sea—water. -Spec. 94: I 70. -— Imports of Secretary Shaw and. Nation, 82.: 314, — in the Holy City. (A. Goodrich) Good Words, 47: 62. —- in the World, Amount of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 74: 457. -— Increase in, and the Price-making Process. Parker) J . Pol. Econ. 111 625. —- Increased Supply of. (C. M. Harvey) World’s Work, 5= 2737- — Iodometric Determination of, in Dilute Solution. ‘ (R. N. Maxson) Am. J. Sci. 166: 155, —— Melting-point of. Science, 11. s. 20: 249. — The New, and the New Era. (Moreton F rewen) Monthly R. 25, no. 2: 106, —- New Sources of. (W. Fawcett) Sci. Am. 95: 49. -—— of the Burning Desert, Nevada. (Winifred Black) Cosmopol. 39: 519. -— A Pro-discovery of. (M. M. Bowman) Land of Sun. (A. D. Noyes) (W. S. 3: 279- —- A Romance of. (Wm. S. Rice) Overland, n. s. 44: I34. -— Rushes for; ’48 and ’98. (Juan del Rio) Land, of Sun. 7: 181. — vs. Brass. Chamb. J. 81: 219, -— Volumetric Determination of Small Amounts of, Limit of Error in the. fit. N. Maxson) Am. J . Sci. 167: 466. 260 GOLD Gold, Why does New York need so Much ‘Z’ Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 460. —- V%orld’s Increasing Supply of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 9: 141. —— World’s Recent Production of, and its Influence upon Prices of Commodities. (F. B. Forbes) Am. Statis. Assoc. 10: 77. - Gold, The a story. (Mary E. W. Freeman) Harper I10: 5 , Gold of the Ant-hill, The; a story. (C. Marriott) Munsey, 29: 846. Gold Camps of Nevada. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 48: 259. Gold-crest, A Brave. (E. E. Carter) Sund. M. 34: 554. Gold Cup in Possession of the Duke of Portland. (C. ‘ Hercules Read) Archaeol. 59: 233. Gold-digging in Scotland. (W. Jolly) Good Words, 46: 6 Gold Dredging Era, The. (Anna M. Reid) Overland, n. s. 39: 987. Gold Exchange Standard in the Philippines. (E. W. Kemmerer) Q. J. Econ. 19: 585. Gold Fields in United States, New. Cassier, 26: 259. Goldfish, Sense of Hearing in. Natural. 38: 275. Gold-hunters of the North. (Jack London) Atlan. 92: 42, . Gold Mine, Arizona’s Biggest. (S. M. Hall) Land of Sun. 11: 148. _ Gold Mines, The Fallacy of. (J . M. Robertson) Indep. R. 11: 314. Gold Mining; Evolution of Quartz Mining in Califor- nia. (A. Burrows) Overland, n. s. 41: 403, — in California, Twentieth Century. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 47: 521. — in Egypt. (C. J . Alford) Cassier, 23: 275, -—in Russia, Law of. (C. W. Purington and J . B. Landfield, jr.) Engin. M. 22: 553, — in Ships on Portable Seas. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 4: 483. —— in the Transvaal. (J. H. Hammond) Cassier, 22: (D. A. Willey) (H. B. Bigelow) Am. 187, -—— in Wales. (W. H. Booth) Cassier, 23: 491, — in West Africa. (J . G. Leigh) Engin. M. 23: 666, — Roman, in Spain. (A. Delmar) Engin. M. 28: 887, —’Washington. Science, 11. s. 19: 839. Gold Placers of Los Angeles, The. Land of Sun. 5: 60. Gold Prospectors, American. J . 83: 159. -— Sufferings of. (R. Dunn) Outing, 42: 141, Gold Reserve, The Problem of the. (E. F. Law) Na- tional, 48: 527. Gold-reserve National Bank Notes. 67: 341 I71‘ ' Gold Reserves. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 689, Gold Robbery, The. (L. Harward) Idler, 27: 3. Gold Ships, 20th Century, and their Cargoes. Del Mar) Engin. M. 29: 481. Gold Solutions, Red Colloidal, Behavior towards the (J . M. Guinn) (D. A. Willey) Chamb. Bank. M. (N. Y.) (Alex. Electric Current, and toward Electrolytes. (J . C. Blake) Am. J. Sci. 166: 433, Gold Standard for the Straits Settlements, A. (E. W. Kemmerer) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 636. 21: 663, Gold Supplies in I905 and Ten Years Back. Bank. M. (Lond.) 80: 309. — The New. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 388. —— —- Influence of. (G. E. Roberts) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 11, . — Now and Ten Years back. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 484. — Prices and the Increasing. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 75: 46. GOLD Gold Wolf, The. (M. Pemberton) Munsey, 27: 531- 978. 28= 54-725- Golden Age, Some Literary Recollections of a. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 101: 485-654.-‘Liv. Age, 250: 92. “ Golden Fleece; ” a story. (D. G. Phillips) Idler, 23: 243-589. 24: 88, 185, Golden Flood, The; a story. (E. Lefevre) McClure, 24: 503, Golden Fortune, The; a story. (Mary Austin) Atlan. 92: 791- Golden Jackets. (D. H. Stovall) Overland, n. s. 41: 414. Golden Mist, Story of the. (W. Schooling) 19th Cent. 47‘ 464- Golden Pagoda, The; a Sketch in Burma. (E. A. Richings) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 300. Golden-rod. Ctry Life Am. 11 33. Golden Rule, The. (W. A. White) Atlan. 96: 433. Golden Rule; a story. (M. Drake) Munsey, 272 503. Golden Rule Brotherhood; Spiritual Birth of the American Nation. (T. F. Seward) Arena, 27: 22, Golden Wedding, The. (Z. Gale) Outl. 81: 780. Golden Weddings, Ward McAllister on. Indep. 59: 1518 Golden Whistle, The. (H. C. Bailey) Cent. 50: 180, Golden Word. (J . A-. Meyer) Putnam, I: 71. Goldini, Carlo. (Charlotte Adams) Californian, 6: 543. Goldschmidt’s System of Alumino-thermics. J . , Frankl. Inst. 160: 187. Goldsmith, Oliver. (F. Thompson) Acad. 65: 385. — and James Boswell. Acad. 66: 688. — Deserted Village, Illustrated. (A. Dobson) Harper, I04: 400, -— Deserted Village of, Pilgrimage to. Critic, 451 333. -— Prose of. (F. Thompson) Acad. 62: 366. — Prospect of Society. (G. England) Library, n. s. 3: (H. C. Shelley) 327- —— Vicar of Wakefield, First French Translation of. Library, 5: 134. Goldsmiths, Pre—Columbian. (J . J . Platfield) Calif. M. 3: 321. Golf. (W. G. Brown) Atlan. 89: 724. ——- (W. J . Travis) Ctry Life Am. 8: 182. —- (Van T. Sutphen) Outing, 45: 24,8. —-— American Balls and British Golfers. son) Outing, 43: 30, — and the New Ball. Blackw. I72: 363. — Birth of. (D. Story) Munsey, 27: 321. (H. Hutchin- — A Chat about. Chamb. J . 80: 267. — English Golfers in America, 1903. (W. Camp) Ctry Life Am. 5: I5. —- Holes by Accident. (G. Hibbard) Outing, 43: 512, -— Hypertrophy of. (W. Inglis) Harp. W. 50: 1274, — Ideal Golf Course. (C. B. MacDonald) Outing, 49: 406, —-— in America. (A. Pottow) Indep. 55: I 303, - in a Big City. (A. Ruhl) Outing, 42: 289, —- in Canada. (J . T. Clark) Canad. M. 26: 39, — in 1903, American. (J. F. Marsten) Munsey, 30: 195. —— Miniature Golf Course. (Van T. Sutphen) Outing, 48: 62!, -—Morality of. Sat. R. 1001 179. = Liv. Age, 246: “61. —— Mystery of. (A. Haultain) Atlan. 94: 88. —— of 1905. (Van T. Sutphen) Outing, 47: 793. —- of Yesterday and To-day. (F. Kinloch) Chamb. J . 83: 673. — Some Aspects of. Spec. 96: 864, — Some Victories in 1904. (Van T. Sutphen) Outing, 45= 383- 261 GORDON Golf, What an American Invention did for; the Haskell Ball. Ctry Life Am. 7: 641. —— Winning the Championship. Ford) Ctry Life Am. 6: 410. — Wgmen who play well. (C. F. Manice) Outing, 44: 2 5. Golf-balls, The Perversity of. Macmil. n. s. 1: 772. Golf Course, Upholding of a. (A. Pottow) Ctry Life Am. 2: 214. Golf-links of Paris. (W. J. Travis; S. (V. Thompson) Outing, 43: I23, Golfing, Memories of. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 98: 824. 99‘ I4- Golfing Counsels. (H. Hutchinson) Outing, 40: 360, Golovkins, The. (A. Laugel) Nation, 82: 115. Gomera, The Whistlers of. Chamb. J . 81 I 347. Gompers, Samuel, with portrait. (H. K. Mitchell) Am. M. 60: 410, Goncourt Academy, The. (J . H. Rosny) Fortn. 8o: ' 141. I Ecl. M. 141: 510. '-'—'Liv. Age, 238: 599. Goncourts, The. (Marillier) Internat. Q. 7: 334. Gonionemus vs. Gonionema. (L. Murbach) Science, n. s. 18: 373. Gonzales, Battle of. (M. S. Bennet) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q- 2= 313. Good, The Knowledge of. 3: 543- Good Breeding in the New Testament. Spec. 39: 321. =Liv. Age, 235: I85.:Ecl. M. 139: 832. Good—for—Naught; a story. (Helen Williams) Califor- nian. 31 343, 421. 523- Good Friday and the Christian Year. Outl. 731 902. — in England. Sat. R. 101: 452. Good Hope, Cape of ; the Tavern of the Indian Ocean. (L. E. Neame) Chamb. J . 83! 443.=Ecl. M. 147: 169. Good Humor, English. Spec. 88: 81. Good Old Times, The. Chamb. J . 82: 123, Good Samaritan, A; a story. (M. R. S. Andrews) Mc- Clure, 23: 580, Good-ticket, The. (W. R. Sorley) Hibbert J . (Lucia Chamberlain) Scrib. M. 38: I54. “ Good Will” as an Asset. (C. J . Bullock) Nation, 81: 458. Goodall, F. Ath. ’o4, 2: I85. Goode, Henry W., with portrait. M, 60: 678. Goode, Richard U., with portrait. Nat. Geog. M. 14: (W. Fawcett) Am. 424- Goodere Family, Fall of the. (H. B. Irving) Cornh. 921 53~ “ Goodness ” Fallacy, The. (W. H. Allen) World's Work, 13: 8186, Goodsell Observatory, Astronomical Work at. Wilson) Pop. Astron. II! 179. Goodspeed, George Stephen. Bib. World, 25: 169. —— Memorial Addresses on. Univ. of Chic. Rec. 91 39°- Goorroogoo ; an Epic of the Australian Bush. (Leigh- ton Demain—Grange) New Eng. M. n. s. 342 239. Goosander, The; a story. (W. A. Hickman) Canad. ‘ M. 24: 67, 120, Goose, The, in Folklore. Acad. 69: 1003. — Wild, Ways of the. (W. J . Long) Indep. 60: I 344. Gopher, The. (E. and J . Grinnell) Land of Sun. 13: (H. C. 327- Gophers; Master Plowmen of the West. (E. T. Seton) Cent. 46: 300. Gordon, Adam Lindsay. (C. L. Leipoldt) Westm. 165: 197. Gordon, Charles George, called Chinese Gordon. Chant. 42: 535. l-- Soldier and Gentleman. Outl. 76: 151. GORDON Gordon, Charles W., “ Ralph Connor.” (R. Haddow) Bk. News, 22: 697. Gordon, Geo. A. Ultimate Conceptions of Faith. (M. S. Terry) Am. J . Theol. 8: 343. ' Gordon, Lord Gordon. (C. L. Shaw) Canad. M. 25: 412, Gordon, General John B. (R. Bridges) Lamp, 28: 45. - (J . S. Wise) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 204, - and General Longstreet. (C. A. Evans) Indep. 56: 311, - Letters and Life. (J . Finley) Lamp, 27: 219, - Reminiscenees. Spec. 92: 667, 1 Gordon, Leon, as a Poet. (A. B. Rhine) Jew. Q. 18: 45 - Gordon, “ Lord; ” a Forgotten Drama of Wall Street. (H. G. Chapin) Green Bag, 16: 478. Gordon-Bennett Automobile Cup Race. (P. H. Burch- all) Outing, 42: 132, . Gordon'Case and After. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 453. Gore‘, Charles; a sketch. (R. H. Lane) Outl. 70: S7 7. Gore Case, The. (W. D. Thurman) Law Q. 19: 71. Gore Valley Viaduct ; a story. (H. M. Johnston) Canad. M. 22: 521, Goree Island, lost by England. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 11: 139. Gorgon Myth, A Solution of the. (F. T. Elworthy) Folk-Lore, 14: 312, Gorham, J abez, of Plymouth, Mass., and his Descend- ' ants. (F. W. Sprague) N. E. Reg. 59: 91. Gorham Family_in Connecticut and Vermont. (F. W. Sprague) N. E. Reg. 57: 325. -— of Hardwick, Mass. (H. S. Gorham) N. E. Reg. 56= 75- Gorilla. (F. Finn) Sat. R. 98: 297, - and Orang-outan, Names of. Science, 11. s. 22: 24, Gorillas and Chimpanzees. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 27: 298. Gorky, Maxime. (C. H. Goudiss) Bk. News, 24: 771, - (G. Brandes) National, 45: 63 5.- (G. W. Cooke) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 399.-(C. Brinton) Every- body’s, 12: 464. -(L. C. Willcox) No. Am. 183: 1159. -Open Court, 19: 513. -Outl. 82: 876. —- (J . Burns) Westm. 160: 148. - (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 951 699. —(G. C. Edwards) Sewanee, 10: 234.- (S. C. de Soissons) Ecl. M. 138: 316.=Liv. Age, 232: 193. -Acad. 62: 655. - and the Russian Revolt. Fortn. 83: 608, - Art and Ethics of. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 81: 238, - at the Bottom: Sat. R. 96: 84, - The Doss House. Acad. 65: 446. - Hamlet awakened. (B. de Casseres) Critic, 46: 318, - on the Stage. (A. A. Jack) Nation, 77: 480. - Social Lynching of. (F. H. Giddings) Indep. 60: 976. — Socialism of. (J . Martin) Char. 17: 193, - A Study of. (A. Phelps) Poet-Lore; 15, no. 3: 53, — With, in the Adirondacks. (J . Spargo) Craftsman, 11: 149. Gorman, Arthur Pue. (E. M. Kingsbury) Everybody’s, 10: 517. Gorman Type, The. (H. Lamont) Nation, 82: 462, Gorst, Sir John, and Poor-law Reform. (J . Honeyman) Westm. 161: 648. Gorst Sahib’s Vicarage. M. 7: 141. Gortyna, Explorations at. Archaeol. 2d ser. 5: 101. Goschen, Georg Joachim. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 43: 21. - Monthly R. 11, no. 2: 18. -Spec. 90: 576. - at the Oxford Encaenia. (L. Dyer) Nation, 79: 28, - Essays and Addresses on Economic Questions. (L. L. Price) Econ.,J. 15: 535. (W. F. Lord) Roy. (W. A. Fraser) Booklover’s (A. Taramelli) Am. J . 262 GOVERNMENT - Goschen, Georg Joachim, Life and Times of. (C. Thomas) Nation, 76: 438, _Ath_ I03, 1; 233. ___Sat_ R. 95: 201. - (W. H. Carruth) Dial, 34: 302. Gosling, G. Bennett, Capt. Geog. J, 28: 187, Gospatric, An English Letter of. (J . Wilson) Scot. Hist. R. 1: 62. Gospel, The, and the Gospels. (B. Weiss) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 5: 205. - An Apocryphal. (J . A. MacCulloch) Acad. 71 : 420. - The, fcgr a World Sin. (A. T. G. Apple) Ref. Ch. R. 493 5 - - of Jesus Christ in the First Century. (J . W. Brad- shaw) Bib. Sac. 59: 744. Gossamer. Spec. 95: 423. ==Liv. Age, 247: 248. Gosse, Edmund. (C. Shorter) Good Words, 44: 250. Gossip. A Plea for. (G. Tyrrell) Month, 100: 225, Giitha Canal. (H. G. Archer) Good Words, 452 56!. Gothic, The, in the Cathedral and Churches of France. (A. Rodin) No. Am. 180: 217, 5 -Modern Use of the. (F. S. Lamb) Craftsman, 8: I50, 336. - (W. Walton) Craftsman, 8: 634. Gothic Architecture. (T. M. Clark) Am. Arch. 90: 3. 1 - English. (G. Baldwin Brown) N 0. Am. 180: 704. - French and English. Am. Arch. 75: 37. - in England. (J . C. Cox) Antiq. n. s. 42: 56. -Spirit of. Ed. R. 202: 189. Gothic Revival. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 1, no. 6: 1. Gott, Dr. Benjamin, Library of. (H. Davis) N. E. Reg. 56= 340- Gotti, Jerome M., Cardinal, and the Propaganda, with portrait. (J . Murphy) Cath. World, 77: 1. _Gough, Henry. Ath. ’06, 1: 639. Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount, Rait’s Life and Cam- paigns of. Ath. ’04, 1: I65.- Spec. 92: 497.— (G. W. Forrest) Blackw. 175: 320, Gouin, Hon. Lomer, Premier of the Province of Que- bec. (A. Mosher) Canad. M. 25: 208, Gonjon, Jean. Am. Arch. 88: 134, Gould, Francis Carruthers, English Cartoonist, with portrait. (J . Douglas) Booklover’s M. 3: 311. - Caricatures by. Spec. 92: 765. — Graphic Hnmorist. (S. M. Phinney) M. of Art, 27: 396. Gould, Geo. J . (R. N. Burnett) Cosmopol. 35: 59, - and Mrs. Gould, with portraits. (R. H. Tithering- ton) Munsey, 32: 818, Gould, Helen, and her Charities. (C. H. Conway) Mun- sey. 33= 306. - Personality of. (J . W. Tompkins) Everybody’s, 8: 27, Gould Fortune, The. (B. J . Hendrick) Am. M. 61: 300, Gould Prize Essays on Catholic and Protestant Bibles. (J. F. Fenlon) Cath. World, 81: 217, Gounod, Charles F rangois. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 94: 707. - With portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 1: pt. 3. - and his Oratorios. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 97: 358, - My Visit to. (A. Visetti) Good Words, 46: 505, Goudie, Thos. Peterson, Forgeries of, on Bank of Liv- erpool. Spec. 88: 321, Gourd of Water, A. (R. Davey) Temp. Bar, 126: 365, Gourds and their Uses. (Kate Sanborn) N at’l M. (Bost.) 23: 526. Gourmont, Remy de, Querlon’s. Sat. R. 952 675. Gout the Nemesis. (N. E. Yorke—Davies) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 384. Governed, Consent of the. R. 40: 161. Governess, An Old World. (D. W. Rannie) Fortn. 80: 810:: Liv. Age, 240: 26. Government and Repression. Sat. R. 101: 548. - The Blessed Word. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 482, - by Fraud. Westm. I52: 612. ' (W. Larremore) Am. Law GOVERNMENT Government, by the Golden Rule. (S. M. Jones) Mun- sey, 28: 506. —— Civic Lessons from Europe. -— Cost of. Quar. 204: 1, -—— Lost Art of. (H. H. Fyfe) Fortn. 81: 645. ~— —— Another View. (Sidney Low) Fortn. 81: 1021, -— Making of a, in England. (M. MacDonagh) Longm. 461 401-=Liv-Ag<-.2471 395- — of Law, A‘, as distinguished from a Government of Chaut. 40: 60-351. Functionaries. (H. Taylor) Green Bag, 18: 489. -—— Sovereignty and. (F. H. Giddings) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 1-27, “ Government of the People ; ” a story of Oklahoma. ' (J. W. Piercy) Cent. 41: 531. Government Documents. Dial, 40: 283. See Public Documents. Government Employés and Arbitration. derson) Westm. 163: 307. Government Ownership from Business Standpoint. (Allan L. Benson) Appleton’s M. 8: 601. -— in Switzerland. (C. E. Russell) Everybody’s, 14: 469. —- of Public Utilities. R, 16: 476, —- of Telephone in Great Britain. Q. J. Econ. 21: 96. Government Printing Office, U. S., and its Method. (J. D. Whelpley) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 556. Government Revenues, Deficit in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 171: 12, Governmental Automatism. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81: 76. Governmental Secret, The. Governments, Loans and Advances to. (N. Y.) 72: 540. —— Popular, The Study of. Quar. 203: 170, Governor-general’s Trunk, The. (A. Train) Scrib. M. 37: 486. ' Governor’s Island, On. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 434. Governor’s Niece, The. (M. Kennedy) Everybody’s, 13‘ 337- Gower, F. Leveson. Bygone Years. Gilder) Critic, 47: 346. Gower, John, as a Poet. Quar. I97: 437. Gower, Ronald Sutherland. Old Diaries, 1881-1901, Sat. R. 93: 337. — (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 33: 54. —— Statuary by. (H. Begbie) M. of Art, 26: 202, Gower, Peninsula of. (A. G. Bradley) Cornh. 92: 487. Gowrie Conspiracy. (A. Lang) Cornh. 90: 251. — Lang on. Ath. ’02, 2: 750; (A. Lang) 827, 857. —— A New Reading of. (A. Lang) Blackw. I71: 480, Goya, Francisco José de, with portrait and biblio- graphy. Mast. in Art, 7: 423. ——(P. M. Craigie) Acad. 66: 457.—(C. G. Hartley) Art J. 55: 207. (s. W. Bel- (C. G. Tiedemann) Harv. Law (A. N. Holcombe) Chamb. J. 80: 101, Bank M. (Jeannette L. — With portrait. (S. L. Bensusan) Studio (Inter- nat.) 15: 155. -— Doha Isabel Corbo de Porcel; picture by. Cent. 50: 209. —- “ In the Balcony,” Picture by. Cent. 50: 911, 961, —- Variousness of. M. of Art, 26: 130, 161, Gozzoli, Benozzo, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 6: 213, Gracchus, Gains, Notes on. (W. W. Fowler) Eng. Hist. R, 20: 209, 417, Grace. Spec. 88: 473. Grace, Wm. R., Career of. (J . Thompson) World’s Work, 8: 4817, Grading Pupils, Successful Revolution in. (W. J . Shearer) World’s Work, 6: 3785, Graduate Study in the U. S. (R. S. Woodward) Colum. Univ. Q. 2: 1. Graduate Work, Reaction of, on other Work of the University. (W. H. Carpenter) Educa. R. 31: 333. 263 GRAND Graduates of the School. 378- Graduation Errors of a Divided Circle. (R. H. Tucker) Pop. Astron. I1: 523, Graeco-Roman Textiles. Bull. 14: 64. (C. T. Brady) Lippinc. 74: (W. Lowrie) Princ. Univ. Graft. (F. H. Wines) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 542- ' -— and Government Clerks. (J . G. Speed) Outl. 79: 184 — and the Schoolboy. Cosmopol. 41: 453. ——- and the Young Idea; Replies to Questions. mopol. 41: 475. — The Cure of. (W. J . Ghent) Indep. 60: 1189, —— A Definition. Nation, 81: 422, —— The Genesis of. (Forrest Morgan) Nation, 81: 422. — in Business. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 440. — in Private Business. World To-day, 6: 51. — Philosophy of. Craftsman, 9: 241. — The Redoubts of, and how to take them. guson) Cosmopol. 39: no p. —- The Reign of, and the Remedy. (R. Baker) Arena, 321 332- ' — Root of. Outl. 81: 351. —- Spirit of. (C. Howard) Outl. 81: 365. -—— What are we to do about it? Outl. 81: 595. — Wholesale and Retail. (H. Lamont) Nation, 79: 230, Grafting of Abigail, The. (E. C. Carpenter) Lippinc. 76: 506, Grafty, Charles, Sculptor, with portrait. Henderson) Booklover’s M. 2: 499, Graham, James Graham Marquis of, b. 1878. Engage- ment to Lady Douglas-Hamilton. (E. Lisle Snell) Indep. 60: 789. Graham, John, of Claverhouse. 32 a. Grahams, Claverhouse, Homes of the. Scot. Hist. R. 2: 72. Grail, A Knight of the. (E. Rhys) 19th Cent. 55: 90. Grain, English, Duty on. Contemp. 81: 720, ——- — A Point of Theory connected with. Pigon) Econ. J. 12: 415. -— Organisms on Surface of. n. s. 22: 439. Grain-buyer’s Trust; How Kansas Farmers are meet- ing it. (C. H. Matson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 201. Grain-growing in British Countries. (E. J . Dyer) 19th Cent. 53: 670, Grain Milling Industry, The. 13: 536. Grain Storage and Manipulation at Quayside. Cunningham) Cassier, 28: 40. Grammar in Grades V. and VI., Simple. (M. C. Moore) School R. 11: 771, - ——Scope and Method of. (H. J . Davenport) Educa. 23: 161, 208, — to the Wolves. 17g: 667, Cos- (C. Fer- (Helen W. Gent. M. n. s. 76: (C. S. Terry) (A. C. (H. Metcalf) Science, (H. Macrosty) Econ. J . (B. (P. A. W. Henderson) Blackw. Grammar School from the High School Point of View. - (W. H. Young) Educa. 26: 606, -— New England, 1635-1700. (W. H. Small) School R. 10: 513. —- —- 1700-1800. (Walter H. Small) School R. 14: 42. Grammar Schools and High Schools, Relations be- tween. (C. E. Lawton) Educa. 26: 103. Grand Canyon of the Colorado. (C. R. Pattee) Land of Sun. 7: 125. —- Geology of. (R. H. Drayton) Calif. M. 4: 18. — Havasu, the Great Arm of the. (S. M. Hall) Out West, 23: 305. Grand Duke, The. (C. Dawe) Munsey, 32: 244-889, 33: 37-373- GRAND Grand Gulf Formation. (E. A. Smith and T. H. Al- drich) Science, n. s. 152 335. — (E. A. Smith and T. H. Aldrich) Science, 11. s. I8: 20. -—- (W, H. Dall) Science, 11. s. 18: 83.—(E. W. Hilgard) Science, 11, s. 18: 180, . Grand Pré Garden, In a; a poem. (Bliss Carman) Poet- Lore, 14: 1. Grand Prix de Rome, 1904. (T. W. Pietsch) Am. Arch. 86: 37. Grand Rapids, Mich. 16: 479. -— Ryerson Public Library Building. Lib. J. 29: 594. Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 26: 506. Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. (W. A. Craick) (Mary R. S. Andrews) (A. T. Thoits) Nat’l M. (Bost.) (S. H. Ranck) Canad. M. 28: 40, Grandfathers of Bob, The. Scrib. M. 32: 222, Grandfeythers both. 14: 833. Grandmama; a story. 316. Grandmama; a Tale of Louisiana in the Old Days. (Grace King) Cent. 46: 205, Grandma’s Surrender. (A. H. Houk) New Eng. M. (Edith Rickert) Everybody’s, (G. Hibbard) Cosmopol. 34: n. 8- 34= 493- Grandmother. (R. R. Gilson) Harper, I04: 529. Grandmother, My. (Margaret Stratton) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 528, Grandmother, A Visit to. (L. E. Dew) New Eng. M. n. s. 322 533. Grandmotherhood, Vision of. Sund. M. 32: 774. Grandmother’s Budget, A. (Mrs. F. Harrison) Cornh. 89: 187. =-‘Eel. M. 142: 621. =Liv. Age, 240: 788. Granger Acts, The Eifects of the. (C. R. Detrick) J . Pol. Econ. 11: 237. Granite, Little Cottonwood Granite Body of the Wa- satch Mountains. (S. F. Emmons) Am. J . Sci. 166: (R. H. Brotherton) 139- Granites, Certain, Secondary Origin of. (R. A. Daly) Am. J. Sci. 170: 185, Grant, C. H., Marine Painter. Arena, 35: 480, Grant, George M. (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 19: 181. (G. Wharton James) Grant, Robert. (F. W. Noxon) Critic, 45: 363. Grant, Gen. U. S., His Mystery and Genius. Wales) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: I . -—- Recollections of. (G. M. Dodge) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 361 39- — Recollections of his Life in the Field. (Bost.) I8: 318. — Sherman’s Estimate of his Character. (W. T. Sher- man) Cent. 48: 316, —- What A. H. Stephens thought of. (L. C. Crawford) Indep. 59: 678. — Women of the Family of. (O. Lee) New Eng. M. n. s. 29! 443. “' Grantham, Sir William, and his Cottages. (B. Gilbert) Idler, 26: 171. Grants, Three Generations of, with portraits. (W. F. Day) Munsey, 31: 841, Granville, Dean, Roger Granville’s Life of. Ath. ’oz, 2: 242, - Granville, Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2d Earl, Fitzmaurice’s Life of. Blackw. I78: 792, --(A, Birrell) Contemp. 88: 769. = Liv. Age, 248: 195, - Ed. R. 202: 277. -—Ath. ’o5, 2: 497. —Sat. R. 100: 558. -—Spec. 95: 609. Grape in California, The. I: 120, (A. D. Nat’l M. (H. Edwards) Land of Sun. 264 , GRAY’S Grapes, Bagging. (F. E. Brooks) Ctry Life Am. 10: 1, . ' —- California Vintage. (C. F. Holder) Outing, 47: 568. — Home-grown, in Winter. (D. M. Dunning) Ctry Life Am. 51 302. —- on a Suburban Home Lot. (J . H. McFarland) Ctry Life Am. 2: 208. Graph in High-school Mathematics. School R. 14: 339. Graphology, Binet on. (N. J. Lennes) (P. Frazer) Science, n. s. 24: 431- Grass Spikelet. (C. V. Piper) Science, 11. s. 23: 789. Grass-green Maid, The; a story. (Alice Brown) Harper, III: 568, Grasses and Sedges, Fossil. (E. W. Berry) Am.‘ Nat- ural. 39; 345. —— A Nematode Disease of. (E. A. Bessey) Science, 4 n. s. 21: 391. -—- One of our First Families. 59: 1325. — Wild, Beauties of the. 407- Grasshopper and the Ant, The; a story. Deland) Harper, I07: 683. Gratings, Ruling Concave. (W. Rollins) Am. J. Sci. 165: 49, Graves, George, and his Descendants. (R. D. Smyth and B. C. Steiner) N. E. Reg. 56: 260, Graves, Out-of-the-way English. Chamb. J . 80: 318. Gravestones, Some Darlington. (G. A. F othergill) Antiq. n. s. 382 344. Gravitation and the Ether. III: 237, — Cause of. (F. J . B. Cordeiro) Pop. Astron. I3: 8. — Constant of, Value of the. (G. K. Burgess) Pop. Astron. I0: 421, — Perception of Force of, by Plants. (F. Darwin) Nature, 701 466.=Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 532. — Problem of. (C. Morris) J . Frankl. Inst. I61: 115. Gravosa Road, The. (Justus Miles Forman) Every- body’s, I5: 655. Gray, Horace, with portrait. (F. R. Jones) Green Bag, 14: 403. — With portrait. (Van V. Veeder) Green Bag, 15: 419.-—With portrait. (E. R. Thayer) Harv. Grad. M. 11: 345. Gray, Robert, Discoverer of the Columbia. Laut) Am. M. 60: 276, Gray, Thomas. Acad. 68: 614. — and Stoke. (J . J . Campbell) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 516. — Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, Story of. (H. C. Shelley) Bookman, 24: 234, — — "‘ The air a solemn stillness keeps ; ” a Literary Conundrum. (H. S. Hall) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 187. — in Peterhouse. Ath. ’o6, I: 107, —Letters; ed. by D. C. Tovey. Spec. 93: 638.-— (A. Birrell) Liv. Age, 245: 818. — Poems in MS. (I. Gollancz) Ath. ’o2, I: 403, Gray, Sir Thos., “Scalacronica” of. (H. Maxwell) Scot. Hist. R. 3: 6-453. 4: 24, Gray Chieftain, The ; a story by Ohiyesa, a Sioux In- dian. (C. A. Eastman) Harper, I08: 882, Gray Collie, The. (G. W. Pangborn) Scrib. M. 342 95. Gray Ghost, The. (J. F utrelle) Everybody’s, I3: 107. Graybeard, The. (Margaret Watson) Chamb. J . 83: (E. P. Powell) Indep. (G. L. Browne) Calif. M. 4: (Margaret (C. W. Saleeby) Harper, (Agnes C. 73- Grayling ; The Lady of the Streams. (J . A. Henshall) Ctry Life Am. 10: 307. ' — Michigan. (W. C. Harris) Outing, 44: 7693. Gray’s Inn, The Story of. (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. 54: 442- Gray’s Inn Pension-book, I 569-1669. Ath. ’02, I2 424. ' — - —— and its Principal Arm. GRAZING Grazing in the West: Coiiperative Herds on the Range. (W. M. Woolridge) Out West, 19: 556. — — Problems of. (E. V. Wilcox) Out West, 191 444. Grazing Land, Shall the United States lease its ? (J . P. Irish) Forum, 33: 160, Grazing Ranges, Proper Disposal of. (R. H. Forbes) Out West, 20: 540. Greaser, The. (Alan Owen) Overland, n. s. 48: 343. Great American Pie Company; a‘. story. (E. P. Butler) Cent. 46: 796. Great and the Little Weavers, The; a poem. (C. G. D. Roberts) Munsey, 27$ 44. Great Britain; Admiralty and War Office, Organiza- tion of. 19th Cent. 541 558. — — Can we trust the. (A. White) National, 47: 63. -— — A Leaf from the. (Dora G. McChesney) Monthly R. 24, no. I: 43. -— —- Policy of, Historically examined. Blackw. I77: 737- — — Short—handed, and some Overdue Reforms. Un. Serv. M. 301 I3. ‘ — African Difliculties of. (E. Mels) Harp. W. 50: 772. — Agricultural Programme for, Chamberlain’s. Blackw. 176: 417. —and Germany. (J. A. Spender) Fortn. 84: 811.- (J. L. Bashford) Monthly R. 19, no. 1: 48. See Germany and Great Britain. —and its Politics. (A. R. Carman) Canad. M. 18: 563- -— and its Powers. (H. Newbolt) Monthly R. 6, no. 31 I . — and Protection. (Y. Guyot) Contemp. 82: 1, — and Russia in the Politics of Europe. (F. A. Ogg) Chaut. 361 463. — — Rival Empires. (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. 54: 885. — and Tibet. The Asian Crisis. (E.J. Solano) Blackw. 175: 716. —- and the United States. (G. Harvey) 19th Cent. 55: S29- — — National Defense Forces of. (C. S. Clark) Un. Serv. M. 24: 271. 5 — Army. (Earl of Erroll) I9th Cent. 591 429. —Un. Serv. M. 27: '5. —-— —— Administrative Reform. Ed. R. 200: 477, —-— Admiral-engineer and Blue Jacket-mechanic. Fortn. 79: 303. -— — and the Esher Scheme. (A. Pollock) 19th Cent. 55= 840- — — and Outside Advice. (A. F. P. Harcourt) Un. Serv. M. 28: 411, —— — and the People. (J . Seeley) Indep. R. 4: 491, — — Annals of. (Herbert Maxwell) Cornh. 88: 29, —— — Are we ready for War ? National, 45: 791. — —— Army Commissions; “ the Locked Door and its Key.” (C. W. Robinson) Contemp. 84: 79. — — as it was and as it is. (F. S. Roberts) I9th Cent. 571 1- ‘ -— -— as a Profession. Cornh. 86: 764, —— — Auxiliary Forces. (A. W. A. Pollock) Contemp. 89: 761. -- — -— and the Committee of Three. son) Fortn. 82: 235. -— —-— — and the War Ofiice. tional, 45: I20. — -— Bella, Bella, Horrida Bella. Westm. I573 237- - — British Military Forces before 1820. ney) Un. Serv. M. 292 241. — — British Purchases of War Supplies in the U. S. (W. L. Penfield) No. Am. 174: 687. —-— — Cavalry. Blackw. I731 767. —-Sat. R. 95: 198, 228, 261, 291, (R. A. John- (H. Le Roy-Lewis) N a- (W. J. Corbett) (A. G. Bur- (Eques) Monthly R. 13, no. 3: 50. 14, no. 2: 78. 15, no. It 98. < 265 GREAT BRITAIN Great é3ritain, Army; Cavalry, Future of. Sat. R. 95: 44 - . -— — Conscription; Cost Miscalculated. Sat. R. 981 259, 267. — — — Royal Commission on. Spec. 92: 870. -— — Conscripts or Onlookers. (J . Seely) Contemp. 86: 134, — — Corps Organization. Blackw. I73: 583. — — Efiiciency in the Services. Quar. I96: 269. — —— Elevation of Thomas Atkins. Blackw. I72: 491- — — Estimates and Payment of Members. 165: 500, —-— — Field Organization. M. 29= 175- -—- — F orster’s Scheme for Reform. (C. E. Hobhouse) Contemp. 86: 835. -—Spec. 93: 76, 169, 214. ——Sat. R. 97: 288, Westm. (J . L. J . Clarke) Un. Serv. — —-from 1803 to 1815, Minor Expeditions of. (L. Butler) Un. Serv. M. 30: 388, 509, 31: 87-614, 32: 2oo—647. — — Future of. (A. Griffiths) Fortn. 80: 627. —-— —-— General Staff of. (G. F. MacMunn) Blackw. 180: 520. — — Gymnastic Training of Recruits in. Un. Serv. M. 29: 66. —— — Haldane between the Devil and the Deep Sea. (Earl of Erroll) 19th Cent. 60: 6 79. — —— Ha1dane’s Policy. Sat. R. 101: 288. —- —— Haldane’s Proposals. (St. J . Brodrick) 19th Cent. 60: 356. — —— Have we an. 58: 461, — — Headless. Sat. R. 96: 258. — -— History of. (E. M. Lloyd) Quar. 19g: 32. — — An Ignorant Army. (Dr. M. Maguire) National, 43: 1011. — — Improvements in. Sat. R. 99: 334. —— ~— in the Days of Marlborough and Wellington, and now. Un. Serv. M. 32: 630. — — in South Africa, A French View of. (W. Verner) Macmil. 86: 386, — —— in the Thames Valley. (H. E. Malden) Un. Serv. M. 27: 326. — —-— in the Year of Trafalgar. Serv. M. 32: 74, — —— Individualism in the Ranks. no. 3: 1 . — —— Infantry, The Double Company System for. (J . L. J. Clarke) Un. Serv. M. 29: 267. — —— Inner Life of. (M. White) Indep. 552 735. —-— Land Forces of Great Britain. (S. C. G.) Con- temp. 83: 66I.—(A. W. A. Pollock) Temp. Bar, (C. C. P. Fitzgerald) 19th Cent. (J . W. Fortescue) Un. Monthly R.‘ 21, G. Coulton) 19th Cent. 60: 719. —— — The Military Deadlock. (Stratiotes) Monthly R. 18, no. 3: 8. — —-— Militia and Volunteers. Quar. 200: 309. —— — Militia Ballot. (W. E. Cairnes) Fortn. 771 682. —— —— The Moral of. Blackw. I79: 722. — — My Impressions of. Un. Serv. M. 25: 400. — — The Nation and. (Earl of Erroll) 19th Cent. 58: 173; (H. R. Wakefield) I78. — — A National. Westm. I65: 284. — — National Defense. (F. Treffry) Westm. 166: 54. — — Naval Viewbf. National, 421 972. —- — The New Army; Training and the Auxiliary Forces. (R. A. Johnson) F ortn. 78: 937. —- — Notes on a Citizen Army. (Earl of Dundonald) Fortn. 84: 627, —— —- The Ofiicer Problem. (A. W. A. Pollock) Monthly R. 22, no. 3: 48. GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain, Army; OE cer Question, The. Un. Serv. M. 32: 341. . — —- The Oflicers, and their Foreign Critics. (F. N. Maude) Macmil. 85: 208. -— — —— The Dearth of. National, 46: 526. —— -— — The Education of. (F. N.. Maude) Contemp. 822 126. — (F. S. Russell) 19th Cent. 52: 84. -—— — — Modern. (A. Griflith) Fortn. 84: 270, —- —— Organization of. (H. Vincent) Un. Serv. M. 242 19. . — — Our Reformed. (A. E. Turner) Un. Serv. M. 311 60, — — Personnel of. (“ Yolet Capel ”) Westm. I571 266. -— — Physical Training instead of Conscription. (J . B. Atkins) Indep. R. 3: 495. ‘ —— —— Problem of. (A. S. Morse) Indep. R. 2: 319. — —— Reform in. (T. E. Dowse) Westm. I591 531. —- Un. Serv. M. 26: 271, - — — England’s Lesson from France. (H. W. Wil- son) National, 46: 1022, — — -— on National Lines. 269, 45: 890, — -—— Reorganization of. (A. Pollock) Fortn. 82: 1064. -=— (A. L. Keesling) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 3II. —- (I. Guest) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. II 73. -— — Reorganization of Recruiting System on a Na- ’ tional Basis. (E. F. Chapman) Blackw. I77! 8 54. — —- A Seven Hours’ Military Day as a Basis for Re- form. (S. Dnbh) Westm. I541 670. — -— Six Army Corps. (H. J . G. Cust) National, 41: 192, -—— — The Strategic Duties of the Land Forces of the British Empire. National, 472 249. — — Tactical Inefiiciency of the Regular. Pollock) Fortn. 81: 830, — — Territorial. (E. F. Chapman) Blackw. I801 I37. —— — that we need. Spec. 922 443. -— — The Times and Parliamentary Critics. (S. C. G.) Contemp. 83: 457. —— — The Truth about. Ed. R. 198: 438. — — The Volunteer Problem. Blackw. I79: 795. -— — Volunteers and Mr. Arnold-Forster. Spec. 94: 360, 588, -—— — — and their Fitness for the Field. Spec. 94: 708. — — — as an Army Reserve. Spec. 94: 508. —- — — Home Rule for. (J . S. Corbett) Monthly R. 15. 110- 3= 29- - — Wasted Recruits. (A. F. Walker) 19th Cent. 60: (E. Barrow) National, 44: (A. W. A. 367. -—— Budget of 1902. Sat. R. 93: 484. -—— —— for 1903. Sat. R. 951 503. -— —— for 1905. (H. Chisholm) Fortn. 82: 1012, — Cabinet. (A. M. Low) Indep. 54: 1993. —— Caesar and the Sentimentalists - [Germany and Brit- ish Naval Expansion]. (Ignotus) National, 46: 709, - A Census of the Empire. (J . A. Baines) J . Statis. Soc. 66: 31. —— Church and State. (W. Mair) Blackw. I76: 839, —- Colonial Conference, Next——a Canadian Opinion. (E. Farrer) Fortn. 84: 1022, -— Colonial Maritime Defense; a reply to Admiral Fitzgerald. (W. H. Kelly) National, 47: 523. —— Colonies, and Imperial Defense. (A. W. A. Pollock) Macmil. 88: 99; (A. H. Loring) 213; (A. W. A. Pollock) 286,-(A. H. Loring) Un. Serv. M. 27: 585, -— —- Attitude of Early Statesmen to, and Mr. Cham- berlain. (C. Peel) Spec. QI: 88, - — Authority for a Closer Union with. (C. A. Whit- more) National, 42: 553. —— —- Colonial Conference. Quar. I96: 315, -— — — Colonies after. Fortn. 78: 198, -—— — Colonial Friends and Foreign Rivals. Palgrave) National, 42: 979. (R. H. I. 266 GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain, Colonies; A Colonial View of Colonial Loyalty. (A. H. Adams) 19th Cent. 541 52 5. — —- The Daughters of the House. (W. P. Reeves) Monthly R. 13, no. 3: 33. —- — Early Constitutions. (J . P. Wallis) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 10: 59. - —- — The Empire and. Ed. R. 196: 464. -— — An Imperial Pilgrimage. Quar. I96: 1, — —- The Imperial Control of Native Races. (H. W. V. Temperley) Contemp. 89: 804, — -—— Ineifectual Preferences. (R. Giffen) 1’9th Cent. 55‘ I-' — — Military Forces of the. Serv. M. 33: 407. —— — Present Relations of the Self—governing Colonies to the Empire. (R. H. Bakewell) Westm. I60: 259- - — Commerce. Britain’s Place in Foreign Markets. (A. W. Flux) Econ. J. 14: 356. ' — — British Preferential Trade and Imperial De- fense. (J . Charlton) No. Am. 175: 164. — — Cromwell’s Policy in its Economic Aspects. L. Beer) Pol. Sci. Q. 17: 46. — — A Council of Trade. Quar. I96: 221. — — Export, 1870-99. (B. Ellinger) Econ. R. 122 21. — — Foreign Trade and Home Markets. (V. Caillard) National, 39: 51, —-—in 1881-1900. (J. H. Schooling) Monthly R. 6, no, 1: 40, —- — The Mystery of Dumping. (J . A. Hobson) Con- temp. 85: 186. — — Present Position of. (S. Brooks) Idler, 21: 302. —- — Trade within the Empire, Promotion of. (J . B. C. Kershaw) Monthly R. 7, no. 3: 59. —Reply (R. H. Brand) Monthly R. 8, no. 22 56. —- — Triangular Foreign Trade. (W. M. Lightbody) Westm. I62: 17. —— Commercial Needs of the Empire. Contemp. 81: 457. — The Compulsion of Empire. (J . L. Garvin) National, 47= 499- — Conservative Customs in. M. 18: 442. — Constitution of, New. Spec. 922 208. — Debts of the British Possessions. (H. Cox) No. Am. 174: 422, -— Defense. (Duke of Argyll) 19th Cent. ‘58: 62,— Ed. R. 202: 519. —- (F. Treffrey) Westm. I66: 183, 294- — —- British Imperial Defense from a Foreign Stand- point. (C. Favre) National, 47: 739, -—— — The Cry of “ Wolf.” (A. Carnegie) I9th Cent. 60: 224, -—— -— Imperial. (H. F. Wyatt) National, 42: 319, —— —— Is the British Empire safe ? National Service. (R. Giifen) 19th Cent. 59: 543, — — Is our Reserve of War-ships Ample? ~ (W. H. White) ; Is not Invasion Possible ? (F. S. Russell) ; Universal Military Training for Lads. (Earl of ' Meath) ; Dearth of Officers. (Earl of Erroll) ; Common-sense Training of Recruits. (A. Pollock) 19th Cent. 57: 701. — Defenses of. Ed. R. 197: 535. — Destiny of, in Central Asia. (E. J . Solano) Monthly R. 18, no. 1: 57. —— Economic Condition of, in 1903. (R. H. I. Palgrave) National, 42: 406, — Economic Crisis in. Westm. I65: 148. — Economic Position of. (O. Fleming) Econ. R. 16: 467. (E. W. Lascelles) Un. (G. (E. J . Dillon) (A. R. Carman) Canad. — Education in ;' The Direction and Method of. Quar. _ 201 : 197, See Education. . — -— and Malta. Asia. R. 38: 352 GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain, Empire; British Imperial Foundations. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. 36: 13. -— —- and the Coronation. Fortn. 78: 21. — — and the Kingdom. Ed. R. 195: 256. -— — and Peace. (C. de Thierry) 363- at Peace. Church Q. 54: 443. -— — The Burden of Empire. (J . G. Godard) Westm. 161: 178, —— — Century of. (Sir T. Fraser) Fortn. 83: 1112, -— — An Empire in the Making. (V. Caillard) Monthly R. 18, no. I: 30; no. 3: 37. —— -—— Federation or No Federation ? (J . S. Mills) Na- tional, 41: 770. — — Federation vs. Imperialism. Westm. I57: 636. — —- Future calls upon it. (D. Kerr) Canad. M. 24: 460, — — Greater Britain. Good Words, 43: Xmas no. — — Heart of. (S. P. Waterlow) Internat. J . Ethics, 12: 502, —— —- Imperial Federation. (Lord Strathcona) Canad. M. 191 29I.—— (G. R. Benson) Contemp. 81: 214, — -— —- Foot-note to. (S. Brooks) Monthly R. 7, no. 2: 22, -— — The Imperial Outlook. (C. Bill) Monthly R. 11, -Un. Serv. M. 25: no, 3: 19. —— —Jenkyn’s Rule beyond the Seas. Ath. ’02, 1: 586. —- -— Motives to. (A. T. Mahan) National, 39: 390. —— — Problems of. (H. H. Johnston) 19th Cent. 51: 716, —— —-Self-sustaining. Blackw. I75: 145. —— -— Society of the. (W. J . Courthope) National, 29: 747. -— — Two Imperial Creations. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. 37: 131. -—— —- The United States of Imperial Britain. Con- temp. 81: 305. —— -—— Unity of. (Lord Thring) 19th Cent. 55: 353. — Federation in Fiscal Anarchy. (H. M. Posnett) Contemp. 89: 387. — Finance, Antiquated. 6, no, 1: 26. —— —— Are we consuming our Capital? (R. H. I. Pal- grave) National, 42: 27, —— — as a Party Question. (F. Greenwood) Monthly R. 6, no. 3: 26. —— — The Bane of Borrowing. (J . W. Cross) 19th Cent. (F. Greenwood) Monthly R. 54: 306. — -—— Behind the Fiscal Veil. (M. Crackanthorpe) 19th Cent. 55: 255. —- -— Budget of 1902. (C. F. Bastable) Econ. J . 12: 261, — — Considerations on Imperial Finance. (V. Cail- lard) 38: 871. - — — Enormous National Expenditure. (C. Napier Lawrence) Spec. 95: 1080, -— —- Excessive National Expenditure. (Lord Avebury) 19th Cent. 58: 706. . —— — Growth of Expenditure. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 6, — -— An Ideal Budget. (Frank W. Hirst) Indep. R. 7: 441- —- — Municipal Finance. (A. Cargill) Westm. 164: 509. -— — National and Local Borrowing. (P. Barry) Westm.157: 31. - -— — National Balance-sheet. 89: 230, -— —— National Solvency and Banking Credit. (E. E. Gellender) Westm. 158: 274. -—The Next Budget, 1906. Westm. 165: 22. (F. N. Maude) Macmil. (W. D. Macgregor) 267 GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain, Finance; The Pinnacle of Prosperity. (J . W. Cross) 19th Cent. 56: 469. — -— Squandering a Surplus. (Sir Oliver Lodge) Con- temp. 90: 37. —— -— Treasury Control. (Reginald McKenna) Indep. R. 7= 249- . — — ‘Treasury Order Book.” (W. A. Shaw) Econ. J , 16: 33, — — Two Record Budgets— 1860 and 1903, Lawson) Fortn. 79: 899. —- Finance of Federal Government for the United Kingdom. (T. A. Brassey) J , Statis, Soc, 66: 1, —— Financial Outlook, 1905. Fortn. 84: 385, 569. -— Fiscal Policy and British Shipping. (C. Booth, jr.) Indep. R. 5: 352. See Great Britain ; Tariff. — Flora, Studies in. (R. L. Praeger) Knowl. 25: 16- 241, —- Food Question in 1903. Blackw. 174: 403. — Foreign Aifairs. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 82: 435, — Foreign Ofiice. (Chalmers Roberts) World’s Work, 11: 7177. — Foreign Policy. National, 43: 729. 773: I Liv. Age, 246: 387, — — of Greater Britain. F ortn. 77: 380. —— — — Reconsidered. National, 40: 345. I Ecl. M. 138: 141, _ — -— Present. (C. W. Dilke) Indep. 59: I511. —- Future of. (R. Barr) Idler, 27: 386. — (Jesse Quail) Macmil. 85: 219. — (J . E. Barker) 19th Cent. 60: 689. — Geological Survey, Summary of Progress. Nature, 65: 204. —Government and Parties of; 1903. Blackw. I73: 720, — — by Hire-purchase. (A. S. Hurd) Fortn. 79: 859. — — Cost of. Quar. 204: 1, — Health, National. (F. Maurice) Contemp. 83: 41. -— History; Hanoverians, Early. Quar. I96: 509. — Imperial Coiiperation; a Suggestion. (H. J . Wick- ham and H. F. Wyatt) National, 47: 482. — Imperial Maritime Council. (G. S. Clarke) 19th (W. R. —— National, 45: Cent. 551 705. - —- Imperial Purposes of. (T. B. Browning) Macmil. 89: 310. -—— Imperial Relations. (W. P. Groser) Fortn. 83: 1126. — Imperial Strategy. Blackw. 173: 590. —- Imperial Trade and Tariffs. (H. Bell) Monthly R. I2, no, 2: 62. — in Persia and Asiatic Turkey, Policy of. Ed. R. 195: 398. . -— Industry in, Crisis in. (H. Bell) National, 39: 295. — Is the Government Indispensable ? a Review of Lord Lansdowne’s Foreign Policy. (E. T. Cook) Con- temp. 88: 332. -— Is it preparing for War? (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 24: 315, — King of ; His Prerogatives and Disabilities. Liv. Age. 2331 96- - — is he an Ecclesiastical Person? (H. Thurston) 19th Cent. 51: 444, -— — Passing of the Act of Settlement. (Marq. de Ru- vigny and C. Metcalfe) 19th Cent. 51: 305. -— — Our Changing Constitution; the King in Coun- cil. (S. Low) 19th Cent. 53: 177. — Labor Party. (L. A. A. Jones) 19th Cent. 50: 576. —— Land, Radicals and the. (H. Maxwell) Blackw. 180: 561, —— Legislation in, 1904. (A. G. Porritt) Yale R. 14: 60, —- — Parliamentary Inquiries and Ofiicial Returns. Econ. R. 15: 480, — — Work and Maintenance Bill, 1906. (J . M. Thomp- son) Econ. R. 16: 207, GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain, Liberal Policy in, What is it ? (Sir H. Campbell-Bannermann) World To~day, I0: 257, —- Liberals again at the Helm in. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 331 33. -— Liberals and Foreign Policy. (Herbert Paul) 19th Cent. 58: 853. = Liv. Age, 247: 591, —— Literary Cabinet of. (W. Littlefield) Critic, 43: 420. -—— Local Extravagance and Imperial Burdens. (R. Giffen) Contemp. 87: I. —- Mackinder’s Geography of. Nature, 65: 385. — Manufactures of Greater Britain. (C. F. Just and others) J. Soc. Arts, 531 442, 597, 752. —- Maritime Supremacy of. (H. G. Parsons) Blackw. 176: 819. —— Maritime War. Blackw. I73: I42. -— Mercantile Marine. Quar. I992 323. —— Military Policy for. (R. Harrison) Un. Serv. M. 333 351- —- Militia of. Blackw. I73! I42. —— Monarchy, An Indictment of the. (By Anglo-Ameri- can) No. Am. 177: 641.-—A reply. (By Defensor) No. Am. 177: 904. — Natality in, Recent Decline of. (E. Cannon) F ortn. 77‘ 541- —— National Defense. (F. Treifrey) Westm. I66: 294. —— National Progress, Tests of. (A. L. Bowley) Econ. J - I41 457- -- Naval Concentration and a Moral. (A. S. Hurd) Fortn. 81: 865. —— Naval Economy, French Friendship and. Hurd) Fortn. 80: 654, '— Naval Education in. Blackw. I78: 445. -—— Naval Expenditure. Un. Serv. M. 30: 492.-—(H. Montgomery) Un. Serv. M. 30: 244. -— —— and Naval Strength. (E. Robertson) 19th Cent. 55‘ S95- -—- Naval History, Study of. Hist. Soc. n. s. 12: 81, —— Naval History Research. (Hubert Hall) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 12: 95. -— Naval Intelligence Department, The. Monthly R. 10, no. 1: 50. -— The Naval Oficer, Past and Future. (A. S. (J . K. Laughton) Roy. (C. Bellairs) Blackw. 178: 735- —— Naval Policy. Un. Serv. M. 31: 227. —- — Amateur Estimates of. (C. A. G. Bridge) 19th Cent. 60: 883, — — and German Aspirations. 84: 403. —- — A Dreadnought. (A. S. Hurd) Fortn. 86: 1017, —— Naval Programme for 1905. The Command of the Sea in Danger. (H. W. Wilson) National, 45: 48. —- Naval Reserve, Condition of. (W. L. Clowes) 19th Cent. 51: 550. -— Naval Situation, I906. Quar. 2052 307. —— Naval Strength and Navy Estimates. (T. Brassey) Westm. 56: 591. —- Naval Supremacy of. (A. S. Hurd) Cassier, 23: 587. -— (Sir C. W. Dilke) Cassier, 24: 83, —— Navy. Un. Serv. M. 3!: 240, 459, —— —— Accountant Officers of. Un. Serv. M. 25: 122, —- —- Admiralty and the German Navy. National, 40: (A. S. Hurd) Fortn. 519. — — Admiralty Policy and its Critics. (A. S. Hurd) Fortn. 831 740. —- -— — and the New Navy Estimates. (W. H. White) 19th Cent. 59:. 601. —- —- Admission to. Spec. 92: 363. -— — and the Colonies. (P. A. Silburn) Un. Serv. M. ¢9= 453- --——and the Engineer. (C. Bellairs) Monthly R. 7, no. 3,25. 8, no. 2: 92. , 268 GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain, Navy, and the Press. Un. Serv. M. 26: 604. I — -—— Anglo-Japanese Fleets in Alliance. (A. S. Hurd) Fortn. 84: 829. — — Another “ Grace Concession.” National, 39 1 5 59. — -— as Peacemaker. (A. S. Hurd) F ortn. 82: 949. — —- as a Profession. Cornhill, 86: 317, —— —- The Blue Jackets and the Tailors. 19th Cent. 55: 1030. —- -—— “ Blue Water School,” and Compulsory Service. (H. W. Wilson) National, 442 142. —— -— British and German Fleets. Fortn. 83: 15. —- -— British Naval Policy and German Aspirations. (A. S. Hurd) Fortn. 84: 403. — -—— Budget, 1905. Sat. R. 992 293. —- — Continental Camps and the British Fleet. Fortn. 85: 668. — -— Destroying Britain’s Naval Supremacy. Wilson) National, 48: 38, _— -— Discipline in. Un. Serv. M. 29: 111. — — Dockyards and Shipyards. (H. Russell) Fortn. 82: 279, . —- —— Doom of the Naval Engineer. (C. M. Johnson) Engin. M. 23: 821, — -—— Education in. (J . S. Corbett) Monthly R. 6, no. 31 34. 7. no N 43- 8,110-3= 43- -— — 1389-1902. (A. S. Hurd) Cassier, 22: 635. —— —— Fire Control in. Un. Serv. M. 252 231. —- -— —— Elements of. Un. Serv. M. 24: 215—576. —— —— — Food of the Lower Deck. (A. White) N a- tional, 39: 720. -—— -— A General Staff for. Serv. M. 30: 335. — — German View of. 23, — — The Government and the. Cent. 60: 728. — -— A Great Naval Blunder. National, 45: 262, — -— Growth of the Capital Ship. 577. — — in 1805. (J. K. Laughton) Un. Serv. M. 32: 63 ' (L. Yexley) (H. W. (E. R. Fremantle) Un. (E. T. Meyer) Contemp. 82: (A. S. Hurd) 19th (C. C. P. Fitzgerald) Blackw. I79: — — in 1905. Un. Serv. M. 32: 151, — —- in the American Revolution. (R. P. Bolton) M. of Hist. 21 223, 311, — —- The Irregulars of. 465 (W. J . Fletcher) Macmil. 88: all well? (F. T. Jane) Fortn. 77: 445. — —— John Fisher, Reformer of. (F. T. Jane) Munsey, 33: 529. —- —— Lord Cawdor’s Opportunity. (H. W. Wilson) National, 45: 597. — —— Making of a British Tar. Cosmopol. 37: 3. — -— Manning of the Fleet. Un. Serv. M. 32: 516. — -—— The Mediterranean Fleet. (S. Wilkinson) Na- tional, 40: 51. -— —— Nomenclature of. Un. Serv. M. 28: 334. —— —— Officers for. (R. Appleyard) Fortn. 78: 8 52. — —— Organization of National Resources. (G. F. Shee) Monthly R. I7, no. 3: 22. —— — Peace Distribution of the Fleet. (L. H. Hordern) Un. Serv. M. 25: 447. Y -— — A Plea for Maintaining our Battleship Pro- gramme. (A. Lee) National, 47: 914. —~ — Police Work of. Cornh. 86: 799. —— —— Progress of. Sat. R. 95: 349. —-(A. S. Hurd) No. Am. 177: 385. . -— — Progress or Reaction in. (A. S.‘ Hurd) Fortn. 85= 707. -— — Provision for the Maintenance and Repair of our Fleet. (W. H. White) I9th Cent. 58: 67. (B. Brandenburg) GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain, Navy; Recent Naval Administration. (H. L. Swinburne) Monthly R. 12, no. 12 76. — —— Redistribution of the Fleet. (C. A. G. Bridge) Cornh. 91: 598. — — Reforms in. Sat. R. 97: 5. -— —— A Retrograde Admiralty. Blackw. I77: 597. — — The Revolution in. (A. S. Hurd) Chamb. J . 82: 97- — —— he Sacrifice of Sea Power to “ Economy.” (H. W. Wilson) National, 48: 714. —— — Science and. Nature, 67: 289. 68: 169. -— — The Silent. (A. White) National, 39: 78. —— —— Speed of. Un. Serv. M. 311 475. —— — State of, 1906. Spec. 97: passim. —— — that we need. (A. S. Hurd) Fortn. 80: 277. — _— Training of Landmen for. (W. F. F ullam) Un. Serv. M. 26: 256. — — The Tudors and the. Quar. 201: 145. -— -— Uses of. (J. Leyland) Un. Serv. M. 292 569. —- — Volunteers for the Fleet. (A. S. Hurd) 19th Cent. 55: 1020. - — — The Wardship of Empire; the New Scheme of Naval Organization. (L. C. Cornford) Monthly R. I8,n0.2Z I06, —— —- Which Way to an Imperial Navy ? Colomb) National, 47: 684, (J. C. R. —— — Zeal in. Un. Serv. M. 26: 329. — Opposition Party, 1793-1303. (J . H. Rose) Monthly R. 8, no. I1 71. — Our Position in Colonial Markets. National, 47: 649. — Paralysis of the Constitution. (A. V. Dicey) Con- temp. 88: 305. —- Parliament and the Army. Cent. 59: 866. — —-— at Lincoln, 1316, n. s. 10: 41. — — in the Making.‘ (W. Auld) Longm. 43: 137, — — Is the Party System Honest ‘P F ortn. 86: 642, —- — Is it a Mere Crowd ? (M. Conway) 19th Cent. 57! 898. —- — Laborers in, Significance of. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 215. —- — Literary Element in. (W. Littlefield) Critic, 48: 420. —- ——- Misrepresentation of the People in. (H. Kimber) 19th Cent. 55: 889. V — —-— 1903. Blackw. I74: 39o_ — -— + Lords Less Active than Commoners. 96: I62, —— — —-— Redistribution of Seats and Proportional Re- presentation. (M. H. Judge) Westm. I 59: 129, -_ - 1904; Exhausted. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 57: 87. - — 1905. No Dissolution. Blackw. I78: 127. - - 1906. Blackw. 179: 570. —- —— Past and Present. (Sir John Colomb) National, 43: 675. —- —— Policy for, National. (S. Webb) Indep. R. 3: 161. — — Quotations in Debate. Sat. R. 97: 680, —- —-— Scotch Education Bill, 1905. Blackw. I78: I42, — Parliamentary Procedure. (T. Burt) I9th Cent. 59: 546; (F. Harrison) 553. — Parliamentary Reform. (Lord Byron) Westm. 164: (J . H. Schooling) (Earl of Erroll) 19th (A. Hughes) Roy. Hist. Soc. (W. D. P. Bliss) Sat. R. 361, 166: 15. — Party Conditions in. (E. Porritt) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 206, - Political Parties and the New Ministry, 1906. (W. B. Dufiield) Fortn. 852 233. —— Political Party, Suggestions for a New. (J . B. Crozier) Fortn. 83: :95. — Political Situation in, after Salisbury. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 297, 269 GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain, Political Situation in, Construction and Policy of the Next Government. 1902. Fortn. 77: 393- —-—-in 1904. Quar. 199: 623.—Ed. R. zoo: 502,: Liv. Age, 243: 641, ——- — in 1905. (H. Paul) 19th Cent. 57: 869. — —in 1906. Ed. R. 203: 281. —(A. V. Dicey) Na- tion, 82: 194. — Quar. 204: 571, —- Politics. Amurath to Amurath. Fortn. 732 165. — — and Parties. Ed. R. 198: 534. — — Can Unionists support a Home Rule Govern- ment? (A. V. Dicey) Contemp. 89: 247, — — Conservative Organization and the Agricultural Laborers. (T. E. Kebbel) 19th Cent. 60: 126. —— “Efliciency.” Monthly R. 19, no. 3: 1. —- —-— Evolutionary Trend of British Political Parties. (R. G. Davis) Westm. I57: 514, — — How it struck a Contemporary. Fortn. 84: 45. ' — —- in 1902. Cleaning the Slate. (R. E. Dell) Monthly R. 7, no. 11 53. —- -~— -— Conservative Reform Programme. 19th Cent. 52: 681, — —— ——- The Good Old Cause. 51: 11. —- -— — Legislation, Parliamentary Inquiries, and Of- ficial Returns. (E. Carman) Econ. R. 12: 94-489. —— -~— — Liberal Débéicle. Quar. I95: 567. — — — Liberal Embroglio. (J . G. Rogers) Contemp. 81: 589. — — — The Old Liberalism and the New Aristocracy, Fortn. 771 574. ' — — — Parliamentary Prospect. Blackw. I71: 278. —— —~ — Reversal to Toryism. Fortn. 78: 72 3. — — — Lord Rosebery and the Copperheads. (E. T. Cook) Contemp. I81: 1. ——-Reply. (W. M. Crook) Contemp. 8I: 173. r — — — The Shuflled Government. (H. Paul) Con- temp. 82: 673. — — — The South African Peace, the Coronation, and the British Outlook. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 39. -— —-— —-— Story of the Fourth Party. Cent. 52: 864-1033. — ——- —-— Test of Efficiency. Fortn. 78: 405. — — — Wanted — an Opposition. (A. P. Gilmour) Forum, 32: 700, -— — — The War and the Liberals. (J . A. Spender) (S. Low) (L. Stephen) I9th Cent. (H. E. Gorst) 19th (E. Dicey) Fortn. 7= 194- —— — in 1903. (S. Brooks) No. Am. I76: 901. —- — —— Autumn Campaign. (E. Grey) Indep. R. 2: 34. — —- ——- Mr. Balfour and Economic Fact. (J. S. Mann) Contemp. 84: 469, —— -— —-— Mr. Chamberlain’s Fiscal Policy. (Lord Welby) Contemp. 841 I. ——-(L. Courtney) Contemp. 84: 265. -— —-— —— Crisis in the Unionist Party. National, 41: 744- — —- — Economic Possibilities of an Imperial Fiscal Policy. (L. L. Price) Econ. J . I3: 436. -— — — The Eve of the Campaign. Fortn. 80: 412. — -— ——- The Government and the South African War. . Contemp. 84: 5 52. —— -— — Home Rule and Mr. Chamberlain’s Zollverein. (G. McDermot) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 722. — —— —— House of Commons and the Army Estimates. Contemp. 83: 263. — —- —- Is the Cabinet riding for a Fall? National, 41: 566. -— —— ——- The Liberal Eclipse. 679. — — — Parliament; Bye-elections and Liberal Pros- pects. (J . Shirley) Westm. I 59: 376. -— — — Party Prospects. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 410. (J . S. Mills) Fortn. 79: '-—— —~ - Waiting for the Verdict. GREAT BRITAIN Permanent Oflicials (J . B. Maxwell) 19th Great Britain, Politics, in 1903, and National Inefficiency. Cent. 54: 325. - - - Protection and Empire as an Issue. 38: 6. - — - Story of the Fourth Party. Cent. 53: 132. - - - To Unionists and Imperialists. Contemp. 84: 305. - - - The Tory Creed and the Unionist Alliance. Fortn. 79: 1. ' - - - Wreck of the Unionist Administration. Fortn. 80: 375. - - in 1904. (E. Maxey) Sewanee, 12: 341. -Blackw. 175: 449. - (J. McCarthy) Indep. 57: 1023. - - - Appeal to the Liberal Party. (L. M. Burrell) Westm. 161: 638, . - - - Cabinet Crisis. Spec. 92: 402. --- Confusion of. (J. A. Spender) Indep. R. 3: 216, - - - A Liberal Catastrophe ? Fortn. 82: 70. - - - The Liberal Opportunity. (J . A. Spender) Contemp. 83: 609. - - - Ministerial Crisis, The. Liv. Age, 239: 185. - - - Mr. Balfour’s New Cabinet. Sat. R. 96: 448. - - - The Party Situation. (J . A. Spender) Con- temp. 84: 620, - - - Survival of the Government. Contemp. 86: 309. - - in 1905. Electoral Omens. Westm. 162: 384, - - - “ Floundering and Foundering.” thy) Indep. 57: 535. - - - Forecasts and First-fruits. Fortn. 82: 576, - —- — Irish Catholics, English Dissenters, and the Education Act. (G. McDermot) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 728, - - - Legislation, Parliamentary Inquiries, and Offi- cial Returns. Econ. R. 15: 480. - - - Letter to A. J . Balfour. Westm. 163: 132. - - - A Liberal Administration: who and what? (G. W. E. Russell) Indep. R. 5: 277. - -- The Liberal Policy and the Next Election. Contemp. 86: 553. — — - Mr. Balfour’s Device. Westm. 163: 488. - — — The Next Government. Contemp. 86: 153. - - - The Next Liberal Ministry. (H. W. Lucy) 19th Cent. 56: 675. - - - Opportunity of the Next Government. Hammond) Indep. R. 5: 141. ' - - - The Price of Peace. Quar. 203: 321. - - - The Prime Minister’s Duty. Quar. 201: 309, — - - Redistribution of Electoral Districts. Sat. R. 971 614- - - — The Situation. (Herbert Paul) I9th Cent. 58: 1023. -(A. V. Dicey) Nation, 81: 480. — - - Twenty Months after. (J . A. Spender) Con- temp. 87: 333. Chant. (H. E. Gorst) 19th (A. V. Dicey) (J . A. Spender) (W. V. Roberts) (J . McCar- (J . A. Spender) (F. W. Tugman) (J. L. (J . McCarthy) In- dBP- 59¢ 1099- - - in 1906. The Age of the Ostrich. Westm. 165: - - - The Conservative Disaster and what it signi- fies. (D. S. A. Cosby) Westm. 165: 235. - - - Election. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 62: 310, -— (J . C. Rose) Nation, 82: 216. - Outl. 82: 250,- Sat. R. 101: 68, — - - - The Electoral Swing of the Pendulum. (R. B. Martin) J . Statis. Soc. 69: 65 5. - - - - The Flood. (H. Paul) 19th Cent. 59: 173. = Liv. Age, 248: 553. 270 V GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain, Politics, in 1906; the Election. The Flood, and after. (H. Maxwell) 19th Cent. 59: 345. = Liv. Age, 249: 3, --—-Labor at. (J. K. Hardie) 19th Cent. 59: 12, - - - - Triumph of Free Trade or of Socialism ? (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 82: 297. - -- - - Victory and what to do with it. (H. W. Massingham) Contemp. 89: 266. _ ' -- - Fall of Mr. Balf0ur’s Government. Ed. R. 203: 263, - - - The Government and the Empire. (H. Max- well) I9th Cent. 59:683. - — - The Government and the Opposition. Paul) 19th Cent. 59: 518, 1054. — - - The Government and its Opponents. (J . A. Spender) Contemp. 90: 772. I — - - The Government and the Session. Quar. 205: 287. - - - The Liberal Government and the Colonial Conference. (R. Rea) 19th Cent. 59: 301. - - - A Liberal View of the New Ministry. Ecl. M. 146: 101, - - — Mr. Balfour and the Unionist Party. (X.) Fortn. 85: 409. - - — The New Government. (H. Paul) I9th Cent. 59: 166. = Liv. Age, 248: 259.-(J. McCarthy) Indep. 60: 23. ‘—- - - The New Government and its Problems. (J . A. Spender) Contemp. 89: 457. - - - The New Majorities in Parliament. Carthy) Indep. 60: 904, - - - New Parliament. (H. (J . Mc- (J . McCarthy) Indep. 60: 605. - - - On the Eve of the Session. (J . McCarthy) In- dep, 61: 1225, - - - The Parting of the Ways. (An Old Tory) Fortn. 85: 821. - — — Political Prospects. Fortn. 85: 32. - — - Success of the Government. (H. W. Mas- singham) Contemp. 89: 867. - — The Left Wing, Past and Future. Westm. 61: 243- - - Liberal League. (C. Douglas) Contemp. 81: 573 - - Liberalism and Labor. (C. F. G. Masterman)19th Cent. 59: 706. — - National and Political Efiiciency. (C. Bright) Westm. 161: 626, - - Need for a Radical Party. (H. W. Massingham) Contemp. 85: I2. - - Plea for a National Party. (S. H. Harris) Fortn. 81: 1028, - State Paper Ofiice, Old. Ath. ’03, 2: 855. - Statistical Abstract, A Guide to. (W. H. Mallock) 19th Cent. 58: 1008. - Tabernacle vs. Nation. (G. Rogers) 19th Cent. 59: I55- - Toryism and Tariifs.~ (W. B. Dufiield) Fortn. 85: 427. - Unionism, its Past and its Future. Miiller) Fortn. 85: 18. - Unionist Record. Quar. 204: 276. - Population of the Empire. (J . A. Baines) J . Statis. Soc. 69: 440. ‘ — - Urban and Rural. Science, 11. s. 20: 219. - Postal Savings-banks of. (J . H. Heaton) Arena, 33: 31- - Protection, a Dishonest Policy. (M. D. O’Brien) Westm. 161: 254, - - The Issue of. (R. B. Johnson) Atlan. 93: 14!. - Public Expenditure, Control of. (W. M. J . Wil- liams) Econ. R. 16: 431. (E. B. Iwan- GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain, Roman Discoveries in. (J . Oiford) Am. Antiq. 26: 17. -— Social and Political Outlook, 1906. (J . C. Fry) Econ. R. I6: 1, — Tariff. Blackw. 174: J . I3: 293. —- -— and the “ Draft on London.” Econ. J. I4: 501. -—— — Appeal to the Gods. (A. Carnegie) I9th Cent. 55: 8 277.—(J. W. Root) Econ. (F. H. Jackson) 53 - -—— — The Colonial “ Offer.” (L. J . Maxse) National, 4s= 853- - — The Discredited Pessimists. Westm. I66: 11, — — Economic View of. 129, — — Fantastic Fallacy of an Empire Builder. Burrell) Westm. I51! 7. — — Fiscal Problem, 1904. Arts, 52: 39. . -— -—— Fiscal Question, 1906. (C. Follett) F ortn. 81: 460. — (C. Booth) National, 42: 686. -—— (H. Belloc) Dub. R. 139: 277. -— — —— and the Experience of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. (L. Patritsch) Econ. J . I4: 24. —— — — and its Surroundings. (E. B. Husband) Westm. I61 I 21, —— — — Broad View of. 4‘ 29- -— — — ()utsider’s View of. (H. V. Storey) 19th Cent. 163: 378. — -—— —- Present Aspects of. (A. Richmond) (L. L. Price) Econ. R. 14: (L. M. (C. M. Kennedy) J. Soc. (Lord Monkswell) Indep. R. (C. M. Kennedy) J . Soc. Am. 531 482- -- — — Retrospect and Prospect. (L. L. Price) Econ. R. 16: 129, — -— Fiscal Reform for the Farmer. Westm. I62: 366, 496- --———Cai].lard on. (J . S. Nicholson) Econ. J. 14: 57- - — -— for National Defense. National, 42: 884. —— — —— Forecasting Danger. (J . D. Holms) Westm. I6I: I20, —— -— — The Known and the Unknown in Mr. Chamber- lain’s Policy. (A. C. Pigon) Fortn. 812 36. — — — Moral Aspect of. (Prof. H. Jones) Hibbert J . 2= 543- -— — — Not all a Dream; Interview with R. Cobden. (A. W.) Westm. I61: 357. — — —— Protection and Imperialism. Westm. I61: I29. — -— — Pure Theory and Fiscal Controversy. (A. C. Pigon) Econ. J . I4: 29. -— — — Revenue Aspects of. (C. J. F ollett) National, 46: 145. —- — The “ Great Consult.” Ed. R. 201: 255. —- — History"s Argument. (C. B. R. Kent) Macmil. 88: 336. —— — Imperial Reciprocity. (H. Maxwell, G. Parker, and B. Taylor) 19th Cent. 53: 897, ='-Eel. M. 141: 141. —- ——- Mr. Chamberlain’s Fiscal Policy. (E. Grey) Monthly R. 13, no. 11 H.—Blackw. I74: 561, 710.-—(W. F. Ford) Econ. R. 13: 2oo.—(L. R. Phelps) Econ. R. 132 327.—(Lord Avebury; L. Phillips; W. H. Mallock) 19th Cent. 54! 353.— (G. K. Marischal) Westm. I63: 362, —Ed. R. 199: 169. 200: 449. —— —_— deductively considered. (J . Middlemore) Econ. R ' 28 . I5. . r. Charles Booth’s Proposals for Fiscal Reform. (B. Russell) Contemp. 85: I98. -— - Pinchbeck Protectimiism. Fortn. 80: 719, , —- -— A Plea for Inquiry. (C. A. Cripps) National, 41: 758. 271 GREAT Great Britain, Tarifl’. Preference and Retaliation. (H. Cecil) Monthly R. 13, no, 1: 26. —— -— Preferential Tariffs within the Empire ; Reply to Sir R. Giffen. (H. Birchenough) 19th Cent. 511 891. — — Present State of the Case for Mr. Chamberlain’s Policy. (W. A. S. Hewins) Fortn. 80: 590. — — Sheffield and its Shadow. (W. S. Churchill) Monthly R. I3, no. 22 I7. ——- - Some Social Conceptions underlying the Fiscal Controversy. (S. J . Chapman) Econ. R. 15: 175. —- — Statistical Methods and. (A. L. Bowley) Econ. J . W 303- —- — Trade ' of the Empire. 84: 484. — — Will a Preferential Tariff oppress the Poor ? (D. C. Murray and J . W. Atkinson) Fortn. 80: 614. ‘ —— —~ The Unionist plunge into Protection. Fortn. 80: 555- —- Tariff Commission, Report of I905. (S. J . Chap- man) Econ. J . I5! 420. —— (H. O. Meredith) Indep. R, 4: 138. —— Tariff Reform in. 396- -- — Economic Prejudice against. (L. L. Price) Fortn. W 747. — Trade of, Present. Pol. Sci. 23: 84. —— Trade Policy of, and her Colonies since 1860, C. J . Fuchs’s. (L. L. Price) Econ. R. I 5: 488. — Treasury, Past and Present. (F. Mowatt) National, 48: 602. p —— Treasury Control. (R. McKenna) Indep. R. 7: 249. —— War Board. (A. W. A. Pollock) Fortn. 80: 910. —- War Commission, Recommendations of. National, 42: 225, ——- War Department Improvements. 708, —— War Manoeuvers. (Martini) Blackw. I74: 643. ——- War Office and Remounts. (Lord Dunman) 19th Cent. 52: 746. — —- The Butler Report. — — The Cabinet and. 580, ———The New. (A. Grifliths) Fortn. 8!: 489.-—(C. Robhouse) Contemp. 85: 849. -— (Scrutator) Con- temp. 85$ 370.—(S. Low) 19th Cent. 55¢ 492.—- Sat. R. 96: 601, 633, ——- — Past, Present, and to come. 79: 665. -—— —Reform in. Blackw. I74: 539. — (J. W. Fortes- cue) 19th Cent. 542 908. —- ——- Reorganization of the ; Lord Esher’s Note. T. Lambert) 19th Cent. 54: 705. —- War Preparation for. (S. Wilkinson) National, 39! 197. —- Wealth of, Estimates of the Realizable. (W. J . Harris and K. A. Lake) J . Statis. Soc. 592 709. (M. Warren) Contemp. (F. M. Burnett) Econ. R. 16: (S. Huebner) Ann. Am. Acad. Sat. R. 97: 162- (X.) National, 45: 818, (S. Wilkinson) Quar. I98: (A. Grifliths) Fortn. (G. —- What the People read in. (Harry Jones) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 328. — Wheat Supply of. (O. Fleming) Econ. R. I 52 35. —— Where to get Men. Contemp. 81 : 78. Great Britain’s Greatest Commercial Asset. (F. Bird- wood) Asia. R. 38: 44. Great Men and their Environment, James’s. Hudson) Calif. Univ. Chron. I :~ _I 76. — R6le of. (E. Farquhar) Conserv. R. 5: 55. Great Cat’s Nursery, The ; a story. (C. A. Eastman) Harper, 107: 939. Great Commonplaces of Reading. 48= 144. Great Conjunction, The; an Astrological Story. (F. P. (W. H. (J. Morley) Critic, Peary) Arena, 28: 291, R Greatness; a poem. GREAT Great Delusion of our Time, The. Atlan. 93: 721. Great Eastern, The. (J . Horner) Cassier, 22: 443, Great Gray Mystery; a story. (B. Sulte) Canad. M. 22: . Great Iniquity, A. 603. Great Invention; a story. (Tom Masson) Cosmopol. (J . H. Denison) (Leo Tolstoi) Liv. Age, 246: 35: 522- Great Lady of the 17th Century: Anne Clifford. (G. Hill) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 56. Great Land of Gold, The. (R. M. Macdonald) Macmil. g2: 42". Great Man), A; a story. (C. St. John) Harper, I07: '8 3: - Great Niles-Tewksbury Turkey Hunt; a story. (A. E. MacFar1ane) Outing, 43: 168. Great Northeastern and the Cow Girl, The; a story. (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, 29: 925. Great Possessions ; a story. (E. S. K. Robinson) Temp. Bar, 134: 348.: Liv. Age, 251: 366 Great Refusal, The; a story. (Dorothy M, 63: 202, Great Renunciation, The. ‘Canfield) Am. (G. W. Johnston) Cent. 51: 141, Great Salt Lake; the Dead Sea of the New World. Chamb. J. 81: 431. —- A Remarkable Feat of Engineering ; Bridge across. (O. K. Davis) Cent. 491 459. — Why it has fallen. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 75. Great Spirit Rock, The ; a story. (Lillian Stockwell Overland, n. s. 46: 307, Great Warley, New Church Work [architecture] at. (W. M. Sinclair) Art J . 57$ 69. Greater Courage, The. (Alice French) Cosmopol. 39: 125, 1 Greater Faith, The. (C. Van A. Bunting) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 19. Greater Light, The. (Sarah R. Quigley) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 48. Greater Love ; a story. 556- “ Greater Sin, The.” (Alex. R. Eagar) Expos. 6th ser. 12: 33. Greater Voyage of the “ Violetta ; ” a story. (A. Col- ton) Harper, I08: 254, Greatest Good to the Greatest Number. fax) Overland, n. s. 44: 249. Greatest of These, The. (G. H. Squire) Overland, n. s. 43: 280. Greatness in Literature, Question of. (W. P. Trent) Internat. Mo. 52 505. — The Measure of. (N. S. Shaler) Atlan. 98: 749. (E. C. Litsey) Chant. 38: 159. Greatrakes, Valentine ; the Famous “ Touch Doctor ” of the 17th Century. (A. Peter) Gent. M. n. s. 72: (H. Clifford) Cornh. 87: (G. R. Hali- 247. Grebe, Nest of the Pie-billed. (O. J . Stevenson) Canad. M. 23: 483. Greece, Ancient, Division of Governmental Power in. (E. V. Robinson) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 614. -— and Macedonia. (Andréades) Contemp. 88: 376. —- (H. N. Brailsford) Contemp. 88: 569, -— Archaeology in. (Edith H. Hall) Indep. 59: 379. --— 1901-o2. (R. C. Bosanquet andM. N. Tod) J. Hel. Stud. 22: 378. —— The Attic Homestead. (E. Martinengo-Cesaresco) Contemp. 82: 716. =-Ecl. M. 140: 211. --I Liv. Age, 235: 741- - Byzantine. (W. Miller) Westm. 161: 66-304, - Current Crisis in. (A. Andréades) Econ. J . 61: 14, -— Decline of. (W. S. Ferguson) Calif. Univ. Chron. 41 4- 2272 GREEK Greece, Early Age of, Ridgeway’s. (B. Perrin) Am. Hist. R. 7: 331. —- Empire of, Peer’s Destruction of. Spec. 92: 734, -— Excavations and Government. Am. Arch. 90: 127. --Folk-lore of. (W. H. D. Rouse) Folk-Lore, I6: 14. -— The Heritage of. Spec. 96: 701. -— History of, Future of. Quar. I95: 79. -— —- Oman’s. (G. S. Goodspeed) School R. 10: 716. -—- Modern, Aids to Education in. (L. Dyer) Nation, 81: 7. -— Older Civilization of. (H. R. Hall) Nature, 70: 481. — Period of Restoration in. (R. B. Richardson) Indep. 55‘ 23- -- Princes of the Peloponnese. (W. Miller) Quar. 203: 109, -— revisited. (H. N. Fowler) Nation, 78: 126. - Samian Wine; Some Greek Sketches. (M. Gard- ner) Temp. Bar, I 31: 49. -— Téueatened Depopulation of. (Lascaris) Chamb. J . 3: 40, — Topography of, in Relation to History. Nature, 55= 434- ——under the Romans. (W. Miller) Am. Arch. 82: 13, —— under the Turks, 1571-1684. (W. Miller) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 646.—-(W. Miller) Westm. 162: 195, 304. -— (W. Miller) Am. Arch. 86: 4, Greed of Major Carnes. (C. H. Ramsay) Cent. 49! 62 5, Greeford Magna, Middlesex. (I. G. Sieveking) Antiq. n. s. 40: 204. Greek and Latin in Biological Nomenclature. (F. E. Clements) Univ. Neb. Stud. 3: I. -—- —— Value of, to the Medical Student. (V. C. Vaughan) School R. 14: 389. —— at the English Universities. (R. Y. Tyrrell) Acad. 70: 527, — at Oxford. Spec. 89: 748, 787, 829, — at the Universities. (J . C. Collins) Fortn. 83: 260. -— (R. Y. Tyrrell) Acad. 70: 527. I Liv. Age, 250: II7.——(H. Newbolt) Monthly R. 9, no. 3: I. —- Compulsory. (R. Bridges) Acad. 68: 236. —- — Abolition of, in Germany. (C. E. Wright) Educa. R. 24: 48. —— -— as a National Question. (J . Westlake) 19th Cent. 57‘ 244- —— -— at Cambridge. Science, 11. s. 21: 475. —- -—- at Oxford and Cambridge. Educa. R. 29: 179. —- Nature, 71: 128. = Science, 11. s. 20: 923. — for Scientific Students. (F. B. Loomis) Indep. 59: 486. —- Hellenic Pronunciation of. (D. Quinn) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2: 310. —— in American Colleges. (Arthur T. Hadley) Indep. 59¢ 244- - in English. (E. L. Miller) School R. 13: 390. —- New Testament, Characteristics of. (J. H. Moul- ton) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 67. 10: 440, -— On Reading. (E. Bull Clapp) Educa. R. 30: 243, — Social Need of. (E. B. Andrews) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 6: 26, —— Study of. Ed. R. 202: 422. -—~ (D. Quinn; T. J. Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 481. —— — Decline in. (W. N. Stearns) Educa. 27: 164. — — The Universities and. (A. H. F. Boughey) Na- tional, 45: 1027. - vs. a Modern Language. Sat. R. 94: 542. - Victory for, in Cambridge. Sat. R. 99: 300. Greek Alphabet, Supplementary Signs of. (M. L. Earle) Am. J . Archaeol. 2d ser. 7: 429. Greek and Hebrew Genius. Nation, 80: 246, GREEK Greek and Roman Comedy. (Brander Matthews) In- ternat. 3: 44. Greek Anthology, The. Spec. 97: 779. Greek Anticipations of Modern Science, Some. Williams) Harper, 10g: 947, Greek Archaeology; Annual of the British School at Athens. Nature, 72: 558, Greek Art and Modern Craftsmanship. Ed. R. 204: 424- —— at the Burlington Fine Arts Club. Nation, 771 91. —— Nature in. (E. M. Congreve) Macmil. 91: 137. (H. S. (H. N. Fowler) -— The Supremacy of. (A. Furtwiingler) Internat. Q. - I2: 108. -— The Type as the Subject of. (W. A. Heidel) Meth. R. 66: 565. Greek Drama. Lamp, 28: 299. Greek Games, Old and New. (V. V. M. Beede) Chant. 431 243- Greek Grammar, Roger Bacon’s. (W. W. Goodwin) Nation, 77: 33. Greek Grave Inscriptions, Some. School R. 12: 383. Greek Heads, Two, related to the Choiseul-Gouflier Type. (K. A. McDowall) J . Hel. Stud. 24: 203. Greek Islands, Among. Am. Arch. 88: 23. Greek Language and Latin in the High Schools of Wisconsin. (E. W. Clark) School R. 12: 399. .—— and the Public Schools. (C. Brereton) Fortn. 81: (J . M. Mecklin) 481, —— Biblical, New Lights on. (J. H. Moulton) Bib. World,-I9: 190. —— in Human Life, Place of. (J . W. Mackail) Monthly R. 16, no. 1: 50. — Study of. (H. Paul) 19th Cent. 53: 210. —(C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 65: 720. —— Tense—movements in, in New Testament Times. . (E. J . Goodspeed) Am. J. Theol. I0: 102, Greek Law, Study of Old. (F. E. Whitaker) Green Bag. 171 95. Greek Literature, Fowler’s History of Ancient. Ath. ’oz, 2: 278, —— 1901-02. (S. Lambros) Ath. ’o2, 2: 18. Greek Love of Detail. (P. F. Bickuell) Dial, 39: 227. Greek Lyric Metre. 209. Greek Mysteries and the Gospels. (S. Butler) 19th Cent. 57: 490, 60: 802, Greek Papyri, Sematography of the. (F. W. G. Foat) J. Hel. Stud. 22: 135. Greek People, The Modern. (W. A. Elliott) Chant. 432 (W. Headlam) J . Hel. Stud. 22: 144- Greek Philosophy, Study in the Logic of. (A. H. Lloyd) Monist, 1-2: 404, Greek Play in the Making. Univ. Chron. 6: 186. ‘ Greek Plays, Old, Modern Revivals of. Chant. 43: (H. W. Prescott) Calif. 1-'1. Greeli Politics, Message of. (Cecil F. Lavell) Chant. 43¢ 29~ _ Greek Preparations for Christian Thought. (C. W. Barnes) Chant. 43¢ 36. Greek Portraits. (K. A. McDowall) J. Hel. Stud. 24: 81 Greek.Religion, Harrison’s Prolegomena to the Study of. (L. Dyer) Nation, 78: 434. -—Spec. 921 570. -- Sacrificial Communion in. (L. R. Farnell) Hibbert J . 2: 306. Greek Revolution, British Neutrality during. (T. C. Down) Macmil. 91: 181, Greek Sculpture, History of, Some Present Problems of. (F. B. Tarbell) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 8: 442, 273 GREEN Greek Sites in the ZEgean and Asia Minor. (H. N. Fowler) Nation, 78: 348. Greek Syntax, Problems in. (B. L. Gildersleeve) Am. J. Philol. 23: 1, 121, 241, Greek Temple, The. (J . Schopfer) Archit. Rec. 17: 441- Greek Theater at California University. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 218. — Extracts from Haigh’s Attic Theater. Chant. 43: 53- _ _ Greek Theology, Caird on Evolution of. Ath. ’o4, 1: 521, Greek Thinkers, Gomperz on. (P. Shorey) Dial, 39: . 31. —(W. A. Hammond) Philos. R. 15: 83. Greek Thought-movements and their Ethical Implica- tions. (W. R. Benedict) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 40- Greek Tragedy in English Verse. Acad. 64: 487. Greek View of Life, Dickinson on. (F. B. R. Hellems) Dial, 40: 196, Greek Votive Oiferings. 260. —— Rouse on. Greek War-ship, The. 25: I37. 204. Greek Wit. (E. Manson) Gent. M. n. s. 753 597. Greek World under Roman Sway, The. (F. B. R. Hellems) Dial, 41: 110, Greeks, Religion of the. (A. B. Cook) Folk-Lore, 14: (J. H. McDaniels) Nation, 78: 417, (W. W. Tarn) J. Hel. Stud. (H. Paul) I9th Cent. 55: 243- — Who were the? (A. H. Sayce) Contemp. 82: 732. Greeley, Horace, Breakfasts with, with portraits. (M. _ Halsted) Cosmopol. 36: 698. — Country Home of. (Oliver B. Capen) Ctry Life Am. 8: 58. — Some Unpublished Letters of. (F. E. Snow) Indep. 591 912- Greeley, Colo.; a Study of a “Decreed” Town. T. Ely) Harper, I06: 390, Greely, Arthur W., Writings of. Univ. Bull. 3: 137. Green, Anna Katherine. Green, Elizabeth Shippen, with portrait. ris) Bk. Buyer-, 24: 111, Green, Hetty, with portrait. (C. Ford) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 629. Green, James S., with portrait. Bag. W 205- Green, John Richard. Ed. R. 195: 429.=Liv. Age, 234: I.—Quar. I95: 532.-— (C. W. Colby) Nation, 74: 106. — Church Q. 54: 282. (R. (G. Lefevre) Wash. Bk. News, 25: 27. (H. S. Mor- (C. W. Sloan) Green — Historical Studies. Ath, ’04, I: 453. — Letters. Liv. Age, 232: 245. — (C. W. Colby) Na- tion, 74: 34. — Reminiscences of. (L. Creighton) Longm. 39: 311. =Ecl. M. 138: 730. '-"Liv. Age, 233: 86. — Stephen’s Life of. (G. L. Beer) Critic, 40: 21. Green, Samuel G. Ath. ’o5, 2: 403. Green, Capt. Thomas, The Case of. go: 496. Green Bag, Rise and Fall of the. Bag, 18: 465, Green Bottle, The. (Ella M. Tybout) Lippinc. 77: (A. Lang) Cornh. (D. Richberg) Green 5°3- Green Dragon. (E. Duer) Lippinc. 722 I31. Green Fakir, The. (Mayne Lindsay) Macmil. 87: 46. : Liv. Age, 235; 748. Green Family Memoranda. (W. C. Lane) N. E. Reg. 57: 328, Green Memorandum, The; a story. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 32: 81. Green Roses; a story. (E. Sharp) Temp. Bar, 133: 41. - —- as Illustrator. GREEN Green Row ; a story. (VV. H. Osborne) Cosmopol. 361 686. Greenaway, Kate. Liv. Age, 247: 763, — An Appreciation. (F. E. Williams) Temp. Bar, 125: 16, —- the Artist. Critic, 47: 498. (Austin Dobson) Art J . 54: 33, 105. — In Memoriam. (M. H. Spielmann) M. of Art, 252 118, —— Spiehnann and Layard’s Life of. (M. S. Stillman) Nation, 82: 15, Greenbacks, Plan for Retiring. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 551 621, Greene. Captain, The Death of; a Shooting Adventure in India. Chamb. J. 81: 206: Greene, Nathanael, and Washington, George, Corre- spondence of. New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 229-698, Greene, Robert. Plays and Poems, ed. by Collins. Sat, R. 101,: 261, ' Greene Exploring Expedition. 11. s. 212 897. Greene Family, of Plymouth Colony. N. E. Reg. 57: 17. Greenhouse, The, in Winter. Ctry Life Am. I: 163. — My First. (F. Davis) Indep. 57: 1378. Greenland, Biological Station in. (M. E. Henriksen) Science, 11. s. 22: 876, — N. E. Coast of, beyond 77° N. Latitude. Soc. Bull. 38: 721, — Wrecked on. (S. P. Orth) Outing, 42: 483, Greenockite, Occurrence of, on Calcite from Joplin, Mo. (H. B. Cornwall) Am. J. Sci. I64: 7. Greenroom Reminiscences. (Ellen Terry) Everybody’s, 13: 360. Greensboro, N. C. Carnegie Library Building. (Bet- tie D. Caldwell) Lib. J. 31: 718, Greenstone, The, of New Zealand. Chamb. J . 82: 6 51. Greenwell, Dora. Acad. 69: 829.-— (D. G. McChes- ney) Fortn. 86: 258, Greenwich, Eng., Observations at, Disturbances of. Nature, 74: 200, Greenwich Astrographic Work. (VV. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. I2: 651. Greer, David Hummell, Bishop. dep. 57: 185. —Outl. 75: 545. Gregorian Centenary, Thirteenth, 604-1904, Walsh) Cath. World, 79: 22, Gregorian Chant, Restoration of. (J . M. Potter) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 470. Gregorianum, Lost 8th-century. (Martin Rule) Ath. ’05, 2: 170, 243, 305. Gregory the Great. Church Q. 63: 39. — and England. (F. A. Gasquet) Dub. R. 134: 22;, - Dudden’s Life of. Spec. 96: 753. — Encyclical on. (Pius X.) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 588, — (S. F. Smith) Month, I03: 502, -- The Musical System of. Month, 103: 195, -—— The Oldest Life of. (H. Thurston) Month, 104: 337, Gregory, St., Nazianzen, from his Letters. (J . Free- land) Dub. R. 130: 333. Gregory, Sir A. C. Geog. J . 26: 226, Gregory, Caspar R. Biblical Text-criticism. (F. G. Kenyon) Am. J . Theol. 8: 364, Grenadier Guards. (J . Henry) Canad. M. 24: 43, Grenfell, G. Geog. J . 28: 406. Grenfell, W. T., of the Medical Mission. (N. Duncan) Harper, 110: 283. Gresley, R. Land Tenure Bill and Public Confidence. 19th Cent. 60: 759- Grethe, Carlos. (H. W. Singer) Studio (Internat.) 22: (E. O. Hovey) Science, (R. H. Greene) Am. Geog. (W. R. Givens) In- (M. D. 140. Gretna Green, Griefs and Glories of. (M. West) Mun- sey, 25: 601, 274 GRISCOM Grettir at Thorhall-stead ; a story. (F. Norris) Every- body’s, 8: 311. Greuze, Jean-Baptiste, with portrait. Mast. in Art, 5- 45- Greville, Henry. Leaves from the Diary of; ed. by Countess of Strafiord. Ath. ’05, I: 8. —Spec. 93: 900, Grey, Albert Henry George, Earl, Canada’s New Governor-general, with portrait. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 569. —(J. A. Cooper) Canad. M. 24: 86, Grey, Charles, 1st Earl, Military Career of. Ed. R. I96: 408, Grey, Sir E., Foreign Policy of. I. Russia and Mace- donia. (H. N. Brailsford) Indep. R. 10: 256, — — II. The Congo ; the Pan-Islamic Movement. (H. N. Brailsford) Indep. R. 11: 58. Grey, Ehner ; an Architect who writes. Archit. Rec. 17: 153. Grey Hat, The. (S. Phelps) Temp. Bar, I31: 197, Greyhound in Sport, The. (S. Hubbard, jr.) Calif. M. 3: 653. Greyhound of the Sea. (C. Z. Hartman) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 749. Gridiron Club of Washington, D. C. Bookman, 23: 146, Gridley, Cal. (W. D. Burleson) Out West, 24: 583. Grief Deferred, A. (Alice Brown) McClure, 26: 549, Grieg, Edvard, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 1: pt. 5. - as Musician. (H. E. Gorst) Sat. R. 101: 653, — as a National Composer. (A. M. Wergeland) No. Am. 175: 0. — Finck’s. (E. N. Ireland) Nation, 82: 184, — Work of. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 71: 5 3. Grier, Robert Cooper, with portrait. (F. R. Jones) Green Bag, 16: 221, Griflin, Charles Sumner. M. 13: 246. Griffin, Gerald. (E. P. Stanton) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 283. Griffin Journeying, A. (Rosalie Cameron) Temp. Bar, 125: 52. Griflith, George. (B. P. L.) Nature, 66: 64. Griffiths, Hannah. Letters to Anthony Wayne. Pennsyl. M. 37: 109. Griggs, J . W., Conversion of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 4, Grigsby’s First Hunt. (R. V. Oulahan) (C. Kikkawa) Harv. Grad. (Alfred Stoddart) Outing, 45: 450- Grillparzer, F., Musician and Poet. (C. Bellaigne) Music, 221 I19, 187. =Liv. Age, 232: 769. Grimane, Cardinal, Prayer-book of. (M. B. Dutton) Critic, 48: 323. Grimm, Frederick Melchior. (S. G. Tallentyre) Mac- mil, 92: 151, Grimm, Herman. (E. von Hevking) Internat. Q. 7: 241, — Emerson’s Correspondence with. (F. W. Holls) At- lan. 91: 467. Grimthorpe, Edmund Beckett, Baron, Personal Recol- lections of. (E. H. Pember) Cornh. 92: 17. Grinding in Ancient and Modern Palestine. (G. Dal- man) Bib. World, 19: 9. —- Modern. (Joseph Horner) Cassier, 30: 113, 261. Grinding Machine as a Metal-cutting Tool. (C. H. Norton) Engin. M. 27: 567. Grinding Machines, Cylindrical. (J . E. Frantz) Cas- sier, 23: 260, Grip of the Land ; a story. (S. Gwynn) Blackw. I78: 5o3.=Liv. Age, 247: 465, 552. Grip of the Machine, The; a story. (C. Dangerfield) Cosmopol. 37: 213. Griscom, C. A. (Dexter Marshall) Cosmopol. 35: 57. GRISCOM Griscom, Clement A.,with portrait. (L. Perry) World’s Work, 5: 2857. -—— Country Home of, “ Dolobran.” (J . H. McFarland) Ctry Life Am. 4: 338. Grist to the Mill; a story. (E. Stuart) Munsey, 32: 25. Griswold Hotel; a Study in Summer Hotel Building. Archit. Rec. 19: 345. “ Grit,” a Tale of the Next War. (P. Vaux) Lippinc. 7s= 583- Groghan, George, and his Defense of Fort Stephenson. (C. T. Brady) McClure, 19: 535. Grolier, Jean. (J. C. Covert) Critic, 46: 221, Groll, Albert L., Landscape Painter, with portrait. (Clara Ruge) Craftsman, 9: 824. — With portrait. (S. Allen) Brush & P. 11: 36.—Brush & P. 18: 43- —— Landscape Painting of. Studio (Internat.) 28: lxxviii, Groome, Francis Hindes, the Tarno Rye. - Dunton) Ath. ’02, 1: 243, Grose, T. Hodge. Ath. ’06, 2: 199. Grosscup, Peter S., with portrait. Am. M. 61: 219. Grosvenor, E. A., From Grotius to. (J . J . Whiting) Nation, 77: 419. Groth, Klaus. (T. H. Rearden) Californian, 1: 136. Grotius, Hugo. (A: D. White) Atlan. 94: 773. 95: I05. Grotjan, Peter Adolph, a Contemporary of Washing- ton. (A. A. Wheeler) Californian, 6: 391, 496. Groton, Mass., and its Famous Schools. (W. B. Conant) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 468. — Old Town of. (S. A. Green) M. of Hist. 2: :85. Grottaferrata. (E. C. Berry) Cath. World, 78: 17, Group Theory, What is the ? (G. A. Miller) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 369. — Easton’s Development of. (L. E. Dickson) Science, 11. s. 17: 904. Grouse, The, and the Gun-room. (A. I. Shand) Cornh. 88: 819, — and Red Deer. Spec. 96: 939. -— Disease, and a Possible Prevention. Buckell) F ortn. 78: 494, — A Glance at the. (E. Sandys) Outing, 41: 285, —. Ground, English. Spec. 93: 213. — Love-making of the. (J . Brunner) Ctry Life Am. 73 343- —- Ruifed, Domesticating the. Life Am. 9: 686. — -— Tricks of. (W. P. Kellogg) Outing, 47: 193. — —— Ways of. (Reginald Gourlay) Harp. W. 50: 1602. — Willow, in Newfoundland. (D. W. Prowse) Cornh. 92: 216. Grouse of the Desert. 59¢ 859- Grouse Shooting in Middle Northwest. field) Outing, 43: 3. —- in Yorkshire. (A. Lockwood) Pall Mall M. 27: 549. Groux, Henry de, a Fantastic Painter. (A. Symons) Art J. 56: 229. Grove, Sir Geo. Spec. 90: 896. —— and his Help to English Music. Sat. R. 96: 167, - Life and Letters of. Ath. ’03, 2: 115.—Monthly R. 12, no. 1': 18.—-Acad. 64: 629. —- (H. T. Finck) Nation, 77: I56. Grover, O. D., Mural Paintings by. brook) Brush & P. II: 96. Growing Old, On. (N. Hapgood) Atlan. 92: 687, Growth of Boys. (C. Wissler) Am. Anthrop. 5: 81, Grub-stake, The. (Frank A. Sweet) Arena, 34: 69. Grub Street. (A. Wood) Westm. 158: 545. — The American. (J . H. Collins) Atlan. 98: 634. Grub Street Legend, The. (F. Dredd) Bookman, 23: 323- ' (T. Watts- (G. Teasdale- (C. F. Hodge) Ctry (Dwight W. Huntington) Indep. (A. S. Can- (J . F. Runciman) (R. W. H01- 275 GUERRILLA Grubhofer, Tony, London Drawings of. Studio (Inter- nat.) 17: 14, 105, 260, Grnchy, Matthieu de. (W. F oran) Month, 103: 600, 104: 38, Grundy, Sydney. Frocks and Frills. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 93: 44. Gruppe, Charles P., Painter. & P. 9: 210, Gruyeres, Electric Railway of. (Emile Guarini) Engin. M, 30: 380. Gryllus; a poem. (F. J . Marzials) Monthly R. 18, no. 1: 157, Guadalupe, Our Lady of. (Bryan J . Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 240, Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty. (J . Klein) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 247. Guadalupe Wooing, A. 15: 3 50, Gualeguaychii. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 101: 328, Guam, Island of. (L. M. Cox) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 385. — an American Island neglected. lover’s M. 5: 369, — American Rule in. — and its People. 7°7- —its People and Needs. (S. Schroeder) Booklover’s M. 5: 717. — Life in, A Bit of. (Mary A. Channell) Indep. 54: 607, — Our Smallest Possession. Geog. M. 16: 229, . — Present Condition of. (G. L. Dyer) Indep. 58: 883, Guanajuato. Chamb. J . 81: 212, — Mine of, Riches of J . Soc. Arts, 54: 967. Guano Islands of the Pacific. (Emily S. Loud) Cali- fornian, 3: 113. (Jan Van Ryn) Brush (A. Matthews) Land of Sun. (W. French) Book- (F. E. Price) Indep. 55: 1195. (W. E. Saiford) Nat’l Guard Mounting and the Duties of Pickets. (F. Mor- ris) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 11: 41, Guarded Shrine, A; a story. (Alice Brown) Harper, 109: 611. Guardi, Francesco. (G. A. Simonson) 19th Cent. 60: 951- -- Simonson on. Sat. R. 99: 494. Guardian of the ’scutcheon; a story. mopol. 35: 49. Guardian of the Stork, A. (E. Vivian) Chamb. J . 83: 542. I Liv. Age, 250: 541, Guardianship, Disputed, Case of. Bag. W 598. Guatavita, Sacred Lake of. Bar, 127: 597. Guatemala. (De Witt C. Lockwood) Calif. M. 4: 292. — Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption, 1902. (G. Eisen) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 325. — (E. Rockstroh) Nature, 66: 150, — Notes of a Journey in, 1902. Soc. Bull. 35: 231. Guava, The. (Horace Edwards) Land of Sun. 2: 89. Guaxule, Xuala and. (C. Thomas and J . N. B. Hew- itt) Science, n. s. 21: 863. Guayaquil and Quito Railway. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 361. Guazzo, S. Civile Conversation ; a rare book. (E. Sul- livan) 19th Cent. 55: 267. Gubbio, McCracke’s. (W. Heywood) Nation, 80: (O. Henry) Cos- (A. Moses) Green (Benj. Taylor) Temp. (G. Eisen) Am. Geog. (F. W. Bennett) Am. 529- Guérin, Eugene de. (L. Liebich) Month, 104: I58. Guerin, Jules. (J . Finley) Lamp, 28: 293. Guernsey Folklore. (T. L. L. Teeling) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 168. Guerrilla Warfare; a Historical Parallel. Blackw. 171: 102, ' (W. E. Saiford) Am. Anthrop. 4:_ GUERRILLA Guerrilla Warfare on the Indian Frontier. (R. T. Halliday) Chamb. J . 791 423. Guessing of Numbers. (E. C. Sanford) Am. J. Psy- chol. 14: 653. Guest, Dr. Edwin, and the English Conquest of South Britain. (W. H. Stevenson) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 625. Guests. Spec. 91: 270, —— Paying, and their Entertainers. Chamb. J. 80: 422, Guggenheim and his Sons. POL 35= 408. Guiana, British. (W. P. Kaufman) Canad. M. 20: 307. ~— — Forest People of. (J . Rodway) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 211, 233. — — Impressions of a Naturalist in. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 539. Guiana Forest, The. (C. W. Barrand) Month, 105: 356- Guidarello. A Tomb at Ravenna. (J . Cartwright) Monthly R. 21, no. 1: 85. Guide-book, Making of the Modern. (R. Arrowsmith) Bookman, I9: 351, ~ A New, from an Old Library. Chamb. J . 80: 558. Guide-books; Baedeker in the Making. (J . F. Muir- head) Atlan.-97: 648. Guiding Horace. (E. J . Rath) Munsey, 36: 163. Guido, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 4= pt- 45- Guilbert, Yvette, and Chevalier, Albert. (M. Beer- bohm) Sat. R. 101: 782, Guild, Mrs. Cadwalader, Recent Sculpture by. Stu- dio (Internat.) 272 Xliv. Guild of Handicraft, Chipping Campden. bee) Art J. 55: I46, Guildhall Exhibition of 18th Century Art, 1902. M. of Art, 26: 417. — of Old Dutch Masters. (M. H. Witt) Temp. Bar, 128: 172. — (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 76: 413. Guildhall Library and Museum. (C. Welch) Library, 11. s. 41 68. Guilds, Mediaeval, The Religious Element in. Tierney) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 647. See Gilds. Guilford, Conn., Records of the 4th Church in, 1743- 88. (Mrs. H. E. Fowler) N. E. Reg. 58: 299, 360. 59: 61. ' Guilford Court House, N. C., Battle of, 1781. (J. B. Killebrew) Univ. of Tenn. Rec. 5: 281. Guillaume de Maréchal, Histoire de; ed. by Meyer, Sat. R. 95: 491. Guiltless Atonement, A. n. s. 44: 5 3. Guinness, Dr. H. Sund. M. 32: 639. Guipuzcoa, In. (Mrs. Woods) Cornh. 88: 307, 453, 612. =Ecl. M. 142: 384, 553.-_-‘Liv. Age, 240: 229- (A. O. Cooke) (Edwin Lefevre) Cosmo- (A. Heilprin) (C. R. Ash- (R. H. (Helen E. Wright) Overland, 347- Guiscard, Antoine de.; Priest, Soldier, and Assassin. (B. Solomon) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 13. Guizot Exhibition of 18th Century Art, 1902. M. of Art, 26: 417. Gulf of Mexico, Development of our Ports on. (R. W. Woolley) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 331 I90, Gulf Region of the U. S. (E. A. Smith) Science, n. s. 23: 481, Gulf-stream Myth, The, and the Anti-cyclone. (H. M. Watts) Scrib. M. 31: 689, Gulfweed Fish. (E. W. Gudger) Science, 11. s. 22: 841, Gulick, Sidney L. The Evolution of the Japanese. Bk. News, 22: 325. Gull, Home Life of the. (VV. L. Finley) Am. M. 62: I53- —— Scoresby on -the. (P. L. Sclater) Knowl. n. s. 2: 130. ' I 276 * GYSIS ' Galleries. Spec. 94: 399. Gulliver’s Last Voyage. Monthly R. 12, no. 1: I. Ecl. M. 141: 591.‘-'—'Liv. Age, 238: 670. Gulls and Redshanks. (E. Selons) Sat. R. 93: 331, 360. -— at Ravenglass. Spec. 88: 1002. — robbing Peewits. (E. Selons) Sat. R. 93: 459. Gum-diggers of New Zealand, The. Macmil. 92: 39. I Gun, 6The New, that shoots 21 Miles. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 2 : 173, Gun Erosion. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 336. . Gnn-machine, Sub-target. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 144. Gun-sight, The Grubb. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 552. ' "‘ Gunga” Curse, The, in the West Indies. Chamb. J - 79= 455. Gunga Water; a story. (E. Candler) Blackw. I302 534- Gunkel vs. Delitzsch. (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 226. Gunn, James N., Reorganizer of Industries. C. Smith) World’s Work, 5: 2371'. Gunnery, The New. (A. White) National, 452 515. — Parliament and. (A. White) National, 42: 950. — vs. Paint. (A. White) National, 40: 389. (Minna Gunnison Tunnel. (E. Parsons) VVorld To-day, 9:‘ S72, Gunpowder and Ammunition, Hine on. Ath. ’o4, 2:‘ 273- —- Invention of. (R. Garnett) Ath. ’o4, I: 272, Guns, Machine, Unit for. (B. L. Barger) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 299. — Making Big. (A. Cleaves) World’s Work, 6: 3872. ——Modern Military. (A. H. Russell) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 47. . —— Six or Four? (C. H. Browning) Un. Serv. M. 312 1 52, — Story of the Shotgun. (VV. B. Ashley) Outing, 43: 394- Gustavus Adolphus. (B. Moses) Californian, 2: 73. -—asFather of Modern War, Noel’s. Sat. R. 101: 3°5- Gutenberg, J., and the Invention of Printing; a Syl- labus. (A. G. S. Josephson) Pub. Lib. 91 276. Gutherz,- Carl, Art of. (L. Whiting) Studio (Inter- nat.) 29: lxxxi. Guthrie, James, ‘elected President of Royal Scottish Academy. (G. Aikman) Art J . 55: 26. Guthrie, Thomas. Sund. M. 34: 2. Guthrie, Thomas Anstey. Lyre and Lancet. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 942 639. Guthrie, Wm. Norman. (J . B. Hennemann)Sewanee, 10: 71. Gutierrez—Magee Expedition, The First Period of. (W. F. M’Caleb) Texas Hist. Assoc. 42 218. Guy Fawkes’s Key. Good Words, 44: 69, Guyau, Marie Jean, and Nietzsche, Friedrich, Ethics of. (A. Fouillée) Internat. J . Ethics, 13: 13. I — Morals. (F. Carrell) Internat. J . Ethics, I5: 457. Guyot, Yves. Belgique. 19th Cent. 69! 345. Guys, Constantin, Artist. (H. Frantz) Studio (Inter- nat.) 25: 107. Gyges and the King of Lydia, Tale of. Am. J. Philol. 23: 261, Gymnasium, Use of the. Rev. 13: 397. Gypsies. See Gipsies. Gypsum, Industrial Applications of. Sci. Am. Supp. 62: 25702, Gypsy Moth, The. (A. H. Kirkland) Indep. 60: 1015. Gypsy Moth, The. Nat. Geog. M. 17: 461. Gysis, Nicholas, Greek Painter. (1). Caclamanos) Studio (Internat.) I81 19]. ' ~ (M. (K. F. Smith) (G. S. Wheeler) N. Church (R. Grimshaw) Le Pangermanisme, la Hollande, et la -Habakkuk, The Soul of. ‘HAAKON Haakon VII., the New King of Norway. (Baron de Stampenbourg) Indep. 59: 1161.—(M. B. Hartt) Outl. 333 464.,-— (H. \/Visby) Munsey, 34: 555. —-— Crowning of. (Rheta C. Dorr) Harp. W. 502 1054. ‘Haarlem, The Sacking of. (C. T. Brady) Cosmopol. 39: 447- Haass, Feodor Petrowitsch. (G. C. Frank1and)Longm. 42: 75- Hababli, Nathan, Report of, Arabic Original of. (I. Friedlander) Jew. Q. 17: 747. (A. H. Godbey) Meth. R. 64: 866. Habeas Corpus, in the Colonies. Am. Hist. R. 8: 18, —- Story of the. (E. Jenks) Law Q. 18: 64, Habington, W., and his “ Castara.” Bregy) Cath. World, 82: 587. Habit. (B. R. Andrews) Am. J. Psychol. 14: 121. —— The Idea of. (T. V. Moore) Cath. World, 78: 521. Habit of Work, The. (W. L. Wilson) Booklover’s M. (A. H. Carpenter) (Katherine 7: 267, “ Habitation Enforced,” An. (R. Kipling) Cent. 48: 617. Habits, Irrational. Spec. 95: 41. =Liv. Age, 246: 571- — of Men and other Animals. (W. J . Long) Indep. 61: 206. Hackett, Horatio B. (H. S. Burrage) Bib. World, 26: 39 Hackman, Experiences of a. Indep. 55: 771. Haden, Sir Francis Seymour. (W. B. Boulton) Scrib. M. 39: 491. -— (F. Keppel) Outl. 84: 761. Hades. (Hiram King) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 363. Hadji, the Armenian ; a story of the Arizona Painted Desert. (Lloyd Damson) Overland, n. s. 432 73. Hadley, Dr. James, Journal of. (M. H. Hadley) New Eng. M. n. s. 25! 760. Hadrian IV., Two Unpublished Letters of, 1155. L. Poole) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 704. Haeckel, Ernst, and his Theory of Evolution, with (R. portrait. (R. S. Baker) Idler, 21: 540, ——- and his Philosophy. (T. K. Payton) N. Church R. 12: 188. — and his Theory of Evolution, with portrait. Baker) Idler, 21: 540, 1 —— and Lucretius on the Riddle of the Universe. R. Hellems) Univ. Colo. Stud. 31 I21, 217. — as an Artist. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 428. —— His Monistic Creed of Science. (M. Kaufmann) 20th Cent. I, no. 32 34. — -— Lodge on. (J . McCabe) Hibbert J . 3: 741. ——- Mind and Matter. (Sir O. Lodge) Hibbert J. 31 (R. S. (B. ~15. -— Mbnistic Philosophy. (R. Christie) Contemp. 85: 496. — Philosophy of ; World View of a Scientist. (F. Thilly) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 407, — Riddle of the Universe ; Five Open Letters. (C. L. Morgan) Contemp. 85: 776. = Ecl. M. 143: 470. —-— Wonders of Life. Nature, 71: 313, Hafiz. (J. Mew) I9th Cent. 52: 492. ' -— Odes of. (W. S. Blunt) Liv. Age, 242: 52,:Ec1, M. 143: 158, -— Three Odes of. (R. Le Gallienne) Fortn. 79: 1048. Hagen’s Atlas Stellarum Variabilium, Series V. S. Yendell) Pop. Astron. I4: 298, Hagerstown, Md., Washington Co. Free Library; How it supplies a Large Number of People. (Mary L. Titcomb) Lib. J. 311 5!. Hagerty, J . M., with portrait. (J. M. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: 664. . Hag—fishes, Albinism and Polychronism in. (B. Dean) Am. Natural. 37! 295. . (P. 277 HAITE Haggard, Rider. Bk. News, 24: 219, — Colonial Work of. Bk. News, 24: 825, Haggin, James Ben Ali, with portrait. Outing, 442 240, Hague, The. Internationalism and the World’s Capi- tol. (P. H. Eykman) Indep. 61: 200. —— Palace of Peace at. Indep. 60: 1421, Hague Arbitration Tribunal, The. (W. T. Stead) In- dep. 55: 2612. Hague Conference, 1901, Leo XIII. and the. Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 72 3. — 1907. (Amos S. Hershey) Indep. 61: 607. — (H. Hodgson) Westm. I66: 135. =Ec1. M. 147: 341,: Liv. Age, 2502 643. —- (Sir J . Macdonell) Contemp. 88: 848. = Liv. Age, 248: I31. — (O. G.Villard) Na- tion, 79: 253. — (Theo. S. Woolsey) Outl. 79: 1049. -— — and Palestine. (H. Pereira Mendes) No. Am. 183: 372, — — A Programme for. Outl. 81: 297, Hague Conferences and the Future of Arbitration. (B. F. Trueblood) Atlan. 97: 721. Hague Court, The. (J. H. Latané) So. Atlan. Q. 4: I (T. J. — and Peace. (J. Hay) Am. Law R. 38: 899. — and Vital Interest, The. (T. Barclay) Law Q. 21: 109, . — Internationalism and. (F. W. Hirst) Indep. R. 4: 282. — — The U. S. and Mexico at. Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 419, Hague Peace Palace, Competition on. (T. E. Collcutt) Am. Arch. go: 174. (VV. T. Stead) R. of Hague Treaty, The, and Ten Years of War. (W. L. Cook) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 158, Ha-ha, An American Author’s English. (Frances H. Burnett) Ctry Life Am. 10: 299. Haida Calendar. (J . R. Swanton) Am. Anthrop. 5: 321, . Haida). Indians of British Columbia and their Tokens. (J. H. Keen) Canad. M. 18: 407. - — and Tlingit Indians. (J . R. Swanton) Am. Anthro- pol. 7: 94. Haida Language, Notes on. (J. R. Swanton) Am. Anthrop. 4: 392. Haig, Axel Hermann. Balmoral Castle; etching. (T. A. Croal) Art J . 54: 334. — Linlithgow Palace; etching. Art J . 54$ 46. Haight, Henry Huntley. (P. G. Galpin) Californian, 2: 330, Haileybury College. Sat. R. 951 512. Hailstone, Flight of a. (A. H. Bell) Knowl. 25: 61. 1: Ecl. M. 139: 397.=Liv. Age, 234: 252. Hailstorm of June 2 3, 1906. (W. K. Gregory) Science, 11. s. 24: 115. Hailstorms prevented by Cannon Shots. gerald) Booklover’s M. 6: 629. Hainault Forest. (R. Hunter) 19th Cent. 52: 239.——' Spec. 88.1 799. Haines, John P., with portrait. Outing, 45¢ 222. Hair; A Chart of the Human Hair-Streams. Kidd) Knowl. 25: 145. — in Animals and Man, Kidd on. (I. L. Whipple) Sci- ence, n. s. 20: 401, — in the Law. (R. B. Rogers) Green Bag, 16: 326. - —a Medical Specialty for Women. (H. T. Finck) Indep. 61: 872, —-— The Poet’s Ringlets. 132: 277. -— Whorls and Crests of, as Animal Pedometers. Kidd) Knowl. 26: 3. Hairdressing and Head-coverings. mopol. 41: 405. Haité, George C., Artist. (W. G. Fitz- (W. (M. MacDonagh) Temp. Bar, (W. (O. Uzanne) Cos- Studio (Internat.) I6: 193, HAITI Haiti, Century of Independence in. (F. T. Miller and J. L. Herisson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 326, - What shall her Future be? (Eugene P. Lyle, jr.) World’s Work, 11: 7151, Hait-ien, China, Emperor’s Palace at. Am. Arch. 75: 99- Haldane, Richard Burton. The Pathway to Reality. (H. Rashdall) Mind, 28: 527. -Spec. 92: 731. Haldane Committee on Technical Education in Lon- don, Report of. (A. P. Laurie) Indep. R. 10: 31. Hale, Edward Everett, with portrait. (J. Realf, jr.) Calif. M. 3: 302. - (L. Abbott) Outl. 70: 801. - Memoirs of 100 Years. (E. E. Hale) Outlook, vols. 70-72. - Memories. Nation, 76: 74. With portrait. (H. W. Mabie) Booklover’s M. I: 563.-(G. T: Tobin) Bk. Buyer, 25: 577. - Portrait of. Lamp, 29: 572. Hale, Mrs. Sarah Josepha. (R. W. Hale) Cent. 45: 738- Hale House Farm. (G. W. Lee) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 241. Haleakala, “House of the Sun.” Overland, 11. s. 42: 241, Half a Dozen Letters; a story. Cosmopol. 37: 101, Half a Loaf. (H. Smith) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: (E. J . Hamilton) (Florence Stewart) 185. Half-beliefs. Spec. 89: 656.=Liv. Age, 236: 50.: E01. M. 140: 242. Half-breed and the Bird. (T. Roberts) Canad. M. 25: 62, Half-breed’s Story. (Duke of Argyll) Canad. M. 24: 218, Halfyard’s Mutiny. (N. Duncan) Canad. M. 25: 433. Halicarnassus, Mausoleum at, Pediments of the. (J . Dix) J. Hel. Stud. 25: 1. Halifax, N. S. (A. M. Payne) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 356- Hall, G. Stanley, Bibliography of Writings of. Am. J. Psychol. 14: 687. - on Adolescence. (J . M. Greenwood) Educa. R. 29: 342: Hall, Joseph ; a Puritan Bishop. Macmil. 92: 275. Hall, Oliver, Art of. (Frank Rinder) Art J . 55: 30. Hall, S. Carter, and Mr. Pecksniff. (C. C. Osborne) Indep. R. 10: 324. Hall, Sydney Prior. (L. Lusk) Art J . 57: 277. Hall, The and its Importance in the Modern House. Craftsman, 9: 530, - and the Stairs. Archit. Rec. 16: 310. - Old, at Mickleover, Derbyshire. (G. Bailey) Antiq. n. s. 38: 38. Hall of Peace, A. Indep. R. 7: 79. Hallam, Arthur, Some Letters from. (A. M. Brook- field) Fortn. 80: 170,: Liv, Age, 238: 690, =Ec1, M, 141: 576, Halleck, F itz-Greene, A Morning with. Atlan. 89: 721, Halleck, Henry Wager, General, with portrait. (J . G. Wilson) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: S37. 37: 333. Hallensee; a Pleasure Resort near Berlin. Archit. Rec. 18: 447. Hallet, Samuel, Western Railroad Pioneer, with por- trait. (D. R. Hadley) Out West, 18: 585, Hallock, Charles, with portrait. Outing, 43: 551. Halls, American Copies of English. Outing, 44: 481. - and Stairways. (E. C. Holtzoper) Ctry Life Am. 7: 268. Hallsands; a Disappearing Village. (H. G. Archer) Good Words, 45: 671, Hallstatt and La Tene, Civilizations of. (R. Munro) Nature, 65: 212, 278 HAMMURABI Hallucination, An Inquiry into the Nature of. Sidis) Psychol. R. 11: 15, 104, Hallucination of Mons. Beaudet. New Eng. M. n. s. 25: 589. Halo, The; a Mark of Honor. (C. Coleman) Crafts- man, 5: 17. Halogen Acids, Action of, upon Vanadic Acid. (F. A. Gooch and R. W. Curtis) Am. J . Sci. 167: 41, Halos, On. (L. I. Guiney) Cath. World, 80: 294, Halpine, Charles G., “Miles O’Reilly.” (J. T. Trow- bridge) Indep. 55: 357. Hals, Franz. Acad. 64: 17, - and his Art. (E. H. Blashfield) Bk. Buyer, 25: 320, - Davies on. (E. H. Blashfield) Bk. Buyer, 25: 320. - (K. Cox) Nation, 75: 287. - The Lovers. (W. S. Howard) Harper, 111: 48, Halsbury, H. S. Giifard, Earl of, an Octogenarian Lord High Chancellor. (R. D. McGibbon) Green Bag, 17: 583. — Sat. R. 96: 164. Halting Justice. (F. Payler) Macmil. 92: 98. Hamant, Capt. Timothy. List of his Company, 1762. (F. H. Brown) N. E. Reg. 56: 74. Hambourg, Mark. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 99: 694. Hamburg, Kiel, and Liibeck. (W. von Schierbrand) Chant. 40: 423. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert, Counsel of. J - 55= 327- Hamiltou, Alexander, with portrait. (John Fiske) Cosmopol. 33: 603. - (W. D. Mabry) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 443. - and the Constitution. (E. Marshall) Wis. Alum. M. 7: 222, - Hunt for his Mother. 229, - Notes of, in the Federal Convention of 1787. (W. C. Ford) Am. Hist. R. 10: 97. - Oliver’s Life of. Spec. 97: 58. - (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 83: 204, Hamilton, Lady Emma. 731- - and Horatia. (E. S. P. Haynes) Cornh. 93: 807. - and Lord Nelson. (M. Hodgson) Gent. M. 11. s. 73: (B. (C. W. Bullwinkle) (L. Lusk) Art (G. Atherton) No. Am. 175: (H. T. Peck) Munsey, 34: 535- - Romney’s Portrait of. M. of Art, 27: 14. Hamilton, Gail. (C. Warren Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 2% 379. 525- Hamilton, Henry, Hair-buyer. Hist. 1: 176, Hamilton, Wm. Letters to his Private Secretary. (B. H. Smith) Pennsyl. M. 29: 70, 143, 257, Hamilton, Wm. Rowan. (J . Pursee) Nature, 66: 478- Hamilton, Mount, Up, on a Motor Cycle. Burr) Overland, n. s. 40: 556, Hamilton, Ohio. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 113. Hamlet and Kronborg Castle. (H. W. Mabie) Book- man, 233 418. — The Real, and the Hamlet Oldest of All. W. Brotherton) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 4: 110, See Shakespeare. Hamlet’s Castle. See Elsinore. Hamline, John H., a Practical Reformer. son) Outl. 752 643. Hammock, Life in a. Chamb. J . 79: 776. Hammurabi, the Ancient Law-giver. Am. Antiq. 25: 207. —- (P. Carus) Open Court, 17: 274. - and Amraphel. (H. Radau) Open Court, 17: 705. - Civil Code of. (C. F. Kent) Bib.World, 21: 175. - (C. Lehmann) 19th Cent. 54: 1035. -Indep. 55: 67, 127, I83.- (L. T. Hobhouse) Liv. Age, 237: 250. - (J. Dyneley) Am. J. Theol. 8: 601. - (D. O. Dykes) Jurid. R. 16: 72. - (G. E. Vincent) Am. J. Sociol. 9: 737. (C. M. Burton) M. of (H. W. (Alice (S. Thomp- HAMMURABI Hammurabi, Civil Code of, and the Code of Moses. (G. S. Duncan) Bib. World, 23: 188, 272, — -— and Deuteronomy. (A. H. Godbey) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 469. —— — and the Mosaic Book of the Covenant. Zerbe) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 17, I65. — — Compared with American Law. (O. B. Jenkins) Am. Law R. 391 330. — —- Place of. (A. H. Godbey) Monist, I 5: I99. —— Stele of. (I. M. Price) Bib. World, 24: 468. -— Who was? (W. H. Ward) Cent. 44: 454. Hampshire, Eng., Capes on Rural Life in. Ath. ’o2, I: 365. — Flora of. (J . Vaughan) Longm. 45¢ 250. Hampstead. (A. Colton) Harper, I06: 640, —— Garden Suburb at. (Henrietta O. Barnett) Con- temp. 87: 231. -— revisited. (J . Sully) Longm. 45: 322 Hampstead Heath, Bank Holiday on. Outing, 46: 416. Hampton, l/Vade. (W. P. Dubose; B. J . Ramage) . Sewanee, I0: 364. Hampton, N. H., Deaths in, 1727-55. (J. W. Lane) N. E. Reg. 58: 29, 136, Hampton, Va. Booklover’s M. 4: 637. Hampton Institute, Va., Huntington Memorial Li- brary Of. Lib. J. 28: 241, -— What Hampton means by “ Education.” (A. Shaw) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 305. Han and Kawan; a story. (L. Housman) Cornh. 89: 228, Hanbury, Robt. Wm., Tribute to. National, 41: 628. Hancock, Tysoe Saul; a Friend of Warren Hastings. (S. C. Grier) Blackw. I75: 497. Hand, The. (W. L. Lockwood) Harp. W. 50: 1770, -— A Chat about. (Helen Keller) Cent. 47: 455. —— Evolution of the Human. (R. MacDougall) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 457. — in Art. (A. G. Byrns) Brush & P. 18: I17, —— Significance of the, in the Evolution of Mind. (R. Macdougall) Am. J . Psychol. 16: 232, —- “ The Sweet Roman.” (L. Swift) Nation, 81: (A. S. . (R. D. Paine) (A. G. Boscawen) 444. Hand-of—Love. (Rose Young) Cent. 50: 559. Hand of Petrarch, The. (T. R. Sullivan) Scrib. M. 36: 621, Hand of the Potter, The. (L. Brooks) Outl. 70: 90, Hand on the Keys, The. ' (T. B. Russell) Temp. Bar, 128: 727. Hand Movements, An Experiment in Learning to make. (J . H. Leuba and IV. Hyde) Psychol. R. 12: 351, Handbook of Hymen, The. (O. Henry) Munsey, 351 414- Handel, Georg Friedrich, and his Music. (T. W. Su- rette) Chaut. 40: I43, —— and “ The Messiah.” Eng. M. n. s. 34: 169. — Life and Works, with portrait. pt. 12. -— Story of the “ Messiah.” 473 I29- Handford, King’s County, California. rich) Out West, 17: 637. Handicapped, The Employment Bureau for the. C. Janeway) Char. I5: 582. Handicapped Life, Story of a. Indep. 59: II_o4, Handicraft, Exhibition of, at Manchester, Eng. (S. Dick) Craftsman, 82 193. — in Massachusetts. (F. W. Coburn) Nation, 78: 489, -— Modern Artistic. (C. H. Moore) Atlan. 90: 674. — Revival of. (W. M. Bangs) Craftsman, 6: 188. (Herbert O. McCrillis) New Mast. in Music, 2: (F. Baker) Good Words, (F. M. Good- (T. 279' HANS Handicrafts, The. (A. S. Gilbraith) Macmil. 88: 225, =Liv. Age, 238: 289, — back in English Peasant Homes. Craftsman, 10: 236. — Colonial Crafts Museum. (F. W. Coburn) Crafts- man, 7: 158. —— for Women. (H. Pudor) Craftsman, 72 196. (A. Dinsmore) —— in the City. (Mary K. Simkhovitch) Craftsman, 11: 363. . l —- of Italy, Art. (M. Harned) Craftsman, 21 42. -— Revival of. (K. L. Smith) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 442- - Style of Modern. (C. L. Eastlake) Chamb. J . 81: 793- -—World-old. (A. Appleton) Everybody’s, 9: 628, Hands of Famous Men. (I. Moore) Critic, 442 510. Hands of the Faithful, The; a story. (Alice Brown) Harper, I12: 533. ' Handsome Felix. (L. McRoss) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: I82, Handwork; Brain and'Hand. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, I, no. 41 4I. Handwriting. (T. W. Wilkinson) Good Words, 44: 134. ——- Accuracy in, as related to School Intelligence and Sex. (A. L. Gesell) Am. J. Psychol. 17: 394. — Future of. Spec. 89: 785. Handy, Ray D., Cartoonist. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 35: 171, Handy-man, The, and the Emperor. Chamb. J. 83: 24I. —— The Lost. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 80: 225. Hangers, Joist and Wall. (F. E. Kidder) Am. Arch. 80: 3. Hanging of Mary Dyer, The. 28: 44. Hankee, W. Lee, Artist. ternat.) 271‘ 291, Hankin, St. John. Return of the Prodigal. (M. Beer- bohm) Sat. R. 100: 463. ——- Two Mr. Wetherbys. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 95: 356- Hanly, J . Frank, Governor of Indiana. (R. G. Stott) World To-day, I0: 91, Hanna, Dan R. Home at Cleveland, O. (C. Bohas- sek) Archit. Rec. 15: 19. Hanna, Hugh H., with portrait. (H. N. Shore) (Basil King) McClure, (A. L. Baldry) Studio (In- World’s Work, 3: I967. Hanna, Marcus A. (L. A. Coolidge) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 296, —— and the Labor Problem. 483. —— First Campaign of. (S. W. Shoup) Indep. 56: 427. —— Man and Statesman, with portraits. (J . M. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I92 751. -— Public Career of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 122, ——-Schoolboy Compositions of. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20! (R. M. Easley) Indep. 56: 39)- Hannah, Song of. (E. B. Goodwin) Cath. Univ. Bull. 5: 170, Hannay, James. Hannay, James. tion, 82: 236. Hannibal in the Alps, Azau’s. Ath. ’02, 2: 406. Hannibal, Mo., Mark Twain’s Country. (Clifton John- son) Outing, 45: 433, Hanover, Hildesheim, Brunswick. (C. M. Stearns) Chaut. 40: 228. —— In. Chamb. J. 33: 822. Hanoverian Succession, Electress Sophia and the, Ward on. Ath. ’o4, I: I35.—Spec. 921 55. Hans, the W'onderful Horse of Berlin. (E. C. Heyn) McClure, 25: 84, (“ Senex”) Lippinc. 70: 605, The Seething Pot. (A. Webb) Na- HA’N T Ha’nt at the Old Ladies’ Home. Eng. M. n. s. 29: 450. “ Hantu.” (H. M. Rideout) Atlan. 97: 660, Hapgood, Norman, House of. Archit. Rec. 18: 9. Happiest Dog in North America. (S. H. Jenkinson) (E. P. Huling) New Cent. 43: 7o. Happiest Time, The; a story. (M. S. Cutting) Mc- Clure, rg: 424, Happiness, Christ’s Secret of. (L. Abbott) Outl. 83: 647. 691. — The Pursuit of. (C. R. Dodge) Craftsman, 11: 232. — Studies of. VVestm. I66: 450, ‘ ‘ — A Theory of. (W. Ostwald) Internat. Q. 11: 316. —— What is it ? (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 20: 179. Happiness; a story. (G. de Maupassant) Canad. M. 231 459. Happy Day, The; a story. Clure, 21: 89. Happy Ending, The. no. 1: 97. — and some Recent Novels. man, 23: 638. Happy Hunting-ground, The; a Piute Doctrine. M. Strobridge) Land of Sun. 11: 21. Happy Lapse from Paradise, A. (Marion Hill) Mc- Clure, 74: 513. , Hapsburg Monarchy, Austro-Hungarian Leaders on. Monthly R. 10, no. 22 42; no. 32 I7. _ Hara-kiri; its Real Significance. (Baron Suyematsu) 19th Cent. 56: 960. I Liv. Age, 244: 348. Harbor Defense, The Problem of. (L. H. Hodern) Un. Serv. M. 30: 464, Harbor Hill; the Country Seat of Mr. Clarence Mac- kay. (H. Croly) Archit. Rec. 16: 531, Harbor Lights of Home ; a story. (J . Blewett) Canad. M. 20: 28, Harbor’s Mouth, At the. (A. Jones) Canad. M. 26: 59, Harbors, Defending, without Guns. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 3°7- Harbors; a poem. (J . B. Tabb) Atlan. 91: 166, Harcourt, Sir Wm. (H. Paul) Contemp. 86: 613,: Ecl. M. 144: 41. = Liv. Age, 243: 617. —- (H. Max- well) Monthly R. 17, no. 2: I5. —(G. W. E. Rus- sell) No. Am. 1791 704. — (J. McCarthy) Outl. 73: 166.—With portrait. Pall Mall M. 26: 440,- Spec. 922 364. 932 506.——(J. Herlihy) Westm. 162: 597. -— Retirement of. Sat. R. 97: 239. ' Hard-checked Canadian ; a sketch. Canad. M. 22: 38 3. Hard Worker, A. (G. S. Chappell) Cent. 48: 338. Hardenbergh, H. Janeway, A Conversation with. (Sadakichi Hartmann) Archit. Rec. 19: 377. Harding’s Home Coming; a story. Munsey, 29: 894. Hardwicke, Lord A. E. P. H. Y., Death of. Sat. R. 98: 688. Hardwood Floors. Craftsman, 5: 164. Hardwood Supply in the Southwest. Am. Arch. 87: (Mary E. Wilkins) Mc- (Louise M. Field) Poet-Lore, 17, (F. Taber Cooper) Book- (I. 130, Hardy, Arthur Sherburne. (E. F. Harkins) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34: 223. . Hardy, Thomas, and William Barnes; Two Delinea- tors of Wessex. (M. M. Turnbull) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 469. H — and Nature. (Hall Frye) Indep. 54: 1657. —The Dynasts. (J. Pollock) Indep. R. 4: 149,_ Monthly R. 14, no. 2: I. —(M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 136. —Spec. 92: 293. --Genius of. (A. Symons) Sat. R. 102: 391.=Liv. Age. 251“ 634- — Hardyana. Liv. Age, 250: 189. -— Novels of. (M. Moss) Atlan. 932 354. -— (E. Wright) Quar. 199: 499. :Eel. M. I43: 70. =Liv. Age, 2411 456- 280 HARPER Hardy, T., Open Letters to. Good Words, 43: 672. — Optimism of. (E. S. Bates) Internat. J . Ethics, 15: 46 9. —- Poems of the Past and Present. Ath. ’o2, 1: 6, —- A Portrait. (H. MacFall) Canad. M. 23: 105, — Women of. (B. De Casseras) Bookman, 16: 131, Hare, Augustus, J. C. Ath. ’o3, 1: 147, Hare, Haunts of. (E. Sandys) Outing, 39: 655. Hare in the Snow, A ; a story. (H. A. Bryden) Chamb. J. 781 supp. '-‘—‘Ecl. M. 138: 429. =Liv. Age, 232: ' 457- Hare-hunting. (H. A. Bryden) Long1n. 41: 236. - (E. Sandys) Outing, 431 579. Harem-life in Constantinople. Chamb. J. 79: 613. Harger, C. M. The Country Store. Hargrove, Bishop R. K. bilt Univ. Q. 5: 235. Harkness, William. Science, 11. s. 17: 436.—With portrait. (F. H. Bigelow) Pop. Astron. 11: 281. — (A. N. Skinner) Science, 11. s. 17: 601. -—(W. E. Plummer) Nature, 67: 442. Harlakenden, Mabel, Royal Descent of. N. E. Reg. 56: 40, Harland, Henry. Acad. 621 459.— (H. Lavers-Smith) Ath. ’o5, 2: 897. —VVith portrait. (G. Kobbe) Lamp, 26: 221. —~ (E. F. Harkins) Lit. W. (Bost.) (Moya B . Falkner) Atlan. 95: 91. (C. B. Galloway) Vander- 35= 97- —— Novels of. (J . J . Burke) Cath. World, 75: 398. Harlem Heights, Battle of. (T. A. Emmet) M. of Hist. 4: 125, Harlequin, Evolution of. Quar. 196: 462, Harley, Lady Brilliana. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 140. Harlyn Bay, Eng., Necropolis at. (E. D. Sheilds) World To-day, 7: 1299. Harmer, A. F., and his Work. Land of Sun. 12: 22, Harmonic Clubhouse, N. Y. City. (H. D. Croly) Ar- chit. Rec. 19: 237. Harmonic Motion. (I. T. Osmond) Science, 11. s. 22: 311, Harmonograph, A Simple. (C. E. Benham) Knowl. n. s. 3: 325. ‘ Harmonographs, Miniature. n. s. 3: 4 52. Harmony, Goldschmidt’s Theory of. J . F rankl. Inst. 156: 225, 361, Harmony at Law. (C. E. Benham) Knowl. (G. O. Blume) Green Bag, 16: 33- Harmony of the Spheres. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 226. Harnack, Adolf, and the Gospel. (Father Cuthbert) Cath. World, 78: 493. —— and his Critics. (H. Moynihan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 9: 206. — Essence of Christianity, and his Critics. ler) Bib. Sac. 59: 476. — In Prof. Harnack’s Seminar. (O. Zoeck- (G. D. Castor) Yale Div. Q. 2: 143. -— What Jews may learn from. (F. Perles) Jew. Q. 14: 517, ' Harnessing Sierra Streams. (Hamilton Wright) World To-day, 9: 1087. Harp of Life, The; a story. Arena, 32: 410. Harper, George McLean. (E. M. Norris) Critic, 42: 13. Harper, William Rainey, with portrait. (E. Flower) Cosmopol. 36: 296.——-Outl.. 82: 110,-(J, W, Linn) World’s Work, 11: 7009.-—Am. J. Theol. 10: 201, -— and Chautauqua. (J . H. Vincent) Chaut. 43: 62, - — and his Life Work. (J . H. Finley) R. of Rs. (N. Y-.) -33: 171, (W. A. Dromgoole) ' ‘ HARPER Harper, Wm. Rainey. An Appreciation. (E. B. An- drews) World T0-day, I0: 135. — Memorial Addresses on. Univ. of Chic. Rec. 101 suppL Harpswelé Laboratory. (J . S. Kingsley) Science, 11. s. 17: 9 3. . .Harriman, E. H. (R. N. Burnett) Cosmopol. 34: 592. Harriman, J . B., House of. Archit. Rec. 18: 14. Harris, Joel Chandler, with portrait. (R. S. Baker) Outl. 78: 595. —— Interview with. (Ethel Armes) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21 = 515- Harris, Mrs. Dilue. Reminiscences. Texas Hist. As- soc. Q. 4: 85, 155. 7: 214, Harris, Thomas Lake, Poems and Prophecies of. (J . C. Walters) Acad. 71: 84. Harris, Wm., 4th Pres. of Columbia College. (J . B. Pine) Colum. Univ. Q. 3: 221. Harris, Wm. C., with portrait. Outing, 43: 5 51. Harris, Wm. T. (J. H. Canfield) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 164. —- as U. S. Comm’r of Education. tion, 83: 8. —-— — Retirement of. Educa. 27: 49. Harrisburg, Pa. (B. D. Evans) Nat’l M. (Bost.)18: (Ossian Lang) Na- 643. —-— New Capitol at. (C. H. Cafiin) World’s Work, I 3: 8195. —— — Scandal of. Am. Arch. 90: 167, —— Plan for City Improvements. (C. Zneblin) Chaut. 39: 60. . — Three Years of Improvement in. (J . H. McFar- land) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 559. —(J. H. McFar- land) Chant. 36: 401. — Up to Date. (J . H. McFarland) Chant. 39: 68. Harrison, Alexander, Marine Paintings by. (C. H. Cafiin) Critic, 43: 5 54, Harrison, Benj., as Lawyer and Orator, with portrait. (W. W. Thornton) Green Bag, 14: 49, Harrison, Clifiord. (E. G. Wheelwright) Gent. M. 11. s. 721 271. Harrison, F. Historical Romance. (J. Morley) 19th Cent. 56: 571. Harrison, Mrs. M. S. Lucas Ma1et’s Novels. (J. E. Hogarth) Fortn. 77: 532. I Liv. Age, 233: 449. —- Real Conversation with. (W. Archer) Critic, 42: 162. Harrow School. Sat. R. 95: I 32.— (C. Bruce) Macmil. n. s. I! 70. —-— in the Early Sixties; Personalia. 735.=E<~.1. M. 141: 368, —-— Revisited. (Sir C. Bruce) Macmil. 89: 418. Harry of England. (Julia Magruder) Scrib. M. 33: Blackw. 173: 529- Harrys, Richard. (E. Wright) Longm. 44: 3I6. Hart. Sir Robert; the Briton who became a Dictator in China. (Ralph H. Graves) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 296, Harte, Bret. Acad. 62: 484. —-(T. Watts-Dunton) Ath. ’o2, 1: 659.—(H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 90: 260. —— (J . Douglas) Bookman, I 5: 466.—(L. Strachey) Critic, 40: 557.—Dial, 32¢ 337.—-(A. M. Logan) Nation, 74: 502. -With portrait. (G. K. Ches- terton) Pall Mall M. 27: 428. —— With portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 693.—With portraits. (Noah Brooks) Bk. Buyer, 24: 358. -With portraits. (A. E. Hancock) Booklover’s M. 2: I7. — American Humqr and. (G. K. Chesterton) Critic, 41: 170, -— as a Letter Writer. Acad. 53: 339. — Biographical and Critical Sketch. Overland, n. s. 40: 201. . —-— Country of. (E. C. Peixotto) Scrib. M. 34: 5 33. (Noah Brooks) 281 A HARVARD . Harte, Bret. First and Last Tales of the Argonauts. (M. S. Van de Velde) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 535. —— Good Bye a poem. (Joaquin Miller) Overland, n. s. 40: 218, —— in Humboldt. (C. A. Murdock) Overland, n. s. 40: 301, --in Switzerland. (S. H. M. Byers) Overland, n. s. 42: 291. — Pemberton’s Life of. Acad. 64: 313. -— (P. F. Bick- nell) Dial, 34: 298. — A Poem. (Ina Coolbrith) Overland, n. s. 40: 208. —— Reminiscences of. Overland, n. s. 40: 220, — Some Letters of. (M. S. Boyd) Harper, 105: 773. —— “ Tennessee’s Partner,” Originals of. (R. E. Bick- nell) Land of Sun. 112 325. Harter Act, The. (J . C. Walker) Am. Law R. 38: 843. —— (F. Green) Harv. Law R. 16: 157, Hartford, Connecticut. (W. DeL. Love) New Eng. M. n. s. '27: 649. —- College Graduates in, Civic Value of 400. ritt) Indep. 58: 1163, —— Defended. (C. H. Clark) Indep. 58: 1169. . — Public Library, Relation of, to the Schools. (E. B. Owen) Lib. J. 30: 217. Hartl, Heimich. Geog. J . 21: 565. Hartland, Conn., Church Records. (H. E. Keep) N. E. Reg. 60: 392. Hartley, Thomas, and his Nine Questions. VVright) N. Church R. 11: 161, Hartranft, Chester D., Tributes to, with portrait. Hartf. Sem. Rec. 8: 273. Hartwig, Otto, 1830-1903. (F. Neumann) Lib. J . 29: 57. Harvard, John, Memorial Window to, St. Saviour"s Church, London. (Mary ‘C. Jones) Critic, 46: 415. Harvard Advocate, Forty Years of the. (T. T. Bald- win) Harv. Grad. M. 142 593. Harvard Ambassadors, Five, with portraits. Grad. M. 11: 198. . Harvard Cheer, The. (J . W. Platner) Nation, 762 5:5. Harvard Club of Chicago. (S. S. Greeley) Harv. Grad. M. II: 506. — of N. Y. City, New House of. Rec. 19: 195. Harvard College. See Harvard University. - Harvard Coiiperative Society. (J . H. Gardiner) Harv. Grad. M. 11: 36, _ Harvard Dames, The. (Grace Baldwin Turner) New Eng. M.~n. s. 331 415. Harvard Law School, Old Times at the. elder) Atlan. 90: 642, Harvard Medical School. (E. Por- (T. F. Harv. (H. Croly) Archit. (S. F. Batch- (M. Ladd) Outl. 84: 522. (F. Waldo) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 35. - 1 -- New Buildings. Harv. Grad. M. I4: 616. — —— Dedication of. Harv. Grad. M. I 5: 257. -- Present Needs of. (F. B. Mallory) Science, n. s. 24= 334- —— Work for the New. (H. C. Ernst) Harv. Grad. M. 13: 218. Harvard Memorial Window in Southwark Cathedral. (Louis Dyer) Nation, 80: 453. Harvard Spirit, The. (Theodore Roosevelt) Harv. Grad. M. 14: 1, Harvard Students, Social Service by. Char. 10: 216. Harvard Union, Four Years of the. (H. S. Thomp- son) Harv. Grad. M. 13: 593. Harvard University and her Environments. (E. von Briesen) Wis. Alum. M. 4: 244. - —— and the Individual. (L. B. R. Briggs) Harv. Grad. M. 12: 178, . —— and the Mass. Institute of Technology. Nation, 79: 520. -— — Merger of, Proposed. Nation, 80: 311. — Science, 11. s. 21: 969. -Technol. R. 6: 183, 330. HARVARD Harvard University. A Call to Harvard Men. (W. Lawrence) Harv. Grad. M. 13: I. — A Criticism of Harvard Architectufe. (C. E. Nor- ton) Harv. Grad. M. 12: 359. -—— Deturs and the Men who gave them. Harv. Grad. M. 12: 382, -- Earliest Description of. Reprint from “ New England’s First Fruits,” o. 1643. Harv. Grad. M. 12: 206. -— Early Views of. (E. E. Hale) (W. 0. Lane) Harv. Grad. M. 12: 349- - Endowment of Applied Science at. Science, n. s. 13; 668 -— Entrance Requirements, An Innovation in. (A. F lexner) Nation, 82: 199, — First Scholars. 1850-59. Grad. M. 12: 200. -— Germanic Museum. (F. W. Coburn) Craftsman, 8: 490- -- -— Dedication of. 402, -— — Gifts to, from the Emperor of Germany. F rancke) Harv. Grad. M. 12: 220. -— in 1773. Diary of Samuel Chandler. M. 10: 375. —- in the War of 1861-65. (F. H. Brown) Harv. Grad. M; 10: 401, -— Investments, I 776-90. 20: 399- —- Its Makers, Buildings, and Club Life. Hatch) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 307. -—— Library; Conditions and Problems. 260. —— — Oriental Library of Count Paul Riant. Dennis) Lib. J. 232 317. -— New Honors in Literature. Grad. M. 11: 499. — Now and Then; Phi Beta Kappa Poem. Higginson) Harv. Grad. M. 13; 45. — Oarsmen, 1852-92; their Health in Later Life. (G. L. Meylan) Harv. Grad. M. 12: 362. -—— Observatory and its Photographic Work. Thompson) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 194. —— On the Eve of the Revolution. Harv. Grad. M. 10: (W. R. Thayer) Harv. (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 77: (K. Harv. Grad. (A. McF. Davis) Q. J . Econ. (M. R. P. Lib. J. 27: (A. P. L. (I. Babbitt) Harv. (T. W. (G. A. 529- —— The Printing of the Doctor’s Dissertation. (J . H. Wright) Harv. Grad. M. 11: 218. -~ Professors who are Men of Letters. (F. W. Noxon) Critic, 42: 124. -— Raise the Standard of the A. B. Degree. (W. E. Byerly) Harv. Grad. M. II: 185, -— Reasons for Locating a Great Medical Plant at, Extracts from a. Report made to Mr. Rockefeller. (S. G. Murphy) Harv. Grad. M. 10: 521, — Religious Life of. (J . D. Greene) Harv. Grad. M. 12: 396. ~— Rise in the Scale of Living. (C. W. Eliot) Harv. Grad. M. 11: 356. ._ Salaries in, 1868-69, 1903-04. (A. Danforth) Harv. Grad. M. 13: 59. ~— The Stadium. (I. N. Hollis) Harv. Grad. M. 12: 341. — (L. J. Johnson) Am. Arch. 85: 51. — (G. P. Morris) Outl. 77: 836. -—— Summer Engineering Camp. Grad. M. II: 207. —— The True. (W. James) Harv. Grad. M. 12: 5. -—— Tuition Fee in, Proposed Change of. (C. F. Adams) Harv. Grad. M. 13: 6. -— What it costs to run. Harv. Grad. M. II: 523, -~ Where the College might have been. (R. S. Ran- toul) Harv. Grad. M. II: 211. ~ Harvard vs. Cambridge (Engu) Boat-race. '(0. G. Vil- lard) Nation, 83: 72. (D. L. Turner) Harv. 282 ’ HAUNTED Harvel, Edmund, Marriage Contract, Inventory, and Funeral Expenses of. (H. F. Brown) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 70. Harvest; (Mary Baker G. Eddy) Indep. 61: 1206. Harvest, The. (Jesse L. Williams) Scrib. M. 31: 57. Harvest of the Hedgerows. (R. Raymond) 19th Cent. 56: 227.==Liv. Age, 242: 678.=Ecl. M. 143: 618. Harvest of Knowledge. (I. B. Roberts) Lippinc. 69: 724- ' Harvest on the Prairie. Liv. Age, 232: 498. Harvester, Automobile, at Work. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 337, Harvesters, Journeying with. (C. M. Harger) Scrib. M. 36: 1. Harvesting in Canadian Northwest. Canad. M. 21: 495. -—— the World Over. (W. Irwin) Everybody’s, II: 475. Harvesting, The; a story. (H. C. Rowland) Am. M. 60: 64. Harvests and Markets. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 832 I12. Harvey, Alfred Spalding. (R. H. I. Palgrave) Econ. J. 15: 288. Harvey, Sir George, as Painter. Art J . 562 392. Harvey, Wm., Portraits of. (W. Roberts) Ath. ’o3, 2: 383. Hashish Runners, The. 44: Xmas no. Haskell, Ernest. (C. Brinton) Critic, 43: 131. Haskins, C. Homer. (F. J . Turner) Wis. Alum. M. 3: 261, Haskins, William, Tutor of Sir Henry Irving. (J . F. Hogan) Chamb. J. 79: 762. Haslemere Arts and Crafts. (R. E. D. Sketchley) Art J. 58: 337.-——(M. S. Woolson) Craftsman, I, no. (W. H. Pelford) (P. P. Graves) Good Words, I 4- 2:- Haspinger, John Simon; Father Redbeard. (Wm. Westall) Good Words, 46: 870, Hassall, J ., Artist. (T. M. Wood) Studio (Internat.) 27: I99- Hassam, John Tyler. (A. Matthews) N. E. Reg. 58: 11, Hassan ben Sabali, the Old Man of the Mountain. Chamb. J. 80: 605, Hassenstein, Bruno. Geog. J . 20: 664. Hastings, Warren, his Own Account of his Impeach ment. (S. A. Strong) Harper, 110: 89. — Letters to his Wife. Ath. ’o6, 1: 385. Hastings, The Battlefield of. (F. Baring) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 65. ‘ Hat or the Man? (H. I. Dodge) Indep. 54: 865. Hatband Philosophy. (W. J . Price) Cosmopol. 41: 223, Hatcher, John Bell. (W. B. Scott) Science, 11. s. 20: I39- Hatfield House, Residence of Lord Salisbury. Every’ body’s, 6: 3. Hath not a Jew Affections? Macmil. 86: 380. Hatred, Meaning of, in the New Testament. (A. Carr) Expos. 6th ser. I2: 153. Hats. Good Words, 44: 145. —- from the Nootka Sound Region. (C. C. Willoughby) Am. Natural. 37: 65. - League of the Little. 1101- 411 643- Hatshepsu, Queen. Am. Arch. 90: 39. Hauberk of Chain Mail and its Conventional Repre- sentations. (J . G. Waller) Archaeol. 59¢ 57. Haunted Boat; a story. (G. F. Bradby) Cornh. 91: 80, Haunted Deck, The. (T. J. Partridge) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 697. Haunted Hat, The. (Angelo Lewis) Chamb. J . 82: 91. Haunted Islands, The. (Augusta Gregory) Monthly R. 23, no. 22 68. Haunted Roads. (Eleanor Atterbury) Cosmo- (R. Carnsew) Temp. Bar, 127: 465, HAUNTED Liv. Age, 243: I46. Haunted Woodhouselee. Chamb. J. 82: 513. Haunting of Shudderham Hall; a story. (R. Barr) Idler, 30: 239. (J. Huneker) Lamp, 29: 91. (P. H. Grummann) Hauptmann, Gerhart. -— Bulthaupt’s Interpretation of. Poet-Lore, 16, no. 2: 117, — Der Arme Heinrich. (K. Francke) Nation, 76: 50. —- Plays of. (E. S. Meyer) Critic, 46: 64.——Ed. R. 198: 156. ILiv. Age, 238: 711. — Social Idealist. (A. Henderson) Arena, 33: 251. -— Thieves’ Comedy. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 99: 412, Hauser, Kaspar, the Child of Europe. (A. Lang) Cornh. 89: 104. -— Mystery of. (A. Lang) Indep. 56: 79. Hauslich, Edouard, as Musical Critic. (J . F. Runci- man) Sat. R. 98: 360,—-Ath. ’04, 2: 218, Haussaland and its Peoples. (G. D. Hazzledine) Mac- mil. 88: 60. ‘ Havana. (J . Bryce) Nation, 74: 87. -— American Progress in. Nat. Geog. M. 13: 97. -— The Capture of. (W. H. Chawner) Un. Serv. M. 29: 87. — Water Supply of. (C. H. Eigenmann) Science, n. s. 28: 281, - Haverhill, Mass. (H. H. Gage) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 546. — (Ida C. Rogers) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 225. Hawaii. (G. R. Carter) Indep. 61: 1279, — (J , M, Davidson) Californian, I: 508. — (T. P. McLough- lin) Cath. World, 74: 713. ' -—— Ancient and Modern. Calif. M. 3: 535. —- and the Japanese. (A. L. C. Atkinson) Indep. 59: 681. -— and the Philippines. (J . M. Dean) Chant. 38: 341. -— Annexation of. (G. W. Merrill) Calif. M. 3: 505. — (E. McClain) Harv. Law R. 17: 386, -— — and Mr. Blount, the President’s Commissioner. (A. Dare) Calif. M. 4: 129. — -— Evils of. (Alfred Stead) Sat. R. 93: 367. -— -— History of. (J. O’Meara) Calif. M. 3: 594. —— —— Schemes for. (J . O’Meara) Californian, 4: 257. — Black Art in. (A. N. Fisher) Calif. M. 2: 496. — Contract Labor in, History of. (Katherine Coman) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 4: 478. — Early Discoveries of. (H. A. Pierce) Californian, 2: 234, — Education in, Early. (W. B. Elkins) Pedagog. Sem. I0: 86. —— Favored Isles. (B. McKnight) Overland, n. s. 44: 21, —Fish-ponds of. (J. H. Cobb) Overland, n. s. 47: — J3I.{9)27i.l'l8S8 Conquest of. (M. M. Scott) Munsey, 32: -— K9e7alakekua Bay. (W. K. Fisher) Out West, 22: —- Llailolor System of. (W. Frear) Californian, 5: 3 7. -— Marine Zoiilogy in. (J . E. Duerden) Science, n. s. 21: 897. -— Native Fisherman of. (B. W. Evermann) Outing, 43: 660. -—— Native Race of. (L. C. Warner) Outl. 76: 987. -— Notes on the Geology of. (J. C. Brenner) Am. J . Sci. 166: 301, — Political Conditions in. (S. E. Bishop) Indep. 58: 827, — Problems of Democracy in. (D. S. Jordan) Out West, 16: 25, 139, —- Revolution in, 1892. Calif. M. 3: 633. -— Sugar Product of. (L. R. Freeman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 701, 2E§3 ‘ Haunted Wood, The. (E. V. B.) Cornh. 90: 323,: _IIlLIVIPII()Iil¢I§ Hawaii, Territorial Act. (A. C. Alexander) Calif. Univ. Chron. 4: 16. -— Unwritten Literature of. Anthropol. 8: 271. —- Women of. (M. H. Krout) Chant. 39: 419. Hawaiian People, Decrease of, Inquiry into Causes of. (W. B. Elkins) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 398. Hawaiians, Aged, Home for. (Mary R. Smith) Char. I 3: 12, Hawarden; St. Deiniol’s Library. (J . C. Story) Lamp, 27: 103, Hawke (now Danville), N. H., Church Records kept by (N. B. Emerson) Am. Rev. John Page. (D. W. Hoyt) N. E. Reg. 58: 41, 121, Hawker, Robert Stephen. (G. S. Freeman) Macmil. 91: 102, —— and Morwenstow. Bookman, 20: 36, -— Life and Letters, ed. by Byles. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 38: 308. —(P. E. More) Internat. Q. 12: 46, Hawking, Sport of. (H. K. Job) Outing, 44: 607, Hawkins, Anthony Hope, with portrait. Lamp, 26: 187, — and Rhodes, Harrison. Captain Dieppe. (M. Beer- bohm) Sat. R. 97: 264, Hawks. (C. G. D. Roberts) Canad. M. 26: 12, Haworth, Yale, ’98, Emigrant. (Marguerite Tracy) Scrib. M. 32: 87, Hawthorne, C. W., Artist. (J . M. Bowles) Brush & . P, 15: 227, Hawthorne, Nathaniel. (G. E. Woodberry) Bk. News, 21: 131. —— (Julian Hawthorne) Bk. News, 22: 577. -— (Mrs. Humphry Ward) Cornh. 90: 167. -— (M. D. Conway) Critic, 45: 21. -— (A. Symons) Lamp, 28: 102.—-(H. W. Mabie) No. Am, 179: 13,—(H. C. Macdowell) Macmil. 90: 233, —— America of, Fifty Years After. Critic, 45: 71. — and Emerson. (E. L. Cary) Critic, 45: 25. — and his Circle, J . Hawthorne on. (W. H. Johnson) Dial, 35: 466. —-(J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 77: 4IO.— (W. H. Mayhew) N. Church R. 11: 385, —— and Poe, Origins of. (P. E. More) Indep. 54: 2453. -—— Comparative Study of. (G. D. Latimer) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 692. —- —- Reminiscences of. 2756, -—— and the Short Story. (W. M. Hart) Calif. Univ. Chron. 3: 177. , -— as American Consul. (J . B. Osborne) Bookman, 16: 461. -— as a Literary Artist. 64: 738. -— as seen by his Publisher. (H. W. Horwill) (R. H. Stoddard) Indep. 54: (F. C. Lockwood) Meth. R. (H. M. Ticknor) Critic, 4 = '- —- Centenary of. (B. Perry) Atlan. 94: I95. —- (T. T. Munger) Cent. 46: 482.—~(F. Gribble) Fortn. 82: '260.—- (C. Whibley) Blackw. I76: 260. -— Emperor of Shadows. (B. de Casserles) Critic, 45¢ 37. -— English View of. (F. Grible) Critic, 45: 60. — Gloom and Cheer in. (A. R. Marble) Critic, 45: 28 -— Home of. (O. B. Capen) Ctry Life Am. 6: 242. -—— In the Boston Custom House. (G. E. J epson) Book- man, 19‘ 573- - Last Years of. (J . Hawthorne) Critic, 45: 67. —- Letters of, A Group of. (J . Hawthorne) Harper, 108: 602. -— Looking Before and After. (P. E. More) Indep. 56: 1489. -— Man and Author. Ed. R. 203: 210. ILiv. Age, 249: 458- - Material of. (C. T. Copeland) Critic, 45: 56. HAWTHORNE Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Personality of. (W. D. How- ells) No. Am. 177: 872. -— Place in Literature. (D. F. Hannigan) Ecl. M. I 38 : 225. -— The Questionable Shapes of. (M. E. Coleridge) Monthly R. 16, no. 1: 74. —-—Liv. Age, 242: 348. -—-Salem Associations of. (M. E. Desmond) Cath. World, 74: 455. -— Scarlet Letter, Illustrated Editions of. (C. Shipman) Critic, 45: 49. — — Notes on. (T. T. Munger) Atlan. 93: 521. -- Seolusion and Isolation of. fornian, 4: 124, — Secret of. (M. D. Conway) Nation, 78: 509, —— Woodberry’s. (A. M. Logan) Nation, 75: 464. Hawthorne, Una. (T. W. Higginson) Outl. 77: 517. Hawthorne, The City of. (L. V. Robinson) Char. I52 182, Hawtrey, —-—. Indecision of Mr. Kingsbury. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 100: 774. ' Hay, John. Ath. ’05, 2: 48.—Spec. 95: 40.=Liv. Age, 2461 316. —— (J. B. Gilder) Critic, 47: 112. — (B. Adams) McClure, I9: 173. — (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 81: 4. ——Outl. 80: 610, —W0r1d’s Work, 10: 6561. -— An American Gentleman. (N. Y.) 32: 166. — and the Panama Case. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: (W. S. Kennedy) Cali- (W. Welhnan) R. of Rs. 496- - Diplomacy of. Outl. 73: 271. —- Friendship with. (J . B. Bishop) Cent. 49: 773. -— Glimpses of. (J . B. Gilder) Critic, 47: 248. -his Work in Diplomacy. (J . B. Moore) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 171. -— in Literature. (W. D. Howells) No. Am. 181: 343, — An Incident of. Land of Sun. 7: 59. — Little Breeches ; the Incident on which it was Written. Out West, 23: 332. — Note to the Powers. (L. K. Frankel) Char. 9: 327. — Place in Letters. (T. VVilliams) Bk. News, 23: 908. -— Two Addresses by, 1904. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 137. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty. (B. Taylor) Fortn. 77: 297. Hay Fever. (W. H. Pollock and G. C. Pollock) Longm. 4s= 193. 289-481. 46: 1. Hay-making. (H. Belloc) Indep. R. 6, no. 4: 201,: Liv. Age, 246: 682, Haydn, Franz Josef. (T. W. Surette) Chaut. 40: 246. —— (D. G. Mason) Outl. 782 31. — With portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 22 pt. 8. — Hadden’s. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 951 226. Haydon, Benjamin Robert. Acad. 62: 403. Hayes, Bully, Last Buccaneer. (J . Slocum) Outing, 47: 689. ' Hayes, Hon. Evfris Anson. land, n. s. 46: 391. Hayes, Rutherford B., and the Electoral Commission. (J . M. Rogers) McClure, 23: 76. Hayland Island, Churches of. (J . R. Larkby) Reli- q11ar.v.42= 257. 43= 70. Hayne, Paul H. (Carl Halliday; J . T. Brown, jr.) Sewanee, I4: 236, Haynes, E. S. P. The Anomalies of the English Di- vorce Law. F01-tn. 86: 1115. Hays, Charles Melville, Railway Manager. Car1nan)Canad. M. 21: 13, “ Haystack Prayer- meeting,” and what followed. (H. R. Elliot) Cent. 50: 728. —— Centennial of, 1906. (E. W. Capen) Bib. Sac. 63: 703. Hayti, Centennial of the Republic. (F. T. Miller) World’s Work, 7: 4239. -— Negro Life in. (T. G. Steward) Indep. 56: 477. — Prey of Modern Finance. (F. T. Miller) Indep. 57: 557- (H. Meade Bland) Over- (A. R. 284 ‘ HEALTH Hayti, Tripartite Intervention in, 1851. (F. L. Paxsorl) Univ. Colo. Stud. 1: 323. — Truth about. (J. N. Leger) No. Am. 177: 45. Hayward’s Life and Reign of Henry IV. (H. R. Plomer) Library, 11. s. 3: 13. ‘ Hazelton, Geo. C., jr. Bookman, I8: 511, Hazing, Crime of. (J . Hawthorne) Munsey, 32: 809. Hazlewood, Commodore John, with portrait. _(J. G. Leach) Pennsyl. M. 261 I. Hazlitt, ‘William. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 94: 402. —-— and Lamb. (S. T. Irwin) Quar. 204: 162. —- and Sainte-Beuve. (E. Wright) Acad. 71: 180. -—- Birrell’s Life of. (A. S. Henry) Bk. News, 21: 1. —(W. M. Payne) Dial, 33: 156. —-Acad. 63: 31. Hazy Night, A. (T. A. Janvier) Cosmopol. 33: 313. He Died Trying. Chant. 37: 301. He Found Life ; a story. (L. R. Kraybill) Arena, 27: 525- Head-dresses, Floral. (Mrs. Wilson Woodrow) Cos- mopol. 33: 139. = Idler, 24: 134. Head-form, Heredity in. (F. Boas) Am. Anthrop. 51 53°- Head-hunters of Formosa. (N. Shaw) Macmil. n. s. 1: 455- Head of the Firm, The ; a story. (J . T. Bishop) Munsey, 30: 469. Headley, T. G., a Modern Wiclif. Court, 18: 221, Headmasters and Efliciency of Schools. Westm. I60: 180, — Incorporated Association of, Annual Meeting, 1905. Ath. ’06, 1: 76. Heads and Horns. (T. Stanton) Open (W. T. Hornaday) Scrib. M. 38: Headsnian, The. (Agnes Repplier) Harper, I05: 569. Healer from Far-away Cove, The; a story. (N. Dun- can) Harper, IO5: 669, Healing by Ether-waves. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 64: 2 Health and Education. (T. C. Horsfell) Contemp. 89: 34°- — and Mental Efiiciency. n. s. 19: 893. — and Recreation for City Children. Craftsman, 8: 735. —— as an Investment. (H. Folks) Char. I4: 810, —- Disease, Deaths, and the Weather. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 231 75. — How to Keep Well. (E. Hubbard) Cosmopol. 40: 80. —— A League of, proposed. (Lander Brunton) Indep. (R. MacDougal1) Science, (B. H. Smith) R. 6: 69. -—Man of Perfect. (L. H. Gulick) World’s Work, 12: 7738. — Perfect Working. (L. H. Gulick) World’s Work, 12: 8216. — Public, Critical Examination of Methods of Prepar- ing Statistics of. (R. Dudfield) J . Statis. Soc. 68: 1. — —— Federal Activity in the Interests of. (J. W. Gar- ner) Yale R. I4: 181, — — Relation of the School and College to. Soule) School R. 11: 817. —— Public Care of. (T. J . Macnamara) Contemp. 87: (A. M. 0 —— Phblic Health Defense League. Science, 11. s. 24: 731- ‘ — The Secret of Good. (L. H. Gulick) World’s Work, 12: 7822, Health of Euphemia; a boy’s story. (A. Walsh) Canad. ~ M. 23: 462, Health unto His Majesty, A ; a story. T emp. Bar, 129: 187. Health Factor in its Social Aspect. (W. R. Bartlett) Educa. 24! 33. HEALTH-LAWS Health-laws in American Schools. (J . D. Sutcliife) Am. Arch. 88: 148. Health Resorts, Famous. body’s, II: 65. —— of Europe. (Julian Ralph) Cosmopol. 34: 665. Healthy Mind in Religious Matters. Bib. World, 23: 3. Hearing, Primitive, and Hearing Words. (A. F. Chamberlain) Am. J . Psychol. I5: 119. — scientifically considered. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 65: 115. -— Sense of, in Mountain Game. Outing, 42: 739. —— Standard Tests of Audition. ence, n. s. 19: 959. Hearn, Lafcadio. Acad. 67: 305. — (P. E. More) Atlan. 91: 204. —- (P. E. More) Nation, 83: 464. -— Bk. News, 22: 977. —With portrait. (Yone Noguchi) Nat’1M. (Bost.) 22: 6o.— (Mrs. A. Kennard) 19th Cent. 59: 135. —(G. M. Gould) Putnam, I: 97, 156.=Fort-n. 86: 68;, 881, ' (S. W. Williams) Every- (W. A. B. Grohman) (I. M. Bentley) Sci- - -— English of. (C. W. Hutson) Poet-Lore, I6: 53. 4 Funeral of. —— Interpreter of Japan. Bk. News, 23: 317. —— the Man. (N. Amenomori) Atlan. 96: 510. — on Style. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 478. — Self-revelations of. (F. W. Gookin) Dial, 41: 447. Hearne, Samuel, how he found the Copper Mine. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 44: 449. Hearne, Thomas, the Oxford Antiquary. Crothers) Temp. Bar, I29: 23. Hearne’s Romance. (J . Hawthorne) Cosmopol. 34: 191, Hearsay Evidence, History of the Exclusion of. (J . H. Wigmore) Harv. Law R. 17: 437. Hearsey Bible Records. (L. Y. Schermerhorn) N. E. Reg. 581 II 5. Hearst, William R. (G. J . Kneeland) Canad. M. 22: 328. —(A. Brisbane) Indep. 61: 785. — (F. Put- nam) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 494. — (A. Brisbane) No. Am. I83: 519. —(Q. P.) World’s Work, 12: 8067. ~— A Character Study. Out]. 84: 399. — The Man of Mystery. (L. Steifens) Am. M. 63: 3. Heart, Action of Drugs on the. (A. J . Carlson) Sci- ence, n. s. 20: 684, —-— Activity of the. (C. C. Guthrie) Science, 11. s. 24: (Marg. Emerson) Critic, 461 34. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 56I.— (W. E. 52- — ‘Weakness due to Overwork ? (G. E. Flint) Outing, an 103- Heart and Two Others, A; a story. (G. W. Carryl) Harper, I05: 554, Heart at the Window, The ; a story. Harper, I06: 964, Heart of the Dream, The. (P. V. Mighels) (K. H. Brown) Outl. 74: 7114. Heart of the Dragon, The; a story. (P. V. Mighels) Harper, 112: 431. Heart of Eric, The. (E. E. Peake) McClure, 26: 253- Heart of the House, The. (Mary H. Vorse) Every- body’s, I5: 725. Heart of Ice; a poem. (O. Herford) Cosmopol. 36: 488. Heart of Kings; a story. (A. R. Weekes) Harper, 109: 375. . Heart of the Mikado, The. (Baron Suyematsu) 19th Cent. 57: 566.='~Liv. Age, 245: 489. -=Ee1. M. 145: 130, Heart of Paprika, The. (Jane Belfield) Lippinc. 78: 1. Heart of Princess Sugarplum. Words.45= 599- (M. Farrah) Good 285 HEBREW Heart to Roam; a poem. (T. Roberts) Canad. M. 22: 344- Heart-breakers. (Bertha Runkle) Cent. 46: 395. “Heart’s Charity, The.” (Ina B. Roberts) Lippinc. 76: 121, Hearts in the Lowlands. (A. M. Ewell) Atlan. 96: 665. Heat, Dynamical Theory of, Mohr on. (R. Meldola) Nature, 67: supp. — of a Change, in Connection with Changes in Dialec- tric Constants and in Volumes. (C. L. Speyers) Am. J. Sci. I66: 61. — Theory of. (E. Mach) Open Court, 16: 641, Heat-engines, Modification of Formula for. mer) J. Frankl. Inst. I58: 367. —Reeve’s Thermodynamics of. Science, 11. s. 17: 305. Heat Gauge, Morse. J . F rankl. Inst. I 57: 33. Heath, Pegry S., The Virtuous. (H. Lamont) Nation, 77: 47 . Heathen Chinee, The. 4°‘ 234- Heather Brooms. (May Byron) Temp. Bar, 125: 5 58, IEcl. M. 139: 270.: Liv. Age, 234: 19. Heather-burning. (H. Smith) Blackw. I80: 258. Heathfield. (I. H. Bisson) Westm. 164: 297. Heating and Cooling Houses. Am. Arch. 79: 5 3. — and Ventilation. (C. L. Hubbard) Am. Arch. 87: 3-200. 88: 11—10o, — Ventilating and Lighting. (E. C. Holtzoper) Ctry Life Am. 9: 328. Heating Apparatus. 107, 116, 126, Heating Machine Shops. (H. I. Snell) Cassier, 23: 269 (L. Ill- (R. H. Thurston) (Bret Harte) Overland, n. s. (T. M. Clark) Am. Arch. 90: Heaton, Clement, Glassworker. (R. Mobbs) Studio (Internat.) 23: 212, Heaven, The Kingdom of, as the Kingdom of Redemp- tion. (J.‘G. Noss) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 19. — Reality of Life in. (J . B. Keene) N. Church R. 10: 161. Heavens, The, in Winter. tron. I3: 30. Heberlein and the Union. 80: 438. Hebraic, Neo-, Language and Literature. Wynkoop) Jew. Q. 15: 23. (A. K. Bartlett) Pop. As- (R. H. Schauffler) Outl. (J . D. Hebrew Alphabet. (H. Proctor) Am. Antiq. 27: 97. Hebrew and Aramaic Papyri. (A. Cowley) Jew. Q. 16: 1. - Hebrew and Greek Genius. Nation, 80: 246. Hebrew Anthropology. (H. Proctor) Am. Antiq. 28: 11, Hebrew Fiction. (E. Day) Open Court, 17: 651. Hebrew Hyperbole, The. (C. V. Anthony) Meth. R. 65: 742. Hebrew Language, Lost Meanings of Roots. (R. D. Wilson) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 277. " — Place of, in the Programs of Roman Catholic Semi- naries. (H. Hyvernat) Cath. Univ. -Bull. 4: 378. — The Study of. (A. H. Bradford) Indep. 60: 1097. Hebrew Literature, The Earliest. (L. B. Paton) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 5: 87. — Golden Age of. (A. H. Tuttle) Meth. R. 65: 888. Hebrew MSS. in Cairo, Some. (R. Gottheil) Jew. Q. 17: 609. Hebrew-Persian MSS. of the British Museum. Seligsohn) Jew. Q. 15: 278. Hebrew Poetry. (T. W. Davies) Bib. World, 22: 358. — (E. B. Goodwin) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 29. —-— Bemerkungen zur Neuhebraischer Poesie. (I. Gold- ziher) Jew. Q. I41 719. Hebrew Sanctuary, The, was it One or Manifold? (A. Bumstead) Meth. R. 62: 108, (M. HEBREWS Hebrews. See Jews. Hebrews, Gospel according to. Bib. World, 20: 196. -- — Papias and. (B. W. Bacon) Expos. 6th ser. 111 (W. R. Shoemaker) I61, Hebrides, The, Barr’s. (C. Edwardes) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 609, — Folklore from. (A. G. Freer) Folk-Lore, I3: 29. -— Pilgrimage to. (W. G. Collinwood) Reliquary, 443 248 -— Tour to. Month, 101: 449, 624, Hecker, I. T., Father, Letters of. (A. Gasquet) Cath. World, 83: 233, 356, 456. Heckerism before the Italian Courts. (G. C. Speranza) Nation, 78: 186, Hector; a story. (Booth Tarkington) Everybody’s, I I2 769. Hedge, Making of a. (E. P. Rowell) Ctry Life Am. 4. 23. Hedges. (W. H. Legge) Longm. 41; 351.’-=Ecl. M. 140: 462,: Liv, Age, 236: 405. Hedin, Sven, with portrait. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 26. — With portrait. Outing, 49: 371. -- Scientific Results of his Last Journey. din) Geog. J. 24: 524, Hedjaz Railway. Spec. 95: I48. Hedonism among Idealists. (B. Bosanquet) Mind, 28: 202, 303, -— G. E. Moore on. (E. E. Constance Jones) Internat. J. Ethics, 16: 429. Hedonist Paradox, The so-called. ternat. J . Ethics, 16: 228, Hegel,.G. W. F. von, and the Schoolmen. Kent) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 704. -— Logic, Bailie on. (E. B. McGilvary) Mind, 28: 98. -— — Hibben’s. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 76: 419. -— on the Categories of Quantity. (J . E. McTaggart) Mind, 27:‘5o3. 29: 180, Hegelian Categories, their Order in the Hegelian Ar- gument. (M. W. Calkins) Mind, 281 317. Hegelian Cosmology, McTaggart’s Studies in. Ath. (D. S. He- (Felix Arnold) In- (W. H. ’o2, I. 7, Heidelberg Castle, Defense of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 79: 213; Heidelberg Physical Laboratory. Nature, 65: 587. Heidelberg University, Centenary of. Nature, 68: 34". ~ Height’s Land; a story. (K. L. Aitken) Canad. M. 22: 436. ' Heights of Art, The. (J . C. Lincoln) Everybody’s, I4: 445- Heijermans, Hermann. (E. Rickert) Lamp, 29: 318. -— Good Hope. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 95: 548. Heimskringla, Magnusson’s, vol. 4. Sat. R. 101: 621, Heine, Heinrich. (R. W. Deering) Chaut. 35: 271. — (H. B. Samuel) Fortn. 85: 855, -- and Mathilde. (R. Le Gallienne) Cosmopol. 33: 438- - and Napoleon I., Holzhausen’s. Sat. R. 96: 274. —— and Sir Walter Scott. (J . S. Henderson) Temp. Bar, 129: 284, -— in London. (J. Garry) Gent. M. n. s. 7!: 23!. 1‘ Liv. Age, 2392 281, —— In Memory of the 50th Anniversary of his Death. (Max Nordau) Liv. Age, 248: 799. -- New portraits. (E. S. Meyer) Critic, 44: 234. —— Songs from. (L. Magnus) Fortn. 80: 525. Heinze, F. Augustus, with portrait. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 36: 289, Heir Apparent, The ; a story. (Mrs. E. Cotes) Harper, IIO: 623, Heir to Millions. Heirs, Lost, Romance of. (F. Reddale) Lippinc. 72: 387, (A. Lang) Indep. 61: I376. 286 HENLEY Heis, E., 1806-77. (W. F. Riggs) Pop. Astron. I4: 332- Helderbergian Crinoids, New York, Revision of. (M. Talbot) Am. J . Sci. 1701 I 7. Helene, Queen of Italy. (M. Sherrington) Canad. M. I9: 498. Heliand, The. (C. G. Herbermann) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 791- Helical Springs, Transverse Vibrations of. (H. L. Bronson) Am. J. Sci. 168: 59, Heligoland. The Smallest Gem in the Kaiser’s Crown. (V. V. M. Beede) Chaut. 351 25. Helium, Absence of, from Carnotite. Am. J. Sci. I69! 321. —— and the Transmutation of the Elements. (W. Ram- say) Ath. ’o6, x: 301, Hell, The New. (G. T. Knight) No. Am. 179: 128, -- Overthrow of, and its Restoration. (L. Tolstoi) Open Court, 17: 321, Hell-for-leather. (G. B. Lancaster) Everybody’s, 13: (E. P. Adams) 619. Hellenism and Christianity. (F. M. Stawell) Indep. R. 4: 229. — and Hebraism. (J. E. McFadyen) Am. J. Theol. 8: 30, — Ethical Value of. (A. W. Benn) Internat. J . Ethics, 12: 273, —— in Bactria and India, Notes on. Hel. Stud. 22: 268, — in the East. Quar. I97: 503, Hellenistic Royal Portraits. (A. J . B. Wace) J . Hel. Stud. 25: 86. 5 Helleu, Paul, Etcher. Booklover’s M. I: 45, — (G, Kobbé) Idler, 22: 336. — (D. Story) Munsey, 27: 1, Helmholtz, Hermann von. (J . B. Sanderson ; H. Hil- ton) Nature, 68: 193. Helmolt’s History of the World. Hist. R. 9: I16. Heloise. (H. O. Taylor) Internat. Q. 6: 155, Helper of Cupid’s, A. (E. H. Porter) New Eng. M. 11. S. 31: 174. Helping Tommy out. 472- Hemans, Mrs. Felicia; a Literary Progenitress of Rudyard Kipling. Acad. 655 444. Hematite, Prismatic Crystals of. (G. W. McKee) Am. J. Sci. 167: 24I. Hemp Industry. (L. H. Dewey) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 889. Hénault, President. (A. Laugel) Nation, 77: 462. Henck, Prof. John Benj., with portrait. (C. F. Swain) Technol. R. 5: 140. Henderson, Charles Hanford. Lit. W. (Bost.) 33: 90. —— Philosophy of Good Fortune. (E. J . Isaacs) Dial, 38= 354- Henderson, Col. G. F. R. Spec. 90: 410, Henderson, James Pinckney. (F. B. Sexton) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. I: 137. Henderson, John, a Successor of D. Garrick, with por- trait. Scot. Hist. R. I: 306. Henderson, Richard, the Founder of Transylvania. (A. B. Hulbert) Chaut. 38: 366, Hendricks, Thos. A., as a Lawyer; with portrait. (W. W. Thornton) Green Bag, I 5: 253. Hendrik the Robber. (0. Oliver) Munhm,.,33: 311. Henequen. the Yucatan Fiber. (E. _ H. Thompson) Nat. Geog, M. 142 I50. Henley, William Ernest. (R. Blackshaw) Critic, 43: 261. —— (V. Blackburn) Fortn. 902 232. -— (H. B. M. Watson) Ath. ’o3, 2: 92. =Liv. Age, 238: 443. — (F. Thompson) Acad. 65: 62. — (J . G. Bailey) Monthly R. 12, no. 32 78.—-(Sidney Low) Cornh. 88: 411. = Liv. Age, 239: 150. =Ec1. M. 141: 796. (W. W. Tarn) J. (E. G. Bourne) Am. (R. H. Barbour) Lippinc. 78: HENLEY Henley, William Ernest, and Journalism. (H. W. Boynton) Atlan. 92: 414, -— Views and Reviews ; Essays in Appreciation. (W. C. Brownell) Lamp, 26: 49. Henley Family Portraits. (F. Watt) Art J. 581 33. Henley, A Day at. (W. D. Howells) Harp. W. 491 826, D Hennebout and the Fleet (A. D. 1342); a Ballad from F roissart. (E. Sutton) Scrib. M. 40.: 668, Hennepin, Louis. (J. R. Ormond) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 175- — New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, ed. by Thwaites. (J . J . Halsey) Dial, 36: 44. Henner, Jean Jacques, Artist. (L. Vander Veer) Pall Mall M. 28: 433. Henri, M. Paul. (W. E. Plummer) Nature, 71: 302, Henri, Robert. (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 491 I31. Henrietta Maria, Queen, Miss Taylor’s Life of. Spec. 96: 98. Henrietta Stackpole, Rediviva. M, 35: 662, Henrietty. (Lizette W. Reese) Lippinc. 76: 616, Henry I. of England. Coronation Charter. Text. (F. Liebermann) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 8: 21, — Writ regarding the Local Courts. (G. B. Adams) Am. Hist. R. 8: 487, Henry III. and the Church. (F. E. Ross) Dub. R. 137: 225, -— Minority of. 18: 245. -— Revenue and Expenditure of England under. J . Whitwell) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 711, Henry IV. and Archbishop Scrope. (A. N. Cooper) Antiq. 11. s. 41: 425. Henry VII., Supposed Conspiracy against. (J . Gaird- ner and I. S. Leadam) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 16: 133. 18: 157. Henry VII.’s Almshouse, Westminster. (Charlotte C. Stopes) Ath. ’05, 22 395. Henry VIII. and Anne Boleyn. (W. C. Hazlitt) An- tiq. n. s. 411 I70. —- An Apologist for. Month, 106: 474, — as a Poet. (S. F. Smith) Month, 106: 239, — Canon Law of the Divorce of. (H. Thurston) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 632. (H. G. Dwight) Scrib. (G. J . Turner) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. (R. -— Hall’s. Spec. 94: 291. —- Love Letters to Anne Boleyn. (C. F. Yonge) 19th Cent. 572 971. — Marriages of. (H. T. Peck) Cosmopol. 39: 260. — Penmanship of a Bookkeeper in Time of. Reli- quary, 42: 35- — Pollard on. Ath. ’02, 2: 114. —(C. W. Colby) Na- tion, 75: 463.—— (H. A. Bruce) Outl. 82: 135. Henry IV., of France, Famous Equestrian Statue of, in Paris. (W. T wombley) Cath. World, 782 472. — Grand Design of. (H. Davis) Indep. 56: 1497, Henry, Prince Admiral, of Prussia. (Zur Sée Hoft- man) Indep. 54: 485. — (P. Bigelow) Outl. 70: 531. — in the United States. (P. Bigelow) Indep. 54: 251. —— (R. D. Evans) McClure, I9: 27. —Pall Mall M. 27: 81.—— (F. Putnam) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 62,— (P. S. Reinsch) Forum, 33: 207, Henry, George, R. S. A. (P. Bate) Studio (Internat.) 22: 3. Henry, Patrick, as a Lawyer, with portrait. (E. L. Didier) Green Bag, 16: 73. — A Family Portrait of. (W. H. Henry) Ecl. M. 146: .7_ Heniy, Prosper, with portrait. (O. Callandreau) Pop. Astron. 11: 558. Henry, William, of Lancaster Co., Penn. Pennsyl. M. 27: 91, I Henry the Autocrat. (M. Foster) Outing, 47: 740. 2N3?’ IIl§Ii1i]LI)I1l( Henry D. Thurston, Reformer. (H. Davis) Munsey, 34: 166. Henry Koehler, Misogynist. 98: 657. Henry William’s Reincarnation. Everybody’s, I5: 685. Hensel, Adolf, Composer. 2 51, Hensel, Sebastian. Autobiography. (J . _T. Hatfield) Dial, 36: 294. . Henshaw, Julia W. Canad. M. 18: 220, Henson, H. Hensley. Sermons ; Canon Henson’s Apo- logia. Church Q. 58: 473. Henty, Geo. A. Ath. ’02, 2: 683, Hepner’s Undisputed Will. (E. Flower) Cosmopol. 33: 668. Her Anniversary. (E. Singmaster) Atlan. (Hugh Pendexter) (E. R. Kroeger) Music, 22: (H. A. Nash) New Eng. M. n. s. 301 435- Her Birthright. Good Words, 472 9. Her Brother’s Keeper. (A. Fleming) Longm. 40: 130. =Ec1. M. 139: 337. =Liv. Age, 234: 166. Her Burglar; a story. (E. Day) Canad. M. 23: 567. Her Captivity. (J . Conrad) Blackw. 178: 325. Her Character. (G. Hibbard) Cent. 50: 302, Her Day. (M. Ashmnn) New Eng. M. 33: 70. Her Excellence. (Carlton Dawe) Chan1b. J . 812 48!. Her Experiment ; a story. (Virginia Y. Remnitz) Cosmopol. 37: 275. Her First Elopement. (Clara Bartram) Lippinc. 76; 129, Her Flight of Fancy. (P. Chase) Good Words, 46: 58. ILiv. Age, 243: 610. IEcl. M. I44: 34, Her Freedom. (V. F. Boyle) Cent. 432 617. Her Hour. (H. B. Boone) Cent. 45: 819. Her Husband. (A. Warner) Lippinc. 731 714. Her Ladyship. (Katharine Tynan) Cath. World, 81: 491-636. 82: 25-640, Her Letters; a Monologue. (Alice Brown) Harper, 109: 424. Her Love and its Memories. (S. E. Ober) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 386. Her Money’s Worth. (Anna W. Morris) Cosmopol. 39: 358- Her Passing Acquaintance. M. n. s. 25: 669, Her Red-letter Night; a story. sey, 29: 828, Her Romance. (J . D. Turner) Cosmopol. 38: 383. Her Son ; a story. (H. A. Vachell) Idler, 30: 304, Her Spirit Husband. (D. Richardson) Lippinc. 70: 618, Her Stocking. (G. Hibbard) Cosmopol. 40: 136, Her Story. (Churchill Williams) Scrib. M. 40: 224, Her Uncle. (W. W. Jacobs) Cosmopol. 40: 283, Her Widowhood. (J . F. Fleming) Overland, n. s. 391 872, Heracles and the Apples of the Hesperides; a New Type. (K. A. McDowall) J. Hel. Stud. 25: 157. —— Bronze Statue of, in Boston. (J . R. Wheeler) Am. J. Archaeol. 2d ser. 10: 377. Heraclitus of Ephesus. (W. B. Wallace) Westm. I63! 156. — and Spencer. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 65: 699. ——- on Character. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 42. Heraclius, First Campaign of, against Persia. (N. H. Baynes) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 694. Heraldry. Blackw. 175: 76. =Liv. Age, 240: 5 5 5. — English Royal. (C. Davenport) J . Soc. Arts, 54: 603. —- Hupp’s Designs. (L. F. Day) Art J . 54¢ 49. — in relation to the Applied Arts. (G. W. Eve) J . Soc. Arts, 54: 1078, 1093, 1111. — On the Gentle Art of Blazon. (Sir H. Maxwell) Blackw. 178: 26. = Liv. Age, 2451 707. (V. Sheard) New Eng. (M. B. Shipp) Mun- "HERBALS Herbals, English. (A. Robertson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 55: 6;, Herbert, Edward, of Cherbury, Lord ; Speeches in his “Life and Reign of Henry VIII.” (H. A. L. Fisher) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 498. Herbert, George. Acad. 68: 237. — as a Religious Poet. (G. H. Palmer) Atlan. 951 I94. —- Palmer’s Edition. (A. V. G. Allen) Atlan. 97: 90. —-(F. Duncan) Critic, 49: 183. Herbert, Massey. (Marian Bower) Chamb. J . 82: 775, 795. Herbert, Sir Michael H. ; Ambassador and Man. (J . C. O’Laughlin) Indep. 54: 1807, Herbert, Sidney. Spec. 97: IO48,—— Ath. ’o6, 2: 726, Herbs, Cultivation of Sweet. (M. G. Kains) Ctry Life Am. 5: 398. — Garden of Sweet. (Ellen Watson) Ctry Life Am. 51 395- Herculaneum and its Treasures of Art. (R. Sturgis) Scrib. M. 37: 569. — Excavating. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 409. —- International Excavation of. Chant. 41: 7. — Proposed Excavation of. Am. Arch. 901 157. -— What it offers to Archaeology. (C. Waldstein) Harper, 101: 733. A Herder, Johann Gottfried von. Hibbert J. 2: 681, —— and Religious Thought. 64: 199. — and the Volkslied. (G. E. Karsten) Wash. Univ. Bull. 3: 101, -— Centenary of. Dial, 35: 455. — a Literary Prophet. Outl. 76: 330. Heredia, José Maria de. Acad. 69: 1029, 1o76.—(T. Seccombe and L. Brandin) F ortn. 84: 1074. — (A. Symons) Ath. ’O5, 22 472.-—-(F. Y. Eccles) Indep. R. 7: 450. =Liv. Age, 248: 171. —(E. Ta- vernier) Sat. R. 100: 521, — (A. Symons) Ath. ’o5, 2: 472, Hereditary Cleaner, The; a story. (J . S. Clouston) Harper, 10g: 538. _ Heredity. (J.‘ C. Shenstone) Knowl. n. s. 2: 17, 49. —(G. Archdall Reid and A. D. D.) Nature, 73: 223, - —- and Environment. 285. -—- -—- as Factors in Social Development. drick) Westm. I62: 186, -— and Evolution. (W. Bateson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 522. -—- and the Origin of Species. (D. T. Macdougall) Monist, I6: 32. —‘—- and Social Problems. (G. Archdal Reid) Indep. 60: 379- - and Social Progress. Char. 11: 316. —and Subspecies. (J. A. Allen) Science, n. s. 23: (T. B. Saunders) (C. J. Little) Meth. R. (G. J . Peirce) Am. Natural. 38: (A. MacKen- 142, -—- Bateson and Saunders’s Report. Am.‘ Natural. 38: 322. -— Castle’s Heredity of Coat Characteristics in Guinea Pigs and Rabbits. (T. H. Morgan) Science, n. s. 21: 7. —- Criteria of. 4= 356- —- Extent of the Idea of. (J . E. Hartmann) Ref. Ch. , R, 51: 89. -—- Herring’s Theory of. (F. W. Hutton) Nature, 69: 366. — in Royalty, Mental and Moral. (F. A. Woods) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 369, 506. 62: 76-423. —— -— Woods on. (C. E. A. Winslow) Nation, 82: 308. -—- The Law of. (S. Elkind) No. Am. 183: 272, .- -— and its Gospel. (N. D. Hillis) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 7: 256, (W. C. Blasdale) Calif. Univ. Chron. 288 HEROIN ES Heredity, Mendel’s Law of. n. s. 18: 396. — Physical Basis of. (C. H. Eigenmann) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 32. —— Power and Methods of. Univ. Chron. 3: 341, 387. — Problem of To-day. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 67: 184. — Problems of. (W. J . V. Osterhout) Calif. Univ. Chron. I: 311. ——(C. W. Saleeby) F ortn. 84: 604, (W. E. Castle) Science, (W. E. Ritter) Calif. -— Recent Discoveries in, and their Bearing on Animal . Breeding. , (W. E. Castle) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 193. — Redfield onControl of. Am. Natural. 38: 228, —- Social. (H. W. Conn) Indep. 56: 143. — Study of. Knowl. n. s. 31 529. Hereford Cathedral. (Gilbert Scott) Am. Arch. 773 44. Herefordshire in Winter. (S. C. Watkins) Temp. Bar, 129: 348. Heresies, The Renascence of. Spec. 91: 1073. Heresy and Conformity; Study in Social Psychology. (G. E. Vincent) Meth. R. 66: 71, -—- in the Episcopal Church. (Katharine Kilgore) Arena, 36: 370. Heresy Trials in England. 83: 5 36. — Net Results. (H. Preserved Smith) Indep. 61: 1332. Heretic, The. (N. Maclean) Good Words, 45: 571. Heritage, The. (Mary S. Cutting) Everybody’s, I31 I 73. Herkomer, Hugh, Centerpiece by. M. of Art, 26: 263. Hermes from Anticythera. (A. S. Cooley) Am. Arch. (W. W. Goodwin) Nation, 75: 38. “ Hermes Diskobolos.” (E. von Mach) Am. J . Ar- chaeol. 2d ser. 7: 445. Hermit, The. (G. Hibbard) Atlan. 97: 444.’ Hermit, The, and the Wild Woman. (Edith Whar- ton) Scrib. M. 39: 145. Hermit in Arcadia; a story. 105: 293. Hermit of the Irati, The. 821 705-755- Hermit of Marin Shore, The. n. s. 42: 440. Hermit Thrushes. 30: 490. Hermon, In the Bosom of. (F. J . Bliss) Indep. 54: 723. Hero in Drama, Vicissitudes of. (W-. L. Courtney) National, 392 305.=Ecl. M. 1393 203.:-‘Liv. Age, 233: 695. Hero, A, in Dingo Scrubs. (H. Lawson) Chamb. J. 791 I84.-'=Liv. Age. 2331 103- Hero in Spite of Himself, A ; a Cavalry Legend of the Great West. (C. A. Lantheaume) Overland, n. s. 46: 226. Hero of Romance, The. 767. -—-‘ Putnam, I! 299. Hero-worship. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 101: 44, Herod the Great, Cause of Death of. (E. M. Merrins) Bib. Sac. 612 543. Herodas, Mimes of; ed. by J . A. Nairn. (Alice Brown) Harper, (Cecil North) Chamb. J. (D. Marin) Overland, (G. L. Collins) New Eng. M. n. s. (F. N. Connell) Cornh. 94: Ath. ’o4, 2: 231, Herodotus, Religion and Philosophy of. (M. E. Grant- Duff) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 9: 1. — Zoiilogy of. Spec. 94: 46. Heroes and Heroines in Fiction. Indep. 55: 2111. (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Heroic Living in the Olden Times, A Story of. (M. J . Smith) Chaut. 37: 298, Heroic Tale of To-day. (W. P. Cockrell) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 584. Heroine, Decline of the. (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, 28: 918. V Heroine, A. (M. Ilsley) Cent. 45: 652. Heroines. Spec. 88: 509. Heroines in Epic Story, Three Race-. Ed. R. 196: 319, HEROINES Heroines“ Three; a story. (G. Hibbard) Am. M. 60: 355- Irkljoisin-in..Exery::5l.ay-Life. (S. W. Mitchell) Cent. 43‘:\217. —— 1s of“C'entury Articles on. Cent. 46: 652. Heron, The. (J. H. Baldwin) Chamb. J. 81: 342. Heron Haunts. (H. K. Jobs) Outing, 42: 190, Herondas. The Mimes, in Translation. Acad. 65: 294. Herons, Photographing. (A. E. Marr) Outing, 48: 288. Hero’s Home Coming, A ; a story. (D. Story) Munsey, 26: 780. Hero’s Last Engagement, The ; a story. (H. A. Vachell) Cornh. 87: 134.=Liv. Age, 236: 423.: Ecl. M. 140: 469. Herr Apfelbaum. (Mary A. Tiffany) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 584. ' Herrick, Clarence L. Monist, I 5: 151. — (A. D. Cole) Science, 11. s. 20: 600. Herrick, Robert. Ed. R. Igg: 109. —- Various Reading in. Library, 11. s. 4: 206, 328. Herring, Archbishop, and Lord Hardwicke, Corre- spondence of, during the Rebellion of 1745. (R. Garnett) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 528, 719. Herring, Illicit Trade in, Senator Lodge and the Hay- Bond Treaty. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 8 5. - When the, come in. (Stephen Gwynn) Liv. Age, 250: 662, Herring Fishery. (P. T. McGrath) Booklover’s M. 5: 39I.— (S. Gwynn) Cornh. 94: 197. Herring Gulls and their Young. (H. L. Ward) Sci- ence, n. s. 24: 593. Herring Weirs of Maine Coast. Ctry Life Am. 6: 33 - Herschel, Caroline, with portrait. (Elsie A. Dent) Pop. Astron. I1: 123. Herterich, Ludwig, German Painter. Studio (Internat.) 28: 41. (A. S. Covey) Hertfordshire. Antiq. n. s. 38: 242. — Among the Lanes of. (A. Grant) Temp. Bar, 127: 740 —S0me Early Emigrants from. (W. K. Watkins) N. E. Reg. 57: 297. —West, Here and There in. Bar, I29: 482. Hertslet, Sir Edward. Geog. J . 20: 347. Hertzian Wave Telegraphy. (J . A. Fleming) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 709-77<>.IPop. Sci. Mo. 631 97. I93. 364, Hervieu, Paul. Dramas. (E. Rod) Internat. Q. 7: 265. —(J. P. White) Poet-Lore, I4, no. 3: 79. 15, no. 1: . Herzl, Theodor, Leader of Modern Zionism, with por- trait. Liv. Age, 243: 16.——With portrait. (H. Rosenthal) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 201. - (S. Whit- man) Contemp. 86: 371. =-‘Eel. M. 143: 576. Hesiod, Use of the Participle in. (G. M. Bolling) Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: 421. Hesselins, Gustavus. Pennsyl. M. 29: 129, -— Earliest Painter and Organ—builder in America. Pennsyl. M. 29: 129. Heterogenesis, Bastian on. Nature, 69: 385. — Studies in; Bastian’s. Sat. R. 99: 117. Heurtin, Marie, born Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. Courson) Month, 99: 82. ~ Hewit, Augustine F. (H. E. O’Keefe) Am. Cath. Q. 28= 535- Hewitt, Abram S. (H. T. Peck) Colum. Univ. Q. 5: I9I.—(R. H. Titherington) Munsey, 28: 393.- With portrait. (E. M. Shepard) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 164.—(H. White) Nation, 76: 67. —-— A Great Citizen. Outl. 73: I94. Hewitt, Peter Cooper, with portrait. (C. W. Price) Cosmopol. 36: 5 56, g -— The Inventor. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 21: 172, (E. Courtney) Temp. (B. de 289 l HIGH Hewlett, Maurice, with portrait. (T. M. Parrott) Booklover’s M. 4: 693.--Bk. News, 22: 1109. —- (H. T. Baker) Meth. R. 62: 550. —Ontl. 81: 724. —-— as Poet. (M. Brenner) Critic, 43: 169. -— at the Court Theater. (M. Beerhohm) Sat. R. 10/1: 294- — Canterbury Tales. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Atlan. 89: 130. —- F 001 Errant, Some Probable Sources of. (R. Hol- brook) Bookman, 23: 447_ — Italy. (Louise C. Hale) Bookman, I6: 134. —-- Queen’s Quair. Sat. R. 98: 53. — (A. M. Logan) Nation, 79: 14. Heywood, Thomas, and Marlowe, Christopher, a Con- trast. (A. C. Storer) Cath. World, 75: 609. Hi Chee’s Hlorsee ; a story. (C. Byrnes) McClure, 23: 306. Hiawatha and the Onondaga Indians. ning) Open Court, 16: 459, 550. — an Indian Play. Chant. 38: 300. — as the Ojibways interpret it. (W. C. Edgar) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 689. — played by Real Indians. (H. Hale) Critic, 462 4!. Hibeh Papyri, The. Ath. ’o6, 2: 263. Hibernation in Hedgerow and Wood. Spec. 961 49!. —- of English Animals. Liv. Age, 236: 506. Hibernia Coal Mining Co., Prussian Effort to acquire (C. L. Hen- the. (F. Walker) Q. J. Econ. 19: 648. Hickey of Old Thirteen. (J . A. Schetty) Lippinc. 71: 2 Hickory Dock. (Eleanor A. Hallowell) Lippinc. 75: 742~ Hicks-Beach, Sir Michael. See Beach, Sir Michael Hicks-. Hidages, Tribal. (W. J . Corbett) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 14: 187. Hidden Life, The; a story. (J. Henley) Munsey, 28: 206. Hidden Man. (K. E. Harriman) Lippinc. 70: 348. Hidden Pearls, The. Chamb. J . 83: 348. Hides, Large and Small. (J . Tait) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 280. Hiding-places, Secret, The Romance of. (C. Holland) Chamb. J. 83: 7'78. Hieroglyphics, Machen on. Ath. ’02, I: 651. Higgins. Matthew James, Blackstick Papers, No. 10. (A. I. Ritchie) Cornh. 91: 1. Higginson, Henry Lee, with portrait. Harv. Grad. M. 12: 213. —— Boston Symphony Orchestra and its Founder. Aldrich) Cent. 47: 585. Higginson, Nathaniel, Gov. of Madras. (B. C. Steiner) So. Atlan. Q. I: 209. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, with portrait. (J . Realf, jr.) Calif. M. 32 306. — With portrait. Lamp, 26: 98. —-Outl. 76: 338. —- and his Dublin, N. H., Summer Home. (Bost.) 16: 562, -— Part of a Man’s Life. Atlan. 93: 6-746. — (W. H. Johnson) Nation, 81: 428. — Verses to, on his 80th Birthday. (R. Nat’l M. (R. Grant) Atlan. 93¢ 192- High Altitudes, Scientific Observations at. (J . M. Bacon) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 169. High Court of Justice. Should it be Abolished ? (G. Jones) Westm. 165: 624, High-grade Men; in College and out. Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 429. High Place at Petra, Second. World, 21: 167, High Priest, Procession of, on the Day of Atonement. (L. Belleli) Jew. Q. 17: 163. High School. (E. E. Brown) Calif. Univ. Chron. 1: 408. (E. G. Dexter) (F. E. Hoskins) Bib. HIGH SCHOOL High School, Aim in —- the Development of the Many- sided Interest, or Special Preparation for Life. (N. Butler) School R. 14: 135, — and Grammar School, Relations of. (C. E. Law- ton) Educa. 26: 103. —— as People’s College vs. F itting-school. Pedagog. Sem. 91 63. — Attendance at. (F. D. Boynton) School R. 10: 5 58. —— Boy and the Girl in. (J . M. Tyler) Educa. 26: 462, -—— College Entrance Requirements and. (V. Pretty- man) Educa. R. 28: 304, — Course of Study. (Alston Ellis) Educa. 22: 271. -—— Curricula of. (J . W. Wilkinson) Educa. 24: 193. — Educational Demands upon. (C. B. Gilbert) Edu- ca. R. 23: 136. (G. S. Holt) _ —— English in. (J . W. MacDonald) Educa. 25: 16. — English, Latin, and Algebra, Adolescents and. (G. S. Hull)_ Pedagog. Sem. 9: 93. — Feminization of the. (VV. Lee Howard) Arena, 351 593- — for Four Years and with more Electives. Ostien) Educa. 24: 621, — How modify to meet 20th Century Demands ? (J . S. Brown) School R. 12: 563, —— How shall the Public Libraries help the ? (J . D. Haney) Pub. Lib. 7: 224. — in Indiana, Township. (F. A. Cotton) School R. (L. A. 12: 267. — in the South, Rural Public. (E. C. Brooks) School R. 12: 148. — in Tyler, The. (Mrs. Stella Lane) Indep. 61: 278, -— Influence of, Extension of. (Stratton D. Brooks’; C. H. Morss) Educa. R. 29: 433. — Life of, Social Ethics in. (G. B. Morrison) School R, 13: 361. — Lunch-room in the. ZOI, — — at Englewood. (E. L. Miller) School R. I3: 201, — of the Future. (W. R. Harper) School R. 11: 1. —- of the 20th Century. (D. S. Jordan) School R. 12: 545- — Place of, in our System of Education. Nightingale) School R. I41 I42. —-Relation to College. (E. F. Buchner) Educa. 26: (A. Barrows) School R. 13: (A. F. 571- — Scope of Small. (S. D. Brooks) Educa. 22! 434. —— Self—government in. (H. R. Tucker) Educa. 25: 81 152. -— Six-,year Course. (P. H. Hanus) Educa. R. 25: 455. —— (D. S. Snedden) Educa. R. 26: 525, — —— at Goshen, Ind. (V. W. B. Hedgepeth) School R. 13: 19. — Superintendent and the. (C. B. Roote) School R. 13: 232, —- Ten Years of, Growth. (W. A. Wetzel) Educa. R. 24: 518. — Why do so many Pupils leave during the First Year ? (R. P. Halleck) School R. 13: 551, —Why Pupils drop out. (W. F. Book) Pedagog. Sem. 111 204. — (G. E. Gay) Educa. 22: 3oo, High School Architecture in the City of New York. (G. W. Wharton) School R. 11: 456. High—school Attendance. (J . R. Parsons, jr.) Educa. R. 27: 293. -—— (A. C. Ellis; J . R. Parsons, jr.) Educa. R. 28: 188. High School Building, Modern. (W. E. Hatch) School R. 11: 509. High School Chemistry and the College Course. Sci- ence, n. s. 13! 33°. High-school Course, Extension of the. (F. Liddeke) School R. 12: 635. High School Government. 25: 1. (H. R. Tucker) Educa. 290 HILDA’S High-school Period, The. (W. L. Hervey) Chaut. 41: 60 High-school Program of Studies and the Student’s Curriculum. (H. Lee) School R. 12: 138. High School Teacher from the Pupil’s Point of View. (W. F. Book) Pedagog. Sem. 12: 239, High-School Teachers, Concerning. (M. V. O’Shea) School R. 10: 778. High School Work, College Recognition of. Snow) Wash. Univ. Bull. 4: 27. High Schools, County, in Kansas. (S. J . Hunter) Educa. 24: 485. —— Fraternities in, The Problem of. School R. 14: 492, See Fraternities. —— Growth of, 18914900, 24: 518. — in Prussia, New Curricula for. (C. E. Wright) Edu- ca. 23: 1. — Need of, in Country. — The Opportunity of the. man, 24: 180, (M. S. (W. B. Owen) (W. A. Wetzel) Educa. R. Educa. 27: 180. (E. L. Thorndike) Book- — Physics in, and Mechanic Arts High Schools. (G. Stanley Hall) Pedagog. Sem. 9! I93. — Relations of Grammar Schools to. (C. E. Lawton) Educa. 26: 103, —— Special State Aid to. (F. E. Bolton) Educa. R. 31: 141, High Wycombe, Manors of. (T. H. Bryant) Reliquary, 45: 176. Highbinders, Chinese Secret Societies in California. (F. J . Masters) Calif. M. 1: 62. Higher Abdication, The. (O. Henry) Munsey, 35: 8 Higher Criticism. See Biblical Criticism. Higher Law in the Industrial l/Vorld. (H. J . F. Porter) Engin. M. 29: 641. Higher Sacrifice, The. (Myrtle Conger) Overland, n. s. 41: 286, Highgate and its Celebrities. 343 933- Highgate Hill, On. (Oliver Gray) Chamb. J . 81: 37. Highgate School. Sat. R. 96: 260. Highland, Cal. (H. W. Johnson) Out West, 241 247. Highland Gentleman, A. Blackw. 178: 42. Highland Mts., Closing of. (E. A. Baker) Indep. R. 3: 625. Highland Regiment, The First. Scot. Hist. R. 3: 27. Highland Regiments, Raising of, in 1757. Lloyd) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 466. — Uniform in. Un. Serv. M. 29: 553. Highland Scenery, Charm of. Spec. 95: 314. Highland Tourist, The, 100 Years Ago. Chamb. J . 80: (H. Johnson) Sund. M. (R. McK. Holden) (E. M. 449- Highlanders of Edward VII. (F. Morris) Army & Navy Life, 9: 440. Highlands of Scotland, Literature of, Maclean’s. Ath. ’04. I1 454- —— — West, Wandering Population of. Blackw. I7 5: 537.=Liv. Age, 241: 365, -—— — Wild Times in the. (Duke of Argyll) Chamb. J . 83: 65. —- Our Native. (C. Westcott) Overland, n. s. 39: 822. Highwayman, London, in the Light of his own News- paper. (J . H. Macmichael) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 443- Hild, St., and her Abbey at Whitby. (I. G. Sieveking) Antiq. n. s. 40: 327. Hilda and the Wishes; a story for children. (H. T. Peck) Bookman, 18: 390, 523. Hilda’s Church. (A. B. DeMille) New Eng. M. n. s. 25: 770. HILDESHEIM Hildesheim, Germany. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 8: 997. -—— The Capital of the Prince-bishops. (C. 1‘. Mason) Cath. World, 80: 77. —(C. M. Stearns) Chaut. 401 228. -— Silver Treasure of. 766. Hill, Ben, Reminiscences of. (J. C. Reed) So. Atlan. (C. A. Brassler) Craftsman, 8: Q- 5: 134- Hill, David B., Ex-Gov. of New York. Everybody’s, 7: 447. . — Retirement of. (H. Lamont) Nation, 79: 172. Hill, Frank Alpine. (R. G. Huling) Educa. 24: 176. -— (P. H. Hanus) School R. 11: 795. Hill, Henry Barker. (T. W. R.) Science, 11. s. 17: 841. —With portrait. (C. R. Sanger) Harv. Grad. M. 12: 43. Hill, James Jerome. Canad. M. 26: 413. Hill, John, of Dorchester, Mass., and his Descendants. (J. G. Bartlett) N. E. Reg. 58: 157, 237, Hill, John, of Guilford, Conn., Notes on Family of. (E. A. Hill) N. E. Reg. 572 250. Hill, John A. From Engine-cab to Editor’s Desk.. lVorld’s Work, 12: 8023, Hill, Luke, of Windsor, Conn., and John Hill of Guil- ford, Conn., and their Descendants. (R. D. Smyth) N. E. Reg. 57: 87. Hill, Richard. An Old Inventory. (R. H. E. Hill) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 505. Hill, Rowland, The Preaching of. Meth. R. 63: 193. Hill, Walter Barnard, Chancellor of University of Georgia. (A. Shaw) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 332 I74. Hill Child, The. (Mabel Martin) Cosmopol. 41: 423. Hill Farm in Gwalia, A. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 483. Hillegas, Michael, Letters of, 1777. Pennsyl. M. 29: (E. S. Tipple) 232, Hillel, Rabbi, the Elder. (J . Strauss) Gent. M. n. s. 691 149. -L and Jesus. (G. A. Danziger) Calif. M. 3: 57. Hilprecht, Prof. H. V., Protest on Findings of Com- mittee of Investigation of Charges against. (J . H. Peters) Am. Arch. 88: 54, , Hilty, Karl, with portrait. Chaut. 4!: 419. Himalaya Mountains, A Tour in. (D. W. Freshfield) Pall Mall M. 26: 449. —— Collie’s Mountaineering in. 6. and Mrs. Workman in. Geog. J . 221 541. (J . S. Shepard) (J . Bryce) Nation, 76: 31 —— Dr. ——Down the, on a Pilot Engine. Month, 107: 175. — First Ascent of the Hoh Lumba. man) Indep. 55: 3108, -—— Highest Mountain in the World. field) Geog. J. 21: 294, -—— Hoh Lumba and Sosbon Glaciers in. Workman) Geog. J . 27: 129, -—— Record Ascents in. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 420, Hinchman, Dr. Joseph, Log of, on Brig Prince George, 1737. (W. M. Mervine) Pennsyl. M. 29: 268. Hindhead, Eng., Preservation of. Spec. 95: 710, Hindoo Koosh, Sport in. (R. L. Kennion) Macmil. 9% 144- Hindu Boy Life. Hindu God-idea, Vital Value in the. Hibbert J. 5: 74. Hindu Law, and Anglo Indian Legislation. Shephard) Law Q. 18: 172. - -—— Origin and Development of the Bengal School of. (S. C. Mitra) Law Q. 21: 380. 22: 50, Hindus, Missions to. Church Q. 54: 402. 55: 98. 59= 287. _ Hinge, The; a story. (M. S. Cutting) McClure, 25: 585- (Fanny B. Work- (D. W. Fresh- (Fanny B. (E. Russell) Everybody’s, 8: 529, (W. T. Seeger) (H. H. 291 HIS Hingham, Mass. (H. Gregmore) New Eng. M. n. s. 331 335- — Arts and Crafts in. (C. C. Lane) Craftsman, 5: 276. Hint from Fate; a story. (D. G. Phillips) Cosmopol. 34: 57°- Hinton, John, Colonel. (Mary H. Hinton) So. Atlan. Q, 1: 183. Hippolytus, Artemis and. (J . G. Frazer) Fortn. 82: 82 9 . -—— Works of. (T. J . Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 63, Hippy, the Dare-Devil; a story. (H. Garland) Mc- Clure. I91 474. Hiram Matthews’s Monument. (C. Dangerfield) Lip- pinc. 722 638. Hired Wedding Garments. (Jeanie Drake) Cath. World, 82: 670. Hiroshima, Japan. (M. R. Elliott) Canad. M. 25: 203. His, VVilhelm. Nature, 702 58.-—-Science, n. s. 192 902, His Amateur Performance. (L. W. Quirk) Lippinc. 75: n8, His Apparition; a Novelette. per,IO4J 621. His Beatitude. (H. G. Dwight) Scrib. M. 37: 70. His Best Friend. (W. Jeffery) Chamb. J . 80, Xmas no. 38. His Brother’s Keeper; a story. (M. A. Rutherford) Canad. M. 24: 51, His Burden of Hatred. (Edith Brownell) Lippinc. 78: (W. D. Howells) Har- 506. His Claim; a story. (A. M. Roach) Harper, I12: 299. His Comrade. (C. Benedict) Atlan. 98: 551. His Creed Twice Broken; a story. (J . S. Hughes) Ecl. M. 140: 187. His Daily Work; a story. W- W 1777- His Daughter; a story. (H. F. Hall) Temp. Bar, I32: (G. B. Lancaster) Harp. 473- His Daughter First. (A. S. Hardy) Atlan. 91: 5-766. His Excellency’s Aigrette. (A. J . Dawson) Cornh. 88: 59. =Liv. Age, 238: 3oo.=Ec1. M. 141: 393. His Father’s Hay; a story. (E. M. Rhodes) McClure, 19: 492. His First Panther. Macmil. 90: 127,: Liv, Age, 242; . 35. His First Proposal ; a story. (G. Douglas) Canad. M. 21 : 166. His First Suicide; a story. (E. Lefevre) McClure, I9: 183. His First Triumph ; a story. (K. J arboe) Munsey, 30: 5 16. - His First Wife ; a story. (Alice Brown) Harper, I13: 425- His Girl. (Frank H. Sweet) Arena, 3 5: 53. His Good Angel; a story. (V. W. Clond) Bookman, 19: 78. ' His Greatest Speech ; a story. (J . A. Altsheler) Har- per, 105: 131. His Guardian Angel; a story. (L. A. Long) Harper, I06: 713, His Hour of Greatness. (E. K. Tompkins) Lippinc. 72: 735- His Inheritance; a story. (S. Pickering) Temp. Bar, 131: 681. His Journey to the Gates; a sketch. (M. Hill) Mc- Clure, 24: I40, His Last Chance; a story. 177. His Last Letter. Macmil. 85: 226."-Ecl. M. 1332 63I. =Liv. Age, 232: 741. His Life for his Friend; a Tale of '93. Chamb. J. 82: 4:2, His Little Mate. (M. Burbridge) Sund. M. 34: 448. (R. Salatini) Am. M. 61: (J . S. Martin) HIS His Lordship. (W. W. Jacobs) Cosmopol. 40: 459. His Maiden Visit. (Theresa Russell) Out West, 22: I . His Mate; a story. (F. M. Peard) Cornh. 93: 472. His Matinée Girl. (E. MacCaulley) Lippinc. 71: 702. His Mother’s New Year. (Harriet Prescott Spofiord) Indep. 55$ 34. His Opportunity. (J. Duguid) Sund. M. 34: 757. His Other Self; a story. (M. R. Rinehart) Munsey, 32: 40". His Own Medicine. (Caroline Lockhart) Lippinc. 76: 473- His Prerogative; a story. (M. S. Brisooe) Harper, 107: 197. His Price; a story. (M. S. Briscoe) Harper, 106: 583. His Royal Highness, the Prince of Hester Street; a story. (M. Kelly) McClure, 23: 103, His Second Love Affair. (F. R. Burton) McClure, 25‘ 273- His Simple Life. (E. Hough) Cosmopol. 42: 197. His Sister; a story. (M. A. Bacon) Harper, I09: 937. His Sporting Aunt. (Ann Devoore) Scrib. M. 391 229, His Trial Trip. (Katherine L. Mead) Lippinc. 77: 736. His Trial Trip; a story. (C. M. Williams) Munsey, 31: 179. His Utmost, Naval Law of. (P. Benjamin) Indep. 54: I 31, “ His Wife.” (T. Dubois) Lippinc. 72: 757. Hispanic Society’s Museum, New York. (E. T. Lan- der) Booklover’s M. 7: 44. Hispano-Moresque Ware, Some Armorial Pieces of. (A. Van de Put) M. of Art, 27: 346. Hisperica Famina, Notes on the. (H. A. Strong) Am. J , Philol. 26: 204, Hissarlik, Archaeological Excavations at. (D. Quinn) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 482, Historian, Problem of the American. (VV. G. Brown) Atlan. 92: 649. Historians, American Living. World’s Work, 4: 2316. — Credibility of. (F. W. Rolfe) Westm. I60: 402, — Pyschological vs. Armchair. (E. Reich) Fortn. 83: (H. M. Stephens) 99- Historians’ History of the World. Outl. 79: 750. Historic Ruins, Government Preservation of. (E. L. Hewett) Science, 11. s. 202 722. Historical Ethics. (M. Creighton) Quar. 203: 32. I Liv. Age, 246: 515, Historical Meditation, An. (R. H. Benson) Dub. R. 138: 27:, Historical Method vs. Historical Narrative. (R. F. Hoxie) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 568. Historical Novel, The. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, I8: 618, Historical Novels. (H. Croly) Lamp, 26: 509. —(F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 75: 86. Historical Portraits at Oxford. Art J. 57: 207. (A . B . Chamberlain) Historical Romance on the Stage, Future of. (Julia Marlowe) Indep. 54: I5 3 1, Historical Seminaries, Methods of Work in. (G. B. Adams) Am. Hist. R. 10: 521, Historical Synthesis. (F. M. Fling) Am. Hist. R. 9: 1, Historical Writing, Influence of Universities on. (J. F. Jameson) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 6: 294, History. (Bertrand Russell) Indep. R. 3: 207, -— Ancient and Modern. (R. M. Johnston) Nation, 83: I80. —— — in the High Schools, Reference Libraries for. (E. C. Durbin) School R. 12: I09, —— —- to the Death of Charlemagne, West’s. Goodspeed) School R. 10: 715. (G. S. 292 HISTORY History, and Inspiration. (H. A. Poels) Cath. Univ. Bull. 11: 19, 152, — and Materialism. 727. -— as Literature. 11. s. 192 I7. —— as a Science of Origins. (J. S. Stuart-Glennie) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 5: 229. _ — Atmosphere of Past. (H. M. Stephens) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: 159. , — Bread-and-butter Theory of. (H. J. Haskell) Outl. 84: 422, — Bury’s View of. Indep. R. 11 395. =Liv. Age, 240: 193, -- Ecclesiastical and General, Relation between. (A. Harnack) Contemp. 86: 846. I Ecl. M. 144: 317. — Economic Interpretation of. (E. R. A. Seligman) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 3: 369. — (S. N. Patten) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 540. — The Electric Light of. (S. Strunsky) Nation, 83: I 36. — Ethical Values in. (H. C. Lea) Am. Hist. R. 92 233- ~ -— Examination Paperin ; how it should be constructed. (L. M. Salmon) Educa. R. 26: 22. — Fii-th’s Inaugural Lecture on Teaching. (G. M. Trevelyan) Indep. R. 4: 629. -— Hodge and. Spec. 89: 395. —- Human, The Climax of. (H. W. Warren) Meth. R. 64= 357. — Hume’s Contribution to the Historical Method. (G. H. Sabine) Philos. R. I 5: I7. — Importance of Pursuit of. (W. Hunt) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 20: 4, — in Easy Lessons. (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 96: 386. — in our Public Schools. (F. P. Donnelly) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 785.— (S. Burnham) Educa. R. 27: 521. -— (E. McMahon) Educa. 23: 109. —— in our Village Schools. (A. E. T. Newman) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 127. — in Schools, Learning, Teaching, and Results of. (G. C. Williamson) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 52 241. —- in Southern Colleges, Status of. (F. W. Moore) So. Atlan. Q. 2: I69, — in Southern Education, Status of. Nation, 75: I097 149, -— in William and Mary College. (L. G. Tyler) Nation, 75: 399- —— Karl Lamprecht und Kulturgeschichte. Dodd) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 418. — Lamprecht’s What is ? (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 81: (A. H. Lloyd) Am. Hist. R. 10: (G. W. Prothero) Roy. Hist. Soc. (W. E. Dodd) (W. E. 124, — Letelier on the Evolution of. (E. H. Strobel) Am. Hist. R. 7: 736. — Literary Decline of. (F. A. 0%‘) Dial, 322 233. — Literature and. (C. L. F alkiner) Monthly R. I 5, no. 21 96. — a Log Book of the Bible. (W. Harrison) Meth. R. 65: 919, — Modern, Acton’s Lectures on. (R. M. Johnston) Nation, 83: 397. —— — The Cambridge. (E. Reich) Monthly R. 9, no. 2: 117, — Modern Conception of. (C. F. Adams) Wis. Alum. M. 2: 49. -— The New Writing of. (E. W. Rogers) Meth. R. 65: 44. —- of the World, Helmolt’s. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 74: 410. . — The Outlook in. (VV. R. Thayer) Atlan. 96: 65. -— Pedagogy of. (G. Stanley Hall) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 339- - Pedantry in Writing. (P. E. More) Nation, 77: 498. HISTORY History, Personal Element in. (E. Lawless) I9th Cent. 501 790.=Ecl. M. 138: 183, -— Place of, in Education. (M. E. Grant-Duff) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 6: 315. — Psychology and. (G. Villa) Monist, 12: 215. — The Real and the Ideal in. (F. W. Moore) Sewa- nee, II: 412, —- Relation to Geography. (A. W. Skinner) Ednca. 25: ~ 7, —- Scientific Methods in the Study of. (F. J . C. Hearn- shaw) Nature, 73: 307. -— Source or Scientific Method in. School R. 11: 677. —— Study of, Emil Reich on. Spec. 91: 513. -— — in Public Schools. (C. H. K. Marten) 19th Cent. 58: 583. =Liv. Age, 247: 451. — — in the Secondary Schools of California. Babcock) Calif. Univ. Chron. 3: 51. ——- —- in the University of Berlin. (H. Oncken) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 10: 113, -— — London University and. tional, 44: 650, —- Teachers of, Middle States Convention of. (L. M. Salmon) Nation, 78: 227. — — Some Difficulties of, in the South. (W. E. Dodd) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 117, -— Teaching of, at a University; how it should be done. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 82: 388, — — in New York State. Ednca. R. 23: 400. — -— in the South. Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 3: 8. — —— Preparation for. (M. A. Carringer) Ednca. 26: (A. D. Cromwell) (K. C. (A. W. Pollard) Na- 275- -— -— Source Method of. (T. W. Page) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 421. -— Treatment of. (Goldwin Smith) Am. Hist. R. 10: 511. — Truth in. Church 58: 395. -— The Uses of. (J . St. L. Strachey) National, 46: 877. -— Why study ? (J . D. Crawford) Ednca. 22: 281. -— Writing of. (A. T. Mahan) Atlan. 91: 289. History—syllabus for Secondary Schools, Actual Work- ing of. (H. D. Foster) School R. 13: 571. Hitchcock, Frank H. (H. B. Needham) World To-day, g: 858. Hitchcock, G., Painter of Sunlight. (Christian Brin- ton) Studio (Internat.) 26: vi. — Cent. 48: 318, Hitchcock, Henry, LL. D. (S. D. Thompson) Am. Law R. 362 412. Hitchcock, Roswell D. 25: 327, Hittite Inscriptions. (F. Legge) Acad. 63: 274. — (A. H. Sayce) Bib. World, 26: 3o. -— Decipherment of the. (A. H. Sayce) Eel. M. 140: 34. — (A. H. Sayce) Indep. 54: 1755. — (A. H. Sayce) Monthly R. 8, no. 3: I01. I Liv. Age, 235: 339. Hittite Monuments and Inscriptions. (C. C. Stearns) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 2: 125, 165. Hoar, Geo. Frisbie. Wit-hportrait. (H. C. Lodge) Booklover’s M. I: 567. —— With portrait. (J . M. Rogers) Booklover’s M. 4: 605. —With portrait. Chant. 39: 59. — (\V. P. Garrison) Nation, 79: 270. —— (Talcott Wil- liams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 302 5 51. —With portrait. (F. C. Lowell) Harv. Grad. M. 131 337. —(E. H. Russell) N. E. Reg. 59: 123. —— and the President, 1903. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: (G. H. Gilbert) Bib. World, 496- -— at Home. (M. C, Crawford) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 24, — Autobiography. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 35: 343.— (J . B. Scott) Green Bag, 16: 709. —-—(T. C. Smith) Am.Hist.'R. 9: 597. — (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 44: 49. —- (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 78: 92. ——(L. Abbott) Outl. 76: 311, 293 (E. Maxey) Arena, 33: 11.——- HOGFISH Hoar, Geo. Frisbie, Personal Tribute to. (H. C. Lodge) Harv. Grad. M. 13: 213, — Reminiscences of. (W. G. Brown) So. Atlan. Q. 31 .I_ Hoar-frost, The. (Helen Haines) Scrib. M. 40: 342. Hoaxes, Famous. (W. S. Bridgeman) Munsey, 29: 730. Hobbes, Thomas, Sir Leslie Stephen’s Life of. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 80: 35. — Spec. 93: 360. Hobby Family Bible Records. (E. W. Hobbs) N. E. Rea s9= 253- Hobhouse, Edmund, Bishop. Ath. ’o4, I: 562. Hobhouse, L. T. Democracy and Reaction. (J . Cum- mings) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 181. — (J. Morley) 19th Cent. 57: 361. — Mind in Evolution. (C. L. Morgan) Mind, 28: 1'03, Hobson, or Hopson, John, of Guilford, Conn., and his Descendants. (R. D. Smyth) N. E. Reg. 59: 46. Hobson-Jobson, The. (A. Goodrich-Freer) 19th Cent. 51: 581, Hoch, Charlie Manderfeld ; a story. (C. O. Shepherd) McClure, 22: 245. - Hockey. (C. Patterson) Outing, 41: 622, — as played i11 Canada. (A. H. Beaton) Canad. M. 18: 435. —- The Coming Game. (S. Stoddard) Ctry Life Am. 3. 63. — Girl’s Field. (S. H. Rowe) Educa. 23: 155. Hockley, Richard. Letterbook, 1739-42. Pennsyl. M. 28: 26, — Selected Letters. Pennsyl. M. 272 305. Hodge and his Educators. (Edmund Verney) Indep. R. 6: 38. ' Hodgetts, James F. Ath. ’o6, 1: 546, Hodgkin, John, of Guilford, Conn., and his Descend- ants. (R. D. Smyth) N. E. Reg. 58: 281, Hodgkin, John Eliot. Rariora. Ath. ’O3, I3 9. Hodgkin, Thomas, Halevy’s Life of. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 83: 187. Hodgkins, or Hotchkiss, Samuel, of New Haven, Conn., and his Descendants. (R. D. Smyth) N. E. Reg. 58: 283. Hodgson, S. H. Metaphysics of Experience as the Foundation of Theology. (J . T. Broeke) Am. J . Theol. 8: 699. Hodson of Delhi. (P. C. Standing) Un. Serv. M. 25: 191. Hoe, Robert. (J . H. Bridge) Cosmopol. 34: 85, Hoe Apprentice School, New York City. R. of Rs. (N. Y-) am 322- Hoe-shaped Implement, So-called. (C. B. Moore) Am. Anthrop. 5: 493. Hoeber, Arthur. (C. H. Cafiin) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 223, , Hoefer, Andreas, A Night in the Room of. (J . Heard) Scrib. M. 34: 101, Hiiffding, Harald. Philosophy of Religion. Ath. ’06, 1: 569, — Problems of Philosophy. Ath. ’06, I: 441. Hoffman, Heinrich, Pastor, of Halle. (J . R. Van Pelt) Meth. R. 64: 221, Hoffman, Walter James. Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 2 59. Hoffman’s Artist Colony, Vienna. (A. S. Levetus) Studio (Internat.) 23: I25. Hogarth, William. Lamp, 29: I4I.—(J. Lafarge) McClure, 201 534.——With portrait and illus. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, I6: 464. —- Chiswick Home of, and its Surroundings. (J. H. Stone) Good Words, 46: 801, ——- Life, Works, and Bibliography, with portrait. Mast. in Art, 3: pt. 34. — Unpopularity of. Acad. 63: 520. Hogfish, Red, Encounter with. (C. F. Holder) Outing, 45‘ 542~ HOGG Hogg, James. (W. Wallace) Good Words, 44: 96. — (A. Symons) Lamp, 29: 191, Hogg, Quintin. Spec. 90: ,121_:Ec1. M, 140; 638_: Liv. Age, 236! 761. -—- Life of. Spec. 93: 480. Hoggar, Twarego, A Visit to. J . 20: 507. Hoggins, Sarah, the “ Cottage Countess,” Truth about. (A. O. Cooke) Chamb. J . 79: 769. Hohenlohe Memoirs. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 511.—- Spec. 97: 679, 723. =Liv. Age, 251: 312. —(E. J. Dillon) Contemp. 902 723.—-(J. L. Garvin) Liv. Age. 251: 425; Hohenzollern, The ‘House of. 19, no. 3: I25. Hohenzollern Candidature, The. ’oz, 2-: 321, Hohenzollerns, The. 28: 32. Hoisting Machinery. (J . Horner) Cassier, 21: 247. Hoisting Practice in Pennsylvania Anthracite Region. (R. V. Norris) Engin. M. 29: 892. Hokusai, Japanese Artist, with portrait. Open Court, (W. J . H. King) Geog. (L. Elkind) Monthly R. (J . Headlam) Ath. (R. H. Titherington) Munsey, I6: 440, Holbein, Hans. (K. Cox) Scrib. M. 38: 709. —- and his Work. (E. H. Blashfield) Lamp, 28: 94. Holbein, Hans, the Younger. Sat. R. 96: 645. —— Portraits in Windsor Castle. Mast. in Art, 3: pt. 27, Hold-up, The. (Jeannette Cooper) Booklover’s M. 6: 271, Hold-up, The. (Ralph H. Barbour) Cosmopol. 38: 289. Hold-up on Split Mountain, The ; a story. (F. Lynde) Munsey, 30: 414. Holden, Mass., Baptisms from the Records of the 1st Church of, 1743-1822. (F. P. Rice) N. E. Reg. 58: 274, 371- Holding up a Train; a sketch. 22: 611, Holdings, Small. (Sir A. M. Mackenzie) Chamb. J. 83: 817, Hole, W. B., Mural Paintings by. (G. B. Brown) M. of Art, 26: 214. Holes in the Heavens. (O. Henry) McClure, (J. E. Gore) Knowl. n. s. 3: - 467. Holiday, Henry, and his Art. (A. M. Mackay) Westm. 158: 391. -— Crucifixion; a Transept Window. (H. Holiday) Art J . 56: 23, -— Invention of Glass Enameling in Relief. ray) Studio (Internat.) 25: 304. Holiday Camps for Schoolboys. (B. J . Mathews) Sun- day M. 34: 700. Holiday Dinner giving. (E. B. Tower) Char. 8: 46, Holiday Faces. (J . C. Goldmark) Char. I 3: 184. Holiday Law. (A. Fellows) Macmil. n. s. I: 823. Holiday Tastes. Spec. 97: 289. Holidays and their Ethics. Macmil. 92: 358. = Liv. (H. Mur- Ase. 247= 689- - and History. (W. R. Thayer) Atlan. 97: 666. —— English and French compared. (A. Ransome) Temp. Bar. I33= 310- — for Brain Workers. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 16. — Some Little. Outl. 83: 179. — that Excite rather than Rest one. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 96: 357 Holiness of God and of the Godly. (J . A. Beet) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 531. Hollams, Sir J . J ottings' of an Old Solicitor. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 136. Holland, Lord, Reminiscenees of. Outl. 84: 625, Holland, Absorption of, by Germany. (J . E. Barker) 19th Cent. 60: 25, 294 HOLY Holland, Catholic Revival in, 1903. Cath. World, 80: 463. —— England and Little States. (D. C. Boulger) 19th Cent. 51: 1023. — England, Belgium, and. (Y.) Fortn. 86: 265. — from the Stern of a Boeier. (E. Penfield) Scrib. M. 34= 721- — How the Dutch have taken. (F. D. Hill) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 318, - Land of Windmills. (T. R. Davison) Idler, 29: 155. -- Libraries in. (D. S1nit) Pub. Lib. 9: 389. — The Magenta Village. (E. Penfield) Scrib. M. 40: 25, — Periodical Press of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 185. — University Life in. (J . D. Hoare) Macmil. 91: 189, —— will it be Germanized ? (P. J . Troelstra) National, 45: 401, . Hollingshead, John. Ath. ’O4, 22 523. Holloway, Marion, Riding of. Outing, 45: 594. Holloway College, a Model Women’s College. (C. Ray) Good Words, 43: 636. Holloway Gaol, Prisoners of Hope in. (M. G. F aw- cett) Contemp. 90: 820, Holls, Frederick Wm., with portrait. Colum. Univ. Q. 6: 40. —With portrait. R. of Rs. (N.Y.) 28: 302, Holly, Artistic Use of White. Craftsman, 4: 369. Hollywood, California. Out West, 21: 97. Holman, Silas W., with portrait. (J . R. Freeman) Technol. R. 32 I3. Holmes, B. Lectures. (W. Rice) Dial, 33: 87. Holmes, G., of Roxbury, Mass., and some of his De- scendants. (G. A. Gray) N. E. Reg. 58: 21, 143, 254- Holmes, Oliver W., and Old Ironsides. (J. G. Wil- son) Bookman, 19: 315. — Country Home of. (O. B. Capen) Ctry Life Am. 8: 308. Holmes, 0. W., Judge, with portrait. (E. B. Adams) Green Bag, 15: I. — (G. C. Holt) Indep. 54: 2361, — (S. Reid; G. P. Morris) Indep. 54: 2057, — (A. C. Post) McClure, 19: 523. —With portrait. (G. P. Morris) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 307, —(L_ A, Jones) Am. Law R. 36: 710, — Portrait of. Harv. Grad. M. II: 1, Holmes, Robert, and Spragge, E.; Two Gentlemen Commanders. (W. J . Fletcher) Cornh. 87: 809, Holmes Murder Case, Analysis of. (M. Arnold) Green Bag, 14: 176. Holroyd, Charles, Etcher. M. of Art, 27: 334. — (A. L. Baldry) Studio (Internat.) 21: 283, — Giorgione at Asolo; etching. Art J . 54: 272, Holst, Herman E. von, the Historian, with portrait. (L. Hammond) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29! 321. — (A. B. Hart) Nation, 782 65. —Univ. of Chic. Rec. 8: 153, Holst, Lauritz, Danish Marine Painter. (E. Staley) Studio (Internat.) 21: 122, Holtzmann, Heinrich Julius, with portrait. (P. Carus) Open Court, 16: 257, Holtzmann, Ludwig. (G. H. Bryan) Nature, 74: 569. Holub, Emil. Geog. J. 19: 517. Holy City, Gold in the. (A. Goodrich) Good Words, 47: 62. Holy Cross Abbey, Tipperary County, Ireland. Gent. M. n. s. 771 622. Holy Edict of K’ang-Hi, The. (P. Carus) Monist, I4: 733- Holy Grail, Quest of the. (E. A. Abbey) Harper, I05: 525- — Legend of the. (W. W. Newell) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I52 54. —- (W. H. Withrow) Meth. R. 62: 253, Holy Places in the East, Permanence of Religion at. (W. M. Ramsay) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 454, HOLY Holy Shroud, The, and the Verdict of History. Month, 101: 17, 162. Holy Spirit, Authority of. (A. E. Thomson) Bib. Sac. 63: 427, — How can we determine the Guidance of the ? (N. M. Hall) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 12: 195. Holyoake, George Jacob. (N. O. Nelson) Char. 16: 329. ——-(H. Vivian) Econ. J. 16: 161,- With por- trait. (E. Douglas Shields) World To-da‘y, 10: 436. — Bygones worth remembering. Ath. ’05, I2 282. —- (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 47: 156. — Outl. 81: 8". Holydke, Mass. (F. Quigley) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 386. —- Water Power Co. vs. City. (C. W. Wright) Q. J . Econ. 171 342. — (A. D. Adams) Q. J. Econ. 171 64.1- Holz, Arno, and Walt Whitman. (Amelia von Ende) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 2: 61, V Home, Daniel Dunglas, the Spiritual Medium. (A. Lang) Cornh. 89: 477. Home, The, and the School. (F. T. Carlton) Educa. 26: 209. . —— and the Workshop. (V. R. Markham) 19th Cent. ' 582 "70. — the Edonomic Value of. (C. M. Hill) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 408. — Education for the. (O. Crisman) Arena, 30: 401. —Evolution of the. (Marcus Reed) Liv. Age, 250: 419- - A Father’s View of the. Indep. 61: 911. — Gilman on. (E. Granger) Dial, 36: 260, —Horror of. Spec. 88: 833. I Ecl. M. 139: 474, : Liv. Age, 234: 443, — The Ideal. (Joy W. Dow) World’s Work, 10: 6399. — Origin and Development of Love of. (L. D. Ar- nett) Pedagog. Sem. 9: 324. — Passing of the, in Great American Cities. (Char- lotte P. Gilman) Cosmopol. 38: 137. — Planning of a. Craftsman, I, no. 5: 48. —— Selection of a. (C. A. Martin) Cosmopol. 34! 545. —— Selection of the Site. Ctry Life Am. 7: 615. Home in the Virginia Mountains, 810,000, (F, M, Boteler) Ctry Life Am. 8: 613. Home, Wisconsin; an Experiment in Anarchy. (E. E. Slosson) Indep. 55: 779. Home Acres; a poem. (R. W. Gilder) Atlan. 92: 230, Home across the Way, A; an Occult Story. (L. W. Eldredge) Arena, 28: 524, Home Colony, A. (U. Sinclair) Indep. 60: 1401. Home-coming of Byrd Forebush; a story. (A. Mac- Gowan) Munsey, 30: 397. Home-coming of Gunga Bishun. Blackw. I71: 173. : Ecl. M. I392 36.-_—Liv. Age, 233: 436, Home-coming of Vincent Brooke. (H. Clifford) Cornh. 89: 330. Home-culture Clubs. (L. P. Powell) Booklover’s M. 5: 381.—-(G. W. Cable) World-’s \Vork, 12: 8110, Home Life that is Helpful in School Education. Ed- uca. 24: 439. Home—made, Things that are. (M. E. Robinson) Gent. M. n. s. 721 385. Home-making in a Model Flat. (M. Kittredge) Char. 15: 176. - Home Market, Manufacturers and the. (E. D. Jones) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: I. Home Provided, A. (Louise H. Adams) Lippinc. 75: 361, Home Rule, Fortunes of. (A. Webb) Nation, 74: 304, -—— without Separation. (Sir H. D. Wolff) I9th Cent. 53: 918. Home—rule Charter Movements in Missouri. (James W. S. Peters) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 15 5. 295 HONESTY Home-rule Government, Can Unionist support a ? (A. V. Dicey) Contemp. 89: 247. Home Sketches. (Eliz. H. Gilman) Scrib. M. 352 323. Home Study. (E. C. Broome) Educa. 232 37!. —— Hygiene of. (W. H. Burnham) Pedagog. Sem. 12: 213, Home Trade, Fallacy of. (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 81: 1 73. Home Worship. (Charlotte P. Gilman) Indep. 61: 788, Homer and his Age, Lang’s. Spec. 97: 1046. — and his Commentators. Ed. R. 201: 189. — and Sociology. (A. D. Keller) Am. J . Sociol. 9: 37. — Hymns, ed. by T. W. Allen and E.E. Sikes. Spec. 93= 54- — Iliad and Odyssey, Roberts’s. (T. D. Seymour) Nation, 74: 488. — — Spencer on. (A. C. Barrows) Dial, 371 5. — The Mother of Navies; Mediterranean History in the Homeric Poems. (T. A. Cook) F ortn. 82: 912. — Odyssey, XIII.—XXIV., Monro’s. Ath. ’02, I2 I72. — — Berard’s Phoenicians and the. (T. D. Seymour) Nation, 76: 155, 456, --—— on the Stage. (D. G. Hogarth) Monthly R. 6, no. 3: I42. — — Sea-power and. (W. M. Fullerton) Cornh. 87: 245. — -— Translated by J . W. Mackail. (A. Lang) Chaut. 43: 163. — Traces of Revelation in. Q, 29: 356. Homer, Winslow, Artist. (F. W. Morton) Brush & P. 10: 40.—Critic, 46: 323. — Crayon Studies by. (VV. W. Cole) Brush & P. 11: (W. M. Drum) Am. Cath. 271, -— Exponent of Design in Painting. (F. Fowler) Scrib. M. 33: 638. — Marine Paintings. (C. H. Caffin) Critic, 431 548. Homer tries a Rest Cure. (S. Ford) Outing, 48: 578. Homeric Knowledge of the High North. (K. Blind) Monthly R. 24, no. 23 121. Homeric Question, Latest Lights on the. Quar. I99: 245- Homeric Society, Keller on. School R. 10: 412. Homes, Aboriginal American. (G. W. James) Crafts- man, 8: 459, 640, 781, — Artistic, at Small Expense. Baz. 40: 723. — Cottage, The Firvale Union. (A. N. Lincoln) Chain 15: 116. -— for the Workmen. Homesick Soul, A. (Martha Cutler) Harp. Craftsman, 8: 106, (J. Golay) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 31. Homicide, Effects of Immigration on, in American Cities. (M. Shipley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 160, - in New Hampshire. (Harry G. Nutt) Am. Statis. Assoc. 91 220. — of the Hopelessly Ill, Shall we legalize it ? Outl. 82: 2 52, Homing of Fissurella and Siphonaria. (M. A. ‘Willcox) Science, n. s. 22! 90. Homing Tides. (E. Macvane) Harper, 111: 859. Homewards. (Amelia Rosselli) Liv. Age, 2441 469.: Ec1.M._144: 538. Homoplasy as a Law of Latent or Potential Homology. (H. F. Osborn) Am. Natural. 35$ 259. Hon. Bill Hicks’s Marriage Competition, The. (P. E. Browne) Munsey, 35: 767. Honduras, British, Ruins of Indian Church in. Am. Antiq. 26: 32. -— Recent Discoveries in. Am. Antiq. 252 49. -—— Ruined_ Cities in. (S. D. Peet) 251 287. Honesty, Business, and Honesty. (O. K. Stuart) Indep. 55= 675- - in Talk; an Unattained Ideal. (U. L. Silberrad) Sund. M. 34: 908, HONEY Honey Harvests, The. (H. F. P. Battersby) Sat. R. 98: 490. Honey Lake Valley, Cal. (C. H. Peterson) Calif. M. 3= 249. Honeymoon, The. (Zona Gale) Cosmopol. 39: 299, Honeymoon in a Canoe, A. (Winifred Fales) Cosmo- pol. 41: 361. Honeymoon Flat, The. (Harvey J . O’Higgins) Every- body’s, I3: 241. Honeysuckles. Rehder’S Synopsis of the Genus Loni- cera. (N. S. Britten) Science, 11. s. 19: 145. Honfleur the Sedate. (J . A. J anvier) Harper, 108: 6 59, Hong Kong. (J . S. Thomson) Canad. M. 19: 485. -—- Administration in. (A. Ireland) Outl. 72: 741. Hongwanji Expedition, 1902-03; Japanese Pilgrimage to the Buddhist Holy Land. (K. Otani) Cent. 501 866, Honolulu, Life in. (B. F. Herrick) Calif. M. It 381. — Library and Reading Room Assoc. (H. L. Hille- brand) Pub. Lib. 91 414. -—- Longitude of. (J . F. Hayford) Science, 11. s. 18: 589. Honor, Financial, Chastity of. (H. Lamont) Nation, 8111 477. — in College Student Life. uca. R. 30: 384. — the Question of -or vs. -our. Harper, I10: 187. —— Widening Sense of. (E. Poole) Outl. 84: 819, Honor of Authorship, The. (Mary Morrison) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 601. Honor of Daud Khan, The; a story. Blackw. I79: 524. Honor of a Family, The; a story. (Noah Brooks) Californian, 4: 365. Honor of Sexton Maginnis. (M. F. Egan) Cent. 49: 212. Honor System iif American Colleges. vens) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68! I76. — (W. DeWitt Hyde) Nation, 83: 412.—‘ (E. S. Joynes) Nation, 83: 259. — in College and out. (F. G. Allinson ; E. S. Joynes) Nation, 831 458. ~ -—- in South Carolina. Honorable Artillery Company of London. Lovell) New Eng. M. 11. s. 29: I37. — in Boston, Oct., 1903. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 241. Honorable Lige, The, and the Cigarette Law. (L. Scott) Cosmopol. 40: 54, Hooch, Pieter de. Life, Works, and Bibliography. Mast. in Art. 32 pt. 29. (C. Alphonso Smith) Ed- (T. R. Lounsbury) (E. L. Green) Nation, 82: 117, (A. T. Hood, Robin. (E. Brabr'ook) Antiq. n. s. 42: 208, 263, “ Hoodoo’s ” Mine, The. (J . M. F ullom) Overland, n. s. 45: 382. Hood’s Wood Violet. (C. B. Loomis) Lippinc. 77: 589, Hook, Theodore. (S. H. N. St. Cyres) Cornh. 89: 77, Hooker, Justice, The Case of. (H. Lamont) Nation, 80: 64. Hooker, Katharine, with portrait. Lamp, 27: 58, Hooker, Richard, a Statesman of the English Church. (H. S. Nash) Am. J. Theol. 7: 563. Hooliganism, How to put down. (R. Anderson) 19th Cent. 52: I3. Hooper, Bishop. Visitation of Gloucester, 1551. (J . Gairdner) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 98, Hooper, Franklin W., with portrait. (H. Macmahon) World To-day, I0: 194, Hoosac Tunnel. (E. P. Pressy) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 117. -> Hoosick Junction. Hop Garden, A California. land, 11. s. 45: 325. Hop-picking in Kent as Sport. Sat. R. I00: 336. — in N. Y. (C. G-~Brainard) Ctry Life Am. 6: 342. —- Pleasanton Valley, Cal. (O. Willi) Out West, 19: Atlan. 982 427. (Janet MacDonald) Over- 15 5 . Hope, Anthony. See Hawkins, Anthony H. 296 (W. Le C. Ste-_ HORSE Hope, Sir Thomas, Diary of. (J . Colville) Soot. Hist. R. an 423- Hope. (A. Bierbower) Chant. 40: 5 57. -— as a Factor in Religion. (G. Tyrrell) Cath. World, 82: 19". Hopedale, lYlass. (L. G. Nilson) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 487. Hopi Ceremonial Frames from Arizona. (J . W. - Fewkes) Am. Anthropol. 8: 664, —- from Cafion de Chelly, Arizona. (J . W. F ewkes) Am. Anthropol. 8: 664, Hopi Indian Composer, A11. 626, _ Hopi Indians. (L. Akin) Craftsman, 10: 314. — Festivals of, Minor. (J . W. F ewkes) Am. Anthro- pol. 42 482. — Worship of, Sky-god Personations in. (J . W. F ewkes) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I 5: I4. Hopi Pueblos, Sun’s Influence on the Form of. (J . W. F ewkes) Am. Anthropol. 8: 88. Hopi Shrines near the East Mesa, Arizona. F ewkes) Am. Anthropol. 8: 346. Hopkins, Albert, and Williamstown. New Eng. M. 31: 665. Hopkins, Esek, Commodore, with portrait. Griffin) Booklover’s M. 6: 574. Hopkins, Henry, President of VVilliams College. Outl. 70: 514. Hopkins, Rev. John, Welsh Rector of the Last Cen- tury. (E. A. Parry) Cornh. 91: 32. Hopkins Seaside Laboratory, The. (E. B. Hoag) Land of Sun. 4: 223. Hopkinson, Francis. (A. R. Marble) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 289, Hopkinson, John, Scientific Papers of. (W. E. Ayrton) Nature, 70: 169. Horace. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 28. —- for English Readers, Wickham’s. Ath. ’O4, 11 39. — (F. P. Nash) Nation, 78: 312. — A Roman Advocate of the Simple Life. Haight) Poet-Lore, 17, no. 11 78. — The Wines of. (G. L. Apperson) Antiq. n. s. 41: 298, Horace Mann School in N. Y. City. field) World’s Work, 10: 6418, Hordern, Lieutenant, Prize Essay of. (E. R. Fre- mantle) Un. Serv. M. 252 242. — (F. T. Jane) Un. Serv. M. 25: 247. Horn, Mrs. B. S. ; Amateur Golf Champion of Amer- ica. Outing, 44: 63. Horn, Cape, A Gale off. (C. G. Davis) Outing, 39: 647. Hornby, Lester G., Sketches by. Studio (Internat.) 27: 122. Horne, C. Silvester, with portrait. Renascence of N onconformity in England. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 710. Horniman Free Museum, London. Studio (Internat.) 15: 196. Horopter, On the. (G. T. Stevens) Psychol. R. 11: 186. Horrors too Public. Sat. R. 100: 395. Horse, American Cavalry. (W. E. Ellis) Munsey, 33: (N. Curtis) Harper, 107: (J . W. (Grace G. Niles) (M. I. J . (Eliz. H. (Dorothy Can- -1 31 — Aamerican Saddle-. (C. E. Trevathan) Munsey, 34: 67. —— Ancestry of the. (F. A. Lucas) Idler, 21: 117, - (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 27: 16, —- Arabian, its Present Place and Mission. (H. Daven- port) Ctry Life Am. 10: 428, -—- Army. (B. Purdy) Army &. Navy Life, 8, no. 12: 73- - Buying a. (C. P. Sawyer) Ctry Life Am. 9: 720, 10: 64. -— Destiny of the. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 64: 209, HORSE Horse, Evolution of the. (H. F. Osborn) Nature, 70: 520. —- (W. L. Beasley) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 302. —— — in America. (H. F. Osborn) Cent. 47: 3. — Hans, the Wonderful Thinking, of Berlin. (E. C. Heyn) McClure, 25: 84.—Munsey, 33: 53. — (J. Meehan) Nature, 70: 602, -Spec. 93: 422, -— Harness and Country Turnouts. (B. Purdy) Ctry Life Am. 2: 64, —- Home of the Thorough Bred. (L. G. Giltner) Mun- sey, 27: 105- _ -—— in America. (J . G. Speed) Cent. 44: 667. —— Intelligence of the. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 340. — Later History of the. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 27: 171. — Mental Limitations of the. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 49: 122, —— Mind of a. (H. C. Merwin) Ctry Life Am. 5: 217. —- of the Present and Future. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 119, — Origin of the. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Nature, 70: 5 3. — Packing a. (S. E. White) Outing, 45: 98. — A Reasoning. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 463. — Riding—, The All-around. (B. Purdy) Ctry Life Am. 4: 20, —— Saddle-, Bitting a. -— -— Education of a. 358- — Systematic Training of the. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 344. —Thoroughbred, Genealogy of the. 19th Cent. 59: 58. — — Origin of the. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 307. —-— —- Ridgeway on the. (R. Leydekker) Nature, 37: I25. —Ath. ’06, I: 255, — Trotting-, Training of. (P. Colt) Ctry Life Am. 6: ' 428, — Use and Domestication of. Am. Antiq. 26: 165. — The Wild. Nature, 68: 271. Horse Brasses. (L. Eckenstein) Reliquary, 46: 247. Horse-breeding, English, and Army Remounts. (W. Gilbey) 19th Cent. 55: 974. — for the Empire in Canada. Serv. Inst. 32: 284. -— for the Empire in N. W. Canada. Un. Serv. M. 26: 202, Horse-dealing, Fraud in. I02, Horse-drawn Vehicles, Equipage of the Millionaire. (F. S. Arnett) Munsey, 29: 641. Horse-racing. (B. Purdy) Outing, 43: 96. — American. (F. Trevelyan) Outing, 42: 3. —-— 1903 Outlook. (A. F. Bowers) Outing, 42: 155, —-— and the Public. (L. Scott) World’s Work, 12: 78 (F. M. Ware) Outing, 44: 370. (Philip Colt) Ctry Life Am. 7: (A. H. C. Phillpotts) (W. S. Blunt) (A. F. Chamberlain) (T. B. Strange) J . Mil. (T. B. Strange) (W. P. Pond) Outing, 46: 67. -— Average Day’s Cost of. (R. Bache) Outing, 48: 412, —- Best Horse of the I905 Season. (W. P. Pond) Out- ing. 47= 652- — Delusions of. (D. G. Phillips) Cosmopol. 38: 351. — English, 1903. (F. Trevelyan) Outing, 42: I 59. —- Famous Old-time Races. (R. W. Woolley) Munsey, 32: 286. -—- Grand Circuit in 1904. (T. F. Marsten) Munsey, 32: 421, -— in Canada. (F. Nelson) Canad. M. 19: 230, — in Paris. (V. Thompson) Outing, 42: 561, (C. E. Trevathan) Outing, 43: 361. (Hassard) Outing, 44: 493, (F. Trevelyan) Outing, -— 1903 Season. — Picking Winners. — Racing Seat of the Future. 42: 509- -— Rules of the Turf. (J . F. Marsten) Munsey, 31: 449, —— Scientific. (W. S. Vosburgh) Outing, 41: 31. 297 HORSES Horse-racing; Sport of Kings in America. (J. F. Marsten) Munsey, 28: 161. — Sysonby. (O’N. Sevier) Munsey, 34: 207. —- They ’re at the Post! (J . H. Tuckerman) Outing, 461 439- - Two-minute Trotter, the. (J . F. Marsten) Munsey, 30: 448- Horse Show and the Show Horse. (F. M. Ware) Out- ing, 40: I3- — Breeding Classes. (F. T. Underhill) Outing, 43: 488. —N. Y. 1902. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 41: 520. — (C. B. Davis) Outing, 41: 551, —_ Outdoor. (J . H. Tuckerman) Outing, 44: 569. — Royal Dublin Society. (V. Thompson) Outing, 43: 400, Horse Zebra, Hybrids. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: I52. Horseback Riding. California Saddles and Riding Equipment. (M. C. Frederick) Calif. M. 4: 179. — Cross-saddle for Women. (C. Kittredge) Out West, 21: 28. —- (B. Purdy) Outing, 46: 463, — First Principles of. (J . I. Romer) Ctry Life Am. 5: 281, -— How a Woman learns. Outing, 44: 117. — Learning to ride. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 49: 413. —Loug-distance, in the U. S. Army. (H. Romeyn) Outing, 45: 487. Horse’s Tale, A; a story. 113: 327. 539- Horses, American, for the Philippines. World’s Work, 8: 5299. — American Trotter. (H. Davenport) Outing, 42: (Mrs. W. H. Thompson) (Mark Twain) Harper, (J. G. Steed) 426, -— and Ponies, Multiple Origin of. (J . C. Ewait) N a- ture, 69: 590. — and Rough Riding on the Stage. (B. Bates) Out- ing. 44: I03- -— Approaching Famine of. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 40: 13, — Breeding and preparing Blue Ribbon Show Horses. (F. M. Ware) Ctry Life Am. II: 60. — Champion. (J . F. Marsten) Munsey, 29: 449. ' — Comparison of the European and American Eocene. Science, 11. s. 17: 672. —— Condition in, and how to attain it. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 43: I21. ——-Five—toed. (T. Gill) Science, 11. s. 19: 737. —(K. E. Dopp) Science, 11. s. 20: 20. ——-for Military Purposes, and how to produce them. (H. K. Bush-Brown) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 412. — High-jumping. (J . H. Tuckerman) Outing, 44: 407. — How to acquire “ Hands” on your Horse. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 48: 634, — How to bit your Horse. 507. — How to feed your Horse. 47: 801, -— How to harness, saddle, and bridle your Horse. M. Ware) Outing, 48: 245. -— How to know the Horse you buy. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 47: 505. —- How to train your Colts. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 49: 253- — Irishman and his Horse. (V. Thompson) Outing, 43: 400, — Longeing and training at Obstacles. (Raoul de Gontaut-Biron) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 361 565. 37: 181.363, 537. — of the Future. Spec. 88: 397. — of the German Artillery, Qualities of the. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 489. — Race, Deterioration of American. than) Outing, 44: 623. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 48: (F. M. Ware) Outing, (F. (C. E. Treva- HORSES Horses, Rest-cure for. (H. C. Merwin) Ctry Life Am. ' 6: 254- —— Saddle, Training of. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 44: 7'9- —— ——.2l‘ype in. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 44: 512. —— Stalls and Stabling for. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 471 64,2. -—- Supply of, for India. Sat. R. 93: 227. — — Our Present and Future. (Egerton of Tatton) National, 45: 662. -—- Thoroughbreds of I904. (J. F. Marsten) Munsey, 31: 260. —— Training Thoroughbreds for the Race Track. (W. F. Pond) Outing, 40: 722, —~ Wild, Australian Drive of. (J . F. Hobbs) Outing, as 421- - Work, Parade of. W 535- — Yankee. (H. C. Merwin) Outing, 45: 26. Horseshoe, the. (E. Phillpotts) Outl. 81: 482. Horseshoeing. How to shoe your Horse. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 48: 376. Horseshoes ‘and Horseshoeing, Folk-lore of. Fleming) 19th Cent. 52: 309, —— Etruscan, from Corneto. (W. N. Bates) Am. J . Archeeol. 2d ser. 6: 398, Horsley, John Calcott. Acad. 65: 452. — Spec. 921 20. (Paul R. Foster) World To-day, (G. Horticulture, Commercial, Woman in. (Maggie D. , Brainard) Calif. M. 3: 720. “Horton, The E. A.,” Recapture of. (T. J. Par- tridge) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 636. Horton vs. Packard ; a story. (F. Walworth) Cosmo— pol. 3 5: 667. Hospital needed at a University. 51 I74. — of St. Katherine, The Royal. (W. M. J . Williams) Chamb. J. 82: 510. — The Small, Plea for. Char. 10: 75. — Whitgift, of the Holy Trinity. (A. C. Jonas) An- tiq. n. s. 412 464. . Hospital Accounting. (S. Low) Char. 16: 22, Hospital Finance. (D. C. Murray) Contemp. 88: 794. — (S. Holland) Contemp. 89: 41. Hospital Matron, Memories of a. (E. V. Mason) At- lan. 90: 305, 475. Hospital Needs and Finances. Char. I 5: 212. Hospital Sanitation. (VV. P. Gerhard) Am. Arch. 87: I27. I35- -—_ and Architecture; Bibliography. Am. Arch.8g: 6. Hospital Situation in New York. Char. I21 156. Hospital System on Trial. Char. 11: 267. Hospitality, English vs. American. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 96: 392. Hospitals, Administration of, in the United States. (M. Banfield) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 328. -—- and Medical Schools. (E. J . Prior) Macmil. 92: 139. —- as Pauper-makers. Spec. 97: 8. -—- as Public Charges rather than‘ Private Charities. Sat. R. 97: 6. -—— Bazaar Helps for. Sat. R. 97: 808. -—- Efiiciency of. (W. H. Allen) Am. J. Soc. 12: 298, —- Evolution of. (C. A. Osborne) Pedagog. Sem. 9: 28. — How to build. Am. Arch. 90: 134. —- An Ideal Hospital. (J . Tozier) Archit. Rec. 18: Calif. Univ. Chron. (W. P. Gerhard) 376- — Mediaeval. (E. Speakman) Dub. R. 133: 283. — Mt. Sinai Hospital. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 18: 367. —— Public Conscience and. (F. Tucker) Char. I3: 28 5, — Sanitary Construction of. (A. S. Snell) Am. Arch. 81: 46, 298 HOUSE Hospitals, should not be Dependent on Charity. Sat. R. 101: 744. Hostages to Momus. (O. Henry) Munsey, 33: 466. Hot Springs and Volcanic Phenomena. (E. Suess) Geog. J. 20: 517. — Arkansas, Radio-active Properties of the Waters of. (B. B. Boltwood) Am. J. Sci. 170: 128. Hot Waves. Causation of. (H. M. Watts) J . Frankl. Inst. 153: 285. Hotbeds, Construction and Care of. (J . D. Bennett) Ctry Life Am. 1: 133. Hotel, How a Big, is managed. Chamb. J . 82: 4.05. ———What it ought to be. (Joy W. Dow) World’s Work, 9: 6083. —- Workings of a Modern. Work, 5: 3171. Hotel Acquaintance, An; a story. Temp. Bar, 130: 312, . Hotel Life as a Rest. Sat. R. 972 73. Hotels as Homes. (Lady Grove) Cornh. 86: 380.: Liv. Age, 235: 171. = Critic, 41: 35. I Ecl. M. I39= 744- — — in New York City. 12: 459, 621, — Three New. (A. C. David) Archit. Rec. 17: 167. Houbron, Frederic, Painter. (O. Uzanne) Studio (In- ternat.) I91 31. Houdetot, Madame d’. (A. Laugel) Nation, 77: 422, Houghton-le-Spring, Records of, 1531-1771. (R. W. Ramsey) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 673. Hounds, Following the. (Mary Aldis) World To-day, 11: 1027, Hour and a Half from Jamestown; a story. Thomas) Harper, I04: 815, Hour-glass, The; a Morality. (W. B. Yeats) No. Am. 177: 445- House, The. (A. M. Sholl) Atlan. 981 693. — Aura of a. Spec. 89: 486. -—Building it off the Land. (O. W. Burgess) Ctry Life Am. 6: 518, — built around a Garden. 616. —— How to estimate what it will cost. Ctry Life Am. 8: 634, — Model American. (K. C. Budd) World’s Work, 5: (A. B. Paine) World’s (M. E. Jeifreys) (W. Hutchins) Archit. Rec. (A. E. (P. Colt) Ctry Life Am. 8: (F. C. Brown) 3344- ' — Old English Country, Cropthorne, Worcestershire. Studio (Internat.) 25: 292, —— on a Cliff; Residence of Livingston Jenks. Archit. Rec. 20: 489. —— Outside Finish of a. (E. C. Holtzoper) Ctry Life 7 Am. 9: 57. —— Philosopher who built a. (C. T. Whitefield) Ctry Life Am. 6: 527. -— Planning of a. (E. C. Holtzoper) Ctry Life Am. 8: 619. — Suburban, Plan of a. (H. P. G. Maule) Studio (In- ternat.) I92 94. —— Sea-side, Design for a. (Mabel T. Priestman) Studio (Internat.) 25: xlv, — A Successfully Remodeled. Life Am. 8: 625. —— that can be built for $5500. Am. 9: 48. —— that can really be built for $7500. (J. W. Dow) Ctry Life Am. 9: 317. - — that was really built for $6500. Life Am. 9: 715. House Beautiful, The. (A. H. Gleason) Ctry (J . W. Dow) Ctry Life (S. Stone) Ctry (A. Rehmann) Craftsman, 7: 67. ' Houise Divided, A. (E. M. Tybout) Lippinc. 72: 515, House in Hertfordshire, A. Ecl. M. 142: 156. =Liv. Age. 2391 656‘ " — Coming Battle with. HOUSE House in the Wood; a story. (T. Roberts) Canad. M. 21: 321. House of Cards, A; a Dramatic Episode. (Van T. Sutphe'n) Harper, I09: 901, House of Commons. (L. Irwell) Green Bag, I 5: 269. —- at Work. (M. MacDonagh) Monthly R. 25, no. 1= 54-: Liv- Age. 25K 584- - Enlargement of the. (C. Barry) 19th Cent. 59: 565. -—— Escott on. Ath. ’02, 2: 611. — from -the Inside. (R. Farquharson) Longm. 451 29. — Glimpses of Life in the. (H. Norman) Cent. 46: 3. — How Payment of Members and Reduction of Army Estimates are Possible. Westm. 165: 500. — Impressions of. National, 44: 78. _—‘Ecl. M. 143: 330. I Liv. Age, 243: 108, —- Lessening Power of. Sat. R. 99: 333. —- A Little Cloud like a Man’s Hand. Westm. I66: 628. —— The Lungs of. (H. W. Lucy) Liv. Age, 245: 220. IIEcl. M. 144: 816. -— New. (J . H. Yoxall) Cornh. 93¢ 509.-—(Henry W. Lucy) Blackw. I79: 553. ILiv. Age, 2492 394. -— New Ordeal of the. (T. H. S. Escott) Fortn. 79: 46. — New Rules and Old Circumstances. (H. W. Lucy) 19th Cent. 55: 564. -— Oratory in. (M. MacDonagh) Macmil. 901 I49. — Procedure in. (F. W. Hirst) Indep. R. 7: 224, — Porritt’s Unreformed. (G. M. Wrong) Am. Hist. R. g:_ 565. -— Power of. (A. Mackintosh) Spec. 93: 1005, ——Redistribution. (J. Herlihy), Westm. I63: 237,-— (J . H. Schooling) Fortn. 771 343. -— A Reformed. (P. Barry) Westm. I57: 255. — Regeneration of the. (C. P. Trevelyan) Indep. R. (T. E. J acob) 71 37°- — Review of the Session, 1905. (Viscount Turnour) Cornh. 92: 388. —— Sergeant—at-arms. 1: . --Speaker of. Sat. R. 961 637.——Sat. R. 99: 725.: Eel. M. 142: 211, : Liv, Age, 239: 816, -— Ventilation of. (H. W. Lucy) Cornh. 87: 168, —— Visitors in. (T. H. S. Escott) Chamb. J . 81: 263, — Winning a Seat in. (A. C. F. Boulton) Canad. M. 27: 17. ' House of the Dead Hand; a story. (E. Wharton) Atlan. 94: 145. House of Fulfillment, The; a novel. McClure, 23: 19-641. House of Lords, The. (W. Everett) Atlan. 98: 79o,— (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 477.—(H. Maxwell) 19th.Oent. 60: 1.—-Outl. 84: 957. — and the Country. (Lord Newton) National, 48: (M. MacDonagh) Macmil. n. s. (G. M. Martin) 593- —— and the Future. (C. Trevelyan) Indep. R. 4: 219. — and the Government. (H. Maxwell) 19th Cent. 60: 861. —— as a Legal Tribunal, Frederic Harrison on. Sat. R. 101: 163. — as the Supreme Court of Appeal. Donagh) Monthly R. 25, no. 31 73. -— Case for the. (D. C. Lathbury) Fortn. 85: 557, (H. W. Massingham) Indep. (Michael Mac- R. 11: 254. — in its Judicial Capacity. (L. Irwell) Green Bag, I 5: 567. . — Liberal Party and the. (W. Modlen) Westm. 165: 10, — A New Way with. (J. A. Hobson) Indep. R. 6, no. 3: . -— A Night in the. (M. MacDonagh) Monthly R. 24, no. 1: 66.=Liv. Age, 250: 465. — The Opposition in. Liv. Age, 248: 819, 299 l HOUSEKEEPING House of Lords, Past, Present, and Future. (VV. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 593. — Question of. (H. L. Eccles) Canad. M. 26: 521, — Replenishing the. (W. V. Roberts) Chamb. J . 81 : 91. House of Mercy, A. (J ennette Lee) Scrib. M. 342 754. House of Mirth, The. (Edith Wharton) Scrib. M. 37: 19-469. 38: 81-615. House of Representatives, Treaty-making Power of. (C. Robinson) Yale R. 12: 191, House of the Terraces, The. (A. Colton) Harper, 111: 83. House of Worship, Proper and Improper Deportment in. (E. H. Dornbloser) Luth. Q. 32: 163. House on Fayette Street, The. (Jane Belfield) Lip- pinc. 77: 103. House on the Uplands, The. (A. B. De Mille) Indep. 54; 1701. House with Many Doors, The. Se)’, 34: 339- House with the Tree ; a story. (J . S. Clouston) Blackw. I76: 653. House—boat, Charm of the. (S. Crowther, jr.) Munsey, 351 527- House-boat Cruiser. Am. 8: 175. House—boats. (V. M. Pierce; Clay Emery) Ctry Life Am. 4: 122. ' — Life in, on the Mississippi. (C. Johnson) Outing, 46: 81, —~ on Ainerican Waters. Ctry Life Am. 10: 187, House-breakers in the Alps; a story. (D. G. H. G.) Cornh. 94: 381, House Decoration; Color in the House. (W. A. Dyer) Craftsman, 2: 304, —- A House and Home. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 2: 242. —- Interior, Scottish. (W. R. Watson) Studio (Inter- nat.)18: 104. — Ornament in the House. (S. Howe) Craftsman, 3: 85 . —— Visit to House of Mr. Stickley. (S. Howe) Crafts- man, 3: 161. House Design, A Craftsman. (H. Ellis) Craftsman, 4: 269 (A. McC. Sholl) Mun- (F. L. Humphreys) Ctry Life House Mottoes. (H. N. E.) National, 45: 276. House-tents in California. (H. L. Jones) Out West, 20: 237, Household, Passing of the. (Goldwin Smith) Indep. 591 422- Household Budgets Abroad; Australia. Wise) Cornh. 90: 631, —- Canada. (J . N. McIlwraith) Cornh. 90,: 806. — France. (M. B. Betham-Edwards) Cornh. 90: 336. —— Germany. (Mrs. A. Sidgwick) Cornh. 90: 87. —— Italy. (L. Villari) Cornh. 90: 467. — United States. (Mrs. Ruth K. Gardiner) Cornh. 90: 18 (Mrs. B. R. 1. Household Employees. (I. R. Wallach) Cosmopol. 3 5: 6 Household Interruptions vs. Literary Immorality. (C. B. Loomis) Critic, 46: 461, Housekeeper’s Responsibility. (J . S. Klink) Atlan. 95: 372- Housekeeper’s Story. (E. K. Marble) New Eng. M. n. s. 27! 744. Housekeeping and the National Well-being. (C. Jack- son) 19th Cent. 58: 298. ’ — Changes in. (E. Hadwen) Chamb. J . 80: 632. -—— Co-operative. (C. T. Herrick) Munsey, 31: 185. —- English and American. (M. E. L. Addis) Lippinc. 71: 68. — for the Rich. (Emily Harrington) Everybody’s, 14: 497- Housekeeping, How I lightened our. wood) Indep. 591 I337. (Laura C. Rock- HOUSEKEEPING Housekeeping, in France. (M. B. Betham-Edwards) Cornh. 891 367. —- in Miniature. Craftsman, 4: 192, -— Old and New. (Marion Talbot) World To-day, 92 1307, Houses, Architectural Designs for. (A. Mitchell) Stu- dio (Internat.) I8: 179, — Best House to live in. (J. W. Dow) World’s Work, 7: 4290. —— Big, The Vanity of. (J. Burroughs) Cosmopol. 411 89. —- Construction of Important Features of. (E. C. Holtzoper) Ctry Life Am. 8: 431, -- for Workingmen, The Rothschild, in Paris. F rantz) Studio (Internat.) 28: 115. —- Modern. (T. R. Davison) Idler, 24: 507, 638, 783. 30: 78. — The New New York House. Rec. I91 83. -- Old, in the Cotswold District. Antiq. n. s. 41: 106. -- — in Jefferson Co., N. Y. (C. de Kay) Archit. Rec. 20: 103. — Plans and Illustrations of. Archit. Rec. 11: 2 3-112, —- Plastered. (C. Bragdon) Archit. R. 11: 21, Housewife, The; a Story retold from the French of Nicholas de Caen. (J. B. Cabell) Harper, 113: 355, Housewifery, Teaching of, in the London School Board. (M. A. Hood) Char. 15: 897, Housewives, Some 17th-Century. (Lady Violet Gre- ville) 19th Cent. 58: 796.=Liv. Age, 248: 293. Housing and Social Conditions in a Slavic Neighbor- hood. (M. B. Sayles) Char. 13: 257. —— Co-partnership in. (H. Vivian) Econ. R. 16: 76, — Experience of the Question. (N. G. Pierson) Indep. R. 2: 3. — for Workers ; Bourneville Village Experiment. (Lyra D. Trueblood) Arena, 34: 449. — Home Truths about. (C. G. Hay) National, 39: 111. —- in Boston. (R. E. Miles) Char. I7: 96. -— in London, Booth on. Indep. R. 2: I. —— in the Smaller Municipalities. (C. J. Allen) Char. 14: 717. —— Lessons from Germany. (H. (M. Schuyler) Archit. (T. G. Horsfall) Indep. R. 4: I. —— Municipal. Am. Arch. 85: I01. —— — in Germany. (K. Biicher) Munic. Aif. 6: 167. —— A Neglected Phase of the Problem. (R. H. Knorr) Arena, 30: 420, — of Cambridge, Eng. (H. Cayley) Econ. R. 14: 413. — of City Masses. (E. R. L. Gould) Internat. Q. 10: 349. — of Employees, Cadbury’s Experiment in. (A. L. Diggsl) Cosmopol. 35: I90. —- of Large Families, How Paris provides for. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 312, — of the People. (E. Ansell) Westm. 159: 523, —- of the Poor. (B. Taylor) Fortn. 84: 904. —Problem of. (W. Smart) Econ. J. I4: 527. — (B. Taylor) Temp. Bar, 125: 605, —- .-— Co-operation as a Factor in. Econ. R. 12: 129, — -— The Evicted English. Monthly R. 15, no. 1: 49, — —~ in American Cities. (L. Veil] er) Ann. Am. Acad. (H. W. Wolff) (W. Evans-Gordon) Pol. Sci. 25: 248. -— — Local Authorities and the, in 1901. (L. Fisher) Econ. J. 12: 263, —- —— Municipal Aspects of. (B. Taylor) Monthly R. 18, no. 3: I13. — Question of. (B. Taylor) Temp. Bar, 131: 693, -— Rural; a Lesson from Ireland. temp. 82: 401, -- Town Problem of. (Lettice Fisher) Econ. J. I 5: 23_ (G. Slater) Con- 300 HOW Housing Conditions in Jersey City. (M. B. Sayles) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: supp, Housing Problem facing Congress. _ (R. T. Ely) Char. 12: 161. - —- in England. (B. Meakin) Char. 10: 592. — in Los Angeles. (B. B. Stoddart) Char. 15: 295, Housing Question, The. (Sir S. G. Johnson) Econ. R. 14: 178, — in Germany. Am. Arch. 88: 87, -— in London. Sat. R. 95: 222. —— — in 1903. (F. Thomasson) Westm. 159: 251. Housing Reform in Germany. Am. Arch. 82: 60, — Rural, in England. (T. B. Phillips) J. Soc. Arts, 52: 410, Housman, Laurence. Bethlehem. (C. St. John) Critic, 42: 136. —— Reply to Critics. (L. Housman) Critic, 42: 141. — (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 76: 49. Houston, Sam. (E. Hough) Outing, 43: 572. —— and his Battles. (C. T. Brady) McClure, 18: 5 55. —— and Secession. (C. A. Culberson) Scrib. M. 39: 584. — A Conversation with. Assoc. Q. 3: 279. (J. H. Reagan) Texas Hist. How, F. D. Six Great Schoolmasters. Ath. ’05, I: 102. How the American Boy is educated. Chaut. 40: 5 58. 41: 158. How the Baby held up Two Armies. (Mary G. Hum- phreys) Scrib. M. 36: 342, How the Barlows took it. (S. Ford) McClure, 25: 250. How the Bill went through. (G. Brinton) New Eng. M. n. s. 388. How Caldwell “ made Good.” ton’s M. 8: 693. How Condy Dhu raised the Devil. Lippinc. 761 722. How Cyclone Bill got his Religion. (V. Sheard) Canad. M. 26: 374. How the Deal turned out; a story. ins. 4°= 285- How Ebenezer entertained. M. n. s. 28: 181. How the Fairies came to Ireland ; a story. pleton) McClure, I9: 369. How I frustrated a Burglar. New Eng. M. n. s. 321 343. How I governed Buffalokraal. Contemp. 81: 516, 667. How I saw the Assassin. Liv. Age, 251: 494, How it ended. (C. R. Lichfield) Macmil. n. s. 1: 220, = Liv. Age, 248: 428, How it ends with Friends. M, 31: 631. How it struck a Contemporary. (J. A. Spender) Fortn. 84: 45. How John Eastlake was cured. Eng. M. n. s. 27: 417, How Jones got his Revenge. (Alfred Stoddart) Lip- rim 76= 349- How Lady Gowan was entertained; a story. (J. Cooper) McClure, 20: 104, How Lalavoine won the Cross. Chamb. J. 83: 705. How Lawyer Shakelby went Eavesdropping. Silberrad) Outl. 80: 637, How long halt ye ? (G. L. Dickinson) Indep. R. 5: 27. (H. S. Johnson) Apple- (S. MacManus) (A. Stoddart) Out- (A. E. Allen) New Eng. (H. Tem- (G. Evelyn Fischer) (Charles Warren) Scrib. (A. L. Sykes) New (A. W. Arnold) (U. L. How. Mary M’Gillivray’s Cow ate the Piper. Chamb. J. 80: 399. How Mr. Crow did Mr. Gull. (J. S. Thomson) Good Words, 45: 723. How Miss Turkington did not see Queen Victoria. (S. MacManus) Lippinc. 72: 361. How Morag found her Lad. Liv. Age, 232: 299. .II()lNT How the Mysterious Ten came to celebrate Christmas. (I. D. Allen) Outl. 75: 955. How Number Four was saved. mopol. 33: 684. How the Pawnee captured the Cheyenne Medicine Ar- rows. (G. A. Dorsey) Am. Anthropol. 5: 644. How Placide won the Capital Prize. (F. Lynde) Lip- pinc. 731 115. How the Prince saw America; a story. (Susan K. Glaspell) Am. M. 62: 276. How the Prince was saved, Antwerp, I582. (Dora G. McChesney) Cornh. 91: 513.-_-Eel. M. 145: 168.: Liv. Age, 245: 668. How the Professor reduced Love-making to an Exact Science. (J . Blethen) Lippinc. 73: 491. How Putz lost his Job. (M. B. Corse) Lippinc. 71: (Ara I. Shane) Cos- 719- How the “ Saint John ” came Home. (VV. V. Cook) Chamb. J. 81: 477. How “ Sandy Claws” treated Pop Baker. (E. C. Waltz) Cent. 45: 230, How Santa Claus came to Cape St. Anthony. (W. T. Grenfell) Putnam, I: 331. How she learnt her Lesson; a story. Gent. M. n. s. 68: 170, How she saved the General; a I/Var Story. Jarnette) McClure, 18: 571, How she settled it. (Kate G. Wells) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 661. How Snoopie broke up the Circus. Cent. 48: 892. How the Thing was Managed. (L. C. Hopkins) Apple- ton’s M. 8: 30. How the Village paid the Debt. Liv. Age, 247: 341, How we caught the Burglar. land, 11. s. 46: 123, How Westport got Three-cent Fares. (J . McA. Palmer) McClure, 25: 66. How William got his Fling. 76: 331. Howard, Newman ; a New English Poet. (J . B. Gilder) Bookman, 16: 30. ——- Savonarola; a City’s Tragedy. Sat. R. 97: 432. Howe, Elias. (G. F. Hoar) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 356. Howe, Joseph, Colonial Imperialist. (Emily P. Wea- ver) Good Words, 46: 295. - —- his Homes and Haunts. (Emily P. Weaver) Canad. M. 25: 195. Howe, Julia Ward, with portrait. (J . Realf, jr.) Calif. M. 3: 470. — (G. IV. Cooke) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 3. —- (Maud Howe) Out]. 78: 293. Howe, Timothy Otis, with portrait. Green Bag, I 5: 509, Howe, William, Lord; his Victory. Blackw. I72: 99. Howell, James. His Reader’s Friend. (Agnes Rep- plier) Atlan. 98: 644, Howells, William D. (Minnie B. Phelps) Californian, 1: 42.—With portrait. (J. Realf, jr.) Calif. M. 3: 307. —- (Mark Twain) Harper, I13: 221, — as a Critic. (Brander Matthews) Forum, 32: 629, —— Heroines of Fiction. Ath. ’O2, I2 30!. —-— Liv. Age, 232: 760. —- in England. Spec. 95: 810. — The Kentons. Latest Novels of Howells and James. (Harriet W. Preston) Atlan. 91: 77. — Literature and Life. Acad. 63: 553. — (J . P. Mow- bray) Critic, 42: 21,—(E. E. Hale, jr.) Dial, 33: (L. Seabright) (E. M. De (E. L. Sabin) Macmil. 92: 285. = (Ethel L. Preble) Over- (Ella M. Tybout) Lippinc. (D. Mowry) 323- — Lowell’s Appreciation of. (V. P. Franklin) Meth. R, 62: 112, — on Love and Literature. (A. S. van Westrum) Lamp, 28: 27, ~ EH01 HUGHES Howells, William D., Poetry of, with portrait. (R. Arthur) Booklover’s M. 2: 569. —Ath. ’o3, 1: 393. — A Point of View. (E. L. Cary) Lamp, 29: 597. — Son of Royal Langbrith. (E. S. Chamberlayne) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 3: 144, Howes, George Bond. (W. N. P.) Nature, 7B 419. Howze Case, The. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 77: 354. Hrdlika. (Maximilian Foster) Everybody’s, 14: 798. Hsi-an-Fu, Ancient Christian Monument of. (C. F. Aiken) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 175, Huanuco, Ruins of. (R. Enock) Geog. J . 26: 1 5 3. Hubbard Memorial Building, The. Nat. Geog. M. 13: 174. Hubbell, Henry S. (A. Hoeber) Cent. 48: 635. -— (Lucy F. Perkins) World To-day, II: 1139, Huchen, The; a New Fish for the Thames. (VV. B. Boulton) National, 462 506. Huchown’s “ Morte Arthure,” and Annals of 1346-64. (G. Neilson) Antiq. n. s. 33: 73, 229. Huculs, Notes on the. Folk-Lore, I6: 48, Hudson, Henry, Navigator. (W. J . Fletcher) Macmil. 92: 111. — (T. A. Janvier) Cosmopol. 351 603. 36: 9°- ——The Great Seaman of the North. (G. Johnson) Canad. M. 18: 514, —- Tercentennial of. (J . W. Guthrie) Munsey, 30: 67 5. Hudson, W. H. ; an Appreciation. (E. Garnett) Acad. 62: 632, — Purple Land. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 98: 695. Hudson Bay, The Awakening of. (R. W. Wilson) Chamb. J. 83: 721. — Canada’s Undeveloped Empire.‘ World To-day, 62 65. — Is it a Closed Sea? A New Anglo-American Dis- pute. (P. T. McGrath) No. Am. 177: 883. — Whaling in. (P. T. McGrath) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 188, Hudson Bay Fur Company and the French Raiders. Gamesters of the Wilderness. (A. C. Laut) Har- per, 112: 768, Hudson River, The. (M. Van Vorst) Harper, 110: 543- — Gates of the. (C. M. Skinner) Cent. 50: 665, —Harnessed. (T. C. Martin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: I99- —- in Stage-coach Days. (R. P. H. Vail) Outl. 80: 489. — Literary Associations of. (E. M. Bacon) Critic, 41: 221, -— New York and. Am. 181: 801, — Submarine Great Canyon of. (J . W. Spencer) Am. J. Sci. 169: 1. “—“Geog. J. 25: 180, —' Views of. (V. H. Bailey) Everybody’s, 12: 755, Hudson River Indian Language, A Tale in. (J. D. Prince) Am. Anthropol. 7: 74. Hudson River Tunnel, Unrecorded Adventure in the Construction of. (H. A. Bruce) Cent. 45: 40. Hudsonite, Amphibole, previously called a Pyroxene. (S. Weidman) Am. J. Sci. 165: 227. Huebner, Baron, Diary of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 78: 450.468. —- Souvenirs of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 791 3 52, 39!. Hugh Maguire, V. C. Sund. M. 33: 209. Hughes, Charles E., with portrait. (R. H. Graves) Am. M. 611 2I6.——(G. W. Schurman) Indep. 61: 779. -— With portrait. McClure, 26: 220. -— (E. Wardman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 551. — (Daniel T. Pierce) World To-day, 9: 1173. —— and the Contest in New York State. No. Am. 183: 897, — and Jerome, William Travers. Everybody’s, I 5: 473. — A Character Study. Outl. 84: 404. (H. James) Fortn. 84: 976.-':No. (C. Johnston) (F. H. Simonds) HUGHES Hughes, Charles E., the Leading Figure in the Insur- ance Investigation. Outl. 81: 458, -—- the Pilot of the Insurance Investigation. sell) Green Bag,~'17: 633. Hughes, Hugh Price. (H. W. Horwill) Meth. R. 63: 345. —(J. B. Young) Meth. R. 65: 419. Hughes, Talbot, VVork of. (Ernest Radford) Art J . 56: 92. Hugo, Victor. (F. Coppée) Critic, 46: 162. -Ed. R. 196: 156.—-(G. K. Chesterton) Pall Mall M. 26: 561. —— With portraits. (F. Weitenkampf) Bk. Buyer, 25: 45. -— (H. Lynch) Acad. 62: 197.—(H. C. Macdowall) Macmil. 85: 31 I. — (H. Ellis) F ortn. 77: 217.:-‘Eel. M. 138: 618.=Liv. Age, 232: 72-8. -- and Juliette Drouet. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 46: 509. -— as a Writer. (V. Wilker) Meth. R. 62: 412. -—Centenary of. Dial, 32: 141. -- (F. C. De Sumi- chrast) Nation, 74: 247.—(R. Allier) Indep. 54: 489. —(K. West) Outl. 70: 277.-—Liv. Age, 233: 1. —— Centennial Address on. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 70: 615, -—- Drawings of. (H. Frantz) Studio (Internat.) 22: 38. -- Duty of the Hour as viewed by. (“Lebendig”) Arena, 33: 70. -— Fame of. (G.*M. Harper) Atlan. 89: 236. -— House of, in Paris. (A. Schinz) Nation, 77: 522. -— Les Burgraves. (C. E. Meetkerke) Gent. M. 11. s. 68: 266. -—- - and “With Fire and Sword.” A Comparison. (S. G. Ayers) Meth. R. 66: 600, -— -- Unwritten Chapter of. (P. Chenay) Lippinc. 71: 207, — Message to his People. (A. B. Cooke) Sewanee, I0: 129, ' -—Museum. Lamp, 27: 59. -— The Novelist. (M. Levi) Forum, 33: 499. -— On Taste. Sat. R. 93: 456. ~ Plays of. (C. M. Hamilton) Sewanee, 11: 169. — Poem to. (H. van Dyke) Scrib. M. 31: 581, -— £ecollections of. (B. Teeling) Cath. World, 75: 52. -— uy Blas, acted in London. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 230. — -- Character of. (J . D. Bruner) Sewanee, 14: 306. -— A Pictorial Review. (F. Weitenkampf) Bk. Buyer, (L. Rus- 25= 49- -——Visit to. (Helene Vacaresco) Contemp. 86: 32,: Liv. Age, 242: 496.: Ecl. M. 143: 548. Huichol Indians of Mexico. Soc. Bull. 35: 79. Hull, England, Sieges of, during the Great Civil War. (E. Broxap) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 457. Hull, Mass., Naming of. (A. Matthews) N. E. Reg. 59: I77- Hull House. (M. F. Washburne) Craftsman, 6: 570. —— Labor Museum of. Chant. 38: 60. Hull House Play, A. (M. C. Jenison) Atlan. 98: 83, Hull Merchants’ Marks. (T. Sheppard) Antiq. n. s. ' 38: 268, 307. . Hull River, An Unpublished Map of, dated 1668. (T. Sheppard) Antiq. n. s. 38: 149, Hulton, Ann ; an 18th-Century Lady and her Impres- sions. (E. R. Jones) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 195, Human Bone Instruments (R. Quick) Reliquary, 42: Human Breed, Possible Improvement of, under Exist- ing Conditions of Law and Sentiment. (F. Galton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 218. Human Documents. Good Words, 472 33. Human Fertility, Decline of. (A. Newsholme and T. H. C. Stevenson) J . Statis. Soc. 69: 34. Human Form, and its Part in the Philosophy of the New Church. N. Church R. 10: 343. 302 (C. Lumholtz)Am. Geog. - HUMMING—BIRD Human Nature. (K. C. Thurston) Everybody’s, 12: 8 Human Remains, Fossil, found near Lansing, Kansas. (W. H. Holmes) Am. Anthropol. 4: 743. Human Sacrifice in Italy in 1841. (E. C. van Sittart) Antiq. n. s. 42: 46 —— Mexican. (C. H. Toy) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I8: 173. Human State, The. (F. Carrel) Monthly R. 24, no. 3: 125 Human Telephonic Exchange. (Emma M. Caillard) Contemp. 87: 393. Humanism. (A. W. Moore) Monist, I42 747. -- and Truth. (W. James) Mind, 29: 457. -——Prof. James on. (H. W. B. Joseph) Mind, 30: 23 ; (W. James) 190. —— as a Religion. (R. Christie) Contemp. 88: 683. = Ecl. M. 146: 49. —- Christianity and. Church Q. 53: 376. — Is it a Philosophical Advance? (S. H. Mellone) Mind, 30: 507. — F. C. S. Schiller on. (A. Sidgwick) Mind, 29: 262. -— (W. James) Nation, 78: 175. —.- The Worlds of Salimbene. (H. Osborn Taylor) Internat. Q. 12: 89, Humanists, Joint Meeting of, at Ithaca, 1906. (T. D. Seymour) Nation, 82: 32. Humanitarianism, Past and Present. (F. T. Carlton) Internat. J . Ethics, 17: 43. Humanities, The. (I. Babbitt) Atlan. 892 770. —— The Newer. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 75: 341. Humanity measured by Jesus Christ. (D. Macfadyen) Contemp. 86: 190, Humbert, King of Italy. (S. Brooks) No. Am. 176: 2 46. Humbert, Therese, Parisian Embezzler, with portrait. Idler, 22: 3. —Acad. 63: I36. —(J. F. Macdonald) Sat. R. 96: 265, — Trial of. (A. E. Pillsbury) Green Bag, I 5: 463. —— A Visit to. Cornh. 88: 526. Humbert—Daurignac—Crawford Swindle. and S. Dewey) Idler, 22: 5-536, Humble Petition and Advice, Failure of, 16 5 7-58, (C, H. Catterall) Am. Hist. R. 9: 36. Humbling of Harriet, The. (M. Ashmun) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 173. Humboldt, Alexander von, A Letter of, 1845. Hist. R. 7: 704. Humboldt, William von, and Charlotte Hildebrand. Californian, 4: 526. Humboldt County, Cal. (W. Ayres) Out West, 24: 559. Hume, David, Education of. (L. F. Snow) Sewanee, 10: 207, -- His Contribution to the Historical Method. Sabine) Philos. R. 15: 17, — Naturalism of. (N. Smith) Mind, 30: 149, 334, — Philosophy of, A Neglected Point in. (W. P. Mon- tague) Philos. R. 14: 30. -— vs. Kant. (W. Meyer) Monist, 16: 461, Humes, Pres. Thomas W., with portrait. (T. C. Karns) Univ. of Tenn. Rec. 1: 211, Humfrey, John, a Last Century Tourist. (C. C. Os- borne) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 157. Humidity. Science, n. s. 16: 953. Humility, The New. (Gilbert K. Chesterton) Indep. R. g: 292, -‘Liv. Age, 250: 102, Hummel, John James. Nature, 66: 520. ‘ Hummelauer, Father de, and the Hexateuch. Howlett) Dub. R. 133: 103. Humming-bird, The. (E. Grinnell) Craftsman, 7: 713. —- In the Land of. (J. A. Dowling) Month, 103: 373. — Nest of. (M. G. Jenison) Out West, 23: 319. -—- Ruby—throat, and its Favorite Flowers. Ctry Life- Am. 2: 108, (S. Hellig Am. (G. H. (J. A. _ Hundred Years’ War. HUMMING-BIRDS Humming-birds. (Anna Warner) Out West, 24: 226. — (E. and J. Grinnell) Land of Sun. 13; 3.-(J. E. Mathis) Land of Sun. 6: 144. —— Nests of. (H. S. Deming) Harper, 1212: 919. “Hummock,” “Hammock,” or “Hommock.” (R. M. Harper) Science, 11. s. 22: 400. Humor, American. (H. W. Boynton) Atlan. 90: 414. -—— and Friendship. Spec. 891 561. — and Statesmanship. Spec. 94: 80. ——- as a Preservative. Acad. 67: 460. —— divorced from Earnestness. Sat. R. 96: 200. -— English. Acad. 62: 171, 531. —- First Lessons in. (C. Wells) Cent. 42: 77. -— in High Places. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 28. -— in School. (A. D. Cameron) Cent. 482 478. -— Irish, Century of. (S. Gwynn) Critic, 402 439. - Is it declining ? (Ella Macmahon) National, 44: 86. =Liv. Age, 243: 310. ' -— My Irish Friends. (C. Annesley) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 149. — The New. (B. Johnson) Critic, 40: 331. ——- of Some Humorists. (L. T. Hancock) Bookman, 16: 15. — of To-day. (VV. D. N esbit) Indep. 542 1300. ——- Provincial, of America. Chamb. J. 81: 1 5 3. — Saving Grace of. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 36: 107. ——- The Sense of. (R. Y. Tyrrell) Acad. 68: 418. —- Sense of, in Children. (K. A. Chandler) Cent. 42: -0 — Seriousness of being Funny. (T. J enks) Critic, 46: 81, —— Utility of. (Z. Cocke) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 83. — You can’t be Funny All the Time. (J . K. Jerome) Cosmopol. 41: 110, Humorist, The. (Dorothea Deakin) Cent. 50: 595. Humorists, Contemporary New England. (R. Davol) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 673. — the English Women-. (A. Meynell) No. Am. 181: 85 7. — Some American. (Joel Benton) Bookman, 21: 584, ——- Women, of New England. (Kate Sanborn) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 155. Humors, Pains, and Penalties of a Show-horse. (A. M. S.) Cornh. 86: 79. Hump—backed Mules. 621, - Humperdinck, Engelbert; a Musical Poet of Child- hood. (W. Farwell) Out]. 81: 1007. , Humphreys, Alex. C. Inaugural Address, Stephens Institute. Science, n. s. 17: 361. Humphreys, David. (A. R. Marble) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 690. Humpty-Dumpty. (H. A. Vachell) Cornh. 86: 182, = Ecl. M. 139: 443.=L'1v. Age, 234: 560. Hundred and Oneth, The; a story. (A. H. Donnell) Harper, 106: 480, ' Hundred Days, The. (W. L. Wilson) Fortn. 86: 827, Hundred Years Old, A. Spec. 95: 146, (F. J. Snell) Un. Serv. M. 34: (W. LeC. Beard) Lippinc. 69: 56. I34. 263- Hundreds, The, of Warwickshire. tiq. n. s. 39: 146, 179. Huneker, James. Overtones. R. W 551. 582- Hungarian Architecture. Craftsman, 10: 360. Hungarian Emigration Law, The. (L. de Levay) No. Am. 182: 115. Hungarian Immigrants. (E. A. Steiner) Outl. 74: 1040. Hungarian Literature, 1901-02. (L. Katscher) Ath. ’02, 2: 20, —— 1902-03. (L. Katscher) Ath. ’o3, 2: 18. —— 1903-04. (Rosika Schwimmer) Ath. ’04, 2: 306. Hungary and Austria. (Josef Redlich) Indep. R. 7: 202, (B. Walker) An- (J . F. Runciman) Sat. 303 HUNTING Hungary, and Galicia, A Mountain Region between. (W. T. Benda) Cent. 50: 169, -— A Bri§ish Tribute to. (R. Blennerhassett) National, 38: 96. ——- Constitutional Government in. 19th Cent. 54: 126, —— A Constitutional History of. (P. Vinogradoif) Law Q, 21: 426. ——- The Crisis in. (E. Reich) Contemp. 88: 516, 635. —- (F. Kossuth) National, 45: 251. 46: 34o.=Ecl. M. 145: 584, :..-‘Liv, Age, 247: 221. —— (F. Kossuth) Indep. 58: 1103. 591 1089.—Liv. Age, 248: 764, —(Albert Apponyi) Monthly R. 18, no, 2: 24.-—- (W. Littlefield) Munsey, 32: 794. —-Westm. 154; (L. G. Robinson) 629, —- — Leaders in. (A. Hegedus, jr.) World To-day, 9: 1298, ——- Future of the Peoples in. (D. Draghicesco) Con- temp. 87: 583 -— History of the Reformed Church of. (F. Balogh) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 297. — in the Crisis with Austria. (N. Y.) 32: 203. -— The Magyar, and his Land. (C. Tower) Macmil. 90: 281. (A. Apponyi) R. of Rs. —— Magyar County Municipal Institutions. Reich) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 7: 37. — Pan-Germanism in. (F. Herczeg) National, 42: 38. — Political Crisis in, 1903. (E. I. Prime-Stevenson) Indep. 55: 1803. -— Possible Independence of. (F. Kossuth) Indep. 55: 2019, — The Roumanians in. 661, —— Tisza’s Coup. Sat. R. 98: 657. ~ — The Truth about. (A. Apponyi) Indep. 59: 126. -— What the People read in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 59°- Hunger-motive, The, in Fiction. 41: 311, Hungry Soul, A; a story. 72: 521, Hunnewell Estate at Wellesley, Mass. Ctry Life Am. 3: 26. Hunt, Alfred Ephraim, with portrait. Technol. R. 1: (Emil (A- Vambéry) Contemp. 87: (C. L. Moore) Dial, (B. Fleming) 381. Hunt, Holman, and his Art. Quar. 203: 209. — Exhibition of. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 83: 357. -—— Lady of Shalott. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 99: 695. — The Light of the World. Acad. 66: 359, Hunt, Leigh. (C. K. Burrow) Acad. 63: 65. —Acad. 542 612. —- (H. Paul) Ecl. M. 1422 266. =Liv. Age, 240: 58, ' Hunt, Myron, and Grey, Elmer, Some Houses by. ' (Herbert Croly) Archit. Rec. 20: 281. Hunt, Wm. D., Home of, in Brookline, Mass. (S. C. Bryant) Ctry Life Am. 4: 264. Hunter, Anne [Mrs. John]. (F. Masson) Blackw. 177: 217. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. J . Young, Artists. (A.L. Baldry) Studio (Internat.) 19: 27, Hunter, Robert M. T. (M. T. Hunter) Conserv. R. 5: 169. Hunter, William, Unpublished Letters to, edited by Victor G. Plarr. Chamb. J. 83: 33, 55. Hunter, Joys of the, in Africa. (E. G. J. Moyna) Macmil. n. s. 1: 521,: Ecl. M. 147: 37. 1'-Liv. Age, 249= 746. —- Vigil of the. (C. H. Morton) Outing, 461 80. Hunting and Fishing in the Altai Mts. (C. W. Pur- rington) Outing, 39: 577. -— Big Game, in Western Alaska. (J . H. Kidder) Outing, 41: 748. (A. Jeans) Gent. M. n. s. ' ' -—- — Changes in. HUNTING Hunting Big Game in Wyoming. (H. Seton-Karr) Pall Mall M. 28: 17. —— Concerning Heroes who hunt Rabbits, by Peter Rabbit. (W. J . Long) Outl. 84: 571, ~— in the North Land. (C. Whitney) Outing, 41: 701. —— The Oldest English Book on. (VV. H. Johnson) Nation, 80: 195. — Recent Sport and Travel. Quar. 197: 161. —- Red Letter Days at. (Carter H. Harrison) World To-day, 9: 1077. —-Southern Women who hunt. M. R. Hicks) Outing, 39: 513. — Story of the Trapper. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 40: I77- - When the French President goes. Cent. 44: 801, — with the Cheetah. (C. E. Clay) Idler, 23: 453. (M. N. Barry and (A. Castaigne) - with the Hounds of the Duchesse of d’Uzes. (S. Heilig) Cent. 44: 869. --— with my Gun. Blackw. 178: 339, 534. 179: 67. —with Spaniels. Blackw. I76: 636. Hunting the Sawfish. (C. F. Holder) Outing, 48: 167. Hunting the She-wolf. (W. D. Hulbert) Am. M. 63: 41- Hunting Wild Bees. 321 54¢- Hunting-book, A French King’s. Grohman) Fortn. 81: 789. Hunting-lodge, A Forest. (J. H. Freedlander) Cent. 50: 621. Huntingdon Song School and School of St. Gregory’s. Canterbury. (M. Bateson) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 712, Huntington, Bishop F. D. Craftsman, 72 3. —Outl. (H. Kephart) New Eng. M. n. s. (W. and F. Baillie- 77: 685. Huntsville, The Old Town of. (H. F. Estill) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 3: 265. Hupp, Otto, as Modern Heraldic Artist. (L. F. Day) Art J . 54: 49. Hurd, Bishop. (J . Attenborough) Temp. Bar, 128: 22, Hurley, E. T., Artist, with portrait. (A. A. Talbot) Brush & P. 11: 123. — (D. Lloyd) Studio (Inter- na.t,) 29: lxiii, — Etchings of. (E. Hughes) Brush & P. 14: 226. Hurlingham, The Decision of. (F. G. Alfalo) Monthly R. 20, no, 1: 88. Hurricane Island. (H. B. M. Watson) Good Words, 453 1-745- Hurricanes in the West Indies. (R. D. Ward) Science, n, s, 202 410, Hurry and Bustle of Modern Life, The. Chamb. J . 83: 97. Hurrying of Ludovic. (L. M. Montgomery) Canad. M. 25: 67. Hurst, John Fletcher. (J . A. Faulkner) Meth. R. 64: 345- Hurt in the Spirit. (Eliz. Cherry Waltz) Lippinc. 75: 621, Husaian, Imain, the Atoning Savior of the Shahs. (S. C. Wilson) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 440. Husband and Wife among the Poor. (M. Loane) Con- temp. 87: 222. —— Law of. (A. Fellows) Monthly R. 17, no. 3: 146. (A. Fellows) Law Q. 22: 64, Husbandry, Book of, Authorship of. (E. F. Gay) Q. J. Econ. 18: -588, Husbands and Wives. Spec. 96: 702. = Liv. Age, 249: 818. —— under the New Licensing Act of 1902. (J. E. Joel) Westm. 160: 68, Hussey, S. M., Reminiscences. Sat. R. 99: 422. 304 HYDRO—ELECTRIC Hutcheson, Joseph, Orchard Garden of, Warren, R. I. Archit. Rec. 20: 269, Hutchinson, Charles Hare. Pennsyl. M. 26: 476. Hutton, Capt. F. Wollaston. (Horace B. Woodward) Nature, 73: 32. Hutton, Laurence. (M. Bell) Ath. ’04, 2: 81, —- Literary Life of, by himself. Critic, 45: 227, 321, 426. -—- Talks in a Library. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 46: 510, Huxley, Thomas Henry. (A. Goodier) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 21. —— (Sir Michael Foster) National, 43: 421. ‘-I Ecl. M. 143: 104. = Liv. Age, 241: 587, —— and Phillips Brooks. (W. N. Clarke) Bib. Sac. 59¢ 1- —- as a Literary Man. (J . E. Routh) Cent. 41: 392, -—- Visit to John Fiske. Atlan. 89: 288. Huxley Memorial Lecture, Science, 11. s. 182 634. Huysmans, Joris Karl, Change in Style of. (K. L. Ferris) Critic, 43: 417. 5 — L’Oblat. (H. Lynch) Acad. 64: 392. Hy-a-a-ar I Dump! H’yerl H’yer. (B. Lay) Atlan. W 538- Hyacinthe and Honorine. 296, Hyacinthus ; a story. (Mary E. W. Freeman) Harper, I°9= 447. Hyatt, Alpheus. (S. Henshaw) Science, 11. s. 15: 300. —— With portrait. Technol. R. 4: 323. Hyatt, Anna, and Eberle, Abastenia; two Women who collaborate in Sculpture. Craftsman, 8: 623. Hyatt, James. (J . J . Schoonhoven) Science, n. s. 19: 635. Hybrid Roses; a story. (S. B. Elliott) Harper, 113: (E. Phillpotts) Atlan. 98: 434- Hybridization and Plant-Breeding. (Arthur J . Bliss) Monthly R. 24, no. 1: 84. Hyde, Dr. Douglas, a Gaelic Poet and Dreamer. L. Cary) Lamp, 28: 112, Hyde, Helen, Etcher. (J . E. Elliott) Brush & P. 11: 241. — Chromo-xylographs, in the Japanese Manner. Van der Veer) Studio (Internat.) 24: 238. Hyde, Henry B., The Story of. World’s Work, 11: (E. (L. 6983. Hyde, James H. (Lindsay Denison) World’s Work, 10: 6204. —- Country Place of, “ The Oaks.” Ctry Life Am. 4: 201, Hydra, Regeneration in. Am. Natural. 36: 588. — — Histological Changes during. (H. T. Rowley) Am. Natural. 36: 579. Hydraulic Dredger ; a Peculiar Case. (W. Davis) Over- land, n. s. 44: 588. Hydraulic Generation of Motive Power. (W. M. Barr) Engin. M. 29: 865. Hydraulic Installation. Arch. 79: 62. Hydraulic Machinery, British. 27: 12. — Materials for. (A. R. Dugmore) (W. H. Schuerman) Am. (A. T. Petch) Cassier, (A. Falkenau) J. Frankl. Inst. 161: I73- ‘ Hydraulic Power, Applications of. (W. M. Barr) En- gin. M. 31: 817. — in Foundry and Machine Shop. (Joseph Horner) Cassier, 25: 23!. Hydraulic Power Appliances. M. 26: 844. Hydraulics, Bovey’s Treatise on. Nature, 65: 315. — (I. P. Church) Science, 11. s. 15: 65. — Roman. (F. W. Galpin) Reliquary, 44: 152. Hydro-electric Station in Greece. (E. Guarini) Engin. M. 26: 694. (A. M. Waitt) Engin. HYDROCHLORIC Hydrochloric Acid and Potassium Permanganate, In- teraction of, in the Presence of Ferric Chloride. (James Brown) Am. J. Sci. 169: 31. Hydrogen, Heat of Combustion of. (W. G. Mixter) Am. J. Sci. 166: 214, — Stratifications of. ‘ (W. Crookes) Nature, 65: 375. Hydrogen Sulphide, Uses and Dangers of. (E. Gold- smith) J. Frankl. Inst. I57: 455. Hydrographic Surveys, Marine, of the Coasts of the World. (G. W. Littlehales) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 63. Hydrophobia in the East. (F. H. Skrine) Asia. R. 40: 125, _ Hydrous Bromides, Typical, Behavior of, when heated in an Atmosphere of Hydrogen Bromide. (J . L. Kreider) Am. J . Sci. 170: 97. Hydrous T hallic Chloride, Constitution of. McClenahan) Am. J . Sci. 168: 104, Hygiene and Diet on Active Service. (G. F. Herbert) Un. Serv. M. 31: 313. — as a Factor in Education. 24: 391. — Bodily Basis of Education ; Physician and Teacher. (W. L. Hervey) Chant. 40: 263. -— Individual Factor in. (Cabot and Brown) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 43: 60. — Institute, of London. — Municipal, Field of. 63: 132, —Personal, A Study in. _~.Ssm- W I- — The Teaching of Military. Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 531. —Wi1loughby’s, for Students. ence, n. s. 15: 861, Hygienic Conditions of Industrial Occupations, Effect of British Statutory Regulation of. (L. Ward) J . Statis. Soc. 68: 435. Hyksos in Egypt. (A. H. Sayce) Bib. World, 21: 347, Hylozoism. Universal Life. (C.W. Saleeby) Harper, 111: 571. Hyman, Hon. Charles S., Canadian Minister. McB. Johnston) Canad. M. 24: 216. Hyman, the Sorrowful. (M’Cready Sykes) Appleton’s M. 8: 684. Hymn of Empire. (W. A. Fraser) Canad. M. 20: 318, Hymn-writers, A School of. (Geo. A. Wade) Good Words, 461 831. Hymnal, The English. (J . Britten) Month, 108: 271. Hymnals, Old andNew. (H. Lamont) Nation, 81: 178, Hymnody, Study of Modern. (W. G. Horder) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 12: 290, Hymnology, Latin, in the Middle Ages. Quar. 203: 77. —-— Paine Collection of, Hartford, Conn. Hartf. Sem. Rec. 2: 112. Hymns about Heaven, Moral Influence of. Kelly) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 6: 16. —-— Ancient and Modern. (S. C. Lowry) Good Words, 46: 304. — (Earl Nelson) I9th Cent. 52: 464. — (Countess of Jersey) I9th Cent. 56: 925. -— and Hymn-books. Church Q. 61: 54, — Some Famous, and their Authors. (Laura G. Smith) Cosmopol. 36: 321. Hyopsodidae, of the Wasatch and Wind River Basins. (F. B. Loomis) Am. J. Sci. I69: 416. Hypatia. (J . McCabe) Critic, 43: 267, —-— St. Cyril of Alexandria and the Murder of. Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 441, Hypno-suggestion as a Therapeutic Agent. Petersen) Arena, 29: 292. Hypnotic Advertisement. Liv. Age, 251: 317, Hypnotic Hallucinations, Are there ? (B. Lidis) Psy- chol. R. 13: 239. (F. M. (G. A. Soper) Educa. R. Science, 11. s. 20: 511, . (E. 0. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. (T. S. Lowden) Pedagog. (A. A. Woiidihull) J . (G. F. Schwarz) Sci- (H. (R. Martin) (E. P. (H. S. 305 IBSEN . Hypnotism. (A. J . Baden) Overland, n. s. 46: 478. — Abuse and Control of. (F. W. E. Green; E. G. P. Bousfield) Contemp. 82: 541, — The Facts about. (F. Legge) Acad. 62: 370. — its History, Nature, and Use. (H. M. Hays) Pop. Sci.Mo. 67: 590, — a Normal Faculty. (W. A. Spalding) Calif. M. 4: 8 5. “ Hypocrisie Biblique Britannique.” (W. F. Cobb) Hibbert J. 2: 741, Hypocrisy, The Praise of. (G. T. Knight) Open Court, 17: 533- Hypocrite, The. (Alfred W. Rees) Monthly R. 18, no. 2: 146. Hypocrite’s Day; a story. 27: 913, Hyposcope, The. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 493. “ Hysteria” in I898 and 1902. (R. Ogden) N ation, 74: 360, (R. R. Ireland) Munsey, I go Sailing ; a story. (F. E. Haill) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 142, I Love my Love so Well. (S. S. F. Callahan) Lippinc. 70: 227, I. N. R. I., the Story so entitled. Spec. 95: 1077. I shall have Lived; a poem. (A. E. Housman) Mc- Clure, 24: 512. Ibex-shooting in the Mountains of Baltistan. Grew) Harper, I12: 541, Ibis, The Glossy. (P. L. Sclater) Knowl. n. s. 2: 48. Ibn Batuta, Travels of. (H. Clifford) Cornh. 89: 373. Ibsen, Henrik. Acad. 70: 5o1.—-Ath. ’06, I: 647, — (E. Gosse) Atlan. 98: 30. -— (Jessie Brochner) Book- man, 18: I80.—With portrait. (W. M. Payne) Booklover’s M. I: 575. —Bk. News, 24: 768.- (T. Larsen) Canad. M. 27: 416. —— Chant. 431 394. —(E. Dowden) Contemp. 90: 652.——(C. Brinton) Critic, 40: 237. — (W. M. Payne) Outl. 712 240. —- (E. S. Meyer) Critic, 452 63. — (W. Archer) Critic, 49: 31. —Dial, 40: 351.— (G. Brandes) Indep. 60: I249. —(A. Clutton-Brock) Liv. Age, 249: 816. -— (C. Thomas) Nation, 82: 442.—(l(V. D. Howells) No. Am. 183: 1.—Outl. 83: 259.—(A. Symons) Quar. 205: 375. I Liv. Age, 259: 707. —- (M. Beer- bohm) Sat. R. I01: 650. —— (J . Huneker) Scrib. M. 40; 35I,—Spec. 96: 822, —- and Social Progress. (A. Henderson) Arena, 33: 26. — and the Stage System. (G. I. Colbron) Critic, 49: 41. — Apprenticeship of. —- as I knew him. 3: 1. 3- as an Interpreter of American Life. (E. E. Slosson) Indep. 60: 1253. —— Brand, An Interpretation of. (Jane D. Stone) Poet- Lore, 17, no. 3: 60. —— Craftsmanship of. (W. Archer) F ortn. 86: 101. I Liv. Age, 250: 558. —— Doll’s House as played by Mrs. Fiske. gren) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 568. — Early Youth of. (C. L. Due) Critic, 49: 33. — in his Letters. (W. Archer) F ortn. 83: 428. I Liv. Age. 2451 209. (J. C. (W. Archer) Fortn. 81: 25, (W. Archer) Monthly R. 23, no. (R. Bergen- —— Influence on German Literature. (F. G. G. Schmidt) i Poet-Lore, 17, no. 1: 112, — Intime. Dial, 40: 379. — Jéiges on. (W. H. Carruth) Dial, 321 I6. — Key to. (J ennette Lee) Putnam, I: 24 3. —Letters. (W. M. Payne) .Dial, 39: 429.— (W. O. France) Nation, 82: 243. — Notes about. (C. M. Waage) Calif. M. 4: 512. —- Peer Gynt. (W. Leighton) Arena, 271 64. -— -— Mansfield in. Dial, 41: 309. —— — Scene from. Indep. R. 2: 444. IBSEN Ibsen, Henrik; Philosopher or Poet ? (W. Archer) Cosmopol. 38: 409, —- Plays, Key to. (Jennette Lee) Putnam, 1: 365. — The Playwright. (Brander Matthews) Bookman, 22: 568, 23: 18. -— Poet, Philosopher, Dramatist, and Revolutionist. (A. Von Ende) Craftsman, 8: 421, -— the Reformer. (Jane H. Findlater) ‘National, 48: 482, -— Satirist and Poet. (D. M. Jones) Quar. 204: 71. —A View of. (A. M. Butler) Contemp. 81: 709.: Ecl. M. 139: 161, =Liv. Age, 233: 769, - Vikings at Helgeland. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 95: 517. * — When we Dead awaken. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 95: 168. — Work and Influence of. Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 37. Icarian Community, The. 110: 141, Icarus; a poem. (A. F. Wallis) Cornh. 89: 536. Ice, Bacteria and. (G. C. Frankland) Longm. 40: 2 57. =Ecl. M. 139: 519. — Formation of, and Grained Structure of Glaciers.' (G. Quincke) Nature, 72: 543. Ice Age, The. (T. C. Chamberlin) Science, n. s. 24: (S. L. Whitcomb) R. of (K. H. Brown) Harper, ""7 I. — Obi‘ Next. (J . C. Elliot) Arena, 36: 148, —- A Remnant of the. (G. F. Leavens) Land of Sun. 4: 79- - The So—called. (L. Swift) Pop. Astron. 10: 88. —- Theory of the. (J . M.Schaeberle) Science, 11. s. 24: 439- Ice-boat. The Scooter ; a Winged Toboggan of Long Island. (J . W. Muller) Outing, 451 7Z9.——(H. B. Fullerton) Ctry Life Am. 52 I49. Ice-boating on Toronto Bay. (J . M. Jackson) Canad. M. 20: 446, Ice-breakers and their Services. Arts, 52: 215. Ice-chest, The. Chamb. J . 80: 447. Ice—cream Manufacture. (J . H. Hart) J . Frankl. Inst. (A. Gulston) J . Soc. I62= 39'/. . Ice-house, The Private. (H. O. Nicholson) Ctry Life Am. 10: 529. Ice Jam, Ah April. (J . Grenell) World’s Work, 3: I769 Ice-making. See Refrigeration. Ice-sheet, Instance of the Action of, upon Slender Projecting Rock Masses. (W. H. Hobbs) Am. J . Sci. 164: 399. Ice—yacht, How to build. 45= 633- —— How to sail. (J . A. Roosevelt) Outing, 43: 608, Icebergs, The Peril of the. (P. T. McGrath) McClure, 23: 115, Iceland. (Arch. Geikie) Nature, 65: 367. — Book-collections in. Lib. J . 29! 17. — Conversion of. (E. E. Kellett) Quar. 204: 276. —— Fjords and Bays of. Geog. J. 19: 612. — Historical Sagas of. (Jas. Bryce) Nation, 81: 260, — Newer Literature of. (V. Stefansson) Poet-Lore, 15, no. 1: 62; no. 2: 126, — Why not annex to U. S. ? (F. E. Clark) Indep. 55: 2034- Icelandic Beast and Bird Lore. (V. Stefzinsson) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I9: 300. Icelandic Colony in Greenland. (V. Stefémsson) Am. (E. A. Terhune) Outing, Anthropol. 8: 262, Icelandic Literature. (A. H. Gunlogsen) Monist, I 5: 109, Icelandic Sagas, Custom and Belief in the. (\V. F ara- day) Folk-Lore, 17: 387. 306 IDYL Ichthgology, History of. (D. S. Jordan) Science, n. s. 1 : 241, Ichthyosaurs. (H. F. Osborn) Cent. 47: 414, Iconium in the First Century. (W. M. Expos. 6th ser. 12: 193, 281, 351, Iconoclasm; a poem. (E. V. Cooke) Chaut. 37: 490. Iconoclastic Controversy, Some Theological Aspects of the. (Alice Gardner) Hibbert J. 2: 360. Ictis, The Island of. (C. Reid) Archaeol. 59: 281, Icy Reception, An ; a Pictorial Drama. (Caran d’Ache) Bookman, 22: 621, Idaho, Outdoors in. (G. O. Mitchell) Ctry Life Am. 10: 199, -—— The Scenic Marvel of. Work, 12: 7648, Ideal, The. (Dorothy Canfield) Harp. Baz. 40: 789. -— in Every-day Life. (C. Wagner) Harp. Baz. 40: 99. —— Sciences of the. (J . Royce) Science, n. s. 20: 44.9. Ideal Commonwealths, \Voman Question in. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Lippinc. 73: 447. Ideal Craftsman, An. (W. de la Mare) Monthly R. I9.no-3=9e Idealism and Natural Science. 27: 369. — Four Nations; a sketch. temp. 87: 676. — In the Matter of Personal. (C. H. Howison) Mind, 28: 225.:Int. J. Ethics, 13: 445. — J ouathan Edwards’s, Sources of. Cracken) Philos. R. 11: 26, — Modern, and Swedenborg. R, 9: 418. ——Moore’s Refutation of. I74- — Optimistic Implications of. (J . D. Logan) Internat. J. Ethics, 12: 494, — Personal. Sat. R. 941 585. — A Poem. (W. Lennard) F ortn. 78: 1043. — Refutation of. (G. E. Moore) Mind, 28: 433. —Subjective. (T. Rigby) Month, 104: 385, Idealisms, The Two. (W. R. Sorley) Hibbert J. 2: 7°3- Idealist, An. . (N. Syrett) Harper, 106: 923, Idealist, An. (R. B. Cunninghame Graham) Sat. R. 102: 232.-‘ Liv. Age, 251: 46. Idealist, The; a story. (P. Gibbon) Blackw. I75: 766. Ideals. (W. B. Atwood) N. Church R. 9: 403, —— Evolution of. (Hartley B. Alexander) Internat. J . Ethics, I61 311. — (W. G. Chambers) Pedagog. Sem. 10: 101, —- of America. (W. Wilson) Atlan. 90: 721, —The Search for. (T. A. Haultain) Canad. M. 22: Ramsay) (W. H. Kirkbride) World’s (J . A. Stewart) Mind, (F. von Wrangell) Con- (J . H. Mac- (F. Sewall) N. Church (C. A. Strong) Mind, 30: 427- —- to be cherished but not discussed. (R. Ogden) Na- tion, 78: 324. — vs. Conventions. (K. Magnus) Sund. M. 34: 541. Ideas or Men? (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 96: 668. — Place of, in Politics. Spec. 96: 170, Idella and the White Plague. (Joseph C. Lincoln) McClure, 27: 104, Identification, Personal; Palm and Sole Impressions, and their Use for Purposes of.- (H. H. Wilder) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 385. Identifying Anne. (Jeannette Cooper) McClure, 26: 594- . Identity, Mistaken. Green Bag, 14: 423. “ Idlehour,” Estate of. (W. K. Vanderbilt) Archit. Rec. 13: 45 5. Idleness. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 376. Idols, A Group of. (M. D. Kellogg) Overland, n. s. 42: 29. Idyl of Tamar-side, An; a story. (H. Vallings) Temp. Bar, 133: 117. IDYL Idyl of Tristram Shepard, The. ' (Jeannette Marks) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 273. Idyl of the Yosemite. (O. Oxe) Overland, n. s. 41: 449- Idyll of the Island. (T. W. King) Canad. M. 25: 338. Idyll of Moorside, An. (H. Vallings) Temp. Bar, 127: 423- Idyll of a Summer Night. (Harriet P. Spoiford) Indep. 54: 2006, Idylls of the Southland. (J . M. Handly) Cath. World, 74‘ 593- If Bird or Devil. (P. L. Allen) Scrib. M. 36: 141. Ifiley, St. Mary’s Church at. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 882 30. _ Igaraland, The Burial of the Atta of, and the “ Coro- nation ” of his Successor. (C. Partridge) Blackw. 176: 329. Ignatius, St., of Loyola. (W. Barry) Cath. World, 82: 11, — and Education. (A. Goodier) Month, 108: 457. Igneous Intrusion, Mechanics of. (R. A. Daly) Am. J . Sci. 165: 269. 166: 107. Ignis Fatuus, The, its Character and Legendary Ori- gin. (W. W. Newell) J. Am. Folk-Lore, 17: 39. Ignominy of being Grown-up. (S. M. Crothers) Atlan. 981 44- - Ignorance, Cohesive Power of. (F. Crane) Open Court, 20: 407. — The Honorable Points of. 911 495- — of Good Citizens. (J . H. McFarland) Outl. 82: 271, —— Pleasures of. (E. Gosse) Temp. Bar, 131: 205. Igorrote Chief, Views of an. (Fomoaley Ponci) Indep. 591 779- Iguazu, alls of the. (Marie Robinson Wright) Nat. Geog. M. 172 456. -—(W. S. Barclay) Pall Mall M. 28: 35 3. Iliad of the Snows, The; a story. hlunsey, 26: 710, Ilkley, Yorkshire. (Mary R. Higham) Californian, 3: 1'8. Ill Wind, An. (E. Goodloe) Scrib. M. 36: 24, “ Illative Sense,” Universals and the. (F. Aveling) Dub. R. 137: 236. Ille, Prosody of. (R. S. Radford) Am. J. Philol. 27: 418. Illegal Act as a Defense in Actions of Tort. (H. S. Davis) Harv. Law R. 18: 505. Illegal Loyalty; a story. (Clara Morris) Cosmopol. 371 3°°- ' Illingworth, J . R., on Reason and Revelation. Church Q. 591 345. —-(J. Iverach) Crit. R. 13: 26. Illinois, Carr on. (W. Rice) Dial, 371 424. — Conference of Charities and Correction, Peoria (S. M. Crothers) Atlan. (H. Whitaker) Meeting, 1902. (E. P. Bicknell) Char. 92 421. —— Direct Legislation in. (D. L. Cruice) Arena, 31: 561, — Library Association, Annual Meeting, 1902, Pub, Lib. 7: 242. — - 1903. Pub. Lib. 8: 189, — — 1904. Pub. Lib. 9: 289. — — 1905. Lib. J. 30: 352. ——Pub. Lib. 10: 290. — —- 1906. Pub. Lib. III 387. -— Local Self-government in. Aff. 6: 245. — Political Corruption in. (C. E. Crafts) Munic. (L. Steifens) McClure, 23: 39'- — Politics and Public Charities. Char. 8: 5 32, — State University. (P. Bigelow) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 553- -— — Future of. (S. J . Colvin) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 420. —— Street Railway Legislation in. (E. B. Smith) At- lan. 93: 109. 307 IMMACULATE Illiteracy, Census Figures on. (E. P. Clark) Overland, n. s. 39: 796. Illtyd, a Knight of the Sangreal. (E. Rhys) I9th Cent. 55: 90. = Liv. Age, 241: 179. Illumigant, A New.. (J. E. Whitby) Chamb. J. 83: 71 . Illuminating Gas, Distributing, at High Pressure. (F. H. Shelton) Cassier, 24: 31, Illumination in Art, Love, and Revivalism. vier) Contemp. 88: 495. llluminism and the French Revolution. Ed. R. 204: (S. Oli- 35- Illusionist, The; a story. (R. R. Gilson) Cent. 45: 446- _, Illusions, an Isolated Case. 172: 155. —_Law of Attraction in relation to some Visual and Tactual. (H. J . Pearce) Psychol. R. 11: 143, (E. Foxwell) Blackw. Illustrated Books, French, in the 18th Century. (R. Cortissoz) Lamp, 29: 287, Illustrated Houses of St. Légier. (G. S. Layard) Good Words, 46: 628. ' Illustrated or Decorated Books, Printing of Modern. (C. T. Jacobi) J. Soc. Arts, 50: 617. Illustrated Weekly Newspaper. (J . M. Bullock) Lamp, 26: 220, Illustrating. Is “ Extra-illustrating ” played out ? (J . M. Bullock) Lamp, 26: 467, — of Children’s Books. (W. T. Field) Dial, 35: 457, Illustration, American Newspaper. (W. Jenkins) Studio (Internat.) I6: 254. I7: 281. — Art in. (N. K. Bright) Bk. News, 23: 849. —- Book. (C. F. Brentnall and L. F. Day) Art J . 54: 315- — —- as an Art. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Indep. 54: 2759, — New Methods of. (Jas. B. Carrington) Bookman, 21: 645. — of Books by Artistic Photographs. Indep. 61: 1414. Illustrations that do not illustrate. Critic, 48: 498. Illustrators, Leading American. (Mary H. B. Borgan) Indep. 591 1397- Illustre Thééttre, Reminiscences of. 19th Cent. 60: 289, Illyria, Mannagetta’s Vegetationsverhéiltnisse der. (F. E. Clements) Science, 11. s. 15: 819. Iloilo, Who burned ? (C. J . Crane) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: 2 32. (Ella M. Boult) (D. H. Wilson) Ilsenburg, School at. (D. S. Sanford) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 263. ' Image Worship. (P. Carus) Open Court, 19: 21, Imagination as a Practical Faculty. don) Educa. 24: 148, -—— Higher Uses of. (J . T. Prince) N. Church R. 12: (Caroline Shel- 37°- , . — in Peace and War, The Value of. Un. Serv. M. 28: 458. — in Scientific Research. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 68: 200 — Origin and Development of, Light on, from Folk- lore. (E. M. Braybook) Folk-Lore, 14: 12. —— Religion and the. (H. S. Nash) Am. J . Theol. I0: 610. — The Scientific. (T. W. Richards) Nation, 771 29. — Value of. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 351 46. Imaginative Faculty, Use of, to New-Churchmen. (C. G. Hubbell) N. Church R. 12: 572. Imitation and Selective Thinking. (B. Bosanquet ; J . M. Baldwin) Psychol. R. 10: 404. — -— Bosanquet on. (J . M. Baldwin) Psychol. R. 10: 51. . Immaculate Conception, England and the. (H. Thur ston) Month, 104: 562, IMMACULATE Immaculate Conception, in Art. (M. F. Nixon-Roulet) Cath. World, 80: 313. —— Jubilee of; Encyclical. (Pius X.) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 209, Immediate Jewel, The; a story. (Margaret Deland) Harper, 108: 57. Immediate Jewel, The. 561, Immensity and Minuteness. (J. E. Gore) Pop. Astron. 10: 225, Immigrant, America’s Welcome to the. bott) Outl. 72: 257. -— The, and Paternalism. (B. Brandenburg) Char. 13: 432.—-Char. 13: 602. — Education of the. (P. Abelson) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 44: 163- —- Italian, on the Land. (E. F. Meade) Char. 13: 541. -— Problem of the. (G. C. Speranza) Char. 14: 1063. — Railroads and the. (L. J. Ellis) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 44: 56. — Rejected. Outl. 84: 603. — — Tragedy of the Rejected. Outl. 84: 361. — Value of an. (R. Baker) Arena, 35: 504. Immigrant Farming Community. (E. F. Peek) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 207. Immigrant Travel, Some Phases of. (J. B. Connolly) Outl. 74: 231. Immigrant’s Story, An. Chaut. 43: 413. Immigrants, Agricultural Distribution of. rick) Char. I3: 314. - Alien. (C. B. R. Kent) Macmil. 89: 195. ——Blackw. 173: 132, — American, Determination of Racial Stock among. (R. Boeckh) Am. Statis. Assoc. 10: 199, — Americanization of. (G. G. Huebner) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 653. —— Americans in the Raw. (E. Lowry) World’s Work, 4: 2644. —- America"s Distrust of. Sci. Mo. 62: 230. — and Steamship Wars. (M. Van Vorst) Lippinc. 59: (E. H. Ab- (B. Brandenburg) (H. My- (A. J. McLaughlin) Pop. (B. J. Hendrick) Nation, 78: -I 46 . — at Ellis Island Stage. (E. Hoyt) Everybody’s, 8: 387. — Bohemian, and the Catholic Church. (J. G. Kissner) Char. I3: 313. — Care of. Outl. 741 969. — Children of, in the Public Schools. Outl. 81: 74. — Distribution of. 166. — —— in the U. S. 523- -- Efforts to restrict Undesirable. (H. C. Lodge) 45: 486. — Ethnic Factors in the Population of Boston. (F. A. Bushee) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 4: 299. —— General Plan for settling. (E. Norton) Char. 12: 1 52, — German, in America. (E. A. Steiner) Outl. 73: 260. —— Historical and Religious Origins of Recent Immi- grants from Eastern Europe. (R. Parsons) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 37. — How shall we select our? (R. De C. Ward) Char. 14: 906, — In the Gateway of the Nations. (H. M. Orcutt) (R. De C. Ward) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: (W. F. Willcox) Q. J. Econ. 20: (J. A. Riis) Cent. 43: 674. _ Inspection of, A New Plan for. (F. A. Ogg) Outl. 83: 33. -- Italian, and Other Latin. (A. McLaughlin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 341. -—- Jewish. (J. F. W. Howley) Month, 102: 593. 308 IMMIGRATION Immigrants, Need of Closer Inspection and Greater Restriction of. (F. P. Sargent) Cent. 45: 470. — Past and Present. (A. McLaughlin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 224, — Psychology of N ationalizing. 25: 269, —- Schools for. (G. Straubenmueller) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 44: I75- —— Sifting of. (J. H. Hoose) Educa. (W- Williams) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 44: 29, -- Slavic. (A. McLaughlin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 25. -— What an Inspector found in Europe. (F. A. Ogg) World To-day, II: 803, —— Whence they come. (W. E. Gordon) World’s Work, 5: 3276, —— Where they settle. (F. W. Hewes) World’s Work, 6: 4021, — Where wanted. —— who arrive in U. S. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 80: 6, (Ernest Poole) Everybody’s, 15: 435- Immigration. (G. C. Speranza) Char. 12: 457. —(H. Samuel) Econ.J. I 5: 317. — (A. McLaughlin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 164. —- Alien. (E. J. Prior) Macmil. 91: 440. — Americans of the Future, an Optimistic View. (Daniel T. Pierce) World To-day, 11: 735. — and Dependence. (K. H. Claghorn) Char. 12: 135, —— and how to promote it. (B. B. Redding) Californian, 5- 53- — and the New England Churches. (J. S. Ives) Yale Div. Q. 3: I. —- and the Public Health. (A. McLaughlin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 232. — and the South. (R. D. Ward) Atlan. 96: 611. — as an American Question. (E. W. McGraw) Cali- fornian, 5: 270, — as a Relief Problem. (E. T. Devine) Char. 12: 129. — Australasian Methods of dealing with. (F. Parsons) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 209. — Bugbear of. (E. Crosby) Arena, 32: 596. — Canadian, Some Phases of. (P. H. Bryce) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 44: 65. — The Case for the Alien. 1094- — Character of our, Past and Present. Sweeney) Nat. Geog. M. 161 I. — Commissioner of, at New York, Robert Watchorn. (M. J. Landa) Fortn. 83: (Z. F. Mc- Outl. 79: 578. —— Control Emigration rather than. (J. D. Whelpley) Indep. 60: 261, — Difiusion of. (E. Norton) ~Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: I61. —- during the 19th Century. (J. R. Commons) Chaut. 38: 433- ' —— Economic Side of. (W. E. Gordon) 19th Cent. 57: 294- —— Effects on,Homicide in American Cities. (M. Ship- ley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: I60. — from Abroad into Massachusetts. (P. E. Sherman) New Eng. M. n. s. 29! 671. —- Hebrew, Magyar, and Levantine. Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 432. —— High Tide of, 1903. (S. E. Moffett) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) (M. McLauglin) 28: 50. — How it is stimulated. (F. A. Ogg) World To-day, I0: 418. — Human Side of. (J. G. Brooks) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 44= I -— Imperial. (0. C. Beale) J. Soc. Arts, 54: 346. —- in its Relation to Pauperism. (K. H. Claghorn) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 187. —— in 1904. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 15, IMMIGRATION Immigration, In the Paths of. (J . B. Connolly) Scrib. M. 32: 513. — Influence of, upon Charitable Work. ley) Char. 8: 325. -— International Control of. (J . D. Whelpley) World’s Work, 8: 5254. — into England, Need of restricting. Sat. R. 9'7: 546. -— Keeping the New Blood Pure. Outl. 79: 219. -— Menace of, to the National Health. (P. Y. Pow- derly) No. Am. 175: 53 — Modern Problems of. Eng. M. n. s. 34: 553. —- National Conference of. 372. — The New ; is it Dangerous to the Country ? (O. P. Austin) No. Am. 178: 558, — — Slavs, Magyars, and Others in. horn) Char. I3: 199. — Our Uninvited Guests. (C. Rolleston) Westm. 161: 401, —— Pending Immigration Bills. (R. De C. Ward) No. Am. 183: 1120, — Problem of. (J . Chetwood and R. C. Bryant) Arena, 27: 254. —-— (T. Darlington) No. Am. 183: 1262, — (W. J . Kerr; R. Watchorn; J . R. Garfield; P. F. Hall) Outl. 84: 607. —(A. McLaughlin) Pop. Sci. M0, 66: 243. — (J . C. Monaghan) Cath. World, 79: 285, 512.—(L. Abbott) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 44:_16. -—-(N. P. Chipman) Calif. M. 5: 366. —(R. De C. Ward) Char. I2: 138, -— — Chinese Exclusion. (B. Penrose) Indep. 54: 12, — Problems of. (F. P. Sargent) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 153. — (W. E. Gordon) National, 42: 907. — — A New View. (C. H. Matson) Outl. 77: 461. (A. A. Brad- (Winfield s. Alcott) New (A. P. Kellogg) Char. 15: (K. H. Clag- -— — Solving. (G. C. Speranza) Outl. 76: 928. —— -— Some Aspects of. (R. P. Falkner) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 32, —- Proposals affecting. (J . D.Trenor) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 223. —— Proposed Legislation on. Sci. 44: 78. — Racial Composition of the American People. (J. R. Commons) Chant. 38: 433, 533. 39: 13, 115, (P. F. Hall) Am. J. Soc. 217, . — Recent. (Jane Addams) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 9: 274. -— Recent Studies of. (F. A. Ogg) Dial, 40: 2 57. — Regulation of. Outl. 77: 681. -— Restriction of. (R. De C. Ward) No. Am. 179: 226, -— —— its Fallacies. (C. I. Sulzberger) Char. I 5: 924. — Sane‘ Methods of Regulating. (R. De C. Ward) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33:336. — Scourge of. (G. R. Halifax) Overland, n. s. 43: 65. — Selection of. (P. F. Hall) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 169. —- A Sketch. (L. E. Macbrayne) McClure, 20: 66. — Social and Political Effects of. (A. McLaughlin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 243, — to the Southern States. Q. 20: 276. -— - Encouraging. (W. L. Fleming) Pol. Sci. (R. L. Grifliss) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 441 44- - To what Extent does Unrestricted Immigration counteract the Influence of our Educational and Charitable Work ? (A. A. Bradley) Char. 8: 325, — Underground. (B. Brandenburg) Char. 14: 89'6I_' Immortality. (H. Miinsterberg) Atlan. 95: 445.—(J. H. Hyslop) No. Am. 180: 394.—-(S. M. Crothers) Atlan. 96: 442. —- (E. M. Caillard) Contemp. 80: 99. 233. 382- =Ec1- M- I36= 477. 577. 749-=Liv. Age, 234: 385, 711. 2351 129. .—(S. D. McCor- mick) Am. J. Theol. 8: 139. — (Goldwin Smith) No. Am. 178: 717. — (M. Maeterlinck) Harper, 112: 131, 309 IMPERIAL Immortality, Animal. (VV. J . Long) Harper, 111: 873. — and Christianized Paganism. Outl. 83: 357. —— and Divine Revelation. (W. H. Mayhew) N. Church R. 10: 425. - — and the Ethical Individual. (E. M. Caillard) Con- temp. 83: 366. =Ecl.'M. I41: 407. =Liv. Age, 238: 145. ' — and Fame. (E. Gosse) Cosmopol. 36: 547, —- and the Resurrection, Belief in. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 27: 329. —- The Apocrypha and. Spec. 95: 76. —The Argument for. (A. K. Rogers) Internat. J. Ethics, 15: 323. — Argument of St. Thomas for. Univ. Bull. 6: 154, —- Aveling and Royce on. Sat. R. 99: 486. — Concept of, in the Philosophy of St. Thomas. (E. A. Pace) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 3. — An Easter Sermon. (L. Abbott) Outl. 70: 767. — Empirical Data on. (J . H. Leuba) Int. J. Ethics, 14: 90. —- Evolution of, McConnell’s. Presb. & Ref. R. I3: 123. —— Goethe’s View of. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 367. — Human, and its Relation to Religion. (F. S. Hoff- man) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 15: 162. — Human Immortalities, Old and New. (T. B. Wake- man) Open Court, 20: , —- Is the Human Race Mortal ? (C. W. Saleeby) Har- per, 112: 949. -— Miinsterberg on. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Dial, 38: 415, —Optimism and. (G. L. Dickinson) Hibbert J. I: (E. A. Pace) Cath. (W. B. Greene, jr.) 42'- —— Perils of. (Agnes Repplier) Harper, 109: 626. —-— A Poem. (J . Jefferson) Critic, 46: 505. — The Poet’s Gospel of. (J . Dickinson) Meth. R. 64: 716, — Problem of, Present Aspects of. (S. H. Mellone) Hibbert J . 2: 722, —— Professor Hyslop’s Report on Mrs. Piper. Marvin) Ednca. R. 24: 176, — The Protest of. (G. S. Eldridge) Meth. R. 65: 88. -—Recent Speculations upon. (L. C. Willcox) No. Am. 182: 579. —— Riddle of. (W. Hemstreet) Ecl. M. 146: 374. — Science and. (J . S. Christison) No. Am. 180: 842. — —- a Reply. (W. H. Mallock) No. Am. 181: 578, — Scientific Proofs for. (J . Cooper) Meth. R. 63: 681, — Wakeman on. (H. Carrington) Open Court, 19: 697. — — Reply to Wakeman. (P. Carus) Open Court, 19: 361, Immunity, Huxley Lectures on. (W. H. Welch) Sci- ence, n. s. 16: 804, 850, — Nuttall on Blood Immunity and Blood Relation- ship. (J. Ewing) Science, 11. s. 20: 562. — Physiological. (C. J . Snyder) Harper, I06: 720. Imogen and Desdemona. (A. W. Corpe) Cath. World, 82= 349- Impassable Gulf, The; a Story regarding the Race Problem. (L. S. Keyser) Arena, 29: 304. Imperfect Indicative in Early Latin. (A. L. Wheeler) Am. J. Philol. 24: 163, Imperial Army, A Plea for an. Serv. M. 27: 470, Imperial Court of Final Appeal. Cent. 52: 554. Imperial Defense. Spec. 92: 210. —-(L. H. Hordern) Un. Serv. M. 26: 1, -— and Colonial Responsibilities. (E. R. Fremantle) Un. Serv. M. 26: 11. — (C. C. Penrose Fitzgerald) Un. Serv. M. 26: 111. -— (T. B. Strange) Un. Serv. M. 26: 245. ——- (P. A. Silburn) Un. Serv. M. 27: 127, (W. T. (P. A. Silburn) Un. (H. Hodges) 19th IMPERIAL Imperial Defense, in its Relation to Fiscal Policy. (R. Harrison) Un. Serv. M. 29: 131. — May’s Principles and Problems of. Nation, 77: 343. —- Imperial England. (C. F. Lavell) Chaut. 44: I 53— 210. Imperial Federation. (F. B. Crofton) Canad. M. 20: 63. — (L. H. Hordern) Un. Serv. M. 26: 459. -— Captain Mahan on. (G. Smith) Nation, 74: 400. —- Motives to. (A. T. Mahan) Internat. Mo. 5: 580. Sec Great Britain, Empire of. Imperial Institute, London, Scientific Work of. (C. Simmonds) Nature, 69: 25. Imperial Organization. (W. D. Lighthall) Canad. M. 26: 113, — and Canadian Opinion. 909. - — from a Business Point of View. (G. Drage) Fortn. 84: 1038. —(G. Drage) J. Soc. Arts, 54: 434. Imperial Parliament, An, and its Work. (L. M. Bur- rell) Westm. 160: 612, Imperial Policy. (L. G. C. Laughton) Un. Serv. M. 26= 557. — and Free Trade. (R. Giifen; E. Dicey; B. Kidd) 19th Cent. 54: 1. = Liv. Age, 238: 345. Imperial Problems, Two. (L.-H. Hordern) Un. Serv. M, 29: 117. Imperial Reconstruction, American Experiment in. Spec. 92: 323. Imperial Recruiting Grounds (in South Africa). Mac- mil. n. s. 1: 816, Imperial Relations. (W. P. Groser) Fortn. 83! 1126. Imperial Strategy, Repington’s. Ath. ’o6, 2: 93. Imperialism ad absurdum. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 104. . —— American. (C. Schurz) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 3: 25 5. —- -— and Latin Europe. (S. Sighele) Internat. Mo. 5: (F. Pollock) 19th Cent. 58: 65 5. — — Russian View of. (F. de Martens) Indep. 54: 2993- — — to Date. Westm. I59: 1631. — and the British Constitution. Sat. R. 93: 291. -— and Canada. Canad. M. I9: 307. — and Commercialism. (J . G. Godard) Westm_. 160: 506, 621, — and Ecclesiasticism. (J. G. Godard) Westm. 160: 246. 357- —- Anti-imperialist Faith, The. (E.Winslow) No. Am. 175: 811. —— Carmen and Willis on. (J. J . Halsey) Dial, 39: 270. —— Darwinism and Empire. (R. Balmforth) Westm. 158: 1. -- Economic Tap—root of British. Contemp. 82: 2-19, — Essence of, Political Issues. Outl. 78: 355. — Gladstone and. (H. W. Marcus) Canad. M. 22: 243, — an Historical Development. (J. F. Simmons) Over- land, 11. s. 42: 311. — in Canada, Some Aspects of. (A. Shortt) Canad. M. 1-i8: 323. — in Great Britain. (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 21: 297, 25-‘ 4'7- — Nationalism, and Internationalism. Westm. 165: 240, — or Patriotism. (W. H. Kent) Westm. 157: 126. -— Our'Tired. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 223, -— Progress of British. (G. Drage) Fortn. 86: 65. —— Scientific Basis of. (J . A. Hobson) Pol. Sci. Q. 17: 460, —'Spirit and Tendency of. (J . G. Godard) Westm. 158: 14, -- Under the Microscope. (J . A Hobson) (O. G. Villard) Nation, 75: 414. - What is it? (J . Reade) Canad. M. 19: 316. 310 IN Imperialism. Why are we Imperialistic ? (J . H. Hyslop) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 1. -- Why I am opposed to; a Symposium; (G. M. Mil- ler ; T. E. Will; B. Hall; E. Crosby) Arena, 28: 1. Imperialists, British and German. (R. C. Brooks) Bookman, 23: 251, Imperially, Thinking. (I. Dobbie) Macmil. n. s. 1: I49.——(M. Frewen) Monthly R. 19, no. 1: 83. Impertinence of Charles Edward; a story. (H. G. Rhodes) McClure, 20: 240, Imperturbability of Mickey Finnegan. (R. Craft) Outl. 75: 88. Impetuous Angel, An; a story. Poet-Lore, I4: 46. Impoliteness away from Home. Sat. R. 100! 301. Imported Fullerton Lass. (C. E. Newell) Overland, n. s. 45: 328. Imports, A Study in Exports and. (R. E. Macnaghten) Econ. R. 15: 184. Impossible Possibility, An. (E. F lower) Cent. 47: 75. Impressionism, Experiment of. (P. Burne-J ones) 19th Cent. 57: 440. —- French. (C. Mauclair) Internat. Mo. 5: 54. — in Art. (H. G. Stephens) Brush & P. 11: 279. — Mauclair on. Ath. ’o4, 2: 387. —— The Passing of. (F. W. Coburn) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 2 59, Impressionist Painting, Genesis and Development of. (W. Dewhurst) Studio (Internat.) I9: 159. Impressionists, French. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 991 I74. — The Luminists. (A. Nicholson) 19th Cent. 57: 627. Impressionist Painters, Reminiscenees of the. (G. Moore) Scrib. M. 39: I96. Impressions of a Careless Traveler. 81: 254, 304, 83: 568-801, Imprisonment in the Army and Navy. (G. F. Ormsby) Green Bag, 14: 520, Improvement Societies, The Germ of. (E. E. Rexford) Chant. 372 43!. Improving the Creed. (Sir G. Scott) Liv. Age, 247: 801, In the Absence of Monsieur. 91: 211, In the Absence of Rules; a story. McClure, 23: 440. In All her Glory ; a story. (Emma F. Sahler) (L. Abbott) Outl. (G. W. Carryl) Atlan. (H. W. Phillips) (G. B. Fife) Harper, 107: 107, “ In All Time of our Prosperity.” (J . W. Tompkins) Munsey, 27: 601. In All Time of our Wealth ; a story. Gent. M. n. s. 72: 105. . In the American Style. (J . F. Wilson) Overland, n. s. 39: 671. In Arcady. (J. L. Allen) Bookman, 17: 397, 503, 572. (G.,_E. Moysey) In Arcady. (Ben Bolt) Longm. 43: 488. -—‘Liv. Age, 241: 539- In the Arena; a story. (E. L. Sabin) Cent. 46: 76. In Arizona. (C. T. Brady) Cosmopol. 38: 279. In the Astral Arden. 21, no. 1: 96. In at the Death; astory. (C. E. Lawrence) Monthly R. (R. H. Barbour) Outing, 24: 0 . In af the Finish; a story. (A. Stoddart) Munsey, 30: 848. In the Back Water. 8: 218. In the Bishop’s Palace. 353"4l°~ In a Breton Convent. 77‘ 349- (Mary H. Vorse) Appleton’s M. (C. Edwardes) Chamb. J . 83: (A. S. Schmidt) Cath. World, . In the Byre ; a poem. (VV. W. Gibson) Cornh. 89: 623. In Camera; a story. (G. B. O’Halloran) Gent. M. n. ‘s. 72: 417. , ‘ IN In the Closed Room; a story. (Frances H. Burnett) McClure, 23: 330, 471. In the Clutch of the Red-tail; a story. venson) Canad. M. 18: 252, In a Collision, Two of a Kind; a story. (J . E. Dun- ning) Cosmopol. 34: 46 5. In Corpore Sano. (T. J . Macnamara) Contemp. 8'7: 238, In the Course of Justice. (Arthur Train) McClure, 25: 516. In the Court of Last Resort. (Willard French) Lip- pine. 77: 764: In Cure of her Soul. (F. J . Stimson) Booklover’s M. 6= 559.721. 7= s3—766- 8= 58. In the Curé’s Garden. (Charlotte M. Mew) Temp. Bar, 125: 667.: Liv. Age, 234: 44. In Darkest Africa. (Irene Ashby-Macfadyen) Indep. 58: 139. In the Darkroom. (B. Millard) Cosmopol. 40: 171. In the Dawn at Treganwell. Chamb. J . 80: 325. ._ In the Day of the Comet. (H. G. Wells) Cosmopol. 40: 188-697. 41: 39-647, In the Deep of the Snow. (Charles G. D. Roberts) Everybody’s, I5: 809, In Defiance of the Occult. lover’s M. 7: 174. In Defiance of the Stars. sey, 32: 606. In the Down Country. (G. B. Lancaster) Everybody’s, (O. J . Ste- (Elsie Singmaster) Book- (N. Wilson-Woodrow) Mun- 13: 75. In an East End Lane; a story. (M. F. Quinlan) Dub. R. 135: 129. In Exile. (A. Tchekhoff) Fortn. 80: 529. In Face of Fact. (J . Morton) Munsey, 35¢ 39. In the Face of his Constituents; a story. (S. K. Glas- pell) Harper, 107: 757, In the Face of the Lord. (N. Duncan) Atlan. 90: ‘ 145- In the Family. (Mary S. Cutting) McClure, 24: 538. In the Far East; a poem. (T. B. Aldrich) Cent. 42: 546- In the Farthest Sea. (G. B. Lancaster) Everybody’s, 13: 166. In the Footsteps of Katy. (Eleanor H. Porter) Lip- pinc. 78: 249. In the Forest. (E. Mosby) Cath. World, 80: 512. In a Gate-house. (Harriet E. D. Mills) Temp. Bar, 126: 206, In the Grand Pré Garden; a poem. Poet-Lore, I4: 1, In Great Waters; a poem. (A. Noyes) Blackw. 176: 1, In a Hillside Cottage. (S. Macnaughton) Temp. Bar, 126: 66.=Liv. Age, 234: 491. In Honor Bound; a story. (A. Dunbar) Munsey, 30: (Bliss Carman) 728, . In the Interests of Christopher; a story. (M. Harris)‘ Harper, 109: 267, In the Land of Gath; a story. (M. F. Quinlan) Cath. World, 79: 242, In the Lee of the Center-house. 493 762- In Loco Parentis. (P. Millington) Cornh. 88: 846. In Loco Parentis. (M. Kelly) McClure, 25: 366. In Loco Parentis; a story. (M. S. Briscoe) Harper, 108: 52 In London 802, In Lover’s Meeting. (H. J . O’Higgins) McClure, 25: (L. F. Tooker) Cent. 4. Chambers. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Cornh. 89: 184. In the Married Quarters. (M. S. Cutting) McClure, 19: 248. In the Matter of a Contraband. (A. H. Henderson) Chamb. J. 83: 177, 200. 311 IN In the Matter of the Mission; a story. (B. Veiller) McClure, 21: 264. In the Matter of the Printing Steal. (W. M. Raine) Lippinc. 77: 358. In the Money-mill. (G. G. Bain) Cosmopol. 39: 660. In my Lady’s Garden. (K. Trask) Atlan. 89: 618. In Nanna’s Palm; a story. (J . M. Strobridge) Land of Sun. 9¢ 24. In the Nature of a Hero. (H. J . O’Higgins) Cent. 461 366. . In Necessity"s Mortar; a story. (J . B. Cabell) Har- per, 109: 702. In the Nick of Time. (M. W. Foshay) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 523. In Normandy; a story. (E. D"Arcy) Temp. Bar, 130: 690. In the Northern Silence. (E. Weber) Overland, n. s. 42: 222, ' In the Open. (M. R. S. Andrews) Scrib. M. 34¢ 66. . In Payment Thereof; a story. (M. K. Potter) Har- I P91‘. 105: 273- In Prison and in Exile; Experience of a Russian Stu- dent. (Ed. by W. L. Howard) Arena, 33: 600, In the Private Car. (G. H. Preston) Lippinc. 73: 3 50. In Pursuit of a Graveyard. (Theresa Russell) Out West, 24: 39. In Quest of Bohemia. (A. Gilpin) Overland, n. s. 39: 643. In the Quicksand. (L. B. Miller) Cent. 44¢ 254. In Red Marrakesh. (S. L. Bensusan) Fortn. 82: 423. = Liv. Age, 243: 289. In Regard to Josephine. Clure, 24: 579. In Retreat. (Agnes Repplier) Atlan. 96: 110. In 9. Sandy Garden. (A. Colton) Atlan. 98: 342. In Scutari. (R. Wyon) Chamb. J . 80: 673. 1 In Search of a Pedigree; a story. (E. C. Wheelwright) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 521, (Mary Stewart Cutting) Mc- In a Second Balcony. (Eliz. McCracken) Cosmopol. 4 am 174. In Self-defense. (R. F. Foster) Bookman, 212 210. In the Shadow of Death. (M. F. Quinlan) Cath. World, 81: 2;, In the Shadow of the Three Balls. Overland, n. s. 45: 332. In the Shadow Valley. (E. S. Babcock) Outing, 48: (Oma Davies) 341- In Silence. (J . Oxenham) Temp. Bar, 125: 279, In Slippery Places. (W. H. Rainsford) Macmil. 87: 269. =Ec1. M. 140: 653.:Liv. Age, 2.36: 694. In the Spring of the Year. (L. F. Tooker) Scrib. M. 39: 98. In the Springtime. (H. W. Lanier) Lippinc. 73: 570. In a State of Sin; a story. (Owen \Vister) Harper, 104: 4' . In a Strange Land. (E. Elliott) New Eng. M. n. s. 29¢ 186. ' In the Strong Man’s Borders. ' (Frank Saville) Lip- pinc. 7: 194. In Time of Drought. (G. Lumley) Macmil. 85: 338. In the Time of Opposition; a Tale of the Fur Coun- try. (S. H. Howard) Outl. 77¢ 313. In Times of Peace; a story. (Clinton Dangerfield) Cosmopol. 35: 266. In Trust. (Edith Wharton) Booklover’s M. 7: 432. In Ursula’s Garden; a story. (J . B. Cabell) Harper, I06: 909, In the Valley of the Bees. (D. B. Varé) Temp. Bar, 131: 215. In the Valley of the Shadow ; a story. (Josephine D. Daskam) McClure, 20: 41. In the Valley of the Shadow of the Skyscrapers. (C. W. Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 375. IN In Via Merulana; a poem. 108. In the Virginia Room. In the Whale-boat; a story. (S. V. Cole) Atlan. 91: (Arlo Bates) Cent. 48: 227. (H. C. Rowland) Mc- Clure, Ig: 571. In the White City. (Denison H. Clift) Overland, n. s. 48= 352- In the Wilderness; a story. (C. S. Reid) Munsey, 28: 383. Inauguration Ball, The First. (G. Hunt) Cent. 471 754- Inca Civilization, The Truth about. (A. F. Bande- lier) Harper, I10: 632, Incandescent Lamp, The Electric. Cassier, 21: 237. Incandescent Lamps, Collection of. J . Frankl. Inst. I62: 327, -— Edison, Manufacture of. (J . T. Marshall) J . Frankl. Inst. 160: 21, Incandescent Lighting, Petroleum. (A. Kitson) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 445. Incantations and Popular Healing in Maryland and Pennsylvania. (Letitia H. Wrenshall) J . Am. F olk-Lore, I5: 268, Incarnation, The. (M. Valentine) Luth. Q. 3 5: 522. -— and Reincarnation. (A. Lang) Indep. R. 42 455. —- as a Revelation of God. (G. H. Beard) Yale Div. Q. 1: 116. — The Divine. (A. F. Frost) N. Church R. 9: 126. —— of Jesus Christ, The Truth of, in Certain Practical Relations. (A. J . Lyman) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 7: 291. Incas, Treasures of the. Chamb. J . 80: 13. Incentives, Effects of, on Work and Fatigue. (W. R. Wright) Psychol. R. 13: 23. “ Inchoate Rights.” (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 4. Incident at the Rock, An. Chamb. J . 80: 478. Incident in Guerrilla Warfare, An; a story. (P. Mil- lington) Ecl. M. I41: 585. I Liv. Age, 238: 664. Incognito. (H. S. Griflith) Lippinc. 73: 385. Income and Family Protection. (R. W. Weeks) Indep. 571 945- -- Apportionment of. (R. W. Hale) Harv. Law R. 16: 404. — Division of. — How to live within your. mopol. 38: 105. Income-tax, British. 287. — A Graduated. (J . E. Allen) Econ. R. 15: 219. — in the States. (D. O. Kinsman) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 4: 553. Incomes, earned and unearned, and the Income Tax. (A. Hook) Westm. 165: 124, Incompatibles, The; a Revolt from Rome by English Romanist Clergy. (A. Galton) Fortn. 78: 419, Incorporation, Congressional Power of. (G. Robertson) Nation, 77: 337. -— National, and Control of Corporations. Logan) Am. Law R. 37: 237. Incorrigible Child, The. (Julia Richman) Educa. R. (B. V. Swenson) (W. J . Hammar) (E. Cannan) Q. J. Econ. I91 341. (Flora M. Thompson) Cos- (W. H. Price) Q. J. Econ. 20: (W. S. Incr2;si1ig84Purpose, The. (E. W. Cook) Contemp. 81: Incurffbrance, The. (Edna Kenton) Everybody’s, 13: Incuriztfbula, Sale Prices of, 1900-01. Library, n. s. 2: — (R. A. Peddie) Library, n. s. 5: 318. — — 1904. (R. A. Peddie) Library, 11. s. 6: 173. Incurable ! (A. R. Carman) Arena, 35: 409. Indemnities, Implied. (W. H. Griifith) Law Q. 19: 281 —— War ; a Premium on Aggression. Nation, 81: 156. (W. P. Garrison) 312 INDIA Indemnity, Club Trustees’ Right to. (T. C. Williams) Law Q. 19: 386. Independence. Spec. 89: 693. —- and Freedom. Outl. 80: 953. -—- and Patience in Life. (B. 1. Wheeler) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 175. -—- Irrepressible. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 184. Independence of Saburs; a story. (A. M. Bacon) Atlan. 94: 389. Independent Order of White Men, California, 1871-72. (VV. L. Fleming) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 78. Independent Voter in the South. (E. Mims) So. At- lan. Q. 5: 1. Indeterminate Sentence Law, Results of, in Indiana. (A. W. Butler) Char. 10: 38. — Michigan. (L. C. Storrs) Char. I0: 37. —- Need for a “Sure Enough.” (J . C. Taylor) Char. I2: 946, Index, Making an. Pub. Lib. 10: 132. Index Expurgatorius, The Roman. Quar. 196: 587. Index Medicus. Science, 11. s. 17: 751. Index-numbers of Prices. (A. Sauerbeck) J . Statis. Soc. 66: 616, —- and the Standard of Value. Econ. 10: I93. — A New Method of, for American Commodity Prices. (Francis B. Forbes) Am. Statis. Assoc. 10: 110. Indexes, Rules to be observed in making. Lib. J . 28: 665. — to Books. (F. Cragg) Lib. J. 27: 819. Indexing Botanical Books. (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 16: 476. — Chemical Literature. ence, n. s. 21: 61, — Remarks on. (W. S. Burns) Lib. J. 28! 664. —— Subsidized. (A. L. Clarke) Library, 11. s. 6: 274, India. (G. W. Knox) Chant. 42: 109. —- Administration in. Asia. R. 34: 252. — The Age of Mauikka Vacagar. (L. C. Innes) Asia. R. ss= 321. — Agricola Redivivus. — Agricultural Banks in. (T. S. Adams) J . Pol. (J . S. Howe and others) Sci- (A. Rogers) Asia. R. 33: 42. (C. W. Whish) Asia. R. 34: 48. — Akbar’s Revenue Settlements. (H. Beveridge) Asia. R. ‘ 102, — and Anglo-India. (A. Sawtell) Asia. R. 42: 250, -— and the Empire. (J . Dewar) Contemp. 81: 544. —and Imperial Control. (E. T. Solano) Monthly R. 21, no. I I 7. Ath, ’02, 1: 711, (Ameer Ali) I9th Cent. -— and its Problems, Lilly on. —- and the New Parliament. 60: 254, —— and Preferential Tariffs. (R. Lethbridge) Asia. R. 37 = 1- . -—- and Tariff Reform. (E. Sassoon) 19th Cent. 5 5: 444. — Anthropological Researches in. (A. C. H.) Nature, 66: 91. —— The Army in. Un. Serv. M. 31: 367, —— — as it is. Un. Serv. M. 32: 226. -— -—- in Transition. Un. Serv. M. 32: 223. —— Army Reorganization in. Un. Serv. M. 31: 45. -— Bank of, National. Bank. M. (Lond.) 74: 725. —— Barbaric Pearl and Gold. (J . Hawthorne) Cosmo- pol. 38: 433. —— The Bath of Blood in North. Spec. 97: I96. -—- The Benares Massacre of 1799. (F. A. Skrine) Asia. R. 38: 87. —— Borderland, 1880- I900, Holdioh on. Nature, 65: 319. —- British, H. Compton on. (B. N. Sasmal) Outl. 78: 73°- — -— Government of. (Lord Curzon, Lord Kitchener, and Mr. Brodrick) Blackw. 178: 427. INDIA India, British, Income and Wealth of. son) J. Stat-is. Soc. 65: 209, -— —- Incompetency to contract and its Effects accord- ing to Law in. (H. H. Shephard) Law Q. 20: 81. — —— Innes’s Short History of. Ath. ’02, I: 453. — — A Little Known Chinese Corner. Asia. R. 36: (F. J. Atkin- 337- - — Prosperity of. (A. Webb) Nation, 742 67. —— (W. Malleson) Monthly R. 5, no. 3: 50. —-— — Prosperous. (A. R. Bonus) Asia. R. 36: I5. — British Administration in. Blackw. 180: 403. —-— British Empire in. (Goldwin Smith) N 0. Am. I83: 338. — British Rule in. (A. Rogers) Asia. R. 38: 309. — The Call of Lord Kitchener. (By Anglo-Indian) No. Am. 180: 602, —-— Caste and English Law. temp. 82: 581, —-— —the Curse of India. 42: 124, —- Census of. (E. O. Walker) Gent. M. n. s. 732 353. —-— (J. D. Rees) 19th Cent. 551 938. — — Gleanings from. (J . A. Baines) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 328, —— Report, 1901. (C. A. Elliott) J. Soc. Arts, 53: (E. M. Konstam) Con- (C. E. Russell) Cosmopol. 37>- —'— Central, Water Supply in. (G. E. Ward) Asia. R. 36: 30, —— Child-life of, Cornelia Sorabji’s Studies of. Spec. 94: 56. —- Christian Missions in. (A. Nundy) Asia. R. 34: 324- —— Christian Mysticism in. Spec. 93$ 3 52. — Christianity in, Sages of India and. (M. H. Phelps) Open Court, 18: 537. —— Christmas in. Blackw. I731 40. =Ecl. M. 1402 456- —— Civic Life in. (A. Y. Ali) Asia. R. 41: 225, — Civil Procedure of. (J . H. Bakewell) Law Q. 21: -— Civil Service as a Career in. (W. Egerton) Asia. R. 332 21. —-— (J. B. Pennington) Asia. R. 332 280. — Cloud Observation and Air Pressure. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 19: 115, —— Coal Resources of. (W. R. Dunstan”. Soc. Arts, 5°: 371- — Coinage for, Unity of. 331 54- —— The Complete Tourist in. (E. Reynolds-Ball) Chamb. J. 83: 420. —- Condition of the Poor Native. Everybody’s, I4: 774, —— Constitutional Law in. (L. Tupper) Asia. R. 35: 303- " —-— Co-operative Credit Societies in. (R. Murray) Bank. M. (Lond.) 73: 253. —— Cotton Industry of. (S. M. Johnson) J . Soc. Arts, 541 897- —- Courts of. _ (E. Russell) Everybody’s, 8: 99. — —— High, Shortcomings of. (W. M. Wood) Westm. (Alec McMillan) Asia. R. (C. E. Russell) 159: 133- ——Criminal Justice in. (C. H. Buck) Asia. R. 42: 36. — Cross or Crescent in ? (F. A. Ogg) Open Court, I7: 738. — Currency Policy of. (A. Rogers) Asia. R. 35: 46, —- (J. B. Robertson) J . Soc. Arts, 511 423. — Currency System in. Bank. M. (Lond.) 78: 460, —- Curzon’s Viceroyalty in. Blackw. I78: 718, — Monthly R. 22: 73. =Ecl. M. 146: 385.-(F.J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 79: 92. — Dalhousie’s Administration in. tion, 78: 516. (R. Garnett) Na- 313 INDIA India, Dawn of a New Policy in. (Ameer Ali) 19th ' Cent. 60: 823, — Defense of. (E. H. H. Collen) Sat. R. 992 691. —- — An Indian Militia for. (S. S. Thorburn) Asia. R. 42' 1 —— — Political Problems of, Chiral on. Spec. 92: 51. — Disabilities of a British Regiment in. Un. Serv. M. 26: 306. — Domestic Life in. (J. D. Rees) J. Soc. Arts, 51: 213, —— Dual Problem of. (Sir Walter Lawrence) N ational, 431 245- - Duties on Tea and Tobacco from. Asia. R. 38: 73. -— Economic and Industrial Progress and Condition of. (J . E. O’Connor) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 648. — Economics in. (A. R. Bonus) Asia. R. 35: 3I5. —-— Education in. Asia. R. 35: 264. — —— by Newspaper. (S. S. Thorburn) Asia. R. 34: 61. — —— Is it a. Failure ? (D. Duncan) Asia. R. 33: I. — — Is State—aided Education suitable to ? (R. K. Wilson) Asia. R. 331 235. — — New. Spec. 92: 442. — Educational Changes in. 36: 292. — Educational Policy in. (J . Kennedy) Asia. R. 39: 1. —— Empire of, The Bulwark of our. (R. T. Halliday) Chamb. J . 831 298. — England’s Strength in Asia. 84: 640. — English Education in ; does it breed Sedition ? (A. P. Sen) Westm. I58: 168, — Executive and Judicial Functions in. Law Q. 18: 349. — Famine in. Asia. R. 332 399. — —— Causes and Remedies. Sat. R. 93: 166. (R. Lethbridge) (M. Prothero) Asia. R. (T. Holdich) Fortn. (E. J . Kitts) — Famine of 1890, Measures taken to meet it. (T. W. Holderness) J . Soc. Arts, 502 441. ——-Report of the Commission, 1901. (A. Rogers) Westm. I58: 55. ——(R. E. Forest) Asia. R. 34: 1. — Famines and their Remedies. Quar. I 95: 54. — Felix. Sat. R. 99: 442. — Feudatory States of. (F. Loraine Petre) Monthly R. 22, no, 1: I09, — Finances of, Improved. Sat. R. 941 606. — — Rupee Prices, 1893-1901. (F. J . Atkinson) J . Statis. Soc. 66: 103, — The Foundation of. 112, — Frontier of. (Richard B. Hobart) N ation, 82: 319, —- Future of. (Lord Curzon) World’s Work, 9: 5589. — Future of British. (Henry Cotton) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 323 453' — Garrison Classes in. Un. Serv. M. 26: 641. —-— Government of. (G. W. Forrest) Blackw. I78: 165. -— Greek Retreat from. (T. H. Holdich) J . Soc. Arts, 491 41 — Higher 120. —- Hindustani Language and Literature of. (S. A. Gadir) Asia. R. 40: 65. —— Holdich’s Topography of. Nature, 71: 268. — Hyderabad, Past and Present. (D. Barr) Asia. R. 40: 225, —-— Idealists of, Some Modern. 