::. UNIV. OF MICH. LAW LIBRARY GRAD Ĉ こ ​ Men- INVENTORY OF THE COUNTY ARCHIVRAWN This book has been OF CALIFORNIA NO 20 LOS ANGELES COUNTY COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA from the University of Michigan Law Library 1943 C) UNIVERSITY TERS THE UNIV AITY O 37 WW - flors get there DUN OF MI OF MICE ** - MICHIGAN GAN · LIBRARIES · INVENTORY OF THE COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA NO. 20. LOS ANGELES COUNTY (LOS ANGELES) COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Work begun by Southern California Historical Records Survey Project Completed by The County of Los Angeles Los Angeles, California 1943 410 a 3117 • Al H5n 1937 мо, до pl. 4 вине Hounty of Los Angeles To JOHN ANSON FORD SUPERVISOR, Third DISTRICT Dear Recipient: County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors Los Angeles MEMBERS of the board John Anson foRD CHAIRMAN May 17th, 1944 WILLIAM A. SMITH GORDON L. MCDONOUGH OSCAR hauge ROGER W. JESSUP Enclosed are copies of two special archives reports, No. 20, of unusual historical interest, cover- ing Records of the County Clerk's Office of Los Angeles County and covering certain County and Municipal Special Districts in the County of Los Angeles. These reports are for your archives. They re- sulted from work begun in 1940 by the Southern California Historical Records Survey project and completed in 1943 by these copies the County government of Los Angeles County: are sent to you in accordance with the original intention and request of the National Historical Records Survey of the Work Projects Administration. 9 -4 Yours truly Artur Kuson しし ​Ford JOHN ANSON FORD Chairman, Board of Supervisors Los Angeles County - your MAN WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Maj. Gen. Philip B. Fleming, Acting Commissioner Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner H. R. Amory, State Administrator Walter M. Kiplinger National Director, War Services Section Eleanor Savay John Anson Ford Dr. Oscar Hauge BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Gordon L. McDonough, Chairman State Director Service Projects Roger W. Jessup COUNTY CLERK SPONSOR Col. Wayne Allen, Chief Administrative Officer Alfred H. Campion, Acting Chief William A. Smith John Francis Moroney State of California Executive Department and Department of Education CO-SPONSOR County of Los Angeles "To bring together the records of the past and to house them in buildings where they will be preserved for the use of men living in the future, a nation must believe in three things. It must believe in the past. It must be- lieve in the future. It must, above all, believe in the capacity of its people so to learn from the past that they can gain in judgment for the creation of the future." Franklin Delano Roosevelt PREFACE The Historical Records Survey was initiated by the Works Progress Administratiom - - later the Work Projects Administration on a nation-wide basis in January 1936, under the direction of Dr. Luther H. Evans. In 1938, a separate unit was established for the eight Southern California counties, and the follow- ing year the Survey became known as the Southern California Historical Records Survey. In 1942, when all activities of the Work Projects Administration were redirected to meet the needs for an all-out war program, the Southern Californie Historical Records Survey was suspended. Of the activities then in progress by the Survey, those deemed most important were turned over to the Writing Services Phase of the War Services Section, for completion. The volume herewith presented was one of those activities. This work was sponsored by the Executive Department and Department of Education of the State of California, and co-sponsored by the County of Los Angeles. The Historical Records Survey has proved itself of invaluable aid to local and county governments. Its purpose was to locate, describe, and classify all existing county records, and to make them more easily accessible to county officials, the public, and historians. It was planned that an inventory be made of the archives in each county, to be published with regularly documented text explanations of the government functions and operations, including information concerning the housing and care of records; however, the enormous quantity and complexity of the Los Angeles County records necessitated publication of a separate volume for each county office. This is the fourth volume of this series. The work of the Survey has not been limited to county records, for in the field of manuscripts, imprints, and church records, there have been compiled and published calendars, lists, and inventories of these materials for the distribution to libraries, historical associations, and similar institutions. The surveying of the records and the compilation of this volume were begun, as previously stated, by the Southern California Historical Records Survey, under the direction of Edgar L. McRae, State Super- visor, and Jacob G. Bragin, his successor, and continued by the Friting Services Phase of the Far Services Section, under the supervision of Harold T. Fells. Upon the suspension of the Survey and the Writing Services Phase, the County of Los Angeles took - VI - over the work of completion of this volume under the supervision of J. F. Moroney, County Clerk, with the assistance of the Editor. Without the cooperation of the County Board of Supervisors, the Chief Administrative officer and their staffs, this volume would not have been possible. Recognition is also due to R. F. Gragg, chief deputy county clerk, J. F. Rice, chief of the civil division, Ruth Luskin, secretary to the county clerk and other members of the county clerk's staff who have been of great help towards completion of this volume. Los Angeles 1943 Leon Schorr Editor adm. alph. amends. approx. The inventory of the Los Angeles County clerk's office was com- piled in accordance with instructions formulated for the purpose of maintaining uniformity throughout the Nation and of presenting the material in the most practical manner; an outline of these procedures is presented herewith for the convenience of the users. Abbreviations and Symbols The following abbreviations and symbols are used throughout the inventory: arr art. asst. aver. bd. bdl. bldg. bsmt. Cal. Cal. App. co. comm. dept. div. dup. f.b. ABBREVIATIONS, SYLBOLS, AND EXPLANATORY NOTES f.d. Fed. administration alphabetically amendments approximately arranged article assistant average board bundle Reports Cal. Const. . California Constitution. Cal. Jur. Cal. Stats. C. H. ch. chron. building basement California California Appellate City Hall Chapter, chain chronologically county commission(ers) department division duplicates file box(es) file drawer(s) Federal Reports ff. fl. Titles of Records I'm. ft. H. J. hdw. H. R. ibid. idem. in. mineo. no.(s) California Jurisprudence Fol. Code California Statutes num. Ord. p., pp Pac. (1020 pr. fm. pt. Im. sec.(s) stmt. Subdiv. U.S. vol.(s) X ht (First entry, p. 29) " following floor form foot, feet Hall of Justice handwritten Hall of Records ibidem the same inch(es) . mimeographed number(s) numerical Ordinance To ge • page, pages Pacific Reporter Political Code printed form part room section(s) statement subdivision United States volume(s) by (dimension) to date, current inch(es) foot, feet Exact titles of records are written in solid capitals without parentheses. In the absence of titles, descriptive titles have been assigned, which are written in solid caps and enclosed in parentheses. If a record title is not descriptive of the contents of the record, an assigned explanatory title (or explanatory words), written with initial caps and enclosed in parentheses, has been added. The current or most recent title of a record is used as the entry title and title variation is indicated. < VIII Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes Dates All dates used are inclusive. Missing records are indicated by broken dates. Quantity Discontinuance When two or more types of containers are considered in a single entry, the quantity is shown in chronological order, insofar as possible. Labeling } Figures or letters in parentheses, following the number of volumes, file boxes, or other types of container, indicate the labeling. If no labeling is indicated, it may be assumed that there is none. Description of Records Indexing Where no statement is made that the record was discontinued at the last date shown in the cntry, it could not be definitely established that such was the case. Where no comment is made on the absence of prior, subsequent, or intermediate records, no definite information could be obtained. (First entry, p. 49) The description of the contents of record applies only to the current or most recent record unless change in contents is actually shown in a record entry. Condition of Records Dimensions All indexes to records, unless otherwise stated, are self-contained. Cross-References Records are in good condition unless otherwise indicated. Dimensions are always given in inches, unless otherwise indicated, and, therefore, the symbol for inches (") has been omitted. i R Title-line cross-references are used to show the continuity of a record series which has been kept separately for a period of time and with other records for different periods of time. An example is that in entry 10: "1877-1932 in Deputy County Clerk, entry 9." In the descrip- tion of the master entry are shown the title and the entry number of the record from which the corss-reference is made as, for example, these - II Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes (First entry, p. 49) words in entry 9: "Also contains: Deputy County Clerk Without Compen- sation, 1877-1932, entry 10." Dates shown in the description of the master entry or entry of miscellaneous content are only for the part or parts of the record contained therein, and are shown only when they vary from those of the master entry. Separate third-paragraph cross-references from entry to entry, and See also references with subject headings or subheadings are used to show prior, subsequent, or closely related records which are not parts of the same series. President. Roosevelt's Statement Preface Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes 1. I. TABLE OF CONTENTS Los Angeles County Clerk Organization Chart of County Clerk's Office Map of Los Angeles County 2. Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records Divisions and their Records Administration Division Reports General Correspondence Appointments. and Oaths Personnel ... Supplies and Requisitions. Inventories. Old Archives II. Accounting Division 1 Correspondence Fees and Trust Funds Receipts Property Deposits Personnel Spanish Archives Miscellaneous 2 · • Notaries Public Humane Officers Official Bonds Delinquent Taxes ..... Alien Land Owners .. Elections (Expenses) Inventories Firearms Miscellaneous • • D III. Corporation Division Correspondence Corporations... Copartnership and Fictitious Business Names Trado-Marks ... Professions P • · • • · • • • • Page 氤 ​III V VII 1 39 40 41 49 49 52 54. 57 58 59 5554 59 61 62 62 67 68 68 72 73 74 74 75 76 77 777 79 81 82 82 83 83 83 33 84 andle XII Table of Contents IV. Marriage License Division Records V. Branch Offices Division Long Beach VI. Pasadena Pomona Santa Monica Indexes Case Papers Registers Minutes Civil Divisions (Civil Filing and Court Clerk Division; Civil Judgment and Copying Division). Depositions Exhibits Calendars Jury. Judgments... Appeals and. Transcripts Bonds.. Naturalizations Extra Session Long Beach Pasadena Pomona Santa Moniça VII. Criminal Division General Index. Case Papers Registers Minutes and Judgments Bonds Jury Coroner (Inquests), Exhibits Interpreters Reporters Reports Miscellaneous Juvenile Court District Court County Court... Court of Sessions Justices Court, Mexican Courts VIII. Probate Division General Index I T · · • · • Page 85 86 88 90 91 92 93 94 95 98 100 104 105 106 103 110 111 115 116 118 121 121 123 125 126 128 129 129 130 131 133 133 136 136 137 140 141 141 142 147 152 154 155 157 157 159 • XIII Table of Contents IX. Probate Division (continued) Wills Case Papers Registers Minutes Calendars Letters and Oaths Orders and Decrees Guardians Depositions Bonds Inventories Discharges Judgments Public Administrator Tax Receipts Vouchers Psychopathic Division Correspondence Indexes Case Papers Case Reports and Histories Minutes Calendars Commitments end Judgments Private Sanitariums Financial Records Personnel Supplies and Reouisitions X. Appellate Division General Indexes Bulletins and Orders Correspondence Case Papers Registers Minutes Calendars Remittiturs Abstracts and Appeals Trenscripts Decisions and Opinions Reports Miscellaneous XI. Jury Division Chronological Index Subject Index • • • · • · • • · • • • • • • • Page 159 162 163 164 165 166 168 172 174 175 176 176 177 177 178 178 179 130 180 131 184 135 185 136 1.37 187 188 189 189 189 190 191 191 192 193 193 193 194 194 195 197 198 199 201 205 • -1 - 1. COUNTY CLERK Establishment of Office The Constitution of the State of Califomia was formed by the delegates of the people assembled in convention in 1849.1 Provision was made for the legislature to establish a system of county and town governments throughout the State. 2 123+ Evolution of Structural Organization Based upon this constitutional provision, the office of the county clerk was established in California in 1850 by an act providing for the first county election.3 B. D. Wilson, the first clerk for Los Angeles. County, was elected on April 1, 1850.4 At that time, the county clerk was also ex officio clerk of the District Court, the Court of Sessions, and the Probate Court of the county.5 (First entry, p. 49) At the present day, the county clerk holds three offices. He is county clerk, ex officio clerk of the superior court, and ex officio clerk of the board of supervisors. In this capacity, he administers directly only to two of these offices, those of county clerk and clerk. of the superior court; as clerk of the board of supervisors, he func- tions through a chief clerk.whom he appoints and who, with a staff of deputies, is under the direct supervision of the board of supervisors. 6 4 Qualifications No mention is made in the California constitution of 1849 of the qualifications of a county officer with the exception that he must be a citizen of the State.7 The Political Code of 1872 required that no per-. son could be eligible for the office of county clerk unless he was an elector of the district he represented, 8 and, at the time of his elec- tion or appointment, 21 years of rge.9 At a later date, an additional clause provided that he must be an elector of the county in which the duties of the office are to be exercised.10 : Cal. Stats. 1850, 24. Cal. Const. 1849, art. XI, sec. 4: 3 Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 24, secs. 1, 2, p. 81. John Steven McGroarty, History of Los Angeles County, 1923, I, pp. 9-17. 5 Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 110, sec. 1, p. 261. 6 County Clerk's Annual Report 1941-42, p. 3 77 Cal. Const. 1849, art. XI, sec. 2. 8 Pol. Code 1872, sec, 58, amended Cal. Stats. 1891, ch. 45, sec. 1, p. 29. 9 Pol. Code 1872, sec. 841. 10 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 363, amended Cal. Stats., Ex. Sess. 1911, ch. 9, sec. 1, p. 15. : - 2 - County Clerk Evolution of Structural Organization 8 leation and Tonure of Office 27 4. viguje zgodnji The statutes of 1850 provided for the election of county clerks to be chosen by the qualified electors of their respective counties and to. hold office for 2 years! These elections were called "county elections." In 1893, an act was passed calling for the election of the clerk to be held at the general election and providing that the term of office be 4 years.2 Oath of Office 孽 ​By a legislative act in 1911, counties were allowed to frame char- ters for their own government.3 The board of supervisors adopted an or- dinance providing for the election of a board of 15 freeholders for the purpose of preparing a charter for the County of Los Angeles.4 With the adoption of the charter in 1913, the status of the county clerk was changed from an elective officer to an appointive one, 5 to be appointed by the board of supervisors from a list of candidates examined and cer- tified by the civil service commission.6 He holds office until the com- mission by him of any act disqualifying him, or until his resignation, retirement or death.7 1 · 4 5 6 : The Constitution of 1849 provided that all county officers, before entering upon their duties, must take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California.8 The legislature, in 1850, provided that the oath must be endorsed on the certificate of election of the officer, signed by him, and certified by the officer before whom it has been taken; 9 and that the oath must be filed within 10 days after receiving his certificate.10 In 1911, the time was changed from 10 to 30 days after notice of election or appoint- ment, or before the expiration of 15 days from the commencement of the term of office. 11 The county clerk must file a copy, signed with his + own signature, in the office of the Secretary of State.12 No fee can be charged by any officer for administering or certifying the oath of office. 13 (First entry, p. 49) * ง 1 1˚ Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 85, sec. 15, p. 206. 2 Ibid. 1893, ch. 234, sec. 60, p. 367. 3 Ibid. 1911, ch. 64, p. 2168, adding to Cal. Const. 1879, art. XI, sec. 7. Cal. Stats. 1913, ch. 5, p. 1484. Charter 1913, art. IV, sec. 14. Ibid. art. IX, sec. 34. 7 Ibid. art. IX, secs. 13-15. 8 Cal. Const. 1849, art. XI, sec. 3. ❤ 9 Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 85, secs. 26, 27, p. 207. 10 Ibid. ch. 85, sec. 31, p. 208. 11 Pol. Code, 1872, secs. 904, 907, amended Cal. Stats. 1911, ch. 90, sec. 1, p. 258. 12 Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 909, amended Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 879, sec. 1, p. 1889 13 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 548, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4297, amended Cal. Stats. 1923, ch. 252, sec. 2, p. 508. S 3- County Clerk Evolution of Structural Organization Official Bond An act of 1850 provides that the county clerk must post official bond conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office. For any wrongful act or omission of any duty imposed on him by law, he is liable on his bond to any person injured.2 If he know- ingly and wilfully performs any act contrary to the duties of his office or wilfully fails to perform any duty required of him by law, he is deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and besides the liability on his bond, is subject to a fine of $2,000.3 By the same act, the official bond of the county clerk had to be approved by the county judge and filed and recorded in the office of the county recorder.4 The bond was joint and several, and made payable to the State of California5 for the use and benefit of the State and all persons injured or aggrieved.6 Whenever the sureties on the official bond moved outside the State, became insolvent, or the penalty of such bond became insufficient, the clerk was summoned to appear before the county judge to show cause why ho should not execute an additional official bond. Upon failure to post a new bond, his office was deemed vacant.8 In 1850, the official bond of the clerk of Los Angeles County was fixed at $12,000.9 (First entry, p. 49) Some of the foregoing provisions were later changed by various legislative acts. The time for filing the bond was changed to that prescribed for filing the oath, 10 and the official bond of the county clerk, after being recorded, must now be filed in the office of the county treasurer.11 Ibid. ch. 21, sec. 14, p. 75. 8 Ibid. ch. 21, sec. 17, p. 76. Ibid. ch. 110, sec. 2, p. 261. An act of 1855 permitted the board of supervisors to require new bonds of any county officer with additional securities, 12 and gave them the power to prescribe the amount of the official bonds.13 This power was affirmed by an act in 1907 which also provided for the approval of 1 Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 110, sec. 2, p. 261. 2 Ibid. ch. 110, sec. 9, p. 262. 3 Ibid. ch. 110, sec. 10, p. 262. 4 Ibid. ch. 21, sec. 1, p. 74. 5 Ibid. ch. 21, sec. 6, p. 74. 6 Ibid. ch. 21, sec. 9, p. 75. 7 Z 12 Cal. Stats. 1855, ch. 47, sec. 11, p. 54. 13 Ibid. 1883, ch. 75, sec. 69, p. 316 9 10 Pol. Code 1872, sec. 947. 11 Code Amends. 1873-74, p. 73, adding Pol. Code, sec. 986. ܢܸܐ - County Clerk - Evolution of Structural Organization *. (First entry, p. 49) the bond, the examination of sureties, the time and place of recording, and the time and place of filing.1 • Every officer or employee who is not required by statute to give an official bond may be required to give an individual official bond. Such bond may be a master official bond with a schedule attached, con- taining the name of the officer or employee and the amount of the bond. The term of coverage shall not exceed one year. 3 At the present date, the bond of the county clerk is fixed at $25,000.4 2 Compensation By the constitution of 1849, each county shall make provision for the support of its own officers, subject to legislative restrictions.5 The county clerk, in 1850, acted as ex officio clerk of the District Court, the Court of Sessions, and the Probate Court of his county. 6 No provision was made to compensate him for his services, except through the fee system established by the Supreme Court.7 > The Court of Sessions allowed the county clerk $6.00 a day during the time he was actually employed. $ In 1852, he was designated as ex officio clerk of the board of supervisors, 9 receiving compensation from the board. This was in no case to exceed $500 a year.10 At a later date, acting as clerk both of the board of canvassers and the board of equalization, he received for each day's attendance on these boards, besides his regular compensation, the sum of $6.00 a day.11 In 1855, the law provided that his compensation shall be $4.00 a day for each day actually engaged in the service of the board .12 By an act of 1864, passed for the purpose of reducing expenses and paying off the floating debt of Los Angeles County, the salary of the county clerk was set at $1800 a year, beginning March, 1865.13 7 Ibid. ch. 138, sec. 23, pp. 421, 422. 8 Ibid. ch. 138, sec. 24, p. 422. 9 Ibid. 1852, ch. 38, sec. 14, p. 89. 10 Ibid. ch. 38, sec. 5, p. 87. 11 Ibid. 1860, ch. 310, sec. 9, p. 293. 1 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 362, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4022, amended Cal. Stats. 1923, ch. 69, sec. 1, p. 134. 2 Pol, Code, 1872, sec. 985, amended Cal. Stats. 1933, ch. 594, sec. 1, p. 1525. 12 Ibid. 1855, ch. 47, sec. 7, p. 52. 13 Ibid. 1863-64, ch. 247, sec. 2, p. 255. 3 Idem. 4 Board of Supervisors, Minutes, Jan. 11, 1933, vol. 185, pp. 179, 180. 5 Cal. Const. 1849, art. XI, sec. 9. 6 Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 110, sec. 1, p. 261. t i - ·5 - } County Clerk Evolution of Structural Organization (First entry, p. 49) In 1868, the county clerk also became ex officio recorder and auditor as well as clerk of the board of supervisors, 1 his salary being fixed at $3,500.2 The legislature, in 1870, reduced his compensation while acting as clerk of the board to $250 a year, although he was al- lowed to retain certain minor fees such as those for issuing bridge and ferry licenses, and for the copy of records or certificates.3 later act the same year, his compensation as clerk of the courts and county recorder was fixed at $1590.4 It was increased in 1878 to $3,000 a year for all services rendered; 5 and again in 1883 to $13,000;6 but was decreased in 1891 to $3,600 a year.7 In 1911, Los Angeles county was classified as a county of the first class, and the clerk's salary was fixed at $3,600 a year. 8 In 1913, the charter empowered the board of supervisors to provide, by ordinance, for the compensation of the clerk.9 The present salary of the clerk ranges from $6,000 to $7,200 per year under the five-step rate of compensation plan. 10 Various fee bills have been adopted since the establishment of the county clerk's office, 11 and numerous changes made in regard to the fees for filing various instruments. In 1907, the legislature provided for a uniform system of fees for services performed by the office. 12 All fees were directed to be paid into the county treasury and set apart as a separate fund known as the "salary fund," to be applied in the pay- ment of salaries.13 Pag During the year of 1941-42, the work of the office was performed by the county clerk and 256 deputies at a total expenditure of $484,456.96. Of this amount, $455,654.94 was for salaries and wages, 2,481.09 for maintenance and operation, and $26,320.93 for capital outlay. Revenues collected by the department amounted to $411,598.23.14 Cal. Stats. 1867-68, ch. 367, sec. 9, p. 452. 2 Ibid. ch. 367, sec. 10, p. 453. 3 Ibid. 1869-70, ch. 144, sec. 14, pp. 165, 166. 4 Ibid. ch. 271, sec. 2, p. 381. 5 Ibid. 1877-78, ch. 391, sec. 1, p. 574. 6 Ibid. 1883, ch. 75, sec. 163, p. 335. 7 Ibid. 1891, ch. 216, sec. 164, p. 335. 8 Ibid. 1911, ch. 84, sec. 4, p. 102. 9 Ibid. 1913, ch. 5, art. 3, sec. 11, p. 1487. 10 Ord. 4106, N. S., 1942-43. 11 Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 138, secs. 8, 9, and 10, pp. 418, 419. 12 Ibid. 1907, ch. 282, p. 548, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4300a, amended Cal. Stats. 1935, ch. 480, sec. 1, p. 1553. 13 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 554, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4305, amended Cal. Stats. 1935, ch. 655, sec. 1, p. 1812. 14 County Clerk, Annual Report 1941-42, p. 1 - 6- County Clerk - Evolution of Structural Organization (First entry, p. 49) Manner of Removal and Filling Vacancy The statutes of 1850 provided that an office may become vacant for any of the following reasons: The death or resignation of the incum- bent; his removal from office; his refusal or neglect to take the oath of office or to give the required official bond; his ceasing to be a resident of the State, district, or county in which the duties of his office are to be exercised; the decision of atribunal declaring the election or appointment void; end failure to clect at the proper election.1 Whenever a vacancy occurred in the office of the county clerk, it was the duty of the county judge to order an election to fill the office. The judge had power to appoint a person to perform the duties of the clerk until the election or until the person chosen at the election was qualified.< This duty was later transferred to the board of super- visors.3 With the adoption of the Political Code, the board could fill a vacancy only upon the receipt of a petition signed by at least 30 qualified electors of the county.4 In 1863, two provisions were added to the act of 1850, causing an office to become vacant--the confirmed insanity of the incumbent; and the incumbent's ceasing to discharge the duties of his office for 3 con- secutive months, except when prevented by sickness or absonce from the State upon leave, as provided by law. 5 These acts were incorporated in the Political Code of 1872.6 The statutes of 1853 provided that any official, his deputy or clerk holding office in the State, who charges other or larger fees for his services than those imposed by law, or refuses to perform any of- ficial act in the manner prescribed by law, shall be deprived of office.8 1 The filing of an official bond subscribed by 2 sureties must be approved. If one of the sureties has died, moved from the State, or become insolvent or incompetent, it is the duty of the approving officer to issue a citation to the incumbent in office to show cause why such office shall not be vrcated.9 Any person appointed to fill a vacancy must give a bond corresponding in form and substance to that required of the officer originally elected or appointed.10 1 Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 85, art. 6, sec. 33, p. 208. 2 Ibid. ch. 85, sec. 51, p. 209. 3 Ibid. 1855, ch. 47, sec. 20, p. 55. 4 Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 4066, repealed Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, sec. 1, p. 354. 5 Cal. Stats. 1863, ch. 292, sec. 23, p. 389. 6 Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 996. 7 Cal. Stats. 1853, ch. 29, sec. 1, p. 40. 3 Ibid. ch. 29, sec. 2, p. 40. 9 Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 964. 10 Ibid. sec. 971. 7 GUNG County Clerk - Evolution of Structural Organization Whenever an officer is removed, declared insane, or convicted of a felony, or his election or appointment declared void, the officer before whom the proceedings were held must give notice to the officers empowered to fill the vacancy. 1 The power to fill vacancies by appointment was given to the board of supervisors.2 The latter, upon receiving a certi- fied copy of the record of conviction of any officer for accepting ille- gal fees, must declare his office vacant.3 (First entry, p. 49) An accusation in writing against any county officer for willful or corrupt misconduct in office may be presented by the grand jury of the county in which the accused officer is elected or appointed.4 An action may be brought by the attorney-general, upon his own information or upon the complaint of a private party, against any person who usurps or un- lawfully holds or exercises any public office.5 If the defendant is found guilty, judgment must be rendered excluding him from office.6 Prohibitions against County Clerk and other Officers No county officer must be appointed or act as a deputy of another officer of the same county, except in cases where the pay of the officer so appointed amounts to a sum less than $150 per month, or unless he serves without compensation. Z Absence from the State for more than 60 days is prohibited, unless such absence is for the purpose of transacting business of the State, provided that upon a proper showing of illness, the board of supervisors may extend the time. 8 No county officer shall be interested in any contract made by him in his official capacity, but he may contract for an allowance for mile- age rates in the performance of his duty.9 No county officers can be purchasers at any sale, nor vendors at any purchase made by them in their official capacity.10 1 Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 997. 2 Cal. Stats. 1929, ch. 755, sec. 4, p. 1451, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4041.3. 00 3 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 373, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4045. 4 Penal Code, 1872, sec. 758. 5 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 324, sec. 1, p. 600, amending Code Civ. Proc. 1872, sec. 803. • 6 Code Civ. Proc. 1872, sec. 809. 7 Pol. Code 1872, sec. 843, amended Cal. Stats. 1915, ch. 443, sec. 1, p. 730.. Pol. Code 1872, sec. 853, amended Cal. Stats. 1897, ch. 84, sec. 1, p. 78. 9 Pol. Code 1872, sec. 920, amended Cal. Stats. 1921, ch. 489, sec. 1, p. 743. 10 Pol. Code 1872, sec. 921, amended Cal. Stats. 1933, ch. 270, sec. 1, p. 803. - 8. County Clerk Evolution of Structural Organization GANG All county officers and their deupties or clerks are prohibited from purchasing, selling, or receiving for their own benefit, any State, county or city warrants, scrip, orders, demands, claims, or other evidences of indebtedness against the State.1 Except for his own official services, a county officer is pro- hibited from presenting any claim or demand for allowance against the county or advocating relief demanded by another.2 No county officer shall perform any official services unless upon the prescribed payment of fees, with the following exceptions: proceed- ings upon habeas corpus; appointing a guardian for an indigent; filing documents or performing services on behalf of the State, county, or city; recording discharges for soldiers, sailors or marines; making affidavits to recover public funds; taking the oath of a person endeavoring to ob- tain aid; or recording abstracts of judgments in favor of the United States.3 (First entry, p. 49) The county clerk is prohibited from practicing law in any of the courts of the State; neither can he act as agent nor solicitor in the prosecution of any claim or application for lands, pensions, patent rights, or other proceedings.4 He and his deputies or clerks are also prohibited from performing the duties of a notary public.5 Appointment of Deputies and Clerks The statutes of 1850 made provision for county clerks to appoint one or more deputies, granting them the same power in all respects as their principal. The appointment must be in writing, signed by the clerk, end filed in the office of the recorder.6 The clerk was also granted the power to revoke, in writing, the appointment of any deputy. Each deupty is required to give bond with sureties, but the county clerk and the sureties on his official bond are held liable for all the official acts of the deputy.9 The latter also is required to take oath of office which is endorsed upon his appointment.10 10 1 Pol. Code 1872, sec. 923 2 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 379, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4074. 3 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 547, adding Pol: Code, sec. 4295, amended Cal. Stats. 1937, ch. 912, sec. 1, p. 2516. 4 .Code Civ. Proc. 1872, sec. 171, amended Cal. Stats. 1881, ch. 70, sec. 1, p. 78. 5 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 557, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4316, 6. Ibid. 1850, ch. 110, sec. 3, p. 262. 7 Idem 8 Ibid. sec. 4, p. 262. 9 Idem cmended Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 46, sec. 1, p. 117. Ibid. sec. 3, p. 262. • 7 .-.9 - County Clerk Evolution of Structural Organization The county charter provides that the clerk shell appoint his deputies from the civil service list.1 Administration of Office The constitution of 1879 provided that all existing courts, save justices' end police courts, be abolished, 2 and that there be established the Supreme Court, the District Court of Apperls, and the Superior Court.3 Based upon this provision, the legislature authorized the county clerk to appoint deputies and assistant clerks for the superior courts of his county.4 (First entry, p. 49) The main office of the county clerk is on the fifth floor of the Hall of Records in the Civic Center of Los Angeles.. Under the low, he is required to maintain branch offices in the cities of Long Beach, Pasadena, Pomona, and Santa Monica.5 The county clerk's office in Long Beach opened July 13, 1926;6 Pasadena Division opened Aug. 18, 1931;7 the clerk's office of Pomona Division opened Sept. 16, 1935;8 and the office of Santa Monica Division opened Aug. 27, 1937.9 Actions Pre filed in these branch offices in duplicate, the originals being kept in the main office in Los Angeles. A daily messen- ger service is maintained to transport original files, exhibits, and 10 records when they are required to be produced in court. The office of the county clerk must be kept open daily for the transaction of business between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.; and on Saturdays until noon, Sundays and holidays excepted.11 Every citizen has the right to inspect or request a copy of any public writing, except as otherwise expressly provided by statute.12 Records may not, however, be removed from the offices where they are kept, except upon order of the court, and only in such cases where it is shown that inspection of the record is essential to the just determina- tion of a cause or proceeding.13 The county clerk performs his duties J I. p. 35. 1 Charter 1913, art. III, sec. 11; art XII, sec. 51. 2 Cal. Const. 1879, art. XXII, sec. 3. 3 Ibid. ert. VI, secs. 1, 4, 5. 4 Cal. Stats. 1880, ch. 8, sec. 1, p.5. 5 County Clerk, Annual Report, 1941-42, p. 8. 6 Ibid. p. 23. 7 dela. p. 29. 8 9 10 11 Trid. p. 39. Juna, p. 8.· J. 12 13 Ibid. sec. 1950. Cal. Stats. 1937, ch. 121, sec. 1, p. 371; Ord. 2103, N. S. July 7, 1933. Code Civ. Proc. 1872, secs. 1892, 1893. Agent 10. County Clerk - Functions and Records through the following divisions:1 I Administration II Accounting III Corporation IV V VI VII VIII Marriage License Branch Offices Civil General Duties IX Psychopathic X Appellate XI Jury Civil Filing & Court Clerk Civil Judgment & Copying Criminal Probate In the absence of the county clerk, the office is under the super- vision of the chief deputy county clerk.. The total personnel of the county clerk's office consists of ap- proximately 240 employees, with an average monthly salary of approxi- mately $37,000. I (First entry, p. 49) Functions and Records : Of the divisions enumerated, the two civil divisions and the criminal, probate, and psychopathic divisions may be called the court divisions, since it is through these that the county clerk functions as clerk of the superior court. In such capacity, he keeps its records and seal; issues process; enters judgments, orders and decrees; keeps a docket in which is entered the title of each cause with the date of its com- mencement; and keeps a memorandum of every subsequent proceeding with a list of the fees charged.2 A great many so-called "wartime" functions have been added to his office since Dec. 7, 1941. Some are answering inquiries from draft boards and defense industries, handling military affidavits before entry of judgments, examining and certifying data for persons desiring to ob- tain birth certificates from foreign states, issuing Federal explosives licenses, handling and storing Federal rationing books with accompanying data, and filing petitions for the change of names and for the esta- blishment of birth in this State.. 1 County Budget, 1942-43, pp. 96-99; Ord. No. 4106, N. S., 1942-43, and Supervisor's Records. 2 County Clerk, Annual Report, 1940-41, p. 6. 3 Ibid. 1941-42, p. 3 i 11 County Clerk - Functions and Records Ex officio Duties By an act regulating elections in the State of California in 1850, it became the duty of the county clerk to draw up a statement of the result of the estimate of votes cast in the county.1 Within 20 days after the election, he delivered a certificate of election to the per- son chosen.2 Whenever returns were required to be transmitted by one county clerk to another, it was his duty to deliver the returns to the postmaster, filing a certificate setting forth the time when they were deposited.3 Various duties pertaining to elections were assigned to the county clerk, until the adoption of the county charter in 1913, which provided that the board of supervisors appoint a registrar of voters.4 • • fund M.. By the statutes of 1895, amended in 1911, the county clerk was made ex officio clerk of the board of election commissioners.5 The clerk of Los Angeles County must fumish to the registrar of voters, before the first of September of each year, a statement taken from the records of the court having jurisdiction in cases of infamous crimes and the em- bezzlement or misappropriation of public moneys, showing the names of all persons who have been convicted. It is also his duty to provide the original books of affidavits of registration and printed copies of the indexes, poll-lists, poll-books, blank returns, and certificates. The filing fees for the declaration of candidacy must be paid to the county clerk who must transmit them to the Secretary of State.8 off : Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 38, sec. 38, p. 104. 2 Ibid. ch. 38, sec. 42, p.¨ 105. 3 Ibid. ch. 38, sec. 46, p. 105, (First entry, p. 49) * It is the duty of the clerk, within 10 days after the third Tues- day in May following the Presidential primary, to mail or deliver to the Secretary of State a certificate showing the chairman of each county central committee in counties of 20 or more assembly districts.9 He must also, within 10 days after the second Tuesday in September, ascer- tain the newly elected chairman and mail a certificate to that effect to the Secretary of State. 10 Nomination papers of delegates to be voted ... • 4 Ibid. 1913, ch. 5, art. 4, sec. 14, p. 1489. 5 Ibid. 1895, ch. 221, p. 343, adding Pol. Code, sec. 1077, amended Cal. Stats. 1911, ch. 396, sec. 2, p. 729. 6 Cal. Stats. 1911, ch. 741, sec. 3, p. 1444, adding Pol. Code, sec. 1106a. 7 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 363, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4025, amended Cal. Stats. 1915, ch. 138, sec. 18; p. 296. 8 Election Code, sec. 2671.5, amended Cal. Stats. 1941, ch. 538, sec. 1, p. 1361. 9 Election Code, sec. 2843, amended Cal. Stats. 1941, ch. 576, sec. 9, p. 1959. 10 Idem. : 12 - County Clerk Functions and Records: " upon for national conventions must be filed with the county clerk for examination at least 40 days prior to the Presidential primary.1 By an act of the legislature in 1850, the county clerk was desig- nated as ex officio county sealer of weights and measures.2 The act was later repealed, 3 but in 1861 an act provided that the clerks of the county courts deliver to the county clerk all standards of weights and measures.4 In 1872, the county clerk was again designated as ex officio sealer of weights and measures.5 This act was repealed in 1907.6 (First entry, p. 49) In 1851, an act provided that he assume the office of county re- corder.7 He was required to take oath and give bond in addition to his original bond.8 As recorder, he was given the custody of all books, records, maps, and papers.9 It was his duty to record all deeds and mortgages, marriage contracts and certificates, wills admitted to pro- bate, official bonds, mechanic's liens, judgments, notices of attach- ment, notices of pendency of actions, instruments describing the sepa rate property of married women, and all notices of preemption claims.10 : By the same act he was made ex officio county auditor.11 He was charged with keeping a current account with the county treasurer12 and examining all accounts, debts and demands against the county.13 In 1872, the board of supervisors consolidated the offices of auditor and recorder.14 These acts were repealed in 1907.15 2 3 Ibid. 1858, ch. 184, sec. 1, p. 138. 4 Ibid. 1861, ch. 105, sec. 2, p. 86. 5 Pol. Code 1872, sec. 562. P In 1857, the legislature provided that the clerk of Los Angeles County shall be ex officio superintendent of common schools.16 His duties consisted of apportioning school funds among the several school districts, 17 and receiving reports on expenditures, salaries of teachers, names of teachers, number of pupils, average attendance, and such other statistics.18 This act was repealed in 1863.19 6 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 434, sec. 1, p. 789. 7 Ibid. 1851, ch. 25, sec. 2, p. 199. 8 Ibid. sec. 6, p. 200. 9 Ibid. sec. 11, p. 200. 10 Ibid. sec. 12, p. 201. 11 Ibid. sec. 28, p. 205. 12 Ibid. sec. 29, p. 205. 13 Ibid. sec. 30, p. 206. 14 Pol. Code 1872, sec. 4106. 15 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 354. 16 Ibid. 1857, ch. 111, sec. 1, p. 123. 17 Ibid. 1869, ch. 329, sec. 1, p. 322. 18 Ibid. ch. 329, sec. 2, p. 323. 19 Ibid. 1863, ch. 159, p. 194. 1 Election Code, sec. 2101, amended Cal. Stats, 1941, ch. 1203, sec. 1, p. 2974. Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 53, sec. 14, p. 145. . - 13- (First entry, p. 49) County Clerk - Functions and Records In 1852, the county clerk began his duties as ex officio clerk of the board of supervisors.1 All books, records, and accounts of the board were kept in his office. 2 The board of supervisors also acted as a board of canvassers, and all returns of the election for supervisors were canvassed and declared by the county judge, county clerk, and sheriff acting as a board.3 At that time, the board of supervisors constituted the board of appeals for the equalization of taxes, 4 and the county clerk was ex officio clerk of that board. 5 Licenses and Certificates The official bonds of all county officers must be filed in the office of the county clerk.6 All affidavits for the justification of bail must be filed by the judge or magistrate with the county clerk. The latter must keep a list of the names of all persons whose affidavits have been filed, showing the number of times within a year that such persons have executed affidavits.7 A certified list of the persons selected to serve as trial jurors must be filed with the clerk of the superior courts and with the county clerk. It is the duty of the latter to furnish any person a copy of the list of jurors upon payment of a fee.9 Firemen who have served 5 years may be exempt from military or jury duty by having the county clerk issue an "exempt certificate" over his official seal and signature. 10 Every person holding a certificate authorizing him to practice medi- cine or surgery must have it recorded in the office of the county clerk, and the fact of such recording with the date endorsed on the certificate by the clerk.11 Every such person, on each change of residence, must have his certificate recorded in the county to which he has changed his residence.12 All revocations of certificates by the board of medical 1 Cal. Stats. 1852, ch. 38, sec. 14, p. 89. 2 Ibid. sec. 6, p. 88. 3 Ibid. sec. 8, p. 88. 4 Ibid. sec. 12, p. 89. 5 Ibid. ch. 3, sec. 64, p. 32. 6 Ibid. 1850, ch. 21, sec. 1, p. 74. 7 8 Ibid. 1923, ch. 194, sec. 2, p. 436, adding Penal Code, sec. 1280b. Code Civ. Proc. 1872, sec. 208, amended Cal. Stats. 1893, ch. 213, sec. 3, p. 298. 9 Code Civ. Proc. 1872, sec. 221, repealed Code Amends, 1880, p. 21. 10 Pol. Code 1872, sec. 3339. 11 Cal. Stats. 1901, ch. 51, secs. 8, 9, pp. 59, 60. 12 Idem. 14 County Clerk - Functions and Records (First entry, p. 49) examiners must be filed, and the clerk must write the date of revoca- tion upon the margin or across the face of his register of the certi- ficates.1 This act was amended in 1937, and provided that every person hold- ing a certificate authorizing him to practice any' system of treating the sick must have such certificate registered in the office of the county clerk. The register must show (a) the name of the person to whom the certificate is issued, (b) the form of the certificate, (c) the scope of practice permitted thereunder, (d) the number and date of the certificate (e) the date of registration.3 There are 4 forms of certificates issued for the medical profession which must be filed with the county clerk. These are certificates (1) to use drugs upon human beings, (2) to treat diseases without the use of drugs, (3) to practice chiropody, (4) to practice midwifery.4 An act of 1903 provided that all persons licensed to practice den- tistry must register with the county clerk who must transmit a copy of such registration to the secretary of the board of dental examiners.5 All suspensions or reinstatement of licenses shall be noted by the clerk on the margin of the registration.6 It is the duty of the secretary of the board to send to the county clerk a certified list of all practicing. dentists who have paid their fees to be entered in the register of den- tists.7 4 By an act of 1921, every person licensed to practice as a dental hygienist must also register.8 Written notice of any revocation of licenses of dental hygienists must be mailed by the secretary of the board of dental examiners to the clerk of the county in which such license is registered.9 All pharmacists10 and all persons engaged in the practice of op- tometryll must file their certificates of registration in the office of the county clerk. 1 Cal. Stats. 1901, ch. 51, sec. 10, p. 61. 41 2 Ibid. 1937, ch. 399, p. 1272, enacting Bus. & Prof. Code, sec. 2340. 3 Bus. & Prof. Code, sec. 2341. L Cal. Stats. 1933, ch. 499, sec. 1, pp. 1275, 1276. 5 Ibid. 1903, ch. 244, sec. 1, p. 322. 6 Idem. · 7 Ibid. ch. 244, sec. 3, p. 324. 8 Ibid. 1921, ch. 206, sec. 2, p. 236. 9 Ibid. 1933, ch. 85, sec. 2, p. 531. 10 Ibid. 1905, ch. 406, sec. 9, p. 539, repealed by Cal. Stats. 1937, ch. 299, p. 1325. 11 Ibid. 1913, ch. 598, sec. 8, p. 1100, repealed by Cal. Stats: 1937, ch. 399, p. 1325. 15 · County Clerk - Functions and Records The county livestock inspector,1 at the time of his appointment and any person desiring to practice veterinary medicine and surgery 2 must have on file a certificate issued to him by the state veterinary board. Every notary must file his official bond, and take, subscribe, and file his oath in the office of the county clerk.3 Hunting and fishing licenses are prepared by the State Board of Fish and Game Commissioners and furnished to the county clerk for disposition, the latter accounting to the commission on the first day of each month. All moneys collected must be deposited to the credit of the "Fish and Game License Fund. "4 An act to regulate the hunting of deer was enacted in 1927.5 Du- plicate license tags granting the right to hunt, pursue, and kill deer are issued by the county clerk to any person holding a hunting license. These are also prepared for the clerk by the fish and game commission. 6 (First entry, p. 49) Whenever the Governor deems it necessary, he may order an enroll- ment made of the National Guard, the Naval Militia, and the unorganized Militia of the State and file a copy of such enrollment with the county clerk.7 1 If a member of the board of supervisors, or any sheriff, county clerk, or other county officer resigns his office in order to serve in the armed forces of the United States, he may resume the office by ser- ving notice upon the board of supervisors or county clerk. 8 The same rule applies to deputies, assistants, or employees of a county.9 Corporations The first law concerning corporations was enacted in 1850 by which the district court was given jurisdiction in application and 2 Y Cal. Stats. 1893, ch. 203, 1937, ch. 399, p. 1326. 3 Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 800, amended Cal. Stats. 1903, ch. 172, sec. 1, p. 191. 7∞a 8 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 363, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4023, amended Cal. Stats., Ex. Sess. 1911, p. 15. sec. 4, 6, p. 287, repealed by Cal. Stats. 4 Cal. Stats. 1933, ch. 73, p. 436, enacting Fish & Game Code, sec. 423. 5 Cal. Stats. 1927, ch. 767, sec. 2, p. 1489. 6 Ibid. sec. 2, p. 1489, amended Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 723, sec. 1, p. 1517. Cal. Stats. 1933, ch. 975, sec. 33, p. 2505. Ibid. 1941, ch. 185, sec. 1, p. 1244, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4026. 9 Cal. Stats. 1941, ch. 185, sec. 2, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4026.1. 16 County Clerk Functions and Records dissolution proceedings.1 Provision was made for the incorporation of insurance companies; 2 railroad companies; 3 companies to construct turn- pike roads and plank roads; 4 companies for manufacturing, mining, mechanical, or chemical purposes; 5 telegraph companies;6 bridge com- panies;7 religious and other associations; 8 and steam navigation com- panies.9. A copy of the certificate of incorporation had to be filed in the office of the county clerk, 10 and annual reports filed as to the amount of capital stock paid in, existing debts, etc.11 Objections to the payment of dividends had to be made in writing by the directors ob- jecting, and a certificate of such objections filed.12 Most of the pro- visions pertaining to corporations prior to 1872 were incorporated in the Civil Code.13 The code provided that any corporation existing on the first day of January, 1873, may elect to continue its existence by the vote of all its directors. A certificate of the action of the directors must be filed with the Secretary of State, and a certified copy with the county clerk.14 All articles of incorporation must be signed by the directors, acknowledged and filed with the Secretary of State. A certified copy must be filed with the clerk in the county in which the corporation has its principal place of business, 15 and in every county in which the cor- poration holds real property.16 Before a corporation issues any class of stock of which the dividend rate, redemption price, or liquidation price is fixed by resolution, a copy of such resolution shall be filed in the county clerk's office.17 17 (First entry, p. 49) Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 128, sec. 10, p. 349. Ibid. sec. 33, p. 351. Ibid. sec. 54, p. 353. S 1 2 3 4 Ibid. sec. 90, p. 359. 5 Ibid. sec..122, p. 365. 6 Ibid Ibid. sec. 147, p. 369. 7 Ibid. sec. 156, p. 370. 8 Ibid. sec. 175, p. 373. 9 Thid. Ibid. sec. 185, p. 375. 10 Ibid. sec. 33, p. 351. → 11 Ibid. sec. 44, p. 352. 12 Ibid. sec. 46, p. 352. 13 Civil Code 1872, ch. 1, arts. I and II, sccs. 283-292. 14 Ibid. sec. 287, amended by Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 862, p. 1765. 15 Civil Code, 1972, ch. 1, art. II, sec. 292, amended by Cal. Stats. 1933, ch. 533, sec. 4; p. 1361. 16 Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 362, p. 1768, adding Civil Code, sec. 293, amended Cal. Stats. 1933, ch. 533, sec. 5, p. 1362.. ↓ Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 862, p. 1769, adding Civil Code, sec. 295, amended by Cal. Stats. 1933, ch. 533, sec. 7, p. 1363. - 17. County Clerk - Functions and Records Two or more corporations may be merged or consolidated into a new corporation by filing an agreement, approved by the vote of its stock- holders, with the Secretary of Statel and with the clerk in the county where the principal place of business is located.2 The same procedure applies to the consolidation or merger of foreign corporations with domestic corporations.3 (First entry, p. 49) No foreign corporation shall transact intrastate business in this State until it has filed with the Secretary of State a copy of its ar- ticles of incorporation certified by the secretary of the state in which it was created. A copy must also be filed with the clerk of the county in which the principal place of business is located and in the counties where the corporation owns real property.4 The foreign corporation may amend its articles by resolution. A certificate of the amendment's must be approved, and a copy filed with the county clerk.5 By an act of 1931, the chief officer of a corporation sole wes given the power, by amending its articles of incorporation, to change its name, term of existence, its jurisdiction, or manner of filling any vacancy, by filing a certified copy of the amendments in the office of the county clerk.6 Certified copies of all transactions of dissolution must also be filed.7 : Every railroad corporation must make a map and profile of its road, of the land acquired for its use, and of the boundaries of the several counties through which the road may run, and file a copy of such map with the Secretary of State and with the county clerk.8 The statutes of 1850 provided that one or more persons may form a corporation for the purpose of navigating the ocean, or any bay, river, or stream by filing a certificate, 9 acknowledged as to the amount of stock sold, with the articles of incorporation in the office of the county clerk. 10 The capital stock must be paid up within 2 years after ¡ 1 Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 862, p. 1809, adding Civil Code, sec. 361, sub. sec. 5, amended Cal. Stats. 1933, ch. 533, sec. 59, p. 1390. Idem. 2 3 Cal. Stats. 1921, ch. 862, p. 1812, adding Civil Code, sec. 3617, amended Cel. Stats. 1937, ch. 583, sec. 1, p. 1627. 4 Cal. Stats. 1905, ch. 471, p. 630, adding Civil Code, sec. 405, I amenlod Cel. Stets. 1933, ch. 533, sec. 89, p. 1416. 362b, 5 Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 862, p. 1814, edding Civil Code, sec. amended Cal. Stats. 1933, ch. 533, sec. 62, pp. 1395, 1396 6 Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 871, pp. 1854, 1855, adding Civil Code, sec. 605 1. 7 Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 871, p. 1855, adding Civil Code, sec. 605 m. 8 Civil Code, 1872, sec. 466. 9 Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 128, sec. 185, p. 375. 10 Ibid. sec. 193, p.. 376.. G - 18. County Clerk : Functions and Records: issue, and a certificate showing that fact must also be filed.1 The corporation may increase or decrease its capital stock by filing a new certificate.2 4 123 Any corporation incorporated for the purpose of the prevention of cruelty to animals may appoint its members by resolution. The appoint- ment must be approved by a judge and a copy filed with the county clerk.3 The latter must enter in a book designated "Record of Humane Officers," the name of such officer, the number of his badge, the name of the cor- poration appointing him and the date of filing.4 The corporation, by resolution, may revoke such appointment, and a certified copy of the resolution must be filed.5 Upon the creation of nonprofit corporations, the persons acting as the first directors must subscribe the articles of incorporation and file a certified copy with the county clerk. 6 Any corporation maintain- ing and operating a hospital may undertake to operate a hospital service plan for rendering medical aid to its subscribers without pecuniary gain or profit by amending its articles of incorporation. A certificate of the amendment must be submitted to the Secretary of State and a certi- fied copy filed in the county clerk's office.7 12 (First entry, p. 49) The statutes of 1850 made it lawful for all churches, congregations, and religious, moral, beneficial, literary or scientific associations or societies to appoint trustees or directors to take charge of the estate and property belonging to such organizations.8 A certificate of such appointment, duly acknowledged, had to be filed with the county clerk.9 It was the duty of the trustees to file a full report, annually, of all the real and personal property held by them in trust.10 In 1907, an act was passed pertaining to corporations as sureties. It provided that the insurance commissioner must make and certify to the county clerk a complete list of all corporations holding certificates · entitling them to act as sureties.11 Whenever a certificate has been surrendered, revoked, canceled, or annulled, the insurance commissioner must certify the name of the corporation and the date of revocation.12 ***** Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 128, sec. 194, p. 376. Ibid. sec. 196, p. 376. 3 Ibid. 1905, ch. 434, p. 591, adding Civil Code, sec. 607, f,. amended by Cal. Stats. 1913, ch. 279, sec. 1, p. 511. 4 Idem. 5 Idem. 6 Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 871, pp. 1848, 1849, adding Civil Code, sec. 596. 7 Cal. Stats. 1937, ch. 882, p. 2439, adding Insurance Code, sec. 11499. 8 Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 128, sec. 175, p. 373. 9 Ibid. ch. 128, sec. 177, p. 374* 10 Ibid. ch. 128, sec. 183, p. 374. 11 Ibid. 1907, ch. 523, sec. 1, p. 977, enacting Pol. Code, sec. 625a, repealed by Cal. Stats. 1935, ch. 145, p. 496. Idem. : ▼ 19: County Clerk - Functions and Records Two or more persons desiring to form a limited partnership must make a certificate stating the name of the partnership, the character of business, the location of the principal place of business, the name and place of residence of each member, the term for which the partner- ship is to exist, the amount of capital, etc., and file a copy of such certificate in the clerk's office. 8 Every person or partnership transacting business under a fictitious name must file with the clerk a certificate stating the names of all members of such partnership with their places of residence.2 Such cer- tificate must be published once a week for 4 successive weeks and an affidavit of publication filed.4 Upon every change in the members of such partnership, a new certificate must be filed and a new publication made.4 The county clerk keeps a register of the names of all firms or partnerships operating under fictitious names, and the names of all per- sons engaged in such business with their fictitious names.5 By an act of 1871, mining corporations desiring to remove certain officers must submit a petition, signed by a majority of the share- holders, to the county judge who issues notice of a hearing to be held.6 The petition with a report of the proceedings must be delivered to the county clerk.7 1 (First entry, p. 49) An act to regulate the business of banking, designated as the "Bank Act", was enacted in 1909.8 Most of its provisions have been amended. A certified copy of the articles of incorporation or consolidation must be filed in the office of the county clerk.9 Upon liquidation of the affairs of any bank, the superintendent of banks may appoint deputies to assist him and must file the certificate of appointment.10 All persons, firms or corporations engaged in the manufacture, packing, canning, bottling or selling of any substance in containers which bear an exclusive name or other mark or brand, must file with the county clerk a description of the name, marks, and devices used. 11... →→→ " .... Cal. Stats. 