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(№t) ¿ -ſaevae ſuae · · · · ·- ſaevae ). №w : §§§ :: () ſi №.: ſaevae ſaeu §§§§§§ §§ §§ Fae",! | §§ ¿ ſae ſae et į. ##}}}} ###№.}}|- §§į ~ # #ſae ſſſſſſ iſ. :ſ. ||||||||| ſae, : ---- ºſſºſ ¿ Oe taeſł· ſae- ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ!!! ſae , §§ ſi ſae |-, , ſae ſae .¿ №. :() §. !|§.: §§ſiſſſſſſſſſſ Œ§.ſ. ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ 'i ſae ff;" §§ ſae#| ſae §§ , };§§}ſaeį.|-ſae |}}}¿######## į.{{}}ſ. }; &####}; }} ####Ä- }}#######ſ., |-Ä () ſae §§§ |× "… ( ) ſae. ( ) : ( ) v. . . |- '. ) (…) |, , . ( ) * ( . ) . ) . * * * * *. § EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS 1899–1901 BY D.sgandall-MACIVER, M.A., AND A. C. MACE With a Chapter by F. L.L. GRIFFITH, M.A., F.S.A. STECIAL EXTRA PUBLICATION OF sociºl THE EGYPT ExPLoRATION ÉüND. *22/ .5 2 • F-32./ V Q. 3, I,() NI) () N : Pit in TED lix G II, BERT AND it iwi NGTon, Li MITED, sT. John’s House, cI.KRRENWFLD, E.C. 24 3/99 EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND, . ºtegiõent. - SIR JOHN EVANS, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., V.P.S.A. Uice-prestbents. SIR E. Maunde-Thompson, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D. GENERAL LoRD GRENFELL, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. PROF. G. MASPERo, D.C.L. (France). PROF. AD. ERMAN, Ph.D. (Germany). JosLAH MULLENs, Esq. (Australia). THE REv. PROF. A. H. SAYCE, M.A., LL.D. M. CHARLES HENTSCH (Switzerland). THE Hon. CHAs. L. HUTCHINson (U.S.A.). f) Oil. Cteagutető. H. A. GRUEBER, Esq., F.S.A. F. C. FostFR, Esq. (Boston, U.S.A.). Thon. 5ecretary. J. S. CoTToN, Esq., M.A. (ISønlbetº of Qommittee, T. H. BAYLIs, Esq., M.A., K.C., W.D. Miss M. BRodrick, Ph.D. (for Boston). MAJoR E. B. CASSATT, B.A. SoMERs CLARKE, Esq., F.S.A. W. E. CRUM, Esq., M.A. Louis DYER, Esq., M.A. (for Chicago). ARTHUR John Evans, Esq., M.A., F.R.S. F. L.L. GRIFFITH, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. T. FARMER HALL, Esq. . F. G. KENyon, Esq., M.A., Litt.D. MRs. McCLURE. i - THE REv. W. MACGREGOR, M.A. A. S. MURRAY, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. THE MARQUESS of NorthAMPTON. FRANCIs WM. PERCIvaL, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. F. G. HILTON PRICE, Esq., DIR.S.A. MRs. CoRNELIUS STEvenson, Sc.D. (for Philadelphia). HERBERT THoMPson, Esq. MRS, TIRARD. THE REv. H. G. ToMKINs, M.A. EMANUEL M. UNDERDown, Esq., K.C. E. Towry WHYTE, Esq., F.S.A. MAJoR-GENERAL SIR CHARLEs W. WILSON, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., F.R.S. CONTENTs OF PART I CHAPTER I. INTRopUCTORY TO EI, AMRAH. PAGE Description of site . e te e ... 1 The excavators' quarters . e e ... 1 Previous digging on the site . o ... 2 Character and extent of the cemeteries 2–3 Methods of work e * gº o . 4 Mr. Anthony Wilkin e ſº e . 4 CHAPTER II. CHARACTER AND Evolution of THE ARCIIAIC ToMBs. Principles of reſorence adopted for do- scribing objects. - Class 1, Round shallow graves . Class 2, Oblong and oval graves gº , 8. Class 3, Graves with a rock-recess but no coffin tº c e o © . 9 Class 4, Graves with a rock-recess and a coffin 10 Class 5, Pot-burials . 10 Classes 6, 7, 8 and 9, Brick graves in four stages of development . . 11 Orientation of graves 14 CHAPTER III. CATALOGUE of PRE-DYNASTIC GRAVES, with THEIR CONTENTs, CLASSES 1, 2 AND 3. 16 17 Earlier than sequence-date 41 . Earlier than sequence-date 46 . PAGE Earlier than sequence-date 51 . 18 Earlier than sequence-date 56 . 19 From sequence-dates 56–64 20 Between sequence-dates 40–64 in general . 22 Graves of ill-defined stage in the period 23 Between sequence-dates 60–70 . 24 CHAPTER IV. CATALOGUE OF PROTo-DYNASTIC ToMBs, with THEIR CONTENTs. Class 4 25 Class 5 . 25 Class 6 26 Class 7 28 Class 8 . 29 Class 9 . 30 CHAPTER v. ACCESSORIES AND DETAILS or construction IN THE ARCHAIC ToMBs. Reed mats . . . . . . 81 Trays made of twigs. ſº 31 Fencing and partitions of wood 32 Wooden lining of brick graves . 33 Wooden roofs . * 34 Brick roofs e g 34 Walls of the brick tombs . g 35 Nature of the brick tombs as buildings 35 vi * - CONTENTS CHAPTER VI. SoME RICH ToMBs AT EI, AMRAH. Tomb a 23 . © g © ſº *: ,, a 88 o .' & e * . 36 , a 96 . . . . . . . 37 , b 62 . . . . . . 37 , b 91 . . . . . . 89 CHAPTER VII. OBJECTs of NEw KINDs Found AT EL AMRAII. \ Ivory-handled dagger . o o . 40 Copper dagger without handle. Q . 40 Copper knife . . . • . * Q . 40 Copper chisel . . o wº tº . 40 Breccia celt . . o & e tº . 40 Model axe of ivory © . tº tº . 41 Clay and pottery animals . o . . 41 Pottery model of a boat . tº gº . 41 Pottery dolls . . . g & o . 41 Model of a house . o * o . 42 Baskets . . . & tº e . . 42 Box with charcoal drawings . . . . 42 Remarkable specimens of pottery . . . 42 CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL classes of objects Found AT EL AMRAH. | Worked flints, described by Mr. H. Balfour 44 Objects of copper . • e . . . 46 Slates Pottery Stone vases e Objects of ivory and bone. Beads Minerals . & tº o te Shells, described by Mr. E. A. Smith. Skull-types CHAPTER IX. Discussion or TIII: LENGTH OF DURATION OF Til I, I’lti-DYNAST1c PERIOD CHAPTER X. GRAVES or sºvº.RAL PERIons ExCAVATED ABYDos, 1899–1900. Two small Prehistoric cemeteries Plundered Middle Empire graves . Q Some graves of the XVIIIth and later Dynasties . © o Two statuettes of the Middle Empire from El Amrah . CHAL’T]]|R XI. A TEMPLE OF USERTESEN III., NEAR ABYDos . IPAGE 46 47 48 48 48 49 49 50 A’l" 53 55 55. 56 CONTENTS OF PART II CHAPTER XII. THE SITE. PAGE Introductory . o º g e , 63 Position of cemetery. e & . . (53 Date of cemetery 63 The tombs 64 Stonework in tombs e . 65 The bricks Q te tº g © . 65 Plundering of tombs. e g tº . 65 CHAPTER XIII. ToMBs of Til I, XIIITII—-XVIITII DYNASTIES, The “Pan-grave” people . 67 The pits . e © © e tº , 69 Objects found . Q º o g , 69 CHAPTER XIV. ToMBs of THE XVIIITH DYNASTY AND TEMPLE of AAHMEs I. 70 a. XVIIIth Dynasty tombs & Details of tombs . . 70 Objects found . e . 71 (a) Stone . . . © e . 71 (b) Metal . . . . . . 71 * - PAGE (c) Ebony and wood . . . . . 72 (d) Ivory 72 (e) Glazed pottery . 72 (f) Pottery. 72 (g) Scarabs, &c. . g ſº º , 75 b. Pyramid and Temple of Aahmes I. - . 75 CHAPTER XV. ToMBs of THE XIXTH-XXXTH DYNASTIES. a. XIXth Dynasty tombs. ſº . 77 b. XXth—XXVth Dynasty tombs . 77 (a) Two undated tombs g 77 (b) Undated tombs and objects . . 78 o, XXVth—XXXth Dynasty tombs. 80 CHAPTER XVI. DESCRIPTION of PLATEs . 82 CHAPTER XVII. THE INSCRIPTIONs . . . tº . 93 By F. Ll. Griffith. CHAPTER XVIII. Catalogue of ToMBs 97 PI, ATE II. III. IV. VI. VII. VIII. IX. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. |XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. Typical Tombs LIST OF PLATES WITH REFERENCES TO THE PAGES ON WEHICH THEY ARE DESCRIBED 40°4′ -- - - - - - - - - Sketch Map of the District View of the Valley . The Site, with Men at Work The Excavators' Quarters. Courtyard filled with Pottery 25 & Selected Graves 8, 11, 12, 25, 26, 27, 2? . . . . 11, 12, 13, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, Evolution of the form of Tomb 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 26, 29, 30, 31, . 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 31, 36, PAGE 1 1 1 1 1, 2 29, 34 34, 39 32, 39 37, 43 Dagger, Cylinder and roughly worked Flints from bottom of Graves. 18, 23, 39, 40, Groups from Individual Tombs Contents of Tomb B 62 20, 21, 37, Clay Animals and Dolls • . o • 16, 17, Various Objects • 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30, 40, Basket-work and Woodwork . tº º • . 31, 32, 33, Various Objects º tº e New Types of Pottery, Classes R and L 99 93. , B, P and D New Examples of Pottery, Class C - © New Types and Characteristic Forms of Stone Wases. Marks on the Pottery . . . . . Roughly worked Flints from filling of Graves . 99 29 99 top Surface Contrasted Skulls º ſº . . © e © 0. © Temple of Usertesen III., near Abydos . & e ſº o ... • . 2? 92 & { } º e C º 57, 2? y Objects of Middle and New Empire General Plan of Mastabas • © Temple and Tomb Plans, XVIIIth Dynasty . . 16, 19, 22, 25, 27, 36, 40, 41, 42, 18, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 11, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 27, . . . . 16, 17, 13, 19, 20, 24, 27, 28, 64, - - 44, 45 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 36, 37, 40, 44, 47, 48 38, 44 36, 41 42, 45 34, 42 44, 48 29, 30 42, 43 36,43 39, 48 44, 45 44, 46 49 47, 57 58, 59 55, 56 82 76, 82 LIST OF PIATES. PLATE XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. Sandstone Statue of Sa-dep-ahu XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. XXXIX. XL. XLI. XLII. XLIII. XLIV. XLV. XLVI. XLVII. XLVIII. XLIX. L. LI LII. LIII. LIV. LW. . LVI. LVII.-LX. Tomb Plans, XVIIIth–XXth Dynasty .., XIXth–XXIst Dynasty XXVth–XXXth Dynasty Stele of Neferhotep . Views of Tombs, &c. Inscriptions, Abydos e e e Stones, &c., from Temple of Aahmes 22 Inscriptions and Pot Marks Inscriptions . © º Sarcophagi Inscriptions, &c. Stone Sarcophagi Shrine, Statuettes, &c. . ſe • • e Glaze Kohl-pots, &c., XVIIIth—XIXth Dynasty |Ushabtiu ū gº e Inscriptions, &c., Abydos Inscriptions on Ushabtiu, &c. 29 Cartonnage, &c. O º Tomb Groups, &c., XIIIth—XVIIth Dynasty 9 y XIVth—XVIIIth Dynasty 92 XIIth—XXth Dynasty 92 XVIIIth Dynasty ?? . 92 27 22 - 22 » - XVIIIth—XIXth Dynasty . 92 &c., XVIIIth—XXXth Dynasty Scarabs, &c. . O . . . w e e Pottery, XIIth—XVIIIth Dynasty 22 XVIIIth Dynast Canopic Wases ſº c Index of Private Names 22 PAGE 64, 70, 77, 83 64, 77, 78, 83 64, 65, 80, 84 64, 65, 80, 84 64, 84 77, 80, 81, 84 71, 78, 79, 84 76, 84 65, 71, 84 71, 81, 84 71, 78, 85 77, 79, 80, 81, 85 85 64, 71, 83, 85 72, 75, 79, 81, 86 64, 65, 71, 72, 78, 79, 86 - 72, 77, 79, 86 79, 87 72, 80, 81, 87. 69, 87 69, 71, 72, 88 72, 79, 88 71, 72, 78 71, 72, 89 72, 89 72, 77, 90 72, 75, 90 71, 72, 77, 91 71, 77, 79, 81, 91 69, 71, 75, 89, 91 68, 69, 92 72, 92 78, 82 92 ERRATA. Page 43, col. 2, line 24, for Palentologia read Paletnologia. Page 72, col. 2, line 8, for dish of tomb of 29 (xlviii.) read dish of tomb 29 (xlviii.). * Page 70, col. 2, line 23, for loſt side of pl. xxxi, read right side of pl. xxxi. IPART I THE ARCHAIC PERIODS AND THE TWELFTH DYNASTY 1? Y D. RANDALL-MACIVER, M.A. (LAycock STUDENT of EGYPTor.ogy AT worcestER colległº, oxford) WITH PLATES l—XX|| EL AMRAEL AND AIBYDOS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. THE village of El Amrah lies six miles to the south-east of the Royal Tombs of Abydos. A wide valley (pl. i. 1), scored with numerous shallow channels that tell of heavy rain- storms, opens about half a mile to the north of the village itself and leads up to the cliffs of the desert plateau. It is on a small piece of table- land immediately bounding this valley on its. northern side that the ancient cemeteries are situated which will be described in the follow- ing chapters. A quadrangular plot (pl. i. 2), extending three hundred yards along the road which skirts the cultivated land, and rather less than six hundred yards inwards from this road towards the western cliffs, comprises the whole area in which the work lay. Another three hundred yards to the north stands a picturesque group of whitewashed Shekhs' tombs, at the head of the dyke which forms the boundary between the provinces of Girgeh and of Keneh. In plate i. is given a sketch map, adapted from the Government survey, which shows the position of El Amrah in relation to the neighbouring places. It was the middle of December, 1900, when Mr. Anthony Wilkin and I arrived upon the site of our future work. The first thing requisite was to have some place in which to live. So, having decided upon the exact point at which the excavations should commence, we chose a position for our house in the wide valley already referred to, immediately under its northern bank; thus securing a shelter from the high winds that blew incessantly for many weeks in January and February. Here we were within five minutes' walk of any part of the prehistoric burying ground, the existence of which was sufficiently attested by numerous broken potsherds and half-filled graves left by the modern plunderers who had already visited the spot. - . In spite of the not unnatural objections of the local authorities, who fail to understand that explorers prefer a new house built on clean desert sand to the insanitary filth of a native village, the building (pl. i. 3) was successfully completed in six days. It con- sisted of a very large living-room, three bed- rooms, and a narrow store-room running nearly its whole length, which opened into one of the bedrooms by a door fitted with strong fasten- ings. In front was a large courtyard, at opposite corners of which were placed the kitchen and a small room for the two night- guards whom the village supplies. Before many weeks had elapsed this courtyard (pl. i. 4) B 2 . . . s EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. was almost completely filled with such of the more bulky and less valuable antiquities as the store-room failed to accommodate. The men, to the number of between thirty and forty, were placed in a small house which they built for themselves about a hundred yards in front of our own. Nearly all of them were old hands drawn from the neighböurhood of Guft (Koptos); but a small gang of lads from the village of Shekh Ali near Abadiyeh, who had been trained by myself for two years exclusively in this class of work, were the most skilful of the entire body. A well, sunk in the middle of the valley at a sufficient distance from the high road, yielded excellent water filtered through the gravel at a depth of about fifteen feet, and did not run dry by the beginning of April. Digging was begun on December 22nd at the north-western corner of the area which had been selected. The ground presented the appearance of having been thoroughly worked over. Many acres were pitted with deep holes and littered with the rubbish which had been thrown out. In fact, the site of El Amrah had already been | exploited no less than four times. M. de Morgan first signalized the existence of a prehistoric cemetery there, and he himself opened a few graves in 1896. Further, at his instigation, M. Amélineau sent a gang of fifty men under native overseers to dig there for a fortnight; and later the fellahin, whom these desultory operations had set upon the track of valuable antiquities, rifled a large number of graves. The accounts published by the two archaeologists (De Morgan, Ieecherches sur les Origines de l'Egypte, 1896 and 1897; Amélineau, Nouvelles Fouilles d'Abydos, 1895-6) are so meagre that it was impossible to judge how much had been done and how much still remained to do. We hoped, however, that the site would prove to be less exhausted than it at first appeared; and it soon became evident that these hopes were to be more than justified. It would seem that the native plunderers had been more attracted by the numerous graves of the XIIth and XVIIIth Dynasties than by those of the pre-dynastic and proto-dynastic period. . Hundreds of tombs of the Middle or earlier New Empire, lying between our own ground and the line of the boundary dyke, had been opened by them, as well as a considerable number belonging to the same periods which were interposed between the pre-dynastic graves in the tract which we appropriated. It is likely on the other hand that the earlier graves did not so readily yield objects of considerable market value, and the Arabs may well have supposed that those sections which contained them had been almost completely cleared. It needs some little experience of these early cemeteries to realize how closely the graves are packed together, generally with only a space of a few inches between each, and even a careful ex- cavator may easily overlook some ; indeed, it is almost certain that he will do so unless special precautions are taken. As our object was to deal only with the earlier period, we left untouched almost the whole region north of a little divide, which runs up from the high road at about half the distance from the dyke to the wide valley. In that part, as has been said, there are numerous graves, apparently of the XVIIIth and perhaps also of the XIIth Dynasty, some of which may still repay working at a future date, though it is not likely that many have escaped being sacked in ancient or in modern times. Starting only a few yards north of this divide, and at the extreme western edge of the burying ground, we worked southwards and eastwards. - In from three weeks to a month over two hundred graves had been noted in full detail; besides a small number of others which were cleared but not noted, as they contained nothing of more value than a skeleton and a single pot. This proved to be the entire extent of a small INTRODUCTORY. - 8 but highly interesting cemetery on the western side. Its precise size is difficult to state, as so manyof the graves had already been worked. As, however, almost all these were reopened, and in many cases with good results, such as contained pottery or objects of interest were registered in our notes. for graves which had already been depleted, as well as for some XVIIIth Dynasty encroach- ments, it is improbable that the cemetery ever included more than 600 graves. Its range was from the very beginning of the pre-historic down to the opening of the “late pre-historic " period, and the graves from it are recorded with their respective numbers under the letter a. On its eastern side this cemetery a had been cut into at the time of the XVIIIth Dynasty; and when it had been ascertained that no more | early graves remained there which we had not opened, operations were transferred to a spot several hundred yards further to the east, where broken pottery showed that there existed at any rate a certain number of graves of the latest pre-historic period. This eastern ceme- tery, the graves of which are noted under the letter b, proved to be of considerable size and importance, and kept us fully occupied for the remainder of the season. When its limits were determined it was seen that it was of very comprehensive character. On its western border, that is to say about 250 yards from the castern limit of a, there were graves of the very earliest pre-historic period. Its eastern ex- tremity was within a few yards of the high- road, and it was at this point that a class of graves was brought to light which were the most interesting of any that occurred upon the site. They were oblong brick constructions of various dimensions (pl. iv. 5-8); which, from their intrinsic character, and from the objects they contained, can be safely dated to the Ist and, perhaps, to the IInd Dynasty. A con- tinuous and unbroken line connected them with the burials of the pre-dynastic period, so that With all due allowance therefore | cemetery b includes every stage and variety of tomb, from the beginning of the pre-dynastic down to the full proto-dynastic period which is contemporary with the Royal Tombs of Abydos. In its arrangement, cemetery b was less symmetrical than might have been expected. The earliest graves, it is true, were in its western corner, while the eastern side was monopolized by the latest. But the middle space between the two included all the intermediate steps of the pre-historic without any graduated chrono- logical disposition; so that we were disappointed in our expectation of finding the graves arranged in consecutive plots corresponding to their exact relative antiquity. It looks as though the pre-historic sexton had anticipated modern methods so far as to stake out the limits of his burial ground, and then to dig the graves without paying very particular attention to the order in which he put them. The total number of graves in cemetery b was about 400, which may be considered nearly to represent its whole original extent. It formed a rough right angle open on the south side; and between the arms of the right angle were a considerable number of shallow graves of the XIIth to XVth Dynasties, which we worked in so far as it was necessary to deter- mine whether there were earlier graves among them. These Middle Empire burials, which were very poor in character, had encroached to some extent on the early cemetery; but as the graves were mere surface trenches they had not usually penetrated to the level of the earlier interment, which in this part was generally five or six feet down. In fact, it was by no means uncommon after working through a rough surface grave of the Middle Empire to find an untouched prehistoric burial beneath it. A little experimental digging disclosed brick graves of the proto-dynastic time north of the divide which formed the limit of our systematic work; but it is clear from their relative position that these formed part of a third cemetery, 4. EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. which is probably too much destroyed to repay digging. - The space of about 250 yards which separated cemeteries a and b from one another we left untouched; it was full of XVIIIth Dynasty graves (shallow pits with chambers), which had apparently been thoroughly rifled by modern plunderers. A word may be inserted with regard to our methods of work. They were those which have become traditional with Professor Petrie's school, and are based on the principle that all results are untrustworthy or even useless which are not obtained by the personal observation of the excavator. A staff of workmen, of whom nine- tenths were highly trained, while the remainder were intelligent enough to learn their business speedily when put into partnership with those of more experience, did all the actual digging. They were stationed in a plot marked out for them, and though allowed to use their dis- cretion as to picking likely spots within this closely-limited area, they were never allowed to go outside it. One or other of us, generally both, remained unintermittently on the ground, save for an hour or so in the early morning, when only the top surface was being dug; so that we were free to devote this interval to draw- ing, photography, and arrangement. Until they reached the level of the interment the men might work without reference to us; though, if any peculiar features were met with in digging through the upper surface, these had at once to be reported before the digging proceeded. A strict inquisition was always held upon objects which were stated to have been found in the upper levels, such finds of course only occurring where the graves had been previously plundered. Arrived at the level of the interment, the workman was expected to clear off all superflous sand and rubbish, and to leave the tomb furniture and the skeleton lying unencumbered exactly in the places in which they were found. The graves then appeared as they are shown in pls. ii. and iii. Any disarrangement could be readily detected, and dismissal was the penalty for repeatedly moving objects, as also for un- justifiable damage or breaking. When a grave had been thus far cleared the archaeologist himself descended into it, after roughly sketching the relative position of the body and of the principal objects as seen from the top. With his own hands he then removed the pottery and other objects, as well as the skull and bones, and carefully noted them in his register, with a diagrammatic drawing of all but the most commonplace graves. It has been said that in these early cemeteries the graves are so thickly packed that it is difficult to be certain that a cemetery has been thoroughly exhausted. Consequently we used to peg out a small patch, and, even when it appeared to be finished, keep the men at work inside it. It was not until the entire gang of thirty or forty diggers had failed for a whole day to find a single grave within such a small plot, or at the most had lighted upon a single worthless interment, that they were allowed to move on to the next section. It may be con- sidered that by this means the whole ground which we worked was completely exhausted; and in more than one instance we were rewarded by finding a valuable object in a grave which had been passed over in the previous search. The excavations had been successfully con- cluded, the antiquities.packed and despatched, and the house destroyed, when we left El Amrah at the very beginning of April. Mr. Wilkin, who was then in perfect health, had planned an expedition to the neighbouring oasis of El- Khargeh, which, in company with two friends, he shortly afterwards carried out. It was either there, or, as seems more probable, on his return to Cairo, that he contracted dysentery of so violent a character that the efforts of the INTRODUCTORY. - . 5 most experienced physicians were unable to save him, and he died in the nursing home at Cairo in the third week of May. His death will be most deeply felt by his numerous friends, and will be deplored by that wider public to whom his literary abilities were beginning to mako him known. A short sketch of his life will be found in the Archaeological Report for the year 1901. The reader will understand that though, for reasons of practical convenience, Mr. Wilkin's name has been omitted from the title page of this volume, yet in the account of El-Amrah I am writing the record of work which is fully as much his as my own. Indeed this part of the volume is especially indebted to his talents, inasmuch as the great majority of the illustra- tions are from his camera or pencil. Egypt- ologists and anthropologists alike will feel that they have lost a gifted fellow-worker, whose achievements gave promise of a brilliant future. . 6 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. CHAPTER II. EVOLUTION AND GENERAL CHARACTER OF THE TOMBS AT EL AMRAH. A Few lines are needed to explain to the reader the principle of the numerous references to types and to dating of objects which will be made in this and the following chapters. Tt would not be possible, if it were desirable, to publish an illustration of every object found in these earliest cemeteries. small material is so great that the cost of figur- ing it would be excessive, while the repetition of identical illustrations in several memoirs would in any case be irksome, if not misleading. Accordingly in the section of this volume which deals with El Amrah the same principle has been followed which was initiated in Diospolis Parva. That is to say, Naqada and Ballas (Petrie and Quibell, 1896) is taken as the standard work of reference, and all objects of well-known types are referred to by the letters and numbers under which they are there illustrated. In that very complete publication were figured all the characteristic products of the period which is now known to be partly pre-dynastic and partly proto-dynastic. Tn particular the foundations were laid for a complete classification of all the types of | pottery and stone vases. Subsequent excava- tions have amplified and added to the series, and many new forms are to be seen in Diospolis Parva (Petrie, 1901). But the original num- bering of the pottery and stone vases was purposely made elastic, so as to leave room to include whatever new kinds might be discovered later, and from this point of view the two volumes constitute a single whole. When therefore reference is made to pottery The quantity of and to stone vases-which are not illustrated in our plates, the letters and numbers quoted are those under which they may be found in Naqada and Ballas and in Diospolis Parva. Only a very few of the innumerable varieties of earthen- ware pots are actually represented in the present volume, as the illustrations are confined to types which were not previously known. Similarly, though some photographs are given in pl. xvi. of characteristic stone vases, these are only representative specimens, and do not include all the kinds found; in order to ascertain which the reader must refer, by the letter and number given in each case, to the corpus of stone vases contained in the two volumes named. Again, it has been found possible by carefully recording all the combinations of objects found in the many hundreds of graves brought to light at Naqada, Abadiyeh, and Hou, to work out a complete gradation of all the products of this early culture. The system by which Prof. Petrie did this, and the results which he achieved, are set out in Diospolis Parva. Here it may be said briefly that the entire period was distributed on a conventional plan over a scale numbered from 30 to 80; 30 representing the beginning and 80 the close of the term, so far as its close had yet been ascertained. This system was termed “sequence-dating,” and is invalu- able for recording the comparative stages to which graves and their contents belong. In the following pages frequent reference is made to it, and the letters S.D. are used to denote “sequence-dating”; the accompanying numerals, whatever they may be between 30 EVOLUTION OF TOMBS AT EL AMRAH. 7 and 80, marking the relative chronological point according to this conventional system. The wide range and the varied character of the two cemeteries excavated at El Amrah give full detail. • *- them what is, perhaps, their principal interest. All stages of the early period are thero repre- sented, from the earliest beginnings of the * New Egyptian dynasties. This characteristic of the site made it possible to trace many small de- tails of change and development, and we were the better able to do this as previous experience had already familiarized us with the more ordinary features of these graves. Particular attention was paid to the evolution of the form of the tomb, and this chapter contains the results of the observations made on that point. Tombs as studied at El Amrah may be divided into the following classes:— - 1. Round shallow graves. 2. Oblong or roughly oval graves averaging 5–6 feet in depth. - - 3. Graves with a recess which was cut in the rock. - 4. Graves with a rock-recess and with a coffin. 5. Pot-burials. 6. Plain quadrangular brick graves. 7. Brick graves with a recess at one end formed by a single partition. 8. Brick graves in which the recess is further divided into two compart- ments. 9. Brick graves with recesses at both ends. This arrangement shows a complete logical evolution, but it is only partly chronological. Class 1 is the earliest, but Classes 2 and 3 are very nearly contemporary with it, and are quite Classes 6–9 | are probably to some extent, at least, contem- earliest in the entire series. They would seem to have lasted down to s.l. 48, and perhaps contemporary with one another. porary with one another, though clearly sub- sequent to Classes 1–3. Again, Classes 4 and 5 Race” down to the time when its culture merges into that of the first two || accommodate the body and the sparse tomb * are, on the whole, intermediate between those of 1–3 and those of 6–9, but may overlap at | either end with one group or the other. The various forms may now be described in CLASS 1.-Round SHALLow GRAVEs. The average depth of these is three or four feet, and they are only just wide enough to furniture. The body, which is laid in the contracted position characteristic of the whole period, is wrapped in a leathery substance resembling goatskin, and again enclosed in a reed-matting. Two undoubted cases occurred in which the limbs had been disarticulated before burial. Of this practice, which is dis- tinctly exceptional, an example is shown in pl. iv. 1, where as many of the bones have | been drawn as may suffice to indicate their abnormal position. It is not always easy to distinguish between instances in which the bones have been disarranged by ancient or even . contemporaneous plundering, and those in which the body was partially or completely broken up when originally interred. Such cases of dis- articulated burial, however, as are cited in the present memoir are taken from graves which | had certainly never been plundered. In this | connection it may be stated that there was no indication of any practice suggestive of canni- balism, so that “cut-up" burials are most reasonably explained by the theory of secondary interment. - Double burials occurred twice, and a triple burial occurred once, in the round graves. The tomb-furniture was small in quantity, but was occasionally of some value, as may be seen from grave b 127, which contained no fewer than four of the rare white-lined red pots. The graves of Class 1 are certainly the 8 - . EL AMRAH AND AIBYDOS. even a little later, in the “sequence datings”; but their flourishing time was from S.D. 30–38, after which they were replaced by the types described as Class 2 and Class 3. CLASs 2.—OBLONG OR Roughly OvaL GRAVES. (a) Unroofed graves, oblong or roughly oval in shape (pl. ii. 1, v.1, &c.), and averaging five to six feet in depth, are the most numerous of any kind. Together with those which are to be described in Class 3, they may be considered to be the most typical and characteristic forms of the pre-dynastic period. e The body is wrapped in a skin and a reed mat. Most commonly there is a triple layer of coverings, viz. cloth next to the body, then skin or leather, outside which is a wide mat. The body is first laid on the mat, which is then folded over until its two edges meet, thus enclosing the body and frequently a great part of the tomb furniture. There are some variations of detail which are interesting. Thus in several cases the body was not only wrapped up in the way described, but was also laid on twigs' lashed together so as to form a sort of tray. A peculiar example (pl. iv. 2) was that in which such a tray was placed, not under, but over the body. This grave, which deserves a special notice, is fully described in chap. v. Once, instead of the twig-work tray, a wooden bier, made in a single piece like a “ dug-out,” was put under the reed mat. The bier was 5 ft. long by 2 ft. 7 in. outside breadth, with side pieces 4 in. high; the uniform thickness of the wood was 1 in. * Disarticulated burials occur, but are even rarer than in Class 1. There are occasional cases of double or multiple interments. - The graves included in Class 2a vary con- siderably in dimensions. The smallest are only just wide enough and long enough to accommo- date the contracted body and one or two pots; | “late” ware (L40) at the two ends. the richer tombs, on the other hand, are con- siderably larger (cf. pl. v. 6). The type begins at least as early as S.D. 35, and continues in use throughout the whole period, until near the beginning of the Ist Dynasty, when it is superseded at the precise time when the coffin comes into vogue. * (b) Roofed graves are uncommon in the pre- dynastic, though, as will shortly be shown, they are quite characteristic of the proto-dynastic period. At a stage corresponding to about 60 in the “sequence-datings,” when a considerable amount of space was needed to accommodate the quantity of large pots which were buried with the dead person, oblong graves such as those which have been described attained to very large dimensions. They might then be roofed over with boughs, but this was only occasionally done, and there are not more than four undoubted instances of the practice at I'l Amrah. Two of these may be described as typical. The first (b 154) was a plain large tomb, 8 ft. long by 6 ft. wide, and 7 ft. deep; and contained twenty-one pots, mostly of consider- able size, ranged on ledges round three of its sides. The other (b. 221) was of very similar dimensions, viz. 8 ft. long by 43 ft. wide, and 7 ft. deep. It contained no less than twenty of the large ash-jars (types R 80, R 81) placed in two rows, one above the other, along one side of the tomb ; besides seven wavy-handled jars (types W 43, 41, 25), three ash-jars, a polished-red bowl (P 22), and a vessel of the The roof . had been made of boughs plastered with mud; and, as there was no trace of any supports, it was probably laid on the top after the interior had been simply filled up with sand almost to the level of the natural desert. Inside the grave there were planks enclosing the central space, and rising to a height of 20 in. from the floor. On parts of these planks there were vestiges ‘of cord. The exact purpose of this EVOLUTION OF TOMBS AT EL AMRAH. 9 internal construction was not quite apparent. It was not a lining to the tomb, as it did not approach the sides, nor yet did it appear to be a coffin. It was probably in the nature of a retaining fence, like those to be described in the following section, intended to keep the central part from being choked with rubbish. CLASs 3.