42: 149. —— Imperial Militia Service, and Reinforcement of India in Time of War. Blackw. I77: 731. — Imperial Visit to. (R. Lethbridge) F ortn. 85: 96. — Impressment for Transport in. (S. S. Thorburn) Blackw. I71: 382, —— in the 20th Century. (U. A. Forbes) Quar. 204: 299, — in the Victorian Age. (J . B. Pennington) Asia. R. W 338- (A. F. Steuart) Asia. R. 39: 7. Education in. (H. Madras) 19th Cent. 57: (D. L. Pierson) Chaut. INDIA India, in the Victorian Age, Dutt on. Spec. 92: 643. -—— Indian Conditions and Indian Critics. (J . D. Rees) Fortn. 78: 272. —— Industrial Crisis in. 100. (A. M. Bhimgee) Ecl. M. 147: — Industrial Development of. (N. B. Wagle) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 334. —- Industrial Regeneration of. (J . Wallace) Cassier, 24: 207. —— Irrigation in. (J . F. Fischer) Asia. R. 38: 257. —- —— in the Mopand, Project of. (J . F. Fischer) Asia. R. 40: 39. —— J agannath Car Festival. 107, —— Jewel Crafts of. (E. Russell) Everybody’s, 12: 331. —— A Judge’s Life in. (E. J. Kitts) Law Q. lg: 423. —— Land Legislation in. (S. Satthianadhan) Asia. R. 37: 88. —— Languages and Census of, 1901. (G. A. Grierson) Asia. R. 37: 267.=J. Soc. Arts, 54: 581. —- Leisure and Art disappearing in. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. W 197. — Linguistic Survey of. Vol. 5. Ath. ’o4, 2: 198. — Literary Life in. (Lida R. McCabe) Bk. Buyer, 25: 127. -—- Law and Native Races in. Sat. R. 101: 810, — Madras Irrigation and Indian Irrigation Policy. (W. Hughes) Asia. R. 37: 296. —- — and Navigation. (W. Hughes) Asia. R. 40: 244, -— (J. F. Fischer) Asia. R. 41: 278, -— Manners and Customs, Dubois’s. Duff) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 13: I. -— Manufactures of. (H. J. Tozer) J . Soc. Arts, 531 752- - —— Marriage Customs of. (G. Scott) Blackw. I80: 227, —— —- Early. (S. A. Singh) Asia. R. 40: 265. — Medical Service in, Past and Present. Beatson) Asia. R. 34: 272. 35: 384, — Meteorological Memoirs of. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Nature, 69: 178. — Meteorology of, 1892-1902. Nature, 73: I 36. — Military Camp of Instruction in. Blackw. I79: 325. — Military Education in. Un. Se_rv. M. 32: 579. —- Military Organization in. Playing with Fire; a reply. (E. F. Law) National, 46: 920, — Military Police Officer in, Reminiscences of. Chamb. J. 79= 349-825- -— Military Training of European Population in. Un. Serv. M. 272 47. — Mineral Output of. Nature, 69: 323. -—- Missionaries in. (E. Armitage) Contemp. 84: 425. — Missions in, Failure of. (J . Oldfield) Hibbert J . It 487.—— Reply. (W. Miller) Hibbert J . It 661. —— — Lambs among Wolves. (N ivedita) Westm. I 58: (W. Egerton) Asia. R. 4:: (M. E. Grant- (W. B. 414. — Modern. (A. C. Albers) Open Court, 19: 588, 657. -— — History of Trial by Jury in. (T. D. Beighton) Asia. R. 37: 17. — Monsoon of 1902 in. Asia. R. 35: 79. -—- Mutiny of 1857. (W. Tweedie) Blackw. I76: 184, -— —— Forrest’s History of. Ath. ’O3, 1: 491.— Blackw. 173: 564. —- Ath. 3: 726, -— -—- Rajputana in 1357-53. 11. s. 75: 267. — Mysore State of; an Object Lesson in Indian Ad- ministration. Asia. R. 37: 225, -— A Native Council for. (C. Sankaran Nair) Con- temp. 89: 690. -- Native Life in Bengal. (G. H. Trevor) Gent. M. (R. E. Forrest) Asia. R. 391 279- - Native Political Movements. National, 48: 548. -— Native State in. Temp. Bar, 125: 724. 314 INDIA India, Native States of. (VV. Lee-Warner) Internat. Q. 6: 178. -— Natives of, in Transvaal. R. 36: 4*/.~ —- New Spirit in. (Sir H. Cotton) No. Am. 183: 990. -—- Northwest Frontier of. (J . F. Cadell) Un. Serv. M. 32: 403. —of the Queen, The. (W. Hunter) Monthly R. 13, no. 2: 26. —— An Old Cantonment in. (G. F. Macmunn) Blackw. 179: 120.--‘Ecl. M. 146: 395. —- Orme’s History of Hindustan ; a Neglected Classic. _ (H. B. Henderson) Temp. Bar, 128: 353. —— Parsis’ Activity in Avestic and Pehlevi Studies in. (L. C. Casartelli) Asia. R. 353 112. -—- Peasants of, Proprietors of. (R. Dutt) Asia. R. 36: (W. Wedderburn) Asia. 231. —~ The Phantom of. (R. E. Forrest) Asia. R. 341 233. -— —— A Grievous Reality. (W. Digby) Asia. R. 35: 339. —- Pictorial Art in. (E. B. Havell) Studio (Internat.) 18: 25, — Picturesque. (F. A. Steel) Fortn. 86: 8o6,=Liv, Age, 2512 786, —— Peace of, in an Imperial Federation. lean) J. Soc. Arts, 52: 81. -—- Plumb-line in, Deflection in. J . 19: 615. -—- Police in. (H. F. Trippel) Un. Serv. M. 27: 57. —- Political Future of. (H. Cotton) No. Am. 18: 110, -— Political Importance of the Coronation Delhi Dur- bar. Asia. R. 35: 253. —— Population of. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 408. — — Geographical Distribution of. (J . A. Baines) J . Statis. Soc. 67: 661, — Ports and Harbors of. 2. — Poverty and Famine in. 35: 1. — Poverty of the Rayat. Asia. R. 33: 287. — Prices in, Instability of. (T. Morison) J . Statis. Soc. 65: 513. — Princess of. (M. G. White) Munsey, 28: 870. — Problem of Social Intercourse in. (C. W. Whish) Asia. R. 36: 1. — ProgressinMysore. (R. Lethbridge)Asia.R. 39: 77. -—- Progress of, in the 19th Century, Temple on. Ath. ’oz, 2: 177, -—— Progress of the Municipal Idea in. Asia. R. 33: 270, (J . M. Mac- (E. A. Reeves) Geog. (H- Bell) J. Soc. Arts, 51: (C. B. Phipson) Asia. R. (A. Rogers) 39: 48. - A Punjab Head. (Flora A. Steel) Sat. R. 102: 199. — Railroad to. Blackw. 151: 337. — Railroads and Famine in. (H. Bell) J. Soc. Arts, 49¢ 29°- — Reduction of Taxation in, Salt Duty. (C. A. Roe) Asia. R. 36: 43. — A Renaissance in. (T. Morison) Quar. 204: 553, —— Resources of Mysore. (R. Lethbridge) Asia. R. 40: 1. — A Retrospect and some Comments. (Ameer Ali) 19th Cent. 58: 607. =Ecl. M. 145: 574, —— Revenue and Land Systems in. (J . F. Fischer) Asia. R. 36: 245. —- Romance of. (R. Kipling) Quar. I96: 40. -—— Russian Invasion of, Kuropatkin on. Spec. 93: 78. — Sacred Animals of. (E. Russell) Everybody’s, I3: 625. —— Safeguards for Purdahnishins. (C. Sorabji) Asia. R. 35: 69. -—- Scientific Board for. N ature, 67: 568. -— Self—government for. (G. K. Gokhale) Asia. R. 4% 233- — Progress of the Panjab. (VV. M. Young) Asia. R. INDIA India, Separation of Judicial and Executive Functions in. (E. T. Candy) Law Q. 21: 138. -—— Shorter Routes to. (J . M. Ward) Cosmopol. 37: 671. -—— A Side-light on. (E. H. Aitken) Monthly R. 19, no. 1: I41. — Simla and Preferential Tariffs. Asia. R. 37: 236. — Social and Industrial Condition of. (J . F. Fischer) Asia. R. 39: 225. — Social Resurrection of. (T. J . Scott) Meth. R. 65: 408. —- Soldiers of the Sirkar. (H. C. Wylly) Monthly R. 17, no. 1: I18. 20, no, 2: 81. — Some Indian Portraits. (W. Rattigan) 19th Cent. 56: 286. -— South, Village Deities of. (H. Whitehead) 19th Cent. 60: 533. — Spirit of the Orient. (G. W. Knox) Chaut. 42: 11. -—— Strategic Railways on Northwest Frontier of. (H. C. Wylly) Un. Serv. M. 32: 556. — Survey of; Report for 1904-05. Nature, 74: 67. — Taxation in. (C. A. Roe) Asia. R. 35: 283. —— Temples by the Mile. Sund. M. 35: 44. — Three Crises for. (H. W. Warren) Meth. R. 66: 19. — to England via Japan and Canada. Un. Serv. M. 2g: 307. —— Tobacco Industry in. (T. D. Beighton) Asia. R. 39: 82. — Tour of the Prince of Wales in. (T. Morison) No. Am. 181: 912. — Trade of, Growth and Trend of, 1860-1900. J . Soc. Arts. 49= 333. -— Turbans of the Native Regiment of. Army & Navy Life, 9: 235. - —— under Lord Curzon. (VV. W. Hunter) Quar. 200: 210.-—-Sat. R. 97: 448. -—— under Protection, The Place of. Asia. R. 39: 250. —— University Reform in. Quar. I97: 234. —— Value of Water in. (J . F. Fischer) Asia. R. 34: 31. —— Waterways of. (R. B. Buckley) J . Soc. Arts, 54: (S. S. Thorburn) 417- - Western Frontiers of. (J . D. Rees) Asia. R. 35: 225, — Western Stories of the East. Ecl. M. 141: 281, -— What is the Ideal of the People? (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 96: 166. -— Women of, at Home. (E. Russell) Everybody’s, 10: 341- -—- -— Portraits of Some. (C. Sorabji) 19th Cent. 57: 481. —- Young, its‘ Hopes and Aspirations. (S. A. Gadir) Asia. R. 41: 249. - Yule’s Hobson-Jobson. (C. P. G. Scott) Nation, 77‘ 342- Indian, The American. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 12: 28, 90, 178. -— and the Wolf, The. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 39: 701. — as a Worker. (J . B. Funsten) Outl. 81: 875, —- The New. ~— of To-day and To-morrow. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 696, -—— Plains, Folk—tales of. (A. C. H.) Nature, 71: 417. —— Typical American in Bronze. (J . M. Baltimore) Craftsman, 9: 250. Indian Agriculture in Wisconsin. M. of Hist. I: 97. _ ’ Indian Art at Delhi. (F. Butcher) M. of Art, 27: 187, (F. E. Leupp) Nation, 79: 47. (Charles M. Harvey) (B. H. Hibbard) 229. -— British Philistinism and. (E. B. Havell) 19th Cent. 53: 198. Indian Blanketry. (G. W. J a'mes) Outing, 39: 684, Indian Bone Combs. (W. M. Beauchamp) Science, 11. s. 22: 402. 315 INDIAN Indian Boundary Line, 1763-99. (Max Farrand) Am. Hist. R. 10: 782, Indian Boy’s Story, An. (Ah-Nen-La-De-Ni) Indep. 55: 1780. Indian Child, The Story of an. of Sun. 12: 352, Indian Dances in Northern California. gent) Californian, I: 464. Indian Depredations, Carlisle, Pa., July, 1768. Penn- syl. M. 28: 108. Indian Festival at Taos. 282, Indian Funds and Mission Schools. (F. E. Leupp) Outl. 83: 315. Indian-gift Cornelia. (A. Pratt) Scrib. M. 31: 625. Indian Graves in Western Massachusetts. (H. H. Wilder) Am. Anthropol. 7: 295. ' Indian Gymkhanas, The Father of. (H. N. Shore) Un. Serv. M. 27: 682. Indian Handicrafts. (C. A. Eastman) Craftsman, 8: 658. Indian Harbor Estate, Greenwich, Conn. Ctry Life Am. 2: 148, Indian Hunter of the Far Northwest. Outing, 392 623. Indian Idea of Fine Arts. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 46: (C. J . Crandall) Land (Lucy Sar- (J. A. Le Roy) Outing, 43: (T. Adney) 355- Indian Lands for the White Men. (Arthur Chapman) World To-day, 9: 980. — The Puritans and the. (J . N. Eno) M. of Hist. 4: 274- —— Reaching for. (J . Oskison) Nation, 82: 336, Indian Legend, An ; the Bear and the Wrangel Tribe. (Zula M. Taylor) Overland, n. s. 46: 557. Indian Legend of the Dancing Ghosts. (C. Lanman) M. of Hist. 22 424. —of Flying Head. (C. F. Hoffman) M. of Hist. 4: 28 2. — of the Maiden of the Moon. (C. Lanman) M. of Hist. 2: 273. — of the Origin of the Choctaws. (C. Lanman) M. of Hist. 3: 40, — of the Peacemaker. (C. Lanman) M. of Hist. 3: 1 ~, — of the Shooting Meteors. (C. Lanman) M. of Hist. 2: 210, — Orleans. (M. B. Denny) Out West, 25: 37-451. Indian Money in the New England Colonies. Ogg) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 749. Indian Mounds in Texas. (I. H. Wentworth) Science, n. s. 23: 818. Indian Myth, Artistic Possibilities of. Poet-Lore, 15, no. 1: 46. Indian Ocean, The. (J . Stanley Gardiner) Geog. J . (F. A. (A. Farwell) 28= 313. 454- Indian Paintings, Some. (M. C. Frederick) Land of Sun. 15: 223. Indian Pictography. (W. N. Hoffman) Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: 161, Indian Portraits. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 12: 332- Indian Problem of the U. S. (G. Howard) Californian, I1 494- —- — M. Schurz reviewed. 4: 202. Indian Question, The. Outl. 75: 149, 164. Indian Reservations, Opening of ; the Day of the Run. (R. S. Baker) Cent. 44! 643. (B. S. Wilkins) ' (J. W. Oates) Californian, Indian School, In a Government. Land of Sun. 7: 242, Indian Song. (Auguste Wey) Land of Sun. 6: 3. Indian Songs and Dances, Some Coahuia. (D. P. Bar- rows) Land of Sun. 4: 38. INDIAN Indian Summer. (C. Abbe) Science, 11. s. 15: 793. -— An. (L. W. Hine) Outl. 84: 503. Indian Temples. (F. B. Workman) Am. Arch. 87: 143- Indian Territory, The, and Oklahoma, as they are To-day. (C. M. Harger) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 251 177. —- “Standing Rock.” (H. F. Buckner) Am. Antiq. 27: 320, -- Town Life in. (J. F. Willard) Cosmopol. 39: 137. Indian Trappers, Canadian. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Out- iI1g.41= 529 Indian Tribes in the San Joaquin Valley, Distribution of. (C. H. Merriam) Science, n. s. 19: 912. Indian Types, Portraits of. (G. B. Grinnell) Scrib. M - s7= 259. ‘ Types, Vanishing. (E. S. Curtis) Scrib. M. 39: ///Indian U 657. Indian Volunteers. (W. H. Brown) Un. Serv. M. 301 49. Indian War Dance. (E. A. Gerrard) Outing, 39: 404. Indian Wedding in Washington Territory. (S. Beaty) Californian, 6: 433. Indian Well, An. (F. Anthony) Land of Sun. 14: 121, Indian Woman, The, as a Craftsman. (C. G. Du Bois) Craftsman, 6: 391. Indian Words in American English. lain) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I5: 240, Indiana, County Names in. M. of Hist. 2: 420, — Educational System of. (Adele M. Shaw) World’s Work, 8: 4795. — Library in, The First. (H. Ellis) Pub. Lib. 10: 509. — Library Association, Annual Meeting, 1902. Pub. Lib. 7: 473. — — -— 1903. Pub. Lib. 8: 471. -_ --_ 1905. Pub. Lib. 10: 538. _ - — 1906. Pub. Lib. 11: 570. -— (C. Hadley) Lib. J, 31: 821. —— Municipal Code of. (H. O. Stechhan) Forum, 37: 286 (A. F. Chamber- —Poor Relief Laws of. (A. W. Butler) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 396. — State Normal School Library Building. ningham) Lib. J. 29: 182. Indianapolis, Ind. (G. E. Hunt) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: 8 (A. Cun- 50 . —— A City of Homes. (M. Nicholson) Atlan. 93: 836. —— Court House and Post-oflice. (H. W. F rohne) Ar- chit. Rec. 19: 437. —The People’s Gas Trust in. (S. Morse) Am. M. 62: 414. ' — Post-office Trouble at. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 86. — University Club. (H. H. Howland) Bookman, 22: 463- Indians, The American. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 11: I39, 2°71 2637 333- - Adventure with. (W. M. Edgar) Outing, 39: 381, -— Ancestors of. (C. Hallock) Am. Antiq. 24: 3, —- and the Outing System. (G. B. Grinnell) Outl. 75: 167. I — Appropriations for. The State, the Church and the Indian. Outl. 79: 370, —Art of. Brush & P. 15: 84. -~ as Man-trailers. (G. H. Hutchins) Outing, 41: 423, — Asiatic Ideas among. (C. S. Wake) Am. Antiq. 2 : 153. -— Beliefs of. (H. G. Smith) Am. J. Theol;6: 89. — Burial Customs of. (W. T. Parker) Open Court, 16: 86. — California Mission, and their Poverty. (C. F. Lum- mis) Out West, 22: 3. - Carriers and Ainos at Home. (A. G. Morice) Am. Antiq. 24: 88. 316 A, — “Friends of the.” INDIANS Indians. Cities of the Dead. Sun. 12: 213, —-- Codices and Pictographs, Comparison of. Am. An- tiq- 253 I37- — Culture of ; its Independent Evolution. ane) Internat. Mo. 5: 333. — ecorative Art of. (F. Boas) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 481. ecrease of. (M. Eels) Am. Antiq. 25: 145. (W. Matthews) Land of (A. H. 199- -— Educated, Failure of. (F. E. Leupp)B0ok10ver’s M- 7: 594: — Education of. (T. J. Morgan) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 40: 165. -— -— in Government Schools. (Frances Densmore) Overland, n. s. 46: 456. —— Ethnic Styles in American Architecture. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 24: 19, 61, —-First Impressions of Civilization, by Ohiyesa, a Sioux Indian. (C. A. Eastman) Harper, 108: 587. (J. Oskison) Nation, 81: 332, -— Games of. (S. Culin) Outing, 42: 222. —— Gospel of Work for. (F. E. LeuPP) Nation, 79: 273- — Government Schools for, an Indian View of. Land of Sun. 12: 356. — Homes and Gardens of New England. (C. C. Wil- loughby) Am. Anthropol. 8: 115. —The Human Side of. (A. F. Chamberlain) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 503. — Idea of God held by. Theol. 7:635. — The Indian’s Yoke. (F. C. Sparhawk) No. Am. 182: 50. — Lands of, and Fair Play. (Letitia M. Conard) Am. J. (G. Kennan) Outl. 76: 498- — Languages of California. (R. B. Dixon and A. L. Kroeber) Am. Anthropol. 5: 1. Last Race Rally of. (C. M. Harvey) W0rld’s Work, I1’ 8: 4803, —— Legends of. (C. S. Wake) Am. Antiq. 26: 23, — Rev. John M. Mack’s Narrative of a Visit to Onan- daga, 1752. (J. W. Jordan) Pennsyl. M. 29: 343. — Memorials of. (A. F. Chamberlain) J. Am. Folk- Lore, 15: I07. —- Mission. (C. F. Lummis) Outl. 74: 738'. -— — of California, and their Treatment by the U. S. (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 20: 281, — Music of. (Frances -Densmore) Overland, n. s. 45: 230. — -— Folk-music of our Aborigines. (J. C. Fillmore) Land of Sun. 7: 22. ——of South America. (C. J. Post) Harper, 112: 255- -— Mythologies of the. (Franz Boas) Internat. Q. 11: 327. 12: 157. -— — of Stocks North of Mexico. J. Am. Folk-lore, 18: 111, — Narrative of Captives among Indians, 1775. syl. M. 291 407. —- Nevada and their Basket-making. (C. MacNaugh- ton) Out West, 18: 579. — New England, Dress and Ornament of. (C. C. Wil- loughby) Am. Anthropol. 7: 499. - A New Policy with the. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 15: 457. —(W.' A. Jones) World’s Work, 3: 1838 (A. F. Chamberlain) Penn- - of British Columbia, Bella 00014 Tribe. (C.Hi11- Tout) Am. Antiq. 24: 403, —- —- Marriage Customs of. (C. Hill-Tout) Am. Antiq. 24: 85, — of California. (C. Hart Merriam) Am. Anthropol. 7: 594- —- Different Races of. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 24:_ /— Vanishing Types. INDIANS Indians, of California, Treatment of, by U. S. Lummis) Out West, 20: 38, — of Canada. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 26: 241, — of Humboldt County, Cal. (W. S. Fry) Out West, 21: 503. —— of Mono County, California. (VV. B. Noble) Out West, 20: 413. —of Sonora, Mexico, Notes on. Anthropol. 6: 51. —— Our First American Jewelers. Land of Sun. 5: 54. -— Our “New Policy ” with the Red Brother. LeuPP) Nation, 79: 211. — Our “Subject” Races. Outl. 75: 482. —— Outlines of a Policy with the. (Francis E. Leupp) Outl. 79: 946. —— Paintings of E. W. Deming. Craftsman, 10: 150, —- Passing of. (T. F. Millard) Forum, 34: 466. -— Plains, Mythology of. (C. Staniland Wake) Am. Antiq. 28: 205. —— Popular Fallacies respecting. Am. Anthropol. 7: 104. _ -— Present Needs of. (H. Garland) No. Am. 174: 476. — Primeval. (C. Hallock) Harper, I05: 396. -~— Reading List on. Out West, 18: 357. — Recent Writings by. (Eliz. L. Cary) Bk. Buyer, 1 21, (C. F. (A. H1-dlicka) Am. (C. F. Lummis) (F. E. (H. W. Henshaw) 24 %- Red Man’s Last Roll-call. (C. M. Harvey) Atlan. 971 323- - Religious Ideas of. Bull. 10: 35, 225. — Re—naming the. (Forest Crissey) World To-day, I0: 84. — Reservation. Have they any Vested Rights ? (G. Kennan) Outl. 70: 759. — Reservations for. (VV. H. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: 17, — Social Organization of the Tribes. Am. Anthropol. 7: 663, — Some Virginia Indian Words. Anthropol. 7: 222, — Songs of California, Preserving. Out West, 22: 35. —- Superstitions of. Am. Antiq. 27: 132, —- Texas, Tribal Society among. (M. M. Kenney) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. I: 26, — Textile Fabrics of New England. loughby) Am. Anthropol. 7: 85. -— Treaties with, The Last of the. M. 40: 573. (W. B. Martin) Cath. Univ. (J . R. Swanton) (W. R. Gerard) Am. (C. F. Lummis) (C. C. Wil- (D. C. Scott) Scrib. ‘ —— Unfair Indian Fighting. Outl. 79: 263, —- Ute. (V. Z. Reed) Calif. M. 4: 488. The Tribes of the Southwest. (E. S. Curtis) Scrib. M. 39: 513. —— Village Life and Village Architecture. Am. Antiq. 24: 239. —- The Warner’s Ranch Eviction, and New Quarters. Out West, 18: 441, 589. — Writings of the Future regarding. (C. E. Slocum) Am. Antiq. 24: 46. Indians’ Last Stand, The. (S. D. Peet) (C. M. Harger) Outl. 70: 217, India-rubber, Chemistry of, Webber’s. Nature, 67: 313- Indiiferentism. (B. Perry) Atlan. 92: 329, Indigo. (J . B. Tingle) Science, 11. s. 23: 791. —- in Salvador, All about. (R. W. Cater) Chamb. J . 80: 88. — Industrial Development of. Frankl. Inst. I 54: 423. — Synthesis of. (R. Meldola) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 397, Indirect Discourse, A Plea for. (J . D. Greene) Nation, 82: 116, (J. M. Matthews) J . _»~ 317 INDUSTRIAL Indirect Discourse, Psychological Background of. (J . J . Schlicher) School R. 10: 399. Indigiduasl and the Race, The. (H. W. Conn) Indep. 0: 3 5. -— Development of the, Three Stages of. (J . D. Stoops) Int. J. Ethics, 14: 81. -— in a Social Age. (F. W. Merrick) Meth. R. 64: 546. —— Relation to the Social Value. (W. M. Urban) Phi- los. R. 11: 125, 249, -— The School and the. Bull. 4: 122. — vs. the Crowd. (M. Conway) 19th Cent. 59: 859. Individual Evolution. (J . L. Taylor) Westm. I65: 639. Individual Instruction. (M. F. Andrew) Ednca. 26: 129, Individual Note, The, and Some Recent Books. (F. Taber Cooper) Bookman, 22: 34, Individualism; Does the Individual wither ? Spec. 88= 357-=Ecl- M. 138: 696.=Liv. Age, 233. 124, — Our Military. (Frank Geere) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 208, — Rise of, among the Hebrews. J. Theol. I0: 251, — through Socialism; a Reply to W. J . Bryan. Elmer Will) Arena, 36: 359. — vs. Law. (W. H. Thomas) Am. Law R. 38: 857, —- vs. Socialism. (W. J . Bryan) Cent. 49: 856. — — Mr. Bryan and our Complex Social Order. H. Gidding) Cent. 51: 154. Individuality. (J . A. Leighton) Philos. R. 11: 565. -—- Un. Serv. M. 28: 64, — and the Volunteers. Un. Serv. M. 28: 294, — Development of, in Ancient History. (E. Meyer) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 9: 56. — of the Pupil, How School strengthens. (W. T. Harris) Ednca. R. 24: 228. : Indep. 54: 1388. Individuology. (J . L. Taylor) Westm. I65: I 5 3. Indo—Afghan Relations under Lord Curzon. (A. Ham- ilton) F ortn. 86: 984, Indo-China, French. (A. Ireland) Outl. 77: 737. Indo-Iranian Nasal Verbs, A Semantic Study of. (Edwin W. Fay) Am. J. Philol. 26: 172, 377, Indolence, Castles of. (C. Bickerton) Good Words, 46: 751. Induction, Theory of. (F. Thilly) Philos. R. 12: 401, Induction Coils, Interrupters for. Nature, 71: 546. Induction Pump, The. (C. E. Benham) Knowl. n. s. 2: 196, Inductive Inference, Process of. Univ. of Mo. Stud. 2: 149, Industrial Accidents. (A. F. Weber) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 40: 31. Industrial America, English Impressions of. ritt) Outl. 78: 767. Industrial and Commercial Training in Public Schools. (F. O. Carpenter) Educa. 26: 191. Industrial and Social Problems, School as a Factor in. (E. T. Carlton) Ednca. 24: 74. Industrial and Technical Training, Place of, in Popu- lar Education. (H. S. Pritchett) Technol. R. 4: 10. =Educa. R. 23: 281, Industrial Arbitration Act of New South Wales. R. Wise) National, 39: 880. Industrial Art and Democracy. Archit. Rec. 14: 225. —- Education of Producer and Consumer. (R. F. Zue- blin) Chaut. 37: 172. —in America. (R. F. Zueblin) Chaut. 36: 622. 59, I72- —- Modern. (H. Pudor) Craftsman, 6: 507. -— A School of. (O. L. Triggs) Craftsman, 3: 215. Industrial Art League, Chicago, 1902. Craftsman, 3: 121, Industrial Art Schools, Example of French. (J . Schoenhof) Forum, 33: 297. (E. J. Swift) Wash. Univ. (J. M. P. Smith) Am. (T. (F. (E. Por- (B. 371 INDUSTRIAL Industrial Betterment. (R. T. Ely) Harper, I05: 548. — Rationale of the Movement. (H. F. J . Porter) Cas- sier, 30: 343. Industrial Buccaneering. (J . Cummings) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 98. Industrial Commission, The U. S., on Transportation. (W. Z. Ripley) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 313, — Methods of. (E. D. Durand) Q. J . Econ. 16: 564. — Report of. (R. T. Ely; H. C. Adams; L. H. Bailey; C. C. Plehn; M. H. Robinson) Yale R. 11: 229, Industrial Commission, Victorian. (A. D. Weber) Q. J. Econ. 17: 614, Industrial Conditions in Great Britain. (C. J . Bullock) Nation, 81: 213, Industrial Conference. 11: 449. Industrial Demands on the Universities, New. (A. C. Miller) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: 86. Industrial Depression and Engineering Export and Im- port Trade. (W. P. Digbey) Engin. M. 30: 705. Industrial Depressions, Theory of.‘ (T. N. Carver) Q. J. Econ. 17: 497. Industrial Development. 481, . Industrial Economics. (R. H. Thurston) Science, 11. s. 15: 473~ Industrial Economy, Measure of. (R. H. Smith) Econ. J . 16: 52, Industrial Education. Char. I6: 334. — as a Social Force. (H. W. Stebbins) Educa. R. 23: 462, — Humanizing Tendency of. 39: 266. -—- in Europe. (A. Marvin) Educa. 24: 569. — in Germany. (J . C. Monaghan) Cath. World, 81: 476. ——Science, 11. s. 20: 691, — in Secondary Schools. (G. Larsson) Educa. 27: 169, —— in the South. (M. A. Bacon) Harper, I07: 659, —— Learning to know how. Outl. 84: 953. -—- Relation of, to Commercial Development. (H. J . Rogers) Educa. R. 23: 490. -— National Society for the Promotion of. (P. U. Kel- logg‘) Char. I7: 363. — Science, n. s. 24: 603. -—- The University and the Continuation School. (W. (L. L. Price) Econ. (J . Cummings) J . Pol. Econ. (R. Neville) Engin. M. 27: (Jane Addams) Chant. L. Hervey) Chant. 41: 251, Industrial Evolution, Biicher’s. J . I2: 221, Industrial Farm, in the Berkshire Hills. (S. H. Stone) Char. I0: 138, Industrial Harmony, An Experiment in. (F. Parsons) Outl. 30: 671, Industrial Liberty. ser. 3: 58. Industrial Manager, Modern. Work, 7: 4531. Industrial Millennium, The. (Ira W. Howerth) Inter- nat. J. Ethics, I6: 190, ' Industrial Museums, Practical Value of. Engin. M. 32: 1, Industrial Organization in the 16th and 17th Centu- ries, Unwin on. Econ. J . 14: 579. Industrial Peace. (0. S. Straus) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 41: 46. —- Conference for. (O. S. Straus) No. Am. 174! I75. -— Gi]man’s Methods of. (D. F. Schloss) Econ. J . I4: 427. — (W. F. Hilbert) Nation, 80: 178, —— Is it at Hand ? (H. White) Indep. 54: 29. —— Principles and Methods of, A. C. Pigou’s._ Price) Econ.,J. I5: 381. Industrial Population, Distribution of the World’s. (R. T. Ely) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d (H. Wisby) World’s (A. Lang) (L. L. 318 INFANCY Industrial Revolution, England and the. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. 40: 413. Industrial Schools in England, 1870-1904, Ann, Am, ' Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 409. ' Industrial Securities as Investments. Atlan. 97: 231. Industrial Town, Some Diversions of an. (Mabel C. Birchenough) Liv. Age, 247: 600, Industrial Training, Fruits of. (Booker T. Washing- ton) Atlan. 92: 453. — in Negro Education. (W. E. Hutchinson) Indep. 58: 92. — of the German People. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 111. — Schools for the Out-of-school. (H. V. Ross) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 315. Industrial Trusts, The Sad Story of. World’s Work, 10: 6702, Industrial Unit, Organization of. (E. H. Mullin) Cas- sier, 22: 583. Industrial Viewpoint, The. (G. Taylor) Char. 15: 336, 484 Industrial Works, Organization and Methods of. (J . W. Henszey) J . Frankl. Inst. I58: 40I. Indnstrialism, Effects of, in an Agricultural State. (H. Thompson) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 71. — The New. (O. L. Triggs) Craftsman, 3: 93. “Industrialized” Politics in N. Y. State. World’s Work, 11: 7342. Industrials, Reorganizing the. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 77= 46. Industries, Art in. (C. Coleman) Craftsman, 2: 189, —- Great, of United States. IV. Tin and Terne Plates. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 37: 639. -— —— V. The Manufacture of Silk. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 38: 95. — —— VI. Canning and Preserving. Cosmopol. 38: 213, —— — VII. Musical Instruments. (F. S. Hall) Cosmo- pol. 38: 353. —-— VIII. Boots and Shoes. (W. R. Stewart) Cos- mopol. 38: 473. (C. A. Conant) (F. Williams) — — IX. Pottery. (I. C. Waterbury) Cosmopol. 38: 593- — —— X. Coal. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 39: 73. —- — XI. Butter, Cheese, and Condensed Milk as Factory Products. (C. B. Lane) Cosmopol. 39:‘ 193. — Organizing. (R. Stevens) World’s Work, 6: 3445, Industry. (J . R. Commons) Chant. 38: 533. —American “ Captains” of. (C. Snyder) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 417. — and Commerce in Modern Times, Cunningham’s Growth of English. (C. Day) Yale R. 13: 215, — Education and. (E. D. Jones) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 431. — The Evolution of. (F. L. McVey) Char. II: 557, — Human Touch in. (R. A. Woods) Munsey, 29: 321. — Localization of. (W. Cunuington) Econ. J . I2: 501, — Psychical Forces of. (R. T. Ely) Internat. Q. 11: 301, — Tragedy of. (J. G. Brooks) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 40: 12, Indy, Vincent d’, with portrait. Indep. 59: 1393. Inebriety from a Dipsomaniac’s Point of View. Good Words, 44: 703. Inexperienced Picador, The; a story. (R. E. Ver- néde) Temp. Bar, 131: 572, Inez of the ’Dobe Walls; a story. (A. H. Lewis) Outing, 441 437- Infallibility, Archaeology and. (E. Taunton) Fortn. 86: 696. _ Infancy, Herder and Smith on the Prolongation of. (A. C. Armstrong) Philos. R. 15: 59. J. Soc. Arts, 53: 362. — Human. (J. H. Bair) Univ. Colo. Stud. 3: 25. ‘ INFANCY Infancy. Shortening the Period of. (F. A. Verplanck) Educa. R. 27: 406, — Strong Points of. (E. S. Martin) Harper, I04: 483. Infant Industries, Protection of. (H. O. Meredith) Econ. J. 152 1. Infant Mortality. (Mona Wilson) Indep. R. 8: 42.- Science, n. s. 18: 287. Infantilia Quaedam. Blackw. I79: 547. Infantry and Artillery in Action, Employment of. Un. Serv. M. 25: 621. —— Mounted, Controversy on. Serv. M. 28: 602, — on the Battlefield, Hasty Intrenchment of. Un. Serv. M. 33: 95. — Training of, for Attack. Serv. M. 27: 258. — Volunteer, The Organization of, and the Training of its Ofiicers. (T. F etherstonha.ugh) Un. Serv. M. 29: 180. Infantry-artillery Communication. Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 527. Infantry Drill, Essentials of. Serv. Inst. 372 249. Infantry Drill Regulations. Serv. Inst. 34: 119, Infantry Fire, German Opinion on Precision and Ra- pidity. (T. B. Mott) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 490. Infantry Tactics, Evolution of. (F. N. Maude) Un. Serv. M. 25: 134, 225, — French, History of. (Col. Bazin) Un. Serv. M. 24: 146, Infants, Training of. (F. B. Copley) Outing, 48: 279. Infection, Aerial. Sat. R. 981 417. _ —— and Contagion, Municipal Suppression of. (E. J . Lederle) No. Am. 174: 769. — and Disinfection. (G. M. Sternberg) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 40: 157 ' (T. M. Maguire) Un. (G. F. R. Henderson) Un. (A. J. Abdy) J. (C. J. Crane) J. Mil. (E. P. Pendleton) J . Mil. Infelice. (M. Rundell) New Eng. M. 33: 101. Inference, The Necessary. (F. Aveling) Dub. R. I 35: 280, Infinite, The, and the Perfect. Mind, 29: 355. Infinite, Concept of the. (J . Royce) Hibbert J . I: 21. — Old and New. (J . A. Leighton) Philos. R. 132 497. Infinite Number, Definition of. (G. A. Miller) Monist, 14: 469. Infinite Presence, The. (G. M. Gould) Atlan. 94: 785. Infinitely Small, Study of the. (J . Trowbridge) Atlan. 89: 612, Infinitive, “ To ” and the. 108: 728. Infinitude as a Philosophical Problem, Keyser on. Monist, I5: 124. . Infinity. (St. G. Stock) Hibbert J. 41 333. — Axiom of. (Prof. C. J .,Keyser) Hibbert J . 2: 532. - (B. Russell) Hibbert J . 22 809. Influences of Modern Life. (C. S. Horne) Sund. M. 331 43422- Influenza. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 64: 161, - and the Weather. (A. H. Bell) Knowl. n-. s. 2: 264. Informer, The; a story. (J . S. _ Mackenzie) (T. R. Lounsbury) Harper, (J . Conrad) Harper, :14: 131. Ingalls, Mrs. Marilla. (D. Brandis) Spec. 9!: 272, Ingelow, Jean, Personal Recollections of. (G. B. Stu- art) Lippinc. 772 306. Ingen-housz, Jan, a Pioneer in Biology. Nature, 75: 3. Ingenuity of Mr. Clinton Bathurst, The; astory. (T. B. Russell) Cornh. 89! I 36. Ingersoll, Robert G., as an Idealist. (H. E. Kittredge) Arena, 31: 244, — his Genius, Philosophy, Humanity, and Influence. (H. E. Kittredge) Arena, 31: 50. 319 IN NKEEPER Inglesito, El. Blackw. I79: 180. :Liv. Age, 248: 686. 755- ' Ingoldmells Manor. R. 19: 297. Ingram, I. Arthur, Bishop of London, with Caricature Portrait. (H. Begbie) Pall Mall M. 28: 527. Ingratitude of Mister Rosenfeld. (B. Lessing) Cos- mopol. 41: 387. Ingres, J ean-Auguste-Dominique, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 71 255. Inheritance in Biblical Law. (D. W. Amram) Green Bag, 15: 291. (W. O. Massingberd) Eng. Hist. -— of Physical and Psychical Characters in Man. (K- Pearson) Nature, 68: 607, — of Wealth; the Supreme Economic Evil. (E. ' Wicklin) Arena, 31: I67, Inheritance, An; a story. (K. F. Hills) Temp. Bar, 1301 4s3-=Liv- Age. 2431 415- Inheritance Tax in America. (H. A. Millie) Q. J . Econ. I91 288. ——(S. Huebner) Q. J. Econ. 18: 529, Inheritance Tax Law of Kentucky. (W. H. Field) Am. Law R. 40: 711, Inheritances, Taxation of. (N . Y-) 73= 27. Inherited Autograph, An. 76= 574- Initials, Abuse of, in the Press. (S. Urban) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 102. Initiation of John Forester, The. phant) Chamb. J . 83: 634. Initiative and Referendum in Oregon, Operation of. (W. S. U’Ren) Arena, 32: I28, —— Constitution-mending and the. lan. 97: 792. — A Democratic Safeguard against Class-government. (Eltweed Pomeroy) Arena, 35: 46. — Popular, as a Method of Legislation. Brown) Am. J. Sociol. I0: 713. Initiative of Pokes, The. (VV alt Makee) Lippinc. 77: 208, Injector, High Pressure Steam Tests of. Kneass) J . Frankl. Inst. I62: 279. Injunction, Abuses of. (S. Seabury) Arena, 29: 561. — (E. H. Crosby) Arena, 30: 98. — against Boycotts and Similar Unlawful Acts. W. Bryan) Am. Law R. 40: 196. — against Strikes. (J . W. Bryan) Am. Law R. 40: (F. S. Baldwin) Bank. M. (Isabel G. Curtis) Lippinc. (Capt. P. L. Oli- (F. Foxcroft) At- (W. H. (S. L. (J . 42- —— for Boycotts and Strikes. Am. Arch. 85: 70. —- Misuse of. Gunton’s M. 231 226. Inks, Mitchell and Hepworth on. (C. Simmonds) Na- ture, 7IZ 269. Inland Empire, The. Work, 10: 6511. Inland Sea (Suwonada), A Cruise on the. (E. A. Rich- ings) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 393. Inlay of Wax. (H. Sumner) Am. Arch. 762 86. Inlaying and Extra Illustration. (Lida R. McCabe) Bk. Buyer, 24: 446, Inn, The; a story. (G. de Maupassant) Booklover’s M, 2: I 31, Inn of the Margeride, The. (H. Belloc) Indep. R. 41 I29. :Liv. Age, 243: 410, Inner Imperative, The; a story. (A. M. Roach) Har- per, 111: 217. Inness, George, Painter. (E. Fawcett) Californian, 4: 453. —(J. C. Van Dyke) Outl. 73: 535. —— The Wood-gatherers. (W. S. Howard) Harper, 108: 86. Innismurray, Ire., Archaeology and Poteen in. K. Moore) Macmil. n. s. 2: 62. Innkeeper, Mediwval, and his Responsibility. (Joseph H. Beale, jr.) Green Bag, 18: 269. (W. H. Kirkbride) World’s (H. IN N OCENT III. Innocent III., The Ashes of. (W. B. Wallace) Antiq. n. s. 40: 83, Inns, Noted, of New England. (M. H. Northend) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 68. —- of Old Norfolk. (G. A. B. Dewar) Macmil. n. s. I: 383. -—- Past and Present. (A. E. Cropper) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 280, Inoculating the Ground with Nitrogen. venor) Cent. 461 331. Inoculation of Mr. Skads, The; a story. Palmer) McClure, 23: 136, Inquisition in Northern F rance, Beginnings of. (C. H. Haskins) Am. Hist. R. 7: 437, 631. -— of I 5! 7. Inclosures and Evictions. (Ed. by Leadam) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 6: 167. 8: 251, (G. H. Gros- (J. M. —— Relics of the. (E. J. Prior) Chamb. J. 83: 183. —— The Spanish. (T. J . Pulvertaft) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 3: 56. — — Jews and. (R. J. H. Gottheil) Jew. Q. 15: 182. -—- — Lea’s History of. (C. H. Haskins) Nation, 82: 385 Insane, Asylum Treatment of the. (B. Hollander) Monthly R. 21, no. 2: I15. -—- Care of the. Quar. 202: 399. — -— Needed Reforms in. (B. Chance) Outl. 78: 1031. —— Freedom from Restraint. Char. 12: 213. —— Pauper, Care of, in Scotland. (J . R. Motion) Westm. 161: 452. —— Sane Estimate of the. Char. I3: 77. —— Statistical Study of Patients at Conn. Hospital for Insane. (R. H. Burr) Am. Statis. Assoc. 81 305. —— Tuberculous, Tent Treatment for. Char. I0: 518. Insanity and Criminal Responsibility. (J . Chisholm) Jurid. R. 14: 386. — and Marriage. (A. W. VVilcox) Westm. I56: I99. —— and Morality. (W. R. MacDermott) Westm. I 59: 291, -— Criminal Responsibility and Civil Capacity, Rela- tion of the Insanities to. (J . B. Tuke) Jurid. R. I6: 1-361. —— Diagnosing at Sight. (S. Smith) Outl. 74: 754. --A Disease of Civilization. (A. Alexander) Nation, 81: 196, — in Relation to Contract, Tort, and Crime. Wilson) Law Q. 18: 21, -—- in the U. S., Geographical Distribution of. (W. A. White) Nat. Geog. M. 141 361. -—- Progress of, in our Time. (W. J. Corbet) Westm. (R. 163: 198. I65: 269, -—- The Skeleton at the Feast. (W. J . Corbet) Westm. 159: 1, -— Unrecognized. (Henrik G. Petersen) Arena, 36: 508. Inscription, Great Rock, of King Darius, Visit to the. (A. V. W. Jackson) Indep. 59: 425. — Greek, from the Hauran. (G. M. Whicher) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 10: 289, — on Restored Buildings, Imperial Methods of; Au- gustus and Hadrian. (D. R. Stuart) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 9: 427. Inscriptions, Archaic, from Cleonae and Corinth. (S. O. Dickerman) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 7: 147. - Christian, of Lycaonia. (W. M. Ramsay) Expos. 6th ser. I2: 438. —- from the Cyzicene District. Hel. Stud. 25: 56. -— from Eleusis dealing with the Building of the Porch of Philon, Notes on. (Lacey D. Caskey) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 91 I47. — from Old Cemeteries in Connecticut. (In Dewey) N. E. Reg. 60: 305. -— from Sidon, Twelve Mortuary. (IV. J . Moulton) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 8: 283. (E. W. Hasluck) J . 320 INSECTS Inscriptions, from Sinope. (D. M. Robinson) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 9: 294. i —- — New. (D. M. Robinson) Am. J. Philol. 27: 447. — -—- Notes on D. M. Robinson’s. (A. W. Van Buren) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 10: 295. — —— Van Buren’s Notes on. (D. M. Robinson) Am. J. Archaeol. 2d ser. 10: 429. —— Greek, from Corinth. (B. Powell) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 7: 26. —— North-Semitic Epigraphy. 258. —— —- and its Contributions to Semitic Study. mann) Am. J. Theol. 8: 337. — On dating Early Attic. (Leila C. Spanlding) Am. J. Archaeol. 2-d ser. I0: 394. -—- Teian, Meaning of Two. (James D. Rogers) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 9: 422. Insect, An, in Winter Quarters. Liv. Age, 240: 635. Insect Commonwealths. (H. C. McCook) Harper, 108: (S. A. Cook) Jew. Q. 16: (E. Litt- S54- Insect Forms in Decoration. (I. Sargent, tr.) Crafts- man, 5: 563, 6: 265, Insect Life in a Surrey Sand-pit. Age: 241: 754. -— through a Microscope. 1105, Insect Masqueraders. I90. 249- Insect Oddities. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. 25: I93. Insect Pests, National Control of, introduced. (E. D. Sanderson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 431, Insect Reflexes. (V. L. Kellogg) Science, 11. s. 18: 693. ’ Insectivorous Plants. (O. H. Latter) Liv. (A. de Gasparis) Indep. 58: (J . J . Ward) Good Words, 45: (F. Shreve) Pop. Sci.Mo. 65: 417- Insects and Cultivation. (H. C. McCook) Harper, I05: 79- - as Carriers of Disease. 225, — Brlaeding Beneficial. (H. A. Crafts) Harper, I11: 778. —(L. O. Howard) Science, 11. s. 222 467. — Destructive. (C. Howard) Booklover’s M. 6: 639. (A. E. Shipley) Nature, 73: -— Diffusion of. (F. M. Webster) Am. Natural. 36: 79' - —— Donhestic. (L. O. Howard) Indep. 61: 1480, —— Godman’s Biologia Centrali-Americana. Holland) Science, 11. s. 15: 186. (W. J. -—- Gynandromorphous. (T. H. Morgan) Science,'n. s. 21: 632, — in New Mexico. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Am. Natural. 36: 809. — Injurious. Our Imported Pests. (C. Johnson) Out- ing. 481 39- —— Injurious to Staple Crops, Sanderson’s. Chittenden) Science, 11. s. 15: 540. -—- Kellogg’s American Insects. (W. S. Jackman) Sci- ence, n. s. 22: 800. —— Killing, by Gases. 22: 800, —- Midsummer Musicians. 421 598- - Mimetic and Protected. 28: 43. -— Mouth Parts of. 683. — Permian, Types of. (E. H. Sellards) Am. J. Sci. 172: 249. —— Physiological Regeneration in. ence, n. s. 23: 149. — Protective Mimicry of. (W. B. Kaempffert) Book- lover’s M. 5: 609. — Protective Resemblance of. 27: 51, (F. H. (F. L. Washburn) Science, 11. s. (L. W. Brownell) Outing, (R. Meldola) Pall Mall M. (V. L. Kellogg) Am. Natural. 36: (V. 1.. Kellogg) Sci- (P. Collins) Knowl. INSECTS 3 Insects, Relation of, to Flowers. (R. Blight) Outing, 48: I 52, - — Saving California’s Fruit Crops. Cent. 49: 571. —— Sex in. (E. B. Wilson) Science, n. s. 221 500. ——Skeleton of the Head of, with Bibliography. (J. H. Comstock and C. Kochi) Am. Natural. 36: 13. —— Temperature of. Am. Natural. 36: 40!. — Terrifying Masks and Warning Liveries of. Collins) Knowl. 27: 208, —- Winds and Storms as Agents in the Diffusion of. (F. M. Webster) Am. Natural. 36: 795. — Young, Homes of. (J . W. Spencer) Chaut. 34: 5 33. Insignificance of Humanity. Macmil. 86: 458. lnskeep, John. (H. E. Wallace, jr.) Pennsyl. M. 28: 129, Inspection a Factor in Cheap Production. penter) Engin. M. 27: 583. (W. S. Harwood) (P. (C. U. Car- Inspiration. (J . M. Thoburn) Meth. R. 652 733. — History and. (H. A. Poels) Cath. Univ. Bull. 11: 19, 1'2, . — — Salljlt Jerome. (H. A. Poels) Cath. Univ. Bull. 12: 182, — in Material. (C. F. Binns) Craftsman, 52 260. —— The Latest Word of Theology on. (W. L. Sullivan) Cath. World, 84: 219, 326. — The Nature of. (S. F. Smith) Month, 105: 47. Inspiration of Elizabeth. (Mabel P. Haskell) Apple- ton’s M. 22: 26, Instalment Business and its Social Consequences. R. Mussey) Char. I0: 236. Instinct. (D. A. Spalding) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61:126. — in Birds, Animals, and Insects. (C. B. Newland) Monthly R. 24, no. 12 135. = Liv. Age, 250: 431. -- in the Making on a Caitlmess Moor. (G. T. T. Buckell) Monthly R. 17, no. 2: I34.:Liv. Age, 243: 629, — Primordial. (R. V. Carr) Outing, 43: 35. Institution of Naval Architects, Summer Meeting, I90 5. Nature, 722 303. Institution Factories. Institutional Church for London. 3: 2o, —-— in a Small City. (C. B. Crane) Char. I4: 723, Institutions, Financial Management and Accounts of. (R. \V. Hebberd) Char. I0: 20, —— Private in Pennsylvania, Public Subsidies to. E. Richmond) Char. I4: 843, —— State Non-partisanship in. (J . F. Hanly) Char. I 5: (H. (F. Kelley) Char. I2: 234. (C. Ray) Sund. M. (M. Insular Aifairs, U. S. Bureau of. (C. R. Edwards) Nat. Geog. M. 151 239. Insulator Pins for Transmission Lines. Cassier, 25! 399. Insurance, Accident. (E. S. Lott) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 483. — Sat. R. 98: 132. —— -— Policy Forms. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: — and Politics. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 232, —~ as a Commodity. (E. A. Gilmore) Green Bag,I8: —— as an Investment. Sat. R. 96: 514. — as Mortgage Security. Sat. R. 95: 682, — as a Profession. (C. F. Thwing) Cosmopol. 34: 575. —— Australian Mutual Provident, Best. Sat. R. 98: 261, — Best Family Policy. Sat. R. 100: 396, — Big Companies vs. Best. Sat. R. 95: 139. — Choosing a Company. Sat. R. 98: 196. -—- Compulsory. (I. M. Rubinow) Chant. 41: 48, -— — for Teachers. (E. Manley) Educa. R. 23: 152, — — State, for Workingmen. (I. M. Rubinow) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 3 —— does it cost too much ? (S. 10: 6313. (A. D. Adams) 555- 142, 3I - S. Pratt) World’s Work, :) .-.1 INSURANCE Insurance, Federal Control of. (E. Maxey) 392 182. —— (S. Huebner) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 681, —— Fire, Basis of. Sat. R. 96: 457. ' ——--—True. (W. C. Betts) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 463. — — Expenses, Profits, and Problems. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 446. — — Fire Insurance Engineering. (G. Dana) Technol. R. 5: 146. —— — in 1902. Sat. R. 96: 267. — —-— in the United States, Historical Study of. (F. C. Oviatt) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 335. (F. C. Oviatt) (F. T. Case) Green Bag, 18: 392. — —— Lessons from San Francisco’s Experience. (Louis Windmiifler) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 331 713. — — Limits of. "—‘Am. Arch. 90: 7o.=Ecl. M. 147: 357. —— — Policy Forms. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 252 546. —-— — Rates and Methods. (W. C. Betts) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 413. — — Rates and Schedule-rating. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 262 391. — — Rating in. (F. B. Kellam) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 265. — — Standard Policy. (F. C. Oviatt) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol.pSci. 26: 359, — Government, in New Zealand. Indep. 61: 86, —— House-purchase Systems. Sat. R. 100: 364. — How may we insure our ? World’s VVork, 9: 6012, —— Labor. (I. M. Rubinow) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 362, — Liability. (W. F. Moore) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 499. -— Life. (B. J . Hendrick) McClure, 27: 36, 237. - — —-— Agency System, Organization and Management of. (L. G. Fouse) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 243. ' — — American, on Trial. (Walter Wellman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 458. — — and the Public; the Side which has not been told. (C. J . Smith) Ecl. M. 145: 473. — —- and Speculation. (C. J . Bullock) Atlan. 971 629. — —— Are the Premiums too High ? (R. W. Weeks) Indep. 59: 1253. — (M. M. Dawson) Indep. 59: 1508. — -— as a Professional. (L. G. Fouse) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 70. —— (Leroy Scott) World’s Work, 11: 7391- —— —- Assessment. (M. M. Dawson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 300. -— — The Burning Issue of. b0dy’S. I51 549- —— -— by Fraternal Orders. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 475. — — Changes in the Big-three Companies. Work, 11: 7379. -— ——-Conipetition in. 285. —— — Confessions of a Solicitor. M. 62: 269, 430, —— —- The Control of the Big Companies. Work, 12: 7922. — — Corruption in. (T. W. Lawson) Everybody’s, I4: 4o7.— (“ Q. P.”) World’s Work, 111 7317- —— — Cost of. (A. H. Willett) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 456. — -— Cost of the Business. Nation, 81: 6. — -— Democracy in. Outl. 84: 601. — — Distribution of Surplus in; a Problem of Super vision. (L. A. Anderson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol, Sci. 26: 708. — — Driving Power of. (N. Y.)32: 55!. (Florence F. Kelly) (T. W. Lawson) Every- (A. Landis) Ann. Am. World’s (L. A. Anderson) Yale R. 142 (W. McMahon) Am. World’s (D. P. Kingsley) R. of Rs. — —- Joinder of Actions in Litigation concerningn. (F. H. Kitchin) 19th Cent. 60: 321.. (C. A. Hexamer) , INSURANCE s Insurance, Life, Economic Place of, and its Relation Q to Societv. (F. C. Oviatt) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 181. — —— Essentials of Administration of. (H. C. Lippin- cott) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 192, — — Expenses of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 73: 501. -— —- Federal Regulation of. (J . F. Dryden) Indep. 60: 720. — (J. N. Beck) N0. Am. 181: 191. — — The Fight for Control of the Three Big Compa- nies. (T. W. Lawson) Everybody’s, I4: 545. — — Fighting Frauds in. (J . W. Richardson) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 543. — — for Naval and Military Lives. Un. Serv. M. 231 97- — — for Working-men. 181: 921, —- — Fraternal. (M. M. Dawson) Ann. Am. Acad. P01. Sci. 26: 308. —— — Frenzied Finance in. (J . von Lestrich) Overland, n. s. 45: 206. —— -— Future of. — — How to buy. 9: 5733' — — mperative Demand for Publicity in. (M. Whit- tlesey) Arena, 32: 629. —— — in Ancient America. (F. A. Vanderlip) No. Am. (H. Lanier) World’s Work, 8: 5 380, (H. W. Lanier) World’s Work, (A. Bierce) Cosmopol. 41: pa! 53>- —— — in Fraternal Organizations. World’s Work, I I: 7397. —— -—— in New England. (H. H. Putnam) New Eng. M. n, s, 281 188. — —- Industrial. (F. L. Hoffman) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 283.—(L. D. Brandeis) Indep. 61: I475- —— — The Insurance Machine. World’s Work, 11: 6841. ~ — — Investments in. (J . W. Hamer) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 256, -— — Irresponsible Millions in. Work, 11: 7100, — — The Kind of Policy to buy. World’s Work, I 1: 7402- - — Lapse and Reinstatement of Policies. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 269. -— — Legislation on. (P. Morton and D. P. Kingsley) No. Am. 182: 492. . -—— — Methods in. (L. Windmiiller) Forum, 372 281. —— — National Supervision of. (J . W. Walsh) Am. Law R. 38: I81, — — New Aspects of. 51: 401, — — New York Life on the Stand, The. Nation, 81: 294, — —— The Next Step in. 12: 145, —— -— of Working-men as an Instrument of Tubercu- losis. (Arnold C. Klebs) Am. J . Sociol. I2: 176, — —- Oldest English Company: Hand-in—hand. Sat. R- 97: 555- -- — Personal Guide to.' — — Policy Contracts in. Acad. Pol. Sci. 262 209, -—- — Policy Forms. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 523. — — Premiums in Calculation of. (J. B. Gibb) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 262 229. — -—- Prize Policies, The Deception of. World’s Work, II: 7408, — — Qualities needed for writing. Everybody’s, 8: 280. —— —— The Remedy. (“ Q. P.”) World’s Work, 11: 7212, . -— —— Revolution in. World’s Work, 11: 7735. -—- -—- The Search for a Remedy. Outl. 81: 545. (“Q. P.”) World’s (W. Schooling) J . Soc. Arts, (R. Ogden) (Ernest Howard) Internat. Q. World’s Worlr, II: 7373. (L. G. Fouse) Ann. Am. 322 INSURANCE Insurance, Life, Security of. Sat. R. 94: 582. —— -—- Shall we still insure ? (E. Flower) World To- day.1°= 479- -- -— Should it be cheaper ? 81: 253, -—- -— a Source of Income. -—- ——~ State Regulation of. Acad. Pol, Sci. 24: 69. —— —— State Supervision of. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 317. -—- — Story of. (B. J . Hendrick) McClure, 27: 157-659, 28: 56. —— — The Struggle for the Rescue of the Mutual L. I. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, Sat. R. 942 614, (L. G. Fouse) Ann. Am. (S. H. Wolfe) Ann. Am. Co. (J. W. Ryckman) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 224. —— —— Suicide and. (W. H. Lawton) N 0. Am. 1791 698. —— —— Sunny Side of._ (H. L. Shumway) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 645. — — Supervision of. (S. Herbert Wolfe) No. Am. 181: 11, _ — -— Surrender and Exchange of Policies. World’s Work, 11: 7420, 1 — — Surrender Values. Sat. R. 94: 202. -—— -— Temperance as affecting. Sat. R. 93: 47. — -—— 10-cent, Billions in. (H. W. Lanier) World’s Work, 9: 5611. — — Traflicking in Trusts. 351 337- —— — Winding up a Life Company. Sat. R. 97: 717. — —— The Wrong Way and the Right Way. World’s Work, 10: 6349. — Marine. (H. B. Sharpe) Law Q. 22: 406. —- — Bill for. (A. Cohen) Law Q. 19: 367. — — Development and Present Status in United States. (S. Huebner) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 421. -—- -—~ Policy Contracts in. (S. Huebner) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 45 3. —— —— Policy Forms. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 547, -— — Thieves in relation to. (H. B. Sharpe) Law Q. 20: 300, —— Nelson’s Pension Tea. Sat. R. 99: 72. -—— Partnership. Sat. R. 99: 105. —- Results in 1901. Bank. M. (Lond.) 732 341. — — in 1902. Bank. M. (Lond.) 75: 341. — —— in 1904. Bank. M. (Lond.) 79: 345. — —- in 1905. Bank. M. (Lond.) 81: 341, — Side Lights on. (W. Hilburn) Am. M. 60: 220, -— State, in Germany. (J. C. Monaghan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 10: 451. — — in New Zealand. (VV. P. Reeves) No. Am. 182: 62, -— Study of, in American Universities. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 821, -—- Vagaries of. (W. Hepburn) Am. M. 60: 379, — Valued Policy Law. Am. Arch. 83: 87, —- Workingmen’s. (C. R. Henderson) World To-day, 10: 145. — —— Compulsory. Wis. Alum. M. 7: 225, — — in Germany. (F. Kestner) No. Am. 179: 439. —- (N. Pinkus) Yale R. 122 372. 13: 72-435, (H. A. Bullock) Arena, (S. Huebner) — -— Psychology of. (H. W. Farnam) Yale R. I 3: 98. Insurance Cases, Waiver in. (J . S. Ewart) Harv. Law ‘ R. 18: 364. Insurance Companies, Difiiculty of Establishing New. Sat. R. 101: 101. ‘ —- Great, as Fountain-heads of Corruption. Flower) Arena, 34: 514. — Life ; how they use their Surplus. World’s Work, 4: 2600, — State Supervision of, in Germany and Elsewhere. (E. J. Schuster) Econ. J. 12: 561. Insurance Corporations, Federal Control of. Vance) Green Bag, 17: 83. (B. O. (W. R. INSURANCE Insurance Finance, Masters of. (I. S. Grim) World’s Work, 10: 6207, Insurance History, A Little. 436- Insurance Investigations, 1905. (C. B. Hubbell) Green Bag, 17: 686. —— (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 2I2. Insurance Investments. (L. A. Anderson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 431. Insurance Laws; how they work. World’s ‘Work, 9: 5813. Insurance Legislation. Outl. 80: 950. Insurance Oflicials, Responsibility of. (W. D. Van- diver) World To-day, 9: 1283. Insurance Statistics, Amusing. (S. R. Tarr) Canad. M. 23: I67. Insurances of Enemies’ Property. Law Q. 18: 289, Insured, Rights of the. Insurrection at La Boca, The. 353 74°- “ Integration’ of Industry, The Passing of. (F. J. Wl1iting) Nation, 77: 440, Intellect of Whittling Wilson. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, (H. White) Nation, 81: (H. W. Lanier) (D. F. Pennant) (J.W. Folk) Indep. 59: 1318. (K. Decker) Munsey, ? 34: 7114 Intellectual Communism. (S. Y. Stevenson) Lippinc. 71: 3'1. Intellectuyal Life. (G. R. Peck) Putnam, 1: 292. Intellectual Miss Lamb, The. (F. M. Kingsley) Cent. 41% 552- Intellectualism, Voluntarism and, a Reconciliation. (G. Spiller) Philos. R. 13: 420. Intelligence, General, objectively determined and mea- sured. (C. Spearman) A1n. J . Psychol. 15: 201. —- Plant and Animal. (N. S. Shaler) Harper, I07: 185, Intelligence Ofiice, The. (F. A. Kellor) Atlan. 94: 458- — a Feeder for Vice. Char. 12: 25 5. Intemperance. Industrial Alcoholism. (W. C. Sulli- van) Econ. R. 152 I50. Intendant, Office of, in New France. (W. B. Munro) Am. Hist. R. 12: 15. Intent to Deceive or Defraud. Law Q. 20: 186. “ Inter Arma Caritas.” (E. Lecky) Fortn. 78: 309. Intercepted Letter, The. (John Leys) Chamb. J . 81: 252, Interchange of Courtesies, An. 96: 812, Intercollegiate Contests. Mo. 68: 84. Intercollegiate Geological Excursion. 24: 634. Intercontinental Correspondence University. A. Cockerell) Dial, 37: 264. Interest as a Factor in Teaching. Educa. 25: 465. — Cassel’s Nature and Necessity of. J , 14: 280, — Curiosity and. (G. S. Hall and T. L. Smith) Peda- gog. Sem. I0: 315. -—— Psychology of. (F. Arnold) Psychol. R. 13: 221, 291, ' Interest, Rate of, Future of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 916. ' -—— Relation of Abstinence to. Econ. 18: 142. Interference with the Bi-prism. J. Sci. 169: 294. Interference Figures under the Microscope, Modifica- tion of the Lasaulx Method for Observing. (F. E. Wright) Am. J . Sci. 172: 19. Interferences of Charlotte; a story. Munsey, 31: 507. (C. Benedict) Atlan. (J . J. Stevenson) Pop. Sci. Science, n. s. (T. D. (J. C. O’Hara) (J . Bonar) Econ. (T. N. Carver) Q. J. (W. McClellan) Am. (S. B. Mason) 323 INTERNATIONAL Interiors. Archit. Rec. 18: 51, — English. Craftsman, 5: 508. — Modern French. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 18: 74- I Interlude, An. (F. E. Barnes) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 313-' Interlude in Yellow, An. (C. S. Pratt) New Eng. M. n. s. 25: 674. Intermezzo; a Monologue. (Van T. Sutphen) Harper, 106: 896. Internal-combustion Engines. 53: 870, International Action, Morality of. ternat. J . Ethics, 12: 152. International Amity. Dial, 32: 191, International Arbitration Court, Formation of an. (H. Hodgson) Westm. I651 355. International Aspects of our Tariff Situation. Stone) No. Am. 180: 381, International Assoc. of Academies, Meeting of 1904. Nature, 70: 127. 1 International Bible Lessons, Thirty-one Years of. (D. Clerk) J . Soc. Arts, (W. A. Watt) In- (N. I. (S. G. Barnes) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 3: 283. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. (F. B. Weeks) Science, n. s. 19: 66.-— (C. Palache) Science, 11. s. 19: 334. —— Convention in London, 1906. Science, 11. s. 242 218. International Commission of Archaeology and Ethno- logy. Science, 11. s. 18: 250, International Complication, An. (M. Armour) Longm. : 153, International Conciliation. stant) Indep. 59: 206, International Conference of Arts and Science, 1903. (R. S. Woodward) Science, n. s. 18: 302, International Conferences of Education and the Bern Conference. (S. T. Dutton) Educa. R. 31: 306. International Congress, An ; the Demand of the Hour. (R. Bartholdt) Indep. 59: 1443. — National Sovereignty not Absolute. man) Arena, 31: 381, International Congress of Anthropology, Monaco, 1906. Nature, 74: 211. International Congress of Archaeologists in the Egean. (M. L. D’Ooge) Nation, 80: 433. International Congress of Arts and Science. sterberg) Science, 11. s. 182 559. International Correspondence of Pupils; its History, Purpose, and Management. (J . C. Doniat) School R, 12: 70, -— — its Present Status in English-speaking Countries. (M. H. Haertel) School R. 12: 89. -—— —— its Present Status in France. (H. Gronow) School R. 12: 84. —- — its Present Status in Germany. School R. 12: 78, International Debts, The Forcible Collection of. H. Latané) Atlan. 98: 542, International Executive Power. Indep. 61: 13. International Exhibition, 4th, at New Gallery. (Frank Rinder) Art J . 56: 39. International Frontiers, Geography of. (E. H. Hills) Geog. J. 28: 145, International Geographical Congress, I904. Cent. 46: 817, International Institute of Agriculture, Rome, April, 1903. (R. Cappel1i)Fortn. 84: 882. International Law and Law of England. (J . Westlake) Law Q. 22: 14, —- and Private, in the Enforcement of Claims. Walton) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 85 (D’Estournelles de Con- (R. L. Bridg- (H. Miin- (C. Goettsch) (J . (J. Bassett Moore) (C. S. INTERNATIONAL International Law, Beginnings of an Official European Code of Private. (S. E. Baldwin) Yale R. 12: 10. - Development of. (E. Maxey) Am. Law R. 39: 747, 815, 40: 188. —— Doctrine of Ultimus Haeres in. (W. G. Miller) Am. Law R. 37: 63.—Jurid. R. 14: 152, —— Evolution of. (E. Lindsey) Am. Law R. 39: 658. —— Future of. (A. E. Rogers) Green Bag, 16: 322. —— its Past and Future. (G. B. Davis) Harper, 109: 62. — Need of an International Conference. (E. Maxey) Outl. 82: 307. — Place of, in American Jurisprudence. Green Bag, 15: 164, -— Some Aspects of. Ed. R. 203: 471. —— Sources of. Law Q. 18: 418. (J. B. Scott) —- Taylor on. (H. W. Rogers) Dial, 32: 201. -— under Queen Elizabeth. (E. P. Cheney) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 659. International Leadership, Responsibilities of . (Emery R. Johnson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 25. International Matchmaking. Sat. R. 100: 392. International Mercantile Marine Co. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 81: 72. —— Capitalization of. (E. S. Meade) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 50. International Parliament, The. (A. Apponyi) Indep. 59: 419: International “ Perils.” Blackw. I78: 564. International Relations. (H. Hodgson) Westm. I66: 8. -— Ethics and. 30- International Science. (A. Schuster) Nature, 74: 233, (A. O. Lovejoy) Wash. Univ. Bull. 2: International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Grav- ers. Studio (Internat.) 22: 59. — Studio (Internat.) 25: 156, — Exhibition, 1905. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 80: 66. —-Sixth Exhibition, 1906. Studio (Internat.) 28: 103, 236. International Statistical Institute. Statis. Soc. 67: 490. 68: 614, — Skimmings from the Meeting, 1905. J. Statis. Soc. 68: 673. International Sweethearts. (E. F awcett) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 152. I Overland, n. s. 39: 745. Internationalism and the Hague. (F. W. Hirst) Indep. R, 4: 282, -— and Naval Supremacy. (J. A. Baines) J. (J. A. Baines) (R. P. Hobson) Indep. 60: 768. — and the World’s Capitol. (R. H. Eykman) Indep. 61: 200, —- Ethics of. 16. Interoceanic Canal. (W. L. Merry) Californian, 2: 32, — (Benj. Taylor) Monthly R. 8, no. 2: 26. — (A. P. Davis) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 132. — (E. R, Johnson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 35. — (J. R. Bishop) Internat. Q. 6: 212. — (W. H. Burr) Scrib. M. 31: I45. — Californian, I: 485. — (W. L. Merry) Cali- fornian, 3: 213. -— Analysis of Respective Routes. gin. M. 23: I. —— and the Monroe Doctrine. 31 389- -- Choice of Route. (E. R. Johnson) Q. J. Econ. 16: 515. — (J. T. Morgan) No. Am. 174: 672, -— Darien Route. (A. McGray) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 15: 622, -—- Distances by, compared with other Routes. Johnson) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 163. —— The Hay—Pauncefote Treaty. Pall Mall M. 26: 337- (J. A. Hobson) Internat. J. Ethics, 17: (J. G. Leigh) En- (J. C. Hall) Californian, (E. R. 324 INTERVENTION Interoceanic Canal, in its Economic Aspects. (E. R. Johnson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: I . — Mandingo Route. (C. H. Spencer) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 226. —Nat. Geog. M. 13: 64. —Nicaragua or Panama? (E. Berwick) Arena, 28: 12. —(O. Uzanne) Fortn. 81: 670, — Panama Route. (J. G. Leigh) Pall Mall M. 26: 497. — Question as affected by Treaties. (S. Pasco) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 24. — San Blas Route. (N. B. Scott) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 143. - Sanitary Problems connected with the Construction of. (G. M. Sternberg) No. Am. 175: 378. — Why not built? (L. M. Haupt) No. Am. 75: 128, See Nicaragua; Panama. Interoceanic Communication on Western Continent. (G. E. Church) Geog. J. I9: 313. _ Interoceanic Waterway, The. (G. H. Williams) Land of Sun. 1: 82, Interparliamentary Union, The. (Hayne Davis) Indep. 51: 126. —- (Hayne Davis) Indep. 61: 387. —- Outl. 83: 887. -- Experiences in the. (W. R. Cremer) Indep. 61 : 508, — The Man and the Movement. (Hayne Davis) Indep. 58¢ 589. — 13th Session, Brussels, I905. (Hayne Davis) Indep. 59: 777- — Victory for the American Plan. (Hayne Davis) In- dep. 61: 309. Interpreter, The. (Alice Brown) Everybody’s, 15: 643 Interpreter, The; a play. (C. D. Willard) Land of Sun. 3: 104. Inter-psychology: the Interplay of Human Minds. (G. Tarde) Internat. Q. 7: 58. Interrogation, The Art of. Spec. 91: 196. Interrupted Probation, An. (Helen W. Givens) Book- lover’s M. 5: 585. Interrupted Rest Cure, An; :1 story. Munsey, 27: 820. Interstate Commerce, Federal Control of. (H. E. Montgomery) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 642. — Mr. Garfield’s Plan. (R. Ogden) Nation, 79: 514. — Origin of the Right to engage in. (E. P. Prentice) Harv. Law R. 17: 20, —— State Monopolies of. (E. P. Prentice) No. Am. 178: 499- — State Taxation of. (F. J. Goodnow) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 5: 307. Interstate Commerce Act as amended. (F. H. Dixon) Q. J. Econ. 21: 22. Interstate Commerce Combinations, Power of Con- gress over. (A. L. Humes) Harv. Law R. 17: 83. Interstate Commerce Commission and American Sta- tistical Practice. (H. T. Newcomb) Yale R. 11: 164. —~ Inadequate Powers of. 46. — Past and Future of. (B. H. Meyer) Pol. Sci. Q. 17: (L. M. Burns) (E. P. Bacon) N0. Am. 174: 394- —— Proposals of. (W. D. Hines) Forum, 33: 3. Interstate Commerce Commissioners, The New, 1906. (H. S. Brown) Outl. 84: 465, Interstate Commerce Law, Proposals for Amendment. (J. B. Daish) Green Bag, 18: 150. ‘ Intervention in War, What justifies? (Amos S. Her- shey) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 199, — Principle of. (L. T. Hengstler) Calif. Univ. Chron. 1: 521, Intervention; a story. (Eden Phillpotts) Idler, 29: 163, 291, Intervention of Grice, Junior. (Mary S. Boyd) Chamb. J. 80: 8-5 5, INTERVENTION Intervention of Mrs. Hilary Penrose; a story. Mabie) Munsey, 30: 855, Intervention of San Antonio, The. Overland, n. s. 45: 129, Interview with a Billionaire. Intestacy, Mediwval Law of. R, 18: 120, Into Action ; a story. 684, Intrenching and Range-finding. Un. Serv. M. 311 416. Intrenching Tool, A New. (H. Leonard) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 431. Introducing Thacher; a college story. McClure, I8: 515, Intrusion of Sentiment, An. Liv. Age, 234: 805. Intrusions of Peggy. (A. H. Hawkins) Cornh. 85: 27- 722, 86: 10-729, Intuitionism and Teleology. Ethics, 12! 487. Invader, The. (T. Chesworth) Gent. M. n. s. 75: I. Invalids, Spiritual Care of. Church Q. 61: 33. Invar and its Applications. (C. E. Guillaume) Nature, 7II I34. Invasion Relics in England. Spec. 91: 598. Inventing, Modern Profession of. (F. Strother) World’s I/Vork, I0: 6289. —— and Discovery. (C. A. Parsons) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: (L. K. (Adriana Spadoni) Outl. 82: 892. (C. Gross) Harv. Law (Beulah M. Dix) Harper, 105: (E. Oviatt) (F. Thilly) Internat. J . 553' Invention, Exploiting an. (G. Wetmore Colles) Cassier, 30'. 17, 106. Inventions, Modern, Anticipations of, by Men of Let- ters. (James Johnston) Cassier, 22: 477. -— — Labor-saving. Idler, 20: 529. —— Primitive. (G. W. James) Craftsman, 5: I25. -— United States a Nation of Inventors. (C. D. Davis) \Vorld’s Work, 6: 3449, Inventor, The Working-class. (H. S. Flynt) Indep. R. 5: 219, Inventor’s World of Marvels. (G. E. Walsh) Gunton’s M. 22: 23 5. Inventors, and Curious Inventions. Cassier, 26: 396. — Great Promoters. — of Lancashire, England. sier, 23: 303. -— Worcester County. (G. F. Hoar and A. S. Roe) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 350. (G. Kirkegaard) (E. J. Edwards) Munsey, 30: 73. (Sir W. H. Bailey) Cas- — The World’s Great Labor-savers. (R. W. Hunt) Engin. M. 26: 803. Inventory of Household Goods, 1612, (J, E, Brown) Antiq. n. s. 42: 27, Inverawe and Ticonderoga. Hist. 42 4. —- Legends about. 326. Invertebrates, North American. Am. Natural. 36: 887, 953.-——(S. J. Holmes) Am. Natural. 37: 267, --(C. W. Hargitt) Am. Natural. 37: 33I.—(M. Morse) Am. Natural. 37: 609. —(N. Banks) Am. Natural. 39$ 293. (A. P. Stanley) M. of (Mrs. Campbell) Chamb. J . 80: —— — Synopses of. (W. R. Coe) Am. Natural, 39: 425, Investigation vs. Erudition. (O. F. Cook) Science, 11. s. 16: 552. Investigator. Scientific, Character of the. (C. W, Eliot) Ednca. R. 32: 157. Investment, The Art of. (R. M. Horne Payne) Na- tional, 472 1020, Investment Capital, English; is it decreasing ? (W, R. Lawson) Bank. M. (Lond.) 78: 325, 441, 552, Investments, The Average Man and his Money. World’s Work, 11: 72, 64, —-— Foreign, in Time of War. (R. A. Chadwick) Law Q, 20: I67, 325 IOWA Investments; Pitfalls Investors must avoid. World’s Work, 12: 7819, — Securities of, Public Service Corporations as. L. Kramer) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 101. —- Selling American Securities Abroad. (C. A. Conant) No. Am. 183: 508, — A Young Man and his Money. World’s Work, 12: 7569- Investor, Protection of the. Outl. 78: 1064, Investors, Nation of. (J . Moody) Outl. 84: 883, Invisible Philosophers, The. (E. Gosse) Harper, 109: (A. 97. Involuntary Benefactor, An. (E. Robinson) Lippinc. 71: 562, Involuntary Plunge, An. J . 83: 445. Iodine Titration Voltameter. J. Sci. 170: 1. Iodobromite, in Arizona. 169: 230, Iolanthe’s Wedding. (H. Sudermann) Fortn. 79: I101, Ion Action. (A. S. Loevenhart; J. H. Kastle) Sci- ence, n. s. 19: 630, Iona, St. Columba’s Castle in. (W. G. Collingwood) Good Words, 45: 196. Ionian Islands, The, under Venetian Rule. ler) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 209, Ionian Sea, Gissing’s By the. tion, 802 464, Ionic Theory, The. (B. M. Chambers) Chamb. (D. A. Kreider) Am. (W. P. Blake) Am. J . Sci. (W. Mil- (M. S. Stillman) Na- (A. A. Noyes) Science, n. s. 20: 577- Ionides, Constantine Alexander, Collection of Paint- ings. Art J. 56: 285. —(W. K. West) Studio (In- ternat.) 23: 137. —— (D. S. MacCo1l) Sat. R. 98: 200. Ionization of Water Nuclei. I65: I05, 217, Ionization Theory, Validity of. (W. R. C.) Nature, 55: 305.—- (H. M. Dawson) Nature, 65: 414. Ions and Nuclei, Relations of, in Dust-free Air. Barns) Am. J . Sci. 170: 448. — Atoms and. (J. J . Grifiin) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 193. —— Experimental Investigation into the Existence of Free Ions in Aqueous Solutions of Electrolytes. (J. Olsen) Am. J. Sci. 164: 237. — Falling to Pieces of. (L. B. Joslin) Science, n. s. 22: 762. —- Model Illustrating Velocities of. Science, n. s. 21: 153. (C. Barns) Am. J. Sci. (C. (F. H. Getman) - Motion of. (B. Davis) Science, 11. s. 15: 852. — Negative, Identity of. (J . S. Townsend) Nature, 65: 413, — of Electrolysis. (A. C. Brown) Science, n. s. I 5: 881. — Spectral Series in relation to. (J . Stark) Nature, 73: 533- —— Theory of. (F. Legge) Acad. 62: 2o2,—(H, W, F oote) Indep. 55: 2460, Iowa below the Level of the Missouri River. Arch. 82: 70, — Board of Control of State Institutions. (F. S. Treat) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 389. Am. — Farm Life in. (C. Johnson) Outing, 49! 49. —-Lawyers and Judges of, Early. (J. Dillon) Am. Law R. 40: 377. —-— Library Association, Annual Meeting, 1902. Pub. Lib. 7: 477. —-— —- — 1903. Pub. Lib. 8: 473. —- - — 1905. Pub. Lib. I0: 540. - - — 1906. (Flora E. S. Barkley) Lib. J. 313 776. =Pub. Lib. 11: 572. Iowa Idea, The, and Others. 83: 112, (Rollo Ogden) Nation, IPSWICH Ipswich, Mass. ; a New England Town. M. of Hist. 3: 243, 283,-(A. F. Brown) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 416. -— Minute-men of, Roll of 1775. (H. F. Kimball) N. E. Reg. 56: 83. Ira Takamasa ; a story. (J . S. Martin) Temp. Bar, 132: 579.=Ec1. M. 146: 34. Ireland, Alleyne. Far Eastern Tropics. Sat. R. 100! 407. Ireland, Alfairs in, 1905. 266. . —- after the Restoration. (E. A. D’Alton) Dub. R. 136: 64. —- after 20 Years of ResoluteGovernment. (A. Webb) Nation, 82: 34. —- Agriculture in, Coiiperation in. (J . Dorum) Westm. 164: 267, — Ancient, and its Queens. Am. Cath. Q. 31: 48, ~ — Social History of, Joyce’s. Spec. 92: 333. —- and the Fiscal Question. (A. W. Samuels) National, 45: 836. —- and Lack of Toleration. Sat. R. 98: 162, ~ and the Liberal Unionists. (J . M. Wilson) National, 46= 471. -— and the Radical Government. (M. O’Brien) Nation, 82: 465. — and the Tariff ; the Nationalist Standpoint. Kenney) National, 42: 300, —-— Archaeological Cruise of the Roy. Soc. of Antiqua- ries around. Ath. ’o4, 2: 24. -— Before Cromwell came to. (\V. F. Dennehy) Cath. VVorld, 82: 80, — Bogs of, A Future for. 53: 876. —— By an Irish Stream. Monthly R. 24, no. 3: 78. -— Catholic Progress in. (E. Leahy) Am. Cath. Q. 31: (M. O’Brien) Nation, 80: (Mrs. Gregory Stapleton) (M. J. (Sir R. Sankey) 19th Cent. 304- -— Church Affairs of, New Crisis in, 1902. (J . Murphy) Cath. World, 74: 614, -- Church of, Finances of. Church Q. 60: 302. —— The Coming. (J . McCarthy) Fortn. 90: 239. -— Liv. Age, 238: 732. —- Criticisms of Life in. Ed. R. 203: 362. — Cromwellian Settlement of. (E. A. D’Alton) Dub. R. 1341 336- — Davitt’s Fall of Feudalism in. (J . J . Fox) Cath. World, 80: 300, —-— The de-Anglicization of. (“ Vigil”) National, 47: 324- —— Deserted. (P. F. Jones) World To-day, 10: 286, —— Devolution in. (D. R. P., Baron Rathmore) N a- tional, 46: 803, —— —— and the Future. (J. F. Kenney) Fortn. 83: 671. — Difiicnlties of. (R. Jay) Fortn. 84: 1049. -—- Downfall of, Relation of Economic Theories to. (J. J. O’Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 352. -- Early Bards of. (R. M. Sillard) Cath. World, 78: 725- — Ecclesiasticism in. (A. Webb) Nation, 75: 282. -— Education in. Monthly R. 19, no. 2: 121, -— —— Popular. (A. Webb) Nation, 81: 499, -— -- Problem of. (T.J.Macnamara) Contemp. 86: 473, —- Emancipation of. (W. Wellman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 2 : 191, -— Epic of. (P. E. More) Internat. Q. 9: 72. — Fact and Fiction in. Blackw. I71: 7. —- Financial Burden of. (Earl of Dunraven) 19th Cent. 58: 137. —- Flight of the Earls. (P. Wilson) 19th Cen. 55: 479. -—- for the Tourist. Sat. R. 96: 8. -- from Tory to Aran. (S.Gwynn) Blackw. 176: 313. -— from Within. Quar. 197: I. 326 IRELAND ' Ireland. Gaelic League. (S. Gwynn) Blackw. 178: 407. — Ggographical Distribution of Plant-groups in. Geog. . 21: 50. ' —- Goldwin Smith and the Irish Question. M. Sheedy) Cath. World, 82: 641, — Good Will Re-established. Sat. R. 951 I00. — Government of, The New, 1906. (J . McCarthy) Outl. 82: 965. — Heroic Age of, Lady Gregory’s. Spec. 92: 416. — History of, Campion’s. (J . H. Pollen) Month, 107: 1 56, — — Father D’Alton’s. Vol. I. Ath. ’04, I: 716. —— History of Ancient, Joyce’s. (J . Bryce) Nation, 78: . 151, — History of the Union. (R. R. Elliott) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 780, —Home Rule for. (R. E. Desmond) Californian, 3: 101. -— National, 43: 972. — — and the Visit of the King, 1903. (D. S. A. Cosby) Westm. 160: 37. — —— Rome Ruin. National, 46: 1031. —- —- Sidelights on, Anderson’s. Spec. 96: 904. — Ideals and Realities in. Ed. R. 199: 527. -— Immediate Future of. (T. P. O’Connor) Fortn. 82: 693. II Cosmopol. 37: 629. — in 1798, A French Adventurer in. Cornh. 87: 203. -- in 1902. Fortn. 77: 458. —-— — Case of, Stated. Westm. I57: 412. — in 1903, The Chance in. (H. W. Nevinson) Con- (Morgan (W. L. Clowes) temp. 83: 337. -— — A Dawning Day for. (J . Murphy) Cath. World, W 599- - — Parties and Politics in. (T. McCall) Westm. 159: 368, (J . J . Nevin) Westm. I 59: 67. — — Situation in. — in 1904. (M. O’Brien) Nation, 79: 273. — in 1906, The Situation in. (W. F. Dennehy) Cath. World, 84: 298, — in the 20th Century. (B. J . Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 649, . — — Plunkett’s. (W. B. Riddell) Econ. R. 14: 356. —-(Earl Lytton) National, 43: 1034, -—Spec. 92: 534- —Ath. ’<>4. H 361- — Industrial and Agricultural, Coyne on. Ath. ’o2, 2: 371. — Industrial Revival in. (M. J . Magee) No. Am. 174: or 9 . — Industrial Situation in. (J . W. Root) N 0. Am. 181: 56. — Industrial Tendencies in, Some. (G. F. Parker) No. Am. 178: 904, — Irish Avatar, The. 117, —- Irish in. (M. MacDonagh) Contemp. 81: 409, — Irish Wants and Irish Wishes. Ed. R. 204: 507. — Lake District of. (O. J . R. Howarth) Geog. J . 25: (W. J. Corbet) Westm. 160: 172, —Land Act of 1903. (C. F. Bastable) Q. J. Econ. 18: 1, — (D. McDermot) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 565, —- Blackw. 173: 606, — (C. Bastable) Econ. J. I3: 169,-(M. O’Brien) Nation, 76: 326. — National, 41: 141. — -— and the Future of Ireland. Am. 177: 552. — —— and Home Rule. (W. Sweetman) Westm. 160: 133. — — and the Royal Visit. (A. Webb) Nation, 77: 447. — -—- Hope for the. (H. Plunkett) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 271 447- — -— The Latest; Is it the Last? (Lord Monteagle) 19th Cent. 53: 738. (C. Johnston) No. — - Notes on. (T. W. Russell) No. Am. 176: 868, Q IRELAND Ireland, Land Act of 1903. Scheme of Pernicious Agrarian Quackery. (W. O’C. Morris) I9th Cent. 531 721- ~— — Workings of the. (N. Y.) 32: 572. — Land Conference, I904. (M. O’Brien) Nation, 76: 167, 263. — (W. Sweetman) Westm. I591 504. — Land in; Another Crisis. F ortn. 79: 258. — Land Laws, “Horrible Jumble” of the. Miller) Westm. I59: 599. -— Land Problem in. Blackw. I73: 257. —— Land Purchase, Deadlock in. (Earl of Dunraven) Fortn..84: 785, — Ed. R. 202 : 378. — (Robert Don- ovan) Indep. R. 71 382. —— Land Question. (A. Traill) Sat. R. 93; 206. — (M. McD. Bodkin) Fortn. 79 2 739. —- (J . Dorum) Westm. I64: 525. -—— — and State Aid. Sat. R. 952 576. - —— — Bill of 1902. (W. O’C. Morris) Fortn. 77: 867. — — Policy of Compulsory Purchase. (W. O’C. Mor- ris) Fortn. 77: 61. -— Land Reforms in, and U. S. Western Policy. E. Smythe) Out West, 1.8: 767. — Land War in the West of. (W. O’C. Morris) 19th Cent. 51: 732. —— Landlords in; Are they as Black as they are Painted ? (M. Maclonagh) Fortn. 79: I030. —— Leakage of Population and Money in. (G. F. H. ° Berkeley) Fortn. 86: 734, —— Life in. Ed. R. 203: 262. IEcl. M. 1471 I33. — Light and Shade in. Blackw. I71: 456. — Local Self-government in. (A. E. Miller) Monthly R. 9, no. 22 48. ' — Midsummer in. (Maud E. Sargent) Longm. 46: 246. ——_Milbourne’s Pacata Hibernia, 1633. (W. F. Den- nehy) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 257. —— Moderate Reform in. (Earl of Dunraven) 19th Cent. 59: 25. —— Mr. Morley and. (W. J . Johnston) Westm. I65: 475. — Mote and Bretesche Building in. (Goddard H. Orpen) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 417. — The New. (G. Parker) National, 43: 597. — New Development of. (S. MacManus) World’s Work, 8: 5279. — Old Galway Life, Recollections of. Blackw. I77: 52- I79: 79.=Liv- Age. 2W 421. —- Over-representation of. Spec. 92: 5 56, 720, 901, — Past and Present. (T. H. Highland) Californian, 1: 1, -—— A Plea for. (L. S. M. Newman) Westm. I57: 697. -— Plea for a New Central Party. (D. S. A. Cosby) Westm. I62: 252. -— A Poem. (L. Johnson) Ecl. M. 142: 490, -— Poor in, Solving the Problem of. (S. Brooks) Harp. W. 50: 1638. - —- Present Questions, I902. Ed. R. 195: I32. — Present Situation in, 1902. (T. Donnelly) Indep. 54: I949- - Priests and People in. Blackw. I731 122. — (M. J . F. McCarthy) Sat. R. 94: 494. -— Problem of, New Light on. (F. Young) Fortn. 81: (T. W. Russell) R. of Rs. (Sir A. (W. 501, —— Prospects of. (A. Lynch) Indep. 54: 255. --‘Public Service in, Reform of the. Westm. I65: I 32, -— A Ramble in. (R. F. Verney) Sund. M. 34: 543. -— The Real Needs of. Quar. 205: 561. — Re—awakening in. (S. MacManus) Cath. World, 76: 17. -— Recent Literary Movement in. Acad. 63: 238. — Religion and Politics in. (T. M. Kettle) Indep. R. 11: 155, -— Representation of, in Parliament. (E. Porritt) No. Am. 181: 261, 327 IRISH Ireland, Retrospect and Prospect in. (R. Bagwell) Na- tional, 42: 652, — Roman Church in, McCarthy’s. Ath. ’o4, I: 808, — Round Towers of. (J. B. McGovern) Antiq. n. s. 4H 48, 139.259- — Royal Visit to, 1903. (Goldwin Smith) Monthly R. 12, no. 3: 40. -—Rural, as it is To-day. (P. F. Jones) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 561. — Scenes from the Early History of. Douglas Hyde) Scrib. M. 40: 685. — 16th-century Maps of. (R. Dunlop) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 309. — Social History of Ancient. (T. J . Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 10: 69, - — Social Revolution in. Ed. R. 198: 200, — Spiritual Hope for, A Vision of. (H. E. O’Keefe) Cath. World, 76: 739. — Stands Ulster where it did ? (S. P. Kerr) Contemp. 89: 94. — Ten Years’ Tory Rule in. 87= 773- —- Tobacco-growing in. 5°4- —— Traveling in. (V. Thompson) Outing, 45: 294. — under Charles II. (W. F. Dennehy) Cath. World, 83: 528. — under George II. Ed. R. 202: 132. -—— Unionist Government in, Seven Years of. Fortn. 78: 648. — University Education in. (B. J . Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 28. —- (R. Blennerhassett) 19th Cent. 55: 607. — — Scandal of. (G. T. Lambert) 19th Cent. 57! 912. —- A Volunteer Force in. Un. Serv. M. 27: 44. — A Week in the West of. (Edith Balfour) National, 46: 63. -—-Liv. Age, 247: 233. -— What are we to do with ? (T. W. Russell) Con- temp. 81: 627. — What has she got ? (Sir C. Boxall) Fortn. 83: 88. — What it really needs. (S. Morgan) Fortn. 80: 672, — What it really wants. (A. White) Fortn. 82: 835, — Why it is Disloyal. (M. McD. Bodkin) Fortn. 78: 1019, Ireland’s Ancient Abbeys. 181, Irelands, how they are made. (W. J . Corbet) Westm. (H. McCarter; (T. Lough) Contemp. (Mary Gorges) Chamb. J . 82: (Lady Onslow) Idler, 29: I57- 149- Irene’s Horrible Presentiment; a story. (M. L. Pen- dered) Temp. Bar, 134: 37. Iridescent Glass Trust, The. Work, 12: 7631. Irish, Exodus of the. (T. E. Naughten) Westm. I 57: 8 5. —— in America, The. (H. N. Casson) Munsey, 351 86. —- Modern. (E. S. Robertson) Acad. 69: 1288, I 338. Irish Art and Artists. (P. C. Connell) Brush & P. 15: (F. Harding) World’s 174. Irish Character, Social Side of. (R. M. Sillard) Westm. 16:: 82. Irish Cheer, An. Liv. Age, 233: 60. Irish Clerics. (Canon Stavely) Temp. Bar, 125: 74, 713- ' Irish Customs and Superstitions, Old, in County Meath. (A. H. Singleton) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 58. Irish Dancing-school. (L. Stephens) Good Words, 44: 269. “Irish Devils.” (M. W. Loraine) Out West, 23: 580. Irish Drama. An Uncommercial Drama. (S. Gwynn) Fortn. 28: 1044, Irish Election, An. (Viscount Llandaif) Dub. R. I38: 28 Irish Emigration to America in the 17th and 18th Cen- turies. (T. A. Emmet) M. of Hist. I: 127, IRISH Irish Expedition of 1579. (J . H. Pollen) Month, 101: 69. Irish Experiment, An. (Shan F. Bullock) Monthly R. 22, no. 1: 77. Irish Fairy and Folk Tales. (C. Welsh) Cath. World, 79= 753- Irish Festival. (S. Gwynn) Blackw. 178: 407, Irish Fiddler. (S. MacManus) Good Words, 44: 725. Irish Folk Ballads, West. (Augusta Gregory) Monthly R. 9, no. 1: 123. Irish Folklore. Visit to the Wise Woman of Lis- clogher. (E. Greville-Nugent) 19th Cent. 54: 955. Irish Folk Music. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 101: 360. Irish Friends, Our. (J . S. Thomson) Macmil. 89: 362. = Liv. Age, 241: 238, Irish Humor, Century of. (S. Gwynn) Cornh. 85: 637. Irish Lady-Pirate, An. (B. Teetling) Month, 107: 170. Irish Language, Movement for. (F. A. Fahy) Westm. - 157: 307. ' —- Revival of. Good Words, 44: 607. -Irish Literary Drama. (Vida D. Scudder) Poet-Lore, 16: 40. Irish Literary Revival, The. (L. McManus) Acad. 66: 355.=Liv. Age, 241: 139.-—(C. Weygandt) Sewanee, I2: 420. —- and its Gaelic Writers. (M. L. Ra-y) Sewanee, 14: 20. -—- Bibliography of. (F. Weitenkampf) Lamp, 29: 238. Irish Literature, The Sagas and Songs of the Gael. Quar. 198: 1. . Irish Mascot, An. (Eliz. M. Moon) Temp. Bar, 125: 178. Irish Monks on the Continent. Univ. Bull. 10: 307. Irish Mother, An. (E. Foster) Cent. 41: 616, (J. J. Dunn) Cath. Irish Muse, The. (F. Macleod) No. Am. 179: 685. Irish Names and their Changes. (B. J . Clinch) Am. Cath. 31: 81, Irish National Assembly, 1910. (M. Davitt) Indep. R. 5: 2 , Irish National Imperialism. (H. M. Posnett) Con- temp. 89: 645. Irish National Movement. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 54: 854. -Irish Novels. (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 10: 329, Irish Origins, The, of Our Lady’s Conception Feast. (H. Thurston) Month, 103: 449, Irish Party and Voluntary Schools. Westm. 163: 279. — Position of the. (M. McD. Bodkin) Fortn. 85: 347. Irish Peasant, Life Novels of the. Church Q. 54: 65, ='-Eel. M. 139: 486. = Liv. Age, 234: 394. —— The New. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 143. =Liv. Age, 249: 301, Irish People on the Continent in Former Times. (J . von Pflugk-Harttung) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 51 75. Irish Phonology. (R. Henebry) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: (T. B. McCall) 0. Irish Plays, Two, from Gaelic Originals. (J . M. Synge; D. Hyde) Poet-Lore, 16: 1, Irish Poetry. (Jane Barlow) Acad. 99: 1078. Irish Race, Origins of the. Quar. 205: 79. Irish Schools. (S. MacManus) Good Words, 44: 807, Irish Stream, By an. (“ Lemon Grey ”) Monthly R. 21 , no, 1: III. 22, no. 2: 119, Irish Tailor, An. (S. MacManus) Good Words, 44: 647. Irish Text Society, Publications of the. (F. N. Robin- son) Nation, 76: 399. Irish Unionists and the Present Administration. (E. Dowden) National, 44: 368. Irish University, Founding an. (W. J . Corbet) Westm. 166: 498, 328 IRON Irish University Commission and its Report. (W. O’C. Morris) Fortn. 81: 1, Irish University Education and the Reform of Trinity College, Dublin. Church Q. 63: 148. Irish University Question. (S. Gwynn) Fortn. 83: 919. -—Quar. 197: 569. Irish Vagabond, The. (S. MacManus) Good Words, 44: 879- Iron and Steel, Construction in. (M. M. Sloan) Am. Arch. 79: 19, 59, 83. 80: 35, 76. 81: 67, - — Electro—thermic Manufacture of. (J . O. Arnold) Nature, 71: 258. -— -— Future Markets for America. Cassier, 22: 657. - — — Industry in U. S. Am. Arch. 77: 78. — —— —— Some Statistics of the World’s. (W. P. Digby) J. Soc. Arts, 52: 543, —— — Metallurgy of, 1889-1902, 22: 661. —- — Real Nature of. 801. - -—- — Slag from. Am. Arch. 78: 31. — — Trade in, British. (J . St. G. Heath) Econ. R. 16: 146, — -— — in 1902. Science, 11. s. 17: 914. — Cast. (A. E. Outerbridge, jr.)J. Frankl. Inst. I 57: 121, - — — Testing of. (R. Moldenke) Engin. M. 23: 713. —- (R. Moldenke) J . Frankl. Inst. 159: 405. —— Malleable, Cast. (G. A. Akerlind) Sci. Am. Supp. 62: 25690, — Manufacture by Electrometallurgical Processes. (A. Minet) Engin. M. 27: 796, — Modern Blast-furnace Practice. Engin. M. 22: 493. — Preservation of, in Concrete. Am. Arch. 81: 13. —- Production of, and Labor Saving Machinery. (T. W. Robinson) Cassier, 22: 376, —— “Strong as.” (S. M. Crawley Boevey) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 333. Iron Alloys in the Iron Industry. (A. J . Rossi) Cassier, 28: 360. Iron-carbon Systems, Equilibrium of. (G. Charpy and L. Grenet) J . Frankl. Inst. 154: 91. Iron Casting and Conveying Machinery. (E. A. Vebl- ing) Cassier, 24: 113, Iron Castings, Strength of, as influenced by Heat Treatment. (A. E. Outerbridge, jr.) J. F rankl. Inst. 155: 289. Iron Industry, American Review of Conditions in. (E. C. Eckel) Engin. M. 30: 518, — Great Britain’s. (T. Good) Cassier, 29: 52. -— South Russian. (A. P. Head) J . Soc. Arts, 51: (Axel Sahlin) (H. M. Howe) Cassier, (H. M. Howe) Engin. M. 25: (F. H. Crockard) 74- Iron Market, Prices and Speculation in the. (H. W’. Macrosty) Econ. J . I5: 340. Iron Mask, Man in the. (N. W. Sibley) Westm. 158: 51'- — Problem of the. (A. Tasker) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 116. Iron Mine, Aboriginal Operations in, near Leslie, Mis- souri. Am. Anthropol. 5: 503. Iron Mines of Biscay. (B. H. Brough) Cassier, 23: 698. -— of the United States. (F. N. Stacy) World’s Woik, 8: ' 5235- Iron-ore Briqnettes for the Blast Furnace. (H. Louis) Cassier, 28: 227, Iron Ores, Low Grade, for the Smelting Furnace. (T. B. Grierson) Cassier, 22: 83. Iron Pipe in Structural Work. (E. P. Watson) Engin. M. 25: 546. Ironclad Warfare, The Era of. (J. P. Farley) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 171, 367. IRON CLADS Ironclads, A Reminiscence of the First Fight between. Chamb. J. 81: 459. Ironwork, French, Modern Ornamental. (G. B. Ford) Archit. Rec. 13: 81, —— 1\Iodern Exterior. (H. Tanner) Art J . 57: 21. — VVrought Iron of Old Niirnberg. (K. M. Roof) Craftsman, 9: 634. Ironworks, Early, in America. Irony of Revenge, The. 80: 460, Iroquois in Northwestern Canada. (A. F. Chamber- lain) Am. Anthrop. 6: 459, — Morgan and Canfield on the. 38: 119, Iroquois Book of Rites. (W. M. Beauchamp) Science, 11. s. 17: 189. Irrawaddy, On the. (E. A. Richings) Gent. M. n. s. 751 133~ — A River of Cathay. (E. Dawson) Blackw. I73: 222. =Liv. Age, 2371 300. Irregular, The. (H. C. Rowland) Booklover’s M. 71 302. Irreverent Guy, The. (Edna A. Needles) Overland, 11. S. 431 502. Irrigation. (C. F. Lummis), Land of Sun. 81 3.—- (D. A. Willey) New Eng. M. n. s. 272 586. — (C. S. Mon- crieff) Science, 11. s. 22: S77. ' — Address to British Association, Engineering Sec- tion. (C. S. Moncrieff) Nature, 721 465. —- and the American Frontier. (E. E. Sparks) Chaut. 3 5: 568. —- and Forest Association of California. 16: 209, —- and the National Irrigation Congress. (W. E. Smythe) Out West, 22: 72. —(J. R. Slater) World To-day, 8: 85. —— as a Wealth-maker. (Bost.) 15: 620. —— Canal in the Punjab. (C. H. Buck) -Geog. J . 27$ Chamb. J. 81: 316, (H. A. Bryden) Chamb. J. (L. J . Burpee) Dial, Out West, (H. C. Hansbrough) Nat’l M. 60, — creates Home Market. (J . Wilson) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 15: '7“. —-— Deseriz, in the Far West. (L. R. Freeman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 305. -— Development of, in the United States. (F. W. Mon- dell) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 720. —- Economy in. (V. M. Spalding) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 684. —— Ethics of. (W. E. Smythe) Out West, 18: 233, -— Flood Prevention and; Twin Ideas. (J . R. Burton) No. Am. 177: 522. —-— Governmental. (I. W. Griscom) Nation, 77: 299, — in Arizona. (A.P. Dairs) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I 5: 642, - in California. (W. A. Lawson) Calif. M. 4: 841. — (E. E. Keech) Out West, 18: 112, — in Egypt, British Administration and. (S. Peel) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 513, — in the San Luis Valley. (F. C. Goudy) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 15: 718. —— in Southern California. 1: 6. 3: 227, — in the Southwest. (H. D. Barrows) Nation, 77: 358. — -— and in Mexico. (G. B. Anderson) Out West, 2 5: (F. L. Alles) Land of Sun. 109, —— in the U. S., Legislation for. ;(E. Mead) Outl. 70: 9°7- — —-— Newell’s. (R. P. Teele) J. Pol. Econ. 10: 625, -— in the West. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 118. - (W. E. Smythe) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 252 75.— (W. E. Smythe) Out West, 16: 75. -— — by the U. S. (H. Wright) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 198. —-— -— Supplementing. (J . M. Oskison) Nation, 83: 71, -— King’s River, California. Out West, 16: 323, 437, 329 IRVING Irrigation, Legislation for, Problems of. (E. Mead) Forum, 32: 3. —-— makes Homes. (T. F. Walsh) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 15: 57 7. -—making Gardens out of Lava Dust. World To-day, 10: 621, — Nations should aid. (C. W. Hall) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 15‘ 557- — New Hope for the West. (G. Pinchot) Cent. 46: 309. —New National Policy. (E. A. Hitchcock) Indep. 541 71- —Notes on the Situation in. Econ. 13: 237. (H. F. Cope) (R. P. Teele) J . Pol. — An Object-lesson in ; the Great Tuckee-Carson Sys- . tem. (C. J. Blanchard) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 701. —— of Arid Lands. (L. A. Sheldon) Calif. M. 51 343. —of Southwest U. S. by the Yuma Projects. Out West, 20: 505. —— Orchards in the Desert. (J. L. Laughlin) World T0-day. 91 1319- —- Pres. Roosevelt and. Out West, 18: 649. — Problem of. Out West, 16: 547. — (J . Wilson) In- deP- 551 2915- — Property Rights in Water. (E. Mead) Internat. Q. 6: I — Reclaiming the Arid Southwest. (R. M. Barker) Forum, 33: 363. — Reclaiming the Arid West. po1- s7= 715. — Relation of the State to. (R. P. Teele) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 236, — Social Aspects of. (F. H. Newell) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 15: 566, ——-to reclaim Arid Land. (C. D. Walcott) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 15: 571. — Triumph of National. (N. Y.) 30: -49. — Typical Irrigated Community. (J . Blethen) World’s Work, 4: 2491. —- Windmill, in Kansas. (N, Y.) 29: 183. —— Winning of the Desert. (D. A. Willey) Outing, 46: S45- Irrigation Channels, Persian. (Lt.-Col. P. R. Bairns- father) Chamb. J. 83! I99. Irrigation Companies, Organization of. J. Pol. Econ. 12: 161, Irrigation Congress, The. (F. L. Alles) Land of Sun. 6- ¢ (A. O. Brodie) Cosmo- (W. E. Smythe) R. of Rs. (P. Eastman) R. of Rs. (R. P. Teele) —— and its.Problems. Nation, 79: 456. Irrigation Policies. (W. E. Smythe) Land of Sun. 15: 65. Irrigation System, Future. Out West, 17: 370. Irrigation Works, Government Construction of. P. Teele) J . Pol. Econ. 10: 394. Irrigationist’s Point of View. (E. Flower) Arena, 28: 618, Irving, Sir Henry. Acad. 69: 1 107. — (Joseph Knight) Ath. ’O5, 22 5I.— (T. Williams) Atlan. 96: 826, -- (Austin Brereton) Bk. News, 22: 580. -— (P. Rob- ertson) Calif. M. 4I 591. —— (Fergus Crane) Ecl. M. 145: 557. —(T. H. S. Escott) Fortn. 84: 919.—- (J. R. Towse) Nation, 81: 313. —New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 326. — (L. F. Austen) No. Am. 1811 767.—' Outl. 81: 402. —R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 550, — (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 100: 518. = Liv. Age, 247: (R. 419- —- and Dante. (J . E. Webber) Canad. M.-22: 248, —-— and his Art. (I. A. Pyle) Dial, 391 297. —— as Dante. - (J . J . Walsh) Cath. World, 79: 284, — as Hamlet. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 99: 450. — An Impression of. (E. S. N adal) Scrib. M. 39: 120, —- Pictures and Theatrical Relics Sale. Art J . 58: 39, IRVING Irving, Sir Henry, Reminiscences of. (A. S. Walker) Chamb. J. 821 317. — Stoker’s Reminiscences of. 276. -— Blackw. I80: 613, — Successor of. (C. M. Greene) Munsey, 35: 191, -— to lie in Westminster Abbey. Sat. R. 100: 513, Irving, Washington, Country of. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. (L. J . Burpee) Dial, 41: 72: 821. —— Haunts of. (E. S. Mapes) Critic, 4!: 329, —— in England. (T. E. Pemberton) Munsey, 30: 552. — Place of, in American Literature. (E. W. Bowen) Sewanee, I4: 171, — Sunnyside, Country Home of. Life Am. 4: 406. — Two Famous Bachelors and their Love Stories. Laughlin) Bk. Buyer, I5: 241. Irwin, Wallace. (R. Blackshaw) Critic, 47: 406. Isaac, the Type of Quietness. (J . Watson) Expos. 6th ser. II: 123. Isaac on a Chalk-stream. (E. M. Bacon) Ctry (C. (W. Caine) Macmil. 92: 210. Isaac Newton Studentships at Cambridge. Science, 11. s. 20: 891, Isabella. (D. Gray) Cent. 442 511. Isaura Nova, Early Christian Art of. (A. M. Ram- say) J . Hel. Stud. 24: 260. Isbell, Mrs. Olive Mann, with portrait. (M. M. Bow- man) Land of Sun. 2: 87. Ischia. (M. H. Elliott) Lippinc. 742 223. ——-(H. M. Vaugham) Westm. I64: 663, — in June. (A. P. Irby) I9th Cent. 56: 119. = Ecl. M. 143: 447. = Liv. Age, 242: 480, Isidro. (Mary Austin) Atlan. 942 239-796. 952 45. Isis and Osiris, Mysteries of. (H. R. Evans) Open Court, 17: 265, 492, —— Ionian Dedication to. (C. C. Edgar) J. Hel. Stud. 24= 337. Islam and Democracy. (M. Baralsatullah) Arena, 30: 2'6, —— Pahislamism. (A. Vambéry) Indep. 61: 725, — (A. R. Colquhoun) No. Am. 182: 906, —— Toleration in. (A. M. Suhrawardy) Asia. R. 39: I" . Island in the Pacific, Doubtful. Geog. M. 15: 478. —— A New, in Japan. Geog. J. 25: 531. Island of Enchantment, The. (M. Kelly) Harper, 110: 468. Island of Enchantment, The; a story. man) Harper, III: 487, 682, Island of Oof. (A. G. Hyde) 19th Cent. 60: 594,: Liv. Age, 251: 486, Island of the Saints. Blackw. I78: 245. Island Camp in Greater New York. (J . T. Linson) Ctry Life Am. 10: 172, Island Miller. (H. A. Nash) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 636. Island Prison on the Forth, An. Chamb. J . 82: 385, Island Summer, An. (E. Pottle) Outing, 42:, 541, Islander, The. (Jane H. F indlater) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 369. Islands for Weather Forecasting Purposes. (VV. J . S. Lockyer) Nature, 72! 1II.—(W. Ernest Cooke) Nature, 72: 343. -— Vegetation on. Science, 11. s. 23: 922, Isle of Pines, The. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 166, - (John Finley) Scrib. M. 33: 174. -—- Nat. Geog. M. 17: 105. -—- Who owns the ? (A. C. Robinson) Indep. 55: 613, Isles of Destiny, The. (H. H. Ross) Chamb. J. 81: (J . D. Hague) N at. (J . M. For- 5931 7°9- Isles of Shoals, Gravestone Inscriptions at, to the Year 1850. (F. H. Brown) N. E. Reg. 57: 267. Isocrates, Translations of. (P. Shorey) Nation, 78: 31, 330 ITALIAN Isolated Case, An. (E. Foxwell) Blackw. I73: 15 5. =- Ecl. M. 139: 599.=Liv. Age, 234: 733. . Isolation and N on-isolation as Bionomic Factors. A. Allen) Science, n. s. 232 310. -— Theory as applied to Plants. (L. Abrams) Science, 11, S, 22: 836. (J. — Without “Barriers.” (A. E. Ortmann) Science, _ n. s. 23: 504. Israel, Ancient, Education in. (C. H. Cornill) Monist, 13: 1. — and its Neighbors, Religion of, Sayce and Zimmern on. (C. H. W. Johns) Am. J. Theol. 8: 172, -—— and Jacob. (A. B. Fairchild) Bib. Sac. 62: 698, - Date of entering Canaan. (L. -S. Houghton) Bib. Sac. 612 496, -—— Lost Tribes of, and the Search for them. Hyamson) Jew. Q. 15: 640. — Religion of, Origins of. (G. H. Skipwith) Jew. Q, 17: 57- — Treatment of Inferiors in. ' (E. Day) Am. J . Sociol. 9: 373- Israelites, Census of. (W. M. Flinders Petrie) Expos. 6th ser. I2: 148, 240, Israéls, Josef, Dutch Artist. (Jan Veth) Studio (In- ternat.) I72 239. —- With portrait. (F . VV. Morton) Brush & P. 13: 333. — an Appreciation. (F. W. Gunsaulus) Brush & P. W 347. Israels; a story. (M. Maartens) Atlan. 97: 167, Isthmian Canal To-day. (H. White) Nation, 76: 242. — Traflic for. (E. R. Johnson) Q. J. Econ. 17: 529. See Interoceanic. Isthmus of Panama, Situation on, 1904. Nation, 77: 222. See Panama. Italian, The, and Public Health. 12: 483. —— under Economic Stress. 12: 501, Italian To-day, American To-morrow. (J . E. Robbins) Outl. 80: 382. Italian with Grammar. (Mark Twain) Harper, 109: (A. M. (H. White) (R. Brindisi) Char. (K. H. Claghorn) Char. 397- Italian Archmological Investigations, Recent. (A. F. Chamberlain) Am. Antiq. 261 297. Italian Art at the Milan Exhibition. Studio (Internat.) 292 I47. —— Modern. (E. Denio) Brush & P. 12! 246. Italian Berry Pickers, Annual Migration of, to New Jersey. (M. C. Ginger) Char. I 5: 162. Italian Dialects, The. (J . S. F iske) Nation, 69: 411. Italian Drama, Modern. (H. Zimmern) Cornh. 92: 90. (A. Melani) Italian English. (L. Cooper) Nation, 78: 271, Italian Fantasy, An. (I. Zangwill) Harper, I07: 66, 592, 108: 408, Italian Farmers in the South. (A. Rossi) Char. I 5: 307. Italian Fiction, Current. (J . S. Fiske) Nation, 80: 150, — Review of. (J . S. Fiske) Nation, 74: 9. Italian Garden that is Full of Flowers. (W. Miller) Ctry Life Am. 7: 435. Italian 'Historiette, An Early, I 523—54. (W. C. Haz- litt) Antiq. n. s. 40: 20. ' Italian Immigrant in America. Outl. 73: 29. Italian Immigration, Agricultural Possibilities of. (G. Tosti) Char. I2: 472, ' Italian Invocations, Some. n. s. 38: 264, Italian Labor, Black vs. 82: 97. Italian Legends of the Teachings of Christ. (E. C. Vansittart) Gent. M. n. s. 75; 73. (W. E. Davenport) (E. C. Vansittart) Antiq. (W. G. Leland) Nation, ITALIAN Italian Literature, 1901-02. (G. Biagi) Ath, ’02, 2: 21, — 1902-03. (G. Biagi) Ath. ’03, 2: 19. — 1903-04. (G. Biagi) Ath. ’04, 2: 307. -- 1904-05, (G. Biagi) Ath. ’O6, 11 97, I27- — 1905-06. (G. Biagi) Ath. ’O6, 23 395- —— Modern. (L. D. Ventura) Overland, n. s. 40: 292, Italian Novels of To-day. (L. Gropallo) Indep. R. 31 582 Italian Painting in the Prado Gallery. (E. Hutton) Monthly R. 21, no. 3: 50. "1 Ecl. M. 146: 144. -— on Panels of 15th and 16th Centuries. (L. Salazar) Art J. 57: 333. —— Symbols in. (Mrs. Herman J . Hall) Chant. 43: 43- Italian Poetry of the 19th Century. (J . Lindsay) Bib. Sac. I60: 308. Italian Poets of To-day. (G. Carducci) Quar. I96: 239. = Liv. Age, 235: 385. =Ec1. M. 140: 1. — since Dante, Everett’s. (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 791 462. Italian Quarter Mosaic, An. land, n. s. 47: 327. Italian Recollections; More Letters of a Diplomat’s Wife. (Mary K. Waddington) Scrib. M. 37: 282. Italian Renaissance in England, Einstein on. (M. A. Scott) Dial, 34: 266. -— —— Ladies of the. 19th Cent. 54: 793. Z Liv. Age, 239: 798, . Italian Socialists, The. (J . W. Mario) Nation, 78: (J . M. Scanland) Over- 3 7- Italian Stage of To-day. (R. Simboli) Critic, 49: 132, Italian Unity, Genesis of. (R. Blennerhassett) Na- tional, 47: 418. =Ec1. M. 147: 62. Italian Villas and their Gardens. (Edith Wharton) Cent. 45: 21, 162, 46: 884, - —— Wharton on. (A. B. McMahan) Dial, 37: 419. Italian Writers of To-day. (S. de F ornaro) Critic, 4“ 99- Italians as Cotton Growers in the South. Stone) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 42, — Associated Life of the. (A. Mangano) Char. 12: 476- — Immigration of. (G. C. Speranza) Nation, 80: 304, —— (W. D. Foulke) Outl. 76: 459. — — into the South. (Emily F. Meade) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 217, . — — into the United States. Am. J. Sociol. 11: 183, -— in America. (V. V. M. Beede) Chaut. 34: 422. — (H. N. Casson) Munsey, 36: 122.—(J. F. Carr) Outl. 82: 419. -—— in Columbus, 0.; a Study in Population. Pitts) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 154, —— in Paris. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 528. —— in the United States. (J . F. Carr) World’s Work, (A. 11. (G. E. Di P. Castiglione) (G. L. 8= 5393- ' -— of New England. (A. Woods) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 626, -— Second Generation of, in an American Environ- ment. (L. Brandt) Char. 12: 494. Italo-American Colonies in the Italian Parliament. (G. C. Speranza) Char. 15: 521. _ Italy, Agrarian Reform in. (Litta-Visconti-Arese) No. Am. 176: 27. —— American Wares in. (T. D. Bergen) Nation, 76: 8, -— and England ; a Change and its Causes. Fortn. 77: 247- -— and her Socialists. (H. W. Wolff) Westm. 157: 44, —- and “ Our Italy.” (G. E. Channing) Land of Sun. 11: 24, -— and Switzerland, Religious Life of, a Contrast. O. Kuhns) Meth. R. 551 9. -—— and the Triplice. (L. Sanders) 19th Cent. 52: 218, (L. 331 ITALY Italy, and the United States, Intellectual Alliance be- tween. (H. Edmiston) Nation, 82: 342. -— Attitude of, toward her Emigrants. (G. Tosti) No. Am. 180: 720. — August in; a Midsummer Week’s Dream. Wharton) Scrib. M. 32: 212, —- Church and State in. Outl. 80: 565. -— Convention of Sept., 1864. (B. King) Eng. Hist. R. (Edith I7: 316, —— Cost of Living in. (L. Villari) Cornh. 90: 467.: Critic, 45: 404. — Dialect Plays in. (J . Dormis) Contemp. 85: 76. —- Dithyramb in Praise of. Lore, 14, no. 3: 40, — Economic Contrasts in. Econ. 17: 680. — Economic Studies in. — Education in, Popular. (G. d’Annunzio) Poet- (R. Whitehouse) J. (A. Loria) Econ. J . I6: 149. (J . W. Mario) Nation, 79: 97- —- Effect of Emigration on. (A. Rossi) Char. 12: 467. -—— Elections in, 1904. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 79: 370, 456- — Festival of the Constitution in. Outl. 84: 109. -— Finances of. (B. King) J . Statis. Soc. 66: 213, — Financial and Industrial Outlook of. (G. Tosti) Am. J. Sociol. 8: 47, -—— Foreign Policy of. (An Italian) Contemp. 89: 418, —— Fountains of. (A. Melani) Archit. R. 10: 1. —- Hill Towns of, Williams on. Ath. ’04, 1: 456. — Impressions of. Acad. 62: 67. -—— in 1904; the Great Political Strike. Nation, 79: 312. —— In Virgil’s. (Frank J . Miller) Chaut. 34: 368. — A Journey from Nice to Genoa. (F. C. VV. Barbour) Calif. M. 4: 158. —- Journey into, in 1819. (Maud Lyttelton) National, 411 463- - King and Queen of. (Ivanovich) Contemp. 84: 819. — Land of Mazzini and Garibaldi. (K. Blind) Westm. 161: 48, — Lover of Trees in. (S. Jewett) Scrib. M. 33: 701. — Ministry in, The New. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 82: I95- - Mission of, Novicow’s. 74: 292~ —- Modern Pastoral in. Contemp. 83: 427. —— Modern, to a Visitor. 29: 306, —— Modern Monuments in. 20: 369. . — Municipalization of Bread in. Nation, 76: 369. — The New Industrial. (J. C. Monaghan) Cath. World, 82: 68. —— of Virgil and Horace. 104: 867. — Painting in, Crowe and Cavalcaselle’s History of. Ath. ’<>4. 2= 594- - Parliamentary Decadence in. Nation, 80: 285. — Peasantry of. (Bolton King) Indep. R. 2: I99. — Penal Conditions in. (F. E. Wing) Char. I4: 693. — Policy of, and the Vatican. (F. Santini) Monthly R. 14, no. 22 55; no. 3: 75. (J . W. Mario) (G. C. Speranza) Nation, (E. Martinengo-Cesaresco) (B. J . Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. (A. Melani) Archit. Rec. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Harper, (Jessie W. Mario) — — Present Drift of. (C. F. Santini) Monthly R. 14, no. 11 62. -—— The Pope and the Italian Nation. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. 38: 14. — Private Life in Small Towns of, during the 1st Cen- tury. (N. W. Helm) Princ. Univ. Bull. 13: 22, — Progress in, Thirty Years of. World’s Work, 6: 3860, -—— Progressive. Cent. 46: 155. ITALY Italy, Public Debt of. (M. Ferraris) N 0. Am. 175: 423, -— Recent Social Conditions in the Romance Countries. (F. A. Ogg) Chaut. 41: 15. — Religious Condition of. Church Q. 55: 44, — Risorgimento, First Historical Congress of the, Milan, N ov., ’06. Nation, 83: 506, —- Rough Riding in. (D. C. Branson) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 496. —— School Life in, Glimpses of. (M. S. Pepper) Chant. 351 543- —— Social Classes in. (A. de Gubernatis) Atlan. 94: 322, -— Southern, Art in, Bertaux on. Ath. ’04, 2: 86. — State Management of Railroads in. (G. v. del F erro) Indep. 60: 786. —— State Railway Building in, Disastrous Results of. (H. R. Meyer) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 362. -— Strong Men of. (W. J . D. Croke) Munsey, 26: 825, —— Sub-Vesuvian Topics. (E. T. Merrill) Nation, 76: 287, — Taxation and Business in. 33: 333- - Travel and Misadventure in. Chamb. J. 81: 497. —— Travel in, Uses and Abuses of. (Carl S. Vrooman) Arena. 341 354- —— Unity of, The Genesis of. tional, 47: 418. — The V endemmia. Month, 101: 293, -— Viareggio-Lucca-Rome. (M. H. Elliott) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 138. -— Villari on Italian Life. 7s= 404. —— Villari’s Barbarian Invasions of. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 75: 348. — What the People read in. 339- -— Zigzag Journey through. (J. A. Harrison) Chant. 341 398. Ithaca or Lencas ? (W. G. Manly) Univ. of Mo. Stud. 2: 1, —- under the Franks. (W. Miller) Eng. Hist. R. 21: (W. Calkins) Forum, (R. Blennerhassett) Na- (M. S. Stillman) Nation, R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 513- Ithaca, N. Y., Discovery of a New Dike at. (V. H. Barnett) Am. J. Sci. 169: 210, — Water-supplies. (R. H. Thurston) Science, 11. s. 17: 474- Itineraries. (A. Birrell) Liv. Age, 240: 699. =Ecl. M. 142: 695. ITO, Letters and the. (I. Zangwill) Fortn. 85: 633. Ito, Marquis. (J. W. Foster) Internat. Q. 9: 261. — (Y. Noguchi) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 5I.—(W. E. Griflis) Craftsman, 8: 134, Ivories, Japanese. Brush & P. 16: 63. -—- Maskell on. (F. W. Gookin) Dial, 39: 239. Ivory in Commerce and the Arts. (A. Maskell) J. Soc. Arts, 54: 1127, 1146, 1174, Ivory Coast, The. (W. B. Robertson) Chamb. J. 80: 147. Iwan-Miiller, E. B. See Miiller, E. B. Iwan-. Iwill, Leon Marie Joseph, Artist. (L. J. Skelton) Brush & P. 9: 32I. Izoinda. (E. L. Arnold) Chamb. J. 80: Xmas no. 1. Jablinowsky. (B. Lessing) Cosmopol. 39: 527. Jack-, Jill, and the Mermaid; a poem. (Helen S. Kiick) Good Words, 46: 854, Jack Mason of Penjemoy, and other Old-Time Sports- men. (J . Hunter) Outing, 41: 307, Jack Norman’s Love Affair. (J . Finnemore) Chamb. J . 80: 769. Jackdaw. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 95: 165. Jack-o’-Lantern. (Kate D. Wiggin) Scrib. M. 40: 129, Jacko’s Angel. (Jean Pardee-Clark) Lippinc. 76: 372, 332 J AILS Jacko’s Jeopardy; a child’s story. (E. Waters) Canad. M. 23: 433. Jack’s Bill-board Girl. (N orval Richardson) Lippinc. 77: 78. Jackson, Andrew. (E. P. Oberholtzer) Bk. News, 23: 183. -— With portrait. (A. H. Lewis) Everybody’s, 8: 73, —— and his Indian Campaigns. (L. T. Sprague) Outing, 491 223- —— and Van Buren Papers. (J . Schouler) Atlan. 95: 217. —— as a Lawyer, with portrait. Bag. 151 349- — Buell’s History of. (C. H. Cooper) Dial, 37: 265. —— (J . Finley) Lamp, 29: 302. - —Story of. (A. H. Lewis) Cosmopol. 41: 143-655. 42: 61, 208. Jackson, Dugald C., with portrait. Technol. R. 8: 409. Jackson, Ernest, Lithographs by. (E. Radford) Studio (Internat.) 22: 134, Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Ramona. (Owen Capelle) Land of Sun. I: 49. — (Juan del Rio) Land of Sun. I4: 4. -— — Sidelights on. (Auguste Wey) Land of Sun. 3: (E. L. Didier) Green 17, Jackson, Samuel Phillips. Ath. ’04, 1: 184. Jackson, Thos. J ., “ Stonewall,” Recollections of. (E. M. Alfriend) Lippinc. 69: 582. Jackson, Wilfred S., with portrait. (J . L. Paterson) Idler, 23: 327. Jackson’s Thirst. 3 . Jacksonville, Fla., Public Library. (G. P. Utley) Lib. J. 30: 861, Jacky. (A. L. Provost) Lippinc. 72: 104, Jacob and Israel. (A. B. Fairchild) Bib. Sac. 62: 698. — at Peniel. (A. B. Davidson) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 176. Jacobin Club, Conflict of Parties in, 1789-91. (C. Kuhlmann) Univ. Neb. Stud. 5: 229. Jacobin’s Romance, A. (S. Pickering) Temp. Bar, 125: 593.=Liv. Age, 233: 615. Jacobins, Relation of the, to the Army, the National Guard, and Lafayette. (C. Kuhlmann) Univ. Neb. Stud. 6: 153. Jacobite Ciphers. 121, Jacobite Songs. Ed. R. I99: 243. Jacobite Trials of I 746, Episodes in the. (J . M. Forbes) Chamb. J. 80: 349, Jacobitism, Underground. (R. E. Francillon) Monthly R. 21, no. 3: 17. Jacob’s Cavern, Missouri, Human Remains from. (C. N. Gould) Science, 11. s. 18: 151, Jacobs, Charles M. (Zach. McGhee) World’s Work, 9: 5965- J acque, Charles. Under the Old Oak; aPainting. Art J- 55‘ 3°4- Jacqueline, Dutch Princess of the 15th Century. Bk. News, 22: 1202, Jacqueline of Bavaria, Marriages of. (F. B. Harrison) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 131. Jacques-Marie, Some Paintings of. Art J . 55: 212. Jade. (S. E. Easter) Nat. Geog. M. 14: 9.-—(H. A. Giles) I9th Cent. 55: 138. ——- Bishop Collection of. Science, n. s. 17: 35.— (G. F. Kunz) Am. Anthropol. 5: III.— (G. F. Kunz) Sci- ence, n. s. 24: 23. ' Jade Teapot, The. (R. D. Paine) Scrib. M. 34: 73°. Jaifa to Jerusalem, From. Am. Antiq. 28: 8. Jaggard Press, The. (W. Jaggard) Ath. '03, 1: I14. Jaguar, Trail of the. (C. Whitney) Outing, 44: 592. Jailbird, The. (A. Train) McClure, 25: 209, Jails, Indian. Green Bag, 14.: 437. (E. Walker) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: (F. H. B. Daniels) Eng. Hist. R. 18: J AINISM Jainism, A Religion of Ruth. (E. Martinengo-Cesar- esco) Contemp. 90: 369. '1 Eel, M, 147: 421, Jake Trinnigan’s Come-all-ye. (T. Roberts) Canad. M. 27: 29, Jalapa, Vera Cruz, Ancient Megalith in. F ewkes) Am. Anthropol. 8: 633. Jamaica. (H. T. Thomas) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 214. ——- as a Summer Resort. (M. Baldwin) New Eng. M. n. 8- W 449. 577. — Capt. L. D. Baker and. Work, 11: 7295. ~ Folk-lore of Negroes of. Folk-Lore, I 5: 87, 206. — Midwinter Loafing in. (C. R. Lanman) Nation, 76: 188, 206. —— an Object-lesson in the Solution of Race-problems. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Arena, 36: 364. ~——Trip from Boston to. (J. M. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 319. -~— A Western Riviera. (J . Walter (E. P. Lyle, jr.) World’s (Nancy Masson) Idler, 24: 3°3- Jamaica Wit and Wisdom. (A. R. Loscombe) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 564. James 1., King, The Accession of. (J . H. Pollen) Month, 101: 572. —— and Rome. (G. F. Warner) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 124. ——- and Sir Edward Coke. (R. G. Usher) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 664, —- Henderson’s. Ath. "05, I: 7. James II. of England, Adventures of. Ath. ’O5, I: 171. ——- at the Monastery of La Trappe. (P. Sidney) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 156. James IlI., Youth of. Cent. 55: 1005. James I. of Scotland, and the University of St. An- drews. (J . M. Anderson) Scot. Hist. R. 3: 301. James VI. of Scotland, and the Papacy. (A. W. Ward) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 249. — and Rome. (G. F. Warner) Eng. Hist. R. 20: (Mrs. Maxwell Scott) 19th 124, James the J ust, Wisdom of. (W. Boyd Carpenter) Good Words, 43: 51-866, James Frances Stuart, the Old Pretender, a Last Grasp at a Crown. (A. Shield) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 40. James, Hannah Packard; in Memoriam, with portrait. Lib. J. 28: 240, James, Henry. (W. C. Brownell) Atlan. 95: 496.— With portrait. Lamp, 26: 312, -- (E, L, Cal-y) Scrib. M. 36: 394. -— and his Countrymen. (H. Croly) Lamp, 28: 47, — and his Public. (D. McCarthy) Indep. R. 6: 105. —— An Appreciation. (J . Conrad) No. Am. 180: 102, -— as an Artist. (Anna B. McGill) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 4: go. — as a Critic. -- as Lecturer. Acad. 63: 579. (O. H. Dunbar) Critic, 46: 24, —-— The Better Sort. (M. Schuyler) Lamp, 26: 231. ——- The Golden Bowl. (C. Bragdon) Critic, 46: 2o.—- (Alice D. Miller) Lamp, 29: 583. ——,Later VVorks of. (W. D. Howells) No. Am. 176: 125, ,. --Novels of. Ed. R. 197: 59.=Ecl. M. 140: 541.: Liv. Age, 236: 577- — (0. Elton) Quar. I98: 358.: Ed. M. 142: 215.=Liv. Age, 240: I. — on American Speech. (A. H. Smyth) Bk. News, 23: 856. --Queerness of. (F. M. Colby) Bookman, 15: 396. 16: 259. —— Style of. (C. Bragdon) Critic, 44: 146. -— Work of. (S. Waterlow) Indep. R. 4: 236. -— Wings of the Dove. Bk. News, 21: 68. — (J, P, Mowbray) Critic, 41: 409. -~— -— Latest Novels of Howells and James. (Harriet Waters Preston) Atlan. 91: 77. 333 JAPAN James, William. Varieties of Religious Experience. (J . B. Crozier) F ortn. 78: 1004, —-Harv, G1-ad, M, II: I94.—(A. A. Berle) Bib. Sac. 60: 1.——(H. Rashdall) Mind, 28: 245, James Sutherland, Limited; a story. (E. F. Benson) Monthly R. 9, no. 3: 126. — Ath. ’02, 2: 82. Jameson, Leander, The New Cape Premier. (E. Dicey) Fortn. 81: 583, Jamestown, Va. (B. S. Baker) Am. Arch. 88: 71. — and its Historic Vicinity. (C. Johnson) Booklover’s M- s= 371- —- Cradle of the Republic. 341 97- —— Exposition, I907. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 25: 53. —(Fitz' Hugh Lee) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 286. -- — Picturesque. (C. R. Keiley) World’s Work, 12: 7746- — —- Tower at. (C. F. Stansbury) Ecl. M. 146: 470, ~ the Pompeii of America. (C. M. Graves) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 277. —— Tercentenary of. (E. H. Hall) Chant. 43: 404.-— (K. L. Bosher) Outl. 84: 489. —— (Plummer F. Jones) World To-day, II: 687, Jamey’s Mother. (C. -Healy) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: (E. A. Alderman) Munsey, 632, J amnitzer, Wentzel, Two Works by. (H. P. Mitchell) Art J . 57: 105. Jan ; a story. Macmil. 91: 215. =Liv. Age, 244: 282, Jan Tresize’s Geese. (C. S. Kent) Sat. R. 99: 336. I'- Liv. Age, 246: 442, Janauschek, Madame. (E. Fuller) Bookman, 20: 541, Jane; a story. (A. Colton) Atlan. 95: 211. Jane, the Queen’s Fool. (Charlotte C. Stopes) Ath. ’o5, 2: 209, Jane Murray’s Thanksgiving Story. vis) Indep. 59: 1267, Jane Winston ; a story. (C. H. Latta) Nat’1 M. (Bost.) 19: 293, Jane’s Gray Eyes; a story. (S. Ford) Harper, I11: 712, Janitors Organize. (H. E. Thomas) Char. 9: 447. Janko, Johann. Geog. J. 20: 461, J anney, Thomas, Provincial Councillor. Pennsyl. M. 27: 211. Janssen, Prof., Recipient of Medal of Royal Photo~ graphic Society, 1905. Pop. Astron. I4: I37. “Jantje; ” astory. (P. Coetzee) Temp. Bar, 1292475. : Liv. Age, 241: 290, Janna Vitae; a story. (H. H. Bashford) Temp. Bar, I33= 442-=Liv- Age. 2491 624. J anuarius, Saint, an Old Miracle and Modern Science. (E. P. Graham) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 759. January Thaw, A. (Jeanne O. Loiseaux) Cosmopol. 38: 569. Japan. (G. W. Knox) Chant. 42: 207, -— Academic Freedom in. Science, 11. s. 22: 719. —— Advance of, and the Yellow Peril. (R. Van Bergen) Out West, 23: 48. — after the War. (Dalni Vostock) National, 48: 51. -‘-Liv. Age, 251: 170.~—-(J. H. Schifif) No. Am. 183: 161, — Agricultural College in. 502, — Agriculture in. Science, 11. s. 20: 218, 313. — Aims of, through the Russian War. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 3: 723. -~ Alps of, Travel in Southern. J . 27: 18, — Ambition of. World’s Work, 9: 5744. — -— to lead the Far East. (A. M. Latter) Indep. R. 2: 117. -_-Ecl. M. 142: 583.?-‘Liv. Age, 240: 663. — America and. (Rebecca H. Da- (M. White) (H. Reade) Westm. 163: (W. Weston) Geog. (H. E. Rhoades) M. of Hist. I: 150, JAPAN Japan, America, and the Orient. (Eki Hioki) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 483. -- American Nurses in. (A. N. McGee) Cent. 47 : 895. -- Among Japanese Hills. (E. Foxwell) Cornh. 89: 204, —-— and Asiatic Leadership. 180: 48. -—- and the Changing East. Quar. 196: 197, -—- and China, Brinkley on. Ath. ’o3, 2: 606, -—- and Divine Right. Sat. R. 100: 362. -- and Great Britain. (R. G. Corbet) Asia. R. 38: 225. —— Quar. 203: 599, —-— —— Alliance of. (T. Iyenaga) R. of Rs. (N.'Y.) 25‘ 458. —National, 39: 153. — (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 144. -(A. M. Low) Forum, 33: 196. -—~A. Mi- chie) Blackw. I71: 434. -T-Ecl. M. 138: 662. = Liv. Age, 233: 5.—Liv. Age, 232: 697. —Sat. R. 93: 196. — (E. Maxey) Arena, 27: 449.——(H. N. G. Bnshby) 19th Cent. 51: 369, —- (H. Paul) 19th Cent. 58: 5I3.=Liv. Age, 247: 259.-—-Outl. 311 292. -—(Eki Hioki) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 333. —Sat. R. 100: 392. — (W. Weber) Nation, 81: 443. — — — America and. (S. Brooks) Fortn. 77: 555. - -- —— and after. Fortn. 77: 365. ' ~—- —- — England’s Decadence. (Pro Patria) Contemp. 88: 703.=‘-Liv. Age, 247: 515. -- —— '— from the Japanese Point of View. Contemp. 81: 437. —— — '— Seamy Side of. (P. S. Reinsch) No. Am. (A. Stead) (Coloniensis) Monthly R. 21, no. 22 I. -— — —- Significance of. (J . P. Dolliver) No. Am. 1% 594- —— as Unusual Allies. Sat. R. 101: 388, — — World Influence of. Monthly R. 21, no. 2: I I. —— and her People. (C. H. Brent) Outl. 76: 449. —-~ and the Jingoes. (C. J . Bullock) Nation, 79: 254. -— and the Mahometan World. (A. Vambéry) 19th Cent. 57: 573. —-— and our Competition with “ Yellow ” Labor. (Har- old Bolce) Booklover’s M. 6: 784. —- and the Peace. (R. G. Corbet) Asia. R. 41: 36. -— and Russia. (Baron Suyematsu) Asia. R. 38: 1. —- (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 519. — (E. J. Dillon) Contemp. 84: 885. 85: 281. — Macmil. 88: 354, —— Quar. 199: 576. ~ -- -- and France. (Iganovich) Contemp. 85: 668, — — Comparative Resources of. (N. T. Bacon) Book- 1over’s M. 3: 743. — -- Early Relations of. 30: 625, — -— Germany and Great Britain. 82: 478. -- -— in the Far East. Un. Serv. M. 30: 24. -—- —— Military Statistics of. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: (D. Sampson) Am. Cath. Q. (A. Stead) Fortn. 337- -- — the Powers and the Settlement. Scrib. M. 39: 109. -— -- War Fleets of. (A. S. Hurd) Cassier, 25: 287, See Russo-Japanese War. ——-and the United States. (K. Kaneko) Internat. Q. 81 399: —- and the War with Russia. (Baron Suyematsu) 19th Cent. 56: 173. —— and Western Ideas. Church Q. 58: 195, —— Animals of. Spec. 62: 10, — The Apostle of. (R. F. O’Connor) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 673. -- Arms and Ammunition in. (W. H. Blumenstein) No. Am. 179: '55. —Army of. (J. Leader) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 477. -- (J. Leader) Un. Serv. M. 26: 411. —— (F. J. Nor- man) Spec. 91: 995. -- -— in Manchuria. Indep. 57: 1423. 334 ‘D JAPAN Japan, Army of, Sanitary and Medical Work in. (L. L. Seaman) Outl. 79: I72. -- - — Lessons for America in the. (L. L. Seaman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 584, -— Around the World through. Chamb. J . 81: 74, —— as a Commercial Rival. (W. von Schierbrand) World To-day, 9: 1168, -—as viewed by a Native Socialist. Arena, 33: 493. - Aspirations of, and Internationalism. Fortn. 82: 307. —— at War. (E. Emerson) Contemp. 86: 6. —-Outl. 76: 733.——— (G. Kennan) Outl. 77: 401. -- Attempt of Kublai Khan to conquer. (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 38: 140, —- August Elections in, 1902. as 2295- —- Awakened; Mr. Okakura on “ The Exaltation of Womanhood.” Cent. 47: 633. —— Awakening of. (H. C. Hay) N. Church R. 13: 91. —- Bank of, Report of, 1903. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 5 (K. Kaneko) (A. Stead) (W. E. Griflis) Indep. 825, —— before the War. (J . L. Dearing) World To-day, 6: 465. —-Brinkley on. Ath. ’o4, 1: 71.——Spec. 921 733.—— (W. E. Griflis) Nation, 74: 310. -—~ Brownell’s Heart of. Ath. ’o2, 2: 544, -- Budget, 1904. Sat. R. 98: 721. —— Bullets of. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 462. —- Burial Custom in. (J . C. Hartland) F olk-Lore, I3: 276. —-by the Japanese, ed. by A. Stead. Ath. ’o4, 2: 316. —- Spec. 93: 426. 1 —- Capacity of, Limits of. Fortn. 82: 783. -- celebrating her Victories. (J . L. Dearing) World To-day, 7: I519‘ -—- Ceramic Art of. (G. B. Wilson) Brush & P. 16: 141, —— Child Saving in. Char. 11: 244, -— China’s Friend. (S. L. Woodford) Indep. 54: 2051. -—- Christian Missions in, Early Days of. (Adachi Kin- nosuke) Cosmopol. 38: 387, -- Christianity in. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 38:. —Spec. 92: 952, 96: 138. -— City Government in. (H. Sakuma) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 322.- —— Claims of, against Russia. (T. Iyenaga) Indep. 56: 303. — Closing the Open Door. (J . Gordon Smith) \Vorld’s Work, 10: 6267. — Commerce and Industries of. (W. F. Mitchell) J . Soc. Arts, 54: 125,-Quar. 196: 537, -— Commerce of, since the Restoration, 1869-1900. (Y. Hattori) J. H. Univ. Studies, 22: 491. -— Commercial Aspirations of. (F. C. Penfield) No. Am, 181: 665, —— Commercial Future of. (H. Ito) Indep. 54: 431. — Commercial Progress of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 73: 57°- —— Commodore Biddle’s Failure to enter, in 1846. (E. S. Burton) Indep. 59: 497. -— — Visit to. (H. Valette Warren) Indep. 59: 1043. — Constitutional Government of. (E. W. Clement) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 209, —— Court-life in, in the 20th Century. (E. Wildman) Cosmopol. 36: 643. —-— Craftsman’s Life and Lot in. (W. E. Grifiis) Craftsman, 8: 289, -— Dancing in. (M. A. Hincks) Fortn. 86: 85. —-— Debt of. (Y. Sawaki) No. Am. 174: 231. —— Debt to China. (H. A. Giles) 19th Cent. 57: 207. —-— Decorative Art Spirit of. (Mrs. F. Edwin Elwell) Arena, 35: 17. JAPAN Japan. Destruction of the Taku Forts. (G. F. Wright) Nation, 762 454. —- Difference between U. S. and. (J. H. De Forest) Indep. 60: 1196, -— Dockyards of. (C. Albertson) Engin. M. 29: 850. 30: 32. -—— Dyer’s Evolution of. (E. H. Vickers) Nation, 80: 337. -— Earthquakes in. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 216. ~— Economic Condition of, 1905. Letter from Japan. (J . Soyeda) Econ. J. 15: 448. -— Economic Future of. (A. Viallate) J . Frankl. Inst. :61: 413. -— the Economic Revolutionist. (C. E. Russell) Every- body’s, W 3. I87- — Education in. (Marie Howland) Californian, 2: 348. —— (K. Suyematsu) Indep. R. 5, no. 4: 191. 1‘ Liv. Age, 246: 657. — (J . F. Abbott) Wash. Univ. Bull. 32 72. ——(M. C. Fraser) World’s Work, 12: 8099, -— — and Character in. (E. P. Culverwell) National, 46: 3I9."-=Ecl. M. 146: 64. -— —- and National Efiiciency in. (H. Dyer) Nature, 71: 154. -— -—— and Progress in. (A. T. Simmons) Nature, 69: 416. —- ‘— A Paradox. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 327. — Elder Statesmen and the Peace. (A. Kinnosuke) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 430. ' -— -— The Power behind the Portsmouth Treaty. (W. E. Grifiis) No. Am. 182: 215, — Electoral Wisdom of. (R. Tyson) Arena, 32: 269, — Emancipator of Russia. Outl. 80: 357. -— Einperor of, Personal Study of. (Mary C. Fraser) World’s Work, 12: 7546. --‘-Fortn. 85: 801. —- England and, Alliance of, Renewal of the. (O. Eltzbacher) 19th Cent. 571 500. -—— England’s New Ally, Stead on. Ath. ’02, II 585. -— Ethics of. (Baron Suyematsu) J . Soc. Arts, 531 427. — Ethnology of, by a Japanese. Open Court, 20: 297. — Every-day. (B. Blake) Chaut. 35: 582. — Every-day Life in. (Mary Pierce) Overland, n. s. 41: 17. — An Execution in. 16: 38. —— Extermination of Early Missionaries in. ston) Month, 105: 388. -—— Family in, Social and Ethical Value of the. (J . Takakusu) Internat. J . Ethics, 17: 100, —— Famine in. (J . H. De Forest) Indep. 60: 609, -— F arrar’s Impressions from. Ath. ’o4, 2: 373. —- Female Wrestlers in. Macmil. n. s. I: 632. (A. T. Sibbald) Green Bag, (H. Thur- ——- Fifty Years of. (A. Kinnosuke) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 553- -- Financial, after the War. (Baron Shibusawa) F 0- rum, 37: 4:1. —- Financial and Commercial Affairs in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64: 415. -—— Financial and Economic Situation in. (W. P. Wat- son) Fortn. 81: 211, -— Financial Facts about. — Financial Position of, 1904. World’s Work, 10: 6347. (O. Eltzbacher) Igth Cent. 55: 543. -— Financial Prospects of. (T. F. Millard) Scrib. M. 38: 369. -— Financial System of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 841. —- No. Am. 174: 577. — First Ambassador of, to the U. S. (W. E. Griffis) Outl. 82: 164, —- First Englishman in. go: 56, — First Impressions of. (G. Kennan) Outl. 77: 355. — Fisheries of. (H. M. Smith) Nat. Geog. M. 15: 362. I6: 201, (E. M. Thompson) Cornh. 335 JAPAN Japan, Flower Festivals of. (C. E. Lorrimer) Over- land, 11. s. 412 39. - From Atami to Lake Hakone. by Kaye across the Ten Province Pass. (C. E. Lorrimer) Overland, n. s. 40: 131, —- Generals of. (J . H. De Forest) Indep. 57: 308. —— Genius of. (A. Tison) World’s Work, 7: 4699. —— Glyptic Art in. (C. M. Salwey) Asia. R. 39: 309. -— Golden Opportunity for. (K. Kaneko) N 0. Am. 179: 641. — Great. (Omega) Westm. I64: 609, ——- Great Change in. (Baron Suyematsu) Fortn. 82: 776- — Hearn’s Attempt at Interpretation. (E. Buckley) Nation, 79: 465. —— Hearn’s Kwaidan. Ath. ’o4, 2: 373. — The Heart of Old. Liv. Age, 244: 27. —-Eel. M. 144: 209, ——- Historical Military Landmarks. Overland, n. s. 44: 545 — History of, Crises in. (E. W. Hewson) -(E. Maxey) Arena, 32: 241, 32: 400, 616, -—— History of, 16th Century, Murdoch’s. Ath. ’o4, I: 778. — How a Religion grew in. (E. Buckley) Bib. World, 25: I73. -— How she reformed herself. (G. Eltzbacher) 19th Cent. 551 20. —— Immediate Sources of War Costs Payment. (E. H. Vickers) Nation, 82: 361, _ —— Impending Dominance of Pacific by. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 6: 646, —- Imperial Family of. (Jihei Hashiguchi) Indep. 59: 246. -— Imperial Policy of; its Bearing on International Relations. (S. Ransome) F ortn. 771 565. —- in China. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 214, ——- in Time of War. (E. A. Wicher) Canad. M. 23: 293- -- Intellectual Apostolate in. (W. L. Sullivan) Cath. World, 80: 283, ——Japanese Problems. (S. Okuma) Temp. Bar, 132: 469. —- Journalism in. (Y. Noguchi) Bookman, I9: I50. —- Leaders of. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 23: 299. —— (Mary C. Fraser) World’s Work, 11: 7040, —— A Letter from. (L. Hearn) Atlan. 94: 625. — Letters from. (Margaret Perry) Overland, n. s. 442 170. -— Liberties of. (J . H. De Forest) Indep. 57: 5 37. — Libraries in. Pub. Lib. 92 407. -—— Linguistic Problems in. (Christopher Noss) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 345. -— Literature of New. (F. Weitenkampf) Lamp, 29: I37- — “Little.” Spec. 93: 244. -— The Little Brown Men of Nippon. Arena, 32: 18. -—-Loan placed in the U. S. (K. Kaneko) World’s Work, 10: 6124, —- Magna Charta of. (K. Kaneko) Cent. 46: 484. -— Marriage Customs in. (C. M. Salwey) Asia. R. 33: (J . Miller) 336. —- Martyrdom of the Early Jesuit Missionaries in. (H. Thurston) Month, 105: 505. ~— Martyrdom of Father Sidotte in. Month, I05: 569. 106: 20. ——- Men who are “ Doing Things ” for. (N. Y.) 29: 292. I —— Military System of ; War by Prearrangem ent. (G. Kennan) Outl. 77: 890. — Miracle-making in. (A. Fisher) Overland, n. s. 41: (H. Thurston) R. of Rs. 33- JAPAN Japan, Mission of, in the Far East. (T. Iyenaga) Form. an 459. -—- Mission Work in. World, 79: 68. -—- Missionary Situation in. (J. P. Moore) Ref. Ch. R. 49= 327- — Mist Pictures in. (C. Lorrimer) Overland, 11. s. 491 (A. I. du P. Coleman) Cath. 310, s- Moral Teaching in. (Baron Suyematsu) 19th Cent. 57= 198- ~— Mountain Shrines of. (E. A. Richings) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 113. ~— Mythological, Sommerville’s. Bk. News, 21: 281. —— National Exposition, 1903. (W. E. Grifiis) Outl. 741 801, -— Nautical Education in. Nature, 69: 331. -— Naval Heroes of, with portraits. (S. Emerson) Munsey, 31: 330. -—- Naval Training in. World’s Work, 7: 4656. — Naval Victory of, People of. (J . H. De Forest) In- dep. 56: 599. —— Naval Warfare, Object-lessons in. Fortn. 81: 931. '-_-Ecl. M. 143: 141, —- —— of To-day. (Sir C. Bridge) Cornh. 90: 312. —- Navy, Anglo-Japanese Fleets in Alliance. S. Hurd) Fortn. 84: 829. —— — Growing Power of. (A. S. Hurd) No. Am. 177: 570. — (J. H. Longford) 19th Cent. 542 472. — — Sanitation of. (S. Suzuki) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: (A. 587. ~— The New. (Okuma) Monthly R. 16, no. 22 33.: E01. M. 143: 635.=Liv. Age, 242: 695. —~ -— Birth of. (A. Kinnosuke) Forum, 38: 25 5. —— -—- The Schoolmaster of Asia. (J . Barrett) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 694. -—- New Position of. (M. C. Fraser) World’s Work, w 7994- '\ -—- New Rival of the U. S. in the East. Booklover’s M. 7: 117, 254, (H. Bolce) —- Normal Schools in. (M. C. Leonard) Educa. R. 23: .71. , —— Naovelists of Modern. (Y. Noguchi) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 505, —— of 1902. (J. H. De Forest) Indep. 55: I95. -— of I903. (J. H. De Forest) Indep. 56: 127. — of I904. (J . H. De Forest) Indep. 58: 131, — of 1905. (J. H. De Forest) Indep. 60: 567. -—of To-day. (H. Yoshida) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 3: - -—- Okakura on. (F. W. Gookin) Dial, 38: 39. - Opening Year of the Century in. (J . H. De Forest) Indep. 54: 390. —— Opportunity of. Outl. 81: 251, ~ Our War with One Gun, 1864. Eng. M. n. s. 28: 662, —~ Painters of. (A. Morrison) Monthly R. 8, nos. 1, 2, 3, 10, no, 1: 113. —~ Peace in, The Sword of. (G. Kennan) Outl. 8!: 357. -—- Peace Negotiations of. (J . Hashiguchi) World’s Work, 10: 6191, -— Peeresses of, in Tableaux. 101. -—- Perry’s Expedition to, Monroe Doctrine and. (W. W. Davis) Cosmopol. 37: 219, -— Political Conditions. Chaut. 42: 199, -— Political Parties in, Development of. (W. E. Griflis) No. Am. I75: 676. —~ Position of, in the Far East. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 73. -—- -— in the Far East. (A. Stead) Fortn. 80: 288, —— ~— in the Household of Powers. Indep. 60: 196. -~ Post-bellnm Policy of, foreshadowed. (E. H. Vick- ers) Nation, 82: 507, (W. E. Griflis) New (Y. T. Ozaki) Cent. 47: (K. Kaneko) Ann. 336 ‘— Some August Days in. JAPAN Japan, Power of. The Yellow Peril. (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 430, — Preaching of Early Missionaries in. Month, 105: 157. — Present Financial and Monetary Condition of. Schroeder) J . Pol. Econ. 13: 48. —- Prison in, Peep into a. Liv. Age, 242: 819. —— Progress of. (Hirokichi Mutsu) Cosmopol. 36: 113. — Progress of Christianity in. (J . L. Atkinson) Am. Antiq. 27: 185. ~ —— Progress of, in the 19th Century, Temple on. Ath. ’oz, 2: 177, — Protest of, against School Exclusion in California. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 364. — Psychology of Militant. (E. H. Vickers) Nation, 78: 165, -—- Railroading in. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 4: 351. —— Reading Journey through. (A. C. Hartshorne) Chaut. 39: 519. — Recent Advances in Meteorology and Meteorological Service in. (S. T. Tamura) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68'. 139. -— Religion in. (C. Ray) Sund. M. 332 453. —— Religion of Rural. (A. L. A. Murcutt) Sund. M. 34‘ 9°1- — Religions of. (Baron Suyematsu) Indep. R. 4: 349. — Religious Condition of. (C. MacCauley) Am. J . Theol. 6: 209. —-—Religious Life of Modern. Sac. 621 I. — Representative of, at Washington. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 682, — Restoration of Imperial Authority in, 1868. (Eki Kioki) Nat. Geog. M. 162 220. -— Rise of Modern. (J. Hashiguchi) World’s Work, 7: 4626, -— Roman Catholicism in. World, 81 : 591. — Rural Industries of. (J. E. Barker) Asia. R. 42: 97. — Russo—Japanese War, A. Contemp. 81: 424, See Russo-Japanese War. — Seaman on Real Triumph of. 40: 388. _ —- Seismic Frequency in. (J . Milne) Nature, 66: 202, —— Shopping in. (W. J . Price) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 3°9- — Simple Life in. (Marguerite Glover) Craftsman, 10: 614, — since the War. (Mary C. Fraser) World’s Work, (H. Thurston) (F. (G. E. Albrecht) Bib. (R. F. O’Connor) Cath. (W. E. Grifiis) Dial, I1: 7229, — Sketches in. (A. Lloyd) Cath. World, 83: 508. —— Socialism in. (A. Stead) Indep. 4: 244. — Soldiers of. (W. Thorp) World’s Work, 7: 4658. —Soldier’s Funeral in. n. s. 31: 405. (L. E. Dew) New Eng. M. (W. E. Norris) Longm. 45: 149. =Liv. Age, 244: 449. -—-Ecl. M. 144: 508. — Herbert Spencer on. Spec. 92: 118, — Spirit of. (N obushige Amenomori) Atlan. 94: 505. = Ecl. M. 143: 67. — Stage of, Evolution of. M. n. s. 31: 144. — Stead’s. Sat. R. 100: 596. -— Strength of. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 4: 219. — Struggle and Success of Early Missionaries in. (H. Thurston) Month, 105: 288. -— Struggle for Command of the Sea. Outl. 80: 367. —— Success of, Menace of. (J .Hays Hammond) World’s Work, 10: 6273, —— Suyematsu on the aims of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 202. -—- Suyematsu’s The Risen Sun. (W. E. Grifiis) Na- tion, 82: 288. (Y. Noguchi) New Eng. (G. Kennan) JAPAN Japan, Sword-makers of. Chamb. J . 812 518. —— —— Early. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 352 III. — A Tale of Karuizawa. (E. Foxwell) Blackw. I73: 92. IE0]. M. 140: 499. — Task of, after Peace. 247: 60, — Tea-houses in, and Russian Prisoners. Outl. 78: 119. —— Thirty Years Ago. (H. F. Abell) Macmil. 89: 453. =Ecl. M. 143: 42. :Liv. Age, 241: 546. — Through Ikuta to Nanko Temple. (E. A. Wicher) Canad. M. 23: 489, —— To-day, Scherer on. (W. E. Grifis) Dial, 36: 327. — Trade Appeal for ‘World Markets; Maicho Shimpo. Ecl. M. 145: 639. -— Trappist. Monastery in. World, 79: 155. — Treaty with Great Britain. Sat. R. 100: 424. — Triumph of, Possible Effects on England. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 81: 315. — Unconquerable. (E. H. Parker) Monthly R. 151 no. 3, 67. — A Visit to “ a Certain Place.” (C. Kennan) Outl. 78: 171, — Volcano in, Highest. (H. C. Ponting) Cent. 461 697. (Count Okuma) Liv. Age, (G. Kennan) (F. McCullagh) Cath. -— War Diet in. (E.H. Vickers) Nation, 78: 346. — War Power of. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 79: 212, —- Western Influence on Japanese Character. Mac- mil. 92: 18. —— What the People read in. 577- — Why America sympathizes with. Arena, 31: 518. —— Why it values American Good-will. Munsey, 33: 14. —- Why Japan will win. (Alfred Stead) Fortn. 82: 996. I Liv. Age, 244: 120. —— Why Japan wins. (J . A. Baer) Harp. W. 491 736. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: (B. O. Flower) (F. Brinkley) — Why she should win from Russia. (H. Boyce) Booklover’s M. 3: 579. — Why we favor, in the Present War. (E. Maxey) Arena, 32: I31. — With Perry in. —- VVith Taft in. -— Woman in, The New. Sociol. 8: 963. -— Women of. (A. Kinnosuke) Forum, 38: 139. - The Yellow Peril, a Bogey. (F. Brinkley) Munsey, 31: 818. , Japan Sea, Battle of. (W. H. Beehler) Army & Navy Life, 91 395.—Ed. R. 202: 3o6.—(A. S. Hurd) Fortn. 84: 22. -—(G. Kennan) Outl. 80: 811. —-Indep. 59: 179.— Quar. 203: 297,=Ecl. M. 145: 289. —-(L. C. Cornford)Monthly R. 20, no. 1: 62. — (H. W. Wilson) National, 45: 782. - — and Peace. (A. Stead) Fortn. 84: 190. —- —-— a Brilliant Sea Fight. Army & Navy Life, 9: 241, — — Effects of Togo’s Victory. (K. Kaneko) World’s Work, 10: 6423. — — from the Diary of the Commander of the “ Sod- zanami.” (A. M. Zeller, translator) Am. M. 61: (J . S. Sewell) Cent. 48: 349. (J. A. Le Roy) Indep. 59: 627. (E. W. Clement) Am. J . 54- —- —— from the Point of View of the Ship-builder. (Sir N. Barnaby) Westm. R. 164: 1. = Liv. Age, 246: 475- —- -— Fruits of Japan’s Victory. (T. F. Millard) Scrib. M, 38: 240, -— — The Japanese Trafalgar. Serv. M. 31: 347. — — Lessons from. Blackw. 179$ 115. — -— Story of a Great Victory. Outl. 80: 363. (E. R. Fremantle) Un. 337 JAPANESE Japan Sea, Battle of; what it means to us. Benjamin) Indep. 58: 1277, Japanese, The. Chant. 42: 391, — Americanizing the. (W. S. Harwood) World To- day, Q: 1286. — and Chinese, Exclusion of. Chant. 42: 8. — as Peers of Western Peoples. (Edmund Buckley) Am. J. Sociol. II: 326. (Park — Athletic. (T. P. Terry) Outing, 432 729. —-— Brain Weight of. (E. A. Spitzka) Science, n. s. 18: 371. — Characteristics of. (K. Kaneko) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 148, —-— Commercial Morality of. (J . H. Longford) Con- temp. 872 705. —- Development of. (W. E. Grifiis) Craftsman, 9: 180, —— Exclusion of. (D. Starr Jordan) Indep. 61: 1425, —- Future of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 198, 222, —- Gulick’s Evolution of. (W. E. Griflis) Nation, 77: 467. —-— Heroism of. Liv. Age, 243: 565, — How they communicate in Battle. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 332-. —-— How they save Lives. (A. N. McGee) Cent. 48: I33- — in California. (K. K. Kawakami) Indep. 61: 1260, —in Formosa. (Sir J. Keane) Blackw. I76: 159.: Ecl. M. 143: 792. — in New England. (M. C. Sullivan) (K. K. Kawakami) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 440. — in San Francisco. (W. H. Thomson) World To-day, 11: 1310, —— on American Farms. (K. K. Kawakami) Indep. 591 961- -— Outdoor Life of. Outing, 44: 694. — Reading of. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 4: 65 7. Japanese and Russian Finances. (F. J . Whiting) Na- tion, 78: 143. Japanese Architecture. Craftsman, 10: 192, — Cram on. (F. W. Gookin) Dial, 40: 192, Japanese Art. Bk. News, 22: 940. — (Seitei Watanabe) Craftsman, 5: 386. — as exhibited in the Hand-towel. Craftsman, 8: 223. — at St. Louis Exposition. dio (Internat.) 25: 242. (A. H. Dyer) (Maude I. G. Oliver) Stu- — Contemporary. (K. Okakura) Studio (Internat.) 16: 126, — Some Phases of. (L. Mead) Craftsman, 3: 299. — Studies in Lacquer by Leshin. Studio (Internat.) 27: 138, -— Ukio-ye School of, 1700-1867. Craftsman, 52 389. Japanese Artists, Preparation of. Brush & P. 15! 223, Japanese Artists’ Exhibition. (Y. Noguchi) N at’l M. (Bost.) 21: 67. Japanese Autobiography. (K. Higashi) Indep. 59: 722, Japanese Barbarism. Monthly R. 17, no. 21 1. Japanese Beautiful Women. (Helen Gregory-Flesher) Calif. M. 4: 643. Japanese Boxes. (O. Percival) Craftsman, 62 282. Japanese Bronzes. (R. I. Geare) Craftsman, 6: 481. Japanese Calm. Liv. Age, 246: 189, Japanese Canon of Taste. (A. Kinnosuke) Indep. 58: 1182, Japanese Caricature. M. 3: . Japanese Carpenter, Evolution of the. Craftsman, 9: 92. Japanese Ceremony of Cha-no-yu. Overland, n. s. 431 297. (J . B. Esenwein) Booklover’s (C. E. Lorrimer) JAPANESE (M. P. E. Nitobé) Outl. 78: 476. (C. Baker) Indep. 56: 641, (C. Aylmore) Sund. Japanese Character. -— Real. Japanese Christians, Prominent. M. as= 545- Japanese City, Typical, War-time Relief in. (T. Nama) Char. I4: 1047. Japanese Collections in America. Craftsman, 6: 465, Japanese Color-prints. (E. F. Strange) M. of Art, 26: 324. — (W. G. Tincombe-Fernandez) Lamp, 291 (D. H. Maynard) 208. —- and Some of their Makers. (M. L. Stowell) Crafts- man, 5: 53- — Old. (W. D. Armes) Calif. Univ. Chron. 41 29. Japanese Decorative Art, Korin and. (C. F. Bragdon) Craftsman, 4: 338. Japanese Devotion and Courage. 47: 139- Japanese Drama and the Actor. Critic, 41: 231, (O. K. Davis) Cent. (Onoto Watanna) — in English. (G. H. Knott) Sat. R. 97: 43. Japanese Emigrants. (W. Creudson) 19th Cent. 55! 813 Japanese Fan, The. (Isabel Robinson) Booklover’s M. 6: ~80, Japanesae Fighting Class. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 340- Japanese Fine Art Publications. (J . K. Goodrich) Lamp, 28: 425. Japanese Fleet, The Genesis of the. Un. Serv. M. 30: 230, Japanese Floral Calendar. (E. W. Clement) Open Court, 18: 6-728, Japanese Flower Arrangement. (C. Lorrimer) Over- land, 11. s. 471 116. -—- (G. C. Teall) Brush & P. 10: 1 17. Japanese Flower Jars. (C. M. Weed) Craftsman, 8: 211, Japanese Flower Painting. nat.) 22: 191. Japanese Flowers in English Gardens. (H. N. Ella- combe) Cornh. go: 233. =Liv. Age, 242: 615, Japanese Folk-lore. (Helen Gregory-Flesher) Calif. (C. Holme) Studio (Inter- M- 3= 772. . Japanese Garden, A Natural. , (E. Bartlett) Ctry Life Am. 7: 493. —on a Village Lot. (M. Homer) Ctry Life Am. 9: 534. Japanese Gardening. Craftsman, 6: 145. Japanese Gardens in America. (C. H. Townsend ; E. C. B. Fassett) Ctry Life Am. 22 98. Japanese Ghosts. (G. J .) Temp. Bar, 132: 680, Japanese Hills, Among. (E. Foxwell) Liv. Age, 240: 705.=Ecl. M. 142: 658, Japanese Houses. (Katherine C. Budd) Archit. Rec. 19: 1, Japanese Humor and Caricature. man. 19: 477. Japanese Illustrators, Modern. (Y. Noguchi) Critic, 451 514- Japanese Imperial Garden Party at Tokio. (E. J . Hamilton) Idler, 24: 579. Japanese Ivories. Brush & P. 16: 63. Japanese Landscapes., Craftsman, 10: 168, Japanese Language and Literature, Re-birth of. (S. Sams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 581, — Some Characteristics of. (H. L. Latham) Open Court, 202 306. Japanese Law and Jurisprudence. (A. H. Marsh) Am. Law R'. 38: 209. - — Present Position of. R, 37: 161. Japanese Leaders. (Y. Noguchi) Book- (R. Masiyama) Am. Law (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 474. 338 JAPANESE Japanese Libraries. (J . T. Goodrich) Lamp, 28: 67. Japanese Literature, Modern. (Y. Noguchi) Critic, : 261. —- New. (W. E. Griflis) Critic, 47: 128, Japanese Merchant Fleet. (W. L. Marvin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 208. Japanese Meteorological Service in Korea and China. (S. T. Tamura) Science, 11. s. 23: 396, Japanese Military Funerals. (J . H. De Forest) Indep. 58: 760, Japanese Music and Musical Instruments. New Eng. M. 11. s. 35: 422. Japanese Naval Base, A. (G. Kénnan) Outl. 78: (R. Geare) 217, Japanese Naval School, A. (G. Kennan) Outl. 77: 977- Japanese Novel, A. (M. Reed) Macmil. 92: 252,: Liv. Age, 247: 104, Japanese Oflice, A, at Mukden. Liv. Age, 246: 375. Japanese Painters, Two. 527- Japanese Painting, Some Aspects of. (VV. M. Cabot) Atlan. 95: 804. Japanese Paper, Manifold Uses of. Asia. R. 37: 150. Japanese Paper Currency, 1868-90, Hopk. Univ. Stud, 21: 209, Japanese Peace Negotiators at Washington. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 211, Japanese People, Characteristics of the. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 93. Japanese Pictures. (G. W. Harris) Outl. 81: 497. Japanese Pilgrimage to the Buddhist Holy Land. Otani) Cent. 50: 866, Japanese Poetess, Leaves from the Scrapbook of a. (A. Lloyd) Cath. World, 84: 176, Japanese Poetry. (J . C. Balet and L. Defrance) ‘ F ortn. 832 640. — (Eliz. Balch) Poet-Lore, 14: no. 3: 91. 16, no. 2: 94. -— “Fineness” of. (S. Sams) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 355, Japanese Point of View in Art. (Okakura-Kakuzo) Internat. Q. 11: 197. Japanese Prints, Collecting. n. s. 412 11. Japanese Prisons. I43= 654- Japanese Pupils and American Schools. (C. W. Ful- ton) No. Am. 183: 1225, Japanese Renaissance, Lessons of the. son) Arena, 321 252. Japanese Revolution. Quar. 200: 268. Japanese Room in the Marquand House. Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 18: 192, Japanese Seal Raiders in Alaska. (R. Dunn) Harp. W, 50: 1310, Japanese Self-defense without Weapons. Idler, 22: 543, Japanese Servant, Confessions of a. Indep. 59: 661. Japanese Shipbuilding. (Capt. N orris-N ewman) Pall Mall M. 26: 262, Japanese Soldier on the March, The. (A. Kinnosuke) Munsey, 31: 813. . Japanese Soldiers, Relief for Families of. (K. Torne- oko) Char. 14: 889, Japanese Songs and Folk-lore. (I. Crabbe) Open Court, 18: 277., Japanese Spirit, Okakura on. 39: 62, Japanese Stage, The. (Mary C. Fraser) Liv. Age, 248: 681. Japanese Statesmen of Yesterday and To-day. (Mary C. Fraser) Monthly R. 23, no. 2: 21, (Tokutaro Oshio) (A. Kinnosuke) Atlan. 90: (C. M. Salwey) (M. Takaki) J. (K. Kaneko) (K . (N. B. Smith) Overland, Temp. Bar, 130: 3o6.=Ecl. M. (J . W. Stim- (Russell (T. Terry) (W. E. G1-inn) Dial, JAPANESE Japanese Tea-garden, A. (W. M. Wood) Land of Sun. 9: 177. Japanese Temples. “ The Houses where Gods do dwell.” (Mrs. W. D. Tillotson) Overland, n. s. 452 562, Japanese Terms of Peace, Probable. (A. Kinnosuke) No. Am. 180: 681. Japanese Thoreau of the 12th Century. (Minakata Kumagusu and F. Victor Dickens) Critic, 49: 209, Japanese University for Women. (E. W. Clement) Chaut. 35: 16, Japanese Views of Russians. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 454- Japanese Women and the New Era. (Mary C. Fraser) World’s Work, 12: 7625, — in Literature. (Y. N oguchi) Poet-Lore, 15, no. 3: 88. — The Real Chrysanthemum. (E. M. M. McKenna) F ortn. 83: 860. Japanese Women Authors. 429- Japanese Wrestling. Japanese Writers and their Public. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 522. J aque, Charles, Etcher. (F. L. Emanuel) Studio (In- ternat.) 25: 216, Jared Soder’s Wife. (A. M. Daulton) Outl. 78: 720. Jarge’s Little ’Ooman; a story. (M. E. Francis) Cornh. 931 623. =Liv. Age, 249: 754, Jargon, The Land of. (H. Frank) 19th Cent. 56: 652, — of Low Literature. (Owen Kildare) Indep. 61: (Y. Noguchi) Critic, 44: (T. P. Terry) Outing, 41: 12, (Y. Noguchi) I39- Jarvey, The. (S. MacManus) Good Words, 44: 485. Jarvie, Robert, Work of. Craftsman, 5: 271, Jarvis and Baker’s Islands. (J . D. Hague) Cent. 42: 653. Jathrop Lathrop’s Cow. (A. Warner) Cent. 46: 961. Jaures, Jean, and Clémenceau; a Contrast of Tem- peraments. Dub. R. 138: 305, — Leader of French Socialism, with portrait. Guerlac) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 189, Java, Archaeology in. (J. F. Scheltema) Nation, 80: (O. 479- —- The Conquest of. (R. G. Burton) Un. Serv. M. 27: S37- -— Customs in House Building. Am. Arch. 88: 179. — Emperor of, and his Court. tegg) Cent. 46: 759. -— Good Roads of. (T. P. Terry) Outing, 43: 44. Jaw, Reptilian Lower. (J . S. Kingsley) Am. Natural. 39¢ 59- -- Ruined Temples of. Am. Arch. 88: 179. — A Study in Colonial Administration. (A. Ireland) Outl. 78: 667.. — Where Many Strange Human Types meet. Terry) Outing, 46: 303, J ayhawkers. Nation, 76: 374, Jealousy. (A. L. Gesell) Am. J. Psychol. 17: 437. — the Tyrant of the Mind. (W. Larremore) Internat. J. Ethics, 15: 485. Jean Baptiste’s Christmas Present. (Lawrence Mott) Cent. 49: 187. Jean de Bourbon. (J . Sanford Saltus) Critic, 48: 142, Jebb, Sir Richard Claverhouse. (R. Y. Tyrrell) Acad. 69: 1311,-- Ath. ’04, 2: 836, J efferies, Richard. Acad. 68: 141. -— (E. Thomas) Temp. Bar, 133: 97. —— as a Novelist. (E. Garnett) Acad. 64: 345, -—— Faith of. (H. S. Salt) Westm. 164: 177, — in London. Acad. 68: 613. — The Story of my Heart. Acad. 63: 554, Jefierson, Joseph. Critic, 46: 502, (J . F. Scheltema) (E. von Hesse-War- (T. P. 339 JERICHO Jefferson, Joseph, with portraits. (A. H. Lewis) Everybody’s, 7: 561, -— and the All-star Cast in “ The Rivals.” (F. Wilson) Scrib. M. 39: 300. — as the Spectator knew him. Outl. 80: 17, — at Work and Play. 129, — Career of. (J. B. Gilder) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 674. — An Inherited Autograph. (Isabel G. Curtis) Lip- pinc. 76: 574. — The Passing of; a poem. (R. W. Gilder) Cent. 48: 474- — A Poem. (W. Winter) Critic, 46: 504. — VVilson on. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 40: 316. Jefferson, Thomas, and the Consular Service. Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 626. ' — and Higher Education. M. n. s. 26: 607, — as a Lawyer. (G. A. Finkelnburg) Am. Law R. 39! 321. —With portrait. (E. L. Didier) Green Bag, 15: 1 , — Letters to Charles W. Peale, 1796-1325. (H. W. Sellers) Pennsyl. M. 28: 136, 295, 463, — on Prehistoric Americans. (H. B. Geer) Am. An- tiq. 24: 224, —— Political Theory of. (C. E. Merriam, jr.) Pol. Sci. Q~- W 24- — Service to Civilization during the Founding of the Republic. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 29: 506. -— Some Correspondence of, 1776, (W. C. Ford) N. E. Res 561 54, I49- — Some Family Letters of. Scrib. M. 36: 573. — Watson’s Life of. (J . O. Pierce) Dial, 362 262. J eiferson, Territory of ; a Spontaneous Commonwealth. (F. L. Paxson) Univ. Colo. Stud. 3: 15. Jefferson Bible, The. (C. Adler) Cosmopol. 38: 340. Jeifreys, George, Lord, of the Bloody Assizes. (C. Whibley) Harper, 1142 143. _ —and the Law of Treason. (D. L. Patterson, jr.) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 493. (G. F. Mellen) New Eng. — An Apology for. (J . C. Collins) National, 48: 63. Jehol. (A. C. Coolidge) Nation, 81: 442, Jehovah, Deborah’s Conception of Yahweh. (L. B. Paton) Bib. World, 19: 197. —The Name, in the Abrahamic Age. (C. H. W. Johns) Expos. 6th ser. 8: 282. Jekyl Island; a Millionaires’ Paradise. (S. M. Wil- liams) Munsey, 30: 641, Jelaleddin, the Persian Mystic. Acad. 65: 39.=Ecl. M. 151: 553.=Liv. Age, 238: 565. Jellyby’s Plot. Longm. 422 539. . Jemez Valley, New Mex., Antiquities of. (W. H. Holmes) Am. Anthropol. 7: 198. Jen of Culver’s Jump. (R. G. Welsh) Lippinc. 76: 459. Jena-Auerstiidt, Report of Battles of, and the Sur- render at Prenzlau. (J . H. Rose) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 550, Jenkins, F. Lynn, Decorative Sculpture of. (M. H. Spielmann) M. of Art, 26: 294, J enks, Livingston, Residence of. Archit. Rec. 20: 489. Jenner Institute, Serum Department of. Nature, 53! 227, Jennings, J ., Pirate. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 561. Jenny Spinner; or the Ghost of Knebworth House. (Elizabeth M. James) Pall Mall M. 27: 371. Jeremiah, “Spoken by Jeremy the Prophet.” (J . R. Harris) Expos. 6th ser. 12: 161. — A Study of. (A. R. Gordon) Bib. World, 22: 98. —— was he a Pessimist? (M. Kaufmann) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 186, Jeremy, Seth; a Forgotten Hero. Chamb. J . 80: 638, Jericho, Fulfillment of the Curse on. (T. F. Wright) Bib. World, 23: 263. i (F. Wilson) Scrib. M. 39: Jerome Campaign Club, The. J ERNIN GHAM Jerningham Road, The; a story. Temp. Bar, 130: 672, Jerome, W. Travers. (L. Scott) World’s Work, 9: 6075- - and the Fight for the City. (A. Hodder) Outl. 73: 159" (C. E. Benson) 437- - and Hughes, Charles E. body’s, 15: 473. — and the Judges. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 456, — as a Lawyer. (A. Train) Green Bag, 17: 617, —- the Man. Ecl. M. 145: 283. — (M. G. Cunniff) World’s Work, 10: 6771, (F. H. Simonds) Every- —— Ofiicial Home of, on the East Side. (A. Henry) Outl. 71: 41. —— on the Machine. Outl. 80: 901. —- True Value of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 114. (M. Ely) Outl. 81: 815. (J . Fyvie) Macmil. 87: 382. (L. Melville) 127: 22.=Bookman, Jerrold, Douglas. —— Centenary of. 16: 5 50, Jersey, Island of, De Rullecourt’s Invasion of. Chamb. J . 81: 378, Jerusalem. (H. L. Willett) Bib. World, 26: 325. — (H. Knollys) Blackw. I77: 98. - American Colony at. (A. H. Ford) Appleton’s M. 8: 643. -— Ancient, Water Supply in. (H. Leffmann) J . Frankl. Inst. I55: 103, 314. —- and Deuteronomy, 638-608 B. O. Expos. 6th ser. 12: 336, -— and its Environment. (J . Templer) Canad. M. 28: 99- -— as it is To-day. 81 (G. A. Smith) (Dulany Hunter) Cosmopol. 36: —— “ Between the Two Walls,” Meaning of. (L. B. Paton) J. Bib. Lit. 25: 1. + Excavations in. (J . L. Leeper) Bib. World, 22: 167. —— from Jeremiah to Ezra. (G. A. Smith) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 61-510, -— from Rehoboam to Hezekiah. (G. A. Smith) Expos. 6th ser. 11: 223, 306, 372, —— History and Topography of. 6th ser. 7: 1-321. — Holy Week at, in the 4th Century. McClure) 10th Cent. 55: 651. -— in Holy Week. (C. H. Graves) Booklover’s M. 5: 511, — Institute of Archaeology in. Div. Q. 2: 124, — Isaiah’s. (G. A. Smith) Expos. 6th ser. 12: 1, 215, -— Jottings about. (A. C. Freer) Ecl. M. 141: 476. = Liv. Age, 238: 412, — Manasseh’s. (G. A. Smith) Expos. 6th ser. 12: 303, e Nehemiah’s. (G. A. Smith) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 121, -— of David and Solomon. (G. A. Barton) Bib. World, 22: 8. - Reading Journey through Palestine. Chaut. 43: 493. — Scenes in the Market-place. 31: 936, — Sunset near. (C. H. Linson) Cent. 50: 165. —Temple at, Herod’s. (C. W. Votaw) Bib. World, 23: 169. — under David and Solomon. 6th ser. 11: 81. - Wall of, according to Nehemiah. (H. G. Mitchell) J. Bib. Lit. 22: 85. — —- Third. (L. B. Paton) J . Bib. Lit. 24: 196. -— Water-supply of. (E. W. G. Masterman) Bib. World, 19: 87. Jerusha and Giuseppe. body’s, I3: 19. Jessica. (A. Colton) Atlan. 96: 691. (G. A. Smith) Expos. (Mrs. M. L. (B. W. Bacon) Yale (S. Matthews) (G. R. Lees) Sund. M. (G. A. Smith) Expos. (Dorothy Canfield) Every_ 340 JESUS Jessica Letters. Critic, 43: 357-525. 44: 74-339. Jesuits, The, and Education. (A. Goodier) Month, 108: 585, —— and Law in England. (J . Gerard) I9th Cent. 52: 95 7. — and Tyrannicide. (H. G. Gauss) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 334. — at the Austrian Courts. (J . M. Stone) Am. Cath. Q, 27: 704. -— Attitude in Trials for Witchcraft. rath) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 475. -— Early Political Theories of. Hist. Soc. 11: 89. — in Paraguay, Graham on. (R. Schwicke- (J . N. Figgis) Roy. (A. H. Noll) Dial, 32: 310, — Mission of, to Madagascar in 1613-14. (P. Oliver) Month, 99: 171. — Open Letter to the Rev. Father Vaughan. (F. W. Tugman) Westm. I66: 537, — ou l’Ancien Régime in Michigan. (R. R. Elliott) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 90. — Protection of. Month, 100: 10, — Roman Catholic Church and. Court, 16: 40, — The Society of Jesus as originally formed and ap- proved by Pope Paul III. (R. R. Elliott) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 510. — Suppression of. (S. F. Smith) Month, 99: 113-626. 100: 20-517, 101: 48-604. 102: 46, 171, —— Truth about. ' (H. de Ladeveze) Open Court, 16: 10. — under the X-ray. (C. MacArthur) Open Court, 16: (P. Carus) Open 367. , J esup Agricultural Wagon. A Farmers’ College on Wheels. (Booker T. Washington) World’s Work, 13: 83:2, Jesup Nortjh Pacific Expedition. Science, 11. s. 23: 102. Jesus Christ, Adoration of. (J . Moifatt) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 302. — among his Fellowmen. (H. Joor) Craftsman, 9: 307. — and Current Judaism. (H. S. Nash) Bib. World, 26: 431. — and Eternal Life. (C. G. Shaw) Bib. World, 22: 436- —— and the Old Testament. (J . J . Young) Luth. Q. 33: 554-—-Spec.92= 565 — and Paul, Gospels of. (J . C. Allen) Open Court, 18: 37, — and Some of the Saints, Mystical Nuptials between. (G. P. Curtis) Cath. World. 76: 50. -— and Virgil. (J . D. Maguire) Cath. Univ. Bull. 7: 276. — and the World To-day. (L. C. Prince) Arena, 32: 620. —- as a Preacher, Methods of. 700. — as the Prophetic Servant of the Lord. coner) Bib. World, 24: 22, —— The Atoning. (B. Palmer) Meth. R. 63: 909. — Baptism and Temptations of. (S. M. Warren) N. Church R. 13: 175. — Birth of, Fremantle on. 53: 26, — — Gospel Accounts of the Miraculous. Stuart) Meth. R. 66: 422, ——- —— Miraculous. (C. E. Beeby) Hibbert J . 2: 125. -— — Supernatural. (B. W. Bacon and others) Am. J . Theol. 10: 1. — —- The Virgin. (G. A. Chadwick) Expos. 6th ser. 11: 50. —-(N. J. D. White) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 198. — (R. J. Cooke) Meth. R. 64: 849. — (T. A. Hoben) Am. J . Theol. 6: 473, 709. —— (Katrina Trask) Arena, 36: 141. —(S. Butler) 19th Cent. 56: 84. - Church Q. 59: 189. — (G. A. Chadwick) Expos. 6th ser. 11: 50. (L. Abbott) Outl. 79: (R. A. Fal- (W. R. Cassels) I9th Cent. (T. McK. ' -— —- Studies in. JESUS ‘ Jesus Christ, Birth of, Virgin, Did Paul know of ? (R. J. Cooke) Meth. R. 66: 248. —- — in Prophecy and Fulfillment. (T. G. Soares) Bib. World, 23: 417. —— the Bright and Morning Star. 6th ser. 6: 424. — Character of. (F. G. Peabody) Hibbert J . I: 641. -— Childhood of. (J . Worcester) N. Church R. 9: 57. — The Christ of Dogma and of Experience. (W. A. Pickard-Cambridge) Hibbert J . 3: 25 3. — Chronology of his Public Ministry. (C. W. Votaw) Bib. World, 26: 425. ' —— Common Sense of. Spec. 97: 777. — Comparisons of, Forcefulness of. J. Bib. Lit. 23: I06, — Condemnation of. (A. Dansiger) Open Court, 17: 212, — Consciousness of, the Key to Christianity. Pratt) Bib. Sac. 52: 201. —-— Crucifixion of. (C. G. Shaw) Bib. World, 22: 130. —- Death of. (J . Denney) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 147. — —— Denney on. (D. Purves) Crit. R. 13: 45.—(A. S. Peake) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 47. —-— — Did He die of a Broken Heart ? (E. M. Merrins) Bib. Sac. 62: 38, 229. — Divinity of, Inquiries concerning. Am. J. Theol. 8: IO. — Economics of. I. (G. McA. Miller) Arena, 36: 204. — the Educator. (Mabel Hill) Educa, 25: 285, — Emotional Estimate of. (J . E. Hartman) Ref. Ch. R- 49: 377. 1 - Face to Face with ? (A. J. Maas) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 167. — Family of, The Culture of. R. 62: 726. — the First True Gentleman. Spec. 97: 1069. —- God-consciousness of. (J . M. WVhiton) Am. J . Theol. (J . Moffatt) Expos. (B. W. Robinson) (D. M. (F. C. Porter) (C. F. Sitterly) Meth. 9: 263. — the Great Teacher. (N. C. Schaeffer) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 486. — His Estimate of his Times. (C. S. Beardslee) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 10: 117, —— His Use of Common Proverbs. 6th ser. 6: 441. —- The Historical, and the Christ of Experience. manus) Hibbert J . 3: 574. — Historical Character of. (D. S. Margoliouth) Expos. 6th ser. I0: 401. —— Hostile and Alien Evidence for, at Passiontide. (A. Carr) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 417. — How he fulfilled the Old Testament. 22: 163. — Humanity measured by. 86: 190. —- The Hyperbolical Teachings of. (W. G. Ballantine) No. Am. 179: 446. — Imitation of. (S. Matthews) Bib. World, 26: 45 5. —- in the Gospel, The Place of. (C. W. Rishell) Meth. R. 63: 876. — in the Koran. —- in the Old Testament. 738. —— in the Talmud. (A. J . Edmnnds) Open Court, 16: 475- —- in the Three Encyclopeedias. (Rev. James Stalker) Eel. M. 138: 685. : Liv. Age, 233: 41. I Bib. World, 19: 19. -— Infancy Stories of, How to teach, to our Children. (W. P. Merrill) Bib. World, 26: 438. — Inner Life of. (J. A. Bewer) Bib. Sac. 61: 102, (A. E. Garvie) Expos. 6th ser. 1!: 7th ser. 1: 304, 496. 2: 410, (D. Smith) Expos. (Ro- Bib. World, (D. Macfadyen) Contemp. (F. R. Wagner) Luth. Q. 33: 40. (H. T. Sell) Bib. Sac. 60: 34-455- 123 37-353- 518, 341 JESUS - Jesus Christ, Intellectual Life of. (G. P. Eckman) Meth. R. 64: 234, —Irony of. (S. MacComb) Bib. World, 23: 1o4.— Spec. 91: 1126. =Ecl. M. 142: 333.=Liv. Age, 240: 375. ——- Italian Legends of the Teachings of. (E. C. Vansit- tart) Gent. M. n. s. 76: 78. —Johannine View of. (N. J. D. White) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 434. — Justin Martyr on the Person of. Am. J. Theol. I0: 663. _ —— Land of. (A. Hoben) Bib. World, 26: 408. — Life and Character of, according to St. Paul. (E. K. Mitchell) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 4: 239. — Life of, according to Mark. (W. H. Bennett) Expos. 6th ser. II: 133, 275, I2: 128, 262, 7th ser, 1: 346- 21 56. 340. 545- — — ElJiott’s. (W. Elliott) Cath. World, 75: 169. — — How teach to Adult Class. (G. M. Forbes) Bib. World, 26: 469, —— — — to Boys’ Class. (W. B. Forbush) Bib. World, 26: 471. -— — —— to Junior Grade. 26: 475. —- — Laboratory Method in Study of. Bib. World, 26: 459. — — Why should we study the. Bib. World, 26: 403. -— Limitation of Knowledge of. (A. E. Garvie) Expos. 6th ser. I2: 241. —- The Many-sided Christ. World, 25: 450. -~— Messianic Consciousness of. 6th ser. 5: 148. — Miraculous Conception of, and the Zeitgeist. (W. R. Bushby) Arena, 36: 480, —— Modern Imitation of, a Symposium. Bib. World, 24: 243. —Modern Jewish View of. Bib. World, 26: 101, — Modernizing, in Art. (J . R. Lenox) World To-day, 10: 578. —- Mystical Doctrine of. ser. 2: 161. -— Nativity, Ox and Ass Legend of the. Contemp. 84: 873. —-— New Agt Conceptions of. (S. Swift) Brush & P. 17: 14 , — New Sayings; edited by Grenfell and Hunt. (J . A. Robinson) Sat. R. 98: I33.— (M. W. Jacobus) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 8: 5.—Church Q. 58: 422.: Liv. Age, 242: 556.— (A. J. Maas) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 253.—(C. W. Votaw) Bib. World, 24: 261. — of Mark’s Gospel. (J. Humpstone) Meth. R. 53: I. —-— of Primitive Christian Faith. (O. Pfleiderer) M0- nist, I4: 321, 672. , — of Yesterday and of To-day ; Review of G. A. Gor- (G. H. Gilbert) (H. W. Gates) (A. P. Atterbnry) Bib. (G. Milligan) Expos. (D. M. McIntyre) Expos. 7th (A. West) don. (J . S. Davenport) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 7: 309. — Oxyrhynchus Sayings of. (V. Bartlet) Contemp. 87: 116, — Pardoning Prerogative of. (E. R. Hendrix) Meth.. R, 66: 742. — The Perfecter of Faith. (D. A. Hayes) Bib. World, 20: 278, — Person of, Development of the Doctrine of, in the New Testament. (VV. H. Walker) Am. J . Theol. 8: 452, — Personal Religion of. —— Picture of, Alleged, in China. 81: 218, —— Poetry of. (E. Markham) Cosmopol. 40: I45. — Portraits of, Bayliss on. Ath. ’03, I: 726. — -— Have we a True Portrait? (F. Johnson) World To-day. 7= 1572- (G. H. Gilbert) Outl. 78: 673. (B. Laufer) Nation, (J . Baldwin) Bib. World,‘ JESUS Jesus Christ, Portraits of, History and Authenticity of. (Sir W. Bayliss) Critic, 45: 483. —— — in the 15th Century. (G. F. Hill) Reliquary, 44: . I73- —~ — in the 16th Century. (G. F. Hill) Reliquary, 44: 260, 45: 38, — — Renaissance Medals with. (G. F. Hill) Reliquary, 45: 238. —— —-— Wonderful. Good Words, 47: 69. — Poverty of. (J. M. Robertson) Expos. 6th ser. 11: 321. — The Prayer of. (G. Tyrrell) Cath. World, 83: 54. —— Presence of, in his Church. (N. J . D. White) Ex- pos. 6th ser. II: 446, -_— Present Activity of. (E. S. Bromer) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 22. -— The Prophet. (R. H. Kennett) Hibbert J . 5: I 36. -—- Prophetic Activity of. (E. B. Pollard) Bib. World, 24= 94- —— Reason and Nature of Sufferings of. (S. W. How- land) Bib. Sac. 62: 514. ' —— Résumé of Recent Criticism. (C. F. Nolloth) Hib- , bert J. 3: 529. — Resurrection of. (J . S. Riggs) Bib. World, 23: 249. — (D. Smith) Expos. 6th ser. 8: 344, — (C. H. Hen- son) Hibbert J. 2: 476. —— (A. G. Robinson; A. _ Martin; J . Porteous) Hibbert J . 2: 795. -— — Are the Narratives Legendary ? (W. C. Wilkin- son) Am. J . Theol. I0: 623. -_- — Evidence for. Church Q. 61: 323. —— — A Harmony of. (A. G. Ewing) Am. Cath. Q. 31: - 721, —- — A Hyper-historical Fact. (P. Carus) Open Court, 19: 690, -— — The Narratives of. (G. Margoliouth) Contemp. _ 88: 717.=Liv. Age, 247: 657. —-— — Testimony of the Original Apostles to the Fact of. (C. F. Aiken) AJn. Cath. Q. 30: 243. —— (J. C. , Allen) Open Court, 19: 193. —— The Risen, at Damascus. (A. Bumstead) Monist, 13: 138, — Risen Body of, Formula for. (W. F. Bishop) Open Court, 19: 686, —Second Coming of. (M. Coover) Luth. Q. 33: 250. —(J. Reed) N. Church R. 11: 1. —— Self-assertion of. (D. S. Cairns) Contemp. 86: 350, 52I.=Ecl. M. 143: 805, 144: 82.=Liv. Age, 243: 129-473- —— Self-consciousness of, Baldensperger on. (A. E. Garvie) Crit. R. 13: 213, -— Shroud of. Acad. 63: 679. — the Son of Man. (J . McSorley) Cath. World, 81: 54. — the Son of Man as the Light of the World. (A. Carr) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 115. — Spiritual Meaning of. (W. Sanday) Expos. 7th ser. 1 . , — The Sthture of. (F. W. Orde Ward) Expos. 7th ser. , 2: 441. —-— The Sufferings of Christ. (C. A. Scott) Expos..6th ser. 12: 234. ' -— Supremacy of Life and Teaching. (G. H. Gilbert) Bib. World, 25: 215, -— Teaching Method of. (S. Weir) Educa. 25: 220, —— Teaching of. (J . C. Bowman) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 89. —(H. B. Swete) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 81, 259, 401, 8: 116, 267, 440, -—- — and Apostolic Teaching, R. J . Drummond on. (G. Vos) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 473. —- Teachings of, concerning Himself. (H. W. J . Klein) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 23o5.—(W. F. Adeney) Bib. World, 26: 447. —-— -- concerning Reward. (H.'M. J . Klein) Ref. Ch. R- 49: 33- 342 JEWISH Jesus Christ, Teachings of, Priority of. (G. B. Stevens) Ref. Ch. R. I49: 217, -— Ten American Paintings of. Putnam, 1: 257. —-— Theology of, King’s. Crit. R. 13: 109. —-Traditional Sayings of. Eel. M. 140: 412,=Liv, Age, 236: 316, -— Tgial of, by S. Rofldi. (S. Buss) 19th Cent. 58: oo, — — Legal Aspects of. (H. M. Cheever) Bib. Sac. 60: 495- —— Twofold Nature 'of. (N. S. Burton) Bib. Sac. 62: 640, —— The Ultimate. (E. S. Lewis) Meth. R. 65: 234. —- Unchangeableness of, in relation to Christian Doc- trine. (N. J . D. White) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 175. — Use of Hyperbole. Bib. World, 19: 3. — Virgin Birth of. See above, Birth of. — Voice from Heaven to. (B. W. Bacon) Am. J . Theol. 9: 453. -— Was he a Carpenter ? (E. Crosby) Craftsman, 5: I 38. —- What he did. (C. G. Shaw) Bib. World, 21: 356. —-— Who is he ? (L. Abbott) Outl. 70: 411, Jethro Bacon, of Sandwich; a story. (F. J . Stimson) Scrib. M. 32: 593. Jetties, Single Curved vs. Double Straight. (L. M. Haupt) J.Frankl. Inst. 153: 295. (H. Saint-Gaudens) J evons, W. S., Economic Work of. (P. H. Wicksteed)- Econ. J. 15: 432, -- Essays on Economics. (P. H. Wicksteed) Econ. J . 15: 570, Jew, The, and his Destiny. (H. B. M. Watson) Na- tional, 46: 515. — as a Craftsman. (J . Leiser) Craftsman, 2: 282, — in Fiction. (H. Samuel) Acad. 67: 42 3. — Public Estimate of. (Annette Kohn) Indep. 61: . 1099. —— Russian, in the Pale. (L. E. Van Norman) World T0'da'y9 5: 929' J ew, The ; a Tale of San Francisco. (Grace H. Bailey) Overland, n. s. 45: I91. Jewel, The. (J . W. Tompkins) Munsey, 36: 231, Jewel Regained, A; a story. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 31: 12, J ewelersl and Silversmiths, School for, Birmingham, England. (A. G. Wainwright) Studio (Internat.) 25: 324, Jewelry and Enamels. (H. W. Belknap) Craftsman, 4: 178. — Artistic. Art J. 54: 88. — by L. C. Tiffany. Studio (Internat.) 30: xxxiii, — Crafts of India. (E. Russell) Everybody’s, 12: 331. -— Inlaid, History of. (O. M. Dalton) Archaeol. 58: 237. — Lalique. Art J. 57: 204, — Making and Designing of. & P. 17: supp. 3. —- Modern. (H. Pudor) Craftsman, 6: 130, — Modern Art in. (J . Schopfer) Archit. Rec. 12: 67. -Modern Style in. (P. Calmettes) Archit. Rec. 14: (M. H artmann) Brush 205, —-— Personal, History of. (C. Davenport) J. Soc. Arts, s<>= 769. 781. 793- — Recent English. Craftsman, 5: 68. Jewels, Barbaric, worn by Modern Women. Kaufman) Cosmopol. 34: 42 5. -— Collection of Sir Chas. Robinson. M. of Art, 26: (E. B. 147. Jewett, Sarah Orne, The Art of. (C. M. Thompson) Atlan. 94: 435. — Literary Art of. (E. Garnett) Acad. 65: 40. Jewish Anecdotes. (B. B. Falk) Chamb. J . 79: 298. Jewish Charities in Chicago. (E. Rubovito) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 566. JEWISH Jewish Conference of Charities, 1902, Meeting, Detroit. (C. S. Bernheimer) Char. 91 34. —— 2d, 1903, Report of. Ann.,Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 490. -— Char. II: 162. Jewish Constitution from Nehemiah to the Maccabees ; from the Maccabees to the End. (G. A. Smith) Expos. 7th ser. 21 I93, 348. Jewish Convert, A 14th Century. Antiq. n. s. 40: 326. Jewish Courts, Criminal Procedure in. stone) Green Bag, 151 333. Jewish Creed, Maimonides on. Jew. Q. 19: 24. Jewish Customs of Birth, Marriage, and Death. W. G. Masterman) Bib. World, 22: 248. Jewish F olk-lore from Jerusalem. (A. Goodrich-Freer) Folk-Lore, 15: 186, _ Jewish Girl’s Struggle to rise in Russia, A. (E. Poole) Outl. 82: 125. Jewish Girls, Work with Wayward. Char. I2: 5 34. Jewish Humorists, Chotzner on. Spec. 95: 344. Jewish Immigrants, Distribution of. (C. L. Sulzberger) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 44: 72. Jewish Industrial Life in Russia. J . 15: 581, Jewish Laborer in London, Halpern’s. wich) J . Pol. Econ. 13: 89. Jewish Life, Language of. (I. Zangwill) Lamp, 28: (C. H. Vellacott) (J . H. Green- (E. (A. Weiner) Econ. (I. A. Hour- 13. Jewish Literature, Is there a ? (S. Levy) Jew. Q. I 5: 583- — of the Middle Ages. (M. Steinschneider) Jew. Q. I5= 302- I61 373. 734- W 149.354. 545- — What is it? (Prof. W. Bacher ; A. Wolf ; S. Levy) Jew. Q. I6! 800. Jewish Liturgy, Studies in the. '18: 587. J ewish-Persian Literature. (I. Elbogen) Jew. Q. (VV. Bacher) Jew. Q. I6: 525- Jewish Reformation, The. (G. Gottheil) Am. J . Theol. 6: 266, Jewish Religious Press. (L. Lipsky) Char. I5! 562. Jewish Sabbath School, Curriculum for a. (A. Simon) Bib. World, 24: 117, Jewish Scholarship and Christian Silence. Montefiore) Hibbert J . I2 335. Jewish Scriptures and their Christian Meaning. N. Church R. 10: 139. Jewish Territorial Organization, Letters and the. Zangwill) Fortn. 85: 633. Jews, American, Citizenship Rights of. Outl. 78: 962. -— —— Russia and. (E. A. Dodge) Green Bag, 16: :60. — and Anti-Semites in Ancient Alexandria. (E. von Dobschutz) Am. J . Theol. 81 728. — and English Law. (H. S. Q. Henriques) Jew. Q. 14: 250, 653, 16: 330, 623, 17: 203, -—— and the Spanish Inquisition. (R. J . H. Gottheil) Jew. Q. 15: 182. —— Anti-Semitism in Europe. day, 6: 784. -— —— True Nature of. 696. —- as Soldiers. Spec. 90: 1o. -— Assimilation of; the Mendelssohnian Programme. (M. L. Margolis) Jew. Q. 17: 531, — Beginnings of Hebrew History and Religion. _ Robertson) Good Words, 46: 498, 574, -— Bird’s-eye View of the Condition of, Past and Pre- sent. (I._Singer) No. Am. 181: 845. — Composite Character; of. M. Patton) Bib. World, 20: 432, ' -- a Dual People. Spec. 94: 357. = Liv. Age,_245: 635. —- Egrly School Teaching of. (P. Magnus) I9th Cent. 0: 464. ‘ y (C. C. (S. Krausz) World To- (G. Gottheil) Internat. Mo. 51 (J . 343 J EWS Jews, Economics of the. (G. McA. Miller) Arena, 34: 569- 351 33- —- Elizabeth of Rumania and. Cent. 50: 160. —- Emigration of, to U. S., Recent. (R. Mitchell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 334. . I — Exchequer of the. (H. D. Hazeltine) Law Q. 18: (A. A. Landesco) 3°5- — — Rigg’s Select Pleas and Records from Rolls of. Ath. ’02, I: 364, — Expelled from England by Edward I. (G. H. Leon- ard) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 5: 103. -— Fall of the Kingdom of Israel. (M. Kellner) Bib. World, 251 3. . — Glimpse into the Jewish World. (R. Gottheil) World’s Work, 6: 3689, ' ——History and Character of. (L. Magnus) Fortn. 85: I39- — Immigration of. (B. J . Hendrick) Nation, 78: 32 5, — in America. (H. N. Casson)Munsey, 34: 381, — (A, S. Isaacs) No. Am. 181: 676, — in American History. (Max J . Kohler) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 556. —-in England, Civil Rights of. (H. S. Q. Henriques) Jew. I8: 40. — -— in 15th Century. — in the Graeco-Asiatic Cities. pos. 6th ser. 5: 19, 92, — in History. (H. S. Q. Henriques) Westm. I60: 64. — in the Middle Ages. (D. S. Schafi) Bib. Sac. 60: 547- —— in Modern Palestine. World, 21: 17. — in Moldavia at Beginning of the 18th Century. Swarzfeld) Jew. Q. 16: 113, —in N. Y. City, Books read by Children of. Phillips) World’s Work, 6: 3475, — ——- The Earnestness that brings Wealth. good) World’s Work, 6: 3458. — — To-day. (C. H. Levy) Indep. 59: 1272, —in Palestine, Occupations of. (E. W. G. Master- man) Bib. World, 22: 88, (J. M. Rigg) Jew. Q. 15: 5. (W. M. Ramsay) Ex- (E. W. Masterman) Bib. (F. (G. L. (H. Hap- —- in Palestine, The Zionists. (C. R. Conder) Blackw. 180: 78o. —- in Portugal, I773-I902. (G. de Bethencourt) Jew. Q. 15: 251. — in Recent English Literature, Influence of. (J . M. Bullock) Lamp, 28: 473. —— in Roumania. (Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania) Cent. 492 780. — (B. Lazare) Contemp. 83: 237, — (M. Gaster) No. Am. 175: 664. -—Outl, 72: 201, —- in Russia. (A. Rovinsky and “ A Russian ”) Arena, 30: 123.—(Alexander Kinloch) Sat. R. 100: 773. ——(I. M. Rubinow) Yale R. 15: 147.—(E. S. Brudno) World’s Work, 7: 4471, ——Anti-Semitism in Contemporary Russia. Baranowsky) Monthly R. 14, no. 1: 70. -—— -—as a Peril. (M. O. Menchikoff) Monthly R. 14! no, 12! 91. —— — Economic Condition of. Am. Statis. Assoc. 9: 238. — in the United Kingdom, Vital and other Statistics of. (S. Rosenbaum) J . Statis. Soc. 68: 526. — in Wall St. (S. A. Nelson) Am. M. 60: 144. — Is it Religious Persecution ? (Goldwin Smith) In- dep. 60: 1474. — Just Pride of. Spec. 88: 909. — McCurdy’s History of. (W. J . Beecher) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 127. — Moral Training of the Young among the. kowitz) Internat. J . Ethics, 15: I7 3. (M. T. (E. A. Goldenweiser) (H. Ber- — of To-day, Foremost. (F. Morris) Munsey, 30: 229. ‘ — -—- in Southern New England. J EWS Jews, Origin and Destiny of. 61: 443. —— Orthodox, in Palestine, Religious Life of. (E. W. G. Masterman) Bib. World, 21: 274, — Physical Anthropology of. (M. Fishberg) Am. An- thropol. 4: 684. 5: 89, — Question of; how to solve it. Am, 178: 10, — -—- in France. (E. Drumont) National, 38: 681, — Russian, Americanized. (E. S. Brudno) World’s Work, 7= 4555- — — and Polish, in New York. 72: 528. 4 -— — in America. (M. Fishberg) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 251 (H. M. Scott) Bib. Sac. (A. W. White) No. (E. A. Steiner) Outl. 315- — —- in England. (I. Zangwill) Pall Mall M. 26: 459. (E. F. Peek) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 24, -— Social Life of, Day’s. & Ref. R. 13: 300, — Socialism among Ancient. 28: 37. —— A Study of Race and Environment. Pop. Sci Mo. 69: 257, 441, 502, — Was Israel really a Separate Nation ? Bib. World, 19: 163. Jewsharp, The. (H. C. Bolton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 239, Jey Singh, a Modern Tycho. (E. W. Maunder) Knowl. 25: 102, Jeypore, India, Observatory of. Astron. II: 542, Jezebel and the General. (M. S. Boyd) Chamb. J . 80: 689. Jill-poke Jack ; a story. (H. H. Days) Am. M. 61: 613. Jimmy Jester. (Eleanor A. Hallowell) Everybody’s, I3: 512, Jimmy’s Aunts; a story. (Evelyn Sharp) Temp. Bar, 131: 706. =Ecl. M. 145: 219. =Liv. Age, 246: 39. Jimps; a story. (F. Wilkinson) McClure, 20: 351, Jim’s Choice ; a story. (Florence T. Cox) Everybody’s, (W. M. McPheeters) Presb. (A. Rosenberg) Arena, (M. Fishberg) (W. W. Payne) Pop. 13» 453- Jim’s Second Forgery. (Jessie L. Schulten) Scrib. M. 341 491- Jimville. (Mary Austin) Atlan. 90: 690, Jingo, Analysis of. (T. H. S. Escott) Fortn. 77: 335. Jiu-jitsu. (D. Latimore) Nation, 78: 431. —- American Wrestling vs. (H. F. Leonard and K. Higashi) Cosmopol. 39: 33. -—- Fearful Art of. (R. Edgren) Outing, 47: 322. —— Japanese Art of. (H. I. Hancock) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 202, — Wonderful. (Katsukuma Higashi) Indep. 58: 319. Joachim of Flora, a Forerunner of St. Francis of Assisi. (G. E. Troutbeck) 19th Cent. 52: 140, Joachim, Joseph. (D. F. Tovey) Monthly R. 7, no. 2: 80. I Ecl. M. I39: zz8,=Liv. Age, 233: 744, — Jubilee in Honor of. Acad. 66: 550. —— Maitland’s. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 99: 660. Joan of Arc. (A. J . McGillivray) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 309. — (M. M. Maxwell Scott) 19th Cent. 54: 428, 613. -— Canonization of. Spec. 88: 206. — Fremiet’s Statues of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 26. —— The Nine Days of Orleans, A. France on. Macmil. 86: 428. —— Saint. (Mark Twain) Harper, I10: 3, Joanna and the Family Fate; a story. gan) Munsey, 30: 842. Job and Faust. (Adelaide I. Locke) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 5: 297. — (W. C. Rhoades) Meth. R. 63: 373. — Babylonian Parallel to the Story of. (M. J astrow, jr.) J. Bib. Lit. 25: 135. I Contemp. 90: 801, (Anne O’Ha- 344 JOHNSON Jobbery under Arms. Un. Serv. M. 31: 537. Jobbing, Present Day. (J . H. Ritter) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 541. Jockies, Work and Earnings of. (J . F. Marsten) Mun- sey, 29: 865. Joe Parsons, Deserter. (M. H. Battenberg) Munsey, 33: 539- Joe Veltman’s Moving Day. (A. L. Sykes) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 748. Joey’s Ingenuity. (E. Shawn) Cent. 49: 658, Jof, To the, and Back. (A. Forder) Geog. J . 202 619. Johanna’s Crowning Sorrow. (Eliz. B. Toldridge) New Eng. M. n. s. 321 79. Johannesburg, New. Sat. R. 95: 414. —— -— A Review and Forecast. Chamb. J . 80: 165. Johannesburg Voter, The. (V. Cecil) National, 47: 106. John the Apostle, and the Fourth Gospel. Jannaris) Monthly R. IO, no. 1: 84. —— Author of the Fourth Gospel. (H. H. Meyer) Meth. R, 64: 921, -—- Luke addressing. no. 1: 84, —- Martyrdom of. (A. N. (A. N. Jannaris) Monthly R. 12, (F. P. Badham) Am. J. Theol. 8: 539- —— Sojourn of, at Ephesus. (C. Clemen) Am. J . Theol. 9= 643- John the Baptist. Spec. 92: 445. — The Man and his Message. World, 26: 418. — Testimony concerning Jesus Christ. coner) Bib. World, 20: 441, John XXIII., Pope, Dispensation by, for a Son of Henry IV., I412. (J. H. Wylie) Eng. Hist. R. 19: (J. W. Bailey) Bib. (R. A. Fal— 96. John, King of England. Acad. 63: 488. —— and Robert Fitzwalter. (J . H. Round) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 707. John of Barneveld. (G. C. Henry) Luth. Q. 35: 407. John of Gaunt, Armitage-Smith on. (L. M. Larson) Dial, 39: 86. —Spec. 93: 559. -—Ath. ’o4, 2: 649. John, Augustus, Etchings of. Ath. ’O6, 1: 739. John Bull, Letters to Lord Byron. (R. Garnett) Ath. ’o3, I: 304, John Buncle, Life of. (J . Fyvie) Indep. R. 2: 5 72, John Burt. (F. U. Adams) Munsey, 27: 338-949. 28: 83-883. John Chilcote, M. P. ; a story. (K. C. Thurston) Blackw. I75: 1—791. 176: 7-456. John Craft’s Fortune. (E. Mitchell) Temp. Bar, 128: 35. =Liv. Age, 238: 483, John Edward’s Friend. (R. K. Gardiner) Cent. 48: 238, John Kendry’s Idea. (C. B. F ernald) Outing, 49: 177, 353- John Maxwel1’s Marriage. (S. Gwynn) Macmil. 87: 321-89: 1, John Richard Lee,’ 62. 43: 132. Johnnie. (Lillie H. French) Scrib. M. 37: 367. Johnnie Purple’s Christmas Dream; a story. Gibbs) Canad. M. 24: 139. “Johnny Sands;” a story. 108: 692, Johns Hopkins University. Outl. 70: 511. —— Gilman on. (F. B. R. Hellems) Dial, 401 289. — 25th Anniversary. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 74: 167.: (J. F. Jameson) Dial, 32: 143. — —— Addresses at. (D. C. Gilman; I. Remsen) Sci- ence, n. s. 15: 321, Johnson, Andrew, Administration of. age) So. Atlan. Q. I: 171, 256. —— and his Policy. (W. G. Brown) Atlan. 96: 760. (A. D. Coulter) Overland, n. s. (H. (M. T. Earle) Harper, (B. J. Ram~ JOHNSON 345 JONES Johnson, Andrew, and Negro Suffrage. (J . Schouler) Joint-stock Companies, Advantages of. (G. Yard) Outl. 82: 69. Cornh. 87: 216, — Dewitt on. (D. V. Thomas) Am. Hist. R. 9: 188. —-— Climbing the (Joint-stock) Tree. (G. Yard) Liv. _ Impeachment of. (F. T. Hill) Harper, 113: 827. Age, 244: 623. — More Light on. (W. A. Dunning) Am. Hist. R. — Winding-up of, and the Lessons taught. Bank. M. In 574. —- Personal Recollections of. (J . M. Scovel) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 111, , — Policy of. (J . Schouler) Outl. 82: 264. Johnson, Eastman, an American Portrait Painter of Three Historical Epochs. (E. French) World’s Work, 13: 8307. — (W. Watson) Scrib. M. 40: 263, — his Life and Works. (Will H. Low and others) Scrib. M. 40: 253. Johnson, Captain Edward, of Woburn, Mass., and some of his Descendants. (E. F. Johnson) N. E. Rea 59= 79. I43. 275- Johnson, John A., Governor of Minnesota. (W. C. (L. I. Guiney) Atlan. 90: 856.- Harder) Outl. 78: 927. Johnson, Lionel. Acad. 53! 397. —-Ath. ’02, 22 52I.—(Katherine Brégy) Cath. World, 83: 466. —-Month, 100: 460, Johnson, R. L. N. Morocco and the French Inter- vention. R. of Rs. (N-Y.) 31: 689. Johnson, Samuel, with portraits: (T. M. Parrott) Booklover’s M. I: 375. —-— and Boswell in Scotland. (J. C. Hadden) Gent. M. n. s. 742 597. ~— and John Wesley. (E. Mims) Meth. R. 63: 543, — and Oxford. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 46. — Boswell’s Life of. (G. K. Chesterton) Good Words, 44= 774- -- In Dr. J ohnson’s Circle. (Sarah Wilson) Chamb. J . 79: 817. — Lives of the Poets, Birkbeck Hill’s Edition. (W. P. Trent) Forum. 37: 540. -— A Possible Glimpse of. (\V. Everett) Atlan. 90: 622, —— Rasselas, where did he write ? Acad. 64: 51 1, —- lst President of King’s College. Colum. Univ. Q. 1: 1, 122, Johnson, Tom L., with portrait. (E. W. Bemis) Arena, 34: 576.— (D. G. Phillips) Booklover’s M. 7: 457. — (G. C. Sikes) World To-day, I1: 698, —With portrait. World’sWo1'k, 3: 1723. —-— A New Champion of the People’s Cause. Flower) Arena, 28: 534, —— President Roosevelt and, as Typical Representa- tives of Opposing Political Ideals. (J . D. Miller) Arena, 30: 145. Johnson, Wm. Samuel, Pres. of Columbia College, I787-1800. Colum. Univ. Q. 2: 17, Johnson Family of New Haven, and Wallingford, Conn. (J. Shepard) N. E. Reg. 56: 132. —— Supplementary Notes on. (R. D. Smyth and B. C. Steiner) N. E. Reg. 56: 297, Johnson’s Island, Burleigh and. (F. J . Shepard) M. of Hist. 1: 306, 378, Johnston, Prof. Alexander. Univ. Bull. 1: 93. Johnston, Sir Harry H., a Maker of Empire. Bullock) Fortn. 80: 687, Johnston, Mary. Bk. News, 22: 976, ~ The Romance of Virginia. Macmil. 86: 144, J ohnstone, Arthur, Musical Critic. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 951 I123. Johnstone, Charles. Chrysal. (Ernest A. Baker) Acad. 711 372- Joinery, Dangers of. Am. Arch. 90: 127, Joint in his Armor, The. (B. P. Neuman) Good Words, 44: 274. Joint Account, Payment to Survivor of, Legal Aspects of. (T. B. Paton) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 774, (B. O. (A. T. Ormond) Princ. (S. F. (Lond-) 75¢ 357- Jokai, Maurus, Hungarian Patriot and Writer, with portrait. (Alexander Hegedus, jr.) R. of Rs. 1 (N. Y.) 29: 685.-——(S. Krauss) Lamp, 29! 126.- Ath. ’Q4, 1: 626, —— Liv. Age, 242: 253. --(S. Krauss) World To-day, 7: 889. — and the Historical Novel. (H. W. V. Temperley) Contemp. 86: 107.: Liv. Age, 242: 412, =Ec1, M. 143: 530. Joke, The Career of the. Joke of his Life, The. 129, Joking, Word about. Craftsman, 8: 231. Joly, Charles Jasper. Ath. ’06, II 53. Joly, Henri M., on the Nancy Nuns. Month, 102: 617. Jomokangkar. (C. F. Close) Geog. J . 25! I78. Jonah, Sign of. (B. W. Bacon) Bib. World, 20: 99. Jonathan and David; a story. (Eliz. S. Phelps) Har- per, 109: 364. Jonathan’s Methods. (J. A. Macy) Atlan. 96: 498. (M. Ward) Good Words, 4;: (Elliott Flower) Lippinc. 78: 489. Jones, Sir Alfred Lewis, Ship Owner, with portrait. (J. W. Mitchell) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 474. Jones, Amanda T. Rubaiyat of Solomon. Thomas) Critic, 47: 412. Jones, Ebenezer. (R. Colles) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 143. Jones, George H., as a Craftsman. Craftsman, 4: 295. Jones, Haydon, Newspaper Artist. (Ethel Armes) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 144. Jones, Henry Arthur. Chance the Idol. bohm) Sat. R. 94: 328. — Chevaleer. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 98: 328. —— Joseph Entangled. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 107. — Princess’s Nose. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 93: 363. —— White-washing Julia. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 951 (E. M. (M. Beer- 291, Jones, Inigo. (Wm. Diack) Am. Arch. 832 5 3. — The Masques of. (E. Rhys) 19th Cent. 54: 157. Jones, John Paul, Commodore. (M. S. J . Grifiin) Booklover’s M. 6: 574.—(C. T. Brady) Munsey, 33: 452.——(F. W. Shepardson) World To-day, 8: 605, — and our First Triumphs on the Sea. (C. H. Lincoln) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 35. -—- Ebenezer Hogg vs. (O. G. Hammond) M. of Hist. 2: 48. —- The Fame of. Cent. 48: 956. — Fellow Officers of. (E. S. Maclay) M. of Hist. 11 ~01, -— Hbw many Mutineers did he kill? plier) Indep. 60: 832, — in Portraiture. (B. Stark) Bookman, 21: 581, — Is it his Body ? (P. Benjamin) Indep. 59: 121. — Letters of, 1780. Pennsyl. M. 29: 334. (Emma Rep- —'- the Man. (L. T. Sprague) Outing, 46: 707. — Moreau Portrait of. (Alexander Corbett, jr.) Cent. 481 774- —— Narrative of John Kilby, Quarter-gunner of the U. S. Ship “Bon Homme Richard,” under Paul Jones. Scrib. M. 38: 23. — Personal Appearance of, with portrait. Booklover’s M. 6: 107, —-— Recovery of the Body of. 48: 927. —-— Resting-place of, at Annapolis. dep. 58: 1159. —- Some Facts about. (J . Davis) So.’ Atlan. Q. 4: 378. 5‘ 5°. (J . Barnes) (Horace Porter) Cent. (P. Benjamin) In- ,— The American Grub Street. JONES Jones, John Paul, Commodore, Some Letters of, 1780. Pennsyl. M. 29: 334. —— Story of, with portraits. (A. H. Lewis) Cosmopol. 39= 349. 584- 40= 71-691-_ 4I= 9°- -- The Surname of. Cent. 49: 333. —- Where is the Grave of ? (G. E. Light) Munsey, 31: 576. Jones, Samuel Milton, “Golden Rule ” Mayor, with portrait. Arena, 351 126. —— (E. Crosby) Crafts- man, 7: 530, 679. - (B. Whitlock) World’s Work, 8: 5 308, - -— His Contribution towards the Solution of Industrial Problems. (F. T. Carlton) Arena, 32: 408, Jones, Thomas, of Guilford, Conn., and his Descend- ants. (B. C. Steiner) N. E. Reg. 59: 386. Jones, Lieut. Gov. William, of New Haven Jurisdic- tion, and his Descendants. (R. D. Smyth) N. E. Reg. 60: 164, “ Jonesy.” (Joseph C. Lincoln) Everybody’s, I 5: 539. Jonson, Ben. Alchemist, A Source of. (C. G. Child) Nation, 79: 75. -—- and the Character Writers. wanee, 14: 299. * Prose of. Acad. 62: 119, - An Unknown Poem of. 447. 517. Jordan, David Starr, with portrait. World’s Work, 4: 2097. (E. K. Graham) Se- (B. Dobell) Ath. ’04, 2: (F. B. Millard) Jordan, Eben D., his Horses. Outing, 46: 61. Jordan beyond the Seas. (J. L. Leeper) Bib. World, 20: 422, —- Pilgrimages to the. (C. Ray) Sund. M. 33: 713. Jordanland, Recent Research in the East. (J. S. Stuart-Glennie) Nation, 79: 257. Joseph, is he a Real Historic Person ? (E. Kiinig) Meth. R. 65: 345. Joseph Bonaparte, King of Spain, when he was an Exile in Northern New York. (E. T. Tomlinson) I-ndep~ 54= 449- Joseph, Rabbi Jacob, with portrait. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 311, Joseph; a story. (E. Phillpotts) Cent. 44: 39. Joseph Clayson’s Purchase. (W. H. Rainsford) Temp. Bar, 130: 417. I Liv. Age, 243: 283. =Ecl. M. I43= 776. Joseph Warawara; a story. 44= I77- Josephine ; a story. 829, Josephs, David, of Gloriana, Cal. Out West, 21: 338. Josephus, F lavius, and Christianity. World, 25: 361. -—- Antiquities of the Jews, MSS. of a French Transla- tion of. (H. G. Thompson) Am. Arch. 89: 146, Joss, The, that answered Prayer. (T. D. Ferguson) Overland, n. s. 44: 501. Journal des Savants. (W. Roberts) Ath. ’02, 2: 287, Journal of a Millionaire. (G. Hibbard) Cent. 43: 97. Journalism. (G. W. Ochs) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 38. -— Address before the Merchant’s Club of Boston. (F. A. Munsey) Munsey, 28: 662, (A. Cahan) R. (A. C. Robinson) Outing, (E. S. Martin) Harper, 108: (A. B. Bennett) (C. Clemen) Bib. (J . H. Collins) Atlan. 98: 634. -— and Public Life in Canada. M. 25: 554. —— and Publicit Sci. 41: 34. -— and the University. (A. H. V. Colquhoun) Canad. M, 21: 209, -—— as a Profession. (A. R. Kimball) Atlan. 92: 804, -—- (Albert Shaw) Cosmopol. 35: 155. (J . S. Willison) Canad. (St. Clair McKelway) Am. J . Soc. 346 J UBAL’S Journalism, Chances for Americans in English. (J . M. Bullock) Lamp, 26: 382, -—— The College of. (J . Pulitzer) No. Am. 178: 641. -— College Man in. (A. Barton) Wis. Alum. M. 7: 229. - Country. (E. Ryan; F. Dredd) Bookman, 20: 120, -—- the Destroyer of Literature. (J . Hawthorne) Critic, 48: 166. -—- -—- Reply to Julian Hawthorne. 48: 469. -- Education and. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 77: 168. -—- English and American. (H. Watterson) Munsey, (L. Warner) Critic, an 423- —- English used in. Spec. 96: 979.-‘=Liv. Age, 250: 251, -—- The Hunt for the Political Secret. (M. MacDonagh) Monthly R. 19, no, 2: 88. —~ in the Laboratory. (J . Oskison) Nation, 81: 517. - A Laboratory Experiment in. (G. E. Vincent) Am. J. Sociol. 11: 297, -—Nation, 81: 517. -—- Literary Aspect of, (H. W. Boynton) Atlan. 93$ 45. -—- Modern Ethics of. (C. B. Connolly) Cath. World, 751 453- — New and Old. (E. Dicey) Fortn. 83: 94. =Ecl. M. 145: 157. =Liv.‘ Age, 245: 657. -— 19th Century, Boston. (E. H. Clement) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 277, 415. -—- The People and Modern. R. 10, no. 2: 81, -— Pictorial. (G. D. Richards) World To-day, 9: 84 5. -—- Prize Schemes and. (W. A. Atkinson) Westm. 160: 531, -—- Public Taste and. (O. M. Green) Monthly (B. H. Meyer) Wis. Alum. M. 4: ". , -—- Roman Catholics and. (Basil Tozer) Monthly R. 23.110. R 57. ~ —- School of. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34: 258. ——(L. Steffens) Bookman, 18: 173.——(H. White) No. Am. 178: 25. -- —- Curriculum of. (H. Lamont) Educa. R. 26: 325. — Sensational. (F. H. Smith) Critic, 48: 511. — —— and the Law. (G. W. Alger) Atlan. 91: 145. Days in; Candid Confession of a Conscience. (E. J . Evans) Overland, n. s. __l pol. 40: 679. -—- Vocat' n of the. (D. C. Banks) 19th Cent. 59: 788. ="-Li, . Age, 250: 195, —- The Woman. Acad. 63: 309. Journalists and Diplomatists. Liv. Age, 236: 123, -— Honor of. Spec. 93: 1001, — Institute of. Sat. R. 94: 289. Journey to God, The. (H. Roberts) Sund. M. 33: 670, Journey’s End ; a story. (J . M. Forman) Everybody’s, 8: 33.114- Jowett, Benjamin; some Recollections. (C. Sorabji) 19th Cent. 54! 297. Joy Denied, A; a story. 28: 667. Joyce, Josselyn, Sinner; a story. (M. S. Gilmore) Cath. World, 76: 517-823, 77: 90-798, Joyousness of Books. (C. S. Brooks) Critic, 47: 457. Joyzelle; a drama. (M. Maeterlinck) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 21 1. Jubal’s Sons. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: 238, (D. H. Talmadgc) Munsey, J UDAISM Judaism and the American Spirit. Arena, 32: 166. -— and Christianity. (H. W. Thomas) Open Court, 17: 107. —- (A. F. Kirkpatrick) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 241. —- —Unity of. (T. F. Seward) Arena, 27: 359. — as Creed and Life, Joseph on. Spec. 92: 260. — Conservative View of. (L. Magnus) Jew. Q. 16: 9. — Current, Jesus and. (H. S. Nash) Bib. World, 26: (E. M. Baker) 431- - Ibn Hazm iiber Jiidische Secten. (S. Poznanski) Jew. Q. 16: 765. — in the Days of Jesus. (M. L. Margolis; G. B. Ste- vens) Am. J . Theol. 8: 313. —- Reform Movement in. (D. Philipson) Jew. Q. 15: 475- 161 30. 485- PF 307- — To-day. (T. F. Wright) N. Church R. 13: 112. Judas Iscariot, Death of. (J. H. Bernard) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 422. Judge, The; a story. (H. A. Nash) Atlan. 93: 692. Judge Banks’s Mary. (R. Young) Atlan. 96: 834. Judges, Eccentricities of. (S. H. N. St. Cyres) Cornh. or 36- — Federal. (E. M. Winston) Arena, 29: 563. —— — Election of. (F. Bausman) Am. Law R. 37! 336. —— — — by the People. (W. Clark) Arena, 32: 4 57., -— Great Criminal. (E. B. Bowen-Rowlands) Green Bag. I51 590- —— Influence of the Bar in Selection of, throughout the United States. (S. Fleischman) Am. Law R. 39: 348- —— More? (F. Payler) Macmil. 91: 268, -— Some Famous. (G. F. Hoar) Scrib. M. 341 357. —- Unfitness of some English. Sat. R. 95: 771. “ Judges’ Wit.” (Viscount St. Cyres) Liv. Age, 248: 398. Judgment; a novelette. (Alice Brown) Harper, 107: 346. 552. 721. Judgment in the Field, The. (J . B. Skitaletz) Indep. R, 10: 222, =Liv. Age, 251: 159, Judgment of Daniel, The; a story. Am. M. 62: 404, Judgment of Man, The. 337- Judgment of Paris; a story. (C. Marriott) F ortn. 78: (H. M. Rideout) (J . Hopper) McClure, 25: 17. Judgfnent Seat, The. (J. W. Tompkins) Atlan. 98: 742- Judgments; how are they affected by “ Full Faith and Credit ” Section of United States Constitution. (G. P. Costigan) Am. Law R. 38: 350. Judging Distance. (H. E. M. Hutchinson) Un. Serv. M, 28: 517. Judicial Bias. (W. C. Smith) Jurid. R. 15: 231, Judicial Effervescences. (J . G. Steifee) Am. Law R. 36: 92, 233. Judicial Office in Germany. (B. E. Howard) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 328. Judicial Opinion, Evolution of. (E. McClain) Am. Law R. 36: 801, Judicial Power, Some Recent Attacks on the Ameri- can Doctrine of. (W. M. Meigs) Am. Law R. 40: 641, - Judicial 'Practice, A Uniform. (C. C. Bonney) Am. Law R. 36: 401, Judicial Puzzle; a story. (E. Flower) Cosmopol. 36: 365- Judicial System, American. (W. V. Allen) Arena, 34: Judiciary, American. (E. P. Wheeler) Green Bag, 18: 14. — Attacking the. -—— Independence of the. 35= 349- (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 336, (J . Woodward) Am. Law R. 347 JUPITER Judiciary, Independence of the Federal. (H. Taylor) Am. Law R. 40: 481, - -—— Influence of, under the Constitutions of the U. S. and of Australia. (A. I. Clark) Harv. Law R. 17: 1. Judiciary Nominators, The New York, 1906. Og- den) Nation, 83: 26. ' Judith and Belly River Beds. (A. C. Veatch) Science, 11. s. 18: 211,—(J. B. Hatcher) Science, 11. s. 17! 471.--— Science, n. s. 17: 870, Judith Liebestraum. (Mary Moss) Scrib. M. 36: 46. “ Judith of Bethulia ; ” a Poet’s Play by Mr. Aldrich. Cent 47= 799- Judson, Edward B. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64: 233, Judy; a story. (M. G. Sampson) McClure, 21: 2'91, Judy, an Ugly Duckling. J . 81: 520, Jug, Turkish, of 16th Century. Art J . 58: 18. Jugan, Jeanne. (E. Sellers) Macmil. 88: 28, Juggernaut, Temple of. (H. F. M. Lewis) Canad. M. 18: 399. Juggernaut; a story. (S. Pickering) Temp. Bar, 129: 549- Juglar, Clement. (A. de Foville) Econ. J . I5! 293. J uglaris, Tomaso, and Henry H. Gallison; two Artist Friends. Craftsman, 8: 43. Jules of the Great Heart; a story of the Far North- west. (L. Mott) Cent. 48: 375. Julia Domna, Roman Empress. (M. G. Williams) Am. J. Archaeol. 2d ser. 6: 259, Julian the Apostate, Negri’s. Sat. R. 101: 143, Julian Meldohla. (Mary Moss) Lippinc. 71: 291, Julian Period, The. (R. W. McFarland)~Pop. Astron. 14: 98 Juliet and her Interpreters. (R. Hunter) Overland, n. S. 42: 234, July, Vacation Days in. Am, 2: 118, Jumble in Divinities, A; a story. (J . Hopper) Mc- Clure, 24: 113. Jump, Greek, Further Notes on. Hel. Stud. 24: I79. —-- Phayllus and his Record. J . Hel. Stud. 24: 70. Jumping Frog of Calaveros, The. (Mark Twain) Over- land, 11. s. 40: 287, June, Country Life in. Am. 2: 77. —- First of, The Glorious. Un. Serv. M. 29: 225. June Winston; a story. (Carrie H. Latta) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I91 491-69$ 2°= 45-423- Jungfrau Peak, To the, by Trolley. tegg) Cent. 50: 245. Jungfrau Railway. (H. Erichsen) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 301 439. —- (G. P. Serviss) Munsey, 31: 902. Jungle Fire, A, and VVild Bees. (Rosalie Cameron) Temp. Bar, 126: 79. Jungle Tactics. (L. McL. Hamilton) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 21, Junior Civics, What is ? (E. G. Routzahn) Chaut. 371 (W. B. Thornton) Ctry Life (E. N. Gardiner) J . (W. B. Thornton) Ctry Life (E. v. H. War- .I5. J unibr Partner, The. (H. McB. Johnston) Canad. M. 24: 404, Junius, Notes on. (W. F. Rae) Ath. ’03, 2: 190-518. Junk, The Chinese. (W. G. Winterburn) Cassier, 21: 424- Jupiter. (W. F. Denning) Knowl. 27: I48. — and his Markings. (W. F. Denning) Knowl. 76: 177. -— and his Surface Currents. (T. E. R. Philips) Knowl. 27: 8. —— The Belted Giant of the Solar System. (E. V. Hew- ard) Fortn. 82: 715, I — Family of Comets of. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 14: 221. (Katharine Tynan) Chamb. ' JUPITER Jupiter. Great Red Spot and its Surroundings. (W. F. Denning) Knowl. 25: 178. -— — and South Tropical Spot of. (W. F. Denning) Pop. Astron. I4: 34.=Knowl. n. s. 2: 291. — -— Motion of. (W. F. Denning) Pop. Astron. 11: 4. -— Prof. Hough’s Article on. (A. S. Williams) Pop. Astron. 11: 188, -— The Markings and the Satellites of. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 14: 608. ——Phenomena of. (G. W. Hough) Pop. Astron. III 297; (A. S. Williams) 361.‘ -— Physical Constitution of. (G. W. Hough) Science, n. s. 17: 81. =Pop. Astron. 11: 63, -— Rotation Period in 1869 and 1898. (G. W. Hough) Pop. Astron. 11: 114. —- Satellite of, 6th, Discovery of. Nature, 71: 82, -— Satellites of, Two New. Knowl. n. s. 2: 237. —— Spectograms of. (V. M. Slipher) Pop. Astron. 11: 1. —- Surface of. (G. W. Hough) Pop. Astron. 13: 19. J ura Mountains, The French. (C. S. Domett) Chaut. (W. E. Plummer) (A. C. D. Crommelin) 35‘ 484- Jurassic Fossils, Supposed, Age and Type Localities of. (A. C. Veatch) Am. J. Sci. 171: 457. Juries and their Verdicts. (J . de Morgan) Green Bag, 14: 395- (J . B. Drayton) (D. O. Dykes) Jurid. R. —— Experiences on, and in Law-courts. Chamb. J . 82: 382, Jurisdiction, Some Notes on. 18: 170, Jurisprudence, Development of, during the Past Cen- tury. (J. H. Beale, jr.) Harv. Law R. 18: 271. — Moslem, Development of. (D. B. Macdonald) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 10: 227. —- Nature of, and of the Law. Law R. 38: 68. -— Subject Matter of. 53I Jurists,.A New School of. (R. Poun) Univ. Neb. Stud. (G. H. Smith) Am. (G. H. Smith) Am. Law R. 39: 4= 249- Jurors, Qualifications of. (D. Mowry) Green Bag, 16: 721. Jury, Civil. (A. C. Braxton) Am. Law R. 38: 220. -— Early Norman. (C. H. Haskins) Am. Hist. R. 8: 613, -—En ish, Humors of. (L. Irwell) Green Bag, 14: 228, —— Gentlemen of the. -— in Ancient America, The. (D. Mallock) Green Bag, 14: 16, (A. Bierce) Cosmopol. 39: 384- --Trial by. (D. T. Brewer) Internat. Mo. 5: 1.- Green Bag, 14: 67, —- - Development of. (E. C. Lawrence) Green Bag, 14: 239, -- -— in Criminal Cases; is it a Failure ? (F. J. Cabot) Arena, 33: 510. —--—in Germany. (B. E. Howard) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 650. -- — Right of, in the Dependencies of U. S. (J . VV. Garner) Am. Law R. 40: 340. Jury System, The. (S. M. Bruce) Am. Law R. 40: 222, — Administration of the. (H. B. Brown) Green Bag, 17: 623. -— Can it be improved? (T. Jenks) Munsey, 29: 723, — Is it a Failure? (E. W. McGraw) Californian, 3: 412, — Fetish of the. —- its Administration. (E. Johnson) Green Bag, 15: 560. (C. Manly) Am.’ Law R. 39: 39°- -- Modifications of. (J . B. Phillips) Green Bag, 16: 514. - (J . B. Phillips) Univ. Colo. Stud. 2: 209. 348 JUVENILE Jusserand, Jean Jules, Ambassador of the Republic of Letters. (G. G. Smith) Blackw. 176: 490. -- and English Literature. 4 (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. (Bull. 11: 399. Just a Wagon Load of Orphans. . (Roy E. Norton) Hera W- 49= I708. , “ Just so ” Story, The, and Recent Fiction. (F. Taber Cooper) Bookman, 22: 491, Justice. (J . W. Fitzpatrick) Monist, 14: 541. —— and Equality, Christian Idea of. (J . McSorley) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 88. _ — Causes of Popular Dissatisfaction with the Adminis- tration of. (R. Pound) Am. Law R. 40: 729. -- Christ and the Sense of. Spec. 94: 849. — The Mystery of. (M. Maeterlinck) N 0. Am. 174: 1. —- The Shameful Miscarriage of. (H. B. Fuller) World’s Work, 13: 8221, — Some Contributions of Psychology to the Concep- tion of. (J . H. Tufts) Philos. R. I 5: 361. Justice of the Mountains, The ; a story. (F. MacNab) Longm. 43: 52, = Eel. M. 142: 106. = Liv. Age, 239: 632. Justices of the Forest South of Trent. Eng. Hist. R. 18: 112. Justices of Laborers in the 14th Century. (B. H. Put- nam) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 517. Justification. (H. King) Luth. Q. 32: 77. — and Reconciliation, Christian Doctrine of, Ritschl’s. (H. C. Minton) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 162, —— by Faith. (L. Ihmels) Luth. Q. 34: 477, — — Original Meaning of. (G. B. Stevens) Bib. World, 23: 267, —— Doctrine of, in its Relations. (J . W. Richard) Luth. Q. 3% 457- 33= 1- J ustification of Cap’n Orrin, The. (W. Forster Brown) Lippinc. 76: 363. J ustification of John Loder. Critic, 46: 217, Justin Martyr. (J . F. Morelock) Meth. R. 62: 197. -— Mass in the Time of. (Bertrand L. Conway) Cath. World, 80: 599. ~— Significance of, in the Development of Christian Doctrine. (C. K. Staudt) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 360. — Sincerity of. Acad. 64: 369. = Liv. Age, 237: 633. Juvenal, Wight’s Edition. (G. Laing) School R. 10: 805, ~ —- Dramatic Representation in Time of. (M. L. Miner) School R. 12: 378, Juvenile City League. 922, Juvenile Court, The. — and Hypnotism. (G. J . Turner) (W. C. Langdon) Char. 12: (G. R. Taylor) Char. 16: 374, (B. B. Lindsey) Char. I4: 1020. — in Buffalo. (F. Almy) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 271. . — in Chicago. (H. K. Webster) Am. M. 61: 394 — in Denver, Experiences in. (B. Lindsey) Char. 11: 403, - — in Pittsburg. Char. 14: 757, —- Judge B. B. Lindsey of the. M. 60: 164. —— Social Significance of. 14: 5, Juvenile Court Idea, Development of the. (T. D. Hurley) Char. 11: 423. Juvenile Court Law. (H. B. Hurd) Char. 13: 327. Juvenile Courts. (C. R. Henderson) Char. 13: 340. —- (S. J. Barrows) Indep. 58: 238, (W. M. Raine) Am. — and Probation. (E. E. Williamson) Ann. Am. Acad. 1 Po]. Sci. 20: 259.—(H. P. Bates) Char. 13: 329, — in Philadelphia. Pol. Sci. 20: 271, -— Special Police Courts for Children. Cornh. 91: 735. -- The Year 1904 in. (B. B. Lindsey) Char. I4: 873, (H. O. Barnett) (H. W. Thurston) School R. - (A. M. Beitler) Ann. Am. Acad. . JUVENILE Juvenile Crime and the Railroads. (M. E. Adams) Char. 15: 203. . -— Causes of. (M. E. Adams) Outl. 83: 796. Juvenile Literature. (J. P. True) Atlan. 92: 690. - (J . E. Rogers)Educa. 26: 601, Juvenile Offenders. Char. I0: 598. — Education of. (F. H. Nibecker) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 73: 483. — A Great Problem Solved. Westm. I61: 448. —- Reformation of, in Illinois. Am. J . Sociol. 8: 644. Kabul, Afghanistan, With the Dane Mission to. (A. H. Grant) Blackw. I80: 587. —- to Kumassi, Willcocks’s. Spec. 92: 219. —- Tragedy at; from the Papers of a Survivor of the Massacre in Afghanistan, 1841-42. Blackw. I79: 347. Kafiir Children. Spec. 97: 816. — Nature, 75: I28. Kaffir Labor and Kafiir Marriage. (H. C. Thomson) Monthly R. 1!, no. 2: 27. Kaffirs, Kidd on the. Ath. ’O4, I: 712. — (H. R. Haggard) Sat. R. 98: 7. —Spec. 92: 776. Kaffirs [Mining Shares] and Consols. (Francis W. Hirst) Indep. R. 9: 193. Kafirland, On Circuit in. Temp. Bar, 126: 316, Kairouan, The Holy City of. (H. H. Vaughan) Dub. R. 136: 340. “ Kaiser Wilhelm II.,” The. (G. H. Schwab) Cassier, 24: 194. Kalahari Desert, Passages on. Nature, 71: 481, Kalakama, King of Hawaii, with portrait. Calif. M. 3: '35- Kalamaizoo, Mich. (J . Adams) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 279- Kalaun, the Elephant-trainer; a Story of the Egyp- tian Colony in New York. (M. A. Hamm) Cent. 4 : 502, Kali Yuga, The. (Isabel M. Reynolds) Overland, n. s. 46: 215. Kalidasa. The Rhaguvanga. Acad. 64: 336, Kalich, Bertha. (W. Bynner) Critic, 46: 26, Kallay, Baron. Spec. 91: 84. Kamakura, From Kyoto to. (A. C. Hartshorne) Chant. 39: 535. Kaneko, Baron Kentaro, with portrait. (N. Y.) am 434- Kangaroo, in Queensland. (G. Styles) Outing, 39: 461. Kangaroo Rats in Captivity, Habits of. (R. W. Shu- feldt) Am. Natural. 36: 47. Kangaroos, The. (Mary Moss) Scrib. M. 35: 181, Kano, Picture of. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 157. Kansas, Farm in, A Giant; Sherman Ranch. (C. H. Matson) World’s Work, 4: 2327, —-— Farms of, Lessons from. (C. H. Matson) World’s Work, 4: 2519. — Library Assoc., Annual Meeting, 1903, Pub, Lib, 91 27- -- - Annual Meeting, 1906. 822.—Pub. Lib. 11: 33. —-— of To-day. (C. M. Harger) Atlan. 90: 361. -— Oil Fight in. (I. F. Mareosson) World’s Work, 10: 6155. —— (J. J. McLaurin') Outl. 80: 427, -(G, W, Ogden) Booklover’s M. '6: .377. —- Arena, 33: 435. —- (C. M. Harger) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 471, ~ Physiographic Divisions of. (G. I. Adams) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 89. — Recollections of a Tenderfoot. Longm. 42: 140, —- State Refinery in. —- U. S. Flag ‘in, 1806. 106. R. of Rs. (Lida Romig) Lib. J . 3!: (J . R. E. Sumner) (P. Eastman) Arena, 33: 500. (G. W. Martin) M. of Hist. 4: 34.9 -— vs. Colorado, Water Suit. -(G. P. Costigan) Green Bag, 17: 587. KAURAVAS Kansas, What Prohibition has done for. don) Indep. 60: 1033, Kansas City, Kansas. My Fight against the Ring. (W. W. Rose) Indep. 61: 681, Kansas City, Mo., Architecture of. (F. M. Howe) Archit. Rec. 15: I34. —— Charter of. (J . W. S. Peters) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 155. — a City that is finding itself. (Hugh O’Neill and J . M. Steele) World To-day, II: 1155, — Flood of 1903 in Retrospect. Char. I1: 574. —— Parks of. (F. W. Coburn) Brush & P. 13: 288, -- (H. Schott) World’s Work, 11: 7191. —— Politics; breaking up a State Machine, with por- trait of W. R.'Stubbs. (R. Clark, jr.) Cosmopol. 37: 665. Kant, Immanuel, and the Buddha. Fortn. 86: 218, —- as a Democratic Politician. 161: 237. —- Centenary of. (A. Earl) Nature, 69: 370. — Character of. Acad. 63: 103. — Ethics, A Critique of. (F. Adler) Mind, 27: 162, (C. M. Shel- (W. S. Lilly) (K. Blind) Westm. -— His Antithesis of Dogmatism and Criticism. (A. O. Lovejoy) Mind, 31: 191, ——- Influence of, on Modern Thought. (Edward Caird) Quar. 200: 420. ——- Paulsen’s. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 75: 209. -—(A. O. Lovejoy) Nation, 75: 264, ——- Philosophy, Critically Examined. (P. Carus) Mo- nist, 12: 183, -— Present Significance of. (J . Royce) Nation, 78: 12 5, — G. Simmel on. (G. D. Hicks) Mind, 30: 253, —— Transcendental Idealism and Empirical Realism of. _,.-(C;'M~.~-Walsh) Mind, 28: 454. 29: 54. —- Treatment of Analytic and Synthetic Judgments. (J. H. Hyslop) Monist, 13: 331. Kara Kum Sands of Central Asia, Narrative of a Per- ilous Journey over. (L. Warner) Cent. 51: 3. Karageorge, Story of. (M. Edith Durham) Indep. R. 4: 58, Karaites of Damascus, Introduction to the Liturgy of. (G. Margoliouth) Jew. Q. 18: 505, Kargé, Prof. Joseph, with portrait. Bull. 5: 2 5. ’ Karl Theodor of Bavaria, Duke, and his wife; with portrait. Chaut. 41: 73. ' Karnes and Teal, Escape of, from Matamoros. (R. M. Potter) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 4: 71. Karlstad Convention, The. (C. Thomas) Nation, 81: 2‘)5- Karnak, Reconstruction of. (J . Ward) Monthly R. 14, no. I: 92. =-Liv. Age, 241: 245, Karst Landscape, Recent Papers on. Geog. J . 20: 427, Kashmir, Summer Days in. (F. P. Lefroy) Calif. M. Princ. Univ. 3: 670. —- The Vale of. (Ellsworth Huntington) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 657. Katharine of Arragon. Sat. R. 93: 632. Katherine and the Sanitorium. (Adele M. Shaw) Lippinc. 77: 238. Kathiawar Jurisdiction Cases, The. Law Q. 22: 246. Katie’s Text. (E. C. McCants) Outing, 45: 617, Katzimo, the Enchanted. (F. W. Hodge) Land of Sun. 7: 225. Katzmann’s Conspiracy; a story. (F. J . Craigie, jr.) Am. M. 61: 643. Kan, Some Characteristics of. (J . S. Emerson) Am. J. Sci. 164: 431. Kauravas, The, of the Hindu Puranas. (C. S. Wake) Am. Antiq. 25: 175. (A. C. Lyall) KAWLAH Kawlah Colony, California. (B. G. Haskell) Out West, 17: 300, Kay, Henry Cassels. Ath. ’O3, 1: 785. K’dunk the Fat One; an animal story. (W. J . Long) Outl. 75: 220. Keach, Rev. Elias, Love Letter of, 1696. Pennsyl. M, 28: 101, Kean, Charles, and Theatrical Scenery. (H. M. Cun- dall) Art J . 55: I99. Kean, Edmund, Memorial Tablet to. dall) Art J. 57: 16. Kearney, M. Theo., with portrait. (W. E. Smythe) Out West, 25: 146. Keating, Geoffrey, an Irish Historian of the 17th Cen- tury. (T. J . Shahan) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 310, Keats, George, American Brother of the Poet. Koch) Poet-Lore, 17, no. 3: 97. Keats, John, and Fanny Brawne. (R. Le Gallienne) Cosmopol. 37: 733. -- and his Interpreters. tion, 82: 116, — and Shelley. The Democracy of. (J . W. Stimson) Arena, 28: 354. —-— — Tomb of, at Rome. -—- The Love of Lamia. n. s. 72: 233. — Ode to a Nightingale. Hampstead Garden. no. 3: I30. — Poems, ed. by Sélincourt. Ath. ’o5, 2: 534. — The Portraits of, with Special Reference to those by Severn. (W. Sharp) Cent. 49: 535. — Recent Literature on. Ath. ’o5, 1: 207, —- A Relish of. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 98: 534, — Some Readings and Notes. (H. B. Forman) Ath. ’<>4. I1 210. 499, 655- — To Autumn. Cent. 47: 83, 154, Keegan’s Coup at Ka. (E. W. Townsend) Cent. 47: (H. M. Cun- (F. J . (J. A. A. J . Jusserand) Na- Dial, 41: 57. (M. B. Whiting) Gent. M. A Morning’s Work in a (S. Colvin) Monthly R. 10, I 7. Keeler, C. A. California Midwinter Sun Mystery. (Mabel H. Brown) Overland, n. s. 45: 223, Keeler, Ralph, of Vagabondia. (C. W. Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 65. Keene, Charles, Etcher. M. of Art, 27: 490. — as an Etcher. (H. M. Spielmann) Scrib. M. 35: 2 — compared with Phil May and Thomas Rowlandson. 1» Brush & P. 14: 243, -— Drawings of. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 96: 510, Keepers of a Charge; a story. (Grace E. Channing) Harper, 111: 198, Keepsake, The. (G. Burgess) Atlan. 98: 837, Keith, William. (G. W. James) Craftsman, 7: 299. —— and his Work. (C. A. Keeler) Land of Sun. 8: 253, Kekchi Language, Notes on. (R. Burkitt) Am. An- thropol. 4: 441, Kekchi Will, A, of the 16th Century. (R. Burkitt) Am. Anthropol. 7: 271. Kelep, The. (W. M. Wheeler) Science, 11. s. 23: 348, -— Habits of the. (O. F. Cook) Science, 11. s. 23: 187, Keller, Arthur J ., Illustrator. Brush & P. 10: 94, Keller, Helen. (J. Hitz) Am. Anthropol. 8: 308,-— (E. E. Hale) Outl. 72: 830, — and her College Course. (M. C. Crawford) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 668. — Autobiography. (J . Jastrow) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 71, -- (W. A. Neilson) Atlan. 91: 842. —— (J . Jastrow) Dial, 34: 27I.—(VV. H. Mayhew) N. Church R. 10: 566.-—Acad. 65: 325.—- (K. B. Stillé) Bk. News, 21: 666, — The Case of. Chamb. J. 81: 563. -— My Philosophy of Life. (Helen Keller) Sund. M. 33: 28, 125, 186. 0 350 KETTLE Keller, Helen. Out of Darkness into Light. (F. Jef- fery) Sund. M. 33: 754. Kelley, James E., Sculptor. Outl. 79: 833. Kelbggi Elijah, I813-19°I- (I-T- Ray) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 435. Kellogg, Martin. Memorial Exercises in Honor of. Calif. Univ. Chron. 6-: 202, Kelmscott Press, The. (E~ Radford) Acad. 66: 150. — Books on Vellum. Art J. 57: 147, Kelvin, Lord, with portrait. (A. W. Goodspeed) Booklover’s M. 1: 571. — and J . P. Nichol. Nature, 68: 623. — his VVork and Influence. (F. B. Crocker) Engin. M. 23: 325, -— on Optical and Molecular Dynamics. (J. Larmor; Nature, 70: supp. 3. —-— on Science and Theism. Westm. 55: 1068. I Liv. Age, 238: 115, Kemeys, E., an Appreciation. (Leila Mechlin) Studio (Internat.) 26: x-xiv, Kempif, Louis, Admiral. (W.E. Griflis) Outl. 70: 866. Kempis, Thomas a. See Thomas 8 Kempis. Kennedy, Julien, with portrait. Cassier, 22: 631. Kennedy, Justice. (Wm. Rann) Sat. R. 96: 695. Kennet River, Tale of a Famous Trout Stream. Bacon) Good Words, 44: 531. Keno, a. Cayuse unknown to Fame. M: 34= 471- Kensington Turnpike in 1811. Antiq. n. s. 38: 304. Kent, Armine Thomas. Otia. (R. Bridges ; H- Hodge) Sat. R. 99: 173. Kent, James. (C. B. Elliott) Am. Law R. 37: 321. Kent, Minster Church. (D. H. P. Feasey) Antiq. n. s. 38: 133.176. — Neighborhoods in, including Canterbury. (W. D. Howells) Harper, 113: 5 5o, Kentish Valley. (J . R. Larkby) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 499. Kentucky, Beautiful Women of, Types of. (S. H. Heuton) Calif. M. 4: 348. -— Blue-grass Country. (C. Johnson) Outing, 43: 682, — Feud in, Mazes of a. (R. L. McClure) Indep. 22: 2216. — Journey to, from Philadelphia, 1787-88. (S. P. Cochran) Pennsyl. M. 28: 182, —Mountains of. (L. W. Williams) New Eng. M. I]. S. 303 37. — Old and New Court in. (P. Lindsey) Green Bag, 16: 520. — Salvation Army in the Feud Belt. Outl. 75: 351. Kentucky Court Room, A. 14: 318. Kentucky Mountaineers. (A. S. Elliott) Bib. Sac. 63: 487. Kentucky’s Unique Conference Plan. Char. 13: 571. Kepler’s Equations, Solution of. Pop. Astron. 14: 423. Keramie Art, Primitive, in Wisconsin. son) Am. Antiq. 24: 157. Kern River Canyon; Sierra Club’s Expedition, I903, (Josephine Colby) Overland, n. s. 43: 14. Kerrigan’s Christmas Sermon. (L. F. Tooker) Cent. 471 29°: Kerry Scenes, Ireland. (C. Wilkinson) Art J . 55: I37- Kerwin, James C. Wis. Alum. M. 5: 225. Kesa Gozen, Tragedy of. (Yei Theodora Ozaki) 19th. Cent. 59: 124, Kester, Paul, and Major, Charles. Dorothy 0’ the Hall. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R, 101: 488. Kettle, Lady Alice, Trial of. (J. M. Sullivan) Green Bag. W 433- - (Katherine M. Roof) (G. (S. Ford) Scrib. D (W. E. Barton) (E. Johnson) Green Bag, (M. Bryson) (A. A. Rambautl (P. V. Law- ' _ Kid Sadler; a story. _Kidney, Function of a Transplanted. KEW Kew Gardens, Feud at. (A. R. Hunt) Westm. I64: 422. Key, Francis Scott, as a Lawyer. (E. L. Didier) Green Bag, 16: 293. Key of Paradise. (S. Pickering) Temp. Bar, 127: 1- 641 Keystone State Library Association, Annual Meeting, 1902. Pub. Lib. 7: 426, Keziah. (E. H. Porter) New Eng. M. n. s. 302 723. Khan and his Son, The ; a story. (M. Gorky) Monthly R. 6, no. 2: 163. Khartoum. (J . Ward) Monthly R. 8, no. 22 I33. I Liv. Age. 2351 410- (J. Douglas) Nation, 77: 185. — and Omdurman. Khiva, from the Inside. (L. Ward) Cent. 50: 807. —- Getting into. (L. Warner) Cent. 50! 645. Khor Felus, A Trip up. (H. H. Wilson) Geog. J . 201 401. Khotan, Ruins of, Stein on. Ath. ’O3, 2: I62.—(H. R. Hall) Nature, 70: 275. Khunapur Murder, The. (T. Hart-Davies) Monthly R. 21, no. 3: 113. Kid, Passover Song of the, and a New England Equiv- alent. (W. W. Newell) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I8: 33. (A. Colton) Harper, I07: 432, Kidd, Benjamin, on Western Civilization. (W. E. Leh- man) Internat. J . Ethics, 17: 78. —(W. M. Dan- iels) Atlan. 89: 856. —— (A. S. Pringle-Pattison) Contemp. 81: 805. — (J. B. Crozier) Fortn. 771 583. — Quar. I95! 617. = Ecl. M. 139: 118. = Liv. Age, 2331 5I3.—Spec. 88: 292, 329. Kidd, Captain, The True. (J . D. Champlin, jr.) Har- per, 106; 27, Kidnapped Colony, A; a story. (M. R. S.’ Andrews) Harper, I07: 50, 283, Kidnapping of Maria Louisa, The; a story. thews) Munsey, 30: 507. (A. Ma- (A. Carrel) Science, n. s. 221 473. Kiel, Hamburg, and Lubeck. Chaut. 40: 423, Kiev, St. Vladimir Cathedral. (T. P. Armstrong) Art J. 56: 384. Kikuyu. (R. Crawshay) Geog. J . 201 24. —— Eastern Borderland of. (B. Dickson) Geog. J . 21: (W. von Schierbrand) 36. Kilauea, Mt., again Active. (C. H. Hitchcock) Science, 11. s. 21: 551. —— Lava-Lake of. (S. E. Bishop) Nature, 66: 441. " Kilbreth of Ballyraggan; a story. (G. S. Richmond) McClure, 24: II. Kilby, John, Narrative of, as Quarter-gunner of the U. S. Ship “ Bon Homme' Richard,” under Paul Jones. Scrib. M. 38: 23. Kilhams, Early. (W. S. Mills) N. E. Reg. 56: 344. Killbohgan and Killboggan. (Herminie Templeton) McClure, 27: 649. Killiecrankie described by an Eye-witness. Millar) Scot. Hist. R. 3: 63. “Killing no Murder.” (C. H. Firth) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 308. Kilmington, Devonshire, Notes from Church Wardens’ Accounts, 1555-1608. (A. E. T. Newman) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 254. Kim the Korean. (W. E. Grifis) Outl. 76: 543, Kimball, Catherine, Artist. (E. K. Chatterton) Brush & P, 11: 2o. Kimball, Moses. (C. A. Cummings) N. E. Reg. 56: (A. H. 3 5- Kimbserley, John Wodehouse, 2d Earl. (M. E. Grant- Duff) Spec. 88: 588, Kimberley, The American Hero of. (T. J . Gardiner) Cent. 50: 254. — Diamond Mining at. (C. V. Allen) Engin. M. 26: 81, 1 351 KINGDOM Kimberley, Mechanical Equipment of. (C. V. Allen) Engin. M. 251 177. -—— Romances of the World’s Great Mines. (S. E. Mof- fat) Cosmopol. 35: 65, Kimbolton Castle, Huntingdon, England. Elliston) Booklover’s M. 6: 50. Kind of Hero, A; a story. (W. H, Boardman) Mo- Clure, 22: 460. Kindergarten, Conservatism in the. Educa. 27: 37. —- The Free. (H. W. Mabie) Harper, III: 649, — from a Mother’s Point of View. (M. S. Boone) Ed- 'uca. 25: I42. -— Future Evolution of. (J . L. Hughes) Educa. 22: 459- - in America, The. — Message of the. 55: 1916, —- Place of the. (A. W. Devereaux) Educa. 25: 460.‘ -— Public, in Civic Growths. (C. M. Durham) Gunton’s M- 23= 305- — An Uplifting Social Influence in the Home. W. Gilder) Char. II: 108, Kindergarten Principles in Social Work. (J ennette Lee) Char. II: 532, Kindergartens in California. M, I: 11, Kindergartner, Childless. 480 Kineo, ‘Mount. (H. Packard) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: (Marion (M. F. Schaefier) Outl. 712 107, (Marion B. B. Langzettel) Indep. (R. (Minna V. Lewis) Calif. (A. H. Wikel) Educa. 22: 727- King, Charles, President of Columbia College, 1849-64. Colum. Univ. Q. 6: 121, King, Clarence. (S. F. Emmons) Am. J . Sci. 163: 224, — (J . D. Hague) Nation, 741 7. King, Franklin Hiram. Wis. Alum. M. 31 52. King, Henry Churchill. (J . H. Ross) Educa. 23: 467. King, Jessie, M., Artist. (W. R. Watson) Studio (In- ternat.) I7: 177. — Pen and Ink Drawings by. Studio (Internat.) 27: 241, King, Marquis Fayette. (N. Goold) N. E. Reg. 59: 237. King, Wm., Archbishop, Autobiography of. Ath. ’06, 2: 469. King Family, of Suffield, Conn., English Records of. (C. H. King) N. E. Reg. 58: 347. King and the Anarchist, The ; a story. (VV. E. Norris) Cornh. 94: 516, King, A., and a Fool. (C. Townsend) Arena, 36: 398. King Albicore. (T. J. Hains) Indep. 552 2380. King Cole ; a story. (S. H. Adams) McClure, 23: 409. King Gander of Sea Dog Shoal, The. (S. Ford) Out- ing. 45= 339- King Holgar; a story. (Baroness von Hutten) Cosmo- p01- 35= 341- King Lear in Paris. (M. Maeterlinck) Fortn. 83: 189. King 0’ Dreams; a story. (J . M. F orman) Harper, 106: 637. King of Bad Bad. (G. Morris) Cent. 421 714. King of the Fairy Isles. (Eliz. Brennan) Appleton’s M. 8: 109. King of Gee-whiz, The. (E. Hough) Everybody’s, 13: 11. King of Horsemen, A. (Thormanby) Chamb. J . 83: 670, King of Ireland and his Two Sons, Story of. Scot. Hist. R. 4: 1. Kingdom of God in the Christian Church. (C. S. Beardslee) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 7: 85. — A. Robertson’s Bampton Lectures, 1901. Church Q. 54= 32-. , —- Value of the Idea of the. (J . Orr) Bib. World, 25: 196. KINGDOM Kingdom of Heaven in the Gospels. (C. S. Beardslee) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 7: 233. 8: 49. 9: 41, 99, Kingdoms “Break-in-two; ” a story. (J . W. Fuller) Canad. M. 21: 554, Kingfishers, Osteology of the. Natural. 27: 697. Kingfisher’s Kindergarten, The. Life Am. 2: 125. King’s College School, Wimbledon. Sat. R. 97: 292. King’s Council, Beginnings of. (J . F. Baldwin) Roy- Hist. Soc. 11. s. I9: 27. — Early Records of the. (R. W. Shufeldt) Am. (W. J . Long) Ctry (J. F. Baldwin) Am. Hist. R. 11: 1 . King’s County, California. (F. M. Goodrich) Out West, 17: 637. King’s Declaration. (H. Reade) Westm. I62: 330. King’s House. (Karl E. Harriman) Appleton’s M. 31 *6 King’s Merchants, Some Notable: Orlandinus de Podio of Lucca. (A. Law) Econ. R. 13: 4II. King’s Nose, The. (M. Armour) Longm. 43: 216. King’s Revoke, The; a story. (M. L. Woods) Cornh. 91: 124-829, 92: 119-696, King’s River Cation, Cal. (T. T. Waterman) Out West, 25: 139. -—- Sierra Club in. (H. S. Gibson) Out West, 17: 565. Kings and Queens. (H. Vacarésco) Contemp. 83: 17. =Ecl- M. I40: 421. :Liv. Age, 236: 513. —— — Visits of. Sat. R. 95: 540. — Personal Power of. (E. Saltus) Munsey, 321 447. — who have been Authors. (R. Davey) Good Words, 46: 602, Kings of Maleta, The. 8 V (A. Colton) Cosmopol. 40: 54 - Kings of Orion; a story. Blackw. I79: 1o1.=Liv. Age, 248: 483. Kings-Kern Divide, Cal. 12: 206, Kingship, Idea of. Sat. R. 93: 831. —— Significance of. Spec. 89: 181. Kingsley, Charles, and Henry. Novels. (W. F. Lord) 19th Cent. 55: 996. =Liv. Age, 242: 321.=Ecl. M. 143: 292. — Water Babies dramatized. 64: 68. — Westward ho! and Venezuela. -Bookman, I8: 129, (D. S. Jordan) Land of Sun. (E. K. Chambers) Acad. (Louise C. Hale) Kings1ey’s Ride. (Grace H. Bailey) Overland, n. s. 45: 280, Kingston, Jamaica. (F. T. Bullen) Cornh. 87: 188. I Eel. M. I44: 676. —— A Tropical Harbor. Chamb. J . 79: 486. Kingston, Mass. (Ethel Hobart) New Eng. M. n. s. 3% 505- Kingston, Ont., Penitentiary Life at. Canad. M. 22: 444. Kingston, Rhode Island. (P. K. Taylor) New Eng. M. n, s, 28: I29, Kinne, Lavega G. Kinross, Lord, with portrait. I7: 1. Kinsale; a Byway in Ireland. J , 82: 629, Kinsel, John, Case of. (G. B. Cutten) Psychol. R. I0: 465 615. Kipling’, Rudyard. (J . F. Marcosson) Bk. News, 25: (I. A. Loos) Char. I6: 227, (T. Shaw) Jurid. R. (Mrs. Gorges) Chamb. 203, — Allegories of. Spec. 96: 742, —— and Women. (Austin Lewis) Overland, n. s. 42: 357- —- as a Poet. (H. T. Peck) Bookman, I8: 307, -—- as Poet and Prophet. (S. Gwynn) Ecl. M. I42: 44, 352 KITCHENS Kipling, Ruydard, at Naulakha. (C. W. Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 259, — Echoes and Growth in. (B. A. Heydrick) Poet- Lore, I4: 84, — England’s Real 436- —- Five Nations. (B. Berry) Atlan. 92: 843. ——Sat. R. 96: 548, —Spec. 6!: 522. — Four Phases of. (H. M. Stephens) Calif. Univ. Laureate. (W. Archer) Critic, 43: Chron. 3: 246. — His Rottingdean Home. (D. A. Willey) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 91. -— in Prose and Verse. (T. Williams) Bk. News, 25: 207, . — The Islanders. (H. N ewbolt) Monthly R. 6, no. 21 I. —Acad. 522 663. —— Light that Failed, dramatized. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 95: 198. ‘ — a Literary Portrait. 404- -— Meaning of his Story “ They.” Acad. 67: 345-392. — Notes on. (L. R. Cantley) Conserv. R. 5: 78. (H. McFall) Canad. M. 23: l/5 of To-day, the Writer who does not care. (F. M. Colby) Bookman, I5: 85. — Open Letters to. Good Words, 43: 293. — “Puck of Pook’s Hill.” Liv. Age, 201: 251, 569. — Trafiics and Discoveries. Ath. ’O4, 2: 476. — Spec. ’<>4. 93: 556- '— Where does he stand ? (W. I/Vhitten) Bookman, 16: 586, — Will his Poetry survive ? (H. T. Baker) Meth. R. 66: 231, Kirchoifer, Louis, with portrait. Outing, 46: 107, Kirk, John Foster; an Appreciation. Lippinc. 75: 189, Kirkegaard, Siirea, “ Either-Or.” (M. A. Stobart) Fortn. 77: 53. I Kirkham, Thomas, of Wethersfield, Conn., and his Descendants. (B. C. Steiner) N. E. Reg. 59: 254. Kishineif, Massacres at. (R. Gottheil) Forum, 35: I49. -—(T. Forman) Indep. 55: I429. — — and after. (A. White) National, 41: 950.: Ecl. M. I41: 642.:Liv. Age. 238: 805. -— -— House No. I3; an Episode. (Korolenko) Con- temp. 85: 266. =Ecl. M. I42: 6o2.=Liv. Age, 240: 769. — — Who is responsible ‘P Outl. 74: 262, Kiss Poetical, The. (N. Pearson) Fortn. 82: 291, Kissin’ Bee. (F. W. Shibley) New Eng. M. n. s. 25: 727- Kit Carson Town in the Early 70’s. (W. J . Carney and C. Thomas) Outing, 47: I9. Kitchen, Claims of the. Ctry Life Am. 4: 442. —- The Engineer in the. (R. P. Bolton) Cassier, 22: 539- Kitchen Comedies. (Mrs. J . Lane) Fortn. 83: 305, Kitchen Garden, The. (J . Craig) Chant. 35: 281, Kitchen Sketches. (E. H. Gilman) Scrib. M. 33: 577. Kitchen Wagon, The. (H. S. Somerset) I9th Cent. 51: I44- Kitchener of Khartum, Horatio Herbert, 1st Baron. Chaut. 42: 3.—Sat. R. 94: 36. —— and the Indian Army. Fortn. 79: 185. —Un. Serv. M. 32: 687. —- and Lord Curzon. (Sir G. Arthur) Fortn. 84: 244, — at Paardeberg. (C. Battine) Un. Serv. M. 32: 659. -—- The Call of. (Anglo-Indian) No. Am. 180: 601, _— Campaigning with. Blackw. I72: 729. = Ecl. M. 140: 325. =Liv. Age, 236: 193. — in India. (A. Keene) Un. Serv. M. 33: 237. —~ Work in Transvaal War. Sat. R. 93: 721. =Liv. Age, 239: 440. Kitchens, Distributing. (A. K. Herbert) National, 381 744- ~ KITCHENS Kitchens, Model. (K. C. Budd) Outl. 83: 951. —- Planning and Furnishing, in the Modern Residence. Archit. Rec. 16: 384. Kite, The. Blackw. 179: 743.2 Liv. Age, 250: 160. :F.cl. M. 147: 107. Kite-flying at Sea. Science, 11. s. 20: S48. - in-Scotland and the Cyclone Theory. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 18: 155. ~— over the Atlantic. Science, 11. s. 232 852. — over the Tropical Oceans. Science, n. s. 22: 882. -— Scientific. (W. H. Dines) Nature, 68: 152. Kite Work, Meteorological Results of. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 21: 433. Kites, Cody’s Man-lifting. Science, 11. s. 20: 64. —— Construction of, Prof. Bell on. (H. H. Bell) Sci- ence, n. s. 18: 204, -- How to make Tail-less. (D. Beard) Outing, 48: 254. — in Meteorological VVork. (W. H. Dines) Nature, 74‘ 35- — Investigation of Upper Atmosphere by Means of. J. Soc. Arts, 50: 858, -— Meteorological Observation with, at Sea. Rotch) Science, n. s. 18: I13, —-— Tetrahedral, of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell. (G. H. Grosvenor) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 131. Kits and Outfits. (R. H. Davis) Scrib. M. 371 385. Kittie‘s Sister Josephine; a story. (E. Jordan) Har- per,IOQZ 60, Kitton, Frederic George. Acad. 67: I92, 225, Kitty of the Roses. (R. H. Barbour) Lippinc. 73: 641. Klamath Mountain Section, California. (J . S. Diller) Am. J. Sci. 165: 342. ——-River Terraces of. (O. H. Hershey) Am. J . Sci. 166: 240, Klamath Reservation, Fourth of July at. (J ulia. F. A. Frather) Overland, n. s. 42: 116, Klamath Stratigraphy, Western. Am. J. Sci. 171: 58, Klausen, a Little Tyrolean Paradise. Cath. World, 77: 187. Klinostat, The. (F. C. Newcombe) Science, 11. s. 20: (A. L. (O. H. Hershey) (C. H. Courser) 376. Klondike, Daily Life in the. (Joaquin Miller) Land of Sun. 9: I6. -— Gold Mining in. 230. —— Romance of Great Mines. (S. E. Moifett) Cosmopol. (H. A. Meirs) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: ss= 44:/x Klondike Gold Fields. (C. M. Woodxvorth) Canad. M. 24: 317. Klondike Mining District and its Trade. (F. C. Wade) Canad. M. 19: 25. Knavery, Successful. Chamb. J . 79: 118, Kneipp, Sebastian, and his Cure. (M. H. Elliott) Lip- pinc. 72: 187. Knickerbocker Era of American Letters. (G. E. Woodberry) Harper, I05: 677. Knight, Henrietta, Lady Luxborough. (H. I. Arden) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 470, Knight, Wilbur Clinton. I8: 406, Knight, Wm. Retrospects. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 38: 117. ' Knight-errant of the Intellectual Life, A. James) McClure, 25: 3. Knight of the Cumberland, A. (J. F ox, jr.) Scrib. M. 40¢ 257. 452. 546. Knight of the Knife. (M. Kelly) Chamb. J . 80: 511, Knighted; a poem. (A. Ketchum) Atlan. 92: 750. Knighting of Children, The. (A. M. Allen) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 10;. Knights Templar, Comradeship of. Overland, n. s. 44: 216, (A. Nelson) Science, n. s. (ll/'illiam 353 KOERBER Knights Templar, Financial Relations of, to the Eng~ lish Crown. (E. Ferris) Am. Hist. R. 8: I. —— “ In Hoe Signo Vinces.” Overland, n. s. 441 99. Knights to the Rescue. (E. C. Waltz) Cent. 43: 581. Knocker, The. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 34: 212, ‘ Knocking at the Door, The. (E. Rickert) Outl. 81: 29, Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth. (R. S. Weir) Open Court, 17! 613. Knorr, Thomas, Collection of Pictures at Munich. (Costanza Hulton) Studio (Internat.) 28: 293. Knossos, The Palace of. (D. G. Hogarth) Quar. 2002 374- - Prehistoric Tombs of. (A. J . Evans) Archaeol. 59: 391- — “ Tomb of Idomenens” at. (L. Dyer) Nation, 78: 39°- Knot and a Slash, A; a story. (H. W. Phillips) Mc- Clure, 23: 27i. Knots. (Sir Edwin Arnold) Cosmopol. 3 5: 3r. --— Splicing and Knotting for Yachtsrnen. Kenealy) Outing, 46: 494. Know-nothing Movement in the United States, 1835- 48. (H. J. Desmond) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 747. Knowledge and Wisdom. Dial, 41: 27, . — a-Priine Requisite in Art. (T. Moran) Brush & P. (A. J. 12: 14. —~ Primitive Theories of. (A. F. Chamberlain) Monist, 13: 2 -, —-— The Self-transcendency of. (W. B. Pitkin) Philos. ' R. I 5: 39. ' —— Theory of, Practical Deductions of. (D. H. Mac- Gregor) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 198. —-— The Uselessness of. (A. C. Benson) Acad. 71: 248. —— What Knowledge is of Most Worth ? (H. Spencer) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 274, Knowles, Frederic Lawrence, with portrait. (F. Put- nam) Nat’l M, (BOS(;,) 20: 186. — (F. Putnam) New Eng. M. n. s. 33 : 355. —- a New Poet. (H. T. Baker) Meth. R. 65: 93. —- Poems of. New Eng. M. n.s, 30: 251. Knox, Henry. (M. S. Stimpson) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 730- ‘ - Knox, John, and the Reformation. (Andrew Lang) Ath. ’05, 2: 307, 370, — and the Scottish Reformation. Quar. 205: 169. — as an Historian. (A. Lang) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 113. — Cowan and Lang on. (C. H. Cooper) Dial, 39: 206. — (C. W. Colby) Nation, 82: 287. — his Contribution to America. (S. Simpson) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 15: 269. —— his Religious Life and Theological Position. (J . Denney) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 15: 282. — Influence of. (D. H. Fleming) Scot. Hist. R. 21 I 31. — Lang on. Ath. ’o5, 2: 230, - — Life of. (C. M. Geer) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 15: 259. —— Scotland and. (R. S. Rait) Fortn. 84: 95. —— Tarvit Hill, A Memory of. (H. H. Brown) Temp. Bar, I32: 336. —Times of. (C. M. Andrews) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 152 2 . Knox, Philander C. (L. A. Coolidge) McClure, 1,91 47!. Koch, Dr., and his Travels in the Amazon Basin. Science, n. s. 23: 829. Kock, Charles Paul de. (B. Stark) Bookman, I6: 23, Kodaikanal, So. India Town. (G. Wolseley) Idler, 2 5: 654- Kodak Developing Machine. J . Frankl. Inst. I582 I45. Kodama, Viscount, and his Successor. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 304. Kodiak Island, Tales from. (F. A. Golder) J. Am. Folk-Lore, 16: I6, 85. Koerber, Ernst von. (F. W. Hirst) Indep. R. It 568. KOHINOOR Kohinoor, Romance of. (A. Sarath Kumar Ghosh) Harper, 104: 665. Kohlsaat, Judge H. H. ss= 338- — The President and. (J . A. Woodrufi) Nation, 89: 288. Koizumi, Yakumo ; the Interpreter of Japan. (K. K. Kawakami) Open Court, 20: 624, Kolli, Baron de ; a Forgotten Adventurer. of Jersey) 19th Cent. 53: 834. Komatsu, Prince. (J . H. Longford) National, 41: 278. Konak, Life of the. (Victoria A. Buxton) Contemp. 85: 256. Ktinig, Dr., Reply to. 689. Koninck, Philip de. Commencement d’Orage, and other Paintings. Art J . 55: 362. Konti, Isadore. Samples of his Work. Lamp, 271 I43. -Koot and the Bob-cat ; a story. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 1 42: , Kootenay, British Columbia. (C. Hanbury-Williams) Blackw. 173: 494. = Ecl. M. 141: 322. = Liv. Age, 238: 213, '_ Kootenay Jack, a Montana Reminiscence. (F. V. Dey) Everybody’s, 82 57. (Elliott Fowler) Cosmopol. (Countess (W. F. Warren) Meth. R, 62: Kootenay Onomatology, Earlier and Later. (A. F. Chamberlain) Am. Anthropol. 4: 229. Koran, The, and the “Books of Moses.” (T. H. Weir) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 349. Korea. (T. H. Collyer) Geog. J . 23: 481. —(P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 218, —and her Emperor. (A. Stead) Harper, I04: 575. —- (W. F. Sands) Cent. 471 577. — and International Politics, 1903. World To-day, 52 I572. — and Manchuria under the New Treaty. kawa) Atlan. 96: 699. (W. E. Griifis) (K. Asa- —— and Russia. (A. Stead) Fortn. 82: 90. — an Appanage of Japan. (D. Vostock) National, 48: 472. Sat. R. 962 481, (J. S. Fassett) R. of Rs. —— as an Eastern Question. — as the Prize of War. (N. Y.) 29: 167. — the Bone of Contention. 151, —— a Degenerate State. (G. Kennan) Outl. 81: 307. — Description of ; the Land of the Morning Calm. (G. Kennan) Outl. 78: 365. — Electric Shocks to. (J . A. Gale) Outl. 70: 377. -—— Emperor of. (W. Straight) Putnam, I: 131. — From Chemulpo to Seoul. (G. Casserly) Macmil. go: 19, —— A. Hamilton’s. Spec. 92: 258. — Hulbert’s The Passing of. Nation, 83: 421. —- Impressions of. (R. J . Farrer) 19th Cent. 54: 919. I Liv. Age, 240: 158. — in War Time. (J. S. Gale) Outl. 771 453. — its History and Prospects. (W. C. Hillier) Fortn. 81: 946. — Japan and. (K. Asakawa) Dart. Bi-Mo. 1: 29, -— Japan and Russia. (R. E. Speer) World’s Work, 7: (H. B. Hulbert) Cent. 46: 4514- — Japanese in. (G. Kennan) Outl. 81: 609. — Japanese Relations with. (J . H. Longford) 19th Cent. 55: 2o7.=Liv. Age, 240: 577.“-=Ecl. M. 142: 540, r’ —— Japanese Seizure of. World To-day, I0: 78. 3' — Japan’s Policy in. (Count Okuma) Overland, n. s. 471 S71- -- Laguerie’s. (A. Laugel) Nation, 78: 106. — Literature and Education in. Bk. News, 22: 937_ -— Opening, by Rail. (H. B. Hulbert) World’s Work, 11: 6849. 354 KUNZITE ‘ Korea, People of, the Product of a Decayed Civiliza- P-"" tion. (G. Kennan) Outl. 81: 409. — the Pigmy Empire. (W. E. Grifiis) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 455.=Overland, n. s. 39: 945. —— Potter’s Art in. (R. I. Geare) Craftsman, 7: 294, -— The Question of. (A. Stead) F ortn. 80: 846. =Liv. Ase. 239= 705- - —— A Reading Journey through. (A. J . Brown) Chaut. 41: 491. — Unhappy. (A. J . Brown) Cent. 46: 147. -~ VValking through. (T. P. Terry) Outing, 43: 433, —— What Japan has done in. (G. Kennan) Outl.'81: 669. —- Women of. (G. J . R. Glunicke) 19th Cent. 56: 42. = Liv. Age, 242: 436. Koreans, Character of the. (Bost.) 20: 465. Korin and the Decorative Art of Japan. don) Craftsman, 4: 338. Korneuburg Reformatory. (E. Sellers) Fortn. 852 321. Korolenko, Vladimir. (G. H. Perris) Temp. Bar, 133: 1.=Ec1. M. 146: 219. — Apostle of Pity. (C. Brinton) Bookman, 21: 24, Koryak, Mythology of the. (VV. Jochelson) Am. An‘ thropol. 6: 413. Kossiakofi, Georges, Leaves from Architec. Sketch- book of. Studio (Internat.) 26: 134, 304, Kossuth, Louis, 1802-1902. (E. I. Prime-Stevenson) Indep. 542 2472. —- (Sidney Low) Cornh. 86: 785, Kost, Frederick W. Marine Paintings. (C. H. Cafiin) Critic, 43: 556. Kowalevsky, Alexander. 66: 394. Kowaliga, Alabama, An Alabama Negro School. (O. G. Villard) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 711. — (I. C. Bar- rows) Outl. 83: S96. Koweyt; Mr. Ba1four’s Folly, 159: 625, Kowhat Blossom ; a story. 36: 65. Krakatoa, Explosion of. (Robert Ball) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 200. Krasinski, Sigismund. Cath. Q. 31: 119. Kraus, Franz Xaver. Ath. ’oz, .1: 85. Kronborg Castle. (H. W. Mabie) Bookman, 23: 418, Kronstadt, The Fiasco of Insurrection at. (Kellogg Durland) Indep. 61: 864, Kropotkin, Prince ; His Economic Arguments. Sargent) Craftsman, 21 157. — Mutual Aid. Ath. ’O3, 12 41. — (F. W. Hutton) Na- ture, 671 I96. —Craftsman, 4: 143, 209, ' Kriidener, Madame de. (A. Laugel) Nation, 75: 377. Kruger, Paul; an Exiled Ruler. Liv. Age, 242: 503. — The Last Trek ; a poem. (F. E. Garnett) Spec. 931 947. =Liv. Age, 244: 35. —- Memoirs. (G. L. Beer) Critic, 42: 260. —— (W. Rice) Dial, 342 39. —— Nation, 76: 295, (Y. Noguchi) Nat’l M. (C. E. Brag- (E. R. Lankester) Nature, (Aconaqua) Westm. (A. H. Adams) Cosmopol. (Monica M. Gardner) Am. (I. Krupp, Bertha and Barbara, Brides of Essen. (V. Thompson) Munsey, 36: 212, Krupp, Friedrich A., with portrait. (E. W. Carden) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 47. —— Visit to. (E. A. Steiner) Outl. 70: 222, Krupp Free Circulating Library, Essen, Prussia. (T. Hitchler) Lib. J. 27: 1oo5.—(F. Weitenkampf) Lib. J. 311 719. Krupp Works, The. (E. Guarini) Cassier, 27: 443, Krupps, The, and Essen. (W. H. Tolman) Char. 9: 55¢. Ku Klux Klan, The. (W. D. Wood) Texas Hist. As- soc. Q. 91 262. -— (C. W. Tyler) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 531, 643, 24: 86, 614. 25: 71, 183, 277, Kubelik, Jan. (H. E. Krehbiel) Cent. 41: 744, Kunzite, a New Gem. (C. Baskerville) Science, n. s. 18: 303. L - — The Welfare Manager. KUNZITE Kunzite, Analysis of. (R. O. E. Davis) Am. J . Sci. 1682 29, -— and its Unique Properties. (C. Baskerville and G. F. Kunz) Am. J. Sci. 168: 25. Kurds and Christians. (F. R. Earp) Macmil. 912 382, Kuroki, Leader of the Japanese Advance. Tatsuo) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 302 335. Kuropatkin, Alexei Nicholaevitch, General. (S. Hedin) Ecl. M. I44: 390. —- With portrait. (J . F. Willard) (Hirala Indep. 561 602. —— With portrait. (C. Johnston) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 441. — and his Army, Russian Views of. (G. Kennan) Outl. 79: 425. -— as a Commander. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 585. Kuyper, Abram, the New Premier of Holland. (C. A. Mason) Outl. 70: 333. Kyd, Thos., Boas’s Works of. (J . W. 74: 235.—-Am. J. Philol. 23: 87. — Spanish Tragedy, and Hamlet. (H. T. Stephenson) Sewanee, I4: 294, Kyle, Scotland. (A Gael) Idler, 26: 142. Kymri, Impress of the, in Literature. (E. G. Wheel- wright) Gent. M. n. s. 741 64. Kyoto, Japan. (A. C. Hartshorne) Chant. 36: 519.- Macmil. 91: 114, Kyrle, John, “the Man of Ross.” New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 693. Tupper) Nation, (M. E. Mitchell) Laban; the Shylock of the Old Testament. Godbey) Monist, I5: 353. Labarum, The, and the Chrishna. Court, 16: 428. Labels. (C. P. Wheeler) 19th Cent. 53: 62. Labor, Alien, Economic Aspect of. (M. J . Landa) Econ. R. 151 43. (A. H. (P. Carus) Open — and Capital, Business Relationship between. (C. L. Redfield) Engin. M. 25: 880. -— — Changed Status of American Labor. (D. A. Willey) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 24. -— — Co—operation of. (W. H. Pfahler) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 45. -—— —— Harmonizing by Industrial Partnership. Purves) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 61. -—— — Harmonizing of Organized. (M. Cokely) Engin. M. 25: 161, — —- Harmony of. (A. Carnegie) Cassier, 24: 183. — —— How reconciled? (C. F. Adams) Westm. I59: 18. -—-—Issues between. (E. P. Watson) Engin. M. 26: (A. 7 5- —— —— Marriage of. Cath. World, 741 5 3I. — —— The Relations of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67: 668. — 68: 175. 473. 604- (L. H. French) Cent. 47: 61. — and Corporate Control. (S. M. Lindsay) Internat. J. Ethics, 12: 204. —— and Craft. (H. Lamont) Nation, 80: 494, —~ and its Leaders in England. Sat. R. 98: 322, ~— and Politics. (A. Hook) Indep. R. 6: 197, —— and Principle. (H. White) Nation, 74: 282, —— and Tariffs. Sat. R. 99: 654 — Ave atque Vale, Honestate. (J. F. W. Howley) Monthly R. I9, no. I! 22. -— The Better Way as to. Cent. 43: 478. -— British. (J. G. Hutchinson) 19th Cent. 51: 104, —— a Comparison in Burdens. (H. J. Tennant) Monthly R. 14, no. 3: 37. — Complaint against Capital. (F. Hay) Engin. M. 2 5: 2 5 3. —- Consolidated. (C. D. Wright) No. Am. I74: 30, -— A Critical Period for. (F. J . Whiting) Nation, 79: 210. 355 LABOR Labor, Defeats of. (VV. E. Walling) Indep. 58: 418. -—— Dignity of. (F. E. Elwell) Arena, 30: 415. —- Drink and. (J . Burns) Indep. R. 42 40!. -— Education and. (C. R. Gregory) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 6: 181. -— England’s Labor Problem. Nation, 82: 198, — Equitable Compensation and Maximum Output. (H. L. Gantt) Cassier, 25: 540. — Federated, as a New Factor in British Politics. (J . K. Hardie) No. Am. 177: 233. -—— A Federation of. (J . A. Slauser) Arena, 29: 536. — Fiscal Policy for, in England. (Brougham Villiers) Indep. R. 11: 192. —— Forced, in West Virginia. (H. J . Wolstenholme) (G. C. Speranza) Outl. 74: 407. —- Free Trade and the Labor Market. (H. Dietzel) Econ. J. 152 I. — Future of, and Trades-union Hostility. (J. B. C. Kershaw) Engin. M. 25: 641, — Home Environment of British Workers. (P. Long- muir) Engin. M. 22: 492, — Hours of, Limitation of, and the U. S. Supreme Court. (E. F reund) Green Bag, 17! 41 I. — How it is organized. (R. S. Baker) World’s Work, 4: 2427- — The Ideal of. (Philip Snowden) Indep. R. 21: 263. — In England, Claims of. (A. Holt) Indep. R. 5: I57- — —- Present Condition of. Outl. 82: 588. — in Mexico, Condition of. (W.'E. Weyl) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 77. — in Politics. (M. G. Cunifl’) World’s Work, 12: 8130, —— in Russia. Sat. R. 932 329. — in the United States, 1850-1900, Wages of Unskilled. (Edith Abbott) J . Pol. Econ. 13: 321. — Indentured, under British Rule. (R. A. Durand) Monthly R. 23, no. 2: 39. — Machine Shop, New System of Rewarding. L. Gantt) Cassier, 23: 118, — Ministry of, in Australia. R. 3: 108. — Organized, and the Unemployed Problem. Mitchell) I9th Cent. 58: 116. — — Employers’ Fight against. To~day, 6: 623, —- —— Political Powers of. (W. H. Mallock) I9th Cent. 60: 202.: E01. M. 147: 307. = Liv. Age, 250: 579. -—— —— Present Legal Status of, in the United States. (L. D. Clark) J. Pol. Econ. 13: 173. —- — Restriction of Output. Am. Arch. 89: 90. — — Two Decisions relating to. (S. P. Breckinridge) J. Pol. Econ. 13: 593. - Physical and Medical Aspects of . (F. L. Hoffman) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 465. —— Politics of. (B. Taylor) F ortn. 81: 880, '— Problem of, Humanity’s Part in the. (G. F. Spin- ney) Arena, 28: 264, (H. (W. P. Reeves) Indep. (I. H. (H. Robbins) World — ——in Building Trades. Am. Arch. 78: 59. -—— — in South Africa. (A. E. Miller) F ortn. 77: 968. —— —— in the Wheat Belts. (W1n. R. Draper) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 252 70, —- -— A Possible Solution of. (W. D. Forbes) Cassier, 21: 401, —- — Solving the. (L. F. C. Garvin) Arena, 36: 10. -— Problems of. (H. Morgan-Browne and H. Cohen) Fortn. 86: 916. — —- President Eliot on. Cent. 47: 793. — — Recent Phases of. (H. T. Newcomb) Science, n. 8. I9! 46. LABOR Labor, Reign of. (R. Bell) National, 42: 188. — Right to. (J . Bascom) Q. J. Econ. 18: 492, —— Right to, when I am Dictator. (E. Markham) Cos1nopol. 39: no p. — Rights and Wrongs of. 27: 267, —— Some Equivocal Rights of. 971 364- —— Some Guiding Principles in the Adjustment of Re- lations between Employer and Employee. (H. H. Vreeland) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 507. (W. S. Wandby) Arena, (G. W. Alger) Atlan. — vs. Capital. (R. H. McDonald, jr.) Calif. M. 3: 328, —— Views of Presidential Candidates on. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 24: 4o. —— Working of a Labor Dep’t in Factory Management. (C. U. Carpenter) Engin. M. 25: 1. Labor Agitator, Story of a. (J . R. Buchanan) Outl. 75= 397. 894. 761 117- Labor Boss, The. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 21: 30, Labor Bureau. (W. H. Beveridge) Econ. J . I6: 436. Labor Bureaus in the U. S. (W. J . Kerby) Cath. Univ. Bull. 5: 345, Labor Capitalist. (F. C. Perkins) Cassier, 24: 161. Labor Colonies. (J . C. Pringle) Econ. R. 15: 50. —— Belgian. (H. J. Torr) Econ. R. 14: 54. Labor Competition and the Law. (D. R. C. Hunt) Law 19: 37, 182, Labor Conditions among Meat Packers. mons) Q. J. Econ. 19: 1. Labor Conflicts, “ Mutual Government” or “ Joint Commission” Plan of Preventing. (A. Beverly Smith) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 531. Labor Co-operation in England and in America. (C. E. Russell) Everybody’s, 13: 753. Labor Days of History. (D. Story) Munsey, 27: 853. Labor Disputes. (L. A. Atherley-Jones) Contemp. 89: 628. —(J.E. Joel) Westm. 165: 605. —— Compulsory Investigation of. (E. P. Wheeler) Outl. 83: 271, —. Conciliation and Arbitration in. Indep. R. 9: 310. -—- [English] Bill on, Defense of the. Indep. R. 11: 126, —— The Ethics of the Trade Disputes Bill. (J . R. Mac- donald) National, 47 1‘ 496. —Services of Labor Unions in the Settlement of. (J. R. Com- (I. H. Mitchell) (A. L. Davies) (W. B. Prescott) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27:-. 521, — Settlement of, in Canada. Labor Experiment, A Unique. 29: 53- Labor Federations, National, in the United States. (W. Kirk) J . H. Univ. Stud. 24: 609. Labor Government in Australia. (J. Ewan) Canad. M. 24: 81.:-Nation, 78: 488. Labor Insurance, is it Feasible ? Gunton’s M. 22: Outl. 83: 261. (L. Katscher) Arena, 33 - Labor Laws in Europe. (H. H. Wilbur) Gunton’s M. 22: 158. —-Restrictive, Attitude of American Courts toward. (H. R. Seager) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 589. — What the Lawmakers did for the Workingman in 1905. (L. D. Clark) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 315. Labor Leader, Autobiography of a. (J. H. Williams) Indep. 54: 2634. - -— Work of a. (H. K. Webster) Am. M. 60: 410, Labor Member, A. (Mrs. Herbert Martin) Chamb. J- 83: 417. 441. 455- Labor Movement, The. (J. K. Hardie) 19th Cent. 60: 875. — Difiiculties of the. (W. J Kerby) Cath. Univ, Bull. 5: 40. 356 LABOR Labor Movement, in Russia, The. (K. Tar) Indep. R. 5: 162, -—- Present Status of the American. (J . R. Commons) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 177. —— Quantitative Study of. (H. W. Farnam) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 7: 160. Labor Museum, Hull House. (M. F. Washburne) Craftsman, 6: 570, Labor Museums, Modern. (L. Katscher) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 224, Labor Ofiice, International, in Basic. (S. Bauer) Econ. J. 131 438- Labor Organizations in the United States. (R. M. Easley) McClure, I9: 483,-(C. D. Wright) Con- temp. 82: 516, -—- Legal Status of Members of. Am. Arch. 81: 6. -—- Rights and Methods of. (A. S. Bolles) No. Am. 176: 410. Labor Papers, 1827-37. (J . R. Commons) Lib. J. 31: 67 1. Labor Parties: the New Element in Parliamentary Life. (J . McLaren) Fortn. 85: 368. — Pretended. (H. Vivian) F ortn. 85: 151. Labor Party, The. (H. Morgan-Browne) Fortn. 86: 916. —(H. S. Karr) 19th Cent. 59: 471. — The British ; its Aims and Aspirations. (W. Diack) Arena, 35: 476. —Sat. R. 96: 133. —-(P. Snowden) 20th Cent. Q. 1, no. 1: 46.=Liv. Age, 249: 778. — (C. Roberts) World’s WVork, 12: 7668. —— -— and the General Election. (Philip Snowden) In- dep. R. 6, no. 4: 132, — -— and its Policy. (J . R. Macdonald) Indep. R. 8: 261. — —— and the Liberals. Sat. R. 101: 69, — —— Independent. (J . K. Hardie) 19th Cent. 53: 686. — -—- The Intellectual Conditions of. (VV. H. Mallock) Monthly R. 25, no. 1: 9; no. 2: I7; no. 3: 1. — —- its Aims and Policy. (J . K. Hardy) National, 45: 999. — -— Prospects and Programme of the. National, 46: 621, —— in the United States. Liv..Age, 251: 309, Labor Press, The. (C. Stelzle) Outl. 84: 1073, Labor Problem, The. (H. Mann) Arena, 29: 125,- (R. H. Thurston) Cassier, 25: 15 3. — Employers’ Policies in the Industrial Strife. Eliot) Harper, 110: 528, — in the Iron and Steel Trades. sier, 23: 513. -— A Method of Dealing with. (G. Miller) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 358. -— Political Economy and the. Am, 176: 563, -— The Rights of Property and the Rights of Man. (O. R. Lovejoy) Arena, 30: 517, —- A Solution of. (H. E. Montgomery) Green Bag, 15: 358. ' — Solving the. (T. Good) Cassier, 30: 454, Labor Problems of the 20th Century. (C. W. Eliot) Bib. Sac. 61: 345. Labor Question and the Social Problem. ros) Am. J . Sociol. 9: 768. — on the Pacific Coast. (J . Bonner) Calif. M. I: 410. Labor-saving Devices, Effect of, upon Wages. (A. S. Johnson) Q. J . Econ. 20: Labor Situation in San Francisco, The. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 22: 366. Labor Treaties. (E. Fox) Econ. J . 14: 115. Labor Troubles, A New Scheme to avoid. Clark) Nation, 74: 165. — Social Discontent and. (W. A. Giles) Am. J . Sociol. 9: I73. — Whose Business is it ? (J . Bascom) Indep. 61: 614. (W. Crooks) (C. W- (Axel Sahlin) Cas- (J . H. Hollander) No. (V. S. Yar- (E. P. LABOR Labor Trusts. (R. S. Minot) Am. Arch. 78: 37. — (P. A. Robinson) Conserv. R. 5: II. Labor Union, The Church, the University, and the. (Alex. F. Irvine) Indep. 60: 38 — Ethics of the. (W. J . Kerby) Cath. Univ. Bull. 9: 455- - Interference with Employment. Am. Arch. 88: 180, Labor Unions. (C. W. Eliot) Cassier, 23: 434. -— and Employers’ Associations. (W. F. Willoughby) Q. J. Econ. 20: 110, — and Labor Contracts. (D. L. Cease) -Gunton’s M. 22: 59, — and the Law. (A. M. Low) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 200, — and the National Guard. Outl. 72: 674. — and the Open Shop. (H.,White) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 4: 173. —— A Check to the Tyranny of. (W. M. Daniels) Na- tion, 80: 346. — Conquest of United States by. World’s Work, 7: 4092. — from the Inside. (M. G. Cunniff) World’s Work, (W. Z. Ripley) ya a 4: . — The Hope for. (J . L. Laughlin) Scrib. M. 38: 627. — Human Side of. (M. G. Cunniff) World’s Work, 5: 2742- -— in 1903. (F. Putnam) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 150. -— Need of Leadership in. (H. White) Indep. 59: 786. — President Eliot and. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 29: 192, — Restriction of Industry by. (M. G. Cunniff) World’s ‘Work, 4: 2661, - True Mission of. (C. W. Eliot) Bib. Sac. 60: 129, —— vs. Higher Wages. (J . L. Laughlin) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 129, — Why Americans keep out of Politics. (W. E. Wall- ing) Outl. 80: 183, See Trade Unions. Labor World, The Public and the. (W. J. Kerby) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 3. Laboratory and Greenhouse for Plant Physiology at Smith College. (W. F. Ganong) Science, 11. s. I 5: 933- —- College. (C. R. Mann) Ednca. 27: 200. -— Floating, of Trinity College. (C. L. Edwards) Sci- ence, n. s. 21: 995. —-— Function of the. (S. W. Holman) Technol. R. I: 13, — Growth and Function of the Modern. (S. L. Bige- low) Science, 11. s. 19: 641, -— in the Hills, The. (E. F oote) Atlan. 98: 775. Laboratory Appliances. (E, Keller) J . Frankl. Inst. I61: 101. Laboratory Experiment in Journalism. (G. E. Vin- cent) Am. J . Sociol. I1: 297, Laboratory Method in the Secondary School. Myers) School R. 11: 727, Laborde, J ean—Baptiste Vincent. (J . Deniker) Nature, 68: 105. —- Brain of. (E. A. Spitzka) Science, 11. s. 18: 346. Laborer in Federal Oflices, The. (O. G. Villard) Na- tion. 77: 334: —— Right of, to his Job. (W. S. Logan) Arena, 29: 586. (G. W. Laborers and Employees, Relation between. Am. Arch. 83: 27. —- and the Law. (R. B. Haldane) Contemp. 83: 362, —— Some Rights of. (S. F. McClennan) Harv. Law R. 16: 237, Laboring Man who attained his Rights. (J . C. Hall) Outl. 75: 355. -— Betterment of Condition of the. Church R. 9: I76. Laborism in Parliament. (B. Taylor) Fortn. 85: 1115, (J . Daboll) N. 357 LACEY Labouchere, Henry, with portrait. (T. P. O’C0nnor) Everybody’s, 9: 476. —- (J. McCarthy) Outl. 721 4°5- — and “ Truth.” (E. L. Hancock) Bookman, I7: 407. Labrador, Carrying Mail in. Canad. M. 23: 589. — Coast of, Fishing on. (N. Duncan) Harper, I08: 856. — Coasting along. (H. W. Palmer) Outing, 39: 519. — Dillon Wallace in. (G. M. Richards) Outing, 48: 22. — “ Down on the.” (G. Kobbé) Cent. 50: 672. -— Grenfel of the Medical Mission. (N. Duncan) Har- per, IIO: 28, — from Lake Melville to Ungava Bay. (Mrs. Leon- idas Hubbard, jr.) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 529. — Leonidas Hubbard Expedition into. (C. Whitney) Outing, 45: 643. — Life in. (W. T. Grenfell) Ecl. M. 138: 240. =Liv. 1&ge.232= 31: —— The Long Labrador Trail. (D. Wallace) Outing, 48= 559.641. 49= 1.159.315- — My Explorations in Unknown. (M. B. Hubbard) Harper, I12: 813, —- My Summer Outings in. 39: 325- — Salmon Fishing in. (L. Mott) Outing, 481 300. Labrador “Liveyere,” The. (N. Duncan) Harper, 108: 514, Labram, G. F. (T. J . G. Gardiner) Cent. 50: 254. La Bruyere, Morillot’s. (A. Laugel) Nation, 79: I14. Labuan, My Friends in. Macmil. n. s. 2: 39. Labyrinth, The, and the Palace of Knossos. Evans) Ath. ’02, 2: 132. — Cedar Hill. (Cornelia Warren) Ctry Life Am. 8: (Martha Craig) Cosmopol. (A. J. p 327- Labyrinths, The Two. (H. R. Hall) J . Hel. Stud. 25: 320, Lace, Amateurs in. 381, — and Lace Workers of Flanders, etc. (E. B. Mit- ford) Sund. M. 34: 927. — Austrian Peasant. (A. S. Levetus) Studio (Inter- nat.) 27: 209. — Austrian Pillow and Point. (Internat.) I8: 163, -— Buckinghamshire. (R. E. D. Sketchley) Art J . 57: (Mrs. E. B. Clarke) Art J. 54: (A. S. Levetus) Studio I77. — Care of. (Mrs. Campbell) Chamb. J . 80: 743. — Collection at Metropolitan Museum, N. Y. City. (Eva Lovett) Studio (Internat.) 29: lxxi, c.— Brush & P, 18: 10, —- French, Antique and Modern. 34= 580- — Government Lace School, France. (A. Sterling) Chant. Craftsman, 5: 77. — History of, Palliser’s. (M. E. Cook) Dial, 33: 13. Lace Industry, The. (C. Black) Monthly R. II, no. 1: 92.:Ecl. M. 141: 65.=Liv. Age, 237: 415. — of Assam. J. Soc. Arts, 49: I92. Lace-making by Indian Women. (Mrs. A. S. C. Forbes) Out West, 16: 613, — Devonshire, Recent Development in. J. Soc. Arts, 52: 425. — in Austria, State Schools of. (A. S. Levetus) Stu- dio (Internat.) 27: 19. — in the Tenements. Char. 14: 1036. Lace—school, An Italian, in New York. Studio (Internat.) 29: xii. Laces, Hindoo, at St. Louis Fair. Brush & P. I5: 165. Lacey, John F. Forest Reserves as Breeding Places for Wild Life. Outing, 48: 249. Lacey, Brig.-Gen. John, Memoirs of. Pennsyl. M. 25: 498, 26: 101, 265, (A. S. Cole) (Eva Lovett) (A. B. Grafton) LACHAND Lachand. (N. J . D. Kennedy) Jurid. R. 14: 228, Lackeys out of Livery. (B. Millard) Cosmopol. 40: 364. Lackland, John, Norgate’s. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 77: 37- . Lacombe, Father, of Alberta, Canada. (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 18: 385.——(A. C. Laut) Outing, 46: 1. —-(E. Foster) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 480, Laconia, N. H. (C. W. Vaughan) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I5! 2. Lacrosse in Canada. (B. W. Collinson and J . K. Munro) Canad. M. 19: 410, —~ a Real American Game. (H. V. Blaxter) Outing, 46: 223, Lad of Promise; a story. Blackw. 175: 381.:-Ecl. M. I42: 805. I Liv. Age, 241: 225, Ladd, G. '1‘. Philosophy of Conduct. (J . Iverach) C1-it. R. 13: 113. Lade, Sir John, a Sporting Man of the 18th Century. (W. P. Courtney) Temp. Bar, 125: 199. Ladenburg, Mrs. Adolf, Riding of. Outing, 46: 64. Ladies of Politics, The Great. (Henry Leach) Chamb. J , 81: 421. , Ladies’ Day in Carbury Mine ; a story. (C. Day) Am. M. 62: 595. Ladies’ Empire Clubs, London. M. 23: 195. Lad’s Love. (K. E. Harriman) Lippinc. 74: 385. Lady, What is a? (Minna T. Antrim) Lippinc. 78: (L. Barnard) Canad. 93- -— Why be a ? (Ménie M. Dowie) Liv. Age, 232: 359. Lady across the Aisle, The. (E. P. Butler) McClure, 26: 309. . Lady and the Boy, The; a story. (N. Harrison) Mc- Clure, 20: 445. Lady and the Ghost, The. (Rose C. O’Neill) Cosmo- pol. 34: 30. Lady and the Property. 80, Lady called Jill, The; a story. (L. Keith) Temp. Bar, 130: 212, Lady dressed in White, A. (M. Van Vorst) Lippinc. 73: (G. Holmes) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 521- Lady from California, The. (Juliet W. Tompkins) Lippinc. 76: 105. Lady from the Sea, The. I Lady Harriet; a story. (R. M. Gilchrist) Idler, 29: (C. T. Brady) Lippinc. 75: ;_-| Lady the Barrel, The. (M. Jones) Cosmopol. 40: 384. Lady, A, a Mortal, and the Four Hundred. (A. An- drews) Lippinc. 70: 98, Lady of Balance, A. (Eliz. C. Waltz) Cent. 48: 703, Lady of the Chapel, The. (Katharine Tynan) Chamb. J . 82: extra no. 26. Lady of the Galleon, The ; a story. West, 18: 603. Lady of Influence, A. (C. Gebhardt) Lippinc. 71: 739, Lady of T oluca, The. (G. Schock) New Eng. M. n. s. (L. H. Wall) Out 28: 434. Lady of the Wilderness; a story. (M. Manning) Out- ing. 45= 303- Lady with the Dagger; a drama. (A. Schnitzler) Poet-Lore, 15, no. 2: 1. Lady Alice at Ile d’Eté. (Anne O’Hagan) Lippinc. 76: 217. . Lady April and the Rag Doll; a story. (Z. Gale) Outing, 44: 200. _ Lady Bobs, her Brother, and I. Critic. 46= 71, 545- 47: 146. 437. Lady Bountiful, The; a story. (M. Manning) Harper, 109: 786. (Jean Chamblin) 358 LAIRD Lady Clemency welcomes a Guest; a story. (M. S. Rawson) Harper, I08: 541, Lady Delia. (T. Cobb) Lippinc. 70: 742. Lady Mary’s Elopement. (Eliz. H. King) Lippinc. 771 374- Lady Mary’s Garden, The. (E.R. Blanchard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 208, Lady Maud’s Walk; a story. Macmil. 87: 136. = Eel.‘ M. 140: 526. =Liv. Age, 236: 416. Lady Peddler and the Diplomats, The. (Mrs. Wilson Woodrow) McClure, 27: 429, Lady Quassia. (Eliz. Robins) Cent. 48: 721. Lady Rose’s Daughter; a novel. (Mrs. H. Ward) Harper, 104: 851, 105: 46-925. 106: 91-757. Lady-tramp in Canada, A. (Margaret 1. Pollock) Chamb. J. 82: 11, -- in China and Japan. J , 82: 87, -— in India. (Margaret I. Pollock) Chamb. J . 82: 401. Ladybird. (Kate Jordan) Cosmopol. 42: 41. Lady’s Law, The. Atlan. 90: 570. Lady’s Maid’s Bell, The. (Edith Wharton) Scrib. M. 322 549: Lady’s Slipper, Bee in the. (W._ H. Sargent) Ctry Life Am. 8: 535. Ladysmith, Kismet, Incidents in the Siege of. (L. Golding) Chamb. J . 80: 455. —— The New. Chamb. J. 791 177. _ -— Siege of. (W. T. Maud) J. Soc. Arts, 49: 57. LaFarge, J. (F. S. Lamb) Craftsman, 8: 312, —(R. Cortissoz) Outl. 84: 479. —and the Old Riverside Magazine. Lamp, 27: 122. — Lunettes by, for the Minnesota Capitol. Sturgis) Scrib. M. 37: 638. La Fayette, Marquis de. (H. D. Estabrook) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 1: 507. — America’s Tribute to. (Margaret I. Pollock) Chamb. (E. L. Cary) (Russell (A. E. Ingram) Munsey, 30: 225, —— Last Visit to America. (T. Stanton) Lippinc. 71: 544- —— Letter of, 1781. Am. Hist. R. 8: 89. —— Letter to Gen. Wayne, I786, Pennsyl. M. 29: 372. -— Letters. (A. Laugel) Nation, 76: 513. Lafayette, Marie Madeline, Countess of. Acad. 70: 91. Lafayette and Columbian Formation. (R. M. Harper) Science, 16: 68, Lafitte, Jean, True Story of. (J . R. Spears) Munsey, 28: 120, La Follette, Robert M., and the Political Contest in Wisconsin. (L. Steffens) McClure, 23: 563, —— and what he stands for. (A. P. Wilder) Outl. 70: (E. Wright) 631, —— Rise of. (W. Wellman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 299. —— A Statesman after the Order of Lincoln. (W. Kit- tle) Arena, 35: 571. La Follette Railroad Law in Wisconsin. (J . R. Com- mons) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 76. Lagenidze, Stages in. (J . A. Cushman) Am. Natural. 39: 537- Lagerliif, Selma. (O. Flinch) Outl. 70: 977. Lagos; its Hinterland, its Products, and its People. (J. H. Ewart) J. Soc. Arts, 51: 650. Lagos Bar, The. Chamb. J. 82: 14. Lagnna de Tache Grant, California. Out West, 17: 745. La Hunaudaye, Brittany. Laird, David, Canadian Statesman. nad. M. 27: 400, Laird, Harriet Remington. Alum. M. 3: 1. (W. N. Harris) Am. Arch. 76: 6. (K. Hughes) Ca- (S. A. Sterling) Wis. LAIRD Laird, The, and his Tenants. (C. Edwardes) Macmil. n. s. 1: 833.—_—Ecl. M. 147: 435.-“ILiv. Age, 251: 203. Lais of Corinth; a story. 381 73- La Jolla, Cal. Land of Sun. 51 84. Lake,Simon, and his ‘Wonderful Submarine. (S. Morn- ington) Cosmopol. 372 365. Lake, William Charles Dean, Memorials of. Ath. ’oz, 1: 72.-Spec. 88: 441, Lake of Devils, The. (Mary R. S. Andrews) Scrib. M. 39: 189. Lake Breed, The. (J . O. Curwood) Munsey, 36: 174. Lake Country of England. (Katherine L. Bates) Chaut. 45¢ 36. -— (Anne H. Wharton) Lippinc. 75: (Kate Jordan) Cosmopol. >77- —— Leaves from. (W. T. Palmer) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 501. =Liv. Age, 234: 226, Lake Dwellings in Belgium. Am. Antiq. 24: 184, Lake Placid Library Week, 1902. — 1903. Pub. Lib. 8: 419. — 1905. Lib. J. 30: 807. — Pub. Lib. I0: 480. Lake Shipping, U. S. Steel Co. and. (G. H. Cushing) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 453. Lakes, Ephemeral, in Arid Regions. Am. J. Sci. 166: 377- ' The Great. (L. M. Sill) Harper, I08: 682. — — and Niagara Falls, Geological History of. ren Upham) Internat. Q. 11: 248. — — Commerce of. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 49: 342. ——- (R. S. Baker) Outl. 71: 29. -— —— Dregs of. (H. E. Hammond) Char. 13: 125. — — Sailor of the. (WV. D. Hulbert) Outl. 79: 273. —- —- Storms of. Science, n. s. 18: 314. — — Traffic on. (H. Erichsen) World To-day, 7: 1013. —- —— Winter on the. (G. Hibbard) Harper, 109: 911, —— — Workers of. (J. L. VVillia-ms) Outing, 47: 131, — in the Clouds, A Tier of. (F. Yeigh) Good Words, 46= 939. - — Miniature, of the Sierra Nevada. Overland, n. s. 46: 65. (A. F. Chamberlain) Pub. Lib. 7: 429. (C. R. Keyes) (War- (Marion Randall) — Use of Great. Spec. 89: 46, Lakewood, N. J . (Percival R. Eaton) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 604. Lalique, Réné, Jeweler, and his Work. (G. A. Four- nier) M. of Art, 27: 25. —(I. Sargent) Craftsman, 32 65. — Studio (Internat.) 26: 127. — Art J. 57: 294- -- VVorkshops and Residence of. Craftsman, 4: 1. Lamar, Lucius Q. C., Some Reminiscences of, with portraits. (Clara Morris) Cosmopol. 36: 566, Lamarck. Science, 11. s. 20: 811, —— Darwin, and Weismann. Church Q. 55: 24. I Liv. Age, 235: 5I7.=Ecl. M. 140: 104. —— the Founder of Evolution. (W. H. Dall) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 263, »— Life and Work of. 36= 495- -» Packard’s Life of. Acad. 62: 135. — (F. A. Dixey) Nature, 66: 169, Lamarque, General. (A. Laugel) Nation, 82: 320, Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis. Bk. News, 22: 979. —— Elvira’s Letters to. (A. Laugel) Nation, 80: 170, -— Marriage of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 82: 3 5. Lamb, Caroline, Lady. (Anna V. Dorsey) Bookman, 21: 2-40.—Monthly R. 19, no. 3: 12. —— Original of Mrs. Ward’s Lady Kitty Ashe. (A. C. Sykes) Critic, 46: 247. Lamb, Charles. (H. W. Tompkins) Gent. M. _n. s. 73: 272. — (Herbert Paul) Indep. R. 7: 336. — (A. Sy- mons) Monthly R. 21, no. 2: 33. = Liv. Age, 248: 3, (A. S. Packard) Am. Natural. 359 LAN CASHIRE Lamb, Charles, and his Editors. Outl. 75: 531. —— and Mary. (W. Archer) Critic, 43: 126. ——Lucas’s Life of. (H. W. Boynton) Critic, 48: 27. — and Thackeray, Christmas Spirit of. (J . R. Hayes) Bk. News, 23: 257. —— and the Utilitarians; Confessions of a Drunkard. (T. Hutchinson) Ath. ’oz, 2: 2z_:,, -— as edited by E. V. Lucas. Acad. 64: 57. — Dream Love. (Mary B. Whiting) Good Words, 46: 836. — Eliana ; the Latest Windfall. (W. C. Haslett) At- lan. 97: 252. — Enfield Residences of. (S. Butterworth) Acad. 68: 67. — A Friend of. (Mrs. Coe; E. V. Lucas) Ath. ’oz, 1: 723- » — Hazlitt and. (S. T. Irwin) Quar. 204: 162, —His Commonplace Books. (E. V. Lucas) Cornh. 901 749- ——-in Hertfordshire. (A. Ainger) Cornh. 89: 597,: Ecl. M. 143: 254.=Liv. Age, 241: 655, —Letters, Macdonald and Ainger’s Editions. ’o4, 2: 261. —— (M. A. Havens) Dial, 37: 306. ——- Letters on Death of John Wordsworth. Ath. ’04, I= 175. —Lucas’s Life of. (L. Cooper) Nation, 82: 3o4,— (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 40: 6.—Outl. 81: 960.- Sat. R. 100: 468, — A “Midnight Darling.” Ecl. M. 1452 227.=Liv. Age. 2461 47. — New Editions of. (A. Birrell) Ecl. M. 141: 503. = Liv. Age, 238: 562, — The One Romance of. (J . Hollingshead) Harper, 107: 516. — Sidelights on. (B. Dobell) Monthly R. 13, no. 3: 2o, ——- Some Unpublished Letters of. (B. Dobell) Ath. ’06, Atb . I: 545- —— An Unpublished Letter of. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 404. Lamb, Frederick Stymetz, with portrait. Cath. World, 74: 666. Lambert Masterpieces, The. 70= 853- Lambs, The; a Unique N. Y. Club. (C. M. Greene) Munsey, 33: 431. Lame Lady’s Pansies, The. body’s, 15: 255. Lamennais, Felicité de. (R. H. J . Steuart) Am. Cath. Q. 311 157. — Montalembert and, Lecanuet’s Life of. (W. L. Sul- livan) Cath. World, 76: 462. Lamina falling in Air, Rotation of. ture, 65: 510. Lamont, Daniel S. (T. R. Manley) Outl. (P. H. Fillmore) Every- (A. Malloch) Na- Union Univ. Q. 2: 209, Lamp, Ancient, Evolution of the. (S. Beale) Reli- q11a1‘y.45= 263- ~ — Christian, from Denderah. (E. T. Goodspeed) Bib. World, 25: 460, Lamp-boy, The; a Story of Bagdad. Chamb. J. 792 supp. 44. _ Lampertico, F edele. (A. Loria) Econ. J . I6: 311, Lamprecht, Karl, und Kulturgeschichte. (VV. E. Dodd) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 418. Lamps of Other Days. (F. R. Coles) Reliquary, 46: 171. — Palestinian, with Christian Inscriptions. (T. F. Wright) Bib. World, 25: 457._ —- Safety Mining. (R. J. Foster) J . F rankl. Inst. 156: 97. Lamson, Gertrude. See her stage name, O’Neil, Nance. Lancashire, Artisan in, Life of the. (J. G. Leigh; A. Holt) Indep. R. 2: 255, 622, — Mechanical Invention of. (Sir W. H. Bailey) Cas- sier, 23: 303. (V.' Geere) LANCASHI RE Lancashire ; People of the Valley. (Alice Law) Indep. R. 2: 266. — Poor. (J . W. Cross) 19th Cent. 542 362. Lancaster, Duchy of, and Estates. (W. M. J. Wil- liams) Chamb. J . 81: 494, Lancaster, Mass., and Clinton. (Grace A. Thompson) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 353. E Lancaster, N. H. (Mary R. P. Hatch) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 583. Lancaster, Pa. (J . H. Byrne) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I91 392- Lancelot, Guinevere, and Arthur. Am. 180: 375, Lancers, The National. (J . S. Barrows) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 401. Land and Unemployment. — Cheap, in New York. (A. H. Gleason) Ctry Life Am. 11: 67. -—- Conveyance of, by One whose Lands are in the Ad- verse Possession of Another. (G. P. Costigan, jr.) Harv. Law R. 19: 267. -—Emergence and Submergence of. ture, 70: 111. , — Fertilization of, through Bacteria. (C. Marriott) Nat'l M. (Bost.) I6: 169, —- Free, Free Trade, Peace. (A. Withy) Westm. 163: (J . Magruder) No. (11 Wright) Westm. 166: (A. Geikie) Na- 25;. —— Future Interest in. (E. Jenks) Law Q. 20: 280, 21: 265, 22: 250, 383, -—- in England; Liberal Party and the Question of. (Myrmidon) Westm. I64: 606, -—- — Progress of the Small Holdings Movement. (R. Winfrey) Econ. J. 16: 222, —- — To replace the Old Order. (F. Cholmeley) Indep. R- 4= 335- -— Monopoly in ; the Appeal to History. Indep. R. I: 529- - Origin of Property in. (G. T. Lapsley) Am. Hist. R. 8: 426. —— Pigs’ Meat. (D. C. Pedder) Westm. I63: 314. —A Plea for Free Trade in. (S. Shotton) Westm. I61: 632, -— Redemption of our Dead Lands. Munsey, 27: 22. —Reform in, vs. Protection. R. I: 542. — Taxation of Rural Land Values in England. Indep. R, 6: 10, Land of Heart’s Desire, The; a story. McClure, 23: 240. Land of Long Days; an allegory. (E. F. Strange) Canad. M. 23: 169, Land of the Laestrygons, The. Liv. Age, 237: 680, Land of Little Rain. (Mary Austin) Atlan. 91: 96, Land Cruising. "(A. Post) Indep. 58: 1219, Land-fraud Investigation in Kansas. (S. Cowdrick) World T0-day, I0: 200, Land Frauds in Western U. S. body’s, I2: 581. Land Law, Paradox of the. 21: 221, —— Present Complexity of, and its Remedy. (J . E. Hosg) Law Q. 20: 292. Land Laws, Early English. (J . Hyde) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 148. —— of California, Reform of. Out West, 18: 389, — Reform of. (E. C. Massie) Am. Law R. 39: 871, Land Legislation, Object and Method in. (R. M. Fer- guson) I9th Cent. 50: 751. Land Policy of the [British] Government. Channing) Indep. R. II: 76. Land Rail. (T. Edwardes) Idler, 29: 45!. (G. E. Mitchell) (C. Trevelvan) Indep. (M. Kelly) (B. Willard) Every- (A. V. Dicey) Law Q. (F. A. 360 LANDSCAPE Land Registration in the Territory of Hawaii. (P. L. Weaver) Am. Law R. 40: 321, Land Rights, A Note on the Prescription of. (W. Guy) Jurid. R. 15: 155. Land Settlement in Prussia. 16: 81. Land System of the Connecticut Towns. (N. P. Mead) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 59. Land Tenure in England in Tudor Times. (A. Savine) Q. J. Econ. 19: 33. Land Tenure Bill and Public Confidence. (R. Gresley) 19th Cent. 60: 759. Land Tenures, English, Origin of. (F. C. Bryan) Am. Law Rev. 40: 9. Land Title Registration in the United States. (L. A. Jones) Am. Law R. 36: 321. Land Transfer Acts of 1875 and 1897. (H. W. Elphin- stone) Law Q. 21: 23, Land Transfer Acts System, Breakdown of the. (J . E. Hogg) Law Q. 20: 74, Land Transfer Question. (W. Strachan) Law Q. 20: 427. —(J. E. Hogg) Law 21: 29, Land Values, Single Tax on. (A. Scott) Westm. I66: 418.—(L. H. Berens) VVestm. 166: 375.—(J. Fer- guson) Westm. I64: 483, 618, (H. W. Wolff) Econ. R. —Unearned Increment, Problem of the. (A. Hook) Econ. R. 16: 168, — Urban, Recent Schemes for rating. (F. Y. Edge- worth) Econ. J . I62 66. — When and how they should be taxed. (J . C. “(edg- wood) National, 48: 677, Landais, Pierre, “ Admiral.” (I. T. Greenwood) M. of Hist. 2: 181. Landberg Collection of Arabic Manuscripts at Yale University. (C. C. Torrey) Lib. J. 28: 53. Landi, Mlle. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 96: 299, Landlordism and the Housing of the Working Classes. (M. W. Ley) Westm. I66: 272. — in a Kerry Village. (T. M. Donovan) Westm. 157: Landlords, English ; what they might do. (A. Turner) Monthly R. 23, no. 3: 20. — A Plea for. (R. Farquharson) Blackw. I76: 26, Landon, Judson S. Union Univ. Q. 2: 202. Landon, Letitia Elizabeth. Acad. 63: I78. Landor, Walter Savage, A New-found Dialogue by. (W. Jerrold) Acad. 68: 611, — Poetry of. (H. W. Boynton) Atlan. 90: 126, —(A, Symons) Atlan. 97: 808, —Rhetoric of. (V. Paget) Contemp. 84: 856.=Liv. Age, 240: 205, Lands, Government, Disposal of. M. 1: 83. — Fate of. Out West, 193 560. Lands still Unknown. (C. C. Adams) Munsey, 32: 146, Landscape, Sir A. Geikie on. (J . Bryce) Nation, 81: 167 (L. A. Groif) Calif. — How to choose a Subject. (E. A. Waterlow) M. of Art, 27: 85. — in Poetry. Liv. Age, 246: 692, — Natural and Artificial. (Walter Cope) Am. Arch. 78: 84. -— The Origin of. Ed. R. 204: 356. — The Relation of Natural to Artificial Beauty in. (Walter Cope) Archit. R. 9: 270. — Restoration of. Spec. 91: 759. Landscape Architect, The. (F. L. Olmstead, jr.) Am. Arch. 822 21. —(S. Child) Am. Arch. 852 76. — Lay-out of a Large Estate. (H. Croly) Archit. Rec. 16: 488, Landscape Gardening. (J . Reinhard) Craftsman, 4: 26, LANDSCAPE Landscape Gardening, Art of. (S. Parsons and W. R. O’Donovan) Outl. 84: 223, — Formal and Natural Style. Archit. Rec. 12: 174, — The Villa Garden. (G. F. Pentecost, jr.) Archit. Rec. 11, no. 3: 60, Landscape Painting, The Blight on. National, 41: 805. Landscapes by American Painters. Bookman, I9: 183, 264, Landseer, Edwin, Life and Bibliography of, with por- trait. Mast. in Art, 5: 171, Lane, Elinor McCartney. Bk. News, 222 1118. Lane, J . Homer, Historical Sketch of. (T. J . J . See) Pop. Astron. I4: 193. Lang, Andrew. Adventures among Books. Chamb. J . 82: 709. — (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 46: 409. —Dia1, 38: 409. Langdell, Christopher C. (S. F. Batchelder) Green Bag, 18: 437.— (J. B. Ames) Harv. Grad. M. 15: 2o9.— (E. Wambaugh and others) Harv. Law R. 20: I. —-— and the Study of Law. 83: 29, Langeais Chateau. (R. Whiteing) Cent. 48: 78. Langham, The ; London’s Oldest Art Club. Harper, 106: 279. Langham Sketching Club, London. Studio (Internat.) 23: 279, Langley, Samuel Pierpont. (C. Abbe) Am. J . Sci. 171: 321. —(W. E. Plummer) Nature, 73: 443.— (J. A. Brashear) Pop. Astron. I4: 257. -— Airship of. Outing, 44: 490. Language, Anarchism in. (J . Fitzgerald) Harper, I04: 597 -— and (G. F. Pentecost, jr.) (A. J . F inberg) (Annie M. Meyer) (E. Wambaugh) Nation, (L. Van der Veer) Literature. (M. Kellogg) Calif. Univ. Chron. 5: 61. -— and Thought. (A. C. Brock) Ecl. M. 143: 126,: Liv. Age, 2411 497. —- Authority in. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 75: 188. —- Bad. Sat. R. 95: 8. — Beginnings of. (F. Legge) Acad. 64: 9o. —- Biological Evolution of. (O. F. Cook) Monist, I4: 481. —— An International. (A. Schinz) Nation, 82: 221, — International Auxiliary. (L. Arréat) Monist, I4: 562, -— — Attitude of European Scholarship towards. (A. Schinz) Educa. R. 31: 507, —— An International Business. 160: 673. —- The Linguistic Authority of Great Writers. (T. R. Lounsbury) Harper, I12: 109, — Mechanical Aids to the Study and Recording of. (P. E. Goddard) Am. Anthropol. 7: 613. — National Character in. (E. Riggs) Presb. & Ref. R. I 3: 364. -— Psychological and Pedagogical Aspect of. (Mar- garet K. Smith) Ped. Sem. I0: 438, (R. J . Lloyd) Westm. -— Teaching of; Results of a Test. (J . M. Rice) Fo- rum, 35: 269, , -—Scientific Study of. (G. M. Bolling) Cath. Univ. Bull. 5: 299. —-— Universal, Esperanto, the Proposed. (A. Schinz) Atlan. 971 77- - —-— Dr. Ostwald’s Pamphlet on. (P. Carus) Monist, I4I 591- See Esperanto. — “ Words, Words, Words.’_’ (R. Y. Tyrrell) Fortn. 85: 1131. —— Wundt’s Psychology of. (A. E. T.) Nature, 65: 241, Language Interest of Children, Psychology of. (A. W. Trettien) Pedagog. Sem. II: 113. 361 -— Poetry of. LA RAMEE Languages, Acquiring. (C. W. Super) N ation, 83: 220. — Dead and Living, Interest in. (L. E. Bellanti) Month, 107: 244, ——F<8)reign, Uses of. (J. Bigelow, jr.) Technol. R. : 7. — Study of. (U. Sinclair) Indep. 54: 1473, — Teaching of. (U. Sinclair) Indep. 54: 493. — — Modern, in France. (W. B. Aspinwall) Educa. 27: 45- — Text-books in the Study of. (R. J . Sprott) School R. 12: 528. Langue d’Oc, Romance of the. Univ. Bull. 8: 135. Languedoc, A Tale of. (M. O. Wilcox) Atlan. 89: 491. Lanherne, Cornwall. (G. Wolseley) Idler, 28: 387. Lanier, Sidney. (G. L. Swiggett) Conserv. R. 5: 187. =- —(M. H. Northrup) Lippinc. 75: 3oz,——(H. W. Mabie) Outl. 71: 236. - (D. C. Gilman) So. Atlan. Q. 4= 115. — as a Student of English Literature. So. Atlan. Q. 2: 157. — The Book of a Hero. Outl. 81: 650. — Lectures on Shakespeare. (L. W. Payne, jr.) Sewa— nee, II: 452, —— Mims’s Biography of. (J . B. Henneman) Sewanee, I42 352. — (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 48: 355.- (IV. E. Simonds) Dial, 40: 12o,——(E. L. White) Nation, 82: 6o. (VV. P. Woolf) Sewanee, I0: 325, —— Reminiscences of. (G. Herbert Clarke) Indep. 61: 1092, Lankester, E. Ray. Message against Classical Studies. Sat. R. 99: 83!. Lansdowne, Marquis of. (F. St. J . Morrow) F ortn. 84: 60. — With portrait. Pall Mall M. 26: 442, — Is the Government Indispensable? A Review of Lord Lansdowne’s Foreign Policy. (E. T. Cook) Contemp. 88: 332. Lansing Skeleton. (A. Hrdlicka) Am. Anthropol. 5: (L. J ohnston) Cath. (W. P. Few) 323- Lanteri, Edward. (E. Staley) Art J . 55¢ 241. Laodicea, Colossae, and Hierapolis. (B. B. Richard- son) Indep. 55: 2456. Laodiceans, Madrid MS. of. (E. J . Goodspeed) Am. J . Theol. 8: 536. - —- Toledo MS. of. (E. J . Goodspeed) J . Bib. Lit. 23; 76. La Paz, Bolivia, Journey to. (W. T. Burres) Outing, 48= 325- Lapidary, The; a poem. 204, La Petite. Macmil. 88: 262.: Liv. Age, 238: 726, Laplace and Scientific Atheism. Month, 103: 419, Lapland, Fishing Trip in. (J. B. Connolly) Harper, I07: 703, — in Summer. (G. S. Davies) Cornh. 86: I72. —— Russian. Across, in Search of Birds. (H. F. With- erby) Knowl. 25: 25, 88, 123, 222, =Liv, Age, 234: 439. 499. 2ss= I79. 23¢ I64- — — Birds of, Pearson’s. Ath. ’04, 21 413. Laplanders; Pigmies of the North. (D. A. Willey) Outing, 42: 299. La Poignée ; a New Artistic Society in Paris. (P. Cal- mettes) Archit. R. 13: 5 35. Lap 0’ Land, The. (Lucia Chamberlain) Cent. 48: 406. Lapse of the Professor, The. (A. H. Henderson) Cornh. 881 56°-=Liv- Age. 239 337- Laputa, A Second Voyage to. Monthly R. 13, no 3: I. 1-: Liv. Age, 240: 41, La Ramée, Louise de. (R. Burton) Fortn. 85: I039. — at her Roman Palace. (C. W. Stoddard) N at’l M. (Bost.) 21: 653. — An Estimate. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, I7: 1 5 3. (W. S. Johnson) Atlan. 91: - Last of the Crocabiches; a story. LARAMIE Laramie, Old Fort. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 439. Laredo, Inspection of, I757. (T. de Cuervo) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 6: 187. Lark, The, in Legend and Song. Poet-Lore, I5, no. 2: 81, -— Song of the VVestern. (C. F. Carter) Land of Sun. (Ida P. Whitcomb) 5- 31- Larkin ; a story. (H. J . O’Higgins) McClure, 23: 253. Larks, Sky-. Spec. 921 915. I Liv. Age, 242: 443. Laroch, Abandoned. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 951 357- La Rochefoucauld—Doudeauville, Hotel de. (C. Grou- kowski) Cent. 49: 925, La. Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Due de. Ed. R. ZOII 468. Larranaga, Don Joseph Raphael, and his Books pub- lished in 1778 in Mexico. (L. J . Cox) Out West, 19: 522, Larry Doogan ; a Christmas story. Bookman, 20: 340. . Larsa, Ruins of Ancient. (E. J . Banks) Bib. World, 25: 389, ‘ Larsson, Carl, Swedish Artist. (C. Waern) Lamp, 27: 607. — (S. F rykholm) Studio (Internat.) 23: 298. Larvae. (E. P. Felt ; D. B. Young) Science, 11. s. 20: (A. Stringer) 312, La Salle Expedition, and Pefialosa. (E. T. Miller) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 5: 97. Lass of the Laramie, A. (C. King) Lippinc. 751 600. Lass of Richmond Hill ; a Ballad, Authorship of. (J . C. I. Anson) Gent. _M. n. s. 72: 259. Lass of Windward Farm; a story. (H. Sutclitfe) Cornh. 93: 335, : Liv, Age, 249: 22, 112, Lassalle, Ferdinand; and Helene von Donniges. Le Gallienne) Cosmopol. 34: 433., — Defense of. (D. B. Montefiore) I/Vestm. I57: 89. Lassik Tales. (P. E. Goddard) J . Am. F olk-Lore, 19: (R. ’‘ Lasso. How the Riata is made. (J. M. Scanland) ‘ Overland, n. s. 46: 319. Last Antelope ; a story. (Mary Austin) Atlan. 92: 24. Last Appeal of Don Felipe, Revolutionist; a story. . (O. K. Davis) Cent. 453 833. Last Asset, The. (E. Wharton) Scrib. M. 36: 150. Last Challenge, The; a story. (M. Foster) Outing, 45: 3- . Last Chantey of “ The Heart 0’ Oaks.” (J . M. Hay) Macmil. 92: 268, Last Chapter, The. (A. Franklin) Temp. Bar,I27: 200, Last Gift, The; a story. (Mary E. W. Freeman) Harper, 106: 439. Last Laugh, The. (H. L. Cohn) Cosmopol. 41: 561. Last Love Feast, The. (Basil King) McClure, 26: 67, Last ,Mass in Dolores, The. (Helen F. Sanders) Over- land, 11. s. 46: 491, Last Match of the Season, The ; a fantasy. (J . King- stead) Chamb. J. 83: 619. Last Message, The. (E. Mirrilies) Munsey, 35: 168. Last Mitchell, The; a story. (M. Williams) Temp. Bar, 132: 90, 182, Last of the Breed of Plott, The ; a story. Farlane) Outing, 441 5 35. (A. E. Mc- (L. Guipon) Cent. 46: 23, Last of the Garrison, The. (Dorothy Canfield) Every- body’s, I52 61. - Last of the Kingslands, The. (C. T. Brady) Munsey, ss= 363- Last Pilot Schooner, The. (R. D. Paine) McClure, 26: 523- Last Pioneer, The. (F. J . Davey) Good Words, 44: 36, Last Protest; a Story of Montana. (H. Oyen) Cent. 46: 319. 362 LATIN Last Ray, The ; a story. (V. Korolenko) Temp. Bar, 133: 14. =Liv. Age, 248: 618, Last Royal Veto. (W. Everett) Atlan. 92: 767, Last Serpent ; a story. (S. MacManus) Cosmopol. 37¢ 65. Last Shot; a story. (M. Evans) Canad. M. 23: 163. Last Straw, The. (Marietta Holley) Lippinc. 76: 737. Last Thunder Song, The. (J . G. Neihardt) Overland, n. s. 44: 431. Last Turn of the Screws. 28: 22, . Lastingham Relics. (J . C. Wall) Reliquary, 46: 152. (A. C. Smith) Canad. M. La Taille, Jean de, a Forgotten Soldier-poet. (May Bateman) F ortn. 83: 486. Late Spring, A. (H. Gilbert) Fortn. 86: 553. Latent Heat and the Vapor-engine Cycle. (R. H. Thurston) Science, 11. s. 161 394. Latent Image, The. (J . Joly) Nature, 72: 308. Latey, John. Ath. ’oz, 2: 451. Latham, Mrs. C. F. Her Work among Wild Things. Outing, 46: 597. La Thangue, Henry H. (J . S. Little) M. of Art, 28: I. Lathes, High-speed. (J . Horner) Cassier, 282 304. Latimer, Mrs. Elizabeth I/Vormeley. (S. A. Shafer) Dial, 36: 75. Latin and Greek; do they need something done for them in the High Schools ? (J . R. Bishop) School R. 13: 689. . — — in Biological Nomenclature. Univ. Neb. Stud. 31 I. — — The Present Position of. (Arthur O. Norton) Nation, 83: 280. —(Clarence G. Child) Nation, 83: 347.—(F. W. Kelsey) Nation, 83: 369. —— (A. O. Norton) Nation, 83: 436. — (F. W. Kelsey) Educa. R. 32: 461. -— -— Substitutes for, in Admission Requirements. (W. D. Moorley) School R. 10: 224, Latin and Teuton Races. (M. Maeterlinck) Putnam, 1: 77. Latin Accent, Recession of, in Connection with Mono- syllabic VVords and the Traditional VVord—order. (R. S. Radford) Am. J. Philol. 25: 147, 256, Latin America and Colombia. (J . Barrett) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 692-. -— and the United States. Monthly R. 22, no. 1: 58. -— (C. Mayer) Outl. 74: 949. IE0]. M. 146: 195, —— — Commerce of. (F. M. Noa) Arena, 33: 615. — — Our Trade Relations. (B. G. Lewis) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 602, -— —-Roosevelt, Root, and Rio. 147: 3. -—— Some Causes of Conflict with Europe. (G. W. Scott) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 71, Latin-American Alliance, A. (Adriana Spadoni) Over land, 11. s. 43: 283. Latin-American Confederation, 1856, Project of. Am. Hist. R. 12: 94. Latin-American Misgovernment, A Prototype of. Wilcox) No. Am. 176: 881, Latin-American Revolutions. 11811-551 15"- Latin-American Trade. Latin Case Ending ce. 378. Latin Church, Service Books of the. (H. Jenner) Li- brary, n. s. 4: 292. Latin Classics, Did the Monks preserve the? (VV. Birney) Monist, I5! 87. Latin Etymologies. (E. W. F ay) Am. J . Philol. 24: 66. Latin Language as the Language of Botanical Diagno- sis. (E. L. Greene) Science, 11. s. 22: 338. -— as an Intellectual Force in Civilization. (E. A. Son- nenschein) National, 47: 670. _ - (F. E. Clements) (F. Crane) Ecl. M. (M. (T. R. Dawley, jr.) In- Chamb.J.80: 553. (T. W. Beach) School R. 12: _ Latin Language, begun with Short Stories. _— — Second-year. LATIN (J. Q. Sutphen) School R. 12: 371, — F irst-year. (M. E. Remington) School R. 12: 648. — — a Working Knowledge of Forms and Vocabulary. (J . J . Schlicher) School R. 11: 396. — for Girls. Month, 108: 89. -—(Stephen Paget) 19th Cent. 58: 790.. ' ' —— French as a Substitute for. School R; 12: 462, —in the High School. I2: I, -—— in the Secondary Schools of Germany. gen) School R. I4: 270, -— Learning. (Frank H. Fowler) Nation, 83: 282, — Raphaelite. (E. Pound) Bk. News, 25: 31. — Should there be Six Years of, in Secondary Schools ? (A. F. West) Princ. Univ. Bull. 7: 73. -— Study of, Mastery of English by. (L. C. Hull) School R. 11: 665, -—— Studying. (A. Hogue) Nation, 83: 221. —— Teaching. (W. A. Houghton) Educa. R. 31: 227, — (Gonzalez Lodge) Nation, 83: 178, —— — Concerning a Point in Teaching to Beginners. I (S. P. Peckham) Educa. R. 27: 193, . — — First-year. (B. L. D’Ooge) School R. 10: 532. (H. W. Johnston) School R. 10: (C. H. Grandgent) (E. Comadi) Pedagog. Sem. (O. Thier- 69. ' —- Utility of Studying. (M. Kellogg) Californian, 41 399- - vs. the Vernacular in Education. Colum. Univ. Q. 3: 213. — Workaday. Spec. 951 709% — Writing, Brass on. (G. Laing) School R. 10: 805, Latin Literature, Lamarre’s History of. Ath. ’02, I: 61 (G. R. Carpenter) 4 . \ —- Lost Parts of. (A. F. West) School R. 13: 371. Latin MSS., Certain Sources of Corruption in. (F. W. Shipley) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 7: 1, 157, 405, Latin Nations. (E. Reich) Contemp. 85: 398.:Liv. Age, 24x: 146, - Latin Papers of the College Entrance Examination Board. (N. G. McCrea) Educa. R. 28: 28. Latin People, Exodus of a. (W. E. Davenport) Char. 12: 463. Latin Sentence-structure; the Bridge to Caesar. (H. L. Wilbur) School R. 10: 286, Latin Syntax, Morris on. Ath. ’02, 2: 514, — Some Recent Tendencies in. (J . C. Rolfe) SchoolR. I41 549- Latin Tongue, The Holy. (VV. Barry) Dub. R. 138: 281, Latin Verse; Quest of the Dactyl. Macmil. 92: 28, —- Word-accent in Early. (J . J . Schlicher) Am. J . Philol. 23: 46, 142. Latitude, Variation of. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. I2: 662.—Pop. Astron. 14: 469. La Touche, Gaston, French Pastellist. (O. Uzanne) Studio (Internat.) 22: 281, Latour, Fautin, Artist, with portrait. (A. Proust) Studio (Internat.) I5: 231, Latrobe, Benj. H., Architect of the Capitol at Wash- ington. Booklover’s M. 6: 345, — Journal. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 82: 387, Lauder, William, a Forgotten Forger. Gent. M. n. s. 77; 449- , Laughter. (A. Allin) Psychol. R. 10: 306. =Univ, Colo. Stud. 12 349. —— in Court. (F. Payler) Macmil. n. s. I: 291, :Liv_ Age, 248: 661, —— Propagation of. (Mabel M. Cox) Cosmopol. 41: 220, —-Sully on. Ath. ’O3, 11 395.—(W. C. France) Na- tion, 76: 157.——(W. McDougall) Nature, 67: 318. --(M. Maher) Mind, 28: 390. 363 LAW Launches, High-speed. (VV. P. Stephen) Outing, 441 293. Laurier, Sir Wilfrid. (L. O. David) Canad. M. 19: 14o.—-With portrait. (W. C. Roberts) Munsey, 32: 683, -— and Future of Canada. ton’s M. 8: 573. — Election Campaign, 1902, I9: 238, ——J. S. Willison on. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 20: 474- - Laut, Agnes C., Experiences of. Outing, 47: 475. Lavaderos, Old Spanish. (J . E. Mathis) Land of Sun. 5= 233- Lavallette, Count, Memoirs of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 801 417. 434. La Valliere, Louise de. (A. Laugel) Nation, 76: 224, Lavender. (L. W. Reese) Lippinc. 732 605. Lavery, John. (A. C. R. Carter) Art J. 56: 6.——(J. S. Little) Studio (Internat.) I8: 3, no, Lavinia. (Rhoda Broughton) Temp. Bar, I25: 108* "1 Law, David. Art J. 54. 255. (W. R. Stewart) Apple- (G. Stewart) Canad. M. Law, Thomas Graves. Ath. ’04, II 369. — Collected Essays and Reviews. Ath. ’05, I: 104. — Counter-reformation Plots and Plotters. Monthly R, I8, 110. 2: 117, . ‘ Law, Above the. (F. Cunlifi'e-Owen) Munsey, 332 I18. — Absurdities of the. (W. B. Dowd) Green Bag, 15: 14. -vi” — Administrative Law of United States. (F. J . Good- now) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 112, ‘ — Ancient, Maine’s."'“Law Q. 21: 250. —- (F. Pollock) Law Q. 22: 73. — and Human Progress. (Walter Clark) Arena, 29: 22 5, """"""” —— and Lawyers. (J . F. Philips) Green Bag, 17: 433. — and Literature. (H. Wilkinson) Am. Law R. am 204. ~ —— and Public Opinion. Univ. Bull. 4: "70. w — and Reasonableness. (L. B. Colt) Am. ‘Law R. 37: 657. ' * — as a Career for Young Men. (A. Goodrich) Am. M. 60: 251. " — as a Christian Profession. R. 52: 474. I. — as a Profession. \ (I. H. Lionberge-r) Wash. (W. H. Keller) Ref. Ch. (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 34: 351- —- as treated in Fiction. (A. R. Campbell) Green Bag, 14: 364, -7’ —— Common, and Christianity. Bag, I42 267, ‘~ . — —- Effect of Imitative Instinct on. Am. Law R-. 37: 892, — —— of the Federa_l_§ourts. R. 36: 498. —— — Spirit of the. (R. Pound) Green Bag, 18: 17. —— Congestion of. (A. B. Parker) Green Bag, 18: 537. — Customary. (M. Smith) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 256. —— the Dead Letter, and Law the Living Force, Differ- ence between. (R. S.' Rombauer) Wash. Univ. Bull. 3: 5. J ' ' V — Delays of the; can they be obviated? I. Condi- tions in the U. S. (VV. L. Barnard); 2. Delay in Chicago. (J . M. Gwin); 3. Modern English Pro~ cedure. (R. N. Crane); 4. Applicability of Eng- lish Methods to the U. S.; 5. Celerity of France; 6. The Situation in Italy. Green Bag, 17: 261, —-=- —— Menace of. (F .- T. Hill) Everybody’s, I0: 549. — Due Process of. ._(A. B. Parker) Am. Law R. 37: 646, 801. (A. W. Barber) Green (W. M. Blatt) (E. C. Eliot) Am. Law LAW Law, Early Slavonic. (M. Kovalevsky) Law Q. 19: 76. -— Educational Status of the Legal Profession. (E. G. Dexter) Green Bag, 15: 217, —— Elementary, in the Public Schools. ham) Educa. 241 II 5. — Enforcement of. (J . W. F olk) Indep. 59: 9. (R. B. Buck- — Esoteric. (T. Baty) Westm. I61: 59, —— Ethics in, A Case of. (J. S. Reeves) Green Bag, 16: 458. -— French Canadian, Origins of the. (G. S. Hohnested) Law Q. 18: 178, r . -—- Historical Development of the. (G. H. Smith‘) Am. Law R. 38: 801. . ' /I — in the Emblem Writers. (J. Williams) Am. Law R, 36: 700, — in Scotland, The Study of the History of. (J . D. Wilson) Jurid. R. 16: 54. ‘ -— Judge—made. (A. H. F. Lefroy) Law Q. 20: 399. — —— Legitimate Functions of. (H. Taylor) Green Bag, 17: 557- —- Nationality, Domicil, and the Personal. Miller) Jurid. R. I51 113. . — Natural. (A. S. Thayer) Law Q. 21: 60, — Nature and Province of Positive. (Charles Moore) Am. Law R. 36: 539. (W. G. - — New National Forces and the Old. (M. M. Bige- low) Atlan. 98: 726. — of Contract. (E. K. Morgan) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 113, — of France and the Law of Scotland. ton) Jurid. R. 14: I7. - of the Tribe, The. (Rex E. Beach) Booklover’s M. 6: 19, -—- Opportunity in/the. (L. D. Brandeis) Am. Law R. 391 355- " -— Pauline Emancipation from. (M. F riedlander) Jew. Q. 14: 265, — Politics and Jurisprudence, An Ideal School of. (H. Taylor) No. Am. 1752 461. — Practice of, in New York City. (S. Murray) Green Bag, 16: 312, -— Primal, Atkinson on. (F. Starr) Dial, 352 301. —— Profession of, Prospects in. Cornh. 86: 471, 635. -— Public and Private. (A. A. Mitchell) Jurid. R. 17: (F. P. Wal- 30- - Scots, The Sources of. _(W. C. Smith) Jurid. R. I6: 37>- -— Soul of the Profession. (C. F. Chamberlayne) Green Baa W 396. -—Sovereignty of the. (J . W. Folk) Green Bag, 17: 405- -—Study and Teaching of. (J . B. Scott) Educa. R. 28: I 30, —- Study of, at Fort Leavenworth Infantry and Cav- alry School. (D. H. Boughton) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 264, —— Supreme, of the Land. (B. Esterline) Am. Law R. - 40: 6. -—- Udal and the Foreshore. (W. P. Drever) J urid. R. 16: 189. -— Universality of. (L. G. Holck) N. Church R. 12: 5°7- -— Why I gave up practice. Indep. 61: 15 34, Law of Compensation, The. (H. E. Morton) Cosmopol. 41: 105. Law of the Hills, The. (Lollie B. Burtz) Cosmopol. 38= 345- Law of the Soul; a story. (I. B. Finley) Atlan. 93: 623, Law-breakers, The. (R. Grant) Everybody’s, I2: 732, Law Courts, English. More Judges ? (F. Payler) Macmil. gt: 268. Law Lord, The, and Lesley. Chamb. J . 79: 657. 364 LAWSON Law-making Mania, The. (J . Macdonell) 19th Cent. 59: 934.=Liv. Age, 250: 131. Law Office, An Old-fashioned. (G. Carling) Green Bag, I8: 286. Law Procedure, Early English. (E. E. Kerr) Green Bag. W 592. Law Reporting. (F. Evans) Law Q. 20: 88. —— English. (F. Pollock) Law Q. 19: 451. —Am. Law R. 37: 684. Law Reports, 18th Century, Gleanings from. (J . J . Waugh) Jurid. R. 15: 164.=Green Bag, 15: 439. - as Memorials of History and Biography. (T. Dent)- Am. Law R. 39: 675. — Old English Cases from. (M. A. Robertson) Green Bag. 141 134- Law School, The American. (W. J . Brown) Law Q. 21: . —— Purpose and Method of a. (W. J . Brown) Law Q. 18: 78, 192, —— Work of a. (W. B. Odgers) Law Q. 19: 55. Law Schools, American, and Teaching of Law. (G. L. Reinhard) Green Bag, 16: 165, -— Practice Work in. (J . P. Hall) Green Bag, I7: 528. — A Scientific School of Law Thought. (Melville M. Bigelow) Green Bag, I7: 1. Law Society of Ofiicialism, The. stone) Law Q. 22: 27. Law-suit, Cost of a. (H. J . Randall) Law Q. 19: 430. Lawler-Wilson, W. See Wilson, W. Lawler. Lawlessness and Democracy. (T. W. Page) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 120, -— in the U. S., Increase of. (S. S. McClure) McClure, 24: I63.——Spec. 93: 826.=Liv. Age, 244: 59. —— Jurisprudence of. (T. J . Kernan) Green Bag, 18: (H. W. Elphin- — New Testament Teaching on. pos. 6th ser. I2: 53. Lawn, English. Sat. R. IOII I37. —— How to make a. Ctry Life Am. '1: Barron) Ctry Life Am. 9: 521. Lawrence, Stringer, Biddulph’s Life of. Blackw. I71: 205. _, Lawrence, Sir Thomas. (G. D. Leslie and F. A. Eaton) Art J. 541 I. —— An Artist’s Love Story. (E. Priestley) 19th Cent. 57: 642. — (J. B. Firth) Fortn. 83: 693. — Pictures by, and their Prices. Art J . 56: 123, — A Portrait by. (W. S. Howard) Harper, I06: 152, Lawrence, Mass. (B. E. Donigan) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 264. Lawrence Park, New York. Rec, 16: 167, Laws, Comparative Study of. tion. 75¢ 183- . — Conflict of, Recent Progress towards the Prevention of. (S. E. Baldwin) Harv. Law R. 17: 405, — — Substance of Contract distinguished from Rem- edy. (R. C. Minor) Harv. Law R. 16: 262, — Futile. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 79: 5. — of the Anglo-Saxons. Quar. 200: 139, Laws of Nature. (S. P. Langley) Science, 11. s. I 5: gm, Lawson, Alexander. (T. Ward) Pennsyl. M. 28: 204. Lawson, Henry. (E. Garnett) Acad. 62: 250. Lawson, Thomas W., and “Frenzied Finance.” Barr) Idler, 261 463. — and the _Life Insurance Companies. (J . von Les- trich) Overland, n. s. 45! 206. ' — Crusade of. (B. 0. Flower) Arena, 341 303. —- A Frenzied Financial Critic. Outl. 78: I016. — Prodigy of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 792 430. —— Sentiment to which he appeals. (H. Lamont) Na- tion, 79: 515- (B . Whitefoord) Ex- I73. — (L. (T. R. Tuttle) Archit. (D. MacG. Means) Na- (R. LAWSON Lawson, Thomas W., Wall Street’s Fstimate of. R. Givens) Indep. 58: 1110, Lawsonite, Crystallographical and Chemical Notes on. (W. T. Schaller and W. F. Hillebrand) Am. J . Sci. 167: 195. Lawsuits against Animals. Green Bag, 14: 471. Lawton, Gen. Henry W., Death of. (H. H. Sargent) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: 42._ Lawyer, The. (N. M. Edwards) Am. Law R. 39: 410 (W. - f The American. (A. Hemingway) Am. Law R. 39: 641. = Green Bag, 17: 514. -— Ethical Obligations of the, as a Lawmaker. Brewer) Union Univ. Q. I: 83. -— The Ideal. (D. J . Brewer) Atlan. 98: 587. — in Public Afiairs. (A. B. Parker) Green Bag, 17: (D. J. 338. — Life Story of a Successful. Everybody’s, 9: 85. -— Pest or Panacea ‘P (F. M. Burdick) Green Bag, 16: 226, — Scholarship the Handmaiden of the. ton) Green Bag, I 5: 159. —-— Selection of a. Am. Arch. 90: I5. — To-day. (L. W. Bowers) Am. Law R. 38: 823, Lawyer’s~Duty in a Bad Case. (F. T. Hill) Every- b0dy’S. 8= 457- Lawyer’s Lachrymal Rights. (A. W. Gaine) Am. Law R. 38: 695. Lawyers and Corporate Capitalization. ard) Green Bag, 18: 601, --and the Public. (M. W. Richmond) Law Q. 18: (P. ‘J. Hamil- (E. M. Shep- 400, -— as Politicians in England. Sat. R. 96: 450. — Great, and how they won. (W. G. Peckham) Green Bag, 14: 173. —- in Gilbert Operas. Green Bag, 14: 603. -— of the American Revolution. (E. P. Gates) Am. ‘Law R. 39: 84. —— of Massachusetts. (S. O. Sherman and W. F. Hutchins) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 36, 449. -—Personalia. Blackw. 174: I.:Ecl. M. 141: 527. Lay of the Jack Hall Hen, The. (B. Blow) Outing, W 550- Lay of Ossian and Patrick; a poem. (S. Gwynn) ‘ Blackw. I73: 34. Lay Canons in France. 3°5- Lay Church, Foundation of. (E. Beck) Macmil. n. s. 1: (P. Carus) Open Court, 17: 52. Lay Franchise in Church of England. Church Q. 53: 280, . Layard, A. H. Autobiography. Ath. ’03, 1: 555.- Spec. 90: 455. Laying Waste of Pleasant Places. 46I.:Liv. Age, 250: 589. Layman’s Age, The. (J . Gray) Meth. R. 66: 281, Layman’s Work for Christ. (H. H. Ranck) Ref. Ch. R 511 392- Laysan, Island of, Bird Rookeries on. (C. C. Nutting) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 321. —Nat. Geog. M. 15: 494. Lazarus, Emma; a poem. (R. W. Gilder) Critic, 48: Gent. M. 11. s. 76: 75- Laziness, An Antitoxin for. (Hugo Erichsen) Sci. Am. 92: 279. Lazzaparoola, The. Lea, Henry C., with portrait. _ World’s Work, 4: 2316. -— as a Historian of Moral Theology. Cath. Univ. Bull. I: 428. -— Eve of the Reformation. Q. 28: 417, . Lead in Architecture, Use of. (J . S. Gardner) Am. Arch. 83: 69. (E. Boltwood) Lippinc. 74: 90. (H. M. Stephens) (H. Thurston) A1n. Cath. 365 LE BLON Lead-work of G. P. Bankart. (E. Radford) Studio (Internat.) 20: 90. — (A, Vallance) Studio (Inter- nat.)29: 194. Leader, Newspaper, Evolution of the. Liv. Age, 236: Leadership, Call to Modest. Bib. World, 26: 243, — Origins of. (Eben Mumford) Am. J . Sociol. I2: 216, 367. — Public. (J . H. Eckels) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 2: 347. —— Three Types of, in Browning. Lore, 14, no. 2: 133. Leaf from Life’s Book, A. mopol. 38: 399. Leaf of Olive. (M. Maeterlinck) Fortn. 81: 473, League of Health, A. (L. Brunton) Indep. R. 6: 69. League of Peace, A. (A. Carnegie) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: (Virginia W. Cloud) Cos- 398- - Lean, V. C. Collectanea. Ath. ’04, 2: 545. Leandre, Charles, Modern French Pastellist. Uzanne) Studio (Internat.) 24: 242, Leaning Fagade at Genoa. (W. H. Goodyear) Archit. Rec. 12: 600. Lean-to’s at Loomis Sanatorium, Liberty, N. Y. M. King) Char. 13: 67. Leap Year Customs. (P. M. Craigie) Acad. 66: 302, Leardo Map of 1452. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 365. Learned Lady, A. (R. E. Francillon) Chamb. J. 82: extra no. 38. Learned Societies and Academies in Early Times. (E. Conradi) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 384, Learning, Economical. (M. W. Meyerhardt) Pedagog. Sem. 13: 145. — Plea for the Abolition of All. (M. Anglicanus) Blackw. I77: 396.: Liv. Age, 245: 31 — Psychology and Physiology of. (E. J. J. Psychol. 14: 201, - A Seat of; its Relation to the Commercial World. (Sam F. Batdorf) Overland, n. s. 44: 497. —- thro’ a Foreign Tongue. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 95: 645. Learning of aLesson, The ; a story. (A. H. Henderson) Chamb. J. 83: 497, 523, Least Action, Principle of. 297. 368-, Least Squares, Method of, to decide between Con- flicting Hypotheses. (H. J acoby) Science, 11. s. 21: 420, Leather, Gilded, or “ Cordovan.” (M. W. Dennett) Craftsman, 4: 258, Leather Art-work with Oil Dyes. 27: xxn. Leather Belt ‘of Liatsami, The. Booklover’s M. 5: 329. Leather Stamping and Embossing. Craftsman, 6: 49. Leaven, The, and the Loaf. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 707. Leaves, Palisade Tissue and Resinous Deposits in. (E. N. Transeau) Science, n. s. I9: 866. — Shape and Color of. Spec. 95: 647- Leaves from the Log of the “ Lend-a—hand.” Grenfell) McClure, 24: 624, Lebanon, Mt., Folk-lore of. Antiq. 25: 316. — Perennial Fountains of . Bull. 7: 49. Le Bargy, Mme., et cie. 8 (O. (H. 5. wift) Am. (0. Heaviside) Nature, 67: Studio (Internat.) (G. A. England) (A. Inkersley) (Robert J . Thompson) (W. T. (G. El.-Howie) Am. (H. Hyvernat) Cath. Univ. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 99: 34- Lebaudy, Jacques, as Emperor of Sahara. (J . F. Mac- donald) Sat. R. 96: 389. Leblanc, Georgette. (A, Symons) Acad. 62: 439. Le Blon, Jakob Chrestoifel, and his Three-color Prints. (H. W. Singer) Studio (Internat.) I9: 216. (C. Fleischer) Poet-1 ' LE BRAZ Le Braz, Anatole. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 296, -- a Representative Celt of France. (C. Dunham) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 297. Le Brun, Madame Vigée, with portrait and bibli- ography. Mast. in Art, 6: 107, Lecco, Tribe of, Bolivia, an Ethnological Paradox. (C. J. Post) Harper, I10: 910, Lecheeum Road and the Propylaea at Corinth. (J.- M. Sears, jr.) Am. J. Archaeol. 2d ser. 6: 439. Lecky, Capt. Squire Thornton Stratford. (F. J . Bul- len) Cornh. 87: 228. Lecky, \/Villiam E. H. (W. E. Griflis) Outl. 75: 439. -—Acad. 65: 47I.—Ath. ’o3, 2: 583.--=Liv. Age, ¢39= 569-—Spee 91= 693-—Dia1.35= 295- —— Early Recollections of. National, 43: 1o8.=Liv. Age, 241: 38, —— a Philosophical Historian. (F .J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 337- —— A Reminiscence. 2: 112, Leclaire Consumptives’ Home. Indep. 56: 414, I 314. Le Conte, Joseph, with portrait. (V. Henderson) Land of Sun. 15: 239. -—- as a Great Teacher. (E. Lawless) Monthly R. 14, no. (Austin Lewis) Educa. 23: 4"- — Mdmorial Meeting. Calif. Univ. Chron. 4: 241. Leconte de Lisle. (A. Laugel) Nation, 82: 237, Lecture, College, Dangers and Uses of the. (F. H. (V. W. Cloud) Outl. 75: 642. Pratt) Educa. R. 241 434. Lecture, The; a story. Lecture System, The, in University Teaching. (C. De Garmo) Educa. R. 23: 109. Lecturer’s Experiences, A. (C. W. Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 597. Lectures, Free, Education through. (Clinton R. Wood- ruff) Pub. Lib. I0: 346. -- —-— The Free Lecture Movement. Nation, 742 363. \ —-— — in N. Y. City. (Geo. Iles) World’s Work, 52 3327. — Libraries and. (Frank C. Patten) Pub. Lib. II: (E. P. Clark) 489. Lee, Col. H., Morse’s Memoir of. (T. W. Higginson) Nation, 82: 18, Lee, Frederick S., House of, N. Y. City. Archit. Rec. 20: 427, Lee, Gen. Henry. (L. T. Sprague) Outing, 48: 478. Lee, Gen. Robert E. (C. F. Adams) Univ. of Chic. Rec‘. 7: 52. —-— Ancestry of. (W. H. Mann) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 305. -—- and Longstreet. (F. Bancroft) Nation, 80: 53, — and Reconstruction. (W. H. Dodd) So. Atlan. Q. 4= 63- -—at Appomattox, Adams on. (F. H. Head) Dial, 33: 37. —-(E. P. Alexander) Cent. 41: 921, -- Home of. (O. B. Capen) Ctry Life Am. 6: 432. L — Homeless. (C. M. Graves) World To-day, I1: 967, —-— Late Life of. (E. Mims) Out]. 78: 782, — Loyalty of. Outl. 74: 646. —-— Patriotism of. Outl. 74: 881, 887, — Place in History of. (E. Mime) Outl. 84: 978, — Recollections and Letters. (W. Rice) Dial, 37: 233. ——-Spec. 94: 220. -—- Reminiscenees of. (E. V. Valentine) Outl. 84: 964, —-— Surrender at Appomattox. (H. Porter) Outl. 84: 970. ——~ — Note on. (W. Merritt) Cent. 4!: 944. Lee, Sidney, with portrait. Lamp, 26: 274, 3:4, -— Great Englishmen of the 17th Century. Ath. ’oo, 1: 73. Lee, Vernon, pseud. See Paget, Violet. Leech, John. (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 47. 358, 367. Lefebvre, Jules, Artist, with portrait. Booklover’s M. 2: 381, 366 LEGISLATION Leffingen, Scots at, I600. (H. W. Lumsden) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 268, Left at Wrong Address. (A. L. Harris) Sund. M. 31: 1036. Left Behind. (Arthur Ruhl) Scrib. M. 38: 292. Left-handedness. Science, 11. s. 24: 560. — and Left-sidedness. (C. Lombroso) No. Am. 177: 440. Legacy of the Lost Mine. land, 11. s. 47: 367. Legal Aid Society, N. Y., Work of. Green Bag, 15: 313, Legal Conceptions from a Practical Point of View. (J. E. H0gg) Law Q. 22: 172, Legal Decisions, Conformity of, to Ethical Standards of Right. (A. G. Tibbets) Am. Law R. 401 391. Legal Education. (N. J . D. Kennedy) Jurid. R. 17: 240, — in Europe. (Munroe Smith) Colum. Univ. Q. 42 I 33. —-— in Inns of Court. (J. P. Hill) Green Bag, 15: 114. -~ Inquiry into the Present Condition of. (E. J . James) Am. Law R. 39: 581. —- its Purposes and Methods. (W. C. Robinson) Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 178, Legal Ethics. (I. G. Vann) Union Univ. Q. 2: 106, — (H. W. Rogers) Union Univ. Q. 31 96. ——-Some Actual Problems of. (E. V. Abbot) Harv. Law R. 15: 714. Legal Fallacies, Some Popular. Chamb. J. 82: 72, Legal Impedimenta. Char. 8: 28I. Legal Penalties and Public Opinion. No.A1n. I76: 391. Legal Tender Paper, Supposed Necessity of. (D. C. Barrett) Q. J. Econ. 16: 323. Legaré, Hugh S., Youth of. (B. J . Ramage) Sewanee, IO: 43, 167. Legend of the Falls. (0. Weaver) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 20, Legend of the Half Moon, The. (F. Schmitt) Over- land, 11. s. 46: 31:, Legend of the Hammer. M- 341 392- Legend of Kwan-Shai-Yin. n. s. 44: 11. Legend of Lake Jonive. n. s. 46: 145. Legend of Lake Washington. (Mabel P. Pitts) Over- land, n. s. 41: 339. Legend of the Maple. 280. Legend of Rodderburg. (F. E. Romanes) Temp. Bar, I32: 60.: Liv. Age, 246: 812. Legend of Service, A; a poem. Clure, 18: 499. Legends, Building. Am. Arch. 76: I 5. -- of the Saints, Living. (A. Gregory) Monthly R. 21, no. 2: 63. Legge, Arthur E. J . Land and Sea Pieces. R. 16, no. 3: 20. Legge, Wm., “ Honest.” Mo. 2: 59. Legion of Honor, The. (F. Coppée) Munsey, 27! 67. Legion of the Lost, The. (J . Oxenham) Macmil. 85: 335. =Liv. Age, 233,: 282. Legion of Strangers, The. (H. Cliiford) Temp. Bar, 126: 431,=Liv. Age, 235: 560.:-Eel. M. 140: 84. Légionnaires, Les; a North African Sketch, founded on Fact. (R. E. Fy-lfe) Liv. Age, 2492 2-31. Legislate, How not to. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 130, Legislation and “ Combines” in the United States. Liv. Age, 250: 246. -- Art of. (J . Bryce) Quar. I95: 466. (T. F. Huntington) Over— (W. Catchings) (F. H. Stevens) (J . Hawthorne) (M. Bowen-Colthurst) Sund. (L. C. Duff) Overland, (H. W. Pierce) Overland, (G. Channell) Canad. M. 22: (H. van Dyke) Mc- Monthly (M. D. Bisbee) Dartm. Bi- LEGISLATION Legislation, Comparative, Study of. (M. West) J. Pol. Econ, I22 I01, --Economic, in 1905. (M. Barlow) Econ. J. 15: 3. —- —— Recent Tendencies in. (E. D. Durand) Yale R. 12: 409. ——- English, in 1902. (E. Porritt) Yale R. 11: 387. -—— ——- in 1903. (A. G. Porritt) Yale R. 12: 290, — Growing Complexities of. (D. E. Mowry) Am. Law R. 40: 212, —— in Italy, Recent Social. (B. King) Econ. J . 13: 43°- — Political and Municipal, in 1901. (R. H. Whitten) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 370. —— —- 1902. (R. H. Whitten) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 261, —- — in 1903. (R. H. Whitten) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 322. —- Review of, in 1904-05. (H. St. G. Tucker) Am. Law R, 39: 801, -— Special. (S. P. Orth) Atlan. 97: 69. - Tendencies of .A.IIIGI‘iC€LII. (S. J . Barrows) No. Am. 175: 642. Legislative Clearing House, Madison, Wis. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81: 478, Legislative Committees. An Indispensable Change. (J. M. Rice) Indep. 55: 30. Legislative Efficiency and Morals. New Eng. M. n. s. 322 337. Legislative Experts, The Need of. ney) Green Bag, 17: 78, Legislative Influence, Non-partisan. Nation, 81: 332. Legislative Opinion, Influence of Laws on. Dicey) Nation, 751 323. Legislatures, American; are they Declining? (J. R. Bishop) Internat. Q. 7: 445. Legislatures, Our State. (S. P. Orth) Atlan. 94: (R. L. Bridgman) (Travis H. Whit- (O. G. Villard) (A. V. 728, Mm Legitimacy and Marriage. (J. C. Ayer, jr.) Harv. Law R. 16: 22, Legouvé, Ernest. Ath. ’03, I: 371, Legros, Alphonse, Painter and Sculptor. dite) Studio (Internat.) 20: 3, —- as Etcher. (W. S. Sparrow) Studio (Internat.) 18: (L. Béné- 245. Legs, Fore, and their Uses. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. 25: 148. — Relation of, to Literature. (B. Millard) Critic, 47: 274- Lehmann, R. C. Memories of Half a Century. C. Lehmann) Chamb. J. 80: 49-433. Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, with portrait. Open Court, 16: 104. —— and the 19th Century. 27: 516. ——- Couturat on. (G. M. Duncan) Philos. R. 12: 649, — Logic; Couturat’s Edition. Philos. R. 12: 649, -—— Recent 'Work on the Philosophy of, by L. Couturat and E. Cassirer. (B. Russell) Mind, 28: I77, Leicester, Earl of, A Book from the Library of. (Mary A. Scott) Nation, 80: 91, Leicester Galleries, Exhibition, 1904. Ath. ’04, 2: (R. (VV. H. Kent) Am. Cath. Q. 520. - -- 1905. Ath. ’o5, 2: 842, Leigh, Austen, Provost of King’s College, Cambridge. Spec. 97: 168. Leighton, Sir Frederick, Recollections of. F enn) Chamb. J . 302 790. Leinster, Backbone of. (G. A. J. Cole) Knowl. 25: 282, Leinsters, The ; a Great Irish Family. (Katherine T. Hinkson) Cath. World, 81: 315. (W. W. 367 LENZ Leipziger, H. M., with portrait. (C. Johnston) Harp. W, 50: 710, Leistikow, Walter, German Landscape Painter. (W. Fred) Studio (Internat.) 22: 287, Leisure for the Many, Evolution of. (A. M. Simon) Craftsman, 8: 777. -—— The Right to. (F. Kelley) Char. I4: 105 5. Leiter, I. Z. (S. E. Moffett) Cosmopol. 35: 336. Leith-Hay, Sir Andrew; an Old—world Scottish Ser— vice Member. (J . G. Tetley) Chamb. J. 82: 357- Lekythos, An Attic Grave. (Silvia M. Welsh) J . Hel. Stud, 26: 229. Leland, Charles Godfrey. Ath. ’03, I: 403.——(F. Y. Powell) F olk-Lore, I4: 163. —— Hans Breitmann. (J . Masefield) Acad. 64: 344. — Hans Breitmann as Romany Rye. (Eliz. R. Pen- nell) Atlan. 952 154. -—— Letters of. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Atlan. 95: 309. — The Modern Adventurer. Outl. 84: 553. -~ Penne1l’s Life of. (A. S. Van \/Vestrum) Nation, 83: 262, --- A Wandering Scholar. Outl. 732 708. Leland Stanford University. See Stanford University. Lely, Peter, Painter, Drawing by. Studio (Internat.) 27: 129, Lemaitre, Jules. (Jeanne Mairet) Critic, 48: 258. Le Marchant, Major-General ,John Gaspard, a Pio~ neer in Military Education. (A. Grifliths) Blackw. 175: 658. Lemon, The. Land of Sun. 2: 30. Lemons, Culture of, at Ventura. (W. A. Tenney) ' Overland, n. s. 45: 151, — Growing American. (W. S. Harwood) World’s Work. 51 3315- — Some. (M. Y. Beach) Land of Sun. 3: 130. See Citrus~plants. Lemstriim, Karl Selim. 129, Lenbach, Franz von. (H. S. Morris) Booklover’s M. 4: 4I.—(F. Wolter) Brush & P. 14: 115.—(S. Whitman) Contemp. 85: 873.-T"-Ecl. M. 143: 174. =Liv. Age, 2422 20. — (A. MacMahon) 19th Cent. 55: 947.—(L. P. Richards) Cosmopol. 34: 553.: With portrait. Booklover’s M. II 43. —(C. Brin- ton) Munsey, 35: 663. — (H. Von Herkomer) Stu- dio (Internat.) 27: 195. L’Enfant, Pierre Charles, Engineer who planned Washington, D. C. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 671. — Letter to Washington. Am. Arch. 7 5: 46. Leng, William Christopher, and Charles Reade. Cha1nb. J. 79: 527. Lennox, Mrs. Charlotte. Acad. 66: 102, Lennox, Lady Sarah. Ed. R. 195! 3II.——Blackw. 171: 81.=Liv. Age, 232: 485.-—Quar. 195: 274. — (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 32: 194. -(C. W. Colby) Nation, 741 349. Leno, Dan, as Music Hall Artist. R. 98: 573. Le N6tre, André, and his Gardens. Scrib. M. 38: 43. Lenox, Mass., in Literature. (R. de W. Mallary) Critic, (A. Rindell) Nature, 71: (M. Beerbohm) Sat. (Beatrix Jones) 41: ~1. — Pictui-)esque. (R. de W. Mallary) Indep. 55: 1328. Lens, The. (L. W. Brownell) Outing, 452 I28. —- Method of obtaining Focal Point. (G. A. Hill) Pop. Astron. II: 379. Lenses, Fluid. Science, 11. s. 23: 886. —- Telescope, Construction of. (C. F aulhaber) Pop. Astron. I3: 534. Lenz, Heinrich F. E., Contributions of, to Electro-mag- netism. (W. M. Stine) J . Frankl. Inst. I55: 301, 363- LEO Leo XIII. Cath. Univ. Bull. 9: 447.-—Quar. I98: Z79.-T-Eel. M. 141: 445.=Liv. Age, 238: 449.-— (P. L. Connellan) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 627, — (H, D, Sedgwick, jr.) World’s Work, 6: 3795. —- Sat. R. 96: 103. --(J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 77: 68. -- VVith portrait. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 233 165. — (E. Elbano) Contemp. 84: 153. = Liv. Age, 238: 313. —— Indep. 55: 1713. — With portrait. (S. D. McConnell) Booklover’s M. I: 561, —- (W, Ward) Fortn. 80: 249.—Month, 102: 113, -—- and the Bishops of America. Cath. World, 752 345~ -—- and his Successor. Quar. 198: 436. =Liv. Age, 239: 769. '--Ecl. M. 142: 229. - Chant. 38: 10, -— and the Papacy. (C. W. Richards) Ref. Ch. R. 501 568. -—- and Science. (J. A. Zahm) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2: 21. ~—Apostolical Letter, 1902. Am. Cath. Q. 272 563, 583. ~—- as a Poet. Spec. 89: 53I.=Liv. Age, 235: 634. — Ath. ’°2. 2: 579- -- Boyhood of. (S. Cortesi) Indep. 55: I657. — Character of. (J . Gibbons) Cent. 44: 793. -— A Critic’s Mistakes. (J . J . Burke)‘ Cath. World, 78: 143. '— Death of. (A. I. du P. Coleman) Critic, 43: 99. ~— the Great Leader, with portrait. (A. P. Doyle) Cath. World, 77: 574. -—- the Great White Shepherd of Christendom, with portrait. Cath. World, 76: 713. -— His Enemies and Critics. (D. J . MacMackin) Cath. World, 76: 289. —— His Love of Horace. —His Work and Influence. No. Am. 177: 321, -—- Leadership of. (E. T. Shanahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 263. -— Life in the Vatican. (R. Simboli) Critic, 23: 100. — The Man. Overland, n. s. 42: 254-544. -—- Most Remarkable Old Man of the Age. Munsey, 29: 740. - Passing of. (Mrs. Belloc-Lowndes) Lippinc. 69: 88, -- Personality of. (J . E. Copns) World To-day, 5: 1056, -—- Poems. (A. I. dn P. Coleman) Lamp, 27: 54. — Poems, Charades, Inscriptions, translated by Dr. Acad. 65: 86. (J . Ireland and others) (D. Story) Hugh T. Henry. Bk. Buyer, I5: 213. -—- Political Economy of. (C. S. Devas) Dub. R. 130: 293, 131: 132, -— Pontifical Jubilee of. (J . C. Hedley) Dub. R. 132: 225, — Pontificate of. Ed. R. 198: 275. --(W. A. Mont- gomery) Sewanee, I1: 234, -—- Presentation to. (M. Elliott) Lippinc. 72: 4 59, -—- Probable Successors of. (F. M. Crawford) Every- body’s, 9: 157. -— A Protestant Estimate. Outl. 74: 728. —— A Retrospect. (W. Barry) Dub. R. 133: 225. -—- to Pius (F. Crispolti) Internat. Q. 9: 154, — (Salvatore Cortesi) Indep. 59: 918. -—- The Work of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 26. Leo and Ona, the Silver Creek Panthers. (D. H. Sto- vall) Overland, n. s. 42: 286, Leominster, Mass. (G. W. Miller) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 8 25 , Leon County, Texas, Early Settlement of. (W. D. Wood) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 4: 203, Leonardslee, Sussex; Sir Edmund Loder’s Seat. (J . M. Gleeson and C. R. Knight) Cent. 44: 5 30. Leoncavallo, R. Pagliacci, how written. (R. Leonca- vallo) No. Am. 175: 652, Leonidas, of Tarentnm. (J . S. Phillimore) Dub. R. 138: 59. 368 LESSON Leonidas Hubbard Expedition into Labrador. (C. Whitney) Outing, 45: 643, Leopard~co1ich, The. (A. S. Ward) Chamb. J . 81: I Leopards at London Zoiilogical Gardens. Sat. R. 98: 577- Leopold II. of Belgium, with portrait. (Robert E. Park) Everybody’s, 15: 624, -— Belgium’s Business King. (E. A. Powell) Munsey, 33: 287, -— Emperor of the Congo, with portrait. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 33. Lepers of the Philippines. Nation, 79: 414. Lepidolite, Crystallography of. (W. T. Schaller) Am. _J. Sci. 169: 225. Lepidoptera, Dyer’s List of North American. D. A. Cockerell) Science, 11. 8. I7: 501. -—- Variations of, by Environment, Pictet on. (F. Mer- rifield) Nature, 72: 632. Lepidopterons Larvae, Hair of. Natural. 361 561. Leprosy. (G. Pernet) Quar. I97: 384. -—- and Fish-eating. (G. Brown) Asia. R. 42: 131, -— Catholicism and. Month, 102: 403, ——Fish Hypothesis of. (R. J. Hewlett) Nature, 69: 395- -~ in Lancashire. (H. Fishwick) Antiq. n. s. 41: 301. —- -—- in the 12th and 18th Centuries. (H. Fishwick) Antiq. n. s. 41: 301, Leprous Likeness, The. (P. Gibbon) Monthly R. 19, no. 3: 29. Lerberghe, Charles van. 981 432- Leptophryz. (W. A. Kepner) Am. Natural. 40: 335. Le Roy, Marie, and Barbara Leininger, Narrative of Indian Captivity. Pennsyl. M. 29: 407. ' Le Sage, A. R. Tercentenary of “ Don Quixote; ” a poem. (A. Dobson) Ecl. M. 144: 363. Leschetizky, Anecdotes of. (A. Potocka) Cent. 44: (T. (W. A. Hilton) Am. Chanson d’Eve. Sat. R. 933- Lese-majesté. (R. C. Brooks) Bookman, I9: 359, Lese-majesté, The, of Hans Heckendorn. (Elsie Sing- master) Scrib. M. 38: 618, Le Sidauer, Henri. (Vera Campbell) Art J . 56: 59, —-~ Venice. (C. Campbell) Art J. 58: 145, Lesley, J . Peter. (J . J . Stevenson) Science, 11. s. 18: 1, . Leslie, Charles Robert. (G. D. Leslie) Art J . 54: 144. Lespinasse, Julie de. Acad. 64: 433.—~Ed. R. 198: 231.—(A. Laugel) Nation, 81: 461, —Spec, 89: 332. —— (G. L. Strachey) Indep. R. 10: 345, —- Father of. (Comte de Ségur) Critic, 47: 273, —~ A Frenchwoman’s Love-letters. (C. Jebb) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 150, —- A Passionate Pilgrim. (Florence M. Parsons) Temp. Bar, 127: 535.=Ecl. M. 141: 116, ‘=Liv. Age, 2s7= 593- —- Some Facts about. (C. J ebb) 19th Cent. 54: 257. Lessar, Paul. Geog. J . 25: 680. Lesseps, Ferdinand de. Suez and Panama. (T. Cham- berlaine-Bey) Chamb. J . 80: 670. Lessing, Bruno. The Big Tree. Cosmopol. 41: 545. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. Nathan the Wise. (R. W. Deering) Chant. 34: 519. -—- Philosophy of Religion of. (J . Lindsay) Bib. Sac. 63: 653. ' Lesson, The. (G. Hibbard) Bookman, 21: 590, 22: 3°- Lesson, The. (Mary Manners) Everybody’s, I3: 394. Lesson in Kindness, A; a story. (J . J . Bell) Harper, 107: 798. Lesson in Labor, A. (Richard W. Child) McClure, 27: 2;, --Level of Fortune, The ; a story. LESSON . Lesson in Love Tactics, A. (C. Mills) Liv. Age, 249: 422, “ Lest we forget.” (B. O. Flower) Arena, 34: 636. Letitia, Nursery Corps, U. S. A.; a story. (G. M. Martin) Am. M. 63! 135. Letter, The; a story. (E. Wharton) Harper, I08: 781. Letter-writer, The Incomplete. Sat. R. 99: 201. Letter-writers and Letter-writing. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 35: 407. —— Some, Ancient and Modern. V. Quar. 2042 390. Letter-writing, Art of. (Z. Cooke) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 410. — (H. W. Horwill) Forum, 36: 70. ~— Character in. (Bazil Tozer) Monthly R. 23, no. 31 I23. : Liv. Age, 250: 53, Lettering in relation to Material. Archit. R. 12: 169, I3: 45, Letters and Literature from Last Century. Critic, 42: 26, — and Reminiscences, Last Century. Critic, 41: 315, (F. C. Brown) 439- — Franking of. (R. S. Smyth) Chamb. J. 83: 373. — from an Old Functionary to his Nephew. Char. I 5: 482-900, -— of a Poet to a Musician. (L. Hearn) Critic, 48: 309. — Post, Opening of., Chamb. J . 83: 29. — to a Literary Aspirant. Blackw. I78: 180, : C1-itic, 42: 117, 252.-—-Eel. M. 140: 811. 141: 85.=Liv. Age, 237: 226-485, — to Literary Statesm.en. (Alciphron) Atlan. 9 5: 402, Letters of Business. (H. H. Henson) Contemp. 90: 703. Letters of Life and Death, The. (T. W. Stevens) Cosmopol. 41: 663, Letters of Mark. (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 95: 529. Letters of a Scoifer, The. (M. F. Ferguson) Lippinc. .78: 88. Lettie’s Yuletide, (A. Brazier) Sund. M. 352 89. Lettuce Raising. (W. W. Tracy) Ctry Life Am. I! 179- Leucas, Ithaca or ? (VV. G. Manly) Univ. of Mo. Stud. 2: 1. Levant, The Lazy. (D. Story) Munsey, 26: 470, Levantine Messiah, A. (H. N. Brailsford) Indep. R. 5: 189, Levees, Maintenance of. Am. Arch. 8!: 14, (A. M. Roach) Har- per, 1122 940, Leveling without Base-leveling. ence, n. s. 2!! 825. Levels, Precise,- in the U. S. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. (W. M. Davis) Sci- 38: 227, Lever, Charles. (L. Melville) Fortn. 86: 235. =Liv. Age, 250: 649, —Downey’s. Blackw. I79: 433. -(P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 40: 383. Leveson-Gower, Granville G., Fitzmaurice’s Life of. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 48: 354, Levi, Eliphas, Magician and Mystic. (H. R. Evans) Open Court, 18: 145. Leviathan and the Hook. Age. 2W 443- Levitical Cities in the Light of Excavation at Gezer. (G. A. Barton) Bib. World, 24: 167, Levitation of Miss Weeks, The. (Josephine D. Bacon) Scrib. M. 36: 195, . Levick, Ruby [Mrs. Gervase Bailey], Sculptor. (T. M. Wood) Studio (Internat.) 25: mo, Lévy-Thurmer, L., French Pastellist. (Frances Key- zer) Studio (Internat.) 281 I44. Lewes Priory, Annals of. (F. Liebermann) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 83. Lewis, Alfred Henry. (J . S. Wood) Bookman, I8: 486, — as a Humorist. Acad. 64; 321. (G. K. Chesterton) Liv. 369 I— New Light on. LIBERAL Lewis, Ida, Heroism of. Outing, 47: 472. Lewis, Meriwether, Tomb of, on Natchez Trace. (J . Swain) Everybody’s, I3: 329. — Tomb of. (O. Z. Bond) Land of Sun. 12: 356. Lewis and Clark’s Expedition, Atlas of. (J. D. But’ ler) Nation, 78: 327, — Centennial of. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 36: 676. —- Ethnological Specimens collected by. (C. C. Wil- loughby) Am. Anthropol. 7: 633. — Gass’s Journal of. (J . D. Butler) Nation, 79: 422. -— New Material concerning. Cent. 46: 872. — Newly Discovered Personal Records of. Thwaites) Scrib. M. 35: 685. — Thwaites’s Original Journals of. (J . K. Hosmer) Nation, 79: 216. . — Trail of, Wheeler on. (J . J . Halsey) Dial, 37: 112. —— (J . K. Hosmer) Nation, 79: 12, Lewis and Clark Exposition. See Portland, Ore. Lexington and Concord. (F. B. Sanborn) Educa. 23: I (R. G. 490- — — Dr. Fisk’s Bill. (H. W. Kimball) M. of Hist. I: 239-’, — Battle of. How the News reached Philadelphia. Pennsyl. M. 272 457. Leyden, Physical Laboratory at. (H. H. F. Hyndman) Nature, 69: 259. Lhassa. Am. Arch. 86: 38 — and its Armed Rabble. M. 30: 31. — and its Mysteries, Waddell’s. 80: 484. —Buddhism of Tibet. (C. N. Eliot) Quar. 203: . (H. C. Wylly) Un. Serv. (J . Bryce) Nation, 192, — Capture of, in 1710. (D. C. Boulger) 19th Cent. 56: 113, — — in 1904. Spec. 93: 213. —The Jo-kang in. Ecl. M. 143: 73o.=Liv. Age, 243: 35°- _ — Journey to. (G. G. Tsybikoff) Geog. J . 231 92. — Lady’s Dash for. (C. Ray) Sund. M. 33: 426. — Landon’s. Ath. ’o5, I: 231, — Latest News from. (E. Kawguchi) Cent. 45: 383. —- Maps of, and its Environs. (L. A. Waddell) Geog. J . 23: 366. — March to. Spec. 92: 761. =Liv. Age, 241: 760, (J . Deniker) Cent. 44: 544. — Revealed. (A. R. Colquhoun) Cornh. 87: 39. —- Views of. Nat. Geog. M. I6! 27. Li Hung Chang. (A. Michil) Liv. Age, 232: 157.: Eel. M. 138: 377. — Character Sketch. (G. Reid) Forum, 32: 723. —- Little’s. Sat. R. 97: 237. Liability Insurance, Policy Forms. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 563. Liang, Chen-Tung, New Chinese Minister. (J . C. O’Laughlin) Indep. 54: 1997, Liao Ho River, Further Notes on. (A. W. S. Wingate) Geog. J. 26: 421, Liaoyang. (J . H. De Forest) Indep. 59: 791. — Capture of. (OkamotoIwaji) Cosmopol. 38: 362. Liar, The; a story. (E. Walker) Indep. 55: 200. Libau. (A. Kinross) Chamb. J . 82: 589. Liberals or J acobins ? (W. Barry) National, 47: 778. Libbey, the Disenchanted. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 7: 200. Libby Prison, Tunneling out of. (J . M. Wells) Mc- Clure, 22: 317. Liberal Administration, A; Who and What ‘P (G. W. E. Russell) Indep. R. 5: 277. Liberal Catholic Movement in England. Hibbert J . I: 704. Liberal Churchmen and “ the Reproach of Christ.” (A. W. Hutton) Contemp. 87: 5 58. (P. Sidney) LIBERAL Liberal Clubs and the Liberal Party. (VV. J . Fisher) Monthly R. 17, no. 3: 127. Liberal Debacle, The. (J . G. Godard) Westm. I58: 597. Liberal Intolerance. (D. C. Lathbury) Indep. R. 5, I10. 4: 147. Liberal Party and the Land Question. (Myrmidon) Westm. 164: 606, —- Crisis in. (C. B. R. Kent) Macmil. 86: 63. -— An International. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 24. — New Developments in. (O. E. Otzbacker) Monthly R. 9, no. 1: 31. — Past and Future. 1' . Liberal Press and the Liberal Party. (W. J . Fisher) 19th Cent. 56: 199. Liberal Theology. Church Q. 61: 1, 415, 62: 381, —- Inner Meaning of. (C. J . Shebbare) Hibbert J . 3: 342- Liberal Unionism, End of. Spec. 922 76. Liberal Unionist Party. (Sir W. Ridgeway) 19th Cent. 58= I82. 545- Liberalism and Empire. (F. Thomasson) Westm. 1571 (J . A. Spender) Contemp. 82: 647. — and Labor. (H. J . Darnton-Fraser) Westm. I591 6 46 . — — in Chaos. (D. S. A. Cosby) Westm. 160: 375. —— in its Dotage. (W. M. Lightbody) Westm. 164: 376. — The Old, and the New Aristocracy. Fortn. 77: 574. — Poetic Quality in. (G. K. Chesterton) Indep. R. 51 :3- Liberals in England, Incoming. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 476, Liberia. (Harry Johnston) Geog. J . 26: 131. — An Example of Negro Self - government. P. Mahony) Appleton’s M. 8: 91. — Future of. (H. H. Johnston) Indep. 51: 874. — Helpless. (A. V. Pohlman) Indep. 55: 2161. Liberty, Ancient and Modern Conceptions of. Milner) Canad. M. 21: 508, — and Authority. (T. R. Bacon) Calif. Univ. Chron. 1: 127, —— Human, or Human Greed ‘? (R. Baker) Arena, 3 51 240. —— Industrial. -— Judicial History of Individual. Green Bag, 16: 23-725, -—- Law, and Labor. (Fannie H. Gaffney) Arena, 36: (Agnes (W. S. (R.T.Ely) Am. Econ. Soc. 3d ser. 31 58. (Van V. Vedder) 285, — Mackinnon’s History of Modern. Dial, 41: 3!. —- of the Press, Vanishing. (T. Schroeder) Arena, 36: 617, — Quo Vadis? (G. Lowes Dickinson) Indep. R. 8: 148. — Religious, in Pennsylvania and the other American Colonies. (A. V. Hiester) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 87, 215, — Western Experiment with Personal. (B. Moses) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 25 Liberty of Florentino, The. 24: 320, Liberty of Franz and the Rebellion of Fuzzy Wuzzy. (F. Metcalfe) Outing, 45: 715. Libin, Z., a New Interpreter of East Side Life. (C. Rice) Atlan. 91: 254, Librarian and Assistants, Relation of. Lib. J . 28: 717, — (J. E. Elliott) Pub. Lib. 10: 463. -— as a Critic. (L. B. Reed) Dial, 36: 73. —- Day’s Work of a. (Adele M. Shaw) World’s Work, 6: 3681, —- Duties and Qualifications of a. brary, n. s. 52 182. —— The Gentle. (Virginia E. Graefl’) Lib. J . 30: 922, —— Personal Reading of. (M. W. Plummer) Lib. J . 28: 5. .(C. L.Embree) McClure, (F. J . Peplow) Li- 370 LIBRARIES Librarian, Requirements and Duties of. (S. A. Ayres) Lib. J. 27: 309. — The Traveling. (E. C. Richardson) Lib. J . 28: 58. — A Traveling. Pub. Lib. I1: 203, — Wanted: an Old Fashioned. (G. S. Lee) Bk. Buyer, :5: 55. Librarian of the Desert; a poem. man) Lib. J. 31: C25. Librarians, Adaptability in, the Gift Extremely Rare. (Isabel E. Lord) Lil. J . 272 supp. 34. — Causes of Ill-health among. (M. McMillan) Pub. Lib. 8: 412. — Convention of 1853. (G. M. Jones) Lib. J . 27¢ — German, Annual Meeting of, at Halle, 1903. J, 282 829, — — — 1906. (Frank Weitenkampf) Lib. J . 3!: —— A Helpful State of Mind. (J . C. Dana) Pub. 10: 178, — Should they be Bibliophiles ? (W. W. Bishop) Lib. J , 27: 126. — State Examinations and State Certificates for. (Clara F. Baldwin) Lib. J. 31: 806. —Survival of the F ittest? (L. E. Stearns) Lib. J. 28: 13, — Training for, in Great Britain. Lib. J. 29: supp. 39. —— — in the Province of Ontario. Lib. 11: :43. See Library Schools, also Training Classes. Librarians’ Omar, The ; a poem. Lib. J . 28: 113. Libraries, Accession Book in, Why ? (F. Weiten- kampf) Lib. J. 28: 295, — Accession Records. (H. E. Bliss) Lib. J . 29: 19. -—- — Classified and Condensed. (D. B. Hall) Lib. J . 28: 830. — — Economy in. (H. E. Bliss) Lib. J. 281 71 I. —— American, Gifts and Bequests to, 1901-02. (G. W. Cole) Lib. J. 27: supp. 97. — — — in 1902-03. (J. L. Harrison) Lib. J. 28: supp. 111, — —— — in 1903 and 1904. (J. L. Harrison) Lib. J. 29: suPP- I 73- —— — Impressions of. (L. S. Jast) Lib. J. 301 147. — — Some Impressions of a Visit to. (A. S. Steen- berg) Lib. J. 28: 606, — —- Special Collections in. (C. C. Torrey) Lib. J . 28: 53. —(E. R. Smith) Lib. J. 28: 277. —(H. O. Brig- ham) Lib. J. 28: 658. -—- (A. L. P. Dennis) Lib. J. 28: 817. —- (F. Weitenkampf) Lib. J. 29: 117.- (E. Littmann) Lib. J . 292 233. —- Ancient, of Canterbury and Dover, James on. Ath. ’o4, I: 525. -—- and Art Education. (K. L. Smith) Munsey, 29: 663. (Harry L. Koop- 254. Lib. 672, Lib. (H. D. Roberts) (E. A. Hardy) Pub. —— and Higher Education, Oxford Conference on. Lib. J , 28: 718. — — and the Los Angeles Public Library. (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 252 197. — and Reading. (E. M. Thompson) Sat. R. 100: 37!. — and Schools. Dial, 34: 73. — — Co-operation between, Reports on. Pub. Lib. 7: 99- — Babylonian. (M. Jastrow, jr.) Indep. 61: .1519, -— Boys’. (R. F. Cholmeley) Library, 11. s. 42 II. — British, Modern. (M. S. R. James) Pub. Lib. 9: 371- - Card Catalogs in, Subject Entries for, Modification of. (A. S. Tyler) Lib. J. 28: 21, — Children in the Small Library, Work with. Hunt) Lib. J . 28: supp. 53. —— Children’s Books in, Classification and Cataloging of. (M. A. Collar) Lib. J . 28: supp. 57. —— Children’s Librarian, Work of. (A. C. Moore) Lib. J . 28: 160, (C. W. LIBRARIES Libraries, Children’s Rooms, Booklists, and Bulletins for. (Alice G. Whitbeck) Lib. J . 31: 316. —- The Church, of King’s Lynn. (T. E. Maw) Antiq. n. s. 40: 235. -—— City Library, The Small. (J . M. Campbell) Lib. J . 28: supp. 50. —— Civil Service Methods as affecting Library Effi- ciency. (Helen E. Haines) Lib. J . 31: 699. — College and School, in Oregon. (J . R. Robertson) Lib. J. 30: 149. — — in Nebraska. (M. W. Nicholl) Lib. J . 29: 294. — Country, in Massachusetts. (E. Kirk Titus) World To-day, 9: 1188, - Departmental and Group; Relation to the Main Library. (E. D. Burton) Lib. J. 282 supp. 19. — Exemption of, from Local Rates. (J . Minto) Li- brary, n. s. 31 256. —— Famous District. Chamb. J . 79: 801. — Field. (M. Dewey) Dial, 40: 75. —— Free. (J . C. Collins) 19th Cent. 531 968. — — and Fiction. (W. H. Harwood) Westm. 165: 209, — — and their Possibilities. (J. G. Leigh) Econ. R. 16: 32. —— Greater Freedom in Use of. J. 28! supp. 38. (E. W. Gaillard) Lib. — Greater, Relations of, to Lesser. (C. J . Barr) Pub. Lib. I0: 276. ' —— Home, and Reading Clubs. (G. Sackett) Lib. J . 27: supp. 72. -— -—— for Poor Children. (F. J . Olcutt) Chant. 39: 374. — House to House Delivery of Books from. (Gertrude E. Forrest) Lib. J. 301 338. -— in America ; the Problem of, To-day. ardson) Lib. J. 30: C 3. — in the British Northwest. (E. O. S. Scholefield) Lib. J. 30: C 14. — in Finland. (A. A. Granfelt) Pub. Lib. 9: 396. -— in Germany. (C. Niirrenberg) Pub. Lib. 9: 365. — in Holland. (D. Smit) Pub. Lib. 9: 389. — in Japan. Pub. Lib. 9: 407. — in Lumber and Mining Camps. Canad. M. 25: 43. — in Northern and Central California. (L. W. Ripley) Lib. J. 30: 789. —— in the Northwest. (C. W. Smith) Lib. J . 30: C 9. — in Oregon. (W. L. Brewster) Lib. J . 302 785. — in Sweden. (B. Lundstedt) Pub. Lib. 92 382. —— in Switzerland. (M. E. Hawley) Pub. Lib. 9: 392. —— in the U. S. (S. K. Greenslade) Am. Arch. 772 21- (E. C. Rich- (A. Fitzpatrick) -— -— Principal ; a List. Out West, 23: 190. —- in Washington (State). (C. W. Smith) Lib. J . 30: 787- —- Islamic. (Khuda Bukhsh) 19th Cent. 52: 125, —-Law, Two in 1294. (R. J. Whitwell) Law Q. 21: 393- - Lending, and Cheap Books. (P. Kropotkin) 19th Cent. 55: 69.=Ecl. M. 147: 613.:Liv. Age, 249: 780. “ —-Medieeval. Quar. I95: 450. -— Medieeval Monastic. Church Q. 62: 43. -—— National Association of State Librarians, Proceed- ings of, 1904. Lib. J . 29: supp. 254. — of Greater Britain. (J . R. Boosé) Library, n. s. 3: 214. -— Printed Forms for. (F. B. Graves) Pub. Lib. I0: 218. — Public. Chant. 42: 78, —- -—— Administration of, Report on, 1902. (H. C. Well- man; W. R. Eastman; N. D. C. Hodges) Lib. J. 2'7: supp, 86. ---— 1903. (W. R. Eastman; C. Marvin) Lib. J. 28: supp. 71. 371 LIBRARIES Libraries, Public. Aid from University Extension Methods. (J . Nolen) Lib. J . 28: 225, — — Aim of, in Book-buying. Lib. J. 31: 119. ~ — American, Women in. (S. C. Fairchild) Lib. J . 29= S11PP- I57- —- —— and the Book Trade. Lib. J. 29: 74, 132, 243. — —— and Children, What the Public Library is doing for the Children. (F. S. Bissell) Outl. 70: 42o.—- (H. C. Wellman) Atlan. 90: 402, — — and Civic Improvement. (F. M. Crunden) Chant. 431 335- -- — and Local History. 10: 3. . -—— — and the People. (A. Hills) Lib. J. 27! II. —— — and 6the Public School. (C. B. Gilbert) Lib. J. 29: 1 9. — — and Public Schools. (J. H. Hill) Lib. J. 27: 186. —(E. C. Doren) Lib. J. 29: supp. I53.—(G. H. Tripp) Lib. J. 29: I73. , — —— -— Discussion at Mich.Schoolmasters’ Club. Pub. Lib. 10: 225. — — and Reading. Sat. R. 100: 267, — — and Technical Education in England. (J . D. Stewart) Pub. Lib. I0: 455. —— — and Tuberculosis. (Cornelia Marvin) Pub. Lib. I1: 433. — — Annotation in. (W. I. Fletcher) Lib. J . 29: supp. 144. -—— — as Factor in Industrial Progress. (F. M. Crun- den) Library, 7: 384. — — as Part of the School System. Lib. J . 27: I93. —- —— Assistant in. (J . E. Pettee) Lib. J. 29: 584. — —- -—— Shortcomings and Desirable Qualifications. Lib. J. 29: 349. —— — Banking Method of Charging Books. ten) Lib. J. 301 144. — — Basis of Taxation for. 31: C 36. (B. A. Finney) Pub. Lib. (W. Aus- (J . H. Canfield) Lib. J . — — Beginnings of. Supported by Taxation. (Mar- garet C. Dyer) Pub. Lib. I0: 458, — — Book Selection and Purchase for Small. (Mabel E. Prentiss) Pub. Lib. II: 55. -— -— Books exhibited in Rotation. J . 27: 934. —— — Books in Foreign Languages in. (J . M. Camp- bell) Lib. J. 29: 65. —— —- —— Why they should supply. (E. W. Gaillard) Lib. J. 28: 67, — — Books stolen from. Lib. J . 29: 76, 307. — - Branch Libraries, Administration of. (F. P. Hill) Lib. J . 27: supp. 46. —— — — Functions and Resources. J. 272 supp. 142, — — -— Planning and Equipment. Lib. J. 27: supp. 38. —— —- Canada and. (H. H. Langton) Lib.J. 28 Z supp. 43. —— —— Catalog Practice, Present Tendencies of. (W. C. Lane) Lib. J. 29! supp. I34. —— — Cataloging for Small. (T. Hitchler) Lib. J . 292 9. — — Children’s Room in. (M. E. Hazeltine) Chaut. 393 37°- —— —- —— Maintaining Order in. (C. W. Hunt) Lib. J. 28: 164. —— — — Picture Bulletins in. Maltby) Lib. J. 27: 191. —— —— — Special Features of Work in. (E. P. Clarke) Lib. J. 27: 189. -— —- Children’s Story Books in, Classification of. (C. W. Hunt) Lib. J. 27: 65. —— Classification in. (R. Focke) Lib. J. 29! supp. 127, — — — Present Tendencies. supp. 132. (D. B. Hall) Lib. (L. L. Ward) Lib. (E. H. Anderson) (M. E. Root and A. B. (C. Martel) Lib. J. 29: LIBRARIES Libraries, Public, Collection of Industrial Catalogs by. (O. B. Zimmerman) Lib. J. 29: 63, -— — Conditions and Ideals. (A. E. Bostwick) Lib. J . 28: 704. — — Co-operation of Librarian and Kindergartner. (M. E. Hazeltine) Lib. J . 292 468. — —— The Country Library. (H. V. F ison) Lib. J . 281 supp. 47. -—- — Current Fiction ; Purchase of. (J . Trumbull) Lib. J. 27: 132. — — Desk Assistant. Lib. J. 27: 251, 876, — —— Development of. Craftsman, 7: 507. —- — Direction for Popular Readers. (E. A. Baker) Contemp. 89: 489. — —— Discipline in; Rules affecting the Public. (C. A. Cutter) Lib. J . 28: 65. — — Dissertations and Program Literature in. (J . I. Pettee) Lib. J. 29: 297. — —— Division and Storage of Books according to Use. (C. W. Eliot) Lib. J. 271 supp. 51. — —- Duplicate Pay Collections in. (F. B. Wright) Lib. J. 28: supp. 40. —(J. F. Langton) Lib. J . 281 supp. 4!. — — Encouragement of Serious Reading by. (R. Win- ser) Lib. J. 28: 237. -— — English, Notes on. 28: 593. -—- -— Evolution of a Rural Library. Lib. J. 27: 873- ' — — Expansion of, Question of. Lib. J- 28: 713. — -- Fiction in, Classification of. (J . A. Rathbone) Lib. J. 27: 121. — —— — Current, Purchase of. (N. D. C. Hodges) Lib. J. (A. R. Phelps) (A. E. Bostwick) Lib. J, 28: supp. 31. - — — — Restriction of Purchases of Current. Lib. J . 29: 6o, 72. — — — Some Problems concerning. (B. C. Steiner) Lib. J. 28: supp. 33. —— —— — Suggestions for Purchase and Circulation. (F. L. Rathbone) Lib. J . 231 I10. — —— for Everybody. (Herbert Putnam) World’s Work, 10: 6373. — — Gifts to Perplexities of. (A. Scott) Lib. J . 27: 129, — —- Have they killed Literature ? (J . M. Bullock) Lamp. 27= 599- — — How to make Useful to High School Pupils. (R. H. Wright) Pub. Lib. I0: 460. — —— in America, A Decade of Progress. (W. W. Bishop) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 131. — -— in California. (W. P. Kimball) Lib. J . 272 200. —— — -— Destruction of, in Earthquake, April, 1906, Lib. J. 31: 213. -— —— in Denmark. (A. S. Steenberg) Pub. Lib. 9: 379, =Lib. J. 291 supp. 63. -——in the Future. (A. E. Bostwick) Lib. J. 29: 517. ——in Guatemala. (L. D. Kingsland) Lib. J. 29: supp. 91. — — in Norway, Organization of State Supported. (H. Nyhuus) Lib. J . 291 supp. 60. —— — in Relation to Knowledge and Life. Axon) Lib. J. 29: supp. I6. -— — in Southern California. (A. M. Dole) Out West, 22: 83, — — Inspiration in Library Work. (T. Hitchler) Lib. J , 29: 416, -—- — Legislation on, in 1901. (W. F. Yust) Lib. J. 27: 22, — — Magazines in, Classification and Shelving of, in Large Branch Libraries. Lib. J . 28: 68. — —- Matters of International Importance to. (D. Chi- lovi) Lib. J. 29: supp. 55. (W. E. A. 372 LIBRARIES ' Libraries, Public, Mental and Mechanical in. Spofford) Lib. J . 28; IO. — — Music in, Shelf Classification of. (C. W. Ayer) Lib. J. 27: 5. —— (C. A. Cutter) Lib. J. 27: 68, — — Non-technical Qualifications for Library Work. (F. B. Hawley) Lib. J . 291 360. (A. R. — — One Phase of Library Development. (Frank P. Hill) Lib. J. 31: C 3. — —— Order Routine in Brooklyn P. L. (Emma V. Baldwin) Pub. Lib. II: 560, -—- — Pains and Penalties in. (A. E. Bostwick) Lib. J . 271 supp. 29. — —— Past and Future of. (G. Biagi) Lib. J . 292 supp. 8. -— — Plea for Recognition of. (F. M. Crunden) Lib. J. 291 supp. 3. — —— Pres. Eliot and Discrimination in Books. (W. E. Foster) Lib. J. 272 253. — — Problems of. (J . C. Dana) Pedagog. Sem. 9: I69. —- — Problems of a Reference Librarian. (Ida L. Ro- senberg) Lib. J . 291 120. -— — Public Library in a City’s Life. (J . C. Dana) Lib. J. 27: 755. . —— Purchasing Books for. (W. P. Cutter) Lib. J . 30: 18, -— — Recent Library Practice in Great Britain. Bond) Lib. J. 29: supp. 23. -— — Reference Books, Reliable and Unreliable. Lib. J , 29: 127, -— -—- Reference Work in. (H. (C. Bacon) Lib. J. 271 927. —(H. M. Bunting) Lib. J. 28: 115, , —— ——in a Small Library. (E. L. Moore) Lib. J. 28: 653. -—- — Relation of Greater to Lesser. Lib. 10: 276. —— —— Religious and Ethical Work of. man) Lib. J. 29: 289. — — Religious and Theological Books for. Bowerman) Lib. J . 302 I37. —— — Reports of, Essentials of. (W. E. Foster) Lib. J . 282 supp. 76. (C. J. Barr) Pub. (G. F. Bower- (G. F. -—- — Rules and Suggestions for a Library Staff. (W. H. Tillinghast) Lib. J . 27: 871. —— -—School Circulation Methods of. (G. T. Clark) Lib. J. 31: 155. — — School Library Question in New York City. (M. C. Ford) Lib. J. 30: 2:1. -— — School-library Work, An Experiment in. (E. W. Gaillard) Lib. J . 302 201, -— - Selection of Books for Aids to. (Beatrice Winser) Pub. Lib. I0: 263. - -—- —— for Small Libraries. (Mabel E. Prentiss) Pub. Lib. I1: 55. —— — — Some General Principles of. say) Pub. Lib. I0: 267, —- — Should a Librarian cultivate Hobbies ? (F. B. Gay) Lib. J. 29: I23. —— —— Small, Inexpensive Resources for. Milner) Pub. Lib. II: 363. —— — — Modern Methods in. (L. J . Burpee) Pub. Lib. g: 217, —— — — Problems of. (Sarah B. Askew) Lib. J . 3t: (Mary B. Lind- (Ange V. 705. -—- Some Problems of To-morrow. (J . S. Billings) Lib. J. 272 supp. I. — — State Aid to. (Gratia A. Countryman) Pub. Lib. I0: 55.:Lib. J. 29: supp. 148. —— — Statistics of. (A. E. Bostwick) Lib. J . 29! 5. -— ——Sterilization of Books. (A. F. Currier) Lib. J. 27: 88!, — — Supply and Use of Technological Books. (Harri- son W. Craver) Lib. J. 312 72. — -— Supported by Taxation, Beginnings of. Dyer) Pub. Lib. I0: 458. (M. C. LIBRARIES 373 Libraries, Public. Survey of Civic Betterment. Chant. 43= 277- —— — Technical and Scientific. (C. F. Burgess) Am. Arch. 771 13. ~—— —— Technical and Scientific Books, Selection of. (C. F. Burgess) Lib. J . 27: supp. 56. — — Theological Literature in. (S. G. Ayres) Lib. J . 28: 601, — —- Things that are Uppermost. (J . K. Hosmer) Lib. J. 28: supp. I. — — Treatment of Books, according to the Amount of their Use. (W. C. Lane) Lib. J. 28: supp. 9. —-(W. E. Foster) Lib. J. 28: supp. I7.-—(E. D. Burton) Lib. J . 28: supp. 19. — — Trustees of, Essentials of. (S. G. Leask) Lib. J . 29: 524. -— — — and Appropriations. (E. W. Gaillard) Lib. J . 30: 403. —- — —— and the Librarian, Relations between. (E. D. Wilson) Pub. Lib. 8: 402, —— — — Duties of. (G. M. Titus) Pub. Lib. 7: 63. — —— —— Point of View of. (J. B. Johnson) Pub. Lib. I0: 468, — ——- —- Whole Duty of. (A. E. Bostwick) Lib. J . 311 C 40. — —— —— Work of, from the Trustee’s Point of View. (J . Patton) ; from the .Librarian’s Point of View. (H. M. Utley) Lib. J. 31: "5. — — Typewriter for Card Catalogs. (C. Wandell) Lib. J. 27: 278. —— —— Use of. (J. Angell) Lib. J. 29: 592. -— — Use to Municipalities. (J. S. Billings) Lib. J . 28: 293. —— —-— Utilization of. (J. D. Brown) Library, n. s. 51 93- - —- Ways of makinga Library Useful. (E. L. Adams) Lib. J. 28: 286. — —— Where ought the Emphasis to be placed in Pur- chases? (W. E. Foster) Lib. J . 29: 229. — - Work of Modern. (H. L. Elmendorf) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 702. — —— Work of the Small Library. (A. E. Bostwick) Lib. J. 28: 596. ' — —. Work with Children and Schools in Public Li- brary, Portland, Ore. (H. E. Hassler) Lib. J . 30: 214. — —- The Year I902 among the. 54: 2753- —— Public Schools. (A. Esdaile) Library, 71 366. — A Quaint Old Dublin Library. (A. Peter) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 518. -— Research, of Denmark. (H. O. Lange) Lib. J . 29: supp: 67. — -—'of Sweden. (A. Andersson) Lib. J. 292 supp. (H. Putnam) Indep. 71- - School, Some Old Forgotten. (E. I. Baldwin) Lib. J‘ 29: I75- —- Southern. (M. H. Johnson) Lib. J. 28: supp. 69. —- Special. (Robert H. Whitten) Lib. J . 311 12. —- Specialized, The Need for. (J . H. Canfield) Indep. 61: 1155. —-— Specialization of. (J . H. Canfield) Lib. J. 28: 820. — State, Broadening of. II: 22, — Three Greatest. (J . H. Canfield) Outl. 75: 803, —— Traveling. (L. E. Stearns) Pub. Lib. I0: 76. —- —- as a Civilizing Force. (J. M. Good) Chant. 36: (Melvil Dewey) Pub. Lib. 65. —— — Growth of. (Helen E. Haines) World’s Work, 8: 52 31, — University and other Public. (C. A. Nelson) Book- ‘ man, 18: 608. LIBRARY Libraries, University, Organization and Administra- tion of. (A. H. Hopkins) Lib. J. 272 supp. IO. — —-— Some Requirements of. (W. Austen) Ednca. R. 27: 252, “ Libraries” and their Methods. (N. H. Dole) Nation, 76: 290. Library and Educational Authorities, Conference at Birmingham, 1906. Ath. ’o6, I: 578. — and the Lecture. (F. C. Patten) Pub. Lib. II: 489. — and the Public. (F. Weitenkampf) Munsey, 27! 813. — and the Social Memory. (G. E. Vincent) Pub. Lib. 9: 479.=Lib. J. 291 577. — as the Center of the Schools. (F. O. Carpenter) Ednca. 26: 110. — as a Factor in Modern Civilization. (W. H. P. Fannce) Lib. J. 361 C 18. — Browsing in a. (A. F. Webling) Temp. Bar, 129: 466. ‘ —— Business End of a. (Annie A. Pollard) Lib. J . 311 3n. =Pub. Lib. II: 355. — College, Modern. (J . H. Canfield) Ednca. 27: I29. ——- Comfort in a. Pub. Lib. 10: 237. —-— First in Indiana. (H. Ellis) Pub. Lib. I01 509. — Historical in Schools. (B. Leavitt) Lib. J . 29: 180. — How a Town can get a. (J . C. Dana) Indep. 60: I277- — An Ideal Domestic. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Indep. 6!: 1143- —— in the Community. (Ernest C. Richardson) Lib. J . 31: 107. —' in its Relation to the Elementary School. Pub. Lib. 111541. — in the School. Dial, 40: 73. — in University and College Work. (W. R. Harper) Lib. J. 27: I97. — The Mediaeval. (E. C. Richardson) Harper, 110: 788. — — Fittings of. Antiq. n. s. 38: 52. — —— in Worcester Cathedral Church. (J . K. Floyer) Archaeol. 58: 561, —Militant, The. (H. L. Koopman) Pub. Lib. I01 331- - The Modern Public. -(H. Bell) Booklover’s M. 7: -515. —— of the American University. (J . H. Canfield) Pub. Lib. 9: 385. - of Congress. (F. Vrooman) Arena, 36: 277, — ——- as a National Library. (Herbert Putnam) Lib. J . 30: C 27. — —-— Bill to pay Architects’ Fees for. Am. Arch. go: 27. — — Catalogue Cards, Distribution of. (C. H. Hast- ings) Lib. J . 271 supp. 67. 28: 708. — — Classification of, and its Printed Cards. (F. C. Hicks) Lib. J. 31: 255. — — Co-operation in Exchange of Duplicates through. (A. B. Slauson) Lib. J. 28: 773. — — Division of Bibliography, Works of. (W. D. Johnston) Lib. J . 27: supp. 63. — —-— Johnston on History of. (A. G. S. Josephson) Dial, 38: 81. — — Manuscripts in. (C. H. Lincoln) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 266, — —— a National Library for U. S. (H. Putnam) Book- man, 151 51. — — Print Division of. (Leila Mechlin) Studio (In- ternat.) 26: xcv, — -— Relation to Historical Research in the U. S. (H. Putnam) Ednca. R. 23: 217. — —- The Sonth’s Interest in. (J. D. Rodeffer) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 316. — of the Middle Temple. (E. Manson) Green Bag, 14: 475- LIBRARY Library, On becoming possessed of a. (J . A. Gibson) Westm. I58: 210, —- Place of, in Technical Education. (Alice B. Kroc- ger) Lib. J . 30: 393. ‘ -—- Popularizing a. (E. Wilder) Pub. Lib. 7: 144. — Public, and Allied Agencies. Lib. J . 30: 459, — — as a Business Proposition. (H. E. Law) Lib. J . 30: 405. . —— — as a Municipal Institution: from the Adminis- trative Standpoint. (H. G. Wadlin) Lib. J . 311 C 30. — -— as a Social Center. (Gratia Countryman) Pub. Lib. 11: 5. A . — — Books for the Foreign Population. (James H. Canfield; Arthur E. Bostwick; J . Maud Camp- bell) Lib. J. 31: 65. — — the Center of the Schools. Educa. 26: no, — — in American Life. 30= 925- - — One way to popularize. Lib. I1: 12. — — Organization of a, in a Small Town. (Eliz. D- Renninger) Lib. J . 31: 112. — (Alice S. Tyler) Lib. J. 31: 803. — — a Paying Investment. 73= 494- —- — reaching the People. 11: 237, -—- —-— Social Side of the. 11: 69. —— — Sphere of the. 11: 3. — — What, Why, and Whither of the. wick) Pub. Lib. 82 397. — — What ’s the Use of a ? J . 31: 808. — Srnall, as a Library Center. Pub. Lib. II: 9. —-— A Unique. (C. T. Brady) Critic, 45$ 211. — The Universal. Pub. Lib. I0: 129. —— University. (E. L. Greene) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2: 180, — using a, The Art of. (Louise Connolly) Lib. J . 312. 308. —-— Why the School needs the. (J . F. Riggs) Pub. Lib. I0: 507. Library Accounts, Hints on. (G. H. Eustis) Pub. Lib. I0: 7. Library Administration on $1000 to $5000 a Year. (Marilla W. Freeman) Pub. Lib. I0: 394. — (S. H. Ranck) Pub. Lib. I0: 397. = Lib. J . 301 C 58. Library Administration, Report of Committee on. (W. R. Eastman and others) Lib. J . 29$ supp. 163. Library Advertising. (P. B. Wright) Lib. J . 31: 86. —-(G. F. Bowerman) Pub. Lib. 10: 335. Library Affairs in Italy. (G. Biagi) Lib. J . 29: supp. (F. O. Carpenter) (Hugo Miinsterberg) Lib. J . (E. W. Gaillard) Pub. (F. M.‘ Crunden) Outl. (P. B. Wright) Pub. Lib. (J . Lichtenstein) Pub. Lib. (R. G. Thwaites) Pub. Lib. (A. E. Bost- (Anna G. Rockwell) Lib. (Emma F. Wakeman) 57. Library Architecture Abroad. (A. D. F. Hamlin) Lib. J. 3!: 710. — from the Librarian’s Point of View. (W. H. Brett) Lib. J. 31: 049. Library Association of the United Kingdom. Meet- ing at Birmingham, 1902. Ath. ’oz, 2: 452, — — at Leeds, 1903. Library, n. s. 4: 411. — Ath. ’o3, 2: 347, 414. —Lib. J. 28: 776. —— -—- at New-Castle-upon-Tyne, 1904. (W. E. Double- day) Library, n. s. 5: 404. — Lib. J. 292 541. —— — at Cambridge, 1905. (J . Ballinger) Library, n. s. ‘ 6: 428.-Ath. ’o5, 2: 276, 303. ~— - I906. Lib. J . 31: 720. —Ath. ’o6, 2: 272, 302. —State, How should the Program be made to be of Use to Small Libraries? (I. F. Farrar) Pub. Lib. 7= 363- . 374 LIBRARY Library (Associations and Clubs. (J . C. Dana) Lib. J . 30: 21, -— Purpose of. (J . C. Dana) Lib. J . 28: 776. —- State and Local; what they can do for Library In- terests. (J . C. Dana) Lib. J . 30: C 17, Library Building for a Small College. (G. T. Little) Lib. J . 28: 290, Library Buildings. (S. H. Ranck) Pub. Lib. I0: 402. — and Book Stacks. (B. R. Green) Lib. J. 312 C 52. —— Architectural Competitions for. (W. T. Partridge) Lib. J. 29: 4:3. —— Branch. (R. F. Almiral) Lib. J . 311 C46. — Carnegie, in New York. Archit. Rec. 17: 237. -— Cost of, compared with other Buildings. (W. E. Henry) Pub. Lib. 8: 64. — from the Librarian’s Standpoint. (Alta L. Stans- bury) Pub. Lib. II: 495. — Modern. (C. C. Soule) Archit. R. 9: I. — Need of an A. L. A. Collection of Plans. (C. C. Soule) Pub. Lib. II: 429. — Recent, 1906. Pub. Lib. II! 395. —— Views of a Consulting Architect. (A. D. T. Ham- lin) Lib. J. 31: C57. Library Clubs, Are Literary Papers out of Place in? (J . Dieserud) Lib. J. 271 72. _ Library Commission, Connecticut, Work of the. (Caro- line M. Hewins) Lib. J. 30: C 51. —State, Value of. (J . P. Kennedy) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 275- — What it can do to aid Libraries. Pub. Lib. 9: 212. Library Commission Law, A Model. (J . Brigham) Lib. J. 30: C46. Library Commissions, Instructional Work of. S. Tyler) Pub. Lib. 10: 6o. — The League of. (Alice S. Tyler) Lib. J . 302 274. — Reports from. Pub. Lib. I0: 62, — State. (H. E. Legler) Lib. J . 30: C 40. — Synopsis of Laws authorizing. (J . Brigham) Pub. Lib. 10: 83. Library Conference in South Africa. Lib.,J. 291 368. Library Economy, Bibliography of. (A. G. S. Joseph- son) Pub. Lib. I0: 122. — Brown on. (A. G. S. Josephson) Dial, 362 82. Library Enterprises, Modern. (W. H. Brett) Dial, (H. H. Langton) (Alice 34: 75- Library Ethics. (Genevieve M. Walton).--Pub. Lib. I0: 181. Library Examinations, in Theory and Practice. J . 30: 15. Library Extension. 217.259- — in Great Britain. (L. S. Jast) Lib. J . 291 supp. 34. Library Gifts in 1902-03. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 7- Library Institute, National [Proposed]. (M. Dewey) Pub. Lib. 9: 16, Library Institutes. (N. K. Preston) Pub. Lib. 9: 486. — (F. M. Winchell) Pub. Lib. 9: 490. —in Michigan, 1906. Pub. Lib. I12 146. Library Legislation in Great Britain and Ireland. (J . J. Ogle) Lib. J. 29: supp. 37. — in I902. (W. F. Yust) Lib. J. 28: 16. —- in 1903. (W. F. Yust) Lib. J. 29: 69. — in 1904. (W. F. Yust) Lib. J. 301 81. -— in 1905. Lib. J. 31: 57. Library Literature, Suggestions for a Yearbook of. (W. D. Johnston) Lib. J . 29! supp. 126. Library Meeting, Western, Madison, Wis. Aug., 1902. Pub. Lib. 7: 372. Library Meetings, An Innovation in, in Wisconsin. (Lutie E. Stearns) Lib. J . 31: 5 5. — Purpose of. (Isabel E. Lord) Lib. J . 28: 764. Lib. (E. A. Birge) Pub. Lib. I0: 163, Library Travels to Country Family. LIBRARY Library Methods ; Course given to City Normal School. (Linda M. Clatworthy) Lib. J . 31: 160. ~— in the Business World. (James H. Canfield) Pub. Lib. 11: 244. * -— Instruction in; Is it needed in‘ Normal Schools and Universities ? (F. B. Cooper) Lib. J. 312 I57. Library Movement, Free. (Hall Caine) Indep. 542 2630. ~— in Austria. (E. Reyer) Lib. J . 29: supp. 85. Library Nomenclature. (Alice B. Kroeger) Lib. J . W 533- ~ Library Opportunities. (J . C. Dana) Pub. Lib. 9: 3. Library Organizer, Notes by a. (M. E. Robbins) Lib. J . 28: 14. —— State. (Lutie .E. Stearns) Pub. Lib. 8: 457. -— —- Value and Work of a. (W. R. Eastman) Pub. Lib. 10: 67. - Library Profession, Organization of, in the U. S. (Dr. Wolfsteig) Pub. Lib. I1: 11, Library Reform in France. (J . I. Wyer, jr.) Lib. J. 31: 215. Library Reports, Form for. Pub. Lib. 7: 466. Library School Problem, The. (Irene Warren) Pub. Lib. 11: 541. Library Schools, An Account of the Various. Lib. I1: 116. —- Future of. (Melvil Dewey) Pub. Lib. 10: 435, —- Ideals of. Pub. Lib. 11: 112, Pub. -— Letters from Librarians who have been in. Pub. Lib. 11: 137. ——- Summer. Pub. Lib. I1: 131, Library Simplification. (E. W. Gaillard) Pub. Lib. 11: '51. ' Library Staff, Song of the. (Sam Walter Foss) Lib. J . 31 : C 35. Library Statistics, Comparative University and Col- lege. (J. T. Gerould) Lib. J . 31: 761, - Weak Points in. (A. E. Bostwick) Lib. J . 28: supp. 81 Library Training. (Lutie E. Stearns) Lib. J . 30: C 68, —- in the Library; the Newark Class. (Kate L. Rob- erts) Pub. Lib. 11: 19, — Report of Committee on. (M. W. Plummer and others) Lib. J . 28: supp. 83. (May Lowe) Educa. 25: 45. Library Visits to Public Schools. J , 27: 181, Library Work, “Age of Success” in. wick) Lib. J. 27: 765, . —- Encouragements in. (Waller Irene Bullock) Pub. Lib. II: 500. -— Essentials and Non-essentials in. Lib. J. 30: 399. -—— Fads and Fallacies in. 821. — High School Course in. Pub. Lib. 10: 170, — in New Zealand. (A. C. Moore) Lib. (A. E. Bost- (J . Lichtenstein) (E. F. Corwin) Lib. J . 27: (Florence M. Hopkins) (H. Baillie) Lib. J.‘ 29: supp. 89. -— Modern; its Aims and its Achievements. (E. C. Richardson) Dial, 38: 73. — with Children in Great Britain. J. 29: supp. 46; -—— — Meeting at Hartford. (C. M. Hewins) Pub. Lib. 10: 475. — Lib. J. 301 798. - - Rational, and Preparation for it. Olcott) Lib. J. 30: C71. Licensing Laws. (H. J . Randall) Law Q. 20: 316, Licensing Laws and Bogus Clubs. (A. Mitchell) J urid. R. 14: 59. Licensing Question, Present Position of the. Hunter) 19th Cent. 53: 695. (J . Ballinger) Lib. (Frances J . (Sir R. 375 LIFE Lichens. (W. W. Bailey) Educa. 22: 498. -~ of New Hampshire. (R. H. Howe, jr.) Am. Nat- ural. 40: 661, -H on Rocks. (S. T. Hensel) Science, 11. s. 16: 593. Lick Observatory. (J . G. Bliss) Calif. M. 4: 75. — and its Problems. (W. W. Campbell) Overland, n. s. 402 321. —~— Eclipse Expedition. Science, 11. s. 20: 412, -—— Life at. (E. F. Hussey) Atlan. 92: 29. -—— Work of. (W. W. Campbell) Science, n. s. 17: 607. Liddell-and-Scott. Spec. 97: 570. Liddon, Henry Parry. (D. C-. Lathbury) 19th Cent. 57: 331. ——- Quar. 202: .458. ——Church Q. 60: 371. ——- Johnston’s Life and Letters of. (H. Rashdall) In- dep. R. 5: 110. -(P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 38: 234. Lide Ann Potter’s Wedding. (Grace McE. Iurs) Lip- pine. 75: 99. _ Lie, The; a story. (A. H. Donnell) Harper, I06: 8. 79 Liebereich’s Christmas. (J. L. Long) Cent. 47: 232. Liebermann, Max, Artist. (A. E. Liittecke) Studio (Internat.) 23: 203. Liebig, Justus von. (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 87: 644. =Ecl. M. 141: 247. =Liv. Age, 2371 673. —- Centennial Celebration of. (D. Woodman) Science, 11. s. 17: 953. -- Influence on Development of Chemical Industries. (C. Duisberg) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 533. Liechtenstein ; a Sovereign State. (R. Shackleton) Harper, 109: 245. V “ Lied,” Cult of the. (C. L. Gomme) Spec. 921 334. Liége, Exhibition at, 1905, Continental Machine Tools at. (J . Horner) Cassier, 28: 479. — -— Mechanical Features of. (L. Ramakers) Engin. M. W 57. Lietz, Hermann, School of, at Pulvermiihle; Posta- lozzi’s Idea realized. 9: 186, Lieut. Connors’s Cowardice; a story. gins) McClure, 22: 287, Lieutenant Radler’s Holiday. 245: 291, Lieutenant’s Messenger, The. M. 38: 533. Lieven, Madame de. Ed. R. 197: 230. =Ecl. M. 140: 708. = Liv. Age, 237: I36. — (Florence M. Parsons) Temp. Bar, 127: 150, — and Metternich. (L. G. Robinson) 19th Cent. 51.’. 315- — Letters, 1812-34. Ath. ’02, 22 675. Life. (Sir Oliver Lodge) Hibbert J . 41 I00. I Liv. Age. 248= 249- — and Consciousness. (J . Baugh) Westm. 166: 169, —- and Death. (J. B. Keene) N. Church R. 13: 481. —— — A Scientific View of. (F. Legge) Acad. 64: 38. — and Energy. (J . B. McLaughlin) Dub. R. 134: 52. —— (W. McDonald) Dub. R. 135: 82. — and Mind, Mysteries of. (C. Snyder) Fortn. 77: 1010, — and the Well-balanced Man. (M. Gorky) Cosmopol. 40: no p. . — Artificial Creation of. (G. P. Serviss) Cosmopol. 39: 459- — The Beauty of. (G. Trobridge) Westm. I66! 300. — Birth, and Live-birth. (S. B. Atkinson) Law Q. 20: 134, ——- Birthplace of Terrestrial. 67: , , —— Burke on the Origin of ; Sensationalism and Science. (N. R. Campbell) National, 48: 89. — Chemical Theory of. (N. C. Macnamara) Westm. 158: 161, 285. (H. J . O’Hig- (D. Gerard) Liv. Age, (Eleanor Stuart) Scrib. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. (F. A. Forel) Internat. Q. _ LIFE Life, Dull Level of. (W. Morris) Craftsman, 6: 184. — The Durable Satisfactions of. (C. W. Eliot) Mc- Clure, 26: 339. = Harv. Grad. M. 14: 213. — The Duration of. Liv. Age, 248: 509. —— Facing. Spec. 94: I69. — Greek, Hebrew, and Christian Conceptions of. (J . B. Kieffer; F. A. Gast ; G. W. Richards) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 446. — Human, Commercial Value of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 120, -— — Lengthening. (J . Walsh) Booklover’s M. 2: 117. — — Value of, Present Estimate of. (R. Encken) Forum, 34: 608, _ -— The Human State. (F. Carrel) Monthly R. 24, no. 3: 125, -— The Hurry and Bustle of Modern. Chamb. J . 33: (M. O. Leighton) 97. -— in Epitome. Dial, 39: 57. — in Hot Waters. (W. A. Setchell) Calif. Univ. Chron. I: 110, — in the Universe. (S. N ewcomb) Harper, III: 404. —- Length of, in Various Industries. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 465. — Modern Abundant. (B. I. Wheeler) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 79. —— More, for Man. (C. L. Hunt) Chant. 36: 288. — More Pleasure for the Producer of Household Stuff. (C. L. Hunt) Chant. 37: 178. —Nature of. (G. Martin) Knowl. n. s. 2: 125, 146, 194- ‘ — New. (G. Tyrrell) Month, I02: 23, —— New Church Doctrine of. (D. V. Bowen) N. Church R. 11: 93. — Newest Conceptions of. (C. Snyder) Harper, 105: 8'6. — Origin of. (F. Legge) Acad. 62: 417.--(C. W. Sa- leeby) Acad. 68: 667. — (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 94: 398. - (J. B. Burke) Fortn. 84: 389. —- (M. H. Lane) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 148. _ —— Physical Law and. (J . H. Poynting) Hibbert J . I: 728, -—Poetic Aspect of. (H. H. Dodwell) Macmil. 89: 140, - —— Prolongation of, Metchnikofi"s Discoveries. (A. E. McFarlane) McClure, 25: 541. — Radium and. (C. W. Saleeby) Harper, I13: 226. —— Real. (E. S. Martin) Harper, I06: 634. -—- The Repairs of. (Dr. Andrew Wilson) Chamb. J . 82: 772. —- The Riddle of the Origin of, on the Earth. Bastian) World To-day, I0: 171. —- Salvage of. (F. Cunningham) Green Bag, I7: 708. — The School of. (H. van Dyke) Harper, I09: 676. — The Simple, in a Commercial Age. (L. E. Van Norman) Chant. 37: 433. —— The Source of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 64: 493. -— The Strength of. (J . Cater) Chamb. J . 82: 737. —— Theory of, Driesch on. (J . A. Thompson) Nature, 67: 50, — Thoughts on. (L. Tolstoy) Indep. 57: 73, 975. — Whatis? (J . Ganle) Am. J . Psychol. I4: ,1. — (Sir (H. C. Oliver Lodge) No. Am. I80: 661. — What it Means to me. (Jack London) Cosmopol. 40: 526.-—(J. Burroughs) Cosmopol. 40: 654.- (E. Markham) Cosmopol. 41: 185, -—(Ju1ia, Ward Howe) Cosmopol. 41: 285. -— (H. D. Thoreau) Cos- mopol. 41: 393.——(B. Millard) Cosmopol. 41: 512, — (U. Sinclair) Cosmopol. 41: 591. -— (Ella W. Wilcox) Cosmopol. 42: 203. “ Life and Letters” of Mrs. Pope, The ; a story. (O. H. Dunbar) Harper, 108: 735. Life, and a Picture; a story. (M. E. Bellars) Temp. Bar, 130: 589. 376 LIGHT Life Beautiful, The. (M. E. Braddon) Chamb. J . 83-: 785. Life between, The; a poem. (Louisa F. Tarkington) Cosmopol. 37: 690. ' Life for a Leak, A. (D’Este) Lippinc. 78: 465. Life for a Life, A. (Frank G. Martin) Overland, n. s. 46: 339- ' Life of the Winds of Heaven, The; a story. (S. E. White) McClure, 19: 317. Life on a Tuscan Farm. (T. R. Sullivan) Scrib. M. 37: 541- _ Life-boat, A Novel. (K. S. Nicholson) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 25: 1-9, —— Some Recent Types of. (N. Y.) 31: 335. Life-boat Men. (F. Baker) Sund. M. 35: 125. Life Insurance Machine, The. World’s Work, 11: 6841, Life-satisfaction. (W. Karapetoif) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 681, Life-savers of the Pacific Coast. M. 4: 62. _ Life-saving ; Heroes of the Surf. (J . R. Spears) Outl. 731 548- Life-saving Service, Canadian, of Sable Island. (A. P. Silver) Chamb. J. 81: 716. Life Table for Scotland. (T. Adam) J . Statis. Soc. (A. Gradenwitz) R. of Rs. (G. Mathews) Calif. 67: 448, —- New, for England and Wales. (T. E. Hayward) J . Statis. Soc. 66: 366. Life Tables. (T. E. Hayward) J . Statis. Soc. 65: 35 - Life’s Accolade; a story. (Abby M. Roach) Harper, 111: 5 59, Life’s Little Difficulties. vols. 244,249, Light and Colors, New Theory of. (Sir I. Newton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 461, —— and Darkness, Reactions to. (G. S. Hall and T. L. Smith) Am. J . Psychol. 14: 21. — and the Visual Sense. (H. A. Fotherby) Knowl. n. s. 3: 605. — Astronomical Consequences of the Pressure of. (J . Poynting) Nature, 75: 90. (E. V. Lucas) Liv. Age, -— The Civilizer. (D. T. Day) Am. M. 61: 654. — English Law on. (W. C. Williams) Am. Arch. 76: 60. — Group and Wave Velocity. Science, 11. s. I8: 282, —(D. B. Brace) Science, 11. s. 16181. ——~ The History and Development of. Am. M. 61: 654, — in Law in Cities in England. Sat. R. 97: 578. — MacDougal’s Influence of Light and Darkness upon Growth and Development. (C. E. Bessey) Science, (D. T. Day) 11. s. 17: 584. — Michelson’s Light Waves and their Uses. Science, n. s. 19: 380. —— Modern Theories of. (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 89: 62 5, —— The Pressure of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 86: 546, — Treatment of Disease by. (G. Pernet) Quar. 204,: 138.-—Nature, 69: 535. -— Velocity of, in an Electrostatic Field. (R. A. Fes- senden) Science, 11. s. 16: 474, _ — vs. Legislation. (Katrina Trask) Arena, 33: 16. — Why a Flame emits. (R. M. Bird) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 209, Light of Liberty; a story. (W. A. Dromgoole) Arena, 3I= 394. Light that cast no Shadows. (J . F. Farrell) Outl. 74: 904. Light Cure at Copenhagen. (J . Moritzen) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 431, LIGHT-HEARTED Light-hearted, The; a story. (W. Payne) Atlan. 94: 472- Lighthall, W. D., Canadian Author. (R. S. Somer- ville) Canad. M. 26: 552, Lighthouse Observations. Chamb. J . 79: 276. Lighthouse Service, California. The Watchers of the Fog. (J . M. Scanland) Overland, n. s. 41: 83, Lighthouses. (A. Hewitt) Outl. 78: 605. Lighting. (W. S. Franklin) Science, n. s. 24: 819. — Artificial, The Evolution of. (Rahda-Ananda) Overland, n. s. 45: 483. — Decorative. (C. S. Freeman) Craftsman, 4: I73. —-— Municipal, should the People or the Corporations light our Cities ? (F. F. Ingram) Arena, 30: 392. —-— New Methods of. Chamb. J. 82: 165. — Relation of Window Area to Floor Space. Arch. 80: 52. —-— of a Country House. '(J. Cox, jr.) Ctry Life Am. 5: 61. Lighting Fixtures, Ancient and Modern. field) Archit. R. 12: 293. Lightning, Action on Buildings. Arch. 85: 94. 4 -— Cause and Efiect of. (F. Street) Idler, 23: 84. - Effects of. Spec. 92: 123. —- Flashes of, from Earth to Cloud. yer) Knowl. n. s. 3: 599. —-— Photography of. Canad. M. 22: 214, —-— Possible Cause of. (C. Barus) Science, 11. s. 17: 32. —-— Protection from. Am. Arch. 77: 87. -— Research Committee Report. Am. Arch. 87: 201. —-— Safeguards against. (A. Hands) Am. Arch. 82: 3. —— Spectrum of. Pop. Astron. I0: 104,- (P. S. Fiske) World’s Work, 3: I992.—- (E. C. Pickering) Knowl. 25: 6. . _ —- Summer. (A. Geikie) Nature, 68: 367. —- Vagaries of. Science, n. s. 24: 443. —— Lightning Arrester, Shaw’s. J . Frankl. Inst. 160: Am. (D. Crown- (K. Hedges) Am. (W. J . S. Lock- 373' Lightning Conductors, Modern. (K. Hedges) J. Soc. Arts. 531' 726- Lightning-rod, When did Franklin invent ? Rotch) Science, 11. s. 24: 374. Lights in the Cocoa-nut Trees, The. (T. Roberts) Munsey, 34= 570. Lights of Strathmuir, The. 78: 375- Lightships, English. Floating Lights._ (W. Wood) Good Words, 46: 687, Light-Weight Saddle Class- (A. Stoddart) Lippinc. 721 (A. L. (W. M. Raine) Lippinc. 489. Like Coals of Fire. (G. Barnum) Munsey, 35: 5 36, Like Father Like Son. (C. King) Lippinc. 69: 493. Like a Gentleman. (C. L. Shaw) Canad. M. 25: 262, Like the Rush of Mighty Wings. (D. A. Chase) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 574. ~ Lilford,Thos. Littleton, 4th Baron. Nature, 67: supp. after p. 336. Lilien, Ephraim. (S. J . Solomon) M. of Art, 37': 240. Lilies, Consider the. (Jessie J . Knox) Overland, n. s. 39: 789- Liljefus, Bruno Andreas, Artist, Work of, at St. Louis Fair. (H. Smith) 15: 287. Lily-Ann. (Florence T. Cox) McClure, 28: 218, Lily, Easter; a Romance of Floriculture. (W. C. Miller) Ctry Life Am. 5: 508. ‘ Lima Beans; a Practical Story by a Practical Man. (W. A. Tenney) Overland, n. s. 44: 238. Limantoni-, Jose Ives, Mexico’s Great Finance Minis- ter. (R. Reyes) No. Am. 182: 44. Limbs, New, for Old Ones. Chamb. J . 79: 691. Lime and Magnesia, Relation of, to Metabolism. (D. W. May) Science, n. s. 18: 149, 377 LINCOLN Limerick, In the Wilds of. (M. F. Quinlan) Month, 106: 462, . Limes Britannicus, The. (T. Barus) Antiq. n. s. 38: 337. 356. .Limestones, Cambro-Ordovician, of the Middle Portion of the Valley of Virginia. (H. D. Campbell) Am. J. Sci. 170: 445. Limit, The. (G. Brinton) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 688. Limping Beast, The, and the Princess. Sund. M. 35: 73- Limmer’s [In]. (G. Brenan) Macmil. 89: 362, Limoélan, The Chevalier de. (A. Laugel) Nation, 78: 47- ' Linacre, Thomas. (S. Denton) Temp. Bar, 128: 5 36. — and Latimer in Italy. (P. S. Allen) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 514. - Lincoln, Abraham. (W. E. Curtis) Bk. News, 21: 735. -- (J . H. Choate) Green Bag, 14: 77. — (D. Mowry) Green Bag, 15: 5 3. — (Mrs. General Pickett) Lip- Pi11c- 77‘ S55- —— Agnosticism of. (L. Abbott) Outl. 84: 654, — and Booth: a Late Discovery. M. of Hist. 3: 117. — and Douglas ; Great Freeport Debate. (S. D. Thompson) Am. Law R. 39: 161, —— — The Last Debate between. (H. G. McPike) M. of Hist. 3: 77. —- and Men of his Time, Recollections of. (J . M. Scovel) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 693. — and the Patronage. (C. R. Fish) Am. Hist. R. 8: 53- -— and Washington compared. (J . McGovern) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 518. —-— as a Craftsman in Words. Craftsman, 8: 482, — as I knew him. (W. H. Crook) Harper, I14: 107, — as a Lawyer. (H. Montgomery) Am. Law R. 37: 358- —— — with an Account of his first Case. (J . W. Weik) Cent. 46: 279. . —-— as a Writer. (C. H. Cooper) Dial, 41: 84, —-— Barrett’s Life of. (C. H. Cooper) Dial, 36: 234,- (H. White) Nation, 78: 356, —- Characteristic Glimpses of. (C. T. Sutton) Cent. 41: 558. — Duel with Shields. (W. H. Souther) M. of Hist. 4: 145- — Education of. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 76: 454. — Gettysburg Address, Three Books on. Sparks) Dial, 41: 320, — Incident of his first White House Reception. B. Edwards) Cent. 50: 636, — Knowledge of Shakespeare. land, 11. s. 43: 336. ' —the Lawyer. (F. T. Hill) Cent. 49: 286-939, 50: I39- — Lincoln— Garfield —~McKinley. (R. H. Tithering- ton) Munsey, 27: 306. —-— Literature on. (L. B. Reed) Dial, 34: 189, — My Story of. (J . E. Holden) Outl. 70: 718. — Oflicial Habit of. (L. J . Perry) Lippinc. 59: 200. — Policy of Mercy. (W. G. Brown) Atlan. 96: 359. — Recollections of. (H. Villard) Atlan. 93: 165. —- (H. White) M. of Hist. 3: 7!. — Recollections of Escort Duty to. of Hist. 3: 248. —Religious‘ Beliefs of. (R. C. Roper) Open Court, (E. E. (C. (R. N. Reeves) Over- (G. Ashmun) M. 17: 76. —-— Side Lights on. (J . M. Scovel) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 458- - Social Isolation of. (H. C. Whitney) Indep. 54: 378. —- Some Impressions of. (E. S. Nadal) Scrib. M. 39: 368. —-— A Study in Ethics. (C. S. Beardslee) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 16: 5. LINCOLN Lincoln, Abraham, Unpublished Letters of. (W. H. Lambert) Pennsyl. M. 272 60. -— Wrestling Match with Lorenzo Dow Thompson, 1832. (F. E. Stevens) M. of Hist. I: 86. Lincoln, England. Etching by W. Ball. Art J. 581 I 38. -— The Fair of, and “ Histoire de Guillaume le Maré- chal.” (T. F. Tout) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 240. -—— Ramble through. (L. Teale) Sund. M. 34: 73 5. Lincoln, Neb., Carnegie Library Building. Lib. J . 27: 944- Lincoln Farm; a Park of Patriotism. R. of Rs. (N. YJ3:-s= =93- Lincoln Memorial University, Cumberland Gap. O. Howard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 299, -—- Folk of the Cumberland Gap. (O. O. Howard) Munsey, 27: 506. Lincoln’s Inn, Lord-Lieutenant of. Antiq. n. s. 42: 452. , -—_ The Origin of. (G. J . Turner) Ath. ’o6, 2: 335. Lindholm; the Isle in the Morass, and its Remark- able Traditions. (H. Brierley) Gent. M. n. s. 722 (O. (W. C. Bolland) 185. Lindner, Moffat P., Artist, and his Venice Water- colors. Studio (Internat.) 23: 185. Lindsey, Ben B., Judge, and his Work. (Helen Grey) World To-day, I0: 368. —Char. I3: 79. —(W. M. Raine) Am. M. 60: 164. — (L. Stefiens) McClure, 27: 563. 28: 74, I6’-’.—Arena, 35: 35o.—(H. J. Haskell) Outl. 80: 497. Lindsey, Robert Bertie, 1st Earl. (G. A. P. Dewar) Long-m, 42: 174. Line Drawings, Machine-made, for the Illustration of Scientific Papers. (R. A. Daly) Am. J . Sci. 169: 227, Linen, History and Hygiene of. (H. C. O’Neil) Over- land, 11. s. 40: 474, Lines of Information, their Value to Strategy and Tactics. (A. W. Greely) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 224, Lingo of M’sieur, The. (Mary R. S. Andrews) Scrib. M, 31: 472, Linguistic Reform, Real. 83: 366. Linguistics, General and Comparative, for the Classi- cal Student. (C. L. Meader) School R. 12: 390, Lining of the Cloud, The. (Harrison Rhodes) Book- lover’s M. 6: 527. Linnell, William. Gent. M. n. s..._77: 440. Linnet, The. (E. and J . Grinnell).Land,({f Sun. I 3: go. Linnet-singing as an East London Diversion. (Ralph D. Paine) Outing, 451 387. Linotype, Introduction of the. R. 13: 251. Lion, The California. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 2: 80, Lion and the Lamb, The. (M. S. Daggett) Outl. 83: (F. J. Mather,-jr.) Nation, (G. E. Barnett) Yale 761. Lion and the Mouse. (C. Klein) Critic, 49: 54, 149, 242. -—- -—— in Story Form. Lion-house in N. Y. Zoiilogical Park. Cent. 45: 79. Lion-hunt on the Zambesi. To-day. 9= 1309- Lion-hunters and Lady Carlisle. (I. Taylor) 19th Cent, : 86. Lions-Iiuiiting on Gorongoza’s Plain. (E. S. Grogan) Outing. 46= 347. Lion-tamer, Diary of a. (Claire Heliot) Cosmopol. 41: (C. Johnson) Am. M. 62: 179. (H. F. Osborn) (C. W. G. Morris) World 463-, Lion’s Whelp, The. (A. MacGowan) Munsey, 34: 718, 378 mouon ~' Lions in British East Africa. Chamb. J . 83: 782. -—— Man-hunting by. (Mrs. S. L. Hinde) Blackw. 178: 192. = Liv. Age, 246: 687, -—- Presented to Pres. Van Buren and Pres. Roosevelt. (F. A. Crandall) Nation, 78: 11. Lions in the Way. (D. L. Hastings) Atlan. 89: 754. Lip-reading, Early Instance of. (H. C. Bolton) Soi- euce, n. s. 17: 631. Lippi, Fra Filippo, with portrait, life, and biblio- graphy. Mast. in Art, 6: 465. Lippji, Félippino, Two Paintings by. (C. Phillips) Art . : I. Lips that were sealed. 78: 385. Lipsius, Justus, The Letters of. Meth. R. 64: 255. _ Liquefaction of Gases and Continuity of State. (J . Dewar) Science, n. s. 151 533, 567. Liquid Air, Limitations of. Am. Arch. 79: 6. —— the Knudsen System. Knowl. n. s. 3: 539. —- Production and Applications. (J . Dewar) Nature, (Alma M. Estabrook) Lippinc. (K. P. Harrington) 721 352- Liquid Surfaces, Lecture Experiment on Surface Ten- sion and Superficial Viscosity. (J . E. Burbank) Am. J. Sci. I65: 140, Liquids, Molecular Weights of, with a Few Words about Association. (C. L. Speyers) Am. J . Sci. -167: 427, Liquor. Alcoholic Excess and the Licensing Bill. (T. Godfrey) Fortn. 82: 135. —and Politics. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 79: 516. — Ed. R. 200: 228, Liquor Legislation in Vermont. Nation, 74: 500. -—English Bill, 1904. Spec. 921 444, 629» 872.-Sat. R. 97: 515. Liquor Licenses, Compensation for. Westm. I61: 540, -—- Birmingham Scheme of Surrender. lain) National, 41: 396, — A Practical Scheme for Solving the Problem. (C. H. Tripp) National, 41: 817. — Question of, in England. (H. M. Adler) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 514. —— Reduction and Surrender of. Monthly R. 15, no. 2: 66, Liquor Licensing Bill, English, 1904. (D. Freeman) Indep. R. 3: 95. —Sund. M. 33: 374. Liquor Problem, The. (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 37: no p. Liquor Question in some American Cities and States. (H. S. Hanna and others) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 371. Liquor Reform, Russian Results of. Outl. 70: 120. Liquor-selling; the Tip and his Trade. (D. C. Ped- der) Monthly R. I2, no. 3, 66, Liquor Trade, Finance and. (T. Shaw) Indep. R. 4: (D. MacG. Means) (D. Freeman) (A. Chamber- (H. J . Craufurd) (G. Kennan) 533- —— in England. The Drink Monopoly and the National Revenue. (E. Robertson) 19th Cent. 57: 1034. -— in the United Kingdom, Regulation of. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 495. -—- Liberalism and the Local Veto, in England. (J . E. Allen) Indep. R. 11: 338. -— Local Option, Aspects of. ti0n9 7 5‘ 395- — Norwegian System of Control of. (J . Seth) Con- temp. 9°: 861. — Public Control of, in Sweden and __Norway. (M. Alger) Arena,33: 134, T/-1" -— Public-House Trusts. (Earl of Carlisle) Monthly R. 6, no. 22' 34. —- (E. Hesketh) Econ. J. 12: 334, (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- mouon Liquor Trade; the State Dispensary of South Carolina, (Freeman Tilden) World To-day, 11: 739. ’Lisbeth. (E. Elliott) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 180. Lisbon the Fair. (H. C. Chatfield—Taylor) Cosmopol. 371 675- Lischy, Jacob. Report to Bishop Augustus G. Span- genberg. (W. J . Hinke) Ref. Ch. R.~ 52: 517. Lislebourg and Petit Leith. (T. G. Law) Scot. Hist. R. 1: 19. Lissajous Figures. (H. C. Richards) J . Frankl. Inst. 153: 269. Listening, Tact in. Sat. R. 98: 292.=Liv. Age, 243: 563. =Ecl. M. 144: 114, Lister Institute. Science, 11. s. 18: 219, Listerism. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 64: 616. Listlessness, Mental. Spec. 92: 44. ‘ Liszt, Franz.~ Acad. 69: 1033. —With portrait. (S. C. Pratt) Booklover’s M. 2: 277.—With portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 3: 97. -—and his Carolyne. (Gustav Kobbé) No. Am. 181: 101, -— Letters of. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 75: 35. —— Personality of. (W. S. B. Mathews) Music, 21: 213, — Program Pieces by. Music, 22: 5 3, Literary Adviser, Confessions of a. 620, Literary Agent, The. Bookman, 23: Bookman, 24: 134, — “ Commercialization of Literature ” and the. Fortn. 86: 355. Literary Art, Ethics of. (Maurice Thompson) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 3: 211. Literary Associations of the American Embassy. (F. S. A. Lowndes) Fortn. 83: 1031.'—“-Ecl. M. 145: 3o6.:Liv. Age, 246: 67, Literary Carpenter, The, and some Recent Books. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 24: 50. “ Literary Center,” The. (M. A. De W. Howe) Atlan. 92: 346. Literary Compositions, Law of Names for. Steiner) Green Bag, 16: 643, Literary Conquest and the Idea in the Air. (S. Searles) Bookman, 20: 61, Literary Controversy, Art of. (R. E. Vernede) Mac- mil. 87: 179. Literary Clubs, London. (Arthur Goodrich and others) Bookman, 21: 242, 392, 576, 22: 17, 216, 403, 23: (B: C. 335- Literary Color-box, The. Sat. R. 99: 553. Literary Criticism, Phases of. (L. Mead) Dial, 32: Literary Critics and Criticism. (H. W. Elson) Bk. News, 23: 143. Literary Elbow-grease. Chamb. J . 83: 63, Literary Forgers. (C. Whibley) Cornh. 85: 624. = Bookman, 15: 273. Literary “ Ghost; ” how it works. Donagh) Chamb. J . 80: 772. Literary Heroism, Our F orefathers’. (L. Sears) M. of Hist. 4: 47. ' Literary History, Meaning of. 200: 1, Literary Horrors Club, The; verse. Bookman, 23: 373. Literary Instinct, American. 113. Literary Institute, A, as Proposed by Robert Southey and Sir Henry Taylor. (W. M. Colles) Acad. 65: (Michael Mac- (Oliver Eaton) Quar. (Wallace Irwin) (C. L. Moore) Dial, 38: 729- Literary Life, The. (Laurence Hutton) Critic, 46: 43- -— for Women; does it pay? (Jeannette L. Gilder) Am. M. 60: 3. 379 l LlTERATURE Literary Men of the Day. (G. W. Smalley) McClure, 20: 53- —- on the Stage. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 98: 457. Literary Methods. (James H. Collins) Bookman, 23: 443: Literary Parasite, The. (L. Selleck) Bookman, 19: 46. Literary Perspective. Dial, 39: 77,, Literary Pilgrimage, The. (R. L. Hartt) Atlan. 91: 8 2 3 , Literary Portraits from the ’60’s. (J . McCarthy) Har- per, 107: 763. Literary Press-agent, Confessions of a. Bookman, 24: 335- Literary Recollections of a Golden Age. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 101: 485, 520, 583, Literary Study, Aims and Methods of. (W. P. Trent) Sewanee, I2: I. Literary Success, A. (Alice L. Lee) New Eng. M. n. s. 31. 365. Literary Tastes, Other Persons’. (VV. Larremore) Bookman, 23: 327. Literary Temperament, The. man, 18: " (F. M. Colby) Book- 48)- -— and Literary Coteries. 317- Literary Temperament, A; a story. Cosmopol. 37: 695. (J. M. Bullock) Lamp, 27: (A. H. Adams) Literary Values. Acad. 65: I6._— (J . Burroughs) Cent. 41: 853. Literature, Advertisement and. (A. Lang) Indep. 5 5: 2088. —— and Democracy. (J . D. Miller) Arena, 27: 282, —- and the Doctor’s Degree. (I. Babbitt) Nation, 83: 238. V —and Ethics. Dial, 41: 81.—(T. W. Hunt) Meth. R. 65: 22, — and History. (C. L. Falkner) Monthly R. I 5, no. 23 96. = Liv. Age, 241: 621, — and the Living Voice. (W. B. Yeats) Contemp. 90: 472- - and the Moral Code. (A. Schinz) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 464, — and National Feeling. Chi-o_n. 5: 1. — and Politics. Chamb. J . 83! 627. — Appraisal of. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 75: 87. —— Art and Free Will in. (C. F. Keary) Fortn. 77: 628. =Ec1. M. 139: 109. — as a Practical Force in England. (J . M. Bullock) Lamp, 29: 117. — as a Pursuit. (T. W. Higginson) Critic, 47: 163. —- The Basis of. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Dial, 38: 346. — The Birth of. Liv. Age, 249: 701. —- Business Side of.‘ Chamb. J . 80: 37. — Commerce of. Westm. 166: 595. — Commercialization of. (H. Holt) Atlan. 96: 577. — Comparative, What is ? (C. M. Gayley) Atlan. 923 56. — Concerning some of the Enfants trouvés of. (M. M. Currie) 19th Cent. 56: 126. -—— Continental, A Causerie on Current. Wilson) Fortn. 84: 356. — —- A Year of, 1903. Dial, 35: 53. — -' — I9°4- Dial, 37: I95. 225- -—A Curiosity of. (H. B. Baker) Gent. M. n. s. 72: (B. Perry) Calif. Univ. (W. Lawler- 347- - A Definition of. (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 429, — Do our Girls take an Interest in ? (Margarita Yates) Monthly R. 23, no. 1: 120. =Liv. Age, 249: 387. - Enduring Qualities in. (W. T. Scott) Meth. R. 64: 87- . LITERATURE Literature, for Admission to College. (M. H. Shad- ford) Educa. R. 27: 410. -—- French, Recent. (E. Lee) Library, n. e. 4: 403. -—- in Elementary Schools. (Katherine H. Shute) School R. 14: 484, -— in 1906. Acad. 71: 649. —— in School. Dial, 371 293. -—— in the 20th Century. (Brander Matthews) No. Am. I79: 513. -- Is it becoming Benevolent? Grub Street To-day. (J . M. Bullock) Lamp, 27: 113. -—- Literary Teaching vs. Teaching of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 218. —— Memory Work in. 224, -—- Mob Spirit in. (H. D. Sedgwick) Atlan. 96: 9. —-— Modern, Trend of. (J . I. Hennemann) Sewanee, 11: 161, -— Mute, Inglorious. (C. A. Smith) School R. 12: (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 344- -— Nature of. (Violet Paget) Contemp. 86: 377, 645. -— Needs the Light of History. (Eliz. H. Avery) Educa. 25: 212, -—— of Devotion. (W. A. Quayle) Meth. R. 64: 36. — of Dirt, Doubt, and Despair. (J . T. Smith) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 130, -— of Exposure. (G. W. Alger) Atlan. 96: 210, -— Originality and Convention in. (F. B. Gummere) Quar. 204: 26. —- The Pictorial or the Creative in ? (L. B. Ellis) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 179. — Practical Side of Preparation in. H. Shackford) School R. 14: 223, -—- The Prospects of. (C. Whibley) Liv. Age, 247: 439- -— Reader’s Contribution to Power of. -(O. N. Firkins) Bib. Sac. 61: 89. -- Real Forces in. (E. Fuller) Atlan. 91: 270, _ -— The Sanctity of. (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2: I47. W -— Standards in. (E. Phillpotts) Critic, 48: 181. ' — State Discouragement of. Watson) Fortn. 81: 266, ' -—- Study and Teaching of. Chic. Rec. 1: 337, 345. -—Teaching. (F. C. Prescott) Nation, 83: 240.-—(T. W. Cowgill) Nation, 83: 326. —(W. P. Trent) Sewanee, I2: 461, -—— below the College. 26: 474. -— — in Colleges. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 82: 296. -— To the Lamp-bearers. (E. Phillpotts) Monthly R. 2Ia.n0- 3: 44- — vs. Philology. (C. W. Super) Nation, 82: 343, — When it is not a Livelihood. (J . M. Bullock) Lamp, 29= 299- - Where it is growing Weak. (J . M. Bullock) Lamp, 28: 32, Literature Studies for Adult Classes. Calif. Univ. Chron. 1: 515. 2: Literaturitis, a Modern Disease. man, 21: 97. , Lithographs in Color, German. (H. W. Singer) Stu- dio (Internat.) 21: 305. . Lithography, German, of To-day. Critic, 41: 551, Lithuania to the Chicago Stockyards, From; an Auto- biography. (A. Kaztauskis) Indep. 57: 241, Little Beach Boy, The. (L. Bright) Everybody’s, I3: (O. L. Triggs) Univ. of (J. W. Heermans) Educa. (C. B. Bradley) 17. (A. Schinz) Book- 91- Little Bobby of the Streets. (Carlotta Reynal) Over- land, n. s. 45: 559. Little Bo-peep. (Myra Kelly) McClure, 28: 115, Little Boy, The. (M. Byron) Eel. M. 140: 60. 380 LITTLE “ Little Breeches ;” Incident on which it was written ‘ by John Hay. Out West, 23! 332. Little Brother of the Books, A. (Josephine D. Daskam) Scrib. M. 32: 400. Little Brown Ann ; a story. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 321, Little Brown Horse, A. (J . H. Tuckerman) Outing, 48: 161. Little Candle, A; a story. 109: 139. Little Canoe, The. (H. W. Phillips) Cent. 45: 72. Little Child shall lead them, A. (F. H. Williams) Lippinc. 73: 179. Little Comedy at Gordann’s, A. ton’s M. 8: 786. Little Coyote. (Mary Austin) -Atlan. 89: 249. Little Cruise of the “ Violetta ; ” a story. (A. Colton) Harper, I06: 452, Little Deal in Salt, A. (J . M. Oxeley) Chamb. J . 79¢ sl1PP- 34- Little Diplomat, A ; a story. (F. N. Stratton) Munsey, 313 49°- Little Dog, A. (G. Morris) Cent. 46: 32, _ Little Dunker, A. (Jennette Lee) Harper, I13: 468. Little England Myth, The. (S. Somerset) Contempi (M. A. Bacon) Harper, (Leo Crane) Apple- 85: 61. Little ’EJro, A. (G. G. Magnus) Good Words, 43: 82. Little False God, A. (E. A. Smith) Good VVords, 442 491- Little Fat Fiddler, The; a story. (S. H. Adams) Mc- Clure, 22: 652. Little F lyer in Love, A; Clure, 21: 618, Little-girl-afraid-of-a-dog. (Mary E. W. Freeman) Harper, 1142 15. Little Girl in the Big Ship, The. Cosmopol. 39: 417. Little Girls Kingdom. (V. T. Peacock) Lippinc. 73: a story. (L. Osbourne) Mc- (M. S. Nordau) 93- Little God in a Grocery, The. (F. R. Weir) Overland, n. s. 48: 123. Little Gods, The; a story. (C. H. T. Hills) Temp. Bar, 130: 541. Little Green Goblin of Goblinville. (J . B. Naylor) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 607, 23: 74. Little Israel; a story of San Francisco. Bailey) Overland, n. s. 46: 521. Little Joys of Margaret, The; a story. (R. Le Galli- enne) Harper, I11: 422, Little Lad, The; a story. (V. H. Friedlaender) Temp. Bar. I33= 173- Little Lady Leaflet. I (Grace H. (M. Bowen-Colthurst) Sund. M. 34= 153- Little. Matter of Law, A. (G. B. Lancaster) Every- body’s, I3: 446. Little Matter of Real Estate, A ; a story. (M. Kelly) McClure, 21: 130, Little Meret; Greencoat Henry’s Story. (G. Keller) Poet-Lore, 17, no. 3: 50. Little Millions. (Francis Lynde) Scrib. M. 40: no. Little Monkey. Chamb. J . 81: 511. Little More, The. (Eliz. G. Rowe) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 431. Little Mothers’ Training School, The. (Anna M. Reed) Overland, n. s. 42: 151. Little People of the Sycamore, The ; an animal story. (C. G. D. Roberts) Idler, 23: 180. Little Pioneer, A. (G. V. Mighels) Harper, I10: 828, Little Revenge, The. (Mary R. S. Andrews) Scrib. M. 34: 2°4- Little Rock, Ark. 21: 131. Little 8Rugby; a story. (R. R. Gilson) Harper, I08: 5° - ' (G. R. Brown) Nat’l M. (Bost.) LITTLE Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, The. (J . Fox, jr.) Scrib. M. 33: 85-34= 183. Little Silver Heart, The; a story. (Josephine D. Bacon) Harper, I13: 762, _ Little Sister; a story. (R. R. Gilson) Harper, I05: 403. Little Sister of the Poor, The. Liv.'Age, 237: 794, Little Sister to the East Side, A; a story. (E. Hoyt) Everybody’s, II: 324, Little Stories of Plucky Men. World’s Work, 10: 65 52. Little Story of a Child, A. (M. W. Higginson) Outl. 84: 476. Little Surprise, A; a story. (M. S. Cutting) McClure, 21: I4. - Little Unpleasantness at New Hope, The. wards) Cent. 42: 433.- Little White Bird, The. 161-616. Little Yellow Man, The ; a story. Cornh. 91: 624. Littlemore, Eng., Newman’s. (Louise I. Guiney) Cath. World, 83: 820, Littlest Boy and Santa Claus. 701 754- Littorina Litorea, Shell of. (R. P. Bigelow and -E. P. Rathbun) Am. Natural. 37; I 71. Liturgical Contradictions, Some. (W. S. Pratt) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 91 -I39. ' Liturgical Forms, Use of, in Worship. Hartf. Sem. Rec. 8: n1. Liturgical Languages and their Uses. Conserv. R. 5: 105. Liturgy, Anglican, Alleged Papal Sanction of. (J . H. Pollen) Month, I00: 274, —- More, or More Life ? (C. M. Giflin) Meth. R. 62: 71. —— The Roman and Early Gallican. (H. Lucas) Month, 9 I 29. —- Russian. Bib. Sac. 61: 166, Live Embers. (Anna A. Rogers) Cosmopol. 39: 313. Live Wire, The. (N. L. McClung) Canad. M. 27: [23, “Lively,” Ship, Adventures of the. (W. S. Lewis) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 3: I, 81, — What became of the. (L. G. Bugbee) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 32 I41. Livermore, Mary A. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 34: 185, Livermore Valley, the France of America. (F. A. Marriott) Overland, n. s. 46: 284, Liverpool, Art Annals of. (E. R. Dibdin) Art J . 56: 12, 217, — Cathedral and Diocese of. Church Q. 59: I66. —— Demand for a University. (R. Muir) National, 38: 776- —— Museum and Laboratory of Zoology at. Nature, 73: 88. . —-— Religious Life of, since 1850. Sund. M. 34: 566, (H. S. Ed- (J . M. Barrie) Scrib. M. 32: (E. L. Sabin) Lippinc. (E. P. Parker) (M. M. Snell) 647. -—School of Art. Art J. 57: I23, 58: 295, — — Work by. Studio (Internat.) I6: I70, Lives hallowed by Faith; a tale. (M. Clifford) Cath. World, 77: 611. Living, Adequate Standard of, Cost of an. (C. Good- year) Char. I7: 315. — Earning One’s. (A. C. Ripley) -Craftsman, 6: 294, —— Efiective. (B. I. Wheeler) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 122, ——- on $12 a Week. (Annie W. Noel) Indep. 59: 95 7, — Mere, More Joy in. (C. L. Hunt) Chant. 36: 609. —— The Standard of. (P. W. Ayres) Char. 9: 216, _ — —— Social Significance of the. (F. Tucker) Char. I7: 299- —- Why the Cost of, is Rising. Indep. 60: 632, Living Hours; a play. (A. Schnitzler) Poet-Lore, 17, no. I! 36. Living-in System, London’s. (M. R. Cranston) Outl. W 515. - 381 J LOBSTER Living Matter, Origin and Development of, on the Earth. (H. C. Bastian) Indep. R. 71 62. — Will it be formed automatically ? (A. P. Mathews) World To-day, 6: 61, Living Memory, A. (Lucy M. Sawyer) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 182. Living Room, The. Archit. Rec. 16: 332.—Crafts~ man, 9: 57. Livin’-out Girls; a story. 3°7- Livingston, Robert R., and the Louisiana Purchase. (J . B. Moore) Colum. Univ. Bull. 6: 221, Livingston, William Farrand. Lit. W. (Bost.) 331 42. Livingstone, David. (C. F. Lavell) Chant. 44: I83. Livius, Titus, as an Orator. (J . D. Maguire) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 276. — Causal Clauses in. (A. W. Bailey) Outl. 73: (R. B. Steele) Am. J . Philol. 27: 46,- —Gerund and Gerundive in. (R. B. Steele) Am. J. Philol. 27: 280. ' — Historical Attitude of. (R. B. Steele) Am. J . Phi- lol. 25: I5. — Oxyrhynchus Epitome of, in relation to Obsequens and Cassiodorus. (C. H. Moore) Am. J . Philol. 2 5: 241, Li Wan, the Fair. (Jack London) Atlan. 90: 212. ’Liza of the Alley. (M. F. Quinlan) Cath. World, 83: 746. Lizard, Pine-tree. (A. R. M. Spaid) Ctry Life Am. 5: 6;. Lizards of the Desert, Two. (D. Coolidge) Ctry Life Am. 2: 205. Lizzie Lindsay’s Tryst; a story. Sund. M. 33: 439. Llano Estacado, El; an Idyl of Thanksgiving. Hunt) Overland, n. s. 421 395. Lloyd, Henry Demarest, an Apostle of Progressive Democracy. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 30: 649, Lloyds. (C. Roberts) World’s Work, 5: 3295. Lloyds’ Bank, Limited, History of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 753 40°- Lloyds’ Registry, New..Building of, London. M. of Art, 27: 19, 60. Loach, A, from Nanaimo. n. s. 19: 634. Loafers’ Reformatory, A. (Edith Sellers) Fortn. 85: 321. =Liv. Age, 248: 610, ' Loafing-time. (F. Whishaw) Longm. 42: 523. =Liv. Age. z39= 365- . Loan, Good, Elements of a. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 326. Loan Credit, Theory of, in relation to Corporation Economics. (J . P. Norton) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 51 278. Loans, Real Estate as Security for. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 51. — Stored Goods as Collateral for. 66: 474. Lobachevski, Ni, and the Foundations of Geometry. (G. B. Halsted) Open Court, 16: 513. Lobachevski Prize. (G. B. Halsted) Science, 11. s. 202 (M. F. Macallam) (F. A. (D. S. Jordan) Science, (C. K. Zug) Ann. Bank. M. (N. Y-) 353- . Lobby, The ; the Third House. (J . M. Bulkley) Over- land, 11. s. 39: 903. Lobbying as a Fine Art. (R. B. Swenson) Outl. 70: 6 65. Lobbyist in the Niche, The. (L. S. Mott) Lippinc. 78: 766. Lobera, Anne de, Second Founder of Carmel. Cath. World, 77: 740. Lobster, Legislation governing the Industry. Field) Science, n. s. 15: 612. Lobster Creels, Hauling. (H. Bindloss) Gent. M. n. s. 701 73. (G. W. LOBSTER Lobster Fishery, Protection for. ence, n. s. 23: 650, Local Authorities, English, Financial Control of. (P. Ashley) Econ. J . I2: 182, Local Color. Spec. 97: 1070, — and some Recent Novels. I8: 414, -—- A Question of. (B. H. Ridgely) Atlan. 95¢ -— Study of. Atlan. 90: 864, —-— Tyranny of. (R. B. Johnson) Critic, 48: 266. Local Expenditure, and Indebtedness in England and Wales. (R. J . Thompson) J . Statis. Soc. 67: 337. — Defense of. (J . J amieson) Westm. I64: I46. — Extravagance of. Chamb. J . 82: 484. Local Government, Bureaucratic. (W. H. S. Aubrey) Macmil. go: 3n. (A. H. Clough) National, (F. H. Herrick) Sci- (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 708. -— in England, Abuses of. 41: 271, Local Government Board, Growth of the, in England. (M. Foster) I9th Cent. 53: 107. Local Legislation, Rise and Development of, by Pri- vate Bill. (Earl of Onslow) J . Statis. Soc. 69: I. Local Option for New York City. To the New York Legislature. Outl. 70: I63, — A Study of. (F. Foxcroft) Atlan. go: 433. Local Self-government in Illinois. (C. E. Crafts) Mu- nic. Aff. 6: 245. Locality, Study of. (C. Guillet) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 728. Loch—au-Eilan, Scotland. (H. Macmillan) Art J . 541 III, Loch Roag; a New Summer Resort. kenzie) Chamb. J . 82: 494. Loch Skene, The Spell of. (Duncan Fraser) Chamb. J - 79: 425- Loches Chateau. (R. Whiteing) Cent. 48: 73. Lochinvar of the East, A. (M. C. Deering) Atlan. 922 (W. C. Mac- 49- Lochinvar of St. Cloud, A; a story. (R. Shackleton) Harper, 107: 11, Lock, George Ernest. Ath. ’o6, I: 482, Lock, John Henry. Ath. ’o5, I: I6. Locke, John. (C. W. Saleeb ) Acad. 67: 389. — Influence of, on Modern hought. (E. A. Pace) Cath., Univ. Bull. 11: 3 — Political Philosophy of. (W. A. Dunning) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 223. Lockhart, John, Captain of the “ Tartar.” (W. J . Fletcher) Macmil. 86: 345, Lockhart, John G. Life of Sir Walter Scott. (H. D. Sedgwick, jr.) Atlan. 90: 755. Locking Up the House. (B. Millard) Cosmopol. 4!: 565. Lockman, De Witt M., Recent Work of. Studio (In- ternat. 26: xxxi. Locks, Evolution of. (E. A. Powell) Craftsman, 2: 8o, Lockwood, Belva A., and her Candidacy for the Presi- dency. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 728, Locomotion, New Forms of, and their Results. (J . S. Montagu) Fortn. 77: 882, Locomotive, Compound, in the 20th Century. (J . F. Gairns) Cassier, 30: 5 5 3, — Great Eastern Railway Decapod. (J . Holden) Cas- sier. 241 34- ~ — Most Powerful in the World, I904. (G. W. Martin) Cassier, 26: 465. ' — The Oldest in the World. Chamb. J . 79: 751. — Physiognomy of 9.. Sat. R. 96: 265, — Tools and Methods of a Swiss Shop. (C. R. King) Engin. M, 25: 841. —- Types of, Some Abnormal British. (C. Rous-Marten) Cassier, 23: 615. Locomotive Boilers and Fireboxes. gin. M. 26: 390. (C. S. Lake) En- 382 LOGAN Locomotive Building in Germany. (A. von Borries) Cassier, 25: 40. Locomotive Construction, Continental. (C. R. King) Engin. M. 23: 373. Locomotive Engineer, Life of a. Outl. 75: 25. Locomotive Engineering, British. (C. Rous-Marten) Cassier, 30: 68, ‘ — — Recent. (C. Rous-Marten) Cassier, 29: 500. Locomotive Practice, Modern French. (C. Rous-Mar- ten) Cassier, 21: 409, —- of New Zealand Government Railways. Marten) Cassier, 27: 372. Locomotives and Cars, Life of. (A. W. McCoy) Chant. am 338- -- Building, at Epernay, France. (C. R. King) Engin. M. 29: 495, 657. -— Compound, Development of. M. 27: 952. 28: 35, —— Contractors’. (J . F. Gairns) Cassier, 29: 239, 319. —— Electric, for Mine Haulage. (George Gibbs) Cas- sier, 22: 323. — —,vs. Steam. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 716, —— for Special Service on British Railways. (J . F. Gairns) Engin. M. 26: 700, — Industrial. (J . F. Gairns) Cassier, 26: 291, 363, 474, ——Making of, at Baldwin Works. (J . M. Rogers) Booklover’s M. 3: 69. —-— Multi—cylinder. (J . F. Gairns) Cassier, 25: 219, 345, (F. H. Spearman) (C. Rous- (W. E. Dalby) Engin. 423- — of Italy and Austro-Hungary. (C. R. King) Engin. M. 23: 543. — Swiss, Saxon, Russian, and No. European Types. (C. R. King) Engin. M. 23: 685, — Tank, British. (J. F. Gairns) Cassier, 22: 22, — Types in Great Britain. (J . F. Gairns) Cassier, 23: 313- Locusts of Natal. (M. F. Wilcox) Cent. 46: 788. Lodge, Henry Cabot, with portrait. (F. B. Tracy) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 299. Lodge, Sir Oliver, and our [English] PublicSchools. (A. C. Benson ; F. Fletcher) 19th Cent. 53: 41. — on Christian Doctrine. Spec. 93: 81. — on Life and Matter. (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 86: 33. — on Religion and Science. (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 84: 839. Lodge, Thos. Rosalind. (W. Roberts) Ath. ’o2, 1: 404- Lodge, The. (C. M. Harger) Atlan. 97: 488. Lodger in No. II, The. (K. Jordan) Munsey, 33: 298. Lodgings, Furnished. Liv. Age, 241: 380, Loeb, Jacques, Recent Work of. (J . Bruce McCallum) Indep. 59: 315. — Researches of. (C. Snyder) McClure, I8: 387, Loeb, Solomon, and Betty, Memorial Home for Con- valescents. Char. I7: :71, Log of a Filibuster-correspondent. ins. 43= 212- Log Bridges. (D. Beard) Outing, 44: 509, Log Cabin, Building a. (E. T. Seton) Ctry Life Am. 8- (R. D. Paine) Out- . 79. __ Building 9,, for $600, (H. L. Pike) Ctry Life Am. 9: 333- —- How One Family solved the Vacation Problem. World To-day, I0: 609, Log Houses, How to build. (D. Beard) Outing, 47: 122, Log Jam, New Hampshire. (W. Deane) New Eng. M. n. s. 302 97. Log Rafts on the Pacific. (A. Inkersley) Overland, n. s. 40: 382. Logan, George, Furniture designed by. Studio (In- ternat.) 2!; 201. LOGAN Logan, James, as a Poet. (A. M. Gummere) Pennsyl. M. 27: 337. - Loggia degli Osli. Archit. Rec. 17: 140. Loggias, Italian. (A. Melani) Am. Arch. 88: I31. Logging Camp in the Northern Woods. (Louise Daven- port) World To-day, 9: 1204, Logging Industry, Engineering in the. . sie1'.29= 443- Logging Team, My. Logic, Aikin’s Principles of. 75: 229, —- and Arithmetic, Foundations of. nist, 15: 338. — Dewey’s Studies in Theory of. (F. C. S. Schiller) Mind, 29: I00. — (A. S. Pringle-Pattison) Philos. R, 13: 666. -— Experimental, Introduction to. Psychol. R. 13: 383. —— Field of. (F. J. E. Woodbridge) Science, n. s. 20: 587. — Relation to Allied Disciplines. (W. A. Hammond) Psychol. R. I32 I. —- Symbolic. (H. MacColl) Ath. ’03, 2: 131, 321, 354. ’<>4. I= 244-879- — —— Shearman’s. Ath. ’06, 2: 338. —Teaching of. (A. H. Daniels) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: (H. Hale) Cas- (E. Clarke) Indep. 57: 956. = (C. S. Peirce) Nation, (D. Hilbert) Mo- (J . M. Baldwin) 143- Logical Sequence, A. (VVarren Cheney) Californian, 5: 207. Logos, Idea of, in relation to the Need of Law in the Apostolic Age. (H. S. Nash) J . Bib. Lit. 21: 170, -—— Mills on the Conception of the. (P. Carus) Open Court, 19: 393. Loisy, Alfred, l’Abhé. Church Q. 58: 180. —— and Mr. Beeby. (P. Gardner) Indep. R. 3: 539. —- and Catholic Reform. Contemp. 83: 38 5. — and his Critics in the Roman Catholic Church. (C. A. Briggs) Expos. 6th ser. II: 241, -— and the Roman Biblical Commission. (A. West) Contemp. 81: 497. —- and the Teaching Church. Contemp. 85: 224, — Case of. (F. von Hugel) Ecl. M. 142: 506. =Liv. Ase. 24¢ 493-—-Inden 56¢ 197. ‘ -— Condemnation of Four Works by. Cath. Q. 29: 550. -— on the Gospel and the Church. Ath. ’04, 1: 586. Lollardy, Scottish, A Literary Relic of. (T. M. Lind- say) Scot. Hist. R. 1: 260. Loma and Insa; a Vancouver Island Indian Legend. (D. A. Fraser) Canad. M. 27: 206. Lomax, John A. Romantic Pictures. head) Art J. 55: 27. Lombard, Pierre. Copperplate of Charles I. Five Times altered. (H. M. Cundall) Art J . 55: 305. Lombard Communes and Oriental Trade. (L. Hutch- inson) Q. J. Econ. 16: 413, Lombard Villas. (E. Wharton) Cent. 46: 541, London, Jack. (H. M. Bland) Craftsman, 9: 607, _ (E. F. Harkins) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34$ 337.-—-With portrait. Outing, 44: 486. — (H. M. Bland) Over- land, 11. s. 43: 370. — Haunts of. (Ninetta Eames) Cosmopol. 40: 227, —- Lecturer. (P. S. Williams) Overland, n. s. 48: 247, ——- War of the Classes. (A. A. Tenney) Char. 15: 403, London. (P. Landon) Fortn. 83: 45. = Liv. Age, 245: 58.——Blackw. 180: 750. — Abiding. (D. G. McChesney) Atlan. 94: 696. — Academy, Winter Exhibition at the. (Eliz. R. Pen- nell) Nation, 78: 46. —- Aerial Survey of. (J . M. Bacon) Temp. Bar, 130: 468. — Air over. (J. M. Bacon) Knowl. 25: 196, — Aldwich in. (L. Gomme) Macmil. 88: 199. (H. Pope) Am. (H. W. Brom- 383 LONDON London, American Memorials in. (J . K. Colford) Good Words, 44: 867, -—— Among the Submerged in. (M. F. Quinlan) Cath. World, 83: 179. .— Amusements of the Poor in. day, 9: 1070, (P. Alden) World To-, ~— and the Commune. (G. B. Adams) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 702, —— and its People in the 18th Century. Ed. R. 198: 1, =Ecl. M, 141: 701. =Liv. Age, 239: 65. —and Londoners in 1902. (C. M. Depew) Pall Mall; M. 28: 167. — and the Paralyzed Parliament, 1905. Indep. 58: 1298. ——- Architectural Development of. (J . McCarthy), (O. Fleming) Am. Arch. 79: II. — Art Club in, Oldest. (A. Lawrence) Harper, 106: 269. — Art Exhibitions, 1904. (Frank Rinder) Art J . 56: 236. — as I knew it. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 95: 805. 96: 10. —— as it now is. (C. Roberts) World’s Work, 4: 2182, — as a Music-center. (C. Lucas and D. Bispham) No. Am. 178: 761, — as shown in Tony Grubhofer’s Drawings. Studio (Internat.) 17: 14, 105, 260, — at the Opening of Parliament. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 581 545- — Betterment of. 109. — Bloomsbury District. Sat. R. 98: 358, — Bohemian, Convivial, and Gastronomic. (J . Knight) Sat. R. 100: 650, ——Bow Church, Cheapside. M. 34= I43- — Bridge, Story of. (A. W. Jarvis and P. G. Cam- bray) Good Words, 45: 335, 437. — ’Bus in; pictures. (T. Oakley) Cent. 50: 216, — Cab in, Centenary of the. (H. C. Moore) Good Words, 46: 286,‘ —- Cabby of. (S. Brooks) Harp. W. 50: 1275, _ -—— Census, 1901, Study of. (T. A. Welton) J . Statis. Soc. 65: 447. — Changes in. Acad. 62: 507, =E<;1, M, 139: 410, — Charing Cross and its Immediate Neighborhood. Pt. 2. (J . H. Macmichael) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 167- 575- 751 79-474- — Charm of. Spec. 94: 741. — Charterhouse and its Old Water Supply. (VV. H. St. John Hope) Archseol. 58: 293. — Christ’s Hospital School, Ceremonies of. Donnithorne) Temp. Bar, 128: 210, — Church of England in. Macmil. 91: 372. —- Church Work in, Some Notes on Mr. Booth’s Ac- count of. (H. Rashdall) Econ. R. 13: 429. — Citizens of. (V. E. Stackhouse) Indep. 54: 2930. — Clubs of. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 951 772. —— Collegiate Church of St. Saviour, Southwark. An- tiq. n. s. 41: 63. — compared with Paris. (L. Gomme) Cornh. 93: 461. — Congestion and Cross-trafiic in. (G. S. C. Swinton) 19th Cent. 53: 821, — Continuity of. Acad. 64: 131. — Cooke’s Highways and Byways in. man) Nation, 77: 54. — County Council and the Care of the Mentally Af- flicted. (R. Jones) Westm. I 53! 409. — — Elections for, 1904. (G. L. Bruce) Indep. R. 2: 337- i — -— Socialistic Government of London. (C. E. Rus- sell) Cosmopol. 40: 367. —- Court Theater and Mr. G. B. Shaw. R. Pennell) Nation, 81: 481, (H. Richards) Monthly R. 8, no. 3: (A. W. Hutton) Sund. (V. H. (M. S. Still- LONDON London, Courts of, A Philadelphia Lawyer in. Learning) Green Bag, 18: 444, 496, 544, —— Darkest, With Mr. Plasley in. (George Ade) Idler, 30: 368. —- Dock Centenary of. (C. Ray) Good Words, 46: 340. — Docks of. (F. W. Hodgdon) Am. Arch. 771 62. —— East End, at Play. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 45: 564. -— —— Bank Holiday in. Spec. 97: 194. — —— Evening Students in. Spec. 95: 1029, — — Isolation of. Spec. 97: 429. -— — Library in, VVorking of a. I/Vestm. I68: 562. —— Education in. (S. Webb) I9th Cent. 54: 561. —- — and the Act of 1902. Quar. I971 627. — (C. Bre- reton) Fortn. 79: I95. — —— New Authority for. 53= 4°3- —- — New Control of. Nature, 69: 344, 420. — Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, 1813-73. (A. Abrahams) Antiq. n. s. 42: 61, 139, 225, —— Electric Railways in. (R. P. Porter) J . Soc. Arts, 53: 231, —— Electric Transit in. (I. N. Ford) Cent. 41: 399. — Electrification of the Underground Railway. (H. G. Archer) Good Words, 46: 448.—Nature, 66: (T. (E. L. Stanley) 19th Cent. 296. -—- Euripides in. (N. Bentwich) 19th Cent. 59: 968. — Exhibitions, I905. (F. Rinder) Art J. 571 225. — —— 1906. (F. Rinder) Art J. 58: 240. I — Exposition of 1851. (May B. Edmonds) Calif. M. 3: 566. — Fire-Protection for, New. Cent. 59: 656. — from a ’Bus—top. (S. Brooks) Harper, I07: 885. — (Ralph D. Paine) Outing, 46: 676. —— Gardens of. Spec. ’o4, 93: 591. — Government of, Recent Changes in. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 237. -— Green Park. (W. M. J. Williams) Gent. M. n. s. (A. M. Watson) 19th (H. M. Adler) 71: I75- - Habitations of the Poor in. (P. Alden) World To- day. 5= 132 -— Hard Times in. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 55: 73. -— the Heart of the Empire. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 26: 1, -—- Houses in, Picturesque Old. (T. R. Way) Studio (Internat.) 25: 317. -— Impressions of. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 83: 211. -—- in Coronation Time. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 3: 1. - in December. Spec. 97: 977. -— in the 18th Century, Besant’s. (H. W. Horwill) Nation, 76: 521. —Ath. ’o3, I: 135.——(A. H. N011) Dial, 34: 400.--(A. L. Cross) Am. Hist. R. 9: 154. -— (R. Davey) Sat. R. 96: 390. -— in the Lane. (W. Raymond) 19th Cent. 54: 642. = Ecl. M. 1411 32I.=Liv. Age, 239: 330. -—- In London Chambers. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Lippinc. 73: 671. - In Midmost. (F. H. Stead) Char. 17: 65. — in the ’70’s, Artistic, Literary, and Bohemian. (J . H. Hager) Bookman, I4: 615. I5: 141, 263, -— in the Time of the Stuarts, Besant’s. (R. Davey) Sat. R. 97: 548, 616. — in the Time of the Tudors, Besant’s. (A. H. Noll) (R. Blackshaw) Cent. 47: 323. Dial, 38: 121,—Ath. ’04, 2: 581, -— in Transformation. -—- in Verse. (B. Solomon) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 234, -—- Inns of ; Mine Ease in Mine Inn. (T. H. S. Escott) Chamb. J. 80: 77, —— Inns of Court, Education for the Bar in. (J . P. Hill) Green Bag, 15: 114, -— Laid Open [Excavation]. (J . H. Macmichael) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 623. —— Landlady in. Chamb. J . 80: 110, MM LONDON London, Landlords of, Great. Chamb. J. 79: 253. — Letters from a Westmorland Man in, 1719-34. (S. H. Scott) Antiq. n. s. 41: 328, 379, -— Libraries of, Public. (A. L. Clarke) Library, 11. s. 3‘ I35- — Library Movement in, Progress of the. Pub. Lib. 9: 401, — Life and Labor in, Booth’s. Ath. ’03, 2: 243.— R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 331. —-Liv. Age, 238: 631, — Life in the 18th Century. Chamb. J . 80: 812, — Literary. (W. P. Ryan) Munsey, 29: 607. — Literary Reminiscences. Acad. 62: 607. — Literary Reminiscences of Chancery Lane. Acad. 62: 195, — Locomotion in, Royal Commission on. (M. Salomon) Nature, 67: 346. — — Tangle of. (S. Low) I9th Cent. 521 922. = F ortn. 77: 112, — Map of, A Neglected, I 572. ’06, 1: 397. — Mediaeval, Besant’s. 101, — Microcosm of. Ath. ’04, 2: 618. — Milk Trade from within. (C. Hassard) Econ. R. (Alfred Marks) Ath. (Alfred Marks) Nation, 83: 153 74- — Misrule of Material London. (C. L. Eastlake) Longm. 44: 252. — Municipal Collection, A, of the Reign of King John. (M. Bateson) Eng. Hist. R. I7: 480, 707, — Municipal Concert Hall for. (F. Verney) 19th Cent. 58: 561, —— a Municipal Democracy. 40: 589. — Musical. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 93: 138, -— Mystery of Change. Acad. 62: 507. = Liv. Age, 234: 124, —— New, and its Ways. W6 -— Night Side of. (John Corbin) Bk. Buyer, 25: 149. —- of King Edward VII. (B. Bigelow) Nat’l M. (Bost.) (F. C. Howe) Scrib. M. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 75: I6: 530, ~ ' — Old Customs of. Am. Arch. 83: 30, -—- Older Memories of. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 94: 261, 291» 325- — Overcrowding of. Crux of the Question. Arts, 50: 242. — Palaces of, Royal. Ed. R. I96: 139, -— Pall Mall and Outward. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 98: J. Soc. 73. 1°5- —— Pauperism in. Spec. 95: 1112, - — 1891-1901. (W. Chance) J. Statis. Soc. 66: 534. — People of the Abyss, London’s. erell) Dial, 36: 11, -—- Peregrinations of a Cockney in. Blackw. I79: 634. —- Piccadilly, New. (H. B. Philpott) Pall Mall M. 27: 1. —— Poor in, Lives of the. 81: 396, — Poor of, Harvest of the. (Bessie Hatton) Chamb. J. 792 282. =Liv. Age, 233: 623, — Port of. (Earl Egerton of Tatton) 19th Cent. 52: 94.=Am. Arch. 77: 63. -— (F. Miller) Fortn. 78: 796.-— (B. W. Ginsburg) J. Soc. Arts, 51: 269.—— Quar. 197: 252. — ——~ Government Measure for. National, 42: 712, — Post-office, Directory of; a Veritable Magnum Opus. (W. B. Robertson) Chamb. J . 83: I 54. — Poverty in the World’s Greatest Metropolis. (Lady H. Somerset) Cosmopol. 36: 259. —- Rapid Transit Plans for. (W. H. Y. Webber) Pall Mall M. 27: 428. — Rebuilding of . (C. Roberts) World’s Work, 5: 2719, (T. D. A. Cock- (H. J enner-Fust) Chamb. J . (H. D. Le Marchant) LONDON London, Relation of, to Quasi-public Works. Gomme) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 324. —— Religion of, C. Booth on. Outl. 76: 1038. — Religious Influences in. (H. N. Birt) Dub. R. 137: 51, 286. - — Religious Life of, Mudie-Smith on. Ath. ’O4, 1: 329~——Spec-93: 258- - Rivers of, Vanished. (A. W. Jarvis and P. G. Cam- bray) Good Words, 44: 707, —- Rural. (H. B. Philpott) Good Words, 44: 638. —— St. Anselm’s Church, Mayfair. (F. H. Mansford) Archit. Rec. 14: 360. — St. James Hall. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 89: I030. — St. Michael’s Wood Street, Destroyed Church of. Archaeol. 58: 189. —— St. Paul’s Cathedral. 738. . — — and its Bookselling Tenants. (H. R. Plomer) Library, 11. s. 3: 261, -— — Crown of London. sey, 28: 294. — — Electric Lighting of. lid, 28: 129, — — Monuments in. (A. Higgins) I9th Cent. 53: 786. — School Board, Demise of. (J . H. Yoxall) Cornh. 89: 665. . — Schools and the Poor. (L. Stickney) Educa. R. 24: (G. (W. Sinclair) Sund. M. 33: (R. H. Titherington) Mun- (H. C.Marillier) Pall Mall I99- — Shop Architecture in. (A. Webb) I9th Cent. 60: 165, —— Signs in, and their Associations. (J . H. MacMi- chael) Antiq. n. s. 40: 216, 240, 364. 41: 100, 224, 344,456- — Sketch Club and its Members. Studio (Internat.) 21: 21, — A Smokeless. (W. C. Popplewell) Cassier, 21: 206, — Society in. (Emily H. Westfield) Cosmopol. 33: 363. — Spell of. Sat. R. 99: 658. — Stage in, American Invasion of. Cosmopol. 33: 25. — Statues in. Acad. 67: 236. —Stock Exchange. (H. Norman and G. C. Ashton Jonson) Cent. 44: 177. —— Street Names in, Some. (L. Van Der Veer) (H. G. Rhodes) (W. J . Loftie) Antiq. n. s. 41: 19, — Streets of. (Sir H. Smith) Blackw. 178: 640, 179: 693. — Suburbs of, Formation of. Char. I2: 960, —-— Sunday in. (C. M. Mew) Temp. Bar, 132: 703. —- Temple, Inner and Middle, Bellot on. Ath. ’o2, 2: 8. —— Tower; Historical Notes. Mall M. 27: 46, — Traffic Board for. (J . B. Firth) Fortn. 84: 485. —- Trafic in. (G. S. C. Swinton) J . Soc. Arts, 54-: 437, — (G. S. C. Swinton) 19th Cent. 58: 389. -—Sat. R. 100: 107. — — Statistics of. (E. J . Harper) J . Statis. Soc. 67: 177. — Transformation of, in Days to come. Knowl. n. s. 2= 283,3II- 3= 339,365- —~ Transportation Facilities in. (L. Macassay) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 66. ——.(F. A. Acland) Booklover’s M. 2: 175. —— Taxes ; London’s Share of the King’s Taxes. (W. M. J. Williams) Econ. J. 14: 219, -- “Tube” Railway, Latest. (H. C. Fyfe) Engin. M. 27: 334. — Twenty Years in. (P. Villars) Cornh. 94: 57, : Liv. Age, 251: 14, — Underground Tube, Making of an. con) Good Words, 43: 624. —,— Unemployed in, Problem of. (W. Carlile) Cornh. 87: 361.—(H. R. Seager) Char. I3: 557. (H. W. Brewer) Pall (Gertrude Ba- EQRES LONG London, University of. (Sir A. W. Riicker) Contemp. 84: 836. —— (C. F. Thwing) Harper, 113: 700. — — A Policy and a Forecast. (S. \Vebb) 19th Cent. 51: 914- — —— Colleges of. Nature, 66: 10. —- Valuation of. (J . C. Spensley) J . Statis. Soc. 66: 71. — Vanishing. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Atlan. 92: 796.- Spec. 92: 775. —- — A Romance in History. (Wm. Sidebotham) Chamb. J. 79: 141. =Ec1. M. 139: 85.: Liv. Age, 233: 493- — Views of Ancient Landmarks. Studio (Internat.) 21: 346, —— Voluntary Schools in. (G. L. Bruce) Indep. R. 6: 163, — Wage-earners of, Among. (W. A. Wyckofi) Scrib. M. 32: 297. — The Ward of Vintry. (W. Howard-Flanders) Gent. . M. n.s. 74: 606. — Water Companies, Transfer of the. liams) Fortn. 82: 895. — Water, Gas, and Electric Light Supply of. Ashley) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 20. (F. L. Emanuel) (W. M.J. Wil- (Percy — Water Supply. (W. J . Fisher) Westm. 163: 31, — — Aspects of the Question. (F. H. Kitchin) N a- tional, 40: 594. — Watling Street. (F. Abell) Antiq. n. s. 41: I85, 207. — Week-day Services in. (C. Herbert) Sund. M. 31: 584. — What it talks of now [June, 1906]. (J. McCarthy) Indep. 60: 1424, — with Dickens. (Caroline Sheldon) Educa. 24: 333. —— Workhouse in, In the Day-room of a. (E. Sellars) 19th Cent. 52: 421, — Workingmen’s College, Maurice and the. Dicey) Nation, 82: 154, — Zoo, The. Booklover’s M. 2: 63. London City and Midland Bank. Bank. M. (Lond.) 76= 7. London Clay. Spec. ’O4, 93: 5 51. London Dreams. (W. T. Shore) Sund. M. 34: 12. London Films. (VV. D. Howells) Harper, I10: 67, 559, 111: 104-368, — Howells’s. (A. Marks) Nation, 81: 490. (A. V. London Idyl, A_; a story. (F. Noel) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 10', Londoh Institution. Sat. R. 95: 739. London Library,- Catalogue of. Ath. ’o3, 1: 305. = Library, 11. s. 4: 200. London Merchant, Notes from the Diary of a. (J . B. Drayton) Chamb. J. 82: 153, 170, London Times. See Times, The. London Topics. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 59: 1328. London Workman’s Wife. Macmil. 89: 29. Londonderry, Ireland, City of. (Alfred Yockney) Art J 581 343.359- Londoner, Extinction of the. 86: 115, Londoner’s Log-Book, A. Cornh. 85: 97-784. = Liv. Age, vols. 232-234. Lone Marie; a story. (W. E. Norris) Temp. Bar, 131: 1-641. 132: 1, 129. Lone Star’s Bonanza, The.; a story. (A. B. Lindsay) Land of Sun. 10: 257, 334, Lone Widow, The. (W. H. Osborne) Cosmopol. 41: 277- Loneliness. Lonely Lady of Grosvenor Square, The. De la Pasture) Monthly R. vols. 23, 24. Long, Catherine Tylney. (Leslie Winter) Longm. 46: 213, Long, Walter, in Ireland. tional, 46: 1058, (E. Digby) Contemp. (A. E. M. Foster) Sat. R. 99: 107. (Mrs. H. (R. Blennerhassett) Na- LONG Long, William J ., Case against. (W. M. Wheeler; F. M. Chapman) Science, n. s. 19: 347, 387.— (W. H. Davis) Science, n. s. 19: 667. —- Real and Sham Natural History. (J . Burroughs) Atlan. 91: 298. — Writings of. (W. F. Ganong and E. Hayes) Science, 11. s. 19: 623, Long Beach, Cal. (R. N. T.) Land of Sun. 1: 7<>.—~ (S. C. Kendall) Out West, 18: 783,- (Harriet H. Gage) Out West, 23: 613, Long Black Box, A. (G. S. Evans) Overland, n. s. 45: 317- ’Long Cowallis Crick. (H. Day) Outing, 48: 385. Long Island; Campers by the Sea. (J. W. Muller) Outing, 46: 143. ' Long J u-J u; Oracle of the Niger Delta. Folk-Lore, 13: 166, Long Nights, Advantage of. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 502 148 Longacre, James B., Diary of. Pennsyl. M. 29: 134. Longest Pleasure, The. Temp. Bar, 126: 120, 620, Longevity. Sat. R. 1001 749. —— A Century Old. Spec. 97: 487. — How to live Long. (R. S. Tracy) Cent. 45: 615. -— How to live 100 Years. (C. M. Williams) Munsey, 33: 246, -—- in our Time. (R. S. Tracy) Cent. 42: 62. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. (T. W. Higginson) Bk. News, 21: 243.—(E. R. Sill) Californian, 5: 460, -—— and German Romance. (Fred L. Pattee) Poet-Lore, I7, 110- Ii 59- ' — Evangeline, Bible in. Meth. R. 64: 614. —— —- The Real. (H. L. Sayler) Bookman, I8: 17. — —— Unpublished Letter on. (H. C. Warnack) Poet- Lore, 14: 108, -—- H-igginson’s Life of. (J . W. Chadwick) Nation, 75: 308. —-(W. A. Neilson) Atlan. 90: 849. — Home of. (O. B. Capen) Ctry Life Am. 6: 346. — King Robert of Sicily, Antecedents of. (H. Ed- gren) Poet-Lore, 14, no. 2: 127. —New Letters of. (M. T. Higginson, ed.) Harper, m6: 779, -— Psalm of Life; a Coincidence of Expression. (F. H. Chase) Nation, 75: 52. — Wadsworth-Longfellow House, Portland, Maine. (E. M. Bangs) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 695. Longfellow, W. P. P. “(C. A. Cummings) Am. Arch. 88: 147, Longfield, Mountifort. (E. R. A. Seligman) Econ. J . 13: 525. Longinus on the Vices of the Age. (L. Cooper) Nation, 81: 358. Longitude, Determination of. (E. Smith) Science, 11. s. 20: 466, Longman’s Magazine. —— Not a Case of Starvation. Outl. 81: 598. Longpré, Paul de. Craftsman, 8: 493. —— The King of the Flower Painters in his California Home. (L. N. Richards) Overland, n. s. 43: 395. Long’s Peak, Col., Climbing. (E. Harding) Outing, 44: Acad. 69: 1oo4, 461, ’Longshoremen’s Union. (J. R. Commons) Q. J . Econ. 20: 59.-—(L. Grant) Outl. 84: 826. Longstreet, Gen. James, with portrait. (J . S. Wise) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 199. -—- and General Gordon. (C. A. Evans) Indep. 56: 311, Look in the Face, The. (J . G. Neihardt) Munsey, 35: 489. Looking Back. (S. Bullock) Atlan. 89: 836. Looking-glass, The ; a story. (Alice Brown) McClure, 21: 179. Loom-master of Iran. (J . K. Mumford) Atlan. 89: 970. 386 LOS AN GELES Loons, Search for their Nests. (B. Dale) Canad. M. 26: 438. Lope de Vega. (H. A. Rennert) Monthly R. 16, no, 3: 18 — Character of. (W. Lawler-Wilson) Acad. 66: 311. —— Rennert’s Life of. Ath. ’o4, 2: 27,- (J, D, M, Ford) Nation, 79: 280. —Sat. R. 98: 175, ' Lopez, Charles Albert, Sculptor, with portrait. Cath. World, 74: 492. Loquat, The. Land of Sun. 2: 110, Lord, Does the Race of Man love a ? (S. L. Clemens) No. Am. 174: 433. —Spec. 88: 586, Lord Cumberwell’s Lesson. (W. E. Cule) Chamb. J . 80: 417, 471.=Liv. Age, 238: 408-627. Lord Jerningham. (Booth Tarkington) Everybody’s, I3- 735- Lord Thorny’s Eldest Son; a story. (S. MacManus) Cosmopol. 35: 651. Lord’s Pence, The. (C. B. Brown) Sund. M. 33: 141. Lord’s Prayer. (C. H. Richards) Bib. Sac. 63: 635. — (G. Tyrrell) Cath. World, 82: 446, -— Evolution of the. (A. S. Barnes) Contemp. go: 332. Lord’s Supper, The. Church Q. 58: 36c. — (H. R. Mackintosh) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 180. -—An Historical Inquiry. Church Q. 53: 433. 54: 257. 55: 76. — Berning on the Eucharist. (G. H. Box) Crit. R. 13: 32- — Encyclical on, Latin and English. (Leo XIII.) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 625. I — Eucharistic Office of the Celtic Church. (T. F. Fotheringham) Am. J . Theol. 9: 309. — in the Early Church. (E. King) Month, 108: 1, -—- Meaning of “ Do this ” in. (F. W. Mozley) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 370. —- Thomas Aquinas and the. (Alexander MacDonald) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 555. Loreburn, Robert Reid, Lord. (E. Manson) Green Bag, 28: 121, Lords of the Forest, The. (C. Hawkes) Overland, nl s. 44: 625. Lorenz, Dr. Adolf. (J . Swain) McClure, 20: 316. —- (D. D. Ashley) Outl. 72: 737.— (N. M. Shaffer) Char. I0: 17. —— Healer of Cripples. (W. F. Day) Munsey, 28: 555. -— Mission of, to American Children. (V. P. Gibney) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 674. — Review of Visit to the U. S. of. (N. M. Shaffer) Char. II: 383. —- Treatment of Hip Disease by. Nature, 67: 272. Loreto, Holy House of. (Bertrand L. Conway) Cath. World, 82: 199, Lorian Swamp, British East Africa, A Journey to. (W. H. Broun) Geog. J . 27: 36, Lorillard Estate, Tuxedo, N. Y. (I. G. Tabor) Ctry Life Am. 9: 681. Lorimer, Geo. Horace. (E. F. Harkins) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 65. Los Angeles, Cal. (E. F. Spence) Calif. M. I: 1.— (J . R. Henderson) Calif. M. 2: 64,5.—Land of Sun. 2: 6. —(Owen Capelle) Land of Sun. 3: 43. —Land of Sun. 61 45.—(H. Wright) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 790. -—- (R. D. Paine) Outing, 48: 523. —- and the Plaza, Old. (M. M. Bowman) Land of Sun. 4: 160, -— and the Owen’s River. (C. A. Moody) Out West, Land of Sun. I: 104, 23: 417- —~ as an Oil Center. -—- Athletic Club. Land of Sun. 5: 134. —— Chamber of Commerce. (D. Freeman) Land of Sun. 2: 31, -—— Church, The Plaza. 4= 19- (Auguste Wey) Land of Sun. LOS ANGELES Los Angeles, compared with Rome, Italy. Channing) Out West, 19: 239. -—— Direct Legislation in; really Masters. (Eltweed Pomeroy) Arena, 33: 51, ~ -—— Drift of Wealth to. (E. White) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 869. —- La Fiesta de. -— The First Schools of. Sun. 3: 169. —— The Founders of. Land of Sun. 4: 173. -—— Library Situation in, 1905. Lib. J . 30: 476, 800. —— Old and New. (H. E. Brook) Land of Sun. 1: 56. — The Parks of. Land of Sun. 1: 89. —(T. S. Van Dyke) Land of Sun. 8: 89. — Reminiscences of “The Boom.” (H. E. Brook) Land of Sun. 2: 25, 46, 102, —- Schools of. (K. T. Galpin) Land of Sun. 3: 173. —— since the Boom. (T. S. Van Dyke) Land of Sun. (G. E. Land of Sun. 6: 261. (M. M. Bowman) Land of 1: 15, -—— Stockton’s Capture of. (H. A. Reid) Land of Sun. 3: 220, -—— Story of the Queen of the Angels. 41: 310, —— Street Railway Systems of. Land of Sun. 8: 35. Los Angeles Co., Cal., Agriculture in. (A. J . Cook) Land of Sun. 8: 197. -— The Harbor of. Land of Sun. 1: 85. —— Relief Map of. Land of Sun. 1: 4. Los Gatos, California. Out West, 23: 411. Los Vinos, the Little Town of the Grape Vines. (Mary Austin) Atlan. 91: 822. Loss, From, to gain. Chamb. J . 81: 54. Loss of the Leo, The; a story. (C. McKay) McClure, 23: 429. Lost, an Echo. Lost has been found, The ; a story. Cath. World, 76: 453. Lost Adam Mine, Seeking the. Sun. 10: 113. Lost Caravel, The. am 327- Lost Earl of Ellan. (C. Praed) Canad. M. 26: 259. Lost Galleon, The. (Katharine Tynan) Chamb. J . 79: Overland, n. s. (G. A. England) McClure, 27: 214, (M. A. Taggart) (VV. Mathers) Land of (Mary R. S. Andrews) Scrib. M. 524- Lost Ghost, The; a story. (Mary E. W. Freeman) Everybody’s, 8: 405, Lost in Arctic Night. (I. Cowie) Outing, 47: 419. Lost in the Woods, What to do when. (G. Kennan) Outl. 71: 471. Lost Seladang of Noa Anak. (C. Whitney) Outing, 46: 153. Lost Soul, The ; a story. (W. E. Grogan) Temp. Bar, 130: 37.=Liv. Age, 242: 292. Lost Story, A. (F. Norris) Cent. 44: 371. Lost Trail, A; a story. (A. C. Robinson) Outing, 44: 5°- Lothair, The Crystal of. (O. M. Dalton) Archeeol. 59: 25, Loti, Pierre. See Viaud, Jules. Lotter, The Fight with. (F. R. O’Neill) Chamb. J . 79: 241, Lotteries, A Plea for. (E. Ansell) Westm. 162: 425, Lottery of Death, The. (J . M. Stradling) McClure, 26: 94. Lotto, Lorenzo, Berenson on. Ath. ’o3, 1: 503. —— Life, Works, and Bibliography of. Mast. in Art, 5: 129. Lotus, Variation in. (R. Pearl) Am. Natural. 40: 757- Lotus Eaters, The Poetry of the. (E. Wright) Acad. 71: 662, Lotus Tree, The. (St. Clair Baddeley) Am. Arch, 88: 166, 387 LOUISIANA Lotz, Walther, The Writings of. (B. L. Hutchins) Econ. R. 15: 38. - Lotze, Hermann, The World of Personal Spirits; a Study in Lotze’s Philosophy of Religion. (Emma M. Caillard) Contemp. 90: 65. Lou Dillon. (M. F. Sanders) Indep. 55: 2797. Loubet, Emile, President of France. (V. Thompson) Everybody’s, 11: 657. — With portrait. (Ada Cone) Pall Mall M. 26: 289, — Paris and. (J . F. Macdonald) Fortn. 85: 376. —— Troubles of. (J . F. Macdonald) Sat. R. 96: 9. Louis XIV., and the Holy See. (D. Sampson) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 141. — The Heart of. (M. Ibsen) Harp. W. 50: 849. — in Court and Camp, Haggard’s. Ath. ’o4, 2: 198. — Poisonings at Court of. (J . De Morgan) Green Bag, 14: 276, _ Louis XV., Daughters of. (D. Hunter) Cosmopol. 38: 49. Louisa. (Juliet W. Tompkins) Everybody’s, 12: 98, Louisbourg, Capitulation of, 1745. (O. G. Hammond) N. E. Reg. 57: 214, — Siege of. (J . G. Johnson) Harper, 108: 209, Louisbourg Expedition of I74 5, Sailors in. (A. L. West- gate) N. E. Reg. 59: 192. Louise of Stoleberg, the Last White Rose Queen. F. Steuart) Chamb. J . 80: 753. Louisiana, Cession of, to Spain. Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 439. — Early Exploration of. (I. J . Cox) Univ. of Cincin. Stud. 2d ser. 2: no, 2. I — Fortier’s History of. R, 10: 156, —— Life in the Swamps of. (C. Johnson) Outing, 45: 515- — Magnetic Survey of. Science, 11. s. 16: 915. — Maps of, Early. Nation, 78: 30. — Napoleon’s Sale of. (H. S. Ballou) Educa. 23: 519. — Politics in, 1862—66. (F. W. Moore) So. Atlan. Q. 1: 128, — The Precedent of. (A. White) Un. Serv. M. 29: 335. —— Spanish Project for the Conquest of, in 1804. (W. R. Shepherd) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 18. — Suffrage Limitations in. (J . L. Warren Woodville) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 177. Louisiana Folk-tales, Four. (A. Fortier) J . Am. Folk- lore, 19: 123. Louisiana Purchase, The. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 168: 595. — (C. M. Harvey) World’s Work, 6: 3392. — Bibliography of. Pub. Lib. 8: 267. — Civil and Common Law in. (E. McClain) Green Bag, 17: 418. -—— Conclusions of the Treaty. Two Pictures by A. Castaigne. Cent. 46: 225, -— Documents relating to, Jefferson and Dunbar. on. (L. J. Burpee) Dial, 37: 205, —- Fights of the Fur Companies. Cent. 45: 797. — How we bought the Great West. Scrib. M. 34: 561. — Hosmer’s History of. (F. H. Hodder) Dial, 33: 35. —— Howck’s Boundaries of. (F. H. Hodder) Dial, 33: (A. (W. R. Shepherd) (R. G. Thwaites) Am. Hist. (Agnes C. Laut) (Noah Brooks) 36. —— Negotiation of. (L. B. Evans) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 340. —- R. R. Livingston and the. (J . B. Moore) Colum. Univ. Q. 6: 227, — Significance of the. (F. J . Turner) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 578, - Spirit of Liberty in Louisiana Province. (VV. B. Stevens) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 147. -— States of, The Builders of. (W. B. Allison) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 183, ' LOUISIANA Louisiana Purchase, The, States of, Development of. (D. R. Francis) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 158. -—- Story of. (P. Chouteau) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 153. — World Aspects of. (W. M. Sloane) Am. Hist. R. 91 Louisiana Purchase Exposition. See St. Louis. Louisiana Territory. Planting the Flag in Old Louisi- ana. (A. B. Hulbert) Chant. 39: 150. Louisville, Kentucky. (E. C. Litsey) Bk. News, 24: 533. —(W. S. Bodley) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 120. —— Summer Playgrounds at. (M. E. Tarrant) Chaut. 37: 473- Lounsbury, Thomas R. (B. J . Hendrick) Critic, 422 221. —— on Shakesperean Criticism. (Brander Matthews) Internat. Mo. 51 122. Lourdes. (A. M. F. Cole) Month, 106: 359. —~ and the National Pilgrimage of 1903. (L. R. Lynch) Cath. World, 78: 200, ‘ Louvain, Catholic University of. (L. Dupriez) Cath. Univ. Bull. 12: 3. -—— Notes on a Belgian University Town. (J. G. Daley) Cath."VVo1ld, 76: 620, L’Ouverture, -Toussaint. (F. Douglass) Indep. 551 945- Louvre, ‘The. (Alex. Sandier) Scrib. M. 32: 381-512. — Rothschild Legacy. (E. Mouret) Brush & P. 10: 156. -—— Société des Amis du. (J . J . Marquet de Vaselot) A'rt"J.“56: --19. Love. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 602. -—- among the Blackboards; a story. Clure, 20: 485. — and Advertising. (R. W. Tully) Cosmopol. 40: 670, -— and the Anglers. (H. Ismay) Temp. Bar, 128: 103, (M. Kelly) Me- 231, — and Lady Macbeth. (Clara Morris) Idler, 23: 190, -— and Law. (S. G. Barnes) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 7: 181. —- Emotion of, between the Sexes, A Preliminary Study of. (S. Bell) Am. J . Psychol. 13: 325. -—- First, in Poetry. (C. J . Norris) Fortn. 84: 254, —— The Game of. (Agnes Repplier) Atlan. 96: 547, -— The Higher. (G. Barlow) Contemp. 85: 114, —- Human and Divine. (M. D. Petre) Cath. World, 74= 442- -— Sincerity and. —- Tragedy of. -—- What it. is. Love and Death; a poem. 175: 695- Love and the Lady; a story. 37: 683. Love —as a Matter of Course; a story. (C. Hamil- ton) Cosmopol. 36: 559. ' Love at Long Distance. (J . R. Perry) Cent. 46: 937. Love, the Conqueror; a story. (M. S. Hancock) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 417. Love, the Destroyer; a story. (E. Jordan) Harper, 108: .898. Love in Idlenesse, Shakespeare’s. Poet-Lore, 17, no. 1: 86. Love in the Mist; a story. (C. Benedict) Harper, 113: 73°- Love in the Wilderness. (L. Mott) Outing, 49: 153, “ Love Laughs at Lions.” (Edna Kenton) Cent. 50: (M. Maeterlinck) Cent. 45: 813. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 95: 774. . (Lavinia Hart) Cosmopol. 35: 261. (G. Leopardi) Blackw. (A. Sutro) Cosmopol. (Charlotte Porter) 333- Love of Azalea, The; a story. (O. Watanna) Book- man, 19: 583. 20: 65, 161, Love of Libby Baxter. (I. Clark) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 377- Love of Life. (Jack London) McClure, 26: 144,: Blackw. 178: 765. Love of Monsieur. (G. Gibbs) Lippinc. 71: 595. 388 LOWELL Love or Duty? A Story of Railroad Life. (E. S. Kirkpatrick) Canad. M. 24: 363, Love Unaware; a story. (L. R. Rhodes) Munsey, 31: 634. - Love which passeth Knowledge. (E. A. Gillie) Good Words, 37: 41. Love Affair of a Princess. (L. McLaws) Lippinc. 74‘ 1- Love Afiairs of James Carrington, jr., the Third. (C. H. Latta) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I71 535. Love Affairs of Heroines. (H. T. Finck) Harper, 110: 464. Love Interest and some Recent Novels: (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 22: 370, Love Knot, A. (W. W. Jacobs) Cosmopol. 41: 31. Love-letters, Memorable. (R. Pyke) Cosmopol. 37: 253- Love-making, New and Old. Spec. 392 249. Age, 235: 567.:Eel.M._140: 132. Love Scenes on the Stage. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 972 779. -T-Ecl. M. 143: 519.=Liv. Age, 242: 572. Love Settlement, A. (R. W. Tully) Cosmopol. 41: 189, Love Songs of a Bygone Day. (A. H. Garstang) Fortn. 80: 973. Love-stories, Old, retold. P01-331 211. 305, 438- : Liv. (R. Le Gallienne) Cosmo- Love Story of Robert Prouty, The. (E. Wood) Mun- sey, 29: 562. Love-theme in Fiction, The. (C. L. Moore) Dial, 41: 439. Lovelace, Francis, Gov. of New York; has he been properly identified? (W. G. Stannard) M. of Hist. 1: 30. Lovelace, Ralph G. N. M., 2d Earl of, and Lord Byron. (J . Murray) Monthly R. 22, no. 2: 19, Lovelace, Richard. Acad. 68: 542. Lovelace, William, Interment of, New York, 1671. (S. M. Kingsbury) Am. Hist. R. 9: 522. Lovers in Heaven. (Julian Hawthorne) Cent. 49: 232. —- Literary Treatment of. (J . Buckham) Critic, 49: 123, Lovers on an Island. (Barry Pain) Cosmopol. 34: 151. Love’s Manifold Altars. (A. T. Colcock) New Eng. M. 33: 17, Love’s Miracle; a poem. (W. M. Payne) Atlan. 91: 43- Love’s Young Dream. (Dorothy Canfield) Every- body’s, I3: 266. Loves, A Boy’s. (E. L. Sabin) Cent. 44: 409. Loves of Sakura J iro and the Three-headed Maid. (O. Watanna) Cent. 43! 755. Lovett, Richard. (A. R. Buckland) Sund. M. 34: 337. Lovey Mary. (A. C. Hegan) Cent. 43: 270-693. Low, Seth, with portrait. (W. M. Sloane) Colum. ‘ Univ. Q. 4: 1. —— Debt of N. Y. City to. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 6. — on the Excise Question. Outl. 70: 345. Lowe, Sir Hudson. (R. C. Seaton) Ath. ’o2, 2: 795. -—- and Napoleon. Spec. 92: 186, Lowe, T. S. C., with portrait. (J . S. Brainard) Calif. M. 2: 435. Lowell, Augustus, with portrait. Technol. R. 3: I. - Lowell, Guy, The Works of. (B. F. W. Russell) Archit. R. 13: 13. Lowell, James Russell, with portrait. (J . Realf, jr.) Calif. M. 3: 466. ———Qua.r, 196: 61. =Liv. Age, 234: 641. —-Acad. 62: 667, —and Eugene Field. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I5: 674. -— Appreciation of Howells. (V. P. Franklin) Meth. R. 62: 112, -—- as a Citizen. (E. Mims) So. Atlan. Q. 1: 27, (T. K. Lothrop) LOWELL Lowell, James Russell, as a Critic. Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 352, -— as viewed from our Generation. Meth. R. 62: 883, -— Early Writings of. Acad. 64: 65. — Greenslet’s Life of. (W. E. Simonds) Dial, 40: 119. —-— (J . H. McDaniels) Nation, 82: 180, 205, — (T. W. Higginson) Outl. 81: 625, -— Home of. (O. B. Capen) Ctry Life Am. 7: 259. — Influence of, in England. (H. W. Horwill) New ‘ Eng. M. n. s. 27: 321. —- a Poet of Freedom. (T. E. Will) Arena, 31: 262. —— Religion of a Scholar-poet, a Study of “ The Ca- thedral.” (G. M. Hammell) Meth. R. 62: 610, — Scudder’s Life of. (W. H. Johnson) Critic, 40: 121, — Outl. 702 I91. — Atlan. 89: 254. — Harv. Grad. M, 10: 345.—Ath. ’02, 1: 235, -— Temperament of. Atlan. 90': 862, Lowell, Josephine Shaw. Char. I 5: 309.——Char. I6: 228. — and the Peace Movement. (E. D. Mead) Char. I 5: 701, — a City’s Saint; poem. (J . D. Miller) Outl. 81: 974. — A Poem. (R. W. Gilder) Char. I 5: 436. — a Woman of Sorrows. (R. W. Gilder) Critic, 48: 74. Lowell, Mass. (L. E. MacBrayne) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: 113, — Cotton-mills of, Strike in. (G. Kennan) Outl. 74: 269. ——Explosion in, July 29, 1903. New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 3. (A. F. Lange) (E. H. Blichfeldt) Lowell Institute School for Industrial Foremen. (C. F. Park) Technol. R. 6: 50. Lower California and the Colorado River. (R. E. L. Robinson) Calif. M. 5: 105, -— Hunting Sheep and Antelope in. (C. B. Slade) Out- ing, 391 5°5- Lowndes, William. (Fannie W. Carr) So. Atlan. Q. 1: 365. — Ravenel’s Life of. (VV. MacDonald) Nation, 74: 36. Lowther, James. Sat. R. 98: 354. Loyalist, American, Reminiscences of an. ed.) Canad. M. 26: 227, 450, 529, Loyalists of the Revolution; a review. man) Canad. M. 21: 274, Loyalty of Esau Common; an Allegory. (H. G. Wells) Contemp. 812 231. Loyalty of Stephen Stovel’s Widow, The. Cleaveland) Munsey, 33: 93. . Loyola, Ignatius. See Ignatius, St., of Loyola. Loyson, Father Hyacinthe. Open Court, 18: 37 3, — and his Wife. Open Court, 19: 372, Luang Sawat, B. A. (B. A. Smith) Indep. R. 5: 234. "-‘Liv. Age, 245: 338. Lubin, D., and his Work. (T. F. Marcosson) World’s Work, 12: 8021, Lucas, Sir Charles, and Lisle, Sir George, Execution of. (J. H. Round) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 8: 157, Lucca, At the Baths of. (Neith Boyce) Scrib. M. 39: (S. Jarvis, (A. Cassel- (A. M. 614. ——- The Land of Olive—oil. (Andrew Haggard) Chamb. J . 82: 577. Lucerne, Inn Signs at. 29: 297. —— War Museum at. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 174, Lucia B. Potts. (Mrs.J. H. Needell) Chamb. J. 80: 209-263. Lucian, Works of, translated by H. W. and F. G. Fowler. (P. Shorey) Dial, 391 Z33.—Liv. Age, (A. Elliot) Studio (Internat.) 247‘ 57- Luck. (L. Beeke) Chamb. J. 81: 145. — (A. L. Bene- dict) Cosmopol. 38: 313. Luck of Gordon-Bligh, The ; a story. (A. MacGowan) M11nBey.32= 347- 389 LUMBERING Luck of Roaring Camp, The. (Bret Harte) Overland, 11. S. 402 254. Luck of Smalley, The. (H. C. Rowland) Scrib. M. 35: 729- Luck of the Three Sevens; a story. (R. H. Farnham) Cosmopol. 35: 161, _ Luck of Tuffles. (S. Ford) Outing, 49: 324. Luckock, H. Mortimer, Dean of Lichfield. The Dean’s Memorial and the Athanasian Creed. 19th Cent. 59: 271. Lucky Stratagem, A. (F. K. Hoffman) Lippinc. 71: 55°- Lucretius. (R. B. Steele) Sewanee, I2: 36. — and his Times. Ed. R. 2031 I37. _ — the Evolutionist. (R. E. McBride) Meth. R. 54: 917. — Vision and the Visions of. (J . W. Beach) School R, 12: 377, Lucy, Sir Thomas, Justice Shallow not intended as a Satire on. (C. C. Stopes) Fortn. 79: 313. Lucy; a story. (Mary E. W. Freeman) Harper, I06: 51. Lucy of the Hualapais. (Alma M. Estabrook) Over- land, 11. s. 442 41. Lucy Bettesworth; a story. Liv. Age, 250: 221, Luddington, William, of Malden, Mass., and East Haven, Conn., and his Descendants. ' (J . Shepard) N. E. Reg. 58: 72. Ludlow, Mass., an Instructive Factory Village. (E. K. Titus) World’s Work, 9: 5752. Ludlow Castle. Antiq. 40: 23. Ludlow Masque, The. (J . A. Micklin) Macmil. 91: 97. Luebeck and Hildesheim; Two Old Cities. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 81: 997. ——- Hamburg, Kiel, and. (W. von Schierbrand) Chant. 4°‘ 423- Luella Miller. (Mary E. W. Freeman) Everybody’s, 7: 553- » Lugging Boat on Sowadnehunk. (F. E. Eckstorm) Atlan. 93: 501. Luini, Bernadino, Italian Painter, with portrait. Mast. in Art, 3: pt, 36. — The Child of the Alps. World, 75: 17. Luiseiio Indian Language, Sketch of the Grammar of. (P. S. Sparkman) Am. Anthropol. 7: 656. Luitprand. Narrative of Mission to Nicephorus Pho- cas, A. D. 968. (R. Garnett) Cornh. 89: 63. Luke, St., as an Artist. Spec. 88: 169.=Liv. Age, 232: 826, V —— Medical Language of. (R. J . Knowling) Bib. World, 20: 260, 370, Lull, Ramon, In the Footsteps of. (H. Ellis) Contemp. 89: 676. Lullaby; a poem. (J . R. Taylor) Atlan. 91: 815. Lumber, and American Forests. (W. F. McClure) Booklover’s M. 4: 829, — River-driving of the Logs. lover’s M. 51 531. Lumber-Jack, The, and his Job. Outl. 76: 803. Lumber Flume in California, A 54-mile. Everybody’s, 9: 3. Lumber Industry. (M. J . Munn) Cosmopol. 371 437. — in Maine. (L. T. Smyth) New Eng. M. n. s. 25: 629. — of the Pacific Coast. (A. H. King) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 317. — (F. H. Lamb) Out West, 19¢ 343‘- Blackw. ‘I79: 807. I (M. F. Nixon—Roulet) Cath. (G. Hibbard) Book- (W. D. Hulbert) (B. Millard) Lumbering by Machinery. (K. Smith) World’s Work, ~ 7= 4435. — in the Northwest. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 48: 719. —- with the Tahquamenon Drive. (W. D. Hulbert) Outl. 83: 967. LUMBERING Lumbering Camps in Canada. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 19: 6. Luminists, The. (A. Nicholson) 19th Cent. 57: 627. --‘- Liv. Age, 245: 813, Luminous Sleep. (P. Arunachalam) Westm. I 58: 566. Lumleys, The, of Lumley Castle, Edith Milner’s Rec- ords of. Ath. ’o4, 2: I69, Lummis, Charles F. (C. G. Du Bois) Critic, 40: 326. — With portrait. (C. D. Willard) Land of Sun. 1: 12, — House of, in California. (H. P. Keith) Booklover’s M. 4: 465. Lummis, Henry, with portrait. West, 22: 3x8. Lunch for Two More; a story. Munsey, 30: 733. Lunching Miss Mary Burton. (Carolyn Wells) Lippinc. 78= 753- Lundy Island. (R. L. Pillsbury) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 153_—Sa,t_ R. 102: 230, —— A Clerical Robinson Crusoe. Words, 47: 57. Lunéville Peace, I801, Negotiations for. erts) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 15: 47. * Lung-fish, Obituary Notice of. (B. Dean) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 33. Lupton, T. Retrospective Review of his “ Thousand Notable Things.” Gent. M. n. s. 772 511. Luray Caverns, The. Nat. Geog. M. 17: 358. —— Air of. (G. L. Hunner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 54! 557. Lusitania, A Rand in. (P. T. Lafleur) Nation, 75: 128. Lutes. (S. S. Sadtler) J . Frankl. Inst. I 57: 355. Luther, Martin, and Lutherthum. (J . G. Schmidt) Cath. Univ. Bull. 10: 342, -— Denifle on. (J . A. Faulkner) Am. J . Theol. 9: 359. -— The Land of. (L. Hulley) Chant. 34: 608, —~ Theology of. (K. Fullerton) Bib. Sac. 63: I, 284. —- Was he Insane ? (J. M. Stone) Dub. R. I34: 293. Lutheran Church, Evangelical Synod of No. Amer., Relation to Prussian Union. (J . L. Neve) Luth. Q. 341 67. -—- General Synod, Four Decades of. (S. A. Greenar walt) Luth. Q. 35: 245. — in the U. S., General Synod. 32: 55°- —— India Mission, Decade in. IOI, — Obligations of other Churches to. Luth. Q. 33: 153. Lutheran Revolt, Study of. (J . H. Robinson) Am. Hist. R. 8: 205, Lutheran Theology of the Reformation. ards) Luth. Q. 33: 171, 505. Lutheranism, The Distinguishing Doctrine of. Ref. Ch. R. 49: 160, 531. -—- now needed, The. (S. A. Ort) Luth. Q. 351 346. Luxembourg, Marshal de. (A. Laugel) Nation, 78: 368, 409. Luxembourg Palace, The; its Inhabitants and Asso- ciations. (Hon. Mrs. E. Stuart Wortley) National, 43= 847. Luxmy, Ancient and Modern. 12: 146. -- Taxers of, Luxurious. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 360, —— Two Studies in ; the House of Mirth, and Belcham- ber. (Mary K. Ford) Critic, 48: 249, Luynes Chateau. (R. Whiteing) Cent. 47: 810, Luzerne County, Penn., Early Days in. (W. P. Ry- man) M. of Hist. 2: 239. Luzon, Notes on. (G. G. Palmer) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 331 223- —— Northern, Military Occupation of. (W. L. Sibert) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 302 401. (C. F. Lummis) Out (H. L. Huntington) (A. Birnage) Good (L. M. Rob- (A. Stump) Luth. Q. (J . Aberly) Luth. Q. 32: (P. Anstadt) (J . W. Rich- (E. Simey) Econ. R. "390 LYNCH IN G Luzonite, Crystallization of; and other Crystallogra- phic Studies. (A. J . Moses) Am. J . Sci. 170: 2 . Ly-y-Tanc, Celebrated Poetess of China. (Judith Gautier) Indep. 54: 680. Lycaonia, Christian Inscriptions of. (W. M. Ramsay) Expos. 6th ser. I21 438. 7th ser. It 32, I44. -— Discoveries in, 1904. Ath. ’o4, 2: 853. . —— The 1001 Churches in. (W. M. Ramsay) Ath. ’o4, 2: 843, Lycée Fénélon for Girls, The. wards) Chamb. J . 81: 724. Lyceum, The Modern. (P. M. Pearson) Lippinc. 762 742- Lyceum Club, London. Critic, 46: I 32. Lyceum Lecture System, The. (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 95: 38. Lychgate Hall. (M. E. Francis) Liv. Age, 242: 80. 242¢ 873- Lycia, Austrian Explorations in. (D. Sampson) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 277. — Chimaera and Phaselis. (Miss Betham-Ed- (D. G. Hogarth) Cornh. 93: 689. Lydig, Mrs. Philip M. (R. Donaldson) Munsey, 34: 429- Lying. Spec. 90: 929. — by Implication. Atlan. 89: I41, Lyly, John. Acad. 63: 675. — (W. D. Armes) Califor- nian, 3: 180. — and the English Drama. Acad. 68: 662, — Doubtful Poems. (H. Littledale) Ath. ’o3, I: 435; (R. W. Bond) 594, 626. — Influence of. (J. T. T. Brown) Scot. Hist. R. 1: 7°- — Works, Bond’s Ed. Ath. ’O3, 1: I99. —— (J . E. Spin- garn) Nation, 77: 210, Lyman School, Westborough, Mass. Eng. M. n. s. 26: 399. Lyme, Conn., and its Artist Colony. cum) New Eng. M. n. s. 342 563. -— Summer School of Art. (F. V. Du Mond) Lamp, 27: 7. Lymnaea, Genitialia of. (F. C. Baker) Am. Natural. 39: 665. Lynch, Col. Arthur, Trial of, for High Treason. (L. F. Crane) Green Bag, I 5: 138, — Why I went to Prison. (A. Lynch) Indep. 57: 387, Lynch, Hannah. Acad. 66: 65, 92, Lynch Law. (A. Matthews) Nation, 75: 439, — and Lynching. (D. Mowry) Green Bag, 17: 638, — Cutler on. (W. L. Fleming) Dial, 391 34. — in California. Green Bag, 14: 291, —— in Texas in the 60’s. Green Bag, I4: 382, — its Causes and Remedy. (J . Gibbons, Cardinal) No. Am, 181: 502. — once more. (A. Matthews) Nation, 76: 91, — A Remedy for. (S. R. Taber) Nation, 75: 478. (R. S. Roe) New (Grace L. Slo- Lynching. (J . B. Bishop) Internat. Q. 8-: 199. -—- Outl. ‘ 74: 877. — (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 4. — American, Italian Feeling on. (A. Pierantoni) Indep. 55: 2040, -— and Colonel Lynch. (J . E. Cutler) Nation, 76: 415, — Anti-lynching Campaign. Chant. 38: 111. —— Facts about. (Geo. P. Upton) Indep. 571 719. —— A Federal Remedy for. (A. E. Pillsbury) Harv. Law R. 152 707. —— from a Negro’s Point of View. (M. C. Terrell) N 0. Am, 1782853, — How to put down. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 86, —— An Inquiry regarding. (J . C. Kilgo) So.~Atlan. 1: 4. — Jurisprudence of Lawlessness. Green Bag, 18: 588, (T. J . Kernan) LYNCHING Lynching. The Mob and the Law. (W. T. Durbin) Indep. 55: 1790. -— Mr. Graves’s Apology for. (R. Ogden) %tion, 77: 146, ——- North Carolina Uprising against. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 153. — of Negroes, its Cause and its Prevention. (T. N. Page) No. Am. 178: 33. — —— Some Co-operating Causes of. No. Am. 177: 506. -— Political and Ethical Aspects of. (A. P. Dennis) Internat. J . Ethics, I 5: 149. — Pres. Roosevelt on. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 126. q— Proposed Remedies for. (J . E. Cutler) Yale R. 13: I94. —- Shall it be suppressed, and how ? (W. D. Sheldon) Arena, 36: 225. — Some Thoughts on. (C. B. Galloway and others) So. Atlan. Q. 5:’ 349. —— A Southern View. (C. H. Poe) Atlan. 93: I 55. —— What is a ‘? (Ray S. Baker) McClure, 24: 299. Lynching Mob, Psychology of a. (D. R. Babbitt) Arena, 32: 586. Lynchings and the Criminal Law. (J . W. Garner) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 333. —- Statistics ,*of. (W. H. Glasson) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 342- 1 Lynn, Mass. (J . R. Parker) Nat’1 M. (Bost.) I7: 107. Lynn of Dreams, The. (Fiona Macleod) Contemp. 82: 863. Lynnette and the Hawthorn Hedge. (F. Wilkinson) Booklover’s M. 6: 420. Lynx, The. (C. G. D. Roberts) Outing, 39: 542. — The Canada. (W. D. Hulbert) McClure, 18: 449. -—— When Upweekis goes Hunting. (W. J . Long) Harper, I08: 144, Lynx and Lion. (W. N. Wright) Am. M. 62: 523. Lyon, Matthew. (E. D. Hayford) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 431. —— A Picturesque Politician of Jeiferson’s Time. (J . F. McLaughlin) Cent. 43: 932. Lyon, Gen. Nathaniel, and the Fight for Missouri. (J. S. Clark) M. of Hist. 4: 102, Lyons, France. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 76: 46. —- N6tre Dame de Fourviere. (E. Leahy) Am. Cath. Q- 311 543- Lyre-bird, Some Notes on the. Chamb. J . 83: 582. Lyric, Old English Religious. Cent. 49: 442. — The Perfect. ' (R. G. T. Coventry) Acad. 69: 1149. =-Liv. Age, 247: 570. Lyrics in our Later Fiction. (A. Penn) Bookman, 21: (H., M. Somerville) 571- Lyrics of Evening. (J . V. Cheney) Atlan. 95: 369. Lysippus, Apoxyomenos of. (P. Gardner) J . Hel. Stud. 251 334- Lyttelt 11, Charles, an 18th Century Bishop. (M. Lyt- telton) National, 39: 280. Lyttelton, Lady Sarah, Letters to her Family, June, 1813—January, 1814. Temp. Bar, 132: 527, Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer, Lord, The Art of. (F. Gribble) Fortn. 79¢ 833. - as a Husband. (L. Orr) Bookman, 23: 254, -— as a Novelist. (L. Melville) Temp. Bar, 127: 5 59, -— Centenary of. (L. Melville) Bookman, I7: 463. :Dramatizations of. (P. Vliilstach) Bookman, I7: 471- - Novels of. (W. F. Lord) I9th Cent. 50: 449. —-Ecl. M. 138: 19. —— (F. Gribble) Critic, 43: 5 5. -—— Recollections of a Visit to, at Knebworth in 1857. Blackw. 177: 15. — A Second-rate Novelist. Dial, 34: 391. Lytton, Robert, 1st Earl, Letters of. Ath. ’09, 505, - Liv. Age, 251: 754, 391 ‘ — Origin of Macaulay’s New Zealander. MCDONALD M. Mulvina; her Life and Works. (H. J . Smith) At- 1an- 97* 357- Ma mie. (H. F. Hall) Temp. Bar, 127: 30. = Liv. Age. 2361 363- Macaire, Robert, the French Pecksniff. silon) Bookman, 16: 548, McAllisters’ Christmas. (A. Train) Scrib. M. 36: 653. MacAlpine, Mrs. Stella Avery Farrington. Acad. 63: (L. E. Rous- . 585. Macaronis, The. (N. Pearson) 19th Cent. 58: 273, Macaulay, T. B., and his Critics. (A. V. Dicey) Na- tion, 74: 388. —- as an Author. Acad. 65: 171, — as an Essayist. ’ (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 77: 529. -— English of. (T. E. Blakely) Harper, 105: 529, —— First Essay of. (W. L. Cross) Lamp, 26: 11, -— Limitations of. (H. C. Foxcroft) F ortn. 78: 820. '-= Liv. Age, 236: 89. I-Ecl. M. 140: 372, ,~,\ (B. Doifell) Acad. 69: 1193. Macbeth, Character of. Rec. 1: 29. — Truth about. (G. Eyre-Todd) Good Words, 46: 53, Macbeth, Ann, Designer of Embroidery. (F. H. New- berry) Studio (Internat.) I8: 40, MacBride, Richard, Premier of British Columbia. (T. A. Gregg) Canad. M. 23: 209, Maccabees I., Schweizer’s Hebrew Text of. (C. C. Torrey) J . Bib. Lit. 22: 51. McCarthy, D’Alton, Canadian Politician. Canad. M. 21: 31, McCarthy, Justin. Autobiography. (E. D. Adams) Dial, 37: 421. —— Story of an Irishman. Sat. R. 99: 422. (H. Irving) Univ. of Chic. McCarthy, Justin Huntly. Proud Prince. (J . R. Towse) Critic, 43: 511. McClatchie, Alfred James, with portrait. (Anna Davidson) Out West, 24: 290. McClean, Frank. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Nature, 71: _ 58. McClellan, Geo. B., Mayor of New York. (H. Davis) Munsey, 34: 291. — How he stands. (0. G. Villard) Nation, 81: 114. Macclesfield, Lord Chancellor, Bribery Case of. (M. S. Gilpatrick) Green Bag, 17: 711. McClosky’s Boy in the City. (A. M. Teskey) Canad. M. 27: 26. MacColl, D. S., as Water Colorist. R. 101: 424. MacColl, Norman. Ath. ’04, 21 374. McConnell, Dr. J . C. Science, 11. s. 20: 188. McCormick, Arthur David. Raillery; picture by. Art J , 58: 116. McCosh, James, with portrait. Prince. Univ. Bull. (A. Symons) Sat. 7. 1. McCulloch vs. Maynard in Australia. (H. B. Higgins) Harv. Law R. 18: 559. ' McCutcheon, Geo. Barr. (E. A. Harkins) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34: 255. McDiarmid, A. P., Brandon’ College. Canad. M. 18: 332, Macdonagh, Michael. A Viceroy’s Post Bag. (Lord Colchester) I 9th Cent. 58: 442. M’Donald, Allan. (J . Gray) Month, 106: 514. Macdonald, George. Acad. 69: 979. I Liv. Age, 247: 254. ——With portrait. (W. Garrett Horder) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 686.——(F. M. Brookfield) Sund. M. 34: 401, — a Neglected Novelist. (Louise C. Willcox) No. Am. I83= 394- —— Phantastes. (E. S. Robertson) Acad. 70: 308. (W. S. Fox) McDonald, John B., with portrait. (R. Stevens) World’s Work, 5: 2833. 0; I O- "O. K. Q"). 300 '1 I.‘ ‘COCO c‘_, MACDONNEL Macdonnel, Sir Antony, The Case of. (Alice S. Green) Indep. R. 6, no. 31 I2.-—(F. St. John Morrow) National, 45: 70. Macdougal Alley, Artist’s Colony in. (P. T. Farns- worth) Craftsman, 11: 57. Macdowell, Edward, Musician and Composer. (H. T. Finck) Outl. 84: 983, ~— Music of. (L. Gilman) No. Am. 178: 927, — Gilman’s Life of. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 82: 268. MacDowell Club. (L. Gilman) Critic, 48: 516. Macedonia. (E. J. Dillon) Contemp. 83: 894. —— Abbott’s Tour in. Ath. ’03, I1 453. — and after? Cornh. 89: 177. — and the Austro-Russian Comedy. (Lord Newton) National, 43: 410. '1 Liv. Age, 2421 65. — and England’s Duty. (K. Blind) Westm. 16!: 605. —— and England’s Policy. (K. Blind) 19th Cent. 54! 741- Sat. R. 100: 672, (E. J. Dillon) Contemp. 85: -—- and Europe. — and the Far East. 289, — and its Revolutionary Committees. (G. F. Abbott) 19th Cent. 53: 414, -—and the Powers. (E. J. Dillon) Contemp. 84: 728. —Quar. I98: 485. —— The Appeal of. Spec. 9!: I070, — as I saw it. (N. C. Graham) Good Words, 46: I 39. — Austrian Occupation of. (R. A. Scott-James) Fortn. 84: 894. — Bulgarians of. —— Conspiracy in. - Finis Macedoniae ? 433- — Gordian Knot in. (S. Bonsal) No. Am. 177: 494. —— Greece and. (A. Andréades) Contemp. 88: 376. — (H. N. Brailsford) Contemp. 88: 569, — Lord Percy on. Spec. 921 522. — The Maze of. Quar. I97: 459. =Ec1. M. 141: 203. 1‘ Liv. Age, 237: 64x, — Outlook in. Liv. Age, 241: 632, — A Possible Solution. (H. N. Brailsford) Fortn. 80: I 638. — Problem of, A Mohammedan View of. (M. Bara- katullah) No. Am. I77: 739. — — 1904- Spec- 9% 403- - Public Opinion and. (N. and C. R. Buxton) Monthly R. 13, no. 3: 95. — Reform in. National, 41: 68. --Reign of Terror in. (E. J. Dillon) Contemp. 83: 3<>5.=Liv. Age, 237: 65. — Relief for. (Lady Thompson) Cornh. 90: 202, = Liv. Age, 242: *5. — Revolt in. (H. N. Brailsford) Fortn. 80: 428. -—- Situation in. Blackw. I78: 353. — (Constantine Me- nelas) Booklover’s M. 7: 202, —Liv. Age, 244: 445- — Struggle in, by an American born in Turkey. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 282 419, —— Struggle of, for Liberty. 176: 223, -—- Through. (L. Villari) Monthly R. 14, no. 21 96. = Liv. Age, 240: 733. — Turkish Trouble in. (R. Myon) Blackw. I74: 549. (H. N. Brailsford) Fortn. 81: 1049. (H. Vivian) Fortn. 79: 827. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 84: (C. Johnston) No. Am. —— An Underground Republic. Blackw. I79: 302, — Views of a Prominent Native. (E. J . Dillon) Con- temp. 83: 578. —— War Embers in. (B. Sarafoff) Indep. 57: 968. —-What I saw in. (R. Wyon) Ecl. M. 141: 812,: Liv. Age, 239: 321. -— What the Trouble is. Wo1'k, 7: 4066. Macedonia Claimants, The. (W. Miller) Contemp. 83: 8. (L. P. Richards) World’s O.‘ ODD‘ 0 On OOQQ 392 MACHINE Macedonian-Bulgarian F1_-ontier, Journey to. (J . L. C. Berth and F. Moore) Idler, 26: 351, Macedonian Committees, The. (L. Villari) Liv. Age, 240: 311, Macedonian Intrigues and their Fruits. (J . W. Gam- bier) F ortn. 78: 747. Macedonian Massacres, Inside Story of. (P. McQueen) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 228, Macedonian Picture, A; My Golden Sisters. (M. E. Durham) Monthly R. 15, no. 21 73. MacFarlan, James. Poetry of a Scottish Pedlar. Bayne) Temp. Bar, 125: 271. McGill University; Macdonald Physics Building. (A. S. Eve) Nature, 741 272. McGrath, Captain Hugh Jocelyn. Wis. Alum. M. (T. 1- 95- MacGregor, Col. C. R. Geog. J . 20: 347. Macgregor, Gregor. (A. H. R. Moncrieif) Macmil. 92: 339- Mach,, Ernst, Philosophical Views of. (E. Becher) Philos. R. 14: 535. —(P. Carus) Monist, 16: 331. McHenry, James; Papers on the Federal Convention of 1787. Am. Hist. R. 11: 595. — Revolutionary Correspondence of. (B. C. Steiner) Pennsyl. M. 29: 53, 326. Machiavelli on the Art of War. Serv. M. 26: 68, — Maxims of, and the Transvaal War. Calif. Univ. Chron. 31 361. Machiayellianism, Commercial. (Ida M. Tarbell) Mc- Clure, 26: 453. Machilis, Compound Eyes of. (F. Seaton) Am. Nat- (R. G. Burton) Un. (L. Dyer) llral. 37‘ 319- Machinations of Ocoee Gallentine. (G. M. Cooke) Cent. 49: 910. . Machine, Political. (H. P. Judson) World To-day, 6: 103, ——The Machine, or a Machine? (F. W. Parker) World To-day, 6: 371. —--—Menace of the. (R. M. La Follette) Univ. of Chic. Rec. I: 537. Machine-made Human Beings. (M. Moss) Atlan. 94: 264. Machine-shop. Cost-keeping for a Repair Shop. (A. W. Thompson) Engin. M. 27: 201, — Drafting Department in Shop Economy. (L. D. Burlingame) Engin. M. 27: 589, I — Economical Metal Cutting. (C. Day) Engin. M. 27: — Economies, Neglected Factors in. (T. S. Beatley) Engin. M. 22: 514. —— Equipment of. (Joseph Horner) Cassier, 24: I45. — Floors of. (M. P. Higgins) Cassier, 23: 238. -—- Interchangeable Work in General Shop. (W. M. Barr) Engin. M. 28: 249, — Inventory, Aids in Taking. (H. Diemer) Engin. M. 22: 747. — Modern Requirements of the. 31: 156. — Money-Making Management. Engin. M. 22: 693. — [Number Devoted to the.] Cassier, 23: 1-272. (J . Horner) Cassier, (C. U. Carpenter) —— Stores Department. (J . Ashford) Engin. M. 28: 93, I 177. —— Systems of Administration. (E. P. Watson) Engin. M. 28: 211. — Tool Room and its Functions. M. 27: 521. -—- Works Design as a Factor in Economy. (H. Hess) Engin. M. 27: 499. ' Machine Tools, Big. (J . Horner) Cassier, 27: 208. ~— Continental, at the Liege Exhibition. (J . Homer) Cassier, 28: 479. (J . Ashford) Engin. MACHINE Machine Tools, Design of, Trend of. (J . Horner) Cas- sier, 23: 211. —- for Cutting, Multiplication of. (J . Horner) Cassier, 23: 31, — for Engine Building. (G. T. Reiss) Cassier, 24: 427. —- for Locomotfve Shops. (J . Horner) Cassier, 26: 70. —- Large, Power for. (C. H. Benjamin) Cassier, 25: 146. — Modern American. (C. H. Benjamin) Cassier, 24: 14, —— Operated by Electric Motors. (C. Day) J . Frankl. Inst. 158: 321. —- Pneumatic. (VV. L. Saunders) Cassier, 23: 3. —- Portable. (F. R. Jones) Cassier, 23: 127. -— Specialized. (J . Horner) Cassier, 26: 404. —- with Individual Electric Motors. (R. T. E. Lozier) Cassier, 23: 533. Machinery and Labor. (H. White) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 223.: Gunton’s M. 23: 122, — Changes of a Half-century in the Marine-engine Shop. (E. P. Watson) Engin. M. 23: 901, —- Designing of, to facilitate Repairs. (J . Horner) Cassier, 2g: 43. —— Development of Economical Utilities for handling Raw Material. (VV. Fawcett) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 66 — Diabolus ex Machina. (E. Crosby) Craftsman, 6: 583. — Labor-saving, Effects of. (F. H. Rose) Engin. M. 26: 836, 872. ' —— —— Modern. (G. F. Zimmer) Cassier, 27: 323. — Packing, for Export. (P. Roux) Cassier, 26: 271. — Selling Department, Advertising the. (R. M. Seeds) Engin. M. 27: 762. —— Some New Cutter and Tool-grinding. (C. S. Ging- rich) Cassier, 26: 571, —-— Use and Abuse of. (G. Stickley) Craftsman, 11: 202, Machinists, Length of the Trade Life among. (J . O’Connell) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 491. —-— Modern Apprenticeship System. (L. D. Burlin- game) Engin. M, 26: 511, McIver, Charles D. (W. H. Page) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 387.—— (W. H. Page) World’s Work, 13: 8265, Mack, Rev. John M. Visit to Onondaga in 1752. (J . W. Jordan) Pennsyl. M. 29: 343. Mack, Louise. (E. W. E1kington)Acad. 66: 617, Mackay, Mrs. Clarence. (R. H. Titherington) Mun- SGY1 33: 544- Mackay, Gayer, and Ostlere, Edith. Dr. Wake’s Pa- tient. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 100: 368, McKay, Gordon, with portrait. (N. S. Shaler) Harv. Grad. M. 13: 569. Mackay, John W., Memorial Statue of. World’s Work, 13: 8160, Mackenzie, Sir Alexander; how he reached the Pa- cific. Outing, 44: 661, Mackenzie, Sir George, “ Bluidy Mackenzie : ” the Man and the Myth. (W. C. Mackenzie) Gent. M. 11. s. 75: 171. McKenzie, Robert Tait, University of Pennsylvania. (T. B. Donaldson) Canad. M. 25: 110. — (R. Barr) Outl. 79: 557. Mackenzie, William Lyon, and the Canadian Rebel- lion of 1837. (F. Yeigh) Canad. M. 19: I95. Mackerel, Movements of the. (L. N. Badenoch) Knowl. 26: 136. ' McKeown’s Girl; a story. (VV. B. M. Ferguson) Am. M. 61: 331. McKinley, William. Westm. 157: 323. —- as Commander-in-chief of U. S_. (W. S. Coursey) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 149. —- at Thomasville, Ga. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I5: 424. (E. Lord) 393 MADAME McKinley, William; the Ideal American. (F. M. Bristol) Meth. R. 63: 849. ‘ ——-in the White House. (M. A. Hanna) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 291, —— Lincoln —- Garfield —— McKinley. (R. H. Tithering- ton) Munsey, 27: 306, ——Memorial to, at Canton, O. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I5: 524- —— Memorials to. Craftsman, 9: 23, —— Personal Reminiscences of. (M. A. Hanna) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I5: 405, 509, —— Recollections of. (C. E. Thomas) Sund. M. 34: 561. —— Statue of, at Muskegon, Mich. (D. Mallock) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 398. —— Tours of. (W. W. Price) Cosmopol. 34: 383. —— Wedding of, (E. A. Lee) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 23, McKinley, Mt. Science, 11. s. 17: 4o, —-— America’s Unconquered Mountain. (F. A. Cook) Harper, 108: 230, 335. —- Expedition to. (R. Dunn) Outing, 43: 459, 5 3 5, 697, 44: 27, 214, — Plan for Climbing. (A. H. Brooks and D. L. Rae- burn) Nat. Geog. M. 14: 30. —— Round. (F. A. Cook) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 321, McKinley Road. Overland, n. s. 43: 114, Mackintosh, J ohn. (W. Sinclair) Good Words, 46: 127, Maclachlan, Robert. Nature, 70: 106, McLachlan, Thomas Hope, Etcher. M. of Art, 27: 117, Maclagan, Thomas J ohn, and his Great I/Vork. (Sir W. Broadbent) 19th Cent. 55: 734. McLaren, Charlotte, Miniatures by. Art J . 55: 158. M’Laren, Priscilla Bright. (J . B. Mackie) Westm. 166: 619. McLellan, C. M. S. Jury of Fate. Sat. R. 101: _12, — Leah Kleshna. (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 46: 139, McLeod, Fiona, pseud. See Sharp, W. McMahon, Lieut. Gen. C. A. Nature, 69: 419. McMahon, James, Monsignor. Cath. Univ. Bull, 7: 377. Macmonnies, Frederick, Sculptor. (H. H. Greer) Brush & P. 10: 1.— (C. Brinton) Munsey, 34: 415. —— (French Strother) World’s Work, 11: 6965. MacNally, Leonard; Authorship of “ The Lass of Richmond Hill.” (J . C. I’Anson) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 259- Macnee, Sir Daniel, with portrait. Art J . 57: 364. M’Niell, Captain, Eccentric. (F. L. Chase) Nation, 78: 512, McNulty, Edward. Maureen. Monthly R. I 5, no. 3: 21, Macomber, Mary L. (W. H. Downes) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 276. ' Macon, Nathaniel, Place of, in Southern History. (W. E. Dodd) Am. Hist. R. 7: 663. McPike’s Good Fortune. (M. Martin) Munsey, 33: 18 , MacQdeen, Robert. The Real Weir of Hermiston. (W. D. Lyell) Jurid. R. 16: 115. McTaggart, J . M. E., Ethics of. (G. E. Moore) Int. J . Ethics, 13: 341. Mad-dog Fallacy, The. (M. Beerbohm) (J . Watson) Ctry Life Am. 8: 340- Madagascar, Matthews’s Thirty Years in. Ath. ’o4, 1: 743- ' — Seven Years of French Rule in. (J . C. Bracq) Outl. 74: 399. “Madam; ” a Lady of the Moorland. Blackw. 176: 62I.==Liv. Age, 243: 796, Madame. (C. S. Strong) Cath. World, 81: 94.- Madame Félicie. (M. E. Francis) Longm. 43: 510,: Eel. M. 142: 7r6.=Liv. Age, 241: 336. MADAME Madame, Monsieur, the Sister of Monsieur, and Anna; a story. (C. Oliver) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 164, Madame de Treymes. (Edith Wharton) Scrib. M. 40: 167, Madame’s Battle; a story. (A. Warner) Munsey, 30: I59- Madeira, A Glass of. (F. G. Aflalo) Chamb. J . 82: 721. Madeline Tristram. (A. D. Sedgwick) Cent. 471 735. Mademoiselle ; a story. (C. M. Mew) Temp. Bar, 129: 9°- Mademoiselle and Fraiilein. (M. E. Francis) Longm. 43: 406. = Liv. Age, 241: 31. Mademoiselle Papa. (E. Rhodes) Canad. M. 27: 421. Madera Country, Cal. Out West, 24: 464. Madigans, Stories of the Nevada. (M. Michelson) Cent. 46: 192-913, Madison, James, Country Home of. Ctry Life Am. 9: 42. (Oliver B. Capen) -— The Reporter who became President. (F. Irland) McClure, 24: 258, Madison, Wis. Free Library Building. (Julia A. Hopkins) Lib. J. 31: 812. Madness of Luis, The. (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, 34: 434- Madness of the Mountains, The. Macmil. 86: 280. =- Liv. Age, 234: 683, Madness of Nicoletta ; a story. (M. H. Potter) Harper, I05: 761, Madness of the Rector, The; a story. ning) Land of Sun. 4: 175. Madness of Sari, The. (V. Vaniatsky) Lippinc. 76: 208. Madonna, Slumber-songs of the. (A. Noyes) Blackw. 178: 819. =Liv. Age, 247: 797. Madonna of the Desert, The ; a story. (E. W. Peattie) Harper, III: 507, (G. E. Chan- Madonna Paintings, Greek, in California. (E. V. Car- lin) Out West, 17: 693. Madonnas in New England Museums. (F. W. Coburn) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 387. Madras. (J. D. Rees) J. Soc. Arts, 49: 469. — Church in, Penny’s. Ath. ’O5, 13 233. —- Two New England Rulers of. (B. C. Steiner) So. Atlan. Q. I: 209, Madras Sepoy, The. Un. Serv. M. 322 695. Madrid, An American Woman in. (Mrs. H. B. Cage) Indep. 54: 2528, 55: 82, — its Government and Municipal Services. (C. L. Jones) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 120. -— Old. Chamb. J . 82: 792. Madrigal, The, a Waning Glory of England. (J . A. F. Maitland) I9th Cent. 57: 252. Maestro of Balangilang, The. (J . Hopper) McClure, 24: 543- Maeterlinck, Maurice, with portrait. (A. Henderson) Arena, 35: 1I5.—Church Q. 54: 381.=Ecl. M. 139: 781. I Liv.'Age, 235: 193. —With portrait. Pall Mall M. 28: IO8.—(C. Bragdon) Critic, 45: 156. — (M. Sylvestre) Open Court, 17: 116. —- Acad. W 559- —- and the Bees. (A. E. Gibson) Arena, 27: 381. —and Robert Browning. (W. L. Phelps) Acad. 64: 594- - and Swedenborg. (Ednah C. Silver) N. Church R. 12: 416, 2- as a Dramatic Artist. (A. Henderson) Sewanee, 12: 207. -— as a Philosopher. Acad. 62: 451, -— as Moralist. (Algar Thorold) Indep. R. 8: 184. -—- as Reformer of the Drama. (S. C. de Soissons) Con- temp. 86: 699. = Ecl. M. 144: 382. = Liv. Age, 244: 138. -—— Belgian Shakespeare. 155. (M. M. Patrick) Chaut. 40: 394 MAGIC Maeterlinck, Maurice. The Blind, Symbolism in. (E. D. Daniels) Poet-Lore, 13: 5 54, —Joyzelle. (E. K. Chambers) Acad. 65: 89,— (G, Corneau) Critic, 43: II4. — (M. A. Gerothwohl) Fortn. 80: 76. — (J . Huneker) Lamp, 27: 581, — — vs. the Conventional Drama. (H. Jervey) Sewa- nee, 11: 187. -— Life of the Bee. (E. Rod) Internat. Mo. 5: 431. —Monna Vanna. Bk. News, 22: 145. (M. A. Ge- rothwohl) Monthly R. 7, no. 3: 121. — (G. B. Rose) Sewanee, 10: 458. — (L. Alma Tadema) F ortn. 78: I53. =Liv. Age, 234: 378, — -— the Forbidden Play. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, I6: 46, — — Reader of Plays to the Rescue. (W. F. Lord) 19th Cent. 59-: 72; Reply. (H. H. Fyfe) 282; Rejoinder. (W. F. Lord) 289. — A Talk with. (R. Phillips) Bk. Buyer, 24: 449. -—- Three Songs. Critic, 41: 543. Mafassal Law Courts of Bengal. Green Bag, 14: 337. Mafeking, By the Western Line to. Un. Serv. M. 25: 1 (A. T. Sibbald) 98. Mafia, Spirit of the. (A. N. Hood) Fortn. 77: 102. Magazine, Starting a. (Victor Smith) Bookman, I9: 171, Magazine Circulation and Advertising. (C. T. Brady) Critic, 47: 168. Magazine Editors, Our Foremost. (Jeannette L. Gil- der) Booklover’s M. II 13. Magazine Writing and Literature. Am. 179: 341. Magazines, Literature in the. Month, 103: 466, Magazines, Ventilation of. (C. D. Winn) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 39. Magdalena Valley, The, and its Life. Chamb. J. 80: 492, Magdalene College and Audley End. Spec. 92: 120. Magellan, Columbus, and Vespucius. (T. Magee) Calif. M. 3: 704. Magellanes, Land of. (W. S. Barclay) Geog. J . 23: 62 (H. M. Alden) No. (R. H. J. Steuart) (B. D. Kenny) Magersfontein. (P. Landon) Fortn. 78: 76. Maggie Donahue. (E. L. Sabin) Munsey, 35: 231. Maggie Verity’s Reconversion. (D. B. Fitzgerald) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 50. Magi and their Quest, The. (G. M. Jacobs) Chant. 36: 299- — Birthplace of the. (A. Barry) Am.Cath. Q. 31: 175, — Footnote to Matthew 2: 1. (L. C. Casartelli) Dub. R. 131: 362. Magic and Religion, Lang’s. & Ref. R. 13: 457. — Assyrian. Ath. ’03, 2: 679. — Every Man his own Mage. M. 11. s. 581 81. — History of, during the Christian Era. Ed. R. 200: (B. B. Warfield) Presb. (P. Fitzreimund) Gent. 7:- - Natural, and Prestidigitation. (H. R. Evans) Open Court, 18: 242, Magic of Orchards, The. (Zona Gale) Outing, 48: 6 57, Magic Circle, In the. (H. R. Evans) Open Court, 19: 8, Magic Cubes. (W. S. Andrews) Monist, 16: 388, Magic Kingdoms, The. (W. Sharp) Monthly R. 10, no. 11 99. Magic Kiss, The. (H. Alexander) Cosmopol. 33: 709. Magic Squares. (W. S. Andrews; A. L. Baker) Mo- nist, 15: 429, 355.—(P. Carus) Monist, 16: 123. — (P. A. MacMahon) Nature, 65: 447.—(J. Willis) Nature, 66: 78, — and Pythagorean Numbers. Monist, 16: 422, (C. A. Browne, jr.) MAGIC Magic Squares, Franklin’s. (W. S. Andrews; P. Carus) Monist, 16: 597. — of the 5th Order. (C. Planck) Nature, 65: 509. Magical Formulae on Lintels of the Christian Period in Syria. Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 10: 137. Magicians, Best Tricks of. (Ruth Everett) Cosmopol. 341 142- — I have met. Maginn, Wm. 286. Magistrates, County. (T. E. Kebbel) Monthly R. 25, no, 1: 120, Magna Carta. —- Myth of. — Re-read. Magnesias, The Two. 165. Magnesite Deposits of California. (Frank L. Hess) Engin. M. 3!: 69!. Magnetic Disturbances, Solar Origin of. (E. W. Maun- der) Pop. Astron. 13: 59. 14: 228. Magnetic Field and Coronal Streamers. bridge) Am. J . Sci. 171: 189, Magnetic Hearth, The ; a story. per. 1141 99- Magnetic Observations, Arctic, Birkeland on. Chree) Nature, 66: 227, Magnetic Pole, North, Proposed Expedition to. (R. Amundsen) Geog. J . 19: 484. 20: 627. Magnetic Storms and Aurora. (C. Chree) Nature, 73: 101, — and the Sun. (E. W. Maunder) Harper, 110: 821, —- Aurorae and Sun Spots. (W. J. S. Lockyer) Na- ture, 69: 9.-_—‘Pop. Astron. 11: 552. Magnetic Survey of No. Pacific Ocean. Nature, 71: 389. — of U. S., with Chart. 13: 92. Magnetic Work executed by the U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey between July, 1902, and July, 1903. Science, 11. s. 18: 347. Magnetism, Personal. Spec. 90: 45. —- Terrestrial. (C. C. Adams) Harper, 113: 63.—(L. A. Bauer) Science, n. s. 22: 25. -— —— Carnegie Institution’s Investigation. Bauer) Science, 11. s. 19: 596. -— — in relation to Geography. J . 22: 438. -— — Results of International Observations made dur- ing Solar Eclipse of May, 1901. (L. A. Bauer) Nature, 65: 246. —- Velocity of the Propagation of. Am. J. Sci. 168: 165, Magnetized Man, The. (M. Robertson) Munsey, 32: 675. Magneto-optics, Recent Progress in. (P. Zeeman) Na- ture, 75: 160. Magnets, Effects of Change of Temperature on Perma- (R. H. Evans) Open Court, 19: 454, (P. A. Sillard) Gent. M. n. s. 72: (P. Vinogradoff) Law Q. 21: 250, (E. Jenks) Indep. R. 4: 260. (G. Neilson) Jurid. R. 17: 128, (R. B. Richardson) Lamp, 29: (J . Trow- (J . B. Connolly) Har- (C. (L. A. Bauer) (L. A. Bauer) Nat. Geog. M. (L. A. (E. W. Creak) Geog. (H. A. Perkins) nent. (H. B. Loomis) Am. J. Sci. 165: 179. —— used for Lifting Purposes. (A. C. Eastwood) Cas- sier, 3I: 9!. Magnien, Alphonse L., with portrait. (M. F. Foley) Cath. World, 76: 814, Magnificat, The, Tfi; 806M); in. (I. F. Wood) J. Bib. Lit. 21: 48. Magnolia Trees. (Julia E. Rogers) Ctry Life Am. 5: 492- Magny Dinners, The. (C. F. Meetkerke) Cent. M. n. s. 70: 356. Magoon, Charles E., Cuba’s American Governor. (R. C. Weightman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 556. lllagpie, The. (R. B. Smith) I9th Cent. 54: 985.: E01. M. 142: 339.=Liv. Age, 240: 291, 395 MAJORITY Maguey, The Marvelous, of Mexico. (A. Inkersley) Good Words, 45: 116, Magus Muir, Memory of. 130:, 194. Magyar Nationalism and European Interests. 99: 261, Mahala Joe; a story. (Mary Austin) Atlan. 94: 44. Mahala’s Plan. (M. Holley) Lippinc. 71: 828. Mahayana Doctrine and Art, The: Comments on the Story of Amitaba. Open Court, 16: -562. Maher, M., Father, Clerical Apologetics and. (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 79: 576. Mahmoud, Pasha of the D. P. W. Cent. 44: 351. Mahogany, Supply of. o. Mahony, Francis Sylvester. (P. A. Sillard) Month, 103: 276. Maid of Landévennec, The; a story. Harper, 109: 497. Maid of the Mist, The; a story. lover’s M. 4: 391. Maiden’s Shoe, The. (H. H. Brown) Temp. Bar, Sat. R. (F. C. Penfield) (F. Tiffany) J. Soc. Arts, 52: (J . M. Forman) (K. M. Roof) Book- (Alfred Colbeck) Chamb. J . 81: 3°- Maidu Mythology, System and Sequence in. (R. B. Dixon) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I6: 32. Mail, The Northwest. (R. A. Haste) World To-day, 8: 415- — to Alaska, Carrying. Work, 3: 1757. Maine, Sir Henry, The Teaching of. Law Q. 20: 119. — — Vinogradoif on. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 79: 398, Maine, Barbarism in ; Study of Mr. Wasson’s Charges. (R. L. Hartt) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 542. — Coast of, Cruising on the. (W. L. Barnard) Ctry Life Am. 10: 312, — Enforcement Commission of. To-day, 9: 1340. — Library Association, Annual Meeting, 1906. (G. G. Wilder) Lib. J . 31: 824, — Lumber Industry in. (L. T. Smith) New Eng. M. n. s. 25: 629. — Pilgrim Fathers on the Kennebec. New Eng. M. n. s. 301 309. . — The Redevelopment of an Old State. (S. Baxter) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 55. Maintenance, Distribution of. (C. W. Mixter) Q. J. Econ. 18: 357. Maintenon, Madame de. (Visc. St. Cyres) Cornh. 85: 49I.:Liv. Age, 2332 428.:Ecl. M. 139: 131.-— (T. Chapman) Fortn. 79: 719. — Last Years of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 78: 511. Mair, John, Journal of, 1791. Am. Hist. R. 12: 77. Maison Dorée, Passing of. (S. Dewey) Macmil. 87: 416, Majave Desert, The. (G. B. Griffin) Californian, 5: 26. Majesty of the Law, The; a story. (M. E. Francis) Longm. 40: 329. = Liv. Age, 234: 616, Majesty of the Law, The; a story. (Mary R. S. An- drews) Harper, 108: 668, Majolica and Glazed Earthenware of Tuscany. Douglas) J. Soc. Arts, 52: 853, 863, 875. Major, The, gets even. (E. Macpherson) Scrib. M. 351 117- Major M ellordyce’s Wife. (E. Hulme-Reaman) Chamb. J, 82: 81, 105, _ Major Natural Regions; an Essay in Systematic Geo- graphy. (A. J . Herbertson) Geog. J . 25: 310. Majority Rule ; Constitutional Decision by Oregon Supreme Court. (G.'H. Shibley) Arena, 31: 284, -— Victorious March of. (G. H. Shibley) Arena, 29: 173- (F. H. Gammell) World’s (P. Vinogradoff) (C. E. Owen) World (E. H. Nason) (R. L. MAJ OR’S Major’s Waterloo, The. Eng. M. n. s. 31: 618. Make, in its Many Meanings. Sat. R. 98: 454. =Liv. Age. 2431 571- Make-up for the New Melo-farce; a poem. man) Ecl. M. 142: 269, Maker of Images, A; a story. (Van T. Sutphen) Har- per, 110: 870. Maker of Mirrors; a story. (F. Wheeler) Atlan. 921 338- Making of Camilla, The. (M. Ilsley) Atlan. 96: 537. Making of a Doctor of Divinity. (Rose Young) Cent. 4e= 725- Making of Laura Lee, The; a story. Gent. M. n. s. 59: 209. Making of a Man, The. Longm. 45: 416. Making of a Match, The; a story. (E. S. Martin) Harper, 107: 89. Making of Tryphena. (Ben Bolt) Lippinc. 44: 57. Making over of Pinch; a story. (E. Walker) Munsey, 3I= 857- Makin’s of a Hayro, The. 28: 17. Makran, The Empire’s Work in. Chamb. J. 82: 678. Malachy, St., Prophecy of. Bookman, 18: 80, “ Malahack ” once more. IO, Malaria. Anti-malarial Work. ence, n. s. 24: 744. (Eleanor H. Porter) New (0. Sea- (A. Buckler) (G. W. Ogden) McClure, (R. F. Halliday) (A. I. du P. Coleman) (A. R. Meyer) Nation, 76: (L. O. Howard) Sci- -— Fighting. (H. Hamilton) Good Words, 43: 188, — The Story of. (R. Ross) National, 48: 446. —- Spec. 97= 718. Malaria Expedition to the Gambia; Science, n. s. 18: 381, Malatesta Temple, Rimini, Italy. (H. Mereu) Am. Arch. 84: 31. Malay Archipelago, Dutch Expedition to, Weber’s. (B. Dean) Science, 11. s. 15: 658. — In the Swamps of. (Caspar Whitney) Outing, 452 460. Malay Boats and Boat-building. (H. W. Smyth) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 57o. Malay Court Ceremony. 132: 732, Malay Language, The. Chamb. J . 79: 808, Malay Princes Piloting. (H. Clifford) Blackw. I72: 319.=Liv. Age, 235: 78. =Ecl. M. 139: 714, Malay Spiritualism. (W. Skeat) Folk-Lore, 13: 134. Malay States, Example of the. (S. Brooks) Forum, ss= 131- - — The Federated. Studies in Colonial Administra- (R. O. Winstedt) Temp. Bar, tion. (A. Ireland) Outl. 76: 592, Malay Wedding, A. (R. O. Winstedt) Temp. Bar, 132: 352, Malayan Dances. (R. O. Winstedt) Temp. Bar, 130: 60, Malaiyan Peoples, Rival Systems and the. (H. Clif- ford) No. Am. 177: 399. Maldives, Agassiz’s Expedition to the. Geog. J . 19: 480. — (A. Agassiz) Am. J . Sci. 163: 297. — Formation of, with Maps. (J . S. Gardiner) Geog. J . 1 : 277, Male,9Evolution of the. (F. Swiney) Westm. 163: 272, — (M. E. Hughes) Westm. 165: 320, Malebranche, N., Idealism of. (G. N. Dolson) Philos. R. 15: 387. Malet, Lucas, pseud. See Harrison, Mrs. M. S. Malherbe, Francois de. (H. Belloc) Liv. Age, 239: 6 96. Mallard Shooting on a Mississippi Overflow. (F. E. Kellogg) Outing, 43: 611. 396 MAN Mallarmé, Stéphane. (F. Grierson) Atlan. 92: 830. Mallet, Sir Louis. Spec. 95: 654. Mallet du Pan, Jacques. Acad. 64: 124, Mallet’s Masterpiece, The. (E. H. Peple) Munsey, 3 5: 76. Mallinckrodt, Herman Joseph von, with portrait. (G. F. Weibel) Cath. World, 79: 209, 312, 439, Mallock, W. H., and the Bishop of Worcester. M. Smith) 19th Cent. 56: 746. —- Audit of Science and Religion. 79: 206. -—- New Republic, Twenty Years Since. Fortn. 77: 524, — on Knowledge and Belief. (Sir O. Lodge) Fortn. 84: 1100, — on the Naturalness of Christianity. van) Cath. World, 82: 527, —- on Science and Religion. (S. Fitz Simons) Am. Cath. Q- 292 74- —- Religion as a Credible Doctrine. (H. Hayman) Crit. R. 13: 311.—Ath. ’o3, 1: 648. -— Veil of the Temple. Monthly R. 16, no. 1: 34. —- (A. M. Logan) Nation, 79: 81. — Sat. R. 97: 739. Mallory, Stephen R. Letter, 1861. Am. Hist. R. 12? (H. (M. Maher) Fortn. (G. S. Street) (W. L. Sulli- 103, Malmesbury, The Walls of. (A. Ballard) Eng. Hist. R, 21: 98, Malpractice, Civil, Laws Governing, in the Middle Ages. Green Bag, 15: 409. Malta. (W. Knight) Fortn. 79: 7o6.—Un. Serv. M. 30: 174. — Artist’s Impressions of. (E. C. Peixotto) Outl. 72: 500. — A Day in. (J . Templer) Canad. M. 25: 298. — Garrison Life in, Eighty Years Ago. (H. C. Wylly) Un. Serv. M. 31: 200. . Malthusianism and the Declining Birth Rate. (J . W. Barclay) 19th Cent. 59: 80. =Ecl. M. 146: 236. Malton Priory Finance, 1244-57. (Miss R. Graham) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 181 I31. Malvern College. Sat. R. 97: 7. Mammal, Story of the Word. (T. Gill) Pop.Sci. Mo. 61: 434. Mammalia, Arboreal Ancestry of. Am. Natural. 38: 811, — Extinction of. (H. F. Osborn) Am. Natural. 40: 769. 829- Mammals, Ancient Portraits of. ture, 70: 207. — and Mammalians, First Use of. n. s. 16: 1035. -—- British, Johnston on. Spec. 92: 668. — Habits in. (R. C. Osborn) Am. Natural. 37: 651 ; (L. I. Dublin) 73I.—(R. S. Lull) Am. Natural. (W. D. Matthew) (R. Lydekker) Na- (T. Gill) Science, 38: 1, — that carry their Young. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. n. s. 2: 10". Mammon, Th; Morals of. (J. M. Palmer) McClure, 27: 260, ‘ ' Mammoniacal Possession. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 45 7. Mammy. (J . R. Tutwiler) Atlan. 91: 60. Man. (M. Gorky) Monthly R. 18, no. 3: 1. — and the Actor. (R. Mansfield) Atlan. 97: 577. -— and Beast. (S. H. Drury) Atlan. 97: 420. -— and God, Physical Relations of, among Modern Semites. (S. I. Curtiss) Am. J . Theol. 5: 304. —— and his Clothes. (J . H. Girdner) Munsey, 27! 372. -— and Scenery. Nature, 71: 577, -—— Androgynous, in Myth and Tradition. Open Court, 18: 525, -— Ascent of. (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 178, -— Beard as a Test for Classification of Races. Wake) Am. Antiq. 24: 43. ' (C. Kassel) (C. S. . —-— and his Stone Implements. MAN Man below the Bayonet, The. (D. A. Willey) Army & Navy Life, 9: 487, -— Complete. Sat. R. 98: 758. — Cultural Development of. Antiq. 24: 173. — Descent of. (L. M. Keasby) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 365. —- — Are Proofs being strengthened ‘P (W. T. F ree- man) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 43. —- Early, in Western Switzerland, Relics of. Bushnell, jr.) Am. Anthropol. 8: 1. ~— the Erect. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 430. —- Evolution of, Law of Variation in. (C. H. Duncan) Am. Antiq. 24: 215, — Evolution’s Triumph. (W. R. Gay) Arena, 31: (A. L. Benedict) Am. (D. I. ,-I —— Fallen; is the Catholic View Pessimistic ? (E. T. Shanahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. II: 109, —- Fossil, from Kansas. (S. W. Williston) Science, 11. s. 16: 195. —-— his Place in God’s Thought. (G. P. Mains) Meth. R. 64: 704. -— How to win a. (Lavinia Hart) Cosmopol. 33: 8 54 - l- in the Ice Age. (W. Upham) Bib. Sac. 59: 730. -- (G. F. Wright) Bib. Sac. 60: 28.—(L. A. Owen) Bib. Sac. 60: 572. ' l — in Kansas during the Iowan Stage of the Glacial Period. (W. Upham) Science, 11. s. 16: 355. —- Individual and Race. (M. A. Lane) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 416. -— Is any Animal Greedier than ? (F. G. Aflalo) Liv. Age, 246: 824, -— Is he the End of Evolution ? (S. W. Williston) Indep. 58: 1172. —- Metchnikofi’s Nature of. n. s. 20: 109. . -— of Fashion, Stage Convention of. Sat. R. 96: 760. -— of God, The. (Julien Josephson) Overland, n. s. 46= 352- — of One Book. Dial, 39: 261, -— of the Past. (E. K. Robinson) 19th Cent. 52: 789. ILiv. Age, 236: 350, —— Omnicarnivorous. (E. Protheroe) Chamb. J . 83: 605, ' — Origin of. (G. Macloskie) Bib. Sac. 60: 261, -— Place of, in Nature. (A. R. Wallace) Fort_n. 79: 395."—_Liv. Age, 237: 1.:Ecl. M. I40: 56I.—- Reply to Wallace. (H. H. Turner) Fortn. 79: 598. '—"Ecl. M. 141: 102, _--Liv, Age, 237: 321.—Reply to Criticisms. (A. -R. Wallace) F ortn. 80: 380.: ‘ Eel. M. 141: 773.=Liv. Age, 239: 193. — (E. W. P Maunder and others) Knowl. 26: 81-229. —Indep. 55: 473.—(W. H. Pickering) 597, 2024,—Spec, go: 365. -—-—Wallace on. (S. Newcomb) Nation, 78: 34,- (T. T. Munger) Outl. 77: 934.—(H. A. Howe) Dial, 36: 148.--Spec. 92: 54.- (F. R. Wegg- Prosser) Dub. R. 135: 320. I36: 113. —Church Q. 581 257. -(C. Flammarion) Indep. 551 958. —-— Prehistoric. (F. Legge) Acad. 63: 221, 400, -- —— Archaaological Discoveries about. (B. H. Cun- ningham) Pall Mall M. 27: 457. - —- in the Dakotas. (H. Montgomery) Am. Anthro- pol. 8: 640. —— — in England. (A. J . and G. Hubbard) Cornh. 93: 608 (A. Hrdlicka) Science, (M. Beerbohm) — — in‘ West Kent. (J . R. Larkby) Antiq. n. s. 41: 95. I29- -- Primitive. (G. Max) Open Court, 18: 129, — (P. Ca- rus) Open Court, 203 65. (W. Upham) Am. Antiq. 24: 413. 397 - MAN Man, Relation of, to the Two Sexes. (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Indep. 56: 1188, — a Social Being. (M. A. Lane) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 673. —- a Spiritual Being. (H. C. Hay) N. Church R. 9: 161, — the Victim. (C. T. Herrick) Munsey, 27: 889, -—Whence and Whither; in Reply to my Critics. (P. Carus) Open Court, 16: 74. Man, Isle of; Archaeology and Natural History. (J . Rhys) Nature, 74: 223. — Connection between Scotland and. Scot. Hist. R. 3; 293. — Markets and Myths of. 11- S~ 47 1 353. Man and the Boy, The; a story. (J. M. Lippman) Harper, I06: 155. Man and a Brother, A. (S. H. Adams) McClure, 24: (A. W. Moore) (K. E. Thomas) Overland, 359- Man, A, and his Neighbor; a story. (E. J. Royle) Munsey, 262 590. . Man and his Rose-garden, The; a story. (Alice Brown) Harper, I14: 27. Man, The, and the Woman; a story. shew) Cosmopol. 37: 706. Man at No. 22, The. Sund. M. 34: I36 (T. W. Han- Man behind the Drums, The; a story. (R. H. Schauf- fler) Cent. 45¢ 661. Man the Consul protected, The. (B. H. Ridgeley) Cent. 47: 402. Man from Atlantis, The. n. s. 471 24. Man from Barnnm’s, A ; a story. (L. Fenwick) Temp. Bar, 132: 359. Man from Hongkong, The. Munsey, 35: 639. _ . Man from Vladivostok, The. (T. J . Hains) Cosmopol. . 393 223- Man in the Making, A. (Mrs. G. Wallas) Longm. 40: 32.: Liv. Age, 233: 742. =Ecl. M. 139: 236. Man in the Overcoat, The. (E. M. Willett) Lippinc. (Alice H. Sill) Overland, (G. Bronson-Howard) 73: 745- Man in the Shadow, The ; a story. (R. W. Child) Har- per, I132 110. Man in the Street, The. (E. L. C. Morse) Nation, 79: .3_ Man, a Maid, and a Motor. (C. B. Loomis) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 557. Man of Flesh and Blood, The ; a story. (S. K. Glas- pell) Harper, I08: 957. _ Man of his Word. (A. D. Miller) Lippinc. 71: 147. Man of Honor ; Play in Four Acts. (W. S. Maugham) Fortn. 79: 1149. Man of Lucky Accidents, The. (Emma Brooke) Temp. Bar, 126: 152. Man of the Merchant Marine,'The; a story. (P. Vaux) Munsey, 27: 649. Man of the Mountain, The. n, S. 41: 218. Man of Mystery, The. (J . M. Forman) Harp. W. 50: 1706, ‘ Man of Success, The ; a story. (C. M. Williams) Mun- sey, 30: 126, Man Proposes. (F. R. Weir) Overland, (Will E. Ingersoll) Everybody’s, I3: 272, “ Man who ——-, The.” land, n. s. 46: 428. Man who adopted Asia, The. (W. L. Comfort) Lip- pinc. 75: 465. Man who blundered; a story. (N. K. Blissett) Temp. Bar, 133: 301.: Liv. Age, 249: 365. Man who forgot, The. (A. Sedgwick) Cent. 47: 51. Man who found himself, The; a story. (E. Kelley) McClure, I9: 110, (Grace MacG. Cooke) Over- hllill Man who had no Courage; a story. (L. M. Mackay) Blackw. 180: 774. Man who held the Curtain, The; a story. (J . Blethen) Booklover’s M. 4: 101, Man who knew; a story. (P. Gibbon) Blackw. 174: 467. "-=Liv. Age, 239: 541. = Eel. M. 142: 29. Man who is to come, The. (B. Kidd) Harper, I06: 215. Man who never lived. (Elliott Flower) Lippinc. 73: 247- . Man who studied continual, The. (Nelson Lloyd) Scrib. M. 38: 742. Man who was Faithful, The. (Owen Oliver) Lippinc. 75: 607. Man who was Obstinate, The. 98: 836. Man who was Some One Else. M. 25: 154. Man who won, The; a story. (E. Lefevre) Idler, 21: 40. Man who would not be saved, The. (H. Oyen) Over- land, 11. s. 40: 24. Man with the Black Spectacles. (W. Le Queux) Lippinc. 72: 218, Man with the Iron Mask. See Iron Mask. Man with the Mask, The. (N. H. Crowell) Am. M. 60: 701. Man with the Muck-rake, The. 82: 883.=Putnam, I2 42. Man with the Shoulders. (A. P. Terhune) Lippinc. (Alice Brown) Atlan. (A. C. Smith) Canad. (T. Roosevelt) Outl. 71 . 78, Man without a Pension, A. (J . Cleveland Cady) Outl. 79= 899- Man-hunting by Lions. (Mrs. S. L. Hinde) Blackw. 178: 192, Man Making, Experiment in. 131, Man-power as a Measure of National and Imperial Strength. (H. J . Mackinder) National, 45: 136. -— in Transport. Spec. 92: 1007. Man-tracking. (S. Sprigg) Chamb. J . 81: 743. Man-traps and Spring-guns. (M. Christy) Outing, 41: 729- Managing Committee, The; a story. (H. Fielding) Booklover’s M. 3: 675. Managing Editor, The ; a story. sey.27= 438- Manana; a Tale of the Canary Islands. (C. Middle- ton) Temp. Bar, 126: 86, Manassas, Manceuvres at, 1904. (H. C. Corbin) Cosmo- pol. 38: 3. —- (O. G. Villard) Nation, 79: 192, Manasseh Ben Israel, A Letter of. (E. N. Adler) Jew. Q. 16: 562, 715, Manchester, Eng., Country School. mil. n. s. 2: I7. —-— Housing Question in. Spec. 92: 804, —-— School of Technology for Engineering Apprentices. (F. Brocklehurst) Engin. M. 27: 247. Manchester, N. H. (A. L. Clough) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 390. 'Manchuria. (J. W. Davidson) Cent. 46: 398,-(C, Denby) Indep. 54: 551. —-(G. F. Browne) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 330, -— and the Cassini Convention. Sat. R. '96: 320. —- and Korea, Whigham’s. (H. P. Robinson) Good Words, 45: 237. — and the Russia-Japan Situation. Everybody’s, 9: 808, —- Campaign in. (H. Belloc) Indep. R. 6: 78. — Commercial Opening of. Sat. R. I00: 361, — Eastern Siberia and. (G. F. Wright) Chant. 37: (A. J . Todd) Char. 17: (A. B. Paine) Mun- (L. Smith) Mac- (O. K. Davis) 245. —— From Harbin to Mukden. (C. E. de la P. Berea- ford) Fortn. 81: 561. =Ecl. M. I43: 85. 23953 LIIIIIIILAL Manchuria, Future of. Spec. 94: 774. - (E. Brindle) World’s Work, 12: 7901. I - Korea and, under the New Treaty. (K. Asakawa) Atlan. 96: 699. -- Making for. (John F ox, jr.) Scrib. M. 36: 689, —— Map of Seat of War in. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 3b9. —-— The Mischief in. (W. Gerrare) Fortn. 79: i051, --Muscovite Designs on. (L. Miner) No. Am. 174: 315- —- The New. (K. K. Kawakami) Forum, 38: 277. -- Palmer’s With Kuroki through. (A. A. Woodhull) Nation, 80: 14, -— River System of the Upper Liao. Geog. J. 25: 297. -— Russia and. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 83: 884. -— Russian Advance in. (C. M. L. Sites) Indep. 541 498. —-— Russian Conquest by Bank and Railway. (A. Stead) 19th Cent. 53: 936. — Russian Development of. M, 15: 113, —- Russian Rights in. (G. F. Wright) Nation, 76: 411. — Russians in, I/Veale on. Ath. ’04, 2: 38. — —— Winter with the. (V. Havard) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 222, —— The Situation in. (R. T. Turley) (H. B. Miller) Nat. Geog. (G. F. Wright) Nation, 80: 265. -— Strategic Features of the Operations in. (T. M. Maguire) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 361 330. — to St. Petersburg, a Long Distance Ride. (T. B. Mott) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 448. —— Yalu Region, and Central. (R. T. Turley) Geog. J . 233 473- Manda. (Jeannette Pemberton) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 423.598- Mandalay, Last Royal Funeral at. Canad. M. 27: 43. — Memories of. Macmil. 92: 203. Mandeville, Sir John. (C. R. Eastman) Science, 11. s. 24: 822, —- on the Circumnavigation of the Globe. Open Court, 16: 107, Mandy’s Raid; a story. 29: 287, Manet, Edouard. Acad. 65: 251. — Degat, Edgar, and Renoir, P. A. Impressionist Figure Painters. (F. Wedmore) Brush & P. I 5: (H. Bernard) (E. Lindsey) (G. MacG. Cooke) Munsey, 253- - Paintings of, in the Faure Collection. Ath. ’06, I: Mangan, James Clarence. Acad. 64: 488. — (R. F. O’Connor) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 435. —With portrait. (E. Hogan) Calif. M. 51 525. —— The Dark Rosaleen. (H. W. Nevinson) No. Am. 9: 252. — Poems. (Ed. by D. J . O’Donoghue) Ath. ’o4, 1: 41. Mango, Introduction of the. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 320. Mangoes in Jamaica. Chamb. J . 81: 282, Mangrove, The, as an Island Builder. (Julian A. Di- mock) Ctry Life Am. 91 40. Manhattan Bridge, a Lesson in Municipal ./Esthetics. (G. W. Harris) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 191. Manhattan Trade School for Girls. (Mary S. Wool- man) Educa. R. 30: 178. —— (Eliz. McCracken) Outl. 84: 1013, Manhood, Modern. (C. W. Harvey) N. Church R. 13: 421, Manicheeism ; the Long-lost Mani Bible. (M. Bloom- field) Harper, I12: 527, Manila. (T. W. Eddy) Outl. 70: 48. — American Library in. Pub. Lib. I0: 472. —— Gates in. Am. Arch. 88: 63. —— Impressions of. (A. Brownell) Munsey, 353 5 3. —- Improvements in. Nat. Geog. M. I4: 195. MANILA Manila, In Old. (Juan de Rio) Land of Sun. 9: 279. —— Re-making of. (B. K. Daniels) World’s Work, 10: 6629. Manila Madness, A. (F. Reddale) Lippinc. 76: 38 5. Manilius; Astronomicon, book I., Housman’s. Ath. ’<>4. 21 I35» Manipur ‘and its Tribes. (T. C. Hodson) J . Soc. Arts, 533 545- _ Manitoba, On the Wide Marshes of. (E. Sandys) Out- ing. 45= 529- -- Penitentiary of, A Visit to. Chamb. J . 80: 27. — The Prairie Province. (R. Wilson) Chamb. J . 80: 429- -- Progress of-. Canad. M. 23: 516. -— Reminiscences of. Canad. M. 27: 283. -— Spring Trip in. (C. Hanbury-Williams) Blackw. 176: 56. Manitou, The Algonkin. (W. James) J . Am. Folk-lore, 18: 183, Manitoulin, On. (B. C. Steiner) So. Atlan. Q. I: 333. Mankind, Earliest Home of. Am. Antiq. 25: 191. — History of. (G. P. Gooch) Quar. 1981 28. —- Improvement of. (P. Geddes) Contemp. 83: 559. -— in the Making. (Mary Higgs) Contemp. 89: 830. —- (H. G. Wells) Fortn. 78: 523-1078. 79: 165-1133. 80: 353—536.'zCosmopol. 33: 569_673_ 34; 73_ 713- ss= 73-583. __ - WeHs’s. (W. R. Inge) Econ. R, 14: 99_ Mann, Alexander, the New Rector of Trinity Church, Boston. (F. E. Winslow) Outl. 81: 764, Mann, Harrington, Portrait Painter. Studio (Inter- nat.) 202 118, Mann, Horace, Educator Statesman. (C. H. Thurber) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 1: 161, Mann, William D., with portrait. Outing, 43: 723. Manner instead of Manners. (A. E. M. Foster) Sat. R. 96: 665. Manners, Charles, and English Opera. man) Sat. R. 96: 759. 100: 810, -— Plan for a National Opera. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 98: 544. Manners. Chamb. J. 79: I45. —- and Morals in the Kennels. (T. F. Dale) Blackw. I77: 82. =Liv. Age, 244: 471. -— British. National, 42: 75 5. = Liv. Age, 240: 378. — Good. (Annie P. Call) Am. M. 60: 466, —- Modern, and the Unmannerly Age. (Mrs. G. Corn- wallis-West) Cosmopol. 37: 394. —- of the Past. (S. G. Tallentyre) Harper, 105: 303. Manning, Henry E., Cardinal, and Gladstone; the “Destroyed” Letters. Dub. R. 138: 41. ' Manning, Mary. (M. White, jr.) Munsey, 36: 104, Manoas, Early Relations with the Dutch. (G. Ed- mundson) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 229. Manoeuvres, Fall. (J . Regan) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: (J . F. Runci- 115. — for 1903, The Kaiser and the. (D. W. C. Falls) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 443. — Fort Riley. (A. L. Wagner) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 7°. —- The Instructional Use of. Un. Serv. M. 28: 153, — Mainly for the Use of Company Officers of Infan- try. (N. G. McAlexander) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 266. — Metaphysical. (T. M. Maguire) Un. Serv. M. 30: 146 —— Our ‘Autumn. (A. Sharpe) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 65. Manor, Vinogradoff’s Growth of the. (W. M. Dan- iels) Nation, 81: 223.—Sat, R, 99: 490,-—(L, Knowles) Econ. J . I 52 394. Manor House, An Old. (C. Mason) Reliquary, 45: 184. 399 MANUFACTURES Man’s Atonement, A. (R. Polsue) Good Words, 45: 659.: Liv. Age, 243: 20, Man’s Bjite-noire, A. Blackw. I80: 311, Man’s Chance, A. (F. Kendrick) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 408. Mansarowar, Lake, Moorcroft and Hearsey’s Visit to, in 1812. (H. Pearse) Geog. J. 26: 180. ' Mansart, Francois, and the Chateau de Maison. Am. I Arch. 84: 25. Manse and Minster. (D. Johnston) Macihil. 89: 202. Mansfield, John. Review of his “Sailor’s Garland.” Gent. M. n. s. 77: 531. Mansfield, Gen. John; with portrait. Land of Sun. 5. 58. Mansfield, Richard. ,(K. West) Arena, 35: I. Mansfield House University Settlement. (O. S. Davis) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 4: 64. Mantegna, Andrea. Quar. 195: 139. —-M. of Art, 26: 317. —-With portrait. Mast. in Art, 6: 149, Mantle, Rev. Gregory. Sund. M. 32: 470. Mantorani, Dino. (J . S. Fiske) Nation, 79: 50, Mantuan, Baptista, Catholic Puritan. (F. Watson) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 252, 323. Manual Labor. (Booker T. Washington) Everybody’s, 71 493. 587- Manual Training. 11, S, 21: 16. — and Citizenship. Craftsman, 5: 406. —- and the Development of Taste. Craftsman, 5: 513. — and Ethics. Craftsman, 8: 260. —Apperceptive Basis of. (J . P. Hylan) Educa. 26: 324- —as now taught; is it Educative ? (B. R. Payne) School R. 14: 375. — as a Socializing Factor. (Calvin M. Woodward) Science, (R. G. Boone) Educa. 22: 395- — Educational Bearings of. (J . P. Munroe) Technol. R- 51 441- —— Influence of Jews on. Craftsman, 3: 380. — How may it be made Educative ? (B. Payne) School R- W 425- - in the Elementary School. (J . P. Haney) Educa. 25: 515. —- in N. Y. City Public Schools. (C. A. Scott) Educa. R, 31: 411. ——- in Schools of Germany. (H. E. Kock) Educa. 23: I93- — Industrial Value of. Engin. M. 27: 928. — Is it a Subject or a Method of Instruction ? Richards) Educa. R. 27: 369. — Moral Value of. (Booker T. Washington) Every- body’s, 7: 297, 8: 145, 286, — Reasons for. (W. J . Kenyon) Educa. 25: 65. — Recent Developments. (Hugo Diemer) Educa. 23: (G. R. 391- - Theory and Method. (C. N. Woodward) Outl. 81: 927- Manual-training High School, Brooklyn, New York. (C. D. Larkins) School R. 13: 741. Manuela’s Lesson. (Amanda Mathews) Overland, n. s. 46: 335. Manufacture, Specialization in. (A. E. Outerbridge, jr.) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 43. Manufacturer and the Domestic Market. (E. D. Jones) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: I. ~ Manufacturer’s Point of View. (J . T. Lincoln) Atlan. 98: 289, ' Manufacturers and Importers, Loans to. (N. Y.) 72: 225. Manufactures; are they unstable internationally ‘? (S. J. Chapman) Econ. J. 15: I36. — Census of, 1900. (S. N. D. North) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 319. Bank. M. MANUFACTURES Manufactures, Specialization in. (A. E. Outerbridge, jr.) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 43. — U. S., in the Markets of the World. (O. P, Austin) No. I77: 22, Manufacturing. Intensified Production and Industrial Investment. (W. D. Ennis) Engin. M. 23: 895. -—- Our Superiority in. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 74: 460. -—- Specialization in. (A. E. Outerbridge) Cassier, 303 8 53 - —— Tendency of. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 42: 157, Manufacturing Methods, American, Evils of. (L. Bell) Engin. M. 31: 801, Manures, Alkali Phosphatic. (J . Hughes) J . Soc. Arts. 50: 356. Manuscript, Preparing, for the Press. (L. N. Wilson) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 5 5. Manuscript Work, One Year’s Experience with. (A. H. Rice) School R. 11: 254, Manuscripts, Ancient. Lineage of the Classics. (F. G. Kenyon) Harper, I05: 335. — Illuminated, of Continental Europe. (H. Yates Thompson) J . Soc. Arts, 54: 461. —— Mediaeval. (J . B. Milburn) Dub. R. 1362 87. Manzanita. (Virginia Garland) Overland, n. s. 48: 67. Maori of New Zealand, The. (H. H. Lusk) Outl. 702 183, Maori Art. (A. C. Haddon) Nature, 68: 3 5. Maori Runangas. Temp. Bar, 126: 115, Maori Wood—carving. (F. F. Kelly) Craftsman, 10! 340- Map, Ancient Chinese, of the World. (H. B. Hulbert) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 600, —— of the World on Mercator’s Projection, 25 by 45 inches. Nat. Geog. M. 16: opp. p. 55. -—— of the World on the Scale of 1: 1,000,000, Recent Progress on. (A. Penck) Nat. Geog. M. I 5: 405. -— or Chart, Copyright of. (W. A. Miller) Nat. Geog. M. W 437- Map Card System, A. (G. Van H. Moseley) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 476. Map—drawing in the Teaching of Geography, Function of. (J . P. Goode) School R. 12: 67. Maple, The, in February. (A. B. Comstock) Chaut. 36= 599. . — The Sugar. (A. B. Comstock) Chaut. 38: 281. Maple Sap. (K. M. Wiegand) Am. Natural. 40: 409. Maple Sugar, Making. (W. F. McClure) Ctry Life Am. II I 53.—-(Harry A. Packard) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 145. —— Recollections of the Old Sugar-bush. Ctry Life Am. 1: 192, ~— Sugaring in Northern Woods. ins. 442 36- Maples, A Story of some. 71: 62, Maps. Acad. 62: 585. -— and Charts, Construction of. Soc. Arts. 51: 552. -—- and Map Making. (J . R. Torbett) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 197. -— Cataloging of, in Public Libraries. J- 271 74- —— The First True. (C. R. Beazley) Nature, 71: 159, —— in Public Libraries. (C. W. Andrews) Pub. Lib. 8: 22, -*~ Spherical. (E. Reclus) Geog. J . 22¢ 290. WT -—- their Handling, Classification, and Cataloguing. (T. Letts) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 371 485.. Maps, Abraham. (L. Simon) Jew. Q. 18: 406. Mar, Earl of; Footprints of “ The Fifteen.” Erskine) Chamb. J . 80: 682. Marama, the Moon-god ; a poem. Monthly R. 9, no. 1: 155. (H. Percival) Out- (J . H. McFarland) Outl. (G. J . Morrison) J. (T. Letts) Lib. (S. R. (A. H. Adams) 400 MARIANU S Maraiion River, Expedition to the Upper. (R. Enock) Geog. J. 26: 153. Marble ; Rutland, Vt., the Carrara of America. (O. E. Hooker) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 97. —— Verde Antico. Am. Arch. 86: 15. Marble Quarrying. (E. B. Child) Scrib. M. 37: 515. —- Elegtric Power in. (D. A. Willey) Cassier, 26: 37 . Marbot, Gen. Jean Baptiste Antoine, and his Me- moirs. Cornh. 94: 91. Marcel andég Others; a story. (C. Oliver) Cent. M. n. s. W 49 - March, John. Your Aifectionate Friend, John March. (L. C. Howard) Green Bag, 17: I7. Margh Meeting, An Old—time. (R. E. Robinson) Atlan. 9: 312, _ Marclsi6 of Man, The. (Maxim Gorky) Cosmopol. 39$ 2 March of the Seasons, The. (Mary H. Vorse) Book- lover’s M. 73 685. Marclg5 Hare, Madness of the. (Bliss Carman) Indep. 5 : 480. March Weather Proverbs. Science, 11. s. I81 314. Marches, The Court of the. Sat. R. 102: 770. —— The Middle. (G. M. Trevelyan) Indep. R. 5: 336. Marching, Route, Physiological Effects of, Zuntz on. Nature, 65: 193. Marcia Way. (R. W. Child) Everybody’s, I 5: 97. Marciana Library, Removal of the, at Venice. (A. Wiel) Acad. 68: 564, Marconi, Guglielmo, with portrait. Cath. World, 74: 697. —Achievement of. (R. S. Baker) McClure, I8: 291, 525- - in Canada. (M. O. Scott) Canad. M. 18: 338. — Work of, in Europe. (Amy A. Bernardy) World T0-day. 5= 475. Marcus Aurelius, Individualism of. Internat. J . Ethics, 14: 201, Marey, Prof. E. J . Nature, 70: 57. _ Margaret, St., the Magdalen of Cortona. (Father Cuthbert) Cath. World, 77: 320. (W. A. Watt) Margaret; a story. (U. L. Silberrad) Sund. M. 34: I . Margaret and the School-board. (H. H. Ross) Chamb. J _ 83: 561, Margaret McDonough’s Restaurant; a story. (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, 31: 861, Margeride, Inn of the. (H. Belloc) In.dep. R. 42 129. Marg’et Ann. (M. C. Graham) Atlan. 92: 77. Margetson, W. H. Valentine and Proteus; Painting. Art J. 56: 374. Margherita, Queen of Italy, Interview with. (M. Howe) Lippinc. 72: 584. Margherita, Palazzo, Rome. 7 5: 22, Marginal Region in Psychic’Life, Place and Value of. (J . B. Pratt) Psychol. R. 13: 50, Marginal Utility and Exchange Value. (R. S. Padan) J . Pol. Econ. 13: 389. Marguerite de Valois. (A. Laugel) Nation, 80: I 31, Margueritte, Paul and Victor. Acad. 66 :- 407. ~ Maria Christina, Queen Regent of Spain, and Alfonso XIII. (Helena Vacaresco) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 252 (J . Gilmore) Am. Arch. 719- Maria de Agreda, Sister. (E. J . P. Schmitt) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. I: 121. ' Maria Redburn. (Ruth K. Gardiner) Everybody’s, I4: 0. Marian Bramson, Spinster; a story. (W. C. Ellis) Cornh. 93: 755. Mariana, Juan de. Ath. ’o5, 2: 498. Marianus. (Agnes Repplier) Atlan. 94: 822. MARIE Marie Antoinette, English Friends of. tyre) Cornh. 85: 65. Marie Henriette, Queen of Belgium. (M. Sherrington) Canad. M. 19! 435. Marie-Josephe de Saxe, Mother of Three Kings. Laugel) Nation, 74: 148, Marie de Saincte Auldegonde. An Old Book of Friends. (E. Richert) Lamp, 26: 455, 27: 44, Marie du Sacre-Ca=.ur; a Reformer in Education. Cath. World, 76: 34. Marie, the Hun. (W. A. Fraser) Everybody’s, I4: 353. “Marie Celeste,” Case of the; an Ocean Mystery. (J. L. Hornibrook) Chamb. J. 81: 671. Marietta, O., 1st Cong. Church of. Archit. Rec. 201 117, Marigold Time. (A. M. Rathbone) Craftsman, 6: 584. Marillier, Leon. (Laetitia M. Conard) Open Court, 16: (S. G. Tallen- (A. 50- Marin County, California, An Untraveled Road in. (D. Donohoe, jr.) Out West, 23: 321. Marine Animals, Cultivation of, in Japan. kuri) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 524. —— in Interior Waters. (H. M. Smith) Science, 11. s. 17: 114. Marine Biological Laboratory and the Carnegie Insti- tution. (E. B. Wilson) Science, n. s. I6: 591. —18th Season of, 1905. (F. R. Lillie) Science, 11. s. 2% 537. — Its Impending Crisis. 11. s. 16: 529. Marine Biological Survey Work, University of Cali- fornia. (W. E. Ritter) Science, n. s. I8: 36o, Marine Biology, Progress of. Nature, 70: 133. —— Studies in. (W. S. Harwood) Harper, I10: 456, Marine Decay, Cause and Cure of our. (W. W. Bates) Arena, 36: 265. Marine Engineering, Higher Pressures and the Com- pound Engine. (W. M. McFarland) Engin. M. 23: (K. Mitsu- (C. O. Whitman) Science, 45- — Period of the Simple Engine. (W. M. McFarland) Engin. M. 22: 829, -— The Steam Turbine. M- 231 395- Marine Painters. (C. H. Cafiin) Critic, 43: 548, Marine Turtle, Archelon. I. Structure of the Car- pace. II. Associated Fossils. (G. R. Wieland) Am. J. Sci. 1651 211. Marine Zoiilogy, Laboratory for, in Tropical Atlantic. (A. G. Mayer) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 41. Marines, Our Modern Blue-jacket. (R. F. Zoghaum) Cent. 471 90- . — Royal, Past and Future of. Un. Serv. M. 32: 524. Marinoni, Hippolyte. Ath. ’o4, r: 94, Mario, Jessie White. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 82: 218. Marion, Gen. Francis. (L. T. Sprague) Outing, 47: (W. M. McFarland) Engin. 403. Marionette Theatre in New York. (F. H. Nichols) Cent. 41: 677.‘ Marionettes. (VV. H. Pollock) Sat. R. 94: 263, — and Puppet Shows. (E. C. Peixotto) Scrib. M. 33: 341- Maris, Mathew, Artist. (G. Logan) Studio (Internat.) 27: 121.--Studio (Internat.) 21: 20;, Marismas of Guadalquivir River. (W. Verner) Sat. R, 97: 260. Marital Relations, Interstate, Two Recent Cases on. (H. A. Bigelow) Green Bag, 18: 348, Maritime Expansion. (J . F. Crowell) Science, 11. s. 21: 460. Maritime Law, Reform in. (J . G. Whiteley) Am. Law R. 37: 863. Maritime Provinces, Atrophy of the. n. s. 312 90. New Eng. M. 401 MAROT Maritime Rights and Responsibilities in Time of War. (H. Taylor and others) No. Am. 181: 161. Mark, Edward Laurens, with portrait. Harv. Grad. M. 13: 52. , Mark of the Arrow; a story. (Eliz. H. Bowle) Cosmo- pol. 36: 663. . Mark Staiford’s Wife; a story. (C. M. Mew) Temp. Bar, 131: 67. Marked Ballots, Fraud by. (C. S. Hartwell) Outl. 75: 656 “ Marked mit Cats.” (Caroline Lockhart) Lippinc. 77 i 575. Marken, J . C. van, and his Industry at Agneta Park, Holland. (W. H. T olman) World’s Work, 3: 1879. Market, The American, and London. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 83: 359. —— Schemes to control the. (B. Wyman) Green Bag, 16: 80, Markets and Abattoirs, Sanitary. Am. Arch. 90: 187, 203, — and Misery. (U. Sinclair) No. Am. 182: 591. — Foreign, of the United States. (O. P. Austin) World’s Work, 4: 2550, Markham, Clements R., Banquet to. Geog. J. 26: 99. Markham, Edwin, with portrait. (Y. N oguchi) N at’l M. (Bost.) 21: 218, (W. P. Gerhard) —— as a Prophet—poet of the Fraternal State. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 27: 391. — Poet-prophet of Democracy, with portrait. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 352 I43. Markham, Gervase. Acad. 63: 17. Markham, John, Correspondence of, during 1801-04 and 1806-07. Ath. ’O5, 11 41. Marking, “ Scale” Method of. (V. M. Hillyer) Educa. 26: 217, Markino, Yoshio; a Japanese Artist in London. of Art, 27: 504. 28: 76. Marksmanship, Expert. (J. F. Calef) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 141. — in Schools; a Simple Solution. tional, 48: 273. Marksmen, Making, of Militia and Regulars. Evans) Outing, 46: 131, Marlborough, Duke of, and Charles XII., Meeting at Altranstadt, 1707. (A. E. Stamp) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 12: 103, Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of. (G. S. Street) Liv. Age, 232: 436. -"=Ecl. M. 138! 451. —With por- trait. Munsey, 32: 666. — Mrs. Colville’s History of. Monthly R. 17, no. I! 165. -—Sat. R. 97: 656. —Spec. 92: 454, Marlborough College. Sat. R. 96: 540. Marlitt’s Shoes; a story. (R. VV. Chambers) Harper, 106: 682, Marlowe, Christopher. 467-678. — and Heywood, Thomas ; a Contrast. Cath. World, 75: 609, — Some Riddles about. M. (F. I. Maxse) Na- (F. E. (W. L. Courtney) Fortn. 84: (A. C. Storer) (J. H. Slater) Ath. ’05, 2: 410, Marlowe, Julia. (Eliz. McCracken) Cent. 51: 47. — and her Juvenile Spectators. (Eliz. McCracken) Critic, 49: 143. — An Appreciation. (Eliz. McCracken) Outl. 78: 626. Marmion Chapel and Tower. (J . A. Clapham) Antiq. n. s. 39: 245. Marmoutier, Grottoes of, Bicycle Trip to the. (Miss De la Fontaine) Cath. World, 762 614. Marne, The ; a French River. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Cent. 50: 186, “Marooned.” (M. Moss) Lippinc. 74: 244. Marot, Clement. (H. Belloc) Ecl. M. 142: 113. =Liv. Age. 239= 119- MARQUAND Marquand, Henry G., as an American Art Patron, with portrait. (E. Knaufft) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 172, Marquand House; Japanese Room. (R. Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 18: 192, Marquette, Father, The Pleasant Life of. (H. L. Nelson) Harper, 111: 74, ' Marquis and Miss Sally, The; a story. (O. Henry) Everybody’s, 8: 518. Marquis Forlorn, The. Good Words, 47: 51. Marquis Jeanne Hyacinth de St. Palaye. (J . H. Short- house) Outl. 84: 1024, Marrakesh, In Red. (S. L. Bensusan) Fortn. 82: 423. =Ecl. M. 143: 782. =Liv. Age, 243: 289. Marriage. (H. M’Ilquham) Westm. 157: 433. -— among Eminent Men. (E. L. Thorndike) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 328, —- and Birth-rates in England, Changes in, during the Past Half-century. (G. Udny Yule) J . Statis. Soc. 69: 88. — and Child-bearing, Penalizing. Indep. 60: 146. -— and the Decreasing Birth-rate. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 527, 548, -— and Divorce. (C. L. Hill) Yale R. 2: 128, —— Evolutionary Ethics of. (W. Hutchinson) Con- temp. 88: 397.=Liv. Age, 247: 195. -— — from a Lay Point of View. (Eliz. Carpenter) No. Am. 181: 123. -—— —— in America. (S. Brooks) F ortn. 84: 329. ILiv. Age. 246= 579. - -—— in North Dakota. (J . Lee Coulter) Am. J . Sociol. 12: 398. —- — The Letter of the Law. (N. W. Jones) No. Am. 181: 597, —— — Provisions in the State Constitutions of the United States. (F. C. Hicks) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 745. —— and Dress. (H. W. Francis) Arena, 27: 292. -— and Modern Civilization. (W. S. Lilly) 19th Cent. 50: 905. ILiv. Age, 232: 237. ' —- Assortative Mating. (Frank E. Lutz) Science, 22: 249. — (V. L. Kellogg) Science, n. s. 24: 665. —— Changing Conditions of. (Ida H. Harper) Indep. 61: 1329, — de Convenance in France. (J . Oliphant) Internat. J . Ethics, 15: 189. -— Enforcing Immorality. Westm. I65: 71. -— Group, Howitt’s Defense of. (N. W. Thomas) Folk- Lore, 17: 294.—-Ath. ’o4, 2: 847, — Howard’s History of. (A. F. Chamberlain) Nation, 80: 55. -— (D. H. Webster) Q. J. Econ. 18: 593. —- (L. M. Larson) Dial, 37: 58. - Husband and Wife among the Poor. Contemp. 87: 222. -— Impediments to, in the Catholic Church. (P. J . Hayes) No. Am. 180: 758, -— in the East and in the West. Monthly R. 23, no. 1: 104, (M. Loarie) (Flora A. Steel) —- in France. (T. Bentzon) Internat. Q. 8: 31, —-in Old Rome. (R. V. Rogers) Green Bag, 18: 402, —- Instruction of the Young concerning. (J . Goddard) N. Church R. 9: 33. —- International Law of. (W. G. F. Phillimore) Am. Law R. 36: 204. -—-Leasehold. Spec. 93: 472.=Ecl. M. 143: 827,: Liv. Age. 243= 377. —- Men who marry and Men who do not. (L. Orr) Cosmopol. 38: 543. —- New Church Teachings concerning. (J . Reed) N, Church R. 9: 24. -— of Animals. (VVoods Hutchinson) Contemp. 86: 485. = Liv. Age, 243: 854, 402 MARS Marriage, of the Diseaséd, Restraint of. (F. Legge) Acad. 63: 584. — of Near Kin. (J . W. Melody) Cath. Univ. Bull. 9: 40- —-Primitive, Crawley’s Study of. Ath. ’02, 1: 325, —- (A. F. Chamberlain) Nation, 7 5: 56, — (E, S, Hart- land) Nature, 65: 553. -—- The Pursuit of Man. (R. Pyke) Cosmopol. 37: 691. —- Restraints on. (W. C. Sullivan) Green Bag, I 5: 307. — Restrictions in. (F. Galton) Am. J . Sociol. 11: 11, —(J. W. Melody) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 194, — Roman, Development of. (A. H. J . Greenidge) Law Q. 21: 357. -—- Roman Catholic Church and. (J . C. Murray) Open Court, 18: 331. ‘ —- Social Control of. Rec. 15: 189. — True and False Philosophy of. N. Church R. 10: 276, ' — When I was a Bride. Indep. 58: 187, -— with DeceasedWife’s Sister. (Mrs. T. Chapman) 19th Cent. 53: 932. —(W. Lisle) Westm. 160: 157, —-Sat. R. 99: 443. —- — Bill for, 1902. Church Q. 54: 86. —— Woman’s Side of. (R. Pyke) Cosmopol. 33: 323, Marriage of Katinka. (Z. Gale) Outl. 80: 5 36. (A. Merriam) Hartf. Sem. Marriage of Stitch O’Sullivan. (E. Boltwood) Lippinc. 73: 108, Marriage of William Ashe. (Mrs. H. Ward) Harper, 109: 214-883, 110: 116-917, Marriage Bond, The. Blackw. I772 25 5. =Liv. Age, 245: 138.=Ecl. M. 144: 752. Marriage Contract in its Relation to Social Progress. (V. Collins) Fortn. 83: 479, Marriage Customs, Curious. (J . H. Graycroft) Over- land, 11. s. 46: 275. —- in the Black Forest. (E. C. Vansittart) Cath. World, 78= 797. —- The Lifting of the Bride. 13: 226. Marriage Ideals, Evolution of. 341 578- Marriage Morn, The. (Ethel Turner) Idler, 27: 5 3 5. =McClure, 25: 104, Marriage Question, The; a story. Harper, 111: 435. _ Marriage Vows. (Agnes Repplier) Atlan. 96: 397, Marriages, Forbidden, and International Law. (A. Fellows) Monthly R. 21, no. 3: 108. =Liv. Age, 248: 121, — International, Law of Capacity in. (J . H. Beale) Harv. Law R. 15: 382. ' — Mixed. Chamb. J. 81: 113, — Mystic. (M. Reed) Macmil. 86: 261, -— Temporary. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 67: 316. Married Man’s Autobiography. Everybody’s, 12: 265_ Marriott, Emil. (G. I. Colbron) Critic, 43: 426, Marryat, Captain Francis, as a N ovelist. (Lord Iddes- leigh) Monthly R. 16, no. 3: 121. = Liv. Age, 243: 212, ' Marrying of Jimmy, The. M. n. s. 33: 155. Marrying of Susan Clegg. (Anne Warner) Cent. 451 63. Mars, Mademoiselle. (A. F. Davidson) Macmil. 86: 26, Mars, Planet. (E. M. Antoniadi) Knowl. 26: 246, -—— Zflrography of. (P. Lowell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 385, —- Canals of. (P. Lowell) Pop. Astron. 13: I. —— (B. W. Lane) Knowl. 25: 250. -—- (E. W. Maunder) Knowl. 26: 249. 27! 37.— Knowl. 27: 37. —--(W. F. Den- ning) Knowl. 27: 67. — (E. Ledger) 19th Cent. 53: 773. —- (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. I2: 365, -(P, Lowell) Pop. Astron. 12: 251, ---Science, 11, S, 21; 416. (W. Crooke) F olk-Lore, (T. Schroeder) Arena, (G. E. Channing) (R. H. Harris) New Eng. MARS Mars, Canals of, Double. . H. Pickering) Pop. As- tron. 12: 385. — —— Photographed. (P. Lowell) Pop. Astron. 13: 479- -— —- Photographs of, Lampland’s. Knowl. n. s. 3: 369. —— —— Recent Studies of. (W. H. Pickering) Pop. As- tron. 12: 77. . -—— Inhabitability of. (P. Lowell) Pop. Astron. 13.: 1. — (G. H. Lepper) Pop. Astron. 13: 130. -— Life of a Neighboring World. (W. Kaempifert) Munsey, 35: 247. — Life on, Evidence for. [1, no, 2: 100. -— Lowell’s Observations of. _ ture, 74: 587. —— Markings on. no. 1: 46. — North Polar Rifts and Arctic Canals on. ell) Pop. Astron. I0: 113, —— Oppositions of, I905-07-09. Astron. 13: 137. — Polar Caps of ; how made. 11: 369. — Recent Observations of. 25: 81. — Signals from, Supposed, Dec. 7, 8, 1900. ell) Pop. Astron. 10: 185. — Snows on. (W. H. Pickering) Pop. Astron. 13: 196, Mars-La-Tour, Battle of. (C. von Laurentz) Cornh. Q4: 321,-—-Ecl. M. 147: 411, Marseillaise, The (French Words). Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 251, Marseilles, French Colonial Exposition at. (J . W. (A. Holber) Studio (A. R. Hinks) Monthly R. (W. J. S. Lockyer) Na- (P. B. Molesworth) Monthly R. 17, (P. Low- (R. Buchanan) Pop. (P. Lowell) Pop. Astron. (E. M. Antoniadi) Knowl. (P. Low- Pattison) World To-day, 11: 1189, Marsh, Frederic Dana, Painter. (Internat.) 28: lxvii, Marsh, James, and Coleridge. Sac. 61: 305. Marsh, The. (D. L. Sharp) Atlan. go: 87. Marsh-meadow, Some Miles of. (E. Sandys) Outing, 43: 33°- Marsh Music. (G. S. Porter) Outing, 40: 658. Marshall, Christopher, Letters to Peter Miller of Eph- rata. Pennsyl. M. 28: 71. Marshall, John, Memorial Tablet to. (M. N. Marshall) Green Bag, 14: 372, Marshall, Robert, and Parker, Louis. Everybody’s Secret. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 99: 339. Marshall Family, Genealogical Records of, 1737-1839, Pennsyl. M. 29: 331. Marshe, T. Retrospective Review of his “Institu- tion of a Gentleman.” Gent. M. n. s. 77: 280, Marshes. (L. S. Conant) Harper, 109: 763, — Magic of the. (W. A. Dutt) Temp. Bar, 127: 339. Marshfield ; Country-home of Daniel Webster. (O. B. Capen) Ctry Life Am. 8: 512, Marsiglio of Padua. “ Defensor Pacis,” MSS. and Date of. (J. Sullivan) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 293, Marston, Edward. After Work. Ath. ’o4, 2: 598, Marston. J . Malcontent, Note on. (K. F. Smith) Am. J. Philol. 27: 318. Marston Moor Battle. 11. s. 12: I7. “ Mart.” (F. E. Elwell) Arena, 34: 350, Martha. (J. J. Bell) Outl. 81: 375. Martha’s Vineyard, Portuguese in. (E. F. Peek) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 267. Martial and the Epigram. (T. B. R. Hellams) Poet- Lore, 16, no. 4: 67. Martial Law. Ed. R. 195: 79.-— (H. E. Richards) Law Q. 18: 133. (J . W. Buckham) Bib. (C. H. Firth) Roy. Hist. Soc. 403 MARTYROLOGICAL Martial Law, by State Authority. (E. E. Booth) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 12: 61. — Historically considered. (W. S. Holdsworth) Law Q, 18: 117. . — in South Africa, A Light Side of. (G. F. MacMunn) Temp. Bar, 128: 589, — What is? (F. Pollock) Law Q. 18: 152, Martiguls, the Provencal Venice. (F. Miltoun) Idler, 28= 559- Martin, St., of Tours. (J . Maynard) Sewanee, 14: 219. Martin, Francois Xavier. (Pierce Butler) Green Bag, 18: 261, . Martin, George Madden. Acad. 65: 416, Martin, James, the Publisher. Acad. 65: 227. Martin, Luis, Father General of the Jesuits. (J. H. Pollen) Acad. 70: 451. Martin, Thos. Byam, Admiral. Letters. Ath. ’03, 2: 54.—Sat. R. 95: 815. Martineau, Harriet, and the Employment of Women in 1836. (Edith Abbott) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 614. —— Neglected Centenary of. (C. E. Plumptre) Westm. 158: 669. Martineau, James. Westm. I59: 61 . —— (Mrs. H. Ward) Critic, 43: 217. —— (A. M. F airbairn) Contemp. 83: 1.=Ecl. M. 140: 491. --Liv. Age, 236: 449.—(J. Wedgwood) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 22. — Carpenter’s Study of. Spec. 95: 757. —- Drummondfs Life of. (J . W. Chadwick) Nation, 76: 230, — Life and Letters. Spec. 90: 53. —Ath. ’o3, 1: 167, -Monthly R. 10, no. 2: I5. — (S. D. F. Salmond) Crit. R. 13: 39. — the Man, the Thinker. 8: 107, —Philosophy of. (A. S. Pringle-Pattison) Hibbert J. I: 441. —(R. Balfour) Monthly R. 11, no. 3: 129, — a Saint of Theism. (J . Watson) Hibbert J . I: 253. Martinengo-Cesaresco, Countess Evelyn Carrington. (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 76: 47. Martini, Alberto, Italian Daughtsman. (V. Pica) Stu- dio (Internat.) 25: I 37. Martinique, Eruption at. Knowl. 25: 266. — (I. C. Russell) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 415.-— (A. Geikie) Pall Mall M. 27: 391. — (E. O. Hovey) Am. J. Sci. 164: 319. — (J. R. Church) Scrib. M. 32: 21. —Wor1d’s Work, 4: 2268. —(E. S. Scott) Cosmopol. 33: 243. .—(W. J. McGee) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 676. —— (H. N. Dickson) Geog. J . 20: 49. —(E. Andre) Geog. J, 20: 6o, — Geog, J, 20: 431, 636, — — Chemical Discussion of Ejecta of. (W. F. Hille- brand) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 295. — — National Geographical Society Expedition. Nat. Geog. M. 13: 183, 209. — — Relief at, Administration of. Char. 11: 114. —— — Romance of. (W. R. H. Trowbridge) Temp. Bar, 126: 145, — —— Royal Society Report on. Nature, 66: 402, -— —— Ruined American Eden, A. (F. A. Ober) Mun- sey, 27: 612, -— -— Volcanic Rocks of, collected by Messrs. Hill and Russell. (J . S. Diller) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 285. ——— Field Notesof a Geologist. (T. A. Jaggar) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 352. See also Pelée, Mont. — revisited. (A. Heilprin) Nation, 77: 168. Martino, Frederick William ; an Italian Edison. Chamb. J. 81: 45, Martyrdom a la Mode. (J . M. Palmer) McClure, 27: 82 (O. J . Price) Am. J . Theol. (W. R. Corwine) — Testimony of. Month, 108: 619. Martyred Wife, A. Indep. 59: I29. Martyrological Fragment from Jerusalem, A. Goodspeed) Am. J . Philol. 23: 68. (E. J. MARTYRS Martyrs and Martyriologies. (F. Schaefer) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2: 324. — Band of Little Polish. (E. J . Dillon) Sund. M. 311 228. - English, Writings of the Venerable. Dub. R. 133: 341. Marvell, Andrew, Birrell’s Life of. Spec. 96: 582. —- Sat. R. 100: 469. ' Marvels, Man and. Sat. R. 100: 776. — Scientific Attitude to. (Sir O. Lodge) Fortn. 85: (J . H. Pollen) 460, Marx, Karl, Socialist Economics of. (T. Veblen) Q. J . Econ. 20: 575, Mary, the Virgin, Assumption of. Am. Cath. Q. 281 513- -— Attitude of Modern Protestants towards. Maas) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 209, — The Catholic Cultus of. (H. A. Thompson) Am. J . Theol. 10: 475. -— Virgin Birth of Jesus. Theol. 6: 473, 709, See Jesus Christ. —— Worship of, at Ephesus. 6th ser. 11: 401, 12: 81, Mary Magdalene in Drama. 42: 212, — Who was She? (H. Pope) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 259, Mary-legends. Two Miracles of Our Lady Saint Mary. (E. Underhill) Fortn. 84: 496. ' Mary, Queen, Chapel Royal of, and her Coronation Play. (Charlotte C. Stopes) Ath. ’o5, 2: 346, -— A Princess of England. (D. C. Pedder) Westm. 164: 436, — Pursuit of English Refugees in Germany. Leadam) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 11: 113. - - Later Conspiracy under. (C. C. Stopes) Antiq. n. s. 38: 326, 370. - A Vindication of. Bull. 12: 31. Mary of Modena, Queen of James II. (M. Haile) Monthly R. 21, no. 3: 126. Mary Beatrice, Queen. Month, 102: 250, Mary, Queen of Scots, Mrs. MacCunn"s. (A. Lang) Acad. 69: 1146. '-'—' Liv. Age, 247: 698, — and the Casket Letters. (H. E. Maxwell) Pall Mall M. 26: 1, -— and her Brother. (D. M. Rose) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 150, — and the Murder at Kirk 0’ Field. (A. Tasker) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 448. - T. F. Henderson on. — Her Connection with Art and Letters. Blaikie Murdock) Antiq. n. s. 42: 87, 147, — in Art. (W. F. Harvey) Westm. 162: 433, - Lang’s Mystery of. (W. Colby) Nation, 74: 272. — Outl. 70: 339.——(W. H. Carruth) Dial, 32: 43. — (N. Sibley) Westm. I59! 193, 267.— (V. L. Wenty) Bk. Buyer, 24: 329, —- New Lights on. Quar. 195: 221. - Portraits of. Ath. ’06, 2: 249, -— Portraits and Jewels of. (A. Lang) Scot. Hist. R. 3= 129. 274- - - Lang on. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 83: 418, -— The Youth of. (H. W. Longfellow) Harper, 110: 86. “ MZry Ann and the School Principal.” (Florence Starr) Overland, n. s. 47: 76. Mary Ellen and Evelyn May. Cent. 482 632. “ Mary had a Little Lam ,” and its Author. (R. W. Hale) Cent. 45: 738. -—- Versions of. Chaut. 37: 393. Mary Lane’s Adorable Feet; a story. (S. Stewart) Munsey, 29: 727. (A. J. (T. A. Hoben) Am. J. (W. M. Ramsay) Expos. (M. D. Conway) Critic, (I. S. (D. J . McKinnon) Cath. Univ. (H. A. Bruce) Outl. 84: 279. (W G- (Gouverneur Morris) 404 MASSACHUSETTS Maryland and Virginia in 1791, A Frenchman’s Im- pressions of. (B. C. Steiner) Sewanee, 12: 52. - Beginnings of. (B. C. Steiner) J . H. Univ. Stud. 21: 353- - Caroline Co., Marriage Licenses, 1774-1815, (H. D. Cranor) Pennsyl. M. 28: 428, — Constitution of 1351. (J. W. Harry) J. H. Univ. Stud. 20: 387. - — Descriptions of ; with Bibliography. (B. C. Steiner) J. H. Univ. Stud. 36: 565. — during the English Civil Wars. J. H. Univ. Stud. 24: 751. — Economics and Politics in, 1720-50. sat) J. H. Univ. Stud. 21: 271, -— Franchise in. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81: 4. — in the Revolution. (B. C. Steiner) So. Atlan. Q. 3: (B. C. Steiner) (G. L. Sious- 232, ——St. Michael’s Parish, 1672-1704. Pennsyl. M. 29: 427- - State Library Commission. 29: 301, — Western, in the Revolution. Univ. Stud. 20: 1, — Workmen’s Compensation Act. Q. J. Econ. 16: 591. — — End of. (G. E. Barnett) Q. J. Econ. 19: 320. Maryland Steel Co., Products of. (Day A. VVilley) Cassier, 29: 355. Maryland Tea-party. (J . E. Tuttle) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 47. ' Masai of East Africa. (B. C. Steiner) Lib. J . (B. C. Steiner) J. H. (G. E. Barnett) (H. H. Johnston) Nature, 72: 83. -—— Monotheists. (J. H. Smith) N. Church R. 12: 423. Mascagni, Pietro. (W. E. Walter) Bookman, 16: 277. — (G. P. Centanini) Critic, 41: 468. — in America. (H. T. Finck) Indep. 54: 2571, — An Inquiry. (L. Gilman) No. Am. 176: 100, Mascouten, Site of, rediscovered. (T. Clithero) Am. Antiq. 26: 84. Masi, Ernesto, Latest Book of. tion, 81: 459. Masked Courtship, A. (Stephanie Forster) New_ Eng. M. n. s. 34: 150, Maskee. (E. Brodlique-Summers) Canad. M. 25: 5 30, Masks and Maskers. (J . J . Peatfield) Calif. M. 3: 423, (H. Edmiston) ~Na— — Terrifying, and Warning Liveries in Animals. (P. Collins) Knowl. 27: 208, Mason, A. E. W., and the Historical Novel. (A. S. Van Westrum) Lamp, 29: 281, Mason, Judge Albert. (Warren Goddard) N. Church R. 12: 386. Mason, Captain J ohn——not Governor of Portsmouth, England. (F. W. Hackett) N. E. Reg. 59: 141, Mason, John M., with portrait. Colum. Univ. Q. 3: 26. Mason, Lowell, Journey of, from Boston to Savannah, 1812-13. (D. G. Mason) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 236. Masonic Certificate, engraved by David Edwin. Penn- syl. M. 29: 109. Masonry, Brief Hints on. Am. Arch. 86: 22, Masque of Hours. (R. Torrence) Critic, 44: 258, — An Out-door, in New England. (K. Cox) Nation,- BO: 519. Masquerader, The. Masques and Pageantry. 50: 670. Mass, Conservation of. 281; n. s. 2: 126. (A. F. Bell) Idler, 26: 567, (May Morris) J . Soc. Arts, (A. W. Porter) Knowl. 27: Mass, English Ofiicial Declaration against the. (J . B. Milburn) Dub. R. 132: 249, (M. A. D. Massachusetts and George \Vashington. i Howe) Atlan. 94: 124. MASSACHUSETTS Massachusetts and the New England Confederation. (Helen H. Hodge) So. Atlan. Q. 32 273, 349. ~— Bench and Bar of. (Stephen O. Sherman and Wes- ton F. Hutchins) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 529, 643. 351 36—449- ' —- Currency and Banking in the Province of, Davis’s. (M. M. Bigelow) Am. Hist. R. 7: 381. ~— Franchise Tax. (F. A. VVood) Munic. Aff. 6: 124. —-— Governors of. (A. S. Roe) New Eng. M. n. s. 25: 523, 651. —— Laws and Liberties; the Most Valuable American Printed Book. (L. S. Livingston) Nation, 83: 7. —— Legislative Advance in. (J . Lee) Char. I42 346. -— Militia of, Origin of. (J . T. Tracy) M. of Hist. I: 1. —— An Object Lesson in Protectionist Politics. (F. A. Channing) Fortn. 85: 294. -— Oligarchy of. (Helen H. Hodge) Sewanee, I2: 432. —-— Population, Native and Foreign in. (R. R. Kuczyn— ski) Q. J. Econ. I6: 141, —-— Religious Education in the Public Schools of. S. Walsh) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 93. (L. -— State Care of Children. (E. C. Putnam) Char. I3: 360, ——- Tarry-at—home Travels. (E. E. Hale) Outl. 81: 219. -— 33d Regiment Band. (W. G. Kirschbaum) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 574. ——- to Arkansas, Journey from, in 1832. (G. Billings) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 106, -— Who runs ? (R. L. Bridgman) New Eng. M. n. s. ss= 285- Massachusetts Corporation Act. (J. T. Newcomb) Nation, 77: 147, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (J . P. Mun- roe) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: I31. -— Alumni of, in Government Service. (F. E. Matthes) Technol. R. 4: 57. —- and Harvard University. Science, 11. s. 21: 969. —— and Prof. West. (J . M. Cattell) Science, n. s. 24: ' 537- -— and the State of Mass. (M. E. Pierce) Technol. R. 5: 156. — Augustus Lowell Laboratory of Electrical Engi- ‘ neering. (T. H. Stinner) Technol. R. 4: 493. — The First Tech. Reunion. Technol. R. 6: 315, —-— Industrial Chemistry, Laboratory Course in. H. Walker) Technol. R. 6: 163. -— Proposed Union with Harvard University. Am. Arch. 84: 75. - Shall it remove? Technol. R. 4: 307. Massachusetts Library Club, Meeting in Boston, 1902, Pub. Lib. 7: 258. ——- Meeting, New Bedford, Oct. 1902. Pub. Lib. 7: 481. — -— at Norwood, Oct. 1903. Pub. Lib. 8: 428. —- —- Boston, Feb. I903. Pub. Lib. 81 163. —- — — Jan. 1906. Lib. J. 31: 81. (W. Massachusetts Municipal Lighting Act. (A. Purves) Yale R. 13: 408. Massachusetts State Conference of Charities. Char. 11: 483. Massaranti Collection of Mr. Walters of Baltimore. (A. C. Bixby) Brush & P. 13: 94. Masses, The, can they be Christianized? (C. Ray) Sund. M. 33: 195. Massey, Gerald, Nestor of Living English Poets. (J . C. Collins) Contemp. 85: 7:7. ' Massinger, Philip, Two Poems of. (P. Simpson) Ath. ’o6, 2: 273, Massora; Neue Studien. (L. Blau) Jew. Q. 16: 357. Master of Arts, Report on Requirements for Degree of. Pop. Astron. 12: 387. Master of Cobwebs, A. (J. Huneker) Scrib. M. 34: 693. 405 MATHEMATICAL Master of Craven, The. 77: 1. Master of Fate. (C. Dangerfield) Lippinc. 70: 498. Master of Mystery, The ; a story. (Jack London) Out West, 17: 330. Master of the Pension; a story. (C. Oliver) Blackw. 179: 260,=Liv. Age, 249: 252, Master of the Ping Yang, The. (R. D. Paine) Cent. 51: 107, Master of the Situation; a story. Gent. M. n. s. 70: 209, Master Builder, The. (Carmen Sylva) Sund. M. 34¢ 59-212, Master Cure, A. (G. S. Wasson) Outl. 76: 127, Master Passion, The. (T. Jenks) Outl. 80: 581, Master Workman, The. (B. Richards) Craftsman, 9: 850, Masterman, Charles F. G. In Peril of Change. Sat. R. 100: 376. Masterpiece, How to teach a. (Marie Van Vorst) Lippinc. (G. B. O’Halloran) (H. Bates) School R. 11: 6'5. Masterpiebes, Fake. (F. W. Coburn) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 303. —- on the Pacific Coast. (G. L. Browne) Calif. M. 3: 600, Master’s Hand, The. (A. N. Innes) Chamb. J. 83: 682 Masters, The; a poem. (F. L. Knowles) Atlan. 91: 334-- Mastery, The Motive of. (W. R. Gaylord) Arena, 281 168, Mastodon, Bones of a, found. (R. Gordon) Science, 11. s. 16: 594. Mastodon Remains, Tree Trunks found with. (R. Gordon) Science, 11. s. 16: 1033. Mastodons, Orange County. (F. A. Lucas) Science, n. s. 16: 669. Matawan Formation of Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey, and its Relations to Overlying and Under- lying Formations. (W. B. Crane) Am. J . Sci. 168: 435. Match she made, The; a story. (E. Boltwood) Mun- sey, 31: 415. » Match Game, The. (E. L. Sabin) Cent. 44: 741. Match-maker, The. (L. G. Giltner) Munsey, 32: 905. Match-making. (T. C. Hepworth) Chamb. J . 81: 166 Matches, Report on Manufacture of. (G. H. Wood) Econ.J. I2: 556. Mate from Maine, The; a story. Clure, 21: 665, Mater Fortissima. Phi Beta Kappa Poem at Har- vard College. (L. B. R. Briggs) Harv. Grad. M. 12: 1, Material Relief, Economic Aspects of. Char. II: 541. -— Uses and Limitations of. 106, Materialism, Scientific, Passing of. Monist, I5: 46. Materials of Construction, Preservation of. Am. Arch. 80: 100. 82: 93. Maternity without Marriage. (G. McKay) Mc- (E. T. Devine) (L. K. Krankel) Char. 91 (C. L. Herrick) The Story of an Invisi- ble Institution. (L. F. Clarke) Outl. 84: 932. Mathematical Analysis. (E. Picard) Science, 11. s. 20! 857 Mathematical Emancipations; Passing of the Point and the Number Three. (C. J. Keyser) Monist, 16: 65. Mathematical Instruction, Reform in. Science, 11. s. 24: 493. ——Some Recent Tendencies in. (G. A. Miller) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 161, (G. A. Miller) MATHEMATICAL Mathematical Order, The Argument from. Young) Meth. R. 63: 729. Mathematical Physics of the 19th Century. (H. Lamb) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 507. Mathematical Physics, Principles of. Monist, 15: 1. Mathematical Research, Aims and Prospects of. (E. T. Whittaker) Nature, 68: 259, Mathematical Teaching, Secondary, Correlation of Subjects in. (G. W. Meyers) SchooIR. 11: 21. Mathematical Text-books in the U. S. (G. B. Ma- thews) Nature, 65: 338. Mathematics and Astronomy. ence, n. s. 16: 131, — and the Doctrine of Formal Discipline. lins) School R. 14: 604, ~— and Natural Sciences in Prussia. Science, n. s. 23: 773. —- and Physics, Co-ordination of, in Secondary Schools. (J . C. Packard; E. H. Hall; W. A. Francis) School R. 11: 798. ~ — Practical Presentation of some Problems Corre- lating. (G. W. Myers) School R. 12: 233, -— Association of Teachers of, Nov. I903. n. s. 18: 791. -— at Cambridge, Eng. — Books Old and New in. 14: 679. ~— College, Failures in. 143. —— College Entrance Examinations in. Educa. R. 27: 305. ~ College Entrance Requirements in; Report of the Committee of the American Mathematical Society on Definitions of. (H. W. Tyler) School R. 11: 742.-"-“Educa. R. 26: 305. —— Correlation of. (W. S. Jackman) Educa. R. 25: 249- —- Correlation of Algebra, Geometry, and Physics. (W. H. Maxwell) Educa. R. 24: 309. -—— Culture Value of. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 12: 634. -— Decline of, in England. Nation, 77: -265. — Elementary. (F. Field) School R. 14: 350. — — The Question of Problems in. (D. E. Smith) Educa. R. 31: 300. — Elementary School. (J . B-. (H. Poincaré) (E-. S. Crawley) Sci- (J . V. Col- (J . W. A. Young) Science, (J . Perry) Nature, 67: 390. (H. E. Slaught) School R. (H. A. Foering) Educa. 27: (J . S. French) (J . W. Marshall) Nature, 65: 297- - Engineering. (E. S. Gould) Cassier, 27: 227, -- Experimental. (F. M. Saxelby) Nature, 66: 30. -- Failures in Freshman. (J . McClure) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 31 242. -—- —- —-— Analysis of. 675. —- Foundations of. (E. H. Moore) Science, 11. s. 17: 401. -— Higher, Study of. (G. M. Searle) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2= 334- . --- in Cambridge, Local Examinations. (J . Perry) Na- ture, 67: 81. -— in Commercial Work. 11: 585, —— in the University High School. School R. 14: 57. — Multiplying on the Fingers. Bey. 29= 293- — National Society of Teachers of Mathematics and Science. Science, 11. s. 22: 269. — On the Foundations of. (E. H. Moore) School R. 11: 521, —— Philosophical Foundations of. 13: 273- . -- Progress of, in America. (T. S. Fiske) Science, n. s. 21: 209. (E. J . Townsend) School R. 10: (E. L. Thurston) School R. (G. W. Myers) (C. F. Jenkins) Mun- (P. Carus) Monist, 406 MATTER Mathematics, Radical and Conservative Elements in the Teaching of. (M. Sykes) School R. 13: 59. —- Relation of, to Engineering. (C. A. Waldo) Science, 11. s. 19: 321. , -—- Some Fundamental Discoveries in. (G. A. Miller) Science, n. s. 171 496. —— Some Phases of Modern. (S. M. Barton) Sewanee, 14: 1. ——The Teacher of. (D. C. Jackson) Science, n. s. 22: 1, — Teaching of, Reform of. (A. E. H. Love) Na- ture, 65: 457. ——(C. J. Forth) Nature, 65: 272, -- (J. Perry) Nature, 65: 484, — (J. Perry) Ed- uca. R. 23: 158. — (D. E. Smith) Pop. Astron. I3: 205. — — Elementary and Secondary, Improvement of. (G- W- Myers) School R. 102 87. —- — in Public Schools. (G. M. Bell and others) Na- ture, 65: 258. —-— Unification of, in the School Curriculum. Story) School R. 11: 832, Mather, Katherine, Cotton Mather’s Daughter. M. Cone) Outl. 81: 324, 372. Mather, Samuel W. A Clipper Ship and her Com- mander. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Atlan. 94: 649. Mathew, Justice James Charles. Sat. R. 96: 664. Mathews, Admiral, Action of, oif Toulon, 11th Feb- ruary, I744. Un. Serv. M. 32: 274. Mathews, Edgar F., an Architect of Residences in San Francisco. (H. Crosby) Archit. Rec. 20: 47. Mathilde, Princess. (J. E. C. Bodley) Ath. ’04, II I 50. — (Mme. Blane) Cent. 48: 464. — (Ivano- vich) Contemp. 85: 207. 1-‘ Liv. Age, 240: 590, —- (G. Bapst) Fortn. 81: 1074. —- (J. F. Macdonald) Sat. R. 97: 75. —Spec. 92: 42. -- Reminiscence of. (C. M.) Temp. Bar, 129: 541. — Salon of. (V. Du Bled) Cent. 41: 495, Matinee, The. (Z. Gale) Outl. 80: 1038, Mating, Assortative. (F. E. Lutz) Science, 11. s. 22: 249. — (V. L. Kellogg) Science, 11. s. 24: 665. Matriculation of Courtney, The; a story. (Margaret S. Briscoe) Harper, I08: 380, Matrimonial Institutions. See Marriage. Matrimonial Lottery. (J . Swain) Lippinc. 73: I21. Matrimony, Mr. Hoolcy on. Canad. M. 18: 439. Matsukata, Masayoshi, Financier of the First Order. Bank. M. (Lond.) 73: 748. (W. E. (K. Matter. Church Q. 60: 107, — Analysis of the Concept of. (F. C. Kolbe) Dub. R. 13% 34- —— Balfour’s Address to the British Association. Ath. ’04, 2: 242, —— Constitution of, Recent Speculations on. (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 88: 491, — Current-bearing, Physical Properties of. (P. R. Heyl) J. Frankl. Inst. I 57: 201, — Decay of. (G. Le Bon) Indep. 61: 183, —— Evolution of, as revealed by Radio-active Elements: Nature, 69: 418. — La Fin de la Matiere. (H. Poincaré) Ath. ’o6, 2: 201, —— Is it to be abolished ? (F. E. Nipher) Science, 11. s. 20: 506, ' -— Le Bon’s Theories of. (N. R. Campbell) Ath. ’06, 1: 202-366. —- Modern Views on. (Sir O. Lodge) Pop. Sci. M0. 63: 289. ='Science, n. s. I8: 122, -- — The Realization of a Dream. Crookes) Science, n. s. 17: 993. — Motion, and Molecules. (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. can 63- = Liv. Age. 2W 591- —- The Mystery of. Spec. 90: 969.‘-'--'~ Eel. M. 141: 415, -T“-Liv. Age, 238: 316. ’ (Sir William —— La Vieillesse de la Matiere. MATTER Matter, New Theory of. (A. E. Outerbridge, jr.) J . Frankl. Inst. I53: 411. --(C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 68: 131. — (A. J. Balfour) Science, n. s. 20: 257,: Ecl. M. 143: 561. =-Liv. Age, 243: 1. =Pop. Sci. 110.65: 405- —— Non-existence of. 158: 382, — Physical Properties of. Blackw. I73: 63. — Present Problems in the Physics of. (F. E. Nipher) Wash. Univ. Bull. 3: 48. — The Transformations of. Ath. ’05, 2: 53, (G. Le Bon) Ath. ’06, (A. S. Hawkesworth) Westm. 2: 621, Matter of Art, A. Chamb. J. 79: 618.: Liv. Age, 235: 21, Matter of Business, A. Macmil. n. s. 1: 872.=Liv. - Age, 251: 100. — (May C. Ringwalt) Overland, n. s. 39: 628, Matter of Confidence. A. (E. Flower) Cent. 43: 945. Matter of Conviction, A. (Ida L. Brooks) Overland, n. s. 40: 45. Matter of Detail, A. Matter of Economy, A. Matter of Feeling ; a story. 883. Matter of Principle, A. (S. H. Adams) McClure, 26: (W. Buckley) Macmil. 87: 219. (E. P. Butler) Cent. 49: 920. (M. Harris) Harper, 104: 483. Matter of Providence, A; a story. (E. Kelley) Mc- Clure, I9: 38. ' Matter of Size, A. (W. L. Wilson) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 63. Matterhorn, A Mass on the. Cent. 50: 606. Matthews, Brander. (G. S. Hellman) Critic, 43: 316. Matthews, Washington. (VV. W. Newell) J . Am. Folk- lore,_‘18: 245. ——With portrait. Land of Sun. 6: 109. —~ In Memoriam. Am. Anthropol. 7: 514. Matthison, Edith Wynne, Actress. (M. R. Johnson) ' Canad. M. 23: 38. Mattise, Asa Martens, with portrait. (W. M. McFar- land) Cassier, 27: 437. Matwock of the Icebergs. I233- Maundeville, Sir John. See Mandeville. Maunoir, Charles. Geog. J. 19: 51 3. Maunsell, Gen. Thomas. Some Recollections of Active Service. Cornh. 87: 244, Maupassant, Guy de! (J . M. Parrott) Booklover’s M. 2: 131. — (A. Symons) Critic, 43: 411. —— A Note on. (Brander Matthews) Bookman, 18: 171, Maurice, Frederick Denison. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 39: 53. — (L. Dirnan) Outl. 80: 967, -— and the Broad Church. (J . Wedgwood) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 161. — and the Workingmen’s College. tion, 82: 154. Mauritius. (W. C. Bridge) Un. Serv. M. 34: 196. Mauvaises Herbes de l’Ame; a story. (M.,Pickthall) Temp. Bar, 132: 549, Maxim, Hudson, a Fulminating Philosopher. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 40: 435. Maximo, Gregory. (F. Gilroy) 'World, To-day, 11: 8 57. ‘ Maximilian I., Emperor, Literary Activity of. (Paul Van Dyke) Am. Hist. R. 11: 16, Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, Trial of. (R. S. Hol- land) Green Bag, 16: 25 3. -— (Elodie Hogan) Calif. M, 5: 196. Maximilian, Archduke, A Forgotten Renaissance Mon- ument to. (C. H. Coursen) Cath. World, 80: 225, Maximoff, Capt. ; a Real Disciple of Tolstoy. (J . L. Ford) Munsey, 31: 499, Maxims, Moorish. (F. K. Green) Temp. Bar, 134: 516, (IV. J . Long) Indep. 58: (A. V. Dicey) Na- 407 MAZZIN I Maxims of Life, Some. Chic. Rec. 10: 105, Maxwell, Donald, Sketches by. 25: I13‘, Maxwell, Wm. H., Superintendent of Schools of New York. Educa. R. 27: 1, May, John Joseph. (A. D. Hodges, jr.) N. E. Reg. 58: 111, May, Phil. M. of Art, 23: 3I.—Brush & P. 12: 438. —(C. Brinton) Critic, 43: 233.——(F. N. Shepard) Lamp, 27: 2o7.—Acad. 65: 121, -— Life and Genius of. Studio (Internat.) 20: 280, —- Rowlandson, and Keene, compared. Brush & P. 14: 243- — Serial Studies by. Studio (Internat.) 21: 144, May; a story. (A. Ollivant) Harper, I07: 536. May, Two old Songs of. (F. Macleod) Acad. 68: 515. May Customs in Italy. (G. V. Christmas) Cath. World, 77‘ I55- May-day on the Exe. (J . J . Jusserand) Univ. of Studio (Internat.) Liv. Age, 233: 667, May Madness. (Anne O’Hagan) Everybody’s, 14: 696, ' May Morning, A. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 56: 1182, May Morning, A; a poem. (F. D. Sherman) Atlan. 911 5°9- May Parties in Central Park. (D. Lansing) Outing, 48: 143. May Queen, A Canadian, and her Court. (Countess of Aberdeen) Outl. 77: 38. May Year Worship. (N. Lockyer) Nature, 73: 280, Maya Dates. (J . T. Goodman) Am. Anthropol. 7: 642, Maya Indians, Sacred Spot of. (B. Dean) Science, 11. s. - 17. 432, Maya Numerals, Suggestion on. (Zelia Nuttall) Am. Anthropol. 5: 667. Maya Time-system, Use of Zero and Twenty in. (G. B. Byron) Am. Anthropol. 4: 237. Mayas in Central America. (C. S. Wake) Am. Antiq. 26: 361. Mayfair and Thackeray. Liv. Age, 248: 307, — Literary Associations of. Acad. 65: 8 5. “Mayflower,” The. (R. G. Marsden) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 669.— (D. O. S. Lowell) Munsey, 33: 419. — Genealogies of “i_'._l_l___(-3 Passengers on, 1620. (G. W. Cl;;nib~f.I-IQHJ-.",4:' 122, 295. Mayflower-time. (V. AWilmot) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 2 (A. West) Cornh. 93: 22. — 34- Maying. (C. C. Abbott) Lippinc. 71: 685. Maynard, Horace. (J . Park) Univ. of Tenn. Rec. 6: 265. Mayne, John, Scottish Poet. (G. A. Sinclair) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 27. Mayne’s Lady of Dreams; a story. Harper, 112: 498, Mayo, Mary A. A Life of Service to Farm Women. (J . Buell) Chaut. 38: 62, Mayo-Smith, Richmond, with portrait. ligman) Colum. Univ. Q. 4: 40. Mayor of Switchburg. (L. F. MacBrayne) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 514. Mayors, Connecticut’s Labor. 55: I259- —— of American Large Cities, with portraits. '(T. Wil- liams) Booklover’s M. 2: 227. Mazama, Mt., The Wreck of. (J . S. Diller) Science, 11. s. 15: 203, Mazarin, Cardinal, Marriage-myth of. Ath. ’06, 2: 44, — Nieces of. (F. C. Hodgson) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 257. Mazzei, Filippo. (H. Zimmern) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 198 (L. A. Long) (E. R. A. Se- (A. F. Howe) Indep. (W. Sylvester) Mazzini, Giuseppe. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 29: 253. —- (Sidney Low) Cornh. 88: 87. MAZZINI Mazzini, Giuseppe, Centenary of. (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 80: 497. — Dial, 38: 407. — King’s. (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 77: 138. —— The Message of. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 29: 364. — Redivivus in Italy, 1903. (J . W. Mario) Nation, 771 7. Meander Belts, Limiting Width of. (M. S. Jefferson) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 373. Meaning in Memory and in Attention. Psychol. R. 10: 267. Meanness of Rosy, The. 15: 377- Measure of the Hours. 781, Measure of a Man, The; a story. Munsey, 29: 50. Measurement and Calculation. Science, n. s. 15: 96!. — Sn1all, Instruments of. 28: 30, Measurements of Science beyond the Range of our Senses. (C. Snyder) Harper, I04: 649. — Thorndike on Mental and Social. (C. B. Daven- port) Science, 11. s. 201 798. Measures, Standard, in Canada. Canad. M. 18: 237. Meat and Milk, Reports of Committee on Production and Consumption of, in the United Kingdom. J. Statis. Soc. 67: 368 ; (R. H. Rew) 413. —— Eating, Dangers of. (J . Oldfield) Westm. I66: (Kate Gordon) (J . C. Lincoln) Everybody’s, (M. Maeterlinck) Fortn. 86: (J . W. Tompkins) (R. S. Woodward) (Joseph Horner) Cassier, (W. J . London) 195. — Nutritive Value of. (Eliz. C. Sprague) Sci. Am. 95: 207. —— Preparation of, for Market. mopol. 35: 369. Meat of David, The. (Sewall Ford) Everybody’s, I 5: _ 368. Meat Inspection, Chicago, Failure of. (T. H. McKee) World’s Work, 12: 7510, — A Picture of. (W. K. Jaques) World’s Work, I2: 7491- — Recent Inspection of. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 317, . Meat Packing Industry in the U. S. (W. M. Shirley) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I5! 581. — Criminal Negligence in the. Everybody’s, I4: 608.’ — Labor Conditions in, and the Recent Strike. (J . R. Commons) Q. J. Econ. I91 1. Meat Supply, Present Position of. Econ. R. I3: 307. Meb-be ; a poem. (W. H. Drummond) Canad. M. 24: 238. Mecca, and the Mohammedan Pilgrimage. bayr Ali) Everybody’s, I3: 723, — Railroad to. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 298. Mechanic, An English, in America. (J . Blount) World’s Work, 12: 8074, —— of the Future, and his Training. Engin. M. 26: 726. Mechanical Engineering. (W. T. Magruder) Science, 11, s. 21: 721, Mechanical Explanation. (E. A. Singer) Philos. R. 13:- 265. Mechanics, The Development of. Sci. Mo. ‘69: 268. — Relation of, to Physics. 23= 49- — Voigt’s Elementary. 293- - What amount is it desirable to introduce into a First-year Course in Physics, and in what Position (J . B. Crabfield) Cos- (Upton Sinclair) (Owen Fleming) (Ibn J u- (E. P. Watson) (S. E. Slocum) Pop. (A. Ziwet) Science, n. s. (A. E. H. L.) Nature, 65: 408 should it come? (W. B. Tower) School R. 13: 69. MEDICAL Mechanism and Morals. (J . Ward) Hibbert J . 4: 79. —- in Philosophy, Recession of. (B. P. Bowne) Indep. 55: 245- Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, Graham on. (W. C. Ford) Nation, 82: 475, —-—New Light on. (A. Bruce) M. of Hist. 4: 230, 262. —— (C. M. Wilcox; J. C. Welling; H. A. Scomp) M. of Hist. 2912 357. —— (H. A. Bruce) No. Am. 183: 47. —S. M. Miller and the. II: 548. Medal of Honor, U. S., and some Soldiers and Sailors who have won it. (M. C. Crawford) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 135. Medal Ribbons. (D. H. Read) Un. Serv. M. 28: 302. Medals, French Modern. (R. Marx) Studio (Internat.) I6: 15. -— of the Italian Renaissance, Fabriczy’s. Ath. ’O3, 2: 457. — (Egerton of Tatton) Monthly R. 17, no. 3: 33. 18,110. 2: 48. Meddler; a story. (H. K. Vielé) Cosmopol. 35: 635, Medfield, Mass., Gravestone Records to 1850. N. E. Reg. 58: 343. Medimval Lavatories. 39¢ 75- Mediaeval Princess, Putnam on. (W. C. Ford) Am. Hist. R. (E. W. Brabrook) Antiq. n. s. (W. E. Griflis) Dial. 37 i 27- Mediaeval Stories (collected and modernized by H. Schiick). (J . F. Hewitt) Westm. I59: 40. Mediaeval Trading Life. (I. S. Robson) Antiq. n. s. 38: 276. Mediaevalism, Modern. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 2o6. Mediator’s Salvation. (C. E. Newell) Overland, n. s. 431 517- Medical Charity, Problem of. (G. A. Kleene) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 409. Medical Education. (J . H. Musser) Science, 11. s. 20: 230, — College Course to precede. Grad. M. III: 534, — Duty and Responsibility of the University in. M. Hurd) Science, 11. s. 18: 65. (T. J . Burrage) Harv. (H. — in the U. S. (Frank Billings) Science, 11. s.’ 17: 761. — The New. (W. MacDonald) Nation, 75: 2 59. Medical Examiner System. Soc. Sci. 41: 61, Medical Expert Evidence. R- 391 481- Medical Fallacies. (L. K. Hirshberg) Am. M. 62: 655. Medical Inspection of Public Schools. (L. D. Wald) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 252 290. Medical Institutions, Duties and Responsibilities of Trustees of Public. (W. W. Keen) Science, 11. s. 17: 801. Medical Organization of Brigades and Hospitals in War. . (Hill-Climo) Un. Serv. M. 26: 300. Medical Profession, The. (W. J . Mayo) Science, 11. s. 23: 897. Medical Research, Endowment of. Educa. R. 32: 217, — its place in the University Medical School. Smith) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 515. —- Rockefeller Institute for. Science, 11. s. 17: 395. Medical Schools and Hospitals. (E. J . Prior) Macmil. 92: 139. — of London, Meager Income of. Sat. R. 99! 408. Medical Science and Army Efliciency. (R. H. Firth) Nature, 741 612. —- and its Enemies. Medical Treatment for the Working Classes. Nussey) Monthly R. I9, no. 3: 66. (S. W. Abbot) Am. J. (L. A. Emery) Am. Law (W. H. Welch) (T. (J . H. Girdner) Munsey, 31: 666. (H. G. ' MEDICAL Medical Work, Unexpected Implications to be Thor- ough in. (R. C. Cabot) Char. I51 476. Medicine and Surgery, Recent Advances in. Bristow) World’s Work, 5: 3202, —— —— Recent Advances in Science and their Bearing on. (R. Virchow) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 5 58. — as a Profession. (G. F. Shears) Cosmopol. 34: 654. — — Prospects in. Cornh. 87: 776. — Chemistry and Modern. (J . H. Long) Science, n. s. 20: 1, — Ethical Forces in the Practice of. Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 198. — Fashions in; Some New Treatments in Vogue. O. Flower) Arena, 27: 207, -— The Future of. (C. W. Eliot) Science, 11. s. 24: 449. -—-in America, Early Days of. (S. H. Carney, jr.) Munsey, 28: 377. -— in the Modern University. ence, n. s. 18: 675. —— in the Universities. Rec. 72 83. — Internal. (W. S. Thayer) Science, n. s. 20: 706. — The Old and the New. (W. B. James) Colum. Univ. Q. 62 9. — On the Progress of, since 1803. Ed. R. 197: 34.: Liv. Age, 236: 641, — Preventive. (C. V. Chapin) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 41: 54. -— — A Temple of. (F. Strother) World’s Work, I 3: 8324, —Scientific Aspect of Modern. n. s. 16: I001. — Scientific Research in. 643. —-— Society for Experimental Biology and. (W. J . Gier) Science, 11. s. 201 79. — Study of, Preparation for. Univ. Q. 31 93. -— Unity of Medical Science. n. s. 24: 454. —-— Value of Humanistic Studies as a Preparation for the Study of Medicine. (W. B. Hinsdale) School R- I41 394- - Vitalism and Mechanism in. (S. J . Melzer) Sci- ence, n. s. 19: 18, ' Medicine Man, VVho was the ? (F. La Flesche) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I8: 269, Medicine Pipe, Legend of the Teton Sioux. Dorsey) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I9: 326. Meditation; aModern Tendency, and its Corrective. (J . McSorle-y) Cath. VVorld, 82: 289, Meditem-anean Culture and its Diffusion in Europe. (G. Seigi) Monist, I2: I61, Mediterranean Lands, East, Geographical Conditions affecting Population in. (D. G. Hogarth) Geog. J- 27= 465- Mediterranean Sea, England in the. Quar. 205: 1. —-—- Ed. R. 200: I0o.—(J. S. Corbett) Monthly R. I5, no. 22 28. -—Spec. 921 455. — (R. C. H. Catterall) Am. Hist. R. I02 I64. ——Ath.’04, I: 525. — Mother of Navies. - (T. A. Cook) Fortn. 82: 9x2. Mediterranean Winter Trip. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I 5: 600. Mediumistic Phenomena, Some. (D. P. Abbott) Open Court, 19: 494. Mediumistic Reading of Sealed Writings. (D. P. Ab- bott) Open Court, 20: 194, Mediumistic Seances. (D. P. Abbott) Open Court, 20: (A. T. (R. C. Cabot) (B. (C. S. Sherrington) Sci- (L. F. Barker) Univ. of Chic. (F. S. Lee) Science, (G. Nuttall) Nature, 72: (F. S. Lee) Colum. (W. H. Welch) Science, (G. A. 77- Mediz, Karl and Emile, Austrian Painters. (A. S. Levetus) Studio (Internat.) 25: 95. “Medusa” of the Uflizi Gallery, The. tion, 82: 157. Meerut during the Mutiny. (V. Moore) “'estm. 54: 826. (U. Gnoli) Na- . 409 MEMORIALS Meeting in the Library, The. Cornh. 85: 618. Meeting of Mr. Ebbs and Mrs. Smith, The; a story. (W. L. Wendell) Munsey, 32: 220, Megacerops, Restoration of. (R. S. Lull) Am. Natural. 39¢ 419- Megaphone in the Field. (J . T. Dickman) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: 247. Megaspore or Marrospore. ence, n. s. 23: 819, Meighen, Robert, Lake of the Woods Milling Co. C. Allum) Canad. M. 24: 48. Meigs, Camp, Story of. (J . R. Corthell) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 385. Meiklejohn, John, M. D. Geog. J . I9: 645. Meiningen Orchestra, The. (A. Symons) Acad. 63: 581. Meissonier, Jean-Louis-Ernest, with portrait and bib- liography. Mast. in Art, 52 359. Mejia Expedition, The. (F. H. Turner) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 7: I. Mekran Expedition, The. Un. Serv. M. 24: 627, Melanchthon House in Bretten. Ath. ’o3, 2: 621, Melanesia, a Plea for the Investigation of Biological and Anthropological Distribution in. (A. C. Had- don) Geog. J. 282 155. Melanochalcite and Keweenawite, New Species; with Note on some other Known Species. (G. A. Koen- ing) Am. J. Sci. 164: 404. Melba in Australia. (J . A. Tyson) Munsey, 32: 736, Melbourne, National Gallery at. Art J . 582 332. Melchizedek’s Day. (Nora A. Smith) Outl. 75: 504. Melian Amphorae, New Evidence on the. (J . H. Hop- kinson and J . Baker-Penoyre) J. Hel. Stud. 22: 46. Meliztrakes, Ant6nios. (H. Edmiston) Nation, 80: 413. Mellen, Charles S., with portrait. (E. P. Lyle, jr.) World’s Work, 10: 6147, Mellicent. (Warwick Deeping) Harper, I10: 257, Melodrama, The Taint of, and some Recent Books. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 22: 630. Melon Thief, The; a Japanese Comedy. Noguchi) Poet-Lore, I 5, no. 1: 40. Melrose, The Monks of Old. (J . J . Vernon) Chamb. J . 82: 39. Melville, Arthur, Artist. nat.) 28: 285. Melville, Admiral George Wallace. land) Cassier, 24: 456. — and Applied Science in Construction of the New Fleet. (R. H. Thurston) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 183. Melville, Henry, Viscount. (J . A. Lovat—Fraser) J urid. R. 14: 3 50. Members One of Another. (I. F. Wood) Outl. 84: 525. Memlinc, Hans, with life and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 6: 297. — (Mary K. Richardson) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 578. Memling, John. The Artist of Bruges. mour) Good Words, 44: 604. —- Paintings of. (M. F. Nixon-Roulet) Cath. World, 76: 770. Memoir, Rise and Growth of the,‘in England. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 259. Memoranda. (T. B. Aldrich) Cent. 44: 614. Memorial Day, Origin of. (Earl Marble) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 467, Memorials. (M. H. Spielmann) Am. Arch. 87: 112, —- of an Editor. (C. S. Greene) Overland, n. s. 40: 264. (Katharine Tynan) (C. J . Chamberlain) Sci- (T. (Tr. by Y. (T. M. Wood) Studio (Inter- (W. M. McFar- (M. C. Sey- -— of my Childhood and School Days. (Edmondo de Amicis) Liv. Age, 234: 705, —— of an “ Old Grad.” Indep. 54: 269. -- of some Generals of the Civil War. (VV. Bedford) Lippinc. 76: 754. MEMORIALS Memorials of a Submerged Class. Chamb.J. 81: 604, ~—Quaint. (E. Hessey) Monthly R. 19, no. 1: 108; no. 2: 114. -‘=Liv. Age, 246: 356. Memory; a Lost Art. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 235. ~— Ancestral. (F. Phillips) i9th Cent. 59: 977. ~— and Responsiveness as Instruments of Culture. (S. Wolkonsky) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 1: I. ~— Co1egrove’s Analysis of. (W. L. Mackenzie) Nature, 65: 217. ~ for Lifted Weights. Psychol. 17: 497. —— Notes on. (J . Cater) Chamb. J . 82: 362, — of a Complex Skillful Act. (E. J. Swift) Am. J. Psychol. 16: 131. —- The Ways of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 251. ~— What is ? (F. Legge) Acad. 63: 46. (T. H. S. Escott) (E. A. Hayden) Am. J. Memory, A. (Mamie B. S. Harris) Overland, n. s. 46: 218, Memory of Deacon Poole. (A. F. Brown) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 58. Memory of the Prairie, A. (H. Bindloss) Chamb. J . 80: 747. Memory Consciousness, Analysis of the. (F. Kuhl- mann) Psychol. R. 13: 316. Memory-work in Character—forming. Outl. 78: 778. Mempes, Mortimer, with portrait. Booklover’s M. 3: 57. —— and Whistler. (C. Brinton) Critic, 40: 415. Memphis and Canopus, Decrees of, Budge’s. Ath. ’o4, 2: 21, Memphite Priest, Philosophy of a. Open Court, 17: 458. Men and Morals. Macmil. n. s. I: 585. ——. and Women, Difference between, in Recognition of Color and Perception of Sound. (M. L. Nelson) Psychol. R. 12: 271. ~— —— Mental Differences of. (H. Ellis) Indep. 58: 409. e—-of the Outdoor World. Outing, 42: 497, 620, 43= 97. 218. -- —— Unrefiective Ideas of. chol. R. 12: 50. »— The Search for. (H. J . Hapgood) Harper, III: 264. -— What Men like in. (R. Pyke) Cosmopol. 33: 402. — World’s Greatest Bachelors. (M. West) Munsey, 27: 677. Men of Little Faith; a story. 110: 601, Men they used to be, The. (A. Ruhl) Cent. 49: I 32. Men-of-War, Speed of. Army & Navy Life, 9: 63. Ménard, René, Artist. (A. A. J aynes) Brush & P. 13: 83. Mendacity. of Mr. Riggs. (C. Y. Abbott) Lippinc. 72: (W. L. Hervey) (Dorothy Mempes) (J . H. Breasted) (G. S. Manchester) Psy- (E. Lefevre) Harper, 379- Mendelian Character in Cattle. (W. J . Spillman) Sci- ence, n. s. 232 549. Mendelian Inheritance. 23: 112. Mendelian Results, Purity of Germ Cells in. Morgan) Science, 11. s. 22: 877. . Mendelism and Cytology. (C. B. D.) Am; Natural. 38: 227, Mende1’s Law. (L. H. Bailey) Indep. 55: 179,--(W, J . Spillman) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 269. ~— Evolution, Cytology. (O. F. Cook) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 219, - Exceptions to. 7°99 795- -- Wonder Horses and Mendelism. Science, 11. s. 19:‘ I51. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, with portrait and bib~ liography. Mast. in Music, 1: pt. 4. (E. B. Wilson) Science, 11. s. (T. H. (W. J . Spillman) Science, n. s. 16: (C. B. Davenport) 410 MEN ZEL Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, Contribution of, to Ro— manticism. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 83: 3.19, Mendicants, Five Professional. Char. I0: 622, Mendoza, Fernando, and Maria Querrero. (F. von Heyking) Critic, 40: 524. Menelik, King, of Abyssinia. (R. R. Skinner) Indep. 60: 1269. — (W. T. Stead) Cosmopol. 35: 349.— (E. A. Start) Chant. 35¢ 544. -—- Making a Treaty with. (R. P. Skinner) World’s Work, 9: 5795. —- Psersonal Impressions of. (O. T. Crosby) Cent. 41: 75- Meneses, Don Emanuel de, and his Famous Sea-fight. (W. Foster) Macmil. go: 438. Menger, Anton. (V. Graetz) Econ. J . I61 314. Menken, Ada Isaacs, with portraits. (C. W. Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 477. Menomonie, Wis. (A. E. Winsllip) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I : - , — Ideal Schools of. (Adele M. Shaw) VVorld’s Work, 71 454°- -— Parsonage at. (A. E. Brown) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 80 Men’s Clubs and the Churches. Indep. 55$ 16. — A Neglected Social Force. (C. D. Wilson) Chant. 36: 605, “ Mensur ” and “ K1-iegsherr.” 82: 406, Mental Activity and the Circulation of the Blood, Relations between. (F. C. Bonser) Psychol. R. 10: 120, Mental and Material Aspects of Things, Interaction between. (O. J. Lodge) Nature, 67: 595. 68: 32, 53.—(F. A. Woods) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 516. Mental Arrangement, Psychology of. (I. M. Bentley) Am. J . Psychol. 13: 269. Mental Arrest. (W. M. Lisle) Bib. Sac. 622 713. Mental Characters, Inheritance of. (T. D. A. Cook- erel) N ature, 65: 245. Mental Conflict and Imputation. Mind, 27: 289, Mental Defect, History of the Treatment of. (M. W. Barr) Char. I2: 879. Mental Defectives. (C. T. Wilbur) Char. I2! 906. Mental Deficiency, Experimental Studies in. (F. Kuhl- mann) Am. J. Psychol. 15: 391. Mental Development, A Factor in. Philos. R. I3: 622. Mental Fatigue. An Hour’s Work done by School- children. (G. Bellei) Educa. R. 25: 364. -—- from School Work. Educa. 231 573. Mental Fluctuations. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 322, Mental Growth and Decay. Psychol. 13: 426. Mental Imagery and Memory, Place of, among Merital Functions. (F. Kuhlmann) Am. J. Psychol. 16: (E. Schrader) Nation, (F. H. Bradley) (M. F. Washburn) (E. C. Sanford) Am. J. 337- Mental Images, Preliminary Study of the Behavior of. (J. W. Slaughter) Am. J . Psychol. 13: 526. Mental Pathology. (P. Janet) Psychol. R. I3! 98. ~ Mental Processes, .Time of, in Insanity. (S. I. Franz) Am. J. Psychol. 17: 38. Mental Science. (G. S. Hall) Science, 11. s. 20: 481. Mental Training. (H. Scarth) Westm. 165$ 47. Mentone Caves, Recent Exploration in the. Nature, 71: 276. Mentone Plague, A. Cath. World, 74: 755. Menus, Eastern. (Janet MacDonald) Overland, n. s. 441 52'- Menzel, Adolf von, Artist. (O. Beta) Studio (Internat.) 25: 257. - (J . W. Pattison) World To-day, 9: 759. --Brush & P. 16: 18. MENZEL Menzel, Adolph von, Tschudi’s. Art J . 58: 195. Menzler, W. Happy Days; a painting. Art J. 55! 146. Mercantile Houses, Ancient, of London. (J . H. Mac- michael) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 129. Mercantile Law, Codification of. (M. D. Chalmers) Am. Law R. 36: 733.-T-Law Q. I9: 10. Mercantile Marine, British. Quar. I99: 323. -—— — Outlook for. (E. R. F remantle) National, 39: 581, Mercantile Midshipman, the, Training of. Gordon) Un. Serv. M. 24: 114. Mercantile Pin-pricks; or, Mr. Gregson’s Commercial Experiences. (A. Warren) Chamb. J . 83: 186. Mercator’s Projection, Chart of the World on, 25 by 45 inches. Nat. Geog. M. 16: opp. p. 55. Merced County, Cal. (T. O. Anderson) Out West, 24: (S. D. I59- Mercers’ Company of Lichfield. (W. H. Russell) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 7: 109. Merchant, Ethical Education of the. (G. Benzel) In- ternat. J . Ethics, 15: 338. Merchant Adventurers at Hamburg. bach) Am. Hist. R. 9: 265. ~— Internal Organization of. (W. E. Singelbach) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 15: 19. Merchant Marine, Investigation of. No. Am. 180: 360, —— of the World, The. 375- Merchant Marine Commission. Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 675. Merchant Marines, Subsidizing. Pol. Econ. 14: 370, Merchants, Alien, in England in 15th Century. (M. S. Giuseppi) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 9: 75. Mercians, The “ Mark ” of the. (W. Beresford) An- tiq. n. s. 38: 262, - Mercier, Charles A. Psychology, Normal and Morbid. (IV. McDougall) Mind, 28: 109. Mercurius Civicus, Analysis of. (H. R. Plomer) Li- brary, n. s. 6: 184, Mercury, the Planet of Romance. Gent. M. 11. s. 71: 358. 73: 244, Mercury. Eglestonite, Terlinguaite, and Monstroy-' dite, New Mercury Minerals from Terlingua, Texas. (A. J. Moses) Am. J. Sci. 166: 253, — Occurrence of the Texas Mercury Minerals. Hill) Am. J. Sci. 166: 251, -— Specific Heat of. Mercury Arc. (E. Weintraub) J. Frankl. Inst. 162: 241, Mercury Mineral from Texas. Science, 11. s. 22: 844, More Boor, A; a story. (L. Harward) Temp. Bar, 132: 612, Mere Sauvage, La; a story. nad. M. 23: 222,. Meredith, George. (H. MacFall) Canad. M. 23: 35.- (E. L. Cary) Critic, 46: 339. -— With portrait. (Leonie Gilman) N at’l M. (Bost.) 23: 272, -— and Samuel Richardson. Macmil. 85: 356. — as a Poet. Acad. 65: 330. -— Conception of Nature in Poems of. Internat. J . Ethics, 12: 316. -—— A Footnote. Atlan. 89: 866. - Heroines of. (E. L. Cary) Critic, 47: 338. -— Hymn to Color. (Basil de Sélincourt) Indep. R. 11: (W. E. Singel- (J . W. Garner) (Paul S. Reinsch) Chant. 34: (W. L. Marvin) R. of (F. L. McVey) J. (E. V. Howard) (B. F. (W. F. Hillebrand) (G. de Maupassant) Ca- (F. M. Stawell) -1 3 - I -— Intellectual Apathy and the Influence of. (C. F. Silver) Westm. 158: 5 35. -—— A Knightly Pen. (Harriet W. Preston) Atlan. go: 506, 411 (P. R. Heyl) Science, n. s. 18: 56. ‘ MESOPOTAMIA Meredith, George, Landscape Background of. L. Cary) Critic, 46: 52, —- the Last of his Peers. To-day, I1: 1287, -—— on Religion. (J. Moifatt) Hibbert J . 3: 636. —— Open Letters to. Good VVords, 43: 445. -— Optimism and. (G. M. Trevelyan) Indep. R. 6, no. 3: 42, -—— Optimism of, and of Browning. (A. C. Pigon) Indep. R. 6: 92. —- Poems of. (G. M. Trevelyan) Indep. R. 3: 234, :: Ecl. M. 143: 503. T-“Liv. Age, 242: 536. -— The Revision of "' Richard F everel.” (H. Chisholm) Acad. 68: 589. —— Thoughts underlying his Poems. (Mrs. M. Sturge Henderson) Internat. J . Ethics, I6: 34o, — Tonic of Poetry of. (A. R. Marble) Dial, 39: 104, -—— Trevelyan’s Poetry and Philosophy of. Ath. ’o6, 2: 5. =Liv. Age, 250: 636, Merejkowski, Dmitri, a Russian Mystic Novelist, with portrait. (E. E. Slosson) Indep. 61: 1147,-— (K. Wylde) Contemp. 82: 258, Merger Case and the Anti-Trust Act. Harv. Law R. 17: 533. -—— and Restraint of Trade. Law R.17: 151. —— U. S. Case under a New Aspect. Harv. Law R. 17: 41. See Northern Securities. (H. W. Nevinson) World (V. Morawetz) (Sir F. Pollock) Harv. (C. C. Langdell) Meridian Circle Settings, Device for Facilitating. (W. E. Cooke) Pop. Astron. 10: 365. Meridian Observation, Constant Error in. ter) Pop. Astron. I3: 118. Mérimée, Prosper. Ed. R. 200: 411. Merion, Lands of Edward Jones & Co. in. Smith) Pennsyl. M. 26: 42. Merit, Order of, in England. (H. W. Paul) Pall Mall M. 28: 71.-1'-Eel. M. 139: 732. (J . G. Por- (B. H. Merit System in Porto Rico. (J . H. Hollander) Forum, I 33: 77: Merlin, Legend of. (M. Gaster) F olk-Lore, 16: 407, Mermaid Society, The, and its Plays. Acad. 67: 59 5. Mer-Monke, The. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 48, Merrick, John Vaughan, 1828-1906, Obituary of. (J . Christie) J . Frankl. Inst. 161: 469. Merriman, Henry Seton. See Scott, Hugh S. Merry del Val, Rafael, Cardinal, the New Papal Sec- retary of State, with portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 315. -— (S. Cortesi) Indep. 57: 85o.—- (E. A. Powell) Munsey, 36: 330. Merry, Merry Zingara; Stories of the Nevada Madi- gans; no. 4. (M. Michelson) Cent. 46: 720. Merstham Tunnel, Mystery of, and its Lessons. (J . C. Collins) National, 46: 656. 47: 145. Merwin’s Last Chance. (E. Walsh) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 261. Merycoidodonts, Generic Names of. (E. S. Douglass) Science, n. s. 24: 565‘. Mesa Top, On a. (R. B. Townshend) Temp. Bar. 129: 102, Mesa Verde, Ruins of the Cliff-dwellers of the. (A. H. Thompson) Am. Antiq. 27: 6. Mescal; a Study of a Divine Plant. (H. Ellis) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 52, Mesdag, Hendrik Willem, Artist, with portrait. (F. W. Morton) Brush & P. 11: 321. -- Collection at the Hague. Acad. 65: I75._ Mesdag van Houten, Mrs. S., Artist, with portrait. (B. van Ryn) Brush & P. 15: 121. Mesha, King of Moab, Declaration of Independence. (P. Carus) Open Court, 17: 520. Mesopotamia. 242: 28.=Ec1. M. 143: 182. (L. Jebb) Longm. 44: 47. =Liv. Age, < MESOPOTAMIA Mesopotamia, Proposal for Irrigation of. Blackw. I74= 857- Mesozoic Floras of the U. S., Ward’s. (D. P. Penhal- low) Science, 11. s. 23: 737. Mesquite, The. (E. Mitchell) World To-day, 9: 713. Mess, Army, “ Shop ” in the. Un. Serv. M. 30: 536. _Message Forgotten, A. (A. H. Henderson) Chamb. J. ‘ 81: 529, Message Sticks, Queensland. Knowl. n. s. 3: 454. Messene and Sandy Pylos. (R. B. Richardson) Indep. ss= 835- Messenger, A. (Mary R. S. Andrews) Scrib. M. 40: 417. Messenia, Southwestern, Notes and Inscriptions from. (N. N. Tod) J . Hel. Stud. 25: 32. Messiah. Is he the “ Coming One ” of John the Bap- tist? (B. W. Bacon) Expos. 6th ser. 10: 1. -— of the Old Testament and the Christ of the New. (R. H. Charles) Expos. 6th ser. 52 241. -—— Prediction of the Mother of, Isaiah’s. man) Meth. R. 62: 939. -— Pre-existence of the. (G. F. Barton) J. Bib. Lit. 21: 78. Metabolism. (G. Lusk) Science, n. s. 22: 6. Metal as a Medium of Expression. (M. Norton) Crafts- man, 2: 95. Metal Inlay, New. (L. F. Day) Art J . 58: 40. Metal Work and Wire Glass, Ornamental. Frietag) Archit. Rec. 20: 137. — Beaten. (A. Busck) Craftsman, 2: 68, -— in Cabinet Making. Craftsman, 5: 457. —Modern. Archit. Rec.15: 518, 16: 27. -— Ornamental, of America. (H. W. Coleman) Brush & P. 15: supp. 99. -—- Primitive Work in Iron and Bronze. (C. de Kay) Archit. Rec. 15: 5o9.—(C. C. Willoughby) Am. Anthropol. 5: 55. Metalliferous Veins. (J . F. Kemp) Science, 11. s. 23: (S. L. Bow- (J. K. 14, Metallography, Industrial Importance of. (A. Sau- veur) J . Frankl. Inst. I 55: 273, Metallurgical Laboratories. (H. M. Howe) Science, 11. s. I 5: 761. Metallurgy, Ancient. I53- —- Recent Progress in. (A. E. Outerbridge) J . Frankl. Inst, 160: 401-. I62: 345, —- Schnabel’s Handbook of. (J . Struthers) Science, 11. s. 23: 66. Metals, Darling’s Electrolytic Production of. (J . Frankl. Inst. I53: 61. -—- Elastic Limit of. (T. K. R.) Nature, 69: 276, -— Exhaustion of the World’s. (N. S. Shaler) Internat. Q. 11: 230, -—- in Decoration, Future of. (C. de Kay) Archit. Rec. 16: 142, — in Mineral Waters. Science, 11. s. 20: 442. -— Internal Architecture of. (J . O. Arnold) Nature, (Henry Leffman) Cassier, 22: 753 43- - Life and Diseases of. (E. Heyn) Harper, 108: 702, —— Mining and Use of, by the Ancient Egyptians. (R. D. George) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 687. — more Precious than Gold. Chamb. J . 80: 152, -—- R6ssing’s Geschichte der. Science, n. s. 15: 139, — Structure of. (J . A. Ewing) Nature, 70: 187, -—- Use of, by the Egyptians. Am. Antiq. 28: 14, Metamorphosis as a Literary Form. (M. R. Whitman) School R. 12: 375. Metamorphosis of Phil Barrett. (A. P. Terhune) Lip- pinc. 74: 617. Metaphors, Misuse of, in the Human Sciences. (H. Jones) Hibbert J . 4: 294. Metaphysical Elements in Sociology. (P. H. Fogel) Am. J. Sociol. I0: 501. 412 METEOROLOGY Metaphysical Movement, The. (P. Tyner) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 312. Metaphysical Status of Universals. Philos. R. 14: 195. Metaphysics, Does Christian Belief require ? (E. S. Drown) Hibbert J . 4: 527. — Ethical Basis of. (F. C. S. Schiller) Int. J . Ethics, 13: 431, - Latest Shipwreck of. (W. H. Mallock) 19th. Cent. 51: 610. -—- of Nature, C. Read on. R W 324- - Problem of. (F.J.E.Woodbridge) Philos.R. I2: 367. — Present Need of. (J . Lindsay) Bib. Sac. 60: 633. -— System of, G. S. Fullerton on. (A. E. Taylor) Philos. R. 14: 472. -—— A. E. Taylor on. (J . E. Creighton) Philos. R. 14: 56. — (J. S. Mackenzie) Mind, 29: 555. Metawin Society of the Swampy Indians of Lake ‘Vin- nipeg. (C. S. Simms) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I9: 330. Metcalf, Willard L., Landscape Painter. ~ (R. Cortis- soz) Booklover’s M. 6: 509. Metcalfe, Francis. Side Show Studies. Outing, 46: 584. Metchnikoff, Elie. (W. P. Pycraft) Acad. 71: 36. Metempsychosis. See Transmigration of Souls. Meteor of September 15, 1902. (E. L. Mosely) Pop. Astron. I2: 190. Meteoric Iron, New (?), from Augusta Co., Va. (H. D. Campbell and J. L. Howe) Am. J. Sci. 165: (W. H. Sheldon) (C. M. Bakewell) Philos. 469. Meteorite, Andover. (H. A. Ward) Am. J. Sci. 165: 395- — Bath Furnace. (H. A. Ward) Am. J. Sci. 165: 316. — Canyon City, from Trinity County, California. (H. A. Ward) Am. J. Sci. 167: 383. — Crumlin, Ireland, 1902. (L. Fletcher) Nature, 65: S77- — from Scott Co., Kansas. Science, 11. s. 23: 391. — in Minnesota, July, 1904, Winchel’s Notes on a. Pop. Astron. 12: 553. — A New, from Kansas. (O. C. F arrington) Science, 11, s, 16: 67, . ' —- New Stony from Modoc, Kansas. Am. J. Sci. 171: 356. -—- Search for a Buried. (L. Fletcher) Nature, 74: 490. -— Stony, from Coon Butte, Arizona. (J . W. Mallet) Am. J. Sci. 171: 347. ' —- The Surprise Springs. 14: 11, Meteorites, Catalogue of the Ward-Coonley Collection. (O. C. F arrington) Science, 11. s. 20: 77. -—— Geographical Distribution of. (O. C. F arrington) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 351. -— The Largest American Collection of. (L. P. Grata- cap) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 21. -— or Aerolites. (W. H. Monck) Pop. Astron. 11: 357. — Present Problems of. (A. L. Rotch) Science, 11. s. 20: 872, —- Shower of, at Modoc, Kansas. (O.__C. Farrington) Science, 11. s. 23: 582. f — Temperature of. (H. E. Wimperis) Nature, 71: 81, Meteorological Conference, International, at Innsbruck, Sept. 1905. Nature, 722 510. ——(A. L. Rotch) Sci- ence, 11. s. 23: 975. (G. P. Merrill) (H. N. Rust) Land of Sun. Meteorological Elements above the Atlantic, Vertical ' Distribution of. (A. L. Rotch; L. Teisserenc de Brot) Nature, 73: 449. Meteorological Oflice, English. Words, 46: 888. Meteorological Society of Japan. Science, 11. s. 19: 6 (G. F. Millin) Good 23 . Meteorology at Great Altitudes. (A L. Rotch) Nature, 67= 137- METEOROLOGY Meteorology, Bibliographies of. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 18: 795. —— in America. (C. Abbe) No. Am. 174: 833. — Methods of Investigation in. (W. M. Shaw) Sci- ence, n. s. 18: 487, -— The New Cosmical. 19: 30, — Practical. (W. Marriott) Knowl. 27: 167, — Study of. (F. Waldo) Ednca. 26: 149. — Teaching of. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 20: 540. Meteors. (A. M. Miller) Science, 11. s. 17: 114. — Bath Furnace Meteoric Fall, Nov. 15, 1902. Miller) Science, 11. s. 18: 243. — Brilliant, Real Paths of.’ (W. F. Denning) Pop. Astron. I0: 121, —— Leonid. (W. H. Pickering) Pop. Astron. I0: 400. 1'2: 530. — —-— and the Moon. (J . R. Henry) Knowl. 252 25 5. —— — Case of. (J. B. Wood) Pop. Astron. 10: 459. —- — of Nov. I901. (R. B. Taber) Pop. Astron. 10: 403. —(W. F. Denning) Nature, 65: 332. — — of I902. (J. R. Henry) Nature, 67: 8. — — — Grand Display in So. California. tron. 10: 16. -— — of 1903. (W. F. Denning) Knowl. 27: II. — (J . R. Henry) Nature, 69: 80. -— Lyrid. (J . R. Henry; A. S. Herschel) Nature, 67: (F. H. Bigelow) Science, n. s. (A. M. Pop. As- 584. —- -— Period of Revolution. (W. H. Pickering) Pop. Astron. 10: 8, Metéqui, Above the Clouds at. (A. S. Schmidt) Atlan. 96: 2 51. Method of Charles Stuart York, The; a story. K. Champion) McClure, 21: 339. Method of Cross-eyed Moses, The. (M. Dana) Lippinc. (M. W 367. Methodism, Early. (J . B. Hingeley) Meth. R. 66: 604. —— in California. (A. C. Hirst) Calif, M. 3: 101, 202, — in Recent Fiction. (J. S. Simon) Ecl. M. 143: 537. =Liv. Age, 242: 459, — Pleas for the Union of, in America. (J . C. Kilgo) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 203, — Saxon. (N. S. G. Perkins) Meth. R. 66: 105. — under Persecution by the Pen. (E. S. Ninde) Meth. R, 66: 239, Methodist Episcopal Church, Board of Church Exten- ' sion of. (G. Adams) Meth. R. 63: 245. --$20,000,000 Fund of. (J. M. Buckley) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 271 304.—(E. M. Mills) World’s Work, 5‘ 33°9- Methodist Hymn and Tune Book. (Kelly and Paratt) Sund. M. 33: 574. Methodist Hymnal, The New. (K. P. Harrington) Meth. R. 65: 697. —- (J. M. Buckley) Meth. R. 66: 29, Methodist Preaching, Present Day. (J . Mudge) Meth. R, 65: 64. Methodists, Changes in Theology among American. (H. C. Sheldon) Am. J. Theol. I0: 31. Methods of Eugenie. (J. K. Hartt) Scrib. M. 36: 443- Methods of Josephine, The. (Ella M. Tybout) Lip- pinc. 77: 216. Methuen, Mass. King’s Highway known as the Com- mon Road from Swan’s Ferry to Back River Mill. (C. W. Marvin) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 525, Metlakahtla, Alaska; an Indian Arcadia. (G. T. B. Davis) Indep. 56: 841. — (G. T. B. Davis) Sund. M. 33: 48-676. Metre and Music. ' Acad. 62: 342. -- or Rhythm, which ? (H. W. Magoun) School R. 12: 380 —-— Orm imd’s Study of. Acad. 64: 363, 517. 413 MEXICAN Metres, Some French. Acad. 69: 1125. Metric System. (C. H. Sutton) Am. Arch. 80: 19,- (E. S. Gould) Cassier, 22: 521. —J. F rankl. Inst. 153: 401. 154: 59, 107, 171.—Am. Arch. 75: 29. -—(A. Sonnenschein) J. Soc. Arts, 51: 17o.—(A. E. Kennelly) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 319.——Quar. I99: 57. — (A. C. Lane) Science, 11. s. 19: 389. — (VV. L. Stevens) Science, n. s. 19: 534. — (T. C. Men- denhall) Science, n. s. 20: 147.—- (F. A. Halsey) Science, 11. s. 20: 373.— (A. E. Ortmann) Science, 11. s. 20: 506.— (W. J. Spillman) Science, 11. s. 21: 537.--Science, n. s. 23: 73. —— and English-speaking Peoples. Am. Arch. 89: 114. — before Congress. Science, 11. s. 23: 515. — Bill in the British Parliament. (W. H. Seaman) Science, 11. s. 211 72. — Cost of the Adoption of. Am. Arch. 84: 5o. — Diflicnlties of Introducing. Sat. R. 97: 647. —— Error of. (S. S. Dale) Science, n. s. 21: 922, — Expert Opinions against. Cassier, 30: 143. — Fallacy of. (W. M. McFarland) Cassier, 29: 293. —- (F. A. Halsey and others) Cassier, 30: 37.—(W. L. Stevens) Science, 11. s. 20: 608,-—(S. S. Dale) Science, 11. s. 21: 353. -— (H. B. Hedrick) Science, n. s. 21: 473. — Halsey on. (W. L. Stevens) Science, n. s. 20: 172. — (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 78: 215. -— in the British Colonies. Nature, 74: 614. —- in Cuba. Science, 11. s. I91 807. — in Germany. (S. S. Dale) Science, 11. s. 20: 682, — in Great Britain. Science, 11. s. 16: 595. -— Inch vs. the Meter. (George Moores) Cassier, 27: I57- — More Opposition to. — Notes on History of. — The Proposal to force the Use of. Engin. M. 31: 173. —— Report of Committee to House of Representatives. Science, 11. s. 15: 829. — Shall it be Compulsory ? (VV. L. Stevens) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 394. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Archit. Rec. 12: 304. —-— The Rogers Bequest. Archit. Rec. I2: 311. Metternich and Princess Lieven. (L. G. Robinson) I9th Cent. 51: 315, Mettle of Mr. Matthews, The. (Walter Barr) Lippinc. Cassier, 30: 211, (H. McLeod) Nature, 69: 425. (H. H. Suplee) 77: 481. ' Mettray, The “ Colonic ” or Home for Boys at. Fortn. 85: 948, Metz, Germany. (W. W. Crane, jr.) Californian, 3: 36. —— a City with a Past. (N. H. Moore) Chant. 35: 230. Metzn, Gabriel, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 7: 213. Meunier, Constantin. (F. Khnopif) Studio (Internat.) 26: 3. — a Sculptor of the People. (S. Howe) Craftsman, 8: 437- Mexican Currency Commission, Report of the. (A. P. Andrew) Q. J. Econ. 18: 585. Mexican Dollar, End of the. (A. P. Andrew) Q. J. Econ. I8: 321, Mexican Girls, Some. (A. Matthews) Overland, n. s. 41: 163. Mexican Hacienda, its Place and its People. Paul) New Eng. M. 30: 198. Mexican Horrors, A Tale of. 103: 384, Mexican Investments of U. S. Citizens. (E. M. Conley) Booklover’s M. 7: 548. (G. F. (H. Thurston) Month, Mexican Military Academy, The. (H. T. Reed) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 31: 811. Mexican Mines of Precious Metals. (G. C. Cunning- ham) Engin. M. 27: 921. MEXICAN Mexican Penitentes of New Mexico. (C. B. Taylor) Everybody’s, I0: 501. Mexican Railway System. (V. M. Braschi and E. Ordofiez) Cassier, 22: 457. Mexican Sweets, Some. (L. B. Colson) Land of Sun. 41 134- Mexican Town, A Little. (T. A. Janvier) Harper, I13: 500. Mexican War and the Annexation of Texas. (Z. T. Fulmore) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 5: 28. — Veterans of. M. of Hist. 3: 162, Mexico. (A. J . H. Antona) Outing, 39: 569, —— Absorption of. (W. F. McCaleb) Munsey, 30: 481. -— Administrative Centralization in. (L. S. Rows) Yale R. 12: 231. ~ — American Influence in. (E. P. Lyle, jr.) World’s Work, 6: 3843. —— Americanization of. (E. M. Conley) R. of Rs. (N. Y.)32= 724- — Amusements in. (R. S. McKenney) Overland, n. s. 46= 397. — and the Aztecs. (S. Y. Stevenson) Chaut. 38: 444. — and Central America, Linguistic Families, Lan- guages, and Dialects; Provisional List. (C.Thomas) Am. Anthropol. 4: 207. —— and the Civil Virtues. Canad. M. 27: 318. — and England, 1824-2 5. (F. L. Paxson) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 9: 138. —- and her Opportunities. (W. Scarritt) Cassier, 31: 3. — and President Diaz. (S. G. Andrus) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 168. —-— and the United States, Constitutions of, compared. (W. H. Burger) Am. Law R. 39: 711. — Anti-foreign Uprising in. (E. M. Conley) World _ To-day, II: 1059. -— Archaeology in, Some Unsolved Problems in. (Zelia Nuttall) Am. Anthropol. 8: 133, -—- as a Winter Resort. Spec. 96: 211. — Aztecs of Yesterday and To-day. Harper, :06: 37. — El Cation de la Vieja. (A. Bandini) Calif. M. I: (A. Hrdlicka) 483. — Church and State in. Nation, 81: 8, —- Commerce of, and the U. S. -(O. P. Austin) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 25. — Constitution of 1824, Spanish Source of. (J . Q. Dealey) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 3: I6I. —- Day of Rest in. (A. Marshall) Macmil. 87: 364. =-' Ecl. M. 140: 751. — Economic Development of. (H. L. Vegus) Internat. Q- 91 2=35- — Education in, Notes on. (J . M. Baldwin) Nation, 82: 132, —— Electoral Machine in. Nation, 791 193. — Empire of, The Lost. (W. C. Robinson) Am. Cath. Q- 27= 54!- — England and, 1824-25. (F. L. Paxson) Univ. Colo. Stud. 3: I15. — Evolution of Freedom in. (C. E. Locke) Meth. R. 62: 439. — Explorations in. (C. Lumholtz) Geog. J . 21: 126. —- Fighting Equipment of. (A. C. Brady) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 575. . -— Form and Substance in the Republic of. Nation, 79= 497. -— Further Notes on. (J . M. Baldwin) Nation, 82: 173, — Glimpse of. (D. S. Richardson) Californian, 2: 2 55, -- Government of, English Government and. (K. Blind) Westm. I62: 357. —- An Hour’s Visit to. (H. S. Kirk) Overland, n. s. W 499- —- Housekeeping in. (C. C. Babcock) Overland, n. s. 43: 207- 414 MEXICO Mexico, In Indian. (F. Starr) World To-day, 8: 502.‘ — in 1904. (A. Brown) Meth. R. 64: 879. —- Languages of. (C. Lumholtz) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 202, —— Lumholtz on. (A. H. Noll) Dial, 34: 198. — (D, B, C. Graham) Sat. R. 952 757. —Nation, 76: 272, 296. — Maps of. (F. J. H. Merrill) Am. Geog'. Soc. Bull. 38: 281. — Maximilian in. (E. Hogan) Calif. M. 5: 196. —— Men and Afiairs in. (S. G. Andrus) N at’l M. (Bost.) I7: 345. I8: 64. —- Mines in, Electric Machinery in. (C. V. Allen) En- gin. M. 31: 848. 32: 35. —-Modern. (S. G. Andrus) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 617, 734- — -—- and its Capital. (T. R. Dawley, jr.) Outl. 70: 722, — Monetary Reform in. (M. W. Gaines) Yale R. 12: 346. — Municipal Government in. Sci. 22: 531. —— Municipal Instruments of. (F. Starr) Amer. Antiq. 25: 303. —— The New. (J. W. Foster) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 1. — New Era in. (P. S. Reinsch) Forum, 32: 528. —- New Patent Law of. (E. Maxey) Am. Law R. 39: 32- Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Booklover’s M. 72 I30.—-—R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 198, — Northern, in ’49. 6: 421. — -- Prehistoric Ruins of. Antiq. 27: 65. — on a Gold Basis of Currency. (E. M. Conley) Ap- pleton’s M. 8: 152, —- Our Relations with. (H. S. Brooks) Californian, I : 210, — Outfitting for the Trail in Northern. Engin. M. 31: 26. — Pacific Conquest of. 1053, -— President Diaz on Transcontinental Trade. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 322 451.. — Progress and Prosperity of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67: (O. M. Wozencraft) Californian, (A. H. Blackiston) Am. (L. M. Terry) (W. Gillpatrick) Outl. 80: (H. 77- — Railroad Building in Tropical. (S. E. Meek) World To-day, 8: 74. — The Seven Cities of Cibola. fornian, I : 130. — Six Weeks’ Residence in. fornian, 4: 64, — Some Features of the West Coast of. (C. De Kalb) Nation, 77: 130. — Southwestern, Winter Expedition into. (E. W. Nelson) Nat. Geog. M. I 5: 341. (T. H. Hittell) Ca1i_ — Trade of ; why United States does not hold a Larger _ Share. (M. W. Gaines) Arena, 32: 355. — Tropical Agriculture in. (S. C. Andrus) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I72 484. — Tweedie on. (F. Starr) Dial, 32: I24. -- under Pres. Diaz. (F. H. Taylor) Booklover’s M. 3= 763- — A Vice-president for. Nation, 78: 448. — Village Life in. (A. Inkersley) Calif. M. 41 747. — Water-power Development in. (T. C. Martin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 447. — \/Vays and Means on the West Coast. Nation, 77: 204,. —What the People read in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 687. —— The Year in, 1904. (F. R. Guernsey) Atlan. 97: 219. (C. De Kalb) ext President of, Ramon Corral. (E. M. Conley) I (D. S. Richardson) Cali- . MEXICO Mexico, City of. (Nathaniel J . Manson) Overland, 11- 8- 48= 398-405- —— Federal Palace at. Am. Arch. 88: 107, —— Legends of. (T. A. Janvier) Harpen, I12: 258, 888. I13: 382, 876, Meyer, George ivon Lengerke, Ambassador to Russia, with portrait. (F. T. Birchall) Am. M. 60: 55. Meyer, Victor, Apparatus of, Modification of, for the Determination of Vapor-densities. (B. J . Har- rington) Am. J . Sci. 170: 225, Meyerbeer, Giacomo, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 52 I45. Meynell, Alice. (H. W. N evinson) Critic, 43: 345. — Poetry of. Acad. 521 647. Mezzotint, Province of the. tion, 81: I81, —- Pursuit of the. Acad. 69: 834. Mezzotinting, Glory and Shame of. Brush & P. 16: (Eliz. R. Pennell) Na- 151, Mezzotints. (C. Davenport) Am. Arch. 811 51. Id. Soc. Arts, 5: 679. — after Portraits by Reynolds. Art J . 57¢ 275. — Exhibition of, at the British Museum. (L. Ein- stein) Nation, 81: 94. — (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 81: 181, '— Famous. (R. Cortissoz) Munsey, 34: 532. —— Great English. (F. Wedmore) M. of Art, 26: 411, Mica. (G. W. Colles) J. Frankl. Inst. I60: 191, 275, 327, I61: 43, 81. Mica Mining, Opportunities for Improvement in. (G. W. Colles) Engin. M. 22: 737. Mice, Field-, Troublesome. (C. Q. Turner) Ctry Life Am. 6: 440. —Marsh or Rice-field, of the Eastern U. S. (S. N. Rhoads) Am. Natural. 61: 661, —White-footed. (E. H. Baynes) Ctry Life Am. 52 58, 96- Michael, Archangel, in the Light of Criticism. (T. K. Cheyne) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 289, Michael Angelo. See Michelangelo. Michael Corey, Life Convict; a story. Munsey, 29: 81. Michael Ryan, Capitalist. (F. F. D. Albery) N at’l M. (B0St_) 22: 287-651. 23: 37, 179. Michaelmas Move, A. (C. F. Marsh) Longm. 42: 508. '-'-‘Liv. Age, 239: 420, Michael’s Son; a story. (W. O. Inglis) (H. J . Smith) Harper, I13: 779- Michel, Louise, the Red Virgin of Montmartre. (E. Sellers) Fortn. 83: 292. ——- Liv. Age, 2451 72. = Ecl. M. 144: 708. — (Emma P. Telford) Open Court, 19: 156.—Spec. 94: 44.: Liv. Age, 244: 506, Michelangelo. (Kenyon Cox) Internat. Q. II: 52, — (W. Bayliss) Good lVords, 46: 106. — Condivi’s. Sat. R. 98: 765. —— Drawings by. (Addison McLeod) Art J . 57: 365. — Genius of. (S. E. Desjardins) Am. Arch. 76: 91, — Holroyd on. Ath. ’o3, I: 792, - Home of. (R. Lanciani) Internat. Q. II: 21;, —— New Light on. Berensen’s Drawings of the Flor- entine Painters. Archit. Rec. 142 379. —- A Sketch. Acad. 64: 395, —- Sketches by, Newly Discovered. Indep. 60: 793. ——- When Love came to. (C. E. Laughlin) Good Words, (Helen Zimmern) - .- 44- - Michelet, Jules, Historic Method of. (G. Lansen) In- ternat. Q. 11: 71, ?— Monod’s. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 82: 24-5‘, Michie, Alexander. Geog. J. 20: 348. Michigan, Campaign in, 1902. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 75: 125, 415 MIDSHIPMAN Michigan ; Classical Conference, Twelfth. Kelsey) School R. 14: 560. — Library Association Annual Meeting, 1902. Lib. 7: 485. — -— — 1904. Pub. Lib. 9: 338. -— -— — 1905. Lib. J. 30: 354. —Pub. Lib. I0: 368. — —- — 1906. Pub. Lib. II: 380. —— — Institute, Jan. 1906. Lib. J. 311 31. -—— State Conference of Charities and Correction, 1901. (L. C. Storrs) Char. 8: 28, — Waste Lands of. (Allan L. Benson) Appleton’s M. 8: 295, Mickel Basse, Bad Indian. 895’, 341 41- Micklethwaite, John T. (W. R. Lethaby) Ath. ’O8, 2: 589. Micmac and Mohawk. (L. L. Trott) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 591. Micro-organisms. — of Soil. Microphone, Applications of the. turei 751 I53- Microscope, Binocular. I54= 441- — Carpenter on the. (H. B. Ward) Science, 11. s. I 5: 706. ' — in Engineering. -— Measuring Objects in the. Inst. I54: 73. Microscopic-petrographical Methods, Two. Wright) Am. J. Sci. 167: 385. Microscopy. (C. Abbe) Science, 11. s. 20: 844, — Electric Lamp for Microscope Illumination. (M. M. Metcalf) Science, 11. s. 151 937. -— Oertel’s Medical. (G. F. White) Science, n. s. 18: (F. W. Pub. (M. B. MacDonald) Mun- (T. Smith) Science, n. s. 201 817. (T. J . Burrill) Science, 11. s. 201 426. (Gisbert KaPP) Na- (F. E. Ives) J. Frankl. Inst. (J . L. Hall) Cassier, 25: 59. (F. E. Ives) J . Frankl. (F. E. 434- Middle Age, Apotheosis of. Spec. 902 693. Middle-aged Drama, A. (Violet Jacob) Liv. Age, 251: 542. Middle-aged Meditation, A. Macmil. 88: 14I.=Ecl. M. 141: 3I5.=Liv. Age, 238: 242, Middle Ages, The Closing Century of, 1414-1517. S. Schaif) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 39. —— A Mediaeval Medley. (D. Dale) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 300, ‘ — Morals in. 29, Middle Class, Lower, in England. Spec. 92: 764. Middle Classes, Burden of the. (S. F. Bullock) F ortn. 86: 411. Middle Distance, The. 625, Middle English Poems. (J . V. Crowne) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 304. Middle Temple, Records of the. Law Q. 21: 346, Middle Temple Presentation Cup. Art J . 57¢ 298. Middleman, The. (E. Walker) New Eng. M. n. s. 301 28 (D. (D. S. Muzzey) Internat. J . Ethics, 17: (J ennette Lee) Lippinc. 77: (J . R. V. Marchant) Middlesex, England, The Ruin of. (J. B. Firth) Fortn. 85: 1068. Middleton’s Hill. (E. L. Sabin) Cent. 48: 675. Midland Meadow of Enchantment, A. Chamb. J . 81: 577. Midland Terminal, The; a story. (Van T. Sutphen) Harper, 11: I77, . Midnall, J ., an Englishman at the Court of Akbar. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 128, Midnight Axe, The. (J . Lang) Longm. 46: 356. Midnight in Cloudland. (J . M. Bacon) Cornh. 88: 67;, = Liv. Age, 240: 107, Midshipman. American, Past and Present. (E. S. Riley) Army & Navy Life, 9: 33. MIDSUMMER Midsummer Customs in, Morocco. (E. Westermarck) Folk-Lore, I6: 27. Midsummer Madness, A. 391 49°- Midsummer Night Idyl, A; the Enchanted River. (H. S. Breck) Overland, in. s. 41: 460, Midway Island, Pacific Ocean Cable Station. Crook) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 385. -— The Smallest American Possession. Outl. 77: 942. Midwinter. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 58: 65. Midwinter Fair, The, California. (Frank Wiggins) Land of Sun. I: 38." Migdol Towers of Egypt and Palestine. (J . Offord) Am. Antiq. 25: 112, Might have been, A. (A. Maule) Outing, 491 47. Migration, Early Anglo-Saxon. (T. W. Shore) Antiq. n. s. 14: 251. Migrations, Inland, in United States. man) World’s Work, 8: 5287. — of the Skylark and Swallow. Knowl. 25: 52. —- Our Modern Exodus. (C. M. Harger) Outl. 77: 132. Miguel and Maria. (Katharine Tynan) Cath. World, 84= 334. Mikado, The Heart of the. (K. Suyematsu) 19th Cent. 57: 566.=Liv. Age, 245: 489.=Ecl. M. I45: 130. Mike Grady’s Safety. (Will E. Lewis) Everybody’s, I3: 505. Mikkelsen Expedition to the Beaufort Sea. Science, 11. s. 23: 856. Mike’s Adoption. 46: 204, Milady; a story. (R. McN. Stuart) Harper, I06: 563, Milady; a story. (D. B. Varé) Temp. Bar, 128: 547. =Liv. Age, 239: 674. Milady of the Mercenaries; a story. (L. J. Vance) Munsey,2g: 690, 851. 30: 50-947. 31: 150-311. Milan, International Exhibition at, 1906. (R. W. Carden) Archit. Rec. 20: 353.—Craftsman, I0: 73°- — — Hungarian Art at the. ternat.) 29: 300. (E. P. Butler) Cosmopol. (M. (G. Kennan) (I. K. Fried- (H. F. Whitherby) (Grace H. Bailey) Overland, n. s. (A. Melani) Studio (In- — Picturesque. (Edith Wharton) Scrib. M. 33: 131, — Street Railways of. (E. Magrini) Munic. Aff. 6: 116. ' — A Visit to. Month, 102: 121. Milcendeau, Charles, French Pastellist. Studio (Internat.) 221 24. (G. Geifroy) Milford, Mass. (L. G. Wilson) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 487. Militarism and Nationality. (J . H. Rose) Internat. Q. 9: 170, -— at Home. (E. Crosby) Arena, 31: 70. -—- Handicap of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 751 I05. —— in Trouble. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 81: 91, Military Attachés, Work and Play of the. Mott) Scrib. M. 34: 293. Military Colleges and the Staif. Un. Serv. M. 25: (T. B. 514- Military Duties, Some. Chamb. J . 80: 281. Military Education. (J . B. Strange) Un. Serv. M. 26: 39. -—Un. Serv. M. 30: 416. — Compulsory National. (T. E. Compton) Un. Serv. M.28: 475. -—- in England. Sat. R. 94: 7. -—of the Officer. (R. F. Legge) Un. Serv. M. 33: 414. -—- Science and. Nature, 66: 175, —- The Staff Ride as a Means of. Un. Serv. M. 26: 542, Military Engineer in the Field, Role of the. Un. Serv. M. 33: 79. (G. H. Nicholson) 416 MILITIA Military Engineering in Peace and War. Clayton) Un. Serv. M. 31: 400. Military Freehand Sketching. (L. McL. Hamilton) Un. Serv. M. 30: 529. 35: 227, Military Government in Newly Acquired Territory of the U. S., Thomas on. (F. A. Ogg) Dial, 38: (H. E. G. 151. Military Graphics. (C. W. Larned) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 207, 383. Military History, Study of. Serv. M. 28: 149. Military Hygiene. (P. E. Traub) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 1. Military Intelligence, Bureau of, Functions of. (E. R. Stuart) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 321 I58. —- (J. B. Mott) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 184. — (R. Evans) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 318, Military Judicial System, Our. Serv. Inst. 32: 231. 33: 40. Military Law, A Hiatus of. (M. O’Connor) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 205. (S. T. Sheppard) Un. (E. Hunter) J . Mil. — in the Construction of the British Empire. (W. Marshall) Un. Serv. M. 28: 296. Military Lessons of Recent Wars. (C. W. Larned) Internat. Mo. 5: 383. Military Madness of Europe, and the Way out of it. Westm. I62: 117. Military Manmuvre and the Law of Trespass. Fetherstonhaugh) Macmil. n. s. 2: 101. —— What is the Use of? (P. Bigelow) Outl. 70: 172, , Military Obligations of Empire. Blackw. I80: 275. Military Oflicers, Education of. (R. G. Burton) Un. Serv. M. 27! 622. Military Parades and Parade Training. gowan) Scrib. M. 31: 79. Military Prize Essays. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 161. Military Psychology. (Dr. Campeano) J . Mil. Serv. Inst.32: 262, 33: 128. Military Record and Account Book, Descriptive. R. Hickok) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 512. Military Rewards in the U. S. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: (T. (D. B. Mac- (H. 103. Military Rule of Obedience. (A. T. Mahan) Internat. Mo. 5: 248. Military Service in Europe. (J . A. Ryan) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 205. Military Steeplechase, The. (B. Purdy) Army & Navy Life, 8, no 9: 16, ' Military System, English; is Reform Possible ? Un. Serv. M. 29: 485. Military Training. Un. S.erv. M. 30: 75, 284. —— Compulsory. (C. E. Dawkins) 19th Cent. 51: 349, — -— and Compulsory Education. (H. Birchenough) 19th Cent. 56: 2o. — in Schools. Spec. 95: I110, — Land for. (G. K. S. Moncrieif) Blackw. I80: 153- — of Junior Officers in England. Sat. R. 94: 138, — Our Schoolboy Soldiers. (D.~ A. Willey) Munsey, 27: 384. — The Problem of Modern. Monthly R. 20, no. 11 75. Military Training School; American Aldershot. L. Driggs) Munsey, 29: 131, Militia, The, as it might be. (R. M. Holden) Un. Serv. (A. W. A. Pollock) (L. M. 31: 73. \ . —— French and English, in Canada. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33= 290.482. ' — Its Past and Future. (Lord Raglan) Un. Serv. M. 32= 94- — National Organization of the. Serv. Inst. 35: 234. (c, s. Clark) J. Mil. ' A — and the Theory of Gases. MILIT IA Militia, Organized, Facts about. (C. S. Clark) Army & Navy Life, 9: 248, —- — Training of. (J. F. O’Ryan) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 341 324- — Pioneer Troops in the. Inst. 342 280. (W. Webber) J. Mil. Serv. —-— Proposed Abolition of. (Col. Telfer-Smollett) Un.' Serv. M. 30: 39. — Training of the Organized. Serv. Inst. 34: I01. Militiaég Act of I903, The. 27 , Militia Badges of Canada. (H. F. Wyatt) Canad. M. 25: 71, Militia Ballot. (W. E. Cairnes) Fortn. 77: 682. Militia Council, Qtnada. Canad. M. 25: 3. Militia Force of the U. S. (J . D. Whelpley) I74: 275. Militia Law, The New. (C. E. Lydecker) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 329. —J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 329. —-— Working of the New. (O. G. Villard) N ation, 771 182. Militia Life in Georgian Days. (Lady Newdigate- Newdegate) Temp. Bar, 132: 403. Militia Question, The. (Lord Rosmead) Un. Serv. M. 28: 39, ' Militia Troop, A. (H. Barry) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: (E. E. Britton) J . Mil. (J. Parker) No. Am. 177: 484. Milk. (H. L. Puxley) Macmil. n. s. I: 271. — Bacteriology of, Swithinbank and Newman on. Spec. 92: 1017.-—Ath. ’04, 1: 179, — Butter, and Butter Substitutes. (G. M. Kober) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 402 140, —- Clean, Another Move for. Char. I 52 544. —— — from a Practical Standpoint. (S. C. Prescott) Char. I6: 488. — — Making of. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. 6: 170. F Condensed, Butter, Cheese and, as _F actory Products. (C. B. Lane) Cosmopol. 39: 193. —-— in Infant Feeding, Pure Cow’s. .(A. Jacobi) Char. 16: 505. — Morbific, and Infectious. (G. M. Kober) Char. I6: 502, - — Pure, A City’s Campaign for. (Alice K. Fallows) Cent.44: 555. - — Reports of Committee on Supply of, in the United Kingdom. J. Statis. Soc. 67: 368; (R. H. Rew) 413. —— What the Public ought to know as to. (J . S. Ful- ton) Char. I6: 479. — with Yellow Scum on Top. (M. R. Plummer) Char. II: 207. Milk Exhibit, A Baltimore. Char. I 5: 544. Milk Question, Claims of the Baby in the. Knox) Char. I6: 492, (J. H. M. ' Milk-supply [of Great Britain]. (Mrs. Sanders) Chamb. J , 82: I03, —-— Problem of a Pure. (H. D. Chapin) Forum, 33:, 293. Milk Trade from Within. (C. Hassard) Econ. R. 15: 747 203- Milk Work, Municipal, in Rochester. (G. W. Goler) . Char. I62 484. Milkweed, Cross-pollination of. (H. A. Doby) Ctry Life Am. 2: I97. ’ * Milky Way and the Clouds of Magellan. Science, 11. s. 23: 884, (H. Poincaré) Pop. As- tron. I41 475. —- as it appears to Observers of the Autumn Heavens. (Rose O’Ha1loran) Pop. Astron. I01 372. —— “ Triple Cave” in Aquila. (M. Wolf) Knowl. 25: 203, " -— What is it? (C. Easton) Knowl. 26: 151. 417 MILLIONAIRES Mill, John Stuart. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 40: 285. —- (F. Gribble) Fortn. 86: 344.—(J. Morley) Liv. Age, 250: 3. — (P. F. Bicknell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 591 451. -— (G. Wellington) Westm. I63: 11, — Library of. (R. Sidgwick) Cornh. 941 674. —— Principles of Political Economy, Variations in the Different Editions of. (M. A. Ellis) Econ. J . I53 291, — Recreation of,_—Botany. Sat. R. 1011 615. Mill, The; a story. (H. van Dyke) Idler, 23: 3. Mill of the Tin Gods, The. (David Gray) Booklover’s M. 6: 131. Millais, John Everett, and Music; some more Mem- ories. (W. W. Fenn) Chamb. J. 79: 822,=Liv, Age, 232: 179.:-Ecl. M. 138: 310. — and the Painting of the Huguenot. Canad. M. 27: 99. —— Methods of Work. Chamb. J. 83: 65 3. (F. Dolman) — Painting of Christ, a Boy at Home. (W. Bayliss) Sund. M. 342 481, Miller, F red. Cecilia; a Mezzotint. Art J . 55: 18. Miller, Hugh. (J. M. Clarke) New Eng. M. n. s. 272 S51- — Work and Influence of. (A. Geikie) Nature, 66: 426, Miller, Mrs. Hugh, Journal of. Chamb. J. 79: 305, 513- Miller, Joaquin, with portrait. (E. Hogan) Calif. M. 5: 439.—With portrait. (C. Warren Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: I9, — at Home, with portrait. (Bost.) 21: 416. —— The Fisher of Nippon. Cent. 46: 318, —-— Looking Backward from the “ Heights.” (Helen E. Wright) Overland, n. s. 43: 11, — Monuments. Land of Sun. 11: 240, — A Nature-loving Poet of Progress. Arena, 32: 603. Miller, William, with portrait. lover’s M. 2: 509. Miller Movement. Can the Negro settle it? (J . A. Graham) Outl. 84: ' 365. Millerite, Crystallographic Study of. (C. Palache and H. O. Wood) Am. J. Sci. 168: 343. Millerstown Yellow Journal. 97: 688. Millet, Jean Francois, Artist, with portrait. (C. Sex- ton) Booklover’s M. I: 259. —Drawings, with Essay by Bénédite. (A. J. Fin- berg) Sat. R. 102: 140,—-Ath, ’Q6, 2: 447, (B. 0. Flower) (J . Hawthorne) Book- (E. Singmaster) Atlan. — Etchings of. (F. A. Russell) Brush & P. 11: 81, — Muther’s. (K. Cox) Nation, 81: 347. Millet, Réné. (Alvan F. Sanborn) Indep. 582 3 54. Millinery, Murderous. Liv. Age, 251: 636. Milling as a Method of Machining. (C. S. Gingrich) Cassier, 24: 248. Milling Industry, The. 13: 324. Milling Machines in the U. S. (C. S. Gingrich) Cassier, 23: I55. - Millionaire and the Angel, The. (A. S. Francis) Outl. (H. W. Macrosty) Econ. J. 84= 277. Millionaire Endowments. (J . A. Hobson) Indep. 5: 9°- Millionaire Rafferty; a story. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 31: 807, Millionaire’s Peril. (H. A. Stimson) Atlan. 942 330. Millionaires. (L. Allen) Calif. M. 22 772. No. Am. 182: 801, (W. G. Robinson) Cosmopol. — An Appeal to our. — Diversions of some. 331 384- - Gifts of. (J . Bascom) Outl. 73: 269. —- Multi-. Spec. 9:: 269, (Y. Noguchi) Nat’l M. .Mills, Textile, Lubrication of. I Mills of God. MILLION AIRES Millionaires, On a Certain Lack of Originality in. Atlan. 90: 286. —— Richest Americans, The. 29: 7. Millions, Combined, Despotism of. (J . W. Ryckman) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 3-36. Mills, Albert L. Army & Navy Life, 91 227. Mills, B. Fay, in Los Angeles. (W. A. Corey) Arena, (H. Sutherland) Munsey, 33- 593- Mills, Darius Ogden, the Last of the Great Forty- niners, with portrait. (I. Clifiord) Munsey, 341 567. Mills, Lawrence H. (P. Carus) Open Court, 191 505. Mills, Samuel J ., Home Missionary Statesman. (T. C. Richards) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 14: 177. Mills College, California. (S. P. Makinson) Overland, n. s. 44: 183. (W. F. Parish, jr.) Cassier, 23: 355. (C. S. Pratt) New Eng. M. n. s. 272 117, Milner, Alfred, Lord. (W. Lennard) F ortn. 78: 52. — National, 44: 739. -—- and his Successor in South Africa. Sat. R. 991 260. -—- and South Africa. Quar. 203: 277, — and the Struggle for South African Union; a Retro- spect, 1397—1905. National, 46: 1103. -—- Mr. Rhodes, and the South African Settlement. (E. B. Iwan-Miiller) Fortn. 78: 373. Milton, John. (John Fiske) Cosmopol. 341 41. -—(G. E. Woodberry) McClure, 27: 70, — and his Elm. Atlan. 90: 719. — and Religious Progress. Spec. 95$ 9. — as a Romancer. Nova Solyma. (R. Garnett) Inter- nat. Q. 92 14o.——Bk. Buyer, I5: 223. -—— Authorship of Nova Solyma. Acad. 64: 79. See Nova Solyma. —— Earliest Life of. (E. S. Parsons) Eng. Hist. R. 17: - Faith and Morals of. Sat. R. 97: 72. - in his Latin Poems. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 497. — London Home of. Acad. 62: 145. —- Miltonic Elision. (R. Bridges) Ath. ’o4, I: 83, I13, I47- -- Myths about, and their Authors. National, 43: 768. -—— Paradise Lost, Similes in. Temp. Bar, 127: 92. -— — True Theme of. (P. E. More) Indep. 542 277. — Paradise Regained and Giles Fletcher’s Christ’s Victorie and Triumph, Comparative Study of. (G. Andrews) Meth. R. 54: 270. -— Reviving Appreciation of. (S. Urban) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 414. -—- Williamson’s Life of. Ath. ’05, 22 7. Milton, Mass., Public Library Building. Lib. J . 31: (J . C. Collins) (H. C. T. Franklin) 219. Milwaukee, Wis. (W. E. Hooker) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: 768. — Museum. Science, n. s. 19: 272. — Reign of Graft in. (D. Mowry) Arena, 34: 589, —- University Club of. (G. P. Robinson) Wis. Alum. M. 1: 365. Mim. (C. M. Prowse) Longm. 45: 56. Mimbres Valley, Ruins of. (U. F. Dufi) Am. Antiq. 24: 397. Mimicry among Insects. (P. Collins) Knowl. n. s. 2: 239, — Kallima Butterflies in Museums. (B. Dean) Sci- ence, n. s. 15! 832. —- Life-saving Appliances used by Beetles. Isabell) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 319. (John 418 MIN ERS Mind and Body; the Dynamic View. Psychol. R. 111 395. -— — from the Genetic Point of View. (J . M. Bald- win) Psychol. R. 10: 225. (C. L. Herrick)‘ -—- -— in Recent Psychology. (A. E. Taylor) Mind, 29: 476- -- — Strong on the Relation of. (M. Prince) Psychol. R. 10: 6 5o. —— and Heart, Realms of Power for. (H. W. Warren) Meth. R. 63: 864. —— and Matter. (Sir Oliver Lodge) Hibbert J . 3: 315. — — The Identification of. (M. Prince) Philos. R. 13: 444- - and Muscle. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 65: 589. ' — and Nature. (A. E. Taylor) Internat. J . Ethics, 13: 5 5. — — Beginnings of. (C. L. Morgan) Internat. Q. 6: 330- —— — Elements of, Brooks on. Ath. ’o2, 2: 444. — Architecture of. Dial, 35: 217. —— as Instinct. (J . E. Boodin) Psychol. R. 13: 121, —- Feeding the. (L. Carroll) Harper, I12: 937, -— A Modern Theory of. (S. Plantz) Meth. R. 64: 383. —— The Organ of. (R. Jones) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 328. -— Origin of Human. (J. Baugh) Westm. I65: 452. -—- C. A. Story on. (C. M. Bakewell) Philos. R. 13: 220, —— Through Matter to. (W. H. Mallock) Contemp. 882 72. =Liv. Age, 246: 643, — an Unruly Kingdom. Atlan. 93: 282. Mind-cure of Brother Peter-Paul. (C. A. Stanley) Cent. 471 744. Mindanao, Interior of. A Strenuous Vacation. (C. H. Brent) Outl. 802 333. —— Making Military Road in. Serv. Inst. 33: I91. Mindeleff, Cosmos, with portrait. Land of Sun. 6: 186. Minds, Great, how they jump. 11. s. 41 243. Mine Accounting, General Principles of. Engin. M. 25: 73. — Practical System of. (E. Jacobs) Engin. M. 2 5: 193. Mine Explosion at Johnstown, July 10, 1902, (M. G. Moore) J . Frankl. Inst. I 58: 81, Mine Workers and Slav Invasion. (W. E. Weyl) Char. 13: 266. — Anthracite, and their Demands. ternat. Q. 12: 208, — Relief System of. (W. E. Weyl) Char. 92 242. Mineral Analysis, Modern Methods of. (W. F. Hille- brand) J. Frankl. Inst. I55: 109, 181, Mineral Industries of the U. S. (E. C. Eckel) Engin. M, 30: 200, Mineral Research, Some Results of, in Llano County, Texas. (W. E. Hidden) Am. J. Sci. 169: 425, Mineral Shipments at British Ports. (B. Cunningham) Cassier, 26: 347. Mineral Springs. Science, 11. s. 20: 574. Minerals, Bi-refracting, Determination of the Optical Character of. (F. E. Wright) Am. J . Sci. 170: 285. — Lime-silica Series of. (A. L. Day and E. S. Shep- herd) Am. J. Sci. 172: 265. — Unusual, from the Pacific States. Am. J. Sci. 163: 343. Miner’s Life in Anthracite Strike Times. Everybody’s, 7: 241. Miner’s Union, Business Management of. Warne) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 67. Miners, Story of the Non-striking. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 20: 323. — Western Federation of. Outl. 85: 55!. —- —- not a Labor War. Outl. 83; 544. (C. C. Bateman) J . Mil. (J . Rivers) Library, (E. J acobs) (P. Roberts) In- (H. W. Turner) (F. Norris) (F. J . -Miniature-painters, Modern American. MINES Mines, Electricity in, Uses of. J. Soc. Arts, 53: 1007, 1026. -— Lost, of Mexico. (V. Granville) Land of Sun. 12: 140. Miniature, Early Painting in. Arts, 52: 573. (H. W. Ravenshaw) (R. R. Holmes) J . Soc. (H. Saint- Gaudens) Critic, 47: 517. Miniatures, Ancient and Modern. Acad. 68: 282, — Heath on. (C. H. Hart) Dial, 39: 202. i-— of Fair Women. (O. H. Baldwin) Brush & P. 10: 193. -— Old. (M. Haile) Cornh. 94: 225, —— 1-ecently exhibited at Vienna. Studio (Internat.) 27: 316. Miniaturist, Anglo-Indian. (A. F. Steuart) Asia. R. 33: 106, Mining and Use of Metals by the Ancient Egyptians. (R. D. George) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 687. —— at High Altitudes. (J . A. Rickard) Cassier, 22: 688. — Gold; the Utica Mine, Angels, Cal. (F. B. Wil- lard) Idler, 21: 715. —— Hydraulic. (G. H. Evans) Cassier, 22: 212, -——State Action upon our Rivers needed. (J. H. Durst) Californian, 3: 9. —- in India, Metalliferous. (J . W. Evans) J . Soc. Arts, 49= I53- —- Management of Metalliferous Mines. (A. Williams, if-) Engin. M. 24: 541. —— Military Submarine, in Great Britain. colm) Blackw. 178: 288, —— of Non-metallic Minerals. (A. S. Levetus) (E. D. Mal- (B. H. Brough) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 113. —— Pleasure. (E. Robins) Fortn. 77: 474. -— Possibilities of Deep. (E. H. Robertson) Engin. M. 26: 546. — Power-driven Machinery in. (E. H. Robertson) Engin. M. 26: 925. —- 350 Years Ago. (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 20: 3, 111, 22 3, Mining and Milling Machinery, Electric. (C. V. Allen) Engin. M. 31: 668, Mining Dust Diseases. Mining Engineer, Training of the. Science, n. s. 20: 716, Mining Industries of the United States, Recent Pro- gress in. (F. L. Garrison) J . Frankl. Inst. 153: 379. Sat. R. 97: 774. (H. C. Hoover) Mining Labor Union. Nation, 79: 31. Mining Royalties, Riddle of. (T. I. Jones) Econ. R. 25: 271, Mining Situation, The, 1902. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 75: 84. Minister both Preacher and Teacher. (D. Beaton) Bib. World, 23: 346. —- City, Day’s Work of. World’s Work, 6: 3868. -—— for the Times, J . M. Wilson on. (T. H. Patterson) Am. J. Theol. 8: 123. — Letters to a. (L. Abbott) Outl. 76: 491, 77: 683, — Work which he should do. Bib. World, 23: 83. Ministerial Character, High Standards of. (A. L. Y Gillett) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 9: 19. Ministerial Courage. (F. C. Baldwin) Meth. R. 66: 612, Ministerial Culture. (W. H. Hetrick) Luth. Q. 34: 418. Ministerial Duties and Usefulness. (W. H. Mayhew) N. Church R. 9: 351. . Ministerial Education. (C. P. Wiles) Luth. Q. 33: 393. —-(S. Mathews) World To-day, 6: 789, —- Lutheran, in the Maryland Synod. (C. Reinwald) Luth. Q. 33: 117. Ministerial Etiquette. Rec. 5: 223. Ministers, Scarcity of, Causes and Remedies of. B. Lady) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 393. (D. 419 (C. F. Weeden) Hartf. Sem._ MINNESOTA Ministers, Supply of, and Demand for. (G. W. Winch) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 9: 223. -—— Trials of Young. (M. Beerhohm) Sat. R. 96: 12. -—— Usefulness of. (W. H. Mayhew) N. Church R. 9: 493- Minister’s Message, The. (L. Abbott) Outl. 75: 680. Minister’s Study, The ; a poem. (C. P. Connolly) Chaut. 37: 58. Minister’s Wife, Experiences of a. Indep. 58: 595. Ministries, Two N ew. (J . Brent) Munsey, 27: 908. Ministry, The, and Social Reform. Indep. 59: 142, — and Working Men. (H. R. Bates) Yale Div. Q. 2: 22, —- as a Profession. (J . L. Jones) Cosmopol. 34: 477. — (D. M. Steele) World’s Work, 4: 2285, — Attractions of the. (H. Lamont) Nation, 79: 454. -—— The Call of the. (A. P. Stokes, jr.) Yale Div. Q. 2: 17. —— Cardinal Points of. (C.U.Wenner) Luth. Q. 33: 355, —- City; a Caution. (W. S. Rainsford Outl. 75: 1000. —- College Training of the. (E. A. Pace) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 390. —- Decline of, E. T. Tomlinson on. (J . L. Jones) Out]. 80: 124.—(E. T. Tomlinson) World’s Work, 9: — Education for. (A. C. Thompson) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 7: 20. — (W. Boyd Carpenter) Hibbert J . 3: 433. — from Layman’s Point of View. (A. Mason) N. Church R. 10: 333. — Function of. (L. Abbott) Outl. 75: 772. — Growing Reluctance of Able Men to enter. Burrell) Hibbert J . I: 713. —— Is the Present Conception of, the True One ? (W. H. Geistweit) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 2: 85. -— Message to American Ordinants. (H. Chapman) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 14: I03. -—On giving up. (H. A. Stimson) Indep. 56: 650. — Opportunities of, To-day. (L. Abbott) Yale l)iv. Q. 21 I, - Politics and. (L. Abbott) Outl. 75: 881. —- — Relation to Journalism, Authorship, or Teach- ing. (L. Abbott) Outl. 75: 934. -— Scholarly, Difficulties of a. (W. Scott) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 11: 266. —— Scholarly Spirit in the. (G. B. Stevens) Yale Div. (P. S. Q- 3- 43- —— Social Life and. (J . Strong) Outl. 77: 652. — Some Sidelights of the Clergyman’s Profession. New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 519. -—— Special Gifts needed in the. (B. N. Stone) N. Church R. 10: 519, ——Sunny Side of the Minister’s Life. win) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 16. — Why be a Minister. (F. Q. Blanchard) Yale Div. (G. D. Good- Q, 1: 130, — Why I gave up the. Indep. 56: 529. —— Why I left the, for Social Propaganda. Indep. 58: 1284, -— Why I returned to the ; by a Socialist. Indep. 58: I049: —— Work of the. (J. K. Smyth) N. Church R. 11: 372. 572. 12: 172. Minneapolis, Minn. (G. F. Gray) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 627. -—— (R. Danenbaum) New Eng. M. 33: 33. — Art Exhibition, 1904. Brush & P. 14: 331. — Lake Harriet. (E. R. Anderson) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 47. —- Police Corruption in. (L. Steifens) McClure, 20: 22 7. — Regeneration of. (James L. Nash) World To-day, 11: 921. Minnesota, Farming in. (C. Johnson) Outing, 49: 197, — Founders of the Fur Trade in Northern. (W. Up- ham) M. of Hist. 4: 187. MINNESOTA Minnesota, Legislative Progress in. Char. 14: 954. — Library Assoc. Annual Meeting, 1904. Pub. Lib. g: 513. -—- - 1905. Pub. Lib. 10: 544. (A. W. Gutridge) -- 1906, (Eliz. W. Clute) Lib. J. 31: 779.=Pub. Lib. 11: 576. —— National Park for. (K. L. Smith) Outing, 39: 401. — New State Capitol. (K. Cox) Archit. Rec. 18: 95. -—- (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 19: 31. -—- — Blashfield’s Mural Decorations in. (J . W. Patti- son) Studio (Internat.) 24: lxxxvii, — — Interior Decoration. (Grace Whitworth) Crafts- man, 9: 815, — State Art Exhibit. (Emma E. Beard) Brush & P. 15: 297, — (Emma E. Beard) Studio (Internat.) 28: 1.011111, —— State Conference of Charities and Correction, I 901. -(W. A. Gates) Char. 8: 22, Minnesota Seaside Station. (C. MacMillan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 193.=Science, n. s. 19: 676. —- — Life in a Seaside Summer School. (C. E. Bessey) Pop. Sci. Mo.\67: 80. Minnie Pleasanton, Novelist; a story. Dawson) Munsey, 29: 492. Minorite Order, Constitutions of the Province of France. (A. G. Little) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 512, 18: 483, Minority Stockholders; are they Fools ‘P World’s Work, 10: 6591, Minors, Curatory of, in the Civil Law. (J . Mackin- tosh) Jurid. R. 18: 18. Minos, The Palace of. (R. B. Richardson) Nation, 76: 479. Mint, British, and its Work. Bank. M. (Lond.) 73: 204-738 W 207. - Annual Report, 1902. Bank. M. (Lond.) 76: 324. — —— 1905. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 121, — A Private, in North Carolina. (T. Featherstone- haugh) M. of Hist. 4: 220, Minucius, Felix. Dub. R. 134: 113. Minute-man of the Revolution. (E. A. Abbott) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 178, Minute Marvels of Nature. (J . J . Ward) Good Words, 43: 18-837. Mira Shore’s Divorce ; Everybody’s, 12: 253. Mirabeau, H. G. R. de, during 1789-91. (J . Sturdee) Westm. 157: 211, — Dumont’s Souvenirs. Ath ’04, 2: 138, _ — Lettres-a Julie. (E. Gosse) Critic. 42: 465, — Opponent of Absolutism. (F. M. Fling) Univ. Neb. Stud. 2: 45. — Youth of. (F. M. Fling) Am. Hist. R. 8: 657. Mirabeau Tonneau. (A. Laugel) Nation, 79: 73, Miracle and Law. (F. Sewall) N. Church R. 9: 262, — Religion, Science, and. (O. Lodge) Contemp. 86: 798. — What is a? (W. Dewar) Am. J . Theol. 8: 240, Miracle, The ; a story. (Elsie Singmaster) Book- lover’s M. 7: 841. Miracle, The; a story. (M. and R. a story. (G. McE. Iurs) (Alice Brown) Harper, 108: 75- Miracle, The; a story. (Marie Van Vorst) Harper, 111: 545. Miracle at Bended Spur, The. (E. C. Carpenter) Lip- pine. 78: 782. Miracle at St. Anne’s, The; a story. (Grace McE. Iurs) Munsey, 31: 254. Miracle of Vanity, The. (Mary H. Vorse) Booklover’s M. 7: 49. Miracle Plays, of England, Earlier. (C. M. Gayley) Internat. Q. 10: 108, — - The Later. (C. M. Gayley) Internat. Q. 12: 67. 420 MISS Miracle-testimony of God. (F. J . Lamb) Bib. Sac. 62: 126, Miracles. (VV. B. Greene, jr.) Bib. Sac. 63: 542. — (T. Nicholson) Meth. R. 62: 399. -— As to. (B. P. Bowne) Indep. 55: 150, — Evidential Value of. (L. B. Hafer) Luth. Q. 32: 522, —— Law, Evolution. (C. B. Warring) Bib. Sac. 60: 750, — of the Gospel. (J . Wilson) Am. J . Theol. 9: I0. Miracles of Santa Ysabel. (Eloise T. Roorbach) Over- land, n. s. 47: 295. Miramion, Madame de, 1629-96. (Mrs. M. M. Max- well Scott) Cath. World, 83: 72-192, Miranda and Juliet. (A. W. Corpe) Cath. World, 81: 469. Mirbeau, Octave. Business is Business. Sat. R. 99: 733. Mirimichi, Summer Days on. (T. Adney) Outing, 40: 440- Mirrors, Multiple Images formed by Two Plane In- clined. (M. G. Lloyd) Science, 11. s. 16: 316. Mirsky, Prince, Russia’s New Minister of the Inte- rior, with portrait. (H. Rosenthal) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 589. Mis’ Willing’s Stroke. (H. M. Hyde) Cent. 51: 26 5. Misadventure in the Campagna, A. (C. W. Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 484. Misaki, Japanese Zoiilogical Station at. Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: I95. Misanthrope, A. (Mrs. Isabel Smith) Chamb. J . 82: 733- Misappropriated Property, Following into its Product. (J. B. Ames) Harv. Law R. I9: 511. Miser, The, in Literature. Acad. 69: 1226. =Liv. Ase, 247= 819- Misery and Company; a story. pen 1% 477- Misfit Christmas, A. (R. M. Stuart) Cent. 47: 226. Misguided Expectation, A. (C. Edwardes) Temp. Bar, 128: 369. Mishchenko, General; when he led his Cossack Host. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 592. Misjudged Coward, A; a story. Munsey, 30: 120, “Misled ” Collie, The. 26: 22, Miss and My Lady; a story. son) Cosmopol. 34: 5 79. Miss Atherton’s Wanderjahr. 353: Miss Audrey; a Comedy. Pall Mall M. 26: 490, Miss Barber’s Nephew. M. n. s. 29: 611. (H. Belloc) (B. Dean) (V. W. Cloud) Har- (E. C. Fellowes) (W. A. Fraser) Canad. M. (H. B. Marriott Wat- (M. Moss) Lippinc. 72: (Frances F. Robertson) (E. Carmichael) New Eng. Miss Betty. (L. G. Moberly) Sund. M. 35: 5 5. Miss Brennan’s Guest. Macmil. n. s. 2: II9.=Liv. Age, 251= 797- Miss Chapter. (James H. Williams) Indep. 60: 908. Miss Clegg’s Adopted. (Anne Warner) Cent. 46: 470, Miss Delightful. (G. O’Halloran) Gent. M. n. s. 7 5: 209, Miss Dodd on the School Board; a story. (L. R. Elder) Cent. 45: 341. Miss Ellen. (Grace E. Channing) Atlan. 96: 636. Miss Ethel’s Dress. (Jean Webster) McClure, 25: 661. Miss Eunice’s Own Folks. (E. Robinson) Lippinc. 73: 7°5- Miss Fenella. (W. Kendall) Longm. 43: 333.=Liv. Age, 240: 616, Miss Ferrill’s Diploma. 81: 157. Miss Gaylord and Jenny. (A. Bates) Atlan. 94: 335. Miss Gladwin’s Chance. (Anthony H. Hawkins) Cent. 48: 643. (Jeanie Drake) Cath. World, MISS Miss (fiioodwin’s Inheritance. (T. N. Page) Scrib. M. 3 : 173. Miss Harriett’s “ Extravagance.” (F. Pier) Cent 47: 149- Miss J anumit Latlit; a story. (E. Merwyn) McClure, 20: 639, Miss Josephine. 28: 404, Miss Lucy and the Simple Life. Lippinc. 78: 244. Miss Martin’s Hour. (G. P. Coleman) New Eng. M. n. s. (Lucy Copinger) (Anne O’Hagan) Scrib. M. 34: 246, Miss Middleton’s Gardeners; a story. (I. K. Friedman) Am. M. 60: 665. Miss Milly’s Créche; a story. (E. P. Butler) McClure, 22: 563, “ Miss Nigger.” (R. Young) Cent. 46: 385. Miss or Mistress ? (Albert Schinz) Lippinc. 75: 18 5. Miss Petrie’s Avocation. (K. M. Rabb) Atlan. 90: 95- Miss Rebecca’s Easter Blossoms. (H. A. Nash) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 236. Miss Sally and the Enemy. ‘ Cent. 48: 182. Miss Silver’s Attic; a story. (B. Grimshaw) Temp. Bar, 130: 184.=Liv. Age, 242: 623. Miss Sophy’s Matrimonial Step. (L. C. Teters) Lip- pinc. 75: 504. Mis-shuffle, A; a story. (H. Whitaker) Harper, I13: (Gouverneur Morris) 134. “Missing.” Spec. 9!: 64!. 1 Missing Chord, A; astory. (M. D. C. Lucas) Sund. M. 33= 549. Missing Chord ; a tale of Texas. (O, Henry) Cent. 46: 313' Missing Exequator, The. (B. H. Ridgeley) Cent. 45: Missing Link, The; a story. (Judith K011) Overland, n. s. 41: 288,- Missing Princess, The. 1313 34- Mission of San Fernando, Cal. (Juan del Rio) Land of Sun. 6: 13. — — by Moonlight. (R. E. Vernede) Temp. Bar, (C. H. Shinn) Land of Sun. 2: 79- — of San Juan Capistrand. (A. S. Wing) Land of Sun. 3: 109. —(A. C. Field) Land of Sun. 15: 127. —— of San Luis Rey. (A. S. Wing) Land of Sun. 3: 20'. Missiofi in Macedonia; a story. (S. Bonsal) Cent. 46: Mission of Andrew, The; a story. (A. N. Bourne) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 538. Mission of Jane, The ; a story. (E. Wharton) Harper, 106: 63, Mission Architecture. (H. L. Jones) Ctry Life Am. 4: 434. — (C. Bennink) Arch. R. 13: 141, —— As the Padres built. (S. Comstock) Munsey, 30: 260, — California. Craftsman, 11: 208, Mission Buildings in California. (G. W. James) Crafts- man,5: 321. 6: 541, Mission Indian Exiles, The. Land of Sun. I 5: 248, Mission Indians of California. San Xavier del Bac. (H. T. Watkins) Out West, 22: 96, -— Mythology of. (Constance G. Du Bois) J . Am. Folk- Lore, 17: 185. I9: 52, I45.—(A. L. Kroeber) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I9: 309. — Religious Ceremonies and Myths of. (Constance G. Du Bois) Am. Anthropol. 7: 620. Missionaries in New Guinea, Murder of Ten German. (P. Bigelow) Indep. 58: 650. (Constance G. DuBois) 421 MISSISSIPPI Missionaries, Indemnities for Murdered. (N. W. Sharpe) Nation, 83: 96. —- One of the. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 95: 677. —— Our, and our Commerce. (R. Weightman) N 0. Am. - 182: 886. Missionary, The, shall he be denounced or decorated ? (J. S. Dennis) Meth. R. 66: 262, Missionary Appropriation, A ; a story. Willett) Lippinc. 77: 116, Missionary Ideals, Christian and Commercial. Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 78, Missionary Methods in the Time of the Apostles. Zahn) Expos. 6th ser. 71 387. 8: 73, 202, Missionary Motive in the New Theology. (R. G. Clapp) Yale Div. Q. I: 86. Missionary Reorganization. (Edith M. (B. J . (T. (J . M. Thobnrn) Meth. R. 65: 265. Missionary Situation in Japan. (J . P. Moore) Ref. Ch. R- 49: 327. Missionary Training Institute, Need of a. (W. N. Brewster) Meth. R. 62: 597, Missionary Work and Human Nature. (E. Talbot) Outl. 83: 844. Missions and the Episcopal General Convention. T. Munger) Outl. 78: 373. — as a Civilizing Influence. (J . W. Appel) Ref. Ch.R. 49= 358- - Co-operation on Mission Fields. (A. H. Smith) Yale Div. Q. 2: 121, — A Crusade of Wealth, a Need of the Times. (J . Kendal) Am. Cath. Q. 29: I9. —— Episcopal Supervision for. (J. E. Scott) Meth. R. 64= 435- - Foreign, and the Yellow Peril. (J . M. Cromer) Luth. Q- 34= 569- -- — as Social Settlements. (S. L. Gulick) Outl. 81: (T. 70. . — — Changes in. (A. Alexander) Nation, 83: 323. — — Industrial Training in. (G. A. Wilder) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 12: 119, — — Modern Conception of. (S. L. Gulick) Outl. 81: 563. — The Haystack Prayer-meeting, and what followed. (H. R. Elliot) Cent. 50: 728, — Home. In Western Camps. 112: 504. _ —— in China. (C. Holcombe) Atlan. 98: 348. (E. Talbot) Harper, — in India. Are they a Failure? (W. Miller) Hib- bert J . I: 661, ——Lutheran, I890-99. (J. Aberly) Luth. Q. 32: 101, — in Norway and Sweden, Catholic. Cath. World, 32: 1. — in the U. S., non-Catholic, Tenth Anniversary of. (W. L. Sullivan) Cath. World, 78: 223. — Nerve of. Outl. 84: 158, — One Hundred Years of American Foreign. (J . L. Barton) No. Am. 183: 745. ——Practical. (E. -M. Bliss) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 328. — Question of. (A. K. Gregson) Overland, n. s. 45: (Felix Klein) 487. Missions, California. (Juan del Rio) Land of Sun. 8: 171. —(C. F. Carter) Land of Sun. 6: 240.‘ 7: II, 5!, I02.—(C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 10: 247. -—(L. B. Powers) Calif. M. 4: I43. — — Destruction of. (B. J . Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 657. —— —— Some Unknown. (Constance G. Du Bois) Land of Sun. 11: 317. -— of Southern California. Land of Sun. 45 I17. Mississippi, Plantation in, An Old-time. (G. F. Wright) Nation, 79: 351. MISSISSIPPI Mississippi, Sketches from. (T. Oakley) Harper, :11: 447- ' Mississippi River, Analysis of the. (C. H. Stone) Sci- ence, n. s. 22: 472, — as a Trade Route. (Robert M. Brown) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 349. -- At the Headwaters of. (C. Johnson) Outing, 46: 336. —— Barge Pirates on. (G. W. Ogden) Everybody’s, 71 478. —— Deflection of. (I. Bowman) Science, 11. s. 20: 273. —— Delta of the. (E. W. Hilgard) Science, n. s. 24: 861. -— — Battle for the. (L. O. Harris) Indep. 552 I135. — Floods in, Control of. (L. M. Haupt) J. F rankl. Inst. I 56: 241. —(H. v. Meerten and L. M. Haupt) J. Frankl. Inst. I57: 381. I59: 423, -—- from Cape Girardeau to Head of the Passes. (R. M. Brown) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 371. 35: 8. ~ From the, to the Valley of the Sacramento. (T. H. Cann) Overland, n. s. 451 526. —— The Great River. (A. P. Brigham) World To-day, 6: 33. —— Houseboat Life on. (C. Johnson) Outing, 46: 81. — Improving the Flow of. (A. Fullerton) World To- day. W 494: 7- Indian Days. (R. G. Thwaites) World To-day, 6: 184 — The Old Route to Orleans. (W. Gibson) Scrib. M. 33: 1- —— Old Steamboat Days. (G. W. Ogden) Everybody’s, 7: 3°7- — Progress of Discovery of. (W. Upham) M. of Hist. I: 195, 255, 327, 2: 1, 379, — The Protection of the Alluvial Basin of. Brown) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 248. — Recreative Life on. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Outing, 40: I66. —— Silt of. (C. H. Stone) Science, 11. s. 23: 634. '— Source of, Saving the. (H. M. Kingery) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 313. -— The Spaniards in the South. To-day, 6: 528. — Steamboat Business on, Rise and Fall of. Chittenden) World To-day, 6: 631. —— Upper, during the French Régime. (R. G. Thwaites) World To-day, 6: 383, Mississippi Steamboat, Tragedies. Everybody’s, 8: 66. Mississippi Valley, Diplomatic Contest for. Turner) Atlan. 93: 676, 807. — Discovery and Exploration of, Shea on. Butler) Nation, 78: 277, — Growth of Population in. day, 8: 186. —-— in War. (J . K. Hosmer) World Today, 6: 807. —-— Means for Protection of, below Cairo. (R. S. Tay- lor) Science, n. s. 19! 601. — Policy of France toward, in the Period of W'ashing- ton and Adams. (F. J . Turner) Am. Hist. R. 10: 249. —— Prehistoric Relics of. Am. Antiq. 25: 117. — Spears and Clark on. (E. E. Sparks) Dial, 3 5: 462. Missouri, Evolution of the Northern Part of the Low- lands of Southeastern. (C. F. Marbut) Univ. of Mo. Stud. It 147. — Lead and Zinc Regions of. n. s. 19: 197. \ —-— Library Association Annual Meeting, 1902. Pub. Lib. 7: 489. —- - 1903. Pub. Lib. 9: 29. (R. M. (W. G. Brown) World (H. M. (G. W. Ogden) (F. J. (J . D. (F. A. Ogg) World To- (A. R. Crook) Science, 422 MITHRAISM Missouri, Library Association Annual Meeting, 1905‘. Pub. Lib. I0: 545. -_-_ 1906. (Mary W. Dennett) Lib. J. 31: 824. — Pub. Lib. II: 578. — Old-country Ballads in. (H. M. Belden) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I9: 231, 281, — Public and Private Philanthropy of. (C. A. Ell- wood) Char. 13: 493. — Reform in ; what Gov. Folk has accomplished. (C. M. Harvey) World To-day, 8: 599. — State Prison. (T. S. Mosby) No. Am. 183: 660. “Missouri,” U. S. S., Disasters of. (P. Benjamin) Indep. 56: 959. Missouri Botanical Garden. (W. Trelease) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: I93. — (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 23: 354. Missouri River, First Adventures up. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 43: 619. — Old Times on the. Atlan. 922 423. — Steamboat Navigation on, Chittenden’s. (R. Hitch- cock) Lamp, 27: 100, Mistake, Law as to, in its Effect upon Contracts. (T. R. Young) Am. Law R. 38: 334. Mistake, The; a story. (M. Robertson) Munsey, 322 799- Mistaken Vocation, A. (E. A. Smith) Good Words, 443 719- Mistakes will Happen; a story. (W. H. Tindell) Out- ing. 491 294- Misterton Church. (I. G. Sieveking) Reliquary, 43: 92- Mistletoe, California. (H. L. Jones) Out West, 20: I37- Mistral, Frederic. (A. F. Sanborn) Indep. 58: 82. —- and Provence. (R. P. Skinner) Outl. 71: 5 54. Mistress Mary; a story. (F. M. Smith) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 31. Mistress of Candish, The ; a story. (Marie Van Vorst) Pall Mall M. 26: 297. Misunderstanding is the Spice of Life. 510. Mitchel], Donald G. Outl. 71: 16. — at Edgewood, with portrait. Lamp, 26: 147. — The Charm of “ Ik Marvel.” (A. R. Marble) Atlan. 97‘ 213. — Edgewood Farm of. Am. 9: 293. — Glimpses of Edgewood. (A. R. Kimball) Bk. Buyer, 25: 99- Mitchell, Isaac; a Neglected American Author. B. Reed) Nation, 791 458. Mitchell, James Alexander. M, 34: 678. Mitchell, John, the Labor Leader. (L. Steifens) Mc- Clure, I92 35 5.—With portrait. (Eliz. C. Morris) Indep. 541 3°73. — (F. J. Warne) R. of. Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 556. — The Man the Miners Trust. (W. E. VVeyl) Outl. 82: 657. Mitchell, Dr. S. Weir. Lamp, 27: 339. Mitchie, J . Coutts. (A. L. Baldry) Art J . 54: 290. Mites, Collection and Preservation of F resh-water. (C. D. Soar) Knowl. 26: 212, 237, Mithraic Art. (F. Cumont) Open Court, 172 I. Mithraism and the Imperial Power of Rome. Cumont) Open Court. 16: 449. — and its Influence on Christianity. (P. Carus) Open Court, 172 I04. — and the Religious of the Empire. Open Court, 16: 717, ~ Dissemination of, in the Roman Empire. mont) Open Court, 16: 300, 340. — Doctrine of Mysteries of. (F. Cumont) Open Court, 16: 522, 602. Sat. R. 98: (A. H. Gleason) Ctry Life (E. (R. B. Brindley) Sund. (F. (F. Cumont) (F. Cu- MITHRAISM Mithraism, Liturgy, Clergy, and Devotees of. (F. Cumont) Open Court, 16: 670, — Origins of. (F. Cumont) Open Court, 16: 65, 167, 200. Mitla, the Bones of. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 10: 173. -— The Ruins of. (G. F. Paul) New Eng. M. 331 73. —— Trip to. (G. F. Paul) Overland, n. s. 42: 189, Mitlakahtla. (G. T. B. Davis) Sund. M. 33: 48-676. Mitre, the, Evolution of. (H. P. Feasey) Reliquary, 44= 73- Mixed Beasts. (K. Cox) Cent. 46! 973. Mixed Metaphors in the House of Commons. Spec. 92: 807. Mixed Pairs. Miyajimi, To, by Fishing Boat. land, 11. s. 46: 169, M’lindy; a story of Oklahoma. Cent. 42: 127. Mlulu and her Husbands. 11. 3. II 972. Moab, The “Steppes” of. (J . Moffatt) Expos. 6th ser. 11: 68. Moabite Stone, and Mesha’s Declaration of Independ- ence. (P. Carus) Open Court, 17: 520. Moat, The Word. (E. W. Hartwell) Nation, 74: (H. S. Grifiith) Lippinc. 74: 626. (C. Lorrimer) Over- (K. W. Hamilton) (R. A. Durand) Macmil. 365. Moated Houses of England. (O. Parker) Booklover’s M. 3: 481, Moats, Norman Origin of Irish. (E. Armitage) Antiq. n, S, 42: 291, 327. “ Mob.” (Maxim Gorky) Cosmopol. 42: 14, Mob-law in America. (D. Mowry) Green Bag, 16: 524- Mob Rule. (E. Maxey) Arena, 30: 377. Mob Spirit, The. Chaut. 38: 11. -—— in Literature. (H. D. Sedgwick) Atlan. 96: 9. Mob Violence, Public Responsibility for. Outl. 82: 920. Moberly, Robert C. Church Q. 58: 74, —— Problems and Principles. Spec. 942 142. Mobile, Bicentennial of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 304. -— (G. King) Outl. 70: 433. Mobility and Brains. Spec. 92: 287, Mocatta Library, The. Ath. ’o4, 2: 517, Mock Caliph and his Wife. (E. Robinson) Lippinc. 6 : " , Mocking of the Gods; a story. (Amelie Rives) Har- per, 106: 122, 282. Mocking Bird, The ; a California Minstrel. Garland) Overland, n. s. 431 118. Modder River. (A. O. Vaughan) Longm. 431 387, 475- Model of Sorrow, The; Tale of a Russian Jew. (I. Zangwill) Pall Mall M. 26: 459. Models, Artists’. Idler, 22: 526. —- Child, in Paris. (S. Eliot) Good Words, 45: 709. Modern Adam, A ; a story. (F. J . Stimson) McClure, 22: 600. Modern Calypso, The. Spec. 96: 89, Modern Good Samaritan, A. (V. L. Whitechurch) Good Words, 45: 482, Modern Knight—errant, A; a story. Munsey, 31: 369. Modern Language, On learning a. Colo. Stud. 2: 115. Modern Language Association and Dialect Society. (O. F. Emerson) Nation, 74: 27. ~—- 1904 Meeting. Nation, 782 67. — I906 Meeting. (C. H. Grandgent) Nation, 82: 50. Modern Languages, Adjustment between Secondary School and College Work in. (A. Cohn) School R. 12: 468, (Virginia (U. Hudson) (C. C. Ayer) Univ. 423 MOHEGAN-PEQUOT Modern Languages, and Literatures, Study of. (J . F. Coar) Educa. R. 25: 38. — Educational Significance of Study of, in the Second- arg School. (J . C. Ransmeier) So. Atlan. Q. 31 23 . - —- in College and University, Some Defects in the Teaching of. (S. W. Cutting) School R. 12: 308. l —- in Secondary Schools. (Julius Sachs) Educa. R. 29: 163. — Practical Value of Study of, in the Secondary School. (J. C. Ransmeier) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 359. — Question of Translation in the Teaching of. (P. O. Kern) School R. 13: 293. — Teaching of, in England. (C. Brereton) School R. 1'. I2: 441. -— -— under Present Conditions. 12: 491. Modern Life and Sedatives. Liv. Age, 238: 571, —~ Changes of. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 43: 155. Modern Medicine, The Possibilities of. Seely) Am. M. 60: 133. Modern Sabine. (E. Ayrton) Lippinc. 72: 78. Modern Sapphira, A; a story. (G. E. Channing) Out West, 16: 628. Modern Soldier and Military Lessons of Recent Wars. (C. W. Larned) Internat. Mo. 52 383. Modern “Swiss Family Robinson,” A; a story. (J. B. Walker) Cosmopol. 37: 659. 38: 61, 156. 39: (M. Ingres) School R4 (Dr. A. C. 95- Modern Trade of Politics. (W. H. S. Aubrey) Mac- mil. 912 288, Modern Utopia. 158-755- Modesty, Feminine and other. Indep. 58: 1447, Modjeska, Helena. — Mountain Home of, Cal. (H. G. Wells) Fortn. 82: 740. 83: (Charlotte P. Gilman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 678. (M. H. McCoy) Land of Sun. 6: 65. Modoc War, The. (W. M. Bunker) Californian, 1: 161, Moeller, Lars; an Fnkimo Journalist. (A. E. Gibson) Arena, 30: 168, Moens, W. J. C. Ath. ’o4, I: 81. Mofussil. See Mafassal. Mogok, Upper Burma, a City built on Rubies. Book- lover’s M. 5: 15. Mohammed and the Rise of Islam. Church Q. 62: 357- Mohammed, Sayings of. Open Court, 20: 33. Mohammedan Art, Design in. (E. H. Hankin) Am. Arch. 87: 159, 167. — Methods of Design employed in. (E. H. Hankin) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 461, Mohammedan Law, Curious Points in. (C. D. Steel) Asia. R. 41: 12, Mohammedan Monotheism. (S. M. Zwemer) Ref. Ch. R- 49= 310- Mohammedan Women, Relative Property Rights of. (G. S. Batcheller) No. Am. 183: 34. Mohammedanism; the Moslem Peril. (C. H. Toy) Munsey, 33: 316. -— Problems of. (D. B. Macdonald) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 15: 77. —Some Aspects of. (H. Clifford and others) Spec. 9°: 49» I79- Mohammedans and Pan-Islamism. National, 48: 742. -—— Indian, entailing their Estates. (R. K. Wilson) 19th Cent. 59: 114. Mohawk Valley “ as she is romanced.” Lloyd) Nation, 74: 194, — Reid’s. (F. W. Halsey) Bk. Buyer, 23: 545. Mohegan-Pequot Language, Glossary of. (J . D. Prince ; F. G. Speck) Am. Anthropol. 6: 18. (H. M. MOHEGAN—PEQUOT (F. G. Speck) J. (F. G. Speck) Am. Mohegan-Pequot Legends, Some. Am. Folk-Lore, I7: 183. - Mohegan-Pequot Text, A Modern. Anthropol. 6: 469. Moira, Gerald, a Great Decorator. of Art, 27: 525. Moissan, Henri, Laboratory of, with portrait. 65: 252. Mojave Indians. (A. R. Pickrel) Land of Sun. 13: 229, — Burning of Dead. b0. -— Preliminary Sketch of. thropol. 4: 276, Moki Indians. See Moqui. Molds. (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 20: 472, Mole, The, and its now Fashionable Skin. (C. Wil- liams) Chamb. J . 81: 33. -— Fortress of the. (K. Lydekker) Nature, 67: 379. — Shrew; the Little Tyrant of the Burrows. (C. G- D. Roberts) Harper, 109: 752, Mole-warfare. Macmil. 91: 350. = Liv. Age, 245: 82 (F. L. Jenkins) M. Nature, (S. M. Hall) Out West, 18: (A. L. Kroeber) Am. An- Molecules, Matter, Motion, and. (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 93: 63. — Relations of Electrically Charged, to Physiological Processes. (J . Loeb) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 76. Molesworth, Mrs., Fawcett’s Life of. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 74: 230. Molesworth, Sir William, and the Colonial Reformers. Macmil. 85: 371. Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin, Life of, Trollope’s. (E. Tavernier) Sat. \R. 101: 73. — (H. C. Chatfield- Taylor) Dial, 40: 192, —— Don Juan. (C. Coquelin) Internat. Q. 8: 60. —Les Précieuses Ridicules; the First Modern Com- edy. (H. C. Chatfield-Taylor) World To-day, II: 744: Molinari, G. de. Society of To-morrow. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 78: 507, Molino Viejo, El: (E. G. Mayberry) Land of Sun. 3: 59- Molinos, M. de, and the Italian Mystics. (H. C. Lea) Am. Hist. R. 11: 243. Mollie B.; a horse story. 41: 438. Mollie in Moonland. (La V. A. Barber) Outing, (G. P. Medley) Canad. M. 25: 416, Mollusk-fauna of Alaska and Eastern Siberia, On the Relations of the Land and F resh-water. (W. H. Dall) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66:. 362. Mollusks, Hearts of. (A. J . Carlson) Science, 11. s. 17: 548- Molly Le Rocs, The ; a story. (M. West) Munsey, 27: 90- Moltke, Gen. Frederic, and Bismarck. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 437. -— and Napoleon, Characteristics of the Cam-paigns of. (N. S. Jarvis) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: 62. -— Military Correspondence of ; Side Lights on a Page of History. Temp. Bar, 128: 404, Molybdenite, Crystallization of. (A. J . Moses) Am. J . Sci. 167: 359. Molyneux, Sir Capel, an Ulster Squire of the Reign of George III. (M., Caulfield) Monthly R. 12, no, 1: 132, Molyneux’s Problem, Fresh Light on. (T. K. Abbott) Mind, 29: 543. Mombasa. Chamb. J . 80: 821, Moment of Confidence, A. (Ella M. Tybout) Lippinc. 762 747. Momerie, Dr. Alfred Williams, Life and Work, by his Wife. Sat. R. 100: 476, 424 MONETARY Mommsen, Theodor. Bk. News, 22: 560, - (T, F, Tout) Cornh. 89: 251. — (F. Haverfield) Eng. Hist. R, 19: 8o,—(S. Whitman) Contemp. 84: 865.: Liv. Age, 240: IIZ.—(J. B. Carter) Atlan. 93: 373.--(F. B. Copley) Critic, 44: 64.-—-VVith por- trait. (F. Williams) Cosmopol. 36: 363, --Outl, 75: 631, 824.——Acad. 65: 515,--Dial, 35: 339.-— (E. Reich) Monthly R. 13, no. 3: 74. —(M. Smith) Nation, 77: 377. — Spec. 91: 757, =Liv, Age, 239: 636. I’-Ecl. M. 142: 110. — and English Severance from Germany. (J . S. Mann) F ortn. 80: 1002, —— Influence on Thought. Sat. R. 96: 569. -— Place of, in Modern Scholarship. (W. K. Boyd) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 212, Monaca Hotel, Paris. (Count Louis de Perigord and Camille Gronkowski) Cent. 8: 656, . Monaco. (A. F. Steuart) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 51o.—- (S. H. Dunn) Month, 99: 74, — and its Statesmanlike Ruler. (E. M. Lynch) 20th Cent. Q. 1, no. 3: 79. Monahan’s Incroochmint. (Birdsall Jackson) Lippinc. 76: 380, Monarchomachs, The ; Theories of Popular Sovereignty in the 16th Century. (W. A. Dunning) Pol. Sci. Q- 191 277. Monarchs, Absolute, vs. Free Peoples. 497.=Liv. Age, 243: 385. Monarchy, True Doctrine of. Spec. 93: 1000. Monasteries, Double, Origin of. (Mary Bateson) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 13: 137. -- English, Italian List of. ’oz, 2: 288. — in Austria, Suppression of, under Emperor Joseph H. (J. Verres) Dub. R. 130: 111. -—- of the Air [photographs only]. Nat. Geog. M. Contemp. 86 : (R. J. Whitwell) Ath. I7: 17, — The Truth about the. (G. G. Coulton) Contemp. 89: 528. -—- The Truth about the; a reply. Contemp. 89: 822, — —— A Rejoinder. (G. G. Coulton) Contemp. 90: 1o7, Monastery of Subiaco. Antiq. n. s. 41: 386, Monastery Prisons in Russia. (E. J . Dillon) Harper, I10: 497. Monastic Burial Relies. 254- Monastic Library. (T. L. Green) Month, I00: 470, Monastic Life, The, Allies on. (L. Johnston) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2: 515. -— in England. (F. Chapman) Acad. 66: 632, Monasticism, English, 10—12th Centuries. Graham) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 17: 23. —— in the Middle Ages. (D. S. Schaff) Ref. Ch. R. 50: (R. H. Benson) (H. Pentin) Antiq. n. s. 41: (Miss R. 92- Monastir, The Burden of. (H. W. Nevinson) Liv. Age, 239: 758- - A Ride in. (H. W. Nevinson) Indep. R. I: 555. —- =Ecl. M. 142: 454. =Liv. Age, 240: 418. Monazite in Iron Ore and in Graphite, Occurrence of. (O. A. Derby) Am. J. Sci. 163: 211, Monboddo, Lord, a Judicial Metaphysician. (Henry H. Brown) Jurid. R. 17: 267. Monckton, Maria, an Eccentric Leader of Society. (C. J. Hamilton) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 480. Moncrieffe, Margaret. (Mrs. J . K. Van Rensselaer) Lippinc. 69: 757. Monet, Claude, the Master of Impressionism. (D. Fitz- Gerald) Outl. 80: 767. Monetary Crises, The Study of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 608. Monetary Equilibrium, Our. (H. White) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 1, MONETARY Monetary Standard, Postulates of. Econ. R. 121 43. Monetary Stringency, The Present. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 565. Monetary System, Our Faulty. tion, 82: 52. Monette, John W., the Pioneer Historian of the Mis- sissippi Valley. (F. L. Riley) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 377. Money, Causes of Recent Stringency of. (A. B. Hep- burn) No. Am. 182: 374, —— Circulating Medium during the Civil War. (W. C. Mitchell) J . Pol. Econ. 10: 537. -— Determination of Value of. (C. A. Conant) Q. J_. Econ. 18: 55!. —-Distribution of, since 1893. Q. J. Econ. 18: 513, —— Ethical Significance of. Outl. 74: 451. — Ethics of. Outl. 82: 14. —- Evolution of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 24, —Future of the Limping Standard. (C. A. Conant) Pol. Sci. I8: 216, —— Ideal ; is it attainable ? (C. A. Conant) J . Pol. Econ. II= 399- . — Laughlin on Principles of. Ath. ’04, 1: 261, —- Lawful, 1778-79. (A. McF. Davis) N. E. Reg. 57: 1 (W. W. Carlile) (F. W. Gookin) N a- (O. M. W. Sprague) 63. — Legal Tender, Economic Eifects of. (J. L. Laugh- lin) Yale R. I01 371. —Life and. (VV. J. Kerby) Cath. World, 82: 433, 601, 83: 43,171, -— Lost or Stolen. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 702 30. -— The Lust of. (B. Winchester) Arena, 30: 69, -— Origin of, from Ornament. (W. W. Carlile) I9th Cent. 58: 290. — Present Monetary Problems. (J . L. Laughlin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 209, —— the Root of all Good? (H. Lamont) Nation, 81: 275- -— Simmel’s Philosophy of. (S. P. Altmann) Am. J . Sociol. 9: 46, —-— Sound vs. Soft. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 672 425. -—Tainted. (T. Smith) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 431 102.- (J. G. Brooks) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 432 I17. —-— — Remarks upon. Cent. 48: 314. -— Trade and Investments. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 15 5- 95°- —— Walsh’s Fundamental Problemin Monetary Science. (L. Darwin) Econ. J . I41 75. —-— What is it ? (H. N. Clement) Californian, I: 24. Money Boxes. (E. Lovett) Reliquary, 45: I4. Money-crop at Leisconnel, A. (Jane Barlow) Cornh. 88: 341. ‘ Money-lenders’ Act, 1900, Construction of the. Sturge) Law Q. 22: 213, Money-lenders, Working-class. How Usurers evade the Law. (W. Diack) Chamb. J . 82: 439, Money-mad, Not All. (H. E. Rood) Outl. 83: 30. Money Market, Abnormal State of the, 1906. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 745. -— Concerted Action for Relief of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 66. ~ — Government Aid to the. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67: 503. —— International. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 552 669. (L. J. —- The Intervention of the State in the. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 775. — Malaise of the. (J . W. Cross) I9th Cent. 60: 234. —-— New York. (O. M. W. Sprague) Econ. J, 13: 30, Money Meter, The ; a sketch. (H. K. Viele) McClure, 24: 178. Money Movements of 1609-21 in Holland and Ger- many. (VV. A. Shaw) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 9: 189. Money Power, The, and our Next Great President. (E. Crosby) Cosmopol. 402 no p. 425 MONOTHEISM Money Power, Despotism of the. (J . W. Ryckman) New Eng. M. n. s. 341 336. Money Strain in Every-day Life. M, 61: 112, Money Value, how determined. J. Econ. 18: 551, Mongolia, Journeys in. (C. W. Campbell) Geog. J . 22: 485. — Urga and the Tashi Lama. Blackw. I78: 111, Mongoose, The. (L. Robinson) Land of Sun. I41 22. “ Mongst all Foes.” (D. K. Broster) Temp. Bar, 1261 (Annie P. Call) Am. (C. A. Conant) Q. 694. , Monica, St., Chronicle of, ed. by D. A. Hamilton. Ath. ’Q4, 2: 343. ' Monica’s Village. (E. Robins) Cent. 48: I9. Monism, Prof. Royce and. (A. K. Rogers) Philos. R. 12: 47, -—- of Professor Mach. (H. Kleinpeter)Monist, I6: 161, — Relational Element in. (Edmund Noble) Monist, 15: 321, Monk, William, as Painter and Etcher. (E. H. Hal- ton) Art J. 551 321. — Etchings of. (T. M. Wood) Studio (Internat.) 25: 30- Monkey’s Paw, The. -(W. W. Jacobs) Harper, I05: 634. Monkeys, Two Macacus Rhesus, in Captivity, Mental Life of. (A. J . Kinnaman) Am. J. Psychol. 13: 98.173- Monkhouse, Cosmo, as an Art Critic. (Edmund Gosse) Art J . 54: 73. Monmouth, Duke of, Instructions in June, 1679. (C. Sanford Terry) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 127. Monna Vanna. (M. Maeterlinck) Poet-Lore, I 5, no. 3: 1. Monongahela Bridge, Brief History of. (Herbert Du Puy) Pennsyl. M. 30: 187. Monongahela River, Toilers of. 112: 422, Monograms. (F. T. Helmer) Craftsman, 8: 349. Monomoy Life Saving Crew drowned March, 1902, (W. S. Greene) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 469, Monophysites. Anecdota Monophysitarum. (F. C. Conybeare) Am. J . Theol. 91 719. Monopolies. Outl. 78: 457. — Let us take charge of our own Property. Crosby) Cosmopol. 40: no p. — Taxation of. (J . A. Hobson) Indep. R. 9: 20. Monopolistic Combinations, Law of, in Continental Europe. (F. Walker) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 13, Monopoly and Consumer’s Surplus. (A. Pigou) Econ. J . 14: 388. — and Tariff Reduction. (J . B. Clark) Pol. Sci. Q. 19! 376. —— The Conservation of. (J . Moody) Arena, 34: 337. —— — Reply. (Allan L. Benson) Arena, 35: 164. — Industrial Conspiracy in Chicago. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 21: 451, —— Legal. (A. D. Adams) Pol. Sci. Q. I9: I73. Monorail Electric Railway. (G. E. Walsh) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 181. — Sat. R. 96: 402. — Practical Aspects of the. (F. B. Behr) National, 42: 198, — Proposed, between Liverpool and Manchester. B. Behr) J. Soc. Arts, 491 304. Monorail Travel almost Two Miles 2. Minute. Johnson) Idler, 23: 471. Monotheism. (F. Delitzsch) Open Court, 17: 409. —Hebrew. The Ineffable Name. (W. F. Warren) Meth. R. 62: 24, — in Israel, Development of. (W. O. E. Oesterley) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 93. — in Semitic Religions. Church Q. 58: 300. (T. Oakley) Harper, (E. (F. (A. C. MONOTYPES Monotypes, Art of making. (J . R. Miller) Brush & P. 11: 445. Monro, Robert, the Real Dugald Dalgetty. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 275. Monroe, James, and the Monroe Doctrine. Lewis) Everybody’s, 8: 319. Monroe Doctrine, The. (A. Spring) Am. Law R. 391 481,- (F. B. Loomis) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 1. —— (R. H. Titherington) Munsey, 28: 488. —- (F. Pollock) 19th Cent. 522 533.-—(H. B. Leech) Fortn. 78: 837.=Liv. Age, 236: I29.-—Chamb. J . 83: 449. -— Abrogation of, Latin America and United States. (C. Mayer) Outl. 74: 949. —— J. Q. Adams and. (IV. C. Ford) Am. Hist. R. 71 676. -— and the European Concert. (J . B. Angel) Harv. Grad. M. 14: 13, - and Perry’s Expedition to Japan. Cosmopol. 37: 219, —- and South America. (A. J . Lamoureaux) Out West, 23: 169. — as affecting England and U. S. Sat. R. 94: 256. — Authorship of. (J . Schouler) Indep. 502 619. — The “ Big Stick ” and the. Chaut. 41: 6. —— Commercial Side of the. (H. Bolce) Appleton’s M. 8: 52, —- Edgington on the. (J . O. Pierce) Dial, 38: 122. — from an English Standpoint. (A. E. Miller) No. Am. 176: 728. —- Growth of American Foreign Policy. Ed. R. 203: 236. -—— Is it a Bar to Civilization ? (An American Business Man) No. Am. 176: 518, — its Origin and Import. 176: 185. — Monrovitis. (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 84, —— Moral Aspects of. (E. Stanwood) Outl. 70: 371. -—-New. Outl. 79: 366.—— (E. S. Rapallo) No. Am. 180: 586. — (D. B. Castillo) No. Am. 180: 592, —— Non-intervention and. (J . B. Moore) Harper, 109: (A. H. (W. W. Davis) (W. L. Scruggs) No. Am. pl -— Our “ Dog in the Manger ” Policy in South America. (G. B. Waldron) Chaut. 34: 469, — Positive Side of. (P. S. Reinsch) Indep. 55: 9. — Practical Phases of Caribbean Domination. (F. C. Penfield) No. Am. 178: 75. — Right and ‘Vrong of. (C. F. Dole) Atlan. 95: 567. — Roosevelt and. Sat. R. 100: 581. — Root on. Sat. R. 97: 258. — Some Aspects of. (S. Brooks) Fortn. 76: I013, : Liv. Age, 232: 65. I‘-Ecl. M. 138: 28:. -— The Venezuela Affair and the. (A Jeffersonian Democrat) No. Am. 176: 321, Monrovia, Cal. (Charlotte Bell) Out West, 24: 471, Monsieur. (Eliz. M. Moon) Temp. Bar, 126: 592, Monsieur le Bébé ; a story. (Mrs. C. T. Collins) Har- per, 1092 40!. Monsieur le Curé; a story. (C. Oliver) Temp. Bar, 129: 178. Monsieur, Madame, and Victorine; a story. (H. Davis) Munsey, 27: 43. Monsieur Parapluie. 2: 130. Monson, Sir Wm. (W. J . Fletcher) Macmil. 87: 241, — Naval Tracts of. Ath. ’o3, 1: 6, Monsters of the Sea. (L. Joubin) Internat. Q. 8: I311, Monstery, Thomas Hoyer, Munster Adventures of. (H. S. Canfield) Everybody’s, 7: 329, Monstrous Mood, A; a story. (Marie Van Vorst) Harper, I04: 652. Mont St. Michel. See St. Michel. Montagnais Indians of Labrador. Canad. M. 26: 93, (L. Jerrold) Monthly R. 21, no. 426 MON TESPAN Montagu, Elizabeth. Correspondence. 537- -—-Sat. R. 101: 727. — “ Queen of the Blue Stockings.” Quar. I97: 68. Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. (Mary Dormer Harris) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 443. = Liv. Age, 235: 688. = Ecl. M. 140: 201, Montague, Mass., Industrial Church at. ford) Outl. 731 448. Montaigne, Michel de. Ath. ’O6, 1: (M. C. Craw- (H. D. Sedgwick, jr.) Atlan. 90: 441. — Betrayed by Dowden’s and Whibley’s Translations. (Grace Norton) Nation, 81: 401, — Dowden and Norton on. (J . W. Tupper) Dial, 39: I68, —— Essays, trans. by Cottin. 34: 337- - Friends of. (L. E. Tiddeman) Westm. I 59: 29. — The New. (G. L. Apperson) Antiq. n. s. 39: 22. —- Philosophy and Tramps. (M. B. Dunn) Atlan. 971 6 (H. W. Boynton) Dial, 77 . — Travels in Italy, 1580-31. Spec. 921 373. —— (Mary A. Scott) Dial, 34: 82. —Sat. R. 97: 206. Montalembert, Charles de. (A. Laugel) Nation, 81: 317. — Lecanuet’s Life of. (K. L. Sullivan) Cath. World, 76: 462. — Letters. (A. Laugel) Nation, 75: 167, Montana as a Field for an Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. (M. J . Elrod) Science, n. s. 17: 851, — The Builders. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 48: 45. -—— Central, Petrographic Province of. (L. U. Pirsson) Am. J. Sci. 170: 35. — Resources of, and their Development. rod) Science, n. s. 19: 777. — The Story of. (C. P. Connolly) McClure, 27: 346, 451, 629, 28: 27, 198. — University of, Biological Work at. Science, n. s. 20: 205, — Vigilants of. (H. Gannett) Californian, 6: 363. Monte Carlo and Monaco. (E. P. Lyle, jr.) Every- body’s, 6: 323. —- At. (A. Castaigne) Harper, I05: 691. -—- The Blancs of. Temp. Bar, 131: 350. — The Gaming at. (F. Carrel) Monthly R. 23, no. 3: (M. J . El- (M. J . Elrod) 74. -— The Humorous Side of. (Ward Muir) Chamb. J . 83= 337. —— The Ironic. (Ward Muir) Booklover’s M. 7: 632. — Play and Players at. (Hiram S. Maxim) National, 41: 78. . — A Poisoned Eden. (A. Newton) Chamb. J. 80: 75- Montefiore Library, Hebrew MSS. of. (H. Hirsch- field) Jew. Q. 14: 622, — Index to Catalogue of. Jew. Q. 15: 531. Montenegro. Chamb. J . 80: 388, —— Border Life in. (R. Wyon) Blackw. I72: 639, -—- Folk, Fish, and Flowers in. (H. Maxwell) Blackw. 180: 197, — Jubilee of, 1901. (W. Miller) Ecl. M. 138: 125, — Prince of. (H. Vacaresco) Out]. 80: 312. —Sketches in. (R. Wyon) Blackw. I71: 733. I72: 303. I73: 404. I Liv. Age, 234: 204. '-=Ecl. M. 139: 319. Monterey, Cal. (Paul Vandyke) Calif. M. 2: 303. —- (E. S. Hartnell) Land of Sun. 6: 174. — before the Gringos came. (R. L. Sandwick) Over. land, n. s. 41: 201. —— Modern. (J. Clifford) Californian, 22 79. — Old, and its Memories. (J . M. Blanch) Land of Sun. 13: 323. Montespan, Madame de, H. N. Williams on. 93: 190, Spec. MONTESQUIEU Montesquieu-Fezensac, Robert, Comte de. Critic, 41: 54°- —— in England. (J . C. Collins) Quar. 197: 33!. Montezuma’s Castle. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 6: 70. Montezuma’s Well. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 6: I03.——- (A. E. Douglass) Land of Sun. I4: 29!.- (W. P. Blake) Science, 11. s. 24: 568. Monthly Review in 18th Century. (G. Parton) Monthly R. 8, no. 2: 123. Monticello, Seat of T. Jefferson. Ctry Life Am. 2: 56. Montluel, France. (L. J . Markoe) Cath. World, 76: 729- Montmartre. (Alvan F. Sanborn) Booklover’s M. 6: 671. —— Past and Present. (Olive Holland) Studio (Internat.) 26: 25, Montmirail, Battle of, in 1814. (E. M. Caillard) Cornh. 94: 240, Montmorency Adventure. (G. Stewart) Canad. M. 271 259- Montour, Catherine. (M. E. Nichols) New Eng. M. n. s. 3°‘ 45- Montpensier, A. M. L. d’Orleans, Mademoiselle de, La Grande Mademoiselle. (E. C. Godley) Longm. 40: 40. = Liv. Age, 234: 106. = Ecl. M. 139: 311. — (A. Laugel) Nation, 74: 30, 68.——Temp. Bar, 129: 4I5.—-Spec. 90: 261. —— Youth of, Barine on. Ath. ’02, 2: 248, Montreal, Bank of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 81: 707. ~— Burning of Parliament Buildings. (J. J . Bell) Canad. M. 20: 501, -—— Fraser Institute. Pub. Lib. Ii! 65. -— Library Matters in. (C. H. Gould) Pub. Lib. 9: 230. — Royal Victoria College. (H. D. Oakeley) Canad. M, 23: 500. —- Street Names in. 18: 5 3 5. Montrose, James, Campaigns of, Side-lights on. (G. Duncan) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 47. Monument Creek Formation, Age of. Am. J. Sci. 170: 178. Monuments, Ancient British, Notes on. (Norman Lockyer) Nature, 75: 150. -- Bronze. (J . S. Gardner) Am. Arch. 872 175. -—— — Neglected, of England. Quar. 202: 497. — Setting. Am. Arch. 80: 78. Moods and Memories. (G. Moore) Lippinc. 73: 719. 74: 42, 202, 75: 107, Moody, William H., with portrait. Indep. 541 744. ~— and his Work. (O. F. Marcosson) World’s Work, 13: 8190, Moody, W. Vaughn. -'_-Fortn. 86: 42I, -- The Fire-bringer. ——Dial, 361 321. Moon, The, and Thunder-storms. Nature, 65! 367. -— and the Weather. (A. K. Bartlett) Pop. Astron. I0: 368. - Can Men visit the? (E. C. Dodge) Munsey, 30: 29, —- Canals in. (W. H. Pickering) Cent. 42: I89, —— Changes in. (E. W. Maunder) Pall Mall M. 26: 328. ~— Copernicus Crater of. (E. S. Holden) Calif. M. I: 227, ~— the Crack in the Valley of the Alps. ering) Pop. Astron. I 3: 64. — Geology of the. (A. Geikie) Nature, 71: 348. —— in Childhood and Folk-lore. (J . W. Slaughter) Am. J. Psychol. 13! 294. A -- Is it a Dead Planet ? (W. H. Pickering) Cent. 42: 90- . (M. E. Richardson) Canad. M. (N. H. Darton) (L. A. Coolidge) (M. Sinclair) Atlan. 98: 325. (G. B. Rose) Sewanee, 12: 346. (A. B. MacDowall) (W. H. Pick- 427 MOORE Moon, Is there Snow on the ? (E. W. Maunder) Knowl. 27: 64. —— Life on the. (W. Kaempffert) Munsey, 33: 588. —~ The Lunar Cycle. (R. W. McFarland) Pop. Astron. 14: 27, —— Lunar Theory. (A. Hall) Science, 11. s. 19: 150. —— — from Observation. (P. H. Cowell) Nature, 73: 80, — Mts. of, Moore on. Nature, 65: 273. — Notion of the, E. W. Brown on. Nature, 73: 272, —— — Studies of Prof. Bowen. Pop. Astron. I4: 140. — Path of the. (A. G. D. Crommelin) Knowl. 26: 32, 59- - Photographing the. (G. W. Ritchey) Harper, I07: 41 I _ -— Pickering’s Observations of the Formations of. (Dr. Klein) Pop. Astron. I01 57 ; Reply. (E. C. Pick- ering) n8.——Dial, 36: 233. -—— Southern Horn of. (E. W. Maunder) Knowl. 25: 275- — Surface of, Changes upon. (VV. H. Pickering) Na- ture, 7I: 226. —— Wells’s First Men in the. Nature, 65: 218. — What is known about the. Booklover’s M. 4: 757. Moon Fancies. (G. Stanley Hall) Am. J . Psychol. 14: (W. B. Kaempfiert) 83. Moon-flower; a poem. (J . S. Thomson) Canad. M. 18: 322, Moonrise, Time of. (W. P. Riggs) Pop. Astron. I 3: 55° Moonshine. (D. Canfield) Munsey, 351 561, 703. Moonshine and Mahomet; a story. (L. Crane) Am. M- 52= 547. Moonshiner at Home. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Atlan. 90: 234. Moon—signals. Chamb. J. 80: 522. Moonwitch, The; a Legend of Lake Tahoe. sell) Overland, n. s. 41: 346. - Moorabingle Flood, The. (W. H. Lang) Chamb. J. 80: 121, Moore, Albert. (A. L. Baldry) Art J. 55: 33. Moore, Benj., 3d Pres. of Columbia College, with por- trait. (J. B. Pine) Colum. Univ. Q. 2: 258. Moore, George, Untilled Field. (R. Y. Tyrrell) Mac- mil. 88: 206. Moore, G. E. Principia Ethica. (E. E. Constance Jones) Internat. J. Ethics, 16: 429. — Indep. R. 2: 323.—-(R. Bosanquet) Mind, 29: 2 54, Moore, Henry and Albert, Artists. Art J . 56: 143. Moore, James Hobart, Estate of. Lake Geneva, Wis. (C. Bohasseck) Archit. Rec. 151 261. Moore, John, of Sudbury, Mass., Some Descendants of. (E. S. Polton) N. E. Reg. 571 300, 362. 58: (M. Kin- 176. Moore, Sir John. (Sir H. Maxwell) Cornh. 892 787. —Ath. ’o4, 1: 488, — Diary, ed. by Maurice. Sat. R. 972 69I.—Spec. 92: 6o7.—(C. Corbal1is)Blackw. I75: 586.—Ed. R. 200: 29. Moore, Nathaniel F., President of Columbia College, 1842-49. (J. B. Pine) Colum. Univ. Q. 5! 132. Moore, Sturge. Poems. (R. Trevelyan) Indep. R. 31 135- Moore, Thomas, with portrait. (R. M. Sillard) Cath. World, 79: 584. -—Spec. 97: 878, -— Apotheosis of. (P. A. Sillard) Month, 105: 610, — Ireland’s Poet. Bk. News, 21: 80. -— Poetry of. (A. Symons) Fortn. 83: 681, —Some Unpublished Letters of. (J. C. Cox) Ath. ’o4, I: 338. = Liv. Age, 241: 437. Moore, William H., and Moore, James Hobart, with portraits. (W. Payne) Everybody’s, 8: 576. MOORE Moore, William H., Mayor of Seattle. (Joe Smith) World To-day, II: 1093. Moorfields, A Site in. Liv. Age, 233: 181, Moorish Empire in Europe, History of, Scott’s. Ath. ’o4, 1: 779.—(D. B. Macdonald) Nation, 79: 199. — Sat. R. 98: 702. —— (L. M. Larson) Dial, 37: 35. Moorish Maxims and Fables. (F. K. Green) Temp. Ba1'.I34= 516' Moorland Magic. (F. Converse) Atlan. 971 611. Moorland Sanctuary, A. (Alfred W. Rees) Monthly R. 24, no. 2: 64. = Liv. Age, 250: 796. Moors, The, Meakin on. Ath. ’o2, I: 460, Moose, The, and his Antlers. (E. T. Seton) Scrib. M. 395 I57- -— and Man Fight, A. (C. Jacobus) Outing, 41: I 73. -— Capturing Alive. (F. Carrel) Canad. M. 21: 99. — Photographing at Close Range. Outing, 39: 591. -— — in Native Abodes. (\V. B. Thornton) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 699. — Story of the. (M. Foster) Idler, 21: 291. Moose Call, The; a poem. (T. Adney) Outing, 41: 171, Moose Hunt, A. (F. H. Risteen) Outing, 39: 457. Moose Hunting. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Outing, 44: 77. —— and Caribou Hunting. (C. R. Flint) Cosmopol. 36: 489. — in New Brunswick. (E. C. Kent) Outing, 47: 175. — in Norway. (H. Seton-Karr) Pall Mall M. 26: 369. —~ Spinster. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 393 599. Moosehead Lake. (H. Packard) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 727, Moosuk ; a Christmas story. (F. Leather) Outing, 451 273- Moquelumnan Family of Languages, Dialectic Divi- sions of. (A. L. Kroeber) Am. Anthropol. 8: 652. Moqui Indians. (T. Russell) Out West, 25: 247. — and their Treatment by the U. S. (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 18: 669, 19: 43, I71, ‘ “ Mops,” Statute Fairs and. (J . J . Ward) Good Words, 461 ‘/94- , Moraines, Boemershein on. Nature, 65! 362. Moral and Religious Education, Outline of. Brumbaugh) Educa. 26: 434. Moral and Religious Life of Preparatory School Stu- dents. (F. S. Brockman) Pedagog. Sem. 9: 2 5 5. Moral and Religious Progress, Annual Survey of, 1905. (W. H. P. Faunce) Educa. R. 29: 364. Moral Causation and Artistic Production. Lindsay) Internat. J . Ethics, I 5: 399. Moral Crisis, The. (F. Carrel) Monthly R. 23, no. 12 3!. =Liv. Age, 249: 259, Moral Depravity and the Coming Race. (P. E. Moul- der) Westm. I63: 677. Moral Education in Public Schools. (W. H. P. Faunce) Educa. R. 251 3Z5.—(F. Carrel) Monthly R. 25, no. 3: 30-44. -— in Public Schools, Skinner vs. Washington. (J . J . Fox) Cath. World, 77: 286. —needed. Educa. 26: 177, — of the Young among Muslims. Internat. J . Ethics, 15: 286. Moral Egoist in Politics, The. 78: 663. Moral Feeling as a Basis of the Psychology of Morals. (P. Hughes) Psychol. R. 10: 645. Moral Heroism. (J. W. Longley) Canad. M. 25: 402, Moral Ideal, Old and New. (L. Campbell) Hibbert J . 1: 294, Moral Instruction. 16: 401. — in our Schools. (C. R. Skinner) Educa. 23: 75.‘ —- (Herbert M. Thompson) Internat. J . Ethics, 14: 401, 15: 28, (M. G. (A. D. (D. B. Macdonald) (H. S. Pritchett) Outl. (J . Oliphant) Internat. J . Ethics, 428 MOREAU Moral Life, The, a Work of Art. (W. D. MacClin- tock) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 31 I31. Moral Overstrain. (G. H. Alger) Atlan. 93: 496. Moral Qualities and Mental, Correlation between. (F. A. Woods) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 516. Moral Snobbishness. Spec. 972 921. Moral Theology at the End of the 19th Century. (T. Bouquillon) Cath. Univ. Bull. 5: 244. Moral Training. (J . C. R. Johnston) Educa. 24: 105. — in the School. (G. E. Myers) Pedagog. Sem. I3? 409- — of the Young among the Jews. Internat. J . Ethics, I 5: 173. -—~ — in the Catholic Church. (P. R. McDevitt) In- ternat. J . Ethics, 15: 417. Moral Upheaval, The. Outl. 822 780. — in America. (C. A. G. Bridge) I9th Cent. 591 205. —Liv. Age, 248: 707. Moral Wave, The, and the Average Man. (P. L. Allen) Outl. 83: 839. Morality and Religion. (A. Mackendrick) Westm. I59: 77.—(C. G. Shaw) Am. J. Theol. 7: 259. — The Coming Scientific. (G. Gore) Westm. I61! 420. =Monist, I4: 355. — Commercial. (H. S. Holland and J . Carter) Econ. R. 25: 322, — Evolution of. (J. J. Fox) Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: 373. -— Evolutionary Method as applied to. (J. Dewey) Philos. R. 11: 107, 353. ' — Half, and Whole. Outl. 79: 774. — Natural. (H. Allsopp) Westm. 162: 633. — needs to be taught; Peirce’s Essay on Crime. Sabin) Educa. 23: 4!. (H. Berkowitz) (H. — of Nature. (P. Kropotkin) I9th Cent. 57! 407. — Of our Anxious. (M. Maeterlinck) Atlan. 97: 7. = Fortn. 85: 46. — Pagan and Christian. Outl. 81: 299. — Relation of, to Religion. (W. A. Guerry) Sewanee, I4: 213, — Science as a Teacher of. (J. M. Coulter) Bib. World, 25: 443. Morality Play in the Development of English Drama. (F. H. Harvey) Dial, 34: 296. Moralizing Golfer, The; a poem. (F. W. ins. 40: I75- Morals and Art. Am. Arch. 85! 14. —— and Men. Macmil. n. s. 11 535. — Decay of. (G. Trobridge) Westm. I63: 608. — Public. Are People getting Better or Worse? Cent. 51: 158. —- — Old Standards of. (J . B. McMaster) Am. Hist. R. 11: 575. — Two Views of the Situation. Cent. 50: 795. Moran, J. B. (V. Goldthwaite) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 450. — (Ralph Bergengren) I/Vorld To-day, II: 1091, Moran, Robert. (Wolf von Schierbrand) World To- day, 9: 1328' Moravians and their Bach Festival. (E. H. Abbott) Outl. 74: 809. More, Hannah, The Lighter Side of. 19th Cent. 59: 842. More, Dr. Henry. (E. Wright) Acad. 69: 126. More, Paul Elmer, a Critic of High Rank. Outl. 81: 678. — Shelburne Essays. More, Sir Thomas. ' The Land of Nowhere. Vincent) Chaut. 44: 90. More Lasting than Bronze; a story. Cath. World, 79= 348- More than Conqueror. (F. Milner) Educa. 26: 413, Moreau, Gustave. (A. Symons) Monthly R. 20, no. 1: 125. - Palmer) Out- (N. Pearson) (G. M. Harper) Atlan. 982 561. (G. E. MOREAU Moreau, Gustave, and Puvis de Chavannes. clair) Internat. Q. 12: 240, ' (C. Mau- — Paintings of. (C. C. Michaelides) Indep. R. 10: 70. Moreau (Gustave) Museum in Paris. (C. Mauclair) Art J.,57: 253. (W. Roberts) Ath. ’02, 2: 620. Moreau, Hégésippe. (C. A. Smith) So. Atlan. Q. Morehead, John Motley. 51 35- Moreland, George. (H. M. Cundall) Art J . 561 315. Morelli, Domenico, Paintings. (A. Melani) Art J. 541 376. Moretto, “ The Raphael of Brescia.” (M. Russell Selmes) Cath. World, 80: 453. , Morgan, Gen. Daniel. (L. T. Sprague) Outing, 48: 228. Morgan, Sir H., Capture of Porto Bello. (J . R. Spears) Outing, 49: 383. Morgan, J . Pierpont, as a Financier. Indep. 55: 27. . -— His Advisers and his Organization. Cosmopol. 34: 243. - His Word as an Asset. body’s, I01 336. Morgan, Dr. Wm. Henry, with portrait. (D. R. Stub- blefield) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. I: 165. Morgan Manuscripts, The. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 831 335- Morgan, Mount, Queensland, a Mountain of Gold. Chamb. J . 79: 647. Morison, George Shattuck, with portrait. Harv. Grad. M. 12: 28. _ Morley, John. Bk. News, 22: 557. — (Algernon Cecil) Monthly R. 23: no. 1: 5.=Liv. Age, 249: 45I.— (J. McCarthy) Outl. 72: 295, — and the Oxford Movement. (A. I. du P. Coleman) Lamp, 28: 197. —-— and Mr. Brice in America, with portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 548. — and Real Culture. (J . M. O’Fallon) Westm. I62: 415, —— as a Man of Letters. (P. Edgar) Canad. M. 26:_ 248, — as Writer and Statesman, with portrait. Outl. 75: S00. -— or Rosebery as Liberal Leader ‘? Sat. R. 99: 369. Morley, Merchant J ohn. (Charlotte F. Smith) Cornh. 87: III, Morley, Samuel Hope, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 75‘ 721- Mormon, Being a. Indep. 59: 908. — Book of, Original MS. of. (Johnson Brigham) World To-day, 9: nor. —- — Notes on. (E._ B. T. Spencer) Meth. R. 65: 31. Mormon Brides. (Mary S. Boyd) Chamb. J . 80: 548. Mormon Endowment Ceremony. World To-day, 8: 165, Mormon Girl, Life of a. Indep. 58: 423, Mormonism. (G. R. Lunn) Bib. Sac. 59: 341, 434. —- (L. A. M. Bosworth) Bib. Sac. 60: 171, — (Lorenzo Snow) Land of Sun. 15: 252, —— and Polygamy. (J . F. Smith, J . Smith, and J . T. Budwell) Arena, 29: 449. — Economic Aspects of. (R. T. Ely) Harper, I06: 667, —— Letters on. Outl. 82: 278, —— Meaning of. (S. M. Cullom) Indep. 60: 979, —- The Menace of. (S. M. Cullom) No. Am. 181: 379, -— (S. E. Wishard) Indep. 58: 91, —— not a Menace in the U. S. (J . R. Winder) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 553. ‘ — Present Problem of. (J. D. Nutting) Indep. 45: 924. — Problem of. (H. W. Horwill) Indep. R, 3: 433, —- The Public View of. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81 :"\! I 3, — Some Aspects of. (G. A. Irving) Outl. 82: 32, —— Some of its Realities. (M. W. Davis) Outl. 84: 1059, —— Truth about. (J . F. Smith) Out West, 23: 239, ——- Vitality of. (R. S. Baker) Cent. 46: 165. - Woman’s Side of. World To-day, 9: 743. (E. S. Meade) (J . B. Walker) (E. J . Edwards) Every- 429 ‘ — Aubin’s Le Maroc. MOROCCO Mormons, The; a Co-operative Commonwealth. (J . Shomaker) Arena, 27: 164. — Gentile Child among the. (M. A. Corbin) Outl. 84: 324- — Linn’s Story of. (J . D. Butler) Nation, 75: I 54. — Misconceptions regarding. (J . J . Hughes) Canad. M. 23: 9. , ’ — of Salt Lake City. (R. E. Bicknell) Land of Sun. W 449- — A Successful Co-operative Society. World’s Work, 5: 2881, — Trail of the. (Clifton Johnson) New Eng. M. n. s. 34= 131- - Ways of. Morning, Dawn of. Morning in the Office, A. 15 5. Morning Call, The; a story. 106: 305. Morning Winds. Liv. Age, 2322 571. Morning’s Work, A ; a Drama. (G. Maxwell) I9th Cent. 52: 167. Moro, The ; the Fighting Man of the Philippines. ~ J. Swett) Harp. W. 50: 808. — Military Training of the. (C. C. Bateman) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 259. Moro and Pagan Question, The. (J. A. Le Roy) Indep. 54: 1762, Moro Campaign, The Engineer in the. 2S9- Moro Experiment, A. Moro Land, The Heart of. 11. S. 443 -— Telegraph Engineering in. Engin. M. 25: 209'. More Princess, A. (H. A. Rebigger) Scrib. M. 33: 360. Moro Province, Civil Government in the. (H. S.Town— send) Forum, 36: 138. More Slaughter, The Latest. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 82: 2x4, Morocco. (M. M. Verney) Good Words, 441 502. —' Outl. 82: 782. . — The Affair of, 1905. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 80: 517- — Algeciras Conference. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 89: 438, 723. —— (I. Perdicaris) Booklover’s M. 72 580. — (B. Meakin) Fortn. 85: 940. —(E. Dicey) Ecl. M. 146: 325.—— (E. Tallichet) Indep. 60: 726. —(R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 3o.—Sat. R. 101: 161. (G. Miller) (G. A. Irving) Outl. 84: 1064, (L. T. Sprague) Outing, 40: 475. (A. Warren) Chamb. J . 80: (G. Hibbard) Harper, (O. Engin. M. 24: (A Brownell) Outl. 81: 975. (C. C. Bateman) Overland, —— — England at. Sat. R. I01: 70. — — From Portsmouth to Algeciras. (S. Cortesi) Indep. 60: I150. — — The Settlement. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 82: 276. —- and Europe. (Perseus) Fortn. 85: 609. — and the European Powers. (D. Mackenzie) Fortn. 771 675.—(S. L. Berisusan) Contemp. 83: I68.—' (A. J. Dawson) Fortn. 79: 225. —-— and the French Intervention. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 689. — and Germany. (A. F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 582 34. — Anglo-French Agreement concerning. (W. B. Harris) National, 43: 494. — (S. L. Bensusan) Contemp. 84: 675. —- (W. B. Harris) National, 42: 395. —(W. B. Harris) Indep. 56: 1320. (A. J. Dawson) Fortn. 82: 225, —- An Autumn Wandering in. (T. H. Weir) 19th Cent. 58: 235. — Bible illustrated from History of. (T. H. Weir) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 426. — Brigands of, captured by. (C. Varley) Indep. 57: (R. L. N. Johnston) 424. — Coaling Stations in, Germany’s Hunger for. (H. W. Wilson) National, 47: 276. MOROCCO Morocco, Coast Towns of. (Howard Ince) Art J . 55: 23:- — Conditions in. (P. F. Bayard) No. Am. 180: 279. -- The Conflict in, 1905. (I. Perdicaris) Asia. R. 35: 93- - Crisis in, 1905. (W . B. Harris) Blackw. I78: 293. -— Dawson’s Things seen in. Ath. ’o4, 1: 647. -— Disintegration of. (I. Perdicaris) Internat. Q. 111 177. -—- Emperor William’s Visit to. Sat. R. 99: 440. — Experience in Tangier. (F. Carrel) Canad. M. 27: 129. — Fate of. (B. Meakin) Westm. I62: 9. — (V. Thomp- son) Cosmopol. 40: 89. — Forrest and Bensusan’s. Ath. ’o4, 2: 477. — (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 98: 637. — France in, Policy of. (E. Etienne) National, 43: 917- - A French Preface and. (A. J . Dawson) Fortn. 79: 901. -— From Tangier to. Macmil. 91: 258. —- German View of. (A. Hornung) Sat. R. 94: 517. ‘— Germany and France in. Sat. R. 101: 225. —— Germany and the Question of. (F. Charmes) Fortn. 83: 951, -* Green Tea and Politics in. (S. L. Bensusan) Mac- mil. 90: I00. = Ecl. M. 143: 167.---Liv. Age, 242: 13. — Historical Documents, Castries’s. (R. B. C. Gra- ham) Sat. R. 99: 448. —- in 1905, The General Situation in. (I. Perdicaris) No. Am. 181: 745.—(A. J. Dawson) Fortn. 81: 80. — (W. B. Harris) National, 44: 1049. —-In Red Marrakesh. (S. L. Bensusan) Fortn. 82: 423. 1‘ Liv. Age, 243: 289. —Land of the Evening. (C. W. Furlong) Outl. 78: 579- — “ The Land of the Extreme West,” and the Story of my Captivity. (I. Perdicaris) N at. Geog. M. I7: 117. — The Land of Paradox. (I. Perdicaris) Asia. R. 37: 120, — Macnal’s Ride in. Ath. ’oz, 1: 327, — Moroccan Question as seen from. No. Am. 183: I041. — Midsummer Customs in. Lore, 16: 27. — The Muddle of. Sat. R. 102: 665. — A New Touring Ground. (P. H. Fawcett) Pall Mall M. 28: 155. —— “ Pacific Penetration ” and Police. son) Fortn. 88: 237, -— Pastels from. Cornh. 94: 495. (A. K. Karan) (E. Westermarck) Folk- (J . H. Richard- — Question of. (Edwin Maxe) Arena, 29: 243. — (E. Montet) Outl. 82: 255. -— Religious Orders of. (E. Montet) Asia. R. 33: 62, —- Revolutionary Movement in. (C. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 95: 4o. — Slave-market at Marrakesh. (S. L. Bensusan) Har- per, m8: 245. ‘ — Spain and.‘ (E. M. Rios) National, 42: 863. — Sultan of, and the Bashadours. Asia. R. 33: 294, — —— and his Present Troubles. (T. Williams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 293. — — in Private Life. 3°7- —— — Journeys toward Fez. (W. B. Harris) Blackw. 177: (A. Schneider) Cent. 44: I63. — — With. (A. Schneider) Cent. 44: 3. —- Three Weeks’ Captivity with Rebels in. (W. B. Harris) Blackw. I74: 323, -— Through the Rebel Country. Outing, 43= 491. (A. H. Danforth) 430 MORTGAGE Morocco City, Journey to. (P. H. Fawcett) Geog. J. 19: 189. Moros, The, and their Country. (S. Bonsal) Outl. 71: I '. —— Nature of the. (“ L. Buchanan”) World’s Work, 12: 7567. — Preparing our, for Government. Atlan. 97: 385. — Progress among the. (R. L. Bullard) (C. C. Bateman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 689. - Road-building among the. (R. L. Bullard) Atlan. 92: 818. Morovan. (J . F, Wilson) Overland, n. s. 41: 354. Morphineuse, The. (W. L. Howard) Arena, 33: 516. Morphological Conceptions. (J . M. Coulter) Science, 11. s. 20: 617, Morphology and Phylogeny. n. s. 23: 291. — Method and Progress of. 65: 522, Morrill, Justin S., California’s Debt to. Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 102. Morris, Charles, Laureate of the “ Beefsteaks.” Temp. Bar, 133: 263. =Ecl. M. 147: 45. Morris, Clara, Reminiscenees of. McClure, vols. 20-23. Morris, Philip Richard, A Word on Behalf of. M. of Art, 26: 423. Morris, Robert. (E. P. Oberholtzer) Bk. News, 22: 267. — (E. P. Oberholtzer) Pennsyl. M. 28: 273. Morris, William. (E. L. Cray) Critic, 41: 190. -— and Esthetic Socialism. (T. Dickinson) Arena, 36: 613. —— and his Decorative Art. (L. F. Day) Contemp. 83: 737. =Ecl. M. 141: 383. "—‘Liv. Age, 238: 102, — as I remember him. (A. Stringer) Craftsman, 4: I26, . —— as a Preraphaelite. Acad. 65: III. — Cary’s. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 4: 49. -— The Genius of. (J . W. Mackail) Indep. R. 11: 51. -— The Happiest of the Poets. (W. B. Yeats) F ortn. 791 535- — His Taste in Art and Literature. Craftsman, 5: (E. C. Jeffrey) Science, (G. B. Howes) Nature, (T. G. Phelps) 574- — Home of. (N. V. McCle1land) Bk. News, 24: 701. —Later Poems of. (A. C. Brock) Acad. 71: 228. 1: Liv. Age, 251: 241, — Life, Work, and Influence of. (I. Sargent) Crafts- man, I, no. I: I. — the Man. (G. W. James) Craftsman, 7: 412. — Morris & Co., Decorators. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, I, no. 1: 25. — on Work in a Factory. Craftsman, 5: 245. — Organization of the Morris Society, Chicago, May 7, 1903. Craftsman, 4: 393. -— Visit to the Workshop of. man, I, no. 5: .43. Morris. Wm. O’Connor, Reminiscenees of. National, 44= 127- Morris and the Honorable Tim; a story. McClure, 21: 464. Morris Canal, N. J . (F. H. Gould) Booklover’s M. 5: 82 5, Morrison, Gabriel James. Geog. J . 25: 466. Mors Triumphans. (Jeannette Marks) Outl. 80: 186. Morse, Frank W., General Manager of the Grand Trunk Pacific. (Cy Warman) Canad. M. 25: 399. Morse, J edidiah, and the First American Geography. (Clifton Johnson) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 516. Mortar, Eifects of Freezing on. (S. Smith) Am. Arch. 89: 129, . -- Influence of Moisture on. Am. Arch. 82: 4. Mortgage, Trust, in Railway Finance. (T. W. Mitch- ell) Q. J. Econ. 20: 443. (E. Pomeroy) Crafts- (M. Kelly) MORTGAGED Mortgaged Farm; a poem. (C. P. Wolley) Temp. Bar, 1% 358. Mortgages, Marshaling of. 3°7- — Taxation of. (J . T. Newcomb) Nation, 752 87. — (H. White) Nation, 76: 244. — — New Law in New York. (E. R. Seligman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 85. Mortimer, Richard, House of. Reg, 182 460, Morton, Henry. 3 . Morton, J . Sterling, Arbor Lodge, Estate of. Archit. Rec. 19: 37. Morton, Levi Parsons. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 735. -— Estate of. Ctry Life Am. 1: 9. Morton, Paul, with portrait. (A. H. Lewis) Munsey, 31: 831. —— With portrait. (W. H. Simpson) World’s Work, 8: 5305, —— Case of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 80: 494. — Human Dynamo, with portraits. (E. Lefevre) Cos- mopol. 39: 569. —- the President, and the Railroads. Arena, 342 189. Morwenstow, Pilgrimage to. Bookman, 20: 36. Moryson, Fynes, an Elizabethan Traveler. Ed. R. 1972 373. — (S. Hastings) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 190. Mosaic, Art of. (W. H. Thomas) Munsey, 28: 42. — Cosmati. (C. Coleman) Archit. R. 12: 202, — Historic Development of. (G. W. Hayler) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 208, 265. Mosaic Construction. (W. Strachan) Law Q. 22: (A. C. David) Archit. (R. H. Thurston) Science, 11. s. 15: (B. O. Flower) (W. L. Hamilton) Am. Arch. 79¢ 92- -—Methods of. (W. L. Hamilton) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 2 , ' Mosaic Law, Decad Structure of the Earliest. (D. Goddard) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 3: 225. Mosaics. (F. S. Lamb) Craftsman, 10: 18, — Marine, by W. C. Brigham. Craftsman, ‘10: 84. —- of S. Maria Maggiore. Church Q. 61: 84, —— Roman Church, 1st to 9th Centuries. W. Bishop) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 10: 251, (W. . —— Zodiacal. Am. Arch. 90: 183. Mosaism. Bib. World, 25: 164. Mosby Guerrilla, Recollections of a. Munsey, 31: 845. 32: 6-490, Moscow. (E. A. Richings) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 609. —- Congress at, July, 1905. (B. Pares) Spec. 95: 184. —Liv. Age, 246: 437. -— in Feb. 1906. Indep. 60: 597. -— Russia’s Holy City. (E. Noble) Chaut. 36: 475. Moselle, Along the Banks of the. (P. Van Dyke) Outl. 77: 69. Moselle River, Voyage on. (F. W. Cornish) Cornh. 92: 69. Mosely Educational Commission, The. (A. Mosely) Indep. 55¢ I436.—Educa. R. 26: 319. —(J. C. Monaghan) Cath. World, 80: 442. —(C. J . Ham- ilton) Econ. J. 14¢ III. —(W. T. Harris) Educa. R. 28: 1o9.——(W. T. Harris) Educa. 25: 58.- (H. E. Armstrong) Science, 11. s. 20: 129, 165_— (C. Menmuir) Westm. I62: 555. — Cath. World, 79: 392, 54L , Moser, Kolomon, Austrian Decorative Artist. (A. S. Levetus) Studio (Internat.) 24: 111, Moses. (E. Stow) Open Court, 18: 293, — and Hammurabi and their Laws. Meth. R. 642 681. — Economics of. (G. McA. Miller) Arena, 34: 569. 35: 33» 234- —— Law of, historically considered. Sewanee, I4: 281, Moses, Jr. (E. M. Tybout) Lippinc. 74¢ 74. (J . W. Munson) (C. M. Cobern) (G. D. Sparks) 431 MOTHER Moslem Call to Prayer. (H. Baynes) Asia. R. 37: 109. Moslem Jurisprudence, Development of. (D. B. Mac- donald) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 10: 227. Moslem Theology, Macdonald’s. Nation, 77: 175. Moslem University, A. (A. Heidborn) Asia. R. 36: 300. Mosque Life of the Muslem. (T. P. Hughes) Open Court, 20: 321, " ' Mosques, European. Mosquito, A New. 18: 182, Mosquitoes. Science, n. s. 18: 126, — and Malaria. (R. Ross) J . Soc. Arts, 49: vi, 740. — and their Extermination. (J . B. Smith) Booklover’s M. 4: 169. — and Yellow Fever. — Anopheles, of India, James and Liston on. Stephens) Nature, 72: 73. - -— Campaign against. (L. O. Howard and H. C. Weeks) Cent. 46: 423. -— — in New Jersey. (J . B. Smith) Science, 11. s. I 5: 898. — Concerning Certain. ' 15: 13. — Development and Hibernation of. (J . W. Dupree ; H. A. Morgan) Science, 11. s. 16: 1036, - Disease-carrying. (J . R. Smith) Indep. 54: 2827, -—Eggs of the Genus Culex. (H. G. Dyer) Science, 11. s. 151 672. — Extermination of. (J . B. Smith) Science, 11. s. 232 857. ' — in Paris. Science, 11. s. 20: 574 —— Investigation in New Jersey. Sci. Mo. 66: 281. — Malaria and. (R. Ross) Indep. 55: 656,. — Migrations of. (J . B. Smith) Science, 11. s. 18: 760, — Reduction of. (R. Ross) Science, 11. s. 22: 689. — — Sanitary Policy of. (J. B. Smith) Science, 11. s. 23: 113, — Salt Marsh. (J. B. Smith) Science, 11. s. 16: 391, — Suggestions for Extermination. (W. L. Underwood) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 454. — Theobald on. (S. O. Howard) Science, 11. s. 15: 345. — War against. (H. Sutherland) Munsey, 29: 832. — (L. O. Howard) Ctry Life Am. 3: 251. — — Sociological Bearing of. (C. B. Chaut. 37: 520. — Yellow Fever and Stegomyia. ence, n. s. 22: 526. Moss Wood, England. Spec. 90: 694. Mosses, Study of. (C. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 19: 769. Mostar, a Herzegovinian Sketch. (Mary H. Peixotto) Scrib. M. 32: 317, Mote and Bretesche Building in Ireland. Orpen) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 417, Motes and Beams. (E. E. Kellett) Chamb. J . 80: 312. Moth and the Star, The; a story. (M. Dana) Munsey, 28: 22, Moth Hunters, The; a story. Bar, 132: 689. Mother. (Maxim Gorky) Appleton’s M. 8: 721. Mother; a sketch. (R. R. Gilson) Harper, 105: 716. Mother, A; a story. (May C. Ringwalt) Overland, n. s. 42: 197. Mother, The. (L. Zangwill) Lippinc. 69: 95. —(W. D. Howells) Harper, I05: 21, Mother and Daughter; a Picture Cycle. Knipe) Cosmopol. 40: 299. Mother and Son; a sketch. Temp. Bar, 130: 99. Mother in Egypt, A; a poem. (M. L. C. Pickthall) Cent. 47: 918. Mother in India. (Mrs. E. Cotes) Scrib. M. 33: 747, 341 1°7- (F. J. Koch) Am. Arch. 88: 123, (W. L. Underwood) Science, 11. s. (J. W. (J. B. Smith) Science, 11. s. .(J. B. Smith) Pop. Davenport) (L. O. Howard) Sci’ (G. H. (A. Marshall) Temp. (Emilie B. (L. 0. Howard) Cent. 44: 851. ' MOTHER—IN—LAW Mother-in-Law, Legal Status of the. (C. N. Travous) Green Bag, I4: 25 Mother of Four, A. body’s, I3: 67. V Mother Goose annotated for Schools. low) Scrib. M. 35: 503, —— The Evolution of. (W. T. Field) Dial, 39: 366. —— Written by Lord Coke ? ‘Green Bag, 14: 585. Motherhood, Desirable Reforms in. (A. R. Crane) Arena, 28: 499. Motherhood; an Autobiography. 260, Motherhood of Beechy Daw; a story. Harper, I06: 383, Mother’s Daughter. ‘ (Juliet W. Tompkins) Every- ‘(Juliet W. Tompkins) Every- (Clara A. Wins- Everybody’s, I0: (P. V. Mighels) b0dy%.I4:84-. Mothers and Daughters. (Maria Theresa Earle) Na- tional, 44: 673, — Ghent School for. (Mrs. B. Russell) 19th Cent. 50: 97°- -— of the Future. (Edith D. Marvin) Indep. R. 3: I9. Mothing Memories. (Emily Lawless) Monthly R. 7, no. 3: 147.:-‘Eel. M. 139: 688.=Liv. Age, 234: 414- Moths of North America, Holland’s. (F. S. Lee) Sci- ence, n. s. 19: 188.—-(T. D. A. Cockerell) Dial, 36: 41, . Motif for an Autumn Romance, A. (E. Pottle) Outl. 82: 998, Motion. (G. M. Whipple) Science, n. s. 23: 507. -—- Absolute, A Plea for. (A. Schuster) Nature, 73: 462, -—- Fast, Fascination of. (VV. J . Lampton) Cosmopol. 331 I23: —- Illustrating Uniform Acceleration. (A. W. Duff) Science, 11. s. 24: 538. -—- Matter, and Molecules. 93: 63. Motive, How far an Act may be a Tort because of Wrongful. (J. B. Ames) Harv. Law R. 18: 411, Motor, The, and the Birthright of the Highway. (W. B. Woodgate) 19th Cent. 54: 66. —- A Great Traction. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 316. — The New-century Frictionless. Chamb. J . 83: 73 5. Motor-bicycle, In the Alps on a. (J . Pennell) Cent. 45: 607. Motor-boat as a Pleasure Craft. (H. P. Burchell) Out- ing, 46: 213, — of the Future. (R. Bache) Outing, 47: 446. —- Twenty Thousand Miles in a. (E. W. Deming) Ctry Life Am. 10: 180, Motor-boats. (P. Severing) Everybody’s, II: 314,- (B. R. Redwood) J. Soc. Arts, 54: 512. — Electric, Gasoline, and Oil Motors. (E. W. Roberts) Engin. M. 23: 329. — Mile-a-minute. (H. H. Everett) Cosmopol. 41: 133. — The Storage Battery and. (T. A. Edison) No. Am. 175: 1. Motor-car of 1905. Canad. M. 24: 527. Motor-car Divorce, A. (Louise C. Hale) Bookman, 22: 145-606, 23: 66, 199, Motor-car Impressions. (M. Maeterlinck) Harper, 104: (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 397. Motor-car Way through England. (B. H. Thwaite) 19th Cent. 52: 305. Motor-cars, Figure-heads for. Sat. R. 101: 750, — in Railroading. (C. M. Harger) Indep. 61: 89, -— — in Great Britain. (J . F. Gairns) Cassier, 28: 381, 453- — in the Present and Future. 448. = Liv. Age, 251: 148, — Modern. Ed. R. 197: 202, See Automobiles. (Cygnus) Fortn. 86: 432 MDUNDS Motor Centers and Nerve Centers. 431 I59- Motor-cycle; what it offers. Work, 5: 3670. Motor-flight through France, A. 98: 733- Motor Impulse, Influence of Abnormal Position upon the. (C. T. Barnett) Psychol. R. II: 370. Motor-man, The. (S. Baxter) Outl. 82: 23, Motor-mania, The. Acad. 71: 329. Motor-omnibus for London. Sat. R. 101: 132, — the Police and the Public. Macmil. n. s. 2: . Motor Power ; Relation to Intelligence. (T. L. Bolton) Am. J. Psychol. 14: 621, Motor-touring. Sat. R. 100: 237-549. Motor Training, Survival of the Fittest in. Dexter) Educa. R. 22: 81, Motor Vehicles, Commercial. 28: 193, 284, Motoring. Sat. R. 99: 306. — too Fast. (W. Verner) Sat. R. 100: 339, — with “Mr. Croesus.” (R. Bache) Outing, 45: 70!. Motorist, The. (Dawson Turner) Chamb. J . 82: 108. -—- Complete, Young’s. Ath. ’04, 2: 449. Motors, Alcohol. (H. Dupays) Engin. M. 26: 682, — and Cycles; the Transition Stage. (J . Pennell) Contemp. 81: 185. — Induction. (G. L. Hoxie) J. Frankl. Inst. I56: 183, 261, 351. — Pressure Generator and the Combustion Motor. (E. C. Warren) Engin. M. 26: 664, Mott, Lucretia. (Ellen C. Sargent) Californian, 3: (E. Wharton) Atlan. (E. G. (J F. Gairns) Cassier, 354- Mottl, Felix, as Musical Conductor. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 95: 649. Motto of Meaning, A; a story. Temp. Bar, 129: 34, Mottoes for House, Garden, and Steeple. Spec. 97: (A. H. Henderson) 976. — of Noble Houses. (A. H. Japp) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 562, Moulders, The. Moulin, Memories of. . 164-531- Moultonborough, N. H., Marriage Records of the Rev. Jeremiah Shaw of, 1779-1833. (A. A. Fol- som) N. E. Reg. 59: 283. Mound Builders, Certain Notched or Scalloped Stone Tablets of. (W. H. Holmes) Am. Anthropol. 8: 101. —— Recent Discoveries. (B. Brooks) Scrib. M. 36: 385, (M. A. Ballard) Sund. M. 31: (W. K. Moorehead) Calif. M. I: 470. -— Southern; their Works and Relics. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 25: 215. — Thomas Jefferson on. (H. B. Geer) Am. Antiq. 24: 224, Mounds. (C. V. Piper) Science, 11. s. 21: 823. — built by the Sioux in Minnesota. (W. Upham)_Am. Antiq. 27: 217. -—- Burials in Ancient. (D. I. Bushnell, jr.) Science, 11. s. 20: 408, — Copper Relics among the. (S. D. Peet) Amer. Antiq. 28: 213, — Distribution of. — Human Origin of. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 25: 77. (A. C. Veatch) Science, n. s. 23: 34- - in the Gulf Coast Country. (J . A. Udden) Science, n. s. 23: 849. — in Nebraska. (E. H. Barbour and H. B. Ward) Science, 11. s. 24: 628. -—- Moated. (J. A. Rutter) Antiq. n. s. 38: 239, 271, — Natural. (W. J . Spillman) Science, n. s. 21: 631. Am. J . Soc. Sci. (H. Norman) World’s MOUNDS Mounds, of Louisiana. (E. W. Hilgard) Science, 11. s. 21: 551. — of the Mississippi Valley. ence, n. s. 23: 583. —— — and Texas. (R. T. Hill) Science, 11. s. 231 704. —- or Hog-wallows of California and Oregon. (J . C. Branner) Science, 11. s. 21: 514. —— Small, of the U. S. (D. J . Bushnell) Science, n. s. 22: 712, Moundville, Ala., The Treasures of Prehistoric. N. Wardle) Harper, 1 I2: 200, Mt. Gretna, New Military Features at. ley) Army & Navy Life, 9: 327. Mount Hamilton, On; a poem. (C. Keeler) Atlan. 92: (P. J . Farnsworth) Sci- (H. (W. L. Beas- 41. Mt. Hermon. A School and some Boys. (E. K. Titus) Outl. 83: 659. Mount Holyoke College ; ‘a Study in Educational Ser- vice. (J. Marks) Outl. 82: 191. -— Library, Building of. (Bertha E. Blakely) Lib. J . 31: C 62, Mount Lowe Observatory, Stellar Research at. (E. L. Larkin) Overland, n. s. 40: 271. Mount Regale Fishing Company of Philadelphia. Pennsyl. M. 27: 88, Mt. Sinai Hospital, N. Y. Rec. 18: 367. Mount Vernon a Century Ago, A Visit to. Kozlowski) Cent. 41: 510. —— in Washington’s Time. Cent. 50! 153. — The Old Garden at. (F. E. Leupp) Cent. 501 73. — Restoration of. (A. G. Baker) Munsey, 332 660. -— Washington’s Home. (O. P. Capen) Ctry Life Am. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. (W. M. 5: 499- Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Carnegie Library Building. Lib. J - 291 372- Mt. Weather Meteorological Observatory. (F. H. Bige- low) Nat. Geog. M. 15: 442. Mt. Wilson, Cal., Solar Observatory on. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 189. Mt. Wilson, Cal., Railroad. (B. S. Eaton) Calif. M. I: 33. — (O. Ellison) Calif. M. 2: 259. Mount of Comprehension, The. (Amelia H. McAllis- ter) Everybody’s, I4: 550. Mountain-camping in California. Life Am. 10: 193, Mountain Climbers, Most Daring of all; Scaling the Aiguille de Grepon. (G. D. Abraham) Cosmopol. 391 365- Mountain Climbing as Organized Sport. (C. E. Fay) Outl. 71: 377. — Death of Owen Glynne Jones. (H. Spender) McClure, 19: 118, . —- in the Canadian Rockies. M. 18: 213, —-— in England. (E. E. Stock) Idler, 25: 539, —-— in Great Britain. (G. D. Abraham) Pall Mall M. 27= 433- —— Inspiration of. -— Modern; a Protest. (P. P. Foster) (G. D. Baird) Ctry (W. W. Beaton) Canad. (A. J . Capron) Indep. 55: 1080, (G. W. Young) Indep. R. 3: 443- - Perils of the High Peaks. (Mrs. A. Le Blond) Cos- mopol. 37: 245. Mountain Elevations, Uniformity in. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 726. Mountain Goat, The, and the Camera. (W. T. Homa- day and J . M. Phillips) Scrib. M. 40: 143, Mountain Home, Evolution of a. (A. W. Dimock) Ctry Life Am. 6: 44. Mountain Life, Physiological Effects of. Nature, 73: (A. Heilprin) ~- Mouiitain Lion, Hunting the. (0. F. Holder) can. M. a= 765- 433 MOZART Mountain Matchmaker, A. (W. N. Harben) Cent. 42: 4I3- Mountain Railways, The; Climb of the Iron Horse. (Mrs. A. S. C. Forbes) Overland, n. s. 40: 417, Mountain Reconciliation, A; a tale of the Alps. (A. H. Henderson) Month, 100: 300, Mountain Sickness. (R. D. Ward) Science, n. s. 20: 441. -— (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 211 796. Mountain Slopes, Precipitation on. Geog. J . 19: 192. Mountain Summits. (S. P. F ergusson) Science, 11. s. 23: 672, Mountain Valleys, Origin of Transverse. (J. Le Conte) Calif. Univ. Chron. 1: 479. Mountain View, California. Out West, 23: 401, Mountain Whites, the Transformation of Em Dur- ham. (Julian Ralph) Harper, 107: 269. Mountaineering as a Profession. (R. Gribble) Idler, 23: 131. =Outing, 40: 582, —— Hints for, and its Equipment. Outing, 46: 570. —- How to climb. (R. Spender) Outing, 41: 435. — in Switzerland without Guides. (A. P. Abraham) McClure, 21: 227. — Lost on the Khojak. (H. Hudson) Outing, 41: 682. —-of To-day. Blackw. 177: 640.: Liv. Age, 245: (G. D. Abraham) 734- Mountaineering Accidents. (R. Hughes) Monthly R. 17. no. 3: 137. Mountaineers, The. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 411 I00. Mountains, The. (S. E. White) Outl. 77: 261 -78: 183. '— and Latitude Determinations. (S. G. Burrard) Na- ture, 552 80. — and Mankind. (D. W. Freshfield) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65= 543- - Famous American. (H. Gannett) Everybody’s, 61 427- — Love of, “Another Way of the.” (F. W. Bourdillon) Monthly R. 23, no. 33 94. =Ecl. M. 147: 115. — North American Cordillera, Nomenclature of, be- tween 47th and 53d parallels. (Reginald A. Daly) Geog. J. 27: 586. Mounted Police, Northwest ; the Splendid Force on the Canadian Frontier. (L. R. Freeman) Overland), n. s. 43: 217. Mounted Troops. (E. J . McClernand) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 227. Mouri1yan’s Success. (Isabel Clarke) Temp. Bar, 128: 195. Mouse, The, and the Lion. (J . W. Tompkins) Scrib. M, 3 5: 701. Moustier, Comte de, Correspondence of, with the Comte de Montmorin, 1787-89. (H. E. Bourne) Am. Hist. R. 8: 709, g: 86. Movement and Organic Sensations, Genetic Functions of, for Social Consciousness. (Margaret F. Wash- burn) Am. J. Psychol. 14: 343. —-— Woodworth on. (S. I. Franz) Science, 11. s. 20: 78. Moving-picture Machine, Out with a. (T. Waters) Cosmopol. 40: 251, . Mowbray, H. Siddons. (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 451 523- Mowing with a Scythe. Sat. R. 98: 46. Moxon, Elizabeth ; Retrospective Review of her “ Eng- lish Housewifery exemplified.” Gent. M. n. s. 77: 636. Mozarabic Rite, The. Church Q. 53: II 2. Mozart, Johann C. W. Acad. 64¢ 18!. Mozart, W. A. (A. E. Keeton) Monthly R. 22, no. 3: 6I.—-Liv. Age, 2482 572.——(D. G. Mason) Outl. 78: 589. — (T. W. Surette) Chaut. 40: 344. — With- portrait. Mast. in Music, 11 pt. I. —— and the Church. (E. L. Taunton) Cath. World, 79: 39- ‘Mrs. Eldredge’s Bishop; a story. MOZART Mozart, W. A., as a Dramatic Composer. (J . Tod- hunter) Fortn. 82: 82I.=Liv. Age, 243: 466,: Ecl. M. 144: 233. —— Breakspeare’s. (J._F. Runciman) Sat. R. 94: 514, 6 54 - I —— A Fantasy. (E. W. Peattie) Atlan. 90: 634. -— Prout’s. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 97: 229. — Die Zauberfitite. (A. Symons) Acad. 63: 339. Mozart Family in Paris, The. (A. Laugel) Nation, 82: 71. Mr. Beke of the Blacks. (J . Ayscough) Temp. Bar, vol. 128. Mr. Bently’s Awakening. (A. B. Paine) Scrib. M. 391 621, Mr. Brooke. (Edwin Tarkington) Booklover’s M. 6: 687 Mr. Brough’s Client. (W. E. Norris) Cornh. 861 434. Mr. Brown and Tilly. (M. E. Francis) Longm. 441 408. = Liv. Age, 243: :73. Mr. Burden; astory. Indep. R. I: 651. 2: 137. Mr. Chartres learns. (J . M. Forman) Munsey, 33: 444. Mr. Dooley guesses about Women. (F. P. Dunne) Idler, 22: 550. — on the Power of the Press. (F. P. Dunne) Am. M. 62: 607, Hamilton — Englishman and Gentleman. (G. M. Kimball) Overland, n. s. 47: 57. Lucile Grant Parker. (Juliet W. Tompkins) Scrib. M. 37: 220, Morris’s Hat. (C. Edwardes) Chamb. J . 791 625. Nathaniel Snyder ; a story. (R. D. Rudolf) Canad. M. 22: 229, N ew-Light of Rush City; an American Sermon. (P. Bigelow) Chamb. J . 80: 609. Nickerson’s Star. (Mary Moss) McClure, 26: 664, Potter’s Vacation; a story. (H. D. Ward) Mc- Clure, 20: 171. Robiuson’s Symphony; a story. (N. Adams) Temp. Bar, 132: 313. =Liv. Age, 247: 152, 228. Sampson’s Courtship. (C. Lee) Longm. 46: 539. =Liv. Age, 247: 303. Mrs. Allengate’s Tip. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 34: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. 324- Archer’s Feelings. (Abby M. Roach) McClure, 27: 383. Mrs. Atwood’s Outer Raiment. Clure, I8: 476. Mrs. Bassett’s Fall. (E. Robbins) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 272, Mrs. Bumper’s Investment. 23: 160. Mrs. Carter as Fate. (J . Webster) McClure, 26: 3 5, Mrs. Chick. (V. W. Cloud) Cent. 432 267. Mrs. Crawfut’s First Husband. (C. M. Hyskell) Over- land, n. s. 45: 411, Mrs. Cromwell’s Heart; a story. (J . M. Forman) Am. M. 60: 123, Mrs. Dunkin’s Morning Call. 50: 627, (M. S. Cutting) Mc- (C. De Kalb) Out West, (E. M. Willett) Cent. (K. Jarboe) Mun- sey, 29‘ 572- Mrs. Golding's Bonnet. (J . D. Hilton) Sund. M. 3 1: 427- Mrs. Kavanagh ; a sketch. (E. MacMahon) Cornh. 90: 7'9. Mrs. Kavanagh’s Husband; a story. (E. MacMahon) Temp. Bar, I32: 220. =Ecl. M. 145: 443. Mrs. Lathrop’s Love-affair. (Anne Warner) Cent. 47: 8 38. Mrs. M’Groarty’s Inheritance. (S. McManus) Cent. 48= 7'?- Mrs. M’L>erie’s Stuffed Birds. (J. J . Bell) Cent. 45: 573- 434 MULTATULI Mrs. Noah’s Ark; a story. (G. Burgess) Harper, I09: 234- Mrs. Pa1liser’s Pearls; a story. (F. Savile) Cornh. 94: 808. Mrs. Pott’s Perplexity. (E. Kenton) 42: 524, Mrs. Protheroe. (Booth Tarkington) McClure, 24: 409. Mrs. Shanklin’s Ambitions; a story. (R. E. Young) McClure, I9: 232, Mrs. Teasley’s Summer Boarder; a story. (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Am. M. 62: 239. Mucha, Alfons, and the New Mysticism. (C. Brinton) Cent. 47: 218, Muck-rake as a Circulation Boomer. (F. H. Smith) Critic, 48: 507. — Still the. (J . G. Brooks) Indep. 60: 1030. Muck-raker, The. (T. W. Lawson) Everybody’s, I 5: 204. Mudaliyar’s Case, The. Cornh. 87: 702. =Ecl. M. 141: 356. =Liv. Age, 238: 16, Mueller, F. Max. (Cornelia Sorabji) Temp. Bar, 127: 620.=Liv. Age, 237: 813. —Acad. 64: 147.-— With portrait. (J . Finley) Lamp, 26: 199. — and Beggars. (F. H. Wines) Char. I3: 559. — Life and Letters. Ath. "03, 1: 1o5.——Nation, 76: 96.-—Monthly R. II, no. 2: 9.—(J. T. Hatfield) Dial. 341 334- —— The Silesian Horseherd. Church Q. 58: 94. Mueller, Wilhelm, Unpublished Letters of. (J . T. Hatfield) Am. J . Philol. 241 I21. Muensterberg, Hugo. (F. W. Noxon) Critic, 42: 131. —— on American Traits. (A. W. Wergeland) Dial, 32: 117, — on the United States. (J . Bryce) Indep. 59: 719, — (J . Jastrow) Dial, 38: I48.— (B. O. F lower) Arena, 33: 310. — Psychology. (A. E. Taylor) Mind, 27: 227, Miinzer, Thomas, Zurich Anabaptists and. (W. Rau- schenbusch) Am. J . Theol. 9: 91. Mugwumps Now, All. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 134. Muir, John. (E. R. Buckley) Wis. Alum. M. I: 1'41. —(Jeanne C. Carr) Calif. M. 2: 88.—With por- trait. Chaut. 39: 256. — Craftsman, 72 637.—(R. S. Baker) Outl. 74: 365. —Wis. Alum. M. 2: 74. Muirhead, Annie C. The Doubtful Age. Cent. 50: 365. 496- Mukden and After. (J. M. Price and “ Miles ”) F ortnr. 83: 622, — Battle of. (J. H. De Forest) Indep. 58: 943. — (E. E. de la P. Beresford) National, 45: 331. — — from the Russian Side. (R. H. Little) World Tcday. an 738. — — Issues of. Sat. R. 99: 332. — — A Japanese Ofiicer at. (T. Oshio) Liv. Age, 246: 375- — In and Around. (J . H. De Forest) Indep. 59: 735. Mulatto Factor in the Race Problem. (A. H. Stone) Atlan. 911 658. Mulattoes a Menace in the U. S. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 433. Mule, Our Friend, the. Blackw. I80: 631, —- The Pack-. (B. C. Brown) Atlan. 94: 700. Mule Driver and the Garrulous Mule, The; a story. (R. E. Beach) McClure, 22: 93. Mulford, Prentice. (C. W. Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 563. — American Gospeler, with portrait. (C. W. Stod- dard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 94. Mullet, Catching, at the Land’s End. (J . Isabell) Longm. 39: 230. Mulock, Sir William, Canadian Postmaster General. (H. F. Gadsby) Canad. M. 22: 145, Multatuli, Max Havelaar. (C. L. Leipoldt) Westm. 160: 438. (Annie R. Hale) MULTIPLICATION Multiplication. (A. L. Baker) Educa. 24: 28. — New Short Method of. (D. N. Lehmer) Science, 11. s. 16: 71. Mulvihill,' Denis, Mayor of Bridgeport, Conn. (M. S. Porter) McClure, I8: 465. Munby, Arthur, Poetry of. (T. Bayne) Gent. M. n. s. 731 5°3- Munich, Germany. (P. Bigelow) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I71 206. — (N. H. Moore) Chant. 40: 329. —— Art Student Life in. (L. Van Der Veer) Studio Internat. 25: I6. —. Health Congress, 1902. 24,48. — Technical Continuation Schools of. School R. 13: 678. -—— Women’s Work in. 47: 6. Munich Clinic, The New. (S. Paton) Science, n. s. 22: 313. Municipal Accounting in Boston and Louisville. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 95. — Reform of. (C. J . Bullock) Nation, 80: 86. Municipal Accounts, Commercial Audit of. (R. Don- ald) Contemp. 84: 724. -— A First Step toward Municipal Reform. Cleveland) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 39!. Municipal Activities, Expansion of. (C. R. Woodruff) Arena, 332 123. Municipal Activity in Great Britain. (T. D. A. Cook- erell) Am. J. Sociol. II: 817, ' Municipal Administration, Problems of. (Jane Ad- dams) Am. J. Sociol. I0: 425. Municipal Adornment, Lessons in. Brush & P. 12: 388. Municipal Affairs. (E. Kelly) Internat. Mo. 5: 76. Municipal Art. (L. F. Perkins) Chaut. 36: 516, —— American. (W. T. Larned) Chaut. 37: 466. -—— Art in the Street. (M. R. Maltbie) Craftsman, 6: -219. — (Sylvester Baxter) Cent. 49: 697. —- Art Training for Citizenship. (R. F. Zueblin) Chaut. 39: 168, — in San Francisco. (C. Keeler) Craftsman, 8: 584. —- A Lesson from Foreign Towns. (I. Sargent) Crafts- man, 6: 321. — The Making of the City. (P. Bigelow) Indep. 54: (P. H. Hanus) (R. Harper) Overland, n. s. (F. A. (W. J . Stevens) (C. Zueblin) Chant. 38: 267. Municipal Buildings, Recent English. (T. R. Davison) M. of Art, 27: 131, Municipal Charities, Administration of. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 268. Municipal Charters, Uniform. (J . Oskison) Nation, 81: (H. Folks) 293- Municipal Code of Indiana. (H. O. Stechhan) Forum, 37: 286. Municipal Codes in the Middle West. (J . A. Fairlie) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 434. Municipal Construction vs. the Contract System. (J . M. Head) Arena, 31: 337, Municipal Contracts and the Regulation of Rates. (H. Pope) Harv. Law R. 16: 1, Municipal Corporations, Loans to. 72: 661. Municipal Corruption. Bank. M. (N. Y.) (H. J. Ford) Pol. Sci. I9: 673. Municipal Councils, American. (J . A. Fairlie) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 234. Municipal Earnings, Restriction of. Yale R. 10: 424. Municipal Electric Lighting in Chicago, Economic and Social Factors. (J . R. Commons) Munic. Aif. 6: [09, Municipal Employees, Physical Vigor of. (J . R. Com- mons) Yale R. 10: 416. (A. D. Adams) 435 MUNICIPAL Municipal Enterprise. (J . Jamieson) Westm. I64: 384. Municipal Exhibit, A. (A. Kelsey) Archit. R. I 1: 18 5. Municipal Exposition, Dresden, 1903. (H. Woodhead) Am. J. Sociol. 9: 433, 612, 812. 10: 47, Municipal Extravagance in England. (C. J . Bullock) Nation, 792 410. Municipal Functions, Recent Extensions of, in the United States. (J. A. Fairlie) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 299. Municipal Gas and Electric Plants in Massachusetts. (A. D. Adams) J. Pol. Econ. 10: 214,:P01, Sci, Q- 17: 247. , Municipal Government and American Democratic Ideals. (L. S. Rowe) Am. J . Sociol. II: 7 5. —- and Public Reform. (D. Mowry) Green Bag, 14: 209. — Bibliography of. Munic. Aff. 6: 146, 305. —- by Commission. (W. T. Arndt) Nation, 83: 322. -—— \/ (C. Arthur Williams) World To-day, YI"2‘“943. — in Australasia. (T. G. Ellery) Munic. Aff. 6: 44. —— in Ohio. (C. R. Woodruff) Yale R. 12: I21, -— — Question of. (G. C. Sikes) Outl. 71: 1098, — in Japan. (H. Sakuma) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 322, — Inefficiency of our. - The Inter-Municipal Research Committee. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 451. — Principle in. (V. S. Yarros) Chant. 37: 434. — Problems of, from the Administrative Point of View. (J. A. Fairlie) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 132, — Rescuing. 60. — Responsibility in. (T. St. Pierre) Arena, 27: 39. — (VV. L. Hawley) Gunton’s M. 232 67. Municipal Home Rule. (F. J . Goodnow) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 77. — in the Canadian Northwest Territories. (S. M. Wickett) Canad. M. 26: 67, —— A Plea for. (C. R. Woodruff) Yale R. 12: 360. Municipal Home Rule Charters for American Cities. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 395. Municipal Improvement, Art Effort in British Cities. (C. M. Robinson) Harper, I05: 787, — New Dreams for Cities. (C. M. Robinson) Archit. Rec. 17: 410. Ann. (C. R. Woodruff) World To-day, 10: Municipal Improvements. (J . D. Warner) Craftsman, 5. 362, Municipal Lighting. (D.MacG. Means) Nation, 751 2 5. — Some Interesting Features of a Recent Law. (A. Purves) Yale R. 13: 408. Municipal Movements, Nationalization of. (C. R. Woodruff) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 2 52. Municipal Nomination Reform. (H. E. Deming) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 203. ‘ Municipal Oligarchies. (C. Edwardes) Macmil. 90: I98. Municipal Organization, National. (C. R. Woodruif) World To-day, 8: 614, — Principles of. (H. T. Ford) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: I95. Municipal Ownership. (W. M. Daniels) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 7: I33.-— (R. G. Monroe) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 43: 31. —(F. B. Thurber) No. Am. I82! 853.--Outl. 80: 266, 4n, — and Chicago. (A. R. Foote) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 221 678. — and Corrupt Politics. (H. C. Adams) Outl. 70: 726. —— and Graft. (Francis W. Parker) World To-day, 9: 221. — and League Organization. (W. R. Brown) Arena, 335 377. —- and Low Rates. (F. Parsons) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 361. (A. Kinney) Calif. M. 5: 360. P- MUNICIPAL Municipal Ownership, and Operation; Value of Foreign Experience. (L. S. Rowe) Am. J. Sociol. 12: 241. —- — vs. Private Ownership or Control. (F. Parsons) Arena, 31: 458. —— as a Form of Government Control. (F. A. Cleve- land) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: I, —— as tried in Norwich, Conn. (Martin E. Jensen) New Eng. M. n. s. 352 338. -—- a Blessing. (John Burns) Indep. 60: 449. —- The Case for. (F. C. Howe) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 7: 113. —- (J . T. Newcomb) Nation, 83: 386. —- The Chicago Traction Question. (C. S. Darrow) Internat. Q. 12: 13. —- How it should be acquired. E. Ingram) Arena, 34: 45. — How London loses by. (E. E. Williams) No. Am. (F. W. Bemis and E. 183: 729. -—- in Canada. Canad. M. 231 512. — in Chicago. (E. F. Dunne) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 221 249- - — Immediate, a Year After. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33; 549- - — The Movement for. (Hugo S. Grosser) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 72. -— — Our Fight for. (E. F. Dunne) Indep. 61: 927, — — Problem of. (H. K. Webster) Am. M. 61: 685 Municipal Ownership Convention, The. Arena, 29: 472. Municipal Ownership Troupe, The. (R. Ogden) Na- tion, 82: 152. Municipal Practice, British vs. American Theory. (F. W. Parker) World To-day, 7: 1393. Municipal Problem, The. (C. R. Woodruff) Chaut. 36: 177, Municipal Problems in Mediaeval Switzerland. Vincent) J . H. Univ. Stud. 23: 659. Municipal Program, An American. (C. R. Woodrufi) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 47, Municipal Progress, 1904-05. (C. R. Woodruff) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: I91. —— in Germany. (H. R. Meyer) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 5 53. — in Glasgow. (Robert Crawford) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 1. —— in Great Britain. (C. E. Russell) Everybody’s, 14: 42.—(H. R. Meyer) J. Pol. Econ. 13: 481.— (E. W. Burdett) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 257. -— in New York. (E. B. Whitney) Internat. Q. 12: I. — Investigating at Home and Abroad. (Edward W. Bemis) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 341 342. -— Investigators of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 441, -— Lighting Service and Water Supply, City of New York. (Robert G. Monroe) Internat. Q. 121 23. -—- Notes on. Sat. R. 94: 354. — of Gas and Water Plants at Duluth. (W. J . Joerns) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 211 322. ——of Public Utilities. (G. S. Brown) No. Am. 182: (J. M. 701, —- of Street Railways in Germany. (L. S. Rowe) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 37. —-—-in Glasgow. (R. Donald) Outl. 80: 431,-(F, Parsons) Arena, 32: 461, -—Practical. (C. R. Woodruff) Am. J. Sociol. I2: I90. —— Principles of. (R. Donald) Outl. 82: 504, See also Public Ownership. , Municipal Reform. (J . Dolman) Arena, 27: 174. - and'Social Welfare in New York. (E. T. Devine) Char.“ II: 304. -—- Movement in Chicago. Pol. Sci. 25: 235. Municipal Self~government; Council and Mayor. (E. B. Smith) Atlan. 89: 391. (H. King) Ann. Am. Acad. 436 MURDER Municipal Services, American, from the Point of View of the Entrepreneur. (Chester L. Jones) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 13. Municipal Situation in Ohio, 1902. (S. P. Orth) Fo- rum: 33: 430- . Municipal Social Service, American. (E. G. Rout- zahn) Chaut. 40: 565. — German. (H. Woodhead) Chaut. 40: 548. Municipal Socialism in England. (J . Boyle) Munic. Afi, 6: 268. Municipal Trade, Darwin on. (D. MacG. Means) Na- tion, 77Z 423.——(T. N. Carver) Q. J. Econ. 18: 439. — (P. Ashley) Econ. J. 14: 101. ' — The Main Question. (Leonard Darwin) Indep. R. 8- - 34- Municipal Trading, Case for. (R. Donald) Contemp. 83: 485, 623, — Cost of. (D. H. Davies) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 189, — in America. (R. P. Porter) Cassier, 21: 456. — Principle of. (Edwin Cannan) Indep. R. 7: 287. — Bernard Shaw on. Econ. J. I41 563. Municipal Undertakings, Depreciation and Sinking Funds in. (S. H. Turner) Econ. J. 14: 47. — Extending beyond the Municipal Boundaries, Finan- cial Aspects of. (S. H. Turner) Econ. J . I5: 12. Municipal vs. National Public Life. (R. Ogden) Na- tion, 74Z 205. Municipal Wages to Laborers. (J . R. Commons) Q. J. Econ. 16: 433. Municipalities, Special Legislation for. Harv. Law R. 18: 588. Municipalization, Experimental. tion, 80: 367. Munro, Neil, as a Novelist. Acad. 65: 109. Munsey’s Magazine. Impressions by the Way. A. Munsey) Munsey, 30: 150, Muntz, Eugene. Ath. ’oz, 2: 625, Murad V., Sultan. (K. Saadeh) Monthly R. 17, no. 21 44- Mural Decoration. (F. MacLean) Art J . 57: 18. — in Boston, Mass. Studio (Internat.) I7: lxxix. Mural Decorations, Miss Violet Oakley’s. (H. S. Mor- ris) Cent. 48: 265. ——of C. Y. Turner at Baltimore. Studio (Internat.) 24: lvii, —— Recent. (L. C. Earle) Brush & P. II: 16, — — by Mr. E. H. Blashfield. (W. VValton) Scrib. M. 37= 381- Mural Painting. Craftsman, 10: 54. — American, History and. (E. H. Brush) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 689. — Foreign. (W. L. Harris) Craftsman, 6: 527, — from the American Point of View. (C. M. Shean) Craftsman, 7: 18. — in America. (W. T. Roberts) Brush & P. 17: supp. 49- — in Europe. (A. R. Carman) Canad. M. 251 307. - _ since 1898. (W. Walton) Scrib. M. 40: 637, —— Modern. (W. H. Law) Brush & P. 11: 161, (H. Hubbard) (W. M. Daniels) Na- (F. (J . W. Pattison) Muramasa Sword, The; a story. (J . S. Martin) Temp. I Bar, 132: 288. Murat, New Light on the Death of. Monthly R. 20, no. 31 90. Muratorian Canon, Authorship of. Expos. 7th ser. 11 481. — Melito on the. (V. Bartlett) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 210, Murder and the Sane Man. Spec. 962 863. — in the Mountains and the Metropolis. (VV. E. Bar- ton) Indep. 61: 187, —- Psychology of, in Modern Fiction. (VV. C. Sullivan.) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 487. —— Publicity and. Spec. 95: 462. “Murder will out ; ” a story. Blackw. I79: 52. (J . H. Rose) (T. H. Robinson) MURDEROUS Murderous Assault, Retreat from a. (J . H. Beale, jr.) Harv. Law R. 16: 567, Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. “ The Conception,” Picture by. Cent. 51: 205, 321, -— “ St. Anna teaching the Virgin,” Picture by. Cent. 51: I33, I59- —— A “ Spanish Flower Girl,” Picture by. Cent. 50: 625, 686. Murnane and the “ Illinois; (W. Gibson) McClure, 21: 361, Murphy, Charles F., Tammany’s New Ruler. (F. Matthews) World’s Work, 61 3908. Murphy, J . Francis, American Landscape Painter, with portrait. (H. T. Lawrence) Brush & P. 10: $7 a story. 205, Murray, Dr. Alexander Stuart. Ath. ’O4, 11 345. Murray, James, Loyalist, Letters of. (E. Granger) Dial, 33: 160. Murray, James O., with portrait. 10: 93. Murray, John, Universalist Preacher. New-Eng. M. n. s. 27: 464. Murray, Lindley ; the Graminarian of York. Chamb. J . 82: 262, Murray, W. H. H. Reminiscences of my Literary and Outdoor Life. Indep. 571 194, 277. Murray Bay, Canada, as a Watering— ace. Bradley) Macmil. 90: 424. Murray of Craigie Lea. (E. S. Mapes) Outl. 72: 414. Musa and the Wild Olive. (M. A.‘ Hamm) Cent. 49: Princ. Univ. Bull. (E. G. Mason) (A. G. 886. Musae; a Phantasy. (L. S. Goodwin) Gent. M. n. s. 72: I00, Muscalonge. See Muskalonge. Muscles of Acanthias and Raia. (G. E. Marion) Am. Natural. 39: 391. Muscongus Island ; a Political Anomaly. Stowe) Outl. 842 411, Museo di Villa Giulia, Scandal of. Monthly R. 6, no. 2: 94. Museum, The, as a Factor in Education. (H. C. Bum- pus) Indep. 61: 269. -— in the Small Library. (L. B. (C. F. Laurie) Pub. Lib. 8: 154. ——- of Social Science, French. (L. Katscher) Gunton’s M. 23: 488. —— —- M. Mabilleau on. Outl. 70: 787. —-— A Selective Art. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 82: 422, 4 Museum Extension in Schools. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 364. Museum-gallery for the Drama. (Brander Matthews) Bookman, 22: 174. Museum Study by Chicago Public Schools. (0. C. Farrington) Science, n. s. 15: :81, Museum Work in Libraries. (E. W. Gaillard) Pub. Lib. 8: 9. Museums. (W. J . Holland) Science, n. s. 22: 792, —-— American; What they are doing for Native Art. (A. N. Meyer) Cent. 50: 922, -— American Association of. Science, n. s. 23: 8 59. —-— and Art Schools. Indep. 58: 404, —— and Exhibitions. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 991 411. —— and Libraries, Link between. (A. H. Hopkins) Pub. Lib. 8: 13. -~— -— Relations of. 10: 6. -~— -—- Union of. (W. J . Conklin) Pub. Lib. 8: 3, 47. -— and their Possibilities of Greater Public Usefulness. (C. H. Caflin) Studio (Internat.) 20: clxiii, -—- Art Forgeries in. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 82: 69. »- as Places of Popular Culture. Science, n. s. 19: 610. (Caroline McIlvaine) Pub. Lib. Q 437 MUSIC Museums, Circulating. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 80: 128, ' —-— Contribution to Museum Technique. Am. Natural. 36: 53. -— Danish, of Archaeology. Anthropol. 6: 90. —— Educational Efficiency of our. (A. G. Mayer) No. Am- 177= S64. -—- European, Dr. A. B. Meyer on. Science, 11. s. 16: (S. E. Meek) (G. G. MacCurdy) Am. 941- — Functions of. (F. A. Bather) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 210, — Gratacap’s Museums and Appliances. Science, n. s. i 20: 501, ——- Natural History, Opportunity of Smaller. (W. Orr) Pop. Sci. Mo. 53! 40. —-— New Museum Idea. (Sherman Langdon) World’s Work, 12: 7710. -—- of Security. (W. H. Tolman) Cent. 50: 307. —- Status of Public Museums in United States. Mayer) Science, 11. s. 17: 843. —- Two Theories of Policy with. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 81: 518. Mushalinda Legend, The. n. s. 432 223. Mushketoff, Ivan Vasilievich. (P. Kropotkin) Nature, 65: 395. —Geog. J. 19: 514. Mushroom Ketchup. (C. F. Marsh) Longm. 41: 223, Mushrooms, Atkinson on. (T. H. Macbride) Dial, 36: 238. -—- Culture of. (T. McAdam) Ctry Life Am. 9: 436. — Edible and Poisonous. (L. W. Brownell) Outing, 42= 654. Music aided by those not Musicians. Acad. 68: 620. - American. (A. Farwell) Out West, 20: 454, —- —-Elson’s History of. Ath. ’04, 22 I36.—(F. H. Marling) Lamp, 28: 5I2.— (H. T. Finck) Nation, 78: 276. — (I. A. Pyle) Dial, 36: 396, —— — The New. (L. Gilman) No. Am. 179: 868. ——of the 17th Century. (K. Hackett) Music, 21: 129. - —- -— Some Real. (E. M. Miles) Harper, I09: 118. — -— Uplift in. (L. C. Elson) World’s Work, 8: 4992. — American Musical Criticism. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 92: 959- ' — and Composers. (Helen M. Lake) Californian, 2: 49. —— and Crime. (H. W. Stratton) Arena, 27: 137. — and Culture. Dial, 331 455. —-— and Feeding. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: no. — and Manliness. (H. T. F inck) Nation, 75: 66, —— and Morality. (H. H. Britan) Internat. J . Ethics, I 5: 48. — and Musicians, Baughan’s. (H. E. Gorst) Sat. R. 102: 75, — — Grove’s Dictionary of, ed. by Maitland. Upton) Dial, 38: 310. —-— —- Streatfeild on. (H. E. Gorst) Sat. R. 102: 392. — and Religion, Psychological Rivalry of. (J . W. Slaughter) Internat. J . Ethics, 15: 352. ——- and Woman. (J. C. Hadden) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 510. —— Appreciation of. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 72: 595, 636. —— Artist’s Life, Craigie’s. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 98: 822, -— as an Ethical Factor. (F. Damrosch) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 41: :37. ' -— as a Factor in National Life. (A. Somervell) Monthly R. 19, no. 2: 26. — (D. Bispham) No. Am. 175: 786. -—- as Medicine. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 30: 323. — as a Study. (O. Weil) Californian, II 85. —- as taught in the Schools. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 96: 489. — as a Universal Language. Acad. 67: 317. (A. G. (M. D. Kellogg) Overland, (G. P. MUSIC Music; the Beauty and Uses of Our National Art Songs. (A. E. Keeton) Monthly R. 25, no. 2: 71. — Bird and Human, Parallel Growth of. (H. W. Oldys) Harper. 105: 474- —— by Electricity. (Marion Melius) World’s Work, 12: 7660. -— The Call of the Soul. (H. E. Gorst) Sat. R. I021 329- -— Century of Choral Singing in New England. (H. C. Lahee) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 102, -— Chamber, Kilburn’s. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 93: 135. — Children’s Interest in. (W. S. Monroe) Pedagog. Sem. I0: 144, —- Church. Church Q. : 303. — -- and Stage. (J . F. unciman) Sat. R. 100: 521. — — Ethics of. (S. Chipperfield) Westm. I60: 466. — -— Reform of. (L.' Davies) Music, 21: 312,— (L. M. Gummested) M sic, 22: 40. —- Close-time for; it needed ? (C. L. Graves) Spec. 89: 295, — College and University Work in. (H. G. Hanchett) Educa. 25: 345. — Color in. Acad. 68: 669. —- Composing, American. (H. Norris) Music, 22: 181, — Conductors of this Season’s, 1905-06. (Lawrence Gilman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 699. —— Contributions to a Psychological Theory of. Meyer) Univ. of Mo. Stud. 1: 1. —— Culture in, at Public Schools. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 971 263- —- Domestic, Decline of. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 96: 830. -— Doctor of, Degree at Cambridge (England). (C. Saint-Saens) Music, 22: 111, —- Ear-training for Young Pupils. (Blanche Dingley) Music, 21: 93, 285, — English. (R. Bridges) Monthly R. 16, no. I: 105. —— — in France. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 101: 45. -— — in the 19th Century, Maitland’s. (J . F. Runci- man) Sat. R. 93: 361. ' — — Progress of. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 97: 262. -— Ethical Aspects of. (Prof. Niecks) Music, 21: 108, 193, 22: 1, -— Evolution of. Quar. I95: 408. — Expression of Emotions in. (A. Gehring) Philos. R. 12: 412, — for and by the Many. 420. -— for Churches, French and English. (J . F. Runci- man) Sat. R. 101: 134, ' —— Herbert Spencer’s Heresies on. tion, 74: 421; —- Ideas of Richard Wagner. Quar. 203: 73. —-in America. (Vincent d’Indy) Indep. 61: 847. — Outl. 81: 108, —— — and Abroad. (J . Sohn) Forum, 35: 562. -- in American Universities. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 80: 452. . — in the Colleges. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 76: 982, — in Education. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 311, -— in Elementary Schools. (H. L. Clapp) Educa. 24: 548. —- in England. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 99: 767, — -— Has England ceased to sing? (J. M. Bullock) Lamp, 28: 286, —— in Fiction. (C. W. James) Ecl. M. 138: 292, =Liv_ Age. 232: 76. — in Home and School. (G. E. Crafts) Educa. 24: 407, -— in the Orient; the Old and the New. (Lauren T. Tuttle) Overland, n. s. 48: 79. —- in Public Schools. (VV. S. Ball) Music, 22: 246, - (D. G. Mason) Outl. 76: 701. — (B. Jepson) Educa. 25: 401. (M. (A. L. Seligman) Char. I 3: 438 (H. T. Finck) Na- ' MUSIC Music, in Public Worship. Theol. 7: 276, -- in the Roman Catholic Church. (W. J . Finn) Cath. World, 78: 446, — in Scotland. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 99: 732, 800. 100: , — Indian, of South America. (C. J . Post) Harper, 112: 255, — Influence of Folk-song upon Classical. (L. C. Elr son) Internat. Q. 7: 32. -— Meaning of. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 70: 1003, (Geo. C. Gow) Am. J. -— Mechanical, Advantages of. Appleton’s M. 8: $6387.‘ — — rI8‘he Menace of. (J . P. Sousa) Appleton’s M. 8: 27 , — Menial. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 88: 650. ' — Meyer’s Contributions to a Psychological Theory of. (E. T. Dixon) Mind, 27: 567. —— Modern, Bridges on. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 98: 293: — — Defects in. Acad. 64: 227. ——Some Tendencies in. Ed. R. 204: 381.: Liv. Age, 251: 551, — Municipal. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: 585, -— Municipalization of. (H. T. F inck) Nation, 80: 518, —' National. Acad. 68: 595. — Need of Full Stops in Modern. Acad. 67: 262. — Noise that you pay for. (G. L. Dickinson) Indep. R. 3: 377.=Ee1. M. 143: 587.: Liv. Age, 243: 45. — of Fairy-land, The. (V. Blackburn) Acad. 62: 9 5. —- of Nature, The. (C. W. Beede) Chant. 35: 600. — (H. L. Jones) Cosmopol. 34: 259. — of Words, How a Child learns the. ginson) Outl. 79: 237. — on the Lower East Side. 424- — Orchestral, Future of. (W. J . Henderson) Atlan. 91: 70. ‘ — Our Public Education in. 252, — Oxford History of. Acad. 70: 121-385.——(F. P. Nash) Nation, 74: 136. —Monthly R. 10, no. 1: 12, — Passion in. (H. E. Gorst) Sat. R. 101: 453. — Politics and Ofiicial Pressure in. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 93: 428. —-— Popular Picnic. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 98: 266. — Present Condition of, 1903. (F. Borowski) World To-day. 5: I593- —- Programme, Sir E. Elgar on. Sat. R. 100: 775. — Psychology of, Experimental Studies on. (M. Meyer) Am. J. Psychol. 14: 462. — Public Appreciation of. (B. H. Meyer) Wis. Alum. M. 5: 109. — Realism in. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 98: 488. — Riddle of. (Vernon Lee) Quar. 204: 207, —— Rieman’s History of. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 75: 226, —-— Romantic Element in. Quar. 205: 357, — Romantic Period in. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 96: 146. — Romanticism in. (D. G. Mason) Atlan. 98: 499. — Sacred, in Italy, (L. Perosi) Indep. 54: I535. -—- — Instruction on. (Pius X.) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 226. — — Papal Letter regarding the Restoration of. (Pius X.) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 222. —- —- The Reform of. (T. Rigby) Month, 103: 113, — School, Future of. (E. Swayne) Music, 21: 257, — Schools of. Acad. 68: 401, — Scientific, The Rout of. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: 174. --Season of 1903-04, in New York. Bookman, I8: 494, R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 706, (T. W. Hig- (A. M. Herts) Char. 13: (L. C. Elson) Atlan. 92: (J . F. Runciman) (L. M. Isaacs) _ Significant Books of. (W. J . Henderson) Atlani, 96: 851, 19: 58.-(W. J. Henderson) MUSIC Music, Soundless. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 88: 291. — Street. (V. Stephen) National, 45: 144. — Study of. (T. W. Surette) Chaut. 40; 58. — Teaching. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 97: 167. -— Teaching Children. Music, 21: 392. -— Theory of, Points of Difference concerning. (M. Meyer) Psychol. R. 10: 534, -— Three Scandinavian Schools. (A. E. Keeton) F ortn. 84: 1116.-=Ecl. M. 146: 162, —— to the Unmusical. Spec. 94: 633. -I Liv. Age, 2452 695.:Ecl. M. 145: 187, — Two Tendencies in Modern. 89: 175, — vs. Drama. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 96: 610, —— World’s Earliest, Smith’s. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 98: 201. Music Booms not Good. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 962 201, Music Culture for the Untalented Ones. (E. P. Beale) Music, 22: 46, Music Language, How Children may be trained to ex- press Thought by. (Cora W. Jenkins) Overland, n. s. 46: 176. Music Libraries, School. (C. V. Smith) Music, 21: 262, Music-makers, The. (E. Foote) Atlan. 98: 74. Music Phrasing, Principles of. (W. S. B. Mathews) Music, 22: 198, Music—school Settlement, A. (P. V. Mighels) Harper, 111: 832. Music Schools, English and French. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 94: 455. Music Store, An Early American. tion, 78: 370. Music Teacher, The Poor. 100: '79, Music Trade, American, for a Half-century. (J. C. Haynes) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 380. Musical Celebrities, Modern. (H. Klein) Cent. 43: 860. 44= 44. 268, 461- Musical Comedy. III, (D. G. Mason) Atlan. (A. Matthews) N a- (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. (Max Beerbohm) Sat. R. 100: Musical Composition, Modern, Tendencies of. (G. M. ' Chadwick) Univ. Colo. Stud. 32 249. Musical Copyright Strike in England. (H. T. F inck) Nation, 80: 307. Musical Criticism, French and English. (J. F. Runci- man) Sat. R. 99: 140, — Limitations of. (A. Symons) Acad. 63: 139. Musical Critics, American. (L. G. Price) Bookman, 21: 73, Musical Development. (E. Swayne) Music, 22: 225, Musical Difference. (A. C. Carr) Longm. 45: 170. Musical Education, Free National System of. Thomas) Outl. 76: 654. Musical Failures, Great. (L. M. Isaacs) Bookman, 24: (F. E. 59- Musical Festivals, Do we need? (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 95: 482. Musical Game. (P. H. GoeI>P) Lippinc. 70: 729. Musical Genius, Eccentricity in. (W. Bailey-Kemp- ling) Good WVords, 46: 71, -— Fostering. (H. T. F inck) Nation, 83: 529. Musical Hours. (Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania) 19th Cent. 57: 543. Musical Instruments, Curious, in the Park Museum. (Edith Coxhead) Overland, n. s. 391 5 33. — in Italian Pictures. (Alice Kemp-Welch) Monthly R. 7, no. 31 135. — Keyboard, in the Crosby Brown Collection. (C. K. Wead) Science, n. s. 19! 426. — Manufacture of, in the U. S. (F. S. Hall) Cosmo- pol. 38: 353. 439 MUSKOKA Musical Instruments, Some Rare. Outl. 70: 564. — Wind. (J . D. Blaikley) J . Soc. Arts, 53: 123. Musical Interlude; a story. (G. MacG. Cooke) Mun- sey, 27 1 781- Musical Journalism. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 963 39!. Musical Life in London for 30 Years, Klein’s. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 96: 609, Musical Notation, Hans Wagner’s New System of. (W. Erhardt) J . Soc. Arts, 492 501. Musical Parasite, The. (R. H. Schaufller) Outl. 80: 68 (W. A. Brown) 0. Musical Pitch, Misconceptions of. (J . E. Borland) J . Soc. Arts, 53: 350. Musical Profession Discouraging. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 99: 9. Musical Progress in America in 1902. Mathews) Music, 22: 254, (W. S. B. Musical Rhythm, Nature of. (W. S. B. Mathews) Music, 21: 398. Musical Season, Lessons of, I905. (H. T. Finck) Na- tion, 80: 326, —The Coming, 1905-06. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 81: 355- — 1905-06. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: 205, Musical Speech. Acad. 67: 133. Musical Stars; from an Old Album. Munsey, 28: 772, Musician, The, and Society. (R. H. Schauffler) Outl. 81: 674. Musicians (by One who has Suffered). Macmil. n. s. 1: 858. — and their Earnings. 351 424- — Compensation of, in Europe and America. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 981 394. — Contortions of, due to Artistic Temperament. E. Gorst) Sat. R. 101: 783. -— English, New Estimate of. R- %= 491. 5?-4, 554- - of St. Louis and New York in Labor Unions. (J. R. Commons) Q. J. Econ. 20: 419. — on Strikein Paris. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 942 579- — The Pay of. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 82: 29, — Pioneer. Acad. 69: 836-908, — Portraits of ; Catalogue of the Crosby Brown Col- lection. (C. K. Wead) Science, 11. s. 20: 214, — Pre-Columbian. (J . J . Peatfield) Calif. M. 3: 586. Musicians of the Word; a story. (B. D. Lloyd) Har- per, 110: 854. Musk-ox, My First. (C. Whitney) Outing, 31 253. Muskalonge, The. (E. Sandys) Outing, 40: 576. —— A Fight with a. (J. R. Rathom) Scrib. M. 31: 534. — Fishing for. (B. Dale) Canad. M. 27: 392. —— — in Canada. (F. M. Ivis) Canad. M. 19: 225. — Hints on Catching. (C. A. Hayden) Outing, 45: (VV. G. Henderson) Munsey, (H. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. 164. —- How to Find, Catch, and Cook. (J . V. Quarles, jr.) Outing, 491 118. Muskalonge and Pike Fishing. Canad. M. 21: 307. Muskegon, Mich. (D. Malloch) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 609. Musketry. (A. A. S. Barnes) Un. Serv. M. 27! 280. —— Improvement of the Annual Course of. Un. Serv. M, 29: 300, —in 1891 and 1901. (E. Roberts) Un. Serv. M. 24: 466 Musketry Regulations, French and German. (H. M. A. Hales) Un. Serv. M. 26: 193. Musketry Training, Plea for Practical. Un. Serv. M. 31: 162, Muskoka, a Canadian Summer Resort. Canad. M. 21: 33. (E. M. Smith) ‘My Friend Yoshomai. MUSKOKA Muskoka Lakes, Ontario. (S. G. Andrus) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 199. Musolino, The Bandit. (H. D. Sedgwick, jr.) Outl. 71: 1057. —(S. Cortesi) Indep. 54: 1240, Musset, Alfred de, and the English Opium-eater. Littlefield) Bookman, I 5: 437. —— asa Poet. Ed. R. 204: 103, Mutation and Selection. (M. M. Metcalf) Science, 11. s. 19: 74. -— in Mollusca. (F. C. Baker) Am. Natural. 40: 327. — Is it a Factor in the Evolution of the Higher Verte- brates ? (C. Hart Merriam) Science, n. s. 23: 241. (W. Mutation Theory. (T. L. Casey) Science, 11. s. 22: 307. — and Plant Species. (W. Stone) Science, n. s. 23: 701, - Experimental Data of. (J . A. Harris) Monist, I6: -I — Fallacy of the. (A. E. Ortmann) Science, 11. s. 23: 746, 24: 214, — Hugo de Vries’s. (A. A. W. Hubrecht) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 205. Mutilated Monument, The ; a story. (D. Story) Mun- sey, 26: 662, Mutineers, In the Hands of the. Serv. M. 33: 244, Mutiny Scare, A. Chamb. J. 83: 761. Mutsu Hito, Emperor of Japan. (Mrs. H. Fraser) Fortn. 85: 801. =Ecl. M. 147: 48. — The Heart of the Mikado. (Baron Suyematsu) 19th Cent. 57: 566. My Australian Duchess. (G. A. West) Un. (Guy Boothby) Chamb. J . 79: '3- My Bewildering Guest. (E. Hoyt) Idler, 22: 131. My Cousin Cynthia; a story. (Mrs. P. C. de Crespigny) Cornh. 90: 359. My Cousin Patricia. (A. M. Estabrook) 73: 129. My Cow-path. (H. C. Lee) Outl. 80: 480. My District. Liv. Age, 249: 15. My Early Adventures in the Pacific. Chamb. J. 80: 561, My Enemy, — the Motor. 27: 225, My First Success. (E. Grieg) Liv. Age, 246: 486, My Friend the Brigand ; a story. Macmil. 92: 401. My Friend the Count; a story. (W. A. Fraser) Canad. M. W 353-' My Friend Monsieur le Curé. Chamb. J . 81: 427. My Friend Pierrot. (C. B. Taylor) Everybody’s, 14: (Louis Becke) (Julian Street) McClure, 434- ' My Friend Prospero ; a novel. (H. Harland) McClure, 21: 149, 22: (F. N. Connell) Cornh. 85: 502, My Friend the Yoghi. (Mrs. Skovgaard-Pedersen) Chamb.J. 83: 365. My Golf. (C. B. Loomis) Cent. 41: 820. My Great-grandmother’s Lute. Macmil. 88: 344.: Ecl. M. 141: 804. = Liv. Age, 239: 158. My Greatest Day; a Fishing Sketch. (C. W. Young) Canad. M. 25: 237. My Irish Frie'nds. (C. Annesley) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 149. My Lady Bluebeard. (Caroline Duer) Scrib. M. 38: 75°- My Lady Clemency goes to Rye; a story. (M. S. Rawson) Harper, 107: 230, My Lady’s Bracelet ; a story. 32: 108. My Little Afiair with the Basques. Chamb. J. 80: 45. My Lord the Buck. (H. M. Warrand) Blackw. 172: 2l.=Ecl. M. 139: 466. My Midnight Visitor. (F. B. Forester) Chamb. J . 79: 456- (L. Hartman) Munsey, (C. Edwardes) 440 MYSTICISM My N eighbor’s. (B. B. Gilchrist) Atlan. 96: 133, My Nightmare Trout. Liv. Age, 244: 295. My One Accomplishment. Blackw. I71: 505. = Liv. Age. 2331 339. My Pretty Moira; a story. 73: 313- My Princess ; a Medley. (F. S.) Cornh. 89: 845. My Schoolgirl Life Fifty Years Ago. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 126. My Sister. (J . Lawson) Gent. M. n. s. 75: I 56. My Stepson. (C. E. Thomas) Sund. M. 34: 373. My Thoughts and my Second Thoughts. Gent. M. 11-51-771 238. 358. 494- Mycenaean Age, The. Church Q. 53: 331. Mycenaean Vases at Torcello. (R. M. Dawkins) J. Hel. Stud. 24: 337. Myddle, Richard, Gough’s History of. Gent. M. n. s. 70: 583. Myers, Ernest. Gathered Poems. Spec. 92: 371. Myers, Frederick W. H., Gospel of. (W. H. Mallock) 19th Cent. 53: 628.=Liv. Age, 237: 456. See Personality. -—- Posthumous Works. (A. Rae) Gent. M. ‘n. s. (A. B. Gough) (A. Sidgwick) Indep. R. 5: 246. Mylagaulodon, a New Rodent from the Upper John Day of Oregon. (W. J . Sinclair) Am. J . Sci. 165: 143. Myles, Jbhn. (H. L. Shumway) New Eng. M.n. s. 33: 29, Myriapod, Parajulus Pennsylvanicus. ence, n. s. 18: 59. Myrrh, Watching of the. 331- Mysore, Constitutional Government in. (D. C. Boulger) Contemp. 87: 402, Mysteries, Historical. (M. Morse) Sci- (B. Lindsay) 19th Cent. 60: (A. Lang) Cornh. 89: 104-814, 90: 104-782, —— A Necessity of Life. (G. Tyrrell) Month, 100: 449, 568. Mysterious Awa-toose, The. (R. T. Morris) Outing, 48: 605, Mysterious Treasure-chest, A ; a Narrative found among the Papers of the Van Gisendam Family. (VV. Rutherford) Chamb. J . 83: 124, Mystery, The ; a story. (S. E. White and S. H. Adam) Am. M. 62: 12-661, 63: 97. Mystery at Zeke’s, The; a story. (P. V. Mighels) Harper, 113: 195. Mystery of the Centenarian, The. (G. Hibbard) Everybody’s, I2: 12, Mystery of Chaville. (J . F. Macdonald) Sat. R. 98: 325- Mystery of Grace, A; a story. (R. Stearns) Cath. World, 76: 645. Mystery of the Daloon River, The. son) Chamb. J. 81: 10, Mystery of a Gold Brick, The. land, 11. s. 42: 411, Mystery of the Jade Buddha, The. Lippinc. 78: 196. Mystery of John Long; a story. Canad. M. 22: 376. Mystery of the Mary Celeste; a story. Dutton) Overland, n. s. 48: 395. Mystery of the Violet Stork. (H. A. Bryden) Chamb. J . 81: 769. Mystery of the White Thorn, The; a story. (S. Ma- hon) Cath. World, 79: 131. Mystery Plays, The. (C. H. Grabo) Chant. 44: 93. Mystic, The Practical. Spec. 93: 82. Mysticism and Discipline. Church Q. 62: 322. — Catholic, The Nature of. (J . J . Conway) Am. Cath. . Q. 30: 685. (A. H. Hender- (F. Bennion) Over- (Carolyn Wells) (J. A. Copland) (Arthur H. MYSTICISM Mysticism, Christian, The Elements of, needed To-day. (Geo. L. Clark) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 141 296. ~—— Faith and. (E. L. Lyman) Am. J . Theol. 82 502. — the Nevg, Alfons Mucha and. (C. Brinton) Cent. : 21 . —-— Note on. (O. Elton) Fortn. 82: 462. -— or Christianity. (W. De W. Hyde) Indep. 54: I0, 75. —- A Plea for. (G. W. Allen) Hibbert J. 31 271. ~—- The Plea for, Once More. (Mrs. G. H. F ox) Hib- bert J. 4: 446. —-— Revivalism and. (W. F. Alexander) Contemp. 89: .o_ Mystics, Psychology of a Group of Christian. (J . H. Leuba) Mind, 30: 15, Mystics, The ; a story. (K. C. Thurston) Blackw. I771 Is 2045 323- Myth in the Home. (M. A. Kelly) Educa. 221 565. Myth-making Age, Hewitt on a. (L. M. Larson) Dial, 35: 353.—Nature, 66: 145. Mythologies of the Indians. (F. Boas) Internat. Q. II: 327, Mythology, American; Transformation Myths. Am. Antiq. 26: 377. —— and Tradition, Significance of. (L. Farrand) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I7: 14, — of the Plains’ Indians. 27: 9, 739 323- Myths and Myth-makers of the Mediterranean. Harrison) Chaut. 43: 213. —— Classic, in Modern Art. Chaut. 42! 455, 549. — for Children. (Grace R. Boone) Educa. 25! 303. — of American History. (H. J . Haskell) Indep. 61: (C. S. Wake) Am. Antiq. (J . A. 31. — of Gestation and Parturition. (VV. Matthews) Am. Anthrop. 42 737. — Popular, of American History. of Hist. I: 61. Myxinoids, Studies of. (J . Worthington) Am. Nat- ural. 39; 625. (T. A. Emmet) M. N-rays. Ath. ’06, I: 141. — Blondlot’s. Nature, 591 378, 534. — (J. J . Stewart) Knowl. n. s. 2: 218, 242, Nacogdoches, Thomson’s Passage around. Zuber) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. I: 68. Nagasaki, Coal Girls of. (Max Storey) Overland, n. s. (W. P. W 47- Naididae of Ohio. (L. B. Walton) Am. Natural. 40: 683. Nairne, Lady Margaret. 619. ——- Jacobite Letters. (E. M. Graham) Scot. Hist. R. 4: 11, “' Naked Gospel, The.” Spec. 95: 857, Nakitano’s Christmas Gift; a story. Munsey, 28: 604. Nameless Stream, A. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 421, Names. (H. Ismay) Longm. 41: 347, — A Chapter on. (L. D. Dowall) Gent. M. n. s. 71: (T. Bayne) Temp. Bar, 126: (T. W. Hall) 545- — Field-. (H. N. Ellacombe) National, 45: 869. —— Geographic, in the U. S., and the Stories they tell. (R. H. Whitbeck) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 100, -— Meanings of. (Laura A. Payne) Indep. 60: 216. - of Animals, Vernacular. (L. W. Doran) Am. Nat- ural. 372551. Naming of the Strubel Baby; a story. Iurs) Munsey, 30! 9M. Nancy, France, Convent of the Good Shepherd. (L. J . Maxse) National, 411 308 ; (Sir G. Lushington) 378. . Nancy May’s Blossom-time. (M. S. Merrill) New Eng. M. n. s. 342 417. (Grace McE. 441 NAPOLEON Nancy’s Country House-party ; a story. Hunt) Ctry Life Am. 3: 45. N ancy’s New Gowns; a story. (E. Hoyt) Idler, 221 690. Nantes, The Musee Dobrée at. (R. S. Faber) Li- brary, n. s. 5: 206, Nantucket. (M. E. Starbuck) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 515.— (Grace Le Baron) New Eng. M. n. _s. 32: 559. (Eleanor —Anti-auto. New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 94. —-— in the Revolution. (A. H. Gardner) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 556. — Two Centuries of Churches and Pastors in. (M. S. Dudley) N. E. Reg. 56: 17, Napa Soda Springs, Cal. (H. R. Trevor) Calif. M. I: 7. Napa Valley. (Carlotta Reynal) Overland, n. s. 39: 799- Napier, Robert ; a Pioneer Steamship Builder. Chamb. J . 81: 637. Napier, Col. William, Letters to Sir John Colborne. (G. C. Moore Smith) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 725, _- (D, Hannay) Macmil. 86: 209. Naples. Alfonso of A1-agon Arch. Arch. 81: 3. — Archives of. Records of the Commissione Feudale. (R. M. Johnston) Eng. Hist. R. 192 742. — Bay of, Earth-movements in. (R. T. Giinther) Geog. J_. 22: 121, 269. -—-‘Nature, 69: 274, — Camorra of. (G. M. Fiamingo) Indep. 54: I184. —- Changes in the Level of. (R. T. Giinther) Geog. J . 24: 191, —-— Galleria Umberto I. (N. Serrancino) Am. Arch. 88: 59. — in 1799, Giglioli on. Ath. ’O3, I: 394. -— (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 76: I96, — Mask in, Survival of. (T. D. Bergen) Nation, 79: 7. — Musemn, Directorship of the. Nation, 78: 493. — —- Fighting Graft in the. (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 81: 335. -— Napoleon I. and. Ed. R. 202: MO. —-— Submerged Greek and Roman Ruins near. Giinther) Archaeol. 58: 499. —— Tammany of, Overthrown. (H. Mereu) Am. (R. T. (J . W. Mario) Nation, 74: '- —— Technical School in. (A. S. Williams) School R. 13: 398. —- Zotilogical Station, Enlargement of. (T. H. Morgan) Science, n. s. 16: 991. Napo River, Quito to the Amazon via. (A. H. Rice) Geog. J. 2!: 401, Napoleon I., with portraits. (S. D. Smith, jr.) Book- lover’s M. I: 6o7.——(M. Debrit) Internat. Q. 6: 43. — Abdication of. (Constance, Countess de la Warr) Idler, 28: 465. —— and the Army of Italy. Serv. Inst. 38: 87. — and British Seamen. I2 5: 356. —— and England, 1803-13. (A. Laugel) Nation, 79: 3°. —— and Madame de Staél. Ed. R. 202: 79. —— (A. Laugel) Nation, 76: 266, 309, 352. —-— and Naples. Ed. R. 202: 450. —— and Nelson. (D. Hannay) Cornh. 92: 528. — and Pins VII. ; an Example. (D. A. Merrick) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 354. — and the United States. (J . R. Fisher) National, 43: 646. - and Wellington. (H. C. Everitt) Calif. M. 5: 299. —-— A Romantic Fact from Dry Pedigree. (J. V. Foote) Gent. M. n. s. 751 I00. —-— as a Book-lover. (J . W. Thompson) Atlan. 98: I I0, — as a General, Yorck von Wartenburg on. Ath. ’O3, (R. W. Leonard) J . Mil. (H. N. Shore) Temp. Bar, 13 S24- — as King of Elba. (A. Laugel) Nation, 82: 277, NAPOLEON Napoleon I., at Elba. (J . B. Atlay) Cornh. 90: 391. — Temp. Bar, 128: 450, -—— at Home. Sat. R. 100: 334. -— British Visitors and Captives of, 1801-15, Alger’s. Ath. ’o4, 2: 133. -—- Brothers of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 76: 392. -— Browning’s First Phase of. (H. E. Bourne) Dial, 39: 241, —— Campaigns of. (J. M. Maguire) Un. Serv. M. 331 8. (A. Laugel) Nation, 79: 519. — The Cult of. (Goldwin Smith) Atlan. 91: 790. -- Dodge on. (F. L. Huidekoper) Am. Hist. R. 10: I83. — (J. R. Smith) Dial, 37: 110, ~— Early Life of. (Viscount Wolseley) Cosmopol. 34: 329. 418. 530. 691. —— Empire of, in Southern Italy and the Rise of the Secret Societies, Johnston’s. Sat. R. 99: 146. —— from Waterloo to St. Helena. (A. Laugel) Nation, 78: 247, 268. -— Funeral of, and his Last Papers. (J . H. Rose) Eng. Hist. R. 17,: 311. —— Heads of. (P. C, Remondino) Calif. M. 3: 17, — in Germany, Fisher’s. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 771 -— Coronation of. 304- . -—- Invasion Projects of. (H. W. Wilson) Monthly R. 7, no. I: 117. ~ -—- Did he mean to invade England ? (D. Hannay) Macmil. 85: 285. —- Irish Regiment under. (S. Gwynn) Cornh. 92: 355. — Johnston and Dodge on. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 79: 337. -— Legendary and the Real. (H. R. Evans) Open Court, 18: 584. -— Letters, 1794-1807, from Lord Crawford’s Collec- tion. (H. A. L. Fisher) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 720, —— Limitations of his Genius. (J . H. Rose) Contemp. 89: 549. =Ecl. M. I46: 476. -- Moltke, and Frederic, Characteristics of the Cam- paigns of. (N. S. Jarvis) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: 62, -—- Napoleon’s Weird. (W. H. Pollock) Longm. 41: 24, =Liv. Age, 235: 445. -- New Light on Imprisonment of. (Count Balmain) Bk. Buyer, 25: 587. -—— N ote-books, English History in. (H. F. Hall) Fortn. 81: 233, -—- on America and the Americans. 79: 689. "-= Liv. Age, 237: 449. — Rare Pictures of. (S. D. Smith, jr.) Appleton’s M. 8: 323, -— Religion of. (J . H. Rose) Quar. I98: 336. — Rose’s Life of. Ed. R. 195: 551. —-Acad. 62: 107, -—- Ath. ’o2, I: 167. —(C. W. Colby) Nation, 75: 116. —-(E. D. Adams) Dial, 38: 4I. -—- Statesmanship of, Fisher on. Ath. ’03, I: 805, -—- Surrender of, Maitland on. Spec. 92: 961. — Victim of his Clan. (A. Laugel) Nation, 82: 155, ~— Wertheimer’s. Sat. R. 101: 113, -— Why he was selected to command the Army of Italy. (W. E. Birkhimer) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 251. Napoleon II. See Reichstadt, Duke of. Napoleon III. after Sedan. (T. W. Evans) Booklover’s M. 6: 119, -~ and the Nicaragua Canal. (S. Y. Stevenson) Cent. 42: 391. -—— Coup d’Etat of; edited by F. J esup Stimson. Scrib. M. 38: 417. - Napoleon the Little, once more. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 238. Napoleonder ; a Legend of the Russian Peasants. (G. (L. Rosen) Fortn. 442 Kennan, tr.) Outl. 70: 870. NATIONAL Napoleonic Empire in Southern Italy, J ohnston’s. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 80: 358. Narcissus. (Jeanie Drake) Cath. World, 83: 202-733. 84: 161, 314. Narodny, Ivanovitch, with portrait. M. 62: 66. Narragansett, Social Life in Old. Hist. 4: 166, 209. Narragansett Pier ; Places of Interest in the Vicinity. (H. W. Fison) Pub. Lib. II: 337. Narration. (B.A. Heydrick) Chaut. 36: 158, Narrow Escape of Permilla. (H. R. Martin) Cent. 47: 868. (L. Scott) Am. (D. Goodwin) M. of Narrow Men. (A. E. M. Foster) Sat. R. 96: 327, “Narrow-wideness.” Spec. 97: 122. Narrow World, The; a story. (C. D. Willard) Land of Sun. 3: 3. Naseby Fight ; an Historic Ride. (W. G. B. Murdock) Antiq. n. s. 41: 448. Nash Papyrus, with portrait. I6: 5 59. Nashua, N. H. (B. E. Warren) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: (F. c. Burkitt) Jew.Q. 745- Nast, Thomas, with portrait. (E. Knaufft) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 31. —— and his Cartoons. (A. B. Maurice) Bookman, I 5: 19, — and his Historical Paintings. (L. Leslie) N at’l M. (Bost.) 24: 595. -— Paine’s Life of. (A. B. Maurice) Bookman, 20: 458. — (I. A. Pyle) Dial, 38: 318, Natal. (R. Russell) Westm. 159: 491. -—- Colonial Lands of. (R. Ababrelton) Econ. J . I6: 455- — Farm Life in. Chamb. J . 80: 261, —- Native Crisis in, 1906. (F. S. Tatham) National, 47: 519, 581. —(F. Mackarness) Indep. R. 10: 135, ~— Railway System of. (J . H. Knight) Engin. M. 24: I87. — (J. F. Gairns) Cassier, 27: 83. — Two Years After. (Linesman) Blackw. I71: 288, Natalie Blayne ; a story. (Alice Brown) Harper, I05: 5°5- Natchez Trace, The. (J . Swain) Everybody’s, I 3: 329, “Nation, The; ” Dissent and Assent. (M. Reed) Na- tion, 7g: 414. — Forty Years of. (VV. P. Garrison) Nation, 81: 30, Nation, Relation of, to its Dependencies. (E. Steven- son) Am. Law R. 36: 366. “ National,” The Blessed Word. Nation, 82: 508, National Academy of Design. (A. Holber) Studio (Internat.) 27 I 1XXXiii. — Exhibition, 1902. (H. N. Howard) Brush & P. 9: 277. -—- — 1903. (H. N. Howard) Brush & P. 11: 364, — — 1904. Brush & P. 13: 300. — — 1905. (W. T. Landers) Brush & P. I5: 73, — Winter Exhibition, 1906. (Kenyon Cox) Nation, 83: . 4_ National Academy of Sciences, Meeting, 1902. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 74: 322, -—- — 1903. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 75: 349. -—- -— 1904. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 78: 328, 432, -—- — 1905. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 81: 417. — -- 1906. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 82: 341. National and Political Efliciency. (C. Bright) Westm. 161: 626. , National Antagonisms, an Illusion. (J . Novicow) In- ternat Q. 6: 409. National Apathy and National Necessities. Un. Serv. M. 26: 4 3. National Art in a National Metropolis. Internat. Q. 6: 107, National Art-collection Fund. (H. M. Paull) F ortn. 82: 874.—-Sat. R. 99: 515. (VV. H. Low) NATIONAL National Banks, Responsibility of, in the Present Crisis, 1902. (A. S. Bolles) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 475. National Bureau of Standards and its Relation to Sci- entific and Technical Laboratories. (E. B. Rosa) Science, n. s. 2:: 161, National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio, Money- making Management of. (C. U. Carpenter) Engin. M, 22: 822, — The Truce between Capital and Labor. (C. T. Fugitt) Cassier, 28: 339. National Civic Federation, Industrial Peace Confer- ence, I9OI. (O. S. Straus) Cassier, 21: 336. — Results accomplished by the Industrial Department. (O. S. Straus) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 37, National Committee, New Power of. (R. Ogden) Atlan. 89: 76. . National Conference of Charities and Correction, I903, Impressions of. (B. J. R. Altemson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 390. -— — 1904. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 414. See Charities. National Congress of Mothers; Report. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 200. National Conservatory of Music. 22: 132, National Convention, The Anomaly of our. Dennis) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 185, National Debt, U. S. ; is it to be perpetuated ? (J . S. Hanson) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 17. National Defense. Ed. R. 202: 519, National Department Store, The. M, 61: 459. National Deterioration. (H. Lamont) Nation, 83: I 34. National Economic League, The. (R. E. Bisbee) Arena, 30: 74. National Educational Association. Eng. M. n. s. 28: 532. -- Address of President Roosevelt before. Mo. 67: 372. — at St. Louis, I903. Educa. R. 28: 202,-— (C, C, Ramsay) Educa. 24: 44. -—— — Preparations for. (A. E. Winship) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 428, — Debate in Congress on Bill to incorporate. Educa. R. 31: 513. —— Library Department of, 1902, Pub. Lib. 7: 377. - -- 1903. Lib. J. 28: 617, - _ 1904. Pub. Lib. 9: 416. -— — 1905. Pub. Lib. I0: 428, National Gallery, Administration of. (C. L. Eastlake) 19th Cent.‘ 54: 926. — German and Flemish Masters in, Mary H. Witt on. Atl1- ’O4. 13 375- — Noteworthy Purchases under Burton and Poynter. Art J. 58: 229. -— Pictures in, Cost of. Art J. 58: I9, (E. Swayne) Music, (A. P. (P. L. Allen) Am. (B. F. Hall) New Pop. Sci. Lib. J. 27: 833.- National Gallery of Scotland. (D. C. Thomson) Art J . 56: 89. 57: 293. —— French School of. (D. C. Thomson) Art J . 56: 3n, National Geographic Society, Annual Dinner, Dec. 20, I905. Nat. Geog. M. 17: 22, — New Building of. Nat. Geog. M. I5: 176, National Guard, U. S. (J . J . Esch) No. Am. 177: 288, — The New. (J . M. Rice) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 467. ss= 43. National Guard Editor, Impressions of a. (C. S. Clark) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 11: 9, National Guard Ofiicer, Confessions of a. Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 8: 9. — for National Defense, Training of. J.Mi1. Serv. Inst. 31: 806. (G. D. Snyder) 443 NATURAL ' National History, Study of. Ath. ’O5, 2: 364. National Liberty Party, Appeal of. (Geo. E. Taylor) Indep. 57: 344. National Municipal League, 9th Annual Meeting. (C. R. Woodruff) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 375- National Museum, Washington ; New Building. Am. Arch. 80: 91. National Park for Minnesota. (K. L. Smith) Outing, 391 401- —- Management of a. (H. H. Lewis) Outl. 74: I036, —— No. Carolina. (L. Vandervort) Outing, 421 675. National Physical Laboratory, British. Nature, 65: 466, 487- National Pike and its Memoirs. 26: 306. National Portrait Gallery, Artists’ Room at. M. of Art, 26: 123, National Prison Association, 1903. (C. T. Lewis) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 546. National Sculpture Society. (W. O. Partridge) Forum, 351 629- National Service Problem. (H. Lambert) Un. Serv. M. 33: 357. National Sovereignty not Absolute. Arena, 31: 381, National Strategy. Blackw. I73: I53. National Theater, Financing the. (James A. Metcalfe) No. Am. 180: 198, Nationality and Militarism. (J . H. Rose) Internat. Q. g: 170, -— and Naturalization, British. R. 18: 273. Nations, Antipathies of. Sat. R. 95: 770. — Progressive and Unprogressive. (G. Trobridge) Westm. I66: 41. -— Purses of. (A. Harris) World’s Work, 10: 6240, Native Ministry on Missionary Ground, Training of a. (C. S. Sanders) Hartf. Sem. Rec. III 157. Natives, Problem of, in So. Africa and elsewhere. (A. R. Wallace) Indep. R. II: 174, —- —- A Sociological View of the. (A. G. Keller) Yale R, 12: 2 59, N attier, J ean-Marc, Life, Work, and Bibliography, with portrait. Mast. in Art, 3: pt. 30. Natural Beauty as a National Asset. (Octavia Hill) 19th Cent. 58: 935. Natural-born Preacher, The. New Eng. M. n. s. (R. L. Bridgman) (G. A. Smith) Jurid. (N. Lloyd) Scrib. M. 331 423- Natural Bridge, Arizona. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 5: I46. Natural History. (J . Burroughs) Outing, 44: I12, 769. 45: 115, 246. —— Beginnings of Popular Interest in. Outing, 41: 201. 3- Current Misconception in. (J . Burroughs) Cent. 45! (W. S. Dunbar) 5°9- -- Doubts and Conclusions in. (J . Burroughs) Harper, 10g: 360, —- in Earlier Ages. 630, -— Kindergarten Science. (C. R. Eastman) Science, 11. S. 20: 79. -—— Necessity for Accurate Statements in. (C. R. East- man) Science, 11. s. 20: 215. -— Notes in Northern British Columbia. (J . H. Keen) Canad. M. 25: 167. — Popular Delusions in. n. s. 20: 380. —- Real and Sham. (J . Burroughs) Atlan. 9!: 298. 5- Sham. (J . Burroughs) Outing, 46: I18, -—UnnaturaL in 1726. (A. Saxby) Antiq. n. s. 41: I79~ (C. R. Eastman) Science, Spec. 97: 395.—"‘-Liv. Age, 251: ‘~ NATURAL Natural History Museum, Eight Years at the. Lankester) Fortn. 86: 1039. ‘ Natural Knowledge, Advancement of. (N. Lockyer) Nature, 65: 289, Natural Philosophy, Exercises in, MacLean’s. Gale) School R. 10: 717, Natural Religion, Problem of. (J . Royce) Internat. Q- 7= 85- . Natural Resources, the Wealth of the Commonwealth. (A. C. Lane) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 166, Naturalism, Services of, to Life and Literature. (M. Schiitze) Sewanee, II: 425. -—- Spinoza’s and Spencer’s Type of. Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 38. Naturalist Notes. (H. Maxwell) Liv. Age, 237: 701. Naturalist’s Big Stories, A. (John Burroughs) Out- ing, 45= 631. Naturalist’s N ote-book, Some Leaves from a. Chanib. J . 79: 151. Naturalization, Federal Control of. (G. Hunt) World’s ' Work, 11: 7095. — in England and the American Colonies. Carpenter) Am. Hist. R. 9: 288. — Law of. (H. Stockbridge) Green Bag, 17: 644, Nature and Books. (W. J . Long) Dial, 34: 357. Nature and Man. (J . Perry) Nature, 72: 199.=Sci- ence, 22: 155. =Liv. Age, 246: 508, -— at Dawn of Day. (L. T. Sprague) Outing, 40: 475, -— Books about. (H. C. Merwin) Scrib. M. 33: 430. — Children of. (D. G. Hogarth) Macmil. go: 183. — Enjoyment of. (C. C. Abbott) Arena, 31: 611. —- Ensoulment of. (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 166. -—- in 18th Century Literature. Acad. 70: 427. — in Emerson"s Essays. (Mary G. Chawner) New Eng. M. n. s. 322 215. — in Greek Art. (E. M. Congreve) Macmil. 91: 173. =Ecl. M. 144: 556. =Liv. Age, 244: 568. -—- Interpretation of. (C. L. Morgan) Contemp. 87: 609, -— Literary Treatment of. (J . Burroughs) Atlan. 94: (E. R. (H. G. (E. H. Griflin) (A. H. 38. -— Man and, Old World Friendliness between. (M. F. Maurer) Craftsman, 8: 511. -—— Marsh Music. (G. S. Porter) Outing, 40: 658. -— Mind and. (A. E. Taylor) Internat. J . Ethics, I3: 55- ,—- Misrepresentation of, in Magazines. (A. R. Crook) Science, 11. s. 23: 748. -—— The Morality of. (P. A. Kropotkin) I9th Cent. 57: 407. = Liv. Age, 245: 193. -— The Return to. (C. Zueblin) Chant. 39: 257. —- The School of. Sat. R. 94: 669. = Liv. Age, 235: 818. -_—Ecl. M. 140: 276. — the Schoolma’am. Outl. 83: 706. — Study of. (T. F. Wright) N. Church R. 13: 602. — The Ways of. (J . Burroughs) Cent. 44: 294, _ Nature Books. (W. M. Wheeler) Science, n. s. 19: 347- - -—— of Gilbert White, Thoreau, and Jeiferies. (F. J . Shaw) Indep. R. 7: 203. Nature Club of America. (A. B. Comstock) Ctry Life Am. 10: 439, 538. Nature-cure for Disease. 10: 27. Nature Gardens. (0. Crawfurd) 19th Cent. 58: 657, Nature Literature, Test of. (J . Burroughs) Ctry Life Am. 6: 51. Nature Love among the Poets of Ancient Greece. (J . Ctry Life (T. Waters) Everybody’s, V. Cheney) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 113, Nature Poems selected by H. van Dyke. Am. 9: 695. . Nature School, Glimpse at a. (C. Gmllet) Pedagog. Sem. 11: 91. 444 NAVAL Nature-Student, The. (D. L. Sharp) Atlan. 98: 211, Nature Studies, Forgotten. (M. F. Robinson) Bk. Buyer, 24: 108. -— of a Night. (A. L. Phelps) Canad. M. 27: 23. Nature Study. Acad. 63: 259.--(C. E. Bessey) Sci- ence, n. s. 15: 793. —(W. J. Beal) Indep. 54: 2178. — (J . R. Taylor) Atlan. 92: 763. — (A. G. Mc- Closkey) Chant. 36: 79-595. 37: 77, I82, 296. —- (A. B. Comstock) Chant. 38: 281, 40: 366, - (J, C. Wright) Gent. M. n. s. 74: I57.—-(E. C. Case) Science, 11. s. 19: 550. —— a la Mode. (E. H. Eppeus) Critic, 45: 149. — and Life, Hodge on. (O. W. Caldwell) School R. 10: 714. -— (F. K. Waldo) Educa. 33: 36. -—- and8Modern Verse. Spec. 96: 415. = Liv. Age, 249: 69 . -—- and Religious Training. (W. S. Jackman) Educa. R. 30: 12, -—- and the Small Libraries. 315- — Corollary to. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 75: 184. -—- Exhibition of, London, I902. (W. M. Webb) Na- ture, 66: 324. -— (E. Step) Pall Mall M. 27: 485. — in Required Literature. (M. H. Shackford) Educa. 25: 501. — in Schools. Nature, 65: 369. —- Is it only Glorified Play ? Sat. R. 94: 669, -— Method in. (Michael F. Guyer) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 86. — Modern School of, and its Critics. (W. J . Long) No. Am. 176: 688, —— Movement for. (J. C. Bay) Pub. Lib. 11: (W. E. Ranger) Educa. 24: 501. —- School Gardens and Agriculture in Schools. (J . R. Jewell) Pedagog. Sem. I3: 273. — What is? (W. J. Beal) Science, 11. s. 15: 961. I65 910. Nature Writers, Rise of, with portraits. (F. W. Hal- sey) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 567. Nature’s Comedian. (W. E. Norris) Longm. 42: 261- 481. 43= I-45% 44= 1, 89- Nature’s Way. (J . Burroughs) Harper, I09: 263, Nau, John Antoine. Force Ennemie. (M. B. Riley) Acad. 66: 75. Naugatuck, Conn., an Ar'chitectural Oasis. David) Archit. Rec. 19: I35. Naughty Nan. (J . L. Long) Lippinc. 69: 3. Naukratis. (D. G. Hogarth and others) J . Hel. Stud. 25: 105, Naumann Festival at Ciithen. 72: 36, Naumbnrg, Paul Schultze; (A. C. (A. Newton) Nature, a Decorative Landscape Painter. (L. Bartning) Studio (Internat.) 24: 210. Navajo Blankets. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 6: 8, —— (J. J. Peatfield) Calif. M. 4: 377. -—(A. F. Sple- gelberg) Out West, 20: 447. — (G. L. Patterson) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 64. — (G. H. Pepper) Every- b0dy’s. 3= 33- Navajo Indians, Among the. 76= 349- —— and Pueblos, Education and Morals among. (W. E. Curtiss) Am. Antiq. 271 259. —— Origin, Legend of. (C. S. Wake) Am. Antiq. 26: 2 -, . -—- Serpent Worship among the. (W._ Matthews) Land of Sun. 9: 228, — Songs of the. (J . C. Fillmore) Land of Sun. 5: 238, —- (W. Matthews) Land of Sun. 5: I97. Navajo Initiation, A. (VV. Matthews) Land of Sun. (A. W. Dimock) Outl. f 1 . . Naval Academy, U. S., New Buildings of. (Rand Blackshaw) Cent. 48: 878. See Annapolis. ‘- NAVAL Naval Administration, Principles of. National, 41: 546. —— Ten Years of. Un. Serv. M. 32: 501, 33: 1. Naval and Military Co-operation in War. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 341 347. Naval Architecture, Esthetics of. (W. J . Fletcher) 19th Cent. 52: 292. — Course in,. at the Mass. Inst. of Technology. (C. H. Peabody) Technol. R. 5: 31:, (A. T. Mahan) Naval Artillery of the Future. (W. Hope) Un. Serv. M- av 253- Naval Bases, The Defense of. Monthly R. 20, no. 1: 22, —— Garrisoning our. (H. N. Shore) Un. Serv. M. 25: I. Naval Battle of the Future. Blackw. I72: 288. Naval Battle Tactics, Principles of. Un. Serv. M. 31; 57°- Naval Battlefields, A Lady’s Visit to. Un. Serv. M. 25 Naval (P. Vaux) Idler, 25: 391, -—- Modern, with Ironclads. (P. Vaux) Idler, 252 277. —— T orpedoing of the “ Aguidaban.” (P. Vaux) Idler 25: 11;, Naval Blunders, Old Time. (C. S. Clark) Army & Navy Life, 9: 363, Naval Cadetships. (A. C. Benson) Cornh. 90: 368. Naval Chaplain of the 18th Century. (H. M. Vaughan) Un. Serv. M. 26: 348. Naval College, The Britannia. Naval Concentration, and a Moral. Fortn. 81: 685. Naval Education. Un. Serv. M. 24: 565. — its Past and Future. Blackw. I78: 445- —- Side-lights on. Un. Serv. M. 25: 347. Naval Engineer, The British, and the U. S. Personnel Law. (C. M. Johnson) Engin. M. 24: 901. — Status of the British. (C. M. Johnson) Engin. M. 23: 233. Un. Serv. M. 25: 235. (A. S. Hurd) Naval Expenditure, British and American. (C. Bel- lairs) No. Am. 179: 887, Naval Fortresses, The Defense of our. (A. S. Morse) Un. Serv. M. 28: 225. —Un. Serv. M. 28: 576, —- Education of our. (A. J . Richardson) Un. Serv. M. - 28: 471, Naval History of 1805, M. 32: 174. , Naval Lessons of the Russo-Japanese War. (H. W. Wilson) Monthly R. 18, no. It 15. I Liv. Age, 244: 385. Naval Manaauvres of Great Britain, 1905-06. Sat. R. 99: 101, —— of a War Fleet in Time of Peace. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 696. Naval Oflicers, Senior, Age of our. Navy Life, 9: 567. — Troubles of. (A. H. Dutton) Overland, n. s. 44: 145- ~ Types of, Mahan’s. (J. S. Corbett) Am. Hist. R. 7: 556.-(C. F. Goodrich) Nation, 74: 311, Naval Power, Balance of. (A. S. Hurd) 19th Cent. 57: 228. ' Naval Progress, Thirty Years of. Un. Serv. M. 30: 105. —— U. S. Government’s Notes on. (R. H. Thurston) Science, 16: 631. Naval Questions. (E. Robertson) 19th Cent. 571 I40. Naval Raids and Home Defense. (H. N. Shore) Un. Serv. M. 28: 125. Naval Reform. Un. Serv. M. 26: 342. —- The Accountant Branch. Un. Serv. M. 27: 369. Naval Requirements of the Empire. (O. Churchill) Un. Serv. M. 25¢ 223. (L. G. C. Laughton) Un. Serv. (G. U. Harvey) (A. Lee) Army & 44.5 : 409. Battles. The Last Fight of the “Huascar.” . NEBRASKA Naval Reserve, British. Un. Serv. M. 27: 238. Naval Scares. (Lord Eversley) Contemp. 90: 624. Naval School, An Inland. (L. R. Gignilliat) Munsey, 29: 420, Naval Scouts. (B. W. Lees) Un. Serv. M. 27: 8. Naval Strategic Article, How to write a. (C. Noble) Indep. 56: 1121, Naval Strength of the Powers. (A. Cleaves) World’s Work, 6: 3420. —(A. Smith) Cassier, 252 446. Naval Supremacy, Internationalism and. (R. P. Hob- son) Indep. 601 763. Naval Tactics in the Past. (W. J . Fletcher) Igth Cent, 543 722. Naval Training, The New. (J . Leyland) National, 42: 277- Naval Volunteers. Un. Serv. M. 27: 363. Naval War College, U. S. (G. G. Wilson) World- 'l.‘o~day, 8: 618, Naval Warfare, Improvised Means of. (F. H. Cos- tello) Dial, 40: 287, — of To-day. (Sir C. Bridge) Cornh. go: 312, Navarino, The Name of. (W. Miller) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 307. 21: 106, Navies, Disposition of. (A. T. Mahan) National, 39: 701, — French and English. ‘Liv. Age, 246: 698. — The Growth of. (J . Bryce) Indep. 59: 605. — Rival [England, France, Germany]. (G. S. Lefevre) Contemp. 39¢ 153. Navigation, lnland, The Benefits of. (J . F. Fischer) Asia. R. 40: 19. — Modern, Essential Needs of. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 295. —- Use of a Drawing Board and Scales in Trigonometry and. (R. A. Harris) Science, 11. s. 18: 108, Navigation Acts as applied to European Trade. (D. Q. McGovney) Am. Hist. R. 91 725. Navigation Laws. (H. R. E. Childers) 19th Cent. 5!: 883. — Shall we restore them ? (B. Taylor) 19th Cent. 56: 418. Navy, An Anglo-American. (P. Morton) Indep. 59: 20, — Gun Salutes in the Old. Un. Serv. M. 33: 133. See names of countries, as United States, Great Britain, etc. Navy and Coast Defense. Navy League in Canada. 20: 225, Navy Leagues. (J. H. Gibbons) No. Am. 176: 758. N axos, Duchy of. (William Miller) Gent. M. n. s. -59! 428. Nazareth Hall. Pennsyl. M. 29: 374. Nazarene, Meaning of the Epithet. Monist, I5: 25. Nazzani, Emilio. (A. Loria) Econ. J . I5! 126. Neagh, Lough, and Coney Island. Chamb. J . 82: 16!. Neapolitan Stuarts, The. (A. F. Steuart) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 470. Neatby, W. J ., Artist Designer. (Internat.) 20: I13, Nebo, Mount, View from. (G. B. Gray) Expos. 6th ser. I0: 321, Nebraska, College Library in. (M. W. Nicholl) Lib. J - 2.e= 294- —— Library Association. Annual Meeting, 1902. Pub. Lib. 7: 490. -— -— 1903. Pub. Lib. 8: 476. — -— 1906. Pub. Lib. II: 83. — State Conference of Charities and Corrections, 1902, (A. W. Clark) Char. 8: 220. Nebraska Academy of Sciences. ence, n. s. 23: 619. (G. W. Littlehales) Un. Serv. M. 311 I5. (H. F. Wyatt) Canad. M. (W. B. Smith) (A. Vallance) Studio (F. D. Heald) Sci- NEBRASKA Nebraska University, Botanical Laboratory of. Sci- ence, n. s. 20: 185. N ebuchadnezzar, Abasement of. Sac. 62: 601, —- Palace and Temple of. 104: 809. —— Unearthing of the Throne-room of. Bib. World, 19: 209. Nebula in Cygnus, The, “ America,” with plate. Wolf) Knowl. 25: 156, -— The Solar. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 64: 373. N ebulae, The. (E. Ledger) 19th Cent. 55: 229. 1‘ Liv. Age, 241: 20, — and the Formation of the Universe. Cent. 43: 200, -—- of the Pleiades, Inner. (Max Wolf) Knowl. 27: 286. —- Photographing the. (G. W. Ritchey) Harper, I06 886. ‘ —- Spiral, Origin of. (J . M. Schaeberle) Nature, 69 as 1 — —- Significance of. (T. J . J . See) Pop. Astron. I4: 614, Nebular Hypothesis. (J . E. Gore) Gent. M. n. s. 59: I73. -—- (Robert Ball) Indep. 54: 1694, - Nebular Theory, Whence and Whither ? (C. W. Sa- leeby) Harper, 108: 925, Nebulous Area of the Sky, Large. Pop. Astron. I2: 401, (11.11.i1errssn Efib. (M. Jastrow, jr.) Harper, (M. (J . H.- Freese) 0 9 I (H. C. Wilson) _Nebulous Stars and their Spectra. (Agnes M. Clerke) Knowl. 25: 225, Neckam, Alexander. (A. Caven) Month, 105: 623. Necklace, The; a story. (G. de Maupassant) Canad. M. 23: 113. Necrological Romance. (M. A. Griffin) Cent. 46: 524. Necturus, Veins in. (T. H. Romeiser) Am. Natural. 39‘ 391- Need of Money, The; a story. McClure, 24: 70. Needham, Mass., Baptisms recorded by Ministers of 1st Church, 1720-1821. (G. K. Clarke) N. E. Reg. 57‘ 21-370- — Births in. 1749-62. (G. K. Clarke) N. E. Reg. 56: 141. — Deaths recorded by the Rev. Jonathan Townsend, A. M., Minister of the First Church in, I749-62. (G. K. Clarke) N. E. Reg. 56: 265. —-— Marriages in, 172o—98. (G. K. Clarke) N. E. Reg. 56: 30, Needle of the Damned, The; a story. (J . M. Forman) Everybody’s, 8: 495, Needlework, Art School of. (R. E. D. Sketchley) Art J . 56: 147. — Church, Art of. Month, 101: 62. —— English Gothic. (L. F. Day) Art J . 57: 222. — in Newcomb Art School. (E. Woodward) Brush rig P. 15: 313.——Craftsman, 5: 282. -—- Liverpool School of Art. (E. F. Strange) Studio (Internat.) 24: 147, See Cut-works. Nefllen, Paul, Artist. (F. W. Coburn) Brush & P. 17: 228, Negative, Concept of the. (W. H. Sheldon) Philos. R. 11: 485. Negligence. Am. Arch. 86: 46. — Distinction between Contributory, and Assumption of Risk, and its Significance. (E. L. Bishop) Am. Law R. 36: 387. Negotiable Instruments Law in the Michigan Legisla- ture. (G. F. Bates) Am. Law R. 37: 873. — Necessary Amendment to. Harv. Law R. 16: 25 5. N egoya of the Engineers; a story. (F. Palmer) Cent. 42: 548. (W. A. Reed) Am. (Booth Tarkington) Negritos viewed as Pigmies, The. Antiq. 27: 128, QM NEGRO Negro, The. (J . R. Commons) Chaut. 38: 223, — The Anglo-Saxon and the African. (K. Miller) Arena, 28: 575. — Th; Agricultural. (Booker T. Washington) Arena, 2 : 461, — American, The Religion of the. (F. M. Davenport) Contemp. 88: 369.=Ecl. M. 145: 609. —— and Higher Learning. (W. S. Scarborough) Forum, 33: 349- — and Music. (H. J . Wilson) Outl. 84: 823, - Another View of. (A. Sledd) Atlan. 90: 65. — a Beast. (E. Atkinson) No. Am. 181: 202, — Brain of the. (R. B. Bean) Cent. 50: 778. — Census Statistics of the. (W. F. Willcox) Yale R. I 3: 274. — in Politics, A Notable Instance of the. Washington) Outl. 83: 78. .=-"‘"I'ntensely Human.” (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 93: 588. — Joys of being a. (E. E. Wilson) Atlan. 97: 245. —- Northern, Autobiography of. (Fannie B. Williams) Indep. 57$ 91. . — The Old-time. (T. N. Page) Scrib. M. 36: 522. — Page and others on. (W. E. B. Du Bois) Dial, 38: (Booker T. 315- — Possibilities of. (W. E. B. Du Bois) Booklover’s M. 2: 3. Negro Artisan, The American. sier, 25: 435. Negro Bankers’ Convention, Atlanta, 1906. (Booker T. Washington) Indep. 61: 684. Negro Belt, The, of Chicago, Social Bonds in. Williams) Char. I 5: 40, Negro Church, The, and its Social Work. (M. K. Griffin) Char. 15: 75. Negro Churches. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 78: 405. (T. J . Calloway) Cas- (I. B. Negro City Groups, The Make-up of. (L. Brandt) Char. 15: 7. Negro College, Function of. (K. Miller) Dial, 32: 267. Negro Companions of the Spanish Explorers. Wright) Am. Anthropol. 4: 217, Negro Dependence in Baltimore. (H. B. Pendleton) Char. 15: 5o. Negro Enterprise; an Institutional Church. Allen) Outl. 78: 179. \ — The Savings Bank Militant. (I. D. Allen) Outl. 77: 118, 78: 79, Negro Home in New York. (R. R. (I. D. (M. W. Ovington) Char. 15: 25, Negro Labor, Evolution of. (C. Kelsey) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 55. Negro Laborer, Training of, in the North. (Hugh M. Browne) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 579. ‘ Negro Life in Two Generations. Observations of a Southern Farmer. (W. B. Poe) Outl. 75: 493. - Negro Men in Boston, Industrial Conditions among. (J . Daniels) Char. I5: 35. Negro Music, Notes on. (C. Peabody) J . Am. Folk- Lore, 15: I48. — True, and its Decline. (J . R. Murphy) Indep. 5 5: 1723' Negro Potato King, A. (Booker T. Washington) Outl. 77‘ 115- . Negro Population, Movement of, in Last Decade. (W. F. Blackman) Yale R. 10: 428, Negro Problem. (J . T. Graves) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 8: 121.——(C. W. Eliot) Internat. Q. 9: 285.——(J. M. Bicknell) Arena, 29: 611. —(W. Hemstreet) Arena, 29: 495.——(J. A. Hobson) 19th Cent. 54: 581. —(S. D. McEnery) Indep. 55: 424.-— (L. Ab- bott) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 321,-—Out1, 73: 950, ——Nation, 77: 315. \ \ NEGRO Negro Problem, and the Miller Movement; can the Negro settle it ? (J . A. Graham) Outl. 84: 365. — Bassett on. Outl. 75: 770. —— by a Colored Woman and Two White Women. Indep. 56: 586, —- Can the South solve the ? (C. Schurz) McClure, 22 :f -I —— Crux of the. (H. A. Stimson) Bib. Sac. 59: 717. — Five Factors in. (S. C. Mitchell) Hartf. Sem. Rec. \ 15: 35. — from the Negro Point of View. (Booker T. Wash- ington and others) World To-day, 6: 511. — Getting together on. (F. C. Woodward) So. Atlan. Q, 2: 306. l — How it appeals to a Southern Woman. Indep. 54: 2221, —— in South Africa. 28: 325. — Long Views and Short on White and Black. (S. Olivier) Contemp. 90: 491. =Ecl. M. 147: 533. —- A National Platform on. (W. De W. Hyde) Outl. (A. Hawkes) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 77: 169, — The Negro’s Part in. (K. Miller) Forum, 36: 289. — The North and the Negro. (F. Crane) Ecl. M. 147: 5 30. — A Problem of Administration, not of Race. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 82: 316. — Remedies for. (A. B. Hart) Indep. 58: 993. —— Republicanism and. (L. W. Griscom) Nation, 77: 71. \ ——- Carl Schurz on. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 518. -—— A Southern Problem. (T. N. Page) McClure, 22: 548. 23: 96. — A Southern View. (S. Sams) Ecl. M. 147: 387. — stated. (W. F. Bailey) F ortn. 85: 909. — Stirring up Race Antipathy. (J . S. Bassett) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 297. — An Unconsidered Aspect of. Atlan. Q. I: 266, — The Way Out. Outl. 75: 984, — White Man’s Burden at Home. nat. Q. 11: 6, Negro Race and European Civilization. (P. S. Reinsch) Am. J. Sociol. I1: 145. Negro School, An Alabama. (N. Y.) 26: 711, Negro Social Settlement in South Washington. Fernandis) Char. I 5: 64, Negro Songs, Eleven. Cent. 45: 263. Negro Student, Summer Vacation of a. Indep. 56: 1364, Negro Suffrage, The Alabama Decision on. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 346. —— in the South. Outl. 74: 399. —- — No Blunder. (J . W. Hood) Indep. 55: 2021. Negro Woman, The, and the South. (E. H. Abbott) Outl. 77: 165-689, — Advance of, in the South. (R. W. Winston) So. (S. Olivier) Inter- (O. G. Villard) R. of Rs. (S. C. (C. L. Miller) (L=~S. Orrick) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 172. —- I. Social and Moral Decadence. (E. Tayleur) Outl. 76: 266. —— II. Gain in Life of. (Mrs. B. T. Washington) Outl. 76: 271, Negroes, Achievements of. Sound Lessons for any Race. Outl. 80: 1000, — and Poor Whites. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 204, — and Public Ofiice. (J . R. Bishop) Internat. Q. 7: 231, -— and the South. (H. S. Edwards) Cent. 50: 212, — and Trade Unions. (H. White) Nation, 76: 186, — Are they disfranchised ? (VV. H. Smith) Outl. 79: 1047. —- as Peasant Farmers. (K. Coman) Am. Statis. Assoc. 93 39- 44F? NEGROES Negroes. Black and White in America. (J . M. Rob- ertson) Internat. Q. 8: 1, — The Black Belt. (W. B. Phillips) Sewanee, I2: 73. — Bryce on Relation between Whites and. (A. V. , Dicey) Nation, 75: 26, -— Causes of Crime among. (J . H. N. Waring) Char. 15: 45. — the Color Line in New Jersey. (Linton Satter- thwaite) Arena, 35: 394. —— Color-problems in America. J. 81: 692-826. -5 Color Question in the United States. Ed. R. 201! (J . Burnley) Chamb. 55- —- Colored Children, in New York, Fresh Air Work among. (M. W. Ovington) Char. I7: 115, -— Colored Statistics. Nation, 77: 400. — Concentration of, in the South. World To-day, 9: 1215, —-Conference of, New Orleans, April, 1902. Holcombe) Outl. 72: 170, — — Hampton, 1906. (H. A. Tucker) Char. I5: 524. — Development of a People. (W. E. B. Du Bois) In- ternat. J . Ethics, 14: 292, — Disfranchisement of. (R. B. Moffat) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 42: 31. — — in Louisiana. (R. L. Haworth) Outl. 71: 163. — — in Maryland. (J . C. Rose) Nation, 78: 6. —— — in West Virginia. (C. H. Ambler) Yale R. I 41 38. -—— One Factor in the South’s Standing Problem. (T. N. Page) Scrib. M. 36: 15, -—— — Why it is Bad. (A. H. Grimke) Atlan. 94: 72. -— Economic Future of American. Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 6: 216. — (W. E. B. Du Bois; A. H. Stone) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 7! 219. — Educated, The South and. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 324. —(O. G. Villard) Nation, 78: 143. — Education of, and the South. (F. Carter) Nation, 78: 62, — —— Higher. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 74: 381. — — in its Historical Aspects. (D. L. Kiehle) Educa. R. 27: 299. —- — in the South. (W. B. Hill) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 320. —(H. B. Frissell) Outl. 74: 937. -— —‘Industrial Training in. (W. E. Hutchison) Indep. 58: 92, —— —- National Supervision of. (C. Hollidan) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 356. — Emigration of, Causes of. (C. Kelsey) Char. I5: 15. — Expansion of the Negro Population. (K. Miller) Forum, 32: 671. —- “ Forty Acres and a Mule.” Am. 182: 721, — Future of. (A. R. Colquhoun) No. Am. 176: 657. — (J. P. Heap) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 105, — Heart of the Race Problem. (A. H. Grimke) Arena, 35= 29.274.606- (E. C. Eckel) (A. R. (W. L. Fleming) No. — Helping the Negro to help himself. (C. C. Smith) Outl. 78: 727. — Heroes in Black Skins. (Booker T. Washington) Cent. 44: 724, — Hope of. (J. L. Robinson) Open Court, 16: 614. -— in Africa. Cent. 50: 156. ——- in Africa and America. (J . A. Tillinghast) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 3: 401. —— (G. Stanley Hall) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 350. — — Tillinghast on. (W. H. Glasson) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 78. -— in America. (G. E. Boxall) Westm. 163: 669. -— in Business. (Booker T. Washington) Am. M. 61: 340. —- in the Cities of the North. (J . Oskison) Nation, 81: 273 ' -— in the Country at Large. (T. J . Jones) Char. I 5: 88. NEGROES Gumm) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 4: 97. -—- — Economic Condition of. (R. D. Smart, jr.) Van- derbilt Univ. Q. 4: 108, —- — Studies in the Religious Life of. (L. C. Perry) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 4: 80, -— in New Orleans. (H. P. Sneed) Nation, 78: 30. A '“-— in New York. The City within the City. (G. L. Collin) Outl. 84: 274, -— — Industrial Condition of. (W. L. Bulkeley) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 590, —— in the Regular Army. (O. G. Villard) Atlan. 91: 721, —- in St. Louis. (Lilian Brandt) Am. Statis. Assoc. 8: 203, -— in Times of Industrial Unrest. (R. R. Wright) Char. I5: 69. — in Trades Unions in New York City. (Mary W. Ovington) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 551. -—- in the United States. (M. S. Amos) Contemp. 84: 687. — — Probable Increase of. Econ. 19: 545. -—- in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 3: 235. -— Industrial Handicap of, in the North. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 543. - - Industrial Opportunities of. (K. Miller) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 14. —— Inheritance from Africa. So. Atlan. Q. 3: 99. -— Land-hunger in the Black Belt. (Booker T. Wash- ington) Lippinc. 77: 7 57. — Long Views and Short on Black and White. (S. Olivier) Contemp. 90: 491, — Migration of, to the North. (R. R. Wright, jr.) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 559. — Morality of. (T. F. Wright) N. Church R. 11: 428, -— My Experiences photographing the Negro in the South. (J. H. Tarbell) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: (W. F. Willcox) Q. J. (A. H. Stone) Am. (K. Miller) 463. — of To-day in Music. (J . W. Johnson) Char. 15: 58. -— Of the Training of Black Men. (W. E. B. Du Bois) Atlan. 90: 289, -— Olivier on the White Man’s Burden at Home. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 80: 389. -—- Our Duty to. (J. G. Kilgo) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 369. — A Plea for Light. (C. Kelsey) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 302. -— Political Future of Southern. (F. M. Simmons) Indep. 61: 1521, —- Prejudice against, in Northern Towns. (F. U. Quil- lin) Indep. 59: 139. — Progress of, in one Southern County. (Booker T. Washington) Outl. 81: 874, — — A Study in the Last Census. ' Arena, 32: 134. — Reading of. (G. B. Utley) Critic, 49: 28. —— Reflex Light from Africa. (C. F. Adams) Cent. 50: 101. — Religious Life of. Am, 181: 20, — Self-help for. 1207, —- Separate Street-car Law in New Orleans. , Holcombe) Outl. 72: 746. — Shall the 14th Amendment be enforced? (E. G. Murphy) No. Am. 180: 109, — A Sketch in Black and White. Ian. 97: 600, 783, —— “ Social Equality” forbidden the Southern Black Man. (K. Miller) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 524, —— The Souls of. (A. E. Forrest) Asia. R. 41: 323. —-South and North. (W. E. B. DuBois) Bib. Sac. 62: 500, (G. W. Forbes) (Booker T. Washington) No. (Booker T. Washington) Indep. 59: (A. R. (F. Clayton) At- 448 Negroes, in Nashville, Tenn., as Criminals. (C. C. NELSON Negroes, Southern; Racial Antagonism. Am. M. 63-: 216. —— AéSouthern View of. (L. H. Hammond) Outl. 73: 19. — Successful Training of. (Booker T. Washington) VVorld’s Work, 6: 3731. -— Suffrage for. Has the 15th Amendment been justified ? (J . E. Boyle) Arena, 31: 481, -— Theology vs. Thrift in the Black Belt. (C. B. Dyke) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 360. -— The Three Amendments. (J . Bascom) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27.: 597, _ — Training of. (R. B. Bean) Cent. 50: 947. —- — for Social Power. (W. E. B. Du Bois) Outl. 75: 409- — Two Generations under Freedom. Washington) Outl. 73: 293. —— Two Southerners [W. B. Smith and T. N. Page] on. (A. B. Hart) Nation, 81: 280. - An Unpopular Race. (Mrs. Van R. Cruger) Cos- mopol. 36: 464. , — The White Peril; the Immediate Danger of the Negro. (W. G. Brown) No. A1n. I79: 324. Negrophilism in South Africa. (M. J . Farrelly) Fortn. 78: 301, Negro’s Life Story, A. Work, 12: 7989. Negros, Island of, The Course of Law and Status of Politics in. (W. F. Norris) Overland, n. s. 41: (Booker T. (W. H. Holtzclaw) World’s 113. . — Legal Conditions in. (W. F. Norris) Green Bag, 14: 19, Neidig, Robert. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 22: 194. Neighbor, Shaler on the. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 78: 416. Neighbor-children, A Few. (J . W. Riley) Cent. 41: 4311: Neighborhood Romance, A. (M. C. Huntington) Outl. 72: 131, Neighborhood Sketches. (H. A. Shute) New Eng. M. n. 11- an 547. 704- 30: 113- Neighborhood Work. Char. I5: 908. Neighborhood Workers and Prof. Conrad. Char. 13: 52- Neighbors. (A. F. Brown) Lippinc. 70: 637. — (J . A. Riis) Outl. 81: 673. Neighbors; a story. (E. R. MacDonald) Canad. M. 22: 30, Neighbors All. (C. M. Harger) Outl. 82: 367. N ejed ; an Arabian Meteorite. (H. A. Ward) Science, 11. s. 15: 149. Nelicatar of Arctic Alaska. 46: 701, Nelson, Horatio. (P. C. Standing) Westm. 164: 394. — and his Times. (J . Colomb) Un. Serv. M. 32: 16. — and his Victories. (H. T. Miller) Canad. M. 25: (E. A. McIlhenny) Cent. 515- — and the Jacobin Revolution, Naples, June, 1799. Ath. ’04, 1: 105. — and Lady Hamilton. 73‘ 535- — and Napoleon. (D. Hannay) Cornh. 92: 528, — -— in 1805. (A. St. L. Westall) Dub. R. 137: 272. - and Trafalgar. Un. Serv. M. 32: 1. — and the Trafalgar Centenary. (A. St. Leger) Monthly R. 20, no. 2: 17. — Autograph of. Macmil. 92: 434. — Centenary of, Thoughts on. (R. M. Johnston) Na- (M. Hodgson) Gent. M. n. s. tion, 81: 377, — Centenary of Trafalgar. (C. A. G. Bridge) Cornh. 92: 312, — — and the Army. (C. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. M. 32: 400. NELSON Nelson, Horatio, A Century’s Praise of. (E. H. Moor- house) National, 46: 332, —-—‘ the Civilizer. (D. Hannay) Macmil. n. s. X: 28. — The “ Nelson Touch.” Spec. 95: 601. —- Of Nelson and the North. (Katharine Burrill) Chamb. J. 82: 749, —-— The Personality of. 32= 7. —— Prise Captures of. 276. 355- -— Recent Calumniators of. (C. Bridge) Un. Serv. M. %=a —— The Strength of. (A. T. Mahan) National, 451 413. -- Tactical Studies of. (J . K. Laughton) Ath. ’Q5, 2: (A. T. Mahan) Un. Serv. M. (R. A. Gatty) Chamb. J. 81: 542. —— Tactics of, at Trafalgar. (E. R. Fremantle) Un. Serv. M. 32: 38. Nelson, Sir Hugh Muir. Geog. J . 27: 411. Nelson, Nelson O. (Eltweed Pomeroy) World Today, 9: I 326. -- and his Great Work. (G. W. Eads) Arena, 36¢ 463. Nelson’s Portuguese Boatswain. (E. T. Trowbridge) Un. Serv. M. 25: 112, Nelson’s Year; a poem. (Alfred Noyes) Blackw. I77: :75. Nemesis of the Mojave, The. (Louise Weaver) Over- land, n. s. 46: 229, Nemi, Lake, and the Galleys of the Caesars. Chaut. 43¢ 253- Nénot. (L. A. De Lassus) Archit. Rec. 12: 245. Neolithic and other Remains found near Harlyn Bay. (J. P. Arthur) Antiq. n. s. 40: 104, 134, Neolithic Burial. (G. Clinch) Reliquary, 452 I45. Neolithic Dwelling. (G. Clinch) Reliquary, 45: 2;, Neophytes, The Ride of the. (H. R. P. Forbes) Over- land, 11. s. 39: 783. Neo-Platonists, Arab, St. Thomas and the. Kent) Am. Cath. Q. 291 451. Neo-Scholastic Movement, The. Cath. Q. 31: 19. Nepheline and other Syenites, near Port Coldwell, Ontario. (A. P. Coleman) Am. J. Sci. 164: 147. Nepheline Rock, New, from Ontario, Canada. (F. D. Adams) Am. J. Sci. 167: 269, Neptune’s Ocean Mail. (VV. Allingham) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 168. Neritina Virginea. 564. Nernst Lamp, The. (C. C. Garrard) Nature, 67: 67. Nero, Emperor. (B. W. Henderson) Bk. News, 22: 272. . —-in Modern Drama. (J. S. Roberts) Fortn. 85: 83. =Liv. Age, 248: 418. —— Life and Principate of, Henderson’s. Ath. ’o4, I: 106. -(W. H. Johnson) Nation, 78: 174. ~— The Passing of. (W. B. Wallace) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 521, —-— Persecution under, Literature of the. (P. J . Healy) Cath. Univ. Bull. 10: 357. Nero; Anonymous Play, 1624, Ath. ’o6, 2: 559, Nerve-anastomosis, A Suggestive Case of. Ladd) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 319. Nerve Impulse, Nature of the. Cent. 41: 783. Nerve Irritability and Chemical and Electrical Stimu- lation. (A. P. Mathews) Science, 11. s. 17: 729_ Nerve of Barney the Nautical. (E. H. Neils‘) Cent. 49: (W. H. (F. Aveling) Am. (M. M. Metcalf) Am. Natural. 38: (W. G. Rutherford) (G. T. (A. P. Mathews) 79°» . Nerve of the Upjohns, The. (F. Lynde) Scrib. M. 31: 243- Nerve Stimulation and Changes of Irritability. (A. P. Mathews) Science, n. s. 15: 492. 4% NEVADA Nervous Breakdown. (G. Rankin) Contemp. 89: 223. IEcl. M. 146: 310, Nervous System, Conductivity of. (Y. Motora) Am. J . Psychol. 14: 599. —-— Correlation of Reflexes. (C. S. Sherrington) Nature, 70: 460. —- Education of the. 37: 433- -- in Childhood, Applied Physiology of. (E. A. Kirk~ patrick) Educa. 23: 204. Ness, Loch, Internal Oscillation in the Waters of. R. Watson) Nature, 69: 174, Nesselrode Papers, The. (A. Laugel) Nation, 791 195. Net Price System on Books. 8: 54, 276. 9: 166. N eter, the Egyptian Word for God. (E. A. W. Budge) Monist, I3: 48:, Netherlands, Agricultural Education in the. Medd) 19th Cent. 43: 466, — Art History in the. Ed. R. 197: 447. # Art of, Early. Quar. I97: 208. Z Liv. Age, 2361 769. — England’s First Interest in Europe. N ational, 41: 368. - -— Future of the. Sat. R. 102: 257, = Liv. Age, 251: (H. Tupes) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. (E. (J . F. Daniels) Pub. Lib. (J. C. .- 3. —-— Possible Addition to the Dual Alliance. Boulger) I9th Cent. 52: 1022, —-— Recruiting the Scottish Army in 1681 from. (A. K. Slessor) Un. Serv. M. 27: 7 5. ' Nethersole, Olga, improves her Acting. bohm) Sat. R. 93: 664. —-— in Sappho. (A. Symons) Acad. 62: 487. Nettleship, J . T., Animal Painter. M. of Art, 27: 75. Neuman, Jacob Elias. (C. McEvoy) Sund. M. 33: 405. N eurasthenia, Spiritual Treatment of. (A. A. Carey) N. Church R. 11: 181, _ Neurology, A Decade of Progress in, I888—g8, (J _ M, Reardon) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 366. —-— Hardesty’s Neurological Technique. Science, n. s. 16: 703. Neurotic Constitution, Analysis of the. Am. J. Psychol. 14: 360. Neutral Commerce in Time of War. at Neutr - Duties in a Maritime War. (T. E. Holland) Fortn. 83: 791. =Liv. Age, 2452 577-IE0]. M. 145: 105, Neutral Property, Pirates on the High Seas. Finkelnburg) Am. Law R. 38: 641. Neutral Territorial W'aters as a Naval Base. (H. Tay- lor) Am. Law R. 40: 402, Neutrality, Conception and Realization of. Am. J . Soc. Sci. 40: 121. — The, Growing Conception of. (H. Taylor) Am. Law R, 40: 252, — Our System of. (J . B. Moore) Harper, I08: 837. —- Territorial Waters and. (F. J . Mather, jr.) N ation, 80: 324. Neutrals, Rights and Duties of; Pres. Roosevelt’s Pro- posed Conference. (J. Macdonell) I9th Cent. 56; 697.=Liv. Age, 2431 577-=Ecl. M. 144: 1. — Some Duties of. (J . MacDone1l) 19th Cent. 55: (D. C. (M. Beer- (G. C. Huber) (A. Meyers) Liv. Age, 240: (G. A. 5°3~ Nevada, The Awakening of. (C. H. Matson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 56. — Deserts of, and the Death Valley. (R. B. Chap- man) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 483. . — Gold Camps of. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 48: 250. — — When Mammon makes a Camp. (P. V. Mighels) Harper, I10: 719. — Progress of. (J . K. Stinchcomb) Overland, n. s. 4!: 412, NEVADA Nevada, Referendum Victory in. (E. Pomeroy) Arena, 33: 267, Nevada Desert, Men of the. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 481 429. Nevada Fossils. (R. H. Davis) Calif. M. I: 598, Nevada Samaritan. (P. V. Migl1els) Cent. 48: 427. Nevertheless; a story. (A. M. Roach) Harper, I13: 944- Nevin, John W., and the Bible. (A. R. Kremer) Ref. Ch. R. 50: 487. New Caledonia, Natives of. (J . J . Atkinson) F olk- Lore, 14: 243. New-Church Dogmatism. N. Church R. 9: 592. New Church Thought, Varieties of. (J . Reed) N. Church R. 13: 373. New Deputy of Cochite, The; a story. (W. C. Esta- brook) Munsey, 34: 626, New England; an Autumn Impression. No. Am. 180: 641. -—— Church and State in. M. n. s. 27: 96. (H. James) (A. F. Moulton) New Eng. — Colonial Finance in, in the 17th Century. (H. L. Osgood) Pol. Sci. Q. I9: 80. — Early Explorations of the Coast. (H. Askowith) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: I9. —- Geological Structure of the Southwestern Region of. (W. H. Hobbs) Am. J. Sci. 165: 437. —— Ideals of. (Kate Upson Clark) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 618. -— in American Colonial Literature. New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 100, . —in Contemporary Verse. (M. E. D. White) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 408, (M. P. Sellers) — In Darkest. (H. Lamont) Nation, 80: 224, - Industrial Crisis in. (A. A. Berle) World To-day, 7' 1566 -— Is it Decadent? (W. A. Giles) World To-day, 9: 991. — Leadership of, in the 20th Century. (H. S. Pritch- ett) Techno]. R. 5: 294. -— My Discovery of. (Emerson Hough) Appleton’s M. 8: 665. -— Reform Movement in, 1830 to 1860. Atlan. Q. 2: 221, — Renaissance of. (E. Mims) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 10. -— Rural, Urbanizing. (F. Rice, jr.) New Eng. M. n. s. 331 528. — — What awaits ? (J . N. Carver) World’s Work, 9: (E. Mims) So. 5748- — The Transformation of. (A. A. Berle) World To- day. 7= 1019- New England Conscience, The. (VV. D. Hyde) Outl. 78: 1088. New England Cranford. (E. Carmichael) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 606, New England Energy. (Mary S. Stimpson) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 572. . New England Entrance Certificate Board from the Standpoint of Schools. (I. Thomas) School Q. 12: 696. New England Exile. (A. W. Pope) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 70. New England Farm, Broken Shadows on. ing) Indep. 55: 1018. New England Farmer, The. (H. C. Merwin) Every- body’s, 8: 337. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Proceed- ings of. (G. A. Gordon) N. E. Reg. 56: 88. New England Home in Ohio. (S. P. Baldwin) Ctry Life Am. 6: 521, New England Idol. 29: 17. New England Longing, A. M. n. s. 34: 140, (C. Dem- (E. H. Porter) New Eng. M. n. s. (Aram Wyman) New Eng. 450 NEW HAVEN New England Magazine, The F irst, 1758. (H. S. Hall) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 520. New England Primer. (C. Johnson) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 323. New England Small Town, A. World’s Work, 10: 6275, New England Society Orations. 32: 311, (Rollin L. Hartt) (E. K. Dunton) Dial, New England Women. (E. M. Lindley) New Eng. M. . n. s. 33: 332-. —- National Society of. (E. M. Lindley) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 129. New English Art Club. (W. Bayes) Sat. R. I00: 520, —(E. D. Sheilds) World To-day, I0: 177.-—(H. Macfall) Acad. 67: 487. -— Exhibition, I903. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 95: 483. -—— 1904. (A. Symons) Sat. R. 97: 518.—-Sat. R. 98: 640. -— — 1905. (O. Sickert) Studio (Internat.) I5: 263. — -—- 1906. (G. Moore) Sat. R. 101: 784, New Forest in Spring. Spec. 92: 691. -— Ponies of. (E. T. Sheaf) Outing, 41: 415. New Form of Literature, A. (H. Hapgood) Bookman, 21: 424, New Frankenstein, The. (A. Hibbard) Munsey, 35: )- New Gallery, Exhibition, 1902. M. of Art, 26: 252, 439. — Art J. 54: 90, 222, — Spec. 88: 729, -—— 1903. M. of Art, 27: 432. —(F. Rinder) Art J. 55: 182, - — 1904; Summer Exhibition. (F. Rinder) Art J . 56: 193. — — 1905. (F. Rinder) Art J. 57: I82. - -— 1905 ; International Exhibition. Sat. R. 97: 74. —— —- 1906. Studio (Internat.) 29: I4. - -—- 1906, Summer Exhibition. (F. Rinder) Art J . 58: 180. New Guinea and Australia, A Naturalist in. ton) Cath._World, 80: 11, -— British, Anthropogeographical Investigations in. (C. G. Seligmann) Geog. J. 27: 225, 347. (D. S. MacColl) (W. Se- —- — Art in. (C. J . Praetorius) Studio (Internat.) 21: 51. — Decorative Art in. (C. J . Praetorius) Studio (Inter- nat.) I6: 95. —- German, Ride into. (P. Bigelow) Indep. 59: 722. -— Missionaries in, Murder of Ten German. (P. Big- elow) Indep. 58: 650, — Natives of, who can scarcely walk. Am. Geog, Soc. Bull. 36: 691. —— Resources of. Chamb. J. 79: 215, New Hampshire, Birth-rate in. (Allyn A. Young) Am. Statis. Assoc. 9: 263. — Contributions to the Geology of. (L. V. Pirsson and H. S. Washington) Am. J. Sci. 172: 493. I73: 439- —- Homicide in. (H. G. Nutt) Am. Statis. Assoc. 9: 220, — College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Washburn) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 497. —- Constitution of. (F. A. Wood) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 111, — Library Association, Annual Meeting, 1903. Pub. Lib, 8: I10, —-— — 1903. Pub. Lib. 8: 432. - -—- 1905. Pub. Lib. I0: 144. — Old Roof-trees of. (F. M. Colby) M. of Hist. 4: 160, -— A State for Sale at $10 an Acre. (A. H. Gleason) Ctry Life Am. 9: 51. — Summer Boarder Industry in. World’s Work, 4: (G. 2383, New Haven, Conn. (L. R. Austin) Bk. News, 24: 625. _— A Traitor State. NEW HAVEN New Haven; how it came to be in Connecticut. (E. H. Baldwin) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 379. —- Public High-school Building at. (F. H. Beede) School R. 13: 89. New Hebrides, Ethnology of. (J . Fraser) Am. Antiq. 26: 28. New Heloise. (Mrs. S. Crowninshield) Lippinc. 71: 3. New Hunting, The; a story. (K. M. Rabb) Atlan. ' 93: 99- New Island, A, in Japan. Geog. J . 25: 531. New Jersey; Backsets in Jersey. (S. Merwin) Outl. 80: 503, -— County Jail System, Abuses of. Char. 10: 7o. -— Early Legislative Turmoils in. (W. Nelson) M. of Hist. 1: 221, -— Library Association, 1905 Meeting. Pub. Lib. I01 549- - — 1906 Meeting. Lib. J. 31: 826. -—— Park System, The. (A. Church) Chant. 37: 506. —— Recent Legislation in. (E. E. Williamson) Char. 14: 860, —- State Conference of Charities and Corrections, 1902. (W. H. Allen) Char. 8: 216. (L. Steifens) McClure, 24: 649. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 504, (S. McRey- -— Troubling. — Trusts and Corporations started in. nolds) World’s Work, 4: 2526. New Jersey and Pennsylvania Library Meetings. Atlantic City. New Jerusalem or Holy City. N. Church R. 11: 448. New Jerusalem Church, Systematic Doctrines of. (J . Whitehead) N. Church R. 10: 176. See New Church. New Jerusalem Faith, Deep Foundation for. Hay) N. Church R. 10: 193. New Mexico and Arizona. (B. S. Rodey) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 1'01. -— (C. A. Moody) Out West, 24: I36. -— Boundary Line between Texas and. Science, 11. s. 15: 184. — Canby’s Campaign in, 1861. Hist. 32 141, -—— A Defense of. (C. H. McLenathen) Outl. 73: 226. — An Episode in I 748. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 8: 74. I26- —- Flowers and Insects in. Natural. 36: 809. —— Higher Educational Institutions of. Science, 11. s. 18: 85. -—— A History of. (Frank de Thoma) Land of Sun. 5: 204, -— History, Early; Trans. of Benavides’s “ Memorial,” See (H. C. (L. Anderson) M. of (T. D. A. Cockerell) Am. (W. G. Tight) 1630- Land of Sun- 13¢ 277. 345. 435- I41 39. I37, 227- -in 1632-33, Perea’s Report on. Land of Sun. 15: 358. 466- - Lower Paleozoic Formations in. (C. H. Gordon and L. C. Graton) Am. J. Sci. 71: 390. —— Manzano Salt Lakes. (D. W. Johnson) Out West, 16: 367. — Normal University. 11. s. 17: 746. -— Plea of the Women for Statehood of. land) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 709, -— People of. (M. P. Watson) Out]. 73: 341. —- Progress of. (A. E. Winship) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: (T. D. A. Cockerell) Science, (H. I. Cleve- 723. -— Reign of the Revolver in. (A. E. Hyde) Cent. 41: 690. —— Ruined Pueblo in. (J . W. Fewkes) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 217, - Statehood for. (A. H. Lewis) Booklover’s M. 7: 1 "0, — Stzitehood Claims of. Out West, 18: 217, 451 NEW YORK New Mexico, Statehood Rights of Arizona and. (J . W. Babcock) Indep. 60: 505, — White gypsum Desert. (E. D. Johnson) Out West, 19: 3 5. New Music Society, The. Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 472. New National Forces and the Old Law. low) Atlan. 98: 726. New Orleans. (C. H. White) Harper, 114: I21. — (John Hay) Putnam, 1: 14, - Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: (Lawrence Gilman) R. of (M. M. Bige- 471- — The City of Iron Lace. (H. Joor) Craftsman, 11: 172, — Courtyards of. (C. Macleod) Craftsman, 10: 300, — Drainage System, Power and Pumping Stations of. (W. M. Venable) Engin. M. 23: 342, —- Housing Conditions in. (P. U. Kellogg) Char. 14: 1042, — Housing Problem. (E. MeMain) Char. 152 I 52. — in Fiction. (W. S. Harwood) Critic, 47: 426. — Juvenile Courts in. Char. 14: 758. — Kingsley House of. (E. MeMain) Char. 11: 549. — Old French Courtyards in. (Mrs. Thaddeus Hor- ton) Am. Arch. 89: 215. —- The Old Route to; the Mississippi. (W. Gibson) Scrib. M. 33: 1. — Pure Water and Underground Sewerage for. (B. Warner) Char. 11: 525. — Religious Life of. (E. H. Abbott) Outl. 70: 175. —— Yellow Fever in. Char. 14: 1041. New Paltz, Government of the Duzine at. (R. Le Fevre) M. of Hist. 1; 385. New Playground in the New World. (E. Whymper) Scrib. M. 33: 643. New Poet; a Poem. (R. W. Gilder) Atlan. 95: 748. New Pyramus and Thisbe [the Battle of Aughrimj. (W. Carleton) Blackw. 179: 273. New Samaria. (S. ‘V. Mitchell) Lippinc. 70: 131.: Chamb. J. 79: 545. New South Wales, Industrial Arbitration in. (F. R. Sanderson) Jurid. R. 14: 394. — Station Life in. Temp. Bar, 129: 325 . New Thought, The, and its Literature. (J. Wood- bridge Riley) Bookman, 21: 634. New Thought Movement, Psychology on the. (J . H. Noble) Monist, 14: 409. New Trustee, The. (Jeannette A. Marks) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 663. New Westminster, British Columbia. Canad. M. 21: 129, New Year and New Starts. Sat. R. 101: 9. — in Normandy. Gent. M. n. s. 74: 282. New Year Confession Album. Cosmopol. 40: 296. New Year Mummers of Quaker-town. (R. D. Paine) Outing: 45: 690- New Year’s Carillon, A. (A. G. Hyde) Macmil. 87: 261. =Liv. Age, 235: 630. New Year’s Day Twenty Years Ago. Cent. 412 471. New Year’s Eve Confession; a story. Booklover’s M. 2: 241, New Year’s Watch, The; a novel. goole) Arena, 31: 293. New York City. (C. Whibley) Blackw. I80: 622.: Liv. Age, 251: 732.- Chamb. J. 79: 449. —- Academy of Science. President’s Address, Dec. 1902. (J . M. Cattell) Science, 161 965. —- —- Section of Anthropology and Psychology, 1903. Science, n. s. 18: 723, — — Section of Geology and Mineralogy, I903. Hovey) Science, 11. s. 18: 789. -— after Paris. (A. F. Sanborn) Atlan. 98: 489, —- The “Ajax ” in. (H. R. Mussey) Char. 12: 325. (G. H. Morden) (C. B. Loomis) (H. Sudermann) (W. A. Drom- (E. O. -—- The Church in Social Service in. NEW YORK New York City, American Art, as seen in the Streets and Statues of. (L. Karr) Ecl. M. 146: 267, — The American Grub Street. (J . H. Collins) Atlan. 98: 634. ' -—- and the Hudson. (H. James) Fortn. 84: 976. I No. Am, 181: 801, —~ Architecture of; Renovation of the Brown-stone District. (Herbert Croly) Archit. Rec. 13: 5 5 5;‘ -— Armory System in. (C. S. Clark) Un. Serv. M. 31: 427- - Art Commission, I903. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 246. - Art Exhibition Building, Proposed. gis) Scrib. M. 33: 765. -—— Art in, before the Revolution. Brush & P. 11: 192, —— — A Cycle of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 82: 338. —— Artist Life in. (W. H. Shelton) Critic, 43: 31. —— as the American Metropolis. (H. Croly) Archit. Rec. 13: 193. ' — as an Art Center. (F. E. Elwell) Arena, 32: 258, —— Banking in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 57: 372. — Banks of, and the Treasury. (W. R. Lawson) Bank. M. (Lond.) 74: 567. — Bond Sale, 1906. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 83: 92, — Broadway Tabernacle. (J . H. Ross) Am. Arcl1. 87: 59. -—— by Lamplight. (A. Hewitt) Outl. 73: 525. - Cathedral of St. John the Divine. (R. H. Tither- ington) Munsey, 27: 12. — (H. M. Riseley) Over- land, 11. s. 45: 410. —— — Building of. (R. Riordan) Cent. 41: 562, -—- —- A Great American Cathedral. (R. E. Jones) World’s Work, 12: 7754. —- Central Park, Animals in. 42: 248, 43: 60. (Russell Stur- (W. D. Franklin) (J . W. Smith) Outing, — -— Driving in. (J. H. Tnckerman) Outing, 45: 259. —- Chamber of Commerce. (A. C. David) Archit. Rec. 13: 55. — Charm of. Am. Arch. 992 I34. — Charter of. (F. J . Goodnow) Pol. Sci. Q. 17: 1. —— Children’s Court, Alien Colonies and the. (E. K. Coulter) No. Am. 179: 731. (W. D. P. Bliss) Indep. 60! I35. — City Hall, Designer of. 80: 103, -— Civic Organizations of. (F. S. Hall) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 374. — The College of. (G. B. Post) Archit. R. 12: 305, -—— Club in, AU_nique. (C. M. Greene) Munsey, 33: (A. J. Bloor) Am. Arch. 431- —- Colonial, Changes in the Allegiance and Laws of. (L. M. Friedman) Harv. Law R. I5: 810, -—- Colossal City. (E. Saltus) Munsey, 32: 787, - Custom House. Archit. Rec. 17: 72. — (C. De Kay) Cent. 49: 733. -—Archit. Rec. 20: I. — -— French’s Groups. Craftsman, 10: 75, — -—- Sculptural Decorations of. -(P. T. F arnsworth) Studio (Internat.) 27: vii, -—- Debts and Assets of. (B. S. Coler) Outl. 79: 934. — Defenses of. (R. Corbin) Munsey, 32: 512, —— Drawings of. (V. H. Bailey) Everybody’s, I0: 581, r —— Delegates to the First Continental Congress, 1774, Nomination and Election of. (C. Becker) Pol. Sci. Q, 18: 17. -— Dispensary Law and its Enforcement. (R. W. Heb- berd) Char. 15: 200. -— Dutch Founding of. 354, 739- - Election of 1903; Glimpses of the Campaign. World’s Work, 7: 425 5, (T. A. Janvier) Harper, I06: 452 NEW YORK New York City, Election of 1903. Men and Issues of. (E. Wardman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 545, -—- — The Real Issues of. Outl. 75: 343. - - Tammany again. (S. Brooks) Fortn. 80: 916. = Eel. M. 142: 281, , —~ -—- Tammany Victory; its Meaning. Outl. 75: 625. - Election of 1905. Outl. 81: 544. - Employment Agency Law upheld. (F. L. C. Keat- ing) Char. I5: 678. -— Evolution of. (F. S. Arnette) Munsey, 28: 172. —- Factories in, Air they breathe in. (W. M. Mar- riott) Char. I7: 274. — Fifth Avenue, Lower. (J . W. Dow) Archit. R. 9: 61, . -— Fifty Years Ago. Critic, 45: 501. 46: 58. — Financial Institutions and their Presidents. (S. S. Pratt) Indep. 57: 1433. —— Fire Department. (H. J . O’Higgins) Am. M. 62: 3. —- "" Flatiron ” Building. Archit. Rec. 12: 528. -—— Forecast of next Six Years in. (J . B. Walker) Cos- mopol. 36: 143. — from the Flatiron. (E. Saltus) Munsey, 33: 381. —- Fulton Street Market. (C. H. White) Harper, I 1 1: 616, —- The Future of, again. Cent. 47: 956. — Gas, Electric Light, Water, and Street Railway Services in. (R. G. Monroe) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci, 27: 111, -—- Gas Trust in. (S. Morse) Am. M. 62: 414, —- Genius of the Cosmopolitan City. (H. ‘V. Mabie) Outl. 76: 577. —— Good Government in Danger in. (L. Steifens) Mc- Clure, 22: 84. , (//--- -—- Gratacap’s Geology of. (J . F. Kemp) Science, 11. s. 20: 920, -—- Greater. (C. Zueblin) Chant. 38: 568. — Hall of Records, New. 17: 382, — Harbor of. (J . B. Connolly) Harper, III: 228, ~—- — Menace to. (L. M. Haupt) J . Frankl. Inst. I59: I01. I Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 65. =Science, n. s. 21: 136. — Health Department. ciol. 9: 459, 631. —- High Schools, Some Characteristics of. Goodwen) Educa. R. 28: 255, — Historic Landmarks of the Revolutionary Period. (H. M. Risley) Overland, 11. s. 431 121. - Historical Society of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 433. —Science, 11. s. 20: 692. -—— —- Museum and Gallery of Art of. Scrib. M. 39: 764. — Hospital Work, Cnrtailment of, Menaces Public Health. Char. I2: 65. -—- Hotel Belmont. (H. W. Frohne) Archit. Rec. 201 (M. Schuyler) Archit. Rec. (F. R. Cope, jr.) Am. J. So- (E. J. (W. Walton) 63. — House in, To—day. Archit. Rec. I7: 400. — —— The New. (Montgomery Schuyler) Archit. Rec. 19: 83. — Impressions of. (Maxim Gorky)_Appleton’s M. 8: I77- - An Impressionist’s View. (H. G. Dwight) Scrib. M. 38: 544. — Improvement Commission. Archit. Rec. 17: 256. — in Flux, 1902. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 74: 186. —— in the Making. (W. Griffith) Craftsman, 11: 80, -—- In the Street. (C. H. White) Harper, I10: 365. —- in Summer Time. (C. B. Davis) Outing, 42: 668. -—- In Up—town. (C. H. White) Harper, I12: 220. — Independent Vote of. (J . T. Newcomb) Nation, 75: 374. -—- Knickerbocker Trust Co., Building of. (M. Schuy- ler) Archit. Rec. 15: 432. ' — — Policy of. Brush & P. 15: ,—-——A Government of Laws, not of Men. NEW YORK New York City, Land Values, Changes in. Hendrick) Nation, 75: 475. (B. J. —— Lighting Service and Water Supply. (Robert G. Monroe) Internat. Q. 12: 23. -— Listing of Foreign Securities in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 12, V —— Literary Landmarks. (C. Hemstreet) Critic, 41: 41, 427. 42= 53-517. 43= 41-239. — Lodging-houses. (P. Kennaday) Char. I3: 486. —— The Low Administration. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 74‘ 5- - Lying-in Hospital. (N - Y-) 255 443- — Madison Sq. Presbyterian Church, The New. (Chris- tian Brinton) Cent. 48: 718, —— The Magyar in. (L. A. Pink) Char. I3: 262. — Maori of. (H. H. Lusk) Outl. 70: 183. — Mayor, Day’s Work of? (F. Matthews) World’s Work, 8: 4812. — Mendicancy Police in, Work of the. Char. II: 576. -— Metropolitan Museum. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 80: 27, —- — An Auxiliary for. 791 43‘- -— -— Future of. Brush & P. 17: 27. -— —— A New Era for. (C. De Kay) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 321 433- 267, (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 82: (R. L. Dickinson) R. of Rs. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, -— — Programme of. 171. . —- — under Sir Caspar Purdon Clarke. Craftsman, 11: 156. — Millionaires’ Hotels of. (Mary S. Warren) Chamb. J . 82: 785. — Moods of. (J. W. Harding) Ecl. M. 146: 95. — Morgan Library and Art Museum [views only]. Archit. Rec. 19: 388, — The Most Valuable Ten-acre Lot in the World. S. Willard) Munsey, 35: 113, -— Music in. (H. T. Finck) Indep. 60: 1472., —— — a Sham. (E. I. Prime-Stevenson) Indep. 60: 1467, - National Park Bank. (M. Schuyler) Archit. Rec. 17: 318. —The New. (R. Blackshaw) Cent. 42: 493. — (S. Baxter) Outl. 83! 409.—(J. M. Bowles) World’s Work, 13: 3301. —— New Amsterdam Theater, Decoration of. (T. Wa- ters) Everybody’s, 9: 48 5. -— Observatory, and Nautical Museum. Science, n. s. 23: 795- ' —— Overcrowding in. Am. Arch. 90: 158. — Pennsylvania Railroad’s Passenger Station. Arch. 89: :75. — Plan of, and how to improve it. M. 36: 253. — Park Row. (W. L. Hawley) Munsey, 29: 278. —— Parks, Pavilions in. Archit. Rec. 17: 248. — Playground, A, on the Lower East Side. Brandt) Char. II: 200. —— Police Force. (T. Roosevelt) Chamb. J . 79: 673. (W. J. (H. S. Gans) (E. Am. (E. Flagg) Scrib. (L. Gaynor) No. Am. 176: 282. — Reply. No. Am. 176: 287. — -— Lawlessness of. 10, ——A Port of All the World. (G. B. Fife) Harper, 107: 188. —— Post-ofl-ice; its Achievement and its Needs. Van Norman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 380, ~—- Probation Work in. Char. 8: 77, -— Problem of Life in. (W. Creedmoor) Munsey, 27: 634,777. . — Provincialism of. (S. Brooks) Indep. 50: 1099, (W. J. Gaynor) No. Am. 176: (L. E. 453 NEW YORK New York City, Public Bath-houses of. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 462 558. — Public Library. (Hamilton Bell) Booklover’s M. 7‘ 523' — — S. P. Avery Collection of Prints and Art Books. (F. Weitenkampf) Lib. J . 29: H7. — — Great New Building for. (C. Smyth) Munsey, 34: 517. —- — — Laying of Corner—stone. Lib. J . 27: 941. — — — Model of. Archit. Rec. 12: 636. -— — Queen’s Borough, Carnegie Library Building, Astoria Branch. Lib. J . 30: 87. — — Yorkville Branch Building. (A. E. Bostwick) Lib. J. 27: 270. — Public Library Assembly Halls. khovitch) Char. I 5: 885. — Public Ownership in. (E. B. Whitney) Internat. Q. 12: 1, — Reading in, Efforts to improve the Character of. (A. E. Bostwick) Lib. J. 28: 229, — Recent Changes in the Elevation of Land and Sea in the Vicinity of. (G. W. Tuttle) Am. J. Sci. I67= 333. (M. K. Sim- —- Reconstructed Business House Fronts. (A. H. Tay- lor) Archit. Rec. 152 I3. — Reform and Social VVarfare in. (E. T. Devine) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 433. — Reform in, by Mayor Low’s Administration. Hodder) Everybody’s, 9: 589. —— — Has it made Good ? (J. A. Riis) Outl. 75¢ 18. n the Bowery. (Ernest Poole) World To-day, (A. 8- 57. —— — esults of. (G. Myers) Indep. 55: 2490, — —— What it has done for the Children. Outl. 75: 201, . — Revisited. (H. James) Harper, I12: 400, 603, 900. — The Rialto. (C. B. Davis) Outing, 49: 19, — Roofs of; the Top Layer of New York. (B. H. Smith) Outl. 80: 469, -—- St. Bartholomew’s Church, New Portals. (Russell Stnrgis) Archit. Rec. I 51 293.——(Russell Stnrgis) Scrib. M. 35: 253. — St. Regis Hotel. (A. C. David) Archit. Rec. 15: 552- — St. Thomas’s Church, Decorations by La Farge and Saint- Gaudens. (W. Walton) Craftsman, 9: 369- — Sanitary Problems of. Acad. Pol. Sci. 231 311. — Savings Banks and Trust Companies. (N. Y.) 68: 392. — Scenes in Lower [pictures only]. (Thornton Oakley) Cent. 49: 222. — School No. I ; New Citizens for the Republic. R. Dugmore) World’s Work, 52 3323. —School Problems of. (A. S. Williams) Ednca. R. 27: 325, — Schools, edical Inspection in. (L. G. Chace) Char. 10: 409. — — Mayor Low on. Ednca. R. 24: 427. —- — Overcrowded. (C. T. Heaslip) Ednca. 272 120. — Second Election in Greater. (E. M. Shepard) Atlan. 89: 192. ——Seeing the Real. (J. L. Ford) Cosmopol. 39: 640. 40: 218-712. 41: 334. 42: 198. —Singer Building. (H. W. Desmond) Archit. Rec. 15: 274- —— Skyscrapers of, shown in a Group of Etchings by Joseph Pennell [pictures only]. Cent. 47: 77 5. --Social Notes. (H. James) Fortn. 85: 250.=No. Am. 182: 19, 179. — Society, a Generation Ago. (E. Duer) Harper, I05: 109. (E. J . Lederle) Ann. Am. Bank. M. (A. NEW YORK New York City; Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 774. —— Southern Woman’s Impressions of. (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Indep. 60: 425. — Stock Exchange; “ Life on the Floor.” Stedman) Cent. 45: I. -— —— New Building. (I. Lee) World’s Work, 5: 2772. —— (M. Schuyler) Archit. Rec. 12: 413. —— — — F agade of. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 16: 464. —— -- — Pediment of. 381. — Street Railway Franchises. Munic. Afl’. 6: 68. —— Subway. (H. C. Fyfe) Engin. M. 27: 881. —- (J. T. Hetrick) Indep. 57: 896. — (A. Kelly) Munsey, 31: 123. — (M. G. Cunnifi) World’s Work, 8: 5346, -—- —- Building the. (A. Ruhl) Cent. 42: 894. —— — — Difficult Engineering in. (F. W. Cent. 42: 908, —— — How it will affect the City’s Life and Business. (H. Croly) R. of Rs. (N, Y.) 30: 306. —— — in Operation. (E. Mayo) Outl. 78: 563, —Subway Deal, The. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 24: .1. —- Subways of. (J . D. Warner) Indep. 58: 525. — -— A Crisis in. (F. WV. Hinrichs) Indep. 60: 321, —— — Shall the City own them ? (R. Fulton Cutting) Outl. 79: 931. —— — New. Outl. 80: 909, —— Sunday Closing Law of. Char. I2: 9 5. — Tenement—house Department and its Work. Char. I0: 425. — Tenements freed of Prostitution. est) Char. II: 179, —— — Rents of, Rising. (E. Poole) Indep. 56: 898. — A 300-acre Estate in. (Helena Livingston) Ctry Life Am. 5: 484. — to San Francisco in 1850. Am. Hist. R. 9: 104. — Traction Merger in. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 82: 112. — (B. S. Coler) Eel. M. 146: 1871, — — A Colossal Fabric on Franchises. World’s Work, 12: 7561. — Transit in. (W. W. VVheatley) World’s Work, 6: 3422. — (J . Wilcox) Indep. 55: 2283. — Transportation Companies unite. (J . Coulter) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 37. — Truancy Problem. (L. E. Palmer) Char. I 5: 557. — 20th Century City. (John Corbin) Scrib. M. 33: 259. — Upper West Side. The Rescue of a Neighborhood. (A. P. Doyle) Outl. 70: 124. — vs. Horgan & Slattery. Am. Arch. 90: 47. — Washington in, In the Footsteps of. (C. M. Hem- street) Outl. 70: 300, —- Water Supply, Report of Commission on Additional, 1905. Technol. R. 7: 160. —— The Whitehall. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 14: (E. C. (Russell Sturgis) Scrib. M. 36: Skinner) (R. W. De For- 70. — Why Municipal Reform fails in. Indep. 56: 829. —— The World’s Financial Center. World’s Work, 4: 2040. —- Zoiilogical Park. (H. F. Osborn) Science, n. s. 18: 218 — — Aquarium in. (H. F. Osborn) Science, n. s. 17: 265, New York State and New England, Journey through, in 1818. M. of Hist. 2: 14, 90. — Bankers’ Association, 1902, Meeting at New York. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 654. -—-- 1903, Meeting at Saratoga Springs. Bank. M, (N. Y.) 67: 540. - — 1904. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 691 76, I97- - - 1905, Meeting at Thousand Islands. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 227, 454 NEW ZEALAND New York State, Bankers’ Association, 1906 Meeting. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 288. -— Banks of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 256, 70: 211, —- Canal Question. (H. White) Nation, 75: 219, -— Census, Growth of the. (J . H. Middleton) Am. Statis. Assoc. 9: 292. -— Charitable Institutions. Char. I0: 608. -- Charities, Conference of, Buffalo Meeting, 1903. Char. 11: 270, -- Charity Legislation of, 1905. 747- -- Education in ; Special Features. World’s Work, 4: 2211, —— Educational Administration in, Proposed Unifica- tion of. (G. H. Locke) School R. 11: 423, —— Gorges and Waterfalls of Central. (R. S. Tarr) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 193. — in Presidential Elections. (J . C. Rose) Nation, 79: 251, —— Library Association, Proceedings of. Meeting at Lake Placid, 1902. Lib. J. 27: 883. — — at Lake Placid, 1903. Lib. J. 28: 719. —— — Annual Meeting, 1904. Lib. J. 29: 537. —— Library Week, 1906. Pub. Lib. 11: 520. —Lib. J . 31: 722, —— Licensed Dispensaries in. (H. Folks) Char. 14: (F. Matthews) (W. B. Buck) Char. I3: 378. —— New Englanders in. (E. P. Powell) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 585. — Physiography of. (A. P. Brigham) Science, 11. s. 21: 136, — Probation Commission. Char. I 5: 869. ——-Revised Academic Syllabus of. (E. J. Goodwin) Educa. R. 31: 191, —— Scotch Colony in, 1737-63. M. of Hist. 4: 43. —— Tarry-at-home Travels. (E. E. Hale) Outl. 82: 451 —- Topographic Survey of. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 44. —— Training School for Girls. (H. Folks) Char. I2: 621. N. Y. Butchers’ Dressed Meat Co.’s Abattoir. Am. Arch. 89: 199. N. Y. Central R. R. Anatomy of a Great Railroad System. (H. T. Newcomb) Yale R. I 3: 347, N. Y. Life Insurance Co., Perkins’s Transactions. Sat. R. 100: 460, N. Y. Observatory and Nautical Museum. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. I4: 349. N. Y. Times and the Attempt to avert the Civil War. (H. B. Dwire) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 273, -—- Founding of the. (E. B. Wesley) Ecl. M. 146: 262, N. Y. Water Color Club, 1st Exhibition in England. Studio (Internat.) 26: 143, New Zealand. (H. D. Lloyd) N at. Geog. M. 13: 352. -- and Australia, Story of. (R. E. Desmond) Califor- nian, I: 302. —— and the Empire. (A. R. Atkinson) Monthly R. 8, no. I: 24. -—- Arbitration in. (R. J . Seddon) Indep. 56: 357, -- Bathymetrical Survey of. (K. Lucas) Geog. J . 23: 645, 744- — V. S. Clark’s Report on Labor Conditions in. Tregear) Indep. 59: 688. —- Colonizing Agency. Out West, 16: 202, —- A Country without Strikes. (A. Henry) Westm. 159: 24.—-(W. B. Lefiingwell) World To-day, 9: (E. 1313. —— Direct Legislation in. (H. G. Ell) Arena, 30: 268, —-Elections, 1903. (O. T. J. Alpers)19th Cent. 53: 849. — Experiments in Social and Economic Legislation. (Florence F. Kelly) Craftsman, 10: 714, NEW ZEALAND New Zealand, The General Election in. (New Zealand Correspondent) National, 47: 165. — Gold Dredging in. (H. E. Duncan) Cassier, 22: 271. -— Government of. (C. E. Russell) Everybody’s, 15: 581. 784- —— Government Money-lending. Out West, 16: 441. ——- How it controls the Distribution of Wealth. (F lor- ence F. Kelly) Indep. 60: 1483, — How it is solving the Problem of Popular Govern- ment. (E. Tregear) Arena, 32: 569. — In the Geyser-land. (B. Grimshaw) Canad. M. 27: 232, —- Labor Conditions in. (T. Mann) I9th Cent. 52: 393. —- Lakes of. (K. Lucas) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 370. — The Maoris of. (A. Inkersley) Calif. M. 5: 158. ——- Modern. (Lady Broome) Cornh. 89: 312, — The New Order in. National, 48: 733. — Old. (Lady Broome) Cornh. 88: 749. Ecl. M. 1-42: 447, 679. — Physiographic Section through. (James M. Bell) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 273, —- Political, Social, and Religious. Arena, 29: 397, — Preference in. Quar. 203: 166. — Social and Economic Experiments of. (Florence F. Kelly) Craftsman, 10: 551, -— Socialistic Legislation of. (L. C. Warner) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 467. — State Insurance in. 62, -— Subtropical. (T. Arnold) Chamb. J . 82: 241, — Tarawera Volcanic Rift in. (J . M. Bell) Geog. J . 27: 369. — Traveling in. (B. Grimshaw) Sund. M. 34: 840, — Two Days in. (M. S. Reeves) Temp. Bar, 128: 739, —— West Coast of. Macmil. 90: 358. —— The World’s Most Advanced Government. of Ranfurly) Cosmopol. 38: 524, Newark, N. J . Public Library. (J . C. Dana) Pub. 89: 34.: (J . M. Peebles) (W. P. Reeves) No. Am. 182: (Earl Lib. 8: 449. —— Circulation of Novels in. (J. C. Dana) Lib. J . 28: 61", —- — Training Class in. (Kate L. Roberts) Pub. Lib. 11: 19, Newbury, Eng., Battlefield of. (C. A. B. Dewar) Longm. 421 431. Newbury, Mass.f“Ancient Houses of. (S. H. Ferris) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 73. N ewcastle-on-Tyne. St. N icholas’s Cathedral. Am. Arch. 88: 155, 163, Newcastle, N. S. W., as a Coal City. Cassier, 27: 347. Newcomb, Simon. Reminiscences. (H. H. Turner) Science, 11. s. 22: 748.—Ath. ’04, 1: 273, Newcomb (H. Sophie) College for Women. (M. Davies) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I72 I95. Newcomen Engine, The. (H. Davey) Nature, 69: 67, “Newdigates,” A Century of. (O. Rysden) Fortn. 80: 303. Newfoundland. (P. T. McGrath) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 617. —- -and Gloucester. — and its Fisheries. 7: 1049. —— Angling in. Chamb. J. 80: 751, -— Anglo-French-American Shore. (P. T. McGrath) No. Am. 174: 113. --Caribou Heads of. 417. - Central, and the Source of the Garden River. G. Millais) Geog. J . 27: 382. —— The Church in. Church Q. 60: 354, — Currents around the Coast of. Nature, 70: 234. (G. A. King) (D. W. Prowse) Nation, 81: 358, (D. A. Willey) \Vorld To-day, (A. P. Silvar) Ecl. M. 146: (J . 45" NEWPORT Newfoundland, Difficulty in, French Side of the. (J . C. Bracq) No. Am. 176: 582, — Fisherfolk of. (P. T. McGrath) Outing, 44: 306. —— The Fisheries Agreement. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: O 342- — The Fisheries Dispute. (P. T. McGrath) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 625. — (P. T. McGrath) No. Am. 183: 1134.— (P. T. McGrath) Macmil. n. s. I: 230. — The Fisheries Questions ; the American View. (W. L. Marvin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 711. —- ——- AStatement of Newfoundland’s Attitude. (P. T. McGrath) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 708. -— French Shore Question. (D. I/V. Prowse) Nation, 78¢ 349- — Harrisse’s Discovery of. (G. P. Winship) Nation, 74= 347- — Hopes and Trials of. (R. Bond) Indep. 541 2335. — In the Ancient Colony. (R. Wilson) Chamb. J . 80: 230, — Lakes in, and a Little-known Part. (J . G. Millais) Geog. J. 22: 306. — Journey through Northern Peninsula of. Thomson) Geog. J . 26! 137. — Naval Reserves of. (P. T. McGrath) Canad. M. 20: (H. C. 531- —— New Reciprocity Treaty with. (D. W. Prowse) Nation, 75: 343. ——- of To-day. (D. A. I/Villey) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 762, — Old-time. (D. W. Prowse) Cornh. 87: 208. 8g: 539, — Railway in. (C. M. Skinner) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 658. — Revisited. (J . Douglas) Nation, 791 95. — Tramp on tlie Banks of. (K. Machugh) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 81. ‘ — Wrecks and Rescues on the Coast of. Grath) McClure, 21: 137 Newgate [London], Old. Chamb. J . 79: 737. — Excavations on the Site of, 1903-04. (P. Norman) Archaeol. 59: I25. Newgate Prison, Conn., Legends of. (G. H. Hubbard) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 17, 296. 35: 176, 488, Newhall, William, Art Collection of. (G. F. Laking) _ Art J. 56: 73. —(A. B. Skinner) Art J. 57: 149. Newington, N. H., Historical Sketch of, 1713-1810, (M. S. Dudley) N. E. Reg. 58: 247. Newlyn, Cornish Art School at. Good Words, 46: S34- Newman, Francis W. (F. Gribble) Fortn. 84: 15!. Newman, Howard. Constantine the Great ; a tragedy. Liv. Age, 251: 694, Newman, John Henry. Month, 101: 1-337. —— and Carlyle; an Unrecognized Aflinity. Fletcher) Atlan. 95: 669. - and Creative Theology. Dub. R. 138: 233. — and Littlemore. (Wilfred Wilberforce) Cath. World, 83= 577. — and the New Generation. (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 82: 211.=Ec1. M. 143: 683.-_'Liv. Age, 422: 705. — and the Oxford Movement. (N. W. Helm) Meth. (P. T. Mc- (W. Barry) Ath. ’04, I: 777.- (J. B. R. 64: 933. — and Thomas Arnold. Month. 99: I7. — New Light on. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 365. — Recollections of. (Sir R. Blennerhassett) Cornh. 84: 615.=Ecl. M. I381 229- Newmann, Mrs. Philip, Jewelry of. M. of Art, 26: 46): Newport, R. I. (C. Harwood) Critic, 492 27. -— Apology for. (H. Lamont) Nation, 75: 220. —- Houses in. Archit. Rec. 17! 5°: — Life at. (Mary Manners) Evérybody’s, 7: 486, —- One View of. (W. F. Dix) Indep. 551 I314. NEWPORT Newport, R. I., The Other Half at. (H. E. Thomas) Char. I2: 565. -—- The Sense of. (H. James) Harper, I13: 343, -— U. S. Naval Torpedo Station. (G. Herreshoif) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 167, Newport Set, The. Indep. 54: 2515, Newsam, A., Lithographic Portraits by. Stauifer) Pennsyl. M. 26: 382, Newsboy Law in New York and Newark. (J . K. Paulding) Char. 14: 836. Newsboy Ordinance in Newark. (J . K. Paulding) Char. 12: 959. Newsboy Wanderers are Tramps in the Making. (Ernest Poole) Char. 10: 160, Newsboys, Ethics of. (A. Saxby) Westm. 158: 575. — of the Second Cities. Char. 10: 368, Newsboys’ Labor Union and what it thinks of a Col- lege Education. (R. W. Bruere) Outl. 84: 878. Newspaper, The. Macmil. 87: 429. =Ecl. M. 141: 254.-"ILiv. Age, 239: 754. -— The American. Bookman, 19: 24-558. 20: 120, 310. —— as a Judiciary. (S. Gilbert) Am. J . Sociol. 12: 289. — Bringing out a, in Paris. (P. P. Sheehan) Union Univ. Q. 2: 190, —— Daily, Problem of the. 5: 228. —— Elizabethan. (F. E. Schelling) Bk. News, 23: 843, — Making of the ‘Modern. (Alfred C. IV. Harms- worth) VVorld To-day, 9: 1279, — Mission of the. (W. W. Young) Wis. Alum. M. 7: 418. ' — Policy of the. (R. W. Kemp) Bookman, 20: 310, —— a Preusa, of Buenos Ayres. (B. Meiklejohn) World’s Work, 3: 1708, Newspaper Art. (G. E. Clark) Brush & P. 10: 65. Newspaper Criticisms of Public Men. (D. Mowry) Arena, 28: 238. Newspaper Editorial Writers, Six Great. (F. Putnam) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 607. Newspaper Extracts; Realistic Peeps into the Past. (A. Fea) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 117, Newspaper Humor. (W. D. Nesbit) Indep. 54: 804, Newspaper Index of the California State Library. (M. E. Garoutte) Lib. J . 28: 666, Newspaper Industry, The. (B. Fisher) Atlan. 89: 745, Newspaper Poet; his Trade. (W. D. Nesbit) Indep. 55: 2269, Newspaper Press, The. ‘ M, 13: 22, Newspaper Satire during the American Revolution. (F. A. Ogg) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 366. Newspaper Syndicates, How Work is done by. Book- lover’s M. 3: 789. Newspaper Woman, Confessions of a. (H. M. Wins- low) Atlan. 95: 206. Newspapers and the Insurance Companies. (H. La- mont) Nation, 81: 354. —-and Science. (G. N. Stewart and C. C. Guthrie) Science, 11. s. 21: 667. —— Attacking the. (F. M. Colby) Bookman, 15: 534, —- Chromatic. (J. A. Macy) Bookman, 24: 127, -—- Comic Supplements and their Makers. (R. L. Mc- Cardell) Everybody’s, I2: 763, — The Correspondence Column. Acad. 63: 217, —— Dark Side of. (A. Symons) Sat. R. 96: 165, -—- Great, of the U. S. (H. Hapgood and A. B. Mau- rice) Bookman, 14: 567. 15: 26, 149.324. —- How they annihilate Time. (P. Walton) Munsey, : 66, —- II3l13Si'llI1g to get Pictures for. (E. J. Wheelock) Booklover’s M. 5: 87 -— Influence on Criminal Bag, 17: 223. (D. McN. (M. M. Snell) Conserv. R. (S. W. McCall) Harv. Grad. Trials. (C. B. Smith) Green 456 NICHOLAS Newspapers, Penny. (M. W. Ovington) Outl. 76: 280. —- Responsibility for Lawlessness. Nation, 77: 151. — Unreliability of. (E. Bok) World’s Work, 7: 4567. Newton, Mass. (J. W. Weeks) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 209. Newton Hall. (F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 51: 817, Newton’s Colors, Method of demonstrating, by trans- mitted Light. (H. N. Davis) Am. J . Sci. 165: 224. Next Corner; a story. (G. W. Carryl) Munsey, 26: 627, Nez Percé Campaign, Incident of. Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 360. Niagara. (Eugene Wood) McClure, 27: 475. Niagara; a poem. (Florence Wilkinson) Outl. 82: 432- (H. J. Davis) J. Niagara Domes of Northern Indiana. (E. M. Kindle) Am. J. Sci. 165: 459. Niagara Falls and the Nation. Outl. 82: 828, — Argument for preserving. Outl. 83: 106. — Canadian Electric Power Stations at. (Orrin E. Dunlap) Nature, 73: 161. —Engin. M. 28: 727, — Destruction of. (A. D. Adams) Cassier, 27: 413. —- Electrically Utilized Power at. Science, n. s. 17: 236. —- from the Economic Standpoint. (H. W. Buck) Outl. 83: 133. —— Geological History of. Q. 11: 248, -—- How they are harnessed. Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 58. -— How to protect. (C. M. Dow) Outl. 82: 179, — in WVinter. (O. E. Dunlap) Booklover’s M. 2: 645. —International Aid for. (R. S. Lanier) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 432. — Power from. (P. P. Barton) Cassier, 21: 179. -— — Recent Developments. (H. VV. Buck) Cassier, 25: 103, — — Utilization of. (H. W. Buck) Am. Arch. 85: 93. —— Preservation of. Outl. 81: 696. -—Shall Niagara be saved ? (F. Strother) World’s I/Vork, I2: 7524. -—- under the Yoke. (Warren Upham) Internat. (T. A. De VVeese) R. of (J . M. Oxley) World To-day, 8: 298. Niagara Falls City, N. Y. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 129, Niagara Limestones of Hamilton County, Ind. (E. M. Kindle) Am. J. Sci. 164: 221. Niagara Rapids, Utilizing the Power of. (A. D. Adams) Engin. M. 29: 381, Nibelungenlied, The. (H. H. Fick) Educa. 25: 90, 164. -— Ethics and the. (C. H. Meltza) Craftsman, 11: 3, Nicaragua. (W. L. Merry) Calif. M. 1: 349. — The Country and the People. Outl. 70: 1015. -— W. Walker and the Steamship Corporation in. (W. O. Scroggs) Am. H1st. R. 10: 702, Nicaragua Canal and Prince Louis Napoleon. (S. Y. Stevenson) Cent. 42: 391. —- (R. H. McDonald, jr.) Calif. M. 3: 716, -— History and Technique. 1: 618, Nice. France, The Native Population of. W. Barbour) Calif. M. 2: 3. Nicene Creed and Canons, Turner’s Edition of. Church Q, 60: 131, Nichol, John P. Nature, 68: 623, Nicholas I., Czar, and the Holy See, 1825-55. Shahan) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 720, — A Forgotten Chapter in Anglo-Russian Relations. (S. Tatistcheff) National, 39: 564. Nicholas II.. Czar. Quar. 200: 180, =Ecl. M. 143: 421. = Liv. Age, 242: 513. -—- (A. White) Every- body’s, 10: 293. — (E. A. Start) Chant. 37: 361. (T. R. Dawley, jr.) (W. L. Merry) Calif. M. (Fannie C. (T. J. NICHOLAS Nicholas II., Czar. A Character Sketch. Fortn. 81: 363- — his Ministers and his Manifesto. Fortn. 79: 971. — Human Side of the Czar. 50: 845. —-— Joubert’s Truth about. tion, 82: 267. —Manifesto of, I903. (E. J. Dillon) Contemp. 83: 59o.=Ecl. M. 141: 52. ILiv. Age, 237: 394. — Personality of. World’s Work, 8: 5414. — The Real. (W. T. Stead) World To-day, I0: 50. —— Simple Life of. (F. Morris) Cosmopol. 335 483. Nicholas, John, Composer of the California “ Oh Su— sanna.” (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 21: 272. Nicholites, Taking over of, by the Friends. (H. D. Craner) Pennsyl. M. 27: 76. Nichols, Wm. Ripley, Prof., with portrait. T echnol. R. 1: 289, Nicholson, Sir Charles. Nicholson, James, Letter of, 1803. (R. E. C. Long) (A. K. Coudert) Cent. (Isabel F. Hapgood) Na- Geog. J . 22: 706, Am. Hist. R. 8: 511, Nicholson, John. Un. Serv. M. 26: 483. Nicholson, William. Portraits of Roosevelt, Duse, and Chamberlain. Lamp, 26: 156, . Nickel-steel Alloys. (R. H. Thurston) Science, n. s. 17: 674. Nicodé, Jean Louis. (A. E. Keeton) Contemp. 85: 863.:Liv. Age, 242: 182. ' Nicolas of Cusa, Cardinal and Reformer. Church Q. 62: 120, Nicole, Jules. Mélanges Nicole. Ath. ’o6, 1: 232, Niece Diana. (M. Ward) Sund. M. 32: 384-746. Niehaus, C. H., American Sculptor. Studio (Internat.) 29: 104, Niemann, August. Der Weltkrieg Deutsche Traume. (R. B. Marston) Monthly R. 16, no. 3: 39. Niemcewicz, Julius Ursin ; Visit to Mount Vernon a Century Ago. (\V_. M. Kozlowski) Cent. 41: 510, Nietzsche, Friedrich, and French Music. (J . F. Run- ciman) Sat. R. I01: 265. —-— and G. Brandes, Correspondence between. tional, 45: supp. after p. 936. — and Guyau, Marie Jean, Ethics of. Internat. J . Ethics, 13: 13. —-— and the “Will to Power.” No. Am. 179: 842. -— Dawn of Day. Ath. ’o3, 1: 298. —-— Keynote of his Work. (J . Goldstein) Mind, 27: 216, —-— on Translation. (F. C. S. Schiller) Nation, 82: 343. -— Philosophy of. (F. Thilly) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 707. —Studies of. (M. D. Petre) Cath. \Vorld, 82: 317, 516. 610- 83= 159.345- —- ‘Works in English. (H. P. Williams) Nation, 82: I57. —— (T. Common) Nation, 82: 259, Na- (A. Fouillé e) Niger Delta, West African Trading Station in. (J . W. Davies) Lippinc. 71: 226, Nigeria. (Lady Lugard) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 370, — Anglo-German Boundary Expedition in. (L. J ack- son) Geog. J. 26: 28, -— Boyd Alexa11der’s Expedition through. Geog. J . 25: 176. —— British, Acquisition of. National, 42: 783, —— Fulani Emirates of Northern. (J. A. Burton) Geog. J. 24: 636. — British Work in. (W. F. W. Carstairs) Canad. M. 19: 128, — Journeys in Northern. 368. -— Northern. (F. D. Lugard) Geog. J . 23: 1, _ Asia, R. 41: 304. —- — English Province of. Nat. Geog. M. 15: 433, — The Story of. National, 42: 607, —- White Man in, Hazzledine’s. Ath. ’o4, 2: 582, (Hans Vischer) Geog. J . 28: 457 NILES Night, The Humbling. (G. A. B. Dewar) Sat. R. 102: 771. “ Night and the Curtains Drawn.” (J. M. F orman) McClure, 28: 57. Night between Saints and Souls. Bar, 126: 725, Night in Old Spain, A; Englished by Beatrice Hast- ings. Overland, n. s. 46: 376. ' Night of Santa Marta. (Grace Cath) Overland, n. s. 44= 613- Night of Wonders, The. man, 22: 318. Night Out, A. (F. H. Smith) Scrib. M. 34: 307. Night with the Mouse’s Brother. (E. Taylor) Atlan. 89: 671. Night with N ature, A. (Adele M. Shaw) Lippinc. 78; (E. McOwan) Temp. (Maude B. Dutton) Book- 334- Night with Whispering Smith, A; a story. (F. H. Spearman) McClure, I9: 84. Ildler, 21: 311, Night Scenes in a City. (A. Fullerton) Canad. M. 24: 19, Nightingale’s Song, The. (L. Eglinton) Atlan. 89: 813, Nightjar Bird, In the Haunts of the. (T. Edwardes) Idler, 29: 335. Nightman’s Story. (F. H. Spearman) New Eng. M. II. S. 29: 740. Night’s Adventure, A. (R. E. Vernede) Macmil. n. s. I: 881.: Liv. Age, 251: 400. Night’s Lodging, A. (A. Colton) Atlan. 90: I95. Night’-s Lodging, A ; a drama. (Maxim Gorky) Poet- Lore, I6, no. 41 I. Nights at Play. (H. G. D. Latham) Cornh. 86: 673. IEcl. M. 140: 160, Nihancan, the White Man. 26: 225, Nihilisn1. (Alexei) Monthly R. 18, no. 2: 59. Nikisch, Arthur, and Harold Bauer. (J . F. Runci- man) Sat. R. 93: 803, Nile, The, and its Basin, Dimensions of. Lyons) Geog. J . 26: 198, — and its Valley, History of. 27: 52, 9 —— Assouan Dam of. (C. Roberts) World’s Work, 5! 2861. —(F. Fayant) Idler, 22: 2 57, — Barrages of the. (C. Hamilton) Chamb. J . 80: 53, — — Completion of. (J. Ward) Cassier, 23: 549. — Between the Cataracts of. (H. Spender) Macmil. n. s. I: 939. — Boating on. (A. C. Robinson) Outing, 45: 545, — Chaillé-Long’s Work on, with map. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 346, —Fens of. (D. G. Hogarth) Cornh. 89: 343.IEcI. M. I44= 734- I46= 516-=Liv. Age. 24s= 98- -— Flood in, and its Variations. (H. G. Lyons) Geog. J. 26: 249. 395- — Hydrography of. Geog. J. 25: 75. ——Navigation of. (W. H. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 272, -——Notes from. (J. Ward) Antiq. n. s. 39: 270, 335, (C. S. Wake) Am. Antiq. (H. G. (IV. F. Hume) Geog. J . 374- ——-On the. (G. S. H. and R. de P. Tytus) Harper, 109: 693. — Source of, Quest for, H. Johnston on. Ath. ’o4, 1: 373- ‘ — Upper, Some Problems of. (W. E. Garstin) 19th Cent. 58: 345. 9 ——White; Liddell’s Journeys. Geog. J. 24: 651, -— —-— Sudd of. (E. S. Crispin) Geog. J. 20: 318, Nile Reservoir, The New. (F. C. Penfield) No. Am. 176: 365. Nile Valley, Meteorology of the. Nature, 75: 17, Niles, Nathaniel. (Nathan N. Withington) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 681, NILES Niles, William Harmon, with portrait. (G. H. Barton) Technol. R. 4: 417. - . Nilgiri Mountain Railway, The. (W. J. Weightman) Cassier, 2x: 275. Ninde, W. X., Bishop. (C.M. Stuart) Meth. R. 13: 9. Nine Lives of Katrine, The. (Juliet W. Tompkins) Cosmopol. 42: I 57. Nine Penguin’s Eggs. 238: 331. Nine Points of the Law ; a story. Munsey, 31: 704. 1900. Our Annus Mirabilis. (C. B. Bradley) Calif. Univ. Chron. 4: 145, . 1901, Commercial History of. J . Statis. Soc. 65: 127. 1902, Commercial History and Review of. J . Statis. Soc. 56: I27. —- The Year in Trade and Finance. (F. D. Root) Indep. 54: 3°59- I903, Commercial History and Review of. J . Statis. Soc. 67: 100, — World’s Prosperity in. Macmil. 88: 146. = Liv. Age, (A. M. Cleaveland) (W. G. L. Taylor) J . Pol. Econ. 13: 217, — The Year in Trade and Finance. (F. D. Root) In- dep. 55: 3026. I904, Commercial History and Review of. J . Statis. Soc. 68: 154. —— The New Year. Spec. 92: 4. — the Year in Finance and Trade. 57= 1419. 1905 ; a Glance at the Ending Year. VVorld’s Work, II: 7003, (F. D. Root) Indep. (W. H. Page) — 1605, 1705, 1805 ; Three Scientific Centenaries. J . Soc. Arts, 53: 993. —— The Year in Finance and Trade. (F. D. Root) Indep- 59: I439- I9o6. The Year in Finance and Trade. (F. D. Root) Indep. 61: I454, Nineteenth Century; a Century of Ugliness. (E. Crosby) Craftsman, 6: 409. — History of. (P. Ashley) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 20: 133- — — Importance of. (G. Prothero) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 18: 1. — Main Currents of Thought in. Arena, 35: 225, 356. Ninfa in the Pontine,Marshes. Am. Arch. 88: 30. Ninian, St., The Rood of. Month, 103: 294. Ninib, the God-name. (J . D. Prince) J . Bib. Lit. 24: (R. T. Kerlin) 54. Ninth Wave, The. (Mark Strange) Chamb. J . 80: 273, Nippur. (A. Marquand) Am. J . Archeeol. n. s. 9: 7. — American Excavations at. (V. Geere) Monthly R. 12, no. 3: 83.— (J. P. Peters) Am. J. Theol. 7: 712, -—-Mycensean Palace at. (C. S. Fisher) Am. J. Ar- cheeol. n. s. 8: 403. — (A. Marquand) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 9: 7.—(J. P. Peters) Am. J. Ar- chaeol. n. s. 9: 450. —— —— not Mycenaean but Hellenistic. Am. Antiq. 27: 163. _ Nisibis, The School of. (F. X. E. Albert) Cath. Univ. Bull. I2: 160, . “Nisi Serenas.” (H. G. D. Latham) Cornh. 87: 765, =Ecl. M, 141: 333. : Liv. Age, 238: 89, Nisroch and Nusku. (J . D. Prince) J . Bib. Lit. 23: 68. — (J. Offord) Am. Antiq. 27: 127, Nithsdale, Lady Winifred, Heroine of the Fifteen. (C. M. Paine) Macmil. 86: 42, Nitokris-Rhodopis. (H. R. Hall) J . Hel. Stud. 24: 208, Nitrate Industry, Tarapaca and. (W. J . Kirkcaldie) Chamb. J. 82: 149. Nitric Acid, Darling on Electrolytic Production of. J. Frankl. Inst. I53: 61. (A. Marquand) 458 NOMENCLATURE Nitric Acid, Titrimetric Estimation of. (I. K. Phelps) Am. J. Sci. 164: 440. Nitrites, Determination of, in Absence of Air. (I. K. Phelps) Am. J . Sci. 1571 193. N itro-cellulose, Stability Tests for. (A. P. Sy) J . Frankl. Inst. I55: 161. Nitrogen, Absorption of, by Human Beings from the Atmosphere. (A. E. Gibson) Science, in. s. 22: 403. — Atmospheric, for Fertilizing Purposes. (J . F. Crow- ell) Science, n. s. 19: 197. —— The Fixation of. Chemistry and the World’s Food. (R. K. Duncan) Harper, I12: 720, —(T. C. Martin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 338. — Inoculating the Ground with. (C. H. Grosvenor) Cent. 46: 831. — Source of, in Forest Soil. (R. G. Zon) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 436. Nixie of the Neighborhood. 791 341- Nixon, Lewis. (C. C. Wells) Cosmopol. 35: 589. — VVho is Nixon ? (F. Matthews) lVorld’s Work, 3: 1998- No Conspiracy. (Constance Cotterell) Good Words, 46: 464. N o Respecter of Persons. (F. H. Smith) Cosmopol. 33: 62, 203, Nobel Prizes, The. (J . Lund) Open Court, 20: 168. — (V. Thompson) Cosmopol. 41: 468,- Spec, 89: 934, —— and their Founder. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 41. — Recipients of, I903. (F. Passy) Indep. 55: 554. Nobility ; the British Fairyland. Spec. 95: 1028. — in New York, F oreign. (F. Cunlifie-Owen) Mun- sey, 30: 503. Noble, Captain William. Knowl. 27: 184, “Noble” Author up to Date, The. (J . M. Bullock) Lamp. 29= 593- Noblesse Oblige; a story. (E. A. Stout) Good Words, 46: 280, “ Noblesse Oblige ; ” a story. (J . R. Hoyt) Munsey, 30: 287, Nobodies, The ; a Sea-faring Family. (T. R. R. Steb- bing) Knowl. 25: 37—185. 26: 14, 145, Nobody’s Arthur; a story. (L. Bowman) Outl. 83: ,- (A. M. Daulton) Outl. N oche Buena, La; Christmas Time in Mexico. (A. Mathew) Overland, n. s. 42: 476, Nocquet, Paul, Artist. (A. P. Hosford) Brush & P. I 7: I33- Nocturne, A. (M. Diver) Sund. M. 34: 5 37, Nocturne, A. (K. M. Roof) Craftsman, 10: 310, N061. (J . Kingstead) Chamb. J . 83: 801. N ogi, General, the Japanese Hero of Port Arthur, with portrait. (Shiba Shiro) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 446. Noise, An Efiort to suppress. (Mrs. Isaac L. Rice) Forum, 37: 552. Nola, Feast of the Lilies at. World To-day, I0: 184, Nolan, Philip. Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 7: 308. Nolhac, Pierre de. Critic, 42: 30, Nolo Contendere. (G. W. Gunn) New Eng. M. n. s. 343 724- Nome, Alaska; a Day’s Journey on the Wild Goose (W. G. F itz-Gerald) Railway. (Josephine V. Scroggs) Overland, n. s. 39: 908. -— Development of. (A. H. Dunham) Cosmopol. 38: 46 5, 860, — Fourth of July at. land, n. s. 40: 59. -—— Gold Sands of. (A. L. Queneau) Engin. M. 23: 497. Nomen Tetragrammaton in Genesis 4: I. (A. Aman- dolini) Dub. R. 132: 336. Nomenclature, Scientific. (F. W. Very) Science, 11. s. 15: 472. — (L. F. Ward) Science, 11. s. 21: 110, (Josephine V. Scroggs) Over- ' Nomes, Three North Delta. NOMENCLATURE Nomenclature; Types and Synonyms. (O. F. Cook) Science, 11. s. 15: 646. (D. G. Hogarth) J . Hel. Stud. 24: I. Nominations, Direct. (J . T. Newcomb) Nation, 75: 85. Non-combatants ; a story. (R. W. Chambers) Harper, 10g: 831. N onconformist Schoolmasters, Unlicensed, 1662 and onwards. (F. Watson) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 286. Nonconformist Uprising in 1903. (J . G. Rogers) 19th Cent. 54: 677. Nonconformity in England, Renascence of. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 705. Nonconformity, Tendencies of Modern. Church Q. 543 99- N on-jurors. (A. Birrell) Ecl. M. 140: 352. =Liv. Age, 236: 311, — Overton on the. Non-partisan in Politics, The. 551 1963- Nonsense Names in Natural History. Lippinc. 75: 617. Nora Wilding ; a story. (J . Stafford) Gent. M. n. s. 69: Ath. ’o3, 1: 329. (S. M. Jones) Indep. (C. C. Abbott) 1 10', Nore,,MuJtiny at the, French Share in. (W. L. Clowes) Cornh. 86: 38, Norfolk, England, Churches of. (J . C. Cox) Ath. ’o4, 1: 472. —— The Earldom of. Sat. R. 102: 666. -— Old Inns of. (G. A. B. Dewar) Macmil. n. s. 1: 383. — Training Station at. (A. C. Dillingham) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 9: 6o, —Waters of. (W. J. Batchelder) Temp. Bar, 130: 579- Norfolk Commission and after. Un. Serv. M. 29: 355. Normal College for the Blind. Sund. M. 34: 355. Normal School, Passing away of the. (J . W. Aber- nethy) Educa. 23: 325.—- (W. G. Chambers) Educa. 23: 483. Normal School Course of Study. Educa. 23: 141. Normal Schools, especially in Massachusetts. Stanley Hall) Pedagog. Sem. 9: 180. ' (G. Compayré) (B. Heron-Maxwell) (W. G. Chambers) (G. —— in France, Reform of Elementary. Educa. R. 32: 357. —— Library Training in. (A. V. Milner) Pub. Lib. 8: 95. —— Phases of Internal Organization of. (R. N. Roork) Pedagog. Sem. 3: 221. — Professional Work in. (W. C. Ruediger) Educa. 27: 174. —- What shall they be ? (J . Ogden) Educa. 22: 292, Norman, Sir Henry W. (T. H. Holdich) Geog. J . 24: 685. —(G. Wallop) Macmil. 91: 175, Norman Castles, Early, of England. (E. S. Armitage) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 209, 417. Norman Comedy at Venice. (G. B. Fife) Harper, 111: *8 7 . Normaan Crypt, A Pure. (J . C. Wall) Reliquary, 46: 145- Normandy, Angevin Administration of. (F. M. Po- wicke) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 625, —- A Corner of. (Mary K. Waddington) Scrib. M. 39: O. — Farm and Village Buildings in. (F. C. Brown) Archit. R. 10: 13. —- Motor Trip through. (K. La Shelle) Booklover’s M. 6: 211, — Ramble in. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 72: 57, —Tramping through. (A. F. Sanborn) Booklover’s M, 4: 201, (R. Parsons) Am. Normans, Commencements of the. Cath. Q. 27: 32. 459 NORTH Norrie, A. Lanfear, Residence of. Archit. Rec. 14: 453- Norris, Frank. (H. Garland) Critic, 42: 216, —With portrait. (P. Millard) Out West, 18: 49. —(H. M. VV right) Calif. Univ. Chron. 5: 240. — (H. M. Stephens) Calif. Univ. Chron. 51 3?-4. — (W. D. Howells) N 0. Am. 175: 769. -—— (M. B. Levick) Overland, n. s. 45: 504, -— The Pit. (A. S. van Westrum) Lamp, 26: 54, Norris, Isaac. Journal in 1745. Pennsyl. M. 27: 20, Norris, Sir John, Letter of, 1585. (R. Poole) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 317. Norse Types of Beauty, Some. (H. H. Boyesen, 2d) Cosmopol. 37: 179. North, Edward, North’s Memoir of. (J . H. McDan- iels) Nation, 81: 427. North, Frederic, Lord, the Prime Minister; a Per- sonal Memoir. (Lord North) No. Am. 176: 778, 260, North, and South (U. S.) ; the Difference. Harris) Indep. 58: 1348, —— The New. (H. \V. Mabie) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 109, — Spirit of the. (R. Dunn) Outing, 45: 313. North of Fifty-three; a story. (R. E. Beach) Mc- Clure, 23: 88, North Adams, Mass. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 625, North America, Archaeology of, Some Problems in. (F. Boas) Am. J. Archaeol. 2d ser. 6: 1, — Achenwall’s Observations on, in 1767, tr. by J. G. Rosengarten. Pennsyl. M. 27: 1, — The Fight for. (A. G. Bradley) Canad. M. 22: 264, — Lee’s History of. Nation, 79: 79. -—— Political Cleavage of. (G. W. Ross) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 8: 224. North American Ethnographical Material in Italian Collections. (D. I. Bushnell, jr.) Am. Anthropol. 91 243- North Carolina, Country Life in. Overland, n. s. 48: 489, — Country of the Tar-maker. 576- - Education in; reclaiming a Commonwealth. (C. A. Herrick) Outl. 74: 455. — History of, Revival of Interest in. So. Atlan. Q. 3: 370. — in the Revolution. (W. E. Dodd) So. Atlan. Q. 1: 156.—(Sal1ie J. Davis) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 314, 3: 27. I54- — Internal Improvements in, previous to 1860, Weaver) J. H. Univ. Stud. 21: 113. — Library Association, 2d Annual Meeting, 1906. Pub. Lib. 11: 327. — New Industries in. (hIrs. L. H. (Mary H. Ford) (C. Johnson) Outl. 75: (J . S. Bassett) (G. C. (T. A. Smoot) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 325- —— Rural School Libraries in. (C. H. Poe) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 338. -— State Ownership in. Work, 13: 8333- — State Rights and Political Parties in 1776-1861. (H. McG. Wagstaif) J . H. Univ. Stud. 24: 447. North Country of California. (Nellie Rickey) Over- land, 11. s. 46: 45. North Dakota, Builders of. 667. —- Library Assoc., Meeting, Jan. 1906. Pub. Lib. 11: 153. —Lib. J. 31:83. — University of, Credit for Quality at. nedy) Educa. R. 322 525. North Pole, Finding the Way to the. Ecl. M. 138: 31, —- For the Conquest of. (P. T. McGrath) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 43. — Indications of Land near. (R. A. Harris) Nat. Geog. (T. B. Womack) World’s (R. D. Paine) Outing, 47: (Joseph Ken- M. 15: 255. NORTH North Pole, A New Way to reach the. (A. N. McGray) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 493. ‘ — Physiographic Improbability of Land at. (J . W. Spencer) Am. J. Sci. 169: 333. -— The Race for the. Liv. Age, 251: 748. —— Towards the. Ecl. M. 139: 803. = Liv. Age, 235: 308, ' -— Ways to, by Recent Explorers. (A. N. McGray) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 138, See Arctic. North Sea, A Drama of the. — England’s Position in the. 79= 489- North Sea Commission, Verdict of the. (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 168, ' North Sea Smack, On a. Chamb. J . 80: 780, (T. B. Moody) Fortn. (J. B. Connolly) Scrib. M. 31: 513. North Sleswic Question, The. (L. Warming) Am. J . Sociol. 81 239. Northampton, England, Church of All Saints, Ser- jeantson’s History of. Ath. ’02, 2: 178.—(J. S. Shephard) Month, 100: 58, — Church of St. Peter, Serjeantson’s History of. Ath. ’o4, 2: 584. Northampton, Mass., Academy of Music. (A. P. Den- nis) Indep. 58: 1343. Northamptonshire, Hidation of, in 1086. (F. Baring) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 76, 470. ' Northborough, Mass. (M. E. D. White) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 721. Northbrook, Thomas George Baring, Lord. Geog. J . 25: 100, Northeast Passage, The. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: “ Northern Lights; ” a Class of Clergymen. Chamb. J , 83: 17, Northern Question, The, in 1716-18, (J, F, Chance) Eng. Hist. R.18: 676, 19: 55, 20: 33. 21: 460, Northern Securities Case. (J . M. Garner) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 125, —— and the Sherman Anti-trust Act. (C. C. Langdell) Harv. Law R. I52 539. —(R. L. Cutting) No. Am. 174: 528. -—— Anti-trust Remedies and the. (E. B. Whitney) Yale R. 13: 3. — Conflicting Opinions in the. (B. Wyman) Green Bag, 16: 298, -— Decision in the. (A. D. Noyes) 78: 2o4.—(C. F. Randolph) No. Am. 176: 846. —(B. Wyman) Green Bag, 16: 258, — The Hearing. Nation, 77: 499. -— The Merger Tangle. (F. Parsons) Arena, 31: 588, -—Railway Rates and the Merger Decision. (C. A. Prouty) No. Am. 178: 829, — The Supreme Court in the. (VV. S. Logan) Arena, 31: 472. Northrup, Geo. Washington, with portrait. Univ. of Chic. Rec. 6: 249. Northumberland, England. Quar. 205: 103, — and some Artists. (Rudolf Dircks) Art J . 56: 305, Northwest, Americanism of the Last West. (D. H. Brock) Outing. 47 : 593- —- and the Great Lakes Region, Fountain on. Spec. 9% 845- — Archaeological Discoveries in, Recent. (H. I. Smith) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 281, -— Coast Cities of. World’s Work, 10: 6491. — The Great. (R. S. Baker) Cent. 43: 647, -(C_ Northrop) World To-day, 10: 72, -—— The Inland Empire. (W. H. Kirkbridge) World’s Work, I0: 6511, — the Land and the People. (W. H. Page) World’s Work,'10: 6459. . 460 NORWEGIAN Northwest, Migration to, New Tide of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 708. —- Political Movements in the. Rs. (N. Y.) 311 337. — Sources of History of. (Joseph Schafer) Lib. J . 30: 790. (C. Hamlin) (C. B. Cheney) R. of — What it is. (J . Blethen) World’s Work, 10: 6474, ——Where rolls the Oregon. (H. Lloyd) Outing, 47: 579 Northwest Boundary. (B. Willis) World’s Work, 4: 2 326, Northiivest Mail, The. (R. A. Haste) World To-day, 8: 415. Northwest Mounted Police of Canada. (G. E. VVills) Booklover’s M. 7: 100. — (A. Fullerton) VVorld To-day, 9: 725.—-— (A. C. Laut) Idler, 24: 19, See Canadian Northwest. Northwest Pacific Coast, Abrasions on the. (G. David- son) Californian, 2: 165, Northwest Passage, Amundsen’s. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 27. — and the Circnmnavigation of America. Stone) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 143. — Making the. (C. C. Adams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 81, Northwest Territory, Maps of the. (J . A. Lapham) Am. Antiq. 27: 121, Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah. (A. Beaver) Longm. 451 7°- Norton, Charles Eliot. Norwalk, Connecticut. 26: 588. — Tryon’s Invasion of, Conflicting Accounts of. (Jona- than Trumbull) M. of Hist. 32 13. Norway and Sweden. Outl. 80: 413.-—Indep. R. 6, no. 3: 77.-—Quar. 203: 262, — — Comparison of. Nat. Geog. M..I6: 429. —— — Rupture between. (H. S. Karr) I9th Cent. 582 539.—— (J. Moritzen) Forum, 37: 141, -—— —— Why at Odds. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 208. —— The Case of. (P. Groth) Nation, 81: 92. . — Church of, Recent Theological Controversy in. (J . Beveridge) Crit. R. 13: 304, — Crisis in. (H. L. Braekstad and K. Staaff) N 0. Am. 181: 281, — Farm in, Notes on a. Chamb. J. 83: 356. — Fiords of. (A. S. Bolles) Booklover’s M. 5: 655. —- (A. P. Brigham) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 337. — Moose-hunting in. (H. Seton-Karr) Pall Mall M. 26: 369. — New Career of. Liv. Age, 246: 128, — New-Norse Movement in. (Mabel Leland) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 206, —— Past and Future of. (I. K. Boyesen) World To-day, 9: 829. — Plébiscite in. — Quaint Timber Churches in. Archit. Rec. 20: 93. —— The Scandinavian Rupture. (A. J. (E. W. Noxon) Critic, 42: 124, (A. Scott) New Eng. M. n. s. (C. Thomas) Nation, 812 I6I. (Olaf Z. Cervin) (Observer) National, -1 45: . . —- Sinclair Expedition to. (J . S. Shepard) Month, 100: 403. —— Theological Thought in. (J . Beveridge) Crit. R. 13: 99- —— Through, by Yacht and Stoljaerres. (J . Shayler) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 385, — Why it has separated from Sweden. (N. Y.) 32: 65. -— Why it is not a Republic. dep, 61: 1538. — Wooden Wings of. (A. B. Wilse) Munsey, 28: 353. Norwegian Hand-mangles. (R. Quick) Reliquary, 44: 113, R. of Rs. (Theodore Stanton) In- ‘-— Topography and Epigraphy of. NORWEGIANS Norwegians and the Old Testament. Crit. R. 13: 490. Norwich, Conn., Inscriptions from Gravestones in Christ Church. (G. S. Porter) N. E. Reg. 60: 16, — Municipal Ownership as tried in. (M. E. Jensen) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 338. Norwich, Eng., City Records. n. s. 42: 144. Nostalgia. (G. Deledda) Fortn. 83: 963. 84: 173-1127, Not according to the Code; a Tale of the Southwest. (T. H. Wilson) Cent. 46: 624, Not among the Immortals. (Ellen A. Smith) Longm. 46: 165. Not told in History. 44= 609- . Not without Witness; a Christmas story. Wright) Overland, n. s. 42: 521.- Note, The; a story. (Margaret Deland) Harper, 1071 (J . Beveridge) (Canon Raven) Antiq. (Mabel P. Pitts) Overland, n. s. (H. E. 497- Note Circulation, The Provincial. Bank. M. (Lond.) 78= 313- > Note of Spring; a story. (E. B. Summers) Canad. M. 22: 126, Note-taking as a Habit. Sat. R. 97: 139. Notes by the Way. Chamb. J . 80: 502, Notre Dame de Fourviere. (E. Leahy) Am. Cath. Q. 31. . ~ 343- Notre Dame of Brou. (E. C. Vansittart) Antiq. n. s., 4H 293. 372- Nott, Eliphalet, Memorial of, Union College, with por- trait. Union Univ. Q. I: 121, Nottingham, A Quaint Corner in. n. s. 41: 332. Nottinghamshire, South, Churches in. (J. C. Cox) Ath. ’o4, 2: 88, 151, 249, Nourse, Elizabeth, Artist. (Anna S. Schmidt) Studio (Internat.) 27: 247, Nova Isaura, Early Christian Art of. (W. M. Ram- say) Ath. ’04, 2: 119. (G. Fellows) Antiq. (W. M. Ramsay) J. Hel. Stud. 25: 163, Nova Scotia. (A. MacMechan) Canad. M. 25: 163, —— and Imperialism. (F. B. Crofton) Canad. M. 27: I9, -— and New England, during the Revolution. (E. P. Weaver) Am. Hist. R. 10: 52. -—- Governor Lawrence and the Acadians. Savary) Canad. M. 27: 2 56. —— Land of Evangeline. (M. J . Mayer) Critic, 41: 108, —- Literature of. (A. MacMechan) Canad. M. 25: 565, — Progress of. (J. A. Cooper) Canad. M. 23: 376, 514. -— Settlement of. (J . Hannay) Canad. M. 23: 323. —- Wilderness of. (T. Adney) Idler, 23: 270, Nova Scotia Cock Fight. (A. F. Thomson) Canad. M. 27: 219, Nova Solyma. (R. Garnett) Internat. Q. 9: 140. — (J. C. Collins) National, 43: 768. —Spec. 90: 294, — (J . D. Bruce) Nation, 76: 251. -— (F. Greenslet) Atlan. 91: 605. —Gent. M. n. s. 70: 617, - (J, W, Mackail) Quar. I97: 484. -— Did John Milton write this Romance ? (W. Begley) Bk. Buyer, 25: 223. —- Ath. ’o3, 1: 104. -— (F. I. Carpenter) Dial, 342 238. Novel, American, and Contemporary English Society. (Mary Moss) Bookman, I6: 458, -— —-— Tendencies of the. (J . M. Bullock) Lamp, 26: 110, -— as a Political Force. (N. Bentwich) 19th Cent. 60: 785.-=Liv. Age, 251: 771. —— at the Bar, The. Dial, 40: 141, —-— British, in 19th Century. (J . B. Henneman) Se- wanee, I2: 167. —— Catholic, Basis of a. (R. F. Egan) Cath. World, 76: 316, (A. W. 461 NOVELS Novel, Dramatization of the Popular. Booklover’s M. I: 287, v —— The Early. Liv. Age, 247: 125, —- English, in the 19th Century. Ed. R. 196: 487. —-—‘ Eel, M, 140: 281. = Liv. Age, 236: 1, -— English Social, Cazamian on. Ath. ’o4, 1: 364. -— Erotic, Increasing Popularity of the. (B. Tozer) Monthly R. 20, no. 3: 53. — French, Evolution of the. (P. Bourget) Booklover’s (M. J . Moses) M. 1: 583. —— German Modern. (Count de Soissons) Ecl. M. 142: 626, —— The Historical. Acad. 63: 15.-Sat. R. 93: 336. I‘-Ecl. M. 139: 56. = Liv. Age, 233: 379. — in America. (C. A. Smith) Sewanee, I2: 158. — Is it Decadent ? (E. W. Bowen) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 261. —— The Man’s. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 20: 216, —— The Modern, and the Modern Play. (Brander Mat- thews) No. Am. 181: 699, -— —-— Content of the. (L. C. Willcox) No. Am. 182: 919- - —-— Some Aspects of. Church Q. 54: 357. = Ecl. M. 139: 561. = Liv. Age, 234: 577, —- of American History. (A. R. Marble) Dial, 32: 369. — of Common People. Acad. 62: 247, —- of Conversation, The. (C. Hamilton) Acad. 65: 513. — of Manners, The. Acad. 70: 260, — of Misery. Quar. I96: 391, —- The Preacher and the. Bib. World, 26: 323. —— The Purpose. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 22: 131, —- Religious, Revival of the. (J . M. Oxley) Canad. M. 21: 117. —— The Social. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 386. —- The Society. (J . L. Ford) Munsey, 28: 788, —- The Victorian. Liv. Age, 251: 373. —— Will it Disappear ? (J . L. Allen ; W. D. Howells; H. Garland; H. VV. Mabie; J . K. Bangs) No. Am. 175: 289, -—- Spec. 89: 16. Novel-reading, Guidance in. Chamb. J . 81: 97. —- Will it Cease ? (B. McEvoy) Canad. M. 20: 172, Novelist and Yarn-spinner. Outl. 8!: 301. —- Moral Hesitations of the. (E. B. Brown) Atlan. 90: 545. —- Omniscience of the. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 18: 53°. — Plea for the Silence of the. (M. G. Tuttiet) Na- tional, 391 4'--’9.=-‘~ Ecl. M. 1392 141.: Liv. Age, 233: 705. —- Responsibilities of the. (F. Norris) Critic, 41: 5 37. Novelist Poets. Acad. 54: I 5 5. Novelists. Classes of. (E. Garnett) Acad. 62: 510, -—- English, in the National Portrait Gallery. (G. K. Chesterton) Bookman, I43 463. — Some Clerical. (A. Black) Sund. M. 332 399. —— Women, of Germany. (S. B. Smith) Chant. 351 518. — — Unpleasant Novels of. (G. Bonner) Critic, 48: 172, Novelli, Ermete. (Carlo de Fornaro) Critic, 46: 39. Novels and Novelists. (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Indep. 61: 557- -~ as a University Study. (W. L. Phelps) Indep. 61: 1140, —— The Endings of. Acad. 70: I 38. :Liv. Age, 249: 56. —— The Focus of Interest and some Recent. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 23: 5 37. - —-— Foreign, and Plays. (E. Lee) Library, n. s. 51 305. —- Historical, from the Historian’s Standpoint. (J . M. Vincent) Booklover’s M. 21 I90. —- Notes on New. (Mary Moss) Atlan. 97: 43. --The Plague of. (J . G. Haddon) Fortn. 81: 1087,: Liv. Age, 242: 92, NOVELS Novels, Religion in. (Hall Caine) Booklover’s M. 5: 299- ‘ -— Religious. (J . H. Findlater) National, 39: 88. = Ecl. M. 138: 808.-‘=Liv. Age, 233: I61, — that are Documents. (M. T. Earle) Lamp, 27: 603, . — vs. other Books. (C. Williams) World’s Work, 8: 53‘5- -— Why some are Popular. (J . Douglas) Booklover’s I - M- 5- J43- -— with a Moral. (B. N. Langdon-Davis) Macmil. 85: 441- - with a Philosophy. Ed. R. 203: 64.=Liv. Age, 248: 724- —- with a Purpose. (F. Norris) World’s Work, 4: 21 17. November, Calendar for. (W. B. Thornton) Ctry Life Am. 3: 37. -—- The Country in. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 96: 650. -—- Maligned. (Constance L. Maynard) Contemp. 88: 843. Novitiate, The. (E. Tolman) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 464. Nowell, Mrs. Kate Rogers. (W. Walton) Craftsman, 9: 14. Noyes, Alfred. Blackw. 177: 251, Nozaleda, Mgr., and the Anti—clericals of Spain. (W. M. Drum) Cath. World, 79: 569. Nubia, Between the Cataracts in. (H. Spender) Mac- mil. n. s. 1: (T. C. S. Speedy) Harper, 113: 939- -— Life and Sport in. 523- Nuclei and Ions in Dust-free Air saturated with Alco- hol Vapor. (C. Barns) Am. J. Sci. 172: 136. -- Eflicient, Groups of, in Dust-free Air. (C. Barus) Am. J. Sci. 170: 297. —— Numbers of, produced by shaking Different Liquids, and Allied Results. (C. Barns) Am. J. Sci. 167: 8!. —— Produced by the X-rays, Distribution of. (C. Barns) Am. J. Sci. 169: 175. -— Relations of Ions and Nuclei in Dust-free Air. (C. Barns) Am. J. Sci. I70: 448. —- Structure of. (C. Barns) Science, n. s. 16: 633, —- Velocity and Structure of. (C. Barus) Am. J . Sci. 164: 225, Nude in Art, and Anthony Comstock. Brush & P. 18: 167. -- and Semi-nude in Society. (G. Trobridge) Westm. 164: 303. — vs. Draped Figures. Brush & P. I6: 125. Nude Lips. (A. R. Carman) Arena, 36: 638, Nullity Suit, A Curious, of the 13th Century. (B. B. Amram) Green Bag, 14: 383, Number and Space, Exercises in Thinking about. (C. J. Keyser) Educa. R. 26: 246, 394, 27: 36, 160, 270, Number 851. (N. De B. Lugrin) Canad. M. 24: 263. Number 802 -- a portrait; a story. (E. E. Hitch) Mun- sey, 28: 79. Number 4 Park Street. (B. Perry) Atlan. 91: 1, Number 10 Downing Street. (Sir A. West) Cornh. 89: 44. “ Number 321.” (L. B. Jerome) Lippinc. 70: 600, Numbers, Rage of. (C. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. M. 27: 71. Numerical Systems of the Costa Rican Indians. (H. Pittier de Fabrega) Am. Anthropol. 6: 447, Numismatics, British Historical. (P. W. P. Ca.rlyon- Britton) Antiq. n. s. 41': 368, -- Classification of Books on, in Public Libraries. (A. R. Hasse) Lib. J. 29: 461. “ Nunc Dimittis.” (V. L. Whitechurch) Sund. M. 31: 620.-—(Hazde Lefia; R. E. Bassett) School R. 13‘ 357- V 462 NIITRIENTS Nuiiez de Arce, Gaspar. (M. J. Serrano) Critic, 43: 257- Nuremberg. (M. F. Sullivan) Cath. World, 76: 194. -— the City of the Closed Shop. (W. D. P. Bliss) Outl. 82: 608. -- the City of Memories. 34: 5°2- -- Exposition at, 1906; Trend of German Feeling in Art. (Heinrich Tudor) Craftsman, 11: 319. -- Germanic Museum at, Jubilee of. (K. F rancke) Nation, 75: 69. Nurse of the Future. (J . Oldfield) West1n.I64: 65 5. Nurse Girl, True Life Story of ‘a. Indep. 55: 2261. Nurseries, Day, National Conference on. Char. 14: (H. G. Carpenter) Chant. 77 5- -- —— of New York. (L. H. French) Cent. 43: 174. ---National, Need for. (K. Bathurst) 19th Cent. 57: 818, Nursery, The Up-to-—date. (Martha Cutler) Harp. Baz. 4°= 442- Nursery Wall Coverings. Craftsman, 5: 95. Nurses, American, in Japan. (A. N. McGee) Cent. 47: 895. —-— and Nursing. Chamb. J . 80: 737. —— Education of. (A. Worcester) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 8: 1. —- for Canada, Victorian Order of. (M. H. Allen) Char. I6: 19. —- Hospital, Case against. (M. F. Johnston) 19th Cent. 51- 595- -- — Case for. (S. Holland and I. Stewart) I9th Cent. 51: 770. -- —— Question of the Modern Trained Nurses. (M. F. Johnston) 19th Cent. 51: 966; (L. M. Rae) 972; (A. Warde) 975. —- in the Public Schools of New York City. Rogers) Char. I6: 65, -— School; in England. (H. Morten) Char. I6: 62. —-— State Registration of. (H. M. Ferguson) 19th Cent. 55: 310. - (E. C. E. Luckes) 19th Cent. 55: 827. -— (T. Londonderry; I. Stewart) 19th Cent. 55: 987. — (Katharine H. Monk) Monthly R. 18, no. 1: 141. — Trained in Turkey. (C. Wheeler) Outl. 84: 3-2. -- -— Problem of. (H. M. Ferguson) National, 46: (L. L. 3°9- - Training Schools for, Alumnae Representation in. Char. 15: 703. -- -— Evolution of. Pedagog. Sem. 9: 28, -- Visiting, and the Nurses’ Settlement. Sayles) Outl. 81: 419. - —-— as a Social Force. (Frances M. Bjtirkman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 446. —— —-— Day’s Work of. (J. C. Sleet) Char. I5: 73. —~ —— in a Small City. (C. B. Crane) Char. I6: 2;, Nurses’ Settlement, Development of. (L. D. Wald) Char. I5: 35. -- in San Francisco. (E. Ashe) Char. I6: 45, Nursing as a Woman’s Duty rather than for Pay. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 92: 257. - District, in England. (A. Hughes) Char. I6: 13, -— -- in a Great City. (H. Fulmer) Char. I6: 22, -— —-— i6n a Rural Community. (C. C. Thurber) Char. 1 : 28, — Home. (M. E. Thornton) Cosmopol. 35: 229. Nut-bearing Trees. (J . H. McFarland) Outl. 76: (M. B. 597- Nut-shell, In a. (Hugh Macmillan) Good Words, 43: 766. Nuthatch, The White-breasted. (A. B. Comstock) Chant. 38: 491. Nutrients, Isodynamic Replacement of. (H. P. Arms- by) Science, 11. s. 18: 481. I Nutrition, Economic. NUTRITION (E. Wake Cook) Contemp. 86: 83. _ -—— Experiments in. Science, n. s. 18: 475. -—— Physiological Economy in. Nature, 73: 323. —-(R. H. Chittenden) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 123. Nuts of Commerce. (R. Blight) Outing, 39: 710, Nuts to crack and Mary Ellen. (Eleanor H. Porter) Lippinc. 76: 630, N utting. (C. Deming) Outing, 43: 154. N yassa, Lake, Lieut. Rhoades’s Survey of. Geog. J . 20: 68. Nyassaland. Nature, 69: 82. -— Missions in. Church Q. 61 :5 279. 62: 98, —- under the Foreign Office. (H. L. Duff) Ath. ’O4, Ii 20. Nye, Edgar Wilson [Bill Nye], with portrait. (A. E. Hancock) Booklover’s M. I: 591. Nye, W. Gordon, Cartoonist. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 36: 238. Nyika Plateau, Journey across. J. 22: 423. Nymph of Lotta’s Fountain, The; a San Francisco Christmas Story. (Ella M. Sexton) Overland, n. s. 42: 489. Nymphs, Unknown Ephemerid. Natural. 37$ 25. (J . Mc Clounie) Geog. (E. W. Berry) Am. Nynia in Northern Pictland. (Archibald Black) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 578. Nyren, John. The Young Cricketer’s Tutor. (E. H. L. Watson) Cornh. 86: 238. O Yuri San; a Memory. (C. Lorimer) Cent. 50: 267. Oak, Growth of the. (J . H. McFarland) Outl. 72: 541. —- Epic of the. (Ray E. Chase) Overland, n. s. 46: 21. Oakland, Cal. (C. J . Woodbury) Out West, 18: 269, - a Great Metropolis. Overland, n. s. 42: 341. ~— Greater. (P. N. Beringer and others) Overland, n. s. 48: 278. —- Merchant’s Exchange of. Overland, n. s. 42: 361. Oakley, Violet. (H. S. Morris) Bk. Buyer, 24: 295. —— Mural Decorations by. (H. S. Morris) Cent. 48: 265. Oaks on the California University Campus. (W. L. " Jepson) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: 179. Oasis, An. (Alan Owen) Out West, 23: 551. Oates, Titus, at School. Month, 102: 133. Oaths and Interjections, Old. (J . Edwards) Scot. Hist. R. 1: 5 5. — Judicial, in Ancient Ireland. (J . M. Sullivan) Green .Bas.I4=85- “ Obeah ” To-day in the l/Vest Indies. Chamb. J . 79: 81. Obedience, The Law of. (Elbert Hubbard) Cosmopol. 39= 416- —- Military Rule of. (A. T. Mahan) National, 39: 26. = Internat. Mo. 5: 248. — of Parents. (L. Cocke) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 710. Oberammergau, Play of David. (Maude B. Dutton) Critic, 47: 481, . Oberles, The. (R. Bazin) Liv. Age, 237: 193 -- 238: 308. ‘~ Obesity; its Discomforts and Dangers. (N. E. Yorke- Davies) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 452. Object Lesson, An. Macmil. 85: 362. = Liv. Age, 233: 111. Object Lesson, The. (Edith E. Wood) Cent. 44: 886, Obligation, Consciousness of. (E. B. McGilvary) Phi- los. R. 11: 33. -— Public, The Sense of. (J . T. Newcomb) Nation, 77: 86. O’Brien, Lord Peter, as Chief Justice of Ireland. Sat. R- 97: 3'51 O’Brien; a 3story. (L. M. Thornton) New Eng. M. 11- 8- 34= 453- 0 463 OCHTERLONEY Obscurity in Literature. Spec. 91: 1019. Observation as a Commercial Asset. (H. Weinstock) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 209, —— On learning to see. (H. W. Horwill) Chaut. 39: 276. —— Training in. Un. Serv. M. 24: 412. Observations, Correlation of Sue-cessive, illustrated by Corn Prices. (R. H. Hooker) J . Statis. Soc. 68: 696. -— Incomplete. (H. A. Weber) Science, 11. s. 172 I5. Observatories and Observers, Past and Present. (C. L. Doolittle) Pop. Astron. I1: 467. —- Dual. (J . D. Parker) Pop. Astron. 14: 96. Observatory, An Amateur’s. (J . H. Metcalf) Pop. Astron. 14: 211. ——- An International Southern. Indep. 61: 504. Observatory Dome, The Effect of Wind Force on an. (E. D. Rue, jr.) Pop. Astron. I4: 347. Observatory Site, Search for, by American Astrono- mers. (VV. H. Pickering) Cent. 43: 777, Obsession of Ann Gibbs, The; a story. (M. Potter) Harper, 113: 583. Obsidian, Aboriginal Art in. of Sun. 11:255. -- Indian Weapons of. (B. B. Redding) Californian, 1: 125, Obsidian Blades of California. (H. N. Rust) Am. An“ thropol. 7: 688. Obstetrics in the Tenements. (R. Folks) Char. 9: 429. Obstinacy and Obedience. (Theodate L. Smith) Peda- gog. Sem. I2: 27. Occipital Condyles in Mammalia. Natural. 40: 475. Occult, The, up to Date. (A. Lang) Indep. 61: 1088. Occult and Invisible Vvorld, The. (V. Thompson) Everybody’s, I4: 330. Occult Research, Progress of. tional, 47: 788. Occultation of Florian Amidon, The ; a story. Quick) Cosmopol. 38: 625. 39: 15-667. Occupation as a Test of Prosperity. (J . H. Schooling) Fortn. 81: 95, Occupations, Dangerous. (S. E. Moffett) Cosmopol. 34: 65. — (J. E. Thorpe) Nature, 66: 433. - Educational Outlook based on. (L. D. Arnett) Pedagog. Sem. 12: 334. — of thb People. (J . A. Hobson) Contemp. 88: 188, — Significance of. (J . Sykes) Gent. M. n. s. 721 434. — Suitable Choice of. Sat. R. 94: 576. —- What can a Young Man do ? (F. W. Rollins) Indep. 71: 1527. Ocean, Crossing the, from Land to Land. (H. K . Vielé) Cosmopol. 37: 267. _ ——- Fresh-water Springs in the. (C. H. Hitchcock) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 673. -— Winds of the. (F. T. Bullen) Cornh. 94: 78. Ocean Currents. (James Page) Nat. Geog. M. 13: I3 5. Ocean Freight Rates. (J . Russell Smith) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 237. =J. Pol. Econ. I4: 325. Ocean Front and its Opportunities. Char. I2: 801. Ocean Steamships, Stewards of. (W. Packard) Book- lover’s M. 3: 637. Ocean Travel. (C. B. Davis) Outing, 42: 373. - Modern. (G. Ade) Idler, 30: 211. Oceanographical Research in Atlantic. (R. H. Mill) Geog. J. 19: 354, Oceanography, Arctic. Knowl. 25: 207. Oceans. Circulation in. Influence of Ice-melting upon. (0. Pettersson) Geog. J . 24: 285. —- The Icy. (W. Allingham) Chamb. J . 83: 49. Ochterloney, Sir David, a Native of Boston, in New England, Scotch Ancestry of: (W. K. Watkins) N. E. Reg. 56: 187. (Grace A. Thompson) (H. C. Meredith) Land (C. S. Mead) Am. (A. P. Sinnett) Na- (H. ' O’CONN ELL O’Connell, Daniel, Last Case of. (J . De Morgan) Green ‘ Bag, 15: 318. - -— Macdonagh’s Life of. Spec. 92: 259, — Sat, R, 97: 589. O’Connor, T. P., with portrait. (J . Keating) Idler, 25: :47. October, Calendar of. (W. B. Thornton) Ctry Life Am. 2: 235. October; a story. (Zona Gale) Everybody’s, 15: 485. Octrois, Les. (W. B. Robertson) 19th Cent. 59: 43. Odd Combination, An. (S. A. Nelson) Everybody’s, 12: 517, ‘ Odd Jobs of Well-bred Women. World To-day, 9: 765. Odd-hand on the “ Comet,” The; a story. Batchelder) Temp. Bar, 131: 7342. Ode for the Fourth of March, 1817. (S. Woodworth) M. of Hist. 3: 149. Odell, Gov. Benjamin B., jr., with portrait. Beattie) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 676. -— and the Canal. (H. Lamont) Nation, 77: 24. ~ Career of. World’s Work, 11: 7342. -- Chairman and Governor. (H. Lamont) Nation, 78: (Ethel Shackleford) (W. J . (R. H. 3°5- -— a Misunderstood Statesman. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 81: 414, Odell, Rev. Jonathan, Benedict Arnold's Confidant. M. of Hist. 2: 28, Odom, George, Jockey, with portrait. (C. E. Treva- than) Everybody’s, 10: 823, O’ Donnell, Frank Hugh. Month, 100: 244, Odontophoral Apparatus in Sycotypus. (J. C. Herrick) Am. Natural. 40: 707, Odor of the Ointment, The; a story. (Zona Gale) Outl. 82: 707. Odysseus and Calypso ; a dramatic poem. (R. Arthur) No. Am. 177: I23. —- Wanderings of. (Gilbert Murray) Quar. 202: 344, Odyssey of Piscator. (H. W. Lanier) Lippinc. 72: 244. (Ecology. (F. A. Bather) Science, n. s. 15: 993. — or Ethology. (W. M. Wheeler) Science. n. s. 15: 971, (Edipus and the Sphinx; a poem. (E. Fawcett) No. Am. 175: 871. . Oehlenschlager, Hakon Jarl, English Version of. (J . C. Lindberg) Univ. of N eb. Stud. 5: 39. (Enidee, Excavations at. (B. Powell ; J . M. Sears, jr.) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 8: 137. Of the Altar of Moloch; a story. (C. Van A. Bunt- ing) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 618. Of the Lion’s Breed; a story. (Grace MacG. Cooke and V. Reed) Lippinc. 76: 641, Of One lately Dead. (Katherine Tynan) Cath. World, 80: 729. , Of Such as Spin not; a story. (S. Ford) Harper, 109: 870, Off Day of an Automobile; a story. (P. V. Mighels) Cent. 49: 900. Off the Line. (C. Reynall) Overland, n. s. 41: 222, Off Pollock Rip. (H. K. Job) Outing, 45: 573. Off the Trail. (A. M. Shaw) Outing, 47: 562,- Oifending Eye, The; a story. (E. M. Tybout) Lippinc. 72= 244- Ofiice, Public, Sanity and Safety in Relation to. (A. M. Hamilton) No. Am. 179: 504. ‘ Office Building, Design, Installation, and Maintenance of an. (C. G. Darrach) J. Frankl. Inst. 162: 37, 129, -—- Economy of an. (G. Hill) Archit. Rec. 15: 312. Oflice Buildings, Modern. (W. C. Furber) Am. Arch. 75: 86. —— Power in. (C. H. Benjamin) Cassier, 20: 234, Office Detail, The; a Study of Newspaper Cranks. (W. J . IVeymouth) Overland, n. s. 39: 621, 464 OIL Oflice Equipment, Modern. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 1040. Oflice-seeker, Experience of an. Indep. 54: 2245. Ofiice Work, New Methods of. (L. Scott) World’s Work. 9‘ 5973- Oflicer, Ideas on Training of an. (C. W. Robinson) Un. Serv. M. 25: 51, -— Young, Duties of a. (C. G. Treat) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 7: 23. Oificers and Men. (H. Wyndham) Un. Serv. M. 25: 181, ' -—- The Corps of. (R. R. VVillis) Un. Serv. M. 28: 289. -— Modern. (A. Grifiiths) F ortn. 84: 270. -— Non-commissioned. (G. A. VV-ieser) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 96. —- -—- Pay of. (W. P. Evans) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 273- - —— Pay and Status of, (L. McL. Hamilton) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 386. -—- -—- Training of. (L. McL. Hamilton) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 260, Officials, Permanent, and National Inefliciency. (J . B. Maxwell) 19th Cent. 54: 325. Ofoten Railroad, Sweden. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 49- Ohio, Archaeological History of, Fowke’s. (VV. K. Moorehead) Science, 11. s. 17: 618. —— Century of the State of. (M. Halstead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 426. -— The Growth of. (F. P. Goodwin) Univ. of Cincin. Stud. 2-d ser. 2: no. 4. —- Home Rule in. (M. R. Maltbie) Munic. Aff. 6: 234- — Library Association, Annual Meeting, 1902. Pub. Lib. 7: 414. -—- — 1903. Pub. Lib. 8: 478. -- - 1904. Pub. Lib. 9: 332. -— 1905. Pub. Lib. 10: 531. -— -- — Reportof Special Committee on Cataloguing. Pub. Lib. I0: 516. -— — 1906. (Matilda M. Light) Lib. J. 31: 827. —— Making of. (J . W. Guthrie) Munsey, 29: 385, -—Municipal Code of, New. (M. B. May) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 125. —— Outl. 72: 576. -—- Municipal Situation in. (S. P. Orth) Forum, 33: 4%- -- 10; Years of. (C. M. Harvey) World’s Work, 5: 3229, -- School Legislation in. (D. R. Major) School R. 13: 221, -—- Sportsmen in, Problems of. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Out- ing, 40: 281, -—State University, Lake Laboratory of. Science, n. s. 17: 834. r -— A Tale of Two Cities. (L. Steifens) McClure, 25: 293- Ohio River, Life at the Mouth of. (Clifton Johnson) Outing, 46: 691. Ohnet, Georges. Chemin de la Gloire. ciman) Sat. R. 97: 486. Oil, Fuel. (J. F. Rowland, jr.) J. Frankl. Inst. 156: (J. F. Run- I39- -- -—- instead of Coal for Power Purposes. (A. L. Wil- liston) Engin. M. 25: 237, 562, 721, —-in the Ojai Valley, Cal. (C. A. Moody) Land of Sun. 13: 375. ‘ See Standard Oil Co. Oil and Water; a story. (H. C. Rowland) McClure, 25: 649. Oil Colors, Raifaelli’s New. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 76: 168, Oil Country Romance, An. (B. Buehl) Ecl. M. 145: 642, OIL Oil Fields and Pipe Lines of Kansas. Outl. 8o: 19. — of Russia and the Russian Petroleum, A. B. Thomp- son on. Ath. ’Q4, 2: 212, (F. S. Barde) —of Texas. (R. T. Hill) J. Frankl. Inst. 154: 143, 22 5, 263. Oil-fired Furnaces. (A. M. Bell) Cassier, 25: 70. Chamb. J. 80: 811. (D. A. Willey) R. of Rs. Oil-fires in America. Oil Industry, Southwestern. (N. Y.) 29: 58. Oil Lease, Working an. (Alden A. Knipe) Booklover’s M. 7: 34. Oil-mines in West Africa. (R. Thirsk) Chamb. J . 79: 2 Oil Situation in Kansas. (J . J . McLaurin) Outl. 80: 427. Oil-wells, California. (A. Inkersley) Good Words, 44: 327- Oils and Fats, Use and Application of. (J . Lewko- witsch) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 795. Ointment-vases from Corinth. (D. M. Robinson) Am. J . Archaeol. 2d ser. I0: 420, Ojai Valley, The. (F. W. Reed) Overland, n. s. 43: 18. Ojibwa Myths and Traditions. (H. I. Smith) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I9: 215. ' Ojibway Ceremony, An. Anthropol. 7: 69. Okakura, Mr., on “ The Exaltation of Womanhood.” Cent. 47: 633. Oklahoma. (C. H. Matson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 310. -— and Indian Territory. (G. Foreman) Outl. 82: 5 50, ——as,they are To-day. (C. M. Harger) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: I77. — Big. (B. S. McGuire) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 103. — the 46th State. (W. R. Draper) Munsey, 29: 224, — In. (C. T. Brady) Scrib. M. 31: 231, — The New. (C. M. Harger) Indep. 57: 5 50. —— The New State. (G. Foreman) World To-day, II: 796. — (M. G. Cunniff) World’s Work, 12: 7603, — Statehood for. (A. H. Lewis) Booklover’s M. 71 (D. I. Bushnell, jr.) Am. 150, Olaf, Saint, of Norway, The Legend of. (D. Dale) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 707. Olbia, Cults of. (G. M. Hirst) J . Hel. Stud. 22: 245. O1’ Cap Mingo; a story. (J . B. Naylor) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: 480. Old, How does it feel to be? (E. Marston) Monthly R. 24, no. 1: 56. — How to grow. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 365. —On growing. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 337.=Liv. Age, 25: 462, Old Adam, The ; a story. Macmil. 92: 363. =Liv. Age. 247= 28- Old Age. (W. Knight) Acad. 69: 1103, 1127, -— Conservation of Energy in. (J . M. Taylor) Pop. Sci. Mo- 64¢ 343: 406. 541- 65= 379- - Happy. Chamb. J. 79: 197. -— Insurance for. Sat. R. 94: 708. -— Metchnikoff on the Cause of Senile Decadence. (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 618. —-— Outlook on Life of. Spec. 90: 565. -— The Quest of Prolonged Youth. (C. Snyder) Monthly R. 24, no. 33 90. —Restlessness in. Spec. 91: 9o1.:Liv. Age, 240: 124, —-— Value of. (J .' F. Cargill) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 313, Old-age Homes, Danish and Russian. (E. Sellars) 19th Cent. 52: 643.=Ecl. M. 140: 50. Old-age Pensions. (E. E. Hale) Cosmopol. 35: 168. '- Spec. 96: 896. —(T. Burt) 19th Cent. 59: 372. — and Military Service. (S. Low) Fortn. 79: 606. —— in Australasia. (J . Collier) Nation, 82: 96, —-— in Australia. Spec. 972 392. 465 OLD Old Bachelors. (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Indep. 59: 1492. Old Bailey’s Wooing; a story. (E. G. Henham) Mac- mil. n. s. I: 9o8.=Liv. Age, 251: 498 Old Bernstein and “De Great Fiddle.” McClure, 26: 381, Old Billy the Fisherman. Macmil. 90: 374. Old Cantonment, An. (G. F. MacMunn) Blackw. 179: 120, Old Cedar Chest, The. 42: 526, “ Old Clinkers.” - (E. Poole) (F. H. Miller) Overland, n. s. (H. J . O’Higgins) Cent. 48: 685. Old Colonial Days. (R. Tangye) Sund. M. 34: 732. Old Conflict, The. (F. M. Hueifer) Macmil. 89: 120. -‘Liv. Age, 240: 353. , Old Dib’s Gold. (Lloyd Osbourne) Booklover’s M. 6: 72. Dog Tray; a story. (Lloyd Osbourne) McClure, 25: 623, Old English Peasantry, The. 921 259- Old Familiar Faces, The. n. s. 7 5: 612, Old Family Papers. (J . Ballard) Good Words, 46: 013 (G. Bartram) Macmil. (P. W. Roose) Gent. M. 773- Old Farm Days. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 58: 363. Old-fashioned Garden, In an ; a story. (C. E. Thomas) Sund. M. 34: 849. Old Fiddler, An ; a story. P61‘, 112: 39- Old Ford, The. (A. W. Rees) Monthly R. 23, no. 1: 18 (Harriet P. Spoiford) Har- Old Friends with New Faces. Scrib. M. 38: 757. Old Furniture Restorer, The. Chamb. J. 80: 459. Old Gentlemen, A Memory of. (S. M. Hall) Atlan. (Brander Matthews) 91: 115, Old Goodwin’s Wife; a story. (W. J . Hopkins) Atlan. 97: 3°9- Old Guaranteeing. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 80: 242, Old Home Week. New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 89. — in Bohemia. (E. A. Scott) Lippinc. 74: 207. — in New England. (T. F. Anderson) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 673. Old Houses and Odd Dreams. =Liv. Age, 249: 811, — As to. (E. S. Schaeffer) Atlan. 96: 855. Old Hulk, An; a story. (C. Morris) Sund. M. 31: 1019, Old Immortality; a story. 110: 957. Old Jabe’s Marital Experiment. 4% 704- Old Jerry ; a story. (C. E. Markham) Calif. M. 5: 11;, Old Josef Blum; a story. (Mabel Spielmann) Good Words, 46: 916, Old Lace-mender, The; a story. (Clara Morris) Book- lover’s M. 4: 251, Old Ladies’ Home, Inside an. Indep. 612 329. Old Maid’s Boy, The ; a story. (M. R. Rinehart) Mun- sey, 33: 575- Old Maid’s Corner, My. (L. H. French) Cent. 43: 400- 916. 44: 60, 303, Old Maid’s Frocks, An. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 348. (Alice Brown) Harper, (T. N. Page) Cent. (K. Snowden) Sund. M. 34: 744- Old Major, The. (Florence T. Cox) McClure, 24: 354. Old Man Johnson’s Successor. (N. M-. W. Bigelow) McClure, 24: 274, Old-Man-With-His-Head-On. 4<>= 591. Old Mare’s Tail, An ; a story. (C. W. Williams) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 476. Old Masters and New, Cox’s. tion, 80: 461, (H. Carruth) Cosmopol. (E. H. Blashfield) N‘*~ OLD Old Neighborhood, The; a story. (E. Boltwood) Mun- sey, 361 357- Old Noel of the Mellicites; a story. (H. Day) Am. M, 62: 530. Old Order, The. (Julia R. Tutwiler) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: I 52 Old Red Schoolhouse, The. (Eugene Wood) McClure, 24: 390, Old Ringtail’s Waterloo; a story. (C. Hawkes) Out- ing: 45: 201' Old Sacks; a story. 82: 392, Old Sandy’s Peculiar Crime; a story. Overland, n. s. 44: 621. Old Schoolmaster, The; a story. (C. V. Chippendale) Good Words, 47: 91, . Old Soldier’s Disloyalty, An. (J . W. Piercy) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 237. Old Squire, The; a story. 35: 516- (Margaret Watson) Chamb. J . (D. Coolidge) (H. Pendexter) Munsey, Old Story, An ; a Roumanian Folk Song. (R. H. Stoddard) No. Am. I77: 202. Old Thatched Rectory, The, and its Birds. 19th Cent. 54: 99.-=Liv. Age, 238: 788. Old-time Christmas, An; a story. (Rebecca H. Davis) Indep. 55: 3031. Old Times; did Things go Better before our Time? (C. J . Holyoake) Fortn. 80: 480, Old Tom Lansdon. Blackw. I71: 361. Old Witch; a story. (R. R. Gilson) Harper, I07: 139, Old ‘Woman Magoun ; a story. (Mary E. W. Freeman) Harper, III: 728. Old Woman of Wesel, The; a story. (S. B. Gould) Cornh. 91: 800. Old Woman of the Woods, The. Gent. M. n. s. 68: 410, Old VVorld F riendliness between Man and Nature. (M. F. Maurer) Craftsman, 8: 511. Oldcastle, Sir J . (W. T. Waugh) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 434, 637. Oldfield, Barney, Automobile Racer, with portrait. (T. Waters) Everybody’s, 9: 586. “Ole Swing-a-Low ; ” a story. (W. A. Dromgoole) Arena, 31: 622, Oleander; a story. (A. M. Sholl) Munsey, 35: 10;, Oléron, Isle of. A Quiet Corner. (C. Wagner) Outl. 80: 307. Olga, Queen of Greece. (M. Sherrington) Canad. M. 19: 491. Olive Culture. (G. Ea-kins) Land of Sun. 8: 48, —— in California. (A. Inkersley) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 643. Olive Ranch, Great California. (Helen L. Jones) World’s Work, 3: 1750. Olive Tree and the Wild Olive. Expos. 6th ser. II: 16, 152. Olive Trees in California. (J . I. Bleasdale) Califor- nian, 3: 256. . Olives in California. (E. Cooper) Calif. M. I: 51, Olive-vender, The; a story. (B. E. Rice) Cent. 49: (E. M. Rutherford) (W. M. Ramsay) 433- Olivia; a story. (G. E. Channing) Harper, I04: 875, Olivo, Alberto, The Case of. (G. C. Speranza) Green Bag, I8: 26. ' Ollivant, Alfred. Danny. Acad. 64: 205.—Ecl. M. 141: 781, Ollivier, Emile. The Heroic Truth. (A. Filon) Fortn. 80: 445. Olmstead, Richard, of Fairfield, Conn., Descendants of. (F. S. Hammond) N. E. Reg. 59: 35 5. Olmsted, Frederick Law, Art of. (A. Spencer) Crafts- man, 5: 105. -—- on the South. (T. H. Clark) So. Atlan. Q. 3: I 1. 466 ON Olympia. (W. Miller) Am. Arch. 87: 39. Olympian Treasuries and Treasuries in General. Dyer) J. Hel. Stud. 25: 294. — Details of the. (L. Dyer) J . Hel. Stud. 26: 46. Olympic Games, The. (D. Quinn) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2: 172. —-(A. Lynch) Outing. 44¢ 714- —Greek Games, Old and New. (V. V. M. Beede) Chaut. 43: 243. -— in 1906. (Crown Prince of Greece) Indep. 60: 424. (L. — (D. Kalopothakes) Nation, 83: 466.-(W. N. ‘ Bates) Indep. 60: 1204. — [Pictures only.] Harp. W. 50: 774. —— American Athletes in Ancient Athens. (J . E. Sullivan) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 43. — — American Champions of. (J . E. Sullivan) Out- ing: 48: 625* I -—— Modern, Movement for. (H. J . Furber, jr.) Indep. 54: 384. —— Spirit of, in 1396. (J . B. Connolly) Outing, 48: 101. Om and the Gayatri. (E. Martinengo-Cesaresco) Open Court, I6: 97. Omaha, the Prairie City. (W. R. Lighton) Atlan. 89: 545- Omaha Tribal Festival, An. (J . C. Fillmore) Land of Sun. I0: 326. Oman, Northern, Three Journeys in. (S. M. Zwemer) 'Geog. J. I9: 54. , Omar Khayyam and Americanitis. (D. M. Key) Critic, 44= 465- — and Schopenhauer, Philosophy of. (C. D. Broad) Westm.T66: 544, -—- in an African Vineyard. Macmil. 90: 347. — The “Keynote” of. (Laurie J . Blakely) Nation, 81: 523. — Rubaiyat, Dole’s. (L. L. Mackall) Lamp, 27: 314- — —- Ecclesiastes and. (W. B. Forbush) Bib. World, 26: 355. — — First American Edition. Buyer, 24: 376. — — A New French Translation, Henry’s. Dole) Lamp, 27: 225, Omar Repentant; a poem. pol. 38: 43. Ombre, a Card-game for Three. Chamb. J . 79: 208. Omdurman, Journey from, to Mombasa via the Lake Rudolf. (H. H. Austin) Geog. J . I9: 669. Omens and Presentiments. (B. C. d’Easum) Canad. M. 18: 235. Ommanney, Sir Charles. 25: 221, Omnibus, Humors of the. Temp. Bar, I31: 103. —- The London. (A. E. Lane) Fortn. 85: 121, — Transition of the. (H. C. Moore) Good Words, 46: (L. R. McCabe) Bk. (N. H. (R. Le Gallienne) Cosmo- (C. R. Markham) Geog. J . (M. C. I. Shervinton) 705. Ompteda’s Novels. (C. Harris) Nation, 74: 128. On Account of the Herr Major; a story. (E. B. Tif- fany) Atlan. 97: 84. On an Alpine Frontier. 87: 410, On the Battle-line ; a story. (W. P. Cockerell) Arena, 34= 619- On the Beach; a story. (E. Dawson) Blackw. I76: 384. '-I-‘Liv. Age, 243: 239, On the Best Authority. (H. B. Leatham) Good Words, 44: Xmas no. On Christmas Day in the Morning. mond) Everybody’s, I3: 744, On the Christmas Limited. (Temple Bailey) Every- body’s, 13: 744- On the Doorstep; a story. 23: 333- (A. H. Henderson) Cornh. (Grace S. Rich- (I. H. Gillmore) McClure, ON On George’s Shoal’; a story. (J . B. Connolly) Scrib. M. W '63- On the Great Lakes; a poem. (H. T. Suddutl_1)Out- ing, 41: 30' ' On the Heart and the Evidence ; a story. (R. Tennal McClure, 22: 197. On the Honor of a Man. (W. R. Lighton) Scrib. M. 35: 213, On Ile de Paradis. (M. Pickthall) Canad. M. 26: 417. On the Journey; a story. (G. de Maupassant) Canad. M. 23: 311. On the Limited; a story. (Cy Warman) Canad. M. 26: 65. On the Links; a story-. (G. Hibbard) Cent. 42: 827. On Marsh and Fells; a story. (W. T. Palmer) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 83. 6'-" On the Oflf-shore Lights; a story. Atlan. 90: 377. On the Ponoka Reserve ; a story. (J . Blewitt) Canad. M. 21: 458. On the Prairie; a story. (Grace King) Booklover’s M. 7= 324. On Probation ; a prose drama. (M. Dreyer) Poet-Lore, 14, no. 22 40. On the Ridge; a story. 28: 177. On the Road to Arcady. 7°: 3- On the Saddle Bow Range; a story. McClure, 23: 57. On the San Cristobal Road; a story. Overland, n. s. 401 78. On the Spur ; a story. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 100: 717.: Liv. Age, 248: 560, On the Trail of a Go-cart; a story. Scrib. M; 35: 109. On the Trail of the Intangible ; a story. Porter) Cosmopol. 41: 21. On the Trail of a Serpent; a story. McClure, 22: 163. On Twelve a Week; a story. (Annie W. Noel) Indep. 591 957- On the ‘Var-dragon’s Trail; a story. (J . Fox, jr.) Scrib. M. 37: 54. On the Way to the Wedding ; a story. (C. Edwardes) Chamb. J. 82: 538. On Windy Hill; a story. (H. Sutcliffe) Cornh. 94: 121, 266.=Liv. Age, 250: 684, 755, 801. On the Wings of the Storm. (Alice MacGowan) Over- land, 11. s. 41: 291, On Yalding Lea; a poem. Gent. M. n. s. 69: 412. One from the Beginning; a psychological story. B. Patterson) Arena, 30: 626. One Midnight Mass; a story. (J. F. Keating) Cath. World, 75: 330. One of the Aristocracy; a story. Cosmopol. 33: 700, One of the Boys; a story. (V. Sheard) Canad. M. 22: (L. L. Sibley) (r1tt1~y s. Cutting) McClure, (M. N. Thurston) Lippinc. (A. M. Kerr) (J. P. Wilson) (Ann Devoore) (Eleanor H. (S. C. Kendall) (C. (E. C. McCants) 147. One of the Eighty Thousand; a story. (J . Lincoln) McClure, 27: 582, One of the Family ; a story. (A. W. Bailey) Outl. 74: 1044. One of Life’s Paradoxes ; a story. (G. de Maupassant) Harper, I09: 683. One of Marcus’s Theories rises up to meet him. nette Lee) Outl. 75: 752. One of Them; a story. (G. S. Chappell) Cent. 50: 419, One of Three; a theme. (L. Mott) Outing, 48: 224. One of the World-builders. (Joaquin Miller) Califor- niam 41 277. 387, 496- 5= 130. (J en- ' One who never got there, The ; a story. (J. Oxenham) Chamb. J. 81: 56. =Liv. Age, 240: 36. 467 ‘One Way of Love; a story. OPEN-AIR One who stayed Behind, The ; a story. (J . Oxenham) Chamb. J. 80: 774. One who thought, The ; a story. (J . Barnes) McClure, I8: 271.:ldler, 21: 3. One Artist or Two ? a story. (A. McEwan) Harper, 111: 842, One Dollar’s Worth ; a story. (S. Porter) Munsey, 29: 127. One-cared Bull, The; a story. (B. Blow) Outing, 47: 339- ' One\Passenger on the Diligence, The ; a story. Chamb. ‘J, 80: 634. =-Liv. Age, 239: 227, One Team and a Cow; a story. (Inez A. Godman) Indep. 61: 381. One Thousand Dozen; a story. M. (Bost.) I7: 703. I“ (Jack London) N at’l (Jennette Lee) Lippinc. 0- 67: 129. " One~whileClub, The; a story. (A,I M. Shaw) Outing, 471 145- One Year in Nawenia. 622, One Year of a Dear Life; a story. Overland, n. s. 46: 402. O’Neill, Nance. (C. Porter) Critic, 44: 525. — her Travels and her Art. (Helen F. Sanders) Over- land, n. s. 48: 212, -— Tragic Art of. Poet-Lore, 15, no. 1: 104. O’Neill, Wm., “ Bucky.” (W. M. Raine) Outing, 46: (J . Underwood) Lippinc. 72: (C. E. Lorrimer) 292. Onion, The; a story. (J. O’Neil) New Eng. M. n. s. 351 4 "- Onlooker’s Notebook, An. Liv. Age, 2341 506. Only an Episode; a story. (E. B. F rothingham) At- lan. 89: 154, 372. Only Dashwood, The; a story. 33: 646. Only Good Indian is a Dead Indian; a poem. Alexander) Atlan. 90: 656. Only Jules Verbaux; a story of the Far Northwest. (L. Mott) Cent. 48: 586. Only Son of his Mother, The; a story. ryl) Munsey, 28: 114. Onondaga Plant Names. Folk-Lore, I 5: 91. Onset, Buzzard’s Bay, Mass. Eng. M. n. s. 32: 617. Ontario, Camp Libraries in. Lib. 9: 201, —— In the Woods of. (N. A. Kent) Outl. 74: 593. —— Library Association, Annual Meeting, 1902. Lib. 7: 201.—Lib. J. 27: 271. —,-— 1903. Pub. Lib. 8: 241. — — 1905. Pub. Lib. 10: 305. — — 1906. Pub. Lib. I1: 329. —— Library Field in. (E. A. Hardy) Pub. Lib. 92 198. —School Life in, Sixty Years Ago. (W. T. Allison) Canad. M. 25: 345. — School System of. (VV. L. Grant) School R. 10: 101. Ontario, Cal. Land of Sun. 3: 247. Ontological Argument, Review of the. (W. T. Paul- lin, jr.) Am. J. Theol. 10: 53. Opal—fields of New South Wales. Chamb. J . 79: 493. Opal Month; a poem. (V. Sheard) Canad. M. 21: 540. Opals, Chapter on. (H. K. Walker) 19th Cent. 56: 492. Open-air Cure, The. National, 43: 27 5. Open-air Preaching as a Factor in City Evangelization. (E. H. Byington) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 2: 45. ——-in Great Britain. (E. H. Byington) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 1: 95, 178. Open-air Sanatorium, Recollections of Life at an. (C. B. Underhill) Good Words, 44: 183. Open-air Theater, Revival of. Am. Arch. go: 61. (B. Millard) Munsey, (H. (G. W. Car- (W. M. Beauchamp) J . Am. (C. B. Vaughan) New (A. Fitzpatrick) Pub. Pub. OPEN Open Door, The. (H. White) Nation, 74: 342. Open Door, An; a story. (Charlotte M. Mew) Temp. Bar, 127: 71, Open Market, Perpetuation of the. (Bruce Wyman) Green Bag, 17: 209, Open-mindedness. (J . McSorley) Cath. World, 83: 18, 220, Open Shop, The. Outl. 77: 630. —- and Closed Shop, Issue between. Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 6: 160. —— and the Unions. (W. E. Walling) Indep. 56: 1069. -— The Fight for the. (I. F. Marcosson) World’s Work, 11: 6955. —— Free Shops for Free Men. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 4: 183, — Maintenance of the. (Bruce Wyman) Green Bag, 17: 21, —— Necessity of an ; an Employer’s View. bard) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 6: 173. — vs. Closed. (J. Bascom) No. Am. 180: 912. —— vs. Trade Unionism. (T. J . Kidd) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 6: 196, Opening for Girl Graduates, An. (A. Schinz) Lippinc. (J . G. Brooks) (W. H. Pfahler) Am. (J . D. Hib- pr 75- - Opening of the Road. (K. Jarbol) Everybody’s, 12: 96 3 . Opening Chapter, The. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 19: I" . Opera. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 95: 547. — Against a Subsidized. (H. A. Scott) 19th Cent. 551 752- ' — American, New Régime for. (L. Reamer) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 444. -— and Drama. (W. P. James) Macmil. 86: 100. —— Comic, Past and Present. (L. M. Isaacs) Bookman, I7: 226, 370, — — Decline of. 293- Sec Comic Opera. — Division of Labor in the. 75= I67. — Early Days of, in America. pine. 67: 187. —- Failure of the, in England. Acad. 68: 343. — Grand,,in London, Projects for. (H. E. Gorst) Sat. R. 102: 262, -—— —— Unionism and. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 460, ‘ -—- Italian. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 95: 680, — — in London. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: 494, - Music vs. the. (J . A. F. Maitland) 19th Cent. 158: 112, —— National, for England, In Favor of. man) Sat. R. 98: 168, — — — Manner’s Efforts for. R. 97: 618, 683. —— — Ricordi’s Plan. I . - -— 1954. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 98: 329, — — wanted for Great Britain. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 101: 327. — Needs of, for England. 93= 203- —- State vs. Voluntary. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: (W. J . Henderson) Internat. Q. 10: (H. T. Finck) Nation, (R. R. Wilson) Lip- (J . F. Runci- (J . F. Runciman) Sat. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 99: (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 552- — State Aid for. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 97: 76. — Subsidized, The Question of. (J . C. Hadden) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 295. — An Upstart on. (R. H. Schauffler) Outl. 81: 520, — The Use of. Acad. 68: 501. — Wagnerian. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 95: 712. Opera House, National English, proposed by Galloway. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 93: 663. 468 OPTICS Opera Makers of To-day, with portraits. (G. Minkow- sky) Munsey, 28: 931. Opera Season, The. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 78: 206. Opera Singers and the American Audience. (Katha- rine M. Roof) Craftsman, 9: 802. Opera Singing, Star System in. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 95: 807. Opera Stars, Evil Effects of. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 98: 574. Opera’s Opportunity lost. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: 464, Operas and Opera-writing. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 97: 747- — pleasing to English Audience. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 96: 330. Operatic Criticism by Experts. 22: 17, Operatic Literature. (E. Swayne) Music, (F. H. Marling) Bk. Buyer, 23: 55°- Operator’s Story. (F. H. Spearman) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 357- Ophelia, Character of. 81: 813, — New Theory of her Character. (C. A. Barnicoat) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 428. Ophioglossaceae and Marsiliaceae. Am. Natural. 38: 761, Ophir. (J. F. A. McNair) Asia. R. 42: 118, -—- Gold of, Keane on. Nature, 65: 460. —Sat. R. 93: 702, -— of Solomon, and East Africa. Cath. Q. 28: 157. Opie, John. Portrait of Mrs. Warde. Art J . 58: 262, Opinions, Concerning. (W. J . Baylis) Westm. 158: 333. — Have you no Opinions of your own? (A. Birrell) Contemp. 85: 323, —— of the Court. (C. Caverno) Am. Law R. 37 2 20. — Silent. Spec. 97: 296. IEcl. M. 147: 348. Opium and its Votaries. (F. J . Masters) Calif. M. I: 627, Opium in the Philippines. Outl. 74: 731. Opium-dens in London. Chamb. J . 81: 193. Opium Question, the, A Behar Planter on. (D. N. Reid) Asia. R. 42: 42, Opium Trade of India and the Far East. combe) Appleton’s M. 8: 342. Opossum, Virginia. (C. H. Merriam) Ctry Life Am. 1: 127, ' Opossums, Two, and Several Mistakes. more) Ctry Life Am. I: 124. Opper, Frederick, a Cartoonist of Democracy. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 33: 583. Oppert, Jules. Ath. ’05, 2: 274.—Nature, 72: 432. Opportunities, Lost. Liv. Age, 241: 187, Opposition Party, Need of a Strong. Gunton’s M. 23: 115, Oppression, From, to Freedom. 10: 337. — Remedies for. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 468. “ Opsonic ” Treatment and its Relation to Tuberculo- sis. (E. W. Morris) National, 47: 971. Optative, Use of, in the Eddas. (T. Frank) Am. J . Philol. 27: 1. Optical Convention, London, June, 1905. Nature, 72: 112, Optical Illusions, Curious. Astron. 12: 123. Optical Science and Manufactures, Progress of. (R. T. Glazebrook) Nature, 72: 112, Optics, Drude’s Theory of. (C. R. Mann) Science, 11. s. 18: 432. — Theory of, Introduction to the, Schuster on. Na- ture, 7I1 457- (A. W. Corpe) Cath. World, (D. H. Campbell) (J . D. Murphy) Am. (C. Hol- (A. R. Dug- (D. Blanstein) Char. (A. K. Bartlett) Pop. OPTIMISM Optimism. Spec. 97: 818, — and Immortality. (G. L. Dickinson) Hibbert J . 1: 425- - the Creed of Progress. (F. Challeu) Westm. I62: 321. -— of Browning and Meredith. (A. C. Pigou) Indep. R. 61 92. 1’-Liv. Age, 246: 415, — The Varieties of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 68: 426. —-— vs. Pessimism. (C. Morse) Westm. I58: 5 5 3. Optimist, An; a story. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 421 445- Optimist, Sorrows of the. (C. J . Bullock) Nation, 81: 312, Opto—technics. (S. P. Thompson) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 518. -or or -our, in Honor and other Words. (T. R. Lounsbury) Harper, I10: 187, Oracle of Saint-cure, The. (C. A. Prince) Cent. 45: 923- Oracles of the Stove, The. (H. Pendexter) Every- body’s, I41 484- Orange, France. (F. Sampson) New Eng. M. n. s. 292 33- Orange, N. J ., and the Problems of a. Suburb. (W. Potts) Char. II: 289, Orange County, Cal. (S. Armor)Out West, 24: 350. —- Resources of. (E. E. Keech) Out West, 18: 529. Orange County, Vt., Story of a Rural Shire. (H. K. Darling) Green Bag, I 5: 522, Orange in California, The. (S. M. Kennedy) Land of Sun. 91 181. —- (M. C. Fredericks) Calif. M. I: 45L — in Southern California, The. (H. Edwards) Land of Sun. 2: 67. Orange-blossoms; a story. World, 84: 373. Orange Culture in California. (A. Sutherland) Book- lover’s M. 3: 803, Orange Growing. Land of Sun. I: 33. (M. F. Quinlan) Cath. — in California. (Bertha M. Smith) World’s Work, 11: 7328. —in Florida and California. (H. J. Webber) Ctry Life Am. 3: I57. — in So. California. Orange Orchard, A Frost-proof. Life Am. 7: 367. Orange Routing Case, The. Bag, I8: 667, Orange Trees in California, The First. (H. A. Monroe) Land of Sun. 10: 322, Oranges 250 Years Ago. I6: 127, 255, Oratio Obliqua, Notes on the Evolution of. (B. L. Gildersleeve) Am. J . Philol. 27: 200, Orations, Old and New. (G. H. Smith) Am. Law R. 39: 223- Orator, The; is he born or made ? (M. MacDonagh) Longm. 44: 396.=Ecl. M. I45: 54I.=Liv. Age, 243: Oratorio, (D. B. Weir) Calif. M. 4: 354. (T. L. Mead) Ctry (W. A. Bowen) Green (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 25, Decadent. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 96: 543- Oratory. ' (G. E. Foster) Canad. M. 22: 382, —The Tradition of. (M. MacDonagh) Macmil. go: 149. =Ec1. M. I43: 370. = Liv. Age, 242: 163, Orbits, Determination of. (A. O. Leuschner) Pop. Astron. I3: 296. -—(Asa.ph Hall) Pop. Astron. 13: 353- Orcady, A Road in. (D. J. Robertson) Longm. 46: 344. Orchard, Birds and Beauties of an Old. (W. H. Legge) Longm. 46: 272. I-‘Liv. Age, 246: 428, — in October. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 61: 859. Orchard Fairies, With the. (J . H. J ewett) Craftsman, 8: 233, L 469 l OREGON Orchard Princess, An; a story. (R. H. Barbour) Lip- pinc. 761 1. Orchards and Fruit Gardens. Quar. I98: 380. —— in the Desert. (J . L. Laughlin) World To-day, 9: 1319, Orchestral Concert, How to listen to an. (F. G. Fidler) Te ' p. Bar, I29: 302, Orches al Conductors, Modern. nat. Q. 8: 316. — Three Great: Weingartner, Muck, Safonoif. Outl. 83: 987. Orchestral Music, Future of. (W. J . Henderson) Atlan. (H. T. Finck) Inter- 91: 70. Orchid of Supreme Interest. (E. O. Orpet) Ctry Life Am. 10: 2. ' Orchid Hobby, The. (A. Herrington) Ctry Life Am. 11: 42, Orchidaceae, North American Terrestrial, Root-struc- ture of. (T. Holm) Am. J . Sci. 168: 197. Orchids. (G. V. Nash) Science, 11. s. 23: 468.-(W. Miller) Ctry Life Am. 6: 165.-—(L. C. Davis) Out West, 19: 251. — Amateur Experience in Culture of. (F. A. Cram- blitt) Overland, n. s. 47: 213. —Fascination of. (F. Boyle) Cornh. 921 807.:Ecl. M. 146: 122. =Liv. Age, 248: 27. — Greenhouse, Culture of, Boyle on. Nature, 66: 59. — Wild, grown in a Small Home Garden. (F. L. Mar- ble) Ctry Life Am. 7: 556. _ Ordeal by Fire. (F. M. Coates) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 225, Ordeal of Maude Joyce, The ; a story. (E. G. Jordan) Harper, I08: 114, Order in the Universe, The Notion of. (L. Arréat) Monist, I 5: 262, — Notion of. (E. T. Dixon) Mind, 27: 527. — Pleasure of. Blackw. I73: 835. Order of Merit, The New English. (H. W. Paul) Pall Mall M. 28: 71.=Ecl. M. 139: 732.:Liv. Age, 235: 108. — (D. Story) Munsey, 28: 863. Order Department of a Branch Library System. (Emma V. Baldwin) Pub. Lib. II: 509. Orderly Book, Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion, Col. Anthony Wayne. Pennsyl. M. 29: 470. 30: 91, 206. Orders, Church, Question of. (C. A. Briggs) Indep. 591 I97- Orders of Chivalry, American. (C. Cook) Army & Navy Life, 9: 455. Ordination of Asoka, Buddhist Priest. (Mrs. E. Cotes) Harper, 105: 753. Ordnance and Armor, Late Developments in. (J . F. Meigs) Cassier, 24: 471. Ordnance Survey Maps, and the Antiquities on them. (F. J . Haverfield) Geog. J . 27: I65. Ordovician Rocks of Ohio and Indiana, Classification of. (A. F. Foerste) Science, 22: 149. Ore, Handling, at a Blast-furnace. (W. L. Cowles) Cassier, 22: 157. \ Ore Finding, Electrical. Knowl. 27: 157. Ore-handling Machinery on the Lakes, The Latest. (D. A. Willey) Cassier, 30: 195. Oread Institute, Worcester, Mass. 20: 328. Oregon; Americanism of the Last West. Brook) Outing, 47: 593. — and Dr. Marcus Whitman. (S. A. Clarke) Califor- nian, 2: 19.-—(Mrs. F. F. Victor) Californian, 2: 229, —- and its Duties as a State. (M. R. Trumbull) Char. 12: 270, — as a Political Experiment Station. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 172, Nat’l M. (Bost.) (D. H. (J . Schafer) R. OREGON Oregon, at its Exposition. (Anne S. Monroe) World To-day, 9: 942. —- Big Woods of. (T. S. Van Dyke) Outing, 47: 613. — An Inland Empire. (Bert H. Elford) Overland, n. s. 45: 54!. — Initiative and Referendum in. Arena, 29: 270, 32: 128, — Library Conditions in. Lib. J. 28: 175.——(M. F. Isom) Lib. J. 30: 279. — Referendum at Work in. (W. M. Raine) World To- day, 11: 1268, — Where rolls the Oregon. 579. Oregon Amendment for Majority Rule, Judges attack. (G. H. Shibley) Arena, 30: 613, Oregon Coast, Naturalist’s Picnic on. (W. Hutchin- son) Contemp. 82: 491. = Ecl. M. 140: 257. = Liv. Age, 236: 26, O’Reilly, John Boyle, with portrait. (J . Realf, jr.) Calif. M. 3: 304. Orenburg-Tashkent Railway, The. (A. Hamilton) Un. Serv. M. 32: 551. Orenda and a Definition of Religion. (J . N. B. Hewitt) Am. Anthrop. 4: 33. Organ, Autobiography of an; a phantasie. Warrington) Canad. M. 18: 235. — Evolution of the. (R. I. Geare) Craftsman, 7: 548. —- First, in America. (A. W. Brayley) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 212. —— its History and Development. Land of Sun. 8: 305. — Ode to the. (L. C. W. Myrick) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 225, — Teaching the. (C. Whitmer) Music, 21: 201, Organ Compositions, Registration of Bach’s Works. (F. Peterson) Music, 22: 217, Organic Changes and Feelings. J. Psychol. 17: 522, Organic Movements, Psychology of. (M. Bentley) Am. J. Psychol. 17: 293. Organic Remains in Post-glacial Deposits. (P. Olsson- Seifer) Am. Natural. 37: 785. Organisms, Lower, Jenning’s Studies in. Yarkes) Science, 11. s. 20: 750. — Relation between Variability of Organisms and that of their Constituent Elements. (F. Boas) Science, 11. s. 15: I. Organists. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 96: 424. Organization as a Factor in the Ministry. Munger) Yale Div. Q. I: 37. — The Fetish of. F ortn. 85: 844. — in Education overdone at Times. Educa. 25: 237. —- in Government. (W. Sutherland) Westm. I65: 255. Organs and Organists. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 97: 8 (W. s. ‘ U’Ren) (H. Lloyd) Outing, 47: (F. M. (J . F. Shepard) Am. (R. M. (T. T. 13 , -— Church. (C. E. Ordway) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 705, —-Designing of. (T. Casson) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 182, -- Portable. (G. W. Walter) Music, 21: 363, Orient, Future of. (E. B. Allen) Bib. Sac. 63: 443. Oriental Dependencies, Self-government in. (J . W. Jenks) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 580, Oriental Exploration Fund. (I. M. Price) Bib. World, 23: 7. — Reports of. (E. J . Banks) Bib. World, 24: 61. — Work and Report of Babylonian Section. Bib. World, 23: 403. Oriental Railways. (S. Krausz) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 65 5. Oriental Schools. (H. Hyvernat) Cath. Univ. Bull. 7: 285. Oriental Studies in England and on the Continent. (H. Halid) Asia. R. 38: 341. Oriental Trade, Future of our. (James J . Hill) World’s Work, 10: 6465, , 470 ORPHEUS Orientalism and Semitic Studies, Report on. (E. Montet) Asia. R. 37: 103. —- in the Open Court. (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 504. Orientalists, Congress of, at Hamburg, 1902, (E, Montet) Asia. R. 35: 99. —Ath. ’O2, 2: 381. — — at Hanoi, 1903. (C. J . W. Pfoundes) Asia. R. 35: 330. —— (G. E. Gerini) Asia. R. 36: 65, -— —- at Algiers, 1905. (E. Montet) Asia. R. 40: 81. Orientalizing of Budge ; a story. (W. A. Fraser) Out- ing, 48: 701, Orientation of Buildings. (W. Atkinson) Am. Arch. 89: 79. — of Churches. (T. M. Clark) Am. Arch. 89: 191. Origin of Ferns, The ; a Forest Fable. (A. Cell) Out- ing, 46: 17. Original Sin, An ; a story. 19: 244. Original Wedding-present, An; a story. ting) Cent. 45: 888. Originality. (M. E. Robinson) Internat. J . Ethics, 12: 417. —- in Literature. (F. B. Gummere) Quar. 204: 26. Orinda, The Matchless. See Fowler, Katherine. Orinoco, An Adventure on the. Chamb. J . 83: 532. — Caura Aflluent of. (E. Andre) Geog. J . 20: 233. —— A Wasted Waterway. (G. M. L. Brown) Canad. M. 26: 499. Oriole, The. (Virginia Garland) Overland, n. s. 451 321, Orioles. (A. L. Armstrong) Land of Sun. 8: 64. Orion, Belt and Sword of, with Plate. (A. Smith) Knowl. 25: 131. Orizaba, Mt., Ascent of. 61: 528, Orkney, Lord George Hamilton. Letters during Marl- borough’s Campaigns. (H. H. E. Cra’ster) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 307. Orkney Islands. A Loch in Orcady. (D. J . Robert- son) Longm. 42: 53.:Ecl. M. 141: 268.=Liv. Age, 237: 750. Orleans, Charles d’, Poet of the French Renaissance. (H. Belloc) Liv. Age, 238: 699. =Ecl. M. 141: 686, Orleans, Marie Adelaide, Duchess of. (M. S. Smith) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 471, Orleneif, Paul. Russian Players in New York. (Flor- ence Brooks) Cent. 49: 301. -—(H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 48: 318. - Ormond, James Butler, 1st Duke. Ed. R. 204: 81, Ormulum, The; where was it written ? (H. Bradley) Ath. ’06, I: 609; (J. Wilson) 2: 43; (H. Bradley) (W. J. Roe) Open Court, (M. S. Cut- (A. R. Crook) Pop. Sci. Mo. 73- Ormy, Josephine d’, Prima Donna. (C. W. Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 190. Ornament, Celtic. (G. Coffey) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 248, — Evolution of. (P. Carus) Open Court, 17: 291. — in the House. (S. Howe) Craftsman, 3: 85. — its Adaptation to Space. (M. P. Verneuil) Crafts- man, 5: 470. — its Use and Abuse. (G. Stickley) Craftsman, 7: 580. — Poetic. (W. Crane and L. F. Day) Art J . 54: 270. — Primitive. (J . Allen) Reliquary, 43: 163 Ornaments, Rubric, according to the Courts. Wright) 19th Cent. 54: 225. Orne, Agnus (pseudonym), Writings of, with portrait. Acad. 67: 83. Ornithological Congress, Fourth International. Na- ture,-72: 177. Oroya Railroad, Penn. (E. C. Rost) World’s Work, 4: 2516. Orpheus; a Study in Comparative Religion. (P. Carus) Open Court, 17: 480. Orpheus; a story. (A. Dunbar) Pall Mall M. 26: 192. (E. B. Osprey, Flight of the. ORPINGTON Orpington, Parish Registers of. (J . R. Larkby) Antiq. n. s. 39: 326. Orpington Breed of Poultry. Life Am. 6: 5 3. Orrery Papers, The. Ath. ’o3, 2: 117, Orrock, James, R. I. (B. Webber) Studio (Internat.) 21: 360, Orthodoxy, Two Letters on. (L. Tolstoi) Open Court, - I8: 513. Orthogenetic Variations. (H. Gadow) Science, n. s. 22: 637; (D. S. Jordan) 372 ; (R. E. Coker) 873. Orthographic Projection of the Sphere, Some Problems on. (W. F. Riggs) Pop. Astron. I4: 402, Orthopedic Surgery. (A. Lorenz) Indep. 54: 3063. O’Rnddy, The; a story. (S. Crane and R.- Barr) Idler, 24: 351. 25: 413. Orwell, The Mythical Town of. (R. G. Marsden) Eng. Hist. R. 212 93. (W. P. Willett) Ctry Osage Indians, Richest People in the World. (E. M. _ Sweet) World To-day, 5: 1454, Osage Mourning—War Ceremony. (G. A. Dorsey) Am. Anthropol. 4: 404. Oscar F redrik, King of Sweden and Norway; a Per- sonal Study. (I. Malcolm) Liv. Age, 246: 311, —— Leaves from my Traveling Diary. National, 41: 410, -— Some Selected Speeches. National, 40: 637, Oscar’s Chance, per Charley; a story. (H. W. Phil- lips) McClure, 20: 630, ' Osler, Dr. William. (D. A. Willey) Critic, 46: 411, —- Addresses by. (D. C. Gilman) Nation, 80: 193, —- Baltimore Address of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 462, -— in Love with Youth. (A. Lang) Liv. Age, 245: 381. — on the Periods of a Teacher’s Life. Science, n. s. 21: 392. Osmotic Pressure. (G. A. Hoadley) J. Frankl. Inst. I 57: 437.——(Norman R. Campbell) Nature, 73: 79. 742 102 ; (W. G. B. Whetham) 295. (A. J . Meyer) Ctry Life Am. 1: 181. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller d’. Acad. 65: 26I.—(F. M. Parsons) Temp. Bar, 129: 49. — and her Friends. (F. B. Sanborn) Critic, 48: 154, I. — as Teacher. (A. R. Marble) Critic, 43: 334. — Poems by. Cent. 46: 92, — The Real. (Alice N. Meyer) Bookman, I7: 596. Ossuaries. (G. Dickson) Reliquary, 44: 145. Osten Sacken, G. R., Baron. (G. H. Bryan) Nature, 74: 180 Osteological Terms. (S. W. Williston) Science, 11. s. 18: 829, Osteopathy and Practical Medicine. (J . J . Welsh) Indep. 59: 1141. - Principles of. (A. T. Still) Indep. 59: I094, Osterlind, Allan, Colored Etchings of. Studio (Internat.) 20: 274. 29: 206. Ostertag, Blanche, Artist. (Isabel McDougall) Bk. Buyer, 25: 3o9.—Brush & P. 10: 312, Osthaus, Edmund H., Painter of Animals, with por- trait. (T. J . Lipman) Brush & P. 18: 8:, Ostraca, Greek, in America. (F. J . Goodspeed) Am. J. Philol. 25: 54. Ostrich in California, The African. (H. Frantz) Land of Sun. 8: 45' —— in the New World. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 27: 277, Ostrich Farm, Visit to an. Outl. 84: 3: 1. Ostrich Farming. Land of Sun. I: 31. — in the U. S. Nat. Geog. M. 17: 569. Ostrich Feathers in South Africa, Defects in. (J . E. Duerden) Nature, 74: 55. Ostrich Ranches. (M. C. Frederick) Calif. M. 2: 637, 471 OUR Ostwald, Wilhelm. (H. C. Jones) Science, n. s. 19: 321, Othello, Shakespeare’s most Inconsistent Character. (C. Morris) Critic, 47: 316, “ Othello,” Ship, Piracy Case of, 1807, Green Bag, 16: 172, Other Half, The. (H. G. D. Latham) Cornh. 86: 109. =Ecl. M. 139: 457. =Liv. Age, 234: 361. Other Man, The. (F. Reddale) Lippinc. 70: 515. Other Miss Robbins, The; a story. (I. E. Mackay) Canad. M. 25: 451. Other One, The; a story. 243. 885- Other Side, The; a story. 108: 240, Other Side of Boss, The; a story. (J. C. Bull) Lippinc. (B. C. Steiner) (V. Harper) Lippinc. 75: (G. E. Channing) Harper, 71: 389. Other Side of the Hedge, The ; a story. (E. M. Fors- ter) Indep. R. 4: 297.: Liv. Age, 244: 55, Other Side of the Wall, The. Spec. 97: 50. Other Worlds, Life in. (F. J . Allen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 26. Otis, Gen. Harrison G., with portraits. (C. F. Lum- mis) Land of Sun. 123 72. Otomites. Am. Arch. 87: 39. Ottawa, Can., Observatory at. M, 22: 324, Otté, Elise C. (E. Gosse) Ath. ’o4, I: 15, Otter, In Defense of the. Spec. 92: 598. — Sea-, Hunters of the. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 47: 212, — Survival of the. (J . C. Tregarthen) Monthly R. 23, no. 3: 81. Otterburn, Battle and Ballad of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Sewanee, I2: 385. Otter’s Stone Pool, The; a story. (W. E. Hodgson) Cornh. 93: 98. ~ Ottoman Empire, The. (VV. T. Stead) Indep. 54: 195. — Dissolution of. (E. K. Mitchell) Hartf. Sem.-Rec. 6= 59- Ottoman Law, Young’s Body of. (D. B. Macdonald) Nation, 82: 77. Ottoman Poetry, Gibbs’s. 77¢ 37- Oubliette Cryptogram, The ; a story. (J . Hawthorne) Booklover’s M. 4: 541. “ Ouida.” Californian, 2: 242, See La Ramée, Louise de. (W. J . London) Canad. (D. B. Macdonald) Nation, Oudin’s Polyphase Apparatus and Systems. (W. S. Franklin) Science, n. s. 18: 241, Our Beau. (J . R. Perry) Indep. 60: 1428. Our Best Society; a story. Critic, 44: 358. 45: 74. 46: 168, 438. Our Front Parlor Alligator. M. n. s. 30: 76. Our Graves; an Impression. (M. Purves) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 595. Our Harbor. (N. Duncan) Outl. 772 846. Our Lady of the Beeches. Atlan. 90: 13-493. Our Lady of Labels. Chaut. 37: 191. Our Lady of Pootoo. (R. S. Gundry) Sat. R. 991 7341. Our Lady of the Ranche. (V. Fetherstonhaugh) Good Words, 45: Xmas no. Our Lady’s Party; a story. World, 80: 44. Our Mysterious Passenger; a story. Canad. M. 23: 355. Our Old Keeper. Macmil. 86: 56. Our Past. (M. Maeterlinck) Indep. 542 546. 7 Our Red-headed Kid; a story. (F. Walworth) Mc- Clure, 19: 281, Our ¥illa.ge by the Sea. (Emily P. Finnemore) Chamb. . 83: 510. (Bettina von Hutten)’ (V. B. Webster) Cath. (R. W. Rudolf) (B. Gilman) New Eng. OUR Our Wedding Breakfast -—- and Kitchener. MacAlarney) Scrib. M. 37: 754. Out of the Frying—pan; a story. (E. Boltwood) Mun- sey, 3% 838. Out of his Element; a story. (R. E. (E. H. Roberts) Arena, 27: 415. Out with the Land-lockers. 82: 215, Outcast, The. (J . G. Smith) Overland, n. s. 46: 117. Outcasts of Poker Flat, The. (Bret Harte) Over- land) 11. s. 40: 209. _ Outdoor Books. (L. C. Willcox) No. Am. 183: 116. Outdoor Life in the Middle West. (H. C. Chatfield- Taylor) Outing, 45: 441, — Uplift through. (D. L. Sharp) World’s Work, 8: (W. D. Hulbert) Outl. 5°43- Out-door Relief. Spec, 96: 861, Out-door Stories, Little. Outing, 41: 611, 724. 215, 33°. 419, 615- 43‘ 55, 205- Outgoing of the Tide. (J. Buchan) Atlan. 89: I7. Outing, A Three Months’, in Three States. (J. E. Ross) Overland, n. s. 39: 932. 40: 141. Outlands, Romance of the. (E. Wright) Quar. 205: 47. =Liv. Age, 247: 519. Outlaw, The. (Edward L. Sabin) Everybody’s, I 4: 743. Outlaw Hunters of Russia. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 46: 42: Outlawry, is it Obsolete ? (H. E. Richards) Law Q. 18: 297. - Royal and Ancient Game of. 26: 558. Outlawry of Edith, The; a story. land) Appleton’s M. 8: 593. Outlaws ; the “Apache Kid.” (W. M. Raine) Outing, 461 579. Outlaws of Apache Leap. 687. Outlines. (H. M. Reeve) Westm. I 58: 523, (D. Story) Munsey, (Henry C. Row- (D. Coolidge) Outing, 44: Out-of—door Life. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 55: 2227, -—- Effect on Literature. (M. O. Wright) Critic, 42: 308. Out—of-door Men. (W. B. Thomas) Liv. Age, 247: 821, Out-of-doors, How to live. (E. M. Hart) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 696. Out-patient, An ; a story. (E. Boltwood) Cent. 49: 600, Output, The Restriction of. (C. D. Wright) No. Am. 183: 88 5. Outram, Gen. Sir James, Trotter’s Life of. Spec. 92: 983- Outside the Gate; a Pilgrim Play. (D. G. McChesney) Fortn. 80: 1035, Outside the Law; a story. 11. s. 75: 105. “ Outside the War Record ; ” a story. Cath. World, 75: 742, Outsider, The. (E. Hubbard) Cosmopol. 39: 540. Outsider, The ; a story. (A. Ruhl) Outing, 44: 19. Outsider, The; a story. (H. Reinherz) Temp. Bar, 132: 39. Over the Barriers. Sund. M. 32: 294, 411, 476. Over the Border; a story. (E. S. Valentine) Canad. M, 21: 168. Over the Governor’s Veto; a story. Green Bag, 15: 387, Over the Jumps ; a story. 623. Over Proof; a story. (W. A. Hickman) Cent. 50: 399, Over-rated, The. (Ella C. Bennett) Overland, n. s. (E. F. Cobby) Gent. M. (G. F. Powers) (D. Malloch) (A. Stoddart) Lippinc. 76: 47= 147. Over the Spite Fence. (Muriel A. Brady) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 313. Over the Telephone. 28: 562. (B. Maniates) New Eng. M. n. s. 472 OXFORD Overcrowded, In Behalf of the. 12: 583. Overcrowding in Cities and some Consequent Muni— cipal Regulation. (H. M. Wiltze) Am. Law R. 36: 60, Overend, George Henry. Ath. ’o5, 2: 437, Overhauling the Politicianers. (G. S. Wasson) Cent. 44: 538- Overland Mail, Story of the. (R. F. Elwell) Outing, 48: 63. Overland Monthly, Distinguished Contributors to. Overland, n. s. 40: 283. —— With the Contributors to. 3. Overlooked Understudy, An; a story. (Edwin B. Morris) Booklover’s M. 6: 622. Over-production, Fallacy of. (G. H. Hull) Engin. M, 22: 813, Overthrust Faults in Central New York, Preliminary Note on. (P. F. Schneider) Am. J . Sci. 1702 303. Overtoun, Lord. Sund. M. 33: I 53. Overture, The. Acad. 70: 43. Ovid. (R. B. Steele) Sewanee, I4: 184. Overwork, Do we suffer from ? (J . Cater) Chamb. J . 82: 33. Ovid, Palladius, and Tacitus, A Harvard MS. of. (E. K. Rand) Am. J. Philol. 26: 291. Ovingdean’s Little Horse; a story. (H. W. Wallis) McClure, 21: 551, Owen, Robert, and Co-operation. J- 15* 257- — and Factory Reform. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 1: no. 5, I. Owens College Historical Essays. (L. Brandt) Char. Overland, n. s. 46: (F. Podmore) Econ. Ath. ’o2, 1: 457. Owens River Project, Social Significance of. (W. E. Smythe) Out West, 23: 443. Owens Valley Reclamation Service. (F. H. N ewell) Out West, 232 454. Owl, The Great Horned. (J . M. Gleeson) Outl. 77: 295- — A Little, of Florence. (E. I. Prime-Stevenson) In’ der» 59= 742- — Story of a Barn. (E. K. Robinson) Good Words, 441 57- Owls. (R. B. Smith) I9th Cent. 522 754. =Liv. Age, 235: 651.-—-'-Eel. M. 140: 176, -— Stalking Hoot-owls with a Camera. Outing, 462 51. Ox, Wild, of Europe, and its Living Representatives. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 25: 100. - Oxford, Robert Harley, Earl of. Ath. ’o3, I: 139. —- (J . A. Lovat-Fraser) Antiq. n. s. 39: 11, 42, Oxford. (W. D. Howells) No. Am. 183: 62o.—Sat. R, 101: 106. Oxford Almanacs. (C. F. Bell) Art J. 56: 241, Oxford Colleges, Drawings of. (V. H. Bailey) Studio (Internat.)221 13. Oxford Congregation and Convocation. Goodrich) Macmil. go: 22 3, Oxford Idea, The, and the American Small College. (S. H. Ranck) Ref. Ch. R. 50: 24, Oxford Movement, The. Quar. 205: 196, — Ebb and Flow of the. (W. Braithwaite) Cath. World, 76: 651. Oxford School of Historians. Church Q. 592 93. Oxford Spirit, The. (C. H. Hinton) Indep. 54: 1217, Oxford Tory, Lament of an. (E. Cadogan) National, 41: 117, Oxford Trimmer, An. Blackw. I79: 166. Oxford University, Accounts of the Colleges of, 1893- 1903: with special reference to their Agricultural Revenues. (L. L. Price) J . Statis. Soc. 67: 855, -— America at. Dial, 39: 29. (H. K. Job) (A. T. S. OXFORD Oxford University, American Rhodes’s Scholar at. (S. R. Ashby) Macmil. n. s. 1: 181. — American Scholarships at. (H. W. Horwill) Nation, 741 46I.—- (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 75: 52. — Americans at. (T. W. Higginson) Dial, 39: 56. — Americans who have received Degrees. (H. T. Peck) Munsey, 32: 430, —-— Ancient Calendar of. Ath. ’o5, 1: 169, -— and the American Student. (F. H. Stoddard) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 687. ' — and Cambridge. (E. S. P. Hayne) Putnam, I: 187. —— Spec. 95: 922. —- — The Need of General Culture at. strong) National, 40: 57. ~— —— in Literature. Acad. 70: 195. -— — A Study in Types. (E. S. P. Haynes) Cornh. 94: 684. — and Dr. Johnson. — and its Story, Headlam’s. 79= 465- — and Louvain. —— and other World Universities. Am, 183: 906, — and the Rhodes Scholarships. lover’s M. I: 357. — and Science. (J . Perry) Nature, 69: 207. — as Conserver of the Classic. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 95= 649- — Australian’s Impression of. Educa. R. 31: 18. — The Awakening at. Acad. 68: 661, —- Bourget’s Impressions of. (J . Corbin) Lamp, 26: 123,- — Charm of. Acad. 67: 594. — Christ Church Cathedral. (F. E. Spiers) Am. Arch. 82: 5. - —— Constructive Theology from. (J . Rickaby) Month, 9?» 449. 589. -— A Cosmopolitan. (F. C. S. Schiller) Fortn. 77: 814. — 18th-century. Acad. 69: 1259. = Liv. Age, 248: 376. — Exhibition of Historical Portraits, 1904. (A. B. Chamberlain) Art J . 56: 161. — (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 97: 550. — (R. P. Garrold) Month, 104: 120. — Art J. 58: 137. — (A. B. Chamberlain) Art J, 57: 207, 58: 196. —— from Within. (J . F. Hornsey) Outl. 82: 844. —— Grey. (W. T. Shore) Sund. M. 34: 265, — History at. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 80: 284, — How to choose a College at. N ational, 48: 278. —— Hutton’s Literary Landmarks of. Craftsman, 4: 310, —— Impressions of. (H. C. Merriam) Indep. 61: 272. — in 1963. Ed. R. 198: 513, —— in the 20th Century. (A. E. Zimmern) Indep. R. 11: (H. E. Arm- Gent. M. n. s. 77: 46. (W. C. France) Nation, (L. C. Casartelli) Dub. R. 132: 285. (C. F. Thwing) No. (F. Acland) Book- 95- — in Vacation. (E. T. Merrill) Nation, 83: 162, —- Needs of. Blackw. I73: 419.—Nature, 72: 231, — Old and New. (Goldwin Smith) Indep. 56: 790, -— — on the Up-grade. (H. E. Armstrong) Nature, 70: 145. — Painted by J . Fulleylove, described by E. Thomas. Ath. ’o4, I: 231, —— Past and Present. (M. T. Blauvet) Educa. R. 24: 358. — (H. A. Overstreet) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: 34. —— Queen’s College. Am. Arch. 82: 39. -— Recent Commemoration at. (F. P. Graves) School R. 12: 673. -— Religion in. Church Q. 55: 1. = Liv. Age, 236: 146, — Religious Life at. (H. W. Horwill) Meth. R. 64: 69. —- Research Courses at. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 79= 232- -—- Restoration of. (J . H. F. Peile) Monthly R. 10, no. : 110, 3 --Revisited. Blackw. 174: 756. 473 G — Cave Men of the. PACIFIC Oxford University, Rhodes Scholar from Germany on. (H. E. von Leindeiner-Wildau) Cornh. 91: 44. -— Student Rows of. (L. C. Cornish) Green Bag, 16: 651.735.806- - Training of Secondary Teachers at. Educa. R. 28: 518, — Undergraduate Journalism at. Acad. 63: 63. . —- What it can teach us. (E. P. Warren) Harv. Grad. M. II: 39. —- Woman-student at. Chamb. J . 80: 30. Oxfordshire F olk-lore, Notes on. (P. Manning) F olk- Lore, 13: 288, Oxfordshire Will of 1230-31, An. Hist. R. 20: 291, Oxides, Rare Earth, Effects on, produced by Radium- barium Compounds. (C. Baskerville and G. F. Kunz) Am. J. Sci. 167: 79. Oxinden Letters. (H. R. Plomer) Library, 11. s. 6: 29. Oxygen, Commercial Production from Liquid Air. (E. C. Foster) J. Frankl. Inst. I55: 357.— (E. C. Foster) Cassier, 26: 321, Oxyrhynchus, Fresh Papyri from. (E. T. Goodspeed) Bib. World, 25: 228, —Ath, ’o3_, 2: 540, 616, - Cath. Univ. Bull. 7: 85. Oxyrhynchus Sayings of Jesus. (C. W. Votaw) J . Bib. Lit. 24: 79. Oyama as Boy, Man, and Hero. Army & Navy Life, 8. 110: 9= 57- Oyster, Klogh; the Story of an. Overland, n. s. 39: 845, 961, Oyster Industry, The. (C. F. Stansbury) Outing, 42: (H. Salter) Eng. (F. L. Washburn) 19, —-— Larva and Spat of the Canadian. (J . Stafford) Am. Natural. 39: 41. Oyster-catcher Birds as Pipers. 100: 680. -— at Home. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 100: 621, —— Piping in Pairs and Trios. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 101: 201. —— Puzzles. (E. Selous) Sat. R. I01: 298, Oysters as Disseminators of Typhoid. Sat. R. 95: 39. Ozanam, Frederic. (H. A. Brann) Cath. World, 78: (E. Selous) Sat. R. 299- Ozark Mountains, Life in the. (C. Johnson) Outing, 4% 4"5- Ozark Region of Missouri, Archaeology of. Bushnell, jr.) Am. Anthropol. 6: 294, (E. H. Jacobs) Am. Antiq. 25: (D. I. 2. Ozone. (J. B. Tingle) Science, 11. s. 23: 752. Paardeberg, To. (P. Landon) Fortn. 78: 485. Paardeberg Campaign, The Strategy of. Un. Serv. M, 28: 279, Pacchia, Girolamo del. (Claude Phillips) Art J . 57$ 37. Pacheco, A Portrait by. (VV. S. Howard) Harper, I08: 855. Pachmann, the Pianist. (A. Symons) Acad. 62: 535. Pacific Coast, Climate of the. (A. McAdie) Outing, 47: 555- -— Early Voyages of Sir Thos. Cavendish, 1587. Out West, 18: 73, 139. —— —- VVm. Dampier, 1686. Out West, 13: 351, 492. — How to colonize the. (W. E. Smythe) Land of Sun. I5= 171,279, 383. —Librarians’ Meeting, Portland, Ore., July 5, 1905. Pub. Lib. I0: 426. -— Literary Development of. (H. Bashford) Atlan. 92: 1. — The Right Hand of the Continent. Out West, 18: 415. — The Vote of. (H. Lamont) Nation, 79: 153. (C. F. Lummis) Pacific Empire, The New. PACIFIC Pacific Coast Waters. (IN. E. Ritter) Science, n. s. 20: 214, (G. H. Fitch) World’s Work, 3: 1591. Pacific Ocean, American [Trade] Mastery of. (J . B. Meikle) World’s Work, I0: 6467, —— Colquhoun’s Mastery of. (A. Woodhull) Nation, 75: I72.-—(B. J. Ramage) Dial, '32: 348.-—Ath. ’02, I: 615.—Ed. R. I96: 210, —Commerce of. (O. P. Austin) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 3°3~ -— Currents of. (W. H. Dall) Science, 11. s. 20: 436. —— Eastern, Albatross Expedition to. (A. Agassiz) Science, n. s. 21: 178, -—— The Great Ocean in World Growth. Gee) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 333. — Magnetic Survey of. (L. A. Bauer) Science, 11. s. ZR 594: 23: 475- -— Periodic Migrations between the Asiatic and Amer- ican Coasts of. (J . P. Smith) Am. J . Sci. 157: 217. -— Pictures and Problems. (A. Michie) Asia. R. 34: 86. — Problems of. Blackw. I71: 852.