1929, ch. 865, art. 2, sec. 1, p. 1913, adding Civil Code, 1872, sec. 2478. 3 Idem. 4 Civ. Code 1872, sec. 2469, 5 Civ. Code 1872, sec. 2470, 2 Civ. Code 1872, sec. 2466, amended by Cal. Stats. 1923, ch. 113, sec. 1, p. 238. amended by Code Amends, 1873-74, p. 254. amended by Cal. Stats, 1911, ch. 261, sec. 1, p. 440. 6 Code Amends. 1871-72, ch. 334, sec. 1, p. 443. 7 Ibid. sec. 4, P. 444. 8 Cal. Stats. 1909, ch. 76, p. 87. 9 Ibid. 1929, ch. 239, sec. 6, pp. 449-450. 10 Ibid. sec. 17, p. 473. 11 Ibid. 1931, ch. 1162, sec. 1, p. 2466. SMİ K · 20. • County Clerk - Functions and Records 100 ** An act in 1917 made it mandatory for the state controller to list all corporations failing to pay taxes and transmit a certified copy to the county clerk.1 Whenever property is deeded to the State for de- linquent taxes, acknowledgment of the deed made by the tax collector is taken by the clerk.2 67 Suspended corporations, or those whose rights and privileges have been forfeited for nonpayment of taxes due the State, may be revived upon payment of the tax. The State Controller must issue a certificate rolle which must be filed with the County Clerk. When a corporation has been completely wound up without court proceedings, all of its debts paid and its property distributed, a majority of the directors or trustees must sign and acknowledge a certificate and file a certified copy of such certificate.4 All taxes levied upon insurance companies constitute a lien upon their property and franchise, and no final discharge in bankruptcy or decree of dissolution shall be filed until such taxes are paid.5 i Upon reincorporation of cemetery associations, a certified copy of the articles is filed with the county clerk showing the name, purpose, 'location of the principal office, membership, and the names and addresses of the directors.6 Districts 9 10 (First entry, p. 49) The duties of the county clerk pertaining to the establishment of various districts are numerous. The first act of the legislature in this respect provided for the establishment of an irrigation district.7 It was the duty of the judges and inspectors of, elections to prepare the ballot box for the election of officers for the district and to forward the ballots and one tally list to the county clerks who delivered them to the board of supervisors.9 The roster and tally lists had been pre- pared, prior to this date, by the clerk, 10 Ibid. 1873-74, ch. 214, p. 312. 8 Ibid. ch. 214, sec. 7, p. 314. Idem. Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 1174. : 1 Cal. Stats. 1917, ch. 214, sec. 26; p. 358, adding Pol. Code, sec. 3669c, amended by Cal. Stats. 1935, ch. 599, sec. 9, p. 1689. 2 Code Amends, 1873-74, p. 154, adding Pol. Code, sec. 3898, amended 2523. Cal. Stats. 1937, ch. 916, sec. 3, p. 3 Cal. Stats. 1937, ch. 9, sec. 1, p. 16, adding Pol. Code, sec. 3669cc. 4 Ibid. 1934-5, ch. 62, sec. 1, p. 400, amending Civil Code, sec. 403c. 5 Cal. Stats. 1917, ch. 214, sec. 22, p. 355, adding Pol. Code, sec. 3668c, amended Cal. Stats. 1934-35, ch. 599, sec. 7, p. 1688. Cal. Stats. 1934-35, ch. 825, sec. 1, p. 2244. -21 1 10 County Clerk- Functions and Records + An act to form agricultural districts and provide for the forme- tion of agricultural associations was enacted in 1897, permitting such associations to issue capital stock by calling a meeting of stock- holders. A copy of the notice, the affidavit of publication, a report of the proceedings, the amount of capital stock, and the number of shares and shareholders, must be filed in the county clerk's office.1 (First entry, p. 49) An act of 1915 provided for the creation of a flood control dis- trict. The county clerk, his assistants and employees were made ex officio officers, assistants, deputies and clerks of the district.2 In 1931, the legislature provided for the formation of harbor dis- tricts. A petition must be presented to the board of supervisors for consideration.3 At the hearing, a certificate issued by the county assessor, stating that the petitioners are freeholders, is filed with the clerk of the board, with a certificate signed by the county clerk stating that the petitioners are registered and uncanceled electors of the county.4 All candidates for harbor commissioners must file nomina- tion papers with the county clerk.5 The board of election must canvass the votes and deposit them with the clerk.6 Upon the order to establish a harbor district the clerk of the board must transmit certified copy of the minutes and order to the Secretary of State.7 The latter must execute under seal and transmit to the county clerk his certificate that a harbor district has been formed.8 > Recreational harbor districts were also provided for by an act of 1931. Upon the petition of 50 or more persons, filed in the office of the county clerk, 9 and a hearing before the board of supervisors, an assessment map is prepared, a copy of which is filed with the clerk of the board. 10 The board of supervisors makes an order declaring the har- bor district formed, 11 and must transmit e copy of such order to the Secretary of Statel2 who, within 5 days, transmits a certificate under seal to the county clerk.13 Acts pertaining to harbors were revised and consolidated in 1937, and are found in the Harbors & Navigation Code.14 8 Idem. 9 Ibid. ch. 1301, sec. 3, p. 2152. Ibid Ibid. sec. 12, p. 2159. 1 Çal. Stats. 1897, ch. 225, sec. 11, p. 309. 2 Ibid. 1915, ch. 755, sec. 3, p. 1503, amended by Cal. Stats. 1939, ch. 608, sec. 8, p. 2027. 3 Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 704, sec. 6, p. 1485. 4 Idem. 5 Ibid. sec. 10, p. 1437. 6 Ibid. sec. 13, p. 1489. 7 Ibid. sec. 15, p. 1490. • 10 11 Ibid. sec. 17, p. 2162. 12 Ibid. sec. 18, p. 2162. 13 Idem, 14 Ibid. 1927, ch. 368, p. 792, enacting Harbors & Navigation Code. t 22 County Clerk - Functions and Records (First entry, p. 49) The oath of the harbor commissioners must now be filed in the county clerk's office.1 In dissolution proceedings, the court determines the amount of in- debtedness outstanding against the district, and the county clerk, act- ing.ex officio, performs the duties of the secretary of the board of directors.2 Reclamation districts may be established by a petition submitted to the board of supervisors.3 If the district lies in more than one county, a copy of the order approving the petition must be forwarded to the clerk of the board in each county where any portion of the district lies.4 An assessment list must be compiled, and the board of supervisors must conduct a hearing on objections which must be in writing and filed with the clerk.5 If a new assessment list is ordered, the commissioners must prepare and file it with the clerk.6 When charges are assessed against a tract of land which has been subdivided into smaller parcels, the board of trustees of the district must file with the clerk of the board of supervisors a list of such charges. Following a hearing to consider objections, the board may make an order approving the assessments, and indorse such order upon the list to be attested by the clerk:8 All districts must have a state number, and the county clerk must enter such number in the register and upon the petition, and send the number to the recorder.9 The clerk does not receive compensation other than his regular salary for any services performed under this act.10 Where district boundaries are changed upon petition, the clerk of the board of supervisors must cause a notice of the filing of such pe- tition to be published in some newspaper and mailed to each person own- ing property in the district.11 Holders of outstanding bonds of the district may assent in writing to the release of lands from such bonds. 1 Cal. Stats. 1937, ch. 368, p. 887, enacting Harbors & Navigation Code, sec. 4042. 2 Cal. Stats. 1937, ch. 135, sec. 3, p. 375. 3 Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 3447, amended by Cal. Stats. 1917, ch. 671, sec. 2, p. 1191. 4 Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 3448, amended by Cal. Stats. 1911, ch. 365, p. 639. 5 Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 3456, amended by Cal. Stats. 1934-35, ch. 746, sec. 3, p. 2097. 6 Idem. 7 Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 3460, amended Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 317, sec. 2, p. 757. ...m 8 Pol. Code, 1372, sec. 3462, nmended Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 317, sec.. 3, p. 758. 9 Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 3483, amended Cal. Stats. 1911, ch. 362, sec. 21, p. 654. 10 Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 3484. 11 Cal. Stats. 1913, ch. 390, sec. 1, p. 840, adding Pol. Code, sec. 3489a. · 2 · : County Clerk - Functions and Records The assent must be filed with the clerk, 1 If such lands are excluded by the board of supervisors, an entry must be made in the minutes, and a certified copy filed by the clerk in the recorder's office.2 In an action to dissolve the district, notice by publication must be given by the clerk, and efter dissolution, the board of trustees must deliver all property and assets belonging to the district to the clerk of the board of supervisors to be held and used by him for the benefit of the district.3 An act of 1919 provided for the incorporation of public utility districts upon presentation of a petition to the board of supervisors.4 Deputies appointed by the county clerk must verify all signatures to certificates or petitions for nominating candidates for the board of directors.5 All verification deputies must file with the county clerk an oath as to age, residence, accupation, and whether they are elec- tors.6 If any petition is insufficient in signatures, a supplemental petition must be filed.7 To incorporate a public utility district, the board of supervisors must submit to the electors a certificate setting forth the proposition.8 If a majority of the votes are in favor of in- corporation, the board must make an order to that effect, 9 and file a copy of both the order and certificate in the office of the county clerk.10 This Act was amended in 1937 without impairing the obligations of the clerk.11 1 23 Resort districts were organized under an act of 1931 which pro- vided for elections and issuence of bonds. Following an election, the county clerk certifies to the board of directors a statement of the re- sult of the election including the number in favor or opposed to the issuance of bonds.12 An act providing for the incorporation of county water districts was enacted in 1913. Petition is made to the board of supervisors who, after a hearing, makes an order declaring the district organized.13 4 5 Ibid. sec. 4, p. 908. 6 Idem. (First entry, p. 49) Cal. Stats. 1913, ch. 390, sec. 1, p. 840, adding Pol. Code, sec. 3489a. 2 Idem. 3 Cal. Stats. 1889, ch. 226, sec. 1, p. 335, adding Pol. Code, sec. 3493, amended Col. Stats. 1937, ch. 870, sec. 1, p. 2421. Cal. Stats. 1919-21, ch. 560, sec. 2, p. 907. Ibid. sec. 5, pp. 908, 909. Ibid. sec. 9, pp. 910-911. 7 8 Ibid. sec. 7, p. 910. 9 Ibid. sec. 8, p. 910. 10 11 Ibid. 1937, ch. 899, sec. 1, p. 2480. 12 Ibid. 1931, ch. 1208, sec. 24, p. 2541. 13 Ibid. 1913, ch. 592, sec. 1, p. 1051. 24 - County Clerk - Functions and Records The county clerk files with the Secretary of State a certificate stating that the proposition has been adopted, and upon an order calling for an election, gives notice of such election by publication, 1 issues the isques necessary certificates, and appoints verification deputies. 2 He must examine, all petitions.3 Any person wishing to withdraw his name as can- didate must file a request in writing.4. The county clerk must preserve in his office for a period of 2 years all petitions of nominations and all certificates.5 After the filing of a petition, he must submit a list of the names of all candidates to the board of supervisors6 and must have the ballots printed, bound and numbered.7 He must also print sample ballots.8 An election for the formation of school districts may be had by presenting a petition to the county superintendent of schools who must file with the county clerk a certificate showing the results of such election.9 If a majority of the votes are in favor, the clerk must record the certificate in full in his records of school districts.10 This procedure also applies to high-school districts.11 A change in the name of any school district may be made by pe- tition followed by a hearing before the board of supervisors. If the petition of schools. 18anted, the clerk must notify the county superintendent of schools.12 The change must be certified and entered by the clerk in his record of high-school districts.13 Formation of a new school dis- trict is made through an election, the results of which must be certi- fied to the clerk.14 An elementary-school district may be excluded from a high-school district by an order of the board of supervisors after the returns of an election. The order must be entered by the clerk of the board in his records of high-school districts, and a copy sent to the county clerk.15 The same procedure is followed upon an order of the board of supervisors for annexing a school district to a high-school district.16 The certificates for the formation of union 1 Cal. Stats. 1933, ch. 873, sec. 1, p. 2253. +~man⌁700 2 Ibid. secs. 4, 5, 6, p. 2255. 3 4 Ibid. sec. 5, 5 Ibid. sec. 5, 6 Ibid. sec. 5, Ibid. sec. 5, Ibid. sec. 5, subsec. 8, p. 2256. subsec. 10, p. 2256. subsec. 12, p. 2256. subsec. 13, p. 2256. subsec. 14, p. 2257. Ibid. sec. 5, subsec. 20, p. 2257. 9 School Code, sec. 2.317. 10 Ibid. sec. 2.319. 11 Ibid. sec. 2.390. 12 Ibid. sec. 2.432. 8 (First entry, p. 49) 13 Ibid. soc. 2.433. Ibid. sec. 2.445. 14 15 Ibid. sec. 2.453a. 16 Ibid. sec. 2.456. * Gly 25 - County Clerk- Functions and Records high-school districts, 1 joint union-high-school districts, 2 or junior- college districts,3 their annexation, 4 and the exclusion of high-school districts5 must be recorded in the office of the county clerk. Handicapped Persons All needy blind persons may file applications for aid with the county clerk6 who must submit such applications to the board of super- visors. Upon application for the maintenance and support of any indigent, incompetent or incapacitated person who has not resided in the county the required length of time, the clerk must send written notice to the clerk of the county in which such person resided prior to the filing of his application with a request to remove such person.7 Petition for letters of guardianship of any insane or incompetent person is filed with the county clerk who must make a report to the state department of institutions, giving the name of the person, the name and address of the petitioner and his attorney, and the time and place fixed for the hearing. 8 School Code, sec. 2.559. (First entry, p. 49) When any person is discharged as recovered from a state hospital, a certified copy of the certificate of discharge may be filed with the clerk of the superior court.9 Applications to the medical superintendent to declare a person sane may be made by any person, and if upon examina- tion he is found to be sane, a certified copy must be filed with the county clerk.10 1 2 Ibid. sec. 2.572. Ibid Ibid. sec. 2.688. The clerk must keep an index showing the name and age of each per- son examined as to mental illness or insanity, the date of the order of commitment or hospitalization, and the name of the hospital.11 He must also certify to the county auditor, on the first day of each month, list of all commitments to any public institution in the state, includ- ing reform schools and insane asylums, with a statement of the reason and term of commitment.12 ટી Wel. and Inst. Code sec. 6729. 3 4 Ibid. sec. 2.736. 5 Ibid. sec. 2.743. 6 Cal Stats. 1929, ch. 529, sec. 4, p. 911, now Wel. & Inst. Code, sec. 3081. 7 Cal. Stats. 1901, ch. 210; sec. 4, pp. 636, 637. 8 Ibid. 1939, ch. 440, sec. 3, p. 1775, adding Wel & Inst. Code, sec. 6654. 5. 9 10 Ibid. sec. 6734. 11 Ibid. sec. 5101. 12 Cal. Stats. 1913, ch. 351, sec. 7, p. 713. GRUP - 26 - County Clerk - Functions and Records B Taxation ! By an act of 1850, the legislature provided for the levy of a poll 1 tax upon all male inhabitants between the ages of 21 and 50 years. The provisions of the various acts pertaining to poll taxes were later incorporated in the Political Code of 1872,2 replealed in 1917,3 and re- enacted again in 1921.4 Every alien male inhabitant over 21 and under.. 60 years of age was required to pay a poll tax of $10 annually.5 It was the duty of the county clerk or registrar of voters to register such persons within his county.6 The entire ect, plus all the duties of the clerk pertaining to the poll tax, was declared unconstitutional.7 The county assessor, as soon as the assessments on property are completed, must deliver to the clerk of the board of supervisors the assessment book, map-books, statements, and military roll so that the 8 time may be set by the board for the equalization of assessments. Whenever the board of supervisors determines that an appraisal or re- appraisal is necessary, the clerk of the board certifies the determina- tion to the state board of equalization.9 (First entry, p. 49) The Political Code of 1872 provided that all delinquent tax lists must be published and filed with affidavits by the tax collector in the office of the county clerk.10 Personal income tax judgments must be filed by the commissioner. through a certificate specifying the amount of the tax, the penalty and interest due, and the name and last known address of the taxpayer liable. The clerk must enter judgment against the taxpayer in a book entitled "Personal Income Tax Judgments."11 Entry of judgments applying to the retail sales tax is made in a book entitled "Special Judgments for State Retail Sales or Use Tax. "12 ^ 5678 In the event a manufacturer or importer is delinquent in the pay- ment of the excise tax, the State controller must file in the office of 1 Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 52, sec. 1, p. 135. 2 Pol. Code, 1872, secs. 3839-3862. 3 Cal. Stats. 1917, ch. 226, sec. 21, p. 432. 4 Ibid. 1921, ch. 424, sec. 1, p. 613, adding Pol. Code, secs. 3839- 3856. L Cal. Stats. 1921, ch. 424, sec. 1, p. 613, adding Pol. Code, sec. 3839. 6 Ibid. sec. 3841. In re Term, 187 Cal. 20. Pol. Code, 1872. sec. 3654, amended Cal. Stats. 1895, ch. 218, sec. 9, p. 315. Code Amends. 1880, p. 27, adding Pol. Code, sec. 3693, amended by Cal, Stats. 1931, ch. 694, sec. 2, p. 1436. A: 9 10 Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 3769. 11 Cal. Stats. 1934-35, ch. 329, sec. 28, p. 1119. 12 Ibid. ch. 357, sec. 26, p. 1262. - 27 County Clerk - Functions and Records the county clerk a certificate specifying the amount of the tax, penalty and interest due, and the name and address of the manufacturer or im- porter, whereupon the clerk must enter judgment in a book titled "Special Judgments for State Excise Tax."1 An act to establish a tax on inheritances, bequests, and devises was enacted in 1893, making it mandatory upon the superior court to determine the value of the estate. The person in actual possession of the property must file a bond in the county clerk's office, plus a veri- fied return of such property.2 In order to fix the value of the property,, the superior court must appoint an appraiser who files his appraisal with the clerk of the court.3 All transcripts of decrees must be docketed and filed with the county clerk.4 The latter must make a statement every (First entry, p. 49) 3 months to the county treasurer of the property or party from whom he be- lieves a tax is due and unpaid.5 The clerk of the court must keep a book in which he enters the returns of the appraisers, the cash velue of annuities, life estates, and taxes assessed thereon.6 Any person, upon payment of 50 cents, is entitled to a receipt for the payment of the tax, and may record it with the clerk in the county in which the property is situated.7 The above act was amended on numerous occasions, repealed in 1935, and reenacted in the same year.8 All objections to the report of ap- praisers must be filed with the clerk who must set the time for a hear- ing.9 The clerk of the court, upon request of the State controller, must furnish a transcript of the decree which shall be docketed and filed in the county clerk's office. 10 Miscellaneous Duties Since the establishment of his office in 1850, the duties of the county clerk have been numerous and often changed. In addition to those outlined, many duties were delegated to him at various times by legis- lative acts. A summary is given below: 1850. The courts of second and third instance were declared to be superseded to the courts of first instance who were given juris- diction in appeals, and the county clerk was made clerk of these 1 Cal. Stats. 1934-35, ch. 330, sec. 31, p. 1136. 2 Ibid. 1893, ch. 168, sec. 2, p. 194. 3 Ibid. sec. 11, p. 196. 4 Ibid. sec. 14, p. 197. 5 Ibid. sec. 16, p. 197. 6 Ibid. sec. 18, p. 198. 7 Ibid. sec. 21, p. 198. 8 Ibid. 1935, ch. 358, sec. 8, subsec. 4, p. 1277. 9 Ibid. ch. 358, sec. 8, subsec. 4, p. 1277. 10 Ibid. sec. 17, p. 1288. เ : 28 C O County Clerk - Functions and Records 1 2 3 4567 courts.1 All journals, laws, supreme court reports, and other documents were kept in his office. A copy of these was deposited in the county library over which he had charge.2 1852 An act to enumerate the inhabitants of the State of California was passed in 1852 by which the Secretary of State was directed to furnish the county clerk blank census returns to be made out in accordance with the act.7 : 100€ The statutes of 1850 provided that all records of deeds, mort- gages, powers of attorney, and other instruments kept by the Alcalde, judge of first instance, notary or other officer should be delivered to the county clerk.3 The latter was required to keep a book in which he entered, by items, every kind of service rendered, for whom and for what purpose it was performed, and the amount allowed.4 He was also required to submit a quarterly statement under oath of all fees, percentages, or compensation received or remaining unpaid/5 This law was changed in 1864 pro- viding that the county clerk must keep a fee book in which he entered all fees, commissions or compensation earned by him or his deputies showing the name of the payer and the nature of the service performed.6 1853 All publications of official and legal notices, with affidavits, must be filed with the county clerk.8 It is his duty to dis- tribute to all officers throughout the county the laws, journals, and public documents received from the Secretary of State.9 (First entry, p. 49) Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 23, p. 77. Ibid. ch. 124, sec. 1, p. 340.. Ibid. ch. 23, sec. 39, p. 81. Ibid. 1861, ch. 84, sec. 1, p. 65. ¿ Before application to the Governor for the pardon of any person convicted of a crime, notice of such intent must be given to the court and district attorney, and a copy of such notice forwarded to the county clerk10 for publication and posting. The clerk, in turn, notifies the Governor.11 He is not permitted to charge a fee for the services rendered, and if he refuses to comply with the act, he is deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.12 .. L 1 5 Ibid. sec. 2, p. 65. Ibid. 1863-64, ch. 268, sec. 1, p. 277. Ibid. 1852, ch. 32, sec. 13, p., 67, 8 Ibid. 1853, ch. 88, sec. 7, p. 137. 9 Ibid. ch. 132, sec. 2, p. 187. 10 Ibid. ch. 173, sec. 2, p. 271. 11 Ibid. ch. 173, sec. 3, p. 271. 12 Ibid. ch. 173, sec. 6, p. 271. : GREG 29 County Clerk - Functions and Records 1863-64 In every criminal action, the court set forth in the record of verdict or finding whether the defendant committed the offense with which he was charged while under the influence of liquor. The verdict or finding, together with the costs, was certified to the county clerk.1 It was the duty of the clerk, during the first week in July, to certify to the board of super- visors a statement showing the costs and other expenses in- curred by the county or State in the arrest, trial, conviction, imprisonment, subsistence, and punishment of every person con- victed of any offense committed while in a state of intoxica- tion.2 pad amat 1 3 ? 1865-66 The county clerk was designated as registrar of voters.5 It was his duty to register every inhabitant of his county, and whenever an applicant moved to another county, to cancel the registration. He also canceled the registration of persons who were dead, insane, and those convicted of an infamous crime.7 His compensation was fixed by the board of super- visors, not to exceed 25 cents for each person registered.8 All laws pertaining to the registry act were printed in pam- phlet form and delivered to the clerk, to be distributed by him to the judges of election.9 1867-68 The board of supervisors was empowered to establish ferries and toll bridges, and when it appeared that any member of the board was interested in the application, the board was authorized to certify such application to the county clerk who was given full and complete jurisdiction, exercising the powers and duties de-- volved upon the board. 10 The clerk was required to take an Cal. Stats. 1863-64, ch. 289, sec. 1, p. 298. 2 Ibid. sec. 2, p. 298. Ibid ch. 316, sec. 1, p. 323. 4 Each supervisorial district was entitled to one supervisor, the election to be held at the time of Presidential elections, provided that when no general or Presidential election was held, the county clerk called a special election to fill a vacancy name the precincts in the district, and name the in- spectors and judges to conduct the election.3 In all of the counties of the State, the clerk acted as ex officio county recorder and was subject to all the liabilities of recorder.4 (First entry, p. 49) Ibid. ch. 350, sec. 1, p. 395. 5 Ibid. 1865-66, ch. 265, sec. 1, p. 288. 6 Ibid. sec. 2, p. 289. 7 Ibid. sec. 4, p. 289. 8 Ibid. ch. 334, sec. 1, p. 379. 9 Ibid. ch. 334, sec. 1, p. 379. 10 Ibid. 1867-68, ch. 89, sec. 1, pp. 77, 78. ginek 30 County Clerk Functions and Records 1872 1 2 4456700 8 (First entry, p. 49) 12 oath to faithfully perform such duties, and was allowed $5.00 a day while determining the case.1 All statements of county indebtedness, assets, rate of taxa- tion and the amounts of cash in the county treasury and its several funds had to be prepared by the county clerk.2 Whenever it became unfit or unsafe for the confinement of prisoners in the county jail, the judge, by a written order filed with the county clerk, designated the jail of a con- tiguous county,3 and the clerk served a certified copy of the appointment on the sheriff or keeper of the jail designated.4 Upon the jail being rendered fit and save, the judge filed a written revocation5 a copy of which the clerk immediately served upon the sheriff.6 In case of pestilence or contagious disease, the judge, by a written appointment filed with the clerk, designated a safe place for the removal of prisoners.7 In partition sales, investment of the proceeds must be made in the name of the county clerk for the use and benefit of the parties interested, subject to a court order.8 He deposits the principal and interest when it becomes due with the county treasurer. He must keep an account in a book provided for that. purpose.9 Affidavits in all actions, except those made in special proceedings, may also be filed.10 Judges authorized to hold court in a particular place in a city or county, by an order filed with the county clerk and upon publication, direct that the court be held at such place.11 3 Penal Code, 1872, sec. 1603, amended by Cal. Stats. 1937, ch. 174, sec. 1, p. 472. Penal Code, 1872, sec. 1604. Application for authority to construct toll bridges is made to the board of supervisors. A certified copy of the order of the board with a copy of the application must be recorded in the office of the county clerk.12 Cal. Stats. 1867-68, ch. 89, sec. 1, pp. 77, 78. Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 4083, repealed by Cal. Stats. 1897, ch. 267, sec...26, p. 435. Ibid. sec. 1605, amended by Cal. Stats. 1905, ch. 547, sec. 2, p. 710. 6 Penal Code, 1872, sec. 1606, Ibid. sec. 1608. Code Civ. Proc. 1872, sec. 789. 9 Ibid. sec. 791. 10 Ibid. sec. 2011, amended Code Amends, 1873-74, p. 388. 11 Code Civ. Proc., 1872, sec. 142, amended by Cal. Stats. 1934-35, ch. 271, sec. 2, p..957,`: Pol. Code, 1872, sec. 2872, amended by Cal. Stats. 1923, ch. 131, sec. 1, p. 272. - 31. County Clerk - 1873-74 1880 1884-85 1 Functions and Records 6 7 8 זי (First entry, p. 49) On or before the tenth of July of each year the county clerk files with the county auditor an itemized estimate showing both the revenues, which will accure to his department and all expenditures required by it for the current fiscal year as well as the last completed year.1 The county auditor prepares a tabulation as follows: (1) Salaries and wages; (2) maintenance and operation; (3) capi- tal outlay; (4) interest and debt redemption; (5) expenditures proposed to be made from bonds or other income not yet author- ized.2 This is submitted to the board of supervisors who may direct any revision thus completing the "preliminary county budget." Following publication that the budget has been pre- pared and after a hearing, the final budget is adopted.3 All applications for the change of names of persons or corpora- tions must be made to the superior court. The county clerk, within 30 days from the date on which the decree is entered by the court, must file a certified copy of the decree with the Secretary of State.4 The county clerk must keep all books, papers, and records per- taining to his office, and as clerk of the board of supervisors and the superior court, must attend each session, issue all process and notices, enter all orders, decrees and judgments, and keep a superior court docket.5 The superior court judge made and signed all statements, certi- ficates and affidavits for the relief of inhabitants of cities and towns upon public lands.6 When a vacancy occurred in the office of the judge during the pendency of the proceedings, up- on the election or appointment of a successor, the county clerk filed with the county recorder a certificate showing the facts and the name of such successor. 7 Whenever the affairs of any such town were settled, the judge deposited all books and papers relating thereto with the county clerk as public record s.8 2 Idem. 3 Idem. 4 Code Amends, 1873-74, adding Code Civ. Proc., sec. 1279, amended by Cal. Stats. 1929, ch. 710, sec. 4, p. 1261. 5 Cal. Stats. 1880, ch. 244, sec. 28, p. 536, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4204, repealed Çal. Stats. 1907, p. 354, now Pol. Code, sec. 4178. Cal. Stats. 1884-85,' ch. 132, sec. 1, p. 116. Pol. Code 1872, sec. 3714, amended by Cal. Stats. 1937, ch. 289, sec. 1, p. 633. Ibid. sec. 19, p. 122. Ibid. sec. 23, p. 123. ··32·· County Clerk Functions and Records 1893 • 1886-87 The county clerk is authorized to take and certify affidavits for United States pension claimants without receiving any fee or compensation.1. 1895 Gy 1907 * (First entry, p. 49) A candidate for election to an office, who commits any offense punishable by imprisonment in the state prison, is excluded from the right of suffrage, and it is the duty of the county clerk to transmit a certified copy of the record of conviction to the clerk of each county in the State.2 An act to promote the purity of elections provides that every candidate must file with the county clerk an itemized state- ment, showing all moneys paid, loaned, contributed or fur- nished to him in aid of his election. 3 Public administrators were required to render an accounting to the clerk upon the settlement and adjustment of their accounts relating to the care and disbursement of money and property belonging to estates.4 The act was changed in 1931, making it mandatory for the public administrator to account to the court and file a notice in the office of the county clerk.5 It is the duty of all county officers including the supervisors, road commissioners, and the superintendents of hospitals, county farms, or almshouses to file with the county clerk, each year, an inventory under oath showing in detail all county property in their possession.6 · Provision was made for the support of a county law library.7 The law provided that a party, on filing first papers, and the defendant, on filing an answer, must pay the clerk $1.00 es costs, the fund to be known as the "law library fund."8 The board of supervisors also set apart each month from fees col- lected by the county clerk, a sum of $100 to be paid into the fund.9 • 1 Cal. Stats. 1886-87, ch. 72, sec. 1, p. 81. 2 Ibid. 1893, ch. 16, sec. 17, p. 22. 3 Ibid. sec. 3, p. 15, amended by Cal. Stats. 1913, ch. 238, sec. 1, p. 396. 4 Ibid. 1895, ch. 133, sec. 1, p. 124. 5 Ibid. 1931, ch. 281,. sec. 1, p. 587, enacting Probate Code, sec. 1153, amended by Cal. Stats. 1935, ch. 192, sec. 1, p. 856. 6 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 557, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4321. 7 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 407... 8 Idem. adding Pol. Code, sec. 4190, amended by Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 674, sec. 1, p. 1414. 9 Cal. Stats. 1915, ch. 122, sec. 1, p. 216, adding Pol. Code, sec, 4190a. - 33 - County Clerk - Functions and Records (First entry, p. 49) The county clerk keeps in the superior court a docket in which is entered the title of each cause with the date of its commencement, a memorandum of every subsequent proceeding and a list of all fees charged.1 He also keeps indexes of all suits, "General index- Plaintiff" and "General Index-Defendant." Each page must be ar- ranged in columns as follows: Number of suits, plaintiffs, de- fendants, date of judgment, number of judgment, page of entry in judgment book, page of minute book. 2 He may, in place of the general indexes, keep an index listing each suit separately under the name of each plaintiff and each defendant, showing the title and number of the suit.3 Another volume kept in the office of the county clerk is that labeled "Bond and Surety Companies" in which are entered (1) the name of a corporation acting as surety; (2) the state in which it was organized; (3) the date of the certificate authorizing it to do business in this State; (4) the date of revocation, cancella- tion or suspension of such certificate; (5) the date of the new authorization to do business in the State.4 In keeping the records of the board of supervisors, the county clerk must perform the following duties: (1) Record all proceed- ings of the board; (2) make full entry of their resolutions and decisions concerning the raising of money for, and the allowance of accounts against the county; (3) record the vote of each mem- ber on any question upon which there is a division or at the re- quest of any member present; (4) certify, after the adjournment of each meeting, all demands allowed and orders made for the pay- ment of money, and deliver such certification to the auditor; (5) file reports of the county treasurer of receipts and dis- bursements of the county; (6) file all petitions and applications for franchises with the action of the board thereon; (7) authen- ticate, with his signature and the seal of the board, all pro- ceedings of the latter upon an order for their publication; (8) authenticate and record all ordinances passed by the board; (9) record all orders for the levying of taxes.5 These records are kept in the following books: a "minute book, a "minute book," " an allowance book, a "warrant book," and an "ordinance book."6 They must be kept in the office of the clerk at all times for public inspection.7 1 Cal. Stats. 1915, ch. 282, p. 404, adding Fol. Code, sec. 4178. 2 Idem. adding Pol. Code, sec. 4179, 214, sec. 1, p. 243. G 11 3 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 405, amended by Cal. Stats. 1921, ch. 4 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 404, 5 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 365, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4178. adding Pol. Code, sec. 4038. adding Pol. Code, sec. 4039, amended 6 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 366, Cal. Stats. 1933, ch. 544, sec. 1, p. 1437, and ch. 852, sec. 1,p.2222 7 Cal. Stats. 1907, ch. 282, p. 366, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4040. - 34 - County Clerk - Functions and Records 1911 Upon changing the grade of any public highway or street, the cost of improvement becomes an assessment lien against the property owners in the territory.1 In an action for the payment of the assessment, the county clerk must mail to the street superinten- dent or county surveyor a certified copy of the dismissal or entry pf judgment.2 1920 An act relating to the rights, powers and disabilities of aliens with respect to property in this State was submitted to the vote of electors at the general election of November 2, 1920, and pro- vided that all aliens not eligible for citizenship may acquire, possess, enjoy and transfer real property in the manner pres- scribed by any treaty between the United States and the nation or country of which such alien is a citizen or subject.3 An alien is prohibited from being appointed as a guardian of the estate of a minor if such alien is prohibited from acquiring, possessing or transferring land by reason of this act.4 But the act provides that the public edministrator, a corporation or association may be appointed as à guardian or trustee of such minor.5 The guardian must file with the Secretary of State and the county clerk an annual report showing the real or personal property held by him, the date of taking possession, and an account of expenditures, investments, and income." 1923 When timberland is infested with insect pests, the state forester must notify the owner to destroy them. Upon the owner's refusal to comply, the forester may eradicate the pests and must file with the county clerk a verified statement of the expense which is entered upon a lien docket.7 1 $ · ་ 23456 (First entry, p. 49) 1931 In adoption proceedings, after examination by the court, the pe- tition, relinquishment, agreement and order must be filed in the office of the county clerk. & : 1933 An act of 1909 régulating the business of banking was amended in 1933, providing that every corporation doing a banking. business and having no capital stock may elect to have such stock.. A cer- tified copy of the report of the meeting and the amount of the Ibid. ch. 817, sec. 10, p. 1726. 3 Ibid. 1921, sec. 2, p. lxxxiii. • L Cal. Stats. 1911, ch. 496, sec. 11, p. 1028, amended by. Cal. Stats. 1929, ch. 817, sec. 10, p. 1725. • Ibid. sec. 4, p. lxxxiii. Idem. Ibid. sec. 5, p. kxxxiv. 77 Ibid. 1923, ch. 82, sec. 5, p. 157. 8 Ibid. 1931, ch. 1130, sec. 4, p. 2403, amending Civil Code, sec. 227. 35 - County Clerk - Functions and Records .. capital stock subscribed must be filed in the county clerk's office.1 (First entry, p. 49) The board of supervisors is prohibited from entering into any agreement for the purchase, hire or rental of any apparatus used in the construction, maintenance or repair of roads, unless such agreement is in writing signed by 3 members of the board, and a certified copy filed with the county clerk, 2 1934-35 An act of the legislature in 1929, amended in 1935, provided for the registration of contractors by creating a contractor's state license board and a registrar. It is the duty of the registrar to file with the county clerk a roster showing the names, place of business and residence of all persons conducting a contracting business. 3 The narcotic act of 1929 as amended in 1935, provided that in the case of, persons convicted and fined under the act, before the full payment of the fine, sentence of imprisonment may be imposed in lieu. The county clerk must keep a record of such sentence.4 An automobile or other vehicle used to transport any drugs mentioned in the act may be seized, and a notice of seizure and intended forfeiture proceedings must be filed with the county clerk.5 Any 10 freeholders may petition the board of supervisors to alter or construct a highway.6 If the highway crosses the track or right of way of any railroad, the county clerk, upon the appointment of viewers by the board, transmits a certified copy of the petition and the order of appointment to the railroad commission.7. The board of supervisors must fix a day for a hearing, and the county clerk notifies the commission of the time and place of the hearing.8. A structural pest control board was created in 1935. A registrar was appointed to keep a record of all applications for licenses, Ca .1 Cal. Stats. 1933, ch. 58, sec. 29, p. 351. 2. Ibid. 1933, ch. 942, sec. 1, p. 2475, adding Pol. Code, sec. 4041.7a, now Streets & Highway Code, sec. 909. Cal. Stats. 1934-35, ch. 816, sec. 5, subsec. i, p. 2220. 3 4 Ibid. 1934-35, ch. 813, sec. 6, p. 2208. 5 Ibid. sec. 10, subsec. b, p. 2210. 6 Ibid. 1934-35, ch. 29, sec. 1, p. 314, enacting Streets and Highway Code, sec. 1100.. € 7. Cal. Stats. 1934-35, ch. 29, sec. 1, p. 317, enacting Streets and Highway Code, sec. 1121. 8 Streets and Highway Code, sec. 1124. · 36 · County Clerk Functions and Records . : (First entry, p. 49) He must file annually with the county clerk a roster of all persons conducting such business.1 1937 Applications for bail license must be filed with the commissioner3 who certifies to the county clerk the names of bail agents, their license numbers and any other information he considers advisable.4: 9 10 The department of motor vehicles, upon receiving from a testing agency a report that a headlight of a motor vehicle has been tested and approved, must file a copy of the certificate of approval in the county clerk's office.2 : In condemnation proceedings, the governmental agency pays the amount awarded to the clerk of the court. An abstract or trans- script of judgment and affidavit is filed with the county clerk who notifies, by mail, all parties interested.5 1939 An act relating to outdoor advertising provides that the director of the department of public works may appoint the county clerk as his agent or representative for the purpose of issuing li- censes and permits and collecting fees.9 An act regulating the sale and use of poisons provides that any person violating the act is subject to a fine.6 A record is kept by the county clerk? who must transmit to the state controller an annual report of the fines collected.8 By an act providing for the conservation and utilization of natural resources, persons or corporations engaged in the manu- facture or sale of timber must file with the county clerk a certified copy of a diagram and, written description of any logs or timber floated for such purposes. 10 Placer mining districts must file in the clerk's office a report 1 Cal. Stats. 1934-35, ch. 822, sec. 11, p. 2235. 2 Ibid. ch. 27, p. 213, enacting Vehicle Code, sec. 653, repealed Cal. Stats. 1935, ch. 765, p. 2141. 3 Cal. Stets. 1937, ch. 654, p. 1802, adding Insurance Code, sec. 1804. .4 Cal, Stats, 1937, ch. 654, p. 1804, adding Surance Code, sec. 1815. 5 Cal. Stats. 1937, ch. 211, sec. 2, p. 507, amending Code Civ. Proc., sec. 710. Cal. Stats. 1937, ch. 685, sec. 3, p. 1948. Ibid. sec. 4, p. 1948. 6 7 8 Idem. " Ibid. 1939, ch. 32, p. 334, adding Bus. & Prof. Code, sec. 5217. Cal. Stats. 1939, ch. 93, p. 1158, adding Public Resources Code, sec. 4802. - 37 County Clerk - Functions and Records (First entry, p. 49) approved by the board of supervisorsl and the resolution declaring the district organized.2 1 Whenever a convict is tried for any crime committed in the state prison, or a trial or hearing is held on the question of the insanity of such prisoner, the county clerk issues a statement of all costs incurred by the county for the in- vestigation, the trial, the guarding of the prisoner while away from prison, transportation, and the costs of appeal and execution of sentence.3 1941 Any person engaged in the business of supplying clean laundered garments, towels, or other articles may uso nome or other mark or device woven thereon, 4 and file in the office of the county clerk a description of the name, mark or device so used.5 A joint municipal sowage disposal district may be organized by presenting a petition to the county clerk, signed by at least 10 per cent of the total votes cast at the last general elec- tion. The clerk compares the signatures with the affidavit of registration and certifies to their sufficiency or insuffi- ciency. 6 Whenever a street improvement bond is foreclosed, the decree of foreclosure directs the county clerk to deliver the bond to the plaintiff with a memorandum setting forth the title and number of the action and the facts of foreclosure.7 It has been previously stated that, for efficient operation, the county clerk's office performs it duties through 11 divisions, ench being under the supervision of a division chief who receives a salary under the five-stop rate of compensation plan and posts a bond. 8 Through the administration division, the county clerk issues ad- ministrative orders and coordinates the activities of all the divisions. Cal. Stats. 1939, ch. 93, p. 1090, ndling Public Resources Code, sec. 2420. 2 Public Resources Code, sec. 2436. 3 Cal. Stats. 1939, ch. 1041, secs. 1, 2, pp. 2869-70, amending Penal Code, secs. 111, and 2350. 4 Col. Stats. 1941, ch. 59, p. 714, adding Bus. & Prof. Code, sec. 14481. 5 Bus. & Prof. Cole, sec. 14482. 6 Col. Stets. 1941, ch. 322, sec. 11, p. 1508. 7 Ibid. ch. 79, sec. 1, p. 910, adding Streets & Highway Code, sec. 6621. 3 County Clerk, Annual Report, 1941-42. - 38 - County Clerk - Functions and Records The accounting division maintains the accounts and handles the cost of operations covering the entire personnel. (First entry, p. 49) The function of the corporation division is the recording of affi- davits, oaths and bonds of public officers, certificates and licenses of persons practicing in the professions, articles of incorporation and similar documents.1 In the marriage license division are filed all applications for marriage licenses2 with the mandatory health certificates pertaining to serological tests. 3 The branch offices division includes offices in Long Beach, Pasadena, Pomona and Santa Monica where there are branch departments of the superior court,4 rendering the same service as that given by the main office, The civil (filing and court clerk, civil judgment and copying), criminal (including the juvenile court), probate, psychopathic and appel- late divisions are called the court divisions. It is through these that the county clerk functions as clerk of the superior court, 5 keeping records, issuing process, and entering judgments, orders and decrees. pages. The jury division of the county clerk's office was established in 1940. Its duties consist chiefly of the keeping of jury records and the assignment of clerical help.. Each of the 11 divisions is treated separately in the following NH 1 County Clerk, Annual Report, 1941-42, p. 9. 2 Civil Code 1872, sec. 69, amended Cal. Stats. 1935, ch. 61, sec. 1, p. 398. 3 Cal. Stats. 1939, ch. 332, p. 1717, adding Civil Code, sec. 79.01. 4 County Clerk, Annual Report, 1941-42, p. 8. 5 Ibid. p. 5. SÜNDÜ -39- 1 Mate CIVIL FILING AND COURT CLERK DIVISION COURT CLERK EXHIBIT AND DEPOSITION ! FILE FILING AND ENTERING OLD RECORD MASTER CALENDAR nging lay-ig ergydalan OPEN GNCE. an Pana APPELLATE DIVISION 1 į J 1 ACCOUNTING DIVISION CALENDAR AND MINUTE CERTIFICATION JUDGMENT INDEX PHOTO COPY TRANSCRIPT divine à dir ORGANIZATION CHART COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE CIVIL JUDGMENT AND COPYING DIVISION Go t ADMINISTRATION DIVISION PSYCHOPATHIC DIVISION BA CRIMINAL DIVISION SANTA MONICA COURT CLERK CRIMINAL JUVENILE INTERPRETER BRANCH OFFICE DIVISION || LONG BEACH ¡ PASADENA I POMONA ! CORPORATION DIVISION ܝܚ 1 Should triaANI GIR, Tong : I CALENDAR ! COURT ! FILE FILING AND ENTERING ORDER AND DECREE TRANSCRIPT MARTINENT* j me sayi PROBATE DIVISION Ne jemits an APU JURY DIVISION andang ! { J J MARRIAGE LICENSE DIVISION 40 VENTUR LOS ANGELES COUNTY PACIFIC LOS ANGELES COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICES SANTA MONICA KERN COUNTY OLOS ANGELES O PASADENA IFIC OCEAN LONG BEACH [ (1) POMONA C ORANGE COUNTY SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 41 - (First entry, p. 49) HOUSING, CARE AND ACCESSIBILITY OF RECORDS Laws prescribing the duties of the county clerk require the main- tenance of voluminous and extensive records not only of his office as such, but also in his capacity as ex officio clerk of the superior court. Since the razing of the old county courthouse, the court records. are housed in the Hall of Records, Hall of Justice, Los Angeles City Hall, Agricultural Building, 524 North Spring Street, and in the Spring and Second Streets Building. Duplicates of original documents pertinent to the business of the branch division of the clerk's office and the court are housed in municipal and private buildings in the cities of Long Beach, Pasadena, Pomona, and Santa Monica; originals of these records are kept in the county clerk's depositories in Los Angeles. - Records Kept in the Hall of Records The Hall of Records, 220 North Broadway, is a 12 story fire- proof building of structural steel and brick, and faced with white- enameled brick end terra cotta. There are four entrances to this building the main entrance at 220 North Broadway, a rear entrance entrance on Spring Street, and two side entrances from the south on Court Street (an alleyway), and from the north at the second story level approached from the knoll on which the old courthouse stood. de Five elevators serve the needs of the public, and a tunnel connects this building with the Hall of Justice; this tunnel is not generally used by the public. Records of the county clerk's office are housed in several rooms of the Hall of Records -- the main office of the county clerk, and the administration, accounting and civil divisions are located in room 500, (which has also a mezzanine floor built-in on the upper half of this room, where some of the records and exhibits of the civil division are located); the marriage license bureau is on the first floor, room 103; the corporation and probate divisions are in rocm 303; the records of superior court department 1 are in room 802; and the civil jury records are in room 818. Room 103 : Room 103, houses the office and records of the marriage license division; and is entered from the corridor leading from the Broadway entrance. Dimensions of this room are 37 2/3 x 23 2/3 x 9 1/6 feet. Here are several hundred volumes placed on wooden shelving. There are also over 100 cubic feet of filing space. Room for the records is adequate, their care is good, and they are not subject to any hazards. Photostatic copies of marriage record cards, bound in volume-binders, are provided for public use, also several volumes Ch Sing 42 Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records (First entry, p. 49) Locked cabinets contain containing photostatic copies of record data. confidential records of health tests given applicants for marriage licenses; Statutes forbid public inspection of these records, and are therefore not open to the public. Room 303 Room 303 houses the corporation and probate divisions. The corporation division occupies less than fifteen percent of the floor space, and approximately about ninety percent of the records of this division are housed in this location; the balance of the records of this division are housed in other locations as shown in the record entries. Care of the records is good, and although they are crowded, they are not exposed to hazards and are readily accessible. There is also available space for public use. The probate division occupies the balance of floor space. About fifty percent of the records of this division are housed in this room, and the balance is housed in various other locations as shown in the record entries. Care of the records is good, they are not subject to hazards, and fairly accessible to the office force. Accommodations for public use are also available. Room 500 and Mezzanine (Room 600) Room 500 houses the main office of the County Clerk, and the Administration, Accounting and Civil divisions; this room has also a Mezzanine floor, where some of the records and exhibits of the civil division are located. Approximately twenty five percent of the records of these divisions are kept here, the balance is housed in other locations as shown in the record entries. Care of the records is good, and although they are very crowded, they are not exposed to hazards, and accessibility is fairly good. Both, room 500 and the Mezzanine (room 600) have small space available for public use. Room 802 Room 802 houses the records of Superior court department 1 (presiding Judge) including the court calendars of the civil, probate and divorce actions. Care of the records is good, and they are not exposed to hazards. Room 818 The civil Jury records are kept in Room 818. records is adequate, and accessibility is good. open to public inspection. Housing of the These records are not G - 43· Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records • Records Kept in the Hall of Justice The Hall of Justice stands on the northeast corner of Broadway and Temple Streets. The main entrance is on Temple Street, with side entrances on Broadway and Spring Streets. The building, a fifteen story structure of reinforced concrete faced with stone and granite, is fire and burglar-proof, and is considered safe from earth- quake destruction. A tunnel links this building with the Hall of Records. There is ample elevator service for the needs of the public. • Records of the County Clerk's office in the Hall of Justice are chiefly those of the criminal division. The office of the criminal division is in Room 606, which also houses juvenile department records. Room 606 is used for storing court interpreter's records; Room 829 for criminal Jury records; two basement storage rooms for criminal and juvenile department records; Room 164 and a basement storage room for medical practitioners' records kept by the corporation division, and basement Room 29 for the County Clerk's fee books kept by the accounting division. Basement Room 29 1 Room 164 (First entry, p. 49) The oldest County Clerk's fee books, kept by the Accounting division, are housed in this room.. In this room are kept about twenty percent of the corporation division's medical license records, the balance are stored in a basement room directly under the health department offices. The records are easily accessible, and a counter, table and chairs are placed for public use. Room 606 The main office and records of the criminal division are housed in this room; the division includes the juvenile Court department. About seventy percent of the division's records are kept here; the balance is housed in rooms 606, 329 and in basement rooms, and in other locations as shown in record entries. Housing and shelving for the records in room 606 is inadequate; many records which need be referred to from time to time are housed in the basement and crowding of filing spaces reduces office efficiency. Care of the records is good and there are no hazards, notwithstanding excessive crowding. Opposite the entrance to room 606 there are counters for public convenience in consulting records. Criminal records only are shown; Juvenile department records are not open to public inspection. · Room 6061 This room is used by the court interpreters and the few records ► 44 - Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records which are kept here are easily accessible. Room 829 (First entry, p. 49) Criminal Jury records are kept in this room. About seventy-five percent of these records are kept here, the balance are stored in the basement storage room for criminal division records. All records are easily accessible, but are not open to public inspection. Storage Room for Juvenile Records On the east-side of the Hall of Justice basement is a storage room for Juvenile court records; it is opposite the foot of the stairway and near the Spring Street entrance. Storage space is inadequate and only about ten percent of the Juvenile records are kept here, the balance are in room 606. Care of the records is fair. Since many individual records are needed in the office for consultation from time to time, it is a handicap to have them placed in the basement. Juvenile records are not open to public inspection. Storage Room for Criminal Division Records The basement storage room for the criminal division records is adjacent to the Juvenile record storage room. About twenty percent of the records are kept here. The records are crowded and dusty, but they are protected by being filed in steel drawers, wooden shelves with sliding doors or wraped in bundles. Access to the records is not easy, and since this room is not open to the public, messengers have to bring up the records at requests for public inspection. Storage Room Under Health Department Offices In this storage room are kept some of the medical license records of the corporation division, the balance are in room 164. The records are not easily accessible, ventilation is poor, and furnishings inadequate. These records are not open to public inspection. Records Kept in Los Angeles City Hall The Los Angeles City Hall, a twenty-eight story building con- sidered fire and earthquake proof, stand on spacious ground bounded by Spring, First, Main and Temple Streets. There are entrances from each of these streets, but the main entrance is approached through an arcaded forecourt facing Spring Street. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors rents space in the City Hall for the use of the superior court, county clerk and other purposes. The county clerk's court divisions are in the following rooms: ! · 45 · Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records Rooms 1602 and 1605 The office of the clerk of the appellate division of the superior court is in room 1605, which also contains about fifty percent of the records of this division, and the balance of the records are housed in room 1602 (across the hall). Care of the records is good, and accessibility is easy, although more space is needed for records in room 1605. There is also available space for the use of the public. Rooms 1707 and 1708 (First entry, p. 49) These rooms are occupied by the probate commissioner's office and house a small group of records of the probate division. General care of the records is good, and they are readily accessible. There is space available for public convenience. Rooms 701 and 702 Records Kept in the Spring and Second Streets Building This building is located on the northeast corner of Spring and Second Streets, and the entrance is at 129 West Second Street. The building is fireproof. The seventh floor and basement storage space is rented by the county, and are occupied by the psychopathic division of the county clerk's office. . These rooms are occupied by the financial investigation bureau where the office and the records are housed. Ample filing space for the records is available, and accessibility is good. These records are not open to public inspection. Rooms 710, 711 and 714 The probation department of the psychopathic division and its records are housed in these rooms. The records are not subject to any hazardous conditions, they are not crowded and are easily accessible. Accommodation for public use is fairly adequate. Rooms 715 and 716 These rooms are occupied by the psychopathic division office and records. About seventy-five percent of the records of the division are in these rooms the balance are kept in the basement storage room. Care and accessibility of the records is good. Basement Storage Room • About twenty-five percent of the records of the psychopathic division are kept in this storage room. No fire or rodent hazards are in evidence; general care of the records is fair. -- 46-- Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records Records Kept in the Agricultural Building The Agricultural Building is located at 524 North Spring Street. All county clerk's records previously located in room 9A City Hall and in the county garage, are now located on the first floor and in the basement of this building. The rooms where the records are housed are well ventilated and the records are easily accessible. Pasadena (First entry, p. 49) In order to extend the services of the county clerk to large population centers at distances from the county seat, branch offices have been established in several towns of the county. Most of the branch offices give full services in all of the divisions of the county clerk's office except the appellate and psychopathic divisions. Records kept at the branch offices are duplicates of the originals. Every original record is sent to Los Angeles to be filed among the records of the division to whose services it pertains. The county clerk has branch offices in the following cities: Long Beach The Long Beach branch of the county clerk's office is room 915 of the Jergins Trust Building, 100-120 East Ocean Boulevard. All duplicate copies of records are kept here, and are readily accessible. A counter is provided for public use. Pomona Branch Office Records The Pasadena branch of the county clerk's office is in room 209 of the Pasadena Hall of Justice, 142 North Broadway. All of the records of this office are kept here, and are readily accessible; although greatly crowded, the records are subject to no hazards. A counter is provided for public use. Santa Monica The Pomona bronch of the county clerk's office is in room 511, of the First National Bank Building, 315 West Second Street. records are kept here, and are readily accessible. A counter is provided for public use. The Santa Monica branch of the county clerk's office is in room 1203 of the Bay Cities Building, 225 Santa Monica Boulevard. All of the records of this branch office are kept here, and are readily accessible. There are no accommodations for public use. Judge 47 - Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records (First entry, p. 49) Summary When It is difficult to house and care for records which must be divided between various kinds of depositories and in several buildings. The temporary character of the storage of the county clerk's records also restricts proper provision for their care and arrangement. the records of the clerk will necessarily be moved to different quarters, and it is to be hoped that permanent housing for them will be provided under one roof and in depositories so similar in construction, size, shape and furnishings that they may be put into some more logical system of arrangement and made more easily accessible to the office personnel and to the public. Conditions shown earlier in this essay by a room-for-room analysis tell the story of general overcrowding and inconvenient placement of the records of this vitally important office. Although the records themselves are generally in satisfactory condition and bear evidence of the best care possible under the circumstances, some depositories, are dusty, some poorly ventilated and badly lighted, and others exposed to dampness. The county clerk, in his annual report for the fiscal year 1940-41, shows that his office recognizes the dangers to which its records are exposed and the inconvenient manner in which they are kept: "the greatest effectiveness and economy of operation are not possible under the (present) arrangement. These conditions are confusing, and result in considerable loss of time and motion on the part of the court, the clerk's office, and the citizen. 