—GRAVEs witH A RECESs which wAs CUT IN THE Rock. When a number of objects were to be deposited, and some of them were as bulky as the large jars filled with ashes, it was only natural to devise some plan for methodically arranging the contents of the grave. Thus there arose a tendency, even when the graves were of the plain oval or oblong kind, to range the larger pots in a row along one side, leaving the other side free to accommodate the body and the smaller articles of personal use which immediately accompanied it. In pl. iv. 3 and in pl. v. 2 may be seen a development of this idea, in pursuance of which a number of pots are placed on a distinct ledge at a slightly higher level than the space which contains the actual burial. On this principle is evolved a fresh type of tomb, in which there is a more or less distinct recess cut back into the rock to receive the body; while the larger objects are placed just outside the recess, in what, but for its small size, might be aptly characterized as the “pit” of the tomb. - This evolution takes place quite early, and the recessed graves are, generally speaking, contemporary with the plain oval and oblong. They are well established by s.D. 40, but tend to become commoner in the middle and later prehistoric period; and though it could not be said that at El Amrah they ever quite superseded the plain graves, yet in the cemetery lettered as U at Hou (referred to in Diospolis Parva) the recess was the peculiar characteristic of all the latest graves. . \ When the recess is only very slightly stepped back and is cut in rather soft rock, it is apt to become obliterated in the process of excava- tion, and for this reason Class 3 may sometimes come to be confounded with Class 2. In the most characteristic cases, however, the recess is cut back to a width about equal to that of the pit, and it can then easily be distinguished. A very typical instance was b 157, in which the well or pit of the tomb was 4 ft. long by 3 ft. wide and 3 ft. deep ; while the recess was 8 ft. long by 2 ft. 6 ins, broad and 2 ft. high, with 1 ft. depth of rock overhanging it. In pl. iv. 4 is seen a more perfected form, which merits particular attention. The recess is here fenced off by a partition of twigs, made into a sort of wattle-work. This was observed several times. At first only one or two upright sticks were found in a position which warranted the inference that a wattle fence had existed, but did not enable the point to be established with complete certainty. The policy, however, of offering a substantial reward for fragile woodwork which was not broken or displaced, enabled us to recover exact details with regard to the construction of these and of various other very delicate pieces of reed and basket work. Such objects crumble almost at a touch and would be destroyed by the slightest carelessness of the workman, or even by the unfortunate springing up of a high wind. We were able to note three unquestionable cases (b 135, b 186, b 216), in which the wattle-work was clearly visible. In another instance (b 37) only parts of the vertical posts had survived. In b 48, and in two or three other graves, there were traces of wood which could fairly be inferred to have formed part of a similar construction. - - In the best preserved arrangement of the kind, which is that 'shown in pl. iv. 4, the uprights were unbarked sticks of an inch to two inches in diameter, and the cross-pieces were similar, but a little less substantial. The height of the upright sticks was about twelve inches. 10 - EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. CLAss 4.—GRAVEs witH A RECEss cuT IN THE Rock AND witH A CoFFIN. The distinguishing characteristic of this class is the employment of a coffin, which may be either of wood, of half-baked clay, or of fully- baked red pottery, with or without a lid. There is a resemblance to Class 3 in so far that an essential feature is the recess cut back in the rock; but the form has so far developed that the pit is now wholly subordinated to the recess, and is nothing more than an empty entrance to the true grave. The body is in a coffin, which occupies almost the whole recess, and the scanty pottery is placed beside the coffin, while any small objects of personal use are put with the body itself. A tomb of this class is well illustrated in pl. ii. 2 (grave b 4). The pit was 5 ft. deep, 4 ft. long, and 2 ft. wide to the opening of the recess. The coffin, which filled the recess, was of pottery and oval in shape, 27 in. long by 24 in... wide. The body was in the invariable contracted position; no objects accompanied it, but a very rough pot of the type L 38ſ (see pl. xiii.) was laid beside the coffin. Nineteen graves of this kind occurred at El Amrah; the examples which contained any objects of interest are fully entered in the inventory (p. 25). They may be differentiated into two subdivisions, viz. (a) graves in which the recess was not separated from the pit by any partition, (b) those in which the recess was partitioned off from the pit by a brick wall, which narrowed as it rose, so as to present a roughly semicircular front. This entire class is certainly very late in the series. It was entirely confined to the stretch of ground lying exactly between the normal prehistoric and the brick graves which are considered under Classes 6–9. The tomb furniture confirms the view which is suggested both by the local position and by the structure of these graves: namely, that they are transitional between the late pre-dynastic and the earliest proto-dynastic period. This much can be stated without particular reference to the “sequence-datings.” The material for sequence-datings is un- fortunately somewhat scanty for Class 4. The wealth of pottery and artistic products which characterizes the typical prehistoric grave has disappeared; and the equipment of the dead is almost confined to one or two rough and unshapely pots. The latter, however, such as they are, may be of great assistance for dating purposes. Almost all of them are approximations to or derivatives from one or two forms, such as L 38, I, 72 and L 33, which are known to be very late in the prehistoric series. Four representative examples are shown in pl. xiii., numbered as L 33d, e, f, and g. The pots are so roughly made as sometimes to oscillate between two or three forms of this series, but in character they are quite homogeneous. Further, L 53 with its subordinate types occurs several times; and a single specimen of L 76, a rough bowl shaped like R 34a, the stone vases S4b, S 17d and those shown in pl. xvi. 2 and 6, complete the catalogue of dating objects. g This collocation justifies the assignment of small pit-graves with recess and coffin to a time not earlier than S.D. 70, and extending in all probability down to s.I. 80. The upper limit would attach them to the latest stage of the pre-dynastic, and the lower limit would assign them to the Ist Dynasty. . CLAss 5.—PoT BURIALs. Large pots were occasionally used for inter- ring the body in the late pre-dynastic or in the proto-dynastic period. Their more precise dating has hitherto been a matter of doubt, but El Amrah seems to supply the desired link in the rare occurrence of coffins which are merely sunk in the soil without any form of tomb. Of EVOLUTION OF TOMBS AT EL AMRAEI. * g . 11 this practice there were five examples. One was an oval clay coffin sunk three feet. below the surface, and containing the body of a child. The second was the burial of an adult in a clay coffin sunk five feet below the surface, accompanied by the pots L 34d, I, 53d, and an L bowl shaped like R 34a. The third was similar to the second, but sunk to a depth of only two feet, and unaccompanied by objects. The fourth was an oblong coffin of red baked pottery, lying a little below the surface of the ground, and containing a skull and some bones but no objects; it is a doubtful case, as the coffin had been plundered, and might therefore have been removed from some adjoining brick grave. The fifth is the most satisfactory as a connecting link. It was a round clay coffin, very similar to the burial- pots both in shape and dimensions, placed three feet below the surface, and covered over with bricks. It contained the body of a not quite adult male, without any accompanying objects. The large pot, which was used to contain the body in ten cases noted on this site, may therefore be regarded as a variety of such a method of interment. It is merely the substitu- tion of a cheap ready-made receptacle for the more elaborate cist or coffin. g A typical example of the kind is shown in pl. ii. 8, in which the pot, as often happens, had been broken at the top by plunderers, in order to ascertain whether it contained objects of value. Whenever these burials have not been disturbed, so far as my own experience goes, the pot is always inverted over the body, and is never turned with the mouth upwards. Its dimensions vary considerably, but the diameter at the mouth is always sufficient to enclose a body which is laid in a violently contracted position. In one of the few graves which were opened north of the divide a rough pot of the unusual shape of B 3c (see pl. xiv.) had been employed; but the normal form is that of a plain red basin, with a well-marked, but not projecting rim, made of thick red ware and well baked. (For the method by which such pots were manufactured see an article by Mr. J. Garstang in Man, March, 1902.) In a unique case (grave b 32) the bones were covered with a black substance resembling pitch. This was the only instance at El Amrah of anything approaching to an artificial treatment of the body. . - . . . . Burials of this fifth class seldom include any objects. None of those which were discovered at El Amrah were accompanied even by a single pot. At Abydos, however (1899–1900), in an untouched grave of cemetery X (see p. 54) the pot W 85 was with the body under the inverted burial-pot, while two specimens of L 36a and one of L 38a were immediately out- side it (cf. p. 55, graves x 60, x 72). . Pot-burials then may be considered to belong to a definitely late stage, and to be roughly contemporary with those of Class 4, though it is possible that they may begin a little earlier; it is almost certain, however, that they also continue later than the period s.D. 70-80. Classes 6-9 are composed of graves wholly different from those which have been described above. They are all four-sided constructions of brick, which vary only in the degree of elabora- tion exhibited in them. Plans of such are given in pl. iv. 5, 6, 7, 8. Their general appearance may be understood from pl. ii. 4, 5, 6, and from pl. iii.; while details of the most important are given below in Chap. IV. Tombs of this kind were described by M. de Morgan (Recherches, 1897, p. 138) as existing at Kawamil, El Amrah and elsewhere. The same writer pointed out the resemblance between them and the private tombs surrounding that of the king who was buried at Naqada. Since the publication of his volume, however, a large amount of new information has been acquired with which our results may be more usefully collated. Brick buildings of the El Amrah 12 • . * EL AMRAH AND ABY DOS. type occurred frequently in connection with the Royal Tombs at Abydos; and it is with the results obtained on that site by Prof. Petrie that this section should be compared. The essential character in Classes 6–9 is that of a four-sided enclosure of brick, sunk a few feet below the desert surface. There is a con- siderable difference in the dimensions of the various examples, which are larger or smaller according to the importance of the burial. The smallest was a child's grave only 2 ft. long, and the largest was the great tomb shown in pl. iii. 6, and pl. iv. 8. There were various intermediate sizes (see pl. iv. and cf. Ch. IV.). Roofs were made for all of them in either of two ways, viz. with bricks or with boughs. The brick roof was the usual covering of the smaller graves, and was sometimes supported by piles of other bricks from the floor on the inside. A more elaborate construction was that of the grave shown unopened in pl. iii. 5, where the walls were made of bricks overlapping one another on the cantilever principle, so as gradually to bring the sides together in what would have formed a false arch if the projecting edges of the bricks had been trimmed (see p. 34 for full "description). The larger graves, as well as a certain number of the smaller, were roofed with unbarked boughs of two to four inches diameter, which were laid across the width of the aperture. A layer of twigs or of reeds was subsequently placed on the boughs; and the whole was then covered with several inches of plastered mud. In pl. ii. 4 is shown a characteristic example. The grave is lying open with the body un- disturbed, and on the left side of the picture can be seen the ends of the boughs which had spanned it. - A feature common to these graves and to thos of Class 4 is the use of a coffin, though this is not invariable. Nine examples out of a total of forty did not contain coffins, but only such a reed mat as occurs in the familiar graves of earlier types. The coffins were either of clay or of wood. In two instances, viz. b 33 (pl. ii. 5) and b 50, there seemed to be a wooden lining to the sides; but on so small a scale it was not very easy to distinguish between a coffin which might be placed in a grave so as almost to fill it, and a wooden lining which would be prac- tically identical with a coffin in its dimensions. (Cf. p. 38). - The usual contents of the brick graves may be seen from the inventory pp. 26-30. In this place it is only necessary to refer briefly to the pottery and stone vases as evidence of dating. The pottery, comprising only a small number of varieties, was all of definitely late character. Far the commonest form was L 38, which occurred in almost every grave. Bowls such as L 12 and L 17, of salmon colour and with wide divisions between the burnishing lines, were hardly less constant; and I, 58 with its various sub-types was often found. Of the other pots several bear the closest typological relation to the specimens which have been named, and all are of forms which are definitely ascribed to the same stage in the period. The earliest point at which these combinations of pottery can occur is S.D. 70, and the upper limit is thus exactly fixed. But, in the absence till this year of tombs known to bridge the interval between the late prehistoric and the early proto-dynastic, it has not hitherto been possible to define the latest range of some of the pottery in question. It may be considered certain that such combina- tions as occurred in the brick graves are not earlier than S.D. 70; but it must be remembered that the lower limit cannot be so precisely determined and may well fall considerably after that point. A great deal of light is thrown on this part of the question by the discoveries lately made at Abydos. If our inventory, see pp. 26-30, be compared with plates xli. and xlii. of the Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty (Petrie, 1900), it will be seen that virtually all the EvoluTION OF TOMBS AT EL AMRAH. 13 types of pottery that characterize these graves at El Amrah were found also on the neighbour- ing site, where they are well dated. Judging then in the first instance by the sole evidence of pottery, it may be said that the El Amrah tombs of Classes 6–9 are as late as the Ist Dynasty, and that there is no evidence for putting them earlier. - The stone vases confirm this view, and fix the limits more closely. The forms which occur are S 10, 2, 4c, 8, 17a, 17e, 26, 30, 31, 40a, 40c, 46, 47, 50, 55, 130, as well as the new types given in our pl. xvi. 3, 4, 7, 8, and the handled vases H 35 and H 63b. In pl. vii. 3 is shown a group from a single tomb, and pl. xvi. 10–13 gives four specimens typical of those which have been enumerated. | Types identical with or bearing the closest resemblance to almost all of those which have been entered in the above list were found in the royal tombs at Abydos (see The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties, Petrie, 1901). It is true that one or two of them, e.g. S 10 and S 130, have a long range and begin quite early; but on the other hand several, notably S 17e, do not appear at all until the full proto-dynastic time. At El Amrah of course the graves were comparatively poor, whereas at Abydos enormous numbers of stone vases and bowls accompanied each of the kings who was interred; but it is very important to observe that the El Amrah forms coincide precisely with those in the répertoire of Abydos. Perhaps there is a shade of difference to be noted in the bowls, in- asmuch as at El Amrah the forms described as S 46 and S 55 are not recurved at the rim, like the majority of the bowls from the Royal Tombs, a feature which might point to the former being a trifle the earlier; but this argument cannot be laboured, since recurved bowls, e.g. S 130, were also found on our site. The evidence of the stone vases therefore definitely assigns graves of Classes 6–9 to the Ist Dynasty, without excluding the possibility that they may have extended a short way into the IInd Dynasty. - - The last piece of evidence as regards the brick graves is that, in the largest and probably the latest of them, viz. b 91 (pl. iii. 6, and pl. iv. 8), was found an inscribed steatite cylinder, (p. 39, pl. vi. 6). No inscribed cylinders have hitherto been noted from pre-dynastic graves. The nearest approach to anything of the kind was an ivory cylinder with an ornamental pattern found at Hou in 1898-99 (see Diospolis Parva, pl. x., Petrie, 1901). It was incised with a pattern which is rather an ornamental design than an inscription; and the tomb from which it came is dated s.D. 65–76, the lower limit of which may well be proto-dynastic. So that | the occurrence of a well-inscribed cylinder dates the elaborate grave b 91 to the Ist or, perhaps, to the IInd Dynasty. - g The entire group of brick graves may be sub-divided according to the details of their construction; only it must be noted that such a classification will be typological rather than chronological, since several, if not all, of the varieties are probably contemporary with one another. With this reservation they may be described as:— - CLASS 6.-Plain four-sided enclosures of brick without any recesses or sub- sidiary chambers (pl. iv. 5). CLAss 7.—Similar enclosures in which a small dividing wall is built at one end, so as to bar off a section of the entire . length and form a chamber for the reception of vases or offerings (pl. iv.6). CLAss 8.—Resembling Class 7 except that the development has been carried one stage further, the chamber being itself divided into two parts by a small cross-wall at right angles to the first partition (pl. iv. 7). CLASS 9.—Graves with recesses at both ends (pl. iv. 8). 14 © . EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. The general orientation of the pre-dynastic graves was from North (magnetic) to South, but most of them varied a few points to the East or to the West of the true axial line. The very great majority, in fact, lay actually N.N.W. and S.S.E.; this being a line which brought them parallel with the edge of the low table-land that bounds the cultivation in this place. Only about a dozen graves were oriented East and West. The position of the body was always that which is known as the “embryonic” or “contracted”; i.e. the arms and legs were sharply bent, so that in extreme cases the hands came against the face, and the thighs against the elbows. The body was normally laid with the head to the South and on its right side with the face to the East. There were, however, some twenty cases in which it was laid on its left side with the face to the West. In a few instances, though the grave was cut in the usual direction, the body was laid with the head to the North and the feet to the South. The illustrations in pls. ii.-v. are not arranged according to any system of orientation. * The proto-dynastic graves were oriented in practically the same direction as those which preceded them, that is to say, North (N.N.W.) and South (S.S.E.). The position of the body, however, differed slightly from that which was most usual in the earlier time. As in the latter it was always in the contracted attitude, but it lay almost invariably on its left instead of on its right side, and so faced to the West instead of to the East. 15 CHAPTER III. CATALOGUE OF ALL THE IMPORTANT PRE-DYNASTIC TOMBS AT EL AMRAH. THE two following chapters contain an epito- mized description of all the important tombs found at El Amrah and of their contents. The present chapter is devoted to the pre-dynastic, the next to the proto-dynastic period. The pre-dynastic graves are here grouped according to their relative antiquity, on the principle of “sequence-dating” referred to on p. 6. For the Ist Dynasty, however, and for the transi- tion period which immediately precedes it, the “sequence-datings” are not yet so completely correlated ; so that in Chap. IV. the type of tomb construction has been taken as the basis of arrangement. .. In the present chapter the groups are purposely made comprehensive, and are not minutely sub-divided; but the reader who wishes to determine the exact place of any grave within these divisions, can do so by merely comparing the entries of pottery and objects given in this list with the tables of “sequence datings” given in Diospolis Parva. In assigning the graves to their respective groups, the latest possible date has always been taken as fixing the limit of each example. Thus, for instance, among those which are classed as before S.D. 46, some may go back, and probably do actually go back, before s.D 41; but as they cannot be proved with certainty to be so early they have been deposed to the later group, where they are approxi- mately placed as being certainly not later, though they may be a good deal earlier, than S.D. 46. e Only tombs which contained objects or com- binations of some interest are entered here. Those which yielded nothing more valuable than a few common and well-known pots, or perhaps one slate palette, do not merit any special description. Such cumulative results as have been derived from them are mentioned in various passages of this volume. . In these catalogues the construction of each grave is described by a reference to the classifi- cation of graves made in the last chapter. Slates and other objects are noted according to the numbers given to each type in the corpus of various objects published in Naqada. and Ballas, which has been continued in a supplementary form in Diospolis Parva. Such an entry therefore as “slate of type 37,” or “slate of type 96,” means that the type in question can be seen by referring to the plates of slates in Naqada and Ballas; or if the number should not occur in that volume then it will be found in the supplementary list, i.e. in Diospolis Parva. In the same way ivories, stone vases, pottery, etc., are all recorded by the numbers which they bear in those plates of Naqada and Diospolis which deal with ivories, stone vases, pottery, or whatever kind of object may be in question. The letters given to the classes of pottery should perhaps be explained. They are as follows: P for “Polished Red,” B for “Black-topped Red,” C for “Cross-lined (i.e. white-ornamented) Red," F for “Fancy forms,” W for “Wavy-handled,” D for “Decorated,” R for “Rough-faced,” L for “Late ” ware. 16 - . EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. PRE-DYNASTIC GRAVES. GRaves Before sid. 41. a 18. Grave of Class 2a. Body that of child, probably 3, half-grown. Fragments of basket-work near head. Pots P53, B 11b, B 78, D 83. a 23. Grave of Class 2a (see pl. v. 1). Body 6. Stand of 4 clay cows (pl. ix. 1 and 3). Bâton of clay painted in red stripes with imitation mace-head of clay (pl. xii. 1). Small red pottery box, four-sided, 9 in. x 6 in. Leg bones of small animal. Pots B 35a, B 53b, B 57b, large B (in fragments), C 55 (pl. xv. 10). a 41. Grave of Class 2a. Body ?. Red pot- tery box, 9 in. x 6 in, with charcoal drawings on it (pl. xii. 10–13). Small clay doll, with curly hair and curly beard. Slate of type 98. Pots B 25h, B 26a, B 26c (two), B 77a, B 79a (two), F 14. a 57. Grave of Class 8. Body ?. Frag- ments of basket and of female doll. Ivory bracelet. Pots P 11d, P 26b, P 56b, Bla, B 75b, B 77a, B 79a. a 58. Grave of Class 2a. Body 3. Flint lance, type Naq. 66. String of steatite beads at neck. Pieces of thin folded copper. Pots B 74 or 78 (broken), and two C pots which were slight variants of C 44. - a 67. Grave of Class 1, but 6 feet deep. Body ?? Two rings of copper. Small chain of copper. Jawbone of small animal. Clay male doll (broken). a 72. Grave of Class 2a. Body 3. Four - clay cows, their clay stand lying near them. Clay doll. Pots B 11a, B 19b, B 26a, fragments of B 56 or 58, and of another B (21 P), fragments of R 80 and of a C pot (lattice pattern). - s a 82. Grave of Class 2a. Body ?, less con- tracted than usual. Basket-work. Car- melian and steatite beads. Slate of type 37. Pots B 11c, B 61, B 75 b, and fragments of two more B. a 85*. Grave of Class 2a. Body 2. Plaque of selenite measuring 5 in. × 3 in., and # in. to # in. thick. Alabaster bowl 4 in. diameter. Fragments of malachite. String of steatite beads at head. Pots B 11d, B 22c, B 25c, B 63a, R. 11d. a 88. Grave of Class 3. Body ?. slate, ivory, (pl. vii. 2). R 91b. a 90. Grave of Class 2a. Dody & . Diorite mace (pl. x. 6). Head of curly-haired clay doll. Limestone mace painted with black spots (pl. x. 6). Pots B 21c, B 25c, B 27b, .B 29b, C 20 (pl. xv. 14), C 75d (pl. xv. 20), C shape of 14, but with waved pattern (cf. pl. xv. 10a). a 94. Grave of Class 2a. Body ?. Red paste doll (pl. xii. 7). Large shell. Pots P 80 (pl. xiv.), B 11f, B 15, B 24c, B 63b, B 72b, F 27 (in red polished ware). b 88. Grave of Class 2a, with ledge for pots. t Body ?. Slate of type 42. Ivory spoon. Two beads of garnet and one of carnelian. Limestone vase of type H 7. Pots P 41c, P 93d, B 53b, B 58a, B 74b, D of shape 47 and pattern 45, D 67 c, R. 23b, R. 34a, R 81 (three). s b 117. Grave of Class 2a. Body 3. Pieces of Set of and limestone ornaments Bones of small animal. Pot charcoal. Copper needle. Several inches of rope. Pots P 1 le (pl. xiv.), B 22h, B 25c. b 127. Grave of Class 1 (pl. iv. 1). Body ?, dismembered before burial. Pots P 11c, P 13, C 19, C 30, C 66 (pl. xv. 15, 7, 5), and another C pot. - b 136. Grave of Class 1. Three bodies, viz. two 6 and one Q. Six small clay animals CATALOGUE OF PRE-DYNASTIC TOMBS. 17 (pl. ix.4a, 4b). Head of a small animal. Pots B 35, C 39 (pl. xv. 16). b 144. Grave of Class 2a (pl. iv. 2). Elabo- rate arrangement of latticed twig covering the body 3. Clay model of mace-head painted in stripes. Remains of basket con- taining red haematite. Basalt vase, type H 72. Pots P (of shape C 45), B 27g, C. b 163. Grave of Class 2a. Body child, with twig work underneath it. Two clay animals (pl. ix. 5). Three clay cones spotted with white (pl. ix. 7). Two small quadrangular clay boxes. saucers. Two small baskets. B 180, B 64c. b 184. Grave of Class 2a. Body 3. Clay cow (pl. ix. 2). Two small spherical and one small oval basket. Pot C of shape P 15b, ornamented merely with a few white bars on the rim. b 202. Grave of Class 2a. Body 3. Model Two small clay Pots B 18a, adze of wood, 8 inches long (pl. x. 3). Fragments of clay male doll, with grotesque Punch-like head. Bottom of small spiral basket. Pot B 22d and fragments of another B. e b 212. Grave of Class 2a. Body 3. Pottery bull, cow, and calf (pl. ix. 6, 9, 10). Pots P 68a, B 22e, B 22f, C 30c (pl. xv. GRAVES BEFoRE s.D. 46. a 33. Grave of Class 2a. Double burial. Basalt pot 3 in. high, broken at top and with one handle gone, of type H 69. Pots B 63a, B 72c, B 740, an old B which had been broken and the rim ground down before it was put in grave, R. 23a, R 80, R. 93a. a 45. Grave of Class 2a. Body 2. Three small ivories of type Naq. 19. Slate of type 98. Pots B 19a, B 26b, B 57b, B 62b. a 55. Grave of Class 1. Body 2. Two slate pendants of type Naq. pl. lxii. 43. Minia- ture turtle-slate (2 in. long) of type nearly 18. Ivory comb of type Naq. 55. Pieces of resin. Carnelian and calcite beads. Pot B 76a. a 56. Grave of Class 3 (pl. v. 8). Body 3. Two small quadrangular red pottery boxes. Two fine red pottery dolls (pl. ix. 11) both male. Four clay kine on a stand. Clay boat in fragments (pl. ix. 8). Bones of a small animal. Pots B 11a, 11ſ, B 23b, B 71b, B 78b, B 79b, R. 22, R 80, F42a. a 59. Grave of Class 2a. Body 2. Three ivories of type Naq. 19. Pots P 22b (coarse), B 1a, B 74b, B 78c. a 66. Grave of Class 3. Body 3. Small red pottery box, 5 in. x 5 in. Flint lance of type Naq. 66. Two limestone pegs (cf. pl. vii. 2 centre). Pieces of red haematite. Limestone vase of type H 70. Pots P 16, B 11ſ, B 26b, B 37b (two), B 69a, B 69b, B 75b, F 42a. Presembling F 30 (small). a 89. Grave of Class 3. Body 2. Slate of type 90. One limestone and one ivory peg (cf. pl. vii. 2, centre and bottom). Pots P 22, B 35d, B 49, B 74a (two), R. 22a. - - a 116. Grave of Class 3. Body 2. Shape- less slate palette. Lump of resin. Frag- ments of wood. Pieces of malachite. Nine small ovoid carnelian pendants among fingers. Pots P 16a, P 23a, B 76, F 11b, R 16, R 81. & a 118. Grave of Class 2a, with ledge for pots (pl. v. 2). Body ? young. Five mud sticks, 4 in. to 5 in long (perhaps ill-made dolls). Small limestone vase, 1% in. high, of type H 37 (not 27 as erroneously entered on the plan in pl. v.). Two slates of type C r 18 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. 40. Malachite. Necklace and bracelets of carnelian, lapis-lazuli, calcite, steatite, and green glaze beads. Some seeds. Pots I? 40b, B 89b, B 53a, D 7a, D of shape 36 (the pattern being all spirals), D 63a, R. 69c, R. 69d, R 81 (three). a 127. Grave of Class 2a. Plundered, only one or two bones left. Twig tray under the reed mat. Basket work. Pots P la (two), P 11d (two), B 25h, B 35a (two), B 74b. * a 139. Grave of Class 3 (pl. v. 9). Body ?. Slate of type 35. Slate of type 41. Bones of small animal. Broken ostrich - egg. Copper pin. Ivory armlets. Bracelets of small green glaze beads. Necklace of beads, viz. lapis-lazuli, calcite, garnet, green glaze, and one or two coated with gold-foil. Pots P 11b, P 22, B11ſ, B 53b, Pot all black (shape P 47a), D 7a (two), D 41b, R. 23a, R. 23b (two), R 65c, R 67. a 140. Grave of Class 3. Body 2. Three small shells hung as pendants from neck. Pots P 57, B 68b, R. 23c, R. 24, R 34b, R 42b, R. 45, R. 69c, R. 71b (two), W 3. b 27. Grave of Class 2a. Body 3, young. Bones disarranged by plunderers. Flint knife lying in two halves (pl. x. 8). Mala- chite. Pots P 22, B 75b, B 76, F 15, F 19a in red ware (two), R. 69c. b 28. Grave of Class 3. Body ?. Copper finger-ring (plain broad strip folded over). Malachite. Carnelian and shell beads. Pots P 14, P 16, P 22, P 54, B 35c, B 58c (two), B 68a, R. 23b, R 67, R 81 (two), R 92. b 37. Grave of Class 3. Body 2. Traces of upright wooden posts. Slate of type 43. |Malachite. Round marbles, viz. three black, one brown, and one white. Pots P 11b, P 16 (two), P 22, P 57a, P 93d, Carnelian and limestone beads. D 7a, D 17b, D 43, R. 11, R. 23a, R. 42b, R. 69c, R 80 (two), R 81 (two). b 220. Grave of Class 2a. Body ?, accom- panied by that of an (unborn ?) infant. Ivory earring of type Naq. 37. Slate pendants of type Naq. pl. lxiv. 89. Ivory tag (cf. pl. vii. 2, bottom). Basalt vase of type H 61. Pots P 22, B 78c, and a broken B. . GRAVES BEFORE S.D. 51. a 12. Grave of Class 3. Body child. Slate of type between 40 and 56. By head were 4 large carnelian, 1 green glaze, 2 steatite beads, and a few large beads covered with gold foil. Pots P 4, D 17a, R. 22, R. 28, R 67, R. 71b. a 92. Grave of Class 2a. Body ?. Two ivory pegs of the type Naq. 1. A slate peg like the ivories, but unornamented. Three limestone pegs (cf. pl. vii. centre). Rough limestone pot about 3 in. high, studded with beads (pl. x. 6, left top). Pots B 74b, B 78b. a 121. Grave of Class 2a. Body not adult. Basket. Pots B 44b, B 74a, R. 22, R. 100 (pl.xiii.), R 91c. - a 122. Grave of Class 3. Body ?. Fish- shaped slate. Necklace of green glaze and some gold-covered beads. Two shells. Seeds. Fragments of basket containing malachite, resin, and a dark mineral (pro- bably iron ore). Pots P 22, P 22b, P 23a, P 42, P 57a, B 53a, B 66a, D 17a (two), D 67c, R. 23a, R. 24, R. 45b, R 67, R. 69a, R. 69b, R 81 (two). b 23. Grave of Class 2. Body ?. Palette of curiously spotted slate (pl. x. 4). Pots P 40b, R. 22a, R 51, R 81. . b 68. Grave of Class 2a. Body of child. Slate * pendant of type Naq. pl. lxiv. 89. Two CATALOGUE OF PRE-DYNASTIC TOMBS. * 19 limestone pegs. Small stone vase, only 2 in. high, of type H 65. Pots P 13b, P 21, B 71b, B 75b. . b 119. Grave of Class 3. Body ?. Slate of type between 37 and 45. Stone vase of type H 27. String of green glaze, carnelian, garnet, and calcite beads on head. Pots P 14, P 26a, B 53a, D 51, R 42b, R 68a, R 80 (six). b 132. Grave of Class 2a (pl. v. 4). burial, viz. 3 and two children. Four clay cows. Pots P 1 (or 2), P 2a, P.11a (two), B 18a (broken), B 18b (two), B 18q, B 21a (two), B 26b, B 62a. GRAVES BEFORE S.D. 56. a 16. Grave of Class 2a. Body 2. Slate of type 98. Slate of a new type (pl. x. 7). Two slates of type 63a. String of carne- lian and calcite beads along the arms. Ivory comb of type 67. Stone vase of type S 4c. Pots B 26c, B 58c, B of shape F 14, broken B (either 77a or 78a). a 19. Grave of Class 3. Body 3. Stone vase of type H 71. Two round stones, respec- tively 4% in. and 2% in. diameter, not bored, so possibly were pestles or pounders. Pots P 57b, P 58b, B 11e, B 26c, F 15. a 75. Grave of Class 3. Body not adult but probably d. Several small round balls of black haematite and several small white pebbles with them. Malachite. Pots P 22, B 49 (two), B 68b. a 95. Grave of Class 2a or 3, which had been opened in recent years, but incompletely cleared. There remained in it, three basalt vases of types S 1b (unpatterned), H 62 (flat bottomed), and that shown in Pl. xvi. 1; 6 large shells; a broken. rhomboid slate, the pot B 15; a lump of ore (probably iron ore). - Triple || Basket. a 96. Grave of Class 2a (pl. v. 6). Body & , which had been dismembered before inter- ment. Contents (pl. vii. 1) were: Breccia celt; Limestone mace; Diorite mace; marble mace; Breccia peg; Slender rod or pin of ivory; Five flint lances. Seven round marbles; Slate of type 42; Slate of type 79; Lapis-lazuli, green glaze, carne- lian, and gold-coated beads. Leg bone of small animal. Pots P 17, P47b (two), P 93a, P 93d, B 11a, B 13a, B 38c, D 7b (mottled), -D 67c, R. 23a (four), R. 69b, R 81, R 92, L 44, and the new type F 1 (pl. xiv.). t b 21. Grave of Class 8, partially plundered. Body 2. Bone harpoon (pl. xii. 4). Pots P 22, B 53a, B of type between 55 and 74a, D of shape 47 but pattern 45, D63a, R 23a, R 67, R 81 (three). b 22. Grave of Class 3. Body 2. Slate of type 37. Armlets of green glaze and shell beads. Pots B 11e (two), B 25e, B 38d, B 47, B 58a, F of type between 12 and 14, R 23a, R 92. - b 35. Grave of Class 3. Plundered, and no bones remaining. Flint knife (pl. x. 11, left). Resin. Malachite. Five round discs of roughly baked pottery (i.e. bases on which to manufacture pots P). Pots P 22, P 57a (two), B 53a, broken B, broken D, D 67c, W 3, R1c, R67, R 69c, R 81 (four). - - b 78. Grave of Class 2a. Body 2. Slate of type 91. One ivory and two slate pendants of type Naq. lxiv. 89. Three ivory tags of type Naq. 19. Pots B 11a, B 62a, B63a, F 15, R 80. b 107. Grave of Class 2a. Body 3. Flint lance-head. Shapeless slate palette. Resin. Several marbles. Head and bones of small animal. Malachite. Pots P 22, P 23b, P40c, B 53b (two), D 62, D 49 (pl. xiv.), 20 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. W 19, F 15, R. 23b, R 51, R 59c, R. 74, R 81 (four), R 91. b 139. Grave of Class 3. Body 3. Four(?) clay animals, apparently cows, which had crumbled to pieces; it was clear that some of these were painted in white with black stripes, others in white with red stripes, viz. one stripe horizontally down the back and three vertically on each flank. Pieces of a plain wooden rod # inch in diameter lying parallel to the trunk of the body from the fore-arm to the thigh. Lumps of resin. Bones of an animal larger than the goat. Pots P 16 (two), P 23a, P 58a, B 11g, B 56, B 57a, B 57b, B 58a, F 27, R 23c, R34a, R82a, R 91c, R 50 (pl. xiii.). b 143. Grave of Class 1 (pl. v. 5). Two bodies, viz. a 3 and a 2. Slate of type 96a, in two halves. Flint lance. Pots B 74b, F 15. b 151. Grave of Class 2a. Two bodies, viz. adult 9 and child. Basalt vase (pl. xvi., photo 4). Slate of type between 44 and 45. Calcite, haematite, steatite, and pottery beads, with agate pendant, all of which belonged to the child. Remains of small basket. Pots D 4c, R 67, R 80 (three), R. 54 (pl. xiii.). : . b 166. Grave of Class 2b, which may be as late as S.D. 60. Plundered and bones gone, but a skull of 3 in the filling of the grave. Pots P 22a, P 23b, B 37b, B 42b, B 53b, R. 22a (two), R 23a (two), R 28c, R. 24, R 81 (four), R 91c, D 68c (pl. xiv.), fragments of W of type similar to Wa (pl. xiv.). * b 215. Grave of Class 2a (pl. v. 7). Body too damaged to be sexed. Slate of type 13. Slate of type 96a. Ivory comb of type 67. Large shell. Pots P58a, B 15, fragments of other B, F 15, Black pot incised with white pattern (see pl. v. 7). GRAVES BETWEEN S.D. 56 AND 64. a 131. Large grave of Class 2a. Plundered. A head in the rubbish of the grave 2 ft. from ground. Copper dagger 6 in. long (pl. x. 5) in the middle of the grave on floor level. Beside the dagger and on the same bottom level were Pots P 22, P 22b, P40 (broken), B 11e, B 24c, B 53b, W 23, W 25, R. 23c, R 75; and a few inches above it four flints apparently worked (pl. x. 5). No other objects of any kind. b 17. Grave of Class 2a. Double burial, viz. 6 and 2. On the man's face was jawbone of a small animal (goat or gazelle). Woman's head surrounded by green glaze, gold-covered and lapis-lazuli beads. At vertex of this head was an abortive boring as if for trephining. Pots P22b (two), P23e, D 67c, D 67c (small), W 43, R. 24, R 45b (two), R 81 (four), R 82a, and a broken R. b 62. Large grave of Class 2a, roughly oval in shape and measuring 6 ft. by 4 ft. to 5 ft. and 6 ft. deep. Had been plundered, so that many of the objects (see below) were found at various depths in the filling. Sex ; , bones disarranged but not removed. On floor of tomb and clearly in position were, slate (pl. viii. 2) with sign analogous to the emblem of the god Min; the slates shown in pl. viii. 1 (top and bottom), and pl. viii. 3 (bottom); two miniature red pots (pl. viii. 4, centre and left centre); Breccia vase (pl. viii. 4, bottom right); horned head of a small animal; Pots P 14, P 22e, P.23e, P40e, P41c, P 82b, B 53b, W 25, D shape 50 but pattern 59b, R. 24, R. 69a, It 76, R 80, It 81. In filling of the grave at various depths were found a number of shells bored for stringing; 7 gold covered beads; 8 large green glaze, 6 large garnet, and some tiny CATALOGUE OF PRE-DYNASTIC TOMBS. 