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ĮĘ IIIIIIIIIII|[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[H[IIIIIIIIIIIIII|E|{{= iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii # ^ § § #Al] # RR ,Sº, #$ſ# # # iiiii iiij TſNIITTITIHTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIſſimiſiſſimiſſimimmâm ,S é é N^5 MAR 1 8 1916 /77 LIST OF WORKS IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY RELATING TO BEGGARS, MENDICANTS, TRAMPS, VAGRANTS, ETC. This list includes only titles relating specifically to these particular topics. For further investigation reference must be made to the periodicals, encyclopaedias, and general works on sociology, charities, poor relief, etc. Order of Arrangement : BIBLIOGRAPHY. HISTORY. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ribton-Turner (C. J.) Extracts from various writers illustrating the habits and impostures of the vagrant and beggar, I383-I886. (In his: History of vagrants and vagrancy. London, I887. pp. 576- 665.) HISTORY. Avvdeley (John). The fraternitye of vacabondes; as wel of rufling vacabondes,as of beggerly, of women as of men, of gyrles as of boyes, with their proper names and qualities; with a description of the crafty company of consoners and shifters; wherunto also is adioyned the XXV Orders of Knaves, otherwise called a quarterne of Knaves. Imprinted I575. (In: Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub. Extra ser., v. 9. I869.) Bailly ( ). Recherches sur les mesures employées successivement en France pour extirper la mendicité et réprimer le vagabondage. .. n. t. p. Besançon : L. Saint-Agathe, I832. 73-I2O pp. 8". Excerpt : Acad. des sciences, de Besançon. Carew (Bampfylde-Moore). The life and adven- tures of Bampfylde-Moore Carew, commonly called The King of Beggars: Being An impartial Account of his life, from his leaving Tiverton School at the Age of Fifteen, and entering into a Society of Gip- sies; wherein the Motives of his Conduct are related and explained: The great Number of Characters and Shapes he has appeared in through Great Britain, Ireland, and several other Places of Europe : with his Travels twice through great Part of America: Giving a particular account Of the Origin, Govern- ment, Laws, and Customs of the Gipsies, with the Method of electing their King: and A Dictionary of the Cant language used by the Mendicants. Zom- don : VV. Cavill, I79I. 222 pp., 3 l. I2°. The life, voyages and adventures of Bamp- fylde-Moore Carew; commonly called King of the Beggars. Being an impartial Account of his Life, from his leaving Tiverton School, at the Age of Fif- teen, and entering into a Society of Gypsies, to his Death : The great Number of Characters and Shapes he has appeared in throughout Great-Britain and Ireland, and several other Places of Europe. With A History of his Travels twice through great part of America. Collected and amended from his own Writings, By Thomas Price, of Poole, in Devon. To which is added, A Dictionary of the Cant Lan- guage,used by the Mendicants. Zomdom : /. Barker, etc. [I8Io] I p.l., 2I2 pp., I po1t. 12". don : T. Bensley, I8I4. i GENERAL WoRKS. REGIONAL. — The history and curious adventures of Bamp- fylde-Moore Carew, king of the Mendicants. Zon- don : Robert Davies [187-]. I6o pp. I2°. Chanoine-Davranches (L.) Cour d'appel de Rouen, audience solennelle de rentrée du I6 octobre, I889. .. Des conditions légales et de l'his- toire du délit de mendicité. Rouen. /. Lecerf, 1889. 48 pp. 4". Dreyfus (Ferdinand). La Rochefoucauld-Lian- court et le Comité de méndicité (Un plan d'assist- ance sociale-I789-I79I.) (Rev. philanthropique. v. 13, pp. 49-72. Paris, I9o3.) Geschichte von Errichtung der Bettelorden. Aus dem Französischen. Leipzig, I769. 8 l., 22o pp. I6°. Hampe (Theodor). Die fahrenden Leute in der deutschen Vergangenheit.... Leipzig : E. Diederichs, I9o2. 2 p.1., 7-I28 pp., 4 pl. 4". (Monographien zur deutschen Kulturgeschichte. Bd. X.) Harman (Thomas). A caueat or warning for common cursetors, vulgarly called vagabonds. Lon- 5 p.1., 72 pp. 8°. —— A caueat or warning for common cursetors, vulgarely called vagabones; augmented and inlarged A. D. 1567. Imprinted I567. (Early English Text Soc. Pub. extra ser., no. 9. 1869.) Herkless (J.), D. D. Francis and Dominic and the mendicant orders. Mezo Vork : C. Scribner's Soms, I9oI. 3 p.l., 237 pp. I2". (The world's epoch-makers.) Lallemand (Léon). Les serviteurs et les ser- vantes des pauvres au moyen age. (Reforme soc. v. 5o (ser. 5, v, Io), pp. 846-864. Paris, I9o5.) Levi (Alessandro). Gli accattoni nei poemi omerici. (R. istituto veneto. Atti, v. 62, pt. 2, pp. 1223-1236. Venezia, I9o2-o3.) Luther (Martin). The book of vagabonds and beggars: with a vocabulary of their language: edited by L. in the year 1528; now first translated into English,with introduction and notes by J. C. Hotten. Zondom : /. C. Hottem, I86o. pl. sq. I2*. Morel (J.) Le vagabondage et la mendicité au XVI e siècle. (Bull. soc. dauphinoise d'ethnol. et d'anthropol. v. 8, pp. Io4-I22. Grenoble, I9oI.) Olshausen (Justus). Geschichte des Bettel- wesens. (Jahrb. f. Gesetzgebung. v. 26, pp. I5I5- I55I. Leipzig, I9o2.) #96}$ # 6 ; $ :: 2 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO BEGGARS, MENDICANTS, TRAMPS, ETC. History, cont'd. Question (La) de la mendicité en Normandie à la fin de l’ancien régime. (Bull, hist. et philol. Année Igo2, pp. 372–417. Paris, Igo2.) Ribton-Turner (C. J.) History of vagrants and vagrancy, and beggars and begging. Zondon.' Chapman & Hall, 1887. xx, I 1., 720 pp., I fac- sim., 18 pl. 8°. ch. I-XIV, England (368–1886); XV, Scotland (968–1885); XVI-XVII, Ireland (450–1885); XVIII, Wales (943–1284); XIX, Isle of Man and Channel Islands; XX, Secret jargon of the vagrant ; XXI, Mendicant or begging friars; XXII, Gypsies in England; XXIII-XXVIII, vagrancy in other 2European countries; XXIX-XXXI, Extracts from various swriters illustrating the habits and impostures of the vagrant :and beggar (1368–1875); XXXII, Statistics, Synoptical Table • * of Laws quoted. Rivière (Louis). L'évolution du vagabondage. (Revue penitentiare. v. 22, pp. 52–60. Paris, 1898.) Les mendicants sous l'ancien régime. (La reforme soc. v. 43 (ser. 5, v. 3), pp. 714–73 I. Paris, I902.) ljn siècle de lutte contre le vagabondage. (Rev. polit. & parlementaire. v. 20, pp. 276–3O2. Paris, 1899.) Rotering ( -). Das Landstreichertum seit den Kreuzzügen. (Monatsschr. f. Kriminal psycho- logie u. Strafrechtsreform. Jahrg. I, pp. 572-590. A'eldelberg, 1904.) Schorer (Hans). Das Bettlertum in Kurbayern in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. (For- schung. z. Geschichte Bayerns. Vierteljahreschr, v. I2, pp. I76–2O7. //?nchen, Igo4.) Zur Theorie und Geschichte des Bettel- und Landstreicherwesens. (Zischr. f. d. Armenwesen. Jahrg. 4, pp. 321–332. Berlin, Igo3.) Turner (C. J. Ribton-). See Ribton-Turner C. J.) - Wismes (Gaëtan de). Interrogatoire d'un vaga- bond détenu dans les prisons de Guérande (18 août, I734). (Bull. Soc. archéol. de Nantes... v. 43. pp. 226–234. AVandes, Igo2.) Wyclif (John). Two short treatises, against the Orders of the Begging Friars, compiled by... John Wickliffe. . Printed according to two ancient manuscript copies, extant, the one in Benet Col- ledge in Cambridge, the other... in the Publike Librarie at Oxford. [Edited by Thomas James.] Oxford; Z. Barnes, I608. 