191 1 County clerk, Annual Report, 1940-41, pt. I, pp. 3, 4. - 48 - NOTE SINCE THE SURVEYING OF THE RECORDS, A GREAT NUMBER OF DOCUMENTS AND CONTAINERS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE RECORDS, AND VARIOUS FILES HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM ONE LOCATION TO ANOTHER, THEREFORE, SOME VARIATIONS IN LOCATION, DATES, AND CONTAINERS SHOULD BE EXPECTED. I. The chief function of this division is the coordination of the activities of all the divisions. It is through this division that the county clerk issues administrative orders and maintains his control. The division handles administrative matters which are common to the whole organization as a single unit, such as records pertaining to the personnel of the offices; efficiency ratings; oaths of office of county officers and assistants; complete departmental and court statistics; preparation and control of the salaries and wages, main- tenance, operation, and capital outlay budgets; records of the purchase of equipment and supplies; property and inventory records; the receipt and distribution of departmental mail; and the giving of general information to the public. - 49. G During the war emergency, this division has been performing additional functions, such as the handling and storage of Federal rationing forms and books, the issuance of Federal explosives licenses, and the certification of proofs of birth. ADMINISTRATION DIVISION The office of the county clerk, including the administration division, is located on the fifth floor of the Hall of Records. Note: ¿ مية The administration division is under the direct supervision of the county clerk and the chief deputy clerk. The chief deputy re- ceives a salary under the five-step rate of compensation plan, ranging from $300 to $360 per month, 1 and posts a bond of $10,000.2 The records of this division, are kept in the Hall of Records unless otherwise indicated. 1. : Record s showing location as room 9A, C. H. or co. garage are now located in the Agricultural Building, 524 North Spring Street. Reports REPORTS, MONTHLY FINDINGS, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, CRIMINAL COURT, JUDICIAL COUNCIL, SPECIAL STATISTICAL, 1927--. 1 f.d. Miscellaneous statistical records secured from various departments of the county clerk and superior court and used in the preparation of reports to the presiding judge, the State Judicial Council, the board of supervisors, and the general public, including: i. Correspondence, 1935. Incoming and outgoing correspondence 1 Ordinance No. 4106, N. S., 1942-43. 2 Supervisors' Bond Records. 50. G Administration Division ii. iii. iv. vi. vii. viii. X. Get Reports. Criminal Case Statistics, Yearly Recapitulations, 1933-36. Yearly recapitulation of the monthly reports, not separated into types of criminal cases, of the information contained in entry 1-ii.. Jurors Service Record, 1932. Semiannual office record relating to service of jurors, showing date of record, court depart- ment. number, the number of jurors reporting to the depart- ment, and the number used and not used on each day of the session during each semiannual period. No obvious arr. Reports Judicial Council, Monthly, 1927--. Monthly reports, made to the State Judicial Council, compiled from the data contained in entry 1-vii, showing, in addition thereto,. monthly totals of all cases filed and pending in all depart- ments of the court. Attached are rough work sheets used in the preparation of these reports. Reports Judicial Council, Yearly, 1956--. Fiscal yearly reports, made to the State Judicial Council, covering all civil ac- tions commenced in all superior courts. Reports show dates covered, the total number of filings made of each type of action and yearly total, the total number of cases filed by type of action, and the yearly total in the branch courts at Long Beach, Pasadena, Pomona, and Santa Monica. Reports Judicial Council, weekly, 1940--. Weekly reports made to State Judicial Council, pertaining to judicial business in each department of the superior court, showing court depart- ment number, date and period of time covered by the report, name of judge presiding, the quantity of each type of action, hearing, or proceeding in each department, total of each type of case for the weekly period, and grand total. Hdw. on pr. fm. Reports, Fenology Department, 1930--.onthly reports per- taining to criminal matters handled by the office of the county clerk, the original reports are sent to the State Department of Penology. Shows date of and period covered by report, monthly totals of complaints, indictments, and of every type of hearing or proceedings brought before the courts for judicial decisions. Hd. on pr. fr. ix. Reports, Personnel, 1932-33. Functional personnel reports, ·made-by. the county clerk to his various division heads,-re- lating to employees under their immediate supervision, show- ing date and period of report, name of division, number of. employees in each division, and their civil service classi- fications and grades. : ! • with the general public, relating to matters handled by the superior courts and the office of the clerk. Criminal Case Statistics, 1938--. lionthly statistical record of criminal cases, showing monthly totals of the number of each type of case coming before the courts, court department number, and number of sessions. • (1) • ** Jorda Reports, Statistical Summary, 1938-40. Departmental statis- tical summary reports of all judicial business transacted in the departments and branches of the superior courts, and in all divisions of the office of the clerk. Shows the quantity of each type of civil and criminal cases handled, the number Administration Division - Reports xi. · 51 · Co OUT Reports, Superior Court Judges, 1933--. Monthly reports per- taining to filings of actions and proceedings in the branch department of the superior courts at Long Beach, Pasadena, Fomona, and Santa Monica. Reports show date of and period covered, monthly totals of the filings of each type of ac- tion or proceeding, and grand totals. Arr. chron. No index. Typed on, pr. fm. 10 x 17 x 28. Rm. 500. 1 ་ iii. (2) of documents and cases filed and their classifications, the number of reporter's transcripts verified, folios of legal papers typed and compared, number of applications for mar- riage licenses filed and licenses issued, the number of phy- sicians, surgeons, dentists, and chiropractors registered, and cases interpreted by court interpreters; a general sum- mary of all work of the main office of the clerk, a summary of all cases handled and the work performed by the branch courts in Long Beach, Pasadena, Pomona, and Santa Monica; also a statement of the financial operation of the clerk's office, showing money received through appropriation, fees, fines, and trust funds, expenditures for salaries, wages, capital outlay, maintenance and operation, and grand totals of receipts and expenditures. Indexed alph. by subjects. Mimeographed. V 2. STATISTICAL RECORD REPORT HOTICES, 1880--. 1 f.d. Statistical information compiled from reports received from all divi- sions of the county clerk's office. This material is used in preparation of reports to the State Judicial Council and to the board of supervisors, and includes: i. Spok arding) ii. Proceedings Statistics, Annual, July 1923--. Fiscal year sta- tistical record of the quantity of each type of proceeding brought before the courts for decision and of every action taken or performed by the courts in these proceedings, showing name of office, court division or department, the number of each type of case handled, findings, notices of appeal filed, convictions, dismissals, transcripts prepared, papers certi- fied, bonds, petitions, and papers filed, applications for marriage licenses filed and licenses issued, number of names indexed, and a general summary of all work of the office of the clerk. Arr. alph. by names of divisions or court depart- ments. Cases Filed, 1880--. Copies of reports, by fiscal years, of cases filed in the office of the county clerk, showing date of report, name of court division to which case applies; num- ber of cases filed, and the total filed for the fiscal year. Arr. chron. by years. Just Proceedings Statistics, Fiscal Summaries, 1924-36. Summaries by fiscal years of monthly statistical record, entry 2-iv. Arr. alph. by names of court divisions. iv. Froceedings Statistics, Monthly Summaries, 1938--. Summaries of fiscal statistical record, entry 2-iii, broken down into months. Arr. chron. by months. Proceedings Statistics, Weekly and Monthly, July 1937--. Weekly and monthly statistical record of the quantity of each type of St 50 SE • Administration Division - Correspondence ilo index. Typed. 11 x 16 x 24. Rm. 500. proceeding brought before the courts for decision, and of every action taken or performed by the courts in these pro- ceedings, showing name of division, court department number, number of full or part day sessions, nature and number of the types of proceedings and court actions taken or handled each week of the month, and totals for the month. Arr. num. by court department nos. Haw. on pr. fm. 3: TREASURER REPORT (City of Los Angeles), 1877-78. 1 f.b. (548). Honthly financial reports of the Los Angeles city treasurer to the county clerk, showing date of report, and amount of receipts and disbursements itemized and totaled by names of funds through which received and dis- bursed. Arr. chron. by dates of reports. No index. Hdw. 9 x 4 x 14. Bsmt. storeroom, H. J. : Correspondence (3-6) 4. LETTERS, 1937--. 6 f.ċ. (4 f.d. labeled by contained letters of alphabet and dated; 2 f.d. unlabeled). Retained only 5 years. Incoming and outgoing general correspondence between the county clerk, judges, attorneys, and the general public, pertaining to the functions of the superior courts and county clerk. Arr. alph. by names of corre- spondents, or by nature of correspondence. No index. Hdw. and typed. Aver. 12 x 16 x 24. Rm. 500. 5. ALL COUNTY DEPARTENTS CORRESPONDENCE, COUNTY COUNSEL OPINIONS, 1899--. 1 f.d. Opinions of the county counsel upon matters of procedure and functions of the county clerk's office, showing the name of office division affected and statute, ordinance, or judicial opinion relating thereto. Also con- tains: 11 11 Correspondence, 1912--. Incoming and outgoing correspondence, 1912--, with various departments of the county government per- taining to their duties and functions. Arr. alph. by names of office divisions or county departments. Typed. x 16 x 28. Rm. 500. x 16 x 28. 6. Incoming and outgoing correspondence between the county clerk and various State and county governmental departments relative to general procedure and efficiency of the county clerk's office, also reports on efficiency of employees, showing information as in entry 7-iv. Arr. alph. by names of office divisions or departments. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 16 x 28. Rm. 500. G No index. DEPARTIENTAL INSTRUCTIONS, GEIL. HISC. CORRESPONDENCE, EFFICIENCY REPORTS, 1920--. 1 f.d. 53- Administration Division Correspondence 7. BUDGETS, CIVIL SERVICE, EXAMINATIONS, DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPOND- ENCE, REPORTS, WORK APPLICATIONS, 1880--. 2 f.d. Miscellaneous incoming and outgoing correspondence, reports, and work applications, including: i. iv. Correspondence, budgets, 1931--. Interdepartmental correspond- ence pertaining to the compilation and adjustment of yearly budgets. ii. Correspondence, Civil Service, 1928--. Correspondence between this office and the civil service commission pertaining to civil service examinations, available personnel for inter- views, and reports on such interviews; also public notices of examinations in printed form, showing date, time, and place of examination. v. - iii. Correspondence, Personnel, 1880--. Correspondence covering the efficiency ratings of office personnel, and their adaptability to various assigned positions. Correspondence and Reports, Efficiency, 1880--. Interdepart- mental correspondence and reports relating to office effi- ciency. Reports show suggestions for improvement of office efficiency creating new positions, changes, and transfers of employees, and changes of present methods. Correspondence, Transportation, 1880--. Interdepartmental correspondence relating to official transportation of em- ployees. vi. (7-8) viii. Employees Assignments, 1880--. Record of assignment of em- ployees to the various divisions of the clerk's office, showing name of employees, and division to which assigned. vii. Employees Requisitioned From Civil Service, 1880--. Requisi- tions on Civil Service Commission for personnel and certifi- cation of them by the commission, showing name of employee, civil service rating, and nature of position to be filled. Employment Applications, 1925--. Applications for employment, showing name and address of applicant, his experience and qualifications, and replies advising applicant to take civil x. G J service examination. ix. Property Exchanged, 1880--. List of property sold or exchanged for new equipment, and correspondence relating to their in- surance. Supplies, 1880--. Requisitions for purchase of supplies, show- ing date of requisition, kind and quantity of supplies, and by whom ordered. GAR xi. IPA and SERA, 1932--. File of instructions, correspondence and reports relating to work projects under the jurisdic- tion of the State Emergency Relief and Work Frojects Admin- istration. Arr. chron. by dates of correspondence or reports. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 16 x 25. R. 500. 8. JURY FORMIS, CORRESPONDENCE (Inferior Court Jury Lists), approx. 1928--. 1 f.d. Only current record retained. Lists of jurors selected by the county clerk for service in the police, justice's, and other inferior courts of the county, showing date of list, name of municipality or township in which list was made, name of court in 54. Administration Division - Appointments and Oaths 9. : which juror is to serve, period of service, name, address, and occupa- tion of juror, and signature of county clerk. Also contains: Correspondence. Incoming and outgoing correspondence pertaining to these jury lists. Arr. alph. by names of municipalities or townships. No index. Typed and hdw. 10 x 17 x 28. x 17 x 28. Rm. 500. 10 8 DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK, 1877--. 20 vols. (all dated; 18 vols. also labeled 1-11, 11A, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, S1). Appointments and oaths of office of deputy county clerks receiving com- pensation.. Appointments show name of appointee, date of appointment, date appointment filed and signature of filing clerk, notation of any resignation or revocation, and from Jan. 8, 1890, post office address of appointee. Oaths show signature of appointee, date oath taken, and attestation by county clerk. Also contains: Deputy County Clerk With- out Compensation, 1877-1932, entry 10. Arr. chron. by dates of oaths. Indexed alph. by names of appointees. Haw. on pr. fm. Aver. 410 pp. 15 x 10 x 26. 15 vols., 1877-1918, co. garage; 5 vols., 1900-- rm. 500. 12. (8-12) Appointments and Oaths 10. DEPUTY COUNTY CLERKS WITHOUT COMPENSATION, 1933--. 3 vols. (1-3 and dated). 1877-1952 in Deputy County Clerk, entry 9. Appointments and oaths of office of deputy county clerks without com- pensation, showing information as in entry 9. Arr. chron. by dates of appointments. Indexed alph. by names of appointees. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 400 pp. 18 x 22 x 23. Rm. 500. 2급 ​IV 11. DEPUTY ASSESSORS, Mar. 1885--. 9 vols. (1-9 and dated). Jan. 1877-Feb. 1885 in Miscellaneous County Officers, entry 23. Appointments and oaths of office of deputy assessors, showing informa- tion as in entry 9. Ärr. chron. by dates of appointments. Indexed alph. by names of appointees. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 390 pp. 10 x 13 x 33. 7 vols., llar. 1885-ar. 1929, co. garage; 2 vols., Apr. 1929--, rm. 401, H. J. ។ Carls G INDEX OATH OF OFFICE, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, Jan. 1888-Jan. 1891. 1 vol. (dated). Index to Constables Miscellaneous (Appointments of Deputies to County Departments), entry 13; Deputy Constables, entry 14; Deputy Sheriffs, entry 16; Elected Justices of Peace, entry 17; Road Overseers, entry 19; and to Miscellaneous County Officers, entry 23; showing name of officer, date oath administered, office for which oath was taken, name of town or locality for which appointed or elected, volume and page of record, and dated notation of any cancelation or revocation of appointment. Arr. alph. by names of officers. Binding in poor condition. Haw. on pr. fm. 300 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. garage. 55- Ca Administration Division and Oaths 13. 14. Appointments 15. (13-17) Appointments and oaths of office of those deputies who are appointed by the heads of all departments of county government. These exclude ap- pointments by the county clerk and sheriff. From Mar. 1876-Dec. 1932, the health department appointees are included. Fapers show information as in entry 9. Arr. chron. by dates of appointments. Indexed alph. by names of appointees; also separate index Jan. 1888-Jan. 1891, entry 12. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 450 pp. 15 x 11 x 2. 3 vols., Mar. 1876-Dec. 1907, co. garage; 5 vols., Jan. 1908--, rin. 500. CONSTABLES MISCELLANEOUS (Appointments of Deputies to County Departments), Mar. 1876--. 8 vols. (1-8 and dated). Title varies: Miscellaneous County Deputies, Mar. 1876-Dec. 1907, 3 vols. DEPUTY CONSTABLES, Jan. 1885-Dec. 1888, Sept. 1890-Jan. 17, 1911, June 1911-Dec. 1936. 18 vols. (1-18; vol. 18 also dated). Jan. 1876-Dec. 1884, Jan. 1889-Aug. 1390, Jan. 18, 1911-May 1911 in Constables Elected (and Appointed), entry 15. Appointments and oaths of office of deputy constables, showing informa- tion as in entry 9. Arr. chron. by dates of appointments. Indexed alph. by names of appointees; also separate index Jan. 1888-Jan. 1891, entry 12. Haw. and typed on pr. fm. Aver. 450 pp. 13 x 9 x 2. 17 vols., Jan. 1885-Dec. 1924, co. garage; 1 vol., Jan. 1925-Dec. 1936, rm. 500. CONSTABLES ELECTED (and Appointed), Jan. 1876-May 1911. 2 vols. (dated). Certificates of election and appointments and oaths of office of con- stables and deputy constables for period covering Sept. 18, 1879-Nov. 23, 1888, Nov. 24, 1890-Nov. 8, 1910. Certificates show name of elected constable, date of certificate, signature of county clerk, and from Aug. 14, 1890 to May 1911, post office address of elected constable; oaths show date thereof, signature of elected official, and attestation by county clerk, notary public, or justice of the peace. Also contains: Deputy Constables, Jan. 1876-Dec. 1884, Jan. 1889-Aug. 1890, Jan. 18, 1911-May 1911, entry 14. Arr. chron. by dates of oaths. Indexed alph. by names of constables. Haw. on pr. fm. Aver. 300 pp. 13½ x 9 x 1 3/4. Co. garage. 16. DEPUTY SHERIFFS, Mar. 1876-Dec. 1920. 26 vols. (labeling varies). Appointments and oaths of office of deputy sheriffs appointed by the county sheriff, showing information as in entry 9; and in addition, from Jan. 1915, telephone number and badge number of appointee. Also contains: S Resignations, liar. 1876-June 1888. Letters of resignation of deputies attached to their appointments. Arr. chron. by dates of appointments. Indexed alph. by names of ap- pointees; also separate index Jan. 1888-Jan. 1891, entry 12. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 450 pp. 16 x 11 x 3. Co. garage. 17. ELICTED JUSTICES OF FACE, 1876-1911. 2 vols. (dated). Certificates of election and oaths of office of justices of the peace, 1879-88, 1890-1911. Certificates show name and address of justice, 56 - Administration Division Appointments and Oaths (18-22) tormship in which serving, date of certification, signature of county clerk, date certification filed, and signature of filing clerk; oaths show name and signature of justice elected, and dated attestation by county clerk, notary public, or other qualified official. Also contains: Appointments, 1876-79, 1089-90. Register of appointments of justice of the peace by board of supervisors, showing name and address of appointee, township in which serving, and date of appointment. Arr. chron. by dates of certifications and appointments. Indexed alph. by names of justices; also separate index Jan. 1888-Jan. 1891, entry 12. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 400 pp. 13 x 9 x 2. Co. garage. 18. (DEPUTY REGISTRARS), Jan. 1897-ov. 1898. 1898. 1 vol. binder. Appointments and oaths of office of special deputy county clerks appointed as deputy registrars, showing information as in entry 9. Arr. chron. by dates cf appointments. No index. Haw. on pr. fm. 85 pp. 8 x 14 x . Co. garage. 1 19. ROAD OVERSEERS, Jan. 1876-May 1892. Jan. 1876-May 1892. 5 vols. (1-3 and dated). Certificates of appointment or election, and oaths of office of road overseers. Certificates show date of appointment or election, date filed and signature of filing clerk, and dated notation of any revocation;- oaths show signature of overseer, date oath taken, and attestation by officer administering oath. Arr. chron. by dates of certificates. dexed alph. by names of overseers; also separate index Jan. 1888-Jail. 1891, entry 12. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 275 pp. 13 x 8 x 2. Co. garage. In- 20. COULTY OFFICERS OATH BOOK, Nov. 1890-Dec. 1922. 1 vol. (dated). Record of appointments, certifications, and oaths of office of county officials, showing name of appointee, department to which assigned, po- sition or title, dated signature of appointee, oath of office and date thereof, and date of certification by county clerk. Arr. chron. by dates of oaths. Indexed alph. by names of appointees. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 pp. 13 x 9 x 24. Rm. 500. 21. ELECTIVE OFFICERS, Jan. 1876-Sept. 1889., 1 vol. (dated). Register of elected and appointed county officers, showing name of of- ficer, whether elected or appointed and to what office, oath of office, signature of officer, certification by the county clerk or his deputy, and date of election or appointment. Arr. chron. by dates of elections or appointments. Indexed alph. by names of office holders. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 pp. 18 x 14 x 2. Rm. 500: 22. OATH AUTHORIZATION AND REVOCATION (Department of Charities), July 1937-June 1958. 1 bdl. (dated). Requests from the county department of charities to county clerk for the appointment of special deputies, showing date of request, name of deputy to be appointed, nature of duties to be performed, signature of deputy, signature of official making request, and notation of any revocation of appointment. Arr. chron. by dates of requests. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 1 x 9 x 11. Rm. 9A, C. H. 1. - 57 Administration Division - Personnel ! 23. MISCELLANEOUS COUNTY OFFICERS, Jan. 1877--. 5 vols. (3 vols. dated; 2 vols. 3, 4). Title varies: 4). Title varies: Miscellaneous Appoint- ments, Apr. 1891-Nov. 1907, 1 vol. (23-27) Appointments of persons holding office through the board of supervisors, showing date of board meeting and appointment, name of appointee,, office or position to which appointed, signature of county clerk, oath of of- fice with signature of appointee, dated attestation by county clerk, notary public or justice of peace, and dated notation of any resignation or revocation. Also contains: Deputy Assessors, Jan. 1877-Feb. 1885, entry 11. Arr. chron. by dates of appointments. Indexed alph. by names of appointees; also separate index Jan. 1388-Jan. 1891, entry 12. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 400 pp. 15 122. 3 vols., Jan. 1877-Dec. 1924, co. garage; 2 vols., Nov. 1922--, rm. 500. Personnel 25. J G (INDEX TO EMPLOYEES SERVICE RECORD), approx. 1893--. 7 f.d. (labeled by contained letters of alphabet). Index to (Active Employees Service Record), entry 25; and to Resigna- tions (of Former Employees), entry 26; showing name of employee, and work classification number. Arr. alph. by names of employees. on pr. fm. Aver. 1 x 7 x 24. Rm. 500. Typed (ACTIVE EMPLOYES SERVİCE RECORD), approx. 1893--. 6 f.d. (labeled by contained classification nos.). Service record of active employees of the county clerk's office, showing employee's card number, name, date of birth, name of division in which employed, employee's classification number, position held, salary, and employment record. Arr. num. by classification nos. For index, see entry 24. 500. Typed on pr. fm. Aver. 1 x 10 x 24. Rm. } 26. RESIGNATIONS (of Former Employees), approx. 1853--. 17 f.d. (labeled by contained letters of alphabet) Service record of former employees, showing information as in entry 25. · Arr. alph. by names of employees. No index, 1853-92; for index 1893--; see entry 24. Typed on pr. fm. Aver, 1 x 10 x 24. Rm. 500. 27. FERSONNEL INCLUDING SAL. (Salary) ORD. (Ordinance) CHANGES, DEPUTIES, 1905--. 1 f.d. 1 f.d. Not open to public inspection. Miscellaneous correspondence concerning clerical personnel and deputy county clerks covering bond requirements, efficiency ratings, medical examinations, group pay increases, salary changes by ordinance, per- manent and temporary appointments, transfers, dismissals, resignations, retirement fund changes, and all changes made in the status of these employees by ordinance or civil service rulings. Arr. alph. by work classifications and thereunder alph. by names of employees. No index. Typed. 11 x 16 x 28. Rm. 500. . X 1. Administration Division and Requisitions Supplies 29. 30. Supplies and Requisitions 28.· COMPLETE STATIONERY REQUISITIONS, May 1940--. 1 vol. binder. Requisitions on the county purchasing division for office supplies and printing, showing description of article requested, quantity, item number, unit price, certification of need by departmental head, dated signatures of persons filing and receiving the order, and requisition number. Arr. num. by requisition nos. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 9 x 14 9 x 14 x 2 3/4. In f.d., rm. 500.. 413 pp. • (28-32) ACTIVE REQUISITIONS, STATIONERY, REQ. (Requisition) FORMIS, SUPPLY CATALOG (Minor Mechanical Requisitions), June 1940--. 1 vol. binder. Requisitions on the mechanical department for materials and minor re- pairs to office and mechanical equipment, excepting typewriters and numbering machines; also attached to each requisition are receipts for the work and material furnished. Requisitions show number and date of requisition, description of service or material, department and name of employee requesting, and signature of official approving; receipts show requisition number, division and department for which work done, date of delivery of material or work accomplished, and signature of department head or deputy. Arr. num. by requisition nos. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 10 x 17 x 28. In f.d., rm. 500. (SUPPLY AND PRINTING ORDERS), July 1936--. 1 f.d. Only current record retained. Record of stationery and supplies on hand or ordered for the use of the county clerk's office, showing name of article, whether on hand, to be ordered or available through the county purchasing division, date and quantity of order, date of receipt, and requisition number. Arr. alph. by names of articles. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 12 x 21 x 24. Rm 500. 2 f.d. 31. CAPITAL OUTLAY, FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS, approx. 1924--. Record of furniture and fixtures purchased for the various offices and divisions of the county clerk and to be paid for out of the capital out- lay fund, showing name and description of article, name of person from whom purchased or by whom manufactured, inventory or manufacturer's number, quantity, date received, requisition and purchase order numbers, cost, and location of article. Arr. alph. by names of articles. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 1 x 10 x 24. Rm. 500. 32. MIS. (Miscellaneous) CHARGES DAPIL. (Departmental) SERV. (Service) ORDERS AND INVOICES DITL. (Departmental) EXTENDITURES, TELETHONE, July 1939--. 1 vol. binder. Invoices for miscellaneous fixed operating expenses incurred; mileage. accounts, expenditures for carfare, express, telephone and telegraph charges, charges for special automobile service, and authorized expenses incurred in the course of routine business. Arr. alph. by names of de- partmental divisions. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 250 pp. 9 x 12 x 2. Rm. 500. 59 - Administration Division Old Archives Inventories; Inventories 33. (EQUIPMENT OF COUNTY CLERK), Mar. 1914--. 6 f.d. (5 f.d. labeled by names of articles inventoried; 1 f.d. unlabeled). Inventories of furniture, fixtures, and equipment charged to the various divisions, departments, and branch offices of the county clerk, showing name and description of article, name of party from whom purchased, manu- facturer's or seller's serial number, original cost of article; notation of division or department where article located or transferred, and date inventory taken. Arr. alph. by names of articles. No index. No index. Typed. Aver. 4 x 6 x 20. Rm. 500. 34. iii. (33-35) INVENTORIES, PROPERTY TRANSFERS, MECHANICAL TRANSFERS, PURCHASE, June 1930--. 2 f.d. Work sheet inventories and lists of all property and office equipment in the possession of, or in the charge of, the county clerk. This record is used in the preparation of the annual inventory to the county auditor, and as a record of interdepartmental transfers of property and office equipment, and includes: i. County Clerk Inventory, June 1940. List of all property and office equipment in possession of the clerk as of June 30, 1940, showing title and date of inventory, name of person taking inventory and making extensions thereon, manufacturer's number, name, quantity, and description of article, from whom purchased or by whom manufactured, year article acquired, original order number and cost of the article, name of the section or division where article is located, and dated ac- knowledgment and certification by a deputy clerk. No obvious arr. ii. Divisional Inventories, Jan. 1939--. Inventories made by each section or division of the county clerk's office, showing in- formation as in entry 34-1. Arr. chron. by years. Transfers of Equipment, Apr. 1937--. Record of interdepartmental transfers of property and office equipment, between the various divisions and offices of the county clerk, showing date of record, name of department or division charged or credited, inventory or manufacturer's number, quantity, name, and descrip- tion of article, original cost, order number, date of purchase, date and reason for transfer, and signatures of heads of de- partments or divisions releasing and receiving article. Arr. chron. by dates of transfers. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 10 x 17 x 28. Rm. 500. Old Archives 35. (Los) ANGELES ARCHIVES, 1839-53. 9 vols. (1-9). Original entries in Spanish, from 1830 to 1847, and English, from 1848 to 1850, of the business transacted by the departments of the Mexican Government and of civil and criminal cases heard in the courts of Los Angeles; also the courts' certification and approval of contracts, - 60 - Administration Division Old Archives agreements and business transactions of the community and its members; entries of wills and inventories of the property of deceased persons, record of papers pertaining to the office of Secretary of State, eccle- siastical matters, decrees and proclamations, correspondence of the governmental departments, courts-martial of soldiers, and of papers of the secretary of the council of Los Angeles. Entries show date of doc- ument and date of entry, names of parties involved, and nature of docu- ment, decree, or entry. Arr. chron. by dates of documents. For index, see entry 37. Hdw. Bindings in poor condition Bindings in poor condition. Aver. 1,100 pp. 14 x 10 x 4.7 vols. 7 vols., 1839-50, rm. 600, H. R.; 2 vols., 1841-55, rm. 606, H. J. + 36. ARCHIVES OF THE PREFECTURE OF LOS ANGLES, May 1834-June 1850. 3 vols. (1; two vols. unlabeled). Translations from Spanish into English, of recordings in (Los) Angeles Archives; entry 35. Arr. chron. by dates of the documents or the entries translated. No index. Hdw. 2 vols. aver. 250 pp.; 1 vol. 300 pp. (55 used). Aver. 13 x.8 x Rm. 600. · I (36-40) I 37. · INDEX TO OLD ARCHIVES, 1839-53. 1.vol. (dated 1853). Index to (Los). Angeles Archives, entry 35, showing date and number of document or entry, and number of volume of record. Arr. num. by bundle end volume nos. and thereunder chron. by dates of documents or entries. Haw. 300 pp. (55 used) 13 x 8 x. Safe, rm. 303. ។ 40. · 38. LIST OF REAL PROPERTY OMERS, July 1850-May 1851. 1 vol. List, in Spanish, of deeds, mortgages, notes, and options which are re- corded in volume 1 of deeds on file in county recorder's office, showing dates instrument filed and recorded, names of seller and buyer, and de- scription of real property. Arr. alph. by names of buyers. No index. Haw. 200 pp. 13 x 8 x 1. In bdl. in rm. 600. 39. (MINUTES OF LOS ANGELES CITY COUNCIL), Jan. 1859-Apr. 1860. 1 vol. Linute book of proceedings of the Los Angeles City Council during regime of Mayor Juan Temple, showing dates of meetings, names of various com- mittees and their members, minutes of extraordinary session to consider recommendations of mayor as to sundry municipal improvements, adoptions of new city charter, and routine business of council. Arr. chron. by dates of meetings. No index. Hdw.. 200 pp. 8 x 14 x 1. Rm. 303. REGISTER OF NALIES OF VISITORS TO COURTHOUSE TOWER, 1898-1900. 1 vol. Record of visitors to the courthouse tower, showing signature and address of visitor, and date of visit. Arr. chron, by dates of visits. No index. Hdw. 325 pp. 16 x 11 x 1. Rm. 600. 61 - II. ACCOUNTING DIVISION P. It is the function of this division to maintain the accounts of the department. Its duties are: To collect and account for all moneys which may be received in the form of fees, fines, damages, and court costs; to keep a fee book; to issue and account for all receipt forms; to see that disbursements are made under proper authority; to prepare the departmental pay roll, as well as to approve the criminal and civil jury pay rolls in the main office and branches; to prepare accounting reports; to bond employees; to report on all accidents to the county clerk's employees, while on duty; and to keep valuable exhibits safe. T: (Next entry 41, p. 62) By the fifth day of each month the division files with the county auditor a statement of all money's collected by the office of the county clerk, during the previous month. This statement must be accompanied by an affidavit All the moneys collected by the division are deposited with the county treasurer. Additional duties were assigned to this division, such as veri- fication of court reporters' claims for compensation for services rendered in all departments of the superior court except the criminal department; the transfer from the civil division of all forma pauperis accounts, that is, records of all fees to be collected from persons suing as paupers in the event they are successful in their litigation; and the stamping of the word "paid" on all papers filed by defendants upon which fees have been paid. A large number of condemnation suits have been filed by the housing authorities of both the City and County of Los Angeles. The money awarded to the defendants is paid into court to be disbursed upon order by the county clerk. In each case the accounting division is required to check the files as to amounts and assignments.1 • The accounting division is located on the fifth floor of the Hall of Records. The division chief receives a salary under the five- step rate of compensation plan, ranging from $220 to $264 per month, 2 and posts a bond of $15,000.3 • 1 County Clerk, Annual Report, 1941-42, pp. 7, 8. Ordinance No. 4106, N. §., 1942-43. 2 3 Supervisors' Bond Records. *** -62 Accounting Division - Correspondence; Fees and Trust Funds The records of this division are kept in the Hall of Records, un- less otherwise indicated! Juri S IN Note: Records showing löcation as room 9A, C. H. or co. garage rol are now located in the Agricultural Building, 524 North *Spring Street!! Handi. JAU 3. Correspondence MG A4 ZA CCM a 41. LETTERS, 1926--. 12 f.b. (dated), ? f.d. (unlabeled). Only current record retained. Incoming and outgoing correspondence with law enforcement agencies and the general public, pertaining to various financial matters within the jurisdiction of the accounting division of the county clerk's office. Arr. alph. by names of correspondents. No index. Hdw. and typed. Aver. 12 x 11½ x 3; f.d. 11½ x 16½ x 25. 12 f.d., 1926-27, F.b. garage; #2f.a., 1933-1, rm. 500. (41-43) Fees and Trust Funds No (* **S* 3: 42. FEE RECORD, 1330-94, 1899--. 150 vols. (149 vols, labeled 121-10, 16-155, and dated; 1 vol. unlabeled) Daily record of all fees received by the county clerk from litigant's in civil and probate cases for filing, recording, and registering documents; also a record of the allocation of these fees. Records shows case number and nature, receipt date and number, name of department re- ceiving fee, total amount of fee, and its disposition. Arr chron. by dates of receipts. No index. Hdw. 1880-94, 1399-1919; typed on pr. fm., 1920--. Aver. 300 pp 20 x 16 x 21. 53 vols., 1880–94, 1899–1919, Bam. 29, H. J.; 71 vols., 1920-34, co. garage; 13 vols co. garage; 18 vols., 1935- 37, rm.9A, CH 8 vols., 1938-4 m. 500. D i A alena at ne .... 11 .co. * Idauoi ** 0. 43. CO. CLERK'S FEES, DAILY RECAPITULATION, July 1930-June 1936. 3 vols. (dated) Daily recapitulation of fees collected by departments of the superior court and their allocation to various departments of county government showing date of entry, amount of money on hand, amount of fee and the date it was received, auditor's receipt number, disposition of the fee, total daily amount, and monthly grant total. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Typed on pr. fm, Aver. 250 pp. 9 x 11 x 1 2 vols., July 1930-June 1924, co. garage; 1 vol., July 1934-June 1936, room 9A, C. H. C% ** * * Jp197° - * ter. · -63 Accounting Division - Fees and Trust Funds 44. COUNTY CLERK'S FEE BOOK, 1908-23. 5 vols. (1-5 and dated) Record of fees paid to county clerk in civil and probate cases, showing date of entry, date of payment, case number, classification of fee, amount paid, and name of litigant. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 250 pp. 12 x 18 x 2. Co. garage. 45. CASH BOOK, Jan. 1907-Mar. 1921. 3 vols. (dated). Daily cash record, of general and miscellaneous fees received in civil and probate cases, showing date of entry, daily cash balance in office safe and in bank, whether in form of checks or cash, total of daily re- ceipts, and total daily balance. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Hdw. Aver. 500 pp. 16 x 12 x 23. Co. garage. 47. 46. LEDGER (Probate Fee Book), Jan. 1911-Mar. 1921. 2 vols. (D. E.). Record of fees and court costs received in probate cases, showing case number, name of estate, amount and date of payment, receipt number, and monthly total. Arr. chron.. by dates of payments. Indexed alph. by name of estate. Hdw. Aver. 16 x 11 x 2. Aver. 16 x 11 x 2. Co. garage. 48. CASH (Probate Cases, Receipts, and Refunds), Jan. 1895-June 1908. 1 vol. (297). Record of fees received and refunds made in probate court cases, showing date of entry, daily credits or debits with dates and totals, source of receipts and refunds and from whom and to whom made, amount remitted to county treasurer, and daily cash balance. Arr. chron. by dates of en- tries. No index. Hdw. 150 pp. 13 x 8 x 1. Co. garage. • 3: **** · ste • RECEIPT BOOK (Probate Cases); Oct. 1886-Apr. 1888. 1 vol. (1 and dated)... Record of fees received and disbursements made by the county clerk for miscellaneous items and services in probate "cases, showing amount and date of receipt or disbursement, name of estate, case number, and signa- ture of person to whom païd. Arr. chron. by dates of receipt or dis- bursements. No index. Hdw. garage.. on pr. fm. 156 pp. 18 x 12 x 1. Co. 25 .. YOUR DE - 悔 ​• (44-50) · • · 49... CERTIFICATE CLERK FEE BOOK (Divorces), July 1911-Dec. 1915. 4 vols. (1-4 and dated) . Record of fees received by the county clerk for certified copies of divorce papers, showing. date of entry; receipt number, name of certify- ing notary or officer, amount of fee, and name of payer. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 320 pp. 12 x 18 x 2. Co. garage. *AL · W Javi 50. TRIAL BALANCE, Jan. 1903-June 1919, 1 vol. Monthly. trial balances of money received from litigants for fees, fines, and court costs, showing date of entry, ledger page number from which items are abstracted, itemization of source from which money is derived, name of litigant with amount paid, monthly grand total, and balance of amount of cash in safe and in the bank. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Hdw. 128 pp. 16 x 11 x 1. Rm. 9A, C. H. P 64 · 暑 ​Accounting Division - Fees and Trust Funds (51-55) 51. REPORTERS▾ FEES AND REBATES, 1932--. 4 vol. binders. Only current record retained. Record of fees paid by litigants for the services of court reporters in civil and probate cases, also rebates to these litigants. Record shows court department number, total of fee received, date of hearing, actual time reporter worked, whether case was defaulted, amount of fee earned by reporter, amount of rebate if any, case number, and rebate receipt number. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. No index. on pr. fm. Aver. 150 pp. 8 x 12 1/2 x 1 1/2. Rm. Typed 500. • 1 vol. 52. TRUST FUND RECEIPT RECORD, May 1938--. Daily record of money received from litigants in payment of civil jury and reporters' fees, also money received from the city, county or State governmental bodies in payment of awards in condemnation cases; these funds are deposited in the special trust fund. Record shows receipt date and number, case number, name of person to whom receipt is credited, amount of payment, and whether payment is to be credited to jury reporters' fees, and rebates. Arr. chron. by dates of receipts. No index. Typed. 200 pp. 11 1/2 x 14 x 1. Rm. 500. 53. TRUST FUND RECORD, JURY FEES, May 1938--. 1 vol. (labeled by contained letters of alphabet).. Ledger of fees paid by litigants to defray cost of jury in civil and probate cases, and of refunds of these fees in cases where jury is sub- sequently dispensed with, showing nature, number and title of case, relevant remarks, date of receipt or refund, name of litigant paying fee or receiving refund, receipt or withdrawal number, whether debit or credit, and final balance. Arr. alph. by names of litigants. No in- dex. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 600 pp. 6 x 10 1/2 x 3. Rm. 500. 54. TRUST FUND RECORD, CLEAPING FUND, TRUST FUND MISC. CRIMINAL EXHIBITS, May 1958--. 1 vol. Ledger of fees received by the county clerk from litigants in payment of costs in superior court cases, and of moneys seized in criminal cases and held pending court order, showing nature and number of case, list number, names of litigants, remarks, date of deposit, name of depositor, receipt or withdrawal number, whether debit or credit, and final balance. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 pp. 6 x 10 1/2 x 3. Rm. 500. 55. TRUST FUND RECORD (Fees Received and Disbursed), Jan. 1916- Apr. 1933. 2 vol. binders (unlabeled), 20 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Record of fees received from litigants in civil cases and deposited in county clerk's special trust fund, and of disbursements of such funds, showing amount and classification of fee, receipt date and number, case number, and, in cases of refund, name of payee to whom warrant certifi- cate is issued, date warrant issued, name of litigant and requisition number. Arr. num. by case nos. No index No index. Hdw. Jan. 1916-Dec. 1925; typed on pr. fm. Jan 1926-Apr. 1938. Vol. binders aver. 400 pp. 18 x 17 1/2 x 2 1/2, f.d. aver. 4 x 5 1/2 x 17. Rm. 500. - 65 -- Accounting Division Trust Funds go 57. Fee and 56. TRUST FUND RECORD CONTROL, PEOPLE, FINES, June 1938--. 1 vol. Ledger and control account of moneys deposited and withdrawn in land condemnation cases, and of fines imposed and paid by installments in contempt proceedings and in miscellaneous criminal cases, showing case number and nature, parcel number in condemnation cases, case title or names of plaintiff and defendant, remarks, dates, and amounts of debit, credit, and balance, to whom or by whom money paid, and receipt or with- drawal number. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. No index. Haw. on pr. fm. 100 pp. 6 x 10 x 5. Rm. 500. L (56-58) TRUST FUND RECORD, CONDEMNATION, LOS ANGELES & OTHER CITIES, May 1938--. 1 vol. binder. Record of money disbursed from special trust fund by order of the court to reimburse property owners whose properties have been condemned through proceedings instituted by the Los Angeles County flood control, showing nature and number of case, names of plaintiff and defendant, remarks, date of transaction, name of payee, receipt or withdrawal number, amount of debit to trust fund, and final balance of trust fund. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 600 pp. 6 x 10 x 3. Rm. 500. 58. TRUST WITHDRAWAL (Requisitions for Warrants), 1935--. 5 bdls. (dated), 15 vols. (labeled by contained requisition nos.). Requisitions and orders on the county auditor for the withdrawal of funds received from litigants in civil cases and deposited in the court trust deposit fund; these withdrawals are made in repayment of excess deposits of reporters' fees, of fees and mileage of jurors, and of money deposited for payment of miscellaneous expenses or awards granted by the court. Requisitions show date, certification by county clerk that amounts therein stated are due and payable, name and address of payee, title and number of case in which deposit made, amount and requisi- tion number; orders show trust warrants in payment of fees and mileage of jurors, order date and number, certification by county clerk that amounts therein stated are due and payable, date fee and mileage accrued, name and address of payee, amounts of fees, mileage and totals, title and number of case in which deposit made, number of department. of court in which case tried, signed order by trial judge upon auditor to draw warrants upon treasurer, and requisition number; orders show trust warrants in payment of refund of moneys deposited for payment of miscel- laneous expenses on awards granted by the court, order number, date and amount of order, name and address of payee, name of trust fund from which drawn, total amount deposited, date of payment to county treasurer, num- ber and title of case, purpose for which withdrawal made, signed demand by attorney for the party entitled to withdrawal, certification by county clerk that amount stated is due and payable, signed order by trial judge upon auditor to draw warrant upon treasurer for amount, and order number. Bdls. arr. chron. by dates of requisitions; vols. arr. num. by requisi- tion or order nos. No index. Bdls. hdw. on pr Bdls. hdw. on pr. fm.; vols. typed on pr. fm. Bdls. aver. 4 x 8 x 3; vols. aver. 750 pp. 9 x 12 x 5. Bdls., 1935-37, rm. 9A, C. H.; vols., 1938--, rm. 500. ލ - 66 Accounting Division - Fees and Trust Funds (59-63) 59. WITHDRAWAL OF TRUST FUNDS, REQUISITION, FOR WARRANT, REPORTEPS FEES, July 1936-Apr. 1937. 1 bld. (dated). County clerk's original requisitions on county auditor for warrants to withdraw specified sums of money from special trust fund for the pay- ment of court reporters' fees, showing date of requisition, name of reporter and date service rendered, itemization of services, warrant number, court department and case numbers, and total daily disbursements. Arr. chron. by dates of requisitions. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 8 1/2 x 11 x 2 1/2. Co. garage. 60. TRUST FUND WITHDRAWALS, CLAIM AND ORDER FOR FARRANT, July 1934- June 1937. 7 bals. (dated). Warrants drawn on the county treasurer by the county auditor for requisi- tions made by the county clerk in payment of claims made by litigants, showing names of litigants, case number, cashier's and auditor's number date and number of warrant, whether tax has been paid, and amount of warrant. Arr. chron. by dates of warrants. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Aver. 3 x 3 3/4 x 3 3/4. Fm. 9A. C. H. 61. - • COUNTY CLERK TRUST FUND REQUISITION ON RECORD, Aug. 1934-Apr. 1938. 2 vols. (dated). Record of county clerks requisitions on the county auditor for warrants to withdraw specified sums of money from special trust fund for refunds to litigants in superior court cases, showing number and date of requisi- tion, names of litigants, case number, amount of requisition, warrant number, and date of receipt of warrant. Arr. chron. by dates of requisi- tions. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Aver. 200 pp. 9 x 11 1/4 x 3 1/4. 1 vol., Aug. 1934-June 1936, co. garage; 1 vol., July 1936-Apr. 1, 1938, rm. 500. 62. TRUST FUND WITHDRAWAL RECORD, May 1938--- 1 vol. Daily record of money withdrawn from special trust fund for payment of jury fees, reporters' fees, refunds and rebates in actions at law, show- ing withdrawal number and date, case number, name of payee, amount of payment, and itemization of payment. Arr. chron. by dates of with- drawals. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 540 pp. 540 pp. 11 1/2 x 17 x 1. Rm. 500. 63. TRUST DEPOSITS (letters of Transmittal), 1933--. 12 bals. (dated). 4 vols. (dated). Only current record retained. Letters of transmittal of trust funds deposited with the county treasurer showing name of county auditor, a reference to the relevant section of political code authorizing the deposit, notification that specified su m has been deposited with the county treasurer, itemized statement of sums deposited with corresponding receipt numbers, names of plaintiff and defendant, amount of deposit, auditor's permit-to-deposit number, signa- ture and title of person making transmittal with department or township name, and date of letter. Arr. chron. by dates of letters. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Bdl.s aver. 11 1/2 x 9 x 2; vols. aver. 750 pp. 11 x 8 1/2 x 3. Rm. 500. - 57. - Accounting Division Receipts 65. Receipts 64. CASH TAGS (Receipts for Fees), 1937--. 29 bdls. (dated). Only current record retained. Daily. receipts issued in payment of fees by litigants and for miscel- laneous services performed by the county clerk, showing date of receipt, transaction number and date, name of deputy receiving fee, and type of service rendered. Arr. chron. by dates of receipts. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 4 x 6 x 2. 14 bals., 1937, co. garage; 15 bdls., 1938-, rm. 500. 1 4 TRUST RECEIPTS (For Fees Collected), June 1934--. 5 bdls. and 400 receipt books (labeled by contained receipt nos.). County clerk's trust fund receipts certifying fees paid by litigants for costs in actions at law, showing date of receipt, case and receipt numbers, name of litigant, name of person paying fee, purpose and amount of payment, and signature of deputy clerk receiving fee. Arr. num. by receipt nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Bals. aver. 83 x 14 x 8; receipt books aver. 50 pp. 4 x 7 x Bdls., June 1934-June 1937, co. garage; receipt books, July 1937--, rm. 500. 1 (64-68) 66. RECEIPTS FOR (FEES) NOTARY BONDS, Apr. 1934--. 1 bdl. Only current record retained. Receipts issued by county clerk acknowledging payment of fees for the recordation of notaries' bonds, showing date of receipts, amount re- ceived, and signature of deputy clerk. Arr. chron. by dates of receipts. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 3 x 8 x 5. Rm. 500. 7 bais. (dated). Only current 68. AUDITORS RECEIPTS, DEPOSITORS RECEIPTS, 1934--. 10 bdls. (dated). 67. REPORTERS' RECEIPTS, 1937- record retained. Receipts issued by the county clerk to attorneys for litigants acknowl- edging payment of court reporters' fees, showing receipt number and date, name of deputy court clerk receiving fee, department number of superior court, name of court reporter, case number and title, amount of fee, name of attorney, signatures of deputy court clerk and deputy county clerk, and notation of whether case was contested or went by default. Arr. chron. by dates of receipts. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 9 x 11 x 7. 2 bdls., Jan.-May 1937, co. garage; 5 bdls., June 1937--, rm. 500. - [ Receipts issued by the county auditor and the county treasurer acknowl- edging receipt of money deposited by county clerk with the county treas- urer, showing number and date of receipt, name of depositor, amount of deposit, name of department of county to which deposit is credited, title of fund to which debited, and signatures of the county auditor and of the county treasurer. Also contains: Arr. num. by receipt nos. No index. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 9 x 3 to 8 x 9 x 5. Rm. 500. K Deposit permits. Copies of auditor's deposit permits notifying the county clerk that county treasurer has been authorized to receive specified deposit from county clerk. 4 X G - 68 - Accounting Division - Property deposits; Personnel 70. 69. MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS, Nov. 1932--. 1 f.d. Only current record retained. Receipts issued by court clerks and other county clerk's deputies ac- knowledging receipt of trust deposits, cast bail, fees for acknowledg- ments, jury and filing fees, and fees for miscellaneous services, show- ing date and number of receipt, name of payer, amount paid, and purpose of payment. Arr. num. by receipt nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 11 x 171/2 x 27. Rm. 500. COUNTY CLERK'S RECEIPT CONTROL NO. 2 (Control of Receipt Book), 1932--. 3 vols. and 1 vol. binder. Only current record re- tained. Record of blank receipt books issued to deputy court clerks for use in acknowledging payment of court fees, costs, and jury fees, showing date receipt book issued, name of deputy to whom issued, dates of out- going and incoming receipts issued, and receipt numbers. Aver. 250 pp. 9 x 12 x 21/2. Rm. 500. (69-72) ▼ i Property Deposits 71. RECORD OF MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSITS, 1908--. 2 vols. List of litigated personal property held by county clerk pending its disposition by court order, shoying date property deposited, case number, names of litigants nature of deposit, name of depositor, description of deposit, and date, signature of deputy receiving deposit. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs and thereunder chron. by dates of deposits. No in- dex. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 190 pp. 15 x 121/2 x 2. Pm. 500. ! Personnel Pay Roll 72. PAY ROLL RECORD, 1930--. 1 bal. (dated), 1 vol. binder (unlabeled). Monthly pay roll of all employees of the county clerk's office, showing name of department and section number, ordinance number covering salary payment, date of pay roll, auditor's serial number, month for which salary is paid, date warrant issued, fund on which warrant drawn, name of employee with his classification number and group to which he belongs, number of days employed, daily or monthly rate of pay and amount due, amount of retirement deduction, total amount due, warrant and voucher numbers, certification to the correctness of the pay roll, certification by secretary of civil service commission that pay roll contains only the names of bona fide employees, and recapitulation of pay roll totals. Arr. chron. by dates of pay rolls and thereunder num. by employees' classification nos. No index. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Bal. 18 x 10 x 6; vol. binder 300 pp. 181/2 x 10,1/2 x 3. Rm. 500. Ro Accounting Division - Personnel Salary Deductions 73. :: DEDUCTIONS FOR EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT, 1930--. 1 bal. (dated), 1 vol. binder (unlabeled). Record of monthly pension deduction from employees' salaries, showing date of entry, office or department in which employee works, month for which deduction is made, name of employee, amount of deduction, total departmental monthly deductions, and certification by the head of the department that the record is correct. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Bål. 8 x 10 x 3; vol. binder 300 pp. 12 x 9 x 2. Bdl., Jan. 1930-June 1937, co. garage; vol. binder, July 1937-- rm. 500. Time (73-77) 74. DEDUCTIONS FOR INSURANCE PREMIUM PAYMENTS, 1931--. 1 vol. binder. Record of monthly salary deductions for employees' life, health, and accident insurance premium payments, showing name of office or depart- ment in which employee works, month for which deduction was made, name of employee, amount of deduction, total departmental monthly deductions, certification by the head of the department that the entries are correct and correspond with deductions shown on pay roll for month specified, and signature of deputy head of department. Arr. chron. by months of deductions. No index. Typed on pr fm. 100 pp 12 x 9 x 3. 12 x 9 x 3. Rm. 500. 75: TIME TICKET, 1939-- 10 bals. (dated), 7 f.b. (unlabeled). Employees' daily time record, showing employee's name and classification number, date of report, certification by employee that he has worked during the hours specified, and signed approvals of section head and chief clerk of the division. Arr. num. by employees' classification nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Bals. aver. 12 x 10 x 7; f.b. aver. 24 x 63 x 5. Rm. 500. 76. ABSENCE TIME TICKET, 1939--. 10 bdls. (dated), 7 f.b. (un- labeled). Only current record retained. Record of employees who have given notification of anticipated absence from work, showing employee's name and classification number, date of notification, employee's certification that he will be absent for the specified period with reason therefor, whether with or without pay, and signed approvals of the section head and the chief clerk of the division. Arr. num. by employees' classification nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Bdls. aver. 12 x 10 x 7; f.b. aver. 24 x 61 x 5. Rm. 500. 3 bdls. (dated). 