=Ecl. M. I39: 357.?-Liv. Age, 234: 65. -—- Steam and Sail on. (R. D. Paine) Outing, ~4,8: 213. Pacific Pastels, the Last of the Men of Never-Never. (V. Harper) Overland, n. s. 43: 101. “ Pacific Penetration” and Police. (J . H. Richard- son) Fortn. 83: 237. Pacific Railroad, Canada’s New. (H. D. Lumsden) Scrib. M. 40: 73.—(Cy Warman) Scrib. M. 40: (W. J. Me- 77. Pacific Railroads, Contest of, for Traffic. (C. M. Keys) World’s Work, I0: 6503, -— Harriman’s Control of. (C. M. Keys) World’s Work, 9: 5816. Pacific Route, Control of the. (H. B. Bignold) Un. Serv. M. 29: 2. Pacific Slope, Vacation Trip on. World’s Work, 4: 2414, —— Writers of, with portraits. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun, 12: 296, 346, I3: 17-415, 14: 26-475, 15: 234, Pacific States of U. S. ; Opportunity in Far East grow- ing. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 3: 287. Pack-mule, The. (B. C. Brown) Atlan. 94: 700, Packard, Alpheus Spring. (A. D. Mead) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 43. —- (J . S. Kingsley; C. Barns) Science, n. s. 21: 401, Packing a Horse. (S. E. White) Outing, 45: 98. -— — How to do it. (D. C. Beard) Outing, 48: 380, -— — How to pack and unpack in the Woods. Beard) Outing, 46: 368, —- — on the Trail. (W. S. Harwood) Outing, 40: 746. Packing Supplies. (J . Innes) Canad. M. 21: 402, Packing House, Some Facts about the. (E. P. Irwin) Overland, n. s. 48: 71, Packingtown, Beginning of Reform in. (I. F. Marcos- son) World’s Work, I2: 8125, Paddy; a story. (E. M. Moon) Temp. Bar, I32: 587, “Paddy Persons ” and “ Paddy” Words. (J . A. H. Murray) Nation, 76: 514. Paderewski, Ignace Mauru. (D. C. (E. Swayne) Music,‘ 21 : 153. Padre Taddea. (D. B. Varé) Temp. Bar, I26: 329, Padre’s Misconception, The. (Mary A. Keatinge) Overland, n. s. 421 317. Padre’s Volcano, The. (H. M. Rideout) Everybody’s, I4: 172, Padres and the Indians, The. (C. D. Willard) Land of Sun. I: 73. , Padrone System at War with Self-dependence. Char. 11: 26 474 ‘ PAINTING Padua, University of, The Scottish “Nation ” at. (A. F. Steuart) Scot. Hist. R. 3: 5 3. Pagan, A, and a Puritan. [Stories of the Nevada Madigans, No. 3.] (M. Michelson) Cent. 46: 639. ‘ Pagan, The ; a. story. (H. G. Dwight) Outl. 30: 922. Paganini, The Strange Obsequies of. (J . D. E. Love- land) Monthly R. 25, no. 3: 81. Paganism. (Harriet W. Preston) Atlan. 92: 383. — Modern. Westm. I58: 679. Pageantry and the Masque. (May Morris) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 670. ' — Place of, in National Thought. Spec. 92: 81. Pageants, English. Macmil. 92: 452. — Historical. (L. N. Parker) J . Soc. Arts, 54: I42. —- of the Streets, English. (I. G. Sieveking) Antiq. n. s. 42: 464, —- Two Historic. (A. M. Michelson) Craftsman, 9: 357. Paget, Sir James, and I. Pasteur. (E. Priestley) 19th Cent. 51: 94. -— Memoirs and Letters, Selected Essays and Ad- dresses. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 32: 340. Pagination of Separate Reprints. (C. R. Lanman) Nation, 81: 359. -Pain, The Meaning of. Liv. Age, 248: 699. —- Meaning and Uses of. (E. R. Eschbach) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 7o. -— The Philosophy of. (E. Crutcher) Open Court, 19: 643. —— The Virtue of. Open Court, 19: 682, Paine, John Knowles, with portrait. Harv. Grad. M. : 21, , Paine, Robert Treat, 1731-1814. (R. Davol) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 454. Paine, Thomas, and Benj. Franklin. (J . McGovern) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 426. Paint and Varnish, Technology of. (A. H. Sabin) Cassier, 25: 330. — — Sabin on. (A. H. Gill) Science, 11. s. 20: 671. Paint Tests. (H. McDonald) Am. Arch. 82: 54, Painted Decoration. (J . D. Crace) Art J . 57: 47. Painter of Shrines, A; a story. (R. Bowman) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 313. Painter-lithography in United States. kampf) Scrib. M. 33: 537. Painters, Bryan’s Dictionary of. Nation, 77: 325. — Caffin’s American Masters of Painting. Craftsman, 3: 261. — Old Masters. -— Two Japanese. Painters’ Architecture. (F. Weiten- (Russell Sturgis) (D. S. McColl) Sat. R. 97: 42. (A. Kinnosuke) Atlan. 90: 527, (P. Waterhouse) Art J . 57: 229, _ Painting, and Photography, Art in. (J . C. Dollman) J. Soc. Arts, 54: 468. — as Thought. (G. F. Watts) Ed. R. 202: 29, ' — English, in America. (F. A. King) Chaut. 36: 51, I62, —- European, Present State of. (R. Cortissoz)Atlan. I 98: 684. -— Exhibition of the Ten American Painters. (Internat.) 28: lxxxviii, ~— French, in the Middle Ages. 200: 576. - — in the 16th Century, Dimier’s. Sat. R. 98: 12. -—- French Primitiyes, exhibited in Paris. Pennell) Nation, 78: 469, -—- Greek Madonnas in California. West, I7: 693. — House. (H. Lowe) Am. Arch. 89: 5. — —- Uniform Specifications for. Am. Arch. 79: 100, -— Impressionist, Genesis and Development of. (W. Dewhurst) Studio (Internat.) 20: 94. Studio (R. E. Fry) Quar. (D. s. MacColl) (Eliz. R. (E. V. Carlin) Out PAINTING Painting, in America, A Century of. (VV. H. Low) McClure, 20: 337. __ — —- Contemporaneous. (C. H. Cafiin) Am. M. 61: 440. — — Foreign Influence on. (C. H. Caffin) Am. M. 61: 23, 190. -- — French Influence on. (C. H. Cafiin) Am. M. 61: ' 59°- — — Spirit of National Greatness in. (C. H. Cafiin) Am. M. 60: 651. —— —— The Story of. (C. H. Caffin) Am. M. 60: 479. —- in England, Evolution of. (H. Ellis) Monthly R. 6, no. 3: 123. —— Irish, Lane’s Collection at Dublin. Sat. R. 98: 696. — Mural and Miniature, of St. Alban’s School. (W. Page) Archaeol. 58: 275. -- Notable Recent. (Florence N. Levy) World’s Work, 12: 7715. — of the 19th Century. (A. Symons) Fortn. 79: 520. —— of Religious Themes, The. (Russell Stnrgis) Scrib. M. 40: 765, . — Old Flemish and Dutch School in United States. (N. H. Moore) Chant. 36: 612, 37: 67, —- Old Masters and Modern Critics. (C. L. Eastlake) 19th Cent. 52: 251. —— One Hundred Masterpieces of. (J. La Farge) Mc- Clure, 22: 148. 24: 199, -— Processes of, and the New Solid Oil Paints. Raffaelli) M. of Art, 27: I92. —— Sacred, and Realism. (I. J. Hughes) Canad. M. 20: (D. S. McColl) (J. F. 99- —— Second Exhibition of Society of Twenty-five English Painters. Studio (Internat.) 30: 150. — Society of American Art, Exhibition. Studio (In- ternat.) 28: lxxxii_ -— Some French and English. (F. Wedmore) I 9th Cent. 58: 246. —— Spanish Art in United States. (N. H. Moore) Chant. 37: 276. -— Temperament in. Acad. 68: 422. -— A Two—world Exhibition of. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Na- tion, 79: 231. —— with Solid Oil Colors. (J. F. Rafiaelli) Brush & P. 10: 297.:-Studio (Internat.) 19: 22. Paintings, American, and Foreign, Comparative‘ Exhi- bition of. (E. Kraufit) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 77. — — Collecting. (Annie N. Meyer) World’s Work, 10: 6387, —— — The Wm. T. Evans Collection. (Leila Mechlin) Book1over’s M. 7: 472. —Studio (Internat.) 30: xlix, -— Copies of. (VV. Roberts) M. of Art, 26: 306. — Dutch, at Guildhall Exhibition. (D. S. McColl) Sat. R- 95‘ 742- -French, German Emperor’s Collection of. (L. de Fourcand) M. of Art, 27: 209, 321, — London Exhibitions. (F. Rinder) Art J. 57: 225. -— made with the Mouth by B. Hiles, Armless Artist. M. of Art, 27: 248. — Pennsylvania Academy Exhibition. (C. H. Caflin) Studio (Internat.) 25: 1. - Replicas and Copies of some Great Renaissance. (E. Govett) Chamb. J. 83: 390. Paints, Durability of. ' (R. Job) J. Frankl. Inst. I 58: I. Pair of Gray Gloves; a story. (K. B. Coleman) Canad. M. 22: 121, Pair of Mules, A. (Karl E. Harriman) Booklover’s M. 6: 589. Pajarito Park, New Mexico, Archaeology of. (E. L. Hewett) Am. Anthropol. 6: 629. Palaces, Royal, of London. Am. Arch. 77: 69. Palacheite and Botryogon, Note on Identity of. (A. S. Eakle) Am. J. Sci. 166: 379. 475 _ Palma, Tomas Estroda. PALMER Palzeo-botanical Discovery, A Notable. (E. W. Barry) Science, 11. s. 20: 56. Palaeontology. Natnre’s Hieroglyphics. Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 139. — Present Problems of. (H. F. Osborn) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 226. Palaeospondylus, Sollas’s Account of. (B. Dean) Sci- ence, n. s. 19: 425. Palaeozoic Seed Plants. (E. A. N. Arper) Nature, 71: 68. -— (L. F. Ward) Science, 11. s. 20: 279, Palais Bourbon and its Inhabitants. (Hon. Mrs. Stu- art Wortley) National, 43: 452. Palais Royal, The. (V. S. Wortley) National, 442 I060, “Palatine,” The Word, in America. Nation, 78: :27. Paleotti, Donna Christina, High-born Adventuress. (J. Ross) Monthly R. 17, no. 1: 154, Palermo. (J. Bryce) Nation, 77: 421, Palestine, American School in, Researches of. J. Bib. Lit. 22: 164. ' — and Revelation. (W. Ewing) Bib. World, 24: 86. — and Syria, Summer in. (F. J. Bliss) Bib. World, 20: 89. —- Anno I152, A Voyage from the Orkney Islands to. (J. G. Fotheringham) Antiq. n. s. 38: 110, 145. — Bibliography. Chaut. 43: 558. —— Camp Life in. (E. Dowsett) Sund. M. 341 64!. — Exploration in. (J. P. Peters) Am. Antiq. 25: 314. — (J. P. Peters) J. Bib. Lit. 22: 15. — Fortress Monasteries of. (W. G. FitzGerald) Archit. Rec. I9: 275. (R. S. Lnll) (A. Matthews) — Front Door of. (A. H. Godbey) Monist, I4: 516. —— Hilprecht’s Explorations in. (J. P. Peters) Nation, 7 7 1 I37- — Jewish Colonies in. (M. A. Meyer) Indep. 54: 2347, — The Land of Jesus. (A. Hoben) Bib. World, 26: 408. — The Level of Prophetism in Babylonia and in. Kiinig) Meth. R. 64: 409. — Pilgrimage to. (W. Sinclair) Sund. M. 33: 380. — A Reading Journey through. (S. Mathews) Chant. 43= 493- —— Results of Recent Archaeology for the History of. (L. B. Paton) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 15: 175. — Tenting in. (I. Zangwill) Fortn. 84: 886. — under the Sultan’s Sway. Chamb. J. 31: 362, Palestrina, Pins, and Plain-song. (L. Baker) Sewanee, I4: 422, Palette and Chisel Club. (T. B. Thompson) World To-day, 10: 4or.—Brush & P. 18: 213. Pali Texts, Gospel Parallels from. (A. J. Edmnnds) Open Court, 16: 559, 684, Palisades, The; the Gates of the Hudson. (C. M. Skinner) Cent. 50: 665. — (E. H. Hall) M. of Hist. (E. 3: 219. Palladio, Andrea. (B. F. Fletcher) Am. Arch. 80: 59, 69. —- and Vicenza. (E. F. Baldwin) Outl. 79: 811. Palm, Whence came the? (E. Wall) Overland, n. s. W 7. ' Palm and Sole Configuration, Racial Diflferences in. (H. H. Wilder) Am. Anthropol. 6: 244. ' -— Impressions of, and their Use for Purposes of Per- sonal Identification. (H. H. Wilder) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 385. Palm of Victory, The. (E. L. Roberson) Overland, n. s. 42: 512, The New President of Cuba. Outl. 70: 268. Palmer, Alice Freeman, with portrait. (G. P. Morris) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 167. PALMER Palmer, Alice Freeman, A Memorial to. Outl. 72: -—- S<9>171ie Religious Verse of. (G. H. Palmer) Outl. 76: Palzrliieiig, George Herbert. (F. W. Noxon) Critic, 42: 12 , Palmer Collection, The. Land of Sun. 2: 63. Palmerston, Lady. (Mrs. E. T. Murray-Smith) Lip- pinc. 69: 349. Palmistry in China. (H. A. Giles) 19th Cent. 56: 985. —— Scientific. (H. A. Wilder) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 41. Palms, Culture and Care of. pine. 75: 61. -—- for Home Growing. Ctry Life Am. I: 62. -—- of the Colorado Desert. (Edmund Mitchell) World To-day, 8: 25. Palo Alto, California. Out West, 23: 403. —- Overland, n. s. 44: 362. Palolo Worm of Samoa. Pamela’s Choice. 56-772. Pampas Grass, Cultivation of. (Clara S. Brown) Calif. M, 3: 682, Pampas Industry, The. 3: 125, Pamphlets, Taking Care of, in a Library. (W. S. Merrill) Pub. Lib. 11: 502, Pan, All-delighting. (H. H. Brown) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 603, Pan in Vermont. (R. Kipling) Ctry Life Am. 3: 43. Panama, An American. (P. Bigelow) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 489. — and the Canal, Latin-American Views of. (L. E. Van Norman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 334. —- and Colombia. (J . M. Williams) World’s Work, 7: 4343. —— and 2. Forgotten Romance. (C. T. Brady) Cosmopol. 37: 183. — and its Neighbors. (Eben E. Rexford) Lip- Nature, 69: 523. (E. M. Weston) Good Words, 45: (C. S. Brown) Land of Sun. (G. H. Grosvenor) Chant. 39: 23, —- and its People. (F. C. Nicholas) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 329. -— and the Knights-errant of Colonization. (C. T. and the Mississippi Valley. (C. N. Harvey) World’s Work, 7: 4425. — and the Panamanians. (C. L. Withrow) Indep. 56: 26, 36. — and Poultney Bigelow. Outl. 82: 62. — and the Region of the Canal. (A. G. Kingsbury) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 425. -— Farming on the Isthmus. Geog. M. 17: 229, -—— Health of. Science, n. s. 18: 185. 1],, Brady) Cosmopol. 36: 679. 37: 76, (D. M. Hazlett) Nat. — Health Problem at. (Col. W. C. Gorgas) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 52. -— In. (Tracy Robinson) Land of Sun. 15: 113, — Justice and Equity in. (W. F. Johnson) Forum, 36: 12', — Land ofJRomance. (F. T. Bnllen) Cornh. 91: 96, —— Mr. Root on. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 142, — Our Diplomatic Policy in Relation to. (E. Maxey) Arena, 34: 53. —- Our Government’s Course in. (J . B. Bishop) Inter- nat. Q. 9: 247. -— Our Mismanagement at. (P. Bigelow) Indep. 60: 9, — Our Problem at. (VV. R. Rodgers) Munsey, 32: 550, -— Real Situation at, 1905. Indep. 58: 307, — Recognition of. (A. Spring) Am. Law R. 39: 853, -—- -— and its Results. (T. S. Woolsey) Green Bag, 16: 6, -— —- Was it a Breach of International Morality? (G. W. Scott) Outl. 75: 947. 476 PANAMA Panama, Republic of. (E. A. Morales) No. Am. 177: 914. — (G. E. Church) Geog. J. 22: 676, -— — and the Zone. (E. E. Slosson and G. Richardson) Indep. 60: 778. —(W. H. Burr) Nat. Geog. M. 15: 57. —(E. Maxey) Overland, n. s. 44: 77. -- Revolution in. Outl. 75: 624. — — and the United States. Outl. 75: 731. — -—Appeal to Conscience. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 418. — — Belated Scruples about. (R. Ogden) Nation, 79: 328, — — Dishonor of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 374. -—— — Ethics of. (J. P. Gordy) Forum, 36: 115. -—- —- the 50-mile Order. (Historicus) No. Am. 178: 235 — —- Haste and Repentance. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 398. - -—— Information wanted. Outl. 75: 676. -— —— Isthmus Holding Company Limited. (F. J . Ma- ther, jr.) Nation, 77: 418. — — Not Haste but Speed. Outl. 75: 726. —- -—- The Right Use of Precedent. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 479~ — — Senator Hoar’s Speech. Outl. 75: 982. —— — Some Inside Panama History. Outl. 75: 890. -— -— U. S. Govt’s Position on. Indep. 55: 2837. — Riot at, 1856, Overland, n. s. 47: 92. —— Secession of. (Benjamin Taylor) Fortn. 81: 121, :: Ecl. M. 142: 421. = Liv. Age, 240: 385. -—— Taboga and the Chagres River. (G. Richardson and E. E. Slosson) Indep. 60: 860. —— The Truth about. (H. C. Rowland) Booklover’s ll 7= 527,707. — Two Life Stories from. (E. E. Slosson and G. Rich- ardson) Indep. 60: 918, —— What the United States secures by the Canal Treaty. (F. H. Taylor) Booklover’s M. 3: 228. Panama Canal, The. (H. Hall) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 383. — (Tracy Robinson) Land of Sun. 15: 4. —- (Lady S. T ownley) National, 47: 755. =Liv. Age, 250: 387.— (Colby M. Chester) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 445. — (Bart. E. Linahan) Cath. World, 81: 176, - (W. B. Parsons) Cent. 49: 138. — (J . F. Carr) Outl. 84: 263.—(W. H. Burr) Science, 11. s. 24: 7I.—~ (E. R. Johnson) Indep. 55: 764. — (G. S. Morison) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 24. = Liv. Age, 239: 571. —(J. F. Carr) Outl. 83: 21, 69, II7.—(Theodore P. Shouts) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 55.—Nature, 73: 198, — Actual Problems of. (J . F. Wallace) Engin. M. 29: 801, — Advantages over the Nicaraguan Route. Engin. Ll 23= 653- —— and the Chagres River. 24: 329, — and Chinese Labor. (Eugene S. Watson) Indep. 61: 1201, -— and its Problems. (John Barrett) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 161. (H. L. Abbot) Engin. M. -— and Modern Excavating Machinery. (A. W. Rob- inson) Engin. M. 39: 161. — and Maritime Commerce. Quar. 200: 329. -— and Suez Canal. (F. C. Penfield) N 0. Am. 180: 817. — as it will be. (C. H. F orbes-Lindsay) World To- day, II: 1036, — The Bond Issue for the. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 1. — Builders of the. Outl. 80: 57. - Building a State. (J . F. Carr) Outl. 83: 435. —- Cheapening the. (H. Lamont) Nation, 82: 421. — The Chief Engineer and his Work. (J . F. Carr) Outl. 83: 265, — Colombia and. (A. R. Colquhoun) Outl. 74: 977. -— A Colombian View of. (R. Pérez) No. Am. 177: 63. ' 1 PANAMA Panama Canal, compared with Nicaraguan. (H. L. Abbot) Engin. M. 22: 485. — Construction of. (H. L. Abbot) Engin. M. 272 721. —(A. Lee) Outl. 78: 230.—— (P. MacQueen) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I82 240, — Control of the Approach to. (W. Thorp) World’s Work. 7= 4594. — The Dual vs. the Single-lake Project. (H. L. Ab- bot and G. S. Morison) Engin. M. 25: 321. — Engineer’s Life in the Field. (F. L. Waldo) Engin. M. 30: 321, — First Year’s Preparatory Work on. (J . F. Wallace) Engin. M. 30: 161. —— from the Beginning. —- from a Contractor’s Standpoint. No. Am. 180: 74, (C. Morris) Lippinc. 69: 326. (G. W. Crichfield) — History, Conditions, Prospects. (J . F. Carr) On 82: 947. —- The Human Side. (P. Bigelow) Cosmopol. 41: 455, 606. 42: 5 3. — The Independent’s Report on. G. Richardson) Indep. 60: 589. — A Labor Army for. (C. De Kalb) Nation, 81: 7 5. —-Labor Problem on. (P. C. Hains) No. Am. 179: (E. E. Slosson and 42- —— Lake Bohio, the Summit Level of the Canal. (G. S. Morison) Engin. M. 242 497. —- Life on the Canal Zone. (E. E. Slosson and G. Richardson) Indep. 60: 653, — Lock Canal favored. (J . F. Dryden) Indep. 60: 1513. — Machinery for. (F. L. Waldo) Engin. M. 31: 349. — Makers of. Outl. 76: 835. — Modern Machinery and. (A. W. Robinson) Engin. M. 39: 10, -— Muddle of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 416. —The New World’s Highway. (W. W. Russell) Indep. 57: 647. —-—not needed by the U. S. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 6: 370. -— Organization and Personnel in the Building of. (F. L. Waldo) Engin. M. 26: 488, —Panama and. (J. G. Leigh) Engin. M. 26: 1. —— Payment for. (M. L. Muhleman) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 473- —— Payments on Account of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67: 929. —— Pepper on. (T. H. Macbride) Dial, 40: 322, — Preliminary Work on. (J . F. Wallace) Engin. M. 30: 1. —- Preparing for Construction. M. 31: 17. -— Present Aspect of. (W. H. Burr) Indep. 58: 1100, -—- Present Conditions and Prospect. (F. L. Waldo) Science, n. s. 23: 769. — President Roosevelt’s Message and. No. Am. 178: 122.—-Outl. 76: 100. -— President Roosevelt’s Trip to. (W. Inglis) Harp. W. 50: 1740. -— Problem of. (J . F. Wallace) World To-day, 8: 264, —— Progress on. (J . Barrett) Indep. 58: 430, — (G, H. Grosvenor) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 467, - (T, P, Shonts) Nat. Geog. M. 162 558. — (H. C. Rowland) Booklover’s M. 72 563. -— (L. Denison) Every- body’s, W 579- -- Projects of the Board of Consulting Engineers. (H. L. Abbot) Engin. M. 31: 481, — Question of. (E. F. Johnson) Indep. 552 3098. — (T. D. Herran) Indep. 56: 65. —- Real Conditions at. (E. P. Lyle, jr.) World’s Work, II: 6878. — Revival of De Lesseps’s Sea-level Plan for. (H. L. Abbot) Engin. M. 28: 721. —; Sailing Ships and. (J . Page) Nat. Geog. M. I: 167. (F. L. Waldo) Engin. (F. Escobar) 477 PANDANUS Panama Canal; Sea-level, Some Objections to. (P. C. Hains) No. Am. 180: 440, —- — vs. Lock Canal. (E. E. Slosson and G. Richard- son) Indep. 60: 709, — Secretary Taft on. Outl. 81: 869. — Shall England help build ? (C. H. Norman) Sat. R. me: 656. — Solution of the Problem. 26: 481, -— Terminal Lake Method of Construction. Bates) J. Frankl. Inst. I62: 1. —— The Title and Concession. (E. R. Johnson) Pol. (H. L. Abbot) Engin. M. (L. W. Sci. Q. 18: 197. — Wasted Machinery on. (G. E. Walsh) Cassier, 26: 16 What it will do for the United States. (E. R. Johnson) Everybody’s, I0: 151, — Why the Lock System was chosen. Cent. 51: 300. — Why not own the ? (F. C. Penfield) No. Am. 174: (W. H. Taft) 269. —— Why the Route was originally chosen. (C. Medina) No. Am. 177: 393. — Work of the Commission on. Engin. M. 28: 804. —A Year under Stevens. World To-day, II: 858, —— Yellow Fever and the. (C. E. Grunsky) (C. H. F orbes-Lindsay) (V. L. Kellogg) Science, 11. s. 23: 114. Panama Canal Commission. Indep. 562 943. — and its Work. (W. Wellman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 420, Panama Canal Treaty. (C. C. Hyde) Harv. Law R. I 5: 725, Panama Canal Zone, Sanitation of. Science, 11. s. 21: 55 - Panama Railroad, The. (Lindon Bates, jr.) World To-day, 11: 714. Panama Route. (W. A. Burr) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 252, o . — Reasons for. (E. R. Johnson) Indep. 54: 313. Panama Triumvirate, The. (G. E. Paine) Munsey, 332 46-2, Pan-American Conference, 1906. (G. A. Chamberlain) Indep. 61: 73o.— (C. M. Pepper) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 689.—(S. Baxter) Outl. 83: 649. 84: 69, 115, I73. — (H. Taylor) Am. Law R. 40: 896, — Roosevelt, Root, and Rio. (F. Crane) Ecl. M. I47 : 3- — Significance of. (L. S. Rowe) Indep. 61: 1083. Pan-American Conferences, What the Latin—American Republics think of. Nat. Geog. M. 17: 474. Pan-American Congress, Mexico, 1902. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I51 528. —— International Arbitration and. Am. 174: 303. — Personnel of. (T. R. Dawley, jr.) Outl. 702 380. —Results of. (T. R. Dawley, jr.) Outl. 70: 475.—- (O. K. Davis) World’s Work, 32 I965. Pan-American Railway, The. (C. M. Pepper) Outl. 74‘ 710. —Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 361 466. — (C. M. Pepper) Indep. 57: 150. —(S. Baxter) Outl. 84: 332. —(C. M. Pepper) Scrib. M. 392 39!. Pan-American Spirit. (E. Root) Outl. 841 409. (H. Taylor) No. Pan-American Union, Proposed. (A. de Yturbide) No. Am. 174: 201. Pan-Americanism, Hopes of. (O. K. Davis) World’s Work, 3: 1664,, Panathenaic Amphora, with the Name of the Ar- chon Theiophrastos. (Joseph C. Hoppin) Am. J . Archseol. 2d ser. I0: 385. Pandanus Alley. (A. R. Rose-Soley) Overland, n. s. 42: 156. PAN DEEN Pandeen in the Woods ; a story. (W. M. Letts) Temp. Bar, 133: 549.-:Liv. Age, 250: 106. Pandora’s Box; a story. (M. A. Hartwell) Munsey, 31: 343- Paneled Rooms, Old. (H. M. Cundall) Art J. 58: 10. Pan-Germanic Doctrine. Sat. R. 98: 430. Panhandlers, Revel of the. Char. I5: 695. Panics, Commercial, Past and Future. (A. D. Noyes) Atlan. 98: 433. Pan-Islamic Movement, Abdul-Hamid II. and the. Blackw. I80: 291, Panislamism. (A. Vambéry) Indep. 61: 725. —— (V. Chirol) National, 48: 633. — (A, Vambéry) Igth Cent. 60: 547. = Liv. Age, 251: 356, -—- Mahommedans and. National, 48: 742. —— Some Dangers and a Remedy. (A. Stead) Fortn. 86: 585. Panizzi, A., Early Essay by. brary, n. s. 3: 141, Pankration, The, and Wrestling. Hel. Stud. 26: 4, Pan-mania. (A. R. Colquhoun) No. Am. 183: 852. Panmixia, Agrarian. (W. R. McDermott) Westm. I61: 327. Pannwitz Art Collection at Munich. Ath. ’o5, 2: 510. Panoramas, Early History of. (G. L. Apperson) Antiq. n. s. 40: 299. Panoramic Sketching in Campaign. ton) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 396. Panslavism in the Near East. Ed. R. 197: 86. — Russo-Japanese War and. (G. Pollak) Nation, 78: 386. Pantheism, Christianity and. (S. G. Barnes) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 9: 119. — Poetry of Modern. (E. Wright) Acad. 70: 621, Panther Story, A. (C. G. D. Roberts) Outing, 40: 311, Pantomime for Children, Barrie’s. (M. Beerbohm) (W. E. A. Axon) Li- (E. N. Gardiner) J . (L. McL. Hamil- Sat. R. 99: 44. Panton, E. Views on Education. (F. Watson) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 554. Pantry, The American. (K. C. Budd) Archit. Rec. 18: 225, Paoletti, Sylvius D. (O. R. Agresti) Art J . 57: 235. Pap Overholt ; a story. (A. MacGowan) Harper, I08: 561, Papacy, The, and the King of Italy. Outl. 78: 659. —- and New Italy. (K. Blind) Westm. I60: 263, ——as a Naval Power. (D. Sampson) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 683. —— Czar Nicholas I. and the, 1825—5 5. Am. Cath. Q. 30: 720. -— Historians of the Mediaeval. Univ. Bull. 9: 347. -— in Exile. Spec. 93: 507. -— Italy, France, and. (J . W. Mario) Nation, 78: 467, — never dies. Cath. World, 77: 581. — Policy of. Spec. 92: 951. —- since the Events of 1870, 82: 664. —- Temporal Power of, Beginnings of. sett) Cath. Univ. Bull. 10: 6, —- -— Christian Democracy and. (R. E. Del) Monthly R. 9, no. 3: 54. Papal Conclave, The. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 84: 280. — (F. Z. Rooker) Cosmopol. 35: 592. — A Picture of the. Outl. 74: 892. See Pope. Papal Elections, State Interference in. (H. Thurston) Month, 102: 337. Papal Europe, Significant Religious Movements in. (E. H. Rudd) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 14: 210. Papal Medals of the Italian Renaissance. (Egerton of Tatton) Monthly R. 18, no. 2: 48. (T. J . Shahan) (L. Johnston) Cath. (M. A. R. Tuker) Fortn. (M. M. Has- 47 8 PARALLELISM Papal Penitentiary, Sources for the History of. (C. H. Haskins) Am. J . Theol. 9: 421. Papal Tiara, The. Nation, 78: 210. Papaw Tree. (C. A. White) Science, 11. s. 23: 749. — Science, 11. s. 23: 919. Pape, Eric, American Painter. (R. Armstrong) Studio (Internat.) 17: 83. Paper, Manufacture of. (J . Hiilner) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 819, 832, 850, 866. -— Early Arabian. '(R. Garnett) Library, 11. s. 4: 1, — — Technical Education as applied to. (C. Beadle) J. Soc. Arts, 50: 195. _ — — Wood-pulp in. (S. C. Phillips) J . Soc. Arts, 53: 700, — Water-marks in. (G. R. Redgrave) Library, 11. s. 5: 91, Paper, Sir ? (F. T. Shore) Sund. M. 34: 780. Paper Combine in Canada. (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 26: 238, Paper Currency, Japanese, 1868—90. Hopk. Univ. Stud. 21: 209. Paper Doll People. (E. Armes) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: (M. Takaki) J . 145. Paper-folding, Instruction in Geometry by. Open Court, 16: 55. —— Row’s Geometric Exercises in. Science, 11. s. 15: 464. Paper Lady’s Lodger, The. (Anne S. Allen) Every- body’s, I4: 683. Paper Money in the New England Colonies. (F. A. Ogg) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 772. 1 Paper Mills, Steam Engineering in. (E. S. Farwell) Cassier, 28: 26, Papers, Colored, Reflection of Light by. chin) Am. J. Sci. 169: 445. Papers, Ladies’. (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 96: 105. Papias and the Gospel. (A. S. Barnes) Dub. R. 136: 1. —_ and the Gospel according to the Hebrews. (B. W. Bacon) Expos. 6th ser. II: 161, Papnan Industries. (H. E. Lewis) Sund. M. 34: 260. Papyri, Greek, Notes from. (J . H. Moulton) Expos. 6th ser. 7: 104. 8: 473, Papyrus of the 3d Century, A. (J . Offord) Am. Antiq. 26: 271, — Pre-Massoretic Hebrew, Newly Discovered. (J . Offord) Am. Antiq. 25: 37. I Papyrus Plant, Egyptian. (T. B. Shepherd) Land of (H. D. Min- Sun. 2: 74. Parable for Husbands, A. (Jean Webster) McClure, 26: 201, Parable of Charity, A. (C. F. Goss) Outl. 70: 337. Parable of the Pickpocket, The ; a story. (J . M. Palmer) Am. M, 62: 216, Parable of the Sower. Good Words, 46: 16, 117. Parable of the Unjust Steward. (M. Coover) Luth. Q. 34: 408. Parables of Jesus. (C. G. Lang) Good Words, 46: 18 3- 952- Parabolic Mirrors, Correction and Testing of. (F. L. O. Wadsworth) Pop. Astron. 10: 337, Paracelsus Redivivus. Macmil. 89: 427.:-Liv. Age, 241: 42 5. Parachute Man, The; a story. (J . Hampton) Outing, 43: 633- 1 Paradise Island. See Metlakahtla. Parafline Bath heated by Electricity. (E. L. Mark) ' Am. Natural. 37: 115. Paraguay, Cattle-farming in. Chamb. J . 82: 536. -- Described. (J . D. Leckie) Canad. M. 23: 391. —- Governor of. (S. L. Williams) Munsey, 33: 136, Parallax Work, Red Stars in. Pop. Astron. I4: 488. Parallelism, Functional Theory of. (H. H. Bawden) Philos. R. 12: 299. PARALLELOGRAM Parallelogram Park; Suburban Life by the Square Mile. (H. A. Caparn) Craftsman, 10: 767. Parasite, Remarkable, from the Devonian Rocks of the Hudson Bay Slope. (W. A. Parks) Am. J . Sci. 168: 135. Parasites. (H. S. Reed) Science, n. s. 23! 75!. — Nemertean, of Crabs. (W. R. Coe) Am. Natural. 36: 431. Parasitic Plants, Two Interesting. Science, 11. s. 18: 246, Parasitism, Development of. (J . R. Green) Knowl. 27: 114. Parcels-post, The European. (J . H. Heaton) Arena, 34: II 3. — in Great Britain. (J . H. Heaton) Cosmopol. 35: 3. -— System of Germany. (J . C. Monaghan) Cath. World, (C. E. Bessey) 81: 353. —-What the Post-ofiice might do. (J . L. Cowles) Outl. 74: 666. — Who will be benefited by ? (J . B. Walker) Cosmo- pol. 36: 500. ‘ Pardee, George C., Gov. of California, with portrait. (C. Alberti) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 79. — (A. B. Nye) Calif. Univ. Chron. 5: 352. Pardners; a story. (R. E. Beach) McClure, 25: 92. Pardons, Executive. (C. L. Stonaker) Char. 9: 439. Parent, The ; a sketch. (M. H._Carter) McClure, 24: 9°- — The Modern. Spec. 931 549 Parentage and Character. (C. 367- Parental Authority. Educa. 24: 504. Parental Responsibility and the State. body) Westm. I63: 288. Parental Schools. (Mary R. Gay) World To-day, 10: W. Saleeby) Acad. 67 : (W. M. Light- 204. Parents, American. (Anna McC. Sholl) Appleton’s M. 8= 794- - Obedience of. (L. Cooke) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 710, -— Problem of. (D. C. Wells) School R. 13: 635. -— An S. P. C. P. (A. Alexander) Nation, 83: 344, Parents’ Association and the Public Schools. (F. F. Andrews) Char. I7: 335. _ Parietal Division. (A. Hrdlicka) Am. Natural. 38: 301. Paris and (Enone; Tragedy. 1137- Paris, Francois de, and his Miracles. (E. J . E. Schreck) N. Church R. 13: 527, Paris, Gaston. Ath. ’O3, 12 339.—-(A. Nutt) Folk- Lore, 14: 164. — (H. Lynch) Acad. 65: 153.-(L. Brandin) Cornh. 88: 320. —— (R. T. Holbrook) Book- man, 17: 237. —- (W. P. Ker) Quar. 200: I01, — Collected Essays. (A. Laugel) Nation, 77: 244, — Poems and Legends of the Middle Ages. (A. Lau- gel) Nation, 77: 169, —- the Scholar and the Man. of Chic. Rec. 8: 186, Paris, Americanization of. (A. H. Ford) Indep. 59$ 23. — (A. H. Ford) World To-day, 1o: 45, —' and M. Loubet. (J. F. Macdonald) Fortn. 85: 376. — Apprentice of, in a New Light. (Countess de Cour- son) Month, 99: 577. —— Art Study in. (E. C. Talcott) Brush & P. I0: 122, —— (L. S. Parker) Brush & P. II: II, ——- as a Democratic City. (C. Gans) Craftsman, 6: 66, — Athletics in. (L. Middleton) Outing, 44: 189, — Automobile Exhibition, Fourth International. (W. L. Warden) Outing, 39: 694, —— The Best Side of. (C. S. Vrooman) Out]. 73: 209, - Bibliotheque Nationale, Report on the, 1902. Lib. J , 27: 262, (L. Binyon) Fortn. 83: (T. A. Jenkins) Univ. 479 7 Paris; Bois de Bonlogne. (B. De Saint-Pollias) Cath. PARIS World, 75: 440. — The Bourse. (C. Moifett) Cent. 45: 635. —Cafés of. (J. F. Macdonald) Sat. R. 97: 713-810, 98: 9—44. — Carmelite Church of the Rue de Vaugirard. (B. St. John) Cath. World, 79: 500, — A Case of Financial Hypnotism in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 3. ‘ — Center of Social Activity. (V. M. Crawford) Month, 107: 408, — Child Prisoners of. (Charlotte Smith—Rossie) Good Words, 46: 537. -— Children of, Poor. no: 248, — City Apartments in. (J . Schopfer) Archit. R. 10: 9!, —— Commune of I871. (L. Lucipia) Internat. Q. 8: 221. —— Compared with London. (L. Gomme) Cornh. 931 (Mrs. J . Van Vorst) Harper, 461, — Conservatoire, How they teach Acting at. Fortn. 81: 511, — Convent in, Days in a. (Rose M. Bradley) 19th Cent. 58: 742.=Liv. Age, 247: 737. — Doorways of the 18th Century. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 191 123. — Dufayel’s Big Store. (P. Calmettes) Archit. Rec. 12: 431, — Educational Museum of. (F. P. Graves) School R. I 3: 127, — Electric Transit in. (I. N. Ford) Cent. 41: 399. -— Exposition of 1990, Sociology at. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 500, — F olk—lore of. (R. B. Douglas) Monthly R. 24, no. Q-I 99- — Grand Palais des Beaux-Arts, Ironwork of the. (G. B. Ford) Archit. R. 13: 105. — Historic Palaces of ; Hotel Monaco. (Count Louis e Périgord and Camille Gronkowski) Cent. 48: -'6. — — H6tel du Prince Eugene. (Camille Gronkowski) Cent. 49: 22. — -— Hotel de Crillon. (Camille Gronkowski) Cent. W 256- — —— Hotel de la R0chefoucauld-Doudeauville. (Ca- mille Gronkowski) Cent. 491 925. — — The Elysée Palace. (Camille Gronkowski) Cent. 50: 276, — Hotel de Ville. (L. D. Morrell) Archit. Rec. 15: 247. — H6tel-Dieu. (Countess de Courson) Cath. World, 81: 4'1, —House Jin, Building of a. (A. M. Mason) Archit. Rec. 142 157. — Housing of Large Families in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 312, - How a Rich Man may live in. (M. Guillemot) Ar- chit. Rec. 14: 79. -— HOW to live in, on $3000 a Year. (Fernand Mazade) Archit. Rec. 13: 349-548. — Improvising a Government in, July, I789. (H. E. Bourne) Am. Hist. R. 10: 280, — Jardin des Plantes, before and during the Revolu- tion. Ed. R. 203: 319. —— Journey from Edinburgh to, in 1802. (R. Sym) Longm. 44: 107, — Matters of Architectural Interest in. Archit. R. 9: 277. — The Mercedes Hotel. 129, — Metropolitan Railway. (P. Letheule) Engin. M. 26: 349- — Mission Work in. World, 79: 813. (G. Gromort) (G. B. Ford) Archit. R. 13: (Countess de Courson) Cath. PARIS Paris, Modern Architecture of. (F. Riley) Archit. Rec. 13: 97- - Municipal Politics in, in 1789. Hist. R. 11: 263. -—- Music Halls of. (A. Symons) Acad. 62: 415. — National Workshops of, 1848. (K. Blind) 19th Cent. 60: 307. —— Night Refuges in. World, 78: 209. — Notre Dame Cathedral. 50: 516, -— Observatory of, Wolf’s History of. (G. C. Com- stock) Science, n. s. 151 59. -—- of Balzac’s Human Comedy. (W. H. Helm) Critic, 48: 223, -—- of Yesterday and of To-day. (A. Hallays) Internat. Q- 9= 417. — P. L. M. Railroad Station. Archit. Rec. 12: 492. —- Pantheon, Paintings in. (A. Anderson) Cosmopol. 37: 1-25, — Pawnshops of. (C. Moifett) Cent. 43! 327. — Peddlers in, and their Musical Cries. (B. Gilman) Cosmopol. 38: 327. -—- Pen-picture of a Great Radical Meeting in. Frances H. Hess) Arena, 33: 239. — People talked about in. (V. Thompson) Munsey, 35: 61, -—- Playground of. (G. W. Carryl) Harper, I08: 35. -—- “ Port-de-mer.” (A. Lebon) Internat. Q. 8: 367. — Press of, Revolution in. (O. M. Green) Monthly R. 7, no. 1: 92. — Quartier Latin, Student Life in. (C. Holland) Stu-» dio (Internat.) I8: 33. -— Religious Situation in, 1904. Am. J . Theol. 8: I. —— Restaurant—keeping in. (M. Betham-Edwards) Longm. 43: 157. — Salons of 1902. (H. F rantz) M. of Art, 26: 443, 504. - — 1903. (P. Karageorgevitch) M. of Art, 27: 456, 493. —Ath. ’o3, 1: 663. — (Eliz. R. Pennell) Na- tion, 76: 511. -—- — 1904. (Lady V. Campbell) Art J . 56: 209, -- (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 78: 429. - — 1905. (C. Campbell) Art J. 57: I97. —-(Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 80: 454. -— — 1906. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 82: 485, — — Autumn. (W. Roberts) Ath. ’O4, 21 451. — School Colony in. (S. Dewey) Harper, I07: 527, -— Société des Missions Etrangeres : a Training-school for Martyrs. (Countess de Courson) Cath. World, 80: 228, — Some Private Houses of. 10: 129. -— Soul of. (H. E. Bourne) Am. (Countess de Courson) Cath. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Cent. (Mrs. (G. Gromort) Archit. R. (V. Z. Reed) Atlan. 98: 336, —— Streets of. (A. Cohn) Cosmopol. 34: 133. — Thirty Years in. (J . G. Alger) Fortn. 79: 424. — to London by Water. (W. R. H. Trowbridge) Temp. Bar, 128: 94. -— to New York, Land Journey from. Harper, 104: 765. - Types of Women. (Clive Holland) Idler, 25: 162, -—- University of. Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 349, 491, 2; 11, -—- — in the Sermons of the 13th Century. (C. H. Has- kins) Am. Hist. R. 10: 1. —— Vidrequin’s. (C. Oliver) Eel. M. 140: 787, —— Visits to, after the Great War. (E. B. Harrison) Cornh. go: 597.: Liv. Age, 243: 727. = Eel. M. 144: 180, —— Waterways of. — The Year I903 in. (H. De Windt) (V. Thompson) Outing, 44: 261, (J. F. Macdonald) Sat. R. 96: 792- Parish, English, What happened to the. (S. and B. Webb) Pol. Sci. Q. 17: 223, 438, 480 PARKS Parish Account-book, Extracts from a. (J . T. Fow- ler) Antiq. n. s. 39: 38. Parish Registers, 18th-Century Local History in. (W. H. Legge) Longm. 392 340. Parish School Dinners and Museums. 19th Cent. 57: 324, Parish Visiting, Humors of. (R. L. Gales) National, W 859. Parisian Women. (Vance Thompson) Cosmopol. 34: 249- Parisii, Alleged Settlement of the, in Lincolnshire. (W. H. Stevenson) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 474, Park, Edwards Amasa. (J . F. Rankin) Bib. Sac. 60: 201. —(G. R. W. Scott) N. E. Reg. 56: 11, — Theological System of. (F. H. Foster) Bib. Sac. 60: 672, 61: 55, 272, 511, Park, National Memorial. (Z. Armstrong) Munsey, 30: 65. Park Driving. (J . H. Tuckerman) Outing, 46: 259, Park Movement, Trend of the. (G. A. Parker) Char. 16: 407, Park Row Galahad, A. 375- Park Scenery, Origin of. Spec. 90: 890. Park Service, Chicago’s New. (H. G. Foreman) Cent. 47: 610, Park System of American Cities. (H. S. Hanna and others) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 5 5 5. Park Systems, American. (A. W. Crawford) Book- lover’s M. 41 I49. -—(A. A. Hill) Char. 141 1104. —— in American Cities, Development of. (A. W. Craw- ford) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 218. — Recent Developments in. (F. F. Coburn)New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 661. Parker, Alton Brooks, with portrait. (E. M. Kings- bury) Everybody’s, II: 22. —(Grover Cleveland) Fortn. 82: 760. — With portrait. (M. Sykes) Green Bag, 16: 145.—(Grover Cleveland) McClure, 24: 3. — Acceptance Speech of. Outl. 77: 922. — Candidacy of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 384. —- Character Sketch, with portrait. (J . Creehnan) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 163. — Do our People want an Arbitrary Government ? (W. F. Sheehan) No. Am. 179: 331. -—- Personality of: a Neighbor’s Appreciation. (J. G. van Slyke) Outl. 77: 644. Parker, Francis Wayland. (F. A. Fitzpatrick) Educa. R. 24! 23. —With portrait. (W. S. Jackman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 448. —- An American Educator. Outl. 70: 754. Parker, Sir Gilbert. (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 25: 494. — Old Quebec. (W. Wood) Canad. M. 23: 263, Parker, Joseph. (W. Adamson) Bk. News, 21: 482, Parker, Louis. House of Burnside. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 583. Parker, Lieut. Robert, Journal of, 1779. Bard) Pennsyl. M. 28: 1. Parker, Theodore. (F. B. Sanborn) Critic, 49: 273, Parkman, Francis, the Man. (J . S. Bassett) Sewanee, 10: 285. -—- Sedgwick’s Life of. (W. E. Simonds) Dial, 37: 207, —-(J. Finley) Lamp, 29: 131, Parks. (H. K. Bush-Brown) Craftsman, 6: 115, —— and Gardens, Open-air Life in a Great City. (J. Schopfer) Archit. Rec. 13: 157. — —— Public. (W. Trelease) Indep. 54: 33. -— and our Public Pleasure Grounds. (M. O. Stone) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 458. — and Public Playgrounds: the Record of a Year’s Advance; a Symposium. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 764. — National, for Scotland. 822, (J . Hutchinson) (A. P. Terhune) Lippinc. 70: (T. R. (C. Stewart) 19th Cent. 55: PARKS Parks, Public, of American Cities. Char. I62 411. —-— Public Open Spaces in American Towns and Cities. (F. L. Olmsted, jr., and J. Nolen) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 264. -— Small, in Philadelphia. (A. W. Crawford) Outl. 773 3’- —— Some Pioneer Builders of. (Mrs. H. J . Hall) World To-day, 6: 353. . -— Watertown (N. Y.) Suburban Park. Craftsman, 8: 446- Parkstone, Eng., Basilica Church at. Am. Arch. 88: S9- Parliament and Congress, Legislating in Great Britain and U. S. (A. M. Low) Appleton’s M. 8: 737. —-— and Parties. (R. McNeill) Monthly R. 23, no. 2: 1. — and Persons in England. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 58: 1o'6, ’ —— the JClosing Session, 1906. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 61: 311, — Closure as a Method of Expediting Business. Sat. R. 98: 36. —- Decay of. (D. S. A. Cosby) Westm. I64: 357. ,— The Decline of. (L. Courtney) Monthly R. 17, no. 3: I3. =Ecl. M. I44: 400. -_-Liv. Age, 244: I56. —— Evolution of an Act of. (M. MacDonagh) Monthly R. 23, no. 3: 26.-:-Liv. Age, 250: 232. -— The Fascination of. (M. MacDonagh) Monthly R. 22, no. 2! I.—_-Liv. Age, 2483 771. — House of, Architect of. Am. Arch. 89: 114, — — (Etched by A. Brunet-Debaines) Art J. 54: 104. —— in its Easter-holiday. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 60: 1146. — “ Let the dead session bury its dead.” thy) Indep. 59: 623. — London at the Opening of. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 58: — Long, 21: 21, 254, — The Making of. (M. MacDonagh) 19th Cent. 59: 30. —- 1902-03. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 54: 2687, — 1904; Close of Session. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 57: 669. — — Opposition in. Blackw. I76: 286. — The New, 1906. (C. F. G. Masterman) Indep. R. 9= 144. — — and the Education Controversy. Ed. R. 204: 263, — 1906-07, Winter Session. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 61: I487. . — A Novice in. (Sir G. Parker) Canad. M. 24: 129, —- of 1629, A Diary of. (W. A. J . Archbold) Eng. Hist. R. W 730- — on the Eve of the Session in I902. Indep. 54: 387. ——Oratorical “Bulk” in. 607. — Paralyzed. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 58: 1298, —— Parliamentary Machine. (C. B. R. Kent) Longm. 40: 423.=Liv. Age, 235: 1o1.=Ec1. M. 139: 725. — Redistribution for. (Sir H. Kimber) I9th Cent. 58: 838. — (F. St. J . Morrow) Macmil. 911: 29, (J . McCar- 54'-‘ of Charles II. (W. C. Abbott) Eng. Hist. R. (J . McCarthy) (H. W. Lucy) Cornh. 94: — -— An Automatic. Spec. 88: 132. —- The Revival of. (H. W. Massingham) Contemp. 89: 30'. — Salariesafor. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 216, —-— Serjeant-at-arms of. (M. MacDonagh) Macmil. n. s. R 757- — What must I do to become an M. P. ? (R. Murison) Westm. I58: -250. Parliament of Nations, A. (H. Davis) Outl. 79: 21, - (R. Bartholdt) Indep. 581 I039. Parliamentary England, J enks’s. (A. V-. Dicey) Na- tion, 78: 274. 481 (F. L. Olmsted) PARSONS‘ Parliamentary Franchise. (W. Lawson) Law Q. 20: 272, — and its Simplification. Q. 20: 61. Parliamentary Manners in 17th Century. Spec. 90: (P. Tindal-Robertson) Law 251, Parliamentary Obstruction. (G. J ellinek) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 579- Parliamentary Pitfalls. Macmil. n. s. 2: 139, Parliamentary Power, Decline in. (H. W. Massing- ham) Internat. Q. 7: 210. Parliamentary Prayer, Who composed the? (A. Mil- man) 19th Cent. 51: 473. Parliamentary Procedure, The History of English. (C. P. Ilbert) Contemp. 89: 14, —-— The Reform of. (C. P. Ilbert) Contemp. 90: 639, Parliamentary Quotations. Macmil. 86: 371,:Liv. Age. 235 284. Parliamentary Reporting. (A. Kinnear) Contemp. 87: 369.=Liv. Age, 245: 371. Parliamentary Restaurant, The. Chamb. J. 79: 557. Parliaments, French, vs. English. (E. Pomeroy) Arena, 27: 126, — The Regeneration of. (L. Courtney) Contemp. 87: 761, Parma ; a Famous Old Italian Theatre. (W. J . Law- rence) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 571. I — Sub umbra liliorum; an Impression of Parma. (Edith Wharton) Scrib. M. 31: 22, Parochial Schools, Catholic, History of, in the U. S. (J. A. Burns) Cath. Univ. Bull. I2: 453, Parody. Liv. Age, 244: 369. —Ethics of. Acad. 541 5I3.=Ecl. M. I412 381.: Liv. Age, 238: 125, — Pitfalls of. Sat. R. 991 590. Parole System in New York. (E. F. Jenkins) Char. (Henry Leach) 15: 414, Parr, Thomas, “Old Parr.” (P. Sidney) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 200. Parricide, The, and Justice. Bag, 16: 578. Parrish, Maxfield. (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 46: 512. —— and his Work. (W. D. Moffat) Outl. 78: 839. — Book Illustrator, Prof. Van Herkomer’s Opinions of. (J . H. Irvine) Studio (Internat.) 29: 35. Parrot of Uncle Hurwitz, The. (B. Lessing) Cosmo- pol. 41: 584. Parrots and Love Birds. Spec. 88: 83. Parsee Religious Ceremonial Objects in the National Museum. (I. M. Casanowicz) Am. Anthropol. 5: (C. G. Cunston) Green 71- Parsees, The, of Persia. (P. M. Sykes) J . Soc. Arts, 541 754- —- and the Towers of Silence at Bombay. (VV. T. Fee) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 529, —- Art of, at the Portland Fair. & P. 16: 67. Parsifal. (A. Roeder) Open Court, 19: 26, — Author of the French Original of. (A. Nutt) Ath. ’06, I: 421. —(R. Priebsch) Ath. ’o6, 1: 668. — et le Moyen-age. (J . Peladan) Ecl. M. 146: 352. See Wagner, R. Parson, The, and his Flock. (D. C. Pedder) Contemp. 89: 714-=Liv-Ase.249= 673- — Country, Exit the. Liv. Age, 2503 312. Parson’s Man, The. Blackw. 177: 655. Parson’s Vindication. (W. F. Brown) New Eng. M. . n. s. 28: 77. Parson’s Wood, The ; a story. (V. A. Simpson) Temp. Bar, 130: 104, Parsons, Miss Beatrice E., Note on. Art J . 56: 368. (G. Muckerji) Brush (E. Radford) PARSONS Parsons, Harold G. Ath. ’o5, 2: 33 -— a Servant of the Crown. (Theo. R. 22, no. 3: 90. Parsons, Wm. B. (R. H. Graves) Cosmopol. 35: 210. — With portrait. World’s Work, 6: 3467. — With portrait. (N. M. Butler) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 679. Parthenius. Hepl épwmcéiv 1ra61),ud.':-cos, New Conjec- tures on. (R. Ellis) Am. J . Philol. 23: 204, Parthenogenesis. (A. Petrunkévitch) Am. Natural. 39: 65. Parthenon, The, and its Possible Restoration. Triscott) Open Court, 16: 31, Parties and the President, The. 6. A. Cook) Monthly (Y. World’s Work, 121 7923- — Continuity of. Nation, 79: 213. —- Danger of Party Preponderance in States and Cities. Cent. 46: 487, —- Stability of, in United States. World’s Work, 8: 4810, Parting of the Ways, The ; a story. (W. P. Cockerell) Arena, 36: 5 5. Parting of the Ways ; a story. 28: 416. Partners; a story. (J. J . Bell) Chamb. J. 79: 300,: Liv. Age, 233: 558. Partnerships, Architectural. Am. Arch. 792 51. Partridge, Alden. (N. L. Sheldon) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 228, Partridge, John, of Medfield, Mass., and his Descend- ants. (C. H. Partridge) N. E. Reg. 57: 5o—389. Partridge, St. Chamb. J . 79: 609. Partridge on a Spree, A. (B. A. Hitchcock) Outing, 491 47- - Potency of the. — Rearing of, in France. 827, —— Shooting. (A. Hunter) Outing, 45: 284. Partridges’ Roll Call. (W. J . Long) Outing, 40: 544, Party and the People. Spec. 90: 482. (F. B. Tracy) (M. C. Craft) Munsey, (E. Clavering) Munsey, 27: 873, (C. J . Cornish) Cornh. 89: -— Burke on. (Goldwin Smith) Am. Hist. R. 11: 36. —- “ Disloyalty” to. (J . T. Newcomb) Nation, 76: 428. — Given Platforms—— find the. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 78= 444- —- Nationalizing Influence of. (A. Johnson) Yale R. 15: 283. Party Loyalty, Satire on. (J . McA. Palmer) McClure, 24: 522, Party “Platforms” in America. Bank. M. (Lond.) 78: 130. Party System of the Future. Macmil. 872 111. Party Tactics, Primary Laws and. (P. L. Allen) Na- tion, 83t 43. —— Voting for. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 83: 256. Parzival. See Parsifal. Pasadena, Cal. (C. F. Holder) Calif. M. 2! 418. — (C. F. Holder) Land of Sun. 2: 93.—(C. D. Dag- gett) Land of Sun. 14: 345.—(H. A. Reid) Land of Sun. 3: 174. —— Loan Association. (C. F. Holder) Land of Sun. 2: 54- . —— Rose Tournament at. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I 5: 669, Pascal, Blaise. (V. Blackburn) Acad. 69: 783. -— The Apologia of. (M. Kaufmann) Quar. 204: 526. - A Page from. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 41: 153. —- Pensées, Manuscript of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 81: 500, — Port Royal and. (M. E. Ponsonby) 19th Cent. 53: 2 ’. -— The “Wager ” of. (A. W. Benn) Internat. J . Eth- ics, I5: 05. Pasca1’s Invincible Blade. (J . Gerard) Month, 104: 130. 482 PASSOVER Paschhofi, Colonel, a Russian Religious Reformer. (E. J. Dillon) Sund. M. 311 330.=Ecl. M. 1392 344.: Liv. Age, 234: I73. Pasha, the Son of Selim. (S. Ford) Scrib. M. 32: 584. Pasigraphy; Universal Language. (P. Carus) Monist, 14: ‘565. Pasquale. (F. Lynde) Lippinc. 71: 726. Pasque Florida; a story. (R. W. Chambers) Harper, :07: 583. Pasque Flower; a Wild Flower in the Snow. Maxwell) Ctry Life Am. 7: 150. Pasquino %nd8 Pasquinades. (A. F. Steuart) Gent. M. n. s. 7 2 . Pass, The. (S. E. White) Outing, 47: 722. 48: 3, 187,233- Passage Paid; a story. (W. V. Cook) Temp. Bar, 131: 95.=Canad. M. 24: 411. Passaic, N. J ., Reid Memorial Library Building. Lib. J . 27: 137, Passenger Traflic on Camels. n. s. 74: 505. Passing; a story. (W. L. Alden) Scrib. M. 40: 703. Passing, The; a story. (J . A. Meyer) Harper, 112: (H. (W. B. Paley) Gent. M. 793- . Passing Bell, The. (J. F. Williams) Antiq. n. s. 42: 389. Passing the Love of Woman. (C. T. Brady) Lippinc. 7°: 5°4- Passing of Ah Sing, The; a story. (W. Kelly) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 417. Passing of Cock-eye Blacklock. (F. Norris) Cent. 42! 389- Passing of Elkanah Ritter. (E. C. Waltz) Cent. 431 769. Passing of the Goddess; a story. (Lelia H. Bugg) Cath. World, 83: 366, Passing of Joe Beef, The. M. 6: 192, Passing of a Sierra Knight, The. Overland, n. s. 42: 33. Passing of aSou1. (L. Dunham) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 500. Passing of Spring; a story. 529- Passing of the Texas Cowboy and the Big Ranches. (W. R. Draper) Overland, n. s. 45: 146. Passing of the Vet, The; a story. (J . Hopper) .Mc- Clure, 242 31. Passing Show, The. Age, 2362 178, Passing the Torch ; astory of Transcontinental Travel. (K. H. Brown) Cent. 46: 251, Passion in the Desert ; a story. (H. de Balsac) Book- lover’s M. 21 477. Passion-play, An American. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 4: 255. — in the Tyrol, A. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 76: 341, Passion Plays at Brixlegg and Erl. (E. 1. Prime- Stevenson) Indep. 55! 2396. Passionist Fathers, Golden Jubilee of, in America. Cath. World, 751 50?-. Passions, The; an unpublished poem. (VV m. Blake) Liv. Age, 238: 595. Passive Resistance. (F. W. H. Reed) Westm. I51! 33.— (A. Hook) Westm. 165: 656. —— Ethics of. (J . G. James) Internat. J. Ethics, 141 (F. B. Smith) Booklover’s (Ben C. Truman) (K. M. Roof) Atlan. 94: (M. Reed) Macmil. 87: 29. = Liv. 280, -— in England and Wales. (J . Clifford) N 0. Am. 180: 430- Passover, Jewish, Schaefer on. (R. D. Wilson) Presb. & Ref. R. I3: 652. — The Samaritan. (W. J. Moulton) J . Bib. Lit. 22: 187. PASSPORT Passport, The; astory. (M. Maartens) Harper, 109: 106. Passport to Paradise, A ; a story. Clure, 24: 53. Passports, False. (H. Cohen) Law Q. 22: 34. Passy, Parisian Suburb; its Architecture in the Days of Franklin. (F. Lees) Archit. Rec. 12: 669. Past, Our. (M. Maeterlinck) Fortn. 77: 487. — The True Scholar’s Attitude toward the. (J. G. K. McClure) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 5: 121. — Verdict of the. (A. G. Hyde) Macmil. 88: 278. Past, The; a story of the Philippines. (J. Hopper) McClure, 23: 204. Pastel Painting, Art of. (S. M. Fisher) M. of Art, 27: 145. 294. Pastellists, French, of the 18th Century. Studio (Internat.) 21: 316, -- Modern French: C. Léandre. (Internat.) 24$ 242. Pasternak, L., Artist. 28: 306. Pasteur, Louis. (G. C. Frankland) Nature, 65: 97.: Eel. M. 138: 554.-'-_—Liv. Age, 232: 370.—(I. M. Tarbell) McClure, I9: 143. — and Sir James Paget. (E. Priestley) 19th Cent. 51: (M. Kelly) Me- (A. Dayot) (O. Uzanne) Studio (P. Ettinger) Studio (Internat.) 94- - Life and Works of. (Dora M. Jones) Temp. Bar, 125: 287. — Valley—Radot’s Life of. (C. S. Pierce) Nation, 74: 192, Pasteur Institutes, The Great Work of the. fett) McClure, 21: 484, Paston, George. Pharisee’s Wife. Sat. R. 98: 74. Paston Letters, The England of the. Gent. M. n. s. 71: 327, Pastor, The, and the Civic Life of the Community. (H. H. Apple) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 357. —- Duties of, among his People. (W. H. Mayhew) N. Church R. 10: 29. Pastoral, A. (H. G. D. Latham) Cornh. 88: 539, = Liv. Age, 239: 535. =Ec1. M. 142: 23, Pastoral of the Hills, A. (Antoinette McKim) Arena, 341 399- Pastoral Players. (P. Lyde) Lippinc. 69: 731. Pastoral Sentiment, Three Phases of. Ed. R. 201: 313, Pastoral Theology, Science of. Church Q. 59: 365. Pastoral Work. (G. U. Wenner) Luth. Q. 32: 499. Pastorate, Country, Problem of. (A. Stump) Luth. Q. 341 363- Pastry-knife Passover. 72: 762, Pat McGuire, Scab; a story. Canad. M. 20: 467, Patagonia, An American’s Views of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 682, — and Fuegia, Distribution of Reptiles and Mammals in. (J. B. Hatcher) Am. Natural. 38: 324, -— — Holdich on. Nature, 71: 102, — Geology of. (A. E. Ortmann) Science, 11. s. 16: 472, 17: 796. -— A Journey to the Lake San Martin. thwait) Geog. J. 25: 286. -— Prichard on. Ath. ’o3, 1: 297. — (G. E. Church) Nae ture, 67: 321. -— Princeton Expedition, 1896-99. Hatcher’s Narra- tive. (B. Brown) Am. Natural. 37: 799. —(W. H. Dall) Science, 11. s. 18: 146, -— — Reports. Science, 11. s. 16: 111, Patagonia; a story. (Edith Rickert) Everybody’s, 14: 5°5- Patch Family, Branch of. (W. S. Mills) N. E. Reg. 56: 198. (C. Mof- (M. Beerbohm) (C. Menmuir) (M. and R. Dawson) Lippinc. (H. McB. Johnston) (H. L. Cros- 483. PATMORE Patchwork; a story. (M. E. Francis) Longm. 41: 133. =Ecl. M. 140: 314, = Liv, Age, 236: 168, Patchwork Character, A. Spec. 94: 812. Patent Law, History of. 280, — Reform of. (A. Siemens) J. Soc. Arts, 49: 431. Patent Laws. (1. Leoinstein) Nature, 69: 515. -— British. (C. D. Abel) J. Soc. Arts, 532 82. — — and their Relation to Industrial Employment. (J. Lawrence) National, 48: 329, — of U. (C. N. Anderson) J. Frankl. Inst. 159: 51. Patent Medicines, Crusade against. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81: 376. —- Facts about. (H. C. Wood, jr.) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 5 31, Patent Ofiice, U. S. (F. C. Skirmer) Technol. R. 4: 195- — Humorous Side of. (Joanna N. Kyle) Overland, n. s. 39: 890. Patentable Processes. (W. B. Whitney) Harv. Law R. 19: 3o, Patents as a Factor in a Manufacturing Business. (E. J. Prindle) Engin. M. 31: 809, 32: 87, 161, 407. —— New Investigation for. (J. D. White) Law Q. 19: 307. Pater, Walter. (E. Dowden) Atlan. 90: 112. —- (Arthur Symons) Monthly R. 24, no. 3: 14.—(G. Moore) Lippinc. 73: 168.—(E. Hutton) Monthly R. 12, no. 3: 142.=Liv. Age, 239: 242, —- and his Philosophy of Life. (G. M. Hammell) Meth. R. 66: 796. — Benson’s Life of. Ath. ’o6, 1: 659. — Greenslet’s Life of. (M. Bronner) Lamp, 28: 252, — (J. H. McDaniels) Nation, 79: 318. — in Perspective. (M. E. Barrows) Dial, 36: 140, — Philosophy of Life. Macmil. 85: 193. Paternal Government, A; an Indian story. throp) McClure, 18: 364, Paternal Power in Slavonic Law. Jurid. R. 14: 260, Paternalism in Government; a Dangerous Tendency in Legislation. (W. A. Glasgow) Am. Law R. 37: 845. — the Sequence of U. S. Social Evolution. Cumber) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 388, ' Paternoster, The White. (E. C. Vansittart) Antiq. n. s. 401 76. Paterson, William, Papers of, on the Federal Conven- tion, 1787. Am. Hist. R. 9: 310, Paterson, N. J . Danforth Memorial Library Building, (G. F. Winchester) Lib. J . 30: 409, Path in the Great Waters, A. (W. J . Fletcher) Mac- (L. La- (C. H. Huberich) (P. J. Mc- mil. 85: 401. Pathfinders of the West, Laut’s. (J . D. Butler) Na- tion, 80: 318. Pathology, Aspect of Modern. (S. Flexnor) Science, 11. s. 131 3. Patient Earth, The. (G. Schock) Scrib. M.‘ 38: 423, Patio, The. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 3: 12,- (A. B. Benton) Land of Sun. 7: 108, — Tales told in the. (J . T. Connor) Land of Sun. 14: 381. Patio House, Greatest California. Ctry Life Am. 3: 533. Patito di Rinaldo, The; a story. (M. J . Reynolds) Mnnsey, 30: 559. Patmore, Coventry. (A. Symons) Monthly R. 23, no. 1: 75.=Liv. Age, 249: 538. —(F. Greenwood) Blackw. 177: 812, — and Swedenborg. (G. Trobridge) Westm. 165: 76. —— Early Poetry of. Acad. 65: 214. — Gosse’s Life of. Ath. ’05, 1: 389. —(VV. C. France) Nation, 80: 399.-(F. Greenwood) Blackw. 177: 812. (C. F. Lummis) (E. W. Hulme) Law Q. 18: PATMORE‘ Patmore, Coventry, Odes of, Structure of. (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 5: 3. — Reminiscence of. (P. Chapman) I9th Cent. 56: 668. Patmos; its Monastery and Passion Play. (J . W- Whittall) Chamb. J. 81: 701, Patna, India, Library of. (K. Buksh) Lib. J . 271 766 Paton, Joseph Noel. Ath. ’o2, I2 24.-—(E. Pinning- ton) Art J . 54: 70. -— The Queen’s Limner for Scotland. (Joanna S. Moncriefi) Chamb. J. 81: 805. Patriarchal Narratives, Oral Sources of the. Paton) Am. J. Theol. 8: 658. Patrician Documents, Sources of Early. (J. B. Bury) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 493. Patrick, St. (W. H. Bates) Bib. Sac. 632 7I.—(H- Thurston) Month, 106: 449. — (F. Treffry) Westm. 165: 521, —- as a Law-giver. (L. B. (J . M. Sullivan) Cath. World, 78: 77'- —- Bur)y’s Life of. Ath. ’o5, 2: 101. -—(J. J. Fox) Cath. World, 82: 145. —(M. O’Brien) Nation, 82: 19. —Legal Study of. (J. M. Sullivan) Green Bag, 14: 265. — Life of. (J . S. Shepard) Month, 106: 129. —- Tirechan’s Memoir of. (J . B. Bury) Eng. Hist. R. 17‘ 235, 7°°- Patriotic Societies and Patriotism. New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 102, Patriotism. (Goldwin Smith) Indep. 54: 1589. -—- (H. E. von Holst) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 1: 53. —— and Christianity. (A. Birrell) Contemp. 87: 193. '-I Liv. Age, 245: 151.=Ec1. M. 144: 76;, -—- and Compatriotism. Indep. R. 6, no. 3: 96. — Bias of. (A. J . Hull) Internat. J . Ethics, 15: I. —- Christian Ideal of. (C. C. Hall) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 3: 287, - Ethics of. (E. M. Sunderland) Westln. I65: 31. — Expression of. Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 199, 255. — or Imperialism? (W. H. Kent) Westm. I 57: 126, —- A Primitive Ideal. (Max F. Eastman) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 472, — Teaching of. Spec. 97! 9. — Training in. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 92. — Vicarious. (C. E. Lart) Un. Serv. M. 291 588. Patristic Literature, Recent Books on. (W. Muss- Arnolt) Am. J . Theol. 9: 562. Patron in the 18th Century, The. (E. Gosse) Harper, I07: -3. Patron, The; a story. (C. Oliver) Blackw. I80: 668. =Liv. Age, 251: 611. Patrons and Professional Writers under Elizabeth and James I. Library, 7: 301, Patsie Oddie’s Black Night. M. 37: 165. Patsy Moran and the Lunatics. Clure, 252 439. Patten, Simon N. Theory of Prosperity. son) Pol. Sci. Q. 17: 313. Pattie. (Margaret D. Gardiner) Scrib. M. 38: 305. Pattern-making, Some Notes on, by a Bookbinder. (S. T. Prideaux) Scrib. M. 31: 509. Patterson, George, D. D. (T. F. Gailor) Sewanee, 10: (E. L. Underwood) (J . B. Connolly) Scrib. (A. S. Hoffman) Mc- (A. S. John- 439- Patti, Adelina, Remembrances of. (A. de Bubna) Lippinc. 692 344. Paul, the Apostle. (W. M. Ramsay) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 80. -— The Acts of. (F. Bacchus) Dub. R. 3551 46. — and Evolution. (E. Caird) Hibbert J . 22 I. -— as a Poet. (E. E. Kellett) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 339. -—- (D. Keppel) Meth. R. 65: 97. — as a Rhetorician. (E. Sherwood) Meth. R. 621 38. 484 ‘ ‘ PAVING ' Paul, as a Witness to the Supernatural. (L. A. Fox) Luth. Q. 35: 221. — at Athens. (J. I. Manatt) Indep. 54: 2356. — Chronology of, New. (F. N. Merriam) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 8: 191. —— Conversion of. Bib. Sac. 59¢ 267. -—- — The Ethical Aspect of. (A. Bumstead) Meth. R. 63: 438. — Did he receive a Divine Revelation ‘? (W. M. Ram- say) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 176, — Did he write Romans ‘? (W. B. Smith) Hibbert J . I: 309; Reply. (P. W. Schmiedel) 5 3%. — Ethical Teaching of. (G. Jackson) Expos. 6th ser. 11: 35-454. 12: 61-370. — Ethics of. (R. Bren) Int. J . Ethics, 13: 493. — Gospel of. (C. M. Mead) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 71 9. —— His Rule of Life. (A. Carr) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 111, — in Romans, The Method of. (A. J . Lyman) Meth. R. 65: 722. ' — Method of Evangelization. World, 22: 416. — Mission of. (J. J. Keane) Cath. World, 78: 711, — The Model of Missionaries. (T. J . Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 12: 324. — on Life and Immortality. (C. F. D’Arcy) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 428. — Social Teaching of. (S. Mathews) Bib. World, 19: (E. I. Bosworth) Bib. 34-433. 20: 31-178. —— Teacher of the Nations. (T. J . Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 5: 139. — Theology of. (W. H. H. Marsh) Bib. Sac. 60: 61. — What Imprisonment did for. Meth. R. 66: 108, Paul, Charles Kegan. Acad. 63: n4.—-Ath. ’02, 2: (G. A. Baldwin) 125, Paul Keisher, Snake Charmer; a story. (B. K. Dan- iels) Canad. M. 19: 265. Paulicianisni, Armenian, and the Key of Truth. Arpee) Am. J. Theol. I0: 267, Pauline MSS., F. and G. (W. B. Smith) Am. J. Theol. 7: 452, 662. Paulinism, Study in, Objective and Subjective. (F. H. Wallace) Meth. R. 62: 861. Paulist Fathers, Memorial to the Deceased. Cath. World, 772 87. Paulmier, F. C. Science, n. s. 23: 556. Paul’s Case; a story. (Wills S. Cather) McClure, 25: (L. 74- Pauly G. ; a story. (G. W. Ogden) Cent. 48: 871, Pauperism, Economic Causes of. (D. H. Wilson) Westm. 165: 135. — Has it declined ? (J . H. Schooling) Fortn. 83: 520, — (F. J. Patton) Westm. I64: 14. — in England. Spec. 96: 447. — Rising Tide of. Spec. 92: 7. — Statistics of, in England, 1861-91. (C. S. Loch) J. Statis. Soc. 69: 289, — Two Sides of the Cloud called. Char. I2: 424. Paupers, Chronic, Importance of Stopping Outdoor Relief to. (R. T. Paine) Char. I0: 134, — Manufacture of. Spec. 95: 861, 977, I029, Pavement for Bridges. Am. Arch. 88: 160. Pavement-artists, On the Decay of. Macmil. n. s. I: 280, Pavements, Modern Street. (S. F. Peckham) Pop. Sci. Mo. 6!: 212, —— of Italy, Artistic. (Alfredo Melani) Am. Arch. 90: 131. Pavia, Certosa of. (H. Zimmern) Sund. M. 34: 295. Paving, Artifical Stone. (W. Diack) Chamb. J . 82: 175. See Roads. PAWN BROKER’ S Pawnbroker’s Sale of Unredeemed Articles in New York. (Albert B. Paine) Cent. 47: 354. Pawnee Indian Star-lore. (Alice C. Fletcher) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I6: 10. Pawnee Indians, Dorsey on. (F. Starr) Dial, 39: 166. — Skidi, Traditions of. (G. A. Dorsey) J . Am. F elk- Lore, 17: 189. Pawnee Personal Medicine Shrine, A. Am. Anthropol. 7: 496. Pawnee War Tales. (G. A. Dorsey) Am. Anthropol. 8: 337. Pawnshops, Municipal. (W. H. Dawson) Econ. J. 13! 248, — Paris. (C. Moifett) Cent. 43: 327. Pax Britannica, The. Un. Serv. M. 321 385. Paxson, Edgar S. , Pioneer, Scout, and Artist. F. Sanders) Overland, n. s. 48: 183. Paxton, W. M., Pictures by, Interpreting Binocular Vision. (F. W. Coburn) World To~day, 9: 1210. Pay, Consolidated. Un. Serv. M. 30: I41. Paying Guest, The; a story. (H. M. Harris) Temp. Bar, 130: 5 3. Paying Rent; a story. n. s. 3!: 582. Payne, J ., Selections from the Poetry of. Thomas) Critic, 49: 141, Pea-pickers, Warwickshire. M. n. s. 7I: 602. Peabody, C. A., with portrait. (F. A. Baker) Indep. 59¢ I452- Peabody Education Fund, The. (R. D. W. Connor) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 169. — (O. G. Villard) Nation, 80: (G. A. Dorsey) (Helen (W. S. Rogers) New Eng. M. (E. M. (H. W. Tompkins) Gent. Peabody Museum, Yale University, Progress in An- thropology at. (G. G. MacCurdy) Am. Anthropol. 5: 65. Peace, American Proposition for. (R. Bartholdt) In- dep. 612 9. —— and Armaments. —— and Knowledge. —— and War, The Trend of. Navy Life, 8, no. 7: 12, -— before the Angels’ Song. (H. Hodgson) Westm. I66: 492. Outl. 84: ' 5. (C. W. Larned) Army & (W. H. Ward) Indep. 59: 1446. — Doctrine of, in the Old Testament. (G. A. Barton) Bib. World, 19: 426. -'— A Hall of. Indep. R. 7: 79. — The King‘s, and English Local Peace—magistracy. (G. E. Howard) Univ. Neb. Stud. 1: 235, — A League of. (A. Carnegie) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 8 39 - — The Path to. (W. J . Bryan) Indep. 6!: 483, -—- Powers Preservative of. (H. Sheffauer) Westm. I66: '115. — Preparations in, for War Duties. Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: 75, - Present Prospects for. (W. L. Sibert) J . (Hayne Davis) Indep. 61: 14. — The Shield Reversed; Quotations from Presidents . of U. S. (G. Richardson) Indep. 58: 80, -— Taught by History, Hervé on. (O. Guerlac) Nation, 77‘ 52°- -- Teaching, in American Schools and Colleges. (E. D. Mead) Outl. 831 376. —— United States and the World’s Movement for. (W. Wellman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 671. — A Vision of. (L. Abbott) Outl. 83: 507, —- The Way to seek. (R. Ogden) Nation, 70: 288. —— What is ? Spec. 88: 832. —-— World-organization secures World~. (R. L. Bridg- man) Atlan. 942 349. Peace Banquet, Remarks at the. (W. James) Atlan. 94= 845- 485 PEARSON Peace Conference, Second. (C. R. Dean) World’s Work, 9: 5929. See Hague. Peace Congress at Boston, 1904. (R. L. Bridgman) Outl. 78: 19.—(R. L. Bridgman) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 598. Peace Jubilee, The Great, 1869. New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 161, Peace Makers, The World’s. (Sarah B. Lawrence) (Hayne Davis) Indep. 59‘ I4- Peach Farm, A Michigan. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. 5: 214. Peach Orchards of China, The Blossoming. Lorrimer) Overland, n. s. 41: 243. Peach-tree Joe; a story. (Sarah Orne J ewett) Calif. M, 4: 187. Peach Trees, Protection of, from Frost. Science, 11. s. 69; 236. Peaches, Growing of. 4: 346- ssentials in. (W. E. Andrews) Ctry Life Am. 2: 163. Peaches, a National Product. (J. H. Hale) World’s Work, 4: 2163. Peacock, Thomas Love. (H. W. Boynton) Atlan. 98: 765. —— (C. Williams) Library, 72 397. —-— (H. Paul) 19th Cent. 53! 65I.—-Ecl. M. 141: 349.=Liv. Age, 238: 158. — Novels of. Acad. 68: 396, Peak of Derbyshire, A Day’s Cross-hunting in. Cox) Ath. ’O6, 21 279. — Early Crosses in Forest of. Ath. ’o4, 2: 56. Peakland, Jottings in. (J. Hyde) Gent. M. n. s. 71: (C. E. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. (J. C. 151, —— Some Sidelights on Early Dissent in. (J . Hyde) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 67, Peale, Charles Willson. Pennsyl. M. 28: 249, — Letters of Thomas Jefferson to. (H. ‘V. Sellers) Pennsyl. M. 28: 403. — List of Portraits by. Pennsyl. M. 28: 246, Peanut Growing in California. (C. S. Brown) Calif. M, 5: 228, Pear Blight in California. (N. B. Pierce) Science, n. s. 16: 193. Peard, F. M. The Ring from Japan. (R. E. Forrest) Asia. R. 41: 94, Peard, John, Garibaldi’s Englishman. Peard) Cornh. 88: 264, Pearl Divers of California Coast. ‘ Calif. M. 2: 116, Pearl Eater, The; a story. (Frances M. (C. H. Townsend) (G. Morris) Outing, 47: - 301. Pearl Fisheries of Ceylon. (W. A. Herdman) Nature, 671 620.-':Pop. Sci. M0. 632 229.—Nature, 691 465. W 395. — —— Herdman on. Knowl. 27: 6. — of Torres Strait. Chamb. J . 82: 730. Pearl Harbor, Urgent Need of. (S. E. Bishop) Indep. s7= 383- Pearl Necklace, The. (J . Workman) Chamb. J. 80: 385-662. Pearlers of Northwestern Australia. Blackw. I73: 189. . Pearls and Parasites. (A. E. Shipley) Quar. 202: 485. —- Formation of. (H. L. Jameson) Nature, 67: 280, — The Lure of the Pearl. (F. C. Penfield) Cent. 51: 61 Pears, Quality, for the Home Garden. (S. W. Fletcher) Ctry Life Am. 8: 76. Pearson, Prof. Charles W., Resignation of. Arena, 27: 592.:-Bib. Sac. 59: 379. Pearson, Karl, on the Law of Progress. Open Court, 18; 118. PEARSON S Pearsons, Dr. D. K., Chicago Philanthropist. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I51 429. —-— (M. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. I2: 345- A Peary, Robert E. (S. B. Rand) McClure, I8: 354. — and the North Pole. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 379. ~— Approach to the Pole, 1906. (A. W. Vorse) Indep. 61: 1o82.=Nat. Geog. M. 17: 638. —-— Arctic Expedition of, 1906, Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 683. —With portrait. Outing, 43: 454. — Arctic Work of. (A. Heilprin) Nation, 831 386. —— His Start for the Arctic, 1905. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 481. —~ Plans for Expedition to the Pole, 1904. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 374. — Return from Arctic Regions, 1902. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 333. Peary Arctic Club Expedition, Summer of 1905. E. Peary) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37! 594. Peasant-god, The. (W. M. Ramsay) Contemp. 90: 786. Peasant Women, Some. (G. Bourne) Cornh. 86: 507. Peasants’ Rising in I 381 . Proceedings in Sufiolk. (Edgar Powell) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 8: 203, Pease, Howard. (Magnus Sinclair) Monthly R. I 5, (R. no. 3: 23. Peat as Fuel. (J . C. Morrison) Am. Arch. 82: 101, -— Bog Fuel, Commercial. (Edward Atkinson) Am. Arch. 82: 61, — Formation of. — Our Undeveloped Resources of. Chamb. J. 81: 251, (F. E. Fritsch) Knowl. 27: 175. (W. J . Millar) —- Possibilities of. (S. Power) Outl. 73: I72. — Utilization of, in Europe. (A. Dall) Engin. M. 24: 202, Peat B1-iquettes, Manufacture of. Am. Arch. 85: 74. Peat Coal Making. Sat. R. 96: 545. Peat Moors of the Pennines. (C. E. Moss) Geog. J. 23: 660. Pechkoif, Alexis. See Gorky, Maxim. Peck, George R., with portrait. (E. A. Bancroft) Green Bag, 17: 509, Peck, Harry Thurston. (G. S. Hellman) Critic, 43: 317- Peckham, John, of Newport, R. I., and some of his Descendants. (S. F. Peckham) N. E. Reg. 57: 31, I54- Peckham, Wheeler H. (J. N. Hayes) Green Bag, 18: 57. Pecksniff, Mr., and his Prototype. (C. C. Osborne) Indep. R. 10: 324, Pecos, Extinct Pueblo of. (E. L. Hewett) Am. Anthro- pol. 6: 426. Pedagogical Arrests and Peculiarities. Pedagog. Sem. I2: 141, Pedagogical Library and Museum, A Central, for Mas- sachusetts. (G. Stanley Hall) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 464. Pedagogue, The, in Fact and Fiction. Westm. I65: 191. Pedagogy as a University Discipline. (J . Dewey) Univ. of Chic. Rec. I: 353. —— German, Da Costa on. -—- in Colleges and Universities. Pedagog. Sem. 9: 366. -— of the New Testament. (Caroline Sheldon) Educa. 24: 630. — Scientific. (I. W. Howerth) Educa. 231 129. ~ What is ‘? (G. Stanley Hall) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 375, Peddler’s Lift; a story. (J . W. Fuller) Canad. M. 23: (N. Triplett) (A. Smith) Educa. 24: 116, (A. J . Kinnaman) 69. Peddlers, A Plague of. Atlan. 90: I 37. Peddlers, Pushcart, of New York. (A. A. Hill) Indep. 61: 915. 486 PELFJE Pedestrian’s Pasear, A, in the Big Basin. (H. French) Overland, n. s. 452 89. Pedestrians, City, Amenities of. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 207, Pedigrees, Recording of. Pedro I. of Portugal, and Inez de Castro. wardes) Macmil. 89: 101, Pedro IL, Emperor of Brazil. Contemp. 86: 727. Peel, Sir Robert, and Pitt, William. (F. H. Hill) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 13: 117. Peerages, Coronation. (J . H. Round) Monthly R. 6, no. 2: 65. — Mistakes in. Peers, English, Privileges of. Bag. W 341- (L. Windmii-ller) R. (F. Galton) Nature, 67: 586. (C. Ed- (Hélene Vaearesco) (Bartle Teeling) Ath. ’o5, 1: 308, (G. H. Westley) Green — vs. the People. Westm. I66: 599, Peewit’s Suzerain, The. Sat. R. 931 459. = Liv. Age, 2335 569- “ Peggy Stewart,” Burning of the. (C. de Kay) Outl. 79¢ 73- Peinlich, Max, Sculptured Jewelry by. Craftsman, g: 838. Peirce, James M. (J . K. Whittemore) Science, n. s. 24: 40, Peixotto, Ernest C., Artist, with portrait. (P. Robert- son) Out West, 19! I33. Peking, How the Court came back to. (Mrs. A. Little) Cornh. 88: z14.=Ecl. M. 141: 755.=Liv. Age, 239: 222, — in August, 1900. 178: 627. — Siege of, 1900, Humors of. 48: 650. —— Two Years after the Siege. (A. C. Coolidge) Na- tion, 75Z 261. Peking-Hankow Railway. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: (G. K. Scott Moncrielf) Blackw. (F. L. Norris) National, 554- Pelasgians, The. (L. C. Innes) Asia. R. 33: 113. Pelee, Madam, in Hawaii. (Sue S. Cleveland) Over- land, 11. s. 40: 396. Pelée, Mont. (E. O. Hovey) Science, 11. s. 17: IOIO_ — Activity of. (A. Heilprin) Science, 11. s. 17: 546. — Ascending Obelisk of. (A. Heilprin) Science, 11. s. 18: 184. — The Eruption of. (A. F. Jaccaci) McClure, I9: 401; (A. Heilprin) 358 ; (G. Kennan) Outl. 71: 5 39, 966, —— (T. A. Jaggar) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 219.—(T. A. Jaggar, tr.) Am. Natural. 38: 51_ ——-and Dust Falls. (W. J. S. Lockyer) Nature, 66: 53. — — Suggested Explanation of. (G. H. Bryan) Na- ture, 67: 126. — from May to October, 1903. (E. O. Hovey) Science, 11. s. 182 633.. -- from Oct. 20, 1903, to May 20, I904. (E. O. Hovey) Science, 11. s. 20: 23. —' Heilprin on. Science, 11. s. 17: 423. —— Heilprin’s Tower of. (F. L. Ransom) Nation, 80: 137. — (E. Howe) Science, n. s. 23: 29. —- in its Might. (A. Heilprin) F ortn. 78: 469, — Initial Stages of the Spine on. (T. A. J aggar) Am. J. Sci. 167: 34, —- Magnetic Disturbance at Time of Eruption. Bauer) Science, 11. s. 15: 872. — Mechanism of the Spine. (G. K. Gilbert) Science, 11. S. 19: 927. — Meteorological Phenomena of Eruption. Ward) Science, n. s. 192 395. —Nature of Tower of. (A. Heilprin) Science, n. s. (L. A. (R. D. I9: 800. —— The New. (A. Heilprin) Nation, 82: 277. -- The Name. (H. H. Wilder) Science, 11. s. 21: 514. PELEE Pelée, Mont, New Cone of. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 422. —- — and the Gorge of the Riviere Blanche, Mar- tinique. (E. O. Hovey) Am. J . Sci. 166: 269, — Obelisk of. (I. C. Russell) Science, n. s. 18: 792. 21: 924. — —- and Condition of the Volcano in F eb., I906. Heilprin) Science, 11. s. 24: 25, -—— Shattered Obelisk of. (A. Heilprin) Nat. Geog. M. 1 (A. 17: 465. —— sive Mont Pelé. (C. R. Eastman) Science, 11. s. 21: .2. -— A Study of. (R. T. Hill) Cent. 42: 764. —— A Wonderful Change in. (E. O. Hovey) Cent. 44: 757. Pelée Club, Washington, D. C. Science, 11. s. 19: 556. Pelham, Mass. Attempted Suicide of a T own. (G. H. Haynes) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 591. Pelican, the, An Intimate Study of. (F. M. Chap- man) Cent. 49: 198. Pelican Flower, The. Sun. 4: 31. Pelican Island. (H. K. Job) Outing, 41: 406. Pelican Smith, Matador. (W. Irwin) Cosmopol. 41: 81. Pelicans. Spec. 90: 487. Pelion and Magnesia, Topography of. (A. J . B. Wace) J. Hel. Stud. 26: 143. Pellechet, Marie, Bibliographer. Month, 101: 598. (E. D. Sturtevant) Land of Pellico, Silvio. (J . J . Walsh) Cath. World, 80: 610, Peloponnese, Princes of the. (W. Miller) Quar. 203: 109, Peloponnesos, A Tour through. (W. Miller) Westm. 162: 639. 163: 74, Pelycosauria, American. (E. C. Case) Am. Natural. 37‘ '- Pelzer, So. Carolina. An American Industrial Experi- ment. (R. T. Ely) Harper, I05: 38. Pemaquid, Me., Ancient. (H. O. McCrillis) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 278. Pemberton’s Fluke; a story. ing, 43: 180. Pembrokeshire, England. Spec. 88: 171. Pembruge and Vernon Tombs at Tong. (V. Manners) Art J. 58: 66, 257. Pemmican, its Manufacture in the Canadian North- west. (B. Cameron) Canad. M. 18: 429. Pen-and-ink Drawing. (H. Furniss) M. of Art, 27: 506, Pen-and-ink Sketches from the Life. (E. Westrup) Good W'ords, 45: 785. Penal Code, Proposed, of U. S. Green Bag, 14: I2. Penal Institutions. The Principle of Probation. (C. T. Lewis) No. Am. 179: 207, —- Report of Committee on Supervision and Control of. Am. J. Sociol. 9: 329. Penal Law, Principlez of Reform in. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 419, (R. H. Barbour) Out- (G. C. Speranza) (C. T. Lewis) —— Reform in. (C. T. Lewis) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 41: 110, Penal Laws of Savage Races. (A. T. Sibbald) Green Bag. 151 585. Penal Reform in England, Recent. Sat. R. 971 742. Peiialosa and the La Salle Expedition. (E. T. Miller) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 5: 97. Penalty of Greatness, The; a story. (S. MacManus) Lippinc. 73: 456. Penalty of Greatness, The; a story. Scrib. M. 36: 290, Penance ; Power of the Keys in the Primitive Church. (C. Coupe) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 625. —— Traces of, in Non-revealed Religions. (C. F. Aiken) Cath. Univ. Bull. 11: 297. Penangton’s Love Affair; a story. (R. E. Young) Mc- Clure, 21: 472. (Alice D. Miller) 487 PENNSYLVANIA Penannular Brooch. (E. Lovett) Reliquary, 44: 15. Penfield, Edward, Odds and Ends from Studio of.‘ Studio (Internat.) 26: lv, Penfield, Samuel Lewis. Science, n. s. 24: 252. —- With bibliography. (L. V. Pirsson) Am. J . Sci. 173: 353- Peninsular War, Baylen and Corunna on. 524- - British Forces in, 1808-14, Hist. R. 17: 110. — Oman’s History of. Vol. I. —- — Vol. 2. Ath. ’O3, 2: 145, ——- To St. Sebastian, after the Siege of 1813. lake) Longm. 40: 312, Penitence and Moral Discipline. Church Q. 62: 147. Penny,I Wm., as a Law-giver. (H. L. Carson) Pennsyl. _ 30: 1. — The “ Holy Experiment ” of. M. n. s. 69: 380. —— Proposals for a Second Settlement in Pennsylvania. Pennsyl. M. 28: 60, ——- Some Love-letters of. Pennsyl.. M. 27: 296, Penn MSS., Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Pennsyl. M. 28: 155. Quar. 199: Ath. ’oz, 2: 609, (G. East- (E. E. Taylor) Gent. Penna, Dr. Alfonso Agusto Moreira, the New Presi- dent of Brazil. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 706. Pennell, Joseph. Brush & P. 12: 81, -— Etcher, Illustrator, Author. (F. Keppel) Outl. 81: 173- — Three Pictures by. Brush & P. 9: 273. Pennine Alps, Sanctuaries of the. (Edith Wharton) Scrib. M. 311 353. Pennsylvania. Fall of the House of Quay. Marcosson) World’s Work, 11: 7119, — French Exiles in. (J. W. Ingham) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 81. ——Great Reforms secured in. Am. I83: 590. — A Great Victory for Honest Politics. Veagh) No. Am. 182: 1, ——Judge-made Ignorance in. (F. Kelly) Char. I6: 189, — Keystone State Library Association. Annual Meet- ing, 1906. (R. P. Bliss) Lib. J. 31: 778.——Pub. Lib. 11: 580, -— Lack of Civic Pride in. (J . M. Swank) Pennsyl. M. 29: 44, —— London Broadsides and Issues on. (W. C. Ford) Pennsyl. M. 29: 65. — Masters and Rulers of. (R. Blankenburg) Arena, 33: 113-569. 34: 15-128. —— Municipal “Ripping” in. (C. R. Woodruff) Indep. 54: 400.—(C. R. Woodruff) Munic. Aif. 6: 212. — Political Ills of, Causes of. Atlan. 89: 124, —— Politics in. Wanted in Pennsylvania —— a Man! Outl. 80: 370, — Revolutionary Soldiers entitled to Depreciation Pay. Pennsyl. M. 28: 45. -—— State College, Carnegie Library Building. (E. W. Runkle) Lib. J. 30: 219. — State Constabulary for. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 81: (I. F. (W. MacVeagh) No. (W. Mac- 49- —- Taxation of Personal Property in. (R. C. McCrea) Q. J. Econ. 21: 52. ‘ -— Topography and Travel in. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 145. Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Exhibition, 1903. (A. Z. Bateman) Brush & P. 11: 379. -— Exhibition, 1904-05. Studio (Internat.) 25: i_- (Helen W. Henderson) Brush & P. I 5: 145. -— Exhibition, 1906. Craftsman, 9: 753. —— (E. T. Bush) Brush & P. 171 93.-—(D. Lloyd) Studio (Internat.) 28: vii, (Walter S. Power) (C. J. Atkinson) Eng. I PENNSYLVANIA 48 Pennsylvania Battalion, Fourth, Orderly Book, 1776. Pennsyl. M. 292 470. Pennsylvania German Riddles and Nursery Rhymes. (J. B. Stoudt) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I9: 113, Pennsylvania Germans. (L. F. Bettinger) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 366, 617. Pennsylvania Gleanings in England. (L. Withington) Pennsyl. M. 29: 89-310. 30: So, —— in Ireland. (L. Withington) Pennsyl. M. 30: 453. Pennsylvania Railroad. Reconstruction and Engi- neering Aspects. Booklover’s M. 2: 515. Pennsylvania University, Recent Architecture at. (C. Brinton) Booklover’s M. 6: 547, Penny-a-liner, Joys and Sorrows of a. Johnson) Westm. I60: 336, Pennypacker, Samuel Whitaker, Governor of Pennsyl- vania. (J . M. Rogers) Booklover’s M. 5: 760. Penny’s Gun; a story. (Juliet W. Thompson) Am. M. 60: 160, Penology, Boie’s Science of. 15: 787. Penrhyn Quarries, 1865-1902, Story of, Form, 79: 1017, — in Perspective, The. II, no. 32 31, Penrose, Francis C. Ath. ’o3, 1: 249. Penruddocke Case, The. Spec. 89: 825. Pens, Reservoir, Stylographic, and Fountain. Maginnis) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 1125-1194. Pension Bureau, U. S., at Work. (T. A. Broadus) World To-day, 6: 221, Pension Law, A Costly; Act of June 27, 1890, (W, H. Glasson) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 361, Pension Laws, Service, The South and. son) So. Atlan. Q. I: 351, Pension Systems, Comparative. (F. F enning) Forum, 33= 346- Pensioning Street Railway Employees. (H. H. Vree- land) Outl. 70: 766. Pensionnaires; a story. (A. R. Carman) Canad. M. 21: 56. Pensions and Pensionnaires. (C. Windham) Chamb. J . 83: 583. . — The Iniquity of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 78: 224, — Old-age. (T. Burt) 19th Cent. 60: 372. —- Chamb.J. 83: 237, ——Spec, 96: 896. —— — in Australia. Spec. 971 392. -—- Our Enormous Pension-roll. World’s Work, 8: 4771, -— Pres. Roosevelt’s Order ; Executive Usurpation based on Unwritten Law. (F. Parsons) Arena, 323 359- -— Roosevelt’s Way or Jackson’s ? (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 79: 172. — U. S. National System of. (W. H. Glasson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 204. Pentecost, Great Day of. (C. W. Votaw) Bib. World, 19: 47. Pentland Rising, The. (M. Sidgwick) Scot. Hist. R. 3: 449- Pentlands. On the Skirts of the. Chamb. J . 80: 733, Peon or Soldier. (E. Swift) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: (F. C. Ormsby- (H. Ellis) Science, n. s. (W. E. Hodgson) Monthly R. (J. P. (W. H. Glas- (R. L. O’Brien) 2 ". Peonage. Outl. 74: 687. — in America. (H. D. Ward) Cosmopol. 39: 423, —— in the South. Indep. 56: 409. Peony, The; a Coming Flower. (W. Miller) Ctry Life Am. 6: 414. People of the 20th Century. (U. Gohier) Indep. 5 5: 250. -— Responsibility of the, for our Laws and Legal In- stitutions. (F. R. Mechem) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 10: 149. 8 PERFECTION People who imagine Vain Things. (M. Reed) Macmil. 913 367~ People’s Institute of N. Y. City. (I. F. Marcosson) World’s Work, 10: 6414, Peogle’s Party, Appeal of. (T. E. Watson) Indep. 57: 29, — Necessity for the. (W. V. Allen) Arena, 30: 410, Pepita. (C. King) Lippinc. 71: 822, Pepper, C. H., Paintings of. (A. French) World To- day, 9: 1271, Pepper, J . W., Country House of, Alterations and Additions to. Archit. Rec. 20: 411. Pepper, Wm., Thorpe’s Life of. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 36: 257.-—-Nation, 79: 56. Pepys, Samuel, and Mercer. (N. Parsons) 19th Cent. 56: 269, —— and the Royal Society. (A. Geikie) Nature, 711 415- — and Sermons. (D. W. Duthie) 19th Cent. 55: 288. —and Shakespeare. (S. Lee) F ortn. 85: 104.1-‘Liv. Age, 249: 210, — Diary, why Written ? Acad. 68: 18, — Library of. (E. A. Savage) Library, 11. s. 4: 286. — the Regenerator of the British Navy. (W. M. Lee) National, 47: 840. Pepys, Sir Wm. Weller, Correspondence of. (E. K. Dunton) Dial, 37: 361.=Ath. ’o4, 2: 4I.—Spec. 931 9°- Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge, Naval MSS. in. Ath. ’o4, 2: 339. Pepysian Treasures. Gent. M. n. s. 762 4 a, 225, 470. Pequot Indians, Modern, and their Language. (J . D. Prince; F. G. Speck) Am. Anthropol. 5: 193. — Homes and Haunts of. (C. P. Thresher) New Eng. M. n. s. 25: 742. Pequot-Mohegan Witchcraft Tale. Am. Folk-Lore, I6: 104, Perception of Children. (Will S. Monroe) Pedagog. Sem. 1!: 498. Perceval Literature, Legend in. brary, n. s. 5: 59. See Parsifal. Percival, John, Commander of the “ Constitution.” (M. J . Saiford) Army & Navy Life, 9: 385. Percy, House of, Brenan’s History of. Ath. ’02, 21 83. —Acad. 63: 193. Percy Press, The. (A. Porter) Antiq. n. s. 40: 171. Percy, the Ranch Foreman. (J . D. Howe) Overland, n. s. 43: 211. Percy Sladen Expedition to the Indian Ocean. Gardiner) Nature, 73: 43, 184, 294. Perdita’s Choice; a story. (G. P. Curtis) Cath. World, 77 i 32- Perdita’s Lovers; a story. (R. Le Gallienne) Harper, 105: 435. Perdita’s Simple-cupboard; a sketch. enne) Harper, I05: 739. Peregrinations of a Cockney. Blackw. I79! 634. Peres, Jean Baptiste, Proof of the Non-existence of Napoleon. (P. Carus) Open Court, 17: 385. Peres, Ramon D. Musgo. Sat. R. 95: 685. Pereunt et Imputantur; a Burma Incident. (G. F. McMunn) Blackw. I77: 337. Perez, Antonio, in Exile. (M. A. S. Hume) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 8: 7I. Perfect Tale, The. (Mary S. Cutting) Everybody’s, I2: 325. Perfect Woman, The ; a story. (F. G. Speck) J . (J . L. Weston) Li- (J. S. (R. Le Galli- (E. Wyatt) Cent. 50: 943- Perfect Year, The; a story. per, 109: 90. Perfection according to the Command of Jesus. Bib. World, 22: 243. (E. A. Hallowell) Har- PERFIDY Perfidy of Mr. Ebless Frazee; a story. (A. MacGowan) Harper, I07: 877. Perforation of a Vein by an Artery. Am. Natural. 37: 489. Perfumes, Animal, and their Origin. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 25: 4. — Floral, Harvesting. 934- . — How and where made. (A. W. Weysse) (R. K. Duncan) Harper, 113: (J . Boyer) Idler, 23: 434- Peri and the Pioneers, The; a story. (H. W. Lanier) Outing, 44: 746. Périgord, Wars of Religion in the. son) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 650. Peril, Pleasures of. Spec. 90: 122. Perilous Passage, A; a story. Munsey, 30: 690. Perilous Ride, A; a story. Blackw. I74: 669.=Liv. Age, 239: 719. IEcl. M. 142: 162. Period of Daikam, The. (Zaida Ben Yusuf) Archit. Rec. 19: 145. Periodic Law, Recent Literature on. bury) J . Frankl. Inst. 154: 283. Periodical Literature, English. (A. Waugh) Critic, (Maurice Wilkin- (G. MacG. Cooke) (R. H. Brad- 4o: 26, —— French. (F. Bentzon) Critic, 40: _126, — German Reviews. (W. von Schierbrand) Critic, 40: 222, _ —— of the 18th Century. (G. A. Sinclair) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 136, — Russian Reviews. (V. S. Yarros) Critic, 40: 318. Periodical Press in Holland, Belgium, and Switzer- land. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 185. Periodicals, Care of, in a Library. (Fanny R. Jack- son) Pub. Lib. 11: 493. — Circulation and Advertising of. Critic, 47: 168, — read in a Country Community. World’s Work, 9: 5926. —-— Recent Tendencies in. Craftsman, 6: 108, —What ones should be purchased for a Library. (G. Stockwell) Pub. Lib. 7: 13. Peripatetic Mean of Style and the Three Stylistic Characters. (G. L. Hendrickson) Am. J . Philol. I 5: 125, Perjury of Christison, The; a story. Temp. Bar, 131: 549, Perjury on the Increase. (S. P. Caillouet) Cath. World, 74: 738. ' Perkin, Wm. H. Science, 11. s. 24: 488. Perkins, G. Walbridge. World To-day, 9: 1177, Perles, Joseph, Proben aus dem Nachlass von. Felix Perles) Jew. Q. 16: 351. Permian, of Kansas, Discovery of Fossil Insects in. (E. H. Sellards) Am. J. Sci. 166: 323. -—Upper, in Western Texas. (G. H. Girty) Am. J. Sci. 164: 363. Permian Dipnoans. 371-493- Permian Types of Insects. Sci. 172: 249. Perpetual Motion Machines. sier, 29: 115. Perpetuities, Rule against. (C. Sweet) Jurid. R. 18: 132, Perreau Brothers (Robert and Daniel), The Case of the. (F. Lawrence) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 31. Perrotin, Henry. N ature, 69: 468, Perry, Matthew C., the First American Imperialist. (IV. S. Rossiter) No. Am. 182: 239. —— in Japan. (J . S. Sewall) Cent. 48: 349. Perry, Nora; a New England Singer. (C. Ticknor) Lamp, 26: 363. (C. T. Brady) (A. Werner) (Dr. (C. R. Eastman) Am. Natural. (E. H. Sellards) Am. J. (F. Charlesworth) Cas- 489 PERSONAL Persecution, Flavian, in the Province of Asia. M. Ramsay) Expos. 6th ser. I0: 241, Persecution of a Pup. (Cy Warman) Lippinc. 70: 486, Persecutions; Christian and Roman Jurisprudence. (W. K. Boyd) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 52. Pershing, John J ., Brig.-Gen. Pershing——United States Soldier. (R. Thomas) World’s Work, 13: 8179: Persia. (T. Copeland) Calif. M. 4: 33. — and the Persian Gulf. Quar. 195: 245. -— Domestic Life in. (E. A. Sykes) J . Soc. Arts, 51: (W. 95- — Fire-worshipers of Yezd. (A. V. W. Jackson) Cent. 50: 691, —— Fourth Journey in, 1897-1901, J, 19: 121, —-— A Fifth Journey in. 425,560. —- in 1903, Question of. (H. White) Nation, 76: 389. — Mission Work in. (W. S. C. Tisdall) Sund. M. 31: I33- —— National Assembly, Inauguration of. Indep. 61: 1272. —Liv. Age, 250: 634. — Ecl. M. 147: 508. — New Trade Route to. (E. Penton) J . Soc. Arts, 50: (P. M. Sykes) Geog. (P. M. Sykes) Geog. J. 28: 65. — Political Crisis in, 1906. Indep. 61: 669. —-— Russia and England in. (C. E. Yate) 19th Cent. 59: 899. — Sykes’s Ten Thousand Miles in. Ath. ’o2, 2: 113, — Through Baloochistan and Eastern. (Earl of R0- naldshay) National, 39: 787. — The Traveler in. (F. R. Earp) Macmil. 92: 373. I Ifiv-1¥ge.247= 477. Persian at Home, The. (VV. Sparrow) Temp. Bar, 125: 46.=Ecl. M. 138: 589. —Liv. Age, 232: 690. Persian Gulf, The. (A. F. B. Lynch) Asia. R. 32: 225, — and International Relations. (A. T. Mahan) Na- tional, 40: 27. —British Interests on. Sat. R. 96: 693.~—Blackw2 174: 135.=Liv. Age, 240: 248. — England’s Connection with. (T. J . Bennett) J . Soc. Au¢s.5°= 634- —- Great Britain’s Loss of Prestige in. 867. —- Situation in, 1904. (E. Cotes) Contemp. 85: 480, — Story of. Good Words, 45: 73. Persian Inscriptions, the Avesta and the Bible. (L. H. Mills) Monist, I6: 383. Persian Literature, Browne’s History of. Ath. ’O3, I1 330. — (D. B. Macdonald) Nation, 76: 211, — Early. (A. V. W. Jackson) Atlan. 91: 275. Persian Shepherd, A. (W. B. Wallace) Idler, 26: 658. Persian Wars, Some Observations on. (J . A. R. Munro) J . Hel. Stud. 22: 294. Persian Women, Stories about. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 253. Persians in Russia in Distress. ford) Sat. R. 100: 548, —— Old, Marriage and Burial Customs of. Kingsmill) Ath. ’o2, 2: 95. Personal. (H. W. Boynton) Critic, 46: 457. Personal Equation, The, and some Recent Books. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 21: 266. Personal Force, Persistence of, in American History. (W. G. Brown) Indep. 60: 1081. Personal Influence in Higher Education. Symmes) Calif. Univ. Chron. 22 107. Personal Injury Litigation, Abuse of. (C. A. Light- ner and others) Green Bag, 18: 193. Personal Offering, A. (G. E. Channing) Harper, I13: 531- Personal Property, Transfers of After-acquired. Williston) Harv. Law R. 19: 557. Blackw. 179: (Mary A. Clarke) (C. E. De la P. Beres- = 449- — Municipal Corruption in. (L. Steifens) McClure, 211 249- — Municipal League of. Sociol. II: 336. — New Year’s Day Carnival. 45: 690. — Park Movement in. 793- I41 789- - Political Machine of, in Action. (L. Seaber) Indep. 58: 584. ' -— Political Upheaval in, Labor Vote in. (H. J . Gib- bons) Char. I5: 588. —— Puissant. (C. R. Woodruif) Internat. Q. 121 350. — Recent Reform Movement in. (F. S. Edmonds) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 180. — Reformation of. (W. B. Hale) Am. M. 60: 451. — Revolution in. (C. R. Woodrufl’) Yale R. 15! 3. — Schools of. A Corrupt School-system. (C. R. VVoodrufi) Educa. R. 26: 433. ' —— 1777-78. Assessment of Damages done by the Brit- ish Troops during their Occupation. Pennsyl. M. 25= 544- ——Ship Registers of, 1726-75. Pennsyl. M. 26: 126- (C. R. Woodruif) Am. J. (R. D. Paine) Outing, (A. W. Crawford) Char. I2: 470. 27: 94-346. 28: 86-470. — Some Drawings of. (V. H. Bailey) Everybody’s, 10: 173, — Special Schools of. (E. A. Huntington) Char. I6: 360, —— A Study in Political Psychology. (T. Baker) Arena, 30: 1. —— Sweated Homes in. (F. L. Sauville) Char. 16: SS1- —- Trinity Church, Oxford. (G. H. Fisher) Pennsyl. M. 27: 279. — Triumph of the People in. 81: 811. —— Two Petitions of Citizens to the Governor for Pro- tection against Indians, 1728. Pennsyl. M. 292 228. —— Water Color Exhibition, 1906. (Leila Mechlin) Studio (Internat.) 28: cxi. — Wayfarers’ Lodge in. (B. C. March) Char. 8: 547. “ Philadelphia,” Frigate, Finding the. (C. W. Fur- long) Harper, III: 50, Philadelphische Zeitung: the First German Newspa- per published in America [fac-simile]. Pennsyl. M. 26: 91. Philae, Destruction of. (P. Carus) Open Court, 17: 651, 747. —- (A. C. Robinson) Cent. 44! 336. -— (Dulany Hunter) Cosmopol. 35: 255. —— Temples at. Am. Arch. 86: 71. — — The Passing of. Archit. R. 12: 9. Philanthropic Honeymoon, A. (Dorothy Canfield) Munsey, 351 I31. Philanthropic Institutions, Salaries paid to the Workers in. (H. Marot) Char. I2: 416. Philanthropist, A; a story. (Josephine D. Daskam) Harper, 105: 97. Philanthropist and the Peaceful Life, The. Canfield) Everybody’s, I42 675. Philanthropist and the Unit. (M. E. Francis) Longm. 44: 32I.:Ecl. M. 143: 638. = Liv. Age, 242: 800. Philanthropist-padrone, The. (C. B. Phipard) Char. 12: 470. Philanthropists, A Clearing-house for. Nation, 76: 66, (G. Woodward) Outl. (Dorothy (O. G. Villard) 492 PHILIPPINE Philanthropy, American, Pioneer Work in. (F. H. Wines) Char. I3: 114, — and the Cosmic Process. (M. D. O’Brien) Westm. I61: 511, ' — The Art of. (S. Crothers) Char. I4: 872. — Co-operation in. (J. B. Clark) Char. I2: 251, — Gray-’s History of English. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 82: 143. — Modern, Dominant Note of. 16: 340. -—- Modern Spiritual Impulse behind. Char. 9: 576. ——Problems of, in Chicago. (E. P. Bicknell) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 379. — The School of. (M. Gross) Char. I4: 998. -—— Summer School in. Char. II: 38. Philhellene. (E. Myers) Ecl. M. 143: 118. Philip Nolan and the “Levant.” (E. E. Hale) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 114, Philip Vasilyevich’s Story. (Maxim Gorky) Indep. 59: (E. T. Devine) Char. 543- Philippa’s Nervous Prostration ; a Study in Nobleness. (Kate D. Wiggin) Scrib. M. 391 I. Philippi, The Campaign of. (J. B. Firth) Un. Serv. M, 24: 522, Philippine Art and Art Implements. (G. Reece) Brush & P. 10: 345, Philippine Game, Tang’-ga. thropol. 8: 82, Philippine Islands, The. (H. C. Ide) Indep. 61: 1199, —(W. H. Taft) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 361. — after an Earthquake. (S. Bonsal) N 0. Am. I742 409. —— Aglipay Schism in. (J. A. Le Roy) Indep. 561 (A. E. Jenks) Am. An- 953- - Agricultural Resources of. (E. C. Andre) Indep. 54: 2076. — America in the. (G. F. Pentecost) Arena, 33: 486. — (Helen M. Gougar) Arena, 35: 386. — American Administration in. (A. Ireland) Outl. 78: 1026, 1082, — American Democracy in the Orient. (C. H. Brent) No. Am. 181: 3ZI.—(J. Foreman) No. Am. 182: I33- -— American Development of. Nat. Geog. M. 142 I97. —American Indian Element in. (A. F. Chamber- lain) Am. Antiq_. 24: 97. — An American Judge in. (J . L. Carlock) Indep. 55: 608, — American Occupation of. Univ. Bull. II: 4, -—- Is God Responsible for? (S. Brazier) Arena, ' 34= 173- —American Rule, Filipino Views of. (T. H. P. de Tavera; B. Legarda; J. R. de Luzuriaga) No. Am. 174: 73. — American Snobbishness in. dep. 60: 332. — The American Teacher in. (J . A. Le Roy) Outl. 82: 745. ' -— The Americans in. (J. Foreman) Contemp. 86: 392, ——America’s Duty in. (W. M. Salter) Internat. J. (Elsie C. Parsons) In- Ethics, 12: 360. — America’s Problem in. (H. Clifford) Liv. Age, 251: 515. — and the Filipinos. (J . A. Le Roy) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 288. -— and Judge Taft. (O. K. Davis) Everybody’s, I0: 406. -—- and our Military Power. (J . F. Shafroth) Forum, 32: 594- — and Spanish Wars, Some Consequences of. (S. C. Parks) Arena, 30: 247. —— and their People. 291, (Whitelaw Reid) Princ. (H. Gannett) Nat. Geog. M. 15:‘ PHILIPPINE Philippine Islands, Are they Worth keeping ? (A. H. Savage Landor) Munsey, 33: I 39. -— Ayer Collection of Philippina. (J. A. Robertson) Nation, 79: 31. —— Blair and Robertson’s,, 1493-1803. (J. A. Le Roy) Am. Hist. R. 91 I49. — (J. A. Le Roy) Am. Hist. R. 91 554. — (P. S. Reinsch) Dial, 36: 192. — Blending Legal Systems in. (C. S. Lobingier) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 321 336. — Botanical Work in. — Building a Province. —— Bureau of Agriculture. 23: 189. — Bureau of Government Laboratories of. Freer) Science, n. s. 201 105. — Can Congress Constitutionally grant Independence to? No. Am. 179: 282. Science, 11. s. 19: 516. (A. E. Jenks) Outl. 77: 170. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. (P. C. — Catholics and.‘ (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 84. — Census of. (H. Gannett) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 27, — Chhrges of Cruelty in. (G. Kennan) Outl. 70: 711. — Child Life in. (M. Irving) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: I59- — Christmas Fiesta in. — Civil Government in. —— — in the “ Moro Province.” rum, 36: 138: —— Climate of. (W. S. Tower) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 253. -—Science, 11. s. 19: 555. — Climate of Benguet. Science, 11. s. I8: 90. —— Coal Trade of, and United States Enterprise. (O. H. Reinholt) Engin. M. 30: 491. — Coinage and Banking in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64! (D. Gray) Cent. 47: 426. (W. H. Taft) Outl. 71: 305. (H. S. Townsend) Fo- —— Commerce and Tariffs in. (C. C. Plehn) J . Pol. Econ. I0: 501, —— —— I9OI—OZ. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 132, — Commissioner Ide on. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 76: 408 — Commissioners from; Dinner at Delmonico’s. (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 372 470. — Congressional Inquiry, The. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74‘ I24- —- Constabulary of. (J . W. Jenks) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 436. —— Criminal Code of. Green Bag, I 5: 433. _ — Cultivation of Tobacco in. (A. M. Sanchez) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 76. — Currency of. (C. A. Conant) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 518. -—- Currency Bill. (H. White) Nation, 76: 25, —— Currency Reform in. (H. P. Willis) Nation, 74: 45. -—- Current Misconceptions of. (Willard French) Lip- pinc. 78: 228. ——- Cutting the Knot. —— A Democrat in. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 124. (F. G. Newlands) No. Am. 181: 933- -— Destiny of. (H. Clifford) Macmil. 87: I 5 3. —— Development of. (H. M. Wright) World’s Work, I2: 8083. —- Devins on. (H. P. Willis) Dial, 39: 37, -— Diseases in. (C. Nockolds) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: 250, -— Disposition of. (R. J . Taylor) Arena, 29: 48. -— Do the Filipinos really hate the Spanish Friars? (Ambrose Coleman) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 449, 672. -— Do they desire American Government ? (S. Lopez) Gunton’s M. 22: 502, —-— Economic Future of. (C. A. Conant) Atlan. 89: 366. — Economic Questions affecting the Visayan Islands. (W. H. Carter) No. Am. I80: 688. — — Jenks’s Report on. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 135. 493 PHILIPPINE Philippine Islands, Economic Situation in. (H. P. Willis) J. Pol. Econ. 13: 145. — Education in. (B. Moses) Internat. Q. 9: I. ~——Mun- Beyi 3°: 809- _ (0- G. Villard) Nation, 75: 144, — (J . A. Le Roy) Indep. 54: 1882_—-(F, W. Atkinson) Outl. 70: 832. -— (A. R. Jurado) Arena, 27: 337. — N at. Geog. M. 16: 46. — (E. C. Parsons) Char. I6: 564. -— (J. A. Le Roy) Outl. 80: 867. — —— American. (VV. H. Taft) Educa. R. 29: 264. —— Filipino at School. (L. M. Newsom) Outl. 72: 411. — —- Filipinos and American Teachers. (H. P. Beattie) Outl. 78: 419. ——Second Year of. (F. W. Nash) Educa. R. 25: 232, ——~- Educational Affairs in. (F. W. Nash) Educa. R. 27: 228. — Educational Problem in. (F. W. Atkinson) Atlan. 89: 360. ' — Educational Situation in. (J . A. Le Roy) Indep. 55= 264- — Engineering in. (W. W. Harts) Engin. M. 2 5: 688, — The English in. (A. F. Steuart) Asia. R. 38: 130, —Episode of Short Commons in. Macmil. n. s. I: 902, —- Establishment of Civil Government in. (L. S. Rowe) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 313. —— Ethical Importance of our New Problems. , (B. Moses) Calif. Univ. Chron. 3: 205. —Exhibit at St. Louis Exposition. Booklover’s M. 4: 3. — Exploiting the. (H. White) Nation, 76: 285. (W. P. Wilson) -— Facts of. (W. C. Seiple) Cassier, 50: 12. -—Fighting Life in. (H. C. Rowland) McClure, I91 241. — Folk-lore of, Bibliography of. J. Am. Folk-Lore, I6: 116, —— The Friars in, Estates of. (A. Coleman) Am. Cath. Q. 302 57.— (J. A. Le Roy) Pol. Sci. I8: 657. — — Vexed Question of. (A. P. Doyle) Cath. World, (A. F. Chamberlain) . 75: 711, -— — Work of. (S. Bonsal) No. Am. 175: 449. — Fundamentals in. (J . G. Schurman) Gunton’s M. 22: 303. —- Gold Exchange Standard in, Establishment of. (E. W. Kemmerer) Q. J. Econ. 19: 585. — Governing the. (C. R. Edwards) Nat. Geog. M. 15: 273- —- Government Hospital in. (J . B. Thomas) Outl. 75: 745- —- Government in. (W. H. Taft) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: I, — — Future. (A. R. Y. Jurado) Indep. 572 913. ——, in 1898-1902. (A. W. Dunn) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26= 594- — Gunton on. (E. Densmore) Gunton’s M. 23: I 50. — Hawaii and. (J. M. Dean) Chaut. 38: 341, — Head-hunters of Northern Luzon. (D. P. Barrows) Indep. 55: 1140, — Health Problem in. (J. A. Le Roy) Outl. 711 777. —— Help from. (R. Ogden) Nation, 792 329. — A Holiday in Bosoboso. (A. T. Marvin) Califor- nian, II 412. — The House Bill, 1902. — How Soldiers have ruled in. Internat. Q. 6: 215, —Impressions of. (E. B. Briggs) Cath. World, 75: (H. White) Nation, 74: 458. (D. H. Boughton) 141. — Incidents of U. S. Army in. (O. K. Davis) Every- body’s, 8: 180, ' — Independence for, Address to both Political Parties. Outl. 77: 375. -— —T Speech at Peoria. (VV. H. Taft) O11t1- 751 1°24- ' —-Oe PHILIPPINE Philippine Islands, Independent Catholic Church in. (G. Aglipay) Indep. 55: 2571. —— India and. . (J . M. Hubbard) Nation, 79: 314, — Industrial Crisis in, and the Remedy. (R. Cameron) No. Am. 176: 236, - Insurrection in, Why ? (A. L. Grifliths) Arena, 32: 496- —— Judiciary for, The New. (L. R. Wildey) No. Am. 178: 730. -—- Labor Problem in. (J . W. J enks) Indep. 54: 2625. —- Laborers in. See Filipino Labor Supply. — Laissez-faire in. (J . A. Le Roy) J . Pol. Econ. 121 191. — Lander on. (W. Rice) Dial, 37: 7. —— Legal Systems in. (J . C. S. Lobingier) Law Q. 21: 401. -- A Letter from. (A. S. Riggs) Atlan. 92: 258. —— Life in, Inside View of. (F. M. Atkinson) World’s Work. 91 5571. -- Life in Town and Country, Le Roy’s. (A. A. Wood- hull) Nation, 82: 305, —Mining Bureau, Work of. (C. H. Burritt) Nat. Geog. M. 14: 418. —— Money Question in. (A. M. Day) Nation, 742 302. -—- Moros in Peace and War. (O. K. Davis) Munsey, 27: 787. —-— Music of the Filipinos. (F. Densmore) Am. An- thropol. 8: 611, — New Language Despotism in. (B. J . Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 369. — New Philippine Government. (S. Webster) No. Am. 175: 299. — New Railroads in. (P. E. Fansler) Cassier, 30: 161. — Newspapers and. (P. N. Beringer) Overland, n. s. 44= I17. — Not Independence but Interdependence. Outl. 70: 456- n Way out ‘of the. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 82: 478- —— Opium Traflic in. -— Our Mohammedan Subjects. (0. G. Villard) Nation, '77: 260. (E. A. Dodge) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 20. , - Our Spanish Inheritance in the. (J . A. Le Roy) Atlan. 95: 340. -—Our Work in. (C. A. Conant) Internat. Mo. 5: 358. — The Outlook in. (H. L. Shumway) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 567. — People of. (W. H. Taft) Indep. 54: 1099. —-— Place-names derived from Plant-names. (A. F. Chamberlain) Am. Antiq. 25: 108. —— The Plaint of the Passing Peoples. (V. Harper) Overland, n. s. 43: 463, — Playing at Governing the. day, 11: 1147, -- Political Parties in. (VV. H. Taft) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 307. -— Postal Savings Bank in. Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 468, -— Prehistoric Politics in. (C. G. Calkins) Land of Sun. 13: 392. -— Preparing our Moros for Government. (R. L. Bul- lard) Atlan. 97: 385. -- Present Conditions in. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 466. — Present Situation in. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 507, —-— The President says “ Independence.” (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 437. -- The Problem in. (B. K. Daniels) Canad. M. 26: 211.—Outl. 78: 1o66.—(S. Bonsal) Pall Mall M. 28: 37I.—Outl. 70: 4o9.—(J. W. Jenks) Mc- Clure, 20: 111. -- Outl. 70: 361. (H. Wright) World To- (E. W. Kemmerer) R. of 494 PHILIPPINE Philippine Islands, Problem of, from a Filipino Stand-‘ point. (J. Sumulong) No. Am. 179: 860, — Progress in. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 116. -—(J. R. Bishop) Internat. Q. 5: 205. -— Public-school System in. (W. French) No. Am. 180: 546. — Questions which confront us. (J . A. Le Roy) Out West, 18: 762. ' — Race Prejudice in. (J . A. Le Roy) Atlan. 90: 100. -— Railways in. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 82: 5. — The Regular and the Savage in. Lippinc. 74: 731 . —— Religion in. Cath. World, 78: 440. -- Reports of Provincial Governors. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 403, — Republican Government suggested for. (P. Mac- queen) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 402. — Retana’s Collection of Philippiniana. (F. Starr) Am. Antiq. 24: 168. —-— A Revelation of the Filipinos; Summary of the Census, with I30 Pictures. Nat. Geog. M. 161 I 39. —— revisited. (W. H. Taft) Indep. 59: 1015. — The Right Way to help the Filipinos. (F. G. New- lands) Indep. 60: 560, — Roman Catholic Church in. (Leo XIII.) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 372. —(J. A. Le Roy) Indep. 56: 13. — School Question in. Cath. World, 751 429. —— Scientific Positions in. Science, 11. s. I 9: 770. — Seamy Side in. (H. C. Rowland) Cent. 41: 862, — Sec. Taft and. (J . A. Le Roy) World’s Work, 11: 6995- - Senate Bill, 1902. (H. White) Nation, 74: 320. — The Siege of Bigbag. (A. E. McFarlane) Munsey, 29= 349- — Situation in. (L. E. Wright) Outl. 75: 111. -— Soldier Schools in. (D. Gibbs) Outl. 74: 277. -—- Spanish Campaign in, 1896—97. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 3% 415- ss= 137- —— Spirit of. (W. O’C. McGeehan) Overland, n. s. 391 864. — Squad Formation in. Inst. 30: 409. — Storming a Moro Fortress. (Bost.) 19: 23. — The Struggle in; Parallel to the South African War. (H. W. Wilson) Fortn. 77: 138, -— Suppressed Reports. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 302. —- Survey of. Science, 11. s. 21: 761, — Taft Party’s Visit to. (C. H. Brent) Outl. 81 : 369. — Tariff for. (J. A. Le Roy) Outl. 76: 879. — Tariff Relations with United States. (C. C. Plehn) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 12. — Taxation in. (C. C. Plehn) Pol. Sci. Q. 17: 125, - (W. F. Norris) Green Bag, I 5: 5 38, — Teachers and Cholera in. (J . R. Hatheway) Nation, 77= 278.297- — Three Cases from the Criminal Docket of a Court in. (W. F. Norris) Green Bag, 18: 557, —— Trade and Industry of, on View. (W. P. Wilson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 694, —- Transportation in. (L. E. Bennett) Engin. M. 31: 179,329- —Tyranny or Democracy—which? (C. H. Brent) Outl. 83: 599. — U. S. Government Laboratories for. Science, n. s._I6: 579. — The United States in. —- Voyage on a Barangayan in. M. n. s. 31: 290. —- The Vatican and. (S. Cortesi) Indep. 541 43,6. — War in, Causes of. (S. C. Parks) Arena, 271 561. — — Evils in. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 27: 647. (P. E. Pierce) J. Mil. Serv. (R. S. Porter) Nat’l M. (P. C. Freer) (A. Ireland) Atlan. 942 577. (M. Irving) New Eng. — — Two Ethical Questions. (F. Adler) Forum, 33: 387. ‘ ' PHILIPPINE Philippine Islands, Water-cure Tortures in. Let the Truth be known. (M. S. Cobb) Outl. 70: 1026. —-— Weavers of. (G. E. Walsh) Cath. World, 74: 761. — What shall we do with? (J. H. Parker) Forum, 32: 662, -— Why I oppose our Policy. (R. E. Bisbee) Arena, 28: 113. — Why not swap? (O. F. Williams) Indep. 54: 903. —- Willis’s Our Problem in. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, 81: 321. - (H. Clifford) Macmil. n. s. 2: 66. — A Woman’s Impressions of. (M. T. Boardman) Outl. 82: 435. —- A Working Plan for. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 62. See also Filipino. Philippine Scouts in War. (VV. H. Johnston) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 67, 289, Philippine Superstitions; Tagalog. (F. Gardner) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I9: 191, —Visayan. (W. H. Millington; B. L. Maxfield) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I9: 205. Philippoteaux, Henri E. F. Charge of the French Cuirassiers at Waterloo; painting. Art J . 55: 264, Philistine, A Brief for the. (T. Jenks) Outl. 84: 35. Philistines in Arcady, The _; a story; (Zona Gale) Out- ing, 43: 641. Phillimore, John George. (G. E. Walter) Sat. R. 96: 571- Phillip, Arthur. (C. F. Lavell) Chaut. 44: I72. Phillips, David Graham. Bk. News, 22: 1214, — A Novelist with Democratic Ideals. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 31: 236. — The Plum-tree. Arena, 33: 663. -— A 20th-century Novelist of Democracy. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 35: 252. » Phillips, John, the Geologist. (W. H. Thompson) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 554. Phillips, Stephen. Quar. 195: 486. =Ecl. M. I 39: 249. ILiv. Age, 233: 641. —-With portrait. (T. M. Parrott) Booklover’s M. 5: 574. —- and the Poetic Drama. Outl. 70: 707, ——- Aylmer’s Secret. (Max Beerbohm) Sat. R. 100: 80, — Nero. (H. Hodge) Sat. R. 101: 135. —— Open Letters to. Good Words, 43: 742. -—— Paolo and Francesca compared with “ Francesca di Rimini.” (W. Archer) Pall Mall M. 26: 281, —- —— On the Stage. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 93: 332. -— Poet and Dramatist. (A. Henderson) Arena, 33: 447. ——- Sin of David. Spec. 93: 837. —— Tragedy in the Plays of. (M. A. Balliol) Temp. Bar, 132: 571. -— Ulysses. (J . R. Towse) Critic, 43: 439. — (M. Beer- bohm) Sat. R. 932 I70.—(C. F. Smith) Sewanee, ro: 32o.—-(G. Gwynn) 19th Cent. 51: 434.=Liv. Age, 233: 65. — -— at Her Majesty’s Theater. Mall M. 26: 509. —— -— Homer and. (E. M. Thomas) Critic, 40: 343. -— —— in London. Critic, 40: 519. —— A Valuation of. (E. A. Wodehouse) Fortn. 83: 830. -—-Liv. Age, 245: 769. Phillips, Wendell. (Lillie B. C. Wyman) New Eng. M. n. s. 272 725.-(J. H. Hollowell) Sund. M. 34: (C. F. Keary) Pall 3o. ——- Reminiscences of. (G. W. Pepper) Indep. 61: 913, Phillips Exeter Academy. (S. B. Lawrence) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 465. — (R. H. Bowles) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 601. -— An American School. (G. L. Kittredge) No. Am. 177: 69. Phillis Isle; a poem. (J . H. Morse) Atlan. 91: 536. 495 PHILOSOPHY Phillpotts, Eden. The River. (C. Shipman) Critic, 42: 160, — Secrets of the Day. Critic, 41: 436. Philo of Alexandria. (J . H. A. Hart) Jew. Q. 17: 78, 726. 18: 330. Philo Judaeus. (W. B. Pitkin) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 13: 304- — Doctrine of the Divine Father and Virgin Mother. (A. S. Carman) Am. J. Theol. 9: 491. _Philology, Notes on. (K. D. Doyle) Westm. I60: 323. —Place of. (B. I. Wheeler) Calif. Univ. Chron. 3: 297- Philosopher, The First. (J . H. Breasted) Monist, I2: 321. Philosopher in the Restaurant, The. (J . Kingstead) Chamb. J. 82: 57!. , ' Philosopher’s Joke, The. (J . K. Jerome) Critic, 47: 533. 48: 68. Philosophers as Failures. (C. W. Super) Westm. 161: 6 Philosophical Association, Purposes of a. Creighton) Philos. R. 11: 219. Philosophical Movement in St. Louis. Educa. R. 29: 450. Philosophical Orientation and Scientific Standpoints. (J . Ward) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 1. Philosophical Society of Washington, 1902. (C. K. Wead) Science, 11. s. 17: 669, —— 1903. Science, n. s. 18: 723, —-— 1905. Science, n. s. 22: 633, —- 1906. Science, 11. s. 24: 768. Philosophy and its Correlations. Philos. R. 12: 113. — and Life. (H. Hiiffding) Internat. J . Ethics, 12: (J . E. (W. Schuyler) (A. T. Ormond) I37- - and Modern Life. (J . H. Hyslop) Internat. Q. 10: 303- — and Practical Results. (W. James) Calif. Univ. Chron. I: 287. — and Religion. (J . Lindsay) Bib. Sac. 59: 637. — and Science. (G. H. Howison) Calif. Univ. Chron. 5: 129, — — at the Dawn of the 20th Century. (J . T. Drie- coll) No. Am. 176: 422, — — Baldwin on. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Dial, 32: 419. — and Theology, Relation of. (F. Sewall) N. Church R. 12: 554. —— and Tramps. —— as the Basis of Education. 26: 120. — at Oxford. Acad. 63: 172. —— Baldwin’s Dictionary of. (W. H. Davis) Educa. R. 24: 440. —- (D. G. Ritchie) Mind, 27: 547. — (F. Thilly) Science, 11. s. 17: 143. — Christian. (F. Aveling) Dub. R. 131: 111. -— Development of, in the 19th Century. (G. T. Ladd) Philos. R. 14: 403, 563. — Eucken on. (A. C. Armstrong) Philos. R. I4: 344. — Foundation of. (T. F. Willis) Dub. R. 130: 355. —- French, Contemporary. (A. Fouillée) Internat. Mo. 5: 278, 418. — Historical Method in, Value of. bert J. 2: 754. —in France. (A. Lelande) Philos. R. 14: 429. I5: 266, -— in Italy. (G. Papini) Monist, I3: 55 3. — in the University. (E. A. Pace) Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 165. — Lux Mundi Antiqua et Nova. (J . Baugh) Westm. I66: 531, — A Message of, to the Modern Man. (H. J . Haskell) Outl. 82: 842, — Mission of. (G. T. Ladd) Philos. R. 14: 113, (M. B. Dunn) Atlan. 97: 776. (A. T. Smith) Educa. (W. Knight) Hib- PHILOSOPHY Philosophy, Modern, Adamson on. Sat. R. 96: 705. — (J. Iverach) Crit. R. 13: 335. — New, in France. (G. M. Sauvage) Cath. Univ. Bull- 12: 147. — A New Field for. (S. D. Merton) Open Court, 17: 56. — Primitive, Fundamental Concept of. (A. 0. Love- joy) Monist, 16: 357. -—- Problems of Science and. (J . H. Hyslop) Philos. R. 12: 386, — Progress of. (J . C. Meredith) Westm. 166: 390. —— Queen and Handmaiden. (F. Aveling) Dub. R. 136: 318. —- The Relation of Esthetics to Psychology and. R. Marshall) Philos. R. 14: 1. —- Relation to Graduate Studies. uca. R. 25: 265. — Sidgwick on its Scope and Relations. ~Ath. ’02, 21 (H. (J . S. Hibben) Ed- I79- —- The Study of. (E. A. Pace) Cath. Univ. Bull. 71 131, —— Thoughts on. (A. Reynaud) Cath. World, 78: 99- 662, - Turner’s History of. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 79: 15. —— Von A. Diiring on. (W. A. Heidel) Philos. R. 14: 64. — What has it done for Mankind? (G. S. Street) Acad. 66: 429. V —— What is ? (F. Thilly) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 513. —- (A. Austin) National, 40: 372. - Where it fails. (S. D. Merton ; P. Carus) Monist, W 597- Philosophy of staying in Harness. (J . H. Canfield) Cosmopol. 39: 5. Philostratus, The Apollonius of. Westm. 158: 407. — Heroica of. (C. H. Bromby) Ath. ’o2, 2: 320, 859, Phipps Fund, The. (H. S. Brown) Char. I3: 597. Phlox, Perennial Garden. (C. J . Hunt) Ctry Life Am. 9: 66. Phoebe, Satellite of Saturn. Knowl. 27: 287, Phoebe in Politics: a story. (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, 35: 196. Phaebe’s Experiment; a story. Eng. M. n. s. 35: 74. Phoenicia as a Maritime Power, Berard on. Cook) Fortn. 82:- 912, Phoenician Temple, Remains of. (C. C. Torrey) Open Court, 17: 65. Phcsnicians, Ancient Commerce of, in the Mediterra- nean. (J. D. Murphy) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 495, Phoenix, Arizona. (E. S. Gill) Calif. M. 2: 238. — and the Health Seekers of the Southwest. Witherbee) Char. I3: 132, Phoenix Fishing Club. (O. F. Marsh) Longm. 41: 150, ' Phoenix Park Trial, Diary at Dublin Castle during the. (J . Roundell) 19th Cent. 60: 559, Phonetic Conference, Proposed International. (R. Stein) Indep. 59: 122 5. — (R. Stein) Pedagog. Sem. 10: 425. Phonograph, Edison’s. (Bost.) 18: 255. (W. B. Wallace) (A. C. D. Crommelin) (C. Marriott) New (T. A. (F. D. (J. M. Chapple) Nat’l M. Phonograph and the Graft, The ; a story. (O. Henry) McClure, 20: 428, Phonographic Records, Archives of. Nature, 67: 301. _ Phoridae. Am. Natural. 36: 405. Phosphates. (E. B. Voorhees) J. Frankl. Inst. I60: 211. —- Double Ammonium, in Analysis. (M. Austin) Am. J. Sci. 164: 156, (C. C. Garrard) 496 PHOTOGRAPHY Phosphorescence and Fluorescence. (E. L. N ichois) J. Frankl. Inst. I62: 219, Photinus Marginellus. (A. B. Townsend) Am. Natu- ral. 38: 127, Photo-engraving of Pictures. (W. C. Whittam) Brush & P. 15: supp. 35. Photograph, Binocular. (W. E. Long) Educa. 24: 526. Photograph of a Ghost; a story. (G. V. Christmas) Cath. World, 76: 186. Photographers, ‘resh Fields for. (F. C. Tilney) Liv. Age, 239: 187. — Some Lady. (F. Miller) Art J . 542 367. Photographic Astronomy. (H. H. Turner) Pop. As- tron. I 3: 72, , Photographic Illustrations of Poetry. (P. W. Hum- phreys) Booklover’s M. 4: 69. Photographic Image, Reversal of, and Subsequent De- velopment. (M. I. Wilbert) J . Frankl. Inst. I 53: 231, Photographic Permanence. Inst. 153: 359. Photographic Portraiture, American School of. (C. Y. Abott) Booklover’s M. 3: 169. Photographic Salon, First American. (C. E. F airman) Booklover’s M. 5: I93. — Philadelphia. (Olive M. Potts) Brush & P. 91 227, » — 3d Chicago. (S. L. Willard) Brush & P. 11: 252, Photographic Telescopes. (E. S. King) Science, 11. s. -21: 410, Photographing Athletics. (A. Ruhl) Outing, 402 259. — Big Game. (J . A. Burgess and E. M. Sawyer) Out- ing, 40: 478. —— (A. G. Wallihan) Outl. 71: 355. — Birds; Hunting with a Camera. (J . M. Boraston) Cosmopol. 39: 43. —— A Camera-hunter’s Vacation. Life Am. 6: 30, — Character. (S. L. Gates) World To-day, 9: 709. — for its own Sake. (J. B. Carrington) Outing, 47: (C. F. Hines) J .Frankl. (H. K. Job) Ctry 387. — in Difiicult Places. (W. N. Jennings) Booklover’s M, 2: 289, —- in a Mine. (J. C. Burrow) Art J. 57: 241. —— the Small Wild Life of the Prairie. (H. K. Job) 011ting.49= I69. — Wild Animals. (F. M. Chapman) World’s Work, 6: 3554.—Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 588. -—- Wild Game with Flash-light. (G. Shiras) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 367. Photographs, Use of, in Teaching Astronomy. (S. F. Whiting) Pop. Astron. 13: 430. — Library Methods for Care of. Lib. J. 27: 324. — of Animals by Charles Reid. (C. Lang Neil) Studio (Internat.) 29: 327. ‘ — of Paintings, Hollyer’s. Acad. 67: 368. — Telegraphically transmitted. (A. Gradenwitz) Knowl. 27: 56. Photography, ]Esthetic‘Activity in. (S. Hartmann) Brush & P. 14: 24. —- and the Fascination of being photographed. (Mrs. Wilson Woodrow) Cosmopol. 3 5: 675. -—- and the Figure of the Sun. (W. W. Payne) Pop. (A. Guggenheimer) Astron. I3: 475. —- Applied to Architecture. (E. Dockree) Am. Arch. 8o: 54, - — applied to Architectural Measurement and Survey- ing. (J . B. Lee) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 493.'= Nature, 66: 235, — applied to Illustration and Printing. (J . D. Geddes) J. Soc. Arts, 50: 829, 842, 853, — Art in Printing and. (J . C. Dollman) J . Soc. Arts, 54: 468. PHOTOGRAPHY Photography. The Artist of the Camera. (C. H. Con- way) Munsey, 35: 695, _ —-— Artistic, California Women and. (H. G. Breck) Overland, n. s. 43: 89. — —— once more. (Russell Sturgis) Scrib. M. 32: 2 5 5. —— — of To-day. (A. H. Hinton) M. of Art, 27: 352, 461, 28: 63, —— as a Fine Art. Acad. 692 I011. —- Astronomical. (G. P. Serviss) Outl. 79: 787. —(A. Ricco) Pop. Astron. I2: 521. —— (H. H. Turner) Pop. Astron. 13: I22.—Blackw. 172: 57. --Ecl. M- I39= 434- — —- at a High Altitude. (H. C. Wilson) Pop. Astron. 12: 509, — —— with Reflecting Telescopes. Pop. Astron. I41 -449. (J . A. Parkhurst) —— Bird Studies and Pictures from Life, by W. L. Fin-I ley and H. T. Bohlman. Craftsman, 8: 611, —— by the Light of Venus. (H. C. F yfe) Good Words, — Camera at the Seashore. 46: 640. — Curios of the Camera. Sund. M. 3r: 46-933. —-— Curiosities of. Sund. M. 25: 351-981. —-— Development in, and Mechanical Methods of carry- ing it out. (R. C. Bayley) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 307. —— Expert, as applied to Forgery. (M. Backus) Over- land. n. s. 401 379. — Farmer’s Method. 162: 73. —— for Architects. ——for the Beginner. 774- 45= 128-640- — History by. (G. F. Parker) Cent. 46: I 36. — in Advertising. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 606, — in Colors. (J. L. Howe) Science, n. s. 17: :93. -— (J. Carbutt) J. Frankl. Inst. I575 379.--Nature, 73: 330.—-(H. E. Dresser) Nature, 67: I27.—-(F. E. Ives) J. Frankl. Inst. I53: 43. —-— -— Diffraction Process. (H. E. Ives) J . Frankl. Inst. 161: 439. —-— —— McDonough Joly Method. Arts, 49: 132. —— in the Dark; Paper and Peroxide of Hydrogen. (W. J . Russell) Nature, 65: 200. — Individuality in. (W. E. Dassonville) Overland, n. s. 40: 339. ' -— The Latent Image. (J . Joly) Nature, 72: 308. — Machine Shop. (A. M. Powell) Cassier, 21: 352. —-— Marvels of. (H. Wysham Lanier) World’s Work, 11: 7163. — Modern Pictorial. (A. Stieglitz) Cent. 42: 822, —— Negative Enlargements. Pop. Astron. I3: 484, 556. —-— The New. (H. H. Moore) Outl. 83: 455. —- (A. Black) Cent. 42: 813. — (C. H. Caflin) Munsey, 27: 729, -— A New Departure in. (S. Allan) Lamp, 28: I8. —-— of Flowers. (V. O. Lange) Out West, 16: 244.- (H. L. Shepherd) Canad. M. 23: 400. —— Open-air. (Olive S. Berry) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 387. —— Outdoor Portrait. (M. Weil) Ctry Life Am. 10: 47. -— The Photo-secession. (S. Hartmann) Craftsman, 6: 3o. — - its Aims and Work. Studio (Internat.) 28: mix- (L. W. Brownell) Outing, (J . Bartlett) J . Frankl. Inst. (F. R. Taylor) Am. Arch. 83: 5!. (L. W. Brownell) Outing, 44: (H. S. Ward) J . Soc. cx. -— Pictorial. (L. D. Tolman) Brush & P. 17: supp. 77. -— Pioneers in. Chamb. J. 80! 254. —-— Posing Wild Animals. (R. W. Shufeldt) Outing, 40: 216, -— Progress in. Chamb. J. 81: 332. -— Pure and Applied. (C.'Jones) Knowl. 27: 117-286, -— Rise of, and its Service to Mankind. (B. 0. Flower) Arena, 27: 28. 497- PHYSICAL Photography, Schi1ling’s Flashlights in the Jungle. (F. H. Herrick) Science, n. s. 23: 540. —— Scientific and “ Freak.” (W. N. Bremen) Over- land, n. s. 40: 346. — Some Aspects of Development. Soc. Arts, 512 42. — Story of. (W. B. Ashley) Outing, 44: I83. —-— A Successful Photographer of Children. (Adelaide Hanscom) Craftsman, 7: 460. —- Supplementary Illumination. (J . Bartlett) J . F rankl. Inst. I62: 473. — Under and Over-exposure. Inst. 155: 283. —— The S. L. Willard School of Pictorial. (E. A. Ray) Brush & P. 12: 186, -— without the Dark Room. Frankl. Inst. I57: 53. —— Wondegful Marine. (W. A . Johnson) World’s Work, 12: 7 27, — Work of Clarence H. White. men. 91 495- Photometric Measurements on a Person possessing Monochromatic Vision. (F. L. Tufts) Am. J . Sci. 172: 5 31, Photomicrographic Device. (F. E. Ives) J. Frankl. Inst. I53: 371. ‘ Photomicrography. 143. —— Stereoscopic, New Device for. (F. E. Ives) J . Frankl. Inst. I 54: 391. Photo-printing Machine of L. F. Rondinella. J . Frankl. Inst. I61: 71. Photo-telephony. (S. Bidwell) Nature, 69: 373. Phototropism in the Larval Stages of Homarus Amer- icanus. (P. B. Hadley) Science, 11. s. 22: 675. —— under Light-rays of Different Wave-lengths. (J. B.- Dandeno) Science, 11. s. 18: 604. Phrases to be discarded. Acad. 64: I79. Phrenology and F. J . Gall. (J. Knott) Westm. I66: 150, —-— The Ethological Society and the Revival of. (J . Fyvie) 19th Cent. 57: 958. — The New. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 67: 510. — Revival of. (S. Paget) Fortn. 84: 1107, Phrygia, Discoveries in, 1905. (W. M. Ramsay) Ath. ’o5, 2: 312, Phryne, Statue of. (J . C. Bayles) Am. Arch. 87: (A. Watkins) J . (J . Bartlett) J . Frankl. (A. W., McCurdy) J. (G. Bicknell) Crafts- (A. C. Scott) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 98. Phrynos ; a New Kalos-artist. (Oliver S. Tonks) Am. J. Archeeol. n. s. 91 288. Phyllospadix as a Beach-builder. Natural. 36: 101, Physical, The, and the Psychical, Prof. Bawden’s Interpretation of. (G. M. Andi-us) Philos. R. 13: 429.— (H. H. Bawden)Philos. R. 13: 541. Physical Chemistry, Relation of, to Physics and Chemistry. (J . V. van’t Hoff) Science, 11. s. 22: (R. E. Gibbs) Am. 649. Physical Culture. (E. Checkley) Outing, 412 734. 42: I37. — Christianity and. (G. Stanley Hall) Pedagog. Sem. 91 374. — Reconstruction by. (Anne O’Hagan) Everybody’s, 7: 571. Physical Degeneration and the Poverty Line. (Mrs. Bosanquet) Contemp. 85! 65. —- in Poor of England. Sat. R. 98: I64. —- of the British Race, Report on. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 593.--(A. A. Mumford) Fortn. 82: 324- — True Cause of. (Alex. Haig) National, 44! 697. Physical Deterioration. (Countess of Warwick) F ortn. 85: 504. = Ecl. M. 146: 428. PHYSICAL Physical Deterioration, begins in Infancy. (B. Broad- bent) Sat. R. 99: 738. —— in England. (T. Burke) Forum, 35: 449. —(J. E. Gorst) No. Am. 181: 1, -—— A National Danger. (C. Rolleston) Westm. I64: 154- Physical Education. (F. H. Hain) Educa. 24: 356. ‘—- applied to Housework. (M. Van Rensselaer) Chaut. 34: 529- -— for College Women. 564. -—- in its Bearing on Life. 26: 224, — in Primary Schools. (A. P. Graves) Contemp. 35! 888. —— in Schools. - Spec. 922 636. -— Need of, in the Country. 26: 587. —— Rational System of. (W. R. C. Latsou) Outing, 47 2 (J . F. Goucher) Indep. 60: (G. E. Kingsbury) Educa. (C. L. Schrader) Educa. 427- - Right Start in. (M. V. O’Shea) World’s Work, 6: 3812, — Sir Lander Brunton on the Need of. Nature, 711 252, , Physical Geography in our Public Schools. (M. H. Paddock) Educa. 25: 162. Physical Law and Life. (J . H. Poynting) Hibbert J . 1: 728. Physical Laws. Comparaison avec les Lois Biolo- giques. (G. E. Guye) Ath. ’o6, 2: 132, — Logical Basis of. (H. M. Brock) Am. Cath. Q. 3!: 107. — La Precision des. Physical Science. 20: 417. — Fundamental Concepts of. Sci. Mo. 66: 56,. Physical Training and National Development. Ravenhill) Monthly R. 16, no. 3: 7o. — at Yale. (W. G. Anderson) Munsey, 33: 481. —Conference on, London, Jan. 4-6, 1906. (W. M. Webb) Nature, 73: 259. — in High Schools. (W. Orr) Educa. R. 32: 42, -—- in Scottish Schools. Blackw. I71: 692. —— in Stockholm and Copenhagen. (M. Scharlieb and A. Ravenhill) 19th Cent. 60: 986. — a National Duty. (H. Rippon-Seymour) Westm. 159: 54°- -— of the Young. — Royal Commission on. 160: 306. _ Physical Vigor, More, for All. 36= 494- Physician, The, the Ally of Nature. Union Univ. Q. 2: 95 (G. E. Guye) Ath. ’o6, 2: 107. (R. S. Woodward) Science, 11. s. (E. L. Nichols) Pop. (A. (A. T. Smith) Educa. 26: 628. (H. R. Seymour) Westm. (C. L. Hunt) Chaut. (J . S. Landon) — and the New Era. (HjHopkins) Union Univ. Q. I: 96. -— of the Future. (H. W. Wiley) Science, n. s. 21: .841. Spec. 96: 450. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: — Purpose of the. — Training of the. 364- Physicians and Philosophers. (C. W. Super) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 608. — of the Western Isles. Blackw. I79: 264. —- Young, and the Medical Profession. (A. S. Draper) Union Univ. Q. 32 83. Physics and Chemistry in Prussian and American Schools. (E. H. Hall) Educa. R. 27: I44. — —— Some Points in Teaching. (C. Sheard) Educa. 26: 97, —— Availability of. 433- (F. Slate) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 498 PIANO Physics; Chwolson’s Lehrbuch. (W. L. Stevens) Science, n. s. 20: 277. ' —— College, Shall we have Two Grades of ? (J. S. Stevens) Science, 11. s. 19! 832. H C — Culture Value of. (B. F. Lacy) J. Frankl. Inst. 155: 37- ' — Deductive 'vs. Inductive. Chron. I: 236. —- Experimental and Mathematical, Relations between. (H. Poincaré) Monist, I2: 516, — Histories and Bibliographies of. ence, n. s. 152 1016. — Importance of a Laboratory Course in, in Study of (F. Slate) Calif. Univ. (C. R. Mann) Sci- Medicine. (C. C. Trowbridge) Science, n. s. 15: 848. -— Machine for compounding Sine Curves. (W. G. Cady) Science, 11. s. 23: 877. -—-Misuse of, by Biologists and Engineers. (W. S. Franklin) Science, 11. s. 181 641. — Progress of, in the 19th Century. ence, n. s. 222 353. — Relation of Mechanics to. (C. Barns) Sci- (A. Ziwet) Science, 11. s. W 49- — Study of. (F. E. Beach) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 52. — Teaching of, Advances in. (H. Crew) Science, n. s. 19: 481. — — Modern Trend of. 31: 236. — — A New Movement among Physics Teachers. School R. 14: 212, 429, 652, 746. -—- The World beyond our Senses. per, I07: I17. _ Physiognomy, So-called Science of. (F. Legge) Acad. 62: 613. Physiography and Botany. R. 10: 45. — Frontier of. (W. H. Hobbs) Science, 11. s. 18: 5 38. Physiological Chemistry, Present Problems of. (R. H. Chittenden) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 150. Physiologus. (T. A. Newsome) Month, 103: 522, - (A. Kemp-Welch) Am. Arch. 82: 22, Physiology and Hygiene in the Public Schools. (W. T. Sedgwick and T. Hough) Science, 11. s. 18: 353. — and its Relation to Medicine. Science, n. s. 20: 557. — Chemical, Present Position of, 1902. (W. D. Halli- burton) Nature, 66: 567. -— in Public Schools. (Sedgwick-Hough) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 41: 67. (J . F. Woodhull) Educa. R. (C. Snyder) Har- (H. N. Whitford) School — of Childhood as applied to Education. (R. O. Beard) Educa. 23$ 65. — Progress of, within the Last Two Decades. (Prof. Zuntz) Internat. Q. 12: 312, Physique and Education. (H. R. Beevor) Nature, 70: 363- — National, Deterioration in. 531 797- —- of the Present and Evolution of Future. Hunt) Westm. I60: 563. Pianist, Passing of the. (T. C. Hepworth) Chamb. J . 81: 669. Pianists Now and Then. (G. F. Shee) I9th Cent. (A. H. (W. J . Henderson) Atlan. 971 I94- —- of the Past. (C. Salaman) Music, 21: 221, 289. Piano, Evolution of the, from the Virginal. (H. E. Krehbiel) Booklover’s M. 2: 281. Piano Cases, The Designing of. (R. S. Bowen) Archit. R. 12: 145. . Piano Music. (H. C. Colles) Acad. 68: 180. Piano Players, Mechanical. (J . M. Coward) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 360. Piano-playing; its Limits and Drawbacks. (M. E. Benedict) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: I34. Piano Technics. (W. G. Smith) Music, 22: 42. PIANOFORTE Pianoforte ; Tone-production. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 791 I03- _ , Pianola and ZEolian. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 97: I99- Piazzi Stars, Identity of. (Herman S. Davis) Pop. As- tron. 13: 423. Pic du Midi Observatory. Nature, 7!: 354. Pickaxe and a Spade, A ; a story. (E. Phillpotts) Mc- Clure, 22: 276. Pickerel Fishing. (E. Sandys) Outing, 42: 318. Pickering, Anna Maria Wilhemina. Memoirs. R. 97: 207. Pickering, J . L., Romanticist Painter. dry) Studio (Internat.) 29: 97. Pickett Papers, The. (J . M. Callahan) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 1, Pickwick Ladle, The. ' (W. S. Moody) Scrib. M. 401 Sat. (A. Lys Bal- 733- Pico, Don Pio, with portrait. Land of Sun. 1 : 92, Picnic, A Beanfeaster. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 96: 296, Picquart, Gen., To, on his Appointment as Secretary of State for War in France. (Sir Chas. Darling) National, 48: 632, Pictorial or the Creative, The ? New Eng. M..n. s. 34: I70. Pictorial Journalism. (G. D. Richards) World To-day, (Leonora B. Ellis) 9= 845. Picts and Pets. (W. C. Mackenzie) Antiq. n. s. 42: 172, Picture, Making of a. (H. E. Fyffe) Brush & P. 10: . 162, Picture of the “Little Father.” land, 11. s. 45: 239. Picture of the Sea, A. Words, 46: 228. Picture Books, Good and Bad. Pub. Lib. 11: 171. Picture Frames, Designs in. (Internat.) 30: xii. Picture Post-cards. Macmil. 90: 136. =Ecl. M. 143: 406. Picture Sales of 1903. Art J. 55: 280. —- of 1904. Art J. 56: 329. 57: 52. Pictures added to Public Galleries of England in 1903. ArtJ. 56: 116. — The Buying of ; its Theory, Practice, and Romance. (Harry Quilter) Chamb. J. 79: 335, 433: ILiv. Age, 235: 136. =-Ecl. M. 139: 756. - by Academicians. (T. Williams) Bk. News, 24: (C. Lorrimer) Over- (V. L. Whitechurch) Good (Caroline F. Gleason) (F. W. Coburn) Studio 38'. —- for 3the Tenements. (Eliz. McCracken) Atlan. 98: S19- -— The Gospel of. (C. A. Leech) Chant. 37: 484, — How to enjoy. (E. M. Hnrll) Booklover’s M. 1: 39, — in Public Schools. (W. Buck) Munic. Aff. 6: 189. —- New, of the Season. (T. Williams) Bk. News, 24: 319- -- on the Walls, Art vs. (Martha S. Bensley) Indep. 59¢ 982- —— Poore’s Pictorial Composition and the Critical Judg- ment of Pictures. Craftsman, 4: 307. —- Prices of, The Ups and Downs of. (W. Roberts) National, 47: 1003. - Purchasing, for the Nation. 101: 421, — Spurious, The Trafiic in, in Paris. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. No. Am. 180: 903. — Van Dyke’s Meaning of. Craftsman, 4: 63, — What is the Raison d’6tre of ‘P (H. H. Statham) 19th Cent. 57: 828. —- with Romantic Histories. J , 82: 445. (Clive Holland) Chamb. 499 PILGRIM Picturesque, A Journey in Search of the. (T. C. Brown) Archit. R. 10: 13-167. Piece of Paper, A; a story. (Margaret L. Knapp) Everybody’s, 13: 681, Piece of String, A; a story. nad. M. 23: 557. Piece-work, Quality of Product in. (S. E. Thompson) Cassier, 23: 233. Piece-work Rates, Fixing of. 26: 169. Piece-work System, A Remodeled. (J . H. Van Yorx, jr.) Engin. M. 25: 699, Piedmont Peasant, The. J, 81: 369. Piedmont Plateau, Structure of, as shown in Maryland. (E. B. Matthews) Am. J. Sci. 167: 141. Piepowder Courts. (C. Gross) Q. J . Econ. 20: 231. Pierce, Franklin. (G. A. Thompson) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 409. — Some Papers of, 1852-62. Am. Hist. R. 10: 110, 370, Pierce, James Mills, with portrait. (W. E. Byerly) Harv. Grad. M. 14: 573. Piero di Cosimo. Acad. 62: 589. Pierre Mazet of the Grand Army. (W. D. Gray) Chamb. J. 83: 793. =Liv. Age, 251: 739. Pierrot and Pierrette ; a story. (G. W. Carryl) Mun- (G. de Maupassant) Ca- (H. Diemer) Engin. M. (E. Reynolds-Ball) Chamb. 88$’: 27: 859- Piers, Crushing Strength of. (G. J . M. Ashby) Am. Arch. 87: 163. Piers Plowman, The Misplaced Leaf of. (H. Bradley) Ath. ’o6, 1: 481, Pieshkov, Aleksei Maksimovich. See Gorky, Maxim, pseud. Pig Sticking in Morocco. (M. Wright) Outing, 40: 612, Pigeon, American Passenger, Passing of the. (W. B. Mershon) Chamb. . 82: 491. Pigeon Fancying. (A. H. Goodwin) Ctry Life Am. 7: 611, Pigeon Farm at Los Angeles, Cal. [photographs only]. Nat. Geog. M. 17: 20. Pigeon Ranch in California. Life Am. 1: 227, Pigeons, Wild. Spec. 94: 779. ——of California. (T. S. Van Dyke) Land of Sun. 6: 18, — — Passing of. (C. W. Nash) Canad. M. 20: 315, Pigmentation, Evan escent Congenital, in the Sacrolum- (Helen L. Jones) Ctry bar Region. (H. N. Wardle) Am. Anthrop. 4:‘ 412, Pigmies. See Pygmies. Pigott, Mostyn. All Fletcher’s Fault. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 12, Pigs in Court. (R. V. Rogers) Green Bag, 14: 374. Pigs is Pigs; a story. (E. P. Butler) Am. M. 60: 496. Pigs’ Meat [the Periodical so called, 1790 (‘P)]. (D. C. Pedder) Westm. 163: 314, Pike, A. B., House of. Archit. Rec. 19: 59. Pike, Zebulon M. (C. M. Harvey) Putnam, 1: 138. — and the Flag in Kansas in 1806. M. of Hist. 4: 160. Pike’s Peak, Centennial of. (L. Lewis) World’s Work, 12: 7857.—(C. M. Harvey) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 333- — Lost on. (Albert McFarland) Land of Sun. 7: I 5. Pike’s Peak Region, Engineering in. (J . Birkinbine) Cassier, 30: 483. Pilate, The Preetorium of, and the Pillar of Sconrging. (H. Thurston) Dub. R. I38: I20. ‘ Pile Dwellings, Distribution of. Am. Antiq. 25: 127. Pile Structures, Prehistoric, in Southwest Scotland. (L. M. Mann) Antiq. n. s. 41: 287, 333. Pilgrim from Abyssinia, A ; a sketch. (S. Bonsal) McClure, 20: 287, PILGRIM Pilgrim in Beulah, (Georg Schock) Scrib. M. 38: 205, Pilgrim in the Wilderness; a tale of the New West. (W. A. White) Cent. 46: 219, Pilgrim Chamber, The. (Alice Brown) Atlan. 96: 188. Pilgrim Fathers on the Kennebec. (E. H. Nason) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 309, Pilgrims, the, in England and Holland, Dexter on. (W. E. Griflis) Dial, 39: 306. -— Principles of the. Outl. 83: 832. — Spirit of the; address. (J . D. Long) Outl. 84: 416. Piling, Reinforced. Am. Arch. 88: 35. Pillars of Heaven. (N. de B. Lugrin) Canad. M. 27: 456- Pillnitz, Conference of. (Oscar Browning) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 11: 133, Pillow Fancies. I (Nora A. Smith) New Eng. M. n. s. 331 4°9- Pillsbury, Parker. (Lillie B. C. Wyman) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 536. - Pilot’s Life, The. (V. Slocum) Outl. 74: 572. Pima of Arizona, Notes on the. (A. Hrdlicka) Am. Anthropol. 8: 39. Pima Annals. (F. Russell) Am. Anthropol. 51 76. Pima-Maricopa Ceremony, A. (H. N. Rust) Am. An- thropol. 8: 688, Pimienta Pancakes, The; a story. Clure, 22: 141, Pinckney, Charles C. His Plan for a Constitution, 1787. Am. Hist. R. 8: 509. 9: 735. —— Reply to Jay, 1786, regarding Treaty with Spain. Am. Hist. R. 10: 817, Pindar, Odes of. Pine, Yellow; Lumber Industry in the South. (W. W. Davis) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 443. Pine-fishing, A Chat about. Chamb. J . 79: 699. Pine Knot, President Roosevelt’s Retreat at. (H. Hale) Indep. 61: 1532, Pine Trees in New England. 4 Eng. M. n. s. 27: 177. Pineapples, How to grow. (P. H. Rolfs) Ctry Life Am. 31 254- -—— in Southern Florida. (S. W. Fletcher) Ctry Life Am. 9: 442. Pinero, Arthur Wing. His House in Order. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 101: 167, —— Iris. (J . Rankin Towse) Critic, 412 444. — (M. W. Sampson) Dial, 32: 112, -— Letty. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 96: 487, 511, — Wife without a Smile. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 98: 5", 545- Pines, White. Pinetti, Giuseppe, Conjurer. Court, 17: 584. Ping-pong, How to play. (A. Parker) Outing, 41: 237, -— Origin of Game and Description of Implements of Play. (H. Essex) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 127. Pink Clover. (M. Bachelor) Sund. M. 34: 632. Pink Shawls, The; a story. (Mary E. W. Freeman) Harper, I12: 138, Pinkertons’ Detective Work, The. Am. M. 60: 36, 205, Pinkney, Wm., with portrait. (J . P. Hill) Green Bag, 15: 301, - Pinnacles, The Awe-inspiring. (J . Carson) Overland, n. s. 45: 389. Pintoricchio, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 5: 275. —- Rehabilitation of. (E. H. Blashfield) Scrib. M. 34: 125, Pioneer in Co-education; a story. (A. W. Bailey) Outl. 78: 332. Pioneer Farming in South America. Chamb. J . 791 446. (O. Henry) Mc- (A. O. Huntington) New (M. (F. Osgood) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 530. (H. R. Evans) Open (C. F. Bourke) 500 (R. Y. Tyrrell) Acad. 71: 494, 520. PIT CHBLEN DE Pioneer Newspaper Cartoonist. 331 59- Pioneers, Our Legacy from a Century of. (A. Shaw) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 311, Pious_Fund Arbitration. (VV. L. Penfield) No. Am. I75= 835- Piozzi, Mrs. Hester L. S. Thrale. (M. L. Croft) Temp. Bar, 130: 278. — Some Unedited Letters of. (M. A. Ellis) F ortn. 80: 268. Pipe, A Remarkable, from N. W. America. (H. I. Smith) Am. Anthropol. 82 33. Pipe from the Rue Pignon, The; a story. (A. Ran- some) Temp. Bar, 133: 151. ' Pipe Fancies. (G. F. McFarland) Canad. M. 251 59. Piper, Mrs., Professor Hyslop’s Report on. (W. T. Marvin) Educa. R. 24: 176. Pipes. Sculptured. Am. Antiq. 28: 113. -— Tobacco, and Primitive Art. (R. Quick) Studio (Internat.) 24: 133. —— -— Curious. Canad. M. 231 93. Pipes of Passage ; a poem. (J . R. Taylor) Atlan. 90: (B. O. Flower) Arena, pl Pippo. (G. W. Carryl) Scrib. M. 32: 670, Piracy of Musical Publications. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R- W 326- Piracy of Reginald Dollard, The. (A. B. Paine) Cos- mopol. 33: 579. Piran, St. ; a Forgotten Saint. (E. L. Arnold) Chamb. J , 822 17, Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, Italian Etcher and En- graver. (W. J . Woodworth) Brush & P. 10: 276. Pirate Crew, A ; a story. (T. J . Partridge) New Eng. M. n. s. 341 353. Pirates; Captain John Coxon. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 1. —- Captain John Jennings. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 561. — Modern. (J . W. Muller) Outing, 42: 703. Pirene, Tvraf9pos Kp'/7111) of. (R. B. Richardson) Am. J . Archaaol. 2d ser. 6: 321. Pirrie, W. J ., and the White Star Line. Canad. M. 19‘ 527- Pisa. (A. Symons) Monthly R. 21, no. 12 39.=Liv. Age, 248: 183. Pisan, Christine de, her Life and Writings. (F. P. Henry) Cath. World, 78: 647, Piscator and the Peri. (H. W. Lanier) Lippinc. 71: 365. Piscator’s Revenge ; a story. 43: 85- . , Pisidia, Lycaonia, and Pamphylia, Journey in. (H. S. Cronin) J. Hel. Stud. 22: 94, 339. 24: 113, Pissarro, Camille, Impressionist, with portrait. (H. G. Stephens) Brush & P. 13: 411, -— Etchings of. (Count de Soissons) Studio (Internat.) 21: 59. , Pistoia Cathedral Altar, Silver of. (E. A. Jones) Re- liquary. 451 I9- Pistol, Parabellum, Automatic. 331 109 Pistols, Collectors and Collections of. (J . P. Bocock) Outing, 39: 407. — with Pedigrees. (J . P. Bocock) Outing, 41: 597. Pit River, Infernal Caverns of the. (H. French) Over- land, 11. s. 462 442. Pitcairn Island; a Miracle in Ethnology. McCoy) Indep. 57: 712, Pitch, Discrimination of, Studies in. (G. M. Whipple) Am. J. Psychol. 14: 559. — Extensity and. (Knight Dunlap) Psychol. R. 12: (H. W. Lanier) Outing, J . Mil. Serv. Inst. (Emily M. 287. Pitch Candidate, The. (C. L. Edhohn) New Eng. M. n. s. 321 640. Pitchblende. Science, 11. s. 20: 441, I —- Art Exhibition at Carnegie Institute, I902. PITT Pitt, Sir William, 1653-1726. 41: 509. Pitt, William, I759"1806- (J. A. R. Marriott) Fortn. 85: 487.— (C. Whibley) Blackw. I78: 591. -—~ and General Miranda. (Hubert Hall) Ath. ’02, 11 (L. Holland) Longm. 498- —-and Peel, Sir Robert. (F. H. Hill) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 13: 117. —'as a Barrister. 41: 25, — Centenary of. (T. E. Kebbel) 19th Cent. 59: 183. — Empire Builder. (H. A. Bruce) Outl. 80: 384. —Foreign Policy in First Decade. (Felix Salomon) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 10: 111, — Tomline’s Estimate of. Monthly R. 12, no. 22 I. — The War with France. (C. Whibley) Blackw. 179: (J . A. Lovat-Fraser) Antiq. n. s. 1'. —-— Thje Years of Peace. (C. Whibley) Blackw. I78: 747- Pittsburgh, Architecture in. (B. F erree) Archit. Rec. 16: 83. (F. W. Morton) Brush & P. 11: 178, - — I903. (E. Knauift) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 680, — — 1904. Booklover’s M. 3: 463. — —— 1905. (M. E. Townsend) Brush & P. 16: 199, —Fine Arts in. (C. E. Harcourt) Brush & P. 14: 351' — Freeing from Pennsylvania R. R.’s Control. (J . L. Cowan) World’s Work, 9: 5712, —-— Frick Building. Archit. Rec. I 5: 328. ——- International Art Exhibition. (D. B. Howland) World To-day, I0: 2 5_ — Municipal Corruption in. 21: 24, —— A New Great City. (W. L. Scaife ; J. E. McKirdy ; Burd S. Paterson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 48. — Residence of A. R. Peacock. Archit. Rec. 14: 266. -— Ripper Law and “ L ” Roads. (C. D. Scully) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 299. Pittsfield, Mass. (G. A. Tappan) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: '8 (L. Steifens) McClure, 3: ~ Pity of Woman, The; a story. (J . Hopper) Every- body’s, I4: 591. Pius II. []Eneas Sylvius Piccolomini], Pope, and Nicho- las de Cusa. ‘Dub. R. 139: 267. Pius VI. and the French Revolution. " Am. Cath. Q. 31: 220, 413, 601, Pius IX. and Leo XIII. Contemp. 84: 565. Pius X., Pope. Month, 102: 225.-'=Outl. 74: 876,: Ecl. M. 142: 833.: Liv. Age, 241: 312. — and Church Music. (R. Bagot) 19th Cent. 551 831. — -— Rejoinder. (R. Bagot) 19th Cent. 56: 247, — and the Conclave. (E. Elbano) Contemp. 84: 411. —— and his Health. (J. J. Walsh) Indep. 58: 36. — and his New Policy. Sat. R. 97: 515. '--and his Task. (H. D. Sedgwick, jr.) Atlan. 92: (D. Sampson) 552- - and the Problems of his Pontificate, with portraits. Cosmopol. 36: 633. —— Anecdotes of. (W. J . D. Croke) Cent:45: 687. —— at St. Peter’s. Outl. 81: 963, —— Character Sketch, with portrait. of Rs. Y.) 28: 291, -— Encyclical, “ E Supreri Apostolatus” (Latin and English). Am. Cath. Q. 29: 1. -— Encyclical upon the French Separation Law. Sat. R, 102: 193. —-— First Year of. (S. Cortesi) Indep. 57: 314. — from his Brother’s Point of View. (S. Cortesi) Indep. 55: 2083. —- From Leo XIII. to. (S. Cortesi) Indep. 59: 918. — (F. Crispolti) Internat. Q. 9: 154. (W. T. Stead) R. 501 PLAIN FIELD Pius X. From Venice to the Vatican, with portrait. (A. Diarista) Cath. World, 771 715. —-— in the Court of the Pigna. Cent. 48: 132. —- Interview with, with portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 313, — The New Pontificate. (J . Moyes) Dub. R. 133: 249. — Personal Impressions of. (D. C. Branson) Outl. 74: 935- — The Pope and the Novelist; reply to R. Bagot. (E. L. Taunton) 19th Cent. 56: 46. —— Some Further Notes on his Personality, with por~ trait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 429. -— The Vatican and the Quirinal. Indep. 5 52 1901. Piute Indian, The. (J . M. Strobridge) Land of Sun. 14: 13, Pixie and her Family; a story. Blackw. I74! 54. “ Place, The,” as an Appellation of Deity. (J . A. Montgomery) J . Bib. Lit. 24: 17. Place, The Spirit of. Acad. 65: 331. Place aux Dames; a story. (Mary R. S. Andrews) Harper, III: 609, , Place of Darkness. (G. K. Turner) Atlan. 90: 394. Place of Dragons, The; a story. (E. W. Peattie) Everybody’s, 8: 227, 358. Place-hunter, 18th Century. (A. I. Shand) Cornh. 85: 84. Place Names of the U. S. Nat. Geog. M. I3: 403. Placer County; an Ideal California County. (“Jim”) Overland, n. s. 452 533. Placer Mining. (H. H. Smith) Overland, n. s. 412 410. Places. Gent. M. n. s. 772 122. Plagiarism, Art of. (E. Wright) Contemp. 85: 514.: Liv. Age, 24!: 372, -—- Elizabethan. (Sidney Lee) Ath. ’o4, 2: 800. — Literary and Musical. (H. T. F inck) Nation, 75! 367. — Ministerial. (A. C. Thompson) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 5: 5- — Old Friends with New Faces. (Brander Matthews) Scrib. M. 38: 757. — A Theme, with Variations. (Brander Matthews) Lamp, 272 301. :Monthly R. 13, no. 22 I57. Plague, Bubonic, Biblical Epidemics of. (E. M. Mer— ' rins) Bib. Sac. 61: 292. — Conquest of, in the Philippines. Nat. Geog. M. 14: I83. — in England and Abroad. (E. Klein) Nature, 67: 299. — Fighting the; Native Statesmanship. (J . Oldfield) Westm. I58: 401, —- Great Black. Char. I4: 857. — Great White. (J . B. Huber) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 298. —— in India. (E. C. Cholmondeley) Monthly R. 15, no. 21 82. =Ecl. M. 143: 153.: Liv. Age, 241: 689,- (C. Creighton) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 810. -— in London, The Great. (W. Jone) Good Words, 451 688. — Serum Theory of. (R. T. Hewlett) Nature, 732 368. — J . Simpson on. (E. Klein) Nature, 72: 529. Plague Commission, Indian Report of. (E. Klein) Nature, 65: 320. Plague Prints, Early. Library, 11. s. 33 3. Plague-stones. Chamb. J . 80: 295. Plain Mary Smith; a story. (H. W. Phillips) Am. M. 60: 153-685. --61: 54, Plain Miss Pretty; The. 567. Plain-song. Acad. 99: 715, 764. — (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 10!: 295. (E. S. Small) Munsey, 33: — Palestrina, Pins and. (L. Baker) Sewanee, I4: 422, i — Restoration of. (E. G. Hurley) Cath. World, 82: 206. —(E. G. Hurley) Cath. World, 82: 502, Plainfield, N. J ., Public Library. Book Exhibits. (E. L. Adams) Lib. J . 271 763. PLAINS Plains, Across the. (N. Brooks) Cent. 41: 803, —-— in ’61. (Lucy H. Fosdick) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 12, 1 — The Central Great, of the U. S. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 389. —- My People of the. (E. Talbot) Harper, 113: 280, — Peopling of the. (R. W. McAdam) Overland, n. s. 42: 131. ' Plana Maculata, Regeneration of the Pharynx in. (H. F. Thacher) Am. Natural. 36: 633, Planarians and their Allies, Benham on. Nature, 652 361. —— Pearl on. (Robert Yerkes) Science, n. s. 17: 737. Planchette. (Jack London) Cosmopol. 41: 157, 259, 379- . Planet, Intra-Mercurial, Search for an, at the Eclipse of 1901. (C. D. Perrine) Pop. Astron. I0: 460. — The Undiscovered. (G. Forbes) Pall Mall M. 25! 199- Planetary Aberration. (R. Buchanan) Pop. Astron. 13: 376. Planetesimal Hypothesis, The. Astron. I4! 327. Planets; are they inhabited ? (C. Flammarion) Har- per,, 109: 84,0. -—(Rachel Challice) Pop. Astron. II: 417; (D. E. Wing) 536.'—- (F. J. Allen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 26. —— (S. Newcomb) Harper, I I1: 404, — (C. Coupe) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 699. -— Formula for the Visual Brilliancy of. (R. Buchanan) Pop. Astron. I3: 175. — Life on the other, not possible. (M. A. Lane) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 201 660. —- Minor, and their Names. Pop. Astron. I1: 547. — — Statistical Comparison of, and the Short Period Comets. (M. O. Callandreau) Pop. Astron. 12: 11,7, — Motion of. (F. R. Moulton) Pop. Astron. I1: 284. —— Observation of. (W. F. Denning) Pop. Astron. 11: (F. H. Moulton) Pop. 19. —— Semi-diameter of. (R. Buchanan) Pop. Astron. I3: 209. Planing-machine Drives. 28: 12;, Planing-machines, Modern. 27: 132. Plankton of Northern Seas. Am. Natural. 40: 593. Planning your own Place. (I. G. Tabor) Ctry Life Am. 9: 558. Plant, Living, in Nature Study. (W. J . V. Osterhout) Calif. Univ. Chron. 3: 29. — Place of the, in the Cycle of Life. Acad. 65: 91. — Possibility of an Intelligence in the. (S. Leonard Bastin) Monthly R. 25, no. It I03.=Liv. Age, 251: 536. Plant Adaptation, A Study in. Sci. Mo. 61: 483, Plant Battles. (J . J . Ward) Harper, 1105: 723, Plant—breeding, Hybridization and. (A. J . Monthly R. 24, no. I; 84. Plant Cell, Activities of the. Natural. 382 431, 571, 725. — Studies on the. (B. M. Davis) Am. Natural. 39: 449. 555, 695- Plant Forms and Botanical Research. Science, n. s. 23: 804, Plant-growing and Human Culture. Ctry Life Am. 1: 85. —— with Artificial Light. R. 23, no. 1: 133. Plant Growth, Certain Relations of, to Ionization of the Soil. (A. B. Plowman) Am. J . Sci. 164: 129, — Stages in. (J . A. Cushman) Am. Natural. 36: 865. (C. H. Benjamin) Cassier, (Joseph Horner) Cassier, (C. W. Saleeby) (J . W. Tourney) Pop. Bliss) (B. M. Davis) Am. (C. F. Baker) (E. J . Wickson) (S. Leonard Bastin) Monthly 502 PLANTS Plant Life, Beginnings of. (J . J . Ward) Good Words, 44: 102, — Defense in. (G. C. Nuttall) Good-Words, 45: 427, —— in the Desert. (E. Ingersoll) Harper, 110: 577, —— New Forms of. (W. S. Harwood) Cent. 47: 656. — Reproduction of. (E. A. Apgar) Harper, I08: 713, Plant Making; Hybrid Species. (E. P. Lyle) Every- body’s, 6: 596. Plant Migration, Studies of. (C. E. Bessey) Univ. N eb. Stud. 5: 11. Plant Morphology. (F. O. Bower) Science, 11. s. 20: 524. — (K. Goebel) Science, 11. s. 22: 33. — and Physiology, Society for, 1903. (W. F. Ganong) Science, n. s. 17: 454. —— —__- 1906. (W. F. Ganong) Science, 11. s. 23: 42!. Plant Pathology, Science of. (F. L. Stevens) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 399. Plant Physiology. Crystals of Oxalate of Lime in Plants. (H. W. Wiley) Science, 11. s. 18: 115, — Present Problems. (B. M. Duggar) Science, n.'s. 21: 9 7, Plant Sanitation. (J. B. Carruthers) Contemp. 81: 702, Plant Species, Nomenclature of. Science, 11. s. 21: 828. (A. S. Hitchcock) Plant Specimens in the High School. (F. Ramaley) Educa. 26: 357. Plantation, The, as a Civilizing Factor. (U. B. Phil- lips) Sewanee, I2: 257. — Economics of the. (U. B. Phillips) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 231, Plantation Experiment. (A. H. Stone) Q. J . Econ. 19: 270, Plantin Museum at Antwerp. 189. Planting for Winter Comfort and Beauty. Adam) Ctry Life Am. 92 I55, I96. Plants, Alpine, in New England. (W. W. Bailey) Educa. 22: 383, —- and Flowers, Some Rabbit-proof. Chamb. J. 792 731. — Animals and, Relations of. 104: 721, — Animated Photographs of. 27: 83. — Can they feel? (G. C. N uttall) Monthly R. 20, no. 3: 79.: Liv. Age, 247: 471. — Chemistry and Toxicology of Plant Substances. (V. K. Chestnut) Science, 11. s. 15: 1016. — Common Roadside. (J . A. Cushman) Am. Natural. 38: 819. — Decorative. (Eben E. Rexford) Lippinc. 76: 341, — Development of New Ideas in. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. 4: 181. —— Diseases of. (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 20: 730. — Electromotive Force in. (A. B. Plowman) Am. J . Sci. 165: 94. — Evolution of, Recent Ideas on. ence, n. s. 171 44I. ——Fecundation of. (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 202 848. . — Fly-catching. — from the Matawan Formation. Natural. 27: 677. -— House, for Christmas. Life Am. 7: 177. — How Burbank produces New Flowers and Fruit. (G. P. Serviss) Cosmopol. 40: 163. — in Decoration. Craftsman, 41 239. — Introduction of Foreign, by the U. S. Dept. of Agri- culture. (D. Fairchild) Nat. Geog. M. I71 179. —- Kent County, Mich., Upland Plant Societies. (F. Daniels) Science, n. s. 18; 215. (E. Staley) Art J. 58: (T. Mc- (W. Smyth) (N. S. Shaler) Harper, (D. H. Scott) Knowl. (L. H. Bailey) Sci- (J . J . Ward) Good Words, 44: 222, (E. W. Berry) Am. (Agnes Huntington) Ctry ~ PLANTS Plants, Kinship in. (Frank French) Appleton’s M. 8: 229, — Land and Water, Comparison of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 239. —— Leguminous, Bacteria of. 41: 119, — Light-perceiving Organs of, Haberlandt on. Na- ture, 72: 323. — Localized Stages in. (J . A. Cushman) Am. Natural. 371 243- - — Mimicry and Homomorphism in. Knowl. 25: 27, 235. —— Mutation in. (D. T. Macdougal) Am. Natural. 37: 737- —— Native, Garden of. 483. ——- New Classification of. Science, 11. s. 17: 829. — Origin of Terrestrial. (D. H. Campbell) Science, (G. J. Peirce) (G. C. Nuttall) Longm. (A. S. Wilson) (E. E. Rexford) Lippinc. 69: n. s. 17: 93. e Pathology of. (E. F. Smith) Science, 11. s. 151 601. —— Poisonous. (W. S. Rice) Outing, 40: 551. —(J. Vaughan) Longm. 41: 52, -— Seed-bearing, Early History of, as recorded in the Carboniferous Flora. Nature, 712 426. — Sensation in. (W. W. Bailey) Educa. 24: 423. — Sex in, Evolution of. (B. M. Davis) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 300, —- Some Successful. (A. J . Green) Harper, I07: 546. —- Stamens and Pistils are Sexual Organs. (W. F. Ganong) Science, 11. s. 17: 652. — that hide from Animals. (W. J . Beale) Mo. 67: I78. . — that walk. (E. Step) Pall Mall M. 26: 478, —- Transforming the World of ; Work of Luther Bur- bank, with portrait. (G. P. Serviss) Cosmopol. 40: 63. ,— Transpiration of, Burgerstein on. Nature, 7I: 51. — Use of growing, for Table Decoration. (Eben E. Rexford) Lippinc. 75: 238, Plassy and Seringapatam. (W. B. Beatson) Asia. R. 35: 117- Plaster, Exterior, as a Substitute for Wood. Little) Archit. R. 13: 57. Plasterers and Artists on the St. Louis Exposition Buildings. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 77: 295. Plastering in Canada. (W. J . Hynes) Am. Arch. 80: 37. — Modern English. (E. Radford) Studio (Internat.) 18: 267. Plataea, Campaign of. Pop. Sci. (J. L. (J. A. R. Munro) J. Hel. Stud. 24= 144. Plate, Old Silver, Collecting of. (P. Macquoid) 19th Cent. 51: 284, Plate Glass and Electro-glazed Prism, Test for Fire and Heat Resistance. Am. Arch. 82: 53, Plateau of Fatigue. (K. M. Rabb) Atlan. 91: 109. Plateaux in Tropic America, Economic Importance of the. (J . Russell Smith) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 461. Platform, The, as a Political Institution. (C. B. R. Kent) Longm. 41: 318. ILiv. Age, 237: 237, Platinum, Condition of, in the Nickel Copper Ores from Sudbury, Ont. (C. IV. Dickson) Am. J . Sci. 165: 137. — Discovery of, among the Ancient Egyptian Metals. (M. Berthelt) Am. Antiq. 25: 114, — New Deposits of. Science, 11. s. 17: 235. Plato and his Lessons for To-day. (P. Shorey) Indep. 60: 253. — and his Predecessors. 62, . —- and Modern Life. Sat. R. 101: 166. -—— as a Literary School for Writers. Poet-Lore, 17, no. 4: 90. ' (F. C. S. Schiller) Quar. 204: (S. P. Bowles) 503 PLAYGROUNDS Plato; his Doctrine of Ideas. (J . A. Stewart) Mind, 31: 519. —— on Education of the Young. (S. Rector) Music, 21: 183. ——- Ontology of, Later. 28: 235. _ —-— Parmenides, Book I. (A. E. Taylor) Mind, 28: 1. — ——- Note in Reply to A. W. Benn. (A. E.-Taylor) Mind, 28: 507. — Republic, and Modern Thought. Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 179. —— —— ed. by Adams. Sat. R. 95: 655. —— — Sequence of his Forms of Government compared with Actual Greek Cities. (H. E. Malden) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 5: 53. —— Search for the True. (G. Santayana) Internat. Mo. 5: 185, ' —— Stewart’s Myths of. (J . Burnet) Mind, 31: 94. — Terminology of, Study of. (G. Vailati) Mind, 31: (A. W; Benn) Mind, 27: 31. (R. M. Wenley) 473- —- Testimony to Quantity and Accent. (A. N. Jan- naris) Am. J . Philol. 23: 75. — View of the Soul. (Eric J . Roberts) Mind, 30: I. Platonic Friendship. (H. T. Peck) Cosmopol. 3,5: '45. Platt, Charles A., Architectural Work of. (H. Croly Archit. Rec. 15: 181, Platt, Hugh. Alia. Spec. 33: 868. Platt, Thomas Collier, with portrait. Booklover’s M. 4: 331, ——- The Lesson of. (A. H. Lewis) Cosmopol. 40: 639. Platystrophia, Morphogenesis of, Study of the Evolu- tion of a Paleozoic Brachiopod. (E. R. Cumings) Am. J. Sci. 165: 1, 121, Plautus. Mostellaria, Further Notes on. Am. J. Philol. 24: 245, Play and Work. (J. A. Hancock) Educa. 25: 257, — as an Education. (W. Hutchinson) Contemp. 84: 375. I Liv. Age, 239: 28, — Educational Value of. (J . E. Bradley) R. of Rs. (N.Y.) 25: 62, — Movement for, in Germany, The. Chaut. 40: 445, — of Man, Gross on. — Psychology and Philosophy of. Mind, 31: 32, 177. — Relation of, to Education. Chic. Rec. 1: 141, Play, The, and the Gallery. (Eliz. McCracken) Atlan. 89: 497.— Outl. 71: I69. — College, Staging a. (R. C. Gaige) Cosmopol. 37: 2 (J . M. Rogers) (E. W. Fay) (H. S. Curtis) Ath. ’o2, 2: 256, (W. H. Winch) (G. H. Mead) Univ. of 27, —The Modern Novel and the Modern. (Brander Matthews) No. Am. 181: 699. — An Old English, at Stanford University. Alden) Out West, 19: 164. — Wliat constitutes a ? (M. Merington) No. Am. 1751 863. Play to the Gallery, A; a story. (Mary R. S. An- drews) Harper, Io7: 853, Playbills, Concerning. (E. R. Byram) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 551. Players of the Game, The; a story. World’s Work, 12: 7848, Playgoers, About. (E. Aria) 19th Cent. 52! 76. '—" Liv. Age, 234: 608, Play-going in London. Playground City, The. (R. M. (F. Harding) (J . Corbin) Scrib. M. 35: 395. (G. W. Harris) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 574. Playgrounds, Availability in. (J ennette Lee) Char. W 793* -— Boston’s.System of. (Jennette Lee) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 521. PLAYGROUNDS (B. H. Smith) Munsey, 31: 287. ’ (L. W. Betts) Outl. Playgrounds, City. — for N. Y. City School-children. 75‘ 2Q9- — How Children helped pass the Amendment in St. Paul. (A. Leland) Char. I4: 795. -—- Louisville Summer. (M. E. Tarrant) Chaut. 37! 473- - Public, Cold Snaps and Thaws on. (S. P. Mac- Donald) Char. I2: 591, —~ — A System of. (Jennette Lee) Chant. 43: 3 52. -— Vacation Schools and. (H. S. Curtis) Harper, 105: 22, Play House, The; a story. 112: 662, Play Principle, The. (O. L. Triggs) Craftsman, 6: 286. Playing-cards, Early. (R. Steele) J. Soc. Arts, 492 (Alice Brown) Harper, 317- —— Early History of. Ath. ’o6, I: 455. Play ’s the Thing, The. Atlan. 89: 718. “ Play ’s the Thing, The ; ” a story. (E. Jordan) Har- per, mg: 596. Plays, Copyrighting of. 18: 8 3. —— Listening to F oreign. (Eliz. McCracken) Bookman, (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 96: 45 - -—- Modern Book. (J . R. Towse) Nation, 83: 562. — New, of the New Season, 1905. (H. T. Parker) Bookman, 22: 237. -—- Old, and New Editions. (W. W. Greg) Library, 11. s. 3: 408. - Publishing of. (Brander Matthews) No. Am. 182: 414. Playwright and his Profits, The. (A. Davies) Munsey, 34¢ 74 Pleasure and Pain, Place of, in Functional Psychology. (W. Fite) Psychol. R. 10: 633. Pleasure-values, Commensurability of. Mind, 27:( 145. Pledges, Political. (G. C. T. Bartley) National, 41 : 99. Plesiosaurs, Science, 11. s. 20: 184. — North American. (S. W. Williston) Am. J . Sci. 171: 221, Pletho, Gemistus. 211. Plevna revisited. Plimley, Major, The Case of. . 243- Plot, The Hackneyed. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 19: (H. Rashdall) (E. Morgan Forster) Indep. R. 7: (W. V. Herbert) Cornh. 92: 819, (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 396- Plot for a Story, A. (C. B. Loomis) Bookman, 18: 192, -— Importance of the, in Fiction. Acad. 62: 315. Plots that one covets. Atlan. 90: 140, Plover, How the Creoles kill and cook. son) Outing, 39: 549. —— Kentish, on the Polders. (A. Wilkin- (E. Selous) Sat. R. 101: 76. Plowder, Alfred Chichele. Reminiscences. Spec. 92: 337- . Plowing. (Martha M. Williams) Idler, 21 :1 269, Plowing Match, The. Spec. 95: 811. Plowman, The ; a story. (F. H. Sweet) Craftsman, 9: 682. Plum Growing. (F. A. Waugh) Ctry Life Am. 8: 330, Plumb-lines, Divergence of Long, at the Tamarack Mines. (F. W. McNair) Science, 11. s. 16: 994. Plumbing. (G. A. Chapman) Ctry Life Am. 4: 440. — Heating and Lighting of a Typical $15,000 Country House. (J . E. Tompkins) Ctry Life Am. 8: 652. —— Sanitary, and Plumbing Laws. (J . P. Putnam) Am, Arch. 86: 99, 107. 87: 89. Plumed Weeds. (Virginia Garland) Overland, n. s. 48: 316, . 504 POE Plumes, Osprey, Real and Artificial. (VV. P. Pycraft) Knowl. 27: 128, Plumley, Frank, with portrait. (F. T. Birchall) Am. M. 61: 79. Plummer Kind, The; a story. Harper, 111: 363. Plunger, A; a story. (F. R. Weir) New Eng. M. n. s. (Annie H. Donnell) 35- I7- Plunket, Lady. (M. E. Henderson) Canad. M. 25: 234- Plunkett, Sir Horace, and his Work. Fortn. 801 454- Plunkett, Oliver, Abp. of Armagh, Martyrdom of. (J. J. O’Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 377. Plupy’s Debating Club ; a story. (H. A. Shute) Am. M 61' 87 (K. Tynan) Plupy’s Lecture; a story. (H. A. Shute) Am. M. 60: 6 . Pluribus Jones and how he came into his Own. (S. Ford) Scrib. M. 39: 721. Plutarch. (R. Y. Tyrrell) Internat. Q. 91 15. — Ethical Ideal of. (G. D. Hadzsits) Univ. of Cincin. Stud. 2d ser. 2! no. 2. — the Humane. (E. Martinengo-Cesaresco) Contemp. 87= 249- — Religion of, Oakesmith’s. (H. Hayman) Crit. R.‘ 13: 144. Plutarchian Ethics, Notes on. (G. D. Hadzsits) School R. 12: 381. Plutocracy, The Menace of. 35: 258, — The Bible vs. (C. M. Miller) Arena, 30: 231, — Drift towards. Spec. 93: 547. — English and American. (T. W. Higginson) Indep.‘ 54: I753»- — or Democracy; which ? Outl. 84: 650. Plymouth, Mass. (E. Hobart) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 250, — and its Objects of Historic Interest. (F. J . Hea- vens) Educa. 23: 337. — Tercentennial of. (E. E. Hale) Outl. 84: 126, Plymouth, England. The Landing of a Pilgrim. D. Howells) Harper, 110: 707, Hvefipa, Use of. (W. R. Shoemaker) J. Bib. Lit. 23: (D. G. Phillips) Arena, (W. 13. Pneumatic Power, Application of, in the Machine Shop. (R. Emerson) Engin. M. 30: 723, Poacher, The. (A. W. Rees) Chamb. J . 80: 17, Poblet. (P. T. Lafleur) Nation, 79: 134, 156, “ Pocket,” Bronze-age, from Crete. (H. R. Hastings) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 9: 277. Pocket of Destiny, The. (Caroline Duer) Scrib. M. 38= 475- Podesta, of Siena. (F. Schwill) Am. Hist. R. 9: 247, Poe, Edgar Allan. (A. Ransome) Temp. Bar, 134: 481. — Acad. 701 39. — (C. F. Laughlin) Good Words, 44: 664. —(C. F. Richardson) Critic, 41: I39- —- and the Dual Personality in Literature, with por- trait. (A. E. Hancock) Booklover’s M. 2: 355. — and his Misunderstood Personality. (W. L. How- ard) Arena, 31: 78, — The Bells. (E. C. Dolson) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 79. —- Comparative Study of the Tales of Poe and Haw- thorne. (G. D. Latimer) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 692, —- Contribution to American Literary History. (S. Cody) Dial, 35: 161, — Cult of. (E. L. Didier) Bookman, 16: 336. ~ Harrison’s Life of. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 421 499- - Landmarks of, in Richmond. 45: 909. . (C. M. Graves) Cent. POE Poe, Edgar Allan; Last Night in Richmond. (J . F. Carter) Lippinc. 70: 562, —— New Editions of. Nation, 7 5: 445, —— A Pilgrimage to his Cottage. (L. R. McCabe) Bk. Buyer. 25= 592. —-— Place as a Critic. (G. L. Moore) Dial, 34: 111, -— Poe-Chivers Papers. (G. E. Woodberry) Cent. 43: 435, 545- —- Poe-Chivers Tradition re-examined. comer) Sewanee, I2: 20, —-— A Poe Miscellany. (J . A. Harrison) Indep. 61: 1044. -— Poetry of. (E. Markham) Arena, 32: 170. '-%EE2iiszsss-¢knad.£&es4i&ssfiz~ —-— emimscences of.‘ (R. H. Stoddard) Indep. 54: 2756.—(Mrs. Susan A. Weiss) Indep. 56: 1010. (A. G. New- 57: 443- —— An Unpublished Poem by : Leonaine. (A. R. Wal- lace) Fortn. 81: 329, 706, Poemaneum. (F. W. Hasluck) J. Hel. Stud. 26! 23. Poems, The Endings of. Acad. 70: 180, Poet and Artist. (W. C. Lawton and R. Sturgis) Scrib. M. 35: 765. —— and the Poppy, The. n. s. 45: 413. (Ada L. Falley) Overland, E -— as a Teacher; a Conversation with Edwin Mark- ham. Arena, 28: 634. _ —- Diary of a, ed. by Lamia. National, 42: 808, 957. 431 307. 479, 656. — of the Bottle, A [Thomas Randolph]. Liv. Age, 2W 444. — of a Day. (R. R. Gilson) Cent. 45: 209. _-— vs. Scientist. Sat. R. 982 358. Poet of the Merontic, The; a story. Munsey, 29: 599. Poetesses, Early Western, U. S. (J . V. Cheney) Cali- fornian, 2: 119. ', Poetic Justice. (VV. R. Worsfold) Cornh. 88: 547. Poetic Quality in Liberalism, The. (G. K. Chester- ton) Indep. R. 5: 53. I Liv. Age, 244: 607. Poetry, Esthetic Value of. (S. D. Brooks) School R. 12: 686. — and Arboriculture. -— and its Disappearance. (K. Hoffman) (P. R. Bicknell) Dial, 41: 1. (S. Leacock) Canad. M. 27: 7:. — and Mathematics. (E. J . Wilczynski) Calif. Univ. Chron. 3: I91. —-— and Philosophy. (R. B. Perry) Philos. R. 11: 576- —— and Prose in Life and Art. Lore, 15, no. 32 77 — —- a Life Sketch. 270. —— and Science; their Contrasts and Aflinities. Knight) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 32 9. —— Consolations of. Acad. 68: 182. —-— Depreciation in; Symposium of Poets. (O. W. Firkins) Poet- (H. A. Harper) Canad. M. 18: (W. Critic, 46: 263. —— Elizabethan Lyric. Quar. I96: 438. —-— English Patriotic. Liv. Age, 234: 313. —— Growing Distaste for the Higher Kinds of. (A. Austin) Fortn. 81: 383.=Critic, 45: 438.'—‘Ecl. M. 142: 798.ILiv. Age, 241: 218. — Gummere on Beginnings of. Ath. ’o2, I: 231.-— Na- tion, 76: I16, —-— in the 19th Century. Ed. R. I962 436. I Liv. Age, 235: 705."—-"Eel. M. 140: :41. ——Influence of Place upon. Sat. R. 93: 330.-_*Ecl. M. 139: 7o.:Liv. Age, 233: 504. — Is it Unpopular ? Spec. 92: 250. I Liv. Age, 240: 820, —— Its Function in our Higher Schools. (W. H. Wynn) Luth. Q. 33: 22. 505 POINT Poetry, Modern, and Modern Life. Peabody) Poet-Lore, 14: 56. —-— — Religious Element in. (F. Waters) Cath. World, 76: no. — Nature, Growth, and Mission of. Dial, 33: 27. — of America, The. Liv. Age, 250: 737, — of Feeding. (J . C. Meredith) \Vestm. I 591 449. —— of Silence, The. Acad. 64: 251, — of Social Reform. (C. M. Gayley) Calif. Univ. Chron. 31 373. —— Old Case of, in a New Court. (F. B. Gummere) At- lan. 89: 824. — Passing of the Poet. (S. E. Cameron) Canad. M. (Josephine P. (A. R. Marble) 27‘ 5°5- —Permanence of. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34: 86. -— Pleasure of. (O. W. Firkins) Nation, 79: 394. —— Popular, What is ‘P (W. B. Yeats) Cornh. 85: 344. — Primary Function of. (J . E. French) Nation, 792 .4. — Prize. Acad. 68: 492. —— Prose, and Music. Spec. 95: 113, — The Province of. (F. Richardson) Macmil. 87: 285. —Public Indifference to. (J. Davidson) Acad. 66: 380. — Purpose of. (Bliss Carman) Internat. Q. I0: 278, — Recent Amusing Verse. (H. W. Boynton) Book- man, 213 I76, — Rejection of. Dial, 36: 353. — Significant. (F. Greenslet) Atlan. 96: 414, — Some Poets on. (C. K. Pooler) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 2= 93- — Some Recent. — Technique of. (S. C. Willcox) No. Am. 182: 747. (C. F. Keary) Fortn. 86: 811, —- A Theory of. (H. Timrod) Atlan. 95 :_ 313. — Unpopularity of. (M. MacDonagh) Good l/Vords, 4s= 761. Poet’s Chairs, The. (E. V. Lucas) Liv. Age, 251: 118 Poets, American, Recollections of. (W. Eaton) Cent. 42: 842, — Early Pennsylvania. (E. P. Oberholtzer) Bk. News, 23: 905. — Greater, Philosophy of. (A. Austin) Indep. 54: 2505. — Laureate, of England. (T. Seccombe) Bookman, 15: — Novelist. Acad. 64: 155.=Liv. Age, 237: 247. — of the 19th Century. (W. C. Blakeman) Meth. R. 62: 87. —— of One Poem. (E. Belcher) Californian, I: 275. —- of Printing House Square, New York. (La Touche Hancock) Bookman, I 5: 208, — The Plethora of. (Sidney Low) Cornh. 85: 745.: Ecl. M. 139: 4oo.:Liv. Age, 234: 242, —— The Poet’s Ringlets. (M. MacDonagh) Temp. Bar, 132: 277, — Sea-power and the. 54- —— Western, Poems by. Cent. 46: 237. -— Younger. (E. M. Thomas) Critic, 40: I 54. —— -— of New England. (J . L. French) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 424. Poets’ Trade Union, The. (A. Lang) Indep. 60: 1144, “ Pogrom,” The Making of a. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 298, Poignée, La; a New Artistic Society in Paris. (P. Calmettes) Archit. Rec. 13! 5 35. Point of Contact, The ; a story. (Jean W. Clark) Lippinc. 78: 454, Point of Honor, A; a story. (C. R. Coleridge) Sund. M. 33: 8-726. (J . S. Strachey) National, 46: POISON Poison, Death by, in Massachusetts. (R. Amory) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 412 79. Poisoners and Sorcerers. (A. Laugel) Nation, 78: 9. Poisonings at Court of Louis XIV. (J. De Morgan) Green Bag, 14: 276, Poisonous Plants. (W. S. Rice) Outing, 40: 551. Poisonous Reptiles of the U. S. (R. L. Ditmars) World To-day, II: 1044, Poitiers, Battle of. (S. Baring-Gould) Good Words, 45: 6°5- —- —- Account of. (H. Newbolt) Cornh. 94: 477. Poland and Finland, What the People read in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 73. —- and the Russo-Japanese War. (L. E. Van Normans) Booklover’s M. 6: 277. -— Austrian, A Day in. (E. I. Prime-Stevenson) Indep. 54- 194:- -- Brandes on. (W. M. Payne) Dial, 35: 169. —Acad. 64: 361. -— Future of. (D. B. MacGowan) Cent. 48: 451. —- Future Republic of. (I. C. Waterbury) World To- day. 9= 772. —- Germany and her Polish Subjects. Chaut. 34: 573. —- Japan and the Resurrection of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 562. —- Patriotism in Cracow and. (E. A. Steiner) Outl. 7% 539- - -—— Pitiable Condition of. (G. H. Blakeslee) Outl. 84: 921. - Political Situation in. (T. F ilipowicz) Westm. I60: 3 - —— Present Condition of. (B. C. Baskerville) Fortn. 86: 649. —- Prussia and. (J . de Koscielske) National, 43: 740. —- Question of, in 1904. Spec. 92: 209, — Revolution in. (W. E. Walling) Indep. 59: 1040. — Russian, A Holiday in. (F. Vicars) Chamb. J . 82: 27, -— Situation in. (T. F ilipowicz) Westm. I64: 635, — To-day. (R. Atter) No. Am. 181: 90. Poland Spring Art Exhibition. New Eng. M. n. s. 301 737- Polar Climate in Time the Major Factor in the Evolu- tion of Plants and Animals. (G. R. Wieland) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 142.=Am. J. Sci. 166: 401, Polar Discovery, Objects of. (Sir C. Markham) Cornh. 94‘ I73- Polar Expedition, Ziegler. Nat. Geog. M. I4; 414. Polar Expeditions, New Scheme for. Science, 11. s. 20: 63. ‘ Polar Exploration; the Polar Campaign. (J . S. Keltie) No. Am. 178: 375. ' See also Arctic. Polar Problems and the International Organization for ‘their Solution. (H. Arctowski) Monthly R. 25, ' no. It 33. =Liv. Age, 251: 451, Polaris Vertical Circle Method of obtaining Time with the Surveyor’s Transit. (G. O. James) Pop. Astron. I3: 499. -—(F. H. Seares) Pop. Astron. I3: 553. Polarization, Electrochemical. (C. J . Reed) J . Frankl. Inst. I53: 259. -— Rotatory, mechanically produced. Am. J. Sci. 165: 363. Pole, Reginald, and Thomas Cromwell. Dyke) Am. Hist. R. 9: 696. Pole. See North Pole.‘ Poles and Slovak in America. 731 555- — German, Persecution of. Cath. World, 82: 364, -—— in Baltimore. (L. B. Garrett) Char. I3: 235. ~— in the Land of the Puritan. (E. K. Titus) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 162. -—- Prussian, Persecution of the. National, 48: 692. (A. W. Ewell) (P. Van (E. A. Steiner) Outl. 506 POLITICAL Police, International. (L. A. Mead) Outl. 74: 705. —— N. Y., from the Policeman's Point of View. Indep. 551 I46- — What of the ? (E. Ansell) Westm. I 59: 298. Police Administration in some American Cities. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 581. Police Court, New York. (E. Biorkman) Cent. 43: 9. Police-court Romeo, A. (C. M. Williams) Munsey, 33: 69. Police Methods in London. (J. Flynt) No. Am. 176: 436- Police Power and the Police Force, The. (W. A. Pur- rington) No. Am. 174: 505. — Social Progress and the. (B. J. Ramage) Am. Law , R. 36: 681. Police Removals and the Courts. Sci. Q. 20: 68. Police System of London. ' Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 556. Police Systems of Europe. 1101- 34= 495- Policeman Flynn’s Adventures. (E. Flower) Cent. 41 : (C. Lawrence) Pol. (H. M. Adler) Ann. Am. (A. D. Andrews) Cosmo- 441- Policy-gambling in N. Y. City, Efforts for Suppression of. (Frank Moss) Cosmopol. 352 380. Policy goes beyond Strength. (L. G. Laughton) Un. Serv. M. 29: 128, Polish Literature, 1901-02. (A. Belcikowski) Ath. ’02, 2: 23, - 1902!-03. (A. Belcikowski) Ath. ’o3, 2: 21. —- 1903-04. (A. Belcikowski) Ath. ’04, 2: 31!. Polish Nation. Quar. 200: 396. Polish Problem in Prussia. (W. Forum, 33: 259. Polish Threshold of Russia, The. man) Chaut. 36: 30. l'IOArre(a vdav ’A017yaui31I, Notes on. Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 6: 125. Political Babel, The, in England. J. Ethics, 13: 297. Political Campaigns. See Campaigns. Political Corruption in Connecticut. (N. Smyth) Outl. 79= 690- — in Missouri. (L. Steifens) McClure, 22: 587. Political Deal, A; a story. (J . J . Coghlan) Overland, n. s. 46: 270. ‘ Political Decay. (E. A. Ross) Indep. 61: 123, Political Discussion, Methods in. (E. Maxey) Sewa- nee, I2: 465. Political Economist and the Public. (J . H. Hollander) No. Am. 180: 249, von Schierbrand) (L. E. Van Nor- (C. W. C. Oman) (G. Shubert) Int. Political Economy. (R. P. Falkner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: I07, —- Doctrinal Tendencies in. (H. J . Davenport) Yale R, 14: 300. -— Flux’s Principles of. (L. L. Price) Econ. J . I4: 276. -—- Geometrical, Cunynghame’s. (F. Y. Edgeworth) Econ. J. 15: 62. -—— in Germany. (G. Cohn) Econ. J . I5: 600. — Nicholson’s Elements of. J _ 14: 67_ i Nicholson’s Principles of; Ath. ’o2, I: 49I.—(L. L. Price) Econ. J. 12: 50. —- of School Finances. (W. T. Harris) Educa. R. 29: 486. . -— Prices, Credit, and the Quantity Theory again. (S. Bell) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 443. —— Schmoller’s Outlines of. (S. P. Altman) J. Pol. Econ. I : 82. -~Seager’s ntroduction to. (L. L. Price) Econ. J . 14: (F. Y. Edgeworth) Econ. 423. —— Study of, at Cambridge University. (A. J . Jenkin- son) Econ. R. 14: 331. POLITICAL Political Fabius Maximus, A. (W. Ward) Eel. M. 145: 382, ~ Political Ideals, American. (L. Abbott) Outl. 73: 770. Political Influence, “ Utter Disregard for.” (H. La- mont) Nation, 78: 385. Political Life, Should Young Men enter? and how ? (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 38: no p. " olitical Machine. (J. R. Trowbridge) Yale R. 13: 287, Political Morality, Our Standards of. (A. T. Hadley) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 4: 273. Political Movements in the Northwest. (C. B. Che- ney) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 337. ,Political Nominations, Recent Tendencies in Methods of making. (G. D. Luetscher) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 137. Political Party, Suggestions for a New. (J . B. Cro- zier) Fortn. 83: 195. Political Patronage, An End wanted to. ton) I9th Cent. 59: 57. Political Satire. (R. Ogden) Internat. Q. 8: 209, Political Science and Economic Science, Unity of. (A. C. Pigou) Econ. J. 16: 372. — as a University Study. (VV. W. Willoughby) Sewa- nee: I4: 257- — Relations of. (J . W. Garner)Am. J . Sociol. I2: 341. -— Undeveloped Function. (C. F. Adams) Am. Hist. R, 7: 203, Political Signs of Promise. 667. Political Theory in the Middle Ages. (H. Rashdall) Law Q, 20: 322, Political Theories, Merriam’s History of American. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 77: 16, Political Tip, A; a story. (Mary R. S. Andrews) McClure, 25: 426, Political Tragedy; a story. (J . H. Hea- (W. A. White) Outl. 80: (L. E. Fletcher) Canad. M, 21: 325. Politician in Fiction. (F. C. Williams) Bookman, 15: 463- " ' — in Life and in Fiction. (Churchill Williams) World’s Work. 71 4363- Politicians, Village. Sat. R. 101: 105, Politics and Religion, Mathieson’s. (C. W. Colby) Na- tion, 76: 377. — A Century of. (W. A. Dunning) No. Am. 179: 801, -— Class, The Price of. (O. C. Ellison) Overland, n. s. 39‘ S24- — Commercialism in. (B. S. Coler) Indep. 56: 1311. —— Corporations’ Influence in. (A. McF. Davis) Cali- fornian, 4: 140, — Defining. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 244. — Disadvantage of Brains in. Sat. R. 94: 260. — does it Pay ? (F. B. Gessner) Mnnsey, 31: 801, —— Ethics in the Ballot-box. Cent. 49: 494. — Foreign, and Common-sense. Ed. R. 197: 25 3, —— Friendship and. (M. K. Simkhovich) Pol. Sci. Q. . 17: 189. — Introductory Propositions of. Univ. Chron. 3: 99. — Modern Trade of. (W. H. S. Aubrey) Macmil. 91: 283. -— Municipal, in Large American Cities. (T. Williams) Booklover’s M. 2: 227, — National Game of. (H. B. Sergeant) Overland, n. s. 44: 140. — The Newspaper and. (E. G. Riggs) Bookman, 19: (B. Moses) Calif. 476- —— Outsider’s Experiences with. (E. Pomeroy) Indep. 56: 1006. —- The Religion of Success in. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 113, Politics and Aniseed; a story. (K. Brown) Book1ov- er’s M. 7: 347. 507 POMBAL Pollard, W. J eiferson, Judge. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 36: 14. Pollard’s Proposals. (C. F. Marsh) Longm. 44: 504. Pollen, John H. (W. Tuckwell) Ath. ’o2, 2: 795. — J. Soc. Arts, 51: 71. Pollen Grain Variation. (J . B. Pollock) Am. Natural. 40¢ 253- Pollock, Sir Frederick, with portrait. (F. R. Jones) Green Bag, 16: 1, Polly; a story. (H. Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 576. Polly and the Blarney Stone. (M. Byrde) Sund. M. 32: 915- Polly Ann’s Memorial Party. (W. Arnold) Outl. 78: 92. Polly Maria’s Wish; a story. (D. Redfern) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 93. Polly Stevens’s Calf’s Skin. M. n. s. 26: 192, Polo, Marco. (C. Whibley) Blackw. I74: 5I3.—- Chant. 421 539- - — and his Followers in Central Asia. (A. R. Col- quhoun) Quar. 199: 553. — Book of. (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 37: 125, Polo, American, Beginnings of. (E. W. Roby) Outing, 40: 318, -— and the Business Man. 1233, — Ancient and Modern. (C. Q. Turner) Ctry Life Am, 2: 132. — The Game of. (A. H. Goodwin) Ctry Life Am. 8: 312, — in the Philippines. — made Plain. — Match, International Lessons on. Outing, 40: 751. — Season of 1903. (A. Forbes) Outing, 44: 244. — Season of I 905. (A. Forbes) Outing, 47: 386, Polo Ponies, Breeding of. (T. F. Dale) Outing, 46: (M. McHenry) New Eng. (Geo. J. Gould) Indep. 56: (D. Gray) Outing, 44: 365, (J . J . McNamara) Cosmopol. 41: 97, (J. E. Cowdin) 203. —Training of. (A. H. Gleason) Ctry Life Am. 7: 603, Polonium. (W. J . Hammer) J . Frankl. Inst. I 55: 443. Polybius Useful to Modern Statesmen. (M. E. G. Duff) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 11: 1. Polygamy and Christianity. (M. Gregory) Contemp. 90: 564. — and the Constitution. 492- — in the United States-— has it Political Significance ? (J. Smith) No. Am. 176: 451. —- Mandatory. (W. A. Linn) Nation, 78: 224, — Origin of American. (J . Smith) Arena, 28: 160, 490. — The Plural Marriage Problem; a Conversation. Arena, 27: 604. Polynesian Borgia, A; a story. Mnnsey, 29: 527. Polynesian Islanders, Notes on Indian Origin of. (C. S. Wake) Am. Antiq. 25: 44, Polynesian Languages. Root Reducibility in. (W. (C. Nelson) Idler, 23: (T. Schroeder) Arena, 36: (E. W. Mumford) Churchill) Am. J . Philol. 27: 369. Polynesian Native Fishing. Polynesians, Poetry of the. (G. W. Stewart) Overland, n. s. 411 I79-277- Polyodon, Notes on. (G. Wagner) Science, n. s. 19: 554- . Polytechnic Schools, Coiirdination of. (S. E. Warren) Educa. 24: 232. _ Polytechnic Schools, Place of, in Education. (N. Lock- yer) Nature, 73: 521. Polytheism, Tritheism, and the Trinity. (J . E. Walker) Bib. Sac. 62: 455. Pombal, The “ Discours Politique ” attributed to. (G. C. Wheeler) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 128. POMEROY Pomeroy, Eltweed, of Dorchester, Mass., and Windsor, Conn., and Four Generations of his Descendants. (W. W. Rodman) N. E. Reg. 27: 208, 268. Porno Indians, Composite Myth of. (S. A. Barrett) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I9: 37. Pomona, Cal. (H. J. Hall) Calif. M. 2: 561, — (F. Llewellyn) Out West, 18: 397. —Land of Sun. 21 39. — (F. J . Smith) Land of Sun. 7: 82. Pompadour, Madame de. (A. Laugel) Nation, 781 207. Pompadour Angel, A; a story. (M. Moss) McClure, 21: 490, Pompeii. (J . J. Peatfield) Calif. M. 2: 190, -— Municipal Election in, A. D. 79. Spec. 92: 914.: E01. M. 143: 353.: Liv. Age, 242: 188, —- A New Discovery at; a Fresco representing the Origin of Rome. (E. Pais) Cent. 47: 597. —— Recent Discoveries at. (H. Mereu) Am. Arch. 821 83. — Recent Excavations near. 75: 27- —— Small Theater at, Stage Entrance of. sey) Am. J. Archaeol. 2d ser. 6: 387. —~ The Story of. (F. J . Walker) Am. Antiq. 26: 169, — To-day. (T. P. Armstrong) Chamb. J . 81: 222, — Wall Scribblings of. (L. M. Breitenbach) School R. W 529: See Boscoreale. Pompeii of America. 11. s. 332 277. Pompeiian Mosaic, A. 180. Ponca Indians, Sun-dance of. Am. Antiq. 25: 372. Pond, Value of a. Chamb. J . 82: 613, Pond-life, Collecting, for the Microscope. (C. F. Rous- selot) Knowl. 26: 164, 188, Pond Machine-tool Works, Stores Methods of the. (H. L. Arnold) Engin. M. 28: 919, Pondicherry. (J . J . Cotton) Macmil. 87: 125, Ponies of the New Forest. (E. T. Sheaf) Outing, 41: (H. Mereu) Am. Arch. (F. W. Kel- (C. M. Graves) New Eng. M. (C. Michelsen) Open Court, 17: p “ Ponies,” Classics and. (H. Lamont) Nation, 83: 95. Pony, Plea for the. (J . Burns) Ctry Life Am. 2: 9o. Pony Express Riders. Outing, 44: 45. Pony Sport in California. (P. G. Clark) Overland, n. s. 45: 138. Pool in the Desert. (S. J . D. Cotes) Cent. 44: 67. Pool Rooms, Western Union and the. (H. Lamont) Nation, 78: 366. — (Mark Sullivan) Outl. 77: 212, Pooling Agreements, Industrial. (W. E. Belcher) Q. J.Econ. 191 III. I Poor, Henry W., House of. Archit. Rec. 12: 23, 155, Poor, Apathy of the. Sat. R. 95: 71. — Consolations of the. Spec. 951 969. =Liv. Age, 248= 373- — The Cost of Cheapness. 711. -— Guardians of, in England; Reply to Miss Sellers. (M. W. Colchester-Wemyss) 19th Cent. 58: 974, — Home Life of the. Spec. 96: 9.='Liv. Age, 248: 566. — Household Budget of the. 191, — in England, and the Royal Poor-law Commission. Ed. R. 203: 488. 0 — in Fiction. (L. B. Edwards) Critic, 45: 117. — Intellectual Interests of the. Spec. 95: 230. = Liv. Age. 2471 316- — Playtime of the. Spec. 96: 210. — Reading for. (W. F. Persons) Lib. J . 27: 245. — Relief of. (F. R. Morse) Char. 11: 446. — — in Berlin. (Edith Sellers) Contemp. 88: 856, — (E. Miinsterberg) Contemp. 90: 673. (VV. S. Lilly) Fortn. 83: (C. Goodyear) Char. 16: 508 POPE Poor, Relief of, in Indiana, Decade of. (Amos W. Butler) Am. J . Sociol. 11: 763, -— —— in Italy. (G. M. Pallicia) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 311. — — in Jersey. (B. Lander) Econ. J. 12: 192, — — in Scotland, Ability as the Measure of Taxation for. (S. H. Turner) Econ. J. 16: 337, -—- — in the U. S. (E. Miinsterberg) Am. J . Sociol. 7: 501. 659- - — in Vienna. (E. Sellers) Contemp. go: 837. — —- A Problem of True Statesmanship. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 27: 87. — Religion and the. (H. H. Henson) Quar. I98: 230, — Social Relations of the very. Spec. 95: 181. =Liv. Age, 246: 700, Poor Law, The, and the Economic Order. kay) Econ. R. 12: 278. —- and the Unemployed. (T. Mac- (N. B. Dearle) Econ. J . I6: 141, —— England’s Peril. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 82: 112, -—- Extravagance of the. (E. R. Pease) Contemp. 89: 856. Poor-law Administration in England, Reform of. H. Burrow) Contemp. 86: 205, — Iniquities of. (E. Verney) Contemp. 88: 526. Poor-law Guardians; how they spend their Money. (Edith Sellers) 19th Cent. 58: 403. — — Reply to Miss Sellers. (M. W. Colchester- Wemyss) 19th Cent. 58: 974. —— in Scotland; how they spend their Money. (Sir A. Baird) 19th Cent. 58: 674. Poor-law Reform, Church and. (F. H. Barrow) Westm. 165: 387. Poor-law Relief in, England. 751 347. 365- Poor Man’s Wealth ; a story. (G. Pryce) Blackw. I78: 219,:Liv. Age, 246: 619, 663, 740. Poor Richard’s Sayings, with the original illustra- tions. New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 554. Poor Whites, VVork among the. (M. Berry) Char. I7: I95- “ Poorman” Mine, Discovery of the. Chamb. J . 82: 668. Pootoo, Chusan Archipelago. (R. S. Gundry) Sat. R. (F. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 99: 734- Pope, The, and the Bible. Outl. 79: 266. — and the Italian Nation. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. 38: 14, — and Modern Science. Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 227, — Conclave and the. (T. Williams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 296. — The Dutch. (L. C. Casartelli) Dub. R. 135: 1. -— Election of, and his Coronation. (J. De Morgan) Green Bag, 15: 363. — —— Cardinals in Conclave. Temp. Bar, 128: 280, -— — Notes on the Conclave. R. 12, no. 2: 74. (Frances McLaughlin ) (F. W. Rolfe) Monthly — The English. (L. C. Casartelli) Dub. R. 130: 77. — International Position of the. (J . G. Whiteley) No. Am. 177: 601, -—— Selection of a. Cath. World, 77: 581. — Temporal Sovereignty of, a Providential Fact. H. Ellison) Cath. World, 74: 5 57, —— The Prisoner of the Vatican. (J . T. Smith) Mun- 8659341 408- — that is to be, The. (P. Sidney) Westm. I63: 50. — Who will be the next ? (M. Howe) Outl. 74: 784. Pope, Alexander, Love Affairs of. Bk. News, 25: 83 (T. _ P0p.e’S Tower. (Mary B. Porter) Monthly R. 25,‘ no. 3: 129. — Position and Influence of. (T. R. Lounsbury) Scrib. M. 40: 481. ' ‘ POPE Pope, Alfred A., House of, at Farmington, Conn. [pictures only]. Archit. Rec. 20: 117. Pope, Maj.-Gen. John. (M. F. Force) M. of Hist. 41 80. Popham Beach, Maine. (J . K. Wilson) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 3. Popish Plot, The. Church Q. 58: 137. —— Pollock’s History of. Ath. ’<>4, II 232. Popish Traitors, Some. (R. E. Francillon) Dub. R. 1s7= 338- Popocatepetl, Mt., Up. (G. F. Paul) Overland, n. s. 43: 261, Popp, Stephen, Journal of, 1777-33. (J . G. Rosengar- ten) Pennsyl. M. 26: 25, 245. Poppies in the Wheat. (K. Fullerton) Cent. 41: 383. Poppy, California. (C. F. Holder) Land of Sun. I: 5. Poppyworts, The. (J . B. Davy) Ctry Life Am. 12 I 38. Popular Action, Catholic. (Pius X.) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 234- “ Popular Astronomy,” The Field of. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. I4: 31. Popular Governments, The Study of. Quar. 203: 170, 7. Popularity and Reality. Sat. R. 97: 712. Population and Progress. (M. Crackanthorpe) Fortn. 86: I001, —— Future Distribution of. (F. R. East) Westm. I63: 618. — Increase of, in Great Britain, France, and Germany. (J . H. Schooling) Contemp. 81: 231, —-— Movements of, in England and Wales, 1881-1901, (T. A. Welton) Sat. R. 101: 692, —— Recent Decline of Natality in Great Britain. (E. Cannan) Fortn. 772 541. Porcelain as made in its Native Land. (W. N. Brew- ster) Craftsman, 3: 241. Porcelains, Chinese. (R. I. Geare) Craftsman, 6: 591, —— Japanese. (R. I. Geare) Craftsman, 6: 586. — Old English. Acad. 68: 593. —- Thuringian, Old and New. Brush & P. 16: 121. Porches, Pergolas, and Balconies. Craftsman, 9: 843. Porcupines. In Panoply of Spears. (C. G. D. Rob- erts) Indep. 54: 1108. Porphyry. Am. Arch. 79: 92. Porpoise, Notes on a Dissected. Am. 95: 188. Porroprism, The. 281, Port Arthur. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 90. —(C. E. Lor- rimer) Overland, n. s. 44: 449. —— and after. (A. Stead) Fortn. 83: 211.: Liv. Age, 244: 513. — (R. Barry) Fortn. 83: 459. —- Details of the Defenses of. (W. R. Livermore) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 105. -— Facts about. Un. Serv. M. 25: 13. —- Fleet at, Story of. World’s Work, 9: 6035. —- History of. (J. H. Longford) 19th Cent. 55: 618. — Japanese Attack on. (W. H. Kelly) Un. Serv. M. 29: 428, -— Modern Siege Operations as exemplified at. Zalinski) Internat. Q. II: 102, ' -—- Naval Battle of, Aug. 10, 1904. (A Japanese Ofiicer) Indep. 581 22. —— New Siege Warfare at. (R. Barry) Cent. 47: 681. —-— Operations before. (H. C. Evans) Un. Serv. M. 30: 518. — Siege of. (C. E. de la Poer Beresford) National, 44: 1071.—Spec. 93: 1042.=Liv. Age, 244: 316. —(R. Barry) Fortn. 83! 459. —- (R. Barry) Monthly R. 18, no. 2: I. — (R. Barry) Cornh. 91: 663. - (G. Kennan) Outl. 792 523-1041. 80: 419-622, 8:; 622. —— Indep. 58: 190. -— —- Pictures [only] by J . Ricalton. 1» 776. (W. K. Gregory) Sci. (W. R. Warner) Pop. Astron. 10: (E. L. Outl. 79: after 509 ‘-Port Arthur, Siege of, Villiers’s. PORTO RICO (A. A. Woodhull) Nation, 80: 316, —- Strategic Value of. (A. Hamilton) Fortn. 8!: 662, = E01. M. 142: 701. = Liv. Age, 241: 321. — Three Months after the Surrender. (J . H. De For- est) Indep. 59: 11, ' —— 203-Meter Hill. (J . H. De Forest) Indep. 591 370. Port Blair, Penal Settlement in the Andaman Islands. Chamb. J. 81: 574. Port Soudan in the Making. Chamb. J . 83: 313. Portents. (Annie T. Slosson) Atlan. 96: 567. Porter, Admiral D. D., Soley’s Life of. Nation, 77: 564. Porter, Jane, Selections from a Diary of : a Page from the Past. (Ina M. White) Cornh. 86: 214. Portieres for the Country House. (Mabel F. Priest- man) Ctry Life Am. 91 321. Portland, Me. (M. N. Rich) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I5: 712. Portland, Oregon. (C. M. Hyskell) Bank M. (N. Y.) 73: 961.: World’s Work, 10: 6501, -—(F, A, Mar- riott) Overland, n. s. 45: 432-. — Civic Art in. (F. I. White) Craftsman, 8: 796. — Lewis and Clark Centennial. (F. B. Gault) Educa. 25: 590. —— (H. W. Chapin) Outl. 79: 581. — -— What it really celebrates. (Agnes C. Laut) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 428. — Lewis and Clark Exposition. (Robertus Love) World’s Work, 10: 6445. —Indep. 58: 771. 59: 630. —(W. Fawcett) New Eng. M. 331 3.—-— (E. B. Piper) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 3I2 420. —Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 469. . — — Art Exhibit. (F. C. Weeks) Brush & P. 16: 8, — — Art Lesson of the. (W. J . Woodworth) Brush & P. 16: 176, — — A Conspicuous Success. land, 11. s. 45: 550. — — Forestry at. (W. E. Brindley) Chant. 41! 359. — —-— St. Louis Art at. (G. J. Zolnay) Brush & P. 16: (F. A. Marriott) Over- 73- —- Public Library. Work with Children and Schools in. (H. E. Hassles) Lib. J . 30: 214. Portland Vase, The. Chamb. J . 80: 314. — Story of the. (H. C. Smith) M. of Art, 26: 309. Porto Rican Benevolent Society. Char. II! 58. Porto Rico. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I82 314. —— America’s Vassal Island. (F. H. Richmond) Ecl. M. 147: 483. — American Rule in. 71 927. ——- Americanization of. (J . B. Osborne) World’s Work, 31 4759- -—— and her Schools, Some Impressions of. (C. H. Hen- derson) Atlan. 90: 783. -— and its People. (A. A. Knipe) Booklover’s M. 62 391. —— Annexation of aProblem of Poverty. (E. T. Devine) Char. I0: 432, — Causes of Unrest in. (A. G. Robinson) Indep. 601 612, —— Civil Government in. Nation, 76: 147. — ——- how established. (C. H. Allen) No. Am. 1741 (J . S. Harlan) World To-day, -1 — Climate and Resources of. (W. H. Alexander) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 401. —— Code Commission. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 326. — Conditions in. (Julio Larrinaga) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 53.—(F. R. Pennypacker) Nation, 74: 107, —- Development of. (B. Winthrop) Indep. 60: 1264, —Education in. (M. G. Brumbaugh) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 40: 198. —(G. G. Groff) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 40: 181. —(S. M. Lindsay) Indep. 54: 1697. —(L. Ab- bott) Outl. 83: 801, '— Political Evolution of. PORTO RICO Porto Rico, Education in, Past. Educa. 242 562. — Educational Conditions. (S. McC. Lindsay) Indep. 54‘ 2937- —— Educational Progress in. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 402. -— Elections of I902. Pol. Sci. 21: 338, -—- Excise Taxation in. 16: 187. -—- Experiment Station in. Science, 11. s. 21: 156, -— Financial Institutions of. Bank M. (N. Y.) 68! 23- -— Finance of, under the Spanish and American Gov- ernments. (T. S. Adams) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 3: 314. -— Government’s Fight with Anaemia. barth) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 57. -— Industrial Progress in. (B. Winthrop) No. Am. 182: 105, — Jury System in. 420, —— Law Codes of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 205. — Merit System in. (J. H. Hollander) Forum, 331 77. —- Movement toward Home Rule in. (J . H. Van Buren) Outl. 80: 861. —— 19oo—03. (G. Marvin) Outl. 74: 649. — of To-day. (W. H. Hunt) Indep. 54: 1813, — Our Experience in‘. (E. P. Lyle, jr.) World’s Work, 11: 7082, —— Our Failure in. (Roy Stone) No. Am. 181: 407, — Pictographs from Prehistoric. (J . W. Fewkes) Am. Anthrop. 5: 441. (A. W. Marvin) (B. F. Butler) Ann. Am. Acad. (J . H. Hollander) Q. J . Econ. (A. C. Haesel- (E. L. Macray) Green Bag, 14: (H. H. Allen) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 439.- — Political Parties in. Pol. Sci. 19: 351. _ -— Prehistoric. (J . W. Fewkes) Science, 11. s. 16: 94. -— Present—day. (J . H.» Van Buren) Outl. 79! I 27. — Provisional Regiment of Infantry. (S. Krausz) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37! 43. —Public Charities of. (S. M. Lindsay) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 502. — Religious Progress in. World, 76: 445. -— Reorganization of Courts and New Tax Law. (C. H. Allen) Indep. 54¢ 84. — School System of. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 657. -— Schools of Training for American Citizenship for. (L. R. Sawyer) Dart. Bi-Mo. I: 25 5. —- Should it be Self-governing? (H. S. Bird) Outl. 81: 621. — Suffrage and Self-government in. Yale R. 12: 167, —— Supreme Court of. Green Bag, 14: 186. -—- Teaching Self-government in. (L. Abbott) Outl. 83: 665. —— Transportation in. (L. S. Rowe) Ann. Am. Acad. (A. Alonzo-Alonzo) Cath. (P. L. Kaye) (S. Krausz) Booklover’s M. 5: 503- — Two Years’ Legislation in. (W. F. Willoughby) Atlan. 9: 34. Portrait, A; a story. 21: 365, Portrait of a [Dog] Friend of mine. (E. Merwyn) McClure, 251 78. Portrait that burned, A. (E. R. Macdonald) Canad. M. (E. Seton) Cath. World, 75: 39- Portrait Exhibition at New York. (F. Fowler) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 686, Portrait Gallery, Imperial, Booth’s Plan of. Spec. 92: 4 . Portrait Groups, Dutch. (Russell Sturgis) Scrib. M. 35‘ 5°9- 510 PORTUGUESE Portrait Painter, Eldorado of the. (C. H. Caflin) Mun- sey, 32: 2S7- Portrait Painters, American. (CL II.lCafifin) (hfithn 44: 31. Portrait Painting. (H. von Herkomer) M. of Art, 28: 22, —Modern. Ed. R. 195: 237.=Ecl. M. 138: 717.: Liv. Age, 233: 73. —-— Old and New. Brush & P. 13: 269. Portrait_ Paintings of the 18th Century. Art J . 5 5: 379- Portrait Sculpture through the Ages. (Claude Phillips) ArtJ- 55= 10. 12-9, 353- ' Portrait Statuettes. (F. Lees) Archit. Rec. I 32 221. Portraits, Authenticity of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 6. -—- A Gallery of. (Albert Bloch) Bookman, 22: 227. —— in Black and White. (F. Weitenkampf) Critic, 49: 22 5, — Memories and. (H. Newbolt) Monthly R. 6, no. 1: 1. — New, of a Group of British Authors. (A. L. Co~ burn) Cent. 48: 11. —— of Indian Types. (G. B. Grinnell) Scrib. M. 37: 259- — of Monarchs. Acad. 62: 96. Portraiture. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 78: 267. — American, at St. Louis Fair. (S. L. Penfield) Brush & P. 14: 321. -— and the Recent Portrait Exhibition, Some Notes on. (Frank Fowler) Scrib. M. 35: 381, —-— Gallery of National. (W. Walton) Scrib. M. 39: 2 . — Positions and Accessories in. (F. Maclean) Art J . 56: 369. Portsmouth, Eng., and Osborne. Un. Serv. M. 28: 1. Portsmouth, N. H., Past and Present. (C. Alex. Crawford) Indep. 59: 363. — Peace Conference at, 1905. World’s Work, 10: 667o.—Outl. 80: 957. 81: 17, 6;, 104, 111,-(R, H. Titherington) Munsey, 33¢ 633.-—(L. E. Van Norman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 322 4I3.—(E. J. Dil- lon) Contemp. 88: 424. — (W. Wellman) World To-day, 92 I062__..—Chaut. 42: 1oI.—-(F. de Mar- tens) No. Am. 181: 641. — — David and Goliath. Outl. 80: 1002, -— — How St. Petersburg received the News of Peace. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 426. — — Story of the Peace Negotiations. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 88: 457. —— — An Unfortunate Peace. 81: 117, — —— World Significance of. (F. de Martens) Outl. 81: 603, Portsmouth Point Romance, A. (W. J eifery) Chamb. J. 792 supp. 26. Portugal and England. Sat. R. 98: 634, -— -—- Anglo-Portuguese Alliance Beginnings. (V. Shil- lington) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 20: 109, — Colonial Empire, to Death of Albuquerque. (C. R. Beazley) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 8: 109. -— Contrasts in. (C. Edwardes) Chamb. J . 79: 593. — Sketch-book in, Leaves from a. Chamb. J. 81: 406. Portuguese in Martha’s Vineyard. (E. F. Peek) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 207, (P. S. Reinsch) Outl. Portuguese Agricultural Colony. (J. C. Barrows) Char. I52 693. Portuguese Colonization in Brazil. (A. G. Keller) Yale R. 14: 374. Portuguese Folk-songs. (Isabel Moore) J . Am. Fo1k— Lore, 15: 165. Portuguese Soldier in India, 1577. (R. Garnett) Cornh. 87= 453- 4 Postal Service, U. S. POSE Pose. Sat. R. 90: 139. — and Point of View. (K. Collins) Harper, I04: 475. Positivism of the 19th Century and the Coming Idealistic Reaction. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 32: 76. — A Ridiculous God. (Mona Caird) Monthly R. 25, no. 1: 77. Possart, Ernst von, with portrait. (W. J . Phelps) Booklover’s M. 4: 841. Possession. (A._S. Thayer) Harv. Law R. 18: 196. —- Nine Points of the Law. (F. W. Wharton) Cosmo- pol 33= 553- Possessive, The Double; an English Idiom. (J . A. H. Murray and others) Acad. 65: 253, 479. Post-card, The Picture. Macmil. 90: 136. =Liv. Age, 242: 310.-'=Ecl. M. 143: 406, —-(F. L. Emanuel) M. of Art, 27: 87. —— — Production and Collection of. J . Soc. Arts, 54: 622, —— Rage for. Booklover’s M. 2: 403.—(J. Harring- ton) Am. M. 61: 562, Post-mortem Romance, A. (R. S. Graves) Overland, -n. s. 47: 321. Post Oflice, The, and its Servants. Spec. 94: 79. — and the People. (M. G. Cunniif) World’s Work, (F. T. Corkett) 7- 4589- —— Canadian. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 23: 52 5. — Civilization and the. (B. Moore) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 2. — Decentralization in the. (T. L. James) Outl. 78: 929- —— English; Cash on Delivery, or Shopping by Post. , (J . H. Heaton) 19th Cent. 54: 981. ——in United States, Defects of. (M. G. Cunniff) lVorld’s Work, 72 4074, 4245. — its Facts and its Possibilities. > of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 325. —— Our Mutual Transportation Company. Cowles) Indep. 57: 306. — The President and the. (R. R. Bowker) R. (J . L. (E. Porritt) Indep. 59: — Railway. (F. Crissey) World’sl Work, 5: 2873, Post-ofiice Savings-banks. I571 I93- —Swindling through the. (E. W. Lawrence) Outl. 79: 121, -—— Work and Methods in. (E. Mayo) Outl. 75: 298_. See Mail Service. ‘ Post Offices, Dissatisfaction in the. (H. A. Castle) Lippinc. 78: 328. Postage, Second-class, A “Reform” without a Prin- ciple. Outl. 72: 719. Postage Stamps, A Million. Postal Cards. See Post-card. Postal Congress, Universal. (F. A. Emery) Worl To-day, 8: 289. . Postal Fraud Laws. Outl. 79: 111. Postal Parcels Delivery at One Cent a Pound. (J . B. lValker) Cosmopol. 36: no p. Postal Rates and Literature. (C. W. Burrows) Yale R- W 343- . Postal Savings-banks of Great Britain. (J . H. Heaton) Arena, 33: 31. Postal Scandals, The Cause of. 78: 204, Spec 94¢ 783- (H. Lamont) Nation, (E. F. Laud) No. Am. 178: 222. — (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 343. — -— Defects and Abuses in. (H. A. Castle) No. Am. 174: 807. 175: 115. --—— Our Obsolete. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 3'4. - Postal Thieves, The. (H. Lamont) Nation, 77: 438. ‘Poster and Advertisement Design. (Audley Mack- worth) Art J. 541 I19. fill. (A. M. Hyamson) Westm._ POTTERY Posteg Art, Examples of, by James Britton. Lamp, 2 : 321, — -— by Walter Jack Duncan and Robert Cortes Hol- liday. Lamp, 26: 240, Posters, English. (L. F. Day) Art J . 58: 97. — Regulation of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 74: I46. Postlethwayt, John, A Forgotten Scholar. (A. Harts- horne) Ath. ’04, I3 691. Postmaster-general as Debt-collector. (J . Quail) Monthly R. 17, no. 11 61. Postmasters, Careless and Ignorant. (H. A. Castle) McClure, 24: 554. Postmistress of Circle City, The. land, 11. s. 42: 407. _ Postmistress of Knockagar, The. (S. McManus) Outl. 74: 860, Posts in England, Early. (J . A. J . Housden) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 713. Pot-boiler, The. (Edith Wharton) Scrib. M. 36: 696. Pot of Gold, The ; a story. (Van T. Sutphen) Harper, 107: 787. Pot on the Fire, The: a story. (E. Rickert) Outl. 79: 88. Potato, Romance of the. Chamb. J . 81: 444, Potatoes; another of our First Families. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 61: 744. Po-thet; a story. Age, 251: 50. Potocka, Sophie, Countess. (E. F. Gray) Over- (M. Bent) Blackw. 180: 3 51. I Liv. Chaut. 36: 97. Potsdam Photometric Durchmusterung. (S. I. Bailey) Science, 11. s. 24: 569. Potter, Clara Urquhart. mopol. 34: 185. 4 Potter, E. C., The Sculpture of. (H. W. Lanier) World’s Work, 12: 7968, Potter, Edward T. (A. J. Bloor) Am. Arch. 87: 21. Potter, James, the Parson’s Man. Blackw. I77: 655. Potter, Paul, Life and Bibliography, with portrait. Mast. in Art, 3: pt. Potter, The Sculptor as. (Emma B. Kaufman) Cos- 31- (L. C. Chard) Craftsman, 3: 244. Potter Creek, Cal., Exploration of. (W. J . Sinclair) Science, 11. s. 171 708. Pottery. (I. C. Waterbury) Cosmopol. 38: 593. — Aboriginal, of the Eastern United States. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 269, -—— American. (Russell Sturgis) Scrib. M. 32: 637. 33= 381- —— Recent Developments. (W. E. Gray) Brush & P. 9: 236, 289, 353, I0: 31, — The Art of the Fire. (C. F. Binns) Craftsman, 8: 205. — Artistic, Moorcroft’s. (F. Miller) Art J . 55: 57. -—— Chinese Pots and Modern F aience. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 4: 415. —— Clay in the Potter’s Hand. man, 6: I62, —— The Craft of the Potter. 9= 854- — Decoration of, Recent Advances in. J. Soc. Arts, 49: 213. . —— Designs of the Best Designers. Brush & P. 142 225. -—— Education in Clay. Craftsman, 4: 160. — English Old China. (J . H. Yaxall) Cornh. 941 821. — Indian. (F. S. Dellenbaugh) Science, 11. s. 18: 148. — (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 72 44. — Korean. (R. I. Geare) Craftsman, 72 294. —— Making, in America. (Elmer C. Mitchell) Brush & P. 15: supp. 67. — Mexican, Facts about. — Middle Mimoan, of Knossos. Hel. Stud. 26: 243. — New Lancastrian, Pilkington’s. 56: 201, Am. (C. E. Binns) Crafts- (C. E. Binns) Craftsman, (W. Burton) Brush & P. 18: 91, (D. Mackenzie) J. (L. F. Day) Art J . POTTERY Pottery of Newcomb College. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 5: 71. —- of Primitive Man, The. (F. Legge) Acad. 63: 70. -— Old Blue Plates. (A. T. Spalding) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 54. -—- Oriental, Wm. T. Wa1ters’s Book on. Chamb. J . 80: 816. — Prehistoric, in Memphis, Tenn. Craftsman, 6: 260, — Some Potters and their Products. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 4: 149, 248, 328, -—- Sussex. (C. Dawson) Antiq. n. s. 39: 47,-— (W. H. Legge) Reliquary, 43: 1, Pottery Portraits. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 26: 315. Pottery Towns, English, Morals of. Spec. 92: 45. Poultry, Common Sense in Raising. (H. Erichsen) Ctry Life Am. 1: 158. —- Exhibition, Breeding of. 45= 587- - Feeding. (J . E. Rice) Ctry Life Am. 4: 213, -— High-grade. (S. Hawley) Ctry Life Am. 9: 711. --New Breeds and Varieties of. (H. S. Babcock) Outing, 40: 62, -— Pet Stock Shows. (VV. B. Ashley) Outing, 41: 754. — Poultry Show as an Educator. (H. S. Babcock) Outing, 47: 713. . — Raising. (T. E. Orr) Ctry Life Am. 8: 357. — (Robinson Smith) Nation, 82: 176, — — First Principles of. (T. F. McGrew) Ctry Life Am. 10: 331. —(H. Weir) Ctry Life Am. 4: 109. — —- in France. J. Soc. Arts, 50: 488. — — once more. (E. L. C. Morse) Nation, 82: 199. -—- Raising Thoroughbred. (H. H. Fike) Ctry Life Am. 10: 75. See also Fowls. Poultry Booms, Rise and Fall of. Outing, 44: 107. Poultry-house Construction. (A. G. Dustan and others) Ctry Life Am. 5: 309. Pound of Cure, A; a story. 19: 83. Pourwit, W., Russian Painter. (Internat.) 24: 285, Poverty and Science. (W. H. Champness) Westm. 162: 393, — Death-rate of. (I. M. Rubinow) Am. Statis. Assoc. 91 344- -— in York. England, Rowntree on. (P. W. Ayres) Char. 8: 422.—-(C. F. G. Masterman) Contemp. 81: 23.—(L. L. Price) Econ. J. 12: 56.——-(D. I. Green) Yale R. 11: 347. -— Persistence of. (J . G. Phelps—Stokes) Indep. 57: 730. -—- The Problem of. (C. Baumgarten) Econ. R. 15: 422, -— Some Suggested Remedies. (G. P. Brett) No. Am. 180: 288. Powder, Smokeless, Manufacture of. (A. W. Rolker) Appleton’s M. 8: 580, Powder Blue Baron, The; a story. wick) Cornh. 89: 412. Powell, Alfred H., Pottery of. (C. J. Herringham) Sat. R. 100: 618. Powell, Frederick York. (H. B. M. Watson) Ath. ’04, 1: 626. —-(R. S. Rait) Eng. Hist.R. I9: 484. — (T. A. Cook) Monthly R. 15, no. 3: I51 . -—- (E. Clodd) Folk-Lore, 15: 182. Powell, John Wesley. (W. H. Brewer) Am. J . Sci. 164: 377.—Ge0g. J. 20: 663.——(A. F. Chamber- lain) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I5: I99.-—Am. Anthro- pol. 4: 5I2.—-(G. K. Gilbert) Science, 11. s. 16: 561.—With portrait. Nat. Geog- M- 13: 393-“ With portrait. (Mrs. M. D. Lincoln) Open Court, 17: 14, 86, 163. — (G. K. Gilbert) Open Court, 17: 228, 281, 342. (A. B. A. Brown) (H. S. Babcock) Outing, (H. S. Babcock) (D. Osborne) Bookman, (Mary Illyne) Studio (Mrs. A. Sidg- 512 I PRAGMATIC Powell, John Wesley, Boyhood and Youth of. (Mrs. M. D. Lincoln) Open Court, 16: 705, — Monument to. Science, n. s. 20: 854. — Personal Reminiscences of one of his Staff. Baker) Open Court, 17: 348. —— Study of Brain of. (E. A. Spitzka) Am. Anthro- pol. 5: 585. Power, Artificial Centers of. Science, 11. s. 21: 10. — Distribution of. (W. E. Ayrton) Nature, 72: 612. — from Lake Superior. (H. Von Schtin) Cassier, 23: (M. 346- — Future of. (W. E. Ayrton) Nature, 72: 612, — Natural Sources of. (L. Bell) Cassier, 24: 305. — Transmission of. (A. J . Martin) J . Soc. Arts, 54: S31- — -— Long-distance, in Canada. Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 324. —— — Longest in the World. (N. Y.) 25: 305. — Utilization of. (J . J. Flather) Science, 11. s. 17: (T. C. Martin) R. of (T. C. Martin) R. of Rs. 48. Power, Individual, Dangers of. (D. G. Phillip) Every- body’s, I0: 230, — Pleasures of. Spec. 88: 707. Power of Ancestors, The; a story. (Florida Pier) Cent. 49: 445. Power of the Blast, The ; a story. (E. Cecil) Sund. M. 333 759- Power of the Ring, The ; a story. (Marion Winthrop) Craftsman, 11: 70, Power-development in Southern California. Freeman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 202. Power-house Economies. (W. P. Hancock) Cassier, 29: 491, Power-plant, Practical Economy in the. Booth) Engin. M. 25: 10. Power-plants, Designing of. 31: 722, Power-plants. See Electric Power-plants. Power Problem, The Modern. (J . J . Flather) Cassier, 23= 636. 715- Powers, Caleb, The Trial of. 22: 465. Powers, The, and the Settlement. Scrib. M. 39: 109. Powers of Darkness, The. (H. W. Massingham) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 2: 1.-_-Liv. Age, 251: 30. Powers of Darkness, The ; a story. (H. Logan) Mun- sey, 26: 849. Powers of Evil. (C. D. Robertson) Indep. R. 3: 419. Powers Court, England. Ath. ’03, 2: 676. —— Game Park. (J . M. Gleeson) Cent. 44: 327. Powhatan, Derivation of the Name. (W. W. Tooker) Am. Anthropol. 6: 464, —- Name for Virginia. (W. W. T ooker) Am. Anthro- pol. 8: 23. Powhatan Names. (W. W. Tooker) Am. Anthropol. 6: 670. Pownall, Thomas, the First Imperial Federationist. (J. A. Cooper) Canad. M. 21: 297, Poynter, Sir E. J ., and Whistler, James McNeill. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 96: 608. —- as a Water-colorist. (Lewis Lusk) Art J . 55: 187, Practical Man, The, and the Philosopher. (R. B. Perry) Int. J . Ethics, 13: 482, Practice before Theory. (C. Ford) Westm. 160: 168, Prado Gallery, Italian Painting in. (E. Hutton) Monthly R. 21, no. 3: 50. -—- Ecl. M. 146: 144. -—- Masterpieces of the. (M. H. Spielmann) Acad. 66: 2. — Ricketts on the. Ath. ’04, 2: 180, Pragmatic Interpretation of Christian Dogmas. (I. King) Monist, 15: 248, (L. R. (W. H. (A. C. Dixon) Engin. M. (S. H. Adams) McClure, (T. F. Millard) -I _ — Old and New. ' ——From Spell to. PRAGMATISM Pragmatism and Humanism, Definition of. (F. C. S. Schiller) Mind, 30: 235. —-— and its Critics. (A. W. Moore) Philos. R, I4: 322. — and Mathematical Logic. (G. Vailati) Monist, 16: 481, — and Pseudo-pragmatism. (F. C. S. Schiller) Mind, 311 375- -— and Radical Empiricism, Some Difficulties with the Epistemology of. (J . E. Russell) Philos. R. I 5: 406, -— as a Philosophic Method. 511, -— The Eternal and the Practical. (J . Royce) Philos. R. 13: 113. — in American Philosophy. Univ. Bull. 10: 211, — Issues of. (C. S. Peirce) Monist, I 5: 481. —— Limits of. (J . M. Baldwin) Psychol. R. 11: 30. (S. S. Colvin) Monist, 16: 547. (C. S. S. Peirce) (I. King) Philos. R. 12: (W. R. Marron) Cath. — Prolegomena to an Apology for. Monist, I6: 492. —— vs. Absolutism. (R. F. A. Hoernlé) Mind, 30: 297, i 441- -- What it is. (C. S. Peirce) Monist, I5: 161. Prague, Story of, Lutzow on. Ath. ’O2, 22 307. Prairie, Photographing the Small Wild Life of the. (H. K. Job) Outing, 49: 169. Prairie du Chien, Wis. N at’l M. (Bost.) 22: 116. Prairie Borgia, A. (J. G. Neihardt) Overland, n. s. 42= 49- Prairie Fire. Prairie Fires, Fighting. n. s. 31: 551. Prairie Girl, Chapters from the Biography of a. Gates) Cent. 47: 572, 708, 922, Prairie Grove, Arkansas, Battle of. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 177. Prairie Home, A. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 58: 1399. Prairie Woman, The ; Yesterday and To-day. (C. M. Harger) Outl. 70: I008, -Prairies in Summer. (C. M. Harger) Ctry Life Am. (D. Robertson) Canad. M. 26: 177. (G. E. Walsh) New Eng. M. (E. (W. M.’ Wherry) 2: 128 — Why they are Treeless. Science, 11. s. 22: 5 5. Pratt, Bela L. (W. H. Downes) New Eng. M. n.s. 27: 760 Pratt, Matthew. (R. R. Wilson) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 26. Pratt Institute Free Library, The Story Hour at. (A. C. Moore) Lib. J . 30: 204, Prawns, Dublin. Spec. 93: 183. Praxiteles, Life, Works, and Bibliography. Mast. in Art, 3: pt. 33. Prayer. (H. C. Hay) N. Church R. 9: II7. — (R. F. Horton) Sund. M. 32: 8o9.— (L. Tolstoy) Sat. R. 100: 805. --Art of. Outl. 83: 857. — Availing. (T. Reisch) Luth. Q. 35: 397. —— Book of Common, is it a Good or a Bad Inherit- ance? (D. A. Goodsell) Meth. R. 63: 177. — —— Literary Aspects of. Spec. go: 773, 817. I Ecl. M. 141: 263.=Liv. Age, 237: 763. —- -— Loyalty to. (Sir G. Arthur) 19th Cent. 53: 567. — -— Preface to. Spec. 90: 285. — for Sick Persons. Spec. 95: 808. (R. R. Marett) Folk-Lore, I 5: 132, —- How can God answer? (J . A. Clutz) Luth. Q. 34: 335- - Instinct of. Spec. 92: 1005. =‘-Liv. Age, 242: 380. — of Creation. (C. Greeley) Bib. Sac. 60: 297. —-— of Faith. (I. F. Wood) Bib. World, 24: 31. —— of Perfection, The. (D. M. McIntyre) Expos. 7th ser. I1 161. 513 PRECIEUSES Prayer, Progress in. (J . McSorley) Cath. World, 79: 333- —— The Unconquerable Habit. 731 4°1- Prayer, A; a poem. (S. W. Mitchell) Ecl. M. 138: (T. T. Munger) Outl. 37. Prayer of Rehoboam, The; a story. (H. E. Wright) Munsey, 28: 670. Prayer of Suvarna; from the Sanscrit. (E. H. Keen) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 184. Prayer Book, Cardinal Grimani’s. Critic, 48: 323. — of Edward VII. of England. (C. R. Ashbee) Art J . 56: 386. Prayers, Mediaeval Roll of. (VV. H. Legge) Reliquary, (M. B. Dutton) MP 99- — of the Old Testament. (W. S. Pratt) Hartf. Sem. BBQ 21 37- —-Spec. 91: 417, — Old and New. (L. Johnston) Cath. World, 772 587. — Saying. (J . Parker) Outl. 83: 614, Praying Skipper, The; a story. (R. D. Paine) Mc- Clure, 26I 385. Preacher, The; a Ghetto Sketch. M. n. s. 68: 286, — and the Poet. (W. A. Quayle) Meth. R. 63: 211. — as a Leader of Men. (O. L. Dreys) Arena, 29: 26. —- Authority of the. (L. Abbott) Outl. 76: 491, 537. (E. Scribe) Gent. — Christian, his Ofiice and its Ideals. (A. S. Weber) Ref. Ch. R. 50: 506. — Debt of the Republic to the. (W. A. Quayle) Meth. R. 62: 708. — Essential Characteristics of the. Math. R. 62: 274, —— The Master. (W. C. Barclay) Meth. R. 63: 613. Preacher’s Appeal to the Emotions. (J . W. Van Cleve) Meth. R. 63: 410, Preacher’s Son, The ; a story. 1°73 955- Preacher’s Wife, Experiences of a. Indep. 58: 595. Preachers as Printers. (G. H. Saunders) Good Words, 471 I39- — in Exercise of Ofiiee. (B. N. Stone) N. Church R. 11: ". Preaching and Popular Action. Q. 311 744. — and Reading the Gospel. 974- — Authoritative, Plea for. (C. H. Oliphant) Bib. Sac. 61: 232, — Decadence of. Spec. 9!: 85. -—-Difficulty of. (J. E. C. Wellclon) 19th Cent. 56: 402. =Liv. Age, 243: 257. I Ecl. M. 143: 750. —- Doctrinal. (Conrad Clever) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 61. —— — Do the Times suggest ? (M. W. Jacobus) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 6: 5. — the Evangel. (C. L. Goodell) Meth. R. 65: 849. —- Foolishness of. (W. E. Barton) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 5: 280, — A Generation in a City Pulpit. 140: 46. — Open-air. (C. Ray) Sund. M. 33: 343. —-— or Preacher. (W. A. Quayle) Meth. R. 66: 50. — Paul’s Conception of. (C. F. Sanders) Luth. Q. 34: 260, — Personality in. (J . E. Freeman) Outl. 79: 126. — What constitutes a Call to preach ? (W. W. Carl- ton) Meth. R. 62: 8o. Precedence in Europe and America. Owen) Munsey, 32: 31, Preceptorial Instruction at Princeton, (G. H. Gerould) Dart. Bi-Mo. I: 138. Précieuses, Les. (Lilian Rea) Bookman, 23: 607. (H. H. Beattys) (B. Whitlock) Harper, (Pius X.) Am. Cath. (S. Bancroft) Fortn. 78: (J . Parker) Eel. M. (F. Cunliffe- PRECIOUS Precious Metals, Production of the. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 691 759- - Production and Consumption of. (I. A. Hourwich) J. Pol. Econ. 10: 575. II: 503, Precious Stones, Ancient. (D. A. Willey) Chamb. J. 83: 222, — Bauer’s. Ath. ’o4, I: 180. Precipitates, Handling of, for Solution and Reprecipi- tation. (F. A. Gooch) Am. J . Sci. 170: II. Precise Justice; a story. (E. W. Thomson) Canad. M. 20: 5 5 3. Precocity, A Study in. (L. M. Terman) Am. J . Psy- chol. I6: 145. Pre-Columbian Fortress; Discovery of a Remarkable and Ancient Irrigating Canal on the Gila River. (N. H. Chittenden) Overland, n. s. 452 573. Predestination, Lutheran Controversy over. (J . W. Richard) Luth. Q. 34: 21. —(C. Stange) Luth. Q. 34: 3°5- Predetermination and Personal Endeavor. (W. R. B. Gibson) Mind, 30: 494, Predicament of Silas Singer. (E. Flower) Lippinc. 701 249- Predication, Decrease of, and of Sentence-weight in English Prose. (G. W. Gerwig) Univ. Neb. Stud. 2: 17. Pre-established Harmony. Pedagog. Sem. 9: 379. Pre—existence, Human. (J . E. McTaggart) Internat. J. Ethics, 15: 83. Preface, The. (E. K. Broadus) Atlan. 97: 128. — Sir Walter Scott’s Use of the. (M. H. H. Macartney) Longm. 461 366. = Liv. Age, 247: 495. Preference in New Zealand. Quar. 203: 166. —- in Trade ; the Colonial View. Quar. 202: 573, Preferential Tariffs and Canadian Interests. (A. W. Flux) Econ. J. 13: 469. Preferential Trade. (J . Chamberlain) National, 42: 35I.:Liv. Age, 239: 641. =Ecl. M. 142: 141. — Australian Views of. National, 45: 168. — Old Colonial System and. (Sidney Low) Cornh. 88: 462. Preglacial Deposits, Atlantic, Northward Extension of. (I. Bowman) Am. J. Sci. I72: 313. Prehistoric Age in England, VVindle’s. Ath. ’o4, 2: 276. Prehistoric Animals, Hunting. (H. F. Osborn) Apple- ton’s M. 8: 552. Prehistoric Archaeology. Human Implements discov- ered in Oregon. (J. F. Kemp) Science, n. s. 23: 434. Prehistoric England. Nature, 71: 322. Prehistoric Implements and Weapons, Cultural Signifi- cance of. (A. H. Thompson) Am. Antiq. 24: 35, 45’- Prehistoric Law and Custom. (F. W. Pelly) Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: 65. Prehistoric Man in West Kent. (J . R. Larkby) Antiq. n. s. 41: 95- I29. Prehistoric Period, Side-lights on. Month, 100: 391. Prehistoric Pile Structures in Pits in Mann) Antiq. n. s. 41: 287, 293, Prehistoric Relics in Wisconsin. (P. V. Lawson) Am. Antiq. 24: 459. — of the Mississippi Valley. Am. Antiq. 25: 117, Prehistoric Remains. Discoidal Stone and Statues. (H. L. Stoddard) Am. Antiq. 26: I 5 3. Prehistoric Stone Implements. Am. Antiq. 27: 297. Prehistoric Surgery; a Neolithic Survival. (G. G. Maccurdy) Am. Anthropol. 7: I7. Prejudice, The Functions of. Dub. R. 138: 99. Prejudices, An Hour with our. (S. M. Crothers) Atlan. 93: 663. (B. C. A. Windle) Scotland. (L. M. 514 PRESCOTT Preliminaries in Church Services. (C. M.’ Sheldon) Indep. 58: 1417. Pre-Linnaean Genera. (O. F. Cook) Science, n. s. 17: 35‘- Prell’s Selection. (E. Dyson) Macmil. 87: 105. = Liv. Age, 236: 102, Premiers of Europe, The. (O. D. Skelton) World To- day, I0: 38. Premium Plan, Cost Reduction by the Use of. (C. A. Colwell) Engin. M. 25: 227. Premium System with Labor, Modified. Kershaw) Engin. M. 25: 533. — in British Engineering Trades. Cassier, 23: 426. Premiums in Retail Trade. (J . M. Rubinow) J . Pol. Econ. 133 574. Premonitions; a story. (E. A. Dix) Cent. 44: 750. Premonitions of Death, Unfulfilled. Spec. 91: 242. Premonstratensians, English. (F. A. Gasquet) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 17: I. Pre-Norman Crosses in Derbyshire. Re1iq11ary.45= 95 —- in Staifordshire. 46: 229, Pre-Norman Finds at Lancaster. Reliquary, 43: 257. Pre-Norman Remains in the Dove-Dale District. L. Smith) Reliquary, 44: 232, Preparatory School. (A. Flexner) Atlan. 94: 368. —- and the Boy. (J . H. Atkinson) Educa. 27: 227, —— Model. (F. T. Baker) World’s Work, 6: 3884. Preparatory Schools, English. (J . Tetlow) Educa. R. 31: 364. Pre-Raphaelite Ideals. (A. M. Earle) Bk. News, 24: 681 (J. B. C. (G. L. Smith) (G. Le Blane Smith) Reliquary, (W. G. Collingwood) (G. Pre-Raphaelite Poets, Two. (C. Weygandt) Bk. News, 24: 687. ' Pre-Raphaelites; the Beginnings of the Arts and Crafts Movement. (R. F. Zueblin) Chaut. 86: 57. -— The First and Last of the. Liv. Age, 248: 117, — Social Intercourse among. (N. K. Bright) Bk. News, 24: 691. Pre-Raphaelitism. Church Q. 62: 21, -Quar. 204: 352- — and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Hunt on. (E. K. Dunton) Dial, 40: n3.—Ed. R. 203: 450.- (E. L. Cary) Critic, 48: 529. —Nation, 82: 263_ _. (M. S. Stillman) Nation, 82: 283. —(D. S. Mac. Coll) Sat. R. 101: I02, — and the Present. (L. March-Phillipps) Contemp, 89: 7o4.=Liv. Age, 249: 738. -— Reminiscences of W. M. Rossetti. ton) Dial, 41: 444, Presbyterian Church, Assembly of, in Canada. (VV. Caven) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 629, — — in Scotland. (W. Borland; J . Orr) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 610, — —— in the U. S. (H. C. Minton and F. R. Beattie) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 619. Presbyterian Creed, The New. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 420. — Revision of. (H. van Dyke) Outl. 70: 138. — — Progress of the Movement. Ref. Ch. R. 49: 251. Presbyterian Union. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 425. Presbyterianism, Changes in the Theology of. (W. A. Brown) Am. J. Theol. I0: 387. — in California. (R. Mackenzie) Calif. M. I: 426. Presbyterians, Scottish, Difficulties of. Cath. World, 80: 246. Presbytery and Popery in the 16th Century. (R. M. Ferguson) Scot. Hist. R. 3: 20. Prescott, Albert Benjamin. (F. W. Clarke) Science, 11, 8. 21: 601. (Edith K . Dun- PRESCOTT Prescott, Wm. Hickling, the Man. (R. Ogden) Atlan. 931 320- — Ogden’s Life of. (W. E. Simonds) Dial, 37: 207. — (J . Finley) Lamp, 29: 134, Prescott, Arizona. (S. M. Hall) Out West, 16: 101. Presence of Mind. (R. A. Gatty) Chamb. J . 821 237- ' Presentation and Representation. (H. R. Marshall) /Mind, 31: 53. Preservatives in Foods, Use of. (C. Simmonds) Nature, 75: 14'- — -— Effect of, on Health. (H. W. Wiley) J. Frankl. Inst. 159: 23. Preserving, Canning and. (F. Williams) Cosmopol. 38: 213, Preserving the World’s Peace. (C. R. Dean) World’s Work, 9: 5929. Presidency, The, and the President. Indep. 54: 1822, President, The, and the Law. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 2 (A. D. White) 84. , — Backing up the. (J . A.Riis) Char. 15: 754. -— Business Office of. - (VV. Fawcett) World’s Work, 4: 2310, — The Hampered Executive. 44: 140. —- Our Next, I903. -— Overloading the. —— Personal Power of the. (H. L. Nelson) Cent. (H. Davis) Mnnsey, 30: 1, (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 458. (A. K. Glover) Arena, 28: 457- —- A “ Safe.” (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 102, —Salary of the. How it is spent. (K. E. Thomas) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 272. — Senators and the. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 31. — Some Second Term Precedents. (G. M. Harvey) Atlan. 92: 736. ' — Whom will the Democrats next nominate ? (A Jef- fersonian Democrat) No. Am. 182: 481, Presidential Campaign, Amenities of a. (F. W. Shep- ardson) World To-day, 7: I3I4. -— how it affects Business. World’s Work, 8: 4735. — of 1904. (H. T. Peck) Bookman, 20: 138. — -— Money in the. (L. M. Dembitz; A. M. Eaton) Nation, 79: 392. -— Running a. (J . M. Rogers) Booklover’s M. 4: 437. Presidential Campaigns, Bombshells in. (C. E. Little- field) Mnnsey, 32: 182, Presidential Election, Changing Character of. (W. G. Brown) Indep. 58: 121, —- of 1904. (A. Shaw) Contemp. 86: 264, -- Qum-_ 200: 493.—(S. Brooks) Fortn. 82: 764,-—(J, B, Bishop) Internat. Q. 9: 441, - — Democratic Possibilities, with portraits. (W. J , Abbott) Booklover's M. 3: 3. — — Democratic Ticket, Why vote. (P. Morton) In- dep. 57: 961. -— — Democrats and. Indep. 57: 1061, 1111, 1175, 1301. ~— —— Republican Ticket, Why vote. — —— Smaller Vote, Larger Majority. Nation, 79: 452. —- — Some Lessons of. The Development of Self-gov- ernment. (C. J . Bonaparte) Outl. 79: 225, -— Our Antiqnated Method of. (Simon Newcomb) No. Am, 180: 9. -— Useless Electoral College. 81: 5. Presidential Inaugurations. body’s, 12: 371. Indep. 57: 964. (P. L. Allen) (P. L. Allen) Nation, (T. L. Brant) Every- Presidential Messages, Authors of. (R. Ogden) Na- , tion, 82: 91. Presidential Oflice, The. (J . F. Rhodes) Scrib. M. 33: 15 7, , 5E5 PRICES Presidential Succession Act of 1886. Harv. Law R. I8: 132. Presidents and Ladies of the White House, Letters of. Pennsyl. M. 25: 527, 26: 115, 271, -— Collsege Days of the. (F. S. Arnett) Mnnsey, 26: 66 (C. S. Hamlin) Press and Public Organizations, Education through. (R. G. Boone) Educa. 23: 270, — Endowed, Function of an. Nation, 82: 49. — in War-time. Fortn. 85: 528, — The Independent; its Opportunities and Duties. (S. Bowles) No. Am. 183: 40, — International Congress of, 8th. (G. B. Stuart) Ath. ’o2, 1: 400, 2: 159, - ———10th, Liege, 1905. (G. B. Stuart) Ath. ’O5, 2: 180 - Liberty and License of the. (0. E. Smith) Indep. 55: I371- — Liberty of the. (L. R. Schuyler) M. of Hist. I: 283,362- 2: 55-3I5- ‘ —- Moral Responsibilities of. (J . P. Irish) Calif. M. 5‘ 3°9- -- A Secret, at Stepney in I 596. brary, n. s. 4: 236, — Silencing the. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 5. — Stimulus of Vitiation. (J . E. Gofton) Westm. 158: 528, — Weekly, in England. Monthly R. 6, no. 3: 77. — The White Peril. (G. M. Trevelyan) 19th Cent. 50: I043.—_—Ecl. M. 138: 390. Press Association, The. (C. E. Kloeber, jr.) Book- man, 20: 196, Pressure Regulator, Hull’s. (VV. K. Hatt) J . Frankl. Inst.I54: 101. (H. R. Plomer) Li- Preston, John, of Danvers, Mass., Diary of. (F. E. Cotton) N. Reg. 56: 80, Preston, Thomas, and Roger Widdrington. (E. L. Taunton) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 116, Preston, Conn. Inscriptions from the Long Society Burying-ground. (G. S. Porter) N. E. Reg. 60: 121, Preston Town Standard. Art J . 55: I 54. Presnmption of Black Mink ; a story. (C. G. D. Rob- erts) Indep. 59: 551. Presumptive Evidence ; a story. New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 536. Pretense,'The Age of. (Basil Tozer) Monthly R. 24, no. 2: 55. Pretenders, The. (I. R. Roberts) Lippinc. 72: 3. Pretending, The Pleasure of. Spec. 96: 781, Pretoria, Thanksgiving for Peace at. Spec. 89: 48. Preventive Medicine. (G. M. Sternberg) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 348. Previati, Gaetano, Italian Painter, with portrait. Melani) Studio (Internat.) 18: 49. Price, Thos. Randolph. (W. P. Trent) Colum. Univ. (Louise H. Adams) (A. Q- 5: 302. Price of an Angel. (E. M. Tybont) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 160, Price of Fame. (M. Roosevelt) Lippinc. 70: 643. Price of his Freedom, The ; a story. (Sara Andrews) Overland, n. s. 42: 215. Price of the Past Participle; a story. (M. Cameron) Harper, 105: 731, Price of Sixteen Below, The ; a story. derson) Booklover’s M. 7: 249. Price of a Soul, The ; a story. (J . Swaifam) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 1, Prices and the International Movement of Specie. (J . (G. E. Roberts) R. (Ada W. An- L. Laughlin) J . Pol. Econ. I0: 514. — Are they rising Abnormally ? of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 461. —- Credit and. (T. Veblen) J. Pol. Econ. 13: 460. PRICES Prices, Credit, and the Quantity Theory again. Bell) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 443. —— Demand and Supply Concepts; an Introduction to the Study of Market Price. (R. F. Hoxie) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 401. —— Governmental Regulation of. Green Bag, 17: 627, - in Engineering; Decrease in Purchasing Power of Gold. (C. L. Redfield) Engin. M. 23: 660, -—— Index Numbers of. (— Fountain) Am. Statis. Assoc. 9: 21. -—- Influence of Credit on. (S-' (E. A. Gilmore) (W. G. L. Taylor) Yale R. 15: 113, —- Market, “ Higgling ” in. (E. W. Kemmerer) Q. J . Econ. I7: 670. —— A New Method of Index-numbers for American. (F. B. Forbes) Am. Statis. Assoc. 10: 110, —- New Theory of. (J. F. Johnson) Pol. Sci. Q. 181 415- —— of Commodities in 1901, (A. Sauerbeck) J . Statis. Soc. 65: 86. — — in 1902. (A. Sauerbeck) J . Statis. Soc. 66: 87, — -—- in 1903. (A. Sauerbeck) J . Statis. Soc. 67: 85. -— —- in 1904. (A. Sauerbeck) J . Statis. Soc. 68: 138. — — in I905. (A. Sauerbeck) J. Statis. Soc. 69: 211. —— The Theory of. (J . L. Laughlin) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 6: 66. Pride, An Essay on Proper. 149: — a Vanishing Vice. Spec. 89: 285. Pride of his House, The. (Dr. Yamei Kin) Overland, n. s. 39: 655. Prie, Madame de. (A. Laugel) Nation, 82: 197. Priest of Horns, The ; a story. (W. Frith) Temp. Bar, 133: 236, Priesthood, The, and Social Movement. (W. J . Kerby) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 18. —- how it dropped from me. 61: 566, -— in the Church of England, Degrading of. (W. Man- ning) Hibbert J . 3: I20. —— Ofiice of the. (T. J . Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 294- Priestley, Joseph. (E. Baker) Good Words, 46: 151. Prima Donna. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: 337, Prima Donna of Gresham, The ; a story. (A. G. Her- bertson and E. T. Kerr) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 417. Prima Donnas of Old, Famous. (Frances G. Ford) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 259. ‘ Primaries, Direct. (Ira Cross) Arena, 35: 587. -—— — in Oregon. (W. M. Raine) World To-day, 11: 1268, —- Municipal Nomination Reform. (H. E. Deming) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol.’Sci. 25: 203, —— Reform in. (J . T. Newcomb) Nation, 77: 5. — (E. Insley) Arena, 29: 71, -— -— New Phases of. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 82: 28, — — Progress of. (C. E. Woodruif) Chaut. 38: 10, — (P. L. Allen) Nation, 79: 290, Primary Election Movement. (A. Watkins) Forum, (P. M. Craigie) Acad. 66: (J . R. Slattery) Indep. 33: 92. Primary Election System, Minnesota, Test of. (F. M. Anderson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 616, Primary Elections. 1, Theory and Practice of the New Primary Law.‘ ‘ (VV. Hemstreet) Arena, 28: 585, Primates, Wasatch and Wind River. (F. B. Loomis) Am. J. Sci. 171: 277. Prime Ministélfi-:The. (M. Macdonagh) Fortn. 78: 176, Primer, An American. (W. Whitman) Atlan. 93: 460, Primitive Races in Contact with Civilization. (G. Stanley Hall) Wash. Univ. Bull. 4: 145. Primitives, The; the Flemish. (J . La Fargo) McClure, 24: 529, 516 PRINCETON Primogeniture in the Bible. (D. W. Amram) Green Bag, 15: 41. “ Primrose Way.” 442- Prince Adrian of Zell. (W. E. Cole) Chamb. J . 79: 481-644. -‘I Liv. Age, 236: 272, 237: 152, Prince Karl. (H. C. Bailey) Longm. 40: 267-551. 72, 260, Prince and the Painter. (Marie Van Vorst) Lippinc. 70: 41: (A. C. Robinson) Cent. 45: 743- Prince, A, and the Unexpected; a story. (Daisy Price) Temp. Bar, 127: 228, Prince, Education of a. (S. M. Williams) Munsey, 27: 256. Prince goes Fishing, The; a story. (Eliz. Duer) Ap- pleton’s M. 8: 17, 183, 309. Prince in Papua, A; a story. Temp. Bar, 133: 33. Prince Edward Island. (C. Ross-Johnson) (F. J. Nash) Canad. M. 23: 517- Prince Eugene, H6tel du. (Camille Gronkowski) Cent. 49: 22- Prince Pautqua; a story. 61: 403. Prince Roseleaf and a Girl from Kansas; a story. (M. Michelson) McClure, 22: 339. Princes, Restraints of. Spec. 92: 8. Princess and the Boy, The. (K. W. Patch) Cent. 47: pl (C. ,C. Lofquest) Am. M. Princess and the Glass Mountain ; a story. (P. Connor- Ohlmutz) Good Words, 45: 666. Princess, The, and the Microbe. (Margaret Sherwood) Scrib. M. 34: 236. Princess and the Monk ; a True Story. (J . A. M. Gyl) Blackw. 171: 600, Princess Colibre, The; a story. per, 106: 43. Princess Joyce; a story. 46: 321-929, Princess of the Golden Isles, The. P01-33= 337: Princess of Make-Believe. 268. Princess of the Tower; a poem. (Bliss Carman) Book- lover’s M. 6: 667. Princess of the Western Isles, A. Lippinc. 77: 608. Princess Pontioif. (A. H. Fitch) Cent. 44: 247. Princess Pourquoi, The. (Margaret Sherwood) Scrib. M. 32: 540. Princess Puck. Macmil. 85: 161. Princess Rosalba; a story. (V. Tracy) Booklover’s (A. Castaigne) Har- (K. Snowden) Good Words, (E. Saltus) Cosmo- (A. H. Donnell) Atlan. go: (Phoebe Lyde) M. 3: 531. > Princesses, Marriageable. (F. Cunliffe Owen) Mun- sey, 28: 675. 29: 73. Princeton, Battle of. (W. S. Stryker) Princ. Univ. Bull. 10: 53. “ Princeton,” U. S. Gunboat, Presentation of Bell and Library to, by Princeton Alumni. Princ. Univ. Bull. 10: 19. — Tragedy of. (Mrs. P. Y. Pember) Indep. 57: 560. Princeton University in the Nation’s Service ; Inaugu- ral Address. (W . Wilson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 269, — Library, Garrett Collections of Arabic Manuscripts. (E. Littmann) Lib. J . 29: 238. — — New Building, 1398. Princ. Univ. Bull. 9: 73. — New Program of Studies at. (G. McL. Harper) Educa. R. 29: 141. —— the Preceptorial System and the Library. (V. L. Collins)_Lib. J . 31: 163. -—(Woodrow Wilson) In- dep. 59: 239.—(C. C. Wooden) Indep. 6!! I037. —— Pres. Wilson’s Installation Address, Science, n. s. 16: 72. -Principles, The Significance of Methodological. PRINCETON Princeton University, Recent Architecture at. Brinton) Booklover’s M. 6: 547. —Undergraduate Life at. (C. E. Macartney) Wis. Alum. M. 6: 61. — Writers of the Faculty. (C. (E. M. Norris) Critic, 42: 509. Principals, School, should be the Inspirers of their Schools. (R. G. Boone) Ednca. 23: 50. (E. Albee) Philos. R. 15: 267. Pringle, Thomas. Acad. 64: 512. Prinsep, Valentine Cameron. Acad. 67: 474. Print, The Diflidence of. (F. M. Colby) Bookman, I71 501, Print Collector, Field of the. 19th Cent. 50: 936.: Liv. Age, 232: 401, . Printer in the 17th Century, Bill of a. (H. R. Plomer) Library, 7: 32. Printers, Early, of Kiiln. (R. Proctor) Library, n. s. 4= 392- — Preachers as. (G. H. Saunders) Good Words, 473 I39. Printing and Publishing; the Barometer Industry. (W. S. Rossiter) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 338. — Art and. (A. L. Cotton) Monthly R. 11, no. 2: 128. -— Book, Modern. (C. T. Jacobi) J . Soc. Arts, 52: 701, 711. —— Early, at Lyons. (F. W. Bourdillon) Library, n. s. 6: 257. — — in the U. S., Cataloguing of. (Felix Neumann) Lib. J. 31: 669. -— Federal, The Problem of. (W. S. Rossiter) Atlan. 96: 331. -— Le Blon’s Three-color Process. Studio (Internat.) I9: 261. -—- Private Presses and Printing Clubs; A Bibliogra- phy with Notes. (F. Weitenkampf) Lamp, 29: (H. W. Singer) 343- — Three-color. (H. Dalziel) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 292. —- Secret, during the Civil War. (H. R. Plomer) Li- brary, n. s. 52 374. Printing Inks. (C. T. Jacobi) Library, 7: 70, Printing Press, in Ainerica, F irst. New Eng. M. n. s. 34= 87. Printing Trades and the Crisis in British Industry. (G. B. Dibblee) Econ. J. 12: 1. Prints and Drawings at the International. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 82: 297. ' — in Libraries, made Useful. (F. Weitenkampf) Lib. J , 30: 920, — Modern, The Avery Collection of. gis) Scrib. M. 31: 253. —-— Old. (C. A. Court) Blackw. I72: 607. '—'-Liv. Age, 235: 782.=Ecl. M. 140: 231, Prior, Matthew, Relation to English Vers de Société. (H. W. Thayer) Sewanee, I0: 181, Priscilla of Hester Street, A. (B. Lessing) Cosmopol. 42: 85. Priscilla’s Maying. (U. L. Silberrad) Outl. 75: 311, Priscil1a’s Poaching. (E. Jepson) Longm. 39: 326.: Liv. Age, 232: 746, Prisms, Some Famous Old. (Russell Stur- (E. Saltus) Munsey, 33¢ 90- Prison, My Life in. Indep. 56: 255, Prison Association, National. (S. J . Barrows) Char. I32 I00. -—(A. W. Butler) Char. I62 535. Prison Chaplain, Experiences of a. (C. E. Ordway) Atlan. 96: 117. Prison Conference, International, at Buda-Pesth, Hun- gary. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 78:, ' Prison Congress, The National. Char. 9: 3r7.——(I. C. Barrows) Char. I5: 26!, —Seventh International. (S. J. Barrows) Char. I5: I26, 517 PRIVILEGE Prison Days of Billy McCheeck, The; a story. (L. Scott) McClure, 23: 649. Prison-house, The. (A. Boyesen)8/Lippinc. 72: 50!. Prison Journalism. Bookman, I : 281. Prison Labor. (Carroll D. Wright) Cath. Univ. Bull. 5= 403- Prison Population, How to reduce. (S. J . Barrows) Char. I7: 191. Prison Reform in America. I3= 437- Prison Schools, Education in. (A. C. Hill) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 44: 137. Prisoner, The; a story. (E. Dawson) Blackw. I752 546. ZEcl. M. 143: 28. =Liv. Age, 241: 412, Prisoner of Baalbek. (J . W. Falconer) Canad. M. 24: (Z. R. Brockway) Char. 457. Prisoner of Mademoiselle de Biencourt. Roberts) Lippinc. 741 513. Prisoners in Massachusetts, Inhuman Treatment of. (G. W. Galvin) Arena, 32: 577. —'Untried, Treatment of. (R. Anderson) 19th Cent. (C. G. D. 51: 383, — Working in the Open. (S. J. Barrows) Char. I7: 129, Prisoners ; a story. (Mary Cholmondeley) Am. M. 61: 3-670, 62: 51. Prisoners’ Earnings. (S. J . Barrows) Char. I 3: 186. Prisoners’ Wives, why helped. (G. H. Pike) Westm. I66: 100, Prisons, Books by Prisoners about. Macmil. go: 53- —English, and their Methods. (H. J . B. Montgom- ery) Internat. J . Ethics, I 5: I07. — Ex-prisoners’ Criticism of. (H. J. B. Montgomery) National, 431 998. —- In Condemned Cells. 126, — Missouri State Prison. 660, — Short History of. Sat. R. 95: 290. Pritchard, Sir Charles, A Personal Appreciation of. (H. Birdwood) National, 42: 771. Pritchard, Edward William, Dr., Famous Poisoner. Spec. 96: 620. Pritchett, Henry S. Technol. R. 2: 105. —With por- trait. (F. W. Coburn) World To-day, I0: 197, -—Administration of the Mass. Inst. of Technology. Technol. R. 82 I . Privacy, Law of.‘ (E. L. Adams) No. Am. 175: 361, -— Right of. (W. A. McClean) Green Bag, I 5: 494. —-— and the Law of Libel. (E. L. Adams) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 41: 90. I Am. Law R. 39: 37. Private of the Mutiny, A. (W. Frith) Cornh. 94: (E. J . Prior) Chamb. J . 82: (J. S. Mosby) No. Am. 183: 545- _ Private Aquarium, A; a story. (H. Whitaker) Har- per, IO6: 617. Private-car Monopoly, The. (H. Lamont) Nation, 81: 235- Private Morphy’s Romance. (H. J . O’Higgins) Scrib. M. 35: 566. Private Property in Maritime War. Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 696, Private School, The, in American Life. (G. C. Ed- wards) Educa. R. 23: 264.—(F. Whiton) Educa. R. 23: 511. Private Schools in American Education. Ednca. R. 23: 503. Privateers of 18x2, The. 557. —- vs. Volunteer Fleets. Blackw. I762 478. Privilege of Counsel; a story. (R. Eldon) Atlan. 94: 413- (G. M. Ferrante) (A. F. Ross) (E. L. Sabin) Chant. 35: ‘Prodigal Father, The. PRIVILEGED Privileged Communication, A ; a story. (E. A. Smith) Longm. 39: 49.=Ecl. M. 138: 217, Privy Council, Is it a Legislative Body ? (R. Stout) Law Q. 21: 9. —- of the Time of Richard II. (J. F. Baldwin) Am. Hist. R. 12: 1. Prix de Rome. (T. W. Pietsch) Am. Arch. 81: 99. —- (A. Hoeber) Cent. 48: 1. Prix de Rome Students at the Villa Medici. Fournier) Scrib. M. 32: 259. Prizes, Law of, Some Problems of. Ed. R. 200: 320. —-— Right of a Belligerent to destroy. (F. J . Swayze) Harv. Law R. 18: 284. Pro tempore; a story. (Mary T. Wright) Scrib. M. 39: (L. E. 674. Probabilities, Mathematical, A Strange Application of. (A. Emch) Monist, 13: 463. , Probation in New York, Situation as to. (H. Folks) Char. 16: 243. -— The Proposed New York System. Char. 15: 896. — Real, and its Opponents. Char. 16: 6. Probation System in a Large City. (J . C. Lathrop) Char. 13: 344. Probation Work, Value of Volunteers in. (L. C. Bart- lett) Char. 14: 955. Probationary Guardianship of Offenders. Hamilton) Jurid. R. 18: 221, Probationer, The; a story. (H. Whittaker) Munsey, 28: 812, Problem of Evil. (S. F. Smith) Month, 106: 22 5, Problem of ’Lisbeth ; a story of the Washington Hop (E. T. Devine) (A. M. Fields. (A. W. Anderson) Cent. 46: 269, “ Procession of Umbrellas, A.” (F. H. Smith) Scrib. M. 33: 411. Proctor, Robert. Ath. ’03, 21 433. ———(A. W. Pollard) Library, 11. s. 5: I. —— Work of. (A. W. Pollard) Library, 11. s. 5: 192, Proctors, Last of the. (B. Capes) Cornh. 91: 88. Prodigal, The Old, and the New. (C. J . Cornish) Ecl, M. 138: 472.=Liv. Age, 232: 492. (Cornelia Sorabji) Temp. Bar, 126: 57. Prodigal Son. 834. Prodigal’s Return, The; a story. (James H. Williams) Indep. 592 I021, Prodigy, The; a story. (F. K. Johnson) Atlan. 97: 407. Produce Exchange, Function of. (C. A. Conant) Atlan. an 433- Producer, The Small. Producer-gas for Electric Power Plant. Cassier, 29: 316, - the New Rival of the Steam Engine. Wilder) World To-day, I0: 275. Production ‘and Distribution, Cannan’s Theories of. (M. W. Middleton) Econ. R. 14: 229, — Social Bacteria and Economic Microbes, Whole- some and Noxious. (E. Atkinson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 317. _ Production Engineers, Work of. (H. Wisby) World’s Work, 8: 5259. Productive Forces, Variation of. (C. J . Bullock) Q. J. Econ. 16: 473. —(A. W. Flux) Q. J. Econ. 18: 280; (C. J. Bullock) 433. Profession, A, that grew Respectable ; a sketch. (A. R. Carman) Arena, 292 77. Professional Degrees, The Combined Course for the Collegiate and. (M. Smith) Educa. R. 26: 254. Professional Education in the Universities. (J . Beale, jr.) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 91 42. Professional Meditation, A. (G. Showerman) Scrib. M. 40: 562, (H. Caine) Everybody’s, I1: 541, 684, (H. White) Nation, 75: 301, (S. S. Wyer) (Frank A. H. 518 PROHIBITION Professional Ofiice, Degradation of the. (G. T. Ladd) Forum, 331 270. Professional School, Preliminary Education for. (J. M. Dodson) School R. 121 10. Professional Schools and the American College. (N. M. Butler) Educa. R. 24! 4 503. -— and the University. (H. S. Richards) Wis. Aluni. M. 5: 265. . —— The Baccalaureate Course in its Relation to. (E. E. Brown) Educa. R. 26: 109. Professions, Education for. (R. H. Thurston) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 441. — Learned, Training for. 25: 28, Professor and the Lay Mind, The. (H. Oakley) Temp. Bar, 125: 481, Professor’s Commencement. (W. S. Cather) New Eng. M. 11. s. 26: 481, Professor’s Widow, The. (E. C. Dexter) Educa. R. (W. C. Lawton) Nation, 80: 352- . Professors, College, Choosing. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 511. — engaged in Research, to what Extent should they be relieved of Teaching ‘? (A. T. Hadley) Educa. R. 313 325- — Existing Pension Systems for College. (W. T. Hewett) Nation, 80: 473. — Salaries of. Science, 11. s. 24: 666. — — in Southern Colleges. (B. H. Locke) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 3: 96. — Underpaid ; what the University loses by. (El- frieda H. Pope) Educa. R. 31: 55. Proifered Heroine, A. (G. B. Fife) Scrib. M. 33: 737. Profit and Loss; a story. (J . Oxenham) Good VVords, 46: 21-895. Profit-sharing and Co-partnership. Quar. 201: 61, —— in Germany. (D. F. Schloss) Econ. J . I 51 574. — An Instance of. (S. Cabot) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 325, —— of the Baker Co., Wisconsin. (G. L. McNutt) Indep. 55: 619. -— Old and New. (J . B. Clark) Harper, 110: 772. _ —— Some Aspects of. (G. Mathieson) Econ. R. 12: 35. — A Trial of. (S. Cabot) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 42: 95. — Twenty Years of Co-partnership. (A. Williams) Econ. R. 15: I5. — A Unique Experiment in. (C. H. Quinn) Outl. 75: 451- —— U. S. Steel Corporation points the Way. (W. Well- man) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 326, -— what Employees say of it. (F. L. Waldo) World’s Work, 5: 2853. — with the Consumer. (N. O. Nelson) Indep. 58: 1179. Profits, The Legal View of. (C. P. Sanger) Econ. J . W 177. ' — Whately’s View of. 16: 457. Progress and Education and the Industrial Engineer. (H. F. J . Porter) Cassier, 23: 145, — and the Final Goal. (J . H. Wicksteed) Indep. R. 10: 313. -— The Measure of. (T. M. Blakeslee) Q. J . Econ. (E. S. Holden) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 155' ——The Penalties of. (T. W. Jordan) Univ. of Tenn. Rec. 3: 12, —- Some Thoughts on. (J . Morley) Educa. R. 29: 1. Prohibition, The Drift away from. (F. Foxcroft) Atlan. 95: 302. — in Kansas. (C. H. Matson) Outl. 74: 981, _ —- — What it has done. (C. M. Sheldon) Indep. 60: I033- -— in Maine. (J . H. Manley) World To-day, 6: 380, - (C. F. Thwing) Indep. 54: 2054, — Shall it be given a Fair Trial ?' Arena, 36: 168. -PROHIBITION Prohibition, Why ? (S. C. Swallow) No. Am. 179: 550. Prohibition Movement in Canada. (J . P. Gerrie) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 591. _ Prohibition Party, Appeal of. (S. C. Swallow) Indep. 571 832- Prohibition Town, Ten Years in a-. Macmil. 89: 261, Prohibitionists; Why they are discouraged. Stewart) Outl. 73: 864, Prologue and a Play, A. (L. E. Mac Brayne) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 659. Promise, The; astory. Promise, The; a story. 924- Promise, What is a, in Law ? (C. D. Ashley) Harv. Law R. 16: 319. Promoter, Work of the. (E. S. Meade) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 5 59. —-World’s Work, 9: 5876. Promotion by Selection. (E. M. Johnson, jr.) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 289. -—— for Distinguished Service. 78: 123, — Notes on. (H. P. Allen) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: I. (J . Davidson) (O. W. (M. Maartens) Cent. 45: 305. (A. H. Donnell) Harper, 112: (O. G. Villard) Nation, Promotions in the Government Service. (O. G. Vil- lard) Nation, 80: 4, Pronunciation, Authority in English. (E. W. Bowen) Pop. Sci. M0. 66,: 544. —‘— English, Changes in. (C. L. Eastlake) 19th Cent. 521 992- : Liv. Age, 236: 224, ——Ministerial. (A. C. -Thompson) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 9: '. .—of Edglish, Standard of. (T. R. Lounsbury) Har- per.I°7= 261.575- Proof of Man, The. (C. Bryson Taylor) Cosmopol. 38: 647. Property. (A. Fellows) Westm. 163: 173, —— Evils of. (E. H. L. Watson) Cornh. 87: 381, =Liv. 1&ge.237= 307. — in Land, and Poverty. (F. Thomasson) Westm. 160: 48. —— The Law of the Concentration of. (S. D. Lind- holm) J. Pol. Econ. 13: 267. — Moralization of. Outl. 81: 12, -— Private, and Public Rights. (E. Maxey) Arena, 28: 561, ‘ Property-man, The. (Booth Tarkington) McClure, 2 5: 412, Property Rights under the Constitution. Am. Arch. 8 : 5, Proplfeicies of the Lord in the New Testament. (T. F. Wright) N. Church R. 10: 492, Prophecy. (J . W. Bashford) Meth. R. 62: 345, —— Art of. Spec. 931 317. . —_— Messianic, and Higher Criticism. (E. H. Dewart) Bib. Sac. 59: 305. —- Old Testament, Davidson’s. (W. R. Harper) Bib. World, 25: 43. — Unconscious, Modern Instance of. (A. M. Mackay) Westm. I66: 441. Prophet and Priest. Bib. World, 20: 83, ——-—Antagonism of. (G. M. Royce) 19th Cent. 59: 72- —- —- in Hebrew Ethics. (C. Callaway) Westm. 161: 533- 5- Reward of. Bib. World, 24: 3. -— The 20th-Century. (F. L. Goodspeed) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 11: 273. Prophetess in her Own Country. (J . B. Wilson) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 148, Prophetess of the Land of No-smoke, The. (M. Man- ning) Harper, IIO: 377. . Prophetic Hope, The, and Jesus. (T. C. Hall) Outl. 78: 235. 519 PROTECTION Prophetic Teaching, Origin of the. Hartf. Sem. Rec. 10: 89. Prophetism and Pre—prophetism. Bib. World, 25: 83_ — Religious, among the Greeks. (N. P. Vlachor) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 495. 52: 61, 500. Prophets and Prophecy in New Testament, Times. (J. H. Bernard) Bib. World, 25: 117. —— Biblical, and their Writings. (L. B. Paton) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 13: 112, 20;, —- — Dialogues on. (E. C. Selwyn) Expos. 6th ser. 5: (L. B. Paton) 1, 321, 6: 390, 482, 7: 284, — Hebrew, Authority of. (F. B. Denio) Bib. Sac. 62: 105, 287, . — — Religious Value of. (C. S. Patton) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 13: 197. — in the Christian Church. (H. B. Swete) Bib. World, 26: 202, —' Making of. (F. A. Gast) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 289. — Message from the Past to the Present. (F. C. Eise- len) Meth. R. 64: 576. —- Post-exilic, Religion of. 22: 258, —— The Search for the. (E. Day) Monist, I 5: 386, —True and False, in 1 Kings‘: 22. (D. A. Walker) Bib. World, 20: 272. Proportion, Aristotle’s Principle of. (W. DeW. Hyde) Outl. 76: 748. — The Idea of. (T. S. Moore) Monthly R. 14, no. 1: I39. Proportional Representation in Switzerland. (Robert Tyson) Arena, 34: 344. Proposal, A; a dialogue. (G. Duncan) Harper, I08: 6. (L. B. Paton) Bib. World, Proposal, The; a story of the N. Y. Ghetto. (H. Bernstein) Indep. 59: 1200, Propriety in the Legal Profession. (S. E. Bowdle) Green Bag, 18: 614, Prose of the 17th Century. Acad. 63: 135. , Prose Style, The Best. Acad. 64:‘ 613, 642. - 65: 64. Prosody, Problems in. (H. W. Magoun) Bib. Sac. 60: 33- Prospection. (C. H. Porter) Open Court, 20: 45, Prospector’s Luck, A. (J . McNellis) Overland, n. s. 4I= 439- ' Prospectors. (N. W. Tibbott) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 679. Prosperity. Are the Bases Secure ? World’s Work, 6: 3°90, ’ ——- Diiferoent Theories of. (R. Craig) Sund. M. 34: 510, — The Obverse of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 185. — Patten’s Theory of._ (J . L. Stewart) Nation, 75: 74. ——- (H. R. Seager) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 239- — Politics and. Gunton’s M. 23: 207. —— The World’s, in the Year 1903. (W. G. L. Taylor) J. Pol. Econ. 13: 217, Prosperous Man, The. (J . F. Goucher) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 3: 159. Prosper’s Old Mother ; a story. (Bret Harte) Harper, I041 733- Prostitution. Trafiic in White Girls. (M. G. C. Edholm) Calif. M. 2: 825. Protection; the American Warning. (F. C. Howe) Indep. R. 4: 194, -— and Bad Finance. Spec. 92: 483. — and Canadian Prosperity. (W. K. McNaught) Ca- nad. M. 26: 426. ‘ -—— and the English Wool Trade. Indep. R. I: 641, —-— and Foreign Investments. (W. M. Lightbody) Westm. 163: 121, —-— and Free Trade, Schmoller on. Q. J. Econ. 19: 501, (J . H. Clapham) (F. W. Taussig) PROTECTION Protection, and Imperialism. Westm. 161: 129, — and the Proletariat. (J . Dowman) Westm. 161: 135- - and Social Reform. (H. W. Wolff) Econ. R. 14: I45- -- and the Unemployed. 164: 7. -— and the Working Classes. Ed. R. 203: 1, -—The Argument for. (H. Belloc) Contemp. 87: (A. P. Carryer) Westm. 435- - Back to. Ed. R. I98: 255. -— Core of. Spec. 93: 627. -— Effect of, on some German Industries. (W. Lotz) Econ. J. 14: 515. -— Expansion, and International Competition. (VV. G. L. Taylor) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 26. —- German Workingman and. (W. H. Dawson) Con- temp. 88: 569. -—- How it affects the Housekeeper. Murray) Contemp. 85: 761. — Idealism in. (W. R. Malcolm) Monthly R. 19, no. 3= 57- — in Germany, Dawson’s. 14: 413. —- Land Reform vs. (C. Trevelyan) Indep. R. 1: 542. —— A Natural Outcome of. (W. F. F ord) Econ. R. 12: 385. —- The New. Spec. vols. 90, 9I. —— of Infant Industries. (H. O. Meredith) Econ. J . 16: 1. -—- or Free Trade ? (P. F. Rowland) Macmil. 88: 2 5 5, — Organization or ? (H. W. Macrosty) F ortn. 77: 376. — Return to. Ed. R. 200: 249, —— Roosevelt Administration and. Gunton’s M. 23: 273- —— Suicidal. (F. J . Whiting) Nation, 77: I46. — Theoretical Possibilities of a Protective Tariff. (T. N. Carver) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 3: 167. -— Treasury Deficits and. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 78: 444: —— Unionist Plunge into. F ortn. 80: 555. —— Warning from the Census. Gunton’s M. 22: 511, -—- Why we oppose. Spec. 92: 908. —- Will England return to ? Sat. R. 93: 518. See Dumping. Protection Principles and Freedom. Westm. 161: 338, Protectionism, The Inner Meaning of. (J . A. Hobson) Contemp. 84: 365. — Pinchbeck. Fortn. 80: 719. Protectionist Ideal of Foreign Trade. (W. M. Light- body) F ortn. 81: 308, Protectionist Movement in England. (H. Belloc) Inter- nat. Q. 10: 181. _ Protectionist Politics, An Object Lesson in. (F. A. Channing) Fortn. 85: 294, ' Protectionists’ Arguments, Imperfection of. Westm. 158: 144, (Margaret P. (J . S. Nicholson) Econ. J . (J . L. Taylor) Protective Value of the Odoriferons Secretions of some Heteroptera. (A. F. Conradi) Science, 11. s. 19: 393- Protectorate followed by Annexation. Sat. R. 97: 483. Proteids, Chemistry of. 31 427. Protestant Episcopal Church. TheAmazing “ Church.” (W. F. P. Stockley) Cath. World, 75: 404, —- Honesty of Broad Churchmen. (F. Palmer) Nation, 83: 507, Protestant Episcopal Convention at Boston, 1904, (Florence E. Winslow) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 586, Protestantism and Authority. (E. T. Shanahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 11: 431, (Ida Smedley) Knowl. n. s. 520 PRUSSIA Protestantism and Roman Catholicism. Luth. Q. 33: 63. —— — Reunion of. 338: — Formative Principle of. (J . W. Richard) Luth. Q. 32: 1, 228, 327, —— Present-day. (J . Britten) Month, 103: 165, 337, Prothero, Rowland E. Walpole and Cowper. Quar. 201: 35, Protoplasm, Reaction of, to Stimuli. Knowl.n. s. 3: 426. - -—- Simplest Kind of. (H. C. Bastian) Knowl. n. s. 2: (C. Uhlhorn) (H. A. Haig) 199- Protoplasmic Streaming in Plants. Science, 11. s. 18: I22, Protostega, Hind Limb of. (S. W. Williston) Am. J . Sci. 163: 276, — Calkins’s New Manual of. (E. A. M.) Nature, 65: 433- -— Pathogenic. (G. N. Calkins) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 409- Protozoiilogy, Scope and Problems of. (E. A. Minchin) Nature, 75: 115, Proud, Robert, the Historian. Pennsyl. M. 28: 377, 29: 229, — Letter of, 1778. Pennsyl. M. 29: 229. _ Provence, A Day in. (E. B. Homer) Technol. R. 2: 7. — Land of Good Cooks. (Francis Miltoun) Idler, 29: I37- Provengal Renascence. (J . J . O’Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 268. Provence, Among the Félibres in. (Constance Eliza- beth Maud) Monthly R. 22, no. 1: 40, — Cook’s Old. (W. H. Bishop) Nation, 81: 468.- (J . R. Smith) Dial, 40: 39. —- Pilgrimage to. (Francis Miltoun) Idler, 30: 146. Proverbial Morality. (Robert A. Duff) Internat. J . Ethics, 14: 172. Proverbs in the Making. (A. F. Chamberlain) J . Am. Folk-Lore, 17: 161, — Indian, Chapter on. (J . Cassidy) Westm. 164: 445. — Jamaica Wit and Wisdom. (A. R. Loscombe) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 564. —Old. Acad. 71: 179. — Race-character and Local Color in. berlain) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I7: 28. — Some Hindustani. (W. Young) Asia. R. 41: 43. —— their Wit and Wisdom, Pith and Point. (J . Stuart) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 458. — Topographical. Acad. 69: 903. — 20th Century. (A. D. Cameron) Outing, 40: 342. Providence, Some Inconsistencies in the Idea of. (N. Alliston) Westm. I64: 320, Providence, R. I., Public Library, Children’s Depart- ment of. Lib. J. 27: 1014, — —- Use of Industrial Books at. J , 31: 76, Provident Woman. (N. Boyce) Lippinc. 73: 257. Provincial Letters. (Urbanus Sylvan) Cornh. 89: 267. 90: 403, 830. Provincial Mind, The: (G. S. Street) Quar. 197: 522. Proving of Lannigan, The. (C. B. F ernald) Cent. 42: I (A. F. Cham- (Ethel Garvin) Lib. Proximate Cause, The Doctrine of. (P. F. Hall) Harv. Law R15: 541. Prudential Insurance Company; American Pillar of Hercules. (H. S. Houston) Chant. 39: 399. Prudentius, Glossemata de. (J. M. Burman) Cincin. Univ. Stud. 2d ser. 1: no. 4. Prudhomme, Sully; a Poet of Science. (E. E. Slosson) Indep. 54: 219. Prussia and Germany in the 19th Century. (F. M5.- necke) National, 47: 942. (W. S. Merrill) Cath. World, 80:‘ PRUSSIA Prussia, Debt of. (A. Wagner) No. Am. 175: I36 -— Land Settlement in. (H. W. Wolff) Econ. R. 81, —- Plain of. (G. A. J. Cole) Knowl. 251 I73. .16: -— Polish Problems in. (W. von Schierbrand) Forum, 333 259- Prussian Central Catalogue, The. (R. Fick) Lib. J . 29: supp. 105. Prussian Gymnasium, Curriculum of, Recent Changes i in. (H. A. Sanders) School R. 10: 456, Prussian Royal Art Collection, Yearbook of. Ath. ’o4, 2: 325, Prutscher, Otto, Designer. (Internat.) 28: 33. Pryor, Mrs. Roger A., Reminiscences. (W. L. Flem- ing) Dial, 38: 43.—(F. Bancroft) Nation, 79: (A. L. Levetus) Studio 463. Psalter, Latin, of 1459. (W. Roberts) Ath. ’o4, 2: 732. Pseudo-Leucite, A New Occurrence of. (C. W. Knight) Am. J. Sci. 171: 286, Pseudo-Messiah, Autograph Letter of a. (D. S. Sas- soon) Jew. Q. 19: 162, Pseudomorphs and Crystal Cavities. (J . P. Rowe) Am. J. Sci. 168: 80. — in the McGill University Collection. (R. P. D. Graham) Am. J . Sci‘. 172: 47. Pseudopia, Incipient. (C. Caverno) Psychol. R. II: 338- Pseudo-serpentine, from Stevens County, Washington. (F. W. Clarke) Am. J. Sci. 165: 397. Psyche of the Mountains, A. (G. MacG. Cooke) Mun- sey, 341 12- Psychic Process, Elementary, Analysis of. (A. E. Da- vies) Psychol. R. 12: 166. Psychical, The Physical and the. (H. H. Bawden) Philos. R. 13: 541. — — Functional View of the Relation between. H. Bawden) Philos. R. 11: 474, Psychical Faculties in the Higher Animals. Science, n. s. 24: 613. Psychical Forces of Industry. (R. T. Ely) Internat. Q, 11: 301, Psychical Phenomena, Classification of, for Experi- mental Research. (Toulouse, Vaschide, and Pieron) Mind, 27: 535. Psychical Research. (A. Lang) Harper, I09: 878, —- as hearing on Veracity in Religious Thought. Arthur Hill) Hibbert J . 5: 113. — Progress of. (F. C. S. Schiller) Fortn. 83: 60. — What has it accomplished ? (W. F. Barrett) Educa. R, 28: 396. Psychological Analysis in System-making, Some Ex- amples of the Use of. (M. F. Washburn) Philos. R, 11: 445. Psychological Laboratory. (W. S. Moore) Educa. 25: 18 (H. (J . 2 . Psychological Literature, Recent. (J . R. Angell) Sci- ence, n. s. 18: 748, Psychological Problems. (A. T. Smith) Educa. 25: 5°7- Psychological Quackery. Spec. 93: 509. Psychologists, American, Statistics of. (J . McK. Cat- tell) Am. J. Psychol. 14: 580. Psychology. (E. A. Pace) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 110, Psychology, Abnormal; Some Present Problems. (Morton Prince) Psychol. R. 12: 118, — Addenda of. (J . Bascom) Bib. Sac. 61: 209, —-— Afliliation with Philosophy and the Natural Sci- ences. (G. S. Hall) Science, n. s. 23: 297, —— American Universities and. (B. G. Miner) Science, 11. s. 202 299 — and History. . (G. Villa) Monist, I2: 215, 521 PSYCHOLOGY Psychology, and the Philosophic Method. (J . Dewey) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 159. — and Physics. (E. C. Sanford) Psychol. R. I0: 105. — and the Pulpit. (F. Sewall) N. Church R. 13: 13. — and Religion, Recent Investigations into the Rela- tion between. (G. B. Smith) Bib. World, 242 33 5. —-— J. R. Angell on. (F. Thilly) Philos. R. 14: 481. —— applied to Ethics, Illustrations of. (E. C. Sanford) Pedagog. Sem. 9: I8. —— Aristotle on. (H. K. Gardiner) Philos. R. 12: 320. —M. W. Calkins on. (A. H. Pierce) Philos. R. 11: 170, — Class Experiments in. (E. B. Titchener) Am. J . Psychol. 14: 445. — Comparative, and Genetic. chol. R. 12: 78, —-— —— Importance of, for Teachers. Kuma) Pedagog. Sem. I3: 250 — Conceptions and Methods of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 176, — Contemporary. (J . R. Angell) Chant. 40: 453. —-— Development of. (W. Mills) Science, n. s. 19: (Lloyd Morgan) Psy- (Toshi-Yasu- '(J. McK. Cattell) 745- ' — Educational, Thorndike’s. (W. C. France) Nation, 781 437. — Empirical, Educative Function of. Bookman, I8: 189, —Experimental. (E. B. Titchener) Indep. 54: I953. —- (E. B. Titchener) Science, 11. s. 202 786. — — in Italy. (G. C. Ferrari) Am. J. Psychol. 16: 22;, —— — Tendencies of. (Giovanni Chiabra) Am. J . Psy- chol. I5: 515. — — Problems of. 16: 208. —— Genetic, and its Relation to Pedagogy. (J . Ogden) Educa. 24: 325. —-— — Questionnaire Method in. gog. Sem. I02 405. — in America, Quarter-century of. Am. J. Psychol. 14: 672. —-— in Secondary Schools. (E. L. Thorndike) School R. 10: 114, — in Teaching, Direct Use of. Educa. R. 30: 201. — Individual, A Contribution to. J. Psychol. 13: 149. (H. A. Bruce) (E. B. Titchener) Am. J . Psychol. (T. L. Smith) Peda- (E. F. Buchner) (Mary K. Benedict) (N. Triplett) Am. Internat. Q. 71 53. — Meaning of the Psychical from the Point of View of the Functional. (H. H. Bawden) Philos. R. 13: 298. . — Modern. (A. R. Whiteway) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 98. —— (J. H. Wilson) N. Church R. 13: 408. —-— — and Catholic Education. (E. A. Pace) Cath. World, 81: 717. -— Natural Science, and Philosophy. (F. Thilly) Phi- los. R. 15: 130, — New, Queries respecting the. 54' 1633 (B. P. Bowne) Indep. _- The‘ Newest. (E. L. Thorndike) Educa. R. 28: 2l7. — of the British People. (C. W. Super) Bib. Sac. 63: 664. —— of Child Development, King’s. Sat. R. 97: 432. — Organization in. (S. F. MacLennan) Psychol. R. I3= 349- - Pathological. (G. S. Hall) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 43: 139. — Place of, in the Classification of the Sciences. (A. E. Taylor) Philos. R. I 5: 380. — Present Problems of General. (J . Ward) Philos. R. 13: 603. -— Present State of, and its Relations to the Neighbor- ing Sciences. (H. Hiiffding) Psychol. R. 12: 67, — Inter-; the Interplay of Human Minds. (G. Tarde) _ —— Scientific, Wundt on. PSYCHOLOGY (H. R. Marshall) Philos. R. 14: 1. -—- Relations of Structural and Functional, to Philoso- phy. (J . R. Angeli) Philos. R. 12: 243, (W. McD.) Nature‘, 67: 2. —' Sketch of a Beginner’s Course in. (E. C. Sanford) Pedagog. Sem. I3: 118. — Sketch of the History of. (J . M. Baldwin) Psychol. R. 12: 144. -— Structural and Functional, Reconciliation between. (M. W. Calkins) Psychol. R. 13: 61. — Subliminal, Religious Aspect of. (L. F. Hite) N. Church R. 11: 531. -— Ten Years of American. 11- s. 181 I93. 233- — Thorndike’s Educational. n. s. 20: 644, — Wundt’s N aturwissenchaft und Psychologie. (R. M. Yerkes) Am. Natural. 38: 895. Psycho-physio Methods, Classification of. Psychol. R.‘ 11: 343, _ Psycho-physical Interaction. (W. McDougall and oth- ers) N ature, 68: 33-198. “ Psycho-physical Parallelism,” Brief Critique of. (G. T. Ladd) Mind, 28: 374, Psycho-physical Relation, Prof. Bawden’s Functional Theory. (G. M. Andrus) Philos. R. 660. Psychosis, The Intention of the Noetic. (S. S. Colvin) Philos. R. 15: 307. Ptarmigan, Protective Coloring in. Ctry Life Am. 3: 150. Pteranodon, Characters of. 166: 82, I67: 318. Pteridospermaphyta. (L. F. Ward) Science, 11. s. 20: (E. F. Buchner) Science, (H. A. Aikins) Science, (E. B. Holt) (L. A. Fuertes) (G. F. Eaton) Am. J. Sci. 25, Pteropus from West Africa. Natural. 36: 201. Ptolemy’s Map of Asia Minor; Method of Construc- tion. (H. S. Cronin) Geog. J. 25: 429. Ptomaine Poisoning. Sat. R. 94: 336. Puberty Ceremony of the Mission Indians. (H. N. Rust) Am. Anthropol. 8: 28. Pubescence; a report. (C. W. Crampton) Am. An- thropol. 6: 705. Public, The; the Unfortunate Third. fax) Overland, n. s. 431 154. —— What is it ‘? (G. S. Street) Acad. 66: 569. Public Buildings, Grouping of. (M. R. Maltbie) Outl. 781 37. Public Callings, Law of, as a Solution of the Trust Problem. (B. Wyman) Harv. Law R. 17: 156, 217, Public Conscience, The. 64 (J. A. G. Relm) Am. (Guy R. Hali- (A. T. Hadley) Indep. 58: I. Public Documents. (A. R. Hasse) Pub. Lib. 7: 355. — A Bibliography of. (A. R. Hasse) Lib. J . 29: supp. 116 —— Building up a Collection of. (A. R. Hasse) Lib. J . 31: 661. —— Care and Distribution of. (C. B. Roden) Pub. Lib. 9: 28-_ —- Classifjring and Cataloguing. Lib. 11: 51. -— Contentious. (F. C. Crandall) Nation, 76: 109, -—- Distribution of. (J . Henderson) Science, 11. s. 23: (W. R. Reinick) Pub. 545- -—for Small Libraries. (A. R. Hasse) Pub. Lib. II: 511. ——(Jessie G. Smith) Pub. Lib. 11: 514. — Report on, I902. (R. P. Falkner) Lib. J . 27: supp. 92. —— —— 1903. (R. P. Falkner) Lib. J. 28: supp. 102. ——- 1904. (R. P. Falkner) Lib. J. 29: supp. 168. — Uses of, in the University Library. (Lodilla Am- brose) Lib. J . 302 C86. 522 - Psychology, Relation of Esthetics to, and Philosophy. PUBLICITY Public Documents, Vexed Question of. (A. R. Hasse) Lib.-1.27: 815. 4 —- What shall we do with ? (W. S. Rossiter) Atlan. 97: 560. Public Eating and Drinking. n. s. 2: 125, Public Funds and Property, Accountability for. (H. O. S. Heistand) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 442. Public Health, Science of, Relation of, to other Sci- ences. (l/V. T. Sedgwick) Science, 11. s. 21: 905. Public House Trust. (H. J . Craufurd; Earl of Lyt- ton) National, 45: 9o3.—Sat. R. 99: 619.—(R. E. MacNaghten) Canad. M. 25: 128. Public Library. (W. H. Brett) Dial, 322 76. See Library. Public Life, Amenities of. Macmil. 86: 267. Public Opinion, Formation and Uses of. (G. B. Win- ton) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 32 169. — Government by. (A. T. Hadley) Calif. Univ. Chron. 4: 65. — Is it Supreme ? (H. Spender) Contemp. 88: 411. —- Law and. (I. H. Lionberger) Wash. Univ. Bull. 41 (R. Turner) Macmil. 7°- — Making of. (R. Ogden) Cent. 45: 781. — Manufacturing. McClure, 26: 450. Public Ownership. (F. Parsons) Arena, 29: 118. — and Political Science. (W. H. Brown) Am. J . So- ciol. I2: 328. -—- Charles Francis Adams’s Mistakes about. B. Holmes) Arena, 30: 505. — of Public Utilities. Twenty Million American Citi- zens at School. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 28: 655. — — Bill proposed by J . J . Martin. Arena, 31: 209. — Popular Fallacy. (Allan L. Benson) Appleton’s M. 8: 472, -- vs. Public Control. (Hayes Robbins) Am. J . Sociol. 10: 787, Public School and the Roman Catholic Church. J. Markoe) Cath. World, 75: 327. Sec Schools, Public. Public School Art Societies. 38: 169. Public School Boy. Spec. 90: 82. Public School Chapels. (G. A. Wade)Sund. M. 35: (W. P. (L. (R. F. Zueblin) Chaut. 149- Public School Question and the Catholic Church. Ref . Ch. R. 50: 108. Public School Systems. Administration of. (C. B. Gilbert) Forum, 35: 304. ‘ Public Service, Love of Wealth and the. (F. W. Taussig) Atlan. 97: 289, — Rewards of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 4. Public Service Company, Limitations under which it must conduct an Independent Business. Green Bag, 18: 290, —- Rates and the 14th Amendment. (N. Matthews, jr. ; W. G. Thompson) Harv. Law R. 15: 353. — Securities of, as Investments. (A. L. Kramer) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 101, Public Speaking, Department of. (F. M. Blanchard) School R. 13: 75. Public-sneaking VVork in the Secondary School. (G. B. Churchill) School R. 11: 269, Public Taste, Responsibility for the. (A. Hill) Li- brary, 7: 257. Publicist, The Profession of. (A. R. Kimball) Atlan. 92: 804. Publicity and Reform in Business. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 143, ' —- for Protected Interests. (R. L. Bridgman) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 459. — in Education and Charitable Work. (W. H. Allen) No. Am. 181: 24, (H. Clews) Ann. PUBLICITY Publicity, of Accounts Abroad. (H. P. Willis) Nation, . 74: 6. — Old and New. (H. S. Kempton) N. Church R. 13: 383. — Voluntary. (F. J . Whiting) Nation, 78: 44. — ‘What is ? (H. C. Adams) No. Am. 175: 895. Publisher, The American, and his Service to Litera- ture. (R. D. Townsend) Outl. 81: 740. — and the Public. (H. W. Boynton) Dial, 37: 156, — The Small. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 265, — The Work of a. (J . Murray) Contemp. 90: 761. Publisher’s Confessions,‘ A. Dial, 38: 375. Publishers, Rejected by the. Liv. Age, 248: 35. Publishers’ Lists, Value of. (H. R. Plomer) Library, 11. s. 31 427. Publishing as a Business Career. (G. P. Brett) World To-day, 6: 241. — Commercialization of Literature. (H. Holt) Atlan. W 577. — An Intimate View of. (W. H. Page) World’s Work, 4. 2561. — Poet and Publisher. (J . Graham) Canad. M. 25: 360, Pud and the Plunger. (W. A. Fraser) Booklover’s M. 7: 7-87. ' Pudding Sisters go a—hnnting. Outing, 49: 42. Pueblo Bonito, New Mex., Ceremonial Objects and Ornaments in. (G. H. Pepper) Am. Anthropol. 7: 187, Pueblo Ehvironment. (W. Hough) Science, 11. s. 23: 865. . Pueblo Settlements near El Paso, Texas. (J. W. Fewkes) Am. Anthropol. 4: 57. Puech, Denys. French Sculpture of To-day. (F. Lees) Archit. Rec. 12: 641, Puff of Wind, A. Chamb. J. 79: 331. Puget, Pierre-Paul. Am. Arch. 90: 133. Puget Sound, Commerce of. (F. W. Cushman) Out- ins. 472 531- — Folk of. (D. A. Willey) Outing, 47: 535. Puget Sound Country, The. (H. Heywood) Calif. M. 4: 280, Pugh, Henry. Acad. 64: 626, Pugilism, An Experiment with. (D. S. Hill) Pedagog. Se1n. 13: 125. Pugsley, William, Attorney-General, New Brunswick. (J. Hannay) Canad. M. 23: 538. Pulgar, Isaac. Support of Religion. (G. Belasco) Jew. Q. 17: 26, Pulpit, The, and Modern Thought. (F. Sewall) N. Church R. 13: 13. — Place of the, in Modern Life and Thought. D. Hillis) Univ.‘of Chic. Rec. 2: 391. Pulpit Rock. (H. F. W. Kanold) Lamp, 28: 221, Pulpit Strength, and Pastoral Visiting. (F. E. Day) Meth. R. 62: 877. Pulque Manufacture from Century Plants. Terry) Booklover’s M. 4: 525. Pulse and Rhythm. (M. Hallock) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 425- Pumping Engines, Foundations for. (C. A. Hague) Cassier, 31: 42. Pnmpion Pye, Ye. n. s. 27: 277. Pumps, Centrifugal. (W. O. Webber) Cassier, 28: (N. (G. C. (A. E. Thompson) New Eng. M. 154: “ Punch ; ” the Cockney’s Calendar. (D. Story) Mun. sey. 28: 357- -— Social History of England. (L. Strachey) Critic, 43= 5:6- Punctuatibn. (Addison Hogue) Nation, 83: 164, —- A Dissolving View of. 233- (W. P. Garrison) Atlan. 98: 523 PURVES Punic Sculpture in the Lavigerie Museum of S. Louis at Carthage. (S. Beale) Monthly R. 2!, no. 2: 85. Punishment, Purpose of. (W. W. McLane) Bib. World, 24: 8. Punishment of Pasquin, The. (H. A. Powell) Over- land, 11. s. 40: 50, Punjab, Campaign in the, 1848-49. Cornh. 85: 358. — Canal Irrigation in the. 60. — — Frontier Recollections. Blackw. I76: 597. — in Peace and War, Thorbnrn on. Ath. ’O4, 2: I37. —Spec. 92: 1014. —- Irrigation in the. (S. Preston) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 602. Punkal-Wallah, The; a story. Macmil. 91: 376. Pupil, The, and the Requirement. (M. C. Robinson) School R. 14: 587. Pupils of Cecil Rhodes, The. land, n. s. 42: 446. — Taught to estimate themselves. School R. I3: 597. Puppet Crown; a story. (T. Maunsell) (C. H. Buck) Geog. J. 27: (G. K. S. Moncrieif) (C. D. Wilson) Over- (W. J. Tucker) (H. MacGrath) Idler, 20: 543- Purizell, Henry, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 3: I45. — as modified by M. D. Shaw. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 93: 232. Purchasers, Rights of. (F. Kelley) Char. 14: 1112, Purchasing, Relation of, to Economical Production. (W. D. Ennis) Engin. M. 29: 519. Purdy, Carl. (C. H. Shinn) Land of Sun. 14: 276. Purification of Cornbury. (R. E. Robinson) Atlan. 89: 81, Purification of Palomitas, The; a story. vier) Harper, 112: 448. Puritan, the, Have we any further Use for? (J. G. Johnson) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 11: 92. Puritan Bishop, A. Macmil. 92: 275. Puritan Democracy. (L. Abbott) Outl. 79: 1006. Puritan Maid, A. (E. Elliott) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 741- Puritan Movement, The People and the. Church Q. 58: 103, Puritani, I; a story, translated. (A. P. Valdés) Poet- Lore, 16, no. 4: 97. Puritanism and Modern Life. (A. H. Bradford) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 2: 267, —- The High Ancestry of. 88: 221, -— in New England, Rise and Decline of. (J . L. Sie- ber) Luth. Q. 34: 400, , Puritan’s Wife, A. A Breviate of the Life of Mrs. Margeret Baxter (1681). Liv..Age, 233: 676, Puritans, The. (James Reed) N. /Church R. 12: 481. — and Art. (F. W. Aveling) Sund. M. 34: I73. —- Fine Arts under. (J . F. Palmer) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 5: 205. —- Gladness of. (J . Moifatt) Hibbert J . 3: 165. Purple Veil, The. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 337. (T. A. Jan- (G. G. Coulton) Contemp. Purpose as Logical Category. (J . E. Creighton) Philos. V R. 13: 284. - . Purpose Novel, The. (F. J . Cooper) Bookman, 22: 131, Purpnrite, a New Mineral. (L. C. Graton and W. T. Schaller) Am. J . Sci. 170: 146. Purses, Ancient. (W. H. Legge) Reliquary, 43: 217, Purses of the Nations. (A. Harris) World’s Work, 10: 6240, Pursuit of a Teapot, The; a\story. (A. Train) Am, M. 61: 37. Purves, Geo. T., with portrait. (J . H. Dulles) Princ. Univ. Bull. 13: 17. PUSHBALL Pushball, a New Game. (C. H. Allison) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 231 47. Pushcart Man, The Way of the. (B. H. Smith) Crafts- man, 92 218. ~— Life Story of a. Indep. 6: 274. Pushcart Peddlers of New York. 61: 915, (A. A. Hill) Indep. Puss in Boots; an Old Myth in New Dress. Crafts- man, 4: 371' Putnam, Arthur‘, Californian Sculptor. (J . M. Balti- more) Craftsman, 9: 250. Putnam, Israel, Hero of the People. Outing. 47= 343- Putnam, Mary Louise Duncan. ence, n. s. 17: 632, Putnam, Rufus. (A. B. Hulbert) Chaut. 38: 470. —- (G. F. Hoar) Indep. 571 23. Putnam’s Magazine. Putnam, I: 1-12. Puvis de Chavannes and Gustave Moreau. Mauclair) Internat. Q. 12: 240, — as a Caricaturist. (L. Roger-Miles) Harper, I05: 950. -—— With portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 4: 46. Pycnogonid from the Bahamas. Natural. 40: 217. Pyevtsoif, Mikhail V. Geog. J . I9: 515. Pygmies, The African. (S. P. Verner) Atlan. 90: 184. —(S. P. Verner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 47I.—(S. P. Verner) Science, n. s. 20: 539. —— House of the. (Reginald A. Gatty) Chamb. J . 82: (L. T. Sprague) (Frederick Starr) Sci- (Camille (L. J. Cole) Am. 293- ——of the Congo Forest. (H. H. Johnston) McClure, I81 349. -— of Uganda. Pygopodes, Osteology of. ural. 38: 13. Pyle, Edmund, 1703-77. 12 5, Pyle, Howard. Rejected of Men. Church R. 10: 548, Pynchon House, Greenwich, Conn. Archit. Rec. I9: 381. Pyramid, The Great. (C. Moffett) McClure, I8: 240. =Idler, 2: 423. " Pyramidula Alternata. 38: 661. Pyrenees Mts., Gravity Cement Mill in. (G. M. Peek) Engin. M. 28: 369. — Passes of the. Chamb. J . 79: 696, — The Pyrenean Playground; an Appreciation. W. Austin) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 510. Pyrography combined with Color Work. comb) Brush & P. 10: 188. Pytchley Country, Northamptonshire. 362, Pyx of Carved Ivory in the British Museum. Dalton) Archaeol. 58: 429, (H. Johnston) Pall Mall M. 26: 173. (R. W. Shufeldt) Am. Nat- (A. Hartshorne) Ath. ’02, 2: (T. F. Wright) N. (H. W. Trohne) (F. C. Baker) Am. Natural. (R. (C. Whit- Blackw. 175: (O. M. Quack Doctors. Macmil. 92: 438. Quackery. (D. F. Sicher) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 447, Quacks, Doctors, and Chemists. Sat. R. 101: 419, Quadrantid. (John R. Henry) Nature, 65: 198, 272, Quadrantids, 1903. (A. S. Herschel) Nature, 67: 535. Quagga, The ; a Missing Link. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 25: 220, “ Quaggas, Coloration of. 356- Quail. (E. Sandys) Outing, 43: 149. — The California. Land of Sun. I1 100. —— California Valley. (T. S. Van Dyke) Land of Sun. 7: 202, (H. K. Job) Out- (R. L. Pocock) Nature, 68: -—- Domestic Trials of Bob White. mg’ 45: 43- 524 QUAY Quail, How to plant. (D. Beard) Outing, 45: 240. — The Lopho. (B. W. Everman) Harper, 104: 487. — An “ OE-day ” among. (C. H. Morton) Outing, 43: 103, — Raising Quail for Sportsmen. (E. Sandys) Outing, 45: 636. —— Sogthern, Days with. (H. S. Canfield) Outing, 47: 4 7: —- The Ubiquitous. Ctry Life Am. 3: 10. Quail Shooting. (Grover Cleveland) Indep. 60: 1327, —- Training -Setters and Pointers for. (VV. B. Meares) Outing, 41: 48, Quail, The Verb. (G. Birdwood) Ath. ’06, 2: I03. Quaint Memories. (E. Hessey) Monthly R. 19, no. 13 108. no. 3: 114.=Liv. Age, 246: 104. Quaker, The; a Drama in One Act. (A. von Kotze- bue) Pennsyl. M. 29: 439. Quakers and their Meeting-houses at Crosswicks, N. J . (J . S. Middleton) Pennsyl. M. 27: 340. — in Fiction. (C. L. Crew) Dial, 35: 251. —- in Massachusetts in 17th Century. (C. F. Holder) Arena, 33: 382. — of Early Times. (I. M. Hamill) Sund. M. 34: 285. Quality and Quantity. (J . Gros) Monist, I 5: 361. — Significance of. (P. Carus) Monist, I5: 375. — vs. Quantity. (J. M. Findlay) Un. Serv. M. 33: 375. Quality of Mercy; a Story of the Indian Territory. (J . M. Oskison) Cent. 46: 178. Quality of \Vork, Credit for, at University of North Dakota. (J. Kennedy) Educa. R. 321 525. Quantity Theory and its Critics. (F. R. Clow) J . Pol. Econ. 11: 594. —- — a Rejoinder. 621, , Quantock Hills, A Day among the. (H. van Dyke) Scrib. M. 37: 668. Quarantine, Modern. 622, — The National. Quarantined Quarrel, A. Eng. M. n. s. 34: 657. Quarantined Rivals. (G. R. Chester) McClure, 26: 261, Quarrel, A, among Thieves, 1556. (J . E. Brown) Antiq. 11. s. 41: 17. Quarrel, The; a story. 294- Quarter System in Secondary Schools. School R. 10: 8, Quartermaster-Sergeant Penhall. Longm. 46: I49. Quartermaster’s Department and Organized Militia. (W. H. Miller) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 319. Quarters, How to be Comfortable in. (H. Noé) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 7: 61, Quartz, from San Diego County, California. Waring) Am. J. Sci. 170: 125, — Replacement of. by Pyrite, and Corrosion of Quartz Pebbles. (C. H. Smyth. jr.) Am. J.Sci. 169: 277, Quartz Glass. (A. L. Day) Science, 11. s. 23: 670, Quaternary Cave in Shasta Co., Cal. (E. L. Furlong) Science, 11. s. 20: 53. Quaternary Caves in California, Evidence of the Work of Man in. (F. W. Putnam) Am. Anthro- pol. 8: 229. Quatrain, Concerning the. (Brander Matthews) Lamp, 27: 587. Quay, Matthew S. (R. Blankenburg) Arena, 33: 113. -—With portrait. (J . M. Rogers) Booklover’s M. 3: 617.—Nation, 78: 424. — as Reformer. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 165. —- Fall of the House of. (I. F. Marcosson) World’s Work, 11: 7119. (J . L. Laughlin) J . Pol. Econ. 11: (A. H. Doty) Booklover’s M. 7: (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81: 233. (Eleanor H. Porter) New (G. L. Collin) Harper, I06: (J . S. Brown) (W. M. Dunning) (G. A. .Queen’s Man, The ; a story. QUEBEC 525 rmoooons Quebec. (E. H. Moorehouse) Longm. 43: 354. Question of Equity, A ; astory. (H. S. Thomas) Atlan. — Agricultural Progress of. (G. Boron) Canad. M. 95: 661. 24: 429. Question of Ethics, A. (L. H. Berens) Westm. 164: — and the Maritime Provinces of Canada. (T. G. Marquis) Chaut. 38: 20, — Arnold and Montgomery at, I77 5. M. of Hist. I: 13. — Doughty’s Siege of. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 75: 468. —— Old, Gilbert Parker on. (W. Wood) Canad. M. 23: 263. —— — — and Bryan on. Ath. ’o4, 2: 168. ——Siege of. Ed. R. 198: 134, ‘ ,, -— — Doughty and Parmlee on. Ath. ’o4, 2: 73, Quebec, Province of. (C. T. D. Chambers) Canad. M. 20: 507, —- Petrographical Contribution to the Geology of the Eastern Townships of. (J . A. Dresser) Am. J . Sci. 164: 43. Queen, A, and her Friends. Month, 104: 267, Queen Charlotte Islands. The Haida. 23: 103, Queen Cophetua ; a story. pinc. 78: 763. Queen Mary of Memory Lane. (Caroline W. Morrison) Lippinc. 78: 657. Queen of Tatters ; a story. M. 25: 258. Queen’s Brooch, The ; a Postscript. (S. Sisson) Cornh. 88: 634. Queen’s Garden, A. Queen’s Hall Orchestra. 99= 624- (Countess de Courson) Science, 11. s. (Constance Sm edley) Lip- (B. L. MacDonell) Canad. (Flora A. Steel) Sat. R. 100: 178. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. (Miss Price) Macmil. 90: 1-401. 91: 53,142. ILiv. Age, vols. 244-246. Queen’s Maries, The. (T. Duncan) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 363. Queensberry, Wm. Douglas, 4th Duke of. Ghosts of Picadilly; “Old Q.” (G. S. Street) Monthly R. 25, no. 3: 119. 1-‘Putnam, I: 283, Queensland, Birds in. (H.) Temp. Bar, 130: 324, — Black Police of, Kennedy on. Ath. ’02, 2: 512. — North. Out on the Never Never. (G. H. Freds- ham) 19th Cent. 58: 815. ILiv. Age, 247: 612, —— Secondary Education in. (G. H. Locke) School R. 11: 422, Queenston, Canada; a Port of the Last Century. (N. R. Benedict) M. of Hist. 21 417. Queenston Heights, Battle of. (J . Hannay) Canad. M. 20: 429. Queer Feeling, The; a story. Cosmopol. 40: 531. Quelpart, Island of. (H. B. Hulbert) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 396. Quemazon, La. (W. Bulfin) Everybody’s, I2: 79. Querol y Subirats, Augustin, Sculptor. (F. Rudy) M. of Art, 26: 344.—(C. Rudy) Studio (Internat.) 28: 300. _ Query of Candler’s Cut, The; a story. (T. Telford) Booklover’s M. 4: 699. Quest, The. (Margaret Sherwood) No. Am. 181: 268. Quest, The Old. Liv. Age, 232: 248. Quest of the Golden Fleece; a Romance of the Out- skirts. (H. Clifford) Blackw. I73: 1. Quest of the Three Kings, The; a Christmas Carol. (C. W. Stubbs) Outl. 72: 932. (Annie H. Donnell) Questing Foot, The; a poem. (C. Scollard) Outl. 70: 868. Question, The; a story. (G. D. Litchfield) Harper, 104: "43. Question bf Bits, A; a story. (A. Stoddart) Outing, 49* I5- Question of Command, A ; a story. (H. J . O’Higgins) Cent. 50: 81. 66. Question of Four Thousand Dollars, A ; a story. H. Bickford) Munsey, 332 617. Question of Inheritance, A. (A. \Vallie) Gent. M. n. s. W 313- Question of Obligations, A ; a story. (C. Mills) Temp. Bar, I28: 292, Question of Valor, A ; a story. 44= 443- Questionable Parentage of Basil Grant, The; a story. (E. B. Cromer) Monthly R, 20, no. 1: 105. Quiberon: an Unknown Riviera. Chamb. J . 832 550. Quick-decision Board, The ; a story. (G. S. Richmond) McClure, 20: 666. Quicksand, Foundations on. Arch. 76: 22. Quicksand, The ; a story. (E. Wharton) Harper, 1052 (L. (W. N. Harben) Cent. (C. A. Learned) Am. 13. Quiet Man, The; a story. (A. S. Pier) Atlan. 932 830. Quietus ; a poem. (William Watson) Ecl. M. 138: 617. Quinault Indian Graves, Visit to. (Laetitia M. Conard) Open Court, 19: 737. Quintilian on Extemporaneous Speaking in the Light of Recent Teachings. (G. V. Edwards) School R. 10: 396. Quirinius, Census of. Bull. 5: 315._ Quiros, Pedro Fernandez de, Voyages of. Markham’s (D. J . McKinnon) Cath. Univ. Edition. Ath. ’o4, 2: 652, Quito, Arc of. (Isaac Winston) Science, 11. s. I7! 947. Quitter, A; a story. (H. R. Durant) Everybody’s, I2: 224, - Quitter, The ; a story. (A. Ruhl) Outing, 45: 19. Quivera, The Myth of the. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 5: 222. Quixote of the Desert, A; a story. Harper, I06: 933. (Anne O’Hagan) Quixotism. (S. M. Crothers) Atlan. 92: 442. Quoits as a Lawn Game. (C. Q. Turner) Ctry Life Am, 2: 226. Quotation, Indirect, Moods of. J. Philol. 26: 60, — Mis-, of Scripture. Rec. 9: 210. —- vs. Originality. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 36: 28 5. Quotations Misquoted. (R. L. C. White) Lamp, 26: 128, — said before. (P. Kent) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 82, — Superfluous. Sat. R. 972 547. (J . J . Schlicher) Am. (A. C. Thompson) Hartf. Sem. R. Bowers, Poet ; a story. (Grace McE. Iurs) Munsey, 30: 180. Rabban Hormizd, The Monks of. Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 472, Rabbi and Synagogue ; their Place and Power. Gracey) Meth. R. 64: 942. Rabbinical Conferences, 1844-46. (A. Vaschalde) (J . T. (D. Philipson) Jew. Q.17: 656, 18: 251, 621. Rabbit, Story of a. (E. Kay Robinson) Cornh. 88: I02, Rabbit Hunting. (Grover Cleveland) Indep. 58: 1217, Rabbits. Ed. R. 195: 353. — The Jackrabbit. (T. S. Van Dyke) Land of Sun. 3: 116. — Most Bitter Foe of; reply to R. C. Saunders. (J. Burroughs) Outing, 47: 663, Raccoons; Little People of the Sycamore. (C. G. D. Roberts) Outing, 41: 292. RACE Race and Climate. (C. D. Warner) Land of Sun. 4: 103, — and Democracy. (J . R. Commons) Chaut. 38: 33. -— and Religion. (Sir G. C. Lyall) Fortn. 78: 926.: E01. M. 140: 442. 1'-‘=Liv. Age, 236: 385, —~ The Coming, in America. (G. Michaud) Cent. 431 683. Race of Number 19; a story. (L. Scott) Am. M. 61: 579- Race through the Night. (E. J epson) Lippinc. 712 274- Race to the Death, A. (A. Stringer) Macmil. 92: 469. = Liv. Age, 247: 363, Race Decay. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 642 641. Race Decline, Education not the Cause of. Engelman) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 172, —-— Engelman on. (T. L. Smith) Nation, 76: 494. Race Development. (A. L. Gladish) N. Church R. 92 (G. J. 373- Race Differences, Views of Dr. Rizal, the Filipino Scholar, upon. Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 222. Race Improvement through Civilization. (F. H. Gid- dings) Indep. 60: 383, Race-prejudice, Psychology of. (W. I. Thomas) Am. J. Sociol. 9: 593. ' " ' See Negroes. Race Problem, Psychology of. Sac. 63: 3 52. Race Problems, Educational Solution of. (G. C. Lori- mer) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 5: 237. Race Questions and P1-ejudices. (J . Royce) Internat. J. Ethics, 16: 265, ~ . Race Reversion in America. (VV. A. Curtis) Arena, (H. A. Miller) Bib. 27: 47- Race Suicide. (H. A. Milton) Indep. 56: 661. —-— and Common Sense. No. Am. 176: 892, —- Broad Aspects of. (F. T. Carlton) Arena, 36: 607. -~ The Curse of Eve. (M. Bisland) No. Am. 177: 111. -— Higher Education of Women and. (A. L. Smith) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 466. -- in France. (J . C. Monaghan) Cath. World, 81: 575, —-— Physical Degeneracy or? (S. Webb) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 512, -- The Scare of. (J . W. Barclay) 19th Cent. 60: 895, Race~track Gambling. (E. G. Sisson) World Today, 7: 1528,, I Races, Accursed. (F. Boyle) Monthly R. 23, no. 22 89. -- Heterogeneity of, in a Democratic Society. (J . A. Tillinghast) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 152. -—- Modern, The Making of. (P. G. Mitchell) No. Am. 179: 526. -- of Mankind, Bryce on. — Origin, Development, and Destiny of. Holmes) Am. Anthrop. 4: 369. ~ Races, At the. (A. Ruhl) Outing, 40: 527, —— Great English. (R. P. Buckley) Munsey, 33: 691. Rachel, Elizabeth Felix. (C. Morris) McClure, 19: 525.- (C. Schurz) McClure, 27: 362, (K. Miller) Dial, 33: 208. (W. H. “Rachel.” (Hugh Clifford) Cornh. 88: 476,:-_Liv, Age. 239= 468- Rachmiel, Jean, Painter. (G. Pollen) Brush & P. 10: 288 Racial Elements in Present Population of Europe. (T. H. Holdich) Nature, 71: 21, Racine. (M. Baring) National, 45: 985. Racing World, The, Watson’s. Ath. ’04, 2: 39, Rackham, Arthur, Painter. (A. L. Baldry) Studio (Internat.) 25: 189, Rackstrow’s Museum. (G. L. Apperson) Antiq. n. s. 39‘ 343- Racquet. Season of I906 reviewed. (G. H. Brooke) Outing, 48: 368. 526 RADIO-ACTIVITY Radclifl-‘e, Dr. John, with portrait. (E. Gosse) Harper,w 110: 173. Radde, Gustav. (P. Kropotkin) Geog. J . 21: 563, Radiation. (R. A. Millikan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 481, —-— and Spectroscopy. (A. Schuster) Nature, 67: 265. — Comparison of Two Theories of. (J . H. Jeans) Nature, 72: 293. —-— Entropy of. Nature, 74: supp. after p. 604. —from Cosmical Sources. (C. Barus) Science, 11. s. 23: 952. — in the Solar System. (J . H. Poynting) Nature, 70: 512, —-— Law of Adaptive. 353- Radiation Pressure. (J . H. Poynting) Knowl. n. s. 2: 152. —Nature, 71: 376, Radiations, Invisible. (A. Zimmern)19th Cent. 56: 88. Radicals, English, The F irst. (A. M. D. Hughes) Macmil. 86: 470, Radinger, Johann von. (H. F. Osborn) Am. Natural. 36: (R. H. Thurston) Science, 11. s. 15‘ S95- Radio-active Bodies, Spontaneous Action on Gelatin Media. (J . B. Burke) Nature, 72: 78. Radio-active Changes, Interpretation of. Shenstone) Liv. Age, 247: 387, Radio-active Elements. (Mad. Sklodowska-Curie) In- dep. 55: 1498. — Disintegration of. (E. Rutherford) Harper, I08: 279. —Nature, 70: 161. (W. A. —- Ultimate Disintegration Products of. (B. B. Bolt- wood) Am. J. Sci. 170: 253. Radio-active Gas in Surface Water. (H. A. Bum- stead and L. P. Wheeler) Am. J . Sci. 166; 328. —-— Properties of, found in the Soil and Water near New Haven. (H. A. Bumstead and L. P. Wheeler) Am. J. Sci. 167: 97. ~ Radio-active Measurements by a Constant Deflection Method. (H. L. Bronson) Am. J. Sci. 169: 185. Radio-active Substances. (E. Merritt) Science, 11. s. 18: 41, ' —— Penetrating Rays from. (E. Rutherford) Nature, 66: 318, Radio-activity. (E. A. Partridge and R. H. Brad- bury) J. Frankl. Inst. 1561 32I.——(R. H. Brad- bury) J . Frankl. Inst. I59: 225. — (George Adam) Overland, n. s. 44: 460,548, -— and the Electron Theory. (W. Crookes) Nature, 65: 400, — and Matter. (C. Winkler) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 267, —— and Radium. (W. A. Shenstone) Knowl. 27: 77, 107, —- Atmospheric. (H. A. Bumstead) Am. J . Sci. 168: 1. — Interpretation of Radio-active Changes. (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 92: 516, — Les Origines de la. (G. Le Bon) Ath. ’06, 2: 621, — A New Property of Matter. (R. K. Duncan) Har- per, 105: 356- - -— of Certain Minerals. (R. J . Strutt) Nature, 69: 473, — of Chemical Reactions. (A. F. Burgess; B. In- gram) Knowl. 27$ 282. — of Matter. (J. B. Burke) Monthly R. 13, no. 22 115. — of Natural Waters. (B. B. Boltwood) Am. J . Sci. 168: 378. — of the Salts of Radium. Sci. 171: 409. —-— of Thorium. (H. M. Dadourian) Am. J . Sci. 171: (B. B. Boltwood) Am. J . 427- -- of Thorium Minerals and Salts. (B. B. Boltwood) Am. J. Sci. 171: 415, — of Underground Air. (H. M. Dadourian) Am. J. Sci. 169: 16. — Present Position of. (F. Soddy) Nature, 732 285. -— Present Problems in. (E. Rutherford) Pop. Sci. Mo. 572 5. RADIO-ACTIVITY Radio-activity, Recent Advances in. (F. Soddy) Con- temp. 83: 708, — Relation between, and the Composition of Thorium Compounds. (H. N. McCoy and W. H. Ross) Am. J. Sci. 171: 433. —— Rutherford on. Ath. ’o4, 1: 657, --(C, Bar-us) Sci- ence, n. s. 21: 697. — (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 82: 61. Radio-tellurium. (W. Marckwald; F. Soddy) Nature, 69: 461, Radium. Chamb. J . 81: 180. -—(E. Merritt) Cent. 45: 451.--(R. H. Law) Ecl. M. 142: 830,-(R, H, Bradbury) J. Frankl. Inst. 159: 225. — (H. C. Hay) N. Church R. 11: 226,~—Science, n, s, 17: 675. I8: 347.—~ (W. J. Hammer) J. Frankl. Inst. 155: 443, —— (E. Edser) Knowl. 26: 217. — (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 87: 752. =Ecl. M. 141: 295, =Liv. Age, 238: 129. —-(G. F. Walsh) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 247.-—(J. J. Thomson) Nature, 67: 601, — Action of, on Beef-gelatine. Liv. Age, 246: 314. -— and Cancer. Science, n. s. 18: 155. —-and the Electron Theory. (J . Trowbridge and W. Rollins) Am. J. Sci. 168: 77. —- and Helium. Science, 11. s. 18: 186, —— and Human Life. (T. Waters) Everybody’s, 9: 323. —— and its Lessons. (O. Lodge) 19th Cent. 54: 78. —— and its Position in Nature. (W. Ackroyd) 19th Cent. 53: 856. -— and its Products. (Sir W. Ramsay) Harper, I10: 52, — and its Wonders. (G. F. Kunz) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 585. ——- (J. W. Wilkinson) Educa. 26: 265, — and Life. (C. W. Saleeby) Harper, 113: 226, — and Radio-activity. (S. S. Curie) Cent. 45: 461, —— and the Sun’s Heat. Nature, 68: 572, — and Swedenborg’s Scientific Teachings. Hay) N. Church R. 11: 124, — and Uranium, Relative Proportion of, in Radio-active Minerals. (E. Rutherford and B. B. Boltwood) Am.J. Sci. 170: 55. 172: 1, — Can Life be produced by ? (Sir W. Ramsay) Indep. (H. C. 1 59¢ - — the Cause of the Earth’s Heat. (E. Rutherford) Harper, 110: 390. — Discovery of, foretold by Bulwer-Lytton. Hornblow) Critic, 44: 214, —- Effect of High Temperatures on the Rate of Decay of the Active Deposit from. (H. L. Bronson) Am. J. Sci. 170: 60. — Emanations of. . Crookes) Nature, 67: 522. -— in Minerals, Measurement of by the Y-Radiation. (A. S. Eve) Am. J. Sci. 172: 4, — its Properties and Possibilities. tional, 44: 68. -—— Meaning of. Spec. 92: 46. —- Mystery of. Am. Arch. 81: 83, -— —- the Mystery of the Universe. Church R. 11: 11. - A New Source of Heat. (A. (R. J . Strutt) Na- (J . B. Keene) N. (H. C. Bolton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 61. — Possible Use for. Science, 11. s. 18: 338, ——- Production of, by Actinium. (B. B. Boltwood) Am. J. Sci. 172: 537. -—-from Uranium. (B. B. Boltwood) Am. J. Sci. 170: 239. —- Queries about. (M. A. Rosanoif) Nation, 68: 490. —Ratio of, to Uranium in some Minerals. (B. B. Boltwood) Am. J. Sci. 168: 97. —Recent Controversy on. (F. Soddy) Nature, 74: 16. — Rsesearches on. (F. Soddy) Nature, 69: 297, -— the Revealer. (C. W. Saleeby) Harper, 109: 8;, —— The Revelations of. Ed. R. 198: 374.-‘T-Liv. Age, 239‘ 577- 527 RAILROAD Radium, Roentgen Rays and Ultra-violet Light, Action of, on Minerals and Gems. (G. F. Kunz and C. Baskerville) Science, n. s. 18: 769. ——- Rutherford on. Science, n. s. 19: 899. —- Scintillation of. (R. W. Wood) Science, 11. s. 19: 195. —-— Wonders of. (C. Moifett) McClure, 22: 3, Radium-bearing Springs, Delta County, Colo. Headden) Am. J . Sci. 169: 297, Radium Emanations, Action of, on Minerals and Gems. (C. Baskerville and L. B. Lockhart) Am. J . Sci. 170: 95, -—— Action on Diamond. Nature, 70: 209. Radium Rays. (S. C. Prescott) Science, 11. s. 20: 246, Radium Solutions. Science, n. s. 20: 442. Radley College. Sat. R. 96: 419. Radnor Valley Farm, The Economical Management of an Estate. (A. H. Gleason).Ctry Life Am. 8: 299. Radziwill, Princess Catherine. Recollections. (I. F. Hapgood) Nation, 79: 482. Rae, John, Letters of, to Mill. Econ. J. 12: 111. Rae, W. Fraser. Ath. ’05, 1: 111, Raeburn, Sir Henry. (D. C. Thomson) Art J . 57: 293. —With portrait. (R. A. M. Stevenson) Book- man, 16: 552. —With portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 6: 443. — Armstrong on. Ath. ’o2, 1: 440, Raff, Joseph Joachim, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 1: pt. 6. Raifa§lli, J . F., French Pastellist. dio (Internat.) 23: 146. Raflies, Sir Stamford, and the Zoiilogical Society. (D. C. Boulger) Ath. ’05, I: 340. Raftery, Irish Poet, Songs ascribed to, Hyde on. (W. P. (F. J ourdain) Stu- Ath.’04, 1: 264, Ragamufiin of the Foothills. (H. A. Vachell) Cornh. 9°‘ 5°7- Rage to Live, The. Spec. 96: 173. =Liv. Age, 248: 634. Ragged Schools, Diamond Jubilee of. Westm. I62: 219, Ragging in the British Army. Sat. R. 101: 513. Raging of the Sea, The; a story. (N. Duncan) Mc- (G. P. H.) Clure,18: 433. Ragusa, City of, Customs of. (P. Vinogradoif) Law Q. 21: 179, Rail, In the Haunts of the. (Bonneycastle Dale) Out- ing, 46: 271, Rail Bonds. (W. E. Harrington) J . Frankl. Inst. 157: 57_273~ Rail-heads, Renewable. (W. H. Booth) Cassier, 30: 534- ' . Railroad across Five Continents, from Cape Horn to the Cape of Good Hope.- (A. H. Ford) Indep. 60: 265. - — American, Evolution of the. (G. B. Waldron) Chaut. 39: 316. — An American State-owned. (U. B. Phillips) Yale R- 15¢ 259- — Boston and Albany. (C. S. Harrington) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 404, — British, Summer Service of. Sat. R. 96: 70. — Canal and the, 1861-65. (E. D. Fite) Yale R. 15: I93. — Highest, of Europe ; Thusis to St. Moritz, Switzer- land. (E. Bignami) Cassier, 25: 475. —- in a Theater of War, Operations and Maintenance of. (W. D. Connor) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 234, 445. — in War. (J . W. S. Sewell) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 9: 19. — Oldest, in the World ; Swansea to Mumbles in Wales. (T. Rees) Cassier, 26: 330. — Rebuilding a Great. (F. H. Spearman) World’s Work, 8: 5371. RAILROAD Railroad to India. Blackw. 171: 337. Railroad Abuses. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 26: 535. — Private Cars and the Fruit Industry. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 26: 398. Railroad Accident at Charing Cross Station. Scheifauer) Macmil. 11. s. 1: 431. Railroad Accidents, American. (D. A. Willey) Chamb. J. 83: 743.——Nation, 82: 259,-—(E. A. Moseley) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 592. -—- — for Year ending June, 1903. Science, 11. s. 20: 126, - —- Recent, 1905. (C. W. Doten) Am. Statis. Assoc. 9: 155. —- Cause and Prevention of. (C. D. Hine) Outl. 32: (H. 19, — Causes of. (C. H. Allison) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 83. — — American. (F. W. Haskell) Engin. M. 28: 321. —- Death-roll of. (Leroy Scott) World’s Work, 9: 5699- - For Public Safety. Outl. 82: 734. — Why Preventable Ones happen. VVorld’s Work, 12: 8007, Railroad and Canal Commission of 1888, English. (S. J. McLean) Q. J. Econ. 20: 1, Railroad Appliances, New. (G. L. Fowler) Cassier, 30: (H. L. Stone) 353- Railroad Bookstall, The. Chamb. J . 82: 375. Railroad Builders, The Great. (E. J . Edwards) Mun- sey, 28: 641, Railroad Building, Arctic. (G. E. Walsh) Cassier, 25: 264. —as a Mode of Warfare. (J . M. Palmer) No. Am. 175: 844- ‘— by Automatic Machinery in Western U. S. Willey) Booklover’s M. 4: 687. — A Feat in. (L. Lewis) World’s Work, 11: 6859, —— in Canada. (H. J . Moorhouse) Canad. M. 23: 97. — State, Disastrous Results of, in Italy. (H. R. Meyer) J. Pol. Econ. I4: 362, — — in France, Breakdown of. (H. R. Meyer) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 450. Railroad Carriages, Past and Present. Bride) Canad. M. 18: 3 Railroad Casualties. (H. H. Langton) Nation, 83: 53. Railroad Collisions, Prevention of. (B. B. Adams) Nation, 79: 310. Railroad Combinations and Small Investors. Newcomb) Booklover’s M. 1: 397. Railroad Commissions, Recent Legislation affecting. (F. H. Dixon) Pol. Sci. 20: 612, — State, The Work of. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 81: 374, Railroad Companies, British, Financial Policy of. (C. H. Grinling) Bank. M. (Lond.) 74: 349. —— French Benevolent and Provident Arrangements of. (L. Katscher) J . Pol. Econ. 10: 645, Railroad Congress, International, Washington, May, 1905. World To-day, 9: 882. —Nation, 80: 391, Railroad Consolidation ; a Radical View. (H. D. Lloyd) Booklover’s M. 1: 391. Railroad Corporations, Capitalization of. (W. Barker) No. Am. 183: 717. Railroad Couplings, British Automatic. Brockelbank) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 5 35. Railroad Discrimination. (Frank Parsons) Arena, 3 5: 2. Railroad Economi.cs, Ackworth’s Elements of. (L. Macassey) Econ. J . 15: 219. — and the Free Trade Principle. Econ. R. 16: 273. Railroad Empire, The. (Frank Parsons) Arena, 3 5: 22, Railroad Employees; Asleep at his Post. Outl. 83: 656. -— Organizations of. (S. Cadwallader) Chant. 39: 340. (D. A. (W. D. Mc- (H. T. (T. A. (W. W. Carlile) 528 RAILROAD Railroad Engineering, Feats of Modern. (H. H. Lewis) World’s Work, 6: 3898, Railroad Enterprises, Greatest Year of New. (J . D. Latimer) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 449. Railroad Expenditures, Element of Labor in. Horst) Am. Statis. Assoc. 8: 59. Railroad Fares, Cheaper. (Horace Bell) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 88. — in Belgium, Cheap, for Workmen. Econ. J. 16: 536. -—- Zone System of. (E. Tregear) Indep. 5 5: 2045. Railroad Finance, Trust Mortgage in. (T. W. Mitch- ell) Q. J. Econ. 20: 443. Railroad Guides, Early. (J . Leighton) Chamb. J . 83: (A. L. (E. Mahaim) 774- Railroad Incidents, Odd. (H. E. Hamblen) Munsey, 28: 179, Railroad Landscape Gardening. lover’s M. 5: 701. Railroad Machine Shop, Organization of the. (H. W. Jacobs) Engin. M. 31: 897-908, 32: 21, 177, Railroad Magnates of the U. S., with portraits. Book- lover’s M. I: 335. —(E. D. Tittman) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 65. Railroad Men, Social Centers for. (F. G. Bray) Chant. (K. L. Smith) Book- s9- 365- — Social Clubs for. (M. G. Cunnifi’) World’s Work, 3: 2002, Railroad Merger, The First, in the U. S. (E. O. Berry) Everybody’s, 8: 304. Railroad Methods and Railroad Kings. (C. M. Keys) World’s Work, 10: 6652, Railroad Mileage and Wealth. (G. M. Walker) World’s Work, 6: 3560. Railroad Monopolies, are they authorized by the Laws of New York? (E. L. Andrews) Am. Law R. 40: 558. Railroad Oddities. (L. E. Taylor) Chant. 39: 330. Railroad Officials, Making of. (J. A. Tyson) Munsey, 30: 868. Railroad Pooling and the Amendment of the Inter- state Commerce Act. (W. A. Robertson) Forum, 33= 143: Railroad Problem, Great Changes in the. (W. Z. Ripley) World’s Work, 10: 6764, —J. J . Hill and -E. H. Harriman on. (W. Hill) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 627. ' — President Roosevelt’s. (W. Z. Ripley) Atlan. 96: 377- Railroad Professional Education. (W. M. Ackworth) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 130, Railroad Property and Securities, Reports on. Q. J . I Econ. 17: 505. Railroad Question, The Equities of the. Bank M. (N. Y.) 70: 365. Railroad Rate Bill, Passage of the. (R. Ogden) Na- tion, 82: 420, — what it is and what it will do. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 65. Railroad Rate-making by Congress, Some Legal As- pects of. (R. Olney) No. Am. 181: 481. Railroad Rate Problems. (H. Lamont) Nation, 79: 2. Railroad Rates. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 26: 47.- (W. Morton Grinnell) No. Am. 180: 235. —(J. Bascom) Yale R. 14: 237. — American. (H. G. A. Baker) Econ. R. 16: 180. — -—- Noyes and Haines on. (W. H. Parker) Dial, 40: (C. A. Prouty) R. — and. Court Review. (C. A. Prouty), R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 333 594- ' -— and the Flow of our Foreign Trade. (F. A. Ogg) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 331 458. RAILROAD Railroad Rates, and Industrial Progress. (S. Spencer) Cent. 49: 380. -— as Protective Tariffs. (H. R. Meyer) J . Pol. Econ. 141 I. — (M. O. Lorenz) J. Pol. Econ. I4: 170. — British vs. Foreign. (E. A. Pratt) Monthly R. 18, no. 1: 107. —by Fiat, and Existence by License. Yale R. 14: 260, — Congressional Rate-making by Commission. Cessua) No. Am. 182: 84. (D. Willcox) (J . B . — Control of. (H. S. Smalley) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 7: 321. — — Roosevelt and. (W. R. Wheeler) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 127. —— Debate in the Senate, 1906. (I. Rayner) Indep. 60: 1408. — Democratic Party and. (J . Sharp Williams) Indep. 60: 485. -— French Method of controlling. Q. J. Econ. 20: 279. —-— Government Making of, Social and Industrial Effects of. (J . B. Phillips) Univ. Colo. Stud. 32 I87. — Government Regulation of. (H. R. Meyer) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 7: 61. — (B. H. Meyer) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 86. —(Frank Parsons) Arena, 35: 346. —(W. E. Chandler) Green Bag, 18: 9.-(Adel- bert Moot) Harv. Law R. 19: 487. —-Vanderbilt Univ. 61 77. ——(R. H. McDonald, jr.) Calif. M. 32 244. —— (P. Morton) Outl. 79: 119. —(L. Tuttle) Outl. 79: 375. —Outl. 80: 563. — — and Railway Pools. (J . W. Midgely) World To- day, 10: 617, —- — A Brief Review of the Subject of. (J . W. Lord) N0. Am. 181: 754. — — is Impracticable. (B. Esterline) Am. Law R. 39: (W. H. Buckler) 517- — — Is it a Step to Government—ownership ? (Edwin F. Gruhl and Edgar E. Robinson) Arena, 36: 622, —— — is Unnecessary and would be very Dangerous. (D. Wilcox) No. Am. 180: 410, — — The Issue stated. Outl. 81: 353. -— — Meyer on. (B. Lee) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 49. — —-— The Pending Step in. (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: I07, — — President’s Message on. Outl. 78: 963. —— — A Reply to Prof. B. H. Meyer, Privy Councillor von der Leyen, Prof. Willard Fisher. (H. R. Meyer)J. Pol. Econ. I4: 193. -— -— Some Legal Aspects of. I81: 481, -— Legislation on. 835. — Legislative Regulation of. (W. D. Hines) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 4: 84. —(A. B. Stickney) Pol. Sci. 21: 28. —-— Maintenance, not Making. World To-day, 8: 427, —- Power of Congress over. (V. Morawetz) Harv. Law R, 18: 572, -- Power of Congress to fix. -— Regulation of, in Canada. ss= 419. - A Sidelight. (S. Stevens) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 326, -—Statistics of; how they mislead. (W. G. Joerns) Arena, 33: 624. —-— Trunk-line System. (W. Z. Ripley) Q. J . Econ. 20: 183. —— The Vital Question of Differentials. (J . W. Midg- ley) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 598. Railroad Reading-rooms for Employees of the Santa Fe. (S. E. Busser) Out West, 25: 125, Railroad Rebates. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 26: 179, —-— and Preferences; by a Railway Employee. Outl. 80: 577, (R. Olney) No. Am. (Jonathan P. Dolliver) Indep. 60: (Edgar A. Bancroft) Harv. Law R. 20: 127, (S. J . McLean) Forum, 529 RAILROADS Railroad Repair Shops, Tool-room Practice in. (R. Emerson) Engin. M. 28: 411. Railroad Securities as an Investment. (A. D. Noyes) Atlan. 97: 532. Railroad Signaling. (H. G. Archer) Pall Mall M. 27: 339- Railroad Stations, Improvement in. (Mrs. A. E. McCrea) Chaut. 39: 368. -— The P. L. M. in Paris. Archit. Rec. 12: 492. —Roofs of. (W. N. Twelvetrces) Am. Arch. 89: 89. Railroad Stocks, The Outlook for, 1902. (C. H. Grin- ling) Bank. M. (Lond.) 75: 64. — Stagnation of. (C. H. Grinling) Bank. M. (Lond.) 76: 330. Railroad Subsidies and their Folly. (W. D. Gregory) Canad. M. 19: 47, —— in Canada. (J . E. Le Rossignol) Canad. M. 20: 419. Railroad Superstitions. (H. E. Hamblen)Munsey, 27: 596. Railroad Supplies, Testing and Inspection of. (R. Job) J. Frankl. Inst. 162: 31. Railroad System, Anatomy of a Great. (H. T. New- comb) Yale R. 13: 347. Railroad Taxation; an Exhaustive Study. Pettypiece) Canad. M. 20: 3 5 3. Railroad Terminal Operations. (F. Spearman) Outl. (H. J. 775 23- Railroad Trade Journalism. (F. C. Bray) Chaut. 