4 p.l., 64 pp. sq. 4°. GENERAL WORKS. Congrès international pour l'étude des ques- tions relatives au patronage des détenus et a la protection des enfants moralement abandonnés, Anvers, 1890. Compte rendu sténographique. A rºtºcelles: A. Guyot, 1891. 535 pp. 4°. (Belgium, Justice, Ministère de la.) Kelly (E.) La législation étrangère en ce qui concerne le vagabondage. (Bull. Inst. gén. psychol. année 2, pp. 336–345. Paris, 1902.) Pimenova (Ye). Brodyagi raznykh stran [Va- grants of different countries]. (Mir Bozhi. July, p. 39. St. Petersburg, Igor.) United States.—A'oreign Commerce Bureau. Vagrancy and public charities in foreign countries. (In: U. S. Foreign Commerce Bureau. Special consular reports. Washington, 1893. 8°. v. 9, pp. 247–6Ig, xiv.) REGIONAL. Algeria. Larcher (Émile). Le vagabondage et la men- r dicité en Algérie. (Rev. pénitentiaire. Année 23, pp. IOO9–IO22. Paris, 1899.) A zestria-Aſungary. Lentner (F.) Bettelunfug und Bettelbetrug. Auf Grund des geltenden und des im Entwurfe vorliegenden Österreichischen Straſgesetzes. Z72ns- bruck. Wagner, 1892. 2 p.l., 136 pp. 8°. Verein gegen Verarmung und Bettelei in Wien. Mittheilungen. Jahrg. I, no. I, 3–I2; Jahrg. 2, no. I, 3–9 : Jahrg. 3, no. I-9; Jahrg. 4, no. I-9; Jahrg. 5, no. I-8; Jahrg. 6, no. I-3, 5–8; Jahrg. 7, no. I-8; Jahrg. 8, no. I-8; Jahrg. 9, no. I-7; Jahrg. II, no. 8; Jahrg. I2, no. I-7; Jahrg. I3, no. I-9; Jahrg. I4, no. I-9; Jahrg. I5, no. I-8; Jahrg. I6, no. I-8; Jahrg. I?, no. I-9; Jahrg. I8, no. I-6 ((1884–1900). Wien, 1884–Igoo. 4°. Verwaltungs-Bericht des Vorstandes. . . für das Jahr 1880–1883. [Wien, 1880–1883.] 8°. ‘‘Grosse Noth.” Denkschrift. . . Wien, 1896. I2°. Aelgium. Belgium. /ustice, Ministère de la, Loi du 27 Novembre 1891 pour la répression du vagabondage et de la mendicité. Documents Législatifs. Braz- acelles. J. Goemaere, 1893. xix, 264 pp. 4°. Loi du 15 Fevrier 1897 modifiant les articles 25 et 3o de la loi du 27 Novembre I891 pour la répression du vagabondage et de la mendi- cité. Documents. Aºeckheim. D'Acole de Bien- faisance, 1898. 259 pp. 8°. Same, Text only. (Annuaire de legis- lation étrangère. année 27, pp. 516–9. Paris, 1898.) Bijl (Pieter). *De Belgische wet van 27. No- vember 1891 tot beteugeling der landlooperijen der bedelarij. . . 80 pp. Steenwijk. G. Hovens Grève, 1893. 8°. Congrès national des patronages. Mons 1893. Compte rendu sténographique. Bruxelles & A. Lesigne, 1894. 255 pp. 4°. (Belgium, Justice, Min. de la.) Same. Namur 1896. Compte rendu sténo- graphique. Bruxelles. J. Goemaere, I896. 2.I.5 pp. 4°. Traduction d'un discourse latin prononce le 28 Mars 1776... [a] Courtrai... Sur les avantages qui ont suivi la suppression de la Mendicité. . . Courtrai: /, De Zanghe, 1776. 26 pp. I6°. , Wilhelm. , Le vagabondage et la mendicité. Etude sur la législation belge. (L'écon. française. année 28, v. 2, pp. 704–707. Aaris, Igoo.) APenmark. [Dorph (Niels Vinding).] De jydske Zigeunere og en rotvelsk Ordbog. [By Niels Vinding Dorph...] Kjöbenhazm. Gyldendal, 1837. I p.l., 64 pp. I2°. Aºrazz.ce. Assistance des valides. (Annales d. assem- blées dépt. Trav. d. conseils généraux en 1899. v. 13, pp. 150–170. Paris, Igoo.) LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO BEGGARS, MENDICANTS, TRAMPS, ETC. 3 7 France, cont'd. Bailly ( ). Recherches sur les mesures em- ployées successivement en France pour extirper la mendicité et réprimer le vagabondage. .. n. t.-p. ASesançon : Z. Saint-Agathe, I832. 73-I2o pp. 8°. Excerpt: Acad des sciences, Besançon. Barère [de Vienzac (Bertrand)] Rapport fait à la Convention Nationale, au nom du Comité de Salut public, le 22 Floréal, sur les moyens d'extir- per la mendicité dans les campagnes, et sur les secours que doit accorder la République aux cito- yens indigents. [A'aris, I794.] Io8 pp. 32°. (France, I794.) Baudin (Pierre Charles Louis). Rapports faits . .. sur la résolution relative à la répression du vagabondage, et sur celle qui concerne les étrangers qui voyageront en France. [A'aris, Imprimerie AVationale, I799.] I5 pp. I2°. Beaumont (E. de). Moyens de prévenir la | mendicité en France. zz. t.-p. [m. p., 18I-?] pp. 2 II-24 I. 8°. Ext. : Ann. d'agriculture. v. 18. Bérard (Alexandre). France. (Archives d'anthropologie criminelle. Lyon, I898. 8°. v. I3, pp. 6oI-6I4.) — (Bibliothèque de criminologie. Zyon, I899. 8". no. I9, pp. I53-I66.) Bérenger ( de). Répression du vagabond- age par l'assistance par le travail. (Rev. d'assist- ance. v. Io, pp. 266-268. Paris, I899.) Berry (Georges). La mendicité. Paris : G. Aarisot, I897. I p.l., 2Io pp., I port. I2°. Boire (André). * Du vagabondage. .. Paris : A. Chevalier-Marescq &° Cie., I899. 2 p.l., I23 pp. 4". Bonnardet (L.) De la mendicité. Zyon : Z. Boitel, I84I. 2 p.l., I44 pp. 4". Bonnet (H.) Cour d'appel de Besançon, audi- ence solennelle de rentrée du I6 octobre I9OO. La repression du vagabondage et de la mendicité: dis- cours. Besançon. Millot frères &° Cie., I9oo. 6I pp. 8°. Bordeaux. Société pour l'Extinction de la Mendicité. Exercise no. 62-76. (I89o-I9O4.) Bordeaux, I89o-I9o4. 8º and I2°. [Camus (J. P.), successively bishop of Belley and of Arras.] De la mendicité légitime, des pauvres seculiers. Douay. Vefve M. Wyom, I635. I62 pp., 3 l. I2". Chanoine-Davranches (L.) Cour d'appel de Rouen, audience solennelle de rentrée du I6 octobre I889. .. Des conditions légales et de l'his- toire du délit de mendicité. Rouen : /. Lecerf, I889. 48 pp. 4". Chanteau (F.) Les plaies sociales. Vaga" bondage et mendicité. Paris. A. Pedone, I899- 2I6 pp. I2". Chopy (S.) Un coin de la questione sociale. Vagabonds et repris de justice. Tutelle communale. Colonisation décentralisée. Paris. Cosse, Marchal et Billard, I872. 58 pp., 2 l. 8°. Cochin ([J. D. M.]) De l'extinction de la mendicité. Rapport. .. Paris. A. Mesnier, I829. 58 pp. 8°. - Cosnier (L.) Le dépot de mendicité d'Angers en I873. n. t.-p. [n, p., I873?] . I3I-I55. 8". Ext. : Mém, de la Soc. d'Agric. # I873. Le vagabondage en Crisenoy (Jules de). Rapport de la Ier sec- tion [de la Société générale des Prisons] sur l'em- prisonnement cellulaire des vagabonds. (Revue pénitentiaire. v. 22, pp. 363-368. Paris, I898.) Dalesme (A.) * Du vagabondage. .. Limoges : Ve. H. Ducourtieux, I9oo. 24o pp., I l. 4". (Université de Poitiers.—Faculté de droit.) . Darnaud (Émile). Vagabonds et mendiants. Etude de droit pénal. Paris. E. Leroux, I876. 78 pp. 8°. Devosse (Georges). Nomades, mendiants, vagabonds sur la route, devant la loi. Le Meubourg: V, Bigot, 19o3. 2 p.l., I74 pp., I l. 8". Douce ( ) de Resigny, (Aisne). Essai sur les moyens d'arriver à l'extinction de la mendicité en France, avec les resources actuelles de la charité. Paris, I852. 48 pp. 8". Dreyfus (Ferdinand). Le vagabondage et la mendicité dans les compagnes : moyens pratiques de les prévenir. (Cong. internat. d'agric. 6th. V. I, pp. 35-49. Paris, I9oo.) Dubost (Marc). *Étude juridique sur la ré: pression du vagabondage et de la mendicité. Paris : A. Rousseau, 19o3. 3 p.l,, I 46 pp. 8". (Uni- versité de Paris,—Faculté de droit.) Du Puy (Hubert). Vagabondage & mendicité . .. Paris. Z. Zarose, 1899. 3 p.l., I72 pp. 8". Ducpetiaux (Edouard). Colonies agricoles, écoles rurales et écoles de reforme pour les indi- gents, etc., en Suisse, en Allemagne, etc. Brtt- xelles, I85I. 4". Des progrès et de l'état actuel de la reforme pénitentiaire et des institutions preventives aux |États-Unis, en France, etc. Bruxelles, I837-8. 3 v. I2". Énault (Étienne), and L. JUDICIs. Le vaga- bond. Paris. E. Dentu, I877. 