21 lapis lazuli beads; 2 plain ivory combs; 3 wire copper anklets or bracelets; an ivory spoon; 2 ivory hairpins; 2 miniature hanging vases of limestone, each about 1 inch high (pl. viii. 4, centre, below the spoon); marble vase with bottom made of a disc of lapis-lazuli (pl. viii. 4, right centre); pieces of a small stone vase of type H 27; pieces of a fish-shaped slate palette (pl. viii. 3, top. Miniature slate about 2 inches long; two rubber pebbles; malachite, resin. There were no other objects. The whole contents of the tomb are illustrated in pl. viii. g b 65. Grave of Class 2a, partially plundered. Double burial, viz. 3 lying intact, and some disarranged, bones of another body beside him. With the undisturbed body were : Copper needle, and slate of type 110a. Pots P broken (some sort of bowl), B 53b, W 25, L 53a, R 81. With the dis- turbed body were: two heads of horned animals; slate of type 56; large shell; Pots P 23, F 31c, R. 21b (two), R22a, R23c, R 67, R 81 (two). From the rubbish of the tomb were: Slate of type 96a; fore- leg of goat or gazelle; Pots IP 11b, P 22, B 53b, R. 26. & b 87. Grave of Class 3. Body 2. Partially | plundered, and fore-arms removed. Several gold-covered beads on the cheek. Basalt vase of type H 34. Basalt vase of type H 63b. Slate broken anciently and ground down; its original type would have been between 70 and 75. Head of a horned animal. Pots B 53a, W 25, R. 23b, R. 69a, R 69b, R. 71b, R 81 (two). - b 154, Grave of Class 2b, with ledges for pottery. Plundered out. Skull of 2 in filling. In position were Pots P 16, P40c, P 41a, P93d, B 39a, D of shape 4a but pattern 41b with waves added, W 14, W 19 (four), W 25, R24, R. 45b, R 67, R. 69c, R 81 (five). From the filling P 11d (two). - - b 189, Grave of Class 2a. Head and bones disarranged by plunderers. Objects all in position, viz., large slate with doubled birds' heads (pl. x.9), 14% inches long; shapeless slate ; small copper implement, 2} x # inch, curved at one end; ostrich egg; some beads; plain ivory hair-pin ; Malachite; resin; stone vases H 34, H 35, and a miniature vase without handles, shaped like H 34; horned head of small animal; pots P 11d, P 22, P 23e, P40e, P 41a, P46f, P 82a, P 98, B 53b, W 42 (two), R23a, R. 45b, R 80 (three), L 58c (three). & - b 210. Grave of Class 3. Plundered out. Head 2. Fragments of ostrich shell. Copper bracelet or anklet. Beads of shell and of carnelian, with a glazed pendant. Pots P22, W 41, W 43, R 23c, R 67c, R 76, R 80. b 222, Grave of Class 2a. Body 2. String of beads at head, viz., quartzite, green glaze, amethyst, haematite, and carnelian. Slate of type 45. Malachite. Resin. Pots P 22, B 39b, B 53b, W 25, R. 23c, R 67, R 76, R80 (five), L 12b, L44. b 232. Grave of Class 2a. Plundered. Some bones 3, and of a small animal. Breccia vase H 21. Pots P21b, P 36b, P. 38, B 53a, F 31d, R. 3a, R. 24, R 67 (two), R 80 (two), R 81 (three), R 93a, L 44a, L 53. b 235. Grave of Class 2a. Plundered. Some leg bones 3. Bones of an ox. Bones of small horned animal. Cylindrical piece of copper. Fragment of wood which had probably been handle of some implement. Stone pot H 40. Pots P 11b, P 93d, B 38c, (two), B 53b, W 25, R. 21 (six), R 23c (two), R 66, R. 69c, R 80 (two), R81 (two). 22 EL AMRAEI AND ABYDOS. GRAVES BETWEEN S.D. 40 AND 64, HARDLY To BE MORE PRECISELY DATED. a 3. Grave of Class 2a. ? (?) with yellowed, i.e. discoloured, hair on head. Head of a small animal. Three small gold, one green glaze, and two carnelian beads. Pots P 22b, P 40c, D 67c, R. 23c (two), R 67, R 80 (two), R 81 (four). Grave which had been opened in recent years. Contained no bones, and only broken pots, which could be recognized as P40, D 67c, R. 38. With these were pieces of a curious pottery box, which, on a 4. being fitted together, proved to be in the form of a house with doors and windows (pl. x. 1 and 2). The period must be between S.D. 44 and 64. * Grave of Class 2a. Plundered out; tibiae and fragments of arm-bones re- mained. Head of a small animal (probably goat), which was cut away at the back so as to resemble the bucrania at . Hou (cf. Diospolis Parva, s. v. “bucrania") a 6. but was not painted. Pots P 22 (two), P40e, D 67c, Wa (pl. xiv.), R 22b, R. 23, R 68, R. 69b, R. 69d, R. 75, R 81 (two). a 76. Grave of Class 3. Plundered out; leg bones remained. Stone vase H 30. Pottery imitation of the stone vase H 27. Pots, P bowl of shape of I, 7b, P 11b, P 16, P 22b, P 40e, B 38c, D 38 (pl. xiv.), R 92, with a sharp collar (which characterizes only the latest forms of R pots), L 16, L 44. . a 87. Grave of Class 2a. Plundered out ; head remained. Slate made in rough imitation of a duck or goose (cf. types 20, 21, 27), with the leg pointing backwards instead of forwards. top. Pots B 11e, B 72a, and B 88a sharply curved in below the centre. Three limestone pegs | (cf. pl. vii. 2, centre), perforated at the a 124. Grave of Class 3. Body ?. Rubber pebble, but no slate to accompany it. Bones of small animal. Armlet of carnelian and green glaze beads. Pots P 22c, P 23b, P 58a, B 37a, B 42b, B 68b. b 40. Grave of Class 3. 2, young. Slate of type 82. Necklace of lapis-lazuli, shell, and carnelian beads, with some tubular gold-covered beads. Pots P 57, B 53a, D 17b, D 67c, R 1c, R. 24 (two), R 45a, R 67, R 81 (three). b 43. Grave of Class 2a. Body & . Slate palette. 22 marbles along the arm. Flint knife and rough flints (see group of contents of this grave in pl. vii. 4). Pots P 11d, P 23c, R. 22a, R. 23a, B 53a, W 19 (two), R 80 (two). b 46. Grave of Class 2a, with ledge for pots. Body 3. Malachite. Slate of type be- tween 35 and 40. In position, viz., some at head and arms, some at feet, were the stones and flint flakes shown in pl. vii. 6. Basalt vase H 33. Pots P 40e, P 42, B 53b, B 58a, D 61, D 62 in fragments, D 67c, W 43, R. 69c, R 81, R 92. b 68. Grave of Class 2a. Body ?. Slate of type 63a. Three large shells. Ivory model axe (pl. xii. 8). Pot B 18b. b 106. Grave of Class 3. Body child. Large date stones. Tesin. Quantities of mala- chite. Garnet, green glaze, lapis lazuli, and tubular gold-covered beads. Bone harpoon (cf. pl. xii. 4). Pots P 22, P 22c, P 40c, D 50b (pl. xiv.), R3a, R23b, R23c, R 24, R 67, R. 69c, R 80 (two). b 199. Grave of Class 1 or 2a. Bones dis- disordered, but rather by plunderers than owing to re-interment; they appeared to be 2. A pair of hollow horns (cf. pl. vii. 2, top left). Pots P 22a, B 740, R. 69d, R 91c. Broken slate of type 96a with a mark incised at one end, viz. X. CATALOGUE OF PRE-DYNASTIC TOMBS. 23 b 225, Grave of Class 3. Body ?, just adult. Basalt vase H 27. Pots P 22b, P 40e, P 95b, D shape 19 with boat pattern, D 41, L 7b, and the magnificent wavy-handled decorated pot D 46 (see pl. xiv.). Period is between s.D. 46 and 63, but probably nearer to the carlier than to the later limit. b 230. Grave of Class 3. Plundered and contained no bones. Carnelian, green glaze, lapis-lazuli, and garnet beads. I’ots P 11b, P 11d, P 22 or 23 (broken), another P bowl, P 40e, B39a, B 53b, D shape of 33b with wave pattern, D 36a with boat pattern as well as plant, D 63a, D 67c, D 68 (two), R. 69c, R 69d, L. 53a. Ivory- handled copper dagger with blade 7 in. long (pl. vi. 1 and 2), broken in half and with the handle still attached. PREDYNASTIC GRAVEs of ILL-DEFINED STAGE IN THE PERIOD. a 26. Grave of Class 3. Body child. Slate of type 82. Broken slate of type from 91 to 98. Four ivory armlets. Two lime- stone pendants at the throat (earrings?) of type very similar to Naq. pl. lxii. 149. Green glaze and carnelian beads. Pots P 23a, P 58a, B 57b. a 62. Grave of Class 8. Body 2. String of beads on the head, viz. carnelian and green glaze, with a small shell as pendant. A shapeless slate palette. Two large shells. Pots P 93a, D between 7a and 7c, R. 17a, R 22 (two), R 23b, R 23c, R. 71b, R 81 (two). + a 73. Grave of Class 2a. Body ?, young. Slate of type 13. Pair of tusks about 10 in. long (cf. pl. vii. 2, top left), perforated with a hole at each end. (two). Pots B 11e, B 72b a 74. Grave of Class 2a. Body of child laid on twig tray as well as in the usual reed mat. Female doll in red pottery. Four bone bracelets. Part of small spirally- coiled basket. A set of miniature slates, viz. a tortoise, a bird, and a tiny triangular slate perforated with two suspension-holes on the long side. String of pottery and steatite beads by the jaw. Pots P 47b, B 11e, B 21c, B 25e. a 86. Grave of Class 1. Triple burial, viz. an adult 3, and two children. By the man were pots P 68a, B 26b. By head of one of the children an ivory comb of type 67, and a limestone peg of shape Naq. lxii. 19, with pattern of Naq. pl. lxiv. 96. . - * a 91. Grave of Class 2a (pl. v. 3). Body 2. Slate in form of a tortoise with a head at each end. Two tusks (cf. pl. vii. 2, top left). Two plain limestone pegs (cf. pl. vii. 2, centre). Five large carnelian beads. Alabaster vase S 4a. Pot F 17a. a 102. Grave of Class 2a. Sex impossible to judge from the broken bones. Slate of type 98. Diorite mace-head (pl. x. 6, right centre), with a fragment of wood still remaining in the perforation. Part of a basket. Three lumps of resin. Pots B 35c, B 58a, B 98, F 51b. a 104. Grave of Class 2a, unusually shallow. Two bodies, viz. a 3 and another of uncertain sex. With the man were a pair of copper tweezers, about 2 in. long, and Pot B 78d (pl. xiv.). Between the two heads was a flint which might have been a broken lance-head. From filling of grave came half a rhomboid slate palette. a 112. Grave of Class 2a. ?, Pots B 58c, B 74b, R 80, R 41b (pl. xiii.). a 113. Grave of Class 2a. Some márbles. 2. Head absent. Piece of ivory comb of 24 . EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. type 67. Scapula of a crocodile. Large shell. Pots B 11ſ, B 180. a 117. Grave of Class 2a. Body young. Half the head of a clay doll. Malachite. Pots P 22, P 40e, P 98b, R. 23b, R. 69d, R 92, L 16a (rough-faced). Black pot of shape P 94c, - a 120. Grave of Class 3. 2. Plain ivory comb of type 55. Small limestone box (cf. pl. x. 6, top left). Slate roughly made but similar in form to 48, with two well- marked fins on back. B 58, B 71a, R. 45a. a 129. Grave of Class 2a. Child. Necklace of shell, carnelian, steatite, and calcite beads. Ivory finger-ring. Large tubular carnelian bead. Shell armlet on each arm. Small shapeless slate. Pots P 1a, R. 57a, R 69d. Lump of mud shaped to resemble a gourd. b 49. Grave of Class 2a. Body ?. Carnelian beads. Tortoise-shaped slate. Fish-shaped slate. Several ivory pendants. A large ivory finger-ring. Fragment of an ivory comb. Pots B 1a, B 57b, R 80, R 81. b 75. Grave of Class 2a. Body 2 (?). Along the forearm were three ivory tags of type 39. Pots P 16, P 54b, B 78b, F 15, R 65c. b 236. Grave of Class 2a. Plundered, only a few bones left. Slate which no doubt had been of type 75, but the birds' heads had been broken off anciently and ground down, leaving only the comb-like indenta- tions at top of slate. Three stone vases, viz. H. 23, H 32, H 34. GRAVES BETWEEN S.D. 60 AND 70. a 126. Grave of Class 8, with remains of wood as fence to the recess. Plundered, but head and most of the bones of 2 re- mained. Pots P 40e, P 84b (pl. xiv.), D 61, R 80 (two). • Pots B 11c, B 57b, Q a 143. Grave of Class 3. Body young, bones unossified. Pots P 22b, P 40e (small), B 53b, D 3c (pl. xiv.), D 69b, (pl. xiv.), R 23c, R 65c, It 80 (five). b 32. Grave of Class 2a. Body adult (sex 2). Pots L 39 (six), L 53f, a broken L, a broken L bowl (salmon-coloured, with wide burnishing). All these pots had the sharp collar which is characteristic of late forms. It is evident that the range of L 39 must be extended beyond what has hitherto been assigned to it, as indeed might be suspected from the fact that it is apparently a deri- vative and not a prototype of L 38. This tomb was in immediate proximity to the pot-burials and the burials in clay coffins. b 104. Grave of Class 2a. Body 3. Lapis lazuli, green glaze and gold-coated beads. Pots P 11d, D 51b (pl. xiv.), L 44. b 224. Grave of Class 2, large. Plundered. Humerus (sex 2). Horn of a small animal. ivory spoon. Stone vase H 35, and similar vase in pottery to imitate stone. Pots P. 23e, P40e (three), B 53b, WS (pl. xiv.), W 25, R. 23c, R 67, R 80 (four), L 44. b 227. Grave of Class 3. Plundered. Head 6, in rubbish. Fine flint knife (broken, pl. x. 11) in rubbish. Pots P 22, P 82a, W 41, R. 23c, R 67, R 80, L 44. b 233. Grave of Class 2. of a child in the filling. Skull of a small animal (goat 2). I’ieces of ivory hairpin. A fish-shaped slate. A large marble. Some shells pierced for suspension. One large shell. Steatite and calcite beads. Small copper spoon with silver bowl. Oval-sectioned slate vase (pl. xvi. 9). Stone vase H 34. Seven tiny rough pots which are diminutive forms of familiar rough-faced (R) pots, and were no doubt put in as appropriate to the child. Other pots were P 31b, P 40e, P bowl, P 95b, B 53a, R 24, R 42c, R. 75, R 80, R 81, L 44a. I’lundered. Iłomes 25 CIHAPTEER IV. CATALOGUE OF ALL THE IMPORTANT PROTO-DYNASTIC . TOMBS AT EL AMRAH. PROTO-DYNASTIC GRAVES. GRAVEs or CLAss 4. GRAVEs of Class 4 were extremely poor. Only one contained any objects of value. Several more, however, are entered in this inventory as good examples of the type. b 4. Grave of Class 4a (pl. ii. 2). Depth of pit of the grave 5 ft., length 4 ft., breadth to the side of the coffin 1 ft. 10 in. Recess entirely filled by the oval pottery coffin, which measured 27 in. × 24. Body 2. Outside the coffin, at the head end, was | one pot, viz. L 38g (pl. xiii.). Grave of Class 4a. Depth of pit 6 ft., length 4 ft. 6 in., width 3 ft. 6 in. to recess. Filling the recess was the oval coffin of badly-baked clay. The coffin, 33 in. x 21 in. and 14 in. high, was about $ in. thick, and had been furnished with a lid, which had broken and fallen inside. Body 2. No objects. b 7. b 9. Grave of Class 4a. Depth of pit 8 ft., length 5 ft. 6 in., width to recess 3 ft. 9 in. Oval clay coffin 32 in. x 21 in. and 15 in. high and # in. thick. Body 2. Beside the coffin at head end were two pots of type I, 33g (pl. xiii.). b 10. Grave of Class 4b. (See group from it in pl. vii. 5). The recess set in 2 ft., it was bricked off from the pit by a rough wall one brick thick, which was 3 ft. 8 in. long × 3 ft. 2 in. high. In the recess was an oblong red pottery cist with lid. Cist contained: body 3 ; four alabaster vases, viz. pl. xvi. 2, pl. xvi. 6, S 4b, and an alabaster saucer; a bone spoon (pl. xii. 5), and the pot L 33g (pl. xiii.). b 99. Grave of Class 4a. Pit 6 ft. 6 in. deep, width to recess 8 ft. The recess itself set back 3 ft, and was 3 ft. 4 in. high; contained remains of what was evidently a wooden coffin, the wood of which was charred. Body 3 rather old. At head of coffin, inside the recess, were two pots of type L 33d (pl. xiii.), and two of type between L 38 and L 38g (pl. xiii.). - b 145. Grave of Class 4b. Depth of pit 6 ft. 6 in., length 6 ft., width 3 ft. 6 in. Recess, including the rough wall of a single brick thickness, set back 2 ft. 6 in. In the recess was oblong clay coffin containing body 3 and an alabaster vase of type S 17d. Out- side the coffin, at head end, was Pot L 38. GRAVEs of CLAss 5. Graves of Class 5 were very poor, generally containing no objects. One or two are given here as typical examples, showing the stages of transition from the use of a pottery coffin to that of the true Pot-burial. b 148. Oblong clay coffin set 5 ft. below the surface without any brickwork. Contained body ? in the invariable contracted position. Pots L 33d (Pl. xiii.), L 53d, L bowl of shape R 34a. - 26 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. b 126. Round clay coffin very similar both in dimensions and in shape to the pottery vessels used for the true Pot-burial. The coffin was sunk to about 3 ft. below the surface and covered over with bricks. Contained body 3, not quite adult, in very contracted position. No objects. b 2. An oval clay coffin and a Pot-burial together, in what could only be regarded as a single grave, 8 ft. 6 in. deep, without brickwork. . The coffin was oval, made of clay, 30 in. long; it contained the body of a 3 in very contracted position. At its south (head) end the coffin was almost touching the large round pot of well-baked red ware, 20 in. diameter (for type cf. pl. ii. 3), which was inverted over a youthful body, belonging to a person about three-quarters grown. The body under the pot had been huddled up and placed face down, but not dismembered; the bones and head were covered with a substance which seemed to be bituminous. Possibly pitch had been poured over the body and been left to set on the bones. There were no objects accompanying either the coffin or the pot. b 175. The large pot shown in pl. ii. 3, which is the typical form used in these Pot- burials. Had been broken at top by plunderers and only two or three bones and pieces of bones remained. b 98. Large pot (type pl. ii. 3) inverted over the body of a 3. Body lying in the regular violently-contracted position and not dismembered. Remains of reed mat lying on and over the bones. No pots or objects with the burial. b 182. Large pot (type pl. ii. 8) sunk two feet, which is about the usual depth below the surface. It was inverted over the body of a 3, which was young but adult. Body violently contracted, but not more than in the most extreme cases found in graves of Classes 1–4; it was not dismembered. No pots or objects. GRAVES OF CLASS 6. b 8. The brick construction (pl. ii. 6) was 5 ft. long by 3 ft. broad externally. Con- tained oblong-oval pottery coffin 3 ft. long by 1 ft. 8 in. broad, 10 in. deep and 1 in. thick. Body 2 (P). Pots L 38g and a rough unbaked saucer. The brickwork rose to 1 ft. 6 in. from the ground, and the top of it was 2 ft. 6 in. below the surface. Bricks measured 10 in. by 5 in. by 3 in. b 33. This brick tomb was lined with wood (pl. ii. 5). Interior dimensions (including thickness of the wood) were : length 4 ft. 2 in., breadth 2 ft. 9 in., height from floor to lower edge of roof 2 ft., height from floor to surface of ground 6 ft. 6 in. Walls were two “stretchers ” thick all round, i.e. 10 in. to 11 in. Roof of boughs, twigs, and mud, about 5 in. thick, and placed at some distance below surface. Body 3 ; bones of small animal; ala- baster vase S 17a, do. S 40a, broken alabaster vase, slate bowl S 40c. Pots L 2b, L 36c (two), L 38 (three), L 53g. b 54. (Pl. iii. 3). Interior dimensions of brick grave were: length, 3 feet 4 inches, breadth 2 ft. 7 in., height 1 ft. 10 in. Height from floor to surface of ground, 4 ft. 10 in. Body child, about three- quarter grown, and probably 2, in oblong wooden coffin, 2 ft. 6 in. long and 2 ft. wide. Four alabaster vases, an alabaster bowl, a slate bracelet, and an ivory brace- let, both on right wrist (see entire group in pl. vii. 3). Pots L 38, L 33ſ. b 57. (Pl. iv. 5). Interior dimensions of brick work were: length 3 ft. 9 in., breadth CATALOGUE OF PROTO. DYNASTIC TOMBS. 27 2 ft. 6 in., height 2 ft. Height from floor to surface of ground, 4 ft. Roof of boughs and mud. No coffin, but a tray of two layers of twigs under the body (sex 2), which was covered with a reed mat. Pots L 12b, I, 38. f b 58. I’recisely similar to 57 in dimensions and character. The body, however, was in this case placed (without coffin) not on twigs but on a layer of bark. As in the last grave, the body was covered with reed mat. 2. A few small green glaze beads. Pots L 38 (two). b 59. Interior dimensions were : length 5 ft., breadth 2 ft. 10 in., height 2 ft. 6 in. Roof of boughs, reeds, and mud, 2 ft. 3 in. below surface of ground. Grave plundered out; no traces of coffin, but remains of reed mat on floor. Body 2. Pot L 38 and a round unbaked pan, 11 in. diameter, 7 in. high, and 1 in. thick. b 69. Interior dimensions were: length 4 ft., breadth 2 ft. 6 in., height 1 ft. 9 in. Height from floor to surface of ground, only 3 ft. 2 in. Plundered, and only head, arms, and half the trunk remained (pl. iii. 1). Sex probably Q. No coffin, but body wrapped in cloth, and laid on a reed mat. Pot L 33 f. b 80. Interior dimensions were: length 3 ft. 10 in., breadth 2 ft. 6 in., height 2 ft. to under edge of roof. Height from floor to surface of ground, 4 ft. Body (3 2) wrapped in cloth and reed mat and laid in oblong clay coffin. In the coffin were: copper implement (Pl. xii. 9) mounted in the cloven fore-leg of a small animal; small basket; pots L 12b, L 38. e b 81. Interior dimensions were: length 4 ft., breadth 3 ft., height 1 ft. 9 in. to under edge of roof. Height from floor to surface of ground, 3 ft. 6 in. Normal roof of wood and mud. No coffin. Body 3, wrapped in cloth and reed mat. Pots L 12b, L 38, L 38 (higher shouldered than usual and with a sharp collar). b 94. Tiny grave only 2 ft. long. Plundered out and no bones left, but must have belonged to a child. Shell bracelet, frag- ments of stone bowl. . b 96. Interior dimensions, 3 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 3 in. The top was practically level with surface of ground and was roofed, not in the usual manner with boughs and mud, but with bricks over the aperture. Body ?, rather young. No coffin. Neck- lace of shells. Pots L 2, L 38g (two), L of similar type, and a peculiar pot of B class, but quite thin, which is numbered B 2b (pl. xiv.). b 97. Grave of dimensions similar to those described. Contained oblong clay coffin fitting close to the sides all round. It was roofed with bricks, which were supported on other bricks piled up in the coffin. Body ?, rather young, on top of which was a small infant. With the adult were three tortoise-shell bracelets, a necklace of tiny blue glaze beads, and fragments of a pot of Class L 38 (pl. xiii.) b 115. Interior dimensions, 3 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 2 in. and 2 ft. deep. Height from floor to surface of ground, 5 ft. Normal roof of wood and mud. Oblong wooden coffin. Body had been disturbed after burial. d. Wooden beads. Shallow ala- baster dish. Pots L 196, L 36b (two). b 131. Grave of usual dimensions (which vary from about 4 ft. x 3 ft. to 3% ft. x 23 ft.), with normal roof of wood and mud at 2 ft. to 8 ft. below surface of ground. Oblong wooden coffin. Body 3, disturbed after burial and some of the bones disarranged. Jaw of small animal. Alabaster vase of new type (pl. xvi. 4). Pots L 37, L'38 and L 44c (pl. xiii.) - . 28 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. b 133. Grave of usual dimensions. Normal roof of wood and mud. Oblong clay coffin. 2. Pots L17c, L 33d, L 53b. b 137. A very unusual grave, shown un- opened in Pl. iii. 5. Its exterior measure- ments were: greatest length 8 ft. 2 in., least length 6 ft. 9 in., average outside breadth 4 ft. 8 in., greatest outside breadth about 6 ft. 6 in., height 4 ft. 3 in. The photograph shows the irregularity of the projecting bricks, which will explain the variation of these dimensions (cf. full description, inf. p. 34). Interior measure- ments were: length 5 ft. 4 in., breadth 3 ft. 4 in., least height 2 ft. 7 in., greatest height 8 ft. 8 in. The varying height on the inside is due to the peculiar construc- tion of the roof, which was built on the cantilever principle, with courses of bricks overlapping one another until the aperture was spanned. Inside the grave was a wooden coffin, occupying about two thirds of the space, and containing body ? with flat alabaster dish lying on the head. Outside the coffin, between it and the side of the grave, were pots L12b, c, L 38a (four), and the alabaster bowl S 40. b 140. Grave of usual character and dimen- Pots L 87 and L 53e. were Pots L 17a and L 38 (three). b 146. Grave like the last. sions of this class. Normal roof of boughs and mud. Oblong clay coffin, which, judging from pieces of plank inside it, had been furnished with a wooden lid. Sex (?). With the body inside the coffin were lime- stone vase S 17d, alabaster vase S 47, Outside the coffin coffin. Normal roof of boughs and mud. Body 3. Pots L 37 and L 53e inside, pot L 88 (two) outside the coffin. ~~ b 172. Similar grave. Oblong clay coffin with clay lid. Normal roof. Body young, Oblong clay | bones unossified. Pots R 28 (two), L 12b, L 42b and L 53c or 53e. b 173. Similar grave of usual character and dimensions. Normal roof. No coffin, but body (young, unossified) laid on reed mat. Stone vase H 35. Pots L 17a, L 19c, L 33d (pl. xiii.). b 178. Grave of usual dimensions, but with a roof of bricks on the cantilever principle (cf. b 137). Oval-oblong clay coffin with lid. Body ?. Pots L 38 (three) outside the coffin at head end. b 180. Grave of usual dimensions but sunk to an exceptional depth, the top of the roof being 4 ft. below the surface of the ground. Normal roof (i.e. boughs, twigs, and mud). Oblong clay coffin. Body ?. Inside the coffin were four alabasters, viz. S 1 c, (pl. xvi., photo 10), S 4c (pl. xvi., photo 13), S 8, S 40c, and pots L 38 (two). Outside coffin the bowl L 16a. b 185. Grave of usual character and dimen- sions. Normal roof, the top of which was 3 ft. below the surface. Remains of wooden coffin. Body 3. Alabaster vase H 63b, limestone vase S 46. Pots L 7a (two), L 7b, L 7c, L 12 or 17 (broken), L 33c, very small, L 37, L 37b, L 38 (two). GRAVES OF CLASS 7. b 14 is the typical example of graves of Class 7, drawn in pl. iv. 6. Plundered out in recent years and containing no objects. Height of walls, 2 ft. 4 in. Height from floor to surface of ground, 5 ft. 8 in. Walls one brick thick (i.e. about 6 in. including the mortaring). No roof left. b 50. Total inside length 4 ft. 8 in. ; length of tomb excluding the recess 3 ft. 5 in., width 2 ft. 9 in., height from floor to lower edge CATALOGUE OF PROTO-DYNASTIC TOMBS. s 29 of roof 2 ft. 7 in. Height from floor to surface of ground, 4 ft. 8 in. Normal roof (boughs, twigs, and mud). The tomb was lined with wood, so there was no coffin. Body ? ; with it were: slate bracelet, wire-copper anklet, alabaster vase, S 2, Pots L 17b, L 38, L 38a. In the recess were Pots 17b, L 38; the former containing some small seeds, bones of a small bird, and pieces of charcoal. b 55. Grave in which the partition of the recess was not carried quite across. Total inside length 4 ft. 6 in. viz., length of grave to recess 3 ft. 9 in., brick partition 3 in., length of recess 6 in. Width of grave 2 ft. 5 in., the partition, however, was only 20 in. long, thus leaving 9 in. width unbarred. Height from floor to roof, 2 ft. Height from floor to surface of ground, 5 ft. 6 in. Normal roof. No coffin or lining, but body lying on sheepskin and reed mat. Body probably 2, rather young; with it were blue glaze beads (up the arm), three alabasters, viz., S 17d—17e, S 31, S55, Pot L 42b (flat-bottomed). In the recess were Pots L 17a (two), L 38 (two), and the whole recess was filled to a depth of about 3 inches from the floor with ashes. b 142. (Pl. iii. 4.) Total inside length 7 ft., viz., length of grave 4 ft., brick partition 6 in., recess 2 ft. 6 in. Width, 2 ft. 11 in. Height from floor to underside of roof, 2 ft. Height from floor to surface of ground, 5 ft. 9 in. Normal roof. Oblong wooden coffin. Body 3, wrapped in cloth. In the grave a slate dish of type S 130, three stone vases of type S 31, Pots L 53e (two) and an L bowl. In the recess were Pots L 33d (two), L 53ſ, L 63. b 177. A good example of the usual form of roof (see pl. ii. 4). Peculiar in having the little recess made not properly in the grave but in the coffin. The coffin, which fitted close against the brickwork of the grave, measured 3 ft. 7 in, in length, viz., 2 ft. 11 in. for receptacle of the body, 1 in. of partition and 7 in. of recess; it was made of clay. Height of coffin, 18 in. Height from floor to surface of ground, about 4 ft. 7 in. Body ?, with tortoiseshell bracelet and slate bracelet. The recess contained Pot L. 33d (pl. xiii.) and charcoal and grain. - GRAVEs of CLASS 8. b 15. This is the typical form of graves of Class 8, which is drawn in pl. iv. 7. Its height was 2 ft, 3 in., and its top very nearly level with the surface of the ground. It had been opened by excavators or plun- derers very lately and nothing remained in it. - b 12. A slight variation from the typical form, inasmuch as the part which is ordinarily open recess was here solid brick, with only two small niches, each 8 in. wide, cut back into it. Thickness of all the walls 11 in. (i.e. one brick's depth, as usual); interior length of the grave proper (beginning from N.W. end wall) 8 ft. 7 in., after which came 1 ft. 4 in. thickness of solid brick before reach- ing the S.E. end wall. Inside breadth of grave, 2 ft. 3 in. One of the niches opened immediately from the eastern side wall, and * was separated by 4 in. brick partition from the other, between which again and the western side wall was solid brickwork 7 in. thick. Height from floor to under side of roof, 1 ft. 6 in. Height from floor to surface of ground about 4 ft. 6 in. Normal roof. No coffin. Body 2. Small string of carne- lian and green glaze beads at neck. Two small caps or lids 2 in. diameter × 1 in. high, one being of ivory and the other of slate; slate tray 4 in. long; alabaster vase S 30 30 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. Pots L 38, R 46, R type of 57e, but flatter. - b 70. A typical grave of this class (pl. iii. 2). Oblong clay coffin, perforated with 4 holes at the corners an inch from the top of the coffin. Normal roof. Body 3. Pots L 38 (two), and L. 14b (pl. xiii.) in the grave outside the coffin. In one division of the recess Pots L 17a and L 38; in the other Pots L 38, L 58k (pl. xiii.) and alabaster vase S 31, as well as bones of the usual small animal. In both divisions of the recess was a deposit of several inches of charcoal dust, mixed with the light friable matter which is often found in the jars in these early graves and may have been the dregs of beer. Some grains, probably of corn, among the charcoal. p CLASS 9. b 91. Grave of the most advanced type which was found at El Amrah. A plan of it is given in pl. iv. 8 and a photograph in pl. iii. 6. It is fully described on p. 39. b 13. A smaller grave of the same class but without a staircase. Ground plan as in b 91, with double recess at S end and single recess at N.E. corner. Total interior length 9 ft. 7 in., i.e. 6 ft. 11 in. to the double recess, then 11 in. partition wall and 1 ft. 9 in. recess. Width 4 ft. 7 in. Interior length of northern recess 2 ft. 5 in. ; interior width of ditto 1 ft. 5 in. The tomb had been lately rifled, but in it were found a copper chisel (pl. x. 10) and frag- ments of stone bowls made of marble, of slate, and of alabaster respectively. 31 CHAPTER V. ACCESSORIES AND DETAILS OF TOMB CONSTRUCTION AT EL AMRAH. REED MATs. – It has been remarked in Chapter II, that the body in these early tombs is commonly wrapped first in cloth and then in the skin of an animal, which is apparently a goat. Thus enveloped, the body is laid on a reed mat, which is then folded over it, any surplus being made into neat rolls at the side. Sometimes the mat is found almost intact; but more often it has broken into innumerable pieces, which are found lying on the body, and often still adhering to the head and bones, or to the earthenware pots. The manufacture of these mats is interesting, since every fragment of evidence which bears on the arts and in- dustries of a primitive people has a distinct value. In pl. xi. 5 and 6 are given photographs illustrating the character of the fabric. The material is not straw or grass, but thin stiff reeds. make a substantial sheet, three or four feet long, and generally a little wider, not unlike the husar or grass mats which are in everyday use in The strands are connected in The stems of the reeds modern Egypt. either of two ways. which form the “warp " may be pierced, and other reeds inserted transversely through the split so as to form a “woof,” if it is permissible to apply the terminology of weaving. This may be well seen in pl. xi. 6. Or, again, several strands may be gathered up into a sheaf, which is tied with a fibrous string; the string being then carried on to include the next sheaf. This is illustrated in pl. xi. 5. The form of the knots depends on whether a single or a double These are fastened together so as to string is used. If there is only a single string then it is passed over each little sheaf, brought round underneath it and again carried over the top to catch the next (see pl. v. 4). . . . . Less commonly the reverse knot is used, starting under the sheaf and passing over, to return again underneath it. When a double string is used the tie is made by a simple criss- cross or plait (pl. xi. 5). Piercing and tying may be used simultaneously in different parts of the same piece, as appears from Tomb b 144 (see below). - The reed mat is especially characteristic of the pre-dynastic graves, and naturally tends to disappear when the coffin is employed. Still it is found in place of the coffin, and even used with it, in some of the proto-dynastic burials (cf. p. 27). The kind of reed used in these later graves seems to be identical with that found in the earlier; but it sometimes looks more like the natural product. It seemed as if in the earlier graves the reeds might have been deliberately crushed or beaten so as to separate the fibres, but this cannot be affirmed with certainty. - TRAYS MADE OF Twigs or STICKS.–Closely connected with the use of the reed mat is that of the tray or bier of sticks. The manufacture of these is very similar in principle to that of the mats, but twigs are used in place of reeds. A typical example is one which is drawn in pl. iv. 2; though in that case the placing of the body underneath instead of on the top of the twig lattice-work is peculiar. Ordinarily the body is actually laid upon the twig tray, 32 - EL AMRAH AND AIBYDOS. which was found comparatively complete in several instances. - In a 74, which was a child's grave, the tray was from 2 ft. to 2 ft. 6 in. long, and made of sticks of about the thickness of an ordinary pencil. At the head end, across the width of the tray, was a piece of wood about 2 ft. long and 3 in. wide; while another piece, 2 in. wide, ran up the middle perpendicular to it. Frag- ments of similar dimensions found a little higher up in the grave suggested that at the feet there had been a stout cross-piece corresponding to that which was found in position at the head. There were also fragments of wood, round in section, and about 2 in. in diameter, which, as they were much stouter than the other sticks were probably attached transversely so as to support them. The whole construction would thus have resembled a stretcher of thin twigs, with substantial pieces for supports or for handles. The reed mat which enveloped the body was tied over the cross-piece at the head end of the grave. - Similar to this was the use in a proto-dynastic grave (b. 57) of a tray composed of two layers of twigs about 3 inch in diameter on which the reed mat was laid and tied down at intervals. No supporting pieces were found here. In yet another case the sticks seem to have been used rather to strengthen the reed mat than to form an independent construction; they were en- closed between two layers of mat, the whole being 2% in. thick in section. A peculiar and elaborate arrangement was that which has been referred to as occurring in tomb b 144. Here there were several layers of twig-work; the uppermost is shown in pl. xi. 1, a lower one in pl. iv. 2. The body, which (judging from the humerus, as skull and pelvis Were broken) was that of a man, lay on the floor of the tomb beneath a complex disposition of various fabrics, consisting of no less than five layers:–(a) At the top were rows of sticks lying S. and N., i.e. longitudinally to the grave, crossed at wider intervals by rows of similar sticks running W. and E. They were lashed together with vegetable fibre, the ends of which were bound round the post which appears in the photograph (cf. plan, pl. iv. 2, the post nearest to the hands). There was a piece of wood a little further towards the foot end, which almost certainly represented another post (drawn in plan; not in the photo). No posts were found on the west side corresponding to this pair on the east, but, of course, they might have perished. The total length of this top layer was 2 ft. 6 in., the total breadth 2 ft. 2 in. (3) Under this twig lattice, and attached to it, were two thicknesses of mat, lying transversely to one another. (y) The third stratum was another course of twigs, the longitudinal rows being above the others, but the diameter of the twigs identical in each. This stage is depicted in pl. iv. 2; it differed from the topmost layer (a) in having the transverse rows much closer together. (6) Next came two thicknesses of reed mat lying transversely to one another. (e) Immediately under the reed mat was a covering of leather laid all over the body in several thicknesses, and tied in places with string. Below this, which corresponds to the normal wrapping of leather or skin, was the body, wrapped in cloth. In pl. xi. 4 are shown specimens of the twig- work, the mat, and the leather from this grave. FENCING AND PARTITIONS of WooDwork.