E. • * * * * º UN §\ s sº LIBRARY IVERSI jº < W. Yº •-r" : Fºº Eſ +: M Crs. …” 2- ſºlº 2 cºst NVUU # 'Nº! IIIIHIIIIIIIII §i); TOF MICH6 * * ...,’. -- . . - . . . 1 |B H JD A (2 7 O G-4T Jº/3 G. LOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES PRINTED BY JOHN BELLOWS, GLou CESTER 277423 PLACE-NAMES OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE A HANDBOOK BY w; St. CLAIR BADDELEY JOHN BELLOWS, GLOUCESTER I9 I3 TO FRANCIS AD A M S HYETT IN GRATEFUL FRIEND SHIP e--gº". -Taº YS.-º--~~~ * ~ 2.2 - ?sco 2' > 3- INTRODUCTION PLACE-NAMES record faithfully enough to us, not only the settlements formed by our forerunners belonging to ancient races (the possessors and the places possessed), in the land we live in, but they tell us not a little as to what were their actual demands upon these ; what were their labours, their homely callings, where were fought their battles, where were heaped their dikes and defences, and, finally, their impressive burial-mounds. Of some few, however, Such as certain river-names, it may be said that these only glimmer to us in an uncertain, often tanta- lizing, way, through the deep night of pre-history, like light from some of the remoter stars, the spectra of which are too faint to give any certain results. Place-names often reveal to us the personal names of the originators of hamlets, and the owners of manors, as well as the identity of the once-important tribal- centre, market, or hundred ; so many of which have now dwindled to almost insignificant farms, if, indeed, they have not actually disappeared. Furthermore, by Subjecting their early variant-forms to the comparative process, they not infrequently discover to us the Secrets of certain sound-changes, which have been due either to dialectal influences, or, more often, to those peculiar modifications which took place in initial and other groups of consonants in order to suit Norman articulation. All this, then, that they give us, is historical material. It is part of that precious viii. INTRODUCTION national subject-matter, a singular intimacy with which made my kind neighbour, the late Prof. F. W. Maitland, declare that “the Map of England is the most wonderful of palimpsests, could we but decipher it’: and which caused Mr J. H. Round to add that “much of our history that is still dark is written in the names that our remote forefathers gave to their English homes.” The meaning of the name by which each village in Gloucestershire is known to-day, therefore, is part of that history ; and, as Such, it is, or it Ought to be, of some interest to every intelligent inhabitant therein. It has, in fact, a pedigree, as Surely as has every oolite fossil that he turns up in his garden ; and that pedigree can only be satisfactorily traced in the evi- dence yielded by early forms. The following collection, formed in the course of country-walks, by wick and ridge and wold, it is hoped, may help to stimulate that interest in every district of Gloucestershire, a county that, -including within its area the Cotteswold Hills, the right and left banks of the lower Severn, even a portion of the Thames, one bank, at least, of the lower Wye (as far as its mouth), and bordered, as are its limits, by no less than eight other counties, in addition to it being traversed by two of the most magnificent of Romano-British highways, —may be regarded as having been enriched in inter- est by every period of recorded Ancient and Mediaeval History. If, however, in consequence of owning such a full record, a reader, pursuing some pre-conceived idea relative to Brython and Goide1, should expect to find in the following pages evidence of an abundant Sur- vival of what are vaguely called ancient Celtic place- names, and are often supposed to lie conveniently on the surface of modern Welsh Dictionaries, he will be INTRODUCTION iX. disappointed. The West Saxon Huiccans, together with their Mercian successors and overlords, have worked out in this district the results of their respective conquests to the utmost ; and, apart from the more rarely-changing river-terms, there are few localities on either side of the Severn, that do not bear in their names unequivocal witness to Saxon expropri- ation. The common term hāle (dat) = corner-mead, deriving from the W.S. heale (dat); is responsible for the Suffix in Rudhall, Symondshall, Ludgershall, Howmhall, Broomals, Starveall, Abinghall, (q.v.). Cf. N.E.D. hale sp. (2). For in these examples Hall is only a misleading modern spelling. Moreover, the same forceful movement that so effectually effaced pre-Saxon names of settlements, has in turn proved almost too strong for the Successful ingrafting of Scandinavian ones. It is easier to 1eave blood behind than to leave a name. Although the Danes raided the Severn, and occupied both Gloucester and Cirencester, with, doubtless, many smaller centres, they left us but a single ‘ by,” and no traceable example of ‘thwaite,’ or ‘scoe’ (Skog). The writer is aware that it has been usual to place unquestioned to their entire credit the existence of the many ‘thorpes’ and the few instances of ‘7tess that survive to us. That, probably, is going too far. For, without re- Sorting to the poems of Beowulf, it can be readily shewn that both these terms (albeit the former may have originally been borrowed), take their positions as genuine old English words. Although, in his Staffordshire Place-names (p. 152), Mr Duignan has stated that “in the N and E, where Scandinavian influ- ence prevailed, Thorpes are numerous. In the S.W. the Hangerby in the Bailiwick of Bicknor (Forest of Dene). A.D. 1281. Peramb: Forest of Dene, a. Io Edward I. (Vol. XIV. Trans. Br. and Gl. Arch. Soc.) Ay– Dwelling (/)an). X. INTRODUCTION word is unknown,”—we have found seventeen ex- amples in Gloucestershire, six in Wiltshire, and ten in Oxfordshire. Of those in Gloucestershire, more than one half are situated within the lines formed by Gloucester, Stroud, and Frampton-on-Severn. Of the remainder most lie East of the Foss-way : one, Inch- thorp, adjoined Cirencester ; another, Upthorp, is near South Cerney : the rest including Adlestrop, are situ- ated beyond the Coln, towards Oxfordshire. None lie West of Severn, and but two (Puckrup and the Winch- combe Thrup), North of Gloucester; while Worcester- shire is said to contain only two examples. But if we leave the question of Thorpe open on the linguistic Side, I think we must admit that the fact of these thorps grouping between the Cotteswold escarpment and the Severn in such a number does point rather directly to an abnormal influence. Nevertheless, of the Seventeen examples in the County, only five have personal names for prefix ; and of these, four have dis- tinctively A.S. names. Boutherop (Eastleach Martin), refers not to a Northman Boui, but to A.S. burh. It is remarkable that, with the exception of Brook- thorp and Collhorp, none of them has preserved this pure form of the suffix. Cf. Westrip, Williamstrip, Wolstrop, Puckrup, Cockrººp, Upthrup, Hatherop, Pindrup, Adlestrop, Thrupp : Inch!/torp, at Cirences- ter, and Ulfrichet/trop, near Gloucester, having dis- appeared. The independent form Thrupp occurs also in Berkshire and Oxfordshire : So it is not peculiar to this County. On the other hand, the form trip seems to be found in Somerset (Eastrip), Wilts, and Gloucester. Yet the early examples of these (F.A.) give Willamesthorp, Westrop. Hence, I take the i-form to be dialectal. The A.S. forms are Thorp and Threp. If the Danes have left other local pledges of their former short-lived presence, we should look for them, INTRODUCTION Xi. perhaps, in field-names and personal ones (such as Seagrim, and Steingrim), rather than in hamlets or manors at important points of the landscape. The Scarhill, near Minchinhampton, may be possibly of Scandinavian Origin. From this it may be deduced that, were it possible to distinguish by means of place-names layer over layer of the successive races or tribes of people, that have displaced or absorbed one another over even so Small an area as a modern county,+that would be an ideal achievement. Unfortunately, to this end, it would be needful that a far greater number of early variants of the names (as well as more names than there are), should have survived. Secondly, it would be requisite that they should exhibit more marked con- trasts, –one layer to another, —than does, Say, Mercian to West Saxon, or than both do to Anglian ; and, finally, that one hundred times the quantity of the earliest Charters containing these names should have come down to us. But it is of no use to cry for the II). OO11. The following pages bear sufficient witness to students of Gloucestershire History, of the disappear- ance of numbers of place-names since Norman days. The writer has ventured to take the view that, for his purpose, those vanished names are of almost equal importance with those which have remained in use. Hence, they are included in his by no means perfect collection. As to the river-names, the most interesting sur- vival is perhaps that represented by the familiar and innocent-looking Coln. It should be mentioned, per- haps, that out of, say, twenty-seven streams, (including the Thames and Severn), about one-third have ex- changed their names for Saxon ones, and those that have done SO are all of them minor tributaries. Xii. INTRODUCTION The mysterious pedigree of the name Colm is tes- tified to by the survival of four Anglo-Saxon Charters. The earliest of these, C.S. I 66, takes us back to c. A.D. 740, and belongs to Worcester. In it the name is given as Cuzzzaglae. In the Second Charter, C.S. 487, dated A.D.855, it is Cunelgan; (Metathesis is responsible for the transposition of ‘l’ and ‘g’); the latter probably representing Clt??!!glazz, genitive of Cuzzuglaº. In still another Charter, this time a Gloucester example (No. 535 C.S. and dated to A.D. 872), a small place beside the river is referred to (now, Coln St. Aldwyn), as E127 leglazz. The mis-spelling of this for Clantaglan, as above, seems extremely probable ; for the names in this Gloucester Charter have been taken from several earlier land-certificates. Enneglazz is there- in referred to as a portion of the heritage of Aldred, Sub-king, or viceroy, of the Huiccans, who lived some ninety years before the date of the Charter. This con- jecture is not weakened by the fact that another land- charter—(this time ninety years after), C.S. Io91, A.D. 962—gives the name as Cungle, (for neighbouring Bibury), which re-appears later on as Culum ” Culyze, and finally as Colºne. G has a tendency to disappear before l: Cf. Finugl, finiſglas : later, ſiſt lal, finule : (Lat: feniculum): fennel. The name was of Celtic Origin, but the Saxon has given to it oblique cases. Another Survival of an ancient river-name seems present in the Turca that flows near Northleach, at Turkdene, Turcan-dene A.D. 949 (Cott. viii. 6,) (I) Turghedene, D.S.; (2) Turchedene, D.S., or vale of the Turca. The early forms of this name closely agree, dating respectively from A.D. 743, 779, and *Another Western stream, the Devon Coln, has a similar ancestral Culum among its variants: ‘anlang streames oth Culum.” A.D. 670 (Exeter Cf. Earle, Land-Charters, p. 327.) INTRODUCTION Xiii. 949 ; and they suggest kinship with the Welsh Twrch bearing the same meaning with the name applied to the various rivers in other counties known as The Mole : Or the burrower. Avon (as the Charters shew) appears in four separate districts : namely, at Tewkesbury, Aven ; at Bristol, Afene, Aben ; at Avening, Æfening, (near Nailsworth), and the little Avon: the actual river-name which this generic term probably preceded having been lost. The Blaedene (Cott. Ch. 882, A.D. 949) has become the Evenlode, sometimes thought to be another Avon ; * but it has left its more ancient name Bladen, in the parish of Bledington, a name thus wear- ing the disguise of the pseudo-patronymic medial ‘ing,’—a malady Specially incident to the weak geni- tives of personal A.S. names, though by no means confined to them. In like manner, what is now known as Stroud-water-river, was once a Frome, as is shewn by the occurrence of Frampton (Mansell) in its upper course, Frocester, a Romano-British outpost, near its lower course, and by Framilode near its fall into the Severn. Another Frome, flowing southward toward Bristol from Winterbourne, gave its name to Froom. Shaw, now Frenchay; while proof that From or Franz was once the name of the Washbourne will be found by turning in the following pages to Fraunton. From these and other West-Saxon examples of the distribu- tion of this river-name, A.S. From, early Celtic Frāma, (Welsh, Frauv, as Dr Henry Bradley first recognised), apparently referring to the gushing *The early forms scarcely bear this interpretation, although the real name may have been related to Afen. They are Eune- lade, Eowlilade, Æoultengelad, Eowlangelade. If we subtract the terminal (A.S.) ge-lād, a track or river-course, the earliest forms indicate a pre-English origin. Cf. Place-names of Oxford- shire, p. IO I. H. Alexander. Xiv. INTRODUCTION character of the stream, we obtain certain evidence of pre-Saxon occupiers of this interesting region at no very remote date." Yet another instance of the ancient name of a stream being preserved in a ‘field-name,” is afforded by the occurrence of Ledenecomb in an early I2th cent, deed relating to Cranham ; which shews that the Wickwater that flows past Painswick toward Stroud was once also a Ledeſt. An example, perplexing for various reasons, is afforded by the place called Andoversſord, situated near an ancient road, on the upper water of the river Coln. In 1509 the name had attained its present form, with its apparently possessive (but, really, inorganic) ‘S,’ which, if relied upon, might seem to settle any difficulty. In an extent of Littleton, (A.D. 1266), however (H. et C. St. P. Glouc. III., 38), the place is referred to as Andevere. In Dugdale’s Monasticon we find (vol. VII. 823, Ed. 1817-30) that William de Dodeswelle endowed the Knights Templars with certain land ‘apud Ameford' in the parish of Dowdeswell. Fosbroke (H. of Glouc.) rightly implies that this is the demesne of Andiford now Andoversford. It is the Temple-A7171eford, part of the demesne of William de Clynton, Earl of Hunt- ingdon, who died in 1354. (Cf. IPM. Chanc. Ser. 1, Edw. III., No. 59). Foxcote and Pegglesworth, its neighbours, are mentioned with it. An A.S. Charter of A.D. 8oo (C.S. 299) carries the name back far behind Domesday, and we find it called A1771a1aford. “Cf. Life of Asser. By W. H. Stevenson, p. 248-9. *Probably, but not certainly, Walter and Randolph of Andevre, citizens of Gloucester in 1284, took their name from this place rather than from Andover in Hants ; as well as did William of Anneford. See Corp. Records of Glos. 178, 698, 7oo. The Pleas of the Crown give the Latinized form ‘Andebiria' (1221), where 6 has taken the place of z, forming a confusion of the suffix with A.S. byrig. INTRODUCTION XV. It is there mentioned in a grant to Withyngton (Wud- iandun). Ten years earlier (A.D. 790) in another Charter, dealing this time with the neighbouring hamlet of Dowdeswell, the name is given as O7771andune; while in the (original) Charter of A.D. 759, Eanberht and his brothers give Io Cassates of land at Onnanford, near Withington, to Abbot Headda, a relative of Heathored, Bishop of Worcester. It may thus be inferred that we have to do, firstly, not with any man’s name, in Andoversford, but that the consonant ‘s’ is inorganic, as in Downamney(s)wick. Secondly that the central element Dover, Dever = water: (earlier Dubr and Do/r) had clerically dropped out of use in Saxon days, and nevertheless returned to the name in Norman ones; and, finally, that the prefix Annan or O117tant of the A.S. Charters, although it looks like the A.S. (gen.) p-n Anna, was possibly a British equivalent for the Welsh Ozzen meaning Ash- tree, incorporated as a prefix, as this tree has been in SO many of the English river-names, – Ashbourne, Ashbrook, and ASh-ford ; the meaning being Ash- bourne-ford, though this origin for Omnan is by no means a certainty. (Cf. Duignan. P1.-N. Stafford. Onn : where he cites the r. Onny, Co. Hereford). That the Coln should have been known by very different names in separate sections of its course is not Surprising. Among Celtic peoples, the practice of so naming portions of Streams and mountains is common to this day.” Moreover, in addition to the above name On 71, evidence is to hand that some section of the river was known in the eighth century by a different name : Tillath (c. 736 A.D.) or Tillmoth (c. 774 A.D.) For the Coln is the only river by its topographical * Benvoirlich has perhaps a dozen other names among High- landers. - xvi. INTRODUCTION position that will suit the boundaries given in the Charters of Withington. This name may be Anglo- Saxon in each of its elements, both of these being themes, or deuterothemes in A.S. personal names; Cf. Ethelnoth, Theodnoth, Tilbeorht, and possibly Tilnoth. (Cf. Wolnath for Wolnoth). Wentz, or Wom may be another ancient river- term. It forms the first element in Wenrisc, now (r.) Windrush ; and, it may have been responsible (by late transformation) for the last element in (Childs) Wick- ham and the “am in neighbouring Wickam-(ford): both of these places being situated on one streamlet. Let us for a moment look at their evolutionary forms. By the Domesday Scribe they were respectively written as Wiczaelze and Wiguezze. The former became Wickewane (A.D. 1308) and later Wychan ; while the latter became Wikewaneford (1275). If we now turn back to the A.S. Charters (C.S. I 17, 118), in A.D. 706 and 709, we find the pair of places are called Wicwona and Wiczaſon ; the last becoming Wighten/? in A.D. 972 ; so that the 11th cent. Norman was here more justified in his spellings than were his descendants of the 13th in theirs. The probabilities seem to point to a river-name, Wen, or Weon, in this obscure terminal. (Cf. Weon-brugge, in Cors. IPM. 1350; and Won-broc, C.S. III., 227, Co. Devon). Among the more curious transformations of place- names which have occurred is the county, may be instanced the attractive name of a certain hamlet near Minchinhampton, to-day known as St. Chloe,” where the monks of Malmesbury once owned a ‘grange.’ A century or more ago, it was written as Seintley. In 1606-7 (F. F. Jas. I.) it bore the name of Senckley, as it had done, (omitting the medial ‘k’) in 1524 (Cf. Corp. Records of Glouc. Nº 1202-3). 7 Often also called St. Loe. INTRODUCTION xvii. In A.D. 1292 the name was Sent/eye, and Seintle. From that date we can leap backward historically to A.D. 896 (K.C.D. V. 140) when we find it to be Sen- get!ege; “ on Sengeſ/ege, thanon on Heardanlege.” Yet an earlier Charter (that of Æthelbald, King of the Mercians) refers to it (A.D. 716–743) as Senged/eag; which may either mean ‘to Sandgate-field,” or Singed (burned) field. Presently, perhaps, a Chapel will be erected upon the spot, and dedicated to this somewhat transparent Huiccan Saint Chloe.9 Locally, even the Sex of the Saint is disputed with St. Loe. There is another remarkable place-name belonging to a locality also situated not far from Minchinhampton, and lying within two miles of an ancient way that is known as ‘Daneway,’ and by which the Savage north- ern raiders are rather unreasonably supposed to have advanced from Gloucester to Cirencester. They are sometimes said to have been slain in great numbers at Battlescombe, hard by the latter road. The Minchin- hampton spot goes by the tragical name of “Woeſuſ- Dane-bottom.” (A.S. botm). It is surprising that the track there has not become ‘Dane(s)way’ So as to render the apparent connective tissue more tough. But it must be affirmed that ‘ Dane' in both cases is quite innocent of the historic association. The term is probably a popular transformation of M.E. ‘Dene,’ meaning ‘a valley.’ * Charter of Æthelred, Duke of Mercia. Heardanlege = Harley, to-day, * Another Sencley, in the Forest of Dene, had also passed into Seyntlege as early as A.D. 1281. The change of ‘t’ for ‘c’ is nearly as frequent in M.E. as ‘c’ for ‘t.” The original form was probably Send' : for Sand: as in Sandbridge : formerly Sendebruge, near Gloucester; but now Saints-bridge and Saintbridge ; (q.v.) The ‘d' passed into ‘t.” The ‘i’ and the ‘s’ are intrusive, and merely serve the purpose of popular etymology. B xviii. INTRODUCTION The Dane-way is therefore merely the road through the valley. “Woeful' is thus left beating the air with somewhat ineffectual wings. But although in this case we cannot have, as before, the assistance of invaluable Charters, or even that from early Manorial Rolls, we may venture upon a guess that forms at least a practical Suggestion, namely, that a Saxon pro- prietress named ‘Wulfflæd' has bequeathed her some- what mangled name to the locality ; and that the com- pleted name was probably ‘Wulfflæde-dene,” or else Wulfhold(es)-deme. There was actually a Wolſlede- worthy on the Clifford property at Frampton, within a few miles. With rather more conclusive reasoning we may suggest that a Battle cannot possess an es- tate. Hence Battles in Battlescombe should represent the genitive of another A.S. personal name : e.g. Bet/mild. In addition to all the usual terminals, including perhaps the three distinct suffixes A.S. (1) Hàm : home; and (2) Hamm, Homm, enclosure, or (3) bend; the two mere's (1) a boundary (ge-mâºre), and (2) a pool or lake (mere); and the various ‘bury's,’ ‘barrows,’ and ‘ boroughs,’—there occur two or three that are rare in Some other counties.” The first Of these is Horaz, A.S. Hyrne, a corner : otherwise hern, and hirn ; of which there are about a dozen instances: such as Coxhorn," (also Coxherne) two Lilleyhorns, Bouncehorn, Lop- horn, etc., nearly all occurring in the hill, or Cottes- wold, region. The next is erm, or arm, as in Bruerne, Mixern, Hyerne, Newarne, Cowarne, meaning A.S. AErm ; house, place. That the latter suffix may like- wise become transformed occasionally into Horn, is 10 They occur likewise in Northumberland. ' ' Possibly, once, Coſ/es/orn. INTRODUCTION XiX. illustrated by White-horn” in Galloway, known as “Candida Casa : (A.S. Hwitarn). Unfortunately, early forms are only too often lacking, especially with regard to hamlets and field-names: largely, however, owing to the careless ignorance of those once (or Still) possessing manor-rolls, extents, and court-leet-rolls, wherein are occasionally to be found real treasure-stores of these interesting local land terms. Consequently, the pedi- gree of many a curious name must remain beyond the research of the most willing etymologist. There is further to be noted as a suffix, —enese, which Mr W. H. Stevenson kindly tells me should be read evese = eaves. M.E. e.vese, pl. edvesen. The ex- amples of this, like those of meand, be it noted, only occur in the Forest of Dene section, or beyond Severn. Cf. “Morwode-enese ’: ‘Cnappestys-enese': Bers-enese. Of Meand there are said to be as many as twenty examples, and a great deal of uncertainty prevails both as to its origin and significance. By Some it has been taken for a version of W. Myſzed : JMynde : a ridge or mountain ; by others, for a corrupt form of MeSne,— another term which occurs in the Forest (Cf. Clifford’s Mesne). It is quite certain, from its application alone, that it has nought to do with either of these. It is used in the Forest, of areas of common land among woodlands: Cf. The Upper and Lower Meand, below St. Briavels Castle; the holly - meand : the meands. If we turn to the Hist. Cart. of St. Peter’s, Glos., vol. 2, 243 (A.D. 1263-84), we find there reference to a gift of land situated at Gloucester, beside a place called Mihindelone. In 1260 (c.) a grant in the Cor- poration Records (No. 539) mentions ‘the miindelone.’ A little later (No. 619), it is called Myinde-lone; and * A striking parallel is Hardhorn ; 1298, Hordern. Cf. The Pl.-N. of Lancs: H. C. Wyld & T. O. Hirst. 1911. }3 2 XX. INTRODUCTION Myendelone; a lane which leads to the Sever17 (No.655). i.e. from St. Mary de Lode to the mean-mead (myen, in Speed’s map 1610). If this be the same term as 71zeand,” it has not survived on this side the Severn, unless it is partly preserved in this mean-mead, or Meanham(m), by Gloucester to-day. The A.-Saxon and Dialect Dictionaries make no allusion to the word. It seems possible, nevertheless, that myend may be another form of mye77 and 77ted?? = genzaeme, 777&zze : common (cf. Bosworth-Toller): as in meanelands: Co. Kent (cf. Dom : SP. I541, p. 425); and Dean-meen-Hill in Little Dean. 1641. (Cf. Rudder: Hist. Glos., p. 29). If that prove to be the case, then it will follow that we have the significance of all the “ 17teazzds’ in the Forest of Dene. With regard to the possible connec- tion of the term muſtede, (as used by the scribe in a Forest of Dene “Perambulation' of A.D. 1281), with meend, see Appendix III. Yat : yatt; (Gate) is fre- quent (in two senses) as (1) Symondsyat ; and Wye- gate (Wyett): Lypiatt : Hyett (2), while there seem to be at least two Sources accountable for the numerous examples of Age as in Chavenage, Bussage, Avenage, Ninnage : the one being M.E. Hacche (A.S. Haecc) mod. hatch, a wicket-gate, or a sluice-gate (i.e. Waterhatch): while the other is due to M.E. esche: asch, an ash-tree. From the latter we get Avenage,” originally Abbanash, and Abbenesse ; (Abba’s Ash): Prinkenage, now Prinkenash, and in A.D. I 121 Prinke- mesche (q.v.) but not Horege, (now Orridge) in the district of Cors. Håle, from Mercian Hålh : W. Sax. Healh (dat. Sing. heale), literally a corner, but usually * Dr G. Krüger, of Berlin, most aptly adduces “die Allmende = Allgemeinde, belongſng to the adj. gemein(e) = gemeinschaftlich (common),” shewing that Germany has the same term, denot- ing the same thing. “In Bavaria, the pasture held in common die gemeinweide is called die gemain, which exactly corresponds to A.S. gemäne.” ** Now called Avon-Edge (Ord. S.) INTRODUCTION XXi. meaning a grass-meadow, either flat or sloping, occurs in Gloucestershire quite as often on high ground away from a river, as on low ground near one ;” alone, as in Hale-Lane ; ‘a hala of land’; in the plural, as in Hailes: and as a terminal, in Abbenhale : now Abing- hall (q.v.) Whatsoever special application the term may once have had seems to have been lost for good. It is found in all parts of the County ; as also is the term Wyke, Wick, Wych : A.S. Wic, probably from Latin Vicus); both alone, as a terminal, and as a pre- fix; and even as both of these together in Wykwick; “ a tithing in Frampton Cottell. It bears in turn the sense of almost every human settlement, farm, vil- lage, dwelling, fortification, or, a set of shops or sheds. The M.E. Wic has for dative Wike ; and, as most place-names in Charters and Surveys occur pre- ceded by a preposition governing that case, Wyke, or Wike, is very commonly to be met with. On the surface, the terminals of place-names appear for the most part to be well-defined ; and, therefore, as compared with their central particles, without complexities; but the moment their history is Scrutinised that simplicity disappears. None of them, perhaps, more frequently occur than ‘ley,’ and none would seem less likely to give rise to question. First of all, however, it represents the dative case of M.E. Lei; or leie (M.E. leye); which is the equivalent of lézige ; d. of A.S. leah ; (g = y) meaning, according to N.E.D., “a tract of cultivated land’; and that before the ninth 1 5 It is to be noted that Aſale does not take the place of Hamme or homm; a meadow, or brook-bound meadow-land. Both are common in the County. 14 It is possible that here, did we possess pure and very early readings, we should be able to show that only the terminal represents A.S. ºvic, or vice-versa. The M.E. forms Wike and Wyke in composition become wych and wich, so that confusion very especially waits upon this term. The prefix may represent Pſych for Wych-elm. A.S. Wiće. XXii. INTRODUCTION century. Its earlier meaning, nevertheless, had been “wood.’ So that in Neglesleag of Æthelbald’s Charter (A.D. 716-743) and Heardanleag (Harley) and Sen- gedleag, of the Same, the uniform suffix does not necessarily refer to tracts of cultivated land, but, more probably, to woods, or perhaps, clearings in woods, on the flanks of Minchinhampton-ridge. Further, to com- plicate matters, the word “leah,’ (mod. lea) has been confounded with “lea” a pasture, perhaps arising from lease : a pasture ; and also with the adjectival lea, meaning fallow. 3 (Cf. The Place-names of Hertford- shire : W. W. Skeat.) Fortunately, however, the un- enclosed parts of a manor, or portions of its untilled land,-whether bushy or grass-bearing, may be re- garded as field or pasture, which is the rendering of the term to-day usually adopted. Sometimes the terminal of an early name suffers complete dropping-out, and another terminal takes its place. The above Naegleslege of the Charter (K.C.D. 89, Vol. I., Io'7) is a noted instance of this. The chief point, or unit, of the locality, by Norman days, had become Naylesworth, as it is to-day; that is, the worth, or farm- Stead, of one Maegel, -a personal name of rare occur- rence.” - But that is one of the less common vicissitudes incident to place-names. Nevertheless, their natural instability—(quite apart from their displacement by foreign substitution,-such as Saxon for British ones), is obvious. Places that once owned royal palaces, have been diminished to mere hamlets : Manors (and ‘ hundreds’), have dwindled, sometimes to obscure farms. Certain villages that were inhabited for ** The modern “Lay' has probably originated in “Laia'—the Latinized form of Lea. ** There is a Nailsbridge in the Forest of Dene. INTRODUCTION XXiii. centuries exist no longer, such as Piseley, near Winch- combe, and Hullasey, near Kemble ; while, vice-versa, forts and farms have grown into villages and Small towns, and some mere Chapelries have developed into flourishing industrial centres. In the course of all these changes their names have likewise suffered various transformations. The terminal more usually undergoes a change phonetically but slight, often due to some similarity of sound, or some peculiarity of pronunciation, and amounting in certain cases to a simple confusion, — as in ‘-ton ’ for ‘-do??’ : and vice-versa ‘-do77 'for ‘-to12’: (Cf. Shenington, and Rissington, early forms of which ended, (as the locality clearly determined), in don, originally dun ; and Staundon, for Staunton); Grove, —(graf), for grave, (graef), -as in Bangrove : Hall for Hale (W.S. Healh, d. heale) as in Abinghall; and ‘loe' (low) for “ley,’ as in Putloe, the earlier forms of which all shew that the terminal was ‘ley.’ Of the many changes incident to the medial Section of trisyllable and quadrisyllable place-names, especially to the unstressed elements, none is more frequently marked than the tendency to assume the patronymic form ‘ing.” Nor does this always depend upon the weak genitive so susceptible for conversion. The change occurs almost as readily with the dative, or locative, case, of adjectives, in ‘en and “an ': e.g. Niwenton = Newington : Sennington, for Sevenhamp- ton : Still more so with the ‘winze' of Such names as A.S. Tadwine : Bealdwine : Guthwine, and Wealh- wine : the ‘weſt in Uwen. As the Norman scribe Strongly, though not constantly, objected, among other points, to writing ‘ng,’ which he could not pronounce, —he sometimes reduces the true patronymic ‘ ing’ for A.S. inga (gen. pl.) M.E. inge to ‘ in or ‘wn.’ Conse- quently, it is not always possible to determine whether XXiv. INTRODUCTION a particular manorial ‘ham’ or ‘ton’ recorded by him, as Baldington, belonged originally to the Bealdinga, or to Bealdwyn.” The force of the ‘ing’ thus remains uncertain. The terminal ceaster, (c = ch) which, (after suffering Anglo-Norman modification,) appears in Gloucester, Frocester and Cirencester, was applied by the Saxons to (1) the Romano-British towns (2) likewise to the castles and camps. Ceaster (as Mr Alfred Anscombe” has shewn) is the Wessex version of the Low-Latin Castra, not of Castrztyn. The M.E. form of this is Chester (c = ch), as in Woodchester and Chesterton. In A.D. 740 the former name was spelled Uuduced Stre : the latter, – Ceaster-tin. The unstressed positions ‘7 Cf. H. Alexander's Essay on ‘Ing’ in Essays and Studies by A/cmóers of the AE//g/s/. Association. Vol. 2, 158. ** In N. and Q. I I Ser. V. p. 103-4, Mr Anscombe, dealing scientifically with the behaviour of the L. word Castra in English, shews successfully that castra in the Anglican and Kentish dialects postulates the castrae which occurs in Baeda (H.E. I. I. III., I 5). “ln Mercian and Kentish dialects we get cesſer, and as one of the uses of č is denoting i-umlaut of ae, this postulates Caestir. This form, which he spells Caes/ir, is actually used by Bede in every case except those quoted above.” He then asks, whence comes i P ‘‘Now Latin ē, ac, in early loan-words became i in O. E. For instance : (1) Monosyllabic stems—sä/a, ‘side,” (silk) ; cºa, ‘cipe,' onion ; /a://a, pin,' torture. (2) Polysyllables— Lécocêtum (MSS. /ec/o-c., efo-c.), “Liccidfeld,’ Lichfield , Cumálio, ‘Cyne!” (= * Cyn it, " Cunit), Kint-bury ; /lomé/a, ‘mynet’ (= myn it, *//www.it), money, mint Hence caes/i7", "caes/ir, postulate Latin casſār, casſacr. No such forms are known, and it would not seem easy to proceed. It struck me, however, some time ago, that perhaps the Latin cas/ra was treated in the fifth century as a feminine singular with a new plural in 3, ag. In my difficulty I applied to Prof. W. M. Lindsay, a great authority on Latin flections, and he immediately gave substance to my conjecture, and informed me that numerous examples of late Latin castra (fem. sing.) occur. Now, the form castrº, castré, would normally become "caestri in O. E., and, after correption of Í and metathesis of 7", caestir would result. Hence, the uninflected West-Saxon form ceasſer, as well as the Anglian and Kentish umlauted form cesſer, and the Northumbrian uninflected one caes/ir, are all derived from the Low Latin castrae, through *caestri and *caestir.” INTRODUCTION XXV. which the Normanized term occupies in the two first- named towns seems to have superinduced a tendency to shorten it to ‘sler,’ and to “citer,’ ‘seter,’ ‘getr.’ Frocester, follows Gloucester, and becomes in usage “Fro'ster.” In the stressed position, as in “ Chesterton,’ there has occurred no tendency to undermine its integrity : while, in the case of Woodchester, the stress is sufficiently strong (or the proper articulation so difficult), as to put only the medial ‘d’ in peril of ex- istence. The name is usually pronounced Woo'chester, or (Glos.) U(d)chester. In Por(t)chester, from the same phonetic cause the ‘t’ has actually vanished. But spelling often survives or out-manoeuvres pronunci- ation, and does victorious battle with it : So that we read daily Cirencester vindicating its syllabic beauty against the Spoken Cisseter and ZiSeter: though it has lost beyond recovery its original ch in the terminal, Chester. Of unusual prefixes, or first elements, rare else- where, we have Spon ; as in Spoonley, Spoongreen, Spoonbed : and Sponeway, (Forest of Dene). The A.S. Spon (O. N. Sponn, Spann) dat. Spone: means a chip, or Splinter : a Shaving ; later, a Spoon. It may, in these combinations, refer to localities where timber was considerably worked. The early forms are Spone- ley (1320): Sponnegrene (1281): Sponnebedde (1429); and Spannewey (1281); to which must be added Sponnerede (1281). But there is room for the suspicion that a stream-name may be concerned in at least two of these examples. Snead : Sneath ; and Snit : as in Snit-end: Snedham : refer to A.S. Snaed ; a piece (of ground) cut off: Smithan (O.N. Sneitha) to cut. A per- sonal, or family, name ‘Snede’ arose from it (1298). ‘Cat’ occurs in field and quarry-names with frequency, and in most cases may be referred to the former presence of the wild-cat : though by the 13th century XXVi. INTRODUCTION the personal name had appeared. Cattemarsh : Cat- quarr: Catwood : Catbrain ; occur in many places up and down the county. The first of these is probably due to a personal-name, Catta. The next two refer to the former prevalence of the animal. (Cf. Anc. Charters, No. 68, A.D. I I 98.) Of the fourth curious and very frequent name in quarry-districts, I think, from what I can gather, that the suffix may possibly refer to certain forms of Oolite fossils which the quarrymen grimly liken to brains. This is used in Kent by workmen in reference to certain waterworn fossils in the chalk. (Cf. N. and Q. Series 5, VII., 253). In a county which probably contained about half a hundred Romano-British villas, with their extensive sheep-walks, wheatlands and woodlands, it is natural that the word street (A.S. Strät : Mercian Strét) should be common, even independently of the greater highways, Such as Ermin-Street, and the Fosse-way. Way and Street are found interchangeable. It was easier to pronounce Fossway than Foss-street : hence, the A.-Saxon weg, (not attributable to Latin via) a track- road, came to be used instead of the A.S. (loan-word from Latin Strata via.) Stræt-paven way. We find Green-Streets and Green-ways, Silver-Street, Bush- Street, Wick-Street, Oakle-Street, and Bread-Street. Some of these without doubt have been Romano-British bye-ways, or otherwise portions of vicinal-roads in Imperial days : others, on the contrary, are tracks of indeterminable origin, as to time, or they are portions of Mediaeval Port-ways, the age, rather than the name, of which it is not possible to fix. While the route taken by some depended upon the market-centres, that taken by others points to such and such a ferry (lode) of the Severn. The term Street more especially applied to Roman highways, but whenever used outside towns, may be taken for a sure mark of antiquity. It attached INTRODUCTION XX vii. itself in one instance to a pre-Roman highway now known as Buckle-Street, that leaving the Foss-way (which had crossed it) at Salmansbury, near Bourton- on-the-Water, passes by Summerhill and Benborough, to Snowshill and Broadway, and so past Honeybourne, making Northward to Bidford, in Warwickshire. This is, of course, the Buggildes-Stret of (C.S. 125) A.D. 709: Buggan-Strel of A.D. 860, and it is mentioned in yet another Charter (C.S. 1201) of A.D. 997, as Bucşan- Stract. All these prefixes are regarded as erratic equivalents of Burghild. That there was an ancient track or highway, also known by this name, but situated in quite another section of the county, is not proven (as has sometimes been stated it is) by an agreement of A.D. 1315, made between Thomas de Berkeley and St. Peter's Abbey at Gloucester. In this deed it is mentioned as ‘haut chemin que est appele Borghulles- weye.” The bounds of Common-land agreed upon are Stated to commence at Lappeleyebrugge, i.e. (Lapley, to-day) along the said highway to the South. Steven- bridge (Steambridge) and Ig-lea-oaks” were places also mentioned in it; the former possibly having been the Stone bridge over the Cam (Cambridge); but I think more probably it was one situated at Iron Mill. This BorghulleSwey would seem to be part of the ancient road running between Frocester and Frampton toward the Severn; and it was possibly named (like the “De Borghulls,”) from a Buryhill. (Cf. H.C. Gl., vol. I., 290, 147-8). In the latter case, the ‘S’ medial is in- Organic. It may be well to recall that the greater portion of these names became attached to the places to which * * * ileokes.’ It is perhaps fortunate that this /g/eah or Illeigh, and its neighbouring Silver Street, and Sedlewode (Settlewood) in Hawkesbury, escaped the topographical attentions of certain of those who have been concerned with the identification of the Selwood and Iglea, where Alfred encamped for the night. XXviii. INTRODUCTION they belong—both to those lying in the arable lands, those situated on the upland waste, and those amid un- drained forest or moorland—in an age when estates lay widely apart from one another, and which, if already made and abandoned by the Romanised Briton, had borne names that conveyed no meaning to the West Saxon ear. The latter Colonist, however, had his own terms for the holly, the beech, the yew, the ash, oak, and thorn that he found there ; his own name for the maple, boar, the deer and the wolf, the fox, hare, badger and wild-cat ; and for the hern, the swallow, and the eagle ; and, finally, his own terms for the Sunken Stone circles, and the now denuded burial- tumps that arose before his eyes to their full mounded height beside the ancient warpaths; and his were the terms destined usually to survive. In offering this collection the writer desires to record his indebtedness to the late Professor W. W. Skeat, and in a more limited degree of directness, to Mr W. H. Stevenson and Dr. Henry Bradley, to Mr W. H. Duignan, and to Mr R. E. Zachrisson, and especially to Mr Henry Alexander, who has kindly read the proofs, and generously given valuable Sug- gestions ; to praise whose varied and invaluable achievements would seem too plainly to be a Super- fluity, as far as the Reader is concerned, and to the writer, howsoever worded, far too inadequate a measure of his admiration. He would also thank Mr Arthur Playne, of Long- ſords, the Rev. F. De Freville, of Oakridge, and Mr Hockaday, of Lidney, for kindly Sending him. Some, local names; and, lastly, the Rev. A. L. Mayhew and Dr G. Krüger, of Berlin, for their valued replies to his inquiries concerning the origin of Meand, in Notes and Queries. ST. CLAIR BADDELEY. PAINSWICK, 1913. (C) (Hd.) (p) R. H. & H. R. I. P. M. C1.R. H. C. G1. P.R. Pat. R. R.Ch. F. A. C.F. C.R. K. Q. F.F. ABB REV IATIONS Camp (H) = Hamlet Hundred (m) = Manor parish (r) == river village A.N. = Anglo-Norman Celtic Da. = Danish English M.E. = Middle English Old French , O.M. = Old Mercian Welsh W.S. = West Saxon Old Norse Anglo-Saxon personal name Placitorum Abbreviatio (I 189-1327) (Pipe Roll Series) Ancient Charters. (J. H. Round) Domesday Survey * Nomina Villarum. (Harl: MS. 6281-6289) Landboc of Winchcombe. Liber Niger Scaccarii Testa de Nevill (1216-1307) Red Book of the Exchequer = Hundred Rolls. (Rotuli Hundredorum) Inquisitiones Post Mortem Close Rolls Historia et Cartularium (S. Petri) Gloucestriae Pipe Rolls Patent Rolls Rotuli Chartarum (1226-1300) Feudal Aids Cartulary of Flaxley Abbey Corporation Records (Glos.) Edit: W. H. Stevenson Kirby's Quest Feet of Fines (Pedes Finium) A BBREVIATIONS L.Ch. - C. C. ON. A.S. = M.R. Pap : Reg : Pl. Q.W. = A.S. Chr. = B.M. B. MSS. = Tax. P.N. = K. C. D. = B.C.S. T. D. EDD. P]. C. . F. D. N. E. D. da/. *-*. F Land Charters (John Earle). Crawford Charters (A.S. Napier. and W. H. Stevenson) 739-II 50 Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonicum. W. G. Searle Manor Roll = Papal Registers Placita de Quo Warranto 1272-1377. Two Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, parallel. 2. vols. I899. ~ Berkeley Muniments, Desc: Cat: of Edit : I. H. Jeayes. 1892. Berkeley MSS. 3. vols. Taxatio of Pope Nicholas (1291) (J. M. Kemble.) Codex Diplomaticus (W. de G. Birch.) Cartularium Saxonicum Thorpe. Diplomatarium Anglicum English Dialect Dictionary. (Wright). Placita Coronae. (1221) Edit : F. W. Maitland. Forest of Dene. The New English Dictionary. ge/2. - Dative. Genitive. GLO UCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Abbeywell (in Hinton) derives its name from the Abbey of Evesham, to which a well here once be- longed. Abinghall. A parish 5 m. N.W. of Newnham, Forest of Dean. Not in D.S., but it appears as a manor in Testa de Nevill. P.F. I 254, Abbehale. In F.A. we get Abenhale, Abbenhall, Abbehale. A.S. p.m. Abba, gen: Abban, but here the weakened genitive ‘en’ has further, following a tendency to assume the form of a patronymic, passed into ‘ing.” The sense is Abba’s hale. Hall = hal, for hâle, the dat: sing: of hälh. This is the Mercian form of West Saxon healh = corner ; dat : sing : heale. The original word signified “at Abba’s corner,” i.e. aet Abban-hāle. But the term hale, perhaps at an early date, lost its specific significance, and is better rendered by meadow. It occurs equally in this county on high and low ground : near water, and away from it. Ablington. (m.) near Bibury. C.S. 487, c. A.D. 855. Eadbalding tune. P.C.. I 221, Ablintone. F. A. Ablyngton, Ablyntone. IPM. Abelyntone. (I 349). Literally the (tun) ton, or farm, of the Eadbaldings, or descendants of Eadbeald. Abload (m.) Abbelode, Abbilade, Abylode, Abbe- /ada, (P.R. 1 189-90 ; Abilade (Rot. H.) A manor 2 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES given by Henry I. to the monastery of S. Peter, Glou- cester. (H.C. Gl.) A.S. Lād = a passage, or way, became M.E. Lode & Läde. The first element is Abba. It usually signifies a ferry, along the Severn-lands. Abone. A Roman Station, given in the Antonine Itinerary, and to be identified with the neighbour- hood of Avonmouth. The word is a Latinised form (locative) of Avon, or (Mod. W.) Afon = a river. (Cf. Latin Sabrina for (?) Safren—Severn). Asser (52. 