2 p.l., 32o Pp. New ed. I6°. De 1'extinction de la mendicité à Dijon et de quelques autres questions qui s'y rattachent. Dijon.' Loireau Feuchot, 1893. 29 pp. 8". Fourquet (Émile). Le problème du vagabond- age. (Rev. polit. & parlementaire. V. 22, Pp. 595-627. Paris, I899.) Les vagabonds criminels. (Rev. d. deux mondes. v. 152, pp. 399-437. Aaris, 1899.) France.—Declaration du Roy, concernant les vagabonds & gens sans aveu. Donnée à Paris, le 12 Mars 17i9. n. t.-p. [Colophon:] Veuze de François Muguet . .. &* Louis Denis de la Tour. . .. 1719. 4 pp. 8 . Ordonnance du Roy, concernant le mandi- ants, vagabonds & gens sans aveu. .. Du dixième Mars 172o. n. t.-p. [Colophon :] Aaris. Veuze Saugrain & Pierre Prault [I72ol. 4 PP. 8°. Ordonnance du Roy, concernant ce qui droit estre observé en arrestant les mandians. & vagabonds. [Du 4 May 172o.l º, * A. [Colo- phon:] Paris /ean de la Caille [I72ol. 4 pp. 8 . Ordonnance de Sa Majesté portant défenses d'arréter ni inquietter les habitans de la campagne, & les gens de profession. Du 15 Juin 172o., n. t.-p. [Colophon:] Paris : Jean de la Caille [172o]. 3 pp. 8". 4 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO BEGGARS, MENDICANTS, TRAMPS, ETC. France, cont'd. - – Septième rapport du Comité de Mendicité, ou résumé sommaire du travail qu'il a présénte à l'Assemblé. . . Paris: Imp. Wationale [1792]. 48 pp., 4 tab. pap. 8”. * Rapport fait à la Convention Nationale, au nom du Comité de Salut public, le 22 Floréal, sur les moyens d'extirper le mendicité dans les cam- pagnes, et sur les secours que doit accorder la Ré- publique aux citoyens indigents. Signed, Barrère. [ Paris, 1794.] Io8 pp. 32”. » Rapports faits. . . sur la résolution à la répression du vagabondage, et sur celle qui con- cerne les étrangers qui voyageront en France. Par P. C. L. Baudin. [A'aris. Imprimerie AVationale, 1799.] 15 pp. 12”. Granier (Joseph Modeste). Moyen d'éteindre la mendicité, d'améliorer le sort des pauvres, de les attacher au sol, à la patrie, et de les tenir soumis à la loi et à l'autorité. . . Bourg. P. F. Bottier, 1839. 24 pp. 8°. Guimard ( ). Récidivistes et vagabonds. Mémoire pour l'établissement d'une Société de Patronage, lu à la Société des Sciences et Arts de Vitry-le-François. . . Février 1887. Vitry-le-Fran- gois: Ve. Tavernier et fils [1887?]. 2 p.1., 65 pp. 8° • Helie (Jean). *Le vagabondage des mineurs. Paris. . . Mayenne. Sozudée et Colin, I899. 352 pp. 4" s Heslot (J.-B.), abbé. Essai sur la question de l'extinction de la mendicité. Théorie & applica- tion. Laval. H. Godbert, 1849. 12o pp. 12”. Homberg (Th.) Études sur le vagabondage. Mémoire lu à l'académie des sciences morales et politiques. Paris. C. Forestier, 188o. xi, 275 pp., I l. New ed. 12°. – Nouvelle étude sur le vagabondage [par Th. Homberg]. Paris, 1866. I4 pp. 8°. Repr.: Acad. des Sciences Moral. et Polit. Compte-Rendu. De la répression du vagabondage. Mé- moire lu à l'Académie des Sciences Morales et Poli- tiques, ... Paris: A. Durand, 1862. I l. 8° Initiative (L') départementale et la répression du vagabondage. (Reforme sociale (v. 38). Sér. 4, v. 8, pp. 208-226. Paris, 1899.) Joly (Henri). Assistance et répression. (Rev. d, deux mondes. v. I88 (sér. 5, v. 28), pp. 117- 15I. Paris, I905.) » Lambert (Alfred). Un étrange delit; 1e vaga- bondage. (Revue philanthropique. v. 4, pp. 453-463. Paris, 1899.) Latour (Gabriel). Les dépots de mendicité, les monts-de-piété. L'assistance publique. Paris: Lib. Démocratigzee, 1872. I5 pp. 16°. [Lerat] de Magnitot (Albin). De l'assist- ance et de l'extinction de la mendicité. Paris. F. Didot frères, 1856. 2 p.1., xi, 492 pp. 8°. Mallard (V.) Études sur le paupérisme et sur les moyens d'arriver à l'extinction de la mendicité. Saint-Amand-Mont-Rond. Farré Le Garé, 1846. 51 pp. 8°. t [Malvaux ( ! )], abbé. Les moyens de dé- truire la mendicité en France, en rendant les men- 2 p.l., I51 pp., dians utiles à l'état sans les rendre malheureux. . . Chalons-sur-Marne. Seneuze, 178o. viii, 512 pp., 2 l. New ed. 8°. Mansion (H.) Essai sur l'extinction de la mendicité en France. . . Paris : J. Fontaine, 1829. xxxii, I75 pp., I tab. I2*. Marjolin (R.) Rapport sur les causes du vaga- bondage et sur les moyens de le prévenir. [Paris: A. Chaix et Cie., 1874.] 24 pp. 8°. Reprint from the Bulletin de la Société de protection des apprentis et des enfants employés dans les manufactures. Matter (Paul). La question du vagabondage. (Annales des sci. polit. v. 16, pp. I98-215. Paris, I9OI.) Oubert (Adolphe). Des moyens de prévenir et de réprimer le vagabondage et la mendicité. Etude de législation comparée. Dijon. Barbier- Marillier II 89-]. I p.1., 188 pp. 8°. Pasteau (Paul). Considérations sur les délits de vagabondage et de mendicité. . . Discours pro- noncé à l'audience solennelle de rentré le 16 octo- bre 1899. Bordeaux. G. Gounozuilhou, I899. 5I pp. 8°. (Cour d'Appel de Bordeaux.) Paulian (L.) Paris qui mendie. Mal et remède. Paris: P. Ollendorff, 1893. viii, 3o2 pp. 6 ed. I2”. Paulmier (Charles). De la misère et de la mendicité. Caen: C. Woinez, 1844. 2 p.1., 8o pp. 8°. Picard ( ). Over de inrigting der openbare weldadigheid in Frankrijk, dienstbaar aan de uitro- eijing der bedelarij. . Uit het Fransch vertaald en met een voorberight vermeerderd door W. H. Warnsinck. Amsterdam. J. H. & G. van Heteren, I847. 58 pp. 8°. \Picnot ( )] Projets concernant la salubrité publique, et l'extinction réelle de la mendicité. . . [Preface signed Picnot..] Paris. G. - Laguionie, 1837. 58 pp. 8°. s Raphael (John N.) Beggarland unmasked. The secrets of mendicant Paris. (Wide World Maga. v. I4, pp. 14I-I47. London, 19O4.) Regnard (Albert). De la suppression des délits de vagabondage et de mendicité. . . Paris: L: Larose & Forcel, 1898. 2 p.l., 52 p. 8°. (Etudes de politique scientifique.) Rivière (Louis). L'hospitalité de nuit en France: son développement, son état actuel, son avenir. (Revue philanthropique, v. 3, p. 4I7-428. Paris, 1898.) Un mal social: le vagabondage, médicins et remèdes, (Rev. pénitentiare. année 24, pp. 1 15- 123. Paris, Igoo.) (Rev. philanthropique. v. II, pp. 32- 42. Paris, Igo2.) Le patronage des vagabonds. (Rev. philan- thropique. v. 3, pp. 33o-334. Aaris, I898.) Répression du vagabondage et de la men- dicité. (Rev. pénitentiaire. Année 23, pp. 572- 58I. Paris, I899.) ,4 Le vagabondage et la police des cam- pagnes. (Revue pénitentiaire, v. 22, pp. 498-5o6. Paris, 1898.) Mendiants et vagabonds. Paris. V. Le- coffre, Igo2. xx, 239 pp. 12°. (Bibliothèque d'économie sociale.) LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO BEGGARS, MENDICANTS, TRAMPS, ETC. 5 France, cont'd. Robin (E.) Hospitalité et travail; ou, Des moyens préventifs de combattre la mendicité et le vagabondage. Paris. Monnerat, I887. xiv, I96 pp. 8". Robiquet (Paul). La proposition Cruppi sur le vagabondage et la mendicité. (Economiste fran- çais. Année 27. v. I, pp. 583-585. Paris, I899.) Rougier (P. P.) Pétition tendant à secourir tous les vieillards & invalides des deux sexes et à supprimer la mendicité en France. [By P. B. Rougier.] Périgueux. R. Delage et D. /oucla, I893. O 2 l. 4". Rozès (J.) Les enfants vagabonds. .. 7ou- louse. V. A'ivière, I9OO. I p.l., 349 pp. 4". Saint-Aubin (J.) La question sociale et la mendicité. Discours prononcé par J. Saint-Aubin. Grenoble. F. Allier Père et Fils, 1896. 