- The wattle fence sometimes used to close the rock-recess graves of Class 3 is very similar in character to the twig-constructions which have just been described. The most perfect example of it occurred in the grave b 135 (see pl. iv.). The uprights were sticks, from an inch to two inches in diameter and 12 inches high. The cross-pieces were of the same kind but a little thinner. The reed-mat, which was very perfect in parts, was made of strands tied together in the manner which has been described, the intervals between the tyings being about two DETAILS OF TOMB CONSTRUCTION. * 33 inches. It covered the body and was laid against and partly over the wattle partition. In b 186 the uprights were placed closer together, and only two cross-pieces were found in place. The cross-pieces in this case were a little thicker than the uprights and were 5 in. to 6 in. apart. In b 204 was a peculiar arrangement of wood and planks, which seems to be due to the same idea of protecting the body against rubbish falling in (cf. grave b 221, p. 8). It could not be called a coffin, though perhaps it may be regarded as a stage in the transition towards the use of a coffin. The grave was of Class 2, a plain pit 6 ft. deep. Planks # inch thick and 5 feet long were set up vertically from the floor of the grave on each of the long sides, to a height of 20 inches from the floor. On the inside of these planks were wooden uprights 13 in. to 2 in. thick, of which four were still in place on one side, while the casts of two others could be seen. The intervals between these varied from 5 in. to 8 in. The planks, which were between the uprights and the side of the grave, had evidently been leaned back against them and formed a barrier. On some of the uprights there remained pieces of cord, which had probably been used for fastening down the reed mat that went right across the grave. The mat passed under some and over others of the pots standing between the planks and the walls of the grave. - WooDEN LINING of BRICK GRAVEs.—The pre- dynastic graves were never lined with planks; the wooden construction described in the last paragraph was certainly not a lining tô the sides. In the proto-dynastic graves, on the other hand, it was sometimes a real difficulty to distinguish between a wooden coffin fitting closely to the sides of a small grave, and an actual lining to the walls. In such a case as b 142 (pl. iii. 4), there could be no doubt that the planks formed a coffin, as there was a clear gap all round between them and the sides. There were two instances, however, in which the woodwork seemed to have been designedly made for the walls. These were b 33 and b 50; the former of which is shown in pl. ii. 5, where the planks resting against the left wall can clearly be detected in the picture. • - The interior length of b 33 was 4 ft. 2 in. and the breadth 2 ft. 9 in., including the thickness of the wood, which was # inch. The planks of which the lining was formed were 3% inches wide, and were laid horizontally, not vertically. The side planks, at any rate, were bolted together with wooden dowels 14 inch wide. (For specimens of such planks, showing the dowel-holes, see pl. xi. 8). Almost precisely similar in character was b 50, 8 ft. 5 in. long by 2 ft. 9 in. broad on the inside, including the planking. In this tomb, however, there were four vertical posts placed against the eastern long wall and separating it from the woodwork. They were unbarked boughs, vary- ing from 1 inch to 3 inches in diameter, and standing at intervals which varied from 2% inches to 4 inches. It is very likely that similar up- rights had originally been placed along the whole length of the wall; but the woodwork had broken away too much to allow of this being determined. They would seem to have been intended for supports to which the planks might be fastened. In this instance, as in the last, the planks were laid horizontally; their width was 3 in. to 4% in., and those which formed part of the floor had a rim about 1 inch high where they met the side walls. It was impossible to tell from the appearance of wood so old as this whether it had been cut with a flint or with a copper implement. Copper was of course well-known by this time (see Catalogue of Tombs, passim), but probably flint would have been more useful for the purpose. g • For the practice of lining brick tombs with wood, cf. Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty, pp. 9, 15 (Petrie, 1900). - D 34 . EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. . WooDEN Roofs. – The normal method of roofing the proto-dynastic brick graves has been already described. In Tomb b 177 the rough unbarked boughs were actually in position across the grave when it was opened (see pl. ii. 4). More frequently they had broken or caved in, leaving only fragments of wood above the aperture; though the ends of the boughs could always be seen at the sides of the grave. The boughs or boles varied in number and in size according to the requirements of the space to be roofed. They averaged 3 in. to 4 in. in diameter, and were laid across the width, not the length, of the tomb. On them was placed a layer of reeds of the same kind as those used for manufacturing the reed mats. The whole was completed with a stratum of several inches of mud beaten down hard. . In pl. xi. 7 can be seen fragments taken from one of these roofs. On the right of the picture are sections of the unbarked boughs, one of them with the reed work adhering to its upper side; on the left are pieces of the hard mud, with the reed-work firmly imbedded in it. . The roofing of the large unbricked tombs of the pre-dynastic period, described as Class 2b (p. 8), is exactly similar. - - BRICK Roofs.-The brick graves were com- monly roofed with wood and mud as described in the last paragraph. Sometimes, however, they were roofed with bricks. The builder, who was ignorant of the principle of the arch, had then to devise some method of supporting the weight. In very small graves this was done by merely piling up other bricks from the floor; but so clumsy an expedient was not satisfactory, and could not generally be used when it was necessary to span an aperture of some width. It was a very natural idea under these circum- stances to adopt the cantilever principle, and this was done in two instances. The grave b 137 (cf. p. 28) affords an admirable example of the process. The top of the roof was only just below the surface of the ground. The hard gravel and sand were first cleared from all round the structure right down to its base; so that it could be observed in detail before being partially destroyed for the sake of its contents. In this condition it is shown in pl. iii. 5. It can be seen that the tomb is very irregu- larly built on the outside. On the south wall (front in picture) the bricks projected in places some 5 in. Out of the average vertical plane, and on the north side others projected 12 in. Thus whereas the greatest outside length was 8 ft. 2 in., the least length was 17 in. less. Similarly, on the west side, the wall was strengthened with stepped courses of bricks projecting about 14 in. beyond the average plane, and on the east side there were irregular extra courses projecting 10 in. Excluding these variations the average outside width was 4 ft. 8 in. It is evident that the symmetry of the exterior was a matter of very small interest to the builder, whose intention was only to bed the brick building firmly into the natural rock and sand around it. - Considerable care had, however, been ex- pended on the interior. The interior dimen- sions being 5 ft. 4} in. by 3 ft. 4 in., it was necessary, taking the smallest width, to span a space of 3 ft. 4 in. Accordingly, at 2 ft. 7 in. from the floor, began the process of bringing the walls to approach one another so as to form the roof. This was done by letting each suc- cessive course overlap that beneath it by a few inches (viz. half the length of a “header”). After six courses constructed in this way, the side walls had been brought to meet one another at a height of 8 ft. 8 in. from the floor. The side walls being the first to be completed, their roofing courses occupied 2 ft. 2; in. of the length of the tomb. The end walls were then brought in to meet the partially completed roof, and spanned the remaining space of 1 ft. 7 in, at each end with only five overlapping courses. When the roof had thus been completed, a covering of several inches of mud was beaten down on to it. DETAILS OF TOMB CONSTRUCTION. 35 WALLs of THE BRICK ToMBs.—The walls of the brick tombs were never very substantial. Sometimes they were only one “stretcher” thick, i.e. about 6 in. including the mortar. Sometimes they were double this thickness, and in that case the bond was usually three courses of “stretchers,” followed by one of “headers.” Bricks average from 9 in. by 4% in. by 2% in. to 10 in. by 5 in. by 3 in. The walls were plastered with mortar on the inside. NATURE of THE BRICK ToMBs As BUILDINGs. —If it is asked whether these tombs of Classes 6–9 are to be regarded, properly speaking, as structures, the answer must be that their character is essentially transitional. The build- ing, being always beneath the surface of the ground, is not at first regarded as independent. i3 The same care is not shown as would be if the intention were to make a free-standing mastaba. The building in the simpler tombs is weak, and even when more elaborated it may be quite irregular on the exterior. Nevertheless, with increasing complexity in design, more attention is given to the details of brick-laying, and the building comes to be regarded more as an end in itself. The man who made such a tomb as b 91 had evidently advanced to the stage at which his thoughts were directed more to the construction of an underground edifice than to the mere lining of an oblong space with brickwork. Here, then, it is possible to observe the genesis of the conception which was to find its later fulfilment in the mastaba. º, - 36 EL AMR AEI AND ABYDOS. CEIAPTEER VI. REMARKs ON SOME RICH TOMBS AT EL AMRAH. ONE or two of the tombs which have been epitomized in the Catalogue require a more detailed notice, being of peculiar interest from the nature of their contents. a 23 was an exceptionally rich tomb for the very early period (S.D. not later than 40) at which it occurred. In pl. v. 1 is shown a sketch of it when opened, for which I am indebted to the kindness of Mrs. A. A. Quibell. In con- struction it was a plain oval grave, of Class 2a. The man who was buried in it was lying on his right side wrapped in a reed mat, and close beside his right hand was the clay staff painted with red stripes which is figured in pl. xii. 1. The head of this staff was also of painted clay; and from the pattern it seems likely that similar objects in stone found at Naqada and described in the account of those excavations as spinning tops were really model maces (see Naqada and Ballas, p. 85, and ibid., pl. vii. 8–7). Between this and the outside of the grave lay the leg bones of a small animal. Similar bones, which frequently occur in these tombs, were identified by an anatomist as being those of a goat, not of a gazelle ; the horned head of the same animal is often found. Next to the handle of the staff was a clay platter, to which were affixed three clay models of cows, while a fourth had broken off and was found in the rubbish (pl. ix. 1). This was the first instance at El Amrah of the occurrence of such clay animals, though a considerable number were brought to light from the graves subse- quently opened. * * - At the foot end of the grave was a fine specimen of the red pottery ornamented with patterns in white; the designs were both on the outside and on the inside, which is unusual (pl. xv. 10). By the left shoulder was a small block of wood 5 inclies long, and on the right side of the head was a piece of leather the use of which could not be determined. Close by the head was an oblong box of red pottery. Several similar boxes were found in subsequent graves, the most remarkable being one which was covered with charcoal drawings (pl. xii. 10–13); they were generally furnished with lids fitting on to an inside rim, and in no instance contained anything. The drawing shows two black-topped red pots, a small one at the head and a large one half way down the grave; another was in position behind the large pot, and a fourth was in frag- ments. a 88 was a grave of Class 3, interesting for the remarkable outfit of small objects of personal use placed with the woman who was buried in it. These are shown in pl. vii. 2, arranged in exactly the relative positions which they occupied in the grave. The woman was lying on her right side, her two arms were sharply bent and the hands brought up almost to the face. The two slate objects at the top of the picture were just in front of the lower jaw; the ivories, limestone pegs, and ivory tags which follow lay just above the left hand, and along the left arm almost to the elbow. It is very difficult to suggest any explanation of the meaning of this outfit. Possibly it formed the complete paraphermalia of a witch-doctor. SOME RICEI TOMBS AT EL AMRAH. - 37 Individually all the articles belonging to it are well known and frequently occur in other graves, but the combination seen in the present case is quite peculiar (s. D. 36–39). & a 96 is drawn in pl. v. 6 with all the objects in position as they were found. The contents, with the exception of the pottery, are shown in pl. vii. 1, and an inventory of the whole is given in the Catalogue of Tombs (p. 19). This, which was the richest grave which we found in the whole season, had escaped previous diggers by a singular piece of good fortune. In some one of the recent excavations or plunderings, referred to in the first chapter, the next grave had been opened and the workers had actually been within two or three inches of this. It was indeed doubtful whether the missing tibia had not been inadvertently pulled in to the neigh- bouring grave, although it had not revealed the proximity of the burial to which it really belonged. The interment was one of the unusual kind in which the body was dismembered before burial. The position of the bones is shown in the draw- ing. That they had not been seriously disturbed was proved by the fact that they were still covered with the ſleecy skin of an animal (sheep?) which had been laid over them. Further, it was evident that the objects were all in their original position. The man who was equipped with this splendid tomb-furniture must have been a great chief in his time. We can only wish that he had seen fit to notch on one of the weapons of his armoury the number of enemies whom he had killed in war. b 62 is a very important grave, the contents of which are fully illustrated on pl. viii. and inventoried in the Catalogue of Tombs (p. 20). It was an oval-oblong in shape, of the Class which has been described as 2a, measuring 6 ft. x 4 to 5 ft. and 6 ft. deep, oriented N.W. and S.E. The grave had been partially plundered at a date contemporaneous with the interment, so that a certain number of the objects belonging to it were found in the filling at various depths. The following, however, lay on the floor of the tomb, clearly at their original level, and almost if not quite in their original relative positions — * (a) On the west side of the grave th skeleton of a woman, the bones of which were disarranged, but not so much as to leave any doubt that it had been buried in the usual contracted position. The head was on the north, a haunch-bone south of it at the natural distance; other bones were heaped between the haunch-bone and the head. The lower jaw was in place, but turned upside down; a displaced tibia was lying in front of the face. g (8) North of the skull and within an inch or two of it was the slate shown in pl. viii. 2; an inch or two north of this again was the slate shown in pl. viii. 3 (bottom), and a little east of this, almost in the N.E. corner of the grave lay the slates figured in pl. viii. 1 (top and bottom), the smaller one being on the top of the other. By the side of these last were the two miniature red pots shown in pl. viii. 4 (centre and left centre). - . . . . - (y) Ranged round the east side of the grave from north to south was the pottery shown in pl. viii. The pots R 24 and D 67c were on the other side of the grave with the body itself. (3) On the south side of the grave, a little east of where the feet would have lain, was the head of a small horned animal. . . . (e) In the S.W. corner of the grave was the breccia vase shown in pl. viii. 4 (bottom right). The slate figured in pl. viii. 2 is without question one of the most important objects found at El Amrah. It is 11% inches long, of a type well known in the pre-dynastic period (cf. Naqada and Ballas, pl. xlix. 65), and dated to the middle stages of that period (see Diospolis Parva, pl. iii.) Its peculiar interest consists in the fact that it bears in well cut relief the . compound sign which appears in the illustration. The exact significance of this carving is a 38 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. matter still subjudice. At the moment that I | found the slate I considered that the sign in relief was of genuinely hieroglyphic character, and proposed to read it as 8-r, which is the ordinary word for “prince” in the Egyptian language. A celebrated Egyptologist, to whom a drawing of it was shown, immediately and independently suggested the same reading; and, after having seen the original, he still maintains his opinion. In that case the slate in question would supply the earliest example hitherto known of the use of true hieroglyphs. The pottery dates the tomb to within the limits S.D. 58–63; and the stone vases, which considered independently would allow it to range between 60–68, fix the point, when they are taken in combination with the pottery, to S.D. 60–63. As the Ist Dynasty appears at some point between S.D. 70- and s.D. 80, Menes being probably about halfway between these two figures, it is evident that this inscribed slate belongs to a stage appreciably before Menes. But this interpretation of the sign is not generally accepted. It was at once questioned | by Prof. Petrie, who considers that the slate exhibits nothing more than an emblem such as may be seen on the standards of the pre-historic ships (see Naqada and Ballas, pl. lxvi., &c.). Mr. Griffith, too, considers that the sign is not composed of true hieroglyphs, and suggests that the nearest resemblance to it is to be found in the early forms of the emblem of the God Min (cf. Koptos, pl. iii., Petrie, 1896). Under these circumstances it seems best to qualify the con- tention that the slate constitutes the first example of the use of the historical hieroglyphs, and to describe it less definitely as bearing a sign analogous to the emblem of the god Min. Even so it is an object of unique interest, for it is the earliest instance of a slate which is ornamented with a carving as distinguished from a mere roughly incised drawing, and so it is in a sense the ancestor of the famous proto- dynastic palettes. . . . The contents of this grave are valuable from another point of view, as bearing on the applica- tion of the “sequence-datings.” The system expressed by these datings (cf. p. 6) has been used throughout this account, and has proved to work out perfectly harmoniously with the exception of only one particular. The exception | is that the slates which represent animals and fishes do not seem to admit of such precise delimitation as the author of Diospolis Parva suggests. The general development of the non- zoomorphic forms, beginning with the rhomb and ending with bordered oblongs, is unquestionable, but the same confidence cannot be reposed in the succession of the zoomorphic slates. This , seems, in fact, to be an instance of the facility with which careless workmanship may be mis- taken for degeneration of type. Several of the tombs at El Amrah tended to show that there was no distinguishable difference in period between well-formed and ill-formed fish-palettes or bird-palettes, and such a view is confirmed by the contents of b 62. * The slate which bears the emblem is of a well-defined form, placed in Diospolis Parva (pl. iii.) between the limits S.D. 58 and S.D. 60. The pottery and stone vases, as was remarked above, put the tomb between the limits s.D. 60 –63, so that the latest period assigned to this slate agrees perfectly with that of the other dating objects. The slate of pl. viii. 3 (bottom) is not precisely matched by any of the examples shown in Diospolis Pan'va (pl. iii.), so that too much stress must not be laid upon it, but certainly the nearest equivalent to it is to be found in the double-bird palette put down at S.D. 40–346. Of the other slates which appear in pl. viii. the bird at the bottom of 1 should occur according to the sequence-date given to it mid- way between S.D. 40 and S.D. 50, while the tortoise figured just above it is assigned to between s.1). 43 and S.D. 49. But these alloca- tions are quite inconsistent with the dating assigned to the tomb on the evidence of the SOME RICH TOMBS AT EI, AMRAH. 39 pottery and stone vases; and taken by them- selves the slates in question would place the tomb at far too early a stage in the period. It is probable then that good and bad zoomorphs are contemporary with one another, and have the same range in time. It may, of course, be argued that the examples hero cited wore heir- looms which had been kept and handed down for many generations. But, on the one hand, it seems unreasonable to suppose that the woman who was buried with so rich an equipment would not have been provided with a new set of these easily-manufactured accessories of the toilet. And, on the other hand, for how long a time can it be supposed that heirlooms of so fragile a character would be preserved P. The tortoise-palette and the bird-palette are, accord- ing to the sequence-dating, at least 11 or 12 units earlier than the rest of the tomb. If such units are each equivalent to about one genera- tion, as has sometimes been suggested, it would be necessary to believe that these fragile articles had been treasured up undamaged for over 300 years before they were buried This reflection suggests the problem,-What was the length of the pre-dynastic period —which will be discussed in Chapter X. Before leaving this subject one more remark will not be out of place. There is nothing in these pages to encourage those who profess to disbelieve in the principle of sequence-dating. The Catalogue of Tombs from El Amrah amply vindicates the soundness of the general system, and the above paragraph is designed only to eliminate a trifling error in a single small department of the whole. - . b 91 was the largest tomb on the site, sunk 5 ft. below the ground and roofed with boughs and mud. Its plan is given in pl. iv. 8, and a photograph of it is shown in pl. iii. 6. Typo- logically it is the latest development of the proto-dynastic brick tomb which occurred at El Amrah, and is dated by its form as well as by its contents to the middle of the Ist Dynasty, or perhaps to the beginning of the IInd Dynasty. Unfortunately it had been completely plundered within the last few years, though it repaid opening, as from it came the half of an inscribed steatite cylinder, the inscription from which is reproduced (from an impression) in pl. vi. The modern plunderers had done their work so carelessly that they had failed to discover the staircase 23 ft. 6 in. long, which gave entrance on the western side. The con- tents of the tomb, however, had been removed, with the exception of the half, cylinder of steatite referred to, a wooden cylinder (inscribed, but in too bad a condition to reproduce), and some pots and broken stone vases. The three stone vases which were perfect enough to be drawn are shown in pl. xvi. 3, 7, 8; fragments of others showed that there had been an alabaster of type S 1, a small breccia bowl, a shallow alabaster bowl, a deep striped alabaster bowl with recurved rim, two slate bowls (one with a strongly recurved rim and one without), and a limestone vase, the shape of which could not be judged. The pots, all of which were broken, were L 17, L 38 (several), L 53h, and the type given in Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty, pl. xxxix. 1. Pieces of ivory (from a box P) and a fragment of copper were also found. In the recess at the N.E. corner were the bones of a cow. . The dimensions of the tomb, which was 19 ft. long × 7 ft. 6 in. wide, and 5 ft. deep, as well as its elaborate construction, show that it must have belonged to a person of importance, but the history of it is of course lost, unless the inscription on the cylinder should eventually supply a clue. 40 º - EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. CEHABTER VII. OBJECTS OF NEW KINDS FOUND AT EL AMRAH. THE Ivory-HANDLED DAGGER, figured in pl. vi., is a unique and very interesting weapon, which was found in the plundered grave b 230 (see p. 23). It had been broken in two, and the upper half of the copper blade was encrusted on to the ivory hilt, as it is shown in the photo- graphs. The length of the blade is 0.13 metre, the broken part of the blade is 0°128 metre long, and the whole blade would be about 0.175 metre long. The triangular butt is inserted to a depth of about 0.047 metro into the haft, and is secured close to its end with a single rivet. This weapon is now in the Cairo Museum (Journal, No. 35,158), and may be compared for style and technique with a gold- handled flint dagger lately acquired by the Museum, which is shaped like the flint lances in pl. vii. 1. Almost identical with the example shown in pl. vi. is— * THE CoPPER DAGGER witHouT HANDLE, figured in pl. x. 5. This came from the plun- dered grave a 131 (see p. 20). The blade is 0.15 metre long, with triangular butt like the other. The same rivet-hole may be noticed close to the end, and the semi-circular mark left by the ivory claws of the hilt is plainly per- ceptible even in the photograph. These two daggers are of more primitive type than the one which was found at Naqada and is now in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford (see Naqada and Ballas, pl. lxv. 3); which has a longer and more slender blade, a more rounded butt and two rivet-holes for the attachment. The unhilted dagger from El Amrah (cf. De Morgan, . Recherches, 1896, p. 201) is of very simple form, and may be almost exactly matched from Cyprus (see Cyprus Mus. Cat., pl. iii. 505); the midrib of earlier flint work is represented by the strong ridge running down the centre of the blade, and the whole is simply a reproduc- tion in metal of such flint weapons as are figured in Naqada and Ballas (cf. especially Naqada and Ballas, pl. lxxii. 51). CoPPER KNIFE. — The exact purpose for which another copper implement, figured in pl. xii. 9, was used is doubtful. I’ossibly, as has been suggested, it may have been a flaying- knife for skinning deer and other animals. It came from the proto-dynastic grave b 80 (see p. 27), and was hafted into a cloven piece of bone, which was apparently the unworked fore- leg of a small animal. It was lying in front of the face (i.e. just above the hands) of the person with whom it was buried, and was covered with cloth, which might, however, have adhered to it from the wrappings of the body. CoPPER CHISEL.-The chisel from grave b 18 shown in pl. x. 10 is of very primitive and simple type, a plain bar bent with use in levering. A BRECCIA CELT (pl. vii. 1, top left) is unique. It came from the fine grave a 96 (see pp. 19, 87). Ground celts of any kind are extremely rare in Egypt. Only a single example was found at Naqada (Naqada and Ballas, p. 28 and pl. lxxii. 59), where hundreds of graves were | opened. Occasionally specimens come into the hands of dealers through native plundering, and it is very likely that work of this character was almost confined to certain districts not yet NEW OBJECTS FROM EL AMRAH. - 41 identified. For illustrations and remarks on the subject, see De Morgan (Recherches, 1896, pp. 98, 99). The shaping of this axe and the two perforations for hafting at the butt are quite peculiar. It is certainly a much more highly elaborated instrument than the plain copper axe found at Abadiyeh (Diospolis Parva, pl. vii.). * MoDEL AXE of Ivory.— From grave b 63, in which it was buried with the body of a woman, came the curious model axe of ivory figured in pl. xii. 8. It could hardly be sup- posed that so fragile an instrument would be put to any serious use, and yet the edge is noticeably worn down. THE CLAY AND Pottery ANIMALs, to which pl. ix. is devoted, are a very interesting product of this site. In pl. ix. 1 is figured a charac- teristic group from grave a 23, consisting of four kine moulded in clay and affixed to an oval clay stand. One of the four is shown on a larger scale in pl. ix. 3. Similar groups of animals were found several times (cf. Catalogue of Tombs), and ordinarily they were rude representations of cows, though in one case they more resembled eland. Most of them were of unbaked mud, which was so friable that it was only with the greatest difficulty that they could be removed from the grave. Nearly always they were broken into several pieces by the sand and stones thrown in when the grave was originally filled; and sometimes the mud had not been allowed to harden before they were put in, so that their own weight had made them sag and break apart. After being carried down to the house they were thoroughly soaked in paraffin-wax and half-baked in the oven, which rendered them strong enough to be packed. A single ox (from grave b 184) which did not form part of a group, is shown in pl. ix. 2. A bull, cow and calf, in strong red pottery, were found in grave b 212 (pl. ix. 6, 9, 10). In pl. ix. 5 is figured one of a pair of clay animals painted with white spots, which may grave b 136). perhaps be toads, unless they are tortoises (from grave b 163). In pl. ix.4a, 4b are two repre- . sentatives of a group of six small clay animals, very roughly made, which look like pigs (from e No suggestion can be hazarded as to the identity of the creatures represented by two Inud cones painted with white spots, one of which is shown in pl. ix. 7 (from grave b 163). PoTTERY MoDEL of A BoAT.—In pl. ix. 8 is shown all that could be recovered of the model of a boat which was found in fragments in grave a 56 (cf. p. 17). The original dimensions could not be ascertained exactly; but when perfect the boat would probably have been not less than 18 inches, and might have been as much as 24 inches long. It was flat-bottomed, measured about 7 inches in the beam, and was sharp- prowed. It was made of unbaked clay and of a buff colour, with a red rim painted round the outside of the gunwale. Among its fragments was the object shown in the plate, shaped like a crescent and painted white. This was probably a rest for the mast or for steering-oars. In another grave (a 15) were found three very rough little clay models of boats about three inches long. . Pottery DoILs.-Both male and female dolls were found. In pl. ix. 11 are given the two finest examples, both of which were found in a 56. They are made of a red pottery with curly black hair moulded in clay, and they wear the peculiar covering, of which Von Luschan has discussed the ethnological signifi- cance in Globus (April 4th, 1901). The same two characteristics may be seen in the doll which is figured in three aspects in pl. xii. 7. In this case the figure was in red paste, and the lines depicting the dress were not moulded in the outline itself, but were painted on in black. The other lines of the painting, which are laid on in black on a white ground, seem to signify some accessory of dress. The short curly hair and the “sheath” are two of the essential characteristics of the figures represented on the 42 • EL AMRAH AND ABYDos. proto-dynastic slates (figured in Proc. Soc, Bibl. Arch., May–June, 1900), and this fact tells distinctly in favour of the view that the latter are portraits of natives and not of foreigners. THE MODEL or A House, shown in pl.x. 1 and 2, gives us the first definite idea of the domestic life of these prehistoric Egyptians. It was found in the grave a 4 (see p. 22), which is between S.D. 44 and s. d. 64, that is to say it belongs to the definitely pre-dynastic period. It obviously represents a fairly substantial building, appropriate to people who, as their culture testifies, had risen to a grade far above savagery. The door and the windows seem to have been made of logs and beams of wood. The form of the house itself, which slopes back from the base and is recurved at the top, suggests that it was built of wattle and mud. No roof was found belonging to it, but, if it is permissible to judge from the analogy of the graves, it is likely that it was covered over with boughs on which were put layers of twigs and beaten mud. Some idea of the dimensions of the dwelling may be obtained from the size of the doorway. The lower beam of the door is 4 in. from the ground, so that the original house might perhaps have been 25 ft. long by 18 ft. wide. ... . BASKETs were found in many of the pre- dynastic graves. Nearly spherical baskets, averaging about three inches in diameter (pl. xi. 2), were used to contain malachite, and were closed with small lids (pl. xi. 2, bottom left). They were spirally coiled, and on some of them could be seen traces of a sort of step pattern, such as appears on modern Soudanese basketwork. - . Oval basketwork platters, such as that of which fragments are shown in pl. xi. 3, were used to stand pots upon ; just as we nowadays put mats under our plates and dishes. Box witH CHARCOAL DRawings, – In pl. xii. 10–13 are shown four curious drawings, which were made in charcoal on the sides and ends of a red pottery box, 9 in. long by 6 in. broad. This box was found in grave a 41 (p. 16), which is dated by its contents to between S.D. 36 and S.D. 41. The first repre- sentation (xii. 10) is that of a hippopotamus. Next (xii. 11) is a boat with a crocodile under- neath it. The third (xii. 12) is an unknown object. Lastly (xii. 13) there is a picture of six long-necked animals (probably giraffes) walking in line towards the right of the picture; their bodies, which are drawn diagrammatically, resemble palings. Below them is a row of black triangles, perhaps typifying the desert. REMARKABLE SPECIMENS OF POTTERY. — The pot numbered as D 46 in pl. xiv. is an extra- ordinarily fine specimen of the “decorated" class. Not only does it, exhibit such compara- tively familiar patterns as the boat, the ostriches, the water-plant, and the lattice borrowed from wicker-work, but it also shows human figures in action. Figures are very rarely represented on the pottery (though one is diagrammatically treated in D 50b, which is next to D 46 in pl. xiv.). In the present case the persons depicted seem to be dancing and playing the castanets. ... • In addition to the usual horizontally-pierced holes for suspension, this pot has finely-made wavy handles. - . . Wa and WB in the same plate are interesting. Both have been treated with colour, WB being splashed over with red in imitation of the markings on stone; while Wa has merely two or three vertical red streaks running down the front, and the slightest hint of a lattice pattern, which was begun at the base but immediately discontinued. Wa is a ledge-handled rather than a wavy-handled pot, there is no undulation in the simple sporgenza which appears on each side. This makes it a distinctly peculiar pot, and suggests that it is typologically the ancestor of the ordinary wavy-handled examples. Pot- tery found on the neolithic site of El Argeh in NEW OBJECTS FROM EL AMRAEI. 