1 77. EMPLOYEES' ABSENCE RECORD, July 1933--. vol. binder (unlabeled). Copies of monthly absence records of employees, showing date of record, date of monthly pay roll period, name of department, name of employee, reason for absence, whether with or without pay, time made up, holidays, and certification by the head of the department that the record is com- plete. Arr. chron. by monthly pay roll periods. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Bdls. aver. 2 x 9 x 11; vol. binder 150 pp. 11 x 9 x 2. 1 bdl. July 1933-June 1937, co. garage; 2 bdls. and 1 vol. binder, July 1937--, rm. 500. G - 70 - Accounting Division Ꮮ ܚ Personnel 79. 78. EMPLOYEES' TIME SERVICE RECORD, 1937--. 2 bals. and 1 kardex rack. Yearly record of daily attendance of employees, shoving number of days worked in each month, total monthly pay, number of days vacation with pay, number of days sick leave with pay, number of hours overtime, name and classification number of employee, rate of pay, deductions for in- surance and retiring funds, and net amount of pay. Arr. alph. by names of employees. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Bals. 8 x 6 x 3; kardex rack 24 x 10 x 9. Rm. 500. Vacation and Leaves ; (78-82) : REQUEST FOR VACATION, LEAVE OF ABSENCE, 1938--. 3 vol. bin- ders (dated). Original requests for vacations or leaves of absence by employees, show- ing number of days leave requested with inclusive dates, whether with or without pay, reason for and date of request, signature of employee, signatures of qualified officials, approving, authorizing and confirming request, date of confirmation, and remarks. Arr. chron. by dates of requests. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 200 pp. 7 x 5 x 2. Rm. 500.- 80. REQUEST FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE OR VACATION, 1938. 1 bål. (dated). 1 vol. binder (unlabeled). Only current record retained. Copies of requests for leave of absence or vacation by employees, show- ing information as in entry 79, and in addition the position held by and the classification number of employee and the dated and signed approvals by department head and secretary of civil service commission. Arr. chron. by dates of requests. No index. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Bal. 8 x Bal. 8 x 5 x 3; vol. binder 300 pp. 9 x 6 x 2. Rm. 500. 81. REQUEST FOR REGULAR ANNUAL VACATION, 1938. 2 vol. binders. Copies of departmental schedules of regular annual vacations the original of which is filed with the civil service commission and one copy with the county auditor, showing name of department, date of schedule, name and classification number of employee, number of days vacation to which employee is entitled with the inclusive dates, signature of official re- sponsible for schedule, and approval and relevant comment by civil ser- vice commission, signed by the secretary of the commission. Arr. chron. by dates of schedules. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Aver. 30 pp. 9 x 6 x 2. Rm. 500. 82. CERTIFICATION FOR SICK LEAVE COMPENSATION, May 1937-June 1939. 2 bals. (dated). Applications by employees for compensation for absence from duty due to illness or disability not arising out of employment, showing date of application, certification by employee that his absence from duty was due to cause which entitled him to claim compensation under the salary ordinance, dated certification of approval by the division head, and signed approval by the chief clerk of the division. Arr. chron. by dates of application. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 12x9x1/2. Rm.500. Accounting Division - Personnel Accidents 83. - REPORT OF ACCIDENTAL INJURY TO EMPLOYEE, Nov. 1933--. 2 vol. binders (dated). Copies of reports of accidental injuries sustained by county clerk em- ployees, the originals of which are filed with the county auditor, show- ing name, address, nativity, age, marital status, nature of employment, and wages of injured person, date of accident, questions and answers tend- ing to fix responsibility for the accident, names and addresses of wit- nesses, and signature of injured person's superior. Arr. chron. by dates of accidents. No index. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Typed on pr. fm. Aver. 50 pp. 11 x 83 x 4. Rm. 500. : 84. (INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT REPORTS), Feb. 1939--. 1 vol. binder. Reports by county clerk of industrial accidents to his employees, in- cluding: ii. i. Los Angeles Safety Committee, Reports to. Reports to the Los Angeles Safety Committee of injury to employees, showing date of report, date and place of accident, name, age, and sex of injured person, regular hours of employment, occupation at time of accident, regular occupation of injured employee, whether instruction was given as to how particular work should be done, description of how accident occurred and nature of injuries, names and addresses of witnesses, whether first aid promptly administered and by whom, whether injured person returned to work, whether arrangements were made for treatment by doctor or hospital and by whom arrangements made, name and address of doctor or hospital, a check list of causes to ex- plain the failure or negligence of the employer or improper plant conditions, what action taken to prevent future acci- dents, and signature and title of person making report. State Compensation Insurance Department, Preliminary Reports. - iii. (83-84) 1 * - Copies of preliminary reports to the State Compensation Insur- ance Department of injuries to employees, showing name, ad- dress, sex, age, nativity, marital status, and length of ser- vice of injured employée, nature of employee's occupations, date of accident, questions and answers tending to fix re- sponsibility for the accident and establish eligibility of injured employee for compensation, names of witnesses, name and address of attending surgeon, signature and title of per- son making report, and date of report. · State Compensation Insurance Department, Supplemental Reports. Copies of supplemental reports to the State Compensation In- surance Department of injuries to employees, showing employer's name, date of report, employee's name, date of injury, last day worked, amount of salary or wages terminated as result of injury, salary or wages on return to work, number of days em- ployed per week, reduction in wages due to injury, whether employee physically able to return to work, and if so, when; number of working days absent from work, whether work resumed in whole or in part, present occupation, full description of any permanent injury, remarks, exact name of policyholder, signature and title of person making report. C - 72 * Accounting Division - Spanish Archives Arr. chron. by dates of accidents. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 70 pp. 11 x 9 x 2. Rm. 500. (85-88) 85. OFFER OF MEDICAL ATTENDANCE, Nov. 1933-Feb. 1939. 2. vol. binders (dated).. Copies of printed forms sent to employees injured in the course of em- ployment offering them medical assistance, showing date of offer, name of employee, recital of conditions attached to offer, certification by official superior, or injured person, that the latter is eligible for treatment, detachable acknowledgment of receipt of offer by injured per- son, date of injury, date of offer, signature of injured person, and certification by two witnesses in case of refusal to accept offer. Arr. chron. by dates of offers. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 50 pp. 11 x 8 x 4. R. 500. • Service Reports ## 86. SERVICE REPORT, July 1933--. 1 bdl. (dated), 1 vol. binder (unlabeled). da. Copies of service reports made to the civil service commission covering employees, showing date of record, name and rating of employee, eligi- bility for permanent appointment or promotion, whether present position is permanent or temporary, employee's classification number, title of position, salary, date service or increased salary began, date service ended, remarks bearing on employee's status under civil service rules, department in which employee works, and signature of department head. Arr. chròn. by dates of reports and thereunder num. by employees' classi- fication nos. No index. Typed, on pr, fm. Bdl. 10 x 8 x 3; vol. binder 125 pp. 12 x 9 x 2. Bal July 1933-June 1937, co. garage; vol. binder, July 1937--, rm. 500. : 87. SERVICE. TERMINATION REPOPTS, Dec. 1938.1 vol. binder. Reports of employees' service termination, shoving report number, name, official title, and salary of employee, date of termination of service, alloted vacation period, instructions as to disposition of pay check, relevant remarks, signature of pay roll clerk; and date of report, Arr. chron. by dates of service terminations. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 300 pp. 11 x 10 x 2. Rm. 500. ! : AT • Spanish Archives 88. (MUNICIPAL FUNDS WITHDRAWN BY COURT; ORDER) Jan. 1840-Dec. 1840. 1 vol. Record in Spanish of payments made to unspecified individuals from the general funds of the Mexican alcalde courts, shoving date and amount of payment, and signature of judge authorizing payment. Arr. chron. by dates of payments. No index. Hdw. on parchment. 24 pp. 13 x 8 x 1/4. Rm. 303. 72 だ ​Accounting Division - Miscellaneous 89. (Municipal Cash Account), Jan. 1848-Oct. 1853. LIBRO NUMERO DE LA SINDICATURA DE LA CIUDAD DE LOS ANGELES POR EL ANO DE 1848. 1 vol. Daily record in Spanish from Jan. 1848 to Apr. 1852 and in English from May 1852 to Oct. 1853 of money received and disbursed from license fees, showing date, amount, and source of receipts, date, amount, and purpose of disbursements, and totals. Arr. chron. by dates of receipts or dis- bursements. No index. Hdw. 150 pp. 13 x 8 x . Rm. 600. 1. 90. (Journal of Receipts and Disbursements), July 1850-Oct. 1851, 1 vol. DIARIO DE ENTRADAS Y SALIDAS (Ano de 1850). Record in Spanish from July 1850 to May 1851 and thereafter, in English of county treasurer's receipts and disbursements, showing date of entry, date money received and amount thereof, source from which received, date of disbursement and amount thereof. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Hdw. 200 pp. 13 x 8 x 1. Rm. 600. (89-94) ·· 91. INDIAN FUND, Aug. 1850-June 1860. 1 vol. Daily record in Spanish from 1850-1851 and thereafter in English of money received from fines imposed by justices of the peace and the mayor, and disbursed by the treasurer upon orders of justices of the peace to officials for fees in cases involving Indians. Record shows the amount, source, and date of the money received, the amount, date of payment, and to whom money was paid. Arr. chron. by dates of receipts for disbursements. No index. Hdw. 200 pp. (11 used) 13 x 8 x 1. Rm: 600 : 92. STATE FUND, Oct. 1850-Mar. 1858, 1 vol. (dated 1850). Record in Spanish from Oct. 1850 to Aug. 1852 and thereafter in English of receipt of State revenue funds and their disbursement upon warrants issued by the State General Treasurer, showing date and amount of funds received, and date and amount of warrants issued. Arr. chron. by dates of receipts or dates warrants issued. No index. Hdw. 100 pp. 13 x 8 x 1. Rm. 600. Miscellaneous 93. PROTESTED WARRANTS, July 1850-Dec. 1860. 2 vols. Register in Spanish from July 1850 to Apr. 1852 and thereafter in English of warrants protested for nonpayment and issued upon orders of the court of sessions, the county clerk, and auditor in payment for services rendered or supplies furnished to the county. Register shows order number, date of registration, name of person to whom issued, nature of services rendered or supplies furnished, and amount of warrant. Arr. chron. by dates of registrations. No index. Hdw. Aver. 150 pp. 13 x 8 x 1. Rm. 600. 94. PENSION CERTIFICATES, (undated). 1 vol. Unidentified register of pension certificate, showing name, and address. of pensioner, number and amount of certificate, name of agency through which pensioner registered. No information is obtainable relative to the use of this record. Arr. alph. by name of pensioner. No index. Hdw. 100 pp. 18 x 12 x 1. Rm. 9A, C. H. - 74 Corporation Division Correspondencé 1 vol. 95. COUNTY RECORD, May 1891-Feb. 1895. List of payments made by the county for killing of animals on which a bounty was offered, showing name of hunter, permit number, number of animals killed, location and date of killing, date of affidavit, date claim was allowed and paid. Arr. alph. by names of hunters. No index. Hdw. 200 pp. (30 used). 18 x 12 x 13. J III. CORPORATION DIVISION It is the function of this division to file and keep articles of incorporation, their amendments and decrees of dissolution; certificates of operation of business under fictitious names; records of bond and surety companies; records of persons licensed to practice optometry; récords of oaths of notaries public; records of orths and bonds of public officers; and the records of the appointment of humane officers. The records of persons licensed to practice medicine, surgery, osteopathy, chiropody, midwifery, pharmacy, dentistry, and dental hygiene, are kept in the health department by a deputy county clerk without compensation. (95-96) It is in the corporation division that acknowledgments and affidavits are taken and property inventories of county departments: filed, as well as election expense statements of candidates for public office and appointments of assistants in superior court departments. Here the clerk certifies the signatures of justices of peace, municipal court judges used in other counties, attaching affidavits in certification of the official capacity of the signers. He likewise certifies the 1. signatures of notaries on papers to be used in other States. and court clerks on papers to be The corporation division is located on the third floor of the Hall of Record s. It functions through division chief who receives a salary under the five-step rate of compensation plan, ranging from $155 to $186 per month, 2 and posts a bond of $1,000. The records of this division are kept in the Hall of Records unless otherwise indicated. Note: Records showing location as room 9A, C. H. or co. garage are now located in the Agricultural Building, 524 North Spring Street. 1 1 County Clerk, Annual Report, 1941-42, p. 9. 2 Ordinance No. 4106, N. S., 1942-43. Correspondence 96. LETTERS, July 1935--. 66 f.b. Incoming and outgoing general correspondence. Arr. alph. by names of correspondents. No index. Typed. Typed. Aver. 12 x 12 x 3. Rm. 303. * £ 75 Corporation Division - Corporations 97. 98. 99. Copies of articles of incorporation of corporations doing business in the county, showing file number, name of corporation, nature of business, period of time for which incorporated, names and number of directors and legal residence of each, amount of capital stock authorized and amount subscribed, number and par value of shares, names of subscribers and amount of subscriptions, signatures of directors serving for the first year; attached to some of the articles are amendments, increases of capital stock, dissolutions and suspensions, certified by the Secre- tary of State that each copy is a true and correct copy of the original. filed in his office. Arr. num. by file nos. Indexed alph. by names of corporations; also separate indexes, entries 98, 99. Hdw. Sept. 1854- Dec. 1887, typed Jan. 1888--. Aver. 11 x 16 x 27. Rm. 303. 100. CORPORATION INDEX, Sept. 1854--. 3 vols. (dated), 1 rotary stand (unlabeled). Index to (Articles of Incorporation); entry 97, showing name of corpora- tion, date incorporated, and file number. Arr. alph. by names of cor- porations. Typed. Typed. Vols. aver. 1,000 pp. 20 x 14 x 3; rotary stand leaves 24 x 9 x 1. Rm. 303. • 101. Corporations * (ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION), Sept. 1854--. 311 f.d. (labeled by contained file nos.). + INDEX TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, Sept. 1854-Sept. 1925. 6 vols. (dated; 3 vols. also labeled 3, 5, 6, and 1 vol. labeled by contained letters of alphabet). Obsolete index to (Articles of Incorporation), entry 97; and to Articles of Incorporation (Register), 1902-5, entry 100, showing name of cor- poration and file number of certificates of incorporation; for Sept. 1883-Dec. 1887 also shows date incorporated, date article filed, and lo- cation of business; for 1903-5 also shows page number of Articles of Incorporation (Register), entry 100; Arr. alph. by names of corporations. Hdw. Aver. 620 pp. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. garage. STRAL ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION (Register), Sept. 1854-Apr. 1905. 4 vols. (labeled by contained letters of alphabet and dated). Title varies: Index to Articles of Incorporation, 1854-1903, 3 vols. Register of corporations doing business in the county, showing file number, name of corporation, date incorporated, date articles of incor- poration filed, and location of business. Arr. alph. by names of cor- porations, Sept. 1854-Dec. 1902; arr. num. by file nos., Jan. 1903-Apr. 1905. Indexed alph. by names of corporations; also separate index, Jan. 1903-Apr. 1905, entry 99. Avér. 400 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Hdw. Sept. 1854-Dec. 1902; hdw. on pr. fm. Jan. 1903-Apr. 1905. Co. garage. + (97-101) + - - SUSPENDED CORPORATIONS (Notifications), 1905-30. 3.f.b. (dated). d G Copies of notices issued by the State Franchise Tax Commission advising. corporations of their suspension for nonpayment of franchise taxes, showing date of notice, name and address of corporation, statement of -76 1 * Corporation Division - Copartnership and Fictitious Business Names nonpayment, corporation file number, and certification by tax commission. Arr. chron. by dates of notices. No index. Pr. Aver. 10 x 4 3/4 x 13. Rm. 303. 102: CORPORATION FEE BOOK (Miscellaneous Fees), June 1907-Dec. 1908, July 1910-Dec. 1915. 5 vols. (1-3, 6, 7 5 vols. (1-3, 6, 7, and dated). Daily cash record of fees paid to the county clerk for articles of in- corporation and amended articles, partnerships, miscellaneous certifi- cates, marriage licenses, registration certificates of dentists, pharma- cists, physicians, and optometrists, also for certified copies of do- cuments. Shows date of entry, record number, and name of person paying fee. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 pp. 18 x 123 x 1 3/4. Co. garage. Aver. 103. Copartnership and Fictitious Business Names (102-105) INDEX (to) COPARTNERSHIPS AND FICTITIOUS NAMES, May 1874-Dec. 1924. 4 vols. (dated; 3 vols. also labeled 1-3). Title varies slightly. Obsolete index to (Certificates of Business, Fictitious Names or Part- nerships), entry 104; and to Copartnership and Fictitious Firm ilames, entry 105; showing name of firm, and book, file, page, and certificate numbers. Arr. alph. by names of firms. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 500 pp. 15 x 10 x 1 3/4. Co. garage. 1 104. COPARTIERSHIP AND FICTITIOUS FIRI NALES, liay 1874-Dec. 1924, 2 vols. (1, 2). Register of partnerships, business certificates, and fictitious firm names, showing name under which business is. registered, names of part- ners, location of business, and date of registration; for May 1874-Feb. 1888 also shows nature of business; for Mar. 1888-Dec. 1924 also shows book, file, page, and certificate numbers in entry 105. Arr. chron. by dates of registrations. For index, see entry 103; vol. 1 also indexed alph. by names of firms. Hdw. 300 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. garage. + 3 P G 105. (CERTIFICATES OF BUSINESS, FICTITIOUS HALIES OR PARTNERSHIFS), May 1874--. 912 f.b. (labeled by contained certificate nos.). Certificates of operation of businesses under fictitious names or part- nerships, showing nature, address, fictitious name or name of partnership, the number, names, and addresses of partners or owners, date certifi- cate filed, certificate number, signature of applicant for certificate, certificate notarization, and dated certification by county clerk; from 1919-- are attached affidavits of publication, showing fictitious name or partnership name under which business. is conducted, date and name of newspaper in which notice of intention to do business was published, dated signature of notary witnessing affidavit, and dated certification by county clerk. Arr. num. by certificate nos. 103, 106. Hdw. and hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Rm. 303. For indexes, see entries Aver. 9 x 14 x 2. ۶۳ Corporation Division - Trade-Marks; Professions 106. FICTITIOUS NAME INDEX, May 1874--. 2 vols. (dated), 1 rotary stand (unlabeled). Index to (Certificates of Business, Fictitious Names or Partnerships), entry 105, showing fictitious name of partnership, date certificate filed, and certificate file number. Arr. alph. by fictitious names or names of partnerships. Typed. Typed. Vols. aver. 400 pp. 17 x 14 x 3; rotary stand leaves 24 x 9 x 4. Rm. 303. ; 憧れ ​> 107. TRADE-MARKS, July 1907--. 2 f.b. (A, B, and labeled by con- tained trade-mark file nos.). Descriptions of trade-marks filed by owners, showing trade-mark file number, certificate of registration from Secretary of State and descrip- tion and registration number of trade-mark. Arr. num. by file nos. For index, see entry 108. Hdw. and typed. 4 3/4 x 10 x 14. Rm. 303. • (106-111) Trade-Marks + 108. TRADĖ-MARKS`INDEX, July 1907--. 1 vol. Index to Trade-Marks, entry 107, showing name of person or firm regis- tering trade-mark, and file number. Arr. alph. by names of persons or firms. Hdw. 100 pp. 12 x 20 x . Rm. 303. Professions 109. PHYSICIANS REGISTER INDEX, Sept. 1876--. 1 vol. binder. Index to Physicians (Surgeons, Chiropodists, and Midwives) Register, entry 110; Osteopathic Doctors (Register), July 1901--, entry 112; Register of Chiropractors, Mar, 1923--, entry 113; Certificates of Naturopathic Physicians, May 1907-Aug. 1918, entry 114. Index shows name of licenses, and volume and page number of record. Arr. alph. by names of licensees. Typed on pr. fm. 163 pp. 18 x 11 x 3. Rm. 164, H. J. 110. PHYSICIANS (Surgeons, Chiropodists, and Midwives) REGISTER, Sept. 1876--. 17 vols. (1-17). Copies of State licenses issued to practitioners of medicine, surgery, chiropody, and midwifery, showing license number, name of licensee, name of medical school or university from which licensee was graduated, date license issued, names, of officers of State Board of Medical Exami- ners, date of registering and recording by and signature of county clerk, and in some instances dated notations of the registering and recording of the license in other counties of the State. Arr. chron. by dates recorded. Indexed alph. by names of licensees; also separate indexed, entries 109, 111. Haw. on pr. fm. Aver. 250 pp Aver. 250 pp. 18 x 13 x 31. 15 vols., Sept. 1876-July 1932, rm. 164, H. J.; 2 vols., July 1932--, Health Dept., H. J. 111. INDEX TO PHYSICIANS REGISTRATIONS, Sept. 1876-July 1932. 1 vol. Obsolete index to Physicians (Surgeons, Chiropodists, and Midwives) G - 78 · Corporation Division - Professions Register, entry 110, showing information as in entry 109. Arr. alph. by names of licensees. Hdw. on pr. fm. 60 pp. 16 x 11 x 1. Rm. 164, H. J. 112. OSTEOPATHIC DOCTORS (Register), July 1901-Oct. 1919, July 1923--. 4 vols. (1, 1A, 2, 2A). Title varies: Title varies: Certificates of Osteopathy, July 1901-Oct. 1919, 2 vols.; Drugless Practi- tioners, July 1923-Aug. 1939, 1 vol. Copies of State licenses issued to persons permitting them to practice osteopathy, showing information as in entry 110. Arr. chron. by dates recorded. Indexed alph. by names of licensees, July 1901-Oct. 1919; also separate index, entry 109. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 200 pp. 18 x 13 x 23. 2 vols., July 1901-Oct. 1919., Health Dept., H. J.; 2 vols., July 1923--, rm. 164, H. J. (112-117) 114. 113. REGISTER OF CHIROPRACTORS, Har. 1923--. 2 vols. (1, 2). Copies of State licenses. issued to persons permitting them to practice chiropractic, showing information as in entry 110. Arr. chron. by dates recorded. For index, see entry 109. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 200 pp. 18 x 13 x 2. Rm. 164, H. J. S CERTIFICATES OF NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS, May 1907-Aug. 1918. 1 vol. (1B). Copies of State licenses issued to persons permitting them to practice naturopathy, showing information as in entry 110. Arr. chron. by dates recorded. Indexed alph. by names of licensees; also separate index, entry 109. Hdw. on pr. fm. 160 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Health Dept., H. J. •* 115. DENTAL REGISTER, July 1903-Oct. 1939. 4 vols. (1-4). Register of dentists certified to practice in Los Angeles County, show- ing registration number, the name, age, and office address of dentist, date and number of license, date of registration; also a statement in affidavit form showing name, place and date of birth of dentist, license number and date license issued, signature of dentist, dated attestation by county clerk; marginal notations of previous registrations in other counties, forfeitures, revocations, or restorations. Arr. num. by regis- tration nos. Indexed alph. by names of dentists. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 350 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. 3 vols. July 1903-Dec. 1929, co. garage; 1 vol. Jan. 1930-Oct. 1939, rm. 303. 1 116. DENTISTS CERTIFICATES, July 1885-June 1907. 4 vols. (A-D). Copies of certificates issued to qualified dental practitioners by the State Board of Dental Examiners, showing name of dentist, date certificate issued and recorded, names of president, secretary, and other members of the Board of Examiners; for Aug. 31, 1901-June 27, 1907, also shows county clerk's dated certification. Arr. chron. by dates certificates recorded. Indexed alph. by names of dentists. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 200 pp. 16 x 11 x 1. Co. garage. 117. REGISTRATION OF DENTAL HYGIENIST, Apr. 1922-Oct. 1939. 1 vol. Register of dental hygienists in county, showing information as in entry 115. Arr. num. by registration nos. Indexed alph. by names of hygienists. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 pp. 20 x 12 x 3. Rm. 503. *.c 7%. = • Corporation Division - Notaries Public` · 120. 118. CERTIFICATES OF OPTOMETRY, Aug. 1903--. 3 vols. (1-3). Copies of certificates issued by the State Board of Optometry to persons qualified to practice optometry, showing information as in entry 110. Arr. chron. by dates certificates recorded. Indexed alph. by names of optometrists. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 300 pp. 18 x 12 x 11. 1 vol., Aug. 1903-June 1913, co. garage; 2 vols., July 1913--, rm. 303. :,.. 119. REGISTER OF PHARMACISTS, Mar. 1891-Jan. 1940. 6 vols. (1-6). Copies of certificates licensing pharmacists and assistant pharmacists to practice, showing information as in entry 110. Arr. chron. by dates certificates recorded. Indexed alph, by names of pharmacists. . Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 318 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. 5 vols., Mar. 1891-Aug. 1926, co. garage; 1 vol., Sept. 1926-Jan. 1940, rm. 303. 121. : 122. Copies of certificates issued to veterinarians by the State Veterinary Medical Board, showing information as in entry 110. Arr. chron. by dates certificates recorded. Indexed alph. by names of veterinarians. on pr. fm. 160 pp. (45 used) 18 x 12 x 13. Co. garage. Haw. Appointments and Oaths (See also entries 157, 166, 171, 177.) 123. Notaries Public (118-123) ... RECORD OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SURGERY CERTIFICATES, May. 1893- May 1907. 1 vol. (1). (CURRENT NOTARIES), May 1936-- 198 f.d. (labeled by con- tained letters of alphabet). Card file of current notaries public, showing filing date of appoint- ment by Governor, date of commission, date commission expires, name and address of notary, name of bonding company, bond file number, dates of prior appointments and names of bonding companies, and signature of notary. Arr. alph, by names of notaries. No index. Typed and hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 1 x 7 1/8 x 24. Rm. 303. • NOTARIES PUBLIC (Oaths of Office), Feb. 1876--, 30 vols. (3-30; 1 vol. dated; 1 vol. unlabeled). Original oaths of notaries public, showing date of commission and bond file number; for 1924 also shows name, signature, and address of notary, dated acknowledgment of oath by county clerk or deputy, and notation of resignation or death. No obvious arr. Feb. 1876-Dec. 1923; arr. num. by bond file nos. Jan, 1924--. Indexed alph. by names of notaries. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 250 pp 1933, co. garage; 5 vols. . 14 x 9 x 2. 25 vols., Feb. 1876-Sept. 12, Sept. 13, 1933--, rm. 303. NOTARIES PUBLIC (Oaths of Office) LONG BEACH (Pasadena, Santa Monica, and Pomona), June 1931--. 1. vol. binder.(1). *** 3 Oaths of notaries public taken at the branch offices in Long Beach, June 1931--, in Pasadena, Oct. 1937--, in Santa Monica, Oct. 1937--, and in Pomona, Dec. 1937--, showing information as in entry 122. Arr. alph. by names of branch offices and thereunder num. by bond file nos. In- dexed alph. by name of branch offices and thereunder alph. by names of notaries. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 pp. 14 x 11 x 21. Rm. 303. 1 80· Corporation Division - Notaries Public 124. Bonds (NOTARIES PUBLIC OATHS OF OFFICE AND CERTIFICATIONS), Feb.. 1877-1884. 1 vol. County clerk's certifications of notaries public, and their oaths of office. Certifications show the name of notary and date appointed, county for which appointed, name of Governor making appointment, and T signature of county clerk; oaths show the declaration of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the State of California, pledge of faithful performance of duties as notary public, signature. : of notary, date sworn and subscribed to, signature of and certification: by county clerk, and file number. Arr. chron. by dates of oaths. In- dexed alph. by names of notaries, Hdw. 129 pp. 13 x 8 x 1. Co. garage. 125. 127. 128. t NOTARIES PUBLIC (Index to Bonds), June 1885--. 6 vols. (1-6. and dated), 1 vol. binder (1). Index to Notary Bonds, Jan. 1924--, entry 126; Long Beach Notaries, Jan. 1931, entry '127; Pasadena, Pomona, Santa Monica Notary Bonds, Oct. 1937, entry 128; and to notaries' bonds in Bonds (County Officials and Em- ployees), entry 134. Index shows name and address of notary, dates of beginning and expiration of commission, and bond file number. Arr. alph. by names of notaries. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 225 pp. 16 x 12 x 2. Rm. 303. (124-128) 126. NOTARY BONDS, Jan. 23, 1924--. 21 bdls., 38 f.b. (labeled by contained bond file nos.). Apr. 1852-Dec. 1860, Mar. 1876- Dec. 1890, Dec. 1894-Apr. 1897, Nov. 23, 1905-Jan. 22, 1924, in Bonds (County Officials and Employees), entry 134. Filed bonds of notaries public showing date of bond, names and signa- tures of notary and bonding company agent, provision of bond, notarial certificate of acknowledgment, approval of court commissioner, dated and signed notation of recording by county recorder and of filing by county. clerk, and bond file number. Also contains: Long Beach notaries, Jan. 23, 1924-Jan. 26, 1931, entry 127; and Pasadena, Pomona, Santa Monica notary bonds, Jan. 23, 1924-Oct. 8, 1937, entry 128. Arr. num. by bond file nos. For index, see entry 125. Typed on pr. fm, Bals. aver. 8 x 4 x 11; f.b. aver. 19 x 4 x 12. Rm. 303. : Are LONG BEACH NOTARIES, Jan. 27, 1931--. 2 f.b. (labeled by contained bond file nos.). Jan. 23, 1924-Jan. 26, 1931, in Notary Bonds, entry 126. 1 + Bonds of notaries public filed in Long Beach branch office, showing information as in entry 126. Arr. num. by bond file nos. For index, see entry 125. Typed on pr. fm. Aver. 11 x 4 x 12. Rm. 303. Typed on pr. fm. Typed on pr. fm. juli PASADENA, POLONA, SANTA MONICA NOTARY BONDS, Oct. 9, 1937--. 1 f.b. (labeled by contained bond file nos.). Jan. 23, 1924- Oct. 8, 1937, in Notary Bonds, entry 126. » Bonds of notaries public filed in branch offices in Pasadena, Pomona, and Santa Monica, showing information as in entry 126. Arr. num. by bond file nos: For index, see entry 125. 11 x 4 x 12. Rm: 303. -61- Corporation Division Humane Officers Notarization Record 129. NOTARIAL RECORD, Feb. 1876--. 811 vols. (labeled by contained file nos.),. Record of notarizations made by notaries public, showing notarial file number, name of notary, date notarized, name of person executing instru- ment, consideration named in the instrument, and in some instances description of property affected by the instrument. Arr, num, by no- tarial file nos. For index, see entry 130. Hdw. Aver. 100 pp. 14 x 83 x 1.776 vols., Feb. 1876-Jan. 18, 1940, co. garage; 35. vols., Jan. 20, 1940--, rm. 303. 1 vol. 130. NOTARIAL RECORD INDEX, Feb. 1877--. Index to Notarial Record, entry 129, showing name of notary and notarial file number. Arr. alph. by names of notaries. Hdw. 200 pp. 83 x 19 x . Rm. 303. 131. ÷ Humane Officers : : HUMANE OFFICERS (Certificates of Appointments), Aug. 1913--. 2 f.d. (labeled by contained file nos.), Certificates of appointment of humane officers, showing name of humane organization making the appointment, date of appointment, name, address, and badge number of appointee, dated certification of appointment signed by the president and the secretary of the humane organization, dated approval of superior court signed by judge of court, oath of office of appointee with dated acknowledgment of same by county clerk, date certi- ficate filed, certificate file number, and .dated notifications of any. deaths, revocations, or resignations. Arr. num, by file nos. For in- dex, see entry 132. Typed on pr. fm. 10 x 4 x 13. Rm. 303. (129-133) · : 1 132. RECORD OF HUMANE OFFICERS (Index), Aug. 1915--, 1 vol. (1), Register of appointments of humane officers also serving as an index to Humane Officers (Certificates of Appointments), entry 131. Shows date of appointment, name and address of appointee, certificate file number, appointee's badge number, business or occupation, name of humane organization making appointment, and date of any revocation. Arr. chron. by dates of appointments and thereunder num. by certificate file nos. Hdw. 151 pp. 17 x 12 x 2. Rm. 303. 133. DEPUTY HUMANE OFFICERS, June 1912-June 1915. 1 vol. (1). Register of humane officers appointed by the superior court, showing information as in entry 132. Arr. chron. by dates of appointments. index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 400 pp. 14 x 9 x 2. Co. garage. No 82 Corporation Division Delinquent Taxes - Official Bonds; Official Bonds 134. BONDS (County Officials and Employees), Apr. 1852-Dec. 1860, Liar. 1876-Dec. 1890, Dec. 1894-Apr. 1897, Nov. 25, 1905--. 12. vols. (dated), 79 vol. binders (3-5, 11, 13, 14, 28-30, 33-102). . 137. Official bonds of all county officials and employees, except county clerk, showing name of employee, title of office, name of bonding com- pany, dated signatures of official or employee and of bonding company, dated notarization of signature of bonding company's agent and signed approval of bond by superior court judge or court commissioner with seal of superior court, county recorder's signature and stamp with bond file number, and date filed by county clerk with his signature. Also contains: Notary bonds, Apr. 1852-Dec. 1860, Mar. 1876-Dec. 1890, Dec. 1894-Apr. 1897, Nov. 23, 1905-Jan. 22, 1924, entry 126. Arr. num. by file nos. Indexed alph. by names of persons bonded, Apr. 1852-July 1914; also separate index Ilar. 1888--, entry 135; for separate index to notaries' bonds June 1885--, see entry 125. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Vols. aver. 70 pp. 9 x 14 x 1; vol. binders aver. 150 pp. 9 x 14 x 2. 12 vols., and 67 vol. binders, Apr. 1852-Dec. 1860, Mar. 1876-Dec. 1890, Dec. 1894-Apr. 1897, Nov 23, 1905-Mar. 1932, co, garage; 12 vol. binders, Apr. 1, 1933--, rm. 303. (134-137) 135. INDEX TO OFFICIAL BONDS, Mar. 1888--. 3 vols. (1-3). Index to Bonds (County Officials and Employees), entry 134, showing name of officeholder or employee, date bond filed, name of city, town, or other political subdivision in which official serves, and volume and page number of record. Arr. alph. by names of persons bonded. Hdw. on pr. fm. 175 pp. 18 x 12 x 2 Rm. 303. → 136. MISCELLANEOUS RECORD LOS ANGELES COUNTY, Jan. 1872-Oct. 1873. 1 vol. (dated). Transcripts of bonds in entry 134. Arr. chron. by dates bonds filed. No index. Hdw. 475 pp. (69 used) 18 x 13 x 2. Co. garage. Delinquent Taxes (DELINQUENT TAX LISTS), 1919, 1927-1930, 1932--. 14 vols. (dated). Delinquent tax lists published annually in the Los Angeles Daily Journal, showing assessment number, name of property owner, description of pro- perty, and amount of taxes due; attached are affidavits of publishers, showing date of publication of list, statement that list was published, acknowledgment of publisher's signature before notary public, affidavit of correctness of list of tax collector, and attestation by county clerk. Arr. num. by assessment nos. Indexed alph. by names of property owners. Fr. Aver. 200 pp. 21 x 17 x 23 8 vols., 1919, 1927-30, 1932-34, co. garage; 4 vols., 1935-38, rm. 9A, C. H.; 2 vols., 1939--, rm. 303. -83- : ' Corporation Division - Alien Land Owners; Elections; Inventories; Firearms 138. ALIEN LAND LAWS, REPORTS, Jan. 1921--. 4 f.b. (3 f.b. labeled by contained file nos.; 1 f.b. unlabeled). Alien Land Owners Reports of alien landowners, showing date and file number of report, name of alien, description of real property owned by alien, date property came into alien's possession or control, income and expenses on property for past year, signature of alien, acknowledgment of alien's signature by notary public, and date report filed. Arr. chron. by years and there- under num. by report file nos. No index. Typed. Aver. 10 x 4 3/4 x 14. 3 f.b., 1921-35, rm..9A, C, H.; 1 f.b., 1936--, rm. 303. > 141. Elections 139. ELECTION EXPENSE, 1925--. 2 f.b. (dated), 1 f.b. (unlabeled). Copies of itemized statements made by candidates, organizations, and committees, of campaign collections and expenditures, showing name of candidate and of office, or name of organization and party or measure which it supported or opposed, name of contributor with amount contribu- ted, total amount of contribution, amount expended for filing fees, print- ing, traveling, office and hall rent, speakers and musicians, challengers at polls, vote canvassers, clerks, transportation of infirm or disabled voters to polls, postage, telegraph, telephone, and miscellaneous ex- penses, total amount of expenditures, signature of candidate or of per- son responsible for disbursements, and notarization thereof, date state- ment filed; from 1932--, also shows statement file no., 1932--. Indexed alph. by name of candidates, organizations, and committees. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. F.b. 10 x 4 3/4 x 13; f.d. 10 x 42 x 13. F.b., 1925-31, rm. 9A, C. H.; f.d., 1932--, rm. 303. ་ : · Inventories (138-141) 140. INVENTORY OF PROPERTY OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, June 1927-- 172 vol. binders (dated), 2 bals. (dated), 6 bins (unlabeled). Prior record destroyed. Annual inventories of county personal property in the custody of marshals, public administrator, courts, public welfare commission, and telephone department, showing information as in entry 33. Arr. chron. by years. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 10 x 4 3/4 x 13. Rm. 9A, C. H. Firearms: : : : LICENSE TO CARRY CONCEALED FIREARMS, Sept. 1923-Apr. 1925. 89 vols. (labeled by contained license nos.).. Copies of licenses to carry concealed firearms issued to individuals by sheriff, showing license number, name, occupation, residence, business GOR 84 Corporation Division Miscellaneous D address, age, and physical description of licensee, type and caliber of weapon, name of maker, license number, reason for use of weapon, date license issued, signature of licensee, name of sheriff, and signature of issuing undersheriff. Arr. num. by license nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 50 pp. 9 x 6 x 3/8. Co. garage. 142. FIREARIS (Record of Sales), Sept. 1922-Mar. 1932. 1 f.b. Copies of dealers' reports of sales of revolvers and pistols, showing registration number, date of sale, name of firm and salesman, description, number, and caliber of weapon, name, address, age, and physical descrip- tion of purchaser, signature of purchaser and witnessing salesman, date report filed, signature of filing clerk, report file number. Arr. num. by report file noṣ. For index, see entry 143. Hdw. on pr. fm. 669 pp. 10 x 4 3/4 x 13. Rm. 9A, C. H. 143. FIREARMS INDEX, Sept. 1922-Mar. 1932. Index to Firearms (Record of Sales), entry 142, dealer's report file number, and in some cases, alph. Hdw. and typed. 90 pp. 10 x 6 x 2. Rn. 144. (142-146) Miscellaneous 1 vol. showing name of purchaser, the weapon number. Arr. 9A, C. H. MISCELLANEOUS (Documents), May 1879--. 30 f.b. (labeled by contained document nos.). Miscellaneous documents originating in State and county courts other than those of Los Angeles County, and documents of a miscellaneous nature filed with the county clerk which do not relate to case files, or are unclaimed by persons to whom issued. Some of the documents are affidavits for orders directing county clerk to issue subpenas for taking of de- positions of witnesses, orders directing issuance and affidavits of ser- vice of subpenas, abstracts of judgments, writs of execution and returns thereon for the collection of such judgments, citations issued by courts in matters other than regularly recorded civil and criminal actions, appointments of employees to county offices, memorial resolutions, certi- ficates issued to doctors, dentists, and registered nurses, lists of names of trustees of churches and other organizations, and papers relating to the organization of political party committees and conventions; documents show title thereof, file number, date and text of document, and date doc- ument filed. Arr. num. by document file nos. For índex, see entry 145. Hdw. and typed on pl. and pr. fm. Aver. 10 x 4 3/4 x 14. 17 f.b., May 1879-Dec. 1931, rm. 9A, C. H.; 13 f.b., Jan. 1932--, rm. 303. 145. INDEX TO MISCELLANEOUS FILE, May 1879--. 1 vol. Index to Miscellaneous (Documents), entry 144, showing title and file number of document. Arr. alph. by titles of documents. Hdw. 140 pp. 13 x 11 x 1. Rm. 303. 146. REGISTER OF DOCKED HORSES, Mar. 1907-Mar. 1930. 1 vol. (1). Register of docked horses, showing register number, name and address of horse owner, color, age, and size of horse, use to which horse put, W - 85 - Marriage License Division breeder's certificate number and date of registry. Arr. num. by register nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 385 pp. (13 used) 18 x 12 x 13/4. Rm. 303. 1 (147) 147. COUNTY REGISTER OF HUNTING LICENSES, June 1907-Nov. 1907. 1 vol. Register of hunting licenses issued by the county clerk, showing name, address, and physical description of licensee, amount of fee paid, date license issued, license number, and number of license tag. Arr. num. by license nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 pp. 18 x 18 x 12. Co. garage. IV. MARRIAGE LICENSE DIVISION It is the function of this division to receive and file applications for marriage licenses. If no legal objection exists, licenses are issued after the expiration of 3 days from the date of application. administration of this division demands that the clerks exercise dis- cretion and tact and be able to distinguish races and detect those who, because of youth or race, are not entitled to obtain a license to marry. The Servicemen and defense workers find it difficult to comply with the California 3-day law. In cases where one cannot appear, a special form is furnished permitting the applicant to sign the notice of intention before a notary, or ather officials authorized to administer oaths.1 The first act regulating marriages in California was passed by the legislature in 1850.2 It was the duty of every person having authority to join others in marriage to transmit a certificate of marriage to the county recorder. 3 With the adoption of the Civil Code in 1872, it became mandatory for all persons about to be joined in marriage to obtain a license from the county clerk.4 They must also obtain from the county clerk a certificate of registry, which must be filled out in his presence and filed with the county recorder by the person performing the ceremony.5 In 1939, an act was added to the Civil Code providing that any applicant, before obtaining a marriage license, must file with the 1 County Clerk, Annual Report, 1941-42, p. 10 2 Cal. Stats. 1850, ch. 140, sec. 8, p. 424, 3 Ibid. ch. 140, sec. 8, p. 425. 4 Civil Code, 1872, sec. 69, amended Cal. Stats. 1935, ch. 61, sec. 1, p. 398. 5 Cal. Stats. 1909, ch. 719, p. 1093, adding Civil Code, sec. 692. - 86 - Marriage License Division - county clerk a certificate from a duly licensed physician, showing that the applicant has been examined and given a standard serological test.1 It must be accompained by a statement from the person making the test, setting forth the name of the test, the date on which it was made, the name and address of the physician, and the name and address of the person whose blood was tested. 2 These statements are not open to public inspection. *** Any judge of the superior court is empowered, on joint appli- cation of both parties to a marriage, to waive the requirements as to medical examinations and laboratory tests and make an order to that effect 3which, with the certificate and forms, must be filed in the office of the county clerk.4 The marriage license division is located on the first floor of the Hall of Records, and functions through a division chief who receives a salary under the five-step rate of compensation plan, ranging from $155 to $186 per month, 5 and posts a bond of $1,000.6 123456 The records of this division are kept in the Hall of Records unless otherwise indicated. Note: Records showing location as rm. 9A, C. H. or co. garage, are now located in the Agricultural Building, 524 North Spring Street. 148. (148) Records APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSE TO MARRY, Jan. 1862-Nov. 28, 1923, Jan. 1927--. Approx. 700 vols. (46 vols. dated; 360 vols. labeled by vol. nos. and doted; 300 vols. unlabeled). Nov. 1923-Dec. 1926 in Marriage License Index, entry 149. Applications for licenses to marry, showing date application filed, application number, name, address, age and nativity of applicants, certificates of acknowledgment signed by an officer authorized to administer oath, date license issued, and signature of county clerk. Also contains: Consents to Juvenile Marriages, Jan. 1862-Nov. 27, 1923, Nov. 25, 1932--, entry 150. Arr. num. by application nos. No index, Jan. 1862-May 1877; for index June 1877-Nov. 27, 1923, Jan. 1927--, see entry 149. Hdw. and hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Aver. 700 pp. 10 x 9½ x 4. 300 vols., 1862-1923, co. garage; 400 vols. 1927--, rm.303. Ibid. sec. 79.07 Cal. Stats. 1939, ch. 382, p. 1716, adding Civil Code, sec. 79.01. Cal. Stats. 1939, ch. 382, p. 1716, adding Civil Code, sec. 79.02. Civil Code, sec. 79.06. 6 Supervisors' Bond Records. 5 Ordinance No. 4106, N. S., 1942-43. 87 Marriage License Division – 149. 150. (149-153) Cross-index to Applications for License to Marry, entry 148, and to Health Certificates, entry 161, showing date license issued, license number, name of bride and bridegroom, and volume and page number re- ference to applications in entry 148. Also contains: Applications for License to Marry, Nov. 1923-Dec. 1926, entry 148. Arr. alph. by names of brides and bridegrooms. Typed June 1877-Dec. 1927, 1940--; Pho- tostated Jan. 1928-Dec. 1939. Vols. aver. 600 pp. 18 x 13 x 3, vol. binders aver. 800 pp. 15 x 12 x 4; rotary stand frames 24 x 9 x 22. 20 vols. end ? vol. binders, June 1877-Dec. 1926, rm. 9A, C. H.; 7 vol. binders, Jan. 1927-Dec. 1939, rm. 103; rotary stands, Jan 1940--, rm. 103. MARRIAGE LICENSE INDEX, June 1877-. 20 vols. (unlabeled), 9 vol. binders (dated) 3 rotary stands (unlabeled). Subtitle; Men, June 1877-Dec. 1923, 10 vols.; Women, June 1877-Dec. 1923, 10 vols. Title varies slightly. 152. CONSENTS TO JUVENILE MARRIAGES, Nov. 30, 1923-Nov. 24, 1932. 15 f.d. (labeled by contained letters of alphabet). Jan. 1862-Nov. 27, 1923, Nov. 25, 1932--, in Application for License to Marry, entry 148. Affidavits of consent by parents or guardians to the marriage of minors, and of court orders sanctioning the marriage of male and female appli- cants under the respective ages of 18 and 16, showing name and age of minor, name of qualified persons giving consent, relationship to minor, notation of approval or court sanction to the marriage, and dated and signed attestation by notary. Arr. alph. by names of minors. No index. Hdw. and typed. Aver. 5 x 7 x 162. Aver. 5 x 7 x 162. Rm. 9A, C. H. 151. (HEALTH CERTIFICATES), Sept. 19, 1939--, 29 vol. binders. Health certificates filed by both male and female applicants for marriage licenses, showing applicent's age, residence, sex, and name, signed certificate by physician that standard blood test has been made and that in his opinion the person named is not infected with syphilis or if so it is not communicable to the marital partner. Arr. alph. by names of applicants examined. For index, see entry 149. Typed on pr. fm. 7½ x 9 x 4. 7½ x 9 x 4. Rm. 103. Aver. 600 pp. LIBRO 10 DE MATRIMONIOS (First Book of Marriages), Aug. 8, 1850-June 5, 1857. 1 vol. (dated). Record in Spanish of 22, and in English, of 2 marriage certificates copied from the parish records of the church of Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles, showing names, nativity and previous marital status of the contracting parties, dates of marriage, name of officiating priest or minister, and names of witnesses. Arr. chron. by dates of marriages. No index. Hdw. 40 (8 used), 13 x 9 x 4. Rm. 600. 153. CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE, MARRIAGE CONTRACTS, Jan. 1851-Nov. 14, 1854. 1 vol. Record of 11 marriages performed, showing date of entry, nemes of con- tracting parties, aste of marriage, birthplace of each party, their respective ages, names of witnesses and name of person performing the - 88 Branch Offices Division - for th · ceremony, notation of time and date certificate received, hour and date of recording certificate, and a statement that all but. 2 of the marriages were performed by Justices of the peace; first entry in Spanish, the rest in English. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Hdw. 300 pp. (11 used). Rm. 600. · B • 154. (REPORT OF FEÈS RECEIVED), 1939—— 19bdls. (dated). Duplicate copies of daily reports of fees received for marriage license applications, showing date of report, application number, names of applicants, number of applications received each day, and total amount of fees received. Arr. chron. by dates of reports. No Haw. Aver. 7 x 4 x 2. m. 103. 1. index. (153-156) 155. MARRIAGE LICENSE CASH RECEIPTS, Sept. 1939--. 29 bals. (dated). Prior record destroyed. Only current record kept. Triplicate copies of receipts issued in payment of marriage license fees, showing date of payment, serial number, designation of document issued, amount received, stamp imprint of payment with date receipt issued. Arr. Aver. 7 x 42 x 2, Rm. 103. 10 V. BRANCH OFFICES DIVISION My hus A 156. CASH BOOK (Marriage License Fees), Dec. 1919-Dec. 1923. 1 vol. (dated).: Daily record of interdepartmental transfer of marriage license feest collected by the marriage license. division and remitted to the account- ing division, showing accounting divisions receipt. number, date of receipt, marriage license and application number, total of daily fees remitted, and cashier's signature. Arr. chron. by dates of receipts. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 400 pp. 9 x 7 x 4. Rm. 9A, C, H. 1 County Clerk, Annual Report, 1941-42, p. 8. ་་་་་ Under the law, the county clerk is required to maintain branch offices in Long Beach, Pasadena, Santa Monica, and Pomona, in which cities there are branch departments of the superior court. These branch offices offer a complete service including the issuance of marriage licenses. ... The filing of actions in the branch offices is in duplicate, the original being kept in the main office at Los Angeles.. Inasmuch ⠀ as the original file only may be used at court hearings, daily messenger service is maintained. between the main office and the branches at Long Beach, Pasadena, and Santa Monica for the trans- porting of files, exhibits, and other records necessary in actions. on the daily calendar. Court is held, generally, only once a week in Pomona, at which time a court clerk is supplied from the main 1 office and the necessary records are transported. En - 89 Branch Offices Division The 1941 session of the State legislature provided for the estab- lishment of a department of the superior court in the city of Glendale.1 However, arrangements for court sessions and a branch office of the county clerk's office have not yet been made. Long Beach Branch The first branch office was established in Long Beach in 1926.2 The chief clerk in charge of the office receives a salary under the five-step rate of compensation plan, ranging from $240 to $288 a month, and posts a bond of $2,500. (Next entry 157, p. 90) The records of the office are kept in rooms 913-15, Jergins Trust Building, 100-120 East Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach. Pasadena Branch The Pasadena branch office was established in 1931.3 The clerk in charge of the office receives a salary under the five-step rate of compensation plan, ranging from $135 to $162 a month, and posts a bond of $1,000. + Pomona Branch The records of the office are kept in room 209, Hall of Justice, 142 North Broadway, Pasadena. The Pomona division of the superior court was established in 1933, but a clerk's branch office was not set up until 1935.4 He `receives a salary under the five-step rate of compensation plan, ranging from $125 to $150 a month, and posts a bond of $1,000. The records of this branch are kept in room 511, First National Bank Building, 315 West Second Street, Pomona. Santa Monica Branch The Santa Monica division of the superior court was established in 1935; and a corresponding branch of the clerk's office, in 1937.5 In 1940, the area served by this branch was extended to include Beverly Hills, Culver City, and West Los Angeles. The clerk in charge of this branch receives a salary under the five-step rate of com- pensation plan, ranging from $125 to $150 a month, and posts a bond of $1,000. The records of this branch are kept in room 1203, Bay Cities Building, 225 Santa Monica Boulevard, Santa Monica. 1 Cel. Stats, 1941, ch. 1247, sec. 1, p. 3128. 2 County Clerk, Annual Report, 1941-42, p. 23. 3 Ibid. p. 29 4 Ibid. p. 35 5 Ibid. p. 39 W - - 90 · Branch Offices - Long Beach { Notaries Marriages : :. Maps Long Beach 157. NOTARY PUBLIC, May 1937--. 20 f.d. (labeled alph. by contained letters of alphabet). Record of active notaries showing date and serial number of registration, dates of beginning and expiration of commission, name and address of notary, name of bonding company, and signature of notary. Arr. alph. by names of noteries. No index No index. Typed on pr. fm. Typed on pr. fm. Aver. 1 x 9 x 24. For original oaths see entry 123. Business Records (157-162) 158. RECORD (LICENSE APPLICANTS), Aug. 1929--. binders. Register of marriage license applications filed, showing date and file number of application, name, age, and address of applicant. Arr. chron. by dates of applications. No index. Hd Vols. aver. 152pp. 12 x 9 x ; vol. binders aver. 250 pp. 9 x 11 x 1. 1/2 11 4 vols., 7 vol. €449 159. (RECEIPTS FOR MARRIAGE LICENSES), Nov. 1938--. 1 carton. Receipts acknowledging that marriage license applicants have received their licenses, showing date and number of application, dete license issued, and signature of applicant. Arr chron. by dotes of application. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 12 x 19 x 32. 160. MAP OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, Apr. 1939. 1 map. Map of the districts of the county, showing names of members of the board of supervisors, the registrer of voters, and the county surveyor, boundaries of the county, cities and towns, and streets, highways, and railroads, the natural features, elevations, townships, sections, and ranges, the boundaries of judicial districts, and the name of each. Made and published by county surveyor at Los Angeles. Blue-line print. Scale: 1 in. equals 1 mile. 42 x 48. 161. RENIE'S METROPOLITAN MAP OF LOS ANGLES & ORANGE COUNTIES, Apr. 1932. 1 map. A topographical map of Los Angeles and Orange Counties, showing the boundaries' and names of counties, towns, and townships, the section and range lines and numbers, the mountain ranges, olevations, streets, roads, highways, and trails, the power lines, oil fields, bridges, airports, landing fields, aqueducts, dams and reservoirs, the harbors, docks, and landings. Made and published by American Surveyors at Los Angcles. Printed in color. Scale: 1 in. equals 5,000 ft. 72 x 144. A. 162. (ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS), 1938--. 1 vol., 1 bdl. Bulletins of instructions to divisional heads of the county clerk's office pertaining to office routine, showing serial file number and date -91- Branch Offices Pasadena BURG Arr. of bulletins, text of instructions, and name of county clerk. chron. by dates of bulletins. No index. Mimeographed, Vol. 50 pp. 11 x 9 x 1; bdl, 3 x 9 x 11. 163. (MONTHLY REPORT), 1926--. 1 vol. binder. Duplicates of monthly reports to county clerk of business done by this office, showing name of branch office, date of report, number of civil, divorce, domestic relations, and probate actions filed; number of civil, divorce and domestic relations, and probate actions transferred to Long Beach, number of marriage license applications received, and number of licenses issued; amount received for marriage license fees, and for general fees, total amount of all fees collected; comparison of number of actions filed and fees collected with same month of previous year, and name of chief clerk compiling report. Arr, chron. by dates of re- ports. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 185 pp. 11 x 93 x 11. : 164. LONG BEACH CASH, 1926--. 4 vols. (1-4, and dated). Record of fees transmitted daily to the main office, showing date and amount transmitted and total monthly transmittals. Arr. chron. by dates and transmittals. No index. Hdw. Aver. 175 pp. Aver. 175 pp. 9 x 5 x 1. Notaries I 165. (TRANSMITTAL RECEIPTS), Feb. 1935--. 75 receipt books. Duplicate receipts of funds transmitted, source from which each amount derived, and signature of recipient. Arr. num. by receipt nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 50 pp. 2 x 8 x . In carton. (163-168) Pasadena • 166. (ACTIVE NOTARIES), May 1937--, 1 f.b. Records of active notaries showing information as in entry 157. Arr. alph. by names of notaries. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 5 x 61 x 10. For original oaths, see entry 123. :. : Marriages 167. MARRIAGE LICENSE (Applications), Aug. 1931--. 9 vol. binders (dated). Register of applications filed and also of licenses issued, showing in- formation as in entry 158 and in addition date license delivered to applicant. Arr. num. by application nos. No index. Typed. Aver. 100 pp. 9 x 15 x 1. Business Records 168. (ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS), May 1934--. 1 letter file. Bulletins of instruction to divisional heads of the county clerk's office pertaining to office routine, showing information as in entry 162. Arr. chron. by dates of bulletins. No index. Mimeographed. 12 x 12 x 3. - 92. 1 Branch Offices - Pomona Notaries 169. (MONTHLY REPORT), Aug. 1931--, 1 vol. bindër. Duplicates of monthly reports to county clerk of business done by this. office, showing information as in entry 163. Also contains: Monthly reports on Domestic Relations Reports, July 1940--. domestic relations actions filed involving children, showing drte of report, number of actions filed involving children, number of cases not involving children, total number of actions filed, total number of children involved, and the name of chief clerk. Arr. chron. by detes of reports. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 125 pp. 11 x 9 x 11. / 170. L MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS, Doc. 1939-. 15 reccipt books. Only current record retained. Duplicate receipts of funds transmitted to main office, showing infor- mation as in entry 165. Arr. num. by receipt nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 1 Aver. 15 pp. 3 x 8 x . In bundle. Business Records 1 1 • 1 stack of cards. 171. (ACTIVE NOTARIES), May 1937--. Record of active noteries, showing information as in entry 157. Arr. alph. by names of noteries. No index. Typed on pr. fm, 4 %.6 For orginal oaths, see entry 123. X $ Marringes ! Pomona * (169-175) 172. MARRIAGE LICENSE RECORD, Nov. 1935--. 