2 p.l., 83 pp. 8°. (Cour d'appel de Grenoble. Audience solennelle de rentrée du 16 octobre 1896.) Sevrette (Gaston). La maison de travail de Chartres. (Revue philanthropique. v. 3, pp. I94- 2o3. Paris, I898.) Tixier (Octave). Le vagabondage et la men- dicité en France. (Rev. polit. et littér. ser. 5, V. 4, pp. 525-33O; 556-56I. Paris, I9O5.) Valentin-Smith (Joannes Erhard). De la mendicité et du travail. Clermom2t. 7. Z. APrères, I848. I23 pp. 8°. Voligny ( ) Rapport. .. sur la résolution du 28 Fructidor de l'an 7, qui déclare applicable à divers cantons du département de Maine et Loire la loi du 24 Messidor précédent relative à la répres- sion du brigandage. [Paris. /mprimerie Nation- ale, I799.] 6 pp. 8°. Wilhelm. La question des dépots de mendi- cité. (L'écon. français. année 3o, v. 2, pp. I9I- I94. Aaris, I9o2.) Germany. Bertsch (M.) Ueber Landstreicherei und Bettel. .. Ein Beitrag zur Lösung der Stromerfrage. Tùbingen : H. Laupp, I894. I p. l., IoI pp. 8". Bonhoeffer (Karl). Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss des grossstädtischen Bettel- und Vagabonden- tums. Eine psychiatrische Untersuchung. Berlin : J. Guttentag, I9oo. I p.1., 65 pp. , 8°. Repr. : Zeitschrift f. d. gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. Bd. 21, Heft r. Braun (Karl). Die Vagabunden-Frage. Ber- lin : L. Simion, I883. 35 pp. 8°. Chuchul (P.) Zum Kampf gegen Landstreicher und Bettler. Kassel : G. H. Wigand, I88I. 48 pp. 8". Conrad (Else). Vagabundiren mit Vaga- bunden. (Archiv f. Kriminal-Anthropologie u. Kriminalistik. v. 8, pp. I29-I65. Zeipzig, I9o2.) Elvers (Rudolph). Zur Vagabondenfrage. · Zwölf Thesen und ein Entwurf zu einem Reichs- gesetz. .. Berlin : F. Kortkampf [I882]. 59 pp. #) (Zeitfragen. Abtheilung Sozial-Politik. Heft I 2 Fleischmann (O.) Deutsches Vagabunden- und Verbrechertum im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. A}armen : Hugo Klein [pref. 1887]. iv, 2o5 pp. I2°. Giese (G. L.) Actenmässige Notizen über eine Anzahl Gauner und Vagabonden des nördlichen Deutschländs. Celle. Schulze, I828. vi, 7-2OO pp. nar. I2". Goebel (H.) Der Kampf gegen Bettler-Vaga- bondenthum. .. Breslau : C. Diilfer, I882. 2o pp. 8". Haeften (J. van). * De vagabundis. Trajecti ad Rhenum, I773. 2 p.1., 62 pp., I l. 8". Hippel (Robert von). Die strafrechtliche Be- kämpfung von Bettel, Landstreicherei und Ar- beitsscheu. .. Berlin : O. Ziebmann, I895. xii, 28 I pp. 8°. Zur Vagabundenfrage. Berlive : O. Zieb- mann, I9o2. 4o pp. 8". Huzel (K.) Das System der communalen Naturalverpflegung armer Reisender zu Bekämp- fung der Wanderbettelei. .. Stuttgart. W. Kohl- hammer, 1883. iv, II4 pp. 3. ed. I2". Jagielski (J.) Die Ueberhandnahme der Bet- telei und ihre Bekämpfung. .. Leipzig : Duncker &° Humblot, I885. 2 p.l., 72 pp. 3. ed. 8°. Krause (O.) Wie viel giebt es Vagabunden ? © Annaberg i. Erzgebirge. H. Graser, I885. 32 pp. 8". La Chevallerie (A. de) Zur Bekämpfung der Bettelei und Vagabondage. .. Münster. H. Schöningh, 1882. 48 pp. 8". La,mmers (A.) Die Bettel-Plage. 28 pp. (Volkswirthschaftliche Zeitfragen, Heft 6. Ber- lim : Z. Simion, I879.) - Landsberg (J. F.) Bettelei, Landstreicherei und Armenpflege. Ein Reformvorschlag. Diis- seldorf. Z. Schzvann, I896. 68 pp. 8°. Lissner ( ). Die Arbeitsfähigkeit der Arbeitshäusler, ein Beitrag zur Vagabondenfrage. (Blätter f. Gefängnisskunde. v. 23, pp. I-I9. A/eidelberg, I889). Loeper (H. von) Die Naturalverpflegungs- stationen. (Zeitschr. d, königl. preussis. statis- tischen Bureaus. Jahrg. 39, pp. 73-Io3. Berlin, I899.) Loewenstimm (August). Kriminalistische Studien. [Das Bettelgewerbe mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der russischen Verhältnisse. Fanatismus und Verbrechen.] Berlin : /. Ràde, 19oI. viii, 2oI pp., I pl. 12". Mascher (H. A.) Staats-und Orts-Angehörig- keit; Armenverpflegung sowie Verfahren mit den Bettlern, Landstreichern und Arbeitsscheuen, in Preussen. .. Waumburg a. S. : L. Garcke, I856. I p.l., xxxii, 292 pp. 2. ed. 8". Muensterberg (Emil). Das Bettelwesen in Grossstädten. (Deutsche Rundschau. Jahrg. 26, pp. 221-246. Berlin, I9oo.) fs Ostvvald (Hans). Das Leben der Wander- armen. (Archiv f. Kriminal-Anthropologie. v. I3, p. 297-315. Leipzig, I9o3). $ — Vagabonden. Berlin : B. &* P. Cassirer, I9oo. 355 pp. I2 . Rohden (G. von) Zur Vagabundenfrage. (Ztschr. f. Socialwissenschaft. 567. Berlin, I9O5.) Stelling (P.) Ueber das Umherziehen als Landstreicher. Hamburg: Actien-Gesellschaft (vormals J. F. Richter), I89I. 52 pp. 8". Jahrg. 8, pp. 549- · 6 · LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO BEGGARS, MENDICANTS, TRAMPS, ETC. Germany, cont'd. Stursberg (H.) Die Vagabundenfrage. . . von S. Ueber Selbsthülfe und Staatshülfe bei Bekämpfung des Vagabundenthums...von. .. Lüt- gen. Ueber die Bestrebungen. .. des Armen-Un- terstützungsvereins in Siegen zur Bekämpfung der vagabundirenden Bettelei. .. von P. H. Knops. Düsseldorf : Rheinisch- Westfälische Gefängniss- Gesellschaft, I882. 92 pp. 8". Wilmanns (Karl). Das Landstreichertum, seine Abhilfe und Bekämpfung. (Monatsschr. f. Kriminalpsychol. u. Strafrechtsreform. Jahrg. I. pp. 6o5-62o. Heidelberg, I9o5.) Great Britaizz. Account (An) of the proceedings of the Cor- poration of Bristol [ 1696-98] in execution of the Act of Parliament for the better employing and | maintaining the poor of that city. (In : Cary (John) A discourse on trade. London, I745. I2". pp. I47-I69.) - Association for the Suppression of Mendicity in Dublin. Report 2[-3]. (I8I9-2o.) Dublin, 182o-2 I. 8°. Bailey (William). A treatise on the better employment and more comfortable support of the poor in workhouses. Together with some obser- vations on the growth and culture of flax. , .. Lon- don : The author, I758. 2 p. l., 79 pp., 4 pl., 2 tables. 8°. Baker (Thomas Barwick Lloyd). On the causes, treatment and prevention of vagrancy. Read. .. before a meeting of the Chairmen of | Unions of Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, and Herefordshire, at Malvern, May I9th, I868. n. t.-p. [Gloucester, /. Bellozvs, 1868.] 7 pp. I6°. (No. I38.) ham. m- t.-p. [Gloucester: /. · Bellozvs, I868?] II pp. º 16°. — Conference of Poor Law Guardians, held at.. .. Great Malvern, May 7, I872. Vagrancy: paper by T. B. L. Baker. [ Worcester: Knight & Co., I872.] broadside. 4°. Repr.: Worcestershire Chronicle. A few words about casuals.. . ter? 18-.] 2 f. f°. To the guardians of the poor of Gloucester- shire. [Signed T. B. L. Baker.] [Gloucester: Off. Gloucestershire Chronicle, I866.] 4 p. I6°. Repr. : Gloucestershire Chronicle, May 15, 1866. —- Letter to Mr. Harvey. [Gloucester, 1868.] broadside. nar. fº — The new T. B. L. Baker.] shire Chronicle Office, 1866-67.] [Glouces- 5 pamphlets. 16°. (Nos. 123-127.) • The poor-law board and the relief of vagrants. To the guardians of the poor of the county of Gloucestershire. [Signed T. B. L. Baker.] n. t.-p. 4 pp. I6°. [Gloucester. Glou- cestershire Chronicle Office, 1868.] Relief of tramps. To the guardians of the poor of Gloucestershire. [Signed T. B. L. Baker.] Gloucester, I866.] 4 pp. I6°. Repr. : Gloucestershire Chronicle, Feb. Io, 1866. To the charitable inhabitants of Chelten- tramp system. .. [Signed by n. t.-p. [Gloucester: Gloucester- . The relief of tramps. .. A letter, to the guardians of the poor of Gloucestershire. n. t.-p. [Gloucester Gloucestershire Chronicle, 1866 ?] 7 pp. 16". à Repr.: Gloucestershire Chronicle, Aug. 18, 1866. The relief of tramps. .. To the guardians of the poor of Gloucestershire. [Signed T. B. L. Baker.] n. t.-p. [Gloucester. Gloucestershire Chronicle Office, 1866.] 