1. 6 Ed: W. H. Stevenson, Life of Alfred) gives Abon for the river-name. But see Lect : Welsh Philology : p. I96-7. Sir J. Rhys. Abson. (p. & v.) 8 m. E. of Bristol. P.R. 1175-6. Abbodeston. (F.F.) Abbotstone (1588). Abston. Abstone. Abbots —tlin : i.e. farm-enclosure. It belonged to Bath and Glastonbury Abbeys. A.S. Abbod: an Abbot. Acholt. (m.) A hamlet of Upton, in Barton Manor, Bristol. Acholte (temp. Hen. I.), Ocholte, 13th c. (H.C. G1.) A.S. Ac. M.E. oak. A.N. och. A.S. Holt, a copse. The meaning is Oakwood. Acton. (Turville) (m.p. & v.) 8 m. E. of Yate. D. Achetune. T.N. Aketone. The prefix is A.S. Ac: oak ; the suffix tūn = a farm-enclosure “aet actune.’ Turvill’s Acton. It was held by Robert de Turville in the 12th c., and by R. de Turberville 1287, IPM. The Domesday place-names are usually found to be in the dative case. Adlestrop. (m.p. & v.) 3 m. E.N.E. of Stow-on- the-Wold. D. Tedestrop, Thatlestrope. I 198 (C.Evesh.) Tadelesthorp. (F.A.) Tatlestrop. (R.H.) Thecellestroppe. The prefix probably represented once the A.S. p.m. Tedwald for Theodweald. A.S. Thorp, is a village. Here, it is modified by A.N. influence into trop, dat. trope. The meaning is obvious. The prefix, Tedwald, seems to have therefore suffered an early loss of ‘w ’ ABONE–AILSMORE 3. in its unstressed syllable, and likewise its penultimate ‘d’ before esth : Ted(w)al(d)esthorp. The D. form merely exemplifies the double substitution of ‘t’ for ‘th.’ In the I 6th c. confusion as to the name became more emphatic. Initial ‘t’ became ‘c,’ whence Catelst/trop, and even Castlethorpe were evolved. (F.F.) Ultimately both the ‘t’ and ‘c’ were dropped, and Atelstorpe remained to settle down into the present name. It is of interest to note the rather determined reappearances of the ‘th,” both of prefix and suffix, in the 13th c. forms, as against the earlier A.N. ‘t.’ The later Norman scribes had learned the real value of ‘th.’ This name may therefore be likened to a mutilated torSO. - Admington. A tithing of Quinton. (m.) D. Edelmintone. L. B.W. I 175 Ethelminton. Ch. R. Adilmington. (K. Q.) Adelemintom, C.R. Adelmynton. F. A. Adelminton, B.M. Adminton, Ailmington. The meaning is (A.S. p.m.) AEthelhelm’s-tūn, or farm. The ing-forms here resulted from a plur : genitival form. - Adsett. (nr. Westbury-on-Severn). P1. C. (1221) Addesete. Addecete (1282). Per". For. Dene. Adcette (1537). Adsette IPM. I.640. Set and Saet occur in northern place-names bearing the meaning of ‘grazing land.’ Cf. A.S. Sáed: Sowing: pasture, which is also spelled Sett. This suffix more probably denotes a settlement belonging to Adda, i.e. A.S. Sæt. (Cf. The P1-names of Lancs. : Wyld and Hirst, p. 280). Agmead. (Hd.) Aggemede, (R. H.) Hagemede, (C.R.) Aggemede. P.C.. I 22 I. The meadow belonging to AEcga. A.S. p.m. The gen: ‘ an having become weakened to ‘en,” lost the liquid (n) before ‘m.’ Ailsmore. (St. Briavels). A.S. p.m. Ægel, perhaps formed from AFthel. A.S. mór ; a moor. Ail and E1 = (Abbrev.) AEthel. C 4. GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Alcamsode. (in Cranham). (H.C. G1. v. I., p. 63.) c. 1129. — AlchamSede. Alcamsed (I 121). The terminal here looks like the result of Uud = wood ; but the earlier forms give “ede’ and ‘ed '; and Alcham possibly here represents Ealh-helm, an A.S. personal name. The ‘S’ is genitival. The suffix, perhaps, signifies A.S. haeth : heath, moor. In the same declaration of boundaries occurs Wydecomsede, e.g. at widan cumbe (the wide combe). - Alderley. (m.p. & v.) 4 m. S.E. of Charfield Station. A.S. Alr, Alre, M. E. Aler, the Alder-tree. D. Alrelie. F. A. Alreleye. (Cf. Oakley, Ashley). Léage : dat: of Leah (g = y) grass-land. The ‘dº’ is excrescent, as in El(d)er. Alderton. (m.p. & v.) 2 m. S.E. of Beckford. D. Aldritone. Aldryntone, Aldrintone, (I I75). Audryn- ton (1228). The prefix represents A.S. p.m. Ealdhere in the genitive or patronymic form. The meaning is the “tun,’ or farm, of the sons of Ealdhere. Aldrichesmore. The first element is the A.S. p.m. Ealdric (gen.) A.S. mor. M. E. more (dat.); later, moor. (Landboc. Winchc : Vol. 2, p. 483). Aldsworth. (m.p. & v.) 4 m. S.E. of Northleach. D. Aldeswrde. P1. C. Aldeswurthe. Aldesorde, Aldes- worthe (1271). (1) A.S. p.m. Eald. (2) A.S. Weorth– a farm. Otherwise, Eald’s homestead, or farm-stead. Eald is a short form for Ealdred, -wine, -helm, etc. Aldwyn (St.)—see Coln St. Aldwyn (Æthelwine). } Alinvecroft. (Flaxley Abbey. Charter A.D. 1227). Alinveplot. Forest of Dene. Probably the first element, though scribally cor- rupted, stands for M.E. p.n. Alwine. But it is uncertain; m, at, and v are frequently miswritten by the Scribes. 1. The Croft, or arable piece of land belonging to AElfwine (?) - ALCAMSODE— ALMONDSBURY 5 2. The Plot, or patch of land, likewise of Ælfwine. Alkerton. (m.) near Eastington on Frome. D. Alcrintone. Aucrintone, H.C. G1. (c. 1263). Alcrintone (P1: de Q.W.). Algriniton. Algerinton (1303). A.S. p.m. Ealhherr-inga-tun. The enclosure, or farm, belong- ing to the sons of Ealhhere, or Ealchere. Metathesis is responsible for the transposition of the ‘r.’ See Mr H. Alexander’s Oxfordshire P1-names, pp. 37-8. Alkington. (m.) in Berkeley. D. Almintune. (F. A.) Alkington. (1243 B. M.) Alquinton. The Domesday scribe usually avoids Lk and sometimes drops one letter or the other. Here he dropped the ‘k’ but substituted ‘m.’ The original A.S. p.m. represented here was probably Ealhwine, to whom belonged a ‘tün or farm-enclosure. The possessive ‘s’ was lost early. ‘Alquinton’ exemplifies the sound-equivalence of A.S. Cw to qu-as in queen from Cwen. Allesgate. Ailesyate, Allesgate, Eylesgat, Aillisgate. Allesyathe.—(1323), Aylesyate. The A.S. p.m. Ailwi (gen.) es survives here; and this is a short form of AEthelwig. This gate was the East Gate of ancient Gloucester. Alliston (in Lydney) (m.) D. Aluredestone. Alestume, Ailestone, 1267. Allastone. The prefix is the A.N. Alured for A.S. AElfred. The meaning is Alfred’s-ton. Almondsbury. (m.p. & v.) 4% m. S. of Thornbury. D. Almodesberie. B.M. I. 233. Alemzendebere.—B.M. I 154 Almodesbure. P1. C. (1221). Allewodesbüria. The prefix is the A.S. p.m. Ealhmund; the terminal —A.S. burh (dat.) byrig (modern-English) borough, but meaning in early days, “an enclosed place.’ To the custom of placing the preposition ‘aet’ (= at) before most place-names is due the dative form their terminals so often represent:—‘At Almondsbury.’ A.N. ‘ie’ in berie occurs frequently for A.S. ‘ig.’ C 2 6 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Alney. AEt Olanig. (A.S. Chr.) (1017) A.S. p.m. Olla. (K.C. D. 621) Ollan-eg, i.e. A.S. Ieg = an island (g = y) the isle of Olla. Alstone. (hamlet 6 m. E. of Tewkesbury.) This place was in Worcestershire in A.D. 1086. (C.D. Sos) Alfsigestiºn, A.D. IO50. Subs. Rolls. (1275) give us Alsostone. Later, Alstone. Hence the meaning is the farm-enclosure belonging to AElfsige. Alveston. (m. p. v.) 2 m. S. of Thornbury Station. (c. A.D. 955). D. Alwestan. P.R. Aloestan. (T.N.) Haleweston. (K.O.) Halweston. The meaning is AElfweald’s stone. ‘Stăn' = stone, has been replaced by tun = ton. Here there was a recorded Wolf-pit. (C.S. I I I, I I 3. A.D. 955-9). Alvington. (m.p. & v.) 6% m. N.E. of Chepstow. P1. C. Alwintone, R.H. Alvinton. Pl. Q. W. Alvintone (Cartul. Llanth : f. 31) Elvynton. K.O. Alington. The ton or farm of AE1ſwynn, gen : AElfwynne. Ing is in many place-names only the possessive equivalent of a weakened gent. Or dat. Sing. Of personal names in a. Consequently it is not always easy to differentiate it from ‘ing(a);’ gen. plur. and true patronymic. But the A.S. suffix ‘wine,” “win,’ or ‘wen’ also sometimes results in ‘izig,’ as in this instance. Alwinebache. (in Forest of Dean) 1281. Aluine- bathe 1300. Alvemehbach (c.) 1340. The prefix is the A.S. p.m. Ælfwynn, as before; which explains the absence of the ‘s’ possessive. The second element (see N.E.D.) M.E. baeche, (dat.) meaning a valley with a brook running through it, represents the A.S. baece = beck. (Cf. Alvenegate : (i.e. North-Gate) of Gloucester (H.C. G1.) Alwyneshomme. (Landboc Winch. 1, 284.) To the p.m. Alwyne is added the possession of one of the many “Hommes’ beside which the Isburne winds. A.S. ‘Hamm' (q.v.) signifies a meadow-enclosure often ALNEY — AND OVERSFORD 7 by the river, or land stretching out between brooks. These “Hommes are frequent throughout Gloucester- Shire. Alwine is a shortened form of AEthelwine. Amberley. (near Woodchester) L.N. Umberley. R. B. (A. D. I 166) Umberleia. The prefix may represent, as Mr. Alexander reasons, Hunburh, an A.S. p.m. But, if so, the possessive genitive has been lost. On the other hand, while this might account for a single instance, it will scarcely do duty for the Various ‘Amber-7meads’ that occur in this county as field-names. The terminal ley (A. S. Leah) dat : 1éâge : (g = y) an untilled field. (Cf. Ombersley, Co. Worc. D. Ambreslege, in Mr Duignan's Worc. Place- names). But there was once an Amber-acre, at Brad- Stone, near Berkeley ; and there may be room for doubt as to the origin lying in a personal name, at all, in our example. A.S. sb : Amber = a bucket ; amphora ; a measure of 4 bushels [Cf. Offa's Charter, conveying land at Westbury; (pp. 31 I-12 Earle's Land- Charters)], is of no help to us, here. Am(p)ney. (r) There are four places compounding their names with this river-name: Ampney Crucis, Down Ampney, Ampney S. Mary, Ampney S. Peter. D. Omenzie, Omemel ; other sources give Ameneye, Omenai, Amanell, Amney, Ammemeye. (Cf. B.C.S. I I Io Amman-broc). The first element, like that of So many river-names, is not Anglo-Saxon, and may be British. The ‘p' is intrusive. The second,-‘ey’ represents ‘ea’ = a stream. Andover(s)ford. (h.) 19% m. E. of Dowdeswell. This name easily falls under four types: TYPE I. C.S. 187. Onnanford (A.D. 759). C.S. 299. Annanford (c. A.D. º Aneford (temp. Henry I.) | Anneford (c.) I 270. = ‘the ford Of Anna,’ A.S. Annan ford. 8 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES TYPE II. (a). The second element here is doff. Andovere (c.) 1270. or deſr (Celtic). Cf. Candever. 3 2 (b) The first element is uncertain, Andevere. I 266. and may be the result of Annan. TYPE III. Andoversford. 1509. = a combination of Types I. and II, with ‘inorganic’s, as in Downamney(s)wick. TYPE IV. Amºdebiria. Probably a latinized form of Andever with confusion of the suffix—biry = A.S. by rig. Defr and Dever (earlier Dubr, Dofr, from Dubron was a Celtic term for “river.’ Here it seems to intrude (as though an after-thought) upon the specific prefix. We have not, in the earliest forms, to do with a Norman scribe puzzled by a Saxon name ; but it seems probable that we have a Saxon curtailing a British one. ‘ On' ‘onym '; plur : ‘onn’ = Welsh for Ash-trees : and, in the same charter, by 07???a??dunze may have been meant “at the Down of the Ash-trees.” Onnan-dofraſt-forde might therefore have signified “at the ford Of the ASh-tree-water.” Apperley. (h.) nr. Deerhurst. P1. C. (1221) Happe- ley. R.H. Appurleie. Alpeleye. Apeleye. Aperleye. Appurley, 1413. Two manors. (1) Apperley-Colver- ton. (2) Apperley-Drynley. Usually said to be for Upper-Ley ; but the forms possibly indicate A.S. AEppel, an apple-tree ; ley = 1ea, a cultivated field. Arle. (h.) nr. Cheltenham. Alra. Arle-Court. Once a manor. A.S. Aler. Alr. Alder-tree. The * r * has yielded to its known tendency to transposition. Arlingham (m. p. and v.), 1% m. E. of Newnham. D. Erlingham. Herlingham, Arlynham. The home of Eorl’s sons, i.e. Eorlingaham. Arlington (near Bibury). D. Alteredintune. P1. C. (1221) Alurintone. Aldrynton. Aluryntone IPM. 1358. APPERLEY — AUST Q. The prefix, it is evident, represents the A.S. p.m. AElfred, and the meaning is the farm, or ton, of the sons of AElfred. Ashchurch. (v. & p.) 2 m. E. of Tewkesbury. It does not occur in either D.S. Or H.C. G1. ASSche- churche. I605. M.E. Asch, esche, an Ash-tree. The meaning is the Church at, or near, the Ash-tree Ashelworth. (m.p. & v.) 5 m. N. N.W. of Gloucester. D. Escelettltorde. ASSeleSwatrºhe, Eschelwrthe, Esselles- worthe 1190-I. Hesseleswurde. I2Oo. Asselworth. (c.) I 260. The sense may be the worth, – the farm, of one AEsc-elf, or AESC-cytel. (Cf. Searle Onomasticon Anglo- Saxonicum, p. 31). - Ashton, Cold. (m. p. & V.) Io m. E. of Bristol. A.D. (c) 955. A. Sctume. D. Escetone. F. A. Aysshton. Aschelozz. Literally, Ash-town ; ton, or farm - en- closure, named from an Ash-tree. Ashton-on-Carant. (r.) D. Estone. East-town. A.S. East-tūn. Carent (Smith's Baeda, 767). Ashton-under-Hill D. Essetone. T.N. Eston. A.N. Esse represents A.S. AEsc : an Ash-tree. Aston, Cold. (m.p. & v.) Aston Blank 2% m. S.W. of Bourton-on-the-Water. C.S. I65, A. D. 743 Eastum. A.D. 904 East-tune. (C.S. 609). D. Estone. (c. 1224-30). Colde Astone. M.E. East : (O. Frisian, Ast :)= East-ton. Aston-Somerville. D. Eston. F. A. Austan. Eston, East-town. It was held formerly by the Somervilles. Aust. (m. & v.) in Henbury Parish. C.S. 75 A.D. 691-2—aet Austin. C.S. 269 A.D. 794 aet Austan. D. Austreclive. F.A. Awste It is evident that by A.D. IoS6 the locality had come to be known to many even as we now call it, “Austcliff.’ (M.E. Clive : Cleeve). But this place was also known more fully as Attgusta in Documentary Latin : for its Church was presently I O GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-N AMES given by Winebaud de Ballon to the Abbey of St. Vin- cent at Le Mans (c) I Loo (for this I am indebted to Mr. J. H. Round), under that name. (Cf. Cal. Docts. of France, No. 1047.) F. A. (1285) give us Hawst and AwSte. (N.V.) AltSte. But, again, in IPM. 1368, it is Altgst, the short unmistakeable form of Augusta. The name has long Stimulated Speculation as to the locality Of St. Augustine’s Oak, and the natural desire to identify Aust with that important personage and his historic conference with the British prelates. The earliest form, therefore, confronts these post-Conquest versions, and, furthermore, presents us with an un- corrupted, though weakened, dative case. The same applies to the “Austan (C.S. 269) of Offa's confirma- tion in 793-4 to the See of Worcester, as to the weaker Austin (aet Austin) of A.D. 691-2, except that here the dative is weak. In fact, there is no question as to the identity of the two examples; and it is proven that these have to do with the Aust under considera- tion. Again, in 929 AEthelstan (K.C.D. CCCXLVII. C. S. 665) granted a certain parcel of ground ‘aet Aztstant ' to Worcester Cathedral. The name of this place, in its dative case, was some- times an, and, occasionally, it was in. The accepted nominative therefore must have been ‘Austa,’ at a date but ninety years after S. Augustine had been to the confines of Hwiccia; and that is an abbreviated form, not of Augustinals, but of Augusta. An important point now arises ; for the Rev. Charles Taylor identifies these grants with our Aust owing to the mention in AEthelred of Mercia's Charter (A.D. 691-2) of Heanburg (i.e. Henbury) in connection with ‘ aet Austin.” In this he is fully corroborated by Hadden and Stubbs, who, further, discuss the identity of ‘Augustinaes àc of Baeda. ii. 2. with Aust. The author of “Worcestershire Place-names,” Mr W. H. A UST I I Duignan, however, considers Henbury to be the Han- bury 4 m. E. of Droitwich, while the Austin and Austan of the Charters, he thinks, lay on, or near, the Severn, and north of Worcester. Yet, to Aston Fields, close to Bromsgrove, we find him referring the Aztstan of our A.D. 794 Charter. Clearly, this place lies nowhere near the Severn. He is careful in add- ing”—“This place is not mentioned in any existing subsequent record or map.” That being so, the claims of Aust and its neighbour Henbury in South Glouces- tershire to be referred to in that Charter, seem to be far more solid than those of any possible Worcester- shire rivals. If, in addition, we recall that the “robur Augustini’ stood ‘in Confinio Huicciorum et Occiden- talium Saxonum' (on the frontier-line of the Huiccians and West-Saxons) it will be also clear that the Southern, or Bristol Avon, rather than its Northern namesake, must have been near the place. For the territory of the West-Saxon is usually thought to have included no part of the modern Gloucestershire, while Bath, Tetbury, Kempsford, and Cirencester, as well as Worcester, were all certainly situated within Huiccia. T That point might be more strictly determinable could it be proven that the said frontier was the same in A.D. 603 as it was in A.D. 741. But we are not dealing here with the question of Augustine’s Oak, but with that of Æthelred's ‘Austin’ and ‘Austan’ in relation to ‘Aust.” And it may be noted that at least one of the Gloucestershire Astons, Aston-Somerville (East-town) was in Feudal Aids written down ‘ Austan as well as ‘Easton.’ The * See under Austen. # Rev. E. McClure, however, thinks (p. 167 British P1.-N.) that Gloucester itself was once a Wessex Centre, and would place the Oak near Cricklade, as a great many have done. But then he be: lieves in that long-departed fiction, Mr Plummer's well-intended guess, -the Z rajectus [Augustae legionis]! (loc. cit.) I 2 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES reason why ‘Aust’ and ‘Austan did not at any time become conversely written ‘ Estone' and “Aston’ lies in the fact that they were shortened forms of Augusta, —an : a name which assures us of its direct Roman origin, after the manner of Aosta in Piedmont, and which must have been adopted nearly as it stood by the Saxon, and then have been given the A.S. oblique cases. That the spot had any sort of connection with the Trajectus of the Roman Itinerary is unlikely ; nevertheless, the original name of it having been Augusta, this imperial qualification must have been either preceded, or followed, by some other now- vanished name; and the actual reason why this very rare mark of Imperial favour was granted is just as little likely to be forthcoming as that other name. In the Itinerary of Ravennas, Isca (Caerleon) appears as Augusta, being dignified with the name of the per- manent Legio Secunda, there quartered; and with the evidences before us of the many military depôts (at Woodchester, Frocester, Haresfield, and Sodbury), dependent upon it, on this side the Severn, it would be rash to deny that at such a vantage-point on its bank as Aust must have been, the Legion may there have owned a Signal-station, Baths, or a Sanatorium. Austinespulle, or Pill. (H.R. p. 168). The first element here is the name of an owner of the fishery, or pool (A.S. Pöl). Possibly it belonged to the Augustinians of Llanthony, near Gloucester. The lower Severn abounds with “Pills.’ (Cf. Welsh Pwll.) Sometimes the term means also a Creek. Avenage. A tithing in Bisley Hundred. (Fosbroke, Hist. Glouc. I. 347.) Also spelled Abanash. Abbe- messe 1337 (IPM.) If the latter is correct, the meaning was probably at Abba's Ash-tree.” One of the forms of Prinknash was Princenage (q.v.) To-day the place is called Avon. Edge. t AUSTINESPULLE-BACCHUS I3 Avening. (m.p. & v.) 2% m. E. of Nailsworth. “to AEſemingum,” dat: pl; A.D. 896 (K. 1073). “Some to Avening.” Afon—Avon, is a generic river- term of Celtic origin and frequent survival. D. Aveninge. Havelinges I 189. Avelingues 1240 (see Docts. of France, J. H. Round.) C.R. (anno. 5, Henry III.), Evening. I 294, Avenyng. Avelinges 1304. The interchange of the liquids ‘n’ and “1” is not uncommon. The terminal inge—s: here denotes a stream, also. [See Guiting.] - Avon. (r.) A Celtic generic term for river (W) Awon. Old Celtic, Abon(a). Cf. Irish Abhain : (bh = v.) C.S. 241, A.D. 781 Eafen. A.D. (c.)794 Aben. Afene. Awckley. (nr. Tockington.) Alkeleye, IPM. 1257. Alcleye, IPM. I.345. The A.S. p.m. here was probably Ealchere, shortened to Ealch. (Cf. Ealcheres dic; B.C.S. 477). The possessive ‘s’ has dropped out. The “w is due to A.N. influence. Awre. (m.p. & v.) on W. bank of Severn. D. Avre. (P.R. 1189-90) Aura. F. A. Awre. A name of un- known origin. Penaure would be Welsh for ‘golden- headland.’ Aylburton. (in Lydney). T.N. Albricton. H.R. Albrichton. C. R. Ailberton, Ailbrighton.—A. D. I.224. Ch. R. , Aylbricton, AylbriStom. Igoo. Aywerton.— A.D. 1316 Aiberrton, N.V. Eyberton. The meaning is (A.S. p.m.) AEthelbeorht’s-tūn, or farm-enclosure. Aylworth. (m.) In Naunton. D. Eleurde. C1. R. 1234. Eileworth. —Ailwrae, c. 1245. LBW. Eyleworthe. 1412. The first element points to one AEthel as the owner. The suffix is A.S.Worth, a farm. The original form was probably AEthels-wyrth. Bacchus. (A Farm) near Brookthorpe. Bakhus. Bakehus. ‘atte Bakkehuse’ (1304); i.e. the Back- house. Later a family name derived from it. I4. GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Bad-brook. (in Stroud). There was also a Bad-style in Stroud. (1557, Manor Account of Haresfield and Painswick). The prefix may, as in Badda11-byrig, to-day Badbury, stand for the A.S. p.m. Badda, i.e. Baddanbroc ; the sense being—the brook Of One Badda. Badderidge. (in Ozleworth). Baderugg B.M. (c. I 250) p. 1 25. The ridge (M.E. rigge) of Badda (p. n.) gen. , —‘an.” Lit. A.S. Badda1thrycg. Of the weak- ened gent. ‘en,” the ‘e’ alone survives. Badgeworth. (m.p., & v.) 4 m. S.W. of Cheltenham. C.S. 535. Beganwurthan (A.D. 872). D. Beiwrde. (c. 1150) Begeword. Bageworde. (P. R. I 189-90) Beggeward. C.P.R. (1234) Begeworth. Beggeworthe The meaning is (p.m.) Baecga's worth, or, farm. A.S. Worth : farm ; enclosure next a House ; allied to Worthign, worthine : which is hardened sometimes into wardine. The ‘d’ in the prefix is resultant, as in modern Hedge for A.S. Hecge. M.E. g.g. = mod : dg (/). Badminton. (m.p. & v.) 15 m. N.E. of Bath. A.D. 972 (K. 570. B. iii.30) Badimyncgtun, D.S. Madmintune. Badmintun (1203). C.P.R. Badmintone (1254). F.A. Badmynton. This name signified the farm-enclosure of the sons of Beadu-helm : i.e. Beadachelmin(g) tun. It is noteworthy that the A.S. Scribe in writing fully the patronymic ‘ing ' inserts c before g. The Norman inserts c only (as a substitute) in order to avoid ‘ng.’ Cf. Breninctun (mod. Brington). The later scribe, further, like a modern “elephant-child' (Kipling) easily conſused initial ‘B’ and ‘M.’ The first element, the p.m. Beaduhelm, has shortened to Badit- helm : then to Badūn, with loss of hel and change of at to i: finally, the i has dropped out. (Cf. Admington.) BA D-IBROOK — 13 A R RINGTON I 5 Bafford. Nr. Charlton Kings. Possibly the original prefix was ‘Balh '; but no early forms are to hand. Bagendon. (m.p. & v.) 3% m. N. of Cirencester. D. Berzwedene. T.N. Bagindon, K. Q. Bathinden. F.A. Badgington. The Spellings are bad. The pre- fix probably Stands for the p.m. Baecga, gen. ‘an,’ weakened to ‘en,’ and tending to become patronymic ‘ing.’ Don = dun = down. The forms illustrate the frequent confusion between ‘Den’ and ‘Don.’ and ‘ton.” The sense is Baecga's down. Bagpath (Newington). Baggepath (1174). Bagga- path. B. M. c. I 25o. Bagge represents Bacggen— weak gent. Of Bacga, an A.S. p.m.—i.e. Bagga's path. Balks, The. Baulks, Bawks. Strips of untilled ground dividing various properties. M. E. Balke : a ridge in a field. Bangrove. Near Beckford. There are several examples of this local name in the County, but early forms are wanting. The Suffix represents the A.S. Gräf: a grove. Ban = A.S. beam = tree. The meaning may be a grove of trees. (Cf. Bampton and Hempton, Co. Oxf.) Bardsley, otherwise Barnsley. (m.) C.S. 304. Bearinodeslea (c. A.D. So?).—C.S. 487. Beorondeslea, A.D. 855. D. Berneleis. Baradeslegh. Bardesley. Berdesleye, (13th c.) Bardesle, otherwise Barnsley, and Brandesleye. The A.S. p.m. indicated here, there- fore, is Beornmod; (gen.) es; the terminals display variant M.E. forms of A.S. Léah, dat: leage (g = y) pasture-land, or untilled land. Barnwood. (m. p. & v.) nr. Gloucester. D. Ber- neurºde. (1235) Bernwude. N.V. Berentwode. The possessive prefix here is the p.m. Beorna; a well- known A.S. theme. Barrington. (m.p. & V.) Great and Little; on the r. Windrush. D. Bermitone. Bernin!one. C. I.245, Bernt- ington. The ton, or farm, of Beornwine. A.S. Tün. I 6 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Barrow. (m.) nr. Boddington. C. D. (716–43) Bearwe, (I. Io9). IPM. (1273) Barwe. Barrowe. A.S. bearu = wood : dat bear we. Barton. (m.) at Gloucester (Kings & Abbots). D. Bertune. La Berton 220. The Barton, or grain- enclosure : from A.S. bere: barley; tın = ton, farm- enclosure, or garner. Tune—dal : of Tūn; i.e. “at” is understood. Batche (The). La Bache. A bottom, or valley. A.S. Bece. M. E. Baeche. The Great Batch. Little Batch. Mr Duignan observes : “The H.E.D. is the first authority to recognise the word ; and translates it ‘ the vale of a stream or rivulet.’” It occurs at Cranham as a field-name, and also in the Forest of Dene. Cf. N.E.D. S. V. bache. The “f” is excrescent. Batcomb. (m.) Batecomb (in Stow-on-Wold) and elsewhere in Co. Glos. Balancut, nb occurs as a local name (B.C.S. I 174. K.C.D. 593), A.S. p.m. Bata ; gen : an : A.S. Cumb, comb ; a loan-word from Welsh cwm—a valley. Batan having weakened to Baten, the ‘n’ became lost. Finally, the ‘e’ followed. Bathford. (Hund. of Bath). The reference is to the ford (North) on Avon, which King Edwy granted, with ten houses, ‘aet Forda,” in A.D. 957. Batsford. (m.p. & v.) 19% m. N.W. of Moreton-in- the-Marsh. C.S. 163 Baeccesore (c A.D. 740) D. Bece- sore. P1. C. (1221) Bechesoure. F. A. Bacheshore— Bacheser. A.S. p.n. Baecc. (B.C.S. 917 K. C.D. 436) gen. ‘es’; Ofer ; bank, or shore. Literally at Baecc’s shore. Ford is a late Substitution. Battledown Knoll. Nr. Charlton Kings. (Camp). The first element, battle, is probably a metamorphosis of an A.S. p.m. such as Bethild ; but early forms are lacking. Battlescombe. Nr. Bisley. Apparently the Combe belonging to Bethild, or Beaduhild. BA R ROW — BEGGY HILL 17 Baunton. (m.p. & V.) I }4 m. N, of Cirencester. D. Baudintone. Pl. C. Baudynton. K. Q. Baudunton. F.A. Bawdynton. Probably the meaning is (A.S. p.m.) Bealdwine’s-ton, or farm-enclosure. The A.N. influence has triumphed in retaining the ‘ 14,” or vocalized l. Beachley. (v. & p.) 6 m. N. of Tewkesbury. Bettesleigh. Betesle. Bettesley. (See also, Betchley). An A.S. p.m. Betti, is pointed to here as representing an Owner of pasture-land : —Leigh = Legh = ley. Bearse Coppe. It was a pasture in the p. of New- land, Forest of Dene. Berse. Bears-Coppe (1548). A copp (A.S.) = a Summit. For the first element see Berse. Beckbury. (Camp) on the slope above Hailes. The prefix may represent the A.S. p.m. Becca ; (g)an. The terminal “bury,’ from byrig, the dative case of A.S. Burh, here bears the meaning of a fortified place, or rampart of earth. The sense is—at Becca’s bury. Beckford. (m.p. & v.) nr. Ashchurch. C.S. 309. A.D. 803 Beccanſ orda. D. Beceford. R.B. Bekeford, Becſord, Bekeford, Beckeford (1235 Pat. R.) Bekke- ford (MS. Rawl. B. 252. 32. 36). The prefix represents the gen. Of A.S. p.m. Becca. Forda (dat.) bears its ordinary meaning. The sense is “at the Ford of Becca.’ Bedwins. (The) A sand in Severn. Perhaps this represents the personal A.S. name Beaduwine (Cf. The Goodwins, said to derive from Godwin, the Earl). Beeks. (h.) 2 m. S. of Marshfield. This place-name may represent an A.S. p.m. Bech, unrecorded save in a genitival form of Beches (Cf. Appendix I. Searle, Onomasticon.) But land reclaimed by the use of a curven mattock is sometimes so-called : Cf. E. D.D. Beggy Hill. also Becky-Hill and Buggy-Hill. (See under Buggilde-Street.) A.S. p.m. Burghild, and Bucga, are both women's names. I 8 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Belas Knapp. (In p. of Charlton Abbots) M.E. Knap (A.S. Cnaep) = A small hill or head of ground. Bealas, Bellas. Cf. also, Bealknap, (L.B.W.) as a p.m., and Beal/enappe. The Origin must remain doubt- ful. The Welsh Bela = wolf, has been suggested as the origin; and, needless to say, Baal The proba- bilities seem to point to an unrecorded p.m. Such as Beall,-es. In the pedigree of Henry III. (given p. 3, Vol. I., Red-book of the Exchequer), occurs a royal ancestor called ‘Bealdates,’ father of ‘Brand.’ But this can scarcely be the correct reading of the nomina- tive of any Saxon name (? Baeldag). Bealda is a known one, and a stronger form of it is Beald, (g) Bealdes. The latter occurs locally (K.C. D. I 149) in Bealdes Sol.). The tendency of the consonant d to drop out before the awkward c17 of Cnap, is an obvious one. Beley. (m.) nr. Stinchcomb. A.D. 972. Beoleahe. Belegh. Beeley. Beleye. A.S. BéO : the Bee.—A ley, or pasture, appropriated to the raising of honey : as we should say, a ‘bee-farm.’ There are many other Beleys in England. A Worcestershire example figures in D.S. as Beolege. Belrepeir. (in Haresfield) Bewper. (See H.C. G1. I., 209). (c. 1220.) Beaurepaire, IPM. Hen. VI., No. 37. (Cf. Bewley, for ‘Beaulieu’). Bentham. (m.) nr. Badgeworth. Benet/lam. From Prov. E. Bennet. ‘Bent’ was a term applied to coarse ground which produced a wiry grass, later called, from this fact, Bent-grass. The A.S. term was Beonet. Here the Hamm, or homme, was situated on coarse ground. There are numerous Benthams and Bentleys. (La) Berge. Bergha. La Berwe. IPM. (c) 1304. Situated in the manor of Erlingham. M. E. Bergha : berough—a barrow, from Mercian Berh, A.S. Beorh, a hill, or grave. BELAS KNAPP-BERN INTONE I9 Berkeley. (m. p. & t.) C.S. 379 Beorclea, and Bercled. A.D. 824–Berchalei. Birecleia. Birchleya. The prefix represents the A.S. Beorc, or byrc, a birch-tree. The suffix is obvious. Numbers of places have been named from oak, beech, maple, willow, thorn, alder, ash, and yew-tree, sometimes as local peculiarities, more frequently as boundary-marks. Berkeley-Herness. (m.) D. Berchelai-hernesse. Berkelets-huynes. 1286. Hernesse. Harness. Huynys. (B.M. 142). The later forms might seem to suggest that there may have occurred some clerical confusion between M.E. Hernis, hirnes, huirnes, and Ness: a dis- tinct Manor at Berkeley. But such has not been the case. These occur as nom : sing : variants of A.S. Hyrne, M.E. Hürne, corner, or district. I take messe, therefore, to be only a late West-Saxon form of 17 is and nes, in Hernis, or Hirnes. A Bromfield-hernesse occurs in Co. Hereford. (Cf. Vol. 2, H. et C. St. Petri, Glouc. p. 214). The Domesday form is borne out by the Charters of Henry II., A.D. I 153, II 60, II 89; and Richard I., I 198. Cf. B.M., 3, 8, 9, 18, 23. Mr. I. H. Jeayes translates the term—“District,’ (B.M. 2.), which is the real meaning here. Cf. “Each was geboyen at Berkeley hurns’: Robertson, Glossary of Gloucester- shire Words. Eng: Dial: Soc., p. 196. Bernestre. (Hd.) A.D. 1247. D. Bernintrev; P1. C. 1221 Bernetre, reduced to Brentry. (q.v.). Now, Henbury Hundred. The terminal stands for A.S. Trēow (v for it, in D.S.); the prefix seems to represent A.S. p.m. Beorn, The sense was originally “Beorn's tree.” Nevertheless, there is contradiction between the two early forms. The D. form is patronymic, while the 1ater one, Bernestre, should refer to Beorn. Bernintone. (D. Hund.) now Slaughter Hundred. (See above and under Barrington.) Bermintone, 1267. D 2O GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Berrington. (Hamlet of Chipping - Campden). IPM. (1273) Byrton. Burington. Buryton. The forms assure us that the first element in this name was Byrig, dat. of A.S. Burh : the walled place, or village. It has gradually simulated a patronymic form. Berrow. La Berewe. M.E. (for A.S. (d) becrge) = a mound, or barrow. Berry-Hill. Near Coleford, F. D. A.S. byrig = a fortified place: dat of A.S. Burh. Berse (le). A vill giving name to a bailiwick in the Forest of Dean. 2 m. N.W. of S. Briavels. (Cf. Bearse; ante). There is no doubt that a Berse was some specific kind of Forest-enclosure, or fenced-off place; “Chaceas et berSas nostras ‘’-R.L. Claus i. 290. (1216); but the exact nature of it is not yet defined. Bersenese. Mr W. H. Stevenson kindly tells me that the terminal ‘enese’ in these Forest of Dene names (Cf. Sir John Maclean's Papers on the Perambulations of the Forest of Dean. Vol. XIV. Trans. Br. & Glos. Arch. Socy.) should be read evese = eaves. (Cf. Stratmann's M.E. Dict., Ed. H. Bradley.) Bersewelle. (at Brookthorp). A spring in a field (H. et C.G.) (1225) Bespwyke. (A fishery belonging to Flaxley Abbey). Possibly Bishops-wick. The name of William Bisp occurs (c. 1225), as a tenant at Brookthorpe manor, (H.C. G1. 1, 176), and bisp is an abbreviation of Bishop. Wyke = a dwelling, or a village, or a farm. A.S. Wic. M.E. Wike (q.v.) Betchley. Nr. Tiddenham. Bettisley. Beachley, (q.v.) where the Danes were starved out A.D. 894. Beverstone. (m.p. & v.) 2 m. W. of Tetbury Sta- tion. A.S. Chr. Byferesstane, A.D. IoSO. D. Beltre- stone. (B.M.) Beuerstan, I 154. Beverstan, 1287. The prefix represents the p. n. Beofor : (Beaver). The terminal is A.S. Stane, d. of Stân - Stone = rock. 13 ERRINGTON.— BIFORD 2 I Bevington. (in Berkeley). (B.M.) Bevintune, c. 1200. Bevin/07?, I 233. The prefix probably represents the known A.S. p.m. Beffa. The sense is the farm of the Beffings. Bibury. (m.p. & v.) 7 m. N.E. of Cirencester. C.S. 166. (c. 740), Beagan-byrig. D. Becheberie. P1. C. Behebiria. F. A. Beyeburi and Beybury. N.V. Bybury. Beaga, daughter of Comes Leppa (c. 735), gave her name to it. The prefix occurs in the same genitival form in Beagan-wyl. B.C.S. 882. K.C.D. 426. Byrig, dative of A.S. burh ; an enclosed, or walled, place. The Sense is “at Beaga's stronghold.’ Bickmarsh. (near Honeybourne). (C.S. 1201.) Bican merSce.—A.D. 967. —D. Bichemerse. 1608 Bicke- mershe. The prefix stands for the A.S. p.m. Bica (gen.) Mersce (d.) for A.S. mersc (sc = sh). The sense is ‘Bica’s marsh.” Bicknor. (m. v. & p.) on the E. bank of the Wye. D. Bicanofre. Byghenore. Bikenovere. Bykºnore. Bekenore. The p.m. present here is Bica. The ter- minal “overe = A.S. Öfre, dat. of Öfer, a river-bank ; lit. Bica’s-bank. M.E. ovre, oure, ore. Bidfield. (1) in Miserden, (2) in Forest of Dean. Budefield. Budiſield. Bydfield. The first element is the p.m. Byda. The older forms retain remains of a weakened genitive. The sense is obvious. Biford. B.M. Bigford (c.) 1250. This name, which Bushford in Wotton-under-Edge represents, took its origin in a bridge, called (temp. Hen. III.) Big/ordes- bridge. It is questionable, however, whether Bigford represented a personal name, or merely A.S. Big = by, -the local ford. There is another Biford, in Co. Hereford. A pseudo-possessive ‘s’ tends to intrude in place-names when a secondary terminal has been accreted. For example: “Down-Ampney(s)wyke ; ’ ‘Andover(s)ford.’ It may be safely assumed that the D 2 2 2 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE: NAMES case under consideration belongs to the same category. See below Blackwellesey?de. Bigsweir (in the Wye). Bikiswere (1322). Bicka- wear. BiggeSware. Bicca and Big, are personal names; and probably refer to an early owner of the Weir. Billow. (A brook at Slimbridge). A.D. 1210. Boeleye-broc. Bºtley (c.) I 230. B.M. In 134o we have Bolleyes Long, on the Severn ; and Bollewere — a fishery. - The place-name Bulley was not rare in those days. Bulley, near Westbury, was ‘ Buleleye' at Domesday, apparently deriving from A.S. Bula, (m) a bull. The suffixes ‘ley' and “ loe,’ ‘ low,’ are occasionally interchanged, as here : Putley (Potteley) has become Putloe. Bilson Green. (h.) Forest of Dean. (Cinderford.) Bilsame. The prefix represents the known A.S. p.m. Bill = Bill's-ham. (Cf. Billesley). Bilsum. Nr. Olveston. (C.S. 936). Billesham (c. 955). This is not the only example of ham (i.e. homm) becoming transformed to um, in Gloucester- shire. For Hanham, we have variant forms: Hannum, Hanzam. Huntsham also gives variants : Hunszz172, Hondstanz. Birdlip. (On the road from Gloucester to Ciren- cester). P1. C. 1221. Bride/epe. Brydlep. Brudelep; (1262). Bridlep. By metathesis the position of the “r” in the prefix has become changed. The lepe has weakened to lip. Bryd may stand for Bird. The A.S. Hliepe (f) — signified a mounting-block: while Hliep (str; fem.) meant a leap, or jump. (Cf. Clif-hliep). May it not mean, perhaps, a style 2 on the other hand the suffix may represent A.S. Hlyp, BIGSWEIR — BISHTON 23 Hlype, of uncertain significance, as in C.D. iii. 320, AElfwines hlipgeat ‘aet hindehlypan' (C.S. 1, 342). For these, and other examples, however, see the elaborate note in “Crawford Charters ” (Ed. A. S. Napier & W. H. Stevenson, pp. 54-5). Cf. “Lyppiat,’ and Postlip, i.e. Potteslep. Birts-Morton. (m.) A.S. mor-tūn = moor-ton, or farm on the moor. The prefix in 1407 (and perhaps long before that date) was Bruttes, or Bruttis, (g) of Brut. But in the earlier half of the 14th c. Worcester- shire Registers give it as Morton-Brett. Another, but a later, form is Morton-Britte. The family of Le Bret was represented in both Worcestershire and Gloucestershire throughout the 13th century; and, as Mr Duignan has stated, Walter Le Bret was living at Morton in 1275. The “Le Brets’ were likewise at Painswick and Pitchcombe, where the name is still familiar in the form of Birt. The origin is Le Breton, the Breton. Bishop’s Cleeve; or Cleeve Episcopi. (m.p. & Hä.) C S. 246. Clife (c. 780). D. Clive. It belonged at Domesday to the Cathedral of Worcester. It was later on called Bishops Cleeve to distinguish it from Priors Cleeve. The manor had paid a rent of 24.36 in the reign of the Confessor. The terminal is obvi- ously A.S. Clif = a cliff, or slope ; to which, however, it merely faces, somewhat at a distance. M.E. Clive and Cleve, dat. of Clif. * . Bishton. Nr. Tidenham. A.D. 956, (C.S. 928). Bispestºne. Bisten. Although the name of Bisp (i.e. Bisceop) as that of a person, does not occur in Saxon Charters, in the 12th c. we find a William Bisp, a tenant at Brookthorp of Wm. de Pontelarch. (H.C. G1. 1, 176.) The name probably had existed (albeit unrecorded) before that date. (See ‘Bespvyke.”) 24. GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES We have also the place-name ‘Bispham,” for Bisceop- ham, in a Charter of A.D. LooS-12. Here the reference is to the Bishop of Llandaffs's farm. Bisley. (m.p. & Hä.) (C.S. 574) A.D. 896 Bislege. D. Biselege. Bisleia, Biselai (Papal Letters R.S. 1, 350) I 257. Bisele. BySeleigh. BySSheley. There was no Sb. corresponding to L. but Scats, or F. bois, in A.S. (See N.E.D.); hence, this name cannot derive from such a Source, in Spite of the last of the above forms ; but an A.S. p.m. Bisa is pointed to. The earliest form only derives from a paper M.S. c. 1560 by Lambarde. Bitton. (m. & p.) D. Betune. A.D. I 151, Betthone. Bettione. Betone & Bethone (c. I 150-65) C.P.R. 1234 Bellon. (T.N.) Button. (F.A.) Bukton (1303) Bytton. Buttone. The prefix may stand for A.S. p.m. Betti: tūn, - farm-enclosure ; but we may suspect the tº of concealing cl as in Ditton = Dic-tun, by assimilation. If so, then Béce and Böc, equally, the Beech-tree —have been factors, and the later forms are not as erratic as they seem. The camp of this name is situated on the road leading from Bath to the Severn, at five miles distance from the former. Bittum. (Great and Little) Lydney. Another instance of local pronunciation of ‘ton.’ (Cf Eastum, for Aston. C.S. 165). Early forms are wanting ; but the root may have been the same with that of the preceding name. Blacelaw. (Hd.) D. The terminal is for A. S. Hlaew, a low, or mound, usually a burial-tump, or bar- row. There was a Black-low (or dark-mound) above Woodchester which probably gave its name to this Hundred. The Domesday Survey also presents the name with a terminal ‘S’—Blacelaws. Blackness. At Brimscombe. A.S. Naes; promon- tory : headland. BISLEY — BLAKEWYKE 25 Blackwell. In Tredington. A.D. 978. (C.D. 620) Blacewellan. The preſix represents Blaec, -black, dark. The terminal = well. Blackwellesende. (Green). Blacewelle. A. S. Ende usually bears its obvious meaning, of termina- tion. The possessive ‘s’ does not make Blakewell a personal name. It was more probably the name of a field having an old well-spring in it. Blaisdon. (m.p. & v.) In Westbury Hundred. 1200. Blechedun. Blechendort, Bleysdon, Blasdon. Blecches- don. (Peramb: For: 1300), N.V. and F.A. Blechesdon. Blecheden. The prefix represents the A.S. p.m. Blae& or Blaecca : as the owner of a Down. The change from Bleches to Blais is analogical. Cf. Blaize Bailey (4 m. S.W.), which should be Bleyth's Bailey. Blaise. (Hamlet and Camp). Blaize-Castle. In Henbury. Early forms are lacking; said to have been named from a chapel of St. Blaize, the patron of Wool Carders; but of which no trace survives. Blakehall. The suffix is probably for Hale = corner. (q.v.) The prefix here denotes dark colour. Blakemere. Blackmore. Literally, the black moor. Blakemonescroft. Croft = a small farm. The A.S. p.m. Blaecman (later Blackman), is borne in common by this and the following name as a prefix. Blakemonesway. Way, wey = a track, or road. See the previous name. Blakeney. (p.) (A Bailiwick of the Forest of Dean). Blaken. (Latinized) Blacheneia, c. 1280. The suffix ‘ey’ is for ‘ea = Stream. Here, perhaps, it means that the local river was a Blackwater. The prefix represents the dative of Blaec, Black. Blakewyke. A.S. Wic related by adoption to Lat. Vicus = a village, hamlet, or dairy-farm. 26 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Blaklaines. Forest of Dean. A laine is a division of arable land made for a specific agricultural pur- pose. Cf. E. D.D. Blakmonale. F. of Dene. Hale = a corner : dat. sing. of Hålh, the Mercian form of the W. S. Healh [Blackman and Brownman were common names, and possibly bear a racial record, of some interest.] Blakpulleforde. (1281). Ford by the blackpool. Bledington. (m.p. & V.) I m. W. of Chipping Norton Junction. D. Bladintun. P1. C. (1221). Bladyntone. Apparently this place took its name from the river Bladaen, Bladene, Blaedene, or Evenlode. The meaning, therefore, is a farm- enclosure by the (r) Bladaen. Here there would seem to have been confusion between the last syllable (aen) of the river-name and ‘en’ a weak genitive of the A.S. p. n. Blaedda, yielding to the patronymic tendency to become ing. The river, however, re- corded in AEthelbald’s Charter, A.D. 718, as Bladaenz, in another (Cott. viii.) as Blaedene, as Blade (D.S.) and T.N. Bladene : probably hands down a pre-English name. There was a Bladenlode on Severn : but I cannot identify to which of the ancient Ferries this name was attached : but possibly it was Wainlode. Bledisloe or Blideslow, also Blidsloe. (In Awre). D. Bliteslaut. Later forms are Blydeslawe, Blidesloe, Brideslowe, Blydeslowe. Bliddesloe. Bletsloe. The Domesday is also the modern Hundred. The prefix answers to the A.S. p.m. Blith, M.E. lawe, lowe : a burial mound ; Th has here developed into ‘t’ and ‘dd’ under A.N. influence, leading to a shortening of the first vowel. Blitheswick occurs as the Hundred- name of Blidislow (q.v.) in a 13th cent. Jury list. (Cf. Vol. X. B. & G1. Trans., p. 300). Bley. Bleyth, a bailiwick in the Forest of Dene, named from a 13th cent. William Bleyth. BLA KLA INES — BOSELEY 27 Blockley. (m.) near Moreton-in-the-Marsh. C.S. 489 Bloccanlea, A. D. 855. (K.C.D. 278.) D. Blockelei. Blockeleye. I&48 (L.B. : Wi). The prefix stands here for a recorded personal name: Blocca, the stronger form of which is Bloc, Blocces. (The) Blomaries. In the Forest of Dene. Blo- maries are forges for iron-Smelting ; ironworks. A.S. Blöma = moss of iron. Latinized “ In Blomariis.” Boddington. (m. & p.) On the r. Chelt. D. Bolintone. A.D. 1200 Botindun. Bodington. (F.A.) Bodynton. Bolinton. The prefix represents the gen: pl. of A.S. p.m. Boda, or Botta, Bottan (g), but it might represent possibly “Botwine(s)-ton ’— the farm of Botwine. The Norman objected to “ng” and fre- quently drops the ‘g.” The later scribe often replaces ‘ wine' by ‘ing.’ Bolde (The), often called “The Bowl,” near Nether Swell. (Cf. Elias de la Bolde. L.B. of Winchbe. Vol. 2, 179). A.S. Böld. (n), a house. Bollesdon, or Bowlesdon. (m.) 2 m. S.W. of Newent. Bullesdone. Bolesdone. (IPM.) 130 I. A.S. p.m. Bull. Dún : a down. (Gt. Boulsdon). The 1engthening of the vowel-sound o into out, as in Poulton, is not uncommon. Bollewere (? Bullo Pill). (A fishery belonging to Flaxley). M.E. Bolle = a bowl, or cup. Were = a Staked enclosure, weir, or dam. The sense may be a cup-shaped weir; but perhaps we should take the prefix to represent Bol-ley, or Bol-low, (q.v.). Bollow. (v.) 194 m. E. of Westbury-on-Severn. (Cf. Bullo-pyll, 2 m. South, on the Severn). P1. C. Bollee (1221). IPM. 1293. Bolleye. The first element may be the A.S. p.m. Bulla. Low = a burial mound, from Hlaew. The Sense is the tomb of Bulla : ‘Bollanlow.’ Boseley. (m.) I m. N.W. of Westbury-on-Severn. The A.S. p.m. Bosa stands here (g. Bosan) for the owner of a pasture: the weak gent : Bosen having lost the ‘n.’ 28 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Botloe. (Hd.) in Dymock. D. Botelav. Bottelawe. (K. Q.) Bolloes-End (to-day). The prefix is the A.S. p.n. Botta. A.S. hlāew = M.E. low, lawe = a burial- mound. Bouncehorn. 3 m. E. of Bisley. Also, and better, spelled Bownshorn. The prefix possibly conceals some p.m. such as Botwine ; but Bouhan and Bowan, H.C. Gl: 3. 182 (1266) were not rare names in the 13th c. in Gloucestershire. Horn (M.E. Hiirne) in place-names usually signifies a corner, or angle of ground. There are several instances in the county. Cf. Lilley-Horn (q.v.) Bourton-in-the-Water. (m. p. & v.) C. S. 882. Burgtune. A. D. 949. D. Bortune. P1. C (1221) Borchtone. F. A. Boruhton. Burton. A.S. Burh, dat. by rig. M.E. Burgh, Borugh ; an enclosed or ramparted place : tûn = farm. The sense here is ‘the Fort-farm.’ Boutherop. (m.) otherwise Eastleach - Martin. 1547. Burt/trop. Early forms are lacking. But Cf. Burdrop, Co. Oxford; where the prefix points to Burh a fort. A.S. throp : thorp : a village, or farm. Bowbridge. At Stroud. The term means a one- arch bridge. Bownace (Wood). Nr. Stinchcomb Hill. The suffix may represent M.E. Hache – a wicket. The lack of forms renders it impossible to determine. The first element may even have been the p.m. Bolla, (g) Bowcot close by in c. 1250 was Bollecote. (B.M. p. 108). Cf. P1.-N. of Herts: p. 65. Stevenage. W. W. Skeat. BOwnham. Near Brimscombe. See below. BOwnhill. Near Woodchester. See Bouncehorn. I cannot see Badon-hill in it, as does Mr McClure, (p. 123 British Place-names). The AS. p.m. Bolla seems to be the more probable origin. On the other hand, it may lie in some pre-Saxon term, of unknown signi- ficance. BOTLOE — BREAM-MEEN D 29 BOX(e) (La). (m. & h.) in Blitheslow Hundred. Boxa. A.S. Box : (m) = a box-tree ; also, a lodge, or shed. Cf. “The Salt-box,” near Cranham. Boxwell. (m. & p.) 5% m. E. by N. of Charfield. In Grimboldsash Hol. D. Boxewelle. Anc. Ch. Nº. 50. A.D. 1185 Boxwelha.-Corp. Rec. (c.) I 2 Io. BocSwelle. Bockeswelle (1316). Here the prefix in spite of the genitival form was also Bov, a box-tree. (Cf. Box- worth: in Skeats Pl, of Camb.) otherwise not recorded. (The) Boyce-Court. Nr. Dymock. From A.N. Bois, a wood. (Cf. Hidcote Boyce). Note the old pronunciation Braceland. A field name meaning land at the mouth of a Shaft, or claim, Brackeridge. Common. A ridge overgrown with ferns. The first element here seems to derive from E. Bracken, -the fern. We have similarly, Brackenbury. Brademede. Broadmead. Bradley. (Hd.) C.S. 153. (c. A.D. 723) Bradanlea. D. Bradelege. Bradelegal. Bradeleia. The Sense is the broad pasture field. Bratches (The). Near Withington. It is a common field-name, signifying newly broken up ground. M.E. Brèche : a fallow-field. Bread-Street. Near Randwick = Broad-Street. Bream (The). In Forest of Dean. A village. Le Breme. In the Bailiwick of Staunton. Of uncertain derivation. The E.D.D. gives the meaning as “an elevated place exposed to Wind.” Breams-Eaves. In p. of Newland. Eaves is the edges or skirts of enclosed grounds. E.D.D.-Cf. Colverts-eaves; also in Forest of Dean. Ruerdens- eaves. Harwood-eves. A. S. Efese : M. E. evese. Edge. Bream-Meend. The suffix seems to be related to mean, from A. S. gemäne = common [pasture], Myemide 3O GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Lane in Gloucester led from St. Mary de Lode to the mean-hamma beside the Severn in 1260. (Corp. Rec. Gl. 539, 620, 655, 687, 693.) But see under Meand. Breccheaker. (in Newington). (1233 B.M.). Cf. A.S. Brecan, M.E. brache, brich. Breach. The sense (dial.) is ‘broken-up acre,” or newly-cleared ground. See Bratches. Bremerende. In Forest of Dene. (?) Bremer, for M.E. Bremel ; = a bramble. M.E. Ende = limit, or district (d.) Brentlands. (Forest of Dean). Lands cleared by burning. M.E. Brent, connected with brennan, to burn. Brentry. (In Henbury). The suffix = A.S. Trēo = tree. This may mean ‘ burnt tree.” Brewerne. (In Sandhurst). c. 1200. Bruerne. (C.R.) The prefix stands for A.S. Bréðw. A.S. aern, a house. The Sense is a ‘brew-house.’ Briavelstowe. A hamlet in St. Briavels (q.v.) A.S. Stow ; a place ; site. Brickhampton. Near Gloucester. Brihtamiume, (c) 1220.- Brithelmetun, Brighglenton. Brythamp- tone 1230. Britlamton I 240. Brihthamtone 1296. Brichampton 1303. The prefix is the A.S. p.m. Beorht- helm transformed ; i.e. A.S. Brihthelmes-tºzaz. Briht and Brict are early forms of Beorht : ct for ht is a known peculiarity of M.E. spelling. The genitival ‘s’ dropped out before A.D. 1200, and does not reappear. The tendency then set in to sound “helm' as ‘ham '; ‘l’ before ‘m’ in an unstressed syllable being liable to fall out. See Forthampton. To this became added the excrescent ‘p’: forming a false terminal Hampton. Bridgemare. (A manor, formerly in Bentham). Bryddesmere, (C.R. 1225). Bridsmere. Bryddismer. I 391. The prefix appears to be the genitival form of a personal name, such as Brydd, from Brid=Bird. The terminal= A.S. mere, a lake. (Cf. Bryddesete.) BRECCHEAKER—BROCKWORTH 3 I Brightwell’s Barrow. Formerly gave name to a Hundred. D. Brictvvoldesberg ; that was Beorht- Weald's-Barrow. Brimpsfield. (m.) D. Brimesfelde. C.R. Brimes- feld. Bruzzeſfeld. K. Q. Bremtesſeld. Bronnesſelde (1316). Brummesfeld (1284). Brinnesſeld. The first element answers to the A.S. p.m. Brüman (which is a Short form of Brunman), here in the genitive case —Brunmanes. The ‘p' is obviously intrusive. The sense is Brown-man's-field. These Brown-17ten and Black-men probably record people of the dark-skinned race in Britain. Brimscombe. (v. & p.) This place does not occur in D.S. Indentures mention it as Brim 11tescombe. In One, I 543-4, it bears a distorted form, Brynkes- tombe. Probably the prefix is identical with that in Brimpsfield (q.v.), but the last form may be genuine and point to a p.m. Brynec (dim). Cf. Brynco (Searle), Brynca. Broadway. Anc. Ch. Nº. 50. I 183. Bradeweia = Broad-way. Brockhampton. (1) (m). nr. Bishop's Cleeve. Brochamtone. Brechampton. (K.O.) Brokehamptom (F.A.) Brokhamton (1383). The prefix represents A.S. Broc = a brook (Home-town). Brockhampton. (2) (m.) near Sevenhampton (K. Q.) Brok-hampton-Charleton. The ‘p' is naturally excrescent in both examples. Brockley. Broclegh. A.S. Bröc = Brook. Leage: dat. of Leah ; (g = y) ‘The pasture beside the brook.’ Brockworth. (m. & v.) 4 m. S.E. of Gloucester. D. Brocowardinge, Brockwordin (1150), Broc Wardine, Pipe Roll (1189-90). Wrocwardin. Brochworthe. Brocworthe. A.S. Bröc = brook: Worthyn-ign-ine : hardened to ‘wardine,’ i.e. a homestead, by the brook. (Cf. Bredwardine, Co. Hereford.) 32 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PEACE-NAMES Brokenborough. (m.) In Almondsbury. Broken- borowe. Brokenbergh. Brokeneberwe (1324). Broken- burrow. The prefix suggests brºken (pple) from bréken to break. Borowe, Berwe, Borugh, are all M.E. forms deriving from A.S. Beorh : a hill. The Sense is “at broken hill.’ Bromalls. In Staunton (F. of D.) The first element stands for A.S. Bröm : M.E. Broom, the plant. The suffix probably represents ‘hales’ for W.S. healas : meadows, as in “Fearnhealas’: ferny-meads. The Sense is Broom-meads. Early forms are wanting. Bromesberrow. (in Botlow Ha.) (m. & p.) 4 m. N.E. of Dymoke. D. Britny1zeberge. Brownesburgh. P1. C. 1221. Brennesberghe. Bronzmesberewe. H.C. G1. I 284. Bromesberwe. F.A. 1316. A.S. Chr. A.D. 9 Io, ‘aet BremeS-byrig,” has been identified with Bromesberrow ; but A.S. (d) Byrig does not yield M.E. berghe: mod: Berrow ; but it does yield M.E. berie, mod : bury, which we have not got. There may, then, have been a confusion. The prefix should have been in full, Brunmannes, M.E. berghe, berwe, (dat. forms) = Mod. Eng. Barrow. The sense is probably, therefore, Brunman's-barrow. The Norman, in order to avoid the ‘nsb’ medial, (which he could not pro- nounce), dropped the first two consonants, and reduced * 777azzS ’ to “ 17te.’ Brookthorpe. (m.p. & v.) 2% m. N.E. of Hares- field. D. Brostorp. Brocthorpe. (c) I 150 Broctrop. (Taxo. Eccles".) Brotehrop, A.S. Bröc: brook; and throp, thorp : a farm-enclosure, or thorpe. The A.N. influence substituted ‘t’ for ‘th,’ as well as ‘d.’ In the last form ‘t’ has replaced ‘c.’ Brumesham. (In Weston St. Lawrence; Hö. of Henbury). This belonged to the Saltmarsh manor of Hinton, and it may have been the same with Brunes- wellesham (See Berkeley Mts. p. 62, No. 179, and Tr. BROKEN BOROUGH-BULLEY 33 Br. & Gl. Arch. Soc., X. p. 289). In both cases the personal name is Brun or Brown. In the latter form Occurs a pseudo-possessive, superfluously added to the penultimate element ‘Well, otherwise, the inorganic ‘S.’ Bryddessete. In the Forest of Dene Bailiwick of Abenhall. The suffix ‘sete,' if dat. of A.S. Sæt, may mean a seat, a pasturage, or a fishery. (E.D.D.) The first element is probably the A.S. p.m. Brydd, (other- wise Brid, or Bird. (Cf. Briddesmaer, now Bridgemare). Buckholt. Bocholt. Bocholthe. Bokeholte. The prefix is A.S. Böc = a beech-tree. A holt is a copse, or small wood. Buckland. (m.p. & v.) near Broadway (Worc.) D. Bocheland (ch =k). Boclond. Boclaunde. A.S. Böc-1and, i.e. land granted by Book or Charter, and so held, by a private owner. The name is said to pre- vail exclusively in the Southern Counties. The D. form, as usual, represents the dat. Böce. Buckle, or Buggilde Street. C.S. 125 A.D. 709 Buggildestret. C.S. A.D. 860 Buggan Stret, A.D. 967, C.S. I 201. Bucgan Street. Buggle-Street. Bucge (f) is an abbreviated form of Burghild; so that the original personal name here was Burghild (feminine). See Introduction, p. xxvii. Bulewick. (in Bulley). Near Cam. Bullewyke. Bulla's farm. (A.S.) wic. M.E. Wyke : a village ; also sometimes but a dairy-farm. Bulley. (m.) in Cam. (1) (I 125) Bulleye. Buleye (c) 1220, and Bulley- brook, nr. Mangotsfield. (2) Near Oakle Street. (m. & p.) D. Buleleye, Bullega, Bulleya (1231), Bolley (1412), Bullie, Bulleigh. The prefix is probably identical in both names. Bula is an A.S. p.m. said to be derived from the animal—a Bull. The sense is Bula’s pasture-field. The Spelling 34 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES 0 = 24; and it occurs in most examples of this and Similar names. Bull’s Cross. P-n. Bull. 1572, Bulcross. M.R. Bunnage. Bowmage. Bowmace (q.v.) At the N. end of Slad Valley. The terminal M.E. Hache, acche = Mod. Hatch = a wicket; or a flood-gate, as perhaps, here. The prefix may derive from Bolla. Buregrene. Near the Rudge: (La Rugge). H. et C. Gl. 2, 99. The prefix is for bury, from A.S. Burh, a fort, or enclosed place. Burghill. (m.) in Westbury. (1300) Borghulle. F. A. (I4O2) Burghull. Burehul. Burhulle. Buren- hulle. Burhul. The prefix denotes M.E. burgh, borough ; a fort, or merely an enclosed place. Hül-hill. Bury Hill. (C.) A.S. by rig ; dative case of A.S. burh ; literally ‘aet by rig.” The sense is Castle-hill. Burleigh. A Hamlet, near Brimscombe. The pre- fix Suggests Bur : a rabbit burrow ; though, equally well, it may refer to the Bur-thistle, or the Bur-dock, but better than either to A.S. Burg. Bussage. (p.) I m. N. of Brimscombe. Early forms are lacking. The suffix probably stands for M.E. Hache : acche : the modern hatch : a wicket, half-door. Sometimes it signifies the flood-gate of a water-meadow. Water hatch. In Hampshire, - a gate dividing manors, or parishes. (Cf. Etym. Dict. E. Lang : W. W. Skeat). The prefix may represent Bush, M.E. Busse, the sense having been Bush-gate, or hatch. The old monolithic stone-stiles in Glou- cestershire hedges are practically stone-hatches. (Cf. Bunnage. Chavenage). Buttersend. A hamlet of Hartpury. Possibly BÖthere was the p.m. here. End = limit of a district. Buttington. (Tump) near Chepstow. Botyndone (1326). The A.S. p.m. Butta. The meaning is Butta's dun, or tún : or, if patronymic, then, the BULL’S CROSS—CALLOWELLL 35 enclosure of the Sons of Butta; but ‘ing’ may here result from a weak gent. en : yn. The suffixes above are liable to replace one another. Button. (See Bitton). Butts (The). (1) The abutments of the land-strips. in open fields. The term has been widely used from very early days, and is to be found in all parts of the County. (2) Small pieces of land disjoined from adjacent lands, demesne, or other. (3) Sometimes used to describe ‘selions,’ or plough- ridges. - Bydfield. Bidfield. (1225). Budiſelde (1227). In the Hundred of Bisley. The prefix points to the ownership of one Byda: the latter is a known A.S. p.m. Cadbury Heath. (nr. Oldland & Bitton). The pre- fix stands for the known A.S. p.m. Cada. The D.S. Cadebirie is in Worcestershire. The meaning is the fort of Cada, or ‘ at Cada’s-fort ; ' Bury being the dative (A.S.) by rig,” of burh (a borough, or a fort- enclosure). Cainscross. (v. & p.) I m. W. of Stroud. Calf-Way (The). An ancient high-way near Bis- ley. We have Calf-hay, Calf-hill, Calves-croft, Calf- lade (Cel/-lade Hö. D.S.), Calf-lea (Cealfa-leaye, Co. Dorset), all apparently deriving from A.S. Cealf = a calf. It also occurs as a personal name in the County as far back as 1271 A.D. (Cf. Skeat, Cambr. P1. N. under Cheveley; Caeafle). Callowell. Nr. Whiteshill, Stroud. Behind some examples of the occurrence of this prefix may stand evidence for its origin in the A.S. Calu; bald. “The Callow ’’ is a field-name in Ketford; hence the meaning E 36 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES in the present example may be—the well in a field called at one time ‘The Callow ’ i.e., Cal + low, A.S. hlaew : a barrow. The prefix may represent a per- Sonal name. Calmsden. (Tithing & hamlet) 2 m. E. of North Cerney. C.S. 466. Kalem undesdene A.D. 852. Cal- mundsdun A.D. 966. Calentdesdeme. The prefix is the A.S. p.m. Calmund (Cf. Ceolmund) Dene, a valley, i.e. Calmundes-dene. Cam. (r. m. p. v.) or Camme 1177. P1. C. Kaumne 1221. Kamme. B.M. 1252. Cama. IPM. I.286. The name has either been taken from the river, or that of the river from the place ; but it is not possible to determine which of these has been the case. Probably the former ; otherwise we should perhaps have found a Cambourne among the early forms. As the Word belongs to pre-Saxon date, the meaning is likely to remain unknown. There is a Welsh adjective Cam, signifying ‘crooked,” but that is not a sufficient reason for declaring this name to be Old British; though, it is true, Cam-dwr occurs in Wales. In the Mon. Hist. Britann : Cant-bricge is identified with Cann-bridge (Cambrigga. B.M. (c) 1200) East of the Severn; but the evidence for this will not bear very close examination. Camp (The). (Nr. Bisley). A 17th cent. village at the crossing of the roads. Commonly Said to have been a Danish Camp, but of this there are no evidences. The name is borrowed from Latin ‘ campus,” mean- ing open field. Evidences of its existence before 1643 are wanting, though it has grown up at a croSS-Ways, on at least one pre-Roman trackway. Campden (Chipping). (m.p. & V.) to CampSetema gemaera Eynsh: Cart. I-23 (cited by F. M. Stenton P1-N. of Berks, p. 15). D. Campdene. K.Q. Cantºn- peden. F.A. Camuppeden. Cheping-Caumpeden. N.V. Campeden. Camp is a loan-word from the Latin. CALMSDEN–CATTY-BROOK 37 In A.S. it signified (1) war; (2) the place of battle ; (3) Open field. A.S. denn, valley. Chipping, as in Chip- ping-Sodbury, -Norton, is derived from A.S. Céaping (f) marketing. The vowel at is due to A.N. influence. Cannop. Forest of Dene. I 281. Konhop. The prefix may be Celtic : the suffix = A.S. Hop, valley. Carant. (r.) (Add: Ch. 19794). A.D. 780. Caerent. Rarente. F. A. Carazz17t. Karent. Mr Duignan aptly instances the Charente, a river in the Department of that name, in France. Origin unknown. Carswell. (m.) (in Newent.) D. Crasowel. F.A. Rarswell, (F.A.) Cassewalle—Carswall. Carlswell. This is another form of Cresswell, which occurs in various counties. A.S. Caerswille. A.S. Cresse : cerse; in Gower & Chaucer, Kers. Wel-cresse = Water-CreSS. Castlett. (m.) in Guiting Power. D. Cateslat. A.D. 1177. P.R. (a. 22, Hen. II.) Catteslada. P1. C. Kadeslade. Catteslade. The prefix represents the p.m. Catt, (g.) -es. The Suffix is probably from A.S. (ge)lad : a track, as in Framilade, Calflade, Lechlade, and Abload. Otherwise, it may derive from the weak form, Catta (g.) an, and A.S. slaed = valley. Catbrain-Quarr. Cat(s) brain occurs as a local quarry-name, at Lydney, Painswick, and many other places ; but the meaning is obscure. According to popular idea the term is due to the queer appearance of the large rounded fossil-shells in the quarry. Catte-Marsh. In Bevington. (See preceding note.) Cattemersh. 1465. B.M. Mersch ; (dat.) Mershe - M.E. form of A.S. Mersc. The sense is Catta's marsh. (g.) Cattan—weakened to Catten: the ‘n’ has been dropped. Catty-Brook. (In Almondsbury.) Katebroc. Cate- broc. Cadebrooke. Catta is an A.S. p.m. also an O.N. one. The sense is Catta's brook, or the Cat’s brook. E 2 38 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Caudle Green. A hamlet A m. S. of Brimpsfield. Possibly for Caldwell, i.e. cold-well. There was a Cawdwell in Haresfield, 1623. IPM. Celflede. (D. Hå.) See Calf-way. M. E. Läd. Lade, - Way. The meaning is Calf-way. Cernel–Cerney. (r.) C.S. 299. (c.) 800 A.D. Cyrnea. Chr. Abingd: Cirmed. The Romano-British Corin, of Corinium, derived, probably, from the same root. D. Cernei. Cerne, I 189. T.N. Cern. Cernay. The Churn, or Cirent. The suffix stands for ‘ea,’ a stream. The Spellings are due to A.N. influence. (Cf. Zachrisson, pp. 19, 20.) . Cerney-Wick. Cerney-Wyke. 1398. Cerney- (s)wike. B.M. (1417). Cf. Cerne-Abbas (Co. Dorset) On another Cerne. Chalford. A township formed from Bisley. IPM. (c. 1250). Chalford. I 297. Chalkforde. (1337) Chalk- ford. Chalkeford. (1349) L.B. Wi: Chaleſorde. I 460. Chafford (Harl: 60 (IO4)). The prefix stands for Čealc, which made the original name Cealc-ford. The AE has naturally disappeared, Owing to its difficult position between e and /. The sense is “at Chalk-ford.” Chalkwells. Nr. Turkdene. K. C. D. 9o. Cealc- weallas. A.D. 743. This name occurs in the Mercian 8th century Charter of Æthelbald. A.S. Cealc : loan- word from Lat: Calx. Charfield. (m. & p.) 2% m. S.W. of Wotton-under- Edge. D. Cirvelde. (c. 1250), Char/elde. Char-feud (1292). Chareſeild (1303). Chartefelde N.V. Chares- field. Ceort p.m. (as in Chertsey) cannot be responsible for this prefix. As the spot was ground redeemed from the forest of Horwood, the name may well be con- sidered with the Kentish and Surrey “Charts’ = A.S. Čeart, rough, fern-growing ground. (Cf. Brasted Chart.) Charfeud : is an example of the A.N. influence by which ‘l’ aſter ‘e’ became vocalised as ‘tt.’ CAUDLE GREEN.—CHAVEN AGE 39 Charingworth. (m. & h.) Nr. Ebrington. D. Chevringaurde. c. 1320. Chavelingworth. Chering- worth. Channelinzworth. I 284. — Charyngworth. 1300. Chaveringworth. I 421. A.S. Weorth. The prefix is patronymic, i.e. the sons of Ceafhere (?). The sense is the ‘worth,’ or farmstead, of the Ceaferings. The com- mon interchange of 7 and l is seen in some of the forms. Charlton. Nr. Tetbury. Cherleton. Cherlethone. H.C. Gl. I 267, Mercian Č was sounded as ch. Céorl became a Surname, and it remains so still in the familiar form of Charle(s). The following various manorial affixes belong to the feudal age. Charlton Abbots. (p. & v.) 2 m. N. of Andovers- ford. Charlton Kings. (p. & v.) nr. Cheltenham. Originally Ceorlatun (gen. pl.): Churls-town. Churl bore no derogatory significance, originally. Charteshull. (Taxo. P. N. 1291). Cherteshulle, I 241. Chertishull, 1289. Nr. Kingswood. The A.S. p.m. Ceort, as in Chertsey, and Chartley, answers to the first element. M.E. Hül = Hill. The meaning is Cherts Hill. Chaxhill. (h.) 2 m. E. of Westbury-on-Severn. Chakeshulle (c. 1250). CheakeShulle. Chaxhull (1339 C.R.) The p.m. here is probably the A.S. Caec ; Cheke is still a known family-name ; M.E. Hül = Hyll, modern—Hill. Chavenage. (m. & Chapelry) 3 m. S.E. of Hors- ley. Not in D.S. — Chavenedge. IPM. 1626. — The suffix may represent the A.S. edg: modern edge. For the prefix we should expect an A.S. p.m., Such as the Ceawwa in Ceawwan-leah (of B.C.S. 476 K.C.D. IoS2). Rev. E. McClure (Br, Place-names, p. 158, n.) suggests W. Cefn + Edge, a combination certainly without parallel in this district, Saving where the 4O GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE NAMES Ordnance Map gives Avon-Edge for Avenage, i.e. Abbenesse. (q.v.) Nevertheless, the sense may be Ceawa's-hatch. See ‘Stevenage,’ in “Place-names of Hertfordshire,” where Prof. Skeat lays stress upon M.E. Hache, acche, and A.S. Haecce, gen., dat., and acc. of (f) Haec = a wicket, a small gate = modern ‘Hatch.” Or, again, Cf. Avenage and Princenage (now Prinknash), where the Ash-tree has been respon- sible for this terminal. Cf. also Ninnage in this county; also Bunnage and Bussage. Chedworth. (m. p. & v.) C.S. 535. A.D. 872 Ceddanºwyrde. D. Cedeorde. Chedeleswurde, I 190. Chedelesworth. Shedeworth. I 284. Cheddeworth. F. A. 1303. The A.S. p.m. Cedda, or Ceadel, is represented here, as that of the original owner of a farm, or “Worth.” The early Norman avoids writing the A.S. “w.’ Cheftesihat. Near Hidcote Boyce. D. (Kiftsgate Hd.) i-h =y (yate = gate) PC. 122 I Kyflesiate. Kytes- gate (1271), The p.m. pointed to here is an unrecorded one; Cyfet). The form of this prefix, however, appears to be simple. Cheltenham. (m. p. & t.) on the r. Chelt. C.S. 309. A.D. 803, Celtanhom. D. Chintineham. Chintene- ham. Chitteham. P.R. I 158. Schilleham. Chylteham. Chiltenham. The earliest form of the Suffix appearing as ‘hom Shews that the ‘ham here was the A.S. hamm ; homm, a mead, or enclosure, at the Side of the river Cilt, or Cilta ; now Chelt. Celtan is made by the Saxon to appear to be the gen. form of an A.S. p.m. Celta. The Sch form was due to A.N. influence in the Xiii. C. Cherington. (m. p. & V.) 4 m. N.E. of Tetbury. D. Cerintone. (c.) I 120 Cherintone. Chederintone. Chyrintone. Chyrynton. Chelinton. F.A.. I 285. – Chiryn- ton, 1303. Chiriton. Chirton F.A. 1346. (Cf. Ched- ringewurda for Charringworth. P. Roll.) The prefix seems to point to a p.m. of which the genitival (sing:) form ‘’Ceadres' (? Ceadhere) alone survives. (Cf. CHEDWORTH-CHILDS-WICKHAM 4. I Searle, p. 588. From this would result the gem : plur: Chedringa, or Chederinga ; which would go far to ex- plain this personal, and perhaps, patronymic prefix. The Sense is the farm-enclosure of the Ceadrings. Chesel hanger. A wood near the Severn, at Berkeley. Chisulhanger, IPM. 1368. Chislaunder (1514) Chesilhunger (1522). A.S. Céðsel ; cisil = a pebble, shingle. The terminal is ‘hanger,’ a wooded Slope. A.S. Hangra. Aunder, above : resulted from A.N. influence: like Saund for Sand. (The) Chessels. A field-name near Bourton-on-the- Water. Gloucestershire folk apply the word to Roman coins, i.e. Chessells: also spelled Chestles, as though reflecting Chester, but possibly A.S. Čeosel: pebble. Chestal. At Dursley. IPM. 1374, Chystelay. The prefix points to A. S. &est, M. E. chiste : mod : chest, or to A.S. Čeastel, which Mr. Alexander considers may well mean a cairn. Cf. Pl. N. Oxf. under Chastleton. Cf. also, Chesthetnte (now Ches- hunt) for Chesterhunt: D.S. Cestrehunt. The terminal may represent A.S. 1éâh, meadow. Chesterton. (Nr. Cirencester). A. N.-forms : — (c. 1100) Cestretone : Cestretum, from A. S. Ceaster- tiºn = the Camp-enclosure. Cheyney–Upton. Nr. Bitton. Cheyeny. Cheyn12 y. Cheynew. Chaune. The feudal owner (temp. Edw. II.) was Henry le Chaun. Childs-Wickham. (m. v. & p.) 5 m. S.E. of Eve- sham. A. D. 706 (C.S. 117), Childes-wicºwon. In 1206, and 1275. Wike-Waneford (Subs. Rolls) Wykewome- ſorde: appear as the forms of Wickhamford, near-by: which, in D.S. appears as Wiquene, and long before that, in A.D. 709, (C.S. 125) as Wicwoma. Mr Duignan (Worc. Place-names) writes: “the earlier forms are insoluble. The names appear to have a common Origin.” The element ‘ſham in both names has Supplanted 700??, 42 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE NAMES Or waſte. In A.D. 972, our name occurred as Wig- wennan. The meaning is certainly hidden in the twilight of the Huiccian forest, unless we assume that wome and 7041ze and wene represent an unidentified river-term, Such as that appearing in the name Wenrisc, now Windrush : and probably in “Weonbrugge in Cors. Cf. IPM. I.350. Child, A.S. Čild is a title, as well as meaning a non-adult: (Cf. Child Roland). Chipping (Campden, Sodbury, etc.) Chepyng. Cheping (1403). From A.S. Céaping, f. marketing. Céapian, to buy. The sense is Market-Campden. Chippenham. Nr. Bishop's Cleeve. To Cippan- hamme. C.S. I., 342 (c. 812). The suffix is Hamm, homme; an enclosed pasture ; and, as the Editors of the Crawford Charters (p. 73, Note 64) point out, the form of the prefix “proves that the long-prevalent derivation of this name from Čyping, “market' is un- founded.” Cippa was probably a personal name. Churchdown. (m. p. & v.) (pronounced ‘Chosen.”) D. Circesdune. (P.R.) Chirchusdon. L.B.Wi. : 1 181. Chercheden. Chirchesdone. Schurchesdo??. I 303. Churchesdone. N.V. Chircheston. Not from A.S. Cyriće = Church. Both Domesday and the later forms Sug- gest that a personal name such as A.S. Særić, rather than the Norman Church of S. Bartholomew has given name to this isolated hill,—M.E. Dun : don: for Down. The personal name of Church does not occur at SO early a date. But it seems certain that, whatever the prefix was, its spelling has been influenced by the A.S. Čyriče. Cf. P1-N. Oxf: under Sarsden. The initial ‘S’ is excrescent, and is due to a 13th cent. A. N. Change in pronunciation. Churne. (r.) C.S. 299. A.D. c. 800. Cyrnea. Cirm. Ciren : Romano-British Corin. M.E. Cern. See Cernel. Cinderford. A small town in the Forest of Dene. (C. Flax :) 1281. Sinderford. Perhaps A.S. Syndor: apart, or asunder. (Cf. Sunderland.) CHIPPING (CAMPDEN, SODBURY, ETC).-CLAPTON 43 Cirencester. (Hd. m. p. & town). A. S. Chr. Cyrenceaster. D. CireceStre. Circestria, I I49. Cir- custre. Cherinchestre. (Lay : Brut.) 13th C. Chiren- chestre. (Lay : Brut.) I 3th C. Chirchestre. (Lay : Brut.) 13th c. Zigeter. Cisiter. The fortress on the Cyrne, or Ciren. A. S. Ceaster, (see Chesterton), Asser's Life of Alfred (Ed. W. H. Stevenson) 57, 6, “Cirrenceastre adiit, quae Britannice Cair-cert ſtomi. natur’ (A.D. 879). We thus have the British, the Saxon, and the M.E. forms (almost uniformly influenced by the A.N. pronunciation and spelling), of the name. The Roman Itinerary gives us Corinium Dobunorum (of the Dobuni). As Mr Anscombe shews, “Corin- ium was reduced through Curins, Cyrini, and Cyrene, to Cyrn—(Ceaster). (Cf. N. & Q. II. Ser. V. p. 314). For Čester = &easter from Čeaester, see under Glouces- ter; also N. & Q. II. Ser. V. pp. 1 os-4. A. Anscombe. From the examples taken from Layamon may be seen that the “ Chester - form made an unavailing struggle for Survival against the A.N. pronunciation. Clackmill. This place has been identified with the Mylepul of an A.S. Ch. (Worcester) A.D. 883. The “Clakke of a mill” Prompt : Parvul., i.e. the clapper of the old-fashioned flour-mills. Clackshill. Clac is a known A.S. p.m. It also locally occurs in the example, Clacces-Wadlond, of B.C.S. 216 K.C.D. 123. Clanna. (Forest of Dene). Unknown origin. Clapton. Nr. Bourton-on-the-Water. (B.M. I 189- 1216). Cloptune. Clopton (1301). Prof. Skeat has written of this name in his Place-names of Berkshire : “The sense is not quite certain, but it seems to be the same word as the Middle Danish Klop, a Stub, or stump. If so, it means a town, or enclosure, of Stubby ground.” (See Clopton). 44 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Clearwell. (m. v. & tithing). In Newland, Forest of Dene. Clowerwall. Clowrewalle. Clewer-well. The forms were comparatively late ones. The word Clower, Clewer, occurs in the sense of a sluice-gate, or ‘clow of a river, or of a mill-dam. Cleeve. (m.) Clive. Smith's Baeda gives Clife, i.e. Bishops Cleeve. An early Charter, C.S. 246. c. 780, gives the same form. Variant forms are Cleve and Clyve : both from A.S. Clif, a cliff, or steep incline, through Mercian Cleof. It is noteworthy that no such steep incline occurs on the actual spot, which lies more than a mile from Cleeve Hill. Cloud = A.S. Clüd rock. Cf. Clouds, Co. Wilts. (The) Cleyslades-Reode. (dat.) Forest of Dene —Clay-slade(s), hréod = reed-bed. The penultimate “s,’ as in Andoversford, is inorganic, and does not Signify a personal name. Slade; Slad , = (I) slope (2) valley. A.S. Slaed. Clifford Chambers. (m. v. & p.) on the R. Stour. (C.S. 636.) A.D. 922. Clifforda (d) A.D. 966. Cliforda. D. Clifort. Clyfford. The Cliff-ford ; or, steep-ford. The p.m. here is a reduction of Camerarius : a Cham- berlain ; a family bearing that official name having long owned property here. Climperwell. Nr. Foston’s Ash and Shepscombe. Clymperwell (1227) C. F. The Eng. D.D. gives ‘Clumpers’ as ‘clods' on the newly-ploughed land ; quoting Co. Wilts N. & Q. No. 4, 151. The Sense here may be “the well among the Clumpers.’ C. was a manor belonging to the Abbey of Flaxley. Clinger. (m.) in Cam. D. Claenhangare.—I IO2, Cleyngre. —I 138, Cleangra. —I 263 Clehungra. Clin- gre. The prefix represents A. S. Claeg (m) Clay : the last element A.S. hangra, or hanger, as a Wooded slope. An A.S. variant Hongra, has given honger to some examples of this element, as was first pointed out by Mr W. H. Stevenson. In Herefordshire there is CLEARWELL–COATES 45 another instance where this name has undergone similar permutations. Clehinger, Clehungre, Clunger. (Cf. Feudal Aids. pp. 381, 387, 397). There are many other examples of the name in Somersetshire and Devon. The meaning refers obviously to the situation of the wood. Clopton. (Nr. Mickleton). D. Cloptune. Cloptone. (See Clapton). There are no forms that would sug- gest a p.m. Such as Cloppa. (La) Cnappe. (C.P.R. Hen. III.) Knap. Knapp. A.S. Cnaep. M.E. Knap, a knoll, or Small eminence, or mounded field. It is of frequent occurrence through- out the county ; but it is now-a-days generally spelled * Knap.’ Cnappestysenese. (1) Cnappestyesforde. (2) These names both occur in the Bailiwick of Ruarden, Forest of Dene, in the 13th c. (a. Io, Edw. I.) ‘Per- ambulation’ of the Forest. (Vol. XIV. Trans. Br. & Glos. Arch. Soc.) The first element might be a family name — Cnappesty, (Cf. Anesty); itself compounded of A.S. p.m. Cnap (or else of Cnaep, Knap, a knoll), and Stig, Stiga, Sty : a path—that is to Say, “the Knap- path.’ But here it is not so, and the S is inorganic. The suffix (1) “enese ' should be read “evese,’ i.e. eaves; edge; border. (2) A.S. Ford=a ford. (Cf. La Bers-enese=See Berse). Coaley. (m. p. & v.) 2 m. S.W. of Frocester. D. Coeleye. Coveley. Couleye. Cottleis. Chottleia, Cutley, Cowley. Coule. The prefix represents an A.S. p.m. Cufa or Cofa. The original form was A.S. Cofan-leah, ‘the lea of Coſa'—Cofa’s pasture. As in Coates, the ‘oa is due to the regular method which indicated o in M.E. Some of the forms have been influenced by Cow : A.S. cil. Coates. (m. p. & V.) 3% m. W. of Cirencester. Not in D.S. Chotes, la Cote, H.C. Gl. M.R. Cotes : (pl.) of M.E. Cot, Cote=huts, or cots. See above. The same name occurs in the same Scribal form in CO. Wilts. 46 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Cobberley. (m. p. & v.) 2% m. S. of Charlton Kings. D. Coberleie. Coburleye. H.C. Gl. I 179. Cub- berle, Cuthbrightley. The personal name here ab- breviated was A.S. Cuthburh, or Cuthbedrht ; Cuth- bricht, with the suffix of ‘ley; pasture = (d.) leage g = y) of A.S. Léah, Cockbury. Nr. Bishop's Cleeve. C.S.I. 342. (A.D. 785), Coccanburh, (c.) I 195, Cockebiria. L.B.Wi.—(c.) I340, Cockebury. The A.S. p.m. Cocca was the prefix here. Cockrup. Cocthrop. Coc or Cok: M.E. for Cock; probably representing A.S. p.m. Cocca. The suffix was A.S. throp, farm, estate ; hence the original form must have been Coccanthrope, i.e., at Cocca’s-thorpe. Cockshoot. Cockshutt. CocShute. Many examples of this name occur in the County as a field—or farm- Ila IIl 62. Mr. Duignan points out (Cf. Worc. P1. N., p. 39) that the name has two widely diverse applications. The first signifies a broad way in a wood (i.e. Cockroad), in which were stretched nets in order to catch wood- cocks. Local knowledge points to this in certain places, for this bird happens to be remarkably conser- vative. There are places (as near Shepscombe in this County) where the Cockshoot has long ceased to be used, though mentioned in 15th cent : manor-rolls ; but whither the bird still annually returns, The second meaning (and Mr. Duignan regards this as applying to the majority of cases), is a Spring or rivulet on a bank or hillside, to which a spout, or trough, was fixed so as to convey water to carts, or vessels, for domestic uses. Codeswellan. Codeswelle. (c.) A.D. 730 (C.S. 236) in Cutsdean. (q.v.) Codrington. (In Wapley). (m. & h.) (c) I 170 Cuderintone. Cudelintona. (I 189.) F.A. 1303 & 1346. COBBERLEY —COLNE 47 Goderynton. Godrynton. Index to Chr. Rolls. Codern- ton. Coderyngton (1402). The prefix (if patronymic) denotes the Sons of Cuthbere ; an A.S. p.m., and not a rare one. (Cf. Gotherington, near Winchcombe). This Codrington does not occur in D.S. Mr Zachrisson has fused both this and Gotherington, near Winchcombe, (p. 138), in his valued volume. Coigne, The. At Minchinhampton. Also “quine.’ The meaning is a Street-corner, or turning. Fr.: from. Lat: Cuneus, a wedge. Cold Ashton. (See Ashton). Cold Harbour. This formerly much-discussed local name occurs more than once in the county, as well as a Cold Comfort (? Colcombe-ford). Prof. Skeat States that the term signifies a wayside refuge, or shelter, without a fire. He quotes aptly the Ordinances of the Pr. C. (1) p. 330 (Edit. Sir H. Nicolas). Colecombe. (In Sevenhampton). Colecumb. 1462. The prefix corresponds to the A.S. p.m. Cola ; but the r. Coln runs there. Cumb = a deep valley. (W. Cwm.) Coleford. (v. & p.) (Forest of Dene). Colesborne and Colesbourn. (v. & p.) 7% m. S.E. of Cheltenham. C.S. 299 (c) A.D. 8oo Colesburnam- forda (c) A.D. So2 Collesburnan. C.S. 1320 (c) A.D. I ooo, Colesbitrazaſz. D. Colesborne. Collesburne. I 183. Anc. Charter. (45). Coll occurs locally and is here a personal name which became attached to the local streamlet (A.S. burna) in place of Some unknown pre- decessor. (Cf. Collesburne hyll. (B.C.S. 304, 295.) Cf. Esigburn, now Isburne). Colne. (r.) C.S. 166 (c.) A.D. 740, Cunuglae. 487. A.D. 855, Cuttelgan. Io9 I. A. D. 962, Citrºgle. Culna. Culme, Columb, Column. Coln. As with the river Churn, this river-name is pre-Saxon and possibly pre- Roman. There are other instances (if they are to be so identified) in Bucks and Suffolk, of its occurrence, 48 GLO UCLSTEl{SHIRE PLACE-NAMES as well as the river Culn in Devon ; formerly Culum. (See Introduction.) Coln Rogers. (m. v. & p.) 2 m. S.E. of Chedworth. It belonged to Roger de Pistres, Constable of Glou- cester, A.D. I Ios, and afterwards to the Gloucester Abbey of S. Peter. Coln S. Aldwyn's. (St. Ealdwine) (m. v. & p.) 3 m. N.N.W. of Fairford. This place is referred to as Enne- glam in the Foundation Charter (called King Ethelred's) of Gloucester Abbey, A.D. 681 (Vol. I., p. LXXII-III. Hist, et Cart: S. Petri, Glouc.) Unfortunately both the Charter and the place-names in it are obviously corrupt ; but it probably stands for Cunelgan. (St. Ealdwine was a hermit.) Coln S. Denis. (or Coles. Deans) 2 m. E. from Chedworth, on the Colne. It belonged to Deerhurst : a cell of S. Denis. Colpage. (In St. Briavels), M.E. Cole: A.S. Căwel: Page is dialectal for ‘’Patch ; a small field of grass, or plot of vegetables. * Colthrop. (Nr. Standish) Colthorpe, Calthrupp. Coldrup. Colethorp, i.e. the Cold thorp (near the Severn). A.S. Thorp, (d) Thorpe. O.N. Thorp. O.Fris. Thorp. The thrupp-form is the result of a phonetic development not peculiar to this County. (See Intro- duction, p. ix., re Thorp). Colverdene. (m.) nr. Gloucester. Colverdon (IPM. 1268). Culverdene. The “Culver’ (A.S. Culfre) was the pigeon, or dove. A.S. Dene a vale, or dene. The meaning is, a Vale frequented by pigeons. Compton. C.S. 1089. A.D. 962. Cumtune (d. D). Cuntune. This refers to C.—Greenfield. D. Cuntune, to C. —Abdale. D. Conlone, to Little—C. This name, therefore, occurs in several parts of the county : Compton Abdale, Compton Cassey, Compton Green- field, (Greneville XIII-XIV. Cent.) and Little Compton. COLN ROGERS–COSCOMBE 49 The letter ‘p replaces b. The Saxon name is Cumbtlin : i.e. the Combe-farm, probably from the Celtic ancestor of (W) Cwm. Condicote. (m. p. & v.) 4 m. N.W. of Stowe. D. Condicote and Connicote ; Later forms, – Carta of Marg : de Bohun : (1 169), Cumdicote. Cundycote I346. F.A., CO11dycote I402, F.A., Cundecote. The prefix represents the A.S. p.m. Cunda. Coneygar. There are several places so-called in the county. Conygye, Coneygre, Conyger, Congre, Cunger. The meaning is a Rabbit-warren. O.F. Con- ninière. (E.D.D.) Coppeleye. (Hundred of Bradeley). The prefix stands for A.S. Copp : summit. The sense is “at the pasture on the hill-top.’ Coppishill. (m.) nr. Tewkesbury. (Gopse-hill, to-day). GopShulle IPM. 1272. Gapshill. (1307, L.B.W.). Gopushulle. Goupishill. Guppeshill, (a. 34, Eliz. F.F.) Coppo was a known A.S. p.m., but it has not to do with this name, I think. (See Gupshill). Corndean. Nr. Winchcombe. Corndene A.D. 1189 (L.B.W.) Cornedene. (c.) 1295. A.S. Corn. Den: vale. Leland mis-spells it Corwedene. I do not feel satisfied that the apparent sense is the right sense. The name Corne occurs as that of a water-way both at Wyke, near Berkeley (Cornbrook), and in the Forest of Dene ; and probably it may have done the same here, as in Abercorn. - Corse. (m. & p.) 5 m. E.N.E. of Newent. (H.C. G1.) I 179, Cors. R.B. 12 Io, Cors.-Corse. I 22 I (Corp : Rec.) This name does not occur in D.S., and the spot lay in waste until 10ng after IoS6. It seems to have been the name of a large district including Corse Lawn. (Cf. Corsa in Corston A.D. 972. Corsantum ; Co. Som. :) It may be British, Coscombe. Near Didbrook. Goscombe (1539). Coxcombe (1539). Coset-combe. The forms are late, 50 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES and are found in Letters and Dom. S. Papers, temp : Henry VIII. Possibly the prefix represented the A.S. Gös: goose : i.e.—the goose-valley. G and C were subject to a tendency to interchange : as appears from Codrington (q.v.) Cotteswold. Cotswold. A.D. 1231 is the first date at which this name for the ‘Montes Hwicciorum,” or hills of the Hwiccii, is recorded ; but in 12 13 a William de la Wolde occurs on a slip of parchment among tenants of Winchcombe Abbey. (Cf. L.B.W. I. p. 45.) Mr. Duignan points out that the ‘Cod’ who gave his name to Cutsdean,—in 974 CodeStune (C.S. 1299), and which, prior to that date, had been known as Cod’s-spring ‘ael Codeswellan (C.S. 236)—probably affords the key to the problem involved. ‘Cod may have been a hermit or holy man who settled by a spring in the wolds, (the grant (in A.D. 730) to the monastery of Bredon by Offa rather favours the idea) or, he may have been an early settler of sufficient importance to impress his name not only on CodeStune (now Cottsdean) (Cod’s town, or ton), (q.v.), but also on the wolds,- Cod’s wolds. Code is given, in Domesday Survey, as the name of the Saxon possessor. Weald, wald, wold; signifies more than a forest or plain. Prof. Skeat thinks the original sense may have been ‘ hunting-ground.’ Culsdean, in 1185, was known to the Monks of Winch- combe as ‘Cottesdeme,’ (Cf. L.B.W. I. I76, 178.) Perhaps ‘Cod’ or “Cott’ was a widely-distributed personal-name, for it occurs in frequent and various combinations in place-names=Cf. Cottesmore, Cottes- bach, Cottisloe, Cotesbury, &c., and the burial-mound or low, usually bears the name of a person. In addition, it may be noted that the only other Surviving example in the County of a place-name having wold for terminal is Wygwold, near Cirencester, in which the first element is also a p.m. But Cf. P1-N. Oxf. “Cottisford.” COTTESWOLD–CROATS (THE) 5 I In 1315 Peruzzi's list of English places that supplied the Florentine Woolmarket ‘the Cotteswolds’ figure as “Condisgualdo.’ In the Reg : of Llanthony, (A. ix. 2. No. 87,) 1318, Coteswolde. IPM. 1360, Cotteswolde. The 15th c. variants are Cottasowlde, Cottyswold, Coteswolde, Cotswold: all equally pointing to a ‘Cod’ or ‘Codd' as the original name-giver, of which “Cott’ was probably the Strongest form. dd and tt are con- stantly liable to interchange. Cover Staunton. (For: of Dene.) IPM. 1268. Coure. Coverna. Covere, 1316. (Cf. Cowarne. Cowerne. Couren, Co. Hereford, now Great Cover.) A.S. AErn (n.) house, or place: as inhord-ern=treasure-store; bere-ærn=barn; but lacking more forms this name remains uncertain. Cowley. (m. p. & v.) 2% m. S. of Charlton Kings. D. Kulege. Couttelege : A.S. Cú, M.E. Cú. The Cow- pasture, or Lea. Cf. Mr Alexander’s pl.-nS. of Oxford (p. 86). Cowslait (Grove). Nr. Withington. Slait = (1) a cattle-track amid standing crops; (2) a level pasture (Cf. E.D.D.) Cranham. Hamlet, near Painswick. P.R. I 190. Cronham. M.E. Cron = A.S. Cran : a crane. The first element = Crane, the bird, though probably it represents the heron under that name. It is doubt- ful if the real crane was ever common in Britain, or even in the eastern counties. Pairs of herons are not infrequently seen here to this day. Crickley Hill. 1 m. E. of Birdlip. Cruklea. Crykkeleye (1406-7) Gl. C.R. We have in this prefix probably the Crick, of Crick-Howel ; i.e. O.W. Cruc and later Crüg=a barrow, or tump. The Sense is Barrow--field. Cricklade (ad Criccaladanz (c.) A.D. I I Io. Ann : St. Neoti) had a different origin. Croats (The). (Lydney), M.E. Crote=a small piece, a clod. Ex: a crote of turf. Pr: Parvul, IO5, O.F. Crote. F 52 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Cromhall. (m. v. & p.) 2 m. S.W. of Charfield Station, D. Cromhal. Cromale, Cromhall (1170). Cromhale (c.) 1200. B.M. (42). Groomhall (1234), Cremhall (C.R.) M.E. Crom and Crum : means bent, or crooked ; as also does Welsh Crwm. Croome has become a frequent personal name ; though it is not recorded as one in Saxon days. The suffix probably refers to the Hale, corner or meadow, Mercian hälh —dat : sing: hale ; –and not to Hall from A.S. Heall. Crowthorne. (A modern Hundred). The prefix stands for M.E. Crowe, the bird ; though it may be a personal-name ; so that the Sense is obvious. The name is common. - Crundel. Near Kemble. I 28o. 1292. Crondles. Cronnes. (Reg. Abb. Cirenc. A. 40. a. b.) The term occurs frequently in the sense of Quarry. See under Querns. Cugley. Cuggeley. Cuggleye. Nr. Newent. Cugga is an A.S. p.m. This place was probably Cugganleah. (A Cuggan-hyl is referred to in B.C.S. 1298). Culkerton. (m. & h.) nr. Rodmarton. D. Culcor- torne. Culcortone, (XIII. C.) Culcretuna. Kulkertone, IPM. 1354. Modern Cuckerton-Grove. Some unre- corded personal name is possibly hidden in the prefix. Culls (The). Nr. Stroud. Culls are inferior sheep put apart from the Sheephouse of the manor, for re- jection. (See E.D.D.) But it is doubtful if this is the sense here. Custom-Scrubs. Nr. Painswick. Scrub here means dwarf-trees. Nottingham Scrub occurs near to it in Slad. The origin of the first element is obscure. There was a ‘custom-mede’ in Standish ; I7th C. Cutsdean. (m.) (See Cotteswold). (C.S. 1299) Codestume, A.D. 974 and D.S. Cottesdeme. L.B. W: Cotes- dene, 1270. Codestone, 1275. A.D. 1275, Collesdent. B.M. 16 c. Cuddesdon. The forms remarkably ex- emplify the common interchange between tºtal, dat?!, CROMHALL– DEPENEYE 53 and dent ; with survival of the later form ; also, the interchange of tº and dd. Daglingworth. (p. & r.) 3 m. N.W. of Cirences- ter. This place is not recorded is D.S. F. A. gives the forms Dagelingworte, Dagelingworth. K. Q. Dall- ingworth. The prefix points to a p.m. Daegel. The sense is—“The farm of the sons of Daegel,” or Daegel- ings. In I24O a Dageling Strete was known at Coaley. (Cf. Corp. Rec : 382). - Daneway (The). The prefix here probably is due to A.S. Dene = valley, and not from any tradition of the Scandinavian invaders of Gloucestershire. Cf. Dameford D.S.: Deneford (Rot. Ch.) I 199. Co. Berks. Also A.S. Daen, meaning a Swine-pasture, is a variant of daenn, a cave, or woodland pasture. But See Asser's ‘Life of Alfred, p. 275 (Edit. W. H. Stevenson) also Prof. Skeat's P. N. of Berkshire; p. 45. Darmore. (Staunton). Possibly for Déor-moor: Deer-moor. Forms are lacking. Deerhurst. (m. v. & p.) 2 m. S.W. of Tewkes- bury. C.S. 313. A.D. 804. DeorhyrSt. Dorhurst. D.S. Derehest, P.C.. I 22 I DierherSt. Cal. Pat. R. Hen. III. —Derſhirst, F.A. Derehurste, i.e. Deer-wood. A.S. hyrst: a wood, or copse. The prefix stands for the A.S. DéOr : a deer. Delves. Cole-delves, in Forest of Dene. Delves (A.S. ge delf) are holes digged; otherwise, quarries. Dene, Forest of (or Dene). Le Dene, M.E. Dene. A.S. Dene : a valley. The British name for this Forest is said to have been ‘Cantref-coch,’ Or Red-district: (Canton). Depenmore. Depeforde. The suffix stands for mere = pool. M.E. Deope: deep. A.S. Deopford = deep-ford. -- Depeneye. (A field-name at Morcote, F. of Dene). The terminal represents ‘ea’: a stream. The prefix F 2 54. GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Stands for Deopan, d. of Děop, = deep. We have Deopancumb, A.D. 942, near Maugersbury. Derridge. In Kingswood. Deveridge. Later Deanridge (1653). A stream-name may be suspected in the prefix. Didbrook. (v. & p.) 2% m. N. of Winchcombe. (I 257) Didebroc, F.A. Dyddebroke. N.V. Diddlebrok. Dydda is a known A.S. p.m. though it is not certain that the prefix here represents it, rather than a river-name. Didcote. (m. & h.) nr. Beckford, P.R. 1177. Dudi- cota. Dudcote. A.S. p.m. Dydda. The sense is Dydda's COte. Didmarton. (m. v. & p.) 6 m. S.W. of Tetbury. A.D. 972 Dydinzeretune. D. Dedmertone. F.A. Dud- merton. A.S. p.m. Dydemaeres-tūn. (Cf. K.C.D. 796). It may be the mere-tiân of Dyddi, or Dydda : which would explain the lack of a genitive S. Dixton. (m. & h.) 2 m. S.S.W. of Alderton. D Drieledone. (?) P.R. (a. 24, Hen. II.) Yclesden. I 175: Dichelesdonat. R.B. Dichestone. DicleStane. Diches- done. F.A. Diclesdon. Dicklesdon. The suffix perhaps represents A.S. Dun = down. The suffixes Dent, ton, Stant, and dom? : all struggle for mastery in the forms. The medial ‘le' in so many of the forms seems to demand a p.m. Diccle, as that of the owner of the down. Dodington. (m. v. & p.) 4 m. E.S.E. of Yate. D. Dodin lone. Duddinſon, I 170. Dodyntone, L.R. Dod- dințutyle. Dodingtone. The farm of Dudda, or of his sons. The Norman usually drops the ‘g’ in ‘ing.’ Donnington. (h.) Near Stow. (m.) P. R. 1176, Dunning/on. Donymtown. D07tymt07te. Dunny?1/07te. The meaning is ‘the tun, or farm, of Dunna.’ Dorsington. (m. v. & p.) 2 m. N.W. of Long- Marston. D. Dorsin tune. R. B. Dorsintone. F. A. Dersingtone. F. A. Dorsynton. The farm of Deorsig (?). DERRIDGE–DRIFFIELD 55 Doughton. (m.) in Tetbury Upton. Worc. ch. (c.) A.D. 775 Ductun, C. I 175 Ductune. Doghton. B. M. I.286, K, Q, Doneton, I305 IPM. Dzaghton. I462 Doughton. I.47 I Ducton. The meaning is the * Duck-farm.’ A.S. Düce : duck The A.S. c trans- forms into ‘gh before ‘t.” Doverle. (r.) running from Nibley toward Berke- ley. Dubr, and earlier Dofr–Dover, and Dever, are variant forms of a known Celtic term for river, - Dubron; (W) Dw fr. The significance of the suffix is uncertain. - Dover’s-Hill. Nr. Weston-sub-Edge, Named in honour of Capt. Dover (temp. James I.), the reviver of the Cotswold Games. Dowdeswell. (m. p. & v.) I j4 m. W. of Andovers- ford. C. S. 283. (c.) A.D. 790 Dogodeswyllan. D. Dodesultelle. P.C. 1221 Doudeswelle. (1316) Dowdes- well. F.A. Douteswell. Literally, ‘ at Dogod’s-well.’ Dogod is a p.m. that is said to occur only in this instance. However, I have found that a family of that name, in 1500 (c.), was living at Abinghall. Down Ampney. Down Hatherley. Here the prefix ‘Down' is used in contradistinction to “Up,’ as in ‘Up '-Hatherley. Up-hill. See Ampney. Doynton. (v.) 9 m. E. of Bristol, on the Boyd. Dongthon, 1308 IPM. Doynton, I 346 F.A. Deynton, Doynthon. Held by the Earl of Stafford ‘de rege’ 1303. The prefix does not answer to a recorded A.S. p.m., and may derive from a river-name. ſ Drakestone. (Camp) nr. Stinchcombe Hill. M.E. Drake = a dragon, whence the p.m. Drake ; and ton = farm-enclosure. The early forms are Wanting ; it may mean the ‘Dragon-Stone.’ Driffield. (m. v. & p.) 5 m. N.E. of Cricklade. D. Driſelle. F.A. Dryfielde. The meaning is plain. 56 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Field is Féld usually, until Chaucer’s period, but the Normans frequently wrote it ‘felle’ (d), as here, though more often ‘ feud; the l after e being vocalised as a, Droyscourt. (m.) Droiscort 1541. This manor took its name from members of the Le Droys family, who held land in Gloucestershire in the 13th century. Dryganleah. C.S. 574. A.D. 896. (c.) Nr. Rod. borough. It represents the dat of A.S. Dryge. (B.C.S. 574) (K.C.D. IO/3) and may be rendered dry pasture.” Dryslade. (In Bicknor). Slad, Slade, from A.S. Slaed, a valley. Dudbridge. (v.) nr. Cainscross, 1 m. W. of Stroud. I302, Dodebrygge. IPM. I.334. Dudebrugge. The bridge belonged to one, Dudda. Dudstone. D. Dudestane (Hd.) Dudestene, (1155). Deddestane. F.A. DodeStone. The prefix represents the very frequent A.S. p.m. Duda. A.S. Stân - stone. Dumbleton. (m. v. & p.) 2% m. E. of Beckford. C.S. 667. A.D. 930. Dumolar?. Dunlollant. Donnelton. A.D. 995. Dumbletain, D. Dumbentone. F.A. Dombel- ton. Dunnbelt/tone. N.V. Dornbledon. The forms at all periods seem to suggest Some obscure difficulty. Prof. Skeat has suggested Dömwulfes-tūn; which tries to meet some of the various problems involved, but is scarcely satisfying. It may be that there is here dis- guised, Owing to the mangling done to it by Saxon scribes, some British name. Dunny. c. I 150 Dunye. (Cartul, Flaxley). A fishery. Dunye. (I I54) Dunie. Duney. Dunn. Dunin. Dunya. Denny. A.S. Dun : a hill. “The isle belonging to Dunn.’ Duntisbourne. D. Tantesbourne. A.D. I Io2. Dontesborne, P.C. I22 I Datºntesborne. F. A. Dontes- born. Dunlesburne. The vills bearing this name all lie N. N.W. of Cirencester. Initial D and T were Some- times interchanged by the Norman as well as medial DRO YSCOURT-DYDDANHAME 57 5 d and t. The prefix here yields to no onomastic pres- Sure ; but it occurs elsewhere, as in Duntesfolde, in Surrey ; now, Dunsfold. The later known name Daunt was not represented here. Duntisbourne Abbots. (m. p. & v.) Belonged to the Abbey of Gloucester. Duntisbourne Lire. (m.) The Abbey of Lire in Normandy held it. Duntisbourne Rous. (m.p. & v.) This took its name from Sir Roger le Rous, d. 1294. (Rufus.) The R.B. (A.D. I 166) p. 265 gives us also a Duntesworth. Durdham Down. Nr. Bath. The known A.S. p.m. Thured may be represented here, as that of the owner of a ham, or home. Durhams (The). Nr. Cutsdean. Possibly the A.S. Deor = deer (Cf Dyrham) is represented in the prefix. Ham, probably for hamm : homm. Dursley. (m. & market town). (I 166) Durellis. L.R. Derselega, (c) I 153, (B. Mts. 5) Duresle. Dursele. Durslegh. Durseleye. The prefix possibly points to some unrecorded A.S. p.m. as that of the owner of the ‘1éah,” or pasture; ley = A.S. Léage dat. of Léah = a field. (M.E. lei: dat, leie). (The) Dychesende. (Forest of Dene). M.E. Dices; gem of Dic. (dyke. Dycke). Ende, i.e. district, limit. (q.v.) Dyckler, The. (r) or Dikler; a tributary of the Wenrisc, or Windrush. The late Rev. D. Royce, with- out giving his reference, gives the interesting early form Theokyloure. (Vol. vii., p. 72, Tr. Br. and Gl. Arch. Soc.) The name, like so many river-names, may be pre-English. Dyddanhame. C. S. 927. A. D. 956. C. S. 929 Dyddanſlamme. Tidenham to - day; (q.v.) Dydda's homm, or riverside meadow. 58 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Dymock. (m. v. & p.) 2 m. N. of Newent. D.S. Dimoch. Dimmoch. P.R. 1175-6. Dimoc, Dymoc (Cart. Flaxley); F. A. Dymmok; Dimok. Dummock. A pre-English origin may be suspected here; not the dim, or dark, oak. M.E. Dim. Dimme. Dyrham. (m. v. & p.) 5% m. E. of Mangotsfield Station. C.S. 887. A.D. 950 Deorham. Deorhamme. Derham. The prefix represents A.S. Déor; deer: while the suffix represents A.S. hamm; a riverside meadow. Eastington. (m. & p.) One E. lies S.E. of North- leach ; the other, (2)–2 m. W. of Stonehouse, H.C. G1. Estinthone (II 19).-Easington. (2) T.N. Estynton. Estenstead (1275). Possibly (aet) eastan tin ; which resulted in Estinton. East–Leach. (m.) Estleche. Astlech. Estlecche. F.A. (1346). East–Leach (St.) Martin. (m.) 4 m. N. of Lechlade. D. Lecce (otherwise Boutherop). East–Leach Turville. (m.) D. Lece, K.O. 1284. Estleſhi. The terminal is a river-name. f is constantly written for c in this ‘Return. A.S. laece ; a stream, water. (See North-leach and Lechlade). Galiena de Turville held I fee of Walter de Laci, here. T.N. Ebbworth. Ebsworde. In Painswick manor. The worth, or farm, of one AEbbi. Ebley. C.R. G.1. 1317 Ebbaleye. (Cf Sloane MS. xxxiii. 40, A.D. 1359). Ebbeley. The lea, or pasture- field of Ebba. (A.S. p. n.) Ebrington. (m. v. & p.) I m. E. of Ch. Campden. D. Bristentune. T.N. Ebricton. N.V. Ebreston. P.Q.W. Ebyiton. F. A. Ebrigton. A.S. Eadbeorht’s-tūn. But the transformation was far advanced even in A.D. IOS6, and gave trouble to the foreign scribes for more than two centuries. The Edge. (t. v. & p.) I m. W. of Painswick. In the Manor Rolls anterior to Q. Elizabeth, it is always Egge, A.S. Eég. (Lat. acies.) DYMOCK–ELKSTON 59 Edgworth. (m. & p.) 7 m. N.W. of Cirencester. D. EgeSvvorde and Egeiswurde. Anc. Ch : No. 2 I, I I 38,-EgeSworde.—EggeSworthe. Egeworde. Egge- worthe. (1263-84). The prefix represents the p.m. Ecg who owned the worth, or farm. It is still a submanor to Painswick, to the Lord of which it pays annually 2s. It gave name to a well-known family, who, however, were at no time its Owners. Edredstane. (Hd.) Many of the Domesday Hun- dreds of Gloucestershire were named from places with landowners' (boundary) Stones. The p.m. is Eadred. A.S. Stån = stone. Edrichsmere. (In Chedworth). The lake, pool (A.S. mere) of (A.S. p.m.) Eadric, a Saxon owner. Eililde-Hope. (m.) nr. Tibberton. (D.S.) The suffix is the M.E. Hop (A.S. Hop = valley), while the first element possibly points to A.S. p.m. Ethelhild. Eisey. (m.) nr. Cirencester. C.S. 226 (c) A.D. 775-8 Esig. Esege. (g = y) A.D.855. Eisey. D. Aise. This is nowadays in Wilts. The suffix is possibly leg = island. Elberton. (m. v. & p.) 3 m. S. of Thornbury. D. Eldberton. Ayleberton. Alberton, P.R. I 175-6. –All- berton (1389. Ind: Loc.) F.A. I.346, Aylberton.—The prefix is not Eald = old : but Ayl, for Æthel-beorht; to whom belonged an enclosure, or farm. The D.S. reading is at fault here. Elcombe. (In Bisley). The prefix (as in Elworthy) probably represents the p.m. Elle. Eldersfield. (m.) A.D. 972 Yldres-felde. D. Edresſelle. (1156) Eldrefeld. Eddrefeld. Eldesfeud B.M. Heldesfeld B.M. Eldresſeud (12 IO). A.S. p.n. Ealdhere’s field. The Norman disliked the combined ‘ld.” Hence, felle and feltd. Elkston. (m. v. & p.) 8 m. N.W. of Cirencester. D. Elchestane. P.R. I 177 (a. 22 Hen. II.) Elkestan, Elkeston.—F.A. Hilkeston, Heldeston (I 285). Hulkes- ton (K.O.) The prefix represents the A.S. p.m. Ealch, 6o GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES a form of Ealh = Alch. The sense is the (boundary 2) Stone of Ealch. A large upright and perforated slab is Still Standing in a field near the place. Ellenacre. Allenacre. The prefix is A.S. Ellen: the Elder-tree. Ellerncroft. A.S. Ellen-ern. M.E. Ellarne : the Elder-tree. Ellern-Hill. Nr. Painswick. = Elder-tree Hill. As in ‘Alder,’ So in ‘Elder,’ the ‘d' is excrescent. Ellesworth. The A.S. p.m. Æthel, as owner of the worth, or farm. A.S. wedrth. Elmbridge. Nr. Barnwood. Elbrugge. c. 12 Io. (H.C. Gl. I, 70). — Telbrugge. c. 1200. (Corp. Rec. 92) Thelbruge. (do. 182) Elebrigg (226). Helbrug (228). Eibriche (231). Mr W. H. Stevenson, in a note to his splendidly-edited Corp: Records of Glouc. : “This form (Thelbruge) proves that the name is derived from the O.E. Thelbrycg, ‘plank-bridge,’ which occurs in C.S. I. 82, 31 : iii. I5, 7. Thelbrycg was apparently under- stood as ‘the elbrycg' in (c) 1200. This form was ‘ etymologized ' to Elmbridge.” Elmore. (m. p. & v.) by the Severn, 5 m. S. of Gloucester. A.D. I 177. P.R. (a. 22, Hen. II.) Elmour. P.C. 1221, E/neovere. Elinovere, I 240. Elmor, 1250. F. A. Elemore. The spelling Elmour declares the suffix to stand for A.S. Ofer = river-bank; which has “oure’ and ‘ over for variant-forms. The prefix points to A.S. Elm = the Elm-tree. The sense is Elm-(tree) bank. Elmstone-Hardwicke. (m. p. & v.) 2% m. S.W. of Cleeve Station. A.D. 889 Alchmundingtun. Ahl- mundingtune (Smith's Baeda). D. Almondeston. Al- mundeston. P.C.. I 221, Elm?!??deStone. Aylmuyldest012, 1240 (c). The first name stands for the sons of Ealch- mund, as the owners of a ‘ttin,’ or enclosed farm. Hardwicke was a neighbouring manor. Elmstree in Tetbury. Ermundstre, A. D. 1200. Elmatyldestrato. AllmutzadeStre, I 2 I 2. EdmundStree. ELLENACRE—ERMINE STREET (THE) 6 I (Ind: Locorum). A.S. p.m. AEthelmund. The suffix, . A.S. tréOW = tree. End. Ende. A frequent suffix, meaning (1) the limit of a tithing, or district. Cf. West-end. (2) The end of a “level’ in mining. AS Such it occurs in the Forest of Dene. English-Bicknor. (v. & p.) on the Wye. This prenomen has arisen in contradistinction to Welsh Bicknor. (See Bicknor). Enoch’s Hill. (C.) Perhaps, from an owner named Egenoc. (Cf. Hist, et Cart. Glouc, III. 185. In Vol. I., 161 occur Henry and John Eynoc of Alds- worth). In P.C. 1221, occurs the name of Ralph Eynolk. Eynoc may have been itself a place-name. Epney. (Near Framilode). IPM. (a. 36, Hen. III.) Eppen'. Eppa is a known A.-Saxon name ; the Suffix ‘ey' = A.S. ‘ieg,' an islet: the sense is Eppa's isle : i.e. Eppan-ig. Erdcote. Erdecote. The prefix may stand for M.E. Earde (dat.) plough-land ; the Sense being the cote in the earth. Erleyeforde. (Forest of Dene.) (1281). Near Blakeney. Erley may represent Earnlegh, as in the example given by Mr Duignan in his Staffordshire Place-names, under ‘Arley : (D. Ernlege); not necessarily meaning A.S. Earn : Eagle, the bird, but a personal name. There was another Ereley, in Sand- hurst. (H.C. Gl.) A.D. 1102. This may have been the short, or pet form of a p.m. Earnbeald. Ermine Street (The). It runs direct between Gloucester and Cirencester. Variants are Irmint. Izzymin. Irmen. Ermyn. This Roman highway derives its name from no A.S. name. It is probably pre- English. The second element, M.E. Stræte, stands for A.S. Sträet from Latin (Via) Strata. 62 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Ernesrudynge. The Anglo-Saxon form would have been Earnes-hryding. The personal name Earn (Arn) is a known one. The Suffix signifies a clearing. It Varies in Spelling in different counties; in Co. Worc: it is ‘redding'; and, in Cotteswold, it is “ridding.’ Eteloe (in Awre). D. Eteslau. Ettelawe. Ecteloye (IPM. 1283). Ellowe. Ettelowe, 1437 (Corp. Records.) The suffix has successively been modified from A.S. hlaew = a burial-mound; the sense being — the grave of AEtta, or Etti. Evenlode. (r.) (Also a p. & v.) 3 m. S.E. of More- ton-in-the-Marsh. (C.S. I238) Eowlangelade, A.D. 969. Fowniglade. (Harl. 86. A. 2). C. Ioso. Eweneload (1330). This river, A.D. 718 (K.C.D. 69), until the Ioth cent., was still called Bladaen, C.S. 882 (A.D. 949) and Blaedene. Bledington and Bladon are situated upon its banks. (q.v.) Cf. Introduction. Note 3. The name-transfer appears to have been effected from the place 3 m. N.E. of Stow-on-the-Wold, which in D.S. is mentioned as Eltzzilade, and much earlier (772) as Eulangelade, (C.S. 210); wherein the full ter- minal gelade (dat:) stands for the A.S. gelād; a track, or passage. Mr Duignan writes : —“The change of the river-name to Evenlode commenced in the Ioth century, the manor of that name being in its head-waters. Small rivers frequently change their names, great Ones never.” The last observation will scarcely apply to the Volga, the Tiber, or the Danube. The variety in the first element indicates a pre-English origin. Cf. Oxf. Pl-N., p. IoI H. Alexander. Evesbury Hill. (In Haresfield). The burh (dat. byrig) at the eaves = A.S. Efese ; border. Evington. (m.) (In Deerhurst Hundred) nr. Bod- dington. D. Givingtune. It belonged T.R.E. to Elvvi. F.A. Yivington. L.S. Yevington. I 303 Yivynton. ERNESRUDYNGE — FARLEY. 63 Eventon. The personal name here represented may have been A.S. Gefwine ; i.e. the ton of Gefwine. The Norman usually rendered “Y” (initial) by ‘G.’ The IPM. gave similar changes for Evington, Co. Sussex. Ewell. (Nr. Kemble). Ewelle. Ewen. From A. S. Wella = a well. Cf. Ewelme — well-spring. Another Spring so - called, but sometimes spelled * Hewelme,’ is at Berkeley, and a stream, at Dursley. From A.S. ae-wylm, a water-spring, or source ; pl., Welmes. Eycote. (m.) (In Colesbourne). D. Aicote. There are two manors. The prefix is the M.E. Eye, ey, land between, or along, watercourses: deriving from A.S. ieg : ég: (g = y). - Eyeford. (m. p. & v.) nr. Swell. D. Aiſorde. Eyſord. Hayford. T.N. Heyford. A.S. gehaeg : hedge. M.E. Hey. The sense is “at the ford by the hedge.’ Eyleston. (1266). Ailestone, (d) The ton, or farm, of Ailwy—more fully, AEthelwig. Fairford. (m. & market town) 9 m. E. of Ciren- cester. C.S. 535. (A.D. 872) Fagranforda. D. Fare- forde. (1221) Feireford. Fayreſorde. (1284) Feirford. (F.A.) The prefix is from A.S. Fager. M.E. fager, fayr : modern ‘fair.’ The form Fagram is a variant of fagram (dat.) forda, - at the fair ford.” Falfield. (p.) A tithing in the manor of Thorn- bury. Falefeld. IPM. 1347.-Ffaveld. (1590) Fattle- field. Flaveld,—(IPM.) Fawfield. 1638. Probably the meaning is A.S. fealu : fallow-field. In combination this prefix frequently betrays a strong tendency to metathesis. The at is due to A.N. influence. Farley. (Nr. Elmore). P.C. 1221 Farnlee. Faren- leye. Fareleye. Farmeleye. The Sense is at the Fernlea," M.E. fearn. 64 GLO UCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Farmcote. (m.) nr. Hailes. D. Ferncote. P.R. I 189-90 FernieScota (w). c. 1220 Firnecote. 1323 Farmcote. Farnecote, 1362. The meaning is ‘the Cot in the Fern.” M.E. ferne. A.S. fearn. Farmington. (m. p. & v.) 4% m. S. of Bourton-on- the-Water. In Domesday Survey this manor appears under the name of Tory) lentone. In II 82 it is Torner- ton. Tormiton. P.R. (2 Hen. II.) But in 1226 it is Thornterton, Suggesting its origin in the p.m. Of Thurmaer ; for the Normans wrote ‘t’ for ‘th.” Thor- 17tanton. I 284. Thormerton. 1432. The evolution of its initial letter to F is striking and unusual, though scarcely so violent to the ear as to the eye. Farmy,zton (on Camden’s Map, 17th c.) Farmington or Thormerton, 1601. (F. F. a. 43. Eliz.) Thus, the forms tend to two types: (1) Thurmund-ton; (2) Thurmaer-ton. But as the ‘ing' in Farmington, (the latest form of all), des- cends from “y”,’ and this in turn has resulted from * en '; it must be admitted that the first type has proved itself the stronger. The fact probably was that (1) the ‘72 was exchanged for ‘r,’ instead of the more usual ‘r’ for ‘n’ in the 12th century; (2) that the later Gloucestershire-folk pronounced “ Thor as ‘Thar,’ which made ‘Far' possible, and even easy. Fiddington. (m.) nr. Ashchurch. D. Fitentune. XIII. c. Fidinton. Fylinton. — Fedyntone. IPM. I.347. Fodynton. IPM. I.314. Fidda is not a recorded name, nevertheless such a name is pointed to here for the owner of the tün, or farm-enclosure. Fitting (Cf. Searle. O.S., p. 589) occurs, which points to Fitta, t—t for d—t is not unusual with A.N. Scribes. Filton. (m. p. & v.) 4% m. N. of Bristol. It is not in D.S. 134o Fylton. Leland calls it Felton. Fyllon B.M. 16th c. Fytton 1610 F.F. Another Filton in Co. Hereford, belonged to Gloucester Abbey of S. Peter. Feltone, H.C. Gl. 1337 (c.) The sense is ‘the farm in FARMCOTE–FORTHAMPTON 65 the field.’ (Fild, feld). The ‘d’ has dropped out before ‘t.” Fineeth & Fineethway. (1281). In the Forest of Dene. (Also Fineetherede.) The origin of the prefix may be possibly found in the p.m. Feelnith . that of a moneyer, temp : Ethelred II. But forms are lacking. Five-Acre. (Nr. Hatherley.) Viſacre. Fyſacre. Five-Hide. Fifhide. Fivehed. A name of fre- quent occurrence and Sometimes representing a royal unit of assessment: i.e., the five-hide unit. (Cf. Round's Feudal England, p. 68-9). Flaxley. (m. p. & v.) 3 m. N. of Newnham. P.R. Flaxlea, 1163. Flexelega, I 176. Flexleya. (g = y). P.C. 1221, Floxle. The Flax-field. A.S. Fleax. There is no evidence tending to Show the prefix as a personal name. The forms vary but little. Ford. (m. p. & v.) nr. Temple-Guiting. Forda. Forde. A.S. ford, a way, or passage, through a stream, or bog. This village and manor are situated high up, on the North Cotswold, and the nearest streamlet is a tributary of the Windrush, or Wenric, which is crossed just at entering it on the southern side. Forstal. Forstalle. C.R. Gl. (c. 1220.) In the Forest of Dene. (Cf. Cartul : Flaxley, p. 169). Possibly for Forest-hale. Cf. Forster, for Forester. Forthampton. (m. p. & v.) 3 m. W. of Tewkes- bury. Formerly a chapelry. D. Fortemellone. F.A. Forthampton. Forthelmentone. I can only suggest the p.m. Forthelm, for Freothelm, (i.e. Frithelm), for that of the owner of the ‘tlin,’ or enclosed farm. Leland gives Fordehampton. The A.S. helm, by a line of least resistance to scribes, often became ‘haſn’ and ‘hamp, before ton. See Brickhampton. 66 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Foss-Way. Latin, Fossa. (C.S. 882) A.D. 949 (Cotton Ch.): FOSS. It is so-called in many other, and later, Charters, genuine and not genuine. M.E. Wey, from A.S. Weg. Foxcote. (m.) nr. Withington. D. Fuscote. Foscott. The meaning is Fox-cover. The personal name of Fox did not originate until the 13th c. Framilode. (p.) 8 m. S.W. of Gloucester. P.R. I 175-6. Fremelada. Framilade. Framelode. Frome- lode. Frenzelod. Franzilod. Freonţelode. The terminal is M.E. for A.S. (ge)-lad, a ferry; as in Lechlade. Fram, Freame, and Frome, is one of the more fre- quently recurring river - names, surviving from the remote past. Dr H. Bradley has identified W. Frauv as the Welsh (9th c.) equivalent of early Celtic Frama. “In Welsh, Celtic à developed into att, mod: Welsh aw, and in Such a position 777 became eventually v, so that by reading the form in the Life (of Alfred) as Frattv, we obtain a W. representative of Främa, O.E. Fröm.” Cf. W. H. Stevenson : Asser's Life of Alfred, pp. 248-9. Frampton. (1) Cotterell. (2) Mansel. (3) Framp- ton-on-Severn. D. Frantone. I 2.21 P.C., Fremtone. N.V. Frompton. Framptone-Cotel. The tün, or farm- enclosure, on the river Frame, or Frome. The ‘p' is an intrusive-emphatic. The Cotel family possessed a fief, temp : Hen. III., which transferred their name to Frampton, near Hanham. C.F. IPM. 29 H. III. 37. It has come to be called Cotterell in error. (16th c). Frampton-Mansell is in Sapperton, and owes its suffix to another feudal family. Temp : Hen. III. Alard le Fleming married Joan, sister of John Mansel, Prior of Beverley. France-Lynch. (In Chalford). The prefix is perhaps the proper name Franca ; Lit : a Frank; but that may be doubted, seeing that the Stream, beside FOSS-WAY — FRETHERNE 67 which it lies, was once a Franz, which name has else- where begotten Fransham and Francomb. We may Suggest that the original name may have been Frams- eye (island, or else ea; stream), whence Francey, and So, France. Lynch, or Lench, is a cultivation-terrace made by ploughing a slope, or hill-side, horizontally. The A.S. form of the word is Hlinc. Fraunton. (Nr. Winchcombe). (m.) Freulinton L.N. (1166). Froulinton. L.B.W. 1182. Frolintone Froulintone. Frenlynton (1233). F.F. Frawnton. Frowneton. I suspect that yet another Frome, not the A.S. p.m. Freawine, lies at the root of the prefix. This involves that the (r) Washbourne was once a Frome; and that the medial lin represents lim = flax ; a flax-enclosure, or tún, by the Franze, or Fronze. It was the Fromtome of Charter No. 5o Anc. Charters, A.D. 1183. There is now a Frampton Court here. Freezing-Hill. (Nr. Bath). Frigen. Furzen. A.S. fyrs. M.E. firse = furze. Fremlinton. (c. 1270) Fremlinton. (Tax”, P. Nichs.) Frenlynton. Frenlington. These all represent Fraun- tom. (q.v.) In some examples at occurs in place of n. Frenchay. (Nr. Bristol). IPM. 1257, FromScawe. Formerly Froomshaw. The prefix represents the river “Frome’; Shaw is a wood; A.S. SČeaga. Fretherne. (m. v. & p.) 5 N.W. of Frocester Station. D. Fridorne. A.D. 1 166 Frohorn. T.N. Frethorne. 1372 Freethorne. The suffix stands for A.S. Thyrne, the thorn-bush; and the A.S. frith = a wood. The meaning is ‘the thorn-bush by the WOOd.’ There are numerous Thorn-tons, Thornburys, &c., owing to the frequent use of this tree as a lasting boundary. In an IPM. a. I I, Edw. III. (File 52), the spot is called Frythingthorne. Here, the force of the medial syllable is probably incg=a Stream. If that G 68 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES is the case, the meaning is—‘the thorn beside the wood-stream.” There was a Frythingdene in Kent in XIV. cent., held by Robert de Stangrave. The manor was held by a family to which it gave name in the late I 2th cent. Friday-Street. The prefix occurs in the same combination in many places beyond this county ; as well as in Fridaythorpe, in Yorkshire. And, in B.C.D. IoA7, we have Frigedaeges-treow : Friday’s tree. It probably Stands for a market-day name. In Painswick the Street was so-called already in the early XVth cent. when a cross Stood in it. Frith (Le). Freathe. Freeth. Vrith. Firth. Thrift, by metathesis. (The) Faith is also a variant. A game- preserve and forest-land; or, simply, a wood ; some- times underwood. Frocester. (m.p. & v.) 5 m. W. of Stroud. D. Frowecester. Frontecestre, 1234. B. M. Frontcester. Frowcester. The prefix probably represents a pre- English term of unknown significance. M.E. cester for A.S. Čeaster. A small fortified out-post of Romano- British days here situated, as the ground two fields south of the present Church would prove. Fuddle-Brook. (Nr. Marshfield). Fuddle is a term equivalent to “liming the water, a well-known device of the river-poacher. Fulbrook. P.C. 1221, Fulbroc. Foulbroke (1347). Ful may mean either foul, or full. A.S. fü1—foul. Futterill. 2 m. S.E. of Coleford. A Footrill is a horizontal shaft of a mine. Fyfield. In Eastleach Martin. Five-field and Five- hide became interchangeable terms for the same place, or rather, the latter sometimes passes into the former. Cf. Fiffede. Fiffide. FRIDAY-STREET-GERSDON 69 Gastons (The). Nr. Tewkesbury ; (i.e. the Lan- castrian position, 1471). Gerstone. (H.C. Gl. 3. 360). Leland calls it Gastatiºn. Sidegarst, or SyddgaSt. Hatg- gast occurs at Bitton. A ‘garst' (dial.) is an enclosed yard for the rearing of cattle. (Etm. E.D.) A.S. Gaers- tun. (Laws of INA, c. 42). A grass-enclosure. (See Wall-Garston). Gatcomb (2).-wick. (There is a Gatcomb near Awre, and another near Brimscombe). The prefix in both these may be for A.S. Gät = goat. Usually, in S.W. England, initial as well as terminal M.E. Gat-gate takes the form of Yat, as in Yate, Yatton, Hyatt, Lypiatt, &c. Early forms are wanting. Gaulet. In the Forest of Dene, S. of Abinghall. Gawlet. The Gawle (1510). Gale. Gauly. The Bog- myrtle (myrica) A.S. Gagel (E. Gale) appears as ‘ Gaul’ and ‘gawil’ in Prompt : Parv : 189. (Strat- mann-Bradley). I have, however, heard a similar term used of a piece of Sour ground, which at least, suggests O.F. Galle, i.e. gall-nut, and A.S. Gealla : gall (bitter). It may be that the ground so-called was held with his office by the Gawler of the Forest: i.e. Gaveller. Gavildune. Gaveldone, a pasture. (Cf. Gafol-maed ; i.e. tribute-field.) Perhaps from M.E. Gavel: A.S. Gafol: gafel. D. Gafele. Gerne. 1176 P.R. Germ. Germa. (Nr. Westbury). Corp. Records, Glos., 442. Unknown Origin. Gersdon. (Hundred). It comprised land east of Cirencester, and was one of the Seven Hundreds, of which the Abbot Of Cirencester become overlord after I 189. D. Gersdone. The prefix was A.S. Gaers (grass) M.E. Graes = grass, the ‘r being liable to shift position. The sense is ‘ Grass- down.” G 2 7o GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Gersehill. (Lydney). F.A. (1303) Yerdeshill. (1346) ZerdeShulle. (1402) Yerdushulle. A.S. Geard is a prototherme of Several personal names, such as Geardwulf, Geardwine, &c. The Z-form is due to mis- writing the spirant g as a g. The Y-form is due to the A.S. pronunciation of g before e as y. Gerse may be due to A.S. gaers = grass. º Gerwone. Nr. Leighterton in the XII.-XIII. cent. Variants are lacking, but the terminal is of Special interest as recalling that of the mysterious ‘Wicwone,’ of Child's Wickham. (q.v.) (Cf. Hist, et Cart. St. P. Glos. I. 359). & Giant-Stone-Tining. (A barrow, East of Bisley). A ‘Tining' is a fenced in, protected plot. (q.v.) Ginnethleah. A.D. 896 Ginnethleage (nr. Rod- borough) (M.S. Cott: Vespas : A.V. f. 169). The prefix is not a Saxon personal name, and may well be a pre-English word; 1éah: 1ey: pasture. Gloucester. (C.S. 60.) A.D. 681 Gleaveceasdre. (C.S. 313) A.D. 804 Gleavecestre, A.S. Chr. (1) Glea- wanceaster. (2) Gleavceaster. (3) GleavceStre. (4) Glaweicastre. (5) Gleaveceastre. (6) Gleant—Glowe- . ceastrescir. While a sepulchral inscription (CIL. VII. 54) of the early second century gives Glev, (for ‘Gle- vensis’), another (CIL. VI., 336), gives Glevi, and the inscribed third cent, tiles give ‘G' in R.P.G. (for “Respublica Glevensium.’) and the Antonine itinerary gives Glevo (abl.). Ravennas (7th cent.), gives Glebon (Colonia). According to Nennius, (8th cent) the place was known to the Britons in his day as Caer Gloui, “quae vocatur, Brittanico Sermone, Cair Gloui, Saxonice autem, Gloecester,” ((a) Gleucester, 49. p. 40. Hist. Brit.) from its having been built by one, Glovi, for his Sons, whose names he gives as Paul, Bonus, Guotolin, and Mauron. The origin of “ Glevum' has been at various times (but only since A.D. 1050) GERSEHILL–GLOU CESTER 7 I attributed to the name of the Emperor Claudius. In Lanfranc's Latin History, under A. D. Io'71, he writes Cloecistra : under Io8o Claudia Civitas; but not Claudiana; and under IoS5, Cleucestra. Con- temporaneously, one of the laws of William I. is de- scribed as having been enacted in Civitate Claudia (Select Charters, 80 : Stubbs). It is termed ‘Claudi- ceStria’ in a 14th cent. Doct. (p. 145, Vol. I. Landboc of Winchcombe), by a writer who knew the fictitious account of Richard (so-called) of Cirencester, as well as the earlier Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester ; all three of whom may have copied the accomplished Lanfranc. But the attempt to assimilate Glev(um) to Claud(ia) would involve a harder task than to Glovi and Glou. Unfortunately for both, the Latin forms all agree in giving a full broad E - sound ; thus, it is one closely- handed on by the West-Saxon ‘ea.’ And it is well- known that the Roman versions of British names have been proved to be remarkable for their accuracy. Glevum cannot be included among perverted names. The especial importance of Roman Glevum had been signified by its receiving, not its third-century walls, but the status of a Roman ‘Colonia.’ This happened, however, not under Claudius, but under Nerva, (cf. Vol. vi. CIL. 336), or more than half a century later than the coming of Claudius to Britain. In the 4th and 7th cent, itineraries it appeared not as Claudii-Castrum, but as Glevo (abl.) and Glebon ; and the Saxons would appear to have faithfully retained this initial vowel- Sound as Gleavan-Öeaster, until A.D. IoSo. The State- ment of Nennius as to ‘Caer Gloui,' attempts (more Sato) to explain the origin of the name; but it merely tells us that in the eighth century the Britons called it thus. It is safer, therefore, to leave these conjectural attributions to Claudia (or Claudius) severely aside. They may easily have arisen through the not uncommon inter- change of Cl and Gl initially, under Norman influence; 72 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Glanfeld for Clanfield T.N. Glistun and Clistton. An adroit monkish scholar like Lanfranc may have wel- comed a chance of ingeniously flattering the Royally- favoured Benedictines of Gloucester. At any rate, the derivation implied seems to savour of foreign culture, rather than of native tradition. Whether, therefore, the said British name of the spot arose from Gloy w =clear, or bright, with reference to the ancient, (certainly not to the modern), character of the river Severn at this point of its course, cannot be decided. The claim has little perhaps to commend it ; and the root may be even pre-Celtic. The form Glovernia may have been evolved by the monks from the Welsh form Glovi, or Glowi. Florence of Worcester has Gla- 70).O)^7? (l. -> The following forms shew the influence of the Anglo- Norman pronunciation upon this place-name :— Glouztecestre—D.B. Gloecestre–On the Abbey Can- dlestick ; before A. D. I I 2.2. Gloucetre, Claucetre, Claucestre — Robert of Glos. Glocetre (Layamon). Gloutsetre. Glouceler—Capgrave. Glowcetter—I 484, Paston Letters. All exhibit loss of the ch sound ; almOSt all lose the ‘S.’ In Layamon, however, the English and Norman forms engage in typical combat; as Mr Zachrisson has pointed out. The ch struggles for Self-preserva- tion. Gloichestre — A. v. 9629. GleochaeStre -— A. V. Io:29. Nevertheless, the Norman again prevailed, as he did at Cirencester and Frocester, and our daily pro- nunciations of these three names is the result, Cester = &easter from Čeaster (Caestir : Baeda, for caestri, from the Low Latin ‘Castrae.’ (Cf. N. & Q. II. Ser. p. 103-4. A. Anscombe). See Note 18. Intro- datclion. GOsehomme. The terminal here is hamm or homm, not A.S. Hām = home. These hamms are GOSEHOMME–GREET 73 often found either beside a river, or else marked out by the courses of one or more small streams. The prefix represents the A.S. Gös: goose. The field was situated on the Isbourn, near Hailes, in a group of Homines. (Cf. L.B. Winch : I. p. 284). Gospel Oak. A name originating in the former perambulations of parishes during Rogation Week. Hence, probably likewise, the spot still known as S. Paul’s Epistle was named from similar uses of a tree, or large Stone, or a well, there, by a preacher. Gossington. (m.) I m. S. of Slimbridge. B.M. (A.D. I 189) GoSintone. C.R. 1230 GoSintum. Gosynton. The meaning is ‘the tun of Gosa : the ‘in 'probably stands for the already-weakened genitive ‘en'—of (Gosa,— an), yielding to the formal patronymic tendency. Gotherington. (m. & p.) Nr. Bishops Cleeve. D. Godrizzton. I 22O Goderinton.—Goderyntone, F.A. I.4O2. The farm of one Godhere, with change of d to th: Grafton. (A member of Beckford manor). A.S. Gräf- Grove. The sense being the farm, or tún, by (or, in) the grove. Grangebrook. (In Staunton). A grange (grangea) was a grain-store, or Small farm, usually pertaining to a confraternity, or to a manor-lord. The Sense is ‘the brook that runs by the Grange.” Perhaps there was also a mill upon it. Gransham. (m.) nr. Newent. Gransmore. (In Painswick manor, Stroud-end). Both these appear to be due to an unrecorded per- sonal name. (Cf. C.D. 939. Graenesburgh. A.D. IOA3. Co. Warwick). Earlier than XV. C. forms are wanting. Green Street. There are Several ancient lanes, or ‘Streets,’ so-named, probably, from having become overgrown through abandonment. Greet. (m. & p.) L.B.Wi. I 195 Greta. K.O. Grete. Greete. Mr Duignan, in reference to another Greet, 74 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-N AMES in Worcestershire, thinks that this name derives from the local stream, and is a Celtic river-name. In the present instance, the hamlet of Greet also has a small stream. We meet with Greet-grove, in a XIV. c. Chron ; of Hayles, and there was a Chapel of S. Laur- ence. The stream is, in fact, an upper water of the Isburne. It is possible that Greete was an earlier Celtic name for the river. Lancashire and Scotland have Streams bearing the same name ; but a Scandin- avian Origin has been attributed to it by some writers. Grentistan. (Hundred.) Now Kiftsgate Hundred. D. Gretestanes. T.N. Gretestan. —K.Q. Gree/lidon. and Grectiston. The Domesday scribe has in this Čase given a clear reading,- i.e. Great-stones. Winch- combe, Hayles, Postlip, and Dumbleton, lay within it. It is a question, however, whether Greet and Grello?? have not to do with the name ! Gretton. (Nr. Winchcombe). Gretstona. I 175 (c). Grettone. Grecton. K. Q. and T.N.—Grestoſz, 1346. F.A. Near Greet, which does not, however, necessarily point to any etymological connection. There was, within the Hundred, also a ‘Litentone,’ i.e. Littleton, which belonged to William ‘Froisselew’ (Froisselupu) at D.S. Hence, we may take the present name to mean ‘great-farm' in contradistinction to ‘little-farm.’ Tún : the ton, or farm. The earliest form, however, gives ‘stone’: not ‘ton.’ (L.B.W. I. 183). Grimbaldesash. (Hd.) Grimboldesesse. (P.R. 1189-90). P.C. 1221, Grunbodeshe. Esse. M.E. for A.S. aesc = ash-tree. Grimbald is a well-known A.S. p.m. Grimsbury. (In Bitton) A village. Grim is a p.m. both O. Norse and Anglo-Saxon. A.S. Grima Signifies ‘the evil one,” or ‘a goblin.” (Cf. Duignan P.-N. of Staffordshire, p. 69). The want of early forms makes it sometimes difficult to determine whether the suffix GRENTISTAN —HAGMEDE 75 represents ‘beorg,’ a tumulus, or “burg,” (A.S. Byrig, dat.); i.e. Borough, or fortified place. Guyting-Power. (1). 3 m. N. of Notgrove Station. In Cutsdean. Guyting-Temple. (2). (m.p. & v.) 6 m. N.W. of Notgrove Station. (C.S. 351). A.D. 814 Gythinge. D. Getinge. Guytinge. P.C.. I 22 I Guttings. Guthynge (1275-6). Le Gouting (1294). Gelynges. Gittinges. (I) This is a stream-name for the head water of the Wind-rush. The root was probably British, and was not related to A.S. Gyte : flood. Géotan: to flow : to pour. M.E. gilte. (2) Became appropriated to the Order of the Temple in the 12th cent. The terminal inge, p1; inges, (for inég) was an ending for stream-names, as in Pilning ; Twyning. Cf. E.H.R. Oct. 1911, p. 826, by H. Bradley, LL.D. Gupshill. (Nr. Tewkesbury). Gopeshull. c. 1220 Gopshull B.M. IPM. I. 273 Gobhatlle. IPM. 1299 Gepes- hall. IPM. 1314 GopuShulle. F.F. I 59 I Guppishill, alias Coppishill, as though from O.F. Copeiz.: wood newly- cut, a small wood for cutting ; but the forms assure us that a p.m. is represented here, though an unrecorded one, perhaps, Glapp. - Haglow. (m. & tithing) in Awre, Hagloe. Hag- gelow 1437. The Burial ‘tump,' or LOW, usually carries with it a personal name. Mr A. Ellis, in his Domesday Tenants of Gloucestershire identifies it in parentheses with ‘Etelau' (Etloe); for manorial pur- poses. The two places lie about one mile apart, actually. Hagmede. (A 13th c. Hundred). Hagemede. Aggemede. Agginead. The prefix probably repre- sents a p.m. Agga-gent. ‘an,’ weakened to ‘en.” The ‘n’ has dropped out before ‘m.” As in some other 76 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES counties, the tendency to the false aspirate is strongly marked : as Hupleden, Hocsenhale, Hupton; for Oxen- hale, Up-leden, Upton. Hailes. (m.) 2 m. N. of Winchcombe. D. Heile. 13th cent. Hayles. Heyles. Hales ; from W. S. Healh, pl. He alas; meaning a pasture. Here the form is plural. It does not necessarily mean a river- Side pasture. A hale, in Gloucestershire, may occur on high ground, away from any stream. W.S. heale is dat, of Healh : while the Mercian form is Hålh, dat. hâle, pl. Hålas. For its connection with modern English haugh, a nook, or corner, see Prof. Skeat's * Place-names of Berkshire.’ It occurs as a terminal more frequently than as a prefix, i.e. Hales-owen. Sheriff-Hales, Norton-in-Hales. Hale. (See Hailes). This term is of constant re- currence and in many varieties throughout the county (La Hale, Hales, Hailes, etc.), and represents the Mercian Hål/l, (dat.) haile; pl. hailas; meaning corner, or Strip of grass or pasture-land. Hallen. (Near Henbury). Helen. Hellen. Early forms are lacking ; but it may have had its origin in a Celtic term. (W) Crwth Halen = a salt-box; Sarn Helen = Salt-way. The Salt-Marshes are there. Ham. (1) A.S. Håm : Home ; abode. O. Saxon Hènn. Ham. (2) Hamme. Homme, from A.S. Hamm. (m.) As Gosehomme. The Hamme, The Hams. The meaning is generally an enclosed pasture. Whole groups of these ‘hommes’ occur (Cf. the Landboc of Winchcombe) along the course of the Isburne ; and Milham-Post (once Middle-homme) is one of these, This Hojjame may be suspected in the terminals of Bilson, Bilsum, Huntsham (Hondsum) and Hanhant (Hanum). HAILES-(W.) HANHAM ABBOTS 77 Hamm (f.) (3) The ham, or inner part of the knee. Said by Prof. Wyld to be used to denote the bend of a river. Hambrook. (m.) A Hamlet in Winterbourne (Bitton). D. Hanbroc. IPM. 1350 Hembroke. Domes- day Survey often writes Han, for ‘Héan' (d.) = high ; but here the sense needs Ham—(?) for A.S. Hamm– (q.v. No. 2) homme. Hampen. (m.) in Shipton Oliffe. D. Hagempene, and Hagepine. L.B.W. Hagnepenne. (I 217) C. R. Ha- genepenne, (1231-4) Havenpen. (1297) IPM. Hunypin. Hawnepenne. Havenepenn, Penn (m.) means an enclosure, or fold; while the prefix represents the personal name Hagena, B.C.S. Io2 (Cf. Earle Onom"). The sense is ‘the fold belonging to Hagena.’ In an Exeter Charter, K. 373, occurs (A.D. 670) Hacapenn. Hampnett. (m.) 5% m. S.W. of Bourton-on-the- Water. Little Hampton. D. Hantone. K. Q. Hamp- toneth. F. A. Hamptomet. The ‘p' is excrescent. The terminal may stand for A.S. haeth = heath : but it is uncertain. The sense would be “the Home- farm-heath.’ The ton is at present, therefore, repre- sented by ‘n’ only. Hamptonette occurs in Sussex. [Was Shakespere's child named from this place Pl Hangerbury Hill. A.S. Hangra means a wooded slope: and “byrig’ dat. of Burh, M.E. burgh : burwe : an enclosed, or fortified, place. The Sense is ‘hill of the burh on the wooded slope.” r (W.) Hanham Abbots. (m.) near Winterbourne and Bitton. It belonged to the Priory of Monkton Farley. D. Hanum, and Hanon, Hanam. B.M. (c. I 170) Hanum. Hannam. (c. 1350) Haneham. C.S. A. D. 947. Hanecamham. (K.C.D. 416. B.C.S. 821-822). This last seems to represent a personal name, - Haneca, (gen)—an,—as in IPM. 1282 John de Haneke- ton (witness); (i.e. Hankerton, Co. Wilts.) The sense 78 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Of this is therefore ‘the home of Haneca.’ This name in turn is a form of A.S. Hana : a Cock. But some doubt exists as to the identification in Eadgar's Charter. Hannotswell. The personal name points to an A.S. Heahmoth (K.C.D. 234). Harbour (The). A farm-name near Dursley. The meaning is ‘the shelter.” But I find it was originally a Cold Harbour. (q.v.) Hardland. Ardland. Erdlond. (Cart. Flaxl.) A.S. Eard = home ; = dwelling—land. Hardwicke (Elmstone). (m. p. and v.) N. of Tewkesbury. D. Herdeultic. Hardewyk. Herdene- wike (13th c.) Herdewyk. (N.V.) Heorde; gen. pl. of Heord: a herdman. Wic—a dwelling-place. Another Hardwicke lies N.W. Of Haresfield. Harescombe. (p. & m.) D. Harseconne. Heres- come. Hersecumbe. H.C. Gl. A.D. 1 179. The Rev. M. Hall, its historian, thought that it derived from A.S. Here (pl. Her(g)as): the war-host, or spoiler, as in Here-lane, Gloucester; but the persistent medial S resists such a solution of the problem. An un- recorded Hersa, -an seems clearly pointed to. Haresfield. (m.p. & V.) D. Hersefeld and Hersefel.— Hersfeld and Harseſelde, 1179. (P.C. 1221), Hers- /elde.—H.C. Gl. Hersfeld. Harsfeld.—(N.V.) Hares- ſi/de. The locality close to the last-named place, points to the same name-origin with it. The Anglo- Norman vocalized the l in “feld’ as at ; hence the form in ſettd. The meaning is the field belonging to one Hersa, literally Hersan-feld. Haresford. Roman Villa. (Glos. & Br. Arch. Tr. viii. 78). Harford. (m.) in Naunton, 4 m. N. of Northleach. C.S. 165. A.D. 743, Heort-ford. A.D. 802, Hereforda. HANNOTSWELL– HASFIELD 79 A.D. 963, Heortford. D. Hurford. P.C. 1221. Harford. But in A.D. 779 (C.S. 230), we find Iorolla/orda. Mr Duignan regards this as an unrecorded p.n. Heortla. Others would regard the entire prefix as a pre-English word; and the erratic diversity of the forms here seems to point to this conclusion. Harness. (nr. Berkeley). Hernesse. Hirnes. Hur- mess. (See Berkeley). Harnhill. (m.) 3% m. E.S.E. of Cirencester. D Harehille.— I 284. Harhull.—HerneShull. Harnhulle Haren/ull (c) 1300. I think this prefix answers to A.S. har, (d.)