1 folder. Register of applications filed and also of licenses issued, showing information as in entry 167. Arr.num. by application nos. No index. Typed. 15 x 10 x • dat 4 A ! : : 173. ( ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS), Oct. 1935--. Approx. 250 docu- ments. Bulletins of instruction to divisional heads of the county clerk's office pertaining to office routine, showing information as in entry 162. Arr. chron. by dates of bulletins. No index. Mimeographed. 2 x 8½ x 11. F Oct. 1933--. Oct. 1933--. Approx. 90 documents. 1744 (MONTHLY REPORT), Duplicates of monthly reports to county clerk of business done by this office showing information as in entry 162. Arr. chron. by dates of reports. No index. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 3 x 1. 175. CASH, Sept. 1935--. 1 vol. Records of fees transmitted daily to the main office, showing information as in entry 164. Arr. chron. by antes of transmittals. No index. Hdw. 125 pp. 9 x 4½ x ½. + F ÿ's 11 Branch Offices - Santa Monica Notaries 176. (TRANSMITTAL RECEIPTS), Sept. 1935--. 29 receipt books. Duplicate receipts of funds transmitted daily to the main office, show- ing information as in entry 165. Arr. num. by receipt nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 50 pp. 21 x 8 x 1. In desk drawer. Business Records Arr. 177. (ACTIVE NOTARIES), May 1937--. 1 f.b. Records of active notaries, showing information as in entry 157. alph. by names of notaries. No index. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Typed on pr. fm. 5 x 63 x 10. For original oaths, see entry 123. (176-182) Santa Monica Marriages 5 vol. binders. 178. MARRIAGE LICENSE, Aug. 1937--. Register of applications filed, and also of licenses issued, showing information as in entry 167. Arr. chron. by dates of applications. No index. Typed. Aver. 60 pp. 8 x 11 x 1. 180. 179. (ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS), Apr. 1936--. 1 vol. binder. Bulletins of instruction issued to divisional heads of the county clerk's office pertaining to office routine, showing information as in entry 162. Arr. chron. by dates of bulletins. No index. Mimeographed. 100 pp. 11 x 9 x 1. STATISTICAL DAILY WORK SHEET (Reports), Aug. 1937--. 1 vol. binder. Subtitled: Santa Monica Branch of the Clerk's Office. Duplicates of monthly reports to county clerk of business done by this office, showing information as in entry 163. Arr. chron. by dates of reports. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Typed on pr. fm. 100 pp. 11 x 9 x 12. 182. 181. (CASH TRANSMITTED TO MAIN OFFICE), Aug. 27, 1936--. 2 vols. Record of fees transmitted to the main office, showing information as in entry 164 and in addition date of entry. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Hdw. Aver. 125 pp. 93 x 43 x 1 (TRANSMITTAL RECEIPTS), Apr. 1940--. 7 receipt books. current record retained. Duplicate receipts of funds transmitted to the main office, showing information as in entry 165. Arr. num. by receipt nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 50 pp. 3½ x 8 x 1; in file drawer 11½ x 16 x 24. Only - 94 VI. General civil proceedings, land registration matters, and various domestic relations cases are handled in the civil depart- ments of the superior court, and all records pertaining to the above matters are in the custody of the civil divisions of the county clerk's office. madam Originally one civil division of the county clerk's office has discharged all duties. The tremendous volume, scope and complexity of the work has necessitated the creation of two separate divisions, and so to facilitate the work, in 1940, the following two divisions civil filing and court clerk division - civil judgment and copying division -- have been set up, each under the supervision of a division chief. 1 2 (Next entry 183, p. 95) Civil Filing & Court Clerk Division This division handles the filing of all civil actions and proceedings; applications for Torrens Land Titles; the issuance of summonses and writs of attachment; the entry of proceedings in the register of actions; and the storage and safekeeping of all çivil files, exhibits, depositions, and similar records including older records of the administration, accounting, marriage license and probate divisions, and some of the older criminal records. In addition, until recently all records of adaption proceedings were handled by this division. It also has charge of the assignment of court clerks to the various civil departments of the superior court. CIVIL DIVISIONS The division is located on the fifth floor of the Hall of Records, and functions through a division chief who receives a salary under the five-step rate of compensation plan, ranging from $240 to $288 a month,2 and posts a. bond of $2,500.3 Civil Judgment & Copying Division This division handles the copying and entry, and has custody of all civil minutes, judgments and orders. It issues writs and abstracts of judgments, and prepares certified copies of civil papers and transcripts. In this division are kept the indexes of all civil cases by names of plaintiffs and defendants. 3 Supervisors' Bond Records. • · County Clerk, Annual Report, 1941-42, p. 9. Ordinance No. 4106, N. S., 1942-43. - 95 - Civil Divisions The photocopy work for the entire department is done in the civil judgment and copying division.ļ " The division is located on the fifth floor of the Hall of Records, and functions through a division chief who receives a salary under the five-step rate of compensation plan, ranging from $240 to $288 a month, 2 and posts a bond of $5,000.3 : The records of both civil divisions are kept in the Hall of Records unless otherwise indicated. IL. NOTE: Records showing location as room 9A, C. H. or co. garage are now located in the Agricultural Building, 524 North Spring Street. Indexes Index to plaintiffs in: : (183-184) 183. (TEMPORARY CURRENT INDEX), May 1940--. May 1940--. 4 rotary stands. Only current record retained. Card record of information used in the final preparation of Index to Plaintiffs, entry 184; Index to Defendants, entry 185; Index to Land Register Plaintiff and Defendant, entry 212; Divorce Judgment Index, entry 255; Civil Judgment Index, entry 265. entry 265. Cards show names of plaintiff and defendant, case number, date of filing, and book, page and line number of record volume. These cards are destroyed as soon as information is transcribed into the permanent index volume. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs or defendants. Typed on pr. fm. 24 x 9. Rm. 500. • } Civil Appeal and Misc. (Civil Bonds), 1884--, entry 277. 184. INDEX TO PLAINTIFFS, 1880--. Approx. 60 vols. (dated; 24 vols. also labeled 1-24 and 36 vols. also labeled by contained latters of alphabet), and approx. 50 documents (unlabeled). (Appeal Bonds), (Appeal Bonds), entry 283. 1 County Clerk, Annual Report, 1941-42. p. 9. 2 Ordinance No. 4106, N. S., 1942-43. 3 Supervisors' Bond Records. - 96 - Civil Division Indexes say (Civil Cases), entry 187, (Domestic Relations Cases), 1919--, entry 194, (185) Judgment Docket Civil, entry 257, L.A.D. (Los Angeles Divorce Appeal Bonds), 1919--, entry 278, (Long Beach Cases), 1927--, entry 195, L.B.C. (Long Beach Civil), 1926--, entry 190, Misc. (Miscellaneous Bonds), 1885-1917, entry 284, Pasadena C. (Pasadena Civil Cases), 1931--, entry 191, Pasadena D. (Divorce), Civil (Appeal Bonds), 1931--, entry 280, Pasd. D. (Pasadena Domestic Relations), 1931--, entry 196, Pomona (Bonds), 1933--, entry 281, Pomona Civil (Case Files), 1933, entry 192, Pomona D. (Domestic Relations), 1933--, entry 197, Register of Actions Civil, Los Angeles County, entry 200, Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Long Beach, entry 203, Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Odd Number, 1927--, entry 201, Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Pasadena, 1931--, entry 204, Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Pomona, 1933--, entry 205, Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Santa Monica, 1936--, entry 206, Register of Actions Divorce, Los Angeles County, 1919--, entry 207, Register of Actions Divorce, Superior Court, Long Beach, 1926--, entry 208, Register of Actions Divorce, Superior Court, Pasadena, 1931--, entry 209, Register of Actions Divorce, Superior Court, Pomona, 1933--, entry 210, Register of Actions Divorce, Superior Court, Santa Monica, 1936- entry 211, Register of Actions Superior Court, Attachments (Miscellaneous Civil Cases), 1886-1896, entry 202, Santa Monica (Bonds), 1936--, entry 282, (Santa Monica Civil Case Files), 1936--, entry 193, (Santa Monica Domestic Relation Cases), 1936--, entry 198, Shows names of plaintiff and defendant, case number, and date action filed; from 1920 Russell key-letter system is used and names of plain- tiff corporations are also shown. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Aver. 430 pp. 18 18 x 16 x 3. 16 x 3. Rm. 500. 185. INDEX TO DEFENDANTS, 1880--. Approx. 80 vols. (dated; 24 vols. also labeled 1-24), Index to defendants in: Civil Appeal and Misc. (Appeel Bonds), 1918--, entry 283, (Civil Bonds), 1884--, entry 277, (Civil Cases), entry 189, (Domestic Reletions Cases), 1919--, entry 184, Judgment Docket Civil, entry 257, L.A.D. (Los Angeles Divorce Appeal Bonds), 1919--, entry 278, (Long Beach Cases), 1927--, entry 195, L.B.C. (Long Beach Civil), 1926--, entry 190, Misc. (Miscellaneous Bonds). 1885-1917. entrv 284. gry J. ..... } Civil Division Indexes " > Pasd. C. (Pasadena Civil Cases), 1931--, entry 191, Pasadena D, (Divorce), Civil (Appeal Bonds), 1931--, entry 280, Pasd. D. (Pasadena Domestic Relations), 1931--, entry 196 Pomona (Bonds), 1933--, entry 281; Pomona Civil (Case Files), 1933--, entry 192, Pomona D. (Domestic Relations), 1933--, entry 197, Register of Actions Civil, Los Angeles County, entry 200, Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Long Beach, 1926--, entry 203 (186-188) > Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Odd Number, 1927--, entry 201, Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Pasadena, 1931--, entry 204, Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Pomona, 1933--, entry 205, Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Santa Monica, 1936, entry 206, Register of Actions Divorce, Los Angeles County, 1919--, entry 207, : Register of Actions Divorce, Superior Court, Long Beach, 1926--, entry 208, Register of Actions Divorce, Superior Court, Pasadena 1931--, entry 209, Register of Actions Divorce, Superior Court, Pomona, 1933--, entry 210, Register of Actions Divorce, Superior Court, Santa Monica, 1936--, entry 211, Register of Actions Superior Court, Attachments (Miscellaneous Civil Cases), 1886-1896, entry 202, Santa Monica' (Bond's), 1936--, entry 282, (Santa Monica Civil Case Files), 1936--, entry 193, (Santa Monica Domestic Relation Cases), 1936--, entry 198. Showing information as in entry 184. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Aver. 450 pp. 18 x 15 x 3 1/3. Rm. 500. 188. ! 1 vol. binder (dated). 186. ADOPTION INDEX, 1880-1920. Index to adoptions in (Civil Cases), entry 189, and to Adoptions, entry 411. Shows names of petitioner and child, case number, and date peti- tion filed. Arr. alph. by names of children. Typed on pr. fm. 250 pp. 14½ x 113 x 2. Rm. 500. 187. INDEX PLAINTIFFS (Civil Cases Tried Before Judges Sepulveda and Howard), 1880-89. 2 vols. (1, 2, and dated). Subtitled: Superior Court, Sepulveda, 1880-87, 1 vol.; Superior Court, Howard, 1887-89, 1 vol. Index to plaintiffs in (Civil Cases), entry 189, and in Register of Actions Civil, Los Angeles County, entry 200. Shows case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, and date complaint filed. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs. Hdw. on pr. fm. 250 pp. 18 x 13 x 2, Rm. 500. INDEX DEFENDANTS (Civil Cases Tried Before Judges Sepulveda and Howard), 1880-89, 2 vols. (1, 2, and dated). Subtitled: Superior Court, Sepulveda 1380-87, 1 vol.; Superior Court, Howard, 1887-89, 1 vol. Index to defendants in (Civil Cases), entry 189, and in Register of .7. G 98 - Civil Division Case Papers Quiet Civil Actions, Civil, Los Angeles County, entry 200. Shows case number, names of defendant and plaintiff, and date complaint was filed. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. Hdw. on pr. fm. 250 pp. 18 x 13 x 22. Rm. 500. Case. Papers (189-191) 189. (CIVIL CASES), 1880--. 5,702 f.b. and 3,074 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos. and dated). All documents, from initiating petition or complaint to final decree of judgment or dismissal, filed in civil cases, showing title of court and case, case number, date and text of document, and date document filed. Also contains: • Abstracts of Judgment, Jan. 1880-May 24, 1909, Nov. 2, 1918--, entry 262, Adoptions, Jan. 1880-Feb. 21, 1900, May 16, 1905-1935, entry 411, Criminal case Files, Jan. 1880-Mar 1887, entry 342, (Domestic Relations Cases), Jan. 1880-Feb. 1919, entry 194, (Juvenile Cases), Jan. 1880-May 3, 1903, entry 405, L.B.C. (Long Beach Civil), Jan. 1880-Jan. 13, 1926, entry 190; Pasa. C. (Pasadena Civil Cases), Jan. 1880-Aug. 20, 1931, entry 191, Pomona Civil (Case Files), Jan. 1880-Sept. 1933, entry 192; (Santa Monica Civil Case Files), Jan. 1880-Dec. 1935, entry 193. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entries 184, 187; for index to defendants, see entries 185, 188, also separate index to adoptions 1880-1920, entry 186. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. F.b. aver. 10 x 4 3/4 x 13; f.d. aver. 11½ x 16 x 27. 5,702 f.b. and 2,096 f.d., Jan. 1880-Nov. 1931, rm. 9A, C. H.; 457 f.d., Dec. 1931-Nov. 1935, rm. 600; 521 f.d., Dec. 1935--, rm. 500. 190. L. B. C. (Long Beach Civil), Jan. 14, 1926--. 87 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Jan. 1830-Jan. 13, 1926, in (Civil Cases), entry 189. All documents filed in civil cases before the Long Beach branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 189. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index, to defendants, see entry 185. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 16 x 24. 32 f.d., Jan. 14, 1926-Mar. 1931, rm. 9A, C. H.; 35 r.d., Apr. 1931-Dec. 1935, 6th fl. lobby; 20 f.d., Jan. 1936--, rm. 500. 191. PASD. C. (Pasadena Civil Cases), Aug. 21, 1931--. 12 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Jan. 1880-Aug. 20, 1931, in (Civil Cases), entry 189. All documents filed in civil cases before the Pasadena branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 189. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185, Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 17 x 28. 7 f.d., Aug. 1931-Nov. 1935, 6th fl. lobby; 5 f.d., Dec. 1935--, rm. 500. • .99 Civil Division- Case Papers 192. POMONA CIVIL (Case Files), Oct. 1933- 4 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Jan. 1880-Sept. 1933, in (Civil Cases), entry 189. All documents filed in civil cases before the Pomona branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 189. Arr. num. by case For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 17 x 28. Rm. 500. nos. ?· For duplicate file, see entry 322. Domestic Relations 193. (SANTA MONICA CIVIL CASE FILES), 1936--. 4 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). 1880-1935 in (Civil Cases), entry 189. All documents filed in civil cases before the Santa Monica branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 189. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 18-5. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 17 x 28. Rm. 500. For duplicate file, see entry 334.. 194. 195. (192-196) (DOMESTIC RELATIONS CASES), Mar. 1919--. 1,232 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Jan. 1880-Feb. 1919 in (Civil Cases), entry 189. : All documents, from initiating petition or complaint to final decree of judgment or dismissal, filed in domestic relations cases, showing title of court and case, case number, date and text to document, date document filed. Also contains: (Long Beach Cases), Mar. 1919-Nov. 1927, entry 195; Pasd. D. (Pasadena Domestic Relations), Mar. 1919-Oct. 18, 1931, entry 196; Pomona D (Domestic Relations), Mar. 1919-Oct. 18, 1933, entry 197; (Santa Monica Domestic Relations Cases), Mar, 1919-Jan. 5, 1936, entry 198. Arr. num. 'by case nos.. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 17 x 28. 710 f.d., Mar. 1919-July 1933, rm. 9A, C. H.; 185 f.d., July 1933-Oct. 1935, 6th fl. lobby; 337 f.d., Nov. 1935--, rm. 500. • 7 1 (LONG BEACH CASES), Dec. 1927--. 93 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Mar. 1919-Nov. 1927 in (Domestic Relations Cases) entry 194. All documents filed in domestic relations cases before the Long Beach branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 194. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 17 x 28. 8 f.d. Nov. 1927-Jan. 1928, rm. 9A, C. H.; 37 f.d., Jan. 1920-May 1935, 6th fl. lobby; 48 f.d., May 1935--, rm. 500. For duplicate file, see entry 301. 196. PASA. D. (Pasadena Domestic Relations), Aug. 19, 1931--. 12. f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Mar. 1919-Aug. 18, 1931 in (Domestic Relations Cases), entry 194. All documents 'filed in domestic relations cases before the Pasadena branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 194. Arr. num. by case nos. For ïndex to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, Pag 100 Civil Division W Registers see entry 185. Typed on pr. fm. July 1935, 6th fl. lobby; 7 f.d., For duplicate file, see entry 315. Land Registration 197. POMONA D. (Domestic Relations), Oct. 19, 1933--. 4 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Mar. 1919-Oct. 18, 1933 in (Domestic Relations Cases), entry 194. · All documents filed in domestic relations cases before the Pomona branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 193. Arr. num. by case nos. Fór index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 17 x 28. Rm. 500. For duplicate file, see entry 324. 198. Civil Cases 11 x 17 x 28. 5 f.d., Aug. 1931- July 1935--, rm. 500. (SANTA MONICA DOMESTIC RELATIONS CASES), Jan. 6, 1936--. 7 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Mar. 1919-Jan. 5, 1936 in (Domestic Relations Cases), entry 194. All documents filed in domestic relations cases before the Santa Monica branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 194. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 17 x 28. Rm. 500. For duplicate file, see entry 335. 200. (197-200) " 199. (LAND REGISTRATION CASES), 1909--, 37 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). All documents, from initiating petition to final disposition, filed in land registration cases, showing title and number of case, date and text of document, and date document filed. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 212. How. and typed on pr. fm. 11 x 17 x 28.6th fl. lobby. Registers J REGISTER OF ACTIONS CIVIL, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, 1880--, 288 vols. and 369 vol. binders (1-657 and labeled by contained case nos.). Register of civil cases, showing court department and case numbers, names of plaintiff and defendant and their attorneys, nature of action, and date and nature of each document filed and of steps taken in the action, date judgment rendered, and date of entry in judgment book. Also contains: Probate Register, Jan. 1880-Dec. 1892, entry 498, Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Long Beach, Jan. 1880- Jan. 13, 1926, entry 203, Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Odd Number, Jan. 1880- June 8, 1927, entry 201, Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Pasadena, Jan. 1880-Aug. 20, 1931, entry 204, game - 101 Civil Division Registers Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Pomona, Jan. 1880-Oct. 22, 1933, entry 205, 201. Register of Actions Civil, Superior Court, Santa Monica, Jan. 1880- Jan. 2, 1936, entry 206, Jan. Register of Actions, Land Titles, Jan. 1880-Dec. 1908, entry 213. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entries 184, 187, for index to defendants, see entries 185, 188. Hdw. on pr. fm. 1880-Dec. 1919; hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Jan. 1920--. Vols. aver. 600 pp. 18 x 12 x 4; vol. binders aver. 1,200 pp. 11 x 9 x 5. 214 vols., Jan. 1880-Mar. 1916, rm. 9A, C. H.; 74 vols., and 369 vol. binders, Apr. 1916--, rm. 500. 202. (201-204) 13 REGISTER OF ACTIONS CIVIL, SUPERIOR COURT, ODD NUMBER, June 9, 1927--. 3 vol. binders (1-3). Jan. 1880-June 8, 1927 in Register of Actions Civil, Los Angeles County, entry 200. Register of civil cases which require more than usual recording space, showing information as in entry 200. Arr. num. by case nos. Indexed alph. by names of plaintiffs and names of defendants; for separate index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for separate index to defendants, see entry 185. Hdw., typed and stamped on pr. fm. Aver. 1,200 pp. 11½ x ::: 9 x 4. Rm. 500. : REGISTER OF ACTIONS SUPERIOR COURT, ATTACHMENTS (Miscellaneous Civil Cases), Oct. 1886-Mar. 1896. 1 vol. (3 and dated). Register of miscellaneous civil cases, showing information as in entry 200. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Hdw. on pr. fm. 350 pp. 18 x 121 x 2. Co. garage. 203. REGISTER OF ACTIONS CIVIL SUPERIOR COURT, LONG BEACH, Jan. 14, 1926--. 10 vol. binders (1-10 and labeled by contained case nos.). Jan. 1880-Jan. 13, 1926 in Register of Actions Civil, ¿ Los Angeles County, entry 200. Register of civil cases, except domestic relations, before the Long Beach branch of the.superior court, showing information as in entry 200. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Aver. 1,000 pp. 11 x 9 x 5. Rm. 500. For domestic relations cases, see entries 207, 208. 204. REGISTER OF ACTIONS CIVIL, SUPERIOR COURT, PASADENA, Aug. 21, 1931--.. 2 vol. binders (1, 2, and labeled by contained case nos.). Jan. 1880-Aug. 20, 1931 in Register of Actions Civil, Los Angeles County, entry 200. Register of civil actions, except domestic relations, before the Pasadena branch of the superior court, showing: information as in entry 200. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Hdw. and typed, and stamped on pr. fm. Aver. 1,200 pp. 11 x 9 x 5. Rm. 500. For domestic relations cases, see entry 207, 209. • CATE 102 Civil Division - Registers 205. REGISTER OF ACTIONS CIVIL SUPERIOR COURT, POMONA, Oct. 23, 1933--. 1 vol. binder, Jan. 1880-Oct. 22, 1933 in Register of Actions Civil, Los Angeles County, entry 200. Register of civil actions, except domestic relations, before. the Pomona branch of the superior court, shoving information as in entry 200. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 1,000 pp. 11 x 9 x 5. Rm. 500. · : For domestic relations cases, see entries 207, 210. 206. 207. 4 (205-208) REGISTER OF ACTIONS CIVIL, SUPERIOR COURT, SANTA MONICA, Jan. 3, 1936--. 1 vol. binder (labeled by contained case nos.). Jan. 1880-Jan. 2, 1936 in Register of Actions Civil, Los Angeles County, entry 200. Register of civil actions, except domestic relations, before the Santa Monica branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 200. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Hdw., typed and stamped on pr. fm. 1,000 pp. 11 x 9 x 5. Rm. 500. For domestic relations cases, see entries, 207, 211. REGISTER OF ACTIONS DIVORCE, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, Mar. 1919--. 10 vols. (1-10 and 1 vol. dated), 187 vol. binders (10-196 and labeled by contained case nos.). Register of divorce and domestic relations cases, showing names of plain- tiff and defendant and their attorneys, case number, date action filed, nature of each document filed and of each step taken in the action and dates thereof, volume and page number of judgment book in which decree is filed, and department number of court in which case was tried. Also contains: Register of actions Divorce, Superior Court, Long Beach, Mar. 1919-Jan. 12, 1926, entry 208; Register of Actions Divorce, Superior Court, Pasadena, Mar. 1919-Aug. 18, 1931, entry 209; Register of Actions Divorce, Superior Court, Pomona, Mar. 1919-Oct. 18, 1933, entry 210; Register of Actions Divorce, Superior Court, Santa Monica, Mar. 1919- Dec. 1935, entry 211, Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Vols. over. 600 pp. 18 x 12 x 3; vol. binders 1,200 pp. 11 x 9 x 5. 10 vols., Mar. 1919-Dec. 1920, rm. 9A, C. H.; 187 vol. binders, Jan. 1921--, rm. 500. • t 208. REGISTER OF ACTIONS DIVORCE, SUPERIOR COURT, LONG BEACH, Jan. 13, 1926--. 16 vol. binders (1-16 and labeled by contained case nos.). Mar. 1919-Jan 12, 1926 in Register of Actions Divorce, Los Angeles County, entry 207." Register of divorce and domestic relation cases before the Long Beach branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 207. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index, to defendents, see entry 185. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Aver. 1,000 pp. 11 x 9 x 5. Rm. 500. - 103 Civil Division Registers 209. REGISTER OF ACTIONS DIVORCE, SUPERIOR COURT, PASADENA, Aug. 19, 1931--. 2 vol. binders (1, 2, and labeled by contained case nos.). Mar. 1919-Aug. 18, 1931 in Register of Actions Divorce, Los Angeles County, entry 207. Register of divorce and domestic relations cases before the Pasadena branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 207. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Aver. :1,000 pp. 11 x 9 x 5. Rm. 500. 210. 1 211. ter of Actions Divorce, Los Angeles County, entry 207. Register of divorce and domestic relation cases before the Pomona branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 207. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defend- ants, see entry 185. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 1,000 pp. 11 x 9 x 5. Rm. 500. REGISTER OF ACTIONS DIVORCE, SUPERIOR COURT, POMONA, Oct. 19,.. 1933--. 1 vol. binder (1). Mar. 1919-Oct. 18, 1933 in Regis- Land Registration : Register of divorce and domestic relation cases before the Santa Monica branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 207. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Hdw.and typed on pr. fm. Aver..1;000 pp. 11 x 9 x 4. Rm. 500. . 213. (209-214) REGISTER OF ACTIONS DIVORCE, SUPERIOR COURT, SANTA MONICA, Jan. 1936--. 2 vol. binders (1, 2, and labeled by contained case nos., and dated). Mar. 1919-1935 in Register of Actions Divorce, Los Angeles County, entry 207. · .: * .212. INDEX TO LAND REGISTER PLAINTIFF AND DEFENDANT, 1909--. 2 vols. (anted)... Index to (Land Registration Cases), entry 199; Land Titles, entry 213;.. and to Land Registration Docket; shows case number, names. of petitioners and contestant, date complaint filed, serial number of land registration, and volume and page number of record. Arr. alph. by names of petitioners. Hdw. on pr. fm. 1909-26; typed on pr. fm. 1927--. Vol. 400 pp. 18 x 12 x 23; rotary stand, 24 x 9; folder, 18 x 16 x 1. Rm. 500. REGISTER OF ACTIONS, LAND TITLE, 1909--. 3 vol. binders (1-3 and labeled by contained case nos.). 1880-1908 in Register of Actions Civil, Los Angeles County, entry 200. Register of proceedings in land registration cases, showing information as in entry 200; information from Jan. 1909-Apr. 5, 1927, transcribed from Land Registration Docket, entry 124. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 212. Hdw., typed and stamped on pr. fm. Aver. 800 pp. 11 x 9 x 4. Rm. 500. 214. LAND REGISTRATION DOCKET, Jan. 1909-Apr. 5, 1927. 2 vols. (1, 2, and dated). Register of land registration cases, showing information as in entry 200. Arr. num. by land title registration nos. For index, see entry 212. Hdw. Aver. 300 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. garage. 104 Civil Division Minutes Minutes (215-218) 215. MINUTES AND, ORDERS SUPERIOR COURT, CIVIL, 1880-. 680 vols. (labeled by vol. and court department nos. and dated). varies slightly. Title Final minutes of all hearings and trials in civil cases, and in natural- ization proceedings, showing date of court session, hour court convened, department number, names of presiding judge, deputy clerk, deputy sheriff assigned as bailiff, and court reporter, case title and number, names of plaintiff and defendant and their attorneys, date and nature of every step taken in the action, certification by the county clerk Arr. chron. by dates of sessions. Indexed alph. by case titles, Apr. 11, 1887-Jan. 1889, July 8, 1890-Feb. 4, 1904, Feb. 20, 1905-Nov. 9, 1908; no index, Jan. 1880-Apr. 10, 1887, Feb. 1889-July 7, 1890, Feb. 5, 1904- Feb. 19, 1905, Nov. 10, 1908-, for index to naturalizations, Jan. 1880- Apr. 1893, see entry 2$7. Hdw. and typed Jan. 1880-Sept. 1921; typed Oct. 1921-~. Avur. 450 pp. 18 x 12 x 22. 316 vols., Jan. 1880-Dec. 1921, co. garage; 65 vols., Jan. 1922-June 1926, rm. 9A, C. H.; 299 vols., July 1926--, rm. 500. : 216. MINUTES (all Departments), 1940--. 2 file cabinets. Only current record retained. Rough minutes of all court hearings and trials in all departments and branch courts used in the preparation of Minutes and orders Superior Court, Civil, entry 215. Minutes show date of proceeding, court depart- ment number, date and hour court convened, names of judge, court clerk, end deputy sheriff's bailliffs number, nature and title of case, names of attorneys for litigants, name of reporter and time devoted to case by him, notation as to whether jury present, names of witnesses and by which party called, list of exhibits, findings of jury, nature of judg- ment or other disposition of the case, and signature of presiding judge. Arr. chron. by dates of proceedings and thereunder num. by court dept. nos. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 30 x 22 x 21. Rm. 500. 217. (CLERK'S ROUGH MINUTES DEPT. 22), Aug. 1929--. 1 vol. binder. A digest of mandamus, prohibitions, certiorari, injunction, and habeas corpus proceedings in department 22 of the superior court, showing date of court session, title of court,. names of judge, deputy clerk, and deputy sheriff, names of plaintiff and defendant and of their attorneys, notation of the nature of the proceedings and each step taken by the court. Arr. chron. by dates of sessions. No index. Haw. on pr. fm. 1,000-pp. 12 x 10 x 4. Rm. 1605, C. H. 218. SUBMITTED CASES (DEPARTMENT) 22, Sept. 1929--. 1 vol. Minutes of submitted cases heard in department 22, including writs of prohibition, mandamus, certiorari, injunction, habeas corpus, and other extraordinary proceedings, in which hearings have been held and decisions and judgments deferred pending further consideration. Minutes show title of court, case title and number, nature of action, date of order for sub- mission, date of decision and of mailing of petition for rehearing to - 105 Civil Division - Depositions attorneys and names of attorneys. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Civil Cases. 219. ROUGH MINUTES, EXTRA SESSION NO. 1, Jan. 1914-Apr. 1916. 4 vols. (dated). Rough minutes of cases heard in extra sessions of court, showing case number, names of plaintiff and defendant and of their attorneys, nature of action, date set for hearing, and disposition of case. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Hdw. Aver. 200 pp. 15 x 10 x 1. Co. garage. ! (219-223) Arr. chron. by dates of submission. 100 pp. 10 x 13 x. Rm. 1605, C. H. 220. DEPN. (Depositions), 1880--. 2 cartons, and 4 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.), 155 bins (18 bins labeled by bịn nos. 1A-5A, 1B-3B, 20-24, 27-31; 137 bins labeled by contained case nos.). 221. Depositions 222. Depositions filed in civil cases, showing title of court and case, case number, signature and address of deponent and nature of his testimony,.. names of attorneys, and notaries' certificates of acknowledgment. Also contains: Depn. All Branches, L. R. (Land Record) Civil 1880-1908, entry 223; Depn. D. (Depositions Divorce), Jan. 1880-Mar. 1919, entry 227. Arr. num. by,case nos. by case nos. No index, 1880-1912; for index 1913--, see entry 221. Typed. Cartons 12 x 16 x 22; bins 11 x 22 x 24; f.d. 12 x 17 x 27. 2 cartons, 1880-1913, co. garage; 145 bins, 1913-36, rm. 9A, C. H., 10 bins and 4 f.d., 1936--, rm. 600. (INDEX TO DEPOSITIONS), 1913--. 28 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Index to Depn. (Depositions), entry 220, showing number, and title of case, date deposition filed, where deposition is located, and name of deponent. Arr. num. by case nos. Hdw. on pr. fm. 5 x 6 x 16.. Rm. 600. INDEX TO L. R. (Land Record) AND OTHER CIVIL DEPOSITIONS, 1909--. 1 f.d. Index to Depn. All Branches, L. R. (Land Record) Civil, entry 223, and to Long Beach Civil, Jan. 1925-Sept. 1925, entry 223. Index shows number and title of case, name of branch court, date deposition filed, where deposition is located, and name of deponent. Arr. alph. by titles of cases and name of branch courts and thereunder num. by case nos. on pr. fm. 5 x 6 x 16. Rm. 600. Hdw. 223. DEPN. (Depositions) ALL BRANCHES, L. R. (Land Record). ČIVIL, 1909- 1 f.d. 1880-1908 in. Depn. (Depositions), entry 220. Depositions taken in land record cases heard in all superior courts of the county; also depositions in other civil cases in the branch superior courts at Pasadena for 1931--, Pomona 1933--, and Santa Monica 1936--. Depositions show information as in entry 220. Also contains: Long Beach Civil, Oct. 1935--, entry 224. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 222. Typed. 12 x 16 x 27. Rm. 600. 106- Civil Division - Exhibits 224. + Depositions filed in civil cases before the Long Beach branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 220. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 222. Typed. 13 x 16 x 27. Rn. 9A, C. H. Divorce Cases 227. LONG BEACH CIVIL, Jan. 1925-Sept. 1935. 5 bins (labeled by contained case nos.). Oct. 1935-- in Depn. All Branches, L. R. (Land Record) Civil, entry 223. 225. (INDEX TO DEPOSITIONS IN DIVORCE CASES), Mar. 1919--. 4 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Index to depositions in Los Angdes divorce actions and filed in Depn. D. (Depositions Divorce), entry 227, showing number and title of case, date deposition filed, where deposition located, and name of deponent. Arr. num. by case nos. Hdw. on pr. fm. 5 x 6 x 16. Rm. 600. ? 226. (Index) BRCH. DIVN. (Branch Division), 1931--. 1 f.d. Index to branch court depositions in Depn. D. (Depositions Divorce), entry 227, and to Depn. (Depositions) L.B.D. (Long Beach Divorce), entry 228. Shows information as in entry 225, and in addition name of branch court. Arr. alph. by names of branch courts and thereunder num. by case nos. Hdw. on pr. fm. 5 x 6 x 16. Rm. 600 (224-229) 229. DEPN. D. (Depositions Divorce), Apr. 1919--. 16 bins, 3 f.a. (labeled by contained case nos.). Title 'varies slightly. Jan. 1880-Mar. 1919 in Depn. (Depositions), entry 220. Depositions filed in divorce cases in Los Angeles and all branch courts, showing information as in entry 220. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to Los Angeles depositions, see entry 225; for index to branch court depositions 1931--, sce entry 226. Typed. Bin 11 x 22 x 24; f.d. 12 x 17 x 26. 16 bins, Apr. 1919-June 1936, rm. 9A. C. H.; 3 f.d., July 1936--, rm. 600. + 228. DEPN. (Depositions), L.B.D. (Long Beach Divorce), 1927--. 1 bin (labeled by contained case nos.). 1 f.d. (unlabeled). Depositions filed in divorce cases before the Long Beach branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 220. Arr. num. by case No index, 1927-30; for index 1931--, see entry, 226. Typed. Bin 11 x 22 x 24; f.d., 12 x 17 x 26. Bin, 1927-32, rm. 9A, C. H.; f.a., 1933--, rm. 600. nos. Exhibits RECEIPT FOR EXHIBITS, Mar. 1935--. 115 vol. binders (labeled by contained exhibit nos.). Court and file clerk's receipts covering transfer of exhibits from time of their introduction at hearing or trial of civil cese to their final disposition, the original receipt accompanies exhibit at all times, duplicate is filed in case files, and the quadruplicate remains in pos- session of the court and file clerks. Receipts show number, title of - 107¸´ - Civil Division Exhibits * 230. court, case number, number of sheets of receipt form used, date receipt issued, name of clerk from whom exhibit received and number of depart- ment, description of exhibit, owner by designation of plaintiff or de- fendant, exhibit number, date of withdrawal, signature of recipient, and signature of county clerk. Arr. num. by exhibit nos. For indexes, see. entries 230-235. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 500 pp. 8 x 12 x 1. 50 vol. binders, Mar. 1933-Feb. 4, 1936, co. garage; 65 vol. binders, Feb. 5, 1936--, rm. 600. 1 (230-234) (INDEX TO EXHIBITS IN CIVIL CASES), 1850--. 55 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.), and duplicate set of 4 f.d., 1880-- (unlabeled) and 4 duplicate vols. 1902-30 (unlabeled). Index to Receipts for Exhibits, entry 229, and to location of exhibits used in civil trials and retained by county clerk pending return to owner or other disposition by court, showing case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, exhibit receipt number, location of exhibit, date exhibit was filed, and description of exhibit. Also contains: Odd and Misc. Index 1850-1908, entry 233; (Index to Exhibits in Divorce Cases), Jan. 1850-Feb. 1919, entry 234. Arr. num. by case nos. Hdw. on pr. fm. Vols. aver, 200 pp. 18 x 12 x 1; f.d. 5 x 6 x 16. 66 f.d., 1850--, and 4 vols. 1902-30, rm. 600; 4 duplicate f.d., 1880--, rm. 9A, C. H. 234. Ag 231. (INDEX TO EXHIBITS IN LONG BEACH CIVIL CASES), 1925--. 3 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). : Index to Receipt for Exhibits, Mar. 1933, entry 229, and to location of exhibits filed in civil cases at Long Beach, showing information as in entry 230. Arr. num. by case nos. Hdw. on pr. fm. 5 x 6 x 16. Rm..600. 232. PASADENA, POMONA, SANTA MONICA, CIVIL (Index to Exhibits in Civil Cases), 1931--. 1 f.d. Index to location of exhibits filed in civil cases at Pasadena, Pomona, and Santa Monica, showing information as in entry 230. Arr. alph. by names of branch courts and thereunder num. by case nos. Hdw. on pr. fm 5 x 6 x 16. Rm. 600. 233. ODD AND MISC. INDEX, 1909--. 1 f.d. 1850-1908 in (Index to Exhibits in Civil Cases), entry.230.. Index to Receipt for Exhibits, Mar. 1933, entry 229, to location of ex- hibits filed in land record.cases in all superior courts, and to miscel- laneous exhibits in divorce cases at Pasadena, Pomona, and Santa Monica, showing information as in entry 230. Arr. num. by case nos. Hdw. on pr. fm. 5 x 6 x 16. Rm. 600. (INDEX TO EXHIBITS IN DIVORCE CASES), Mar. 1919--. 26 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Jan. 1850-Feb. 1919 in (Index to Exhibits in Civil Cases); entry 230. * Index to Receipt for Exhibits, Mar. 1933, entry 229, and to location of exhibits filed in divorce cases heard at Los Angeles and all branch courts, showing information as in entry 230. Also contains: (Index to Exhibits in Long Beach Divorce Cases), Mar. 1919-Dec. 1926, entry 235. Arr. num. by case nos. Hdw. on pr. fm. 5 x 6 x 16. Rm. 600. (the 108™ - Civil Division Calendars wdr 4 235. (INDEX TO EXHIBITS IN LONG BEACH DIVORCE CASES), 1927--. f.d. (labeled by contained case hos.). Mar. 1919-Dec. 1926 in (Index to Exhibits in Divorce Cases), entry 234. Index to Receipt for Exhibits, Mar. 1933, entry 229, and to location of exhibits filed in divorce cases at Long Beach, showing information as in entrý 230. · Arr. num. by case nos. Hdw. on pr. fm. 5 x 5 x 16. Rm. 600. Calendars 236.``MEMORANDUM FOR SETTING FOR TRIAL, May 1940--. 9 vol. binders (dated). Subtitled: Jury, May-July 1940, 3 vol. binders; Non- jury, May-July 1940, 3 vol. binders; Divorce, May-July 1940, 3 vol. binders. Memoranda of information used in the preparation of the master trial calendar, entry 237, showing title of court, number of title of case, names of attorneys for litigants, signed request by attorney that case be set for trial, nature of action, whether jury demanded, time necessary for trial, whether case entitled to preference in setting and if so en- titled citation of code section applicable thereto, acknowledgment or affidavit of service of copy of memorandum upon attorney for opposing party, and notation by clerk of date set for appearance on the trial calendars. After the case is set upon the master trial calendar this memorandum is filed in civil case files, entry 189. Arr. chron. by ! dates set for trials. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Typed on pr. fm. Aver. 100 pp. 14 x 9x3/4 Rm. 802. 4 · (235-239) ་ • 237. TRIAL CALENDAR (Master Civil Calendar), 1939--. 18 vol. binders (dated). 1 Lists of civil cases assigned, by the presiding judge, to the various court departments for hearing or trial, showing names of presiding judge, clerk, and bailiff or deputy sheriff, number and title of case and nature of action, title of calendar on which case listed for trial, list of: documents to be used, whether jury or nonjury, or if a continued case, date set for continuance, date case went off the calendar, date of hear- ing, or trial with number of department to which sent, and name of trial judge. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Typed on pr. fm.. Aver. 150 pp. 14 x 9 x 1. Rm.. 802. · .. 238. SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS CALENDAR, 1939--. 18 vol. binders (dated). Lists of special proceedings set for hearing, showing date of calendar, names of judge and clerk of court, title, number and nature of proceeding, date and hour of hearing, and name of presiding judge or commissioner. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Aver. 75 pp. 14 x 9 x Rm. 802.. 2 ! 239. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CALENDAR, July 1939-. 12 vol. binders (dated). 1 Lists of motions and orders to show cause in civil and criminal cases set for hearing, showing information as in entry 238. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Aver. 50 pp: 14 x 9 x 1/2 20th fl., C. H. - 109 - Civil Division Calendars t 3 vol. binders (dated). 240. CIVIL DEFAULT CALENDAR, 1938-- Lists of cases set for hearings at the regular biweekly sessions of the default department, showing date of calendar, number and title of case, date and hour of hearing, nature of action, and list of exhibits. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Aver. 1,000 pp. 14 x 9 x 21. Rm. 802. (240-245) 241. LAW AND MOTION CALENDAR, July 1939--. Approx. 200 documents. Copies of law and motion calendars, the original of which goes to the presiding judge and one copy to the Los Angeles Daily Journal for publi- cation, showing information as in entry 238. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index.. Typed on pr. fm. Rm. 500. 243. 242. DOMESTIC RELATIONS CALENDAR, 1940--. 7 vol. binders (dated). Lists of hearings on orders to show cause and on writs of habeas corpus arising out of divorce, annulment of marriage, separate maintenance or support, custody of children and similar matters, showing information as in entry 238. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Aver. 50 pp. 14 x 9 x. 10th fl., C. H. S CHILDREN'S COURT OF CONCILIATION DOCKET, Sept. 1939--. 1 vol. binder (dated). Lists of hearings in divorce, annulment, or separate maintenance cases, coming before the children's court of conciliation, showing case number, names of parties to the action, number of children, date and hour of hearing, name of judge before whom matter heard, and his disposition of the hearing. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Typed. 200 pp. 14 x 9 x 1. 13th fi., C. H. 245. 244. CLERK'S (Extra Sessions Calendar), Feb. 1915-Dec. 1916. 1 vol. binder. Subtitled. Extra Court Session Number Eleven, Feb. 1915-Apr. 1915; Extra Court Session Number One, May 1915-Feb. 1916. ¿ Lists of civil cases heard at extrà session of court, showing number of court department, date of hearing, case number, names of plaintiff and defendant and their attorneys, notations of attorneys' motions and dis position thereof, and record of court costs. Arr. chron. by dates of hear- ings. fyped. No index. 100 pp. 14 x 8 x 3/4. Rm. 9A, C. H. LAW AND MOTION CALENDAR, DEPT. 2, 1892-1900. 3 vols. (2-4 and dated). Subtitled: W. H. Clark, Judge. List of preliminary and routine hearings in civil, probate, divorce, bankruptcy, and criminal actions, showing names of plaintiff and defendant and their attorneys, nature of case, date of hearing, notation of action taken at the hearing, and nature and date of court orders. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Hdw. . on pr. fm. Aver. 320 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. garage. G ::. - 110 Civil Division Jury Ca Lists and. Orders 246. GRAND JURY LIST, 1905- 32 vol. binders, 3 unbound orders. Lists of persons selected as jurors and orders appointing grand jurors for each calendar year, showing title of court, dates of list, order, and date of trial, numbers of jurors required, name and address of selected jurors, signatures of a concurring majority of superior court judges, date filed and signature of county clerk. Arr. alph. by names of jurors. No index. Typed. Vol. binders aver. 20 pp. 10 x 12 x = 31 vol. binders and 3 unbound orders 1905-39, có. garage; 1 vol. binder, 1940--, rm. 600. 1. • ii. :: 247.· PETIT JURY LIST, 1903, 1908--. 66 vol. binders (dated) Title varies: Term Trial Jury List, 1931, 1 vol. binder. Subtitled: Los Angeles, 1903, 1908--, 39 vol. binders; Long Beach, 1931, 13 vol. binders; Pomona, 1935--, 9 vol. binders; Santa Monica, 1936--, 5 vol. binders. iii. Jury Lists of persons selected as petit jurors and orders appointing them for each calendar year, showing information as in entry 246. Arr, alph. by names of jurors. No index. Typed. Aver. 20 pp. 10 x 12 x 1½ 62 vol binders, 1903, 1908–39, có garage; 4 vol, binders, 1940, rm. 600. • 248. CIVIL TRIALS, 1936--. 1 f.b. (5) Lists of names of persons accepted for jury service in civil trials, showing information as in entry 248. Arr. chron. by dates of trials. No index. Haw. 4 x 5 x 16. Rm. 318. 249. 1 f.d. (CIVIL JUROR PANEL), 1938- Lists of persons summoned to appear for selections jurors in civil cases, showing name and address of each prospective juror, and dated signature of county clerk. Also contains: (246-250) i. Jury Drawings. Minutes and orders on each drawing of the jury showing name, location, and department number of court, date of minutes and orders, names of judge, deputy clerk and sheriff, names of jurors, and whether accepted, reassigned or failed to appear. U • Juror's Mileage. Mileage list of jurors on regular panel, showing name and address of juror entitled to mileage, date service of juror begen, distance in miles from juror's resi- dence to court, and total monthly mileage accruing to each juror. " .: Sheriff's Certifications. Duplicate copies of sheriffs' certi- fication of service of summons upon jurors, showing name and address of prospective juror, whether accepted, excused, re- assigned or failed to appear, date of certification of summons, name, location and department number of court, and name of judge presiding. No obvious arr. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 16 x 12 x 24. Rm 818. 250. (CIVIL JURORS' PERSONAL RECORD) 1939--, in Criminal and Civil (Jurors' Personal Record), entry 368. Record of all persons selected for jury duty in civil cases. I giv 111 Civil Division Judgments 253. : : Indexes 255. 251, JURY BOOK, Mar. 1885-Aug. 1889, Oct. 1905-Dec. 1916. 3 vols. (1, 8, 9, and dated). Roster of regular, special, extrasession,, and grand jurors, showing name of juror, date of court or jury session, dates served, number of miles traveled, amount of mileage, and total amount due each juror. Arr. chron. by dates of court or jury sessions. No index. Haw. on pr. fm. Aver. 200 pp. 18 x 12 x 3/4. 2 vols., Mar. 1885-Aug 1889, June 1906-Dec. 1916, co. garage; 1 vol., Oct. 1905-Apr. 1915, rm. 600: Time and Pay Roll .. 252. JURY TICKETS, 1935--. 3 f.d. (dated). મ Jury tickets from which civil jurors' time cards, entry 253, are made; showing juror's name and address, amount of mileage, dates of service, name of court clerk, department number of superior court, whether or not juror duly sworn; and notation of acceptance or rejection for specific case. No obvious arr. No index. Haw. and typed on pr. fm. 12 x 16 x 24: Rm. 818. 2 (TIME CARDS), 1934--. 2 kardex f.d., 14 f.d. (labeled by con- tained letters of alphabet). 2. Record of jury fees and mileage due persons serving on civil juries, showing name, address, occupation, and telephone number of juror, num- ber of miles from juror's residence to court, number of days served, amount of fees and mileage, and total amount due juror. Arr. ålph. by names of jurors. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. F.d. 8 x 12 x 24; f.b. 6 x 8 x 12. Rm. 818. f! .. 254. CIVIL JURY PAY ROLL AND REPORT, 1936--. 1 f.d, (dated), i box (unlabeled). Monthly pay rolls and report on civil jurors serving for current month, showing department number of court, day of pay roll and report, auditor's warrant number, date warrant issued, fund debited, name and address of juror, date of service and accrued mileage, number of days served, mileage to and from railroad, number of trips, total number of days served, and total amount of money due each juror. Arr. chron. by dates of pay rolls and reports. No index. Typed on pr. fm. F.d. 12 x 16 x 24; box 18 x 18 x 20. Rm. 818. : (251-255) Judgments • DIVORCE JUDGMENT INDEX, 1914-38. 5 vols. (3 vols. labeled 1, 2, B, and dated; 1 vol. labeled by contained letters of alphabet and dated; 1 vol. unlabeled), 6 vol. Binders (labeled by contained letters of alphabet and dated). Index to divorce judgments recorded în Judgment Docket Civil, entry 257, and in Judgment Book, entry 258. Shows name of person granted judgment case number, date complaint filed, and volume and page number of record. Arr. alph. by names of persons granted judgments. Hdw. and typed on pr. 112 - · Civil Division Judgments - (256-259) fm. 4 vols. and 6 vol. binders aver. 500 pp. 16 x 11 x 3; 1 vol. 1,000 pp. 18 x 16 x 6. 2 vol., 1914-19, co. garage; 3 vols., 1914-29, end 6 vol. binders, 1929-38, rm. 500. 256. CIVIL JUDGMENT INDEX, 1921-38. 2 vols., 8 vol. binders (labeled by contained letters of alphabet and dated ). Index to defendants in Judgment Docket Civil, entry 257, and in Judgment Book, entry 258. Index shows name of defendant, date of complaint, and volume and page number of record. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. Typed on pr. fm. Aver. 500 pp. 18 x 16 x 4. Rm. 500. Dookets 257. JUDGMENT DOCKET CIVIL, 1880--. 88 vols. (labeled by vol. nos. and dated). Title varies slightly. Record of the award and execution of judgments in civil and domestic relations cases, showing date of entry, names of judgment debtor and creditor, case number, itemized and total amount of judgment, date judg- ment entered, date of appeal if any, and judgment of appellate court, date writ of execution issued and served, amount of costs, date and nature of each step taken from award to satisfaction of judgment, and volume and page number of judgment book, entry 258. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to de- fendants, see entry 185, and also for 1921-38, entry 256; for index to divorce judgments, 1914-38, see entry 255. Hdw. on pr. fm. 1880-1902; typed on pr. fm. 1921--. Aver. 300 pp. 18 x 14 x 33. 22 vols., 1880- 1914, co. garage; 65 vols., 1915--, rm. 500. 258. JUDGMENT BOOK, 1880--. 1,054 vols. (1-698, 701 -725, 728- 755, 758-1,060). Title varies slightly. Copies of all recorded civil judgments, showing title of court, case title and number, recital of all actions and proceedings preliminary to entry of the judgment, names of judgment debtor and creditor, terms, conditions, or amount of judgment, signature of judge or clerk, date judgment entered and filed, notations of satisfaction of judgment and manner of the satisfaction, when property sold, name of the person mak- ing the sale, and dated certification of copy signed by county clerk. Also contains: Judgments (Probate and Guardianship Cases), 1880-Oct. 1911, entry 564. Arr. chron. by dates judgments filed. For index 1921-38, see entry 256; no index 1880-1920, 1939--; for index to divorce judgments, 1914-38, see entry 255; no index to divorce judgments, 1880-1913, 1939--. Hdw., hdw. and typed on pr. fm., and photostated. Aver. 400 pp. 17x11x23/4. 311 vols., Jan 1880-Apr. 26, 1914, co. garage; 364 vols., Apr. 27, 1914-Jan. 19, 1928, rm. 9A, C. H.; 379 vols., Jan. 20, 1928--, rm. 500. · 259. FINAL DECREES OF DIVORCE GRANTED DURING NOV. 1907–13. 1 vol. (dated). Record of final divorce decrees, abstracted from entry 258, showing case number, names and nativity of plaintiff and defendant, date of marriage, nature of action, number, age, and custody of children, and date of decree. Arr. chron. by dates of decrees. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 240 pp. 17 x 15 x 13. Co. garage. - 113 Civil Division Judgments 261. 260. DIVORCE LOS ANGELES COUNTY CLERK; Oct. 1904-Jan. 1919. 3 vols. (1, 4, 8, and dated). Docket of divorce judgments, showing case number, names of plaintiff, defendant, and attorneys, dates when interlocutory decree was ordered, signed, filed, and entered, date final decree signed, and notation of any special conditions. Arr. chron. by dates of interlocutory decrees. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 200 pp. 16 x 11 x 2. Co. garage. Abstracts. 262. : JUDGMENT DOCKET DISMISSAL, Jan. 1888-Feb. 1905. 6 vols. (1-6 and dated).. Title varies slightly. Docket of judgments in cases dismissed on request of plaintiffs, showing case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, certification that plain- tiff has paid fee and requested dismissal, dates of filing request and of dismissal, date entered in docket, and signature of clerk. Arr.. chron. by dates requests filed. Indexed alph. by names of plaintiffs. Hdw. on Aver. 320 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. garage. pr. fm. · Executions • 264. ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT, May 25, 1909-Nov. 1, 1918. 3.£.ḍ. (labeled by contained case nos.). Jan. 1880-May 24, 1909, Nov. 2, 1918-- in (Civil Cases), entry 189. (260-264) • · Certified abstracts of judgments, showing title of court, number and title of case, name of attorney, date of judgment, names of judgment creditor and debtor, amount of judgment, name of judge rendering judg ment, and dated signature of county clerk. Also contains: i. Executions. Writs of execution issued by superior court upon judgments rendered by it directing sheriff to levy on any. property of defendant, showing title of court, number and title of case, names of judgment creditor and debtor, amount of judgment, and dated signatures of judge and county clerk. ii. Returns Returns. Sheriff's returns on executions containing statement of his inability to find any property belonging to defendant in county, showing case number, title of office, and dated signature of sheriff. ; Arr..num. by case nos No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 10 x 4 3/4 x 14. Rm.-9A, C. H. .. · ... 263. ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENTS, Nov. 1884-May 1933, 3 vols. (1-3 and ...... ..:: dated). Record of abstracts of judgments in civil cases, showing case number names of plaintiff and defendant; name and location of court, amount and date of judgment, date abstract filed, and dates of service and re- turn of writ of execution. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs and de- fendants. No index. Hdw.on pr. fm. Aver. 200 pp: 17 x 15 x 2.co. G garage. EXECUTION BOOK, May 1880-May 1930. 14 vols. (1-14; vols. 1-6 also dated). Certified copies of writs of execution transcribed from the originals " SARA - 114 Civil Division - Judgments (265-267) filed in case files, entry 189, directing sheriff of district in which property is located to seize and sell personal or real property of judg- ment debtor to satisfy judgments, showing name of official to whom ad- dressed, date of his receipt, names of plaintiff and defendant, amount of judgment and costs, date. on which property described in writ was seized, notice that sale is to take place, report of sale at public auction, nature of disposition of proceeds, signature of official making sale, receipt number of amount remitted to plaintiff's attorney with his signature, court clerk's certification to the correctness of copy, and dates execution filed and docketed. Arr. chron. by dates executions filed. For index May 1880-Dec. 1899, see entry 265; no index Jan. 1900- Aug. 1926; indexed alph. by names of plaintiffs, Sept. 1926-May 1930. Haw. on pr. fm. May 1880-Aug. 1926; typed on pr. fm. Sept. 1926-May 1930. Aver. 250 pp. 18 x 12 x 21. Co. garage. 265. INDEX TO EXECUTION BOOK, May 1860-Dec. 1899. 1 vol. (1 and dated ). Index to Execution Book, May 1880-Dec. 1899, entry 264, showing date execution filed, names of plaintiff and defendant, and volume and page number of record. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs and defendants. Hdw. 200 pp. 18½ x 12 x 2. Co. garage. Writs of Enforcement 266, INDEX TO WRIT OF ENFORCEMENT SUPERIOR COURT, 1890-1904. 1 vol. (1 and dated). Index to Judgment of Writ of Enforcement, 1890-1904, entry 267, and to Commissioners Return and Writ of Enforcement, Jan. 26, 1900-Dec. 1904, entry 268. Index shows date of writ, names of plaintiff and defendant, and volume and page number of record. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs. Haw. 200 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. garage. 267. JUDGMENT WRIT OF ENFORCEMENT, 1890-1929. 57 vols. (1-57; vols., 1-50 also dated). Title varies slightly. Certified copies of writs of enforcement of judgments transcribed from the originals filed in case files, entry 189, issued to sheriff or com- missioner ordering the sale of real property to satisfy judgments, show- ing report of sale of property by sheriff or commissioners, total amount of sale, amount of costs deducted and total amount remitted to plaintiff's attorney, whether judgment is wholly satisfied and if not, a statement of balance, due signature of sheriff or commissioner, receipted acknowledg- ment to sheriff or commissioner for amount applied on judgment signed by attorney for plaintiff, certification by county clerk to the correctness of copy, and date writ and reports filed. Also contains: Commissioners Return and Writ of Enforcement, Jan 1890-Jan 25, 1900, entry 268. Arr. alph. by dates writs filed. For index 1890-1904, see entry 266; no index 1905-16; indexed alph. by names of plaintiffs, 1917-29. Hdw. on pr. fm. 1890-1924; typed on pr. fm., 1925-29. Aver. 300 pp. 13 x 12 x 18 2 3/3. Co. garage. - 115 & A Civil Division - Appeals and Transcripts ..... Ź 268. COMMISSIONERS RETURN AND WRIT OF ENFORCEMENT, Jan. 28, 1900- Feb. 18, 193125 vols. (17-41; vols. 17-19 also dated). Jan. 1890-Jan. 25, 1900 in Judgment Writ of Enforcement, entry 267. Reports of sales of property by specially qualified commissioners appointed to execute writs of enforcement of judgments in cases where expert or technical knowledge of the kind of property to be sold is required, show- ing information as in entry 267. Arr. chron. by dates reports filed. Indexed alph. by names of plaintiffs; also separate index Jan. 26, 1900- Dec. 1904, entry 266. Hdw on pr. fm., Jan. 26, 1900-Dec. 1930; hdw. and typed on pr. fm, 1931. Aver. 260 pp. 18 x 12 x 2 3/8. Co. garage. * • • #7 Appeals and Transcripts : 269. TRANSCRIPTS OF TESTIMONY, 1930--. Approx. 250 documents. (labeled by contained case nos.). Reporters transcripts of testimony in civil cases in which appeals were not completed, showing title and location of court, title of actions, case number, names of reporter and attorneys, dates of hearing or trial, and nature of testimony. No obvious arr. No index. Typed. Rm. 600. #3: $44¬ !⠀ .⠀ *** ***.. 270. COUNTY CLERK ORDER, July 1938-, 4 bdls. (labeled by contained order nos.) Standa <. County clerks' work orders covering the preparation of transcripts in civil appeals, showing order, case, deposit, and final receipt numbers, title of case, amount of deposit, date order received, date transcript to be delivered, address and telephone number of party to be notified that transcript is completed, date and manner of notification, name of party ordering transcript, names of documents to be included in transcript and number of copies to be made, names of clerks searching record, approv- ing material prepared, and completing transcript, itemized and total charges, amount of deposit, and amount due clerk or party ordering tran- script. Arr: Arr. num. by order nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 5 x Rm 500. 8 x 1 ? (268-272) مل P 271. RECORD OF APPEALS, 1919--. 