39: 332- Railroad Train Dispatching from New York Grand Central Station Yard. Everybody’s, 9: 298. Railroad Train Service in England. Sat. R. 98: 39. Railroad Trains, High Speed, American and European. (G. G. Tunell) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 34, -— on Ferries. (A. S. Hurd) Cassier, 24: 55. —-— The 20th Century Limited. (J . M. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 385, Railroad Travel, American, Safety in. (D. A. VVilley) Cassier, 28: 5 5. —-— The California “ Overland Limited” Train. (H. I. Cleveland) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 418, - Comfort and Safety in. Chamb. J . 82: 230. — Past and Present. (F. McDermott) J . Soc. Arts, 491 222, —— Speed and Stability in. 636. Railroad Wreck-master, Work of. Cosmopol. 33: 16. Railroad Wrecks ; how handled. Booklover’s M. 32 663. Railroading as a Profession. P01-351 462- -Ten Years’ Advance in. I/Vork, 7: 4526. Railroads above the Clouds. (VV. Harper) Cosmopol. s7= 380. —-— Advisory Councils in the Administration of. (B. H. Meyer) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 74. (G. R. Dunell) Nature, 74: (W. C. Hollister) (D. A. Willey) (W. J . Wilgus) Cosmo- (H. L. Stone) World’s —-American. (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 772 33!. —- — Alleged Superiority of. (H. W. Horwill) Indep. 54: 2068, —- —- Distribution of Stockholdings in. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 475. —- —-— Permanence of the Prosperity of. Barnaby) No. A1n. I83: 384. —-— Anatomy of aGreat Railway System. (H. T. New- comb) Yale R. 131 347. —- and Congress. (J . J . Esch) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 21. —-and the People. (W. H. Glasson) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 8, —-— and the Square Deal, The. Work, 10: 6723, (S. Huebner) (H. C. G. (R. Thomas) World’s + RAILROADS Railroads and Industries. (H. T. N ewcomb) Gunton’s M, 22: 26, — and the U. S. Government. nian, 2: 359. —— Block System on. (J . J . Esch) Am. M. 60: 707, — British, American View of. (R. Morris) Atlan. 982 65. —- —-and Foreign Goods Traffic. (A. Dudley Evans) Econ. J. 15: 37. - — — Do they earn their Dividends ? (H. W. Wilson) National, 40: 206, —- — Waking up. (W. R. Lawson) Contemp. 83: 4! 3. — —- What can America learn from? (A. S. Hurd) Cassier, 30: 512, — — Why they are Safe. Work. 9= 5933- — Canada’s Plan for Transcontinental. Booklover’s M. 1: 407, — Claims against ; the Native Land of Tricks. Indep. 54= 2173- —- Common Sense of the Question. No. Am. 180: 576, — Concentration of Control in. (H. T. Newcomb) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 89. -— Consolidation of, Increasing. (M. G. Cunniff) World’s Work, 3: 1775. — Earnings of, Prospect for. Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 74, — Electrification of. (W. Maver, jr.) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 341 712. —— Experiments in Public Ownership. World’s Work, 13= 8333- - Fast Trains, American and German. J. Pol. Econ. 10: 361. — —— British and F rench. M. 28: 97. —- — Foreign, in 1902-03, Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 121. -— — New York to Chicago in Twenty Hours. (R. Doubleday) World’s Work, 4: 2455. — Freight-rates made by the. (W. D. Taylor) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 7o. -—- Government Control and Ownership of, in Italy and France. (C. E. Russell) Everybody’s, I4: 340. — — Possibilities of. (J . B. Phillips) Arena, 34: 458. -— Government Ownership of. (M. A. Knapp) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19! 61. — —— in Germany. (C. E. Russell) Everybody’s, I4: 178. — Governmental Regulation of. Outl. 79: 368. — —- President Hadley on. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, 80: 282, — Highest, in the World. To-day, 10: 511. — How they build up the West. (R. I. Cuyler) World To-day, 8: 157. — in Egypt, Light. — in Modern Warfare. — Influence of, on Military History. Un. Serv. M. 32: 701, —— Light, in Belgium. (A. Nerincx) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 108, — National Regulation of. Assoc. 3d ser. 4: 71. —— Nationalization of, in Switzerland. Arena, 36: 577. — New Trade Routes in Europe. temp. 88: 665. -— The New York Central Lines. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I5: 593. -— of Germany. (O. Eltzbacher) Contemp. 87: 174, -—- -—- and England. (W. M. Acworth) Contemp. 87: 57°- (A. Del Mar) Califor- (J . D. Whelpley) World’s (J . H. Ewan) (F. G. N ewlands) (R. W. Martin) R. of (G. C. Tunell) (H. G. Archer) Pall Mall (B. H. Meyer) Ann. Am. (W. E. Parsons) World (A. W. Peacock) Cassier, 21: 373. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 301. (C. H. Wilson) (C. A. Prouty) Am. Econ. (F. Parsons) (J . S. Mann) Con- (M. Mannering) 530 RAIN FALL Railroads, on Trial. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 27: 131, — Oriental. _.(S. Krausz) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 65 5. — Pioneer Canals and, Millions for. (A. B. Hulbert) Chaut. 39: 5:. — The President and the. (C. A. Prouty) Cent. 49: 644. — (Cy Warman) World To-day, I0: 261. — (W. Z. Ripley) Atlan. 96: 486. —- Pres. Roosevelt’s Policy with the. Dart. Bi-Mo. I2 57. — The Private-car Abuse. (R. S. Baker) McClure, 26: 318. —— Question of. (L. Satterthwait) Arena, 33: 522, —- Rates on. See Railroad Rates. —— Repeal of the Legislative Restrictions on, and Slum O-vercrowdiug. Westm. I58: 259. — Safety Appliances on. (T. A. Brockelbank) Sat. R. 94: 491- - Safety of Employees and Travelers on, should it be promoted by Legislation? (J. J . Esch) No. Am. 179: 671, —— Sane View of the Problem. (L. Satterthwait) Arena, 341 I46- — Single-rail Motor for Rapid Travel. Everybody’s, 6: 190, — Snatching Control of. 402, — Southeastern and Chatham and Dover, England; Railway Monopoly at VVork.—— (F. Stofford) Na- tional, 41: 235. — Spearman on. (J . J . Halsey) Dial, 38: 196, —— Speed on, High. (L. Scott) Am. M. 60: 622, -—- State Management of, in Italy. (G. l/V. del F erro) Indep. 60: 786, — Stock Gamblers and Managers of. Arena, 352 272. -—— Taxation of ; Legal Supervision of the Transporta- tion Tax. (B. Adams) No. Am. 179: 37!. —- Taxation of Gross Receipts of, in VVisconsin. (G. E. Snider) Am. Econ Assoc. 3d ser. 7: 515. — The Traffic Manager and the Shipper. (P. S. F iske) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 204. — The Trusts and the People, Parsons on. Arena, 36= 557. ~ — Twenty-five Years of Bribery and Corrupt Prac- (F. H. Dixon) (F. B . Behr) (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 83: (S. H. Allen) tices. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 312 12. —- When the Drawis Open. (H. E._Hamblen) Mun- $811,321 566- — Why they do not pay better. Chamb. J . 83: 230, Rails, Steel, Manufacture of, in Western Pennsylvania. (J. M. Swank) Pennsyl. M. 28: 1, — Strains in the Base of, under Moving Trains. (P. H. Dudley) Science, 11. s. 17: 733. Rain, Black, in North Carolina. (M. Morse) Science, 11. s. 15: 1034. -—— Magic of. (C. Q. Turner) Outing, 48: 493. —— Making. (J. T. Ellis) Calif. M. I: 104, “Rain-in-the-Face ; ” the Story of a Sioux Warrior. (C. A. Eastman) Outl. 84: 507, Rainbow, Airy’s Theory of the. Frankl. Inst. I56: 335. Rainbow; the Token of a Covenant. Am. Antiq. 28: 65. Raindrop, Romance of a. .1. Rainfall. (VV. Marriott) Knowl. n. s. 2: 221. —— and Sunspots. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 18: 91. —- — for 35 Years. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Nature. 68: 8. —— Autumnal, Effect of, upon Wheat-crops. Nature, 711 47°- ' D -— Commerce and Politics. 11. s. I 5: 110, — Distribution of. (A. J . Herbertson) Harper, 105: (D. Hammer) J . (A. H. Bell) Chamb. J . 80: (R. D. Ward) Science, 9°7- RAINF ALL Rainfall, in Africa. (J . R. Sutton; J . Eliot) Nature, ' 6 71 . . . —- Indian and South African, 1892-1902, (D. E. Hutchins) Nature, 71: 342, —- of Mexico. Science, 11. s. 232 472. Rainier, Mt. (J. E. Ross) Land of Sun. 9: 169. — Ascent of, by Sierra Club and Mazamas. (W. Rod- man) Out West, 24: 365. — Climbing. (Anne S. Monroe) World To-day, 92 1047. — From Surf to Summit. (Harry H. Brown) Over- land, 11. s. 46: 447. Rainsford, W. S. (J eannette L. Gilder) Critic, 44: 405.—(P. S. Grant) Char. I5: 750. —-A Preacher’s Story of his Work. Outl. 731 821- 962, 74: 88-227, Raisin-making. (D. E. Kessler) Land of Sun. 11: 18. Raisuli, Moorish Brigand. (W. B. Harris) Indep. 571 201, Raleigh, Walter. (E. Gosse) Geog. J . 21! 602. — an Adventurer of the 16th Century ; his Home then and later. (J . G. Sieveking) Gent. M. n. s. 721 38. — R0dd’s. Sat. R. 98: 701. Raleigh Rock. Nat. Geog. M. 14: I48. Ralph Elliot ; a Tale of the Year 1848. Macmil. n. s. 2: 1, 81, Ram, The, in the Light of Recent Events. Un. Serv. M. 30: 474. Ramapo, Memories of. M. of Hist. 41 I39. Rambles with an American. (C. Tearle) Temp. Bar, 128: 478, 612, Rambuteau, Comte de. tion, 90: 208, Ramie and its Possibilities. (A. Laugel) Na- Memoirs. (Mrs. E. Hart) J . Soc. Arts, 54: 561. -— The Textile of the Future. (D. E. Radclyffe) Asia. R. 40: 47. Ramona, The Ideal and the Real. (C. C. Davis) Out West, 19: 575. Rampolla, Cardinal, Editorial Labors of. ton) Month, 108: 508. Ramsay, Alexander, Governor of Minnesota, with por- trait. (W. Upham) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 674. Ramsay, David, as a Plagiarist. (O. G. Libby) Am. Hist. R. 7: 697. Ramsay, Sir George, a Neglected English Economist. (E. R. A. Seligman) Econ. J. 13: 521. Ranch, The I01. (M. G. Cunnifi’) I/Vorld’s Work, II! 7219- Ranching; how I became a Ranchman in California. (A. McNally) Ctry Life Am. 5: 297. — in the Canadian Northwest. (J . G. Webster) Chamb. J. 82: 453. — in Mexico. Chamb. J. 83; 535. —- Recollections of. (J . R. E. Sumner) Longm. 44: 290, Ranchwoman, Five Days a. (E. Whiting) Outl. 83: 998- Rand, Benjamin. (J. E. Chapman) Canad. M. 28: 16. Rand Mines, Chinese Laborers on the. Chamb. J . 81: 748- Rand School of Social Science. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 278, Randall’s Step; a story. (E. Boltwood) Mnnsey, 32: 216, Randolph, Thomas. Acad. 69: 683.: Liv. Age, 246: 444- Randsburg, Cal. Land of Sun. 6: 167, Range-finder, Forbes. Good Words, 432 748. Range-finders. (G. Forbes) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 78. Ranger, Henry Ward. (A. Hoeber) Cent. 48: 636. — (H. VV. Bromhead) Studio (Internat.) 29: xxxiii. -——With portrait. (P. Dougherty) Brush & P. 16: (H. Thurs- 39- - Marine Paintings of. (C. H. Cafin) Critic, 43: 5' . 531 RAVEN Rangoon. (E. Washburn) Outl. 77: 749. Rank, Relative. Un. Serv. M. 27: 212. Ranke, Leopold von, Reminiscences of. Ranke) Temp. Bar, 133: 193, Ransom, Matthew Whitaker. (R. L. Flowers) So. Atlan. Q. 42 I59. Ransom of Mack, The ; a story. (O. Henry) McClure, 24: 123, Rapallo, and the Italian Riviera. Harper, 104: 380, Raphael. (J . La Farge) McClure, I8: 309. — La Belle Jardiniére. Art J. 56: 153, — Description of his Frescoes, with portrait. Mast. in Art, 4: pt. 40. — Doubtful Painting of an Italian Gentleman. (Claude Phillips) Art J . 55: 37. — Five Great Painters of the Renascence. liss) Good Words, 46: 267. — Loukmanofi Cartoons. (Vera Campbell) Art J . 55: 103. Raphides, Protective Function of. Science, 11. s. 18: 244, Rapid Travel of the Future. Work, 12: 8000. Rapp, Peter, The Story of. Chaut. 37: 193. Ras Haskins’s Dog. (J . H. Tuckerman) Outing, 40: 573- Rat, The Common. Chamb. J. 82: 62. Rat-catcher, Edinburgh, of the Olden Times. General Tweedie) Chamb. J . 82: 177. Rat Plague, The. Spec. 93: 337. —Spec. 95: 603. I Liv. Age, 247: 760, “ Rata Encoronada, La,” Ship of the Spanish Armada. (W. S. Green) Macmil. 89: 265. Rate Maintenance, not Rate Making. (Edgar A. Ban- croft) World To-day, 8: 427. Rates, Reasonable. (A. D. Adams) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 70. See Railroad Rates. Rathbone, W. Spec. 95¢ 258. Rational Living, King on. (T. D. A. Cockrell) Dial, 40: I 51, Rationalism and Apologetics. Ed. R. 204: I97, — Benn’s History of English, in the 19th Century. (J. M. Robertson) Indep. R. I0! 93. — The Conscience of. (A. B. Sharpe) Dub. R. 137: (F. von (E. C. Peixotto) (W. Bay- (T. H. Kearney) (J. P. Fox) \Vorld’s (E. A. Woodrufie-Peacock) (Major- 3 I 3. —— The New Light. (G. Mortimer) Westm. I 57: 443. — Reason and, from the Side of Religion. (H. H. Henson) Good Words, 45-I I5-7I7. ‘ Rationalistic Attitude, Examination of the. (G. Spil- ler) Internat. J . Ethics, I4: 488. Rationality and Belief. (A. K. Rogers) Philos. R. 13: 30- Rattazzi, Madame. Ath. ’02, I1 209. Rattlesnake, The. (W. Seton) Oath. World, 772 436. —(W. A. Wright) Land of Sun. 13: 254. —and its Venom. (W. H. Backus) Out West, 181 691, Rattlesnakes, Hunting, with a Camera. Backus) Ctry Life Am. I: 212. — near the Mississippi. Delta. (F. A. Hunt) Overland, n. s. 46: I13, Rauch, Frederick Augustus. (E. V. Gerhart) Ref. Ch. R. 50: :45. — as Man and Philosopher. R- ss= 433. Ravelston Dykes; a Disappearing Edinburgh Land- mark. Chamb. J. 812 589. Raven, J . James, Canon. Ath. ’06, 2: 366. Raven. The. (R. B. Smith) 19th Cent. 53: 241, 430. I E01. M. 140: 581.=Liv. Age, 236: 670, 237: 20;, (W. H. (R. C. Schiedt) Ref. Ch. RAVENN A Ravenna. (A. Symons) Harper, 109: 618, -— A Tomb at. (J . Cartwright) Monthly R. 21, no. I: 8'. Ravehs, The, and the Potlatch. land, 11. s. 452 9. Rawhide, The; a story. (Hal Hoffman) Over- (S. E. White) Blackw. I76: 646, 786. 177: 92, 264, =MeC1ure, 24: 172, 284, Rawlinson, George, Canon. Geog. J . 20: S49.—Ath. ’02, 2: 486. Ray, John, Footsteps of. Sat. R. 1011 815- Rayleigh, J . W. Strutt, 3d Baron, with portrait. Na- ture, 70: 361. Reaction, A; a story. (J . J . Bell) Chamb. J . 80: 236, Reaction—times as a Test of Mental Ability. (G. M. Whipple) Am. J . Psychol. I 5: 489. —— Relation between the Vaso-motor Waves and. (W. R. Wright) Psychol. R. 11: 179, Reactions, Antagonistic. (W. C. Smith) Mind, 28: 47. Read, Katherine, Court Paintress. (A. F. Steuart) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 38, Read, Samuel, a Neglected English Economist. R. A. Seligman) Econ. J. 13: 516. Read, Thomas Buchanan, Home of. Critic, 46: 29. Reade, Charles, Ancestors of, in the Civil War. (Comp- ton Reade) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 18. — as a Dramatist and Novelist. (S. Urban) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 310. —— His Opinion of himself and of Geo. Eliot. Book- man, 18: 252. — Novels of. (L. Melville) Chamb. J. 82: 524, — (W, F. Lord) 19th Cent. 54: 275.=Ecl. M. 141: 545. ILiv. Age, 238: 577. Reade, Esdras. (C. F. Read) N. E. Reg. 60: 137. Reader, Ella Rawls, Financier, with portrait. (J . W. Tompkins) Everybody’s, 13: 310-832, Reader, The; a story. (Maxim Gorky) Poet-Lore, I5, 110- 21 33- Reader and Writer ; their Relations in Literature. Acad. 63: 89. Reading, England. Our English Parent Towns. F. Adams) N. E. Reg. 60: 57. Reading, Pa. (E. R. Gerber) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 766. -— and Morlattan, Pa., Missions at, 1765. Pennsyl. M. 25: 537- Reading. (G. Brandes) Internat. Q. 12: 273. — Art of. (L. E. Gates) Booklover’s M. I2 415. — Blight of Triviality in. (A. Fellows) Macmil. n. s. (E. (A. W. Quinby) (O. 2: 132. —— Books through their Backs. (G. S. Lee) Atlan. 90: 124, —- Commonplaces of. (J . Morley) Critic, 48: 144. —— Concerning the Difiiculty of. (Kate Magnus) Good Words, 46: 369. *- — The Delights of Indiscriminate. Dial, 40: 111, -— Encouragement of Serious, Aid from University Extension Methods. (J . Nolen) Lib. J . 28: 225. —- — by Public Libraries. (B. Winser) Lib. J . 28: 237, -— — by Universities. (V. L. Collins) Lib. J . 28: 233, -— —— by Women’s Clubs. (M. C. Thurlow) Lib. J . 28: 227, — — “ Profit you in what you Read ? ” - (C. M. Har- per) Lib. J. 23: 217. -— — Survey of the Field. 28: 222, — for Boys. Some things a Boy of Seventeen should have had an Opportunity to read. (H. L. Elmen- dorf) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 713. -—— for Girls. (Dorothea Beale) Sat. R. 98: 609. -— for the Poor. (W. F. Persons) Char. 82 416. = Lib. J. 27: 245. (P. F. Bicknell) (Alice B. Kroeger) Lib. J . 532 REAL Reading, for Young People. (Lettie M. Crafts) Pub. Lib. 7: 117. See Children, Reading for. — Habit of, in the United States. nam, I2 203, — How Children learn to read. Pedagog. Sem. I2: 496. -—- in the Advanced Schools. (S. E. Stoever) Educa. 25: 112, — in Bed. Spec. 911 966. — in the Classical High School, Voluntary, from the Pupil’s Point of View. (S. Thurber) School R. 13: 168, — in Elementary Schools, Voluntary. School R. 13: 159. —- in the English High School, Voluntary. Miner) School R. 13: 180. — in the Home. Outl. 74: 450. —- Is it Increasing or Decreasing ? (A. E. Bostwick) Lib. J. 27: 124, — A Neglected Branch. (C. A. Hardwick) Educa. 22: (G. Michaud) Put- (Lucinda P. Boggs) (E. H. Russell) (L. B. 503- — New Books. (H. W. Boynton) Outl. 81: 788, — of the Colonial Girl. (C. A. Barnicoat) 19th Cent. 60: 939. -—— of Farmers, The. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: I78. — of High School Pupils. (A. Abbott) School R. 10: — of the Modern Girl. (Florence B. Low) 19th Cent. 59: 278. = Liv. Age, 249: 195. . —— of Periodicals and Newspapers, Extent of. (J . C. Dana) Wo1'ld’s VVork, 3: 1892, — of the World’s Classics. Acad. 642 319. — Oral, as an Aid in the Interpretation of Literature in the High School. (E. Venable) School R. 13: 337. . — Out of Doors. (E. Thomas) Atlan. 92: 275. — Pace in. Atlan. 90: 143, -—- Popular, in Great Britain. (N. Y.) 32: 328. -—- Quality of American. (J . C. Dana; G. P. Brett; E. D. North; M. Van Rensselaer) Outl. 75: 767, - 77;- (H. Jones) R. of Rs. — Remarks on. Cent. 48: 154. — Securing Better, in Public Libraries. (Bessie S. Smith) Pub. Lib. 10: 171, -— The Tenement Book and Reader. (N. Duncan) Harper, I07: 100. — The Vice of. (E. Wharton) No. Am, 177: 513. — What do the Masses read ? (J . G. Leigh) Econ. R. 14: 166, — What People read. (Florence Bell) Indep. R. 7: 426.=Liv. Age, 248: 264, Reading-books our Grandparents used. (C. Johnson) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 376, 626, Reading Journey in Belgium and Germany, A. Chaut. 40: 423-522, 42: 123, -— in the Borderlands of the United States. 38: 20-341, Reading Public, The. (H. W. Boynton) Critic, 44: 455.—Out1. 70: 949. -— (J. H. Canfield; J. C. Dana; Mary E. Hazeltine) Outl. 71: 248. Ready Letter-writer; Stories of the Nevada Madi- gans, no. 5. (M. Nichelson) Cent. 46: 913. Reagan, John H. (VV. F. McCaleb) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 9: 4I. — With portrait. (W. F. McCaleb) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 576, Real and Ideal in Art, The. (W. Richmond) M. of Art. 371 400- Real Daughter of the Revolution. pinc. 69: 641. Chant. (C. Gebhardt) Lip- (C. K. Zug) Ann. Real Estate as Security for Loans. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 51. ‘Ream, Norman Bruce, with portrait. REAL Real Estate, The Boom in. World’s Work, 12: 7934. — New Era in Financing of. World’s Work, 41 2486. -— Perpetual Restrictions on. Am. Arch. 88: 95. -— Recent Schemes for rating Urban Land Values. (F. Y. Edgeworth) Econ. J. 16: 66. -— Registration of Title to. (W. C. Mains) Forum, 331 31 0. Real Estate Trust Company, Wreck of the. (G. Wil- kinson) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 436. Real Impressionist, A. (A. Wallie) Longm. 45: 80. Real Margaret, The; a story. (Ina B. Roberts) Lip- pinc. 752 228. Real Property, Old Law of, as modified in the U. S. (G. H. Smith) Am. Law R. 39: I. Real Springtime for me, The. (L. H. French) Cent. 441 303- Real Thing, The. (A. W. Bailey) Outl. 79: 598. Real Thing, The. (E. W. Champney) Putnam, I: 192. Realf, Richard, An Overlooked American Shelley. (J . W. Stimson) Arena, 30: 15. Realism. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 34: 202.— (C. G. Brown) Westm. I58: 338. -— (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 68: 154, 245, 499. —— Best, and Some Recent Books. Bookman, 21: 598. —— The New, and the Old Idealism. (J . S. Mackenzie) Mind, 31: 308. -— Royce’s Refutation of. R, 11: 43. Realistic Philosophy; its Strength and Weakness. (E. T. Shanahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2: 474. Reality, Appearances and. (H. A. Prichard) Mind, 31: 223, -— Common-sense View of. (S. S. Colvin) Philos. R. 11: 139. -— Fundamental, from the Point of View of Psycho- logy. (G. A. Tawney) Am. J. Theol. I0: 517. —— Haldane’s Pathway to. (H. Rashdall) Mind, 29: 410. — Ed. R. 200: 182. — (J. E. McTaggart) Monthly R. I 5, no. 3: 85.-—-(W. Caldwell) Philos. R. 13: 51. Realization; astory. (Josephine Elyom) Cosmopol. 3 5: (F. T. Cooper) (W. P. Montague) Philos. 404- ~ Really Masters. (E. Pomeroy) Arena, 33! 5I. Realm of Enchantment, The ; a story. (S. H. Adams) McClure, 23: 520, (E. Lefevre) Cosmopol. 37: 87. Reason, Creative, in Aristotle‘s Philosophy. (W. A. Hammond) Philos. R. 11: 238, —Life of, Santayana on. (A. K. Rogers) Dial, 40: 87. — (A. K. Rogers) Dial, 38: 349. —-— Practical vs. Pure Reason. (E. Hannath) Month, 103: 290, Reasoning, Symbolic. Reasoning Faculties, Swedenborg’s “ Rational.” Roeder) N. Church R. 9: 563. Reasons and Causes. (J . Bascom) Bib. Sac. 63: 125, Reavis, James A. (W. M. Tipton) Land of Sun. 8: 107, 161. Rebates, National Regulation of State. (R. S. Minot) Nation, 82: 72. Sec Railroad Rebates. Rebaut, J ean, and Queen Elizabeth. Am. Hist. R. 9: 456, Rebecca Mary’s Bereavement. per, 111: 132. Rebecca Mary’s Diary. (H. MacColl) Mind, 27: 352. (A. (W. Lowery) (A. H. Donnell) Har- (A. H. Donnell) Harper, 110: RebgdZa’s Thought Book. (Kate D. Wiggin) M. 40: 52-, Rebel, Thd; a story. (C. L. Leipoldt) Monthly R. I6, no. 1: 152. =Liv. Age, 242: 368, 533 RECLAMATION Rebellion of M’lindy Ann; a story. (J. T. Bishop) Munsey, 31: 124, Rebus, The, in Art. (E. Moore) Craftsman, 5: 239. Recall ; a Political Experiment. (C. D. Willard) Outl. 78: 472. Recamier, Madame. (A. Laugel) Nation, 74: 267, 305, 324- — and her Friends. (C. Harwood) Putnam, I1 320. — (H. Belloc) Sat. R. 931 833. Receivers, Acts of Congress permitting Suits against Federal, and Injunctions from State Courts. (W. A. Coutts) Am. Law R. 39: 59. ——Rule forbidding Suits against, without Lease, as applied to Receiver managing Railroad and like Corporation. (W. A. Coutts) Am. Law R. 38: 516. Receiverships, Ancillary, in Bankruptcy. (L. M. Friedman) Harv. Law R. 18: 519, Receiving Moderators. (J . Watson) Cornh. 87: 80. Recession of Mrs. McElway Bates; a story. (L. K. Mabie) Munsey, 28: 369. gs-mg $33-1, The Phrase, in 2 Kings 9: 25. (P. Haupt) J . Bib. Lit. 21: 74. Re-christening of Humpy; a story. (J. Blewett) Ca- nad. M. 18: 271. Recipes, More Mexican. (L. B. Colson) Land of Sun. 5: 26. —- that are Gold-mines. Chamb. J . 80: 660. Reciprocity. (W. H. Glasson) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 281. -— between United States and Canada. (J . W. Lang- ley) No. Am. I761 401. —-(J. Charlton) No. Am. 178: 205.-—Outl. 78: m65.——(J. H. Dickenson) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 49. . — Chicago Convention on. Nation, 81: 156. — Imperial. (Sir H. Maxwell) 19th Cent. 53: 897.- (Sir G. Parker) I9th Cent. 53: 906. ——(B. Taylor) 19th Cent. 53: 911. :Liv. Age, 238: 1. — in the United States. (J. B. Osborne) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 55. — Laughlin on. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, 77: 268. —- Manufacturer’s Need of? (A. B. F arquhar) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 185. — of To-day. (A. H. V. Colquhoun) Canad. M. 18: 226. — Political Significance of. (W. J . Lauck) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 495. — Promise and Problems of. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 6: 512. — Relation of, to Protection. (E. Maxey) Arena, 30: 585. Reciprocity Sentiment, The Growth of. (J . Charlton) Out]. 73: 483. Reciprocity Treaties, The Alternative of, or a Double Tarifl’. (J. B. Osborne) No. Am. 181: 731. Recitation or Cantilation. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 74: 5°1- Reckoning, The; a story. lover’s M. 6: 429, 599. Reckoning, The; a story. (E. Wharton) Harper, I05: 342. Reclamation. (F. H. Newell) Outl. 83: 933. — and Forest Services of the U. S. (T. Roosevelt) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 645, — of Arid Lands in the West. (C. J . Blanchard) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 82. —— — National. (C. J. Blanchard) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 209. ‘ — of the West. (F. H. Newell) Nat. Geog. M. I 5! I5. Reclamation Service, U. S. Science, n. s. 20: 63. 221 447. -—(F. H. Newell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 109.-— (C. J. Blanchard) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 371 I.- (D. A. Willey) World To-day, 6: 175. -— Economics and Politics of the. (F. W. Blackmar) Forum, 38: 131. (R. W. Chambers) Book- RECLAMATION Reclamation Service; Mastery of the Desert. (F. W. Blackmar) No. Am. 182: 676, -— Work of. (J. W. Helburn) Am. M. 61: 493. Reclus, Elisée, with portrait. (P. Kropotkin) Geog. J . 26: 337, Recollections, Those Shadowy. M. n. s. 71: 451. Recompense, The; a story. 951 S34- Reconciliation, The; a story. Per, 105: 941. Reconstruction, The Dawn of. 80: 177, -— Forty Acres and a Mule. (VV. L. Fleming) No. Am. 182: 721, ' -in Georgia, I865—70. (R. B. Bullock) Indep. 55: (P. W. Roose) Gent. (A. H. Donnell) Atlan. (Anne O’Hagan) Har- (W. C. Ford) Nation, 670, — Lincoln’s Plan of, McCarthy on. (J . J . Halsey) Dial, 32: 342. Records of the Past, Some. Chamb. J . 80: 81. Recreations, in R. Liv. Age, 239: 116. —- of Distinguished People. (C. I. Graham) Temp. Bar, 127: 208. Recrudescence of Madame Vic, The; a story. Janvier) Harper, I12: 513, Recruiting. Un. Serv. M, 30: 272. —— and Discharge. (W. Payne) Un. Serv. M. 31: 148. — and Territorial System, Educational Policy in rela- tion to. (F. J . Graves) Un. Serv. M. 27: 602, Recruiting Question, The. (J . Byrne) Un. Serv. M. 27: 650.— (M. J . King-Harman) Un. Serv. M. 28: 202, Recruits, The Deficiency of. Serv. M. 28: 498, — How to get. Un. Serv. M. 29: 610. —- The Training of. Un. Serv. M. 29: 5 38. Rectangular Forms, Psychology of, ZEsthetié Reaction to (T. H. Haines; A. E. Davies) Psychol. R. 11: 249. Rector’s Mystery, The; a story. Good Words, 47: 21, 101, Reculver, Kent, Church of St. Mary. (J . R. Larkby) Reliquary, 43: 22, 253, Red Cat, The. (H. Begbie) Cornh. 87: 482, Red Cow, Original Significance of the Rite of the. (Julius A. Bawer) J . Bib. Lit. 24: 41. Red Cross in Europe. (A. Chisholm) Westm. I59: 206. (T. A. (W. Richardson) Un. (Ethel F. Heddle) Red Cross Societies; “ Inter Arma Caritas.” (E. Lecky) Fortn. 78: 309, Red Cross Society, An Adverse View of the. Lit. W. (Bost.) 351 237. -— How it systematized Work in San Francisco. (H. French) Overland, n. s. 48: 195. ——of Japan. (O., Eltzbacher) Contemp. 86: 324,- (G. Kennan) Outl. 78: 27. I Red Days, The. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 59: 899, Red Fox; a story. (C. G. D. Roberts) Outing, 46: 4531 609- ' Red~haired Girl, The ; a story. 21: 675. Red Hanrahan’s Vision; a story. Clure, 24: 469. Red Heath, Croxley Green, Collection of Pictures. (H. C. Marillier) Art J. 552 225. Red Heavies, The. (C. Edwardes) Chamb. J . 80: 545, Red House at Stepney, The. (E. A. Pratt) Good Words. 451 35°- Red Law and the White; a Story of Puget Sound. (J . Blethea) Everybody’s, 7: 466. Red Letter Hunting Days. (C. H. Harrison) World To-day, 9: 1077. Red Man of the Tuileries. 41: 24, (Eleanor Hoyt) Idler, (W. B. Yeats) Mc- (W. H. Pollock) Longm. 534 REEVES Red Man’s Last Roll-call. (C. M.‘ Harvey) Atlan. 971 323- Red Ribbon, The; astory. (R. F. Foster) McClure, 23: 117, Red Riding-hoods, The; a story. Mall M. 28: 450, Red Rose, The. The Home of Miss Jessie Wilcox Smith, Miss Violet Oakley, and Miss Elizabeth Shippen Green. (M. T. Earle) Lamp, 26: 275, Red Saunders at B. Bend; a story. (H. W. Phillips) McClure, 22: 227, Red Tassels. (Margaret S. Briscoe) Cent. 44: 381, Red Virgin of Montmartre. (E. Sellers) Fortn. 83: 292. Red Wolf’s Last Quarry. (Edith Barnard) Book- lover’s M. 7: 825. Red Yamodzu, The ; a story. (J . Josephson) Over- land, 11. s. 47: 204, Redding, Conn., Record of. (C. B. Todd) M. of Hist. 1: 266, Redemption, Idea of, in History. (S. Plautz) Meth. R. 62: 388, — Kingdom of. (J. G. Noss) Ref. Ch. R. 491 I9. Redemption, The; a “Pa Gladden” story. (E. C. Waltz) Cent. 44: 702, Redemption of the Bond, The; astory. (P. Marche) Canad. M. 25: 244, Redemption of Joel Prentiss ; a story. Cosmopol. 34: 57. Redfern, James, Sculptor. Church Q. 62: 334. Redfield, E. W., Artist. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 36: 20. Redistribution of Seats in Parliament. (H. Paul) 19th Cent. 58: 335. See Parliament. Redlands, Cal. (W. M. Tisdale) Land of Sun. 6: 218, 14: 77. —(H. L. Graham) Out West, 19: 565. Redmond, John. (J . McCarthy) Outl. 73: 488. Redondo Beach, Cal. Land of Sun. 1: 26. Redwood, California, a Substitute for Steel. Am. Arch. 82: 5. —— Rape of the. (Val. Shaw) Overland, n. s. 39: 739. Redwood Industries of California. (G. D. Gray) Calif. M. 1: 491. Redwood King, The ; a story. Out West, 23: 576. Redwoods, The California. (B. F. Herrick) Land of Sun. 11! 95.— (C. D. Robinson) Californian, 5: 481, — Giant, Longevity of. Am. Arch. 83: 94. — of Humboldt County, Among the. (F. W. Emer- son) O erland, n. s. 42: 69. Redwoods dyl ; a poem. (J . V. Cheney) Calif. M. 41 229, Rée, Paul. (H. Hooper) Monist, 14: 711. Reed, Sir Edward J. (F. Elgar) Nature, 75: 15 3. Reed, Myrtle. Book of Clever Beasts ; Studies in Un- natural History. Critic, 45: 222. Reed, Thomas Brackett. Atlan. 91: 281. —With pm-- trait. (H. B. E. Macfarland) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 36. — (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 456. — (E. Knight) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 215. — as a Neighbor. (F. E. Clark) Indep. 55: 82. Reed, Walter. (A. A. Woodhull) Nation, 79: 94.—- (W. D. McCaw) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 264. — and the Yellow Fever. The Republic’s Forgetful- ness. Outl.83: 834. -- Memorial of. Science, 11. s. 18: 316. — A Successful Professional Career. Nation, 83: 50. Reelfoot Lake, Case of. (E. Philpotts) Pall (O. K. Davis) (George Burchard) (H. Lamont) (A. B. Geer) Green Bag, 14: 586. Reeve Staff, The Portland. (F. W. Galpin) Reliquary, 43: 73- Reeves, Stacy, 1828-1902, Obituary Notice of. J. Frankl. Inst. I53: 389. REFERENCE Reference Books of 1904. (Alice B. Kroeger) Lib. J . 30: 5- —— of 1905. (Alice B. Kroeger) Lib. J. 31: 3. -— Recent; supplementing the A. L. A. Guide. (Alice B. Kroeger) Lib. J . 28:‘ 822, Reference Work in Libraries, with the General Public. (M. E. Ahern) Pub. Lib. 9: 55. — in a Small Library, Aids to. (M. H. Douglass) Pub. Lib. 9: 72, 121. Referendum and Initiative, Optional. Arena, 28: 517. _ —' in Maine. (A. W. Nichols) Arena, 36: 516. —~ in Party Nominations. (R. H. Whitten) Munic. Aff. 6: 180, -— in Switzerland, Practical Results of. (C. Borgeaud) Arena, 33: 482, — in the U. S. (J. B. Clark) Indep. 54: 429. — Spread of the. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 82: 463. ——- Victory for, in Nevada. (E. Pomeroy) Arena, 33: 267, ~— Voters always Sovereign. (M. F. Doty) Arena, 32: (Gr H\ 406. Referendum Notes, The, Nov. 1905. (J . Oskison) Na- tion, 81: 394. Reflex Action and Instinct. (W. Benthall) Ecl. M. 138: 53. -— in the Latter Half of the 19th Century, History of. (R. H. Gault) Am. J . Psychol. 15: 526. Reflex Arcs. Correlation of Reflexes and the Princi- ple of Common Path. (C. S. Sherrington) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 549. Reform and Reformers. (W. J . Kerby) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 227. --(Brander Matthews) No. Am. 183: 461, -— between Friends. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 4. —- by Precept; Prof. Tucker to the American Bar Association. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 176, -— Evils of. (H. J. Ford) Ann. Am, Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 221, — Flurries of. (H. Lamont) Nation, 81: 158. ' — Genesis of. (D. C. Gibboney) Indep. 54: 266. —- Great Era of English. (F. A. Ogg) Chaut. 40: 511. —— Moral, and the Power of the Bible. (P. B. Cabell) N. Church R. 9: 85. -—— on the Bowery. (Ernest Poole) l/Vorld To-day, 8: 57. -— Pendulum of. (C. H. Henderson) Gunton’s M. 22: 209, —— Public, Some Thoughts on. 28: 471. —- Retail Method in. J. Ethics, 16: 171, -— True and False. (J. M. Stone) Dub. R. 135: 271, —— Wave of. (H. N. Casson) Munsey, 34: 17, Reform Movement, Social Effects of the. (F. S. Ed- monds) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28: 47, Reform Movements, Present-day. (J . T. Young) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 238, Reformation, The. (J . J . Fox) Cath. World, 79: 143. ——- (E. S. Bromer) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 310, —— at Trawdsley. (Robert Stonecheek) Chamb. J . 81: (D. Mowry) Arena, (Mary E. Richmond) Internat. 380, —-— The Catholic. (J. M. Stone) Dub. R. 132: 128. -— Do we believe in the ? (W. F. Cobb) Hibbert J . 1: 693. ~— in England. Ed. R. 201: 1, ~— ——- True Authors of. (W. Fleming) Am. Cath. Q. 27‘ 239- -— in Scotland, and Vernacular Literature. Ranken) Month, 103: 266. -—— — Mitchell’s Lectures on. & Ref. R. 13: 159. — -— Tarvit Hill, A Memory of. (H. H. Brown) Temp. Bar, 132: 336. (T. Elliot (B. B. \Varfield) Presb. 535 REGIMENTAL Reformation. The Lutheran Revolt. (J . H. Robinson) Am. Hist. R. 8: 205. -—— Pictures of the Period of. (J . M. Stone) Dub. R. 130: 124, —- Some Historians and the. Cent. Q. 1, no. 1: 144. Reformation of “Kicker,” The. pleton’s M. 8: 760, Reformation of Lucilla Clark, The. New Eng. M. 33: 8'1, Reformation of Private O’Grady; a story. phenson) Temp. Bar, 129: 291, Reformatories in Michigan. (L. C. Storrs) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 472. Reformatory and Corrective Institutions, Education in. (A. E. Upham) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 44: 145. ——- Juvenile, Educational Work in. (C. D. Hilles) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 44: 129, Reformed Church, Synod of, in America. (J . B. D1-ury) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 6314.“-(J. I. Good) Presb. & Ref. R. 14: 638. ——- A Working Catechism for the. Oh. R. 51: 381. Reformed Church Theological Seminary, Lancaster, Pa. Inauguration of the New Professors, 1904-05. (E. N. Kremer) Ref. Ch. R. 521 307. Reformed Traveler, A. (S. Preston) Scrib. M. 33: (A. E. N. Simms) 20th (E. Bingham) Ap- (L. M. Houts) (N. Ste- (W. F. More) Ref. 368. Reformer, A, of 1731. (C. S. Collison) Un. Serv. M. 29: 304. Reformers and Appearances. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 361. Reforming of Aidin, The; a story. (W. A. Curtis) Bookloverls M. 7: 1 13. Reforming of a Bridegroom, The ; a story. (Helen R. Martin) McClure, 28: 89. Reforms, Needed Political. (E. Pomeroy) Arena, 28: 464. -—— An Objection to All. _ (T. J enks) World’s Work, 13: 8158, -- Some Social. (O. Lodge) Contemp. 88: 1, Refreshment-houses. Competing with the Saloon. (\V. H. Tolman) Outl. 76: 788. Refrigeration, Mechanical, and its Future. (J . H. Hart) Engin. M. 31: 247. —— -— Systems of. (S. H. Bunnell) Engin. M. 27: 397. Refrigerator-car Conspiracy. (W. G. Joernes) Arena, 33: 147. Refuge in the West, A; a story. (F. C. Armstrong) Chamb. J. 83: supp. 24. Refuse, Municipal, in French Cities. (M. P. Tur) Am. Arch. 85: 29. Regeneration in Hydractinia and Podocoryne. Hazen) Am. Natural. 36: 193. — Morgan on. Am. Natural. 37: 15: 620. —of Animals and Plants. 11. s. 20: 742. Regeneration of Isaiah. (A. P. 71. —- Science, 11. s. (T. H. Morgan) Science, (E. M. Tybout) Lippinc. 74: 3' “- Regeriération of Mary Mather. (C. E. Ward) Lippinc. 71: 41 1, Regeneration of Young Hawley. (N. Sheridan) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 289.: Overland. n. s. 39: 869. Reggie Livingstones’ Country Life, The. (D. Gray) Cent. 45: 133. Regicides, Unpublished Legend of. (H. E. Smith) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 55. Regimental Custom, A. (J. B. Hodge) Cornh. 85: 669. Regimental Districts. (J . I. Bonomi) Un. Serv. M .,27: ..4_ Regirioental Ofiicers, Promotion of. Un. Serv. M. 28: 284 REGIMENTAL Regimental Traditions. (H. Wyndham) Chamb. J . 82: 199, Registration Reform. (I. C. Quest) 19th Cent. 52: 8" . Regression of Professor Slocum, The. (H. D. Ward) Cent. 48: 38, Regressive Vengeance ; a story. (Rex E. Beach) Lip- pinc. 75: 88. Reich, Emil, and Plato. Sat. R. 102: 114, — Power of. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 101: 717, —— A Strange Guide on Polish and German Affairs. (V. Colo) Westm. I62: 1, Reichstadt, Napoleon II., Due de, Autographs of. (H. N. Cist) Cent. 42: 322. -—Masson’s Napoleon II., King of Rome. gel) Nation, 77: 500, -— \/Vertheimer on. Ath. ’o5, 2: 536. —(R. M. John- ston) Nation, 81: 386. —Spec. 95: 869, Reid, Charles, Animal Photographs of. (C. Lang Neil) Studio (Internat.) 29: 327, _ Reid, Daniel Gray. (E. Lefevre) Cosmopol. 34: 339. Reid, George A., Painter. (M. L. Fairbairn) Canad. M. 22: 3. Reid, Mayne, with portrait. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 11: 4. Reid, Robert, Mural Paintings by, in Mass. State (A. Lau- House. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 7: 699, — The Work of. (Royal Cortissoz) Booklover’s M. 6' 738 Reid, Sir Wemyss, Memoirs of. (Goldwin Smith) Na- tion, 82: 56. Reid, Whitelaw. (C. M. Royce) Monthly R. I3, no. 2: 39.——(W. S. Bridgman) Munsey, 33: 49,—With portrait. (F. T. Birchall) Am. M. 60: 35. Reign of the D011, The; a story. (Mary E. W. Free- man) Harper, I08: 285, Reign of Queen Isyl; a story. (G. Burgess and W. Irwin) Everybody’s, 9: 17-643. Reign of Sentiment; a “ Sexton Maginnis ” Story. (M. F. Egan) Cent. 46: 585. Reign of Terror, An Episode of the. Dub. R. 135: 57. Reincarnation. (N. Harischandra) 19th Cent. 53: 446. — (W. Paget) 19th Cent. 60: 928. Reindeer in Alaska. (J . C. Cantwell) Calif. M. 3: 259. — (G. H. Grosvenor) Nat. Geog. M. 14: 126, — — The Romance of. (M. G. Humphreys) Outl. 80: 583. Rein"s Encyclopaedic Handbook of Education. (C. (A. E. (B. de Courson) Uffer) Educa. R. 23: 147. Reischle, Max. Christliche Glaubenslehre. Garvie) Crit. R. 13: 56. Rejane, Gabrielle. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 32: 267, — (F. Lees) Booklover’s M. 5: 97. Rejected Addresses. Acad. 71: 610. Rejected by the Publishers. Chamb. J . 82: 798, Relative Values. (L. G. Giltner) Overland, n. s. 43: 37- Release, The. (I. B. Roberts) Lippinc. 74: 361. Reliance; a poem. (H. van Dyke) A_tlan. 93: 28, “Reliance,” Yacht, Sailing of. (J . R. Spears) Outing, 42: 391- Relics. (Eveline B.Mitford) Monthly R. 22, no, 1: 30, — of the Past, Some ; a Few Experiences at Scientific Excavations in Egypt and Mesopotamia. (H. V. Greene) Chamb. J . 80: 782, — Passion for. (F. Boyle) Macmil. n. s. 1: I33. —- Trade in. (H. Macfarlane) Longm. 40: 53 5. = Liv. Age. 235: 497. Relief, Emergency, in Great Disasters. Outl. 74: 1031. =Ecl. M. 140: 19. Relief, International Emergent, A Study in. Frankel) Char. 15: 748, (E. T. Devine) (L. K. 536 RELIGION 'Relief Work in its Social Bearings. (M. R. Smith) Char. 16: 308, Religion, Alleged Indifference of Laymen to. (Sir Oliver Lodge and others) Hibbert J . 2: 235, 596, —Ancient, in Centers of Syria. (S. I. Curtiss) Bib. World, 23: 326, — and Ethics. (G. W. Knox) Internat. J . Ethics, 12: 300, — and the Imagination. 10: 610, — and Morality. (C. G. Shaw) Am. J. Theol. 7: 259, — — Fox on. (W. B. Greene, jr.) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 121, — and Philosophy. (J . Lindsay) Bib. Sac. 59: 637. — — More Light on. (C. S. Devas) Dub. R. 135: 113. -—- and the Poor. (H. H. Henson) Quar. 198: 230. -— and Public Education. (J . H. Canfield) Educa. R. 32: 453- —— and Religions. (R. H. Newton) No. Am. 178: 545. — and Revelation. (G. L. Dickinson; A. L. Lilley) Indep. R. 2: 530. 3: 26, 187. —and Science. (WV. H. Mallock) Fortn. 78: 684.: Liv. Age, 235: 499.—— (E. S. Holden) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 289. —— and Miracle. (O. Lodge) Contemp. 86: 798.: Liv. Age, 244: 9. I Ecl. M. 1442 149. (H. S. Nash) Am. J . Theol. lock) Fortn. 76: 395-812, 77: 277, 78: 124, ————Reaction between. (F. W. Sardeson) Bib. Sac. 591 S57- —-— Sir Oliver Lodge on. (W. H. Mallock) F ortn. 84: 839, —and the Social Life. (J . R. T. Lathrop) Meth. R. 63: 429. —and the Time—process. (A. O. Lovejoy) Am. J. Theol. 6: 439. — and Work. (G. Tyrrell) Month, 102: 561. — as a Credible Doctrine. (F. J. McNabb) Dub. R. 132: 309.—(E. V. O’Hara) Cath. Univ. Bull. 9: 94- — as a Factor in Development. _VVorld, 23: 37. — as an Idea. (W. R. Benedict) Int. J. Ethics, 14: 66. — Attitude of Teachers of Philosophy towards. (J . Royce) Int. J . Ethics, 13: 280, — Authority in, Philosophy of. (W. Ward) Hibbert J . 1: 677. -—- Basle Congress for the History of. Monist, 14: 770. — Central Truth of. (S. S. Seward) N. Church R, 12: (G. A. Coe) Bib. a — Comparative. (A. E. Truxall) Ref. Ch. R. 50: 478. — Definition of. (P. Carus) Monist, I4: 766. —Detached Thoughts on. (L. Tolstoy) Indep. 55: 2377- -— Disintegration of. (H. Loyson) Open Court, 20: 373- - Electricity, and Orthodoxy. (J . J . Walsh) Cath. World, 79: 369. — Experimental; the Scientific Method of Study of Religious Experience. (C. E. Schaeifer) Ref. Ch. R, 52: 348. — Fairy Lore and Primitive. nat. Mo. 5: 316. —- Faith, Reason, and. (W. W. Newell) Inter- (F. C. S. Schiller) Hibbert J . 4: 329- — Future of. (H. M. Scott) Bib. Sac. 63: 325. — Governmental Recognition of. (P. Milburn) Meth. R. 63: 270. . — Hostility to, a Proof of Insanity. (J . Cooper) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 189. - —- How to teach. (A. A. Berle) Bib. Sac. 60: 422. — in General Education. (E. D. Starbuck) Educa. R. 27: 53. — — at the Dawn of the 20th Century. (VV. H. Mal-' RELIGION 5: 299. —-— in the Philippines. Cath. World, 78: 440. — in Politics. (C. D. Wright) Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: 37. —- in the Schools of England. Sat. R. 97 3 291. -— Influence of, upon the Motives of Conduct. Pace) Educa. R. 26: 332, —— Is Divine and Revealed, within the Scope of Scien- tific Analysis and Statement ? (W. C. Schaeifer) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 159. ~‘ Jastrow’s Study of. (E. S. Hartland )Nature, 65: 313. —(E. D. Starbuck) Bib. World, 20: 309, (E. A. —- Lack of Religious Teaching a Fatal Error. (R. Schwickerath) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 756. —- Losing One’s; a Student Experience. (H. T. Cole- stock) Outl. 79: 741. _ —-— J . E. McTaggart on. (A. E. Taylor) Philos. R. 15: 414- - Mallock’s Defense of. (J . J . Fox) Cath. World, 77 i 143. -— A New. (E. Hubbard) Cosmopol. 41: 156. —-— The, “ of All Good Men.” (H. W. Garrod) Indep. R. 7: 175. —-— of America. (E. E. Hale) Internat. Q. 10: 26. —— of the Average Man. (C. F. Nesbit ; H. G. Smith ; R. P. Swoiford) Outl. 84: 368. —--of the Errand-boy. (C. B. Penny) Contemp. 86: 40 5, —— of the Future, The. Outl. 84: 556. —— of a Jurist. (D. J. Brewer) Outl. 80: 533, -— of Little Children. Good Words, 46: 136. A —-— of a Mature Mind, Coe’s. (E. D. Starbuck) Bib. World, 23: 123. —-— of Nature, A. Spec. 96: 978. —-— of the New Testament. (W. C. Schaeffer) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 489. —-— of the Respectable Poor. (M. Loane) Contemp. 86: 721. ==Liv. 243: 791.=Ecl. M. 144: 267, —-— of Ruth, A. (E. Martinengo-Cesaresco) Contemp. 9°! 369- —— of the Schoolboy. (H. V. Weisse) Contemp. 85: 697_ : Ecl. M. 143: 224. --(VV. M. Daniels) Nation, 79= 49- . —— of the Spirit. (G. Hodges) Atlan. 95: 701. —- — Is it a VVorking Religion for Mankind ? Butler) Hibbert J. 4: 481. ‘ -— Origin of. (C. F. Aiken) Cath. Univ. Bull. 5: 154. —— Permanent Elements of. (D. S. Margoliouth) Expos. 6th ser. I0: 230, 260. -— Philosophy of. (C. Lattey) Month, 107: 17, —- — Galloway’s Studies in. Ath. ’o5, I: 170, —-— —— its Aim and Scope. (F. C. French) Philos. R.'I I : (D. C. 46". -— -— Relation to other Sciences. (O. Pfleiderer) Indep. 58= 3'7- - Practichl, and University Education. (T. J . Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. II: 275. —-— Present Attitude of Reflective Thought towards. (H. Jones) Hibbert J. I: 228. 2: 20, -— Primitive, and the Psychic Nature. (P. L. Prick) (G. H. Trever) Meth. R. 63: 81, Meth. R. 66: 219, —-— —-— of Mankind. -— Progress in. (C. C. Hall) Educa. R. 28: 1. —-— Psychological Necessity of. (S. Colvin) Am. Psy- chol. 13: 80. —— Race and. (A. C. Lyall) Fortn. 78: 926. = Ecl. M. 140: 442. -— Reason and Faith in. (W. N. Tobie) Meth. R. 63: 757- — Revealed, Mystery in. (G. M. Searle) Cath. World, 78: 46". —-— Romancla of. Educa. R. 32: 325. — School Instruction in. (P. H. Hanus) Educa. 27: 1°, 73- 537 . Religion, in the Novel. (Hall Caine) Booklover’s M. RELIGIOUS Religion, Science of. (E. Buckley) Bib. World, 23: 256. 349- —- -— Fundam ental Principles of. J. Theol. 6: 641. -~ Social Conception of; a New Religious Emphasis. Outl. 78: 1019, —-- Sociology of. (G. Simmel) Am. J . Sociol. I1: 359. —- Spirit of Inquiry in. Bib. World, 25: 163. --Study of, A Point of View for. (S. H. Bishop) Am. J. Theol. 8: 267. - Subjectively Considered. 32: 86, —- A Sure Foundation for. (F. B. Jevons) Am. (T. B. Thomas) Luth. Q. (Q Voysey) National, 46: 535- - Survival-value of. (C. l/V. Saleeby) F ortn. 85: 743. =Ec1. M. 146: 486, — Testimony of Biology to. s7= 514. — Truth and Imagination in. (R. B. Perry) Internat. J . Ethics, 15: 64, —~ Value-judgments of. ser. 8: 142, 360, —— vs. Religions. (C. C. Martindale) Month, 107: 137, —- What it stands for To-day. (A. H. Bradford) Booklover’s M. 2; 627. —-— What should be the Attitude of Teachers of Phi- losophy toward ? A Reply. (J . C. Murray) Inter- nat. J. Ethics, 14: 353. Religions, Ancient. (C. W. Harvey) N. Church R. 9: (C. W. Saleeby) Atlan. (A. E. Garvie) Expos. 6th — Comparative, Sophistry on Subject of. (F. Bliss) Am. Antiq. 26: 370. — Cyclopaedia of, Forlong’s. Blackw. I79: 517. —- of Authority and the Religion of the Spirit, Saba- tier’s. (J . McSorley) Cath. \Vorld, 79: 50. —- (T. D. A. Cockrell) Dial, 36: 296. —-— Second International Congress of History of. (E. Montet) Asia. R. 38: 334. ' — Stray, in the Far Northwest [Canada]. (C. W. Daw- son) Indep. R. 11: 283, Religious and Moral Education, Annual Survey of. (C. C. Hall) Bib. World, 23: 452. Religious and Moral Teaching in the School. (VV. L. Hervey) Outl. 82: 316, Religious and Theological Thought, Contemporary, in Great Britain and America. (A. S. VVeber) Ref. 011- R 52= 247. 368. 535- 531 99-544- Religious Art. Ark of S. Dominie. (C. Coleman) Archit. Rec. 14: 255. —-— Modern, in Germany. Critic, 43: 506. —-— Some Unecclesiastical. (VV. Walton) Scrib. M. 391 5°9- Religious Belief, The Foundations of; a Symposium. Bib. VVorld, 25: 258. -— Fundamental Problem of. (S. F. McLennan) Am. J. Theol. 9: 46. —— Reconstruction of, Mallock on. erell) Dial, 39: 440, Religious Beliefs of Students, The. Out]. 82: 132. Religious Consciousness, The. Sem. Rec. 12: 275. — Content of. (E. E. Powell) Ref. Ch. R. 512 42. Religious Education. (G. A. Coe) Bib. VVorld, 21: 440. —- (A. R. Merriam) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 10: 287. ——Sat. R. 102: 389, 421, 454 —- before the Reformation. (G. W 505- - Field of, in America. (C. W. Votaw) Bib. World, 251 347. ' —-— History of, in the Public Schools of Massachusetts. (L. S. Walsh) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 93. -— Ideal Teaching. (E. C. Silver) N. Church R. 12: 15, (T. D. A. Cock- (H. T. Colestock) (C. G. Shaw) Hartf. ‘G. Coulton) Contemp. 1-— in Primary Schools. RELIGIOUS Religious Education, Improvement of. Bib. World, 20: 323. — in England. (C. W. Barnes) Outl. 83: 793. — in German Protestant Schools. (E. O. Sisson) Ed- uca. 27: 150. ~—in the Home. (G. W. Richards) Ref. Ch. R. 531 230. —-Bib. World, 21: 3. (E. B. Ottley) Monthly R. 18, no. 2: 137, ~— in Public Schools. (A. C. Benson) National, 47: 861,-‘: Liv, Age, 250: 366. -— in the University. Bib. World, 24: 403. -—- Need of an Educational Consciousness in. Bois) Bib. World, 21: 210, -- New Movement for. (F. K. Sanders) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 335. -— Outlook in. Bib. World, 252 5. ~— The Part of the Home in. (C. R. Henderson) Bib. World, 25: 418. ~— Philosophy of the Movement for. J. Theol. 8: 225. ‘ -—- Place of Action in. 297- — Popular Reading Course in. Bib. World, 26: 231. — Principles of. (G. E. Dawson) Bib. World, 23: 366. -— Relation to Science. (G. E. Dawson) Bib. VVorld, 23: 200. — Scientific Aspects of. (G. Talbot) Westm. I66: 38 3. -—— Training and Teaching. (B. Worcester) N. Church R, 12: 1. —— Work of the University in. Bib. World, 24: 323. — Year’s Progress in. (C. W. Votaw) Bib. World, 23: (P. Du (G. A. Coe) Am. (D. Beaton) Bib. World, 21: 194- Religious Education Association. (T. I. Gasson) Cath. World, 312 I. — Organization of. Bib. World, 21: 219. — President’s Annual Address, 1904. (F. K. Sanders) Bib. World, 23: 298. — ‘Zcl Annual Convention of. Bib. World, 23: 243, 298, Religious Element in American Life. (C. Clever) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 449. Religious Experience, The. / 0 ~-— Evidential Value of. (G. Cator) Month, 99: 183, -— The New Emphasis on. (W. MacMullen) Meth. R. 64: 369. ~— Varieties of, by W. James. (F. Sewall) N. Church R. I0: 243. - (James H. Leuba) Internat. J. Ethics, 14: 322.—(E. D. Starbuck) Bib. World, 24: 100, Religious Freedom in American Education, Crooker on. (T. D. A. Cockrell) Dial, 372 65. . Religious Fusion. (C. H. Toy) Internat. Q. 6: 29, “ Religious Garb ” Decisions, are they Constitutional? (S. FitzSimons) Cath. World, 75: 567. Religious Ideas of Individuals, their Source and Growth. (W. R. Harper) Bib. World, 20: 465, Religious Inquiry, Lines of. (Goldwin Smith) Indep. R: 2 2 "'. Iieligio3s Instruction, Determinative in a Course of. (B. S. Winchester) Bib. World, 23: 435_ ~— in Public Schools. (W. T. Harris) Indep. 55: 1841, —~ Natural and the Supernatural in. (D. Beaton) Bib. World, 22: 54. Religious Knowledge and American Schools. (T. Mc- (Miss A. S. Furnell) Hibbert (R. B. Perry) Monist, I4: Millan) Cath. World, 81: 84. ' -—- as a School Subject. J. 4: 399. Religious Leaders of England. er’s M. 2: 637. Religious Liberty, Education and. Church Q. 55: 169, -—in America. Church Q. 58: 328. -- (L. Johnston) Cath. Univ. Bull. 9: 6:, (J . Douglas) Booklov- 538 REMINISCENCES Religious Library Section, Boston Meeting, 190 5. Pub. I Lib. 10: 199. Religious Life in America. 131-968. 72: 122-589. Religious Orders, Some Great. man, I, no. 5: 38. Religious Problem, The Coming. 73: 683. Religious Problems, Scientific Lights on. son) Expos. 6th ser. 4: 46l. Religious Restraint among the Early Puritans on Long Island, N. Y. (R. S. Guernsey) M. of Hist. 4: 91. Religious Situation in America. (U. Gohier) Indep. 55: 1127, Religious Spirit in the Secondary School. School R. I3: 581. Religious Teacher as a Builder. Bib. World, 24: 188, Religious Teaching in the Schools ; Liberal Party and the Education Act. (A. Hook) Westm. I64: 117, Religious Thought, Centers of Scientific and. (Emma M. Caillard) Contemp. 88: 389. -—— Current Phase of. Booklover’s M. I: 68. Religious Tolerance, Growth of. Cent. 452 312. Religious Truth, Influence of Scientific Training on the Reception of. (J . M. Wilson) Contemp. 83: 320. Remarkable People; are they Remarkable Looking ? (Lady M. M. Currie) Westm. 56: 622, Remarque in the Margin; a story. (E. Dawson) Blackw. I75! 328. -‘=Liv. Age, 242: 103. ' Rembrandt. (J . La Farge) McClure, 18: 503. —Archit. Rec. 20: 439. -—- (D. S. Meldrum) Blackw. I80: 36. -—- (Arthur Symons) Sat. R. 102: 480, -—- and his Etchings. (L. A. Holman) Craftsman, 11: 26. — Etchings of. 496- . —— Genius of. (C. J. Holmes) Acad. 71: 39. -— Interpreter of the 20th Century. (VV. E. Grifiis) No. Am. 183: 98, — The Newest Light on. Ath. ’o6, 2: 485.-—(M. M. Kleerkooper) Ath. ’06. 2: 557. -—- The Night ‘Match. (W. Vernon) Brush & P. 11: (E. H. Abbott) Outl. 70: (1. Sargent) Crafts- (T. D. Bacon) Outl. (G. Mathe- (G. A. Coe) (A. W. Anthony) (Mary C. Crawford) Bookman, '23: 32- -- Saskia and. (W. E. Griflis) World To-day, II: 749. ——~ Tercentenary. (L. T. Granger) Brush & P. 18: 64. —-(R. Cortissoz) Munsey, 352 397.—-—(F. J. Ma- ther, jr.) Nation, 83: 59. — (W. E. Grifiis) Nation, 83: 73.———(Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 83: 269. —— Studio (Internat.) 29: iii. -— (W. E. Grifiis) World To-day, III 946. —-(E. Knaufft) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34‘ 49- —— —— Exhibition at Washington. tion, 83: 51. Rembrandt Legend of Old Amsterdam. Eel. M. 146: 177. Remedies, Household, of the 17th Century. (G. Payne) Antiq. n. s. 42: 408. -—Village. Spec. 88: 545, “Remember Jules I ” a story. 671, Remenyi, Edouard. (Josiah R. Smith) Dial, 41: 12, Remington, Frederic. (E. Wildman) Outing, 41: 712. Reminiscence of 1857, A. Chamb. J . 82: 428. Reminiscences of a Bachelor: A Moonlight Ride. Chamb. J. 83: 732. -—- of a Diplomatist. Cornh. 921 453’ 609. 769- 931 86. =Ecl.M. I45: 590, 146: 225, -— of a Franco-American. (M. H. Bigot) Critic, 49: (J . H. Staufier) Na- (F. Crane) (L. Mott) Cent. 48: 21". -—- of ah Old Clock. (E. B. Sherman) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 344. REMITTAN CE Remittance Man, The; a story. (Will L. Comfort) Lippinc. 75: 733. Renaissance, The. (T. R. Bacon) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 112, — and the Dark Ages. Ethics, 12: 195. ~— and the Popes of Avignon. Cath. Q. 29: 722, —— Art of the French. -' Am. Arch. 85: 91. -— Feminine Soul of the. (B. Bosanquet) Internat. J . (T. O’Hagan) Am. (R. Blomfield) Quar. I99! 353. U (G. B. Rose) Sewanee, 14: ~87. -— Fiench, Literature of. (R. F. Willert) Quar. 204: 438- - in New England. (E. Mims) So. Atlan. Q. I: 224, — Italian. (T._J. Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 9: 315. —- — Most Illustrious Ladies of, C. Hare’s. Ath. ’o4, 2: 509, --- Religious Revival of the. Cent. 60: 443. -' -- Saintsbury’s Earlier. I16. -- Spirit of the, and its Interpretation by Painting. (E. Wiley) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 22 7. —— What was the ? (W. Potts) Macmil. 86: 308, -—- Women of the. Ed. R. 199: 304. Renaissance House of Paris and its History. Lawrence) Archit. Rec. 15: 487. Renan, Ernest. Lamp, 27! 235. —— as a Dramatist. (G. Brandes) Internat. Q. 10: 71. -— Birthplace of. (A. and T. E. Macklin) Pall Mall M. 28: 55. —- Early Note-books of. (A. Hallard) Indep. R. 10: 188 (J. C. V. Durell) 19th (J . E. Spingarn) Nation, 74: (B. St. — Letters of. (E. Wright) Fortn. 842 524. '—"- Liv. Age, 247: 206, — Recollections of. (E. Crawford) Contemp. 85: 352. ~— Taine and the Philosophy of. (A. F ouillée) Inter- nat. Q. 6: 260, Renascence of Sapphira; a story. Atlan. 942 633. Renaud, Jean Joseph. Outing, 46: 109, Rennes, Conspiracy of. (C. W. Colby) Nation, 78: 313- Renoir, Auguste, Impressionist. (H. Morrison) Brush & P. 17: 197. — Degas, Edgar, and Manet, Edouard, Figure Paint- ers. (F. Wedmore) Brush & P. 15: 253. Renou, Emilien Jean. Nature, 55: 590. Renouard, Paul, Some Sketches by. Studio (Internat.) 23: 225. Renouncements ; a story. (T. B. Reilly) Cath. World, 831 497- (C. D. Stewart) Rent and Interest, Relation between. (F. A. Fetter) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 5: I76, -- Improvements and Rentability. (A. W. Flux) Econ. J. 15: 276, -- in Modern Economic Theory. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 3: 873. -— its Use and Abuse. (E. Ansell) Westm. 61: 295, -- Singular Services in Lieu of. Chamb. J . 80: 798. Rents, Fee-farm, purchased from the Crown. Law Q. 19: 419, - Marginal, Relation of, to Price. Q. J. Econ. 20: 596, ——of Farm Lands. (H. C. Taylor) Q. J. Econ. 17: 598- Renunciation. Acad. 71: 500. -—Spec. 92: 486. — of Petrus, The; a story. (S. Ford) Harper, I07: 601, — A Poem. (E. A. Ireland) Atlan. 90: 492, Repair Shop, Systematization and Tool-room Practice in. (R. Emerson) Engin. M. 28: 411, (A. S. Johnson) Am. (F. T. Carleton) 539 (A. Anderson) . REPUBLICAN Reparation, The. (E. Pottle) Harper, I10: 699. Repentance, Rabbinic Conceptions of. (C. G. Monte- fiore) Jew. Q. 16: 209, Répin, Ilia, Russia’s Greatest Painter. (C. Brinton) Scrib. M. 40: 513. ‘ Reporter, The. (E. W. Townsend) Bookman, I9: 558. —- of Decisions, Reminiscences of a. (G. F. Tucker) Green Bag, 15: 575. Reporters of To-day. (H. Davis) Everybody’s, I4: 64, 200, Reporting and Correspondence. Chant. 36: 490. — and Printing. (R. C. Dunbar) Canad. M. 19: 120. ~— Parliamentary. (A. P. Nicholson) Contemp. 87: 577. Representation and Colonial Government. Reinsch) Forum, 33: 409, —— Federation Referendum. I57: 357- - in Congress and the Electoral College, Equality of. (J. W. Keifer) Indep. 60: 1479, — -- — Power of Congress to reduce. (E. O’Neal) No. Am. I8I: 530. —Reply. (J. W. Kiefer) No. Am, I82: 228. —- Proportional, Belgian System of. (R. Tyson) Arena, 30: 591, 31: 1. --~ —— or Efiective Voting. (R. Tyson) Arena, 28: 610, Representative Government and War, C. Ross’s. Spec. (B. A. H eydrick) (P. S. (L. Stockton) Westm. 92: 372. —- Fact vs. Fiction in. (F. W. Jowett) National, 48: 702, -— aFailurein the U. S. (F. Putnam) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 328. —— Failure of. (E. Pomeroy) Arena, 30: 666. — Guarded. (G. H. Shibley) Arena, 34: 462. Representatives, People and. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 184. Reprieved. (Katharine H. Brown) Scrib. M. 38: 56. Reprints and their Readers. (J . Shaylor) Liv. Age, 245: 550. = Ecl. M. 145: 99. Repsold Meridian Circle, Correction of Errors in Use of. (R. H. Tucker) Pop. Astron. I4: 321, Reptile Lore. (B. C. Finch) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 376. Reptiles and Batrachians of Penn. and N. J . (W. Stone) Am. Natural. 40: 159. —- Division of the Reptilia into Two Sub-classes. F. Osborn) Science, 11. s. 17: 275. -— Names of. (C. W. Beebe) Outing, 47: 362, — Poisonous, of the U. S. (R. L. Ditmars) World To- day, 11: 1044. ——- Reclassification of. 381 93. —- Reproduction of. 37: 261, - Seely on Extinct Flying. (S. W. Williston) Science, 11. s. I 52 67. -- Two New River Reptiles from the Titanothere Beds. (F. B. Loomis) Am. J. Sci. 108: 427. — Winged. (S. W. Williston) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 314. Repton School. Sat. R. 98: 229. Republic of Sojara, The; a story. Overland, n. s. 48: 139. Republican Consistency. (R.,Ogden) Nation, 76: 164. Republican Convention of I904. (F. E. Leupp) Outl. 77: 489.--(J. H. Eckels) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 182. —- (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 404. Republican Party, Birth of the. (F. Curtis) Munsey, 30: 801, -- Curtis on. (J. J. Halsey) Dial, 37$ 235. —— Disruption of, in the Middle West. (E. Lissner) No. Am. 183: 365. —— Mission of. (T. Roosevelt) Critic, 44: 213, —- Owners of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 44. (H. (H. F. Osborn) Am. Natural. (C. S. Brimley) Am. Natural. (Julien Josephson) REPUBLICAN Republican Party, Record of, 1901-04, of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 43. -— Semi-centennial of. (C. M. Harvey) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 244. ' Republican Platform, 1904. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 506. Republican Point of View, Issues of the Campaign of 1904. (S. W. McCall) Atlan. 94: 550. Republican Tex't-book, 1904. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, (E. Root) R. 791 I52- ' Republics, Forgetfulness of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- tion, 76: 367. Repudiation; So. Dakota vs. No. Carolina. , den) Nation, 78: 264. Repulsive Forces in Nature. (T. J. J . See) Pop. As- tron. 10: 505. Reputation of Santa Claus. Everybody’s, I2: 127, Requirements of the Situation, The; a story. (G. Hibbard) McClure, 21: 381, 08- 0g: (Stella V. Roderick) Requital, The; a story. (A. M. Esterbrook) Harper, 107: 633. Rescue, The. (A. D. Sedgwick) Cent. 41: 460-895. Rescission for Breach of Warranty. (S. Williston) Harv. Law R. 16: 465. Rescue, The; a story. (Dorothy Canfield) Munsey, 36: 58. Rescue, The; a story. (L. W. Dodd) Cosmopol. 38: S47- Rescue of the Princess, The; a story. (A. I. Durrant) Temp. Bar, 125: 22,=Liv. Age, 232: ‘523, Research, Endowment of. (A. Hollick) Science, 11. s. 15: 472.—(W. H. Welch; N. M. Butler; C. W. Eliot) Science, n. s. 241 6. -—— The Greatest Need in. (M. V. O’Shea) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 328. -— in America. Liv. Age, 246: 880, -—- in American Universities. (C. J. Keyser) Bookman, 23: 330, -—— in State Universities. 19: 841, —- Mixing with Brains. 80: 109, -— Public Interest in. 67: 306. -—- Scientific, Endowment of. nian, 3: 292. —— The State and. ' 91 374- -- To what Extent should Professors engaged in, be: relieved from teaching? (A. T. Hadley) Educa. R, 31: 325, (H. S. Williams) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 170. (I. C. Russell) Science, n. s. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, (J. M. Coulter) Pop. Sci. Mo. (G. Davidson) Califor- (H. Putnam) Univ. of Chic. Rec. -—- What is i’ -— — in a University Sense, and how may it be pro- moted i’ (G. S. Hall) Pedagog. Sem. 9: 74. Research Funds of the Scientific Alliance of New York. (N. L. Britten) Science, n. s. 17: 314, Resemblance between Persons, Measifiement of. (F. Dalton) Nature, 74: 562, ~ Protective, in Insects. (M. L. Sykes) Nature,‘71: 520, Reservation System, Evils of. (F. Wood) Outl. 75: 1 4. Reservations, Opening of; the Day of the Run. (R. S. Baker) Cent. 44: 643. , Reserve. Spec. 9!: 453. . Reserve, A National. Un. Serv. M. 30: 560. Reserve Force for the United States, Organization of a. (C. Mason) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 403. Residences, American, of To-day. (D. N. B. Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 16: 297, ' Residual Claimant Theory in Economics. (J. H. Hol- lander) Q. J . Econ; 17: 260. 540 RETRIE VED Resource of Randall, The. (H. C. Rowland) Scrib. M. 34: 621, Resources of Mycroft Holmes. man, 18: 365, Respiration, Diseases of, Influence of Dampness of Soil on. (H. J. Barnes) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 43: 52. -—- Theory of. (C. R. Barnes) Science, n. s. 21: 241, Respiration Calorimeter. (H. P. Armsby) Science, 11. s. 23: 741. Rest, Whata Man gets by. Work, 13: 8355. Rest that came to Elihu, The. (E. L. Hampton) Over- land, 11. 8. 452 97. Rest—cure Pension in Germany. Liv. Age, 248:, 149, Restaurant, Modern Factory. (F. M. Feiker) Cassier, 3°‘ I57- ' Restaurant-keeping in Paris. Liv. Age, 240: 245. Restaurants, Bohemian, of New York City. (G. B. Mallon) Everybody’s, 12: 187. -—- Chicago. Am. Arch. 89: 183. Restlessness in Age. Ecl. M. 142: 277. Restoration of a Forefather; a story. Cosmopol. 372 425. Restoration of Helen ; a-story. 481 23:- Resurrection, and the Future State. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 27: 329. —— Christian Doctrine of. (P. Carus) Monist, I 5: I15. —- the Crowning Fact of Christianity. (H. Welch) Meth. R. 64: 681, -Do I believe in the ? (F. S. Turner) Hibbert J . 4: (C. Andrews) Book- (H. L. Gulick) World’s Blackw. 178: 675.: (H. M. Hoke) (A. M. Shaw) Outing, p 375- -— A Layman’s Dialogue. (T. W. Rolleston) Hibbert J , 4: 624, —- of the Body. (W. S. Palmer) Contemp. 90: 483. —- (R. W. Mottern) Luth. Q. 35: 259. -—- Philosophy of. (W. W. Lance) Meth. R. 62: 223. —- Testimony of the Original Apostles to the F act of. (C. F. Aiken) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 243, -—- 3000-4000 B. 0., and the Old Testament. (H. Osgood) Bib. Sac. 59: 409. Resurrection of Edith. (E. Fawcett) Lippinc. 71: 85, Resurrection of a Minister. (E. Copeman) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 574. Resurrection of “P. I. G.” (W. A. Fraser) Lippinc. 71: 104, Reszke, Jean de, and Van Dyck. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 96: 139. Retaliation and the Tariff. (H. O. Meredith) Indep. R. 2: 416. Reticence of Learning. Spec. 88: 1000, Retina, Histogenesis of the. (A. W. Weysse and W. S. Burgess) Am. Natural. 40: 611, — of Vertebrates. (A. D. Howard) Am. Natural. 37: 541- Retinal Field, Direct Control of the; three cases. (G. T. Ladd) Psychol. R. 10: 139, Retinal Local Signs. (W. F. Dearborn) Psychol. R. 11: 297, Retirement at the Close of an Active Career. Sat. R. 95: 100, Retiring from Business, Perils in. Chamb. J. 82: 753- Retort of an Average Woman. Indep. 59: 1411. Retreat of the Ten; a story. (J . A. Altsheler) Cos- mopol. 38: 33. Retrenchment, Difliculties of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 275. Retributive Trip, A; a story. (J eannette Cooper) Mc- Clure, 26: 561, Retrieved Month, A; a story. (0. Henry) Cosmopol. . Resistance, Ethics of. Sat. R. 93: 392. i so 632- RETURN (A. E. McFarlane) Everybody’s, 2 Return, A; a story. 15: 217, Return, The ; a story. (Ruth B. Canby) New Eng. M. n. s. 352 225. Return, The ; a story. (Beulah M. Dix) Lippinc. 722 Q 450- , Return, The; a story. (C. Hamilton) Cosmopol. 38: 337. Return of Altoonah, The ; a story. (Lucy B. erome) Overland, n. s. 422 63. Return of Dutch Fritz; a story. (R. Dunn) Outing, 45: 535- Return of the Gipsy, The; a story. (Mrs. W. Wood- row) McClure, 27: 86. Return of the Prodigal. (M. Sinclair) Blackw. I71! 23. Return of Rebecca Mary, The ; a story. (A. H. Don- nell) Harper, III: 697. Return of Sister Juliana. (E. M. Tybout) Lippinc. 74¢ Return to Discipline; a story. Blackw. I78: 334.: Liv.-Age, 247: 83, Returning Home from the Mutinies. ford) Chamb. J . 82: 780. Retz, Cardinal de. A Papal Conclave and its Chroni- cler. (E. Sellers) 19th Cent. 54: 243, Reunion of the Churches. (D. Macfadyen) Hibbert J . 5: 4 Reuter, Reuterdahl, Henry, Marine Illustrator. Bk. Buyer, 24: 383, Revealment; a poem. (M. Cawein) Atlan. 91: 363. Réveillon. (W. S. Moody) Scrib. M. 38: 678. Revel of the Sacred Cats, The. (P. L. Allen) Scrib. M- 35= 93- (I. S. A. Her- 2. Fritz. (T. H. Rearden) Californian, 2: 128. (F. T. Jane) Revelation, Divine, Need of Belief in. (J. Reed) N. Church R. 10: 220, ——Religion and. (G. L. Dickinson; A. L. Lilley) Indep.R. 2: 530. 3: 26, 187, -Revelation in Arcadia, A; a story. pen I°5= 327. Revelation in the Pennyrile, A. Scrib. M. 31: 44. Revelation of Ambitious Adams, The; a story. Miller) Overland, n. s. 45: 469. Revelation of Herself; a story. (May F. Sanborn) Bookman, 18: 260-660. 19: 87, Revenge, A; a story. (T. Masson) Cosmopol. 38: 115. “Revenge,” the, Last Fight of. (Sir W. Raleigh) Chaut. 44: 81. Revenge for Fashoda; Reminiscences of 1905, of Sir Thomas Halway, Bart. Fortn. 79: 773. Revenge of Mannelita, The ; a story. (Eleanor Gates) Booklover’s M. 7: 796. , Revenue, Cost of Collecting, in England. (W. M. J . 4 Williams) Chamb. J. 81: 117. -— Does the Workingman contribute a Sufiicent Pro- portion of his Income to the Revenue? (J . St. L. Strachey) National, 47: 242, Revenue Cutter Service, U. S., in its Routine Work and as an Auxiliary to the Navy. (J . R. N. Kyle) Overland, n. s. 42: 371, Revenue Law in Nebraska. Econ. 18: 293. Reverdy’s Revoke; a story. mopol. 33: 193, 330. Revere, Paul, and ~-the Colonial Silversmiths. H. Halsey) Appleton’s M. 8: 458. -— Early Bells of. (A. H. Nichols) N. E. Reg. 58: 151, — True Story of Ride of. (C. F. Gettemy) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 131, Reverence, The Value of. (G. Hibbard) Conserv. R. 5: -—- and (N. Syrett) Har- (E. Macpherson) (T. (V. .Rosewater) Q. J . (F. W. Wharton) Cos- (R. T. 264., Worship. (J . W. Paull) Sund. M. 34: 454. 541 RHEAD Rev. John Dudley’s Vacation. W 1397. Reverend Mother’s Feast; a story. Atlan. 961 673. Rev. Pilgreen’s Wooing; a story. (M. Crim) Lippinc. 70: 107. _ Reversal of Form. (L. G. Giltner) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 212. Reversion to Type, A; a story. (Jos-ephine D. Das- kam) Scrib. M. 312 453. Reviewer, The Literary, and his Conscience. 62: 91. Reviewers, Responsibility of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- tion, 74: 26. Reviewing, Ethics of. (A. C. Benson) Cornh. 94: 466. = Putnam, 1: 116. —'Sat. R. 97: 579. Reviews of Books, A Review of. ' (U. Sinclair) Indep. 54: 328. ‘ Revival in Wales, The. (F. D. Shields) World To-day, 8: 313. — (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 333. — Sat. R. 99: 40. — — Evan Roberts and the. (C. M. Shelton) Indep. (Agnes Repplier) Acad. (G. T. B. Davis) Indep. 59= 434- —— The Needed. Outl. 79: 475. Revival Meetings in Old Times. body’s, I4: 382. Revival Sermon at Little St. John’s. Atlan. 98: 256. Revivalism and Mysticism. (W. F. Alexander) Con- temp. 891 350.-——Ec1. M. 146: 412. Revivals. (T. M. Lindsay) Contemp. 88: 344.=Liv. Age. 2471 131- —Spec- 941 81- — and the New Evangelism. (F. M. Davenport) Outl. (E. Wood) Every- (J . Bennett) W 895- — and Social Evolution. (A. Hook) Westm. I65! 418. — Education 22.9., or Education and Revivals. Bib. World, 25: 326. —- Edwardean, Historical Study of. (S. P. Hayes) Am. J. Psychol. I3: 550. -— Ethical Signifiance of. (J . G. James) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 332, — Manufacture of. Sat. R. 99: 444. — Use of. (J. Reed) N. Church R. 13: 1. Revolt of Sophia Lane, The ; a story. (Mary E. Wil- kins Freeman) Harper, I08: 20, Revolutionary Ephemeral at Tiverton. (F. J . Snell) Antiq. n. s. 411 217. Revolutionary Soldiers, List of. (F. S. Hammond) N. E. Reg. 58: 235. I Revolutions, Psychological Theory of. (C. A. Ell- wood) Am. J . Sociol. II: 49. Revolver, Caliber of the. (R. L. Bullard) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 300. — The 'Webley-Fosbery Automatic. Mil. Serv. Inst. 332 434. Revolving Ear, The. (Eugene Wood) McClure, 25! I77. Reward of Virtue. (G. W. Carryl) Lippinc. 72: 712. Reward, Teaching of Jesus concerning. (H. M. J . Klein) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 33. Reynell, Wm. Ath. ’o6, I: 329. Reynolds, John Hamilton ; a Friend of Keats. (H. C. Shelley) Lamp, 28: 450. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, A Portrait by. (W. S. Howard) Harper, I14: 98. —- Teaching of. (L. Binyon) Indep. R. 8: 103, —- Technical Hints from Sketch by. Studio (Inter- nat.) 29: 324. Reynolds-Stephens, W. nat.) 21! 292. 3 - Church Decoration by. (A. L. Baldry) Studio (Internat.) 25: 3. — (A. L. Baldry) Art J. 55: 275, Rhead, G. Woolliscroft, Plant Studies of. (Lewis F. Day) Art J. 55: 246. (F. S. Foltz) J. (W. K. West) Studio (Inter- RHEIMS Rheims and the Champagne Industry. (A. Hall) Booklover’s M. 4: 307. Rhetoric, Sherman Principle in, and its Restrictions. (R. E. Moritz) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 5 34. . — Text—books in, Report of Committee of N. E. Assoc. of Teachers. School R. 14: I. Rhine, A Trip down the. (W. R. Hulme) Chaut. 35: 254- Rhineland, Cathedrals of. (E. Sperry) Craftsman, 2: 118, Rhinoceros, Trotting, of Kelantan. (C. Whitney) Outing, 45: 206, Rhinoceros Hunting in Africa. 22: 606, -—- — The Pinjih Rhino. 2-58.:Liv. Age, 238: 739. -—on the Upper Nile. (E. S. Grogan) Outing, 40: 6". Rhinoceros Skull discovered in Nebraska. Barbour) Science, 11. s. 24: 730. Rhizoctonia. (G. G. Hedgecock) Science, n. s. 19: 268, Rhizopods from White Mountain Region. (J. A. Cushman and W. P. Henderson) Am. Natural. 39: (E. S. Grogan) Idler, (E. H. 147. — of Nantucket. (J. A. Cushman) Am. Natural. 40: 371. Rhoda’s Teacher and her School. 96: 160. . Rhode Island. (E. E. Hale) Out]. 81: 474. —- Commonage System of. (F. C. Clark) M. of Hist. s= 341- 4= 17- —- Famous Farm Houses in the Narragansett Country. (H. Knowles) New Eng. M. 26: 387, —— Library Assoc. Annual Meeting, 1903. Pub. Lib. 9= 33- -— Library Progress in. 31: C 10. -- Paying Taxes in. -2 —— Political Debasement of. (A. Gilman) Atlan. (Harry L. Koopman) Lib. J . (Lucius F. C. Garvin) Indep. 61: (R. Grieve) Indep. 58: 86. —— Richman’s. (C. Becker) Nation, 76: 16.—-Atlan. 931 I27- - —— A State for Sale. (L. Steffens) McClure, 24: 337. —— VVildest. (C. Deming) Outl. 71: 505. Rhodes, Cecil John. (E. B. Iwan-Miiller) Fortn. 77: 741.—(H. Oust) No. Am. 175: 99. -(F. E. Gar- rett) Contemp. 81: 761, —-Geog. J. 19: 644, _ With portrait. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 548. -- Outl. 703 804. -— (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 33: 58, 181, 345. —-With portrait. (T. P. O’Connor) Everybody’s, 6: 462. -—- (J. Bryce) Nation, 74: 285, -— (F. L. Oswald) Arena, 27: 573. —Spec. 88: 471, -— An Appreciation. Sat. R. 93: 420. -— as Empire Builder. Sat. R. 93: -388. — as Peacemaker on the Matoppo Hills. (R. C. Witt) 19th Cent. 51: 841, —— as a Type. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 264, —-— at Home in South Africa. (F. E. Garrett) Pall Mall M. 27: 97. —— Funeral of. (G. Ralling) Good Words, 43: 473. —-— Hensman’s Life of. Spec. 88: 481. -— His Early Days in South Africa. Contemp. 81 : 643, — in Egypt. (C. Dicey) Fortn. 77: 762. -—- The Matoppos and Inyanga. (E. Cecil) Pall Mall M. 27: 251. -— Lord Milner and the South African Settlement. (E. Iwan-Miiller) Fortn. 78: 373. —— Personal Recollections of. (S. Low) I9th Cent. 51: 828. = Ecl. M. 139: 91. =Liv. Age, 233: 577. -- A Poem. (R. Kipling) McClure, I9: 130. (Sir C. Warren) 542 (G. Maxwell) Blackw. I74: . RHYTHM Rhodes, Cecil John. Some Conversations in London. (S. Low) 19th Cent. 51: 828. Rhodes, James Ford, with portrait. World’s Work, 4: 2316. - Rhodes, Siege of. (A. W. Pollard) Library, 7: 423, (H. M. Stephens) Rhodes Bequest and "University Federation. (J. C. Collins) I9tl1 Cent. 56: 970. Rhodes Scholar, Definition of a. Spec. 92: 525.: Liv. Age, 241: 500, —- at Oxford. Sat. R. 98: 546, Rhodes Scholars, The American. Acad. 68: 333. —— -— at Oxford. (S. R. Ashby) Macmil. n. s. I: 181. — (Paul Nixon) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 716. -— (S. R. Ashby) Macmil. n. s. I: I8I.:Liv. Age, 248: 603. ——at Oxford. Educa. R. 29: 109.:Liv. Age, 251: 821. —(S. K. Hornbeck) Booklover’s M. 5: 55. — (G. C. Vincent) Indep. 58: 406. — —— Experiences and Impressions of. Educa. R. 29: 234. —from Germany at Oxford. Wildau) Cornh. 91: 44, Rhodes Scholarships. (H. N ewbolt) Monthly R. 7, no. 2: I.— Liv. Age, 233: 444. —-Dial, 32: 303.—— Science, 11. s. 16: 91,6. —-— (H. Reade) Westm. I58: 357.——(L. Dyer) Outl. 72: 884. —— Sat. R. 93: 453. -— (H. M. Stephens) World’s 'Work, 4: 2222. — Liv. Age, 247: 63. ——(Julius A. Brown) Dart. Bi—Mo. I: I23.—(Goldwin Smith) Nation, 78: 289,-(W, B. Thomas) Macmil. 87: 255. :Science, 11. s. I8: 156. —(G. E. MacLean) School R. 11: 246.—(F. Acland)Booklover’s M. 1: 357. ——(W. VV. Black- all) Educa. R. 25: 32. — (W. T. Harris) Educa. R. 26: 1. —(R. F. Scholz) Wis. Alum. M. 6: 237, —in the United States. (G. P. Baker) Cornh. 87: 238, — — Influence on Oxford. (T. Case) National, 39: 420, — Memorandum of the Trustees for the U. S. Dartm. Bi-Mo. 2: 52. , — A Perverted Trust. Dial, 36: 35. — Qualifying Examinations for. (G. H. Locke) School R, 12: 420, Rhodesia and the Charter. 110. 3: 94. — and Ophir, Hall on. (W. E. Schutt) (H. E. von Lindeiner- (I. Dobbie) Monthly R. 17, (A. H. Keane) Nature, 66: 34' — Commercial Development of. (D. E. Brodie) Over- land, 11. s. 482 36. -— Northeastern, Geographical Results of Explorations of French “ White Fathers ” in. (H. Maitre) Geog. J. 20: 324. — Northeastern Travel and Trade-routes in. Codrington and others) Geog. J . 19: 598, — Problem of. (G. T. Hutchinson) National, 44: 121, — Progress in Northwestern. (W. B. ' Robertson) Chamb. J. 83: 3I. -—Ruins in; their Probable Origin and Significance. (D. Randall—Maciver) Geog. J . 27: 325, — Southern. (L. Michell) Eel. M. I46: 158, (R. Rhododendron Culture in America. (F. Duncan) Atlan. 89: 645. Rhododendrons. (H. J. Koehler) Ctry Life Am. 9: 429- ' —Sekhim the Land of. (W. C. Paget) Longm. 43: 300. Rhodope Balkans, The. (F. R. Maunsell) Geog. J. 28: 7. Rhyme in the Drama. Acad. 62: 483, Rhymes, Diflicult. Acad. 63: I37. Rhythm and Discrete Succession, Motor Theory of. (R. H. Stetson) Psychol. R. 12: 250, 293. -—and Rhyme. (G. Bourne) Macmil. n. s. I: 541.: Liv. Age, 250: 205, '-— Pulse in Verbal. RHYTHM Rhythm, and the Science of Poetry. Sewanee, 10: 406, —- Auditory, Afiective Quality of, in relation to Oh- jective Forms. (R. MacDougall) Psychol. R. 10: (P. E. More) -I 15, —— Psychology of, A Contribution to. (C. H. Sears) Am. J. Psychol. 13: 28. ‘ -— Pulse and. (Mary Hallock) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 425. (Mary Hallock) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 2: 79. — Time and Number. chol. 13: 88. Rhythmic Forms, Emotional Values in. Meth. R. 65: 858. Rhythms, Cosmic and 1Esthetic, Synthesis of. Ath. ’04, 1: 565, Rialto, The [N. Y. City]. (C. B. Davis) Outing, 49: (R. MacDougall) Am. J . Psy- (J . M. Dixon) 19, Riant, Count Paul, Oriental Library of, at Harvard University. (A. P. L. Dennis) Lib. J . 28: 817. Riata. See Lasso. Ricasoli, Baron. (G. S. Godkin) Californian, 6: 230, Rice, Stephen Sping. (Lord Welby) Cornh. 86: -752, Rice. (S. A. Knapp) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 5: 102. Rice-farming in the South. ‘ (D. A. Willey) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 177. —-— Revolution in. (R. S. Lanier) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 716. Rich and Poor. Spec. 96: 529. — How Men get. (C. M. Keys) World’s Work, 11: 7066, -— Neglected, A Settlement for the. Outl. 82: 512, Rich Men and their Homes. (H. Croly) Archit. Rec. 12: 27. Rich Widow of Spanish Town. (G. Morris) Cent. 46: 480, Richard II. of England, the Redeless. (S. H. D. Hol- ton) Roy. Hist. Soc. 10: 121, — A Pre-Shakespearean. (F. S. Boas) Fortn. 78: 391. —-Shakespeare’s. (A. W. Corpe) Cath. \rVorld, 83: 778- —— Short Story of. (Katherine G. Blake) Poet-Lore, 16, no, I: 80, Richard Hartley, Prospector; a story. (D. Black- burn) Blackw. 176: 579, 739. 177: 69-787, 178: 62-841, Richard’s Practicing. (R. K. Gardiner) Cent. 45: 970. Richards, Eugene Lamb, Outdoor Life of. Outing, 46: 61, ' Richards, Joseph, 1840-1902, Frankl. Inst. I53: 387. Richardson, Fred, Pen Drawings by. nat.)271 328. Richardson, Samuel, and Meredith, George. Macmil. 85: 356. —— Dobson’s Life of. Ath. ’O3, 1: 71. — (A. M. Logan) Nation, 76: 177. — Novels of. (R. Herrick) Dial, 32: 243, —— Sir Charles Grandison. (M. Merington) Lamp, 26: Obituary Notice. J . Studio (Inter- 1 36. — Why we read Richardson. (M. Moss) Lippinc. 69: 489. Richardson’s Show. (Thormanby) Chamb. J . 83: 574. Richelieu and his Policy; a Contemporary Dialogue. (T. Hodgkin) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 20. — (J . H. Clap- ham) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 306, Richelieu, France. (W. S. Partridge) Am. Arch. 77: 53- Riches ; a Christmas Essay. (E. S. Martin) Atlan. 96: 721, Richmond, Sir W. B. (Helen Lascelles) Art J. 54: 354, Richmond (Ind.) Art Association. A Democratic Art Movement. (E. B. Johnston) Chaut. 36: 598, 543 RIFLE-SHOOTING Richmond, Virginia. (H. James) Fortn. 86: 850. — (A. M. Tyler) Bk. News, 24: 482. — Capitol Building. (R. A. Paget) Studio (Internat.) 24: xxv, Richter, Eugen, and German Liberalism. lard) Nation, 82: 257, Richter, Hans. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 89: 833. Richter, Ludwig. (F. Weitenkampf) Lamp, 29: 121. Richthofen, Ferdinand, Baron von. (A. Geikie) Na- ture, 73: 8. — (E. G. Ravenstein) Geog. J . 26: 679. Rickardite, a New Mineral. (W. E. Ford) Am. J . Sci. 165: 69, Ridding, George, lst Bishop of Southwell. Church Q. 60: 241, — as Head Master. Cornh. 90: 733. Riddle, The: Man or Woman? (Louise M. Field) Critic, 46: 462. Riddle of Countess Runa, The; a story. McClure, 22: 476, Riddle of Ubique, The. (O. G. Vil- (A. Hope) (M. G. Pearse) Indep. 58: 315- Riddle of the Universe, The. (C. Lloyd Morgan) Con- temp. 85: 776.:Liv. Age, 242: 577. Riddles, Irish. The Riddler. (S. MacManus) Good Words. 44= 553- Ride of his Life, The ; a story. (Sewell Ford) Outing, 46: 663. Ride of Lean John, The; a story. (Clara E. Hamil- ton) Out West, 22: 403. Ride of Waster Cavendish, The. (W. A. Fraser) Cos- mopol. 39: 251. I Canad. M. 25: 545. Ride up Marble Mountain. (Alma G. White) Over- land, 11. s. 42: 40, Rider, The; a story. (H. D. Ward) Cosmopol. 35: Riders to the Sea; a Tragic Drama. (J. M. Synge) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 1: I. Ridgaway, Henry Bascom. (M. S. Terry) Meth. R. 65: 203, Ridiculous God, A. 11 77; 110- 2= 35- Riding, Cross Country. (F. F. Rowland) Calif. M. 1: I. —— to Hounds in the Winter. (C. Q. Turner) Ctry Life Am. 3: 121, Riding Animals, World’s. Spec. 92: 487, Ridley, Sir Edward. Sat. R. 96: 756. Riebeckite, and Riebeckite Rocks, Genesis of. (G. M. Murgoci) Am. J. Sci. 170: 133. ‘ Riedesel, Frederika, Baroness. Pennsyl. M. 30: 385. Rieu, Charles, Prof. Ath. ’o2, I: 405, Rifle, The, and its Use. Quar. 203: 246, —— Fremantle’s Book of the. Ath. ’02, 1: 106, — Interest in the, and Lack of Small-arm Experts. (T. H. Low) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 34. -— Model, 1903, Experiments with. (W. C. Brown) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 489. — New, for the British Army. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: (Mona Caird) Monthly R. 25, no. (Lina Sinnickson) 444- —- The Short. Un. Serv. M. 31: 531. —Springfield Magazine Model, 1902. J. Mil. Serv. ' Inst. 32: 365. Rifle Firing. (T. S. Van Dyke) Outing, 41: 230, Rifle Practice. — Success in. Rifle-range, Opening of the. M. 34: I93: Rifle-shooting. (G. H. Nicholson) Un. Serv. M. 24: (G. H. Nicholson) Un. Serv. M. 26: 35. (H. Tupes) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 475. (A. Barclay) Un. Serv. 428, —— and Physical Training. Spec. 97: 674. — as a New Winter Evening Pursuit, especially for Working Men and Lads; Letter. (C. E. Luard) Fortn. 77: 361. RIFLE—SHOOTING Rifle-shooting, a National Pastime. (A. J . Preston) Un. Serv. M. 34: 185. -—- Rational. (G. H. Nicholson) Un. Serv. M. 24: 428. Rifleman, Scientific Coaching of. Serv. Inst. 35: 349. Riflemen, Points of Interest to, during the Atlantic Division Competition of 1906. (J . P. Wade) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 398. Rifles, Making of. (W. B. Ashley) Outing, 45: 313. — Relative Stopping Power of Large and Small Bore. (J . H. Kidder) Outing, 40: 147, Right of the Strongest, The. (Octave Thanet) Scrib. M., 32: 718, Right to Martyrdom, The; a story. Harper, I13: 53. Right to Reject, The ; a story. Munsey, 28: 509. Right Arm, Conditions affecting the Maximal Rate of Extensor and F lexor Movements of. (R. H. Gault) Am. J. Psychol. 16: 357. Right-handedness. (A. F. Chamberlain) Science, 11. s. 18: 788, Right Horse, The, but the Wrong Man. ester) Chamb. J. 81: 353. Righteousness, and the Righteousness of God, in the Old Testament and in St. Paul. (J . H. Ropes) J . Bib. Lit. 22: 211. — of God, Meaning of, in Theology of St. Paul. (J. Drummond) Hibbert J. I: 33, 272. —— Will the World advance in ? (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 408. Rights, Natural. 481, — Of the Matter of, and of the Principles of Jurispru- dence. (G. H. Smith) Am. Law R. 40: 58, Rights of Man; a story. (G. M. Martin) Harper, 106: (F. Whelan) J . Mil. (A. M. Roach) (C. M. Williams) (F. B. For- (N. C. Butler) Am. Law R. 36: 415. Rigo’s Circus. (Kathryn Jarboe) Everybody’s, I3: 250, Riis, Jacob A. (L. Steffens) McClure, 21 : 419. —With portrait. Chant. 38: 477. — Autobiography. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 40: 63. —- Children of the Tenements. Spec. 92: 984. — on the House of Refuge. Char. 11: 28, — Practical Philanthropist. (VV. C. Arensberg) Crafts- man, 8: 275. Rijnhart, Peter, in Thibet. Open Court, 16: 109, Riley, Franklin L., and History in Mississippi, (J . S. Bassett) So. Atlan. Q. 1: 372, Riley, James Whitcomb, with portrait by Sargent. Lamp, 26: 454. — Interview with. 5 (M. C. Chomel) Lamp, 26: 289, — The “ Léonainie ” Problem. (A. R. Wallace) Fortn. 81: 706, Rimbauld, Jean Arthur. temp. 81: 867. Rimington, A. Wallace. Water Colors. Browning) Art J . 54: 320. Rimini, Paolo and Francesca da, in History and Lit- (Comte de Soissons) Con- (H. Ellen erature. (G. Urban) Critic, 40: 425. Rimini, The Wonders of. (C. Bragdon) Archit. Rec. 18: 355. Rimski-Korssakov, Nikolai’ Andreyevitch, Russian Composer. (A. E. Keeton) Contemp. 89: 539, Ring, The, in Romance. Atlan. 89: 575 ., — Story of the. (Pauline C. Bouvé) New Eng. M. n. s. 35‘ 32°- Ringer that Did, A. 451 421. Ringing of the Bell, The; a story. (R. F. Woods) McClure, 23: 315, (C. E. N ewell) Overland, n. s. 544 RIVIERA Rings, Antique, pierced with Golden Nails. (F. H. Marshall) J . Hel. Stud. 24: 332. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Re-birth of. los Rios) Am. Arch. 90: 20. — Scene of the Pan-American Conference. rett) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: I77. Rio Grande, Customs of the. (J . G. Bourke) Land of Sun. 5: 168. . Rio Grande, Instability of the Water-supply of. (F. S. Dellenbaugh) Science, 11. s. 19: 505. Riots, The; a story. (S. Gordon) Temp. Bar, 131: (A. Morales de (J . Bar- 294- Rip Van Winkle, The Play of. (J . L. F ord) Munsey, 35: 72. Riparian Rights in the U. S., Tide-flowed Sands and. Harv. Law R. 18: 341, Ripley, Phebe Bliss. (F. B. Sanborn) Critic, 48: 154. “Ripper ” Cases, The. (A. M. Eaton) Harv. Law R. 15: 468, - Ripperda, John William, Duke; a Great Adventurer. (W. B. Harris) Blackw. I74: 741. -— (R. D. Home) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 428, Rise and Fall of the J . Holmes Greenes ; a story. E. Schulte) Canad. M. 18: 469. Rise of a Sultan ; Tale of ‘Moro Reconstruction. (C. C. Bateman) Overland, n. s. 45: 175. Risk, Voluntary Assumption of. (F. H. Bohlen) Harv. Law R. 20: 14, 91. Ristori, Adelaide. (R. Davey) Sat.R. 102: 455.=Liv. Age, 251: 379. — (S. Cortesi) Indep. 54: 375. —- (J. R. Towse) Nation, 83: 300, — and Salvini. (Sophia Kirk) Nation, 83: 346. — the Last Italian Tragedian. I029, Rites. Ecclesiastical. (L. Kuhlman) Luth. Q. 33: 453. Ritschl, Albrecht, and Horace Bushnell; a Compari- son. (G. B. Stevens) Am. J. Theol. 6: 35. — — and Sabatier; a Comparison. (G. B. Stevens) Ref. Ch. R. 50: 321. — Metaphysical Presuppositions of. (W. C. Keirstead) Am. J.Theo1. 9: 677. — Place of, in the History of Doctrine. Hartf. Sem. Rec. 5: 158. — Theological Presnppositions of. Am. J. Theol. 10: 423. -—- Theology of. (G. B. Stevens) Meth. R. 63: 221, —- (H. R. MacKintosh) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 404. — — interpreted by A. T. Swing. (A. A. Berle) Bib. Sac. 59: 175.-—(C. W. Hodge) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 321. Ritschlianism, Orr on. Ath. ’04, I: 167, Ritual of the Church, The. (C. C. Grafton) Munsey, 29: 1, Ritualism. (C. C. Grafton) Indep. 58: 939, Ritualists and the Royal Commission. (H. P. Russell) Fortn. 86: 276. _ River Capture, Biological Evidence of. (D. W. John- son) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 154, Riverman, The; a story. (S. E. White) McClure, 20: (L. (C. M. Mead) (W. C. Keirstead) 575- Rivers, Cut-off Meanders in, Development of. (W. S. Tower) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 589, — Improvement of. Nature, 68: 361. — of Chinese Turkestan and the Desiccation of Asia. (E. Huntington) Geog. J. 28: 352. — Pollution of our. (C. M. Gaskell) Westm. 54: 36. -— Tide-. (L. S. Conant) Atlan. 97: 565. Riverside, Cal. Calif. M. 2: 790.—(W. W. Wilson) Land of Sun. 2: 111. — Out West, 23: Riviera; Corniche d’Or of the Esterel. Idler, 29: 411. — French; the “ Cfite d’Azur.” Cath. World, 75: 810, 515- (F. Miltoun) (S. De Pierrelée) (S. Cortesi) Indep. 61: 3 RIVIERA Riviera, Italian, Rapallo and the. (E. C. Peixotto) Harper, I04: 380, —— January on the. (A. R. Carman) World To-day, 6: 44. —— Memories of the. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 99: 141, 202, 237, -—- Wintering on the. Chamb. J . 81: 81. Riviere,,B., Studies of Dogs by. (W. B. Tegetmeier) M. of Art, 27: 313. Rixley, Presley M.; New Rear Admiral. Munsey, 27: 75. Rizal, José, the Filipino. 620. Road, Last of the. Liv. Age, 241: 694. —- On the. Chamb. J. 79: 715. —— Revival of the. (A. G. Bradley) Liv. Age, 244: I77. Road from Colonus, The; a story. (E. M. Forster) Indep. R. 3: 124. =Ecl. M. 143: 381.=Liv. Age, 242: 174, Road to Europe, The; a story. per, 112: 266, Road to Gooch’s Landing; a story. (C. F. Saunders) New Eng. M. n. s. 3_I1 244. Road Beautifying, An Experiment in. (S. B. Mc- Manus) Chaut. 41: 354. Road Improvement, National Aid to. (W. P. Brown- low) Cosmopol. 34: 355. Road-runner, The California. of Sun. 4: 138. Road Traction. (H. S. Hele-Shaw) J. Soc. Arts, 49: (B. Reid) (K. Clifford) Blackw._I72: (G. E. Channing) Har- (B. F. Herrick) Land 32- Road Traveling, Last of. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 97: 296. 325- Roads and National Welfare. ture, 65: 222. —— Baker’s Treatise on. (J . P. O’Reilly) Na- (S. F. Peckham) Science, 11. s. 17: 540. — Building, Modern Methods of. (M. O. Eldridge) Outing, 47: 118. 2 — Burnt Clay for, in the West. (C. R. Keyes) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 72. -— English, Revival of the Use of. Cornh. 90: 768. — Famous, Disused. Chamb. J . 80: 648. — Good, in United States. (A. P. Brigham) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 721, — —— Movement for, in America. (F. Matthews) Out- ing, 44: 337. +- (M. Dodge) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 66. (A. G. Bradley) *-— Government as a Builder of. (J . G. Speed) Outl. 84: 209, — in Southern California, Good. Land of Sun. 71 I7. — Macadam, and Road Metals. (F. Soule) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 373. —- Roman. (W. T. Arnold) Spec. 89: 289. — The Roman Road Builders’ Message to America. (A. B. Hulbert) Chaut. 43: 133. Robb, Manuel, Etcher. (G. Mourey) Studio (Internat.) 18: 159. Robb-Mumford Co. Cost-stores, System of. (H. S. Knowlton) Engin. M. 32: 45, Robbery at Oldport, The; a story. (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, 29: 244. . Robbia, Luca della, Genius of. (M. F. Nixon-Roulet) Cath. World, 77: 17. Robbias, The. (A. Melani) Am. Arch. 83: 59. Robbins, H. S., House of, at Lake Forest, Ill. [pic- tures only]. Archit. Rec. 20: 131, Robbins, Dr. Jane E., an East-sider by Choice. Outl. 72: 315. Robert Browning Settlement, London; the story of a Victorious Social Experiment. (B. 0. Flower) Arena, 29: 616. (G. H. Williams) 545 ROBINS ON Robert College, Constantinople. (G.Washburn) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 11: 22. Robert-Houdin, J . E., Conjuror. Court, 17: 714. —- Strangest Feat of. 313 551- Robert White, jr.; an animal story. Canad. M. 22: 23. Roberts, Charles. Pe1msyl. M. 26: 144. Roberts, Charles G. D., and his Reflective Poetry. (J . Cappon) Canad. M. 24: 419, —- and the Influence of his Times. (J . Cappon) Canad. M, 24: 224, Roberts, Evan, and the Great Revival in Wales. (G. T. B. Davis) Indep. 59: 434.-— (E. Douglas Sheilds) Outl. 79: 797. —— The Collier Revivalist. (R. H. Brewer) Good Words, 46: 413. Roberts, Lord F. S., Campaign in South Africa, Ger- man General Staff on. Blackw. 177: 482, — Weakness as Commander-in-chief. Sat. R. 93: 452, 549- Roberts, Isaac. Knowl. 272 IO4.— Nature, 702 302. Roberts, Morley. A Tramp’s Note-book. Monthly R. 17, no. 1: 169, Roberts, Oran Milo. Assoc. Q. 2: I. Roberts-Austen, Sir William C. (T. E. Thorpe) Na- ture, 57: 105. Robertson, Forbes, as Hamlet. R. 942 43- Robertson, Frederick W. (W. J . Hewett) Cent. 43: 282. —(P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 35: 115. —(A. H. Tuttle) Meth. R. 63: 717, —- as a Spiritual Genius. (H. H. Ranck) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 198, —- Influence of Martineau upon. (J . Hoatson) Expos. 6th ser. 8: 202. ' Robertson, James W., Dairy Commissioner, Canada. (F. Hamilton) Canad. M. 24: 436. Robertson, Percy. Frensham Great Pond; etching. Art J. 583 228. ' — Hindhead; an etching. Art J . 56:_ 248. Robertson, Thomas William. Acad. 71: 205. Robertson, W. Graham, Book Illustrator and Painter. (T. Martin Wood) Studio (Internat.) 27: 99. Robespierre, Belloc on. Spec. 88: 690. -—Ath. ’o2, 2: I 50. —(E. D. Adams) Dial, 32: 346. —— (G. M. Har- per) Bk. Buyer, 24: 291. Robin, The. (J. C. Hadden) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 52. Robin Goodfellow ; his Friends. (R. Kipling) Mc- Clure, 27: 3-588. Robin Redbreast, the Lucky Bird. Spec. 96: 610. (H. R. Evans) Open (Brander Matthews) Scrib. M. (E. Sandys) (D. G. Wooten) Texas'Hist. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. Robins, E. The Magnetic North. Monthly R. 15, no. 2: 9, Robinson, Christopher. (R. V. Rogers) Green Bag, 18: 1, Robinson, Edwin Arlington. (M. Sinclair) Atlan. 98: 325. I Fortn. 86: 421, Robinson, F. Gayley. (G. L. Hind) Studio (Internat.) 22: 235, " Robinson, Frederick William. Liv. Age, 232: 374. Robinson, Sir John Beverley, Chief Justice of Upper Canada. (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 24: Z33. -—-Ath. ’03, 2: 754,—Acad, 65: 616. Robinson, John, Pilgrim Pastor. Sem. Rec. 7: 143, 295. . Robinson, John Charles, Etching of. (A. M. Hind) Studio (Internat.) 27: 300. Robinson, Sir John R., Life and Recollections of. Ath. ’o4, 2: 688. Robinson, A. Mary F. (H. Lynch) Fortn. 77: 260, (T. Watts-Dunton) (O. S. Davis) Hartf. ROBINSON IRobinson, Richard. Review of his “ Eupolemia, Ar- chippus, and Panoplia ” (I603). Gent. M. n. s. 752 277. Robinson, Thomas, of Guilford, Conn., and his De- scendants. (R. D. Smyth) N. E. Reg. 56: 57. Roblin, Redmond Palen, Premier of Manitoba. (R. H. McDonald) Canad. M. 21: 428. Robsart, Amy, at Cumnor. (P. Sidney) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 93. Robson, Eleanor. (M. White, jr.) Munsey, 34: 758. Roccaraso, where the Pennsylvania Italians come from. (M. H. Elliot) Lippinc. 73: zoo. Rochambeau, Comte. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 742 418. Rochdale Co-operation in California. (D. T. Fowler) Land of Sun. 151 I30.~— (C. Y. Roop) Arena, 29: 541- Roche, Alexander, Artist. (H. Macfall) Studio (In- ternat.) 28: 203, Roche, Pierre. (B. Karageorgevitch) M. of Art, 282 33. —— (J. M. P. Honson) Archit. Rec. 13: 34. Rochester, N. Y., Country Club. (C. Bragdon) Studio (Internat.) 2 5: xxiii. Rock-climbing in the British Isle. Rock Island; the Newest R. R. Power. World’s Work, 10: 6306. Rock Paintings, Etchings, and Pictographs, Prehis- toric, in California, Arizona, and New Mexico. (N. H. Chittenden) Overland, n. s. 42: 106, Rock-slide in the Rocky Mountains, Gigantic. Stewart) Canad. M. 21: 227, Rock—weathering and Soil Formation in the Arid and Humid Regions, Some Peculiar-ities of. (E. W. Hilgard) Am. J. Sci. 171: 261, Rockaway, Plea for a Great Ocean Park at. (C. B. Stover) Char. I2: 576. Rockefeller, J . D. (Ida M. Tarbell) McClure, 25: 227, 386. -—— (F. A. Munsey) Munsey, 33: 99. —- and the American Board. Outl. 79: 984. — (Wash- ington Gladden) Indep. 58: 867.——(J. L. Barton) Indep. 582 871. -— — a Reply to Dr. Gladden. dep. 58: 1097. — as a Truth-teller. (W. Gladden) Indep. 58: 1290. -— The Baptists and. (J. B. Calvert) Indep. 60: 273. -— Early Schoolboy Compositions of. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 395, -—- A Study of Character, Motive, and Duty. (W. G. Joerus) Arena, 34: 155, — What he could do with his Fortune. lips) Cosmopol. 39: 172, Rockefeller, John D., jr. What he will do with his Fortune. (A. H. Lewis) Cosmopol. 39: 306. Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. (L. E. Holt) Science, 11. s. 24: 1.—- (A. E. Bostwick) Everybody’s, 510. Rock-garden, An Amateur’s. (F. H. Presby) Ctry Life Am. 5: 400. Rocket’s Great Victory; a story. sey. 3°= 33- Rockhill, William Woodville, Minister to China, with portrait. (F. T. Birchall) Am. M. 60: 55, Rockingham, Vt., a Forgotten Colonial Church. (H. W. Desmond) Archit. Rec. 142 94. —Records of the First Church of, 1806-37. (T. B. Peck) N. E. Reg. 56: 248, 384. Rockland and Rockport, Maine. , (M. S. Stimpson) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 3. Rocks, Elastic Constants of, with Reference to Cubic Compressibility. (F. D. Adams; E. G. Coker) Am. J. Sci. 172: 95. -— Magnetic Differentiation. (C. R. Keyes) Science, Spec. 96: 824. (C. M. Keys) (D. A. (Starr J . Murphy) In- (D. G. Phil- (A. Stoddart) Mun- 546 n. s. 15: 33. ROGERS Rocks,’ Metamorphism of. (C. A.MacMahon) Nature, 66: 504. —- Standing. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 6: 183, —- Washington’s Chemical Analysis of Igneous. (F. D. Adams) Science, n. s. 18: 470. Rocky Mts. as a Winter Residence. (H. F. Cope) World To-day, 6: 214,, -— Biglogy in. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 1 2, —— Canadian. (C. H. Williams) Blackw. I73: 168. —- (J . W. Henshaw) Canad. M. 202 3.—Indep. 57: I249. — (J . Outran) Outing, 45¢ 35. '— —— Further Explorations in. (J . N. Collier) Geog. J , 21: 485. —— —— Recent Explorations in. (W. D. Wilcox) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 141, 185. —— Conquest of. (H. F. Cope) World To-day. 8: 178. —— Mission Work in. (J . B. Funsten) Outl. 82: 603. -— Nomenclature of, between 47th and 53d Parallels. Geog. J. 27: 586. —— On Snowshoes among Snow Slides. Outing. 47= 74% —Our Northern. (R. H. Chapman) Nat. Geog. M. (A. Hewitt) I 3: 361, —— Wild Flowers of. (J . W. Henshaw) Canad. M. 26: 337- Rod, Edouard, Novels of. Macmil. n. s. 12 533. Rodewald, Alfred. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 9!: 808, Rodin, Auguste. Acad. 62: 535~613. -— (H. Zimmern) Critic, 41: 5I4.— (T. S. Moore) Monthly R. 9, no. I: 96. -— (A. Symons) Fortn. 77: g57.—(K. Cox) Archit. Rec. 131 327. — (J . Schopfer; C. Anet) Craftsman, 5i 52 5. — (W. C. Tincombe-Fernandez) Brush & P. 15: 109, — as Sculptor. Sat. R. 93: 628. —Acad. 62: 535. — at Home, with portrait. (A. Anderson) Pall Mall M. 27: 325. — Dry-point Engravings of. (Internat.) I9: 89, —— New Work of. (C. Quentin) Art J . 54: 121. —— A Personal Study of. (W. G. Fitz-Gerald) World’s Work, 11: 6818__ —— Works at 4th International Exhibition. (R. Dircks) Art J . 56: 37. Rodrigues, Island of. (Lady Broome) Cornh. 89: 613. =Ecl. M. 143: 356. Roebling, Washington A, with portrait. (W. S. Sparrow) Studio Cassier, 22: 542- Roebuck, The, My Lord the Buck. Blackw. I72: 21, 1‘ Liv. Age, 234: 370, Roentgen Rays, Heating Eifects produced by, in Dif- ferent Metals. (H. A. Bumstead) Am. J . Sci. 171: 1, —— Present Status of. (W. I. Wilbert) J . Frankl. Inst. 155: 401. -—- Varying Degrees of Actinism of. (J . O. Heinze, jr.) Am.‘-I. Sci. 163: 313, -—— Velocity of Propagation of. (M. Solomon) Nature, 67: 185. Roger of Wendover, and the Coggeshall Chronicle. (F. M. Powicke) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 286. Rogerio-Rocha Mission Indian of San Fernando, Cal. (H. N. Rust) Out West, 21: 243. Rogers, Dr. Guinness, Autobiography of. Spec. 93: 52. Rogers, Henry H., with portrait. (J . S. Gregory) World’s Work, 10: 6127. —With portrait. (S. Morse) Am. M. 62: 227, Rogers, James Swift. (A. D. Hodges) N. E. Reg. 60: 11. Rogers, John, Sculptor. (C. H. Israels) Archit. Rec. 16: 483. Rogers, Robert. (J . M. Oxley) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 34°. 0-‘- ROGERS Rogers, Samuel, Breakfasts of. (F. M. Parsons) Temp. Bar, 130: 20, — A Dilettante of Letters. 840, — Italy, and Poems. (VV. L. Andrews) Lamp, 26: (A. Symons) Sat. R. 100: 375. Rogers, W. A., Cartoonist of Civic Integrity, with portrait. Arena, 35: 372. Rogers, William Barton, with portrait. (J. P. Munroe) Technol. R. 6: 501. — Centennial Commemoration of. Technol. R. 7: 26. Rogers, Woodes. Voyage to Pacific Coast of U. S., in 1708. Out West, 19: 203-527. Rohan, Cardinal Louis R. E. de. Cardinal’s Neck- lace. (A. Lang) Cornh. 90: 104, Rohde, E. Psyche. Ath. ’03, 21 244. Rohloif, Otto, Modeler in Metal. M. of Art, 26: 313, Roival (50), The Fight at. (L. Oppenheim) 19th Cent. 51: 908. Rojestvensky, Admiral, Capture of. Am. M. 61: 704. Roland, Madame, Philosophy of. (E. Boswell) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 290. Roland, Song of, A Study of the. (Viola P. Franklin) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 2: 199, 203, Rolfe, Wm. James. (T. W. Higginson) Outl. 80: .751. Roll, Alfred Philippe, French Pastellist. (Frances Keyser) Studio (Internat.) 22: 228, ' Rollett, Alexander. (E. Du Bois-Reymond) Nature, (A. M. Zeller) 69: 86. Rollinat, Maurice. (O. Uzanne; M. B. Ryley) Acad. 6s= 529,538- Rolls, Plea, Earliest. (E. M. Boynton) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 282, Roman Army, Soldier’s Life in the. phens) Meth. R. 66: 207, Roman Art. (Jean Schopfer) Archit. Rec. 19: 443. 20: :6. " Roman Bas-relief and Roman Mining Operations in (J. E. R. Ste- Spain. (H. Sandars) Archaeol. 59: 311. Roman Britain in 1903. (F. Haverfield) Ath. ’04, I: 184 — in 1904. (F. Haverfield) Ath. ’05, I: 249, — Notes on. (F. Haverfield) Antiq. n. s. 38: I07, 175, 376. Roman Cabman, A. (T. R. Sullivan) Atlan. 93: 308. Roman Campagna, The. (R. Simboli) World To-day, 9= 973- Roman Catholic and Anglican Sisters, Like and Un- like. Month, 99: 619, Roman Catholic Bishops in Italy, Encyclical Letter to. (Leo XIII.) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 280, Roman Catholic Boys’ Brigade. (J . W. Gilbert) Month, 104: 404, ~ Roman Catholic Brotherhoods ; Clerics of the Common Life. (J . T. Smith) Munsey, 29: 838. Roman Catholic Census for 1900, (C, P. Neill) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 320, Roman Catholic Church. 578. — and her Saints. (J . J . Fox) Cath. World, 83: 81. — The Anglo-Roman Controversy. (C. Coupe) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 551. -— Beauty and Truth. Cath. World, 77: 490, —- Briggs/s Catholic, the Name and the Thing. Devereux) Cath. World, 78: I, — Church, State, and School. (T. McMillan) Cath. World, 75: 233. — Crisis in the. (R. E. Dell) Fortn. 82: 846. —— Encyclical. “ Acerbo Nimis.” (Pius X.) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 417. ' 4 — -- The Same. English Translation. The Teaching of Christian Doctrine. Am. Cath. Q. 30: 417. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 90: (G. £i47 li()hJ£Il¢ Roman Catholic Church, Encyclical, Motu Proprio, de Protonotariis. (Pius X.) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 592. — Going to Mass in Belgium, Holland, Germany, Eng- land, and Ireland. (A. M. Faber) Cath. World, 751 634- — Henson’s Godly Union and Concord. (J . McSorley) Cath. World, 75: 369, — in France and the Briand Bill. Cath. World, 78: 382, -— — its Present Position. 176. — in Spain. (J . McCabe) Contemp. 83: 855. —- in Tuscany, Congregation of S. Michele dei Santi. (M. Carmichael) Cath. World, 74: 629. — The Incompatibles. (A. Galton) Fortn. 78: 419, —— Later Words from France. (W. F. P. Stockley) Cath. World, 772 219. — Mallock’s Doctrine vs. Doctrinal Disruption. H. Wyman) Cath. World, 75: 642. — Mission Work in Paris. (De Courson) Cath. World, 79: 813. -— Modern Tendencies in. ss= 3°1- —— Reform in. (C. A. Briggs) No. Am. 181: 80, —- “Religious Garb” Decisions. Are they Constitu- tional ? (S. FitzSimons) Cath. World, 75: 567. — Republican Policy and the, during M. Combes’s Ministry. (E. Combes) National, 45: 31. — Reunion of the Anglican Church and the Holy See. (J . McSorley) Cath. World, 75: 369. — The Revolt from Rome. (E. L. Taunton and A. Galton) Fortn. 78: 664. —- Roads from Rome. (J . McCabe) National, 39: 268. — A Truth Seeker and his Answer. Cath. World, 74: 506. — The Unconverted World. World, 78: 427. —— The Workingman’s Apostolate. Cath. World, 75: 283. Roman Catholic Citizens and Public Education. McMillan) Educa. R. 31: 294. Roman Catholic Claims, St. Augustine and the. McCabe) Contemp. 82: 685, Roman Catholic College of the 20th Century. Conaty) Cath. Univ. Bull. 73 304. Roman Catholic Conference, 1904. (J . Britten) Month, 104: 489, — 1906. (J . Britten) Month, I08: 484, Roman Catholic Convert. Expectation of the Con- vert. (A. M. F. Cole) Cath. World, 83: 806. Roman Catholic Education in the U. S. (J . Conway) Educa. R. 29: 123, — Is it a Menace to American Institutions? (J . J . Mullany) No. Am. 181: 544. —- Place of the Grammar School in. (B. C. A. Windle) Month, 99: 225. Roman Catholic England in the Olden Time. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 78: 585. Roman Catholic Exhibition, A Unique. (J . W. Gil- (J . W. Gil- (M. de Moreira) (E. Dimnet) Dub. R. 138: (H. (G. H. Schodde) Luth. Q. (A. P. Doyle) (J . McSorley) Cath. (Father Cuthbert) (T. (J . (T. J . bert) Month, 104: 16, Roman Catholic Guardians’ Conference. bert) Month, 104: I47. —- Conference of. (J . W. Gilbert) Month, 106: 176. Roman Catholic Mission, A; What it is. (A. P. Doyle) Indep. 54: 381. Roman Catholic N ews-agency. 105:" 175. Roman Catholic Schools, Danger for. Month, 108: 585, — Fair Play and Freedom for. (H. Lucas) Month, 107: 580, — Trust Funds for. (H. Lamont) Nation, 80: 106. (S. F. Smith) Month, (S. F. Smith) T Roman Catholic Societies. ROMAN Is National Federation Desirable ‘P (W. P. Cantwell) Cath. World, 75: I7 5. Roman Catholic Soldier and his Chaplains. (J . A. Cunningham) Month, 105: 135, Roman Catholic Teachers and Educational Progress. (T. E. Shields) Cath. World, 83: 93. — and the History of Education. (E. A. Pace) Cath. World, 83: 1. Roman Catholic Text-book for English History, Prob- lem of. (J . H. Pollen) Month, 106: 124, Roman Catholic University, The Demand for a. J. Stoney) 19th Cent. 51: 263, Roman Catholicism, A Century of. Cath. Univ. Bull. 62 463. — and Civilization. (T. Bouquillon) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 467. ~— and the Concordat. Church Q. 60: I56. —- and Morals. (G. G. Coulton) Indep. R. 6: 177. — and Protestantism. (G. Uhlhorn) Luth. Q. 332 63. -—- —~Reunion of. (W. S. Merrill) Cath. World, 80: 358- -and Socialism. (W. J. Kerby) Am. Cath. Q. 301 (G. (T. J. Shahan) 225. —— Catholic Democracy. (W. Ward) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 19. — in England. 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 32 46. -—- -—— the Liberal Catholic Movement. Hibbert J . 2: 383. — in France,'Inner Life of. ('W. F. P. Stockley) Cath. World, 751 583. . (P. Sidney) - -—- 1903. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 77: 819. ~— -— Present Crisis of. (C. M. Barker) Cath. World, 75: 180, — -— Present Position of. (Praelatus) Indep. 54: 2001. ~— — Reaction to. Church Q. 54: 296. —— in Germany, The Intellectual Condition of. Ed. R. 200: 362, ~— in the Middle Ages. (T. J . Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 7: 431. — in the U. S. (S. Cortesi) Indep. 54: 1815, — Liberal. Spec. 97: 877. ——in France, The Abbé Loisy and. Quar. I99: 268, —- Loisy’s Type of. —— Progressive, and High Church Absolutism. Corrance) Hibbert J . 21 217. —- Recommendation of. (J . McSorley) Cath. World, (P. Gardner) Hibbert J. 3: 126. (H. C. 7 91 427. —- Synthesis of Two Schools of Thoughts. (A. Rey- naud) Cath. World, 752 34. —- vs. Science, Liberty, Truthfulness. Bull. 2: 3 56. —— vs. Ultra-Montanism. Contemp. 82: 776, Roman Catholics and Journalism. (Basil Tozer) Monthly R. 23, no. It 57. —— and the Press. (J . Britten) Month, 100: 592, — at the National Universities. (D. O. Hunter-Blair) Month, 107: 233. — English, Learned Society. 102: 487. — in Brittany, Recent Evictions of. Courson) Cath. World, 76: 339. — of the British Empire and the King’s Declaration. (A. Lambert) 19th Cent. 51: 523. — of Scotland in 1715, Position of. Dub. R. 133: 331. Roman Church before Constantine. Cath. Univ. Bull. 10: 429. Roman Codgers and Solitaires. (M. Howe) Outl. 77: 983. Roman Curios. (E. C. Vansittart) Antiq. n. s. 38: 41, Roman Emperors, Early. (H. F. Pelham) Quar. 202: 521. Cath. Univ. (J. H. Pollen) Month, (Comtesse de (J. R. Erskine) (L. Duchesne) £i48 ROMANCE Roman Empresses, Studies in the Lives of. (M. G. Williams) Am. J . Archaeol. 2d ser. 6: 259. Roman Fleets and Lighthouses. Spec. 93: 282, Roman Fresco Architecture. (L. E. Smith) Am. Arch. 83: 43. Roman Frontier in Germany. Hist. Soc. n. s. 20: 17. Roman Fulling in Britain, Some Probable Traces of. (G. E. Fox) Archaeol. 59$ 207. Roman Galley of Lake Nemi. (H. Meren) Am. Arch. 77: 11, ' Roman Games. 269, Roman Helmet, Cheek-piece of. Archaeol. 582 573. Roman Historiography, Early Parallels in. Wolcott) Am. J . Philol. 23: 313. Roman Imperators. (E. H. Parker) Un. Serv. M. 24: 2 . Roman Intrecci. (H. Elrington) Reliquary, 43: 10. Roman June, A. (E. C. Vansittart) Antiq. n. s. 40: 166 Roman Law and Civil Law in America. (VV. W. (B. W. Hen- (H. F. Pelham) Roy. (V incenzo Florentine) Cosmopol. 34: (T. C. Woolley) (J . D. Howe) Harv. Law R. 16: 342. Roman Legions in Britain, A. I). 43-72. derson) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 1. Roman Numerals. (B. N. Yerkes) Science, 11. s. 20: 3°9- Roman People, History of, Seignob0s’s. (G. S. Good— speed) SchoolR. I0: 716, Roman Populus, Social Composition of the. Botsford) Pol. Sci. 21: 498, Roman Public Life, Greenidge on. Ath. ’02, 2: 547. Roman Remains at Harpham. (C. V. Collier) Antiq. n. s. 412 377. — Buried, History in. Chamb. J . 81: 366. — Discoveries of, in Great Britain. (J. Cfiord) Am. Antiq. 26: 17. — in North Britain. Chamb. J. 80: 377. -— in Scotland. (R. Cochrane) Reliquary, 46: 1, — near Spurn. (T. Sheppard) Antiq. n. s. 41: 2 3. Roman See, Evidence of the Monuments to the Pri- macy of the. (A. S. Barnes) Dub. R. 134: 1. Roman Society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius, Dill’s. Sat. R. 99: I77. —Spec. 94: 291. Roman State, Modern. (M. D. Gray) School R. 14: 296.357. Roman Statesmen, Oman’s Seven. Ath. ’02, 2: 246. Roman Villas. (Edith Wharton) Cent. 452 562. Roman Wall in England. (E. L. Arnold) Harper, 106: 447. — in Northumberland. (E. Tebbutt) Idler, 24: 45I. Romance and Realism. (C. Hamilton) Dial, 37: 295, — The Ebb and Flow of. (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 510. Romance of a Bible Manuscript. Good Words, 46: 944, Romance of the Cheshire Cheese. Cent. 50: 704. Romance of the Country Fair. dep. 61: 552. Romance of the Executive Chamber ; a story. (W. R. Lighten) Cosmopol. 35: 389. Romance of a Grape-basket, The. land, n. s. 45: 277. Romance of the Milky Way. 238. Romance of the Outlands. (E. Wright) Quar. 203: (G. VV. (S. N. Sedgwick) (A. B. Morrison) (Urban Lavery) In- (W. S. Rice) Over- (L. Hearn) Atlan. 96: 47. Romance of Red Fox. (C. G. D. Roberts) Outing, 46: ~ 7 . Romzfnce of Thin Tilly Westover. (Helen C. B. Curtis) Arena, 35: 610. ROMANCE Romance of a Time-table. (J . Pendleton) Good Words, 46: 220, Romance of Whooping Harbor, A. , Harper, 111: 268, Romance to Leeward; a story. 105: 83. _ Romance Philology, Study of. (J . Dunn) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 335. Romano-British Lamp found at Rougham, Suffolk. Reliquary, _42: 127, Romanoifs, Obstinacy of the. R. 11, no. 1: 85. Romans in Greece. (W. Miller) Westm. 160: 186. Romantic School in France. (N. E. Coleridge) Monthly R. 16, no. 2: 133. Romantic Style, On the. 250. Romanticism, English, in the 19th Century, Beers’s. (F. Greenslet) Nation, 74: 36.—(Mary H. Vorse) Bk. Buyer, 23: 575. -— in Music. (D. G. Mason) Atlan. 98: 499. —— What is ? (C. L. Swiggett) Sewanee, 11: 144. Rome. (M. Maeterlinck) Critic, 452 362. = F ortn. 82: 569- — An Amateur in. (P. Lubbock) Macmil. 87: 143. = Liv. Age, 235: 279. -— American Academy at. Am. Arch. 82: 43.- Brush & P. 152 52.—-(F. D. Millet) R. of Rs. (N. Y.)3I= 713. —-— Ancient, and Modern England. Sund. M. 34: 498. -—- —- Aninials in. (E. Martinengo-Cesaresco) Contemp. 86: 225. —-— Gardens of, and what grew in them. (St. C. Baddeley) I9th Cent. 54: 629. =Liv. Age, 239: 458.-—-Ecl. M. 142: 87. (N. Duncan) (A. Colton) Harper, (G. Calderon) Monthly (P.' M. Craigie) Acad. 66: (F. W. Aveling) — -— in Fiction. Ecl. M. 139: 552.=Liv. Age, 234: 63", ' -— — Bolitical Institutions, Abbott and Ruggiere on. Ath. ’02, I: 10, —-— -— Public Readings in. (J . B. Firth) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 11, -~— Recent Excavations in. Art J. 56: 362,-(R, Norton) Indep. 57: 368.-—Am. Arch. 86: 94, — — Sport in. (R. Lanciani) Chamb. J . 81: 102, -—- and Britain, World-empires of. (W. H. Kent) Dub. ' R, 131: 29 5, — and her Aqueducts. (Grace E. Channing) Out West, 23: 463. — and Lavengro. -—- Ara Pacis, Finding of. (R. H. J . Steuart) Month, 102: 578, (R. Lanciani) Ath. ’o3, 2: 589. -— as an Art School. Am. Arch. 82: 59, -— as it is To-day. (G. Pignatorre) Chamb. J . 81: 310, -— as a School for Decorative Painting. (E. H. Blash- field) Am. Arch. 82: 51. -— at Easter. (M. H. Elliott) Lippinc. 74: 330. -— Bankers and Brokers in Ancient. (R. Lanciani) Monthly R. 13, no. I1 I43. —— before 1870. Macmil. 91: 45, — Burning of, and the Christians. (J . C. Tarver) 19th Cent. 531 992. -— (G. G. Ramsay) Ath. ’o6, 1: 108, — Campagna of. (A. Geikie) Internat. Q. 9: 292, -—- -—- Ancient and Modern Farming in the. (R. Lan- ciani) Monthly R. 15, no. 1: 124. — Christianity and Paganism in, during the Transi- tion Period. (J . A. Campbell) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 97- — Churches of, Art in. (A. B. Carman) Canad. M. 22: 507. -— Contrasts in. (M. H. Elliott) Lippinc. 73: 560, — Destruction of, La'nciani’s. (T. J . McCormack) 549 Open Court, 16: 237, l ROME Rome, Excavations and Collections in, Lanciani’s. T. Merrill) Nation, 76: 176. —- The Fear of. (W. F. P. Stockley) Month, 99: 245. ——- Festa dei Fiori. (Grace Ellery Channing) Out West, 25: 227. —— First Sight of. Longm. 44: 5 32. —— Forum. Am. Arch. 80: 78, -— — Latest Discoveries in. Am. Arch. 75: 103. 851 94. — Ed. R. I99! 138. — Liv. Age, 241: 354'. -- (G. Boni) Harper, I06: 626.—.(J, C, Egbert, jr.) Forum, 351 I01. — (M. Stewart) Good Words, 44: 566.—- (R. Simboli) World To-day, 7: 880. — Garden Homes of. (G. E. Channing) Out West, 19: (E. 473- — History of, Early, Credibility of. (S. B. Platner) Am. Hist. R. 7: 233. —- — Illusions on. (A. M. Stevens) Contemp. 82: 245, — Holiday in. (M. H. Elliott) Lippinc. 72: 60. -— Idle Hours in Caesar’s City. (G. G. Chatterton) Chamb. J. 82: 182, — in Africa. (E. Le Blond) Good Words, 46: 829. — in the Middle Ages. (M. Paléologue) Internat. Mo. 5: 603, — — Gregorovius on. Ath. ’02, 2: 148, —— — Paléologue’s. (A. Laugel) Nation, 76: 30. — in Picture and Story. - Chamb. J . 82: 529, — Journey to. Temp. Bar, 130: 79. — Lanciani’s New Tales of Old. (J . C. Egbert, jr.) Nation, 74: 73. —Modern. (Wolcott Calkins) Am. Arch. 75: 53.- Am. Arch. 84: 106, ~ — Municipal Administration in, Reorganization of, under the Antonines. Am. J . Philol. 272 166. — New. (J. Bryce) Nation, 76: 451. -—Notes from. (R. Lanciani) Ath. ’04, 22 628, 810. ’o6, 1: 616, — or the Reformation ? (C. Jackson) 19th Cent. 57: 68. — Our Lady at, The Earliest Cultus of. ler) Month, 100: 377, — Out-door Home-life in. (G. E. Channing) Out West, (G. J . Pfaeh- 19: 605. —- Pleasure Gardens of. (F. B. Clark) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 3. — Primitive. (G. Sergi) Monist, 24: 162, — Princely Families of. (H. Malleson) Macmil. 90: 365- — Public Elementary Schools of. (J . F. Reigart) Educa. R. 25: 356. — Question of, Second Empire and the. (A, Laugel) Nation, 77: 280. — Rag Fair of. (G. C. Chatterton) Chamb. J. 81: 438. — Recent Discoveries in. (H. S. Jones) Am. Antiq. 26: 236, — Recent Excavations in. (Mrs. Burton-Brown) J . Soc. Arts, 53: 645. — Rediscovery of Ancient. (R. Lanciani) Munsey, 365 37. — Religion of. (M. A. R. Tuker) Hibbert J . 32 585. — Reminiscences of, nearly Half a Century Ago. (C. H. R.) Blackw. 71: 754. = Eel. M. I391 233. =Liv. Age, 234: 136. -—- Sacred Trees of. (St. C. Baddeley) 19th Cent. 58: 100, — Santa Maria Maggiore. Pictorial Relics of 3d Cen- tury Christianity. (A. C. Taylor) Monthly R. I 5, no. 2: 139. 16, no. 2: 139. — A School for a Decorative Painter. field) Archit. R. 10: 155. —- Significance of, to the American Architectural Stu- dent. (A. W. Lord) Archit. R. 10: 157, = Am, Arch. 82: 43. (E. H. Blash- ROME Rome, Villas in and near. (Edith Wharton) Cent. 45! 562, 860. — Water Works and Fountains. Out West, 19: 357. Rome-Tivoli Power Plant and Transmission. nami) Engin. M. 25: 815. Romeiser, Theodore H. Veins in Necturus. Am. Natural. 39: 391. Romilly, Sir Samuel, and Criminal Law Reform. (C. N. Gregory) Harv. Law R. I 5: 446. Romingeria, Genus, Observations on. (C. E. Beecher) Am. J. Sci. 166: 1, Romney, George. Am. Arch. 82: 87.-——(Sir H. Max- well) Chamb. J. 79: 641. —— Life and Works, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 4: pt. 37. — Portrait of Miss Rodbard. 27: 261, —— Ward and Roberts’s. Art J. 571 44. Romney Marsh. Sat. R. 951 450. Roncesvalles. (Edward Fry) Eng. Hist. R. 201 22. Ronsard, Pierre de. (H. Belloc) Ecl. M. 142: 389.: Liv. Age, 239: 376. ~—— in English. (Arthur Symons) Sat. R. 102: 543. Rood, Prof. Ogden N. Colum. Univ. Q. 51 47.—(A. W. Wright) Am. J. Sci. 1652 73. — (W. L. Stevens) Science, 11. s. 16: 881, Rood Screens. Am. Arch. 89: 120. Roofs, Iron and Steel, in England. Am. Arch. 902 16;, 172, Rook, My. (Clara Bensted) Chamb. J . 80: 191, Rooke, John, a Neglected English Economist. A. Seligman) Econ. J. 131 511. Rookwood Pottery. (A. O. Elzner) Archit. Rec. I7: 294. —-— Craftsman, 3: 247, —— and Cincinnati’s Contribution to Ceramic Art. Mendenhall) Brush & P. 17: 47. Room Decoration by C. Conder. (F. M. Wood) Studio (Internat.) 25: 201, Rooms that I have loved. (H. C. Prince) Temp. Bar, 131: 719. = Liv. Age, 246: 270, Rooper, Thomas Godolphin. Geog. J. 221 9I. Roosevelt, Alice. (E. B. Kaufman) Munsey, 34: 131, Roosevelt, Theodore. Critic, 44: 459.— (S. Brooks) Fortn. 81: 290. = Liv. Age, 240: 64I.—(H. C. Lodge) McClure, 24: 8. =Fortn. 82: 757. —Spec. 922 1000.--(A. Swift) Sund. M. 33: 693.— (By a Progressive Republican) No. Am. 175: 7ZI.—(S. Brooks) Monthly R. 9, no. 2: I. =Liv. Age, 235! 641.-.-=Ecl. M. 142: 561.—(E. Mims) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 48. — Accident to, Questions of Law suggested by. (S. D. Thompson) Am. Law R. 36: 723. — and Addicks. (R. Ogden) Nation, 751 394. —— and the Bosses. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 46. —-— and Bryan, 4th of July Speeches of, I906. Outl. 83: 594- - and Business Morals. (Walter H. Page) World’s Work, 12: 7699. —— and Congress. (A. O. Bacon) Indep. 60: 546, — and Folk. (R. Ogden) Nation, 79: 368. —- and Grosvenor. (H. Lamont) Nation, 78: 344. -— and the Hague Court. (J . W. Foster ; Herbert W. Bowen) Indep. 61: I471, —— and his Trip through the West, in 1903. Out West, 18: 75 3. —— and Monroeism. Sat. R. 1001 58!. -—- and the Postal Frauds. (W. A. White) McClure, 23: 506. — and the Railroads. (Cy Warman) World To-day, I0: 261,-(C. A. Prouty) Cent. 49! 644. —- and the South. (W. Garrett Brown) Indep. 59: 1086, -—Outl. 78: 511. (G. E. Channing) (E. Big- (W. Roberts) M. of Art, (E. R. (L. 550 ROOSEVELT Roosevelt, Theodore, and South America. Spec. 92: -— and ‘Tiberius Gracchus. I80: 327. — and Tom Johnson as Typical Representatives of Opposing Political Ideals. (J . D. Miller) Arena, 30: 145. — and the Trusts. Spec. 96: 933.: Liv. Age, 250: :84. — and Wall Street. (F. B. Tracy) Fortn. 82: 252, -- (S. S. Pratt) World’s Work, 7: 4397. — An Appreciation, with portrait. (W. D. Foulke) Everybody’s, II: 789, (C. L. Dana) No. Am. — as a Father. (H. I. Cleveland) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 598- —~ as an Overworked Oflicial. (L. Steffens) McClure, 18: 483. — as a Presidential Candidate, 1904. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 3°: 35- — as a Reader. Cent. 47: 951. — as a Student. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 476, -—as a Writer for Young Men. (R. Bridges) Lamp, 28: 311, — at Charleston. 0. — at Harvard. (F. H. Wheelan) Calif. Univ. Chron. 5= 332- — at the White House. (C. Wagner) McClure, 25: 641. — August (1905) Speechifying of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 134, — Camping with. (J . Burroughs) Atlan. 972 585. — Canceled Message of, 1903. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: (W. W. Price) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 398. — Character and Opinions of. (H. C. Lodge) Critic, 441 312- —The Citizen. (J. A. Riis) Outl. 75: 789-987. 76: 25—647. — Civil Service under. (W. B. Shaw) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 317. — Congress on his Hands. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 46, — English View of. Sat. R. 942 701. —- Europe’s Opinion of. (Baron d’E. de Constant) Indep. 55¢ 3Z3.——(L. E. Van Norman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 299. — Extravagance of. Is the President Extravagant ? Outl. 76: 868. — Family of. McClure, 25: 284. — First Vote of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: I64, — First Year in Oflice. (By a J effersonian Democrat) No. Am. 1751 731. -—By a Progressive Republi- can) No. Am. 175: 721. — (S. Brooks) Monthly R. 9, no. 2: I.=Liv. Age, 235: 641, -- Foreign Estimate of. No. Am. 179: 118, - His Moral Right to become a Candidate for Rei=§lec- tion. (Q.) No. Am. 183: 331. — Horsemanship of. (E. E. Paine) New Eng. M. n. s. 29= 597- — How he became President. (D. G. Phillips) Every- body’s, 81 90. —— Hunting Trip of, 1905. (C. Arthur Williams) World To-day, 82 653. — in French Cartoons. (Bruce McLean) Bookman, 23: 2 58, —- Incident in the Life of. (F. E. Leupp) Cent. 46: 37- —— The Leaven and the Loaf. (R. J . Thompson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 707. —— L’Etat c’est Roosevelt. —— Letter of Acceptance, 1904. 793 9°- — Letters to Literary Statesmen. I. Atlan. 95: 402, —- Leupp’s Sketch of. (W. Rice) Dial, 36: rgo. Sat. R. 100: 742. (R. Ogden) Nation, (Alciphron) ROOSEVELT Roosevelt. Theodore, the Man and the Citizen. Foulke) Outl. 76: 752. —— The Men about the President. Munsey, 29: 516. —- Message, Dec., 1903. (R. Ogden) Nation, 771 458. -— — - and the Isthmian Canal. (F. Escobar) No. Am. I78: 122, —- —— of 1905. Outl. 81: 852, -— Mr. Roosevelt’s R61e. Sat. R. 99: 197. -— Nomination of, 1904. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 506. -— Official Family of. (Abby G. Baker) Indep. 58: 470. —-— on the Defensive. —- On his Tour, 1902. 2754- -- on the Indian 'and the Negro; a Step in Advance and a Step Backward. Outl. 79: 416. -—on Multimillionaires. Spec. 96: 6o4.=Liv. Age, 249= 434- —— on the Rewards of Scholarship. Science, n. s. 222 27. —- on Senators. (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 184, —— An Open Letter. (F. Parsons) Arena, 32: 122. -— Opportunities of. (S. Low) I9th Cent. 561 332.: E01. M. 144: 141.‘-"-Liv. Age, 244: I. -—— Our Sentimental President. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: (W. D. (D. A. Willey) (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 4, (L. Denison) World’s Work, 5: 314- —— an Out-door Man. (H. B. Needham) McClure, 26: 23!, -— Personal Sketch of. (L. Abbott) Outl. 78: 523. —— Personality of. (D. A. Willey) Munsey, 31: 161, - (W. G. Brown) Indep. 552 I547. -— Philippine Inconsistencies. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 793 271- — Policy of. What may be expected of him. Outl. 78: 705. -—— President Hercules and the American Hydra. Liv. Age. 24% 629. -— Railway Problem of. (W. Z. Ripley) Atlan. 96: 377. 486- -- Scottish Ancestors of. (A. H. Millar) Scot. Hist. R, I: 416, —— Should he be Nominated, I904? (S. C. Parlss) Arena. 311 357. -— Speech at Cincinnati. Outl. 72: 204. —— Successes and Failures of. (C. M. Harvey) World To-day, III 808, ~— Three Months as President. (H. L. Nelson) Atlan. 89= 145. — Training for the Presidency. (F. A. Munsey) Mun- sey, 32: 161, -- Virginia Lodge of. Outing, 47: 473. —— Why he should be elected President. Lodge) No. Am. 179: 321, Roosevelt Doctrine, The, and European Interests. Liv. Age, 247: 565. Roosevelt Genealogy. (W. S. Bridgman) Munsey, 33: (H. C. 553- “ Roosevelt Party,” The. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 66, Roosevelts, Christmas with the, in 1765. (R. Bache) Cosmopol. 40: 149, Root, Elihu. (F. A. Munsey) Munsey, 33: 579. —- Outl. 80: 659. -— and South America. (N. Y.) 34: 583. -— and the State Dept. Work, 11: 6835, — as Secretary of War. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 78: 33.——(W. H. Carter) No. Am. 178: IIIO. -— Character Sketch, with portrait. (W. Wellman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 35. -—— Training of. Indep. 59: 241. - Visit to South America, 1906. (G. A. Chamberlain) Indep. 61: 665, (A. W. Dunn) R. of Rs. (H. B. Needham) World’s 551 ROSEBERY Root, Elihu, William Taft, Leonard Wood. (T. Roosevelt) Harv. Grad. M. 11: 1. Root Pressure in Begonia. (J . B. Dandena) Science, 11. s. 16: 833. Roots, Electrotropism of. Sci. 168: 145, 228, — we eat. (E. L. Fullerton) Ctry Life Am. 8: 332. Rooy, — van, as a Singer. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 95= 583- Roping at Pasco’s, The; a story. (R. S. Baker) Mc- Clure, IQ: I52. Roping Match at Antelope. 50: 21, Ropley, Hants, The Charters of the Manor of. Kirby) Archseol. 58: 227, Roquebrune; the Pirate’s Stronghold. Chamb. J . 79: (A. B. Plowman) Am. J. (Alice MacGowan) Cent. (T. F. p Rorqual, Hunting the. (J . J. Bell) Temp. Bar, 126: 289, Rosa, Don José de la, with portrait. (M. M. Bow- man) Land of Sun. 3: 3o. Rosalie; a story. (Wingrove Bathon) Cosmopol. 34: 291. ’ Rosalind. (E. L. Cary) Lamp, 27: 210. Rosamond Fair, Strange Story of. (Philip Sidney) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 454. Rosary, The Bridgettine. I89, -— Evolution of the. Chamb. J. 792 798. —- History of the. (H. Thurston) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 261. Roscoe, Sir Henry E. Reminiscences. Nature, 741 (H. Thurston) Month, 100: 289, Rose, St., of Lima. (M. McMahon) Cath. World, 75: 802, Rose, J . H. Napoleonic Studies. Spec. 93: 1052. Rose Family of Ireland and America. Pennsyl. M. 28: 162. Rose in Southern California, The. Land of Sun. 2: 23. — What it can do. (Jessie J. Knox) Overland, n. s. 471 1- Rose Trelawny; a story. (V. Sheard) Canad. M. 19: (T. B . Shepherd) 510. Rose Arbor. (Elizabeth F. Gray) Overland, n. s. 43: 47. Rose Dormant. (A. Dunbar) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 397. Rose in June, At the. (W. Raymond) 19th Cent. 57: 129, Rose is Red. (F. Lewis) New Eng. M. n. s. 25: 75;. Rose of May, The. (A. W. Corpe) Cath. World, 81: 813, Rose 0’ the River. (Kate D. Wiggin) Cent. 471 643* 843. 48: 119, Rose of Spring, The; a story. (M. Harris) Harper, I07: 520, Rose of the World; a story. (A. and E. Castle) Cornh. go: 125-840. gr: 14-721, Rose of Yesterday and To-day. Cosmopol. 35: 119, Rose Garden Story, A. M. n. s. 34: 606, Rose Lady, The; a story. (J . M. Forman) Harper, I13: I76, Rosenthal; a story. (H. C. Rowland) Am. M. 61: 101, Rose—red Glow, The. (R. E. Young) Atlan. 91: 442, (K. V. C. Matthews) (R. McD. Daniels) New Eng. Rosebery, Archibald P. D., Earl of. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 74: 29. —— and the Opposition. Ed. R. 195: 551. —- and Political Reconstruction. Fortn. 77: I. I Ecl. M. I38: 400. ‘-2 Liv. Age, 232: 257, -— as Public Speaker. Sat. R. 98: 385. -— as a Weather Vane of Politics. Sat. R. 93: 689. — How his Speech was reported. (J . Pendleton) Good Words. 43= 193- ROSEBERY Rosebery, Archibald P. D., Earl of, in Politics. H. V. Colquhoun) Canad. M. 19: 3. - The Man of Emergency. Fortn. 77: 181. - The Real. (H. Macpherson) Contemp. 81: 327, — The Shattered Idol. (J . A. Meelboom) Westm. 157: 508, - A Talker rather than a Door. Sat. R. 94: 574. Rosegger, Petri Kettenfier; with portrait. Chant. 411 420, Rosellen. (Evelyne E. Rynd) Temp. Bar, 127: 357. Rosemary for Remembrance. (M. Manning) Harper, 111: 27. Rosenthal, Moriz, with portrait. (R. Specht) Indep. 61: 1152, Rosenstengel, Wm. Henry. (S. A. Sterling; E. Dap- prich) Wis. Alum. M. 2: 103, Roses. (H. N. Ellacombe) Cornh. 92: 27, = Liv. Age, 246: 335. -_-Ecl. M. 145: 397. - Cultivation of. (P. J. Berckmans) Ctry Life Am. (A. 2: 75, - for Special Purposes. (L. Barron) Ctry Life Am. 7: 620, - Hardy, for the Garden. (R. Huey)_Ctry Life Am. 71 459- - of Santa Barbara, The. Sun. 3: 70. - Raising, under Glass. Am. 5: 289. Roses of Monsieur Alphonse ; a story. Harper, 104: 749. Rosetta Stone, The. (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 531. - Dhorees of Memphis and Canopus, Budge’s. Sat. R, 97: 821, - History and Significance of. (P. Carus) Open Court, 19: 89. Rosicrucian’s Ring, The; a story. (C. Michelson) Munsey, 27: 238. Rosita Blanca, La; a story. 129: 609. Ross, Prof. Edward A., Case of, at Stanford Univer- sity. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 14: 321, 407, 497. Ross, George ; Romance of a Scot’s Family. (H. Clif- ford) Blackw. 171: 309,: E0]. M. 138: 769, : Liv. Age, 233: 216, Ross, J . T., and Blacklock, Thomas. Art J. 55: 377. Ross, Jonathan. (R. W. Taft) Green Bag, 17: 333. Ross, Monmouthshire. (M. E. Mitchell) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 693. , Rossall School. Sat. R. 95: 580. Rossetti, Christina. (P. E. More) Atlan. 94: 815,- Church Q. 59: 58.-(S. J. Reid) Sund. M. 34: (J . E. Mathis) Land of (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life (T. A. Janvier) (K. Mann) Temp. Bar, (G. Aikman) 859. — Collected Poems of. (F. M. Hueifer) Fortn. 81: 393.:-Liv. Age, 241: 158,-Ath. ’04, 1: 423,- Spec. 93: 51. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. (A. S. Henry) Bk. News, 22: 1032, - and Botticelli. (W. B. Shaw) Craftsman, 9: 341. - as an Illustrator. (E. L. Cary) Lamp, 27: 321. - Benson’s Life of. Spec. 93: 224. —Ath. ’04, 2: 197, - Ethical Significance of Poetry of. (J . Spens) Inter- nat. J. Ethics, 12: 216, - His Revision of “ The Blessed Damozel.” (R. L. Tyrrell) Acad. 70: 356. - His Treatment of Love. (Emma L. Hellings) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 1: 76. - Life and Works of, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 4: 485, - Ruskin’s Estrangement from. Acad. 65: 78. Rossetti, Marie, Roumanian Heroine. (B. Teeling) Cath. World, 77: 172, 552 ROUMAN IA Rossetti, William M., in London. (Y one Noguchi) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 157. - Reminiscences. (Edith K. Dunton) Dial, 41: 444, - Some Recollections of. Nation, 83: 353. Rossini, Gioacchino, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 4: 1. - and the Sensuous in Music. (A. W. Ambros) Music, 21: 204, - as a Humorist. (J . C. Haddon) Cent. M. n. s. 72: 227, Rostand, Edmond, with portrait. Lamp, 26: 495, - L’Aiglon, and Woman, A Discussion of, by Chim- mie Fadden. (E. W. Townsend) Cent. 41: 914. - - A Note on. (T. B. Aldrich) Cent. 42: 277, - Theater of. (A. Henderson) Arena, 34: 225. Rosy Balm; a story. (Alice Brown) Harper, 111: 947, Rotary Converter, Operation of the. (D. B. Rush- more) Engin. M. 22: 5 38. Rotating Cathode, Use of, in the Electrolytic Deter- mination of Metals. (F. A. Gooch and H. E. Med- way) Am. J. Sci. 165: 320, Rotation of Crops. (L. H. Bailey) Cosmopol. 38: 682. Rotations of the Sun, Jupiter, and the Earth, and their Effects. (Mrs. Walter Maunder) Knowl. 26: 126. Rote, The; a story. (G. S. Wasson) Atlan. 97: 747. Rothamsted Agricultural Experiments. (T. H. Mid- dleton) Nature, 74: 121, - Results of. Sat. R. 96: 134.—(M. Foster) Sat. R. 101: 230, Rothenburg, Bavaria. 5= 837- - the Fantastic. (C. E. Eldred) Studio (Internat.) 28: 313- — the German Jerusalem. (E. C. Vansittart) Cath. World, 76: 658. — Historical Play at. (E. L. Prime-Stevenson) Indep. 57 i 7 73- - Legendary Play of. (C. L. Edholm) New Eng. M. 11. S. 27: 303. - Picturesque. (W. Buckman) Arena, 36: 128, Rotherham, Archbishop, Bennett on. Ath. ’02, 2: 306, Rothiemurchus, Scotland. (H. Macmillan) Art J . 54: 7-344- Rothschild Artisan’s Dwellings in Paris, The. (H. Frantz) Studio (Internat.) 28: 115. (H. Ericksen) Booklover’s M. Rothschild Collection at the Louvre. (H. Frantz) M. of Art, 26: 493.-(E. Mouret) Brush & P. 10: 156 Rothschilds, Empire of the, with portraits. (D. G. Phillips) Cosmopol. 38: 501, - of France, The. (Vance Thompson) Everybody’s, 13: 579. Rotifera, Preserving and Mounting. (C. F. Rousse- let) Knowl. 25: 68, 91, — Jennings on Rat-tailed. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Am. Natural. 38: 325. Rouen, Color Etchings of. Booklover’s M. 5: 638. - Old Corners of. (F. C. Brown) Archit. R. 10: 37, — Siege of, in 1591, Journal of. (R. Poole) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 528. Rough with the Smooth, The; a story. Temp. Bar, 134: 418, Rough Places, The; a story. (Elizabeth Foote) Cent. (H. Vallings) 45: 312- Roughing it, Fallacies of. (Robert Dunn) Outing, 46: 643. - A Summer’s. (W. Camp) World’s Work, 6: 3488. Roumania and the Monroe Doctrine. (E. A. Dodge) Sewanee, 11: 479. - J ewgin. (Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania) Cent. 49: 78 O, r — Life in. (Helene Vacaresco) Contemp. 81: 482. ROUMANIAN Roumanian Circular, 1902. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 75: 239- Roumanian Jews; a New Departure in American Di- plomacy. (W. M. Abell) Gunton’s M. 23: 476. Roumanian Language. (Robinson Thornton) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 6: 69. Round Table of Dodge City, The; a story. Every- body’s, 7: 432. Round Towers of Ireland. 11. s. 41: 48, 139, 258. Round-up, A Day with the; an Impression. Wyeth) Scrib. M. 39: 285. Rousseau, J . J ., Frederika MacDonald’s New Criti- cism. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 83: 556, -‘— In the Footsteps of. (H. Ellis) F ortn. 82: 809, Rousseau Revival, The. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, (J . B. McGovern) Antiq. (N. C. 82: 6. Rouvier, Maurice. (C. Bastide) Fortn. 84: 215. = 1. M- I45= 454- Rouzet, Citizen, The Romance of. (B. King) Harper, 108: 775. Rowfant Books, The. Library, 11. s. 6: 309. —-— (Ham- mond Lamont) Nation, 80: 264. Rowing, American and English. (R. D. Paine) Cent. 48: 483. ‘ — American College Stroke. (R. D. Pame) Cent. 48: 483. — American University. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 40: 33° -— Bogus Amateurs from America. Sat. R. 102: 10. —- British vs. American Style in. (W. B. Woodgate) Outing, 49: 235. — College, in America. M. 5: 781. —- English and American. (N. P. Stauffer) Booklover’s (T. A. Cook) Fortn. 86: 1 14, — Oxford vs. Cambridge. Sat. R. 99: 451. —- Slaves of the Oar. Macmil. 85: 452. — Story of the Yale Stroke. (J . Rogers, jr.) Outing, 42: 103. Rowing Match, Famous New Brunswick. (G. Stewart) Canad. M. 22: 253. Rowlands, Henry, Bishop, Will of. Cornh. 88: 110, owlandson, Thomas, with portrait. (J . Greig) M. of Art, 26: 166, 210, — Phil May, and Charles Keene compared. Brush & P. W 243- Rowley, Sergeant, Rise and Fall of ; True Story of the Civil War. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 428. Rowton, Lord, M. W. L. C., and Rowton Houses. (R. Farrant) Cornh. 89: 835. Roxella’s Prisoner. (H. A. Nash) Atlan. 93: 72. Royal Academicians, Notes on. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 95: 58 5. Royal Academy. Spec. 90: 783, - and National Art. I (D. S. MacColl) National, 45: 3°5- —- and the New Gallery. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 80: 410, -— and International Society Exhibitions, 1906. (F. Rinder) Art J. 58: 71, —-— and its Improvement. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 97: 140, — and Reform. Quar. 198: 196, —~ Elections, 1903. Art J. 55: 86. -- — 1904. Art J. 56: 79. —- Elementary Exercises at. (A. J . Finberg) National, 39: 641. -—Exhibition, 1902. (F. Rinder) Art J. 54: 201.-— M. of Art, 26: 355, 393.—Spec. 88: 687, 707, --_ 1903. Ath. ’03, 1: 599, 631.—(A. L. Baldry) Art J. 55: I6I.—(M. H. Spielmann) M. of Art, 27: 373- 425- 553 ROYAL Royal Academy, Exhibition, 1904. Acad. 66: 530- 663.——Art J. 56: 77,- (Lewis Lusk) Art J. 56: I77.—(W. K. West) Studio (Internat.) 23: 26.- (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 97: 585, 617.—(Fred A. Eaton) Scrib. M. 36: 413-556. —-Spec. 92: 50, 696, 73°- —— 1905, Acad. 68: 498, 640.-—(A. C. R. Carter) Art J . 57: I65.—— (A. L. Baldry) Studio (Internat.) 26: 37.— Spec. 94: 712. —— 1906. (R. Dircks) Art J. 58: 161.——(Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 82: 402.—(D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 101: 10,—Ath, ’06, 1: 561, 584, 644.—Spec. 96: 710, 751.——Studio (Internat.) 28: 317, 29: 3. — Foundation of. Studio (Internat.) 20: 203. —-— Story of, and the Romances of Some Original Members. Blackw. I79: 618. ’-- in the 19th Century. (G. D. Leslie and F. A. Eaton) Art 1 55= 331. 372- — Old and Other Masters at. M. of Art, 27: I32. —Reorganization needed. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. W 587. —Recollection of. (G. A. Storey) Pall Mall M. 27: 63. —Schools of. (F. A. Eaton) 19th Cent. 55: 302,- (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 97: 261. — Students’ Competitions. Studio (Internat.) 16: 28, — Winter Exhibition, 1903. Art J . 55: 83. — — 1904. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 99: 10. — —- 1905. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 82: 94. Royal African Company of England, Constitution and Finance of, from its Foundation till 1720. (W. R. Scott) Am. Hist. R. 8: 241. Royal Army Medical Corps, The. Westm. 162: 65, Royal Cambrian Academy Exhibition, 1904. Art J . 56: 215, Royal Caste, The. Spec. 89: 7. Royal College of Science. Nature, 73: 344. Royal Economic Society, Charter of. Econ. J . I 33 1. Royal Geographical Society. Science, n. s. 17: 633. — President’s Address, 1902. (C. R. Markham) Geog. J , 20: 1, —— —-— 1905. (C. R. Markham) Geog. J. 26: 1. Royal Gold Medal. Am. Arch. 81: 20. Royal Incomes and Expenditures. (W. Littlefield) Munsey, 34: 189, Royal Institute of British Architects. Beckett) Am. Arch. 87: 146. — Rules for Architectural Competition. Am. Arch. 88: 3. Royal Institution, London, Chemical Laboratory of. Nature, 66: 460, Royal Kidnapper, The. 79: 599- Royal Marines and their Relation to the Royal Navy. Un. Serv. M. 26: 336. —- A Naval Problem. Un. Serv. M. 26: 476. Royal Patronage. Spec. 88: 45. Royal Photographic Society, Medal of, awarded to Professor Janssen. Pop. Astron. I4: I37. Royal Prerogative, An Abuse of. (Quirinus) N ational, 48= 33- Royal Reserve Regiments of 1900. Un. Serv. M. 25: (R. H. Bakewell) (Edmund (T. R, Threefall) Chamb. J . 91- Royal Scottish Academy, Exhibition, 1904. Art J . 56: 138. Royal Society of Canada. (H. M. Ami) Science, 11. s. 23: 967. Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Government. Na- ture, 74: 150. Royal Society of London, The. Nature, 74: 466. — and the British Academy. (N. Lockyer) Nature, 65= 493- ROYAL Royal Societi of London, Anniversary Meeting, 1904. Nature, 71: 105. — — 1906. Nature, 75: 130. -—— Conversazione of, 1903. Science, n. s. 17! 976. -— — 1904. Nature, 70: 68. — — 1905. Nature, 73: 129. -— — 1906. Nature, 74¢ 59. Royal Sportsman. Outing, 41: 419, Royal Visits in Bygone Times. (E. B. D’Auvergne) Gent. M. n. s. 75; 19. Royal Worcester Potteries. Royalties, Mining, Riddle of. 25: 271, Royce, Josiah, on Realism and Pluralism. Perry) Monist, I2: 446. — The World and the Individual. (C. M. Bakewell) Internat. J . Ethics, 12: 389.—(R. M. Wenley) Science, 11. s. 151 347. — (J . E. McTaggart) Mind, 271 557. -— (C. S. Pierce) Nation, 752 94. —(L. F- Hite) N. Church R. 10: 97. Royet, Prof. George. (W. E. Plummer) Nature, 74: Craftsman, 83 78. (T. I. Jones) Econ. R. (R. B. 382, T"-1% Use of, and of Greek wrveiipa. (W. R. Shoemaker) _ J. Bib. Lit. 23: 13. Rubber, Commercial Plantations. Overland, n. s. 40: 339. —— Cultivated. (J . C. Horter) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 720, -—- Cultivation of, in Ceylon. 75‘ 2°9- —— in the Amazon Basin. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 143. -— Para. (C. Simmonds) Nature, 71: 321, Rubber Plantation, A, as an Investment. non) Overland, n. s. 40: 589, — in Mexico and Central America. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 408. Rubber Tree, Four New Specimens of the Central American. (O. F. Cook) Science, 11. s. 18: 436, Rubbish-heap, Romance of the. Chamb. J . 812 504. Rubens. (J . La Farge) McClure, I9: 159. Rubenstein, Anton. (A. E. Keeton) F ortn. 83: 111, : Liv. Age, 244: 493. —— With portrait. Mast. in Music, 6: 1. Ruby; a story. (Julia H. S. Bugeia) Californian, I: 8 (J . S. Cannon) (J . C. Willis) Nature, (J . S. Can- 35 - Ruby Mines at Mogok, Upper Burma. Booklover’s M. 5: 15. Ruckstuhl, Frederick Wellington. (R. Ladegast) New Eng. M. n. s. 25: 615. Rudder, Madame de, Belgian Decorative Artist. Craftsman, 5: 171, Rudge and Rudge, Undertakers. 581 233- Rudimentary Structure, Some. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. n. s. 3: 472. Rudolf, Lake, Journey West and North of. (J . W. Brooke) Geog. J. 25: 525. - Rug, The Disappearing Eastern. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 257. — Story of the. (P. C. Bouvé) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 68, Rug-making Community, A. (A. H. Gleason) Ctry Life Am. 9: 411. Rug—weaving, a New England Village Industry. (H. R. Albee) Craftsman, 2: 291, —— Successful, in Country Homes. (H. R. Albee) Ctry Life Am. 8: 411, Rugby School. Sat. R. 952 320. Ruggles’s First Case; a story. 21: 237, Rugs, American Woven. Craftsman, 10: 366. — Oriental. (G. W. Newton) Brush & P. 16: 227,- (G. L. Hunter) Ctry Life Am. 10: 70,-(M. R. Towle) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 333. (H. White) Indep. (C. Thomas) McClure, 554 ’Rugs, Oriental, their Design and Symbolism? (J. K. RURAL Curtis) Craftsman, 6: 271. —- Process of Making. (H. R. Albee) Ctry Life Am. 8: 468. — their Character and Function. (S. Howe) Ctry Life Am. 9: 323. -— The Truth about Doctored. (G. L. Hunter) Ctry Life Am. 10: 333. Ruin of Harry Benbow, The ; a story. (H. Rideout) Atlan. 98: 807, Ruination of Willie Jones. (P. H. Fillmore) Every- body’s, I2: 816, Ruler of Men, A; a story. (O. Henry) Everybody’s, I5= I57- Ruler of Taroika, The. (H. Bindloss) Macmil. 85: 343.=Liv. Age, 233: 35. Rulers, Guarding of. (S. M. Williams) Munsey, 3!: 648. Rumbold, Sir Horace. Rumbold Family in the 17th Century. Roy. Hist. Soc. 16: 145. Rumford Fund of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Science, 11. s. 22: 481, Run of the “ Altamaha,” The ; a Sea Story. (J . Stick- ney)McC]ure, 22: 534, Run on the Bull Hill Bank, The. M. 36:{68, "‘ Run, you Coyote, Run 1 ” a story. (C. Thomas) Munsey, 27: 927. Runaway, The. (M. Ilsley) Cent. 49: 520. Runaway Inmate, The. (J . T. Bishop) Munsey, 33: Recollections. Spec. 92: 220. (H. Rumbold) (G. Daulton) Scrib. 220, Runaway Road, The. (Eleanor H. Abbott) Every- body’s, 15: 593. Rundle’s Doing. (A. H. Henderson) Chamb. J. 82: 657, 683. Runkle, John Daniel, with portrait. Technol. R. 4: 277. Running, Breathlessness in. ingi 43‘ S94- — Cross-country. (E. H. Baynes) Outing, 40: 185, - (A. Ruhl) Outing, 45: 176. —-New Record made by A. F. Duffey. Outing, 40: 433. —— What makes a Sprinter. 42: 230, Running to Harbor; a story. (J . R. Connolly) Scrib. M. 33= 143- Running Water; a novel. 5<>= 53I—893- 511 78-239- Runty Smithers; astory. (G. E. Hunt) Am. M. 60: 396. Rupe, Alan de, and his Indulgence of 60,000 Years, (H. Thurston) Month, 100: 281, Rupert, the Captive of Linz. (Dora G. McChesney) Cornh. 88: 237, Rupp, William. (G. W. Richards) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 537. Rural Commonwealth, Remaking of a. (C. H. Poe) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 694. Rural Community and Church, Problem of the. T. Nesmith) Am. J. Sociol. 8: 812, Rural Depopulation. (A. W. Pickard- Cambridge) Econ. R. 13: 436. Rural Exodus, The. (R. A. Gatty) Chamb. J . 82: 369. Rural Free Delivery Service, The. (G. B. Cortelyou) Indep. 61: 303. —— (D. A. Willey) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) (R. W. Tyler) (R. T. McKenzie) Out- (A. Kidd) (P. C. Phillips) Outing, (A. E. W. Mason) Cent. (G. 27: 55- —— A Rural View of. (Egbert T. Bush) No. Am. 182: 381, — The Why of. (R. C. Hawkins) No. Am. 180! 886. Rural Improvement, Progress of. (A. C. True) Chaut. 371 495- Rural Mail Carrier, Thirty Miles with a. (M. B. Thrasher) Indep. 55; 311. RURAL Rural Population, The Decrease in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 341 74. — Growth of. (F. T. Carlton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 177. Rural Social Forces, Federation of. (K. L. Butter- field) Chaut. 36: 279. --(K. L. Butterfield) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 455. (W. S. Rossiter) Rural Techniques. (G. Bourne) Cornh. 88: 364. = Ecl. M. 142: 58. Rusden, George William. (E. A. Petherick) Ath. ’<>4, 1: 17-, Rush, Dr). Benjamin. (S. W. Mitchell) Pennsyl. M. 27: 129. —— Excerpts from Papers of. Pennsyl. M. 29: 15. Rush Order for Lamps, A ; a story. (E. W. Hurlbut) McClure, 22: 65. Rushlights, Cruisies, and Candleholders in the Isle of Man. (P. M. C. Kermode) Antiq. n. s. 38: 233. Ruskin, John. (W. Crane) Acad. 65: 6I8.—(W. G. Collingwood) Good Words, 43: 77-829. 44: his Bibles, 20.=Ecl. M. 1402 437; his Library, 120; his Old Road, 343; his “ Cashbook,” 401 ; his Jewels, 561; his Hand, 650; his Gardening, 736. —- (W. G. Collingwood) Temp. Bar, 133: 481, —(F, Harrison) Bk. News, 21: 135, —- and Christianity. (J . W. Paull) Sund. M. 341 696. — and Democracy. (J . A. Hobson) Contemp. 81: 103, —— and Girlhood; some Happy Reminiscences. (L. Allen Harker) Scrib. M. 40: 561. - and Millais in Scotland. (W. W. Fenn) Chamb. J . 82: 645. — as an Art Critic. (L. W. Clarke) Macmil. 90: 274. =Liv. Age, 242: 666. — at Hawarden. (W. Sinclair) Macmil. 91: 461.: Liv. Age, 245: 54I.=Ecl. M. 145: 90. -— Debt of the Christian World to. (J . F. Bonnell) Meth. R. 62: 526. -— Exhibition at Manchester. Art J . 56: 151. — Glimpses of. (H. K. Rees) Ecl. M. 141: 421. =Liv. Age, 238: 385. — Harrison on. Ath. ’02, 2: 443. -— his Boat, “Jump.” (W. G. Collingwood) Critic, 401 S59- —- Humor of. (G. Trobridge) Westm. 160: 415. — Ilaria. (W. G. Collingwood) Critic, 40: 314. —- in Venice. (Count A. Zorzi) Cornh. 94: 250, 366, - Letters to C. E. Norton. Atlan. 93: 577-797. 94: 8-378,—(P. N. Bicknell) Dial, 37: 417. -—(Jean- nette L. Gilder) Critic, 46: I17. —(K. Cox) Nation, 80: 36. — (H. N. Snyder) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 138. - Letters to M. G. and H. G. Eel. M. 141: 218. -— —— A Postscript on. (V. Lee) No. Am. I77: 678. — Letters to a Young Lady. (A. Scot) No. Am. 177: 97- -— Life and Public Service. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 1, no. 2: 1. —— Memorials of. —— Stories of Authors’ Loves. Words, 45: 317. —— Symbolism and the Memory of. Scrib. M. 31: 381. -— Views of Literature. (R. W. Bond) Contemp. 87: 844. I E01. M. 145: 404. = Liv. Age, 246: 77. -— Views on Women. (G. Jones) Westm. I65: 685. -— Works; ed. by E. T. Cook and A. Wedderburn. Sat. R. 99: 144. Ruskin College. Oxford Labor College. (W. Sin- clair) Westm. I65: 630.-—(E. B. Forrest) Indep. R. 9: 80. Ruskin Co-operative Colony in Tennessee. (J . W. Braam) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 667, --Why it failed. (H. C. Medill) Gunton’s M. 22: (K. Hoffman) Mnnsey, 27: 545. (C. E. Laughlin) Good (Russell Sturgis) 434- Ruskin Cross at Coniston. Craftsman, 2: 271, 555 RUSSIA Russell, Charles, Lord, with portrait. (B. Wyman) Green Bag, 14: 166, —— O’Brien’s Life of. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 32: 116, Russell, Charles M., Cowboy Artist. (W. D. Coburn) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 317.—With portrait. Out- ing. 45= 269- Russell, George W., “ A. E.,” the Neo-Celtic Mystic. (Julia E. Ford) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 4: 82, Russell, George W. E., with portrait. Bk. Buyer, 25: 12, Russell, Henry Sturgis, with portrait. (J . T. Morse, jr.) Harv. Grad. M. 14: 36. Russell, Israel Cook. Nature, 74: 226. — (W. P. Lom- bard and M. L. D’Ooge) Science, 11. s. 24: 426. Russell, Lord John, and Religious Liberty. (S. J . Reid) 20th Cent. Q. 1, no. 1: 133. Russell, John, of Dartmouth, Mass., Descendants of. (B. B. Russell) N. E. Reg. 58: 364, 59: 22, Russell, Mrs. Bertrand. (I. M. Hamill) Sund. M. 34: 539- Russell, Richard, Dr. Johnson’s Landlord. (E. T. Clarke) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 158, Russia. (H. H. D. Pierce) Atlan. 90: 465.—-J. Mil, Serv. Inst. 33: 469. —-Un. Serv. M. 27: 317, 401, 529, 675. 28: 73, 196. — (C. E. Smith) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 55. —(C. E. Smith) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 114, — Absolutism of the Czar. (A. P. Dennis) Yale R. 14: 117, -— Active Liberalism in. (M. A. Rosanoff) Nation, 79: 27, — Advent of Reforms in. Sat. R. 99: 581. —— Advisers of the Czar. (W. von Schierbrand) World To-day, 8: 376. - Affairs in. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. vols. 87-90. — after the War. (G. F. Wright) Nation, 82: 295, —- Aggression of the Teuton and the Slav. Outl. 75: 104, —- Agrarian Problem. Sat. R. 102: 8, 41, I05. — Agricultural Distress in. (D. Bannerman) Westm. 157: 283, — and America. 251, — and China. (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 39: 11. — and Czarism. (H. H. L. Bellot) Westm. I64: 612, —and the East. Why Russia has gone Eastward. (L. E. Van Norman) Outl. 76: 639, — and England. See Russia and Great Britain. — and France. (U. Gohier) Indep. 54: 1642, -— and Germany. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 88: 609, —- (O. G. Villard) Nation, 79: 112, —- and Great Britain. (A. S. Hurd; A.White) Fortn. 321 949.——(Ignota) Westm. I66: 164. Spec. 92: 949.=Liv. Age, 242: -— —— Anglo-Russian Entente. (V. E. Marsden) Fortn. 86: 197, — —— Anglo-Russian Relations. (A. White) F ortn. 82: 960, — —— during the 19th Century. Ed. R. 195: 534- -— -— in 1804-05. Ath. ’04, 7: 445. -— — in the Politics of Europe. (F. A. Ogg) Chaut. 36: 463. — -— Long Feud of. (D. Story) Mnnsey, 31: 375. — -— Obstacles to a Convention between. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 85: 800, 86: 41, — —- Rival Empires. (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. 54: 885. — —— Understanding between, Some Consequences of an. Liv. Age, 232: 427. — and its Crisis, Milyoukov’s. Nation, 82: 57. -— and Japan, 1903. Blackw. 174: 585. —- (Capt. Brink- ley) National, 43: 393. —— Quar. I99: 576. —- (Baron Suyematsu) Asia. R. 38: 1. — —- American Sentiment concerning. Cent. 46: 8:5. (Isabel F. Hapgood) RUSSIA Russia and Japan and England. (C. A. W. Pownal) 19th Cent. 55: 368, — —— and Germany and Great Britain. Fortn. 82: 478, -—- — Face to Face. Outl. 76: 161. — — Russia’s Charge against Japan. 19th Cent. 55: 676. —~ — ‘Var Fleets of. (A. S. Hurd) Cassier, 25: 287. —— —— Why they should shake Hands. (W. E. Griifis) Outl. 80: 961. See Russo-Japanese War. — and the Jews. Liv. Age, 247: 631. —(O. G. Villard) Nation, 78: 226, — and the Nations. 6: 3642, — and Neutral Rights. Spec. 93: 140. -— and the Papaoy. (J . T. Murphy) Cath. World, 77: (A. Stead) (Sir F. Maurice) (W. M. Ivins, jr.) World’s Work, 427. -— and M. Joseph Prudhomme. (L. Jerrold) Monthly R. 17, no. 3: 1. —— and the United States. (W. D. Foulke) Outl. 751 617. -— Army. (C. E. de la P. Beresford) National, 47: 315. -— —— Conditions in. (T. F. Millard) Scrib. M. 362 543. -— -—- — Sidelights on. F ortn. 82: 801, —— —— Organization of. (W. C. Rivers) Idler, 24: 235. -—— — To-day. (H. Vincent) Un. Serv. M. 28: 447. -— Art in. (J . W. Pattison) World To-day, 8: 495. -—- — Racial. Craftsman, 52 43. -—- as a Social Factor. (J . Allman) Arena, 28: 379. -— at the Parting of the Ways. (P. Vinogradoff) Fortn. 85: 1016. I Liv. Age, 249: 771, -— at Sea and at Home. Liv. Age, 242: 567. — Autocracy and War. (J . Conrad) F ortn. 84: I. -— Autocracy at Work. National, 44: 969.=Ecl. M. I441 637. -—- Autocracy of, and the War. Spec. 92: 1003. —- -— An Interpretation. (V. G. Simkhovitch) Internat. Q. 10: 1, —- -— Triumph of. (A. S. Rappoport) Fortn. 86: 398. = Ecl. M. 147: 401.: Liv. Age, 251: 67. — Autocrats in, Wavering. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 114, —- Awakening of. (K. Blind) Fortn. 83: 27. — (F. Volkhoosky) Contemp. 81: 823, =Liv. Age, 234: I93- —— Bankruptcy of, and Sergius Witte. (I. Singer) In- dep. 59: 509. — Beginners of Modern. (A. Laugel) Nation, 78: 146. —— behind the Veil. (E. M. Grunwaldt) Craftsman, 10: 455. —— Bibliography of. (M. de Wylie) Lib. J . 27: 767. -—- Bureaucracy in. “In Heaven, God; in Okhotsk, Koch.” (G. Kennan) Outl. 842 23. —— Can we Trust ? Fortn. 81: 754. — Changing. Cent. 47: 954. -— Chaos in. Liv. Age, 247: 5oz. —- Children’s Reading in. (W. L. Phelps) Booklover’s M. 3: 761. -— Church and State in. (J . E. Barker) 19th Cent. 59: 298. —- Church of, and the World’s Progress. (W. E. Grif- fis) Outl. 81: 121. -—- —- Blight of. (P. Gibbon) World’s Work, 10: 6243, —- — Influence on Russian Life. Westm. I63: 509, -— Church Reform in, Witte vs. Pobiedonostseif. (Laicus) Contemp. 872 712. -—- Civil Liberty in. Outl. 81: 543. —— Civilization of. The Civilization Battle. Ogg) Chaut. 371 233. — Climatological Atlas of. (F. A. (A. Buchan) Nature, 65: 554- —— Coal for. (T. Baty) Monthly R. 18, no. 2: 128. 556 RUSSIA Russia, Coming) Crash in. (K. Blind) No. Am. 180: 523- —- Coming Revolution in. (C. Joubert) I9th Cent. 561 364.=Ec1. M. 143: 735. =Liv. Age, 243: 355. —- Condition of. Quar. 202: 581, —— Conquest of Asia by. (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 36: 381. -— Constitution in, The Demand for a. Outl. 81: 694. — Constitutional Agitation in. (P. Kropotkin) 19th Cgant. 57¢ 27.=Liv. Age, 244: 257.=Ecl. M. 144: 2 I. —- Counter Revolution in. National, 46: 672. — Court of. (H. J . Hagerman) Cent. 48: 242. -— Cradle of the Russian Empire. (Isabel F. Hapgood) Chant. 36: 138, — Crisis in, 1905. Sat. R. 99: 100, — — 1906. (A. Petrunkévitch) Outl. 83: 789. — The Czar, his Ministers, and his Manifesto. C. Long) Fortn. 79: 971. —— Czarism at Bay. (K. Blind) No. Am. 179: 481. — Czar’s Wife and Son, The. (R. H. Titherington) Munsey, 33: 351. — Czars of, from Ivan to Nicholas. (E. Saltus) I. Ivan the Terrible. Munsey, 33: 571. — —- II. Peter the Great. Munsey, 33: 571. — —- III. The Great Catherine. Munsey, 34: 57. — — IV. The Crimean War. Munsey, 34: 242, —— -— V. King Terror. Munsey, 34: 349. — Dawn of New Era in. (E. J . Dillon) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 34. — Day-dawn in. Outl. 782 960. — The Debacle. (Miles) Fortn. 83: 631. — Debt of. (A. Raffalovich) No. Am. 174: 124, — Diplomacy of. Spec. 92: 559. — Diplomatic Negotiations of the U. S. with, Early. (J. C. Hildt) J. H. Univ. Stud. 24: 251, — Disintegration in. Quar. 204: 248, —— Does she represent Aryan Civilization ? (K. Blind) No. Am. 1781 801. — Dominant Forces in. (W. Littlefield) Munsey, 33: 4. -— Dominions and Policy of, in Asia. (A. Kinloch) Monthly R. 20, no, 2: 62, -— Drink Monopoly in. (J . B. Harrold) Chamb. J . 81: (F. Charmes) Indep. 58: 1467.-— (R. E. 337- - The Duma, 1906. (Prince Michael Trubetzkoi) In- dep. 60! 902.-——(E. J. Dillon) Outl. 81: 267.—(E_ J . Dillon) Contemp. 87: 739. —— (A. S. Rappoport) Fortn. 85: 1o26.—-(W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 321 581. ——World To-day, II: 683, -— — and the Czar. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 7o. —— -— Dissolution of. Liv. Age, 250: 443, —— -—- Elements in the. (B. Pares) Spec. 96: 1033, -—- — End of the. (B. Pares) Spec. 97: 160. =Liv. Age, 250: 568. -—— Outl. 83: 781. — -— First Month of the. (P. Vinogradoif) Indep. R. 10: 48. =Liv. Age, 250: 323. — —— Is Government by Duma Possible ‘P (E. J . Dil- lon) Fortn. 86: 767, — -— Last Days of the. — -— Opening of the. (A. Edwards) Indep. 60: 1412, —— — Personalities in. (B. Pares) Spec. 97: 53. — — President of. (G. Kennan) Outl. 83: 505. — —- The Thin Edge of the Wedge. Outl. 80: 997, —— Economic Future of. (W. von Schierbrand) Forum, 37: 423. -—- Economic Situation in. (P. A. Kozmin) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 261.—— (I. A. Hourwich) J. Pol. Econ. 12: 5 55. — Economy of. (W. C. Ford) Pol. Sci. Q. 171 99. — Education and Revolution in. (A. Petrunkévitch) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 324. Indep. 61: 385, —- Elections in, 1906. Liv. Age, 249: 244, RUSSIA Russia; Empire and Czarism, Berard on. (Isabel F. Hapgood) Nation, 81: 491, — End of the Age, or the Approaching Revolution. (L. Tolstoi) Fortn. 85: 1, 203. =Ecl. M. 146: 249, 334- —- End of the Autocracy. National, 45: 416.‘ — Erosion of Autocracy; a Letter from. F ortn. 83: 872, ‘ — Fear of, and Defense of India. Blackw. I772 589. —— Finances, Breakdown of. (E. J . Dillon) 19th Cent. 573 373- —- —— Note on. (G. Drage) Fortn. 82: 1007, —— -— Where she is to get her Next Loan. (Y. Guyot) No. Am. 179: 649. ' -— Financial Facts about. World’s Work, 10: 6347, — Financial Position of, 1904. (O. Eltzbacher) I9th Cent. 55: 375. — Financial Staying-power of. Monthly R. 15, no. 12 24. —— First “ Walking Delegate” of, — Aladyin. Durland) R.’ of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 168. -— Freedom of the Press in. (B. A. Bouroif) World To-day, g: 768. —Friendship of, to U. S., Secret of. Indep. 56: 645. - - -—- from‘Within; by our Special Commissioner. Na- tional, 48: 311.:-Liv. Age, 251: 297, —— — Ular’s. (Isabel F. Hapgood) Nation, 81: 363. — Future of. Outl. 83: 644. —(A. R. B. de Bilinski) I9th Cent. 52: 201, -— Genius of. (F. V. Greene) World’s Work, 7: 4701, —— Germany and Britain; a Warning and a Moral. (M. MacColl) Fortn. 77: 21. —— Government of, and the Massacres. Quar. 205: 586. —— - Evolution of. (E. A. Grosvenor) Nat. Geog. M. - I6: 309. —— A Hamlet in. Outl. 79: 1035. -— Has Russia any Strong Man ? (E. J . Dillon) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 451. -— her Invincibility and Championship of the White Race. (K. Blind) Westm. I61: 597, -— her Line of Least Resistance. Fortn. 84: 573. —- History, Secret Chapter of. (F. Wycollar) Munsey, 31: 170. — How are the Working People to free themselves ‘P (L. Tolstoi) Indep. 58: 1333, (M. A. Gerothwohl) (K. (W. Barker) — Icons in. (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 449, — Idols of the Masses in. (C. Brinton) Cosmopol. 40: 613, -— in Asia, Advance of. (C. W. Barnaby) World’s Work, 7: 4118, -—- — Beveridge on. (W. Rice) Dial, 36: 111, — in China. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. 37: 14. — in Crimean War-time. (A. D. White) Cent. 46: 412, 597- -- in the Far East. (Comte Cassini) No. Am. 178: 681. — in 1904, Affairs of. (G. Drage) Monthly R. I 5, no. 3. . 9, — — Drage on. Ath. ’o4, 1: 454, -— in Recent Literature. (A. W. Greely) Nat. Geog. M, 16: 564, — Industrial. Outl. 83: 499. — Interior of, Situation in. (A. Albrecht) Arena, 32: 225, —— Internal Condition of. (Catherine Breschkovsky) Indep. 582 I2.—(F. J. Whiting) Nation, 78: 186, -—Spec. 92: 832.=Ecl. M. 143: 417.?‘-Liv. Age, 242: 121, — Internal (Situation in. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 89, -—- Internal Troubles of. day. 8= 479. (C. E. Smith) Ann. Am. (Count Cassini) World To- 557 RUSSIA Russia, Into and Out of. (E. A. Steiner) Outl. 84: I33, 270, — Is it on the Eve of a Revolution ? (A. S. Rappo- port) Fortn. 83: 381, — Is the Russian Revolution Constructive? (H. W. Williams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 464. —— J acquerie and Revolution in. (S. Strunsky) Nation, 83: 236. — Jewish Massacres and the Revolutionary Movement in.' (A. Cahan) No. Am. 177: 49. — Jews in ; Anti-Semitism. (Linda Villari) Monthly R. 22, no. 3: 121, - See Jews. —- Labor Movement in. —— Land Question in. (K. R. Tar) Indep. R. 5: 162, (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 524, -- Outl. 832 407. -—- — Tolstoi on. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 34: 631. — Latin Rapprochement and Anglo-Russian Rela- tions. Fortn. 79: 953. —- The Leprous Likeness. (P. Gibbon) Monthly R. 19, 110- 31 29- —- Letters from, Oct., 1813—June, 1814, (Lady S, Lyt- telton) Temp.Bar, I32: 651, — Letters to the Czar and his Advisers. Indep. 60: 37, 61: 1107, — Liberalism in. (H. P. Judson) World To-day, 8: 316. — —— Present Tendencies of. 951 4°4- — -— Revival of. (F. Volkhovsky) Contemp. 83: 373. — Liberty in, Dawn of. (Vance Thompson) Every- body’s, I5: 32 a. — Life in, in 1870-71. (L. Tolstoi) (P. Milyoukov) Atlan. (H. Rumbold) National, I6: 289. — Manchuria and Mongolia. (A. Ular) Contemp. 84: 189. . — The March of Liberty in. (Solon Orr) Overland, n. s. 47: 187. ‘ —- Massacres in. (Urusov) World’s Work, 12: 7818, - Milyoukov and Ular on. (C. H. Cooper) Dial, 39: 268. _, 3 — Modern; the Slavic Race and World Supremacy. (R. D. Hunt) Overland, n. s. 41: 378. —— Monastery Prisons in. (E. J. Dillon) Harper, I10: 497- - Mujik and the New Régime in. (H. H. D. Peirce) Atlan. 97: 101, -—- Napoleon against. 33: 620, — Navy of. (A. S. Hurd) No. Am. 177: 223. —— —- Baltic Fleet, Voyaging of. (O. G. Villard) Na- ' tion, 79: 350. — (O. G. Villard) Nation, 80: 283. (T. M. Maguire) Un. Serv. M. — — from Within. (Chersonese) Fortn. 83: 455, — — The Future of the. (A. S. I-Iurd) Un. Serv. M. 31: 26, — —- Rise and Fall of the. Fortn. 84: 224, — The Need for Social Reform in. Monthly R. 24, no. I: 103. — The New. Outl. 79: 471. —- New Crisis in. Liv. Age, 250: 183. ——- New Russian “ Constitution.” Liv. Age, 246: 875. —- “ Nibesherd.” (E. Emerson) Contemp. 86: 693. —Norman on. (G. Kennan) Outl. 722 695. -—(Isabel F. Hapgood) Nation, 75: 383. — Ofiicial Poor Relief in. (E. Sellers) I9th Cent. 57: 1020, — on the Rubicon’s Bank ; a Forecast by our Special Commissioner. National, 47: 468. — Outlaw Hunters of. (A. C. Laut) Outing, 46: 653- - Overlord of the Pacific and the Admiral of the Atlantic. (Julius) National, 45: 302. (C. E. de la P. Beresford) (C. A. Cameron) RUSSIA Russia, Painting in, Advance in. (C. Brinton) Book- lover’s M. 7: 156. — Paralysis of Russian Government. Contemp. 87: 479. — “ Patriots ” of. Indep. 61: 627, — Peace and Internal Politics; a Letter from. Fortn. 84: 136, — Peasant of. (Isabel F. Hapgood) Craftsman, 9: 647. — Peasant Caste in. (P. Vinogradofi) Indep. R. 4: 89. --Liv. Age, 243: 769. =Ecl. M. 144: 245. —- Peasant Industries in. (A. Vallance) Studio (Inter- nat.) 28: 241. — Peasant Revolutionists in. 13: 635. — Peasant Riots in. (E. Poole) Everybody’s, I42 30. —— Peasant Songs of. Ath. ’O6, 1: 741. — Peasants in, and Autocracy. (V. G. Simkhovitch) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 569, —— A Peasants’ Meeting in. 783. = Liv. Age, 248: 67. — The Peasants’ Revolution. (VV. E. Walling) Indep. 61: 905, — Peasants’ Union. (A. Edwards) Indep. 61: 147. — People of, Attitude of. (G. Kennan) Outl. 84: 328. —People’s Theaters in. (R. E. C. Long) 19th Cent. 52: 775.=Liv. Age, 235: 606. — People’s Uprising in. (V. G. Simkhovitch) World’s Work, 9: 5977. (E. J . Dillon) (E. Poole) Everybody’s, (B. Pares) Contemp. 88: - —- Perris and J oubert on. (Isabel F. Hapgood) Nation, 80: 504. — The Pessimistic Russian. 526.=Ecl. M. 143: 823. — A Plea for Terrorism. Indep. 58: 349. —— Political and Financial Organization of. (G. Wilen- kin) World To-day, 8: 519, — Political Conditions in. (N. I. Stone) R. of Rs. (A. Kinloch) F ortn. 82: (N. Y.) 27: 441. —- Political Progress in. (L. Wiener) Nation, 79: 473. — Political Situation in. (I. A. Hourwich) Forum, 34: 298. — Popular Movement in. Outl. 78: 808. — Possibilities of. (R. J . Gross) Cassier, 31: 138. -— Practically Civil War-in. (I. A. Hourwich) World’s Work, 13: 8327. —— Present Condition of. 141, 239. I3: 51. — Present State of. (V. E. Marsden) Fortn. 83: 1012. -— Priests in the Revolution. Outl. 82: 3 57, —- Programme of, and the Two-power Standard. Garbett) Monthly R. 13, no. 2: 62. —- Psychology of the Nation. (A. S. Rappoport) Monthly R. 19, no. 1: 3. — Public Feeling in, Effect of the War on. lari) Monthly R. I3, no. 3: 78. — Reaction in. (S. N. Harper) World To-day, II: (N. T. Bacon) Yale R. 12: (H. (L. Vil- 1280, -— -— Liberty, or License in. (E. J . Dillon) Outl. 82: 3°3- -- A Reading Journey through. Chant. 36: 30-581, s7= 26-245- ——Real Rulers of. W01-k,*5: 2716. — Red Record of. (W. von Schierbrand) World’s (J . W. Van Arsdale) Munsey, 32: 1. —Reform in. Spec. 92: 909. — -—- The Lines of. (Isabel F. Hapgood) Nation, 80: 45°- -— —- Irrepressible. (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 87. — — Outlook for. (D. B. MacGowan) Cent. 47: 787, — Religion and Government in. (A. A. Wheeler) Cali- fornian, 2: 416. — Religious and Political Liberty in. (I. A. Hour- wich) Arena, 29: 522. 558 RUSSIA Russia, Religious Freedom in- (Isabel F. Hapgood Nation, 80: 366. ' —- Religious Persecution in. (E. J . Dillon) National, 455 522- - Religious Sects in. 8: 159. — Reorganization of. Fortn. 82: 20. = Liv. Age, 242: 385. — (H. H. Johnston) Indep. 7: 158. — Representative Government for. (Hannis Taylor) No. Am. 180: 19, —- Responsibilities of the Czar. Liv. Age, 240: 381. —Revolution in. (J. Reinach) Open Court, 202 I. —(P. Kropotkin) 19th Cent. 58: 865. =Ecl. M. 1461 IO9.=Liv. Age, 247: 771.—Outl. 79: 261. —(L. James) Macmil. n. s. I1 577. — (E. Poole and W. E. Walling) World To-day, 9: 1302. —(E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 88: 884,, —- — by Telegraph. Fortn. 83: 408. —— — Europe and the. (Perseus) Fortn. 84: 959. — — Progress of. (E. J . Dillon) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: (I. A. Hourwich) Internat. Q. I97- — — Prospects of. (A. Ular) Contemp. 87: 15 3. — —Zilliacus on. (Isabel F. Hapgood) Nation, 82: I. — Revolution in Process. (I. A. Hourwich) World’s Work, 12: 8104, -— The Revolution of the 20th Century. Stead) Indep. R. 8: 133. — Revolutionary Movement in. (J . Almar and J ayare) Fortn. 85: 309. — (N. W. Tchaykovsky) Outl. 82: (W. T. 993- —- The “ Revolutionary Way.” Indep. 60: 143. -- Revolutionist of. (A. Cahan) World’s Work, 8: 5311- — Roman Catholicism in, 1796-1825, Am. Cath. Q. 30: 535. — Romanoff Czars, The. sey, 28: 735. -—- Schools in, and the Holy Synod. No. Am. 174: 518. —- Shall it dominate the World? (A. M. Low) Indep. 55: 1067, —- Silent Opponent of England. Sat. R. 93: 590. — Situation in. I9°S- (E- J . Dillon) Contemp. 87: 305, — — — Some Possibilities in. (W. Ian-Ruban) Outl. (T. J . Shahan) (R. H. Titherington) Mun- (P. Kropotkin) 79: 477- — — in Nov. 1905. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 675. — Social and Industrial. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. 4I: 206. — Social and Political Condition of. (G. Kennan) Outl. 76: 261. — (A. Kinloch) Fortn. 83: 418. — Social Democratic Party of. Indep. 58: 495. — Social Revolution in. Indep. 60: 192, — Social Revolutionary Party in. (W. Johnson) In- dep. R. 11: 137. — Social Unrest in, The Bossiak and. Fortn. 81: 60. — Socialists in. Contemp. 89: 1. = Liv. Age, 248: 451. -— Soldiers of. (W. Thorp) World’s Work, 7: 4658. — Solvency of. Sat. R. 991 335. — Some Impressions of. (H. C. Lodge) Scrib. M. 311 57° (A. Kinloch) — Some Recent Books on. (H. J . F orman) Critic, 47: 409- — Some Types and Scenes. (R. Bowman) Temp. Bar, 131: 169. —— Songs of the People. (A. E. Keeton) Monthly R. 9, no. 3: I14. —Ecl. M. 140: 414. = Liv. Age, 236: 37°- — Southern, and the Caucasus Mountains. Hovey) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 327. — Strange. (Annetta Halliday-Antona) Indep. 57: 1484. (E. O. RUSSIA Russia, Strong Men of. (M. Cassini) Munsey, 26: 608. -—— Struggle of, Two Russian Workmen’s Stories. In- dep- 581 244- —— Struggle with Autocracy. (V. G. Simkhovitch) Pol. Sci. Q. 201 111. —— Student Strike in. World To-day, 8: 487. — The Surge of the Slav. (Strigil) Macmil. 92: 62. ——- Terrorism in. (V. G. Simkhovitch) Internat. Q. ,1 I2 266, —— Thou shalt not think in. Outl. 79¢ 879. — Tolstoi’s Letter on Land Ownership in. Crafts- man, 10: 88, — Travel in. (E. Cockrell) Outing, 39: 564. ——- Turmoil in. (Abraham Cahan) World’s Work, 9: 6019. — Two Imperial Creations; a Comparison. (F. A. Ogg) Chaut. 37: 131. —— Types from [photographs only]. Nat. Geog. M. 172 42- —— under the Great Great Shadow, Villari’s. (Isabel F. Hapgood) Nation, 81: 323, — United States and. (L. Tree) World To—day, 8: 539. — -— Historical Relations of. (O. S. Straus) No. Am. 181: 237, —— Untraveled. (J. B. Thomas) Outing, 442 87. —— Village Life in. (C. Tower) Macmil. n. s. I: 191. — (T. P. Armstrong) Idler, 24! 591. — What ails ‘P (P. Gibbon) McClure, 24: 609. — What is passing in. (A. Rambaud) Indep. 58: 660. — What may happen in. (S. Kniajnine) Indep. 57: 140. — What the People read in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 457- — Wheat Growing in. (I. A. Hourwich) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 256, —- Why is it Weak? (S. I. Rybakofi) Indep. R. 32 592. = Liv. Age, 243: 160, — Will the Peasants act? (W. E. Walling) Indep. 61: 1315, — Workingman in, Story of a. Outl. 79: 989. —- Zemstvo Movement. Sat. R. 98: 658. Russian, The, as a Social Factor. (F. S. Arnett) Mun- 863% 32= I92~ -— of To-day. (G. R. Brandt) World To—day, 72 935. —— One. (A. A. F. Johnston) Outl. 84: 1069. Russian-American Fur Company. Sea Voyagers of the Northern Ocean. (A. C. Laut) Harper, I12: 291. Russian and English Fiction. Acad. 64: 14. Russian Anthology, Wiener’s. (G. R. Noyes) Nation, 76: 73.——Ath. ’o3, 2: 510, Russian Apathy and Insouciance. 83: 622, Russian Art. (E. N. Keyser) Brush & P. 14: 161. — Contemporary. Brush & P. 16: 49, -— Modern, Moscow Painters. Studio (Internat.) 22: 216. Russian Battle of Dorking. (J . Marshall) Un. Serv. M. (J . M. Price) Fortn. 25: 309. Russian Cavalry. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 343. Russian Censorship on Foreign News, Removal of. (M. E. Stone) Cent. 48: 143. Russian Character, The. (G. Willets) Outl. 77: 217. = (A. Kinloch) Sat. R. 100: 364.:-Liv. Age, 247: I86. — Peculiar Traits of. (S. Krausz) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 585. Russian Church, The. (L. Villari) Sund. M. 34: 441. Russian Climax, A. (R. H. Schaufiler) Cent. 43: 406. Russian Commanders in the Far East. (C. Johnston) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 289, Russian Communications in Asia. Un. Serv. M. 34: 559 RUSSIA’S Russian Designs and a New Naval Base. (K. Blind) Westm. I59: 357. ‘ Russian Folk-songs. 250: :68. Russian Immigration, Bright Side of. lin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 66. Russian Jew, Story of. Outl. 80: 376. Russian Jews, Making Americans of. 80: 631, Russian Laager on a Peace Footing, A. (C. Oliver) Temp. Bar, 131: 441, Russian Literature. (L. Wiener) Critic, 412 50, 148. Sat. R. 101: 8I6.=Liv. Age, (A. McLaugh- (P. Davis) Outl. —— and the War. (Sophie Witte) Indep. 58: 1043, -—— in 1901-02. (V. Brinsov) Ath. ’02, 2: 24. —— in 1902-03. (V. Brinsov) Ath. '03, 21 22. -— in 1903-04. (V. Brinsov) Ath. ’o4, 2: 312, —— in 1904-05. (V. Brinsov) Ath. ’o5, 2: 500. — in 1905-06. (V. Brinsov) Ath. ’06, 2: 358, — Kropotkin’s. (G. R. Noyes) Nation, 80: 526. — Soul of. (A. Symons) Sat. R. 93: 5 52. —— Tolstoi, Mantle of. Russian Lourdes, The. 66 5. Russian Monastery, The Oldest. Month, 104: 140, (A. Cahan) Bookman, I6: 328. (D. B. MacGowan) Cent. 46: (T. P. Armstrong) Russian Novel and the English Novel. (A. E. Gross) Chaut. 37: 185, Russian Nation, The Rise of the. (F. A. Ogg) Chaut. 36: 239. Russian Painter, W. Pourwit. (Mary Illyue) Studio (Internat.) 24: 285. Russian Peasant, The. (G. F. Wright) Nation, 81 : 421, 441- --_ and the War. (E. Poole) Outl. 80: 219, —— as a Soldier. World To-day, 8: 541. Russian Peasant Industry. Craftsman, 41 291. Russian Peasants. (E. Poole) Everybody’s, I3: 494. Russian Players in New York. (Florence Brooks) Cegt. 49: 301. — (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 48: 31 ' Russian Policy, Present Tendencies of. (C. Johnston) No. Am. 176: 765. ' Russian Prisoner in J apan. Macmil. 90: 270. Russian Privateer in the Mediterranean, A. (J . S. Corbett) Monthly R. 14, no. 21 140. Russian Raids on Neutral Commerce. (E. Maxey) Law Q. 21: 35. Russian Remedy, The. (J . H. Ecob) Arena, 27: 615. Russian Revolt, Maxim Gorky and the. Fortn. 83: 608. Russian Seamen’s Primer, A. (H. M. Posnett) Con- temp. 88: 251, Russian Ships, Coming of, to the U. S., in 1863. (R. C. Hawkins) No. Am. 1781 539. Russian Soldier, The. (C. Joubert) 19th Cent. 561 342. Russian Street Scene. (A. Chekhov) Canad. M. 241 5 56. Russian Temperance Committees, The. Contemp. 821 866. = Liv. Age, 2351 430. Russian Thought, The New Trend of. (S. C. de Sois- sons) Contemp. 87: 681. -—-Liv. Age, 245: 778, Russian Training Camp at Moscow, A Visit to a. (D. W. C. Falls) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 81. Russian Trip through Persia. (H. Havelock) Un. Serv. M. 26: 78. Russian Villager, The. Outl. 80: 113. Russian Woman’s Service, A. Chaut. 36: 296. Russian Woman’s View, A. Outl. 82: 601. Russian Words, English Spelling of. (H. Rosenthal) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 81. Russians, Young, Call to the. (VV. E. Walling) Char. I7: 373- Russia’s Civilizing Work in Asia. (G. F. Wright) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 427. RUSSIA’S Russia’s View of her Mission. (C. H. Wright) 19th Cent. 57: 181. Russo-Japanese Treaty, Text of the. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 3% 596- Russo-Japanese War. Blackw. I75: 438. 176: I29- 729-=EcL M. I43= 311, 489. 571. I44= 328, 607. -— (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 23: 108. — (E. J . Dil- lon) Contemp. 85: 305. -— Ed. R. 199: 5II.-—Quar. 201: 28o.—(A. Stead) Fortn. 81: 431, 955. -—(M. Barakatullah) Forum, 35: 458.-—(P. Kropotkin) Liv. Age. 2411 I21.—(C. a Court Repington) Na- tional, 441 supp. after p. 168. -—- (C. W. Dilke) No. Am, 178: 481. —— (P. Carus) Open Court, 131 71°- —(L. G. C. Laughton) Un. Serv. M. 28: 562.- — (O. A. Fry) Un. Serv. M. 30: 224, — (E. St. G. Holbrook) Un. Serv. M. 30: 600, 31: 181-624, 32: 443, 544. —(A. W. A. Pollock) No. Am. 180: 243. — American Trade Interests in the War Zone. (W. von Schierbrand) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 203. — and after. (H. Norman) World’s Work, 7: 4712. —— and Elfect on Asia. (T. Williams) Booklover’s M. 3: 435- -- and England and Russia in U. S. Civil War. (H. Clews) No. Am. 178: 812. -—- and Great Britain. (O. A. Fry) Un. Serv. M. 30: 452- —— and International Opinion. (A. Stead) Fortn. 82: 6 52, — and its possible Complications. (E. Maxey) Arena, 311 353- ——~ and the Powers. Fortn. 81: 415. = Liv: Age, 246: 1. —(J. C. O’Laughlin) Outl. 76: 735. -—- and the Two Civilizations. (A. M. Latter) Indep. R. 2: 384. —— and the Yellow Peril. (Ivanovitch) Contemp. 86: 162. — Apropos of the. (C. T. Calame) Overland, n. s. 45: 375 —- Are the Japanese able to finance a Long War? (K. Kaneko) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 454. -— as seen by Japanese Artists. Outl. 77: 497. — Asakawa on. (W. E. Griflis) Outl. 78: 1038, — At the Battle of Nan Shan Hill. (Shaku Soyen) Open Court, 18: 705, -— Australian View of. (R. A. Crouch) Contemp. 86: I73.='-Indep. R. 2: 553. —— The Bear-’s Paw and the Dragon’s Claw. Parker) Monthly R. 17, no. I2 27. —- A Brilliant Naval Campaign. (O. G. Villard) Na- tion, 79: 496. — Cause of. (J . Foord) World’s Work, 7: 4705.-—- (F. Brinkley) Outl. 76: 921. — — and its Results. (K. Kaneko) Internat. Q. 10: (E. H. 46. — Causes of the Russian Defeat. Un. Serv. M. 33: 432. 563. —— China and. (A. R. Colquhoun) Indep. 56: 1191, — Spec. 92: 441. — Climatic Features of the Field of. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 582. — The Coming Conflict. (Hugo Erickson) Overland, n. s. 43: 204. —- Commencement of. 56= I73- -— Consequences of a Japanese Victory. (E. G. J . M.) Blackw. 177: 127. — Cost of. (F. A. Vanderlip) World’s Work, 7: 4647, — Diplomacy and the. (Count Okuma) Indep. 59: 430, —— The Diplomatic Balance-sheet of. (L. Villari) Monthly R. 20, no. 3: 20. — Diplomatic History of. (E. Maxey) Arena, 32: 484, — Economic and Financial Condition of. (G. Kennan) Outl. 76: 211. (F. Waldo) R. (Baron Suyematsu) 19th Cent. 560 RUSSO-J APAN ESE Russo-Japanese War, Efiect of, on the Balkan Prob- lem. Bk. News, 22: 770, — ——on the Internal Afiairs of Russia. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 580. —— European Alliances and. (N. Y.) 32: 295. —- Events Leading up to. (K . Asakawa) Yale R. 13: 125, — Far-reaching Results of. (N. T. Bacon) Booklover’s M. 5: 3. -— Field and Siege Operations in. (W. R. Livermore) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 125, 295, 498. — Field Notes by a Japanese Surgeon. Indep. 57: 890. — Forlorn Hope at Kiuchau. — French Public Opinion and Fortn. 82: 317. — Great War Scenes. World’s Work, 81 5291. — Hardships of the Campaign. (J . Fox, jr.) Scrib. M. 36: 38. — How Russia brought on. Cent. 56: 341, 521. — Importance of. Sat. R. 991 363. —- Indemnity due Japan. (O. Eltzbacher) 19th Cent. 58: I, — Influence of, on the European Situation. (An Ital- ian Statesman) National, 461 402. =Liv. Age, (F. A. Ogg) R. of Rs. Liv. Age, 242: 596, the. (R. de Marmande) (Baron Suyematsu) 19th 247: 673. — Interest of Great Britain in. (C. Ross) Un. Serv. M, 29: 142, -— International Law in. (E. Maxey) Am. Law R. 391 342- — International Questions from. (J . Macdonell) 19th Cent. 56: 142-.——(A. S. Hershey) Green Bag, 16: 306-814. —— Its Disclosure of the Orient. (T. Iyenaga) World’s Work, 9: 6041. — Japan on the American Attitude. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 578. — Japanese Victories, Some Causes of. (F. H. E. Cunliflfe) Cornh. 91: 760, — J apan’s Financial Preparations in. (J . A. Shipton) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 159. —— Japan’s Object-lessons in Naval Warfare. F ortn. 81: 931. =Liv. Age, 242: 1. — The Key Theory. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 445- — Korea and Russia. Liv. Age, 242: 449. — Leaders in. Indep. 56: 701. —— Lessons from. (J . F. Cadell) Un. Serv. M. 30: 112, —(H. Chawner) Un. Serv. 31: 99.-—(A. H. Atteridge) Macmil. 90: 419. — Lessons from the Battle of Tsu Sima, 1905. Blackw. 179: 151. — The Manchurian Campaign. (Hilaire Belloc) Indep. R. 6: 78.—(F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 364. 791 92- —- Military Correspondent of “ The Times” on. (W. E. Griflis) Dial, 40: 194, —- Mole-warfare in. Macmil. 91: 350. — Naval Aspects of. (A. S. Hurd) Cassier, 27: 119. — Naval Lessons of. (H. W. Wilson) Monthly R. I 8, no. 1: 15.=Ecl. M. 144: 459. -— News as received in the Latin Quarter of Paris. (J . F. Macdonald) Sat. R. 971 295. — Observations on. (L. L. Seaman) Nat. Geog. M. 16: 8o. — Peace in the Far East. (A. Stead) Fortn. 842 593. — Peace Negotiators at Washington, with portraits. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 322 211, —— Pictorially. (C. E. Lorrimer) Overland, n. s. 44: 13. —Canad. M. 24: 425, 521. (A. Stead) Fortn. 82: 90.: '— Why Japan resists Russia. RUSSO—JAPANESE Russo-Japanese War. Port Arthur - and after. Stead) Fortn. 83: 211. -— Poverty and Business Distress intensified by. J . Dillon) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 449. flrinciples involved in. (A. T. Mahan) National, 44= 27. — Probable Japanese Terms of Peace. (A. Kinnosuke) No. Am. 180: 681, — Progress of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 426. — Real Issues of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 122, — Rebound on Russia. (G. Willets) World’s Work, (A. (E. 7: 4683. —— — Results of. (B. Moses) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 1 18. =-5- Russia and. Fortn. 81: 547. — Russia, England, and. (R. E. C. Long) VVorld To- day, 8: 45. . — Russia or Japan—which is the Civilized Power? (G. Kennan) Outl. 78: 515. — Russian and Japanese Forces. (O. G. Villard) Na- tion, 78: 25. —-— Russian Lines of Communication. (J . M. Price) Fortn. 83: 882, —- Russian Public Opinion. (G. Brown) National, 45: 826, —— Russian View of. (E. Campbell) Arena, 33: I61. —— — Reply to Judge Campbell. (E. Maxey) Arena, sa= 165- — Russia’s Search for Peace. (Douglas Story) World To-day, 8: 625. —— Scenes in. World’s Work, 8: 5377. —— Seaman’s From Tokio through Manchuria with the Japanese. (A. A. Woodhull) Nation, 80: 216, —— Some Issues of. (K. Asakawa) Yale R, 13: 16, — Some Reflections on. (A. T. Mahan) National, 47: 385. ILiv. Age, 250: 67, -— Some Results of. (S. Brooks) No. Am. 181: 588, -- (C. Holcombe) Atlan. 962 24. — Some Revelations of. (Anglo-American) No. Am. 178: 487, — A Study of. Blackw. 177: 144-824. 178: 117-574. IEcl. M. 144: 8-607. -_—'Liv. Age, 244: 286, 586. -— Tolstoi on. Open Court, I8: 761.: Liv. Age, 242: 257.=Ecl. M. 143: 281, -— U. S. Trade in the War Zone. World’s Work, 7: 4650, — War of Giants. Spec. 93: 585. — Weale’s Manchu and Muscovite. Nation, 79: 140. -— What Defeat would mean to Russia. Ruban) Outl. 76: 687, —- What Port Arthur means to Japan. suke) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 718. — Why Gen. Kuropatkin has failed. Scrib. M. 36: 401. (O. P. Austin) (G. F. Wright) (Wanda Ian- (A. Kinno- (T. F. Millard) (K. Takahira) No. Am, 178: 321. —— Why Japan will win. (A. Stead) Fortn. 82: 996. -I-'-Ecl. M. I44: 373. = Liv. Age, 244: 129. —- With Gen. Nodzu’s Army. (G. Wallace) Appleton’s M. 8: 285. -— l/Vith the Russians in Manchuria. (M. Baring) Monthly R. 20, no. 1: 150, Rust-fungus, Klebahn on. Nature, 69: 601. —- Ward on. Nature, 66: 210, Rustic Reminiscences. Spec. 93: 115, Rusticators at the Cove. (G. S. Wasson) Cent. 42: 701. Rutersville College. (J . L. Sinks) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q, 2: 124, Ruth; a Story of Transplantation. Keene) Overland, n. s. 46: 416. Ruthenians, The, in America. (I. Ardan) Char. 13: 246, (Florence R. 561 SAC Rutherford, J ohn, Captivity of, among the Indians. (W. Thorp) M. of Hist. 1: 154. Rutherford, Rev. John, of Yarrow. (J . Sharpe) Chamb. J. 79: 235. Rutherford, Mark. Works; ed. by Reuben Shapcott. Ath. ’04, 2: 101, Rutherford, Samuel. (J . B. Figgis) Sund. M. 34: 881, Ruthven, of Freeland Barony, The. (J . H. Round) Scot. Hist. R. 3: 194, 339; (J. H. Stevenson) 475- Rutland, John James Robert Manners, 7th Duke of, 1818-1906. Blackw. I80: 425, Rutland Family Monuments in Pottesford Church. (Lady Victoria Manners) Art J . 55: 269, 289, 335, Ruts [in Library Work] and how to avoid them. (Anna G. Rockwell) Pub. Lib. I0: 339, Ruwenzori and the Frontier of Uganda. Freshfield) Geog. J . 28: 481. (D. W. — Snow Peaks of. (T. T. Behrens) Geog. J . 28: 43, Ruwenzori Group, Note on the. (D. W. Freshfield) Geog. J. 27: 481. Ryan, Thomas E. (D. T. Pierce) World To-day, 9: 855. — Corporation-saver. World’s Work, 10: 6613, — A New Power in Finance. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 302, Rye, William Brenchley. Ath. ’02, II 18. Rye and VVinchelsea, England, The Ancient Towns of. (V. Blanchard) Idler, 27: 232. — The Port of. (E. Hallam Moorhouse) Longm. 45: 433- Ryecroft, Henry. (G. Gissing) Fortn. 77: 891, Ryley, Mrs. Madeleine Lucette. Altar of Friendship. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 95: 421. —Mice and Men. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 93: 204. 100: 678, S. Cohn & Son, or Anglicization; a story. (I. Zang- will) Pall Mall M. 26: 157. Saadiah, Gaon, Karaite Literary Opponents of, in the 10th Century. (S. Poznanski) Jew. Q. 18: 209. I9: 59- Saadyana. (S. Schechter) Jew. Q. 14: I97, 449. Saalburg Collection, The. (F. W. Shipley) Wash. Univ. Bull. 3: 129, Saar, Ferdinand von. Ath. ’o6, 2: 131. Sabatai Sevi, a Levantine Messiah. ford) Indep. R. 5: 189. Sabatier, Auguste. (Louise S. Houghton) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 523- —— and the Paris School of Theology. (G. B. Stevens) Hibbert J. 1: 553. —— Comparison of, with Bushnell and Ritschl. Stevens) Ref. Ch. R. 50: 321. Sabatina, Rafael. The Tavern Knight. Monthly R. 17, no. 3: 158. Sabbath, Mosaic. Outl. 84: 253. — Pre-Mosaic. (J. D. O’Neill) Cath. Univ. Bull. 51 22, 184, Sabbath-keeping in Babylonia, Statistics of. (C. H. W. Johns) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 433. Sabbath School, The; a sketch. (E. Wood) McClure, 22: . Sabine Cape, Christmas at. M. n. s. 29: 533. Sabine Farms. Spec. 972 614. Sable Island, Nova Scotia. (M. 0. Scott) Canad. M. 18: 341. Saboba Origin-myth, The. (G. W. James) J . Am. Folk- Lore, 15: 36. Sabre, The. (E. Breck) Outing, 412 643. Sac and Fox Indian Tales. (Mary Lasley) J . Am. Folk-Lore, 15: 170. (H. N. Brails- (G. B. (R. E. Peary) New Eng. * Safes and Vaults, Primitive. SACAJAWEA Sacajawea, Indian Woman. (F. N. Fletcher) Out West, 23: 223. Saccular Sea-serpent, The; a story. (B. Brandenburg) Everybody"s, I5: 53. Sackett’s Harbor, Battle of, 1813. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 408, Sacrament, A; a story. (Eliz. S. Phelps) Harper, 112: 13. ' Sacrament of the Night, A; a story. son) Harper, 112: 732, Sacramentalism, Ethics of. 286 (M. C. Jeni- (J . G. Leigh) Econ. R. 16: Sacramento Valley, The. (W. S. Green) Out West, I51 447. Sacraments. The “ Assertio VII. Sacramentorum ” of Henry VIII. (L. O’Donovan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 1% 342. 485- ' Sacred Books of the East. Sacred Concert, A. 117, Sacred Poetry, English. Acad. 71: 325. Sacrifice, A. (Harriet P. Spoiford) Atlan. 91: 616. Sacrifice among the Primitive Semites. (S. I. Curtiss) Bib. World, 21: 248. =Expos. 6th ser. I0: 461. —- Carthaginian. (S. Longdon) J . Bib. Lit. 23: 79. —— Present-day, in Asia Minor. (G. E. White) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 16: 113, —- Primitive Semitic, Vicarious Element in. Curtiss) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 128. — Semitic, of Reconciliation. (S. I. Curtiss) Expos. 12: 454. Sacrifice of Nabla. (S. MacManus) Lippinc. 742 216. Sacrifice to the Graces, A. (G. Hibbard) Cosmopol. 38: 658. Sacrifices, Animal, Survival of, in the Christian Church. (F. C. Conybeare) Am. J . Theol. 7: 62. —— Hebrew and Egyptian. (M. G. Kyle) Bib. Sac. 62: Quar. I95: 327, (Mary T. Wright) Scrib. M. 34: (S. I. 323- Saddle-horse, Education of a. (P. Colt) Ctry Life Am. 7= 358- Sadducees, Our Lord’s Refutation of. (H. H. B. Ayles) Expos. 6th ser. II: 440, Sadie ; a Tale of the American Desert. man) Booklover’s M. 7: 89. Sadness of Columbine, The; a story. (W. M. Letts) Liv. Age, 2512 225. I Safe, Burglar-proof, Problem of the. 73: 1019, (K. E. Harri- Bank. M. (N. Y.) 393- Safety in Toil; a poem. (F. W. Hutt) Chaut. 36: 493, Saga, The, and the Ballad. (H. Ibsen) Contemp. 90: 8 31 . Sagas of Iceland, The Historical. (J . Bryce) Nation, 81: 260. Sagasta, Praxedes Mateo. (J . Forman) Contemp. 83: 178. -—- Ecl. M. 140: 633. '-= Liv. Age, 236: 756. Sage, Russell. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 199. -— (R. N. Burnett) Cosmopol. 34: 342. — a Man of Dollars. (L. Denison) World’s Work, 10: 6298, -—- The Sage Millions for Charity. Sage, Mrs. Russell, and her Interests. son) World’s Work, 13: 8183, Sage Chapel Art Museum, The. 70: 57-1. Sage Hen’s Samson, The. (H. L. Wilson) Booklover’s M. 6: 699. Sagebrush and Sand. (J . M. Baltimore) Overland, I1- 8- 431 343- Sage-brush Hen, The ; a story. per, 111: 769. Saghalien Island. See Sakhalin. Indep. 61: 364. (A. H. Glea- (W. E. Grifiis) Outl. (T. A. Janvier) Har- 562 Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: S SAINT DAVID Saginaw, Michigan. (G. A. Grant) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 103, Sahara, Desert of. (H. Belloc) Indep. R. 9: 200, — and the Great American Desert compared. Am. Antiq. 28: 197. — Edge of. (D. L. Elmendorf) Scrib. M. 38: 319, — The French. Nature, 75¢ 200. — French Conquest of. (C. Rabot) N at. Geog. M. 16 : 76 — The Lords of the. (W. J. H. King) Harper, I08: 131, — Low Temperature of. Science, 11. s. 222 284. — Myths in the. (W. J . H. King) F olk—Lore, I3: 284. — The New. (J. C. Bracq) Indep. 551 438. _ -—Three Unarmed Men cross. (C. C. Adams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 327. —- To the, by Automobile. 38: 23, — Trade in. J. Soc. Arts, 491 284. Sailboats; buying one for 8300. (W. S. Constant) Ctry Life Am. 8: 414, Sailing. (W. J . Henderson) Atlan. 90: 43. —— on Inland Seas. (C. T. Chapman) Outing, 42: 203, Sailor, Lower Deck, Life of a. (W. Jeffrey) Macmil. 87= 35- Sailor of F ortune, A. (R. W. Neal) World To-day, 10: 529, Sailors; how they live. (J . H. Williams) Indep. 56: 18, 653, — of Fortune, Yankee. 885. Saint, A; a story. (P. Bourget) Chaut. 42: 350. Saint, The, in Fiction. (V. M. Crawford) Fortn. 85: 660. Saint of Baalbec, The. Macmil. 88: 309. — Liv. Age, 238: 615. St. Albans, England, Visit to. (H. Pope) Cath. World, (V. Z. Reed) Cosmopol. (J. R. Spears) Munsey, 27: 751 524- St. Albans, The Council of, 1213. (H. W. C. Davis) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 289. St. Andrews, Altar of St. Fergus in Holy Trinity. (F. C. Eeles) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 260. — College Church of, and Tomb of Bishop Kennedy. (F. A. G. Davidson) Antiq. n. s. 40: 362, —— Recollections of. (W. Quilliam) Macmil. 91: 20, — Underground. Chamb. J. 81: 531, — Unexplored ;'the Castle Passage and the Supposed Crypt. (W. T. Linskill) Chamb. J . 80: 23, t. Andrews Links in the Days of Young Tom Mor- ris. (W. T. Linskill) Chamb. J . 83: 521, Anne d’Auray, Pardon at. (W. Zimmerman) Book- lover’s M. 5: 301. Anne of the Mattawa ; a story. Booklover’s M. 7: 482, Anthony’s Chalice; a story. (C. P. Wolley) Temp. Bar, 132: 708, Augustine, Fla. 23: 681. St. St. (Ellen P. Huling) St. St. (J. M. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) St. Bartholomew; a story. (Anna Alexander) Cali- fornian, 2: 9, I10. St. Bernard, Hospice of. (C. Ray) Sund. M. 33: 533- St. Botolph Club of Boston. (J . A. Macy) Bookman, 22: 216, ' St. Brigid’s Flood ; a story. (S. Gwynn) Blackw. I72: 252, “ Saint Catharine in Prayer ” by Zurbaran. (T. Cole) Cent. 49: 334. Saint Catharine’s Island. Island Deer Hunt. (J . G. (M. Dhu) Canad. M. 25: 352. Van Marten) Outing, 43: 441, St. Columba’s Spring. St. David, Cathedral of, Pilgrimage to. (A. C. Fryer) Antiq. n. s. 42: 127, - SAINT DEN IS Saint Denis, Louis Juchereau de. (E. J . P. Schmitt) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 1: 204.--(L. G. Bugbee) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. I: 266. — and the Tejas Missions. (R. C. Clark) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 6: 1, St. Denis, France, Abbey of. Am. Arch. 90: 87. -— and its Royal Tombs. (M. R. Gray) Cath. World, 77‘ I59- — Cathedral. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Cent. 50: 524. —— Desecration of. Am. Arch. 83: 52. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (F. Gribble) F ortn. 83$ 129. — (H. Lynch) Acad. 65: 296. —(H. C. Macdonald) Macmil. 91: 310, — and the Romantics. Ed. R. 201: 410. -— Centenary of. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 79: 475. — (P. E. More) Atlan. 95: 651. — Correspondence with the Oliviers. tion, 81:‘ 73. Sainte Croix-De Bronvilliers Case, The. (H. G. Chapin) Green Bag, 14: 216, St. Elmo’s Fire. (G. A. Bouvier) Month, 107: 620. Sainte Marguerite Salmon, A. (A. Haggard) Temp. Bar, 134: 63. Saintes Maries-de-la-mer, Provence. Idler, 30: 146, —— A Dead Village. St. Etienne-du-Mont Cathedral. Cent. 50: 528. St. Eustatius, in the American Revolution. (J . F. Jameson) Am. Hist. R. 8: 683. Saint-Gaudens, A. (R. Cortissoz) Outl. 84: 199. —(R. Cortissoz) No. Am. 177: 725. — (Mary H. B. Hor- gan) Indep. 55: 1376. — Work of. (C. H. Caflin) World’s Work, 7: 4403, St. Georges de Boscherville, Abbey-Church of. (R. Murray) Antiq. n. s. 40: 304. Saint-Germain, Count, the Deathless. Cornh. 90: 668. 5 St. Germain, Museum of. (T. Stickney) Nation, 75: 398. 479- St. Helena.' National, 402 260. — Abandonment of. (A. G. Wise) Asia. R. 42: 306. 306 (A. Laugel) Na- (Francis Miltoun) (S. Beale) Cath. World, 79: 670, (Eliz. R. Pennell) (A. Lang) 44: . , 4 —— The Earliest Exile of, Fernao Lopez. |(H. Clifford) Blackw. I73: 621, Honorat, The Isle of. 298. Isidor Contract and Pierre. 89: 326. Jean du Doigt. Am. Arch. 88: 62, John, N. B., River and City of. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 217, John de Crevecoeur and his Letters. born) Pennsyl. M. 30: 257. John’s Fire ; a drama. (H. Sudermann) Poet-Lore, 15, no. 42 I. Johns, The, of Battersea. M. n. s. 71: 54. Johnsbury, Vt., and its Industries. Hatch) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 734. St. Joseph, Mo. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 339. — Free Public Library. (P. B. Wright) Lib. J . 27: 200, St. Lawrence River, Bridges over. nad. M. 27: 329. — Lower, Influence of Geographic Environment on. (Ellen C. Semple) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 449. St. (F. Moore) Antiq. n. s. 39: St. (F. Wilkinson) Atlan. St. St. St. (F. B. San- St. St. (J . F. M. Fawcett) Gent. St. (Mary R. P. (J . Johnston) Ca- - — A Review. Canad. M. 26: 123, St. Lawrence Valley and Great Lakes, Geomorphic Origin and Development of the Raised Shore Lines of. (R. Chalmers) Am. J. Sci. 168: 175, St. Légier, Illustrated Houses of. (G. S. Layard) Good Words, 46: 628, 563 SAINT LOUIS St. Louis, Mo. _ —-(S. Newcomb) Nation, 79: 193.—Ath. ’04, 2: 487. — Academy of Science. (W. Trelease) Science, 11. s. 17: 666. —— (W. Trelease) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 117. —— after the World’s Fair. (R. Wells) World To-day, . 10: 471. — Boodle and Ballot in. (Lee Meriwether) Arena, 331 43- — Bribery in. Outl. 70: 353. — — British Art at. (S. C. Carleton) Brush & P. 15: 101, —— Domestic Economy Schools. Char. 15: 898. — Exposition, I904. (G. F. Parker) J. Soc. Arts, 52: 2I.——(W. F. Reid) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 60,— (C, H, Walker) Archit. R. 11: 197. — (D. R. Francis) In- dep. 54: 3?-4. — (J . M. Thurston) Cosmopol. 34: 3. —(E. S. Hoch) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 165. — Outl. 73: 952.——(E. H. Abbott) Outl. 74: 553. —(F. C. Howe) Cosmopol. 35: 277.—(W. B. Stevens) In~ dep. 55: 1086. — (F. M. Crunden) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 547. — (W. B. Stevens and others) World To- day, 7: II23—I2I9. — (J. B. Walker) Cosmopol. 37: 433—623.—-(D. R. Francis) Everybody’s, I0: 437, (M. L. Todd) Nation, 78: 510. —(Special number) World’s Work, 8: 505 3—5202, —- — Agricultural Exhibits. Science, 11. s. 20: 9I. — — Anthropology at. Am. Antiq. 26: 116, — — Architecture of. (F. M. Mann) Am. Arch. 85: 5. —- (F. K. Winkler) Archit. Rec. 15: 336.—(G. B. McHenry) Brush & P. 14: I35.—(M. Schuyler). Scrib. M. 35: 385. — — Art and Architecture of. den 571 79- — — Art at the. (L. M. McAuley) Brush & P. 14: 297, -— — Art Building. Archit. R. 9: 127, — — Art Department. (Will H. Low) Scrib. M. 37: (E. L. Masqueray) In- - 765. — —— Art Exhibition at. (H. C. Ives) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 574- — — Art Palace at. 421. — — — Frieze of Fame. 14: 2 52, — -— Artistic Ensemble of. (C. H. Caffin) Studio (In- ternat.) 23: ccci, — — Attractive Features of. (D. R. Francis) Cent. 46: 264. ' — — Bird’s-eye View, by an Architect. Overland, 11- 5- 43: 437- — —— Books for the Blind, Exhibit of. Pub. Lib. I0: 22, —— -— British Art Section. 5 (W. S. Bridgman) Mnnsey, 31: (C. E. Lawton) Brush & P. (I. Spielmann) J . Soc. Arts, 31 389- Canada’s Exhibit. (J . A. Cooper) Canad. M. 24: 24, — -— Congress of Arts and Sciences. (H. Miinster- berg) Atlan. 91: 671.—Science,n. s. 171 754-— (J . Dewey) Science, 11. s. 18: 275. — (H. Miinster- berg) Science, 11. s. 18: 788. -—(P. Carus) Monist, 14: 779. —— (E. E. Slosson) Indep. 57: 788. —(IV- H. Davis) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 5. —-(A. O. Lovejoy) Science, 11. s. 23: 655. — (Frank Thilly) Educa. R. 321 473. — -— Congresses at, Visitors at. Outl. 78: 571, — — Connecticut State Building. (Emily S. G. Hol- combe) Indep. 57: 185. -— — Cultural Features of. (W. Taussig) Nation, 79: 499- —- — Educational Exhibit at. (A. T. Smith) Educa. R. 28: 444. —~Bk. News, 22! I003. — —- Educational Worth of. (M. N. Butler) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 323. (E. S. Hoch) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 361. SAINT LOUIS St. Louis, Mo., Exposition, 1904, Exhibit of the Boston Public Schools at. (C. Stanwood) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 217. — — Exposition Ode. (Ida E. Lawrence) Poet-Lore, I5, no. 3: I13, - - Features of. 233- - — from Engineer’s Standpoint. Engin. M. 28: 1, — — General Impressions of. Indep. 57: 363. - - German Arts and'Crafts at. (M. I. G. Oliver) Studio (Internat.) 25: 57. ‘ - — German Exhibition at. (G. Stickley) Craftsman, 6: 488. - (W. Taussig) Nation, 79: 72. - - German Paintings and Sculpture at. G. Oliver) Studio (Internat.) 25: 57, - - Holland’s Art Exhibit at. Brush & P. I 5: I30. -— — Impressions of. Am. Arch. 86: 3. - - Japan at. (E. Mitchell) Temp. Bar, 132: 54. - — Ladies of. (B. Blow) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 605. - — Landscape Art at. (H. C. Pratt) Brush & P. 14: (E. S. Hoch) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: (W. H. Bryan) (Mrs. I. H. Harris) (Maude I. 1 52, - - Library Exhibits at. Lib. 29: 423. - - Lights and Shadows at. Nation, 79: 175. -— - Louisiana Purchase Treaty on Exhibition at. Bk. News, 22: 1009, - - Main Plan of the F air. Work. 7= 4355- - — New England Artists at. Eng. M. n. s. 30: 259. —— - The Other Side of. (E. H. Brush) World’s (J. N. Oliver) New (W. H. McClain) Char. I3: -— -5 7Peace Congress, Resolution for. (Hayne Davis) Indep. 57: 764. —— — Photographic Exhibit at. (G. F. Parker) Cent. 46: 136. —— — Pictures of. (A. Castaigne) Cent. 46: 605, — - The Pike. (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Indep. 57: 249. - -— Round the World at. (l/V. Williams) Cent. 46: 794- - — School Exhibits at. (A. W. Edson) Educa. 25: 333- - — Sculptors and their Commissions. Brush & P. 13: 191, — — Sculpture at. (A. A. Howard) Brush & P. 151 33.-(E. J. Henderson) Brush & P. I12 346.- (K. T. Bitter) Brush & P. 13: 165.—_(Z. F. Dun- lap) Cath. World, 79: 459. —(E. Spencer) Chant. 39: 242, - — Social Economy at. (L. Brandt) Char. I2: 704, - - State Buildings at. (C. B. Wells) Outl. 751 779. - - Statuary at. (A. Woods) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 35- - - Swedish Art at. Brush & P. 15: 93. - Exposure of Municipal Corruption in. (C. H. Wet- more and L. Steifens) McClure, I9: 577. —- For a More Beautiful. (L. E. Van Norman) Chant. 373 443- - Making it a Better Place to live in. (L. M. McCall) Chant. 36: 405. - of Churchill’s “ Crisis.” 188, - Old and the New. (P. Trenchard) Army & Navy Life, 9: 30. - Philosophical Movement in. R. 29: 456. - The Plight of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 166, - Public Schools of, New Era in. (C. M. Woodward) School R. 11: 486. -Residences of the Rich. (E. S. Hoch) Nat’l M, (Bost.) I7: 16. -Shamelessness of. (J . M. Dixon) Macmil. 85: (W. Schuyler) Educa. (L. Steffens) McClure, 20: 545, 564 SAINT THOMAS Louis, Mo., a Strong Western City. (VV. F. Saun- ders) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 271 557. Lucia, 1778. (J. W. Fortescue) Macmil. 85: 419, Magnus, Cathedral of. (J . S. Clouston) Macmil. 87: 6x.=Liv. Age, 235: 798.=Ec1. M. 140: 245. Male, Benbow and. (C. Field) Good Words, 46: 922, Mark 3: 36; a story. (S. Merwin) Outl. 78: 774, Memin, Portrait Painter. (C. K. Wead) Apple- ton’s M. 8: 85. Michael’s Parish, Maryland, Records of, 1672-1704, Pennsyl. M. 29: 427, St. Michel, Mont. (M. Schuyler) Archit. Rec. 11, no. 3: IO. —(Eliz. R. Pennell) Cent. 462 323. -Antiq. n. S. 391 I05. - Sea Ravages at. Am. Arch. 90: 102. St. Omer’s College; a Catholic College in the 17th St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Century. (L. Willaert) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 745. St. Paul, Count of, in Paris. (W. F. Lord) I9th Cent. 58: 153, St. Paul, Minn., New Capitolat. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. 19: 31. -(Katherine L. Smith) I/Vorld To-day, 9: 1097. - - Decoration of. Am. Arch. 842 4!. -Studio (Internat.) 26: lxxxi-xciv, - - Supreme Court-room of. Bag, 17: 566, — Contagious Disease Hospital in. 11: 242, — Jail, The. Char. 12: 377, — Roman Catholic Seminary of. Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 212, St. Peter of the Latin Quarter. Cosmopol. 42: 173. St. Petersburg. before the Crimean War. Cornh. 92: 453. 609. 769- 93= 86- - — The Building of. (M. F. Johnston) Fortn. 80: 88. - Capital of all the Rnssias. (E. Noble) Chant. 37: 26. - Churches of. (T. P. Armstrong) Month, 106: 167,' - Imperial Public Library. (B. F ernow) Lib. J . 30: 860, ‘ - Massacre at, 1904, and the Russian East Side. Bullard) Indep. 58: 252, - Tauride Palace. Am. Arch. 89: 120, - University of. (C. F. Thwing) Harper, I06: 148, Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de. Acad. 68: 190, St. Pierre, Martinique, Destruction of, May, 1902, (A. McIlroy) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 371, —(W, Ma- son) Indep. 54: 1461, - The Last Days of. (G. Parel and "' Les Colonies ”) Cent. 42! 610. See Martinique ; Pelée, Mt. St. Pierre, Miquelon. (P. T. McGrath) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 295, =Macmil. 90: 215, — (P. T. Mc- Grath) Booklover’s M. 3: 775. Saint-Saens, Camille. (G. W. Harris) Indep. 61: 1284, — With portrait. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 72: 49. - With portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 6: 145. Sanvenr, Chevalier de, Story of. (A. A. Folsom) M. of Hist. II 337. Seraphim. (D. B. MacGowan) Cent. 46: 665, Si1non, C. H., Comte de, the First American. N. Casson) Arena, 32: 513, Smith’s Day; a story. (I. Landman) Canad. M. 21: 271. Sophia, Constantinople. (E. M. Antoniadi) Knowl. 26: 27, 49, 88, 102, Stephen’s, In the Service of. Liv. Age, 236: 794, Stephen’s Eve; a story. (W. Deeping) Harper, 109: 176. Thomas Island, Danish West Indies. (H. A. Reed) Army &- Navy Life, 9: 561. (B. Nabersberg) Green (I. Osgood) Char. (Margaret H. Chase) (A. (H. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. " Salamander captured at Los Angeles. SAINT VALENTINE’S St. Valentine’s Day. (A. W. Jarvis) Good Words, 451 91- Saint Vincent, An Adventure in, 1795. (W. L. Clowes) Cornh. 36: 458. —— in July, 1904. (E. O. Hovey) Science, 11. s. 20: 281. — Soufriere, Eruption of, 1812, Nat, Geog, M, 14: 1'8. —- —Fruptions of, in May, 1902. (E. O. Hovey) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 444.-—(H. L. Havell) Macmil. 86: 221. =Liv. Age, 234: 272. - (W. J. Calder and T. McG. McDonald) Cent. 421 634. ——- Recent Tuifs of. (E. Howe) Am. J. Sci. 166: ‘ 317- St. Vincent de Paul, Society of. (T. Dwight) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 140, -—- International Convention of. Char. I3: 103. Saints, British, Shrines of. Antiq. n. 8. 41: 181. — The Church and her. (James J . Fox) Cath. World, 821 475. 657- - Living Legends of the. (A. Gregory) Monthly R. 21, no, 2: 63, —— Stories of the. (J. L. Smith) Munsey, 31: 65. Saintsbury, G., Criticism and. (F. Greenslet) Atlan. 96: 104. Saionji, Marquis. (J . Takegoshi) Contemp. 89: 480. Saké and Saké Sets. (O. Percival) Craftsman, 6: 150. Saké Brewing in Japan. J . Soc. Arts, 50: 692, Sakhalin, Island of. (L. V. Dalton) Asia. R. 40: 279. — How Japan lost it in 1862. lover’s M. 6: 489, —-— The Isle of the Russian Banished. holm) Chamb. J. 82: 301. . -— Partition of. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 724. -—- What it means to Japan. (A. Kinnosuke) Indep. 59: 618. "Sakuntala” at Smith College. tion, 78: 491. — Outl. 77: 206. Salad, The, in Literature. Acad. 66: 126. ILiv. Age, 240: 694. Salad-plants, Best. Ctry Life Am. 8: 69. Sfilam, the Story of a Hausa Slave. (C. W. Furlong) Appleton’s M. 8: 259. Salamanca. (E. Hutton) Blackw. I79: 490. I Liv. Age, 249: 503. (A. Kinnosuke) Book- (W. C. Chis- (W. Hopkins) Na- (L. H. Miller) Am. Natural. 40: 741. Salamander of Toquéville. (F. Richardson) Critic, 41: 256. '1 Cornh. 86: 347, Salaried Class, The New. (N. Y.) 32: 339. Salaries of Government Officials in England. (M. Mac- Donagh) Longm. 46: 229, Saldanha Bay. (E. Y. Brabant) Indep. R. 2: 191. Sale, Law of, Studies in the. (A. Hindenburg) J urid. R. 16: 30. — — English, Warranty in the. 15: 50. 16: 406. — or Return, Contract of. 221. Sale of the Safety Valve; a story. (C. A. Mears) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 530. Salem, Mass. (H. F. E. Farrell) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 8 (E. J . Edwards) R. of Rs. (R. Brown) J urid. R. (R. Brown) Jurid. R. 1']: —— Ancient. (R. S. Rantoul) Educa. 23: 401, -— Associations of Hawthorne. (M. E. Desmond) Cath. World, 74: 455. -— Historic. (Mary H. Northend) New Eng. M. n. s. 313 5°7- -— Leslie’s Retreat from. (E. C. Battis) M. of Hist. 3: 87. —- of To-day. (Mary H. Northend) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 95. I -565 SALMON Salesgirl’s Story, A. Indep. 54: 181, Salesroom, Curiosities of a London. 469. Saleswomen ; the Girl behind the Counter. Cranston) World To-day, I0: 270, Salicaceae, Study of. (D. P. Penhallow) Am. Natural. Chamb. J. 80: (Mary R. 391 5°9- Salimbene, Autobiography of a Wandering Friar. (G. G. Coulton) I9th Cent. 57: 1009, :1 Ecl. M, 145: 314- — Chronicle, Coulton’s Edition. (W. R. Thayer) Na- tion, 83Z 244. —— The Worlds of. (H. O. Taylor) Internat. Q. 12: 89. Salisbury, O. J . (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 35: 644. Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 3d Earl of. Outl. 74: 1016, -—(J. McCarthy) Outl. 74: 1023.—Blackw. 174: 4Z9.—With portrait. Booklover’s M. I: 562,- (Sidney Low) Fortn. 80: 562,=Ec1, M, 142: 67, —_-Liv. Age, 2391 405. — Monthly R. 13, no. I3 I. —-(M. MacColl) Spec. 91: 3o8.—Sat. R. 96: 256. =Liv. Age, 238: 759.— Quar. I96: 647. — (S. Brooks) No. Am. 175: 152. —(F. Douglas How) Good Words, 43: 32-51 I.—(J. McCarthy) Outl. 72: 2I.——(T. P. O’Connor) Everybody’s, 6: 3. - (Julian Ralph) Cent. 42: 465. -—-\Vith portrait. Pall Mall M. 26: 433, —- and after. (J . McCarthy) Indep. 55: 2387. — and Balfour. (R, Ogden) Nation, 75: 45. — and the Quarterly Review. Quar. I99: 296. — as a Journalist. Acad. 65: 191, -— as a Man of Science. Science, 11. s. 18: 440, —as a Statesman, with portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 426. — Impassive Statesman. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 426. — on the Unsolved Problems of Science. (J . H. Twichell) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 5: 64. — Personal Glimpses of, with Numerous Portraits. (C. Roberts) World’s Work, 6: 4028. — Political Writings. Spec. 92: 121, —-United States and. (M. W. Hazeltine) No. Am. 177: 720. Salisbury, Stephen. (W. Lincoln) N. E. Reg. 60: 325. Salisbury, Eng., Railroad Accident at, Causes of. (G. R. Dunell) Nature, 74: 636. Salish Indians, Some Features of the Language and Culture of. (C. Hill-Tout) Am. Anthropol. 7: 674. Sallie Bird, The ; a story. (F. W. Brown) Booklover’s M. 7: 232, Sally; a story. (Laura S. Portor) Atlan. go: 626, “Sally;” a story. (H. Clifford) Blackw. I74: 601. 175: 67. “Sally,” Prince’s Dissociation of Personality. (F. C. S. Schiller) Nation, 82: 282, Salmagundi Club of New York, Sale of Mugs. H. Shelton) Brush & P. 15: 245. Salmeston Grange. (D. H. P. Feasey) Antiq. n. s. 39: 264, Salmon, George. Acad. 66: 128, —Nature, 69: 324, Salmon and Salmon Streams of Alaska. (D. S. Jor- dan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 165, —— Ascending and Descending. J . 82: 430. - British, Increase of. Spec. 92: 214. — Fifty-three, inaWeek. (W. A. Somerville) Chamb. J , 80: 465, — Fly Fishing for Ouananiche. (L. Rhead) Outing, 48: 510. — The Gamiest Fish. 662, — Great Horned, of the Penobscot. more) Outing, 40: 569. (W. (A. Grimble) Chamb. (H. W. Lanier) Outing, 42: (J . O. Whitte- SALMON Salmon, 'In Quest of, in Glencoe. Good Words, 46: 469. — The Last Barrier. (C. G. D. Robert) Harper, I12: 415- — Life and Death of Chronicha, aSacramento Salmon. (C. Rutter) Overland, n. s. 39: 597, — My First. Chamb. J. 80: 225, — My First. (A. R. Dugmore) Ctry Life Am. 6: 21, — Mystery of the. (B. W. Evermann) Outing, 40: 562, — of the Black Pool. (C. Edwardes) Macmil. 92: 445. : Ecl. M. 145: 632.: Liv. Age, 247: 540. —— of the Thames. Spec. 961 451. —- Pacific. (C. Rutter) Ctry Life Am. 4: 124, — Parent—stream Theory of the Return of. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 541 48. —— Sacramento, Studies in the Natural History of. (C. Rutter) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 195, -— Toll from the Salmon Host. (W. S. Phillips) Out- ing, 46: 721, Salmon Breeding, Contributions to Science of. Henderson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 503. Salmon Fisheries. (R. S. Baker) Cent. 44: 206. —— of the Northwest. (W. Fawcett) World To-day, 9: (D. S. (Y. 1197- Salmon Fishing. (C. Halleck) Everybody’s, 7: 22. — in Canada. (E. T. D. Chambers) Ctry Life Am. 2: I76. — (F. H. Clifford) Indep. 56: 1262, — in Ireland. (H. Maxwell) Blackw. I74: 45 3. — in Norway. (G. W. Hartley) Blackw. I73: 48.— (G. W. Hartley) Blackw. 175: 54. 178: 553.: Liv. Age, 241: 49. — Some Problems in. 18, no. 3: 65. Salmon-rivers and Trout-streams. (W. E. Hodgson) National, 47 3 983. Salmond, Stewart D. F. (T. Stalker) Bib. World, 26: 188. —-(S. G. Woodrow) Sund. M. 34: 809. Salon, Decline of the. (R. M. Bradley) 19th Cent. 52: 95°- Salona, Dalmatia. Am. Arch. 81: 22. Salons, The, and the Royal Academy. tham) 19th Cent. 59: 996. —-— French, of 1906 [pictures only]. Bookman, 23: (W. E. Hodgson) Monthly R. (H. H. Sta- 601. Saloon, The Cafe a Substitute for the. (L. R. Pink) Indep. 60: 508, — Competition with the. (VV. H. Tolman) Outl. 76: 788. — in the Anthracite Coal Fields. (P. Roberts) Char. I 5: 691. —— Lifting up the. 2295, + Substitutes for the. (B. Booth) Indep. 54: 317. — Suppression of, Church Federation for. (J . M. Par- ker) Meth. R. 55: 443. —— within Patrol Limits. (E. P. Sanford) Outl. 77: (W. H. Tolman) World’s Work, 4: 984. Saloons; Anti-Saloon League. (H. G. Furbay) No. Am- I77= 434. -— Early Stages of English Public-house Regulation. (C. M. Iles) Econ. J. 13! 25!. —-— An Evening in a Suburb. Outl. 83: 84. Sal’s First Prayer. (J . H. Panting) Good Words, 47: I33- Salt. (C. W. Super) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 252. Salt of the Earth, The ; a story. (E. C. Litsey) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 303, 376. Salt of the Sea, The. (J . A. Dewe) New Eng. M. n.s. 32: 8 . Salt Crowd’s Trade, The; a story. (W. Payne) Every- body’s, 7: 226. Salt Lake. See Great Salt Lake. 566 '— an Intimate Interview. SAMARITAN Salt Lake and Los Angeles Railway. (C. D. Willard) Land of Sun. 13: 301. _ Salt Lake City. (H. R. Browne) Calif. M. 4: 260, — (A. G. Gale) Land of Sun. I12 20I.— (E. F. Col- burn) Out West, 23: 297. - Salt-making in the Far West. (E. Goldsmith) J . Frankl. Inst. 159: 45. Salt Meadows, A Day in the. 106: 959. Salt hgonopoly, The. (J . B. Pennington) Asia. R. 38: 29 (S. Hartmann) Harper, Salt Sea in the Desert in Colorado. (A. Inkersley) World’s Work, 4: 2105. Salto Water Stone, The. Chamb. J . 81: 44. — An Explanation. Chamb. J . 81: 750. Salton Sea, Cal. (H. N. Rust) Calif. M. 1: 94.— (E. Mitchell) No. Am. 183: 224. — (E. L. Larkin) Open Court, 20: 573, — and the Irrigation Floods. (E. Duryea) Out West, 24: 3. -— Wonderful New Inland Sea. (E. L. Larkin) Cos- mopol..4I: 637, Salts, Reason for the Retention of, near Surface of Soils. (T. H. Means) Science, 11. s. 151 33. Saltus, Edgar, Publicist. (R. Colles) Westm. I622 463. Saltus, Francis S., a New Poet. (A. D. Cartwright) Californian, 3: 70. Salutary Measure. Dial, 38: 25 5. Salvage, On. Chamb. J . 79: 78. Salvage of the “ Peanut,” The; a story. (W. V. Cook) Appleton’s M. 8: 355. Salvage of the “Spindrift ; ” a story. Good Words, 43: 197. Salvation, Christian Doctrine of. (C. Noss) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 511. — The Correction of Man’s Abnormal Condition, ac- cording to Jesus. (J . M. Mullen) Ref. Ch. R. 52: (F. T. Bullen) 337- Salvation Army, The. (J . Manson) Monthly R. 17, no. 2: 56. — and the Public. Spec. 97: 491. — as a Social Influence. (E. R. Esler) Good Words, 453 393- — Christmas Dinners to 300,000 Guests, Tucker) Ctry Life Am. 5: 114, (Booth- -— Latest Problem of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 301 436. — People of the Abyss. (C. Ray) Sund. M. 33: 5 5- 323- — A Social Experiment. (Countess of Warwick) 19th Cent. 53: 665. — Unfavorable View of. Sat. R. 98: 6. —— A World-wide Army. Sund. M. 35: 67. Salving of the Barque “Fuller,” The. nolly) Scrib. M. 37: 462. Salving of the “ Senator,” The. Chamb. J. 79: 721. Salvini, Alessandro. (C. Morris) McClure, 21: 543, Salvini, Gustavo. (W. A. Lewis) Cent. 43: 56. Salvini, Tommaso. (J . S. Crellin) Outl. 73: 811, — (U, Hapgood) Scrib. M. 35: 234. (H. Zimmern) Critic, 45: (J. B. Con- 412, Salza, Carl Frederick von, Painter, with portrait. Brush & P. 17: supp. 8. Sam. (E. R. Wynne) Overland, n. s. 39: 632. Sam Twigg’s Lesson. (E. C. McCants) Outing, 46: 534- Samar, Island of, and Capture of Lukban. (P. E. T1-aub) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 369. Samarcand. (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 42: 64. Samaritan-Hebrew Pentateuch, An Early Copy of. (G. Margoliouth) Jew. Q. 15: 632. Samaritan MSS., The Dating of. (R. Gottheil) J. Bib. Lit. 25: 29. SAMARITAN Samaritan Woman, The; a Daughter of Jacob. (J . Moifatt) Expos. 7th ser. II 226. Samaritana. (A. Cowley) Jew. Q. 16: 474. Samaritans and the Passover. (J . S. Kirsch) Sund. M. 33: 256, —— History and Religion of. Bib. Sac. 63: 385. Samoa. (V. L. Kellogg) Out West, 20: 303. —- American. (F. T. Chambers) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 371 641- —— —— Progress in. (U. Sebree) Indep. 541 2811. — —— -— Further. (E. B. Underwood) Indep. 55: 2731. — At the Trader’s Station in. (L. P. Churchill) Lip- pinc. 69: 716. —— German and American; a Comparison. Moors) Indep. 61: 806. ~ German Observatory in. ——- Imperialism under the Microscope. Nation, 75: 414. — In, with Stevenson. (Jacob, Son of Aaron) (H. J. Science, 11. s. 202 853. (O. G. Villard) (I. O. Strong) Cent. 41: 6'7. — Kihg’s Kava. (Eliz. T. Jayne) Indep. 55: 1449. — Tutuila. (D. S. Jordan and V. L. Kellogg) Atlan. 943 207- Samoan Sketch, A; my Friend Le6ta. Out West, 182 569. Samoset Hotel, Maine Coast. M. (Bost.) I52 630. Samoyedes, The. (E. W. Lowry) Gent. M. n. s. 68: (C. Keeler) (J. M. Chapple) Nat’l 140. Sampler, Development and Decay of the. Reliquary, 42: 11. —- On a. (C. Scollard) Cent. 47: 390. Sampson, William T. (J . D. Long; A. T. Mahan) McClure, I92 214. —(A. T. Mahan) Fortn. 78: 227, —— The Real. (P. Benjamin) Indep. 54: 1163. Samuels, Capt. Samuel, of the “ Dreadnought.” ing) 329' Samuelson, Sir Bernhard. Nature, 72: 6o, Samwel Cave, Exploration of. (E. L. Furlong) Am. J . Sci. 172: 235. San Antonio, A Retrospect of. Hist. Assoc. Q. 4: 54, San Antonio, Mt., Cal. (G. F. Leavens) Land of Sun. 51 96- San Augustine. (E. B. Shindler) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q- 31 41- San Beruardino, Cal., Hills. (T. S. Van Dyke) Cali- fornian, 4Z 220. San Buenaventura, Cal. Out- (E. B. Cooley) Texas (G. S. Wright) Land of Sun. 4= 145- San Clemente Island, Cal. (R. T. Smith) Land of Sun. 10: 65. San Diego, Cal. (J. A. Hall) Calif. M. 3: 379.—(H. P. Wood) Out West, 16: 337.—(W. E. Smythe) Out West, 23: 193. — History of the First Martyr. of Sun. I0: 126. San Diego County, California. Ont VVest, I6: 670, San Dimas, California. (C. H. Bigelow) Out West, 18: 253- San Domingo. See Santo Domingo. San Felipe and Santiago, Bay of, visited by Quiros, in 1606. (W. J. L. Wharton) Geog. J. 20: 207. San Fernando de Bexar, Early Settlers of. (I. J . Cox) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 51 143 —— Educational Efforts in. (I. J . soc. Q. 6: 27. — Municipal Government of. (M. A. Austin) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 8: 277. San Fernando Mission, The Centennial of. Land of Sun. 7: 148. (F. de Thoma) Land Cox) Texas Hist. As- 567 SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco. (R. H. McDonald, jr.) Calif. M. 2: 365.—-(H. Wright) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: 2oo.——- (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 18: 3.—— (C. S. Fee) Overland, n. s. 44: 395, —— and her Great Opportunity. 36: 111, — and the Relief Work ahead. (G. W. James) Arena, (A. A. Hi1l)Char. 16: 135. — An Architect [E. F. Mathews] of Residences in. (Herbert Crosby) Archit. Rec. 201 47. — Architecture of. (F. ‘N. Fitzpatrick) Am. Arch. go: 22, — as a Convention City. 11. s. 441 105. -—as a Cynosure of the Eyes of America. Bryan) Overland, n. s. 48: 413, — Banking Interests of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67: (W. A. Bissell) Overland, (A. J. 337- — Beauty of. (F. M. Somers) Californian, I: 73. — before the Earthquake. (W. Irwin) Everybody’s, W 753- —— A Better City; the Great Opportunity now before San Francisco. (E. Duryea) Overland, 11. s. 48: 109. — Bohemian Club. (E. W. Townsend) Bookman, 22: 17. — — Midsummer Jinks of. (G. Morris) Outing, 44: 649. — Bohemian Restaurant. (M. C. Deering) Critic, 48: 523- - The Builders. (J . D. Phelan and others) Overland, n. s. 48: 1. — Building a New City. Craftsman, 10: 415. — the Carthage of the West. (H. W. Postlethwaite) Overland, n. s. 42: 168. —— Catching her Breath. Outl. 83: 361. — “ Chinatown” in. (E. F. Wheaton) Out West, 22: 408. — Columbia Park Boys’ Club of. Char. 12: 245. —-— Crisis of 1880 in. (C. T. Hopkins) Californian, 1: 407. — Curious Houses of. (J . M. Scanland) Overland, n. s. 43= 470. — Defenses of. (Comte La Chasse) Overland, n. s. 471 11. — Destruction of. (James Hopper) Everybody’s, I4: 760 a. -— (J. A. Holden) Canad. M. 27: 136, — —- and Insurance Companies. Bank. M. (Lond.) 81: 839, — — as a Barometer of Human Nature. (R. S. Baker) Am. M. 63: 81, — — Social Settlements in the. (J - E. Rogers) Char. I6: 311. —— Earthquake in, 1906. (Henry A. Lafier) McClure, 271 275. —- (C. Davison) Nature, 73: 608, —- (W. G. Mitchell) Am. Arch. 8g: 167.—(E. L. Larkin) Open Court, 20: 393. — [Views only] N at. Geog. M. 17: 325.——R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 331 541.-—(A. C. Lawson and A. O. Leusclmer) Science, 11. s. 23: 961, — —- and the Fire. (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 24: 431. — (Paul Cowles) Out West, 24: 477. ——and Prof. Larkin. (D. Starr Jordan) Science, 11. s. 24: 178. — -— as recorded by the Coast and Geodetic Survey Magnetic Observatories. Nat. Geog. M. 17: 298. —— —— as recorded by the Seismograph in I/Vashington. (C. F. Marvin) Nat. Geog. M. 171 296. — — Cause of. (D. S. Jordan) Cosmopol. 41: 343.-— (A. C. Spencer and R. Arnold) World’s Work, 12: 7678. — —- —- Probable. 280. (F. L. Ransome) N at. Geog. M. 17: SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco, Earthquake in 1906, Chronicle of. (H. E. Noyes) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 100, 197. — (S. E. Moffett) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 710. —— -—- Geological Prelude to. (G. H. Ashley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 69. --— —— Geology of. (J . C. Branner) Out West, 24: 513. -— -—- Investigation of. (G. K. Gilbert) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 97. -— -—- Personal Experiences in. West, 24: 497. — -— Report on. Nature, 74: 285. -— —— Seismograph and Magnetograph Records of. (L. A. Bauer) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 116. —- — Seismograph Records of. Science, n. s. 23: 917. —— -—- Watching a City perish. (W. H. Thompson) World To-day, I0: 592, -—- -—- A Woman’s Experience of. (E. M. Burke) Outl. (Mary Austin) Out 83: 273. —- Electrical Displays in. (J . M. Scanland) Overland, n. s. 44: 159. — The Fair City it may become. Overland, n. s. 472 277. —-- Fallen. (IV. M. Reedy) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 242. — Fire at. (W. G. Mitchell) Am. Arch. 89: 185. — Fire Insurance Lessons from. (Louis Windmiiller) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 713. — Fire Protection the Great Need of. (E. Duryea) Overland, n. s. 48: 385. -— The Future of. (B. I. Wheeler) Cent. 50: 630. —— Heroic. (L. H. WaH) Cent. 50: 579. —— Hills and Corners of. (Elodie Hogan) Calif. M. 5: (Eleanore F. Lewys) 63. — Housing Problem in. (E. T. Devine) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 596, — How the Army worked to save. mopol. 41: 239. — An Impressionist Picture. (C. L. Edholm) Overland, n. s. 47: 33. -— Impressions of. (L. Abbott) Outl. 78: 164. — In the Thick of Relief Work in. (E. P. Bicknell) Char. 16: 295. — Japanese in. (W. H. Thomson) World To-day, 11: 1310. — Landmarks of. (I. M. Strobridge) Land of Sun. 8: 67. — Library Matters in. Pub. Lib. 11: 320. — Loring Club ; a Musical Brotherhood. (J . M. Scan- land) Overland, n. s. 44: 107. —— The Matter with. (E. P. Irwin) Overland, n. s. 48: 188, —— Memorial Windows of. n. s. 43: 332. —— Municipal Art in. (C. Keeler) Craftsman, 8: 584. — The New. (E. E. Schmitz) Indep. 61: 434. — (F. G. Newlands) Indep. 60: 1093. —(B. I. Wheeler) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 681. -—- — Plan for Building. Archit. R. 13: 65. -— Newspapers of. (J . P. Cramer) Calif. M. 1: 519, —— of the Future. (H. E. Law) Craftsman, 9: 51 1. — Pagan Temples in. (F. J . Masters) Calif. M. 2: 727, -—- Past Political Conditions. (J . Roberts) Overland, n. s. 45: 49. —— The “ Peace Strike ” in. land, 11. s. 39: 980. -— The Promised City of. (H. Croly) Archit. Rec. 19: (F. Funston) Cos- (H. E. Wright) Overland, (Laura B. Powers) Over 425- — Prostrate but Courageous. Outl. 832 157. —- Purification of. Blackw. 179: 832. -—- Rebound of. (F. Strother) World’s Work, 12: 7779, — Rebuilding of. (H. A. Crafts) Am. Arch. 90: 53, —— Reconstruction of. (A. A. Hill) Char. 16: 165. —— Reconstruction of Communication at. (L. D. Wild- man) Army & Navy Life, 9: I. 568 SAN JUAN San Francisco, Recovery of. (J . W. Helburn) Am. M. 62: 294. —Rehabilitation in. Char. 16: 369.—(L. Brandt) Char. 17: 25. — The Relief of the Stricken City. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 683. — Relief Work at. (H. J . Learoyd) Nation, 83: 114, -—- —— Hero of the. (J. F. Moors) Char. 17: 418. — Restaurants of, Humbler. (R. Whittle) Overland, n. s. 41: 363. -—- Restored City of. (E. White) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 69 (E. T. Devine) 3. — Rise of the New. (J. D. Phelan) Cosmopol. 41: 575- —— Rising from the Ashes. Outl. 83: 562. — Sanitary Situation at. (G. A. Soper) Char. I6: 305. —— Schools of. (F. H. Hackett) Calif. M. 2: 281, — Significance of. (H. Scheifauer) Fortn. 86: 5 36, —— Situation in. (E. T. Devine) Char. 16: 299. —— Some Early Business Buildings of. (Agnes F. Buchanan) Archit. Rec. 20: 15. — Sutro Baths. (E. M. Sexton) Land of Sun. 8: 101. — Sutro Park. (H. French) Overland. n. s. 46: 136, — Three Privates at, after the Earthquake. Army & Navy Life, 9. no. 22 30. -—- Topography of. (G. Burgess) Am. Arch. 89: 152. —— under a Labor Mayor [Schmitz]. (F. J . Dyer) World To-day, 5: 1618, —- Union Labor Mayor of. (L. H. Irvine) Arena, 27: 150. — Value of Property Losses at. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72= 645. — Vigilance Committee of 1856. West, 21: 3. — Where it was Sorest Stricken. 161, — Why it will rise again. (N. Y.) 33: 679. —- Women of, who have achieved Success. win) Overland, n. s. 44: 512. -— Work of the Regular Army in the Upheaval at. (W. G. Haan ; VV. W. Harts) Army & Navy Life, 9.110-21 19,65- — Work of Woman’s Relief Committee of Butte for. (Helen F. Sanders) Overland, n. s. 481 48. San Gabriel, Cal. (J. C. Carr) Californian, 5: 197. —— Mission of, in 1776. (E. Cones) Land of Sun. 132 46. San Gimignano, the City of Beautiful Towers. (L. G. Hale) Harper, I09: 130. — Three Days in. (E. A. Roberts) Temp. Bar, 125: 341. San Giuseppe. (E. C. Vansittart) Antiq. n. s. 41: 92, — Festival of. (E. C. Vansittart) Antiq. n. s. 41: 92, San Jacinto, California. (F. M. Moody) Out West, 23: 621, — Battle of. (J . W. Winters) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 6: 139. San Jacinto Campaign. Assoc. Q. 4: 237. San Jacinto Mt., On. Sun. 4: 151. San Joaquin Basin, An Indian Myth of. (J . W. Hud- son) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I5: 104. San Joaquin Co., Cal. (C. B. Brown) Land of Sun. 15: 91, San José, Cal. (C. A. Moody) Land of Sun. 14: 429. — and the Santa Clara Valley. Out West, 23: 385. — How the Earthquake felt at. (E. G. Shoup) Indep. 60: 1158. San José Scale. Ctry Life Am. 91 561.— (C. L. Mar latt) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 306, San Juan Hill, The Passing of. M. 38: 142. (A. Park) Out (L. Eaves) Char. 16: (J. D. Phelan) R. of Rs. (E. P. Ir- (E. C. Barker) Texas Hist. (B. H. Wentworth) Land of (R. H. Davis) Scrib. SAN'JUAN San Juan Watershed, Prehistoric Ruins of. Prudden) Am. Anthropol. 5: 224. -‘San Luis Obispo, Cal. (W. N. Ent) Out West, 24: (T. M. 455- San Luis Potosi, Mexico. (W. G. Mitchell) Am. Arch. 88: 195. — Church of the Carmen. San Luis Rey Mission, Christmas at. M. 3: 146. San Marino, Oldest Republic in the World. Stone) Cosmopol. 36: 271, San Martin, Gen., the Washington of South America. (F. M. Noa) Arena, 34: 601. Am. Arch. 88: 171, (A. Wey) Calif. (H. S. San Nicolas Island, Cal., VVild l/Voman of. (J. M. Gibbons) Calif. M. 4: 661, San Onofrio, Tasso and the Church of. (G. P. Curtis) Cath. World, 76: 585. _ San Pedro, Arnold’s Palaeontology and Stratigraphy of. (J. C. Merriam) Science, 11. s. I9: 540. —— The Harbor of. Land of Sun. 3: 294. —— The Inner Harbor of. (C. D. VVillard) Land of Sun. 14: 69. San Saba River, The Old Fort on. Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 5: 137. San Thomé, VVest Africa. Chamb. J . 82: 305, San Xavier Mission. (B. A. Putnam) Land of Sun. 13: 68. Sanatoria, The King’s. 24, Sanatorium, The Spirit of a. (C. C. Easton) Char. 12: (A. B. Looscan) (J . A. Gibson) Westm. 157: 775- Sanchez Grant, The. (R. L. Sandwick) Out West, 19: 645. Sancroft, Archbishop, Letters of, Notes on. (C. Ra- ven) Antiq. n. s. 40: 101, Sanctification. (H. King) Luth. Q. 32: 510, Sanctity, Christian. Church Q. 58: 277, Sanctuary, Right of, in England. (N. M. Trenholme) Univ, of Mo. Stud. 1: 298. Sanctuary; a story. (L. A. Long) Cent. 42: 309, Sanctuary; a story. (Edith Wharton) Scrib. 34: 148- 57°- Sanctuary Literature of Mediaeval England. Price) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 440. Sanctuary Rings. (J . T. Perry) Reliquary, 46: 96, Sand, George. (F. Gribble) Bookman, I9: 457. — Dial, 37: 3. —— VVith portrait. (Katherine L. Bates) Booklover’s M. I: 519, -— and Alfred de Musset, Correspondence of. Ath. ’04, %4w. -— and her French Style. (P. H. Frye) Univ. Neb. Stud.3I 199. —— Centenary of. (C. Whibley) Blackw. I76: 255.— (F. Gribble) Fortn. 82: 269. —-(F, J, Mather, jr.) Nation, 792 28. ° —- Daughter of. Macmil. n. s. I: 862, —Girlhood of. Macmil. g0: 127.:Ecl. M. 143: 463, 11' Liv. Age, 242: 429, _ —- New Life of. (H. James) No. Am. I74: 536. Sand, The Charm of. Spec. 97: 52. Sand; a story. (J . VV. Gally) Californian, 1: 65-501, Sand Dunes, Controlling, in United States. (A. S. Hitchcock) Nat. Geog. M. 15: 43. -— of San Francisco. (F. E. Hawson) Out West, 22: 115. —— Sand-grouse, The. 527- -- Summer by the. Sand-pipers of Santa Barbara. Sun. 13: 250. Sanderson, Sir J . Burdon. Nature, 73: 127, Sanderson, J olm, Levant Merchant (1560-1624). M. n. s. 76: 449. (G. E. (J. H. Baldwin) Chamb. J. 83: Chamb. J. 83: 465. (M. Kinsell) Land of Gent. ME SANTA CRUZ Sandham, H., Artist, in the Azores. Studio (Internat.) I8: 173, Sandhill Animals and Plants. Spec. 95: 147. Sandhurst, Royal Military College. (C. M. De Gruy- ther) Un. Serv. M. 31: 138. Sandolo, A Summer in a. (M. Peixotto) Harper,,1o6: ML Sandringham House. 138. Sandstone, Dakotan Series of Northern New Mexico. (C. R. Keyes) Am. J. Sci. 172: 124. Sandusky Bay, Submerged Valleys in. ley) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 398. Sandwich Islanders; a story. (W. Jenkins) (S. A. Tooley) Carfad. M. 22: (E. L. Mose- (F. Milner) Educa. 26: 594- Sandy. (A. H. Rice) Cent. 47: 193-687. 48: 98. Sandy McKiver, Hero. (H. D. Ward) Cent. 44: 914. Sandys, Frederick. Art J . 571 31. -— (P- Bate) Studio (Internat.) 24: 3.— Ath. ’O4, 2: 22. Sandys, George. (J . M. Attenboro-ugh) Westm. 163: Ma Sane Reader, The. Sanford Family of Portsmouth, R. I., Notes on. D. Hodges, jr.) N. E. Reg. 56: 294. Sanitarium. See Sanatorium. Sanitary Congress, International, at Vvashington, 1905. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 549. Sanitary Outlook, A. (J . Crichton-Browne) Pop. Sci. M0, 68: 349. Sanitary Science and Sanitary Administration. (W. T. Sedgwick) Science, 11. s. 23: 362. (Annie R. Marble) Critic, 47: 221. (A. Sanitation. Chant. 352 76. — and Social Progress. (W. H. Allen) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 631, —-— Churcoh. (W. P. Gerhard) Am. Arch. 89: 176. —in Great Britain, Progress of. (A. K. Chalmers) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 273. —- in the Tropics. (R. T. Hewlett) Nature, 72: 67. —- Municipal. (H. Wilson) Westm. I57: 197. — — and Household. (M. N. and E. B. Baker) Chaut. w=w4 — -— Problems in. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 40: 133. — of an Army in War. (W. Hill-Climo) Un. Serv. M. 32: 458. —— of the Country House. Am. 8: 648, Sanscrit Epic, Limitation of Time by Means of Cases in. (E. W. Hopkins) Am. J. Philol. 24: 1. Santa Barbara, Cal. Land of Sun. 1: 112.-—(S. M. Kennedy) Land of Sun. 10: 187, — Coast Islands of. (J . R. Britton) Land of Sun. 7: 192, —- Flower Carnival. (B. M. Austin) Calif. M. 3: 91. — Passing of the Old Town. (K. Lynch) Out ‘Vest, 20: 129, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, Cal. The Diver- sified Products of Two Great Counties. (Inez Buckner) Overland, n. s. 44: 642. Santa Barbara Islands, Cal. (H. P. Earle) Land of Sun. 5: 227. Santa Catalina Island, Cal. (Blanche Trask) Land of Sun. 7: (E. S. Quincy) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 286. Santa Clara, California. Out West, 23! 397. Santa Claus and his Reindeer. (A. R. Dugmore) Ctry Life Am. 11’. 153. —- at Lonely Cove. (N. Duncan) Atlan. 92: 742. — 30 to I. (Julien Josephson) Overland, n. s. 48: 427. Santa Cruz, Cal. (H. R. Judah, jr.) Out ‘Vest, 25: :83. -— The Hills around. (W. J. Kenyon) Land of Sun. 9: 66. Santa Cruz County, Cal. From Lumbering to Horti- culture. Overland, n. s. 39: 579. (L. C. Wroth) Ctry Life -'-v__ 13.)- SANTA.CRUZ Santa Cruz Island, Cal. (R. C. Owens) Land of Sun. 71 54- Santa Cruz Mountains, Winter in the. (C. G. Fisk) Overland, n. s. 432 323. Santa Fé Case, The. Chaut. 41: 486, Santa Fé Charley’s Kindergarten. Harper, III: 929. Santa Fe Railroad. See Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe. 5 Santa Fé Trail, The. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 8: 18 (T. A. Janvier) 5. —- Preserving the. World’s Work, 12: 7689, Santa Lores. (D. Kennicott) Overland, n. s. 47: 127. Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence. (A. Melani) Am. Arch. 88: 43. Santa Maria Maggiore. (S. White) Cent. 43: 669. Santa Maura, The Name of. (W. Miller) Eng. Hist. R, 18: 513. .. Santa Monica, Cal. (E. B. Woodworth) Land of Sun. 3- 54- —- Polo at. (G. L. Waring) Calif. M. 1: 265, Santa Paulo, Cal. (M. M. Bowman) Land of Sun. 32 140, Santa Rosa, Cal. (R. A. Thompson) Land of Sun. 15: 299- — Church built from One Tree. (C. Aylmore) Sund. BI ss= 724- Santa Teresita of the Shoe. West, 23: 142. Santayana, George. (F. W. Noxon) Critic, 42: 129, -—- New Philosophy of. (G. Lowes Dickinson) Indep. R. 6, no. 4: 177. . Santiago, Cervera at; a Modern Forlorn Hope. Vivian) National, 42: 637. Santiago de Chile ; Recollections of a Diplomatist. National, 41: 668, Santiago, Spain, the Jerusalem of the West. (C. Ed- wardes) Gent. M. n. s. 76: 30. Santo Domingo. (F. L. Garrison) Cassier, 30: 395.-— (J . W. Harshberger) Educa. 23: 277, --and the United States. (J. B. Moore) R. of Rs. (N- Y-) 311 293- —- Convention with the U. S. 58: 811, —- Facts about. (W. Packard) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 3. — Future of. (E. Maxey) Arena, 31: 476. — (J . F. Sanchez) Indep. 56: 473. -—— the “ Isle of Unrest.” (W. Thorp) Indep. 56: 468, — New Conditions in. (W. Packard) Outl. 80: 119, -—- Our Mix-up in. (E. P. Lyle, jr.) World’s Work, 10: 6737. ~— Our Problem in. (W. Thorp) World’s Work, 8: 4815, — Question of. (Francis G. Newlands) No. Am. 180: 885. ——Situation in. (H. I. Hancock) Ann. Am. Acad.‘ Pol. Sci. 26: 45. —(S. Krauss) Outl. 78: 189, — Treaty with. (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 146, — Treaty with Chaos. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 4, —- Truth about. (H. G. Field) Indep. 57: 20;, -— a Turbulent Republic. (C. S. Salomon) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 323. Santo Domingo Fiasco, The. 224, Santorin, Crater of. (E. Cropper) Indep. R. 6: 188, Santos Dumont, with portrait. World’s Work, 8: (Shar1ot M. Hall) Out (W. (C. F. Morales) Indep. (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 4737- —— Air-ships and. (B. Baden-Powell) Fortn. 83: 946. =Ecl. M. I44: 743.=Liv. Age, 245: 786. —— Over-sea Experiments of. (S. Heilig) McClure, I9: ' 195. Sap, Ascent of, in Trees. Nature, 73: 246. —- - Mechanics of the Ascent of. 72: 644. (J . Larmor) Nature, 571) SARTAUN Sapphire for a Song, A; a story. (D. H. Pryce) Temp. Bar, 129: 440, Sapplgire-fields of Central Queensland. Chamb. J . 80: 4 4- Sapphire Ring, The. (Eleanor Ecob) Lippinc. 79: 110, Sappho, with some New Translations. (W. C. Lawton) Lippinc. 77: 583. Saracens in Sicily, The. (A. F. Steuart) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 189, Sarafoff, Boris, Emancipator of Macedonia. (S. F. Whitman and E. P. Lyle, jr.) Idler, 23: 257.: Everybody’s, 8: 440, Saragossa. (Katharine C. Budd) Archit. Rec. 19: 327. Sarah Gamp, Haunts of. (E. Capper) Good l(Vords, 45‘ 277- Sarah Siddon’s Tryst; a story. Mall M, 27: 55. Saranac, Open-air Cure at. (E. Ryan) Bookman, I9: 580, . Saratoga and its People. 265. — Sports and Pleasures at. body’s, II: 145. Saratoga Springs. (L. McH. Howe) New Eng. M. n. s. 32= 471. Sarawak; a Study in Colonial Administration. Ireland) Outl. 74: 746. Sarcee Indians, Traditions of. Folk-Lore, I7: 180, Sardinia, Lead and Zinc Min'es. Engin. M. 27: 933. — My Friend the Brigand. Macmil. 92: 401, Sardine Trade in Brittany, Ruin of the. (F. G. Aflalo) Chamb. J. 83: 481, Sardis. (R. B. Richardson) Lamp, 28: 397. Sardou, Victorien. Dante. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 95: 584. —— (W. Littlefield) Critic, 43: 545. — (M. A. Gerothwohl) Fortn. 79: 887. Sargent, ‘Charles Sprague, and the Arnold Arboretum. (F. Duncan) Critic, 47: 115, — Estate of, near Boston. (W. Miller) Ctry Life Am. 3: 198, Sargent, Digory, of Boston and Worcester, Mass., Some Descendants of. (H. E. Woods) N. E. Reg. 58: 377. Sargent, John S. (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 47: 327. —- (C. H. Caflin) Critic, 44$ 31. — (Royal Cortissoz) Scrib. M. 34: 5I5.—With portrait. Lamp. 27: 291. -— (C. H. Caflin; Evan Mills) World’s Worlr, 7: 4099.—(J. C. Van Dyke) Outl. 74: 31. — American Artists Abroad. (G. W. Smalley) Mun- sey, 27 i 45- — and his Art. (C. Brinton) Munsey, 36: 265, — his Influence on London Portrait Painting. Brush & P. 10: 247. — “ Redemption ” in Boston Public Library. (S. Bax- ter) Cent. 44: 129. —Work of. Sat. R. 97: 365. Sargossa Fish. (Theo. Gill) Science, 11. s. 22: 841, Sariclief, G. A., Atlas of. (Marcus Baker) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 86. Sark Island, England, Feudal System in. Idler, 26: (Clara Morris) Pall (J . L. Williams) Outing, 41: (C. E. Trevathan) Every- (A. (S. C. Simms) J . Am. 33- — the Pearl of the Silver Sea. (J . Oxenham) Chamb. J. 82: 276, Sarmiento, Domingo F. (F. M. Noa) Arena, 36: 390. Sarpi, Paolo. (A. D. White) Atlan. 93¢ 45. 225. — James I. and, in 1607. (Eugenia Levi) Ath. ’05, 2: 304. Sa'rsfield, Patrick. Macmil. 87: 447. -— (R. Sturgis and F. Fowler) Scrib. M. 34: 765. —Work of. (H. C. Payne) Dial, 35: 464. — (K. Cox) Nation, 77: 426. Sartain, William. (A. Hoebner) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 51- SASEBO Sasebo, Japanese Naval Hospital. (A. J. L. Freman- tle) National, 44: 664. = Ecl. M. 144: 357. =-= Liv. Age, 244: 115, . Saskatchewan, At the Mouth of the. (C. Hanbury- Williams) Blackw. 179: 392.?-Liv. Age, 249: 98. , —- the New Province. (F. W. Hunt) Canad. M. 25: 561, Sassoferrato, Bartolus or Bartolo Cecco Bonacursi da, and the Development of European Political Ideas. (J. N. Figgis) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 19: 147. Satellite, Birth of a. (G. H. Darwin) Harper, 108: 124, Satellite, Liquid, Figure and Stability of a. Darwin) Nature, 74: 115, Satellites, Discoveries of, Methods of Announcement. (W. W. Campbell and C. D. Perrine) Pop. Astron. 14: 135, _ The New Planet TG. (A. D. Crommelin) Pop. As- tron. I4: 472. -—— recently discovered by American Astronomers. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 13: 120. Sati. (H. F. P. Battersby) Sat. R. I02: 76. Satire in the Middle Ages. (Eliz. Speakman) Dub. R. 136: 48, Satires in Verse, American. (Brander Matthews) Har- per, I09: 294. Satisfying Life, The. (F. W. Hass) Meth. R. 63: 277. Satolli, Francis, Cardinal. (E. A. Pace) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2: 3. Satterlee’s Deal. (A. Stoddart) Lippinc. 75: 114, Saturday Golf; a story. (F. H. Spearman) Outing, 42: 742. Saturn, 9th and 10th Satellites of. Pop. Astron. 14: 17. —- Ring System of, Disintegration of. Knowl. 11. s. 3: 320. —- Rings of, Measures of. Pop. Astron. I1: 145. — (F. E. Seagrave) Pop. Astron. 12: 131. —- Rotation Period of. (H. C. I/Vilson) Pop. Astron. 11: 443. —— System of. “ Saturnalia ” and Museum Loans. Nation, 80: 475. Satyr’s Children, The; a story. (E. Wyatt) Atlan. 98: (G. H. (W. H. Pickering) (W. J . Knight) (D. G. Parker) Pop. Astron. I2: 405. (F. J. Mather, jr.) 513. Saugus, Mass. (E. E. Hatch) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 480, Saul, The Character of. (J . F. McFayden) Bib. World, 25: 103, — Malady of. Saul-David Narratives, Unity of the Older. Guth) J. Bib. Lit. 25: 111, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and Ontario. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 512, -— Giant Growth of. (Cy Warman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 689. Savages and Clothes. 3: 124, Savannah, Ga. 264. -— Historic Sacrilege of. Craftsman, 8: 344. Savant, The; a Ghetto sketch. (E. Scribe) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 313. Saved by a Panther ; a New Zealand Episode. Colville) Arena, 28: 416. Saving of the Choir. (R. Bradford) New Eng. M. 11. s. 29: 578. Saving of Von Stralling, The. (L. F. Stallings) Over- land, 11. s. 42: 247. Savings Banks. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 764. -—(I. Lee) I/Vorld’s Work, 4: 2488, —— and Housing. (N. L. Cohen) Sat. R. 93: 729, 806. (E. M. Merrins) Bib. Sac. 61: 752. (W. W. (F. M. Sparks) (F. Boyle) Monthly R. 20, 'no. (W. J. Donlan) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: (W. J. 571 SC AN DINAVIA Savings Banks, Criticism of. (R. C. Osgood) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 291. -—— Facilities in Canada. M. (N. Y.) 73: 111. — Inquiry into the. Bank. M. (Lond.) 741 I. — Our. (H. W. VVolff) Econ. R. 14: 313. —Postal, Condition of English. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 80: 147, — Publicity for. (P. L. Harwood) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 294, —— Should Parliament snub the ? (G. W. Boag) Westm. 158: 650. -—— System in. 76 5. —— Taxation of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 928, Savonarola, G. (J . Lord) Californian, 2: 485. —-(M. I. Gray) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 353. — Howard 011 Tragedy of. ' Ath. ’04, 1: 201, Savorgnan de Brazza, Pierre F. C. (E. G. Ravenstein) Geog. J. 26: 566, Savoy, I11 the Footsteps of Rousseau. (H. Ellis) Fortn. 82: 809. -—— Royal House of. (D. Story) Mnnsey, 31 I 229. —— Royal Line of: the Prince of Piedmont. (J . J . O’Shea) Am. Cath. 30: 43. -—— Vitelleschi’s The Romance of. (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 81: 324. Savoy, High, On the High Way to. (S. B. Chester) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 187. Sawas; the City of the Soul. (Duchess of Leeds) Sund. M. 34: 521. Sawyer, Eugene T., Dime Novelist. Bookman, I5: 528. Saxon and Slav. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. 36: 358. (H. M. P. Eckardt)Bank. (W. M. Hayden) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: (G. Burgess) 37 1 233- Saxon Churches. (R. P. Brereton) Reliquary, 45: III. Saxon Race, Genesis of the. (H. L. Chamberlain) Overland, n. s. 43: 70. Saxon Tower of Sompting Church. Reliquary, 42: I97. Saxony, Strange Dilemma of the King of. (F. Cun- liffe-Owen) Mnnsey, 32: 544. Say, Thomas, Genealogical Records from Bible of. Pennsyl. M. 29: 216, Saybrook, Connecticut. (C. Johnson) New E11g. M. n, S, 26: 562. -—(M. L. Greene) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 86. Sayce, A. H. Gifford Lectures on Religions of Egypt and Babylonia. Ath. ’03, 1: 169. “ Sayings of Jesus,” New, and the Synoptic Problem. (Kirsopp Lake) Hibbert J . 31 332. Sayings of Sir Oracle. Macmil. 88: 426. “ S. B. Bates; ” a story. (Caroline Lockhart) Am. M. 62: 208, ‘ Scab, The. (Jack London) Atlan. 93: 54. “Scab,” The. (F. B. YVestwood) Bookman, 20: 562, “ Scale” Method of marking. (V. M. Hillyer) Educa. 26: 217, Scale-insects. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Am. Natural. 39: 4:- Scaler, The; a story. (S. E. White) McClure, 20: 462, Scalps, Taking of, by Indians, as Trophies. (F. C. Clark) M. of Hist. 3: 29, I05. Scandal in High Life, A. (Josephine D. Bacon) Scrib. M. 37: 411. Scandinavia, Geology, Brageer’s Work. on. McCurdy) Science, 11. s. 23: 778. —- The Crisis in. (H. H. Boyesen, 2d) Cosmopol. 39: (G. G. 629, -— Homeric Knowledge of the High North. (Karl Blind) Monthly R. 24, no. 22 I21. — in the Scales of the Future. (E. J . Solano) Monthly R. 20, no. 1: 1.: Liv. Age, 245: 323. SCANIHNAVLA Scandinavia, What People read in. (Julius Moritzen) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 206, Scandinavian-American, The; his Status. (H. Wisby) No. Am. 183: 213. Scandinavian Novel, The. Liv. Age, 232: 1. Scandinavian Schools'of Composers, Three. (A. E. Keeton) Fortn. 84: 1116. =Ecl. M. 146: 162. Scandinavians in America, The. (H. N. Casson) Mun- sey. 35= 613: Scapegoat, The, in European Folk-lore. Thomas) Folk-Lore, I7: 258. Scapegoats, The. (J . B. Cabell) Appleton’s M. 8: 269. Scarlatti, Alessandro. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 991 235- - and Domenico, with portraits and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 3: 241. Scarlet Bat; a story. (J . Gray) Atlan. 971 824. Scarlet Fever ; Protozoa and Disease. (G. N. Calkins) Cent. 45: 931. ‘ Scarlet Fever Letter, A. 25: 482, Scarron, Paul. (A. Laugel) Nation, 81: 216, 238. Scenery, English, Causes of. Ed. R. 196: 97. -in Fiction. Acad. 63: ‘469.-=Liv. Age, 235: 812. =Ecl. M. 140: 251, - Man and. Nature, 71: 577, Scenic Artists, Successful California. Overland, n. s. 45: I71. Scenic Places in America, Preservation of. Smith) Outl. 73: 345. Scent Distillation. (R. H. Wallace) Chamb. J. 80: (N. W. (N orvell Harrison) McClure, (W. Davis) (K. L. 301. Scepticism. See Skepticism. Schafiie, Dr. A. (A. W. Small) Am. J . Sociol. 9: 708. Schaftlarn; where Monks brew Beer and conduct a Restaurant. (R. Harper) Overland, n. s. 47: 259. Schanck, John Stillwell, with portrait. Princ. Univ. Bull. 10: 17. Schaudinn, Fritz. (G. N. Calkins) Science, 11. s. 24: 154: Scheff, Fritzi. (M. White, jr.) Munsey, 35: 343. . ' Scheme of Sutcliife, Swindler, The ; a story. (W. H. Osborne) McClure, 20: 598, Schemm, Peter A., Art Collection of. (H. D. Smith, jr.) Booklover’s M. 2: 256, Scherer, J. A. B. Bk. News, 22: 1121, Scherzer, Karl, Ritter von. Geog. J . 21: 463. Schiff, Jacob H. (R. N. Burnett) Cosmopol. 34: 698, - House of. Archit. Rec. 18: 33. Schiller, Friedrich. (P. Carus) Open Court, 19: 260, —Ecl. M. 145: 174.2’-Liv. Age, 245: 674.-Spec. 94= 705- - and his Publisher. Acad. 64: 220. - as an Inspiration. (A. F. Lange) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 33. - Centenary of. (Mary C. Crawford) Critic, 46: 425, -— Don Carlos. (J . J . O’Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 436, - Ideal of Liberty. (VV. R. Thayer) Atlan.‘95: 616, - Kiihnemann on. (S. W. Cutting) Dial, 40: 41. - Life by C. Thomas. (S. W. Cutting) Atlan. 89: 570, - (W. H. Carruth) Dial, 32: 122, — Message to Modern Life. (K. Francke) Atlan. 95: 611, - Personality of. (J . P. Worden) Outl. 80: 37, - Religion of. (W. H. Carruth) Open Court, 19: 321, -(Eliz. Kingsbury) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 187, - Wilhehn Tell. (R. W. Deering) Chant. 34: 624, Schistosity by Crystallization. (F. E. Wright) Am. J . Sci. 172: 224. Schleswig~Holstein, The Duchies of. sett) National, 41: 988. - Germany and the Danes of the North. mann) 19th Cent. 54: 55. (R. Blennerhas- (W. Hart- MY 6 SCHOOL Schley, Winfield Scott. Autobiography. (W. Rice) Dial, 37: 369. . - Court of Inquiry. (H. W. Wilson) National, 38: 788, -— - Errors touching the. (M. A. Teague) Forum, 32: 747- - - Legal View of. (C. E. Grinnell) Green Bag, 14: 99- Schneider, Otto J ., Artist. (H. Dunbar) Brush & P. 10: 38. ‘ Schloss, David F. Gain-sharing in Germany. Econ. J. 15: 574. Schmidt; a story. (L. Osbourne) Everybody’s, I3: 3. Schmitt, Edmond John Peter. Assoc. Q. 5: 206, Schmoller, on Protection and Free Trade. Taussig) Q. J. Econ. 19: 50!. Schneider-Canet Artillery, The. (O. Macdonald) Army & Navy Life, 9: 49. Schnively Expedition of 1867, The. Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 8: 267. Schoenhofen Brewery, The. (Russell Sturgis) Archit. Rec. I7: 201. Schofield, Prof. W. H. 299- Scholar, Mind of the. (C. H. A. Wager) Dial, 4!: 33. - the Poet, and the Prophet. (A. R. Merriam) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 6: 107, Scholarly Men in America, Careers of. dike) Cent. 44: 153. Scholars, Some Noteworthy. 31: 460, Scholarship and Authorship. Temp. Bar, 127: 449, -— and Service; Inaugural Address. Educa. R. 24: I. -— Pure-its Place in Civilization. So. Atlan. Q. I: 341, - Rewards of. Science, 11. s. 22: 27. - The Voice of the Scholar. (D. S. Jordan) Atlan. 92: 32. Scholarships, Open. 256, -— World. (H. L. Taylor) School R. 11: 379, Scholasticism; a Defense. (A. H. Lloyd) Internat. J . Ethics, 12: 477. School, The. (C. W. Eliot) Atlan. 92: 577, - Afliliated, in Theory and Practice. (E. H. Mensel) School R. 12: 349, - and Certain Social Conditions. Arena, 32: 246. - and the Church. 661, - and the Community, Joint Educational Responsi- bility of. (J . F. Moors; Jas. P. Munroe) Educa. R. 31: 433. - and the Home. (F. T. Carlton) Educa. 26: 209, — (S. L. Arnold) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 332, 459. - and the Individual. (E. J . Swift) Wash. Univ. Bull. 4: 122. - as a Social Center. (W. L. Bulkley) Char. 15: 76. - Atmosphere of a. Spec. 96: 376. - Causes of Withdrawal from. (S. D. Brooks) Educa. R, 26: 362, . —- Elementary, in Berlin. Educa. 22: 493. - Ethical Function of. (F. W. (A. Whitehurst) (D. R. Keys) Canad. M. 27: (E. L. Thorn- (D. C. Gilman) Scrib. M. (A. R. Macfarlane) (N. M. Butler) (H. F. Linscott) (W. H. D. Rouse) National, 48: (W. D. Sheldon) (W. D. Parkinson) School R. I 3: (E. M. Wood-Lovejoy) (W. D. Sheldon) Educa. 25: 321, - From Gram rto High. (E. L. C. Morse) School R. 10: 620, - Girls’, a Century Ago. (Violet A. Simpson) Cornh. 85: 386. - Grammar, Founding a. (T. F. Fullard) Antiq. n. s. 41 = 177. - (I. J . Cox) Texas Hist. ' SCHOOL School, Humor in the. (A. D. Cameron) Cent. 47: 9'8. — in Cities, Economics of. 193- ~ —- in Country for Town Children. mil. n. s. 2: 17. — in its Relation to Social Organization and to Natural Life. (M. E. Sadler) Ednca. R. 28: 361. —— in the Promotion of Progress. (G. M. Mirell) Arena, 28: 221, -— in Relation to Social Organization and National Life. (M. E. Sadler) Ednca. R. 29: 338. —— in the Woods, A. (M. Berry) Outl. 77: 833. — Industrial Demands of To-day. (C. L. Pratt) Char. 15: 702, -—A Model. (P. P. Claxton) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 245.—-(J. E. Russell) World’s Work, 4: 215'. -—MoreD Home Life and Duties needed in. (F. A. (L. F. Anderson) Educa. 251 51 9. Steel) Sat. R. 98: 663, (A. Lewis) Overland, n. s. (D. E. Cloyd) Ednca. 25: (L. Smith) Mac- — Non-professional. —— Notes on choosing a. 44: 17. —- of Life, The. (H. van Dyke) Harper, 109: 676. — The Preparatory Day School of the Future. Simmons) Contemp. 90: 344, (C. —— Present Problems of. (W. H. Maxwell) Educa. R. 28: 378. -— Private, in a Democracy. (A. Gilman) World To- day. 7 = 1031: -— Public, The American. (N. Dent) Munsey, 35: 6 91. — — and the Philanthropist. Canad. M. 26: 233. — —— as a Center of Social Service. Ednca. 25: 378. —— — Full Stature of the. (T. I/Villiams) Char. I2: 573- —— — in Massachusetts, Early Evolution of. (F. S. Baldwin) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 424. — —— On the Choice of a. Liv. Age, 244: 17. —- A Rural. (M. Van Rennselaer) Chaut. 34: 428. ~ —- Some Social Aspects of. Char. II: 61. — withdrawal -from, Relation of Temperament io. (S. D. Brooks) School R. 10: 446. School for Scandal, A. (E. Kemp) Temp. Bar, 125: 4 ‘. School we lost, The; a Story of the Seiners. (J. B. Connolly) Outl. 77: 84, School Activity, Notes on. Sem. 9: 106, School Administration, Cleveland Plan of. (S. P. Orth) Pol. Sci. I9: 402, —— Municipal, Principles of. (W. H. Burnham) Atlan. 92: 105, —— St. Louis Method of. (E. K. Carman) Pedagog. (E. C. Eliot) Educa. R. 26: 464- School Architecture and Hygiene, Bibliography of. (W. P. Gerhard) Am. Arch. 88: 14, School Athletics, Ethics of. (W. B. Thomas) Chamb. I J . 80: 406. School Board and Superintendent. Ednca. 26: 541. ——- The Elective. Dial, 36: 255, School-book Grievance, A. (E. Ginn) Nation, 80: 395. School-books, Colonial. (Clifton Johnson) New Eng. M. n. S. 30: 104, — Old and New. (K. Burrill) Chamb. J . 82: 6. — Some Old. (C. I. Dodd) National, 45: I006. Schoolboy of Fiction. Spec. 89: 356, —-— Public, Physique of the. (J . H. Vines) Westm. I 59: (E. C. Hughes) 317- —— Religion of the. (H. V. Weisse) Contemp. 85: 697, 86: 102,:-'Liv. Age, 241: 769. 242: 359.-Spec, 573 SCHOOLHOUSE Schoolboys, Military Instruction for. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 16, — of Fiction. (G. P. Gordon) Gent. M. n. s. 76: 13. : Liv. Age, 248: 411, —— Pocket-money of. Spec. 92: 366. School Buildings, Essentials of. Am. Arch. 32: 28. School Census Law, The, a Dead Letter. (L. E. Op- dycke) Char. 15: 412, School Child and Local School Board. (E. C. Par- sons) Char. I4: 1097. School Children, Effect of School Life upon Health. (G. W. Johnston) N0. Am. 182: 829, —— Free Meals for. (G. Hookham) National, 48: 5II. —(A. Clay) Monthly R. 20, no. 1: 94.——(S. A. Barnett) Indep. R. 6: 154.—Sat. R. 98: 384,- Spec. 96: 821, — — A Birmingham Experiment. ' (G. Hookham) Na- tional, 44: 718.:Ecl. M. 144: 364.:Liv. Age, 244: 226, — — in England. — -— i11 France. (J . T. Griffin) (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 82: 257, (A. T. Smith) Ednca. 26: 56, —- — in Paris. (C. A. Elliott) 19th Cent. 59: 834, — Health of. (G. IV. Wharton) Outl. 84: 662, —— in England, I/Vage-earning. (T. Burke) Forum, 33: 283. —— of all Countries. (B. C. Wilcox) Everybody’s, I0: 57, -— Pathology of. (J. Tyler) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 43: 157, — Physical Defects of. (L. G. Chace) Char. I2: 900, — Under-nourished. -(L. D. Wald) Char. 13: 600. School City. (VV. L. Gill) J. Frankl. Inst. I56: ' 19.——- J. Frankl. Inst. I56: 401. —(C. W. French) School R W 33: -~— A New Experiment in the Self-government of the Young. (Frank Parsons) Cent. 49: 496. School Commonwealth, Time Tables and Syllabus of Work of. (F. Watson) School R. 10: 304. School Day, The Longer or Shorter. (W. H. Allen) Char. 14: 761. School-fees and School-masters. (J. C. Tarver) Mac- mil. 89: 132. School Finances, Political Economy of. ris) Ednca. R. 29: 486. School Gardens. (H. C. Bennett) Booklover’s M. 5: 469.—(W. A. Baldwin) Ednca. 26: 447.—(D. J. Crosby) Outl. 71: 852, — as an Educational Factor. M. 11. s. 26: "5. — in Great Cities. (N. Y.)’29: 439. — in Philadelphia. (Helen C. Bennett) Char. I4: 619, -— in Relation to the Three R’s. (P. R. Miller) Ednca. 25: 531. — Native Plants for. (B. L. Putnam) Ednca. 22: 561, — New Methods in. (A. E. S. Beard) World To-day, 6:, 675.- School Girl Life, My, Fifty Years Ago. Liv. Age, 249: 339- School Government. (E. L. Cowdrick)Educa. 24: 367. —— Pupil Co-operation in. (W. L. Philips) Ednca. 22: (W. T. Har- (L. Southard) New Eng. (Helen C. Bennett) R. of Rs. 5 38. School Grounds, Beautifying of. (Mrs. H. J. Hall) Chaut. 38: 276. — Improved. (J . M. Parker) Outl. 72: 218. —- Improvement of. (J . W. Spencer) Chant. 34: 424, — Planting of, in Rochester, N. Y. (Susan H. Hooker) Ctry Life Am. I: 219. School Hours, After, What? (F. S. Hall) Char. I1: 224, . Schoolhouse, The Model; H-plan. (C. C. Johnson) World’s Work, 12: 7664, —-The Little Red. (A. H. Nelson) Educa. R. 23: 92: 725. -—'Liv. Age, 242: 56. 304- . — —- Evolution of. (W. Sargent) School R. 11: 435. . School Management, Laissez-faire Plan of. SCHOOLHOUSES Schoolhouses, City. Archit. R. 11: 161, - — Women improving. (E. C. Brooks) World’s Work, 12: 7937- School Hygiene, London Conference on. Nature, 71: 377- - Report of the Committee of the Worcester Public Education Association. (W. H. Burnham) Peda- gog. Sem. 13: 230. School Journey in Derbyshire. (C. L. Dodd) National, 39: 949- ' School Libraries and the Public Library System. (M. Dewey) Pub. Lib. I0: 224, School Legislation in 1902, Tendencies in. sons, jr.) Educa. R. 26: 36. —- in 1903, Tendencies in. (J . R. Parsons, jr.) Educa. R. 28: 19. School Life, Rural; Enrichment by Consolidation of Schools. (F. L. Jones) Educa. 22: 373, School Luncheons in the Special Classes of Public Schools. (E. Farrell) Char. I3: 569. (J. R. Par- (H. L. Clapp) Educa. 26: 349. School Organizations, Open. (P. G. W. Keller) School R. 13: 10, School Policy via School Facts. I1-I3= 475.544- School Reform, Dangers of. (S. D. Brooks) Educa. R. 31: 226, . School Reports, Demands for Better. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 575. School Sanitation. (W. P. Gerhard) Am. Arch. 87: 177.183. . School Superintendent; Relation to Board. (W. E. Chanceller) Educa. 22: 340, School Supervision by the School Board. ‘ Tucker) Educa. R. 23: 419. School Tales. Church Q. 61: 356, School Teachers, Unionizing the. World To-day, 8: 394. 3-. School Work, Elementary, Shorter Time in. Greenhood) Educa. R. 24: 375. — of a Librarian. (P. A. Hutchins) Pub. Lib. I0: 167, Schooling, J . H., A Workman’s Reply to. (W. H. Allen) School (W. H. Allen) (M. A. (David S. Ricker) (J . M. Fortn. 79: I47- Schooling in Country and in City. (W. L. Hervey) Chant. 40: 359. , Schoolmarm, The. (F. W. Shibley) New Eng. M. n. s. 25: S49- Schoolmaster, Confessions of a. Educa. R. 40: 433. —— Country. (W. O. Clayton) Outl. 80: 933. — Success and the. (Austin Lewis) Overland, n. s. 43= 489- Schoolmaster of Bagaduce, The; a story. Strout) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 689, Schoolmaster Followers of Bacon and Comenius. Watson) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 428,-. Schoolmasters, Salaries of. (Vere Collins) National, (J . W. (P. 44= 333- 1 _ —— Training of. (E. Lyttelton) Igtli Cent. 57: 919. Schoolroom, Plea for Art in the. (Mrs. A. W. Miller) Brush & P. 12: 27. E Schoolroom Classics in Fiction —a Survey. Liv. Age, 232: 38 5. \ Schoolrooms. (G. K. Knight) Edu . 23: 232. Schools, Accrediting, Methods in Use of. (A. S. Whit- ney) School R. 11: 138. \ — American and English. 436- — American, and Religious Knowledge. lan) Cath. World, 81: 84, —- and Colleges in Colonial Times. New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 372. (G. L. lFox) Nation, 83: (T. McMil- (H. J . Webster) 5572i SCHOOLS Schools, and School Systems, Instruction .in the Organi- zation and Administration of. (G. H. Locke) Educa. R. 27: 456. — and Schoolmasters, My. (J . MacDonald) Educa. R. 23: 50, 182, 385. —-(A. Gove) Educa. R. 24: 166, — Board, vs. Family Life. (T. Baty) Macmil. 87: 194. -—- — British View of. (A. Mosely) World’s Work, 7: 4484- —— Caftjholic Parish, in New York City. Cath. World, 7 = 430- — City, Good Organization for. 56: 416, —- Christian, Episcopalian Demand for. Cath. World, 78: 234, —- Consolidation of Country. (F. Nelson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 702. —(W. B. Shaw) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 251 706. — (C. H. Matson) Outl. 72: 981, — — and the Conveyance of Children. (C. E. Blake) Forum, 33: 103. -- Continuation, in Denmark. Educa. 251 113. — Country, Backward, near Cities. (Adele M. Shaw) World’s Work, 8: 5244. — —— Improvements in. Educa. 25! II 5. — —— need Farmer Studies. (C. H. Poe) World’s (C. W. Eliot) Indep. (T. McMillan) Work, 6: 3760. — Curriculum, Enrichment in. (F. P. Graves) Educa. 25: ~87. — Decordtions of, Interior. (W. J . Kenyon) School R. 14: 625, — Elementary, Program for. (E. M. Sparlin) Educa. 24' 361 - English, ‘Popular. (F. W. Smith) Educa. 23: 471, — Esprit de Corps in Elementary. MonthlyR. 25, no. 3= 45- - Evening High. (C. S. Foos) Educa.‘ 24: 16. ‘ —— for Dependent, Delinquent, and Truant Children in Illinois. (T. H. Macqueary) Am. J . Sociol. 9: I. — for Geniuses. (G. Pollak) Nation, 82: 422, — for the Out-of-school. (H. V. Ross) R. of Rs. (N. Y.)34: 315. _ —— for Statesmen. (T. H. S. Escott) Fortn. 77: 1079, — German and American. (A. Lodeman) Nation, 74: 91. — (W. S. Monroe) School R. 14: 217. — in N. Y. City, Character of. (Adele M. Shaw) World’s Work, 7: 4204, — Language of the. (F. Aveling) Dub. R. I 34: 15. — New Church. (A. A. Carey) N. Church R. 11: 393, — of Philadelphia. (Adele M. Shaw) World’s Work, 7: 4460. — Our Grandmothers’. 61: 495. — Parochial, and Church Architecture. Cath. World, 75: 470. — Public, about New York. (Adele M. Shaw) World’s Work, 7: 4317. — — Administration of, Tendencies in. (U. W. Cut- ler) Pedagog. Sem. I3: 185. I —— and Citizenship. (E. E. Hill) Gunton’s M. 22: . I47- —— — and Good Government. (S. E. Forman) Gunton’s M. 22: 348. — — and the Public Museum. (R. E. Call) Lib. J . 281 (Susan Hayes Ward) Indep. (L. Gorman) 170, , — —Are they a Failure ? (P. de Coubertin) Fortn. 781 979- —— —— as a Public Peril, A. C. Benson on. 19th Cent. 52: 941, —-— —- as Social Centers. (J . G. P. Stokes) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 457. — —- Beautifying the. (Bertha D. Knobe) World’s Work, 4: 2157, (O. Lodge) -— tend too much to making Clerks. SCHOOLS Schools, Public, Business Basis for. Educa. 261 137. — — Concentration of. (G. P. Glenn) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 257. — — Curriculum for. (G. H. Martin) (H. H. Seerley) Educa. R. 27: I79- — — Defects in. (W. H. Young) Educa. 26: 526. — -—. English. (H. Newbolt) Monthly R. 8, no. 31 I. — —-— and their Headmasters. Westm. I57: 552. —- -— —— Chance of. (J . L. Paton) Indep. 4: 16, — — — A Complaint of. (R. F. Cholmeley) Indep. R. 33 337- -— — —— More Men in. (R. L. Sandwick) Pop. Sci. Mo. 651 443. — — —- Training of an English Gentleman in. C. Welldon) 19th Cent. 60: 396, -— — Expenditures for. (E. P. Seaver) Educa. R. 25: 475- —— — Grading in, Faulty. (W. J . Shearer) Forum, 33: 469. —— -— in America; the Issue. Outl. 75: 441. — — in Chicago, Physical and Mental Examination of. (D. P. MacMillan) Char. I72 529. - — — Increased Use of the School Property. (T. J . Riley) Am. J. Sociol. II: 655. —--— Leaders of. Outl. 80: 733. , —— — Medical Inspection of. (L. D. Wald) Ann. Am. Acad. Po'l. Sci. 25: 290. (J. E. — — M oral Influence of. (T. F. Dornblaser) Luth. Q. 3 5: ~70. — — ltloiality of ; Opinions of College Presidents. Outl. 751 635 - -— — of N.‘Y. City, Day’s Work in. World’s Work, 4: 2634, — — A Pedagogue’s Opinions on. mil. 88: 450. — -— Programmes for. —- — Religion in the. —-— — Sensible, First-hand Education in. Shaw) World’s Work, 8: 4996. — —— Tainted Teaching in. (J. J . Fox) Cath. World, 75: 535- — —- Teaching of the Christian Religion in. Beverley Ussher) Hibbert J . 32 791. —- — What they achieve. (C. C. Johnson) World’s Work, 10: 6365, — — Work and Play in. — Rural, Awakening in. Work, 7: 4144. — — Consolidation of. (O. J . Kern) Educa. 26: 14, -— Separate, Agitation in Canada for. (J . L. Hughes) Educa. 25: -525. —- A Suppressed Chapter in the History of. land) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 248, — System of accrediting by Universities. What is the Effect upon the High School and its Development ? (J . F. Brown) School R. 12: 299, (W. McAndrew) (S. T. Irwin) Mac- (A. S. Draper) Outl. 80: 779. (F. Crane) Meth. R. 66: 535. (Adele M. (Mrs. (W. Buck) Outl. 80: 725, (M. L. Brittain) World’s (W. Po- (F. A. Steel) Sat. R. 951 417-' -— University and Technological. Nation, 80: 50, Schooner, A Seven-masted. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 172, Schopenhauer, Arthur, and Omar Khayyam, Philoso- phy of. (C. D. Broad) Westm. 166: 544. — Doctrine of the Will. (E. D. Daniels) N. Church R. 91 93- -- Pessimism of, and Art. (F. Melian Stawell) Indep. R, 10: 204, -— — Causes of. (J. C. Peery) Luth. Q. 32: 535. Schott, Johann. (S. H. Scott) Antiq. n. s. 40: 143, Schubert, Franz Peter, with portrait and selections from Orchestral Works. Mast. in Music, 4: 97, 145. -— and his Music. (T. W. Surette) Chaut. 41: 41. 575 SCIENCE Schubert, Franz Peter, Heuberger’s. Nation, 75: 349. — Romanticist. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 82: 311, Schultz, Carl R. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67: 415. Schumacher, Hermann, and the Kaiser Wilhelm Lec- tureship. (E. R. A. Seligman) R. of ,Rs. (N. Y.) at 548. Schumann, Robert. (H. Autcliife) 20th Cent. Q. 1, no. 2: 81.-—-Liv. Age, 250: 724.—(Annie W. Patter- son) Bk. News, 21: 834.— With portrait. Mast. in Music, 52 1. — and the Romantic Movement. 82: 800. —-— and his Music. (T. W. Surette) Chaut. 41: 140. — Festival at Bonn. Ath. ’06, 1: 645. Schunck, H. Edward. Nature, 67: 275. Schurz, Carl. (A. Tanzer) Nation, 82: 400.—Outl. 83: 107. —(F. Franklin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 332 673. —Autobiography. McClure, 27: 205, 302. 28: 124, Schutze, Martin. Poems. (W. N. Guthrie) Sewanee, 12: 354. Schuylart, Marie, a Flemish Peasant in America. (J. L. Mathews) Everybody’s, I5: 649. Schuyler, F ort, Diary of the Siege of. (W. M. Reid) M. of Hist. 3: 9o. Schwab, Charles M., The Moral of. tion, 77: 25. ——-Residence in New York City. Archit. Rec. 12: (H. T. Finck) (D. G. Mason) Outl. (R. Ogden) Na- 537- Schweinfurth, A. C., Architect, The Later Work of. Archit. R. 9: 76. Schweinitz, Dr. Emil de. Science, 11. s. 19: 356. Schwob, Marcel. (C. VVhibley) Acad. 68: 2 76. Science, Advance in, Religious Use of. (J . Poucher) Meth. R. 62: 849, -—— The Age of. (I. Remsen) Science, 11. s. 20: 65. — American Men of, Statistics of. (J . M. Cattell) Sci- ence, n. s. 24: 658, 699, 732. —- America’s Inferior Position in the Scientific World. (C. Snyder) No. Am. 174: 59. — and Arts. Chamb. J. 80: 61-828. — and Culture. (W. L. Poteat) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 69. — arid Education. (E. Fry) Contemp. 87: 383. — and Faith, Outstanding Controversy between. Lodge) Hibbert J. 12 46. — — Reconciliation between. I: 209, — and Industry. (G. Lippmann) Nature, 74: 386. — and Literature. (J . Perry) Nature, 66: 645. — and Medicine in the Modern University. (C. S. Sher- rington) Science, 11. s. 18: 675. — and the People. (C. Baskerville) Science, 11. s. 20: 266. ——- and Poetry; their Contrasts and Aflinities. Knight) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 3: 9. —— and Religion. Month, 107: 365, 471, — — Conflict of. (Yujiro Motora) Monist, I 5: 398. — -— Mallock’s Audit of. (M. Maher) Fortn. 79: 206. —— — l\Iallock’s Conflict of. (J . J . Fox) Cath. WVorld, 741 424. — — on Different Planes. Sat. R. 982 538. -— — Reaction between. (F. W. Sardeson) Bib. Sac. 59: (O. (O. Lodge) Hibbert J . (W. 5." 7- ' —- — Setebos and St. Pierre. (C. B. Wheeler) Westm- I60: 292. —- and Science falsely so called. (W. Love) Meth. R. 65: 108, — and the State. (W. Abney) Nature, 712 90. —— and the University. (H. S. Pritchett) Technol. R. 4: 425' —as a Teacher of Morality. (J. M. Coulter) Bib. World, 25: 443. — Beginnings of. (H. S. Williams) Harper, 1092 183, SCIENCE Science, Blunders in Scientific Records. ger) Science, 11. s. 212 472. — British and American. (C. S. Pierce) Nation, 771 263. -— Christianity and. (S. Z. Beam) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 81. —— A Conspectus of. (M. Foster) Quar. I97: 139. — A Contribution to the Theory of. (W. Ostwald) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 219. —— Does it exclude Christianity? (C. Ford) Westm. 162: 694. —— English in, Plea for Better. ence, n. s. 181 563. — European and American. 11. s. 22: 299. — European Thought in the 19th Century. Mozley) Quar. 200: 76, - follows Nature. (A. H. Japp) Gent. M. n. s. 70: I13. —— Function of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 65: 67. — Future of. Spec. 91: 1073. — A Gardener’s View of. (P. Geddes) Monthly R. I 5, no. 2: 117, — in Civilization and in Education. School R. 14: 664. —— in the High School. 237- —- in the 19th Century. (J . Lindsay) Bib. Sac. 61: 47. —— in our Outlying Possessions. (J . Trowbridge) In- dep. 6!: I032. —— Is it Self-contradictory ? (C. Richardson) Westm. 149: 286. — Language of; Plea for Greater Simplicity. Rickard) Science, n. s. 152 I32. — Limits of. (W. T. Thiselton-Dyer and others) Sci- ence, n. s. 18: 138, -— Modern, The Pope and. Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 227. —— Modified Attitude of Speculative Science. (S. Fitz- Simons) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 490. — Natural, as a Factor in Education. Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 1. — — Instruction in. (Edwin H. Hall) Educa. R. 30: (L. Steine- (P. G. Warman) Sci- (L. F. Barker) Science, (J . R. (C. R. Mann) (G. H. Mead) School R. 14: (T. A. (T. R. Bacon) 396- - Nature, and Criticism. (W. J . Long) Science, 11. s. I9: 760. — The New Revelation in. (J . Trowbridge) Atlan. 92: 787, —- The Parody of. Month, I03: 197, —— Phases of Current. (W. B. Kaempifert) Booklov- er’s M. 6! 84. —— Philosophic Foundations of. 731 313- — Philosophy and, at the Dawn of the 20th Century. (J . T. Driscoll) No. Am. 176: 422, — Physical, Religion and. (Duke of N orthumberland) 19th Cent. 522 951. — Place of, in Modern Civilization. J. Sociol. 11: 385, —— Poincaré’s La Science et l’Hypothese. Young) Science, 11. s. 20: 533. — Popular. (VV. S. Franklin) Science, 11. s. 17: 8. — Possibilities of the 20th Century. (H. C. Hay) N. Church R. 101 44. -— Prerogatives of. (J . Gerard) Month, 105: 113, —— Problems of, and of Philosophy. (J . H. Hyslop) Philos. R. 12: 386, —— Problems of the 20th Century. Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 237. — Progress in, aiding New Church. (H. C. Hay) N. Church R. 12: 209, ——Progress of, in 19th Century. (W. H. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 50: 8, —— Prospects of, in the U. S., at the Beginning of the 20th Century. (D. C. Gilman) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 8: 30. (A. Schuster) Nature, (T. Veblen) Am. (J. W. A. (A. E. Dolbear) / 576 SCIENTIFIC Science, Recent Advances in, and their Bearing on Medicine and Surgery. (R. Virchow) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 558. — Recent Developments in. er’s M. 2: 453. —— Relation to Common Life. Science, 11. s. 18: 169, — Renaissance of. \(E. S. Holden) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 5. —— Saving of Vanishing Data. (A. C. Haddon) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 222. -— The Scientists and Common Sense. Contemp. 87: 727. —Second-hand, and Children’s Reasoning. Scott) Educa. R. 31: 167. —— Seminar Method in Natural Sciences, especially in Zoiilogy. (K. W. Genthe) Science, 11. s. 18: 116, — Service of, in Social Work. Science, 11. s. 20: 252, — Social Pioneers of. (T. H. S. Escott) Chamb. J . 82: 285.: Liv. Age, 245: 497. — Study of. Science, n. s. 192 476. — for Ministers. (S. M. Vernon) Meth. R. 64! 424. -— —— in Secondary Schools. (F. Legge) Acad. 64: 112. —~ Subjection of, to Propaganda. (W. T. Sedgwick) Science, 11. s. 15: 44. —— Teaching, in College. 24: 390, —- — Is it passing away ? (G. E. Boxall) Westm. 159: (T. Williams) Booklov- (J . M. Macfarlane) (E. Amitage) (C. A. (G. H. Mead) Science, 11. s. — Technical, in Education for Business and the Pro- fessions. (R. F. Thurston) Science, 11. s. 17: 961. — Two Attacks on. (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 84: 302. =Ecl. M. 145: 526. — Value of. (M. H. Poincaré) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 193- S45- — vs. Art-appreciation. (J . C. Adams) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 453. Science Teachers, Conference of, London, 1904. ‘(W. N. Webb) Nature, 69: 282, Sciences, A Compendious Classification of the. (T. Whittaker) Mind, 28: 21, -—- The, in Education, and the Place of Biology in Preparatory Schools. (G. W. Martin) Vanderbilt Univ. 51 77. — Some Modern, On the Definition of. and others) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 99. Scientific Authority, Use and Abuse of. Springer) Bib. Sac. 632 57. Scientific Composition, Style in. (C. R. Eastman) Sci- ence, n. s. 20: 806. —(G. K. Gilbert) Science, 11. s. 21: 28. Scientific Education, Deeper Significance of. (C. E. A. Winslow) Technol. R. 7: 410, Scientific Instruction. (W. de W. Abney) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 841. Scientific Investigation and Progress. (I. Remsen) Science, 11. s. I91 I.=Nature, 69: 306.:Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 291. Scientific Investigator, The. (S. Newcomb) Science, 11. s. 20: 385. = Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 92, — Character of the. (C. W. Eliot) Educa. R. 32: 157, Scientific Literature, Automatic Catalogue of. (G. N. Collins) Science, 11. s. 21: 958. —- International Catalogue of. (A. Liversidge) Sci- ence, n. s. 222 441. — (C. Adler) Science, 11. s. 18: 263. —(C. Adler) Lib. J. 29: supp. 97. — (F. S. Lee) Science, 11. 3. I9: 886. 20: 28, —- — First Annual Issue. (H. B. Ward) Science, 11. s. 21: 147. Scientific Man at the Present Day. (VV. G. F arlow) Science, 11. s. 23: 1. Scientific Men, Needs of. 22: 178. (W. H. Dall (J . F. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Science, SCIENTIFIC Scientific Nomenclature. (C. R. Eastman) Science, I]. S. 20: 727. Scientific Papers, Sporadic Publication of. Nature, 741 319- Scientific Positions under the Government. 11. s. 17: 554. Scientific Prophecies. (J . D. Rogers) Cornh. go: 378. Scientific Reading in a Public Library. (A. E. Bost- wick) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 524. Scientific Research. (C. L. Doolittle) Science, n. s. 15: 841, ~— and Chemical Industry, Relation between. Meldola) J . Soc. Arts, 512 808, — and the State. (M. Foster) 19th Cent. 55! 741. —— Art of Revelation and Prophecy. (R. H. Thurston) Science, 11. s. 16: 401, 445_ —-— Expeditions during 1903. n. s. 19: 35. — How can Endowments be used most effectively for ? (T. C. Chamberlin and others) Science, 11. s. 17! 571- - Organization of. (S. Newcomb) No. Am. 182: 32, —-—(W. E. Ritter) Pop. Sci. Mo. 57: 49. Scientific Spirit, The. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 68: 594. Scientific Standpoints and Philosophical Orientation. (J. Ward) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: I. Scientific Tangle, A; a story. (J . Swain) Lippinc. 71: 85 5. Scientific Work in America, Conditions which dis- courage. (S. Newcomb) No. Am. 174: 145. Scientist and the Moth. (J ennette Lee) Cent. 47! 432. — Amateur, Exit the. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: I5 , Scientists, The, and Common Sense. (E. Armitage) Contemp. 871 727.: Liv. Age, 246: 195, — Popular Appreciation of. (R. Ogden) N ation, 74: 46. — out of Place. (P. R. Shipman) Monist, I3: 617, Scilly Islands. The Strangest Corner of England. Shackleton) Harper, I13: 78 5. Scipio Type, A New Head of the; an Attempt at its Identification. (W. Dennison) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 9: II. Scissors Work, Artistic. Craftsman, 8: 821, Scituate, Mass. (H. Robbins) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 167. —— Records of the Second Church of, now the First Unitarian Church of Norwell, Mass. (W. J . Litch- field) N. E. Reg. 58: 82-387. 59: 74-387. 60: 61- Science, (R. (H. F. Osborn) Science, (R. 5. Scoostser, The; the New Boat for Ice or Water. (H. B. Fullerton) Ctry Life Am. 5: 149. — (J . W. Mul- ler) Outing, 45: 729. Scoring of the Raja; a story. M. 23: 214, Scorn,of the World; a Poem in Three Books, trans- lated by H. Preble. Am. J. Theol. I0: 72, 286, (W. A. Fraser) Canad. 497- Scot, The, Abroad. (W. C. Mackenzie) Gent. M. n. s. 68: I58. Scotch Christianity; Some Difierences between it and English. (W. Cunningham) National, 45: 679. Scotch Cousins. Blackw. I79: 313. Scotch-Irish, The. (J . R. Commons) Chaut. 38: I21. — C. A. Hanna on. Outl. 70: 686. -—Ath. ’oz, 1: 744, Scotch Literature, Woman in. (C. G. Paterson) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 38, Scotch Manse, Reminiscences of a. Chamb. J . 81: 197, Scotch People, Craniology of, Turner on. (J . G. Mc- Pherson) Knowl. n. s. 2: 31. Scotchman vs. Scotsman. (A. Turner) Sat. R. 941 45. Scotchmen in America, The. (H. N. Casson) Munsey, 343 599- - in Germany, Fischer on. Ath. ’oz, 1: 493, 577 SCOTLAND Scotia. Voyage of the. (A. H. Markham) Blackw. 180: 705. —— — Second. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 94. Scotland, Alpine Mountaineering in. (A. E. Robert- son) Chamb. J. 83: 407. — Ancient Cathedrals of. 27: I9 313, 527- —— and England, Borderland between; an Unforgotten Frontier. (D. Story) Munsey, 28: 256. — and John Knox. (R. S. Rait) Fortn. 84: 95. —— and the Union, Mathieson’s. (C. W. Colby) N ation, 83= 2-45. —— Brown’s History of, from Mary Stuart to 1689. Ath. ’oz, 1: 553. — Catholic, Hymns and Legends of. Cath. World, 75: 310, — Centenary of the Wordsworth-Coleridge Itinerary. (G. W. Murdoch) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 239. —-— Church of, and Disestablishment. (J . W. Cameron) Westm. I62: 519. — -— and the Results of the Sustentation Fund Sys- tem. (M. Blair) Westm. I63: 625. —— —-— and the State. Westm. I54: 532. — —— A Breach of the Constitution. Westm. I64: 477. ———The Case of. Quar. 200: 626, — (J. Ferguson) Jurid. R. I6: 347. -— —— —- An Appeal. (W. Mair) Blackw. I801 728. —— — Creed Crisis in. (A. Taylor Innes) Hibbert J . 3: 217, — — Doctrinal Subscription in. J urid. R. 17: 201. — — The Scottish Judgment and the Free Churches. (G. Jones) Westm. I64: 388, — Church Crisis in, 1905. Church Q. 59: 3IZ.—(C. Macpherson) 19th Cent. 57: 61. —(J. Watson) Hib- bert J. 3! 237. = Liv. Age, 244: 329. — (R. M. Williamson) Law Q. 20: 415. —— — and the Law of Property. Ed. R. 200: 429. — — and the Question of Church Identity. (J . David- son) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 91. —-— —- Ethical Significance of. nat. J . Ethics, I 5: 361. — — Will the Crisis produce a Man ? Fortn. 82: 1045. — Church History of. (A. Lang) Cornh. 90: 782. — Churches of, Present and Future. (W. Mair) Blackw. I78: 849, —— Clansmen of. (D. Story) Munsey, 27: 209. — Constitutionalism in. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 79: 296, 320, — Craniology of the People of. (A. Hrdlicka) Science, n. s. 18: 568. — Described for Queen Magdalene. Scot. Hist. R. I: 27. — Early Christian Monuments of, Allen on. 2: 356. — Ecclesiastical Position in, 1904. Spec. 92: 687. — Ecclesiastical Situation in. (J . Lindsay) Bib. Sac. 62: I58, — Education in; How ought it to be organized? (J . Donaldson) Contemp. 89: 181. — English Government of. (H. Macpherson) Indep. R, 5: 150, — Fiscal Policy of, before the Union. Scot. Hist. R. I: 173. -— Free Church of, Case of. (Lady Frances Balfour) National, 44: 56.—(A. Birrell) Indep. R. 32 552. =Liv. Age, 243: 65. — (C. Douglas) Contemp. 86: 418, 662.— (D. Johnston) Macmil. 90: 471. — (J. M. Sloan) Fortn. 82: 45o.—Speo. 93: 215, —- — The Free Kirk and the "' Wee ” Kirk. Cumming) Monthly R. 17, no. 11 5. — Free Church Trust and its Founders. (W. R. Nicoll) Contemp. 86: 461. (M. Barrett) Am. Cath. Q. (M. C. Crowley) (S. Bateman) (S. H. Mellone) Inter- (A. H. Millar) Ath. ’o4, (W. R. Scott) (A. N. SCOTLAND Scotland. Glimpses of Old Scots Parish Life. (E. Pinnington) Scot. Hist. R. 4: 63. —- Highland Sporting Country. (M. C. Fair) Outing, 441 732- —- History, from the Reformation to the Revolution, Mathieson’s. Sat. R. 96: I33. —— —— Lang’s. (J. Bryce) Nation, 76: 174. 80: 13.-— Ath. ’O3, I: 103. ’o4, 2: 583.-—(G. T. Lapsley) Am. Hist. R. 8: 752.—Blackw. I721 742. —- “Is Scotland Decadent?” A Reply. (A. Flem-_ ing) National, 46: 46, —— Laird and his Tenants in. n. s. I: 838. — Lakes of, Bathymetrical Surveys of. (Sir John Murray; L. Pullar)Ge0g.J. 22: 237, 521, 23: 32, 444- 24= 65. 546- W 42. 519- 27= 144, 566- 28= 592. --Nature, 69: 546. —- Life in, Then and Now. 571 349- —- Local Government in, Organization of. (M. Atkin- son) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 59. —— Massacre of Glencoe. (Mac. Cailean Mhor, Duke of Argyll) Munsey, 26: 818, —— Municipal Institutions of. (J . D. Marwick) Scot. Hist. R. 1: 123, 274. —— The Past in the Present. 175‘ 751- —— Philosophy of, in its National Development, Lau- rie’s. Ath. ’oz, 2: 116. —— Political Aspirations of. 91 279- — Political Outlook in, 1905. Westm. I641 597. —— Politics in, Behind the Scenes of. Fortn. 80: 864. — Regalia of. (J . H. T. Perkins) Good Words, 43: (C. Edwardes) Macmil. (Lady Napier) 19th Cent. (H. Maxwell) Blackw. (J . W. Gulland) Indep. R. 249- — Regalia of England and the Honors of. (H. Max- well) Blackw. I71: 344, —- Religious Revolution in. (A. Lang) Blackw. I77: 532' — Schools in. Westm. I66: 74. —- Seventeenth Century. Blackw. I76: 441, — Sharp and the Restoration Policy in. (J . Willcock) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 202 I49. — Social Life in the 18th Century. (H. Maxwell) Blackw. I77: I14, —— Ultramontane Débacle in. Blackw. I76: 433. -—— United Presbyterian Church Troubles in. Sat. R. 98: 289, — West Highlands, Wandering Population of. Blackw. I75: 537- Scott, Clement. Acad. 67: 6. —- as a Critic. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 98: 1o. Scott, George; Robert White. (A. S. Twombly) N. E. Reg. 57: 129. Scott, Hugh S. The Last Hope. Monthly R. 17, no. 1: 168. Scott, Irving M., Builder of Battleship Oregon, with portrait. (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 10: 57, Scott, Lady John, Songs and Verses. Spec. 92: 846. Scott, Percy, Captain in British Navy, with portrait. (F. Fayant) Idler, 23: 369. Scott, Richard, and his Wife Catharine Marbury, and Some of their Descendants. (S. F. Peckham) N. E. Reg. 60: 168, Scott, Walter, with portrait. (T. M. Parrott) Book- lover’s M. 2: 563. — (G. E. Woodberry) McClure, 25: 165. —- and Heine. (J . S. Henderson) Temp. Bar, 129: 284. —- and Mediaeval Catholicism. Month, 101: I46. —- and One of his Reviewers. Chamb. J . 82: 694. — as a Churchman. Chamb. J . 80: 124. 578 SCOTTISH Scott, Walter, as a Lawyer. (N. McCrimmon) Am. Law R. 38: 5o7.—(N. McCrimmon) Green Bag, 15: 265, —- Drgmatizations of. (P. Wilstach) Bookman, I5: 129, 2 o, — Gallery of Portraits. -— A Journey with, in 1315. J . 82: 315. —-Land of. (W. Sharp) Harper, I05: 3.—-(H. W. Mabie) Outl. 75: 811, ‘ — Later Years of. Cent. 441 567. — Lockhart’s Life of. (H. D. Sedgwick, jr.) Atlan. 90: 755- —- More Recollections of. Chamb. J . 79$ 231. -— on his Gabions. (Mrs. M. M. Maxwell Scott) 19th Cent. 58: 621. -— Poetry of, again. (Goldwin Smith) Atlan. 952 300. — Portraits of. (F. G. Kitten) M. of Art, 26: 158. -—The Real Dugald Dalgetty. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 275- — Unpublished Letters by. Cent. 44: 424. —Use of the Preface by. (M. H. H. Macartney) Longm. 46: 366. I Liv. Age, 2472 495. — Was he a Poet ? (A. Symons) Atlan. 94! 664. — Waverley Novels, Germ of. (A. I. Shand) Cornh. 87: 65, =Liv. Age, 236: 684. Scott, William Bell. (J. M. Rogers) Bk. News, 24: 706, Scottish and English Writers. 26: 295. Scottish Aristocracy, The Old. (J . A. Lovat-Fraser) Antiq. n. s. 38: 10. Scottish Artillery. Blackw. I71: 791. Scottish Burghal Origins, On Some. (G. Neilson) Jurid. R, 14: I29, Scottish Children, Physique of. (J . H. Vines) Westm. I60: 319, Scottish Coronations. I31: 34. Scottish Dutch School. (D. C. Thompson) Art J . 56: 119, Scottish Ethnology, Points in. Hist. R. 2: 275. Scottish Farm Laborer. (W. Diack) Indep. R. 7: 315. Scottish Industrial Undertakings before the Union. (W. R. Scott) Scot. Hist. R. I: 407. 2: 53, 287, 406, 3: 71, Scottish King’s Household, The. (M. Bateson) J urid. R. W 35- Scottish Literature. Blackw. I74: 124. —National, Macmil. 89: no, (A. F. Stewart) Chamb. (J . M. Bulloch) Lamp, (M. G. J. Kinloch) Dub. R. (T. H. Bryce) Scot. W 339. —- Millar’s History of. Ath. ’O3, 22 241. Scottish Lowland Life and Character. (R. Richard- son) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 442. Scottish Nation, Moulding of the. (Hume Brown) Scot. Hist. R. I: 245, Scottish National Gallery. 56: I7. — English Pictures in. (D. C. Thompson) Art J . 57: (D. C. Thompson) Art J . 58. Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Decorations. (W. M. Gilbert) Art J. 54: 5 5. Scottish Nobility and their Part in the National His- tory. (Hume Brown) Scot. Hist. R. 3! I57. Scottish Oflicers in Sweden. (A. F. Steuart) Scot. Hist. R. I1 19:, Scottish Parliament, 1560-1707. Scot. Hist. R. 41 49. Scotltésh Peerage, The. (J . H. Stevenson) Scot. Hist. . 2: 1. -—- The Exclusion of Apparent Heirs in. (A. F. Steu- art) Jurid. R. 16: 285. Scottish Provident Institution. Sat. R. 97: 457. (W. L. Mathieson) SCOTTISH Scottish Schools and the Free Church Crisis. (J . M. Dixon) Meth. R. 65: 257, Scottish Temperament, Transformations of the. (W. Wallace) Fortn. 77: 690. = Liv. Age, 233: 526. Scottish Unionism, Decay of. Indep. R. 3: 426. Scotts, The, of Ettrick Forest in Olden Times. (J . Sharpe) Chamb. J . 82: 158. Scourge, The; a story. (R. E. Beach) Everybody’s, I21 619, Scourge of the Forest, The. 80: 871. Scouting. Un. Serv. M. 24: 60. -— Military. (R. M. White) National, 411 474. Scouts, A Corps of. (P. A. Silburn) Un. Serv. M. 322 (C. G. D. Roberts) Outl. 2. -— in the Cavalry of India. Un. Serv. M. 24: 63. — Some Old, and their Deeds. (I. Lansing) Outing, 46: 275. -— South African. (A. O. Vaughan) Longm. 43: 227. Scranton, Business Mayor of. (H. J . Howland) Outl. 84: 191. Scrap. (Lucia Chamberlain) Cent. 47: 946. Scrap-book Minds. Spec. 92: 726. Scrapper Halpin. (M. Kavanagh) Scrib. M. 33: 182. Scrap’s Crusade; a story. (E. B. Tiffany) Harper, 105: 956, Scratchbacks. Reliquary, 42: 124, Scream, The, in Literature. (R. E. Crooke) 20th Cent. Q. 1, no. 3: 108.=--Liv. Age, 251: 795. Screening Unsightly Objects. (I. G. Tabor) Ctry Life Am. 8: 5 36. Screens and Rood-lofts, Westcountry. J. Soc. Arts, 53: 514, Screw Caps and Bolts, electrically welded. J . Frankl. Inst, 160: 181, Scribes of the Nazarenes, The. (J . H. A. Hart) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 193. 2: 64, Scripture, Misquotation of. Sem. Rec. 9: 210. Scruples. Spec. 94: 884. Scudder, Horace E. Lit. W. (Bost.) 33: 30. — and the Atlantic Monthly. Atlan. 89: 433. — An Appreciation. (A. V. G. Allen) Atlan. 91: 549. Sculptor of the Laborer; Constantin Meunier. (C. Brinton) Cent. 49: 845. Sculptor’s Funeral, The. (Willa Cather) McClure, 24: (F. B. Bond) (A. C. Thompson) Hartf. 329- Sculptors, American, and their Art. (E. Spencer) Chant 38: 141-557. 391 41,139,242- -— — Guild of, Plea for. (F. W. Ruckstuhl) Brush & P. 11: 42, -— — Incorporated Society of. (H. S. Olcott) Brush & P. 14: 176. -— —- Some. (C. H. Caflin) Critic, 46: 325. -— at Work, prior to the Centennial. Chant. 38: 557. —— New York, Contemporary. (E. Spencer) Chant. 39: 41. -— of Note in our Large Cities. 391 I39- - Painters, and Gravers, International Society of. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 82: 134, Sculpture, Academic Training in. (A. Saint-Gaudens) Am. Arch. 82: 45. — (A. Saint-Gaudens) Archit. R, 10: 160. -—— American, and the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. (E. Reasoner) Mnnsey, 30: 546. —- — Caflin on. (I. A. Pyle) Dial, 36: 150. -— — Development of a National Spirit, 18 50-93. (E. Spencer) Chant. 38: 355. ' (E. Spencer) (E. Spencer) Chant. — — Taft on. (I. A. Pyle) Dial, 36: 159. — — Tendencies of. (C. E. Dallin) Brush & P. 11: 416, 579 SEA ' Sculpture, and the Modern Spirit. C. Payne) World To-day, 7: 1555. — Architectural, and its Materials. Am. Arch. 901 123, —- at International Society’s Exhibition, 1906. Studio (Internat.) 28: 236, — at Pennsylvania Academy Exhibition, 1905. Brush & P. 15: 155. -—— British, in I903. M. of Art, 27: 436. -—— Collecting, St. Louis’s Initiative in. (H. L. Zeiss) Brush & P. 16: 78. — Contemporary, America in. (E. Spencer) Chant. 38: 460, — Contemporary French. (P. Vitry) Archit. Rec. 12: 472- - Ecclesiastical, in America. (S. Hartmann) Cath. World, 77: 760. -— for Municipal Decoration. (L. M. McCaulay) World To-day, I1: 838. — French. (W. C. Larned) Am. Arch. 87: 105, — — Modern. (W. C. Larned) Am. Arch. 87: 97. -—— — of To-day. (F. Lees) Archit. Rec. 12: 641. I3: 221. — (C. Y. Abbott) Booklover’s M. 3: 41. — German, The Inner Life in. (Knno Francke) Outl. 79: 63. — —— Tendencies in Modern. (A. Heilmeyer) Inter- nat. Q. 7: 192. —— Gilbert’s Lectures on. M. of Art, 27: 543. — Greek vs. Modern. (W. O. Partridge) Brush & P. 16: 167, — How Models are enlarged. (R. T. Paine) Brush & P. 13: 184, -— in its Relation to Architecture. (W. Reynolds- Stephens) Am. Arch. 38: 20. — (E. R. Smith) Archit. Rec. 13: 493. I4: 29. — in its Relation to Church Decoration. pez) Cath. World, 74: 493. -— in Wood. (Mary A. Fanton) Craftsman, 9: 476. — Municipal. (F. W. Ruckstuhl) Craftsman, 7: 239. — The National Sculpture Society. (W. O. Partridge) Forum, 35: 629, —— Notable Recent. Work, 12: 7715, -— Public, in Massachusetts. Archit. Rec. 17: 152. —Revival of. (H. H. Fyfe) 19th Cent. 60: 158. I‘- (C. A. Lo- (Florence N. Levy) World’s Am. Arch. 90: 38. —- Some Fragments of Stone. (H. J . Webber) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 128, — Spanish Modern. (C. Rudy) Studio (Internat.) 28: 300, — Statuary at the St. Louis Fair. (A. Woods) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 35. — Sturgis’s Appreciation of. (IV. Walton) Archit. Rec. 17: 189. Sculptured Caves of East Wemyss. Reliquary, 45: 73 249. Sculpthres and Imagery on Wells Cathedral Church. (W. H. St. John Hope) Archaeol. 59: I43. -— Two Newly-discovered, in Coele, Syria. el-Howie) J . Bib. Lit. 23: 211. Scythe in the Oak-tree. (Beulah M. Dix) Lippinc. 711 211, Sea and its Inhabitants, The. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 79‘ I92- — and Sailors. Acad. 65: 87. — At, in Time of War. (D. Wilson) Chamb. J. 80: 108, — By the Winter. (W. E. Cule) Chamb. J . 80: 218. —— Character of the. (Joseph Conrad) Booklover’s M. 7: 28, -— Comfort at. (P. Bigelow) Chamb. J. 80: 58. — Deep, Deposits of, in Pacific Ocean. (J . Murray) (Ghosn- Geog. J. 19: 691. SEA Sea, Deep ; Explorations by Prince of Monaco. (E. P. Lyle) Everybody’s, 5: 323. - - Life in the. (C. H. Townsend) Everybody’s, 6: 115, - Depths of the. Quar. I96: I07. - - and Voyage of the “Valdivia.” 189. - - Exploration of, International Council for. N a- ture, 66: 346. - Habits of the. (E. S. Martin) Harper, I13: 205, - Mastery of the. (F. E. Chadwick) Munsey, 34: Ed. R. 195: 749- - Method of Studying Thalassology. (L. Marini) Geog. J , 25: 191, — Mysteries of the. (J . R. Spears) Munsey, 33: 652. - Odd Things which live in the. (E. R. Miller) Over- land, 11. s. 44: 71. - On the Edges of the. (G. S. Wasson) Outl. 84: 99°- - The Real. (N. Duncan) Outing, 40: 590. - A Study of the. (T. A. Haultain) Canad. M. 18: 245- Sea is His also; a story. (Julia Foster) Cosmopol. 37: 41- Sea~air Treatment for New York’s Bedridden Chil- dren. (W. H. Allen) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 324. Sea Birds, Why are they White ? Longm. 39: 256. 1' Liv. Age, 233: 414, Sea Breeze Hospital. A Gift of Health. Outl. 83:;,.654. - What a Day brought forth at. 12: 816, Sea-captain, Autobiography of a. Everybody’s, 12: (J . Riis) (L. Brandt) Char. 403- Sea-child, The; a story. (E. W. Mumford) Harper, 108: 767. Sea-coast Country, English. Spec. 91: 87, Sea-dog, The; a story. (T. J. Hains) Harper, 105: 797- » Sea-fight off Ushant. (H. Belloc) Scrib. M. 34: 163. Sea-fighting, Fashions in. (H. N. Shore) Un. Serv. M. 31: 117, Sea-fishing, In Praise of. Liv. Age, 250: 7oo, Sea—gulls. (E. W. Tompkins) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 593. Sea-horse, The; a fable. (Edith Wyatt) Appleton’s M. 8: 659. Sea Islands, A Story of the. (A. W. Dimock) Outl. 79: 291, Sea-lights, Live. (W. Allingham) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 121. Sea Lyric, A; a poem. (W. H. Hayne) Atlan. 91: 184. Sea-magic and Running Water. (Finoa MacLeod) Contemp. 82: 568. Sea-painting and Sea-myth. (A. F. Wallis) Cornh. 91: 652, Sea Power and Strategy. (Dr. M. Maguire)_ National, 43: 263. - and the War of 1812, Mahan on. Spec. 95: 1084, -Nation, 82: 39. - Contest for. (A. S. Hurd) 19th Cent. 58: 308. - Great Britain, Germany and. (R. Machray) 19th Cent. 58: 51. - The Race for. (A. S. Hurd) Chamb. J. 81: 705, - (H. W. Wilson) Munsey, 27: 24. - (R. P. Hobson) Munsey, 36: 170. Sea-serpent, The. (R. Lydekker) Nature, 74: 202, Sea-shells of California, Gathering. (W. Wood) Out West, 20: 524. Sea-sickness, and how to avoid it. (E. Reynolds-Ball) Chamb. J. 81: 509, -— References to, in Greek and Latin Writers. Rolfe) Am. J . Philol. 25: 192. Sea-songs. (J . Masefield) Temp. Bar, 133: 56. -Acad. 71: 133. ‘ (J. C. 580 SEASHORE Sea-water, Physiology of. (R. H. True) Science, 11. s. 16: 43", Sea-wind ; 3a poem. (A. Ketchnm) Atlan. 92: 193. Sea-wolf, The; a story. (Jack London) Cent. 45: 401- 875. 46= 39-851. 47= 21- Seaford, J. A., Artist. (Esther G. White) Brush & P. 17: 68. Seal, Fossil, from Oregon Coast Region. (J . L. Wort- man) Science, n. s.- 24: 89, — Fur, as an International Issue. Internat. Q. 7: 222, - - Controversy over, 1892. M, 2: 64. - - Exterminating of. n. s. 42: 435. - - Our Fur Seal Industry. (G. P. Blackiston) Over- land, 11. s. 45: 522, Seal Fishery of Newfoundland Banks. (P. L. Mc- Grath) Idler, 22: 286,-—(N. Duncan) Outing, 41: (D. S. Jordan) (J . C. Cantwell) Calif. (L. T. Sprague) Overland, 92- Seal, Great, of United States. Green Bag, 14: 440.- - of Great Britain. Sat. R. 93: 593.-—' Liv. Age, 234: 119, - - Story of. Green Bag, 14: 392. Seal of Silence; a story. (A. P. Terhune) Lippinc. 69: 125, “ Sealark,” Expedition of the, 1905. Nature, 71: 562, See Percy Sladen Expedition. Sealed Book, A; a story. (Barbara Cheyne) Idler, 29: 458-763- Sealing in Labrador and Newfoundland. Grath) Cosmopol. 36: 3. Seals and Sealing. (J . Gordon Smith) Canad. M. 21: (P. T. Me- 393- - A Giant among. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 26: 42. = Liv. Age, 237: 51. - Swallowing of Stones by. (F. A. Lucas) Science, 2°= 537. Seals, English. (J . Wilson) Antiq. n. s. 42: 304, — - Bloom on. Ath. ’06, 2: 483, Seaman, Owen. Blackw. I27: 245, — as a Parodist. Acad. 53: 338. Seamen, British, for British Ships. (Wolff Rice) Mac- mil. 91: 336. - From the Crosstrees to the Stokehold. liams) Indep. 58: 486. - Liability in the Admiralty for Injuries to. Henry Smith, jr.) Harv. Law R. 19: 418. Seamless Robe, The; a sketch. (H. C. Troutman) Harper, I06: 679. Seaports, Old Western. 751 5°7- Search, The. (E. V. Lucas) Liv. Age, 251: 632, Search for a Sluggard, The; a Tale of Three Ants. (E. S. Babcock) Outl. 78: 622, Search-light in Naval Warfare. National,39: 957, Search-light; a play. (W. K. Cliiford) 19th Cent. 53: (J . H. Wil- (Fitz- (A. L. Salmon) Gent. M. n. s. I59- Search Problem and the U. S. Navy’s Needs. (J . C. O’Laughlin) Indep. 55: 76, Searches and Seizures, Arbitrary, as applied to Mod- ern Industry. (A. A. Bruce) Green Bag, 18: 273, Search-lights, Electric. (F. C. Perkins) Cassier, 25: 33- Searle, Rev. George M., with portrait. Cath. World, 791 677. Sears. Roebuck & Co., Building the New Plant of. (T. Starrett) Archit. Rec. 19: 26 5, - Designing the New Plant of. Archit. Rec. 19: 403. Seas, Freedom of the. (J . B. Moore) Harper, I09: I65. Seashore, The. (E. S. Martin) Harper, I11: 519. - and Mountains. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 226. SEASHORE Seashore, A Reverie at the. (S. Hartmann) Harper, 105: 561. —What to do at the. (R. A. Gatty) Chamb. J. 83: S45- Seashore Garden, A Wind-swept. (F. E. Gifford) Ctry Life Am. 7: 496. Seaside Farms. Spec. 94: I34. Seaside Houses. Spec. 92: 954. Seaside Laboratories. Science, 11. s. 23: 923. Seaside Lodges. (E. E. Holman) Outing, 42: 612. Seaside Parks, City Ownership of. (S. Baxter) Cos- mopol. 33: 425. Seasons, Aboriginal Methods of determining the. (W., E. Rolston) Nature, 72: 176. —in the British Isles, 1878-1905, Statis. Soc. 68: 247. Seasons, The; a poem. 625, Seaton, John Colborne, Lord. Spec. 91: 871. ——Smith’s Life of. Monthly R. 14, no. 2: 23. Ath. ’04, I: 40, Seaton’s Masquerade. (VV. N. Shaw) J. (H. E. Kittredge) Arena, 32: (F. K. Hoffman) Lippinc. 70: 234. Seats of the Haughty; a story. (O. Henry) Munsey, 36: 28'. Seattle. World’s Work, 10: 6498. — How it grows. (E. White) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 233- —Public Library Building. (C. W. Smith) Lib. J. 29: 535- —Why it grows. (J . H. McGraw) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73. '0. See West Seattle. Seaweed, California. (E. A. Lawrence) Land of Sun. 10: 318. Seaweeds. (D. W. Bevan) Knowl. n. s. 2: 202, 225, 248, ' Sebastopol, Siege of. (R. Maury) Cosmopol. 38: 263. Secession Movement in German Art. (A. Kinross) Cent. 48: 323. Seclusion of Rosalia; a “Sexton Maginnis” story. (M. F. Egan) Cent. 47: 566. Second Ballot in Party Government. ald) Indep. R. 5: 18. Second Best, The ; a story. 369. Second-class District; a tale. go: 462, Second - class Passenger; a story. (P. Gibbon) Blackw. I75: 646.: E01. M. 143: 328.—_—Liv. Age, 242: 236.=McClure, 27: 641. Second-hand Paradise, A. (Mary B. Hartt) Scrib. M. 38= 194- Second Mate, The. (P. Gibbon) Cornh. 91: 466.: McClure, 25: 23. Second Nocturn of St. Patrick, The. Lippinc. 75: 326. Second Sight, Secrets of. 19: 398, Second Star, The. (J . B. MacDon- (M. Harris) Harper, I12: (R. Aitken) Macmil. (V. Harper) (H. R. Evans) Open Court, (Caroline Lockhart) Lippinc. 75: 753- Second Venture, The; a story. (N. Lloyd) Harper, 111: 285, Secondary Education and the State. (T. J. MacNa- mara) Indep. R. 6: 47. —— (H. R. Beasley) Westm. 166: 661, —-— at the St. Louis Exposition. Ednca. 25: 243. — —- The Charter of. (C. Brereton) F ortn. 82: 518, ——- Current Problems in. (J . Dewey) School R. 10: 13, -— Fundamental Assumptions in the Report of the Committee of Ten, 1893. (C. W. Eliot) Ednca. R. 3°‘ 325- - German. (A. Marvin) Educa. 26: 286, 581 ' — New Opportunity for. SECTARIAN ISM Secondary Education, Improvement of. Ednca. R. 25: 469. -— in England. Sat. R. 98: 5. — in the English Popular Schools. School R. 11: 361, — in Europe and the United States. tin) Ednca. R. 30: 231, —- in the Last 25 Years. (F. W. Smith) Ednca. R. 26: 1. — in New York City, Progress in. (G. H. Locke) School R. 11: 418, — in Prussia and Sweden. Ednca. 25: 315. — in the South, Conference on, 1906. (W. H. Heck) Nation, 83: 457. — Meaning and Purpose of. (A. T. Hadley) School R. 10: 729, (C. W. Eliot) (F. W. Smith) (Ellen O. Henro- (C. M. Woodward) Science, n, 3, I8: 225, — The Question of. — Readjustments in. 613, —Tendencies as to the Enlargement of the Field. (R. P. Halleck) School R. 12: 162, —- Time Limit of. (T. M. Balliet and G. I. Aldrich) Ednca. R. 25: 433. — Utilitarian. (D. A. Macnaughton) Contemp. 87: 51. Secondary School, and Elementary School, Gap be- tween. (J . L. Donahue) School R. 10: 701. ‘—Curriculum of the, Determining Factors of the. (W. S. Sutton) School R. 10: 687. — in the Middle West. (G. N. Carman) Ednca. R. 29: Dia1.37= 77. (A. R. Brubacher) Educa. 24: 286, Secondary-school Course, The. (C. J . Lincoln) Ednca. R- 25= 464- Secondary Schools, Accrediting, in California. Calif. Univ. Cl1ron. 2: 54. —- Adjustment of Work to the Individual. (Florence Milner) School R. 14: 522. — German; Experiments in Training Teachers. Nolle) Dub. R. 131: 352. — — Home Study in. (O. Thiergen) School R. II! 37. —- —— vs. French. Ednca. 24: 313. -— Present Development of, according to the Proposed Plan. (J. S. Brown) School R. 13: 15. — Relation of University to. (F. Slate) Calif. Univ. Chron. I: 498, Secondary-school Teacher, Characteristics of an Effi- cient. (W. B. Jacobs) School R. 12: 706. — Training of the. (J . S. Lawson) Westm. I 57: 682., — -— Professional, Luckey on. (A. O. Norton) School R, 12: 820, Secrecy and Secret Societies, Sociology of. mel) Am. J. Sociol. 11: 441. —- in Religion. (E. Martinengo-Cesaresco) Open Court, 16: 566. Secret of Carondelet, The. Chamb. J . 82: 344. Secret of the Day. (E. Phillpotts) Fortn. 78: 861, Secret of the Glacier, The. (J . W. T. Hart) Chamb. J. 82: 625, 647, Secret of the Turret, The; a story. Sund. M. 34: 21-887, Secret Hiding-places, The Romance of. (C. Holland) Chamb. J. 78: 706. I Liv. Age, 251: 604. Secret Service. (W. H. Moran) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 752- Secret Societies and Sacred Mysteries. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 27: 81, Secretary and President. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 502, Secretion Chemical Regulation of. (E. H. Starling) Nature, 70: 65. (L. (G. Sim- (E. F. Heddle) Sectarian Institutions, Public Appropriations to. (T. M. Weed) Cath. World, 78: 781. Sectarianism in British Educational Politics. Sat. R. 101: 480, SECTARIANISM Sectarianism, Split on. (E. Harris) Char. 13: 587. Sectional House, The; a story. (E. P. Butler) Cent. 46: 215. Sectional Misapprehension. .237. Securities, Selling American, Abroad. (C. A. Conant) No. Am. 183: 508. —in the World, New Issues of, in the Year 1905. Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: 571. ——-New, A Decade of, 1895-1905. Bank. M. (Lond.) 8°= 448.553- Secnrity and Information, Practical Course of Instruc- (E. H. Abbot) 01111. 80: 582 tion in. (G. Winterburn) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 49., Security-holding Company, The. World’s Work, 3: 1927, Sedan Chair, Memoirs of the. Gent. M. n. s. 73: 402, Sedatives and Modern Life. Spec. 91: 9. - Seddon, Richard J . (B. Flower) Arena, 36: 449.— (M. Flurscheim) Out West, 25: 73. — as Imperial Socialist. Sat. R. 101: 745. — a Colonial Autocrat. (J . Collier) Nation, 83: 116. — A Personal Study. Liv. Age, 250: 186, —— Premier of New Zealand, with portrait. Out West, 16: 200. Sedgwick, Adam. Knowl. 27: 5 5. Sedgwick, Wm. T., Celebration, June 14, 1906. Sci- ence, n. s. 24: 27, Sedulius the Poet ; was he an Irishman ? (T. J . Sha- , han) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 155. Seeck, Otto. Downfall of the Ancient World. Ath. ’02, 1: 236. Seed, The; a Chapter in Evolution. Nature: 74: 429- — Transformation of the. ser. 11: 3 2. Seed of Life. (A. W. Morris) New Eng. M. n. s. 3!: 117, Seed to the Sewer; a story. (S. Ford) Atlan. 96: 601. Seed-bearing Plants, Origin of. Nature, 68: 377, Seed-corn for Stories. (Brander Matthews) Lamp, 29: 19, Seed-warehouse, Curiosities of a. (C. Douglas) Chamb. J . 82: 327. Seedlings, Importance of Investigation of Stages of. (J . Arthur Harris) Science, 22: 184, Seeds and -Seed Pods we eat. (E. L. Fullerton) Ctry Life Am. 8: 435. —— buried in the Soil. 17: 872. —-Dispersion of'. (F. French) Outing, 43: 409,-(A_ B. Comstock) Chant. 40: 271, —- — Influence of Climate and Soil on. (W. W. Tracy) Science, 11. s. 19: 738. —- Our Use of Food Stores in. (A. B. Comstock) Chant. 38: 493. —- Traveling. (W. W. Bailey) Educa. 25: 543. —— Vitality of. Spec. 91: 643. — Winged; Vegetable Airships. per, 105: 256. Seeds of Time, The; a story. (G. L. Collin) Harper, 108: 633. Seeing beneath the Waves. 2: 98. Seeing France with Uncle John. 50: 289-832. Seeing People off. (Max Beerbohm) Sat. R. I02: 673, Seekers after Truth; a story. (F. W. Daiiielson) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 445. Seers, Makers, Bards. (C. L. Moore) Dial, 39: 427, Segantini, Giovanni. Acad. 54: 37. —(C. Brinton) Critic, 41 : 491 . — With portrait. (V. Pica) Studio (Internat.) 23: 30.9. (J . H. Macmichael) (F. O. Oliver) (J . H. Bernard) Expos. 6th (J . W. T. Duvel) Science, 11. s. (A. J . Grout) Har- (J . M. Bacon) Knowl. n. s. (Anne Warner) Cent. 1 SELF—GOVERNMEN T Segantini, Giovanni, Life of, Villari’s. (M. S. Still- man) Nation, 74: I 5. Séguier, Frederick Peter. Ath. ’o3, I: 25. Ségur, Comte de, Father of Mlle. de l’Espinasse. Critic, 47: 273. Seidl, Emanuel, Architect. Studio (Internat.) 26: 12. Seine at Paris, Tunneling the. (E. C. Morel) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 63. Seismograph. . See Earthquake Recorders. Seismological Association, International, July, 1903. Science, 11. s. 19: 279. Seismological Congress in Strassburg, 1903. Nature, 8 371. - Seismology. (G. K. Gilbert) Science, 11. s. 201 837. — America and Seismological Research. (W. H. Hobbs) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 226. — in Japan. Nature, 71: 224. — Recent Advances in. (J . Milne) Nature, 74: 42. Seismometers, What are they indicating ? (J . Milne) Nature, 65: 202. Seismometry and Géite. (J . Milne; C. Chree) Nature, 67: 538. 68: 55, 127, 176. Seismoscopes. (C. Davison) Knowl. n. s. 2: 295. Seistan, Past and Present. (A. H. McMahon) J . Soc. Arts, 54: 658. — Recent Survey and Exploration in. Mahon) Geog. J . 28: 209, 333. Selamlik, The. (Susan Townley) National, 46: 123, Selangor. Chamb. J. 792 73. Selborne, W. W. Palmer, 2d Earl, Critics of. (J . S. Corbett) Monthly R. 12, no. 1: 64, — Memorandum by. (J . S. Corbett) Monthly R. 10, no. 2: 28; no. 3: 40. Selborne, Pilgrimage to. (C. Weygandt) Atlan. 94: (M. O. Baron Lassar) (A. H. Mo- 233- — Visit to. (W. H. Hudson) Longm. 39: 41 3. = Ecl. M. 138: 755.=Liv. Age, 233: 273. Selection, Natural. (J . B. Johnston) Contemp. 82: 80, — — and Fossil Plants. (A. C. Seward) Contemp. 82: 392.: Liv. Age, 234: 348. — -— and Self-conscious Development. (H. W. Wright) Philos. R. 14: 40, — — Is it evolving a Sober Race? (G. W. Bulman) Westm. I58: 496, Selenium. (W. J . Hammer) J . F rankl. Inst. I45: 458. Seleucus, The House of. (E. R. Bevan) Monthly R. 12, no. 2: 22.-—Ath. ’o3, I: I37.—(G. W. Bots- ford) Nation, 76: 402, Self, Categories of the. (Percy Hughes) Psychol. R. W 404. — A11 Interpretation of some Aspects of the. (C. V. Tower) Philos. R. 12: 13. — The Psychological, and the Actual Personality. (J . A. Leighton) Philos. R. 14: 669, -— The Real. (J . D. Stoops) Philos. R. 12: 37, Self-abnegation ; a story. (Dorothy Canfield) Outl. 83: 239- Self-activity in Education and Life. (W. J . Mutch) Yale Div. Q. 1: 80, Self-consciousness, Cure of. Outl. 83: 784. —— Lack of, in Nature. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 198. Self-control. (R. G. Boone) Educa. 25: 375. — The Decay of. (B. Tozer) Monthly R. 21, no. 2; 92- Self-crimination, History of the Privilege of. (J . H. Wigmore) Harv. Law R. 15: 610, Self-elector, The. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 404. Self-government, Defenders of; Some Prominent Fig- ures in the Fall Campaigns. Outl. 81: 461. —— in a Junior Republic. (F. A. King) Char. 13: 36. — Playground. (A. Leland) Char. I2: 586. - SELF—INDUCTAN CE Self-inductance, Measurement of. (J . B. Whitehead and H. D. Hill) Am. J. Sci. 169: 149. Self-ownership, Decline of. (F. C. VVoodward) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 313. Self-sacrifice; Phi Beta Kappa Oration. (G. H. Pal- mer) Harv. Grad. M. II! 12. Self—sufficiency. (P. M. Craigie) Acad. 66: 406. Self-surprise and Self-study. (A. E. M. Foster) Sat. R. 98: 324. Selfishness, Petty. Sat. R. 992 797.: Liv. Age, 2452 244- Selfishness of John; a story. (M. Dana) Munsey, 29: 334- Selfishness of Nolan; a story. (T. Garrison) Munsey, 27: 606. Seligman, E. R. A. Social Value. (H. J . Davenport) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 143. Selina’s Wedding Garment; a story. (C. F. Marsh) Longm. 