-am : hoary. The grey hill. Harridge. Now Oridge Street. (m.) in Cors. D. Tereige. P.C. 1221. Horege. The Norman scribe found difficulty in dealing with names commencing with vowels, or with the aspirate. Mr. Duignan, (Worc. P.-N.) adducing Horerugge 1275 (S.R.) with probability derives it from M.E. Har or Hore, A.S. Här (pr: hoar) : boundary; and Hrycg : M.E. rugge, = ridge. The word originally meant ‘grey,’ ‘ hoary’; but in application to marked places, such as ridges, stones, &c., it came to signify ‘boundary.’” Hartpury. 2 m. N. of Tibberton. Anciently, Merewent. (m.) P.C. 1221, Hardpirie. (Corp. Rec. Glos.) Hardeper ye. Hardepirie. Herdeperer. Harde- pyre. The terminal is from A.S. pirige : (f) a pear- tree. The first element should point to some un- recorded personal-name. Hasfield. (m. p. & v.) on W. bank of the Severn, 8 m. above Gloucester. D. Hasſelde. Hesſeld. A.D. 1200 Esfold, Heffold. P.C. 1221, Hasſield. Harefielde. F.A. has Hersfelde. Corp. Rec. Gl. 107, 200). The forms manifest considerable uncertainty, if not con- fusion. But, possibly, the first element was A.S. Hasuſ adj.): grey. The confusion with Haresfield is noteworthy. * Hence, Hore-end, near Wotton-under-Edge. 8O GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Hasilden or Hazelton. (1.) (Nr. Hawling). (m.) D. HaSedene. Hasilton 1274. 1294 Hasseldes. HaSylton, HaSSulton 1354. º Hasleton. (2.) (m.) nr Kemble. D. Hasedene. Haseldon. The Hazel-tree is of frequent occurrence in place-names ; Occasionaly, also, it is a personal name. A.S. Haesel. M.E. Düne = down : or tún = a farm-enclosure. Hatherley. (m. p. & v.) 2 m. N. of Churchdown. (1.) Up ; and (2) Down-Hatherley. (H.C. Glos. 1. 8.) A.D. Io22, Hegberle(y). D. Athelai. I I5o, Haiderleia. P. R. (a. 2, Hen. II.) 1177, Hedrelega. P.C. 1221, Hathirlege. Hetherlege. Hetherlegh. Hadderley. Hatherleye. The pasture, or lea, by, or on, the Heather: But the earliest form points to a p.m. Heahburg. Hatherop. (m. p. & v.) 3 m. N. of Fairford. D. Etherope. I 20th c. Hadrop. Heythrop. I 148, Haethrop. Hatrope, 1275. Hertroph. Hetherope. Haythorp (1294). Thorp and thrup—village. The prefix re- presents M.E. Heie, d. of Hei, from A.S. Hege (g = y), signifying an enclosed, or hedged, place. The mean- ing is ‘a hedged village.’ The earlier Norman avoids the aspirate. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that the TDomesday Survey distinguishes in spelling Etherope and the adjoining Hetrope (to-day Williamstrip). Hawkesbury. (m. p. & v.) 4 m. E.S.E. from Wickwar. D. Havochesberie. Anc. Ch : 50. A. D. 1 183 Havochesburia. Hakesbyri, P.C. 1221. Haukes- Diri. Hatuekesbur, 1261. Hakenbury. Havekesbury. M. E. Havek, from A. S. Hafoc = hawk. Here it represents a person's name. (Cf. Hafocs — hlaew. C.D. IV. 93). Bury : an enclosed, or fortified place. Hawling. 2% m. N.W. of Notgrove Station. D. Hallinga. P.C. 1221. Hallinges. F.A. 1285 Hallingg. (LB. Winchc:) Hallyngg (1294). The terminal ‘inga,’ here without a suffix, probably stands for a known HASILDEN — HEMPSTEAD 81 ending for stream-names. See Twining. The “w” is due to A.N. influence; as in Awckley, for Alkeley. Hayden. (h.) Near Boddington and Staverton. Heyden. Heidun, C.R. 1220. Heydunn. C.R. 1222. Heydone. IPM. I.314. The forms point to the original suffix ‘dān = down; which has been replaced by dent = valley. The first element is A.S. Hege as in the above Hatherop. Heardanleag. (M.S. Cott: Vesp: A.V. f. 169, Char- ter of Aetheldred. D. of Mercia, A.D. 896). The mean- ing is at the hard lea. As usual, the dative case is employed ; “aet’ being understood. The name is now Harley, sometimes called Earley. It lies near Nails- WOrth. Heavens (The). At Thrupp. Perhaps for Heaves = hillocks. Heilithe. (Cart: Flaxley). A.S. Hlith—a slope, or hill-side. The prefix Hei, from M.E. Hege = hedge : Literally, Hedge-down. Hempstead. (m.p. & V.) I m. S.W. of Gloucester. D. Hechanestede. (c. I I 20-30) Heccamstede, (15th c. copy of Cartul : Llanthoniae. Fol. 31. Gifts of Hugh de Laci and Pain Fitz-John). Heyghamsteede, Hei- hampstede, HeyhampStede. C.R. (1230) Ehamsted. F.A. (1316) Heyhamstede. A.S. Stede ; a site, a place. The meaning is ‘the high homested.’ The D. form looks like a pers.-name Hecca, and shews a different type. The other forms of the prefix point to A.S. Hege = hedge.” The Norman often writes “han for ham ; the I 120-30 Spelling partly restores “(h)am,” but converts ‘ch into ‘cc.’ These tended to become M.E. ‘gg’; but from this, instead of turning into ‘dg,’ (i.e. hedge) they took a more correct way, as from A.S. * No TE. — There are three A.S. terms to be differenced in mind: (1) A.S. Haga—E. Haw. (2) A.S. Hege. M.E. Hey; E. hay. (3) A.S. Heg. M.E. Hegge. E. Hedge,_certain forms of which may easily be confused with M.E. //ey : /e: ; mod : high. 82 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES and became ‘Hey’: (g = y). The ‘p is of course ex- crescent, as in all the Jhamptons. Henacre. (Nr. Frampton-on-Severn). Heanacre. Heneacre, c. I 196. The prefix is A.S. Hean, adj. = d of Heah = high. Henbarrow. (In Haresfield). Henbarewe. The prefix may represent A.S. Hean = high ; M.E. berewe from A.S. bedrg, bedrh, meant (I) hillock; (2) a tumulus, or tump. Henbury. (m. p. & v.) on the Severn, 4 m. N.W. of Bristol. D. Hemberie. (C.S. 75). Heanburg. A.D. 691.- Heanbyri (c. 794).-Heanbyrig c. 794. P.C. 122 I Han- biria. A.S. dative by rig, from Burh : modern borough. The prefix Hean is here not a personal name, but A.S. Héan, (d) high, from Heah. Hengaston. (In Berkeley). This is not neces- sarily to be fathered upon the universal Hengist. (Cf. Wallgaston, also near Berkeley : called formerly Walmegerston, Walhamgarston). A. S. GaerStun : variant of greStun and gerStun, i.e. grass enclosure, or ton. The sense, perhaps, is ‘high '—(Héan) grass- tC)n. Henmarsh. IPM (1236) Hennemerse. Henna, g, pl.: of A.S. Henn. The sense is “a marsh,’ the haunt of wild fowl : i.e. moorhen, etc. (Cf. Moreton Henmarsh). Hewelsfield. (m. p. & V.) on the Wye 5 m. W. of Lydney. D. Hiwoldestone. F.A. Hueldesfeld,—Hyn- waldesfeld. Huwald refeld. IPM. 1270. The personal name pointed at is Hygeweald (Searle), ‘the field of He Wald.’ º Heyford or Eyford. (m. & p.) 3 m. S.W. of Stow- on-the-wold. D. Aiſorde. T.N. Heyford. To-day ; Eyeſord (q.v.) The prefix probably stands for A.S. Hege (g = y): an enclosed place. HEN ACRE–HILL 83 Hidcote Bertram. I j4 m. S.E. of Mickleton. D. Aſidicote and Hedecote. — Hudicota. P. R. 1189-90. Altdichot, I 278. — Aſhtdecote. Hudicote. Hudcote.— Aydecote. 1302 IPM. The prefix pointed to is probably an A.S. p.m. rather than Higid = a hyde. The De Bertram family held lands in the county, XIIIth cent. Hidcote Boyce. I j4 m. N.W. of Ebrington. A.D. 716 (Evesham Charter) Hudicota. Boyce–A.F. Bois, Shewing that the ‘s’ was originally articulated. Cf. The Boyce—Court, near Dymock. High-Leadon. (m. and h. of Rudford) 5 m. W. of Gloucester. Leadon is an ancient river-name; from which Upleadon, and (perhaps), Ledbury, derive their names. (K. 570) A.D. 972 Ledene, D. Ledene. Later forms are Hymeledene, AZineledene, Æynledene, High- leaden. The Flaxley Cartulary gives a Hineweir. The sense is “at Highleden.’ Highnam. (m. & p.) 2 m. W. of Gloucester. A/ynehamme, //ynehomme, Hineham. The suffix, therefore, represents A.S. Homm, Hamm, an enclosed pasture; as in Homme-Lacy ; (not Häm, a home). The prefix Hyne is probably for M.E. Hina (g. pl.) of A.S. Hina : mod: /ei/?d. The sense is “at hamm of the Servants.’ - Hilcote. (Hamlet & m.) in Withington. D. Willi- cote. Holdecote, K.O. Hyldecote. Hyldekote. (H.C. Gl. 3. 2 Io). (Cf. Hildan-hlāw). The Norman scribe has written the name identically with Willicote, near Long-Marston. The place is now Hilcote. But the intermediate forms seem to shew that he was cer- tainly dealing with a p.m. other than Hill; and not with A.S. Wilig : willow. That name was Hilda (f): weak gem. ‘an,’ and the original place name was Hilde(n)cote. Hill. (m.) in Berkeley Hundred, 4 m. N. of Thorn- bury. D. Hilla. F. A. Hull, M.E. Hulle from A.S. Hyl] = Hill. |-| 84 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Hillesley. (m.) 3% m. N.E. of Wickwar Station. (Earle, L.Ch. p. 441). A.D. 972 Hilleahe. D. Hildeslei. L.N. Hildesley.—Hyldesleye, IPM. 1293.; i.e. the ley, or pasture of one, Hild (a masc. p.m.) (Cf. Hildesdūn in Bucks: to-day, Hillersdon). Hinchwick. (m. & hamlet) 1% m. N. of Condicote. Not in D.S. Late forms are Hynchweke and Aſenche- ſweke : Henewyk (1294). Hinswicke. Hynewyke. IPM. 1307; possibly, for Hengewic = steep village [hangian]. Hineton or Hinton. Nr. Slimbridge, a manor held from Berkeley. Henton (1303). Heenton, IPM. 1374. The prefix Hen stands for A.S. Hean = high. The sense is “at High-town.” ..! Hinhethinge. (I). (c. 1220 and 1264) a field-name in Minsterworth. (2). Inhechinge. (B.Mts.) near Berkeley, 1263-4. Inechins 1628. This is a Strange name pre- sented in a curious form. Mr H. Alexander suggests to me that we have here the patronymic of a diminutive pers.-name Ineca, formed from Ine, or Inna. (Cf. Searle. Onom".) There is also a p.m. Inca, which may stand for In(e)ca. The ch represents an A.N.— spelling. The t in the leading form is merely scribal. See under Filkins: Fileching : in Oxf. Place-names, p. 106. To the above two distinct places bearing the name may possibly be added the name Yiniche-beche, in the Forest of Dene, (A.D. 1281). But see Inch- brook. Hinton-on-the-Green. (m. v. & p.) W. of Tewkes- bury. Hinetun, c. I 190, Hynetone, Hyneth07te, Ayn- ton. The farm of the servants, Hina = hinds. Hoarstone. Near Upper Slaughter. Horestone. The primary meaning of A.S. Hår is grey, hoary : its 1ater and fixed meaning, in this prefix, is a boundary, Or terminal-stone. See N.E.D. Hocherry. According to Professor Skeat (Cf. Influence of Anglo-French pronunciation upon Modern HILLESLEY —HOLEWEY 85 English, IO). Hoc, of which How and Hoe are variants, is a M.E. form of A.S. Hoh. It means a spur, or projecting piece of land. The suffix stands for A.S. by rig, dat, of burh, Mod. Eng. borough, an en- closed, or fortified place. Hence, we find persons called William of the Hok, or Hooc. Hodenake(s)putte. Ch. R. H. 3. Hodenach. Aſad- 110CAE. Forest of Dene. The suffix is an old form of pit and pytte : and the Sense is the pit at Hodenake, or Hoda’s – (o)ak. Hodenoc ; itself (a wood) was given by the monks at Monmouth to Baderon de Mon- mouth (Lib. Niger I., p. 153) in exchange for 3 forges in Monmouth. Hodenales Wood. A demesne wood belonging to the King, in the Forest of Dene (A.D. 1282). Hud- nalls is the modern form of the name : and it is formed from the A. S. p.m. Huda — am, and, Healh (d) heale (Mercian, hāle) = Huda's hale : (corner). Here the term only Seeins to be a personal name, made after the manner of ‘Cnappestyes forde’ (q.v.) Holbrook. (Nr. Winchcombe). Holebroc c. 1170. (L.B.W.) C.D. III., p. 52. (Adj.) “Hol,’ from A. S. Holh—hollow, i.e. the brook in the hollow. Holcombe. (In Painswick Manor). Holecumbe. R.B. 1166 Hollecumbe. (W.) A.S. Holen holly. Here; the prefix is probably ‘Holen.” The sense is “at Holly- combe.’ The term is common and is usually inter- preted Hollow-Combe ; but as all Combes are hollow, and Our forebears were much given to naming places after trees, the probabilities are occasionally in favour of the Hollen, or Holly, often used by them in place of the Olive in their religious Solemnities. Holewey. Forest of Dene. There are numbers of places in various parts of England known as ‘Hollo- way,’ from the presence of Some deep and ancient H 2 86 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES trackway. A.S. Holh ; M.E., Hol(e)we = hollow. Weg. = way. Holford. A Domesday hundred. Near Winch- combe. D. Holeſorde. Later forms, Holdford, Ole- forde. The meaning is “at the hollow ford.” Holbrook (Holebroc), was there. (C.D. III. 52). Holke (The Great) (The Little). Field-names. Otherwise, Hollock, Hollok. Hulk means a shepherd’s shelter (Cf. E.E.D. Skeat). Holloway. See Holewey. Holmes, The. (f-n. in Lydney), from A.S. Holm = isle. These are low pastures near water. Holm, as in the Holms at the mouth of the Bristol Channel, bears the Scandinavian significance of island, or rock. Here, however, it may bear the same value as in King’s Holm, at Gloucester, where there seems to have occurred confusion of forms. The bridge beyond Westgate was called Hombridge, north of which lay several homms, including Little Mean?-homºte and Great Mean-homme. (Hamlin.) Cf. Pl-N. Lancs,, p. 353, by H. C. Wyld. Holnhyrst. A.D. 940 Holenhyrst (C.D. II. p. 228). A.S. Holegn: M. E. Hollin: holly. Hirst: a small wood. Holt (The). A.S. Holt, a wood, or copse. It is also a common suffix, as in Ocholt ; Buckholt, etc. Holywell. A well dedicated to some Saint, or else possessing miraculous properties. A.S. Hålig—holy. Homme. A.S. Homm—hamm & ham, q.v. (2) Prof. W. W. Skeat, in his Notes in Eng. Etymology (p. 149, 1903-6) shews that its counterpart is the late- Latin ‘Camba’— bend of the leg. (Cf. Ham). Pro- fessor H. C. Wyld, in his Pl.-N. of Lancs., quoting Jel- linghaus (Westfälisch : Orts-namen, p. 40, 1902) says that the Low German hone means the bend of the knee, thence the bend in a river, &c. HOLFORD–HORSLEY 87 Hope-Mansel. In Forest of Dean (Co. Hereford). Aope-Maloysell (1263) — Maleyshall (1338) Maloisel (1367)—Meleishulle. 1428 Maliselee. M.E. Hope from A. S. Hop : a valley. The suffix is the O. F. p.m. Maloisel. It belonged, as woodland, to the Abbey of Gloucester. Cf. Cames-Oysell, Co. Hants. Horage. In the Forest of Dene, D.C. (1221). Horege, M.E. Egge : edge. Hordington. Hordynton. In Cromhall. The sense is Harding's farm-enclosure. Horfield. 2 m. N. of Bristol. D. Horefelle. K.Q. Borefield (1284). Horefeld (1475), M.E. Hore = mire. (A.S. Horh). Hormead. Hormede. Literally, mud-meadow. A.S. Horh—u, filth, mire. Horn, Great (The). (Ex: Whithorne, Coxhorne, Bouncehorne, Touchhorne). A.S. Hyrne = Nook, or Corner. Hornhill-Bank. Nr. Stanway. In O. N. Horn and Hyrna mean a corner, or angle, of land. The A.S. equivalent is Hyrne : M.E. Hürne : E. Hern, or hirn. Hirne-stān = corner-stone. (Strat- mann-Bradley). Cf. the mutation of A.S. Thorn : thorn, to Thyrne : thorn-bush. Horsepools” (The). Great and Little (1) near Edge : (2) near St Briavels. Herspoles (I) (1429), at Harescombe (Herscomb). (2) P.R. 1175-6. Piscaria de Hersepol. If we accept Hersa, a p.m. for Hersfel and Herscomb, perhaps, we must also admit this term, which indicates a locality within Harescombe (q.v.) It has not to do with Herepath ; meaning a military road, or war-path. There is a Hare-Lane (called Here-lone 1240) without the N. gate of Gloucester. A.S. Here : army. Horsley. (m.) I m. S.W. of Nailsworth. D. Aſorselei. Horselega, P.R. 1 176. The 1éâh, or pasture * Near Brockworth occurs a stream called A/orsbere ; in 1260, Horsbeor (C.R.) 88 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES of the horse. In Surrey occurs a Horsa-leh (A.D. 871-889) in Land-Charters (Earle). Horwood. Disafforested by Henry III. Horwode (1236). M.E. Hore = mire, or else hār = hoary. Howe (The). Hough, How, nr. Winchcombe. M.E. Hough : a hill. (See Hoc : Hoke). A small Semi-detached hill. t Hownhall. In Taynton. Howenhale. The prefix may point to ‘Holan,’ from A.S. Hol. a hollow : M E. Hol: representing the character of a pasture, corner, or Hale. W.S. Héalh. Mercian Hålh : dat. Håle. Hucclecote. (m. & p.) nr. Gloucester, belonging at D.S. to Archbishop Stigand. D. Hochilicote. Later forms : P.C.. I 221. Hetkeling cote. C. R. Hoclicote, 1260. A ſuckelicote, –I 22O. Aſokelizzcote: Hokelcote. Although there occurs in Co. Leicester, Hukels-cote and Huclis- cot (C1.R. 1231-4), there is no recorded A.S. p.m. answering to these forms, unless it be Hykeling ; now Hickling. But this has origin in Hykelinggs, Co. Norfolk, where the suffix refers not to a patronymic inga, but to in C9 a Stream-term. Huddiknoll. Near Edge and Harescombe. Hoden- Anole. The p.m. Hudda is not uncommon. Knoll— M.E. Knowl, for A.S. Cnoll, a round-topped hill. Huddi is a shortened form of Hudden, from a weak- ened (g) Huddan, from Hudda. Hulks (The). A field name. A.S. hulc; a shep- herd’s shelter during lambing-time. Hullasey. (m.) Near Kemble. D. Humlaſsed. P.R. I 155 Hunlanseta. I I 69 Hunlaweshyde. P.C. 1221. Hundlaneside. Unlaveshed (c. 1292). I349, Hunlan- syde. Hallaside. Humlacy. The meaning seems to be Hunlaf’s hyde. This manor was assessed as one Hide (M.E. Hyde). There occurred some clerical HORWOOD-HWICCIA 89 confusion with regard to the terminal ; namely, as to whether it should be “Hyde,” or ‘Håthe – hethe, a heath; –Or Sète : Seat; or head: head. This name thus offers an interesting example of terminal variability. Hungerfield. Hanger—, Honger—, A.S. Hangra; a sloping wood. We have also Wishanger, Clayhanger, Hazelhanger, Hungerfurlong. Huntingford. Near Wotton-under-Edge. Hun- teneford (Berkeley M" c. 1201) Huntenſorde. For A.S. Hºt17tenza-ford, the ford of the hunters, or, of one : Hunta.” The genitive ‘an yielded to the patronymic tendency, and became ‘ing.’ Huntley. (m.) D. Huntalei. Later Hunteleye. Hunta is a recorded p.m., as also is ‘Hunting” (c. 1060). It means ‘a Hunter.’ The sense is—‘ at the field of Hunta.” Huntsham. A.R. vill. within the Forest of Dene. c. 1145. Honsum. Hunstone.—c. I2OO. Hondsum. H.C. G1. 1298. Hornsum.—Hunsam. I 281-2. Perhaps the personal name intended here, was not Hunt, but Hund. The medial “d had a tendency to fall out before ‘s’; but it has actually been supplanted by t. Um for han occurs in the forms of Hanum, Bilsum (q.v.) (i.e. hamm : homm). t Hwiccia. Hwicce, “An old kingdom correspond- ing to Gloucestershire and Worcestershire, and apparently a part of Oxfordshire, and of the MageSaetan (older form Magorsaetan), in Herefordshire” (W. H. Stevenson : p. 228, Life of Alfred). After the middle of the ninth century the Hwiccans appear to have lost independence, and to have become actually absorbed into the Kingdom of Mercia, though their rulers seem already a century earlier to have regarded the Mer- cian monarch as their Suzerain. In A.D. 68 I, Osric, Alderman of the Hwiccii, is regarded as having founded the Abbey of S. Peter at Gloucester. In A.D. 693, his 90 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES brother, Oshere, is styled ‘Rex Huicciorum (C.S. 85) and his son Æthelweard (C.S. I 16) styles himself Sub-Regulus. Mr W. H. Duignan (P.N. of Worcester- shire) writes: “In 757 Eanberht subscribes himself “Regulus propriae gentis Hwicciorum,’ and his brothers, Uhtred and Aldred, are confirming parties (C.S. 183). In 769, the three brothers each subscribe as ‘regulus,’ by the Licence and permission of Offa, K. of the Mercians (C.S. 187). In 767, Uhtred subscribes as * regulus,” Aldred, “sub-regulus,’ and Milred, ‘Epis- copus Hwicciorum,’ Offa again consenting (C.S. 202).” They will thus have come into federation with Mercia at the period when Ethelbert invaded Wales, in A.D. 728, an operation followed up by Offa, who cleared Brecknock Of the Welsh. Although the Hwiccan Kingdom of the VIIth century Occupied much of the area of territory to-day correspond- ing to Worcestershire, Gloucestershire and Western Oxfordshire, it did not contain land West of the Severn. We do not know what changes may have gone on during the earliest half-century of its history; nor, pre- cisely, what were its boundaries with the kindred MageSaetans of Herefordshire. Its establishment as a kingdom (independent of the kindred West-Saxon one), may have followed soon after the captures of Glevum, and of Bath (Aquae Sulis), by the West Saxons under Ceawlin, in A.D. 577. Apparently the Welsh Britons befriended the Hwiccans against the unfriendly West-Saxons. But the origin of the name, whether Hwic, or Wic, remains obscure. Hyde. Various places are so-called. One is a hamlet of Brimscombe, and one is near Pinnock; another was at Gloucester. La Hyde. M.E. Hyde. A.S. Higid, Hid. Originally an unfixed quantity of farm-land forming an estate. At D.S. it had become in many places reckoned at I 20 acres. HYDE—IFOLD 9 I Hyett. A vill in Henbury. P.C. 1221. Hyate = Hiatt. i.e. High-gate; or from A.S. Hege: M.E. Hey = hedge. Icombe. 2 m. S.E. of Stow-on-the-Wold. A.D. 781 (C.S. 240) ſcancumb. D. Jacumbe, Iccumbe, Yeomb, (F.A. 1303); Ickcombe, Ickoumb, ſcombe. (Cf. Ick- worth, Iccanwurd, Co. Suffolk ; and Iccanora : B.C.S. 64. Kemble C.D. 992.) The personal name Icca, gen. Iccan ; gave the prefix to the early forms of this name. A. S. Cumb: (borrowed from W. Cwm), a valley. The sense is the Combe belonging to Icca. Icten—tree—hill. In the Forest of Dene. Lacking variants, it is not possible to arrive at any satisfactory conclusion as the description of tree here implied, so interestingly. An Icterthill, Ightenthille, occurs in Lancashire (Cf. Lanc. P1.-Names by Wyld and Hirst). The change from ‘Ict’ to ‘Ight' is not irregular in M.E. Cf. the various r-names Itchen, of uncertain meaning. Idbury. (m.) D. Ideberie. Iddebur, c. 1300 (Lb. Win., vol. II., 180). A.S. p.m. Idda. Byrig = dat. of A.S. Burh, an enclosed, or fortified, place, or home- Stead, belonging to Idda - aft ; weakened to -ezz. [Actually in Co. Oxon.] Idelsbury. Idelberge (c. 1125) near Prinkmash, toward Painswick. (H. C. Gl: I. 63. 205). The aforetime tumulus (beorg), possibly of one Edel : (AEthel); or AEdulf; but Idel occurs as a p.m. in F.F. a. IO. Ric. I. 225 (1199), and it rather more precisely con- notes the W. name Ithel, which Sir John Rhys tells us, represents /dd-hel, a shortened form of Judd/hael, written in O.W. Judhael ; and on one of the Llantwit stones, Juthahels (Lect: W. Phil. p. 437). Ifold, a tithing in Painswick. There are two Ifolds in Sussex and one in Kent. Ifeld, Yſolde, Ifield, Efelde. Ifeltd. A.S. Feld = field, plain, open land. A Roman villa lies within it, and the Soil is rich and 92 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES well-watered. The O. Survey calls it “Highfold.” The prefix ‘y’ usually = M.E. Ey; an island, or land bounded by brooks, a peninsula ; but this description will not Suit the locality in question. I venture to Suggest, as the most obvious source, that the origin was the common descriptive formula, “In the field,’ that is to Say, Ithefeld, or Ithefold : abbreviated by custom to Ifeld and Yfold. This seems to be sup- ported by the occurence of the personal name, for example, of Adam Itheffeld. IPM. 1342. John, In- the-feld. (Cal: Corp : Rec. Gl.) 1318. Cf. Idenn and Ihain??? : also Sussex Manors. Ilburweslade. Illeburweslade. This name occurs in a XIII. c. deed relating to Eastleach. The sense is ‘the track, or ferry of one Ilburh, g. Ilburge.” The s is analogical. The suffix = A.S. (ge)lad. Inchbrook, near Nailsworth. Early forms are not forthcoming. There was likewise an Inchthrop (Ingthorp) near Cirencester. The prefix (properly indg-), was a river-term. (Cf. Ingceburne. C.D. IV. 157, A. D. Ioé2.) Also compare ‘Ynichebeche' in the Bailiwick of Bleyth, Forest of Dene (vol. XIV., Trans. Br. & Gl. Arch. Soc., p. 362). Inglestone. (m.) nr. Hawkesbury (now a farm). Inguston, F.F. I 6 Io. Ingleston and Ingaleston. Ton = an inclosure-farm. Combe-English, in CO. Somerset, is also Ingles-comb, which means Comb of the Angle, or Englishman ; but I think the first element here must have been Ingwulf; an A.S. p.n. Ingst or Inst. A hamlet of Olveston. Early forms are lacking to support any suitable conjecture as to the significance. But the name may have lost Some portion of its last element. (Cf. Insty : a path in Forest of Dene, vol. XV., Trans. Br. & GloS. Arch. Soc., p. 306). Ings(e)t (?) ILBURWESLADE—JACKAMENTS-BOTTOM 93 Iron-Acton. (m. & v.) on the Laden. See Lat- teridge. D. Actune. (I) Irene-Acton, 1312. Iront Acton 1316. Near it was Acton-Ilgar (p.n. Ilgar). IPM. I 368, Ylgar. A.S. iren = iron ; ac-tūn = oak-tree farm. This had belonged to Brictric Algarson. (2) Acton-Turville (i.e. Turberville) is on the Wiltshire border. (q.v.) Isbourne or Esseburn. (r.) a tributary to the Worcestershire Avon. C.D. 1368. A.D. 709. Esig- burn. 777, Esegburn, (C.D. I 3 I). Esingburnan, Isesingeburſtan. C.D. 1295. A.D. I OO2 Esingburn. The element Eserig forms the prefix to burn (A.S. burna) or stream. Although resembling one, the prefix cannot be an A-Saxon p.m. The unstressed element ‘ig,’ noticeable in the later forms, changes to ‘inge,’ as though importing the additional stream- term ; tızCg. Itchington. (m) in Thornbury. C.S. (1206). A.D. 967. Icemantune. D. Icetune. F.A.. I 284. Ichynton. Itchenton. There is another Itchington, in Suffolk (C.D. III., 316), deriving from the river Iceman ; a name of unknown meaning ; and another is in War- wickshire. The river Itchen, in Hants, was also once Icene. The meaning should be the inclosure on the Itchen. It is possible that the Small tributary to the local Ladent bore this name in Saxon times. The medial element all has become ing—as in Bladaeſt : Bledington Ivory-mead, in Staunton. Perhaps an altered form of Ebury, or Ewbury; but a John Ivore is men- tioned in the Pleas of the Crown, A.D. 1221, N° 426. (Maitland). Jackaments - Bottom. Jackments. Jakemans. Jacumans-bottom, (by Cuckerton Grove). E. McClure (see p. 158 n. British P1.-names) would connect the suffix with (W) mynydd, mynde (a mountain). Others have tried to connect the prefix with Akeman, owing 9.4 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES to the name of the well-known Roman street, as though the initial / were excrescent. The entire name, on the Other hand, is that of a comparatively modern person, Jackman. (Cf. Walter Jakemans, IPM. 1355. File 318, No. 7.) In ‘Jacumans,’ consequently, the truth is nearer to the surface than in those forms having the excrescent ‘t.’ Near Minety the name Dorman has Similarly become ‘Dorments.’ Jackments-Barn lies near the last-named place. Jack-Barrow, near Duntesbourne. (Cf. Jackfield in Salop). Possibly deriving from some pre-Saxon name. There can be no initial J from A.S. except through mispelling. Joyford. Forest of Dene. Early forms are want- ing ; but Joie, Joye, was a p.m. in the XII. C. Karswell, in Dursley. (c.) I 160 A.D. (now Caswell.) Cf. Carlswall in Newent, which in 1221 (P.C.) was Rerswelle, and in A.D. 1303 (F.A.) was written Casse- walle, and (1346), Carlswall, is now Karswell. Also Casswelle and Crassewelle, in Devon, are now Kers- well. (Lib. Rub. pp. 558, 678, 791). In Gower and Chaucer, (water)-cress is usually spelt ‘kers.’ M.E. Welle = spring. Metathesis is responsible for the positions of the ‘r’ in all these examples. The mean- ing is Cress-well. A.S. Cerse : water-cress. Kemble. (m. & town). Not in D.S. In the Liber Niger it is Kenebelle ; thus resembling the D. Chene- bella for Great Kimble in Bucks ; and it is identical with Renebelle. (Taxo. P.N. 1291). The Saxon Cynebeald, brother of Ceawlin and Ceadda, occurs in D.C.B. j. 738; but his connection with this place-name is not made out. Kemerton. (m. v. p.) near Bredon. D. Chenemer- ton, Chinemertzene, Canteberton. F. A. Ke7tenterto??. (1346). The tün, or farm-enclosure of Cynemaer. JACK-BARROW–KILTHORNE 95 Kempley. (m.p. & v.) D. Chenepelei. 1195 (F.F. Ric. I., a. 7) Kempelee. P.C. 122 I. Kenepelege. I 239 Renepelega. F.A. Kempeleye. 1346. The prefix points to the A.S. p.m. Cnapa. The sense, therefore, is the pasture, or ley, of Cnapa. Kempsford. (n.) A.S. Ch. A.D. Soo Kynemere- fjorde. D. Chenzenteresſorde. Kenyne, aford. F. A. Kynemers/orde. (1346). The ford of Cynemaer. Kenesley, in Abenhall. ſenesleye. The prefix represents the A.S. p.m. Ken, i.e. Keen's-lea. Ketford. (m.) in Dymock. D. Chitiſord. (Corp : Rec: G1.) A.D. 1200 Keddeford. IPM. 1306, Ketifort. Retford, Keliſorde, Ketifort, Kelle/ord. The prefix answers to Cyta A.S. p.m. gen. Cytan, weakened to ‘en.” The ‘n’ has later on been dropped before ‘f,’ leaving Kette/ord. Finally, the ‘e’ has followed. The sense is Cyta's ford. A.S. y often developes M.E. e. Kiftsgate. (Hundred). D. Cheſtesihat, P.C. 1221. Rºyſtesgate. KuſteSeyle, I 255. L.B.W. I 39 I. KippiS- gate. The forms have suffered little transformation as to the prefix; and Kippisgate is as late as the I 6th century. There is no recorded A.S. p.m. answering to Kyft. M. E. geat, yate. (1) Kilcot (Cassey) in Newent. D. Chilecot. P.C. 122 I Killicote. IPM. 1283. Kyllicole. F.A. Kylcote. I 28 I Killecote, Kylcot. Kulkotte, I 307 (2) Killcote in Hillesley (Hawkesbury). Killa or Cylla occurs in a Mercian Charter as a p.m., and Such it is here. ‘ On Cyllincgcotan,’ which occurs in Ead- gar's Charter to the monks of Pershore in A.D. 972, may safely be identified with this instance; i.e. ‘the cotes belonging to the Sons of Cylla.’ Kil-(Kyl-)thorne. (c. 1280). (B. Mts. 676, 677). There was a Kyllhornescroſt in Brookthorp. 96 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Kimsbury. (m.) in Upton - St. - Leonards and Painswick. (H.C. Gl. I. 63). A.D. I I 2 I Kenemesburia. Corp : Rec : Gl. Kinzenteresbur. c. I 230. Kymenteres- bury, Kenemaresbury, Kynemarsbury. The bury, or fortified homestead, of Cynemaer. (See Kempsford). Kingscote. D. Ching escote. (c. 1200) King escote. It comprised land belonging to the Crown. King, i.e. A.S. Cyning, became a family name : (c.) I 25o. Kingsholm. Now a hamlet in Barton (Gloucester). D. Chingeshame. King'ehame. IPM. (1345) La Kyngeshome. KyngeShown me. Near Kings Hall. (Aula Regis) (c.) 1210. (Corp : Rec : G1.) The hamm of the Mercian Kings, next Gloucester (Sandhurst Lane). The Hamm or homme was the demesne pasture around it. In the many variants of this name we see the A.S. Håm, a dwelling-place, confused by assimilation with Hamm, Homme, a riverside meadow. The suffix Holm, like the O. N. Holm, but not, how- ever, identical with it, is a substitution. Kingswood. Wotton-under-Edge (not mentioned in D.S.) Kyngeswodd : once, a royal possession, i.e. the King’s wood. Knappestysenese (Forest of Dene). See Cnappes- tysenese. - Knappestys-forde (Forest of Dene). See Cnappes- tyse-forde. Kynsyescroft. In Newington-Bagpath. The pre- fix represents the known A.S. p.m. Cynesige. The suffix means a small field, sometimes a little farm. Ladewent. Formerly in Westbury Hundred : but not identified to-day. M. E. Went = a path (v. Wenden). Cf. Nevent. The significance of the prefix Lade here must remain doubtful. KIMSBURY-LASSINGTON 97 Ladycroft. 1312, Levedycroft. M.E. Levedi, from A.S. Hlāfāige. A croft is a small farm, here, perhaps, a Queen’s. It lay without the N. Gate of Gloucester. Lagger. A portion of Stroud and of Minchinhamp- ton (1628) was so-called. Perhaps the term is Anglo- Saxon. Dialectal usage makes it mean a strip of land. Lancaut. (p.) 2 m. N.E. from Chepstow. (C.S. 928). A.D. 956, Landcawet (K. vol. III., p. 450). (P.C.) I 22 I Langcant. This may have originated in (W.) Llanted : a clearing : Cauad : enclosed. Langbridge. (Hundred.) D. Langebrige = Long- bridge. Langet. Langett. Langette. Langate. (A long narrow wood). (I) a narrow strip of wood, (2) a neck of land. Often regarded as deriving from F. Languette ; but the Spellings point to A.S. Lang ; geat, = gate. Langstow. A.S. Stöw, a place, or (sometimes) an encampment Langtree. (m & hundred). D. Langetrev. Long- free, Langtre. A.S. Ch. Langatreo = tall tree. A.S. TrèOW : a tree. Lansdown. Launtesdon. La7ttesdon. Lantsdon. The prefix looks like a p.m. of doubtful origin. A.S. Dún : a down. w. Lapley. Lappeleye 1315. H.C. Gl. It is situated be- side the Highway between Coaley and Frocester. A.S. p.m. Hlappa. The sense is Hlappa's ley: or clearing. Lasborough. (m.) part of Weston Birt. (Corp. Rec. Glos. c. 1220). Lasseberewe. Lasseberg. (c. 1250). Lesseberwe. K.Q. I 284. The original terminal Was M.E. for A.S. bedrg = a mound, or barrow. The prefix is M.E. Lasse, i.e. Less, from A.S. Laessa = less(er). Lassington. (parish adjoining Highnam, and m.) c. 1220. Lassed une. LaSSyndon (1348). LaSSendent. Another type, however, presents Lavintone. Levin- deme. Levintun. (1241). This may point to a prefix 98 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES of pre-English origin. A.S. Laessan (dat.) has become LaSSyn: by weakening. Latteridge. (A hamlet) in Iron Acton parish. P.R. (a. 22 Hen. II.) I 177 Laderugge. Ladrug.—P.C. I 22 I. Ladderuge.—Ladenridge on the (r.) Laden, or Ledene (q.v.) It was apparently known also as Labrug (K.O. 1285). There are several streams bear- ing (or which once bore) the name of Leadon ; but the origin is obscure. The suffix A.S. hrycg, M.E. rügge, (dat.) = ridge. LaVerton. (p.) near Buckland. G de Lawertune (1220-43) occurs as a witness. B.M. Early forms are unforthcoming. (Cf. High Laver; alta Lanfare, Essex). Perhaps from A.S. Laefer : rush, and Tūn = a farm- enclosure. Lawe. This suffix occurs in the Forest of Dene ; as Rushey-Lawe, Horse-Lawe, Beche-Lawe, etc. It signifies a mound, or tumulus here. M.E. (h)lawe. A.S. Hlaw, hlaew ; and is not, as sometimes stated, akin to Lawl : a glade in a Wood. Lea Bailley. (m.) a Bailiwick in the Forest of Dene. P.R. 6 Ric. I. A.D. I 195, La legat. The manor held by Nicholas de Lacuſ, temp. Edw. I., was known as “the Lea.” O.F. Baillie : Lordship, Jurisdiction. Lea, A.S. 1éah : pasture ; but the Bailiwick was also called Laca, and Lacu, and Lay. (IPM. of John de la Lee—“ Forest of Lay ” I 275 (No. 90) ). There has apparently occurred confusion, which has easily arisen owing to a similarity of terms bearing totally different meanings. The root-word here was A.S. Lacu ; M.E. Lac (d. 1áke) ; meaning a pool ; but in Gloucestershire and Somerset,_ a stream. Leach. (r.) River-name. The Leach joins the Thames at Lechlade, giving name also to Northleach and Eastleach. Perhaps related to A.S. Leccan : to water.” * See Wyld Appendix, s.v. late: PL-N. Lancs. LATTERIDGE-LEIGHTERTON 99 Leadon. (r.) An important western tributary of the Severn. A.D. 972 Ledene. Laden. Ledden. (P.C.) Ledene, I 22 I. Leden, I 235. Probably, a pre-Saxon river-name. It has been borne by more small streams in the country than bear it even at present. (Cf. Latteridge). Leasowes (The). Meadow-land. A. S. Lāčswe, dat. of Læs : pasture. A word of uncertain origin ; but not confined to any particular county. Leaze (The). Pasture. Lechlade. Lecche. (C.S. 535). A.D. 872. D. Lece- lade. P.C. 1221. Lichelade. Later forms are Lecche- lade. Lechelade, i.e. the way, or ferry-way, over the river Leach. M.E. Lade: path. A.S. (ge)lád. Leckhampton. (2 m. p. & v.) D. Lechantone. Leiſhamptone (1218). T.N. Leckanton and Lechannetone. P.C. 1221. Lechtintone. Leckington. Lekinton. Perhaps from the A.S. Leac : a leek, the plant. The sense is the Leek-homestead : unless the plant-name stood, as it may have done, for a personal name. Curiously, it was held by the Royal Cook, early in 13th cent. Ledencomb. (Once) Nr. Cranham. A.D. I 121. (H.C. Gl. I. 63. 205). Ledecome. Ledemecome. The sense seems to be the comb, or vale, of the ‘Leden.’ The latter is a river-name of pre-Saxon origin, and it occurs in various localities. Hence it would appear to have been the name of the Wick-water, at Painswick. Ledgemore. In Avening. (See Losemore). Leigh (The). In Deerhurst Hundred, 5 m. N. of Gloucester. D. La Lege. A.S. Leah (dat. leage) M.E. Leye. Pasture, or untilled land. Leighterton. (m.) now annexed to Boxwell. H.C. G1. vol. 1. 96-7. (c.) I 140. Letthrinton. Lettrinthome. IPM. 1273. Leittrinton. Lecchetrintone. IPM. I.287. Leytrintone. The personal name involved here may possibly have been Leothere, the Sense being ‘the I I OO GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES farm-inclosure’ of the Leotherings. But the forms are exceptionally strained. Lemhill. (In p. of Lechlade). Lemington. Near Moreton in the Marsh D. (1) Zemining tune. D. (2) Zimentone, Zeminton. Zymyn- ton. Lympincton. Tax” P.N. 1291. The first Domes- day form suggests a fuller early Leofnnaminga-tūn; that is to say, the ‘ton,’ or farm, of the sons of Leof. man. (Lemman, for Leofman). But Limininge, now Lymage (Co. Hunts) in Select Pleas of the Forest (p. 22 was also spelled Limining. (See H. M. Chadwick, Studies of Old English; Camb: Ph : Tr. Vol. IV. pt. 2), 147). But that example is derived from a river-name, * Limin,’ and (probably) from incg : a stream-terminal. I think the present name likewise owes its ing to the same source, and not to a patronymic one. Whether the so-called Knee-brook ever bore the name of Linzin no Charter as yet has revealed. Lesemere. (m.) See Losemore. Lidcomb. (c.) above Stanton. No early forms occur. Lillescroft. Lullescroft. The small farm, or croft, of one Lull. (A.S. p.m.) Lilley-Horn. Nr. Oakridge. The suffix repre- sents M.E. Hürne (A.S. Hyrne); an angle, corner, or nook, or tongue of land, Horn—while Lilly possibly stands for Linleye—7tl assimilated to ll. There was another Lylley in Brockworth. A.S. Lin = Flax. The meaning, therefore, may be Flax-ley = a ground Set apart for the cultivation of Flax. Nevertheless, it is not to be forgotten that Lilla appears often as a p.m. (Cf. Crawford Charters, p. 51, W. H. Stevenson). See Bouncehorn. Lillington. This possession of Gloucester Abbey of S. Peter was in Warwickshire. Lilliºtthone, Lilliºt- tone, Lylytone, Lylton, Lilentitne, Liletztºº. Lilla is a known A.S. p.m. The owner of the tüm, or enclosed LEM HILL–LODEBROKES REODE I O I farm was Lilla. The g. Lillan having first weakened to Lillent, this in turn has passed into ‘ing' as though the plural genitive were the more natural form in a compound word. Lincombe. I j4 m. N. of Painswick. The Flax- valley—A.S. lin: flax. Listercombe. Nr. Chedworth. The prefix can- not be identified with any A.S. p.m. One turns, there- fore, to Chaucer’s ‘Former Age” (17) recalling the ‘litestere, otherwise ‘Litster,’ or dyer. The sense would be Dyer’s-combe. But early forms are wanting to confirm the conjecture. - Littleton. (m.) on Severn. D. Liteltone (d.) The sense is “ the Small farm,” or ton. See Gretton. Littleworth. A hamlet of Gloucester. A.S. Worth : a farm. Llanthony, at Gloucester. Lantonia, Lontonia, Lantone. (P.C.) I 221, Launtoney.—Llanthony. The Priory was named from the mother Priory, Llanthony, near Abergavenny. Llan (W) (1) an enclosure, (2) a church-plot. Hondu, or Hodeni is the name of the stream upon which it is situated. Giraldus tells us “ the English corruptly call it Lanthoni ; whereas it should either be called Nanthodeni, that is the brook Hodeni, or else Lajthodeſti, the Church upon the Hodenzi.” But this change has been common : i.e. initial N to L. As Zachrisson notes, Nantyan (Co. Corn :) is now Lan/yan. - Lodebrokesreode. (d.) Forest of Dene. M.E. Hrēod, a reed-bed. The actual stream in the Forest of Dean, which gave the name here, was the Lyd- brook. In this case the ‘s’ is inorganic and intrusive. (See Lydbrook). In the Perambulation of the Forest A.D. 1 281, where the name appears, it is also written Latdebroſe. I 2 I O2 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Longborough. (m.) Nr. Moreton-in-the-Marsh, 3 m. S. W. of it. D. Langeberge. K. Q. Langeberga (latinised). A.S. bedrg, bedrh. M.E. becruh, berge; a hill, or a burial-mound. The sense here is Long- barrow. “Being little used, it was easily confused with the Modern E. borough.”—Skeat. (PI. N. of Berks.) Longbridge. Nr. Berkeley. There was one also at Gloucester which gave name to a D. hundred. Longdon. Langedon. Langhedon–Long-Down. Longford. (m.) Langford, 1 m. N. of Gloucester. Longhope. (p. & v.) 9 m. W. of Gloucester. M.E. Hop(e) = a valley. Longney. (m. p. & V.) 7 m. S.W. of Gloucester. (Earle, L.Ch.: p. 442). A. D. 972 Longanege. D. Lan- genei. Longemeye. A.S. Teg, ig, an island, or water- environed place ‘in-Langan-ege.” Long-island (g = y). Longridge. Nr. Painswick. Longerugge, Long- ereche, Langerech, Langridge. A.S. Hrycg, a ridge. M.E. Rüg : dat. rigge. s Lorwinch. (m.) nr. Slimbridge and Berkeley Heath. A.D. I 124 Lorlynge. (H.C. Gl. I. I 14). T.N. Lorlinges. Lorewink, I 236. Loreweng', Lorwenge. (c.) I270, Lorwyn, Lorewynge, Lorwyne, Lorrenge, Lorenge, Lor/inch. Laurewyge 1340. Lawrenge (a. 32 Hen. VI. B. Mts.) Lorridge. The earliest forms present the medial ‘l,” the later ones usually—w. As the N.E.D. does not record latztrer lor, − the laurel- tree (L. Laureola) until A.D. 1300, we cannot claim that origin for this prefix: nor will the W. llawrwydd help us. But we have to be reminded (1) that the spellings are those of the Norman first period; (2) that the Norman writer was dealing with some place-name, the prefix of which probably represented Some pre-English term, the meaning of which was unknown to him ; and which may have been a LONGBOROUGH-LYDBROOK IO3 river-name of Celtic origin. Owing to the spot which bears the name becoming an early possession of the Berkeleys, who gave it to the Priory of Leonard Stanley, it has been handed down in an exceptionally rich diversity of forms. This throws us directly upon the meaning of the particular ‘ing ' concerned ; –i.e., probably, inge from incg : a stream-term. Losemore. in Avening, Lowesſnare (1294), Lese- mere (1543), LoySeniore, Loosemore. Perhaps for Leofwinesmor, from A.S. p.m. Leof: mor: (d.) a moor or Swamp. Ludgarshall. In the vale of Uley at Newington- Bagpath (c.) 1220. (Corp : Rec: Gl. No. 167). Lute- gareShale.— I 3 IO, LOleg areShale. I 280, LelegatreShale. Larges/tall. The prefix answers to the known A.S. p.m. Ludegar (K.C.D. 654). Håle (dat.) Mercian Hålh (A.S. Healh). The sense is the hale, or corner- meadow belonging to Lutegar or Ludegar. ſ Lullingwell. In Painswick. | Lullingworth. The Spring, and worth, or farm- stead, of the Lullings, or descendants of Lulla. The latter is a well-known A.S. p.m. Lutheredge. (f.) nr. Horsley. Also Luttridge. Answers to M.E. Lüt = Little (Cf. Luthebury for Littlebury F.A.) The sense is at Small ridge.’ Lydbrook. (v.) on the Wye. IPM. Luddebrok. This XIII. century form looks as if the personal name * Lydda’ might be involved. But this prefix is of SO frequent an occurrence in river-names, that one is tempted to suspect that Some pre-Saxon river-name has become assimilated in Saxon days to a perS.-name of a later date. (Cf. Ludelawe and Lodelawe for Ludlow). D.S. also contains a Ludebroc : and there is Ludepol juxta Severne, C.D. 654. Moreover, IO4 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES the Peramb: Forestae, 1281, mentions this stream as Lodebrok. Lydney. (m. p. & town) 9 m. N.E. of Chepstow. C.S. 1282. A.D. 972 Lidanege. D. Lindemee. (P.C.) I 22 I Lidenei.e. Later forms are Ledenei, Ledeney, Lyddeney. The river-name ‘Leden,” therefore, forms the first element: while the terminal, ‘eg’ = A.S. ſeg (g = y) means an island. The sense is ‘the island in the Leden, or Lydden. Lye. (m.) Zyegh, Zyghe, Zege, Zeigh all deriving from A.S. Leah : M.E. Lei : a pasture, grass-land. Lypiatt. (m.) Zippehlette, Zypgate, Zupeyate, A.yppyate. There are Several places so-named in the county, besides the example near Stroud. This last is usually given its origin in A.S. Hléapan" : to leap. Geat : gate =(g = y) Yate. There is no local, or docu- mentary, evidence of there having been an especial deer-leap at Lypiatt. Hence, it seems safer to refer the first element in this name to the ‘ Hlype,’ a word of yet undefined meaning, (as Mr W. H. Stevenson shews: Cf. Crawford Charters 2, p. 54-5), which is of fairly frequent occurrence, both as prefix and suffix ; and which bears both a strong and a weak fem. (1) Hlyp (2) Hype. As the Editors of the above Charters have been careful to point out “it occurs alone, and also preceded by names of persons, and is not uncommon in compounds of which the first element is the name of an animal or bird (Swealewan-hlype = Swallow- lip, hinde-hlype, wulf-hlype.) It is also found as the first part of compounds, where it is followed by a noun denoting Some common boundary - mark, like Cumb, burna, geat. It is not impossible that we have here more than one word. The meaning “leap' which is sometimes given to it certainly does not suit in all cases. . . . The prepositions into, act, which we * Late W.S. hly p(e) stands for Early W.S. hlièp(e), a mutated form of hleap. LYDNEY —MAREFORD IO5 find used with hindehlype, point rather to an enclosed Space than to a mere line.” So that Zyppiatt, or Hlyp- yeat, Was probably an entrance to some form of en- closure, or district. The meaning of the term, in the Forest of Dene, seems to have been simply ‘a style.” Maiden-Hill. At Randwick. A.S. Maegden : maiden. The Sense is perhaps “easy-hill’: a hill suited to maidens (Cf. Maid's Causeway, in Cambridge, and also see Prof. Skeat's ‘Place-names of Berkshire,’ p. 63-4). Maisemore. 