4 vols. (1-4). Subtitles: Subtitles: Civil and Divorce Appeals, 1919–27, 1 vol. Title varies slightly. Récord of work done and charges made in preparing transcripts in civil appeals, showing work order number, title and number of case, name and address of party for whom transcript made, total amount of charges, final receipt number, date transcript ordered and delivered, whether carbon copy of transcript was furnished respondent, and signature of party re- ceiving transcript. Arr. alph. by names of parties ordering transcript. No index. Hdw. Aver 200 pp. 9. x 6 3/4 x 2. Rm. 500. ! Qu NAIS -272. APPEAL STATEMENTS DATA AND REMOVAL WORK SHEETS, 1939--, (dated). Subtitled: Civil Transcript Section. Work sheets compiled in the preparation of transcripts on appeal of civil cases to higher courts or removal of these cases to United States District Courts, and final statements of the work performed. Removal work sheets show work order number, number of copies made, list of records to be * 1 f.d. - 116 - Civil Division Bonds transcribed, name of party for whom transcripts made, date record searched, date transcript completed, name of clerk compiling material for the transcript, and itemized and total charges collected; final statements show work order number, title of case, total amount of costs and fees due, amount of deposit, balance due on refundable suplus, and dated receipt for copy of the transcript. Arr. num. by work order nos. No index. Hdw. on rp.fm. 12 x 17 x 27. Rm. 500. 273. WORK SHEETS, PENDING APPEALS, CIVIL AND DIVORCE, 1939. 1 vol. binder. Record of progress of work in the preparation of transcripts in civil appeals, showing title and number of case, name of clerk keeping record, work order number and date, number of folios typed and compared and by whom, name of clerk who estimated charge for transcript, by whom material for transcript prepared and corrected, and date transcript to be com- pleted. Arr. chron. by dates of work orders. No index. Hdw. on typed and stamped fm. 250 pp. 5½ x 8 x 2. Rm. 500. • · 274. WIŻ (Sic) RECEIPTS (Receipts for Charges), 1939-. 4 bals. Final receipts issued in payment of charges for preparing transcripts in civil appeals, showing final receipt and work order numbers, name of party for whom transcript made, date receipt prepared, itemization of number of folios of each document transcribed, charged for each item, and total charge. Arr. num, by receipt nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 5 x 6 x 1. Rm. 500. (273-277) 275. NO FEE RECEIPT, Feb. 1939-. 2 vols. (labeled by contained receipt ncs.). Receipts issued to public officials for the preparation of transcripts in civil appeals, showing information as in entry 274, and in addition the total amount of the receipt is shown only for record purposes as fee is not paid. Arr. num. by receipt nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 50 pp. 3 x 6 x 1. Rm. 500. 277. (CIVIL BONDS), 1884-- nos.). 276. INDEX REPORTER'S NOTES CIVIL CASES, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, 1879-July 1905. 2 vols. (dated; 1 vol. also labeled 2). Obsolete index to reporters' notes in civil cases, showing serial number of notes, names of plaintiff and defendant or appellant and respondent, date of notes, title of court, and name of reporter. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs and appellants. Hdw. 300 pp. 18½ x 12 x 2. Co. garage. Bonds Dec. 253 f.b. (labeled by contained case Bonds filed in civil matters showing title of court, title and number of case, conditions and amount of bond, signature of principal, bonds- men or surety bond company, dated affidavit of bondsmen or surety, dated signature of approval by judge. Also contains: Civil Appeal and Misc. (Appeal Bonds), 1884-1917, entry 283. L.A.D. (Los Angeles Divorce Appeal Bonds), 1884-1918, entry 278, - 117· Civil Division Bonds } Vr > livi 1 L. B. D. (Long Beach Divorce), L. B. C. (Long Beach Civil), di- vorce bonds, 1884-1918, and civil bonds 1884-1924, entry 279, Pasadena D. (Divorce), Civil (Appeal Bonds), 1884-1930, entry 280, Pomona (Bonds), 1884-1932, entry 281,. Santa Monica. (Bonds), 1884-1935, entry 282, 279. · Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Haw. and typed on pr. fm.'14 x 4 x 14. 19 f.b., Jan. 1884-Apr. 11, 1913, rm. 9A, C. H. 234 f.b. • MADI Apr. 12, 1913, rm. 602. ? 2 Isla ; 280. • 7 . ↓ *** **;*;. : 278. L. A. D. (Los Angeles Divorce Appeal Bonds), 1919 3 f.b. (labeled by contained case nos.). 1884-1918, in (Civil Bonds), Bonds posted in divorce appeals from superior court, showing informa- tion as in entry 277. Also contains: Divorce Bonds filed in L. B. D. (Long Beach Divorce), L. B. C. Long Beach Civil), 1919-24, entry 279. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for in- dex to defendants, see entry 185 Typed on RF + fm.. 11 x:43 x 14. BA Rm. 4 600. ( (Dog) real! let £ t Hom Av. L bill take L. B. D. (Long Beach, Divorce, B. C. (Long Beach Civil), 1925--6fb. f 5 ₤ 6 fb (5 f.b. labeled by contained case nos.; 1 f.b. unlabeled). 1884-1918 divorce bonds and 1884-1924 civil bonds, in (Civil Bonds), entry 277 1919-24 divorce bonds in L. A. D. (Los Angeles, Divorce Appeal Bonds), entry 278. Bonds posted in civil, divorce, and domestic relations cases on appeal from the Long Beach branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 277. Arr. pum. by case nos. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 43 x 14. Rm. 600. LA I' T JASON V G2 ** T ܃ (278-282) ↓ ܕ 4 " Gang * * (Appeal Bonds), 1931--. 1.f.b. PASADENA P (Divorce), CIVIL 1884-1930 in (Civil Bonds), entry 277 Bond's posted in civil appeals from Pasadena, branch of the superior court showing information as in entry 277. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184, for index to defendants, see entry 185. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 4 x 14. Rm. 600. Marjan fel de #1 AN 281. POMONA (Bonds), 1933--. f.b. 1884-1932 in (Civil Bonds), Jy . ۲۰ i entry 277. Bonds posted in civil appeals from Pomona branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 272. Arr. num. by case nos, For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm and typed. 11 x 42 x 14. Rm. 600. ll { * * * *** WAX AN 282. SANTA MONIGA (Bonds), 1936. 1 f. 1884-1935 in (Civil Bonds), entry 277., thurine by body * Bonds posted in civil appeals from Santa Monica branch of the superior court, showing information as in entry 277. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. and typed. 11 x 42 x 14. Rm. 600. in 118 : Civil Division - Naturalizations . 285. ... ? 283. CIVIL APPEAL AND MISC. (Appeal Bonds), 1918--.. 1 f.b. 1884-1917 in (Civil Bonds), entry 277. Bonds posted in civil appeals from justice's court to the superior court, showing information as in entry 277. Arr. num. by case nos. For in- dex to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Hdw, and typed on pr. fm. 11 x 4 x 16. Rm. 600. · 284, MISC. (Miscellaneous Bonds), Feb. 1385-Jan. 1917. 40 f.b. (labeled by contained case nos.). Title varies slightly, Miscellaneous bonds posted in civil and probate cases, showing infor mation as in entry 277, Arr. num. by case nos. For index to plaintiffs, see entry 184; for index to defendants, see entry 185. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm, 11 x 23 x 16. Rm, 9A, C. H. .. (283-238) Naturalizations INDEX TO DECLARATIONS AND PETITIONS FOR NATURALIZATION, 1859- 1915. 2 vols., 1 vol. binder (dated). Title varies: Natural- ization Certificates, 1859-88, 1 vol,; Naturalization Certi- ficates Index, 1838-1906, 1 vol, 3 Index to Petition and Record (Declarations of Intention and Petitions), Jan 1907-June 1916, entry 292; Certificates of Citizenship, Sept. 1859- Dec. 1906, entry 294; and to Certificates of Naturalization (stubs), June 1907-Déc. 1915, entry 296. Index shows name of petitioner, country of nativity, date naturalization granted, certificate number, date of de- claration, and volume and page number of record. Arr, alph. by names of petitioners. Hdw. Vols. aver 215 pp. 12½ x 124 x 1 3/4; vol. binder, 500 pp, 14 x 18 x 23. Rm. 303, 2vols 286. INDEX TO DECLARATIONS, Aug. 1851-Dec, 1911. Index to (Declarations of Intention), Aug. 1851-Sept. 1906, entry 288, to Record of Declaration of Intention, entry 289. Shows name of de- clarant, date declaration filed, and file no, Arr, alph. by names of declarants. Hdw. 250 pp. 16½ x 11 x 24. Rm. 303. 287. " . INDEX, NATURALIZED CITIZENS, Mar. 1851-Apr. 1893. 1 vol. (dated). Subtitled: Court of Sessions, County Court, District Court, Superior Court, Index to record of persons admitted to citizenship recorded in Minutes and Orders Superior Court, Civil, Jan. 1880-Apr. 1893, entry 215; Minute Book 17th District Court, Mar, 1851-Dec. 1879, entry 443; Minutes County Court May 1852-Dec. 1879, entry 459; and in Minutes of Court of Sessions, 1851-63 entry 466. Shows name and place of birth of applicant for citi- zenship, date admitted to United States, name of court in which proceed- ings completed, and volume and page number of record. Arr. alph. by names of applicants. Haw. 215 pp. 16 x 12 x 2. Co. garage. 288. (DECLARATIONS OF INTENTION), Feb. 1849-Sept. 1906. 11 f.b. (dated), Certificates of declarations of intention to become citizens, issued outside of Los Angeles County, showing name and age of alien, county - g 119 Civil Division - Naturalizations 289. of nativity, port and date of arrival in the United States, State and county where, declaration filed, date of filing, renouncement of alle- giance to native country, oath of allegiance to the United States, signa- ture of declarant, and attestation by county clerk. Arr. chron. by dates declaration filed. Indexed alph. by names of declarants; also separate index Aug. 1851-Dec. 1911, entry 286. Hdw. on pr. fm. 11 x 4 3/4 x 14. Rm. 303. (289-291) RECORD OF DECLARATION OF INTENTION, Dec. 1845-June 1915. 59 vol. binders (dated), 18 vols. (1-18). Subtitled: Naturali- zation Service United States Department of Labor, 1906-15, 18 vols. …. : Declarations of intention to become citizens, showing State and county where application was made, date of application, date and number of declaration of intention, date of hearing, name, nativity, and age of applicant, country of prior allegiance, port of embarkation and debarka- tion of applicant, statement of intention to reside in and become a citizen of the United States, renunciation of allegiance to any other country, signature of applicant, date subscribed and sworn to, and attes- tation by court clerk; Nov. 1906-June 1915 also shows certificate number. Arr. chron. by dates of declaration Dec. 1845-Dec. 1879; arr. num. by declaration nos. Jan. 1880-June 1915 Indexed alph. by names of appli- cants; also separate index Aug. 1851-Dec. 1911, entry 286. Hdw. on pl. and pr. fm. Vol. binders aver. 135 pp. 12 x 14 x 13; vols., aver. 500 pp. 9 x 14 x 2. 46 vol. binders, Dec. 1845-Dec. 7, 1887, co. garage; 13 vol. binders, Dec. 8, 1887-Sept. 1906, and 18 vols., Nov. 1906-June 1915, vault, rm. 303. Body 290. FACTS FOR PETITION FOR NATURALIZATION, 1899-1914. 2 f.d. (labeled by contained petition nos.). Declarations of intention to become citizens by aliens who arrived in the United States prior to June 29, 1906, showing name, address, and occupation of alien, nativity and date of birth, port of entry and date of arrival in the United States, manner of entry, and if by sea, name of ship, place where and date when first papers were taken out, marital status, mame, address, and birthplace of spouse, names, addresses, dates, and places of birth of children, names and addresses of witnesses to declaration, and petition number. Arr. num. by petition nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 10 x 4 x 12. Bsmt. storeroom, H. J. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the county clerk pertaining to dispositions and fees collected and forwarded to Washington, D. C. No obvious arr. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 10 x 4 3/4 x 12. Bsmt. storeroom, H. J. W 291. DEPOSITIONS TAKEN FOR USE IN SUPPORT OF PETITION FOR NATURALI- ZATION, Apr. 1909-Dec. 1915. 6 f.d. Depositions made by aliens filing petitions for naturalization and by citizens supporting such petitions; alien's depositions show name, address, and occupation of deponent, date and place of birth, daté and place of deposition, time of residence in United States, and dated attes- tations by notary public; citizen's supporting deposition shows statement tending to establish the eligibility of alien for naturalization, and dated attestation by notary public. Also contains: Correspondence. Incoming and outgoing correspondence between the = 120 Civil Division 292. Naturalizations PETITION AND RECORD (Declarations of Intention and Petitions), Jan. 1907-June 1915. 1 vol. (28 and labeled by contained certificate nos.). Subtitled:: Division of Naturalization, Department of Commerce and Labor. (292-295) Declarations of intention and petitions for citizenship, declarations show information as in entry 288; petitions show number of petition, name, address, and occupation of petitioner, date and place of birth, oath of allegiance, dated order of court admitting petition, reason for denial of petition, if any, names of judge and court clerk, date of emigration to the United States, port of arrival and name of vessel or other method of arrival, affidavit of witnesses, and naturalization certificate number. Arr. num. by declaration and petition nos. Indexed alph by names of petitioners; also separate indexes Jan. 1907-June 1915, entry 285, Jan. 1907-Dec. 1911, entry 293. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 250 pp. 18 x 12 x 3. Rm. 303. 293. `INDEX TO PETITIONS, 1907-11. 1 vol. Index to Petition and Record (Declarations of Intention and Petitions), entry 292, showing name of petitioner, date of petition, and volume and page number of record. Arr. alph. by names of petitioners. Hdw. 282 pp. 16 x 11 x 2. Rm. 303.. 1 i 294. CERTIFICATES OF CITIZENSHIP, Sept. 1859-Dec. 1906. 24 vols. (1-17, 1-7; 7 vols. also labeled by contained certificate nos.). Title varies slightly. Certificates of citizenship, oaths of allegiance, and witnesses' testi- mony in hearings before the superior court on petitions for citizenship; certificates show date of entry of record certificate number, date of hearing, name of petitioner, country of nativity, present place of resi- dence, statement that petitioner has taken proper oath, order of court granting citizenship, seal of court, and signatures of judge and county clerk; oaths show name of petitioner, oath of allegiance to the United States and renunciation of allegiance to any other country, date executed, and signatures of petitioner and county clerk; testimony of witnesses shows name of witness and county of residence, length of time witness has known petitioner, statement as to petitioner's general character and reputation subscribed and sworn to by witness, and dated acknow- ledgment by county clerk. Arr. num, by certificate nos. Sept. 1859- Dec. 1888; arr. chron. by dates of entries Jan. 1889-Dec. 1906. Indexed alph. by names of petitioners; also separate index, entry 285. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 350 pp. 18 x 184 x 23. Rm. 303. • 295. NATURALIZED MINORS, Sept. 1876-July 1879, Apr. 1888-Sept. 1906. 4 vols. (1, 1-3). Subtitles: Subtitles: Under 18 years, 1876-79, 1 vol. Certificates of citizenship granted by the court to petitioners who, while still minors, had filed their declaration of intention to become citizens, and supporting depositions of witnesses, showing information as in entry 294. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. Indexed alph. by names of petitioners. Hdw. on pr. fm. Rm. 303. Aver. 250 pp. Aver. 250 pp.13 x 18 x 21. 121 Civil Division 296. 285. Extra Sessions; Long Beach. CERTIFICATE OF NATURALIZATION (Stubs), June 1907-Dec. 1915. 86 vols. (1-86 and labeled by contained certificate nos.). Stubs of issued certificates of naturalization, showing certificate number, name and age of citizen, declaration of intention number and date, title and location of court where declaration recorded, volume and page number of record, date of order granting citizenship, names, ages, and places of residence of wife and minor children, signature of citizen; and in cases where new certificate is issued to replace lost, destroyed, or mutilated one, the new one shows date of reissue, and old certificate number. Arr. num. by certificate nos. For index, see entry Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 50 pp. 9 x 5 x 3. Co. garage. Index Orga 298. 299. MUD F 297. EXTRA SESSION JULGES, Feb. 1913-Mar. 1919. 1 f.b. Copies of requests by superior court judges to the Governor for the appointment of judge's to serve at extra sessions for the civil, criminal, and probate courts, and the original appointments of such judges by the Governor. Requests show title of court, date of request, signature of a majority of the superior court judges, and dated stamped imprint signed by the county clerk; appointments show date, citation of statutory authority for such appointment, name of judge appointed, name of county in which he is to preside, date of commencement of extra session, statement that place of holding session shall be designated by majority of superior court judges thereof, signatures of Governor and Secretary of State, and date of filing. Arr. chron. by dates requests and appoint- ments filed. No index. Typed and hdw. on pr. fm. 10 x 4 3/4 x 14. Rm. 9A, C. H. 3. Extra Sessions Long Beach w • (296-299) ; · :: (INDEX TO DEFENDANTS IN CIVIL AND DIVORCE CASE FILES), 1926--, 1 vol., 1 rotary stand. Index to Civil (Case Files), entry 300, and to (Divorce Actions), entry 301; showing' names of plaintiff and defendant, date case filed, and case number. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. Photostated 1926-40; typed 1941--. Vol. 350 pp. 15 x 11½ x 4; rotary stand, 9 x 24. LONG BEACH INDEX (Also Record of Marriage Applications), 1926--. 1 vol. (1 and dated), 1 vol. binder (dated), 1 rotary stand (unlabeled). Index to Civil (Case Files), entry 300; (Divorce Actions), entry 301; and to Probate (Case Files), entry 302. Index to Civil and Divorce cases shows names of plaintiff and defendant, date case filed, and case number. Probate index shows title and number of case, and date of pro- bate. Also contains: Record of marriage license applications 1937- showing the name of applicant, and application license number. Civil > 122 - Civil Division Long Beach app and divorce cases arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs; probate cases arr. alph. by titles of cases; marriage licenses arr. alph. by names of applicants. Photostated 1926-40; typed 1941--. Vol. 100 pp. 14x12x1; binder 575pp. 15 x 12 x 5; rotary stand 9 x 24. Case Papers 200. CIVIL (Case Files), 1926--. 71 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Duplicate file of all documents pertaining to civil actions in the the superior court at Long Beach, showing information as in entry 189. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to defendants, see entry 298; for index ta plaintiffs, see entry 299. Typed. 12 x 16 x 24. For original file, see entry 189. 301. Minutes ... (DIVORCE ACTIONS), 1926--. 89 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Duplicate file of all documents pertaining to domestic relations cases tried in the superior court at Long Beach, showing information as in entry 194. Arr. num. by case nos. For index to defendants, see entry. 298; for index to plaintiffs, see entry 299. Typed. 12 x 16 x 24. For original file, see entry 195. 302. (300-305) PROBATE (Case Files), 1926--. 89 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Duplicate file of all documents pertaining to probate proceedings. heard in the superior court at Long Beach, showing information as in entry S. 494. Calendars : 4 Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 299. Typed. 12x16x24. For original file, see entry 494. 305. 303. (LAW AND MOTION DEPARTMENT), 1940--. 1 vol. binder. Only current record retained. Rough minutes of proceedings at each session of the law and motion de- partment, showing title of department, date and hour of session, names of judge, deputy clerk, and deputy sheriff in attendance, title and number of case, names of attorneys, nature and disposition of hearing, and certification by court clerk. Arr. chron. by dates of sessions. No index. Typed. 500 pp. 13 x 10 x 4. 304. LONG BEACH PROBATE MINUTES, 1926. 3 vol. binders. Duplicate rough minutes of the sessions of the probate department, show- ing information as in entry 508. Arr. chron. by dates of sessions. No index. Hdw. and typed. Aver. 1,200 pp. 142 x 12 x 10. For original record, see entry 508. CALENDAR SUPERIOR COURT, Oct. 1959--. 1 vol. binder and 1 desk drawer. Master calendar of hearings of criminal, civil, probate, and divorce J:\ : ! -123- Civil Division Pasadena cases, showing number, title, and nature of case, names of attorneys, and date set for hearing. Arr. chron. by dates set for hearings. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Vol. binder 10 pp. 14 x 10 x ; desk. drawer 11 x 14 x 27. 306. LA AND NOTION CALENDAR, Nov. 1940--. 1 vol. Subtitled: - Re- cord: Law and motion calendar of hearings of cases and motions, showing in- formation as in entry 305. Arr. chron. by dates set for hearings. No index. Haw 156 pp. 14 x 9 x . **! 307. DIVORCE, Feb. 1940--. 1 vol. Subtitled: Default Divorces. Calendar of default divorce cases set for hearing, showing date set for hearing, name of court department, and number and title of case. Arr. chron. by dates set for hearings. No index. Hdw. 152 pp. 14 x 9 x. 308. PROBATE, 1932--, i vòl. (dated). Calendar of probate cases set for hearing, showing information as in entry 307. Arr. chron. by dates set for hearings. No index. 375 PP. 14 x 9 x 13 Jury 309. (SERVICE RECORD), July 1937--. 1 f.b.. Record of jurors serving in civil and criminal cases, showing name, address, telephone number, and occupation of juror, dates of service and total number of days served, amount of fee, and amount of mileage allowed. Arr. alph. by names of jurors. No index.Typed and hdw. on pr. fm. 4 x 9 x 12. 310. (PAY ROLL REPORT), July 1937--. Approx. 750 documents.· Monthly pay roll reports on jurors serving in civil and criminal cases, showing date of report, name and address of juror, total number of days served, total mileage allowed, and amount of compensation due each juror for service and mileage. Arr. chron. by dates of reports. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 8 x 17 x 10. .. sx 311. (CORRESPONDENCE), July 1937--. 1 letter file. Indexes (306-312) : T & 312. Copies of letters of inquiry, by the jury commissioner to business firms and individuals whose names; have been' submitted as character references by the prospective jurors, regarding the qualifications of these jurors for service in cases of a complex or technical nature; also the original replies to these inquirics. Arr. alph. by names of respondents. No in- dex. Typed. 12 x 12 x 3. Pasadena' PASADENA INDEX SUPERİOR COURT, Aug. 1931--. 1 vol. binder (dated), 1 rotary stand (unlabeled). Index to Civil (Case Files), entry 314; Divorce (Case Files), entry 315; • • 124 Civil Division - Pasadena and to Probate (Case Files), entry 316. Civil and divorce cases show names of plaintiff and defendant, date action filed, and case number; probate cases show name of estate, nature of action, date case filed, and case number. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs and defendants, also by names of estates. Photostated Aug. 1931-Dec. 1940; typed 1941--. Vol. binder 200 pp. 15 x 12 x 2; rotary stand 9 x 24. 313. (Index to) ACTIONS TRANSFERRED TO PASADENA, Sept. 1931--. 1 vol. Index to cases transferred from other branches of the superior court to the Pasadena branch, and papers of which are in Civil (Case Files), en- try 314; Divorce (Case Files), entry 315; probate (Case Files), entry 316. Index shows case number, and date case transferred to Pasadena; civil cases show name of plaintiff; probate cases show name of deceased or ward; divorce cases show name of defendant. Arr. alph. by name of plaintiffs, decedents, wards, and defendants. Hdw. 50 pp. 13½ x 8 x 4. • (313-317) Case Papers 314. CIVIL (Case Files), Aug. 1931--. 12 f.d. (labeled by con- tained case nos.). Duplicate file of all documents pertaining to civil cases tried in the superior court at Pasadena, showing information as in entry 189. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entries 312, 313. Typed. 12x16x24. For original file, see entry 190. 315. DIVORCE (Case Files), Aug. 1931--. 13 f.d. (labeled by con- tained case nos.). Duplicate file of all documents pertaining to domestic relation cases tried in the superior court at Pasadena, showing information as in entry 194. For index, see entries 312, 313. Typed. 12 x 16 x 24. Arr. num. by case nos. For original file, see entry 196. Minutes 316. PROBATE (Case Files), Aug. 1931--. 46 f.d.(labeled by con- tained case nos.). Duplicate file of all documents pertaining to probate cases tried in the superior court at Pasadena, showing information as in entry 493. Arr. num. by case nos. for index, see entries 312, 313. Typed. 12 x16 x 24. For original file, see entry 496. 317. PASADENA PROBATE COURT MINUTES, Sept. 1931--. 1 vol. binder, 1 bin. Rough minutes of proceedings heard and orders issued, showing informa- tion as in entry 504. Arr. chron. by dates of sessions. No index. Hdw. and typed. Binder 300 pp. 15 x 13 x 3; bin 10½ x 50 x 18. · -125- Civil Division Pomona Calendars 318. THE STANDARD DIARY, 1941--. 1 vol. (dated). Only current record retained. Master calendar of dates set for the hearing of criminal, civil, probate, and divorce cases, showing information as in entry 305. Arr. chron. by dates set for hearings. No index. Hdw. 375 pp. 13 x 8 x 11. 1 Jury 319. (JURORS' SERVICE RECORD), 1941--. 1 f.d. Memoranda of jurors' service showing name, address, and telephone number of juror, mileage allowance, dates served, and whether service was on a civil or criminal case. Arr. alph, by names of jurors. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 6 x 8 x 19. 320. PASADENA CIVIL (Jurors Pay Roll Reports), June 1933--. 7 pads. Monthly pay roll reports of jurors serving in civil cases, showing in- formation as in entry 310. Arr. chron. by dates of reports. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 18 x 11 x . 321. CRIMINAL PASADENA (Jurors' Pay Roll and Report), May 1934--. 6 pads. Monthly pay roll reports of jurors serving in criminal cases, showing information as in entry 310. Arr. chron. by dates of reports. No in- Hdw. on pr. fm. 18 x 11 x 4. dex. Case Papers (318–324) Pomona 322. CIVIL (Case Files), Oct. 1933--. 4 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Duplicate file of all documents pertaining to civil cases tried in the superior court at Pomona, showing information as in entry 189. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 323. Typed. 12 x 16 x 24. For original file, see entry 192. 324. 323. POMONA CIVIL INDEX, Oct. 1933--. 1 vol. Index to Pomona Civil (Case Files), entry 322, showing case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of action, and date complaint filed. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs. Hdw. 54 pp. 14 x 81 x 1 4 DIVORCE (Case Files), Oct. 1933--. 4 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Duplicate file on all documents pertaining to domestic relation cases tried in the superior court at Pomona, showing information as in entry 193. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 325. Typed. 12 x 16 x 24. For original file, see entry 197. 1 H · 126 - ? Civil Division - Santa Monica 2 vols. 325. POMONA DIVORCE INDEX, Oct. 1933--. Index to Divorce (Case Files), entry 324, showing case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, and date complaint filed. Arr. alph. by. names of plaintiff. H¿w. Haw. Aver. 54 pp. 14 x 82 x 4. 326: PROBATE (Case Files), Oct. 1933--. 10 f.d. (labeled by con- tained' case nos.). Arr. num. Duplicate file of all documents pertaining to probate cases tried in the superior court at Pomora, showing information as in entry 493. by case nos. For index, see entry 327. Typed. 12 x 16 x 24. For original file, see entry 495. Minutes 227. POMONA PROBATE INDEX, Oct. 1933--. 2 vols. Index to Probate (Case Files), entry 326, showing number, title and nature of case, name of estate, and date will filed for probate. alph. by names of estates. Hdw. Aver. 54 pp. 14 x 8 x 4. Arr. Calendars 32 8. POMONA (Probate Rough Minutes), Mar. 1926--. 1 vol. binder. Only current record retained. Rough minutes of proceedings at court sessions, showing information as in entry 504. Arr. chron. by dates of session. No index, Hdw. and No index, typed. 350 pp. 15 x 13 x 2. Jury 329. THE STANDARD DIARY, Oct. 1935--. 7 vols. (dated). Master calendar of dates set for hearing of civil, criminal, probate, and divorce cases, showing information as in entry 305. Arr. chron. by dates set for hearings. No index. Hdw. Aver. 125 pp. 13½ x 8 x .. (325=332) Indexes 330. (JURORS SERVICE RECORD), Dec. 1940--. Approx. 50 cards. Only current record retained Record of jurors serving in civil and criminal cases, showing infor- mation as in entry 309. Arr. alph. by names of jurors. No index. Hdw. and typed. 6 x 8 x 3. • 331. (CIVIL JURORS' PAY ROLL REPORT), Oct. 1940-. 1 folder. C Jurors' monthly pay roll reports, showing information as in entry 310. Arr. chron, by dates of reports. No index. Hdw. and typed on, pr. fm. 17 x 11 x. : 1 : Santa Monica. 1. 332. SANTA MONICA INDEX SUPERIOR COURT, 1936--. 1 vol. binder. (dated), 1 rotary stand (unlabeled). Index to Civil (Case Files), entry 334; Divorce (Case Files), entry 335; - 127 Civil Division - Santa Monica and to Probate (Case Files), entry 336. Civil and divorce cases show names of plaintiff and defendant, date complaint filed, and case number; probate cases show name of estate, nature of hearing, date will filed, and case number. Also contains: Marriages, 1938--. Record of marriage license applications, show- ing names and ages of contracting parties, and application file wi number. Arr. alph. by names of applicants: Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs, and defendants, and also by names of estates. Photostated Jan. 1936-June 1940; typed July 1940--. Vol. binder 225 pp. 15 x 12 x 2; rotary stand 9 x 24. Case Papers 333. (INDEX TO ACTIONS TRANSFERRED TO SANTA MONICA), 1936--. 1 f.b.: Index to casés transferred from other branches of the superior: court to Santa Monica branch and papers of which are filed in the Civil (Case Files), entry 334; Divorce (Case Files), entry 335; and in Probate (Case Files), entry 336; showing information as in entry 313. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs, decedents, wards, and defendants. Typed. 4 x 6 x 8. + 1 Minutes 334. CIVIL (Case Files), 1936--. 6 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Duplicate file of all documents pertaining to civil cases tried in the superior court at Santa Monica, showing information as in entry 189. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entries 332, 333. Typed. 12 x 16 x 24. For original file, see entry 193. (333-337) 12: + : • 335. DIVORCE (Case Files), 1936--. 10 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Duplicate file of all documents pertaining to domestic relation cases tried in the superior court at Santa Monica, showing information as in entry 194. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entries 332, 333. Typed. 12 x 16 x 24. For original file, see entry 198. • 1 336. PROBATE (Case Files), 1936--. 10 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Duplicate file of all documents pertaining to probate cases tried in the superior court at Santa Monica, showing information as in entry 493. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entries 332, 333. Typed. 12 x 16 x 24. For original file, see entry 497. Gala 337. PROBATE MINUTES, 1936--. 1 vol. binder (unlabeled), 1 bdl. (dated). !!! Rough minutes of proceedings heard and orders issued, showing information as in entry 504. Arr. chron. by dates of sessions. No index. Hdw. and typed. Binder 450 pp. 14 x 13 x 23; bdl. 13 x 16 x 2. ". : - 128 Criminal Division Calendars 1937--. 5 vols. (dated). Only cur- 338. THE STANDARD DIARY, 1937--. rent record retained. Master calendar of dates set for hearing of criminal, civil, probate, and divorce cases, showing information as in entry 306. Arr. chron. by dates set for hearings. No index. Hdw. Aver.375 pp. 14 x 8 x 1. Jury ļ (338-340) ! 339. JURY RECORD CARDS, Feb. 1941--. 1 folder. Record of jurors serving in cases, showing name, address, and telephone number of juror, mileage allowance, and dates served. Arr. alph. by names of jurors. No index. Hdw. and typed. Hdw. and typed. 9 x 15 x 12/2.8 340. · ร SANTA MONICA DEPARTMENT SUPERIOR COURT JURY PAY ROLL (Jurors! Pay Roll Report), Apr. 1936--. 6 pads. Monthly pay roll reports on jurors' services, showing information as in entry 310. Arr. chron. by dates of reports. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 17½ x 11 x 4. 1 County Clerk, Annual Report, 1941-42, p. 10. 2 Ordinance No. 4106, N. S., 1942-43. 3 Supervisors' Bond Records. VII. CRIMINAL DIVISION Through this division, the county clerk functions as clerk of the criminal departments of the superior court and as clerk of the juvenile court. Here are filed all records of felony cases, habeas corpus proceedings, exhibits in criminal cases, transcripts of coroner's inquests, records of all cases and petitions relating to the dependency and delinquency of minors under the juvenile court law, and all papers in child abandonment and adoption proceedings. The division approves and keeps all bail bonds and records pertaining hereto. It provides interpreters for criminal proceedings in all courts of the county, in other county departments, and in civil actions upon request. It audits and approves compensation claims of court reporters paid by the county.1 The criminal division is located in the Hall of Justice, and functions through a division chief who receives a salary under the five-step rate of compensation plan, ranging from $300 to $360 per month, 2 and posts a bond of $25,000.3 129 : Criminal Division. General Index; Case Papers : Index to: ❤ 341. - All records of this division are kept in the Hall of Justice unless otherwise indicated. Note: Records showing location as room 9A, C. H. or co. garage, are now located in the Agricultural Building, 524 North Spring Street. General Index 342. : !. 7 J CRIMINAL INDEX, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, Apr. 1887--. 3 vols. (1-3 and dated), 2 vol. binders (dated), 2 rotary stands (unlabeled). Actions, Apr. 1837-Feb. 1921, entry 347, Criminal Case files, Apr. 1887--, entry 342, Current Bonds, 1939-, entry 359, Current Bonds, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, 1940--, (341-342) entry 425, Exonerated Bonds, 1933--, entry 360, Exonerated Contributing Bonds, 1909--, entry 426, Record of Exhibits and Receipts, May 1888-July 1893, entry 380, Reporters' Transcripts of Preliminary Examinations, Apr. 1921--, entry 396. Index shows name of defendant, date complaint filed, and case number; from 1889-Mar. 1911, also shows name of justice of peace, list of exhibits and of property found on defendant at time of arrest, nature of complaint, whether warrant, of arrest issued, amount of bail, and disposition of case. Arr. elph. by name of defendants. Hdw. and hdw. and typed 1887-1925; photostated 1926-36; typed 1937--. Vols. aver.. 200 pp. 18 x 2 x 2; vol. binders aver. 300 pp. 19 x 12 x 4; rotary stand 24 x 6. Rm. 606. 1 Case Papers CRIMINAL CASE FILES, April. 1987--. Approx. 300 f.b. 550 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Jan. 1830- Mar. 1887 in (Civil Cases), entry 183. All documents from initisting complaint to judgment of conviction- or dismissal, filed in general criminal cases, showing title of court and case, caso number, date and text of document, and filing date. Also contains: (Contributing to Delinquency of Minors), Apr. 1387- May 3, 1903, entry 407. Arr. num. by case nos. For indexes," see. entries 341, 348. Haw. and typed. f.b. 10 x 4 x 12; f.d. 12 x 16 x .24. 300 f.b., Apr. 1837-Mar. 1933, bsmt. storeroom; 300 f.d., Apr. 1933. Rm. 606. > ( : C C 1.30 Criminal Division Kung Registers ... (343-348) 343. HABEAS CORPUS, 1880--. 81 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Title varies slightly : All documents from initiating petition to final order of disposition, filed in habeas corpus proceedings, showing information as in entry 342, and in addition notation of approval or denial of petition. Arr. num. by case nos. For index 1880-1930, see entry 344; for 1916--, see entry 349. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 12 x 10 x 19. 80 f.d., Jan. 1880- Sept. 19, 1940, bsmt. storeroom; 1 f.d., Sept. 20, 1940--, rm. For prior records see entries 452, 454. rm. 606. 344. HABEAS CORPUS INDEX, 1853-1930. 1 vol. (dɛted). Index to Habeas Corpus, 1880-1930, entry 343; County (Court) Habeas Corpus (Case Files), 1853-59, entry 454; showing name of petitioner, date petition filed, and case number. Arr. alph. by names of petitioners. Typed. 300 pp. 13 x 12 x 2. Rm. 606. 345. SUPERIOR COURT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CONTEMPT OF COURT CASES, Mar. 1910-Sept. 1915, Jan. 1935--. 1 f.b., 1 f.d. All documents from initiation of case to its final disposition, filed in contempt of court cases, showing information as in entry 342. Arr. num. by case nos. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. F.b. 10x43/4x12; f.d. 12 x 16 x 24. Bsmt. storeroom. 346. (CASE DISMISSED), Jan-Feb. 1914. 1 f.b. (dated). All documents filed in cases dismissed at preliminary hearings on motion of district attorney, showing information as in entry 342. Arr. num. by case nos. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 10 x 43/4 x 10. Bsmt. storeroom. Registers 347. ACTIONS, Apr. 1887--. 85 vols. (1-93, 12, 13, and labeled by contained case nos.; 56 vols. also dated). Title varies slightly. Record of all documents filed from initiating complaint to judgment of conviction or dismissal, and of all proceedings held in cases, showing title of court, number and title of case, nature of offense, names of defendant and his attorney, date of filing and description of each docu- ment filed, date and nature of hearing or continuance, and notation of all steps taken by the court. Arr. num. by case nos. Indexed alph. by names of defendants Mar. 1891--; also separate indexes Apr. 1887-Feb. 1921, entries 341, 348. Hdw. on pr. fm. Apr. 1887-Dec. 1933; hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Jan. 1934--. 18 vols. aver. 550 pp. 19 x 13 x 32; 67 vols. aver. 1,000 pp. 11 3/4 x 11 3/4 X 4. Rm. 606. 348. INDEX TO CRIMINAL REGISTER OF ACTIONS, Apr. 1887-Feb. 1921. 2 vols. (1 vol. labeled 2; 1 vol. dated). Discontinued. Title varies slightly. Index to Criminal Case Files, entry 342; and to Actions, entry 347; show- ing title and number of case, name of defendant, and nature of charge. Arr. slph. by names of defendants. Hdw. Aver. 400 pp. 17 x 11 x 2. Rm. 606. G Pa 131 - Criminal Division - Minutes and Judgments 349. HABEAS CORPUS INDEX AND REGISTER OF ACTIONS (Also Contempts). 1916--. 4 vols. (2-5): Record of proceedings in habeas corpus cases and a synopsis of all docu- ments filed from petition to decree of judgment, showing information as in entry 347; also serves as an index to Habeas Corpus, entry 343. Also contains: 350. Contempt Cases, 1935-- Shows information as in entry 347. Arr. num. by case nos. Indexed alph. by names of petitioners and defend- ants. Hdw. 225 pp. 14 x 135 x 2. Rm. 606. CRIMINAL DOCKET (Nonsupport Cases), Oct. 1912-Dec. 1916. 7 vols. (1, 1, 2-6, also dâted and labeled by court department nos.). Record of all documents filed and all proceedings had in cases against persons who failed to provide support for their families, showing infor- mation as in entry 347. Felony cases are intermingled in vols. 5 and 6 for the period between Oct. 1915-Dec. 1917. These cases are of a varied nature and do not deal with nonsupport. Arr. num. by case nos. Indexed alph. by names of defendants. Haw. on pr. fm. Aver. 375 pp. 18 x 12 x 3. Rm. 606. Wond (349-353) 351. CRIMINAL INDEX (Memoranda of Criminal Cases), 1926--. 4.vols. Case file memoranda of criminal cases tried, showing name of defendant, complaint number, nature of offense, date of arraignment, summary of plea, date of trial, and disposition of case. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. No index. Typed..4 x 6 x 16. Rm. 606.1 * Minutes and Judgments 14 352. (ROUGH MINUTES), 1937--, 13 vols. (dated). Only current record retained. Clerk's rough minutes of court proceedings, showing name and location of court department number, date and hour court convened, names of judge, clerk, bailiff, court reporter, and deputy district attorney, number and title of case, names of defendant and plaintiff, names of witnesses and jurors, name of attorney for defendant, whether defendant convicted or acquitted, and, if convicted, terms and conditions of sentence or proba- tion, place where sentence served, amount of bail, notice of appeal if any, court's findings, and final disposition of case. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index. Hdw. Aver. 1,200 pp. 13 x 10 x 8. Rm. 606. 353. MINUTES SUPERIOR COURT, CRIMINAL, Jan. 1902-Dec. 1903, Nov. 1904- Aug. 1906, Mar. 1909-Aug. 1911, Jan. 1913--. 191 vols. (44 vols. dated and labeled by vol. and court department nos.; 147 vols. Labeled 1-147 and dated). १ Final minutes of all court proceedings, showing information as in entry 352. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index Jan. 1902-Dec. 1908, Jan. 1922--; indexed alph. by names of defendant's Jan. 1909-Dec. 1921. Hdw. and typed. Aver. 375 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Rm. 606. -, - 132 - * Criminal Division - Minutes and Judgments 354. i SUPERIOR COURT JUDGMENT BOOK, CRIMINAL, May 1924--. 37 vols. (1, 10-45, and dated). Title varies: Judgments, Superior Court, Pleas Guilty, State Prison, May 1924-June 1925, 1 vol.; Judgment Book, Criminal, Jan. 1925-Dec. 1933, 14 vols. Minutes of all criminal case judgments, showing date of entry and judg- ment, title and number of case, name of defen lant, nature of. crime, ver- dict of jury, nature of sentence, name of prison to which sentenced, amount of fine imposed, terms and conditions of probation, name of judge, and date judgment filed. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. Indexed alph. by names of defendants. Hdw. Aver. 250 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Rm. 606. For prior record, see entries 355, 356. :: 355. MINUTES AND ORDERS SUPERIOR COURT, BOOK OF JUDGMENTS, PLEA NOT GUILTY, Mar. 1911-June 1925. 6 vols. (B1, B1, B7, B7, 7, 7, and dated). Subtitled: County Jail, Aig. 1919-June 1925, 2 vols.; San Quentin, July 1919-June 1925, 2 vols. Minutes of judgment in cases in which pleas of not guilty were entered, showing number and title of case, date of entry, dete of trial, name of defendant, nature of offense, nature of defendant's plea, verdict of jury, date of verdict, nature of judgment, date and term of sentence, place of confinement, condition of probation, amount of fine, whether fine suspended or paid, name of defendant's attorney, and final dis- position of case. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. Indexed alph. by names of defendant's. Haw. and typed on pr. fm. Aver. 200 pp. 13 x 12 x 2. Rm. 606. For subsequent record, see entry 354. Y (354-3571) 356. MINUTES AND ORDERS, SUPERIOR COURT, BOOK OF JUDGMENTS, PLEA (dated and labeled GUILTY, Jan. 1911-June 1925. 9 vols. by court department nos.). Subtitled: County Jail, July 1919-June 1925, 2 vols.; San Quentin, July 1919-May 1924, 2 vols. Minutes of judgments in cases in which pleas of guilty were entered, showing date of entry, title and number of case, name of defendant, nature of offense, name of judge presiding, nature of ples, court de- cision and nature of judgment, term of sentence and date imposed, place of confinement, conditions of probation if any, or amount of fine imposed, and finel disposition of case. Arr. chron. by dates of en- tries. Indexed alph. by names of defendants. Haw. Typed. 200 PP. 13 x 12 x 24. Rm. 606. Rm. 606. For subsequent record, see entry 354. • Calendars 357. CRIMINAL MASTER CALENDAR, DEPARTMENT 41, July 1939--. Lists of cases called in the master calendar.court department 41, showing court department number, ate end hour set for call of cal- endar, hour court convened, names of judge, deputy clerk, deputy sheriff, reporter, deputy public defender and deputy district attor- ney, case number, names of defendant and his attorney, nature of com- plaint and of plea, date set for hoering, and of judge. Arr. chron. by dates of calendar calls. No index. Typod on pr. fm. 8 x 13 x 2. 3 Room 606. 1 bdl. S - 133 - Criminal Division - -Bonds; Jury 358. CRIMINAL BLOTTER, SUPERIOR COURT, May 1917-June 1920. 3 vols. (17, 17, 17, and dated). { Calendar of cases set in superior court department 17 showing date and time of hearing, case number, name of defendant and his attorney, nature of complaint, nature of plea and verdict, probation if any, and final disposition of case. Arr. chron, by dates of hearings. No index. Hdw. Aver. 100 pp. 16 x 13 x 1. Rm. 606. · 360. 1 359* CURRENT BONDS, 1939--. 3. f.d. ? ÷ Bail bonds posted by defendants, showing case title and number, court department number, name of trial judge, name of defendant, nature of offense, name of bonding company, bond number, date bond filed and ap- proved, name of approving judge, amount and terms of bond, name of at- torney for bonding, company,, certification by notary, time of expiration, and time of forfeiture of bond. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 341. Hdw. on pr. fm. 4 x 12 x 14. Rm. 606. • A : EXONERATED BONDS, 1933--, 18 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Discharged bail bonds, showing information as in entry 359. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 341. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 4 x 122 x 14. Rm. 606, H. J. :: fm. Bonds • 358-362) + 361. BOND AFFIDAVITS, Dec. 1931--. 2 f.d. (1, 2). Affidavits executed by, personal bondsmen, showing title of court, number and title of case, date of application for bail, name, occupation, ad- dress, and phone number of bondsman, description and location of property owned by bondsman, its location, value, whether clear or mortgaged, amount of taxes, and whether subject to homestead, signature and oath of bonds- man certified by county clerk, and dated signature of judge approving bond. Arr. num. by case nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 4 x 12 x 14. Rm. 606. Jury :.. 1. 1 Grand (see also entry 397). 362. GRAND JURY REPORTS, 1895--. 4 vols. (dated), ll f.b. (dated). Yearly grand jury reports of investigations of county institutions, de- partments, and individuals, showing date of jury session, session number, number of witnesses examined, nature of any indictment returned, indict- ment number, and names and addresses of members of the jury. No obvious arr. No index. Hdw. and typed on pl. and pr. fm. Vols. aver. 150 pp. 8 3/4 x 14 x 1; f.b. 9 x 8 x 14. 1 f.b., 1895-1900, .1905-10, bsmt. storeroom; 4 vols., 1899-1904, 10 f.b., 1900- vault, rm. 606. 134 Criminal Division Jury (363-367) 363. GRAND JURY AUDITORS REPORT, 1913. 3 vols. (1-3). Subtitled: J. J. Hassett, Auditor. Grand jury auditor's reports covering an audit of all county departments, showing date of report, name of department covered, amount of collections, receipts, disbursements and expenses, money on hand and owing, and miscel- laneous financial obligations. Arr. alph. by names of depts. Indexed alph. by dept. names in vol. Typed. Aver. 300 pp. 14 x 9 x 21. Rm. 606. • 364. INDEX TO GRAND JURY REPORTS (Lists), Jan. 1892-Jan. 1931. 1 vol. Lists of county grand jury hearings relating to maintenance and operation of county functions, county officers, public utility rates and facilities, contracts of the county administrative offices, matters affecting the public welfare; also list of correspondence, minute books, documents, reports, and exhibits filed or submitted, and resolutions, reports and orders issued by the juries. Index Lists shows date and nature of hear- ing, date and nature of report or order issued, and date document filed and nature thereof. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings, dates documents filed, and dates orders issued. No index. Hdw. 100 pp. 10 x 12 x 1. Rm. 606. Petit 365. RECORD (Grand Jury Minutes) 1894, 1903-05. 4 vols. Minutes of the meetings of the grand jury, showing names of jurors, date of meeting, names of cases considered, and findings. Arr. chron. by dates of meetings. No index. Typed. No index. Typed. Aver. 200 pp. 14 x 9 x 1. Rm. 606. 366. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES GRAND JURY PAY ROLL AND REPORT, Mar. 1923-Feb. 1924. 1 vol. (dated). List of special warrants issued by county auditor on orders of superior court judges for the payment of fees to grand jurors, showing date war- rant issued, name and address of juror, date of service, mileage allowed, rate of daily remuneration, total amount due, and auditor's warrant number. Arr. chron. by dates issued. No index. Hdw. 25 pp. 18x11x. Rm. 606. ? : iii. 1 367. (JURORS, SHERIFFS AFFIDAVITS OF SERVICE OF JURORS' SUMMONSES, MINUTES OF DRAWINGS AND MILEAGE REPORTS), May 1927--. 1 f.d. General documents concerning jurors, including: i. Juries Empaneled. Minutes and orders relating to empaneling of jury showing name and location of court, date of minutes, department number of court, names of presiding judge, court clerk, and deputy sheriff, name of juror, and notation as to whether juror was accepted, excused, continued, reassigned, or failed to appear. ★1 11. Jury List. Lists of persons who have been summoned to appear before the presiding judge of superior court to be qualified and approved for prospective criminal jury service, showing name and address of prospective joror, and dated signature of county clerk. Mileage. Lists of mileage of jurors on regular panel, showing name and address of juror entitled to mileage, starting date : 135 $$ Criminal Division - P Jury No obvious 929. of juror's service, distance from juror's residence to court, and total monthly mileage. iv. Summonses Served. Sheriff's certifications of service of sum- monses on prospective jurors, showing name and address of persons summoned, notation as to whether accepted, excused, continued, resigned, or failed to appear, date of certification, name, department number, and location of court, and name of presiding judge. arr. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 16 x 12 x 24. Rm. (368-372) • 368. CRIMINAL AND CIVIL (Jurors' Personal Records), 1939-.- 1 f.d. (dated) Only current record retained. Record cards of all persons selected for jury duty in both criminal and civil cases, showing title of court, juror's name, home and business address.,´ and phone number, distance in miles, from juror's residence to court, and occupation of juror and spouse. Also contains: (Civil Jurors' Personal Records), entry 250. Arr. alph. by names of jurors. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 12 x 16 x 24. Rm. 818, H. R. P 369. SUMMONS RETURN, 1938--. 3 f.d. (dated). Only current record retained. Card record of jurors awaiting summons for duty in superior court criminal cases,,showing date of record, name, address, and phone number of juror, distance in miles from juror's residence to court, and occupation of· juror and spouse. Arr. alph. by names of jurors. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 4 x 6 x, 16. Rm. 829. 4. 371. 370. (JURORS ACCEPTED), 1937--. 1 f.d. 1 f.d. (5). Only current record re- tained. ::.. List of persons accepted for jury service, showing court department num- ber, date of trial, nature of case, case number, number of juror's seat in jury box, name of juror, amount of mileage, and signature of court clerk. Arr. chron. by dates of trials. No index. Hdw. 4 x 6 x 15. . Rm. 829. :: JURY BOOK, SUPERIOR COURT, Oct. 1905-Apr. 1915. 1 vol. (labeled by department nos. 7; 8). G List of jurors who served in the criminal divisions, departments 7 and 8, of the superior court, showing juror's name and address, date of court session, whether called or excused, number of court department, miles traveled, and mileage and service fees. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 100 pp: 18 x 14 x 1. Rm. 606. 372. JURY TICKETS, 1938--. 24 f.d. (dated). Only current record retained. Jury tickets prepared by jury clerk and used in compiling juror's time cards, entry 373, showing juror's name and address, amount of mileage, date of service, amount of time served to date, amount of time still to be served, name of court clerk, court department number, notation that juror has been accepted, and amount of time jury deliberated on case. Arr. chron. by dates of service. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 4 x 6 x 16. Rm. 818, H. R. dugle 136 Criminal Division Coroner; Exhibits 373, (TIME CARDS), 1938--. 7 f.d., 1 kardex file (labeled by con- tained letters of the alphabet). Only current record retained. Jurors time cards prepared from entry 372, shoving juror's name, address, and phone number, occupation of juror and spouse, number of days of service in specified month with daily rate of pay, amount of mileage, and total amount due. Arr. alph. by names of jurors. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. F.d. 4 x 6 x 16; kardex file, 8 x 12 x 24. Rm. 829. 374. CRIMINAL JURY PAY ROLL AND REPORT, 1938--. 1 f.d., l f.b. Only current record retained. Copies of monthly pay roll reports on services by all criminal jurors, the original of which is sent to the county auditor and used by him as authority for drawing warrants for payments to jurors, shoving auditor's serial number, date warrant issued, fund to which debited, court depart- ment number, date of report, name, mainling address and residence of juror, dates of service and mileage as per tally, total mileage, total number of days served, amount due, and auditor's warrant number, Arr. chron. by dates of reports. No index. Typed on pr. fm. F.B. 16 x 12 x 24; f.d. 16 x 16 x 13. Rm. $29. Coroner (373-377) 375. CORONER'S INQUESTS (Case Files), Oct. 1850--. 187 f.d., 28 bins (labeled by contained case nos.). All documents filed in cases pertaining to inquests held by the coroner, showing title of inquest, case number, name of deceased, date and text of document, and date document filed. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 376. Hdw. and typed on pl. and pr. fm. 154 f.d. 10x42x14; 33 f.d. 11½ x 16½ x 28; bins 23 x 23 x 13. 154 f.d., Oct. 1850-Aug 1917, rm. 9A, C. H.; 28 bins, Sept. 1917-July 1931, co. garage; 28 f.d., Aug. 1931-Dec. 1938, bsmt. storeroom; 5 f.d., Jan 1939--, rm. 606. 376. RECORD OF CORONER'S INQUESTS (Index), 1850--. 6 vols. (1-4; two vols. labeled 5, 5, and by contained letters of alphabet). Index to Coroner's Inquests (Case Files), entry 275, shoring decedent's name, age, cause of death, case file number, date of inquest, name of coroner, and whether inquest was held with or without jury. Arr. alph. by names of decedents. Hdw. on pr. fm. A ver. 270 pp. 18x12x3. Rm. 606. Exhibits 377. (EXHIBITS WITH MONETARY VALUE), 1933--. 1 vol. List of exhibits of material value, showing date exhibit filed, case number in which used, number and description of exhibit, signature of deupty clerk receiving it for safekeeping, and date and nature of its final disposition. Arr. chron. by dates exhibits filed. No index. Hdw. 125 pp. 13 x 15 x 1. Rm. 606. - 127- Criminal Division Interpreters 378. RECORD OF CRIMINAL EXHIBITS, Mar. 1893-Oct. 1918. 2 vols. (2, 3). List of exhibits filed and receipts for their delivery to deputy clerk or owner, showing case title and number, description of exhibit, name of judge issuing order for release, date of order, date of delivery, name of defendant, and signature of party receiving exhibit. Also contains: Old Orders, Nov. 1902-Oct. 1918, entry 381. Arr. num. by case nos. Indexed alph. by names of defendants. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 318 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Rm. 606. 379. INDEX TO CRIMINAL RECORDS (List of Exhibits), Dec. 1910-Mar. 1911. 1 vol. (3). Temporary list of exhibits used, showing date exhibit received by county clerk, name of defendant, case number, location and description of ex- hibit, and date of delivery to person or place designated in court order., Arr. alph. by names of defendants. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 pp. 16 x 11 x 1 3/4. Rm. 606. ? T 380. RECORD OF EXHIBITS AND RECEIPTS, May 1888-July 1893. 1 vol. (dated). 381. Registers : Register of criminal case exhibits deposited with the county clerk pend- ing court order directing their disposition, showing number and title of case, notation of testimony as to exhibit, identification and description of exhibit, name of judge issuing order of release, date of order, sig- nature of person receiving exhibit, and date received. Arr. num. by case For index, see entry 341. Hdw. 264 pp. 16 x 13 x 2. Co. garage. nos. → 382. (378-383) t OLD ORDERS, Àug. 1893-Oct. 1902. 1 f.b., Nóv. 1902-Oct. 1978, in Record of Criminal Exhibits, entry 378. Orders disposing of court exhibits, showing date of order, name of defend- ant, description of exhibit, name of person to whom delivery is to be made, and signature of judge. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. No index. Hdw.. on pl. and pr. fm. 10 x 4 3/4 x 12. Bsmt. storeroom. Interpreters • gay g (INTERPRETERS REGISTER), Jan. 1922-Dec. 1926, July 1934--. 1 vol., 1 vol. binder. • Register of available and permanently employed court interpreters, show- ing name of language in which interpreter is skilled, name, address, and. telephone number of interpreter. Arr. alph. by names of languages and thereunder alph. by names of interpreters. No index. Hdw. and typed. Vol. 150. pp. 12 x 8.x; vol. binder 100 pp. vol. binder 100 pp. 8 x 53 x 13. 8 x 5 x 1. Rm. 6063. .. 383. DATE BOOK, Mar. 1928--. 13 vols. (dated). Register of daily assignments of court interpreters, showing name of interpreter, date of assignment, name or number of court department, file number of case or reference to foreign document to be translated, name of person requesting interpreter, name of language to be interpreted, i 138 - Criminal Division - Interpreters ii. iii. 1 time of leaving and returning to office, and initials of the interpreter. Arr. chron. by dates of assignment. No index Hdw. Aver. 180 pp. 13 x 8 x 1. Rm. 6061. Translation and Work Reports 384. (CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, TRANSLATIONS), July 1926--. 6 folders in 1 desk drawer. General records, including: i. Time Correspondence, Sept. 1928--. Incoming and outgoing corres- pondence pertaining to applications by interpreters for employment, requests for service of interpreters, and the general business of the department. Hdw. and typed. Reports, Annual, July 1931--. Annual work reports compiled from semi-monthly reports, showing information as in entry 386. Typed. Reports, Semi-monthly, Municipal Courts, Feb. 1935--. Semi- monthly reports of service performed by interpreters in the municipal courts of Los Angeles City, showing location and number of the court, date of report, name of interpreter rendering service, date service rendered, and signature of the clerk of the municipal court. Hdw. and typed. Also contains: (Translations), Jan. 1939--, entry 385; (Semi-monthly reports), July 1929--, entry 336. Arr. chron. by dates No index. 10 x 12 x 16. Rm. 606. : (384-387) 385. (TRANSLATIONS), July 1932-Dec. 1938. 3 bdls. (dated). Jan. 1939--, in entry 284. Copies of translation from foreign languages into English made by inter- preters; these translations relate to birth and death records, wills, affidavits, oaths, and testimony used in court cases. Copies show name of language translated, name of translator, date translation made, and subject matter translated. Arr. chron. by dates of translations. No index. Hdw. and typed. 15 x 9 x 1. Rm. 6061. 2 387. 386. (SEMIMONTHLY REPORTS), July 1926--June 1939. 2 bdls. (dated). July 1939--, in entry 334. Semi-monthly reports of services performed by permanently employed and per diem court interpreters serving in municipal and county courts, show - ing permanently employed interpreters, title and date of report, title. of case affected, name of interpreter, date of his services, language interpreted, total number of cases, and signature of interpreter; per diem interpreters, title and date of report, date of pay roll, inter- preter's name, language interpreted, date and number of days worked, amount collected for services, semi-monthly amount of wages received, and mailing address of interpreter. Arr. chron. by dates of reports. No index. Typed. 16 x 10 x 6. Rm. 606. • (DAILY TIME TICKETS), July 1923--. 