43 centre. Spain has similar ledge-handles. An example from the Sirets' excavations is in the Ashmolean at Oxford. - F 1 and F 2 in pl. xiv. resemble one another to some extent. Both are made of black clay and are fluted, F 1 horizontally, F 2 vertically. They are fantastic pots, the shapes of which are imitated from the “decorated” types. F 99 is one of four broken pots which were found among the rubbish outside some of the graves of Cemetery a, which had been opened in recent years. From the part of the ground in which they occurred they are almost certainly of pre-dynastic date, but the type is quite new as such ; they have perforated circular lids, and bear pot-marks. • * In the plate of white ornamented red pottery (pl. xv.) two specimens should especially be noticed, viz. no. 16 and no. 17. The first of these has two quite peculiar features: firstly, it is decorated with triangles filled with white spots; and secondly, it has a spiral in the The triangles with white spots suggest a close typological relation with the well-known “black incised ” ware (see e.g. Naqada and Ballas, pl. xxx.); while the spiral, otherwise unknown until the appearance of the “decorated” ware, appears here on a pot of the class which disappears about s.0. 84. It is possible, more- over, in the treatment of the triangular pattern, to trace a resemblance between the style of this pot and that of the so-called “Aegean” ware of the Ist Dynasty (see Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties, II, pl. liv., Petrie, 1901). No. 17 in pl. xv. shows antelopes or similar animals caught in nooses pegged out on the ground. . . . • & At the side of pl. v. 7 is shown a specimen of the “black incised ” ware above mentioned. It is the only piece which was found on the site, a fact which sufficiently attests its valuable character as a foreign product. To the list of places where it occurs, mentioned in Naqada and Ballas, viz. Spain, Bosnia, and Hissarlik, may now be added Crete (Knossos) and Sardinia. Fine specimens from a cave in the latter island may be seen in the Museo Kircheriano at Rome. Cf. Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. xxi., p. 96; Bulletino di Palentologia Italiana, anno xxiv. 1898, tav. xviii.; Monumenti Antichi, vol. xi., etc. 44 & EL AMRAH AND ARY DOS. 'CEIAPTER VIII. GENERAL CLASSES OF OBJECTS FOUND AT EL AMRAH. THE existence of a purely Neolithic period is not attested by any finds from Egyptian cemeteries. Even at the very beginning of the period represented by the pre-dynastic tombs, copper was known and used (cf. inf). Flint implements, however, were not superseded by the rare metal imported from Cyprus or Sinai, and to what unique perfection the Egyptians of this time had attained in their manufacture is shown by the technique of the wonderful flint knives and bangles found at Naqada, Hou, and elsewhere. In respect of the alternative use of copper and of flint, the culture of these pre- dynastic Egyptians was analogous to that for which Italian archaeologists have invented the term epoca eneolitica. As a barbarous compound of derivatives from two different languages, the term Eneolithic does not recommend itself; while its assonance with the word Neolithic is apt to be misleading. It is certainly pre- ferable to write, as English authors have recently done in another connection, of a Chalcolithic period, meaning by this a time in which copper or bronze (as the case may be) is used in conjunction with flint. It may be said that according to this terminology the ancient Egyptians must be described as having lived in a Chalcolithic age from the beginning to the end of their history; but that need not constitute an objection to the momenclature, which is convenient as well as accurate. The Chalcolithic age then begins with our first knowledge of the people who buried their dead in such tombs as have been described in this and the similar preceding memoirs (Naqada and Ballas, and Diospolis Parva). Flint is the predominating material for the manufacture of implements; and roughly worked specimens occur in many graves, while in a few of the richer may be found such fine examples as are shown in pl. viii. and pl. xii. Of such highly finished lances and knives little need here be said; their workmanship has been fully described by Mr. Spurrell in Naqada and Ballas. But ulterior questions of great interest are involved in the dating of the roughly- worked implements. Accordingly, we devoted especial care to collecting the latter, and to differentiating carefully between such as were found on the ground-level, where they were evidently placed with intention beside the body, and such as occurred higher up in the filling of the grave. All the specimens shown in pl. vi. and those in pl. vii. 4 and 6 were found in position beside the body. Those in pl. xviii., on the other hand, were found at various depths in the filling; while in pl. xix. are figured other roughly-worked flints collected from the desert surface. Mr. H. Balfour, who has examined the entire series, kindly contributes the following note upon them :— WoRKED FLINTs.-‘‘The flint implements “collected at El Amrah have been conveniently “separated into three main groups, denoting the “positions in which they were found, in order “to distinguish those which were intentionally “placed in the graves, as an accompaniment to “the interment, from those whose association “with the graves is merely accidental. The “first group consists of those implements which “were found on the grave bottoms, and which “have evidently been carefully deposited in ORIDINARY OBJECTS AT EL AMRAH. 45 “this position; the second group contains those “implements and artificial flakes of flint which “were found amongst the mass of material “forming the filling-in of the graves. These “have evidently been dug in unintentionally, “and their presence in the grave-hollows can “only be regarded as accidental, having no “purposeful connection with the interment. “They were probably derived from the soil and “top surface in the vicinity of the graves. The “third group comprises the worked flints which “were found lying about on the surface in the “vicinity of the burial ground. “To take the First Group first. The very “remarkable flint knives, lance-heads and other “implements of high-class workmanship, associ- “ated with the pre-dynastic burials, need hardly “be referred to here, as they have been treated “of at length elsewhere. That they represent “the highest phase in the art of working flint “reached by man in any period or region “cannot be doubted. Fig. 11 in pl. x. shows “some examples in which the exquisite parallel “‘ripple'-flaking, which specially characterizes “the flint-working of this people, constitutes a “triumph of manipulative skill, the flaked “hollows running from the one edge meeting “those from the other in a mid-rib, as it were, “along the centre of the blade-surface. “shows a blade (from cemetery b, grave 27) of “very fine finish, unfortunately broken across. “It is formed from a fine long flake, slightly “curved, triangular in section, carefully trimmed “along the edges, worked to a point at one end “and a rounded butt at the other. The surfaces “are very well flaked towards the base on the “angular surface, and all over the flat surface, “in parallel “ripples.' Knives of this form (e.g. “one from b 43) sometimes exhibit along the “ridge a distinct zig-zag flaking, similar to the “ornamental zig-zags worked so beautifully. “upon the handles of the finer flint daggers from “Denmark, and, as in the latter, apparently “intended to produce a decorative effect. Fig. 8 “In addition to the implements of fine work- “manship, a number of rougher, in many “instances very rough, flint implements and “flakes were found in situ with the interments. “Several of these are shown on pl. vi. Nos. “11—21 are an associated group of flints from “cemetery a, grave 99. Of these, Nos. 11, 14, 18, “19 and 20 are mere flakes without secondary “chipping, though No. 20 is very much worn “along one edge, apparently from long use. “Nos. 12 and 16 are flakes chipped into form “to serve as “scrapers,” No. 16 being quite well “and regularly formed. 15 is a flake with a “serrated edge, forming a saw of a type very “prevalent among the pre-dynastic finds. 13 “and 14 are two rough nodules, the latter “doubtfully worked. 21 is a well-shaped, “pointed instrument made from a flake, one “edge being carefully flaked along. “The remaining flints shown in pl. vi. were “also found directly associated with various “interments, and are all of a somewhat rough “character, betraying no particular skill in their “manufacture. Several are simple flakes, some “of which show marks of use (e.g. 26, 27, 28, “34, 47). 32 is a pointed flake, much worn “away into hollows by use. 48 is very much “worn, quite rounded in fact, along one edge, “the other edge remaining sharp, much after “ the fashion of No. 20. “It is evident that many of the purposely “buried flints were of little value, being very “rude tools at the best, and often used-up “implements; and, unless we consider that the “furnishing of the dead with implements no . “longer of use to the living was sometimes “deliberate, and practised on the score of “economy, we may fairly assume that these “rough tools were among the actual belongings “of the occupant of the grave when alive, and “were buried with the dead as such. “Pl. xviii. is devoted to flints of the Second “Group, viz. those found amongst the mass of | “rubble, &c., used for filling in the graves, and 46 - ORDINARY OBJECTS AT EL AMRAH. “whose presence there is accidental. None of “these present any high degree of finish, the “bulk being very rough, examples of flint “working, unworked flakes and “wasters.' No. “9 is a flake-knife worked along one edge. 24 “is a fine delicate flake, well chipped into a “‘duck-bill' scraper, whose edges are still per- “fectly keen. The figure, unfortunately, does “not do it justice. 42 is a flake with semi- “circular hollow in one edge; this hollow is, “however, not artificially formed, but is an “accidental result produced in striking off the “flake from the core... 45 is a flake worked “roughly into a spear-head form with a tang. “64 looks like a similar attempt at a tanged “spear-head, but the shape is almost undoubtedly “accidental. 51 is worked to a definite point, “perhaps for boring. 53 is a saw-edged flake, “rather well made. “for special remark. “The Third Group of flints, viz. those picked “up upon the surface of the ground in the “vicinity of the graves, is illustrated in pl. xix. “These also are for the most part very rough “implements, flakes and “wasters, but in several “the working is more or less careful. No. 15 “is well worked on both sides to a good, rounded “cutting edge. Many of the larger implements | “resemble closely typical haches of the River- “drift finds in Western Europe, being distinctly “of palaeolithic type. This is especially notice- “able in the case of numbers 46, 62, 63, 64, the “last of which is a fine ovate blade of good and “regular shape of a very familiar palaeolithic “form. 63 is made from a large flake roughly “worked. 49 is a smaller ovate implement of “the fine orange-coloured flint, so characteristic “in Egypt, worked round the edges on both “faces, leaving much of the original weathered “outside surface of the nodule from which it “was made. 63 is a heavy worked block of “flint, probably unfinished. 70 is a roughly- “shaped...ovate implement, worked in large “flaking on both sides.” . . . The remainder do not call | and S.D. 61. | times. COPPER OBJECTS.—Copper is not infrequent in the pre-dynastic graves. It occurs actually at the very beginning of the whole period, viz., in grave a 58, where the association with white ornamented red pots would place it at about S.D. 34. . - If the graves are reviewed according to the grouping adopted in the Catalogue (chaps. 3, 4), the following results will appear –Before s.D. 41 copper is found three times (thin sheet, needle, rings and chain), and before S.D. 46 twice more (sheet finger-ring, pin). In the other graves before S.D. 56 it does not occur. Between S.D. 56 and S.D. 64 it appears in six graves, and now not merely in small pieces, but worked up into articles of some size (e.g. the dagger of a 131, and the anklets and bracelets of b 62 and b 210). The ivory-handled dagger of b 280 comes at some point between S.D. 48 The spoon with copper stem and silver bowl. (b 233) is between S.D. 60 and s.D. 66. In proto-dynastic times, copper was in common use (see Royal Tombs, l’art I. and Part II.), although in the comparatively poor graves of that period at El Amrah it is only found three times (anklet in b 50, flaying-knife in b 80, fragment in b 91). SLATE.-Articles made of slate were of very frequent occurrence in the pre-dynastic tombs; but in those of the proto-dynastic period this material was only used for bowls and dishes, and in two instances for a bracelet. Forty-two pre-dynastic graves in cemetery a, and forty-six in cemetery b, contained slates of one kind or another. Most usually they were the familiar palettes, which are supposed to have been used for face-paint; the green stain of the malachite was still visible on many of them, and the smooth pebbles used for grinding it were generally found in the grave. The commonest form of palette was that in the form of a fish, sometimes made admirably life-like, and some- times almost shapeless; this occurred thirty-one Almost equally frequent was the plain EL AMRAH AND AIBYDOS. 47 rhomb, which was found twenty-seven times; tortoises and birds were much rarer. Two peculiar types are shown in pl.xx., where No. 7 is an elaborate slate ornament studded with two . rows of shell beads, while No. 10 is a variant with four heads of the not uncommon double- honded bird. Besides the palettes, other slate objects were found, but much more rarely. Ornaments of the kind numbered in Naqada and Ballas (plates of slates) as 28–33 occurred four times. Small pendants shaped like double-headed birds were also found four times, and would seem to have been attached to the wrists (cf. pl. vii. 2). The use of slates in general seems to have been almost confined to the women and children. Of the eighty-eight graves in which they were found only three (a 96, a 102, b 43) belonged to men, and even in one of these (a 102) the sex is not absolutely certain. Allowing that one or two of those graves, in which the condition of the bones did not allow of determining the sex, may have belonged to men, it is clear, nevertheless, that palettes and other slates must have been regarded as essentially feminine property. s . . * * With regard to the material itself, it could be obtained near at hand, for it seems that there is a fairly extensive ridge of slate east of Esneh. PoTTERY.—The pottery found included repre- sentatives of all the eight classes which are figured and described in Naqada and Ballas and in Diospolis Parva. These are:— 1. The Black-topped Pottery (B) with the haematitic facing, which owes its peculiar appearance to the process of burying the pot mouth downwards in the ashes while it was being baked, so that the haematite was chemically reduced to black magnetic oxide (Diospolis Parva, p. 13). * , 2. The Polished Red Pottery (P), haema- titic like the last, and differing from it only in consequence of the different process observed in the burning, the air in this case not being cut off from any part of the surface. . . . . . 3. Cross-lined Pottery (C), which is also haematitic red ware, but is decorated with patterns painted in white gypsum in a style similar to that still preserved in the modern pottery of the Kabyles of Algeria. - 4. Black Incised Pottery; wholly different from any of the other classes. It is of foreign importation and very rare (cf. p. 43). º . . . 5. Wavy-handled Pottery (W). This is a drab ware characterized by ledge handles (cf. p. 42), and is similar to that which is found on pre- Jewish sites in Palestine. ' The earlier examples have strongly undulated handles; a peculiarity which is lost in the later forms, which become mere cylinders. These latest representatives of the wavy-handled pots did not occur at El Amrah. . . . 6. Decorated Pottery (D), the material of which resembles that of Class 5. The characteristic which distinguishes it is the ornamentation with designs and figures painted in a reddish colour. 7. Rough Pottery (R), including many forms of coarse pots. - 8. Late Pottery (L), which replaces the Rough Pottery in the later tombs. It is smoother faced, and in some cases exhibits forms evolved from the Rough Ware. • . Such types of pottery belonging to these | various classes as have not yet been noted from other sites are figured in our plates xiii., xiv. and xv. From the Catalogue of 48 - ORDINARY OBJECTS AT EL AMRAH. Tombs it can be seen how the potter's art has degenerated by the time of the Ist Dynasty, when only a few clumsy forms survive, which make a poor substitute for the rich répertoire of the pre-dynastic period. STONE WASEs.-Wases carved out of hard stone are among the most characteristic and beautiful objects found in these graves. Alabaster is the most common material, but basalt is frequent, especially in the earlier stages of the period; limestone, slate, breccia, and marble are also used. The characteristic types are shown in the photographs of pl. xvi., and the new kinds are given in the line-drawings of the same plate. Among the latter may be remarked No. 2, which is a marvel of fine stone-cutting, the upper part being detached and fitted to the base with the most perfect accuracy. Of the photographs No. 4 is interesting as showing the method adopted for repairing a broken vessel, by boring holes in the two pieces and then tying the edges together; while No. 9 represents a very beautiful specimen, oval in section and of unusual form. It is very noticeable how in the transition to the proto- dynastic period the graceful types of twy-eared hanging vases are replaced by heavier models without handles. - & Ivory AND BONE, especially the former, were favourite materials for the manufacture of ornaments. Hair-pins, combs, and bracelets of ivory were often worn by the women (cf. pl. vii. 4, pl. xii. 2, 3). The hair-pins were generally ornamented at the top with a lattice pattern incised in black line, and were some- times surmounted by a carving of a bird. The combs were either plain, with teeth on one or both sides, or they also were finished off in the form of a bird. The finer examples carved into the shape of deer and other animals (Naqada and Ballas, pl. lxiii.) did not occur. The bracelets were quite plain and un- ornamented. Tags, such as those that are shown in pl. vii. 2, notched and grooved near the top and incised with diagonal lines, suggestive of a leather or string whipping, were found several times—always with women. A single ornament of the type Naq. pl. lxii. 37 was found in ivory, and a pair of similar form in limestone. These may have been earrings; they lay on the throat. In several graves occurred a pair of tusks such as those shown in pl. vii. 2. One or both of these may be hollowed out, and they are perforated at the butt for suspension. They may have formed part of a sorcerer's outfit, or they may have been used in the dance like the ivory wands known in the historical periods. Two bone harpoons were found and two ivory spoons. A curious spoon with curved handle, perhaps imitated from the fore-leg of an animal, is shown in pl. vii. 5. The ivory axe of pl. xii 8. is unique. The haft of the dagger in pl. vi. is of ivory, and that of the flaying-knife in pl. xii. 9 is of natural bone. In the large proto-dynastic tomb b 91 were found fragments of ivory, which had probably formed part of a box. - It is evident that ivory was easily to be obtained in Egypt at this time; and the elephant, whether native or not, was well known to the people. Slate palettes were made in the form of the elephant (Naqada and Ballas, pp. 26, 43), and there is an admirable incised drawing of him on the palette figured in Diospolis l’arva, pl. xii. 43. Rude drawings of the animal occur on the rougher pots, and he is represented among the ensigns of the ships on the “Decorated” Pottery. BEADS (cf. Naqada and Ballas, p. 10, and Diospolis Parva, p. 27) are fairly frequent in graves of both periods. Carnelian is just twice as common as any other material used. Green or blue glaze, steatite, and calcite (quartzite 7) occur, the one as often as the other. Glazed stone, shell, and clay are rarer; haematite, limestone, amethyst, garnet, and lapis-lazuli occur. Of these last it is worth noting that OR DINARY OBJECTS AT EL AMRAH. 49 lapis-lazuli is known to be native to Egypt, but garnet is not, though it is found in Abyssinia. Of various specimens examined, a pendant was chrysoprase, a bead possibly anorthite (of the felspar group), others perhaps diopside. The occurrence of gold-covered beads in several graves is interesting; the gold is laid in the form of thin foil over a core of baked clay. Beads, which are essentially the ornaments of women and children, were very rarely found with men, and when they occurred in a man's grave they were always of the most valuable materials (cf. grave a 96). Often they were worn as necklaces or bracelets, but sometimes they were merely laid in the grave as strings, and not actually passed round the neck or the wrist. MINERALs.-Reference has already been made to the occurrence of gold, silver, and copper in these graves. A lump which was found in one of them, and provisionally classed as galena, has been identified by an expert as iron oxide. Malachite and haematite occur frequently. In one grave was found a piece of emery. SHELLs.-The shells found in the graves, generally strung into necklaces, were kindly identified by Mr. E. A. Smith, the South Kensington expert. Except for one or two which belong to the Nile mud, they are all marine varieties, and are practically all native not to the Mediterranean but to the Red Sea. Their names are as follows:— . Cypraea erosa, Linn. \ ,, moneta, Linn. . Strombus fasciatus, Born. Clanculus pharaonis, Linn. Conus ceylonensis, Hwass. Natica maroceana, Chemnitz. . Polinices mamilla, Linn. . Mamilla melanostoma, Lamk. . Nerita crassilabrum, Smith. 10. ,, polita, Linn. 11. Cerithium sp. 12. Cardium edule, Linn. 2 } } All Red Sea forms. Identification uncer- tain. Both are Medi- 13. Columbella rustica, Lamk. terranean species. 14. Cleopatra bulimoides, Olivier. . Aecheria sp. . Unioniloticus, Caillaud. 17. Conus 2 sp.? . . Mitra sp.? SKULL TYPEs—At the foot of pl. xix. are inserted the vault and the full-face views of two male skulls, both of the pre-dynastic period. These are intended to show the strong contrasts of racial types which may occur even so early. The skull numbered b 1066 is a typical pre- dynastic, though an extreme example; it has a cephalic index of 631 and a height index of 713. That which is numbered as b 211 is an exceptional specimen, with a cephalic index of 785 and a height index of 675. The discussion } Nilotic forms. } Probably Red Sea. of these, as of all the other cranial and skeletal remains from El Amrah, is reserved for a special publication. - g E 50 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. CHAPTER Ix. whAT WAS THE DURATION OF THE PRE-DYNASTIC PERIOD, As our information with regard to the pre- dynastic culture becomes year by year more complete, a few of the problems connected with it are actually solved, and others are brought within the field of reasonable conjecture and discussion. Amongst the latter may be placed the question of the length of time occupied by the development of this civilization. How many years, or how many generations or cen- turies, were needed for the early Chalcolithic. culture to evolve, before the institution or the introduction of the earliest dynasties? Data on which to found any suggestions have hitherto been almost non-existent. The variety of artistic products, the rise and degeneration of which can be traced in minute detail, has led Professor Petrie to suggest that the pre-dynastic culture before Menes extended over a period which was not less than 1000, and might be as much as 2000 years in length (Diospolis Parva, p. 28). But of course an argument of this kind, as its author would readily admit, is a pis aller, legitimate only when no direct evi- dence is available. It must always be open to two obvious objections. The first of these is that it would be almost impossible, reviewing the history of culture in various parts of the world, to fix even approximately the length of time necessary for the evolution of any sort of civilization. The second is that, even if a canon could be established for certain peoples or nations, there is no reason to suppose that it would be applicable to a civilization so unique as that of pre-dynastic Egypt. There is nothing, so far as present knowledge goes, with which this can in its entirety be compared; no com- plete parallel to it can be found either in the Nile Valley or elsewhere. The difficulty, how- ever, has been to find any satisfactory substitute for the argument which has been criticized. In this chapter I propose to offer a new one, based on calculations of the number of burials con- tained in various cemeteries which have been exhausted to the very last grave. The Cemetery a at El Amrah had been excavated to a considerable extent before this year (p. 2). We fully noted 223 graves from it, including many which had been opened by the previous diggers, but insufficiently cleared. It may be estimated that another 200 would more than suffice to account for all the re- mainder, viz. such as had been so depleted by the previous diggers as not to be worth recording by us. Another point, however, must be taken into consideration, viz. that burials of the time of the XVIIIth Dynasty had encroached on the eastern side of the cemetery so as to destroy a certain number of graves of its latest period. The latter could hardly have numbered 200, but for the sake of argument let it be conceded that there may have been as many as this. The entire extent of the original cemetery would then be fixed at 600 graves, which would in that case have included almost every stage of the pre-dynastic culture. Cemetery b affords a more satisfactory basis for calculations, as it had been comparatively little damaged in ancient or modern times. The total number of graves here was about 400. Another 100 (probably less) would make up the tale of all that had been destroyed by plunderers in modern times, or by trespassers in times more DURATION OF THE PRE-DYNASTIC PERIOD, 51 remote. Five hundred graves, then, would be the full size of Cemetery a, which began with the very opening of the pre-dynastic period and continued far into the Ist Dynasty. Surely so small a number cannot represent a very long period. Nor can it be urged that the practice of occasionally interring two or even three bodies in the same grave appreciably affects the figures; for, if the two cemeteries a and b are considered together, the total excess of the burials over the graves themselves is only forty- one, of which seventeen belong to Cemetery a, and the remainder to Cemetery b. The evidence of El Amrah may be supple- mented by that derived from four other ceme- teries worked in the two preceding years. At Abydos (1899-1900) I excavated two small pre-historic cemeteries, which were noted under the letters q and X respectively (see next chap.). Both had been partially rifled a short time before, but fully half the graves remained unopened in each. The new graves which I worked in q amounted to 85, and those in X to 83, making 90 interments in the former case and 88 in the latter. The original number of burials in each of these two cemeteries can hardly, therefore, have exceeded 180. As ºf ranges from S.D. 30 to s.1). 50, and X from S.D. 60 to s.1). 80, each embraces a little less than half of the entire period. The Cemeteries R and U at Hou (cf. Diospolis Parva) had never been touched in modern days, nor had they been interfered with in historical times. The range of R was from s.l.). 50 to s.I. 80, and it contained a little over 200 burials. The graves in U, on the other hand, covered the entire period from the very earliest beginnings of the pre-dynastic culture down to the stages which merge in the Ist Dynasty, if not actually down to the Ist Dynasty itself. I recorded just 400 graves from U, and allowing for the fact that some of the poorest graves were not registered, yet the total number cannot have exceeded 500, and might well have been less. From a comparison of these figures, it will appear that the entire pre-dynastic period from the dawn of the Chalcolithic age down to the beginning of the Ist Dynasty is normally represented by something like 500 interments. The large cemeteries b at El Amrah and U at Hou, which are the best evidence on the subject, give an even lower figure, if allowance is made for the inclusion in each of them of a certain number of burials which properly belong to the Ist Dynasty. Cemetery a at El Amrah, which is indifferent evidence, would give at best a slightly higher figure. The other three, viz. q, and X at Abydos, and R at Hou, though representing only a part of the period, yield results which harmonize well with those ob- tained from the cemeteries of more compre- hensive character. * , Admitting that the population was probably sparse and the villages small, yet it is difficult to suppose that in a period of from 1000 to 2000 years there should not have been more than 500 persons, including children, to be buried. As regards the size of the villages, there is little direct evidence; but it is noteworthy that the remains of the pre-historic dwellings, on every site where they have been observed, extend over a not inconsiderable area. More. over, certain inferences may legitimately be drawn from the state of civilization revealed by the arts and industries of the time. The great variety of artistic products suggests considerable sub-division of labour, while the demand for what can only be described as articles of luxury indicates the possession of an amount of wealth not likely to be found among mere nomads living by isolated families like the Bedouins of to-day. Nomads, indeed, these people cannot have been, or they would not have continued to bury in the same places throughout their whole existence. And that they dwelt in something more than isolated family houses may be inferred from the complexity of their industrial life, as well as from the visible remains of their settlements. 52 - EL AMRAH AND ABY DOS. But if we suppose them to have lived in communities, then, however small these com- munities might be, it is only natural to conclude that at least one or two persons, infants if not adults, would die every year. At the present day the death rate for a small Egyptian village certainly exceeds the figure of one in four years, which is all that it would amount to if 2000 years were assigned as the duration of the period in question. A good many children died; for in the El Amrah cemeteries the infants and young persons | numbered almost one-fifth of the whole. Many again died when only just adult; this was especially the case with the women, who, in all six of the cemeteries except b, considerably outnumbered the men. The figure of 500 would soon be reached, including as it does infants, children and young mothers. The annual death-rate of modern Egypt, as shown by the official returns for the ten years 1891- 1900, attains the figure of 37.2 per 1000. There is only one way in which this argument in favour of considerably reducing the supposed length of the pre-dynastic period can satis- factorily be met. That is by demonstrating that in other periods, the duration of which is well- established, the number of burials is no less unexpectedly low. Can this be shown 2 At the present moment no quite satisfactory evidence on the point exists, nor can it ever be very easy to obtain. It is quite possible to exhaust a pre-historic cemetery, because the graves are all close together within a small plot of ground; but it would be very difficult to be sure of having exhausted the larger area necessary to contain several cemeteries of the well-defined historical periods. On a small scale, however, El Amrah itself comes very near to supplying such an example as is needed; for in cemetery b there were burials of the Ist Dynasty, which, according to Manetho, reigned for 263 years. The latest tomb at El Amrah, b. 91, falls certainly well within the Ist Dynasty, and might even be attributed to the beginning of the IInd Dynasty. There was an unbroken line of burials in b leading through the late pre- dynastic down to the time which b 91 represented. If, therefore, a section of these could be classed as definitely belonging to the Ist Dynasty, and the point at which b 91 occurs could be fixed, there would be all the factors required for deciding how many burials correspond to a given length of time. That is always supposing Manetho to have been correct in his statement of the duration of the dynasty. Now it is possible to define with some degree of exactness the number of burials in b which are attributable to the Ist Dynasty. They may be any or all of those which are associated with tombs of classes 4–8; but can hardly be any of the others, which are dated some units earlier by their contents. The number of interments in those classes was 78, viz. 23 men, 34 women, 11 children, and 10 which, owing to their damaged condition, could not be accurately sexed. A few graves had been opened by the previous diggers, and with due allowance for these the total might rise to 100, but hardly higher. That is to say, if b 91 is to be assigned to the end of the Ist Dynasty, or the beginning of the IInd, it would follow that there were at most 100 interments in a period of 260 years. On the same scale, then, the length of the pre- dynastic period would exceed 1000 years. But if on the other hand b 91 belongs, as it well may, to the middle rather than to the end of the Ist Dynasty, there will be no reason for saying that the pre-dynastic period was longer than 500 years. - At present nothing more precise can be stated on the subject. It is sufficient in this place to have suggested that the problem is capable of solution by arguments based on direct observa- tion; and that the evidence at present available tends to show the pre-dynastic period to have been shorter than has generally been supposed. 53 CHAPTER X. NOTES ON GRAVES OF SEVERAL PERIODS EXCAVATED AT ABYDos 1899-1900. FROM the excavations at El Amrah we pass to those conducted at and near Abydos. The present chapter contains notes on various small pieces of work done in the season 1899-1900, which do not require a detailed description; and the following chapter is devoted to the account of a unique XIIth Dynasty temple, the clearing of which occupied me during the greater part of the season 1899-1900. PREHISTORIC CEMETERIES $ AND X.