2 m. N.W. of Gloucester. D. Mer- well. P.C. 122 I. Meismore. Meyesmora, Mayesmore, Maysemore, MaySynor. Máeg (g = y) is a known A.S. p.m. The Suffix is Mór = a moor, waste-land. The meaning, I think, is Maeg's-moor. The first Norman Scribe here appears to have taken down an inexplicable Maerewen. Maisey Hampton. (m.) 2 m. W. of Fairford. D. Hantune. Meisi-Hantone. The prefix here is due to the De Meysi family, 13th century, who became lords of the manor. The ‘p' in Hampton is always intrusive. Malswick. Nr. Newent. Maulswick. Malsewicke. The prefix suggests the A.S. p.m. Mal, or Maethel. Cf. Malshanger, Mals-worth, (perhaps) Malwood; A.S. Wic—a village ; probably adapted from the Latin, Vicus. But the forms are late. Mangotsfield. 5 m. N.E. of Bristol. D. Mane- godes felle. I 231 Manegodesfield. MaggerySfeld. A.S. p.m. Mangod: Manegot (B.C.S. 1309, and K.C.D. 1275). The field of one, Mangod. The Anglo-Saxons used as p.ns. both this one and Godeman. Marchfield. (See Marshfield). Mareford. Forest of Dene. O.E. mere-ford would become Marford, as Merefuzz becomes Marton. The sense is “at the mere-ford.” IO6 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Maresden. Near Rapsgate Farm. M.E. Mareis, Mares, = Morass. Peter de Mareys : John de Mareis were local tenants. M.E. Dene = a valley. The place, therefore, probably gave its name to the owners, - De Mareys. (O.F. Marois). Cf. M.E. Dict. : Stratmann- Bradley. Marlebrugge. Forest of Dene and Marlewey. O. F. Marle (marne) a stiff clay. The A.S. is marma ; borrowed from Lat. marmor. (Cf. Marle Cliff: A.S. Marnan-clive, near Cleeve Prior., Co. Wor: Chaucer has “Marle-pit,” C.T.A. 3460, Ed. Skeat. The term marle is also applied to Forest-marble. A.S. brycg = bridge. Marlewood in Thornbury (The Park). P.C. (1221) Morlewude. Morlewode (1347). Morlewodde (Leland). M.E. Marl = clay, or sometimes, Sand and Stone mixed. (Cf. Red-Marley; Marle-pit, &c.) But the forms do not agree with this origin. - Mars. (m.) nr. Thornbury : now a tithing only. Marse, Mers, M.E. Mersche (d): Marsh. Marshfield. (m.) 5 m. N. of Box Station, G. W.R. It belonged to Queen Edith. D. Meresſelde. (I 221), Maresfelde. Maresfield, Marsfield, Marchfield. A.S. maeres, g. of Maer, possibly a short form of Maerwine, etc. : More. Marsh is due to popular etymology. Marston. There are both Broad and Long Mars- ton. The latter was once Dry-Marston (Merston Sicca). Domesday gives Merestume and Merestone. The later form is Merston. The prefix represents A.S. (ge)máčre-stan = boundary Stone. Marwent. Nr. Gloucester. P.C.. I 22 I, Marité??!. Morrewent. Marewent (1244). Morwent (H.C., Gl., iii. p. 68. note). The prefix is probably related to some non-English word. The suffix ‘ went," M.E. a path, derives from v. Wenden. The sense is not obvious.* On the other hand, if it derives from * The terminal may represent (W) Gwent. Cf. Over-Went = Upper Gwent. Round, Peerage Studies, p. 21 I. MARESIDEN — MEEN ID IO7 (ge) maere, the prefix = boundary. Cf. Ladewent, Netherwenz/. Matford. In the manor of Berkeley, (c. 1270) Math- ſord. Possibly an A.S. p.m. like Maethel,-Mathel, was represented here : but intermediate forms are wanting. Matson. (m.p. v.) At the foot of Robin's-wood Hill, 2 m. E. of Gloucester. It does not occur in D.S., but abundant early variants nevertheless are extant : Malesdona H.C. Gl. (c.) I I 2 I. J/etteresd(un) Corp. Rec. I 199. Matteresdune, MatteSdune, Matredone, Matysdone, Mattersdone, Maldson. The A.S. personal name involved is Maeth-here (Cf. Searle, Onomasticon). An early name for Robin's-wood Hill was Matlesknoll. The suffix represents Down, Shortened to Don, and representing M.E. Dune: a down, The “d has now Sacrificed itself to the ‘t’ SOund and has been absorbed by the ‘s,’ leaving simply, Matson - Maugersbury. (m) nr. Stow-on-the-Wold. A.D. 949 (B.C.S. 882). Maethelgeresbyrig, Malgaresburge. The known A.S. stem. Maethel likewise occurs in Maethel-helm, Maethel-wine, etc. The Suffix had its root in the dat. of A.S. Burh = an enclosed place, fort, village, or homestead, belonging to Maethelgar. Maylescoyt. A.D. 1281. A large district in the Forest of Dene. Malyscott I 630, to-day, Ilſall/Scott. Mails-croft. The prefix was probably the A.S. p.m. Maethel. The terminal, however, Seems to represent the A.S. Cot(t). Coyt is possibly a scribal eccentricity.” Meend, Myende. Meand. Frequent in the Forest of Dene. Dr. E. McClure (p. 158 Br. Place-names : note) connects it with the Cornish Mened/, and mene; or with Welsh, Mynydd, =mountain or ridge. (Cf. Long Mynde ; La Munede: Co. Salop. Now, it is true that the scribe who indited the Perambulation of the Forest of Dene in 1281, bailiwick by bailiwick, has * But Cf. Wennescoil = Gwent Iscoed; and A/aiscoiſ, nr. Ewyas- Harold. IO8 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES used this identical term Ilſumede over and over again : So much So that, did it here signify what it meant in Shropshire, the said forest would be a region of markedly mountainous character, which it cannot be Said to be. But, it is noteworthy that the same scribe, when he does meet with an exceptional hill, does not call it Metzlede, but Mons, and when he has occasion to Write down the conspicuous spot known to-day as Serridge, he calls it not Mynydd, Minde, or Ilſons, but Segret gige. What, then, can be the interpretation of his word Muzzede, which thus occurs over and over again P and why was it that—whereas there are over twenty “ Meends' in these Bailwicks of the Forest,- this ‘ careful clerk’ has not Once referred to them 2 I think it possible that, contrary to anything we might etymologically expect, he used the term Ilſunede for Meand. But I must here refer this matter (until such time as it shall be settled) to Appendix, iii. (q.v.) Meon. (m.) nr. Longborough. (P.R. a. Io, Hen. II.) Muna, Meon, Meen (P.C.) 1221. Meene; Meone. Mune (K.O.) Meone. It was a dependency of Quenton. Meon Hill Camp was probably part of it. The name is familiar in Hampshire. It is not known to what language that belongs. Merescombe. (c.) 1182. Merescumbe. The prefix is probably for Maeres, gen. of Maer, a pers.-n. Meresty. In Forest of Dene. The prefix is for M.E. Maer (for A.S. (ge)mäere) a boundary. The suffix represents A.S. Stig: Stiga (g = y) a path. (Cf. Cnappe- sty). The meaning is the path at the boundary. Mereway.” M.E. (ge)maere : a boundary. The sense is the track near, or at, the boundary, Or mere, “ the lake.’ Mesne. Cliffords, –Priors, –from OF. MeS7tee, Or 1jiaisnie, -a household. see winchcombe Ct. Rolls (Mss.) for stanton Maer. MEON.—MISER DEN IO9 Michelbourne. M.E. Muchel ; great, large. The root is in A S Mycel; bourne, ‘a stream.’ Micheldean. Forest of Dene. Mucheldene. Mit. Cheldenze. Michelmead. At High Leadon, Muchelemede, Mitcleſ) lede, Muchelesmede. Michelwood. (Chase.) Mickelwood (miscalled MichaelSwood), at Berkeley. In all these the prefix is the M.E. Muchel, Muckel : adj. great, large. A.S. Mycel. Mickleton. A village, 3 m. N. of Campden. D. Muceltude. F.A. (1285) Moketon, Mekelton, Mukletone. M.E. Muchel = great. Ton: or farm-enclosure (A.S. tūn). Minchinhampton. (m.) D. Hantone. (Cal. Doc. Fr.) I 187. Hantone. I m. S. of Brimscombe. The 13th c. forms are Munnechen-hampton, Monneken- hampton, Mynchynhampton, and Munchun-hampton. The prefix ‘Minchin' represents the M.E. rendering of A.S. Mynece, Münechene; (Cf. Italian, Monache) (pl). The nuns’ Hampton, (Cf. Trevisa, VI. 53). Minsterworth. (m.) 4% m. W. of Gloucester. (P.C.) 1221. Munstrewurthe. (13th Cent.) Meenstre- worth, Munsterworthin, Ministrevorsin. The prefix is M.E. Münster from A.S. Mynster, n. a monastery, or church : the suffix, Worthine = homestead, or farm ; now ‘worth.” Minsterworth belonged to the Abbey of St. Peter, at Gloucester. At D.S. the locality was known as Hajji ſne , = enclosed meadow-land. Miserden. (m.) D. Grenhamstede. Later Mus- ardir, Musardere, Za Musadere, and also Le Musarder, Miserdine. The place has taken its name from a foreign family named Musard ; but has undergone exceptional transformation. I IO GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Mixerne. XIII. c. A village belonging to Winch- combe Abbey. Also Blakemixerne (1300). The prefix is possibly A.S. mixen : dung. A.S. aern = house. M.E. Ern. (Cf. Brewern). The forms are old. Modesgate. (m.) in Westbury Hundred. D. J/odiele. Modiett, Maiott. Madgett. The prefix is possibly the Welsh word Mod = enclosure. The terminal is, how- ever, obscure : but may be referred to A.S. great. Morchard and Norchard. In Forest of Dene region. Perhaps, (by transference of 71 or m), for Æt thäm origearde; and Atten orce(a)rde. Cf. R. E. Zach- risson. Anglo-Norman Influence on English Pl.-names, p. 81-2. A.S. Ortceard= wort-yard. Mod. Orchard. Morcote. (m.) in Langebridge (D.) Hundred. (Minsterworth parish). D. Morcote. Later Morkote. Morcott, Jſurcott, A.S. M16 r ; M.E. Mör—a moor. Moreton-in-the-Marsh. (v.) D. Mortune (d.) Later Mort/lone. A.S. Mör, a moor : tûn, an enclosure, or farm. The suffix prior to the 13th cent : was FIen intersc/le, Henneſºters, Hennerse, En 17terse. In early Chan. Proc: (I. 376) A.D. 1482 : Morton-in- Hen intersS/i occurs. See Henmarsh. Moreton-Valence. In Witestan Hundred (D.S.) Held by Durand, the Sheriff, IoS6. D. Mortune (d.) (vide preceding). William de Valence, half-brother of Henry III., became lord of the manor and was succeeded there by Aymar de Valence, his Son, who gave it to the Abbey of St. Peter, Gloucester. M.E. Mör dat. Möre. In this case the town is under the hills: and the ‘moor’ was probably Swampy ground. Morwode-enese. Forest of Dene. Literally Morewood : A.S. mor: a marsh, or moor. The suffix represents a scribal error in writing, ‘ eveSé mod. ‘eaves: border, or edge.’ (Cf. CnappestyS-entese, also in the Bailiwick of Ruardin ; and “La Berses- MIXERNE–NAILSWORTH I I I enese,” in that of Berse.) The mediaeval clerk fre- quently confounded Small v, at, and 17. Moseley. Forest of Dene, Bailiwick of Blakeney. The not infrequent Anglo-Saxon form of this name is MOS/edge : literally, a marshy lea, or moss-lea. M.E. Mos: a bog. Mudgedown. Nr. Iron Acton. Early forms are lacking. A.S. Mycg = a midge. (Cf. Germ. : Mücke = a gnat). Lit. = The down haunted by gnats. Cf. Midgham in Berks. (Cf. Prof. Skeat's Berkshire Place-names). M.E. Mügge. Mulebache. Forest of Dene. Mulebec/le. M E. Mülne from A.S. Myln : a mill; M.E. Baech, a hollow, having a stream in it : dat. Baeche. Mune. (m.) A former dependency of Quenton manor. See Ilſeyte, Meon. Munmede, in Berkeley. A field-name. Mun looks like a Celtic survival. Irish Moin, pronounced mone. Cf. Welsh Mawn = bog. A.S. Maed = meadow. M.E. Mede. Munnow. (r.) Mon-mouth, Mune-mouth. Mune here appears as a river-name (see preceding). Murcott. I j4 m. N.W. Childs Wickham. Perhaps from M.E. Müre : mud. Myne. Cf. Newton Myne, Palewell Myne. M.E. Mine : a mine. F.-Lat. Mythe, The. Tewkesbury. A.S. Gemyth : a confluence. Here it signifies the meeting of the Avon and the Severn. It occurs in C.S. I. 308 denoting, the confluence of the Severn and Teme at Powick. The prefix ‘ge’ has been dropped, as in mere for gemäere. Nailslea. C.S. 164. A.D. 740 (c) Neglesleah. C.S. 574. A.D. 896 Nagleslege. See Stenton : PI.N. of Berks: p. 6. Nailsworth. Nayllesworth, 1308. The prefix repre- sents a p.m. Naegel. Of the two suffixes, A.S. leah, dat. leage (g = y) = pasture-field : and A.S. Worth = a home- stead, or farm. I [2 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Nash (1) as in Prinknash (q.v.) Nash here probably represents A.S. ESSche, M.E. Asch, esche: an ash-tree. M.E. Atten-ash ; Atte Nash = at the Ash. At Prink- nash there is a field called The Great Nash. Ten = A.S. than, dat. 11euter of the def. article. Nash (2). Sometimes so written for Nass (q.v.) A.S. Naess, O.N. Nes, a promontory (Cf. Sharpness). Cf. Nash on the Glamorganshire coast. Nass in Lydney Hundred, on the Severn. D. Avest. Nasse. Wesse. Ness. A.S. Naess. O.N. nes=a promon- tory, headland. The word is not a proof of the Scandinavian occupation any more than is ‘Thorp.’ Beowulf Sings of “windige 11a2SSas”; 1. 1358. Nastend. Near Eastington. Nast = weeds in fallow 1and. (E.D.D.) The meaning seems to be the weedy or neglected end, or limit. Natton. (m.) in Ashchurch. D. Natone, and Atone: the ‘n’ being sometimes dropped before a vowel in Gloucestershire. Nacton (Tax. P.N.) I 291. The prefix seems to represent the rarely-recorded p.m. Nata, as in Nategrave ; now Notgrove, (q.v.) Naunton (1) at the head of the Windrush. D. Niwetone. Later Newenton, Naweltton, Neweton, Newnton : until the XIV. century. A.S. Niwe ; dative, niwan = new : tûne = ton: town, or farm-inclosure. The A.S. form was Niwanton. The sense is “at Newtown.” Naunton (2) near Winchcombe. Newinton, New- enton. M.E. Newen : dative of Newe. The Sense is at New-town. - Nelms, The. At Owlpen. (A spring). The initial 77 is a survival of the definite article, as in Noke and Nash. Another example occurs near Sandwich, Co. Kent. Nesley. In Beverston. The prefix may be from A.S. Naess: a promontory. Ness is often found far inland, NASH – NIBLEY II 3 as in the well-known examples Great and Little Ness, Co. Salop. But it is more probable that the early form of the present name was ‘Nashley signifying the field at the Ash-tree. See Nash (1). Nesse. In Berkeley Hundred. A.S. Naess. O.N. Nes: promontory. This was probably Schobbeness. (See Sharpness). Netherstrode. In Maisemore. (See Notherstrode.) Netherwent. Comprised the district and deanery of Chepstow. Wetrewent (M.S. Cott. Vespas. A. vi.) The suffix went—(W.) Gwent. (Cf. Over-went, Lade- went.) Nether = lower. Newbold. In Tredington. IVioweboldan, A.D. 991. It means simply at the new-house.” (A.S. Bold = house), M.E. bold. Newent. (m. and p.) D. Woent. (IPM.) A.D. 1299 Nottwente. Witwente. M.E. Went = way, from v. Wenden. A.S. Něowe, Nîowe : new. Newerne. Nr. Lydney. D. Wiware. The ter- minal represents A.S. AErn = a house, as in Bere-ærn = barn. The Sense is New-House. Newington. (1) Cold, (2) Bagpath. D. Weweton. Later IVowinton. Newent-tone. Niwent-toºt. Niwiłłłlt17. Nywenton. The modern E. ‘ing has resulted from M.E. ‘en'; A.S. ‘an': dative of Néowe. Newland. (m. v. & p.) in Forest of Dene. The meaning is newly-enclosed land. Newnham. (m. p. & borough) on the W. bank of the Severn. D. Wurzeham. Wewenham. IVeltheſtant. Neuhanz. A.S. Néowanhãm : the form is in the dative case, i.e. at the new-homestead, Or Village. Nibley. There are several examples of this name in the county. North Nibley is situated 3 m. N. of Charfield Station, M. R. The earliest forms are Nu- belei. Wubbeleigh—B.M. Nubbeleia (Lat.) c. 1200. I I4. GLO UCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES P.C. 1 22 I Nibbelege. —Wubelegh. Earle (Onomn.) gives Nybba as occurring locally : Nybban-beorh B.C.S. 764, K.C. D. I I 37. It may, therefore, represent a personal name, otherwise unrecorded. The original will have thus been AWybbanleage. Ninnage. Nr. Chaxhill. Wunnage. The prefix may stand for Nynna, an A.S. p.m. The early forms are unfortunately lacking : but the terminal, as in Chavenage, probably represents M.E. hache, acche : in Mod. Eng. Hatch = a small gate, or wicket. (Cf. Prof. W. W. Skeat, Place-names of Hertfordshire, under “Stevenage.’) But see Prinkenash. Node, The. An occasional field-name. The N.E.D. gives 1572 as the earliest quotation of this term. Noke, The. A field-name. Noake. Atte Woke— from M.E. ‘atten-oke—at the oak-tree. Nók is also M.E. for Nook, (pl. Nökes). Noose, The, or Nouze. In the Severn (opposite Frampton). This can scarcely represent the term moust, or noast : (Scandinavian)—meaning a landing- place where boats are drawn up. Origin unknown. Norbury. (c.) Nr. Farmington. North-bury, i.e. deriving from A.S. by rig, dat. of Burh ; an enclosed place, castle, or homestead. Norcott. (2 m.) D. (1) Wortcote, and (2) Worcote = Northcott (Preston). - Northleach. (m. p. & town). D. Zecce, on the river Leach (q.v.) . Northwick. Near Aust. Northwican (C.S. 936). (c) A.D. 955. A.S. Wic: a village. Norton. 5 m. N.N.E. of Gloucester. D. Wortune = North-ton, or town, or farm-enclosure. Notgrove. 6 m. S.W. of Stow-on-the-Wold. (C.S. 165). A.D. 743, Natangraf. D. Nategrave. The prefix derives apparently from Nāta (p. n.) B.C.S. 165, K.C. D. 90. The terminal A.S. graef; dative graefe = a trench. NINNAGE–NYMPHSFIELD II 5 The form ‘grove’ can have come about only by con- fusion with A.S. gräfa (m) a grove. Notherstrode. In Maisemore. M.E. Neother = Nether (See Stroud). The sense is lower. Nottingham. (1) Camp. Near Cleeve. Nottingham. (2) Scrub. In Painswick-Slad. Mr W. H. Stevenson, on p. 231 of his Edition of Asser's Life of Alfred, wrote, –“ The name is pat- ronymic, or possessive, originating in a personal name ‘Snot,’ probably connected with the adj. ‘snotor,” “wise.’” The meaning is the home of the descendants Of Snot : Smotinga-hām. Nup-end. The Nup, i.e. Knop (Cf. Knap). The meaning is, the top, or a rounded end, of a field. Nymphsfield. 2% m. S.E. of Frocester Station (M.R.) A.D. 872 Nymdesſelda (C.S. ii, 151). D. Nimdesſelde.—(1262) Nyndesfeld. Nemenesfeld. The prefix, with all the appearance of being a p.m. in the genitive, is, according to Mr W. H. Stevenson (Early Charters and Documents, Crawford Coll : pp. 58-59), ‘ IVy77ted,’ a term associated intimately with flowing rivers in certain Charters relating to Devon and Somerset. “The name is preserved in the various ‘Nymets' dotted about the country by the sides of the (western) river Yeo and the river Troney. On the 6-inch O.M. we find Wyntet wood, in Hittesleigh, abutting upon the Troney, Wymet Cross in the same parish, Broad ÎWynnel, Wymet Barton, Nynet Wood, IVymet Chapel at Bow, or Wymet Tracy. The hamlet or farm by Wymlet Wood, Hittesleigh, called “Easter- brook’ on the New Ord. Map, is called Nymph on the old one-inch. This seems, therefore, to be a corrup- tion of Nymet (Cf. the Gloucestershire Nymphs-field from Wyndes-feld). This form occurs in Nymph and West Nymph at South Tawton, Nickels Wymph at N. J I I 6 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Tawton, etc.” “It would be easier to account for this diffusion of the name in a limited district on the theory that Nymed was the name of a forest : it can hardly have been a common noun. But we see from , line 31 of our boundaries that the Nymed was a stream ‘On nymed mid streame” (A.D. 739, Grant of Land for the foundation of Crediton Monastery.)” * At our Gloucestershire ‘Myrmed,” which stands on exceedingly high ground of the Cotswold escarpment, is the Source of the water which flows down Wood- chester Park and the deep glen therein. “As regards the form of the word, the spelling Nymned is probably the correct one.” (W.H.S.). Oakhanger. Near Berkeley. (C.) 1250 B.M. Ochungre. M. E. Oke — oak. Hungre is a scribal alteration of Hanger: A.S. Hangra—a sloping wood. Oakle (Street). Near Minsterworth. Ocle, Okkele, Occley, A.S. Occan-leah ; from the A.S. p.m. Occa; gem. Occan. The sense is, therefore, at Occa’s pasture. Oakley. Near Cirencester. It belonged to the Royal manor there. Coates was within it. D. Achelie, a Norman rendering of (A.S. āc-1éah) = Oak-lea. Oakridge. Nr. Chalford. Ockerige. Oakeridge. Ocke represents a M.E. form for Oak; the terminal = M.E. ratgge: a ridge. Ocholte. Hachole. Hocholte. M. E. Ok, OC, - oak. A.S. Holt = a copse. Oddington. (m.) D. Olintune. Later, Odyntone, Otindon. Odynton. Othynton. The ton, or farm, of Otta or Odda ; or his descendants. As the Norman disliked and avoided ‘ng'; he clips the patronymic gen : pl. of the ‘g.’ (1) Oldbury-on-Hill. At Didmarton. (C.S. 1282). A.D. 972. Ealdanbyri. D. Aldeberie. The suffix = by rig d. Of A.S. Burh = fort. OAl{HANGER—OVERWENT - I 17 (2) Oldbury-on-Severn. Near Thornbury. c. I2OO, Oldebiri. 1301. Audeby re. The latter shews A.N. influence. Oldewortheynesasshe. In the Forest of Dene (1338). This name signified the ash-tree at Oldworthyn, rather than a personal name applied to a tree. It seems to have been not unusual to insert an inorganic ‘s’ When qualifying a mere locality by the addition to its name of a tree, or a brook, or a path. Cf. Berse(s)- enese: we have also Down-ampney(s)-wick. These were place-names in process of augmentation. The Second element is A.S. Weorthegn as in Shrawardine. Oldland. (m.) 2 m. N. of Bitton. D. Aldelande. Olney. Nr. Deerhurst. A.D. Io 16 Olan-ige.—12th c. (R.B.). Oleneye, Olaneye, Alney, Ainey. The r-name Alne has no bearing on this name. M.E. eie, ey, eye ; A.S. ieg, an island. (g = y). It is probable that the A.S. p.m. Olla, -an is the source of the prefix. Olveston. 3 m. S.W. of Thornbury. (c.) A.D. 955 Alvestume and Alvestona, (C.S. 936). Olveston 1303. Olston 1515. The prefix represents the A.S. p.m. AElf, es. The meaning is, therefore, Ælfes tún, or farm- enclosure. Ore or Oure. (See Over 2). A.S. ora, Öfer = bank, or margin. M.E. over : dat. Ovre. Osleworth. (See Ozleworth). Over. (1) Ofer, Overe, prep : A.S. Ofer = over = above. (2) M.E. Over, dat. Ovre. Sb. (m.) Edge, bank, shore (Cf. Germ. Ufer). “Ofre ad Gleavecestre” (C.S. 313) A.D. 804. - Overbury. (m. v. & p.) A.D. 875. Uſerebiri. D. Oureberie. A.S. Ufera. M.E. Uvere : adj: upper. The meaning is ‘the upper bury.’ Over-went. (m.) The suffix went may = (W) Gwent. Cf. Netherwent. The meaning is ‘the upper Gwent.’ See Marwent. J 2 II 8 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Owlpen. (m.) 3% m. S. of Frocester. Not in D.S. Ollepenne. (c. 12 Io), Olepenne. Olepenny. —I 322. (IPM.) Owlepenne. Ouldpen. Ulepenne. Holepen, Wolpen. The prefix probably represents A.S. p.m. Olla, Pen (A.S. Penn) = a fold. It must be confessed that the combination does not work very Satisfactorily ; though with the forms given it is difficult to arrive at any other conclusion. Owl = a late change. Oxenhall. (m.) nr. Dymock. D. Horsenehal.” Hocsenhale.—T.N. Oxhale.—1230 (c.) Oxonhale. The pasture of the Ox. A.S. Oxa : gen. pl. -ena. M.E. dal. Oxene. W.S. Healh = meadow : dat. Håle. Oxenhay. Nr. Berkeley. Oxehaye. Oxehey. Oxhaye (1243). M.E. hey, haye : an enclosed place : i.e. for Oxen. Oxenton. 4 m. E. of Tewkesbury. D. Oxendone. I 177 P.R. (a. 22, Hen. II.) OxSendone. Later, Oxin- dom. Mr Duignan (Worc. P.N.) cites C.D. 617 (A.D. 977). Oxna-dunes cnol—the knoll of the down of oxen. Oxene genz. of M.E. Oxe. Oxlynch. Hoxlynche. Howlinge. Hoglinge. M.E. Lench. Lynch. Link from A. S. Hlinc. It means a cultivation-terrace on a hill-side. The prefix here probably stands for a p.m. Hoke, or Hog. Ozleworth. (m.) 4% m. E. of Charfield Station, M.R. D. Olleworde. Later forms: Hoheleswordi (early 13th c.) Olesworthe, Oselwurthe, Osilworthe, Wogel- wltrſh, Owselworth. The Domesday scribe failed to interpret the strange sounds to which he must have listened when this manor was mentioned to him. The p.m. Osla is recorded in Searle (Onomast: p. 375): moreover, a local instance is there given of Oslan- -wyrth : i.e. Osla's worth, or farm-stead (B.C.S. 764: K.C.D. 1 137). But here the prefix more probably represents a metathesis of Olles, g. Of Oll: A.S. p.n. * The D.S. form represents a scribal error. OWLPEN — PARSETE-WAY II 9 Paganhill. Near Stroud. The earliest forms are F. A. I.346. Paganzhulle, Pagenhull, Pakenhill. Liter- ally the Hill of Paega : gen, an ; but the present form is probably due to influence of the word Pagan. Painswick. (m. p. v.) 3% m. N. of Stroud. D. Wyke. Later Wykeham, Wyke Pagani, Payneswyke, Payneswicke, Painswick. Pain Fitzjohn, the Justiciar- Sheriff, became lord there in right of Sybil, his wife, niece of Hugh de Laci. He probably fortified his castellum not far from the Church during the Civil Wars of Stephen. Pamington. Nr. Ashchurch. D. Pamintone.—Pam- yngton. Pamyntto11. Partynton. Panyngton, IPM. I.372. An unrecorded A.S. p.m. seems to be involved here in the patronymic form : unless that missing name was Padmaar : i.e. forming Padmaarington, abbreviated to Pamington. Paradise. Several places (fields and hamlets), bear this remarkable name ; the actual origin of which still remains obscure. It is far from being confined to this county. It is possible that it originated in the crops grown from ‘Paradise’-seed imported from Morocco or Tripoli, and sown early in the XV. century (see Thorold-Rogers). In the same century (1401) we meet with individuals so-named. Parham. Near Berkeley. Perham (1264). The prefix probably represents M.E. pére, Pear. (Le) Parrok. In Painswick, and occurring else- where, formerly (1552). The meaning is a little Croft, or enclosure, near a house ; a paddock. E.D.D.—A.S. pearroc : a small enclosure; whence Park. Cf. O.F. AP(t?"C. Parsete-way. In the Forest of Dene. (1281.) A by- way. Origin unknown. The Second element may re- present A.S. Hàeth = heath (see Hullasey; and Widcome- sede), or Saete, a dwelling-place. I 2 O GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Patchway, The. Part of an ancient main-track- way so-called, running between the Severn and the Cotswold Hills, leading north from Bristol. Origin of name not certainly known. Patch is commonly applied, however, to plots of grass-land and wheat-land, in this county. See under Colpage. Pauntley. 2 m. N. of Newent. D. Pantelie. P.C. I 221. Pantelege. Later, Paunteneye. IPM. Panteleg (c. 1260). (F.A.) Panteleye. There is no recorded personal-name corresponding to the form of this prefix, and the origin may perhaps be a r-71, or W. Pantau (m. masc.) pentydd : a hollow place. The excrescent ‘u' faithfully tells the story of the late Norman form ‘aun' for ‘an.' (Cf. Pauncefoot). Pebworth. (m. & v.) 5% m. N.W. of Chipping Campden. C.S. 453 c. 848 Pebeworthe. D. Pebevorde. Pebewrda (c. I 140). Peppevvorthe (Chr. of Evesham). Pebeworthain. Pebbeworthe. The prefix points to a p.m. Pebba. A.S. wurth, wedrth, worth ; farm, or homestead. Peddington. (h.) near Berkeley. (otherwise Kendalls Court). C. 1250. Pedynton (W.) IPM. 1628. This may, or may not be, patronymic : i.e. the farm, or ton, of the sons of Pedda, or of Pedd. Pedemarisfelde. Nr. Gloucester. Pedinershfeld. Pademaresfeld. Padmaer is a known A.S. p.m. Pegglesworth. (m.) nr. Dowdeswell. D. Pecle- surdle. P.C.. I 22 I, Pechewatrºhe. Pekelesworth. —I 316 Pecclesworth. IPM. 1354, Pettelesworth. A.S. Wurth : farm. The prefix may represent the p.m. Pectgils, or Peohtgils (Searle). The meaning is the farmstead of Peohtgils. Penbury. (Camp). Pen (W.) a head or headland. A.S. burh : dat, by rig : an enclosed, or fortified, place. The meaning is obvious. Penpole Point. (C.S. 551). A. D. 883 Pempate. This prefix is the Welsh pen = the head. W. pau, (nf) = an inhabited region. PATCHWAY, THE–PINFARTHING. I 2 I Periton, or Pirton. In Awre. D. Peritone, for A.S. pyrig-tūn = pear-town. M.E. Pere, a pear. Pirie, pear-tree. (Cf. Appleton). . Picklenash, for Pucklenash : i.e. Pucelen-aesc —the fairies' ash-tree. (Cf. Pucklechurch). A.S. Pücel : a goblin, (K.C.D. 408, A.D. 946 has Pucanwyl. —Puccas-well). A.S. Púca, M.E. Pouke (Welsh Pwca). See under Pucklechurch. Pill, The. This probably represents a Celtic river- term. (Cf. Pilling : Co. Lancs); It is a frequent prefix to river-names, or to portions of a stream, especially in the Severn region, and in Cornwall ; often signifying (1) a landing-place for boats or barges : (2) a running stream. Pilning. IO m. N.N.W. of Bristol. The water called Chessel-pill joins the Severn here. There are no variant forms. There is no evidence forthcoming as to the second element here. We may guess, perhaps, that the ing signifies a stream, an equivalent of ea. Pinbury. In Duntesbourne-Rous. D. Penneberie. P.C. 1221. Pendebiria. Pendebur (1294). Pennebury (1304). Pimbury. The prefix probably was the p.n. Penda. Byrig: dal of A.S. Burh : an enclosed place. Pindrup. (Farm) Coln S. Denis. Pinthrup. Were earlier forms available, the origin of the prefix might prove to be Penn = a ſold for sheep. The suffix drup for Zhrup, = thorp : a village. Pinfarthing. (h.) Nr. Amberley. Old forms are wanting ; but the name appears to be simple. The suffix farthing represents the ‘ſerding,” or quarter, so often occurring in the D. Survey, of a Hide of land. It may mean that here ; or, it may denote a quarter of a virgate,_otherwise a farndel (ferendellus). Cf. Winfarthing, Co. Norfolk. (Wynne- 1 22 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES ferthing). The prefix probably stands for Penn =a fold for sheep ; which gave name to the ferthing. Pinnock. Nr. Hailes. D. Pignocsire. P.C. Pinnoc. T.N. Pinnocscire. R. H. PinnatcSyre. F. A. Pyn ſtatkshire. The terminal is the A.S. Scîr, M.E. Schire : a district, diocese, or a boundary. The latter sense was pro- bably intended here. The prefix resembles Pinnuc : Pinnok = a name for the chaffinch, (W. Pink), which occurs (c.) A.D. 1225 in the O.E. poem ‘The Owl and the Nightingale' (l. I 130). Both oc and uc are, however, diminutive forms. (Cf. Searle, Onom A.S. xxiii); hence the prefix here may really be a pers.-n. Pinswell, or Little Cobberley. (m.) A.D. 681 Pindepillan. (H. et C. St. P. Glos. vol. 1, LXXII.) A.D. 872 Pindewyllam. Pyndeswell. (13th c.) The prefix may derive from the A.S. word pyridan ; mean- ing either to dam-up water, or to enclose a Spring. M.E. punden : whence our words Pound and Pond, for a certain village-inclosure. The suffix = A.S. Wiell = well, is given an unusual dat. plural in ‘am,’ where we should expect ‘um.’ The medial s, however, seems to point to a perS.-n. Piseley. Nr. Winchcombe. Peseleye. It has long been an extinct vill. A.S. Piose = Pea. M.E. Pése. A loan-word from Latin : Pisum. The sense is the pea- field. Pitchcombe. (m.) 2 m. N. of Stroud. (1253) H.C. G1.: Pychencombe, Pychenecomb. IPM. 1261. Pitchene- combe. This name bears no relationship to Puckcombe at Sevenhampton, and Puckpitt, or Pitches/loſe, near Paganhill,—all deriving from A.S. Puca, a fairy, -but seems to point for its prefix to an unrecorded p.m. Pyèca, which alone would suit the forms: the original vowel having been y, spelled at or y in M.E. The meaning is Pycca's combe. The t is intrusive, and PINNOCK–POSTLIP I 23 never appears in the early forms. Popular etymology is responsible for it, and attributes the name to the Steep grade of the road. - Plain, The. At Whiteshill. A level place among Slopes. Pleck, The. (Dial.) A haymead. Plocke (1220) Corp. Rec. Gl, Plokke, IPM. 1300. A.S. Placca: M.E. Plecke: a piece of ground; perhaps, a flat piece. Plusterwine. Forest of Dene. Origin unknown. Pontlarge (Stanley). (m.) Near Winchcombe. D. Stanlege. Later, the manor was held by the family of Pont de l'arche. (Pons Archae), whence Pºnde. large. Poole Keynes. (r.) 2 m. S.E. of Kemble. A.S. Pö1. M.E. pulle = pool. The Second element is the well-known Dorsetshire family-name (De Keynes) which, in the XII. c., became likewise affixed to the neighbouring Somerford—and to Ashton (Keynes). Portway. Portweg (g = y). Many ancient tracks, or parts of these, in various districts of the county are So named as having led to a borough-town, or port ; i.e. market. They are not necessarily of Roman origin. Port, an A.S. loan-word from the Latin, is often conjoined in early Charters with another, namely, stræt : e.g. Portstraet. C.D. 617. Postlip. (m.) D. Poteslepe, 1175. (Reg : de Winchcombe). Postlepa. Potteslepe, P.C. 1221. Poleslepe. Poteslep. Poleslip, Podeslep. Porteslope (Bracton's Note Book, III., I 439). The prefix is the weakened gen. of an A.S. p.m. Potta : the suffix possibly represents A.S. slâp: a slippery miry district. (B.T.) The same cannot hold good for the suffix in ‘Birdlip,” also situated along the same escarpment of the Cotswold ; for which perhaps a better case is made out by Hlyp,’ as in Hindlip, Co. Worcester, by A. S. Napier and W. H. Stevenson : Cf. Crawford I 24 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Charters, p. 54-55; where numerous A.S. examples are given. The meaning is, however, left undefined, though an enclosed space is pointed to. (See Lypiatt). Meta- thesis has affected the prefix: St for ts. Poulton. (v.) (1) 5 m. E. of Cirencester. C.S. 487. (c. 855) Pultune. Poltone. 1319. IPM. Note the lengthening of the original vowel. Poulton. (m) (2) in Awre, (1303) Polton. Pulton. A.S. Pöl: a pool, i.e. the town by the pool. Prestbury. (m. & p.) 2 m. N.E. of Cheltenham. Preosdabyrig (Smith's Baeda). D. Presteberie, 12 Io. Prestebyri, Presteburie. A.S. Préost ; gen. pl. pre- osta : by rig, dat. of A.S. Burh, enclosed homestead, or walled village. Literally, the homestead of the Priests. Preston. (m.) There are three or more places in the county. M.E. Prest, priest. Priests-farm. (1) upon Stour (D. Sture); (2) Near Cirencester; (3) Near Ledbury. Prinknash. (p.) nr. Painswick, and 4% m. S.E. of Gloucester. It belonged to the Abbey of St. Peter. (H.C. Glos.) A.D. 1121. Prinkenesche. Prikenhassce (c.) 1230. (Corp. Rec. Glos. 236), Prinkenesse. Prinkenaix. Prinkenage. The suffix is, I think, plainly A.S. AEsc: an ash-tree: a field in the immediate neigh- bourhood still bears the name of Great Nash. (M.E. Atten-ash, at the ash – (tree): atte mash; ultimately, losing all the def. article except the M.E. addition, 11 ; Nash : Cf. Abenash, or Avenage, Abbenesse (IPM. 1337, in Bisley for Abanash i.e. Aba's Ash-tree) was evolved.) The prefix is probably the genitive of a p.m. as yet unrecorded. Pucele-Croft, at Elmore, (H. et C. St. P. Glos. 1. 289) c. 1200. (See Puckle-Church). Puckle-Church. (p. & v.) 3 m. E. of Mangots- field Station, M.R. (C.S. 887). A.D. 950, at Pitclan- Cyrcan. D. Pulcrecerce. P.C. 1221 Pukeleschierche. POULTON.—OUEDGELEY I 25 Pokulchurch. A.S. Pücel = a fairy, or goblin. A.S. Cirice, Cyrée = church. Possibly the spot had, previ- OuS to its consecration, been called Pucelan-croft, or Placelan-pylle. Pukel occurs as a personal name in mediaeval documents. But in both instances it is mas- culine, and its gent. would probably be in ‘es.’ We have both Strong and weak forms. The loss of the possessive ‘S’ in the same prefix is shewn in the preceding name, (q.v.) The p.m. has to-day become Pickle. When folk are deceived in Gloucestershire (which, of course, is very seldom), they are said to be “Plack-leddenz.” Puckshole, nr. Randwick. M.E. Pūke, pouke (g.) poukes. Puck, a goblin. (W.) Pwca. Pook is still a personal name in English. Cf. Puckrup = Puckthorp, near Tewkesbury. Puesdown. Nr. Hazleton. The prefix may derive from the A.S. p.m. Pusa : but variants are not forth- coming. The p.m. Pues occurs in the county in XIV. c. Purlieu, The, at Lydney. Woods in the vicinity of Forest were so-called. See E.D.D. The word is a corruption of O.F. pur (Lat. per, pro)—O.F. alee : a going. Prof. Skeat declares the word to be a transla- tion of Lat. perambulationem. Cf., “As you Like It': IV. 3. 77). Putloe, at Standish. Also Puttley. Puſhteleye. (Cal: Corp : Rec. Glos. 257). Putteleye. A.D. 1274. Potteley. The prefix may represent a p.m. Puta, or Putta. The suffixes are respectively M.E. 10(w)e a burial-mound ; A.S. Hlaw ; and M.E. ley : for A.S. leage, d. of Léah. The forms give only the latter. The loe-form of Hlaw is far commoner on the West side of Severn than on the East Side. Quedgeley. (m. r. & p.) 3 m. S. Of Gloucester. (c. 1142) Quedesley. Quedesleg (c. I 155). Quedesleia. c. 1210 (Cal. Corp : Rec., p. 92). Queddesleye (1308). I 26 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Milo of Gloucester gave the chapel of ‘Quadresse’ to Llanthony, at Gloucester, A.D. 1 136. The genitival prefix suggests a personal name (m) not recorded, as that of the proprietor of a pasture ; i.e. Cwedd, or Cwad. But the earliest form Quadresse would point to the same origin, perhaps, as the Devon Quither : in 1286 F.A. Quted re. Quennington. (m. r. & p.) on the Colne, 2% m. N. Of Fairford. D. Quenintone. P.C. 122 I Curzintone. Quenynton. I278 B.M. This represents Cwenan tºne : woman's-ton, or farm. Quinton. (m. r. & p.) 2 m. E. of Long Marston. (c) A.D. 848 Cwentone C.S. 453. D. Quenintune. P.C. 122 I, Quenton. Queinton. A.S. Cwene: woman; tum : farm. (See preceding). The Domesday scribe scarcely differentiates his rendering of the two place-names. The meaning, indeed, is the same. Here the ‘ing' seems to result from the weakening of the A.S. (gen): ant, yielding to the patronymic tendency. Querns, The. Nr. Cirencester. A.S. Cweorn, cwyrm. M.E. Cwerne : quern ; pl. quernes, signifies a hand-mill; and this is, I believe, the usual interpre- tation given. Nevertheless, this place-name certainly does not derive from quern, which appears no earlier than the XVI. c. ; and then only as a variant of * Cornedes, otherwise called Cornes' (1543/4). In 1286 the Abbot of Cirencester was quit-claimed of all right which either himself or his tenants might have in the close called Crundles, by reason of ‘common.’ In a complaint made at Westminster in 1343, by twenty townsfolk against the Abbey (and for which the Abbot compounded with the Crown regarding its franchises), the unlawful enclosure of the pasture at the Crondles, or Cronites, formed one of their accusations. OUENNINGTON.—RADHAM I 27 The Abbot, however, produced proof of King Edward II. having pardoned in 13 I5, his predecessor, Abbot Brokenbury, for having enclosed the wood of Crun- deles. The real name for the place was evidently ‘The Crundles : the actual character of the spot shews the presence of ancient, probably Romano- British quarries; “which quarries are called Crundles” (Reg". Abbey of Cirenc'. B. 552). The general evi- dence brought together regarding the term ‘Crundel' can, I think, be held to substantiate the interpretation of it as “quarry' more completely than any other: whether as a deep pit, on a hill-side ; as a rough stone-heap, or as a hollow occupied by water, (see Earle's Land-Charters, pp. 47 I-3), or as a hiding-place for a wolf. There were, from the testimony of the said Abbey's registers, many ‘crundles' all about and around Cirencester ; and that is what might be ex- pected of a large Stone-built town in a stone-country. The combination ‘stancrundle' actually occurs. The Abbot's pasture does not create fresh difficulty : for pastures abound with old quarries; cf. Painswick-Hill. It is, moreover, evident that whatever may have been the origin of the word “Crundle,' it became transformed, or worn-down (at Cirencester at least), to Cronnes, Cornedes, Cornes, and perhaps, by pho- netic assimilation, to scribal Querns. If we take into account the fact that the common Gloucestershire word for quarry is quarr, it is not difficult to perceive how and why Cornes may have become confused with quarrs, and that the Mendelian result was, Querns, as though identical with quernes, = handmills. Radbrook (I) or Redbrook, in Newland, Forest of Dene. A.S. read = red, broc = brook. I 204, Redebroc. I 280, Æodbroc. (2) (m.) in Quinton. Radham. C.S. 936. (c. A.D. 955) Hreodham. Radenham. Radehamme. (c. 1200) Radeham. A.S. I 28 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Hrēod, reed ; and A.S. Hamm, often a riverside meadow. The meaning is Reed-homme. Radwick. C.S. 936. (c. A.D. 955) Hreodwicant, in Northwick. (F.A.) Radewik. A.S. Hrēod, reed. A.S. WIc = L. vicus : wick : village, or dairy-farm. Ranbury. (Ring) (C.) near Ampney - St. Peter. Early forms are wanting. Rand is an A.S. name- theme, as well as a sb: meaning edge, or border. It may here have dropped the “d before ‘b’; but, if so, it has also dropped the genitival ‘’s.’ The sense may be Border-bury, but I think it doubtful. - Randwick. (v. & p.) I W4 m. N.W. of Stroud, near the escarpment. (H.C. Glos. I. IoI.) I 120 Rendwyke. Rennewyk. Ryndewyk. I 28o, Rindewyke. Rende- wicke. The prefix seems to refer to no A.S. name. See under Rendcombe. The terminal is from A.S. Wic: a village. Rangeworthy. (m.) 3 m. N. of Yate. Renche- worthe. (F.A.) 1303 Ryngeworth. I 346, ſºungeworthe. Rengeworth, (B. M. 1513). Rendgworthy (1598). Rengworthe (1598 F.F.) Worthig : Worthyn : a farm. (A.S. Weorth). There may be a connection with Range- and Ringe-, meaning, as applied to timber, —- felled wood. See under “Ringe,' E. D.D. 22. Rapsgate. (H.) Now a farm in the parish of Colesborne. D. Respigale. I 2.2 I. P. C. ReSpegate, Respigete. Respe was a p.m. See P.C. 1221, 190. Gilbertus /ēespe. (Maitland). Reddings, or Riddings, The. This term occurs in various parts of the county. Rhyddings (I) field- name, (2) places taken in from the Lord's waste, or common-land. (Dial.) Rudding. A.S. Hryding (f) = a clearing. (Hreddan, to rid). Redland (Bristol). F.A. 1284, Iredlond. K. Q., Yriddelond. 1303, Trynddelond. 1346, Theriddelonde. Thirdelond. IPMI. 1628, Ridland. Thridland, Rudland.” * /)arda/down was also known as Thridlandoune, F.F. I 597. RADWICK-ROBINS-WOOD-HILL I 29 These forms are best explained from the former presence of at the Redland, in spite of the frequent vowel i instead of e (read) in the penultimate syllable. Regard. Damsels Regarde (1487); a place then in Painswick manor, near the Old Park. “Regardum Forestae de Dene.' (1282). A “Regarder’ is an official of the Forest, whose duty it is to inquire into tres- passes. O.F. Reguard. The Damsels were stewards of the 14th and 15th c. Lords of Painswick Manor. Rendcombe. A parish andvillage on the Churn, 5 m. N. of Cirencester. D. Rindcumbe. Anc. Ch. 45. Rinde- cumb, I 171-83. H.C. Gl. (1263-84). Ryndecumbe. IPM. I347. Ryndecombe. The prefix is probably a river- name. It is, perhaps, mentioned as the ‘Hrindan-broc' in the Chr. of Abingdon : otherwise Rendbrook. Reod. La Rede. (See F.A. Rhode). A.S. Hrēod. M.E. Réod = a reed-bed, (dat.) Reode. La Longe- 7"eode : F.D. Ridge and Ridgeway. Various portions of Cottes- wold escarpment-roads are so-called. The Rudge. La Rugge. M.E. Rugge. (A.S. Hrycg): back, ridge. (C.S. 887) A.D. 950 Hricveg. Rissington. (3 manors) nr. Bourton-on-the-Water. Great, Little and Wyke, or Wick - R. D. Risendit?te. 1267. H.C. Gl. Rysindone. Resinden. Later Risend une. Rusyndon. Literally rushen-down, from M.E. Rüsche. A.S. Risce : a rush : g. pl. riscen. The ‘ing here is that frequent pseudo-patronymic possessive, to the in- vasion of which unstressed medial Syllables in “a”,’ ‘e??,’ ‘am,’ ‘em,” in English place-names, have proven SO liable. The terminal ton has replaced the Original D011. Robins-wood-Hill, or Mattesknoll, 2 m. S.E. fo Gloucester. It has long been miscalled Robinhoodes- Hill (1623-4) so that the Norman scribe has not been alone in sometimes writing ‘ſt for ‘70’: Upehude, for Upwude. I 30 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Rockhampton. (m.) 3 m. N.E. of Thornbury. D. Rochemtune. Rokampton. Rocampton (P. de Q.W.) Atochanton.—IPM. 1347. Rokhampton. The prefix anSW Crs to rôc : A.S. Hrök, for rook. The sense is ‘ at the farm-enclosure (ton), at Rookham.” We have in an Exeter Charter, A. D. 670, mention of land at Hrocastoc : Rookstoke (Stoke Canon). The A.N. ch (pronounced k) has attempted to replace c (= /). Rodborough. Nr. Stroud. C.S. 164. (c. A.D. 740.) Roddambeorgh. Mºodberwe. Rodeberge. Rodeburghe. A.S. p.m. /ēod(d)a, (g.); bedrg, i.e. the hill of Rodda. Rodley (1). (m. & h.) a tithing now of Westbury-on- Severn, 2 m. S.E. D. Rodele. I I 63-4 Radelea. Rad- leg/l. (F. F. I 235-6). c. 1250. Redleyg. Rodlegh. Rudelai. Rodlee. Rudele. Radell. The types are embarrassing in number. The meaning may be simply Red-mead : réſideléâh. If the prefix intended Rada (p. n.) the original form was Radanleage, (gen.) meaning the pasture belonging to one Rada. The E-type is probably analogical; and it is often written o in M.E. Henry I. gave this Manor to St. Peter's, Glos. Rodley (2). (m.) Near Newnham. Ralph Bluett gave it (c.) Io95 to St. Peter's, at Gloucester. (Cf. H.C. Glos. 2, 103, 187). Ruddille. Ruddle. Rudele. Rodele. The meaning may be the same with Rodley (I), q.v. : but with rather more probability the prefix may be referred to an A.S. p.m. Rudda. Rodmarton. (m. p. & r.) 4 m. N.E. of Tetbury. D. Redinertone. (c. 1250) Rodinertum. Rodmerton, A.S. p.m. Raedmaer's : tûn, or farm-inclosure.” Roel, or Rowell. (m. v. & p.) 3 m. N.W. of Not- grove Station. D. Rawelle. ‘ Rawella, id est capreae ſons’ (Goatswell). Later Ruwell. Rouell. A.S. Rāh; M.E. Ră = roe-(deer). Literally,–the roe-Well. (Cf. L.B. Winch :) * This may, however, derive from ‘Red-mere-town.” ROCKHAMPTON.—SAINT BRIDGE I 3 I Rownham. Near Bristol, A.S. ruhan, weak dative of riſh: rough. M.E. Ruwen. Literally, “at rough hamm.’ Ruardean. On the Wye. (H.C. Glos. 11. 185). c. 128 I. Rowardin. Ruworthyn. Rywardin. Ruwar- thirt. Rewarden. Rydene. Ruerdean. A. S. ruh : rough. A.S. Worthine = farm. Ruavengreen Lane. Between Staunton and Cole- ford, Forest of Dene. Origin unknown; but possibly the prefix = ruwen : rough. Rudeford. (m. v. & p.) 4% m. N.W. of Gloucester. D. Rudeford. A.D. 1087. (H.C. Glos. 2. 