7 bdls. in desk drawer. Court interpreters' daily time tickets, showing ticket date, title of 139- Crinal Division. - Interpreters 388. case to which assigned, case number, court department or division number, hours served, and signature of interpreter and court official verifying ticket. Arr.. chron.. by dates of tickets. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Bals. 7 x 5 x 2; desk drawer 10 x 5 x 24. Rm. 6063. Fees PER DIEM TIME BOOK, July 1927--. unlabeled). Title varies: July 1927-Dec. 1928, 1 vol. Time record of interpreters employed by the day, showing name of inter- preter, date of employment, total semimonthly time worked, per diem rate of pay, amount of semimonthly earnings of each interpreter, and the total amount of the semimonthly pay roll; from July 1927-Dec. 1930 also shows languages spoken by interpreter. Arr. chron. by dates of employment. No index. . Hdw. Hdw. Aver. 60 pp. 9 x 5 x. Rm. 6063. 1 !! 392. 389. (MONTHLY TIME SHEETS), July 1934-- 7 sheets. Monthly time record of the permanent employees, showing date of record, name of employee, days worked, days absent, and vacation period. Arr. chron. by dates of record. No index. Hdw. and typed. 17 x 11. 17 x 11. Rm. 6063. * 71 • 6 vols. (1 vol. dated; 5 vols. Extra Interpreters All Languages, · (388-392) 1 vol. 390. FEES COLLECTED BY INTERPRETERS, July 1930- › Journal entries of fees collected by court interpreters, showing date of entry, amount of fee received, receipt number, case number, nature of service for which fee was earned, court department number, name of inter- preter, and amount of daily receipts and monthly totals; from May 1934- Aug. 1937 also shows transportation expense incurred by interpreter. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Hdw 150 pp. 9 x 6 x 3. Rm. 606. · "I 391. (RECEIPTS FOR FEES), Aug. 1920-Sept. 1930, Dec. 1930--. 24 vols. (labeled by contained receipt nos.), 17 loose receipts (unlabeled). Receipts for fees collected by intérpreters from litigants, showing re- .ceipt number, title of office, date of receipt, court department or division number, number and title of case, name of payer, amount of re- ceipt, name of language interpreted, and name of interpreter; from Dec. 1930- also shows date of receipt of money by auditor and signature of deputy auditor. Arr. num. by receipt nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Vols. aver. 50 pp. 9 x 4 x ; receipts 9 x 4 x. Rm. 606). • (RECEIPTS ACCOUNTING DIVISION), July 1926-Aug. 1928, July-Nov. 1930. 2 envelopes (dated). Receipts issued by accounting division for fees turned over to it, show- ing number and title of case, court department or division number in which services were rendered, name of interpreter employed, number and date of receipt issued by interpreter to litigant, name of person making transmittal, date and amount of money transmitted, stamp imprinted "General Fund," and signature of auditor's deputy receiving money. Also contains: A Collection Reports. Monthly collection reports of the auditor's office, showing title and date of report, interpreter's receipt - 140 - Criminal Division - Reporters Qualifying Certificates number, amount of receipt, total amounts of receipts and money received for each month, date of receipt, and signature of deputy auditor. No obvious arr * : Arr. chron. by dates of receipts. No index. Haw. on pr. fm. 4 x 7. Rm. 6061. (393-396) Reporters 393. COURT REPORTERS, June 1902--. 1 folder (2596). Certificates qualifying persons as court reporters or stenographers, shoring name of examiner, name of applicant, speed attained, dates of examination and appointment, by whom appointed, place of assignment, cath of office, and signature of presiding judge. Arr. chron. by dates of appointments. No index. Hdw. and typed. 14 x 10 x . Rm. 203. Registers 394. REPORTERS PER DIEMS CRIMINAL RECORD, 1927--. 11 vol. (dated). Schedules of court reporters' assignments, showing number of court de- partment to which assigned, name of judge presiding, date of court ses- sion, serial number and title of case, name of reporter, and date he is to appear for duty. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index. Haw. and typed. Aver. 600 pp. 9 x 15 x 3. Rm. 606. Transcripts • 395. TRANSCRIPT CERTIFICATES (Orders for), May 1930-Dec. 1932. 1 f.b. (1-4439). Orders issued by court directing reporter to make transcripts of testi- mony in criminal cases, showing title of case, name of defendant, case number, court department number, date hearing reported and transcript ordered, number of folios and number of copies, cost per folio, total cost, and dated signature of county clerk. Arr. num. by case nos. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 10 x 43/4 x 14. Rm. 9A, C. H. 396. REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPTS OF PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, Apr. 1921--, Approx. 67,000 vols. (labeled by contained superior court case nos.) Reporters' notes of testimony taken in preliminary hearings before the municipal and justices courts, showing title of the court, name of judge, preliminary court case number, names of defendant, prosecuting and defending attorney, date of hearing, name of witness, nature of testimony, date transcript filed, nature of the findings and recommendations of the court as to disposition of the case, certification by court reporter that testimony and proceedings have been correctly reported and trans- cribed, and the superior court case number. Arr. num. by superior court case nos. For index, see entry 341. Typed. Aver. 70 pp. 11 x 8 x 1. Apr. 1921-Oct. 29, 1931, approx. 29,000 vols., bsmt. storeroom; Oct. 30, 1931--, approx. 33,000 vols., rm. 606. ative 141 Criminal Division Reports; Miscellaneous 398. 397. REPORTERS TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE GRAND JURY, Feb. 1937. 217 vols. (labeled by superior court case No. 67121). Verbatim transcript of reporters' notes of testimony before the county grand jury in the criminal case of People vs. William Busick, et al. No obvious arr. No index. Typed. Aver. 72 pp. 10 x 8 x 1. Bsmt. storeroom. ? INDEX REPORTER'S NOTES, CRIMINAL CASES, Apr. 1879-Dec. 1903, Aug. 1912. 2 vols. (dated). Index to reporter's notes in criminal cases, showing date and serial num- ber of notes, names of plaintiff and defendant, department number of court, and name of court reporter; records to which this index relates cannot be located. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs. Hdw. on pr. fm. Binding in poor condition. Aver. 300 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. garage. 401. .. 2 ; 399. REPORT TO REGISTRAR OF VOTERS, Sept. 1935--. 1 envelope (dated). Copies of annual reports by county clerk to the county registrar of voters pertaining to persons convicted of felonies, showing criminal case number, name, address, race, age, and birthplace of convicted felon. Arr. alph. by names of felons. No index. Typed. 10 x 14 x 11. Rm. 606. 400. REPORT ON AUDIT OF ALL DEPARTMENTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY EXCEPTING THE CITY SCHOOL BOARD AND SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, June 1925-Dec. 1926.. 1 vol. (dated). 1 Reports Audit report on all departments of Los Angeles County, except city board of education and superintendent of schools, showing name of department, and detailed findings of the financial standing of department audited. Arr. alph. by names of depts. No index. 350 pp. 12 x 9 x 1. Rm. 606. Typed. : (397-402) Miscellaneous (CASES TO FOLSOM AND SAN QUENTIN PRISONS), Oct. 1930-Aug. 1938. 1 f.d. Letters of transmittal to the wardens of Folsom and San Quentin prisons of the case histories of prisoners committed to or on parole from the se prisons, showing date of letter, name and address of warden, name of prison and prisoner, and signed acknowledgment by warden of the receipt · of the case history.. Arr. chron. by dates af letters. No index. Typed. 81½ x 11 x 24. Rm. 606. • } pag 402. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CLOSED PROPERTY CASES OF INDIGENTS, Jan. 1921-June 1925. 1 vol. (dated). Subtitled: Walter K. Mitchell, Certified Public Accountant, Los Angeles. Closed cases pertaining to property-owning indigents against whom claims have been filed by department of charities, showing case number, date case filed, name, address, and number of children in family of indigent, 142 Criminal Division - Juvenile Court State and county in which aid granted, total amount of aid, period dur- ing which aid granted, amount of property owned, and notation as to prob- ability of reimbursement to county for aid granted. Arr. chron. by dates cases filed. No index. No index. Typed. 269 pp. 11 x 17 x 3/4. Rm. 606. live. Typed. 403. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CURRENT PROPERTY CASES, INDIGENT AND BLIND PENSIONERS, Mar. 1915-June 1925. 1 vol. (dated). Subtitled: Walter K. Mitchell, Certified Accountant. Open cases pertaining to property-owning indigents against whom claims have been filed by the departments of charities, showing case number, date case filed, indigent's name, address and district, State and county in which aid granted, total amount of aid, period of time during which aid granted, amount of property owned by indigent, and notation as to probability of reimbursement to county for aid granted. Arr. chron. by dates cases filed. Indexed alph. by names of districts in which indigents 11 x 17 x 3/4 11 x 17 x 3/4. Rm. 606. Typed. 350 pp. General Index BODO PA Case Papers (403-406) 405. Juvenile Court 404. Index to (Juvenile Cases), entry 405; Juvenile Register, July 1915--, entry 413; and to Juvenile Bonds Exonerated or Closed, Nov. 1919--, entry 427, showing name of juvenile, date petition filed, and case number. Arr. alph. by names of juveniles. Vol. hdw.; rotary stand, photostated and typed on cards. Vols. aver. 200 pp. 17 x 12 x 6; rotary stand 24 x 8. Rm. 606. ד (General Index), May 1903--. 2 vols. (dated), 1 rotary stand (unlabeled ). 4 (JUVENILE CASES), May 4, by contained case nos.). Cases), entry 189. All documents, from the initiating petition to final disposition, filed in cases before the juvenile court, showing title and number of case, name of minor, date and text of document, and date document filed. contains: Abandonment of Minors, May 4, 1903--Aug. 1917, entry 406; (Contributing to Delinquency of Minors), May 4, 1903-Aug. 1915, entry 407; Pacific Colony and Sonoma, May 4, 1903-Sept. 1939, entry 408; Aban- donment Judgments and Findings, Juvenile Court, May 4, 1903-Aug. 1917, entry 429. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry. 404. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 11 x 101. 344 f.d., May 4, 1903-Dec. 3, 1939, bsmt. store- room; 200 f.d., Dec. 4, 1929--, rm. 606. 1 1903--. Approx. 544 f.d. (labeled Jan. 1880-May 3, 1903 in (Civil Also 406. ABANDONMENT OF MINORS, Aug. 1917--. 6 f.d. (labeled by con- tained case nos.). May 1903-Aug. 1917 in (Juvenile Cases), entry 405. All documents, from initiating petition to findings and judgment, filed in proceedings declaring minors abandoned and free from the custody and 143 Crhiinal Division Juvenile Court 407. Also control of their parents, showing information as in entry 405. contains: Abandonment Judgments and Findings, Juvenile Court, Aug. 1917-Jan. 23, 1921, entry 429. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, Aug. 1917-Apr. 18, 1938, see entry 417; no index, Apr. 19, 1938--. Typed, and typed on pr. fm. 12 x 16 x 28.5 f.d., Aug. 1917-Mar. 7, 1933, bsmt. storeroom; 1 f.d., Mar. 8, 1935--, rm. 606. 408. 1 409. (407-411) 12 x All documents, from the initiating complaint to final disposition, filed in cases relating to the prosecution of persons contributing to the delinquency of minors, showing information as in entry 405. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, Aug. 1915-July 29, 1924, see entry 415; for July 30, 1924--, see entry 414. Hdw. and typed on pl. and pr. fm. 16 x 24. 13 f.d., Aug. 1915-Nov. 18, 1955, bsmt. storeroom; 10 f.d,, Nov. 19, 1935--, rm. 606. (CONTRIBUTING TO DELINQUENCY OF MINORS), Aug. 1915--. 23 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Apr. 1887-May 3, 1903 in Criminal Case Files, entry 342, May 4, 1903-Aug. 1915 in (Juvenile Cases); entry 405. Cases), entry 405. All documents, from initiating peitition to final order, filed in pro- ceedings for the commitment of feeble-minded or incompetent minors to the State institutions of Pacific Colony and Sonoma, showing informa- tion as in entry 405. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 418. Hdw. and typed on pr.. fm. 10 x 16 x 27. Rm. 606, H. R. PACIFIC COLONY AND SONOMA, Oct. 1939--. 1 f.d. (labeled by: contained case nos.). May 4, 1903-Sept. 1939 in (Juvenile -: G (WHITTIER STATE SCHOOL); June 1891-Apr. 1904. 2 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). All documents, from initiating complaint to order of commitment, filed in cases of male and female delinquent minors committed to the State School at Whittier, showing information as in entry 405. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 410. Hdw. on pr. fm. and typed, mixed. 10 x 5 x 14. Rm. 9A, C. H. 410. INDEX TO WHITTIER COMMITMENTS, June 1891-Apr. 1904. 1 vol. Index to (Whittier State School), entry 409, showing name of minor, date of commitment order, department number of superior court hearing case, notation of the disposition of case, and commitment case number. Arr. alph, by names of minors. Haw. 75 pp. 13 x 7 x . Rm. 606. 1 2 f.b. 411. ADOPTIONS, Feb. 22, 1900-May 15, 1905, Jan. 1936--. : and 15 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Jan. 1880-Feb. 21, 1900, May 16, 1905-Dec. 1935 in (Civil Cases), entry 189. All documents, from initiating petition to final disposition, filed in proceedings pertaining to the adoption of minors, showing title of court, case title and number, and name and address of attorneys. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, Feb. 22, 1900-May 1905, see entry 186; Jan. 1936--, see entry 412. Typed, and typed on pr. fm. F.b. 10 x 4 3/4 x 14; f.d. 12 x 16 x 24. F.b., 1900-1905, rm. 9A, C. H.; f.d., 1936--, rm. 606. < G 144 Criminal Division Juvenile Court Registers W :. 412. (INDEX TO ADOPTION CASES), 1936--. 1 rotary stand. Index to Adoptions, entry 411, showing case number, original and assumed name of child, name of petitioner, and date petition filed. Arr. alph. by names of petitioners and by original names of children. Typed. 24 x 3. Rm. 606. For prior record, see entry 186. 414. 415. 413. JUVENILE (Register), July 1915--. 17 vols., 176 vol. binders (1-203 and labeled by contained case nos.). May 1903-Jan. 1905 in Juvenile Court, Juvenile Contributory (Register and Index), entry 414. (412-415) Register of proceedings in ases affecting the welfare of juveniles, showing title and location of court, title and number of case, name of probation officer and attorneys, section of the juvenile law under which proceedings held, name of minor, and dated entry of each step taken or document filed from the initiating complaint to final disposition. Also contains: Register of Actions, Abandonment, July 1915-Aug. 16, 1917, entry 416. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 404. Hdw., July 1915-Jan. 26, 1922; hdw. and typed on pr. fm., Jan. 27, 1922--.: Vols. aver. 250 pp. 13 x 9 x 2; vol. binders aver. 300 pp. 11 x 9 x 2. Rm. 606. JUVENILE COURT, JUVENILE CONTRIBUTORY (Register and Index), May 1903-Jan. 1905, Oct. 1911--. 3 vols. (1, 1, 2), 3 vol. binders (2-4 and labeled by contained case nos.). Register of all documents filed and all proceedings held in criminal cases brought against persons contributing to the delinquency of minors, show- ing title and location of court, number of case, names of defendant, deputy district attorney and of attorney for defendant, dates warrant issued and returned, nature of document filed, amount of fine, nature of defendant's plea, dates of trial and sentence, date of application for probation, probation officer's report, date of hearing on probation, and action of court on probation application; self-contained index also serves as index to (Contributing to Delinquency of Minors), July 30, 1924--, entry 407. Also contains: Juvenile (Register), May 1903-Jan. 1905, entry 413. Arr. num. by case nos. Indexed alph. by names of defendants, Oct. 1911-Aug. 1915, July 1924--; separate index, Aug. 1915- Mar. 1932, entry 415. Hdw. on pr. fm. Vols. aver. 275 pp. 13½ x 9½ x 2; vol. binders aver. 500 pp. 11 x 9 x 4. Rm. 606. CONTRIBUTORY (Delinquency) CASES INDEX, Aug. 1915-Mar. 1932.. 1 vol. (labeled by case nos. C 9494-C 10999 and department No. 8). Index to Contributing to Delinquency of Minors), Aug. 1915-July 29, 1924, entry 407; and to Juvenile Court, Juvenile Contributory (Register and In- dex), entry 414; showing name of defendant, and case number. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. Hdw. 50 pp. 14 x 83 x 1. Fum. 606. : + -1/5 Criminal Division Juvenile Court 416. 417. REGISTER OF ACTIONS, ABANDONMENT, Aug. 17, 1917-- 1 vol. (1), 2 vol. binders (2, 3, and labeled by contained case nos.). July 1915-Aug. 16, 1917 in Juvenile (Register), entry 415. Register of proceedings, in cases of abandonment of minors, showing infor- mation as in entry 413. Arr Arr. num. by case nos. Indexed alph. by names of minors; also separate index, Aug. 1917-Apr. 18, 1938, entry 417. Hdw. on pr. fm. Vol. 250 pp. 13 x 9 x 2; vol. binders aver. 500 pp. 11 x 9 x 4. Rm. 606. * ABANDONMENT, JUVENILE RECORDS INDEX, Aug. 1917-Apr. 18, 1938. 1 vol. (1, A, and dated).· Index to Abandonment of Minors, entry 406, and Register of Actions, Abandonment, entry 416, showing name of minor, and case number. alph. by names of minors. Haw. 126 pp. 13 x 8 x 1. Rm. 606. Minutes • (416-421) # 418. ACTIONS (Commitment Register), Oct. 1939--. 1 vol..binder (83, 83000-83999). Register of proceedings for the commitment of feeble-minded or incompe- tent minors to the State institutions of Pacific Colony and Sonoma, showing information as in entry 413; also serves as an index to Pacific Colony and Sonoma, entry 408. Arr. num. by case nos. Indexed alph. by names of minors. Hdw. on pr. fm. 150 pp. 11 x 12 x 2. Rm. 606. 1 Arr. 419. MINUTES AND ORDERS, JUVENILE COURT, May 1903--. 63 vols., 18 vol. binders (1-81 and dated). Title varies slightly. Final minutes of all orders and proceedings, showing court department number, date and hour of court session, names of judge, clerk, deputy sheriff, and court reporter present, case number, names of minor, pro- bation officer, parents or guardian, and witnesses, dates of continuances, and nature and date of each step taken in the case. Also contains: Judg- ments Juvenile Court, May 1903-Aug. 9, 1915, entry 428. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. Indexed alph. by names of minors, May 1903- Aug. 4, 1915; no index, Aug. 5, 1915--. Hdw., May 1903-Aug. 4, 1915; typed, Aug. 5, 1915--. Aver. 275, pp. 17 x 11 x 24. Rm. 606. 420. MINUTES SUPERIOR COURT, CRIMINAL, Oct. 1939--. 1' vol. binder (153).. 421. ROUGH MINUTES), July 1939--. tained. t Minutes of juvenile court hearings on petitions for the commitment of feeble-minded or incompetent minors to the State institutions of Pacific Colony and Sonoma, showing information as in entry 419, and, in addition, names of medical examiners testifying, nature of their findings, and of the order of the court for the support and commitment of the minor, and certification to the correctness of the minutes by the clerk. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Typed. 50 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Rm, 606. 1 f.d. Only current record re- Rough minutes of court sessions, showing information as in entry 419. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 101 x 16 x 28. Rm. 826. ** 10 ** 2 146. ! Criminal Division - Juvenile Court (422-427) 422. (ROUGH MINUTES), July 1936--. 7 bdls. (dated), 2 vol. binders (unlabeled). Onty current record retained. Rough court minutes used in the preparation of court calendar, entry 423, and minutes and orders, entry 419, showing as in entry 419. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Vol. binders aver. 1,000 pp. 13 x 101 x 6; bdls. aver. 7 x 11 x 13. 3 bdis., July 1926-Dec. 1937, rm. 606; 4 bals., Jan. 1938-Dec. 1939 and 2 vol. binders, Jan. 1940--. Bsmt. storeroom. Calendars (CALENDAR CASE RECORD), July 1934--. 6 f.d. Prior record destroyed. Card record of hearings on petitions relating to the admission of de- linquent, destitute, or feeble-minded minors to State institutions and on matters pertaining to their care, custody, support, control, and parole, showing number and title of case, name of probation or investi- gating officer, date of hearing, names of judge, court commissioner or referee before whom hearing held, and notation of all proceedings taken by the court. 2 f.d. arr. num. by case nos., 4 f.d. arr. chron. by dates set for hearings. No index. Hdw. and typed. 6 x 8 x 20. Rm. 606. Bonds 424. (CALENDAR CASE RECORD), July 1940--. 1 f.b. Only current record retained. Card record of hearings set in adoption or abandonment proceedings, showing date petition filed, date of hearing or continuance, case number, name of juvenile, name and address of attorney for petitioner, and name and address of juvenile officer. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Hdw. and typed. 5 x 8 x 14. Rm. 606. 425. CURRENT BONDS, CONTRIBUTING TO THE DELINQUENCY OF A MINOR, 1940--. 1 f.d. Current bail bonds posted by defendants charged with contributing to delinquency of minors, showing information as in entry 427. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 341, Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 4 x 12 x 14. Rm. 606. 426. EXONERATED CONTRIBUTING BONDS, 1909--. 3 f.d. Discharged bail bonds in cases where defendants were charged with contri- buting to deliquency of minors, showing information in entry 427. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 341. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 4 x 12 x 14. 1 f.d., 1909-32, bamt, storeroom; 2 f.d., 1932--, rm. 606. 1 427.´´JUVENILE BONDS EXONERATED OR CLOSED, Nov. 1909--. 2 f.d. (unlabeled). Expired bail bonds posted by defendants charged with offenses against juveniles, shoving names of bonding company and its attorney, bond number, date filed, dated signature of approving judge, amount and terms of bond, certification by notary public, name of defendant and offense charged, - 147 Criminal Division District Court Judgments 428. time limit of bond and date of forfeiture, court case number, and di- vision of superior court. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 404. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 4 x 12 x 14. Rm. 606. 429. : 430. Indexes Findings, judgments, and commitments to State institutions, made upon hearings and examinations of homeless; indigent, criminally inclined, uncontrollable, feeble-minded, insane, or delinquent minors, showing title of court, case and judgment numbers, name of minor, date and signa- ture of judge, date judgment and commitment filed, and signature of county clerk. Arr. num. by judgment nos. No index. Typed on pr. fm. Aver. 450 pp. 14 x 10 x 3. Rm. 606. ABANDONMENT JUDGMENTS AND FINDINGS, JUVENILE COURT, Jan. 24, 1921--. 1 vol. binder (1). May 4, 1903-Aug. 1917 in (Juvenile Cases), entry 405, Aug. 1917-Jan. 23, 1931 in (Abandonment of Minors), entry 406. Findings and judgments entered declaring: minors abandoned by their parents or free from their custody and control, showing title of court, case number, names of minor and parents, date of judgment and findings, signa- ture of judge, dates findings and judgment entered and filed, and signa- ture of county clerk. Arr. num. by case nos. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 1,275 pp. 14 x 11 x 5. Rm.: 606. Miscellaneous.. ; JUDGMENTS JUVENILE COURT, Aug. 10, 1915-Dec. 1923, Oct. 17, 1924--. 102 vol. binders (1-16, 18-103 and labeled by con- tained judgment nos.). May 1903-Aug. 9, 1915 in Minutes and Orders, Juvenile Court, entry 419. • (428-431) J District Court · COMMITMENTS WHITTIER STATE SCHOOL (and Discharge Certificates), June 1891-Mar. 1906. 3 vols. (1, 2, and dated; 1 vol. unlabeled), Title varies slightly. Orders of commitment of delinquent minors to the State Reform School at Whittier, and certificates of discharge issued by the superintendent of this school, showing title of court of school, case number, name of minor, date of order or certificate, name of judge or superindendent, dates order of certificate filed and recorded, and certification of correctness of copy by county clerk. Arr. chron. by dates of orders. Indexed alph. by names of minors. Hdw. on pr. fm. and typed. Aver. 300 pp. 16 x 12 x 3. Rm. 606. : 431. GENERAL INDEX GENERAL INDEX, PLAINTIFF, DISTRICT COURT, Mar. 1865-Dec. 1876. 1 vol. (dated). Index to plaintiffs to District Court (Civil Case Files), entry 435; Register of Actions, District Court, Los Angeles County, entry 439; Order D 148 - Criminal Division - District Court Book District Court, 17th Judicial District, Jan. 1868-Feb. 1869, entry 447; Judgment Book, 17th District Court, entry 448; and to Judgment Docket District Court, entry 449; showing case number, name of plaintiff and defendant, date of judgment or order, and book and page number where recorded. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs. Hdw. Hdw. 150 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Rm. 500. (432-436) 432. PLAINTIFF INDEX, DISTRICT COURT, Aug. 1850-Dec. 1379. 3 vols. (dated). Index to plaintiffs to District Court (Civil Case Files), entry 435; Register of Actions, District Court, Los Angeles County, entry 439; Order Book District Court, 17th Judicial District, Jan. 1868-Feb. 1869, entry 447; Judgment Book 17th District Court, Oct. 1850-Dec. 1379, entry 448, and to Judgment Docket District Court, Oct. 1350-Dec. 1979, entry 449;, showing case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, date of judgment or order, and book and page number where recorded. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs. Hdw. Aver. 500 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Rm. 500. .. 433. DEFENDANT INDEX, DISTRICT COURT, 1865–79. 2 vols. (dated). Index to defendants,' District Court (Civil Case Files), entry 425; Register of Actions, District Court, Los Angeles County, entry 439; entry 447; Judgment Book 17th District Court, entry 448; and to Judgment Docket District Court, entry 449; shoving case number, names of defendant and plaintiff, dates of judgment or order, and book and page number where recorded. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 300 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Rm. 9A, C. H. · 434. GENERAL INDEX, DISTRICT COURT, 1865-77. 1 vol. (labeled by contained case nos.). Index to defendants, District Court (Civil Case Files), entry 435, show- ing information as in entry 433. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Rm. 9A, C. H. Case Papers 435. DISTRICT COURT (Civil Case Files), 1850-79. 224 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Hdw., All documents, from inception of the action until its disposition, filed in civil cases, showing case number and title, date and text of document, and date document filed. Arr. num. by case nos. For indexes of plain- tiffs, see entries 431, 432; and of defendants, entries 433,. 434. 1850-53; hdw. on pr. fm., 1853-75; hdw. and typed on pr. fm., 1875–79. 10 x 4 x 13. Rm. 9A, C. H. ? 436. DISTRICT COURT, CRIMINAL CASE FILES, Jan. 1851-June 1879. 3 f.b. (labeled by contained case nos.). All documents, from initiating complaint to judgment of conviction or dismissal, in criminal cases heard by the district court, shoving infor- mation as in entry 435. Arr. num. by case nos. No index. Hdw. and typed on pl. and pr. fm. 10 x 43/4 x 12. Bsmt. storeroom. : · 149 · Criminal Division District Court 437. DISTRICT (Court) HABEAS CORPUS (Case Files), July 1854-June 1860, 2 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.) All documents, from initiating petition to final order or disposition, filed in habeas corpus proceedings, showing information as in entry 435, and in addition, notation as to whether petition denied and the defendant remanded or exonerated. Arr. num. by case nos. No index. Hdr. on pl. and pr. fm. 12 x 4 x 14. Bsmt. storeroom. 438. TAX SUITS (Case Files), June 1864-June 1872. 1 f.d. All documents, from inception of action to entry of judgment, filed in suits brought by the county for the collection of delinquent real and personal property taxes, showing information as in entry 435. Arr. num. by 'case nos. For index, see entry 441. Hdw. on pl. and pr. fm. 10 x 13 x 43. Rm. 9A, C. H. Registers 439. REGISTER OF ACTIONS, DISTRICT COURT, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, Feb. 1851-Mar. 1855, Nov. 1857-Dec. 1879.9 vols. (8 vols. labeled 1-8 and by.contained case nos., also dated; 1 vol. dated). Title varies: District Court Judgment Docket, 1851-55, 1.vol. Register of all documents filed and all steps taken from commencement of general actions to their final disposition, showing title of court, number and title of case, names of attorneys, nature of action, date document filed and its nature, date and nature of every step taken in the action, and disposition of case. Arr. num by case nos. For index to plain-. tiffs, see entries 431, 432; and of defendants, entries 433, 434; no defendants index, 1857-64. Hdw 150 to 580 pp. 12 x 8 x 2 to 17 x 12 x 2. 1 vol., 1851-55, co. garage; 8 vols. 1857-79, rm. 9A, C. H. 441. (237-242) 440. TAXES, REGISTER OF ACTIONS, June 1864-June 1872. 1 vol. (1). Register of all documents filed and all steps taken in proceedings brought by the county for the collection of delinquent real and personal property taxes, showing information as in entry 439. Arr. num. by case nos. For index; see entry 441. Hdw. on pr. fm. 700 pp. (123 used) 18 x 13 x 34 Rm. 9A, C. H. Minutes : 442. Index to Tax Suits (Case Files), entry 438; and to Taxes, Register of Actions, entry 440; showing name of defendant and case number. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 pp. 18 x 13 x 33. Co. garage. REGISTERING INDEX TAX SUITS, June 1864-June 1872. 1 vol. (labeled by contained case nos.). ROUGH MINUTES OF THE 17th DISTRICT COURT, Oct. 1877-Apr. 1878. 1 vol. Minutes of court proceedings in civil and criminal actions, showing title of court, number and title of case, date of court session, names of attorneys for plaintiff and defendant, nature of action, whether or not case heard by jury, nature of verdict by jury and sentence of judge in Criminal Division District Court 1 :. - 150 - Ang Song -criminal actions, and in civil cases the verdict or decision of judge. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index. Hdw. 400 pp. 15 x 10 x 2. Rm. 602. 443. 9 MINUTE BOOK 17th DISTRICT COURT, June 1350-Dec. 1879 18 vols. (1-18 and dated). Title varies: Minutes of Proceedings in the District Court, June 1850-Feb. 1852, 1 vol. Record of the District Court, 1st Judicial District, Feb. 1852-Mar. 1854, 1 vol.; Minutes District Court 1st Judicial District, Mar. 1854- Dec. 1855, 1 vol.; Minutes 1st District Court, Dec. 1855- Nov. 1869, 6 vols. Minutes of all court proceedings, including naturalizations, in the dis- trict court, shoving date of court session, title and case number, date and nature of each step taken in the action or proceeding and its dis- position, and signature of county clerk. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. For index, see entry 444; for index to naturalizations, Mar. 1851-Dec. 1879, see entry 237. Haw. Aver. 400 pp. 13½ x 134 x 2. 2 vols., June 1850-Dec. 1853, rm. 602, vault; 16 vols., 1854-79. Co garage. Calendars 44.4. INDEX, MINUTES OF DISTRICT COURT, June 1850-Dec. 1879. 1 vol. (dated). • (443-446) .. Index to Minute Book 17th District Court, entry 443, showing case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, date complaint filed, and volume and page number where recorded. First half of vol. arr, alph. by names of plaintiffs, second half arr. alph. by names of defendants. Haw. 200 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. garege19: .. • .. 1872– 445. AYDELOTTE'S. LAYER RECORD, 1872-82. 1 vol. Memoranda of points, authorities, notes, and opinions made by judges on cases hear, shoving date and term of court session, names of attorneys for plaintiff and defendant., citation of case law, and court decision applicable to case being heard. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm.5.324 pp. 13½ x 8 x 1. Rm. 600, vault. Ko 446. CALENDAR, DISTRICT COURT, 1st JUDICIAL DIST., LOS ANGELES CO., Nov. 1855-Feb. 1869. 7 vols. (dated). Title varies: Calendar for the Bar, District Court of the 1st Judicial District, State of California for Los Angeles County, July 1860-Nov. 1362, 2 vols. 3 List of civil and criminal cases: set for hearings, showing title of court, date of court session, number and title of case, date of hearing or trial, volume and page number where recorded, name of attorney for litigants, and notation of decision or other action taken by the court. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 50 pp. 10 x 3 x . Rm. 602. gog 151 - Criminal Division District Court Orders 447. 448. Record of court orders in cases arising in the 17th Judicial District, showing case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of action, date and nature of order, and signature of judge. Arr, chron. by dates of orders. For index of plaintiffs, see entries 431, 432; and of de- fendants, entries 433, 434. Hdw. 640 pp. (28 used) 18 x 13 x 3. Co. garage. Judgments 449. (447-451) ORDER BOOK DISTRICT COURT, 17th JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Jan. 1868- Feb. 1869. 1 vol. (dated). JUDGMENT BOOK 17th DISTRICT COURT, Oct. 1850-Dec. 1879, 8 vols. (A-H and dated). Title varies slightly. Record of district court judgments, showing case number, title of court, names of plaintiff and defendant and their attorneys, date of trial, amount of judgment, amount of court costs, signature of judge, and date judgment recorded. Arr. chron. by dates judgments recorded. For index to plaintiffs, see entries 431, 432; and of defendants, entries 433, 434. Hdw. Aver. 300 pp. 15 x 11 x 3. pp. 15 x 11 x 3. Co. garage. 5, : JUDGMENT DOCKET DISTRICT COURT, Oct. 1850-Dec. 1879. 3 vols. (1-3 and dated). Title varies slightly. Record of judgments handed down by the district court, showing names of judgment debtor and creditor, amount and date of judgment, date and page number of entry in judgment book, date of appeal, if any, decision of appellate court, and date judgment satisfied. Arr. chron. by dates of judgments. For index of plaintiffs, see entries 431, 432; and of de- fendants, entries 433, 434. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 400 pp. 17 x 12 x 3. Co. garage. 450. DECREE BOOK (Tax Suit Judgments), Aug. 1864-June 1872. 1 vol. Record of the award and execution of, judgments entered in suits brought by the County of Los Angeles for the collection of delinquent real and personal property taxes, showing number and title of case, number of acres, improvements thereon and valuation thereof, valuation of personal property, date set for trial, names of attorneys, disposition of, case, amount and 'date of judgment, signature of judge, and date of entry. chron. by dates of judgments. No index. Hdw. 400 pp. 17 x 12 x 21. Co. garage. Arr. Attorney's 451. ROLL OF ATTORNEYS, Mar. 1854-Feb. 1891. 1 vol. (dated), and 1 duplicate 'vol. (1). List of attorneys admitted to practice in Los Angeles County by the dis- trict and superior courts, showing date of admission, name of attorney, name of judge before whom admitted, and whether attorney was removed or died. Original vol. arr. chron. by dates of admissions; duplicate vol. arr. alph. by names of attorneys. No index. Hdw. Hdw. 250 pp. Original vol. 13 x 81 x.1; duplicate vol. 18 x 12 x 21. North vault, rm. 303. - 152- Criminal Division - County Court > Case Papers County Court 452. COUNTY COUFT, CRIMINAL CASE FILES, Mar. 1864-July 1879. 22 flbl (labeled by contained case nos.). Sept.: 1853-Feb. 1864 in County Court (Case File) entry 453.. All documents, from initiating complaint to final disposition, filed in criminal proceedings, showing title of court, case number, name of de- fedent, date and text of document. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, ses entry 457. Haw. and typed on pl. and pr. fm. 10 x 4 x 12. Bsmt. storeroom. For subsequent habeas corpus record, see entry 343. • 453. COUNTY COURT (Case Files), Sept. 1853-Dec. 1879. 35 f.d. (labeled by contained nos.). All documents, from initiating complaint, or writ of appeal to decree of judgment, sentence or dismissal, filed in civil cases, showing title of case, caxe number, date and text of document, and date document filed. Aiso contains: County Court, Criminal Case Files, Sept. 1853-Feb. 1864, entry 452. Arr. num. by case nos. No index, Sept. 1853-Aug. 1854; for index, Sept. 1854-Dec. 1879, see entry 456. Haw. on pr. fm. 10x43/4x13. Rm. 9A, C. H. (452-456) • 454. COUNTY (Court) HABEAS CORPUS (Case Files), 1853-59. 3 f.b. (labeled by ccntained case nos.). All documents filed in habeas corpus proceedings, showing title of court, case number, names of defendant and his attomey, date and text of document, and date document filed. Arr. num. by case nos. For in- dex, see entry 344. Hdw. on pr. fm. 12 x 4 x 14. Bemt. storeroom. Registers 456. 455. REGISTER OF ACTIONS, COUNTY COURT, CRIMINAL, May 10, 1872- Nov. 1879. 1 vol. (dated). Sept. 30, 1854-May 9, 1872 in Register of Actions County Court, entry 456. Register of criminal actions, showing case number, name of defendant, nature of charge, date action filed, dates of continuance, verdict or judgment, nature and date of sentence, and name of judge. Arr. num. by case nos. No index. Hdw. 225 pp. 18 x 12 x 24. Rm. 9A, C. H. REGISTER OF ACTIONS COUNTY COURT, Sept. 30, 1854-Dec. 1879. 3 vol. binders (1-3 and dated). Register of all documents filed and steps taken in county court civil actions, also serves as index to County Court (Case Files), entry 453, show ing information as in entry 439.. Also contains: Register of Actions, County Court, Criminal, Sept. 30, 1854-May 9, 1872, entry 455. Arr. num, by case nos. For index. See entry 457. Haw. Hdw. Aver. 550 pp. 17½ x 12 x 3. Rm. 9A. C. H. 17호 ​• ↓ -1·53 Criminal Division.- ·County Court Minutes 457. INDEX, REGISTER OF ACTIONS, Sept. 1854-Dec. 1879. 1 vol. (labeled by case nos. 1-1,205). Index to County Court, Criminal Case Files, Mar. 1864-July 1879, entry 452; and to Register of Actions County Court, entry 456; showing names of plaintiffs and defendants. Hdw. 200 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Rm..500. · Calendars 458. ROUGH MINUTES, COUNTY COURT, Nov. 1877-Aug. 1878. 1 vol. Rough minutes of court proceedings in civil and criminal actions showing title of court, date of court session, number and title of case, names of attorneys for plaintiff and defendant, nature of action, whether case heard by jury, verdict of jury and sentence of judge in criminal actions, and in civil cases, the decision of judge. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index. Hdw. 200 pp. 13 x 8 x 1. Rm. 602. : 459. MINUTES COUNTY COURT, May 1852-Dec. 1879. 13 vols. (2-14 and dated). May 1850-Apr. 1852 in Orders and Decrees, Superior Court, Probate, entry 521. Minutes of all court proceedings, including naturalizations, showing date of entry, names of attending court officials, names of plaintiff and defendant or appellant and respondent, and their attorneys, nature of action, and description of case. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. For index, see entry 467; for index to naturalizations, see entry 287. Hdw. Aver. 480 pp. 17 x 11 x 2 1/3. Co. garage. (457-462) ! "" 460. COUNTY COURT CALENDAR COUNTY COURT CALENDAR, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, May 1868- Feb. 1869. 2 vols. List of civil and criminal cases set for hearing or trial, showing in- formation as in entry 446. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 55 pp. 11 x 8 x 3. Rm. 602. No · Judgments 461. JUDGMENT DOCKET, Nov. 1854-Jan. 1880. 1 vol. (dated). Register of judgments rendered by the county court, showing names of judgment debtor and creditor, case number, amount of judgment, dates of judgment and of any appeal, whether or not judgment satisfied, and vol- ume and page where recorded. Arr. alph. by names of judgment debtors. No index. Hdw. 12 x 17 x 2. Co. garage. 462. JUDGMENT BOOK, Nov. 1854-Dec. 1879. 2 vols. (A, B, and dated). Record of county court judgments in cases of either original or appellate jurisdiction showing names of plaintiff and defendant or appellant and respondent, date and nature of action, dates judgment rendered and re- corded, names of presiding judge, attorney and witness, and date of court session. Arr. chron. by dates judgments, rendered. No index. Hdw. 365 pp. 17 x 11 x 23. Co. garage. + - 154 · Criminal Division Court of Sessions General Index Court of Sessions 463. INDEX DEFENDANT, COURT OF SESSIONS, Oct. 1854-Nov. 1863. 1 vol. (dated). Minutes (463-466) Index of defendants to Criminal Case Files, Court of Sessions, entry 464, and to Register of Actions, entry 465, showing names of defendant and plaintiff, case number, date case filed, and page number of register. Arr. alph. by names of defendants. Hdw. 500 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Rm. 500. Case Papers 464. CRIMINAL CASE FILES, COURT OF SESSIONS, Feb. 1850-Nov. 1863. 7 f.b. (labeled by contained case nos.; 3 f.b. also dated). All documents, from initiating complaint to judgment of conviction or dismissal, filed in criminal cases, showing title of court, case number, name of defendant, date and text of document, and date document filed. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, Oct. 1854-Nov. 1863, see entry 463; no index, Feb. 1850-Sept. 1854. Haw. 10 x 43/4 x 12. Bsmt, storeroom. Registers 465. REGISTER OF ACTIONS, Oct. 1854-Dec. 1864. 1 vol. (1,1-332 and dated). Register of all documents filed and steps taken in actions, showing case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of action, itemization of costs, dates and nature of all steps taken and papers filed in action, name of attorney for defendant, and verdict of the jury. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, Oct. 1854-Nov. 1863, see entry 463; no index, Dec. 1863-Dec. 1864. Hdw. 500 pp. 17 x 12 x 2. Rm. 9A, C. H. ii. 466. MINUTES COURT OF SESSIONS, 1850-63. 6 vols. (1, 2, 2-5). Title varies slightly. Minutes of trials, hearings and other matters including naturalizations coming before the court of action in criminal cases, and of appeals from the justices', recorders and mayors' courts of the county, show- ing date of court session, case number, names of plaintiff and defendant and their attorneys, nature of proceeding, names of witnesses and dates testimony given, date and manner in which jury chosen, verdict of jury, judgment, or order of the court, and signature of judge. Also contains : i. Board of Supervisors, 1850-52. Minutes of the court of sessions, sitting in its capacity as a board of supervisors of the county, showing date of session, judges present, subject mat- ter involved, and disposition thereof. Grand Jury, 1851-63. Minutes of county grand jury show ing date of grand jury hearing, name of the jurors, subject matter submitted to it, and nature of action taken. S - · 155 · Criminal Division Justices Court Arr. chron. by dates of sessions. For index, see entry 467; for index to naturalizations, Mar. 1851-Dec. 1863, see entry 286. Hdw. Aver. 350 pp. 15 x 10 x 2. 1850-Feb. 1852, 1 vol., rm 1850-Feb. 1852, 1 vol., rm. 602; Apr. 20, 1852- Dec. 1863, 5. vols., co. garage. 468. 467. INDEX MINUTES OF COURT SESSIONS AND COUNTY COURT, 1850-79. 1 vol. Index to Minutes County Court, May 1852-Dec. 1879, entry. 459; and to Minutes Court of Sessions, entry 466, showing case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, date of action, volume.and page.number where recorded. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiffs and defendants. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. garage. • Calendars · Case Papers 469. (467-471) • CALENDAR, COURT OF SESSIONS, Feb. 1862-Nov. 1863. 3 vols. (dated) List of civil and criminal cases: set for hearing, showing title of court, date of session, number and title of case, date of hearing or trial; volume and page number where recorded, names of litigant and attorney, and notation of decision or other action taken by the court. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index. Hdw. and hdw. on pr. fm. on pr. fm. Aver. 50 pp. 10 x 8 x. Rm. 600.. Justices Court 1. ········· ► JUSTICE COURT (Criminal Case Files), Oct. 1850-Mar. 1895, Mar. 1899-Dec. 1909. 12 f.b. (dated and labeled by contained case nos.). All documents, from inception of criminal cases to their disposition, showing number and title of case, and date and text of document. num. by case nos. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 10 x 4 3/4 x 12. Bṣmt. Arr. storeroom. 470. JUSTICE COURT HABEAS CORPUS: (Case Files), 1852-85. 2 f.a. (labeled by contained case nos.). All documents, from initiating petition to final order of disposition, filed in habeas corpus proceedings, showing case number, name of peti- tioner, date and text of document, date filed, and notation of approval or denial of petition. Arr. num. by case nos. No index. Hdw. on pl. and pr. fm. 12 x 4 x 14. Bsmt. storeroom. - 471. PAPERS FROM JUSTICE MORRIS, Mar. 1887-Apr. 1902. 1 f.d. Papers pertaining to miscellaneous matters and cases heard in the justice of peace court presided over by Justice Morris; showing information as in entry 468. No obvious arr. No index. Hdw. and typed on pl. and pr. fm. 10 x 4 3/4 x 14. Bsmt. storeroom. · 156 - Criminal Division - Justices Court Minutes • 472. DOCKETS OF JUSTICE OF PEACE, June 1850-Oct. 1851, July-Nov. 1852, Oct. 1854-June 1856, May 1863-July 1879. 9 vols. (6 vols. dated; 3 vols. unlabeled). Title varies: Civil and Criminal Law Actions, June 1850-Oct. 1851, 1 vol; Docket J. Trafford, 1872-76, 2 vols. Minutes of court proceedings in all criminal and civil cases coming be- fore justices of the peace, showing title of court and case, names of witness and attorney, date summons issued, filed and served, date of hearing, and summary of all steps taken in the case, decision of justice, amount of judgment in civil cases, the fine and sentence imposed in criminal cases, amount of fees of constable and justice, and name of justice presiding. Also contains: Marriages, 1872-74. Record of marriages performed by justice of the peace, J. Trafford, showing name, age and residence of parties signature of contracting parties, certification by the justice,' and date license issued. (472-475) Arr. chron. by dates of hearing and also by dates of marriages. No in- dex, June 1850-Oct. 1851, July-Nov. 1352; indexed alph. by names of plaintiffs in civil cases, and alph. by names of defendants in criminal cases, Oct. 1854-June 1856, May 1863-July 1879; part of index destroyed, Oct. 1854-June 1856. Hdw. Aver. 210.pp. 15 x 9.x 2. 1 vol., 1863-69, binding in poor condition. 3 vols., 1850-56, rm. 600; 6 vols., 1863–79, co. garage. 473. DOCKET OF H. JONES, J. P. (Justice of Peace), S.G.T. (San Gabriel Township), Apr. 1872-Dec. 1873. 1 vol. (dated). Minutes of proceedings in all cases coming before the justice of the peace in San Gabriel Township, showing information as in entry 472. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Hdw. 196 pp. 12 x 8 x 1. Rm. 600. 474. DOCKET, J. R. POW ELL (Soledad Township). Jan 1878-May 1889. 1 vol. (dated). Minutes of court proceedings in all cases coming before the justice of the peace in Soledad Township, showing information as in entry 472. Arr. chron. by dates summons filed. Indexed alph. by names of plaintiffs and defendants. Hdw. 640 pp. 16 x 10 x ?. Rm. 600. · 475. (CRIMINAL CASES, WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP), 1895-96. 1 vol. Minutes of court proceedings in criminal cases coming before the justice of the peace in Wilmington Township, showing title of court and case, date of hearing, names of witness and attorney, date summons issued, filed and served, summary of all steps taken in the case, decision and name of justice presiding, and the fine or sentence imposed. Arr. chron. by date of hearings. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 pp. 18 x 12 x 1. Rm. 600. * 157 Probate Division ... 477. Reporters Transcripts 476. REPORTERS TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS, 1907-29. 12 f.d. (dated). Transcribed copy of court reporters' shorthand notes of hearings in criminal actions before the justices' courts of Los Angeles Township, showing title and location of court, title and number of case, nature of charge against defendant, date of hearing, nature of testimony, and names of attorneys for State and defendant. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Typed. 10 x 43/4 x 10. Bsmt. storeroom.. Mexican Courts (476-478) & LIERO DE AGUERDOS BERVALES Y SENTENCIEA GUBERNALLIRAS DEL JUZGADO 10. (Records of the First Mexican Court at Los Angeles). 1843-50. 2 vols. (1-vol. labeled 3, and dated 1343; 1 vol. labeled 4, and dated 1347). Title varies slightly. Recordings in Spanish of proceedings and sentences in civil and criminal cases in the First Court (Court of First Instance) of Los Angeles and of verbal agreements reached in settlement of civil cases; proceedings and sentences show date of entry, names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of case, the decision or sentence, date rendered and signature of judge; agreements show date of entry, name of litigant, nature of settlement agreed upon, signature of litigant and judge, and date agree- ment signed. Also contains: ű Finances, 1840. Record of municipal funds, showing date of entry and amounts of money received and expended in the administration of Los Angeles city government. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Haw. Aver. 200 pp. 12 x 10 x 1. Rm. 600. 478. LIBRO DEL JUEZ 20 DE LA CIUDAD DE LOS ANGELES (Book of the Second Court of the City of Los Angeles), Apr. 1847-Jan 1850. 1 vol. (5 and dated). Recordings in Spanish of proceedings and sentences in civil and criminal cases in the Second Court (Court of Second Instance) of Los Angeles, and of agreements reached in settlement of civil cases, showing infor- mation as in entry 477. Arr. Arr. chron. by dates of proceedings and agree- ments. No index. Hdw. 300 pp. (96 used) 9 x 14 x 14. Rm. 600. VIII. PROBATE DIVISION Through this division the county clerk discharges his duties as clerk of the probate court. These duties are largely statutory and involve the filing, preparation and custody of all records relating to the estates of decedents, minors, incompetents and missing persons. Some of the special duties are: To appoint a time for the hearing by - 158 - Probate Division } the court; to mail notice of such hearing to all heirs-at-law or devisees under the will of deceased, as prescribed by law; to post and publish notices of hearings; to issue "letters" to executors, administrators, guardians and trustees, certifying to their appointment and qualification, upon the approval and filing of bonds as required by law and the order of the court; to prepare forms of special certificates, exemplified records for ancillary proceedings in other states, and transcripts on appeal. All orders or decrees of the probate court must be entered at length in the minute book or else signed by the judge and filed. Then any order effecting title to real property is made, a certified copy must be recorded in the office of the recorder of the county in which the land or any part of it lies. :i The most highly specialized work of the probate division is the preparation and entering of record the numerous diversified probate orders and decrees of the court. In Los Angeles County the clerk of the probate court pre- pares all probate orders and decrees of the court; in other counties of the State, decrees of distribution and most of the other probate decrees are prepared by attorneys for the signature of the judge.1 This therefore adds considerably to the volume of work of the probate division of the Los Angeles county clerk's office. 1 Ham (Next entry 479, p. 159) There is a very large volume of correspondence from all parts of the world from persons interested in estates as heirs, devisees, creditors, ect. * This division is located on the third floor of the Hall of Records under the supervision of a division chief who receives a salary on the five-step rate of compensation plan, ranging from $300 to $360 per month,? and posts a bond of $2,000.3 Note: All records of this division are kept on the third floor of the Hall of Records unless otherwise indicated. 3 Supervisor's Bond Records. County Clerk, Annual Report, 1941-42, p. 11 Ordinance No. 4106, N. S., 1942-43. 观看 ​Records of this division, shoving location as rm. 9A, C. H. or co. garage, are now located in the Agricultural Building, 524 North Spring Street. • 159 - : Probate Division ↑ General Index; Wills 479. Index to: ↑ General Index PROBATE INDEX, 1880--. 13 vols. (dated; 8 vols. also labeled 1-8) 13 dup. vols. (1, 1-11, 7, also dated and labeled by con- tained letters of alphabet). Bonds Probate, June 1925--, entry 554, Record of Judgments (Probate and Guardianship Cases), Nov. 1911, entry 564, L. B. (Long Beach Case Fapers), 1926--, entry 494, Long Beach Probates, 1928--, entry 551, Long Beach Probate Register of Actions, 1926--, entry 500, ** (Long Beach) Superior Court, 1926--, entry 556, Long Beach Wills Admitted & Recorded, Oct. 1937--, entry 490, Original Wills Admitted to Probate, June 1926--, entry 486, (Pasadena Case Fapers), Aug. 1931--, entry 496, Pasadena, Pomona Probates, June 1934--, entry 552, (479-480) Pasadena Frobate Bonds, Superior Court, 1921--, entry 555, Fasadena Probate Register of Actions, Aug. 1931--, entry 501, (Pasadena Wills Admitted and Recorded), May 1938--, entry 491, (Pomona Case Papers), Oct. 1933--, entry 495, Pomona Bonds, Santa Monica Bonds, 1933--, entry 557, Pomona, Pasadena, Long Beach, Santa Monica (Vouchers), Mar. entry 570, Pomona Probate Register of Actions, 1933--, entry 502, Pomona Wills Admitted to Frobate, May 1936--, entry 488, (Probate and Guardianships Case Papers), 1880--, entry 493, Probate Register, 1893--, entry 498, (Santa Monica Case Papers); 1936, entry 497, (Santa Monica Depositions), Feb. 1939--, entry 553, Santa Monica Probate Register of Actions, 1936--, entry 503, Santa Monica Wills Admitted to Probate, July 1936--, entry 489, (Vouchers for Expenditures), 1935--, entry 569, Wills not Admitted, Sept. 1922--, entry 492, Wills not Recorded, 1938--, entry 487. Showing number and title of case, name of estate, classification of cases such as decedent, minor, life estate, incompetent, or inheritance tax, petitioner's name for appointment of administrator, and date petition or order filed. Arr. alph. by names of estates. Hdw. and typed oǹ pr. fm. Aver. 325 pp. 16 x 14 x 4. 9 vols., 1880-1915, co. garage; 4 vols., 1916--, and 13 dup. vols., 1880--, rm. 303. * Wills 1927- 181 vols. and 106 vol. binders (1-116; 480. RECORD OF WILLS, 1850--. 118-287, 8). Recorded wills, showing name of estate case number, name and address of testator, date and provision of will, names of beneficiary, executor, -180- Probate Division Wills - names and addresses of witnesses, dates will admitted to probate, filed and recorded, certification of correctness of copy by county clerk. Also contains: Proofs of Wills, 1850-1931. Transcribed recording of proofs of will, showing name of deceased, statement that legality of will has been proved, name of judge, and dated attestation of county clerk. Arr. chron. by dates wills recorded. No index, 1850-55; separate index, Jan. 1856-Jan. 1895, entry 481; indexed alph. within each vol. by names of estates, Aug. 1893-Mar. 15, 1928; indirect index, Mar. 16, 1928--, s ee entry 498. Hdw. Jan 1850-Sept. 13, 1916; hdw Hdw. Jan 1850-Sept. 13, 1916; hdw. and typed, Sept. 14, 1916-June 17, 1918; typed, June 18, 1918-July 17, 1939; photostated, July 19, 1939--. Aver. 200 pp. 17 x 12 x 2. Aver. 200 pp. 17 x 12 x 2. 162 vols., Jan. 1850-June 1918, Jan. 1928-Nov. 1933, 100 vol. binders, July 1918-Dec. 1927, Dec. 1933-Mar. 1939, co. garage; 19 vols., July 13, 1939-Aug. 1940, and 6 vol. binders, Mar. 1929-July 17, 1939, and Sept. 1940--, rm. 303. 481. INDEX, WILLS, Jan. 1856-Jan. 1895. 2 vols. (1, 2). Subtitled: Probate Court, 1 vol., 1880-95. Index to Record of Wills, entry 430, showing name of testator, date of will, dates will probated and recorded, and volume and page number where recorded. Arr. alph. by names of testators. Hdw, Aver. 200 pp. 17 1/2 x 11 x 1. Co. garage. For Safekeeping (481-485) = · 482. WILLS FOR SAFEKEEPING, 1889--. 20 f.d. (labeled by contained letters of alphabet).: 434. Unfiled wills deposited with the county clerk, showing information as in entry 487. Arr, alph. by names of persons making wills. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 11 x 5 x 26. Rm.: 303. Kong 483. (UNFILED PASADENA WILLS HELD FOR SAFEKEEPING), Sept. 1930--. ..: 1 f.d. Unfiled, wills deposited by the, Pasadena branch office of the county clerk, showing information as in entry 487, and in addition the date will was deposited with the county clerk. Arr. alph. by names of persons making wills. No index. Hdw. and typed. 11 x 5 x 26. Rm. 303. : $ : (UNFILED LONG BEACH WILLS. HELD FOR SAFEKEEPING), May 1937--. 1 f.d.. Unfiled wills deposited by, the Long Beach branch office of the county clerk, showing information as in entry 437, and in addition the date will was deposited with county clerk. Arr: alph. by names of persons making wills. No index. Hdw. and typed. 11 x 5 x 26. Rm. 303. 485. (RECORDS OF WILLS IN SAFE), 1925--. 1 rotary card rack. Record of wills held for safekeeping, showing name of person making will, names of witnesses, and location of will. Arr. alph. by names of persons making wills. No index. No index. Typed. 15 x 9. Rm. 303. 161 Probate Division - Wills Probate d. 486. ORIGINAL WILLS ADMITTED TO PROBATE, June 1926--. 21 f.b. -labeled by contained case nos.). Original, wills admitted to probrte, hold in this file for six months then transferred to (Probate and Guardianship, Case Papers), entry 493, showing information as in entry 487, and in addition, volume and page number whore recorded, date will filed and admitted to probate, dated notation of recording, and signatures of county clerk. Arr. num. by case For index, see entry 479. Hdw. end typed on pl. and pr. fm. 11 x 5 x 26. Rm. 303. nos. 487. WILLS NOT RECORDED, 1938--. 4 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). · Fills admitted to probate and awaiting settlement of legal technicalities before they can be recorded, showing case number, date of will, name of maker, provisions of will, and signatures of maker of will and witnesses, and their addresses. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 479. Hdw. and typed. 11 x 5 x. 26. Rm. 303.. * : .483. POMONA WILLS "ADMITTED TO PROBATE, May 1936--. 1 f.d. Wills admitted to probate in the superior court at Pomona and held pend- ing court action or final settlement of the estate, after which they are transferred to. (Pomona Case Papers), entry 485, showing information as in entry 486. Arr. hum. by case nos. For index, see entry 479. Hdw. and typed on pl. and pr. fm. 11 x 5 x 26. Rin. 303. 491. (486-491) } 489. SANTA MONICA WILLS ADMITTED TO PROBATE, July 1936--. 1 f.d. Wills admitted to probate in the superior court at Santa Monica, end held pending court action or final settlement of the estate after which they are transferred to (Santa Monica Case Papers), entry 497, showing information as in entry 486. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 479. Haw. and typed. 11 x 5 x 26. Rm. 303. . 490. LONG BEACH WILLS ADMITTED & RECORDED. Oct. 1937--. 2 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Wills admitted to probate in the superior court at Long Beach, also all court orders issued in the process of proving the will, retained in this manner until final settlement of estate and discharge of administrator after which these documents are transferred to L.B. (Long Beach Crise Papers), entry 494, showing information as in entry 486. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 479. Hdw. and typed on pl. and pr. fm. 11 x 5 x 26. Rm. 303. 2 ta (PASADENA WILLS ADMITTED AND RECORDED), May 1938--. 2 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Wills admitted to probate in the superior court at Pasadena and held pending court action or final settlement of estate, after which they are filed in (Pasadena Case Papers), entry 496, showing information as in entry 486, and in addition, notation of appointment of administrator. Arr. num. by case nos. Indexed by names of testators; also separate in- dex, entry 479. Hdw. and typed. 11 x 5 x 26. Rm. 303. 162 S Probate Division Case Papers 493. 