46: 131, Sellers, Dr. Coleman. (H. Morton) Cassier, 24: 352. Sellers, William, 1824-1905, Obituary of. J . F rapkl. Inst. 159: 365. Selma Protective Association; a story, (C. W. Ran- kin) Cent. 491 55. Selo-Indo-European Root. (F. A. Wood) Am. J . Phi- lol. 24: 40. Seminars and Printed Notes. (D. W. Kittredge) Harv. Grad. M. II: 370, — Question of. (VV. M. Davis) Harv. Grad. M. II: 363. Semite, Head of the Oldest Statue of a. (E. J . Banks) Open Court, 20: 378, Semites, Modern, Local Divinities of. (S. I. Curtiss) Bib. World, 19: 168, 288. Semitic Alphabet, Origin of the. Meth. R. 62: 400. Semitic Inscriptions, Littmann’s. tion, 81: 344. Semitic Lands, Pre-Semitic Populations in. Patton) Meth. R. 64: 106, Semitic Origins. (H. Radau) Monist, I 3: 608. —- Barton’s. Nation, 75: I4. —- (Morris Jastrow, jr.) Internat. J . Ethics, 13: 104. Semitic Religion, Ancient, Survivals of. (S. I. Curtiss) Expos. 6th ser. II! 415. —- Primitive, of To-day. (S. I. Curtiss) Bib. World, (W. M. Patton) (J . P. Peters) Na- (W. M. 23: 91, Semitic Studies and Orientalism. (E. Montet) Asia. R. 42: 56. Semitism, Proto-, Religion of. (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 421. Semmering, The, Austrian Health Resort. Idler, 27: 5‘ . Senate, United States. (W. Everett) Atlan. 97: 157. —— (H. C. Lodge) Scrib. M. 34: 541, — and the People. (G. C. Perkins) Indep. 60: 839. — as “Treaty-maker.” (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 84, — Constitutional Powers of ; a reply. (W. H. Moody) N0. Am. 174: 386. . -— Decline of. (R. N. Reeves) Arena, 34: 161. — Election of, by Popular Vote. (E. P. Clark) Na- tion, 74! 222. —(C. F. Fox) Arena, 27: 455. — (G. N. Haynes) Pol. Sci. Q. 201 577- —(C. S. Lo- bingier) Nation, 80: 435. —— Outl. 79: 161, — Free Agents in. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 184. — Functions of. Nation, 77: 375. —— The House of Dollars. (E. Crosby) Cosmopol. 40: supp. — Instructing Senators. I: 326. -—— Loyalty of. (D. S. Barry) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 137. 265- — The Man with the Hose. 34!. (W. E. Dodd) So. Atlan. Q. (E. Crosby) Cosmopol. 41: 583 ‘ SENTENCES Senate, United States, New Men in. Outl. 81: 161. — of “ Special Interests.” (H. B. Needham) World’s Work, 11: 7060, 7206. —- Oligarchy of. (A. M. Low) No. Am. 174: 231. -— Our Senatorial Grand Dukes. (E. Crosby) Cosmo- pol. 41: 121, _ — The Overshadowing. (H. L. Nelson) Cent. 43: 499. — Parochialism of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 80: 44, — Power of. (S. W. McCall) Atlan. 921 433. — (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 76: 104, —- President, and House. (R. Ogden) Nation, 771 439. — Roll of Dishonor of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 81: 456- — Ruler of. (E. Maxey) Am. Law. R. 38: 61. —— Treason of. (D. G. Phillips) Cosmopol. 40: 487, 628. 41: 3-627. 42: 77, —— Treaty-making Powers of. (H. C. Lodge) Scrib. M. (R. L. O’Brien) 311 33- — The Truth about. (C. Arthur Williams) \/Vorld To-day, 10: 499. — “ Unanimous Consent” in. (R. Ogden) Nation, 762 164, - Senate Bill No. 22 - a story. 29: 188, Senator, U. S.; a Senator’s Week. Indep. 55: 898. Senatorial Prerogative; a reply. (G. F. Hoar) Outl. 731 742- Senatorial Primary, The. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 80: 166. . Senators, U. S., Little Ways of. (R. Ogden) Nation, (A. L. Prevost) Munsey, 79¢ - - — New. (A. E. Werner) World To-day, 8: 528. Seneca, Apotheosis of Claudini, Ball’s. Sat. R. 96: 461. . . — Harris’s Tragedies of. (S. P. Nash) Nation, 80: .2. Seneca the Philosopher, and his Theory of Style. (F. I. Merchant) Am. J. Philol. 26: 44. Senior Wranglers. ‘Acad. 68: 636. Senkereh, the Ruins of Ancient Larsa. Bib. VVorld, 252 389. Senlac Hill, Sussex. (John Staflord) Gent. M. n. s. 68: (E. J . Banks) 179- Sennacherib. (K. Fullerton) Bib. Sac. 63: 577. — and Jerusalem. (G. A. Smith) Expos. 6th ser. I2: 215, Sensationalism and Science. (N. R. Campbell) Na- tional, 48: 89.:Liv. Age, 251: 131 Sensations, On the Attributes of the. chol. R. 11: 83. Sense, Evolution of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 542 564. Sense Perception, Minor Investigations in. (R. Mac- Dougall) Am. J. Psychol. 13: 477. Senses; how they deceive us. (A. \Vi1son) Chamb. J . 82: 564. — Lower, Reasons for the Slight ]Esthetic Value of. (W. B. Pitkin) Psychol. R. 13: 363. — Substitute. Spec. 94: 743. Sensitive People. (A. E. M. Foster) Sat. R. 97: 485. Sensitive Plant, The. (J . J . Ward) Good Words, 45: 347. Sent on Approval; a story. 34: 62, Sentence-constants, Certain, in Standard Literature. (R. E. Moritz) Univ. Neb. Stud. 33 229. Sentence-length in English Prose. (L. A. Sherman) Univ.Neb. Stud. 1: 119. Sentences, Indeterminate, for Crime. (Eugene Smith) Indep. 58: 1052. —- -— Safeguarding. (S. J . Barrows) Outl. 82: 36, —— Light, and Pardons. (F. Bausman) Am. Law R. 39: 727- (11. Myer) Psy- (J. P. Clark) Munsey, SENTEN CIN G Sentencing, Criminal, Studies in. (C. Thomsen) Law Q. 19: 136. Sentiment, Eclipse of. 826, -—- vs. Law. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 79: 4. Sentimental Considerations; a story. (M. West) Mun- sey. Z91 25- Sentinel at the Gate, The; a story. Chamb. J. 83: 334. Sentries, Outpost. Un. Serv. M. 241 180. Seoul, Capital of Korea. (G. Kennan) Outl. 78: 465. Separation Agreements under the English Law. (R. J. Peaslee) Harv. Law R. 15: 638. Septuagint, Geography of the. (H. A. Redpath) Am. J. Theol. 7: 289. —- Mythological Terms in the. J. Theo1.g: 34. — Study of, Present Position of. Am. J. Theol. 7: 1. Sepulcher of Sand, The; a story. (W. G. Beymer) Cosmopol. 42: 151, Sequoias; Ancestors of the Big Trees. (E. W. Berry) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 465. Se-quo-yah, Cherokee Indian, Educator. Logan) Out West, 16: 173. Serao, Matilde, in Palestine. (A. Laugel) Nation, 77: (G. K. Chesterton) Outl. 81: (E. Vivian) (H. A. Redpath) Am. (H. A. Redpath) (M. A. 317,, — Talk with. (E. Lathrop) Critic, 47: 308. Seraphina. (A. W. Arnold) Chamb. J . 80: 481, Serfdom in the Bordelais. (E. C. Lodge) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 417, - —on an Essex Manor, 1308-1378. (A. Clark) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 479. Sergeant, Adeline. Acad. 67: 582. Sergeant’s Idea, The. (G. S. Ellis) Longm. 42: 229, Sergeant’s Valet, The. (Margaret G. Conger) Munsey, 3°: 95- Sergius, Grand Duke, Assassination of. 277.=Liv. Age, 244: 695. Seriland and the Seri. (W. J . McGee) Land of Sun. W 364. 463- Serious Game of Hide and Seek. Good Words, 45: 433. Seriousness of being Funny. Spec. 94: (H. Macfarlane) (T. Jenks) Critic, 46: Serjeant-at-arms, The. (M. MacDonagh) Macmil. n. s. 1: 757.=Liv. Age, 251: 431. Sermon, as a Work of Art. (E. D. Daniels) N. Church R. 12: 217, — Early Coronation, 1727. Eng. M. n. s. 26: 476, — to the Colonial Troops. (J. E. Cowell) I9th Cent. 52: 528. :Liv. Age, 235: go, Sermon on the Mount. Spec. 88: 873. — Life of the Lord interpreted by. (W. L. Worcester) N. Church R. 10: 487. — Loisy on. (J. Moffatt) Expos. 6th ser. I0: 97, Sermoneta, The Patriot Duke of. (C. L. H. Demp- ster) Monthly R. 20, no. 1: 133, ' Sermons, The Most Useful and Best. 91 440- — Preaching and Reading of. (A. C. Benson) Na_ tional, 48: 492. = Liv. Age, 251: 68;, Serpent and the Woman in Fiction. (Mrs. L. H. Har- ris) Indep. 59: 1332. -—- in Literature. (W. H. Hudson) Monthly R. 20, no, 2: 118.:Liv. Age, 246: 753. Serpents, English. Spec. 94: 507. — Our Native. (M. G. Watkins) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 92, — Venomous. (C. E. Benson) Cornh. 931 650. Serra, Father J unipero, with portrait. (F. J . Folley) Calif. M. 4: 824. -— Diary of, 1769. Out West, 16: 293-635. (G. H. Davenport) New N. Church R. 17: 69. 584 l SETTLEMENT Servant, The Lot of the. (F. Bell) National, 40: 72. =Ecl. M. 139: 793. Servant Problem. (M. R. Cranston) Craftsman, 10: 335.-_—Ecl. M. 144: 5g8.=Liv. Age, 244: 577.— (Viscountess Barrington) National, 44: 1025, - (P. E. Moulder) Westm. 160: 222. —(I. M. Rubi- now-) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 502.-——(Katharine Burrill) Chamb. J. 83: 641, Servants and Service in 18th Century. (Violet A. Simpson) Cornh. 87: 398. —_-Ecl. M. 140: 803. =Liv. Age, 2372 218, — Domestic. (Roy L. McCardell) Everybody’s, I 5: 477- - The Housekeeper’s Responsibility. (J. S. Klink) Atlan. 95: 372. — Kitchen Comedies. (Mrs. J . Lane) Fortn. 83: 305. —— Lady. (E. W. Darwin) National, 39: 606. — Maid-servant in England and America. Banks) World To-day, 9: 957. — Mistress and Maid. (Mrs. F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 53: 284. =Ecl. M. 140: 606. — Put yourself in her Place. 951 169- —— Recent Progress in the Study of Domestic Service. (L. M. Salmon) Atlan. 96: 628, — Tyranny of ; a Fable with its Present-day Applica- tions. (C. S. Vrooman) Arena, 29: 186, — A Word for. Chamb. J . 83! 54°. Servetus, Michael, Monument to. Am. Arch. 88: 191. Servia and the Rival Dynasties. (E. J. Dillon) Con- temp. 84: I3I.:Liv. Age, 238: 321, — and Russian Diplomacy. (Ben Hurst) Cath. World, 81: 615, — A “ Glorious Revolution” in. 80: 67. — The Most Uneasy Throne in Europe. (F. Cunlifl’e- Owen) Munsey, 30: 715, — A Possible American Heir to the Throne of. B. Hulbert) Cent. 46: 240, — Present and Future of. (A. L. Snowden) Indep. 5 5: 1487, — Serbo-Bulgarian Convention and its Results. Stead) Fortn. 85: 537. —— A Sketch in. (M. E. Durham) Macmil. n. s. 1: 35. — Tragedy in, 1903. (C. Johnston) No. Am. 177: 12, — Contemp. 84: 62. — (Elbert Hubbard) Cosmo- pol. 35: 565. Service ; a poem. (Anna H. Branch) McClure, 24: 472. Service of Mammon. (V. Y. Remnitz) Atlan. 91: 531, Service-books, Spanish, in the British Museum. (G. Margoliouth) Jew. Q. 16: 603, Service Clubs in London. (H. Wyndham) Good Words, 46= 545- Serving-woman, The. One Woman’s Struggle. Outl. 72: 693. — The Other Side. (E. Elliot) Outl. 72: 958. Sestina, The; a story. (J. B. Cabell) Harper, I12: (Eliz. (J. S. Klink) Atlan. (H. Vivian) F ortn. (A. (A. 191, 1 “ Set on Edge.” (Hugh Clifford) Liv. Age, 240: 570- 742- Seth and the Fire-dragon. (J . Keating) Munsey, 33: 18. Seton-Thompson, Ernest, At Windygoul with. (Lida R. McCabe) Bk. Buyer, 25: 21. — Home of, at Windygoul. (C. G. D. Roberts) Ctry Life Am. 5: 152, Setting the Clock Back; or, The Rejuvenation of Prof. Wentworth. (Isabel Smith) Chamb. J . 81: 318, Settlement, The, as a Means of improving a Neigh- borhood. (R. A. Woods) Char. 9: 225. —- Remington, Buffalo. (E. W. Rogers) R. of Rs. (N- Y-) 25: 53- SETTLEMENT Settlement, Social, and its Suggestions to the Churches. (G. Taylor) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 4: 5 5. —- University, Advantages of Residence at a. Goddard) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 4: 75. Settlement Expansion. (R. A. Woods) Char. I72 226. Settlement Idea in the Cotton Belt. Outl. 70: 920. — in relation to Small Communities. (L. W. Betts) Outl. 73: 212. Settlement Movement, The, tends Whither ? Taylor) Char. I5: 840. Settlement Organization. 16: 566. Settlement Work, Libraries in relation to. Stewart) Lib. J. 31: 82, Settlement Worker, The. Char. I 52 I02. Settlement Workers and their Work. (M. B. Sayles) Outl. 78: 304. Settlements, Social. (M. West) Chaut. 37: 46. — — and Charity Organizations. (R. Hunter) J . Pol. Econ. 11: 75. — — and their ‘Vork among Children. lor) Chant. 43: 360, — — Hale House Farm. 11. s. 28: 241. -—— — A New Career. I75- ——- — The New Civic Spirit. (C. Zneblin) Chant. 38: 5 5. — — Their Lost Opportunity. (F. Kelley) Char. I6: 79- ———Why None in France. 9°5- Seumas; a story. Chamb. J. 83: I42. Seven. Chamb. J. 82: I18, Seven Adventures of John Henry; a story. Hewett) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 305, 401, Seven Churches of Asia, The Letters to. Ramsay) Expos. 6th ser. 9: 20, I0: 342, ———Ramsay on. (J . Chapman) Expos. 6th ser. 91 257- Seven Studious Sisters, The. Scrib. M. 35: 71. Seven Years’ War, Waddington’s. tion, 79: 397. Seventeenth of August, 1844. pinc. 721 I195. Seventeenth Century Diary. n. s. 39: 69. Seventeenth Century Housewives. ville) 19th Cent. 58: 796. Seventy Years Ago. (G. Bourne) Longm. 45: 347. Severn, Joseph. Portraits of Keats. (W. Sharp) Cent. 481 535- -— Reminiscence of. (R. W. Gilder) Cent. 493 55!. Severn River, Bore of, Cinematographing the. Cornish) Geog. J. 192 52. Sévigné, Madame de, at Vitré. man, I 5: 241, Seville, Cordova and. 2: 131, —-— Cathedral of. (H. Ellis) Macmil. 88: 23, Sevres, Latest Ceramic Products of. Craftsman, 5: 378. — Methods at, Study of. (P. Gret) Craftsman, 6: 355. Sevres Porcelain, Past and Present. (C. E. Fraser) Brush &; P. 13: 40, Sewage, Bacterial Disposal of. (G. E. Hill) J . Frankl. Inst. I59: I. —(P. Frankland) Am. Arcl1. 83: 6. — (F. Clowes) Nature, 67: 402, -— City Water and. (H. Godfrey) Atlan. 98: 375. —— London, Treatment of. (F. Clowes) J . Soc. Arts, (D. (G. (M. K. Simkhovitch) Char. (Cora (G. R. Tay- (G. W. Lee) New Eng. M. (C. R. Woodruff) Chaut. 40: (A. Siegfried) Outl. 74: (Grace L. (W. M. (Margaret Sherwood) (C. W. Colby) Na- (Marion Harland) Lip- (P. Whiteway) Antiq. (Lady Violet Gre- (V. (B. Gilman) Book- (E. Hutton) Monthly R. 20, no. 493 4'- — Municipal, Utilization of. (W. F. Morse) J . Frankl. Inst, 157: 401. I58: 2;, 585 SEYFFERT Sewage, Prevention of Pollution of Streams by Mod- ern Methods of Sewage Treatment. (L. P. Kinni- cutt) Science, 11. s. 16: 161, — Purification of. (E. G. Mawby) Am. Arch. 78: 62. — Treatment of. (L. P. Kinnicutt) Am. Arch. 772 I4. Sewage Farms of Berlin, The. (R. C. Brooks) Pol. Sci. 20: 298. Sewage Pollution of Shellfish as Cause of Typhoid Fever. (G. W. Fuller) J . Frankl. Inst. I60: 81, Sewage System for a Country House. (W. C. Tucker) Am. Arch. 75: 61, Sewanee Review, Ten Years of. Sewanee, I0: 477. Seward, Wm. H., as a Lawyer. Bag: I7: 31- Sewell, James Edward. Ath. ’o3, I2 I76. Sewing-machine, The American. (A. H. Ford) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 443. Sewing-machine Story, The. Clure, 27: 218, Sex. (L. O. Howard) Science, 11. s. 24: S10. — Determination of, in Bees and Ants. (W. E. Castle) Science, n. s. 192 389. — — Hertwig’s New Theory of. ence, n. s. 23: 189, — — in Man. (E. T. Brewster) Am. Anthropol. 8: 236. — -— Recent Theories in Regard to. Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 97. -— — Ziegler’s Theory of. n. s. 22: 839. — Education in. (V. Collins) Westm. I62: 100, — Environment in relation to, in Human Culture. (O. T. Mason) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 336. — in Animal Life, Remarks upon the Mechanical De- velopment of. (S. L. Schenck) No. Am. I75: 506. — in Fish. (T. Gill) Science, n. s. 24: 818. — in Insects. (E. B. Wilson) Science, n. s. 222 500. — in Plants, Evolution of. (B. M. Davis) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 300. — The Origin of. (E. B. Wilson) Indep. 60: 662, — —-— Professor Ward and Ethnology. (C. Wissler) Indep. 601 663. w Sex-composition of Human Families. (J . B. Nichols) Am. Anthropol. 7: 24. Sex Differences in the Estimation of Time. Yerkes) Science, n. s. 22: 843. Sex Morality. (H. R. Boyle) Westm. I66: 334, —-— and the Taboo of Direct Reference. (Elsie C. Par- sons) Indep. 61: 391, Sex Problems, The Young Men’s Christian Association and. (F. N. Seerley) Char. I5: 725. Sex-ratios of Births in England, 1881-90, (H, D, Vigor and G. U. Yule) J . Statis. Soc. 69: 576. Sexes, The Duel of the. (M. Caird) Fortn. 84: 109. — in the United States, The. (W. F. Willcox) Mun- sey, 35: 308- - Past and Future of the. 54L — Selection of Major Subjects by, under the Elective System of Stanford University. (E. P. Miller) Pedagog. Sem. I3: 94. Sextant, Laboratory Method of determining Eccen- tricities Iof. (C. C. Hutchins) Pop. Astron. II: (J . B. Henneman) (E. L. Didier) Green (F. H. Spearman) Mc- (E. B. Wilson) Sci- (T. H. Morgan) (T. H. Morgan) Science, (R. M. (L. F. Ward) Indep. 60: ,- 3 . Sextant Observations for determining Geographical Positions. (G. W. Littlehales) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: I38, Sexual Hygiene, Education in, for Young Working Women. (M. A. Cleaves) Char. I51 721. Seychelles Archipelago. (J . S. Gardiner) Nature, 73: 2% Seyflfert, Oskar. Ath. ’06, 2: I30. SEYMOUR Seymour (Fannie Minerva) Will Case. Green Bag, 18: 616, Seymour, Robert, Graphic Humorist. M. of Art, 26: 247. Seymours, Annals of the, St. Maur on. 277- Sforzesco Chateau,r Milan. (A. D. Young) (G. S. Layard) Ath. ’oz, 2: (Alfredo Melani) Art J . 571 367- Sgrafiito as a Method of Wall Decoration. (Heywood Sumner) Art J . 54: 21. Shad, Catching, for the Market. Outing, 40: 464. Shadow, The. (C. M. Thompson) Atlan. 93: :75. ‘.‘ Shadow.” (H. S. Edwards) Cent. 51: 278. Shadow and the Flash, The; a story. (Jack London) Bookman, I7: 410, Shadow of Good Fortune; a story. (N. K. Blissett) Ecl. M. I47! 365. -—- Liv. Age, 250: 609. Shadow of a Great Rock, The. (W. R. Lighton) Put- nam. H 48, 228. 353- Shadow of the Law. (E. W. Hornung) Munsey, 26: 5I3—899- 27= I55—473- Shadow of Love, The. ' (Grace Hibbard) Cent. 45: I26. Shadow of a Tragedy. (G. E. Towndrow) Cent. 502 (W. A. Stimpson) 351- Shadow, A, with Bright Hair. (C. L. Antrobus) Temp. Bar, I27: 166, Shadow Portrait, The; a story. Cath. World, 83: 769, Shadows; a story. (Theodora A. Chase) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 667. Shadows of Degrees; a story. (A. H. Henderson) Cornh. 93: 523.=Liv. Age, 249: 292. Shadows on the Wall, The ; a Ghost Story. Wilkins Freeman) Everybody’s, 8: 219, Shadowy Way, The; a poem. (S. Hesselrigge) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 305. Shaftesbury, 1st Earl of, Anecdotes of. field) Westm. I57! 326. — 7th Earl of, A Study of Philanthropy. Hyde) Meth. R. 62: 263. Shahke River, Battle of. (G. De Salle) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. s7= 27. 475- Shakers of Ohio. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 499. Shakespeare, W. (R. VV. Emerson) Atlan. 94: 365,— (S. Lee) Liv. Age, 241! 762. — (L. Campbell) Fortn. 78: 500. —— a la Frangaise. (J . River) Library, 11. s. 6: 78. — American Contributions to Knowledge of. (S. Ur- ban) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 412. — and ZEschylus. (R. S. D. Laffan) 19th Cent. 55: 585. — and Ben Greet. Outl. 81: 355. — and the Celtic Spirit. Spec. 90: 406. —— and Chapman, the “Rival Poet.” Ath. ’04, I: 139. — and the Drama. (L. Tolstoi) Fortn. 86: 963, — and Gray’s Inn, I 594. (Charlotte C. Stopes) Ath. ’o4, 1: 570, . — and his Forerunners, Lanier on. Outl. 74: 475, — and Irish Music. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 641, — and Lawyers. (G. G. Greenwood) Westm. I 59: I61, — and the Metropolitan Stage. (Eliz. McCracken) Bookman, I6: 73. — and Mr. Spectator. (M. Child) Library, n.s. 6: 360, — and the Modern Stage, Lee’s. (J . R. Towse) Na- tion, 83! .444. — and the Municipal Libraries. (J. Ballinger) Library, 7: 181. — and the Plastic Stage. (J . Corbin) Atlan. 97: 369, ——.and Psychognosis. The Tempest. (M. F. Libby) Univ. Colo. Stud. 3: 63, 229, —— and Public Opinion. (L. R. Irving) Overland, n. s. 43: 187. (Mary C. Crowley) (Mary E. (F. H. Fresh- (A. B. (A. Acheson) 586 SHAKESPEARE Shakespeare, W., and the Rival Poet. Spec. 9!: 872, —- and the Syndicate. (J . R. Towse) Nation, 79: 331- — and Voltaire, Lounsbury on. (A. G. Canfield) Dial, 341 199. — (P. T. Lafleur) Nation, 75: 367, — Antony and Cleopatra. (A. C. Bradley) Quar. 204: 329. = Liv. Age, 250: I40. — (J . L. Etty) Macmil. 89: 302, — as a Business Man. Chamb. J. 832 820. — as a Dramatic Artist, Lounsbury on. (M. B. Ander- son) Dial, 321 96. — (Brander Matthews) Internat. Mo. 5: 122. — as Historian. I01 23. -— (E. S. Bates) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 116. -— as a Man of Science. (E. Dowden) National, 39: 799. = Ecl. M. 139: 539, 830. 1' Liv. Age, 234: 513. 235: I21, — as a Philistine. Spec. 93: 590. —as a Prose-writer. Acad. 62: 69.; Ecl. M. 138: 659.:Liv. Age, 232: 755, —as a Spring Poet. (J. R. Hayes) Bk. News, 24: 55°- -— “ As You Like It,” Critical Notes on. (H. M. Paull) Fortn. 852 271. — Authorship ; Bacon and Shakespeare Parallels. Nation, 76: 373. — — Baconian Theory, Facts and Fancies in. (W. W. Grieg) Library, 11. s. 41 47. —— — Bacon-Shakespeare Mania. Sat. R. 942 I 39, 164, 198, 265, — — Bacon’s Bi-literal Cipher. (Mrs. Gallup) Pall Mall M. 27: 123.=Liv. Age, 233: 91.=Ecl. M. 138: 735. —Pall Mall M. 26: 393. -—(J. H. School- ing) Pall Mall M. 26: 484. —(E. W. Gallup) Pall Mall M. 27: 123. —Reply. (A. Lang) Pall Mall M. 27: 369-. — Reply to Mr. Mallock (H. Candler) ; Bacon, Shakespeare, Pope. (R. B. Marston) 19th Cent. 511 39. — (W. H. Mallock) I9th Cent. 50! 55. —(H. Thurston) Monthly R. 6, no. 1: 16o,—(A_ Lang) Monthly R. 6, no. 2: I46. ——Liv. Age, 2322 What was the Poet’s Income ? 758- —- —— Brandes on. Open Court, 18: 437. —- — The Case for Bacon. (G. Stronach) Pall Mall M. 26: 244, — — Controversy on. (E. W. Chubb) Open Court, I82 203.—(J. W. Keifer) Open Court, 18: 337,—((), Hildreth) Univ. N eb. Stud. 2: I47. — — Did Shakespeare write Bacon ? (L. Stephen) National, 38: 402. =Ecl. M. 138: 264, — —— Did William Shaksper write Shakespeare ? (J . W. Keifer) Open Court, 18: 14, — —— Is it Shakespeare ‘E’ Monthly R. II, no. 2: I, ——- Paradise Lost written by Cromwell. Macmil. 851 339. -— — Lord Penzance on. (A. Waites) Nation, 772 319. — — Scientific Item in the Bacon-Shakespeare Con- troversy. (J . Knott) Westm. I 58: 299, — — Shakespeare and Bacon ; a contrast. (A. R. At- kinson) Monthly R. II, no. 2: 113, —— —— Who wrote Shakespeare ? (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 65. —— Autographs of. (W. Roberts) Chamb. J . 82: 573. —- The Bible in. Spec. 90: 209, 245. — (A. King) Canad. M. 20: 453. -— Birds in. (A. King) Canad. M. 20: 22, I55, — Birthday Thoughts on. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 93: 521. —Boors of. (G. Bartram) Macmil. 91: 2I9.=Liv. Age. 24s= 145- _ — Browsings in. (W. S. Kennedy) Poet-Lore, 15, no. 3: 7°- . — Brutus. (E. Farquhar) Open‘Court, I8: 558. (H. E. Malden) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. ' SHAKESPEARE Shakespeare, W., Caste Prejudice of. (S. Tannen- baum) Craftsman, 4: 426. — Census, Addition to the, (S. Lee) Library, 7: I13. — Character of. (H. C. Beeching) Cornh. 94: 784. — Collins’s Studies in. Ath. ’04, I: 330.—-(C. H. A. Wager) Dial, 37: 60, —— Colloquialisms in. (VV. Richards) Temp. Bar, 126: 175- — Commemoration of. (S. Lee) 19th Cent. 57: 585. — Composite Photographs. (W. R. Furness) Critic, 43: 328. -— A Conversation with, in the Elysian Fields. Na- tional, 48: 519. — Creighton’s Story of his Life. Spec. 93: 139. -— Criticism of, Recent. (O. Elton) Quar. 203: 221. -— 18th Century Estimates of. (A. C. Bradley) Scot. Hist. R. 1: 291, ‘ —— Elton on. (C. H. A. Wager) Dial, 38: 194. — Enigma and Cipher in. (N. H. Ewing) Cath. World, 84: 18 5, — Facts about. (J . Corbin) Mnnsey, 34: 277. — Final Period of. (G. L. Strachey) Indep. R. 3: 405. — First Folio, Bibliographical History of. (W. W. Greg) Library, 11. s. 4: 258, — -— Cost of. Acad. 69: 806. — —- Original Bodleian Copy. Ath. ’05, 1: 241. — — Testimony of. (I. H. Platt) Bk. News, 23: I9. — — Turbutt. Acad. 69: 733. — Flowers in. (A. King) Canad. M. 20: 322, — Fourth Folio, Methuen’s Edition. Ath. ’04, 2: 390. — Ganymede and Lady Disdain. (A. W. Coope) Cath. World, 81: 238, — Had he read the Greek Tragedies ? (J . C. Collins) Fortn. 79: 613, 848. 80: 115, —— Hamlet. (A. W. Corpe) Cath. World, 83: 652.-— (A. E. Gibson) Arena, 29: 349. — -— and Elsinore. (W. A. Henderson) Ath. ’<>4, 2: Ath. ’04, 2: 187. - 491- - — Evolution of Criticism of. Poet-Lore, 15, no. I: 86. -— —- The Ghost in. (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 7:'393- —— The Interpretation of his Character. (D. L. Chambers) Princ. Univ. Bull. 14: 167. -—— Old and New Lights on. (J . C. Collins) Con- temp. 88: 649. I Liv. Age, 247: 579. —— -— Pictures by E. A. Abbey. (T. Watts-Dunton) Harper, I08: 821, —— -—— The Puzzle of. 9 (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. Bull. : 191, hree Hundred Years of. (H. T. Peck) Mnnsey, 32: 581, -— — - here the Ghost walked. (F. B. Clark) Chant. 391 427- ' — —— W. B. Wright on. (L. Campbell) Atlan. 89: 686. ——Fortn. 78: 500. :Liv. Age, 235: 352. — Hazlitt on. Ath. ’O2, 1: 803. -— Heir of. (C. L. Moore) Dial, 35: 209. — Heroines of; a Sextet of Sonnets. (C. W. Stubbs) Outl. 83: 976. — His Family and Friends. 17, no, 2: 61, —- -— Elton on. Sat. R. 99: 114. ——Ath. ’04, 2: 723. —- $1186.93: 515- . — his Sanity. (A. Flint) Open Court, 18: 257. — His Use of Comedy in Tragedy. (A. H. Nason) Se- wanee, I4: 28. -— How did Calderon know the Plays? (H. Reade) Westm. 160: 84. -— How he learnt his Trade. Am- 1W 424 — Humanity of. (C. I. Elton) Monthly R. (Brander Matthews) No. (H. B. Tree) Fortn. 82: 103. 587 SHAKESPEARE Shakespeare, W., Ibsen, and Mr. Bernard Shaw. (G. ‘ L. Dickinson) Indep. R. 10: 83. = Liv. Age, 250: 437 — in a Genevan Cloak. Ecl. M. 145: 606. — in Italy ; was he ever there ? (R. Shackleton) Book- lover’s M. 4: 453. — in Japan. (Yone Noguchi) Critic, 46: 230. — in Modern Settings. (F. C. Drake) Cosmopol. 35: 4 37. — in New York. (W. L. Phelps) Indep. 55: 298. —in Oral Tradition. (S. Lee) 19th Cent. 51: 201,: Liv. Age, 233: 257,=Ecl. M. 138: 701, —- in Scotland. (A. Cargill) Chamb. J . 81: 785. — in a Surrey Village. Spec. 96: 251. — Influence on Goethe. (E. W. Chubb) Poet-Lore, 16: 65. w — Insects in. (A. King) Canad. M. 20: 260, — Interpretation of, Some Phases of. (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 5: 449. — Julius Caesar. (H. Hodge; pictures by E. A. Abbey) Harper, 112: 362. —(J. L. Etty) Macmil. 87: 350. -—-(J. C. Allen) Poet-Lore, I3: 560. — — Brutus as a Villain, Hodge on. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 101: 199, — — Villain or Hero. (H. Hodge) Sat. R. 101: 232, — King Henry VI. (E. Rhys; pictures by E. A. Ab- bey) Harper, 111: 720, 882, — King John. (J . Knight) Harper, I06: 829, — King Lear. (A. C. Swinburne) Harper, I06: 3, —-—— acted in Paris. (A. van Brantegham) Sat. R. 98: 727. -— (M. Maeterlinck) Fortn. 83: 189. —(M. Strachey) Indep. R. 8: 319. — King Richard II. (A. C. Swinburne) Harper, 106: 505.—-(E. K. Chambers) Acad. 65: 273, 334. — — Tree’s Acting in. (H. F. P. Battersby) Sat. R. 96: 358. . —King Richard III. (A. W. Corpe) Cath. World, 83: 778.—(E. Rhys; pictures by E. A. Abbey) Harper, 108: 173, — Life of. (H. C. Beeching) Cornh. 94: 613. —- London Residences of. (J . W. Hales) Ath. ’04, 1: 401, — Lounsbury’s The Text of. Nation, 83: 416. -—.Love’s Labor ’s Lost. (G. K. Chesterton) Good Words, 45: 43. — -— Course in. (C. Porter and H. A. Clarke) Poet- Lore, 14: 117. —— Furness’s Variorum Edition. (J . M. Hart) Na- tion, 80: 135. —(W. A. Neilson) Atlan. 95: 281. — Lyrism in his Comedies. (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 6: 306. — Macbeth. (A. W. Corpe) Cath. World, 84: 84. —(T. Watts-Dunton; pictures by E. A. Abbey) Harper, 113: 813. -—— — Is it a Study of Queen Elizabeth ? (V. J . Mc- Nabb) Dub. R. 131: 97. -—— — Liddell’s Edition. Nation, 77: 53. — Marriage of, Gray on. Spec. 95: I53. --Medical Knowledge of. (J. Knott) Westm. I59: 436; (G. G. Greenwood) 573. —- Memorial Performances at Stratford, I906. Ath. ’06, 1: 587, — Memorial to, proposed for London. Spec. 93: 941. =Liv. Age, 244: 187. —Acad. 66: '185, 310, —— Memorials of. Acad. 66: 460. -— Merchant of Venice, an Introduction. Univ. Q. 3: 81. — —- The Law and Procedure in. (J . B. Mackenzie) Green Bag, 16: 604, ' — Midsummer N ight’s Dream. Good Words, 45: 621, — — Hunting Passage in. 494- Vanderbilt (G. K. Chesterton) (A. S. Cook) Nation, 78: SHAKESPEARE Shakespeare, W., Moral Life as portrayed by, Sharp on. (E. E. Hale, jr.) Dial, 35: 352. - Moral System of, Moulton on. (E. E. Hale, jr.) Dial, 35: 351.-(H. A. Beers) Indep. 56: 204,- (W. D. Howe) School R. 12: 260, - Much Ado about Nothing, Craig’s. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 95: 68:. — - Mr. Tree in. Sat. R. 99: 169. - Music of. (J . F. Rowbotham) Good Words, 45: 698. - Music of Shakespeare’s Time. (S. Lanier) Lippinc. 69: 106, 235, - Mystery of. -—- The Name. (G. G. Greenwood) Westm. I 58: 683. (J. W. Hales) Ath. ’o3, 2: 230, - N ewly-discovered Documents. (C. W. Wallace) Univ. Neb. Stud. 5: 347. - Othello. (A. C. Swinburne; pictures by E. A. Ab- bey) Harper, 107: 659, - - Honest, Honest Iago. (W. H. Hallett) Fortn. 791 2 --on the Stage. (C. Crosse) Macmil. 87: 214.-'-‘ Ecl. M. 140: 437, "-‘Liv. Age, 236: 529. - Other William Shakespeares. (Charlotte C. Stopes) Ath. ’o6, 2: 188, 214, ' - Paradoxes of. (J . C. Collins) National, 40: 621. - Phantom Puppets of the Stage of. (H. Schutz Wil- son) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 460. - Pilgrimage to Stratford on Avon. Educa. 23: I72. - Plays, Brooke on. Sat. R. 101: 205. — Plea for Protection of (on the Stage). ley) National, 42: 582, - Poems and Pericles, Facsimile of. Ath. ’o4, 2: 838. - (J . D. Bruce) Nation, 82: 264.- (W. W. Greg) Library, 7: 192. - Portrait of, Chandos. n. s. 41-: 212. — - Corbin’s New. (K. Cox) Nation, 76: 458. - Praise of ; Hughes’s Anthology. Spec. 92: 881, - Protestantism of. (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 81: 966, - Quartos. (A. W. Pollard) Acad. 70: 528, - Random Relations of Browning to. (A. Thomson) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 581. - Rejection of Falstaff. (A. C. Bradley) Fortn. 77: 349. :Ecl. M. I39: 149, - Religion of. Sat. R. 99: 146. - Revival of, A Chance for. Cent. 48: 634. - Romeo and Juliet. (A. Symons ; pictures by E. A. Abbey) Harper, 107: 165, - - New Stage Settings for. Archit. Rec. 18: 175, - Rowe’s Life of. Open Court, 18: 113, - Russian Edition of, Vengerov’s. Ath. ’o4, 2: 91. - Some Curious Versions of. (F. W. Kilbourne) Poet- Lore, 16, no. 31 132. -Some Pedagogical Uses of. Univ. Bull. 7: 23. - Some Shadowy Characters in. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 26I.:Liv. Age, 251: 283. - Sonnets. (H. C. Beeching) Cornh. 85: 244, -(W_ Archer) Liv. Age, 244: 313.’-=Ecl. M. 144: 416, — Spec. 94: 177. (J . M. Loring) (E. G. God- (J. R. P. Pnrchas) Antiq. (M. F. Egan) Cath. - - in MS. (M. H. Liddell) Nation, 75: 10, — Speculation regarding. (E. Venable) School R. 13: 717- _ Stage Versions before 1800. (F. W. Kilbourne) Poet-Lore, I5, no. 2: 116, - Staging. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 82: 193, - Stratford Bust of, True Story of. Monthly R. 15, no. 12 I50. - Taming of the Shrew. (Charlotte C. Stopes) Ath. ’o4, 1: 762, -Tempest, as an Opera. (E. Clarke) Ath. ’05, 2: 222, -—- - acted by Leigh. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 96: 575. ‘ &. 588 SHAMROCK Shakespeare, W.; Tempest, Studies in. (Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke) Poet-Lore, I 5, no. 4: 123, Y - Text of, The Genuine. (Judge Webb) National, 42: 263. - Tragedies, Bradley’s Lectures on. Spec. 94: 140, - Tragic Sense of. (W. L. Courtney) National, 43: 1022, - Twelfth Night, Furness’s Variorum Edition. Na- tion, 74: 95.-(W. A. Neilson) Atlan. 89: 715. - — A Study of. (Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 11 I24. -— Versions before 1800. (F. W. Kilborne) Poet-Lore, 15, no, 4: 111, - Villains of, Self-revelations of. Sewanee, I0: 341, - Viola. (E. L. Cary) Lamp, 28: 275. - Was he bound to an Attorney ? (J . B. Mackenzie) Green Bag, 14: 58, - Was he Insane ? (J. C. Allen) Open Court, 18: 435, - What is? Sherman on. (L. W. Smith) Dial, 32: I3.- (L. E. Horning) School ‘R. 11: 164, - When did he write his First Play? (F. G. Fleay) Gent. M. n. s. 77: 521. -Winter’s Tale, produced by B. Tree. Sat. R. 102: 295. - Why not Understood. World’s Work, 5: 3249. - Why Shakespeare languishes. (D. L. Ford) Mun- sey, 28: 629, Shakespeare Progress, My. 528, Shakespeare Society of New York. (E. W. B. Nichol- son) Ath. ’o6, 2: 479, 657, Shakespearean Criticism. Acad. 64: 636, Shakespearean Drama in Chicago. (W. E. Simonds) Dial, 39: 230. Shakespearean Find, A. Shakespearean Research, Future of. Cent. 591 763.: Liv. Age, 249: 707, Shakespearean Representations, their Laws and Limits. (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 323. Shakespearean Tragedy, Bradley on. (W. A. N eil- son) Nation, 80: 506, Shakespeare’s Contempt for the Common People. Meth. R. 66: 578. , Shakespeare’s Doctrine of Sin. Meth. R. 63: 51. Shakespeare’s London, Stephenson on. Wager) Dial, 40: 89. Shakespeare’s Plays and Poems, Printers of. Plomer) Library, 7: I49. Shakespeare’s Working Classes. man: 4: 35: I07- Shakok and Miochin; Origin of Summer and Winter. (G. H. Prodt) J . Ani. Folk-Lore, 15: 88, Shale Oil-trade, The Scottish. (G. Trow) Chamb. J . 83: 814. Shalam, The Land of; the Colony of the Faithists, New Mexico. (G. B. Anderson) Out West, 25: (J . A. Shepherd) (L. Binyon) (M. B. Dunn) Atlan. 98: (W. J . Rolfe) Outl. 82: 364, (S. Lee) 19th (D. B. Brummitt) (C. H. A. (H. R. (E. Crosby) Crafts- 414- - Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. (F. W. Noxon) Critic, 42: 127. - With portrait. (W. R. Thayer) Harv. Grad. M. 15: I. -Nature, 74: 226.-(W. R. Thayer) Nation, 82: 318. -Science, 11. s. 23: 869, — (L. Warner) World’s Work, 12: 7676, - Man and the Earth. (J . Douglas) Nation, 82: 28 5, Shamans of California. (R. B. Dixon) J . Am. Folk- Lore, 17: 23. Shamokin, Pa., Journey to, in 1748. Pennsyl. M. 29: 160, Shamrock IlI., Early Showing of. (W. M. Thompson) Outing, 42: 387. See Yachting. (J . W. Jordan) SHAMROCK Shamrock Day’s Child. (Shiela Mahon) Cath. World, 80: 794. Shan States, More about the Southern. Chamb. J . 83: 107. —Prospects of the. (J. G. Scott) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 623, Shanghai. (A. K. Gregson) Overland, n. s. 44: 437. — F rom, to Hankow by River Steamer. (C. W. Greg- son) Overland, n. s. 44: 438. — Native City of, and the Temple of Ages. champs) Overland, n. s. 42: 275, (E. Des- — to Bhamo. (R. L. Jack) Geog. J. 19: 249. Shanghai-Nanking Railway. (D. C. Boulger) Con- temp. 85: 871. Shanghaied. (J . H. Williams) Indep. 55: 312. Shanghaied Shipowner, The. (Frank T. Bullen) Good Words, 43: 24, Shannon, Charles H., and his Lithographs. Wood) Studio (Internat.) 24: 26, —- Drawings by. (F. Rinder) Art J . 54: 43. Shannon, J . J ., and Pictorial Portraiture. (C. Brinton) Harper, III: 204, — a Painter of Fair Women. (C. Brinton) Munsey, 35: (T. M. I33- - A Portrait by. (VV. S. Howard) Harper, I10: 1 . Shares, Certification of. (F. Evans) Law Q. 21: 340, Shark, The Japanese. (Bashford Dean) Science, n. s. 17: 630. ' Shark Fishing on East Coast of Florida. ger) Outing, 39: 558. Sharks, Habits of Great Whale. (T. Gill) Science, 21: 79°- — the Man-eater of Old Ocean. (W. Allingham) Gent. M. 11. s. 75: 602, Sharp, James, and the Restoration Policy in Scotland. (J . Willcock) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 20: 149. -—Murder of. (H. H. Brown) Temp. Bar, I 30: 194. Sharp, William. Acad. 69: 1312, —- “Fiona Macleod.” (K. Tynan) Fortn. 85: 57<>.—- Acad. 69: I312.=Liv. Age, 248: 57.—(L. Rea) Critic, 48: 460-463. — -— Identity of. (L. Rea) Critic, 48: 460. ——- (C. Wey- gandt) Bk. News, 24: 398. -— A Tribute. (F. Rinder) Art J . 58: 44. —-— The Winged Destiny. (E. Goddard) F ortn. 82: 1037. Sharper than a Serpent’s Tooth. pinc. 74: 370. Sharpshooting as a Science. Navy Life, 8, no. 9: 31. Shasta-Acomawi, The. (R. B. Dixon) Am. Anthro- pol. 7: 213. — Mythology of. (R. B. Dixon) Am. Anthropol. 7: 607, Shasta Co., California, Excavations in. long) Science, 11. s. 20: 53. Shasta, Mount, Climbing. (G. H. Fitch) Calif. M. I: 283. -—(M. S. Severance) Calif. M. 4: 433. —- Nine Days on Summit of. (B. A. Colonna) Cali- fornian, I: 242, -— To the Summit of. (E. C. Knowles) Overland, n. s. (R. B. Sea- (C. Lockhart) Lip- (D. W. C. Falls) Army & (E. L. Fur- 451 335- Shaughnessy and the Turnpike Toll; a story. (W. H. Osborne) Cosmopol. 35: 466. Shaver. (M. K. Hill) Temp. Bar, 127: 456. Shaw, Byam, Artist. Booklover’s M. 5: 479. -— Pictures from Ecclesiastes. (P. G. Konody) M. of Art, 27: 1. Shaw, Edward R. (M. R. G. Davis) Ednca. 23: 622, Shaw, George Bernard. (R. Cortissoz) Outl. 81: 732, — Admirable Bashville. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 95: 744- 589 SHEATHER Shaw, George Bernard, and the British Public. (8. Gwynn) Cornh. 91: 503, —— and his Plays. (E. Greville) Munsey, 34: 765. —- and Super-Shaw [Major Barbara]. (E. Balfour) N a- tional, 46: 1040, 7 ' ‘ — Arnold Daly and ; a bit of Dramatic History. Henderson) Arena, 32: 496, —-— as Playwright and Philosopher. del» 591 34- — Candida. Acad. 66: 528, —- Captain Brassbound’s Conversion. Sat. R. 101: 360, —-— contra mundum. (C. B. Chilton) Indep. 60: 5 50. —- Counterfeit Presentment of Women. (C. A. Barni- coat) Fortn. 85: 516. ——Liv. Age, 249: 67. —— Grandeur et décadence de. Cornh. 93: 237. — His Philosophy. (E. Crosby) Cosmopol. 40: 247, — Is he a Prophet? (W. C. Rhoades) Bib. Sac. 63: 528. -—- Jester to the Nation. Spec. 95: 970. —— John Bull’s Other Island. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 98: 608, — Man and Superman. (W. Archer) Critic, 43: 310. — (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 96: 329. - Mrs. Warren’s Profession. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 93‘ I39- — Nemesis of. (Austin Lewis) Overland, n. s. 452 369. — The New Felicity. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 100: 14. — Note on. (G. K. Chesterton) Indep. R. 8: 81, -— Philosophy of. (W. C. France) Bookman, 21: 428, -Plays of. Ed. R. 201: 498. —(E. G. Hoifsten)Se- wanee, I2: 17. — Point of View of. (A. (H. Simpson) In- (M. Beerbohm) (Austin Lewis) Overland, n. s. 43: 43. — Position of. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. I00: 745. — Popularity of. (L. Strachey) Critic, 47: 415. —— Shakespeare, Ibsen, and. (G. Lowes Dickinson) In- dep. R. 10: 83. — Some Aspects of. (J . M. Rogers) Lippinc. 78: 444- —- Where does he leave you ? (R. Loraine) Cosmopol. 4O= 339- Shaw, Howard, Some Houses by. chit. Rec. 19: 105. Shaw, John, Life Guardsman, Hero of Waterloo. B. Low) Chamb. J. 82: 252, Shaw, Leslie Mortimer, with portrait. (J . Brigham) R. of Rs. (N. Y.)25: 161. —(G. E. Roberts) Indep. 54‘ 139- —— and his Deficit. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, 79: 91. Shaw, Robert G., Monument to, Boston. (G. H. Palmer) Am. Arch. 76: 85, Shaw, Sarah Blake; a poem. 911 53°- Shaw, Wilfred B. Rossetti and Botticelli. Crafts- man, 9: 341. Shawinigan Falls, Canada, Electric Power from. C. Johnson) Cassier, 26: 187, Shawl of Many Colors ; a story. M, 21: 26, Shaw’s Comedy ; a story. 23: 258, Shays’s Rebellion, The Confederation and. (J . P. War- ren) Am. Hist. R. 11: 42. She borrowed her Own Husband. PiI10- 771 539. She who Waits; a story. 16: 36. Shears of Atropos, The. (H.C. Rowland) McClure, 25: 2. Shears of Destiny. (G. Dangerfield) Lippinc. 74: 796. Sheather, John, of Guilford, Conn., and his Descend- ants. (R. D. Smyth) N. E. Reg. 59: 45. (A. C. David) Ar- (E. (R. W. Gilder) Atlan. (W. (M. S. Wade) Canad. (A. R. Carman) Canad. M. (R. Hughes) Lip- (M. Le Blanc) Poet-Lore, SHEATHING Sheathing of the Blade, The. (Marie Van Vorst) Har- per, 111: 117, Sheba, Queen of, according to the Tradition of Axum. (P. Carus) Open Court, 19: 31. Sheba and Eliakim. (E. Koenig) Am. J. Theol. I0: 675. Shedd, W. G. T. (G. H. Gilbert) Bib. World, 25: 327. Sheehan, Patrick Augustine. The Irish Priest as Novelist. (P. A. Sillard) Westm. I60: 341, = Cath. World, 77: 12, Sheeny Cohen. (F. F. Moore) Overland, n. s. 47: 17. Sheep and Shepherds of the West. (C. M. Harger) Outl. 72: 689. -- Big Profit in “ Hothouse ” Lambs. Ctry Life Am. 8: 64, —— Black, Origin of. (C. H. Davenport) Science, n. s. 22: 674. -— Finding, after a Snowstorm. M. n. s. 71: 444. -— in Scotland, Undue Value on account of Acclimati- zation Theory. Sat. R. 99: 372. —— The Mountain. (T. S. Van Dyke) Land of Sun. 3: 11, —-— — of America. -— Multi-nippled, of Beinn Bhreagh. ence, n. s. 19: 767. -— Pedigree Sheep-breeding. (R. H. Rew) Outing, 45: (E. M. Barker) (W. T. Palmer) Gent. (A. J. Stone) Outing, 41: 185. (A. G. Bell) Sci- 171, — Points of a Good. (J . A. Craig) Ctry Life Am. 3: 166. — Raising, in Western U. S. (E. L. Sabin) Booklover’s M. 6: 541. Sheep-droving. (J . S. Hughes) Blackw. I75: 820, 176: 350. 178: 81. Sheep Herders of the West. (A. Chapman) Outl. 80: 481, Sheep Herding in California. (R. D. Milne) Califor- nian, I: 224, 321. Sheep Hunting in Lower California. (C. B. Slade) Outing, 39: 505. — in Western Alaska. (J . H. Kidder) Outing, 43: 50, Sheep Men and Cattle Men of the West ; War for the Range. (C. Michelson) Munsey, 28: 380. Sheep-ranching in the Northwest. (L. H. Bailey) Ctry Life Am. 6: 256. — in the West. (H. F. Cope) World To-day, 7: 1037, Sheep-shearing, The. Spec. 97: 531. -- A Pastoral Sketch. (Maj.-Gen.W. Tweedie) Chamb. J . 83: 708. Shefiield, University of. Nature, 72: 282. -- City Schools, Sadler on. Educa. 24: 186. Sheflield University, Metallurgical Department of. Nature, 74: 541. Shekels, False. (G. F. Hill) Reliquary, 42: 233, Shekinah, The, and the Real Presence. (J . Freeland) Dub. R. 132: 341. Sheldrakcs. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 96: 295, Shell Heaps of the Lower Fraser River. (H. I. Smith) Am. Antiq. 26: 235. Shelley, P. B. Adonais, Greek Sources of. (G. Nor- lin) Univ. Colo. Stud. 1: 305. — and the French Revolution. (J . Royce) Californian, 1: 543- -— and his Nature-poetry. (P. Edgar) Canad. M. 19: 18. -— and Keats, Tomb of, at Rome. Dial, 41: 57. —— — Democracy of. (J . W. Stimson) Arena, 28: 354. -- and Mary Godwin. (R. Le Gallienne) Cosmopol. 35: 291, — at Bracknell. (M. K. Hill) Temp. Bar, 130: 199, —-— at Home. (M. K. Hill) Temp. Bar, 129: 225, —— Ethical and Political Teaching of. Westm. I62: 675. — his Home and Grave. (Grace E. Channing) Calif. M. 3: 125. 590 SHERMANS Shelley, P. B., Last Home of. (A. B. McMahan) Dial, 37 i 55- -~Love of Antigone. (Mary B. Whiting) Temp. Bar, 12$ 473- - Prometheus Unbound, Study of. (L. Steichen) Se- wanee, 12: 44. --Queen Mab and the Daemon of the World. Buxton Torman) Ath. ’o5, 22 507. —-— -— Sources of. (J . W. Tayler) Sewanee, I4: 324. -—- A Strange Adventure of. (M. L. Croft) Cent. 48: (H. 9°5- -—- Unknown Pictures of. (N. P. Dunn) Cent. 48: 909. Shelley or Shelly, Robert, of Scituate and Barnstable, Mass., and his Descendants. (R. D. Smyth and B. C. Steiner) N. E. Reg. 60: 332. Shellfish, Transplantation of. Nature, 72: 430. Shells, Common, of the Shore. (Julia E. Rogers) Ctry Life Am. 6: 246. - Hamina Solitaria Say. Natural. 38: 207, -— Some Shell-homes of Sea-dwellers. Good Words, 45: 489. -— West-coast. (J . T. Connor) Land of Sun. 8: 180. (W. M. Smallwood) Am. (M. Fermor) Shensi, Among the Mountains of. (B. Willis) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 412, Shenstone, Wm., a Forgotten Poet. (W. H. Hutton) Cornh. 85: 111, Shepard, Mrs. Elliott F., Residence at Scarborough. Archit. Rec. 12: 549. Shepherd and Sheep. (S. Gordon) Chamb. J . 80: 337- 376. = Liv. Age, 238: 96-206. Shepherd of the Downs. (W. H. Hudson) Longm. 40: 452, 5°9- Shepherding on the Fels in Winter. Macmil. 85: 379- Sheppard, Jack. (C. Morris) Lippinc. 70: 592, Sherborne, Eng., Commemorative Pageant in. (Lewis Morris) Longm. 46: 437. — Antiq. n. s. 41: 303. Sherbrooke, Province of Quebec. (L. S. Channell) Canad. M. 19: 34, Sherburne, Henry, of Portsmouth, N. H., and his De- scendants. (E. R. Sherburne) N. E. Reg. 58: 227, 391- Sherburne, John, of Portsmouth, N. H., and some of his Descendants. (E. R. Sherburne) N. E. Reg. 59¢ 56- Sheridan Family. (A. Beaver) Longm. 45: 70. Sheridan, R. B. School for Scandal, First Edition. (L. S. Livingston) Nation, 83: I79. Sheriff of Contention, The. (W. L. Comfort) Lippinc. 77 2 314- Sherifi:"s Bluff, The. (T. N. Page) Scrib. M. 31: 436. Sherifi”s Deputy, The. (Lucy B. Jerome) Overland, n. s. 421 331. Sheriff ’s Farm or Farming in Early England. Turner) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 12: 117. Sheriff’s Strategy, The; a story. (E. Flower) Outing, 44: 3°2- Sherlock Holmes, The Real. Good Words, 43: 159. Sherman, Wm. T., Saint-Gaudens’s Statue of. Brush & P. 12: 262. — (K. Cox) Nation, 76: 491. —- -—- a Poem. (H. van Dyke) Atlan. 94: I9. — Letters of. (J. G. Wilson) Indep. 54: 213. Sherman Anti-trust Law, The. (C. G. Dawes) N o. Am. 183: 189, —- and the Merger Case. 17: 533- - The Supreme Court and. (W. F. Dana) Harv. Law R. 16: 178. Sherman Ranch, a Giant Kansas Farm. (C. H. Mat- son) World’s Work, 4: 2327, Shermans of Yaxley in Suffolk, England. (T . T. Sher- man) N. E. Reg. 59: 397. (G. J. (V. Morawetz) Harv. Law R. SHERRODS Sherrods, The; a novel. (G. B. McCutcheon) Book- man, 17: 283. 18: 87. Shetland Isle, Sacred Sites in a. Antiq. n. s. 41: 133. Shetland Pony, The. (A. H. Goodwin) Ctry Life Am. 8: 403. Sheve-na-Cailliagh, Cairns of. (Hugh MacMillan) Good Words, 432 591. Shibuzawa, Baron Yeiichi. (S. Sams) R. of Rs. (N. Y) 26: 303. Shield Reversed, The. (G. Richardson) Indep. 58: 80. Shield Reversed, A; a story. (W. H. Porter) Book- man, 18: 638, Shields, Charles Woodruif, Philosophy of. Rankin) Bib. Sac. 63: 244. Shields, Frederic, and the Chapel of the Ascension. (I. Langridge) Art J . 54: 337. Shiels, Tibbie, and the Visitors to her Cottage at St. Mary’s Loch. (J . Sharpe) Chamb. J . 33! 501. Shiloh, Battle of; my own Account of the First Day. (Lew Wallace) Booklover’s M. 7: 72. Shimonoseki, Battle of. (P. Carus) Open Court, 171 (J. M. E. Saxby) (H. W. 3°3- Shimose, Highest of All Explosives. (P. Briere) Cos- mopol. 39: 469. Shinn, Florence Scovel; Samples of her Work. Lamp, 27: -0. Shinnecook Indians, Notes on. (M. R. Harrington) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I6: 37. Shinramism ; a Study in Japanese Buddhism. (Tatsu Tanaka) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 16: 35. Shinto Revival Scholars, Views of, on Ethics. (H. L. Latham) Open Court, 19: 100. Shintoism, Growth of, in J apan. World, 25: 173. — in America. (Ida H. Harper) Indep. 59: 30. Ship, The American, in 1902. (W. L. Marvin) Scrib. M- 3% 577. — Launching a. (F. Matthews) Outing, 42: 725. Ship that saw a Ghost. (F. Norris) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 439. =Overland, n. s. 40: 489. Ship Subsidies. (R. Meeker) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 594. — British Subsidies and American Shipping. (C. H. Cramp) No. Am. 175: 829. — History of. (C. J . Bullock) Nation, 81: 3 52. —-— His- tory of. (R. Meeker) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 6: (E. Buckley) Bib. 501, — Meaning and Necessity of. (W. P. Frye) Indep. 60: 1459- - Shipping and Subsidies. (B. Taylor) No. Am. 176: 490- - Subsidizing Merchant Marines. (F. L. McVey) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 370. Ship-subsidy Bill, The Frye. (F. L. McVey) Yale R. 11: 38. — (J. C. Coombs) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I5: 466. -Nation, 74: 166. Ship-subsidy Question,in England, The. Nation, 76: 144. Shipbuilding. (G. W. Dickie) Calif. Univ. Chron. 4: 80. — American, Conditions and Prospects of. (J . F. Crowell) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 46. -— — Expansion of. (A. Goodrich) World’s Work, 3: (H. White) 1933- - -— The Steamship Merger and. (C. H. Cramp) No. Am. 175: 5. —- and Shipping Industries of Germany. (J . E. Barker) Contemp. 891 324. — Steel, in Massachusetts. (R. Bergengren) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 276. — The Trouble with our. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 80: 45- —- 20th Century Types of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 454. 591 SHIPWRECKS Shipbuilding Trust ; an “ Artistic Swindle.” Whiting) Nation, 772 355. - Bankruptcy of the. Outl. 75: 628. —-— Who is destroying Confidence ? (R. Ogden) Nation, (F. Jo 77 i 294. See U. S. Shipbuilding Co. Shipbuilding Yards, Electric Appliances in. (S. F. Walker) Engin. M. 22: 679. —- Electric Portable Tools. (S. F. Walker) Engin. M. 22: 854. Shippen, Margaret, Life of. (L. B. Walker) Pennsyl. M. 25: 452. 26: 71, 224, 322, 464. See Arnold, Margaret Shippen. Shippen Family, English Ancestors of. Pennsyl. M. 28: 385. Shipping, American, Constitutional Rights of. W. Bates) Arena, 33: 364. —— —— Future of. (A. Goodrich) World’s Work, 4: 2191, —- — Legislation on, The Pending. (W. E. Humphrey) No. Am. 182: 446. — —-— The Needs of. (F. J . Whiting) Nation, 78: 285, — —- Restoration of. (C. T. Hopkins) Californian, 5: (T. W. Balch) (W. 71. — British, and American. (B. Taylor) 19th Cent. 52: 19. — —-— and World’s Ocean-going Trade. (Brysson Cun- ningham) Cassier, 27: 3. —— -— Fiscal Policy and. (C. Booth, jr.) Indep. 5: 352. - British Mercantile. (Brysson Cunningham) Cassier, 27= 233- ——- English, under Protection. 666. — Need of an American Merchant Marine. Frye) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 337. Shipping Combine, The Atlantic. J . 13: 197. Shipping Orders, Card Index System of recording. (K. Falconer) Engin. M. 22: 881, Shipping-rights, American Doctrine of. (W. W. Bates) Arena, 34: 363. Shipping Trust. See International Mercantile Marine Company. Ships and their Builders. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 225,- Liv. Age, 251: 231, — A Discourse concerning the “ Name” of Ships and the Character of the Sea. (J. Conrad) Blackw. 179: 1. — Giant, r our Oriental Trade. (F. N. Stacy) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 565. — Great and Small. (L. G. C. Laughton) Un. Serv. M. 30: 553. —— Greatest Sailing-ship Afloat, The. Munsey, 28: 715. — Growth of the Capital Ship. Blackw. 179: 57 7. — History of. (B. I. Geare) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 3. — in the Reign of James I. of England. (R. G. Mars- den) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 19: 309. -— Merchant, New Large. (A. Goodrich) World’s Work, 3: 1653. — Our Ships of the Sea. (J . R. Spears) Outl. 71: 631. -— Speed of the Capital Ship. Blackw. 180: 435. (J . Rae) Contemp. 87: (W. P. (B. Ginsburg) Econ. (J . G. Crowley) —— Square-rigged, disappearing from the Ocean. (J . G. McCurdy) World To-day, III 913.‘ Ships’ Bulkheads, Power Doors for. (W. B. Cowles) Army & Navy Life, 9: 389. Ships’ Crews, Efficiency of. 16: 250, Ships’ Figure-heads. 7°: 9. “Ships that Pass ;” a Wee Macgreegor Story. (J . J . Bell) Idler, 24: I49. Shipwrecks along the New England Coasts. Woods) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 251. (W. Macarthur) Char. (W. Allingham) Gent. M. n. s. (A. SHIRLEY Shirley, James. An Elizabethan and Two Modern Dramatists. (J . Kindon) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 401. Shirley, Mass., Inscriptions from the Cemetery, 1754- 1350. (E. S. Bolton) N. E. Reg. 57: 68, 290. Shirpurla or Lagash, Later Rulers of. (H. H. Ho- worth) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 3, 209. Shock, Study of the Cause of. (W. H. Howell) Sci- ence, n. s. 19: 461, Shouts, Theodore P. (W. Wellman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 3I= 549. Shoosmith, T. L., Water-colors of. Studio (Internat.) 24: 226. Shooting, American. (A. S. Jones) Outing, 40: 673. -— Big Game, in British East Africa. (A. A. Hard- wick) Outing, 42: 134, —— Blackcock and Capercaillie in Austria. Cantley) Outing, 39: 556. -— Learning to Shoot. (T. S. Van Dyke) Outing, 45: (T. M. Wood) (C. H. 225, — Shand’s. (Alfred Lyttelton) Sat. R. 94: 167. -—- Straight. (G. H. Nicholson) Un. Serv. M. 34: 312. -— Summer. (Grover Cleveland) Indep. 56: 1228. — Upland. (C. R. Flint) Cosmopol. 38: 89. — with a Cabresto, or Stalking Horse. (W. Verner) Sat. R. 97: 651. Shooting-rents, Slump in. (C. J . Cornish) National, 44* 113- “ Shooting Up ” of Horse Head; a story. (C. D. Stu- art) Out West, 22: 60. Shop, Talking. Spec. 92: 1006, Shop Methods, New, from the Machinist’s Point of View. (W. Burns) Engin. M. 31: 93. Shop Supervision, Systems for simplifying. Thompson) Engin. M. 31: 873, Shopping. Spec. 86: 613. =Liv. Age, 251: 758. — in America. (Mrs. T. P. O’Connor) Indep. 61 : 1557. Shore Leave; a story. (T. Roberts) Canad. M. 21: 24. Shore Leave; a story. (Mary Moss) Lippinc. 78: 206, Shore-lines, Oscillations of. (F. Nansen) Geog. J . 26: 604, Short, Frank, Etcher. M. of Art, 27: 5 34. — (F. Wed- more) Studio (Internat.) I52 3. — Mezzotint and Etched Work of. Studio (Internat.) 29: 50. Short Rails; a True Tale of a Runaway. Andrews) Overland, n. s. 41: 210. Short-service System, Evolution of the. Un. Serv. M. 301 I37- Short Stories, Modern. Booklover’s M. 3: 525. —(H. S. Canby) Dial, 37: 101, Short Story, The. (B. Perry) Atlan. 90: 241. — Liv. Age, 234: 572. — Ecl. M. 139: 455. -— The Modern. (T. E. Rankin) Poet-Lore, 17, no. 1: 1oo, —— Rationale of the, according to Poe. Poet-Lore, 16, no. 1: 57. — Story of the. (Brander Matthews) Munsey, 3 5: 5 39. Shortage in the Cash; a story. (P. Marche) Canad. M. 20: 419. Shorthand and Brains. 5: 1613. Shorthand Typists; a Good Field for Employment. (M. Greenwood) Westm. I57: 208. Shorthorn Kings, To save the. (J . Oskison) Nation, 78= 245. Shorthouse, Joseph Henry. Dial, 34: 187. — (C. F. G, Masterman) Indep. R. 5, no. 3: 109. — and John Inglesant. (H. Bowlby) National, 48: 132, — John Inglesant. Monthly R. 11, no. 1: 1.—— (E. Hutton) Blackw. 173: 543.=Ecl. M. 141: 59,: Liv. Age, 237: 409. -—Acad. 64: 215, 254. -— Life, Letters, and Literary Remains of. Monthly R. 20, no. 1: 149. (A. W. (E.' F. Strange) (L. R. (J . P. Fruit) (J . R. Slater) World To-day, 592 SIAM Shorthouse, Joseph Henry, Personal Recollections of. (Jessie D. Montgomery) Temp. Bar, 127: 664, :: Liv. Age, 238: 55. — Work of. Ed. R. 202: 110, = Liv. Age, 247: 12, Shortia Galactifolia, How Two Women found. (H. E. Freeman) Chaut. 35: 490. Shoshone Falls of the Snake River. M. n. s. 75: 163. -—- Trip to. (R. Briggs) Californian, 2: 353. Shoshone Reservation, Opening of. (N. H. Darton) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 197. Shot in the Mist, A. (H. W. Kinney) Overland, n. s. (W. Kelly) Gent. 44: 58. Shottery, A Sketcher’s Vacation in. (J . B. Reid) Outl. 74: 315. Shovels, Steam, in Mining. 22: 608. Showing-off as a Phase of Self-consciousness. (G. S. Hall and Theodate L. Smith) Pedagog. Sem. 10: (A. W. Robinson) Cassier, I59- Shrady, Henry Merwin, the New American Sculptor. (C. H. Garrett) Munsey, 29: 545. Shrew, The Lesser. (J . J . Ward) Good Words, 44: 886. Shrewdness of Hawkins, The. Lippinc. 75: 203, Shrewsbury, Arthur, Tribute to. National, 41: 842, Shrewsbury, Battle of. (A. G. Bradley) Macmil. 88: ' 183, Shrewsbury Abbey Church. (W. G. D. Fletcher) An- tiq. n. s. 41: 452, Shrewsbury School. Sat. R. 97: 580. Shrimp in Aspic; or, the Balcony Scene. Masson) Chamb. J. 80: 619. Shrines of British Saints. Antiq. n. s. 41: 181. Shrines of the Desert. (D. L. Elmendorf) Scrib. M. 38: 432. Shropshire, Some Parish Registers of. (W. G. D. Fletcher) Antiq. n. s. 39: 6, —— -— and Sidelights on the Civil War. Antiq. n. s. 38: 197. Shroud, Holy, of Turin. (R. Meldola) Nature, 67: 241 ; (J. Waterhouse; W. G. Smith) 3I7.—(H. B. Mackey) Dub. R. 132: 1, Shrubbery in Home Grounds. Life Am. 1: 16, Shrubs, Garden. (H. N. Ellacombe) National, 46: 1 12, — Treatment of. Ctry Life Am. 4: 207, Shut-in Life, The Sunny Side of a. Chant. 36: 29 5. Shuttle, The; a story. (Frances H. Burnett) Cent. 51: 29, 189. Shylock in the Old Testament. (A. H. Godbey) Mo- nist, as 353- Shyness of Shorty, The ; a story. (R. E. Beach) Mc- Clure, 222 358. Si Jeunesse voulait. Age, 234: 524. Siam. (E. A. Norbury) Art J . 57: 317, — and the Powers. Fortn. 78: 551. -— British Interests in., Blackw. 171: 711. — Crown Prince, Visit to U. S. (J . Barrett) Indep. 543 2345- - An Elephant Drive in. 108: 358. — French Expansion in. Sat. R. 94: 448. -— History of French Missions to. Asia. R. 33: 91. — King of, and the Crown Prince. (H. King) Indep. 54¢ 23°5- — —- Statesman of Asia. (A. H. Vanderberg) (R. H. Lyttelton) (Rosaline (T. Auden) (S. Parsons, jr.) Ctry Monthly R. 8, no. 11 126. I Liv. (A. H. Burgoyne) Harper, (J . Barrett) Munsey, 28: 321, —— Land of the White Elephant. (S. E. Carrington) Calif. M. 4:‘ 331. SIAM Siam, My First Visit to. (Sir A. Clarke) Contemp. 81: 221, — Religion of. I6: I49, — Through the Klawngs of. (C. Whitney) Outing, 44: 420, ' — To-day. (A. C. Coolidge) Nation, 82: 219. -— Travels in. (C. Whitney) Outing, 45: 345. — Where Two Empires meet. (L. R. Holland) Na- (Mrs. A. H. Leonowens) Open Court, tional, 41: 209, Siam’s Intercourse with China. (G. E. Gerini) Asia. It 33= 1I9.36I- 34= 391- Siberia, Deutsch’s Sixteen Years in. good) N ation, 78: 35. — Eastern, and Manchuria. s7= 245- — Home through. (Mrs. A. Little) National, 39: 479. Z Liv. Age, 233: 603, — — Igneous Rock from. _Sci. 163: I75. -— My Exile to. (L. Ladoif) Harper, I10: 759. — The New California. (S. M. Williams) Munsey, 261 (Isabel F. Hap- (G. F. Wright) Chant. (H. S. Washington) Am. J . '0 J. — The Real, Fraser on. Ath. ’O2, 21 2-IO. — Russian Immigrant in. (W. Gerrare) Outl. 70: 959. —-— Russia’s Quest of the Pacific. (F. A. Ogg) 36: 358. — Sport in the Arctic Circle. (W. H. Ballou) Munsey, 28: 609. — A Strange People of the North. (W. Begoras) Har- per, 106: 846. — Through, to Bering Strait. (H. de Windt) Harper, 105: 821. — A Trip through. — Western, and Tnrkestan. (E. J. Hill) Nat. Geog. M. 13: 37. (G. F. Wright) Chant. 371 I44. Siberian Evangeline, A. (A. N. Benjamin) Atlan. 89: 520. Siberian Railway. (J . W. Davidson) Cent. 45: 94o,— (I. Dobbie) Macmil. 902 I4I.:Liv. Age, 242: 96.—(J. F. Fraser) Pall Mall M. 261 3I3.—Ecl. M. 138: 275.1-‘Liv. Age, 232: 55. —-J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 503. —— and Russian Policy. 8, no. 22 43. —— in War. World To-day, 6: 607. Sibyl, The, of Lone Pine. (F. N. Hamilton) Overland, n. s. 41: 260. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. Bar. 13°! 353- Sicilian Villa, A. (G. P. Fernald) Cosmopol. 37: 291. Sicily. (J . Bryce) Nation, 78: 188, — Douglas Sladen in, 1896-1900. Ath. ’o2, I: 169, —-— Highlands of. (W. Sharp) Atlan. 93: 471. -—In the Hills of. (R. Herrick) World To-day, 5: (R. E. C. Long) Monthly R. (G. F. MacMunn) Temp. on I5:4- -— The Land of Theocritus. (W. Sharp) Harper, I06: 702. -— Memories of Spring in. 83: 687. —— Route Notes in; Garden of the Sun. Cent. 49: 663. 50: 37. — Western. (J . Bryce) Nation, 77: 442. Sickness, Psychology of. (C. Caverno) Open Court, 20: 385. Sickness of Lane Chief ; a story. (Jack London) Out West, 17: 468. Sick-room Fiction. (M. E. Francis) Acad. 70: 403.: Liv. Age, 250: 58, Siddons, Mrs. Sarah Kemble, _as the Tragic Muse. (W. B. Stevens) Chant. 44: 22;, — The Tryst of. (C. Morris) McClure, I9: 78, Siddur, South-Arabian. (VV. Bacher) Jew. Q. 14: 581, 752. (A. M. Wakefield) Fortn. (W. Sharp) 593 SIERRA Side—issue, A; a story. Blackw. I73: 269. Siderite and Barite from Maryland. (W. T. Schaller) Am. J. Sci. 171: 364. Side-show Studies. (F. Metcalfe) Outing, 46: 28-584. 47: 22-587. 48: 171, Sidgwick, Henry. (W. Everett) Atlan. 98: 93.—(J. Sully) Macmil. n. s. I: 55o.——(D. MacG. Means) Nation, 82: 47I.—Spec. 96: 459. —— Essays and Addresses. (J . H. McDaniels) Nation, 81: 185. —-— The Ethics of. (J. E. McTaggart) Quar. 205: 398. —— Ethics of T. H. Green, Herbert Spencer, and J. Martineau. (B. Bosanquet) Mind, 28: 381, —Miscellaneous Essays. Ath. ’O5, 11 75. — Philosopher. (H. A. Bruce) Out]. 841 332. — Philosophy, its Scope and Relations. (A. S. Pringle- Pattison) Mind, 282 83. Sidney, Sir Philip, and Lady Penelope Deverenx. (R. Le Gallienne) Cosmopol. 33: 21 1. — Home of. (H. C. Shelley) Critic, 431 22I. Sidon, Ancient Inscriptions at. (Ghosn-el-Howie) Am. Antiq. 27: 313. — Excavations at. (Ghosn-el-Howie) Am. Antiq. 27: 223, — Twelve Mortuary Inscriptions from. (W. J . Rich- ardson) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 81 283. Siege, The; a story. (Will L. Comfort) Lippinc. 75: 19". Siege and Field Operations in the Far East. (W. R. Livermore) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36! 421. Siege of Savigny, The. (R. Sabatini) Chamb. J . 80: 793- Siege Warfare, New, at Port Arthur. (R. Barry) Cent. 47: 681. Sieges Great, of History. (C. T. Brady) Cosmopol. 38: 101-707, Siena. Quar. I98: 178, —- and her Children. (R. M. Bradley) 19th Cent. 60: 57.-—-Eel. M. 147: 205.?-Liv. Age, 250: 332. -and San Gimignano, Early Art in. (L. Douglas) 19th Cent. 56: 756. — — Gardner’s. Sat. R. 972 659. — (A. H. Noll) Dial, 35¢ 153- — Douglas and Gardner on. Ath. ’o3, I: 679. — Douglas’s History of. Monthly R. 10, no. 32 9.- (A. H. Noll) Dial, 35: 153. — Four Recent Books on. (G. B. Rose) Sewanee, II: 241, — History of. (L. Douglas) Ath. ’O3, 1: 735. ——Palio of; a Curious Mediasval Horse-race. (W. Hough) Outl. 80: 755. ——Treasnres of, Historical Revival in. (F. W. Par- sons) Cath. World, 77: 465, 657. Sienkiewicz, Henryk. (S. C. de Soissons) No. Am. 175: 176, —and his Contemporaries. Age, 233: 14, Sierra Club in Camp. (Helen L. Jones) Ctry Life Am. 3: 82, —— in the Northwest, I905. 24: 365, — An Outing with. (W. Rodman) Out West, 22: 259, Sierra Leone Railroad. (J . Huntley Knight) Engin. M. 30: 175. ~ Sierra Madre Mountains, The Western. (E. O. Hovey) Science, n. s. 21: 585. — The Peril of the. (T. P. Lukens) Land of Sun. I 5: Quar. I95: 117.:Liv. (W. Rodman) Ont ‘Vest, 3°7- —- Thoe Plateau of. Land of Sun. 42 I93. Sierra Nevada, Mountaineering in, King’s. (H. van Dyke) Lamp, 26: 299. Sierra Nevada Mountains, California. (M. Roberts) Out West, 17: 429. SIERRA Sierra Nevada Mountains, Across the, on Horseback. (J. H. McBride) Out West, 20: 319. -—- Harnessing the Rivers of the. (H. Wright) World To-day, 9: 1087, -— In the High. (J . H. Hamlin) Land of Sun. 14: 189. — in Summer. (C. L. Kenyon) Out West, 21: 231. — Mining Districts of. (W. M. Bunker) Californian, 2: 423. Sierras of California, The. (L. E. Purdy) Calif. M. 4: 244- — Through the Heart of the ; Grand Canyon of the Feather River. (S. S. Boynton) Overland, n. s. 4% 483. Sierras of Mexico, In the. (V. Granville) Land of Sun. I3= 74. 142. Sifton, Hon. Clifton, Minister of the Interior, Canada. (A. Magurn) Canad. M. 21: 502, Sifton Murder Case, Final Trial of. Green Bag, 14: 600, Sigel, Gen. Franz. 76= 35- Sight and Insight. Sat. R. 102: 108, Sight—reading in Secondary Schools. (D. W. Lothman) School R. 12: 370, Sigma (pseud.). Personalia. Critic, 44: 265. Sigma Chi Fraternity. Comrades in Zeal. dan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 304. Sign of the Jumna. (H. R. Hulbert) Cent. 44: 324. Sign of the Real, The; a story. (G. Case) Arena, 32: 296. Sign of the Spider, The. (C. Edwardes) Chamb. J. 82: 417-473. =Liv. Age, 246: 287-480, Sign of Venus, The ; a story. (R. W. Chambers) Har- per, 108: 99. Signal Corps in War-time. (A. W. Greely) Cent. 442 811, Signaled; a story. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 101: 752- Signaling in the Merchant Service. Un. Serv. M. 30: 360, — in War Service. (M. C. Sullivan) Cassier, 27: 471. -—Modern, The Evolution of. Un. Serv. M. 31: 581. 32: 180, -— Submarine, by Sound. (E. Price-Edwards) J . Soc. Arts, 502 3.-—(J. B. Millet) J. Soc. Arts, 54: 642. Signature, The; astory. (M. Hardy) Temp. Bar, 131: 468-=Liv. Age. 245= 537-=Ecl. M. 145: 86. Signboards. Am. Arch. 79: 30. Signed Tureen, The. (G. W. Carryl) Scrib. M. 36: 229, Signet, The; Harvard College Society, 1870. (P. La Rose) Harv. Grad. M. 10: 513. Significant Appendix of Broadnax; a story. Shipp) Munsey, 32: 507, Signs, London, and their Associations. (J . H. Mac- Michael) Antiq. n. s. 41: 100-456. 42: 183, 346, — Some Gossip consequent on. (E. Courtney) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 267, Signs and Symbols; a story. Scrib. M. 40: 275. Sigourney, Lydia Huntley. (G. L. Collin) New Eng. M. n. s. 27! . Sigurd Cycle and Britain. (A. Nutt) Ath. ’02, 2: 521, —(I. Gollancz) Ath. ’o2, 2: 551, Sikhim, the Land where the Rhododendrons grow. (M. C. Paget) Longm. 43: 300. Sikyon, Theater at. (A. Fossum) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 9: 263. Silchester Excavations, The. Antiq. n. s. 38: 217,- 42: 261. -— —- 1901-04. (W. H. St. John Hope) Arehaeol. 58: I7, 413- 59: 333- - Last Days of. (F. Haverfield) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 625, (C. Schurz) Nation, Memoirs. (J eannette L. Gilder) (D. S. Jor- (O. C. Roach) (M. B. (Beatrice Hanscom) 594 SILVERADO Silence, “ The Empire of.” Spec. 9!: I123, — The Privilege of, and the Immunity Statutes. (F. A. Beecher) Am. Law R. 40: 869. Silence in the Heavens, A. (Frances Campbell) Temp. Bar, 126: 103, Silence of Judith Learwood, The. (G. MacG. Cooke) Munsey, 33: 121, Silent Opinions. Spec. 97: 256. Silent Places, The; a story. (S. E. White) Outing, 43: I37-713- 44: 97*323- Silent Singer, A. (Clara Morris) Good Words, 43: 613. Silhouettes of Life. (H. G. Dwight) World To-day, 10: 397. Silicates, Action of Ammonium-chloride upon Certain. (F. W. Clarke and G. Steiger) Am. J . Sci. 163: 27. Silicic Acid, Significance of, in Waters of Mountain Streams. (W. P. Headden) Am. J . Sci. 1651 169. Siljestriim, Prof. Per Adam, Brain of. Science, 11. s. W 554- Silk and its Producers. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 25: 29, -— Manufacture of. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 38: 95. — Naturalizing the Cocoon. (W. S. Harwood) World To-day, 9: 867. Silk Culture in California. land, 11. s. 40: 363. Silk Industry, British. 1234- — declining in England. Sat. R. 101: 38. Silks, Designing for. Studio (Internat.) 27: xi, Silkworm Moth, American, Telea Polyphemus. (Ellen R. Miller) Overland, n. s. 43: 510. — Variations induced by Controlled Food Supply. (W. L. Kellogg and R. G. Bell) Science, 11. s. 18: 748. Sill, Edward Rowland. Poems. Atlan. 90: 27!. — (W. F. Dix) Outl. 72: 554. Sillustani, Peru, Aboriginal Ruins at. lier) Am. Anthropol. 7: 49. (Carrie Williams) Over- (F. Warner) J . Soc. Arts, 52: (A. F. Bande- Silly Speeches. Spec. 92: 838. Siloam Inscription, The. (P. Carus) Open Court, 17: 662. Silver, Stephen Wm. Geog. J . 25: 465. Silver, Allotropic, Colors of. (J . C. Blake) Am. J . Sci. 166: 282, — American, 17th and 18th Century, in Boston Mu- seum. Studio (Internat.) 30: iii. -— A Belgian Smithy. (A. Michelson) Craftsman, 8: 817, -—— Depreciation of. Sat. R. 95: 6. — Hildesheim Silver Treasures. Craftsman, 81 766, — Old Irish, and what it fetches. Chamb. J . 83: I18, - Price of. (M. W. Gaines) Yale R. 14: 18. -— Purchasing of, More. (H. White) Nation, 78: 306, Silver Chabazite and Silver Analcite, Preliminary Note on. (G. Steiger) Am. J . Sci. 164: 31, Silver Coinage, Shall we have ? (L. A. Sheldon) Calif. M. 3: 626. Silver Fox, The; a story. (L. Mott) Outing, 48: 738. Silver Plate, English, Evolution of Form in. (P. R. Macquoid) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 323. Silver Problem, Final Stage of the. Bank. M. (Lond.) 75: 366. Silver Standard in Mexico, Effects of the. Gaines) Yale R. 12: 276. Silver Swan and Foxbrush ; a story. (Caroline Corner- Ohlmutz) Good Words, 46: 300, Silver Tea-set, The; a story. (Alice Brown) Harper, I I 3 :_ 707, Silver Trust, For a. (H. White) Nation, 78: 82. Silverado; Scene of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Honey- moon. (H. French) Overland, n. s. 48: 129. —— A Visit to Stevenson’s. (J . B. Carrington) Lamp, 29: 7. (C. A. Brassler) (M. W. SILVE RSIDES Silversides, and other Truthful Angling Tales. Thompson) Outing, 40: 3 52'. Silversmithing; Martelle Ware. (H. C. Tilden) Brush & P. 18: 239. -— Work of Albert A. Southwick. Craftsman, 10: 176. Silversmith’s Art. (J . Schopfer) Craftsman, 52 113, 217, — in Contemporary France. (C. (J . Schopfer) Craftsman, 51 433- -— in 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries. (J . Schopfer; tr. by I. Sargent) Craftsman, 51 336. Silverware, The Collecting of Old. (W. A. Dyer) Ctry Life Am. 11! 63. — (P. Macquoid) 19th Cent. 51: 284.=Ecl. M. 138: 781,=Liv, Age, 233: 228, — Howard’s Old London. (R. Sturgis) Nation, 77: 409. — Recent Examples of Gorham. Craftsman, 71 447. Silverwork by Alexander Fisher. (T. M. Wood) Stu- dio (Internat.) 22: 224, Similes, Significance of. (H. P. Humphrey) Acad. 67: 461, Simmons, Edward. Marine Paintings. Critic, 43: 5 54. Simmons, Franklin, Artist. (L. Whiting) Studio (In- ternat.) 25: Iii, Simmons, J . Lintorn. Geog. J . 212 329. Simon, Sir John. (R. T. Hewlett) Nature, 70: 326. Simon, Lucien, Painter, with portrait. (B. Kara- georgevitch) M. of Art, 26: 544. — (G. Mourey) Studio (Internat.) I6: 157, Simoneau, Jules, The Strange Case of Robert Louis Stevenson and. (J . S. Vrooman) Cent. 50: 343. Simonetta; a Favorite of the Florentines. (T. Peck) Lamp, 28: 185, Simple Life, The. (M. Reed) Macmil. n. s. I: 113, - =Liv. Age, 248; 280.—(Geo. P. Brett) World To-day, 82 492. -— in America, The. (C. Wagner) Outl. 81: 1063. Simple Life of Genevieve Maud, The; a story. (E. Jordan) Harper, I13: 214, Simpler Life, A. Spec. 89: 220, 490. Simpler Living, A Plan for. (G. P. Brett) World’s Work, 9: 5849. Simples, Perdita’s Simple Cupboard. (R. Le Gallienne) Harper, I05: 739. Simplicity. (G. Talbot) National, 45: 326. = Liv. Age, 246: 176. -— and Luxury. Craftsman, 2: 231. —— in Literature, Excellence of. Acad. 69: 877. =Liv. Age, 246: 877. -—— a Law of Nature. (J . Leiser) Craftsman, 2: 224, — Private, and Public Art. (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 2: 209, Simplicity of it; a story. body’s, I3: 208, Simplification of Life. Craftsman, 9: 405. Simplon Railway. (H. G. Archer) Good Words, 45! 309. Simplon Tunnel. Am. Arch. 90:. 205, - (F, Fox) Cornh. 932 633. — (A. Tarbell) Canad. M. 25: 139. —- (E. P. Lyle, jr.) Idler, 23: 355.— [In French.] (G. Goegg) J. Soc. Arts, 51: 23. -—Liv. Age, 245: 123.—— (D. Welch) Cent. 48: 248.—R. of Rs. (N. Y.) (C. H. Caflin) (Joseph C. Lincoln) Every- 3I: 572. — Construction of. (L. Monete) Engin. M. 39: 169, —- Survey of. (W. E. Plummer) Nature, 73: 30. Simpson, Joseph, Caricaturist. (Internat.) 26: 21, Simpson, Maxwell. (A. E. Dixon) Nature; 65: 51;, Simpson, R. O. (Booker T. Washington) Indep. 58: 1115, Simpson, William. Autobiography. Ath. ’o3, 2: 443, Sims, Edward Dromgoole, Pioneer in Anglo-Saxon, (A. A. Kern) Sewanee, I1: 337, (H. Macfall) Studio 595 SIN S Sims, Gecgrge R., with portrait. (J. Keating) Idler, 25: 2 4, Sin. (O. Lodge) Hibbert J . 31 I. — and Evil, Distinction between. N. Church R. 10: 34- - ang. Sacrifice. (J . Linehan) Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 8 . — Christian Conception of. World, 25: 46, -— Chnstian Idea of. 727- —— Doctrine of. (G. B. Stevens) Am. J. Theol. 8: 588. — —— as viewed from the Standpoint of Evolution. (P. S. Leinbach) Ref. Ch. R. 52: 97. — — in the Babylonian Religion. Am. Antiq. 28: 40, — First, its Consequences and the Remedy. (C. Walker) Bib. Sac. 60: 315. — New Varieties of. (E. A. Ross) Atlan. 95: 594. —— Origin and Propagation of, Tennant on; Hulsean Lectures. Ath. ’o2, 2: 404, — Origin of, from a New Viewpoint. Yale Div. I: 1, — A Scientist’s [Sir O. Lodge] View of the Nature of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 303, — Study of. (H. S. Noon) Meth. R. 66: 431, Sin of Sister Veronica, The. (Bettina von Hutten) Outl. 74: 85. Sinai, The Egyptians in; an Account of Recent Dis- coveries. (W. W. Flinders-Petrie) Harper, I12: 440- Sinaloa, Commercial Conquest of. tion, 82: 423. — Valley of. (C. De Kalb) Nation, 82: 487, Sincerity and Love. (M. Maeterlinck) Cent. 451 817. Sinclair, Geo., a Professor of Demonology. (G. A. Sinclair) Westm. I65: 540, Sinclair, May. Outl. 81: 727. Sinclair, William. (H. Raeburn) Art J. 55: 361, Sind, Province of. (C. J. Lyall) J. Soc. Arts, 51: 612, Sindbad on Burrator. (A. T. Quiller-Couch) Scrib. M. 321 I47- Sinding, Stephan, with portrait. & P. 14: 1. — Art of. (J . Spargo) Craftsman, 11: 277. Sine Curves, Machine for compounding. (W. G. Cady) Science, 11. s. 232 877. Singapore. (E. W. H. Wright) Atlan. 93: 105, — and Imperial Defense. Sat. R. 100: 427. — Anglo-Chinese School at. (P. S. Grant) Outl. 76: 1035. Singers, Now and Then. (W. J . Henderson) Atlan. 95: 242. Singing, Art/ of, Yesterday and To-day. (Adelina Patti) Indep. 56: 605. — at Sight. Music, 21: 163. — Lost Art of. (M. A. R. Tuker) 19th Cent. 53: 865. 54: 285.=Liv. Age, 238: 656, 23g: 265. — Philosophy of the Voice, Lunn’s. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 101: 423, Single Idea and Some Recent Books. Bookman, I8: 162, Single-tax Movement, Quarter-centennial of the. Scanlon) Westm. I64: 644, See Tax, Single. Sing Sing and Auburn condemned by Prison Improve- ment Commission. Char. I 51 68°. Singular Coincidence. (A. Hilliers) Macmil. 89: 36. Sinner in Israel. (M. Wolfenstein) Lippinc. 732 632. Sinners, The Grading of. (E. A. Ross) Atlan. 98: 106. Sinope, Ancient. (D. M. Robinson) Am. J . Philol. 27: 125» 245- Sins of the Fathers. Xmas no. (W. W. McLane) Bib. (G. B. Stevens) Meth. R. 64: (G. B. Stevens) (C. De Kalb) Na- (M. Osborn) Brush (F. T. Cooper) (T. (E. R. Gibson) Good Words, 44: SION Sion; the City of David. (G. A. Smith) Expos. 6th ser. 11: 1. Sioux, The Friendly. (D. Robinson) McClure, 21: 426. - Games of. (J . R. Walker) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I8: 277, 19: 29, Sioux Indian Festival, July 4, 1905. Booklover’s M. 6: 305, Sir John Constantine; a story. (A. T. Quiller-Couch) Cornh. 92: 1-721, 93: 1-721, Sir Mortimer; a novel. (Mary Johnston) Harper, 107: 821, 108: 44-748, Siren, The. (C. Williams) Lippinc. 72: 211, Siren, The ; a story. (J . L. Long) Cent. 44: 343. Siren of the Tracks ; a story. (H. Logan) Munsey, 27: (R. E. Beach) 673. Siren, The Song of the. (E. Wright) Acad. 70: 203. Sirens, Temple of the, in the Sorrentine Peninsula. (E. Pais) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 9: 1. Sistan, Depression of, in Eastern Persia. (E. Hunt- ington) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 271. Sister Ann. (Alice Brown) Outl. 72: 91. Sister Bonvenuta and the Christ Child. (V. Paget) Fortn. 84: 1143. Sister Espérance. (G. W. Carryl) Scrib. M. 33: 533. Sister Helen. Chant. 37: I00. Sister Peacham’s Turn; a story. (Sarah O. Jewett) . Harper, 105: 902. ' Sisterhoods, American. 899. - in the Episcopal Church. (J . S. Lindsay) Munsey, (J . T. Smith) Munsey, 28: 29: 329, Sistine Chapel, The. Am. Arch. 81: 78, - (K, Hale) Canad. M. 24: 499. Sisyra, Metamorphosis of. ural. 36: 615. Site Values, Taxation of. (C. F. Bickerdike) Econ. J . 12: 472. -(A. C. Pigon) Fortn. 86: 438. Sitting Bull, Surrender of. (F. C. Wade) Canad. M. 24= 335- Sitting Bull’s Defiance; a Sketch. Clure, 20: 35. Six per Cent; what it means. 694. Six Seamen and a Menagerie. J. 81: extra no. 16. Sixth Sense, A. (H. Clifl’ord) Spec. 91: 382, Sixty Jane. (J . L. Long) Cent. 43: 388. Sixty-thousand-dollar Face, The; a story. fevre) Harper, 109: 567. Skate, Lateral Vein of the. (H. W. Rand and J . L. Ulrich) Am. Natural. 39: 349. Skate-sailing. (A. H. Goodwin) Ctry Life Am. 7: 137. -(D. Beard) Outing, 45: 613. - made Easy. (W. F. Ollie) Outing, 45: 425, Skaters on Rink and Dike. Sat. R. 93: 201. Skating. (J . V. Gilman) Outing, 41: 617, — (J , F, Bacon) Outing, 41: 769, - Figure, Art of. (A. G. Keene) Munsey, 26: 463, — Freeman shod with Steel. (V. Thompson) Outing, 43: 690. - on Dutch Canals. (C. Edwardes) Outing, 39: 663, - A Veteran Skater’s Gossip. (J . M. Oxley) Atlan. 94: 762. Skating-pond, Old. (E. W. Kemble) Outing, 41: 679, Skeeing; a New Sport. (J . A. Gade) Ctry Life Am. : 109, Skeeter’s Charge ; a story. (H. Kramer) Munsey, 28: 288, Skeezicks. (G. R. Chester) McClure, 25: 354. Skelton, John, Laureate, 1504. (C. U. Manning) An- tiq. u. s. 41: 383. Skeptic of the Stone Age, A ; a story. (H. C. Bailey) Cornh. 94: 44. = Eel. M. 147: 557. (M. H. Anthony) Am. Nat- (H. Garland) Mc- Bank. M. (Lond.) 82: (J . A. Barry) Chamb. (E. Le- 6 596 SLAVE Skepticism. (A. K. Rogers) Philos. R. 13: 627, - as a Basis of Religion. (E. V. O’Hara) Cath. Univ. Bull. 9: 369. - of the Instrument. (H. C. Wells) Mind, 29: 379, - Varieties of. Outl. 75: 106. Sketch in Gastronomy, A; a story. (F. C. Pierce) Cent. 50: 638. Sketches on a Journey to Rome. Temp. Bar, 130: 79, 2. Sketching from Nature. (H. O. MacPherson) Brush &8 P. 15: 271.-(Alfred East) Studio (Internat.) 2 : 97. Skibo Castle, A Glimpse of. Ctry Life Am. I: 1 11, Skimmer, the Sea-bird. (F. M. Chapman) Ctry Life Am. 3: 85. Skin, Human. (H. Sutherland) Idler, 20: 504. Skinners’ Co. of London, Wadmore’s Account of. Ath, ’o4, I: 234, Skipping as a Health Exercise. National, 43: 615. Skirl of Irish Pipes; a story. (S. Mahon) Cath. World, 77 i 753- Skirmishing. (A. A. S. Barnes) Un. Serv. M. 27: 172. Skirmishings of Shiny; a story. (C. Dalzell) Am. M. 61: 697, Skis; Norwegian “ Ski ” Manoeuvres. (N-Y-) W 49. - See Skeeing. Skrydloff’s Raid. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 309. Skua as a Brigand. (E. Selous) ‘Sat. R. 97: 489. Skull, The. (F. Boas) Science, 11. s. 21: 862, - Form of the Human. (B. C. A. Windle) Dub. R. R. of Rs. 137: 1, Sky, ]Esthetics of the. (R. Le Gallienne) Harper, 108: 950, — Blue Color of. (T. J. J. See) Atlan. 93: 85. - The Color of. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. I4: 5. — Vacant Regions of. (E. E. Barnard) Pop. Astron. W 579. Sky-god, European. (A. R. Cook) Folk-Lore, 15: 264. 16: 260, 17: 27. Sky-god Personations in Hopi Worship. (J -. W. Fewkes) J . Am. Folk-Lore, 15: 14, Skye, Mists 0’. (A. Colton) Harper, 104: 797, - Mountain Climbing in. Blackw. I79-: 755. - A Season in. (H. E. M. Stutfield) Blackw. I72: 2I9.=Ecl. M. 139: 771.=Liv. Age, 235: 242. Skylark, Song of the. (T. Edwardes) Idler, 27: 604, Skyrocket and the Blue Stuff. (C. Johns) 47: 761. Skyscraper; Blair Building, N. Y. City. (H. W. Desmond) Archit. Rec. 14: 436. - Building and Designing the. (E. S. Hammat) Am. Arch. 88: 158. ' - Evolution of a. (M. Schuyler) Archit. Rec. 14: 329- Skyscrapers of New York shown in a Group of New Etchings by Joseph Pennell [no text]. Cent. 47: 77>- - Rear View of Broadway. Archit. Rec. 17: 143. Sladen Expedition. See Percy Sladen. - Slander and Libel, Absurdities of the Law of. (J . C. Courtney) Am. Law,R. 36: 552, Slang. Acad. 63: 527. 68: 279. =Liv. Age, 245: 252, -—- Defense of. (Herman Spencer) Booklover’s M. 2: 658. ‘ - Dictionary of, Farmer and Henley’s. Ath. ’o3, I: 332- ’<>4: 21 341- - —. What is? W. Bowen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 127, Slav Emigrgtion at its Source. (E. G. Balch) Char. 15: 438, 591, 832, 16: 71-541, Slav Temperament, The Real. (H. M. Conacher) Indep. R. 4: 544.=Liv. Age, 244: 463. Slave in Afrique, A. (Dora C. McChesney) Cornh. 87: 271, ‘ Slavs, The. SLAVEHOLDIN G Slaveholding in the Cotton Belt, Economic Cost of. (U. B. Phillips) Pol. Sci. 20: 257. Slave-market at Marrakesh, The. (S. L. Bensusan) Harper, I08: 245, Slave-ship, The Last. (S. H. M. Byers) Harper, :13: 742. Slave-trade; the Adventure of the “ Mongovo George.” Gent. M. n. s. 76: 18 a. —— in Texas. (E. C. Barker) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 6: 145- —— The New African. (H. W. N evinson) Harper, III: 341—-849. 112: 114-327, Slaver, An Old—time. Macmil. 89: zo. Slavery, the Aftermath of, Sinclair on. (W. E. B. Du Bois) Dial, 40: 294, — Anti-slavery Sentiment in Virginia. lagh) So. Atlan. Q. I: 107. —— Benefit of, to the Negro. (H. E. Belin) Open Court, 18: 606, ——- Black Masters; a Side-light on. No. Am. 181: 685, —— Chinese, in U. S. (M. G. C. Edholm) Calif. M. I: (J. C. Bal- (C. D. Wilson) 159- ——Future of. (E. Reich) Fortn. 813 371.-_-Ecl. M. 142: 724. =Liv. Age, 241: 65. — in Germanic Society during the Middle Ages. M. Wergeland) J . Pol. Econ. 10: 230, -— in Virginia, Ballagh"s History of. (W. MacDonald) Nation,_75: 310, -— in the West Indies; was it Harmless ? (J . M. Sturge) Indep. R. II: 36. -— Influence of, on the Old Southern Civilization. E. Belin) M. of Hist. I: 34. —— An Old Record-book of. (Mary Gaunt) Indep. R. 3= 448- — The Reaction towards. (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 144. — W. M. Smith’s Political History of. (J . A. Wood- burn) Am. Hist. R. 92 385. —— White, in Colonial Times. Eng. M. n. s. 28: 396. — White Servitude in Maryland, 1634-1820, McCormac) J . H. Univ. Stud. 22: n9. Slavic Immigrants. (A. McLaughlin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 25. Slavic Transliteration. Lib. J . 27: 16. (P. Roberts) Internat. Q. IO: 32. — in the Bituminous Mines of Illinois. (J . R. Com- mons) Char. I3: 227, Sledging over the Polar Pack. (R. E. Peary) Outing, (A. (H. (A. N. Bourne) New (E. I. 4K 395- Sleds. How to build a Bob. (D. Beard) Outing, 47: 513- — How to build a Jumper, or a Gummer, in the Woods. (D. Beard) Outing, 45: 628. —- How to make. (D. Beard) Outing, 43: 481. —— How to steer a Bobsled. (D. Beard) Outing, 47: 656. Sleep. (F. Legge) Acad. 62: 561.—(T. R. Pearson) Gent. M. n. s. 71: I79.——Spec. 96: 98o.=Liv. Age, 250: 316. —— and its Regulation. 67= 409. - Luminous. Spec. 91: 160. = Liv. Age, 239: 113, — Methods of inducing. (J . E. Watkins, jr.) Cosmo- pol. 351 425. ' —— Need of Plenty of. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 60: 148, -— Theories of. (P. G. Stiles) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 432. Sleepers on the Veldt, The. Chamb. J . 80: Xmas no. (J . M. Taylor) Pop. Sci. Mo. 48- . Sleeping in the Open Air. Spec. 93: 217. =Liv. Age, 243: 25o.——(Margaret Brewster) Cosmopol. 42: 94, Sleeping-car, The Czar of the. (A. S. Hoifman) Chaut. 39= 361. ’\ 597 SMELL Sleeping Sickness, African. (R. T. Hewlett) Nature, 71: 498.—-(J. W. W. Stephen) Nature, 69: 345,- (E. R. Lankester) Quar. 200: 113, — Etiology of. (E. A. Minchin) Nature, 75: 56. Sleeplessness. Chamb. J . 82: 559, Sleepy-Eye. (A. Chekhov) Cosmopol. 41: 151, Sleepy Grass and its Efifect on Horses. (V. Bailey) Science, 11. s. 17: 392. Sleepy Hollow Gazette, The. Chamb. J . 81: 774. Sleepy Town. (A. Ransome) Temp. Bar, 134: 30. Sleighing. (V. Thompson) Outing, 41: 657. Slingsby, Guildford, and John Morris. Dub. R. 139: 339- Slingsby and Slingsby Castle, Brooke on. Ath. ’o4, 2: 106, Slip of the Leash, The; a story. man) Harper, I09: 668, Slip of the Noose ; a story. 27: 49- Slippers of Marianne; a story. (J . L. Herbertson) Temp. Bar, 134! 302. =Liv. Age, 251: 288, Slipping Backwards; a story. (P. Jollifie) Ecl. M. 14x: 6o7. Slips of the Learned. Month, 107: 631, Sloane, J ohn, Estate of, Lenox, Mass. Ctry Life Am. 2: 102, Sloane Collection in the British Museum. (D. I. Bush- nell, jr.) Am. Anthropol. 8: 671. Slocum, Capt. Joshua. (C. Johnson) Outing, 41: 35. Slovak and Pole in America. (E. A. Steiner) Outl. 73: 5 55.—(P. V. Rovnianek) Char. I32 239. Slovanians of Istria, Overland among the. (F. J . Koch) Overland, n. s. 48: 221. Slum, Some Account of a. (A. Gleig) Monthly R. 22, no. 3: 111.: Liv. Age, 249: 568. Slum Environment and Social Causation. Davis) Westm. I65: 249, Slum Life in Great Britain. (J . Dennis, jr.) Every~ b0dY’S. I21 475- Slum Overcrowding and the Repeal of the Legislative Restrictions on Railways. Westm. 158: 259. Slum’s Point of View, The. (Owen Kildare) Indep. 58= I394- Slums, London, Christian Service in. (G. C. Lorimer) World To-day, 6: 200, Sly’s Awakening. (H. W. Nevinson) Indep. R. 7: 461, Small Arms of the Russian and Japanese Armies. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 95. Small Event, A. (L. A. Harker) Longm. 42: 40.: Liv. Age, 237: 585. Small Family, The, and American Society. (F. A. Doughty) 19th Cent. 54: 42o.=Ecl. M. 141: 721. Small Person, A; a story. (M. T. Campbell) McClure, 261 559- Small-pox, The. (F. T. Bond) National, 391 I41. — and Vaccination, Statistics of. (C. E. A. Winslow) Am. Statis. Assoc. 82 279. —- Dr. Finsen’s Red-room Cure for. 220, —- Gaddesden’s Treatment of. tion. W 394. —in London in 1902. Sat. R. 93: I02. Small-sword, Revival of the. (C. N. Robinson) I9th Cent. 57: no. Smart, Christopher. (Mary E. W. Free-1 (H. Whitaker) Canad. M. (W. Miller) (R. G. Chamb. J . 79: (C. S. Northrup) Na— (M. K. Hill) Temp. Bar, 130: 534- Smart Set, The, in Winter. Indep. 59: II46. Smartness of Lewkovitz, The. (B. Lessing) Cosmopol. 4°: 97- Smedley, A. Constance, with portrait. Idler, 23: 319. Smedley, Francis Edward ; a Memory of an Old Young Author. (VV. W. Fenn) Chamb. J . 822 95. Smell, Sense of. Spec. 93: 283. Smith, Goldwin, with portrait. SMELLS Smells, Associative Power of, Experiments on. (Alice Heywood; Helen A. Vortriede) Am. J. Psychol. 15: S37- Smelting, Electric, in Canada. (R. W. Wilson) Chamb. J. 83: 615. - in British Columbia. (W. M. Brewer) Engin. M. 28: 333. Smeroe Volcano, Java. (I. A. Stigand) Geog. J. 23: 6 15. Smet, P. J . de, Chittenden’s Life, Letters, and Travels of. (A. F. Bandelier) Nation, 80: 274. Smetham, James, and Collins. (C. Allston) Art J . 551 281. . Smibert, John. (R. R. Wilson) New Eng. M. 11. s. 251 26. Smile of God, The. (J . C. N eihardt) Overland, n. s. 391 544. ~. Smiles, Dr. Samuel. Ath. ’o4, I: 531..-—-'-Liv. Age, 2.4I= 637. - A Glimpse of. (C. E. Thomas) Sund. M. 34: 110. Smith, Adam, and some Problems of To-day. (J . A. Marriott) Fortn. 82: 969, ' - as Imperialist, Hirst’s. Sat. R. 99: 19. — F. W. Hirst on. Outl. 79: 87. Smith, Alexander. An Elizabethan and Two Modern Dramatists. (J . Kindon) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 401. Smith, Azariah. Lit. W. (Bost.) 33: 29. Smith, Mrs. Charlotte, Sorrows of. (Viscount St. Cyres) Cornh. 88: 683, Smith, Clark Allen. Wis. Alum. M. 5: 226. Smith, Francis Hopkinson. Bk. News, 25: 13. —With portrait. Bk. Buyer, 24: 429. -With portrait. (H. W. Mabie) Bk. Buyer, 25: 17,- (A. S. van Westrum) Lamp, 28: 383. -(E. F. Haskins) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 245. 7 - and his Work. (H. W. Mabie) Bk. Buyer, 25: 17. — as an Artist. Bk. News, 25: 18. - Colonel Carter. Bk. News, 25: 14. - Oliver Horn, Artist Life in New York in the Days of. (W. H. Shelton) Critic, 43: 3!. Smith, George, Bank of. (J . V. Farwell) J . Pol. Econ. 13: 590. . Smith, Geo. Adam, Trial of. (N. L. Walker et al.) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 588. — Bib. World, 20: 149. Smith, Gerrit, and John Brown. (F. B. Sanborn) Critic, 47: 349. (A. Shortt) Book- lover’s M. 1: 577. — (G. M. Adam) Canad. M. 24: 113, - on the Irish Question. (Morgan M. Sheedy) Cath. World, 82: 641, - Sage of “ The Grange.” Bk. News, 24: 833. Smith‘, Sir Henry, Autobiography of. (H. A. Bryden) Temp. Bar, 125: 425. —(J.W. Fortescue) Macmil. 86: 70. -(G. A. Thayer) Nation, 75: 73. -(P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 32: 271.-Ath. ’02, I: 136. Smith, Henry Preserved. Old Testament History. (J. A. Kelso ; J. M. P. Smith) Am. J. Theol. 8: 383, Smith, Horace and James. Rejected Addresses. (Vis- count St. Cyres) Cornh. 87: 609, Smith, J ames. Author of Rejected Addresses. (Flor- ence M. Parsons) Temp. Bar, 126: 5 38. Smith, James Sargent. Wis. Alum. M. 2: 366, Smith, Jessie Willcox. (H. S. Morris) Bk. Buyer, 24: 201. Smith, Capt. John. (H. G. Parsons) Blackw. I74: 28. - (A. Cameron) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 51, - and the American Nation. (K. P. Woods) Harper, 104: 470. - vs. the -United States. 15* I75- Smith, Norman, Studies in Cartesian Philosophy. (W. R. B. Gibson) Mind, 28: 250, (C. S. Lemly) Green Bag, 598 SNAKE ‘ Smith, Sydney. (J . Vaugham) Longm. 46: 25. - as a Talker. (E. Manson) Good Words, 46: 580. -- Russell’s Life of. Ath. ’05., I: 234, Smith and the May Lee Association; a story. (G. Bu1fg6ss)Everybody’s, I5: 105, “Smith, lgebtor.” (J . H. Gannon, jr.) Everybody’s, : 35 - Smith-Hald, Frithjof, Norwegian Landscape Painter. (F. W. Morton) Brush & P. 10: 129, Smith, Wm., Amer. Minister to Portugal, I797, Corre- spondence of. (B. C. Steiner) Sewanee, 14: 76. Smithmeyer and Pelz. vs. the United States. Am. Arch. go: 27. Smithson, James. Lamp, 28: 235, Smithsonian Institution, The. Nation, 80: 516. — Science, 11. s. 17: 284, 476,- Pop, Sci, Mo, 62: 323. — and its Afliliatcd Bureaus. Science, 11. s. 16: 801. - and Prof. Osborn. Science, 11. s. 24: 825. - and Research. (C. H/. Eigenmann) Science, n. s. 24: 553- - as a National Institute of Research. Science, 11. s. 23: 876. -Meeting of Regents, Jan., 1904. Science, n. s. 19: (D. Fairchild) 273- - The New Head of the. (H. F. Osborn) Nation, 83: 479- - Policy of. Science, 11. s. 16: 961. - Science and Art Department. (H. Blaker) Westm. I61: 316. — Work of. (E. W. Sikes) So. Atlan. Q. I: 269. Smoke. (Fred A. Hunt) Overland, n. s. 46: 298. — Abatement of, in Large Cities. Outl. 70: 480. (C. H. Benjamin) - - Report of London Conference. (J . B. C. Ker- shaw) Cassier, 29: 33 5. — Coal, the Cloud over English Life. (C. Rolleston) Westm. 162: 30, — Industrial, and its Prevention. Cassier, 29: 109. — Nuisance of. (C. Rolleston) Am. Arch. 85: 43. —Prevention of. (R. S. Hale) Am. Arch. 85: 45.- (A. J. Martin) J. Soc. Arts, 54: 531. - - Science of. (C. H. Benjamin) Science, n. s. 19: 488. — Treatment of. (W. N. Shaw) Nature, 66: 667, Smokeless Powder and Intrenchments. Un. Serv. M. 27: 396. Smollett, Tobias, Works. (R. Burton) Dial, 32: 81, Smoot, Reed, The Case of. (J . C. Burrows) Indep. 60: 735. Smug Citizen, The; a drama. Lore, 17, no. 42 1. Smuggler, Diary of a. (VV. H. Hunt) Longm. 39: 213. Smugglers’ Tricks. (S. Baring-Gould) Chamb. J . 82: 221, Smyrna, the Home of Homer. (R. B. Richardson) Lamp, 28: -479. Smyth, Egbert Cofiin. (E. Y. Hincks) N. E. Reg. 59: ‘ II, (J . B. C. Kershaw) (Maxim Gorky) Poet- Smyth, Montague, Landscape Paintings of. (E. G. ‘ Halton) Studio (Internat.) 29: 199. Smyth, William, of Donegal. Good Words, 43: 362, Smyth, William, “the Sweet Lyrist of Peterhouse.” (H. Vaughan) Gent. M. n. s. 76: 56. Smythe, Lionel, as a Painter. Art J . 56: 223, Sniythe, Roland, Indiana Hermit. Outing, 44: 65. Snail, Food Habits of the. (E. H. Sellards) Science, 11. s. 24: 469. Snailleries. Chamb. J . 81: 429, Snake, Story of the. (A: W. Rolker) McClure, 21: 280. Snake Dance, The Moqui. (H. N. Rust) Land of Sun. 4: 70. - To the. (H. Monroe) Fortn. 84: 665. SNAKE-DANCERS Snake-dancers of Mishongnovi. (R. B. Townshend) 19th Cent. 55: 429, Snake River, The Scenic Marvel of Idaho. Kirkbride) World’s Work, 12: 7648. — Lava Plains of. (W. M. Davis) Science, n. s. 17: 672, Snake Story, A. (C. Emery) Outing, 44: 160. Snakes and Children. (J . O. Byrne) Chamb. J. 82: (W. H. 343- — Bahama. (T. Barbour) Am. Natural. 40: 229. — I have known. (W. S. Dunbar) Outing, 42: 546. -—— of Southern Michigan. (H. L. Clark) Am. Natu- ral. 37: 1. — Poisonous; where they are pampered. Chamb. J. 80: 119. ——- Stories about. (J . Johnson) Outing, 45: 282. Snap-shot and the Psychological Novel. (Annie N. Meyer) Bookman, I5: 260. Snapper Fishermen of the Gulf. Outing, 44: 66. Snare of the Fowler; a story. pol. 36: 651. Snares, Concerning. (L. S. McChesney) Atlan. 89: 840. “ Snark,” The Voyage of the. (Jack London) Cosmo- pol. 42: 115. Snegourka; a Russian Myth. Sat. R. 101: 297, Snell, Henry B., Marine Paintings of. (C. H. Caflin) Critic, 43: 558. Snipe, Habits and Habitat of. Blackw. 175: 388, 564. — Some Haunts of. Blackw. 174: 36. — Wizard of the Wet Lands. (E. Sandys) Outing, 41: 84. Snipe Marsh in May, A. Spec. 942 707. Snipe-shooting. Blackw. 174: 133, 509, 8o5.=Ecl. M. 141: 601,:-Liv. Age, 238: 680, — in Wales. Spec. 97: 879. Snitcher, The; a story. (F. L. Boalt) McClure, 26: (H. C. Howland) (D. Felsburg) Cosmo- 633. Snobbery in Art and Literature. Acad. 70: 597, = Liv. Age, 250: 303, Snoqualmil, Wash.; the Land of the Moon. Lockwood) Calif. M. 3: 374. Snow. (A. B. Comstock) Chaut. 38: 387, —- Reddish-brown. (E. Lindsey) Science, 11. s. 19: 393. —Waves and Drifts in. (V. Cornish) Nature, 66: 453- — — in Canada. (V. Cornish) Geog. J . 20: 137, Snow and Ice Sports, Practical Side of. (Arthur H. Gleason) Ctry Life Am. 92 181. _ Snow-babies’ Christmas, The; a story. (J . A. Riis) Cent. 49: 226. Snow Crystals. Nat. Geog. M. 15: 30. — Photographs of. Nature, 68: 129. — —- Bentley’s. Nature, 65: 234. Snowdrop Mound, The. (D. Townsend) Temp. Bar, 130: 476, Snowflake, Biography of a. (A. H. Bell) Knowl. 25: 233.=Liv. Age, 235: 758.=Ecl. M. 140: 273. Snow Houses and Men, How to make. (D. Beard) Outing, 43: 366, Snow-plant, The California. (R. P. Eckstrom) Land of Sun. 7: 65. — (J. M. Barrickman) Overland, n. s. 47‘ 43- Snow-plows on English Railways. Idler, 24: 383. Snowshoe Picknicking. 411, Snowshoeing. (A. Chamberlain) Ctry Life Am. 3: 60. — (L. Hubbard, jr.) Outing, 7: 634. Snowshoes of Plumas County, Cal. (H. G. Squier) Calif. M. 5: 318. Snow-storm, Jan. 31—Feb. 1, 1393. (A. Woods) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 754. (D. C. (G. W. Rhodes) (L. D. Sherman) Outing, 47: 599 SOCIAL Snow Waves and Ripples. (C. Ray) Good Words, 46: 733~ Snow-white and Rose-red; a story. (E. Wyatt) McClure, 20: 404, Snubbing of Adnast, The. (F. H. Lancaster) McClure, 25: 582, Snuff, A Chat about. (W. Whytock) Gent. M. n. s. 751 403- Snuffed Out; a story. (Sir G. Scott) Cornh. 94: 208. Snyder County Gold-strike, The. (N. Lloyd) Scrib. M. 38: 222, Soap Laws, Quaint Early English. Green Bag, 14: 368. Soaring of Birds, Problem of. Life Am. 5: 482. Sober, Hiram Allen. (F. P. Robinson) Wis. Alu1n. M. 2: 11, Social Abyss, The. Liv. Age, 232: 540. (L. G. Smith) (F. M. Chapman) Ctry Social Advance, Methods of. (C. C. Carstens) Char. ' 13= 139- Social and Industrial Problems. (J . R. Commons) Chaut. 39: 13. Social Assimilation. (Sarah E. Simons) Am. J . Sociol. 7: 539- Social Causation, Theory of. (F. H. Giddings) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 5: 383. Social Change, Factors of. (E. A. Ross)Am. J . Sociol. 9: 781,‘ 10: 81,189. —- Influence of Form of, upon Emotional Life of a People. (I. King) Am. J . Sociol. 9: 124. Social Culture by Education and Religion. (W. T. Harris) Educa. R. 29: 18. Social Democracy and the Church in Germany. (C. Lahnow) Outl. 70: 720, —in Germany. (E. Bernstein) Internat. Q. 8: 175. ——(G. von Vollmar) National, 42: 525. Social Democratic Party, Appeal of. (E. V. Debs) Indep. 57: 835. Social Democrats and the German Elections. (G. M. Royce) Outl. 74: 940, Social Development, Capitalization of. (L. Wallis) A1n. J . Sociol. 7: 763. — Recent. (S. Urban) Gent. M. 11. s. 711 206. Social Differentiation and Social Integration. Ward) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 721. Social Diplomacy. Spec. go: 565.=Liv. Age, 237: 635. Social Discontent and Labor Troubles. Am. J. Sociol. 9: 173. Social Discontents, Some Thoughts on. 1: 740. Social Effort, Reciprocities of. (L. F. (W. A. Giles) (S. M. Crothers) Char. 13: 29, Social Event, A; a story. (F. T. Cox) McClure, 24: 387- Social Evil, Report of the Committee of Fifteen on. Outl. 70: 606. Social Evolution, Three Primary Laws of. (C. W. Macfarlane) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 336. Social Experiment, A. (L. W. Betts) Outl. 72: 641. Social Federal Legislation. (T. Roosevelt’s Message) Char. 15: 377. Social Forces. (E. A. Ross) Am. J . Sociol. 9: 526. Social History of the U. S. in Caricature. (Frank Weitenkampf) Critic, 47: 136, 234. Social Ideal and the Dogma of Creation. (H. S. Nash) Am. J . Theol. 7: 20. Social Ideals. (C. M. Geer) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 13: 185. —— (C. Waldstein) No. Am. 182: 840. I83: 125. Social Improvement; the Disease and the Remedy. (A. E. P. Rockwell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 446. Social Legislation, British Government and. (R. Don- ald) Outl. 83: 326. Macmil. n. s. I SOCIAL Social Logic. (M. Roosevelt) Lippinc. 74: 129, Social Message of Emerson. (O. R. Lovejoy) Arena, 33: 38. Social Movements, Thought and. Hartf. Sem. Rec. 12: 177. Social Order, The. (S. J . Beam) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 145. — The Thought Side of. (H. W. Thomas) Arena, 30: 468. Social Origins, Lang on. (F. Starr) Dial, 35: 301, Social Parasites. (C. Rolleston) Westm. 162: 623, Social Policy, The Next Steps in. (T. C. Frey) Econ. R, 12: 420, Social Privateer, A; a story. rim 771 257- Social Problems. (T. Roosevelt) Putnam, 1: 42, —- A Possible Solution of some. (T. L. Heaton) Westm. 165: 505. . Social Progress, The Final Factor in. (R. T. Flewel- ling) Meth. R. 63: 764. — Henrik Ibsen and. (A. Henderson) Arena, 33: 26. — in Europe. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. 40: 413, 511. Social Psychology, Present Problems of. (E. A. Ross) Am. J. Sociol. 10: 456. —Province of. (W. I. Thomas) Am. J. Sociol. 10: (A. C. Armstrong) (F. W. Wharton) Lip- 44s. ~ Social Question, The. (R. G. Davis) Westm. 165: 265, —- and the Christian Answer. (K. Bocock) Sewanee, 10: 4'0, — of To-day. (Ida W. Howerth) Am. J . Sociol. 12: 254. Social Reform. (W. J. Kerby) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 521. — Governments and. (J . E. Gorst) Fortn. 83: 843. ~— Obligation of the Tory Party. (Sir J . Gorst) 19th Cent. 53: 519. — The Outlook for. (C. F. G. Masterman) Indep. R. 7: 132, — Principles in. (W. J . Kerby) Cath. World, 80: 425- 709, 81: 65. Social Reform Workers and the Church. (W. D. P. Bliss) Outl. 82: 122, Social Reformer, Working Faith of the. (H. Jones) Hibbert J . 4: 42-550. Social Reforms. (J . A. Nicklen) Westm. I58: 366, —- Some. (O. Lodge) Contemp. 88: 1. = Liv. Age, 246: 1. Social Relations, Basis of, Brinton on. (F. W. Black- mar) Dial, 33: 12. .—Improvemeut of. (VV. C. Heffner) Luth. Q. 32: 387- Social Revolt in 1381, Studies in the Sources of. (G. Kriehn) Am. Hist. R. 7: 254, 458. Social Revolution, The Coming. (J . H. B. Browne) National, 48: 427, Social Righteousness, The Rising Tide of. (J . W. Stimson) Arena, 302 526. Social Scarecrows. (L. Slatterthwaite) Arena, 34: 465. Social Science and the Curriculum. School R. 10: 185. — Past and Present in. Sci. 43: 1. — Practical. Social Sciences in Collegiate Training. Neill) Cath. Univ. Bull. 7: 38. — in High Schools. (H. A. Hollister) School R. 14: 379- ' ',— Women and the Study of. (S. S. Whittelsey) Ed- uca. 23: 98. Social Secretary, The; a New Profession. (W. H. Tolman) Outl. 77: 594. — of the Department Store. (E. C. Wheeler) Char. 10: 24. (G. E. Vincent) (F. B. Sanborn) Am. J . Soc. (S. H. Goldenson) Char. I6: 5 38, (Charles P. 600 SOCIALISM Social Service. (J . Strong) Craftsman, 9: 620. —- Institutes of. (B. Meakin) Sund. M. 34: 835. Social Settlement, Columbus, Ohio. (F. L. Bell) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 505. Social Sickness. (E. F. Benson) Fortn. 82: 509. Social Stilt—walking. (E. Gregory) Harper, 111: 555. Social Structure, Present Problems of. (F. Tiinnies) Am. J. Sociol. 10: 569. Social Structures, Evolution of. (L. F. Ward) Am. J . Sociol. 10: 589, Social Unity, Nature of. (R. Adams) Am. J . Sociol. 10: 208. Social Unrest, The. (M. Hillquit and others) Cosmo- pol. 41: 297. — Brooks on. Cath. World, 77: 678. Social Will, The. (A. H. Lloyd) Am. J. Sociol. 8: 6 33 - Social Work in British Factories. (Mary Rankin Cranston) Craftsman, 9: 793. —— A New Profession. (R. A. Woods) Char. I5: 469. = Internat. J . Ethics, 16: 25. — Special Training for. (D. C. Gilman) Char. 13: 395- Social Worker, Young Man of To-day as a. (W. Buck) Outl. 79: 179. Social Workers, Among. Char. 15: 422. -—- and Philadelphia’s Political Reform. (C. S. Bern- heimer) Char. 15: 889. — Employment Exchange for. Char. 14: 916. Socialism. (E. B. Andrews) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 4: 128. 2» —(P. Dougan) Month, 107: 182. —— Advent of. (E. Hume) Fortn. 85: 475. -— and the Architect. (C. H. Israels) Archit. R. 17: 329- — and Bernstein. (A. F. Harrison) Fortn. 77: 128. —- and the Family. (H. G. Wells) Indep. 61: 1025, — and German Politics. Chant. 38: 5. — and the Liquor Trafiic. (W. H. Watts) Arena, 36: 395- — and the Man in the Street. (W. R. Malcolm) Monthly R. 22, no. 2: 62. — and the Middle Classes. (H. G. Wells) Fortn. 86: 785. — and the Recent Strikes in Italy. World To-day, 9: 876. —- and the Trusts. (M. A. Lane) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: (N. D. Harris) 98. — as Internationalism in France. (A. T. Smith) Ed- uca. 26: 182, — as a Rival of Orgam'zed Christianity. No. Am. 178: 915, -—- At the Parting of the Ways. (VV. von Schierbrand) Internat. Q. 10: . ' — Atheism and. (W. J . Kerby) Cath. Univ. Bull. 11: (T. C. Hall) ,- — The Battle of. (J . Collier) Nation, 81: 379, — Before. (H. W. Strong) Monthly R. 25, no. 2: 1, — Belgian. (L. K. Friedman) Outl. 71: 975. — Catholic Church and. (E. Vandervelde) Indep. 56: 429- . — Catholicity and. (W. J . Kerby) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 2 25. — Christian. (C. H. Parkhurst) Munsey, 35: 681, — — Claim of. (J. M. Thompson) Econ. R. 16: 156. — — in France. Church Q. 58: 38. — Collectivism, and Industrial Development. (VV. E. Walling) J . Pol. Econ. 10: 444, — Course and Influence of Romantic. (C. D. Wright) Harv. Grad. M. 12: 8. — Discordant. Sat. R. 98: 258. — England, France, and. (L. Jerrold) Monthly R. 24, no. 3: 1. l — Evolved and Ideal. (S. Orr) Overland, u. s. 481 443. SOCIALISM Socialism, Final Word on. (W. J . Madden) Cath. World, 77: 723. — F oregleams of the Fraternal State. (W. H. Mor- . rell and A. Rosenberg) Arena, 28: 23, -— Free. (W. L. Garver) Arena, 29: 524. — Germany and the Progress of. (F. A. Ogg) Chant. 41: 111, -— Growing. —— Growth of. — Growth of Political. (N. Y.) 34: 82. —— The Harmless Necessary Truth. (E. Bisland) No. Am. 183: 207, — Identity of, with Christianity. laer) Arena, 34: 39. -— The Impending Conflict. 61: 423. —in Ancient Athens. Where Socialism was tried. (W. D. P. Bliss) Outl. 81: 616. — in Belgium, Organization of. (E. Vandervelde) In- dep. 61: 1110, —in Europe. (L. F. Strauss) Arena, 311 508.—(M. , Nordau) Cosmopol. 36: 517. — (E. Vandervelde) Indep. 55: I609. —- in German Politics. Sat. R. 972 353. =Ecl. M. 142: 830,1‘-Liv. Age, 241: 375. — in Germany. (L. Elkins) Monthly R. 22, no. 3: 34. — — Growth of. Sat. R. 96: 37. —- —- 1903. (A. M. Simmons) World To-day, 5: 1202, -— in the House of Commons. Ed. R. 2042 273. —-— in our Midst [the U. S. Army]. (W. E. P. French) Arena, 32: 32. — in Practice. (R. Donald) Outl. 81: 555, —— in the United States. Yale R. 15: I. —- Individualism through. (T. E. Will) Arena, 36: 359- - Individualism vs. (W. J . Bryan) Cent. 49: 856. — — Mr. Bryan and our Complex Social Order. H. Giddings) Cent. 51: 154, -— Is it Right after all? (C. S. Devas) Dub. R. 1392 (A. B. Chalmers) Bib. Sac. 59: 254. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 80: 324, (W. D. P. Bliss) R. of Rs. (J . T. Van Rensse- (Goldwin Smith) Indep. (F. 321, — its Growth and its Leaders. (H. N. Casson) Mun- sey, 33: 290. — James’s Studies in. — Modern, and the Family. 11: 165. — Monopoly and the Struggles of Classes. Clark) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 599. —- Municipal. Quar. 205: 420, -— —- in Great Britain. (James Boyle) Cassier, 22: 681, —— New. Quar. I99! 1.: Liv. Age, 241: 193. — —- Quarterly Review on. Spec. 92: 119. -— New School of, in Europe. (David G. Phillips) Arena, 331 242. — Our First Experiment in. Work, 12: 7774. — Progress of, in Europe. (F. A. Vanderlip) Scrib. M. 37 1 I73- - A Propaganda of. (A. Alexander) Nation, 81: 272_ -——A Radical Forecast. (F. Putnam) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: I49. -— The Russian Socialists. Contemp. 89: 1. —— Scope and Future Development of. Westm. I63: 117, — State, in South Australia. Econ. 11: 280, — sub rosa. (J . A. R. Marriott) Fortn. 785 962, —-— What makes ? VVorld’s Work, 12: 7771, Socialist and Individual, Common Ground for. W. Bennett) Arena, 36! I57. —-— The Catholic. (T. Baty) Macmil. n. s. 22 47. — Evolution of a. (M. F. Quinlan) Cath. World, 82: 594- (B. O. Flower) Arena, 36: 428, (H. G. Wells) Indep. R. (J. B. (F. T. Gates) World’s (T. Good) (L. Katscher) J . Pol. (J . 601 SOCIETY Socialist, Making of a. (W. Hard) World To-day, 11: I8)- Socialist Campaigning in an Old French Village. Minturn) Outl. 83: 382, Socialist Congress, International, 1905. (T. K. Hardie) 19th Cent. 56: 559. = Liv. Age, 243: 491. -—Spec. g3: 277.1-“Eel. M. 143: 595. = Liv. Age, 243: 53. Socialist Economics of Karl Marx and his Followers. (T. Veblen) Q. J. Econ. 20: 575. Socialist Labor Party, Appeal of. (C. H. Corregan) Indep. 57: 841. Socialist Movement in America, 1903. mons) VVorld To-day, 52 935. Socialist Party, The. (U. Sinclair) World’s Work, 11: 7431- Socialist Program, The. (E. Slade) Arena, 351 597.- (J. G. Brooks) Atlan. 98: 651.-— (C. F. Adams) Westm. I59: 635. Socialist Vote, The, in the U. S., 1904, Nation, 79: 408. Socialists and Tories. — Dreams of Young. (M. (A. M. Sim- (H. Lamont) (G. S. Street) Fortn. 85: 625, (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 192, —— Russian. Contemp. 891 I. = Liv. Age, 248: 451, — Why they are Partisans. (W. J . Ghent) Indep. 59: 967. Sociality, Basis of. (A. Allin) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 75. I Univ. Colo. Stud. 1: 245, Société Nationale des Beaux Arts, Salon of.‘ Frantz) Studio (Internat.) 23: 14. 26: 117, (H. 29: 130. . Societies, Learned, Bibliographical Handbook of. (J . D. Thompson) Lib. J . 29¢ supp. 114. Society as an Organism. (H. Wilson) Westm. I 58: 293- - Democracy. —-Eastern U. S., and its Leaders. son) Everybody’s, I0: 490. —-— Enemies of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 394. — Geology of. (Mary Higgs) Contemp. 87: 552, — Intellectual. (P. M. Craigie) Acad. 66: 275, —- Is it a Psychical Unit? Reply to R. Adams. A. Ellwood) Am. J . Sociol. I0: 666, -— Is it worse than it was? (Lady G. Ramsden) 19th Cent. 53: 54. —— Lashing the Vices of. Spec. 97: 121, — New Problems in the Study of. (B. Moses) Univ. Cl1ron. 32 I 3. — The Partnership of. (W. A. White) Am. M. 62: 576. — vs. Art. (J . L. Ford) Munsey, 32: 406. —- What is the Best? (J . L. Ford) Munsey, 30: 309, (Vida D. Scudder) Atlan. 90: 348, (Mrs. B. Harri- (C. Calif . Society for Plant Morphology and Physiology. (W. F. Ganong) Science, n. s. 15: 401, —— for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Science, 11. s. 232 979. —- for Plant Morphology and Physiology. (W. F. Ganong) Science, 11. s. 19: 413. — of American Artists, 27th Annual Exhibition, 1905. (C. E. F airman) Craftsman, 8: 181. — of American Bacteriologists. (E. O. Jordan) Sci- ence, n. s. I7: 369. —- of American Sculptors. 321 345- —- of Arts, Presidential Address. J. Soc. Arts, 5!: 8. —— of Beaux-Arts Architects. Am. Arch. 88: 210. —-— of Chemical Industry, Annual Meeting, 1905. Na- ture, 72: 279. —- of Hellenic Studies, Anniversary of. tion. 791 49- - of Scottish Artists, Exhibition, 1903. (W. O. Partridge) Arena, (Wm. H. Preece) (L. Dyer) Na- Art J. 55: 284. —- of Twelve [Artists], The. Ath. ’06, 2: 662. \ SOCIETY Society of Western Artists, Exhibition, 1906. (J . S. Dickerson) World To-day, I0: 295,- (Maude I. G. Oliver) Studio (Internat.) 27: cii. Society Journalism. (S. Stapleton) Monthly R. 2!, no. 2: 102, —Nation, 82: 88. Sociological Construction Lines. (E. Cary Hayes) Am. J. Sociol. I0: 623, 750, II: 26, 623. I2: 45, Sociological Form of the Group-number, of Members as determining. (G. Simmel) Am. J . Sociol. 8: I. Sociologist, What is a? (A. W. Small) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 468. Sociology. (M. A. Lane) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 547.-— (L. F. Ward) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: I13, — and Ethics, Relation between. (H. Hiiffding) Am. J. Sociol. 10: 672. —- and Homer. (A. G. Keller) Am. J . Sociol. 9: 37. — and the Pulpit. (F. Sewall) N. Church R. 13: 201, — at the London University. 67: 262, -— Biological Foundations of. Sociol. 11: 532. — Concepts and Methods of. Sociol. I0: 161, (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. (G. A. Reid) Am. J . (F. H. Giddings) Am. J . — Contemporary. (L. F. Ward) Am. J . Sociol. 7: 45, 629. 749. — A Decade of. (A. W. Small) Am. J . Sociol. II: I. /~ Development of. (G. E. Vincent) Am. J . Sociol. I0: 145. Educational Aspects of. Sociol. 11: 85. — Founders of. (V. V. Branford) Am. J . Sociol. 10: (V. V. Branford) Am. J . 94- —— Giddings’s Inductive. (A. W. Small) Science, n. s. I 5: 7oo.— (O. S. Peirce) Nation, 74: 273. -— Introduction to. (G. De Greef) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 478. II: 663, — Is it a Science ‘P (H. G. Wells) Fortn. 84: 764. — Love the Formative Principle of. (B. T. Stafford) Bib. Sac. 60: 358. -— Metaphysical Elements in. (P. H. Fogel) Am. J . Sociol. I0: 501. — Methods of. (F. H. Giddings) Science, n. s. 20: 624, — Moot Points in. (E. A. Ross) Am. J . Sociol. 82 762. W 105-349. -— Origin and Use of the Word. Am. J. Sociol. 91 I45. 3- Problems of. (G. Ratzenhofer) Am. J . Sociol. 10: (V. V. Branford) I77- -— Recent Tendencies in. (E. A. Ross) Q. J . Econ. 13: 438. 16: 537, 1 :82, — Relation to other Sciences. (A. W. Small) Am. J . Sociol. 12: II. ——Scope of. (A. W. Small) Am. J. Sociol. 8: 197, 10: 26. —So-called Science of. (H. G. Wells) Indep. R. 6: 21. =Ecl. M. 145: 190.: Liv. Age, 246: 3. — Study of, in Institutions of Learning in the U. S. (F. L. Tolman) Am. J. Sociol. 7: 797. 8: 85, 251, 531- —— Unconscious Man. (A. L. P. Weedon) Westm. 158: 306, — Varieties of. (G. E. Vincent) Am. J . Sociol. I2: 1, —- L. F. Ward on Pure. (A. W. Small; H. H. Baw- den) Am. J . Sociol. 92 404, 498. — Year’s Best Books in, 1904. (Grace Miller) Pub. Lib. 10: 11, Socrates, Bury’s. (J . Rickaby) Month, 100: 608. -—- The Faith of. (W. P. Drew) Meth. R. 63: 443. -—- in London. Spec. 96: 330. -— A Study of. (C. M. Lamson) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 7: 28. 602 SOLDIER Soda-Leucite, Re-formation of. (T. T. Read and C. W. Knight) Am. J . Sci. 171: 294, Sodium, Manufacture and Uses of. (J . D. Darling) J . Frankl. Inst. I532 65.=Nature, 66: I89, Sodoma, Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 7: 129. Sofa’s Reminiscences ; a story. (J . Jones) Canad. M. 212 422, Sofia, Belgrade and. (A. Symons) Harper, I07: 675. Soft Billet, A. (C. E. Eldred) Temp. Bar, 125: 41. Soft Fish; a story. (A. E. McFarlane) Outing, 42: 699. “ Soft-soap.” (Mrs. J . Lane) Blackw. I75: 618. Soil. (F. K. Cameron) Science, n. s. 19: 342. -— as an Economic and Social Factor. (F. K. Cameron) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 5 39. -— Fertility of. (J . B. Dandeno) Pop. Sci. Mo. 57: 622. -— How to improve the Texture of. (S. W. Fletcher) Ctry Life Am. 82 532. — Moisture of. (L. G. Briggs ; A. G. McCall) Science, 11. s. 20: 566. . — Testing of. (F. D. Gardner) Science, n. s. 22: 495. — The Water of the. (J . W. Leather) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 838. Soil-builders at Work. (S. W. Fletcher) Ctry Life Am. 9: 3 25, Soil Culture. Pushing Back the Arid Line. (C. M. Harger) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 272 431. Soil Inoculation. The Scientist and the Food Prob- lem. (R. S. Baker) Harper, I07: 932. Soils, Aeration of. (F. H. King) Science, n. s. 22: 495- - Chemistry of, as related to Crop Production. (E. W. Hilgard) Science, n. s. I81 755. -— Germs, and Worms. (P. Frazer) J . Frankl. Inst. 157‘ 255- — Investigation of, in the U. S. ence, n. s. 191 233. — — Present Status of. (C. G. Hopkins) Science, n. s. 19: 626, — Liming, Peculiar Art of. Am. 82 73. — Management of. (E. W. Hilgard) Sci- (S. Hawley) Ctry Life (E. W. Hilgard) Science, 11. s. 20: 605, — Water-soluble Plant Food of. (H. Snyder) Science, 11. s. 19: 834. Sokemen, The Lincolnshire. Eng. Hist. R. 20: 699. (IV. O. Massingberd) Sokoto, Absorption of, by Great Britain. Spec. go: 524- Sokotra, Forbes on. Nature, 69: I99. Solar. See Sun. Solar Observatory, Mt. Wilson, California. Nature, 73: 67. —(P. P. Foster) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: I89, Solar System, Motion of, through Space. (F. W. Dyson) Cornh. 89: 233.=Liv. Age, 240: 630, Soldan’s Sword, The; a story. (A. H. Henderson) Cornh. 92: 500. Soldier, American, Vices of the. (R. L. Bullard) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35! I04, — a Civilian, To make the. (Lord Monkswell) Fortn. 85: 262, — Development of the. (R. H. Titherington) Munsey, 26: 495. —— Food of the. Un. Serv. M. 33: 662. — Modern. (C. W. Larned) Internat. Mo. 5: 383. — —- of Fiction. Spec. 94: 886. — Moral Preparation of the. (R. L. Bullard) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 313 779. -— Private, as a Familiar Friend. Good Words, 43: 537. — Regeneration of the Enlisted. ternat. Q. 12: 189. (Eric Macfayden) (C. W. Larned) In- SOLDIER Soldier, Training of the. Un. Serv. M. 31: 663. — — of the Efficient. (W. W. Wotherspoon) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 147, — The True; an Address. (S. E. Tillman) Outl. 70: 963- — The Young, after Two Years. Un. Serv. M. 24: 385. Soldier and the Plague, The; a story. (VV. Frith) Cornh. 89: 367. --Liv. Age, 245: 156, 243, Soldier of the Kaiser, A. (E. Schultz) Indep. 61: 430. Soldier of Misfortune, A; a story. Liv. Age, 232! 336- Soldier of the Valley, The. (N. Lloyd) Scrib. M. 35: 572-361 470. Soldier-policemen of the Plains. To-day, 9: 725. Soldier Saint, The. Soldier’s Clothing, The. 24: 87. Soldier’s Recessional, The; a poem. M. 37: 676. _ Soldiers, ischarged, Public Employment of. Un. Serv. M. 32: 644. — Manoeuvres and the Man. 646. — Pay of. Sat. R. 93: 288. -— Talks with. Gent. M. n. s. 752 562. — Training, in Hygiene. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 168. Soldiers’ Home in Tennessee; a Group of Buildings Planned as a Whole. Craftsman, 11: 348, Soldiers’ Homes in the British Army. (W. B. Kava- naugh) Outl. 72: 941. Soldiers’ Song. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 120, Soldiers’ Teeth, Care of. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 462. Soldiers and Ghosts; a story. (A. Bierce) Cosmopol. 421 37- Solendine, John, of Dunstable, Mass., and his Descend- ants. (E. S. Bolton) N. E. Reg. 60: 366. Solids, Change of Structure in. (W. Campbell) J . Frankl. Inst. I58: 161, Soliloquy, Concerning the. nam, I: 180, Solitude and Genius. Quar. I95: I 59. Solomon, and the Real Significance of his Life. Goddard) N. Church R. 12: 28. Solomon, Sir Richard, as Chief Man in the Transvaal. Sat. R. 102: 192. Solomon, Simeon. (R. Ross) Acad. 69: 1336. Solomon Island, Art in. (C. Praetorius) Studio (Inter- nat.) 25: 118. Solomon Islanders, Dress of. Words, 44: 302. Solomon’s House. (F. Bacon) Pop. Sci. Mo. 62: 129, Solomos, Dionysius, National Poet of Greece. (D. Quinn) Nation, 75: 5o. Solom’s Court, Surrey, England. (T. R. Davison) Idler, 30: 2'97. Solstitial Temples according to Lockyer. Open Court, 20: 243, Solution, Electrical Theory of. 57‘ 3“- Solution, The; a story. (A. Fullerton) World (J. Mudge) Meth. R. 63: 916. (O. H. Porter) Un. Serv. M. (J . Finley) Scrib. (G. Arthur) Fortn. 82: (Brander Matthews) Put- (J. (J . J . Ward) Good (P. Carus) (S. Arrhenius) Indep. (J . W. Tompkins) Lippinc. 731 S94- Solutions, Specific Heat of. (W. F. Magie) Princ. Univ. Bull. 14: 112, -— Theory of. (W. A. Shenstone) Cornh. 93: 323.: Liv. Age. 2W 559- Solvent, The; a story. (Inez H. Gillmore) Cosmopol. 39: 61, Solvent, The; a story. (O. H. Dunbar) Harper, I13: 286 Solway Moss, The Scots at. (G. A. Sinclair) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 372. 603 SONG Somali Tales. (E. S. Heatland) Folk-Lore, I52 316. Somaliland, Campaign in, 1904. Spec. 92: 79. — Depredations of the “ Mad Mullah.” Sat. R. 941 510, — Fighting in. Spec. 90: 690, Some Benevolent Assimilation; a. story. McClure, 27: 491, Some Empty Chairs. (H. W. Lucy) Cornh. 89: :65. Some Lost Lady of Old Years. Temp. Bar, 128: (J . Hopper) 335- Some Natural History; a story. (H. G. D. Latham) Cornh. go: 689. 92: 249. 93: 370. r‘-Liv. Age, 246: 611, Some Uncanny Tales. 4°= 543- Somers, Lord, a Great English Lawyer. Am. Law R. 40: 507, Somerscales, Thomas. (A. B. Daryll) M. of Art, 26: 241, Somerset, Robert Carr; a Story out of the Long Past, with portraits. (R. Pillsbury) Cosmopol. 37‘: 171. Somerset, Folk-songs from, ed. by Sharp and Marson. Spec. 94$ 89. Somerset Paradise, A. Spec. 96: 573. Somervile, Wm. In Arden; an Idyl of the Hunting ‘ield. (A. Grant) Atlan. 98: 131. Somerville, Mary, a Brilliant Blue-stocking. (E. R. Nixon) Sund. M. 34: 761. Something New in Golf Balls; a story. Canad. M. 23: 64, Something Pretty in a Glass Case. Sat. R. 101: 158. Sommerville, Maxwell, with portrait. Booklover’s M. 4: 59. , Somnambulists, The. (Jack London) Indep. 61: 1451, Son and the Chain-gang. (E. V. Brownlee) Outl. 80: 1070, Son of Anak; a story. (A. Bierce) Cosmopol. 39: 617. (N. Philips) (T. Roberts) (VV. H. Hudson) (H. D. Jones) (H. Whitaker) Munsey, 27: 199- Son of Copper Sin; a story. (H. Whitaker) Munsey,I 27: 352, Son of Empire, A. (H. Drummond) Cornh. 88: 620. Son of his Mother; a story. (L. M. Montgomery) Ca- nad. M. 22: 469, Son of Ishmael, A; a story. (J . H. Williams) Inldep. 61: 1267, Son of a Miser, The ; a story. (M. de la Roche) Mun- sey, 291 750- Son of Royal Langbrith, The ; a novel. (W. D. How- ells) No. Am. 178: 133-179: 301, Son of the Soil, A. Spec. 96: 299. Sonesite. (G. C. Hoffman) Am. J . Sci. 169: 319. Song, A. (A. Ketchum) Atlan. 905 610. Song, Local, and Sport. (H. F. Abell) Antiq. n. s. 39: 166. — Making of a Popular. 745- - Mechanism of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 64: 443. — Speech in. (A. J . Ellis) Music, 22: 269. Song of Bellona. (R. Whittle) Overland, n. s. 45! 307. Song of the Bird, The ; a story. (A. A. Rogers) Mun- Bey. 291 410- Song of the Empire. Good Words, 432 Xmas no. Song of the Falcon; a story. (Maxim Gorky) Con- temp. 81: 396. :Everybody’s, I3: 317. Song of Hyacinth, The. (J . Oxenham) Chamb. J . 80: 657. Song of the Rail— “ Jerry, go an’ ile that Carr.” (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 20: 178. Song of a Shirt, A; a story. (Mary S. Cutting) Am. M. 63: 211, Song of the Vine; a poem. R. 6, no. 12. I68, { (G. Tompkins) Munsey, 27: (B. P. Neumann) Monthly SON G—TIDE Song-tide. Liv. Age, 237: 257. Song Writers, American. (K. Hackett) Music, 22: 264. Songs, Argonaut, of California. Land of Sun. 13: 165, 271. - of Nature, selected by H. van Dyke. Ctry Life Am. 9: 425, 10: 55-641. 11: 51, 184, -—- Popular, of Old Canada. (G. Stewart) Monthly R. 19, no, 1: 64.=Liv. Age, 246: 162', - Sea. (J . Masefield) Temp. Bar, 133: 56, - Some Traditional. (P. Barry) J . Am. Folk-Lore, 18: 49. Sonis, General de; a Warrior-saint of the 19th Cen- _ tury. (E. P. Thompson) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 344. Sonnet, The. Acad. 64: I80. =Ecl. M. 140: 834, = Liv. Age, 237: I24. - Character and Scope of the. 706. - The English. Acad. 71: I 34. - from Milton to Wordsworth. Gent. M. n. s. 68: 353. Sonnets, from the Hebrew, Two. kam) Atlan._90: 748, - of Cities. (F. R. Batchelder) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 442. Sonora, Mexico, Crabb’s Expedition to. Californian, 4: 289, - Trip to. (J . W. Oates) Californian, 2: 171, Sonora Slim’s Sefiorita; a story. Munsey, 27: 749. Sons of the Clergy, Society of, Pearce on. Ath. ’04, 1: 619. Sons of the Regiment in France. dep. R. 3: 256. Sons of the Soil; a story. West, 23: 474. “ Soo.” See Sanlt Ste. Marie. Sooner to sleep ; a story. (C. Marriage) Canad. M. 22: (H. Timrod) Outl. 771 (J . M. Attenborough) (Josephine D. Das- (J . O’Meara) (C. B. Percival) In- (Eugene M. Rhodes) Out 577- - Sophia, Electress, and the Hanoverian Succession, Ward on. Ath. ’Q4, 1: 135. -Spec. 92: 55. Sophie, Queen of Sweden. (M. Sherrington) Canad. M. 19: 335. Sophocles. (R. Y. Tyrrell) Acad. 69: 946. - and the Greek Genius. (T. H. Warr'en) Quar. 198: 3°7- - Phillimore’s Translation of. Spec. 90: 610. - Some Aspects of the Religion of. (N. P. Vlachos) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 170. Sor Juana Inez De La Cruz ; a story. thews) Overland, n. s. 45: 494. Sorabji, Cornelia. (R. Blackshaw) Critic, 43: 432. Sorbonne, The. Am. Arch. 87: 6. - (E. R. Spearman) Scrib. M. 33: 603. - a Great Hall and its Decoration. Scrib. M. 38: 509. Sordello, Dante’s. (Margaret E. B. Tripp) Temp. Bar, 127: 278. Sorel, Agnes. (A. K. Welch) 19th Cent. 58: 416, Soret, Charles. (R. Cantier) Nature, 70: 250, V Sorolla, Joaquin. (Leonard Williams) Studio (Inter- nat.) 29: 26. - (C. Washburn) Outl. 71: 19, —(L, Williams) Studio (Internat.) 22: 242, Sorrow, Against. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 479. - Worship of, in Poetry. Acad. 64: 343. Sorrow of a Setter. (Cy Warman) Lippinc. 71: 698, Sorrows of Giuseppe, The; a story. (G. A. England) McClure, 28: 159. Sotheran, Henry. Ath. ’o5, 2: 181. Sothern, Edward A., Humor of. (L. D. Fuller) Cent. 42: 196, Sothern, Edward H. (M. White, jr.) Munsey, 36: 383, - and Julia Marlowe, in Shakespeare. Critic, 45: 525. - as a Producer. (Eliz. McCracken) Critic, 47: 464. (Amanda Mat- (Russell Sturgis) 604 SOUTH Sothern, Edward H., Portraits of, in Character. (0. Rowland) Cent. 50: 856. Soto, Hernando de, Graham’s. Sat. R. 97: 430. Soudan, A Story of the; a Day’s Play and a Day’s Pay. (H. C. S. Wright) Good Words, 45: 500, See Sudan. Soufriere, In the Shadow of the. Good Words, 44: Xmas no. Soul, and Body, Relation of, Swedenborg’s Doctrine. (J. R. Hunter) N. Church R. 10: 265. - Evolution and the. (W. F. Alexander) Contemp. 85: 519, - in Science and Religion. (P. Carus) Monist, 16: 219. - Is there a ? (J . Baugh) Westm. 164: 420. - The Lie in the. (G. F. Gallagher) Month, 108: 378. - Mr. Syme on the. (G. Forester) Westm. I59: 687. - A Study of Past and Present Beliefs. (D. Arnett) Am. J. Psychol. 15: 121, 347. ' - Travels of the ; Four Pictures in Color. Cent. 43: 167. Soul above Buttons, A. (Myra Kelly) McClure, 27: 337. Soul, A, at the Cross Roads. (Grace G. Gowing) Overland, n. s. 39: 646. Soul in Bronze, A ; a novel. (C. G. Du Bois) Land of Sun. 9: 129-298. 10: 25-379, Soul of a Convict. Good Words, 47: 118. Soul of Mgzart, The. (W. E. P. French) Cosmopol. 33: 44 - Soul of O Sana San. (A. H. Rice) Cent. 49: 194. Soul of Ramirez, The; a story. (Maud Heath) Over- land, 11. s. 48: 243, Soul of Sexton Maginnis. (M. F. Egan) Cent. 422 13. Soul on Four Legs, A. (F. Vane) Temp. Bar, 125: 192, Soul that was Lost, The; a story. (C. Ross Johnson) Temp. Bar, 134: 436. Soul-blindness. (J . McSorley) Cath. World, 76: 782. Soul Problem of Marthy Thomas, The. (Mrs. Wilson Woodrow) McClure, 25: 197. Soul-substance. (F. Thilly) Philos. R. 11: 16, Soul-wandering as it concerns Animals. - (E. Marti- nengo-Cesaresco) Contemp. 81: 696, =Liv. Age, 234: 36. Soul’s Bath, The ; a poem. 92: 786. Souls and Brains. Have we Souls ? Outl. 84: 909, Soult, Nicolas Jean de Dieu, Due de Dalmatie [1769- 1851], Scenes and Studies from the Life of. (J . H. Williams) Blackw. I79: 244. Sound, Interference of. (Lord Rayleigh) Nature, 66: 42- - Localization of, Significance of Partial Tones in. (J . R. Angell) Psychol. R. 10: 1. - Transmission of, through Solid Walls. (F. L. Tufts) Am. J. Sci. 163: 449. Sound of the Axe. (S. Carleton) Atlan. 90: 454, Sound-proof Partitions. (C. L. Norton) Am. Arch. (H. Pyle) (W. W. Campbell) Atlan. 78: 5. Sound Signals. (E. Price-Edwards) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 315- Sound Waves and Electromagnetics. (O. Heaviside) Nature, 67: 202. Sounds and Air Currents. (J . M. Bacon) Contemp. 85: 532. - - Fluctuating and Inaudible, Pecnliarities of. (K. Dunlap) Psychol. R. 11: 308, Sousa, John Phillip, and his Military Band. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 95: 103. South, Achievement of a Generation in the. (E. A. Alderman) So. Atlan. Q. 5: 236, - Agriculture in, Conditions and Needs of. (D. D. Wallace) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 245. - - Need of Scientific. (G. W. Carver) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 320. . (W. P. Livingstone)- SOUTH South, Amazing Progress of the. (R. H. Edmonds) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 333 I77. — and the Bloody Shirt. Californian, I: 143. — and her History. (D. V. Thomas) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 461. — and the Verdict of the Election, 1904. Nation, 79: 413- — Betterment of, North’s Part in. (VV. G. Brown) Outl. 78: 415. — Books and Reading in. Q. R 99- — Caste and Conscience in. 79‘ 372. — Conservatism and Progress in the Cotton Belt. (U. B. Phillips) So. Atlan. 3: I. — Cotton-mill Communities in. (Leonora B. Ellis) Am. J. Sociol. 8: 623. — Difference from the North. Indep. 58: I348, — during the Last Decade, 1890-1900. ton) Sewanee, I2: 174. —— Education in. (L. H. Hammond) World To-day, 92 (J . S. Bassett) So. Atlan. (R. I. Manning) Nation, (Mrs. L. H. Harris) (F. T. Carle- 832, ———Old and the New in. (D. E. Cloy) R. of Rs. (N- Y->271 417- - — — Some Phases of. (J. C. Kilgo) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 137. — —- AYear’s Progress. (O. G.Villard) Nation, 76: 47. — Education the Real Question in. World’s Work, 4: 2066. — (E. C. Bransen) World’s Work, 3: I888. —-— Educational Conditions in. (R. C. Ogden) Ednca. R, 23: 468, ——- Educational Endowments in. (E. M. Howe) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 543. ' —Educational Needs of. (S. C. Mitchell) Outl. 76: 4I5.—(W. P. Few) So. Atlan. 31 2oI.—-(C. B. Aycock) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 42, — Educational Uplift in. (W. H. Heck) World’s Work, 8: 5026, — 1820-30. (F. J. Turner) Am. Hist. R. 11: 559. —Factory Life in, Evils of. (J. A. Baldwin) Gun- ton’s M. 22: 327. —— The Fair-minded. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 4. — Free Speech in. Indep. 55: I37. — Freedom of Opinion in. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 82: 6. —— Function of Criticism in. 2= 334. —— Growing Wealth of. Bank. M.'(N. Y.) 72: 575. — High School System in, Growth of, and a Study of its Influence. (W. T. Harris) Ednca. R. 27: 259, —— — Outlook of. (P. H. Saunders) School R. 11: 73. — Historical Study in. Outl. 72: 487. —~ History in Two Styles. Nation, 82: 348, — History of, in American Universities. (W. K. Boyd) So. Atlan. Q. 1: 239. — If the South had been allowed to go. (E. Crosby) (R. De C. Ward) Atlan. 96: No. Am. 177: 867. 611. —— (F. Tilden) Nation, 82: 398. (E. Mims) So. Atlan. Q. — Immigration and the. _ — Impressions of. -(L. Abbott) Outl. 77: 879. — in American Letters. (G. E. Woodberry) Harper, 107: 735- — in Retrospect. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 79: 505, — in Slavery Times. A Sketch in Black and White. (F. Clayton) Atlan. 97: 600, 783, — Industrial Education in. (M. A. Bacon) Harper, 107: 659. — Life in, The True and False in. Atlan. Q. 5: 97. -— Literary Thought in, Reconstruction of. Snyder) So.'Atlan. Q. I: 14;, — The Man of. Indep. 56: I39, 188, (J . E. White) So. (H. M. 605 SOUTH AMERICA South, Manufactures in, Increase of. Brayne) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 546, — liountaineer of, Life Story of. Cath. World, 755 19, — New, Needs of. Sci. 22: 266. — —— Some Old Needs of. (F. A. Keller) Char. I0: 439. — Old, New Religious Tendencies in. (E. H. Abbott) (L. E. Mac- /L. Hall) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Outl. 70: 131, —.— The Ostracized. (A. H. Whitfield) Indep. 61: 800, —-— Poetry in. (H. W. Mabie) Internat. Mo. 52 200. — — 1849-81. (W. A. Webb) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 35. —- Political Opportunity of. (T. F. Ryan) No. Am. 176: 161, — Politics in; Reign of Passion. Atlan. Q. I: 309. — Poor Whites of ; the New Race Question in. (S. A. Hamilton) Arena, 272 352. — Problem of, Conditions of. (A. B. Hart) Indep. 58: (J . S. Bassett) So. 644. —- Problems of an Author in. (J. S. Bassett) So. Atlan. Q. 1: 201, —- Public Opinion in. (W. P. Few) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 1, -— Rebuilding of Old Commonwealths. (W. H. Page) Atlan. 89: 651, — Representation of, in Congress. (S. J . Bowie) In- dep_ 60: 151, — — Reduction of. Outl. 79: II, 169, —- Resources and Progress of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 440- —— Restriction of Suffrage in. See Suffrage. — Seaboard Gateway of the West. World’s Work, 6: 3950. — Sectional Misunderstandings. (R. Bingham) No. Am. 179: 357. —Small College in, Problems of. School R. 10: 228, — Society in, and its Leaders. body’s, I2: 54. —- The Solid. (J . A. Anderson) Nation, 79: 477. (E. H. Babbitt) (A. Andrews) Every- — Spirit of. (E. A. Alderman) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 22', — Sufiraée Limitations in. (F. G. Coffey) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 5 3. — Teaching of History in. (F. W. Moore) School R. 11: 106. — Transportation in the Ante-bellum. (U. B. Phillips) Q. J. Econ. 19! 434. —Two Leaders in the New Reconstruction. Outl. 831 735- —The White, Plea for. (M. C. Terrell) 19th Cent. 60: 70. —Winter Colonies in. (E. A. Lowry) Munsey, 28: 32". . —— Yarikee in the. (C. R. Evans) Wis. Alum. M. 7: 413- South African Association, 2d Meeting, 1904. Nature, 70: 41. South African Eton; All Souls, Transvaal. (H. Reade) Westm. I58: 621. South African Infantry, Special Corps out of. (J . W. Dunne) Un. Serv. M. 27: 286. South America, Akers’s History of, 1854-1904, Bryce) Nation, 792 524. — and Europe. (S. Somerset) 19th Cent. 532 581. — and the Monroe Doctrine. (A. J . Lamoureaux) Out West, 23: 169. —— and the Peace Movement. 61: 16, -—- Boundary Readjustments in. Nation, 79: 155. —- Causes of Suspicion of the U. S. in. (J . (D. Mendoza) Indep. (A. F. Bandelier) (J. J . O’Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 277- SOUTH AMERICA South America, Civilization in. (C. A. Washburn) Californian, 6: 331. — Climate of. (R. DeC. Ward) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 353- - A Continent of Republics. (S. Baxter) Outl. 84: 869. — Currency and Banking in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 183 - Ethnic Factors in. (T. Williams) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 25. - Fifty Years Hence. 17: 427, - From Panama to the Horn. World, 74: 573. - From Panama to Patagonia. Geog. M. 17: 449. — German Interests in. (C. M. Pepper) Nat. Geog. M. (M. MacMahon) Cath. (C. M. Pepper) Nat. (F. A. Ogg) World’s Work, 5= 3169- — German Policy in. (W. B. Duflield) Monthly R. 10, no. 3: 65. , — German Trade in. (A. B. Tulloch) 19th Cent. 60: 39. - Greater Germany in. (S. Bonsal) No. Am. 176: 58, - Ignorance about. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 150, - in relation to the Powers. Sat. R. 93: 5. - Markets of, Our Neglect of. (G. A. Chamberlain) No. Am. 181: 117, —-— Our Dog in the Manger Policy in. (G. B. Waldron) Chaut. 34: 469. - Panama and its Neighbors. Chaut. 39: 23. - Progress in. (P. M. C. Magnusson) Out West, 21: 164. - Responsibility of U. S. to. (W. M. Ivins, jr.) World’s Work, 7: 4480, - Secretary Root and. (A. W. Dunn) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34= 583- - Settlements in, The Phantom Peril of German Em- igration and. (S. von Sternberg) No. Am. 182: 641. - Trade with Europe. (W. H. Schoif) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 159. - United States in. (W. Bulfin) World’s Work, 4: 2533- - United States of; a Dream of Empire. (C. F. Holder) Arena, 32: 480, - United States Policy toward. Out West, 17: 340. -—- United States Trade with, Failure to develop. Emory) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 1 5 3. -War Issues in, 1902. (E. Emerson, jr.) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 298. — What the People read in. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 67.322. South American Archaeological Discoveries. (B. Bran- denberg) Booklover’s M. 7: 442. South American Civilization, Ancient. Harper, I07: 780. South American Desert, Crossing a. (C. J . Post) Har- per, 108: 612, South American Republics and the Monroe Doctrine. (J . Macdonell) 19th Cent. 53: 587. South American Revolutions, Cause of. (G. A. Cham- berlain) Atlan. 95: 822, South Atlantic Quarterly on the Negro Question. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 77: 356. South Carolina, Colonial History of, Literature for Study of. (W. R. Smith) So. Atlan. Q. I: 162. - in the Revolution, McCready’s. (W. MacDonald) Nation, 74: 963. -(D. W. Wallace) Sewanee, 11: 205. -(W. MacDonald) Nation, 76: 314, 336, - State Dispensary of. (F. Tilden) World To-day, I1: 739- (G. H. Grosvenor) (A. J . Lamoureux) (F. (M. Uhle) 606 ' SOUTHERN ERS South Dakota, Congressional Representation in. (E. C. Griflith) Nation, 75: 343. South Downs, Hunting on the. (E. Robinson) Blackw. I73=3s8- South Down Gorse Coverts, In. Blackw. 180: 789, South Georgia Island, Vegetation of, Geographical Distribution of. (C. Spottsberg) Geog. J . 20: 498, South Kensington Museum. (I. A. Sinclair) Crafts- man, 6: 581. - National Competition, 1903. (Ernest Radford) Art J , 55: 312, South Natick, Mass. (E. A. Sawyer) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 123. South-polar. See Antarctic. South Pole and Antarctic Regions. Calif. M. 4: 111, South Sea Islands, A Home in the. Calif. M. 3: 213. South Shore Weather Bureau, The; a story. Lincoln) Everybody’s, I2: 157, Southampton, Earl of, and Lord Grey of Wilton, Quar- rel between. (Charlotte C.Stopes) Ath. ’o4, 2: 658. Southampton, By Way of, to London. (W. D. How- ells) Harper, II3: 892, Southborough, Mass. (M. E. D. White) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 67. Southern California, Contrast in Weather of. Grayson) Calif. M. 5: 4. Southern Confederacy, Diplomatic History of, Calla- han’s. (J. W. Foster) Am. Hist. R. 7: 379. — Post-ofiice Department, Organization of. (Walter F. McCaleb) Am. Hist. R. 12: 66, Southern Cross, The; a story. (E. M. Nall) Temp. Bar, 129: 334.-'=Liv. Age, 241: 105. Southern Educational Conference. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 71: 9. Southern Engine and Boiler Works ; Cost-finding Methods. (W. Magrutor) Engin. M. 24: 870. _ Southern Fiction, Recent Products of the New School of. (J. R. Ormond) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 285, Southern Girl in ’61, Wright’s. (F. Bancroft) Nation, 81: 405. (J . J . Peatfield) (Emily S. Loud) (J . C. (P. Southern Literature, National Element in. (J . B. Henneman) Sewanee, 11: 345, - A Reading Public, The Need of. (C. Holliday) Sewanee, I1: 345, — Revival of Interest in. (C. W. Kent) Univ. of Tenn. Rec. 2: 186. Southern Manners. 321. Southern Mountaineers ; Some Real American Music. (E. B. Miles) Harper, I09: 118, Southern Pacific Stock, Is it Safe to invest in ? World’s Work, 12: 8043. Southern Planter, Industrial Decay of. So. Atlan. Q. 2: 107, Southern States, Immigration to the. ing) Pol. Sci. 20: 276, — Naval Administration of, during the Revolution. (C. O. Paullin) Sewanee, 10: 418, Southern Verse ; a Traditional Literature. Stribling) Poet-Lore, 17, no. 4: 103, Southern Woman. (I. Anon.; 2. Mrs. L. H. Harris) Indep-54= 919.922. - and Reconstruction. 697. Southern Women in New York. Bookman, I8: 624. I9: 51, Southern Writers. (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Critic, 47: 260. Southerner, Autobiography of a, since the Civil War. Atlan. 98: 1—474. Southerners as Peacemakers. serv. R. 5: 30, (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Indep. 61: (J . S. Bassett) (W. L. Flem- (T. S. (Eliz. McCracken) Outl. 751 (Julia R. Tutwiler) (L. L. Knight) Con- . Sovereignty. SOUTHERNERS Southerners of To-day. (Lucy S. Orrick) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 631, Southey, Robert. (Arthur Symons) Sat. R. 102: 325, 3'6. — Soine Letters of. (H. S. Scott) Atlan. 89: 36. Southwark, Eng. ; a Government of the Plain People. (Francis W. Parker) World T o-day, 92 1114. Southwell, Robert; Poet, Priest, and Martyr. (K. Brégy) Cath. World, 79: 777. Southwest, Antiquities of, and their Preservation. (E. L. Hewitt) M. of Hist. 1.: 291. —- from a Locomotive. (B. Brooks) Scrib. M. 34: 427. —- The Great. (R. S. Baker) Cent. 42: '5. — (C. Harvey) Munsey, 32: 902, — New Era in. (C. M. Harger) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 712, — Old Régime in. — Plateau Country of. Inst. I61: 451, — Queer Laborers of the. 10: 752. — Swinging the March of Empire Southwestward. (F. Strother) World’s Work, 11: 7073, — Travels in the. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 15: (A. E. Hyde) Cent. 41: 690, (O. C. S. Carter) J. Frankl. (C. F. Holder) Craftsman, 315, 425- Southwest Chamber, The; a Ghost Story. (Mary E. W. Freeman) Everybody’s, 8: 327. Southwest Wind, The. (A. T. Johnson) Longm. 46: I77: Southwestern Archaeology, Some Exploded Theories concerning. (U. F. Duff) Am. Anthropol. 6: 303. Southwestern History in the Archive General de Mex- ico, Materials for. (H. E. Bolton) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 6: 103. 7: I96. Southwick, Albert A., Artist and Silversmith. Crafts- man, 10: 176. Southworth, Emma D. E. N., and her Home at George- ~town, D. C., with portrait. (C. W. Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 179. Sovereign, The, and the Foreign Oflice. (H. Leach) Chamb. J. 83: 756. V . Sovereign Remedy. (F. W. Wharton) Lippinc. 70: 81 Sovereign States, Nature and Interrelation of. (E. Stevenson) Am. Law R. 38: 551. (W. J. Brown) Jurid. R. 18: 1. — and Government. (F. H. Giddings) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 1. -— and the Modern State. am 380- (N. C. Butler) Am. Law R. Sowing and Reaping. Good Words, .44: 644. Sowing Seeds in Danny; a story. (N. L. McClung) Canad. M. 26: 116, Spa and its English Associations. Cent. 52: 656. Space and Geometry. (E. Mack) Monist, 14: 1. -— and Number, Exercises in thinking about. Keyser) Educa. R, 27: 36, 160, 270, — Fullerton’s Doctrine of. (I. King) Philos. R. 11: 287. —-— Idea of. (W. Smith) Philos. R. 12: 511, —— Number and, Exercises in thinking about. Keyser) Educa. R. 26: 246, 394, — Perception of, Pierce on. (A. C. Brown) Nature, 66: 73.—Ath. ’o2, 1: 786. -— -— Tactual, Synthetic Factor in. Psychol. R. 12: 207, Spade, In Praise of the. Liv. Age, 240: 474. Spahr, Charles B. Outl. 76: 253. —— One who loved his Fellowmen. Out]. 78: 255. Spain, and Don Carlos. (E. Kirkpatrick) Californian, 4: 226-487. — and Europe. (W. Creyke) 19th (C. J. (C. L. (T. H. Haines) (J . S. Mann) Fortn. 79: 323. '60? ~ — Foreign Policy of. l SPAN_ISH-AMERICAN Spain, and her Economic Policy inAmerica. (B. Moses) Calif. Univ. Chron. 1: 227, — Anti-clerical Tactics in. (W. M. Drum) Cath. World, 79: 797. — Art in, Decadence of. (G. Diercks) Brush & P. 12: 233- - as seen by a Canadian. (W. A. R. Kerr) Canad. M, 22: 219, — as a Traflic Center. Sat. R. 101: 680. — Between Towns in. (E. Penfield) Scrib. M. 40: 441. —- A Child-queen of. (Comtesse de Courson) Month, I07: 375: 509- . M. —— Cosas d’Espa.‘iia.' Blackw. I73: 231, 785. — Desert Journey in. (E. Hutton) Sat. R. 99: 306, — Fall of the Visigothic Power in. (R. Dykes Shaw) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 209, (C. Rudy) Contemp. 90: 76, — Future of. Chamb. J. 80: 443. —- Genius of. (H. Ellis) 19th Cent. 51: 753, —— Hill-town in, Stranded in a. (T. R. Dawley, jr.) - Cent. 44: 227. — Joys of. (A. Harrison) 19th Cent. 59: 924. — King of, and the Spanish Court. (S. L. Woodford) Outl. 71: 47. — Military. (F. R. McCoy) Army & Navy Life, 9: 38. -— Modernizing. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 361, _ — Past and Present. (C. W. Super) Bib. Sac. 62: 650, — A Peep at. (E. McAuliffe) Cath. World, 78: 768. — Popular Poetry of. (P. de San Carlos) Monthly R. 16, no. 3: 135, — Post-Visigothic Churches in. chaeol. 59: 39. — Present and Future. 71 378- —- Republicans in, Plans and Prospects of. (D. L. Salmeron) Indep. 56: 124, — Roman Bas-relief and Roman Mining Operations in. (H. Sahdars) Archaeol. 59: 311. — Royal Marriages in. (Leora A. F itz-Gerald) Book- man, 23: 376. — Situation in, 1902. (S. Brooks) No. Am. 174: 640. —(J. Foreman) Contemp. 81: 69,: Liv. Age, 233: (A. G. Hill) Ar- (G. de Azcarate) Internat. Q. 129, . —— Social Life in. Fortn. 77: 1035. — Some Social Aspects of. (E. A. Barnett) Econ. R. 14: 400, —— South to North in. (H. H. Colvill) Temp. Bar, 131: 328. 473. 594- - The Spirit of Present-day. (H. Ellis) Atlan. 98: 757- — To-day and To-morrow. (T. del Marmol) Indep. R. 3: 354- - under the Saracens. (Ameer Ali) 19th Cent. 59: 933. —- Yesterday and To-day. (L. Higgin) Fortn. 81 : 625, Spalato, Dalmatia. (F. J . Koch) Am. Arch. 88: 75. Spalding, Bishop, Essays. (M. F. Egan) Cath. Univ. _ Bull. 4: 76. Spaniels, Toy. (L. C. Mooran) Outing, 41: 433. Spanish in America, The. (H. N. Casson) Munsey, 362 294- Spanish-American Diplomatic Relations preceding the War of 1898. (H. E. Black) J. H. Univ. Stud. 24: 1, Spanish-American Face, The. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 2: 21. ' Spanish-American History. 714- Spanish-American Literature, A. Lit. W. (Bost.) 33: 24, Spanish-American Treaty, 1899. Univ. of Chic. Rec. 32 315. Spanish-American War. (A. F. Hamilton) Nation, 74= 189: (E. Castelar) Indep. 55: (H. P. Hudson) SPAN ISH—AMERICAN Spanish-American War, Alger on. Nation, 74: 134. -— and Philippine War, Some Consequences of. (S. C. Parks) Arena, 30: 247. — Finances of, U. S. (C. C. Plehn) Calif. Univ. Chron. 1: 419. — from an Historical Point of View. Calif. Univ. Chron. 21 400. ——Lessons of the. (D. V. M. Concas) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: 260, 426. — Preventable. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 145. Spanish Anthology, edited by J . D. M. F ord. Bassett) School R. 10: 721. Spanish Armada, An Echo from the. 609, —— Poetry on th_e. Gent. M. i1. s. 77: 501. — Survivors of, in Ireland. (M. A. S. Hume) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 11: 4I. -—- Wrecks of, on Coast of Ireland. Green) Geog. J . 27: 429. Spanish Authors. (A. B. Simonds) Calif. M. 4: 50. -—- New Library of. (J . D. M. Ford) Nation, 82: 406, Spanish Ballad, A. (Laura E. Richards) 33: 11. Spanish Bourbons. (D. Hannay) Macmil. 92: 195. Spanish Documents, Some. (R. J . H._Gottheil) Jew. Q. 16: 702, ’ Spanish Drama. 241, Spanish Influence on English Literature, Hume on. (F. W. Chandler) Nation, 81: 78, Spanish Jade, rI,‘he; a story. (M. Hewlett) Harper, 113: 489, Spanish Literature. 31 = 369. 393- — I9OI~02. (R. Altamira) Ath. ’O2, 21 26. (B. Moses) (R. E. Chamb. J . 82: (W. Spotswood (Brander Matthews) Internat. Q. 6: (N. A. Smith) New Eng. M. n. s. — 1902-03, (R. Altamira) Ath. ’O3; 21 25. - 19o3—o4. (R. Altamira) Ath. ’O4, 21 314- — 19o4—o5, (R. Altamira) Ath. ’O5, 21 461- -- 1905-06. (R. Altamira) Ath- ’°6, 21 397- Spanish Main, Three Old Ports on the. Brown) Nat. Geog. M. I7! 613. Spanish-Mexican Missions of United States. (O. Z. Cervin) Archit. Rec. 14: 181. Spanish Soldier, Last Will of a, 1822. Land of Sun. 12: 373. Spanish-speaking World of To-day. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 617. Spanish War Claims, The. (R. Ogden) Nation, 79: 290. — (C. Kennedy) No. Am. 180: 186. — (H, Taylor) No. Am. 182: 738, Spanish War Veterans. (J . W. Mitchell) Munsey, 29: 676. Sparks from the Anvil; or, the Thoughts of a Queen. (Carmen Silva) National, 46: 850. Sparre, Louis, Etchings of. (G. Strengell) Studio (Internat.) 26: 31. —— — in New England. (F. Osgood) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 317- (G. M. L. (H. M. Skinner) Sparrow, English, and other Birds, Study of. (J. P. Porter) Am. J . Psychol. 15: 313. 17: 248. Sparrows, Song of, when reared by~ Canaries. (E. Conradi) Am. J . Psychol. 16: 190. Sparrow’s Pt., Md., Steel Works at. (Day A. Willey) Cassier, 29: 35 5. Sparta, Excavations at. 281, —Survey of. Am. Arch. 89: 194, Spartan, A ; a story. (C. T. Brady) Harper, 104: 709, Spartan Dorothy and her Fox. (Lou R. Teeple) Overland, n. s. 39: 548. Spatters’s Campaign. (Sarah Comstock) Lippinc. 76: 587. “Speak-out” Age, The. (R. N. Matson) New Eng. M. 33: 87. (W. N. Bates) Nation, 83: 608 SPECTACLES Speaker of the House of Commons. (M. MacDonagh) 19th Cent. 58: 320. = Liv. Age, 246: 835.—— (E. A. Keddell) Art J . 57: 269. — — and the House. Liv. Age, 246: 186. —— of the House of Representatives. Has he too much Power? World To-day, 10: 507. . Speaking, Effective Public, (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 44. —- Public. Chamb. J. 82: 758. — — Teaching of, in Colleges. uca. R. 29: 294. —- to the Psaltery. (W. B. Yeats) Monthly R. 7, no. (R. C. Ringwalt) Ed- 2- 94. Speaking Likeness, A; a story. mopol. 40: 659. Spearman Correlation Formula. 11. s. 221 309. Special Classes in the Public Schools of New York. (J . Rosenfeld) Educa. 27: 92. Special Collections in Small Libraries. Ilvaine) Pub. Lib. 10: 271. Special Delivery ; a monologue. ' (Van T. Sutphen) Harper, 108: 458. Special Intention of Giuseppe; a story. gan) Craftsman, 10: 67. Special Messenger; a story. per. 11¢ 344- Special Providence. 28: 310, Special Treatment, A; a story. (E. Boltwood) Mun- S93’. 29: 415- ' Specialist, Attitude of the. 14, Specialists in relation to Architects. Am. Arch. 87: 46. Specialization; Ignorance and some Proposed Pallia- tives. (F. B. Sumner) Science, 11. s. 21: 69. — in Education. (S. W. Williston) Science, n. s. 18: 12 , Species. (J . A. Allen) Science, 11. s. 24: 773. — and Subspecies, So-called. (H. L. Clark) Science, 11. s. 161 229, 273. —-(J. A. Allen) Science, 11. s. 16: 383. — De Vries on Species and Varieties. (C. B. Daven- port) Science, 11. s. 22: 369.—Am. Natural. 39: 747- — “ Elimination” and First Species Method. Stone) Science, 11. s. 24.: 560. — Evolution not the Origin of. Mo. 64: 445. — Evolution of, New Conception of. Harper, 110: 209, ,. — — through Climatic Conditions. (J . A. Allen) Sci- ' ence, n. s. 22! 661. - — — through Isolation. (D. S. Jordan) Science, 11. s. 22: 545.—(J. T. Gulick) Science, n. s. 23: 433. -—- Formation of. (O. F. Cook) Science, 11. s. 23: 506. — Origin of. (G. Macloskie) Bib. Sac. 60: 261,-(F, E. Lloyd) Science, 11. s. 22: 710, — — by Mutation. (J. A. Harris) Monist, 14: 641,- (H. de Vries) Science, n. s. 15: 722. —— — in Sociology. (J . Collier) Knowl. 25: 217, — —- Letter signed by Lamarck and Geoifroy. Dean) Science, n. s. 19: 799. — -—- New Theory of. (J . A. Harris) Open Court, 18: 193. — — through Selection, contrasted with their Origin through the Appearance of Definite Variations. (T. H. Morgan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 54. — Rambur and the Nature of. (D. S. Jordan) Sci- . ence, n. s. 23: 350. Specific Performance for and against Strangers to the Contract. (J . B. Ames) Harv. Law I71 I74. Spectacles. Science, 11. 3. 20: 179. (Bailey Millard) Cos- (C. Wissler) Science, (Caroline Mc- (Anne O’Ha- (R. W. Chambers) Har- (H. A. Nash) New Eng. M. n. s. (A. Lang) Acad. 70: (E. V. Seeler) (W. (O. F. Cook) Pop. Sci. (H. de Vries) (B. SPECTACLES Spectacles, Bifocal, Solid Invisible. Frankl. Inst. I59: 313. — History of. (C. Barck) Science, 11. s. 20: 50. Spectacular, Reign of the. (A. R. Marble) Dial, 35: 297- Spectator Experimental Company at Windsor. 96: 895. Spectators. Sat. R. 992 624. Spectra arising from the Dissociation of Water Vapor, and the Presence of Dark Lines in these Spectra. (J . Trowbridge) Am. J . Sci. 164: 1. Spectral Evidence, A Piece of. (L. W. Vernon Har- court) Temp. Bar, 126: 454, Spectro-chemistry, Development of. Nature, 72: 158. Spectro-heliograph, Recent Results with the. J . S. Lockyer) N ature, 72: 9. Spectroscope in Astronomy. (R. A. Gregory) Nature, (J . L. Borsch) J . Spec. (J . W. Briihl) (W. 68: 3 38, — Tuckerman’s Index to Literature of. Science, n. s. 19: 380, — The Use of. (E. J . Wall) Pop. Astron. I42 336. Spectroscopic Work for Classes in Astronomy. (S. F. Whiting) Pop. Astron. I 3: 387. Spectrum Analysis, Lockyer’s Inorganic Evolution as Studied by. (E. B. Frost) Science, 11. s. 152 584. Speculation, Financial, Ethics of. (J . A. Ryan) Inter- nat. J. Ethics, 12: 335. — The Game of. Quar. I97: 88. — in relation to the World’s Prosperity, 1897-1902, (M. T. England) Univ. N eb. Stud. 6: 21. -— Injurious. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 572 169. — Stock Exchange Diiferences and the Gaming Laws. (W. Strachan) Law Q. 20: 5 3. —- Wall St.; does it pay ? (W. R. Givens) Indep. 59: wa Speculation in Manslaughter, A ; a story. Palmer) Am. M. 6I: 712, Speculator, Confession of a. World’s Work, 10: 6759. Spedding, James. (L. Stephen) National, 392 241.: Liv. Age, 233: 797. Spee, Friedrich von, and the Wiirzburg Witches. Church Q. 58: 318. Speech, Development of, in the Child, Psychology and Pathology of. (E. Conradi) Pedagog. Sem. II: 328. —- The Lapses of. (J. Jastrow) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 119, —— Our Slovenly. (H. L. Chase) Nation, 82: 116, —— Thought and. (J . A. Dewe) Educa. 26: 168. — The Trick of Education. (A. Meynell) Harper, 108: 376, —— Value of. (W. A. McClean) Green Bag, 14: 369. Speech of People, The; a story. (M. R. Drury) Mun- sey, 291 735- Speech Curves. (J . G. McKendrick) Nature, 7I2 250. —— New Machine for tracing. (E. W. Scripture) Am. J.ScL 165: 447. Speedaway; a story. (R. W. Child) McClure, 24: 640. Speedway Sermon, A ; a story. (E. Merwyn) McClure, 20: 192. Speedy Convalescence, A. (R. H. Bretherton) Good Words, 432 736. Spell, From, to Prayer. I 5: 132, Spellbinder, The. (C. Guild, jr.) Scrib. M. 32: 561. Spelling, A. B. C. (F. Ritchie) Longm. 401 240. — American. (H. Thurston) 19th Cent. 60: 606. — and Arithmetic in 1846 and To-day. (V. W. B. Hedgepeth) School R. 14: 352. —- by Syllables. (A. F. Beard) Nation, 83: 43 5. — The Dragon’s Teeth. (Agnes Repplier) Outl. 71: 124. — English, As to. Cent. 51: 318. — English Teacher and the Question of. Schoolli.I3I 42. (J. M. (R. R. Marett) Folk-Lore, (F. Symmes) HM SPENCER Spelling, Genuine Phonetic. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- tion, 332 279. — How can we Better our ? (Brander Matthews) Munsey, 35¢ 294- - Hygiene and Psychology of. Pedagog. Sem. I 3: 474. — A Little Conference with Professor Matthews. Bookman, 22: 180, — Modern English. (W. W. Skeat) N ational, 48: 301. =Liv. Age, 25!: 387. — The New. Ath. ’o6, 2: 271, — —— Where it goes. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 196. —— of Yesterday and of To-morrow. thews) Outl. 82: 848. — The President’s English, a Criticism and a Sugges- (Brander Mat- tion. (W. Archer) Fortn. 851 617. = Liv. Age, 251: 259, — Problem of. (B. E. Smith) Cent. 50: 315. — Question of, National Educational Association and. (E. O. Vaile) Educa. R. 27: 510. — Question of Preference in. (E. W. Bowen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 38. —-— Simpler. (J . Geddes, jr.) Educa. 26: 550. -— Simplified. (Brander Matthews) Educa. R. 322 I 5. —-— —— from a Pnblisher’s Point of View. (H. Holt) Indep. 61: 1421. — — Orthography and. (B. I. Wheeler) Outl. 84: 313. —- (Brander Matthews) Outl. 842 576. — — A Plea for. (C. Thomas) Nation, 83: 301. — — President Roosevelt’s Orthography. Spec. 97: 238.=Liv. Age, 250: 814, —— —- President Jordan and. 83: 326, — —— Real. (J . S. Clark) Nation, 83: 390. — —Specimen of. (Brander Matthews) Putnam, I: 180, —— What it is and what it is not. (H. H. Moore) Outl. 84: 165. Spelling—book out of Fashion. 24: 5 56. Spelling Reform. (A. L. Mayhew) Acad. 71: 35. - Acad. 71: 251.—(E. S. Balch) J. Frankl. Inst. I62: 421. — (B. I. Wheeler) Out West, 252 546. — in France. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 94, — —— The Simplification of French Spelling. (Brander Matthews) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 539. —— Must it be Phonetic ? (C. W. L. Johnson) Educa. R. 26: 516. — The Perils of. Acad. 68: 565. — The Present Fad of. (G. M. Searle) Cath. World, 84: 1, —— President Roosevelt’s Edict. Dial, 41: 103, Spence, T. R., Designer, Work of. (F. H. Jackson) M. of Art, 27: 80, — Metal Work of. (F. H. Jackson) M. of Art, 26: 365. Spencer, G. R., a Cartoonist of Progressive Democracy. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 36: 351. Spencer, Herbert. (A. C. Armstrong) Meth. R. 54: 397. —(VV. James) Atlan. 94: 99.—Blackw. I75: 100.: Ecl. M. 142: 433. I Liv. Age, 2401 397. -—- (S. T. Wood) Canad. M. 222 342. — (J.J. Fox) Cath. World, 782 574.—- (A. M. F airbairn) Contemp. 85: I. -—(H. Macpherson) Cornh. 89: 337. — (W. James) Critic, 44: 21. —Dial, 362 5.-—Educa. R. 27: 217,—(P. G. Smalley) Lamp, 28: 36.—Liv. Age, 240: 56.=Ec1. M. 142: 264.—(M. A. Lane) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 510. — (P. Carus) Open Court, 18! I.—(R. C. Schiedt) Ref. Ch. R. 51: 289.-— (F. J . E. Woodbridge) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 67.—Westm. I61: I.——(G. Iles) World’s Work, 7: 4314. —With portrait. (A. T. Ormond) Book- lover’s M. It 572. —Nature, 592 155. —Sat. R. 96: 726. —Ath. ’o3, 2: 794.— (W. James) Nation, 77: 46o.—-(C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 65: 673. (D. S. Jordan) Nation, (Alice Ranlett) Educa. SPENCER Spencer, Herbert, and the Dangers of Specialism. (J. B. Crozier) Fortn. 81: 105, -—- and H. George, Controversy between. Indep. 56: 1479. -—- and his Contribution to the Concept of Evolution. (J. Royce) Internat. Q. 91 335. — and his Critics. (Von Biilow) Westm. I62: 437. —- and his Work. (W. I. Cranford) So. Atlan. Q. 31 (T. Scanlon) 123, -— and the Master Key. (J . B. Burke) Contemp. 89: 783.=Ecl. M. 147: I24. — and what to Study. (W. T. Harris) Educa. R. 24: 135- — the Apostle of Agnosticism. (G. Campbell) Bib. Sac, 62: 304, —— as an Influence on Religious Thought. Outl. 751 931- —— Autobiography. (F. Tracy) Am. J . Theol. 8: 784. —-Ath. ’04, I: 583. —— (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 44: 501. —(W. M. Payne) Dial, 36: 288.— (F. H. Giddings) Indep. 56: 963.—— Indep. R. 3: 294.- Knowl. 27: 116.-—Liv. Age, 241: 56o.=Ecl. M. 143: 56.— (F. C. S. Schiller) Mind, 29: 565. —(J. Bryce) Nation, 79: 3 5. —(W. McDougall) Nature, 70: 265.—(L. F. Ward) Science, 11. s. 19: 873.- Spec. 92: 810, -—— — and his Philosophy. (F. Gribble) Fortn. 81: 984. — Breadth of his Teaching, with portrait. (L. G. McPherson) Cosmopol. 36: 466. — A Character Study. (W. H. Hudson) Fortn. 81: 17.=No. Am. 178: 1. — Essays on Education. (J . J . Tracy) Educa. 24: 344. -— Ethics, Heart of. (F. H. Giddings) Internat. J. Ethics, 14: 496. — Facts and Comments. (S. FitzSi1nons) Am. Cath. Q. 27: 649. -— Funeral of. (E. Rhys) World To-day, 6: 171. -— Home Life of. Spec. 96: 574. —Harper, I12: 655. — Influence of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 76. — Last Words of. (E. B. MacCormick) Westm. I 59: 675. — Letters and Life. (J . Finley) Lamp, 28: 405, -—- Life and Philosophy of. (A. S. Pringle-Pattison) Quar, 200: 240, -—- Life and Teachings of. 951 — Love Story of. Canad. M. 27: 73. (M. W. Calkins) Outl. 75: -— the Man. (G. E. Vincent) Am. J . Sociol. 9: 709. - Nescience of. (B. P. Bowne) Indep. 56: 67. — Note on. Educa. 24: 310, -— on Political Institutions. (W. W. Crane) Califor- nian, 6: 413. —- Personal Reminiscences of. (Grant Allen) Forum, 35: 610. - A Personal Sketch. (G. Iles) Outl. 76: 19. -— Philosophical Work of. (J . Dewey) Philos. R. 13: I59- -- Philosophy of. (F. Aveling) Dub. R. 134: 251,- Ed. R. 199: 352.:-Liv. Age, 241: 705,-(B_ P_ Bowne) Meth. R. 64: 513. —— Philosophy of Religion. (G. H. Trever) Meth. R. 64: 893. — Royce on. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 80: 71, -—- Sociology of. (L. F. Ward) Indep. 56: 730, ——Supporters of. (H. Holt) Nation, 83: 347. — Ultimate Questions. (L. Hearn) Atlan. 96: 391, — Unpublished Letters. Indep. 56: 998, 1169, 1471, —The Work of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 66: 447, 67: 149. Spencer, R. C., Three Houses by. Archit. Rec. 18: 40- Spencer, Robert, jr., Two Houses by. Archit. Rec. 19: 295. 20: 323. 610 SPIRIT Spendthrifts, Law needed to protect. Sat. R. 99: 8 33 - Spenser, Edmund. Acad. 65: 248. -—- in Ireland. Ed. R. 201: 164, — — An Old-time Irish Secretary. (A. Cargill) Westm. I65: 249, Sperrylite, New Forms of. (V. Goldschmidt and W. Nico1l)Am. J. Sci. 165: 450. —— New Occurrence of. (H. L. Wells and S. L. Pen- field) Am. J. Sci. 163: 95. Speyer, Edgar, To. (E. Gérard) Westm. I64: 450. Sphere, Subdividing the Surface of a General Method of. (H. C. Goddard) Pop. Astron. 10: 406. Spherical Maps and Reliefs. (E. Reclus) Geog. J . 22: 290, Sphinx, The American. Sphyx, The; a travesty. I08: 367, 618, Spider, The Blue-gray. (J . S. Thomson) Good Words, 46: . —— Leg and Foot of, Photograph of. Knowl. 27: 148. —— The Trap-door. (R. I. Pocock) Pall Mall M. 26: 49. -— — of New Zealand. (J . Buckland) Longm. 44: 490. Spider, The; a story. (L. J . Vance) Munsey, 31: 895. Spiders. (F. H. Sweet) Lippinc. 73: 759. —— Aeronautic. (H. C. McCook) Harper, I08: 905. — Habits, Instincts, and Mental Powers of. (J . P. Porter) Am. J . Psychol. 17: 306. — Hearing and Smell of. (A. H. Pritchett) Am. Natural. 38: 859. — Venom of. Knowl. n. s. 2: 298. 3: 317, Spielhagen, Friedrich, the Veteran Novelist. (A. B. Faust) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 4: 131. Spielman, Marion H. Royal Memorials. Am. Arch. 87: 112, Spiffed Overcoat, The ; a story. (W. D. N esbit) Am. M. 60: 525. - Spike Riley’s Revenge ; a story. (J . H. Williams) In- dep. 56: 1427. Spinello, Marius J . (C. W. Wells) Calif. Univ. Chron. Liv. Age, 251: 57. (R. W. Chambers) Harper, I -1 7. . Spinning, Humphrey, of Guilford, Conn., and Eliza- beth, N. J ., and his Descendants. (B. C. Steiner) N. E. Reg. 59: 267. Spinoza, B. von, Duff on Political and Ethical Philo- sophy of. (J . Iverach) Crit. R. 13: 391. —— Ethics; Joachim and Duif’s Editions of. (J . E. Creighton) Philos. R. 12: 5 57. — —Joachim’s Study in. (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 752 36. — The God of. (A. C. McGiEert) Hibbert J . 3: 706. —- Present Position of the Philosophy of. (W. John- ston) Crit. R. 13: 3. -—- Reality of the Finite in his System. (E. Ritchie) Philos. R. 13: 16. Spion Kop, True Story of. (W. B. Worsfold) Monthly R. 7, no. 3: 79. 8, no. 1: 41. Spiral Formation in Nature and Art. (T. A. Cook) Monthly R. 7, no. 11 133, no. 2: 102. Spirals in Nature and Art, Cook on. Craftsman, 4: 222, Spirit, The Birth of the Idea of, in Greek Thought. (M. M. Patrick) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 357. — or Ghost ? (P. Carus) Monist, 12: 365, — Things of the. (E. Fuller) Critic, 42: 212, Spirit of Corny Quinn, The. (Anne O’Hagan) Apple- ton’s M. 8: 538. Spirit of Harriet, The. (A. M. Daulton) Outl. 752 607. Spirit of Partnership, The. (A. M. Roach) Harper, 110: 669. Spirit of the Pines, The. (F. R. Sterrett) Scrib. M. 35= 629- SPIRIT Spirit of the Times in Books. man, 20: 144, Spirit of the West, The; a story. (W. P. Cockerell) Arena, 342 501. Spirit Photography. (Dean Clarke) Calif. M. 4: 851. Spiritism and Swedenborg’s Writings. (H. C. Hay) N. Church R. 11: 289, Spiritual Awakening, The World-wide. (H. R. Elliot) Cent. 48: 152. _ Spiritual Growth through Receptiverless. Bib. World, 23: 323. Spiritual Life, Interpretation of the. (J. T. McFar- land) Meth. R. 622 427. (F. T. Cooper) Book- Spiritual Phenomena. (W. H. Hinkley) N. Church R. 9: 5'9- Spiritualism. (Isabella C. Blackwood) Monthly R. 23, no. 22 47. ~— Frauds of. (S. L. Krebs) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 1, 174, 489. — is it Unscientific? Open Court, 16: 375. — its History and Physical Phenomena. (T. Crokell) Dub. R. 133: 23. — its Psychological Phenomena. R, 133: 265, —— Malay. (W. Skeat) Folk-Lore, I3: 134. ~—- Modern. Ed. R. 198: 304. —- (O. L. Barler) N. Church R. 11: 552, — Myers vs. Podmore. 27 3 I54- — The New. Spirituality. Spitting, Public, Law against. Spitzbergen and its Whale Fishery. Knowl. n. s. 32 423. — Cartography of. (W. M. Conway) Geog. J . 21: 636, -— Early History of. Nature, 74: 381. —— for a Summer Holiday. (E. H. Parker) Chamb. J . 83: 189. — How it was discovered. 21: 142, — Measurement of an Arc of Meridian in. Conway) Nature, 67: 5 36. Spodumene, New Lilac-colored Transparent. Kunz) Am. J . Sci. 1661 264. Spoils of Oflice, The. (Michael MacDonagh) Longm. 46: 229.=Liv. Age, 246: 259. Spoilers, The; astory. (Rex E. Beach) Everybody’s, 13: 766, 14: 98-650, Spokane. Washington. (L. G. Monroe) New Eng. M. sa= I13- — Followers of the Bunch-grass Hunter. man) Outing, 47: 603, Spoken Discourse. (R. A. Heydrick) Chant. 36: 389. Spola, Emilio Luigi, helps Italian Unity. (J . F. Pal- mer) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 52 I77. Spoleto, Italy. (E. Hutton) Sat. R. 972 453. Sponge-divers of Tripoli, Greek. (C. W. Furlong) Harper, III: 275. Sponge Fishing, Fifty Years of. (C. Barker) Indep. 56: 884, Sponges; Asexual Origin of the Ciliated Sponge Larva. (H. V. Wilson) Am. Natural. 36: 451. Spongy Tissue of Strasburger. (M. C. Ferguson) Sci- ence, n. s. 18: 308, Spoonbills. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 100: 207, Spooner, John C., Senator. (W. Wellman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 167, Spoons, A Chat about. (R. Quick) Reliquary, 44: 24, Sporophyte, Origin of the. (B. M. Lavis) Am. Nat- ural. 37: 411. Sporozoa, Interrelationships of the. (H. Crawley) Am. Natural. 39: 607. Sport, The Abuse of. (B. Tozer) Fortn. 86: 726. —- (H. S. Salt) Fortn. 86: 959, (T. Crokell) Dub. (H. Addington Bruce) Lamp, (F. Podmore) Indep. R. 3: 74. (W. S. Pratt) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 14: 91. Char. 11: 53. (T. Southwell) (W. M. Conway) Geog. J . (W. M. (G. F. (R. Sher- 611 SPROTT Sport and Cruelty. (H. N ewbolt) Monthly R. 7, no. 1 . 1. — in American Life. (W'. F. Dix) Indep. 55: 2090. -— in the Hindoo Koosh. (R. L. Kennion) Macmil. 92: 144. =Liv. Age, 246: 300. -—— of 1903. (C. Whitney) Outing, vols. 41-43. — of 1904. (C. Whitney) Outing, vols. 44-45. — Proper Sphere for. (C. Bright) Westm. I66: 277, — The Sportsman at Bay. (H. S. Salt) Internat. J. Ethics, 16: 487. -— Standardization of. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 75: 439- - Tendencies of Modern. Quar. I99: 127, — What Speed owes to. (F. L. Ford) Munsey, 33: 355. — With the Mehtar’s Falcons ; a Morning in Chitral. (R. L. Kennion) Blackw. I78: 211, “ Sportie,” a Patriot. (C. E. Maud) Cornh. 88: 514. Sportin’ Blood of Zenith, The. (Mrs. Wilson Wood- row) McClure, 26: 102, . Sporting Champions of I 906. (Ralph D. Paine) Every- b0dy’s. I51 634. Sporting Spirit, The; a story. 8659 311 189- Sporting Terms in Common Speech. (VV. G. F. Philli- more) Monthly R. 25, no. 2: 81, Sports and Games of Ancient France. Longm. 40: 117. — Unfamiliar. (H. S. Archer) Cosmopol. 37: 109, Sportsman, Village. (W. B. Thomas) Sat. R. 96: 266. Sportsman’s Library; Some Books of 1902. (F. G. Aflalo) Fortn. 78: 1066, (L. G. Giltner) Mun- (E. Lecky) — — 1903. (F. G. Aflalo) Fortn. 80: 1041, — — 1904. (F. G. Aflalo) Fortn. 82: I104, — - 1905. (F. G. Aflalo) Fortn. 85: 164. Sportsman’s Paradise, A, in its Summer Garb. (H. D. Bailey) Overland, n. s. 49: 310, Sportsman’s View-point, I902. (C. Whitney) Outing, am 477, 607. 723- 401 103-755. 4I= 107-365. Sportsmen, American. (C. F. Davis) Outing, 43: 261. — Royal. Outing, 41: 419. —Statesmen who were. (F. G. Aflalo) Fortn. 81: 864.=Ec1. M. 143: 266. Sportsmen’s Clubs of California. (A. Lee) Outing, 39! 535- Sportswoman, The. (F. G. Aflalo) Fortn. 83: 891. Spotted Dog, The. (Eleanor Gates) Cosmopol. 41: 672 Spragge, Edward, and Holmes, Robert; Two Gentle- men Commanders. (W. J . Fletcher) Cornh. 87: 809, Sprat, Thomas. (J . M. Attenborough) Westm. I59= "94- Spriiig. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 108. — Coming of. Sat. R. 931 425. — An Old-fashioned. (E. P. Powell) Indep. 56: 719. — A Vision of, in Winter. (H. B. M. Watson) Liv. Age. 248= 570. Spring Music in a Marsh Meadow. (E. Sandys) Out- ing, 46: 69, Spring Sunday, A; a story. (Sarah O. Jewett) Mc- Clure, 23: 13. Springfield, Ill. (J . H. Neber) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 598. Springfield, Mass. (J . A. Rippel) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: 96. —— Buying Back a River-front. Archit. Rec. 122 649. — Special Schools. (M. Melius) Everybody’s, I 5: 291. Springfield, O. (O. T. Hypes) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 758. Springs and Fountains. (J . M. Good) Chaut. 372 510. Springtime; a story. (H. C. Bailey) Idler, 29: 3-724. 30: 71, 204, Sprott, Thomas, Chronicle of. (W. H. Legge) Reli- q11arv.46= 183- SPRUCE Spruce Gum. A Winter Vacation that paid for itself. (K. Goldthwaite) Ctry Life Am. 9: 440. Spud, The Stone. (C. E. Brown) Am. Antiq. 25: 93. Spur and Spear. (V. Davidson) Cornh. 91: 528. Spur of the Moment, The; a story. (I. G. Sieveking) Gent. M. n. s. 73: I. Spur of the Moment, The ; a story. (Sarah O. J ewett) Outl. 70: 59. Spurgeon, Charles H., Life of. (C. Ray) Sund. M. 32: 309-882, Spy, The; a story. (G. M. Cooke) Munsey, 34: 473. Spy, The; a story. (R. H. Davis) Scrib. M. 38: 722. Spy Rock. (H. van Dyke) Scrib. M. 32: 466. Spying, Ethics of. (C. Bastide) Fortn. 83: 39. Squabs, Raising. (W. E. Rice) Ctry Life Am. 5: 483. Squadron System, The. Un. Serv. M. 30: 82. Squares, Magic. (W. S. Andrews; A. L. Baker) Monist, 15: 429,555. - Wright’s Method of Least Squares with Applica- tions to Geodetic Work. (S. A. Mitchell) Science, 11. s. 24: 5 51. Squares, Public, in City and Village. Cent. 49: 860, Squash, and how to play it. (E. Miles) Outing, 41: 493_ Squaw—man, The; a play. (E. M. Royle) Cosmopol. 373 411- Squid, The Common; Loligo Pealii. liams) Am. Natural. 36: 787. Squids from Onondaga Lake, N. Y. (J. M. Clarke) Science, 11. s. I6: 947. Squire Attom’s Decisions. 18: 459, 561. “Squire Phin.” (L. C. Howard) Green Bag, 18: 29, Sqniress goes to School, The; a story. (Mrs. S. Raw- son) Temp. Bar, 134: 232, Squirrel, Ground-, The. (E. and J . Grinnell) Land of Sun. 13: 214. -— The Red. (A. B. Comstock) Chant. 38: 28 5. Squirrel Land. (W. J . Stillman) Cent. 48: 530. Squirrel Shooting, Old-time Michigan. (S. Waterloo) Outing, 43: 175. Squirrels, Devastating. (S. Baxter) (L. W. Wil- (H. J . Adams) Green Bag, (Josef Brunner) Ctry Life Am. 7: 264. - Flying, of Asia and Africa. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 25‘ 54- - in Harvard College Yard. (F. Putnam) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 214, - nursed by a Cat. (D. L. Sharp) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 51, Ssadko and the Water Tsar. Sat. R. 101: 816, Staal-Delaunay, Mme. de. (E. W. Morrow) Westm. I66: 92, Staats Forbes Collection of Pictures, The. Halton) Studio (Internat.) 27: 30, 218, Stabat Mater Dolorosa and Stabat Mater Speciosa. (H. T. Henry) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 68, 291, Stable and Kennel. Ctry Life Am. 10: 543. - Planning a. (H. N. Potter) Archit. R. 9: 145, Stables and Fittings. Am. Arch. 80: 52, - and Outbuildings. (E. C. Haltzoper) Ctry Life Am. (E. G. 9: 723- -—- and their Essentials. (F. M. Ware) Archit. R. 9: 236. - A Lack of Character in their Design. Archit. R. 9: 151, Stael-Holstein, Madame de. Bk. News, 22: 978. - and Napoleon. Ed. R. 202: 79. - Early Writings of. ~Acad. 69: 876. - Letters to Benjamin Constant. (Baroness de Nolde) Critic, 48: 273, 357. Stafford Limestone of New York, Contribution to a List of the Fauna of. (M. Talbot) Am. J. Sci. 166: 148, 612 STAINED Stage, American, Tendencies of the. Cosmopol. 38: 15. - and the Public. 246, - as a Moral Institution. (H. Davies) Critic, 43: 24. — as a Profession. (Ellaline Terriss) National, 41: 249, - - Prospects of. Cornh. 87: I81. - Blank-verse on the. (J . Todhunter) Fortn. 77: 346, - British, What can be done to help the. Fortn. 81: 187. — Children of the. (A. H. Ford) Everybody’s, 9: 349. - Church and the. (F. S. Arnett) Munsey, 30: 899. - Dilemmas of the. (M. West) Everybody’s, 9: 101, - English, in the 18th Century. (H. B. Irving) Fortn. 85: 895, 1079. 86: 315. — —- Phantom Puppets of the Stage of Shakespeare. (H. Schutz Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 460. - - Puritanism and the. (St. J . Hankin) F ortn. 86: 1 '5, - for which Shakespeare wrote, The. (C. H. Grabo) Chant. 44: 98, 211, 354. 45: 79. - German. Ed. R. 204: 447, - The Gospel on. Sund. M. 35: I45. — How it can help the Church. (G. Andrews) Arena, 32: 500, - — The Matter of the Play. (M. M. Fiske) Internat. Mo. 5: 629. - Mediaeval. (M. Bateson) Scot. Hist. R. 1: 399,- (E. K. Chambers) Monthly R. 12, no. 2: 18. - — Chambers on. Ath. ’03, 2: 373. - The Old and the New. Macmil. n. s. 2: 111, — Our “ Insolvent.” (A. Harrison) National, 47: 236. - Review of the Season, 1905-06. Munsey, 35: 494. - Salvation of the. (W. T. Stead) World To-day, II: 1151, - The Size of the. Acad. 69: 810. - Some Aspects of the. (Adolphus V. Tempest) I9th (D. Frohman) (Madge Kendal) Cosmopol. 35: 0 Cent. 58: 958. Stage Children. (Alex Hume Ford) New Eng. M. n. s. 33‘ 40°- Stage-coach, The; a story. (E. W. Peattie) Atlan. 93: 737- Stage Curtain, History of a Peculiar. rence) Gent. M. n. s. 69: 53. Stage Humor, Stray Notes on. Booklover’s M. 7: 490, Stage Manager, Art of the. Am. 178: 2 57, Stage Production, A New Theory of. (J . M. Bullock) Lamp. 27= 23- Stage Properties and Costumes. (C. H. Grabo) Chant. (W. J . Law- (Brander Matthews) (Brander Matthews) No. 451 79- Stage Scenery. (P. Fitzgerald) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 445, - of Charles Kean’s Plays. (E. F. Strange) M. of Art, 26: 454, 514- Stage Setting, The, and some Recent Books. (F. Taber Cooper) Bookman, 23: 281, Stag-hound Bill. (Caroline Lockhart) Lippinc. 75: 380. Stag-hounds, Past and Present. (T. F. Dale) Blackw. 180: 381. Staging in the Sierras. Sun. 12: I69. Stained Glass and Mosaic, Missing Link of. Day) Art J. 571 232. — by W. Willet. (N. H. Dole) Studio (Internat.) 23: ccclxxvii, - in Private Houses. 18: 347. - Modern Work in. Booklover’s M. 3: 184. - Pictorial. (J . B. Hadlow) Art J . 56: 251. - Pictorial Art in. (H. C. Tilden) Brush & P. 18: 1 5 5. Stained Glass Windows by Anning Bell. Art J . 58: 247. (J. M. Strobridge) Land of (L. F. (H. E. Goodhue) Archit. Rec. STAINED Stained Glass Windows, Making. Craftsman, 10: 18, -— The Modern School. ternat.) 29: xliv, Stained Glass Work in America. Brush & P. 15: supp. 99. Stains on Stone. Am. Arch. 88: 22, Staircases. (A. N. Gibb) Ctry Life Am. 3: 14. Stairway of Honor, The; a story. (M. S. Rawson) Harper, I08: 199. . Stake and the Plumb-line, The. (Gilbert Parker) Everybody’s, I4: 156, 309, Stalpe, Hjalmar. (S. Culin) Am. Anthropol. 8: 150. Stamboul, Outdoor Life in. (L. M. J . Garnett) Good Words, 43: 209. Stamina. (A. N. Bell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 449. Stammler, Rudolf. (V. G. Simkhovitch) Ednca. R. 27: 236, Stamp Act, Repeal of the. (H. H. Hodge) Pol. Sci. Q, Ig: 252, Stampede of the Black Range Cattle, The. (A. B. Paterson) Macmil. 85: 274.: Liv. Age, 232; 613. Standard Oil Co. and Kansas. (Ida M. Tarbell) Mc- Clure, 25: 469, 608.-—(E. W. Koch) Indep. 581 461 (F. S. Lamb) (W. H. Thomas) Studio (In- (K. D. Henry) -— Ethics of. (G. F. Wright) Bib. Sac. 62: 538. — History of. (Ida M. Tarbell) McClure, vols. 20-23. -— ——Miss Tarbell’s. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 34: 436. —- Nation, 80: 15. — (F. L. McVey) Dial, 38: 313. —- Later History of. (G. H. Montague) Q. J . Econ. 17: 293. r— Legend of. (G. H. Montague) No. Am. I812 352. — Methods of. (T. W. Lawson) Everybody’s, II: 154, 289. —- Prosecution of, in Missouri. 62: 227, -— Rise and Supremacy of. Econ. 16: 265. —- The Trail of. Liv. Age, 251: 442, Standards, National Bureau of. (S. W. Stratton) J . Frankl. Inst. I531 8I.— (E. B. Rosa) Science, 11. s. 17: 129, I8: 937.-— (L. T. Vernon) World To-day, 6: 757, . —— — and its Relations to Scientific and Technical Laboratories. (E. B. Rosa) Science, n. s. 21: 161. Standing Rock Indian Case. (W. A. Jones and G. Kennan) Outl. 70: 951. (S. Morse) Am. M. (G. H. Montague) Q. J . —- Have they been fairly treated ? A Reply to Com- . missioner J ones’s Letter. (G. Kennan) Outl. 71: 90. Standings, The. (J . S. Winter) Lippinc. 69: 131. Standish, Captain Myles. (G. Hodges) New Eng. M. n. s. 25: 686. ' Stanford, Edward. Geog. J . 24: 686, Stanford, Mrs. Leland, and the University. mont) Nation, 80: 185, Stanford University. (G. Hodges) Outl. 84: 886. —- (W. Irwin) World’s Work, 4: 2089, —-and the Earthquake. (D. S. Jordan) Indep. 60: I071. -—- Earthquake Days at. land, n. s. 48: 229. —— Earthquake Loss at. (D. S. Jordan) Out West, 24: _ 507.——Science, n. s. 23: 716.-—R. of Rs. (N. Y.) (II.IQa- (Alice W. Kimball) Oven 33: 7°9- -— Ideal Destiny of. (VV. James) Science, n. s. 23: 801, -—- The Ideals of. (D. S. Jordan) Land of Sun. 9: 3. = Overland, n. s. 40: 303, - Dr. Jordan and the Future of. (H. M. Bland) Overland, n. s. 48: 59. -—- Memorial Chapel. (C. F. Lummis) Out West, 18: 3, —— (R. S. Osborne) Munsey, 31: 710. -— Student Life at. (VV. H. Thompson) Out VV est, 21: 425. —- (F. Wallace) Overland, n. s. 45: 30. 613 STAR-SPANGLED Stanislaus County, Cal. (T. C. Hocking) Out West, 24‘ 445- Stanley, Sir Henry Morton. Ath.‘ ’o4, 1: 627.—(S. LOW) C0rnh- 90; 26.=Ecl. M. 143: 299.=Liv. Age, 242: 328. ——Nature, 70: 35.—-Outl. 77: 160. -—-Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 302, —-— Reminiscences of. (A. J . Mounteney-Jephson) Scrib. M. 36: 285. — Results of his Work. (H. Johnston) Good Words, 45= 533- ——- What he lived to see accomplished in Africa. (C. C. Adams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 673. Stanton, Dorothy, of Stonington, Conn. Wheeler) N. E. Reg. 56: 153, Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. (C. B. Colby) Arena, 29: I5Z.—-With portrait. (Ida H. Harper) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 715. —With portrait. (Ida H. Har- per) Indep. 54: 2622, — Early Letters of. Indep. 55: 1188, Staples, Carlton Albert. (C. J. Staples) N. E. Reg. 59: 161. Star, Birth of a. (F. Legge) Acad. 62: 229.— (E. Doo- little) Pop. Astron. I3: 398. —— Double, A Lost. (S. W. Burnham) Pop. Astron. II: 250. -— New, in Gemini 12, I903. Astron. II: 258. — -— in Perseus. (H. C. Wilson) Pop. Astron. I0: 74, — (E. Ledger) 19th Cent. 51: 29I.—(W. W. Camp- bell) Calif. Univ. Chron. 4: 349. — ——- — Distance of. (W. E. Wilson) Nature, 65: 298. —- — —— Inquiry into the Cause of the N ebulosity around. (F. W. Very) Am. J . Sci. 166: 49. — — —- Light Curve of. (H. C. Wilson) Pop. Astron. 10: 31-316, —-—-Motion in Nebula around. (C. D. Perrine) Pop. Astron. I0: 9 ; (J . C. Kapteyn) 124. - —~ - Progressive Spectrum of, between Feb. and Nov., 1901. (W. Sidgreaves) Knowl. 25: 9. — —— — Pulkova Observations of. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Nature, 67: 515. —-— — — A World on Fire. (R. A. (H. C. Wilson) Pop. (A. W. Roberts) Chamb. J. 80: 33. —- “Nova” of 1892. (E. S. Holden) Calif. M. I: 404. -— of Bethlehem. (J . Morrison) Pop. Astron. II: 88, I22, —— Orbit of B Delphini. (R. G. Aitken) Pop. Astron. 10: 486. Star of Bethlehem; a story. (Myra Kelly) Cent. 49! 179. Star of a Leopard, The. (T. B. Russell) Temp. Bar, 128: 693. Star-blanket; a story. (D. C. Scott) Canad. M. 23! 251. Star Chamber, Select Cases before, 1477-1509, Leadams. Ath. ’o4, 2: 136. Star-clusters, Photographing the. Harper, I09: 508. Star-correction Machine, A. tron. I0: 82, Star Cult among the Pawnees. Am. Anthropol. 4: 730. Star Dust. (D. E. Wing) Pop. Astron. II: 481. — (J. K. McBroom) Pop. Astron. II: 544. “Star-dust; ” a story. (Eliz. H. Bowle) Cosmopol. (G. W. Ritchey) (D. T. Wilson) Pop. As- (Alice C. Fletcher) 373 373. Star Light, Brightness of. (J . E. Gove) Pop. Astron. I0: 227, —- Shadows cast by. 242, Star Maps, A Series of. Knowl. n. s. 21 103-224. 3: 324.380. Star-spangled Banner, The; a story. Munsey, 31: 502. (H. N. Russell) Pop. Astron. I0: (I. McDougall) STAR Star Steering; a poem. (J. E. Brown) Ecl. M. 139: 780. Starboard Watch, The. (R. A. Stevenson) Scrib. M. 36: 498. Starling and the Woodpecker. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 94: 106, -— in Australia. Spec. 95: 559. Starlings. Month, 102: 286. 5 — Flock Movements at Evening. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 941 42°- - i11 Congregation. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 94: 230. =Liv. Age, 235: 761, Starr, Eliza Allen, with portrait. Cath. World, 74: 607, Starry Heavens, Extent of. Astron. II: 411, Stars, The, and their Names. Liv. Age, 232: 2 52. - Apparent Movements of, and Remarks on marching by. (T. E. Compton) Un. Serv. M. 29: 31. - Are they inhabited ‘1’ (A. W. Roberts) Chamb. J . (W. S. Merrill) (W. W. Payne) Pop. 811 445- - Autobiography of the. (R. Bergengren) Harper, 1°53 59- - Binary, Masses of. (S. M. Hadley) Pop. Astro11. II: 240, 13: 260,323, - Brightness and Density of. (J . E. Gore) Knowl. 11. s. 2: 81. - Chemistry of. (A. Fowler) Knowl. 26: 30-227, - Classification of, by Temperature and Chemistry. (A. Fowler) Nature, 70: 611, - Colors of. (E. W. Maunder) Knowl. 25: 245, - Dark. (A. W. Roberts) Chamb. J. 80: 664, - 3 Delphini, Orbit of. (R. G. Aitken) Pop. Astron. 11: 28 - The Demon Star. 180. - Distant Worlds. (C. Easton) Knowl. 25: 154, 176. - Double. Ed. R. 197: II7.=Pop. Astron. I1: 299. - (R. G. Aitken) Pop. Astron. I 3: 65. - - A Great Catalogue of. Knowl. n. s. 3: 537. - - New Measures of. (S. W. Burnham) Pop. Astron. 13: 15. - - Observations at the Cape of Good Hope. (S. W. Burnham) Pop. Astron. I3: 333. - - Recent Studies of. (S. W. Burnham) Pop. As- tron. I4: 79. ° — Double Variable. Science, 11. s. 23: 437. - Explosion of. (A. W. Bickerton) Pop. Astron. 12: (E. Burgess) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 666. - History of the. (W. B. Kaempffert) Booklover’s M. 4: 501. - How they are weighed. (F. Legge) Acad. 63: 163. —— in their Courses and Evolution. Sat. R. 100: 299, - Light of the. (E. C. Pickering) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 46. — Lucid. (J. E. Gore) Knowl. 25: 56. - Magnitudes of, Visual and Photographic. (J. A. Parkhurst) Science, 11. s. 21: 41 7. - Motion of. (W. H. S. Monck) Pop. Astron. I4: 419, - New. (F. W. Dyson) Cornh. 88: 356. — (E. W. Maunder) Knowl. 251 I52. --Searching for. (J . D. Anderson) Pop. Astron. 10: 246. - A New View of. (T. E. Heath) Knowl. n. s. 2: 54. - The Number of. (Winifred Gibson)_Pop. Astron. 14: 594. - Our Stellar Universe. (T. E. Heath) Knowl. 11. s. 2: 141, - Periodic. (Rose O’Halloran) Pop. Astron. II: 294. - Position of the Northern Circumpolar. graff) Science, 11. s. 15: 639. - Red, in Parallax Work. Pop. Astron. I4: 488. - The Scale of the Visible Heavens. (Sir R. Ball) Good Words, 14: 174, 263, (M. Upde- 614 STATE Stars, Scintillation of, and Weather Conditions. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 18: 346. - Shooting, Physics of. (J . F. Lanneau) Pop. As- tron. I3: 434. - Size of. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 14: 164. - Solving the Mystery of the ; VVork of Observatory on Mt. Wilson, Cal. (G. P. Serviss) Cosmopol. 39: -Some Metropolitan. (T. P. O’Connor) Overland, n. s. 39: 568. - Stellar Evolution in the Light of Recent Research. (G. E. Hale) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 291, - The Stellar Floor. (E. L. Larkin) Pop. Astron. I0: 252, — Stellar Satellites. (J . E. Gore) Knowl. 26: 199. - The Stellar Universe. (J . E. Gore) Knowl. n. s. 3: 449- - The System of the. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 14: 71, - - - Clerke’s. (R. A. Gregory) Nature, 73: 505. - Transitiug, New Methods of. Astron. I0: 350, - Transits of, by Photography. Nature, 74: 254. - Variable. (Alex. W. Roberts) Chamb. J. 82: 257, - - and Compound. (S. N ewcomb) Good VVords, 46: 217, - — Discovery of, at Harvard College Observatory. (Grace A. Thompson) Pop. Astron. I3: 443. - - Hagen’s Atlas of. (P. S. Yendell) Pop. Astron. I4: 298. - - in Cluster of Centauri, Bailey’s. Science, 11. s. 18: 593. - - in the Nebula of Orion. (E. C. Pickering) Pop. Astron. I2: 332. - - Observation of. (P. S. Yendell) Pop. Astron. I3: 445. 14: 596. - (E. E. Markwick) Pop. Astron. 12: 193, - — of Short Period, A Revised List of. son) Pop. Astron. 14: 75. - - Preparations for publishing New Catalogue of. (G. Miiller) Pop. Astron. II: 138. — — The Study of. (S. I. Bailey) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 175. — - Twenty-five New. (E. C. Pickering) Pop. Astron. 14: 160, - — V. Cephei. (Ida L. Watson) Pop. Astron. I0: 294, - - with Different Notation, List of. (H. C. Wil- son) Pop. Astron. 10: 312, State, The, as an Employer. (G. W. Alger) Indep. 59: 324- - A Fiction of Political Metaphysics. Smith) Conserv. R. 5: 84. State of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, The. (S. H. Adams) McClure, 22: 465, State and Official Liability. (Edmund M. Parker) Harv. Law R. 19: 335. State Boards and Commissions, Growth and Future of. (F. H. I/Vhite) Pol. Sci. I8: 631, State Bonds, repudiated, Present Status of. livan) No. Am. 179: 873. State Central Committees ; a Study of Party Organiza- tion. (C. E. Merriam) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 224, State Control, Municipal Policy and. (P. Ashley) Econ. J , 13: 112, State Enterprise and Corporations. Q. J. Econ. 17: 111. State Highway Systems. Stud. 1: 189. State-house Platter, The. (Alice Brown) Lippinc. 70: 567. State Librarians, National Association of. Annual Meeting, Niagara Falls, 1903. Lib. J . 28: 608, - Pub. Lib. 8: 371, - - St. Louis, 1904. Pub. Lib. 10: 26, (M; B. Snyder) Pop. (G. Miiller) (H. C. VVil- (Franklin (M. Sul- (G. S. Callender) (J. B. Phillips) Univ. Colo. STATE State Libraries, Administration of. J - 301 G 34- State Library, Development of the. Lib. J. 30: C 37. State Ownership in North Carolina. World’s Work, 132 8333. - of Railroads in Missouri and Pennsylvania. Keys) World’s Work, 13: 83 36. State Secret; :1 story. (F. B. Ford) Canad. M. 20: 471. State University, The. Dial, 36: 137. State 0’ Maine Girl, The. (Kate D. Wiggin) Scrib. (J . L. Gillis) Lib. (G. S. Godard) (T. B. Womack) (C. M. M. 40: 641, Statecraft, Style and. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 77: 440- Statelier Mansion; a story. (K. M. Cleary) Cosmopol. 36: 106. States, The. (Albert Matthews) Nation, 74: 343. —— Admitting New. (J . T. Newcomb) Nation, 76: 124, -—— New, The Proposed. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 80: 127, — —— Do we want Four New Partners, 1905 ? Outl. 81: 911, Statesman of To-morrow, A; a story. Harper, 107: 567, Statesman’s Job, The. (L. F. C. Garvin) Indep. 61: 721. . Statesmen who were Sportsmen. (F. G. Aflalo) Fortn. 81: 864,=Ecl. M. 143: 266. =Liv. Age, 241: 667, Station Agent, The Way. (J . J . Shanley) Chaut. 39: -1 (R. R. Gilson) Station Studies. Monthly R. vols. 6, 7. Stationers’ Company, Notes on the. (C. R. Rivington) Library, 11. s. 4: 355. Statistical Data, Degree of Accuracy of. (C. C. Eng- berg) Univ. Neb. Stud. 31 87. -—— Value of. (E. G. F. Gryzanovski) Am; Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 7: 476. Statistical Practice, American, Interstate Commerce Commission and. (H. T. Newcomb) Yale R. 11: 164. ' Statistics. (C. D. Wright) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 99. — Divination by. (W. M. Daniels) Atlan. 89: 100. -— Every Man a Statistician. (VV. H. Allen) Outl. 79: 493- -— The Function of. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, 81: 137, —-— Future of. (J . G. Mandello) J . Statis. Soc. 68: 725. —- How they are manufactured. (W. H. Allen) Atlan. 96: 6'8, —-— of Wages, etc., Methods of representing. (F. Y. Edgeworth and A. L. Bowley) J . Statis. Soc. 65: 325- -- Right Use of. Sat. R. 100: 172, -—— Use of. (F. R. East) \Vestm. 164: 259,=Ecl. M. 145: 600, Statuary, Bronze, Casting of. Brush & P. 13: 237. Statuary Hall; American Westminster Abbey. (H. Sutherland) Munsey, 28: 8 31, Statuette, Bronze, from Norba. (A. W. van Buren) ‘ Am. J. Archaeol. 2d ser. 10: 415. Statuettes, The Vogue of. Studio (Internat.) 16: 275, Statute Fairs and “ Mops.” (J . J . Ward) Good Words, 46= 794. Statutes, The Multiplicity of. Bag, 18: 516, Stavordale Priory. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 430, Steady, The; a story. (H. J . O’Higgins) McClure, 25: (E. Bruncken) Green 399- Steam, Exhaust, Utilizing. (Alex. A. Maver) Cassier, 29: 407. -—— Leakage of, through Slide Valves. (J . V. Stanford) J . Frankl. Inst. 162: 467, ——- Superheated, for Locomotives. (VV. F. M. Goss) J . Frankl. Inst. 160: 217. — (J . Goodman) Cassier, 25: 18. —-(B. Doukin) Cassier, 25: 257. 615 STEAMSHIP Steam, Superheated, in Power Station. (A. S. Mann) J. Frankl. Inst. 162: 291, — Superheating of. (R. Neilson) Engin. M. 28: 942. 29: 81, Steam Boiler Economy, Betterment of. (E. S. Far- well) Engin. M. 24: 896. _ Steam Boilers. (Egbert P. Watson) Engin. M. 28: 402, — Comparative Efliciency of Internally and Exter- nally Fired Boilers. (D. W. Robb) Engin. M. 27: 91- - Construction and Inspection of. J . Frankl. Inst. Is3= 321. 431- — Economy of the Fire-room. (R. P. Bolton) Engin. M. 26: 950. — Experiment and Practice in the ‘Construction of. (E. P. Watson) Engin. M. 28: 402, -—— of the Past and Present. (E. P. Watson) Engin. M. 30: 226, -— Prevention of Scale and Corrosion in. (S. S. Sadtler) J. Frankl. Inst. 159: 217. —— worked by Waste Heat from Coal-fired Reverbera- tory Furnaces. (R. T. and P. Cooks) Cassier, 28: 397- Steam Costs in Industrial Combinations. (W. D. Ennis) Engin. M. 28: 86. Steam Engine, A Live Mammoth. Cassier, 21: 430, — Power-house Practice in America. Engin. M. 22: 730. —- Testing of. (H. R. Sankey) Engin. M. 28: 220, —- Traction, A Relic of the History of. (F. A. Schef- fler) Cassier, 22: 175. Steam Engineering in 1904. 109, Steam Engines, American Traction. Cassier, 21: 346. —- British High-speed. 269. —— Continental. (P. Dawson) Engin. M. 22: 519. -—— Drop-valve. (C. Hurst) Cassier, 26: 496. ‘ — Early High Speed. (J . E. Sweet) Cassier, 23: 538. — Fallacies in Design. (E. P. Watson) Engin. M. 24: (W. C. Unwin) (P. Dawson) (C. Hurst) Cassier, 27: (C. O. Heggem) (L. H. Jackson) Cassier, 28: 5°9- —— Influence on the World’s Progress. (J . E. Sweet) Engin. M. 26: 846. —— Modern British High-speed. sier, 28: 407, 500. 29: 13, -— Modern Horizontal. (L. H. Jackson) Cassier, 27: 418. -— Small. (C. H. Benjamin) Cassier, 30: 441. -— Small British. (W. H. Booth) Cassier, 31: 113, -— Waste Heat in. (G. H. Barrus) Cassier, 21: 503, Steam Generation. (F. J . Rowan) Cassier, 25: 131. Steam Navigation, Progress of. Chamb. J . 81: 301. Steam-pipes for High Pressure. (J . A. Miller) Cas- sier, 30: 128. ' - Steam Plant, Choice of a. (G. H. Barrus) Cassier, 26: 6 (L. H. Jackson) Cas- Steam-turbines. See Turbines. Steam Vessels, Auxiliary Machinery of. (J . E. Cooper) Cassier, 24: 222, 312, -— Steam Wagons. (R. G. L. _Markham) Cassier, 24: .109: Steamboat Days returning. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 83: 277~ Steamboating on the Mississippi River in the ’60’s. (G. W. Ogden) Everybody’s, 12: 215, Steamers, Possibility of Design of Cargo. Cassier, 25: 429. Steamshipj First, on the Pacific. Canad. M. 18: 243, (G. Nicol) (A. D. Cameron) - of the Future. (S. P. M. Tasker) Cassier, 25: 80, STEAMSHIP Steamship, Unsinkable, Proposed. Cassier, 31: 19. Steamship Combine, The. (H. White) Nation, 74: 321. —(N. D. Noyes) Nation, 74: 380.———(J. R. Bishop) Internat. Mo. 5: 757.—(W. L. Marvin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25! 679. —(O. Eltzbacher) Con- temp. 82: 69. -—(E. Robertson) Pall Mall M. 28: 92-—-Sat.Ii.93=s16.548,625,659. —— and American Shipbuilding, The. (C. H. Cramp) No. Am. 175: 5. -— and the British Flag. (E. Robertson) 19th Cent. 51: 873. =Ecl. M. 139: 281. :Liv. Age, 234: 129. —— and National Policy. Fortn. 77: 942. -—- from a Naval Point of View. Blackw. I72: 127. —— Profit and Loss on. (H. Newbolt) Monthly R. 7, no. 3: 1. Steamship Subsidies. Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons. (F. L. McVoy) J . Pol. Econ. 11: 466, _ Steamship Trust, The So-called. Cent. 43: 922. Steamships, Engine-rooms of, below the Water—line. (B. Brooks) Scrib. M. 331 385. -— Ocean, Management of. (L. Perry) World’s Work, 4: 2612, — Safety Construction of. (Bost.) 18: 599. Stearns, J . W. (J . C. Freeman) Wis. Alum. M. 5: 103. Stebbins, Horatio. (H. Davis) Calif. Univ. Chron. 5: 81 (J . R. Oldham) (J. D. J. Kelley) (W. Marvin) Nat’l M. Stedman, Edmund Clarence. (Yone N oguchi) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 56. —(J. Hay) Putnam, 1: 15. Steed of Bells, The ; a story. (S. MacManus) Mc- ‘ Clure, 24: 251. Steel, American, in England. Am. Arch. 82: 62. —— and Concrete and Cement. Science, 11. s. 21: 12, —— and Iron in America, The Romance of. (H. N. Casson) Munsey, 35: 3-718. 36: 72-305. —— — Outlook for, 1904. (C. Kirchhoff) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 71, -—- Electricity in the Making of. (J . H. Smith) Engin. M. 24: 402, — Electricity, Nickel. (H. F. J . Porter) Cassier, 22: 480. -—- Evolution of a Railroad Metal. (H. Bindloss) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 635. -— High-speed, in the Factory. Walter Brown) Engin. M. 29: 913. 31: 231-712, -— Increasing Production with High-speed. Wilt, jr.) Engin. M. 28: 49, -— Making, Thermo-chemistry in. Cassier, 27: 358. -— Protection from Corrosion. Arch. 83: 3 5. — Tool, Taylor-White Process of Treating. J . Frankl. Inst. 155: 127. Steel Buildings, Modern, Earthquake and Fire as affecting. (C. Heller) Engin. M. 31: 526. — Modern Tall. (W. S. Smith) Cassier, 22: 56, Steel Castings, Widening Use of. (VV. P. Barba) Cas- sier, 25: 337. Steel Co. See U. S. Steel Corporation. Steel Construction compared with Masonry. Arch. 78: 11, 19. — Corrosion of. Am. Arch. 78: 36. — Notes on. (M. M. Sloan) Am. Arch. vols. 75, 78. Steel Frame Buildings, Flexible vs. Rigid. Am. Arch. 89: 171, Steel Frames, Rusting of. (J . L. Faxon) Am. Arch. 84: 67. Steel Production in Canada. 22: 278. (O. M. Becker and 30: 88-388. (A. D. (Horace Allen) (C. L. Norton) Am. Am. (A. J . Moxham) Cassier, 616 STEPHEN Steel Rail, The Anatomy of a. per, 112: 585, Steel Rails, Relations between Structure and Dura- bility. (R. Job) J. Frankl. Inst. 154: 17, 121. Steel Skeleton Work, Examination of. Am. Arch. 81: 87. Steel Syndicate, German. 2°= 353- Steel Trade in the Northeast of England. Simpson) Cassier, 22: 230, ‘ Steel Trust, The Men who made the. (D. C. Phillips) Everybody’s, 8: 448, —The So-called. (H. L. Nelson) Cent. 431 302.—— Outl. 70: 802, See U. S. Steel Corporation. Steele, Charles. (C. F. Speare) Cosmopol. 35: 412, Steele, Sir Richard. (J . K. Tulle) Gent. M. n. s. 70: (H. C. Boynton) Har- (F. Walker) Q. J. Econ. (Henry 457. — The Tender Husband. (C. Black) Temp. Bar, 129: 61 5 . Steele, Thomas. Month, 100: 495. Steen, Jan, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 6: 2 5 5. Steendam, Jacob, Poet of New Netherland. Andrews) Bookman, 19: 464. Steeplechase, A. (A. Stoddart) Outing, 39: 463. -— Sport of the. (J . F. Marston) Munsey, 31: 769. Steeplgchasing, English. (G. C. Roller) Outing, 40: (W. L. — How it can be kept Clean. (B. Purdy) Outing, 47: 250, Steer, Wilson. (H. Blaker) Art J . 58: 231, Steegage, Impositions in the. (K. Durland) Indep. I1 499- — The Modern. (W. Packard) World To-day, 6: 749. Steetley Chapel, Derbyshire. (G. Le Blanc Smith) Reliquary, 46: 73. Steevens, G. W. Land of the Dollar. (S. C. Morrison) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 728, Steffens, Lincoln. (R. Duffy) Critic, 44: 407. Stegomus Longipes, a New Reptile from the Triassic Sandstones of the Connecticut Valley. (B. K. Emerson and F. B. Loomis) Am. J. Sci. I57: 377. — Footprints of. (R. S. Lull) Am. J. Sci. 167: 381, Stele, Naram—Sins. (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 563. — from Athens, A New. (A. S. Murray) J . Hel. Stud. 22: 1, — of Teinia in Arabia. (E. Littman) Monist, 14: 510. Stenciled Fabrics. Craftsman, 5: 286, Stencils. Japanese. (R. D. Benn) Art J . 54: 288, Stendhal, pseud. See Beyle, Henri. Stene, Rob, Court Satirist. (G. N eilson) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 253, Stephen, King, Anarchy of Reign of. (H. W. C. Da- vis) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 630, Stephen de Bourbon. (S. Baring-Gould) Good Words, 46: 187. Stephen, James Kenneth. Acad. 69: 853. Stephen, Sir Leslie. (W. Meynell) Acad. 66: 221,'— Ath. ’o4, 1: 269.—(F. Harrison) Cornh. 89: 433. =Liv. Age, 241: 344. —-(J. W. Chadwick) Critic, 44: 309. -—Ecl. M. 142: 654. —Liv. Age, 240: 764. —-(F. Pollock) Indep. R. 3: 48.—(R. Ogden) Na- tion, 78: 145. —Spec. 92: 325. — (J. Sully) Atlan. 95: 347.-—(F. Gribble) Fortn. 86: 1o75,—(A, V, Dicey) Nation, 751 49. — Spec. 97: 1047. — and his Works. Quar. 199: 468, — as a Critic. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 78: 293, — Early Impressions. (Leslie Stephen) National, 42: 130-—563.—Atlan. 92: 305-750. — Maitland’s Life of. (F. Pollock) Indep. R. 11: 349. -—ANote on. (R. E. Crook) Monthly R. 15, no. 32 124. STEPHEN Stephen, Sir Leslie, Portrait of. Bk. Buyer, 25: 7. — Studies of a Biographer. (F. Greenslet) Atlan. 92: 135- _SPBc- 9°: 218- -—(C. S. Northrup) Dial, 34: 235- Stephens, Alexander H., Letter of, I854. Am. Hist. R. 8: 91. Stephens, John, of Guilford, Conn., and his Descend- ants. (R. D. Smith) N. E. Reg. 56: 356. Stepping-stone, The; a story. (H. H. Colvill) Temp. Bar, vols. I29, I30, Steps and their Treatment. (A. C. Dickie) Am. Arch. 88: 108. Stereochemistry, Recent Advances in. Nature, 68: 280, Stereographic Projection, Use of, for Geographical Maps and Sailing Charts. (S. L. Penfield) Am. J . Sci. 163: 245, 347, Stereo-isomerism. (J . N. Collie) Ath. ’o6, I: 519, Stereopticon in Secondary Teaching. (G. R. Swain) School R. 10: 146, Stereoscope, The. (J. Jastrow) Science, 11. s. 20: 683, —-(F. P. Whitman) Science, n. s. 211 549. —- as applied to Astronomical Researches. (C. W. Carlisle) Pop. Astron. I2: 318. — New Form of. (J . Jastrow) Science, 11. s. 212 663. Sterl, Robert, German Painter. (H. W. Singer) Stu- dio (Internat.) I6: 235, Sterling, Antoinette. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 96: 617. —— (C. E. Thomas) Sund. M. 34: 241, Sterling, Mrs. Harriet Dean. Wis. Alum. M. 2: 16. Sterling, J. W. Wis. Alum. M. 5: 303. Stern Chase, A; a story. (T. J. Partridge) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 209. Stern Chase, A; a story. (M. Foster) Outing, 48: 206. Sterndale, Robert A. Geog. J . 201 550. Sterne, Capt. Adolphus. (W. P. Zuber) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 2: 211, Sterne, Laurence. (W. L. Cross) Atlan. 96: 127,- (P. H. Frye) Bookman, 21: 638, —in the Dictionary of National Biography. Cross) Nation, 79: 390. (W. J . Pope) (W. L. —— Love Affairs of. (M. Reed) Bk. News, 25: 215. Sterne, Maurice H., Painter. (A. C. Bixby) Brush & P. 10: 99. Sterrett, J . McBride, on the Freedom of Authority. (J. J. Fox) Cath. World, 81: 657, Stetson Co., Labor System of. (A. T. Freeman) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 445, Stettin-Pomerania, Philip Julius, Duke of. Diary of Journey thro’ England, ed. by Biilow and Powell. Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 6: 1. Stevens, Alfred, Notes on. (J . M. Moore) Art J . 55: 340- —- Portraits by. Art J. 54: 335. Stevens, Geo. B. Yale Div. Q. 3: 37, Stevens, John F., New Chief Engineer at Panama. (G. E. Paine) Munsey, 34: 47. —With portrait. (H. K. Webster) Am. M. 60: 676. Stevens, Robert L., and his Yacht Maria. Thompson) Outing, 44: 540, Stevens, Thaddeus, with portrait. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 7o. —- as a Country Lawyer. (W. U. Hennel) Green Bag, 18: 641, — Reminiscences of, with portrait. Green Bag, I6: 445, Stevenson, Dr. James. Geog. J. 21: 330, Stevenson, Robert Louis. Bk. News, 22: 25.—(E. Mims) Meth. R. 62: 417. —-— (H. A. Vance) Sewa- nee, I0: 223. —(L. Stephen) National, 38: 725. = Ecl. M. 1332 435.ILiv. Age, 232: 463.~Church Q. 54: 143. — (B. Torrey) Atlan. 89: 89. —-— (H. W. Tompkins) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 283, (W. M. (J . M. Scovel) (T. W. Lloyd) 617 STOCK Stevenson, Robert Louis, and Jules Simoneau, The Strange Case of. (J . S. Vrooman) Cent. 50: 343. —An Appreciation. (H. B. M. Watson) F ortn. 80: 501, —— as Dramatist. (A. W. Pinero) Critic, 42: 341. —- at Fontainebleau. (R. B. Douglas) Macmil. n. s. I: 340- — Charm of. (F. M. Colby) Bookman, I4: 620. — Confession of Faith. (B. De Casseres) Critic, 43: 414. — Country of. (W. Sharp) Harper, I05: 497. —— Fssays. (F. M. Smith) Poet-Lore, 14, no. 1: 7o. —— hi}:I View of Woman. (Kate L. Smith) Booklover’s - 5‘ 79- —— in his Latest Biography. Overland, n. s. 39: 560. —— In Samoa with. (I. O. Strong) Cent. 41: 657. -— An Inland Voyage. (J . B. Carrington) Bk. Buyer, I5: 229, ——Along the Route of. Buyer, 25: 229, -— — Pilgrimage to Route of. Critic, 46: 524, — The Man in his Life and Letters. ing) Sewanee, I0: 385. — Memorial Tablet to. Bk. News, 23: 85. ——In the Shadow of. (C. L. Edholm) Overland, n. s. 46: 291, —— — Unveiling of. 45‘ 235- -— Monterey. 246. — The Popularity of. Chamb. J . 82: 673. -— Portraits of. Bk: Buyer, 24: 373. — The Shadow of. (H. Lamont) N ation, 78: 448. Stevenson, Mrs. Robert Louis, How the Home of, was saved. (H. French) Overland, n. s. 48: 137, Stevensoniana; ed. by Hammerton. Dial, 36: 15. Stewart, Sir Donald, in Afghanistan, I373-80. (E. F. Chapman) Blackw. I71: 255. Stewart, Sir Dugald, Elmslie’s Life of. Ath. ’o3, 1: 426, Stewart, James C., an American Builder in England. World’s Work, 5: 2736. Stibiotantalite. (S. L. Penfield and W. E. Ford) Am. J. Sci. 172: 61. “Sticking-place, The;” a story. Cent. 49: 529. Stickney, Joseph Trumbull. Grad. M. 13: 242, — Poems of. (W. V. Moody) No. Am. 183: 100;, Stieler’s Hand-atlas, North American Sheets of. J . H. Merrill) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 477. Stiles, Ezra. Literary Diary. (B. Wendell) Am. Hist. R. 7: 769. — (W. Walker) Nation, 74: 428. Still, so Still. (J . Reimers) Overland, n. s. 40: 124. Still of Ballywan, The; a story. (Stella F. Wynne) McClure, 27: 266. Still Hunt, A. (A. M. Barbour) Lippinc. 73: 725. Stillman, James. (Edwin Lefevre) Cosmopol. 352 333. Stillman, Wm. J ., the Many Sided. Atlan. 89: 863. Stillman Infirmary at Harvard. (C. J . Blake) Harv. Grad. M. II: 223, Stilt-walkers. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. 25: 97. Stimpson Family of Charlestown, Mass. (C. C. Whit- tier) N. E. Reg. 59: 242, 365, Stimulants and Narcotics, School Instruction in; Re- port of Committee. Educa. R. 24: 3I. Stimulus and Sensation. (J . R. Green) Knowl. 27: 89. Stirling, Scotland, Ancient. (J. C. Cox) Antiq. n. s. 38: 76. Stock and Poultry. Ctry Life Am. I02 539. — Diseases of, in South Africa. (D. Bruce) Nature, 72: 496. (J. B. Carrington) Bk. (J . A. Hammerton) (Marie L. Whit- (Betty Harcourt) Overland, n. s. (C. W. Stoddard) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 0 (Frances Duncan) (E. K. Rand) Harv. (E. STOCK Stock with Exclusive Voting Power; Can it be treated as a Trust ‘P (R. R. Reed) Green Bag, 18: 383. Stock and Produce Exchanges, Function of the. A. Conant) Atlan. 91: 433. Stock Companies. Business Reasons vs. Business Morals. (C. W. Hartridge) Arena, 31: 489. Stock Company Theaters, Revival of. (R. Bergen- gren) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I6: 704. Stock Department and its Systems. (C. U. Carpenter) Engin. M. 23: 195. Stock Exchange, London. (H. Norman and G. C. Ashton Jonson) Cent. 44: 177. — — Position and Outlook of, 1904. Contemp. 86: 709. — -— Stagnation in, in 1903. Sat. R. 96: 38. — N. Y. City. Life “on the Floor,” (E. C. Sted- man) Cent. 45: 1, — -—- Reform in. (J . Flower) National, 43: 468. Stock Farm, Wonder. (R. Powys) Outing, 47: 422. Stock Gambling and Stock Selling. (C. C. Christie) Everybody’s, I 5: 707, Stock—keeping System for General Stores. (F. W. J es- sop) Engin. M. 31: 215, Stock—market, How it reflects Values. No. Am. 180: 347, Stock Watering. (E. D. Durand) Indep. 54: 2238. — Prevention of, by Public-service Corporations. W. Spencer) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 542. Stockbridge Indians, Massacre of the. (T. F. De Voe) M. of Hist. 4: 38. Stockbroker, Confessions of a. Indep. 61: 1465. Stockhausen, Julius. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 97: 619, Stockholders, Protection of Minority. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 752 24. Stockholders’ or Directors’ Liability, Enforcement of, Abroad. (J . H. Beale, jr.) Green Bag, 16: 387- Stockholders’ Profits from Privileged Subscriptions. (T. W. Mitchell) Q. J. Econ. 19: 231. Stockholm, Sweden, Royal Palace. (O. Z. Carvin) Am. Arch. 87! 191. Stocks, Falling; Effect on Business. World’s Work, 6: 3837. — Industrial, as Investments. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 20, —- Lawson’s Attack on. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 701 I. Stockton, Frank R., with portrait. (H. W. Mabie) Bk. Buyer, 24: 355. —— Outl. 70: I000. -— With pop- trait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 698. — (E. W. Bowen) Sewanee, 11: 474, Stockton, Cal. (F. J. Ryan) Calif. M. 41 723. —(Col- vin B. Brown) Out West, 23: 603. -—— a California Venice. (T. S. Rice) Overland, n. s. 43: 98. . Stockwood, J ohn; an Elizabethan Schoolmaster. (F. Watson) Gent. M. 11. s. 75: 335. Stockyards at Chicago, Labor in the. Outl. 83: 366. Stoddard, Chas. Warren, with portrait. Bland) Overland, n. s. 472 375. -—- and his Bungalow. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 304, —— Recollections of. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 44: (C. (C. A. Conant) (A. (W. Hard) (H. Meade 52- Stoddard, Elizabeth, Novels of. (Mary Moss) Book- man, 16: 260. Stoddard, Lorimer, with portrait. Lamp, 26: 486, Stoddard, Richard Henry. (Susan H. Ward) Indep. 55: I202.— (W. Roberts) Ath. ’03, I: 656. —(C. Shipman) Critic, 421 315. —— (J . W. Chadwick) Na- tion, 77Z 469. —Outl. 74: 216.— (C. S. Northrup) Dial, 35: 299.—With portrait. Lamp, 26: 485, — Last Poem of. (E. C. Stedman) Putnam, I: 18, -—— Some Personal Notes. (R. Hitchcock) Lamp, 26: 4°3- 618 STONEHAM Stoddart, J . H., Recollections of a Player. 51 290, Stoessel, General, with portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: Cent. 42: 195. Stoeving, Curt, and the Berlin “Secession.” M. of Art, 27: 10. Stofi'el’s Revenge. (H. A. Bryden) Chamb. J . 79: 120, Stoicism. Acad. 65: 61, Stoke Poges Church-yard, a Literary Shrine. Moore) Californian, 31 342. — and Gray. (J. J. Campbell) Gent. M. n. s. 75: 516, Stoker, Jones Under-feed. J . Frankl. Inst. 1582 439. Stokes, Anson Phelps, Estate of, at Lenox. (T. Mac- adam) Ctry Life Am. 2: 221, Stokes, Sir George Gabriel. Knowl. 25! 61. —Spec. 90: 256. —Ath. ’o3, I: 180, — Scientific Work of. (Lord Kelvin) Nature, 67: 3 37. (N. W. Stokes, Mrs. J . G. Phelps, at Home. (Lilian B. Griflin) Harp. Baz. 40: 794. Stoking, Economy of Mechanical. (W. W. Christie) Engin. M. 23: 528, 717. — on Ocean Steamers. (J . H. Williams) Indep. 58: 486. Stolen Bridegroom, The. 15: 736, Stolen Day, A. (H. C. Penman) Lippinc. 71: 135, Stolen Picture, The; a story. (J . M. Jacobs) Temp. Bar, 129: 211, Stolen Rescue, A; a story. 640. Stomach Stones. (W. J . Beal) Science, 11. s. 20: 722, Stone, Andrew Jackson, with portrait. Lamp, 26: 151, Stone, Archbishop, and the Duke of Newcastle, Cor- respondence of. (C. L. Falkiner) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 508, 73 5. Stone, Sir Benj. isiana Purchase Exposition. 46: 136, Stone, Ellen M. Among the Brigands, with portrait. (E. P. Lyle, jr.) Everybody’s, 6: 45. Stone, Frank F., California’s most Gifted Sculptor. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 34: 240. Stone, Artificial. (L. P. Ford) Am. Arch. 84: 72, - Am. Arch. 85: 62, — Bath. (T. S. Cotterell) Antiq. n. s. 41: 87, — Decay of. Am. Arch. 89: 52. — Specifications for. (F. W. Hoyt) Am. Arch. 90: 51. Stone of Destiny, The. (A. Goodrich-Freer) Temp. Bar, 126: 18, — Voice of the. (F. S. Hartland) Folk-Lore, I4: 28. Stone of the Lily, The; a tale. (B. E. Wade) Cath. World, 77: 332. Stone Bowls, A Cache of, in California. Am. Anthropol. 8: 686, Stone Circles. (A. M. Swan) Am. Antiq. 24: 182, Stone-cutting, Artistic. Am. Arch. go: 135, Stone Implements, Primitive Man and his. ham) Am. Antiq. 24! 413. Stone Monuments of Brittany and Cornwall. Yeigh) Canad. M. 20: 405, —— Some of the Localities in France and England where Monuments of the Late Stone and Bronze Ages have been found. (J . H. Wilson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 626, Stone Relics of California. Stone-throwing Devil of New Castle, The. P. Hatch) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 57. Stone Wall Quest, A; a story. (E. Holden) Outl. 83: 75°- Stone Worship. (P. Carus) Open Court, 18: 45. 20: 289. Stoneham, Mass., Church Records. N. E. Reg. 56: 63, 289, (E. Hough) Everybody’s, (L. Steffens) Am. M. 62: Photographic Exhibit at the Lou- (G. F. Parker) Cent. (H. N. Rust) (W. Up- (F. Am. Antiq. 27: 169, (Mary R. STONEHEN GE Stonehenge. (J. M. Bacon) Good Words, 43: 783.- (J. H. Spencer) Antiq. 11. s. 41: 144. — and the Midsummer Sunrise. (A. R. Hinks) 19th Cent. 53! 1002.‘-_-Ecl. M. 1412 304.:Liv. Age, 238: 231, — Excavations at. (W. Gowland) Archaeol. 58: 37. —- Inclosure of. (R. Hunter) 19th Cent. 52: 430. -— Long on. (N. Lockyer) Nature, 66: 2;, —— Notes on. (N. Lockyer) Nature, 71: 345, 367-391, 535. 72: 32-270, 73: 153, 224, Stones, Ornamental. (B. H. Brough) Am. Arch. 83: 77 . — Sacred, and Stone Worship. (C. J . Maury) M. of Hist. 3: 365. — Vi/Yorship of, in France. pol. 4: 76. “ Stonewalls,” The Two ; Confederate Cruisers. (J . N. Hyde) M. of Hist. 31 II. Stonework, Color in. (F. T. Hoyt) Am. Arch. 89: 200, go: 6, 19. — Decay of, and its Prevention. Am. Arch. 88: 132, Stony Point, Capture of. (S. W. Pennypacker) Penn- syl. M. 26: 360. Stonyhurst College. Sat. R. 982 I04. Stoop, From the. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 972 681, Storage Batteries on Electric Railways. (H. S. Knowl- ton) Engin. M. 25: 714. — (W. E. Winship) J. Frankl. Inst. I58: 129. Storage Battery and the Motor-car, The. son) No. Am. 1752 I. Stores. “ Finest Store in the World.” Archit. Rec. 17: 42. Stores Management, Working Examples of Successful. (W. B. Snow) Engin. M. 29: 879. Stores System of the Browning Engineering Co. B. Browning) Engin. M. 292 359. — of the National Acme Co. (A. W. Henn) Engin. M. ea 196- Stories, — Current Coin. Chamb. J . 80: 599. -— Seed-corn for. (Brander Matthews) Monthly R. 161 no. 2: 124. -— Telling, to Children. 10: 3 51. Stork of Saint Franciscus ; a legend. Temp. Bar, 134: 528. Storms, Forecasting. (W. L. Moore) Nat. Geog. M. 16: (P. Sebillot) Am. Anthro- (T. A. Edi- (A. C. David) (E. (May G. Quigley) Pub. Lib. (V. De Brandt) 255- Stormy Morning, A. (Eva Napier) Chamb. J . 83: 1- 275~ Story, Ann, Vermont’s Revolutionary Heroine. (Helen Vanderheyden) New Eng. M. n. s. 342 I62. Story, Waldo, Sculptor. (E. M. Phillips) M. of Art, 27: I371 273- Story, William Wetmore. M. 10: 351, —— and his Friends. (T. W. Higginson) Nation, 77: 365.—Ath. ’o3, 2: 6o5.—B1ackw. 174: 659.:Ecl. M. 142: 116.=Liv. Age, 239: 595,—(J, Finley) Lamp, 27: 333. —(Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 44: I75. Story, Common Sense and the. Lib. J. 30: C 76. Story of Adhelmar, The. 706. Story of Amabel and Amoris. 1°41 355- Story of the Apple-tree. Story of Anster, The. extra no. 1. Story of the Basque Country. 82: 145-202, Story of the Bond Stealers, The. son) Am. M. 60: 299, (C. E. Norton) Harv. Grad. (Harriet E. Hassler) (J . B. Cabell) Harper, 108: (L. Housman) Harper, (Jennette Lee) Outl. 71: 393. (Mary S. Boyd) Chamb. J . 82, (C. North) Chamb. J . (W. B. M. Fergu- 619 STOUT Story of Dan. (N. W. Tibbot) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 48". Story df Evangeline, The. Story of a French Cat. Liv. Age, 232: 411, (M. Perry) Temp. Bar, I34: 334- Story of the Grapevine, The. (A. Coll) Outing, 39: 651, Story of a Great-grandfather, The. Scrib. M. 33: 76, Story of a Great Week, The. 110: 504. Story of Greece, A. (G. Hibbard) (M. C. Dyar) Harper, (M. Serao) Poet-Lore, I 5, no. 2: 19, Story of a Handicapped Life. Indep. 59: 1104. Story of It6 Norisuké. (L. Hearn) Atlan. 95$ 93. Story of Jeremy Boyse. (E. G. VVheelwright) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 209. I Liv. Age, 233: 247, Story of Jess Dawson. (I. Clark) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 666, Story of King Julius. (A. Colton) Harper, I04: 559. Story of a Lost Signature. (J . V. Bond) Cosmopol. 35: 96. Story of Margaret Noyes, The. 111: 879. Story of Matrimony; a story. Cosmopol. 35: 699. Story of Mimi-Nashi-Hoichi. 2 7, Story of the “ Morte Innocente,” The. (E. C. Vansit- tart) Cath. World, 78: 617. Story of our Farm. (Lady Henry Somerset) No. Am. 175: 691. Story of a Panic. Story of the Princess Gorgona, The. Cornh. 932 796. Story of the Queen. (A. Kinross) Harper, (Josephine Arthur) (L. Hearn) Atlan. 92: (E. M. Forster) Indep. R. 3: 453. (G. Young) (Harriet P. Spolford) Atlan. 92: 586, 775- Story of Ralph Miller, The. (Dorothy Canfield) Mun- sey, 361 324- Story of a Scented Note, The. (Mrs. P. Bigelow) Cos- mopol. 33: 455. 8 Story of the Sea. (L. M. Sawyer) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 317, Story of the Second Brother. (R. Barr) Booklover’s M. 5: 107. Story of a Sordid Romance. (A. J . Dawson) Cosmo- pol. 35: 430. Story of a Sovereign, The. (A. O. Cooke) Chamb. J . 81: extra no. 31. Story of a Storm. (R. G. Pitzer) New Eng. M. n. s. 3H 439- Story of a Struggle. (P. Fountain) Longm. 44: 18, 137. Story of a Summer Hotel Waitress. Indep. 58: 1337. Story of Tokolmé, The. (L. Becke) Chamb. J. 83: 667. Story of Ward L. (C. Irvin) Char. I6: 229. Story of ‘Vi. (G. B. Lancaster) Everybody’s, I3: 301. Story on the Factor’s Book, The. (V. E. Roe) Mun- sey, 36: 48. Story that took, The. (I. H. Gillmore) McClure, 25: 214, Story Hour at the Pratt Institute Free Library. C. Moore) Lib. J. 30: 204. -—— Common Sense and the. (Harriet E. Hassler) Lib. J . 30: C 76. Story-telling to Children. 10: 351. Story-writing. (H. D. Lowry) Good Words, 44: 368. -— for Girls. (Mrs. L. T. Meade) Acad. 65: 499, Stout Lady in the Pink Hat, The ; a story. (J . Mor- ton) Harper, I12: 908, (A. (M. G. Quigley) Pub. Lib. STOUT Stout Manual Training School, Menomonie, Wis. (J . M. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I5: 501, Stoveheter and the Birds of Paradise; a story. J. Holt) Am. M. 62: 356, Stow, Nelson, with portrait. 272 342, Stowaway, The; a story. (G. W. Cornish) Indep. R. 41 596-:Liv. Age, 244: 4I0.=Ecl. M. 144: 484, Stowe, H. B. Uncle T om’s Cabin and its Contempo- rary Critics. (A. B. Maurice) Bookman, I7: 23. Strachan, Richard, Action of. (L. G. C. Laughton) Un. Serv. M. 24: 459. Stradivari, Antonia, and the Violins he made. Runciman) Sat. R. 95: 323. -— Hill’s Life and Works of. Ath. ’02, 2: 391, Straeton, Van der. A Belgian Sculptor and his Art. (F. Lees) Archit. Rec. 131 135. Strafford, Thos. W., Earl of, as a Letter-writer. (Lady Burghclere) I9th Cent. 59: 90. —— Burial—place of. (R. A. Gatty) Cornh. 92: I04. Straight as a String. (C. Lockhart) Lippinc. 70: 572. Straiton Causeway. (H. Bindloss) Sund. M. 32: 833. Straits Settlements, Gold Standard for the. (E. W. Kemmerer) Pol. Sci. Q. 192 636. —— Studies in Colonial Administration. Outl. 77: 122, Strand—on-the-Green, England. 624, “Stranded ” People, A C1ergyman’s Study of. World’s Work, 4: 2510, Strang, James Jesse, the Michigan Usurper. Watrous) Cent. 41: 685. Strang, Wm., Etcher. M. of Art, 27: I77, 235, —-(A, J. Finberg) Sat. R. I02: 43, Strange, Sir Robert, and Prince Charles’s Paper Notes. (G. Aikman) Art J. 55: 216. Strange Adventure of Lulu, The. McClure, 271 I93. Strange Case of Dr. Cream. Bag. 141 426- Strange Case of Dr. North. (N. M. Hopkins) Lippinc. 77: 513- Strange Case; a Psychic Story. 28: 193. Strange Confession, A ; a story. (W. C. Morrow) Cali- fornian, 2: 221-526, 3: 25-221, Strange Conversion, A. Blackw. I78: I. =Liv. Age, 246: 403. Strange Lands; a poem. mopol. 372 338. Strange Story, A. 46: 5 30. Strange Story of the House Opposite. Overland, n. s. 40: 503, Strange Texts. (J . Quail) Sund. M. 31: I054, Stranger, The; a story. (V. Y. Remnitz) Harper, I04: 821. Stranger at the Feast, The. body’s, 14: 303. Stranger than Fiction. (L. Hearn) Atlan. 95: 494. Stranger than Fiction. (L. Hutton) Cent. 43: 622, Stranger to the Wild, A. (C. G. D. Roberts) Cent. 51: 165. “ Strangers and Pilgrims.” World, 80: 62:. Strangers who were welcomed, The; a tale. (M. F. Nixon-Roulet) Cath. World, 77: 477. Strangers within the Gates; Evolution of the Picture so-called. (H. von Herkomer) M. of Art, 27: 262, Strassburg, Earthquake Observations in. (J . Milne) Nature, 65: 438. Stratagem of Terrance O’Halloran; a story. Scott) Canad. M. 22: 283. (H. (Leon Mead) Cassier, (J. F. (A. Ireland) (R. Carver) Idler, 29: (E. F. (R. McDonald) (H. G. Chapin) Green (J . Sanford) Arena, (Charlotte P. Gilman) Cos- (W. W. Battles) Overland, n. s. (G. H. Grant) (Bruno Lessing) Ev ery- (M. F. Quinlan) Cath. (D. C. 620 STREET—BOY Strategists, The; a story. (E. C. McCants) Every- body’s, 142 210. Strategy and Tactics in Mountain Ranges. Maguire) Un. Serv. M. 252 611. 62-661. 28: 18. (T. M. 26: 22-613, 27: — Modern, The Evolution of. (F. N. Maude) Un. Serv. M. 28: 136-637, 29: 44-631, 30: 59, 154, Strategy and Seamanship; a story. (J . B. Connolly) Scrib. M. 37: 309. Strategy of Hazel, The; a story. (E. Walker) Munsey, 32: 352. Strategy of Sergeant Taylor, The; a story. Zogbaum) Am. M. 60: 31. Strategy of Sugarfoot, The; a story. Munsey, 33: 627. Stratford-on-Avon, Mid-June in. Bk. Buyer, 25: 36. Strathcona, Baron, and Mount Royal. (W. R. Stew- art) Cosmopol. 35¢ 43. Stratigraphy vs. Palaeontology in Nova Scotia. (D. White) Science, 11. s. 16: 232. —(T. W. Vaughan) Science, n. s. 16: 513. Stratton, James T. (R. E. C. Stearns) Science, n. s. 17: 797- Stratton, Wickliffe B. Wis. Alum. M. 2: 238. Strauss, Johann, with bibliography. Mast. in Music, 3: I93- — and Edouard, and the Waltz. Music, 21: 118. Strauss, Richard. Acad. 68: 13I.—Bk. News, 22: 863. — (L. Gilman) Critic, 44: 352. — (J . Huneker) Scrib. M. 352 252.-——(Marnold) Music, 21: 371, 22: 28, IOI.——(J. F. Runciman) Sat.R. 94: 734.—- Spec. 90: 129. —— and his Music, with portrait. (G. W. Harris) In- dep. 56: 490. —(G. Kobbé) No. Am. 174: 785. — and the Music of the Future. (E. Newman) F ortn. 79: 30. —— and Programme Music. (E. A. Baughan) Monthly R. 20, no. 21 47.=Liv. Age, 247: 110, — and Wagner, Brounoif’s. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. (R. F. (E. Boltwood) (J . B. Carrington) (J . S. Van Cleve) I00: 402, — as Man and Musician. (A. E. Keeton) Contemp. 83: 845. — as a Mode. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 94: 75. —— Music of. (A. Symons) Monthly R. 9, no. 3: 80.: Liv. Age, 236: I13, — Revolutionist. (E. Ziegler) Bookman, 23: 634, — Symphonia Domestica. Acad. 68: 204, 284, 342, — Till Eulenspiegel. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 93: 766. Strawberries worth $6 a Quart. Life Am. 9: 70. Strawberry Culture for Profit. others) Ctry Life Am. 4: 35. Strawberry Land. (P. Collins) Good Words, 46: 658, Strayed Soul, A; a story. Macmil. 89: 445.ILiv. Age, 2411 479- Straying of Penelope, The. (M. Westrup) Liv. Age, 235: 301. = Ecl. M. 140: 69. Streak of Yellow, The. (K. E. Harriman) Booklover’s M. 7. 309. Stream-side Study, A. (S. G. Watkins) Liv. Age, 238: 754.:Ecl. M. 141: 694, Streams, Interstate, Present Status of Rights to. P. Teele) J. Pol. Econ. III 273. Street, G. S., as a Playwright. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 991 137. Street, Ethics of the. (M. Merington) Atlan. 951 119. — A Modern. (S. F. Peckham) Pop. Sci. M0. 611 212. Street Architecture, Value of the Curve in. (H. A. Caparn) Archit. Rec. 17: 231. Street-boy, Reaching the. (C. Stelzle) Outl. 72: 649. (S. W. Fletcher) Ctry (A. E. Colcord and (R. STREET—CAR Street-car Kings, The. (E. J. Edwards) Munsey, 30: 383- Street-car Travel, Amenities of. Atlan. 89: 577. Street Cries, Italian. (E. C. Vansittart) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 81, Street Decoration. Street Gang as a Factor in Politics, The. Outl. 74: 985. Street Plan of a Business District. (C. M. Robinson) Archit. Rec. 13: 234. Street Railroad, Municipal, First in America, at West Seattle. (Adella M. Parker) Indep. 60: 1153, Street Railroads and the State. (B. W. Warren) Green Bag. I7= 33- - Fares on, in United States. Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 171, (M. R. Maltbie) Chaut. 40: 60. (B. Adams) (E. D. Durand) R. of Street Railroad Franchises in Massachusetts. (W. S. Allen) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 91. Street Railroad Legislation in Illinois. (E. B. Smith) Atlan. 93: 109. Street Railroad Magnates. (H. K. Webster) Am. M. 60: 503. Street Railroads and the Public. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 55. —— Fares on, in Large Cities. Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 80. —— in Canada. (W. G. Ross) Canad. M. 18: 276. — in Philadelphia since 1900. (T. Conway, jr.) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 241 354. —-in South Wales. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 386. — Municipal Ownership of, in Germany. (L. S. Rowe) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 37. —Public Ownership of. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 32: (W. A. Bancroft) (H. S. Knowlton) R. of 417- Street Waifs. (E. Poole) McClure, 21: 40, Streets, In Foreign. (Royal Cortissoz) Scrib. M. 40: 193- Strength of Hera Boyd, The; a story. (Harriet Gay- lord) Am. M. 62: 381, Strength of Men, The; a Story of the Sea. can) McClure, 21: 532, Strength of Ten, The; a story. McClure, 19: 541. Strenuous Courtship, A; a story. (E. W. Fowler) Mc- Clure, 22: 15. Strenuous Life, Good and Bad. Church R. 12: 161, Strenuous Referee, The; a story. (N. Dun- (Mary S. Cutting) (W. Goddard) N. (E. F lower) Cent. 50: 29, Strenuosity. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 74. —— A Hedging. (R. Ogden) Nation, 78: 162, Strenuousness. (Bliss Carman) Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 287. Streuvels, Stijn. Three Sketches. (A. T. de Mattos) Fortn. 82: 678, Strieby, M. E., and Negro Education. Outl. 78: 915. Strife in the Blood, A; a story. (Della R. Neal) Over- land, n. s. 452 I95. Strike, The, as a Political Weapon. tion, 81: 519. —- Chicago Meat, 1904. (E. Poole) Indep. 57: 179. —- — American Government in. (Grover Cleveland) Fortn. 82: 1, -— — Comparative Wages and the Right to live. (W. Hurd and E. Poole) Outl. 77: 884. -— -— Points in. (R. Ogden) Nation, 79: 46. -— —- The Strikers’ Objective. (R. Ogden) Nation, 79: 68 (G. Pollak) Na- — Chicago Teamsters’; a Study in Industrial Demo- cracy. (J. Cummings) J . Pol. Econ. 13: 536. —-— Coal, Dread of a. (P. Roberts) Outl. 83: 25. — — Miners’ Defense. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 499. 621 STRIKES Strike, Coal, of 1902. (T. Williams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26 : 64.——(C. B. Spahr) Outl. 71 : 321. —(J. Mitch- ell) McClure, 20: 219. ——- (A. Mcllroy) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I71 284.— (P. Roberts) Yale R. 11: 29. — (G. F. Baer) Cassier, 23: 727. — — — and its Lessons. (F. Parsons and others) Arena, 29: 1. — — — and its Settlement. (E. D. Durand) Pol. Sci. Q, 18: 38 5, — — — and its Spiritual Side. (H. C. Hay) N. Church R, 10: 113. —- — — and the Public. Gunton’s M. 23: 22. -— (J . G. Brooks) Econ. J . I3: 364. — — — The Anthracite Conflict. (P. Roberts) Yale R. 11: 297, — — — Commission’s Award. (W. E. Weyl) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 460. —(P. Roberts) Yale R. 12: 58. — (H. A. Drake) Nation, 562 394. — —- — Hearings on. Yale R. III 397. — — — How it was ended. (A. M. Low) Indep. 54: 2563. — — — in its Social Aspects. (P. Roberts) Econ. J . I 3: 20. — — — Light on. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 4°!- — — — More Light on. (H. White) Nation, 75: 200, -—- — — Passing of. (J . Cummings) J . Pol. Econ. 1:: 55- — — — Real Causes of. Outl. 712 I053. —- ——- — Settlement of. (W. Wellman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 552, — — — Triumph of Arbitration. Gunton’s M. 23: 369, --~ -~— — Unveiled. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 478. — — — A Vindication of the Rights of the People. Cath. World, 76: 143, —— — — A Woman’s Visit to the Mines. lows) Outl. 72: 350. —— Fall River, 1904, a Labor Conflict without Violence. Outl. 78: 972. — General, in Belgium, April, 1902. Econ. J. 12: 421, —- Horseshoers’, of Philadelphia. (F. A. Horack) Am. J. Sociol. 8: 390, —— in Florence, General. (J . W. Mario) Nation, 75: 241, — in Rome. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 76: 391. — Printers’, in New York. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 29, —— Railway, in Holland. (N. E. Pierson) Econ. J . I 3: (A. K. Fal- (E. Mahaim) 544- — — in Italy. (J . W. Mario) Nation, 741 245. — Steel, 1901. (E. L. Bogart) Bib. Sac. 59: 108. —— Sympathetic ; a Warning to Labor. (J . S. Stevens) Indep. 55: 1493. Strike in the Clarion Ofiice, The. (Caroline A. Huling) Lippinc. 77: 112. Strike of One, The; a story. (E. Flower) Everybody’s, 12: 773. Strike on the Schlafeplatz Railroad. (J . L. Long) Cent. 41: 710, Strike Breaker, The; a story. Clure, 25: 451. Strike—breaking as a New Occupation. World’s Work, 10: 6199. -— Work of James Farley. (B. T. Fredericks) Am. M. 60: 106, Strike Commission of Canada. Strike Insurance in Austria. tion, 75: 184, Strikes. (R. S. Kinney) Meth. R. 66: 85. — and Lockouts, Abolition of, 1892-1901. —- (J . H. Schooling) Fortn. 81: 849. —-— —~ — in New Zealand. (F. Parsons) Arena, 31: 1, —— -—- of 1905. (V. S. Yarros) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 43. — and the Public Welfare. (J . Handiboe) No. Am. 175: 91. (G. R. Chester) Mc- (L. Scott) Outl. 75: 154. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- STRIKES Strikes, A Country without. (A. Henry) Westm. I 59: 24, — Decline of. (C. D. Wright) World’s Work, 12: 7712- -— Humorous Side of. Chamb. J . 83: 332. —-— in Italy, Recent, and Socialism. (N. D. Harris) World To-day, 9: 876. —— in New Zealand, Prevention of. World’s Work, 3: 1781, —— in the U. S. (C. D. Wright) No. Am. 174: 757. —- Investigation and Publicity a Remedy for. (C. F. Adams) Cassier, 23: 5 58, - Moral Coercion in settling. tion, 76: 5. (H. H. Lusk) (D. MacG. Means) N a- — of 1904, and the Present Industrial Situation. (V. S. Yarros) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 430. — Prevention of, A Suggestion for the. (A. M. Low) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 263 740. — A Quarter Century of. (A. P. Winston) Atlan. 902 656. —-— Report of the Royal Commission on Trade Dis- putes. (W. M. Geldart) Econ. J . I6: :89. — Standish Worsted Co. of Plymouth, Mass., and its Settlement. (J . Beever) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 317. -—Violence in. (T. S. Adams) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 7: 176.— (S. Thompson) Outl. 78: 969. Striking of the Colors, The ; a story. (C. M. Williams) Munsey, 31: 823. Strindberg, August. (J . Huneker) Lamp, 29: 573. —- Three One-act Plays by. Poet-Lore, 17, no. 31 3. String of Life, The. (Armond) Overland, n. s. 46: 108. String of Pearls, The. (James Barnes) Scrib. M. 32: 305, String Figures and Tricks, American Indian. (A. C. Haddon) Am. Anthropol. 5: 213. Strings, Gut, how made. J . Soc. Arts, 49: 41. Strings of Liberty, The. (M. Foster) Everybody’s, I 5: 517. Stromboli, Crater of, Certain Recent Changes in. Anderson) Geog. J . 252 123. Strong, S. Arthur. (M. E. Lowndes) Longm. 453 I17. —-Spec-94=7I5- Strong, The, and the Weak. (A. M. Lederer) Lippinc. 7s= 356- Strong-room, The; the Story of a Bank Robbery. Chamb. J . 83: 600. Stronger, The ; a play. no. 1: 47. Strossmayer, Joseph G., Founder of Modern Croatia. (Ben Hurst) Cath. World, 81: 773. Structural Design of Buildings. (C. C. Schneider) Am. Arch. 86: 21, 27, 35. 87: 64, Structural Materials, Testing of. (Paul Kreuzpointer) Cassier, 22: 617, Struggle for Existence in Sociology. Knowl. 26: I38, 187, 241, Struggles and Triumph of Isidro de los Maestros, The. (James Hopper) McClure, 26: 601. Struve, Otto W., 1819-1905. (M. Nyrén; tr. by Isa. Watson) Pop. Astron. I4: 352. — Nature, 72: 61, Stuart, Gilbert. (M. S. Stimpson) New Eng. M. n. s. 322 512. — With portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 7: 1. — Portraits of Men. —— -— Stephen Jones. (T. (A. Strindberg) Poet-Lore, 17, (J . Collier) (C. H. Hart) Cent. 41: 509. (C. H. Hart) Cent. 47: 72, 155_ —- -— John Trumbull. (C. H. Hart) Cent. 50: 604, — Portraits of Women. (C. H. Hart) Cent. 41: 374. Stuart, Lady Louisa. Ed. R. I951 ZI5. Stuart, House of ; Glimpse of the Exiled Stewarts. (W. H. Hutton) Cornh. 91: 756. Stuarts, England under the, Trevelyan’s. Ed. R. 202: 474- - Foster on. Ath. ’O3,‘I: 310. 622 STYLE Stuarts, The Neapolitan. 18: 718. — in Rome. (H. M. Vaughan) Macmil. n. s. I: 261, — the Rightful Sovereigns of England; White Cock- ade. (A. Stuart) Munsey, 27: 421. Stubbs, C. W., Bishop, and the Rolls Series. Hutton) Cornh. 86: 813, Stubbs, George, 1724-1806. 6: 12, Stubbs, Walter Roscoe, Breaking up a State Machine ; with portrait. (R. Clark, jr.) Cosmopol. 37: 665. Stubbs, William. Quar. 201: 1, — Historical Introductions to the Rolls Series. B, 96: 400, — Lectures on European History; Visitation Charges. Ath. ’o4, 2: 69. -— Letters of, ed. by Hutton. Ath. '04, 2: 687. — Monthly R. 17, no. 3: I59.—(H. Paul) Indep. R. 4: 6II.—(P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 38: 234.—(C. W. Colby) Nation, 81: 201, Stubby’s First Panther. (Clarence Hawkes) Outing, 46: 170. Stucco, Canadian Rough Casting. Am. Arch. 84: 42. Student Advisers as an Administrative Device in High Schools. (M. A. Whitney; L. J . Block) School R. 12: 3, Student Ceremonies in California Colleges. (VV. Irwin) Overland, n. s. 39: 513. Student Life in N. Y. City. Univ. Q. 3: I. —— Some Phases of. (A. F. B. Clark) Canad. M. 28: 18. — Some Problems of. (A. C. Emory) Wis. Alum. M. 1: 370, Student Organizations in a High School. School R. 13: 429, Student Songs. Acad. 62: n1. Students at certain American Universities, Geographi- cal Distribution of. (R. Tombo, jr.) Colum. Univ. Q. 81 20. —- (J. D. Greene) Science, 11. s. 22: 637. Studies, The Conflict of. Acad. 64: 53. — Overcrowded Grade Curriculum. (Esther E. Shaw) Educa. 25: 233. -- Reaction against too many. tion, 80: 390, Studio, An Artist’s. Am. Arch. 77: 14. Studio Building, Co-operative, N. Y. City. David) Archit. Rec. 141 233. Studio Mouse, A; a story. (Georgia Knox) Lippinc. 761 759- Studio Smoke. (H. G. Dwight) Bookman, 22: 211, Studland, England. (A. Tomson) Art J . 552 230. Study in Fear; a story. (Zona Gale) Outing, 45: 197. Study Course, Modern, Plea for. (L.I. Lincoln) Ed- uca. 26: 27. —- of Seven Years. (J . M.Greenwood) Educa. 23: 45 5, 538- — —— too Short. (H. Sabin) Educa. 24: 108. Stump Work. (G. Benson) M. of Art, 27: 563, Sturgis, Julian. (P. Lubbock ; A. C. Benson) Monthly R. 16, no, I: III, Sturgis, Russell, on the Artist’s Way. Archit. Rec. 19: 199. Sturt, Henry, Personal Idealism by Eight Members of the University of Oxford. (W. James) Mind, 28: 93. Stuyvesant, Peter, Governor; Sidelights on a Business Transaction. (J . W. Redway) M. of Hist. 3: 170. Styke, Jan. (Anabel P. McCann) World To-day, 81 (P. Sidney) Eng. Hist. R. (W. H. (E. R. Dibdin) Art J. Sat. (F. H. Giddings) Colum. (A. Wetzel) (F. J . Mather, jr.) Na- (A. C. (J . La Farge) 275, Style- (0. F. Keary) Indep. R. 4: 363, : Ee1_ M. 144; 393.=Liv. Age, 244: 149, 5- and Cleverness. Acad. 69: 685. — English, and some French Novels. (Mrs. M. L. Woods) I9th Cent. 54: 1026. STYLE Style, for the Times, Wanted -—a. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 752 185. —— Lafcadio Hearn on. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 83: 428. -— Heresies on. Acad. 70: 620. -— in Literature. (C. L. Moore) Dial, 39: 156. — Origin and Meaning of the Ancient Characters of. Am. J. Philol. 26: 249. -— Peripatetic Meaning of, and the Three Stylistic Characters. (G. L. Hendrickson) Am. J . Philol. I5: 125, — Qualities of. (B. A. Heydrick) Chaut. 37: 43. — Religious Helps to forming. (W. D. Ellwanger) Critic, 43: 406, — Teaching of, in English and French Schools. (P. J . Hartog) Fortn. 77: I050, — The Technique of. Spec. 952 332. Subaltern, The Ideal. (R. S. Pike) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. an 382- Subaltern in Ladakh; a story. (T. Fetherstonhaugh) Blackw. I76: 549.=Liv. Age, 243: 549. Subconscious, Jastrow on the. (J . R. Angell) Dial, 41: I06. — Problem of the. —Status of the. (Irving King) Psychol. R. 13: 35. (J . Jastrow) Am. J . Psychol. 14: 349- Subiaco. (W. L. Alden) Harper, I10: 941, Subjection; a story. (T. B. Reilly) Cath. World, 80: 376- Subjectism and Solipsism. (G. Cator) Dub. R. 133: 67. Subjugation of Elaine ; a story. (Anne O’Hagan) Mun- sey, 30: 604. Subliminal Self, Myers’s Theory of the. Hibbert J. 2: 5:4. Submarine, The; a story. body’s, II: 11, Submarine Boat, Coming of the. Cent. 51: 220. —— A Fatal Experiment with a. Chamb. J . 79: 318. Submarine Boats‘; Bushnell’s “ Turtle.” (B. J . Hen- drick) M. of Hist. 22 389. -— D’Equevilley on. (C. V. B.) Nature, 66: 290, — for the Russian Navy, Supplying. (A. C. Johnson) World To-day, 11: I316. —-— French. (H. B. Goodwin) Un. Serv. M. 26: 118. -—— His Majesty’s. (Herbert C. Fyfe) Good Words, 43: 809, —— Menace of. (G. E. Armstrong) Cornh. 87: 519. —-— Safety of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 81: 138, -— Simon Lake and his Wonderful Submarine. Mornington) Cosmopol. 37: 365. —- Stability of. (W. H. White) Nature, 74: 128. —(J. H. Jeans; W. H. White) Nature, 74: 270, — Steaming under Water. (F. Matthews) Outing, 45: (A. Lang) (M. Robertson) Every- (A. S. Hurd) 19th (S. 14, Submarine Defense, The School of. (Ord. Yulli) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 8: 46, Submarine Destroyer, The; a story. Everybody’s, I3: 401, Submarine Mining, The Future of. Un. Serv. M. 31: 361, Submarine Navigation. Cath. World, 75: 93. —-(F. M. Barber) Forum, 34: 625.—Quar. I98: 105, — (W. H. White) Nature, 72: 2o9.—— (W. H. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 266, -—— Improvements in. Army & Navy Life, 92 547. -—— Success of. (A. S. Hurd) 19th Cent. 54: 711. Submarine Signaling. (H. R. Gilson) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. I12 32, Submarine Torpedo-boat. Everybody’s, 6: 35 3. Submarine Valleys ofl’ North America, Bibliography of. (J. ‘V. Spencer) Am. J. Sci. 169: 341, (M. Robertson) 623 SUDERMANN Submarine Warfare. (L. G. C. Laughton) Monthly R. 16, no. 3: 60.:-Liv. Age, 243: 118,:-Eel, M, 143: 741- — and British Naval Supremacy. Un. Serv. M. 30: 48 3. — Fyfe’s. (C. J . Goodrich) Nation, 752 406. -— the Inventions of Sig. Pino. (C. Iberti) Contemp. 82: 696. Sub-mascot, The. (A. A. Knipe) Scrib. M. 342 709. Subscription, Clerical. (F. L. Pogson) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 2: 66, Subscription to the Heathen, A; a story. (Margaret and A. E. McFarlane) McClure, 27: 51. Subsidies, Effectiveness of. (J . A. Hare) Nation, 742 4. Subsidy Writ Small, Old. (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 26, Substitute, The; a story. (C. Dangerfield) Cosmopol. 38: 5 51. Substitute, The; a story. (S. H. Adams) McClure, 26: 60. Subterranean Romance, A. (Katharine Perry) Cos- mopol. 392 27. Suburb, An Ideal. Spec. 94: 938. Suburban Church, The. (A. H. Bradford) Outl. 7I: 547- Suburban Churches and Personal Service. (F. H. Mc- Lean) Char. I3: 91. Suburban Colony, Making of a. Am. 6: 350. Suburban Homes. (S. Howe) Craftsman, 3: 112. —- (T. Dixon, jr.) World’s Work, 4: 2603. Suburban Life in America. (W. F awcett) Cosmopol. 351 3°9- — Parallelogram Park. 10: 767. Suburban Residence, The Contemporary. Archit. Rec. 11, no. 3: 69, Suburbanite, The. Subway Tavern and the Temperance Problem. Johnson, jr.) Internat. Q. 10! 363. Success, Conditions of. (M. Nordau) Fortn. 78: 539. —-— Failure of. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 93: 630. — not measured by Riches. (F. Bellamy) Every- body’s, 91 604. — A Study of 20th Century. Mo. 61: 241, — To whom is it possible ? (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. (P. Colt) Ctry Life (H. A. Caparn) Craftsman, (H. A. Bridgman) Indep. 54: 862. (J. (E. G. Dexter) Pop. Sci. 37: no p. Successful Cast, A; a story. (T. J . Partridge) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 590. Successful Marriage, A; a story. Harper, I05: 747, Successful Round-up, A. (Alice McGowan) Overland, n. s. 402 458, Such as walk in Darkness; a story. McClure, I9: 300. Such Stuff as Dreams are made of. Scrib. M. 36: 513, Sucker, A; a story. (H. R. Durant) Cosmopol. 39: 83. Sudan, Alexander-Gosling Expedition in. (Boyd Alex- ander) Geog. J . 25$ 5 35. —— New British Empire of. Geog. M. I7: 241, —Waterways of. (A. Balfour) Blackw. I771 544.-—— Liv. Age, 245: 473.:Ec1. M. 145: 53. — Wonders of. (J . Ward) Monthly R. II, no. 2: 89. Sudbury, England. (O. F. Adams) N. E. Reg. 56: 17¢). Sudbury, Mass., Grantees and Settlers of. (G. W. Chamberlain) N. E. Reg. 602 357. Sudermann, Hermann. (W. W. Flower) Poet-Lore, I6, no. 3: 116. — With portrait. (A. E. Hancock) Booklover’s M. 2: 241. — (R. M. Meyer) Internat. Q, 6: 140, — and Hauptmann in their Latest Play. (P. H. Grum- mann) Poet-Lore, 14, no. 23 I14. (L. H. Hammond) (S. H. Adams) (John Corbin) (H. L. Bridgman) Nat. SUDERMANN Sudermann, Herman, and his Weltanschauung. (F. Miller) Bookman, 23: 645. —— Cycle of. (F. B. Low) 19th Cent. 60: 651.:Ec1. M. 147‘ 517- —Es lebe das Leben. (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 78: 429, = Liv. Age, 235: 257. —- Play of. (E. S. Meyer) Critic, 46: 67. ——Storm-brother Socrates. (R. W. Fife) Lamp, 28: 121, Sue, Eugene. (F. Gribble) Fortn. 81: 333, =Ee1, M, 142: 687. =Liv. Age, 240: 793. Sue Chang the Faithful. (M. S. Daggett) Outl. 76: 977. Suess, Edward, with portrait. (Archibald Geikie) Na- ture, 72: I. - Bearing of Physiography upon Suess’s Theories. (W. M. Davis) Am. J. Sci. 169: 265, Suez Canal, The. (G. P. Blackiston) Overland, n. s. 44: 152.—— (Elizabeth W. Wright) Scrib. M. 381 692, — and Panama. (F. C. Penfield) No. Am. 180: 817. Sufl’erer, Professional. Spec. 93: 145. = Liv. Age, 243: 316. Suffolk, Henrietta H., Countess of. Spec. 95: 748. Suffolk Resolves. (M. P. Webster) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 353- Sufl:'rage, The Caste Notion of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 182, — Citizenship and. (W. L. Scruggs) No. Am. 177: 837. —— Compulsory; a Political Capstone. (W. Hemstreet) Ecl. M. 147: 163. —- Debasement of the. (E. L. C. Morse) Nation, 76: 515. — (E. R. Smith) Nation, 77: 28. —— Educational Qualifications for. (J . B. Phillips) Univ. Colo. Stud. 3: 5 5. — Fitness for. (E. L. C. Morse) Nation, 80: 245. -—- High Privilege of. (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 37: 363. —- in the South, Restriction of, its Causes and Conse- quences. (C. H. Poe) No. Am. 175: 534. —— — Limitations of. (F. G. Coffey) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 53, -— —- Six New State Constitutions. (C. Cory) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 716, —— Universal. (M. Maeterlinck) Bookman, 19: 133. -— -—- The Disappointments of. (E. L. C. Morse) Na- tion, 82: 175. — —— The Progress of. Spec. 951 379. =Liv. Age, 247: 184. Sugar. (F. M. Perkin) Knowl. n. s. 2: 267. — (W. C. Stubbs) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 51 79. —— and the Convention. (B. Taylor) Fortn. 77: 636. — and the Sugar Beet. (J. Waddell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 157. — Can the U. S. raise its own ? (J . S. Crawford) Gun- ton’s M. 22: 37. — Causes of Dearer. — Export Bounties on, in Europe. ternat. Mo. 5: 488. —- Free, Fallacies of. Gunton’s M. 22: 136, —- Pandemonium about. Gunton’s M. 22: 316. — Production of, in Britain. Sat. R. 101: 387, — —- in U. S., Prospects of. (J . B. Wilkinson, jr.) Gunton’s M. 22: I31. — Question of, in the British Colonies. (R. S. Corbet) Asia. R. 34: 101, — —— in Europe. (Y. Guyot) No. Am. 174: 85. ~ —— in the U. S. (F. R. Rutter) Q. J. Econ. 17: 44, Sugar Beet, The. (G. H. Williams) Land of Sun. 3: Sat. R. 99: 102, (R. Hotowetz) In- 32- —— in the United States. (W. R. Lighten and G. C. Duflie) Cosmopol. 35: 181.—(H. C. .Taylor) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 179, Sugar Bounties. (F. W. Taussig) Q. J . Econ. 18: 130, 624 SULPHURIC Sugar Bounties, Abolition of. Nation, 74: 184. — and Free Trade. Sat. R. 94: 664. Sugar Canes, Indian. (F. A. G. Gill) J . Soc.- Arts, 49: 147- Sugar Convention at Brussels. (T. Lough) Contemp. 83: 75.—- (R. J. Boyd) National, 41: 57.—(G. Martineau) Econ. J . 14: 34. — Success of the. (T. Lough) Contemp. 87: 259. Sugar Fallacies. Sat. R. 993 263. Sugar Industry in Europe. (C. S. Griflin) Q. J . Econ. 17: 1. — on the Continent of Europe. (Y. Guyot) J . Statis. Soc. 65: 419. Sugar Interests, The Conflict of. (G. Kennan) Outl. 70: 367. Sugar Plantation, Louisiana, Christmas on a. Ctry Life Am. 5: 326. Sugar Situation in Austria. 18: 565. Sugar Trust, The So-called. (F. Clarkin) Cent. 43: 470. Suggestion, Scientific Aspect of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 65: 337. —— Verbal, Effect of, on the Estimation of Linear Mag- nitudes. (J . E. Brand) Psychol. R. 12: 41. Suggestion System in Factories. (H. F. J . Porter) Cassier, 28: 218. Suicide and Insurance. — and the Law. 331- — Curiosities of. Green Bag, 15: 277. — Ethics of. (A. Williams) Californian, 1: 344. — Facts about. (G. P. Upton) Indep. 56: 763. — in the United States. (W. B. Bailey) Yale R. 12: 70, — of the Race. (W. R. MacDermott) Westm. 15g: 695. — Some Causes and Preventives of. ternat. J . Ethics, 16: 179. Suicide, The ; a comedy. (A. D. Sedgwick) Cent. 45: 55°~ Suitor, The; a story. (Tom Masson) Cosmopol. 341 318. Suits, Hard-wearing. Chamb. J . 80: 806, Sul and Shumul; a story. (A. R. Calhoun) Every- body’s, 8: 18. ,_ Sullivan, Sir Arthur. Diary. (A. Lawrence) Harper, 104: 367. —— his Life and Music, Findon’s. Sat. R. 98: 456. — Recollections of. (E. Dicey) Fortn. 83: 74.=Ecl. M. 144: 296. = Liv. Age, 244: 272. Sullivan, Gen. John, Great March of, into the Indian Country. (W. E. Griflis) M. of Hist. 2: 295, 365. (F. Walker) Pol. Sci. Q. Sat. R. 97: 685. (W. Larremore) Harv. Law R. 17: (C. F. Yonge) In- (J . F. Runciman) 3. 1, Sullivan, Louis H. His Home in Mississippi. (L. P. Smith) Archit. Rec. 17: 471. Sullivan, Margaret. (A. N. Meyer) Critic, 44: 114. Sullivan, Timothy D., the Modern Robin Hood, with portrait. (A. H. Lewis) Cosmopol. 39: 186, Sully, Duke of. (H. G. Macdowall) Macmil. 92: 459. Sulphites, Estimation of, by Iodine. (R. H. Ashley) Am. J. Sci. 170: 13. — Oxidation of, by Iodine in Alkaline Solution. H. Ashley) Am. J. Sci. 169: 237. Sulphur and Celestite, Occurrence of, at Maybee, Michigan. (E. H. Kraus and W. F. Hunt) Am. J . Sci. 171: 171. —- in Iron Ores, Determination of. Frankl. Inst. 159: 441. Sulphur Mining in Sicily. (R. (J . H. Graham) J . (E. Bignami) Engin. M. 28: I99- Sulphuric Acid and its Manufacture by the Contact Process. (R. Kneitsch) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 24. —- Manufacture of. Science, n. s. 15: 393. SULPICIUS Sulpicius, Boy Poet; a Tragedy of Roman Education. (J . R. Nelson) School R. 112 384. Sultana of Zulon; a story. (Bronson Howard) Every- body’s, I2: 301. Sultan’s Birthday, The. Sulu and its Sultan. 636. — Sultan of, Treaty with. 458- Sulu Sea, Songs of the. (E. Barron) Cent. 46: 813. Sulung and Hide. (P. Vinogradoff) Eng. Hist. R. 191 282, Sumatra, An Eclipse Observer’s Experiences in. D. Perrine) Pop. Sci. Mo. 57: 239. —— Eclipse Expedition to. (A. E. Burton) Technol. R. 4: 38. — Hunting in. (C. Whitney) Outing, 44: 3. Summary Court, The. (R. E. Longan) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 391 49. Summer. When the Summer comes. Craftsman, 8: 367, Summer; a poem. (G. Richardson) Outing, 40: 494. Summer of St. Martin. (S. W. Mitchell) Cent. 45: 144- Summer Boarders, My. Indep. 61: 143. Summer Camps for Boys. (W. T. Talbot) World’s Work. IO: 6167.-—(C. L. Lewis) Outl. 80: 378. Summer-folk; a drama. (Maxim Gorky) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 32 1. Summer Grass-widower, The. Lippinc. 78: 363. Summer Home for $1500 on the Coast of Maine. Ctry Life Am. 4: 186. — on Geneva Lake, Wis. (J . B. Fischer) Archit. Rec. 17: 126, Summer-home Problem, New Solution of the. (Daisy W. Adams and W. I. Lincoln Adams) Ctry Life Am. 8: 529. Summer-hotel Waitress, Story of a. Indep. 58: I 337. Summer-houses, Designs for. Studio (Internat.) I8: Liv. Age, 239: 122, (F. J . Hogan) Everybody’s, 10: (O. G. Villard) Nation, 751 (C. (H. Warner) (Minna T. Antrim) 285. Summer Landlord, The. (S. Preston) Scrib. M. 36: 268. Summer Lightning. (Alice D. Miller) Booklover’s M. 6: 90, Summer Morning, A. (M. A. Bacon) Atlan. 912 315. — (F. Whishaw) Longm. 422 342. = Liv. Age, 238: 585. Summer Outing, New Departure in. (B. C. Marsh) Char. I2: 957. Summer Outing-camps. To-day, 11: 724. Summer Resorts of America. (T. F. Anderson) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 225. — (H. T. Peck) Cosmopol. 35: (Annie E. S. Beard) World 479- Summer School in Europe. (M. V. O’Shea) Educa. 26: 436. -— in Philanthropic Work. Char. I0: 619. I4: 937. - Life in a Seaside. (C. E. Bessey) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 80, Summer Schools. (G. E. Vincent) Chant. 41: 428. -— Should our Colleges establish ? (A. G. Meyer) Sci- ence, n. s. 23: 703, Summer Tour in Bohemia, A; a story. Idler, 22: 57:. Summer Vesper Sermons. (E. Hoyt) (L. Abbott) Outl. 80: 580- 1069. 81: 36-129, Summer Windfall, A. (V. Sheard) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 651. Summering ; the American Actor Abroad. Cosmopol. 39‘ 267- Summons Home, A; a story. 76- (E. H. Porter) Cent. 49: 625 SUN Summons; a poem. (H. Hawthorne) Atlan. 91: 765. Sumner, Charles, and Daniel Webster, Reminiscences of. (I. Allen) Indep. 60: 334, —- M. C. Tyler on. (W. H. Classon) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 50. Sun, The, and the Earth, Physical Processes in. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. 11: 374. — and Stars, Motion of, in Space. (W. H. S. Monck) Pop. Astron. I0: 307, —as a Magnetized Sphere. Astron. I4: 37, 463. —-— Atmosphere of, at Different Levels. (E. W. Maun- der) Knowl. 27: 150, —Azimuth of, Chart for finding. (R. A. Harris) Sci- ence, n. s. 22: 469, —— Changes in, and Weather. Nature, 72: 129. —- Composition and Effects of. lover’s M. 2: 49. — Corona of, Comet’s Tails, and the Aurora Borealis. (J . Cox) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 265. — — Magnetism and the. Knowl. n. s. 31 397. —— — Note on the Constants of. (C. Barus) Am. J. Sci. 166: 325. — — Polar Rays of. (F. H. Bigelow) Pop. (W. J. S. Lockyer) (G. W. Warder) Book- (Mrs. Walter Maunder) Knowl. 25: 3, — Distance of. (A. ‘V. Roberts) Chamb. J . 821 822. ———Measuring. (H. C. Wilson) Pop. Astron. I2: 149. —— Disturbances of, Sept., Oct., and Nov., I903. (J . M. Harg) Knowl. 26: 35. — Dusky Veil of. (Agnes M. Clerke) Knowl. 26: 7. — Eclipse of. See Eclipse. — Energy of, Source and Maintenance of. son) Pop. Astron. I0: 409. —Expedition for Solar Research, Mt. Wilson, Cal. Science, 11. s. 19: 964. — Figure of. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. I3: 475. -— Future of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 68: 68. —- Granulations on the Surface of. (W. E. Rolston) Nature, 73: 401. — Heat of, Source of. 14: 410, — in Calcium Light. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Knowl. n. s. 2: 191, 215, — International Commission on Solar Changes, Meet- ing of Aug., 1904. Nature, 72: 332. — Its Place in the Universe. (G. M. Searle) Cath. World, 77: 1. — Magnetic Storms and Terrestrial Magnetism. J . S. Lockyer) Nature, 67: 377, — Magnitude of. Science. 11. s. 23: 885. -— Mechanical State of. (R. A. Sampson) Knowl. 27: 119, —Meeting of the Solar Commission at Innsbruck. Nature, 73: 352. —— Motion of, Determination of. Pop. Astron. I21 31 I. — — Referred to a Group of Faint Stars. Comstock) Pop. Astron. 12: 112, —— New Method of Research. (G. E. Hale) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 5. —-— Observations of, Alta, Iowa, 1903. Pop. Astron. I3: 196. —-— Parallax of, Eros and. 11: 439. —- Photograph of, Oct. 22, I905. Knowl. n. s. 2: 297- —— Photographed on the K-line. Knowl. 26: 229, — Present Knowledge of. (WV. W. Payne) Pop. As- tron. I2: 293. --Prominence and Spot Circulation, 1872-1901. (N , (J . Morri- (J . F. Lanneau) Pop. Astron. (W. (Mary VV. WVhitney) (Geo. O. (D. E. Hadden) (A. R. Hinks) Pop. Astron. Lockyer) N ature, 67: 369. SUN Sun; Prominences and Corona, and Magnetic Storms. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Pop. Astron. II: 552. -— — — Relation between. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Nature, 68: 257, , -— Recent Progress in Solar Research. (T. J . J . See) Atlan. 97: 763. —— Recent Studies of. Solar Constant. (H. J . Cox) Pop. Astron. I3: 147, — Recent Total Eclipses of. Mo. 60: 240, -— Simultaneous Solar and Terrestrial Changes. (J . N. Lockyer) Nature, 69: 351. 72: 249. = Science, n.s. I8: 611, -— Spectrum of, Oxygen Absorption Bands of. Lester) Am. J. Sci. 168: 147, —— Spots on. (N. H. Crowell) Educa. 243 496. —LiV- Age, 2402 I5. -—- (R. E. Bruce) Pop. Astron. I3! 82. —— (A. L. Cortie) 19th Cent. 54: 756. —— — and Moon Spots. (E. W. Maunder) Knowl. 25: 129, — — and the Recent Magnetic Storm. dale) Chamb. J . 81: 86, —— — and Temperature. (A. B. McDowall) Nature, (S. I. Bailey) Pop. Sci. (0. C. (Violet Twee- 69: 607, — — and their Theories. (VV. T. Lynn) Pop. Astron. 14: 90. — —- and Weather. (E. W. Brown) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 5°5- (P. De Vregille) Month, I07: 41. (T. Moreau) Pop. As- -— — Discovery of. —- -— The Great, of Feb., 1905. tron. I31 I94. — -—— in July, 1903. (J . F. Lanneau) Pop. Astron. II: 372. —(D. E. Hadden) Pop. Astron. I1: 560. — —— —— in March and April. (E. W. Maunder) Knowl. 26: 230. —— — The Level of. 13: 392. -——Maximum of 1905. Astron. I4: 368, — — Periodicities of. —— — Relative Numbers, Wolf’s Revision of. Wolfer) Pop. Astron. I0: 449, — -— Spectra of. Nature, 75: II3. — — Synchronism of, with Terrestrial Magnetic Dis- turbances. (A. A. Buss) Knowl. 25: 277. — — Theories of. (W. T. Lynn) Pop. Astron. I4: 90. —- — A 300-year Climatic and Solar Cycle. (T. W. Kingsmill) Nature, 73: 413, -—— Variation of, 1861-1902, Nature, 69: 447. -— — — in Latitude. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Knowl. 27: 131. — (E. W. Maunder) Knowl. 27: 290, -— Stellar Magnitude of, Photometric Determination of. (W. Ceraski) Pop. Astron. I4: 226, —- Theory of, New. (J . Hahn) Nature, 65: 351. -—— What we know about. (W. B. Kaempifert) Book- lover’s M. 6: 188, (VV. M. Mitchell) Pop. Astron. (Rose O’Ha1loran) Pop. (A. Schuster) Nature, 73: 378. (A. (VV. J. S. Lockyer) —— Worship of; the Wheel and Cross. (P. Carus) Open Court, 16: 478, Sun-chariot, Prehistoric, in Denmark. (K. Blind) Westm. 160: 552. — — Scandinavian. (J . Offord) Am. Antiq. 26: 232, Sun-dance, Arapaho. (A. C. Haddon) Nature, 70: 300, — of the Poncas. Am. Antiq. 25! 372. Sun-dials in Modern Gardens. (W. A. Dyer) Ctry Life Am. 9: 537. — Old and New. (Alice M. Earle) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 563, Sun-dog Trail, The; a story. (Jack London) Harper, 112: 83. Sunday and the Resurrection. Court, 20: 505. - The Christian. (J. C. Allen) Open (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 360, am SUNKEN Sunday, Country. (C. M. Mew) Temp. Bar, 132: 598, — in the Country. (A. Hilliers) Contemp. 83: 184, = Ecl. M. 140: 611. = Liv. Age, 236: 658, — in Hyde Park. (K. Snowden) Sund. M. 34: 85. — The Lord’s Day Observance; a Reply to Lord Ave- bury. (F. Peake) 19th Cent. 58: 735. — Observance of. (R. J . Campbell) National, 44: 289, =Liv. Age, 243: 429. =Ecl. M. 144: 48. — -— in England and France. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 101: 103. — of Animals. Spec. 96: 1030, -—— Origin and Observance of. (W. Weber) Open Court, 20= 347 — Problem of the Village. (H. F. Abel) National, 42: 76. —Proper Observance of. (J. Reed) N. Church R. 10: 1, — The Royal. (H. Leach) Good Words, 47: 3. Sunday Magazine, Early Days of. (S. Tytler) Sund. M. 34: 5, 102, Sunday Question, The. Outl. 83: 546. Sunday Reading. (H. Lamont) Nation, 83: 299. Sunday-school ; After all, what is it ? (J . H. Vincent) Outl. 73: 554. —— Bible in. (E. D. Burton) Bib. World, 24: 193. — Curriculum of Study in. (S. Matthews) Bib. World, 22: 129, — — Basis for the Construction of. World, 24: 285, — Graded, Movement toward. World, 24: 37. — — Proposal for. 298. — Grading of Small. (A. S. Cole) Bib. World, 25: 148. — How One Church reorganized. (H. J . Haskell) Outl. 82: 899. — Kindergarten in, Outline Course for. (G. W. Pease) Bib. World, 22: 369, 451. —- of the Future. (C. C. Martin) Sund. M. 33: 461, — Opportunity of the Small. (B. S. Winchester) Bib. World, 21: 381. — Pedagogical Defects of. Educa. 24: 389, 472. — Practicability of the Laboratory Method in, with Special Reference to the Life of Christ. (H. W. Gates) Bib. World, 26: 459. — Problem of. (J . T. Prince) Educa. R. 25: 494, -— Worship in. Bib. World, 26: 165, Sunday-school Lessons, Natural Line of Advance in. (E. Blakeslee) Bib. World, 19: 51, — Some Principles of Method in Teaching. Pease) Bib. World, 21: 48, Sunday-school Progress. Bib. World, 26: 83, (F. Beard) Bib. (J. L. Keedy) Bib. (W. F. McMillen) Bib. World, 20: (G. W. Sunday-school Reform, Religious Efliciency of. Bib. World, 20: 417, Sunday-school Superintendents, A Word to. Bib. World, 26: 387. Sunday-school Teacher, Consecration of. (H. W. Gates) Bib. World, 20: 204, —Training of. Bib. World, 20: 331, 24: 243, Sunday-school Teaching, New System of. (C. Ray) Sund. M. 33: 584. Sunday-school Work in London. Sund. M. 33: 269. —- Some Experiments in. (T. D. Perry) Outl. 82: 268, Sunday Schools. (E. H. Rycroft) 19th Cent. 59: 1041, Sunday Trading, Recent Increase in. (Lord Avebury) 19th Cent. 58: 434. Sunday Worship of the Primitive Christians. Bartlett) Bib. World, 26: 341, Sundel, Rev. Andreas, Phila., Extracts from Diary of. Pennsyl. M. 302 237, 445. Sunken Treasure Syndicate; a story. (J . Oxenham) (H. B. Philpott) (J. V. Idler, 26: 415, 475, 622, 27: 60-245, '.-m SUNRISE Sunrise Substitute; a story. (R. B. Shelton) Munsey, 27= 894: Suns, Giant. (Alex. W. Roberts) Chamb. J. 81: 294. Sunset, Mechanism of a. (A. H. Bell) Eel. M. 1381 62, — near Jerusalem. (C. K. Linson) Cent. 50: 165. —— of Old Tales. (F. Macleod) Fortn. 79: 1087, _ Sunset Glows and Eruptions of Java, 1883, and Mar- tinique, 1902. (H. H. Clayton) Nature, 66! I01. — Heights of, in June, 1902. (A. S. Herschel) Nature, 66: 294, Sunshine Recorder, A New. Science, 11. s. 19: 801. Superannuated. (J . Lincoln) Atlan. 95: 757. Superannuation, State-aided. (T. F atkin) Bank. M. (Lend-) 741 234- Superintendent of Finance; Origin of the Title. (H. B. Learned) Am. Hist. R. 10: 565. Superintendent, School, Leadership in the. (A. W. Edson) Educa. 24: 65. — —— Relation of, to the Library. Pub. Lib. 8: 9o. Supernatural, The. -—— in Human Life. SI- — in Literature. (C. L. Moore) Dial, 39: 263. -— in 19th Century Fiction. Liv. Age, 238: 257. —- Nature and the. Spec. 95: 517. —St. Paul as a Witness to. (L. A. Fox) Luth. Q. 35: 221, Super-solid, The. (C. E. Benham) Knowl. 27! 45. Superstition, Luxury of. Spec. 952 312. Maimonides on. (H. S. Lewis) Jew. Q. 17! 475. — a Means of Defense. Am. Antiq. 26: 48, Superstitions, British. (E. H. Burke) Sat. R. 99: 454. — The Corpse-candle. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 314. —— Hebridean. Chamb. J . 79: 584. — Latter-day. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 75: 397, — of Cosmopolitan New York. (R. Shackelton) Har- per,IIO2 265, — Some Chinese. 4: 130, —Some New England. (Clifton Johnson) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 161, ——Village. Spec. 88: 82.=Ecl. M. 138: 495.=Liv. Age, 232: 506, Supervisors, School, as Aids to Superintendents. (W. E. Chancellor) Educa. 24: 517. Supervisory and Educational Movements. Brackett) Char. 8: 14-509, Supposition, Philosophy of a. 28: 502, Supreme Court, U. S., with portraits. (A. McKinley) Green Bag, 16: 369, -—American Ideal. (R. S. Holland) Green Bag, 16: (T. F. F itzgibbon) (J . Bascom) ‘Bib. Sac. 59: 238. (E. G. Guthrie) Yale Div. Q. I: (K. L. Schaeifer) Wis. Alum. M. (J. R. (W. J. White) Mind, 787. — its Place in the Constitution. (J . H. Choate) No. Am, 170: 927, Supreme Leaders, The. (Brander Matthews).Munsey, 34= 460. Supreme Test, The; a story. (G. S. Richmond) Mc- Clure, 22: 100. Sure Test, A. (Mary S. Cutting) Lippinc. 75: 766. Surfman Brainard’s “ Day Off.” (R. D. Paine) Out- ing. 47 = 152- Surge of the Slav. (Strigil) Macmil. 92: 62, Surgeon, A 16th Century. (T. L. L. Teeling) Month, 101: 278, Surgeon’s Power of Life and Death, The. (J. A. Rigby) Indep. R. 11: 329, Surgery, Advances in, in the United-States. (F. P. Foster) World’s Work, 7: 4199. -—Miracles of. (A. C. Seely and L. Scott) Am. M. 627 60: 337, SUTTER Surgery, Modern. (S. H. Adams) McClure, 24: 482. — of Light. (C. Moffett) McClure, 20: 361, Surplus in U. S. Treasury, Management of the. (E. S. Meade) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 5: 245. — Is it more of a Menace than Surety ? Lippinc. 77: 99- — Squandering a. (Sir Oliver Lodge) Contemp. go: 37. Surprising Sarah Ellen. (L. M. Hadley) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 753. Surrender of Professor Seymour, The; a story. (E. Jordan) Harper, I09: 955. Surrey, England, Rambles in. — Hunting in. Spec. 972 675. —- Old West. Antiq. n. s. 40: 244. — — Gertrude Jekyll on. Spec. 921 832. Surrey Downs. (A. Colton) Harper, I05: 861, Surveying, Geographical and Practical Astronomy suited to Present Requirements in. (E. A. Reeves) Geog. J. 232 I00. — Topographic. (T. H. Holdich) Geog. J . I9: 75. Surveyors, Liabilities of. Am. Arch. 87: I 30. Surveys, Elizabethan Village. (W. J. Corbett) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11: 67, Idler, 25: 12, Survival, The. (Adele M. Shaw) Cosmopol. 40: 401. Survivorship, Problems of. (C. B. Whittier) Green Bag. 161 237. Susa, Discoveries at, 1904. (A. van Branteghem) Sat. R. 98: 485, 638. 99: 730. —- The Temple of Susinak. (J . de Morgan) Harper, 110: 875, (M. E. Carr) TempfBar, I29: 588, (A. Warner) Cent. 46: Susan; a story. Susan Clegg’s Cousin Marion. 564. Susanna and I. (L. H. French) Cent. 43: 916. Suso, Heinrich, the Mystic. Church Q. 61: 164, Suspicious of Turkentine. (C. F. Marst) Longm. 43: I22.=Liv. Age, 240: 801, Sussex, An Ancient Seacoast Village in. king) Antiq. n. s. 41: 418. — Hides and Virgates in. (L. F. Salzmann) Eng. Hist. R. 19: 92, 503. — Highways and Byways of, Lucas on. Spec. 92: 496. —-Ath. ’o4, 1: 395. -—Sat. R. 97: 423. —— A Little Holiday in. (Kate Burgess) Chamb. J . (I. G. Sieve- 79: 471- — Overland of, Gossip in the. (W. C. Sydney) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 114, — Possibilities of Present Ownership in. (W. S. Blunt) 19th Cent. 59: 955. Sussex Garden. (E. C. Clifford) Art J . 58: 82. Sussex Marsh, A. Liv. Age, 234: 799. Siisskind of Trimberg. (A. M. F riedenberg) Jew. Q. ' 15: 61, Sustained Effort, and some Recent Novels. Cooper) Bookman, I8: 309. Sustained Interest, The, and some Recent Books. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 23: 27. (J. T. Sutherland. (A. T. S. Goodrick) Blackw. I80: 55. Sutherland, Alexander. (E. A. Petherick) Ath. ’02, 2: 487, Sutherlandshire in the 70’s. (J . B. Grahame) Longm. 46: 498. Sutlej, Campaign on the, 1845-46. (R. S. Rait) Eng. Hist. R. 18: 130, — Correspondence of Sir H. Harding and others. (G. C. M. Smith) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 737. Sutro, Alfred. Fascinating Mr. Vanderveldt. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 101: 552. — New Play by, 1905. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 99: 204. — Perfect Lover. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 100: 586, Sutter, John A., California Pioneer. (A. Del Mar) Californian, 2: 213. — (W. S. Rice) Out West, 17: 44!- SUTTER Sutter 8691. (Lucy B. Jerome) Overland, n. s. 43: 450. Suttner, Bertha, Baroness von. Chant. 43: 172. —- (H. Davis) Outl. 822 212, —-Indep_ 59: 1523. —- an Unsatisfactory Apostle of Peace. (Karl Blind) Forum, 37: 272. Suvarna, The Prayer of; from the Sanscrit. (E. H. Keen) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 184, Suvorov, Alexei V., a Russian Napoleon. (M. Church) Cornh. 87: 174. Suzanne is Grateful; a story. Appleton’s M. 8: 480, _ Suzanne’s Catechism. (M. W. Goodwin) Cent. 47: 674. Sveaborg and the Red Guard. (H. M. Donner) Indep. 61: 372, ' Swain, Edward R. Am. Arch. 76: 47, Swainson, Rev. Frank. Sund. M. 33: 300. Swallow, Bank. (F. Hope) Canad. M. 18: 501. —— Decrease of the. (J. H. Baldwin) Chamb. J. 82: (Katharine H. Brook) 72"- Swalloaws; Flight of the “ Swift.” (T. Edwardes) Idler, 27: 357. Swampy Indians, Myths of the. J. Am. F olk-Lore, I9: 334- Swan Carlson’s Wooing; a story. (L. D. Follett) Am. M- 61= 573. Swan, John. Speculum Mundi. tional, 39: 450. Swannington Church enlarged by its Vicar. fery) Sund. M. 33: 484, Swans. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 93: 765. — Care of. (F. F. McGrew) Ctry Life Am. 5: 331, —— Love and War among. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 951 419. =Liv. Age, 237: 324, -— Mating of. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 94: 9. —— Wild. Spec. 911 967. Swans; a poem. (C. F. Keary) Fortn. 78: 881. Swanscombe Church. Reliquary, 42: 21, Swansdown and Little Beauty. (Caroline Corner- Ohlmutz) Good Words, 471 I51. Swapping Horses; Military Submarine Mining. (E. D. Malcolm) Blackw. I78: 288, Swarkeston Manor House, Derbyshire. Antiq. n. s. 38: 331. Swartz Diamond, The. (E. W. Thomson) Cent. 43: 6o. T-Canad. M. 20: 371, Swastika, The, and Fire Worship in America. Am. Antiq. 26: 185, —— and Fylfot. (P. Carus) Open Court, 15: I 53, 356, Swayne, Charles, Impeachment of. (C. E. Littlefield) Green Bag, 17: 193. Swearingen, Richard Montgomery. Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 8: 225. Sweated Home-industries. (Margaret E. and J . Ram- say Macdonald) Indep. R. 10: 150, —— Exhibition of. Spec. 96: 899. Sweating, Psychical Causes of. Pedagog. Sem. 121 505. Sweating System and Race Suicide. (L. H. Berens) Westm. I65: 595. - Cause and Cure of. (J . Ramsay MacDonald) Indep. R. 2: 72. — Women and the. 90- Sweat-shop and its Remedies. ternat. Q. 7: 408, —- in Summer. (Annie M. Maclean) Am. J . Sociol. 9: 289, — to Factory. (E. Poole) Outl. 75: 688. Sweat-shop Girl, Story of a. (Sadie Frowne) Indep. 54: 2279, ' Sweden. Ed. R. 20!: 140, -—— and Norway. Indep. R. 6, no. 3: 77. —Quar. 203: 262.=Ecl. M. 143: 357. (E. Anstruther) Na- (F. Jef- (G. Bailey) (G. P. Garrison) (G. T. Partridge) (P. E. Moulder) Westm. 161: (E. Schwiedland) In- 628 SWEDISH Sweden, Architecture of. 901 91. 99, I09- — The Case for. (N. Edén) National, 46: 260. — In Southern. (G. F. Wright) Nation, 81: 275, — Libraries in. (B. Lundstedt) Pub. Lib. 9: 382. — Northern, Land of the Midday Moon. (F. E. Clark) Indep. 56: 247. — Social Progress in. 10: 569. — Textile Arts in. 26: 110, — Tour in, Ninety Years Ago. Temp. Bar, 132: 527, — A Vasa Prince and his Bride. Munsey, 34: 301. —The Wayside in. (A. N. Cooper) Monthly R. 25, no. 2: 91.: Liv. Age, 25!: 801. Swedenborg, Emanuel, and his Views. Church R. 92 255. —— and Maeterlinck. (Ednah D. Silver) N. Church R. (0. Z. Cervin) Am. Arch. (Mary R. Cranston) Craftsman, (Axel Tallberg) Studio (Internat.) (Lady S. Lyttelton) (F. Cunlifi-Owen) (C. Byse) N. '12: 416, — and Psychic Phenomena. (L. F. Hite) N. Church R. 12: 398. — Character of his Theological Writings. (S. M. War- ren) N. Church R. 10: 436. — Economy of the Animal Kingdom. (T. F. Moses) N. Church R. 11: 273, —- An Estimate of, in “Klinische Rundschau.” Church R. 10: 398, — Manuscripts of. (T. F. Wright) N. Church R. 10: I20, —- System of Theology. R, g: 207, — Was he a Mystic? (J . E. Werren) N. Church R. 11: 98. Swedenborg Scientific Association. 604. Swedenborgian Church as Different from the Others. (J. K. Payton) N. Church R. 10: 386. —in the World. (J. T. Prince) N. Church R. 13: I61. — The Real Heart of the. (A. A. Carey) N. Church R, 13: 185. —— Three Essentials of: Lord, Bible, and Doctrine of Life. N. Church R. 11: 78, Swedenborgian Church Organization, in relation to the Religious World. (A. Mason) N. Church R. 11: 321. Swedenborg’s House at St. Louis F air. N. Church R. 11: 602, Swedenborg’s Practical Life and Search for the Soul. (J. Whitehead) N. Church R. 13: 512, Swedenborg’s Writings, Revelation in. (F. Sewall) N. Church R. 122 87. Swedish-American, The. To-day, 9: 1293. Swedish Art at the St. Louis Exposition. (M. I. G. Oliver) Studio (Internat.) 242 51. —Brush & P. 15: 93. Swedish Catalogue of Accessions, The. (A. Anders- son) Lib. J. 29! supp. I12. Swedish Educational Exhibit at St. Louis. Smith) Educa. 25: 440, Swedish Emigrant’s Story. (A. Jarlson) Indep. 55: 88, Swedish Handicraft, An Ancient. Craftsman, 4: 365. Swedish Law-book of 1734. (W. Chydenius) Law Q. 20: 377, Swedish Law Reform. R. 38: 388, 674. Swedish Paintings, Modern. ternat.) 22: 97. Swedish Plot, The, of 1716-17, Hist. R. 18: 81. N. (G. Trowbridge) N. Church N. Church R. II: (T. F. Wright) (L. G. Northland) World (A. T. (S. D. Thompson) Am. Law (A. Tallberg) Studio (In- (J. F. Chance) Eng. SWEDISH Swedish Writers, Silhouettes of Some. Bookman, 24: 143. Sweede’s Angel, The. (P. Harlowe) (Mabel S. Ulrich) Everybody’s, 12: 313, “Sweet Adelais; ” a story. (J. B. Cabell) Harper, 110: 519, “Sweet Day of Rest; ” a story. (Eliza C. Hall) Cos- mopol. 38: 149. Sweet Peas. (E. E. Cole) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 90. Sweetheart Sweep, The. (G. Scott) Blackw. I80: 227, Swetchine, Madame, and her Friends. (M. M. Max- well Scott) Cath. World, 82: 166, Swift, G. F. (S. E. Moffett) Cosmopol. 35: 5 5. Swift, J ohn, and his Lost Silver Mine. (Howard Flan- ' agan) Appleton’s M. 8: 419. Swift, Jonathan. A Cynic’s Love-letters. Montgomery) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 243. —— His Famous Joke. Acad. 64: 489. —- in Dublin. (J . H. Bernard) Blackw. I80: 676. — Love Affairs of. Bk. News, 25: 23. —— Political Tracts of. (H. Lavers Smith) Ath. ’02, 2: 619, —— Sequel to Gulliver’s Travels. Acad. 69: 923. Swift Family of Philadelphia. (T. W. Balch) Pennsyl. M. 30: 129, Swimming. (A. S. Pier) Atlan. 96: 181, —(S. Haw- ley) Ctry Life Am. 10: 403. — Easiest Method of Learning. Outing, 40: 445. — How to learn. (J. P. Thompson) Idler, 23: 336. — How to make Poles and Slings for Bathers. Beard) Outing, 46: 634, — in Peace and War. (K. Blind) Chamb. J. 793 563. —— Scientific and Otherwise. (L. P. Corbin) Outing, 42: (K. L. (J . P. Thompson) (D. 514- — Scientifically considered. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 65= 44- -.— Speed. (L. De B. Handley) Outing, 48:' 569. — Teaching Boys. (H. G. Hunting) Ctry Life Am. 8: 443- — Things a Woman should know. (C. Dalton) Outing, 44I 401. Swimming-hole, The; a sketch. 21: 160, Swimming—pool at Cornish, N. H. Life Am. 10: 302, — Pleasures of a Private. 4: 269, Swimming-pools, Outdoor. (P. Martyn) Ctry Life Am. 8: 316, Swimming Powers of Animals. (P. Fountain) Longm. 43= 326- Swinburne, Algernon Charles. (E. Gosse) Cent. 41: 101. — (H. W. Boynton) Critic, 46: 58, —— and the Sea. (C. C. Michaelides) Indep. R. 8: 69, —— as a Critic of Dickens. Acad. 63: 87. — A Channel Passage and other Poems. Monthly R. 17, no. 22 I65.——Spec. 93: 393.—(F. Thompson) Acad. 67: 196.—Ath. ’o4, 2: 475. -—Ecl. M. 143: 555- — Liv. Age. 24% 438- —- Characteristics of Poetry of. Ed. R. 204: 468. —- Collected Poems. (E. Rhys) Fortn. 83: 150, —Early Dramas and Poems. (R. Colles) Gent. M. (E. Wood) McClure, (F. Duncan) Ctry (H. Jayne) Ctry Life Am. 11. s._7I: 128, — on Art and Life. (A. A. Wheeler) Californian, 3: 129, -— on the Sea. (G. Radford) Gent. M. n. s. 75: I98. — Later Poetry of. (A. Clutton-Brock) Acad. 71: 397. — On the Spiritual Side of his Genius. (G. Barlow) Contemp. 88: 231, -—- The Plays of a Great Poet. (Gilbert Murray) Liv.- Age. 2471 244- 629 — Poems. Ath. ’O4, I: 775. —-Sat. R. 98: 17, 365, 699. SWORDS Swinburne, Algernon Charles, Poetry and Criticism of. Quar. 203: 525. — Poetry of. (W. M. Payne) Dial, 38: 152, — A Poet’s Retrospect. Dial, 38: 111. — The Queen Mother. (R. Colles) Gent. M. n. s. 58: 301. —— Tragedies. Sat. R. 101: 238. —— Woodberry’s Life of. (F. Greenslet) Nation, 82: ,8. Swindling Hill, The Pay on. (J . Conyngham) Over- land, n. s. 46: 327, Swine, Inheritance of Color Coat in. (W. J . Spillman) Science, 11. s. 24: 441. Swiss Adventure, A Little. Memory of a. (W. F. Dix) Outl. 74: 384. Swiss Architecture. (T. M. Clark) Am. Arch. 89: 136. —-(R. Mobbs) Studio (Internat.) 24: 17, Swiss Family Robinson, A Modern. (John B. Walker) Cosmopol. 38: 448, Swiss National Bank. (J . Landman) Q. J . Econ. 20: 463. Swiss Peasant, The. (W. H. Dawson) Indep. R. 4: 184.: Eel. M. 144: 202. =Liv. Age, 243: 749. Switzerland and her Ideal Government. (O. K. Hewes) Arena. 33= 369- - and Italy, Religious Life of; a Contrast. Kuhns) Meth. R. 65: 9. (L. O. ‘— Army, Regulations for‘Manoeuvres. (A. C. Sharpe) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 78. — at the Beginning of the 16th Century. (J . M. Vin- cent)J. H. Univ. Stud. 22: 231,:Liv, Age, 243: 749- — Fauna of. Am. Natural. 36: 330. — Glimpses into. (A. A. I/Vetter) Ednca. 22: 41;, — Holiday-home in. (E. T. Merrill) Nation, 78: 107, — Libraries in. (M. E. Hawley) Pub. Lib. 91 392. — Military Organization. (T. B. Mott) J . Serv. Inst. 381-243, 442, 39: 18. — Municipal Problems in Mediaeval. (J . M. Vincent) J. H. Univ. Stud. 23: 659. _ —of the Wayside. (H. C. Macdowall) Macmil. 88: 46.-_-Liv. Age, 238: 182, —- Open-air Parliaments in. 456- —— Peasants of. (W. H. Dawson) Indep. R. 4: 184, :- Liv. Age, 243: 749, — Periodical Press of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 187. —— Prosperity of, and Government Ownership. (C. E. Russell) Everybody’s, 14: 469, 1 — Rambles in. (Carl S. Vrooman) Arena, 36: 20. (M. O’Brien) Nation, 80: — a Scramble on the Wellen-Kiippe. (E. E. Stock) Idler, 28: 11, — Walking in. (S. Newcomb) Nation, 81: 2 56, —Winter Sports at St. Moritz. lover’s M. 5: 207, Sword, The, and the Pen. (H. Wyndham) Un. Serv. M. 31: 434. — Silver-mounted, 17th Century. tiq. n. s. 39: 41. —-— Small, Revival of the. (C. N. Robinson) 19th Cent. 57: I10, ‘ Sword of Ahab, The; a story. (J . E. Dunning) Har- per, 109: 327, , Sword of Honor, The. (Mary Westenholz) Cornh. 86: 528.: Liv. Age, 235: 430. Swordfish, The. (Ulric Dahlgren) Outing, 46: 286. — Catching. (C. F. Holder) Outing, 44: 752. Swords-, Japanese. (Mrs. H. E. Gregory-Flesher) Calif. M. 2: I4. Swords of the House of Noge; a true story. . (A. Kin- nosuke) Am. M. 61: 315. Swords of Many Lands. (R. I. Geare) Craftsman, 9: 687. ‘ (P. Henry) Book- (T. Sheppard) An- SWORDSMAN Swordsman and the Count. (W. H. Pollock) Longm. 44: 120, - Swordsman’s Adversary. (W. H. Pollock) Longm. 41: 521, Swordsman’s Victory. (W. H. Pollock) Longm. 45: 126. Swordsmanship historically considered. (E. Castle) Cornh. 89: 686.=Liv. Age, 241: 798.=J. Soc. Arts, 51: 580. Sybil; a story in Sonnets. nian, 5: 222. Sycophancy, Renascence of. Blackw. I77: 179. Sydney, Australia. (G. A. King) Canad. M. 22: 315. -—- Harbor of. (R. Malet de Cartera) Temp. Bar, 129: 7 36. Sydney Grammont’s Model; a story. (E. C. Marsh) Cosmopol. 36: 5I. Syenite, Plauenal Monzonose (Syenite) of the Plauen- scher- Grund. (H. S. Washington) Am. J . Sci. 172: 129, Sykes, Percy M., a Great Persian Traveler. .66: 418. Sylvia and the Subway; a story. (W. H. Isborne) Lippinc. 78: 236. Sylvia’s Bridegrooms. 75‘ 485- Symbolic Reasoning. (H. MacColl) Mind, 28: 355. 301 74. 390- 3B 504- Symbolical Drama. (E. Faguet) Internat. Q. 8: 329. Symbolism. Acad. 71: 635. —- Early Christian Symbol of the Open Book. Ramsay) Expos. 6th ser. 1!: 294. —— Ethics of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 67: 199. —-— in Dress. (Charlotte P. Gilman) Indep. 58: 1294, — in Literature. Acad. 64: 368. ' —— Use and Abuse of. (W. H. Feldman) Luth. Q. 35: (Edgar Fawcett) Califor- Nature, (Arabella Kenealy) Lippinc. (W. M. 575- Symbolistic Writing, A Case of Senile Delusions. (A. L. Gesell) Am. J . Psychol. 16: 519. Symbols in Italian Painting. (Mrs. Herman J . Hall) Chant. 43: 43. —-— Migration of. Am. Antiq. 25: 318. — Of. (M. Reed) Macmil. 91: 108,:-Liv, Age, 244: 371‘ Symington, William, and the Centenary of Steam Navigation. Chamb. J. 79: 180. Symmetry, Linear Illusions, and the Movements of the Eyes. (G. M. Stratton) Psychol. R. 13: 81, Symonds, John A., and Flaubert, G., Intellectual Hu- man Ideals in Literature. (J . W. Young) Sewa- nee, I0: I60, Symons, Arthur. (B. De Casseres) Critic, 43: 353.- (P. E. More) Indep. 54: 914. — Cities. Ath. '03, 2: 641, -— Fool of the World. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 101: 45 5, — Plays, Acting, and Music. (J . Huneker) Lamp, 28: 374. —(M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 96: 360, —— Poems. Ath. ’OZ, 11 74.—Sat. R. 93: 144, Sympathy in Drama. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 94: 515. —— in Home Life. Educa. 24: 567. — Powerlessness of. (P. M. Craigie) Acad. 66: 197, —— Stratification of. (C. Meily) Char. I 5: 415. Symphonia-bagpipe; Luke 15: 25. (P. Barry) J . Bib. Lit. 23: 180. ~— not a Bagpipe. (C. F. Moore) J. Bib. Lit. 24: 166. Symphony in Coal, A. (M. S. Cutting) McClure, 26: . 567. Symphony in Scarlet, A. (Eleanore F. Lewys) Over- land, n. s. 44: 64. ~ Symphony Concerts, People’s, and their Founder. (R. W. Gilder) Outl. 81: 19!. Synagogue, Story of the. (A. S. Isaacs) Archit. Rec. 20: 465. Syndicate Hero, A. (C. T. Brady) Scrib. M. 34: 551. 630 TACOMA Syndicated Prince, A; a story. (B. W. Babcock) Ec1-M- I46= 377. 544- I47= 73-549. Syntax. Study of, Controlling Conceptions in. (W. G. Hale) School R. 10: 417. Syracuse, Ancient. (J . Bryce) Nation, 78: 3. Syracuse, N. Y., High School, New Building of. (VV. K. Wickes) School R. 11: 495. — Plans for the First Presb. Church of. Archit. R. 11: 125, Syrett, N etta. Finding of Nancy. Sat. R. 93: 633. Syria, Ancient, and Egypt. 60: 92. —— and Palestine, Paton’s History of. Nation, 741 I74. —- Anthropological Expedition to, Preliminary Report of. (H. M. Huxley) Am. Anthropol. 4: 47. —— Deserts of. (L. Jebb) Longm. 43: 418. —— the Glory of all Lands. (L. G. Leary) World To- day. 91 I159- — A Land of Deserted Cities. 443 217- — Princeton Expedition to, Preliminary Report of. (Enno Littmann) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 9: 389, — Sculptures in Northern Central. (H. C. Butler) Princ. Univ. Bull. 13: 33. —— Turkish Rule East of the Jordan. Cent. 52: 226. Syrian, Story of a Young. Indep. 55: 1007. Syrian Boys. (F. R. Earp) Macmil. go: 381. Syrian Folk-lore; Notes collected in Boston. Wilson) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I6: 133. Syrian Protestant College at Beirut, Field Day at. (L. G. Leary) World To-day, 6: 496, Syrians in New York. (N. Duncan) Harper, I06: 5 5 3, — of Persia and Eastern Turkey. (W. A. Shedd) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: I. I System. Perplexities of a Systematist. (C. C. Nut- ting) Science, n. s. 17: 63. (M. Beerbohm) (W. M. Patton) Bib. Sac. (J . P. Peters) (H. C. Butler) Cent. (C. L. Bell) 19th (H. B. T. G., the New Planet. Astron. 14: 473. T-square Club Exhibition. Tabachetti and the New Jerusalem. Good Words, 431 305. Tabasco and Chiapas; two Little-known States of South Mexico. (W. H. Randall) Chamb. J . 79: 345, Tabary; the Father of Arabic History. (Mohamma- dibn Jerir) Gent. M. n. s. 76: 337. Table, The, and the Empire. Chamb. J . 79: 767. Table-talk. (E. B. Harrison) 19th Cent. 56: 790. — Spec. 97: 43o.=Liv. Age, 251: 439, Tables, Ancient. (A. S. Levetus) Studio (Internat.) 26: 309. Taboga and the Chagres River. (G. Richardson and E. E. Slosson) Indep. 60: 860, Tabulating-machine, Cost-accounting. (M. W. Gaines) Engin. M. 30: 364, Tacchina, Pietro. Nature, 712 564.— (Hector Mac- Pherson, jr.) Pop. Astron. I3: 306. Tacitus. Annals, Bks. I-6, trans. by G. G. Ramsay. Spec. 92: 415. —(E. T. Merrill) Nation, 79: 58. —~ How he conceived History. (G. Boissier) Liv. Age, 23$ 385-456- —— Useful to the Modern Statesman. Duff) Roy. Hist. Soc. n. s. 8: .1. Tackling a Thief; a story. (D. Ker) Chamb. J . 33¢ 232. Tacoma, Washington. (J. S. Whitehouse) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 15: 587. -—- Financially and Industrially Sound. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 67. —- the Industrial Center of the Northwest. Pratt) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 73: 49. (A. D. Crommelin) Pop. Am. Arch. 90: I95. (J . E. WVhitby) (M. E. Grant- (E. White) (L. W. TACOMA Tacoma, Mt. See Rainier, Mt. Taconic Range, Geology of the North End of. (T. N. Dale) Am. J. Sci. 167: 185, Tactical Use of Ground. Un. Serv. M. 321 353. Tactics. (J. Regan) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37¢ 52. —— New. (J. Regan) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 188. —— Remark upon. (J. Regan) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 361 479- Taffvale Case. (J . G. Steifee) Am. Law R. 37! 385. Taft, Russell Smith. (W. P. Stafford) N. E. Reg. 57: II, Taft, William H., Gov. (T. Roosevelt) Harv. Grad. M, 11: 1, —~ and the Philippines. 11: 6995. — as Governor of the Philippines. (0. K. Davis) Everybody’s, I0: 4o6.—(F. W. Nash) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 164. — The New Secretary of War. (G. Kennan) Outl. 76: '61, —— orl our Criminal Law. Outl. 80: 661. —— Record in the Philippines. (J. A. Le Roy) Indep. (J . A. Le Roy) World’s Work, 56: 191, —- Testimony of. (G. Kennan) Outl. 70: 417. —- With, in Japan. (J . A. Le Roy) Indep. 59: 627. —- Work of, as Governor of the Philippines. (B. Moses) World’s Work, 7: 4222, Taft Commission to the East, Outcome of the. (J . A. Le Roy) World To-day, I0: 51. Tagalog Language, The. (D. J . Doherty) Educa. R. 241 497- Taggart, Thomas, and the Democratic Committee, with portrait. (J . P. Hornaday) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 289, Tahiti, and Papéete Beach. (C. Keeler) Out West, W 269. 491, 635- —— A ‘Holiday in. (L. O’Connell) World To-day, II: 811, — Traveling in. Tahoe Lake, Cal. Tahquamenon Drive, With the. Outl. 83: 967. Tai-Ping Canon. Tail, Plea for the. Critic, 46: 447, Tailoresses, London’s. (C. Keller) Out West, 22: 45, 143, (A. C. Murphy) Calif. M. 2: 48. (W. D. Hulbert) Open Court, 16: 59. (E. Ayrton [Mrs. I. Zangwill]) (Clemenfina Black) Econ. J . I4: " 5, Tailors, Labor Unions of the. i (R. S. Baker) McClure, 24: 126, Taine, Hippolyte. (R. S. Devonshire) Bk. News, 21: Z45. — (H. Herbert Dodwell) Quar. 202: 371, -— and his Statue. (R. Ogden) Nation, 771 I29. —— and Renan, Philosophy of. (A. Fouillée) Internat. Q. 6: 260, — Life and Correspondence of, 1853-1870, Atb, ’o4, 1: 554.—(P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 37: I04,-—Spec, 93: 430. — (W. M. Payne) Internat. Q. 10: 196. —- (A. Laugel) Nation, 75: 8. 81: 10, 31, — Ten Pages of. (Hilaire Belloc) Internat. Q. 12: 255, —— Youth of. (A. M. F. Robinson) Fortn. 78: 943.: Liv. Age, 236: 545. Tainted Money and the Church. Arena, 34: 265. Tainted News as seen in the Making. Bookman, 24: (G. F. Pentecost) 396- Tait, Peter Guthrie. (C. K. Edmunds) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 163. Taj Mahal, The. (A. C. Albers) Open Court, 17: 529. — (E. B. Havell) Am. Arch. 81: 27. —— and its Designers. (E. B. Havell) I9th Cent. 53: 1039. See Agra. Takagi San ; a story. (H. L. Norris) Longm. 46: 223, 631 TAMALPAIS Takahira, Kogoro, J apan’s Representative at Washing- ton. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 682.—With portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 78: 355. Takayu, A Month at. (J . H. De Forest) Indep. 55: 1243. 0 ‘ Taken in and done for; a story. (J . Baden) Overland, n. s. 46: I40. Taking Chances; a Fishing Sketch. (G. Kennan) Outl. 74: 945- Taking One’s Self seriously. (Mrs. J . Lane) Fortn. W 433- Taku Forts, Capture of, 17th June, I900. miral Hildebrandt) Un. Serv. M. 28: 11. Talbot, Newton. (H. S. Ballou) N. E. Reg. 581 329. Tale of a Cad. (A. M. Lederer) Lippinc. 741 666. Tale of J apan, A. (J . S. Martin) Cornh. 892 843. Tale of Old Labuan, A. (Hugh Clifiord) Temp. Bar, 128: 158.=Ecl. M. 141: 655, :Liv. Age,_238: 812, Tale of the Pasquia Post. (H. Whitaker) Canad. M. (Vice-Ad- 27: 157, Tale of 34 Federal. (D. Richberg) Green Bag, 17: 208. Tale of a Turnip. (E. Archer) Ecl. M. 147: 159. Tale of a Turtle, The. (C. Hawkes) Overland, n. s. 46: 260, Tale of Two Dogs. (Cy Warman) Canad. M. 25: :13. Tale of Two Feet ; a drama. (Mrs. A. Lyttelton) Na- tional, 39I 927. Tale-bearing in France. day, 82 307, Talent, Distribution of, in the United States. (G.Mi- chaud) Cent. 47: 41, Tales, Uncanny. (Margaret M. Williamson) Chamb. (A. F. Sanborn) World To- J . 83: 4. Tales of the Sea. (Arthur H. Dutton) Overland, n. s. 48: 179. Talfourd, Thomas Noon. Modern Dramatists. 69: 401, Talk with my Uncle. Talkative Tommy; a story. M. 8: I16, Talking vs. Acting. (R. Mansfield) Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: I62, Talks with Girls: An Understudy for an Angel. Burrill) Chamb. J. 81: 737, ' Tallac and Tahoe. (Eleanore F. Lewys) Overland, n. s.48: 172. Talleyrand, as a Bishop. (A. Laugel) Nation, 75: 204, 243- — Marriage of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 81: 356. — Venality of. (T. McCabe) Critic, 48: 161, —— Was he born in Mt. Desert, Maine ? (Jane M. Por- ter) Bookman, I6: 26, Tallien, Madame. (D. Daly) 19th Cent. 58: 228. = Ecl. M. 145: 519, Tallulah Exposition, Georgia, 1901. I5: 418, Tally ho! a story. (A. Stodda-rt) Munsey, 272 831. Talma. (A. Laugel) Nation, 79: 292. Talmud, The, and Christianity. (W. R. Betteridge) Am. J. Theol. 8: 795. — and Kindred Jewish Literature, Introduction to Quotations from. (P. Cook) Bib. World, 22: 216, An Elizabethan and Two (J. Kindon) Gent. M. n. s. Westm. I57: 420. (L. Bartlett) Appleton’s (K. N at’l M. (Bost.) 294- — Methods of Teaching. (L. Blau) Jew. Q. I 5! I21. Talofa, Samoan Word for Love. (Marion Drewe) Over- land, 11. s. 44: I72, Tamalpais, Cal., At the Base of. (C. F. Holder) Calif. M- 31 475- —— The Land of. (B. Brooks) Scrib. M. 382 70. — Scenic Railway at. (M. A. Arnold) Land of Sun. 9: 48. TAMANEN D Tamanend. Society of the Sons of St. Tammany of Philadelphia. (F. V. Cabeen) Pennsyl. M. 25: 433: z6= 207. 335. 443- Taming of the Imp, The. Words, 43: 753. Taming of Old Jim, The; a Stage Driver’s Story. (Jack Hamilton) Overland, n. s. 46: 357, Taming of Roaney, the Renegade. (H. F. Coolidge) Outing, 46: 411. Taming of the Squirrel, The; a story. nell) Temp. Bar, 234: 497. Tamiosoma, True Nature of. n. s. 15: 5. Tammany again. (Margaret Westrup) Good (F. N. Con- (W. H. Dall) Science, Fortn. 80: 916. =Liv. Age, 240: 65. -— Calling Evil Good. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 276. — Hodder’s Fight against. Macmil. 88: 303. — Mixed Allies of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 77: 3 3 5. —— The Real. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 401. — A Sidelight on. (H. Lamont) Nation, 76: 469. -— What makes it Possible ? Spec. 91: 801, Tammany, St., Society of Sons of, Philadelphia. (F. V. Cabeen) Pennsyl. M, 27: 29, Tammany’s Tithes; a story. (H. J . O’Higgins) Mc- Clure, 27: 621, Tampico Expedition, The. Assoc. Q. 6: 169, Tanaka, the Coward. (J. Gordon Smith) Canad. M. 25: 21, Tanana Gold Fields, Alaska, A Growing Camp in. (S. Paige) Nat. Geog. M. 162 I04. Taney, Roger Brooke, with portrait. Green Bag, 14: 1, 559. Taney Bench, with portraits. Bag, 16: 396, Tanganyika, Lake, Moore on. Geog. J . 21: 288. —- (W. B. Hemsley) Nature, 68: 56, Tangent of a Crime. (H. D. Ward) Atlan. 95: 328. Tangier, English. (A. F. Steuart) Asia. R. 34: 353. -English Occupation of, 1661-83. (E. Routh) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 19: 61. —— from an Artist’s Point of View. (L. E. MacBrayne) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 17: 611, — Impressions of. (Alice E. Redpath) Good Words, (E. C. Barker) Texas Hist. (F. R. Jones) (A. McKinley) Green 46: 695. — in the Early ’70’s. (I. Perdicaris) Putnam, 1: 22, — to Morocco, From. Macmil. 91: 258. Tangle—Town. (Grace D. Litchfield) Bookman, 17: 619, Tangled Lines; a story. (A. F. McFarlane) Outing, 40: 678. Tangled up in Beulah Land; a story. Everybody’s, 6: 151-612, 7: 51, 156, Tangled Web, A; a story. (M. C. McGiifert) Atlan. 981 395- Tantalum. (F. Mollivo Perkin) Nature, 71: 610, -— and its Alloys. Science, 11. s. 22: 346, Tantiusques, Graphite Mine at. (G. H. Haynes) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 240, Tao Teh, the Chinese Classic. Acad. 64: 416.—(E, H. Parker) Dub. R. 133: 360. 134: 155. -— Medhurst’s New Translation of. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 174, Taoism. (E. H. Parker) Asia R. 442 311. — and Buddhism. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 654, Taoist Religion, The. (E. H. Parker) Dub. R. 133: 128. Taormina, Beautiful. lover’s M. 6: 767. Taos, Indian Festival at. 282. —- The Pyramids of. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 6: 141, (Caroline B. Kuehn) Book- (J . A. Le Roy) Outing, 43: 632 ' TARIFF Tapehanek Dialect of Virginia. Anthropol. 6: 313. Tapera, the Abandoned. (W. R. Gerard) Am. (R. B. G. Graham) Sat. R. 96: 572, Tapestry, Arras. (H. A. Bone) Art J . 57¢ 246. —- Bayeux. Chamb. J. 80: 573 Tappen, Frederick D. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64: 557. Tar-skin Simcoe and the Green Barrel. (B. Branden- burg) Cosmopol. 41: 224, Tarapaczi and the Nitrate Industry. die) Chamb. J. 82: 149. Tarascon. (J . A. Hamerton) Critic, 47: 317. Tarbell, Edmund C. (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 48: 137. — (F. W. Colburn) World To-day, 11: 1077, - — With portrait. (A. W. Barker) Booklover’s M. 3: 749- — A Portrait by. (W. S. Howard) Harper, 112: 703, Tarbell, Gage E., Insurance Strategist. (I. S. Grim) World’s Work, 9: 6098. Tarbell, Ida M. McClure, 19: 588. — (M. A. Best) Critic, 46: 366. Tariff. Agacy’s Free Trade, Protection, Dumping, Bounties, and Preferential Tariffs. (J . S. Nichol- son) Econ. R. 14: 61, — The Alternative of Reciprocity Treaties or a Dou- ble. (J. B. Osborne) No. Am. 181: 731, — American Colonial Policy and the. (R. F. Hoxie) J. Pol. Econ. 11: 198, —— and Balfour. Sat. R. 96: 416. -— and the Farmers. (E. C. Drury) Canad. M. 25: 5 56. — and the Londoners. Sat. R. 97: 68. — and Reciprocity. (W. L. Douglas) Indep. 571 I416. -— and Trade Unions. Sat. R. 96: 321. —— and the Trusts. (W. A. Stone) Indep. 54: 2520. —— and U. S. Commercial Growth. (R. H. McDonald, jr. ; S. M. White) Calif. M. 2: 808. —— and VVool-growing since 1890. (C. W. Wright) Q. J . Econ. 19: 010. — Argument for Preference. 14: 1, — as an Imperial Tie. Sat. R. 98: 752. (W. J . Kirkcal- (W. J . Ashley) Econ. J . — Canada’s Mood towards the United States. (E. Porritt) No. Am. 182: 565. — Canadian, Anti-dumping Feature of. (A. Shortt) Q. J. Econ. 20: 250. — Carver on the. (E. H. Johnson) Q. J. Econ. 18: I35- -- Differences of U. S. with Germany. (W. von Schier- brand) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 321 205. — Economic Prejudice against. (L. L. Price) Fortn. 80: 747. — Fiscal Problems of To-day; an Answer to Argu- ments of Free Traders. (G. Byng) F ortn. 78: 453. —— Five Per Cent all round. (L. T. Hobhouse) Indep. R. 5: 37. — for England as a Business Proposition. Sat. R. 96: — FiZZTrade and Protection. (G. Cohn) Econ. J . 14: —— Gliiian, The Genesis of. (W. H. Dawson) Econ. J . — Tl1le“‘IGreat Consult.” Ed. R. 201: 255, — in Connection with Industrial Occupations. (E. Atkinson) Q. J. Econ. 17: 280, — in Great Britain: Protection and Empire as an Issue. Chaut. 38: 6, -— in 1904. (F. J . Whiting) Nation, 77: 399. —— in Our Times. (Ida M. Tarbell) Am. M. 63: 115. — Iron and Steel, Shall we reduce the ? (A. Brown) No. Am. 176: 46. —— Is it merely Chamberlain’s Question? Sat. R. 961 387,449 —— Issue in. . (E. Maxey) Arena, 30: 483, TARIFF Tariff. Lodge and the Revisionists. (R. Ogden) Na- tion, 81: 292, —— Manifesto of Professors on. Sat. R. 96: 224. —— More Equitable if on Many Articles. Sat. R. 96: 160. —- The Myth of the Big and Little Loaf. (W. H. Mallock) F ortn. 80: 893. — New Fiscal Barriers in Europe. temp. 87: 347. —- New German. (VV. H. Dawson) Econ. J . I2: 15. 13¢ IO7.——(N. I. Stone) No. Am. 181: 392,--(O. Fleming) Econ. R. 15¢ 45!. —- on Art. Outl. 70: 610. — Am. Arch. 75: 79. — (K. Cox) Brush & P. I0: 371. — —and Books in Canada. 27: 120, — -— Folly of the. 225. —- “ Opening ” the. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 242. -— Our Inhuman. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 358, —— Our Peaceful Policy. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, 80: 388. — Pigou’s Riddle of the. (L. L. Price) Econ. R. 14: (J . S. Mann) Con- (A. Haultain) Canad. M. (J . W. Alexander) Brush & P. 9: 232, —-— Political Economy and the. (VV. J. Ashley) Econ. R. W 257- —— Preferential, and Agriculture in England. Sat. R. 98: 160. —— —— and Colonial Trade. Ed. R. I99: 279. —— — as an Empire Builder. 5 Sat. R. 97: 290. —— —— Chamberlain on. Sat. R. 95¢ 640, 672, 768. — (Y. Guyot and others) Fortn. 80: 1, 193, —-— Problem of, Ashley’s. (J. S. Nicholson) Econ. J. 14: 63. —(M. W. Middleton) Econ. R. 14: 107, —---— in Great Britain. (J . M. McEvoy) Canad. M. 22: 237- ' -— Protective, and the Export Trade of the United States. (S. N. D. North) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: I. —-— — Principle of. Vanderbilt Univ. 62 3. —- Reduction of, Monopoly and. (J . B. Clark) Pol. Sci. Q- I9= 376- -—— Retaliation and Reciprocity. Quar. I98: 613, —— Revision of the. (J . W. Babcock and others) Indep. 54¢ 1294. —— (R. Ogden) Nation, 79: 408. -— — and Prosperity. (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 182, —-— - Necessary. (W. D. Washburn) Outl. 79: 436. —-— —- not desirable. (W. F. Draper) Outl. 79: 432. -— Rosebery on. Sat. R. 96: 480, —— Secretary Shaw on the. (R. Ogden) Nation, 7 5: 164. -—Single, or Dual, which? (J. T. McCleary) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 425. —-— Some Stupidities of the. Cent. 47¢ 635. -— Some Suggestions towards an Imperial. lard) National, 39: 209. -— Some Theoretical Possibilities of a Protective. N. Carver) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 3: 167. -— What shall we do with the ? (T. B. Reed) No. Am. 175: 746- Tariif Commission, English, Report of. (S. J . Chap- man) Econ. J. 15: 420. —-— Scope of a Permanent. 34= 61?. Tariff Controversies in 19th Century, Stanwood on. (O. L. Elliott) Dial, 36: 236, Tariff Legislation, The Rake’s Progress in. (J . Schoen- hof) Forum, 32: 608, Tariff Policy and Party Loyalty in England. Sat. R. 96: 6. —-— Diplomatically considered. Sat. R. 96: 68. Tariff Reform. (F. M. Burnett) Econ. R. 16: 396. ' — The Future of. (J . L. Garvin) National, 48: 613, (V. Cail- (T. (A. H. Washburn) Forum, 633 Tariff Situation in the United States. (J . D. Whelp- ley) Fortn. 82: 60, TAVERNS Tariff Taxes, Sky-scraping. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 82: 275, Tariflt’ Union, Middle European, Continental Opinion regarding. (G. M. Fisk) J. H. Univ. Stud. 20: I. Tariffs and National Well-being. Quar. 20!: 2 50, — Toryism and. (W. B. Dufiield) F ortn. 85: 427. Tarkington, Booth. (C. H. Garrett) Outl. 72: 817. Tarleton, Sir Banastre. (J . B. Atlay) Cornh. 92¢ 229. Tarnaby’s Barge; a Thames—side Story. (T. St. E. Hake) Chamb. J. 81: extra no. 37.’ Tarnished Star, A. (J. C. Lincoln) Everybody’s, I4: 1 63 . Tarpon, The, and its Relationship with the Horse. (James C. Ewart) Nature, 74: 113. — After, with a Camera. (J. Dimock) Ctry Life Am. 91 4°2- — Giant of the Mexican Gulf. ins, 451 721. Tarpon Fishing. (A. H. Gleason) Ctry Life Am. 7: 247.— (C. F. W. Mielatz) Outing, 41: 560, (E. H. Hudson) Out- — in Florida. (A. W. Dimock) Ctry Life Am. 3: 227. — on East Coast of Florida. (R. B. Seager) Outing, am 558- Tarry at Home Travels. (E. E. Hale) Outl. 80: 71- 523, 81: 219-474. 82: 451, Tarsus. (W. M. Ramsay) Expos. 7th ser. 1: 258, 353, 453- 21 29~35. — (W. M. Ramsay) Geog. J. 22: 357- —- and the Pass of the Cicilian Gates. say) Ath. ’o3, 2: 165, — Explorations in. (W. M. Ramsay) Ath. ’o2, 2: 764. Tartars and Armenians. (J . G. Browne) Contemp. 89: (W. M. Ram- 72- - Awakening of the. (A. Vambéry) 19th Cent. 57: 217. -— Constitutional. (A. Vambéry) 19th Cent. 59: 906. Tartarus not Hades. (G. St. Clair) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 76. Tarte, Hon. J . I., Canadian Statesman. (H. F. Gadsby) Canad. M. 23: 32. Tasmania, Apple Industryr of. (F. A. W. Gisborne) Chamb. J. 82: 308, Tasso and the Church of San Onofrio. Cath. World, 76: 585. Taste. (H. C. Castle) Month, 102: 39, —— Training in. (W. H. Downes) Atlan. 93¢ 817. Taste of Vintage, A. (H. H. Colvill) Temp. Bar, 134: 58 (G. P. Curtis) Taste-words, Primitive. (A. F. Chamberlain) Am. J . Psychol. 14: 416. Tastoanes, The; Aztec Drama. Folk-Lore, I 5: 73. Taswell, William, Diary of. (C. Spender) Temp. Bar, 130: 610, Tata. (Jean Aicard) Liv. Age, 238: 705 -240: 341. Tatian. Diatessaron, Traces of, in Harclean Syriac Lectionaries. (G. A. Barton and H. H. Spoer) J . Bib. Lit. 24: 179. Tattooing. Human Documents. Good Words, 47¢ 33. Tau of Morse Ivory, 11th Century. Archaeol. 58: 407. Taunla, the Dacoit. (W. A. Frasér) Canad. M. 24: 505. Tauquitch and Algoot, Legend of. (G. W. James) J . Am. Folk-Lore, I6: I53. Tauquitz Mountain, Old. (Helen L. Jones) Overland, n. s. 43: 45 5. Taurin in Invertebrate Muscle. (H. C. Bradley) Sci- ence, 20: 25. Taurus intervenes. (W. H. Rainsford) Longm. 43: 173. IEcl. M. 142! 305. = Liv. Age, 240: 89. Taurus Pass, The Great. (VV. M. Ramsay) Geog. J . 22: 357. Taverns, London, in 1699 ; reprinted from London Spy, 1699. Pennsyl. M. 27: 206. (F. Starr) J. Am. TAVOLARA Tavolara ; the Search for a Lost Republic. Harper, 109: 929, Tawareks, Masked, Search for. Nature, 69: 152. Tax, Inheritance, in United States. (S. Huebner) Q. J. Econ. 18¢ 529. —_ Land, The Present Position of. J - I5= 374- — The Single-. (J . Z. White) Arena, 35: 366. — —— Quarter-centennial of the Movement. (T. Scan- -lon) Westm. 164: 644, (W. Hale) (A. Hook) Econ. Tax Collecting by the U. S. Government. (D. A. Gates) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 24: 365, Tax-laws of New York, Changes in 1905. (F. A. Fet- ter) Q. J. Econ. 20: 151. Taxation and Ground Rent, Discussion on. (A. J . Boynton) Q. J . Econ. 17: 339. — by One State of Goods in Another. (S. E. Baldwin) Yale R. 15: 251, —— College Endowments, Exemption of. (E. H. John- son) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 249. 4 Direct, and a Modern Maxim. 162: 21, — — vs. Indirect. Sat. R. 95¢ 609. — — The Dread of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 80: 262, -—— Equitable, Method of. (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 35: 62, -— Ethics of. (W. M. Daniels) Atlan. 93¢ 772. — Fiscal Reciprocity. (A. C. Miller) J . Pol. Econ. 10: 255- — for Revenue, as a Canon of Public F inance. Bastable) Econ. J. 13¢ 505. — Graduated, Incomes and Inheritances. Veagh) No. Am. 182: 824, — in American Cities; a symposium. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 28¢ I55. —- in California. (C. C. Plehn) Pol. Sci. Q. 20¢ 42. — in England; Need of a Valuation Act. (W. M. J . Williams) Econ. J . I2: 202, — in New Hampshire, History of. (M. H. Robinson) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 3¢ 639. —— Is the Single Tax Movement making Progress? (J . D. Miller) Indep. 54: 2192, — its Facts, Fallacies, and Curiosities. Temp. Bar, 131: 280, -— Land, Measures that should accompany. Pethick-Lawrence) Indep. R. 71 33. — Local. Quar. 195: 1. —-Ed. R. 195: 1. -— Minimum Sacrifice, Theory of. (T. N. Carver) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 66. — of Corporations. 492- —- of Foreign Investments. (F. W. Pethick-Lawrence) Contemp. 85: 58, -—- of Franchises. (A. C. Thompson) Canad. M. 24: (E. Ansell) Westm. (C. F. (W. Mac- (B. Taylor) (F. W. (R. C. McCrea) Q. J. Econ. lg: 463. < .— of Land Values. (J . Ferguson) Westm. I64: 618, — -— in Australasia. (A. F. Dodd) Econ. J . I4: 401. —— of/Personal Property in Pennsylvania. (R. C. Mc- Crea) Q. J. Econ. 21¢ 52. - of Site Values. (A. C. Pigou) Fortn. 86: 438, — of Special Franchises. Chaut. 37: 440. —— of Windows, The. (W. A. Atkinson) Gent. M. n. s. . 74: 3°5- — Problem of, in Wisconsin. (W. J . Anderson) Outl. 70: 128, — Question of. (A. N.Waterman) Open Court, 16: 129, — Rating and Site Valuation. (A. Hook) Econ. R. 16: 417. —- Reform of, in England. Indep. R. 32 I. —~ Science of. (Sir W. Preece) J . Soc. Arts, 52¢ 95. ~ Scientific Retaliation and. Quar. I99: 444. —- Sociological View of. (W. Howgrave) Westm. I64: 249.=Ecl. M. 146: 72. 634 TEA Taxation, Symposium on. (Mr. West and others) Open Court, 16: 184, -— Value in. (V. Rosewater) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 88, Taxation Problems and Reforms. (J . R. Commons) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 202. Taxes, Incipient, Theory of. (C. F. Bickerdike) Econ. J , I6: 529, — on Buildings. (F. W. Fitzpatrick) Am. Arch. 88: 100, Taxidermist in Columbia, A. (J . H. Batty) Indep. 543 I592- Tayler, A. Chevallier. Entertainment of the Five Kings by the Vintner’s Company. Art J. 55: 372- Taylor, Bayard, Memories of. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 39: 200, — Poetry of. (E. R. Rogers) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 343. -—- Story of Kennett. (A. W. Quimby) Critic, 41: 131. Taylor, Edward R., with portrait. ‘ Land of Sun. 12: 235- Taylor, Edward T. (A. W. Machen) Meth. R. 65: 761, Taylor, George A., Australian Artist. Arena, 36: 136. -—- An Artist’s Message on Christ and Conventional Christianity. (B. 0. Flower) Arena, 36: 248. Taylor, Graham, with portrait. Chaut. 38: 589. Taylor, Hannis, Constitutional History by. (C. P. Neill) Cath. Univ. Bull. 5: 58. Taylor, H. J. Wis. Alum. M. 4: 18. Taylor, Jeremy, Gosse’s Life of. Ath. ’04, U 392. - Sat. R; 97: 494. —Spec. 92: 883, 93: 829, Taylor, John. (W. D. Wood) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 3: 214, Taylor, John Stopford. Geog. J . I91 100. Taylor, Marie Hansen. On Two Continents. (Jean- nette L. Gilder) Critic, 47¢ 344. Taylor, Zachary, President, Kidnapping of. (J . H. Rockwell) Green Bag, 14: 214, Tchad Lake, Exploration of. (P. Pelet) Internat. Q. (B. O. Flower) 7: 359- Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich, with portrait and biblio- graphy. Mast. in Music, 4: 193. — and his Music. (D. G. Mason) Outl. 72: 549, — and Tolstoi. (R. Newmarch) Contemp. 83: 112,: Liv. Age, 237: 58. —as a Ballet Composer. (A. E. Keeton) Contemp. 86: 566. — Eugene Onegin. (H. E. Gorst) Sat. R. 101: 582, — Life and Letters of. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 95: 864, —— Operas of. (A. E. Keeton) Contemp. 85: 487, — Russia's Greatest Composer. (H. T. F inck) Nation, 79 : 298. . Tchekhov, Anton. (A. E. Keeton) Acad. 66: 40‘..- (R. E. C. Long) Fortn. 78: 103,:Ecl. M. 139: 586.=Liv. Age, 234: 720. “Te Morituri Salutamus.” 659. Tea and Taxation. (J . D. Rees) Asia R. 38: 277, — as a National Beverage. (A. Haig) National, 47: 803. — British—grown. 6 (E. Pottle) Outing, 44¢ (A. G. Stanton) J. Soc. Arts, 52: 05, — The Cup of Humanity. (Okakura-Kakuro) Inter- _ nat. Q. 11: 39. — The Japanese Cult of. (F. W. Gookin) Dial, 41: 10" . — Philosophy of. (Okakura-Kakuro) Temp. Bar, 134: 08 4 . Tea Culture in the United States. (R. H. True) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 327. Tea Dance at Fort Donald; a story. Canad. M_. 22: 529. (W. A. Fraser) TEA-DRINKING Tea-drinking. - Chamb. J . 83: 447. Tea Duties, The. (R. Lethbridge) Asia. R. 41: 1. Tea Tasting and Blending. Chamb. J. 79! II 3. Teacher, The American. (W. H. Maxwell) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 7: 227. =Educa. R. 25: I46. _ — — and the State. (J . H. Kirkland) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 249. —— Confessions of an Obscure. Atlan. 98: 368. —— Emancipation of the. (O. Lodge) National, 40: 417. — Freedom of, to teach — Religion ? (F. Watson) Mind, 31: 360. — The Investigator as. 74: 126, — The Mediaeval. 35 I97- — of other Days. (R. H. Williams) Educa. 23: 2 5I . — Public School, Day’s -Work of. World’s Work, 4: (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, (T. J . Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2232, TeacheF’s Calling, The. (A. B. Hyde) Meth. R. 63: 932- Teacher’s Creed. Educa. 25: 236. Teacher’s Library, Books of the Year for the, 1905-06. School R. 14: 449. Teachers and Publishers. (C. A. Herrick) Nation, 81: 298. — Appointment of, San Francisco’s System of. Burk) Educa. R. 25: 76. . — Certain Degenerative Tendencies among. ley Hall) Pedagog. Sem. 12: 454. — College-bred, Professional Training of. Lewis) Educa. R. 27: 433. — Compensations of. (W. H. Maxwell) Educa. R. 27: 468. . — Courses of the American Institute of Sacred Liter- ature. Bib. World, 23: 467. — Culture of, after being employed. wood) Educa. 26: 279. — Female, Predominance of. Pedagog. Sem. 12: 289. —— Great, of my Time. (T. H. S. Escott) Chamb. J. 81: 77~ : E01- M- 1423 469.: Liv. Age, 240: 433. —— Kansas City, how Salaries were raised. (J . M. Greenwood) Educa. R. 30: 464. —— Making of. Sat. R. 98: 38. — Necessity of Professional Training for. (W. B. As- pinwall) Educa. 23: 27. — The Pathology of. Am. J . Soc. Sci. 43: I43. —- prepared in State Institutions, Certification of. (F. P. Backman) Educa. 26: 40, — “ Reading for.” (Adele M. Shaw) World’s Work, 6: 3984. —— Salaries of. (J . B. Clark) Colum. Univ. Q. I: 111. ——Outl. 80: 805. —(P. L. Allen) Nation, 82: 236, —- — in Europe. Educa. 24: 444. -— — Some Suggestions. 2‘F 375- —— Tenure of Oflice of. (T. S. Lowden) Educa. 25: 207. — Training of. Acad. 65: 237, -(J, A, Burns) Am, Cath. Q. 28: 664. — (G. Hodgson) Macmil. 89: 25 3. -—— — in Library Work. Pub. Lib. 8: 85. —— —- in Michigan. (C. S. Larzelere) Educa. 25: 292, —- Unionizing of. (David S. Ricker) Educa. R. 30: 344. —— University’s Function in Training of. (N. M. But- ler) Colum. Univ. Q. I: 323, — Visit from British. (Nicholas M. Butler) R. of Rs. (N. Y-) 34: 547- - Wages of. (W. McAndrew) World’s Work, 3: 1737, -—— What do they read ? (M. D. Pretlow; L. A. Gold- thwaite; A. Wilde) Educa. R. 26: 339, — Woman School. (Eliz. McCracken) Outl. 77: 177. Teachers’ Conventions down East. (Mary C. Robin- son) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 201, Teachers’ Register, The. (J . J . Findlay) Contemp. go: 88, —Ath, ’06, 2: 72, (F. (G. Stan- (F. C. (J . M. Green- 635 (W. McAndrew) Educa. R. , TECHNICAL Teaching, American, Defects of. Am. J . Soc. Sci. 43: I49- — as a Calling, Hardships and Rewards of. (J . C. Mackenzie) Cosmopol. 3 52 92. — as a Profession. (D. O. S. Lowell) Munsey, 26: 874. — Class, Principles of, Findlay on. Ath. ’02, 21 403. -— Hygiene of. (VV. H. Burnham) Pedagog. Sem. II: 488. — Individual vs. Class. (Lucile Erskine) School R. 14: 635, — Modern, and the Christian Ministry. trick) Ref. Ch. R. 53: 1. —- The New. Acad. 621 57. — The Noblest of Professions. (H. W. Boynton) Book- man, 22: 637, -— Play as a Means of. (W. W. Dea- (B. H. Smith) Munsey, 31: 713- — Profession of. (J . P. Munroe) Technol. R. 3: 381. -—Science, 11. s. 23: 881.— Dial, 40: 313, — Prospects in, as a Profession. Cornh. 87: 470. . — Public School, as a Profession. (W. McAndrew) World’s Work, 5: 3187, — Reality in. (R. Smythe) Month, 107: 520, — Talent vs. Training in. (J . M. Rice) Forum, 34: 588, ' —- Testing. (G. E. Marker) Educa. 25: 451. -- to gain and hold Attention. (E. E. Smith) Educa. 22: 429, — Training in, and Methods of Instruction, Laurie’s. (E. F. Young) School R. I02 501. Teaching Methods, Wrong. Am. J . Soc. Sci. 43: 143. Teaching Spirit. (E. M. W. Lovejoy) Educa. 26: 145. Team, The; a West Point Foot—ball Story. (Lloyd Buchanan) Lippinc. 78: 610, Teaming of the West; four drawings. Outing, 47: 450. Teayo, Mexico. Am. Arch. 87: 39. Te-Bari the Outlaw. (L. Beeke) Chamb. J . 82: 746. Tebtunis Papyri, The. Ath. ’03, I: 75, “ Teching,” The, of the Vesper. (G. S. Wasson) Scrib. M. 32: 50. Technic, An Apology for. Am. 180: 868, Technical Continuation Schools of Munich. Hanus) School R. 13: 678. Technical Education. (H. Lamont) Nation, 79: 474. — and Industrial Development. (C. G. Washburn) Science, 11. s. 24: 97. — and Public Libraries in England. Pub. Lib. 10: 455. — and Student Life in France. nol. R. 4: 170, —— Does a Technical Course educate? (C. S. Howe) Science, n. s. 20: 97. — Efficiency of. (N. C. Mendenhall) Science, 11. s. 18: 295. — Higher, in England and Germany. (J . Wertheimer) Nature, 68: 274. ' —- in Germany. (J . L. Bashford) Fortn. 84: 692, — in London. Nature, 71: 34. —— in the United States and Abroad. Nature, 67: 356. —— Industrial Importance of. (Sir P. Magnus) Engin. M. 24: 169. —- International Congress, 1900. Educa. 22: 317, — vs. Tariif, for binding together the British Empire. Sat. R. 96: 7. —What it should be. (L. Duncan) Engin. M. 26: 161, Technical School, The, and the University. (H. M. Howe) Colum. Univ. Q. 71 I59.——Science, n. s. 21: 112.—(W. H. Burr) Science, 11. s. 24: 513, - in Naples. (A. S. Williams) School R. 13: 398, (A. True) (Brander Matthews) No. (P. H. (J . D. Stewart) (L. Mabilleau) Tech- (V. C. Alderson) TECHNICAL Technical Schools, German. Am. Arch. 75: 14. 85: 68 — Liberal Culture in. (J. R. Freeman) Technol. R. ' 6: "'51, — Relation to General Education. Technol. R. 5: 426. (H. W. Tyler) See Polytechnic. Technical Training. (A. B. W. Kennedy) Nature, 72: 256. — as a Part of Education. (D. W. Ross) Am. Arch. 82: 91, — in Popular Education. (H. S. Pritchett) Educa. R. 23: 281. Technique, “Mere.” (Roger Fry) Indep. R. 3: 514. ‘:1 Liv. Age, 243: 220, —— —- An Answer. (S. Bussy) Indep. R. 6: 56. Techniques, Rural. Liv. Age, 239: 396. Technological Literature, An International Catalogue of. (F. J. Teggart) Pub. Lib. I0: 114. Teelings, The; a Fragment of History found among Old Papers. (A. Norman) Gent. M. n. s. 752 336. Teeth, as a Means of Identification. (A. H. Thomp- son) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 161. -—— Hygiene of the. (W. H. Burnham) Pedagog. Sem. 13: 293, Tegea, The Atalanta of. (E. A. Gardner) J . Hel. Stud. 26: 169. Tehuantepec Railroad, The. (E. M. Conley) World’s Work, 12: 7672. Teixeira, Pedro, Travels of. Ath. ’o3, 1: 556. Telautograph, The. (R. I. English) J . F rankl. Inst. 160: 241, Telbin, Wm., Artist in Tempera. M. of Art, 26: 371. Telegraph and Telephone, Government Ownership of ; Conversation with Frank Parsons. Arena, 27: I79. -—- (F. Parsons) Arena, 28: 188, - Atlantic Submarine. (P; W’. Hart) Lippinc. 70: 122, — Birth of the. (I. M. Bacon) Ecl. M. I44: 548. -— Early, on Pacific Coast of U. S. (J . Gamble) Cali- fornian, 3: 321. -— Early Transcontinental, in U. S. fornian, 3: 536. -—— Imperial Telegraphs. Quar. I97: 364. — Printing ; Berlin Teletyping Central Station. Knowl. 27: H8. — (A. Gradenwitz) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 21: 74, -—- Typewriting by. 568. —— Wireless. (P. N. Beringer) Overland, n. s. 43: 242, — (C. Bright) I9th Cent. 53: 299. =_Liv. Age, 236: 725. — (H. M. Hozier) I9th Cent. 60: 49.-(F. Legge) Acad. 62: 637. -— Science, 11. s. 15: 112, — (W. Maver, jr.) Cassier, 21: 213, — — Advance of. (E. P. Lyle, jr.) World’s Work, 9: 5842. -— — and Aurora. (C. J . Stuart) Science, 11. s. 24: 694, -— — and the Conference. (C. Bright) Monthly R. 25, no. 31 20. -—— — and Mr. Marconi. 60: 427. I — — and Marconi’s Triumph, with portrait. (C. Sny- der) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 173. -— —- and War Correspondence. (J . Gamble) Cali- (Maurice Solomon) Nature, 72: (H. J . Henniker) I9th Cent. (L. James) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 204. -— — and Weather Forecasting. (A. H. Bell) Knowl. 26: 172, -—- -—- at St. Louis Exposition. (Cloyd Marshall) Cas- sier, 26: 594. — —— Commercial. (L. Perry) World’s Work, 5: 3194. —- -— Developments in. Nature, 65: 416. — -— Electrolytic Receivers in. (L. De Forest) J . Frankl. Inst. 158: 24I.—-(W. Packard) World’s Work. 7= 4467- 636 TELEGRAPHY Telegraph, Wireless, The Ether and. (St. J . Rich- ards) Chamb. J . 80: 44, — —- Explanation of. (R. B. Bradford) Indep. 54: 439. —— —- Future of. (P. T. McGrath) No. Am. 175: 263, — — Hertzian Wave. (J . A. Fleming) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 193-64: 152, — -8 in War. (F. Morris) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. : 41, —~ — The International Preliminary Conference to formulate Regulations governing. (J . I. VVater- bury) No. Am. 177: 65. — — 2d International Conference on, Berlin, 1906. (M. Solomon) Nature, 75: 59. -— — Lodge-Muirhead System of. ture, 68: 247. —- —— Making Experts in. (W. L. Beasley) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 10: 24, — — Marconi’s. (A. M. Worthington) Monthly R. 9, no. 12 92. —(J. Murphy) Cath. World, 742 697. —- (P. McGrath) Pall Mall M. 27: 469. — -— Marconi’s Cape Cod Station. (F. W. Jones) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 81, — — Marconi’s Work in. 769. -— — Marconi uses Lodge’s Invention. son) Sat. R. 93: 424, 556, 598, 769. — -— Metamorphosis of Apparatus. Engin. M. 27: 360. — — Military. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 341. -—- — Possibilities of. (C. Bright) Monthly R. 8, no 3: 88 (M. Solomon) N a- (P. T. McGrath) Cent. 41: (S. P. Thomp- (A. F. Collins) -— — Practicability of. (G. Marconi) Fortn. 77: 931. - — Present State of. (M. Solomon) Nature, 67: I31 . -—— Present Status of Cableless Messages. (A. F. Collins) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: I77. — — Progress in. (M. Solomon) Nature, 70: 180. — — Progress of. (William Maver, jr.) Cassier, 24: 165. — — Review of. (A. F. Collins) Engin. M. 24: 231. — — Station at Glace Bay. (T. J . Curren) Canad. M. 20: 246. — —— Syntonic. (G. Marconi) J . Soc. Arts, 491 506. — Nature, 75: 105, — — To-day. (William Maver, jr.) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 191. —- —— Variation of Potential along the Transmitting Antenna in. (C. A. Chant) Am. J. Sci. 167: 1. —- — vs. Cables. (P. T. McGrath) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 336- — — Will Marconi supplant the Cables ‘? Grath) Cosmopol. 37: 723, Telegraph Companies. Liabilities of, for WTODgfIIl Acts of Employees. (B. M. Wilson) Am. Law R. 36: S74- Telegraph Talk and Talkers. (L. C. Hall) McClure, I8: 227. Telegraphers’ Contest, American, I904. Everybody’s, I0: 314, Telegraphic Addresses, and the G. P. O. (W. B. Rob- ertson) Chamb. J . 80: 593. Telegraphone. (Z. B. Babbitt) J . Frankl. Inst. I 59: 17. Telegraphs, Printing. (D. Murray) Everybody’s, 7: 72. Telegraphy, Birth of. (J . M. Bacon) Monthly R. 18, no. 1: I15. =Liv. Age, 244: 479, — Breaks in Communication due to Storms. Reme- dies. (William Maver, jr.) Cassier, 27: 303. —— Hertzian Wave. (J. A. Fleming) J. Soc. Arts, 5!: 709-770. — Imperial Consolidation by. 21, no. 1: I04. -— Multiplex. (W. Maver, jr.) Cassier, 31: 167. —- with Wires and without. (M. Solomon) Nature, 74: 290. =Liv. Age, 250: 752, See Telegraph, Wireless. (P. Severing) (C. Bright) Monthly R. (P. T. Mc-_ TELEMACHUS Telemachus, Friend; (O. Henry) Munsey, 341 286. Teleology, Problem of. (F. Adler) Internat. J . Ethics, 14: 265, Telepathic Hallucinations, Experimental Investiga- tions in. (N. Vacchide) Monist, I2: 337, Telepathy. (J . Trowbridge) Nation, 76: 308; (W. James) 330. — and Ghosts. (G. G. Greenwood) Westm. I60: 271. -—(J. W. Harris) Westm. I61: 217, — The Evidence for. Acad. 642 257. Telephone, Advance of the. Chamb. J . 83: 730. —-— Attenuation and Distortion on Long Distance. (H. T. Eddy) Science, 11. s. 152 457. — Coiiperative Service in Wisconsin. (N. Y.) 25: 205. — Evolution of the. n. s. 30: 720. — in Great Britain. Ed. R. 199: 6o.-—(A. N. Hol- co1nbe)Q.J. Econ. 21: 96. — — Future of. (J . E. Kingsbury) J . Soc. Arts, 50: 868, —— in Rural Districts. Spec. 95; 530. —- in United States. (H. L. Webb) Cassier, 26: 281, — Loud-talking. (E. P. Lyle, jr.) Everybody’s, 6: 289, 406. _ — Progress of the. (Ralph Bergengren) World To- day, 10: 65. — Rural, How to build. 51 237- — Successors of the. — Thirtieth Anniversary of a Great Invention. Vaughn) Scrib. M. 40: 365. — Vl’ork of the Central Office. R. of Rs. (R. E. MacBrayne) New Eng. M. (J . E. Rice) Ctry Life Am. (W. Fawcett) Harper, 1042 495. (J . Booklover’s M. 2: 391. Telephone Development in the United States. (F. W. Coburn) Atlan. 96: 644. Telephone Exchange, Human. Contemp. 87: 393. —— Principles of. (H. ‘L. Webb) Cassier, 27: 100. Telephone Girl and Exchange. (S. Baxter) Outl. 83: (Emma M. Caillard) 231, Telephone-line Engineering. (C. J . H. Woodbury) J . Frankl. Inst. I59: 162, Telephone Monopoly, A Forgotten Remedy against the. (J. B. Leavitt) Arena, 31: 225.— (J. W. Weik) Atlan. 97: 263. - Telephone Newspaper, A. (F. A. Talbot) Chamb. J . 8o: 490.=Liv. Age, 283: 372. Telephone Relay. (J .Trowbridge) Am. J. Sci. 171: 339. Telephone Service, Notes on the Development of the. (F. De Land) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 425, 490. Telephones and Letter-writing. (A. Lang) Critic, 48: 5°7- — Public Ownership of; Conversation with F. Par- sons. Arena, 27I 297. Telephony. (H. L. Webb) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 1039, Tele-photography for Architectural Details. (E. Mar- riage) Am. Arch. 80: 45. Telescope, Binocular, (ii-inch, Performance of a. W. Edgecomb) Pop. Astron. 10: 523, -—- Common’s 60-inch. (E. C. Pickering) Pop. Astron. I2: 660, I3: 70, —— Device for conducting Electric Current to Eye End of. (IV. W. Dinwiddie) Pop. Astron. 10: 300, -— Good-seeing. (S. P. Langley) Am. J . Sci. 165: 89. -Military, “Parorama.” (A. Gradenwitz) Knowl. 27= 177. -—- Mounting of the 60-in. Reflecting Telescope at Har- vard College Observatory. Pop. Astron. 14: 142, -— of Exceptional Size, Hitherto Untried Form of Mounting for. (D. Todd) Am. J . Sci. 163: 459, -—- A 100-inch Reflecting. Nature, 75: 81. --—Small, in the High School. (W. W. Payne) Pop. (D. 637 Astron. II: 429, 491. TEMPERATURE Telescope, A 3-inch. 203, —~ —-— for the High School. (VV. W. Payne) Pop. As- tron. I2: 546, —-— Todd’s New System of Mounting. (S. B. Elliott) Pop. Astron. 10: 463. Telescope Lenses, Large, Construction of. (C. F aulha- ber) Pop.Astron. 13: 534. Telescopes, Care of. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. I3: 506, -— Hand, Use of, in Astronomy. 25: 32, 60, 81, 156. Telescopic Observation, Standard Scale for. Pickering) Pop. Astron. II: 113. Telharmonium, The ; Electricity’s Alliance with Music. (T. C. Martin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 420. Teller, The Paying. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 64: 542. Teller’s Department, The Receiving. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 965. Teloptoscope, Electrograph, Telephonograph, Wire- less Telephone, Photographophone, Topophone, etc., Successors of the Telephone. (W. F awcett) Harper, 104: 495: Telpherage. (A. S. Clift) Cassier, 21: 363.—— (C. J. Messer) J . Frankl. Inst. I58: 263. Temagamic Lake, Canada, Sporting near. -(A. M. Fredericks) Idler, 23: 648, —New Fields for Sportsmen. Outing, 401 397. Temerity of Ashton; a story. ing, 421 I77. Tempera as an Art Method. Art, 27: 560. Tempera Exhibition at the Carfax Gallery. lance) Studio (Internat.) 26: 289, Temperance in Germany. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 80: 123. ~— (C. W. Super) Nation, 81: 502. — National Sobriety. Quar. I96: 359. — Progress of. (R. E. Macnaghten) Macmil. 88: 378. Temperance Committees, Russian. temp. 82: 866, I Ecl. M. 140: 476, Temperance Education. (M. H. Hunt) Science, 11. s. I5: 749- Temperance Legislation in England, Some Objections, to Proposed. (T. Holmes) Contemp. 81: 508, Temperance Movement in England. (J . M. Rearden) Cath. ‘World, 72: 356. —— Next Step in. (D. D. Thompson) Meth. R. 62: 565. Temperance Reform, Compensation in, Moral Princi- ples of. (E. J. Western) Econ. R. 15: 157. —— Constructive. (H. J . Cranfurd; Earl of Lytton) National, 45: 903. —(W. O. Atwater) Outl. 72: (W. Strong) Pop. Astron. 13: (C. Jackson) Knowl. (W. H. (A. M. Fredericks) (H. C. Rowland) Out- (J . Kerr~Lawson) M. of (A. Val- 732- —- Difiiculties with Present Methods. (\/V. O. Atwater) Outl. 72: 678. —— First Principles in. (A. Sherwell) Indep. R. 2: 392. — Practical. (T. P. Whittaker) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 2: 46. -~— Public House Trusts. (R. E. MacNaghten) Canad. ' M. 25: 128, ~ —Science and Sentiment in. (J. Dowman) Westm. 160: 522, — Story of. (H. N. Casson) Munsey, 332 507. Temperance Regulations, Railroad. (VV. E. Johnson) Chant. 39: 347. Temperance Teaching and Recent Legislation in Con- necticut. (W. B. Ferguson) Ednca. R. 23: 233, Temperature, Concept of, Critique of. (E. Mach) Open Court, 17: 95, I54. —— High, and Modern Industry. per) 113: 683, -—- -—- High, On the Determination of. Court, 17: 297. (R. K. Duncan) Har- (E. Mach) Open (E. Sellers) Con- , Temporary Power. TEMPERATURE Temperature, Limits of, for Life. (W. A. Setchell) Science, n. s. 17: 934. — Low, Effects on Organic Life. Harper, I07: 609. -—- “ Sensible.” (R. DeC. Ward) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 129, Tempered Wind, A; a story. 231 349- Templars, Secret of the. no. 2: 93. Temple, Frederick, Archbishop. Church Q. 62: 270. -Ed. R. 203: 429.—Ath. ’<>3, I: 17.—-Ecl. M. 140: 31I.—Liv. Age, 236: 246.—Ecl. M. 141: z;;8.—Liv. Age, 237: 705. 249: 38o.—(H. Rash- dall) Indep. R. 9: 206. Temple, Sir Richard. Asia. R. 34: I2I.—-Geog. J. W 644- Temple at Jerusalem. (J . L. Leeper) Bib. World, 22: (A. Macfayden) (O. Henry) McClure, (F. Legge) Monthly R. 17, 329- - Cleansing of the. (A. M. Crane) Bib. Sac. 592 36. -— Fall of the. (C. Kassel) Open Court, 19: 35. —-— The Veil of the. (V. McNabb) Dub. R. 1362 12. Temple of Ten Thousand Gods. (G. Salis-Schwabe) Macmil. n. s. 2: 107, Temple Architecture, Ancient. Antiq. 24: 365. p _ Temple Church, Restoration of, in 1810, (J , Jekyll) Antiq. n. s. 39: 295. Templeman, William, Canadian Senator. Canad. M. 1g: 45. (A. E. Lane) Fortn. 82: 154, Temptation, The Story of; or the Contest between Good and Evil. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 27: 139, Temptation of Brother Ezekiel. (U. L. Silberrad) Sund. M. 34: 573. _ Ten Acres enough in Delaware. Life Am. 9: 313. Ten Characters from Shakespeare; poems. Lucas) Monthly R. 7, no. 2: I53. Ten Commandments, Hebrew Papyrus of. Burkitt) Jew. Q. I 5: 392. Ten Minutes. (A. H. Shirres) Lippinc. 71: 428. Ten-thousand-pound Note, A; a story. (B. Copple— stone) Cornh. 90: 794. =Liv. Age, 244: 94. = Ecl. M. 144: 336: Tenant who rented a Heart; a story. (F. H. Randal) Canad. M. 23: 363, Tenderfoot, The; a story. 44: 6:5. — Recollectionsbf a. (J . R. E. Sumner) Longm. 42: I40, Tenement, Books and Reading in the. (N. Duncan) Harper, I07: I00. — New, in Chicago. (C. B. Ball) Char. 17: 9o. Tenement-house, Division of Labor in the. Parsons) Char. I 5: 443. — The Mother in. (Eliz. McCracken) Outl. 77: 414, —- Superstitions and Customs of. (Elsa G. Herzfeld) Char. I4: 983. Tenement-house Conditions in Boston. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 123. —in Jersey City. (M. B. Sayles) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 139. Tenement-house Family, The. Indep. 59: I520. Tenement-house Law, N. Y., Success of. drick) Nation, 76: 46. ' -—~ — Inherited Cost of Violation of. Char. II: 355. Tenement-house Population, Protection of, in New York. (E. T. Devine’) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 433, Tenement-house Problem. (W. H. Allen) Char. I2: 600. -— in Chicago. Sci. 20: 99. (S. D. Peet) Am. (J . Nelson) (W. Miller) Ctry (E. V. (F. C. (H. W. Morrow) Outing, (E. C. (R. T. Paine) (Elsa G. Herzfeld) (B. J . Hen- (Jane Addams) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. 638 TENNYSON Tenement-house Problem in Philadelphia. (Octavia Hill Association) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 1 1 1, ~ Tenement-house Reform, Recent Progress in. (R. W. De Forest) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 297. Tenement-house Regulation. (R. W. De Forest) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 33. Tenement-houses, American Remedies for overcrowd- ing. (H. A. Milton) Westm. I57: 218. — Construction of, Best Method. (E. Flagg) Char. I7: 77. — The Greatest Problem of Great Cities. (J . Wilcox) Indep. 59: 902. —How Wearing Apparel is fashioned in. (A. S. Daniels) Char. I4: 624. —-— Manufacturing of Foods in. I 5: 669. —- Model. (G. Atterbury) Char. I7: 49. —Am. Arch. 80: 28. l (M. Sherman) Char. (R. P. Porter) Am. Arch. 80: 62, (B. J . Hen- —- Municipal. -—- N. Y., A Great Municipal Reform. drick) Atlan. 92: 665. —- Residential. (W. R. Patterson) Char. I7: 99. — Simplicity as applied to. (B. H. Smith) Crafts- man, 9: 81. — To restrict Work in the. (L. Veiller) Char. I2: 529- —— Twenty-five Foot. (R. T. Rasmussen) Am. Arch. e<>= 135- ‘ — Work of a Woman Tenement-house Inspector. (M. B. Sayles) Outl. 75: 116. Tenement Inspector, “ New Law,” Day’s Work of a. (L. E. Palmer) Char. 17: So. ' Tenement-law Tinkering. Char. IO: 209. Tenement Tragedies, Typical. (D. M. Steele) Indep. 54= I635- Tennant, William. (G. A. Sinclair) Westm. I64: 399. Tennessee, Cotton-patch Life in. (Clifton Johnson) Outing, 46: 193. -— Library Association, Annual Meeting, 1905. Pub. Lib. I0: I47. — — — Jan., 1906. Pub. Lib. I1: 154. —Lib. J. 31: 8 3. Tennessee and his Partner, The Passing of. (F. M. Stocking) Overland, n. s. 42: 539. Tennessee’s Partner. (Bret Harte) Overland, n. s. 40: 246. = Booklover’s M. 2: 17, — The Real. (F. M. Stocking) Overland, n. s. 40: 240, Tennis, Lawn. (A. S. Pier) Atlan. 92: 2:1, — American Development in. (J . P. Paret) Outing, 40: 486. — and its Leaders. — at Santa Monica. 224, — Battle of the Courts. (H. Henshaw) Indep. 55: I 387. (H. B. Lummis) Land of Sun. 9: (H. Brewster) Munsey, 28: I06. — The New. (A. H. Goodwin) Ctry Life Am. 8: 185, — Renaissance of. (C. P. Sawyer) Ctry Life Am. 4: I94- — Skill in, Some Secrets of. (J. P. Paret) Ctry Life Am. 10: 305. -— Success and Influence of the Dohertys on. (J . T. Bailey) Outing, 43: 112, — Strategy of. (J . Crane) Outing, 48: 115, Tennis and Racquet Club, Boston, Mass. (F. W. Chandler) Technol. R. 6: I53. Tennis Court, How to make a. 46: 488, Tennis Service. Tennyson, Alfred. 349. -— With portrait. 590. —With portrait. M. 3: I92. , (T. Pettitt) Outing, Sat. R. 97: 780. (G. K. Chesterton) Bookman, 16: (L. W. Smith) Calif. M. I: (A. K. Woodbury) Calif. TEN N YSON Tennyson, Alfred, An Afternoon with. Temp. Bar, 126: 216, — and Alfred Austin; Two Poet Laureates on Life. (W. H. Mallock) National, 47: 955. = Liv. Age, 251: 3, — and Dante. (T. H. Warren) Monthly R. 14, no. 1: 117, —- and Leigh Hunt. — and the Pyrenees. — as a Sea Poet. I25: 185, ——- Coleridge and Tennyson at Clevedon. (A. L. Sal- mon) Temp. Bar, 132: 153.=Ee1. M. 145: 512. — Fitzgerald on. (F. Grendon) Sewanee, I4: 161, — Flowers of. (Whitman Bailey) Educa. 24: 96. — Idylls of the King. (W. H. Wynn) Luth. Q. 34: 529. — (F. L; Knowles) Meth. R. 66: 623, —- — Study of. (M. E. Kingsley) Educa. 23: 356. -— — Suggestions for Study of. (W. C. Gannett) Poet- (J . Rogers) Acad. 67: 166, Acad. 63: 310. (H. C. T. Franklin) Temp. Bar, Lore, I3: 588. -— In Memoriam. Liv. Age, 248: 496, — — after Fifty Years. Ed. R. 203: 297. = Liv. Age, 2491 587. . _ — -— Tennyson’s Annotations to. (W. J . Rolfe) Critic, 48= 453- - — with the Author’s Notes. Spec. 961 21. — Lancelot, Guinevere, and Arthur. (J . Magruder) No. Am. 180: 375. n —— Limitations of. Acad. 63: 41 I. — Lyall’s. (J . W. Chadwick) Nation, 75: 366, —- A New Estimate. (F. Harrison) No. Am. 176: 8 56. —The Peace that came to. (C. E. Laughlin) Good Words. 44= 793. —— Personal Recollections of. 41: 722, -— Poem. (J . V. Cheney) Calif. M. 3: 291. — The Real. (H. Spender) Liv. Age, 248: 696, _ — Suppressed Poems of. (J . C. Thomson) Harper, 108: 70. Tennysonian Sea-echoes. (W. G. McCabe) Cent. (C. Coupe) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 4". Tenos),J Festival of the Annunciation at. (M. Hamil- ton) Blackw. I80: 810, Tenson, The; a story. (J . B. Cabell) Harper, I14: 147- Tent, A Simple Sanatory. (H. L. Ulrich) Char. I2: 84)- Tenting. (H. M. Stanley) Outing, 41: 347, Tents, Fireplace in. (M. C. Ninde) Outing, 45¢ 113. Tenure, English Customary, in the Tudor Period. (A. Savine) Q. J. Econ. 19: 33. Teppenpaw Price, The. (F. Lynde) Cosmopol. 392 373. Terebratalia, Variations in. (H. W. Shimer) Am. Natural. 39: 691. Terence. Phormio, at Westminster School, 1906. Spec-971 1°34- Teresa, Mother, a Martyred Prioress. (Comtesse De Courson) Month, 108: 153, 282, Teresa, Saint. (A. Fields) Atlan. 91: 353. —JoIy’s. Spec. 93: 453. Terminal, The; a story. 22: 526. Termination Land, discovered by Capt. Wilkes. S. Balch) Nat. Geog. M. 15: 220. Termiihlen, Karl Emil, Painter, with portrait. (E. E. Chapin) Brush & P. 131 III. Terneplates for Tinroofing. (W. Martin) Am. Arch. 88: 77. Ternina as Opera Singer. Sat. R. 951 614. (M. S. Cutting) McClure, (E. Terns. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 98: I3. —- in Multitudes. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 952 I37. —- in the Nursery. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 962 43.=Liv. Age, 238: 502, 639 TEXAS Terns, on a Sea-bank. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 95: 710, -: Ecl. M. 141: 319. = Liv. Age, 238: 246. Terra-cotta, Advantages of. Archit. Rec. 18: 305. — Proper Use of. (H. D. Croly) Archit. Rec. 19: 73. Terra-cotta Architecture in Paris. (G. B. Ford) Am. Arch. 90: 115 Terraced Garden, The. (S. S. Wainwright) Atlan. 97: 671, Terrazas, Don Luis, Mexican Cattle King. (S. G. Andrus) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 48. Terre Haute, Ind. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 631. Terrestrial Magnetic Work of the U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. (G. W. Littlehales) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 281, Terrier, Irish. in America. Am. 2: 186, . Territories, Statehood for the. (N. O. Murphy) Indep. (J . Watson) Ctry Life 54= I99- Terror of the Pit, The. (M. Foster) Everybody’s, I 3: 538- Terror on the Boiling Water, The. (Francis Lynde) Scrib. M. 40: 487, Terrorism in Russia. Q, 11: 266, -—— A Plea for. (V. G. Simkhovitch) Internat. Indep. 58: 349, Terry, Ellen. (C. Morris) McClure, 22: 204, — and her Sisters, Pemberton on. (I. A. Pyle) Dial, 32: 417, —- Fifty Years on the Stage. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 341 I99. Tertag and Sarkis; an Armenian Folk—tale. (E. J . Goodspeed) Am. Antiq. 282 I33. Tertiary of the Sabine River. (E. T. Dumble) Sci- ence, n. s. 161 67°- Tertullian, the Puritan. (J . B. Mayor) Expos. 6th ser. 5: 401, Test, The ; a story. (E. Armstrong) Am. M. 60: 693. Test, The ; a story. (R. E. Beach) McClure, 24: I54. Test River, On the; Fishing Experiences. (A. Caven- dish) National, 48: 100. Testamentary Provisions, Repugnancy in. (R. C. Henderson) Jurid. R. I 5: I26, Testaments of the XII Patriarchs. Hibbert J. 3: 558. Testimonies, Use of, in the Early Church. (J . R. Harris) Expos. 7th ser. 2: 335. Testing, God’s Method of. (A. T. Burbridge) Bib. World, 20: 450. Tetuan, The Alhambra of Morocco. Ball) Chamb. J. 80: I77. Teutonic Society, Early. (W. J . Ashley) Internat. Q. 8: 236, Texans, Early, Reminiscences of. (J . H. Kuykendall) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 6: 236, 311, 7: 29, Texas and England, Diplomatic Relations. (J . L. Worley) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 91 I. — and New Mexico, Boundary Line between. Sci- ence, n. s. 15: 184, — and the Texans. (M. G. Cunniff) World’s Work, II: 7267, — Annexation of. (S. Houston) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. I: 79, — —and the Mexican War. Hist. Assoc. Q. 5: 28. —— Austin’s Explanation of the Affairs of. (Trans. by E. Z. Rather) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 8: 232. — Beginnings of. (R. C. Clark) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. (R. H. Charles) (E. Reynolds- (Z. T. Fulmore) Texas 5: 171, —- Boundary Adjustment, 1350. (W. J . Spillman) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 71 I77. —— The Capitals of. (O. M. Roberts) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q, 2: 117, — Cherokee Indians in. Assoc. Q. 7: 95. (E. W. Winkler) Texas Hist. TEXAS Texas, Commissioners, Escape of, from Matamoros. (R. M. Potter) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 4: 71. —— Council and Gov. Smith, Quarrel between. (W. R. Smith) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 5: 270. — Defunct Counties of. (R. L. Batts) Tex. Hist. As- soc. Q. 1: 37. -— Difliculties of a Mexican Revenue Ofiicer in. (E. C. Barker) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 41 190. -— Early Experiences in. (R. Kleberg) Texas Hist. As- soc. Q. 21 I70. —— Early History of. The Mier Prisoners. (J . O’Meara) Californian, 5: 466, -— East, Spanish Abandonment and Reoccupation of. (H. E. Bolton) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 9: 67. -— Experiences in, Early. (R. Kleberg) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 1: 297. — Fifty Years Ago [I851], Assoc. Q. 5: 113. -— First Stage of the Movement for the Annexation of. (G. P. Garrison) Am. Hist. R. 10: 72. -— Flag of, Another. (G. P. Garrison) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 32 I70. -—- Garrison on. (J . C. Townes) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. (W. D. Wood) Texas Hist. 7: 77- —— Geography of, History of. (Z. T. Fulmore) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 1: 9. -— German Pioneers in. (C. von I-Iinueber) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 21 227. -—- Growth of Southwest. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 206. — History, Bonilla’s Brief Compendium of. (Trans. by E. H. West) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 8: '3. -— —- Mission Period in. (W. F. M’Caleb) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. I: 216. \ — Journal of Austin’s Trip to, in 1821. Assoc. Q. 7: 286. — Judicial System, Development of the. (J . C. Townes) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 2: 29, 134. — The Mexican and Indian Raid of, in 1878. Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 5: 212. — Minerals of, Simonds’s. n, s, 17: 620, — Missions, Re-establishment of the. Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 6: 1. —— Municipality in, The First. (I. J . Cox) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 2: 217. . -—- Navy of. (G. F. Fuller) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 7: Texas Hist. (H. W. Harper) Science, (R. C. Clark) 223, -—The Old Army in. (W. H. Bell) M. of Hist. 3: 80. -— Permanent Council, Journal of. Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 7: 249. — Prehistoric Races in. (O. M. Roberts) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 1: 145, — Railroad in, The First. Assoc. Q. 7: 279. -—Relations with Mexico. (S. F. Austin; trans. by E. Z. Rather) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 8: 232, —— Republic of, Enduring Laws of the. (C. W. Raines) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 11' 96. 2: 152. -— — Reminiscences of. (D. P. Barhydt) M. of Hist. 3= 378- —- Revolution in, Finances of. (E. C. Barker) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 612. -— Revolutionary Army, The. Hist. Assoc. Q. 9: 227. — Revolutionary Period, New Orleans Newspaper Files of the. (A. Dienst) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 4: 140, -—Schools iu,. Early. (M. M. Kenney) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 1: 285. -— Slave Trade in. (E. C. Barker) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 6: 145. (I. J. Cox) Texas Hist. (E. C. Barker) (P. Briscoe) Texas Hist. (E. C. Barker) Texas -— Southwest Boundary of. Assoc. Q. 51 81. 640 THACKERAY Texas, University of. See University of Texas. — Wooten’s History of. (C. W. Raines) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 2: 87. Texas Academy of Science. ' n. s. 18: 301, Texas State Historical Association, Work of. (O. M. Roberts) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. I: 1. Texas Cattle Fever; How Science is winning a Long Fight. (C. S. Potts) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 49. Texas State Library Association, Annual Meeting, 1906. Lib.J. 31: 278. Tex’s Little Lad. (Frances Charles) Overland, n. s. 45: 158, 272, Text-books, F rec, in City Schools. Textile Arts in Sweden. ternat.) 26: I10, Textiles, History of. 4= 3. . Texts, Apposite. Chamb. J . 80: 826, Thackeray, W. M. (G. K. Chesterton) Bookman, 17: 150. — (L. Melville) Temp. Bar, 125: 655.—(C. Whibley) Bk. News, 22: 443. -— and Charles Lamb, Christmas Spirit of. (J . R. Hayes) Bk. News, 232 257. -— and Dickens. (L. Melville) Temp. Bar, 126: 413, —— — Friendship of. (G. R. Miller) Munsey, 29: 36. — and his Critics. Blackw. 174: 675. —— Another Aspect of. (K. Leche) 19th Cent. 51! 947. — Apostle of Mediocrity. (W. F. Lord) I9th Cent. 5I= 396- — An Appreciation of. (C. L. Eastlake) 19th Cent. 541 I43-=Liv-Age. 2381 491. — as a Reader and Critic of Books. (L. Melville) Fortn. 80: 836, —— as a Sub-editor. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 474. —‘ at Cambridge. (W. Elwin) Monthly R. 16, no. 3: 151.=Ec1. M. 143: 763. =Liv. Age, 243: 270. — Boyhood of. (VV. Elwin) Monthly R. 15, no. 3: 161. I Ecl. M. 143: 392. I Liv. Age, 242: 296. — A Child Memory of. (A. Corkrau) Outl. 78: 977. — Colonel Newcome, adapted by Morton. (A. A. Bau- ' mann) Sat. R. 101: 685. — Dramatizations of. (P. VVilstach) Bookman, 16: 491. — The Dregs of. Liv. Age, 249: 765. — An Estimate of. (J . D. Bruce) Sewanee, 11: 21, — Friendship with an American Family. Cent. 45: 48-757. — in America, Wilson’s. (F. W. Simonds) Science, Educa. 24: 219. (Axel Tallberg) Studio (In- (I. Sargent) Craftsman, 1, no. (W. C. France) Nation, 79: 483. , —— in Search of a Profession. (W. Elwin) Monthly R. 17, no. 1: 88. =Liv. Age, 243: 449. I Eel. M. 144: 58. —- in the United States. (J. W. Wilson) Cent. 41: 335. I Cornh. 85 Z, I. —— Kindness to Children. (M. K. Clarke) Critic, 43: 28, —- Letters, New. (J. R. Hayes) Bk. News, 23: 301, —— -— to an American Family. Dial, 38: 187, — The Mahogany Tree. (F. C. Burnand) Putnam, I: 338.:Cornh. 94: 754. — Mayfair and. (Sir A. West) Liv. Age, 248: 307, 5-— Prototypes of some of his Characters. (L. Melville) Chamb. J. 83: 808. ~ — Sketches by, Four. (W. B. Smith) Harper, I07: 427- - True Greatness of. (H. H. Statham) Fortn. 81: 611. =Ec1. M. 143: 17. =Liv. Age, 241: 401, - Vanity Fair, Contemporary Criticism 'of. (A. B. Maurice) Bookman, 17: 280, \ — The Week-day Preacher. (G. P. Eckman) Meth._R. 65: 922, V --Whibley’s. Ath. ’03, 2: 539. -—- (A. Lang) Cornh. 88: 769. = Ecl. M. 142: 395.: Liv. Age, 240: 303. - (A. M. Logan) Nation, 78: 176, V That which was lost. I Thatcher, The Village. THACKERAY Thackeray, W. M. Why not a Thackeray Club? (L. Melville) Critic, 48: 566. - Wilson on. Dial, 38: 187. Thaddeus, J . H. “Christ before Caiaphas.” Good Words, 431 822. Thalassocracies, List of, in Eusebius. J . Hel. Stud. 26: 84. Thalassology, Method of Studying. J . 25: 191. Thalol; a story. (Leonard Kip) Californian, 5: 535. Thames and Severn Canal, The. (C. J . Aubertin) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 402. Thames River, The. (A. Meynell) Atlan. 94: 522. — Charm of. (J. Barnett) Macmil. n. s. I: 750. -— Damming of. Am. Arch. 85¢ 65. — (W. B. Wood- gate) Fortn. 82: 339. - Flow of, and British Pressure and Rainfall Changes. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Nature. 72: 178, —- in “Rage of Rain.” (J . E. Vincent) Cornh. 89: 514. -— Source of. Sat. R. 96: 73. - Steamboat Service on-. (A. F. Hills) J. Soc. Arts, 49: 454. Thanks, Art of. Spec. 93¢ 550. Thanksgiving; a poem. (A. E. Hanscom) Chant. 38: 266. Thanksgiving Day, History of. M. n. s. 31: 302. - Origin of. (Rev. D. Jenner) Overland, n. s. 46: 393, Thanksgiving Dinner; a Modern Farce. (Tudor J enks) Indep. 61: 1258. Thanksgiving Opportunity, A. New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 313. That Angel Boy. (E. H. Porter) New Eng. M. n. s. (J . L. Myres) (L. Marini) Geog. (M. Lowe) New Eng. (Grace Blanchard) 30: 402, That Forty). (Isabel Darling) Overland, n. s. 47: 63. That Other Expedition. (J . C. Bull) Lippinc. 71: 732. “ That Person l ” a story. (D. G. Phillips) Munsey, 27: 374. That Pup of Murchison’s; a story. (E. P. Barker) Am. M. 62: 44, That Russian. (Louise B. Edwards) Scrib. M. 41): 204, (W. P. Drury) Temp. Bar, 125: 567, That Wonderful Evening. (L. B. Walford) Longm. 46: 260.: Liv. Age, 246: 362, Spec 951 923- Thaulow, Fritz, Norwegian Painter. (E. H. Moore) Brush & P. I3: I. —(F. E. Grant) Brush & P. 18: 207. Thaw at Slisco’s, The; a story. Clure, 24: 63. Thayer, Abbott H. (H. Saint-Gaudens) Critic, 46: 423. Thayer, James Bradley, with portrait. (E. H. Hall) Harv. Grad. M. 10: 507, — (J . B. Ames and others) Harv. Law R. 15: 599. Thayer, Rev. J ohn, a Noted Pioneer Convert of New England, 1758-1815. (R. H. Clarke) Am. Cath. 29: 138, Thayer, Joseph Henry, with portrait. (C. H. Toy) Harv. Grad. M. 10: 363, - Literary Work of. (C. J . H. Ropes) Am. J . Theol. 6: 285. —The Man and his Work. (C. J. H. Ropes) Bib. World, 19: 248. — A Student’s Appreciation. World, 19: 226, Thayer Family Entries in the Parish Register of Thornbury, Gloucestershire, England. (l/V. Faxon and E. H. Whorf) N. E. Reg. 60: 281. Theater; about Playgoers. (E. Aria) 19th Cent. 52: 76 (R. E. Beach) Mc- (W. N. Stearns) Bib. — America, Present Conditions in. (J . D. Barry) Booklover’s M. 51 239. 641 THEATERS Theater, and the Drama. (C. L. Moore) Dial, 36: 187. - Chinese. (Mrs. E. M. Green) Overland, n. s. 41: 118. — Confessions of an Advance Agent. (F. S. Arnett) 'Munsey, 29: 235, — de Luxe, A. (J . R. Towse) Nation, 81: 396. — Elizabethan. (F. E. Schelling) Lippinc. 69: 309. - An Elizabethan Playhouse. (M. Prower) Gent. M. n. s. 711 300. — Endowed. Movement for an Endowed National Art Theater for America. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 31: 641. — (F. E. Mackay ; F. E. Elwell; E. Markham) Arena, 32: 48'. — - Plea for. (T. S. Moore) Monthly R. 6, no. I: 119. - - Still Need of. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 359. — The English. (C. C. Compton) Macmil. 90: 61. — A Famous Old Italian. (W. J . Lawrence) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 571. - For the Freedom of the. (J. A. Waldron) Indep. 55: 1982, — for the People, and the Public Schools. (C. S. Smith) Char. 13: 425, - Frangais, The ; a Homily. (H. C. Chatfield—Taylor) World To-day, 10: 149, - Free, Plea for. (J . L. Ford) Munsey, 28: 148. — in France To-day, The. (Cora R. Howland) World To-day, I0: 426, - Is it worth while ? (J . S. Metcalfe) Atlan. 96: 727. - A Malayan. (H. H. Hipwell) Idler, 26: 5 5 5. — Moral Influence of the. (Sarah Bernhardt) Cornh. 87: 1, — Municipal, The. (C. Charrington) Contemp. 82: 411. — N ational, Case for. Monthly R. 8, no. I2 I56. -of France, Great N ational. (Brander Matthews) Munsey, ss= 741. . — Organizing the. (H. H. Fyfe) Fortn. 77: 547. -— People’s in Russia. (R. E. C. Long) 19th Cent. 52: 775. —— The Perfect. (J. E. O. Pridmore) Archit. Rec. I7: 101. — Pit of the. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 101: 581. — Plea for a Reformed. (B. A. Crackanthorpe) F ortn. 81: 899. —- The Public as seen from the Stage. 19th Cent. 57: 601. — Question of the. (Brander Matthews) No. Am. (G. Kingston) 174‘ 395- - Renovation of the. (T. S. Moore) Monthly R. 7, no, II 102, - Staging in the French and English. (G. Bourdon) Fortn. 77: 154. - An Uncommercial. (S. Gwynn) Fortn. 78: -1044. Theater Fires. (W. P. Gerhard) Am. Arch. 87: 111. — (B. M. Semper) Am. Arch. 87: 19. Theater-going, European, Little Worries of. Dale) Cosmopol. 39: 509. Theater Plans, Modern. (W. P. Gerhard) Am. Arch. 88: 187, Theater Trust on View, The. 80: 348. Theaters; Audiences and Exits. Monthly R. I4, no. 22 43. — Exits from. Am. Arch. 86: 71. — Fire Regulations of. Am. Arch. 89: 130. - Fires in. (C. H. Blackall) Am. Arch. 83: 11. See above, Theater Fires. — Mid-season at the. (H. T. Parker) Bookman, 20: (Alan (J . R. Towse) Nation, (P. Waterhouse) 543. — New, in New York. (A. C. David) Archit. Rec. 15¢ 39- - of Elizabeth’s London, The. (C. H. Grabo) Chant. mu "'4- — of Loridon, Past and Present. (A. West) 19th Cent. 5 5: 60. THEATERS Theaters, Repertory, and Conried. (J . Corbin) Book- lover’s M. 7¢ 353. -— Roman, Fires in. (R. Lanciani) Indep. 56: 1374. -—- Safety of. Am. Arch. 86¢ 79. —— Tottenham Street, 178o—19o3, Gent. M. n. s. 74: 114, Theatrical Art in Ancient and Modern Times, Mant- zius’s. (Brander Matthews) Lamp, 28: 402.—Ath. ’°4, 21 I55- Theatrical Business in America. (C. Hawtrey) Fortn. 79: 1010, (R. O. Sherington) Theatrical History; the Lowe Collection. (R. Ber- gengren) Lamp, 27: 32, Theatrical Library, Potpourri from a. (R. Gray) Gent. n. s. 68: 88. Theatrical Press Agent’s Confession and Apology. Indep. 59: 191. Theatrical Situation, A Sinister. pol. 41: 199. Theatrical Subventions, Rise of. (W. Archer) Fortn. 791 I27- Theatrical Syndicate, The; One Side. (D. Belasco) Cosmopol. 38: 193. —— The Other Side. (M. Klaw) Cosmopol. 38: 199. Theban Life and Art in the Light of Recent Discover- ies. (F. H. Herrick) Nation, 78: 491. Theban Rock Tomb, A. (F. H. Herrick) Nation, 79: 8. Thebaud, Rev. A. J ., Reminiscences of. Cath. World, 79¢ 789. Thebaud, Louis A., House of, at Morristown, N. J . Archit. Rec. 17¢ 157. Thebaud, Paul G. Country House, at White Plains, N. Y. (W. Heming) Archit. Rec. 16: 1, Thebes, Excavation of the Oldest Temple of. (H. R. Hall) J. Soc. Arts, 53: 791. — Find of Royal Statues of. Nature, 71: 126, -— Most Ancient Temple at, Discovery of. (E. Na- ville and H. P. Hale) Ecl. M. 143: 163.: Liv. Age, 242: 59. —Nature, 70: 155. — A New Tomb at. (E. M. Ferguson) Nation, 80: 392, Theil, Friedrich, with portrait. Chaut. 41: 74. Their Countrymen. (J . Barnes) Scrib. M. 34: 595. Their Golden Wedding-day. (E. Singer) Overland, n. s. (Alan Dale) Cosmo- 46: 143. Their Last Trail. (W. Buckley) Overland, n. s. 42: 391- Their Law. (C. D. Wilson) Overland, n. s. 45: 514. Their Native Correspondent. (A. Ruhl) Cent. 41: 45 3. Their Quest; a story. (B. Whitlock) Bookman, I7: 2 o. Theisin, The Crux of. (W. H. Mallock) Hibbert J . 3¢ 478. -—- Epistemological Argument for. Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 341. -— Mallock and the Philosophy of. (J . T. Driscoll) Cath. World, 80: 1, —— The New Science in relation to. Am. J. Theol. 8¢ 43. _ Themes, Criticisms of, by Students. tine) Technol. R. 42 459. Themison the Montanist, Catholic Epistles of. Barns) Expos. 6th ser. 8: 40. 9¢ 369. Theocritns, The Land of. (W. Sharp) Harper, 106: 802, Theodicy. (J . Cooper) Bib. Sac. 60: 401, 649. Theognis, Harrison’s Studies in. Ath. ’03, 1: 7. Theologians, Who are the Real? (H. Woods) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 357. Theological Education in America in Light of Recent Discussion. (J . A. Faulkner) Meth. R. 63: 58. Theological Literature in Public Libraries. (S. G. Ayres) Lib. J. 28: 601. (E. H. Griflin) (G. T. Knight) (R. G. Valen- (T. 642 THEOLOGY Theological Literature, Kriiger’s Annual Report of. (H. M. Scott) Presb. & Ref. R, 13: 327. Theological Movement of our Age, Outcome of. H. Newton) Hibbert J . 4¢ 260. Theological Reconstruction. N. Church R. 9: 104, Theological School, Appeal of, to Christian Men of Wealth. (L. O. Brastow) Yale Div. Q. 2: 27. — Field of an Undenominational. (G. F. Moore) Harv. Grad. M. 11: 201, Theological Seminaries, American Roman Catholic. (E. A. Pace) Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 389. — Liberty of Teaching in. Bib. World, 25¢ 86. —New England Congregational, Work, Needs, and Claims of. (J . L. Barton) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 15: 24. — What should the Churches demand of them? (E. D. Burton) Bib. \/Vorld, 25: 20. Theological.Seminary, College and. (W. DeW. Hyde) Indep. 61: 264, Theological Students, Coddling. World’s Work, 10: 6151, Theological Teaching, Conservative. (W. H. Dunbar) Luth. Q. 35: 556. Theological Thought, Modern Tendencies in. (A. H. Strong) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 1: 369. Theological Training of our Preachers. bar) Luth. Q. 35¢ I. Theology and Art. (J . Lindsay) Bib. Sac. 62: 474. —as a Science. (J. D. Severinghaus) Luth. Q. 32: 486. —(P. Carus) Monist, 12: 544. 13: 24. —— Authority for, not in Antiquity. (A. E. Truxal) Ref. Ch. R. 49: 220, -—— Christocentric. (J. R. Buckham) Bib. Sac. 62: 440, -— Constructive; is it possible? (W. D. Mackenzie) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 14: 267. — Distinctive Element in. (C. E. Schaeffer) Ref. Ch. R. 49=~ 473. — Dogmatic, its Nature and Function. intosh) Expos. 6th ser. I0: 413. — — Some Current Notions concerning. (C. M. Mead) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 4: 185. — Evolution of, E. Caird on. (H. N. Gardiner) Philos. R, 14: 204,, — from the Standpoint of Functional Psychology. (E. S. Ames) Am. J. Theol. 10¢ 219. —— in Universities. (T. Bonquillon) Cath. Univ. Bull. 1: 25, — New. (P. H. Churchman) Bib. Sac. 61: 529, -—— New Point of View in. (J . I-I. Beigitz) Hibbert J . 2: 298, —- New Testament, Relation of, to Jewish Alexandrian Thought. (VV. F. Adeney) Bib. World, 26: 41. — Outlook of 20th Century in. (G. M. Grant) Am. J . Theol. 6: I. —— Personal, Illusions of. 617, -— Place of, in Preaching. (S. H. Howe) Hartf. Sem. Rec, 162 26!, — Progress in. (J . J. Fox) Cath. World, 76: 488, —— Recent Theories of Development in. Ed. R. 198: 52. — Relation of, to Religion. (Emma M. Caillard) Con- temp. 88: 829. — Restoration of, through the New Church. Sewall) N. Church R. 10: 540, — Rights and Limits of. Quar. 203: 461. — Ritschl’s, A. T. Swing on. (C. W. Hodge) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: 321. — Scholastic. Month, 101: 367, — The Seat of Authority in the Science of. (C. J. Little) Meth. R. 65: 365. . — Study of, Plea for the Higher. (C. A. Briggs) Am. J. Theol. 8: 433. -—- Systematic, Province of. (J . A. Singmaster) Luth. Q- ss= 6» (R. (E. T. Tomlinson) (W. H. Dun- (H. R. Mack- (A. A. Berle) Bib. Sac. 61: (F. THEOLOGY Theology, Teaching of. (C. C. Hall) Educa. R. 29: 85. —- Witness of Life to. Outl. 83: 924. Theophanies. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 705. Theophano. (F. Harrison) Fortn. 81: 157-1093, 82: 170-543- Theory and Investigation. (W. E. Foster) Nation, 76: IIO, -— and Practice; Presidential Address. (W. L. Bryan) ' Psychol. R. 11: 71, Theory of Cephas Douglass, The; a sketch. (J . G. Whittemore) Outing, 41: 300, Theosophists ; Point Loma Community. (B. D. Knobe) Munsey, 29: 357. ' Theosophy, What it is not. (E. Coues) Calif. M. I: 133. T heramenes, Rehabilitation of. (B. Perrin) Am. Hist. 11.91 649. ' There is Pansies; a poem. (M. Howells) Atlan. 91: 789- There ’s No Place like the Old Place; a poem. (R. W. Gilder) Critic, 47: 512. Therese, Sister, Autobiography of. (J . McSorley) Cath. World, 75: 198. Thermal Expansions at Low Temperatures. (J . De- war) Nature, 66: 88, Thermit. (C. V. Boys) Am. Arch. 83: 84. — Its Application to Metallurgical Engineering. (C. V. Bogs) J. Soc. Arts, 52: 256. Thermit Practice in America. (E. Stiitz) J . Frankl. Inst. 160: 435. Thermodynamics, Graphics of. ence, n. s. 18: 247. (E. H. Hall) Science, 11. s. (R. H. Thurston) Sci- Thermo-electric Action. 21: 81, Thermometer, Fahrenheit’s, History of. (S. Wilks) Knowl. 251 29. — Origin of Scale of. — Regulating or Recording. (G. S. Ram) Nature, 65: 391, (H. S. Allen) Nature, 68: 69. Thermometric Readings. (S. W. Dudley) Science, 11. s. 17: 749- Thermometry, History of. (E. Mach) Open Court, 16: 733~ I71 26- Thermopylae. (R. B. Richardson) Indep. 54: 15, Thessaly. (R. B. Richardson) Indep. 54: I345. — Rambles in. (R. W. W. Cryan) Westm. I65: 443, —— A Tour through. (W. Miller) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 424. Thetford, A Ramble round. (H. J . D. Astley) Antiq. n, 3, 39: 198, 241. 6e'rmc6'repov. (E. G. Sihler) Am. J . Philol. 23: 283, They. (R. Kipling) Scrib. M. 36: 129. They who lose at Love. (N. Duncan) Harper, I12: 338. Thibet. Sec Tibet. Thief of St. Loo, The; a story. Munsey, 28: 182, Thiers, Louis-Adolphe. 87: 166. — Entreating the Powers, 1870-71. Nation, 77: 20;, — Recollections of. (E. Crawford) Contemp. 84: 318. Thiers Institute. (P. Calmettes) Archit. R. 13: 248. Thieves, Quarrel among, I5 56. (J . E. Brown) Antiq. n. s. 41: 17. Thing he feared, The. land, n. s. 432 415. Things as they are. (A. Colton) Atlan. 95: 814, Things Human. (B. I. Wheeler) Atlan. 90: 636. Things that were. (A. L. Provost) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 549. Things “ Wuth Considerin.’ ” (Cap’n Titus) Outing, 43‘ 29» 472, S32- Thinking. (VV. R. Harper) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 89. —- and “ Thinking.” Spec. 93: 385. —-Organized. Sat. R. 101: 811, (M. de La Roche) (R. Blennerhassett) Cornh. (Grace MacG. Cooke) Over- 643 THOMAS Thiocyanates, Comparative Study of some Isomor- phous Triple. (J . G. Blake) Am. J . Sci. 166: 12. Third, The. (Bettina von Hutten) Cent. 44: 303. Third and a Half Generation, The. (N. Lloyd) Scrib. ' M, 31: 605. Third-class Travel. Spec. 912 49. Third Dimension, Certain Relations of Accommoda- tion and Convergence to the Judgment of. (H. Carr and J . B. Allen) Psychol. R. I3: 258. -—— Experiments in Perception of. (J . H. Hyslop) Psy- chol. R. 10: '47. “ Third Edition.” (G. S. H. Tytus) Cent. 50: 773. Third-rate Poet, A. (E. Ensor) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 92. Thirlage, Law of, Some Problems in the. (\V. J. Robertson) Jurid. R. 15: 64. Thirlmere, Rowland; a Poet’s Pilgrimage. (C. Mar- riott) Westm. I64: 26. Thirsty Cruise, A. (J . Moresby) Macmil. 87: 199. = Ecl. M. 140: 731. ILiv. Age, 237: 164. Thirsty Dan ; a story. (C. Warren) Am. M. 61: 346. Thirsty Steel, The. (R. B. Townshend) Overland, n. s. 47: 252. Thirteen. (E. J . Jones) Chamb. J . 83: 439. Thirteenth Man, The. (J . Josephson) Overland, n. s. 47 3 I57- “ Thirty Cents; ” a story. (F. Clarkin) McClure, 18: 493- $30,oo0,o0o in Sight. (Bost.) 22: 370. (C. Van A. Bunting) Nat’l M. Thirty-five Hundred Miles in a Ten-tonner. (A. J . Oliver) Overland, n. s. 46: 210, Thirty-nine Articles, Subscription to the. (J . Chap- man) Dub. R. 133: I. Thirty Pieces of Silver, The. 593 235- Thirty Years’ War, Within the Penumbra of the. (J. F. Loughlin) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 564. “ This is a World of Spells.” (Zona Gale) Every- body’s, 15: 311. “Thistle,” Thoughts on Board the, 1905. low) Chamb. J . 82: 659. Thistle-down, Parachute Effect of. (J . B. Daudeno) Science, 11. s. 22: 568, Tholuck, Augustus. (H. S. Burrage) Bib. World, 26: 89 (G. F. Hill) Archaeol. (P. Bige- Thomas a Becket, Henricus R. vs. (E. Taunton) 19th Cent. 60: 1003. Thomas a Kempis. 665. — A Monument to. Acad. 66: 173. Thomas Aquinas, St. Spec. 96: 49. -— and the Arab N eo-Platonists. (W. H. Kent) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 451. -— and the Eucharist. Cath. Q. 31: 555. — and Mediaeval Thought. Dub. R. 138: 1. — and Modern Thought. (E. A. Pace) Cath. Univ. Bull. 2: 188. . — His Theory of Education. (E. A. Pace) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 290. -—— Philosophy of. (J . Lindsay) Bib. Sac. 61: 483. —- Philosophy of Knowledge. (F. L. van Becelaere) Philos. R. 122 611. —— The Soul in the System of. (E. A. Pace) Cath. Univ. Bull. 4: 50. Thomas, Brandon. Judge’s Memory. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 101: 326. I1nitation of Christ. Spec. 94: (Alexander Macdonald) Am. Thomas, E. R., and his Horses, with portrait. Out- ing. 43= 457. Thomas, Grosvenor, Art Work of. (A. L. Baldry) Art J. 56:351. Thomas, Havard. Lycidas. (W 1 P. Andrews) Na- tion, 8o: 521, THOMAS Thomas, Havard. Lycidas; Rejection by the Royal Academy. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 99: 550. Thomas, Theodore. Dial, 38: 33. -—With portrait. (C. E. Russell) Everybody’s, I1: 216. --(H. T. Finck) Nation, 801 28. —With portrait. (J . M. Rogers) Booklover’s M. 5: 529. - and the Development of American Music. (W. J . Henderson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 196. — Autobiography, ed. by Upton. (W. M. Payne) Dial, 38: 227. — (H. T. Finck) Nation, 80: 359. —— In Memoriam; a poem. (H. van Dyke) Outl. 79: 118. V —— Public Benefactor. Outl. 79: 113. —— Three Impressions of. Outl. 79: 316. Thomas, W. I. Adventitious Character of Woman. Am. J. Sociol. I2: 32, T homas, W. Widgery. (Louis G. Northland) World To-day, 9: 1175. ._ Thomas Normal Training School. Educa. 23! 506. Thomasine’s Garden. (K. W. Barker) Temp. Bar, I 29: 73°- Thomasius, Christian. (A. D. White) Atlan. 95: 520, 635. Thomaston, Maine. (M. S. Stimpson) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 73o. Thompson, Dr. Alfred, M. P. for Yukon District. (C. R. Settlemier) Canad. M. 25: 328. Thompson, Augustus Charles. Hartf. Sem. Rec. 12! 36. Thompson, D’Arcy. 536- Thompson, Elizabeth, Science Fund. Science, n. s. 18: 442, Thompson, F. W. W., Canadian Miller. 22: 441, Thompson, Francis, Poetry of. World, 81: 605. Thompson, Isaac Cooke. Nature, 69: 60. Thompson, Sir John, Canadian Prime Minister, Remi- niscences of. (J . J . Curran) Canad. M. 26: 218. Thompson, John R. (C. M. Graves) Lamp, 29: 181. Thompson, Seymour D., Obituary Notice of. Am. Law R. 38: 699. _ Thomson, Col. Anstrnther. Reminiscences. Spec.92: 456- Thomson, J . Allan. Insularity of the English and Imperial Federation. I9th Cent. 60: 437. Thomson, James, and Pope. (G. C. Macaulay) Ath. ’o4, 2: 446. Thomson, William McClure. World, 20: 38.0. Thomy-Thiery Collection of Paintings, The. Frantz) Studio (Internat.) 26: 187, (T. P. O’Connor) Educa. R. 28: Canad. M. (K. B1-égy) Cath. (H. C. Trumbull) Bib. (H. Thoorga and other Australian Languages. (R. H. Mathews) Am. Antiq. 24: 101, Thoracic Breathing, Effect of Muscle on. (E. Foster and E. A. McGamble) Am. J . Psychol. 17: 406. Thoreau, Henry D. (G. P. Coleman) Dial, 40: 352, — (S. E. Saville) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 400. — and Ellery Channing. (F. B. Sanborn) Critic, 47: 444. — and German Romanticism. 83: 388, 411, — and Isaac Hecker, Unpublished Correspondence. (E. H. Russell) Atlan. go: 370. - — as a Diarist. (Bradford Torrey) Atlan. 95: 5. — Channing and Marble on. (E. K. Dunton) Dial, 33: 464. — An Estimate. —— Home of, Concord, Mass. Am. 5: 285. —- in Books and Woods. 2: 514. (Paul E. More) Nation, (W. Leighton) Arena, 30: 489, (O. B. Capen) Ctry Life (W. C. Bartlett) Californian, 644 THREE Thoreau, Henry D., a Prophet of Nature. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 80: 278. -— Two Famous Bachelors and their Love Stories. Laughlin) Bk. Buyer, I 5: 241. —— Where he worked and wandered. Critic, 40: 509. Thoreau’s Guide, Death of. (C. (A. R. Marble) (F. H. Eckstrom) Atlan. 93- 736- Thorium, Complex Nature of. (C. Baskerville) Sci- ence, n. s. 19: 892, Thorium Minerals, Radio-activity of. Am. J. Sci. 166: 161. Thorkild, Viborg. (E. W. Peattie) Atlan. 911 228. Thorn that pricked, The. (Grace E. Channing) Cent. 46: 877. Thornton, Madam; a Lady of the Moorland. (M. J . H. Skrine) Blackw. I76: 621. I Liv. Age, 243: 786. Thornton, Wm., Designer of the U. S. Capitol. Am. Arch. 84: 66, Thornton Hough Village, Cheshire, Cottages in. B. Bare) Studio (Internat.) 22: 30. Thoroughness vs. Breadth. (R. Rhees) School R. 11: zoo. Thorpe, Wifliam, of New Haven, Conn., and Some of his Descendants‘. (S. P. Thorpe and R. P. Wake- man) N .' E. Reg. 59: 392. Thorwaldsen, Bertel, Sculptor. (C. M. Waage) Calif. M. 2: 32. ‘ Thoth, The, and the Amenthes. Pop. Astron. I3: 251. Thothmes IV., Discovery of Tomb of. Am. Antiq. 25: 363. “ Thou shalt not steal ; ” a story. mopol. 38: 202, Though One rose from the Dead; a story. Howells) Harper, I06: 724, Though the Windows be darkened. Cornh. I4: 797. . Thought and Force. (C. T. Ovenden) Hibbert J . 4: 108. Thought and Speech (J . A. Dewe) Educa. 26: 168. — Consciousness; Life. (E. Fry) Contemp. 89: 241. — (M. L. Johnson) Westm. I66: 666, —- Constitution of. (H. F oston) Mind, 31: 486. — Prof. Strong on the Passing. (C. M. Bakewell) Philos. R. 132 552. ' — Trains of. (G. S. Street) Acad. 66: 381, 429. Thought Transference among Animals. (A. Sampson) Science, 11. s. 21: 804, Thoughts on the Present Discontents. Fortn. 8-3: I. Thousand Quilt, The ; a story. per, I10: I33, Thousand Years after, A; a story. Harper, 107: 301. Thousandth Woman, The. (Julia Magruder) Lippinc. 75: ‘ Thrale, Thrasher, The California. of Sun. I4: I9. Thread of Scarlet ; a story. (G. F. Barker) (H. (Percival Lowell) (H. Bassford) Cos- (W. D. (J . Oxenham) (F. Harrison) (A. H. Donnell) Har- (A. S. K. Ghosh) 1. Mrs. See Piozzi, Mrs. Hester L. S. Thrale. (E. and J . Grinnell) Land (Jennette Lee) Lippinc. 741 I05- ‘ Three Best Things, The; a poem. (H. van Dyke) Outl. 71: 81. Three Birds with One Stone ; a story. Outing. 43= 337- Three Chances. (Jennette Lee) Atlan. 89: 661. Three Characteristics, The. (P. Carus) Open Court, 19: 563, Three-color Process. Three Dimensions, Proof of. 661 570. 596- Three Fells Sketches ; a story. M. n. s. 69: 417. (E. Philpotts) (H. S.)Spec. 92: 921, (C- W. Saleeby) Acad. (W. T. Palmer) Gent. THREE Three Francescas, The. (Edith Wharton) No. Am. 175‘ 17- Three Gifts, The; a story. 404- Three Letters and a Note. (F. Converse) Atlan. 96: (A. Crandall) Lippinc. 72: 373- Three Loyal Comrades, The. (Carmen Sylva) Outl. 7 5: I77- Three Nurses and a Chicken Ranch. Overland, n. s. 442 223. Three Speeds forward. (L. Osbourne) Everybody’s, 15: 169, Three Toes; a story. (E. Venegas) (F. E. Scotford) McClure, 24: 493- Three Wise Men, The. (J . T. McIntyre) McClure, 27: 551, Three Wishes; a Quaint Legend of the Canadian Habitants. (C. M. Skinner) J. Am. Folk-Lore, 19: 341. Threnody. (R. H. Stoddard) Putnam, 1: 19. Thrice warned; a story of the Past, the Present, and the Future. (B. M. Chambers) Chamb. J . 82: 616. Thrift. (O. S. Marden) Overland, n. s. 48: 310. — Seamy Side of. Spec. 911 341. Throop University, Pasadena, Cal. Calif. M. 2: 565. (Jeanne C. Carr) Through the Desert to the Rajaima. (R. A. Martyne) Overland, n. s. 42: 124, Through the Eye of a Needle; a story. (K. Reed) Outl. 81: 78, Through a Glass, darkly; a story. (Mrs. C. van D. Chenoweth) Overland, n. s. 42: 143. “ Through a Glass, darkly; ” a story. (K. H. Brown) Cent. 49: 397. Through the Ivory Gate. (Mary R. S. Andrews) Scrib. M. 37: 698. Through Matter to Mind. (W. H. Mallock) Contemp. 88: 72. Through the Needle’s Eye. (Sewell Ford) Scrib. M. 40: 311. Through the Valley of Illusion ; a story. (A. Stringer) Harper, 1052 625. Through Walled Windows; a story. (W. H. Porter) Bookman, I8: 25. Through the Wood. Chamb. J. 82: 471, Throwback, The; a story. (A. H. Lewis) Outing, 47: _. 7. “ Throwing of the Clew,” The; a story. (H. Whit- aker) Harper, I05: 889, “ Thrown into the Bargain,” by Another Minister’s Wife. Indep. 59: 609, Thrown upon her own Resources. Indep. 58: 17. , Thrush and Blackbird. (E. Selons) Sat. R. 98: 513. - — Duels of. (E. Selous) Sat. R. 98: 233, -— Bird Vocalists. (L. S. Sprague) Outing, 40: 201, - Domestic Economy of. (A. H. M. Cox) Knowl. 25: 269. -— Song-forms of the. (T. C. Smith) Atlan. 93: 777. Thrymskwitha, The ; an Eddie Poem. (F. E. Bryant) Poet-Lore, I4: 36. (Marion Harland) Thucydides Useful to the Modern Statesman. (M. E. Grant-Duff) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 7: 1. Thuggee, Romance of. Chamb. J . 80: 410, Thugs. A Religion of Murder. Quar. 194: 506. = Ecl. M. 138: 249. "—-"Liv. Age, 232: 40. Thunder and Calamity; a story. (Adeline Knapp) McClure, 26: 195. Thunder Stone, The; what does it mean in Shake- speare ‘P (G. F. Foster) Overland, n. s. 45: 125. Thunderstorm, Building a. (Arthur H. Bell) Good Words, 43: 542. Thunderstorms. (J . M. Bacon) Longm. 44: 320. 645 TIBET Thunderstorms and Clean Air. Science, 11. s. 23: 852. — and the Moon. (R. D. Ward) Science, 11. s. 18: 218, Thurlow, Iédward, Baron. (W. R. Boulton) Macmil. 901 44 - Thursday at Three ; a story. (D. G. Phillips) Mc- Clure, 201 I43. Thurston. (May Harris) Atlan. 95: 122. Thurston, Katherine C., Denial of Plagiarism. Thurston) Critic, 47: 114, Thurston, Robert Henry. Science, 18: 609, Thyrza. (R. May) Sund. M. 34: 803. Tia Juana, Mexico. (L. B. Colson) Land of Sun. 6: 178. Tian Shan, Mountains and Kibitkas of. (E. .Hunting- ton) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 513. ‘ Tibbitt’s Way. (Stella M. Diiring) Temp. Bar, 126: 421.-—-Liv. Age, 235: 362, Tiber, The. (Marie van Vorst) Harper, I14: 30. —— Search for Treasure in the. Am. Arch. 78: 71. Tiberius Caesar, the Tyrant. (P. Lyde) Lippinc. 71: 400. — Character of. Acad. 62: 601, —-— Tarver on. (W. H. Johnson) Dial, 33: 90. Tibet. (S. Hedin) Knowl. 27: 1. —Ed. R. 201: 338. — and the India Oflice. (I. Malcomb) 19th Cent. 57: (K. C. 577- . — and its Borderland. (Sarah D. McMahon) Indep. 56: 1124, — and Turkestan, Crosby’s. 82: 81. — Animals of. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 27: 216, — Bottom-rock of. (E. H. Parker) Fortn.82: 124, —— British Case against. Outl. 78: 161, ' — British Invasion of. (Mohammad Barakatullah) Forum, 37: 128, —-British Mission to. (E. W. Hopkins) Nation, (W. Lawrence) No. Am. 178: 869. — British Relations with. (H. C. Wylly) Monthly R. 15, no. 2: 41. —- Buddhism of. (C. N. Eliot) Quar. 203: I92. —— — and Catholicity. (D. Dale) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 167. — The Country and its People. (H. A. Bruce) Outl. 80: 241, — Crisis in. (E. J . Salano) National, 43: 823. —-— Discoveries in. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 313. —England and Russia in. (O. T. Crosby) N 0. Am. _ 178: 711, — England, Russia, and. (A. Ular) Contemp. 82: 843. — England’s Future in. Spec. 93: 4I. _ — The English in ; a Russian View. (Prince E. Oukh- tomsky) No. Am. 179: 24. — Exploration and Survey with the Frontier Commis- sion. (C. H. D. Ryder) Geog. J. 262 369. —- Exploration of Western. (C. G. Rawling) Geog. J. 25: 414, — Explorations in. Nat. Geog. M. I4: 353. — the Forbidden Land. (W. J . Reid) Booklover’s M. 4= 17- — From Tiflis to. (O. T. Crosby) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 703. —-— The Gates of. 264, —— A Gentleman of. (H. R. Evans) Open Court, 182 479. — A Geographical Apocalypse. (E. W. Hopkins) Na- tion, So: 273. (D. W. Freshfield) J. Soc. Arts, 53: — Geographical Results of the Missions to, 1904. (Sir Frank Younghusband) Geog. J . 252 481. -— Grueber and Dorville’s Journey across. Geog. J . 24: 663. —— in relation to China, Russia, and England. Sat. R. 97= 741- —— Into Mysterious. 5263. ——- Into, with Younghusband. - (Perceval Landon) World’s Work, 91 5907. (C. Roberts) World’s Work, 8: TIBET Tibet. Lapchak. Blackw. I74: 372. — The Latest News from Lhasa. (E. Kawaguchi) Cent. 45: 383. —— The Mission to. (E. J . Dillon) Contemp. 85: 123. — New English-Indian Treaty with. Sat. R. 98: 352. -— Notes from. (D. W_. F reshfield) Geog. J . 23: 361. -One’s Night’s Experiences in. Blackw. I75: 198. = Liv. Age, 240: 810, -— Our next Little War. Sat. R. 96: 634. — Our Relations with. (G. E. Bruce) Asia. R. 38: 28. —— The Policy of the Dalai-Lama. (A. Ular) Contemp. 87: 39. —— The Puzzle of. (A. Ular) Contemp. 85: 24, — Question of. Spec. 92: 246, — Roads to. (D. W. Freshfield) Geog. J . 23: 79. — Russia and England on the International Chess- board. (E. Maxey) Arena, 32: 28. —— Russian Expedition to, 1899-1901, Geog. J. 192 576. —- Sandberg’s Exploration of. Ath. ’O4, 21 I35. — Savages of. (W. C. J . Reid) Outing, 44: 551. —-— Seclusion of. Sat. R. 97: 449. — Solution of the Problem. (A. Ular) Contemp. 85: 640, —— Some Impressions of. IVords, 46: 102, —— Treaty with. Spec. 93: 381. — —- and the Trade. (C. E. D. Black) Monthly R. 17, no. 2: 82, —- A Visit to. (A. H. Baldwin) Chamb. J. 81: 245, 410. —-— Visit to an Infant Grand Lama 100 Years Ago. Good Words, 45: 510. -— Visit to the Court of. (C. V. Magniac) 19th Cent. 591 255- — What I saw in. (W. C. J. Reid) Monthly R. 16, no, 2: 60.“-:L'.lV. Age, 242: 720. —— Younghusband in. Sat. R. 98: 193. See also Lhasa. Tibetan Art. (Mrs. Le Mesurier) Studio (Internat.) 22: 294, Tibetan Frontier, Across the. Serv. M. 29: 642. , Tibetans, A Leader of the. (J . Deniker) Cent. 47: 73. -— How they grew. (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 38: 238. — Teaching the. (F. J . Mather, jr.) Nation, 78: 266. Tichborne Case, Last of the. (P. Sidney) Westm. 163: (P. K. Kozloif) (P. R. Bairnsfather) Good (H. C. Wylly) Un. 539- Tichomiroif, Dimitri Ivanovitch. (B. D. Bogen) Ed- uca. 25: 172. Tichonius and St. Augustine. R, 132: 64. Ticinese Village, A. (J . Sully) Indep. R. 5: 222, Tickle-town Topics; Sate’s Weddin’. (M. C. Rich- ardson) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 621. Ticknor, George. (W. C. Lawton) Dial, 32: 306. Ticonderoga, Black Watch Memorial at. (F. B. Rich- ards) M. of Hist. 42 I. -— Inverawe and. (A. P. Stanley) M. of Hist. 4: 4, Tidal-wave in the Atlantic Ocean. (T. J . Hains) In- dep. 57: 208. (A. B. Sharpe) Dub. Tide-rivers. (L. S. Conant) Atlan. 97: 565. Tides. (F. T. Bullen) Cornh. 94: 503. =Liv. Age, 251: 392- — Canadian. Nature, 73: 618. — Cotidal Lines for the World. Geog. M. 17: 303. — in the Bay of Fundy. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 7I. — in the Midst of the Pacific Ocean. (A. Brownlie) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: I7. —— Measuring of Tides and Currents at Sea. Harris) Science, n. s. ‘19: 704. —New Theory of. (G. H. Darwin) Nature, 66: 444, —(R. A. Harris) Nature, 67: 583. (R. A. Harris) Nat. (R. A. 646 TIMBER Tides, Origin of the. (A. K. Bartlett) Pop. Astron. III 494: ‘ — Rollin A. Harris’s Theory of. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 753. -- Varieties of. (A. Brownlie) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. an 394. ss= I7. Tides of Barnegat, The; a novel. (F. H. Smith) Scrib. M. 38: 555, 696. 39: 81-541, 40: 62, 231, Tideswell Church. Antiq. n. s. 41: 340. Tie of Partnership, The; a story. (P. V. Mighels) Harper, I08: 913, Tie that binds, The; a story. (J. G. F rederic) Am. M, 62: 435. Tiele, Cornelius Petrus. (L. H. Jordan) Bib. World, 21: 32, 124. —(M. Jastrow) Indep. 54: 510. Tierra del F uego. (W. S. Barclay) Pall Mall M. 27: (G. W. Littlehales) ‘ 493- —— Life in. (W. S. Barclay) Westm. 55: 97. — Scientific Work of the Swedish Antarctic Expedi- tion at. (J . G. Andersson) Geog. J . 21: 159. Ties, Railroad, Making of Redwood, in California. (Margaret Troili) Out West, 23: 545. Tiifany, Louis C., and his Artistic Jewelry. Studio (Internat.) 301 XXXiii—X1ii.—With portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 433. Tiffany & Co. at the St. Louis Exhibition. man, 7: 169. Tigbourne Court Garden, Surrey. Studio (Internat.) I7: 21. Tiger of Muscovy, The. 185- 451 97- Tiger, The, that was not. 250: 552. Tiger-hunt in Perak. (G. Maxwell) Macmil. n. s. I: 777. Tiger-hunting, Strategy and Tactics ‘of. (R. G. Bur- ton) Un. Serv. M. 28: 402. —— Trail of the Tiger. (C. Whitney) Outing, 47: 57. Tiger Prince; a Hindu Folk-tale. F olk-Lore, I3: 79. Tigers, Cave-dwelling, of China. (J . C. Crew) Outing, W 737. — Sabre-toothed; how they killed their Prey. (R. Lydekker) Nature, 66: 357. Tigris and Euphrates, Valley of, Earliest Home of the Human Race. Am. Antiq. 25: 191. — On the. (Victoria Buxton de Bunsen) Indep. R. 5: 299. = Liv. Age, 246: 52. Tikal, Yukatom ; the First American Civilization. (W. Griffith) Craftsman, 10: 687. Tike; a story. (S. Johnson) Harper, I06: 220, Tilden, Douglas, Sculptor. Ove'rland, n. s. 48: 329. Tiles, Enameled, Architect’s Use of. (H. Ricardo) J. Soc. Arts, 50: 147. — Modern. (A. Le Boutillier) Arch. R. 13: 117, Till a’ the Seas gang Dry. (M. and R. Dawson) Lip- pinc, 71: 281, “ Till the Hare comes out of the Moon.” Robertson) Good Words, 44: Xmas no. Tillman, Benjamin R., U. S. Senator, with portrait. (C. Howard) Appleton’s M. 8: 348. — Smasher of Traditions. (Z. McGhee) World’s W_ork, I2: 8013, Tilsit, British Agent at. (O. Browning) Eng. Hist. R. 17: 110. — Treaty of, Mystery of. Ath. ’02, 2: 414. Tim, Coyote Dog. (W. W. Cook) Munsey, 34: 29. Timber, Approaching Famine of. (E. Stewart) Canad. M. 22: 19. — Planting on Waste Land. (I. Nisbet) 19th Cent. 60: 85. — World’s Supply of. (W. Schlich) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 249- Timber Churches in Norway, Quaint. (Olaf Z. Cerviu) Archit. Rec. 20: 93. Crafts- (F. Whishaw) Longm. 44: (G. Maxwell) Liv. Age, (A. H. TIMBER Timber Country, A Great. (W. E. Brown) Overland, n. s. 45: 546. Timber Land of the United States, Disposition of. (F. H. Lamb) Out West, 20: 207, Timber-lines. (I. C. Russell) Nat. Geog. M. 151 47. Timberlake, Hamilton Greenwood. (C. E. Allen) Wis. Alum. M. 5: 7. Time. (F. R. Moulton) Pop. Astron. I2: 391. —— (M. J. Moses) Lit. W. (Bost.) 352 230. — and Latitude, Determination of, from Equal Alti- tudes of Stars. (Geo. C. Comstock) Pop. Astron. 11: 238, —- Annihilation of, by Modern Methods. (R. B. Arm- strong) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 463. —— as an Absolute Principle of Negativity. (E. L. Hinman) Univ. Neb. Stud. 62 I. — Determination of, from Single Altitndes. (S. D. Townley) Pop. Astron. I42 I43. -—— Geological. (W. Upham) Pop. Astron. I4: 264. ~— How it is measured. (E. Wood) Munsey, 35: 710. -—-Latitude, and Azimuth, Accurate Method of ob- taining, for Field Work. (W. E. Cooke) Pop. Astron. I9: I69. —- Markets of. (I.Sargent) Craftsman, 2: 53. — Measurement of. (M. Updegraif) Science, 11. s. I 5: 216. —-Measuring very Short Intervals of. leigh) Nature, 59: 560. ——- Metaphysics of. (W. Smith) Philos. R. II: 372, —— On. Atlan. 94: 858. —— Polaris Vertical Circle Method of obtaining Time with the Surveyor’s Transit. (G. 0. James) Pop. Astron. I3: 499. —— Problem of. (R. M. Bache) Monist, I6: 304. — Question of, in accepting an Offer by performing an Act. (VV. S. Bausemer) Am. Law R. 36: 707. ——- Sex Differences in the Sense of. (R. MacDougall) Science, n. s. 192 707. —— Solar and Sidereal. (A. K. Bartlett) Pop. Astron. 12: 649. — Space and Existence, Thoughts on. Monist, 16: 433. -— Standard, in America. Science, n. s. 22: 315, ——- —~ — Sources of. (R. G. Aitken) Pop. Astron. I0: 12, ——- —— in France. Nature, 73: 394. — Telling the, in Italy. Nation, 78: 513. —-— The Use of. (Annie P. Call) Am. M. 60: 583, —— Utility of, A Scientific Study of. (F. K. Blue) Q. J. Econ. 17: 199. —— Waste, Utilization of. 178, Time and Tide. (Louisa J ebb) Longm. 25: 404. Time and Tobago. (H. Clifford) Blackw. I78: 305. Time the Avenger; a story. (A. S. Fox) Canad. M. 22: 572, Time we came, The. Time-direction, Meaning of the. Mind, 30: 48. 3 Time Intervals, 1906, Estimation of, Relations of Fluc- tuations of Judgment to Vaso-motor Waves. (H. C. Stevens) Am. J . Psychol. 13: I. ' Time Judgments. (B. Edgell) Am.J. Psychol. I4: 424. Time-perception, A Theory of. (W. P. Montague) Am. J. Psychol. 15: I. Time-process, The, and Religion. Am. J. Theol. 6! 439. Time Signal, Special Telegraphic, in Honor of the 8th Internat. Geographic Congress. Nat. Geog. M. (Lord Ray- (D. P. Abbott) (H. W. Horwill) Chaut. 35: (T. Russell) Out West, 23: 69. (R. A. P. Rogers) (A. O. Lovejoy) 15: 411, Time Signals, New Year’s Eve Telegraphic, sent out by the U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. (J. M. Robinson) Pop. Astron. I3: 143. 647 ’T IS ’I‘ime’s Abstract and Brief Chronicle. (G. K. Chester- ton) Fortn. 82: 705, 1096, 83: 341-1106, Times, The, and the Manners. Internat. Q. I1: 343. —— Other, Other Manners. (P. Fitzgerald) Chamb. J . 831 305. ——- Liv. Age, 2492 616. — Tendencies of the. (G. C. H. Hass-Karl) Luth. Q. 34* 394- “Times” (London) and the Book Trade. Dial, 41: 379.8—Ath. ’06, 2: 578.—(J. Gairdner) Ath. ’06, 21 5 3- — Changes in. Sat. R. 95: 415. -— Memories of. (A. I. Shand) Cornh. 89: 500. = Ecl. M. 143: 7. = Liv. Age, 241: 39. “Times” Book Club, Some Public Aspects of the. (H. Chisholm) National, 46: 483. Timgad, Algeria, an African Pompeii. (E. A. Rich- ards) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 548. —- (P. L. Parker) Mun- sey, 26= 505- -Rome in Africa. (E. Le Blond) Good \Vords, 46: 829, T imoleon. (W. B. Wallace) Un. Serv. M. 30: 290. Timotheos and the Persians. (J. I. Manatt) Atlan. 93: 234. -— (C. W. Peppler) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 221. — New Ode of, with translation. (P. E. More) Indep. 55: 825. —(J. H. McDaniels) Nation, 77: 229. Timothy and Aquila, The Dialogue of; two unpub- lished MSS. (E. J. Goodspeed) J . Bib. Lit. 24: 58. Timrod, Henry, Fugitive Poems of. (J . E. Routh, jr.) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 74. Tin1’s Sacrifice; a story. (A. Stoddart) Outing, 40: 75, Tin and Terne Plates. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 37! 639. Tin Box, The. (Sara Andrews) Overland, n. s. 43: 406. Tin Box and the Tin Pail, The. (F. J . Whiting) Na- tion. 771 376- Tin Deposits of North and South Carolina. (F. L. Hess) Engin. M. 32: 1o, Tin Islands, England. Sat. R. 991 43. Tin Mug, A; a story. (J. Lawson) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 209, Tin-peddler, A Trip with a. (Julian Ralph) Harper, 106: 692, Tin-plate Conference. Am. Arch. 89: 105. Tin Region, York, of Alaska. (F. L. Hess) Engin. M. 32: 352. Tinayre, Marcelle Chasteau. A New Voice in French Fiction. (H. D. Sedgwick) Atlan. 98: 841, Ting-a-ling. (D. Gray) Cent. 42: 3 52. Tinker of Tamlacht; a story. (S. MacManus) Cos- mopol. 34: 673. Tintagel, England, and its Arthurian Traditions. L. Salmon) Temp. Bar, I31: 25, Tintoretto, as seen in the National Gallery. Acad. 65: 66. — Life and Bibliography. Mast. in Art, 3: pt. 28. Tinworth, George, Evangelist in Clay. (H. F. B. Wheeler) Sund. M. 35: 83. Tip, The; a story. (E. Pottle) Outing, 432 546. Tiphaine la Fée; a story. (WV. Deeping) Harper, H2: 760, Tippecanoeing. (W. S. Dunbar) Outing, 40: 539, Tipperary, Ireland. (E. Ensor) Macmil. 88: 114, Tipping, Common-sense of. Spec. 932 630. -— A Defense of. (A. R. Carman) Canad. M. 24: 416. ——- Remedy for. (J. S. Stemons) Indep. 55: 725. —- Tactful Art of. (A. Higgins) Outl. 8I: 125, Tips and Commissions. (J . G. Speed) Lippinc. 69: 742. — and Tipping. (C. Windham) Chamb. J. 83: 33. Tipster, The; a story. (E. Lefevre) Idler, 20: 483, Tiree, Island of, On a Legend from. (R. C. Graham) Scot. Hist. R. I: 113. ’T is an Ill Strike that does Nobody Good. (G. Blood- good) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: 601. (A. Toastiana. TISSOT Tissot, James Joseph Jacques, and his Contribution to Religious Art. (J . H. Hughes) Brush & P. 10: 357, -—- Bible Pictures. (J . Jacques) Bookman, 20: 319. — Chaut. 43: 397. Tissue-lymph Circulation. (G. Oliver) Nature, 70: 88. Tisza, Kalman, Builder of Modern Hungary. (E. Limedorfer) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 575. Titanium, Metallurgy of. (A. J . Rossi) J . Frankl. Inst. I54: 241, I Titian and the Pervigilium Veneris. tion, 782 49. — Chigi “A1-etino.” (C. Phillips) Art J . 57: 261. — Country of. Acad. 63: 181, — Did he live to be Ninety-nine Years Old ? (H. Cook) 19th Cent. 51: 123, -— Five Great Painters of the Renascence. liss) Good Words, 46: 205, — Gronau on. Ath. ’o4, 22 355. —Sat. R. 99: 20. -— Portrait of Ariosto. (R. Norton) Nation, 79: 178. —Lamp, 29! 223. — (C. Phillips) Art J. 57: 1. — Sacred~ and Profane Love. (U. Gnoli and others) Nation, 77: 9-481, Titicaca, Island of, Aboriginal Myths and Traditions concerning. (A. F. Bandelier) Am. Anthropol. 6: (R. Garnett) N a- (W. Bay- 197- Titicaca Lake, Basin of. (A. F. Bandelier) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 449. -— Navigation above the Clouds. (E. C. Rost) Harper, I07: 223, Title-pages, Old and New. 691 I148. $11PP- . Titles and Distinctions, American. (W. L. Stevens) Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 312. —and Precedence, Misuse of. R. 23, no. 22 57. —— Colonial Love of. (A. MacMechan) Nation, 761 473. -— of Books, A Romance made from. (Louise M. Shaw) Pub. Lib. I0: 220, — — Modern. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, 791 I74. — —- Psychology of. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, I9: 595. — of Papers. (H. H. Wilder) Science, 11. s. 19:468. —— (C. Baskerville) Science, 11. s. I9: 702. — The Value of. (F. Cunliflie-Owen) Munsey, 3 5: 633, Tito, Ettore, Artist. (L. Brosch) Studio (I1iternat.) 27¢ 3°7- Tityros. (P. Baur) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 9: I 57. Tivoli; Villa d’Este-. (E. M. Phillips) Monthly R. 10, no. 2: 95 Tjalks, Talking about. (W. V. Cook) Chamb. J . 80: (A. W. Pollard) Acad. (M. Rouge) Monthly 590. To her who loved him Best of All. (C. T. Brady) Cent. 44: 629. To him that hath; a story. (L. Scott) Munsey, 36: 21-363. “ To—— Let, an Apartment —Furnished.” Ringwalt) Overland, n. s. 46: 437, To Love or to be Loved. (Lavinia Hart) Cosmopol. 34: 636. To us. From. Sat. R. 98: 295. To the Victors the Spoils; a story. (J. K. Reeve) Munsey, 27: 498. Toad beneath the Harrow, The; the Inimitable Cru- elty of Rudyard Kipling. (L. R. Freeman) Over- land, n. s. 43: 311, Toads. Spec. 85: 43, —— Discoglossoid, Distribution of, in the Light of Ancient Land Connections. (L. Stejneger) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37! 9I. Chamb. J. 83: 95. Tobacco. (L. H. Shelter) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 5: 129, -— and Alcohol, Effect of. (R. B. Carter) Cornh. 94: mr,=Ecl. M. I47: 226. (May C. 648 TOLERANCE Tobacco, and Drama. (A. M. Stevens) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 582, - — Cultivation of, in the Philippines. (A. M. Sanchez) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 76. — Keeping of. (J . M. Bell) Science, n. s. 23: 904. — “ Medicine,” Cultivation of, by the Crows. (S. C. Simms) Am. Anthropol. 62 331. , -— “ My Lady Nicotine.” (J . Bowie) Good Words, 45: S1- — Use and Abuse of. (E. V. Heward) Macmil. 90: Igo, Tobacco-growing in Ireland. (Mary Gorges) Chamb. J . 82; 504, Tobacco Law, A Curious Connecticut. (J . M. Sulli- van) Green Bag, 16: 21, 7 Tobacco Laws of Virginia. (B. C. VVashington) Green Bag. I71 479. Tobacco-pipe, Antiquity of the. n. s. 422 20. Tobacco Trust, The So-called. (G. B. Fife) Cent. 43! 788. (R. Quick) Antiq. Tobacco War in Great Britain. (L. Springfield) No. Am. 174: 82o.——Chamb. J. 79: 391. Tobin’s Palm; a story. (O. Henry) McClure, 21: 443, Toboganning. Outing, 39: 583. — in Switzerland. (A. Pitcairn-Knowles) Outing, 432 371- — Zigzag. (Mrs. Aubrey Le Blond) Cosmopol. 36: 193. Tobias Green, Tonsorialist. (Jeanie Drake) Cath. World, 81: 623, Tocqueville, Alexis de. (F. Gribble) Critic, 46: 21. Toda Prayer. (W. H. R. Rivers) Folk-Lore, I 5: 166, Todd, William Cleaves. (S. C. Beane) N. E. Reg. 591 4! . Todd’s Utopia, The ; a story. (E. B. Waterbury) Atlan. 94: 249. Toddykins. (Marguerite Merington) Scrib. M. 34: 34 5. Toedium Vitae. (J . A. Marks) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 525- Toedteberg, Augustus, Pioneer Inlayer and Extra-illus- trator. Bk. Buyer, 24: 447. Toepifer, Rodolphe. (J . A. F. Maitland) Monthly R. ' 9, no, 12 I12, Together; a story. (J . Oxenham) Chamb. J . 79: 236. Togo, Admiral. - (A. Kinnosuke) Cent. 46: 909. — (Mrs. H. Fraser) Fortn. 86: 387."-‘Liv. Age, 251: 195. —(G. Kennan) Outl. 80: 915. —World’s Work, 10: 6426.—(M. C. Crawford)World’s Work, 12: 7730. — (Y. Noguchi) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 623, — The Larger Problem before. (A. Kinnosuke) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 684. — The Silent. (A. Kinnosuke) Indep. 58: I281. — A Type of the Japanese Fighting Man, with por- trait. (H. Tatsuo) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 551. Toiler’s Romance. Macmil. 88: 457, Toilet Rooms, Lighting of. (C. B. Ball) Am. Arch. 89: 160. —— (P. L. Hedrick) Am. Arch. 94: 207, Tokyo. (A. C. Hartshorne) Chaut. 391 548. — Gardens of. (R. Farrar) Macmil. 89: 379.=Ec]. M. 142: 809. ILiv. Age, 241: 129, -— Holiday Ramble in. (A. Lloyd) Cath. World, 83: 619, — Imperial. (E. A. Richings) Gent. M. n. s. 73: 222, — An Imperial Garden Party in. (E. J . Hamilton) Overland, 11. s. 42: 179. — Imperial University of. (N. Yatsu) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 466. V Told after Dinner. (E. M. Tybout) Lippinc. 71: 387. Toledo, Letter of, 1184. (M. Gaster) Folk-Lore, I31 115, — Marriage Ritual of. (H. Thurston) 19th Cent. 60: 114, Toledo, Ohio. (K. O’Dwyer) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I7: 770. Tolerance and Intolerance. (B. Gregory) Month, 107: 279. TOLERATION Toleration, Virtue of. Spec. 89: 291, 324, Toll, Baron. Science, 11. s. 20: 123. Toll, Loss of. (P. Kropotkin) Geog. J . 23: 770. Toll of the Bush, The; a story. (W. Satchell) Mac- mil. 91: 1-401. 92: F-321, Tolland, Mass., Fish and Game Association. (M. Emigh) Indep. 54: I353. Tolland Co., Conn., Revolutionary Soldiers from. (H. M. Lawson) N. E. Reg. 592 21. Tollett, Miss ; an Unknown Humorist. Monthly R. 7, no. 21 40. Tolstoi, Leo. (G. K. Chesterton) Bk. News, 22: 2. — (Elbert Hubbard) Cosmopol. 34: 442, - With por- traits. (H. D. Sedgwick, jr.) World’s Work, 3: I95 3. —— With portrait. Chaut. 401 469. -— and the New Quakerism. (J . T. Bixby) Arena, 28: (E. V. Lucas) 133- - Answer to the Riddle of Life. (E. H. Crosby) Open Court, 17: 708. —— Appeal of, to the Clergy. Court, 172 450. — as a Dramatist. Acad. 64: 407, — as Prophet. Notes on the Psychology of Asceticism. (Vernon Lee) No. Am. 182: 524, —-— The Beginnings of. (S. Olivier) Liv. Age, 245: 698. —— Conversion of. (O. L. Triggs) Open Court, 16: 56, — Early Life of. (Annie R. Marble) Dial, 41: 59. —- in the Heart of Russia. (E. A. Steiner) Outl. 7 5: (Tr. by A. Maude) Open 537- —- in I906. (L. Maude) Bookman, 24: I04, —-— Knowlson on. (A. R. Marble) Dial, 37: 9. -— Letter on Land Ownership in Russia. Craftsman, 10: 88. —- Man, Reformer, Author. (C. F. Wilder) Meth. R. 66: 941. — the Man, Steiner on. (A. R. Marble) Dial, 37: 8. -— Mantle of. (A. Cahan) Bookman, I6: 328, —Marriage and Family Life. (E. A. Steiner) Outl. 75= 267- — A Meeting with. (G. W. Robinson) Good Words, 45: 281, —— Misinterpretation of. (A. Maude) Open Court, 16: 590- -— My Last Memory of. (A. Nicchia) Craftsman, 42 4 5. -——- My Last Visit to. (A. Maude) Bookman, 24: I08, —— Nearer View of, with portrait. (Mrs. E. E. Evans) Open Court, 16: 396, — on the Land Question. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 34: 63!. —-— on the War. (R. Ogden) Nation, 79: 26, -— Outdoor Life of. Outing, 43: 725. -— Plays of. Acad. 69: 761. — Plots not adapted to Dramatization. Sat. R. 95: 227. —- Power of Darkness. 823, -— Problem of the Tolstoi Household, with portraits. (W. T. Stead) Cosmopol. 40: 291, —-— the Prophet. (W. T. Stead) Indep. 59: 915, —Recent Interview with. (T. Bentzon) Critic, 412 (A. Symons) (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 98: 571- -- Stanzas to his Old Age. (H. French) Indep. R. 52 333- —— Three Characters of: Katie, Nariana, Anna Kare- nina; pictures by Sigismond Ivanowski. Cent. 47: 881. —— To-day. (E. A. Steiner) Outl. 75: 35. -— Translating of. (L. Wiener; A. Maude) Sat. R. 992 274. —- Translations of. (A. Maude) Sat. R. 99: no, —— A Visit to his Home. (E. J. Steiner) Chant. 36: 581, —-— War and Peace. (l/V. P. Garrison) Nation, 79: 338, Tom Folio. (T. B. Aldrich) Scrib. M. 34: 277, 649 TOPLIFF Tomato, Atavic Mutation of the. ence, n. s. 17: 76. -— Experiments on the. (C. A. White) Indep. 54: 2460. Tomb of the Hatchet, The. (K. H. Brown) Outl. 78: (C. A. White) Sci- 847. . Tombs of the Ancients. (A. Forder) Bib. World, 20: .o_ — Medicean. (C. Coleman) Archit. Rec. 13: 207. Tombs Angel, The. (A. Henry) Outl. 722 163. Tombs Prison, The New. (A. Eliot) Char. 92 549. Tombstone, Arizona. (S. M. Hall) Out West, 25: 235. — Mining at. (Clara S. Brown) Californian, 4! 49. Tome, J acob. The Jacob Tome Institute. (C. de Kay) Outl. 74: 473. Tommie Ohlsen’s Western Passage. Scrib. M. 32: 432. Tommy. (C. B. Davis) Scrib. M. 36: 713. Tommy Cutts; a story. (R. W. Child) McClure, 25: 276. Tommy O’Conner ; a story. (J . B. Connolly) (E. B. Bloss) Outing, 42: 39- Tommy’s Master Stroke; a story. (R. H. Barbour) Outing, 4!: 217. To-morrow; a story. (J. Conrad) Pall Mall M. 27: 533- To-rnorrow’s Child. (M. T. Earle) Atlan. 902 599. Tompkins, Daniel D., with portrait. (J . B. Pine) Colum. Univ. Bull. 9: I. Tomson, Arthur. Acad. 71: 88. — Note on. Art J. 58: 275. Tonal Analysis, A Study in. (I. M. Bentley; G. H. Sabine) Am. J. Psychol. 16: 484. Tonal School of Landscape, The. (Clara Ruge) Studio (Internat.) 27: lvii. Tone, Charm of. (C. L. Graves) Spec. 88: 957. Tone Perception of Young Children. (W. S. Monroe) Pedagog. Sem. I0: 144‘, Tongaland, South Africa. (A. T. Waters) Canad. M. 24: 11, 99, Tongue, The Aspen. (A. S. Palmer) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 444. ’Tonio’s General. (G. Siebel) Lippinc. 73: 488. Tonitiah; a story of Ancient Cliff Life. Brooks) Overland, n. s. 46: 539. Tonnage Statistics, 1891-1900. (J . Glover) J . Statis. Soc. 65: 1. Tonopah Mining District. Inst. I60: 1. Tonopale. (J . Finlay) Overland, n. s. 41: 69, Tonto Storage Reservoir, Arizona. (S. M. Hall) Out West, 25: 385. Tony, Piper at Giant No. 3. (D. H. Stovall) Overland, n. s. 412 433- Tool—room and its Functions. (Florence E. (J. E. Spurr) J. Frankl. (J . Ashford) Engin. M. 27’ 775- — Modern Workshop Practice. (\V. H. Booth) Cas- sier, 23: 245. Tool Steels, Metal Cutting with the New. Engin. M. 25: 81. —- The New. (O. Smith) Engin. M. 26: 569, Tools, John Lawrence. Ath. ’o6, 22 I39. —— as a Comedian. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 102: 138, Tools, High-speed-steel. (A. D. Wilt, jr.) Engin. M. 27: 913, — Small, Equipment in the Shop, Care and Control of. (R. Emerson) Engin. M. 28: 793, Tooth for a Tooth, A; a story. (E. Peple) Am. M. (O. Smith) 63: 148, Toothpowder or Gunpowder. (Mrs. J . Lane) Fortn. 83: 726. Top. The. (J . L. Steele) Outing, 40: 231, Topliif, Clement, of Dorchester, Mass., Descendants of. (G. F. Toplifi) N. E. Reg. 58: 117, TOPOGRAPHHJ Topographic Forms, Youth, Maturity, and Old Age of. (D. W. Johnson) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37¢ 643. Topographical Map, The Ideal. (C. F. Close) Geog. J . 25: 633. Topolobampo Colony, Owen’s, in Mexico. (L. Katscher) Am. J. Sociol. 12: 145. — and the Fuerte Valley. (C. De Kalb) Nation, 82: 446- Torah; a Word-study in the Old Testament. (W. J. Beecher) J. Bib. Lit. 24: I. Toreador’s Talisman, The. (C. Edwardes) Chamb. J . 81: 177, Torch of Life, The ; a story. 113: 231, Tories ; Van Tyne’s Loyalists in the American Revo- lution. (V. Coflin) Am. Hist. R. 3¢ 776. Tornadoes, New England. New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 12. Toronto, Fire at, 1904. (N. Patterson; F. Kyle) Canad. M, 23: 128, — Fires and Firemen in. (Alice Brown) Harper, (C. L. Shaw) Canad. M. 20: 37. - — a Typical Canadian City. (N. Patterson) Canad. M, 22: 107, — University of, Medical Buildings. lum) Science, 11. s. 17: 813. Torpedo, The Deadly. Chamb. J . 81: 364. — for Coast Defense. (F. A. Wilcox) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 279. —— in War. Un. Serv. M. 28: 437. — Turbine, The Wonderful. (W. L. Beasley) Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 7: I. — Whitehead. (G. E. Armstrong) Cornh. 89: 490.-— (O. G. Villard) Nation, 81: 416. Torpedo Attack, Japanese, Some Lessons of. (P. Benjamin) Indep. 56: 352. Torpedo-boat “ Hunley,” Heroes of. ander) Munsey, 29: 746. Torpedo-boat Destroyer, A Week on a. Fust) Pall Mall M. 28: 121. Torpedo Boats, Future of. (A. S. Hurd) Cassier, 29: (A. B. Madd- (W. A. Alex- (H. Jenner- 300, Torpedo Flotillas, The Training of. Un. Serv. M. 27: 15, Torpedo Station, Newport, R. I. (G. Herreshoff) New Eng. M. n. s. 26¢ 167. Torpedoes and Torpedo Warfare. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 558. — Battleship and Mines. - (Park Benjamin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 65. —— in the Russo-Japanese War. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 78: 162, Torquemada, Tomas, Grave of. 99: 591. Torre Ananias; astory. (A. Colton) Harper, 106: 876, Torrence, Ridgely. (M. Sinclair) Atlan. 98: 325. '1 Fortn. 86: 42I. — Metrical Art of. Atlan. 96: 712, Torres Straits, Reports of Cambridge Anthropological Expedition. Physiology and Psychology. (J. Jas- trow) Science, 11. s. 15: 743. Torrey, Benjamin Barstow. (W. C. Bates) N. E. Reg. 60: 115. Torrey—Alexander Mission, The. Torrigiano, Pietro, Roundel by. Art J . 56¢ I. Torrijos, General, and Robert Boyd, Execution of, 1831. Eng. Hist. R. 20: 763. Tortoise Shell and Metal Art Work. Studio (Inter- nat.) 29! ex. Tortoises, Land, Giant. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. 26: 54, Torts. Law of, A Study in. (A. I. Clark) Harv. Law R. 20: 46. —- Malicious. (Hudson Maxim) (E. Hutton) Sat. R. Outl. 81: 806. (G. Claude Phillips) (H. T. Terry) Law Q. 20: 10, an TOURS Torts, Mistake in the Law of. (C. B. Whittier) Harv. Law R15: 335. —— Theories of, in Modern Law. (E. Jenks) Law Q. 19: 19. —Theory and Doctrine of. (M. M. Bigelow) Green Bag, 18: 64, 132, Tortugas, Biological Laboratory at the. (C. C. Nut- ting) Science, n. s. 17: 823.—(C. B. Davenport) Science, 11. s. 17: 945. — (H. L. Clark) Science, 11. s. 17¢ 979. —(P. H. Rolfs) Science, 11. s. 17: 1008. —-(C. MacMi11an) Science, 11. s. 18: 57, 86, — (A. G. Mayer) Indep. 61: 1334. Tortugas, Dry, as a Prison. Calif. M. 1: 87-585, 2: 102-557. Torture, how abolished in France. Green Bag, 14: 35. — Judicial, Use of, in England and Scotland. Meiville) Scot. Hist. R. 2: 225. Tory Finance exposed. Westm. I 57: 652. Tory Party in England, Demise of. (A. A. Baumann) Sat. R. 96: 755. Toryism and Tariffs. — The Reversal to. Fortn. 78: 723. — Smith on. Spec. 92: 187. Toscanelli, Paolo. (F. A. Ogg) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 664. — and Columbus. (G. P. Winship) Nation, 76: 34. —- La Lettre et la Carte de. (J . G. Rosengarten) Dial, 32: 241. Total Abstinence in Germany. 79: 276, Totem, Secret of the. (A. Lang) Nation, 83: 163. — —— Lang’s. Sat. R. 101: 270, Totem-pole and its Story. (C. Ray) Sund. M. 33: 627, — Seattle, Explanation of. (J. R. Swanton) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I8: 108, Totemism. (A. C. Haddon) Nature, 66: 661, —— Beginnings of Religion and, among the Australian Aborigines. (J . G. Fraser) F ortn. 84: 162, 452, -—— Israel and. (S. A. Cook) Jew. Q. 14: 415, (G. H. Westley) (R. D. (W. B. Duffield) Fortn. 85: 427, (W. A. Stille) Nation, -—Meaning of. (H. J. Ford) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 518. —Origin and Meaning of. (\V. H. D. Rouse) Folk- Lore, I7: 12. ' Totems, for Log Houses and Shacks. Outing, 48: 628. — of Haida Indians. (J. H. Keen) Canad. M. 18: 407, Tottel, Richard, Miscellany of. (W. W. Greg) Library, 11. s. 5: 113. Tottenham. Gent. M. n. s. 77: 83, 310. Tottenham Street T heater, 1780-1903, (R. O. Shering- ton) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 114, Touch of Nature, A. (H. W. Phillips) McClure, 24: 2 '. Touch of Nature, The ; a story. (Myra Kelly) McClure, 22: 249. Touchstone, Shakespeare’s Character. (W. J . Rolfe) (Prince V. Vaniatsky) (D. Beard) Poet-Lore, I4: 95. “ Toujours Montant.” pinc. 71: 843. ~ Touraine, Chateaux of. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 76: —- A Manor in. (M. Duclaux) Contemp. 83: 344, Tourist, The. (Agnes Repplier) Lippinc. 72: 444, —The Elizabethan. (W. G. Hutchinson) Acad. 67: Tourmaline, Deposits of Southern California. (W Schaller) Science, 11. s. 19: 266, — from San Diego County, California. (D. B. Sterrett) Am. J. Sci. 167: 459. "' Tourmaline,” Expedition of the. Ath. ’o6, 2: 433, Tournament, Joute a la Lance, at Poissy, a Survival of Chivalry. (H. S. Watson) Harper, I05: 92, Tours, Basilica of St. Martin at. (G. Gromort) Archit. R, 11: 113. Li p- 35- 342. .fP. ' Town Hall, The, and its Glories. TOURS Tours; H6tel-de-Ville. (G. Gromort) Archit. R. 10: 61, Toward the Blue Mountain, a Winter Walk. (E. S. Babcock) Outing, 47: 353. Tower-houses of England, The: Spec. 89: I47. I Liv. Age, 234: 700, Town and Country Byways. (C. M. Stearns) Chaut. 40: 522, Town and Gown. (W. M. Sloane) Science, 11. s. 23: 529. I Colum. Univ. Q. 8: I. - and Village Betterment. (E. T. Hartman) Char. 16: 248, - or Country, from the Rustic Renaissance. Blount) Craftsman, 9: 819. Town Beautiful, The. (S. F. Stone) Craftsman, 6: 12 5, Town that lost Itself, The. (H. Pendexter) Munsey, 33: 681, Town that was sold, A; a Prophetic Satire. (P. M. C. Magnusson) Arena, 29: 406. Town Guest, A; a story. (Jennette Lee) Harper, I07: 742, Town Guild. (I. B. Choate) N. E. Reg. 57: 168. (W. Hemstreet) (G. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 25: 166, Town Halls, Italian, of the Middle Ages. (A. Melani) Am. Arch. 78: 3. Town-meeting. (G. E. Googins) Outl. 82: 561, - for Cities. (J . Oskison) Nation; 82: 484, - of To-day in New England, A. (A. J . Barron) Outl. 75: 405. Town Room of Mass. Civic League. Craftsman, 9: 675. Towne, Charles. (E. R. Dibdin) Art J . 56: 12, Towns, Building, to Order. (H. H. Lewis) World’s Work, 6: 3447. - - German, Extension of. Am. Arch. 90: 204, - Grass and Trees in. (Russell Sturgis) Scrib. M. 36: 637. - Improvement of. (R. Unwin) Craftsman, 8: 809, Townshend, George, Military Life of, Townshend’s. (V. Cofiin) Am. Hist. R. 7: 561, Townshend Heirlooms Sale. Art J . 56: 154. Township Government, A Southern Experiment in. (R. E. Fast) Sewanee, I0: 134, Toxic Effect of H and OH Ions on Seedlings of Indian Corn. (F. A. Loew) Science, 11. s. I8: 304,-—(F. D. Heald) Science, 11. s. I8: 472, Toxic Products. (C. A. Browne, jr.) Science, 11. s. 20: I79- Toxicity, Relation of Mass Action and Physical Afin- ity to. (J . P. Daudeno) Am. J . Sci. I67: 437, Toxins and Anti-toxins, Physical Chemistry applied to. (A. Harden) Nature, 67: 114, - Bacterial, The Study of. (A. Macfadyen) Nature, 68: 152, Toy Grenadier, The ; a story. (R. R. Gilson) Harper, 105: 185. Toynbee _Hall, Beginning of. (Mrs. S. A. Barnett) 19th Cent. 53: 306.;-E01. M. 140: 724. I Liv. Age, 237‘ I57- -A Parisian. (O. Rysden) Econ. R. I2: 440, Toy-shop, The. (E. S. Babcock) Outing, 48: 542. Toys, Child benefited by Simple. Craftsman, 5: 298. - for Children. Spec. 97: 778. -— Modern Viennese., (A. S. Levetus) Studio (Inter- nat.) 29: 213. -— Where made. (Vance Thompson) Everybody’s, I 5: 745- Tracer of Lost Persons, The ; a story. (Robert Cham- bers) Idler, 30: 3, 133, 253. Trachoma, Fight against. (R. C. W. Wadsworth) Char. I0: 141. — - A Unique Municipal Crusade. (F. W. Carruth) No. Am. 177: 766. e‘ 651 TRADE Traclgers of France. (R. Boutet de Monvel) Cent. 47: I . Traction, Modern Factory. (C. J . Messer) Cassier, 25: 164. Trade, Balance of, Origin of Phrase. Q. J. Econ. 20: 157. - The False Prophet (in Revelation). Westm. 160: 141, ' - Foreign, Chatter about. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 420. - - Delusions about. Gunton’s M. 22: 419. - - Economic and Industrial Factors affecting. J. Clark) Engin, M. 27: 161. - — How U. S. can build up. (Harold Bolce) Book- lover’s M. 5: 631. - Foreign Markets. (C. C. Plehn) J . Pol. Econ. I 3: I 3. - Government and. Ed. R. 196: 343. - International, Hobson’s. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 79: 141- - - Favorable Condition of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 58: I2. — — Increasing and Diminishing Costs in. (F. Walker) Yale R. 12: 32, - A Lesson from English Labor. (A. M. Low) No. Am, 178: 882, - Modern Theories of. (P. E. Roberts) Westm. I64: 366. - Morality of the Aims and Methods of. (J . A. Ryan) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 326. — Morals of. (Albert Shaw) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: 272. — — The Present Crisis in. (Jane Addams) No. Am. 179: 178. -' of the Great Nations. 692, — Primary Causes of Alternate Activity and Depres- (VV. H. Price) (A. Allen) (W. (M. Warren) Contemp. 83: sion in. (S. Brazier) Arena, 36: 292. - Promise of 1904 for. (F. W. Hawthorne) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 83. (W. Z. Ripley) Atlan. 93: 299. (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 78: - Race Factors in. - Remedies against. 2 . -Retail, Premiums in. (I. M. Rubinow) J . Pol. Econ. I3: 574. — Trusts and, and their Mutual Relations. kinson) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: I93. - U. S. Foreign, Relative Importance of. (W. G. L. Taylor) J. Pol. Econ. I2: 18, - An Unnoted Political Fact. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 78: 427, . Trade Agreement, The, in the Building Trades. (S. R. Donnelly) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 510. Trade Agreements. (C. D. Wright) Internat. Q. 8: 354. Trade Balances, What becomes of our ? (W. H. Allen) Sewanee, I2: 268. Trade Cycles, Study of. (M. At- ‘ (G. c. Selden) 9. J. Econ. 16: 293, Trade-disputes Bill. (W. S. Holdsworth) Am. Arch. 85: 22, 36, -A Protest against Privilege. (A. V. Dicey) Na- tional, 48: 209. Trade Life, Plea for Investigation of Conditions af- fecting the Length of. (R. Hunter) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 500. Trade Relations of the British Empire, Root’s. (F. Y. Edgeworth) Econ. J . I3: 375. Trade Relations to Crown under James I. Durham) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 13: I99. Trade Schools and their Value. (W. L. Douglas) In- dep. 58: 815. - at North End Union. (D. F. Lincoln) Char. I4: 1052, - The Fight for. (F. W. Noxon) World’s Work, I0: 6197, - for Girls in London. (C. Black) Econ. J . I6: 449, - Urgent Need of. (F. A. Vanderlip) World’s Work, I2: 7619. (F. H. ,TPlilLI)IE Trade Supremacy, Trend of. (W. Pollard Digby) Engin. M. 2g: 508, 673. Trade Union and Church in Agreement. Outl. 77: 411. -— and Democracy. (J . G. Brooks) Outl. 84: 669, —— New Peril for the. (J . G. Brooks) Internat. Q. 111 288, (G. Hodges) Trade-union Building, in New York. (J. R. Com- mons) Q. J. Econ. I81 409. Trade-union Congress, British, of 1902. (E. D. Du- rand) Q.J. Econ. I71 181.-— (F. Madison) Econ.R. 12: 468, Trade-union Damage Liability in England. Sat. R. 97: 545. Trade-union Funds, Total Immunity of. (H. Cohen) Fortn. 86: 925, Trade-union Ideals. (G. E. McNeill; F. K. Foster) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 4! 21!. Trade-union Law, The Reform of. (W. H. Beveridge) Econ. R. I5: I29. Trade-union Oflice, Daily Routine in a. Econ. J. 16: 440, Trade-union Violence. Trade-union Visit to U. S., British. Cassier, 23: 571. Trade Unionism. (A. E. Outerbridge, jr.) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 427. — American, A Japanese View of. nat. J. Ethics, 15: 96. -— and Mob Rule. Nation, 761 453. -—- and Political Action. (W. Macarthur) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 241 316. — British and American. (W. E. Walling) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 721. — A Day with the Workingman. nad. M. 20: 253. -— Defense of. (T. Good) Westm. I 58: 483. —-Effect of, upon the Mine-worker. (F. J . Warne) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21$ 20. — Latest Chapter in the History of. (H. B. L. Smith) Econ. J. 14: 469. -—- The New. (W. E. Walling) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 296, -— Possibilities of a New. 23: 90, —Social Value of. (J . Martin) Internat. J . Ethics, Iz= 437. -—— Some Phases of. (W. A. Wyckoff) Scrib. M. 34: 495. — A Workingman’s View of. (J . G. Hutchinson) I9th (R. Young) (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 70. (Alfred Moseley) (H. Ito) Inter- (G. L. Shaw) Ca- (P. Longmuir) Engin. M. Cent. 53: 290. Trade-unionist and the Monopolist. (H. N. Casson) Arena, 28: 596, Trade Unions. (L. D. Brandeis) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 41: 16, — American, Bibliography of. J . H. Univ. Studies, 22: 11, —- “Americanization ” by. (J . R. Commons) Chant. 39: 226, — and the Law. (C. Dilke; R. Bell) Indep.R. 3: 61,: (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 78: 487.——Quar. 204: 48I.—- (W. Maxwell) 19th Cent. 59! 871. -— (W. J. Ashley) National, 47: 56.—-(P. Snowden) Indep. R, 9: 11, -—- and National Welfare. (A. Montefiore-Brice) Temp. Bar, 125: 399. — and Socialism. (M. C. Hanna) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 553. —— and the Superior Workman. (A. P. Winston) Atlan. 901 794- — and Trade Disputes. 18: 45. — as they appear to an Employer. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 211 46. (F. A. Umpherston) J urid. R. (W. H. Pfahler) 6523 TRAFALGAR Trade Unions, can they be destroyed ? (W. E. Wal- ling) World’s Work, 31 4755. — The Case of the. (A. P. Winston) Wash. Univ. Bull. 2: I 5. — The Closed Shop. (C. J . Bullock) Atlan. 94: 433. — Congress of, 1903. (F. Rogers) Econ. R. 14: 64, — (F. B. Mason) Econ. R. 14: 465. — Danger of. Outl. 77: 11. — Do they not limit Output ? (J . Martin) Pol. Sci. Q. 17: 369. — Drage’s. (E. Abbott) J . Pol. Econ. 14: 5 3. — The Eye of Fear; a Workingman on. (R. B. Grant) Cent. 45: 785. " — Finances of American. (A. M. Sakolski) J . H. Univ. Studies, 24: 99. ’ — The Government Trade Disputes Bill. (C. Edwards) 1 19th Cent. 60: 587. _ — The Great, and their Leaders. (G. Warfield) Mun- sey.3I= 358- — High Rents and the. 286. — History, Use and Abuse of. Westm. I552 401. (B. J . Hendrick) Nation, 78: (Mrs. D. W. Biddulph) — in Politics. (T. S. Adams) World To-day, I1: 108‘. ‘ — Incofporated. (E. Wambaugh) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 41: 22, — Incorporation of. (J . G. O’Donoghue) Canad. M. 21: I25. —— (H. White) Nation, 76: 348. -— (A. Shortt) Canad. M. 20: 361. — (L. D. Brandeis) Green Bag, I 5: 11. —- (E. Wambaugh) Green Bag, I5: 260.-——Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 51 3. — (C. Ed- wards) 19th Cent. 51: 233. —- Industrial Liberty, not Industrial Anarchy. Nelson) No. Am. I781 571. —— Industrial Troubles in America. Cent. 52: 732. —— Issue of the Open and Closed Shop. No. Am. 180: 28, — Legal Position of. (A. Ure) Jurid. R. 16: 20, 135. — Position of English. Sat. R. 99: 336. — Present Legal Status of Organized Labor in the United States. (L. D. Clark) J. Pol. Econ. 13: I73- —— Restrictions by. (J . R. Commons) Outl. 84: 470. — Trusts and the National Minimum. (S. Webb) Internat. Mo. 53 I27. — Women in. (F. Kelley) Outl. 84: 926. Trader of Last Notch; a story. 3 (P. Gibbon) Blackw. _ 175: 40. = Ecl. M. 142: 491. =Liv. Age, 240: 465. :McClure, 27: 466, Traders and Laborers, Some Rights of. (S. F. Mc- Clonnen) Harv. Law R. 16: 237. Trades College, Proposed Pan-American. Arena, 35: 603. Trades Combination Movement, The Present Position of the New. (E. J. Smith) Econ. R. 13: 178. Trading his Mother. (A. Warner) Cent. 51: 91. Tradition and its Contents. (F. Y. Powell) Folk-Lore, 15: 12, Trafalgar, The Ballads of. Acad. 60: 1102, -— The Battle of. (P. H. Colomb) Un. Serv. M. 31: 481. — —- Centenary of. (J . K. Laughton) Quar. 203: 611, — (R. M. Johnston) Nation, 81: 314, — (F. T. Jane) (H. L. (B. Taylor) 19th (H. White) (F. M. Noa) Munsey, 341 50. - —- — Effect of, in Europe. (Col. C. E. Souper) Chamb. J . 82: 667. — -— in Theory and Fact. (H. Newbolt) National, 46: 428. - -— The Legacy of. Spec. 95: S97. -—- -— Picturesque Side of. (W. H. Fitchett) Cornh. P 92: 468. =Liv. Age, 247: 267, TRAFALGAR Trafalgar, Battle of, True Significance of. (J . Hol- land Rose) Indep. R. 7: 276. — —— Volunteers a Century after. Serv. M. 32: 122, 210, Trafiic Board for London. (J . B. Firth) Fortn. 84: 485. Traflic Manager and the Shipper. (P. S. F iske) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 204. Tragedy and Seriousness. Acad. 65: 537. -— The Decadence of. (Edith S. Grossman) Contemp. 89: 843. =Liv. Age, 250: 215. — Hegel’s Theory of. (A. C. Bradley) Hibbert J . 2: 662. —— Language of, and its Relation to Old Attic. (J . D. Rogers) Am. J. Philol. 25: 285. —- Modern, Observations on. (Jane Findlater) N a- tional, 42: 65. = Liv. Age, 239: 177. — The Motive of. Liv. Age, 232: 149. — Some Recent. (M. A. Balliol) Temp. Bar, I32: 571. Tragedy of Arcola, The. (W. D. Gray) Chamb. J . 82: (E. Balfour) Un. (Mrs. P. M. T. Craigie) 4.63. Tragedy of the Cipher-code. (E. Flower) Cosmopol. 34: 100, Tragedy of the Clover, A. (Stuart Menteth-Beard) Overland, n. s. 472 48. Tragedy of Countess Catherina; a story. Cath. World, 78: 29. Tragedy of the Himalayas, A, and the Nemesis. (P. R. Bairnsfather) Chamb. J . 322 542. Tragedy of Hougomont, The. (E. F. Heddle) Chamb. J. 81: 778. I Liv. Age, 243: 742. '1 Eel. M. 144:195. Tragedy of Little Red Tom, The. (H. van Dyke) Outing. 471 399- Tragedy of a Marchioness, The; a story. Robertson) Gent. M. n. s. 711 105. Tragedy of the Snow, A. (L. Mott) Cent. 48: 218. Tragedy of To-day. (R. W. Gilder) Critic, 48: 75. Tragedy of Two Hearts, The. (H. Annette Boding) Overland, n. s. 452 315. Tragic Child. (V. Vaniatsky) Lippinc. 74: 65c. Tragic Comedian, The. (Bettina von Hutten) Cosmo- pol. 41: 621, Tragic Tale of Two Goats. 39: 652. Tragic Touch. (F. H. Williams) Lippinc. 742 463. Traherne, Thomas. Acad. 64: 359.'—‘Ecl. M. 1411 273. =Liv. Age, 237: 696. — and the Religious Poetry of the 17th Century. (W. L. Jones) Quar. 200: 437. —— Poetical Works of. Ath. ’o3, 2: 276. — (W. D. MacClintock) Dial, 34: 395, -— “ A Student of Felicity.” Spec. 97: 157. =Liv. (E. Seton) (A. C. (W. E. Carlin) Outing, Age, 251: 116, Trail, Secrets of the. (E. T. Seton) Ctry Life Am. 8: 202, Trail of the Saxon, The. (J . Fox, jr.) Scrib. M. 35: 658 Trail of the Tangier. (R. E. Young) Atlan. 92: 221, Trailers, The. (H. R. Wright) Outing, 46: 234, Trailing Clouds of Glory. (M. S. Durie) Canad. M. 24: 453- Trails, The Language of the. 112: 123, -— Western, Re-making. M. of Hist. 3: 239. Train Robbery, Trade of. (C. Michelson) Munsey, 26: 639. Trained Nurse, Evolution of the. (M. Moss) Atlan. 91: 587. Training, Indoor, for Outdoor Sports. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Outing, 45: 409. —Value of Formal. (Flora Bridges) New Eng. M. n. s. 3!: 716. , —- vs. Compulsion in Education. Ednca. 24: 633. — vs. Instruction. (A. R. Hunt) Westm. 164: 311. (E. H. Baynes) Harper, 653 TRANSIT Training Classes in Libraries. Pub. Lib. II: -134. Training of Jenks; a story. (A. P. Amos) Munsey, 31: 923. Trajan’s Column. Am. Arch. 90: 174. Tramp, The. (B. Bolt) Longm. 41: 538.--(H. Nis- bet) Macmil. 90: 28, —— Experiences of a. (E. D. Clarke) Econ. J . I6: 284, -—- Extinction of the. (W. D. Roberts) Sat. R. IOI: I5: — Leaves from Diaryof a. (J. J . McCook) Indep. 54‘ 23- — Plea for the. (Wm. Cecil) National, 43: 964. --The Real Hobo, what he is, and how he lives. (C. E. Adams) Forum, 33: 438. ~— Society and the. (W. H. Dawson) Fortn. 82: 689. Tramp, The; a “Pa Gladden” story. (E. C. Waltz) Cent. 44: 604, Tramp Herd, The. 38: 561, Tramp Ward, The, in English Towns. Contemp. 85: 649. Tramping as aTramp. (R. C. K. Ensor) Indep. 4: 102, Tramp’s Lesson-book, A. (A. N. -Cooper) Chamb. J . 83= 470. Tramp’s Refuge, A. I. Tramps and Wanderers. (M. Higgs) 19th Cent. 56: 55, — Causes of Vagrancy and Methods of Eradication. (B. C. Marsh) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 445. —— in Summer. (A. I. Shand) Sat. R. 102: 141. —— Our Friend the Tramp. Sund. M. 33: 63. —— Philosophy and. (M. B. Dunn) Atlan. 97: 776. — Rods and Gunnels. (Jack London) Bookman, I 5: S41- —- Vagrancy Committee’s Report. Sat. R. 101: 291, Tramps; a story. (R. K. Weekes) Temp. Bar, 131: 448- Trampwoman’s Tragedy , A; a poem. No. Am. 177: 775. Tramway, A Unique Japanese. land, 11. s. 44: 530. Tranced Life, A. (H. A. Beers) Atlan. 97: 239. Transaction in Rubies, A. (F. Reddale) Lippinc. 75: 129, Transandean Adventure, A. Chamb. J . 80: 801. Transcaspia, in the early ’S)O’s. (E. C. Ringler-Thom- son) Temp. Bar, 130: 44, 1 (Agnes M. Cleaveland) Cosmopol. (H. J . Shepston) Sund. M. 33: (T. Hardy) (C. Lorimer) Over- Transcendental Period, Sunny Side of the. (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 93: 6. Transcendentalism, American. Acad. 65: 133. —— Emerson and. 28: 264, Transcendentalists of New England and the New Church. (F. Sewall) N. Church R. 10: 535. Transcontinental Railway Building. (H. Lamont) Nation, 81: 178, Transfers of Stock, Forged, Some Aspects of. Friedman) Am. Law R. 40: 496. Transfiguration; a poem. (A. C. Perkins) Atlan. 92: (G. W. Cooke) New Eng. M. 11. s. (L. M. 345- Transfiguration Story, The. (B. W. Bacon) Am. J. Theol. 52 236. Transformation, Law of. (J . H. Bernard) Expos. 6th ser. 11: 3 52. Transformation of Em Durham, The. (Julian Ralph) Harper, 1071 269. Transformers for Long-distance Power Transmission. (J. S. Peck) Cassier, 26: 137. Transit Circle, Effect of Temperature upon the Con- stants of. (H. R. Morgan) Pop. Astron. I4: 452. Transit-factor Tables, Computation of. (H. S. Davis) Pop. Astron. I0: 303. Transit Observer, Qualifications of. Astron. I3: 362, (G. A. Hill) Pop. TRANSLATION Translation. (L. R. Gregor) School R. 12: 482, -— of Plays. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 96: 75. -— Problems of. (E. H. Blair) Dial, 39: 196. Transliminal, The. (J . D. Quackenbos) No. Am. 183: 237- . Transmigration of Souls. (M. Reed) Macmil. n. s. 2: .31- Transparent Objects, Invisibility of. (R. W. Wood) Pop. Astron. II: 202, Transplanted Battle, A. 23: 133. Transplanted Feud, A. 242, Transport and Supply. (J . W. Fortescue) Un. Serv. M. 28: 269, 369, Transportation and Combination. ence, n. s. 23: 178. _ —-— Economic Wastes in. (VV. Z. Ripley) Pol. Sci. Q. 21: 381. ' — Evolution of Means of. (R. Quick) Reliquary, 46: 114. -—- Facts and Figures about. 33: 624. V — Frontier, in the Southwest. (W. M. Raine) Outing, 461 47- — in America, Pioneer. 25: 561, 26: 81, — in Great Britain, What can America learn from ? (A. S. Hurd) Cassier, 30: 512. -— in War. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 523. -— Misleading Statistics of. (W. G. Joerns) Arena, 33: 624, 7 — Notes on. (J. A. Baer) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 31: 623. — of Troops by Rail, J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34: 322. -— Problem of Cheap. (W. L. Merry) Calif. M. I: 2 5 5. (R. W. Hofilund) Out West, (M. Emmons) Munsey, 33: (M. A. Knapp) Sci- (W. G. Joerns) Arena, (C. F. Lummis) McClure, —- Social Effects of. (M. A. Knapp) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 1, . —-— Study in; the Settlement of the West. (E. Hough) Cent. 41: 355. — A View of. (P. Morton) Land of Sun. 14: 341. Transvaal, The, after the War. (F. G. Stone) No. Am. 179: 83. -- and the New Government. temp. 89: 313. -- and Orange River Colony, Future Administration of Local Justice in. Fortn. 78: 127, -— Appeal to Lord Salisbury. Westm. I 57: 117, -— Behind the Scenes of Empire. (M. A. Stobart) Fortn. 8!: I062, — — Pretexts for violating. 157: 136. — Black and White in. (S. A.) Monthly R. 24, no. 1: 1. —- The Bond. (M. D. O’Brien) Westm. I 57: 1, _ — Border Sketches on. (W. Paine) Temp. Bar, 125: 742- — British Rule in. Contemp. 85: 329. -— Chinese Labor in. (D. Birnbaum) Indep. R. 5: 142, —— (W. Des Voeux) 19th Cent. 59: 581. -— — and Imperial Responsibility. (H. C. Thomson) Contemp. 89: 430. -— Constitution of. Liv. Age, 245: 503, -—- Education in. (A. McCullah) Westm. I63: 188. -—- Exploration of. Nature, 711 55. —— Game Preservation in. (J . Stevenson-Hamilton) Blackw. I79: 407, -—- Gold Mining in. (J . H. Hammond) Cassier, 22: 187, -—- Labor Conditions in. (F. D. P. Chaplin) National, 1 999. -- Libor Difiiculties in. (F. Hales) Fortn. 32: I10. — (F. H. P. Creswell) Indep. R. 2: 124, -— Labor Problem in. (F. H.‘ P. Creswell) National, 40: 443. -- (F. D. P. Chaplin) National, 46: 835. -- (F. D. P. Chaplin) National, 41: 284, (W. Wybergh) Con- (M. D. O’Brien) Westm. 654 TRAN SVAAL Transvaal, Labor Problem in; Yellow Slavery and White. Westm. I61: 477, 610, -- The Last Volksraad. (R. Skirving) Idler, 22: 14 5. —- Lord Milner and South Africa. Quar. 203$ 277. -- Mines in, Fiscal Policy regarding. (W. Bleloch) Fortn. 77: 977. -- -- Owners fear Future Taxation. Sat. R. 94: 449, 575- -- -— under the New Régime. (J. H. Hammond) Engin. M. 23: 489. —-— Monopoly and the Struggles of Classes. (J . B. Clark) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 599. -— Native Question. (Alfred E. Pease) Contemp. 90: 16. —— Physical Features of. (T. G. Trevor) Geog. J . 28: 5°- -— Political Parties in. National, 45: 461. -— Railway Reorganization of. (A. C. Key) Engin. M. 22: 871. —-— Representative Government in. (Apoikos) Monthly R. 15, no. 2: 30. -—- Resettlement in. Monthly R. II, no. 1: 29. —— Treasure-hunts in. (D. Blackburn) Chamb. J . 83: 661, —- Vegetation in. 696. ' —- Wanted -—an Opposition. (A. P. Gilmour) Westm. 157‘ 27- Transvaal War, The. (H. M. Johnstone) Meth. R. 66: 174. —-— and British Prestige. Liv. Age, 232: 129, -—-— and the Canadians. (N. Patterson) Canad. M. 19: 204, ' -- and Crimean War, Effect of, on the Price of the Public Debt. Bank. M. (Lond.) 741 I3. —— and the Liberals. (E. Dicey) F ortn. 77: 194. -— An Army Reserve Nurse at the. Un. Serv. M. 31: 205, -- — British Case in. (A. C. Doyle) Cornh. 93: 744. — British Cavalry in. (F. N. Maude) Macmil. 86: 19. —-— Colonial Comment on the Report of the War Com- mission. (E. Brabant) 19th Cent. 55: 198. ----Conan Doyle on the. (Julian Ralph) McClure, (I8: 429- —- Concentration Camps, Life in. Mall M. 27: 3 5. —— Cost of. (H. Morgan-Browne) Fortn. 77: 311. —— England after. (N. D. Noyes) Nation, 74: 460. -- England growing Weary of, Jan., 1902. (Justin McCarthy) Indep. 54: 81, —— Financing of. (F. R. Fairchild) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 534,‘, -— First Year of. Quar. 205: 143. —— Forgotten Chapter in. Un. Serv. M. 24: 520, — French Study of. Contemp. 82: 457. -- French View of. (F. N. Maude) Un. Serv. M. 27: 506, -- German. General Staif on Lord Roberts’s Campaign. Blackw. I772 432. —— German Ofiicial Account of. Spec. 92: 494, -Sat, R. 97: 657.-—Macmil. 89: 460. — Gleanings fr_om. Un. Serv. M. 27: 432, -— In the Tracks of. Blackw. I72: 781, - its Cost and Finance. (S. Buxton) National, 41: 579. -- Lessons of. (Gen. de Vegrier) Contemp. 82: 305. - (E. H. Brabant).Monthly R. 9, no. 1: 19. —— Quar. 195: 295.—(F. J. Graves) Un. Serv. M. 24: 248. --National, 45: 863. --J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 31: 736. -- Magersfontein. (P. Landon) Fortn. 78: 76. —- Medical Lessons of. (Hill-Climo) Un. Serv. M. 26: 404- - Military Lessons of. (Gen. von der Goltz) National, 42: 371. (J. B. Davy) Science, n. s. 18: (K. Brereton) Pall TRANSVAAL Transvaal War, Moral of. (F. A. White) Westm. 158: 135. —— Mounted Troops in. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 31. -— Night Attacks in. (A. R. Mead) Un. Serv. M. 291 200. ' —— On the Heels of De Wet. Blackw. I71: 1-745. -— Our U-nready Army and some Historic Parallels. (O. Eltzbacher) 19th Cent. 52: 625. —— Party Politics and. Ecl. M. 138: 1. —-— Paying for. (P. Barry) Westm. 157: 490. — Peace in South Africa. National, 39: 831. -— Recollections of. Un. Serv. M. 28: 189, — Report of the Royal Commission on War in. (F. N. Maude) Un. Serv. M. 28: 26, -—— Results to Jan., 1902. Sat. R. 93: 36. —-— Review of Five Boer Memoirs. Contemp. 83: 119. -—— Side-lights on. Un. Serv. M. 26: 291. —- Story of. Blackw. I75: 485. — Swindles in Purchase of Horses for British Soldiers. Sat. R. 93: 165, 356. —-— The Three Years’ War. (C. R. De Wet) Monthly R. 10, no. 2: 6; no. 3: 54. — The “ Times” History of, 1899-1902, Blaokw, 171: 826. 180: 248. ——- Fortn. 83: 1075, - Library, 11. s. 4: 63. —— To Paardeberg. (P. Landon) F ortn. 78: 485. —- an Unrecorded Incident. (Linesman) Blackw. I71: 612, — War Commission, Report of. (J . W. F ortesque) Macmil. 89: 72, 152, —-— VVhat Lessons can be drawn from, for our Infantry Attack. (Col. Von Lindenau) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 129, 268, 419. — “Whatever is, is Right.” (J . G. Simpson) Econ. R. 12: 54, —With the Boers round Mafeking. 1899-1900. Blackw. I71: 16, _ Trapper, Life of a, in Canada. (A. R. Dugmore) Ctry Life Am. 1: 162, -— Real Character of the. Work, 12: 7536. —- The Scientific. (L. Wilbar) Chamb. J . 80: 129. Trapper’s Daughter at Saint Irene. (VV. Wilkinson) Atlan. 91: 381, Trapping; Man-traps and Spring-guns. Outing, 41: 729. —— Wild Animal. (A. W. Rolker) McClure, 24: 431. Trappist Monastery, A Day at a. Bk. News, 24: 760. —— at Turnhout, Belgium. (J . B. Osborne) Lippinc. 69: 368. — the House of Silence. Cath. World, 74: 774. Traquair, Mrs., Artist. (A. F. Morris) Studio (Inter~ nat.) 251 339. Trasimene. (A. Colton) Atlan. 92: 604, Trask, Spencer, Country Home of, at Saratoga. Life Am. 5: 36. Traske, Captain WVilliam, and some of his Descend- ants. (W. B. Trask and M. B. Fairbanks) N. E. Rea 56= 63,199,397. 57= 6;. 384. Traube~Hering Waves, Effect of Stimuli upon the Length of. (C. E. Galloway) Am. J . Psychol. I5: (W. H. VVright) World’s (W. Christy) Ctry 499- Travel about the World, New Ways of. (A. Brownell) World’s Work, 9: 5706, —- Foreign, as a Means of Education. Acad. 67: 509. —— Little Trips for Little Purses. (H. Whyte) Outing, 42: S07, 635, 753- — Modern. (D. A. Willey) Outing, 41: 632, —- Modes of; how the World rides. Everybody’s, I3: 185. — Old-time, Fifty Years Ago. M. n. s. 74: 346. — —- Shand’s. (Oscar Browning) Sat. R. 97: 263. (F. E. Clark) (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. 655 TREATY-MAKING Travel Books, The Choice of. (F. Chapman) Acad. ' 66: 669. - Traveler in Persia, The. (F. R. Earp) Macmil. 92: 373. Travelers, Ocean, State Protection for. (G. W. Mel- ville) No. Am. 175: 201, -— Some Advance Hints to. -69: 467. Travelers’ Tales. (Agnes Repplier) Atlan. 91: 100, Traveling Libraries. (L. E. Stearns) Pub. Lib. 10: 76. —-— as a First Step in Library Development. (Gratia A. Countryman) Lib. J . 30: C 56. ——- in the U. S. (L. E. Stearns) Pub. Lib. 10: 76. Travels with a T~square. Cornh. 87: 387. Travers, Rosalind; a New Poet. (E. Dowden) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 1: 1. Treadwell, Thomas, of Ipswich, Mass., and some of his Descendants. (VV. A. Robbins) N. E. Reg. 60: 48, 191, 291, 386. Treason, Chief Justice Jeifreys and the Law of. L. Patterson, jr.) Pol. Sci. Q. 201 493. - The Law’s Highest Crime. (VV. P. Kent) Arena, 30: 176. —- Modern Views of. Sat. R. 95: 130. (W. H. Francis) Lippinc. (D. Treasure, Buried, in the West Indies. Chamb. J . 80: 310, Treasure of Far Island. (W. S. Cather) New Eng. M. 11- 3- 27: 234- Treasure of Half Moon Island ; a story. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I5: 431, 542. Treasure of the King, The; a story. (J . W. Quick) Temp. Bar, I31: 181, Treasure of Ternoise. (S. F. Harrison) Canad. M. 27: 3°5~ Treasure-hunters, The. Spec. 921 177. Treasure-lake, A, in South America. Chamb. J. 80: 346, Treasure List found in the Acropolis Wall of Athens, Fragment of. (Carroll N. Brown) Am. J . Archaeol. n. s. 8: 263. Treasure-seeking on Cocos Island. Chamb. J . 82: 1 13, Treasure Trove. (F. M. White) Munsey, 32: 870, —— The Law of. (W. Martin) Antiq. n. s. 39: 54-279. — (J . Anderson) Scot. Hist. R. 1: 74. -— Recent Case of. (R. Munro) Jurid. R. 15: 267. Treasurers, Public, Liability of, for Profits derived from Public Funds. (H. M. Dowling) Am. Law (H. Rightor) (B. Taylor) R. 36: 355. Treasures, The World’s Lost. (B. Brandenburg) Am. M. 62: 514, Treasury Department, U. S., Abuses in. dall) Nation, 77: 464. Treasury Surplus, The. (F. A. Cran- (H. White) Nation, 74: 44. Treasury Systems. American and British. (W. R. Lawson) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 217. Treaties, Agreements of the U. S. other than. (C. C. Hyde) Green Bag, 17: 229, ——- and Executive Agreements. (J . B. Moore) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 385. —- German-American “Most Favored Nation” Rela- tions. (G. M. Fisk) J. Pol. Econ. 11: 220. -— of Peace. Sat. R. 100: 265. — Partisanship and. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: no. — Power of Congress over. (H. W. Morris) Am. Law 11- 37¢ 36:- Treaty, The New Anglo-American. (B. Taylor) Fortn. 77¢ 297- --of 1803, Commercial Privileges of. Am. Hist. R. 7: 494. ' ——- of Washington. (E. Maxey) Arena, 331 410. Treaty-making under U. S. Constitution. (T. S. Wool- sey) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 40: 83. Treaty-making Power, The. (S. M. Cullom) No. Am. 180: 335. (M. Farrand) TREATY-MAKIN G Treaty-making Power, of the President and Senate. (A. 0. Bacon) No. Am. 182: 502, Treble-cross. (W. A. Fraser) Canad. M. 26: 317.: McC1ure, 25: 157. Tree, Beerbohm, in “ The Darling of the Gods.” (Y. Markino) Acad. 66: I7. Tree felled by the Wind. Spec. 921 447. -— The Lord reigned from the. (J . H. A. Hart) Expos. 6th ser. I2: 323. -—- of Life among all Nations. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 26: 1. —- Pantomime. (A. E. M. Foster) Sat. R. 931 362. -— Redwood, of California. (C. H. Hittell) Out West, 21: 307. —- Story of a, as told by its Log. (C. F. Millspangh) Chant. 4I: 303, Tree of Knowledge, The; a story. (Isabella H. Fiske) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 686, Tree of a Thousand Leaves, The; a story. Brown) McClure, 22: 327, Tree-dwellers. (K. E. Dopp) Science, n. s. 20: 20. — of Malaya. (C. Whitney) Outing, 42: 87. -—- Philippine. Am. Antiq. 26: 88. Tree Frogs. (W. T. Davis) Am. Natural. 38: 893. (Alice Tree-planting, Fifty Years of. (E. Watson) Ctry Life - Am. 11: 47. —- on the Canadian Prairies. (J . Johnson) Canad. M. 211 II, -—- on Treeless Land. (S. M. Coulter) Chant. 41: 322. Tree-planting Movement, The. (E. G. Routzahn) Chant. 41: 337. Tree Protection in the United States. pangh) Chant. 41: 326. Tree-top Library, Our ; a story. Harper, I04: 5 35. Tree-trunks, Stories on. 6= 37. Trees, American. — Ascent of Water in. 20: I16, — at Leisure. (M. L. S. Mills- (R. Le Gallienne) (E. T. Seton) Ctry Life Am. (J . H. McFarland) Outl. 76: 817, (G. Macloskie) Science, 11. s. (Anna B. Comstock) Ctry Life Am. I: 105. — Awakening of the. (F. French) Scrib. M. 37: 597. — (Horace McFarland) Outl. 79! 303. —— Beauty of, in Winter. (J. H. McFarland) Book- lover’s M. I: 243. —— Big, of California. 3: 1714, — -— Ancestors of. (R. T. Fisher) World’s Work, (E. W. Berry) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 465. — Blooming of the. (J . H. McFarland) Ctry Life Am. 1: I87. -— The California “ Torrey Pines.” (H. L. Jones) Out West, 17: 685. —— Growth of, Relations of Rainfall and Temperature to. (H. Gannett) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 424, —— How to know the, in One Vacation. (J . E. Rogers) Ctry Life Am. 8: 340. - How to transplant. Outing, 45: 8:. —— in Cemeteries. (O. C. Simonds) Chant. 41: 338, — in Winter. (A. B. Comstock) Chant. 411 66. -— —— Study of. (C. D. Howe) School R. 13: 25. -— Landscape Value of some of our Common. Craig) Chant. 41: 357. — Leaves of English Forest Trees. 762. — Legends of the. -— near the House, Big. 10: 536. (J . Am.,Natural. 39: (V. V. M. Beede) Chant. 41: 306. (H. Hicks) Ctry Life Am. ~— New, introduced by the Government. (W. H. Evans) Chant. 41: 345. — of Christmas-tide in F olk-lore. (F. Duncan) Critic, 47= 506- 656 TRIALS Trees of a Great City, The. (J . H. McFarland) Outl. 82: 203, —- “ of the Lord ” and “ the Tree Butcher.” (J . Davey) Chant. 41: 319. —— on Small Home Grounds. (F. C. Seavey) Chant. 41: 312. -— Planting, on the Prairies. Work, 10: 6255. —- Poetic. (E. S. Mapes) Bk. Buyer, 25: 605. -— Poetry and. (P. F. Bicknell) Dial, 41: 1, —~ Sargent’s Trees of North America. (C. E. Bessey) Science, 11. s. 21: 914. -— (J. Muir) Atlan. 92: 9. -~ Soil Utilization for. (E. Stewart) Canad. M. 22: 569, — Some Celebrated and Historic. (J . G. I/Vilson) Indep. 61: 315, ~ —— Some Historical. (Mrs. H. J. Hall) Chant. 41: 316. —— Songs of the. Chant. 41: 362, -— Spraying Tall. (J . A. Pettegrew) Ctry Life Am. 7: (C. M. Harger) World’s )- — Tall Australian. Am. Arch. 862 7. -—- Three Poets’. (H. H. Brown) Gent. M. n. s. 751 502. — Transplanting Large. (T. McAdam) Ctry Life Am. 81 537- —- Two Notable. -— A Vision in. Tréguier, Brittany, Birthplace of E. Renan. G. E. Macklin) Pall Mall M. 28: 55. Trek in the Kalahari. (R. H. Brand) Blackw. 180: (A. S. Bent) Land of Sun. 8: 176, (A. H. Jepp) Gent. M. n. s. 72: 539, (A. and 389. Trellis, The ; a story. (M. Cameron) Harper, I06: 402, Tremataspis, Appendages of. (W. Patten) Am. Natu- ral. 37: 223. Tremataspidae. (W. Patten) Am. Natural. 36: 379. Trembling Brave, The ; a story. (Lucia Chamberlain) Everybody’s, I4: 76. Trench, Parapet, or the Open. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 31: 471- Trent, Wm. P. (W. N. Guthrie) Sewanee, I0: 68. Trent Valley, Ontario, Shooting and Fishing in. Dale) Canad. M. 27: I. “Trent” Affair, The. (A. Constable) Westm. 158: (B. 640. -— ARejoinder. (A. P. Gilmour) Westm. I59: 388. Trent Waterway, The; Peteiborough Hydraulic Lift Lock. (C. H. Allison) Overland, n. s. 4.4: 4Q4. Trenton, N. J., Battle of. (W. S. Stryker) Princ. Univ. Bull. 10: 53. — Free Public Library Building. J. 27: 771. ' Trephano, the Crusade of the 10th Century; a his- torical romance. (F. Harrison) Fortn. 80: 702- (A. J. Strohm) Lib. 1°54- Trephining in Bolivia, Aboriginal. (A. F. Bandelier) Am. Anthropol. 6: 440, Trepoff, General. Significance of his Career. Liv. Age, 251: 249, Tres Palmas. (Dane Coolidge) Harp. W. 50: 592, Trevecca Press, The. (J . Ballinger) Library, n. s. 6: 22 5. _ Trevelyan, G. O. England under the Stuarts. Monthly R. 20, no. 1: 147, Treves, The Ancient City of. 4H 395. Treweyism. (N. H. Moore) Chant. (H. R. Evans) Open Court, 19: 523. Trews, Celtic. (D. MacRitchie) Scot. Hist. R. I: 389. Triadenum Virginicnm (L.) Rafin. ; a Morphological and Anatomical Study. (T. Holm) Am. J. Sci. 166: 369. Trial of the “ Red-ink Squad,” The. gins) Scrib. M. 311 582. Trial of Trot; a story. (E. Walker) Munsey, 29: 344. Trials, Early Criminal. Green Bag, 14: 386. —— New, Right to. (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 77: 401. (H. J . O’Hig- TRIALS Trials, The World’s Most Celebrated. Rogers) Green Bag, 18: 153, Triangle, Astronomical, Littlehales’s Graphic Solu- tion of. (J . W. Froley) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: (Elmer E. 299- Trianon, The Petit. (Sophia Beale) Good Words, 461 262, Triassic Fishes, Collection of, at Yale. Am. J. Sci. 165: 259. Triassic-ichthyosauria, Types of Limb-structure in. (J. C. Merriam) Am. J. Sci. 169: 23. Triassic System, in New Mexico. (C. R. Keyes) Am. J. Sci. 170: 423. Tribal Custom in Anglo-Saxon Laws, Seebohm on. Ath. ’02, I: 422, Tribe and Family. (A. Lang) Fortn. 80: 782. Tribesmen, Life among the. Un. Serv. M. 31: 666. Tribulations of Don, The. (Minna T. Antrim) Lip- pinc. 78: 22, Tribulations of a Seacoast Parish. Outl. 74: 988. Tribunal de Aguas, El. (P. T. Laflenr) Nation, 80: 169. Triceratops Prorsus, Mounted Skeleton of, in the U. S. National Museum. (C. Schuchert) Am. J . Sci. 170: 458. Trichet, Raphael. (A. J.-Philip) Library, n. s. 6: 354. Tried by Fire. (W. B. Cockerell) Arena, 36: 178. Trifler, The; a novel. (A. Eyre) Lippinc. 712 435. Trilobites, Ventral Integument of. (C. E. Beecher) Am. J. Sci. 163: I65. Trimble, Isaac P., Work of, in Entomology. McAtee) Science, n. s. 24: 308. Trimmed Lamp, The ; a story. (O. Henry) McClure, 27: 391, Trinities, Ethnic and Christian, Paine on. (F. H. (P. Carus) Open Court, 16: 612.-(J. Foster) Bib. Sac. 58: I29. Trinity, The. N. Brown) Bib. Sac. 592 35. —(S. W. Howland) Bib. Sac. 59: 58. — The Blessed. (R. M. Edgar) Presb. & Ref. R. 13: (G. F. Eaton) (G. S. Wasson) (W. L. 524- -- Polytheism and Tritheism. (J . E. Walker) Bib. Sac. 62: 455. — Revealing of the. 12: 2 54. Trinity Church, New York City. The Greatest Parish in the World. (S. D. Hamilton) Munsey, 29: (N. J . D. White) Expos. 6th ser. 195. Trinity College, Dublin, Mahaffy’s History of. Ath. ’<>4, I1 295- Trinity College, Durham, N. Carolina, and Academic Liberty. So. Atlan. Q. 3: 62. Trinity House, Evolution of. (Henry Leach) Chamb. J . 80: 701. Triple Alliance, Position of the. — Renewed. Sat. R. 94: 5. Tripoli and Italy. Sat. R. 941 I93. —— Expedition to. (Vicomte de Mathuisieulx) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 362 736. —— A Night’s Ride with Arab Bandits. long) Harper, I12: 489. — to Tunis, From. (Mabel Loomis Todd) Nation, 81: Liv. Age, 247: 567. (C. W. Fur- 336. Tripper Mind. Sat. R. 100: 301, Tristan and Isolde. (A. Laugel) Nation, 80: go, —— Legend of. (J . Bedier) Internat. Q. 9: 103. Tristram, Chancellor. Sat. R. 96: 727. Tristram, H. B. Geog. J. 27! 511. Tritheism, Polytheism, and the Trinity. (J . E. Walker) Bib. Sac. 62: 455. Triticites, a New Genus of Carboniferous Foraminifers. (G. H. Girty) Am. J. Sci. 167: 234. 657 TROUT Tritubercnlar Theory, Orig-inal, Palaeontological Evi- dence for. (H. F. Osborn) Am. J . Sci. 167: 32!. Triumph, The; a novel. (A. S. Pier) McClure, 20: 371—2I: 188. Trodd’s Corner; a story. 548- Troisilia, The Burden of. (T. E. Jacob) I65: 172. Troja und Ilion, Dorpfeld’s. (T. D. Seymour) N ation, 76: 378. Trolley, The Inter-urban, as a Factor in Modern Life. (T. L. Ford) Overland, n. s. 42: 379. — Short Vacations by. (A. B. Paine) World’s Work, 6: 3673. Trolley Competition with the Railroads. Atlan. 932 730. Trolley-park, The. (D. A. Willey) Cosmopol. 331 265. Trolley Road, Sleighing on a Trackless, in Germany. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 440, (R. Morris) See Electric Railroad. Trolleying to Baltimore. (W. J . Lampton) Outing, 41: 209. Trollope, Anthony. (L. Stephen) Eel. M. 138: 112, — (G. Bradford, jr.) Atlan. 89: 426. — An Appreciation and Reminiscence. cott) Fortn. 86: 1095. 9 — Future of. (Eugene W. Harter) Bookman, 21: 137. —-— In Praise of the Novels of. (F. G. Bettany) F ortn. 83: Iooo,:Liv. Age, 246: I67, — Recoming of. Dial, 34: 141. Trollope, Mrs. Frances. Domestic Manners of the Americans. (H. T. Peck) Bookman, I4: 487. Troll’s Path. (J . A. Lees) Longm. 44: 348. Troop-horse, The Burden of the. Un. Serv. M. 25: 397, Trooper George pays his Debt. (R. F. Zogbaum) Out- ing. 4% 481- Troops, Mounted, Notes on. Serv. M. 29: 424. Trophoblast. (A. A. W. Hubrecht) Science, n. s. 201 (T. H. S. Es- (C. M. G. Hallewell) Un. 367. Tropical Acclimatization. (J . E. Cutter) Am. Anthro- pol. 4: 421. Tropical Laboratory of Miami, Fla. Science, n. s. 15: 856, Tropical Medicine. Science, 11. s. 20: 775. Tropical Races, Elevation of. (Benj. Kidd) Indep. 57: (V. M. Spalding) 545- Tropical Resources, Development of. (D. Buffum) Outl. 79: 233. Tropics, Future of the. 711, —-— Our Growing Dependence on the. Forum, 33: 400. —— Sanitation in. (R. T. Hewlett) Nature, 72: 67, Trotter, Coutts. Geog. J . 27; 512. Troubadours, Provengal, and Courts of Love. (Emma Calvé) Critic, 47: 555. — Story of the. (O. Kuhns) Meth. R. 63: I7. Troubetzkoy, Paul, Sculptor. (W. Jarvis) Scrib. M. 31: 181, Trouble for Two ; a story. 109: 390. Trouble in the Jungle. Trouble in the Mountains. M. n. s. 33: 697. Trouble Woman, The. (Clara Morris) Cosmopol. 33: 80. Trout, Albino Brook. (C. R. Pettis) Science, 11. s. 191 867. — and Philosophy. (P. C. Mitchell) No. Am. 176! (O. P. Austin) (R. W. Chambers) Harper, (S. Reid) Indep. 54: 452, (A. G. Brown) New Eng. (H. C. Hollister) Outing, 40: 3°3- —— and the Weather. (W. E. Hodgson) 19th Cent. 60: 268, — Bait vs. Fly Fishing. 250, (W. C. Harris) Outing, 44: (H. A. Vachell) Cornh. 89: I lI18()IJJf Trout, Brook, Best Flies for. (L. Rhead) Outing, 47: 807 -— —— Rhead on. (C. A. Kofoid) Dial, 32: 384. -—- Golden, of Mt. Whitney. Science, 11. s. 20: 61, -—- — Fishing for the. (A. R. Dugmore) Ctry Life Am. 10: 163. -— Habits of the. (W. D. Hulbert) McClure, 18: 5 37, — in a Northern Valley. (M. L. Crosby) Outing, 44: 329- - Leap of. (W. C. Harris) Outing, 45: 125. —— Loch Levin, in California. (D. S. Jordan) Science, 11. s. 22: 714. — Mole-warfare. Ecl. M. 144: 718. — of the Neipisiguit, The. (F. Irland) Scrib. M. 35¢ 641, — Rainbow, in British Waters. Chamb. J . 80: 297. -— —— in its Home. (C. Rutter) Out West, 19: 145. — Sea-. (H. Stuart) Blackw. 176: 227, -— Stocking a Home Stream or Pond. man) Ctry Life Am. 7: 659. —— Stocking with. Spec. 96: 703. ——Summer. (A. T. Johnson) Longm. 46: 454.-(C. Deming) Outing, 48: 639. -— Transplanting of. (D. S. Jordan) Am. Natural. 38: 885. — (A. T. Johnson) Idler, 25: 383. —- The Whimsical. (W. E. Hodgson) Monthly R. 19, no. 2: 17.=Liv. Age, 245: 625.=Ecl. M. 145: 21. — Worm Fishing for Brook Trout. (L. Rhead) Out- ing, 48: 126, Trout Culture as a Business. Life Am. 4¢ 27. Trout Fishing. (R. H. Johnson) Outing, 40: 97. — (E. Sandys) Outing, 42¢ 210. —— (W. C. Harris) Outing, (B. W. Ever- (A. R. Dugmore) Ctry 44¢ 644- - Hints on. (E. Sandys) Outing, 44: 180. — in the Bushes. (C. Deming) Outing, 48: 767, —- in Southern California. (T. S. Van Dyke) Land of Sun. I: 52. —— near London. (H. T. Sheringham) Temp. Bar, 129: —— on Lough Corril. (S. Gwynn) Macmil. n. s. 2: 24, —— Some Truths about. (E. Sandys) Outing, 40: 193. — Swedish. (Earl of Mayo) I9th Cent. 52: 676. Trout Stream, My. (F. Durlin, jr.) Outing, 42: Trout Streams, Hill. Spec. 97: 358. Trowbridge, John T. My Own Story. Atlan. 91¢ 27. —— 79th Birthday Celebration. Poet-Lore, I7, no. 3: 117, Trowbridge, Thomas, and Elizabeth Marshall. (E. McClintock) N. E. Reg. 59: 291. Trowsers of Tragedy, The. (Eliz. Duer) Lippinc. 76: 346- ..9_ Troy (Ancient), How we took. (J . I. Manatt) Indep. 59‘ 1259- Truancy. (C. L. Brace) Char. I5: 699. —- and_ Home Conditions. (G. H. Britton) Char. I7: —- Chicago Conference on. Causes and Prevention. (G. R. Taylor) Char. I7: 536. —— Counteracted by School for Backward Children. Educa. 26: 174. — Throwing the Burden on the Parent. (W. L. Bo- dine) Char. 17¢ 535. Truant Schools in Boston and Chicago; a Lesson for the Public Schools. (Adele M. Shaw) World’s Work, 11: 7335. See Parental Schools. Truants, The; a story. (A. E. W. Mason) Cornh. 89: 90. Truce, The; a Bear story. (C. G. D. Roberts) Mc- Clure, 23: 168. Truce of God ; a story. M. 7: 421. (Edith Barnard) Booklover’s 658 TRUSTS Truck Acts, The. (J . H. Romanes) Jurid. R. 18: 247, Truckee-Carson Irrigation Project, The. (W. E. Smythe) Out West, 23¢ 101. — an Object Lesson in Irrigation. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 701, . Trudeau, Edward L., a Devoted Public Servant. Outl. 82: 97 5. True, Nathaniel L. (1812-88), with portrait. (L. T. Bryant) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 52. True and Real, Logical and Psychological Distinction between. (C. L. Herrick) Psychol. R. 11: 204. True Bear Story, A. (W. T. Hornaday) Cosmopol. 37¢ 709- True Blue ; a story. (Dorothy Canfield) Everybody’s, 13: 641, True Reformers ; a Great Negro Enterprise. (K. Mil- ler) New Eng. M. n. s. 32¢ 647. Truegate, of Mogador. (S. Lord) Scrib. M. 37¢ 641. Truflle-hunting in Wilts. Spec. 95¢ I079. Trumbauer, Works of. Archit. Rec. I 5: 93. Trumbull, John, Gilbert Stuart’s Portrait of. (C. H. Hart) Cent. 50: 604, Trumpet, The. (J . F. Rowbotham) Good W’ords, 45¢ 575- Trunk-line Rate System. (W. Z. Ripley) Q. J . Econ. ~ 20: 183, Truscott Luck, The; a story. (Mary Austin) Out VVest, 17: 5. Trust, The American. (J . A. Hobson) Econ. R. 14: 1. — Beef, the Greatest in the World. (C. E. Russell) Everybody’s, 12: 147-643, —- History of a. (C. Saxon) No. Am. 178: 186, — The, or the Town. (R. Donald) Contemp. 84: 12, Trust Companies. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 31-734, 69: 50-899. 70: 427-691, 71: 13, — and Banks. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 82: I 32, — and the Clearing-house. (H. White) Nation, 76: 126. — Control and Supervision of. (F. D. Ki1burn)Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 29. — Competition between Banks and. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67: 224, — Definition and History of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67: 208. — in the U. S. (G. Cator) J. H. Univ. Stud. 20: 273. — -—- Growth of. (C. A. Conant) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 574. — —— Nature and Field of. World’s Work, 4: 2463. — Public Stake in. World’s Work, 10: 6237, — State Statutes relating to. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 69: 15, — Their Organization, Growth, and Management. (C. Herrick) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 72: 30-852, 73: 38-929. Trust Company as Trustee, Problem of Wealth and. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 67: 475. — How it makes its Money. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 70: 597. — Working Force of a. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 13, Trust Company Reserves. (J . T. Smith) Bank. M. (N. Y.)68: 518.—— (G. W. Young) No. Am. 182: 285, Trust Competition, Ethics of. (G. H. Montague) Atlan. 95¢ 414. Trust-hunting as a Popular Pastime. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 68: 2. Trust Moneys and Trust Accounts. Bank. M. (Lond.) 80: 564. Trustee’s Failure to convert. 22: 285. Trustees and Beneficiaries, Transactions between. (J. C. Watt) Jurid. R. 14: 141, Trustees of Civilization. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, 81: (W. G. Hart) Law Q. 135- Trusts. (H. C. Adams) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 5: 335. — (W. J. Gaynor) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 42¢ I3. — American. (A. M. Low) Macmil. 87: 472. -— and Combinations. (F. W. Bockett) Macmil. 87: 56. ‘ TRUSTS Trusts and Combinations, Opposition to. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 19, - and Commercial Law. Am. Law R. 37: 828. - - and English Combinations. (E. Hubbard) Econ. J . 12: 159, - and Industrial Combinations in the United States. (S. J. McLean) Quar. I99: 183. - and the People, as seen by Cartoonists. Arena, 33: 196. — and Prices. (I. A. Hourwich) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 602, - and the Public. (C. A. Conant) Internat. Q. 9: 394. - and Socialism. (W. A. Lane) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 98. . - and Trade Unions and their Mutual Relations. (M. Atkinson) Pol. Sci. Q. I9: 193. — (P. Carus) Open Court, I8: 291. - Are they an Enemy of Labor ? Bank. M. (N. Y.) 66: 218, - as their Makers view them. (J . H. Bridge) World’s Work, 5: 2782. — British, Business Aspects of. Econ. J. I2: 347. - Cartels and, in Holland in the 17th Century. E. Sayous) Pol. Sci. Q. I7: 381, - The Case against. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 29: 644. 30: 200, — Causes of. (A. J . Roewade) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 456. - Common-sense View of. (J . O. Curwood) Overland, n. s. 42: 230. - - Competition of, Ethics of. (G. H. Montague) Atlan. 95: 414- - Congressional Legislation against. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 113, - Control of. (H. E. Montgomery) Green Bag, I4: 460. - Corporations and. (J . Conyngton) Arena, 27: 5 5. — An Early Experiment in. J . Pol. Econ. 12: 270, - Federal Control of. (A. D. Adams) Pol. Sci. Q. I8: 1, - Federal Power over. (J . M. Beck) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: 89. l - Four Speeches on. (T. Roosevelt) Outl. 72: 113. — Four Years of Anti—trust Activity. (J . W. Garner) No. Am. 179: 420, — from a European Point of View. (P. Leroy-Beaulieu) Indep. 55: 123. (H. W. Macrosty) (A. (C. T. Lewis) - Good and Bad. (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 475 . - Government 'Control of. (E. Steinback) Internat. Mo. 5: 468. - How Congress can deal withthe. (E. B. Whitney) Indep. 58: 303. - How Congress may control. (J . W. Jenks) Outl. 72: 880.—(E. W. Huffcut) Indep. 54: 2927. - How they stifle Initiative. (C. Lombroso) Indep. 54: 2136. - How to curb the. (H. Michelsen) No. Am. 174: 778. —— How to save the Corporation. (P. S. Grosscup) Mc- Clure, 24: 443. . - In the Light of Census Returns. (W. R. Merriam) Atlan. 89: 332. -— Industrial. (W. Smart) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 156, —- — and National Prosperity. (J . B. C. Kershaw) Fortn. 77: 650. - Labor and the. -— Lawyers and the. - Mammoth, and Municipal Trading. 19th Cent. 52: 713. - Management of, in England. Sat. R. 94: 387, - A New Kind of. (H. White) Nation, 75: 279. — Notes on. (F. F. Culver) Internat. Q. 9: 452. — Old Foes with New Faces. (W. Clark) Arena, 30: 337- - Over-capitalization. Sat. R. 93: 103. - Panaceas for. (W. M. Daniels) Nation, 78: 82. (E. E. Wicklin) Arena, 29: 63. (F. G. Cook) No. Am. 183: 110, (L. Phillips) 659 TSE—BOUM Trusts. The Parable of the Dragon. (F. H. Went- worth) Arena, 30: 302, - A Plan for regulating. I82: 123. - —'Position of the United States as to, 1902. Bank. M. (Lond.) 76: 195. ' — Predatory. (W. C. Smith) Jurid. R. 17: 145. — President Roosevelt and the. (J . S. Auerbach) No. Am. I75: 877. - (F. Parsons) Arena, 28: 449.- (A. Shaw) Cent. 43: 381, - The President, his Attorney-General, and the. L. Benson) Arena, 32: 272. — Problem of. (H. E. Montgomery) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 525. — (R. L. Raymond) Harv. Law R. 16: 79. - - The Government and Monopolies. Outl. 72: 439. — — How to meet it through Cotiperation ; a Conver- sation with G. F. Washburn. Arena, 28: 406. — — Re-studied. (V. S. Yarros) Am. J . Sociol. 8: 58. — Promotion before the. (W. C. L. Taylor) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 382. - Publicity and the. (C. E. Littlefield) Indep. 5 5: 339. - Real Dangers of. (J . B. Clark) Cent. 46: 954. - Regulation of, Constitutional Difficulties of. (W. Bigelow) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 656, - - The First Step in, Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 301, - Relation to Individual Welfare and National In- tegrity. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 29: 414. — The Sad Story of Industrial. World’s Work, 10: 6702, - Sociological Effects of the. C010. Stud. 3: 5. — Some English. Sat. R. 93: 422. - State Control of. (A. D. Adams) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 462, — that made an Empire, The. (H. Davis) Munsey, 31: 74. - To uproot the. (L. F. G. Garvin) Indep. 57: 618, — Trade Combinations in Canada. (W. W. Edger) J. Pol. Econ. 14: 427. - Trade Unions, and the National Minimum. (S. Webb) Internat. Mo. 5: 127. - Trafficking in. - (H. A. Bullock) Arena, 35: 337. Truth, Absolute and Relative. (H. H. Joachim) Mind, 30: 1. - Ambiguity of. (F. C-. S. Schiller) Mind, 31: 161, - and Consequences. (A. E. Taylor) Mind, 31: 81. —and Practice. (F. H. Bradley) Mind, 29: 309. - (A. E. Taylor) Philos. R. 14: 265. - Conceptual Completeness and Abstract. Overstreet) Philos. R. I4: 308, - For, or for Life. Dub. R. I39: 233. — in Error. Acad. 71: 523. - Love of. Sat. R. 98: I32. - The Nature of. (B. Russell) Mind, 31: 528. — Plain and Colored. (VV. H. Hudson) Liv. Age, 248: 188, - The Quest of. Month, 100: 486, , - ’Tis saying makes it so. (C. E. Wagner) Ref. Ch. R: 53: 145- - What is ? (H. S. Pritchett) Technol. R. 4: 183. = Outl. 70: 620, Truth-knowers, Origin and History of. (S. K. Vatral- sky) Am. J. Theol. 6: 57. Truth of Oliver Cromwell. (Jas. B. Connolly) Scrib. M. 37: 83. Trypanosome, Human, Note on Discovery of. Boyce and others) Nature, 67: 56. Tryphaena, Queen, Fact and Legend in the History of. (W. M. Ramsay) Expos. 6th ser. 6: 278, Tsade and Sampi. (E. W. G. F oat) J. Hel. Stud. 25: 8 (J . F. Cronan) No. Am. (A. (J . B. Phillips) Univ. (H. A. (R. 33 - “Tse-boum,” Dalai-Lama’s New, from Paris. (J. Deniker) Cent. 45: 582. TSU SIMA Tsu Sima, Battle of. See Japan Sea, Battle of. Tuan Fang, Gov. of Shensi, with portrait. (F. H. Nichols) Everybody’s, 8: 351. Tuberculosis, Administrative Control of. (E. J . Led- erle) Char. I1: 570, -—- among the Sioux Indians. (D. W. Robinson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 340. ' — and Children. —- and the Italians in the United States. Char, I2: 486, _ — and Public Action. (A. Hillier) Fortn. 77: 700. — The Campaign against. (H. Lamont) Nation, 83: 6. -— (R. Fielding-Ould) Nature, 742 503. -— Char. 9: (A. Jacobi) Char. 11: 308, (A. Stella) 148, I0: 156, — -— and its Future. (E. O. Otis) Am. J . Soc. Sci. 42: 120, — Control of. (H. Folks) Char. I1: 451. I — Duties of the Individual in. (S. A. Knopf) Char. 10: 22 5, — Every Man’s Duty in. (S. A. Knopf) World’s Work, 8: 5 365. — from Cows, contrary to Koch. Sat. R. 97: 711. —— German Fight against. (G. Darling) Char. I5: 55 5. —- Human and Bovine. Nature, 70: 126. — Immunity in. (S. Flexner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 229. — in Penal Institutions, Prevention of. (J . B. Ran- som) Char. I3: 88. —— Incipient Cases of, Municipal Sanatorium for. Char. 11: 65, —— Infectiousness of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 64: 324. — International Congress on, Paris, Oct., 1905. N a- ture, 721 581. -— (L. F. Flick) Char. I52 353. —— Modern Treatment of. (H. L. Shumway) New Eng. M. n. s. 321 448. — National Association for Prevention of. Trudeau) Char. 14: 807, - New York’s Fight against. (C. H. Johnson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 702. — Nova Scotia’s Crusade against. Char. 14: 736. (E. L. (A. M. MacLean) -— Observations on, by a Dweller in the Desert. (M. A. Rodgers) Char. 16: 558. -—— Opsonic Treatment and its Relation to. (E. W. Morris) National, 47: 971. —Nature, 74: 248. -— Outdoor Treatment of. (D. A. Willey) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 689. — Prevention of. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 202 459. —(A. C. Klebs) Char. I2: 353, —— -— First Annual Meeting of National Association for. (L. Farrand) Char. I4: 801, — — A Working Program for. (E. T. Devine) Char. 14: 815. — Problem of, in the United States, The. (S. A. Knopf) No. Am. 174: 376. — Pulmonary, in the Dispensary, Management of Cases of. (J . A. Miller) Char. I1: 272, — The Real Race-suicide. (S. H. Adams) McClure, 24= 234- — Royal Commission on. -— Serum and Vaccine for. 3121, — Social Aspects of. Pol. Sci. 21: 407, — Study and Prevention of. Char. I6: 380. — Summer Camp for. (A. M.Wilson) Char. I4: 1045, — Visiting Nurses for. (M. A. Nutting) Char. I6: 51. -— War against. (P. Kennaday) Char. 11: 285. — Whole World wars with. Char. I1: 176, Tuberculosis Association, How it was formed in a Small City. (H. E. Thomas) Char. I3: 150. Tuberculosis Committee, Address to. Char. 15: 527. Tuberculosis Conference at the Hague, International. (A. Meyer) Char. 17: 344. Science, 11. s. 19: 929. (A. Marmorek) Indep. 5 5: (L. Brandt) Ann. Am. Acad. 660 TURBINE Tuberculosis Contest, A. (L. V. Robinson) Char. 16: S27- Tuberculosis Exhibition in Philadelphia. (H. R. M. Landis) Char. I5: 726.—- (M. L. Price) Char. 15: 449. — (E. M. Gray) Char. I6: 387, —— With the Traveling. (G. S. White) Char. I6: 382. Tuberculosis Question, Relation of the State to. (J . P. C. Foster) Char. I5: 499, Tuberculosis Sanatorium, A. (A. M. Rothrock) Char. 17: 385. — Plan for. Char. I1: 23. —— Two Millions for. (R. F. Almirall) Char. I 5: 303. Tubular Constructions. Science, 11. s. 21: 11, Tubularia. (A. S. Pearse) Am. Natural. 40: 401. Tucker, Charles L., Trial of, for Murder. (H. Ban- croft) Green Bag, 17: 143. Tucker, Ervin Alden, with portrait. Colum. Univ. Q. 4: 277. . Tucker, Nathaniel. (J . C. L. Clark) N. Church R. 10: (F. S. Fielder) 237- Tuckwell, W. A. W. Kinglake ; the Analysis of Jingo. (T. H. S. Escott) Fortn. 77: 335. Tucson, Arizona. Out West, I7: 380. — The Beautiful. Overland, n. s. 45: 397. — Some Picturesque Ruins of. (Laura A. Armer) Overland, n. s. 45: 405. , Tudor, Frederic. Am. Arch. 79: 62. Tudor Literature, Humors and Pathos of. (M. Church) Good Words, 45: 740, Tudors, The, and the Navy. Tufts College. Quar. 201: 145, (Amy W00dS) New Eng. M. n. s. 32: 415- Tuke, Henry S., with portrait. (G. Kains-Johnson) M. of Art, 26: 337. Tulare County, California. (G. A. Barry) Out West, 172 773. -— (E. A. De Blois) Out West, 25: 81, Tule Farming, One of the Wonders of California. A. Tenney) Overland, n. s. 43: 227, Tuley, Judge. (Jane Addams) Char. I 5: 752, Tulips. Sat. R. 93: 661. 95: 647, Tumblers. (A. Watson) Reliquary, 43: 186. Tumuli on the Wolds. (E. M. Cole) Antiq. n. s. 391 261, “ Tummas.” Spec. 96: 664. Tuna, The. Land of Sun. 13: 406. —- Fishing for. (C. F. Holder) Ctry Life Am. 8: 176. Tunbridge Wells; the Pantiles and the Art of Idling. (H. Seal) Westm. I59: 72. Tunis, Artist in. (A. Brunet-Debaines) Art J . 55: 193. — French Works at Bizerta. (H. Vivian) Pall Mall M. 27: 73. Tunnel, East Boston. 31: 635. — Hudson River, Unrecorded Adventure in the Con- struction of. , (H. A. Bruce) Cent. 45: 40, — Simplon Alpine. (H. G. Archer) Pall Mall M. 26: 29, Tunnel Building, The Romance of. World’s Work, 13: 8338, Tunneling the Seine at Paris. (N. Y.) 34: 63 Tunnels, Great. 401. Tuolumne Co., Cal. Through Bret Harte’s Country. (E. C. Peixotto) Scrib. M. 34: 533. Tupper, Martin Farquhar. (Viscount St. Cyres) Cornh. (W. (F. Rice, jr.) New Eng. M. n. s. (A. B. Reeve) (E. C. Morel) R. of Rs. (L. M. Haupt) J . Frankl. Inst. I61: ' 335- Turbine, Coming of the. (H. W. Strong) Monthly R. 24, no. 2: 39. —— Gas, Question of the. (S. A. Reeve) Engin. M. 29: 407- Turbine Engines; a New Era of Steam. Warren) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 695. (Arthur TURBINE Turbine Pumps, High-lift. (R. J . Durley) Engin. M. 31: 503. Turbine Steamship “ Carmania.” (A. S. Hurd) Cas- sier, 29: 179. Turbines, Steam. J . Frankl. Inst. I 59: 325. — —— Advantages of. (J . R. Bibbins) Engin. M. 242 745. —— '— and Turbine Ships. (J . Johnson) Canad. M. 24: 210, —— — Applications of, Recent. (G. L. Parsons) Cassier, 24: 64. — — applied to High-speed Electric Machinery. J . Soc. Arts, 54: 989, — — De Laval, in America. 28: 103, —- — Development of. (C. G. Parsons and H. G. Dakyns, jr.) National, 48: 79. (J. L. Mohun) Cassier, —— —— Marine. (R. Cromie) Longm. 43: 210, — — Recent Developments of. (A. Rateau) Engin. M. 26: 49. —- —- Steam Turbine Data. (A. H. Gibson) Cassier, 31: 36. — —- vs. Reciprocating Engines. (VV. P. Hancock) Cas- sier, 30: 502, Turbo-generators. (H. H. Norris) World To-day, 52 I220, Turbulents, The. (W. A. Fraser) Cent. 48: 833. Turgenev, Ivan. (C. Whibley) No. Am. 174: 212. —— and his Translators. (G. R. Noye) Nation, 782 93. — and his Work. Critic, 462 444. Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques. (S. G. Tallentyre) Macmil. 922 2.30.—(W. Emm) Westm. I63: 389, “I — Statesmanship of. (A. D. White) Atlan. 97: I76, 340- Turin, Decorative Art Exhibition. Studio (Internat.) I82 I38.—(W. Crane) Art J. 54: 227, 259.—(H. P. Douglas) Brush & P. II: 44.—(H. H. Fyfe) Monthly R. 8, no. 2: I50.=Liv. Age, 235: 221. — National Library, Destruction of. Lib. J. 29: 477. —- Sculptures at. (A. J . B. Wace) J . Hel. Stud. 26: 235- Turk, A, and an Armenian. (L. Jebb) Longm. 44¢ 43!. —-— The, as a Soldier. (Fritz Morris) Cosmopol. 36: 2 5. — Dealing with the. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 43. — Tragedy of the. (H. G. Dwight) Outl. 76: 224, Turkestan and a Corner of Tibet. (O. T. Crosby) Geog. J. 23: 705. — Chinese, Geographical and Archaeological Explora- tion in. (M. A. Stein) Geog. J. 201 575. -— — Recent Discoveries in. (M. Winternitz) Nature, 66: 284, — Debt of. _(C. Morawitz) N0. Am. 175: 275. -— Excavations in. Am. Arch. 75: 5 5. —Science, n. s. 20: 60. -— Explorations in. Nat. Geog. M. 162 499. —-— Krafft’s A travers le. Ath. ’02, I: 76. — Macedonian Intrigues and their Fruits. (J . W. Gambier) Fortn. 78: 747. — Mountains of. (E. Huntington) Geog. J. 252 22, 39. -—- A National Game of: Baigha. (J . Locke) Scrib. M. 38: 233. — Parliament of, The Prorogued. (K. Blind) No. Am. 175: 42. — Seen in. (R. S. Baker) Outl. 72: 265. — The Situation in. Fortn. 78: 86, — -— 1902. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 25: 182, -— A Summer in. (W. M. Davis) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 217, —- Western Siberia and. (G. F. Wright) Chaut. 372 I44. Turkey. Chamb. J. 80: I98, -—- and the Americans; Open Letter to Chekib Bey. (E. B. Haskell) Outl. 75: 353. (A. Rustem Bey de Bilinski) fifl TURNER Turkey, Asiatic, Exploration in, I896—I903. (P. H. H. Massy) Geog. J . 26: 272, — -— Life of the Konak. (V. A. Buxton) Contemp. 85: 2 56. —- Coal-fields of, Visit to. Chamb. J . 802 358. — Coercing the Sultan. (H. N. Brailsford) Indep. R. - 8: 64. — Coercion of. (W. A. Moore) Contemp. 87: 376. — England and Germany in. (A Traveler in the East) Contemp. 90: 305. —— The Fight for the Caliphate. Am. 181: 229, — Furthest, Soldier and Peasant in. (V. A. Buxton) Indep. R. 1: 380, =Liv. Age, 240: 275, -_—Ee1, M, 142: 403. -— in 1903 ; Political Testament of Fuzid Pasha. Cent. 53: 190. —— The New Woman in. (A. B. Dodd) Cent. 44: 925. —- Obstacles to Reform in. (C. Morawitz) No. Am. (W. F. Bullock) No. 19th 1793 I94- — Present Military Power of. (W. J. Herbert) Un. Serv. M. 32: 303. —- Retrogression of the Levant. Chamb. J . 301 5 35. —-Some Phases of the Issues between the United States and. (Americus) No. Am. 182: 689. — Sultan Abd-ul-Hamid. (C. Mijatovich) F ortn. 86: 575. —— Sultan and the Caliphate; a Sidelight on Turkish Policy. (L. Sanders) No. Am. 176: 546. -—- Turkish Redif. (F. MacNab) Longm. 43: 116. —— vs. Europe in the Balkans. (Dr. Maurice Baum- feld) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 332 77. —— When will it cease to exist ? (A. Vambéry) Indep. 61: 489, — Women in. (Mary M. Patrick) Forum, 37: 115, Turkey, Hunting the Deceitful. (Mark Twain) Har- per» 117: 57- Turkey-gobbler, The. (Helen Haines) Scrib. M. 39: 345' Ctry Life Am. 31 7. (J . L. Cowan) Overland, Turkeys and Cranberries. — The Lord of the Feast. n. s. 482 363. —- A Trifle about. (E. Sandys) Indep. 54: 2 522. —— What shall we do to save the ? (J . E. Rice) Ctry Life Am. 11: 56, Turkish Architecture. (L. Viajero) Am. Arch. 86: 86. Turkish Capitulations. Law Q. 21: 408. Turkish Captives; Harem Life in Constantinople. Blackw. I80: 733. Turkish Farm. Blackw. I75: I17. ——- Ecl. M. 1422 757. = Liv. Age, 241: 98. Turkish Home Life. (Demetra Vaka Brown) Apple- ton’s M. 81 655. Turkish Soldier, The. (E. Blyth) Un. Serv. M. 28: 84. Turkish VVomen. Behind the Lattice and the Veil. (Margaret Macgregor) Good Words, 46: 73-1. Turks, Early, Western Branch of. (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 36: 355. —- The Ephthalite. (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 34: 13!. -—- in the Channel. (C. Field) Un. Serv. M. 28: 247. Turn of the Lane. (L. E. MacBrayne) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 48. Turn of the Tide, The ; a story. (Ella M. Tybout) Lip- pinc. 75: 513. Turn of the Wheel, The. (J ennette Lee) Harper, III: %. Turn Verein, Gospel of the. (R. D. Paine) Outing, 46: 174. Turner, C. Y., Mural Decorations by. worth) Appleton’s M. 8: 3. — -— at Baltimore. (J . W. Pattison) Studio (Internat.) 24: lvii. Turner, Ethel. (Grace Whit- (E. W. Elkington) Acad. 66: 617, TURNER Turner, Frederic J ., with portrait. (H. M. Stephens) World’s Work, 4: 2316, Turner, Sir James; a Christian under the Covenant. (A. Lang) Blackw. I74: 41. Turner, J. M. W. Ed. R. 1982 354. -— Armstrong’s Life of. Ath. ’o3, 2: 587, — Last Swiss Drawings. (E. Dillon) Art J . 54: 329, 362, — Liber Studiorum. (A. J . Finberg) Sat. R. 102: 295, — Life and Works. Canad. M. 25: 291. - Newly-discovered Pictures by. (E. Douglas Sheilds) World To-day, I0: 633. — Portrait, Life, and Bibliography. Mast. in Art, 31 Pt 3:- — Rediscovered. (Eliz. R. Pennell) Nation, 82: 218, Turner, Reginald. Prince Pierrot. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 96: 103. Turning, The. (G. S. H. Tytus) Cent. 49! 416. Turnpike, Old National, and its Memories. (R. R. Wilson) New Eng. M. n. s. 26: 306. Turnpike Roads of Middlesex County, Mass. (F. H. Kendall) New Eng. M. n. s. 282 711. Turnpike Sailors. Spec. 91: 50. Turreted Hall; a story. (J . H. McCarthy) Canad. M. 22: 155, “ Turtle,” Bushnell’s Submarine-boat. (B. J . Hen- drick) M. of Hist. 22 389. Turtle-dove; a Story of Meadowlarks. (W. E. D. Scott) Outl. 80: 325. ' Turtle-doves, The. (H. B. Marriott Watson) Book- lover’s M. 62 I 50.» Turtle Mountain, Great Landslide on. Soc. Bull. 36: 272. Turtles, Fossil, belonging to the Marsh Collection in the Yale University Museum. (O._ P. Hay) Am. J. Sci. 168: 261. , —— Marine. New N iobrara Toxochelys. land) Am. J. Sci. 170! 325. —— — Notes on the Cretaceous Turtles, Toxochelys and Archelon, with a Classification of the Marine Tes- tudinata. (G. R. Wieland) Am. J. Sci. 164: 95. — of New Jersey, Upper Cretaceous, Structure of. (G. R. Wieland) Am. J. Sci. 167: 112, I83. I70: 430. Tuscan Farm, Life on a. (T. R. Sullivan) Scrib. M. 37: 54‘- Tuscan Maremma, In the: (V. Paget) Harper, I06: 237. Tuscan Sky, Under the. (J . G. Gretton) Month, I03: 145. Tuscany, Congregation of S. Michele Dei Santi. (M. Carmichael) Cath. World, 74: 629. — Hewlett’s Road in. Sat. R. 991 242.— Spec. 94: S8. —- Land of Lady Poverty. (S. Jewett) Outl. 80: I031, Tuscumbia, Mo., Glacial Boulders near. (G. F.Wright) Nation, 77: 461. Tuskegee, a Typical Alabama Town. (C. Johnson) Outl. 72: 519. Tuskegee Cotton-planters in Africa. (G. N. Calloway) Outl. 70: 772. Tuskegee Institute. (Booker T. Washington) Cosmo- pol. 33: 506. -—Outl. 82: 831, — Day at. (G. D. Jenifer) Educa. 26: 87. — Educating the American Negro. (H. E. Thomas) Cassier, 24: 447. —— A Farmer’s College on Wheels. (Booker T. Wash- iugton) World’s Work, 13: 3352. —- a Retrospect and Prospect. (Booker T. Washing- ton) No. Am. 182: 513. -— 25th Anniversary of. Char. I5: 543. 16: III, - (Booker T. Washington) World’s Work, H2 7433. — Vacation Days at. (J. S. Durham) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 562, Tussaud’s Exhibition up to Date. 7 77. Am. Geog. (G. R. Wie- Chamb. J . 82: 662 TWO Tutorial System, The, in College. (Andrew F. West) Educa. R. 32: 500. =School R. I4: 705. Tutor’s Expedient, The; astory. Cornh. 88: 21, Tutuila, United States. (D. S. Jordan and V. L. Kel- logg) Atlan. 94: 207, Tuxedo House, A. Archit. Rec. 18: 273. Tuxen, Lauritz, Work of. (A. L. Baldry) Art J . 56: 109, Twachtman, John. (K. M. Roof) Brush & P. 12: 243. —— (T. W. Dewing and others) No. Am. 176: 554- Twain, Mark, 70th Birthday of. Bk. News, 24: 330. See Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. Tweed, The, Maxwell’s Story of. (A. Lang) Blackw. I78: 833. ‘ — Poetry of the. Acad. 69: 1:99. , - Tweed Ring in N. Y. City, History of. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 33: 270, Tweedie, L. J ., Premier of New Brunswick. Canad. M, 20: 319. Twelfth Promise, The, in Roman Catholic Theology. (V. McNabb) Am. Cath. Q. 28: 742, Twelve Tables, The Authenticity of the. Greenidge) Eng. Hist. R. Jurid. R. 17: 93. Twentieth Century, Recollections of the. (J . B. Clark) Atlan. 89: 4. -' Twentieth-century Forecast, A. (J . Hawthorne) Book- lover’s M. 22 307. Twentieth-century Miracle, A. (Florence Milner) New Eng. M. n. s. 322 211. ' Twentieth-century Problems. -(H. L. Chamberlain) Overland, n. s. 441 246. 45: 81. Twenty-first Century, A Dream of the. (W. H. Cooley) Arena, 28: 5p. Twenty-second Karl, The. (G. F. Turner) Chamb. J . ' 83: 289-724, Twenty Years on. Liv. Age, 239: 603, Twenty Years Since. (G. S. Street) Fortn. 77: 524. Twice Balked. Chamb. J . 792 509. “' Twice Chang’d Friar, The; a Comedie ” (MS. temp. Charles 1.), Review of. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 285. Twice Saved; a story. (H. M. Davidson) Sund. M. (A. H. J. 20! I.—(H. Goudy) w 35 - Twilight in the Tenement ; a poem. (C. W. Stevenson) Outl. 70: 317. Twin Peters, The; a story. (J . F. Wflson) Am. M. 62: 323. Twining, Thomas, Travels in America. (S. G. Morri- son) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 728, Twins. (C. F. Marsh) Longm. 44: 238. Twisted Tree, The. (Alice Brown) Outl. 80: 337, Twisting of the Rope; a comedy. (Douglas Hyde) Poet-Lore, 16, no. 12 12. ’Twixt Fire and Water ; a story. (J . M. Oxley) Canad. M. 21: 456. Two against Fate. (M. K. Hill) Temp. Bar, 125: 538. Two Americans. (Kate Jordan) Booklover’s M. 6: 759- Two and the Fleet, The ; a story. (A. Lee) Munsey, 27: 509. Two Apples, The. (J . E. Dunning) Atlan. 91: 693, Two Argonauts of Mola. (Mary H. Peixotto) Book- lover’s M. 6: 261, Two Birds with One Stone. 48: 61, Two Brave Men ; a Tale of the Northwest Rebellion. (R. H. Mainer) Canad. M. 19: 448. Two Brothers. (Mrs. A. Little) Temp. Bar, 125: 459. Two Brothers, Gypsy F olk-tale of. (W. E. A. Axon) Antiq. n. s. 42: 134, Two Calls. (S. C. Bryant) Lippinc. 70: 200, Two Candidates. (H. MacGrath) Everybody’s, I2: 669, (W. N. Harben) Cent. ' Two Per Cent a Month. TWO Two Chanty-men; a story. (G. S. Wasson) Atlan. 94: 218 Two Days; a poem. (R. C. Lehmann) Blackw. 176: 76 4 . Two Dwellings ; a poem. (E. Pottle) Outing, 41: 686. Two Gentlemen of Kentucky. (J . L. Allen) Outl. 732 623, Two Griseldas, The. Macmil. 911 282. “ Two-handed Engine at the Door,” Milton’s. (W. H. Ward) Ath. ’06, 1: 451,-—Ath. ’06, 1: 515, — (G. H. Powell) Ath. ’06, I: 547. ‘ Two Hares, The. (W. H. Rainsford) Cornh. 87: 256. Two Hearts. (T. Masson) Cosmopol. 391 413. Two Hearts that beat as One; a story. (F. Norris) Idler, 22: 623. 203-meter Hill. (J. H. De Forest) Indep. 592 370. Tvi’o Idealisms. (G. Santayana) Internat. Q. 6: 13. Two in a Fog. (W. H. Babcock) Lippinc. 772 641. Two Kings, a Queen, and a Jack; a story. (H. Sands) Canad. M. 22: 191, Two Letters. (F. C. Armstrong) Chamb. J . 831 295. Two Little Lambs of the Campagna; a story. (E. F. Mosby) Cath. World, 79: 65 5. Two Lives. (Frank H. Sweet) Craftsman, 10: 747. Two Loves. (Eliza C. Hall) Cosmopol. 38: 67. Two Men. (A. N. Meyer) Bookman, I71 493. Two Mickeys, The. (H. J. O’Higgins) Everybody’s, I5‘ 337- Two on a Balcony. (Constance Smedley) Everybody’s, 14: 403, Two Opinions ; a story. (T. Masson) Cosmopol. 37: 737. Two Pairs of Shoes. (J . C. Lincoln) McClure, 26: 623. Two Passings. (C. Oliver) Macmil. n. s. I: 202. --‘Liv. Ase. 248= 477. Two Pensioners. (H. S. Edwards) Cent. 43: 233. (H. White) Nation, 80: 166, Two Pessimists, The. (H. B. Baker) Good VVords, 432 691, Two Roses Better ’an One. _ (Mrs. M. Keatinge) Over- land, 11. s. 411 215. Two Russian Soldiers. (E. Poole) Outl. 81: 21. Two Seasons hath the Year; a poem. (M. Farrah) Ecl. M, 144: 127. - Two-sided Honeymoon, A. (A. Evelyn) Lippinc. 76: 3 8. Two Sides of a Street ; a story. (Mary R. S. Andrews) McClure, 21: 347. Two Sketches; a story. (J. Cassidy) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 485. - Two Souls in One Body. (W. L. Howard) Arena, 34: 476- Two Stories of Oklahoma. (H. Garland) Cent. 46: 328, Two Strings to her Bow. (C. Middleton) Temp. Bar, 126: 340, Two-stringed Bow, The. 40: 746. Two Valentines; a story. 36: 101, Two Vanrevels, The; a story. McClure, 19: 131. Two Villages. (H. Peake) Westm. 159: 83. Twyman, Joseph, Work of. (F. E. Dewhurst) Archit. Rec. 18: 453. Tychite, a New Mineral from Borax Lake, California. (S. L. Penfield and G. S. Jamieson) Am. J . Sci- 17o: 217, Tycho Brahé. (J . H. Bridges) Contemp. 81: 196. Tyler, Mrs. Mary E. (R. W. Hale) Cent. 45: 738. Tyler, Moses Coit, and Chas. Sumner. (W. H. Glas- son) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 50. Tyler, Wat, and Jack Straw. (F. W. D. Brie) Eng. Hist. R. 21: 106, (G. W. Johnston) Scrib. M. (Kate Patch) Cosmopol. (Booth Tarkington) 663' UGANDA Tyndale, Walter, Artist. (Clive Holland) Studio (In- ternat.) 29: 289. Tyninghame; ‘ Two Centuries of a Scotch Estate. Chamb. J. 80: 641, Tynonyi, The Cave City of the. of Sun. 5: 11. Type of the Town, A. (E. G. Henham) Macmil. 85: 350.=Liv. Age, 233: 211. =Ecl. M. 138: 764. Type Casting. Science, 11. s. 20: 573. Types, The Creation of, and Some Recent Novels. (F. T. Cooper) Bookman, 24: II 5. — in Natural History, Nomenclature of. (C. Schu- chert and S. S. Buckman) Science, 11. s. 21: 899. — vs. Residues. (O. F. Cook) Science, 11. s. 16: 311. Typesetting Machine, The Simplex. (B. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 755. Typewritgr, Educational Use of. (F. Waldo) Educa. 22: 4 4, —- in Small Libraries. (H. W. F ison) Lib. J . 272 325. Typewriting by Telegraph. (M. Solomon) Nature, 72: 8, Typhoid Bacillus, Vitality of the. (A. Macfadyen) Nature, 68: 127, Typhoid Fever and how to prevent its Spread. (F. G. Ansell) Gent. M. n. s. 70: 430. — and Shellfish. (G. W. Fuller) J . Frankl. Inst. 160: 81, — at Palo Alto and Stanford University. Science, n. s. 17: 835- -— Fatality of, at Different Seasons ; a Statistical Study. (C. E. A. Wilson) Am. Statis. Assoc. 8: (C. F. Lummis) Land 103. —— Oysters and. (R. T. Hewlett) Science, 11. s. 172 370. —- Prevention of. (J . C. Bayles) World’s Work, 6: 3647- - Sedgwick and Winslow’s Studies on the Seasonal Prevalence of. (P. H. Hiss) Science, 11. s. 17: 660. — an Unnecessary Evil. (S. H. Adams) McClure, 25: 145- Typhoon, Signaling the Approach of a, at Hong Kong. (S. F. Clark) Good Words, 441 529. , Typhoon; a story. (J . Conrad) Critic, 40: 168, 459, : Pall Mall M. 26: 91, 214, 408, Typhoons and Cyclones. Ed. R. 201: 216. Typographical Union, Oath of the. (A. Beach) Na- tion, 77: 281. Typography and Bookmaking. (F. Sherman) Lamp, 26: 165. 28: 129, 315, 29: 591, , Tyrannies, Origin of the. (P. Ure) J . Hel. Stud. 26! 1. Tyrant Nature. (S. S. Maxwell) Harper, 107: 453, Tyrol, Austrian, Six Weeks in. (Lilian Bell) Book- lover’s M. 1: 465. - Tyrone and Tyrconell, Earls, Flight of. 19th Cent. 55: 479. (P. Wilson) U. S. A. ; a story. (E. Ayrton) Lippinc. 75: 343. Ubique, Riddle of. (Mark G. Pearse) Indep. 58: 315. Uchard, Mario. F iamma. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 951 76- Uda Prang,—Jungle Hunter. (C. Whitney) Outing, W 3. Udall Family Record. (J. D. Champlin) N. E. Reg. 60: 330. “Ueber” Movement in Germany. Temp. Bar, 128: 599. Uganda,American Invasion of. (J . M. Rogers) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 43. — Convent Life in. (V. M. Crawford) Month, 103: 574. -—Journey through, 1902. (C. N. E. Eliot) Geog. J. 20: 611. — Northern, Journey through. (P. H. G. P. Cotton) Geog. J. 24: 56. (A. MacMahon) UGANDA Uganda of To-day. (H. Samuel) J . Soc. Arts, 51: 390. — “ On Safari” in. (Hilda V. Moifat) Cornh. 85: 376. -— Pygmies of. (H. Johnston) Pall Mall M. 26: 173. — Rnwenzori, and the Semliki Forest. (H. Johnston) Geog. J. 19: 1. —So1diering in. National, 41: 1002. — Story of. National, 41: 635, —— Surveys and Studies in. (C. Delmé-Radcliffe) Geog. J. 26: 481, 616. — Western. (A. B. Fisher) Geog. J . 24: 249. Uganda Protectorate and the Nile Quest. (Ch. Chaille- . Long) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 361 5:. —— Anthropology and Government in . (E. S. Hartland) Nature, 67: 10, -—Johnston on. Ath. ’02, 2: 8I.—-(J. M. Hubbard) Nation, 76: 114, Uganda Railroad. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 311. -—- A Trip up the, and across Lake Victoria Nyanza. Blackw. I75! 603. -—- Liv. Age, 241: 720. Ugliness, Excuses for. Ugly Burleigh. (G. R. Chester) Cosmopol. 391 177. Ugly Solomon; a story. (Mrs. A. Sidgwick) Pall Mall M. 26: 345. Uintacrinns and Hemiaster, in the Vancouver Creta- ceous. (J . F. Whiteaves) Am. J . Sci. 1682 287. Uintah Land Opening. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 444. Ukhtomsky, Prince Esper Esperovitch, with portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 72. Ukiah, Cal. (J . C. Ruddock) Out West, 24: 343. Ullswater, A National Park on. Spec. 93: 114. Uhich, S., The Press of. (R. Proctor) Library, n. s. 4: 163, Ulster: stands Ulster where it did ? (S. P. Kerr) Con- temp. 89: 94. — Towns in, Old. (W. J. Fennell) Asia. R. 42: 23-377. Ultima Thule, A Glimpse of. Month, 101: 241, 372, Ultimate Questions. (L. Hearn) Atlan. 96: 391, Ultramontanism and the Catholic Laity; by an Eng- lish Roman Catholic. Outl. 75: 173. Ultra-violet Light, Action of, on Rare Earth Oxides. (C. Baskerville) Am. J. Sci. 166: 463, Ulula Hyalina Latreille, Life History of. Clendon) Am. Natural. '36: 421, Ulysses, in Modern Drama. Acad. 62: 187. -—- Last Voyage of. Ed. R. 196: 84, Umbria; a poem. (L. Binyon) Atlan. 92: 304. Umbrian Art. (E. Hutton) Monthly R. 18, no. 1: 129, Umbrian Idyl, An. (Anne H. Wharton) Lippinc. 771 223. Umpires. (A. C. Sharpe) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 35: 403. Unakite, Occurrence of, in a New Locality in Virginia. (T. S. I/Vatson) Am. J. Sci. 172: 248. Unavailing Subterfuge, An. (E. Flower) Cosmopol. 41: 50. Unbelief, Conceivable. Dangers of. (J . G. Raupert) Dub. R. 130: 63. Uncharted Reef, An. (W. E. Norris) Longm. 46: 324, Unclaimed Balance; a story. (P. Marche) Canad. M. 21: 106. Uncle Basker’s Heirs. (J . F. Mc- (T. Roberts) Canad. M. 27: 349- Uncle Bige’s Creaking Heart. (B. E. Stevenson) Cent. 43: 2-2. Uncle Billy’s Legacy. (D. Carroll Gale) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 165. Uncle Eb’s Last Day a-fishing. (I. Bacheller) Cent. 51: 232, Uncle Ira’s Sugar Season. (E. B. Child) Booklover’s M. 7: 411. Uncle Jacob. (E. Walker) New Eng. M. n. s. 292 I57. Uncle Johnny Dodd’s Church; a story. (J . T. Bishop) Munsey, 312 605. Uncle Jotham’s Spree. (J . A. Cone) Munsey, 36: 68, 664 (E. Crosby) Craftsman, 6: 511. - UN DERWRITING Uncle Larry; a story. (A. H. Donnell) Harper, I05: 7 5- Uncle Luke’s Downfall. (C. T. Revere) Lippinc. 74: 65 . Uncle Ned’s Christmas; a story. Arena, 32: 70. Uncle Sammie. (C. F. Embree) McClure, 27: I71. Uncle Sam’s Romance with Science and the Soil. (Frank Vrooman) Arena, 34: 561. (W. A. Dromgoole) Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Fifty Years of Uncle Tom. (F. S. Arnett) Munsey, 27: 897. Unconformities, Orotaxial Significance of. (C. R. Keyes) Am. J. Sci. 171: 296. Unconscious Brotherhood, The. Outl. 80: 829. Unconscious Hero, An. Chant. 372 I92. Unconscious Man, The. (A. L. P. Weedon) Westm. (J . H. McFarland) 158: 306, Unconscious Plagiarist, The. (F. K. Johnson) Atlan. go: 812, Unconventional Mourner, An. (Agnes Repplier) At- lan. 98: 21. Uncounted Cost, The; a story. Munsey, 30: 280, Under a Banner of Black ; a story. (M. Petitt) Canad. M, 20: 275, Under Changed Conditions. M. n. s. 31: 75. Under False Pretenses; a story. M. 35: 129, Under Green Steeples. n. s. 31: 330. Under his Eye. (Eleanor Stuart) Scrib. M. 331 238. Under the Ice. (D. Lansing) Outing, 49: 289. Under Rocking Skies. (L. F. Tooker) Cent. 48: 85- (A. W. Anderson) (L. W. Smith) New Eng. (A. Foxwell) Sund. (A. F. Knight) New Eng. M. 780, Under the Shadow of the Leopolds. (Alex. Macdon- ald) Chamb. J. 81: 185. Under the Trees; a poem. (Anna H. Branch) Atlan. 91: 685. Under which King? (D. C. Pedder) Monthly R. 16, no. 2: 111. Undercurrent, The. (R. Grant) Scrib. M. 351 51 — 36' 587 Underfed Children in our Public Schools. (J . Spargo) Indep. 58: 1060, Undergraduate, The. — and the University. 4: 321, — Mind of the. Spec. 932 890. (E. A. Birge) Wis. Alum. M. (G. P. Baker) Educa. R. 30: 189. Undergraduate Freaks and Frolics. (J . Hudson) Westm. I66: 316. Underground Conduits, Losses in. (A. P. Folwell) Am. Arch. 87: 5. Underground Part of a City Building. (VV. R. Stew- art) World’s Work, 7: 4351, Underground Passages in England. Am. Arch. 76: 87. Underground Railroad, The. (W. H. Siebert) New Eng. M. n. s. 272 565. — On the; a story. (S. A. Shafer) Outl. 78: 378. Underground Republic; an Adventure in Macedonia. Blackw. 179: 302. Underling, The; a story. (Mary E. W. Freeman) Harper, I12: 211, 462, Underpaid Laborers of America. World, 81: 143, Under-partner, The. (D. M. Henderson, jr.) Lippinc. 78: 638. Understander, The. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 331 229. Understndy, An. (A. O. Cooke) Chamb. J . 812 449. Underworld, The. (C. Thayer) Outl. 84: 784. Underwriting. (Geo. Stevenson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25: 61. (J . A. Ryan) Cath. UNDEVELOPED Undeveloped Races in Contact with Civilization. Stanley Hall) Wash. Univ. Bull. 41 I45. Undine ; a drama. (W. L. Courtney) F ortn. 77: 1092, Undistinguished Americans. (Rebecca H. Davis) In- -,,__dep. 60: 962. Uncftiing of Apostle Jones. (L. Munsell) Lippinc. 70: (G. {L 367- Hndoing of Charity Randall. (E. H. Porter) New Eng. M. n. s. 301 207- Undoing of a Jockey, The. land, 11. s. 46: 330. Unearned Increment, The. Macmil. 87: 23I. —- Problem of the. (A. Hook) Econ. R. 16: 168, Unemployable, The. (W. G. Cecil) N ational, 47: 307. Unemployed, The. Quar. 202: 624. —(C. T. G. Mas- terman) Contemp. 89: 1o6.—(G. P. Gooch) Con- temp. 89: 406. — and the Poor Law. Quar. 204: $8. (D. M. Morrison) I9th Cent. (C. Ellis Newell) Over- -— and Roads. Spec. 93: 548. —-— and Trade Unions. 59¢ 483- - and the Unemployable. (S. A. Barnett) Econ. R. I 51 385. — and the Unemployed Workman Act. Clay)Monthly R. 21, no. 32 78. — and the Vagrant. Spec. 92: 322. —-— Dealing with the. (J . K. Hardie) 19th Cent. 57! 46. -— English Bill of 1905. (H. B. Lees Smith) Econ. J . I5: 248, -— How to deal with. (F. Thoresby) Westm. I65: 36. —— In England, Problem of the. (E. D. Shields) \Vorld To-day, 8: 623. -— (Agnes C. Laut) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33: 40. — —-— Progress with the. (F. H. Stead) Char. I 5: 579. — in London. (J . Bascom) Bib. Sac. 63: 335. —-— in Winter. Sat. R. 98: 691. —- Lessons of the Mansion House Fund. (W. H. Bev- eridge; H. W. Maynard) Contemp. 86: 629, — Need any Man lack a Job ? (Leroy Scott) World’s Work, 10: 6660, —-— The New Parliament (I906) and the Problem of. (E. F. G. Hatch) 20th Cent. Q. I, no. 1: 99. — Organized Labor and the. (I. H. Mitchell) 19th Cent. 58: 116, — Poor Law and. (N. B. Dearle) Econ. J . I6: 141, ——Problem of the. (O. F. G. Masterman) Indep. R. 4: 553.—(H. V. Toynbee) Econ. R. 25: 291, — —— and Suggestions for its Solution. (W. Carlile) Fortn. 84' 1065. — Question of. (A. Lewis) Overland, n. s. 48: 337. (A. T. F. — Trade—union Expenditure on Benefit of. (E. L. Hartley) J . Statis. Soc. 67: 52. —— Treatment of, in Continental Europe. (Wilson Carlile) 19th Cent. 581 900. —-— Types of the. (B. Alden) Outl., 74: 170. — Village and the. (A. D. Taylor) Indep. R. 5: 101. — Who and Where are the ? Blackw. I77! 449. Unemployed; a story. (Eliz. S. Phelps) Harper, I13: 904- Unemployment and Free Trade. (O. Eltzbacher) 19th Cent. 58: 884.- — in West Ham, Aspects of. (C. W. Alington) Econ. R, 16: 56. —— Municipal Insurance against. Science, n. s. 16: 380, Unexpected, The; a story. (Jack London) Blackw. 130: I64. “—" McClure, 27! 368. Unexpected, The. (Alice Meynell) Liv. Age, 250: 504, Unexpected Letter, The. (Shiela Mahon) Cath. World, 80: 484, Unexpected Strike, The; a story. 451 422- Unexpectedness of Events, The. Liv. Age, 247: 817, (E. Flower) Cent. Spec. 95: 856.: 665 UNITED STATES Unfaith, The Good Faith of ? (C. Coupe) Cath. Q, 31: 131, Unfinished Story, An. (O. Henry) McClure, 25: 422. Unforeseen, The. (Mary Harding) Overland, n. s. 39: 727- Unholy Alliance, The. (R. Ogden) Nation, 81: 414. Uniform, Army, and its Protection. (J . Chester) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33: 53. — Common Sense vs. the Bogus in. Un. Serv. M. 32: 623. Unimak Island, Alaska, Mountains of. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 91. Union and Breadth. (O. Lodge) Hibbert J . 5: 23. Union Label, The. (J . E. Boyle) Am. J . Sociol. 92 163. Union Labor, Efficiency of. (A. J . Boulton) Outl. 73: 715- Union Pacific Railroad, Building of. man) Harper, I09: 711, — Dividends of. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 83: 157. Union-shop Policy, Causes of the. (J . R. Commons) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 6: I40. Unionidae and their Classification. Natural. 37: 102. — Notes on the. (V. Sterki) Am. Natural. 37: 103. (A. F. U. Green) (F. Westdahl) (F. H. Spear- (V. Sterki) Am. Unionism, The Dangers of. (G. R. Halifax) Overland, n. s. 43: 50 5. —- its Past and its Future. (E. B. Iwan-Miiller) Fortn. 85 ' 18 Unionist Party and the Session. Ed. R. 201 I 524. — Members or Machines ? Spec. 92: 723. —— Position of, an Open Letter to the Prime Minister. National, 432 234, 406. — Reform of the. (W. G. H. Gritten) F ortn. 85: 53'. — Reorganization of the. (Marcus R. P. Dorman) Monthly R. 25, no. I! I. Unionized City, A. (G. R. Halifax) Overland, n. s. 42- 4°3- Unit of Social Investigation. (E. A. Ross) Am. J. Sociol. 9: 188, Unitarianism and Foreign Missions. 248. — and Religion in Education. Cath. World, 76: 296, — St. Francis Xavier and. Cath. World, 76: 11, Unitarians and Christianity. Who are Christians ? Outl. 81: 699. ° — Ministerial Education and Sundayschool Work among. (G. Stanley Hall) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 490, United Irish League, The. (A. Webb) Nation, 76: 7. United Mine Workers’ Union of America. (P. Rob- erts) Bib. Sac. 63: 203. United States, The. (Kogoro Takahira) Indep. 59: I449- —— Agriculture Department. Nat. Geog. M. 16: 82. — (W. M. Hays) Outl. 80: 863. — — and the New Farmer. (C. H. Poe) World’s Work, 9: 5951. — — Appropriation for. Science, 11. s. 17: 556. — — Important VVork of the. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 29: 311, —— — Uncle Sam’s Romance with Science and the Soil. (Frank Vrooman) Arena, 34: 561. 35: 36, 159, — — What it does. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 35. —- -— \Vhat the Plant Bureau is doing for the Farmer. (René Bache) Outing, 46: 713. — America and the Alliance. (S. Brooks) Fortn. 771 --1 )- — America at the Cross-roads. Liv. Age, 250: 61. — and England, Animus against Great Britain. (C. Lampman) Canad. M. 191 125. —— — Competition of. (J . Waddell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 514. —- —— Is an Alliance Desirable ? Westm. 158: 579. Cath. World, 76: (A. P. Gilmour) , - - Uniform for. UNITED STATES United States and France. (G. Deschamps) No. Am. 174: 751- - and Great Britain. (G. Harvey) 19th Cent. 55: 529. - - in 1904. (S. B. M. Young) Munsey, 31: 96. - and Italy, Economic Relations of. (L. Luzzatti) No. Am. 177: 247. - and Latin America. (J . Barrett) No. Am. 183: 474. -Monthly R. 22, no. 1: 58.: Ecl. M. 146: 195. - and Russia ; their Historical Relations. (0. S. Straus) No. Am. 181: 237. - Are they a Nation ? (T. Blackburn) Overland, n. s. 46: 181, - Army, and Democracy. (J . S. Pettit) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 33¢ 1. — - and Navy. (W. Fawcett) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 480. 734. - - Athletics in. (A. R. .Chaffee) Outing, 43¢ 707. - - Brain of. (C. E. Latham) Munsey, 29¢ 900. - - Brigading the. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 83: 27. -—- —- The “ Color Line” in the. (Matthew F. Steele) No. Am. 183: 1285, - — Cost of the. Army & Navy Life, 8, no. 72 59. - - Drunkenness in the. (H. Swift) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: 240, — - Esprit de Corps in. (P. E. Traub) J . Mil. Serv. Inst; 34: 181, —(J. P. Jervey) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 341 381- - - Experience of. (C. D. Rhodes) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 187.-(C. E. Hampton) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 399- - — Field Training for. (F. J . Kernan) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 379. - — General Staff. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 76: 125, —(W. H. Carter) No. Am. I75: 558, - - - A Year of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 79: 154. - - How it is now organized. (F. E. LeuPP) World’s Work, 6: 4007. — - in I904. (S. B. M. Young) Munsey, 31¢ 96, - - The Larger Training of the. (Capt. T. B. Mott) Scrib. M. 39: 641. - - Legal Status of Persons in the Military Service. (E. G. Davis) Army & Navy Life, 9: 435. — — Manoeuvres of the Regular, and Organized Mil- itia, combined. (A. L. Wagner) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 62.’ 4 - - Native Troops in New Possessions. (J . W. Ward) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 31: 793. - - The New. (O. G. Villard) Atlan. 89: 437. — - Officers in, Compensation of. (W. R. Hamilton) Army & Navy‘ Life, 9: 269. - - Pay of our Soldiers as affecting Desertion and Reiénlistment. (E. Anderson) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 331 33°. - - Post-graduate Instruction in. (W. H. Carter) Educa. R. 24: 433. - — Promotion in. (J . H. Parker) Forum, 33: 151, — Outl. 74¢ 782. -(O. G. Villard) Nation, 79: 25, - - Real Enemies of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 74: 380. - - Recruiting Service. (W. R. Hamilton) Army & .Navy Life, 9! 593. - -.- Regulations of. (J . Bigelow) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 301 243- - - A Socialism in our Midst. (W. E. P. French) Arena, 32: 32. - - Staff Problems. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 76: 286. —- Training of Cadets for. (E. S. Holden) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 34¢ 420. - (E. S. Holden) Army & Navy Life, 9: 462. - - Types and Traditions of the Old. (Z. R. Bliss) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 120, 303, 517, (C. E. Gillette) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 63. 666 UNITED smrns / United States, Army; Utilization of Native Troops in the Foreign Possessions.. (C. D. Rhodes; J . W. Powell) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 30: 123. _ - - Will America profit by its Recent Military Les- sons? (W. H. Carter) __No. Am. 174: 658. -' - as Pan-American Receiver. (R. Ogden) Nation, 82: 66. — as a Peacemaker. (E. Emory) World’s Work, 4: 2061, - Attitude toward other American Powers. (F. B. Loomis) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 25¢ I9. - Banking and Treasury System of. (J . H. Walker) No. Am. I74: 329. — Boundaries of, Gannett’s. Hist. R. 7: 569. - Bureau of Fisheries. Science, 11. s. 18: 476. - Christian Resources of.‘ (C. W. Heisler) Luth. Q. 32: 415. - Coast and Geodetic Survey. Science, 11. s. I 5: 264. - - of Pacific Coast. (G. Davidson) Californian, I: 60. — - Opportunities for Technically Trained Men in. (J . F. Hayford) Technol. R. 5: 52. - - Shall we dismember it ? Science, 11. s. 18: 474. - - Work of. (O. H. Tittman) Nat. Geog. M. I 3: 1, - (O. H. Tittman) Science, 11. s. 18: 33.—(E. Marshall) World To-day, 10¢ 263. — -- for 1904. Science, 11. s. 21¢ - Colonial Policy and the Tariff. Pol. Econ. 11: 198, - Colonies; Decisions of the Supreme Court on Cus- toms Taxes. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 160, — Commerce and Labor, Dept. of. (F. Emory) World’s Work, 5: 3334. - Commerce ; a German View of the American Peril. (W. VVendlandt) No. Am. 174: 555. - — in 1901. (F. Emory) Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 529. - - Oriental Trade a Menace to. (Wong Kai Kah) No. Am. I78: 414, - — Weather and Trade of 1901. Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 439. — Commercial Expansion, Neglected Factor in our. (A. Halstead) No. Am. 174: 20, - - Will it continue ? (O. P. Austin) World’s Work, 4: 2451- - Commercial Policy since the Civil War, Industrial Causes of. (J . E. Conner) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 23: 43. — -Earlier. (T. W. Page) J. Pol. Econ. 10: 161, — Congress; is it Representative ? (S. J . Barrows) No. Am. I77: 705. - — Making Laws at Washington; Government by the Hierarchy. (H. L. Nelson) Cent. 42: 169, - - Thirty-first, 1849. (A. J . Harlan) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 15: 625, - - Vital Questions before, 1904. (D. B. Henderson) Everybody’s, I0: 3. _ - Constitution, Amendment of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 500. - - Amendments to. - - - The Forgotten. 353- - - - Proposed. (H. L. West) Forum, 33: 213, - - and French Constitution of 1791 : a Comparison. (C. H. Rammelkamp) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 56, _- — and Religion. (S. Mendels) Green Bag, 14: 411, - - Chief-Justice Clark on the Defects of. (G. Smith) No. Am. 183: 845, - - Compromisesof. (M. Farrand) Am. Hist. R. 9: (F. H. Hodder) Am. 5. (R. F. Hoxie) J. (R. DeC. Ward) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 201, (O. G. Villard) Nation, 81: 479- - - Defects in. (W. Clark) Indep. 61: 447. - - Evolution on. (J . B. Leavitt) Arena, 30: 113, - - 14th Amendment. (C. E. Chadsey) Univ. Colo. Stud. 1: 197, UNITED STATES United States, Constitution, 14th Amendment, and Southern Representation. (J . W. Garner) So. Atlan. Q. 4: 209, - — - Judge Parker on. (R. Ogden) Nation, 77: 44. - -French Influence on the Adoption of. (C. A. Duniway) Am. Hist. R. 9: 304. - - Innovations of Time on. (Goldwin Smith) Monthly R. 15, no. 3: 74.=Ecl. M. 143: 337.1“- Liv. Age, 242: 193. - - Interpretation of. (J . Bascom) Yale R. 10: 350. - - New Light on. (C. Becker) Nation, 78: 45, - - Our Changing Constitution. (A. P. Dennis) Atlan. 96: 525. - —- Principles of. - - The Rigid. (M. Storey) M. of Hist. 4: 198. (H. B. Higgins) Pol. Sci. Q. 20: 203. - — A 16th Amendment. (C. W. Thomas) No. Am. 179: 402, - — The Three Amendments to [13, 14, I5]. (J. Bas- com) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 27: 597. - Constitutional History of ; what is it? Thorpe) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 19: 259. - Consular Service. (L. E. Van Norman) Chant. 35: (F. N. 224, - Continental Student on Affairs of. (Dr. E. Reich) National, 43: 323, -— Cost of Living in. (Mrs. Ruth K. Gardiner) Cornh. '90: 181, - Crime in, Cause of. (F. Bausman) Am. Law R. 38: 542- - Defense, Economic Conditions for. (B. Adams) Atlan. 91: 632. - Departments, Business Methods in Administration of. (H. B. Needham) I/Vorld To-day, 9: 1332. - — Overhauling the Circumlocution Ofiice. (\V. M. Daniels) Nation, 81: 112, - Dependencies. Our New Interests. Calif. Univ. Chron. 3: 76. - Development of. (H. Davis) Indep. 56: I072. - Diplomatic History, Formative Incidents in. (E. E. Sparks) Chaut. 34: 381-588. 35: 30-235, - Diplomatic Service. (L. E. Van Norman) Chaut. 35: 121, - Economic History, Recent Changes in. Noyes) Q. J. Econ. 19: 167, - Economic Investigation in. R, 12: 25. (W. Reid) (A. D. (J . H. Hollander) Yale — Education in, English Report on,- 1903. (Anna T. Smith) Educa. R. 26: 402, — Election, 1904, Issues of the Campaign. (S. W. McCall and E. M. Shepard) Atlan. 94: 550. — --A Political Forecast. (E. Pomeroy) Arena, 31: 569. - - -A Symposium. (F. Parsons, C. V. Holman, W. V. Allen, G. F. Washburn, G. E. Littlefield, J . G. Wooley) Arena, 32: 291, See Presidential Election. - Expansion of, Austin on. (E. E. Sparks) Dial, 36': 261. - Expansion of Credit in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 65: 611. - Expenditures of, Growth of. (C. J . Bullock) Pol. Sci. Q. 18: 97. - Exports, Apparent Decline of. M. (Bost.) I6: 89. - Finance, 1890-1900, (O. P. Austin) Nat’l (Jay Cooke) No.Am. I75: 577. —- - The Government and the Banks. (J . H. Eckels) No. Am. 177: 487. — — Sinking Fund and the Public Debt. (H. S. Bou- tell) Forum, 32: 704, - Financial Afiairs in, 1902. Bank. M. (Lond.) 74: 500, - Financial Outlook, 1903. (F. A. Cleveland) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21: 280, 667 UNITED STATES United States; Fish Commission. (C. H. Stevenson) No. Am. 136: 593. ' — -— Marine Biological Laboratory of. Science, 11. s. 17: 676, -— Fisheries, Bureau of. Planting Fish as a Business Enterprise. (R. Bache) Outing, 47: 182, - - What Uncle Sam does for Anglers. (G. R. Pres- ton) Outing, 47: 243. - Foreign Policy, Growth of. Ed. R. 203: 236. - Foreign Trade of. (VV. L. Marvin) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 715. - (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 5: 520. — - and the Tariff. (H. Bolce) Booklover’s M. 6: 244, - - Views of Washington Men on. (H. Bolce) Book- lover’s M. 5: 769. — Future of. (R. Barr) Idler, 27: 373. - Geological Survey. Science, 11. s. 18: 126. - (F. H. Newell) Technol. R. 4: 485. -- and its Bearing upon Science. (J . C. Branner and C. D. Walcott) Science, 11. s. 24: 722. — -— Field Work of, for I902. Nat. Geog. M. 13: 322. — - - for 1904. Science, n. s. 20: 119, - - New Building for. Science, n. s. 23: 294. — — in the Western States, Some Recent Work of. Nature, 71: 450. - - Summer Work of, 1903. Science, 11. s. 18: I37. - - What it has done in 25 Years. Nat. Geog. M. 15: 365, - - Work of. (H. F. Bain) Booklover’s M. 3: 201. — German View of. (J. Bryce) Indep. 59: 119, - Germany, Great Britain and. (J . WV. Burgess) Pol. Sci. Q. 19: 1. - Government, as a Home-maker. (H. Wright) World To-day, I0: 156, - - in the Chicago Strike of 1894. (Grover Cleveland) Fortn. 82: 1. — - More Costly. (F. J . Whiting) Nation, 78: 366, ——Scientific Work of. (S. P. Langley) Scrib. M. 35: 81, — — Three Departments of, and their Relation to each other. (C. E. Littlefield) Green Bag, 18: 72. - Government Buildings, Supervision of. Am. Arch. 80: 99. — Government Printing Ofice, Problem of Federal Printing. (W. S. Rossiter) Atlan. 96: 331. — Government Publications. (C. Abbe) Science, 11. s. 23: 669. - Government Telegraph and Cable Lines. Geog. M. 15: 490. — Great Moral Upheaval in. Cent. 59: 205. - Har‘t’s Actual Government. tion, 78: 253. - History; American History from German Sources. (J . G. Rosengarten) Lippinc. 70: 437. - — Cambridge Modern History, vol. 7. der) Dial, 36: 79. —- - Chancellor and Hewes’s. Dia1.37= 423- - - Channing’s, vol. I. Nat. (C. A. G. Bridge) 19th (A. G. Sedgwick) Na- (F. H. Hod- (St. G. L. Sioussat) (St. G. L. Sioussat) Dial, 39: 83. -- Civil War, Alexandria Quartermaster’s Depot during the. (J . G. C. Lee) J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 11, - - — Andrew’s Railroad Raid. (J . Parrott and F. C. Dougherty) McClure, 21: 498. - - - as seen through Southern Glasses. (H. E. Belin) Am. J. Sociol. 9: 259. - - - Boys in the Union Army. (G. L. Kilmer) Cent. 48: 269. - — - Chesnut’s Diary from Dixie. (W. L. Fleming) Dial, 38: 347. - - — England and the War of Secession. Smith) Atlan. 89: 303. (Goldwin UNITED STATES United States, History; Civil War, Frenchman’s Diary in. (A. Laugel) Nation, 75: 48, 66, 88, 108, — —— — Gordon’s Reminiscences of. (A. A. Woodhull) Nation, 78: 373. — — —— in Retrospect. (W. H. Brawley) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 590, —- — — Jay Cooke and the Financing of. (E. P. Ober- holtzer) Cent. 51: 116, -— -— — Last Days of Lee’s Army. (C. Marshall) Cent. ,41= 932- —— — —— Memories of some Generals of. ford) Lippinc. 76: 754, 77: 124, — -— — My First Command and the Outbreak of the War. (J. B. Gordon) Scrib. M. 33: 515. —- —— — Oates on. (A. A. Woodhull) Nation, 81: 264. — -— -— Personal Recollections of. (W. T. F itch) Conserv. R. 5: 240, -— — — Reminiscences of Generals. (S. H. Beckwith) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 562, —- — —— Sketches of. (W. L. Fleming) M. of Hist. 1: 214. 274. 354- -—- — — A Soldier of N o Battles. (R. Shackleton) Har- per, III: 677. —- — —- Subsistence Department in Alexandria, Va., and Vicinity, I861-65. (G. Bell) J_. Mil. Serv. Inst. 32 I85- —— — —- Union and Confederate Forces. hull) Nation, 80: 149, —- -— -— What a Boy saw of. (Leighton Parks) Cent. 48: 258. — — — Wilson’s Creek, 1861, Left of the Line of Bat- tle at. (H. C. Wood) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 39: 341. —— — Colonial Period, The Scientific Historian and. (T. C. Smith) Atlan. 98: 702, 7 - Elson’s. (E. E. Sparks) Am. Hist. R. 10: 377. -- —— Historic and Scenic Preservation in America. (E. H. Hall) Chant. 371 284. (Wimer Bed- (A. A. Wood- — -— Making of the United States. Quar. 201: 88, -— —- Manuscript Sources for. (H. Putnam) No. Am. 178: 527. — -— Revolution. Letter from a Committee of Mer- chants in Philadelphia to the Committee of Merchants in London, 1769. Pennsyl. M. 27: 84. — -— — Military and Naval Losses. Pennsyl. M. 27: 176. -—— — Southern Confederacy, Memories of its Beginning and End. (L. W. Wright) McClure, 23: 451. —— Hydrographic Office of. (W. H. H. Southerland) Nat. Geog. M. 14: 61. —- Ideals of America. (W. Wilson) Atlan. 90: 721. — Impressions of. (S. Artiaga) Indep. 58: 1414, -—- in European Prophecy. (T. J . Shahan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 5: 424. -— Industrial Position in the World. Forum, 33: 316. — Industries of. (O. P. Austin) Nat. Geog. M. 14: 301, — —— Our Industrial Juggernaut. (J . Strong) No. Am. 183: 1030. -— Interior Department, Work of. (W. H. De Lacy) Cath. World, 79: 61. -—- Is it prepared for War ? (F. L. Huidekop.er) No. Am. 182: 161, 391, -—- Is it a World Power ? (Ignotus) No. Am. 183: 1 107, — Is the Republic passing? (B. 0. Flower) Arena, 301 449- — Journey in, 1832. 34: 106, — Judicature, A Century of. Bag. I51 17-419- — Land and Water of. (C. C. Adams) Nat. Geog. M. 14: 169, -— The Land of Efiort. (Jane H. Findlater) National, 45: 975- (H. Gannett) (G- Billings) New Eng. M. n. s. (Van V. Veeder) Green 668 UNITED STATES United States; Land Laws, Plea for Repeal of the Bad. (H. M. Martin) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 442. —~ Laws of, can be enforced against the States. No. Am. 183: 1239, — a Lesson to Europe. Work, 9: 5645. . — Losses by Fire in. Archit. R. 12: 165. — Map of, on a Scale of 1-1,000,000. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 730. (A. Leroy-Beaulieu) World’s — Maps of, Base. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 98. — Marine Hospital Service. (W. Wyman) Science, n. s. 18: 289. — Military Academy. See West Point. — Military Government in, Thomas on. (F. A. Ogg) Dial, 38: 151. — Mineral Resources of. (C. Kirchhoff) Nat. Geog. M. 14: 331. —- Monetary Disturbance in, Nov., 1902. (F. A. Cleve- land) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 20: 493. - Most Prosperous Period in our History. (R. H. Ed- monds) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 34: 677. —National Administration of, Fairlie on. (D. Y. Thomas) Dial, 39: 12. —— National Feeling in, Growth of. (A. J . Mahan) World’s Work, 3: I763. -— National Museum. Science, 11. s. 17: 556. —-(R. I. Geare) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 496. — National Parks. (J . Muir) N at’l M. (Bost.) I 5: 533. — Nationality in, Evolution of. (St. G. L. Sioussat) Dial, 41: 159. — Naval Academy, In Defense of. (P. Benjamin) Indep. 54: 2743. — — The New. (R. Wainwright) World’s Work, 4: 2269, See Annapolis. — Naval and Military Manoeuvres of. (C. S. Clark) Un. Serv. M. 26: 123. — Naval Defense Problem. (J . C. O’Laughlin) Nat’l ~ M. (Bost.) 17: 133. —— Naval Observatory. 11: 57. -— Naval Policy. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 79: 454. —Navy. No. Am. 182: 321.—-(P. A. Hislam) Un. Serv. M. 34: 16.—(E. O. Sawyer, jr.) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 430. 3 —— — Admirals and Captains for. (Park Benjamin) Indep. 58: 201, — — America Mistress of the Seas. No. Am. 175: 544. — — America’s Bid for Naval Supremacy. Hurd) I9th Cent. 52: 893. —- — and the Barbary Corsairs, Allen’s. (C. F. Good- rich) Nation, 80: 420, —- — and Peace. (G. G. Wilson) Outl. 75: 500. — — as a Business Organization. (O. G. Villard) Na- tion, 80: 347. —-— Beginning of. (P. A. Hislam) Army & Navy Life, 9: 623.—-— (P. A. Hislam)Un. Serv. M. 33: 602.—-(J. R. Spears) Harper, 108: 87, — -— Bibliography of. (Agnes C. Doyle) Nation, 83: 436- — — Continuous Building Programme needed for. (H. Reuterdahl) Outl. 79: 485. — — Efficiency of Engineering Personnel in. Engin. ,_ M. 31: 1. — — Engineering Conditions in. (O. G. Villard) Na- tion, SI: 70. ' — — Extent to which it should be increased. (F. Rodgers) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: 137, —— — General Staff for. Nation, 78: 42.——(P. Benja- min) Indep. 56: 201, — —- Great Need of. (F. E. Chadwick) Munsey, 33: 643. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. (R. P. Hobson) (A. S. UNITED STATES United States; Navy, Greatest Need of . No. Am. 175: 388. —- — Growth of. (C. O. Paullin) Army & Navy Life, 9: 283. —(C. O. Paullin) Un. Serv. M. 33: 233. — — Guns of, Discrediting of. (P. Benjamin) Indep. (R. C. Smith) 56: 609. . — — Imprisonment in. (G. F. Ormsby) Am. Law R. 37: 696. —— — in California. (R. S. Bollard) Calif. M. 1: 293. — — in Review. (J. B. Connolly) Scrib. M. 40: 659. —— —-— Is it getting a “Square Deal”? (P. Benjamin) Indep. 60: 1036, — — its Strategic Disposition. Cassier, 24: 375. —- —— J . P. Jones and the First Triumphs of. (C. H. Lincoln) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 35. (J . C. O’Laughlin) — — Line and Staff Squabble in. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 79: 431. —-— -—- Naval Engineer of the Future. (W. M. McFar- land) Engin. M. 23: 813. — — Needs of. (W. H. Bechler) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci, 26: 161. —— —- The New. (W. H. White) No. Am. 178: 820, — (J. D. Long) Outl. 73: 45. 75: 358. — (G. W. Melville) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 752 561. —(J. D. Long) Outl. 72: 489, 833. —(T. Williams) Atlan. go: 383. —— —— Long on. Ath. ’04, I1 585. —Nation, 78: 52. ~—- —— — Our Modern Blue-jacket. (R. F. Zogbaum) Cent. 473 90. , —- —- Oflicers of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 75: 375. —- —— How to provide. (P. Benjamin) Indep. 54: 2804. — — Oldest Ship in. (G. R. Miller) Munsey, 33: 304. — — on the Pacific Coast, 1847. (J . B. Montgomery) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 31: 709. — -— on the Pacific Coast, 1847. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 321 247- — —— Organization of, and the Personnel Law of 1899. (G. W. Melville) Cassier, 30: 245 -— — Our Actual Naval Strength. No. Am. 176: 376. —- — A Plea for an Engineer Corps in the Navy. (S. B. Luce) No. Am. 182: 74. — — A Plea for Steammanship in the. Wilmot) No. Am. I82: 875. —— — Promotions in. (O. O. Villard) Nation, 81: 71, — — Rear—Admiral G. W. Melville, U. S., and Applied Science in Construction of the New Fleet. (R. H. Thurston) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 183. — — The Scientific Work of. (C. M. Chester) Cassier, 26: 62. — — Secret of our Naval Strength. (L. L. Driggs) Munsey, 26: 879. —- —Shall it be increased? (J. D. Long) Indep. 58! 639. — — Some Neglected Naval Lessons of the Spanish War. No. Am. 174: 338. 1G. W. Melville) (S. Eardley- —— — Strength of. (G. W. Melville) J . Frankl. Inst. I58: 209, -— — Uncle Sam’s Seven Navies. (S. E. Moffett) Mun- sey, 33: I03- — — We need Battleships. (F. Palmer) Coll. W. 34, no. 18: 22, —— - What it needs. Nation, 81 : 516, —- —-— Who are the Dreamers ? (R. Ogden) Nation, 76: 146. ‘ ——- — With the Attacking Fleet; a story of the War Game. (J . Barnes) Outl. 72: 322. —— Navy Department, The. (A. T. Mahan) Scrib. M. 33‘ 567- - —— Opportunities for Technically Trained Men in. (F. A. Hunnewell) Technol. R. 51 180. 669 UNITED STATES United States, New Militia Law of. (C. S. Clark) Un. Serv. M. 28: 593, . — New Possessions and the English Language. (G. D. Broomell) Indep. 54: 2242, — Opportunity of. (A. Carnegie) No. Am. 174: 606, — A Parsimonious Employer. (T. L. James) No. Am. 182: 266. — Politics in. (E. Pomeroy) Arena, 28: 66. — — The Coming Radical Party in America. Low) Monthly R. 17, no, 1: 106. —— — The Coming Realignment. (J . A. Edgerton) In- den 591 359- — — in 1904; the Nation’s Parting of the Ways. Olney) Harv. Grad. M. 13: 48. — — A New Departure in. (H. H. Bowen) Contemp. 89: 218, — Population; Weak Spot in the Republic. (J . Weston) 19th Cent. 52: 905. i — Position among the Nations. (Seth Low) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 26: I. — Post-ofiice Department; Aid which it might ren- der to Commerce. (J . B. Walker) Cosmopol. 36: no p. — — Telegraph Private Line in Ofiice of 4th Assistant Postmaster-general. (W. Melville) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 23: 631. —Presidential Election. (F. C. Howe) Indep. R. 43 589. — Primacy of, among the Nations. Sewanee, I2: 231, —- Public Debt. (0. P. Austin) No. Am. 1752 566. -— Public Documents and their Catalogs. (Edith E. Clarke) Lib. J. 312 317. -— — a Disinterested Publisher. 28: 461, — — Distribution and Selection of. Lib. J. 27: 936. — Public Lands for Home Seekers. M. (Bost.) I6: 698, — The Republic, and the Dominion. (F. B. Tracy) N 0. Am. 177: 578. (A. M. (R. (C. W. Turner) (M. T. Earle) Lamp, (L. C. Ferrell) (P. Gibson) Nat’l — — in 1904. (W. J . Hendrick) Arena, 30: 598. ——Republic of America. (J . P. Dolliver) Indep. 54: I574. . -— Scenery; Historic and Scenic Preservation in America. (E. H. Hall) Chaut. 37: 284. ——Senate, Representative Inequality of. (S. Baxter) No. Am. 177: 897. — Soil and Products of. M. 14: 263. — Strength of the Republic. 25: 1, — Superintendent of Documents, Work of the Ofiice of. Lib. J. 27: 936. -— Supreme Court. (D. J . Brewer) Scrib. M. 33: 273. — — and its Influence on History. (F. T. Hill) Apple- ton’s M. 8: 9. — —— Appointments to the. 18: 657, — Tenth Decade of. (W. G. Brown) Atlan. 952 577, 766. 96: 31-760, 97: 465. — Territorial Expansion of. (J . B. Moore) Harper, 110: 863. — Topographic Atlas, Work on. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 676. — Topographic Surveys of, in 1905. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 16. —— Trade of, Foreign, Meaning of Recent Expansion of. (B. Adams) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser. 3: 80. — Trade with Cuba and the Philippines. (C. R. Ed- wards) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 191 370. -— Trade with Hawaii and Porto Rico. (O. P. Aus- (H. W. Wiley) Nat. Geog. (W. Reid) Educa. R. (J . Schouler) Green Bag, tin) Ann. -Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 191 377. UNITED STATES United States; Trade Extension. (G. B. Cortelyou) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 24: I. — Treasury of. (F. A. Vanderlip) Scrib. M. 33: 400. —-— and the Money Market. (C. A. Conant) R. of Rs. (N.Y.) 27: 75. — Treasury Department. R. 6: 37. — Twenty Years of the Republic, 1885-1905. (H. T. Peck) Bookman, 20: 422, 519. 21: 31, 142, 293. 22: 39-587. 23: 153-388. — Two English Viewpoints of, 1796-1396. (S. G. Mor- rison) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: 728. —-vs. Spain. (J. Cadby) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 352 406. 36= 305- —- War of 1812, British Operations in 1814-15. (Archi- bald Forbes) Cosmopol. 38: 577. ‘ —— War Department, Administration of Civil Govern- ment by. (C. E. Magoon) Scrib. M. 34: 85. —- —— Change in. Outl. 75: II. — — Military Administration by. Scrib. M. 33: 661, -— Wealth of, Who owns ? (S. S. Pratt) World’s Work, 73 4259- — Weather Bureau, and Recent Floods. (H. C. Frank- enfield) Nat. Geog. M. I4: 285. — — its Various Activities in Saving Life and Prop- erty. (G. H. Grosvenor) Cent. 48: 161, —— Western Empire, Knights and Barons of our. ‘ (J . L. Cowan) Overland, n. s. 48: 251, . — When Uncle Sam plays War. (Helen F. Sanders) Overland, n. s. 48: 259. —-— Wilson’s History of the American People. (F. J . Turner) Am. Hist. R. 82 76Z.—-(G. M. Harper) Bk. Buyer, 251 589. —(G. L. Beer) Critic, 42: 2 (J . E. Woodwell) Technol. (W. H. Carter) 17 . United States Shipbuilding Co. ' (H. W. Lanier) World’s Work, 7: 4444, United States Steel Corporation. (G. E..Walsh) Cas- sier, 24: 346. ' — Bond Conversion, Later History of. ley) Q. J. Econ. 19: 316. —Bondsof. (H. L. Wilgus) Q. J. Econ. 17: 501.-—- (E. S. Meade) Q. J. Econ. 18: 221, - — Capitalization of. (E. S. Meade) Q. J . Econ. 16: 214, — — Meade on. (G. C.Selden) Q.J. Econ. 16: 451. — (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 74: 204. — Dividend of. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 77: 294. — Finances of. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 74: 283.— (R. S. Minot) Nation, 77: 319, — Story of the World’s Largest Corporation. Walker) Cosmopol. 35: 685. 36: 120, United States Uniform Abroad. (F. Morris) Army & Navy Life, 9, no. 22 50. United States of Europe. (W. Z. Rip- (J. B. (E. Crawford) Fortn. 80: 992- United Verde Copper Co. Mine, Jerome, Arizona. (Sharlot M. Hall) Out West, 25: 3. United Workman, The; a story. (A. B. Paine) Cent. 45= 657- Unity of Belief, The Search for. (F. Hammond) Int. J . Ethics, 13: 466. , — of the World. (A. H. Bradford) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 2: 227, —— Problem of, and the Noetic Power of the Heart. (H. B. Mitchell) Monist, I 5! 587. Universal Brotherhood School, Point Loma, Cal. F. Lummis) Out West, 18: 35. , Universal Library, The Proposed. Pub. Lib. I0: 129, Universal Service, The Educational Value of. (N. Bellairs) Un. Serv. M. 292 261. . Universals, Metaphysical Status of. (W. H. Sheldon) Philos. R. 14; :95. (C. 670 UNIVERSITIES Universe, The, and Beyond. (C. J . Keyser) Hibbert J . 3: 300. — as an Organism. (S. Newcomb) Science, n. s. 17: 121. - -— Extent of the. (S. Newcomb) Harper, I09: 795. — Has it an Intelligent Background and Purpose ? (J . H. Hyslop) Internat. J. Ethics, 14: 419. — Is it limited ? (VV. H. S. Monck) Knowl. 26: I 32. -— Life in the. Ed. R. 200: 59. - — Making of the. (J . H. Freese) Cent. 43: zoo. —— Material, The End of. (Jacob Cooper) Ref. Ch. R. s<>= 536. - - Newcomb’s Study of. I 5: 220, -— Origin of. (T. K. Payton) N. Church R. 13: 39. -— Problem of. (S. Newcomb) Internat. Mo. 5: 394. — Problems of, The New. (S. Newcomb) Harper, 107: 872. — Riddle of. (A. W. Roberts) Chamb. J. 79: 705. — Shape of. (H. Macpherson, jr.) Pop. Astron. I4: 385- . —- A Theory of. (T. F. Moses) N. Church R. 12: 240. — Weight of Interstellar Medium Greater than that of > Stars. (A. von Brandis) Pop. Astron. I4: I62. Universities, American, and German. (H. W. Die- drich) Science, 11. s. 201 I 57. — —.- Extreme Expansion of the Course of Study in. (W. L. Bryan) Educa. R. 31: 135. —— — Government in. (A. S. Draper) Educa. R. 28: 228, —-— — Material vs. Intellectual Development of. (A. G. Mayer) Science, n. s. 20: 44. ' — — Personal Notes among. (P. Bigelow) Indep. 54: 672, — — Some Characteristics of. (H. R. Reichel) Nature, 7 31 44- — —— their Resemblances and Differences. Eliot) Educa. R. 31: (W. G. Cady) Science, 11. s. (C. W. l09.=Science, n. s. 22: 769. —— and Business Methods. (J . McK. Cattell) Indep. 59¢ 1'14- — and Cdmmercial Education. (W. J . Ashley) No. Am. 176: 31. — and the Fine Arts. Archit. Rec. 13: 388. — and the Public. (A. Lewis) Arena, 27: I57. — and the State. Nature, 70: 271. — The Earliest, and the Latest. (W. Petersen) Univ. of Chic. Rec. IO: 1, —— Eastern and Western. (E. B. Andrews) Indep. 57: 673. —- English, and Russia. (N. W. Clayton) Longm. 43: 37- - — Finances of. (A. T. S. Goodrich) Blackw. I72: 4 35- Making of New. (Sidney Webb) Cornh. 87: 530. — —— The New. (D. Hall) Outl. 83: 979. — —— State Support for. Educa. R. 28: 208, — German, Students at. (J . F. Crowell) Science, n. s. 19: 594- — vs. French. (A. C. Fontaine) Educa. 22: 308. — — Statistics of Students. Science, n. s. 22: 769, — Gifts to ; Dubious Wealth and Academic Ideals. (A. R. Kimball) Outl. 74: 286. — Spec. 90: 448, — in France, Popular. (H. Mackenzie) Temp. Bar, 126: 98. - — in relation to Research. (J . London) Science, n. s. 15: 1001.:-Nature, 66: 358, — Influence of, upon Historical Writing. son) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 6: 294. -- Influence of Brain Power on History. (Sir N. Lock- yer) Science, n. s. 18: -385, 417, — Irish, Question of. Quar. I97: 569. — (S. Gwynn) Fortn. 83: 919. (J . F. Jame- UNIVERSITIES Universities, Modern Needs in. (Andrew Carnegie) Nature, 74: 648. -— Religion in. (W. A. Scott) Wis. Alum. M. 8: 88. — Shall Artists be trained in? (H. R. Marshall) Scrib. M. 33: 253. — Southern. (E. Mims) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 22: 261, — State. Atlan. 89: 536. —— (W. S. Harwood) Scrib. M. 341' 481- —— —— and Research. (T. C. Chamberlain) Science, 11. s. 20: 161, —. — Function of. (E. J. James) Science, 11. s. 22: 609, — — Religious Situation in. (W. A. Scott) Bib. World, 26: 20, — —Salaries in. (C. W. Foulk and R. F. Earhart Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 423. » — — Some Unrecognized Functions of our. (J . B. Johnson) Wis. Alum. M. 1: 49. — their Aims, Duties, and Ideals. Nature, 69: 38. — Voice of the Scholar. (D. S. Jordan) Atlan. 92: 32. University, The, and the Continuation School. (W. L. Hervey) Chaut. 41: 251, —— and Democracy. (W. R. Harper) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 67. — and Industrial Discipline and Methods. (F. W. Tay- lor) Science, 11. s. 241 577. -—— and the Graduates. ( . G. Eells) Calif. Univ. Chron. 7: 223. — and tits Relation to Modern Life. Calif. Univ. Chron. 1: 201, — and its Relation to the State. (W. E. Ritter) Calif. Univ. Chron. II 97. ' —— and Modern Life. (Nicholas M. Butler) Educa. R. (A. R. Forsyth) (E. J . James) 28= 394- -— and the State. (E. S. Jaynes) Univ. of Tenn. Rec. 1: 29'. —- and this Teacher. (J . L. Spalding) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 4: 141. —— and the World’s Great Workshop. (J . A. Brashear) Science, n. s. 24: 641. —At the. Blackw. I77: 351.:Liv. Age, 245: 231. IEcl. M. 144: 823, —— The Church and the. Chic. Rec. 2: 129, —— Functions of a, in a Commercial Centre. (H. Rash- dall) Econ. R. 12: 60, — The Girl at the. (A. S. Mayhew) Wis. Alum. M. (J. H. Vincent) Univ. of s= 341. . -— Ideal of a. (C. Waldstein) No. Am. 177: 416. -— Impress‘of the. (H. T. Peck) Colum. Univ. Q. 6: 1, — in the Modern State, Sir O. Lodge on. Nature, 67: I93. 433- 68= 25. 241. 357. - Launching of a. (D. C. Gilman) Scrib. M. 31: 327, —- Life at a. Blackw. 177: 351. -— Modern, Place of, in the State. (G. H. Bryan) Na- t11Ie.74= 537- —— Northern, Movement for a ; Liverpool, Leeds, Shef- field. (T. Baines) National, 46: 1084, — Observations in a Big. (E. K. Tompkins) Nation, 67: 67, 88, -— Present Problems of the. 28: 478. —— Service of Science to the, and the Response of the University. (H. S. Pritchett) Univ. of Chic. Rec. (E. D. Perry) Educa. R. 7: 31. -—— Shall it become a Business Corporation ? (H. S. Pritchett) Atlan. 96: 289. —- Should it be Central Jiuthority in School System ? (A. F. Lange) Calif Univ. Chron. 2: 180. —— The State vs. the. (C. C. Stratton) Californian, 3: 457. 671 UNIVERSITY University; Town and Gown. (W. M. Sloane) Science, 11. s. 23: 529. — True Functions of a Great. (G. T. Ladd) Forum, 33: 33- ——True Idea of. (J. Le Conte) Calif. Univ. Chron. 1 . 3. — Undergraduate and the. (E. A. Birge) Wis. Alum. M. 4: 321. -—What is a? (W. F. Lord) 19th Cent. 55: 467. — (E. R. Sill) Californian, 3: 452, University of California, The. (E. E. Brown) Land of Sun. 12: 9.—(V. Henderson) Overland, n. s. 40: 312, ' — and the Accrediting of Secondary Schools. Richardson) School R. 10: 615, — and its Future. (B. I. Wheeler) Land of Sun. 12: 4. — Dramatics at. (O. Birdsall) Overland, n. s. 44: 207, — Greek Amphitheater. (N. V. De Sanchez) Out West, 202 2I.—(C. G. Fisk) Overland, n. s. 43: I43. — Hearst Architectural Competition, Jurors’ Visit. Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 277. — Record of I901. (V. Henderson) Calif. Univ. Chron. 4= 277- -- Summer Surveying Class of. land, 11. s. 46: 362, — True History of the Founding of. Overland, n. s. 39: 833. University of Chicago. (H. P. Judson) Munsey, 34: 1 5 3. — (G. E. Vincent) Outl. 17: 839. —— and its Presidency. Science, 11. s. 19: 661, ,— Decennial Publications. (E. Parsons) Dial, 3 5: 88. — Investigations in Progress at. Science, 11. s. 28: 374. —_ Library Plans. Lib. J . 28: 70, — School of Education; a Radical Experiment. F. Bain) Booklover’s M. 4: 589. —- Ten Years of. (F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation. 78: 85, University of Edinburgh, New Physical and Engineer- ing Departments. Nature, 75: 20, University of Illinois. (S. S. Colvin) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 43- — What the New President is planning for. James) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 441. University of London. Church Q. 58: 414. -— Physiological Research Laboratory of. Nature, 71: 441. University of Pennsylvania, Astronomical Observa- tions, 1905. (T. J. J. See) Pop. Astron. 14: 393. — Houston Hall. (H. W. Tyler) Technol. R. 2: 110. University of Southern California. (G. W. VVhite) Land of Sun. 9: 89. University of Texas and its New President. Garrison) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 32: 682, — Establishment of. (O. M. Roberts) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. I: 233. University of Virginia, The. (T. N. Page) Scrib. M. 37: 396.— (C. W. Kent) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 31: 452- — Revivified. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 80: 305, University Administration. (E. B. Andrews) Educa. R. 31: 2I7.——-Science, n. s. 22: 844. University Barge Club of Philadelphia, Early Years of. (J. B. Thayer) Pennsyl. M. 29: 282, University Building. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: (L. J. (C. S. Haley) Over- (S. L. Lupton) (H. (E. J. (G. P. 330- University Club of Milwaukee. (G. P. Robinson) Wis. Alum. M. 1: 365. University Competition for Graduate Students. Sci- ence, n. s. 20: 25. University Constituencies and Unionists in England. Sat. R. 101: 163. UNIVERSITY University Control. (J . J . Stevenson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 61: 396. 69: 385.-—(J. M. Cattell) Science, n. s. 23: 475- . University Development, American, Direction of. (A. T. Hadley) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 11 37. University Education and National Life. (R. C. J ebb) Nature, 72: 545. =Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 647. ~— in France, I371-I90I. Nature, 68: 323. — in Ireland. (B. J . Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 28.- (E. Thomas O’Dwyer) Dub. R. 138: 343. —— in Two Weeks. (E. W. Gaillard) Lib. J . 28: 8. — Some Aspects of. (R. C. J ebb) Macmil. 88: 268. University Extension. (J . A. R. Marriott) Indep. R. 4‘ 45- _ — and Public Libraries. (S. V. Seybold) Pub. Lib. 10: 512. — for Catholics. (J . H. McMahon) Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: 171, —— in England. Acad. 66: 108, 256. -—(H. M. Stephens) Calif. Univ. Chron. 3: 225.— Sat. R. 94: 227. — is Superficial. Sat. R. 961 227. University Extension Methods, an Aid to Libraries. (J. Nolen) Lib. J. 28: 225, - University Government. (J . M. Stillman) Science, 11. s. 23: 5 36. University Graduates, Statistics of. (J . H. Parmelee) Yale R. 14: 71, University Ideals. (W. C. Lawton) Nation, 77: 319. —(E. A. Birge) Wis. Alum. M. 3: 379. -— American and German. (S. Von Sternburg) Sewa- nee, 12: 361. University Investigator, to what Extent should he be freed from Teaching? (D. S. Jordan) Science, 11. s. 24: 129. University Labor Union, A. 131. University Library, Student Circulation in a. Koch) Lib. J. 31: 758. University Life, (British) Empire and. Nature, 72: 217. — Ethical Influences in. Ethics, 16: 145. University Magazines, Early. Acad. 69: 980. University Presidency. (A. S. Draper) Atlan. 97: 34. University President, The. (W. N. Stearns) Forum, 381 250. — (S. Mathews) World To-day, II: 710. University Professors, American Method of Appoint- ing. (S. Lee) Science, n. s. 18: 89. University Questions concerning the Common Schools. (A. S. Draper) Educa. R. 27: 109. University Reform. (I. Flagg) Calif. Univ. Chron. 2: 190. — in India. Quar. I97: 234. University Registration Statistics. (G. B. Germann) Science, 11. s. 15: 16. — (R. Tombo) Science, 11. s. 16: 1021. 18: 737. 20: 909. 22: 729. 24: 793, University Representation in Parliament. Spec. 90: (A. F. Irvine) Outl. 82: (T. W. (C. H. Toy) Internat. J. 79- University Salaries ; what the University loses by un- derpaying. (E. H. Pope) Educa. R. 31: 5 5. University Settlement, Wisconsin. (H. H. Jacobs) Wis. Alum. M. 6: 65. See Settlements. University Spirit. (T. P. Bailey, jr.) Calif. Univ. Chron. It 104, University Studies, Upper Division. Calif. Univ. Chron. 8: 151. University Tendencies in America. (D. S. Jordan) Calif. Univ. Chron. 6: 4. = Pop. Sci. Mo. 63: 141, University Training, American. (W. Kuchler) Educa. R. 32: 371. —- and the Doctoral Degree. 24: 261, (A. F. Lange) (R. Macdougall) Educa. 672 URAGA University Training for Business Men. Educa. R. 29: 217. University’s Duty to the State. Univ. Chron. 6: 1. Unknown, The; a story. 22: 659. Unknown God, The. (H. B. M. Watson) Indep. R. 7: (S. N. Patten) (G. C. Pardee) Calif. (H. R. Durant) McClure, 414- Unknown Quantity, An. (K. F. Hills) Temp. Bar, 128: 416. Unlucky Alibi, An. (E. Flower) Cosmopol. 40: 719. Unlucky Children. (H. A. Rose) Folk-Lore, 13: 63. Unlucky Strike, The. (R. Greene) Ecl. M. 147: 273. Unmanifested Destiny; a story. (E. R. White) Har- per, 1o4: 895. Unopened Letter; a story. (Mary S. Lewis) Cosmo- pol. 351 446. Unpardonable Sin, The; a story. (E. Fawcett) Mun- sey. 28= 492- Unpopularity of Private Pagett; a story. (W. P. Drury) Cornh. 87: 635. Unprepared, The. (Alice D. Miller) Scrib. M. 352 358. Unpublished Author, An. (E. Thomas) Atlan. 90: 834, Unreal Reality, An; a Tale ofthe Desert. (L. M. Dake) Arena, 27: 303, Unrecorded Incident, An. Age, 2402 284. Unregenerated, The; a Story of the Virginia Blue Longm. 43: 147. =1 Liv. Ridge. (L. Denison) Everybody’s, 7: 440. Unremembering June; a story. (A. M. Roach) Har- per. 1101 397- Unrequited Vigil; a story. (W. Holloway) Canad. M. 24: 268. Unromantic Affair, An. (E. R. Matheson) Idler, 26: 586 Unscieritific Story, An. (L. J . Strong) Cosmopol. 34: 411. Unseen, Reality of the. Spec. 94: 397. - Unshared Secret, An. (Florence Montgomery) Temp. Bar, 126: 641. Unskilled Laborer, An; a story. Harper, 112: 407. Unto the Day; a story. 19: 404- Untold Tale, The. extra no. I. Untrnth, The Note of, and some Recent Books. Taber Cooper) Bookman, 24: 244, (M. K. Champion) (H. G. Dwight) Bookman, (A. L. Holland) Chamb. J. 81: (F. — A Scientific Sketch of. (G. Gore) Monist, I6: 96. -Some Unnoticed Evils of. (W. I. Cranford) So. Atlan. Q. 1: 361, Unwilling Delilah, An. (E. M. Tybout) Lippinc. 72: 119. Up above the World so High; a story. (A. S. Pier) Atlan. 981 96. “ Up Baldwin’s Crick.” (M. E. Benson) New Eng. M. n. s. 28: 33. Up in the Clouds with the Crooked Steel. (W. D. Hulbert) Outl. 751 535. Up the Lone Hollow Branch ; a story. (H. J . Moor- house) Canad. M. 22: 277, Up the River of Glass. (E. S. Babcock) Outing, 47: 206. Up Top. (Ellen J . Cooley) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 749, Upanishads, Kingdom of Heaven and the. (C. John- ston) Open Court, 19: 705, Upham, Hannah, a Pioneer Educator. (M. L. Bum- pus) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 541. Upham, Samuel Foster, with portrait. Meth. R. 66: 9. Uplifting 17,000 Employees. (L. Lewis) World’s Work. 92 5939- ‘ Uppingham School. Sat. R. 96: 666. Upsala, University of. (C. F. Thwing) Harper, 108: 790. Uraga Bay, July, 1853. Overland, n. s. 41: 63. URALI-TE Uralite. Am. Arch. 78: 29. Uranium and Uranyl Phosphate, Determination of, by the Zinc Reductor. (O. _S. Pullman, jr.) Am. J . Sci. 166: 229, Uranophane, Occurrence of, in Georgia. (T. L. Wat- son) Am. J. Sci. 1632 464. Urban II., Pope; Speech at Clermont, I095. Munro) Am. Hist. R. 11: 231. Urban Districts, Smaller, of England and Wales. A. Welton) J . Statis. Soc. 671 I. Urbane, Spirit of the. Spec. 951 353. Urbino, Royal Raphael Academy. (J . Morris-Moore) Art J . 55: 97. . Urbs in Rure. (Mrs. I. Zangwill) Lippinc. 73: 690, Urga and the Tashi Lama. Blackw. I78: 111. Uri, Lake. (S. H. M. Byers) Californian, 6: 120. Uriconium, At; a sketch. (J . Masefield) Acad. 65: (D. C. (T. 271, Urine; Problem of Renal Function. (H. Meyer) Sci- ence, n. s. 22: 654, Urn-burial, Aboriginal in U. S. (C. B. Moore) Am. Anthropol. 6: 660, Urte, Pierre d’ and the Basque Language. -. (D. S. Dodgson) Am. J . Philol. 23: 151. Use of it, The; a story. (E. Boltwood) Scrib. M. 35: 412, Useless, Plea for the. (W. H. D. Rouse) Cornh. 91:643. =Liv. Age, 245: 595. =Ec1. M. 145: 123, “Useless” Knowledge. (F. C. S. Schiller) Mind, 27: 196. Uselessness. Spec. 94: 634. Usurpation as an Issue. (A. G. Sedgwick)Nation, 78: 284. — The Great. Utah, Colossal Bridges of. (W. Trickett) Am. Law R. 40: 356. (W. W. Dyar) Cent. 46: 5°5- — Picturesque. (G. L. Browne) Calif. M. 4: 101. — Social and Political Conditions. (G. L. Browne) Calif. M. 3: 340. Utah Alkali Land reclaimed and cultivated. Myers) Out West, 18: 976. Utica, N. Y., Pioneers of, Two Notable. (J. C. Bro- gan) Cath. World, 761 77. Utilitarian Ethics, Domain of. (G. L. Roberts) Int. J. Ethics, 13: 320. Utilitarian Science. (H. C. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 66: 76. Utilitarianism, Empirical. (J . J . Fox) Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: 292. — English, Albee’s History of. 13: 51, — Extreme. (W. H. Dilworth) Arena, 28: 281. Utilitarians, English, Leslie Stephen on. (R. Latta) Internat. J . Ethics, 12: 376. Utility, Some Remarks on. (A. C. Pigou) Econ. J . 131 58. Utility-man, The; a story. (A. Constance Smedley) Temp. Bar, 126: 357. --Liv. Age, 235: 116. Utopia, The Expansion of. (W. P. Reeves) National, 45: 806, —— The Land of Nowhere. (J . Iverach) Crit. R. (G. E. Vincent) Chaut. 44: 90- —A Modern. Ed. R. 202: 56. — (H. G. Wells) Fortn. 82¢ 74°—III6. —-(V. Paget) Fortn. 86: 1123, Utopias, Some Literary. (A. R. Merriam) Hartf. Sem. Rec. 8: 203. Vacaresco, Helene. Bk. News, 22: 1120, Vacation as enjoyed by the Poor Man. Sat. R. 98: 136. —at Home. (E. B. Powell) Indep. 60: 1363.—Lit. W. (Bost.) 35: 227. — in August, How best to spend. (F. North) Every- 'b0d1”s.9= I43. ' (57i3 "IALlLlEl§III[lIl§ Vacation, Most Healthful. (A. T..'_Bristow) World’s Work, 6: 3549. — on the Instalment _Plan. 11- 8- 44¢ 455- — Philosophy of the. (A. Lewis) Overland, n. s. 45: 16. — A Sensible. (Charlotte P. Gilman) Indep. 60: 1337. Vacation Camps for Boys. (S. W. Truslow) Ctry Life Am. 42 I2.——(E. De Merritte) Indep. 57: 262. Vacation Colony, The. (C. Wendte) Char. 9: 169. Vacation Days of Henry Hudson, jr. (W. B. Ashley) Outing. 44= 544- Vacation School, First, in England. Good Words, 44: (H. French) Overland, 283. Vacation Schools. Char. 9: 220.— (J . M. Greenwood) Educa. 222 626. — Indep. 561 1792. —and Playgrounds. (H. S. Curtis) Harper, I05: 22, — (S. American) Educa. 26: 509, 614, — Spread of. (Adele M. Shaw) World’s Work, 8: 5405. Vacations, Business of. (L. Perry) World’s Work, 6: 3506- — Distribution of, at American Universities. (C. S. Minot) Science, 11. s. I 5: 441. — for the Workers. (F. Matthews) World’s Work, 6: 3516- . — not always a Change. Sat. R. 98: 231. Vaccination, The Case for. (C. E. A. Winslow) Sci- ence, n. s. 18: 101, — English Law of. (J . C. McVail) N ature, 67: 254. —- Is it a Disastrous Delusion? (E. B. McCormick) Westm. 162: 161. — Opposition to. (G. B. Shaw) Sat. R. 93: I41, I73. — Protective Value of. (J . Fergusson) Canad. M. 18: 510, -— Rationale of. (G. A. Reid) ,Monthly R. 6, no. 1: 103, — Statistics of. (C. E. A. Winslow) Am. Statis. Assoc. 8: 279. — What is Pure Lymph ? Westm. I65: 307. Vachell, Horace Annesley. Brothers. Monthly R. 16, no. 3: 17, Vacillation of Benjamin Gaumer, The. (Elsie Sing- master) Cent. 49: 707. Vacuum, Effects of, on Steam Economy. (R. M. Neil- son) Engin. M. 29: 230, 388, 537. Vacuum-tube Lighting. (D. McF. Moore) Cassier, 26: Vagabonds, The. Liv. Age, 249: 170, Vagaries of Tod and Peter. (L. Allen Harker) Longm. 45¢ 44°- Vagrancy, Inadequacy of Penal Enactments. (J . Hon- eyman) Westm. I62: 41, —— Repression of, a Means of ameliorating the Condi- tion of the Slums. (J . Honeyman) Westm. I61: 188. — Vacant Lot Gardens vs. (R. F. Powell) Char. 13: 25. Vagrancy Committee, Report of the. (G. Lansbury) Econ. J. 16: 303. Vaile, Reginald, Collection of 18th Century French Pictures. (F. Rinder) Art J . 541 I49. Vaill, Joseph ; an Early Dartmouth Student. Brownell Spencer) New Eng. M. n. s. 322 282. Vain Threads. (Mrs. Isabel Smith) Chamb. J . 81: 561. Valais, Legends of. (Agnes Repplier) Cath. World, 82: 302, Valdes, A. Palacio, Novels of. (S. G. Morley) Poet- Lore, 16, no. 3: '92. “ Valdivia,” Voyage of the. Age, 233: 793' — — Chun on the. (L. A. B.) Nature, 65: 409. Valency, Werner’s Doctrine of. (A. Smithells) Nature, (A. Ed. R. 195: 189. -T-Liv. 73¢ 43”- Valentine,JBasil, a great Pre-Reformation Chemist. (J. J. Walsh) Am. Cath. Q. 31: 342, Valentine, E. A. N., a Nefloet. (J . L. Allen) Outl. 71¢ 935- VALENTINE Valentine, E. Virginius, a Sculptor of the South. (K. L. Bosher) Outl. 83: 961. Valentine, John J., President Wells-Fargo Express Co., with portrait. (C. A. Moody) Out West, 16: 159. Valentines. Spec. 96: 249. Valera, Juan. (J . D. Fitz-Gerald) Bookman, 21: 355. Valerian Persecution, Healy on the. (W. H. Johnson) Nation, 81: 346, Valet of the Pastor. (M. F. Egan) Cent. 45¢ 217. Valjean. (L. N. Clark) Cent. 43: 880. Valley of Content. (C. B. Davis) Everybody’s, I2: 449. Valley of Lost Children; a story. (W. H. Hodgson) Cornh. 93¢ 214. Valley of Refuge. (A. L. Provost) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 325. Valley of the Shadow, The; a story. (Josephine D. Daskam) Idler, 23: 106. Valley of Wonders, A New, in Southern Utah. Dellenbaugh) Scrib. M. 35¢ 1. Valley Forge, Speech at. (Theodore Roosevelt) Indep. 57 1 19- - then and now. (B. Millard) Cosmopol. 40: 483. Vallotton, Felix. (C. Brinton) Critic, 42¢ 325. Valognes; a Norman Town. (Mary K. Waddington) Scrib. M. 39: 689, ' Valor; Phi Beta Kappa Poem. Grad. M. 11: 5. (F. S. (N. S. Shaler) Harv. Valparaiso, An American Girl’s Visit to. (M. MacMa- hon) Cath. World, 77¢ 620. - Earthquake at. Am. Arch. 90: 156, ~ Value, Fetter’s Theory of. (R. F. Hoxie) Q. J . Econ. 19: 210, - Marshall and Edgeworth on. (A. Loria) Econ. J . I6: 365. - - Prestige. (L. M. Keasbey) Q. J. Econ. 17: 456. - Question of. Bib. World, 26: 3. - Ricardo’s Theory of. (J . H. Hollander) Q. J . Econ. 18: 455. - Suggestions on the Theory of. Econ. 19: 573. - Theory of. (T. N. Carver) Q. J. Econ. 17: 185, Value-judgments of Religion. (A. E. Garvie) Expos. 6th ser. 8: 182, 294, Valves for Air and Gas Compressors, Progress in. (L. Allen) Engin. M. 29: 531. Vambéry, Arminius, with portrait. Acad. 67: 381. - Memoirs of. Ath. ’04, 2: 689. - (W. Rice) Dial, 38: 267.-(D. B. Macdonald) Nation, 80: 295,- Sat. R. 98¢ 518, Vanadic Acid, Reduction of, by the Action of Hydro- chloric Acid. (F. A. Gooch and L. B. Stookey) Am. J. Sci. 164: 369, Vanbrugh, Sir J. Am. Arch. 83: 103. 88: 86. - Architect of Blenheim. (R. H. Titherington) Mun- sey, 28: 448. . Van Brunt, H. Archit. R. 10: 44, Van Buren, Martin, and Jackson Papers. (J . Schouler) Atlan. 95: 217. - as a Lawyer. (Adrian H. J oline) Green Bag, 17: 152, Vancouver, George, Voyages of, with portrait. (Agnes C. Laut) Am. M. 60: 639, Vancouver, B. C. (J . R. Tennant) Sat. R. 102: 204, - and Victoria. (C. Hanbury-Williams) Blackw. 173: 370."—'Ecl. M. 141: 169. =Liv. Age, 238: 29. Vancouver Barracks, Past and Present. (T. M. An- derson) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 35¢ 69, 267. Vancouver Island from a Farmer’s Standpoint. Duncan) Chamb. J . 80: 366. Vandam, Albert Dresden. Acad. 65: 461. - Men and Manners of the 3d Republic. Spec. 92: 698, Vandeleur, Seymour. National, 41: 435. Vanderbilt, Mrs. Cornelius. (W. S. Bridgman) Mun- sey, 34‘ 2°30 (L. Kolany) Q. J . (Eric 674 VARIATION Vanderbilt, William Kissam, with portrait. (R. W. Burnett) Cosmopol. 63: 553. Vanderbilt University, Founders and Organizers of. (R. K. Hargrove) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 1: 99. - Twenty-five Years’ Work of. (J . H. Kirkland) Vanderbilt Univ. Q. 1: 86, Vanderdonck Sandbank. (E. Robinson) Lippinc. 72: 112, Vander Grinten’s Projection of the Earth’s Surface. (E. A. Reeves) Geog. J . 24¢ 670. Vander Kamp. (H. L. Fairchild) Bk. News, 22: 27, Vanderlip, Frank A., with portrait. (F. H. Brooks) World’s Work, 4: 2185. Van Dyke, Henry. (H. W. Mabie) Bk. News, 24¢ 605. — (H. W. Mabie) Cent. 45¢ S79.-— (E. M. Norris) Critic, 42: 511. - (K. H. Norris) Bk. News, 24: 607. - in the Class-room. 611, — Poems. Outl. 78: 937. Vanes, Weather-, Modern Artistic. Studio (Internat.) 19: 128, Vanessa Striata. (Howard Ashton) Chamb. J . 83: 462. (L. D. Froelick) Bk. News, 24: (O. M. Ayrton) Van Helmont, Francis Mercury, Ann Conway, a Pupil . of. Gent. M. n. s. 77¢ 464. Van Hise, Charles R. (W. H. Hobbs) Wis. Alum. M. 4: 287, Van Horne, Sir W. (W. R. Stewart) Cosmopol. 36: 59. -and the Canadian Pacific Railway. (C. F. Paul) Canad. M. 22: 451, - Story of, with portrait. (Cy Warman) VVorld To-day, 8: 511, Van Hove, Edmond Theodore, Artist. penny) Studio (Internat.) 16: 262, Vanilla, Growing, (A. M’Farlane) Chamb. J . 79: 311. Van Ingen, William B., Mural Painter. (Charles De Kay) Archit. Rec. 13¢ 322. Vanished Gods, The; a story. (A. M. Roach) Harper, 111: 783, Vanishing Boarder, The; a story. lover’s M. 4¢ 239. Vanishing Trails. (Hamlin Garland) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 10: 5 3. Vanity, A Layman on. Overland, n. s. 46: 279. Van Vorst, Marie. Amanda of the Mill. (Paul Adam) Bookman, 21: 388, Vapor, Diffusion of, into Nueleated Air. Am. J. Sci. 165: 472. Vapor-engines, The New. 11. s. 15¢ 379- Vaquero, The Old California. (Flora H. Loughead) Land of Sun. 5¢ I09. Varga, Francis, with portrait. Green Bag, 14: 434. Vari, The Cave at. (C. W. Weller and others) Am. Archaeol. n. s. 7: 263. Variability and the Asteriods. son) Pop. Astron. I3: 378, - in Sociology. (J . Collier) Knowl. 27: 214, - Unity in. (Hugo de Vries) Calif. Univ. Chron. 1: (E. Hoyt) Book- (C. Barns) (R. H. Thurston) Science, (Grace Agnes Thomp- Q 9. Variable-speed Appliances. (E. K. Hood) Cassier, 26: 468. Variation. (D. T. MacDougal) Science, 11. so 24: 730. - Germinal and Environmental, Ewart on. Nature, 66: 209, - in Animals and Plants, Vernon on. (E. B. Poulton) Nature, 71: 243. - (C. B. Davenport) Science, 11. s. 18: 16. - in the Brown-eyed Susan. ural. 38: 427. - in Cardium. (F. C. Baker) Am. Natural. 37: 481. - in Early Human Culture. (A. F. Chamberlain) J. Am. Folk-Lore, 19: 177, . (F. C. Lucas) Am. Nat- (E. L. Mony- VARIATION Variation in Man and Woman. (H. Ellis) Pop. Sci. M0, 622 237, -—— in Pathenogenetic Insects. (V. L. Kellogg) Science, n. s. 24: 695. — of Species. (V. L. Kellogg) Science, 11. s. 242 621. — Quantitative Study of. (G. H. Shull) Am. Natural. 36: 111, Variations, Building Stones of Evolution. Conn) Indep. 54: 683. (H. W. — Causation of. (G. Archdall Reid) Nature, 72: 318. — in Animals and Plants. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 481, Varick’s Lady 0’ Dreams. (E. Jordan) Scrib. M. 35: 563. Variety, Cause of, among Animals and Plants. (H. W. Conn) Indep. 54: 740, Varnhagen von Ense, Rahel. (M. Hargrave) Longm. 43= 363- Varnish, Technology of. (A. H. Sabin) Cassier, 25: 330- Varro. Annals. (H. A. Sanders) Am. J . Philol. 23: 28. “ Varyag,” Cruiser, and the “ Korietz,” Fight of. (H. C. Thomson) Cornh. 90: 481, Vase, A Proto-Attic. (Cecil Smith) J . Hel. Stud. 22:: 29, Vase-paintings, Greek, Sunrise on. (C. H. Smith) Art J. 56: 289, Vases added to the Ashmolean Museum. (P. Gardner) J. Hel. Stud. 24: 293. 25: 65. ' — Attic, Origin of Red Figured Technique in. (M. L. Nichols) Am. J . Archaeol. 2d ser. 51 327. — Geometric, from Corinth. (M. Louise Nichols) Am. J. Archaeol. n. s. 9: 411. — Inlaid and Engraved, of 6500 Years Ago. (E. J. Banks) Open Court, 20: 685. —— “ Late Minoan” found in Greece. (R. C. Bosan- quet) J. Hel. Stud. 24: 317. Vashti. (Stella M. Diiring) Temp. Bar, 126: 181, — Story of. (G. M. Baxter) Everybody’s, 7: 516, Vasquez, Tiburcio, a California Bandit. (O. P. F itz- gerald) Cent. 412 739. Vassar College, Thompson Library Building. Lib. J . 31: 769. ——Am. Arch. 82: 87. - Vatican, Finances of the. (S. Cortesi) Chamb. J . 81: 632. -— Germany and Russia at the. World, 772 427. — Observatory of the. (M. A. Parr) Knowl. 26: 210, :Pop. Astron. II: 497. — Research-work in the Archives of the. kins) Cath. Univ. Bull. 3: I77. —- Taft Commission to, 1902. (S. Cortesi) Indep. 54: (J . T. Murphy) Cath. (C. H. Has- I942- Vatican Sermon, A. (Booth Tarkington) Harper, I09: 69. Vaudeville. (Hartley Davis) Everybody’s, I 3! 231. Vaudeville Romance, A; a story. (M. C. Crowley) Cath. World, 79: 234, Vaughan, Father Bernard, Open Letter to. Tugman) Westm. I56: 5 37. Vaughan, Sir Charles, Papers of, 1825-28. Am. Hist. It 7= 304.500. Vaughan, Henry, Silurist. no, I! III, Vaughan, Herbert, Cardinal. Month, 102: 1, —and Cromwell, O. (L. I. G.; E. K. Chambers) Ath, ’oz, 1: 402, -— The Children’s Cardinal. (Olive K Parr) Temp. Bar, 128: 326.=Ecl. M. 1412 823.?-Liv. Age, 239: 103,-—Liv. Age, 238: 252. -—— Forgeries of. (H. Thurston) Month, 108: 39, Vaughan, Sir J . Luther. My Service in the Indian Army. Ath. ’o5, I: 42, (F. W. (E. Sichel) Monthly R. 11, 675 VENEREAL Vaughan, Victor C. 25th Anniversary of his Gradua- tion. Science, n. s. 18: 48. Vaughan, William. Retrospective Review of his “ Golden Grove.” Gent. M. n. s. 77: 173. Vaux-le-Vicomte, Chateau de. (F. Lees) Archit. Rec. 18: 407. Veber, Jean, Painter and Satirist. (K. L. Ferris) Lamp, 27= 307. Veblen’s Theory of Business Enterprise. Heath) Econ. R. I6: 492, Vecchio, Palma, Italian Artist, with portrait. Mast. (J . St. G. in.Art,6: 65. — Holy Family. (L. Priuli-Bon) Art J . 541 I 56. Vedantas, Philosophy of the. (C. Johnston) Open Court, 20: 81. Vedder, Elihu, Later Work of. (Lewis Lusk) Art J . 55¢ 142- Vedic Texts, Corrections and Conjectural Emenda- tions of. (M. Bloomfield) Am. J . Philol. 27: 401. Vegetable Balls. (J . Adams) Science, 11. s. 20: 86. Vegetable Fibers of the Philippine Islands. (H. T. Edwards) Pop. Sci. Mo. 67: 222. Vegetable Garden, Directions for making. Ctry Life Am. 7: 542. —— Home. (T. Grenier) Ctry Life Am. 31 196. Vegetable Kingdom, Sense Organs in, Haberlandt on. (F. Darwin) Nature, 65: 529, Vegetable Pathology, Future of. ence, n. s. 15: 736. Vegetables and Fruits for the Home Garden. Life Am. 9: 567. (A. D. Selby) Sci- Ctry —- Fresh, All Winter. (James Wood) Ctry Life Am. 9: 306, Vegetarian, Confessions of a. (C. M. Sheldon) Indep. 60: 1457. Vegetarian Adventure, A. (B. Maniates) New Eng. M. n. s. 35: 60, Vegetarian Guest, The. (A. Fellows) Liv. Age, 250: 346- Vegetarian Summer School at Bowness; Low Living and High Thinking. Chamb. J . 32! III. Vegetarianism, Some Historical Aspects of. Mendel) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 457. Vegetation, South Atlantic and Antarctic, Zonal Dis- tribution of. (C. Skottsberg) Geog. J . 24: 655. Vehicles, How to appoint. (F. M. Ware) Outing, 48: 757- Vei Kingdoms; Africa’s Appeal to Christendom. (Momolu Massaquoi) Cent. 47: 927. Veil of Illusion, The; a story. (D. Kennicutt) Over- land, 11. s. 481 52. Veil of the Temple. (S. F. Smith) Month, 104: 167, 22;, Veil of the Temple; a story. Monthly R. vols. I0-I3. Veiled Lady of Stamboul, The; a story. (F. H. Smith) Scrib. M. 40: 672, Velasco, Old Mexican Fort at. Hist. Assoc. Q. I: 282. Velasquez, Diego R. de Silva. La Farge) McClure,‘ I9: 497. — “ Don Olivarez,” Picture by. Cent. 50: 417. —— A Lost. Chamb. J . 83: 508. — Portrait of Philip IV. of Spain. 57: no, — Rokeby Venus. (D. S. MacColl) Sat. R. 100: 651, — —- lost to England. (D. S. MacCol1) Sat. R. 101: (L. B. (A. B. Looscan) Texas Acad. 65: 335.—(J. (C. Phillips) Art J . 43- Veld, Evening on the. Blackw. I71: 589.:-Ecl. M. 139: 101. =Liv. Age, 233: 587. Vellore, The Mutiny at, July, 1806. Monthly R. 24, no. 3: 47. —-(A. Keene) Un. Serv. M. 34: 95. Venereal Diseases and State Action. (A. H. N. Baron) Char. I5: 859. VENEREAL Venereal Diseases, in the Law of Marriage and Di- vorce. (C. H. Hulerich) Am. Law R. 37: 226. ——Should the Public be enlightened as to ? (L. B. Bangs) Char. ;5: 715. Venetian Art, Pageantry of. Acad. 692 713. Venetian Diplomacy at the Sublime Porte during the 16th Century. Ed. R. 203: 387. Venetian Night’s Entertainment, A. (Edith VVharton) Scrib. M. 34: 641, Venetian Republic, The Commercial and Fiscal Policy of the. Ed. R. 200: 338. Venetia’s Child. (M. Maartens) Scrib. M. 37: 165, Venezuela, Afifair of, Aftermath of the. (E. Maxey) Arena, 29: 489. -— — and the Monroe Doctrine. (A J effersonian Demo- crat) No. Am. 176: 321, —— and the Anglo-German Blockade. Sat. R. 94: 728. — and the Hague. (Herbert W. Bowen) Indep. 61: I472- — and Kingsley’s Westward Ho! (Louise C. Hale) Bookman, I8: I29, — and the Monroe Doctrine. cagua) Westm. I59: 125. — and the Orinoco. (G. M. L. Brown) Canad. M. 26: 499- - and the Powers. (A. M. Low) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27! 39- — and the Problems it presents. (E. P. Lyle, jr.) World’s Work, 11: 6943, ‘ — Anglo-German Intervention in. No. Am. 177: 86. —— The Attack on. (E. Maxey) Arena, 29: 113. —— Battle of San Cristobal. (C. Brandt) Indep. 54: 2464, -—- Blue Light; True Story of a Personally Conducted Revolution. (J. H. Connelly) Indep. 54: 2185. -—- Coercion of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 75: 474. — The Country and its Political Evils. (G. M. L. Brown) Canad. M. 25: 35. -— Critical State of. (G. M. L. Brown) World’s Work, 9: 5983- - The Diplomats in Charge. den 55= 379- -- An Envoy to. (C. M. L. Brown) Canad. M. 26: 433. —— Great Questions out of the Trouble. (J . C. O’Laugh- lin) World’s Work, 5: 3223. — Imbroglio about. (S. Brooks) Fortn. 792 247. — — True Story of; the Boomerang Blockade. Barnes) Outl. 73: 669. ' — in 1897 and 1902. (R. Ogden) Nation, 751 457. — in 1902, and International Law. (T. S. Woolsey) Indep. 54: 2988. — Industrial and Commercial Outlook in. Brown) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 311 I77. — The Land of Stand-still. (J . Barnes) Outl. 74: 5 5. —— A Month in Curacao. (G. M. L. Brown) Canad. M. 24: 203. -— A Nation in Transition. 7e= 381. -—- Notes on. Outl. 72: 971. —- (Acon- (,W. L. Penfield) (J . C. O’Laughlin) In- (J . (G. M. L. (G. M. L. Brown) Outl. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 17. — Our Arbitration with. (B. J . Hendrick) Nation, 76= 449- —— —— Value of. (W. MacVeagh) No. Am. I77! 801. —- A Prematurely Old Nation-; by a Venezuelan. Outl. — PZZQ. Céafstro at Bay. (J . C. O’Laughlin) Indep. 55: - Trulzh about. (0. A. Williams) W01-1d To-day, 9: VenZ;171ela Case, The. (T. E. Holland) Law Q. 19: I 33. — The Award. (W. McVeagh; H. Davis) Indep. 56: 487. — Decision at the Hague. (E. Maxey) Arena, 31: 583. 676 VENTILATING Venezuela Case; Facts and Law. (R. Dillon) Am. Law R. 382 648. _ Venezuelan Politics, A Glimpse at. (J . Barnes) Outl. : 479- “ Vengeance,” British Privateer in the Amer. Revo- lution. (H. R. Howland) Am. Hist. R. 7: 286. Venice. (A. Lymans) Am. Arch. 85: 87. — and its Story. (T. Okey) Monthly R. I 5, no. 2: 25. — Armenian Monastery in. (M. M. Patrick) New Eng. M. n. s. 30: I75. — Artist Life in. (H. Pennington) Cent. 42: 83 5. —— as a Painting Ground. (R. Barratt) M. of Art, 272 556- — at the Sublime Porte. Ed. R. 203: 387. = Ecl. M. 147: 21, —- Ave Venezia atque Vale. (E. Hutton) Blackw. I72: 387. -—-Eel. M. 139: 738.=Liv. Age, 235: 165. — Bridges and Street Names in. (E. C. Vansittart) Antiq. n. s. 42: 338. —— Campanile of S. Mark. (E. Hutton) Blackw. I72: 387.—(L. E. Bertini) Brush & P. II1 25.——(H. Meren) Am. Arch. 78: 20. —(G. H. Palmer) M. of Art, 27: 287. —Am. Arch. 88: :66. -— — Fall of. (Alfredo Melani) Am. Arch. 77 1 46. —- R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 343. . — — — Cause of. (P. Saccardo) Archit. Rec. 12: 72 3. — (A. Robertson) Am. Arch. 77: 61. ——Rebuilding of. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 75: 302. — (A. S. Atkinson) Archit. Rec. 19: 223. — Doves of St. Mark’s. (Katherine E. Thomas) Over- land, 11. s. 48: 239. — Exhibition at, 190 5. (A. S. Covey) Studio (Internat.) 26: 98, 219, — Fifth International Art Exhibition in. Melani) Art J. 552 346. —- the Home of the Gondolier. M. 27: 387. — in Recent Fiction. 574- — International Art Exhibit. (F. Collins) Brush & P. 16: 26. — Legends and Pageant of. 74‘ 637- -— Le Sidaner’s. (C. Campbell) Art J . 58: I45. —- Marciana Library at. (Alethea Wiel) Acad. 70: 596- — McClellan’s Oligarchy of. (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 78: 155- (Alfredo (E. Waters) Canad. (Louise C. Hale) Bookman, 16: (W. R. Thayer) Lippinc. ., — Okey’s History of. Spec. 92: go, — St. Mark’s. Am. Arch. 88: I19, — — Architectural Refinements of. (W. H. Good- year) Archit. Rec. 14: 344. — — Present Condition of. Am. Arch. 87: 22. -— — Proposed Restoration of. (D. S. MacCol1) Sat. R. 99: 798. —— Sensations concerning. (A. Symons) Sat. R. 98: I70, — Shakespeare’s. (L. D. Ventura) Bookman, I4: 560, — A Summer in a Sandolo. (Mary H. Peixotto) Har- per, m6: 431. . — under Repairs. Am. Arch. 90: I18, — Vanishing. (Jos. Pennell) Art J . 55: 66. — Villas of. (G. P. Fernald) Scrib. M. 39: 205, —-— The Waters of. (A. Symons) Scrib. M. 39: 385. —— With Whistler in. (O. H. Bacher) Cent. 5I: 207. Venison, Cheap. Spec. 95: 283. Ventilating, Heating, and Lighting. (E. C. Holtzoper) Ctry Life Am. 9: 328. ' —- N. Y. Public Schools. (F. G. McCann) Am. Arch. 89: 91. Ventilating Cowls, Experiments on. (W. N. Shaw) - Nature, 65: 344. Ventilating Machinery, Colliery. (C. M. Percy) Cas- sier, 22: 394. VENTILATION Ventilation. (C. L. Hubbard) Am. Arch. 871 3. — Plenum System of. (Wm. Henman) Am. Arch. 85: 3. —— Pullman Ventilator. (J . M. Chapple) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 15: 453. See also Heating and Ventilation. Ventnor, Isle of Wight. (J . Eyre) Idler, 21: 172. Ventura County, California. (H. H. Barry) Out West, 17: 789. Venus, Planet. (E. V. Heward) Macmil. 88: 131. — Crescent of, Visibility of. (T. H. Astbury) Knowl. 25: 10, — Dark Hemisphere of. (B. W. Lamb) Knowl. 26: 175. — in 1903. (P. Lowell) Pop. Astron. I2: 184, — Rotation Period of, Spectroscopic Investigation of. (P. Lowell) Pop. Astron. II: 426. Vera ; a story. (A. T. Edmund) Cath. World, 80: 200, Vera Cruz, Mexico. (A. Inkersley) Calif. M. 5: 571. —— New Port of. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 35: 291. — Past and Present. (G. F. Paul) New Eng. M. n. s. 31: 722, ~ Veracity, Law of. (G. Campbell) Bib. Sac. 611 366. Veranda, The Grand. (C. F. Lummis) Land of Sun. 3. 63. — In Lieu of a. (J. W. Dow) Archit. R. 9: 133. Verandas, Porches, etc. (W. W. Kent) Ctry Life Am. 4: '. Verbiest, Father, Missionary and Mandarin. (K. Cherry) Month, 106: 251, Verdagner, Jacinto. Acad. 63: 4. —With portraits. Bk. Buyer, 25: 233. —Bk. Buyer, I5: 233. Verdi, Giuseppe, with portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 2: pt. 7. — Requiem. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: 746, — Visetti’s Life of. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: 715, Verdict “ Not proven.” (Lord Moncrieff) Blackw. I79: 763- Verdict of the Past. (A. G. Hyde) Ecl. M. 141: 761. '-=Liv. Age, 239: _233. Vereeniging, The Peace of. 117. Verestchagin, Vasili. Bk. News, 22: 936. — (L. C. Chard) Craftsman, 3: 188. — (C. De Kay) Outl. 70: 271. —-With portrait. (C. B. Taylor) Everybody’s, 7: 386.-—(R. Newmarch) Fortn. 81: 1o11.=Ecl. M. 143: 320.--Liv. Age, 242: 129.—With por- trait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 545. -— and his Tragic Death. (E. Colbert) Brush & P. 14: (H. Reade) Westm. 158: 103. —— Appreciation of. (J . L. Jones) Brush & P. 9: 360. —— in the Philippines. (Isabel McDougall) Cosmopol. 33: 148. Verga, Giovanni, Novels of. Quar. 195: 362. Vergennes, Comte de, Letter from, to Lafayette, 1780. Am. Hist. R. 8: 506. Vergil, Polydore, in the English Law Courts. (I. S. Leadam) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 19: 279. Verhaeren, Emile, as a Dramatist. (G. Brandes) Con- temp. 86: 185.:Ecl. M. 143: 65o.=Liv. Age, 242: 812. Verlaine, Paul. (F. Grierson) Critic, 43: 173. Vermeer, Jan, of Delft. (F. Rinder) Art J . 551 255. — Life and Bibliography of. Mast. in Art, 5: 213. Vermont. (E. E. Hale) Outl. 80: 1045, —- In Ethan Allen’s Country. (Julian Ralph) Harper, I06: 201, — Library Association, Annual Meeting, 1906. Pub. Lib. 11: 386. — Our Tyrol and its Types. 106: 519. — The Republic of. (M. W. Hazeltine) Harper, I07: 368. — Social and Economic Life of Hill Country of. (H. Dodd) Char. I2: 570, (Julian Ralph) Harper, 677 Vesper Hour, The. VESUVIUS Vermont, Summer Resorts in. World’s Work, 4: 2384. Verne, Jules. Acad. 68: 363.- (H. Lamont) Nation, 80: 242.-—Ath. ’o5, 1: 400. —Spec. 94: 470.: Liv. Age, 245: 377. —— at Home. (G. Jones) Temp. Bar, 129: 664. -— Pseudo-science of. Sat. R. 99: 414. Vernon, Di, The Original of. (Florence MacCunn) Liv. Age, 247: 51, Vernon, Edward, an Insubordinate Admiral. Clowes) 19th Cent. 51! 980. Vernon, Conn., Records of the Church in, 1762-1824. (M._K. Talcott) N. E. Reg. 591 95, 153, 208, 412. 60: 73, 199, 262, Vernon Tombs at Tong. (V. Manners) Art J . 58: 257. Verona. (A. Symons) Harper, I08: 876.-—Macmil. (VV. L. 89: 223, -—- Date of the "' Albertine” Statutes of. (A. M. Allen) Eng. Hist. R. 20: 476. Veronese, Paul. (Kenyon Cox) Scrib. M. 36: 668.- With portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 5: 443- Verrocchio, with portrait, life, and bibliography. Mast. in Art, 6: 381, Vers de Société, A Plea for. Indep. 61: 442. Versailles and the Petit Trianon. Canad. M. 24! 501. —— a Corner in. (E. Eldon) Calif. M. 5: 414. — History at. (E. M. de Vogiié) Liv. Age, 234: 769. 235: 26. — Treasures of. Critic, 42: 30. Verse, Future of. Dial, 37: 53. — Recent and Old. (R. Torrence) Critic, 451 I51. —- Writing in. (B. A. Heydrick) Chaut. 37: I 59. Verse-making, Modern. (F. M. Huefier) Acad. 622 412. 438- Vertebrate, Smallest Known. (H. M. Smith) Science, 11. s. 15: 30. Vertebrate Palaeontology. n. s. 24: 5 5. — at the Carnegie Museum. (J . B. Hatcher) Science, 11. s. 18: 569. —- Society of, Meeting of, Dec. ’03. (O. P. Hay) Sci- (B. Dean) Am. Natu- (La Touche Hancock) (A. R. Carman) (H. F. Osborn) Science, ence, n. s. 19: 253. Vertebrates, Paired Limbs of. ral. 36: 767. Very Small Person, The; a story. Harper, I05: 877. Very Wise Virgin. (E. M. Tybout) Lippinc. 73: 749. Vesalius in Zante, I 564; a poem. (E. Wharton) No. Am. 175: 625. (A. H. Donnell) (S. H. Vincent) Chaut. vols. 42- 44- Vespucius, Columbus, and Magellan. (T. Magee) Calif. M. an 704- Vestal, The. (J . G. Whittier) New Eng. M. n. s. 29: 783. Vestal Mother. Blackw. I79: 335. ‘—'Liv. Age, 248: 803, Vested with Authority. (Maud E. Heath) Overland, n. s. 46: 461. Vesuvius, Mount. Science, 11. s. 23: 830. — Nat. Geog. M. 17: 272. — An Ascent of. (G. Kennan) Outl. 83: 555. — Color at, and other Impressions of a Week at the Crater. ——- during the Early Middle Ages. Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 558. —- Eruption of, as described in the Letters of Pliny. Chaut. 43-: I57.— Cent. 42: 642. —— 1906. Nature, 732 565, 588. —(T. A. Jaggar) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 3I8.—-(G. Kennan) Outl. 83: 425. —- Sat. R. 101: 449. (C. K. Linson) Cent. 47: 548. (C. R. Eastman) VESUVIUS Vesuvius, Mount, Eruption of, I906, Stages of. Perret) World’s Work, 12: 8090, —— in Eruption. (S. Cortesi) Indep. 60: 1009. — in Fury. (W. P. Andrews) Cent. 50: 566, -— My Life on the Vesuvian Lid. (R. V. Matteucci) Cosmopol. .39: 593. - Recent Changes in. Nature, 722 455. — Victory over. (H. Scheifauer) Macmil. n. s. I: 613. Veteran Reserve, Organization of a. J . Mil. Serv. Inst. 32: 309. Veteran’s Ghost-story, A. Chamb. J . 80: Xmas no. 18. Veteran’s Last Campaign, The ; a story. (C. John- ston) Harper, I13: 37. Veto Power, The. (J . O’Meara) Californian, 5: 549. Veto Power, The; a story. (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, 32: 571. Veuillot, Louis, with portrait. (E. Myers) Cath. World, (F. A. 771 597- Vevey, Fete des Vignerons in. (A. Schinz) Bookman, 22: 325 Viaud, Jules (Pierre Loti); an Appreciation. Ed. R. 198: 400. -in Pekin. Ecl. M. 138: 831.-—'Liv. Age, 233: 185. — Pierre Loti in China. Vibert, Jehan Georges. I0: 321, Vibration produced by Trafic on Central London Railway. (C. Davison) Knowl. 25: 121, Vibrations of Gun Barrels. (G. H. Bryan) Nature, 67: 248, Viburnums and Dogwoods. Am. 11: 35. Vica Pota. (C. Horing) Am. J . Philol. 24: 323. Vicar of Morwenstow, The. (P. E. More) Internat. Q. 12: 46. 1 Vicarious Punishment and Reward. Spec. 942 545. Vicarious Sacrifice. (C. W. Super) Internat. J . Eth- ice. W 444- Vice, Municipal Control of, Mayor Tom Johnson on. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 35: 400. Vice-Presidency, The Spurned. (F. J . Mather, jr. )Na- tion, 78: 486. Vice-President, Succession of, under the Constitution. (L. R. Worker) Am. Law R. 38: 500. Vicenza; a Monument to an Architect. win) Outl. 79: 811, Vickerstown, England. Cassier, 25: 176. Victim in Evidence. (H. B. Geer) Green Bag, 14: 283. Victim of Cleanliness, A. (G. Shock) Cent. 45: 539. Victim of Romance, A. (M. Armour) Macmil. 872 463. Victim of a Truce, The. n. s. 42: 298. Victor ; a story. (A. T. Quiller-Couch) Cornh. 85: 66. Victor; a story. (Octave Thanet) Harper, I04: 785. Victor Emmanuel II., Roman Monument to. (F. E. Perkins) Am. Arch. 88: 163. Victor Emmanuel III. (Alfredo Baccelli) Indep. 58: 891. Victoria, Queen, and the American People. (C. Cow- ley) New Eng. M. n. s. 33: 207. —- at Mentone. (Q. do Landeveze) Canad. M. 18: 207, —— Great—grandchildren of. (W. Taylor) Munsey, 32: (A. Laugel) Nation, 74! 225. (F. W. Morton) Brush & P. (W. Miller) Ctry Life (E. F. Bald- 890. —in Youth. (W. Paget) 19th Cent. 51! I93.=Ecl. M, 138: 642, — Lee’s Life of. (W. P. Trent) Forum, 341 547.- Spec. 90: 16. —— (H. W. Horwill) Nation, 76:175. — (E. D. Adams) Dial, 34: 368. — (R. Putnam) Critic, 421 537- — Memorial to, Brock’s. (H. M. Cundall) Art J . 56: 198. — — as compared with other Royal Memorials. (M. H. Spielmann) J . Soc. Arts, 53: 409. 678 (Muriel Bailey) Overland, 1 VIENNA Victoria, Queen; Memorial Statue, Buckingham Pal- ace. (F. Wedmore) Pall Mall M. 26: 147, — Monument to. (J . Vandercook) Munsey, 31: 366. — Political Life of. Quar. I971 308. -—‘Ecl. M. 140: 59, — The Queen’s Brooch; a Postscript. (S. Sisson) Cornh. 88: 634. —Liv. Age, 236: 705. Victoria, Empress Dowager of Germany. Eel. M. 138: I99. I Liv. Age, 232: 790, Victoria, Queen, of Spain. Liv. Age, 249: 763, Victoria, Australia, Turner’s History of the Colony of. (J. Bryce) Nation, 802 376.—Ath. ’o4, 2: 651. - Aborigines of. (M. T. Hutchinson) Chamb. J . 80: 708. — Wages Boards of. (G. W. Gough) Econ. J . I 5: 361. Victoria, B. C., and Vancouver. (C. H. Williams) Blackw. 173: 370.: Ecl. M. 141: 169, Victoria Cross, Decline of the. Un. Serv. M. 272 428, Victoria Falls of the Zambesi. (A. R. Canning) Chamb. J. 82: 420. —Am. Geog. Soc. Bull..37: 213. —(T. F. Van Wagenen) Cent. 48: 222. -— Bridging the Gorge of. (A. T. Prince) World’s Work, 12: 7637, — Physical History of. 25: 40. — Water Power from. (Francis Fox) Cassier, 23: 68 3, Victoria Nyanza, Lake. (H. M. Stanley) Indep. 54: ’ 791. —Nat. Geog. M. 13: 169. — To, by the Uganda Railway. Soc. Arts, 50: 229, Victoria University, Manchester. tional, 46: 78. — Future of. (A. Schuster) Nature, 66: 252. Victorian Authors, Early. (G. S. Street) Putnam, It (A. J . C. Molyneux) Geog. J . (B. Whitehouse) J . (T. Baines) Na- 173. Victorian Epoch, Close of the. (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 95: 356. Victorian Period, Early, Characteristics of. (E. S. P. Haynes) Indep. R. 2: 66. Victorian Prose Masters, Brownell on. (E. E. Hale, i1-) 322 239- Victory of the Boy, The. Good Words, 44: 62. Victory of Napoléon Brodeur; a story. nard) Cath. World, 79: 627. Victory Unforeseen, A; a story. (H. C. Hammond-Spencer) (J . C. Me- (R. D. Paine) Scrib. M. 38: 1. . Victory with Honor; a story. (R. H. Barbour) Lip- pinc. 76: 712. Vidal, Pierre, Troubadour. (O. H. Dunbar) Harper, 108: 3. Viebig, Clara. (G. I. Colbron) Critic, 43: 426. Viele, Egbert L. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 34: 184. Vienna. (M. T. Withers) Cath. World, 751 301. — Academy of Sciences. (E. F. Williams) Pop. Sci. M0, 62: 415. — Arbeiterheim. (J . A. Lux) Studio (Internat.) 21: 150. — Court Life in, 18th Century Episode in. (S. I. de Zuylen de Nyevelt) 19th Cent. 58: 634, -— Early Days in. (H. Rumbold) National, 39: 814. —— Problems of. National, 38: 854. — Secession Exhibition, 1902. (A. S. Levetus) Studio (Internat.) I6: 267. — — 1905. (A. S. Levetus) Studio (Internat.) 26: 5 3, — Tabor Bridge at, Surprise of. (F. L. Huidekoper) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 36: 275. — Vanishing. (Lady W. Paget) 19th Cent. 58: 214, : Liv. Age, 246: 795. Vienna, Congress of, 1814-15, Q, 10: 240, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra plays in London. (H. E. Gorst) Sat. R. 102: 11, (A. Fournier) Internat. VIERGE Vierge, Daniel. (E. C. Wells) Brush & P. 14: 201. - (R. Cortissoz) Lamp, 29: 41. (W. Views from Back Windows, Improvement of. A. S. Benson) Art J. 55: I. Viga Canal, Mexico City. (Y. H-. Addis) Calif. M. 3: 744- Vigil of the Hunter, The. (C. H. Morton) Outing, 46: 80 Vignettes. Good Words, 46: 47. Vigny, Alfred de. (C. G. Compton) Fortn. 79: 60.: Liv. Age, 2361 470.—(E. Gosse) Internat. Q. 72 I51. — (A. Laugel) Nation, 75: 342. Vigo, Spain. (M. C. I. Shervinton) Temp. Bar, 1301 204. Viking Ship found at Oseberg. (S. C. Hammer and Haakon Nyhuus) Cent. 481 729. Villa Faustini, Discoveries of Roman Remains at. B. Barham) Antiq. n. s. 42: 248. Village and Town, Beautifying of. (S. Baxter) Cent. 4I= 844. — and the Village School. (F. Paulsen) Educa. R. 32: (G. 445- -— An English; the Old and the New. (B. White- foord) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 376. — -- 100 Years Ago. Spec. 912 514. —— English Urban. Archit. Rec. 16: 178. — of the Future. (H. Samuel) Indep. R. 3: 391. Village, The, that ran away from Taxes. (E. Poole) Indep. 59: 1472. Village Choir, The. Village Chronicles. (M. Watson) Sund. M. 342 384. (A. Ransom) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 496- Village Clerk, The. Spec. 951 5 58. Village Cricket Club, The. Macmil. 88: 290, Village Dressmaker, The; a story. (Harriet P. Spof- ford) Atlan. 97: 59. Village Feud, A. Macmil. 88: 193. Village Gentry, Where are the ? (D. C. Pedder) I9th Cent. 51: 149.— (W. G. Waters and A. F. P. Har- court) I9th Cent. 51: 411. —Rejoinder. (D. C. Pedder) 19th Cent. 51: 644. Village Improvement in the U. S., History of. (W. H. Manning) Craftsman, 51 423. Village Improvement Societies. (E. E. Rexford) Lip- pinc. 71: 383. Village Laborer, Old-time, Dying out of (G. Bourne) Cornh. 91: 546. Village ‘Life, An Experience of. (P. E. Moulder) Westm. I62: 211. — Modern Comforts in. (E. N. Vallancligham) World’s Work, 10: 6385. Village Shows. Liv. Age, 247: 504. Village Tragedy, A; a story. Macmil. n. s. I: 851. Villager, English, Destiny of the. (V. Orne) Westm. 157: 564. - Villages, Clan, and Ancient Cities. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 25: 375. — Exodus from, to the City. (Palamedes) Cornh. 89: 401. Villard, Henry. (W. H.Carpenter) Colum. Univ. Q. 3: 3:- — Meinoirs. (W. H. Johnson) Dial, 362 325. ——Nation, 78: 214. —Outl. 76: 990. Villari, Linda. Lit. W. (Bost.) 33: 25. Villas, Italian, and their Gardens. (E. Wharton) Cent. 46: 884. -— Lombard. (E. Wharton) Cent. 46: 541. —— near Rome. (E. Wharton) Cent. 45: 860. — of the Venetians. (G. P. Fernald) Scrib. M. 39: 205. —- Roman. (E. Wharton) Cent. 45: 562. Villeinage in East Anglia, Decay of: (Frances G. Davenport) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 141 123. > 679 Wfinogradofi, Paul, on the Manor. VIRGIL Villon, Francois. _(R. T. Holbrook) Bookman, 22! 71. -— (A. I. du P. Coleman) Critic, 452 256.--(H. Belloc) Ecl. M. 141: 770,: Liv, Age, 238: 763. — Ballade as he was about to die. Critic, 42: 73. ——A New Life of. (H. D. Davray) Monthly R. 10, no. 31 I42. — The Poet of Vagabondia. 25: 600, — The Real. (H. S. Claphat) Gent. M. n. s. 71: 609. Vincent, John Heyl, with portrait. World To-day, 7: 872. Vinci, Leonardo da. Acad. 64: 159. — (C. J . Holmes) Acad. 711 473. —(W. Bayliss) Good Words, 461 I. — and the Staircase at Blois. (K. Cox) Nation, 76: (R. Phillips) Bk. Buyer, 519- — as a Hydraulic Engineer. Nature, 671 440. — Forerunner of Modern Science. (E. Schoen) Crafts- man, 4: 460. — McCurdy on. Ath. ’o4, 2: 488, — St. Anna, Cartoon of. (A. McLeod) Art J . 551 295. —Shell of. (T. A. Cook) Monthly R. 7, no. Ii 133; no, 2: 102. — Some Grotesques by. (A. E. Gallatin) Lamp, 28: 465. Vindication of Mr. Bilks, The. (Hugh Pendexter) Everybody’s, I3: 270, Vindication of Jared Hargot. (P. L. Dunbar) Lippinc. 7s= 374- Vine, Rev. C. H., and his Work. (C. Ray) Sund. M. 331 472- Vine-growing, Art of. Craftsman, 10: 593. (W. P. Baildon) Law Q. 21: 294. Violet, The, as a Business. Am. 5: 233. Violin, Famous Players of the. (B. T. Galloway) Ctry Life Acad. 64: 560. Violin on Freestone, The; a story. (E. Boltwood) Munsey, 29: 540. Violin Makers, British, Morris on. Ath. ’04, I: 505. Violinists, Two Great : Fritz Kreisler, Eugene Ysaye. (R. Aldrich) Outl. 80: 33. Violins, Famous, and their Makers. Craftsman, 9: 388. Virchow, Rudolf. Sat. R. 941 324. — (S. Wilks) Knowl. 25$ 230. —(R. T. H.) Nature, 66: 551. — With portrait. (T. J . McCormack) Open Court, 161 745- -With portraits. (O. G. Villard; H. S. 7 Williams) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 425. — Anthropological Work of. (F. Boas) Science, 11. s. (M. T. Bunner) I6: 441. — Lesson of. (J . J . Walsh) Indep. 54: 2232, — Personal Recollections of. (K. Blind) No. Am. 175: 613, Virgil, Eneid, Billson’s Translation. Spec. 96: 672. — — Experience with. (E. H. Haight) School R. 141 578. — — First Publication. (J . D. Maguire) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 20. ———Notes on Book I. of. (W. H. Kirk) Am. J. Philol. 25: 274. — — Outline for Study of. (M. E. Kingsley) Educa. 232 I48. —- —— Rhythm of. (A. G. Harkness) School R. I42 641. -— and the Drama. (A. J. Bell) School R. 13: 458. — Christ and. (J . D. Maguire) Cath. Univ. Bull. 72 276, ' - Etna, 2d Century Criticism of. (C. Eastman) Pop. Sci. Mo. 65: 452. —— Georgics; Burghclere’s Translation. Ath. ’o5, I: 74. ——-Book III., Lines 440-566. (Lord Burghclere) 19th Cent. 52: I016. — in Mediaeval Culture. Theol. I0: 648. (J. W. Thompson) Am. J. VIRGIL Virgil; in Virgil’s Italy. (Frank J . Miller) Chant. 34: 8 -— Literary Study of, Some Points in the. (C. Knapp) School R. 13: 492. -— The Portrait of. (J . B. Carter) Princ. Univ. Bull. 14: 49. —— The Pseudo—Vergiliom Ciris. (J . M. Linforth) Am. J. Philol. 27: 438, Virginia and Mt. Vernon in 1796. Booklover’s M. 6: 3. —— Burgesses’ Meeting, 1619, the First American Legis- (B. H. Latrobe) lature. (W. W. Crane, jr.) Californian, 1: 394. — Educational Progress in. (H. B. Frissell) So. Atlan. Q- 2= 199- —- Letters from, 1774-81, Hist. 3: 157, 211. —— Libraries in, Condition of. (M. B. East) Pub. Lib. . 93 9- — Library Affairs in, 1906. Pub. Lib. 11: 70. —— New Constitution of. (A. E. McKinley) Pol. Sci. Q. (A. Francis Steuart) M. of 18: 480. — Northern Neck of. (E. N. Vallandigham) M. of Hist. 2: 259. -— Physiography of. (G. T. Surface) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 38: 741. —- Political History of, during the Reconstruction. (H. J . Eckenrode) J . H. Univ. Stud. 22: 295 . —— Powhatan Name for. (W. W. Tooker) Am. Anthro- pol. 8: 23. — Rending of, Hall on. (S. M. Ganett) Dial, 33: 91, — Round about in. (H. H. Moore) Outl..72: 277. — Society in Old. (E. W. McVea) Outl. 76: 507. — State Corporation Commission. (A. C. Braxton) Am. LawR. 38: 481, Virginia Creeper. (C. E. Bessey) Science, n. s. 20: 119, Virginia Names, More about. (W. W. Tooker) Am. Anthropol. 7: 524. Virginia Potluck; a story. (Sarah C. Page) Lippinc. 763 496- 2 Virginia Trade, Early Character of the. sett) So. Atlan. Q. 1: 73. Virginius Incident, The, and Cuba. 19th Cent. 60: 976, Visayan Folk-tales. (B. L. Maxfield; W. H. Milling- ton) J. Am. Folk-Lore, I9: 97. Visayan Islands, A Court-room in the. ris) Am. Law R. 37: 395. Viscount of Rome in the Morte Arthure. 652, Visigoths in Spain, Fall of. R. 21: 209. Vision. (H. Hawthorne) Atlan. 95: 687. —— Act of. (R. Dodge) Harper, 104: 937, — Acute or Sensitive. (P. Lowell) Pop. Astron. I 3: 92, — Defective, and Architecture. (J . Slater) Am. Arch. 81: 93. -— Distant, Testing, especially for Military Require- ments. (R. B. Carter) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 522, -— Facial. A Supplementary Report. (R. MacDon- gall) Am. J. Psychol. I5: 383. — The Inner Limit of. (C. W. Saleeby) Acad. 64: 396. Vision, The. (E. C. Waltz) Cent. 43: 207. Vision of Abdallah Khan, Jemadar. Temp. Bar, 125: 616. Vision of England, A ; a poem. 139: 476. ~ Vision of the Inner Eye in Literature. Acad. 64: 13. Vision of Law; a poem. (E. Lawless) Ecl. M. 139: (J . S. Bas- (R. de Cordova) (W. F. Nor- Ath. ’02, 2: (R. D. Shaw) Eng. Hist. (E. Lawless) Ecl. M. 476- Visionary Gleam, The; a story. (Anne O’Hagan) Booklover’s M. 7: 747. Visions of Gottfried, the Herdboy. Words. 46= 553- (K. Bogue) Good 680 VOICE (R. M. Gilchrist) Idler, 29: 552. (L. E. Dew) New Eng. Visit, The; a story. Visit to Grandmother’s, A. M. n. s. 32: 533. Visiting in Country Houses. (E. Gregory) Cent. 46: 495- Visits of an Editor, The. (L. Huxley) Cornh. 89: 276. ==Ecl. M. 142: 574.=Liv. Age, 240: 654. Visual After-images, Subjective Control of. (T. H. Haines and J . C. Williams) Psychol. R. 12: 18. Visual Imagery, Some Observations on. (H. B. Alex- ander) Psychol. R. H: 319. Visual Perception of Motion, Participation of the Eye Movements in. (R. Dodge) Psychol. R. 11: 1. Visual Sense, Light and the. (H. A. F otherby) Knowl. n. s. 3: 605. Visual Signaling in the Day Time. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 38: 272. Visualization, Fixed ; Three New Forms. (E. F. Buchner) Am. J . Psychol. I3! 355. Vital Statistics, English, 1905. Science, 11. s. 23¢ 323. — of Census of 1900. (F. L. Hoffman) Am. Statis. As- soc. 8: 127, —— Progress of, in United States. Statis. Assoc. 8: 269. Viterbo. Ed. R. 204: 179. —Am. Arch. 90: 78. — (H. J . Matheson) Temp. Bar, 131: 356. Vitré, Madame de Sévigné at. (B. Gilman) Bookman, (T. E. Merrill) (C. L. Wilbur) Am. 15: 241, Vittoria; a play. (Margaret Sherwood) Scrib. M. 371 497- Vittoria Accoramboni. (C. Hare) Monthly R. 18, no. 1: 170. Vive l"Empereur. (Mary R. S. Andrews) Scrib. M. 32: 271-417. Vivisection. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 89: 3ZO.—(A. Leflingwell) Internat. J . Ethics, 15: 221.'--Na- ture, 75$ IZI. — and a Humane Spirit. (W. Lawrence) Outl. 76: 873 — and Progress. (G. MacDonald) Contemp. 87: 790. — Experiments by, and the Mortality Returns. (S. Coleridge) Contemp. 82: 904. — Is it Justifiable ? (C. S. Myers) Internat. J . Ethics, 14: 312, — Medical Science and the Anti-vivisectionists. ture, 69: 81. — Metropolitan Hospitals and. Nature, 65: 417. — Open Letter to the Home Secretary. (S. Coleridge) National, 46: 130, — Open Letter to the Registrar-general. (S. Coleridge) Contemp. 822 5I0.—Reply. (S. Paget) Contemp. 82: 725. — Restriction and Limitation of. Outl. 76: 876. — The Royal Commission on. (S. Coleridge) Contemp. go: 809. Vladivostok. (A. H. Ford) Booklover’s M. 6: 477, Vocabulary of Youth. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 80: 369. Vocation and Avocation, Distinguishing between. (J . H. Canfield) Cosmopol. 35: 272, Vocative, The, in ZEschylns and Sophocles. (J . A. Scott) Am. J. Philol. 15: 81, — in Apollonius Rhodius. (B. L. Gildersleeve; C. IV. E. Miller) Am. J. Philol. 24: 197, — in Homer and Hesiod. (J . A. Scott) Am. J . Philol. 24: 192. — Notes on the. (J . A. Scott) Am. J . Philol. 26: 32, Vodka, a Russian Drink, how made and sold. (A. N. Benjamin) Idler, 22: 159. Voice, The Canadian. (J . Graham) Canad. M. 26: Na- (A. Leflingwell) 483. —- Development of the, Scientific Aspects of. (W. A. Aikin)J. Soc. Arts, 54: 229. ' VOICE Voice, how it looks. (E. W. Scripture) Cent. 422 I48. -— in Spiritual Education. (F. B. Dressler) Calif. Univ. Chron. 32 57. —-— Song and Speech. (W. Scheppegrell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 64: 262, — Training the Speaking and Singing. Music, 21: 357. — The Vulgar. Spec. 882 723. Voice, The; a story. (Margaret Deland) Harper, 105: 2 .(M. Scott) 59 - Voice from the Dark, A; a story. (C. B. Howard) Cent. 50: 953. Voice in the Night. 29: 682, Voice of Beauty ; a story. (E. C. Reed) New Eng. M. n. s. (C. B. Fernall) Atlan. 97: 67'. Voice 3of the Harp. (E. M. Tybout) Lippinc. 73: 192, Voices; an essay. Temp. Bar, 127: 477, Voigt, Wilhelm, the Ktipenick Captain. lard) Nation, 83: 477. Volapuk, The New. (P. Jolliife) Macmil. 87: 374.: Ecl. M. 141: 95.=Liv. Age, 237: 432. Volatile Substances, Convenient Apparatus for the Determination ‘of, by Loss of Weight. (J . L. Kreider) Am. J. Sci. 169: 188. Volcanic and Seismic Phenomena. (A. Heilprin) Sci- ence, n. s. 24: 545. Volcanic Dust and Sand from St. Vincent. ler) Science, 11. s. 15: 947. — Range of, Reports of Vessels as to. Geog. M. 13: 298. Volcanic Eruptions and Brilliant Sky Clouds. H. Clayton) Science, n. s. 15: 791. —- Characteristics of Recent. (T. Anderson) Nature, (0. G. Vil- (J . S. Dil- (J . Page) Nat. (H. 67: 308. —in the U. S., The Last. (H. W. Fairbanks) Out West, 23: 4. — in the, West Indies, 1902-03. (T. Anderson) Geog. J, 21: 265,- (J. Milne) Nature, 66: 56, I07, I51- — (N. Lockyer) Nature, 66: 79. — Nature, 66: 203. -—(J. Milne) Nature, 67: 91.—Liv. Age, 234: 810.: E01. M. 139: 652. —-— — Observations of. Nature, 66: 178. — — Phases of. (I. C. Russell) Cent. 42: 786. Volcanic Heat, Nature and Origin of. (E. Thomson) Science, 11. s. 24: I61.—-(T. J. J. See) Science, 11. s. 242 301. Volcano in Luzon, near Manila. Nat’l M. (Bost.) 19: 594. —— What makes a? (E. B. Mathews) World To-day, 10: 597. Volcano Systems of the Western Hemisphere. Hill) Cent. 42: 473. Volcanoes and Earthquakes. (W. R. Raymond) (R. T. (J . F. Kemp) Cent. 42: 593- - — in the Caribbean Regions. (F. C. Nicholas) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 33¢ 44°. — and Radioactivity. (C. E. Dutton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: 543. — Antilloan. (W. G. McGee) Pop. Sci . Mo. 61: 272, — Cause of. (F. Legge) Acad. 62: 513. 63: 94, — Criteria relating to Massive-solid Volcanic Erup- tions. (I. C. Russell) Am. J. Sci. 167: 253, —-— Eruptive Rocks in Mexico. (F. N. Guild) Am. J . Sci. 172: 159. — Explosive Force of. (R. H. Gordon) Science, 11. s. 15: 1033, — Greek Ideas of Vulcanism. (C. R. Eastman) Pop. Sci.Mo.67: 555. ' — Looking into the Caribbean Craters. tis) Cent. 431 420. — Nature of. (N. S. Shaler) No. Am. 174: 730, (G. C. Cur- 681 VOTING Volcanoes, of the World, photographed in Action. (W. N. Jennings) Booklover’s M. 5: 41. -— Opportunity for Further Study of Volcanic Phe- nomena. (R. T. Hill) Science, n.,s. I6: 470, -— Recent Theories of. (C. H. Hitchcock) Indep. 54: 1287. — With map. Nat. Geog. M. 13: 204. Volendam, Holland, as a Sketching Ground. (Jane Quigley) Studio (Internat.) 29: 118. —— Three Dutch Types from. (I. M. Andrews; Artist) Cent. 49: 128, Volga, Three Days on the. (T. B. Mott) Scrib. M. 37 i 297- Volk, Douglas. Cent. 46: 654. Voltaire. Blackw. 174: 835.=L1v. Age, 240: 264,: E01. M. 142: 412_ — Cynic. (L. Strachey) Lamp, 28: 133. — English Friends of. (S. G. Tallentyre) Cornh. go: 221, — Faith of. (S. O. Howes) Nation, 83: I38. -— his Attitude towards Shakespeare. Acad. 64: 7. — Society in the Time of. (S. G. Tallentyre) Cornh. 93: 168. = Ecl. M. 146: 293. I Liv. Age, 248: 781. — Statue of, by Houdon. (C. Phillips) Art J . 58: 225. — Tallentyre’s Life of. Ath. ’O3, 22 756. —-— (J. R. Smith) Dial, 36: I14. — (A. V. Dicey) N ation, 83: 80. — (L.Abbott) Outl. 76: 232, — Spec. 92: 132, — Tragedies. (G. L. Strachey) Indep. R. 5: I309. Volterra; City of Dreadful Night. (M. Hewlett) Cornh. 89: 777. Volume VII. (G. B. Fife) Scrib. M. 36: 759. Voluntarism and Intellectualism ; (G. Spiller) Philos. R-. 13: 420, Voluntary Enlistment and an Effective Militia. Innes) Un. Serv. M. 29: 370. Voluntary Exile. (Jennette Lee) Lippinc. 70: 759. Volunteer, The. Un. Serv. M. 322 467. Volunteer from San Juan, A; a story. (C. H. Shinn) Land of Sun. 12: 305. Volunteer of 1814, A; a story. (E. L. Sabin) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 16: 27. Volunteer Adjutancy. Volunteer Army, A Better. Navy Life, 9: 25. Volunteer Company Ofiicer. a Reconciliation. (T. Un. Serv. M. 29: 640, (H. L. Wells) Army & Un. Serv. M. 27: 312, Volunteer Corps, Scarcity of Officers in some. (I. Forbes) Un. Serv. M. 34: 302.- Volunteer Cyclist Manoeuvres of 1906. (E. W. B. Gill) Un. Serv. M. 341 105.- Volunteer Force, Evolution of. M. 32: 324. — Financial Position of the. M. 27: 306. Volunteer Officer, Position of. Macmil. n. s. I: 283. Volunteer Prison League. The Little Mother of American Prisons. (T. Hopkins) Good Words, 46: 641, Volunteer Trainfi1g, Foundations of. Un. Serv. M. 30: 639. Volunteer Troops, Training and Personnel of. Snyder) J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 37: 413. Volunteers and Efficiency. Un. Serv. M. 26: 401, — The, Future of. Un. Serv. M. 28: 395. — (T. Fetherstonhaugh) Un. Serv. M. 28: 511. —- on a Sounder Basis. Un. Serv. M. 31: 169. Voorhees, Daniel W., as Lawyer and Orator. (W. W. Thornton) Green Bag, 14: 355. Vos, Simon de. (A. B. Morison) Outl. 76: 62. Votaries of Hermes, The. (Anna Robeson Brown) Appleton’s M. 8: 192. Vote, City vs. Country. (P. L. Allen) Nation, 79: 2 52. —-— Value of a. (B. Taylor) Temp. Bar, 125: 167, Voting, Plural, in England. Sat. R. 101: 610, (E. J . King) Un. Serv. (A. T. Hunter) (G. D. (S. Cuthbert) Un. Serv. . VOTING Voting Trusts in Corporations. Law R36: 222. Vow, Anti-matrimonial, The. pol. 38: 531. Vex; a story. (M. T. Wright) Harper, 107: 770. Voyage of the Aquidneck. (J . Slocum) Outing, 41: 176-717. 4% 97. Voyage of the “ Coflin ; ” a story. Chamb. J. 82¢ 561-601, Voyage on a Barangayan. n. s. 31: 290. Voyagers, The. (G. B. Fife) Scrib. M. 36: 614, Voysey, C. F. A., Architect. (A. Vallance) Studio (Internat.) 22: 127, Vries, Hugo de. (D. T. MacDougal) Open Court, 19¢ 451. - (H. Hus) Open Court, 20: 713. - Experiments of, upon Origin of Species. MacDougal) Indep. 54: 2283, - Portrait of. Open Court, 18: 193. - Work of, and Evolution. (T. W. Vaughan) Science, 11, 5, 23: 681, Vrouw Grobelaar’s Leading Cases. (P. Gibbon) Blackw. I76: 145-811. I77: 367, 772. 178: 460, 657.=Ecl. M. 143: 625.=Liv. Age, 242: 685. 244: 160, 247: 431, 681, 726, Vulcanism. (Carl Barus) Science, 11. s. 24: 400. Vulgarity. (A. C. Benson) Atlan. 98: 229, - and Vitality. Sat. R. 97¢ 679. - Evanescence of. Spec. 92¢ 406. - Some Aspectsof. Spec. 95¢ 518. Vulture, The; a story. (J . M. Forman) Harper, 112: - 824, (E. W. Moore) Am. (H. M. Hoke) Cosmo—- (W. Victor Cook) (M. Irving) New Eng. M. (D. ‘T. Wabash Railroad entering Pittsburg. World’s Work, 4: 5712, Wabash Trade Route in the Development of the Old Northwest. (E.,J. Benton) J . H. Univ. Stud. 21: 1, Wachtel, Elmer, and his Work. Land of Sun. 4: 168, Waco, Texas. (H. D. Wade) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 20: 60;, Waddeston Bequest to British Museum. (C. H. Read) Art J. 54: 349. Waddington, Mary King, Italian Letters of. (Jean- nette L. Gilder) Critic, 46: 506. -. — Letters of an Ambassadress. (J . E. Vincent) Good Words, 44: 628.-Nation, 76: 480. —Spec. 91¢ 57. Wadham, Percy, Artist, Sketches by. Studio (Inter- nat.) 21: 239. (J . L. Cowan) Wage, Living, Laborer’s Right to a. (J . A. Ryan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 8: 156. - - Presumptions and Authorities. (J . A. Ryan) Cath. Univ. Bull. 11: 126. Wage-earneis in Manufacturing Industries of N. W. States. (J . Moersch) J . Pol. Econ. 11: 98. - Living Expenses of the American. (F. W. Hewes) Everybody’-s, I5: 365. Wage System and British Industry. Monthly R. 6, no. 2¢ 50. Wager of Battle. (M. S. Gilpatric) Green Bag, 14: (R. Neville) ~21, Wagaer on the Wistassining; a story. (A. E. McFar- lane) Outing, 41: 475, “ Wager,” Ship, Wreck of. 89: 394- Wagers. (D. H. Wilson) Longm. 42: 499. - Loans for the Making or Payment of. Dicey) Law Q. 20: 436. Wages and the Cost of Living. tion, 79: 111, - and Prices in relation to International Trade. W. Taussig) Q. J . Econ. 20: 497. - Ashley’s Adjustment of. (S. Ball) Econ. R. 14¢ 96. - Changes of, and Real Wages in Belgium. (E. Ma- haim) J . Statis. Soc. 67: 430. (W. J . Fletcher) Cornh. (A. V. (W. M. Daniels) Na- (F. 682 WAGNER Wages; Combined Bonus and Premium System. Diemer) Engin. M. 29¢ 719. - “ Compensation of Labor.” (H. L. Gantt) Engin. M, 28: 881, — Economy of High. 223. 396- - Eifect of Labor-saving Devices upon. son) Q. J . Econ. 20: 86, - Employer’s Liability to pay a Living Wage. (J . A. Ryan) Cath. World, 77: 44. - in British Government Positions. Sat. R. 97¢ 387. - in Great Britain in the Engineering and Shipbuild- ing Trades. (A. L. Bowley) J. Statis. Soc. 68: 104. 373. 563, 705- - in the United Kingdom in the 19th Century, Statis- (H. (P. Longmuir) Engin. M. 24: (A. S. John- tics of. (A. L. Bowley) J . Statis. Soc. 65: 102. — Is a Fixed Wage Just ? (G. Maxwell) World’s Work, 4: 2631, - Methods of Paying, Premium Plan in a Repair Shop. (A. W. Thompson) Engin. M. 27: 347. - - Premium System. (A. E. Outerbridge, jr.) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 21¢ 10. - -Their Bearing upon Output. Engin. M. 27: 490. - — Viewpoint of the Employer. (G. N. Barnes) (H. Hess) Engin. M, 27: 172, - - Viewpoint of Invested Capital. (H. Hess) Engin. M. 27: 409. - - Viewpoint of Workman. (H. Hess) Engin. M. 27: 27. - Methods of presenting Statistics of. (VV. C. Mitch- ell) Am. Statis. Assoc. 9: 325. - A Minimum Wage. (Gertrude Tuckwell) Indep. R. 11: 297. - of Unskilled Labor in the United States, 1850-1900. (Edith Abbott) J . Pol. Econ. 13: 321. - Principle of a “ J ustum Pretium ” for Labor. B. Mason) Econ. R. 14: 188. - Problem of ; a Review. (C. H. Benjamin) Cassier, 26: 310, — Question of, Dynamics of the. Econ. Assoc, 3d ser. 4¢ 104. - Relation to Standards of Living. Char. I7: 304, - Sliding-scales of, Some Theoretical Objections to. (S. J . Chapman) Econ. J . I3: I86. - Statistics of, in Great Britain, during the 19th Cen- (F. (J . B. Clark) Am. (L. K. Krankel) tury. (A. L. Bowley and G. H. Wood) J . Statis. Soc. 69: 148. — — in the 12th Census. (E. Abbott) J. Pol. Econ. 12: 339. - Street-car Men’s, The Adjustment of, in San Fran- cisco. (C. C. Plehn) J . Pol. Econ. 12: 1, - The Unemployed Wage. Spec. 94: 43. - What is a Living Wage ? (J . A. Ryan) Cath. World, 75‘ 2- - Women’s, Study in. (H. Bosanquet) Econ. J . 12: 42- Wages Boards of Victoria, The. (G. W. Gough) Econ. J, 15: 361, Wages of Jacob, The ; a story. (H. Whitaker) Every- body’s, 14: 13. Wages of Salvation, The ; a story. Woodrow) McClure, 28: 141, Waggaman Art Galleries, Georgetown, D. C. Book- lover’s M. 4: 616. Wagner, Charles. Bk. News, 22: 1040. 23: 68, - (G. W. James) Craftsman, 7: 184. -With portrait. Chaut. 40: 372, - and Young France. Craftsman, 7: 103, - the Man. Bk. News, 23: 155. — A Personal Sketch. (A. F. Sanborn) Outl. 78: 225, (Mrs. Wilson - The Simple Life. Outl. 70: 214, WAGNER Wagner, Charles. Two French Apostles of Courage in America, with portrait. (A. F. Sanborn) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 30: 329. Wagner, Richard. Acad. 68: 547. -—With portrait. (G. Kobbé) Booklover’s M. 32 I9I.—With por- trait. (E. P. Evans) Open Court, 16: 577, 632, — With portrait and bibliography. Mast. in Music, 6: 193, 241, — and Christianity. (H. Weinel) Am. J . Theol. 7: 609. — and the Grail Legend. (W. E. Walter) Bookman, 18: 499. - — and his Music. (T. W. Surette) Chaut. 412 235. — and Mathilde Wesendonck. Acad. 69: 813. — and Minna. (W. A. Ellis) Fortn. 84: 85. —- and Strauss, Brounoif’s. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: 369. — Apostasy of a Wagnerian. (E. A. Baughan) Fortn. 86: 144.=Liv. Age, 250: 696, — Art of. (F. Graves) Westm. 158: 329, —- Home on the Lake of Lucerne. (W. Hough) Indep. 58: 875. — Ideas of. 145: 416. — in Munich. (P. Bigelow) Indep. 54: 2188. —- in Ziirich. (H. A. Clay) Temp. Bar, 130: 659, — Letters to Mathilde Wesendonck. (G. Lowes Dick- inson) Indep. R. 71 352. -— Minna and Coisuma. (G. Kobbé) No. Am. 1742 259. —- The Mines of_Falun. (E. Reach) New Eng. M. n. s. am 269- —- Most Interesting Letters of. (H. T. Finek) Nation, 79: 218, 240. — Operas at Bayreuth. (N. Powell) Canad. M. 18: 403. -— Parsifal and a Great Literary Century. (J . J . Walsh) Cath. World, 782 627. ~ —— and its Significance. (L. Gilman) No. Am. 178: 70. — —and its Spiritual Significance. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 30: 561. - —— — at Bayreuth. (H. W. Mabie) Outl. 751- 750. — — in N. Y. Bookman, I92 58.—(R. Aldrich) Critic, 44¢ I27.-—(L. Reamer) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 28: 718. — Outl. 75: 346. —(H. T. Finek) Nation, 76: 264. —-(A. I. DuP. Coleman) Critic, 43: 843. — —- Legend of the Holy Grail. (W. F. Johnson) Open Court, 18: 129, — — Staging of. (G. T. Phelps) Poet-Lore, I 5, no. 41 (A. Symons) Quar. 203: 73.=Ecl. M. 97 - - Public Tiring of. (J. F. Runciman) Sat. R. 97: 811. -—— Religion of. Outl. 76: I56. —— Runciman’s. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 100: 431, —- Season conducted by Lohse. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 93: 694. —— Siegfried, at Paris. (J . F. Runciman) Sat. R. 93: 41. — Tannhiiuser under Difiiculties. (H. E. Gorst) Sat. R. 100: 139, — Tristan und Isolde, Inner History of . Fortn. 86: 632. — — Inspiration of. (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 47: 216. ' — Who discovered ? (H. A. Clay) 672, Wa-gush. (L. Mott) Outing, 48: 555. Waif, The; a poem. (A. Lee) Atlan. 91: 26. Waifs, Rescue of the Submerged. (Anne O’Hagan) Munsey, 27: 857. Waifs of Devil’s Gully, The; a story. (E. A. Hurlbut) Overland, n. s. 47: 71. Wail of a Lost Soul, The. land, 11. s. 39: 554. Wainwright and the Little Gods; a story. (M. Cam- eron) Harper, I14: 76, Wainwright’s Ward; a story. (Marie Van Vorst) Harper, I07: 917. (J . F. Rose-Soley) Over- 683 (W. J . Henderson) Munsey, 32: . WALKING Waiotapu, New Zealand, Government Prison Settle- ment at. (Constance A. Barnicoat) Internat. J . Ethics, 14: 436. Waite, Morrison Remick, with portrait. (F. R. Jones) Green Bag, 14: 257. Waiting for the Ring ; a monologue. (T. J enks) Cent. 42: 203. Waiting of Helen Horton. M. n. s. 27: 349. Waiting Game, A; a story. (M. A. Randell) New Eng. (M. Foster) Outing, 49: 189. Waitsfield, Vt., Story of. (M. B. Jones) M. of Hist. 4= 249- Waiver in Insurance Cases. Harv. Law R. 18: 364, Wakefield, Rev. Thomas. Geog. J . I91 224. Waldeck-Rousseau, P. M. (C. Bastide) F ortn. 77: 801, —(O. Guerlac) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 74. Waldseemiiller, Martin. (C. G. Herbermann) Am. Cath. Q. 30: 112. — and the Early Lusitano-Germanic Cartography of the New World. (E. L. Stevenson) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 361 193. — Oldest Map, with the Name America, New Edition of. (G. P. Winship) Nation, 782 354. —(E. Hea- wood) Am. Hist. R. 10: 15o,—(F. H. Hodder) Dial, 37: 363. Wales, Church and Dissent in, in 19th Century. Church Q. 58: 51. -—— Church of, during the 17th Century. Church Q. 62: 74 — Crown Lands of North, and Labor. (C. S. Jones) Indep. R. 5: 62. . -—— Educational Crisis in. (A. C. Edwards) National, 44: 642. — — I904. (W. L. Jones) Indep. R. 2: 283, — Edwards’s Story of. Ath. ’o2, 1: 5, - Higher Education in. Quar. 200: 599. -— Industry and Commerce in Middle Ages. (E. A. Lewis) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. I71 IZI. -—— The Land of a Hundred Castles. (E. Rhys) Har- per, 110: 437- — Marches of, On the. (A. G. Bradley) Macmil. 852 264. — A National Museum and Library for. Thomas) Library, 11. s. 62 212. — Political Programme of, 1904. Indep. R. 32 481. — Revival in. (S. F. Smith) Month, 105: 449.-—(D. Williams) Indep. 58: 256. —(F. D. Shields) World To-day, 8: 313. — Liv. Age, 244: 380. (T. H. (D. Lloyd-George) —Welsh Wars of Edward 1., Morris on. Ath. ’oz, 2: 275. Walk, A, along a Railroad in June. (W. A. Quayle) Meth. R. 521 63. Vi/Talker, Francis A., Memorial Bust of. Technol. R. 1: 145. Walker, Frederick. Violet Field; Painting. Art J . 56: 0. Walker, Horatio, and his Art. Canad. M. 18: 495. Walker, Joseph R. (J . O’Meara) Californian, 4: 469. Walker, Robert J., with portrait. Green Bag, 15: IOI, Walker, Ryan, a Cartoonist of Social Protest. (B. 0. Flower) Arena, 331 393. Walker, Samuel, of Woburn, Mass., and some of his Descendants. (A. G. Loring and W. R. Cutter) N. E. Reg. 57: 350. Walker, Wm., and the Steamship Corporation in Nic- aragua. ' (W. Oscar Scroggs) Am. Hist. R. 10: 792. Walker, Wm. Johnson, with portrait. Technol. R. (M. L. Fairbairn) 1: 417, Walking. (W. T. Shore) Sund. M. 36: 16. WALKING Walking; Amenities of City Pedestrians. miiller) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 207. —- as Education. (A. N. Cooper) Longm. 46: 459. — Can a Business Man walk Five Thousand Miles a Year? (W. A. Green) Outing, 45: 5 33. —- Fun of. (W. B. Thornton) Ctry Life Am. 3: 3. Walking Delegate, The. (L. Grant) Outl. 84: 615. -— Daily Walk of the. (F. Clarkin) Cent. 45: 293. Walking Delegate Novelist, The. (Mrs. L. H. Harris) Indep. 60: 1213, Walking Vacation, A. (F. Auld) Ctry Life Am. 4: 7. Walks and Walking Tours. (A. Haultain) Atlan. 921 (L. Wind- 476- Wall Decoration, Artistic. (S. Howe) Ctry Life Am. 8: 642, Wall Garden, A New Kind of. (W. E. Pendleton) Ctry Life Am. 9: 528. Wall Paintings in All Saints’ Church, Friskney. (H. J . Cheales) A1-chaeol. 59: 371. Wall-paper; Designs for Children’s Room. (J . Paleo- logue) Studio (Internat.) 26: lxxviii. — -— New. (A. Vallance) Art J. 542 285. — Manufacture of, in America. (Arthur C. Wood) Brush & P. 16: supp. 3. Wall Street. (A. D. Noyes) Indep. 58: 179. —(A. D. Noyes) Nation, 77: 64. - and the Country. (C. A. Conant) Atlan. 931 I45. —- and the House of Dollars. (E. Crosby) Cosmopol. 40¢ supp- — as it is. (S. A. Nelson) World’s Work, 9: 5822, — An Awakening in. (S. Morse) Am. M. 62: 457. — “ Curb Scandal,” The. (A. D. Noyes) Nation, 80: 46. —-— Making it Safe. World’s Work, 4: 2265. —- The Matter with. (R. Ogden) Nation, 83: 49. — Newspapers and. (E. Lefevre) Bookman, I9: 136. — Speculation in, 1900-04. (H. Clews) Cosmopol. 37! 404- — Ups and Downs of; Great Operators who have gone broke. (H. Clews) Chamb. J . 82: 433. — Work of, Pratt on. (F. L. McVey) Dial, 342 401, Wall Street Leaders, Interviewing. (W. R. Givens) Indep. 55: 3040. Wall-street Plan, The. (Elliott Flower) Cent. 47: 813, Wallace, Alfred Russel. Arena, 36: 202, -— Autobiography. Nature, 73: I 45. -— (T. D. A. Cock- ere“) Dial, 401 11. — (Jeannette L. Gilder) Critic, 48: 352. Wallace, Colum. Acad. 67: 26. Wallace, Dillon, in Labrador. (G. M. Richards) Out- ing, 48: 22, —Word from, Outing, 47: 500. 48: 241, Wallace, John, of Londonderry, N. H. (E. S. Stearns) N. E. Reg. 56: :85. Wallace, John F. Loyalty in the Public Service. Outl. 80: 612. Wallace, Gen. Lew: (H. Lamont) Nation, 80: 148. — and Ben-Hur. (E. A. Schell) Meth. R. 65: 729, Wallace, Robert. Acad. 65: 185. Wallace Collection of Arms and Armor. (G. F. Lak- iI1g)AI‘t J- 541 I-°-9- 551 I9, 42, 63. 237-—(W- J- Smith) Munsey, 30: 704. — of Pictures. (Claude Phillips) Art J . 54: 97, 135, 301. -— —- N etherlandish Pictures. (Claude Phillips) Art J. 56: 273. 58: 129. Waller, Edmund, A Third~rate Poet. (E. Ensor) Gent. M. n. s. 74: 92. — a Transitional Poet. Liv. Age, 245: 311. Waller, Edwin, Reminiscences of. (P. E. Peareson) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 41 33. Walnut, English, in Southern California. (E. A. Ward) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 29: 64, 684 WAR Walnut Growing in California. (W. Scott) Calif. M. 4. 506. Vvalpole, Horace. Acad. 62: 339. —-(G. L. Strachey) Indep. R. 2: 641. —(P. A. Sillard) Month, 106: 382. — and Chesterfield. (L. H. Vincent) Meth. R. 64: 597. — and Cowper. (R. E. Prothero) Quar. 201: 35, —- Letters of. (G. Bradford, jr.) Atlan. 97: 33°. —- -— ed. by Mrs. Paget Toynbee. (H. W. Boynton) Dial, 40: 32o,—Ed. R. 199: 432,-Ath. ’o4, 1: 199, 807. ’o5, I: 40. —Liv. Age, 242: 205, -(R_ Garrett) Nation, 78: 233. 80: 231,-—Sat. R. 99: 208. I01: IIO.—Spec. 92: 184, — — Some Unpublished. Ath. ’02, 1: 425. —- Some Aspects of. (M. Barrington) Temp. Bar, 129: 155- Walpole, Spencer, History of Twenty-five Years, 1856- 3I. (VV. R. Thayer) Am. Hist. R. 10: 196.— Blackw. 176: 214. -— Spec. 92: 567, Walpole, Mass., Warnings in. N. E. Reg. 57: 141. Walsingham. England’s National Shrine. Gent. M. n. s. 76: 539. Walstone, John, of Guilford, Conn., and his Descend- ants. (B. C. Steiner) N. E. Reg. 59: 385. VV alter of Henley. (W. Cunningham) Roy. Hist. Soc. 11. s. 91 215. Walters, Charles E. Sund. M. 321 637. Waltham, Mass., the Watch-town. (Percival R. Eaton) New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 360. Walton, E. A., Scottish Painter. (Internat.) I7: 161, Walton, Isaac, and Henry Wotton, A Piscatory Dia- logue between. (W. C. Green) Antiq. n. s. 40: 197. — at Droxford. (J . Vaughan) Longm. 45: 46. —— An Old Edition of. (C. L. Eastlake) Chamb. J . 81: 525, Waltz, in Music. (J . S. Van Cleve) Music, 21: Wampum. (F. A. Ogg) New Eng. M. n. s. 27: Wandering Jew, A Buddhist Parallel to the. Edmunds) Open Court, 17: 75 5. Wanley, Humfrey, and the Harleian Library. Barwick) Library, n. s. 33 24, 2 Wantage, Robert J . Lindsay, Baron. —Spec. 88: 79. Wanted; a Chaperon; a story. (P. L. Ford) Cent. 42: 351. Wapiti, The, and his Antlers. M. am 15- War, Abolition of. (R. S. Minot) Nation, 78: 208.- Liv. Age, 242: 124, — Aims and Methods in. Un. Serv. M. 26: 624, — and Economic Competition. (Brooks Adams) Scrib. M. at 344. —- and Poetry. Ed. R. 196: 29, — and Race Decadence. (D. Starr Jordan) Indep. 59: (J . L. Caw) Studio 118. 749- (A. J. (G. F. ‘Ed. R. 195: 29. (E. T. Seton) Scrib. I475- - and Social Economy. (Ira W. Howerth) Internat. J . Ethics, 17: 7o. —- and the World’s Life. (F. N. Maude) Monthly R. 16, no. 2: 41. — Autocracy and. (J . Conrad) No. Am. 181: 33, — as a Teacher of War. Ed. R. 195: 281. — Buddhist View on. (S. Shaku) Open Court, 18: 274, — Can there be a Christian ? (F. A. Noble) Univ. of Chic. Rec. 3: 207. —— Christian Attitude towards. Sem. Rec. I0: 5. — Constitutional Safeguards against. Outl. 84: 29. — Cost of. (C. J . Bullock) Atlan. 952 433. -— Costliness of. (W. Restelle) Arena, 36: 337, —- Danger of, to Europe. (F. J . Gregg) World’s Work, 7= 4679. (A . Mackennal) Hartf. (E. Richard) WAR War, Declarations of. (A. G. Leech) Un. Serv. M. -—- Dgegtrflzlaion of Life in, Ancient and Modern. Chamb. — Die: IHLHD Starvation ? (S. Wilkinson) National, — Ti1‘:.'(;iZ- -- Poor, Great Losses caused from. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 71: 487. — Slant vs. Vertical. (S. I. Kreemer) Ednca. 25: 545, —— Teaching of, in Secondary Schools. (L. Bacon) School R. 11: 623. -— Vertical or Slant. (J . B. Probst) Ednca. 26: 115, Writing [authorship], Society’s Craze for. (J . L. Ford) Munsey, 31: 696. ‘Written Language, Acquirement of, by Primitive Peo- ples. Am. J . Psychol. 17: 69. Wrong, Prof. George M. (S. Calais) Canad. M. 27: 208 Wrong ivithout Remedy. (W. McCamant) Green Bag, 15: 339: 572- 709 XYLOGRAPHIC Wrongdoer,6The; a story. (F. W. Wharton) Harper, 109: 75 . Wrong Envelope, The. Good Words, 44: 589. Wu Tao Tze, Nirvana Picture of. (P. Carus) Open Court, 16: 163, Wu Ting Fang, with portrait. M. 62: 74. Wullewups, The. (R. Young) Cent. 46: 903. Wundt, W. Doctrine of Psychical Analysis. (E. H. Holland) Am. J . Psychol. 16: 499. — (E. H. Hol- land) Am. J . Psychol. 17: 206. —- — and the Genetic Significance of Feeling. (M. F. Washburn)Phi1os. R. 14: 21. (D. R. Marquis) Am. — Volkerpsychologie. (F. N. Hales) Mind, 28: 239. Wyandotte Breed of Poultry. (T. E. Orr) Ctry Life Am. 6: 339. Wyant, Alexander Helwig, A Landscape by. (W. S. Howard) Harper, 110: 802, Wyatt, Edith. Certain of the Chicago School of Fic- tion. (VV. D. Howells) No. Am. 176: 734. Wychwood; a Summer Home on Geneva Lake, Wis. (J. B. Fischer) Archit. Rec. 17: 126. Wyckoff, Walter A. (E. M. Norris) Critic, 42: 509, Wye River. (A. R. Quinton) Art J . 54: 37. Wye Valley, Folk-lore of the. (Margaret Eyre) Folk- Lore, 16: 162. - Wyman, Florence. (W. Walton) Craftsman, 9: 14. Wyman, Morrill, with portrait. (H. P. Walcott) Harv. Grad. M. 11: 493. Wyndham, George, with portrait. Pall Mall M. 26: 446. -— With portrait. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 27: 574. —-National, 47: 629. —- in Politics. Sat. R. 96: 192. Wyndham, Sir (J . A. Lovat-Fraser) Antiq. n. s. 42: 216. Wyndhurst, Lenox, Mass. (VV. Miller) Ctry Life Am. 2: I01, Wynnere and Wastoure. (G. Neilson ; H. Bradley) Ath. ’o3, I: 498-816. Wyoming, U. S. A., A Day’s Fishing in. (J . Marvyn) Blackw. 180: 694, —— Game Stronghold in. (F. Ireland) Scrib. M. 34: 259. — Hoodoos of. (E. V. Wilcox) Land of Sun. 15: 209. — Hunting Big Game in. (H. Seton-Karr) Pall Mall M, 28: 17. — In the Big Dry Country. (F. Ireland) Scrib. M. 36: 297- — Water Rights of. (F. Bond) Land of Sun. 15: 73. X, pseud. Mr. Balfour and the Unionist Party. Fortn. 85: 409. X-rays. (C. Barns) Science, 11. s. 21: 561, -— Distribution of Nuclei produced by. Am. J. Sci. 169: 175. “X. Y. Z.” (E. Reid-Matheson) Idler, 26: 527. Xavier, Francis, St., the Apostle of Japan. (R. F. O’Connor) Am. Cath. Q. 29: 673. Xanthoxylum, Brickles of. (A. Rehder) Science, n. s. 16: 1032, Xavier, Francis, St., and Unitarianism. Cath. World, 76: 11. _ Xenophon and the Attic Homestead. (E. Martinengo- Cesaresco) Contemp. 82: 716. — Memorabilia of Socrates. (B. Bosanquet) Internat. J. Ethics, 15: 432. Xiphosuran, New Permian from Kansas. Beecher) Am. J. Sci. 168: 23. X6chitl, The Myth of “Queen.” of Sun. 11: 259. Xuala and Guaxule. (C. Thomas and J . N. B. Hewitt) Science, n. s. 21: 863. Xylographic Prints, Easy Way to make. Studio (Internat.) 27: 59. (C. Barns) (C. E. (C. Wallace) Land (E. Ertz) YACHT Yacht, Cradle of the. (A. Van Anrooy) Outl. 83: 446. — Cruising in a Small. (J . Biethen) Ctry Life Am. 5; 327- -- A!Home-made. (A. J . Kenealy) Outing, 42: 47. —— How to sail a Small. (C. G. Davis) Ctry Life Am. 6: 158, — Modern Racing. (B. B. Crowninshield) Outing, 40: 222, -— — an -Engineering Proposition. Engin. M. 25: 829. — On a Racing. (C. T. Chapman) Outing, 42¢ 47. (W. P. Stephens) Yacht-building. Herreshoif’s Achievement. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 77: 201. Yacht-race; Challenger and Defender. (W. Jardine) Overland, n. s. 421 3. — for the America’s Cup, 1903. (O. B. Capen) Ctry Life Am. 4: 249. —(S. Reid) Indep. 55: 2106; (T. J . Hains) 2154. —(J. R. Spears) World’s Work, 6: 356»- — — Early Showing of “Shamrock II.” (W. M. Thompson) Outing, 42: 377, — — Sailing of the “ Reliance.” ins, 421 391. (J . R. Spears) Out- — 1904, “Shamrock III,” unlikely to win. (J . R. Spears) Outing, 42! 269. — — Why “ Shamrock III. ” failed. (R. Wringe) In- dep, 55: 2206. —— Emperor’s Cup, 1905. (W. Marshall) Outing, 46: 630. Yacht-racing across the Atlantic. (P. Bigelow) Indep. 58: 1451. —- (P. Bigelow) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 22: 482, — American, Usefulness of. (J . R. Spears) Outing, 42: 585. — America’s Cup-defenders. (W. J . Henderson) Out- ins.42= 757- — in 1902. (R. W. Bulkeley) Sat. R. 94: 197, — International, Future of. (Sir T. Lipton) Cosmo- POL 35= 714- — —— My Efforts to win the Cup. (Sir T. Lipton) Cos- mopol. 35: 525. — — Sailing a Cup-defender. (W. E. Simmons) Out- ing, 42: 64 5. — Ocean. (H. C. Rowland) Am. M. 60: 425, Yacht-racing Recollections and Reflections. Smith) Scrib. M. 36: 305. Yacht-sailing as a Fine Art. (J . Conrad) Booklover’s M. 5: 647. Yachting. (H. Sears) Outing, 40: 666, -- at Kiel. (J . B. Connolly) Harper, 107: 338, —. Cost of. (J . F. Tams) Outing, 42: 244, —— in San Francisco Bay. (C. G. Yale) Californian, 5: 2 —- in (A. C. 93- Southern California. (W. Mayhew) Calif. M. 4: 3. — Near San Francisco. (C. G. Yale) Calif. M. 2: 484, -— on the Decline. (R. W. Bulkeley) Sat. R. 98: 356, —- on the Great Lakes. (W. Bassett) Outing, 48: 395, — on the Pacific. Land of Sun. 9: 100. — One-design, Classes in. (W. P. Stephens) Outing, 40: 298, — A Personal Experience. Am, 2: 201, -4 Steam, Growth of. (O. G. Villard) Nation, 76: 470, Yachts, Desirable Size of. (W. P. Stephens) Outing, 40: 481, " — Evolution of the Racing Model. -(G. A. Carmack) Outing, 42: 665. — Fallacy of Gain in Sailing Length. ,(VV. P. Ste- phens) Outing, 44: 25 5. — Fitting Out for the Season. (A. J . Kenealy) 48: 82, , —- Measurement of. (J . Hyslop) Outing, 44: 360, 502. —- Outing, 45: 250, (T. Dixon, jr.) Ctry Life 711) YATES Yachts} “Shamrock III.” and “Reliance.” (J . R. Spears) Outing, 42: 755. —— Small and their Sailing. Outing, 40: 608, —- Steam; our Fleet of Floating Fortunes. Arnett) Munsey, 312 930. —- “ Ularia,” Mother of 90-footers. (W. M. Thomp- son) Outing, 44: 540, — Winter Care of. (C. G. Davis) Outing, 49: 112, -_ (C. G. Davis) Outing, 49: 243. _ Yachtswomen of America. (Gertrude Lynch) Cosmo- pol. 41: 73. Yahwism, The Triumph of. (C. H. Joy) J . Bib. Lit. 24: 91, Yakima Valley, Archaeology of. ence, n. s. 23: 551. Yakovenko-Yakovlev, Mlle., and Smolko, Helene, Two Russian Heroines. (C. Stetson) Cosmopol. (F. S. (H. I. Smith) Sci- 393 455- Yale, Elihu, Gov. of Madras. Atlan. Q. 1: 209. ‘ Yale and the Fraser River Caiiyon. Overland, n. s. 44: 33. Yale Athlete, Making a. body’s, I3: 41. Yale College Boys in Revolutionary Days, Monument to. Army & Navy Life, 92 600. Yale Education vs. Culture. (H. Gale) Pedagog. Sem. (B. C. Steiner) So. (F. Williamson) (W. G. Anderson) Every- g. 3. Yale University. Bicentennial Celebration. (T. R. Bacon) Calif. Univ. Chron. 4: 337.——(B. Perry) Atlan. 89: 42-3. -- Educational Problems at. n. s. 22: 514. -— in Foreign Missions. Yale Div. Q. 2: 107, —- Landberg Collection of Arabic Manuscripts at. (C. C. Torrey) Lib. J. 28: 53. —— Library of, in 1743. (J . W. Platner) Nation, 80: 171, -— Literary Instructors of. (B. J . Hendrick) Critic, 42: 221, — Physical Training at. (W. G. Anderson) Munsey, 33= 481. -—- Rise of Deism in. (A. T. Hadley) Science, (J . W. Riley) Am. J . Theol. 9: 474- — Wars of Conic Sections. (C. Deming) Indep. 56: 667. Yalu River, Along the. (Margherita A. Hamm) In- dep. 56: 709. Yamato Damashii. (O. K. Davis) Cent. 51: 177. Yamei Kin, Dr., and her Mission to the Chinese Peo- ple. (J . K. MacGregor) Craftsman, 9: 242, ' Yandel, Enid, the Sculptor. (R. Ladegast) Outl. 70: 81. Yang-Tze, Steam Traflic and Trade on Upper. (J . Mobsby) J . Soc. Arts, 49: 792. -— to China Sea. (W. B. Parsons) Geog. J . I9: 711. Yang-Tze Provinces, Problem of the Upper. (C. C. Manifold) Geog. J . 25: 589. Yanina, an Outpost of Asia. Spec. 96: 610, Yankee Alcalde in the Northern Sierras. (R. Greene) Ecl. M. 146: 452. Yaqui Indians in Sonora, Among the. (V. Granville) Land of Sun. 11: 84, Yard, Our. (R. R. Gilson) Harper, 104: 943, Yarkand. (E. H. Parker) Asia. R. 41: 22, Yarmouth, Mass. (E. M. Bangs) New Eng. M. n. s. 30= 674. Yarn of Captain Bill. (E. P. Butler) Cent. 49: 975. Yarn of the Serpents, The; a story. (E. C. McCants) Outing, 45: 31. 7 Yarn of the “ Sink or Swim ; ” a story. (N fDuncan) I1a1per,I°8= 444- Yarn-spinner and the Novelist. Outl. 81: 301. Yates, Frederic, with portrait. Land of Sun. 5: 192. '— Russo-Japanese War and the. YATES Yates Collections, The. Land of Sun. 2: 98. Year, At the Turn of the. (Fiona Macleod) Liv. Age, 250: 428, Year Book, The. (W. S. Holdsworth) Law Q. 22: 266, 360. Yearly Tribute, The; a story. per, 109: 204, Years, Farmers’. (N. Lockyer) Nature, 65: 248. 551 (R. H. Emmet) Har- 104, Yeats, William Butler. (E. B. Frothingham) Critic, 44¢ 27. — (C. Weygandt) Lippinc. 73: 484. —Book- man, 18: 36o.— (H. W. Boynton) Atlan. 92: 565. —-(Julia E. Ford ; Kate V. Thompson) Poet-Lore, I5: 110- 4: 83' —— and the Celtic Movement. Bk. News, 22: 1024, — and the Irish Literary Revival. (H. S. Krans) Outl. 76: 57. —- and the Revival of Gaelic Literature. lor) Meth. R. 65: 189. —~ as an Apostle of Reverie. Acad. 64: 589, 617. —-Ideas of Good and Evil. Ath. ’o3, 1: 807,-— Sat. R. 96: 334. —- in the Making. (C. Johnston) Poet-Lore, I7, no. 2: 102, — King’s Threshold. (M. Beerbohm) Sat. R. 97: 456. —— —— and On Baile’s Strand. Monthly R. 17, no. 2: I57- —- Later Work of. (F. Macleod) No. Am. I75: 473. —-Poems. Ath. ’02, II 298. ‘ —-,_Where there is Nothing. Acad. 63: 661, Yellow, Psychology of. (H. Ellis) Pop. Sci. Mo. 68: "6 (J . R. Tay- Yellow Dog, The ? Cosmopol. 38: 516, Yellow Fever. (S. H. Adams) McClure, 27: 178, — and Mosquitoes. (L. O. Howard) Cent. 44: 851. — (J. W. W. Stephens) Nature, 74: 299,--(L, 0, Howard) Science, 11. s. 22: 526. —- and the South. Indep. 59: 683, , - Animal Parasite supposed to be Cause of. (J . C. Smith) Science, 11. s. I8: 5 30. '— (H. W. Robinson) Science, 11. s. 19: 29. —— Experimental Studies in, at Vera Cruz. n. s. 221 443. —— Fighting. (C. A. Williams) World To-day, 9: 1106. — Symposium on. Science, 11. s. 23: 367. Yellow Fever Expedition, The German. Science, n. s. 20: 182, Yellow Journalism. Bookman, I9: 400. “Yellow Journalist,” London’s First. New Eng. M. n. s. 34: 488. ‘ Yellow Man, A, and a White. (Eleanor Gates) Scrib. B4-37= 727. Yellow Men of Central Africa. Anthropol. 5: 539. Yellow Peril, The. (O. Eltzbacher) 19th Cent. 55: 910.-'=Liv. Age, 242: 223. —(M. L. Taft) Meth. R. 65: 220, —— and the White. Talk about the. Chaut. 42: 7. -—— Bogey of. (D. C. Boulger) 19th Cent. 55: 30,: Ecl. M. 142: 312.-—‘Liv. Age, 240: 321. ——- The Real. (F. Cunliffe-Owen) Munsey, 31: 321. (Ivanovitch) Con- (Martha McCulloch-Williams) Science, (S. P. Verner) Am. temp. 86: 162. — So-called. (T. B. Wilson) Overland, n. s. 45: 133, Yellow Race, Advance of the. Spec. 94: 888, Yellow Van, The. (R. Whiteing) Cent. 43: 137-889. 44= 31-939- Yellowstone National Park. (A. Hague) Scrib. M. 35: 513. -— (J. C. Fennel) Calif. M. 2: 348. —OutWest, I8: 545. -—(M. E. Andrews) Out West, I9: 455, -, (A. T. Richardson) Out West, 22: 325,--' (H. F. 711. Cope) World To-day, 8: 631. YOUGHAL Yellowstone National Park, as it now is. Baker) Cent. 44: 481. — Death Gulch. (F. W. Traphagan) Science, n. s. 19: 632, — — Ski-runners of. (L. R. Freeman) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 611, - — Family Trek to the. 58: 1460, -— On Horseback through. World’s Work, 6: 3569. —- A Place of Marvels. (R. S. Baker) Cent. 44: 481. Yemenite Liturgy, Gleanings from the. (G. Margoli- _ outh) Jew. Q. 17: 690. ' Yeoman of the Guard, Hennell’s History of. Ath, ’O4,2= 440- Yeomanrg, The. (R. H. Carr-Ellison) Un. Serv. M. 24: 4 _ — Early History of the. Un. Serv. M. 32: 104. Yeomen, Service of. Spec. 93: 182. Yerba Buena Island, Cal. (H. S. Kirk) Land of Sun. I5: 228, Yerba Mate, The. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 37: 413. Yerkes Observatory. (W. W. Payne) Pop. Astron. I4: 458- — Solar Physics at. (W. J . S. Lockyer) Nature, 69: 608. Yesterday’s Roses. (Katharine Tynan Hinkson) Cornh. 88: 138, Yezidis, The; a Strange Survival. Church Q. 58: 119. Yiddish “ Hamlet,” The. (I. Zangwill) Cent. 49: 403. Yin-Teh-Sen. (B. C. Steiner) So. Atlan. Q. 3: I50. Yockney, Alfred. Londonderry. Art J . 58: 343-359. Yohn, F. C. (E. Knaufft) Bk. Buyer, 24: 444, Yolo County, Cal., Orchards, Vineyards, and Farms of. (Caroline M. Olney) Overland, n. s. 40: 171. Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Acad. 64: 337. —- Bk. News, 21: 737. —Church Q. 58: 337. =Ecl. M. 142: 587. , =Liv. Age, 240: 667, —— Life and Letters. Ath. ’o3, I: 428, — Novels of. Ed. R. 202: 357.——(J. Elliot Ranken) Month, 104: 62. Yonkers, Housing Problem of. Char. I1: 526. Yon’l. (M. Foster) Everybody’s, 35: 665. Yorick, Poor. (T. B. Aldrich) Cent. 44: 710. York, Edward Plantagenet, 2d Duke of, Master of Game. A Classic of the Chase. (E. H. L. Watson) Fortn. 84: 866, York, Eng., its Place in English Institutions. (L. Gomme) Cornh. 94: 691. York, Maine. (P. C. Bouvé) (R. S. (Mrs. N. E. Corthell) Indep. (H. D. Sedgwick, jr.) N61-v Eng. M. n. s. 26: 679. . , York, Pa. Nat’l M. (Bost.) I9: 250. Yorkshire, Geographical Distribution of Vegetation in. (W. G. Smith) Geog. J. 21: 375. 22: 149. Yorktown, Siege of, Capt. J . Duncan’s Diary of. M. of Hist. 2: 407, Yosemite Valley, Cal. (C. T. Gordon) Calif. M. 2: 174. — (W. Rodman) Out West, 22: 259, — Impressions of." (L. Abbott) Outl. 78: 410. — in VVinter. (J . M. Carson) Calif. M. 3: 138. — Indian Mythology of. (G. E. Townsend) Overland, n. s. 41: 454, — National Park. (F, A. Pattee) Land of Sun. I3: 201, -—(G. Morris) Outing, 47: 597. — Night on Glacier Point. (Eloise J . Roorbach) Over- land, 11. s. 48: 207, —— Recession of the. Cent. 48: 156, — (H. T. Finck) Nation, 80: 325. — Storms and Floods in. (J . Muir) Outl. 80: 297, You at School. (E. L. Sabin) Cent. 45: 291. You Retainers. (W. J . Ghent) Indep. 61: 23. Youghal. Sat. R. I02: 544, YOUNG Young, Alexander, his Collection of Corot Pictures. (E. G. Halton) Studio (Internat.) 30: 3. -—- His Collection of Paintings; the Daubignys. G. Halton) Studio (Internat.) 30: 99. Young, Prof. Charles A., with portrait. Dart. Bi-Mo. 1: 20. Young, Edward. Night Thoughts. (L. Stephen) Na- tional, 39: 908. = Critic, 411 341. Young, Ella Flagg. (Annie E. S. Beard) World To- day. 9= I33¢» Young, Filson. Mastersingers. I01: 519, Young, Prof. John. (E. (J . M. Poor) (H. E. Gorst) Sat. R. (J . G. McKendrick) Nature, 67: 249- Young, Gen. Samuel B. M. The First Chief of Stafi-‘. Outl. 75¢ 53.——(W. H. Carter) Munsey, 28: 810, —With portrait. Indep. 55: 2095. Young, Cleverness of the. Macmil. n. s. I: 299. = Liv. Age. 248= 751- Young Bob Kemp; a story. 111: 527. Young Corey’s Chance. 532- Young Herrold’s Good Angel; a story. (Anne O’Ha- gan) Munsey, 29: 17. Young Hero of the Sioux, The; a story. (M. C. Crow- ley) Cath. World, 78: 642. Young Lion of Dedan, A; a story. Mall M. 27: 475. Young Love and Old Hate. (E. P. Butler) Harper, (V. Roseboro’) McClure, 27: (G. Parkes) Pall (L. B. Ely) Lippinc. 78: 513- Young Man and the World, The. (H. Lamont) Na- tion, 81: 376. Young Man in a Hurry, A; a story. bers) Harper, 1072 377, Young Man with Nothing but Brains, The. (T. A. De Weese) Forum, 32: 695, Young Men, American, Nation’s Demand upon. (C. H. Brent) Outl. 80: 436, Young Men’s Buddhist Association of Japan. (J . A. Goodrich) Outl. 72: 220, Y. M. C. A. Christian Pagans. (E. H. Abbott) Outl. 81: 917, - The Exodus from Philistia. 81: 1073, — of To-day. (H. N. Casson) Munsey, 33: 671. — Railroad Branch of. (G. A. Warfield) Chant. 39: 35 I. — Religious Work of the, Efliciency of. (G. Stanley Hall) Pedagog. Sem. I2: 478. -— Training School at Springfield, Mass. (H. M. Burr) Educa. 24: 453. — A Vast Machine for Social Betterment. (R. Stevens) World’s Work, 5: 3341. Young Territory, A Chapter in the History of. (F. M. Clarke) Texas Hist. Assoc. Q. 9: 51. Younger Generation, The; a story. (E. S. Johnson) Am. M. 62: 468. Youngest, The; a poem. (E. Foote) Atlan. 92: 73. Younghusband, Francis Edward, Epistle to. (H. New- bolt) Monthly R. 17, no. 1: 1, Youngstown, Ohio. (J . Kennedy) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: 613. Youth and Sunshine. (Florence Milner) Educa. 26: 260. —— in Literature, The. Acad. 62: 555. — Persistence of. (G. S. Street) Ecl. M. 138: 26, —— The Quest of Prolonged. (C. Snyder) Monthly R. 24, no. 3! 90. =Liv. Age, 2512 323. — Si Jeunesse voulait. (Florence Bell) Monthly R. 8, no. 1: 126.=Ecl. M. 139: 543_ —— Triumphs of. (R. R. Williams) Munsey, 28: 545, —— Unpopularity of. Spec. 88: 432. Yrujo, Chevalier d’, a Spanish Opponent of the Louisi- ana Purchase. (C. H. Hart) Cent. 42: 947. (R. W. Cham- (E. H. Abbott) Outl. 712 ZER’IN Yuba County, Mountains and Valleys. Overland, n. s. 40: 567. Yucatan, the First American Civilization. (VV. Grif- fith) Craftsman, 10: 687. — Impressions of. (A. Marquand) Princ. Univ. Bull. (C. M. Olney) 7. 64. Yucca Palm, The. (H. E. Brook) Land of Sun. 1: I09, Yuen Yan, Impiety of; a story. mil. 89! 209. Yukaghir Language, Essay on the Grammar of. (W. Jochelson) Am. Anthropol. 71 369. Yukon River, Breaking-up of the Ice in. (G. S. Gibbs) Nat. Geog. M. 17: 268, — Exploration of, 1865-68, Reminiscences of. (W. H. Dall) Pop. Sci. Mo. 69: 12.8. — In the Valley of the. (Eliz. F. Gray) Overland, n. s. 431 492- Yukon Territory, How to save it. worth) Canad. M. 241 317. Yule-tide down in Mulberry. 1022, —- in Barracks. Good Words, 47: I13. — Ye Olden. (J. R. Fryar) Sund. M. 34: 126. (E. Bramah) Mac- (C. M. Wood- (O. Kildare) Outl. 78: Yuma, Arizona. (R. A. L. Robinson) Calif. M. 4: 868. . Yung, Salar, A Vindication of. Asia. R. 392 267. Yungmann, Nico, Work of, with portrait. (A. L. Baldry) M. of Art, 26: 301, Yunnan, China, Journey through from the Yangtze. (Mrs. A. Little) Cornh. 93: 476. — Expedition of 1875. (H. A. Browne) Asia. R. 42: 82. —- — and the Cheefoo Convention. (H. A. Brown) Asia. R. 411 114, 346. Yvonne of the Folies Bergere. (Prince Vladimir Vani- atsky) Lippinc. 73: ‘[86. Zaccheus. Outl. 79: 1029, Zagala. (R. B. C. Graham) Sat. R. 97: 389. Zakro, Bronze-age Vases from. (D. G. Hogarth) J . Hel. Stud. 22: 333. Zakro Sealings, The. 22: 76, Zakrzewska, Dr. Marie. Open Court, 16: 386, Zambesi, Batoka Gorge of the, Report on. Nature, 73: 111. — Bridging the Gorge of the. Work, 12: 7637. — Dawn to Dark on the High. (A. T. Battye) 19th Cent. 58: 980. =Liv. Age, 248: 206. (D. G. Hogarth) J . Hel. Stud. (W. L. Garrison and others) (A. T. Prince) World’s Zambesi Valley, Stone Age of the. (H. W. Fielden) Nature, 731 77- Zamias of Florida. (G. R. Wieland) Am. J . Sci. 163: 3"!- Zamoi-a Regiment, Spain, History of. (D. Hannay) Cornh. 93: 774. Zanardelli, Giuseppe; Services to Italy. No. Am. 178: 270. Zangwill, Israel, with portrait. (T. M. Parrott) Book- lover’s M. 41 233. — (G. B. Burgin) Critic, 42: 266. — as a Poet. Acad. 34: 43L — Engagement of. Acad. 65: 459. Zanesville, O. (H. E. Hollister) Nat’l M. (Bost.) 18: (G. Biagi) 478- Zealand, Beautiful Women of. (V. Thompson) Idler, 22: . Zebra, Domestication of ; Report of Experiments. (R. J. Stordy) J. Soc. Arts, 51: 691. Zeebrugge, Belgium, New Seaport of. (C. Piens) Am. Geog. Soc. Bull. 36: 84. Zeisberger, David. (A. B. Hulbert) Chant. 38: 257, Zer’in, Remains of a Mediaeval Church at. (G. Shu- macher) Am. J . Archaeol. 2d ser. 6: 338, ZEUSS Zeuss, John Caspar. (J . J . Dunn) Cath. Univ. Bull. 9¢ I79- Ziegler Polar Expedition. Nat. Geog. M. 14: 414. Ziegler’s Theory of Sex Determination. Science, n. s. 22: 839, Ziem, Felix, F. G. P. (J . Galtier) Am. Arch. 88: 62. Zimbabwe, The Great, and other Ruins in Rhodesia. (R. N. Hall) Geog. J . 25: 405. — Ancient Architecture at. (R. N. Hall) J . Soc. Arts, 53: 563. —-Am. Arch. 78: 30.—(A. H. Keane) Ath. ’03, I: 313.—Am. Arch. 80: 63.—(A. Hof- meyer) Chamb. J. 79: 758.—Am. Arch. 87: 23. Zinc, Atmospheric Corrosion of. Science, 11. s. 19: 395. — Microchemical Test for. (H. C. Bradley) Am. J . Sci. 172: 327. — Occurrence of, in Certain Invertebrates. (H. C. Bradley) Science, 11. s. 19: 196, Zinc Mining in Missouri and Kansas. (F. Eberle) Nat’l M. (Bost.) I8: 357. Zinc Oxide, Consumption of. (J . C. Smith) Am. Arch. 84: 66. Zinc Reductor, Use of, in the Estimation of Vanadic Acid. (F. A. Gooch and R. D. Gilbert) Am. J. Sci. 165: 389. Zinc Sulphide, Phosphorescence of, through the Influ- ence of Condensed Gases obtained by Heating Rare-earth Minerals. (C. Baskerville and L. B. Lockhart) Am. J . Sci. 170: 93. Zion; the City of David. (G. A. Smith) Expos. 6th ser. I1: 1. Zionism. (J. Strauss) Gent. M. n. s. 68: 25.—(M. Nordau) Internat. Q. 6: 127. — and Anti-Semitism. Quar. I95: 385. — and the Future of the Jews. (I. Zangwill) World’s Work, 6: 3895. — and Socialism. (B. G. Richards) Arena, 29: 276. — Peril of. (L. Wolf) Jew. Q. 17: I. Zionist Movement. (R. J . H. Gottheil) Cosmopol. 36: 241, Zionistic Movement, The. (E. N. Calisch) Booklover’s M- 5= 495- Zionists, The. (C. R. Conder) Blackw. I80: 780, —Wolf on the “Zionist Peril.” (I. Zangwill) Jew. 62- W 397. Zittel, Karl Alfred von. (H. F. Osborn) Science, 11. s. 19: I86.——Nature, 69: 253. Zkara, Are they Christians or Musulmans ? (E. Mon- tet) Asia. R. 40: 86. — A Christian Tribe in Morocco. Bull. 36: 343. Zodiacal ‘Light. (E. Ledger) I9th Cent. 57: 448.- (A. K. Bartlett) Pop. Astron. 10: 179. Zodiacs of Different Nations. (P. Carus) Open Court, 20: 458. Zola, Emile. (H. James) Atlan. 92: 193. — (H. N. Snyder) So. Atlan. Q. 2: 23. —— (H. T. Peck) Book- man, 16: 233.—-(G. Geffroy) Internat. Q. 6: 366. — (W. D. Howells) No. Am. 175: 587. — With por- trait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 26: 572, —(F. J. Mather, jr.) Nation, 75: 260. —Acad. 63: 337. — (W. Rob- erts) Ath. ’02, 2: 450. —(W. Littlefield) Critic, 41: 405.-—Sat. R. 94: 419. —Spec. 89: 48;. =Liv. Age. 235% 376. —-— and the Humbert Case. Idler, 22: 223, -—-Art of. (F. Gribble) Fortn. 78: 786.=Liv. Age, 235: 590,-:Ec1, M, 140: 122, — as a Literary Worker. Acad. 65: 192. — as 8Novelist and Reformer, Vizetelly’s. Sat. R. 991 4 . — as a Writer. (V. Wilkes) Meth. R. 63: 65. — Books of. (L. Strachey) Lamp, 26: 409, — Ecogomics of, Later. (H. W. Blunt) Econ. R. 13: 14 , Am. Geog. Soc. 713 ZOROASTER Zola, Emil, Fight of, for his Opinions. (J . R. Ormond) So. Atlan. Q. 3: 377. — His Life and Work. Quar. 197: 115. -— His Place in Literature. (E. Rod) Contemp. 82: 617, — How he worked. Monthly R. 9, no. 21 86. — the Man and the Novelist. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 28: 646. — Last Word on Education. 25: 468, —- Novelist and Reformer, Vizetelly on. Arena, 32: 440- (T. Dickinson) Educa. — Paris of. (F. J . Cooper) Bookman, I6: 240. — Personal Memories of. (C. H. Meltzer) Bookman, 16: 250, — Personal Souvenirs of. (T. Stanton) Nation, 752 281. —-— Some Aspects of. Macmil. 87: 67. — Les Trois Villes. Ed. R. 197: 141. — Truth. (W. Littlefield) Critic, 42: 276. — Vizetelly’s Life of. Ath. ’04, 21 510. —(M. W. Sampson) Dial, 372 I 59. — The Zola of Anglo-American Appreciation. Littlefield) Lamp, 29: 199. Zollverein, An Imperial, with Preferential Tariffs. (C. F. Bastable) Econ. J. 12: 507. -—- Proposed British. (A. R. Colquhoun) No. Am. 177: (W. 172, Zoiilogical Gardens and Scientific Research. Science, 11. s. 241 124. — Lessons of the. (F. G. Aflalo) Chamb. J . 79: 667, Zoiilogical Nomenclature as applied to Medicine. (D. S. Jordan) Science, 11. s. 221 490. Zoiilogical Park, New York. (L. Hubbard, jr.) Outing, 44: 670. —- (C. W. Beebe) Science, 11. s. 20: 538. Zoiilogists, American Society of, 1903. (G. A. Drew) Science, 11. s. 17: 481, 529. — - 1906. . Science, 11. s. 23: 521. — Facilitating the Work of. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Sci- ence, n. s. 21: 749. Z06106gy, Benham’s. (G. N. Calkins) Science, 11. s. 15: 2 7, — College-entrance Option in. (C. M. Clapp and others) Science, 11. s. 20: 85. — Colton’s Descriptive and Practical. (J . H. Gerould) Science, 11. s. 18: 112, — Designation of Generic Types. ence, n. s. 23: 700, — Economic, Theobald’s Second Report on. Webster) Science, 11. s. 19: 757. — for Beginners, Kukenthal’s Practical. N ation, 65! 581, — Great Need in American. Science, n. s. 17: 33. — in America. (T. D. A. Cockerell) Pop. Sci. Mo. (C. W. Styles) Sci- (F. M. (T. H. Montgomery) 62: 163. — Kellogg’s Elementary. (G. H. Parker) Science, 11. s. 15: 864. — Law of Von Baer. (O. C. Glaser) Science, n. s. 16: 976 — Method of Elimination in Fixing Generic Types. (D. S. Jordan) Science, n. s. 22: 598. — Phases that need to be emphasized in Secondary Education. (B. P. Colton) School R. 12: 57. — Schmeil’s Text-book of, from a Biological Stand- point. (C. B. Davenport) Science, 11. s. 15: 90:. — 6th International Congress of. Nature, 70: 473. —-— Summer’s Dredging on the Coast of Southern California. (W. E. Ritter) Science, 11. s. I 5: 55. Zoiipalaeontology. Science, n. s. 18: 835. Zorn, Anders, Recent Etchings by. (H. Frantz) Studio (Internat.) 29: 281, Zoroaster, Contributions of, to Christianity. (P. Carus) Open Court, 19: 409. ZOROASTRIAN Zoroastrian Messiah, The. (A. Smythe Palmer) Hib- bert J. 5: 156. Zoroastrianism and Primitive Christianity. (J . Moflfat) Hibbert J. I: 763. 2: 347, . Zosimus, Pope, and the Council of Turin. man) Dub. R. 135: 366. Zubair Pasha, Autobiography of. Monthly R. 17, no. 1: 136. Zuloaga, Ignacio, Spanish Artist. (H. Frantz) Studio (Internat.) 20: I 59. — (C. Brinton) Cent. 47: 446. Zulu, Warfare with Assegai and Shield. (F. W. D’Evelyn) Calif..M. 3: 609. Zululand, So. Africa. (J . De Blicq) Idler, 25: 488. Zulus, Gibson’s Story of the. Ath. ’o4, I: 262, Zulus’ Charm for Courage. (J . B. Hodge) Temp. Bar, 126: 476. Zufii Folk-tales, Cushing’s. (F. Starr) Dial, 33: n8. Zufii Games. (M. C. Stevenson) Am. Anthropol. 5: 468. (J . Chap- (D. S. Margoliouth) 714 .Zut; a story. zmosronns Zuiii Indians of New Mexico and their Shalako Dance. (Mrs. W. H. Bartlett) Out West, 22: 389. Zurbaran, Francisco, “St. Catherine in Prayer,” Pic- ture by. Cent. 49! 299. Zurich, ‘The Concilium Bibliographicum in. (H. H. Field) Lib. J . 29: supp. 99. — Federal Polytechnic at. (H. W. Tyler) Technol. R. 8: 171, (G. W. Carryl) Harper, I05: 261. Zuyder Zee, At the Bottom of the. (C. Edwardes) Macmil. 86: 420, =Liv. Age, 235: 422. = Ecl. M. 140: 76, — Draining of the. (W. Wellman) McClure, 21: 648. —(A. Henry) Chamb. J. 80: 5I3.—(J. H. Gore) - Pop. Sci. Mo. 60: 551. —(W. H. Wheeler) Nature, 552 275. — (A. Van Anrooij) World To-day, 8: 283. Zygospore Formation a Sexual Process. (A. F. Blakes- lee) Science, n. s. 19: 866. Zygospores. (A. F. Blakeslee) Science, n. s. 24: 118. Gib: laibersiue {Buss CAMBRIDGE ~ MASSACHUSETTS U - s - A ' .5. ,, i 1 . I I ’*,;“:".- 7. , . “l I 1 .4; 1. 5 5 l. 1. R.,; 1* , 1 11 1 Q . ‘l 1, \ f1,- 1'. i5 ' I if \ ) M I ,3 1 . ‘D Y -1‘ ' 1 1 1 :( , / ~ I ‘, . ‘. . Q1 ’ 1 . ./ 1 I \. 1' '1 '. I 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 /’ l \ 1 \ , 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 , . 1 I '1 ,-1 \ 1.! 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 5 1 ,1‘. \ . \ ~ ‘I. 5 ! 1. ,/7 '4 5' F . 1 -.I 1 r K \ 1 i 1 <. 1 I . _ 1' ,; J, I i , 3 I in V‘ V (VJ-[:1>\,\)>6R$\TY OF M1cH1cAN ,. . 1 , '1 J l 3 9015 Q.-- 1’ ,- I . , _ /\ X - \\ sj-.-11-.4 1. .-,4 .5...-1'11'u. ‘*‘;lu|'vll 1 ~ '-'~ - - -4-aiu~_ --o.--., \_A\A~.-‘¢!b_ M - -0.‘ ‘>‘_» _- 3 Q -3 .I.' .__. .;.-.. <;;;l _."':AA_.' 'I.l._I‘l 0 E.,.....'._.‘..- . .._.a._-.-..- M -._. _._‘.--