—In the last chapter incidental allusion has been made to q and X, two small prehistoric cemeteries at Abydos, which lie about half a mile to the south of the valley leading from the “Temple of Osiris” to the Royal Tombs at Umm-el- Qa'ab. These had been partially worked before our arrival at Abydos; but some experimental digging showed that about half the tombs had not been opened, and that enough still remained to be valuable for certain special purposes. l’rom the archaeologist's standpoint the tombs cpntained little that was new or interesting. They yielded a small quantity of objects, typical of the period, which have supplemented the collections of several museums; but the graves in general were of so poor a character that a brief inventory of the contents of about a score of them will fulfil all the requirements of publication. - For the anthropologist, however, 4 and x possess a unique value. Each of them was limited to a well-defined part of the prehistoric period, q, containing only graves of the first || half and x only graves of the second half of that entire period. The middle stages were quite unrepresented, so that by a remarkable piece of good fortune the exact material was supplied which was needed for differentiating the skulls of the later from those of the earlier period. The anthropological results of this work I have published in a special craniological study (The Earliest Inhabitants of Abydos, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1901). Here a brief note on the archaeological aspect of some of the tombs will suffice. In both cemeteries the graves were oriented approximately north and south, and the bodies were laid on their left side with the heads at the south end. The position of the body was contracted as usual, and there were only two possible instances of dismemberment before burial, both occurring in the early cemetery. CEMETERY ºb. q, 3, Ivory rings on right hand. An amulet of greenish stone. An egg about the size of a swan's egg. Pots P 1a, B 22c (three). # 6, Body . Ivory comb of double-headed bird type. Slate of type 98. Pots F 15, B 25e. $ 7. Two bodies, viz. an adult 2 and an infant. Several ivory bracelets. Small ivory tags. Slate of type 98. Well- shaped fish slate. Alabaster vase of type S 4c. Pots P 1a (with pointed end), B 25c, B 26b, B 54b, B 57b. $ 8. Body of an infant. One large and two small calcite beads. A large shell. Slate of type 98. Pots F 15, B 25e. 54 - EL AMRAH AND ABY DOS. $ 22. Body ?. Two diminutive red pots, one of which contained malachite and the other a leafy substance. Bones of small animal. Pots P 11a, P 11b, B 22b, B 25f. q. 23. Tomb oriented E and W. Body 3, lying on its left side with head at W end. Clay figure of an animal (hippopotamus 2) at foot of grave. Pots P 1a, P 11d, P 61, B 18b. g $ 29. Double burial, both 3. With one body was tiny pottery head of an animal and little cones of red pottery. Bones of a small animal. Pots B 18b, B 25f, B 27b. $ 31. Body 3. Two small figures of animals in red pottery, by the hands. Pot B 27f. $ 44. Body of a young person, lying as usual . in contracted position, hands with the head at S. Necklace of green and blue and yellow glass beads. Pot B 18b. This was a shallow round grave of typical early prehistoric kind. There was no suspicion of any mixture with a later period, nor were there any graves of other date in the immediate vicinity. e 4, 60. Body child. Necklace of small shell beads with carnelian pendant. type 98. Diminutive polished red pot. Pots P 63, B 22c, and a new type of C, viz. a shallow tray 5 in. long with a tree- pattern. $ 74. Plundered anciently. Body & . Pots C 75b, C 79a, and a broken B (type like 22b or 25f). - CEMETERY X. x 3, Double burial, 2 and child. With the latter were a large number of green glaze | beads wound in several strings round the head. Also, on the wrist a bracelet of ivory amulets (of the fish-tail shape seen in Diospolis Parva, pl. iv., at period s.D. 60 and after), with a perforated carnelian Slate of | pebble. Pots P of type L 17a (coarse), P 23c and P 46b (both coarse), W 53, R 23a (two). Large round pot (cf. pp. 10, 11, 25, 26) inverted over ? body, and over the pot W 85. Outside the round pot but inside the grave were three pots, viz. L 36a (two) and L 38. X 22. Body 3 young. Long flint flake. Ivory harpoon. No pots. x 23. Body ?, head absent. A slab of white stone, 5 in. long and bored for suspension, took the place of the usual slate palette; its rubber-pebble was with it. One large shell. A serrated flint implement 2 in. long. Pots P 23c (coarse), 1° 40c, D 4e, ornamented with figures of ostriches, R. 23c (two), R 76. X 31. Child. Necklace of agate pebbles with carnelian pendant; two bull's-head amulets (type in Diospolis Parva, pl. iv., Amulets, top left). - X 41. Large round pot (cf. grave X 8) inverted over body ?. Necklace of carnelian and a few green glaze beads. No other accompaniments. x 45. Similar large round pot inverted over the body of a child and over the pot D 21. X 50. Oblong coffin of unbaked clay, memºr. ing 40 in. × 20 in., with remains of a lid. It was simply sunk in the ground 30 in. below the surface. Contained body ? and pots W 71a, L 36b (two). x 51. Oblong clay coffin, similar to that de- scribed in last grave, but perforated with round holes at the bottom corners. Sunk 40 in. below surface. Contained body of child, with eight ivory and eight shell bracelets on the arms and a copper ring On one finger. A string of beads, viz. green glaze, black glaze, carnelian and a single garnet. Between the legs were four GRAVES ExCAVATED AT ABYDos 1899-1900. 55 large tubular carnelian beads and a bull's head amulet in carnelian. Oval slate palette. Pots W 71a, W 85, L 12d, L 17e, L 36b. - x 57. Similar oblong clay coffin, perforated with round holes at side. Contained body 3 and pots W 71a (two), L 36b. x 60. The typical large round basin of the pot-burials, but broken and the bones (? young) scattered outside. Was accompanied by pots W 61, W 62, L 69. x72. Similar large pot, also broken, and the bones left outside it. With it were an oblong slate palette and the pot L 33c. X 74. An oblong bricked grave (of kind called Class 6 at El Amrah). Plundered. Some bones in contracted position. Pots L 30, L 36b, W 71a. For the above list the coffins and pot-burials have been especially selected, as these examples have an important bearing on the dating of such stylcs (cf. pp. 10 and 11). At the close of the season 1899-1900, having finished the excavation of cemeteries q and X, and of the XIIth Dynasty temple, which is to be described in the next chapter, I opened a few pit-tombs and others of the later Dynasties close to the Shunet-ez-Zebib, in a part of the ground slightly to the north of Mr. Mace's work. The greater number dated originally from the Middle Empire, but had been subse- quently plundered and re-used. From one of these came the broken limestone figures shown in pl. xxii. (1-10, 13-18). The .pit was 19 ft. deep, 8 ft. 4 in. long, and 3 ft. 4 in. wide, giving entrance to four burial chambers, viz. two on the north and two on the south side. In the upper southern chamber were found six heads and various fragments of statuettes, and in the filling of the grave were a number of others, all broken. Nothing else occurred by which to date them. A foot or two away from this pit and possibly in connection with it was a small quadrangular chapel 7 ft. wide (N to S) by 6 ft. 3 in. long (E to W), contained by brick walls 35 in. to 40 in. thick. On its western side, facing the entrance, a small stone, offering- table, 26 in. long, was inserted in the wall. The entrance itself was on the eastern side, 23 in. wide, and in iſ/were found fragments of three limestone statuettes, while outside it were several more. The entire collection from pit and chapel no doubt formed a single deposit, and perhaps represented the cast-away work of some sculptor's school. The figures vary greatly in fineness of execution, some being remarkably well carved and still partially | covered with gold-leaf, while others are of very rough workmanship. The most interesting examples are shown in the illustration. Another pit, 20 ft. deep, 3 ft. 3 in. wide, and 6 ft. 6 in. long, opened into four chambers, two on the north and two on the south side. Each of these contained some small objects of the XIIth or of the XIIth to XVth Dynasties. The deposit in the lower northern chamber was of some value, consisting of a blue marble kohl pot with steatite top, a small bowl of blue marble, a copper mirror with cloth covering and plain ivory handle, two amethyst and two green glaze scarabs, a small round silver plaque and pendant, several small silver models of hawks, two thin silver bangles, and strings of tubular and very small discoid green glaze beads. With them were the bones and head of {l, WOIOl{LI1, From a pit tomb of the XVIIIth Dynasty came a double-spouted wooden kohl pot about 8 in. high. It was carved on one side with an ape climbing up a lotus plant, on the other side with an offering figure, whose head was surmounted by lotus flowers. - Some tombs of the late New Empire were of different construction. They were shallow, with brick sides and barrel-vaulting of brick. From them came some very degraded canopic jars in painted ware and some painted pottery 56 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. ushabti-figures. It was in a grave of this class also that the three bronzes shown in pl. xxii. 22, 23, 24 were found. The double-pronged spear is not of a recognizable Egyptian type, and may be considered to be a foreign importa- tion. The curved and ornamented pieces of bronze which accompany it (Nos. 22 and 24) are not fibulae; they may be hasps of some kind. - - The sphinx figured in pl. xxii. 21 was found in the course of making some trial diggings in the “Temple of Osiris,” at Abydos. It is a fine piece of Middle Empire work. The two statuettes of seated figures in pl. xxii. (11 and 19, 12 and 20) come from a grave at El Amrah, which was interpolated among those of the pre-dynastic period. They are of limestone, 64 in. high from the base of the pedestal to the top of the head. One (No. 11 and 19) is inscribed with the name Karen, the other is nameless. There were no objects by which to date them, but the position of the grave in relation to others of the XIIth to XVth Dynasties, which had similarly encroached on the prehistoric cemetery (ante, p. 3), makes it probable that they belong to the Middle Empire rather than to the XVIIIth Dynasty. This attribution is further confirmed by the style of the workmanship. - <- From another interpolated grave of the same period at I'l Amrah came a headless limestone statuette of a standing figure 74 in. high. It was inscribed with the name of one Aba, a doctor. - . 57 CHAPTER XI. A TEMPLE OF USERTESEN |||. NEAR . ABYDOS. ABOUT a mile and a half to the south-east of the Royal Tombs of Abydos, and half a mile to the north-west of the great sand-piled pyramid which forms so prominent a landmark close to the cultivation, stands the temple of Usertesen (Senwosret) III. shown in pl. xx. It was completely buried under the sand, and the only evidence of its existence was a limestone slab protruding a few inches from the level surface. of the ground at the point marked in the plan as Q. Here in January, 1900, I set a few men to work, expecting to uncover a small chapel built in connection with some Middle Empire tombs, which are situated close to the desert cliffs a few hundrod yards to the south-west. A little digging revealed a stone doorway at Q, with brick walls extending out from it on either side. The men were set to trench, in order to find the furthest limits of these walls; and it soon appeared that the supposed chapel was a large building, contained by substantial brick walls, and occupying a very considerable area. Piece by piece all this was cleared and planned. It proved to be a temple built by Usertesen III., which was still standing in the reign of his successor Amenemhat III., but was apparently destroyed during, if not before, the XVIIIth Dynasty. The brick walls were intact to a height varying from three to six feet from their foundations; and though it was evident that the monarchs of the New Empire had used this temple as a quarry for their own buildings, yet much of the stone paving of the main central area remained. The principal front, 212 feet long, faces towards the cultivation and the Nile. Its aspect would thus be east if the desert edge ran as usual parallel to the river, but is actually N.N.E. On this side was the main entrance, which led by a sloping brick causeway to the stone fore-court marked as E, continuing by a slightly narrower stone gangway across the pavement. & The colonnaded court E (see view on pl. xxi. 3) was comparatively perfect. It had been enclosed by a single portico of fourteen proto- Doric columns, making a front of eight columns, with a depth of four. The bases of all seven on the right-hand side of the entrance were intact; but on the left-hand side only two remained, and the places of the missing five are shown by the white unhatched circles in the plan. The columns were sixteen-sided and fluted; the average diameter of the shafts was 28% in., and that of the circular bases supporting them was 49 inches. The depth of the fluting varied considerably even on sides of the same column, but the average was about #th inch. Each of the columns of the front faced precisely true towards its neighbour, but the three which formed the depth of the court were placed less symmetrically on their pedestals. The intervals between them all, however, were carefully judged and varied only to one inch. In pl. xxi. 5 is shown a typical example of one of these columns. . . - On the right of the colonnaded court, at the point marked as Q, was a stone doorway, only wide enough to admit one person, and probably intended for the use of some temple-servant. On the left of the court, at the points marked with asterisks, were found two mutilated 58 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. statues of red sandstone, which afford the chief evidence for the dating of the temple. They were inscribed (pl. xxi. 1) with the name and titles of Usertesen (Senwosret) III., Kha-kau-ra, and with the figures of Nile-gods apparently drawing tight the cords attached to the symbol of union. Above the heads of the latter were the conventional formulae; “I have given to thee all provisions; ” “I have given to thee all offerings,” “I have given to thee all life and wealth,” “I have given to thee all health.” These statues, as being too heavy to remove, and too damaged to be of great value, were covered up again and left in situ. In pl. xxi. 1 is shown a photograph of one of them, the measuring stick beside it is 6 ft. 8 ins. long. The name of king Kha-kau-ra was found again on a fragment of stone in another part of the temple. • Beyond this court the central area was much destroyed. At the point F, however, was the round base of a column, and near it was a vacant socket which had probably contained an Osiris- pillar. The stone pavement on this side of the second hall was preserved at its original level, but in the centre and on the south-western side all the upper layers had been removed. Of the sanctuary and other structures behind the second hall nothing remained, though a con- siderable amount of the original pavement was visible on the right of the temple axis. The various levels of the stone pavement as at present existing are shown by different kinds of hatching in the plan, and can be readily understoodd if the plan be compared with the section beside it. - . The elaborate system of conduits or drains formed a peculiar feature in the arrangements of the temple. The principal of these ran round almost the whole of the central area between the stone platform and the interior brick walls which enclosed it. It was constructed of slabs of stone 27 ins, wide, in which was cut a channel 7 in, wide and 14 in. deep. At the sanctuary end, it was supported on a shelf built in the walk G (see section), and elsewhere it rested on a plain brick substructure. On the right side of the stone platform short branch drains, 20 in. wide, with channels 5 in. wide, led down to it with a fall of about 3 in. from the pavement. This detail is illustrated by the photograph pl. xxi. 6, as well as by the plan (in which can be seen a branch-drain running down from F, and another a little further to the south). Part of the water which flowed through this principal conduit was led off by a continuation of it passing through the wall C to the exterior front wall A. At this point a channelled stone (outside width 10 in., inside width 4 in.), inserted vertically into the wall A on the left of the entrance, conducted the out- flow to the ground with a fall of about two feet. A similar outlet on the right of the entrance was fed, not by the main conduit, but by the flow from a small groove cut in the pave- ment at the side of one of the columns forming the front of the court. Another groove in the pavement behind the furthest right-hand pillar emptied itself into that part of the conduit which was supplied by the short branch drains; this appears in the plan (halfway between F and Q). Between the walls S and T on the right- hand side of the plan, and between the walls I, and K on the left-hand side of it, may be seen drains which conducted water in a similar manner through the exterior side-walls. These appeared to be independent ; but it is probable that they were originally connected with a conduit system, of which a few stones still remained between the brick wall of the central area and the rows of brick chambers on the right and left (see plan to south of letter Q and to north of letter P). On either side of the central stone area were the series of small brick chambers, M M M, N N N, R. R. R. The purpose of these is some- what obscure ; but, as they do not all connect with one another or with any corridor, it is to TEMPLE OF USERTESEN III. NEAR, ABYDOS. 59 be supposed that some of them at least were store-rooms which were built up and closed on the completion of the temple. Their side walls rose to a height of 70 in. from the founda- tions, which brought them practically to the same level as that of the central stone pave- ment ; but at 50 in. to 55 in. from the founda- tion most of them were floored with brick. Of those on the southern side three in the series lettered N were distinguished by having a square stone base in the centre, at the founda- tion-level, in which was cut a square socket, evidently intended for the reception of a wooden column. In these there were also found fragments of a blue plaster ceiling painted with yellow stars. It is possible that the most southern of these pillared chambers had an entrance like the other two ; the point could not be determined. In two of the corres- ponding narrow chambers on the north side there were also stone blocks, but they were not socketed for the insertion of wooden posts. On the northern side also was a narrow corridor between the main front wall and the chambers. It was about two feet below the brick flooring of the chambers, ran parallel to the main wall, and was protected by four stone | jambs at W. It was presumably connected with the small entrance-gate at Z. Analogous to this is the curious construction outside the southern chambers at P, where an entrance seems to have been made from the corridor between H and G after the wall G had been completed.. The parts of the building which have now been described constituted the whole of the temple properly so called. They were enclosed within four strong brick walls, L, G, S, D, of which the latter, which was the main front wall, was enormously thick. This wall, D, was 75 in. high (from its foundations), built without any perceptible batter, but stepped back (cf. point D in the section) at 35 in. and at 57 in. from its base. The upper of these two steps was used to support a brick floor one course thick, which was laid at that height between the walls D and C, as also between L and K. tº . Finally the entire temple was surrounded by ſour enclosing walls, K, H, T, B, to which A was added in order to give extra depth to the front. Of these, H was a strong rear-wall with a con- siderable batter inside and out, and T, which resembled it, was breached to admit a small door with wooden, threshold (Z). The wall K was originally much weaker than either of these, but was afterwards strengthened, when the brick floor of the corridor had been put in, by the addition of numerous buttresses; a thin wall was then built covering the buttresses, and the intervening space filled in so as to form a solid mass equal in thickness to the other boundary walls. C is a thin retaining-wall, terraced back in seven steps. (see photo in pl. xxi. 2). B and A were thin and weakly built; they had a heavy batter on the outside and were supported on the inside by numerous brick buttresses (pl. xxi. 4). All the walls were plastered on the outside, thus supplying the necessary indication of the original ground-level, which rose slightly the whole way from the entrance to the back of the temple (cf. in the section the line joining A-B with that joining G-H). * A search for foundation-deposits brought nothing to light, and very few objects of any kind were found. Except for the two statues referred to above, and two stone cartouches, one of Kha-kau-ra and the other of Maat-en- Ra (Amenemhat III.), there was nothing of more importance than fragments of one or two painted hieroglyphs and sherds of pottery of well-known XIIth Dynasty forms, amongst which should be noted bowls of the “pan-tomb” class such as were found at Hou (Diospolis Parva, pl. xl.). Some semicircular pieces of pottery, five inches long, perforated and grooved, were found 60 - - EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. in the narrow corridor opening at W, and were perhaps blocks for reeving curtain strings. . • On the top of the pavement in the central area were one or two sherds of XVIIIth Dynasty painted ware, the occurrence of which is connected with the fact that an XVIIIth or XIXth Dynasty cemetery had encroached within the rear wall of the temple, no doubt after its demolition. Similarly a blue marble kohl-pot, two small bronze knives, a scarab with continuous scroll-pattern and a fragment of a private stele of XIIth Dynasty style belonged to another set of intrusive burials. These have no connection with the temple, but their presence suggests that the building may have been destroyed very shortly after it was erected. The period of the temple is limited by the statues and the stone cartouches to the reigns of Usertesen (Senwosret) III. and Amenemhat III., and there is no evidence of any earlier or later use. MUSEUMS To WHICH THE MORE IMPORTANT OBJECTS HAVE BEEN PRESENTED. Cairo. Ivory-handled copper dagger (pl. vi. 1, 2). Com- plete contents of tomb a 96, except three of the flint lances. Pottery animals (pl. ix. 6, 9, 10). Pottery doll (pl. ix. 11). - British Museum. Model of house (pl. x. 1). Inscribed slate (pl. viii. 2). Decorated pot (pl. xiv. D 46). Clay cows (pl. ix. 1). Clay wand (pl. xii. 1). - Ashmolean, Oxford. Copper dagger (pl. x. 5). Contents of tomb b 62, with exception of the inscribed slate and of the common pottery. Two clay animals, perhaps eland. Clay animals shown in pl. ix. 4, 5. Pottery doll (pl. ix. 11). Pots F 1 ; F 2; C 39; and D. R. M. pl.xii. 10–13. Basket (pl. xi. 2). (pl. vi.). Pitt-Rivers, Oaford. Set of ornaments in pl. vii. 2. Two fine flint knives (viz. pl. x. 8 and one from b 43). Model axe in ivory (pl. xii. 8). Pot C 96b. Ethnological, Cambridge. Flint knives from b 113 and b 227. Copper chisel from b 54 (pl. x. 10). Clay cow (pl. ix. 2); and another clay animal. Model adze (pl. x. 3). Clay mace from b 143. - Bristol. A large collection of stone vases. Flint lance from a 96. TXiorite mace. Copper spoon with silver bowl. Copper bracelot. Clay animals. Inscribed cylinder Abydos Amélineau, M. Amenemhat III. Baskets Beads Boat, model of . Brick-built graves Burial, method of Burials, disarticulated ,, double Celts Cemeteries, description of Cemeteries, sizo of . Chalcolithic age Clay models Coffins Copper e Cylinder, inscribed . Daggers . Dating De Morgan Dolls Drawings Dynasty, Ist Dynasty, IInd . Fencing of graves Flint implements Garnets Garstang, Mr. J. Glass Gold Hou 61 INDEX TO PART I 1, 12, 51, 53–60 2 57 . 42 48, 49 e e . 41 3, 26–30, 33, 35 - . 7, 8 7 7 . 40 2, 3, 53 2, 3, 50, 52 . . 44 tº e 36, 41 10, 25, 26, 33, 54, 55 33, 40, 46 39 e e tº . 40 6, 12, 13, 15, 39, 51, 52 . 2, 11, 41 41 e o . 42 . 12, 13, 39, 52 13 Ivory Lapis-lazuli Mats, reed Min, emblem of Middle Empire Minerals . Methods of excavation New Empire graves Orientation of graves 40, 41, 48 49 31 & {º . 38 2, 3, 55, 57–60 49 4 . 3, 55, 56 14, 53 |House, model of . 9, 32, 33 44, 45 49 11 54 49 9, 51 42 Petrie, Mr. W. M. F. Pottery, classes of ,, remarkable specimens of . * . 10, 11, 26, 54, 55 Pot-burials Pre-dynastic period, length of . Roofing of tombs Shells Skulls Slates Statues Statuettes Stone vases Tombs, evolution of form ,, catalogue of predynastic ,, catalogue of proto-dynastic . Trays of twigs . Usertesen III., temple of Walls of brick tombs ,, of temple Wilkin, Mr. A. Wooden bier g Wooden lining of graves . 12, 38, 50 15, 47. 42, 43 50–52 8, 34 . 49 49, 53 36, 37, 46 . 58 55, 56 13, 48 5–14 15–24 25–30 31, 32 57, 60 35 , 59 . 4, 5 8 33 PART II THE MIDDLE AND TELE NEW EMPIRE BY ARTHUR. C. MACE WITH PLATES XX|||—-LX THE MIDDLE AND THE NEW EMPIRE. CEIAPTER XII. INTRODUCTORY. INTRODUCTORY.-The excavations described in the following chapters were mainly carried out in the season of 1899-1900, but were supplemented by some additional work in the following year. The majority of tho objects figured in tho plates come from cemetery D, but a few late objects from Professor Petrie's work have been added, as they belong more naturally to this volume than to those on the work of the Ist Dynasty. The inscriptions are dealt with by Mr. Griffith in Chapter XVII. My thanks are due in the first instance to Professor Petrie for much help, both on the site and in England. Mr. Percy Newberry very kindly gave up a good deal of his valuable time to the unattractive work of sorting and identi- fying several thousands of ushabtis; he also copied the inscription on the statue of Sa-dep ahu. Among other kind friends who assisted in the preparation of the plates, particular mention should be made of Mrs. Petrie, Miss Murray, Mrs. Quibell, and Miss Lawes. A valuable note by Mr. J. L. Myres on a class of foreign pottery found in the XVIIIth Dynasty tombs has been included in Chapter XIV. PoSITION OF CEMETERY.—Lying westward from the Shumet-ez-Zebib, and north of the great watercourse which, dividing the necropolis of Abydos into two parts, forms a natural road from the Osiris temple enclosure to the royal tombs at Umm-el-Qaab, cemetery D marks the furthest point from the cultivation reached by the Egyptians in historic times. The dis- tance from the Shumeh to the edge of the cemetery is about five hundred yards, and of this district the first half was worked by Mr. Garstang for the Egyptian Research Ac- count, and was called cemetery E.; the further portion, with which we are now concerned, was differentiated by the letter D. - DATE of CEMETERY.—From the earliest times Abydos was a favourite place of burial. Egyptians from other parts of the country, as well as the actual inhabitants of the place, had their tombs constructed there, and naturally each tried to secure a place as near the Osiris enclosure as possible. About the XIth Dynasty, in all probability, the old burial ground began to be inconveniently crowded, and it was found necessary to extend its boundaries. It was with this in view that a boundary stela (pl. 64 . g - EL AMRAH AND ABYTDOS. xxix.) was set up at the extreme edge of what we have called cemetery D. This stela, which was probably one of four, was erected at the order of an unknown king, possibly of the XIth or early XIIth Dynasty, whose cartouches were defaced and usurped by Neferhotep of the XIIIth Dynasty. It seems to have later come to be regarded as an object of veneration. Immediately in front of it, on the ground level, there stood a small sandstone table of offerings; afterwards, when this had been covered by the drifting sand, a limestone shrine (xxxvii.) con- taining the figures of Maat-men-ra-m-heb and his wife Urt-nefert was deposited against the face of the stela, and a second table of offerings added. At the side and behind the stela were found a granite ushabti of Amen-m-ant (xxxix.), two unbaked pottery ushabtis, and two small stelae, one giving the name Hor-mes. g The history then of this part of the cemetery was as follows:—It first came into use towards the close of the Middle Kingdom, between which time and the XVIIIth Dynasty it was appropriated by the poorer class, whose pits are scattered about over the whole extent. In the XVIIIth Dynasty some of the important officials of the district, seizing the more imposing positions on the ridge at the far end of the cemetery, proceeded to construct most elaborate tombs for themselves there, the position nearest to the Neferhotep stela being most in favour. In the XIXth and XXth Dynasties further large tombs were added. From the XXth Dynasty to the XXVth there were but two or three tombs of importance, the majority of the inhabitants finding it cheaper to make use of old graves than to construct. new ones for them- selves. We have, however, the fine mastabas of Pisebkhanu (XXIst Dynasty) and of Ast-n- kheb (XXVth Dynasty). Subsequent to the XXVth Dynasty the people of the district again began to vie with one another in the grandeur of their tombs, and we meet with some very elaborate structures. added over the real one. THE ToMBs.—The mastabas of the XVIIIth Dynasty, as we have noted above, were exceed- ingly elaborate. In some cases they were regular miniature temples, consisting of a pillared forecourt, one or more outer courts, an inner court containing the pit, and a narrow arched passage connecting with the immer court by means of three doors (xxiv. 2 and xxv. 4). This last was the place of offerings, and in it was deposited the statue. A simpler form of mastaba was also in use at this time, which had but one court, one corner of which was walled off to form an inner chamber (xxv. 6). In the mastabas of the XIXth and XXth Dynasties the forecourt either drops out of use or gives place to a walled-in enclosure, while the passage at the back of the inner court is converted into three chambers, each with its separate door : in some cases we have a further innovation in the shape of a mass of brickwork built on to the end of the mastaba, either solid as in Nos. 1 and 4 of pl. xxvi., or enclosing a small isolated chamber as in No. 5. In the tomb of Pisebkhanu, of the XXIst Dynasty, there is but slight variation from the XXth Dynasty plan, but in the XXVth we meet with some striking developments. If we examine the tomb of Ast-m-kheb on pl. xxvii. we may see at once what a complete change had taken place. In the earlier tombs it was the custom to sink a pit to the required depth, and then to quarry out one or more chambers from the bed-rock; here the size of the chamber was calculated before the work began, a hole sufficiently large for the pit and chamber was excavated, and then the complete tomb was built up inside the hole. The pit was arched over half its length, and a dummy chamber was Round the whole was erected a low retaining wall. The custom of half-arching the pits seems to have been universal at this time, while we get another instance of a dummy chamber in D 57 (pl. xxviii.). INTRODUCTION To THE SECOND PART. g 65. The most interesting of the new ideas of construction is found in the introduction of the dome tomb, of which an example is given in pl. xxviii. (D 47). IIere we have two arched underground chambers, each with its own pit, surmounted by a square building which con- tained a dummy chamber, rectangular at the bottom, but rising gradually to a dome. The sides of the square are built at a slight angle, and may very likely have been extended to form a pyramid over the dome. This style of building, which was probably brought into Egypt by the Ethiopians, has, with slight modifications, remained in use ever since. Tomb D 47, before the pyramidal casing was added, must have presented very much the appearance of an Arab JJ'eli. Occasionally we meet with very complex structures, in which the dome building, still the important part of the tomb, is placed in the innermost of two or more courts, and is further complicated by the addition of extra chambers and of stairways (xxviii., D 57). In D 15 (xxvii.) we have a very elaborate roofed-in stairway running round the outside of the two pits, and connecting with pit A at the bottom by means of an arched doorway. * With regard to orientation the mastabas follow no rule, but face in the direction which was most suitable and easy of approach. The depth of the pit, of whatever period, was deter- mined in a large measure by the nature of the ground. For about fifteen to eighteen feet it was necessary to cut through the hard marl, and then a soft sand stratum was reached. The chambers were in almost all cases constructed in this sand stratum, at the level of which the bricking of the pits usually came to an end. This made the work in several cases extremely dangerous, the sand drifting out when the pits were cleared, and leaving nothing to support the brickwork. - STONEwork IN ToMBs.—As we have stated, the place of the statue, in the XVIIIth Dynasty at all events, was in the passage behind the pit chamber. The seated statue of Sa-dep-ahu (xxxii.) was found in position opposite the central doorway. Of the other stonework none was found in position; the stela of Pisebkhanu indeed being half way down the pit. In the XIXth–XXIst Dynasty mastabas, however, the position of the stelae is indicated pretty clearly by the niches in the walls of the offering chambers. THE BRICKS.—But very little dating evidence could be gained by brick measurements. Taking an average measurement from the bricks of several tombs of one date, the figures work out as follows:– - Length. Width. Thickness. XVIIIth Dyn. 14 6 4 XIXth–XXth Dyn. 12# 5% 3 XXIst Dyn. 16 7+ 3} XXVth–XXXth Dyn. 12% 64 3 the reckoning being in inches. There is thus no regular increase or decrease in size during this period, and bricks from tombs of precisely the same date frequently varied by more than an inch. In the Upper Egypt of to-day there is no fixed standard of size, each man making his mould to suit his own convenience, and we know from the photograph at the top of pl. xxxix. that the mould of the Egyptian of the XVIIIth Dynasty was precisely similar to that used to-day by the fellah. The custom of mixing pebbles and fragments of pottery with the mud was in use right through this period. - - PLUNDERING OF ToMBs. – Throughout the whole of cemetery D not a single burial was found intact; several of the pits had been re- used twice, and plundered each time. Where the pits were close together, as on the ridge overlooking the valley, the chambers were plundered one from another to such an extent that it was possible to go through the chambers of four or five pits without coming to the surface. That the plunderers sometimes worked - F 66 - EL AMRAH AND ABY DOS. in ignorance is evident from the presence of aimless passages, cut out for a length of six or seven feet and then abandoned. . Owing to this wholesale plundering it was sometimes a little difficult to settle which tomb an object belonged to. This was especially the case with regard to the ushabtis, which were scattered all over the chambers, and thrown from one chamber to another. A certain amount of work had also been done in this cemetery in modern times, both by Mariette and by Amélineau. 67 CHAPTER XIII. TOMBS OF THE XIIITH-XVIITH DYNASTIES. THE “PAN-GRAVE." PEOPLE.—The excavations of the Egypt Exploration Fund at Hu in the season of 1898-9 brought to light a cemetery of shallow graves, which proved clearly the presence in Egypt, at a time shortly subsequent to the XIIth Dynasty, of a number of people of the same race-stock as the pre-historic Egyptians. The burials were in contracted position, and the graves furnished a class of objects quite foreign to the ordinary Egyptian grave-deposits of the period, the most noticeable being the cross- hatched black-topped pottery. From the shape of the graves this type of burial came to be known by the name of “Pan-grave.” In the course of the same season another cemetery was found, intermediate in date between the XIIth and XVIIIth Dynasties, which, though Egyptian in general character, yet contained pottery and other objects of the “Pan-grave" people. The graves in this cemetery were shallow but rectangular in shape. Again, at Abydos, in the course of the last two seasons, a number of pit-tombs of the same period have been cleared which also contain specimens of this “Pan- grave” black-topped pottery. In these three cemeteries we seem to have the history of the invasion, or more probably the immigration, of a foreign people, and of their gradual fusion with the original inhabitants. How them are we to account for this re- appearance of the pre-historic Egyptian after so long a gap P The most natural supposition at first sight would be that the pre-historic people had in certain parts of the country kept quite aloof from the invaders, and had pre- served their own customs and manner of living right down to the XIIth Dynasty. On further examination, however, this view is found to be quite untenable. The very nature of the country itself, the necessarily close connection in which the inhabitants of a narrow strip of land like the Nile valley must live, make such a condition of things, if not impossible, at any rate extremely unlikely. Apart from this, which is merely negative evidence, recent work on the early dynasties at Abydos and elsewhere has shown that the fusion of the dynastic Egyptians with the earlier inhabitants was very complete; even if it does not point, as some hold, to the conclusion that the proto-dynastic Egyptians were in no sense a different race, but rather a natural development from the pre- historic. We can now trace a complete series of tomb plans, from the shallow holes of the early pre-historic, through the staircase pits of the Ist Dynasty, the more elaborate construc- tions of the royal tombs at Abydos and the mastabas of the IIIrd Dynasty at Mehesna, right through to the pyramids of the IVth Dynasty. The majority of the pottery forms of the Old Kingdom can also be traced by natural develop- ment from the later forms of pre-historic pottery. - The two most marked characteristics of both the pre-historic and “Pan-grave” peoples, black-topped pottery and contracted burials, are in the former case, so far as we know, non- existent, and in the latter extremely rare in the period between the Ist and XIIth Dynasties. In Professor Petrie's “sequence dating” black- 68 . EL AMRAH AND A BYDOS. topped pottery practically drops out. at about sixty, one of the later pre-historic cemeteries at Hu not furnishing a single example; while the contracted burial, though not unknown even in the VIth Dynasty, yet is then always found in the poorer graves, and is clearly the excep- tion rather than the rule. That the “Pan- grave” manner of burial and style of burial- deposit are a reintroduction rather than a survival of old customs is further evident from the fact that they conform much more nearly to the early than to the later pre-historic graves. Are we to see then in this invasion a further outbreak of restlessness on the part of the people who some three thousand years before had dispossessed the palaeolithic inhabitants of the Nile valley, or a return to their native country on the part of the descendants of pre-historic Egyptians, who for one reason or another had left Egypt some time previous to the union of the country under one supreme head 2 In other words, were the people whom we know as pre- historic indigenous to Egypt or not ? External evidence does not help us much. We have striking pottery connections on the one side with the modern Kabyles, and on the other with Palestine, but it is quite as likely that shapes and patterns of the pots in question had their origin in Egypt as that they originated in some other country, either east or west, and were brought in. The evidence gained from the excavations of the last two or three years, however, seems to point more and more to the conclusion that it was in the Nile valley itself that the rise and development of the pre-historic Egyptians took place. In the earliest ceme- teries of all (thirty in “sequence dating”) there were none of the finer objects which are usually associated with pre-historic burials. The graves were poor and simple, and contained usually but a single specimen of black-topped pottery (Diospolis Parva 51). It would seem then more probable that the pottery connections we have mentioned are due to emigration from Egypt rather than to immigration into it. We know from the presence of foreign pottery in Egypt in the earliest times (e.g. black incised in pre-historic graves, and the so-called Aegean pottery from the royal tombs at Umm-el-Qa'ab) that a good deal of trade with other countries went on, and so we may infer that partly in pursuit of this trade, and partly perhaps owing to the incoming of the dynastic Egyptians, a considerable number of the early inhabitants separated themselves from their country and scattered, some going east and some west. It is not impossible them that the “Pan- grave” people, so far from being invaders, were but returning as settlers to a native land which had forgotten them, and which they too had forgotten. Coming as they did towards the close of the Middle Kingdom, they may be the first waves of the eastern flood which was, under the IIyksos, to inundate the entire country. This much we know for certain, that at the close of the Middle Kingdom a considerable foreign element closely akin to the pre-historic people was introduced into Egypt, and it is only reasonable to suppose that in a greater or less degree it left its mark on the life and customs of the original inhabitants. Of this influence we may detect traces in the pottery of the period. Peculiarities both of construction and of ornamentation which were common in pre-historic times, but hitherto unknown in dynastic Egypt, now again come into use. We can see a few examples of this in pl. liv. (a) No. 27. Cf. Naqada xxvi. 51a and b; Cp. also Diospolis xxxiv. 