492. WILLS NOT ADMITTED, Sept. 1922--. 4 f.d. (labeled by con- tained case nos.). Wills which have been filed for probate but which, because of legal or other reasons, have not been admitted to probate, showing information as in entry 487. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 479. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 11 x 5 x 26. R. 303. (492-496) Case Papers (PROBATES AND GUARDIANSHIPS CASE PAPERS), May 1850--. Approx. 7,207 f.b. and 281 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). All documents, from inception to final disposition of cases filed in probate and guardianship matters coming before the superior court; on face of each document appears the case number and title, nature of the document, and date of filing. Also contains: Order Admitting Will, etc., Mar. 1850-Nov. 1912, entry 523; Order Appointing Time for Probate of Wills, Etc., May 1850-Mar. 1891, entry 526. Arr. num. by case nos. index 1850-79, see entry 499; 1880--, see entry 479. Hdw. Jan. 1850– June 1887; typed and hdw. on pr. fm. July 1887--. F.b. 10 x 23 x 132; f.d. 23 x 16½ x 103. F.b., May 1850-July 10, 1928, rm. 9A, C. H.; f.d., July 11, 1928--, rm. 303. For 494. L.B. (Long Beach Case Papers), 1926--. 95 f.d. (labeled by contained case nos.). Original file of all documents, from the inception to the final disposi- tion, of probate and guardianship matters coming before the superior court at Long Beach, showing information as in entry 493. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 479. Typed and hdw. on pl. and pr. fm. 11 x 16 x 27. 15 f.d., Jan 1926-May 4, 1929, rm. 9A, C. H.; 80 f.d., May 6, 1929--, rm. 303. 1 For duplicate file, see entry 30?. 495. · (POMONA CASE PAPERS), Oct. 1933--. 12 f.d. (labeled by con- tained case nos.). Original file for all documents, from the inception to the final disposi- tion, of probate and guardianship matters before the superior court at Pomona, showing information & in entry 493. Arr. num. by case nos. For Index, see entry 479. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 16 x 27. Rm. 303. For duplicate file, see entry, 327. 496. (PASADENA CASE PAPERS), Aug. 1931--. 50 f.d. (labeled by con- tained case nos.). Original file of all documents, from the inception to the final disposi- tion, of probate and guardianship matters coming before the superior court at Pasadena, showing information as in entry 493. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 479. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 16 x 27. Rm. 203. For duplicate file, see entry 316. 1 1 Sig 163 - Probate Division - Registers :. 497. (SANTA MONICA CASE PAPERS), 1936--. 9 f.d. (1-9 and labeled by contained case nos.). • Original file of all documents, from the inception to the final disposi- tion of probate and guardianship matters coming before the superior court at Santa Monica, showing information as in entry 493. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 479. Typed on pr. fm. Typed on pr. fm. 11 x 16 x 27. Rm. 303. For duplicate file, see entry 336. • 501. Registers 498. PROBATE REGISTER, May 1850-Dec. 1879, Jan. 1893--. 383 vols. (1-3, 1-84, 84A, 85-379, and labeled by contained case nos.). Title varies slightly. Jan. 1880-Dec. 1892, in Register of Actions Civil, Los Angeles County, entry 200. Register of proceedings in probate cases, and in matters relating to es- tates of minors and incompetents, showing title of court and case, number of case, names of petitioner and his attorney, date instrument filed, date and notation of each step taken during the progress of case from its inception to its final disposition, amount of clerk's and probate fees; by showing date, volume and page number in which orders and decrees are recorded, this register serves as an index to Record of Wills, Mar. 16, 1928--, entry 480, and to Orders and Decrees, Superior Court, Probate, May 1850-Dec. 1879, Jan. 1893--, entry 521. case nos. index 1850-79, see entry 499; 1893--, see entry 479. Hdw. on pr. fm. 1850-79, 1893-May 15, 1921; hdw. and typed on pr. fm. May 16, 1921--. Aver. 500 pp. 16 x 11 3/4 x 6. Rm. 303. Arr. num. be? (497-501) • 499. INDEX TO REGISTER OF ACTIONS PROBATE COURT, 1850-79. 1 vol. and 2 dup. vols. (dated). Index to (Probates and Guardianship Case Papers), entry 493; and to Pro- bate Register, entry 498; showing number and title of case, and volume and page number where recorded. Arr. alph. by titles of cases. Hdw. Aver. 275 pp. 17 x 12 x 12. Original and 1 dup. vol., 1850-79, rm. 9A, C. H.; 1 dup. vol., 1850-79, rm. 303. 500. LONG BEACH PROBATE REGISTER OF ACTIONS, 1926--. 21 vol. binders (1-21 and labeled by contained case nos.). Register of proceedings in probate cases coming before the superior court at Long Beach, showing information as in entry 498. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 479. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 500 pp. 14 3/4 x 12 x 3. Rm. 303. : • For PASADENA PROBATE REGISTER OF ACTIONS, Aug. 1931--. 8 vol. bind- ers (1-8 and labeled by contained case nos.). Register of proceedings in probate cases coming before the superior court at Pasadena, showing information as in entry 498. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 479. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 500 pp. 13 x 12 x 3. Rm. 303. + S ... 164 Probate Division - Minutes M ↓ 502. POMONA PROBATE REGISTER OF ACTIONS, 1933--. 3 vol. binders (1-3 and labeled by contained case nos.).i Register of proceedings in probate cases coming before the superior court at Pomona, showing information as in entry 498. Arr. num. by case nos. For index, see entry 479. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 500 pp. 143/4 x 12 x 3. Rm. 303. 503. SANTA MONICA PROBATE REGISTER OF ACTIONS, 1936--. 2 vol. bind- ers (1, 2, and labeled by contained case nos.). Register of proceedings in probate cases coming before the superior court at Santa Monica, showing information as entry 498. Arr. num. by case For index, see entry 479. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 500 pp. 143/4 x 12 x 3. Rm. 303. nos. • i Minutes · (502-505) 504. MINUTES SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE, 1899--. 174 vols. (dated and labeled by dept. nos. 1, 2, 24, 40, 41, 4 vol. binders labeled by dept. nos. 24, 25). Title varies slightly. Court clerk's rough minutes of daily proceedings in probate cases; from 1899 to Oct. 1923, entries were made on the margins of newspaper clip- pings of calendars of hearings pasted into volumes and thereafter on typed calendars. Minutes show title of court and department number, date and hour of court session, names of judge, deputy clerk and deputy sheriff in attendance, case number, name of estate, nature of hearings, notations of actions taken by the court; June 1901--, minutes show, in addition, volume and page number of Orders and Decrees, Superior Court, Probate, entry 521, in which the expanded minutes are entered. Arr. chron, by dates of court sessions. No index. No index. Hdw. and rubber-stamped notations, 1899-Oct. 1923; typed, hdw., and rubber-stamped, Nov. 1923. Vols. aver. 350 pp. 14½ x 12 x 3; vol. binders aver. 1,000 pp. 14 x 12 x 8. 142 vols., 1899- 1935, co. garage; 32 vols. and 4 vol. binders, 1936--, rm. 303. :: • ↓ 505. MISCELLANEOUS PROBATE MINUTES, Nov. 1923-Jan. 1924, Jan. 1926- Oct. 1927, Jan. 1930-Dec. 1931, Jan. 1933--. 5 bals. (dated), 8 vol. binders (dated).· Rough minutes of miscellaneous probate hearings held in various depart- ments of the superior court, other than the regular probate departments, and copies of the calendar of hearings. Minutes show title and depart- ment number of court, date and hour court convened, names of judge pre- siding, deputy clerk, deputy sheriff and court reporter, the time, worked by the court reporter, case number and title, names of executor, admin- istrator, guardian, attorney and witnesses, and nature of the decree or other disposition made at the hearing; calendar of hearings shows depart- ment number of court to which hearing assigned, number and title of case and date set for hearing. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Bdls. aver: 14 x 12 x 1; vol. binders aver. 500 pp. 15 x 9 x 3. 5 bdls., Nov. 1923-Jan. 1934, Jan. 1926-Oct. 1927, Jan. 1930-Dec. 1931, and 6 vol. binders, 1933-38, co. garage; 2 vol. binders, 1939--. Rm. 303. ? -165 • for Probate Division. Calendars 506. MINUTES AND ORDERS, PROBATE, MISCELLANEOUS, SUPERIOR COURT. Nov. 1922--. 2 vols. (1, 3), 3 vol. binders (406), 1 bàl. (2). Final minutes of miscellaneous hearings, and copies of orders and decrees in probate matters coming before various departments of the superior court, other than the regular probate departments, transcribed from and showing information as in entry 505, and in addition, certification by county clerk as to correctness of the minutes. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index. Typed. Vol. and vol. binders aver. 200 pp. 18 x 12 x 3; bdl. 18 x 12 x 3. 1 vol,, Nov. 1922-Mar. 9, 1928, rm. 9A, C. H.; 1 vol., 3 vol. binders, and 1 bdl. Mar. 10, 1928--, rm. 303. 1 507. & VALGO " 510. MINUTES AND ORDERS, Dept. 2, SUPERIOR COURT, Jan. 1917-Apr. 1920. 1 vol, (1). Rough minutes of proceedings in contested probate cases kept by the de- partmental court clerk for his individual information, showing dates of entry and proceedings, title of case, character of proceedings, and nature of action taken by the judge. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Hdw. 320 pp. (32 used). 18 x 12 x 2. Co. garage. ܂܂ 511. (506-511) 508. LONG BEACH MINUTES, Feb. 1926--. 7 vols. (dated), 2 vol. binders (unlabeled). Title varies slightly. Clerk's rough minutes or hearings in matters coming before the superior court at Long Beach, showing information as in entry 504. Arr. chron. by dates of couru sessions. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr fm. Aver. 400 pp. 13 x 10 x 5. 7 vols., and 1 vol. binder, 1926-36, co. garage; 1 vol. binder, 1937--, Rm. 303. For duplicate record, see entry 304. 509 LONG BEACH PROBATE COURT MINUTES, Feb. 1926--. 9 vol. binders. Minutes of proceedings heard and orders issued by superior court at Long Beach, showing case, number, name of estate, date and nature of action taken in the case, names; of judge, clerk, bailiff, and attorneys. chron. by dates of actions. No index. No index. Hdw.and typed on pr fm. 375 pp. 13.x 9 x 3 6 vol. binders, 1926-36, rm. 9A, C. H.; 3 vol. binders, 1937--, rm. 303.. PASADENA PROBATE COURT MINUTS, July 1935--. 1 vol. (dated), 4 vol. binders (unlabeled). Minutes of proceedings heard and orders issued by the superior court at Pasadena, showing information as in entry 509. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions, 1 vol., July 1935-Dec. 1936; arr. chron. by dates of actions, 4 vol. binders, July 1935--. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. Vol. 400 pp. 15 x 14 x 2; vol. binders aver. 300 pp. 14 x 12 x 3. 1 vol., July 1935-Dec. 1936, co. garage; 2 vol.binders, July 1935-Dec. 1938, rm. 9A, C. H.; 2 vol. binders, 1939--, rm. 303. Calendars Arr. Aver. :;. (PROBATE CURRENT CALENDAR), 1940--. 2 f.d. (labeled by dept. nos. 24, 25), only current record retained. Card file of hearings set in all probate cases, showing number and title 166 - :: Probate Division - Letters and Oaths · of case, name of attorney, date set for hearing, and date of continuance if any. Arr. chron. by dates set for hearings. cards. 4 x 5 x 17. Rm. 303. No index. No index. Typed on pl. 512. (PROBATE FUTURE CALENDAR), 1931--. 2 f.d. Card file of hearings to be held in pending probate matters in Los Angeles city only, showing case number, names of decedent, minor or incompetent, date of hearing, nature of action taken by the court, and future action to be taken on date of hearing. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Typed on cards. 4 x 5 x 17. Rm. 303. (512-516) 513. PROBATE CALENDAR, 1888-1930. 122 vols. (dated). Calendar of hearings held in probate matters for Los Angeles city only, showing information as in entry 512. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Hdw., typed, and newspaper clippings pasted in vols. Aver. 300 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. garage.. 4 vol. binders (labeled by 514. (JUDGE'S BLOTTER), July 1937--. dept. nos. 24, 24, 25, 25). 11 bals. (dated). 11 bdls. (dated). Only current record retained. · " Lists of hearings before the court, compiled from (Probate) entry 511, with judge's notations of action taken in each case, showing title of court and department number, date of court session, names of judge, dep- uty clerk, and sheriff in attendance, number and title of case, and nature of hearing and action taken. Arr. chron. by dates of court sessions. No index. Typed and hdw. on pr. fm. Vol. binders aver, 730 pp. 15 x 13 x 4; bdls. aver. 15 x 13 x 6. Bals., 1937-39, `rm. 1705, C. H. vol. binders, 1940--, rm. 1707, C. H. 515. CLERK'S (Rough Notes), Feb. 1915-May 1915, Feb. 1916. 1 vol. binders. Rough memoranda of proceedings on law and motion calendar in Department 11, Feb.-Apr. 1915, and of Special Sessions in Court, No. 1, May 1915, and Feb. 1916, showing case number, title of court and case, character of proceeding, date of hearing, and nature of action taken. Arr. chron. by dates of hearings. No index. Haw. 75 pp. 15 x 10 x . Rm. 9A, C. H. Letters and Oaths (See also entries 546, 547) 516. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION AND TESTAMENTARY WITH WILL ANNEXED, May 1890-Oct. 1892. 1 vol. (2). Copies of original letters of administration and letters testamentary with will annexed, showing case number, title and location of court, name of decedent, title of proceeding, statement of appointment, names of appointed administrator or executor, oath of appointee with date thereof, date letters entered, and certification by deputy county clerk as to the correctness of copy; a certified copy of the will follows the order. Arr. chron. by dates letters entered. Indexed alph. by names of decedents. Haw. 320 pp. (84 used) 18 x 12 x 24. Co. garage. 167 Probate Division Letters and Oaths 517. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY AND OF ADMINISTRATION, BONDS OF EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS, June 1861-Dec. 1888. 7 vols. (1-3, 1-4 and dated). Subtitled: Subtitled: Probate, Court, June 1861-Feb. 1882, 3 vols.; Superior Court, Dec. 1879-Dec. 1888, 4 vols. Recorded letters testamentary, letters of administration, orders appoint- ing executors and administrators, and oaths and bond of executors and administrators. Letters testamentary and letters of administration show information as in entry 516; orders show title of court, name of estate, case number, name of executor or administrator appointed, amount of bond to be filed, date recorded, and signature of judge, oaths, name of exec- utor or administrator, .text of oath, date oath executed, and name and seal of officer before whom taken; bonds show title of court, name of estate, number of case, date recorded, name of executor or administrator bonded, amount and conditions of bond, names of sureties, the amount of the bond posted by each surety, oaths of sureties affirming their legal residence, competency and responsibility in the amount of the bond, date oath exe- cuted, name and seal of officer administering oaths, and certification by county clerk of the correctness of record. Arr. chron. by dates re- corded. Indexed alph. by names of estate Dec. 1879-Dec. 1888; for index, June 1861-Feb. 1882, see: entry 518. Hdw. Aver. 500 pp. 18 x 12 x 12. Co. garage. 100% " (517-520) For subsequent letters of administration, see entry 520; for letters testamentary, see entry. 519; for bonds, see entry 558. TA: £2 518. INDEX TO LETTERS TESTAMENTARY, June 1861-Feb. 6, 1882. 1 vol. Index to volume 1, 2 and 3 of Letters Testamentary and of Administration, Bonds of Executors and Administrators, entry 517, showing name of estate, name of executor or administrator, nature of letters or order issued, and volume and page number where recorded. Arr. alph. by names of estates. Hdw. 200 pp. 18 x 11 x 1. Co. garage. ¿ 519. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY (and Oaths of Executors), Dec. 1886-Mar. 1932. 40 vols. (1-40). Subtitled: Superior Court, Probate, Dec. 1927-Mar. 1932, 10 vols.; Corporations, 1928, 2 vols. Recorded copies of letters testamentary, and oaths of executors show letters testamentary, name of court, case number, name of estate, 'name of executor appointed, date letters. recorded, seal of county clerk, oaths of executors, name of executor, text of oath, date oath executed, and name and seal of officer before whom taken, certification by county clerk as to the correctness of copy. Arr. chron. by dates recorded: Indexed alph. by pames of estates, Dec. 1886-May 1927; no index, June 1927-Mar. 1932. Hdw. on pr. fm. Aver. 350 pp. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. garage. For prior record, see entry 517. 520. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, Feb. 1886-Mar. 1932. 57 vols. (1-57). Recorded copies of letters of administration, showing date of entry, case number, title and location of court, name of deceased, State of appoint- ment, name, and oath of appointee, name of officer administering oath, date letters entered, and certification by county clerk as to the cor- rectness of copy. Arr. chron. by dates of entries. No index. Hdw. on Aver. 350 pp. 18 x 12 x 22. Co. garage. For prior record, see entry 517. pr. fm. < 100 pp. 6 x 4 x 1. (AUTHORITIES), Sept. 1929--. 8 f.b. (labeled by contained letters of alphabet). Legal citations giving code and constitutional sections, statutes, and general laws embodied in the decisions of the appellate department, showing title and number of appellate case, name of appellant, and page, section, or chapter number of volume in which citation found. Arr. alph. by names of appellants. No index. Typed on cards. Typed on cards. 5 x 6 x 12. Katalo G - 196 - ↓ Appellate Division CONS Decisions and Opinions Abstracts 642. (LAW CITATOR), Sept. 1929--. 3 f.b. Citations to the laws contained in the California statutes, ordinances, codes, textbooks, and case reporter systems of California and the United States, showing title of publication, volume and page number where cita- tion found, or ordinance number, section, article, chapter or paragraph, and notation of appellate case number applicable. Arr. alph. by titles of statutes, ordinances, codes, textbooks or case reporter systems, and thereunder num. by sections, articles, chapters or paragraphs. No index, Typed on cards. 4 4 x 6 x 8. Copies of Opinions 643. CR. (Criminal) A. (Appeals) CASES, Sept. 1929--. 4 vols. (2 vols. labeled 1, 2, and by contained case nos.; 1 vol. labeled II; 1 vol. unlabeled). Transcribed copies of opinions of the appellate department in all crimi- nal appeals, showing appellate and lover court case number, title of case, title and location of lower court and name of trial judge, title of prosecuting official, name of attorney for defendant, definitions and decisions on points of law, date of opinion, names of presiding and associate judges, and notation of concurrence or dissent entered oppo- site name of each judge. Arr. num. by appellate case nos. For index, see entry 646. Typed and mimeographed. Aver. 600 pp. 11 x 91 x 24. 1 • I' (642-646) + 644. (SUPPLEMENTAL ABSTRACTS, CRIMINAL), Sept. 1929--· 2 f.b. Excerpts of opinions and citations, taken from abstracts of criminal appeal cases, entry 636, for use as a reference to decided cases and in compiling entries for law citator, entry 642, and appealed criminal case opinions, entry 643, showing title of case, appellate case number, name of attorney, title and location of lower court, name of party appealing and whether appeal is from order or judgment, synopsis of complaint, plea, statement on appeal, opinions of the appellate judges, decision of court, and list of the citations used by the judges in formulating their opinion and rendering the decision. Arr. mum. by appellate case nos. No index. Typed and hdw.. Typed and hdw.. 4 x 8 x 142. + 645. (SUPPLEMENTAL ABSTRACTS, CIVIL), Sept. 1929-. 7 vol. binders. Excerpts of opinions and citations, taken from abstracts of civil appeal cases, entry 625, for use as a reference to recently decided cases and in compiling entries for law citator, entry 642, showing same information as in entry 644. Arr. num. by appellate case nos. No index. Typed and hdw. Aver. 375 pp. 8 x 14 x 33. 646. INDEX AND DIGEST CR. (Criminal) A. (Appeals) SUPERIOR COURT, APPELLATE DEPARTMENT, Sept. 1929--. 1 vol. binder. Digest of all decisions in criminal appeals, also serves as index to Criminal Appeals Cases, entry 643; showing appellate case number and title, name of defendant, law citations, opinions, definitions, and de- cisions on points of law, rendered in each particular case. Arr. num. -197 - Appellate Division Reports • by appellate case nos. Indexed alph. by subjects of laws involved and by names of defendants, num. by sections of law involved and by appel- late case nos. Typed and mimeographed. 350 pp. 113 x 10 x 23. 647. (DIGEST OF DECISIONS), Sept. 1929--. 4 f.b. (labeled by subject of law). -- เจ (647-650) Card record of decisions of appellate department in all civil and crimi- nal appeals, showing subject of law, nature of decision on points of law, and appellate case title and number. No index. Typed. 5 x 6 x 12. Arr. alph. by subjects of laws. (DIGEST OF DECISIONS), Sept. 1929-Dec. 1931. 7 f.d. Obsolete card index of decisions of appellate department in all civil and criminal appeals, showing subject of law, holding of court on points of law and title and number of appellate case. Arr. alph. by subjects of law. No index. Typed. 1 x 8 x 24. Reports. 649. APPELLATE STATISTICAL RECORD,: 1933--. 1 vol., and 1 vol. binder. Tabulated record from which are prepared weekly reports to the clerk of the superior court, monthly reports, entry 650, and annual reports, en- try 651, covering the work history of criminal and civil appeals. Record shows title of department, date of record, appellate case numbers of civil and criminal cases, and total number of proceedings had or actions taken and listed under the following column headings: Case continued to subsequent months, opinions written, memorandum opinions, memorandum decisions, decisions without comment, motions only, ex parte orders, cases under submission at end of month, cases filed, continued from pre- vious months, decided, affirmed, reversed, dismissed, and cases under submission first of month, rehearings, petitions for rehearings, and restorations. Arr. chron. by dates of record. No index. No index. Hdw. under pasted typed headings, 1933-38; hdw. on pr. fm., 1939--. Aver.. 80 pp. 14 x 12 x 14. 650. APPELLATE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORTS, Sept. 1929--. 1 vol. binder. Monthly statistical work history reports on civil and criminal appeals from municipal; justices', and city courts of the county. History shows date of report, title and location of appellate department, and total ⠀ number of proceedings had or actions taken in civil and criminal cases listed under the following column headings: Cases under submission on first day of month, cases submitted during month, decided during month, under submission at end of month, under submission on first of month, submitted during previous 3 months, and total cases disposed of during month, new cases filed during month, opinions filed during month, petitions for rehearing on hand on first of month, petitions for rehearing filed during month, rehearings granted, rehearings decided, petitions for re- hearing under submission first of coming month; cumulative total decisions affirmed, reversed, dismissed, consolidated with other cases or transferred; 198 Appellate Division - Miscellaneous cumulative total of decisions for fiscal year, of opinions published, memorandum opinions, and memorandum decisions; and decisions without comment. Arr. chron. by dates of reports. No index. Typed. 135 pp. 11 x 82 x 1. B 651. (651-653) ANNUAL REPORTS INCLUDING DUPLICATES; June 1930--. 1 vol. binder. Annual statistical work history reports on civil and criminal appeals. History shows date of report, title and location of appellate depart- ment, and total number of proceedings and actions taken in appealed cases listed under the following column headings: Cases under submission July 1 of each year, continued on calendar from previous months, placed on calendar during year, decided, restored for hearing, and total number of this group; cases decided after submission, disposed of before submission, and submitted cases; cases continued on calendar to subsequent months, and cases under submission June 30, of each year, and total matters con- sidered; decisions during year affirmed, reversed or dismissed, with total; hearings denied and granted; petitions for rehearing, supplemental motions, cases filed during year, and opinions written during year. chron. by dates of reports. No index. Typed. Typed. 11--. 8 x 11 x 1/40 Miscellaneous : Arr. 652. WORK BOOK, Sept. 1929--. 2 vols. Title varies: Submitted Book, Sept. 1929-Dec. 1930, 1 vol. Work record of the court of each action taken from receipt of appeal to final disposition, showing title of appeal, appellate case number, whether action is civil or criminal, and date and nature of every step taken in the appeal. Arr. num by appellate case nos. For index, see. entry 611. Haw. on pr. fm. Aver. 200 pp. 11 x 20 x111/2. 653. (NOTICES TO ATTORNEYS), July 1932--. 2 f.b. Copies of notices mailed to attorneys, for appellants and respondents, in civil and criminal appeals; civil cases show date notice mailed, title of case, appeal and case numbers, date and time set for hearing, date when points and authorities must be served and filed, and nature of decision rendered; criminal cases show date notice mailed, title of case, appeal and case numbers, date and time set for hearing, and the nature of decision rendered. Arr. chron. by dates notices mailed. No Typed. 4 x 6 x 12. index. 1 My 199 S The jury division of the county clerk's office was established in 1940. Prior to that time, the clerk's office assigned jurors, This now is the function of the jury commissioner's office, The only duties of the county clerk's office in connection with jurors at the present time are the keeping of records of the division and the assignment of clerical help. 7 XI, JURY DIVISION ?? In January and July of each year it is the duty of the judges of the superior court to make an order designating the estimated number of trial jurors that will be required during the ensuing year. Imme- diately after the order is made, the judges select a list of men and women to serve as trial jurors.1 In Los Angeles County, where sessions of the court are held in districts within the county other than the county seat, the judge presiding in each judicial district makes the order and selects the list from men and women living in the district.2 The jury commissioner assists the judges in the selection of persons.3 1 A certified list of persons selected.. as jurors must be filed with the clerk of the court.4 On receiving such list, the clerk must write down the names on separate pieces of paper, and deposit the names of those selected to serve on the 'grand: jury in a box called the "grand- jury box," and the names of persons selected to serve as trial jurors, in a box called the "trial-jury box."5 From these boxes the names of persons to be called to form a jury are drawn.6 Whenever the business of the court requires the attendance of a trial jury, the court makes an order directing that the jury be drawn, 7 and immediately the clerk, in the presence of the court, proceeds to draw names from trial-jury box. A record of the drawing must be entered in the minutes of the court. Upon completion of the drawing, Code of Civ. Proc. 1872, sec. 204, amended by Cal. Stats. 1931, ch. 1129, sec. 1, pp. 2400, 2401. 2 County Clerk, Annual Report, 1940-41, p. 10. 3 Cal. Stats. 1917, ch. 665, sec. 1, p. 1170, adding Code of Civ. Proc., sec. 204e. 4 Code of Civ. Proc., 1872, sec. 208, amended by Cal. Stats. 1893, ch. 213, sec. 3, p. 298. 5 Code of Civ. Proc., 1872, sec. 209, amended by Cal. Stats. 1881, ch. 60, sec. 5, p. 70. 6 Code Amends. 1875-76, ch. 514, sec. 7, p. 87, adding Code of Civ, Proc., sec. 211, amended by Cal. Stats. 1881, ch. 60, sec. 6, p. 70. 7 Code of Civ. Proc. 1872, sec. 214. 8 Cal. Stats. 1831, ch. 60, sec. 7, p. 71, adding to Code of Civ. Proc., sec. 215. # 200 Jury Division - the clerk must form a certified list of prospective jurors, showing the date and place where such jurors must appear. The list is delivered to: the sheriff for service.1 MAC ⠀ 4 In 1938, the judges of the superior court in Los Angeles County published a book of uniform instructions for trial juries serving on civil cases, 2 The book, the first of its kind to appear, was published in collaboration with committees of the Los Angeles Bar Association and the Lawyers' Club, and has been in use since that time. A second edition was published in 1941 Forms printed on loose sheets; numbered to correspond with the page numbers of the book, are kept in the custody of the trial clerks for actual court use. The judges of the superior court also plan to issue a corresponding book of uniform instructions covering criminal cases. *A 1 Code of Civ. Proc. 1872, sec. 219. 2 Los Angeles County Superior Court, The records of the jury division are filed in various court we # divisions of the county clerk's office. ; ONE U + MAS • bib⠀ 1: * M**** }, eds mob * 118 *** W, Jury Instructions, 1938, and your 200- Full est loglou sad a wh ? Neck et bobina að W SAMASSE # Brad 1 201 • ¿ 1831-1840 35-37,.88 Koryogens * gundogging All numbers refer to entries. A record entry number is listed under each decade which the record covers in full or in part. An entry number is underlined to call attention to the initial appearance of the record. The last listing of the entry number indicates the decade with- in which the record ends. 1871-1880. ! 1881-1890 2 1841-1850 35-37, 38, 89-93, 152, 230, 288, 289, 375, 376, 432, 435, 435, 443 444, 448, 449, 464, 466, 467, 469, 472, 477, 478, 480, 493, 498, 499, 521 521, 522 CADAS 1851-1860 26, 35-38, 39, 89-93, 97-100, 134, 152, 153, 230, 265, 285-287, 288, 289, 294, 344, 375, 376, 344, 375, 376, 432, 435, 436, 437, 439, 443,444, 446, 448, 449, 451, 453, 454, 456 456, 457 459, 461-463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 469, 470, 472, 480, 481, 495, 498, 499, 521, 522, 585 SUNG USEDLA GUE 4€/B*8)+yrirgeng Widt DE 77 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX 1861-1870 26, 97-100, 148, 230, 265, 285-289, 294, 344, 375, 376, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 438, 439, 440, 441, 443, 444, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 456, 457, 459, 460, 461-467, 468 469, 470, 472, 480, 481, 493, 498, 499, 517, 518, 521, 582, 547, 562, 585 (1831-1900) : 2, 3, 7, 9, 15, 15-17, 19, 21 93, 33333 > 26, 97-100, 105-106, 109-111, 122, 124, 129, 130, 154, 156, 144, 145, 148, 149, 184-189, 200, 215, 220, 230, 257, 258, 264 264, 265, 276, 285-289, 294, 295, 343 " 344, 375, 376, 398, 431-436, 438-441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 448-453, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 461, 462, 467, 469, 470, 472, 473, 474 479, 480, 481, 493, 498, 499, 517, 518, 521, 522, 545, 547, 548 549, 562, 573, 585, 600 2. 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15-17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 48, 97-100, 103-106, 109-111, 116, 122, 124, 125, 129, 130, 134, 135, 144, 145, 148, 149, 184-189, 200, 202, 215, 220, 230, 251, 257, 258, 261, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 276, 277, 284, 285-289, 294, 295, 341, 342, 343 344, 347, 348, 375, 376, 380, 398, 445, 451, 469, 470, 471, 474, 479-481, 482, 493, 513, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 545, 546, 547-549, 550, 558, 559, 562, 573, 585, 587, 598, 600 S andr 1891-1900 2, 5, 7, 9, 11-17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 40, 47, 95, 97-100, 103-106, 109-111, 116, 119, 120, 122, 125, 129, 130, 134, 135, 144, 145, 148, 149, 184-186, 189, 200, 202, 215, 220, 230, 245, 257, - 202 - Chronological Index 1891-1900 (cont.) 258, 261, 263, 264, 266, 267, 268, 276, 277, 284-298, 290, 294, 295, 341-344, 347, 348, 362, 364, 365, 375, 376, 378, 380, 398, 409-411, 430, 451, 469, 471, 475, 479-482, 493, 498, 504, 513, 516, 519-522, 526, 528, 529, 533-535, 537, 538, 540, 542, 544, 545, 546, 550, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 568, 573, 579, 580, 585, 586, 587, 598, 600 (1901-1930) 2 1901-1910 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13-17, 20, 23-26, 27, 44, 45, 47, 50, 71, 97–100, 101, 102, 103-106, 107, 108, 109-111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119 120, 122, 125, 129, 130, 134, 135, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 184-186, 189, 199, 200, 212-214, 215, 220, 222, 223, 230, 233, 246, 247, 251, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 266-268, 276, 277, 284-286, 288-290, 291-293, 294, 295, 296, 341-344, 345, 347, 348, 353, 362, 364, 365, 371, 375, 376, 378, 379, 381, 393, 398, 404, 405, 409-411, 419, 426, 427, 430, 469, 471, 476, 479, 480, 482, 493, 498, 504, 513, 519-521, 527, 529, 533-535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 542, 543, 544-546, 559-563, 568, 573, 576, 579, 580, 584, 585, 587, 598, 599, 600 តន្ត 1911-1920 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13-17, 20, 23-27, 33, 42, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 55, 71, 97-99, 101, 103-112, 114, 115, 118, 119, 122, 125, 129, 130, 131-133, 134, 135, 137, 144-146, 148, 149, 156, 184-186, 189, 194, 199, 200, 207, 212-215, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 227, 230, 233, 234, 244, 246, 247, 251, 255, 257-260, 262-264, 267, 268, 271, 277, 278 283, 284-286, 289-293, 296, 297, 341-345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 353, 355, 356, 358, 362, 363, 364, 371, 375, 376, 378, 379, 381, 391, 393, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 413-417, 419, 426, 427, 428, 476, 479, 480, 482, 493, 498, 504, 507, 513, 515, 519-521, 523-525, 529, 530-532, 533-536, 539, 540, 541, 542-546, 558-563, 564, 565, 571, 572, 573, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 584, 587, 588, 589, 592, 594, 595, 599, 600, 601-603, 607 1921-1930 1, 2, 5-7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 20, 23-27, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44-46, 55, 71, 72, 73, 97-99, 101, 103-112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 119, 122, 125, 126, 129-132, 134, 135, 137, 138-143, 144-146, 148, 149, 150, 156, 158, 163, 164, 184, 185, 189, 190, 194, 195, 199, 200, 201, 203, 207, 208, 212-215, 217, 218, 220-223, 224, 225, 227, 228, 230, 231, 233, 234, 235, 246, 247, 255, 256, 257, 258, 263, 264, 267, 268, 269, 271, 277, 278, 279, 283, 298-302, 304, 341-344, 347-349, 351, 353, 354, 355, 356, 362, 364, 366, 375, 376, 382-384, 386-388, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394-396, 400-402, 403-407, 413-417, 419, 426-428, 429, 476, 479, 480, 482, 483, 485, 486, 492, 493, 494, 498, 500, 504, 505, 506, 508, 509, 513, 519-521, 523-525, 529–536, 539-541, 543-546, 550, 551, 554-556, 558, 559, 561-565, 566, 570, 571-573, 574, 575, 576, 578-582, 588, 589, 590, 592, 594, 597, 600-603, 606, 607, 608, 611-620, 625-627, 629, 631, 633-648, 650-652 203- Chronological Index 1941-- 1931-1940 PENG 1, 2, 4, 5-9, 10, 11, 15, 14, 22, 23-27, 28-30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41-43, 51-54, 55, 56-70, 71-73, 74-87, 96, 97, 98, 105-113, 115, 117-119, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129-132, 134, 135, 137-140, 142-145, 148-150, 151, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159-162, 163, 164, 165-135, 184, 185, 189, 190, 191-195, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199-201, 203, 204-206, 207, 208, 209-211, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, 220-225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233-235, 236-243, 246, 247, 248-250, 252-254, 255-258, 263, 260, 269, 270, 271, 272-275, 277-279, 280-282, 283, 298-302, 303, 304, 305-317, 320-338, 340, 341-343, 345, 347, 349, 351, 352, 355, 354, 357, 359-361, 362, 364, 367-370, 372-574, 375, 376, 377, 382-384, 385, 386-388, 389 390, 391, 393-396, 397, 399, 401, 404-407, 408, 411, 412, 413-417, 418, 419, 420-425, 426-429, 479, 480, 482, 465, 484, 485, 436, 487-491, 492-494, 495-497, 498, 500, 501-503, 504, 506, 508, 509, 510-512, 514, 519-521, 523-525, 529, 530, 532, 544, 546, 550, 551, 552 553, 554-556, 557, 562, 564, 566, 567, 569, 570-576, 578-582, 583 588-590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 596, 597, 600-603, 604, 605, 607, 609, 610, 611-616, 618-620, 621-624, 625-627, 628, 629, 650, 631, 632, 633-648, 649, 650-652, 653 • 100 (m. "90% > WWW.CIJU 2013 Campo, la 10 ya. "Canter DRIÀ A GREJPE RKOUTLINE TURN S Undated 94: (1931--.) Pa 1, 2, 4-11, 13, 23-34, 41, 42, 51-54, 56-58, 62-79, 81, 83, 84, 86, 96-98, 105-110, 112, 115, 118, 121-123, 125-132, 134, 135, 137-140, 144, 145, 148, 149, 151, 154, 155, 157-159, 162-185, 189-201, 203-213, 215-218, 220-223, 225,243, 246-250, 252-254, 257, 258, 269-275, 277-283, 298-317, 518, 319, 320-338, 359, 340-343, 345, 347, 349, 351-554, 357, 359-362, 367-370, 372-377, 382-584, 387–391, 393, 594, 396, 399, 404-408, 411-414, 416, 418-429, 479, 480, 482-498, 500-504, 506, 508-512, 514, 521, 523-525, 529, 530, 544, 550-557, 562, 564, 566, 567, 569-576, 579, 581-583, 588-593, 596, 597, 602-605, 607, 609-616, 618-647, 649-653 -205- Abandonment of minors, 405, 406, 416, 417, 429 Accidents to employees, 83-85 Accounting division, 38, 61 correspondence, 41 records of, 41-95 housing of, 42, 43 location of, 42, 43, 61 Adoption of minors, 186, 198, 411, 412 Administration county clerk's, 9, 10 division, 38, 49 Numbers not underlined indicete entry numbers; underlined numbers indicate page numbers. ! : correspondence, 1, 4-8 records of, 1-40 housing of, 42 location of, 42, 49 of estates in probate, 516-520, 523, 528, 566, 567 Alien lend owners, 138 Animals killed, old record of, 95 Appeals to appellate court civil, 635 criminal, 636 Appellate court appeals to civil, 635 criminal, 636¨¨ calenders of, 630, 631 cases index to, 611-613, SUBJECT INDEX * 617, 639, 640, 648 notices to attorneys in, 653 papers of, 619-624 procedure in, record of, 616, 617, 652 register of actions in, 625, 626 appeals in, 627 petitions in, 627 reports on, 649-651 transcripts of, 637, 639 citations of, 641, 642 decisions of, 639-648 Appellate. court (continued) minutes of, 628, 629 opinions of, 639-648 orders of, 616, 617, 628 remittiturs of, 632-634 division, 38, 189 (Aba-Bon) ¿ correspondence, 618 instructions to, 614, 615 records of, 611-653 housing of, 44, 45 location of, 44, 45, 189 Applications for employment, 7 Appointments of clerks, 8, 9 of deputy assessors, 11 constables, 13-15 county clerks, 9, 2, 9, 10 registrars, 18 sheriffs, 16 of extra judges, 297 of humane officers, 131-133 index to, 12 of justices of peace, 17 miscellaneous, 20-23 of road overseers, 19 of special deputies, 22 Archives, old, 35-37, 39, 40, 89-93 in Spanish, 35, 38, 88-93 Assignment of employees, 7 Attorneys admitted to practice, list of old, 451 Audits of county departments, 400 Bonds Board of Supervisors appointments by 17, 23 correspondence with, 1, 2 reports to, 1, 2 bail criminal coses, 359-361 juvenile coses, 425-427 in civil cases, 277-284 of county clerk, 3, 4 - 206 Subject Index Bonds (continued) ´of county employees, 134-136. officials, 134-136 index to, 135 of notaries public, 125-128, 134 in probate cases, 284, 517, 554-561 Branch offices division, 38, 88, 89 records of, 157-182 housing of, 46 location of, 46, 88, 89 Budget, correspondence on, 7. Business partnerships, fictitious names of, 103-106 Calendars Court County, 460 District, 446 Juvenile, 423, 424 of Sessions, 468 Superior department of of appellate, 630, 631 of civil, 236-241, 244, 245, 305, 306, 318, 329, 338 of criminal, 305, 318, 329, 338, 375, 358 of domestic relations, 242, 243, 245, 305, 307, 318, 329,338 of probate, 245, 305, 308, 318, 329, 338, 511-515 of psychopathic, 596 Certificates, 13-15 of appointment of 1-15 county officials, 20, 21, 144 humane officers, 131-133 road overseers, 19 of business partnerships, 105 of citizenship, 294-296 of dentists, 115-117, 144 of election of constables, 15 justices of peace, 17 road overseers, 19 of nurses, old, 144 of optometrists, 118 pension, 94 of pharmacists, 119 of physicians, 144 of veterinarians, 120 Chart of county clerk's office, 39 Chiropodists' licenses, 109-111 Chiropractors' licenses, 113 Citizenship (Bon-Civ) certificates of, 294-296 court minutes on admission to, 215, 287, 443, 459, 466 declarations of intention for, 285, 286, 288-290, 292 depositions on, 291 petitions for, 285, 286, 292, 293 Citations of appellate court, 641, 642: Civil cases bonds in, 277-284 depositions in, 220-224 exhibits in, 229-233 index to, 183-185, 187, 188, 221, 222, 230-233, 256, 265, 266, 276, 298, 299, 312, 313, 323, 332, 333 defendants in, 185, 188 plaintiffs in, 184, 187 temporary current, 183 judgments in, 255-258, 261- 263 writs of court · enforcement of, 266-268 execution of, 264, 265 papers of, 189 Long Beach, 190, 300 Pasadena, 191, 314 Pomona, 192, 322 Santa Monica, 193, 334 register of actions in, 200- 202 Long Beach, 200, 203 Pasadena, 200, 204 Pomona, 200, 205 Santa Monica, 200, 206 transcripts of appeals in, 269-276 calendars of, 236-241, 244, 245, 305, 306, 318, 329; 338 minutes and orders of, 215-219, 303 divisions, 38, 94, 95 records of, 183-340 housing of, 42 location of, 42, 95 • G 207 ! λ Subject Index · St ** : Civil (continued) jury records, 246-254, 309-311, 319, 320, 330, 331, 339, 340, 368 service, correspondence on, 7 Clerk, County appointments by, 8, 9 bond of, 3, 4 certificates by, 13-15 clerks of, 8, 9 compensation of, 4, 5 corporation matters, 15-20 deputies of, 8, 9 division of, 10, 37, 38 accounting, 38, 42, 43, 61, 41-95 administration, 38, 1-40, 42, 49 appellate, 38, 44, 45, 189, 611-653 branch offices, 38, 46, 88, 89, 157-182 civil, 38, 42, 94, 95, 183-340 corporation, 38, 42-44, 74, 96-147 criminal, 38, 42, 44, 128, 341-478 jury, 38, 42, 44, 199, 200, 246-254, 362-374 marriage license, 38, 41, 85, 86, 148-156 probate, 38, 42, 45, 157, 158, 479-570 psychopathic, 38, 45, 179, 571-610 duties of, 10-37 districts, 20-25 ex officio, 11-13 general, 10 to handicapped persons, 25 miscellaneous, 27-37 • functions of, 10-37 licenses by, 13-15 oath of office of, 2 office of administration of, 9, 10 chart of, 39 establishment of, 1 evolution of, 1-10 prohibitions against, 7, qualifications of, 1 [ 100 Clerk, County (continued) records of, 10-37 (Civ-Cou) housing of, 41-48 - location of, 41-48 removal of, 6, 7 selection and tenure of, taxation matters, 26, 27 vacancy, 6, 7 work orders of, 270 Commitments to State Institutions of juveniles, 408-410, 418, 420, 428, 430 of psychopathic adults, 580, 586, 597-561 Compensation of county clerk, 4, 5 Constables, 13-15 Contempt of court cases, 345, 349 Copartnership, business certificates of, 105 fictitious names in, 105, 106 index to, 103, 106 register of, 104 Corporation division, 38, 74 correspondence, 96 records of, 96-147 housing of, 42-44 location of, 42-44, 74 index to, 98, 99 fees, record of, 102 register of, 100 Corporations, 15-20 articles of incorporation of, 97 ~1 suspension of, notices on, 101 Correspondence division accounting, 41 administration, 1, 4-8 calendars of, 460 case files of appellate, 618 corporation, 96 psychopathic, 571, 572 County clerk, see Clerk, County County counsel's opinions, 5 County Court civil, 453 criminal, 452 habeas corpus, 454 judgments of, 461, 462 minutes of, 458, 459, 521 records of, 452-462, 521 index to, 287, 457, 467 M 208 - Subject Index - County Court (continued) register of actions of, 456, 457 Court cases against recipients of county aid, 402, 403 Courts, see name of court Court of Sessions calendars of, 468 criminal case files of, 464 minutes of, 466, 467 records of, 463-468 index to, 463, 467 register of actions of, 465 Criminal cases bail bonds in, 359-361 contempt of court in, 345, 349 dismissed, 346 exhibits in, 377-381 felony,..reports on, 399 ! habeas corpus proceedings in, 343, 344, 349 index to, 341, 344, 348, 398 judgments in, 354-356 memoranda of tried, 351 non-support, 350 papers of, 342-346 court ↓ • parolees' case histories, 401 register of actions in, 347-351 statistical record of, 1 transcripts of, 395-398 Decrees calendars of, 305, 318, 329, 338, 357, 358 interpreters, 382-392 minutes of, 352-356 reporters, 393-398 division, 38, 128 records of, 341-478 housing of, 43, 44 location of, 43, 44, 128 inquests, coroner's, 375, 376 jury records, 309-310, 321, 330, 339, 367-374 Declarations of intention for citizenship, 285, 286, 288-290, 292 Decisions court of appellate, 639-648 of psychopathic, 586 J court of appellate, 639-648 of probate, 521, 522, 534, 542 (Cou-Dom) · Delinquency of juveniles, 407, 414, 415, 425, 426 Dentists' certificates, 115-117, 144 Departments, see name of department Depositions cases in citizenship, 291 in civil, 220-224 in domestic relations, 225- 228 in land registration, 222, 223 in probate, 550-553 Deputies appointment of 8, 9, 9-16, 18, 22 oath of office of, 9-23 special, 22 District Court attorneys admitted to practice before, 451 calendars of, 446 case files of civil, 435 criminal, 436 habeas corpus, 437 tax suit, 438 judgments of, 448-450 minutes of, 442-445 orders of, 447. records of, 431-451 index to, 431-434, 441, 444 Divisions, see name of division Domestic relations cases bonds in, 277-280 calendars of, 242, 243, 245, 307, 318, 329, 338 court minutes and orders in, 215-219 depositions in, 225-228 exhibits in, 234, 235 index to, 183-188, 225, 226, 234, 235, 255, 298, 299, 312, 313, 325, 332, 333 defendants in, 185 · plaintiffs in, 184 judgments in, 194, 257, 259, 260 papers of, 194 Long Beach, 195, 301 Pasadena, 196, 315 Pomona, 197, 324 Santa Monica, 198, 335 D C 209 Subject Index - Domestic relations cases (con- tinued) register of actions in, 207-211 Divorce cases, sec Domestic relations cases Duties of county clerk, 10-37 Election certificates of constables, 15 index to, 12 of justices of peace, 17 of roed overseers, 19 county officials, register of, 21 expenses, record of, 139 Employees accidents to, reports on, 83-85 applications by, 77 assignment of, 7 bonds of, 134-136 correspondence on, 7, 27 leave of absence of, 76-82 pay roll of, 72 requisitions for,.7 resignations of, 24, 26 salary deductions, 73, 74. service record of, 25, 26, 78 index to, 24 reports on, 1, 86, 87 time record of, 75 transportation of, 7 Equipment, 31-34 Establishment of county clerk office, 1 Estates in probate, 516-570 Evolution of office of county clerk, 1-10 Exhibits cases in civil, 229-233 index to, 230-233 in criminal, 377-381 in domestic relations, 233-235 index to, 234, 235 Fees, record of, 42-55, 62, 64-67, 69, 70 corporation, 102 Felony cases, reports to registrar of voters on, 399 (Dom-Ind) Fictitious names in business partnerships, 103-106 Fines, record of, 50, 56 Firearms, 141-143 licenses for, 141 sale of, reports on, 142 Flood control damages, disbursement of funds for, 57 Functions of county clerk, 10-37 Funds transmittal of, 164, 165, 170, 175, 176, 181, 182 See also Trust Funds Grand jury, 246, 256, 362-366, 466 investigations, reports on, 362 Guardianship of minors in probate cases, 521, 543-549 Handicapped persons, aid to, 25 Habeas corpus cases, 343, 344 register of actions in, 349 Housing and care of records, 41-48 Humane officers, 131-133 appointment of, 131 register of, 132, 133 Hunting licenses, record of old, 147 Index to abandonment of minors, 417 adoption of minors, 186, 412 appellate court cases, 611-613, 617, 639, 640, 648 appointments, 12 archives, old, 37 bonds of county officials, 135 court cases civil defendants in, 185 plaintiffs in, 184 criminal, 341 domestic relations defendants in, 185 plaintiffs in, 184 juvenile, 341, 404 probate, 479, 518 employees, 135 notaries public, 125 certificates of citizenship, 285 election, 12 210 - about Subject Index - Index to (continued) chiropodists licenses, 109, 111 chiropractors.licenses, 109 citizenship papers, 285-287, 293 civil cases, 183-188, 221, 222, 230-235, 256, 265, 266, 276, 298, 299, 312, 313, 323, 332, 333 こ ​defendants in, 185, 188 plaintiffs in, 184, 187 copartnerships, business, 103, 106 corporations, 98, 99 County Court cases, 287, 456, 457, 467. Court of Sessions cases, 463, 467 criminal cases, 341, 344, 348, 398 delinquency of juveniles, 414, 415 depositions court cases · in civil, 221, 222 in domestic relations, 225, 226 in land, 222 in probate, 479 deputies, appointment of, 12 District Court cases, 431-434, 441, 444 domestic relations cases, 183-188, 225, 226, 234, 235, 255, 298, 299, 312, 313, 325, 332, 333 defendants in, 185, 188 plaintiffs in, 184, 187 employees bonds, 135. resignations, 24 service record, 24. exhibits court cases in civil, 230-233 in criminal, 341 in domestic relations, 234, 235 fictitious names of business partnerships, 103, 106 firearms, record of sale of, 143 habeas corpus cases, 344, 349 humane officers, appointment of, 132 inquests, coroner's, 376 < Index to (continued) judgments court cases (Ind −) in civil, 184, 185, 256, 265, 266 in domestic relations, 255 in probate, 479 Juvenile Court cases, 404, 410, 412, 415, 417. land registration cases, 212 Long Beach court cases civil, 184, 185, 298, 299 domestic relations, 184, 185, 226, 298, 299 probate, 299, 479 marriage license applications, 149 midwives' licenses, 109, 111 minutes on citizenship, 287 of County Court, 467 of Court of Sessions, 467 of District Court, 444 miscellaneous documents, unclassified, 145 notarizations, record of, 130 oaths of office, 12 osteopaths licenses, 109 Pasadena court cases civil,.184, 185, 312, 313 domestic relations, 184, 185, 312, 313 probate, 312, 313, 479. physicians' licenses, 109, 111 Pomona court cases civil, 184, 185, 323 domestic relations, 184, 185, 325 probate, 327, 479 probate cases, 299, 312, 313, 327, 332, 333, 479, 481, 498, 499, 518, 522, 545, 548, 549. psychopathic court cases, 573-575, 577, 578, 580, 599 register of actions in appellate cases, 611 in civil cases, 184, 185, 187, 188 - - 211 - G Subject Index Index to register of actions (continued) of County Court, 456, 457 of Court of Sessions, 463 in criminal cases, 341, 348, 351 of District Court, 431-434, 441 of Juvenile Court, 404, 415, 417 in land cases, 212 in probate cases, 479, 499 reporters, court, 341, 398 Santa Monica court cases civil, 184, 185, 332, 333 domestic relations, 184, 185, 332, 333 A probate, 332, 333, 479 surgeons licenses, 109, 111 trade-marks, record of, 108 wills probate of, 479 record of, 481, 498 writs of enforcement; 266 of execution, 265 Instructions, county clerk's to branch offices, 162, 168, 173, 179 to court divisions, 610, 614, 615 Inventories of county clerk's office, 33, 34 property, 140 of estates in probate, 562 of psychopat hic institutions, 571 Judges, appointment of extra, 297 Judgments Court of County, 461, 462 of District, 448-450 of Juvenile, 428, 429 Superior department of of civil, 189, 257, 258, 261-263 • index to, 256, 265, 266 writs of enforcement of, 266, 267, 268 execution of, 264, 265 Judgments Court : Superior department of (continued) of criminal, 354-365 of domestic relations, 257-260 index to, 255 of probate, 564, 565 of psychopathic, 600, 601 Judicial Council, State, 1 Jurors, lists of, 8, 246–250, 367, 370, 371 Jury (Ind-Juv) division, 199, 200 records of, 246-254, 362-374 housing of, 42, 44 location of, 42, 44, 200 pay roll, 254, 310, 320, 321, 331, 340, 374 records civil, 247-254, 309-311, 319, 320, 330, 331, 339, 340, 368 criminal, 309-311, 319, 321, 330, 331, 339, 340, 367-374 grand, 246, 251, 362-366 service record, 1 time cards, 252, 253, 372, 373 Justices Court • case files of, 469-471 minutes of, 472-475 of the peace, 17 Juvenile Court transcripts of hearings before, 476 calendars of, 423, 424 cases bail bonds in, 425-427 judgments in, 428, 429 papers of, 405 register of actions in, 413-418 minutes of, 419-422 orders of, 419-422 records of, 404-430 index to, 404, 410, 412, 415 Juveniles abandonment of, 405, 406, 416, 417, 429 adoption of, 186, 189, 411, 412 commitment of, 408-410, 418, 420, 428, 430 delinquency of, 407, 414, 415, 426, 428 Aga 212 Subject Index - Juveniles (continued) Pacific Colony for psychopath, 405, 408, 418, 420 Sonoma State Home for psychopath, 405, 408, 418, 420 Whittier State School for, 409, 410, 430 Land alien owners of, 138 registration cases, 199, 212-214 depositions in, 220-223 index to, 212 register of actions in, 200, 213, 214 Leave of absence, employees' 76-82 Licenses, 13-15 for firearms, 141 hunting, old, 147 marriage, 148-156, 158, 159, 167, 172, 178, 299, 332 State for chiropdists, 109-111 for chiropractors, 113 for midwives, 109-111 for osteopaths, 112 för physicians, 109-111, 114 for surgeons, 109-111 Long Beach branch office, 38, 46, 88, 89 fees of, record of, 164 fund transmittals of, 164, 165 instructions to, 162 maps in, 160, 161 marriage licenses of, record of, 158, 159, 299.. records of, 157-165 housing of, 46 location of, 46, 89 reports from, 163 court records civil, 190, 200, 203, 222-224, 231, 277, 279, 298-300, 303, 305, 306. criminal, 305 domestic relations, 194, 195, 207, 208, 226-228, 235, 277, 279, 298, 299, 301 305, 307 probate, 299, 302, 304, 305, 308, 479, 484, 490, 494, 500, 508, 509, 551, 556, 570 jury records, 309-311 notaries public, record of, 157 Maps of Los Angeles City, old, 608 Marriage (Juv-Not) certificates, old, 152, 153 licenses 1 applications for, 148 index to, 149 branch office records of Long Beach, 158, 159, 299 Pasadena, 167 Pomona, 172 Santa Monica, 178, 332 consents for juvenile, 150 division, 38, 85, 86 records of, 148-156 housing of, 41 location of, 41, 86 fees, 154-156 health certificates for, 151 Mexican Courts, records of, 477, 478 Midwives' licenses, 109-111 Minutes Court on citizenship, 215, 287, 443, 459, 466 of County, 458, 459, 467, 521 of District, 442-445: of Justices, 472-475 of Juvenile, 419-422 of Sessions, 466, 467. Superior department of of appellate, 628, 629 of civil, 215-219, 303 of criminal, 352-356 of probate, 304, 317, 328, 337, 504-510 of psychopathic, 592-595 Miscellaneous documents, unclassified, 144-146 Notaries public, 121-130 bonds of, 125-128 certificates of, 124 current, 121-123, 157, 166, 171, 177 notarizations by, record of, 129, 130 oath of office of, 122-124 - 213 - Subject Index - Notices to attorneys in appellate cases, 653 on suspension of corporations, 101 Nurses certificates, 144 .: Oath of office of constables, 13-15 of county clerk, 2 ! of county officials, 20 of deputies, 9, 10, 14-17 of justices of peace, 17 of notaries public, 122-124 of road overseers, 19 Officials, county appointment of, 20-23, 144 bonds of, 134-136 election of, 21 oath of office of, 20 Opinions of appellate court, 639-648 of county council, 5 Optometrists Orders certificates, 118 Court of District, 447 of Juvenile, 419-422 Superior department of of appellate, 616, 617, 628 of civil, 215-219, 303· of probate, 506-508, 517, 521, 533, 535-544 of psychopathic, 583, 594, 595, 598, 600, 601 Osteopaths' licenses, 112 Pacific Colony, 405, 403, 418, 420, 508 Partnerships, business, 103-106 Pasadena branch office, 38, 46, 88, 89 fund transmittals of, 170 instructions, to, 168 marriage licenses, 167 records of, 166-170 housing of, 46 location of, 46, 89 reports from, 169 Pasadena (continued) court cases (Not-Pro) ! civil, 191, 200, 204, 223, 277, 279, 230, 312-314, 317, 318 domestic relations, 194, 196, 207, 209, 227, 232, 277, 280, 312, 313, 315, 318 probate, 312, 313, 316, 318, 479, 483, 491, 496, 501, 510, 552, 555, 570 jury records, 319-321 notaries public, 166 Patients, psychopathic, 602-608 Pay roll employees', 72 jury, 254, 310, 320, 321, 331, 340, 374 Parolees case histories of, 401 Pension certificates, old, 94 Personnel, see Employees Petitions for citizenship, 285, 286, 292, 293 in psychopathic cases, 583, 586 Pharmacists' certificates, 119 Physicians' licenses, 109-111, 114, 144 Pomona branch office, 38, 46, 88, 89 fund transmittals of, 175, 176 instructions to, 173 marriage licenses, 172 records of, 171-176 - housing of, 46 location of, 46, 89 reports from, 174 court cases • civil, 192, 200, 205, 223, 277, 281, 322, 323, 329 domestic relations, 194, 197, 207, 210, 227, 324, 325 probate, 326-329, 479, 488, 495, 502, 552, 557, 570 jury records, 330, 331 notaries public, 171 Probate cases bonds in, 284, 517, 554-561 court costs in, 46-48 depositions in, 550-553 214 Subject Index - Probate cases (continued) fees in, 46-48 guardians of minors in, 521, 543-549 index to, 299, 212, 313, 327, 332, 333, 479 judgments in, 493, 564, 565 letters of administration in, 516-521, 523, 525, 528. testimentary in, 516-520, 524 papers of, 299, 302, 312, 313, 316, 326, 327, 332, 333, 236, 493-497 register of actions in, 200, 498-503 court calendars of, 245, 305, 308, 318, 329, 338, 511-515 decrees of, 521, 522, 534, 542 minutes of, 304, 317, 328, 337, 504-510 orders of, 506-508, 517, 521-533, 535-541, 543, 544 division, 38, 157, 158 records of, 479-570 housing of, 42 location of, 42, 45, 158 estates in administration of, 516-520, 523, 528, 566, 567. appraisment of, 530, 531, 562 executors of, 516-519 guardians of minors in, 521, 543-549 inheritance tax of, 531, 532, 568 inventories of, 562 sale of property of, 535-539 trust funds of, 566, 567 vouchers for expenditures of, 569, 570 of Wills, 480-492, 521, 523-527 Probation in psychopathic cases, 581, 582, 588-591, 602 Prohibitions against county clerk, 7, 8 Property cases of indigents, 402, 403. exchanged, list of, 7 litigated, list of, 71 Psychopathic cases (Pro-Reg) commitments to Pacific Colony, 580 petitions and orders for, 586, 597-601 to Sonoma State Home, 580 correspondence on, 571, 572 detention in, orders for, 583, 585. discharge of, 583, 587, 600, 601 histories of, 588-590 index to, 573-575, 577, 578, 580, 599 judgments in, 600, 601 papers of, 576-587 petitions in, 583, 586 probation of, 572, 581, 582, 588-591, 602 reports on, 591, 604, 605 court calendars of, 596 decisions of, 586 minutes of, 592-595 orders of, 583, 594, 595, 598, 600, 601 division, 38, 179 correspondence, 571, 572 instructions to, 610 records of, 571-610 housing of, 45 location of, 45, 179 patients. financial records of, 604-608 in private senitariums, 602, 603 Qualifications for county clerk, 1 Receipts of fees, 64-70 of taxes in probate cases, 568** Refunds, record of, 47 Register of actions Court of County, 455-457 of District, 439-441 of Juvenile, 413-418 of Sessions, 465 :. • - 215- - Subject Index Register of actions Court (continued) Superior department of of appellate, 625-627 of civil, 200-206,212-214 of criminal, 347-351 of domestic relations, 207- 211 of probate, 200, 498-503 Removal of county clerk, 6, 7 Remittiturs in appellate cases, 632-634 Reporters, court, 393-398 Reports on audits of departments, 400 from branch offices, 163, 169, 174, 180 on cases filed, 1, 2 on appeals, 649, 651 on employees, 1 accidents, 83-85 grand jury, 362, 363 on jury service, 1, 254, 374 on sanitariums, 603 from Los Angeles City treasurer, 3 on felong cases, 399 on psychopathic cases, 591,604,605 to State Department of Penology, 1 Judicial Council, 1 statistical, 1, 2 Requisitions for employees, 7 for supplies, 7,28,29,610 for trust-fund warrents, 58-61 Regisnation of employees, 24, 26 Road overseers, 19 Santa Monica branch office, 38, 46, 88, 89 fund transmittels of, 181,182 instructions to, 179 marriage licenses, 178, 332 records of, 177-182 housing of, 46 location of, 46, 89 reports from, 180 court cases civil, 193, 200, 206, 223, 277, 282, 332-334, 338 domestic relations, 194, 198, 207, 211, 227, 277, 332, 333, 335, 338 (Reg-Wri) Santa Monica court cases (continued) probate, 332, 333, 336-338, 479, 489, 497, 503, 553, 557, 570 jury records, 339, 340 notaries public, 177 Selection of county clerk, 2 Sonoma State Home, 405, 408, 418, 420, 508 Spanish archives, 35-38, 88-93, 152, 477, 478 State certificates for professions, 115-120 Judicial Council, 1 licenses for professions, 109-114 Relief Administration projects, 7 Superior Court, department of appellate, 611-653 civil, 183-340 criminal, 341-403 juvenile, 404-430 probate, 479-570 psychopathic, 571-610 Supervisors, board of, see Board of Supervisors Supplies, 7, 28-30, 610 Surgeons' licenses, 109-111 Tax delinquencies, 137 Tenure of county clerk, 2 Trade-marks, 107, 108 Transcripts of civil appeals, 269-275, 637 of criminal appeals, 638 Trust funds, 52-63 Vacancy of county clerk, 6, 7 Veterinarians' certificates, 120 Vital statistics, 148-156,385,571 Warrants for trust-fund with- drawals, 59-61 Whittier State School for juveniles, 409, 410, 430 Wills probate of, 486-492, 523-527 record of, 480-485 Work Projects Administration, 7 Writs of enforcement, 266-268 of execution, 264, 265