186.) Rode- forde, P.C. 122 I, Rudeforde. Redeford. The ford of one Rudda; it is often written o in M.E. (Cf. Rodley). Rudge. The Rugge. M.E. hrūg=E. Ridge. (H.C. Glos. I. I I I. A. D. I 179). (Cf. Ridgway). Rudhall. Reodhale. Roedhale. (H)réod: reed-bed; hale = meadow, or corner. M.E. Hal, dat: hale. Ruscombe. Near Cainscross, A.S. Risc; M.E. Rüsche – reed: combe, valley. The meaning (prob- ably) is reedy-combe. Ruspidge. Nr. Cinderford, Forest of Dene. No early forms of this name are to hand. There is a Rospeygh in Co. Cornwall, from which a Cornish miner might have named the Spot. Ryton. Nr. Dymock. Literally, Rye-ton. A.S. Ryge. Ryne. (1) Ream, Rene, reen, an artificial runnel, or ditch. (2) A balk, or strip of uncultivated ground. A.S. ryne. M.E. rāne. Sages. Nr. Slimbridge. A manor named after its owner, John Sage, who sold it to the Berkeleys in the XIV" century. Saintbridge (also Saintsbridge). I m. S. of Glouces- ter. (H.C. Glos. 2. 206). 1245. Sondebrugge. Send- bridge. Sandbridge. Senbridge. In 1210 the district here was called The Semde (Cf. Cal. Rec. Corp. Glos. K I 32 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES 129), probably on account of Sandy soil. Hence Send- bridge. M.E. Sande, Seande, sonde. The transform- ation of Send into Saint is a common example of popular etymology : Cf. Sencley. The final step to be taken is to add the possessive medial ‘s.” But the word is rich in transformations. Before ‘f,’ as in Sandford, it is liable to become Sanz-ford. Saintbury. (m. v. & p.) 3 m. S. of Honeybourne. D. Svineberie. R.H. Seynburie. K.Q. Senebur. IPM. Seynnebury (1308). Seynesbury. F.A. 1345. The forms are much at variance. An unrecorded p.m. Saegen seems in correspondence with the prefix. Berry = by rig, dat. Of A.S. Burh, an enclosed place, or earth- work. The D.S. form suggests A.S. swin = pig. Salcombe. Nr. Cranham. (H.C. Glos. 1. 205). c. I I 21. Salcumbe. Salcome. Salecumbe (H.C. Glos. I. 219). I 284 (nr. Cranham). This may represent either Sealt-combe, i.e. Salt-combe, or Sallow-combe : A.S. Sealh. Salwe : willow (Cf. Salix). The example in Devon refers to the former. However, there occurs hard-by the Gloucestershire locality, a Salt- ridge and a Salt-box. Sallowvalletts. In the Forest of Dene. Salley- vallett. The Salleys. Sallow = willow-tree. This suffix corresponds to “Wallet' = brushwood (Cf. E.D.D. Wright (2) ). The meaning is the place of willow-faggots. Salmonsbury. Nr. Bourton-on-the-Water. C.S. 230. (c.) A.D. 779. Sulmonnesburg (B.M. Ch.) D. Sal- 772&nesberie and Salenzanesberie. Literally—‘ Plough- man's-homestead' : from Sulhmon : Sulman (K.C. D. 137) A.S. Sulh: Sül: plough. A.S. Burh : M.E. Burgh. Salperton. (m.p. & V.) I m. N. of Notgrove Station. D. Salpretune; but in (C.S. 1239) A.D. 969, Sapertune: Saperetum. (F.A.) Salpertone. (H et C. Gl.) Salprint- tone. IPM. 1302, Salpertone. Salportona. L. B.W. (I 32 I). SAINTBURY—SALT-WAY, THE I33 Although the two earliest forms omit the L, it may merely have dropped out. The position of the place is on the Salt-way. The omission, therefore, made the name coincide with that of Sapperton, nr. Cirencester. But the earliest form of the latter is the Domesday Sapletorne ; though all the later forms, but one, agree in Saperton. Cf. Malperetlante, now Mapperton, Co. Som. On the whole the l is suspiciously constant. The terminal cannot here represent the Norman version of A.S. Pyrig-tūn : peartree-ton : but it can represent the A.S. Pere, a pear, from which A.S. Pyrige came ; which in turn derived from Lat. pirum. The prefix, which occurs also in Sapperton (Sapurton), Co. Linc., might possibly, but for the l, stand for A.S. Saep : Sap, “juice.’ In dialectal use it is applied to the apple, the mountain-ash, and to the sycamore-tree. The meaning, if this were correct, would be a farm named from the quality of its pear-trees. We have P1. Coron: (1221) Witepirie. Salt-Box, The. A locality on the upland track- way above Ebbworth, where possibly the Abbey of Gloucester may have kept a small store of salt for its farms at Ebbworth, Buckholt, and Slad : or, there may have been a salt-refinery. Great quantities of fuel being necessary for salt-refining, Painswick was a befitting locality. The adjoining ridge is known as Salt - ridge. Nevertheless, the Hist. and Cart: of St. Peter's contains no allusion to it. Saltford. (m.) A manor on the borders of Oxford- shire and Gloucestershire near the Saltway, which came to the Berkeleys through marriage with the d. & h. of Robert de Turberville (c. 1190). Saltridge. Nr. Ebbworth and Shepscombe. (See ‘Salt-Box.’) Salterley is at Leckhampton. Salt-Way, The. (L.B. Wi: Abbey I 285, A.D. 1256). The main Salt-way in this county leading from K 2 I 34 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Droitwich,” or Wich (Wyke), by Broadway Tower to Lechlade, is not attributable to an earlier date than that of the Hwiccan Kingdom of the VII. century. A.S. Sealt-weg (g = y). A.S. Sealt (Welsh, Halan and Halen). Cf. (Sarn) Helen : Erse. Salann). It passed through Stanway, near Stanton, and via Didbrook, touched Hailes and Farmcote. There occurs a mysterious item (A.D. 1355) in a MS. Rental of Winch- combe Abbey, from its Manor of Stanton : * Et toto honnagio pro Wikewerkselver, ab manifestatione Si Michaelii usque gulan Augusti,j per annum XIs. IXd.’ I think that it may be a fine connected with the Salt-traffic from Wyke, Wicha, -otherwise, Droitwich ; as it cannot be identical with ‘Saltselver,’ a fine which servile tenants paid to their lord at Martinmas, in com- mutation for the Service of carrying salt to the Lord's larder from the market. Salt-Well. Salt-welle, nr. Iccomb (C.S. 240) A.D. 784. A brine-Spring. * Sandhurst. (m. v. & p.) 3 m. N. of Gloucester. D. Sanher. Saundherst, 1265. Sondhurste (d.) A.S. Sand : M.E. Sond = sand. M.E. Hurst, a wood. The A.N. influence shewn in the above forms has dis- appeared to-day. Sanford. On the road from Gloucester to Wor- cester. (1230) Samforde. Saunforde. Sawmforde— Sandyford. A.S. Sand. Sond. The ‘nd ' tended to turn in to “m before the “f” to the extinction of ‘n.’ The excrescent “u' is due to French influence, as in Sta(u)nton. * ‘de II/ichia A.D. 1175 in Dugdale II. 303, from a Bull of Con- firm : Alex. III., to Winchcombe Abbey, which latter owned two Saltpits (Salinae) there. # May 8. : The Gule of August. SALT-WELL–SEA-MILLS I 35 Saniger Sand. Opposite Lydney, in the Severn. (See Swanhunger). i Sapperton. (m. p. & v.) 5 m. W. of Cirencester. D. Sapletorne. 1221 (P.C.) Sapertone. 1285 Seperton. (F. A.) Salperton, 1303. The first element would appear to Originate in A.S. Saepp, Sap. Pere, pear. The Sense may, perhaps, be “the enclosure of sapling pear-trees.” The name also occurs in Co. Lincoln. But on the whole the probability is in favour of A.S. Sealt = Salt. In Vol. I I. of Feudal Aids, this name and Salperton (q.v.), are indexed together. Sarnfield. At Witcombe, whither an ancient “Sarm-way' led ; now Green-street. The Romano- British pavement is still visible in the ditch on the north side, far down the hill, (1913). Sarn-Hill. Nr. Tewkesbury. Two ancient ‘streets,’ (or Green-Streets) run beside and around it. Sarn-way. At Brockworth. O. Welsh. Sarn a causeway: paven-road. (Cf. Sarn-Helen). Saul. (m. r. & p.) 5 m. N.W. of Stonehouse. (c.) I 126, Salle. I221 (P.C.) Salege. (1316), Salle. Possibly this name was Sal-ley, A.S. Sealh-Salig–M.E. Salhe, willow ; le = ley ; meadow. The A.N. at has intruded. But the meaning may have been ‘ at the Willow.’ Scherenton. See Shirehampton. Sea-Mills. In Bishop's-Stoke. Cee-matlle, c. 1482. (Early Chan: Proc). In the Church Register of West- bury-on-Trym is recorded— 1587, the burial of One, Goodman Hytchins, of Sea-Mylls, and in 1657,-‘ a young boy, murthered in the Corne going to the Sea- Mills (May 2). Nevertheless, Atkins, (followed by Rudder), calls the spot Saye-Mills ; as though the origin of the name had been due to the manufacture of Saye : a kind of Serge-cloth, well-known at Bristol and Norwich. The tide-waters entitle the locality to be called Sea. I have to thank Rev. Charles Taylor for the references to Westbury Registers. I36 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Sedbury. Nr. Chepstow. This locality has been identified with the Cingestume in a Bath Abbey Char- ter of A.D. 956. The first element has not been identified. Byrig = (bury) dat. of burh : an enclosed or fortified place. Early forms are lacking. - Segrims (Field-name). In Painswick manor (14th century, and still there). A personal name in the possessive. Possibly it was originally that of a Norse- man,—Seagrim. A.S. Sae-grim. Grim also meant the Devil ; SO that Sea-grim signified Sea-devil. Stein- grim, as a personal-name, also occurs early in County history. A Seagrim was a moneyer at Gloucester, temp : William I. Selsley. Nr. Dudbridge. The prefix may represent the not-infrequent A.S. p.m. Sele, short for Selwig or Selewine. Ley, for leage, dat. of A.S. Léah : a field, or pasture. * Serridge. Forest of Dene, 13th century Seyrruge. Origin unknown. Sencley. In Minchinhampton. A.D. 743. Sen- gedleag (K.C.D. I. 107-8). A.D. 896. Sengellege. (K.C.D. V. 140). 1292. Seintle. Senckley. F.F. (1606.) Seintlien. St Chloe, to-day. The Abbey of Malmes- bury held a grange here. The suffix, is the dative * Leage' of A.S. “leah' = a meadow. Senged may be identical with the form Sængel, of Saenget-hryc, Cott. viii. 32, A.D. 862; near modern Sundridge, in Kent. The meaning, in that case, is Sandgate-ley. A.S. Geat = a way; but See Introduction, p. XVi. Sevenhampton. (m. v. & p.) 2 m N. by E. of An- doversford. D. Sevenhamtone. Sevahanton (c. 1200) (B.M. 44) : Old Sennington,' a hamlet, occurs half a mile N.W. of Sevenhampton (locally, Sennyngton). Early readings of the name in this county are scarce. Sevenhampton in Co. Wilts has Suverhamtone and Seventhamtone. In Somersetshire occurs Seaving to?? SEDBURY –SHAPRIDGE I37 (and even Seovemamentone), owning a common source of derivation. As in other instances, the syllable ‘eye’ yielded to the tendency to assume the patronymic form ‘ing '; but in this one both ‘ezz' and ‘hanz” have dissolved under it, and thus have at least begotten the forms Seavington and Sennington. Seven-Springs. Nr. Cubberley, source of the Churn. - Seven-Wells. Nr. Turkdene. C.S. 165. A.D. 743 Seofentwyllas. Severn (R.) Early Welsh Safren (Latin Sabrina). Later Welsh (IXth. century) Hafren. (A.D. 956. Saeverne. Saeferme. Saefern. P.C. 1221. Sauerne) Origin unknown. Sezincote. (m. and p.) 2 m. S.W. of Moreton-in- the-Marsh. D. (1) Cheisnecote; (2) Chesnecote, (3) Chiesnecote. (P.R. a. 22. H. I. I.) Senescote. C. I 195. Chenecote, (B.M. 60). —P.C. 1221. Senecote.—R.H. Sces/tecote.—IPM. I.316 Schesztecote. F.A. Shemescote, Shesnecote. A p.m. is probably responsible for the first element... We have (H.C. G1. I I I. I.40) (c.) 1300, a Richard Schesne, at Harescomb. Sh. and Sch. for Ch, were due to a change in O.F. phonetic in the 13th. c. Then Chedworth became spelled Schedworth ; and Churchdown, Schurchesdon. The persons who wrote the place-name thus were people acquainted with Norman-French. As to the original name here involved, itis difficult to decide between Chene, Chaisne, or Chesney. Shagborough. (c.) 34 m. S. of Bibury. Schagh- borough. A.S. Sceaga—shaw, a Small wood, M.E. borugh : (from burg, burh, A.S. Burh); an enclosed fort, town, or homestead. Shapridge. Nr. Abenhall, Forest of Dene. Sheep- ridge (P.F. A.D. 1 281-2). A.S. Scéap : M.E. Schep. I38 O GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Sharpness. (v.) 2% m. N.W. of Berkeley and on the Severn. Sharpenesse. IPM. 1349. A.S. Scearp = Sharp. A.S. Naesse (O.N. Nes) nose, promontory. In face of this reading it is somewhat of a surprise to find that Smyth does not mention the place at all. In his Berkeley MSS. (3. 229) he gives a totally different type of name (if indeed he is referring to the same Spot). His forms are the following : Shopenash, Shep- 7taSh, Shobenasse, Shobenesse, Shepmasse and Shap- 1zeSSe; as though deriving either from A.S. p.m. SČeobba, or SČeap = sheep. He tells us that a park was there made by Thomas I St. Lord, at least as far back as the reign of Richard I. ; though the Thomas in question did not reign at Berkeley until twenty years later, c. 1220. His statement, however, is borne out by IPM. 1368: where the park Schobbemasse is described as being in the Manor of Hinton (near Sharpness). But it is evident that the name most familiar to him was not Sharpness: and that the second name Shep- 1zasse cannot have arisen to replace the other.” Shenborough. (c.) Early forms are wanting. A.S. Scène = fair, M. E. Schêne, often occurs as a prefix to place-names. Prof. W. W. Skeat says that ‘Scène is allied to A. S. Scéawian : to show. M. E. Borugh, fort or enclosed place. It is marked by a fine ancient camp, above Stanton. Shenington. (m.) in Tewkesbury Hundred. D. + Senendone,—IPM. Schemedon, I 263. Schemydon. Chen- yndon. Sheningedene, IPM. 1347. A.S. Scène (Sc = Sh) * The only other local point on the Severn fitting the term mess, is obviously 77/e’s Point. I am inclined to think that Scho- benesse may be identified with the AWesse of D.S. ; which will not fit Sharpness. [See Rev, C. Taylor’s excellent volume. Glos. : D.S.) Consequently Shapness and Sharpness, though close to one another, were different places; and their names had totally different origins. SHAR PN ESS—SHIPTON SOLLARS I39 fair : ‘aet SČienan düne' may have been the A.S. form. (H. Alexander). M.E. Schêne, beautiful. The element ‘ing ' is pseudo-patronymic, replacing the dative ‘an,’ as in Newington for (aet) Nawantune. Shepherdine Sand, on Severn. Shipwardenide B.M. (XIV" c.) The terminal represents ‘wardine,” or ‘worthyn,” (A.S. Worth : a farm). It has been trans- formed into ‘ herd' as though from Shepherd ; i.e. Sheepwarden, instead of “sheep-worthyne.’ Shepscombe. Nr. Painswick, 5 m. from Stroud. (IPM. 1263) Sebbescombe. The prefix here is probably an unrecorded A.S. p.m. Sceapp, but it has been not unnaturally confounded with the quadruped, sheep. The sense is not Sheepscombe (of the sign-posts). The old Manor Rolls (XV.-XVII. c.) give Sheppescombe, Shepescombe; never Sheepcombe. The meaning is, - the Combe belonging to Sceapp. Sherborne. (m. & p.) near Bourton-on-the-Water. Sctraburnan. (dat.) D. Sareburne. Schyreburne. Sheireborne. A.S. Scir, bright, clear. Burna : brook. The Clear-brook. Shipton Moyne.* (m. v. & p.) 194 m. E. of Bath (?) Skipton, Schipton, Shypton. A.S. Scéap and Scyp : sheep. Shipton Oliff. (p.) 2 m. East of Andoversford. D. S. Sciplome and Scipetone. Shepton. Skipton. Schipton. A.S. Scyp : for Sciep : variant of Scèap. Olive was the name of a local family. Shipton Sollars. 2 m. E. of Andoversford. Once a fee of the De Solers family. Literally, cattle-enclosure or sheep-farm. A.S. Scèap-tün. M.E. Schêp ; g. pl. Scépe. * Originally O.F. for Monachus, a monk, or a Sparrow. Ralph Me Mogne, held his land of Eyston by serjeanty (Gr. Easton: Essex) for being King's Larderer: which his ancestor, William le Moigne, had held A.D. 1130. P.R. Hen. I., p. 59. (See J. H. Round. The King’s Sergeants, a., pp. 234-41.) I4O GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Shirehampton. (m.) on the Bristol Avon. (In C.S. 55 I. A.D. 883, the locality is called Hrycgleage = Ridgley). A.S. Scir: a district, shire: diocese; pro- vince. P1. Schüren. M.E. Schire. Prof. W. W. Skeat lately shewed (in N. & Q.) that ‘shire’ and (L.) Cura are identical ; the latter representing an old Latin Coira, probably shortened from Scoira. K. Q. Hampton 1285. Shirynton, 1352 (S.V. Reg. Worc). : Shurdington. (m. v. & p.) 2 m. S.W. of Leck- hampton. H. C. Glos. I. 19. (I 148) Schurdentone. H. C. GloS. I. Ios. (I 157) Scherdyntone. (1294) Schurd- inton. (1337 IPM.) Shrutdyntone. (1511) Shirdyn- ton. Shoryndon. Surdinton. Perhaps, Scirierd A.S. p.n. Scirherd—inga-tūn : the farm of the sons of Scir- heard. (Cf. the modern p.m. Sherard). Siddington. (m. v. & p.) 194 m. S.E. of Cirences- ter. D. Sladintone and Suditone. Sotington. Sodyn- ton, IPM. (1274). Suthinton. Soding done. F.A. 1396. Probably Syda’s ton. The original vowel in the prefix was probably ‘y,’ written it. The o-forms are scribal only. The dal is, however, difficult to account for. Side, or Syde. (m.) Brimsfield. D. Side. 1250 (T.N.) Sida. (K.O.) Syde. Cide. Sade: i.e. the side or slope, from A.S. Side. Silver-Street. Nr. Cam. Part of an ancient road. There are several fragments of roads SO-named. But how A.S. Seolfor = silver, came to be concerned in the name, is not at all clear. It has been Suggested by Some writers that the Latin Sylva = wood, or forest, is the origin both of it, and of Sel—in Selwood. (Cf. McClure ; Brh. P1.-names, p. 254 m ) Another Sugges- tion, still, is that of Wyld & Hirst (P1.-N. of Lancs, p. 231-2), that all forms of the name Silverdale, that begin with silver, &c., are due to popular etymology, or confusion with a genitive form—Selver, of O.N. Sölvi. But the term is also applied to land. We have SHIREHAMPTON.—SLAUGHTER (UPPER & LOWER) 141 Silver-lands in St. Briavells. Cf. IPM. 1628. (a. 4. Ch. I.) At any rate, lacking early forms, as far as this county is concerned, light is not forthcoming. The term may simply refer to the colour. Sinwell. (H.) 94 m. E. of Wotton-under-Edge. A tything. Synwell. Sienewell, (c. 1220). Seinewell. Senevil (B.Mts.) Origin unknown. Siston. (m. p. & v.) 6 m. N.E. of Bristol. D. Sistone. Sixtune, (1240). Seisdone. (1317) Seysden. Seysdone. Cistone. (I3OI). CyStone.—(1346). Ceston Siso is an A.S. p.m., but it can scarcely be that repre- sented by the prefix. The second and third variant forms assimilate the name to Seisdon, Co. Stafford. As Mr Duignan points out in ‘Staffordshire Place- names,’ ‘Seis’ and ‘Sais' are Welsh for “Saxon.’ This, however, does not (Mr Stevenson states) explain the prefix reasonably, for “It means that the retiring English adopted the name from their enemies.” So Seis- down mustremain obscure for the present. The Lincoln- shire Systoyl has among its forms SyeSton and Sycheston, pointing in another direction. Perhaps we ought to look for a p.m. : Such as Sige, short for Sige-frith : or Sigot, this would give mod. SiSeton ; and g = y. Slad, The. I j4 m. N.E. of Stroud. Slade. (d.) A.S. Slaed (d.) Slaede : a valley. The ‘a’ is some times pronounced short in Gloucestershire, as in ‘lad.' Slatterslade. In Newington Bagpath. B.M. (c. 1270) Sclattresslade. The prefix gives a p.m. Sclatter, derived from the trade of splitting slates. M.E. Sclat. (O.F. Esclat: a lath or splinter). O. F. Eslater: to split. Slade, dat. of M.E. Slad, a valley. A.S. Slaed. Slaughter (Upper and Lower). (m.p. & v.) 2% m. S.W. of Stow-on-the-Wold. D. Sclostre. Anc. Ch. No. 45. (I 183.) Sloctre. P.R. 1 175-6 Scloctre and Schloch- tres. P.C. 1 22 I. Slohtres.—Sloughter.—R.H. Slott Stre. C.R. Gl. 1298 Slouhire. A.S. Slohtre(o) or Slach-treo(0), I42 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES from A.S. Sláh f. Sloe, and trèo : tree. The modern Spelling is due to the tendency to popular etymology. The Blackthorn-tree, or sloe. Slaughterford. (2). (C.S. 230.) A.D. 779 Slohtran- ford. (C.S. 882.) A.D. 949. Slohterword. A.S. Slah : sloe. At the ford of the sloe-tree. The modern spellings are due to Confusion of an obvious kind, i.e. between sloe-tree and Slaughter (from Ice-landic slatr; M.E. Slagler). Sleight, The, or Slate. Nr. Tetbury. The term is used for a sheep-walk in this county. Slimbridge. (m. v. & p.) I m. N. of Coaley Station. R.B. Slimbergge (I 166), Slynnbrugge (1224), Slim- brigge. Slimbrigga. –Slynnbrigg. —Slinbrzegge. IPM. 1281. The Domesday form, however, gives “Heslin- bruge.’ Initial Sl in names was a combination difficult to the earlier Norman clerk. We must regard it as probable that he was merely aspirating before the ‘S1’ (Cf. Estanton for Stanton.) Origin unknown. The (dat.) A.S. Brycge, M.E. Brigge = mod, bridge. The medial ‘m’ is possibly for ‘n.” (Cf. brimstone for M.E. brenstoon). Early forms are not only numerous, but remarkably constant, Slinget, The. Nr. Stanway. Slinkel. A long, narrow strip of wood. Slow.we. A hamlet of Arlingham. Scloe, IPM. 1301. Slowe: Slova. Slough. Sloo, apparently named from M.E. Slöh, d. Sloghe - mire, bog. Slo became Sloo : dat. Sloe. The sense is, at Slough.” . (Cf. Cart. Flaxley, 43. n.) Snedham. Sneadham. Sneedham. (c. 1220). B.M. 65. Sened/iante. Snead/lam. Snedham. A.S. Snæd : cut-off or intrusive portion of land. M. E. Sneyd. Snaith. Le Snaed. (M.E. v. Smithen). Cf. Ger. Schnitt, Snowshill. (m. v. & p.) 2 m. E. of Stanton. D. Snawesille. Sitawell. Sataweshull. Later Snowhttlle. SLAUGHTERFORD–SPOONLEY I 43 The prefix points to an A.S. p.n. Snaw. The D. scribe has here dropped the aspirate. M.E. Hulle dat. of Hull = hill. A.S. Hyll. The name is pronounced locally 'snögel.’ Sodbury. (m. v. & p.) 4 m. E. of Yate. D. Sope- berie. Pap: Reg : Vol. 1. p. 81. Soppebiri. A.D. 1221. C1. R. Sobbiri, (1224). Sobbure. (1279) H.C. Glos. I I I. 274. A.S. Chr: c. 900 Soppanbyrig (K.C.D. 327) Soppa was an A.S. p.m. Byrig, dat. of burh ; modern borough. Soilwell. (A farm) nr. Lydney ; otherwise Sully. (Cart: Flax. 31-32). A.D. 1281) Solewalle (i.e. M.E. Walle, a well). Soilewell = Soylewell. The prefix seems to declare that the spring is a muddy one. M.E. v. Sülien ; A.S. Sylian: to soil, or sully. (Cf. Sulan-broc. Ch. of A.D. 992.) See Soil (1) (2). Ety. Dict. E. Lang. W.W. Skeat. In A.S. Charters, Sole usually signifies a Slough, or mire, —or wallowing-place : Syla ; as in Sulhamstead. Soleway. Nr. Winchcombe. Salewi. Solewy-furlong (1323). Perhaps connected with A.S. sealh = willow. Southrop. (m. V & p.) 3% m. N.E. of Lechlade. P.C. 122 I, Suthrop. F.A. 1346 South rope. South-thrope. Literally, South-thorp. A.S. Throp = thorp : village. Speech House, The. In the Forest of Dene. M.E. Spăc-hūs. Dat. Späc-hūse. An official place of assembly in the crown-jurisdiction of the Forest. r Sponnegrene. A.D. 1281. In the Bailiwick of Bers., Forest of Dene. “Apud Sponnegrezze.” Sponnerede. Rede is perhaps for Hrēod = reed. The prefix refers to A.S. Spön : O.N. Spönn : a chip : a twig : finally, a spoon; but it may have been applied {perhaps to a water-plant. (Cf. Tr. Br. & Gl. Arch. Soc. XIV. 363). *- Spoonbed. In Painswick Manor, a tithing. M.R. Sponebedde (dat.) Bed, as in grass-bed. Spoonley. Nr. Sudeley. (1320) Sponley. Ley, º leage, d. of Léah (g =y). See Sponnerede. I 44 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Sprakeway. (In Ozleworth). Sprake is probably a Word of pre-English origin : wey = way, a path, or road. Springfield. In Westbury-on-Trim. C.S. 551. (A. D. 883 Worcester Ch.) or Haeslwell (Hazel- well). St. Briavels. (P.R. A.D. 1131, S. Briavellus. (IPM.) 1317, St. Breavell. The origin of this name is prob- ably (but not certainly) to be found in that of St. Ebrulphus. The full form of the Saint's name is Eberulphus. Fr : St. Evroult (A.D. 596). This was reduced by natural process to Évroul ; and by the common process of metathesis, Berulf, Breulf, and finally Brevul,—may (?) have resulted. The last of these became confounded with a more familiar name from the same part of Normandy; namely, Briavel and Brèval. In P.R. a. 9 Hen. II. (1164) occurs a Kentish person bearing the name of Briavel (p. 70); and a Brèval occurs as a witness to a Charter of Henry de Brockhampton, c. I 190-12oo, at Winchcombe. Alice Brèval appears to be his widow. I think these indi- viduals derived their name from Brèval, nr. Mantes. * The connection of the Convent of S. Evroult, in Normandy, with Gloucestershire was an intimate one. Hugh de Grentmaisnil (Grentménil, nr. Lisieux) the rebuilder (1050) of S. Evroult, gave Wilcote (q.v.) * Moreover, among the earliest benefactors of Margam Abbey (C. I 150) we find Richeret, son of Breazel. But, what is more germane to the matter, Roger D'Ivri, once Sheriff of Gloucestershire, was Lord of Brèval, and brother to Robert de Brèval, who was a patron of St. Evroult and died a Monk. The son, Ascelin-Goël, of Robert de Bréval, inherited the Manors of Tetbury, Hampnet, and Culkerton ; and as Mr A. S. Ellis has shewn (Vol. IV. 143. Trans. B. & Gl. Arch. Soc.) was described as Ascelin de Tateburi. So that the Lords of Brèval were of great importance to Gloucestershire. (See also p. 342. Vol. VIII. 1883-4). See Willicote. SPRAIKEWAY —STANDISH I 45 which was held by his clerk, Hugh de Sap, to it, before 1081. Ralph de Töeni (Thosny) or de Conches, who owned Bromsberrow and Clifford Castle (Here- fordshire), burned the town of St. Evroult, but besought pardon of the Abbot and Convent, and made them a recompense. King William (II.) himself gave Rowell (q.v.) to S. Evroul ; so that the Saint and his Convent was specially honoured. Hence, it is possible that he may have transferred a favourite Saint’s name to Little Lidney when his castle there was founded. In Norman days an interest in Lidney Parva (not yet known as St. Briavel), was granted by Wihanoc de Monmouth (Uncle to William Fitz Baderon, and a Breton (c.) IoS6, its then possessor and the probable founder of its Church) to the Abbey of St. Florent in Saumur, to which belonged the Priory of Monmouth, as a cell. St. Chloe. (h.) Nr. Minchinhampton. (See Sencley). Stank, The. Nr. Upton-on-Severn—(1) a muddy pool (2) a weir, or a floodgate. Stank-hen = a moor- hen, (3) a ditch-drain. Fr. Estanc, pool or tank. M.E. Stanc. Stanbarrow. (c.) Stanbarewe. Stainbarrow. A.S. Stân, a stone, rock. M.E. berwe, from A.S. Beorgh, mod: barrow, a hillock, or burial-mound. Stancombe. (m.) A.S. Stan, Stone. The Stony combe. Standish. (m.p. & v.) nr. Haresfield. (C.S. 535) A.D. 872. Stanedis. D. Stanedis, Later (II.54-89). Stanedisse. (H.C. Glos. I. IOI.) II 2 I. Standische. Stanedix. Stanedye. The terminal is A.S. ‘disc, dish, cup, hollow, concave place in a field.' (Beds. P1- names, pp. 12-13, Skeat.) (Cf. also Wyld and Hirst P1.-names of Lancashire for another ‘Standish.’) We I46 G.I.O.UCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES have, however, Gosedics/, c. 12 Io. Gosed issh 1230, for GoSedic, where M.E. Dic and dich are the equiva- lents of mod. Ditch as well as of Dyke : a wall. Stanley (Kings; Leonard; Pontlarge). q.v. Stanlegh. A.S. Stån = stone. Stanton. Staunton. (m.p. v.) (1) Nr. Broadway. (2) Forest of Dene. A.S. Stån, stone, Tūn = enclosed place. Estanton. (1230). Stantone, (1350) M.R. The A.N. influence was responsible for the aut sound. Stanway. (m. v. & p.) Nr. Toddington. Stane- wey. Stameway. An ancient paved road. A.S. Stän = Stone. Weg (g = y). Stapleton. A.S. Stapul. M.E. Stapel: a standing-post: a pillar: boundary-post; i.e. the farm by the ‘Staple.’ This name occurs frequently and in many counties. Stardens. (Newent). IPM. 1301, Styrtesden.— I356, Stardene. The prefix = A.S. Steort = a tongue of land ; lit. a tail. A.S. Dene = valley. Starve - all. Starveacre. Field-names. The latter signifies poor, unproductive land : the former represents Starve-Hale, but the meaning is the same. Stath (Le) Stethe. 1304 (IPM, a. 32, Ed. I.) Staith. Staithe. A landing-place. A.S. Staeth, bank or shore. “Upper Sevarame Slathe.” Brut. Layamon. 7. Staunton. Nr. Coleford. (m. p. & V.) (Stanton). A.S. Stån, stone. The excrescent “u,’ betraying A.N. influence comes into this name, and Occasion- ally survives. The stone farm, or town. Staverton. (m.p. & v.) 5 m. N.E. of Gloucester. D. Starventon. I 230. Stallerton. I 295. Corp : Rec : Glos: Staverthon. I&40 Slatterton. (Late) Slarton. (Staverton in Warwickshire was Stauerton in 1163. Staverton in Devon was Stofordtune in the I Ith cent tury Charter of Leofric). I am inclined to distrust the medial ‘71 ° in the Domesday form, and to regard the name as a Staverton. It probably took its name from a STANLEY (KINGS ; LEONARD; PONTLARGE)—STOKE 147 Stone ford across Hatherley stream, and an earlier form Of the name may have been Stafordton. Stawell. A portion of Leach, called Stamewell at D.S. A.S. Stăn = Stone : wealle, well. The same as Stowell (q.v.) Stears. (m.) nr. Newnham, in the manor of Rodley- Minsterworth. D. Staure. Staura. P.C.. I 22 I. Stature. Later Slaurys. Stares. Staur. If this represents a personal name, it is an unrecorded one. Stert. Sterts. Le Sterte. Steurte. Sturte. Sturls. Starl, Storte. The Stirls. A.S. Steort. M.E. Steort, a tail (Cf. Red-start), or tongue of land, the plough-tail. (Cf. Eng. Dial. Dict. Vol. VI., p. 735, also, Mr Duignan's Worc. Place-names, p. 154). Stinchcombe. (m. p. & v.) 2% m. N.W. of Dursley. (Cf. Stinsford. Co. Dorset. F.A. Styntesford. Stincheſford). Stintescombe B.M. 1 150-60. Stinctes- cumb. 1220-1289.-(IPM.) Styntiscombe. Stintescumbe. Stynchescombe. The prefix appears to be an unrecorded and doubtless unpopular A.S. p.m. formed from A.S. Styntan = to stunt. Stocking. A hamlet of Haresfield, Stockem-putte C. 1205. (H.C. Glos.) Stockinge, 1633. Probably, for ‘Stoccen,' from M.E. Stoc. dat. pl. Stocken,_meaning ‘ at the Stocks,” or tree-trunks. The second syllable has weakened into ‘ing.’ -- Stoke. A.S. Stoc, i.e. a staked place, or palisade. (1) Archer. (m.) in Bishops Cleeve parish. D. Stoches. Stoche. (ch = k). Archerestoke (1337, IPM.) This manor was held from the King by Nicholas (le) Archer, by presentation of a bow and arrows. (2) Giffard. (m) nr. Bristol. D. Stoche. Estoch. (m. p. & v.) I m. N.E. of Bitton Station. Held by the Giffard family. (3) Bishop. (m.) (2 m. N.W. of Bristol). C.S. 313 and I 202. A. D. 804 and 967 Stoce; C.S. 1320 A.D. IOOO, Stoc. I. I 48 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Stokenhill. Nr. Whiteshill, M.E. Stoken, dat. pl. of Stock : stoc = tree-trunk. e Stonehouse. (m.p. & township) 3 m. W. of Stroud. Stanhits. 1229. (Corp : Rec : Glos. No. 215). IPM. I 28 I. Stamhuse. (R.H.) Stonhus, i.e. Stone-house. Stour. (r.) (C.S. 636.) A.D. 922. Sture. 972. Stüre. * A river-name of unknown origin.” Mr Duignan, in his Staffordshire P1-names, (quoting Mr W. H. Stevenson), mentions the Stor, a northern affluent of the Elbe, an Old form of which is recorded as Stuaria. Stourden. Nr. Bristol. 13th cent. Storden. On the river Stour. Den, a dene, or valley. Stow. (m. p. & town) on the Wold. Stout. A.S. Stów, a site, an inhabited place. Stowell. (m. & p.) 2% m. E. of Chedworth. D. Stanztelle. (1235) Stowell. (1242) Stowell. (1303) Stok- well, i.e. the well of the fenced place : (1324) Stowell. F.A. (1346) Stokwell. Stawelle. Stoltell. A.S. Stoc. M.E. Stoke, pl. Stokes. But this form is late. The D.S. form is stān-(stone) well; which agrees better with Stawell. Stowell = A.S. Stöw : an inhabited place. Stowick. In Henbury, 13th century. F.A. 1316. Stokewyke. Stowevicke. A.S. Wic (n) a village, or collection of houses. Here, again, S/Oke has occasion- ally intruded in place of ‘Stow ; as though to prevent the infusion of the w-w of our Second example. See above. The sense seems to need M.E. Stön. Stratford. Nr. Stroud. The ancient Wick street, leading to Wyke (Painswick), here crosses the Wick- stream, or Wick-water. A.S. Stræt = paven road. Loan-word from Latin (via) Strata. It is not, however, necessarily evidence of a Roman road : but merely of the antiquity of the road SO designated. Stratton. (m.p. & V.) I m. N.W. of Cirencester. S/rattoize. A.S. Stråt-tūn. The enclosed farm by the paved road. STORENHILL–STROUD I49 Stroat. (v.) nr. Tidenham. (C.S. 927) A.D. 956 Stract. Stroale. 1637. IPM. The ‘o' is analogical and perhaps of unique occurrence, in this example of a far-distributed local name. Mercian, Strét. Lat. S//atla (via). There was probably a Strotford at Stroud, in early days. It is noteworthy that assimilative con- fusion between Strodford and Stratford, both adjoining Stroud (Strode), caused a witness to an IPM. 1324 (No. 51) to be called Henry de Stretford, and in No. 75 of the same year, Henry de Strodford. In a similar, but easy, confusion, Bulstrode is in Chancery Docu- ments called ‘Bulstreet,’ and ‘Boulstred.’ But in spite of the Gloucestershire ‘Stroat’ above, -Strod, Strode and Stroud have no real relationship with Strat and Street. Stroud. (m. p. & town). A chapelry in early XIV. cent. Strode. La Strode. Strowde. A.D. 1200 Rot. Chartarum, 516, mentions “the wood of La Strode.” (P.C) 1221. (348) La Strode. ‘Henry atte Strode’ (Witness to a local IPM. 1358). The river (really the Frome) is called Strod-water in 1475-80. Early Chancery Proc. p. 21 O. B. 54. Mr W. H. Stevenson has written, -“It appears in three forms: (a) Strode, (b) Strood, (c) Stroud. . . The third form appears to be the commonest. . . . These Stroud-forms suggest an O.E. Strüd as their origin ; but in the case of Stroud in Gloucestershire, and possibly in the other cases, the form is a mispro- nunciation of M.E. Stroud = Strod. The variation of pronunciation is represented in the two modern spellings Den Strood and Denzstroud, Co. Kent. In O.H.G. the word Stratot corresponding to an O.E. Ströd, glosses ‘palus,” a marsh, three times in the Paris Virgil Glosses (Birlinger, in Kühn's Zeitschrift, XIX., 3I4) and the word occurs in German Local- names (Op. cit. XX. I52). . . In a communication L 2 I 50 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES printed by Birlinger, it is stated that in German names it is sometimes applied to marshy woods, copses, and thickets, and to brooks; and it seems to have been used in England in reference to the first three. The view that Ströd means “swamp” is supported by the evidence of a derivative, or perhaps a second form of the word (neuter ES/OS stem).” (Journal of Philo- logical Society, 1898). g. Strod-es. There is a Stroud- Green, near Standish. Sty. Stey. Ex. Bicknorsty. Cnappesty. Mersty. A.S. Stig = a path. Common in the Forest of Dene. Sudeley. (1) nr. Winchcombe. D. Sudlege. Later, Sudle, Sudley and Sulley. Possibly South-ley; but doubtful. (2) in Forest of Dene. Suthlege (1250) Suthleie, i.e. South-ley, Sulley. Nr. Lydney. Known as Soilwell (q.v.) 13th century. Soilewell (Cart. Flax. pp. 31-32). Cf. IPM. 7, Hen.V., No. 52. Sollewalle. (1281) (Fosbroke.) Sutton. = Sudtone =(South-ton) Suthtuna. Swailey. (h.) near Forthampton. Perhaps for Swai(n)ley ; but origin unknown. Swanhanger. (h) B.M. 1255. Sworzhunger. B.MSS. 1220, Swanhanger. Swonigre. Saniger. Nr. Berke- 1ey. Hanger = a hillside wood. Swan, or Swon, is here probably the wild swan, seldom seen there to-day. Swell (Upper and Nether). (Two manors & par- ishes) N. and N.W. of Stow-on-the-Wold, on the river Dikler. A.S. Chr.—Swelle. D. Svelle. K.O. Sltell.— Ann. Tewk. I 236, Suwelle. Suella. Chr. Of Evesham, p. 72 (1058). Swilgate. (r.) nr. Tewkesbury. Suliet, (Leland). Swindon. (m.p. & v.) 2 m. N.N.W. of Cheltenham. D. Swindone. (P.R). A.D. 1177 (a. 22, Hen. II.) STY. STEY. —T ADDINGTON I5 I Suintone. I221. P.C. Swendone. Swyndone. A.S. Swin, dūn, i.e. swine-down. Syche. Sytche. The Siches. Le Syches,’ a term of not rare occurrence. M.E., Syche – (1) a boggy spring in a field, (2) a drain (E.D. Dict.—Wright). Symondshall. (m. & h.) nr. Wotton-under-Edge. D. Simondeshale, from A.S. p.m. Sigemund. (1238) Symzaldeshale. IPM. I.304 Cymztdeshal. Hale d. sing. of hálh ; the Mercian form of W. S. healh, a corner, |but applied usually to a meadow only. Symondsyat. Symundegate. A.S. p.n. Sigemund. Geatt, gate (Cf. Yate). The ancient way between Coleford and Ross passed close to this spot. Cf. the use of ‘Gate' for road or gang-way, in ‘Stangate’ opposite Westminster, on the Watling-Street. Syreford. (L.) nr. Andoversford. Sierford. Origin unknown. Taddington. (hamlet) near Stanway. Tadynton IPM. 1307. Tada is an A.S. p.m. Early forms are infrequent. The full form would be Tadingatiºn, the farm of the sons of Tada ; unless we regard the earlier forms yielding to ‘ing,’ as the weakened gen: NOTE.—Many of the recorded written forms of names under this letter illustrate the difficulties encountered by Norman clerks in dealing with Place-names beginning with 7% not that the French lacked place-names of their own possessing initial Th: but because they sounded it as simple t. Gradually they learned to distinguish the two in English : but the process was so confusing to them that many of them seem to have felt it was safer to write most initial /'s as //, than to continue, as they had begun, writing the thºs as t's. This led them even to attack medial, and even penultimate t's ; such as £ in ton, and to write /hort. To increase their difficulties, moreover, occurred dialectal pronunciation, here and there, such for example as Druffum for Througham : (r) Dikler, for 7 heckylor/re, /9/-eten, for Threaten, /)ree, for Three, so that, since the real initial //, had often dialectally become t and d, they had no small justification for their pecu- liarities. - I52 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES singular Taden ; of Tada : in which case, the meaning is Tada’s farm. Tada is known otherwise from Tadanleah (K.C.D. 603). The medial consonant has doubled. Tarleton (Little). (m.) D. Torentume. Tarleton. (m. & h.) I }4 m. N.E. of Rodmarton. D. Torºnentatne. Later Torleton. Thorleton. Therleton. Perhaps the farm, or tún, of Thorold, or possibly Thurhild. - Taynton. (m. p. & v.) 3 m. S.E. of Newent. D. Tetinton and Tatinton. (I 135). Thetintone. Tynton (1236). Teynton. (c. 1210) Theinton. Tainton. Teyntun. Tethingtone. Toyntone. There were three manors here at D.S., and soon after a Chapel in the wood was dedicated to S. Laurence. The intervocalic t seems to point to a p.n. Such as Tetta, with a weak- ened genitive leading to ing. - Teddington. (m.) nr. Washbourne, 5 m. E. of Tew- kesbury. A.D. 780 (C.S. 236) Teottingtune. A.D. 977 Tidingctum. (C.D. 617) Teotintum (C.S. I 135). D. Teotintune. Teotta is an unrecorded A.S. p.m. : never- theless Teottingatiºn must have meant the town, or farm, of the sons of Teotta. Temple-Guiting. (m. p. & v.) (See Guiting). Tengle-stone. (At Minchinhampton). A large, upright, perforated slab. Origin of name unknown. A similar slab stands in a field near Elkstone (1912). There is, I am told, a Welsh word Tengl, meaning ‘girth.” Tetboldstone. (D. hundred). D. Tedboldestame. H.R. Tibaldstone. Tedbaldston. Tetbald is a known A.S. p.m. deriving from Theodbeald. The sense is the (Boundary) Stone of Tetbald. A Tetbald was tenant of the Manor of Cliftone (in Stoke Gifford parish) T.R.E. TARLETON (LITTI.E)—THORNBURY I 53 Tetbury. (m. p. & town) situated on the Wiltshire border. C.S. 59. A. D. 680 Tettan Monasterium.” C.S. I 32O. (C.) A.D. IOOO Tettanbyrig. D. Teteberie. Later (IPM. 33. Edw. I.) Tetubiri. Tottebury — Tettebury. Tetta is a known A.S. p.m.; Byrig dat. of Burh : ‘ att' (at) being understood. The sense is, at Tetta’s farm-enclosure, or borough. Tewkesbury. (m. & ancient borough-town). D. Teodechesberie. Theokesbiri. Theukesbury. Theike- byry. Thoikesbury. Teokesbury. Teukesburye. Toike- buri. The p.n. Teodec occurs in C.S. I I I (K.C.D. 506) Teodecesleah. But this is probably only a form of Theodec. Byrig = d. of Burh. M.E. burgh. E. borough. Theescombe. Nr. Amberley, pronounced ‘Tees- comb.” (?) p.m. It has been supposed identical with ‘Smececumb of Æthelbald’s Charter, K.C.D. Io'73. A.D. 896: Intermediate forms are not forthcoming. Thormarton. Now Farmington, nr. Sherborne. D. Tormentone. (c) I 182. Tormerton, L.B.Wi.—1220. Thormerton. L.B.Wi.—P.F. Glos. (1209), T.N. Tor- 17tenton. K.Q. Thormanton, Tormenton. Thormerton, F.A. 1303. 1316. As with the other example, e.g. Tormarton (q.v.) the prefix represents the A.S. p.m. Thatrinaer. In both there is a tendency to exchange ‘r’ for ‘n’ at the end of the prefix. Here the ‘N’ forms have a majority of one, so that possibly the origin may be given to the p.m. Thurmund. The Norman scribes have here persisted, but in vain, in converting th into t.* Thornbury. (m. p. & market-town). C. S. 574. A. D. 896, Thornbyrig. D. Turneberie.—Tornbiri * In Chanc. Proc. B. 201. A.D. 1558-79. It is called alias Aormington. I54 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES I 22 I-Pap. Reg. p. 81.—Torneb’i. T.N. — Torbyri. 1284 F.A.—A.S. Thorn (The tree): Byrig, d. of A.S. Burh. M.E. burgh, borugh : an enclosed place, town, village, or fort. Througham — pronounced “Druffum. Near Lypiatt-cum-Bisley. D. Trohain. P.C. 124. Truthanz. Trougham. The prefix points to the A.S. troh : a trough ; or conduit. - Thrupp, The. Once a portion of Stroud, and 1 m. S. of it. So Brocthrup for Brookthorp. A.S. throp, thorp; village. This form is known in other counties, also. Another Thrupp, (Thorp, Threp) adjoined Winchcombe, L.B.W. I. I.4. Irop, Yrap, F.A. 1284. Tibberton. (m. p. & v.) I m. W. of Barbers Bridge (Duchy of Lancaster hundred). D. Tebriston. Tyberton. Typertone. Tiberthone. Tibertown. Tiburton, i.e. the ton, or farm, of Tidbeorht (A.S. p.m.) ‘D’ medial naturally yields before ‘b,” as in Theobald, for Theod-bald ; and Tibbald for both. Tibboldestone Hundred. (D.) It included Beck- ford. D. Tetboldestane. Tedboldstane. Tibaldestone. The A.S. p.m. Tetbald = Theodbeald. A.S. Stån, stone (i.e. boundary-stone). Tibaldstone and Cleeve form the modern Hundred. (See Tetboldstone, above). Tibby-well. A prominent spring in Painswick. 15th and 16th century M.R. Toby. Towey. Tobye(s) well. Towey(s)well. Tybbyewell (1607.) Tibba is an A.S. p.m. ; that also of a Saint (A.S. Chr. E. a. 963). It occurs locally in ‘Tibbarthol.' (B.C.S. 144. K.C.D. Iooo). Nevertheless, probabilities seem to favour a river-term of obscure origin. Tidenham. (m. p. & v.) nr. the Wye. (C.S. 928) A.D. 956 Dyddanhamme. D. Tideham. Tedeham. Tudeham (c) 1200. Tildenham. 1253. H.C. Glos. 2. 142 (c. 1274) Tudertham. Dydda was a common THROUGHAM—TOLANGEBRIGE, OR LANGEBRIDGE I55 p.m. among the W. Saxons. Here “hamme’ (d) means the riverside meadow, or pasture, belonging to one, Dydda. (g.) Tillath. (r.) C.S. 156. A.D. 736. Tillmoth, C.S. 217. (A.D. 774). Tilmoth. C.S. 299 (c. A.D. 8oo). Another name for a portion of the Coln near Andoversford. In the Charters it occurs with Wudiandun (Wythington). Tining, or Tyning (The). A fenced enclosure ; a verbal subs: from v. Tine: to shut. Cf. Tünen (A.S. Tynan) to enclose : from tun, (mod.) ton, town. Tirley. Formerly known as ‘Trinley.” (p.) 5 m. S.W. of Tewkesbury Station. D. Trinleie. (Corp : Rec. Glos, No. 150) Trinlegal c. 1220.-P.C.. I 22 I. Trizzlee. F. A. Trynley. Trinzeley. Trimley. Trinley. Tyrley. The first element is doubtful : while the ley = 1éâh = clearing. Tockington. (m. & hamlet) nr. Olveston. D. Tochintune. F.A. Tokynton. Tokyngtone. Toki is an A.S. p.m. ; hence the meaning is “ the farm, or ton, of the sons of Toki.” The Norman frequently substi- tutes ‘ch for ‘c’ and “k.’ Toddington. (m. v. & p.) 4 m. N. of Winchcombe. D. Todinbun. Tudinton. Todington, that is—Todinga- tiºn, farm of the sons of Toda. The early Norman dis- liked ‘ing ' and most frequently writes ‘in for it ; the later Norman and his Successors thrust in the ‘g ’ ad libiţut 17t. Todenham. (m. v. & p.) 4 m. N.E. from Moreton- in-the-Marsh. (C.S. 313) c. A.D. 804, Todanhom. D. Teodeham. Teoda is a variety of A.S. p. m. Toda. Hence, the water-meadow or homme, (A.S. Hamm) Of Teoda, or Toda. Tolangebrige, or Langebridge. Name of a Domesday hundred : the modern Dudstone and King’s- Barton, adjoining Gloucester. It contained the densest population in the shire at Domesday. The meaning is I56 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES ‘To the long-bridge'; which connected Gloucester with the Forest Of Dene. Tormerton. (m. p. & v.) 4 m. S.E. of Chipping- Sodbury. D. Tormentone. Tormerton P.R. 1175-6. Torineráztyn. B.M. I 185-91. F.A. Thormerton. Thor- 77tarton.—(Pap. Pet. I. I 18) A.D. 1436. Tormarton. Thurmaer = Thurmer is an A.S. p.m. The name means the ton, or farm, of Thurmer. The Normans naturally wrote ‘t’ as well as “d ’ for initial ‘Th.” That the D. Scribe here also wrote 7z for r, seems proved by the I I 85 and Subsequent forms. Tort, The. At Oakridge. Unknown origin. Tortworth. (m. v. & p.) 2% m. W. of Charfield Station. D. Torteuord. (Cal: Doc: France, No. 1047). (J. H. Round) c. I IOO. Torleoda.-IPM. I.343. Torte- worth. I337, IPM.–Totteworth. – Tortheworth. 1364. (Pap. Petitions 1.489). The prefix might be for Torht as in the p.m. Torhtwold, or Torthwine : torht being a known A.S. prototherme: (thoreth: Tored); and these protothermes became frequently used as pet-names for the longer forms; but here we have a constant e (Torte), which seems to demand a weak nominative in a,-Torta.” Towbury Hill. Nr. Twyning. No variants. Towi is an A.S. p.m. Hence, the hill may be named from Towi's-burh, or borough, or enclosed place. But if so, the possessive particle has dropped out. Tredington. (m. p. & v.) 2% m. S.S.E. of Tewkes- bury. D. Trotintune. P.C. 1221 Tredigtone. Tredintone. —1252 (A" Tewk:) Tredrintone. Treddington. Mr Duignan points out (Worc.P.