52, with Naqada xxvi. 51a. (b) No. 22. The use of a perforated lid, cp. Diospolis xiv. 67, xix. 59a and b, and Naqada xxxv. 75. (c) No. 33. Cp. Naqada xxvi. 45 and Diospolis xiv. 46, all of which peculiarities are fairly common in pre-historic times. TOMBS OF THE XIIITH-XVIITH DYNASTIES. 69 Another connection which may be noted is the reappearance of black incised pottery (liv. 13). This style of ornamentation is comparatively rare in pre-historic graves, and belongs to an imported class of pottery which occurs in many parts of the Mediterranean coast, but it is significant that, if we except one or two sporadic examples in the IIIrd Dynasty (see DE MoRGAN, Recherches sur les Origines, pl. xi.; Dendereh, xxi.), we find no trace of it in Egypt in the period which intervened between the pre-historic and the “Pan-grave” peoples. The frequent use of lions as a decorative motive may very probably be due to the same influence. In pre-historic art the lion is very common; it occurs with other animals in the hunting scenes engraved on the handles of flint knives, and it is used to form the pieces of a game. Of the fondness of the XIIth to XVIIIth Dynasty Egyptian for the lion, we have two examples in the present publication, one in ivory (pl. xliii.), the other in glazed pottery (pl. liii.). Compare also the finely carved ivory lion in Diospolis xxvi., at the top right-hand corner of the plate. Before leaving the question of the “Pan- grave" people we may state that the specimens of 'black-topped pottery which are found in Egyptian pits are of a finer and more delicate variety than those which occurred in the real “Pan-graves” at Hu. . THE PITs.-The pits of this period in the D cemetery at Abydos were from twelve to fifteen feet deep, with a chamber opening from either end; occasionally an extra chamber was cut out at a higher level. They were usually bricked to a depth of two or three feet, in this point differing from the later pits, which were bricked almost to their entire depth. The direction of all that were cleared was the same, as nearly as possible north and south. The chambers were roughly cut, from six to seven feet long, and but little wider than the pit. OBJECTs Found.—As was the case throughout the entire cemetery all the pits had been plundered anciently, and so nothing was found in its original position. Wands, as usually in this period, were among the most favourite articles of tomb furniture. Three are figured in the plates, one in ebony in the centre of pl. xliii. bearing the name of a hitherto unknown king, Seb-ka-y; and two broken ones in tomb group 79 of pl. xliv. o Of the Hyksos kings we have the curiously blundered scarab of Shesha (liii. 2); and we may note that in the same tomb there were found fragments of black-topped “Pan-grave” pottery. . - The pottery we have already noticed to a certain extent. The majority of the forms (pl. liv.) are of the usual intermediate type, and taken apart from the objects with which they were found might be assigned equally well either to XIIth Dynasty or to early XVIIIth: This similarity of type is very noticeable, far more so than that between the pottery before and after any other of the gaps in the history. Very few, if any, of the pots found in the XIIth Dynasty graves could with any degree of probability be assigned to the VIth, while, as we see here, almost all the earlier XVIIIth Dynasty shapes could without the slightest hesitation be accepted as XIIth. The “scrabble” pattern and the decoration of white spots, which until recently were considered hall-marks of the XIIth Dynasty, are quite common in the earlier XVIIIth graves. Too much stress must not be laid on this similarity, but at the same time it does lend some small support to the theory that the lapse of time between the XIIth and XVIIIth Dynasties was shorter than was originally believed. tº 9 For the rest, the more common objects found in these pits were kohl-pots and vases of serpentine, alabaster and blue marble; beads of glazed pottery, carnelian, amethyst, garnet, and shell; and in almost every instance strips of ivory from inlay work. * * - 70 t EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. CEHABTER XIV. ToMBs of THE xviiith DYNASTY AND TEMPLE OF AAHMEs l. a. XVIIITH DYNASTY ToMBs.--To the XVIIIth Dynasty belong the finest of the objects found in this cemetery; finest that is to say from an artistic point of view, as some of the later finds, though less valuable in themselves, have a greater historical importance. The tombs must originally have been extremely rich, judging from the number of things which have survived the repeated plunderings which the cemetery has undergone. They were evidently constructed for the accommodation of several people, as in one tomb, No. 9, there occurred the names of four different people, all of about the same date. One striking point in connection with the priestly orders at Abydos is brought out by an examination of the inscribed objects, and that is the favour in which Anhur, the god of the Thinite Nome, continued to be held, right down to the XXXth Dynasty. Not only was his the favourite priesthood in which to hold office, but a large proportion of the personal names seem to have been formed with some compound of the god's name. * DETAILs of ToMBs.—The tombs are of two classes—(a) elaborate mastabas, and (b) plain pits without any construction above ground at all. - * (a) The general character of the first of these two classes we have already noticed in Chapter XII. ; we propose here to discuss some of the minor details of construction. - The height of the walls as they stand to-day varies from a single brick to between four and five feet, and in the offering chambers and probability were roofless. over the doorways we can in several instances detect traces of the spring of an arch. Allowing eighteen inches or two feet for the rise of the arch, we may estimate that the original height of the building was slightly over six feet, just high enough to allow visitors to walk without stooping. The doors and inner chambers, as we have said, in most cases gave evidence of having been arched : the outer courts in all The pillars in the forecourt were of plain brick like the rest of the tomb, and were clearly built more for ornament than to support any heavy weight. The pits, which are as a rule skew to the general direction of the walls, were probably the first part of the tomb to be built, the outer walls being added afterwards in as nearly parallel a direction as the nature of the ground and the proximity of other tombs allowed. The majority of the pits have a considerable batter, and are bricked to within four or five feet of their depth; at the bottom of the pit, at either end, a marrow door gives entrance to a chamber, or series of chambers, which opened one from another. This door had in some cases been blocked by a large slab of stone which was let down from above, and was kept in position by two grooved stone blocks which were built in just outside the door (see xxv. 3). Tomb No. 50 contained one of these slabs, forty-eight inches in height, with a rounded top and a rope-hole bored for convenience in lowering. The chambers are for the most part regularly cut, with accurate corners, and were from four to five feet high. But little attention TOMBS OF THE XVIIIth DYNASTY AND TEMPLE OF AAHMES I. 71 was paid to direction, and there was apparently no attempt to bring the burial chamber under- neath the place of offerings. The sarcophagi were placed either directly on the floor of the chamber, or were sunk below the surface. (b) The second class of tombs—plain pits without any surface construction—differed from the mastaba pits in one point only: instead of opening one from another, the chambers were excavated at different levels, one below another. These tombs were found close together, some- what apart from the rest of the cemetery. Though they had not escaped the original plunderers, they had never been re-used or plundered a second time, and so still contained many of their finer objects. OBJECTs Found.—Nothing of any historical importance was found belonging to this period, the objects being all of the usual type of grave furniture. The more interesting are noted below, placed under headings according to the material of which they were made. (a) Stone.—Under this head the most striking object found was the squatting statue of the prince Sa-dep-ahu (xxxii.). is of sandstone, is inscribed on the front and right sides. The inscription on the front, in horizontal lines, begins with the usual in- vocations, and then proceeds to expatiate on the virtues of the deceased ; that on the side sets forth his name and titles, and describes the pleasures which he is to enjoy in the next world. The limestone door-jamb, figured in plate xxxiv., is dedicated to this same prince. To this dynasty also belongs the limestone shrine (xxxvii.), which was found immediately in front of the Neferhotep stela. In it were carved the figures of Maat-men-ra-m-heb and his wife Urt-nefert, and on the two sides, back and top, were engraved the figures of eighteen relations and dependants. We may also note the limestone lintel of tomb 9 (xxxi.), showing a priest of Anhur, Pepenanhur by name, making offerings to his The statue, which father Min and his mother Ryaa; and the exquisitely carved limestone statuette head of tomb 8 (xxxvii.). Alabaster vessels were common, the favourite forms being the “pilgrim bottle,” and the globular vase with a small foot (for an example, see 116 on plate xlvi.). Serpentine vases also occur, but were comparatively rare. Among other classes of stone vases which were introduced in this dynasty we may mention one in particular which became very popular, namely that in which blackened limestone was used in combination with a yellow incised decoration. This type we find, as a rule, in kohl-pots and toilette articles, and may repre- sent, as Professor Petrie suggests, an imitation of ebony with gold inlay. There are several examples of it in the plates, such as the two kohl-pots supported by monkeys in tomb 116 (xlvi.), the kohl-pots of tomb 59 (li), the larger vase of tomb 108 (xliv.), and the button of tomb 116 (liii.). . Of stone ushabtis the most interesting is that of Sen-nefer, at the top of plate xxxix. The limestone figure of the servant was placed in a pottery coffin similar in shape to that in which his master was lying, and with him in the coffin were buried the tools with which he was to carry on his work in the next world—two hoes, a yoke and baskets, and a brick-mould, this last being exactly of the shape which the fellah uses to-day. To this date also belong the ushabtis of Hu-ma-y (xxxix. 51) in lime- stone, and of Amen-m-ant (xxxix.) in granite. For the inscription on this latter, see xxxiii. 4. (b) Metal.—Of gold and silver there were found a number of earrings and finger-rings, of the types shown in plate liii., and in tomb 17 of plate 1, ; also the pectoral and ring of tomb 53 in plate xliv. In bronze the favourite object was the lotus- handled vase (xliv. 33, xlvi. 116, and xlvii. 115): a larger vase with papyrus-shaped handle is shown on plate lii., tomb 35. In tomb 118 72 - EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. (xlvi.), we have a vase of the tubular shape, which is so well known in pottery, and in 116 (xlvi.) and 115 (xlvii.) two large flat dishes. Perhaps the finest piece of work in bronze is the mirror of tomb 77 (li.), the handle of which is decorated with a design of plait-work and snakes. Smaller objects, such as axe and spear- heads, razors, cutting-out ‘knives, tweezers, arrow-heads, and fish-hooks appear in most of the tomb groups. (c) Ebony and Wood.—Of the objects which come under this head the finest is the palette of Anhur-mes, a scribe of the time of Thothmes III. The palette is of the usual type, with holes for red and black paint and a hollow for the brushes: it has a line of inscription down either side, and a cartouche of the king across the top (xl. 9, and xlix. 9). Another interesting piece is the triple kohl-pot with climbing monkey of tomb 116 (xlvi.); two of the three bronze kohl-sticks shown in the photograph were found in position. Among other objects we may notice the carved chair legs of tomb 48 (l), the ushabti of Pedu- n-neb-taui (xxxix.), the curious worm-eaten fragment with alternate ivory and ebony pegs, possibly part of a musical instrument (xlii., bottom of plate), and a small object of unknown use inscribed with the name of the scribe Mer-maat (xlvii. 99). (d) Ivory.—Several fine objects of ivory were found, the most striking perhaps being the stained ivory lotus flowers and rosettes of tomb 4 (xlix.). The pieces were probably all meant to fit together into one scheme of orna- mentation, but as only a small portion of the original number remained, it is impossible to say what the complete object was. There were marks on the backs of several of the pieces (xi. 14), and these may have served as guides to the arrangement of the whole group. Several interesting pieces come from tomb 115 (xlvii.), in the shape of lotus-column kohl- pots. One consisted of three columns supported on a stand, of which the two outer columns were the receptacles for kohl, while the centre one served as a carrier for the stick. We should note also the vases of tomb 108 (xliv.), the spoon with handle formed by a lotus flower and bud of 53 (xliv.); the pair of wands of 116 (xlvi.), of the type which began shortly after the XIIth Dynasty and lasted into middle XVIIIth, and the dish of tomb of 29 (xlviii.). (e) Glazed Pottery.—As usually in XVIIIth Dynasty tombs a number of fine objects in glazed pottery were found, the most artistic being the lotiform cups of tombs 116 and 115 (xlvi. and xlvii), and the kohl-pots of tombs 10 and 116 (xxxviii.). In tomb 99 (li.) we have a fairly complete draught-board, with eight men of the tall conical shape, and seven of the squat reel-shaped type. Of glazed pottery figures we have the finely-modelled statuette of Isis and Horus (li. 77), and the elaborately worked figure of Bes (xlv. 14 12). (f) Pottery.—The common forms of pottery from the graves of this period are figured in pl. lv. These are all of the usual type, and we need not discuss them further here. There occurred, however, in this cemetery a group of pottery which stands quite by itself, and which needs special attention, namely:- (1) The steatopygous figure vase of tomb 8 (l.). & (2) The broken figure vase of tomb 29 (xlviii.). (3) The calf vase of tomb 29 (xlviii.). (4) The hedgehog vase of tomb 11 (l.). These are discussed by Mr. J. L. Myres in the following section:— - - “No. 1 is in human form, and represents an excessively stout and somewhat steatopygous female. The pose may be compared with that of the dwarf Khnem-hotep, figured in Perrot Chipiez, Histoire de l'Art i., fig. 1453-4, and with the female figure from Abydos (1900: E 178: Ashmolean), but the arms are set somewhat akimbo here, and are detached from the sides. TOMBS OF THE XVIIITH DYNASTY AND TEMPLE OF AAHMES I. 73 “The face in full view has a negroid look, but the profile shows a well-formed nose and little prognathism; and the swollen lips seem due rather to superabundant fatness than to a negro strain in the model. Steatopygia, moreover, by itself cannot be held to prove negro origin, unless a negro clement is to be admitted throughout the early populations of the Mediterranean. Apart from its obesity, in fact, the figure would seem to portray the fleshy Egyptian type, which is not uncommon among representations of slaves and low-caste natives. Cf. Perrot Chipiez, l.c., i., fig. 448, the Ashmolean figure, and Petrie's Racial Types. “The figure is smoothly modelled, and the polished surface is of good quality and well preserved. Round the neck is a single neck- lace, with long club-shaped pendants, rendered in dull white paint. A loose girdle, like that worn by Egyptian dancing-girls and waitresses (L. D. iii. 42; Erman, l.c. pp. 250, 255, 405; Ashm., E 178), is drawn, in the same paint, round the greatest circumſerence of the hips, and descends in front to sustain a sort of pad which covers the groin. emphasized by a disc of the white paint on each. “No. 2, of which the upper part only is preserved, is also in human form, and represents a young Egyptian woman, nude and apparently erect. The clay is light coloured. The only traces of paint are a close-fitting double neck- lace, and a slender double collar in lustreless black, which falls low in front and terminates in three long ends, which hang down between the breasts, returning outwards to the armpits. “No. 3. Unlike the tails of most Egyptian representations of cattle, which terminate in a long compact tassel, the tail ends here in two wisps of hair, which rejoin at the end so as to form a long narrow loop, like the eye of a packing-needle. “The surface of this vase was originally covered with fine pale slip, with patches of red paint, but the stresses of the modelling and The breasts also are subsequent exposure have caused it to flake rather badly. The fabric is that of the better preserved lion from Abydos (1900: D 9 : Ash- molean), and like that of the frog vase (Abydos, 1900: E 178: Ashmolean). “No. 4 is apparently intended to represent a hedgehog. The body is almost globular; the legs minute, and barely long enough to keep the vase from rolling. The anterior end is flattened to form a sort of face, with an acutely conical muzzle in the centre, and two concave discs, with central puncture, for ears. The eyes are modelled on the upper surface of the muzzle. Eyes, ears, feet, and relief fillets are enhanced with dense black paint, cf. the Ash- molean figure E 178 (above). This facial area is bordered by a pair of narrow fillets in relief, which run up, one on each side, from between the forelegs, and are continued vertically upwards on to the neck, where they end in obscure leaf-like forms which embrace the rim. Each of these fillets bears on its outward side two scrolled tendrils, which are recurved over the surface of the body. At the posterior end a similar fillet in relief runs up from a cross-hatched painted band between the hind- legs into the locality of the tail, where it divides into two branches, which spread over the hind-quarters. These branches, like the anterior fillets, are treated quite phytomor- phically, each with a lateral tendril, scrolled inwards to meet that from the other side, and a trifoliated terminal which recalls a fleur-de- lys, and is recurved outwards and downwards. The ground idea of these tendrils may perhaps have been to indicate the shoulder-blades, ears, and hindquarters of the animal respectively, but the rendering is almost wholly plant-like in its effect. - - “The close similarity of fabric between vases 1 and 4 makes it necessary to consider them as members of the same ceramic group; and in spite of the difference of material which is exhibited by No. 2, the similarity of its 74 . - EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. technique brings it, as an imitation at all events, into the same category of style. “The highly burnished red or brown-faced fabric, to which Nos. 1 and 4 belong, is usually regarded as alien to New Empire Egypt; and is discussed in detail by F. von Bissing, Jahrb. d’Inst. xiii., p. 28 f. Its range is limited. It occurs already mature in Egyptian groups of XVIIIth Dynasty date, and is fairly common in Cyprus during the period of. Mycenaean influences; but has no local antecedents in either area. In the Palestinian area, on the other hand, though its best qualities are uncommon (having been manufactured, in all probability, for export), it can be traced in a larger variety of forms than elsewhere, and here alone seems to run back into indigenous red-faced fabrics of earlier date (e.g. Petrie, Tell-el-Hesy, pl. vi., figs. 78-96), from which also are descended what I have described elsewhere as the “base-ring” fabrics (= Petrie's ‘IPhoenician' pottery, l.c. pl. vii., viii.), which extend, like the red-faced fabric now under review, to Mycenaean Cyprus and XVIIIth Dynasty Egypt. “Though not of Egyptian origin, however, the red-faced fabric became naturalized in Egypt from the XVIIIth Dynasty onward, and survives to the present day. (In Cyprus, similarly, a wheel-made red-faced technique had a great vogue in sub-Mycenaean times.) The fabric of these vases therefore can only give us a terminus a quo for the date of their manu- facture. Of ceramic form, modelled vessels such as these necessarily show little trace; but the necks of Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, and the handle of No. 1 point in the same direction. All these are thoroughly non-Egyptian. The neck of No. 1 comes close to a characteristic neck of the red-faced fabric, described by von Bissing, cf. Birch, Ancient Pottery, 1858, fig. 23-4, and (for the neck) fig. 28; and (especially in regard to the ‘set’ of the handle) to Petrie Tell-el- Hesy, pl. vi. 87, 88, 94. The swollen lip of No. 1 brings it into relation with a large proto- Palestinian group (Petrie’s “Amorite' pottery); and that of No. 3, slightly more cylindrical, with a thinner and more expanded rim, goes far in the direction of the regular neck of the vases of Mycenaean style from Cyprus and from Ialysos, in Rhodes, i.e. it belongs to a phase in which there has already been contact with Aegean ceramic. “In the case of No. 3, further indications are apparent of an influence closely akin to Mycenaean. The rendering of its form is not on Egyptian canons, and the inference to a foreign tradition seems inevitable. Now at present nothing of the kind is known, either from the Syrian coast, or from Mesopotamia, or from Cyprus; while, on the other hand, the attitude of the animal and certain points of its detailed anatomy are closely in accord with Mycenaean practice. For the attitude, compare in the first place the ivory calf from Mycenae, Ephemeris, 1888, pl. ix. 13 (= Perrot Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, vi., fig. 401), which has the Egyptian displacement of the hind legs, and, in confirmation of this, the representation, on a crystal ring from Mycenae in Mr. Evans' collection, Journ. Hell. Stud. xxi., p. 156, fig., 34; the attitude of the golden stags, Schliemann, Mycenae, fig. 265 (= Perrot Chipiez, vi., fig. 404: Schuchhardt, Schliemann's Eacava- tions, fig, 184); and that of the oxen on engraved gems, Perrot Chipiez, pl. xvi. and figs, 426, 428, “For the flat, broad muzzle, which is charac- teristic of the Mycenaean rendering, see the silver ox-head from shaft grave iv. (MIycenae, fig. 337, 338, Schuchhardt, fig. 248, cf. fig. 249, 184 (= Perrot, vi., fig. 398, cf. 399; and J. H. S. xxi., p. 156, fig. 34, cf. the stags, Perrot, fig. 404. “For the displacement of the nostrils, see (in addition to the preceding) the well-known bull-fresco (Tiryus, pl. xiii.), the bulls on the Waphio cups (Schuchhardt, l.c. p. 350), the stele TOMBs of THE XVIIIriſ DYNASTY AND TEMPLE OF AAHMES I. 75 from Mycenae (Perrot Chipiez, l.c. vi., fig. 364) and the gems (l.c. pl. xvi.), cf. fig. 403. “For the leaf-like treatment of the end of the tail, see J. H. S. xxi., p. 182, fig. 55 (goat); p. 156, fig. 34, Perrot, fig. 426, *.*.*, 428," ". 431,” Myk. Vasen, 423 (= Perrot, fig. 495), and perhaps also the forked tail of the Tirynthian fresco bull, though this may be due to re-drawing. Compare also the plumed tail of late Mycenaean horses, Tiryns, pl. xvi., xix., fig. 20. - “No. 4 has a different history. Askoid vases have, of course, a wide range in the Levantine world, e.g. Ilios, fig. 238, 240, and occur in Egypt from pre-dynastic times onward; Abydos 1900: E 178: Ashm. is a human askoid in the red ware. The present example presents, however, several peculiarities which have a more limited range. The skilful modelling of the globular body, and of the scrolled fillets, is quite remote from Egyptian clay-technique of any period, and equally remote from that of the ungraceful Cypriote askoids. It suggests, rather, some of the askoid types from the Cycladic tombs of pre- Mycenaean date, and in these, also, the same abrupt flat-topped rim recurs in several varieties. The posterior scroll-work also finds a close parallel in the phytomorph on the vase from Kamāraes, in Crete (Proc. Soc. Antiq., 2nd series, xv., pl. ii. 13), and on others, unpublished as yet, from Knossos. but rarely in Mycenaean art (Perrot Chipiez, l.c. vi., fig. 491), and is always drawn with long hog's legs, not with mere stumps as here. The head, however, as here, is drawn abnor- mally small, and in one instance (‘Edmuepis 'Apxatokoyuki), 1896, pl. i.) with the same acute muzzle as in No. 4; and the long legs of the Mycenaean hedgehogs may well be due to the fact that they are painted, not modelled, representations. “Taking all indications together, therefore, the group of vases under review would seem to The hedgehog occurs . belong to the period of the XVIIIth Dynasty, and to have been made, (1) probably in Egypt, and certainly so in the case of No. 2; (2) in a fabric recently introduced from the Palestinian area; (3) under the influence of Aegean models and artistic and ceramic conventions.” (g) Scarabs, etc.—Four large stone heart scarabs were found, one of Tetafi, and another with name erased in tomb 120 (xxxviii. and liii. 14 and 15), one of the scribe Sa-anhur in tomb 100 (xxxviii. and liii. 16), and one of Heru-s-mes in tomb 48 (1.). Smaller scarabs occurred in great numbers, as many as thirty coming from one tomb. Of name scarabs we have a fine specimen in carnelian of queen Aahmes (liii. 7), three in glaze of Thothmes I. (liii. 8, and 2 and 3 of group 102), one in glaze of Hatshepsut (1 of group 116), and a great number in glaze of Thothmes III. (4 and 5 of group 102, 2 and 3 of group 116, and 1 and 2 of group 119): also a bead in blue glass bearing the name of Amenhotep I. (1 of group, 102). A glazed pottery ring (liii. 9) gives the name Aat-mert- mut, possibly that of a queen. Besides the ordinary scarabs there were commonly found scaraboids, cowroids, and plaques, both plain and with duck or other animal backs. - b. PYRAMID, AND TEMPLE OF AAHMEs I.- About a mile and a half south of the temple of Seti stand the remains of a pyramid, a mound some thirty feet high. This pyramid was originally cased with stone, the interior being filled up with sand and rubbish, but the stonework has almost entirely disappeared, and nothing now remains but a mass of shifting sand. A clearance on the east side brought to light the two lowest courses of stone, and from them the angle of the pyramid could be roughly estimated as about sixty degrees. Fragments of XVIIIth Dynasty pottery were present in the lowest level of the filling, and so we may infer that it was to this dynasty that the pyramid belonged. On the east side a large 76 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. semicircular mass of brickwork had been erected, presumably built on to the face to conceal the entrance; this was cut through and the face of the mound searched, but without result. We then determined to sink a pit outside the north face and excavate a tunnel to the middle, hoping to come on a stone-lined chamber. The tunnel began in a fairly hard stratum of soil, but as the work advanced it became necessary to build up the sides and roof as we went on ; till at last, when we had almost reached the middle and found no trace of a chamber, it be-, came too dangerous to work, and it was decided to leave further attempts to another season. Immediately east of the pyramid, and evi- dently in connection with it, lay a small brick temple of Aahmes I. (xxiv.). Unfortunately but very little detail could be recovered: one corner had been taken under cultivation for an Arab garden, the stonework had shared the fate of the pyramid casing, and the site had further suffered from a desultory pitting over at the hands of the Mission Amélineau. - The bricks used in the construction were 16% inches long, 7% wide, and 5% thick, and in most cases they were stamped with the name of the king (xxxii.). - The principal gateway of the temple was on the east, and led into a narrow forecourt. On either side of the entrance there was a large pit, unworkable owing to the depth of water; it is possible that an entrance passage to the pyramid might be found at the bottom of one of these pits. From the forecourt a second gateway gave entrance into the principal court of the building; this was apparently brick- paved, as no traces of stone were found. Dividing this court from the inner court was a line of roughly-hewn stone ſoundation blocks, presumably to support pillars. The stone pave- ment, of which traces were found in the inner court, was some fifteen inches above the level of the foundation blocks, and between the two there was a layer of sand and limestone chips. Fragments of ceiling found in the inner court showed a decoration of yellow stars on a blue ground. Against the west wall were four brick granaries. At the north end of the inner court was found a limestone coffer which contained a broken stela (xxxii.) representing Akhenaten (?), Aalames I., and Amenhotep T., and two other fragments of stone on which were the cartouches of Aahmes I., Aahmes Nefertari, Amenhotep I, and Thothmes III. On either side of the two courts were narrow passages. Of the north annex but very little could be made out. The south annex had a separate entrance and seems to have consisted of a series of chambers. The present height of the walls varies from a single brick to about four feet. This temple had evidently been built on the site of a prehistoric encampment, as below the foundations there was a deposit of from one to three feet of sand, containing charcoal, pottery whorls, and several specimens of rough and black-topped pots. These last are quite distinct from the pre-historic burial pottery: some were evidently cooking-pots, and the finer variety had in most cases been broken anciently and most carefully mended. 77 CHAPTER XV. ToMBs of THE xixth-xxxth DYNASTIES. a XIXth Dynasty Towns—Three tombs can be dated pretty certainly to this dynasty— Nos. 14b, 44, and 51. The former, a mastaba of somewhat curious construction (see xxv. 1, and for description Chapter XVI.), was the tomb of the priest of Amen Pa-ab-mer, and contained a number of glazed pottery ushabtis, a fine glazed pottery “tat” amulet, and a clay statuette base, all inscribed with his name; also a pair of model boats in unbaked clay, on one of which were painted the figures of Thoth, Isis, Khepera, and Shu (li.). - - Tomb 44 had been very much plundered and re-used, but three objects remained which probably belonged to the original burial. These were a wooden ushabti figure, dedicated to a scribe Pa-nehem (xl. 5), and two inscribed strips of wood, possibly from a box, which belonged to a scribe of the name of Amen-m-apt (xl. 7 and 15). This tomb also contained a tiny ivory penholder (?), inscribed with the name of the Wazir Pa-ser, and dated by a cartouche of Rameses II. (xl. 12), but it is more likely that this belonged to the neighbouring tomb 51, which contained a limestone ushabti of the same . Iſlan. Tomb 51 contained the limestone ushabti figure just mentioned, two painted wooden ushabtis of Kha-m-ua and Sep-neferrespectively, which are probably of the same date, and a number of glaze rings and carnelian and bone earrings. - - - Less certainly dated but belonging either to this dynasty or the next are:— * - Tomb 19, containing a broken stela which was dedicated to a prince named Ptah...... (xxxv. 3), a clay boat and statuette stand (lii.), a dog's head in glaze, and a finely-worked horse's head in red glass (lii). - Tomb 6, which contained a stela representing the owner of the tomb Kha-m-uas with his sister and their ten children (xxx.), three painted glaze plaques from a draught-board (xlix.), and some glaze rings, one bearing the name of Mut- nejemt, wife of Horemheb. b. XXTH-XXWTH DYNASTY ToMBs.—(a) | Two dated tombs. In this period two important mastabas of definite date were found, and it would perhaps be well to give some details of these before going on to discuss the larger number of less accurately dated tombs. . The first was the tomb of a hitherto un- known prince of the XXIst Dynasty named Pisebkhanu, son of Men-kheper-ra. The plan of the mastaba (xxvi. 2) differs slightly from those of the preceding dynasty: it consists of a large chamber which contained the pit, a smaller chamber connecting with the pit cham- ber by a single entrance, and a tiny place of offerings constructed in the thickness of the wall which divided the two chambers. . It is curious that there seems to have been no doorway in the outer wall. The pit, which was bricked to within 108 inches from the bottom, was 25 feet deep, the doorway at the bottom being blocked with a slab of stone in the manner we have described on page 70. The chambers, five in number, were all on the south side of the pit. The two large ones were plain, but the three narrow chambers which opened 78 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. from them were lined and paved with stone. Very little of the original tomb furniture re- mained ; a fine stela (xxxi. and xxxiv. 8) and a stamped brick were found half way down the pit, and in the chambers a number of glazed pottery ushabtis (xxxix.), all inscribed with the name Pisebkhanu. The original position of the stela is indicated pretty clearly by the niche in the small offering chamber. The second dated tomb was that of a new princess named Ast-n-kheb, the daughter of Shabaka, first king of the XXVth Dynasty. The construction of this tomb has been already referred to (p. 64). The burial chamber was stone-lined, and had an arched roof, as had also the dummy chamber which was built above it. Plunderers had made their way first into the dummy chamber, and had then cut a hole through the stonework into the real chamber. There were found—in the pit four broken alabaster canopic vases and several fragments of a wooden coffin, one of which gave us the name; in the chamber the upper part of the mummy of a woman, presumably that of the princess herself, and the bones of several small animals: scattered in the pit and chamber were thirty-seven small inscribed ushabtis, and three hundred uninscribed (xxxix.), all in bright blue glaze. - * (b) Umdated tombs and objects.