7 pp. 16°. (No. I22.) Repr.: Gloucestershire Chronicle, Aug. 18, 1866. - The relief of tramps. [A letter] To the editor of the Gloucestershire Chronicle [Nov. I3, 1867]. m. t. p. [Gloucester. Gloucestershire Chronicle, I867.] 4 pp. I6°. - The relief of tramps. [A letter] To the editor of the Gloucestershire Chronicle. [Jan. I4, 1868.] n. t.-p. Gloucester. Gloucestershire Chron- icle, 1868 ?] 8 pp. 16°. The relief of tramps. the Gloucestershire Chronicle. [Signed T. B. L. Baker.] m. t.-p. [Gloucester. Gloucestershire Chronicle Off., 1867-68.] 2 pamphlets. I6". (Nos. I33-I34.) e Relief of vagrants. ** Knight's Official Advertiser.'' O broadside. 4°. The tramp system. To the editor of the Gloucestershire Chronicle. [Signed T. B. L. Baker.] n. t.-p. [Gloucester, 1866.] 4 pp. I6°. (No. I I E , #. Gloucestershire Chronicle, Feb. 24, 1866. Tramp wards. To the editor of the Glouces- tershire Chronicle. [Signed T. B. L. Baker.] n. t.-p. [Gloucester. Gloucestershire Chronicle Office, I868.] 4 pp. I6°. (No. I37.) Tramps and vagrants. the Gloucestershire Chronicle. broadside. nar. f°. Vagrancy. [Gloucester? 1869.] broadside. 4** Repr.: Staffordshire Advertiser, Jan. 3o, 1869. The vagrancy evil. [Correspondence of T. B. L. Baker and S. R. Bosanquet.] n. t.-p. [Gloucester: Gloucestershire Chronicle Qffice, I868.] m. I6°. •. 3 # Gloucestershire Chronicle, Aug. and Sept., 1868. Vagrancy. [Read at the] Conference of poor law guardians, held at the Imperial Hotel, Great Malvern, May 7, 1872. Worcester: Knight . and Co., I872 ? Broadside. f°. Repr.: Worcestershire Chronicle. - · Vagrants as distinguished from tramps. To the editor of the Gloucestershire Chronicle. [Signed T. B. L. Baker.] [Gloucester. Gloucester- shire Chronicle Office, 1869.] 5 pp. I6°. Repr.: Gloucestershire Chronicle, May 1, 1869. On vagrants and tramps. [Read before the] Manchester Statistical Society, March Ioth, I869. m. t.-p. 47-66 pp. 8". - - Bernardo (Thomas John). The I/ baby. An incident of the London slave trade. London [I89-?] 3o pp., I l. 32°. Bath Society for the Investigation and Relief of Occasional Distress, Encouragement of Indus- try, and Suppression of Vagrants, Street-beggars and Impostors. Report of the. .. with an ac- count of the receipts and disbursements from Jan. I, 1815, to Jan. I, I8I6; and a synoptical Table of Loans. Bath: R. Cruttzvell, I8i6. 4o pp. 16°. To the editor of To the editor of [Zondon ? 1865 ?] To the editor of [Gloucester, 1869.] LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO BEGGARS, MENDICANTS, TRAMPS, ETC. 7 Great Britain, cont'd. Bosanquet (S[amuel] R[ichard]). Vagrancy. To the editor of the Gloucestershire Chronicle. [Gloucester, I869.] broadside. nar. 4°. Brenton (E. P.) Observations on the training and education of children in Great Britain : a letter to Sir James Graham on impressment: and a trans- lation from the French of M. Ducpetiaux's work on mendicity. With an appendix. Zondom : C. Rice, I834. I p. l., v-xl, Ioo, ci-cxix pp. 8". Broke, pseud. Two and twenty reasons for refusing assent to the proposition for instituting large unions of parishes, and the erection of cen- tral workhouses, particularly in the neighborhood of Seven Oaks; as comprised in a letter to Sir Francis Head ... 2O pp. London. E. Lumley, I835. Cecil (William). A plea for the tramp. (Na- tional Rev. v. 43, pp. 964-97 I. London, I9O4.) Cousins (Denis Lewis). Extracts from the diary of a workhouse chaplain. .. vi, I l., 3o3 pp., 4 ll. London : /. Hatchard &* Son, ... 1847. I2°. Crawford (J. H.) The autobiography of a tramp. London : Longmans, Green &* Co., I9OO. viii, 328 pp., 9 pl. 8". Davvson (William Harbutt). Society and the tramp. (Fortnightly Rev. v. 82 (n. s., v. 76). pp. 689-7O4, London, I9O4.) Society's duty to the tramp. (Fortnightly v. 74 (n. s. v. 68). pp. 953-966. London, Rev. I9OO.) Edinburgh.—Police Commission. Report of the committee appointed by the Commissioners of Police, to inquire into the practicability of sup- pressing the practice of common begging, and re- lieving the industrious and destitute poor. Edin- 5urgh : A. Laurie &° Co., prtrs., I8I2. I9 pp. pap. 8". Ensor (R. C. K.) Tramping as a tramp. (Inde- pendent Rev. v. 4, pp. IO2-I I8. Londom, I9O4.) Gallwey (Peter). How some of the poor are wisely oppressed in workhouses: being the sub- stance of a sermon preached in the Church of the Immaculate Conception. .. London : Burns &* Lam- 5er, I86I. 36 pp. I6". Gilbert (T.) Plan for the better relief and em- ployment of the poor; for enforcing and amending the laws respecting houses of correction, and va- grants; and for improving the police of this coun- try. Together with bills intended to be offered to Parliament for those purposes. Zondon : G. Wil- kie, I78I. I p.l , I39, 38 pp. 8". Gloucestershire Michaelmas Quarter Ses- sions. Vagrants. n. t.-p. [ Gloucester : Gloucester- shire Chronicle, I869.] 7 pp. 16°. Repr,: Gloucestershire Chronicle, Oct. 23, 1869. Great Britain.—Habitual Offenders, /mebri- ates, &°c. (Scotland), Committee on. Report. .. on habitual offenders, vagrants, beggars, inebriates, and juvenile delinquents. Edinburgh : AVeill &° Co., prtrs., I895. 2 p.1., lx pp. fº. (C. 7753.) — Minutes of evidence. .. with appen- dix and index. Edinburgh : Meill &* Co., prtrs., I895. x, 676 pp., 4 diagrs., I map, 2 pl. f". (C, 7753-I.) — Local Goz/er72merzt Board. Return of num- ber of vagrants relieved in unions and parishes of England and Wales on night of July I and Jan. I in each of five years ended Jan., 1895. Zondon [ I895]. 88 pp. F°. (Sess. papers, 1895. v. 84.) Workhouse chaplains. Return to an order of the House of Lords, dated Io. June, I898. .. showing the names of the unions in Eng- land and Wales for which there are paid chaplains for the inmates of the workhouses; and also of the unions where there no paid chaplains of the work- houses, and in such cases what religious ministra- tion is provided for the inmates. London : Eyre &* Spottis zvoode, prtrs. [I898] 48 pp. f°. (House of Lords, paper 2o2.) Poor in /reland, Committee on. Report of select committee on state of the poor in Ireland ; being a summary of Ist-3d reports of evidence taken before that committee. [Zondon, I83o.] 854 pp. f*. maps. (Sess. Papers, I83o. v. 7.) Chapters on houses of industry and asylums for the pre- vention and relief of mendicity. Poor Zazw Board. Report of the commit- tee appointed to consider the cubic space of metro- politan workhouses, with papers submitted to the committee. Zomdom : G. E. Eyre &° W. Spottis- zvoode, prtrs., 1867. 88 pp. pap. f°. Aoor Zazv Commissioners. Copy of circu- lar letter to boards of guardians, dated I 5 Feb- ruary, I84I, respecting relief of vagrants; tabular abstract of answers thereto ; with selected an- swers. [Zondon, I84I.] 37 pp. fº. (Sess. Papers, I84I. v. 2I.) Statutes. RIBTON-TURNER (C. J.) Index of Statutes [England, 673-1882 ; Scot- land, I385-I876 ; Ireland, 438-I879; Wales; Isle of Man, I422-1884; Channel Islands]. (In his : History of vagrants and vagrancy. Lor2- don, I887. pp. 675-698.) - Anno septimo & octavo Gulielmi III. Regis. An act for erecting of Hospitals and Work-houses within the city of Bristol, for the better employing and maintaining the poor thereof. [Passed Nov., 1695.] (In : Cary (John). A dis- course on trade. London, I745. I2*. pp. I27- I46.) Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis ... decimo tertio. .. [An act for amending and en- forcing the laws relating to rogues. .. and disor- derly persons, and for reducing the same into one act of Parliament; and also for amending the laws for erecting. .. and regulating houses of correc- tion.] London. /. Baskett, I74o. I p. l., 463-49o pp. 4". p — Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis. .. decimo nono. .. [An act for the further punishment of persons going armed or disguised, in defiance of the laws of customs or excise. .. ] London : T. ASaskett &* R. Baskett, prtrs., I746. I p.l., 527- 54o pp. 4". 1 Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis. .. decimo septimo. .. [An act to amend and make . more effectual the laws relating to rogues, vaga- bonds, and other idle and disorderly persons, and to houses of correction.] London : T. Baskett &° AP. Baskett, prtrs., I746. I p.l., I39-I62 pp. 4". Loi du I2 août I898 modifiant la loi sur le vagabondage de I824. (Annuaire de législa- tion étrangère. année 28, pp. 64-65. Paris, I899.) · Reports, v. 4.) 8 , LIST OF WORKS RELATING To BEGGARS, MENDICANTS, TRAMPs, ETC. Great Britain, cont'd. s, Vagrants, Committee on. Report from the select committee on the existing laws relating to vagrants. [London, I82I.] III pp. f°. (Sess. Papers, I82I. Reports, v. 4.) Report from the select committee on the laws relating to Irish and Scotch vagrants. [ London, I828.] I8 pp. f°.] (Sess. Papers, 1828. - Report from the select committee on Irish vagrants; with the minutes of evidence taken before them. [London, I833.] 43 pp. f°. (Sess. Papers, I833. v. 16.) . • Workhouse AVursing, Committee on. Re- port of the departmental committee appointed. .. to enquire into the nursing of the sick poor in workhouses. _[With minutes of evidence, appendix and index.] London : Wyman &° Sons, ltd., prtrs., I9O2. pt. I-2. pap. fº. Cd. 1366: 1367. (Local Govt...Bd.) Greenwood (James). A night in a work- house. [By James Greenwood.] Reprinted from · the " Pall Mall Gazette." Londom : Office of the Pall Mall Gazette [1866 ?]. 47 pp. 12°. Harman (Thomas). A caveat or warning for common cursetors, vulgarly called vagabonds. Zom- don : 7. Bensley, I8I4. 5 p.l., 72 pp. 8°. 1 A caueat or warening for common curse- tors vulgarely called vagabones; augmented and · inlarged A. D. I567. Imprinted 1567. (Early English Text Soc. Pub. extra ser., no. 9. 1869.) , Higgs (Mary). Tramps and wanderers. (Nine- teenth Century and After. v. 56, pp. 55-66. | Zon- don, I9o4.) 4-s (Jour. Dept. of Labour. Io89-IIo2. Wellington, W. Z., 19o4.) Hill (F. [D.]) Children of the state. training of juvenile paupers. Zondon : Macmillan &° Co., 1868. vi, I l., 276 pp. 12°. Honeyman (John). The inadequacy of penal enactments as a means of eradicating vagrancy. (Westminster Rev. v. 162, pp. 41-46. London, I9o4.) V. I2, pp. The The repression of vagrancy as a means of ameliorating the condition of the slums. (West- · minster Rev. v. I6I, pp. 188-194. Zondom, 19o4.) Howard Association. Vagrancy and mendi- cancy., A report based on a general inquiry insti- tuted by the committee of the Howard Associa- tion. .. London, 1882. 28 pp. 8°. Important conference of guardians at Malvern. n. t.-p. [1868] 2 l. f°. - Repr. of 2 columns of Worcester Herald, May 23, 1868. Kaye (James Robt.) , Tramps and the part they play in , the dissemination of small-pox. [Dis- · cussion.l (Jour Sanitary Inst. v. 24, pp. 656-661 ; and 663-669. Zondom, 19o4.) # Eingscote (N. F.), and others. Proposals for the consideration of the Boards of Guardians of Gloucestershire. Signed N. F. Kingscote and others. #. t.-A. [Gloucester : /. Bellows, 187-?] 4 pp. Lumley (William Golden). Master and matron of the workhouse. 2. ed. (Manuals of duties of poor law officers.) London, 1869. 12°. Martin (Matthew). An appeal to public benevo- lence, for the relief of beggars; with a view to a plan for suppression of beggary. Londomz. Philan- thropic Soc., I8I2. I8 pp. I2°. Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Pelham, on the state of mendicity in the Metropolis. London : the Philanthropic Soc., I8o3. I p.l., 3o pp., 2 l. 8°. • Substance of a letter, dated Poets'Corner, Westminster, 3d March, I8o3, to the Right Hon. Lord Pelham, on the state of mendicity in the metropolis. Zondon : Soc. for Bettering the Con- dition of the Poor, I8II. iv, 24 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Miles (W. A.) Poverty, mendicity and crime; or, The facts. .. upon which the report was founded, presented to the House of Lords by W. A. Miles, to which is added a dictionary of the Flash or Cant language. .. Edited by H. Brandon. Lon- dom : Shazv &° Sons, 1839. I p.l., 168 pp. 8°. Nisbet (Hume). The tramp. (Macmillan's Maga. v. 9o, pp. 28-36. London, I9O4.) : O'Brien (W. P.) Poor law commission, Ire- land. Report of a statement made at the Cork poor law board. .. May 27, I863 [concerning man- agement of the Cork blind asylum and that of the workhouse]. Coré : Prtg. &* Stationery zvorés, I863. 4o pp., I l., I table. 8°. (Cork. Guar- dians, Bd. of.) Observations upon the vagrant laws; proving that the statutes in Queen Elizabeth's time are the most proper foundation for a law of that nature. .. London : T. Cooper, I742. I3 pp. 4". Plague (The) of beggars: a dissuasive from indiscriminate alms-giving. By a London physician. London : H. Remshazv, 1869. 15 pp. 4. ed. I6". Protest against the spirit and practice of modern legislation; as exhibited in the new vagrant act. London : Harvey &° Darton, I824. 44 pp. 8°. - e Rees (O. van). De Engelsche werkhuisen. [signed : O. van Rees] n. p. [I8-] I2I-I5o. 8". Remarks on the power, absurdities, and severities of the new vagrant act, on lawful & unlawful games, public and private gaming. .. Ad- dressed to the Members of the Clubs at St. James's. Who shall escape the treadmill ? London : /. Holt | I822]. 2 p.l., 9-7I pp. 8". Resolutions, hints, &c. On the suppression of vagrancy. Extracted from the Westmoreland Gazette, May 3o, 1818. n. t.-p. [Leeds ? 1818.] 8 pp. 8°. Rolleston (Charles). Social parasites. (West- minster Rev. v. 162, pp. 623-632. London, I9o4.) St. George's Parish, Hanover Square. Rules, orders, and regulations, for regulating the meetings . and proceedings of the governors and directors of the poor and for the better governing, regulating and employing the poor of the parish of St. George . .. [London, I8o5] 64 pp. nar. I6". Shropshire (Eng.)— Gaol and House of Cor- rection. General rules, orders, regulations, and bye-laws, for the inspection and government of the Gaol and House of Correction for the county of Salop. .. and a statement of the duties of courts of justice, magistrates, sheriffs. . . with respect to gaols and offenders. . . Shrezvsbury . /. &* VV. Eddowes, prtrs., I797. 2 p.l., 95 pp., 3 plans. 12". LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO BEGGARS, MENDICANTS, TRAMPs, ETC. 9 Great Britain, cont'd. - Skene (F. M. F.) The ethics of the tramp. (Cornhill Maga. London, I898. 8°. v. 4, pp. 682- 688.) - Smith (John Thomas). Vagabondia; or, Anec- dotes of mendicant wanderers through the streets of London. .. London : Chatto &° Windus, I874. vi, 7-36, pp., 32 pl. New ed. 4°. Snell (H. Saxon). Charitable and parochial establishments. Londom : B. T. Batsford, 1881. viii, 7O pp., 3 plans, Io pl. f". Stark (A. G.) How to render pauperism self- . supporting; with practical hints for developing the system of reproductive employment. . .. suggested by a visit to theº Cork union workhouse. [London ?] Aoor-lazo Assoc. [185-?] m. t.