-n.) in reference to the not- distant namesake, T. On Stour, (C.S. I 83.) A.D. 757, Tredingctiºn. A.D. 964 (C.S. I 135) Tyrdintune. A.D. 978 Tredinctume (K.C.D. 620): “The prefix represents the A.S. p.m. Tyrdda. This is supported by the Charter of 964. That of 757 mentions Comes Tyrdda (Earl * i.e., the worth, or farmstead of Torta. TORMERTON.—TURKDENE I57. Tyrdda) as the former owner.” Hence, the meaning is—the town, or farm, of the descendants of Tyrdda. In the Gloucestershire example, however, the less ancient evidence of the forms points rather to the p.m. ‘Treda,” as that of a Saxon owner, whose descendants possessed it after him. Tredworth. Nr. Gloucester. Truddeworth. 1284. H.C. Glos. 2. 203. Trudworth. (c. 1457). The prefix probably stands for the A.S. p.m. Tyrdda (g) The sense is Tyrdda's farm. Metathesis is responsible for the ever-movable ‘ r.” Tresham. 5 m. N.E. of Hawkesbury. (K. 570). A.D. 972 Tresham. Variant forms entirely lacking. Trewsbury. (C.) nr. Cirencester. D. Tursberie. F.A. Trussebyry. Troutesbury. Trosebury. Thronves- bury. 1349. (C.R. : Glos. No. 950). The prefix may possibly represent the A.S. p.m. Turri. But more likely it is connected with A.S. Trits (m. and n.) brush-wood. (Cf. Jour. Philol. Soc. Ap. 1, 1898, p. 15, W. H. Steven- son). The meaning in the latter case is ‘the bury in the brush-wood.’ Trill-gate. A gate that turns. Cf. Dan, trille, twirl. Trillies, The. In Oakridge. (Doubtful). Trill- pools are gently twirling pools. (See Ombersley, Ch. D. Evesham, R.S. p. 3O4). Trunch, The. In Oakridge. The Trench : an old lane : Or a hollow-Way. Tuffley. (m.p. & v.) South of Gloucester. (c) I 190 Tuffele. 1342 Tuffleleye. Tuffa is an A.S. p.m. The sense is Tuffa’s pasture. The original form Was probably Tuffamleage. Tump, The. A mound : a barrow ; a tumulus. (W.) Twmp. In general use. - Tunly. Nr. Oakridge. F.A. Tonley. The enclosure- field. • Turkdene. (m.p. & v.) 3% m. S. of Notgrove. C.S 165. (A.D. 743-5.) Turcanden. D. Turchedene. P.C. I58 GLO UCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES 122 I. (170) Thurkedene. Turghedene.— 1267. (H.C. Gl. iii. 177) Turkedene. Torkedene : a river-name, here, i.e. the dene through which flows the river Turca = Turcadene. Possibly Turca = Twrch, (W) the boar, mole, or burrower. Twigworth. (m. p. & v.) 2 m. N. of Gloucester. IPM. I.242. Twyggenurthe. (Cal. Rec. Glos. Corp. 327.) A.D. I 230. Z'wygworthe. The wedrth, or farm, per- haps, of one, Twicga (A.S. p.m.) Twining or Twyning. (m. p. & v.) 2 m. N. of Tewkesbury. C. S. 320. A. D. 814 Bituinaeum. D. Tvertinge and Tuninge. P.C.. I 221. Tweninges. Twennynge. Thewenge. Betwynaméſis (between the rivers Severn and Avon). Here inge has established itself, apparently as the equivalent of éâ = Stream : (pl.: inges). See Guiting. Twiver. (r.) The Weaver. Tweaver. Wever (1455). The ‘t’ is the remainder from the definite article. Twyford. (Hundred) on Severn. Twiferde. Twy- /yrd. C.S. 927. (A.D. 956) A.S. Twiford = double-ford. Tytherington. (m.p. & v.)3 m. S.E. of Thornbury. D. Tidren'tune. B.M. (c.) 1170 Tidrington. F.A. Tederyng- £on. Literally Tidher-inga-tity? : farm of the sons of Tidhere. (A.S. p.m.) Here the A.S. ‘Dh’softens to ‘th.’ Uckington. (m.) in Deerhurst Hundred. D. Hoch- Intown. I 2.2 I. P.C. Uchūzłoſze.-Okindon. Okizzton. Huack- ington. The sense is—the farm-enclosure of Ucca. There is a second Uckington, in Elmstone-Hardwick. I 320. Okynton. Possibly, neither are really patronymic forms. (Slo. XXXIII. 19). ^ Uley. (m.p. v.) 4 m. S. of Frocester. D. Evvlege. Later (C.R. G1.) Huelege. Yulea. Yweley. Eweley. The Welsh Yw, and Ywen = yew tree, more nearly approxi- mates some of the forms than does A.S. iw, Čow. Ullingwick. 12th c. Ollinggewike; H.C. Gl. Wyl- Aynwyck. = R.B. (A.D. 12 12). Ulingwyke. Ollingewyke. TWIGWORTH − WADFIELD I59 Literally, Willingawick : the vill of the sons of Willa : i.e. the Willings. Note here the two types: (1) Willa- (ing). (2) Ulla (ing). Ullington. Nr. Pebworth. D. Wenitone. — Willing- ton. Ollingtone. Olynton. Ollanton. 1313. (Sede Vac. Reg. Worc.) Literally, Ullinga-tūn : the farm of the Ullings. Here again appear the two above types. Upleadon. (m. p. v.) 3 m. E. of Newent. D. Ledene.— Upledene. Uppeledene. Leadon. The river Leden bounds it N. and E. Upperup. Near South Cerney. Upthrup : Up- thorp. M.E. Thorp : village : town. Uppe, M.E. above, up. Upton. There are several examples in the county. D. Optune. Uptone. Hzeptozze. The sense is obvious : (1) Upton St Leonards (13th century); (2) Upton-on- Severn; the A.S. Up in combination meaning “upper.” In the D-form the short it is replaced by o. Vache, The, or Watch. It occurs on both sides of the Severn. Chaucer. (Edit. Skeat, vol. I., p. 391), Truth, line 22. ‘Therefore, thou.’—Les Vacles. c. 1245. L.B. W. Le Vaches, Painswick (1552). Vache (i.e. cow). It is borrowed from the French ; and the Vatcher was the cowman. Cf. Hugh le Vacher (Vacca- rius). As a land-term, it was used for cow-pasture. A Vaccary was (vaccaria) a house, or pasture for cows. In some places, as in Ashdown Forest, it seems to have denoted a measure of ground. The t as in ditch is due to M.E. Ch. Wacrescumbe. (D. Hundred). C.S. 299. (c.) A.D. 8oo. The C.S. gives the form Waclescumb. The A.S. p.m. Wacol may have been meant here.” Wadfield. (Farm and Roman Villa) nr. Sudeley. A.S. Wād = Woad ; feld = a field. . * , is a common change for /. I 60 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Wainlode. Near Norton; on Severn. C.R. G1. Io87. (A.D. 1424.) “The Waynelodias Brugge.” The prefix is probably for M.E. Wain, A.S. Waegn : Mod: Wagon, or wain. The meaning is the Wain-ferry. Walbridge. In Stroud. Walbrigg. The sense may have been ‘the bridge of the Welsh.” But far more probably the prefix derives from A.S. Weall = wall. Walham. Nr. Berkeley. Waleham. Wale/lamine. Walam. The meaning may be ‘meadow,' (Hamm) of the (1) Briton, or (2) foreigner, or (3) slave; but the name possibly stands for (aet) Weallum = (at the) WallS. Walle. (m.) in Aldesworth. Walle (1294). Probably for ‘atte Walle’; from M.E. Walle, a wall. Wallgarston. Nr. Berkeley. Walhamgarston. (1243-5.) Walmegarston. (B.M.) Walgarstone, A.S. Gaerstün : variant, by metathesis, of graestūn — i.e. grass-ton. The earlier forms point to “Walham' as the full prefix, possibly meaning weal(h)a hām, the home of the Briton. The Second form Shews the said “ham' in the process of absorption as an unstressed syllable between two strong ones. But see under Walham. Walsworth. In Sandhurst. T. N. Waleworth. Walleswor//le. Walesworth. The ‘wedrth,’ or farm, of the M.E. Wal, or Welshman, or stranger. A.S. Weath, –es (g. Sing.) Walton (Cardiff). (m. v. & p.) In Tewkesbury Hundred. (Kerdeſ. Kaerdiff. Cardiſ.) The 12th c. family of Cardiff owned a manor here. D. Waltone. This may represent Wale for A.S. Weala (gen; pl.) of Wealh, the Welshman, or Briton ; tān; an enclosed- place, or farm ; or, the first element may be a form of A.S. Weall : wall. The name is common, and takes different forms. Walton, in Northumberland, seems to stand for the station ‘Ad Murum.’ Another Walton is a hamlet Of Deerhurst. WAIN LODE—WELGARES]3RIDGE 161 Wanswell. (m.) A hamlet, nr. Berkeley. Wenes. wella I 170-90. (B.M. 13). Weneswell, 1243. Wanes- welle, (c, I 2 IO). Wayneswelle, 1304. Wayneswell. Wanuswell. The well of Wene or Wen, or Wan, possibly a reduced form of Wanbeorht. Wapley. (m.p. & v.) 3 m. S.E. of Yate Station (in Pucklechurch Hundred). D. Wapelei and Wapelie. Wappelai (P. R. I 163-4). Wappeley I 165. There was a Wapeley-ditch in Maisemore. Wappenham and Wapehann occur in other counties. The forms seem to point to an unrecorded Wappa (A.S. p.m.) Warmley. 4% m. E. of Bristol. (1309) Wurmelegh. Wermley. The prefix here is probably a p.m., con- nected with A.S, wyrm = a serpent. Washbourne. (m. p. & v.) Great and Little W., I m. S. of Beckford Station. D. Waseborne. Wassebone. The prefix was probably A.S. Waes& : flood ; in refer- ence to the character of the stream. S/h is commonly represented in A.N. spelling by s, or ss. Washwell. A tithing of Painswick. XV. c. M.R. Wasshewelle. The first element is probably A.S. wasó (f) washing: gewaesö, flood, overflow. According to E.D.D., -“Any shore or piece of land covered at times by water : a mere.” Hence the term includes the Well-known Wash between Lincolnshire and Nor- ſolk. The same origin will fit Washbrook, which occurs in various parts of the County. Welford. (m. v. & p.) 4 m. S.W. of Stratford-on- Avon, and on that river. D. Welle/ord. (Early XIIth c.) Welfort. Walleford. Wellefford. P.C. 122 I Welneforde. Welforde. Welneford (F.A). Probably representing A.S. Weala: g. plur. At the ford of the Welshmen. Welgaresbridge. In Hardwick. Wolgaresbrugge. Walgarsbruge, (1378). (A.S. p.m.) Wulfgar. Wulfgar's- bridge. I62 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Wencote or Wincote. (m. & h.) in Quinton. D. Wenecote. P.R. 1175-6. Winecota. IPM. 1266-7 Winnecote. IPM. 1280. Wyncote. Wincott. A.S. p.m. Wenna. Possibly for A.S. Wynnan, p.m.; cota (cot). The Cot of Wynna. Wenrich. (m. & r.) Wenrisc (C.S. 230) A.D. 779. Wenris (C.S. 882) A.D. 949. Waenric. Wenrych. Wyn- rych. Hence, has been formed Windrush, (q.v.) the present name of the river, as if the terminal ‘risc’ were the English “rush ’ from A.S. risce = reed. The probabilities lie in favour of the entire name belonging to another language. Westbury. (m.p. & v.) on Avon, and on Severn. C.S. 273. (c) A.D. 794. Westbyri (on Trym). C.S. 379. A.D. 824 Westburgh. (A.D. 796 Uuestburg on Avon) Ch. Br. Mus. A.S. Chr. Westbyrig. Westbury. Byrig dat. of burh : a fortified place. Weston. There are several West- tons in the county. They are usually distinguished by additional characteristics, such as ‘Birt,’ ‘Sub-Edge,’ ‘ on Avon.’ Westrip. I m. N.W. of Cainscross. Literally, West-throp. The suffix observes the same form as in Williamstrip. M.E. thorp, throp, threp : a village. Whaddon. (m. p. & v.) 3 m. S. of Gloucester. D. Wadſtºne. Later, Waddum.—P.C. 1221. Waddo??e. Waddon. Watdone. The prefix is wad = “woad.” Dun = down. The Anglo-Saxon “Hw' became ‘Wh’ in M.E. Wheatenhurst. (p. r.) (or Whitminster). D. Witenherte. Wytenhurste (1288). Whytenhurste (1358). Whichurst. If the p.m. Hwita is responsible for the prefix, the meaning is Wita's wood, i.e. Hwitanhurste. Otherwise, the prefix = adj. hwit=white. White Walls. This term occurs in various local- ities, and usually it is found in immediate neighbour- hood of ancient ſortifications. Occasionally, it has WENCOTE OR WIN.COTE–WICKWICR I 63 become transformed in latter days into White-hall, as in the Painswick example. It is met with in Wiltshire near Sherston, and at Oakridge, in Gloucestershire. Whitstone. (Hundred). D. Wilestane. A.S. Hwit: white. Stån, stone, rock. Whittington. (m) near Sevenhampton. D. Wite- tune. Whyttyngtone. Wyd inton. Witendon (129I). Literally, Hwitantiºn, i.e. ton, or farm, of Hwita. “Hw’ regularly transposes to ‘Wh.” But possibly the adj: hwit = white alone was responsible for the prefix. Wibden. A hamlet of Tidenham. Widden. Wyb- don. Early forms are lacking : but there is a known A.S. p.m. Wibba. Dun = down. The sense is Wibba’s dene or down. Wick. D. Wiche. Wyche. Wyke. Wyk. Wike. Wich. Wig. Wic. A.S. Wić. dal Wiće. (Č = ch before the e). The word is believed to have been borrowed from the Latin Vicus, a village. If that is the case, it is, like Street, a loan-word. Both occur together in * Wykstrete’ in Painswick Manor (1550): the Wickstreet, to-day. It often meant a mere row of cottages, or shops, or farm-buildings. Difficulty arises, however, when we find a name like Wickwyk (q.v.) WickWar. (m. v. & p.) 4 m. N. of Chipping-Sodbury. D. Wichen. Wyke-Warre. Wikkeware. King John gave it to John La Warre. The prefix is A.S. wic, a village. Wickwick. 2 m. S.W. of Frampton Cotell, or Cotterell. IPM. I.284. Wykewyk. — 1290, Wyckewyk. 1298, Wykewyk. The force of the first element may be taken in the usual sense of A.S. Wic a village. The question arises whether the suffix is the same word, but bearing the Subordinate meaning of a dairy- farm, or a tithing, or some totally different word. Unfortunately, the forms are few, and of one date, and of too great a similarity to justify any decisive opinion. M I64 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Wideles. (Hundred) now part of Kiftsgate (Chef. teSihal). A.S. laes = pasture. The prefix is due to A.S. Wid : Wide. Widford. (m.) D. Widiſorde. C.R. (A.D. 1231-4) Wythiford. Wvdford. An island of Gloucestershire in Oxfordshire, on the R. Windrush. The origin is probably A.S. Withig-ford : the ford by the willow. Wightfield. v. & p. in Deerhurst. (c.) 1260 Wyffeld. (K.O.) Whycfeld. (F.A.) Wyghtfelde. Withfeld. Wythe- feld. Wiffeld. In the shortened form Wiffeld, the ‘gh' has been transformed to an “f” sound, as in ‘ cough.” The long ‘i’ becomes short before ‘tſ.” Probably (and in Spite of the conflicting variant forms), the place was A.S. Withig : willowfield. Wigwold. (m) nr. Cirencester. (K.O.) Wygewold. Wyggewold (1358 IPM.). Wiggold. The first element is the A.S. p.m. Wicga : So that the original form was probably Wicganwold. Wold means a tract of high wild land : V. Cotswold. M.E. : Wáld, wold,-es. Willersey. (m. v. & p.) 3% m. S. of Honeybourne Station. C.S. 482. E. (c.) A.D. 850. Wyllereseie. Wyllereseye. Willerseia. (Latinised form ) D. Willer- sei. Willurdeseye. Later Wylardeseye. Willarseye. Willeresheye. ia, eie, ey, represent A.S. ea : a stream. The prefix is the p.n. Wilheard (gen.) Cf. Wylheardes-treow, K.C.D. 262. Williamstrip. Represented in A.D. Io94 by the D. Hetrope (Hatherop): F.A. Willamesthorp. Willas- thorp. WillomesSrop. IPM. I.258. The village belong- ing to Willame, i.e. Willelm. Willicote. (m.) 194 m. N. of Long Marston (Great and Little W.) D. Wilcote. (c. 1250) Wilicote. Willicote. Wylcot. Probably the A.S. Welig = willow is represented here by the prefix in the Sense of wattle = Wilige. It was given by Hugh de Grentmaisnil, before 1081, to S. Evroult's Abbey at Ouche, Normandy WIDELES-WISSETER I65 (S. Ebrulphus), where his brother Robert had been Abbot, and whither his own body, salted and Sewn up in an ox-hide, was taken from England, for inter- ment (1093). The Abbot of St. Evroult (c. 1240) held 8 virgates here. Winchcombe. (m. v. & p.) an ancient Mercian town, 7 m. N. of Cheltenham. (C.S. 309) A.D. 803 Wincelcumba. (C.S. I ros). A.D. 963. Wincescumbe. Wichilicumbe, 1207 (Pap. Reg: p. 27, vol. 1) Wynch- combe. Winchecumb. Guicchicumba. 13th c. (Peruzzi). A.S. Wincel = a corner. Cumb = a valley. Wincote. In Quinton. See Wencote. * Windrush. (r. p. & v.) on the river so-called. A.D. 779. (C.S. 230.) Wenrisc. A.D. 949 (C.S. 882). Wenris, and JVanric.— Wenrich. Wanriche. Windridge. It is doubtful whether either element here is of A.S. origin; though the terminal resembles A.S. Risc = Reed, rush ; and has been so rendered in later days. The spelling * Wind' is due to popular etymology. Winson. (m.) A chapelry, on the Coln, 2 m. N. of Bibury. D. Winestlane. F. A. Wymeston. Wine is an A.S. p.m. ; tām = a farm. Winstone. (m.p. & v.) 4% m. S.E. of Birdlip. D. Winestume. (K.O.) Wymeston. Winestone. Wine = is an A.S. p.m. ; tān : farm. Winterbourne. 4 m. S.W. of Yate Station. Wyn- terborne. Winterburyze : i.e. a burn that only flows in Winter. Wishanger. Nr. Shepscombe. P.C. 122 I Wis- hangre. Wyshunger. Wysslentonger. Wishonger. Wychangre. A.S. hangra, a wood, growing high on a hill-side. Hunger and honger are dialectal forms. The prefix probably represents the Wych-elm : A.S. Wice. We have Oakhanger, Aspenhanger and Birchanger. Wisseter. In Painswick Manor (1607). I66 GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Witcombe or Whitcombe. Below Birdlip. Great and Little. (m. & p.) (Early M. Rolls) A.D. 1330, Wydycoumbe, (IPM.) Wydecombe. A.S. WIdan=broad: coomb. Withington. (m. p. & v.) 8 m, S.E. of Cheltenham. C.S. 158. A.D. 736-7 Wudiandun. D. Widendune. Withindon, I 191. L.B.W. Wytington. Wythyndon. Wychendon. Probably the sense is willow-down : from A.S. Withig(en) = willows. The growth of the Pseudo-patronymic ‘ing’ out of medial ‘an,’ ‘en,’ ‘ym’ is well-exemplified. Withybridge. (m.) Nr. Boddington. A.S. Withig, willow ; and Brycg : bridge. Wlpitta. Nr. Cobberley. (‘id est fossa luporum’) A.D. 1 148. A wolf-pit. (H.C. Gl. I. 235). Woeful-Dane-bottom. Nr. Bisley. Dane is a not-uncommon transformation of Den : A.S. Dene: a valley. The prefix probably stands for the p.m. Wulf- flaed. The complete form would thus be ‘Wulfflæd- dezze-botton?.’ Wolstrop. Nr. Quedgeley. Wulvesthrop. Wul- matchestorp. Wollesthorp. Perhaps the sense is ‘the Thorp belonging to Wulfnoth.’ Woodchester. (m. v. & p.) C.S. 164. (c.) A.D. 740 Wuducedstre. D. Udecestre, and Widecestre.-1221. Wudecestria (P.C. 224). Wodecestre (ce = che). Wode- chestre. Literally, the Fortress in the wood. A.S. ceaster is the Wessex form of the Low-Latin Castrae (Cf. Gleavan-ceaster). The earliest form was probably Widucedstre, from Widu : wood. Woodmancote. (m.) (1) nr. Bishop's Cleeve (2) nr. N. Cerney, (3) in Dursley. Walemenecote. (1230). Wodenzoltecote. Wodenza17776cote. Wildeman is an A.S. p.m. as in Wudemannes-tun. K.C.D. 685. Cote = cot. The second is the strong : the first, the weak form of this term : modern, Coll. witcom BE OR WHITCOMBE–WYDECOMSEDE 167 Woolaston-on-Severn. (West bank). (m.p. & v.) D. Odelaweston. 1253. (Pap. Reg : Vol. I. 288). Wolsiston. 1218. (Pap. Reg. vol. 1. p. 54.) Wolavestone. P.C. 1221 Wllanestone.— Wulsiston (IPM.) c. 1250. To the prefix, A.S. p.m. Wudelaf, is added M.E. ton = farm-enclosure. The 1221-form exemplifies the scribal tendency to confuse 77 and v.; as in enese for evese. Woolston. (m.p. & v.) 2 m. N. of Bishop's Cleeve. D. Olsendone. Wolsiston (1316) [Volston. Woolston. A.S. p.m. Wulfsie, (for Wulfsige); tın = farm. Wormington. (m.) nr. Toddington. D. Wermetun. (H.C. Glos.) A.D. 1234 Wermetone. Wormyntone. The patronymic tendency has achieved great things here. But instead of being the ton, or enclosure-farm, of the Wormings, the name means simply Wyrma's farm. Wortley. (h.) In Wotton-under-Edge. Wurthelye. Worteley. Possibly A.S. Weorth = a farm : 1éah. d. leage (= M.E. ley) meadow, pasture. Wotton. (1) St. Mary, (2) Under Edge, (3) near Gloucester. D. Utone. C.S. 452. Wudotune (c. 848) Wood-ton. The farm-enclosure near, or in, the wood. Wulfrichethrop. Nr. Gloucester. (1267) Wlfriches. thrope. IPM. (1252) Ulvrichesthrop. A.S. p.m. Wulfric. The thrup, or thorp, belonging to Wulfric. Wulfridge. In Olveston. Wulferugge. That is, a ridge haunted by wolves. Wychwood. Really in Co. Oxford. A.S. C. Huicce- wudu. D. Hitchewode. T.N. Wykeweld. R.H. Wiche- wode. The wood of the Huiccas, or (Lat.) Hwiccii. A.S. Widu and Wudu : Wood. - Wydecomsede. c. 1121. Widcom sede. Either the ‘s’ is inorganic, and the terminal represents A.S. haeth : heath ; or, the terminal is for M.E. Sete, a dwelling. The b fell out between m and S. The sense is “at wide-coomb-heath ': i.e., Witcombe, to-day. I68 GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Wye, The. (r.) A.S. Waege (Waegemutha = Wye- mouth). Latinized, Waia, Waya. (H.C. Glos. 2. 187). Wyeford. A.D. 956 (C.S. 927) Twyfyrd, for A.S. twi-ford = double ford. The mod: form is due to the river’s name. Wyegate. (m.) (In St. Briavels Hundred). D. Wigheiete. IPM. I.337. Wyget. The sense is as in Symondsyat : (yate =gate). Gate = road or way. Wysshallismead. (In Painswick Manor). Wyc- ceShallesfeld. XV. c. Mº Roll. I think that the penulti- mate “S” is excrescent in both positions. The name may have denoted ‘the meadow of the Wick-hall.’ The readings are no earlier than 1430. But in that year a manor-roll makes mention of the AVova Aula (of the Clothiers) to which the New Street led. This was the Wick-Hall ; and the above mead probably pertained to it. London-House has embodied part of it. Wysshes, The. A close in Siddington. The term probably represents Wisce = a piece of meadow. Mr W. H. Stevenson cites Low - German ‘ Wische, - meadows, and instances ‘Borderswyssh' and ‘Hodis- daliswyssh’ (i.e. a wish in Hodisdale); and Cf. C.S. ii, 219, 22O, A.D. 898. Menewyssh = common wish. (A.S. gemaene). Yanworth. (m. h. & chapelry) 4 m. S. of Hazleton D. Teneurde. Yaneworthe. (H.C. Glos. 1. 9o, I I. 179). Jameworthe. Jameworre. Jeanworth (1221). Zene- worthe. (1251) Zaneward. The D. clerk avoided the open vowel sound here. The prefix seems to stand for an A.S. p.m. Ean,—short for Eambeorht, or Some such name, by change of stress = yan. Weorth = farm-stead. The Z-forms are due to mis-writing the Spirant G as Z. The same applies to the following name-forms. For the J-forms, the initial J was un- known to the Norman ; hence he was compelled to WYE, THE–ZOONS, THE 169 find a way out of this difficulty. The Y-forms are the native Ones. Yartledon Hill. (Otherwise May Hill) in parish of Longhope. Yarcledon. Yacledo??, and Yarkleywall- way. Zarkley. Yark is (in dialect), the common ‘ ragwort.” Nevertheless, for Yark-hill (Co. Hereford) Cott: MS. Aug. ii. 47. A.D. 81 I gives us (aet) Geardcylle. & Yardishill. (See Gersehill.) Yate. (m. p. & v.) on the r. Frome, Io m. N.E. of Bristol. (C.S. 231) A.D. 778 Gete. (A.S.) Geate (dat.), E. Gate. D. Giale. Yade. Zale. For ‘ael Geate.’ Yfold. (See Ifold). Zirencester, Ziszeter. (See Cirencester). This is Cotteswold phonetic : on the principal of Z for S- sounds. Glos : Zow = Sow. Zoons, The. Field-name at Church-down. Un- determined origin. The Zonaries was a mediaeval name for the Mercers’ quarter in Gloucester ; i.e. so-called from Zontarius = a girdler. APPEN DIX I. SOME PERSONAL AND FAMILY NAMES OCCURRING IN GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES. Abba, Abinghall, Avenage Adda, Adsett AEbba, Ebley, Ebbworth AEcga, Agmead AElf, Olveston AElfred, Alliston, Arlington AElfsige, Alstone AElfwynn, Alvington AElle, Ellesworth, Elcombe AEsc-elf, Ashelworth AEthelbeorht, Aylberton AEthelhelm, Admington AEthelwig, Eyleston Bacga, Bagendon, Bagpath Badda, Badderidge Baecc, Batsford Baecga, Badgworth Bata, Batcomb Beaduhelm, Badminton Beaduwine, Bedwins Beaga, Bibury Bealdwine, Baunton Becca, Beckbury, Beckford Beffa, Bevington Beorhthelm, Brickhampton Beorhtweald, Brightwells- Barrow Beornmod, Barnsley N Bethild, Battlescomb Bica, Bicknor, Bickmarsh Blaecc, Blaisdon Blith, Blidsloe Blocca, Blockley Boll, Boulsdon Bosa, Boseley Bothere, (?) Buttersend Botta, Boddington, Botloe, Buttington Botwine (?), Bouncehorn Bret (Le), Birts Morton Brunmann, Brimpsfield Brydd, Birdlip, Bridgemare Bucga, or Burghild, Buckle-Street Bulla, Bulevick, Bulley Butta, Buttington Byda, Bidfield, Bydfield Cada, Cadbury Heath Caec (Cheke) Chaxhill Calmund, Calmsden Ceafhere, Chavringworth Ceawa, Chavenage Cedda, Chedworth Cen, Kenesley Ceort, Charteshull Chaisne, Sezincote Chaun (Le), Cheyney I72 APPENDIX Cippa, Chippenham Clac, Clackshill Cnapa, Kempley Cocca, Cockbury Cod, Cott, Cutsdean, Cotteswold Cofa, Coaley Coll, Colesbourn Coppa, Coppeley Cradock (W), Cradockstone Cufa, Coaley Cugga, Cugley Cunda, Condecote Cuthbedrht, Cobberley Cuth-here, Codrington, Cylla, Kilcote Cynebeald, Kemble Cynemaer, Kemerton, Kemps- ford, Kimsbury Cynsige, Kynsyescroft Cytta, Ketford Daegel, Daglingworth Deorsig, Dorsington, Dogod, Dowdeswell Dover, Dovershill Droys (Le), Droyscourt Dryga, Dryganleah Dudda, Dodington Dunna, Donington Dydda, Didbrook, Tidenham Dydmaer, Didmarton Eadbeorht, Ebrington Eadred, Edredstane Eadric, Edricsmere Ealhmund, Elmstone Ealhwine, Elkington Ealhsige, Ełkstone Eald, Aldsworth Ealdhere, Eldersfield Ealdric, Aldrichsmore Ealdweald, Halweldesham Ealdwine, St. Aldwyns Ealh-helm, Alcamsede Ealh-here, Alkerton Ealhmund, Elmstree Earn, Ernesruding Ebba, Ebley Ecg, Edgeworth Efe, Evesbury Eorl, Arlingham Eppa, Epney Erding, Erdington Etti, Eteloe Fidda, Fiddington Freawine (?), Fraunton Freothelm, Forthampton Gefwine, Evington Godhere, Gotherington Gosa, Gossington Grim, Grimsbury Grimbeald, Grimboldstow, Grimbaldesassch Hafoc, Hawkesbury Hagena, Hampen Hagga, Hagmead Heahnoth, Hannots-well Higeweald, Hewelsfield Hild, Hillesley Hilda, Hilcote Hlappa, Lapley Hudda, Huddiknoll Hund, Huntsham Hunlaf, Hullasey Hunta, Huntley GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES I73 Hwicca, Wychwood Hwita, (?) Whittington Icca, Icombe Idda, Idbury Idel, Idelsbury Ilburh, Ilburweslade Ingwulf, Inglestone Jackman, Jackments Joye, Joyford Ken, Kenesley Leof, Losemore Leofwine, Lowsmore Leother, Leighterton Lilla, Lillington Ludegar, Ludgershall Lull, Lillescroft Lulla, Lullingworth Maeg, Maisemore Mangod, Mangotsfield Maethel, Malswick, Matford Maethelgar, Maugersbury Maeth-here, Matson Meysi (de), Meysey-Hampton Musarder, Miserden Nata, Natton, Notgrove Naegel, Nailsbridge, Nailsworth Nybba, Nibley Nynna, Ninnage Occa, Uckington Olla, Owlpen Osla (?), Ozleworth Otta, Oddington Padmaer (?), Pamington Paega, Paganhill Pain (Fitz John), Painswick Pebba, Pebworth Peohtgils, Pegglesworth Pedda, Peddington Penda, Pinbury Pont de l'arche, Pontlarge Potta, Postlip Putta, Putloe Pycoa, Pitchcombe Raedmaer, (?) Rodmarton Respe, Rapsgate Rudda, Rodley Saegen, (?) Saintbury Saegrim, Segrims Sage, Sages Sceapp, Shepscomb Sceobba, Shobbenasse Scirheard, Shurdington Sclatter, Slatterslade Sigemund, Symondshall, Symondsyatt Snaw, Snowshill Snot, Nottingham Hill Sollars (de), (Shipton) Sollers Soppa, Sodbury Stunt, Stinchcombe Stut, Stout's Hill Sucga, Sugworthy Sulmonn, Salmonsbury Syda, Siddington Tadda, Taddington Teodec, Tewkesbury Teotta, Teddington Tetta, Tetbury Theodbeald, Tetboldstone Thorald (?), Tarleton Thurmaer, Tormarton Thurmund, Farmington N 2 I74 APPENDIX Tidhere, Tytherington Teoda, Todenham Toda, Toddington Toki, Tockington Treda, Tredington Tuffa, Tuffley Twicga, Twigworth Tyrdda, Tredworth Ucca, Uckington Wachere, or Wacol, Wacres- combe Warre (La), Wickwar Wibba, Wibden Wilheard, Willersey Wilhelm, Williamstrip Willa, Ullingwick Wine, Winson, Winston Wudelaf, Woolaston Wulfgar, Wolgaresbridge Wulflaed, Woeful-Dane Wulfnoth, (?) Wolstrop Wulfric, Ulfricsthorp Wulfsige, Woolston Wynna, Wincote APPENDIX II. PART I. WORDS AS FIRST ELEMENTS, OR PREFIXES. Abbey, Abbeywell, Abload | Abbod, Abson Ac, (Oak) Acholt, Acton | AEppel, (Apple) Apperley AEsc, (Ash) Ashchurch, Ashel- worth, Ashton AEwylm, AEwelm (Spring) Ewelm (Nr. Kemble) Alr, (Alder) Alderley, Arle Amber, Amberley, Ambermead (uncertain significance, possi- bly r-n) Amman, (r-m) Ampney Ann, Onn (r-m) Andoversford (Annamford); but possibly Anna (p.m.) Avon (r), Avening Bac (M.E), (Back), Bacchus Baech, (Valley) Bachestane Beam, (Tree) Bangrove Béan, (Bean) Benleighemore Bëo, (Bee) Beley Bent, (Grass) Bentham Beofor, (Beaver) Beverston Beorg, Beorh (Mound, Hill) Bere, (Barley), Barton Beorc, (Birch-Tree) Berkeley barron Bers, (Enclosure) Berse Betwäon,-twyn, (Between) Twining } l Bröc, Bishop. Bishops Cleeve. Besp- wyke. Bishton. (But possi- bly here a family-name) Bolla, (Bowl) (?) Bollweir Blaedene, (r-n) Bledington Blaec, (Black) Blacelaw (Blacklow) Boc, (Book) Buckland Box, (L. Buxus) Box Bow, (Arch) Bowbridge Brăd, (Broad) Broadstone, Bread Street Breaw, (Brew) Bruern Bremer, (Bramble) Bremerende. F. D. Brent, (Burnt) Brentlands (Brook) Brockhampton, Brockworth, Brookthorpe Bröm, (Plant) Bromalls Bul, (2 Animal) Bulcross, now Bulls Cross Burg, Burgh, Burh (Enclosed or Fortified Place), Burghill, Buryhill Bush, Bussage Căld, (Cold) Caudle Green Campus (L) Campden, The Camp Catt, (Cat) Catduarr, Catbrain Cealc, (Chalk) Chalford, Chalk- walls 176 APPENDIX Cealf, (Calf) Calfway, Calflade Ceald, (Cold) Calcot, Calthrop Ceaping, (market) Chipping Sod- bury, Campden Ceaster, (Town or Fort) Chester- ton Ceorl, (Servant, Churl) Charlton Céðsel, (Sand, Gravel) Chisel- hampton Chart, (Rough Land) Charfield Churn, (r.1.) Cerny, Cirencester Cilta, (r.n.) Chelt, Cheltenham Clack, (Clapper) Clackmill Clap, Clop, (Stub) Clapton, Clop- ton Claeg, (Clay) Cleyway, Clinger Claene, (Clean, Open, Field)—(?) Clanna. F.D. Clif, (Cliff) Clifford, Cleeve Clower, (Sluice-gate) Clearwell Clumper, (Clod) Climperwell Cnaepp, (Top of Hill) Cnappe- stysford, Knapp Cnoll, (Hill, Crest) The Knole Cocc, (Cock) Cockshoot Corn, (r. 1.) Corndene Col, (Cool) Colthrop Coln, (r.n.) Coln St. Aldwyn, -Rogers Cran, (Crane : Heron) Cranham Cräwe, (Crow) Crowthorne Crüg, (W. Mound) Crickley Hill Crumb, (Bent, Crooked) Cromhall Cü, (Cow) Cowley Culver, (Dove) Culverdene Cumb, (Coomb) Compton Custom, Custom-Scrubs Cwene, (Woman) Quenton, Quennington Cyning, (King) Kingscote Den, Denn (Valley) Daneway Déop, (Deep) Depeford, Depeney Déor, (Deer) Dyrham, Deerhurst Dever, Dover, Duber (Water) Doverle (r. n.) Dic, (Wall of Earth) Dychesende Dile, (Dill-plant) Dillay Draca, (Dragon) (?) Drakestone Dryge, (Dry) Driffield Düce, (Duck) Doughton Dún, (Hill: Down) Down Hather- ley Eald, (Old) Oldworthy Ealdor, (Elder) Eldersfield East, (East) Aston, Eastleach Eard, (Earth Dwelling) Erdecote Eóg, The Edge Ellern, (Elder-tree) Ellernhill Fallow, (Fold) Falfield Faeger, (Fair) Fairford Fearn, (Fern) Farmcote Fif, (Five) Fiveacre, Fivehide Fild, Feld (Field), Fitton Fleax, (Flav) Flaxley Forst, (Forest) Forstal. Fossa, (L) Fosse-way Fox, Foxcote Fram, (r.1.) Framilode, Framp- ton, Frenchay, Fraunton (?) Frith, (Wood) The Frith Fül, (Foul or, Full) Fulbrook Fyrs, (Furze) Freezing-hill Gaers, Graes (Grass) Garston Geat, (Gate or Opening) Gös, (Goose) Gosehomme Gräf, (Grove) Grafton Grangea, (L) Grangebrook GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Gréat, (Great) Gretton, Grete- Stane Green, Green Street Halh, Healh (Corney : Meadow) Hailes Haesel, (Hazel) Haselton Hafoc, (Hawk) Hawkesbury (?) P.N. Haga, (Haw) Hålig, (Holy) Holiwell Hangra, (Sloping Wood) Hunger- field Häm, (Home) Hampnet Hamm, (Enclosed Mead) Ham- brook Här, (Hoar, White) Harridge, Hoarstone Héah, (High), Hinton Heard, (Hard) Hardwick, Hard- land, Hartpury Hege, (Hedge) Hatherop Henn, (Bird) Henmarsh Henge (Steep). Hinchwick Heort, (Stag) Harford Higid, (Hyde) Hidcote (?) Hina (g. pl.) (servants), Highnam Hlith, (Slope) (?) Lidcomb Hlyp, Hlype (a land term, some- times meaning leap) (?) I_ipyatt Höc, (Hook) The Hoke Höh, How (Hill) The Howe Holh, (Hollow) Holbrook, Hollo- way, Holford Holegn, (Holly) Holenhurst, Hol- - combe Holt, (Copse) Hôp, (Valley) Hope Mansel Horu, (Mire) Horfield, Hormead Hrēod, (Reed) Radwick Hrinda, (r-m) Rendcombe 177 Hroc, (Rook) Rockhampton Hrycg, (Ridge) The Rudge Hwæt, (Wheat) Whaddon Hwit, (White) Whiteston Icenan, (r.1%.) Itchington Incg, Ing (a Stream) Inchthorpe, Inchbrook Iren, (Iron), Iron-Acton King, Kingsholm, Kingshamm Lacu, (Stream) Lea Bailly, F.D. Lād, (Way, Course) Ladewent (?) Læs, (Less) Lasborough, LaSS- ington Lang, (Long) Langtree, Long- borough, Longridge Léac, (leek) Leckhampton Leden, (r-n) Lin, (Flax) (?) Lincombe, Lilley- Horn Litster, (Fuller) Listercombe Llaned (W.) (a Clearing) Lancaut Lyd, (r-m) Lydney Lytel (Little) Littleton, Little- worth Maegden, (Maiden) Maidenhill Maer, (Mere) Mareford. F.D. (ge)Maere, (Boundary) Mereway Mareis, (Morass) Maresden Mean, (Common-land) Mean- mede Mersc, (Marsh) Marshfield Micge, (Midge) Mudgedown Mix, (Dung) Mixern Mör, (Moor, Mere) Morwood Mos, (Marsh) Moseley Muchel, (Great) Micheldean, Mickleton 178 APPENDIX Mune, (v) Munnow Mylen, (Mill) Mulebache. F.D. Mynecen, (Nuns) Minchinhamp- ton Mynster, (Monastery) Minster- worth (ge) Mythe, (Confluence) The Mythe Naess, (Ness) Nass, Ness, Nesley Nast, (Dirt) Nastend Neother, (Lower) Netherstrode Netherwent Niwe, Néowe (New) Newbold, Newent, Naunton, Newnham North, Norbury, Northwick Nup, (Knap) Nupend Nymet, (r-term) Nymphsfield Oc, (Oak) Oakhanger, Oakley Oxa, (Ox) Oxenhall, Oxhay Patch, (Plot) Patchway Pen, (W) (Headland) Penpole Penn, (Fold) Pindrup Pere, (Pear) Parham Pirige, (Pear Tree) Purton Piose, pise (Pea) Piseley Port, (L) (Market-town) Portway Pöl, (Pool) Pool-Keynes, Pulton Préost (Priest) Prestbury, Preston Pücel, (Puck, Goblin) Picklenash Pwca, (W) Pouke (M.E.), Goblin (O.N., Pokk) Pyndan, (To Shut Up, Confine) (?) Pinswell (ge) Răd, (road) Radbrook Rāh, (Roe) Rowell Risc, (Reed) Ruscombe, Rissing- ...ton Rüh, (Rough) Rownham, Ruar- den Ryge, (Rye) Ryton Ryne, (Runnel) Sallow, (Willow) Salleyvalletts Sand, Sandhurst, Saintbridge Sarn, (W) (Paven) Sarnway, Sarn- hill, Sarndell Sceaga, (Shaw : Wood) Shag- borough Scéâp, scip (Sheep) Shapridge, Shipton Scearp, (Sharp) Sharpness Scène, (Fair) Shenborough, Shen- ington Scir, (Clear) Sherborne - Scir, (District) Shirehampton *. Sclatter, (a Slater) Slatterslade Sealh, (Willow) Salcombe Sealt, (Salt) Saltway, Salperton (?) Seofen, (Seven) Sevenhampton, Seven-Springs Seolfor, (Silver) Silver-Street Side, (Side) Syde (?) Sloh-tre, (Sloe-Tree) Slaughter Snaed, (Cut-off) Smedham Sol, (Mud) Soilwell Späc, (Speech) Speech-house Spón, (Chip, Shaving) Sponway, Spoonley, Spoonbed Spring, (Source) Springfield Stän, (Stone) Stanway, Staunton, Standish - Stapul, (Post) Stapleton Steort, (Start, Tail) Stardens GLOUCESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Stoccen, (Logs, Stumps) Stockley- way, Stocking Stów, (Place, Site) Stow-on-the- WOld Stræt, (Street) Stratford Suth, (South) Southam Swan, (Bird) Swanhanger, Saniger Swill, (r-m) Swillgate Swin, (Swine) Swindon Synder, (sunder) Cinderford Temple, (belonging to the Tem- plars) Temple-Guiting Thorn, (Tree) Thornbury Thröh, (Trough) Througham Trus, (Brushwood) Trewsbury Tün, (Farm) Tonley Twi, (Two) Twyford I79 Ufera, (Over, Upper) Overbury Up, Upp (Upper) Upton, Up- thrup Wād, (Woad) Wadfield Waegen, (Wain) Wainlode (ge) Waesc, (flood), Washbrook, Washbourne Wealh, (The Stranger, Welshman) Walsworth Weall, (Wall) Walham Wic, (Wick, Village) Wykwar Wilig, (Willow) (?) Willicote Wincel, (Corner) Winchcomb Winter, (Winter) Winterbourne Withig, (Willow) Withybridge oy the | Worth, (Farm, Stead) Wortley Wudu, Widu (Wood) Wood- chester, Wotton Wyrm, (Wurm) Warmley PART II. WORDS OCCURRING AS SECOND ELEMENTS, OR SUFFIXES Acre, Brechacre, Ellenacre, Hen- acre, Starveacre AErn, (House) Brewern, Mixern, Newern AEsc, (Ash-Tree) Avenage, Prin- kenash, Picklenash Baech, (M.E.) (Valley) Alwine- bache, Mulebache Bedd, (Bed) Sponbed Beorgh, Beorh (Hillock, Barrow) Brightwells Barrow Bois, (O.F.) (Wood) Hidcote- Boyce | Bröc, (Brook) Badbrook, Catty- brook Brycg, (Bridge) Bowbridge, Slim- bridge, Walbridge, Cambridge, Dudbridge Burh, Byrig (d.) Burg, Borough (Enclosure, Homestead, Vill, or Fort) Beckbury, Overbury, &c., &c. Burne, (Stream) Washbourne, Winterbourne, Isburne, Coles- bourne Butts, (Abutments of Land-strips) Hambutts I8O APPENDIX Caut, Cawed (W) (Clearing) Lan- Caut Ceaster, (c-ch) (Town or Fort) Froucester, Gloucester, Ciren- Cester Church, Ashchurch, church Clif, (Cliff) Cleeve Clüd, (Cloud: Rock) Cleeve-Cloud Puckle- Cnoll, (Hill-top) Huddiknol, Knole Copp, (Summit) Berse-coppe. F. D. Cot, Cote (Cott, Hut) numerous. Coates, Sezincote Court, Boyce - Court, Court, Badamscourt Croft, (Small Farm) Ellerncroft Crois, (O.F.) (Cross) Bulscross, Cainscross, Damsels-cross (L. Crua) Cumb, (W. Cwm) (Valley) Bat- comb, Brimsconnb, Pitch- combe, &c. Droys- Den, Dene (Valley) Calmsden, Culverdene, Cutsdean, Turk- dene Dène, mod ; Dean. The Forest of Dene, comprising an ancient wooded tract containing many vales and streams, seems to point to the general signifi- cance of Forest, rather than that of a single valley Dic, (Wall of Earth) Offa's Dyke Disc, (Dish) Standish Dün, Don (Down, Hill) Church- down, Mudgedown, Banner- down Eä, ey (stream) Ampney, Depeney. Eaves, (Edge, Skirt of Wood- land) Bremeseaves. F.D. Ecg, (Edge) Weston-sub-Edge, Wotton-under-Edge Eg, ſeg (g = y) (Island) Dunny, Olney, Blakeney, Epney Ende, (Bound, Limit) Blackwells- ende, Bremerende. F.D. Nup- end. Enese, or Evese, (Eaves) Bersen- ese, Morwodenese, Cnappesty- SCI162SC Fald, (Fold) Ifold Feld, (Field) Bidfield, Brimsfield, Charfield Ford, (r-Crossing) Batsford, Baf- ford, Andoversford, Fairford, Cinderford Geat, yatt (Gate) Allesgate, Kiftsgate, Lypiatt Gräf, (Grove) Bangrove, Highgrove Green, Buregrene, Caudle-green, Stroud Green Gwent, (W) Netherwent, Over- went (?) Haec, (Hatch, Sluice-gate) Bown- ace, Bussage, Ninnage, (?) Chavenage Hæth, (Heath) (?) Wydcomesede Häm, (Home) Arlingham, Bown- ham, Cranham, Nottingham, (camp), about ten examples Hamm, (Enclosure, Mead) Al- wyneshomme, GOSehomme, Highnam, and fifteen more. Hangra, Hanger (Sloping Wood) Chiselhanger, Clinger, Saniger, Wishanger GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES Harbour (Refuge) Cold Harbour (3) Hegge, Hay (Fence, Hedge) Hid, Hide (Measure , of Land) Fivehide, Hyde, Hunlanshide (Hullasey) Hlaw, Hláw, Low (Burial- mound) Bledisloe, Putloe, Botloe, Haglow, Eteloe" Hlinc, Lynch (a Cultivation- terrace) France Lynch, Ox- linch Hlith, (Slope) Heilithe Holt, (Wood, Copse) Acholt, Duckholt Hop, Hope (Valley) Cannop Holm, (ME) (a Meadow beside water) Kingsholm Hüs, Bacchus, Stonehouse, Greenhouse Hrēod, (Rush) Cleysladesreode. F.D. Hrycg, (Ridge) Brackridge, Der- ridge, Harridge Hull, Hyll (Hill) Paganhull, Aylerdeshull, |Berry Hill, Bourghull - Hyrne, Horne (Angle, Corner) Lilley-horn Hyrst, Hurst (Wood) Deerhurst, Sandhurst, Holynhurst Ieg, Ég (ey) (Island) Olney Incg, (Stream) Pilning, Guyting Knapp, (Head of Ground) Beallas Knap, Giddiknap, Dryknaps I8 I Läd, (gelād) Evenlode, lode, &c. Land, Buckland, Braceland, Newland, Brentlands Lane, Lain (Path) Blacklaines. F.ID. Leah, (Pasture, or Cultivated Land ; originally Wood, Clear- tng) Bulley, Ebley, &c. (Way) Lechlade, Abload, Frami- Maed, (Meadow) Agmead, Ivory- mead, Munmead Meand, (open Common land in the F. of Dean) Bream-meand, Lower Meand, The Meands. F.D. (App: iii). Mere, More (Mere or Pool) Black- mere, Bridgemare Mersc, (Marsh) Bickmarsh, Cat- marsh, Henmarsh Mör, (Moor) Ailsmore, Aldriches- IIl OIe Naes, (Ness) Sharpness, Blackness Nass, Ofer, (Bank of River) Elmore Patch (A Plot of Ground) Colpage Paeth, (Path) Bagpath Penn, (Fold) Hampen, Owlpen Plot, Alwin plot Pö1, (Pool) Horspools Pyrige, (Peartree) Hartpury Quar, (Quarry) Catbrain Quarr, Monks Quarr * This form ‘loe' is chiefly found in the North of England and South of Scotland, and in Gloucestershire on the Forest of Dene side of Severn. I 82 APPENDIX Ridding, Ernesruding. Ruding (a Clearing) F. D. Sæte, (dwelling) Adsett Sceaga, Shaw (Wood, Copse) Fromshaw or Frenchay Scir, (a District) Pynnockshire Scēot, (Shoot) Cockshoot Scrybb, Scrub (Underwood) Not- tingham Scrub, Custom Scrubs Slaed, Slade (Valley) Castlett, Slatterslade, The Slăd Slæp, (a Slippery Place), Postlip Slait, (a Cattle-Track) Cow Slait Stän, (Stone) Abson, Alveston, Drakestone, &c. Stede, Stead (a Place or Site) Hempstead Stów, (Place, Site) Briavelstow, Grimbaldstow Stig, (a Path) Cnappesty. F.D. Bicknorsty, Insty. F.D. Strát, Street (Road, Way) Bread- Street, Buckle-street, Green- street, Oakle-street, Silver- street, Wick-street. Thorn, (Tree) Fretherne Thorp, Throp, Thrupp (Village) Adlestrop, Boutherop, Brook- Wer, thorpe, Cockrup, Colthrop, Inchthorpe, Hatherop, Puck- rup, Pindrup, Southrop, Westrip, Williamstrip. Tredw, (Tree) Bernintre Tún, (Enclosure, Farm) c. examples. I2O Weg, (Way, Track) Blakmonnes- way, Holloway, Calfway, Daneway, Bourghullesway, Foss-way, Patchway Well, Wielle (Source, Spring) Lullingwell, Callowell, Box- well, Clearwell, Carswell Went, (Way, Road) Newent. Cf. Chaucey, Tro. ii., 8 I 5 (Weir, Dam) Bigsweir, Bolle were Wic, Wyke (Village, Dairy-Farm, Hamlet) Cerney-wick, Hard- wick, Painswick, Wickwyk Wold, (Wood, Wild) Cotteswold, Wigwold Worth, (Farm, Dwelling) Alds- worth, Chedworth, Badg- worth, Charingworth, &c. Worthyn, (same) Shepherdine, Ruardean Wudu, Widu (Wood) Barnwood, Morewode APPENDIX III. Meend, Myende, Meand. Frequent in the Forest of Dene ; as Clearwell Meand; Allaston Meand; Lower Meand, &c. Dr. E. McClure (p. 158. Brit: Pl-N: note.), connects it directly with the Cornish Menedh : Welsh Mynydd: i.e. The Long Minde (La Munede) Co. Salop; signifying mountain, or ridge. I venture to think that this view rests upon insufficient basis. First of all, such ridges as are in the Forest have always been called so : i.e. Serridge. (13th c. Seyrrudge); and, when the 13th c. Forest-Scribe referred to an exceptional hill, he frankly terms it “Mons.” Not a Single instance of Mynydd has survived in that peculiarly conservative region; whereas there are over twenty Meands. Secondly, wherever this term occurs it carries the sense of open untilled, or common, land, throughout the Bailiwicks ; in fact, it is identical with the Meanelands of Co. Kent: lands held in common (A.S. Gemäene). That being so, it is of some interest to note that between the Church of St. Mary de Lode (i.e. ferry) and the Severn, at Gloucester, there is still a riverside hamm (homme) called Meanham (m). In Speed's Map. 16Io it is duly marked Myen-ham. It was also known as the Mene-Mede. I find that there was a Great, and a little, Mene- Mead, and they adjoined. Over them the Mayor & Burgesses, as well as the Convent of St. Peter, possessed Common-pasture- rights. It is, therefore, of interest to find that the name of the short way which leads to the mead directly from the above-mentioned Church was known for centuries as “The Myende Lane,” “Myinde Lone,” “The Miindelone" also (pl) “Myinges Lane.” (cf. c. Corp. Records. Ed. : W. H. Stevenson, 1893.) “ lying between the land of the Abbot of Gloucester in the East and the land belonging to the Service of St. Mary in the Church of St. Mary before the gate (ante Portam) of the Abbey, on the West " I423-4. (No. 1085). 184 APPENDIX The other mentions of the position and name of lane and meadow all agree. Thus, in 1303 (No. 773) it is called “The- miindelone.” (sic.); while, in the Hist: et Cart: S. Petri. (11.243.) the name is spelled “Mihindelone.” (A.D. 1263), We find a Gloucestershire parson, of Bagendon in 1330 called John of Mundlone (Cal : Pat : R : m. 136 b.). There can, then, be no question about the identity of the significance of Myem, or myende with regard to this lane and the meadows to which it gave direct access. The “d ” would, therefore, seem to have accreted itself after the manner of the same letter in the term hind (hine O.E. hina a servant). [Since contributing the above to N. & Q. (May, 1913), p. 363, the interesting and satisfying reply of Dr, G. Krueger, of Berlin, reached me (l. c. p. 432).—“We have the same word denoting the same thing, viz.: die Allmende = Allgemeinde, belonging to the adj. gemein(e) = gemein-Schaftlich (common). In Bavaria, the pâsture held in common, die gemeinweide is called die Gemain, which corresponds exactly to O.E. gemäene.”) But a more obscure point of interest arises if we turn to the Perambulatio Forestae de Dene of A.D. 1281. In this minute and valuable description of the bounds of the various Bailiwicks of that Forest, there is no mention whatever of a Meand; but several times there occurs the term “La Munede: which is precisely the same term used by the land-scribe in mediaeval Shropshire to describe the long Minde (La Munede). In the Perambulation, “Apud la holyene munede ‘’ is mentioned as a spot where an area for wood-cutting (Trenchea) begins, i.e. “at the Holly Munede.” But as this cannot refer to a mountain or ridge in the Bailiwick of Berse, what else can it refer to but the local meend, otherwise, Berse Common (to-day). 2 “Et sic ultra le Muneden usque ad album lapidem ’’ occurs among the boundaries of Lea Bailly ; “et una trenchea vocata de Pirihale . . . . duret usque “la Muned-way : ” i.e. the path or road to the Meend, or Common-land (Cf. Myende-lone, above 1) If my conjecture (for I will not venture to call it more,) should prove to be correct, it would shew that the error, (if such there be) in the term “ Munede” as applied to “Meend" was probably due to the spelling of an A.N. Scribe who had been made familiar with its employment as a land-term in other GLOU CESTERSHIRE PLACE-NAMES I85 and more Western Districts, and who had forgotten its precise meaning. The Rev. A. L. Mayhew aptly suggests, N. & Q. II. S vii., p. 432, that “ Mumede is an A.N, form of a Med. Lat. Munita, for immunitas, a privileged district, Lone immune from Seign- orial rights. The form munita would regularly become mynde in O.E. In the Glos. dialect this mynde would be represented quite regularly by the spelling and modern pronunciation,- meend.” THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DATE DUE DEC 13 2002 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG AN | g ||||||||||| — 3 9015 03933 7004