-p. I6 pp. 8°. #printed from A. G. Stark's ** The south of Ireland in 5O. Suppression of street-begging, .. Public meet- ing. .. February I3 [ I85I ] . .. to consider the plan devised by the Committee of the Leicester Square Soup Kitchen .. for preventing destitution. .. in the metropolis. [ Zondon, I85I ] broadside. I.2 % 1Il. X 2O 1Il. Leicester Square Soup Kitchen monthly report for Nov. and Dec., 185o, attached. Tallentyre (S. G.) The workhouse. (Mac- millan's Maga. London, I898. 8". v. 78, pp. 2I9- , 224.) Tramp (The) question. Conference of Guard- ians [Gloucestershire]. [Gloucester, I866.] 5 pp. I6°. # Repr. : Gloucestershire Chronicle. Feb. 17, 1866. Tramp (The) ward. By Viatrix. (Contemp. Rev. v. 85, pp. 649-667. London, I9O4.) (Jour. Dept, of Labour. v. I2, pp. 636- 653. Wellington, AV. Z., I9O4.) True (The) alarm ! pernicious influence of IIouses of Industry, [work houses] on the political interests of this country. · London. Robinson, I787. I p.l., 48 pp. 8°. Turnpike sailors. (Spectator. v. 9I, pp. 5o- 5 I. London, I9o3.) Twining (L.) Recollections of workhouse visit- ing and management during twenty-five years. London : C. Kegan Paul &° Co., I88o. xx, 2I7 pp. I6°. Repr. : Quarterly Magazine, with additions. - Workhouses and pauperism and woman's work in the administration of the poor law. Lom- don : Methuen &* Co., 1898. 2 p.l., vii-x, I l., 276 pp. I2*. (Social questions of to-day.) Vagrant (The) Act, in relation to the liberty of the subject. By a Barrister. With a Postscript. London. /. Murray, I824. 89 pp. 2, ed. 8°. Vagrants. n. t.-p. [Gloucester. /. Bellozvs, 1867?] 4 pp. I6°. | Record of conclusions reached at a meet- îng of Boards of Guardians at Hardwicke.] [Glou- cester. /. Bello7vs, I876.] 4 pp. I6°. Workhouse Visiting Society. Report No. 4 (I86I-2). London, I862. 8°. [same] Half yearly report, I865. Zondon, 8°. I865. An essay. Shewing the · m. p. [I723?] Italy. Elena (A. G.) Della Inendicità e dei mezzi di eliminarla e di antivenirla. [Signed A. G. Elena.] Torino: C. G. Libraio, I843. 32 pp., I tab. 16°. Florian (E.), and G. CAVAGLIERI. I vaga- bondi ; studio sociologica-giuridico. Torino. Aºra- telli Bocca, I897-Igoo. 2 v. 8°. (Biblioteca antropologico-giuridica. Serie I. v. 25, 27.) Fontana (Lodovico). Sulla necessita di sbandire gli accattoni e di provvedere ai veri poveri ragiona- mento politico-morale. Torino : Cassome, Marzo- rati, Vercelloti, I839. 25 pp. I6°. La mendicità sbandita 7Corino. B. A2. A r- I2°. Guevarre (Andrea). col sovvenimento de' poveri. mala'i, I844. 8 p.l., I86 pp. Memoria sulla necessità di avvisare ai mezzi onde isbandire la mendicità. Letta nella tornata del di I I. dicembre 1827 della Regia Camera d' Agri- coltura e di Commercio di Torino, da un membro della medesima. Torino : Tipografia Chirio E Mina, 1829. 46 pp. I2°. Mendicità (La) in Piemonte e il regio recovero di Torino. (Rivista della beneficenza pubblica delle istituzioni di Previdenza e di igiene sociale. Roma, I898. 8°. Anno 26, pp. 4o2-425.) Mendicità (La) proveduta, nella città di Roma coll' ospizio publico, fondato dalla pietà, e beneficenza di Innocenzo XII. Con le risposte all' obiezioni contro simli fondazioni. Roma. G. G. Aomareé, 1693. 4 p.l., 138 pp., I pl. 4". Petitti (Carlo Ilarione). Saggio sul buon go- verno della mendicità, degli istituti di beneficenza e delle carceri. Torimo, I837. 2 v. 8°. AVetherlands. Altheer (Gerrit Willem). *Landlooperij. .. 5 · p.l., 7o pp., I l. Leiden : P. Somerzvil, I88o. 8°. Baumhauer (M. M. van). [I8-] I5 pp. 8°. Repr.: Themis, regtskundig tijdschrift. . Bierens de Haan (Jacob). *De Neder- landsche strafbepalingen tegen bedelarij en land- looperij. Ein historisch, statistisch en kritisch on- derzoek. . Rijks-Universiteit te Utrecht. .. Utrecht : /. de Kruyff, I895. 6 p.1., I76 pp. sq. 8". Feltz (Gustaff Willem van der). *Wat is bede- len?...3 p.l., Io2 pp. Leiden. Wed. /. /. Gerards, 1878. 8°. Hardenbroek (G. C. D. R. van). *De bede- larij tegenover het strafrecht. .. Rijks-Universiteit te Utrecht. .. Utrecht. /. de Kruyff, I885. 5 p.l., 128 pp. 8". - De bedelarij. n. p. Holland.—Province-Staten. Extract uyt de resolutien van de. .. Staaten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt, in haar. .. vergaderinge genomen , op. .. den 14. October I723 [resolved : to enforce an ordinance promulgated by the Staten Generaal against gipsies, tramps, beggars, &c. Oct. 9. I723.] 3 pp. 4". Loghem (H. van). Het ontwerp van wet tot wijziging van de bedelarij [signed: H. van Log- hem]. [Deventer, I874] I2 pp. 8*. IO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO BEGGARS, MENDICANTS, TRAMPS, ETC. Netherlands, cont'd. Middleburgh. Ordonnantie, by bailliu, bur- germeesters, schepenen, ende raedt der stadt Mid- dleburgh, geëmaneert tegens de bedelaers, landt- loopers, ende vagebonden. 8 pp. Middleburgh : /. Meertens, n. d. 4". Ordonnantie en reglement tegens en omtrent · bedelaryen, gelyk mede tot beetere handhavinge der respective armefondsen in de graafschappen Buuren, Leerdam en Culenborg, mitsgaders in de baronien Ysselstein en Acquoy, in dato den 3. September I779. 's Gravenhage. Z. Scheltus, I779. 22 pp. sq. 8*. Placca et eñ ordinantie ghemaect by. .. den coninick opt stuck vande brandtstichters, moorde- naers, verraders, kerckroovers, dieuen, vagabonden, bedelaers ende andere dierghelijcke quaetdoenders · ghepubliceert. .. tot Antwerpen den 24 Meerte An. I562, Styl van Brabant. Antzverpen : W. Sil- vins [I562?]. 8 l. 4°. Regout (P.) Paupersime en industrie. Proeve ter beantwoording van de vraag: Wat is er te doen tot verbetering van de werking der bedelaars-kolo- nien ? 's Gravenhage. A. Belinfante, 1858. 52 pp. 8°. Spiegel (Laurens Pieter van de). Over de ar- moede en bedelaary, met betrekkinge tot de pro- vintie van Zeeland, en byzonder tot de stad Goes, en eiland van Zuid-Beveland. Met eene voorrede, waarin. .. het schadelyke der. .. manier von onder- houd der armen aangeweezen, en. .. artikelen voor- geslagen worden om dezelve op een' beteren voet te regelen. In den Haage : Erven I. van Cleef, 18o5. I p.l., x, II-48 pp. 2. ed. 8". Utrecht.-Province-Staten. Ordonnantie ende placaet jegens de moetwillige vagabonden ende booswichten, die haer . . . varstouten ende onder- staen vescheydene . . .. boomen, ... te. . .. schenden ende breken, &c. [ CVtrecht, I694 ?] 2 l. 4°. ZVorzvay. g Fortsat Beretning om Fante- Christiania. V. C. Abelsted, 1859. 3 p.1., I2 . Sundt (Eilert). folket. .. 228 pp. APzéssza. Beitraege zur Geschichte des Vereins gegen den Bettel in Riga Zusammengestellt in Aniass seines fünfundzwanzigjährigen Bestehens, Riga : W. F. Häcker, 1894. 2 p.1., 55 pp. 8°. Gorovtzev (A.) Tzyel i naznachenie domov # [Aim and purpose of work-houses.] yestnik evropy. Vol. 2o3. D. " *) : L / s ,St. Aetersburg, I9oo.) pp. 497-547 . Laschi (Rodolfo). Il problema della mendicità in Russia (Rivista della beneficenza e di igiene sociale. anno 28, pp. 354-36o. Aºom2a, I9oo. $ Jarnowski (Eugenio). La mendicità in Rus- sia. (Revista italiana di sociologia, anno 4, pp. I76-I9o. Roma, 19oo.) - • Spain. - . Alzola y Minondo (D. Pablo de). La men- dicidad y la vagancia. Conferencias dadas en la Academia de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Bilbao. A8ilôao. /mprenta de la Casa de Misericordia, I 9O2, II3 pp., I l. 8°. Gil Maestre (Manuel). Estudios de antro- pologia. El vago, el vagabundo y el mendigo. (Revista contemp. v. I24, pp. 459-48o; 577-588 ; 743-748 ; v. I25, pp. 8I-98; 2I5-223; 333-355; 43I-449. Madrid, I9O2.) El ladron urbano, considerado en general y en particular el ratero. Algunos caracteres de la criminalidad moderna. Ideas de varios escritores referentes al robo y al hurto. (Revista contem- poranea. v. I3o, pp. IoI-IO6; 2I3-2I9; 6OI-624; 7I9-74I; v. I3I, pp. 75-83. Madrid, I9o5.) González y Sugraîies ( ). Mendi- cidad y beneficencia en Barcelona. Barcelona : A/enrich y Ca., I9o3. ix, I l., 4I5 pp. 8". Italiens pauvres en Espagne. Scènes et types (I889-1893). (Rev. gén. v. 72, pp. 42o- 442. Bruxelles, I9oo.) - Maestre y Alonzo (Antonio). De la mendi- cidad y la beneficencia. Madrid : Casa editorial de Medina [ 187o?]. I42 pp. I2". Medina ( Juan de). La charidad discreta, prac- ticada con los mendigos, utilidades que logra la republica en su recogimiento. .. Valladolid, T. de San Pedro [I757]. 22 p.l., 9o pp. 4". Vergara (Gabriel M.) La mendicidad en Madrid. (Revista contemp. v. I3o, pp. 345-348. Madrid, I9o5.) Szvede7z. Flygare (Jöns). * Om tiggeriers hämmande i riket. Upsala, I773. I p.l., 2o pp. 4*. Fremling (Augustus). * De cauta in mendicos beneficientia. Aboae, I795. I p.l., I3 pp. 4". Szvitzerland, Preston-Thomas (H.) Report on methods of dealing with vagrancy in Switzerland. London, I9O4. I 5 pp. f". (Gr. Br. Local Govt. Board.) Schlatter (F.) Ueber das Vagantenthum im Kanton Zürich. .. Berm. K. /. Wyss, I882. I p. l., 2 I pp. Sq. 4". Repr. : Zeitschrift für schweizerische Statistik. Weber (H.) Wider den Bettel. Ein Vor- trag gehalten in der gemeinnütz. Gesellschaft des Bezirkes Zürich am I2. Juli I87o. Zürich. J. A/erzog, I87O. n. t.-p. 47 pp. 8*. Separatabdruck aus dem IX. Jahrgang der schweizeri- schen Zeitschrift für Gemeinnützigkeit. United States. Adams (Charles Ely). The real hobo: what he is and how he lives. (Forum. v. 33, pp. 438- 449. ZVezo VorÀ, I9o2.) ,-mº-º8 (Jour. Dept. of Labour. Io83-Io96. Wellington, M. Z., I9o2.) Allegheny County, Pa.— Workhouse and /m- ebriate Asylum. Annual report of the managers, 4-5, 22-26, 28-32, 35 (I873-74, I89I-95, I897- I9oI, I9o4). v. p., 1874-[I9o5.] 8" Arrest du Conseil d'Estat du Roy, Qui ordonne qu'il ne sera plus envoyé de vagabonds, gens sans aveû Fraudeurs & criminels à la Louisiane. .. Du 9. May 172o. Paris : l'/mprimerie Royale, I72o. 4 pp. 8º - Bailey (E. Lamar). Tramps and hoboes. (Forum. Nezv Vork, I898. 8". v. 26, pp. 2I7- 22 I.) V. IO, pp. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO BEGGARS, MENDICANTS, TRAMPs, ETC. United States, cont'd. Boston (Mass.).—Overseers of the Poor. Re- port of committee of the overseers of the poor on street-begging. Boston. /. E. Farzvell & Co., prtrs., I865. 25 pp., I l. 8°. Cincinnati (O.).— Workhouse. Annual re- port, IO-II, 22. I879-8o, I89I. Cincinnati, 1881-189I. 8°. ,y Clergyman's (A) story of the " stranded ". .. By a New York clergyman. (World's Work. v. 4, pp. 25IO-25I5. Mezv Vork, I9o2.) Dayton (O.).— Woréhouse. Annual report of the Directors, I894-95, I899. [Dayton, I895- I9oo.] 8°. Devine (Edward T.) The shiftless and float- ing city population. (Annals of the Amer. Acad. of Political and Social Sci. Philadelphia, 1897. V. Io, pp. I49-164.) — — (Publications Am. Acad., &c. no. 2O6.) Felton (Charles E.) Jails and workhouses. An address. .. before the National Prison Congress . .. Oct. 2 I, I885. m2. t.-p. n. p., I885. I5 pp. 8°. Flynt (Josiah), pseud. of J. F. WILLARD. The little brother. A story of tramp life. Nezv Voré: The Century Co., I9O2. 2 p.l., 254 pp., I pl. 8°. Notes of an itinerant policeman. Bostom : L. C. Aage &* Co., I9oo. 4 p. l., v, 7-252 pp., I port. I2°. The powers that prey. Wezv Vork: McClure, Ahillips &° Co., I9OO. I p.l., x, 26o pp. 12°. The rise of Ruderick Clowd. AVezy Vork : Dodd, Mead &* Co., I9o3. 4 p.l., 37o pp., 6 pl. I2 | . - The tramp and the railroad. (Century Mag. v. 58, pp. 258-266. Mezv Vork, 1899.) Tramping with tramps. Studies and sketches of vagabond life. With prefatory note by Andrew D. White. Wezv Voré : The Century Co., 1899. xiv, I l., 398 pp., I port. I2°. The world of graft. AVezv Voré: McClure, Ahillips &° Co., I9oI. 5 p.l., 221 pp. 12°. Forbes (James). The "Jockers," and the schools they keep. Mere repression does not solve the prob- lem of the boy-tramp, or beggar. (Charities. v. I I, pp. 432-436. New Voré, 19o3.) Friedman (I.) The autobiography of a beggar. Prefaced by some of the humorous adventures and incidents related in The Beggars'Club. With. .. illustrations by W. Glackens. Bostom : Small, May- ººard &* Co., I9o3. xi, I l., 35o pp., 18 pl. 12°. Kent (Mariner J.) The making of a tramp. (Independent. v. 55, pp. 667-67o. Nezo Vork, I9o3.) , London (Jack). Rods and gunnels. [Stealing rides under railway cars.] (Bookman. v. I5, pp. 54I-544. /Vezv Vork, 19o2.) McCook (John J.) Leaves from the diary of a tramp..(Independent. v. 53, pp. 276o-2767; · · and Soc. Sci. · tion. '' I I 2888; 3OO7-3oI3; v. 54, pp. 23-28; I54-I6o; 332- 337; 62o-624; 873-874. AVezv Vork, I9oI-O2.) Marsh (Benjamin C.) Causes of vagrancy and methods of eradication. (Annals Amer. Acad. Polit. v. 23, pp. 445-456. Philadelphia, I9O4.) — — (Publications Am. Acad., etc. no. 4I9.) Massachusetts. — State Farm at Bridge- zvater. Annual report of the Trustees. 5-6, 8, 2I, 3I-36, 38-41, 43-49 (I858-59, '6I, '74, '84-89, '91-94, '96-I9o2). Boston, I858-I9O2. 8°. 1854-72 called *Ann. rpt. of Inspectors of State Almshouses , .. '' 1873-86 called **Ann, rpt. of Inspectors of State Work- houses . . . '' For year ending Sept. 3o. -- Tramps and vagrants. Census of I9o5. (Labor Bull. Commonwealth of Mass. no. 36, pp. 6I-62. Boston, I9o5.) Massachusetts Association of Relief Officers. Report, read November I4, I9oo, Tramps and Way- farers. (Quar. Pub. of the Amer. Statist. Assoc. v. 7, Sept., I9OO, pp. IO-2O. Boston, I9oo.) Monroe County, N.Y.— Work House. Annual report of the Inspectors, I-3. I854/5-I856/7. Rochester, I856-58. 8°. New York City. Rogues'gallery of beggars. Habitual mendicants to be treated like crooks. (The Sun. New York. Wednesday, 23 Sept., I9o3, p. 4, col. 3.) - The pull of the panhandler. Mendicancy officer says that it's a scandal. That magistrates are forever letting yegg men loose. (Sun. New York. Sunday, 2o Nov., I9O4, p. Io, col. I-2; Monday, 2I Nov., I9O4, p. 3, col. 4 ; Thursday, 24 Nov., I9O4, p. 3, col. I-3.) - Philadelphia.—Correction, Bureau of. An- nual reports, 1887-I9oo. (In : Philadelphia Charities and Corrections Dept. Ann. rpt., I887-I9oo.) Pinkerton (Allan). Strikers, communists, tramps and detectives. New York : G. W. Carleton &* Co., I878. xii, I3-4I2 pp., I port., I l. I2". Toledo, O.— Work House. Annual Report, 18-2o, 22, 24-25. (1893-97/8, I899/oO-I9oo/oI.) [ Toledo, 1894-19oI.] 8". Washington Asylum,Washington, D. C. Re- port of the Intendant. (I9oI/2.) Washington, I9o3. 8". Wayland (Francis). A paper on tramps, read at the Saratoga meeting of the American Social Science Association, before the Conference of State Charities,September 6, 1877. Mezo Haven. Hoggson &* Robinson, I877. 9-24 pp. 8°. Westley (George H.) The vagrant and the law. (Green Bag. v. I2, pp. 33O-333. 8osčo7z, I9OO.) Where the " yeggs " foregather. A Pretty Island in the Mississippi [near Dubuque] Chosen as the Place for the Profession's Annual "Conven- (Evening Post. New York, Saturday I7 March, I9O6, p. 2, col. 5-6.) º APeprintea from the BULLETIN, May, x9o6. | | IIIIIII 3 9015 03966 58 # # • ||·. : , - » # ſ! J 4 8 # : # | - 4 a--4 t à # vº | | / | l : ##| Ré, # # # # # # # sº # # # # # #. #- i # *s '& ºs s # #e § §. # # # # |