—The series of large mastabas which face the valley at the south end of the cemetery—14 E, 38, 24, 28, 32, 35 and 37—probably belong to the beginning of this XXth to XXVth Dynasty period, but they, like the XVIIIth Dynasty pits, had been much re-used, and there was no accurate dating evidence for any single object found in them. They are all very similar in character, the main essentials being a large open court, a pit and three small arched chambers; though of course slight variations were made and extra details added to suit the convenience and taste of the various owners of the tombs. The constructions at the back of the chambers of 1, 4 and 5 in were red, yellow, black, blue and white. pl. xxvi. are curious ; at first sight it seemed likely that they concealed the serdab of the tomb, but a careful search revealed nothing. That of No. 5 contained a small chamber, but the others were solid masses of brickwork. The pits and burial chambers were very similar to those of the earlier mastabas, the only difference being that the chambers were as a rule more numerous and less carefully worked. The floors of the chambers were covered with bones, canopic jars and ushabtis, etc., scattered about in all directions by the plunderers, who frequently threw the last-mentioned from one tomb to another. The commonest objects in these tombs were the pottery canopic jars and the ushabtis. The former (lvi.) were all of much the same class, of dull reddish pottery, with a band of white or red paint down one side, on which the inscription was painted in yellow characters; some of the pots had an additional coloured pattern round the top. The heads were more elaborately treated. They were usually painted all over with a groundwork of a single colour, over which a system of decoration in other colours was added: the colours employed A. few of these jars were filled with ushabtis, and that this was not the result of an accident, or the deliberate work of plunderers, is evident from the fact that the ushabtis in question always bore the same name as the jar in which they were found, and were moreover much cleaner and fresher than the others which were lying scattered. No stone canopic jars were found in this group of tombs. The ushabtis were of various kinds—large and small glazed pottery, painted pottery, unbaked clay and wood—and range from the XXth Dynasty to the XXVth. The painted pottery figures were certainly contemporaneous with the canopic vases just described. They were painted in much the same style, generally with a yellow band down the front to contain TOMBS OF THE XIXTH-XXXTH DYNASTIES. - 79 the inscription. As a rule they were clumsy, with turned-up pointed ends instead of feet, and very exaggerated kilts, but the heads and wigs were occasionally carefully worked. This class probably belongs to the XXth Dynasty. With them we may associate the wooden ushabtis, which wore long and thin, roughly carved, with ink inscriptions. Unbaked clay and glazed pottery figures occurred in all sizes, from five inches down to mere shapeless pieces of clay less than an inch long. The ushabtis of glazed pottery found in the tomb of Pisebkhanu have a curious notch in the back, made before baking (xxxix.); this may be a common practice in the XXIst Dynasty, as the other ushabtis found with that peculiarity would agree very well with that date. By the XXVth Dynasty the ushabtis, of the poorer burials at any rate, had reached the lowest point of degradation; those of Ast-n-kheb even (xxxix.) are small and poor in workmanship, though covered with a fine dark blue glaze. In the XXVIth Dynasty, ushabti-making underwent its great change, and from that time to the establishment of the Ptolemies and the disuse of ushabtis, the figures all have the same characteristic—the pillar down the back. In the last figure of the group at the bottom of pl. xxxix. we have a representation of the ushabti at the very close of its career. - Heart scarabs both in glaze and stone were very common in this group of tombs, porphyry and red jasper being the favourite materials for the latter. Of other small objects, the commonest were pectorals, both in wood and glazed pottery; pendant Bes figures; rings in glaze and stone ; and rounded Hathor amulets of the type shown in pl. xlv. 28. A small fragment of stone coming from this last tomb (28) gave the name Usertesen-senb, and that of his mother the princess Nub-m-an, probably the daughter of Rameses II. - . . - Tombs 58 and 63 are probably of the XXIInd Dynasty. The former contained the remains of three wooden statuettes, with inscriptions on the bases which gave the names of the “lady of the house " Shepses-ta-pert, her father Hor-si- ast, and her grandfather Amen-m-ant (xxxv. 5). In the latter were found a Hathor cow amulet, vulture and “tat” amulets, and two feather amulets in gold, and a number of rosettes in silver (lii.); also three unbaked clay statuettes on stands, which give the name of the owner of the tomb Ast-n-kheb (xli. 1 and 6). Similar tablets were found in tombs 13 and 19 (xl. 8, 10 and 13). They are common in tombs of this period, and in some cases at any rate were used as stands for Anubis statuettes. They have usually one of the points of the compass marked on the end, from which we may infer that four were placed in each tomb. The stela of Zed-anhur-auf-ankh (xxxi.) and the pyramidion on pl. xxxviii. belong to the earlier part of this period, the former possibly to the XXIInd Dynasty. To a later dynasty, probably the XXVth, we must assign the two important stelae on the left side of pl. xxxi. They represent the “royal daughter and sister” Pa-apt-ta-mer (good name Mer-s-n-abdu), and the “chief captain.” Hat-pa-gath-serer (good name Ar-pa-ankh-qen-qen-f) adoring Ra and Osiris respectively. The foreign nature of the names, and peculiar details of the dress, notably the head-dress, suggest that these two stelae may have belonged to the Ethiopian invaders. The spear-heads and wooden genii of tomb 98 (lii,) are late, belonging possibly to the XXVth Dynasty. Another set of genii, similar in style but modelled in wax, were found in tomb 99 A. The stone canopic jars which we found in this period were invariably of limestone, and were usually dummies. In one tomb two sets were found, in both of which three jars were dummies, the human head in each case being the exception. In the tombs subsequent to the XXVth Dynasty both limestone and alabaster occurred; none were dummies, and the heads in most cases were decorated with black paint. 80 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. c. XXVTH–XXXTH DYNASTY TOMBS.-The tombs of this period were of interesting con- struction, but contained very little of value; like the earlier tombs they had without exception been plundered. - No. 57, the tomb of a Wazir named Nes-p- mete (?), was the most elaborate, and it certainly belongs to the earlier part of the period. The central and important part of the tomb (see plate xxviii.) was constructed on the “dome- tomb" plan, but with certain modifications and additions. We have two half-arched pits but only one burial chamber under the dome, the second and smaller pit having a chamber opening from it to the side. The principal chamber is arched and has a dummy chamber, also arched, above it; the secondary chamber has a straight roof cut from the bed-rock. At the bottom of the pits two arched doors from the larger and one from the smaller lead into a rough irregular passage, left between the pit walls and the rock. Above, this passage is enclosed by a brick wall, but below the wall it contracts, and at the bottom it is but thirty inches wide. At one corner we have the beginning of a brick staircase, which probably led down to the bottom of the passage. On the south side this space between the enclosing wall and pit wall was afterwards taken advantage of for the construction of a small arched chamber (xxviii. 8). Round the main building a re- taining, wall was erected, and a second large court was added in front. A staircase, of which five steps remain, leads up on to the retaining wall on the south side, and apparently was continued up to the doorway. The present height of this staircase is thirty-six inches, so that if we carry on the elevation at the same angle we arrive at a height of somewhere about ten feet for the walls. Presumably the doorway was arched, and a passage above it led from the top of the staircase into the dome. The outside walls of the main construction were built at an angle, and were probably extended to form a small pyramid over the dome; but as the angle varies, becoming more acute as the walls get higher, it gives us no satisfactory evidence as to the original height of the building. All the walls were mud-plastered, and the floor of the inner court was covered with a rough mud pavement. º This must have been an important burial, but unfortunately very little remained. In the large chamber we found a decayed wooden box containing a set of alabaster canopic jars, a large lapis-lazuli scarab, two or three pieces of gold leaf from the finger-tips of the mummy, and fragments of cartonnage which gave the names of the JVazir himself, and of two of his family, Nesi-khonsu and Shepses-ta . . . (xlii.). From the pit we have the end of a limestone sarcophagus, on which were represented two apes adoring Ra and Atum (xxx.), and the remains of a large number of wreaths of sycomore leaves. Scattered in the secondary pit and chamber were found three fragments of a limestone stela, dedicated to the Wazir (xxxv. 7), a piece of cartonnage which gave the name Aru, several glaze ushabtis with a long hieratic inscription to Ta-kha-au-n-bast, and a fragment of a wooden coffin, giving the same name. Two photographs of this tomb, one taken from the north showing the pits, the other a general view from the south, are given in plate xxx. No. 15, belonging to a Wazir named Nekht, was also an important tomb, but unluckily the walls have been denuded down to such an extent that the greater part of the surface construction has disappeared. The entrance to the tomb (see pl. xxvii.) was on the south-east side, and opened on to a large court. A second doorway led to a smaller court, which contained two half-arched pits. Round the outside of these pits there was a covered winding stair- case, which connected with pit A at the bottom by means of an arched doorway (see photograph in pl. xxx.). The roof of this staircase was a rough vault, constructed on a somewhat curious TOMBS OF THE XIXTII—XXXTH DYNASTIES. 81 system, with overlapping side-built bricks (photograph in pl. xxx.). The pits were connected at the bottom by an arched door (bricked up): cach gave entrance to a single chamber, with brick sides, but an ordinary bed-rock roof. 13eyond the pits we scem to have the remains of a dome structure, but the ground was so badly worn that but very few details could be recovered. The small chamber D, at the far end of the tomb, was certainly older than the rest of the construction; it was built below the ground level, and both the enclosing wall and dome wall were continued above it. E, C and F were XIIth to XVIIIth Dynasty pits, which have no connection with the tomb, and G was a shallow XVIIIth to XIXth Dynasty grave. In the first court a small mastalla or platform was built on to the inner wall; it had an approach of three steps, and a small recess was left at the top. - The wall between the two pit-chambers had been broken through, and scattered in them. and in the filling of the pits were found:—a quantity of cartonnage (xlii.) and a few frag- ments of papyrus, which gave the names of the Wazir, his mother Ta-kharu, and his brother (?) Ankh-pef; the remains of an inscribed wooden box, dedicated to a man whose own name was missing, but whose father's name was Auf-aa (xxxiii. 6); a set of limestone canopic jars; and a number of small glazed beads and amulets. - From tomb No. 7 we have a stone sarco- phagus lid (xxxv. 2), a stela (xxxiii. 3), and a limestone statuette (inscription xli. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) which give the genealogy:— Khenty-m-hotep Nesy-min Nesy-hor = Mut-hotep Khenty-m-hotep. This tomb had been much re-used, as there came from it also the base of a granite statuette, inscribed with the name Min-mes, and a fragment of cartonnage which gave the name Ruru. e g Other objects in the plates belonging to this period are: the broken stela of a priest named Ruru (xxxv. 4) from tomb 11, a plaster cast of Isis (xxxviii.) from 16 D, and the genii and winged scarab from 47 (lii,). 82 EL AMRAIH AND ABY DOS. CHAPTEER XVI. D E S C R | P T | O N OF P L A T E S. (The names of the Museums to which the various objects havo been sent are given in brackets.) PL. XXIII.-General Plan of mastallas. The dates of the mastabas represented on the plan are as follows:— 57. XXVth–XXXth Dyn., built over a XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn, pit (x.). 13. XVIIIth Dyn, with intrusive XXVth– XXXth Dyn. “dome tomb” over pit. 10. XVIIIth Dyn. 7. XXVth–XXXth Dyn. 8. XVIIIth Dyn. 47. XXVth—XXXth Dyn., “dome tomb.” 19. XIXth Dyn. 6. XIXth–XXth Dyn., with two chambers of another mastaba already excavated; probably of earlier date. XXVth Dyn. 15, XXVth—XXXth Dyn., built over three XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. pits (E, C, F) and a shallow XIXth–XXth Dyn. grave (G). 4. XVIIIth Dyn. 9. XVIIIth Dyn. 48. XVIIIth Dyn. 58. XIXth—XXth Dyn. 11. XVIIIth Dyn. 34. XIIIth–XVIIIth Dyn. (?). 37. XIXth—XXth Dyn. 35. XIXth—XXth Dyn. 32. XIXth—XXth Dyn. 28. XXth Dyn. 24. XXth Dyn. 38. XIXth–XXth Dyn. 3. 14. XVIIIth–XXth Dyn. 22. XXIst Dyn. * . 15. XXVth–XXXth Dyn., “dome tomb.” The ground in the immediate neighbourhood of the Nefer-hotep stela had been so much used and re-used that it was impossible to recover the plans of the original mastabas. The dates of the pits and smaller constructions are as follows:— 17. A and B, XVIIIth Dyn., pits; C, XXVth–XXXth Dyn., “dome tomb” (?). 16. A, arched chamber, XXVth–XXXth Dyn., over B, XVIIIth Dyn., pit; C, XXVth Dyn., “dome tomb"; D, E, G, XXVth–XXXth Dyn., arched chambers; F, XVIIIth Dyn., pit. 44. XIXth Dyn. 51. XIXth Dyn. 50. XVIIIth Dyn. (?). 33. XIXth Dyn. . 29. XVIIIth Dyn., mastaba; B, XXVth– XXXth 1) yn., “domo tomb"; C, late surface construction ; D, XVIIIth Dyn., pit. PL. XXIV.-1. Plan of temple of Aahmes I. (see p. 75). 2. Plan of tomb 10. In this and in the following plates underground chambers are shown by dotted lines. Two brick pillar-bases DESCRIPTION OF PILATES. 83 were found in position in the forecourt; these were stuccoed white, presumably to imitate limestone. The forecourt was brick paved. This mastaba, unlike all the others, has an entrance at either end, that at the back opening from a small outer chamber. The detached wall at the side of this chamber is curious; it has no connection with any other tomb, and seems to belong to this construction. XVIIIth Dyn. 3. Plan of tomb 9. The three doors leading from the big chamber were arched, and from the analogy of other tombs the small chamber was probably arched also. XVIIIth Dyn. 4. Underground chambers of tomb 9. The large chamber was divided into two parts by a couple of square pillars of natural rock. In the small side chamber a plain limestone sar- cophagus was let into the floor, the lid being flush with the ground. 5. Section of underground chambers of tomb 9. Pi. XXV.-1. I’lan of tomb 14. This plan really consists of three separate tombs, but they are so closely connected that they are represented as one construction. Pit E is the earliest part of the building and belongs to the XVIIIth Dynasty. Other remains of this, the original mastaba, are seen in the long side walls, the broken cross wall at G, and the entrance at H, which was a sloping brick- paved passage. In the XIXth Dynasty a second mastaba (A, B, and C) was added, which consisted of an outer enclosing wall, and a low inner construction, comprising a pit chamber and three other small chambers, built on to the outer wall. In A there was a shallow grave of later date, containing the remains of wooden coffins and the bones of two small children. again made use of, and another mastaba, skew to the original direction and partly cutting away the old mastaba walls, was constructed round it. In the XXth Dynasty pit E was | 2. Underground chambers of pit B. 3. Underground chambers of pit E. The entrance into the chambers from the pit was originally blocked by a stone in the manner described on page 70. From the second chamber an aimless plunderer's tunnel had been excavated. The walls and floor of the third chamber were cased with stone. 4. Plan of tomb 8, consisting of four open courts, a pit, and an arched chamber with three arched doorways. A, B, and D were shallow burials, probably contemporaneous with the mastaba. The hatched outline in F represents a pavement, one brick high ; probably the place of offerings: in this chamber the lime- stone statuette head in pl. xxxvii. was found. XVIIIth Dyn. 5. Pit and chambers of tomb 8. In this tomb, contrary to the usual custom, the wall of the pit was carried some distance above the desert level, and a second wall at a lower level was added round it. Another peculiarity was that the chambers at either end of the pit were connected by a third chamber which ran parallel to the pit wall. & 6. Plan of tomb 11, consisting of a large open court, a pit, and an inner chamber which was probably arched. XVIIIth Dyn. 7. Underground chambers of tomb 11. PL. XXVI—(See pages 64, 77, and 78.) 1. Plan of tomb 24. In front of the entrance there was a brick platform or pavement, seven inches high. The three inner chambers were arched, and had each a recess cut in the back wall. XXth Dyn. . . 2 and 3. Plan and underground chambers of the tomb of Pisebkhanu. XXIst Dyn. (see p. 77). - 4. Plan of tomb 32. The small inner cham- ber had a niche cut in the back wall, and was probably arched: the solid construction behind this chamber was built at a small angle, XXth Dyn. 84 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. 5. Plan of tomb 28. XXth Dyn. 6. Plan of tomb 53. XVIIIth—XXth Dyn. The long, narrow chamber behind the pit was arched. 7. Plan of tomb 38. XXth Dyn. . PL. XXVII.-1–4. Plan and sections of tomb of Ast-n-Kheb (see pp. 64 and 78). 5–7. Plans and sections of tomb XXVIth--XXXth Dyn. (see p. 80). 15. l’L. XXVIII.-Plans and sections of tombs 47 and 57; the former being a dome-tomb of the ordinary simple type, while the latter shows the same style of construction in an elaborated form (see p. 65, and for tomb 57 p. 80). The pit in the first court of tomb 57 belongs to the XIIth–XVIIIth Dyn, period, and has no connection with the main building. PL. XXIX.--Stela of Neferhotep (see p. 64, and for translation Chap. xvii.). The stela was of red granite, with extremely roughly and lightly cut inscription. The margin between the inscription and the edge of the stone was 3# inches round the curve at the top, 4} inches at the sides, and 19 inches at the bottom. The curved edge of the stone came 2% inches lower than the band above the inscription. (Cairo.) PL. XXX.-At the top two views of tomb 57 (p. 80). Below two photographs of the stair- case in tomb 15, one showing the doorway into the pit, the other the construction of the arched roof (p. 81). - - On the right a limestone stela (tomb 6), showing Kha-m-uas seated with his sister Ast. In front of them their two sons and grandson are making offerings, while in the register below their seven daughters are represented. It is worth noting that while the boys are called “his son,” “his grandson,” the female portion of the family are known in each case as “her daughter.” (Bristol.) XIXth—XXth Dyn. Below, the lower end of a limestone sarcophagus (tomb 57), showing two adoring. XXVth–XXXth Dyn. apes l’I, XXXI.—On left side : 1. Limestone stela of Zed-anhur-auf-ankh from tomb 7. (Connecticut.) XXIInd Dyn. 2. Limestone stela of Pisebkhamu from tomb 22 (see p. 65). XXIst Dyn. For in- scription see xxxiv. 8. (British Museum.) On right side : 1. Limestone stela of Pa-apt-ta-mer from tomb 48 (see p. 79). XXVth Dyn. 2. Limestone stela of Ha-pa-gath-serer from tomb 8 (see p. 79). XXVth Dyn. (Chicago.) 3. Limestone lintel from tomb 9, showing Pepen-anhur offering to his father and mother(?) Min and Ryaa. (Chicago.) XVIIIth Dyn. PI. XXXII.-On the left side a limestone stela, bearing the cartouches of Aalimes 1., Aahmes Nefertari, and Amenhotep I. The cartouches of the principal figure, who is re- presented making offerings to Amen Ra, have been erased : probably they were those of Akhenaten. (Manchester.) Below, a brick stamped with the name of Aahmes I. (Manchester.) On the right two broken limestone slabs, one showing the king in the crown of Upper Egypt, the other in the crown of Lower Egypt. (New York and Manchester.) These four pieces were all found in the temple of Aahmes I. g Underneath, three views of the squatting statue of Sa-dep-ahu from tomb 9. (New York.) The statue is of sandstone : the hands and face are coloured red, and the inscription was originally filled in with blue (see p. 71, and for inscriptions xxxiii. 1 and 2). XVIIIth Dyn. - - PL. XXXIII-1 and 2. Inscription from the squatting statue of Sa-dep-ahu (photographs in pl.xxxii.), see also xxxiv. 1. XVIIIth Dyn. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. - 85 3. Inscription on a limestone stela of Khent- khety-m-hotep (Khenty-m-hotep?) from tomb 7 (p. 81). See also pls. xxxv. 2 and xli. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. (Connecticut.) XXVth—XXXth Dyn. 4. From a granite ushabti of Amen-m-ant: found close to the Nefer-hotep stela. See also pls. xxxix. and xlv. (British Museum.) XVIIIth Dyn. 5. From an alabaster canopic jar of a priest of Anhur, named Neb. Tomb 9. (Bolton.) XVIIIth Dyn. 6. Stuccoed box of from tomb 15. (Dundee.) Dyn. - 7–45. Marks on offering jars from Umm-el- Qa'ab. XVIIIth—XXIInd Dyn. - e e g º e is , son of Auf-aa, XXVth—XXXth PL. XXXIV.-1. Inscription from limestone door-jamb of Sa-dep-ahu, from tomb 9. See also xxxiii. 1 and 2. (New York.) XVIIIth Dyn. - 2. lbrokon limestono steln of Qab, from tomb 14. It was found near the surface, and was probably thrown out from a neighbouring tomb. XIIIth—XIVth Dyn. 3, 5, 6 and 7. Pieces of a long inscription found by Prof. Petrie in the tomb of Unnefer, the high priest of Osiris (see double statue on pl. xxxvii.). It appears to name the dates of special offerings being made. The high numbers, up to the forty-seventh year, refer to the reign of Rameses II. XIXth.Dyn. 4. Limestone table of offerings of Ai-m-aat- ab, from tomb 62. xliv.) 8. Inscription from limestone stela of Piseb- khanu (see pl. xxxi.). XXIst Dyn. PI. XXXV.-1. Inscription on limestone coffin of a prophet of Nekht-hor-heb. XXXth Dyn. y -, 2. Inscription from limestone coffin of Khent- khety-m-hotep (Khenty-m-hotep 7) (see p. 81 XIIIth—XVth Dyn. (Cp. | and cf. stela xxxiii. 8, and statue xli. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). Tomb 7. (Connecticut.) XXVth– XXXth Dyn. - 3. Broken stela showing the prince Ptah ...... adoring Ra, from tomb 19. XIXth–XXth Dyn. (For other objects from tomb see lii.) 4. Inscription from a broken stela of Ruru, tomb 11. XXVth—XXXth Dyn. 5. Inscription on base of a wooden statuette of Shepset-ta-pert, from tomb 58. XXIInd Dyn. - - 6. Broken stela from tomb 109. XVIIIth Dyn. * 7. Broken limëstone stela of the wagin' Nes-p-mete, from tomb 57 (p. 80). Cf. xlii. XXVth–XXXth Dyn. 8. Piece of a stela from tomb 14, naming Aahmes I. XVIIIth Dyn. PI. XXXVI.-1. Inscription on very fine limestone coffin of Hun, prophet of the temple of Rameses II. at Abydos. (Cairo.) For photograph see pl. xxxvii. XXXth Dyn, 2. Inscription on limestone coffin of Des- nekht. XXXth Dyn. 3. Inscription on limestone coffin of Tshemmin. XXXth Dyn. - The four coffins, xxxv. 1, xxxvi. 1, 2, 3, are from Prof. Petrie's work, and were all found together in the subterranean chambers of a great square tomb, covered in with a domed roof. The funeral furniture found with these is shown on pl. lii., fig. 1. PL. XXXVII.--Top row. Front, back, and two side views of limestone shrine (see p. 64), found in front of the Nefer-hotep stela. (Boston.) XVIIIth Dyn. Second row. View of top of above shrine. Front and back views of granite statues of Unnefer and Mery, found by Prof. Petrie, (Cairo.) XVIIIth Dyn. Marble sarcophagus lid : for inscription see | xxxvi. 1. (Cairo), XXXth Dyn. 86 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. Bottom Row. Plaster cast from tomb 16 D. (Boston.), XXVIth—XXXth Dyn. Limestone statuette head from tomb 8 (see p. 83). XVIIIth Dyn. (British Museum.) Head from a broken marble sarcophagus lid. XXXth Dyn. Both this figure and the com- plete lid immediately above it are from Prof. Petrie's work (see p. 85). PL. XXXVIII. — Limestone XXth—XXIInd Dyn. Limestone stela, with cartouche of Amen- hotep II. (From Prof. Petrie's work.) XVIIIth Dyn. Tomb 100. Alabaster vase and saucer and limestone heart-scarab of Si-anhur. ticut.) XVIIIth Dyn. Glaze kohl-pot, with animal figures in relief, from tomb 10. (Boston.) XVIIIth Dyn. Glaze kohl-pot, with open-work animals, from tomb 116. For other objects from this tomb see xlvi. (Cairo.) XVIIIth Dyn. Two groups of bronze model tools, found by Prof. Petrie with the ushabti figures on Heq- reshu hill. XVIIIth Dyn. Two large stone heart scarabs from tomb 120. From the larger of the two the name has been erased; the other, which is bound with a bronze rim, gives the name Tetafi. XVIIIth Dyn. Upper part of a limestone stela from tomb 31, giving the names of Hor-senb-ti and his father Ren-senb. XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. pyramidion. (Connec- PL. XXXIX.-Of the ushabti figures in this plate, Nos. 2 (see xli. 7), 3 and 4 in the first row, 3, 4, and 6 in the second row, and 1 (see xli. 8) in the third row, were all found by Prof. Petrie on the Heq-reshu hill, close to the royal tombs at Umm el Qa'ab (see Itoyal Tombs, I.). XVIIIth Dyn. - - No. 1 in the first row, which bears the name. Sen-nefer, is of limestone, and was found lying in a pottery model coffin, together with a number of model tools of the same material (see p. 71). XVIIIth Dyn. (Cairo.) In the second row :—No. 1, from tomb 51, is of limestone, and bears the name Paser (see 77 and cp. xl. 12). XIXth Dyn. (Glasgow.) No. 2, from tomb 16 B, is also of limestone, and bears the name Hu-ma-y (for inscription see xli. 8). XVIIIth Dyn. (Manchester.) No. 5, of granite, bears the name Amen-m-ant, and was found close to the Nefer-hotep stela (cp. xlv.). (British Museum.) XVIIIth Dyn. In the third row:—No. 2, from tomb 17 B, is of wood, and was dedicated to Pedu-n-neb- taui. (Connecticut.) XVIIIth Dyn. Nos. 3–7 are of glaze and are all definitely dated (see p. 79): the first, that of Pa-ab-mer from tomb 14 B, belonging to the XIXth Dyn.; the second and third, from the tomb of Piseb- khanu (22), to the XXIst Dyn.; the fourth, from the tomb of Ast-n-kheb (3), to the XXVth Dyn.; and the fifth from a tomb of the XXXth Dyn. PL. XL.—1, 2, 3. Beads, amulets and seals from cemetery G (Prof. Petrie). WIth Dyn. 4. Mark from a broken pot of the black- topped “Pan-grave” type. XIIIth—XVth Dyn. 5. Inscription from a wooden ushabti of Pa- nehem (see p. 77); from tomb 44. (Liverpool.) XIXth Dyn. 6. Copper model bag, inscribed “Meriten Khnumu nel . . . . ,” found near the ushabtis in Heq-reshu hill. (British Museum.) XVIIIth Dyn. - 7, 15. Inscriptions on two flat strips of wood, possibly from a box, giving the name Amen-m- apt, from tomb 44 (see p. 77). XIXth Dyn. (Liverpool.) - 8, 10. Inscriptions on back and front of two clay tablets of Nes-ka-shuti (see p. 79), from tomb 13. Cp. 13 of this plate, and xli. 1 and 6. (Chicago.) XXth—XXIInd Dyn. 9. Palette of the scribe Anhur-mes, from DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. 87 tomb 9 (see p. 7 2, and for photograph, xlix.). XVIIIth Dyn. (Bolton.) 11. Inscription from a small broken lime- stone statuette of Thembu, from tomb 113. XVIIIth Dyn. . 12. Inscription from a small ivory object, giving the name of the trazir Pa-ser and the cartouche of Rameses II., from tomb 44 (see page 77). XIXth Dyn. (Liverpool.) 13. Clay tablet or statuette stand, similar to xl. 8, 10, xli. 1 and 6, from tomb 19 (for photo- graph see lii.). XXth—XXIInd Dyn. 14. Marks on backs of stained ivory lotuses shown on pl. xlix, from tomb 4 (see p. 72). XVIIIth Dyn. PL. XLI.-1 and 6. Clay tablets of Ast-n- Khebt, from tomb 63 (see p. 79, and cp. xl. 8, 10 and 13). XXIInd Dyn. * 2. Inscription on clay statuette base, giving name Pa-ab-mer, from tomb 14. XIXth Dyn. (Chicago.) 3. Glazed pottery “tat” amulet from the same tomb (see p. 77, and for photograph, pl. li.). XIXth Dyn. (Chicago.) 4. Fragment of wooden coffin, found lying near the surface, belonging to the daughter of an unknown king, Mery-Amen Hor-si-ast. XXIInd Dyn. (?). 5. Blue glazed ushabti of Huy, priest of Sekhet. Found on IIe/-Teshu hill (see pl. xxxix.). XVIIIth Dyn. (Boston.) 7. Bronze ushabti, cast and chased, with fine inscription for the royal scribe Any. Found on IIeſſ-reshu hill (see pl.xxxix.). XVIIIth Dyn. (British Museum.) - 8. Blue glazed ushabti of Thay. Found on Iſeq-reshu hill. XVIIIth Dyn. (Boston.) 9–13. Inscriptions on the base and back of a small limestone statuette, dedicated to Khenty- m-hotep, or as his name occurs elsewhere, Khent-Khety-m-hotep, from tomb 7 (see p. 81, and cp. xxxiii. 3 and xxxv. 2). XXVth— XXXth Dyn. (Connecticut.) PL. XLII. — Cartonnage from tomb 15, giving the names of the wazir Nekht, his mother Ta-kharu, and his brother (?) Ankh-pef (see page 80). XXVth–XXXth Dyn. Cartonnage from tomb 57, giving names of a wazir Nes-p-mete, Nesi-khonsu and Shepses- (see p. 80, and cp. xxxv. 7). XXVth– XXXth Dyn. - Part of a musical instrument (?) in wood, badly worm-eaten, with alternate ivory and ebony pegs, from tomb 44. XIXth Dyn. (Liverpool.) PL. XLIII.--Tomb 78. Small limestone stela, giving the names of Sebek-hotep and his wife Neferu-ptah. In the centre a large ankh, the circle of which has been hollowed out, and a hole cut right through the stone. XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. (Glasgow.) - Tomb 92. Alabaster kohl-pot and vase; base of a blue marble statuette, giving name Iu-f- senb; broken limestone doll, represented with a girdle and a double bracelet of beads on the left arm. XIIIth–XVIIth Dyn. (Pittsburg.) Small ivory crocodile from a plundered tomb. XIIIth–XVIIth Dyn. . Tomb 94. Scribe's palette in wood ; lime- stone figure of girl playing a harp; fragment of black-topped “Pan * pottery; blue marble kohl-pot ; alabaster kohl-pot lid; plaster mask; carnelian beads with a few glaze amulets. XIIIth –XVIIth Dyn. (Brussels.) Tomb 78. Jackal-headed ebony wand, covered with rudely carved hunting scenes, and in- scribed with the name of a hitherto unknown king, Seb-ka-y (see p. 69). XIIIth—XIVth Dyn. (Cairo.) Below, an enlarged photograph of the inscription. - Tomb 84. Ivory lion. Cp. pottery rattle liv. 32. XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. (Greenock.) Tomb 81. Copper double bracelet, silver disc, two silver bracelets, and five silver clasps; carnelian, amethyst, and garnet beads. XIIth— XIIIth Dyn. (Liverpool.) 88 - - ‘EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. Tomb 88. Two hollow bronze cylinders, from axe-handle or stick; small limestone kohl- pot; broken limestone statuette; alabaster kohl-pot and ring-stand, made in one piece. XIIIth–XVIIth Dyn. (New York.) Pi. XLIV.--Tomb 79. Glaze beads and amulets: pieces of two ivory wands, both with incised animals; in the middle of the larger one a space was left for the name, but this was never added; broken clay doll; small stone vase (cp. pottery rattle liv. 35). XIIIth— XVIIth Dyn. Beads from this tomb, of which a great quantity were found, were distributed to Liverpool, Manchester, Boston, Brussels, Cambridge, Dewsbury, Dublin, Dundee, Iºdin- burgh, Greenock, Pittsburgh, and Sydney. Tomb 62. Ebony tray, giving the name Aim-aat-ab; fragment of ivory inlay from a box; ivory shell (cp. table of offerings in pl. xxxiv. 4). XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. (Boston.) Tomb 108. Broken glazed pottery handle, giving the name Kha-n-res (P); blue glaze bracelet; blackened limestone kohl-pot, sup- ported by cynocephalus, with incised decoration filled in with yellow ; below, large vase of similar ware (see p. 71); two small ivory vases. XVIIIth Dyn. (Cambridge.) Tomb 33. Alabaster vase; two bronze spear-heads; ebony and bronze kohl-sticks; “girdle tie" amulet in red jasper; painted glazed pottery dish; pottery canopic vase (one of a set of four); bronze vase with lotus handle. XIXth–XXth Dyn. (New York.) Tomb 16 B. Alabaster vase XVIIIth Dyn. (Manchester.) Below, two pottery canopic jars. The larger one on the right is from tomb 25, and bears the name Senb-hema-n-f. The body of the pot was painted in red and yellow streaks to imitate the graining of wood; the inscription and wig were in blue. Two were found in the tomb, and, as usually in pre-XVIIIth canopics, both had human heads. XIIIth–XVIIth Dyn. The and dish. second jar is of the usual XXth Dyn, style (see pl. lvi.). - Tomb 53. Ivory spoon with lotus and bud handle; gold ring and pectoral, the latter inscribed with an uraeus. , XIXth–XXth Dyn. (Ashmolean.) PL. XLV.--Tomb 37. Ivory disc, engraved with the figure of a crested horse; ivory comb; glaze heart amulet, with figure of Isis (?) in black paint; ivory cap and model column, from a kohl-vase of the type given in xlvii., tomb 115. (Glasgow.) XXth Dyn. A group of silver hawks, bracelet, &c. (not from cemetery D). XIIth Dyn. Tomb 1. Model axe, hoes and chisels in bronze. These were found in a shallow grave, with a number of glaze ushabti figures. (Dewsbury.) XXth Dyn. Tomb 28. Glaze Hathor amulet; knob of blue, yellow, white and black glass; glaze figure of Bes, devouring snakes (on back signs f § §) ; large glaze plaque bead, giving the name of “the prophet of Amen...pa-ankh; five glaze deity pendants; glaze scarab. (Pittsburg.) XXth Dyn. - Granite ushabti of Amen-m-ant (for inscrip- tion see xxxiii. 4), and a smaller ushabti in unbaked clay; found together just behind the Nefer-hotep stela. (British Museum.) XIXth Dyn. - Back and front view of a finely-worked figure of Bes, in glaze, with paste inlay on tongue, navel, and forehead. (New York.) NVIIIth |Dyn. - Group of the late XVIIIth Dyn. foreign type of pottery. PL. XLVI.-The two upper photographs show the contents of tomb 116—two glazed pottery pendants ; two bronze rivets ; tortoiseshell comb ; ebony spoon; bronze fish-hook and tweezers; two ivory wands; ivory double kohl- tube; glaze and carnelian beads and amulets: IDESCRIPTION OF PLATES. te 89 the outside string, with panther head and pendants, is strung in accordance with a similar necklace found actually in position by Dr. Reisner at El Ahaiwah ; three alabaster vases and an alabaster dish ; bronze kohl-stick and model adze; bronze jug with lotus handle; triple kohl-pot in ebony with climbing monkey; in the tubes three bronze kohl-sticks, two of which were actually found in position; small blue glaze vase; glaze lotus vase; bronze axe- head; bronze razor; two blackened limestone cynocephalus kohl-pots (see p. 71); bronze dish. XVIIIth Dyn. . For scarabs and small objects from this tomb see pl. liii., for glaze kohl-pot pl.xxxviii., and for pottery pl. lv. (Lotus vase, British Museum; rest of group, Pittsburgh.) - Tomb 102. Bronze cutting-out knife; bronze fish-hooks; bronze cutting instrument; ebony kohl-stick; gold rings; silver ring with scarab attached; glaze scarabs, plaques and cowroids; glaze, jasper, carnelian, shell, gold, silver and glass beads, XVIIIth Dyn. For drawings of scarabs, &c., see pl. liii.; for pottery see pl. lv. Tomb 118. Two glaze scarabs, one set in gold; bronze hook and model spear-head; bronze vase. XVIIIth Dyn. (Greenock.) PL. XLVII-Tomb 115 (two groups). Tor- toiseshell turtle-shaped dish; ivory vase with lid; double ivory lotus-column kohl-tube, with bronze stick (see p. 72); two semi-circular bronze frames: as we see from the upper of the two specimens, these were originally filled with wood, the edge of the wood fitting into the hollow of the rim, but for what purpose they were used we are at present unable to say; small ivory vase, with lid; bronze jug, with lotus handle; glazed pottery lotus vase; ala- baster mortar and limestone pestle; alabaster handled vase; large bronze dish, with rings for handle ; serpentine handled vase. , XVIIIth Dyn. . . . . . , $ r • * Tomb 113. Sandstone hone; two blackened limestone kohl-pots (one with lid) with yellow incised decoration (see p. 71); bronze tweezers and cutting instrument; small wooden foot; alabaster kohl-pot (cp. xl. 11). XVIIIth Dyn. (Brussels.) . . Tomb 76. Blackened limestone kohl-pot with yellow incised decoration. XVIIIth Dyn. (New York). . . . . Tomb 110. Bronze spear-head and green jasper scarab (liii. 3). XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. (Ashmolean.) - Tomb 111. Glazed pottery dish ; three scarabs (two with cartouches of Thothmes III.), two plaques (one with duckback, cf. liii. 6), and one cowroid in glaze; double wooden kohl-tube, with ivory swivel lid and wooden stick, the latter fitting into a groove between the tubes, and keeping the lid in place. XVIIIth Dyn. (Pittsburgh.) . . Tomb 99 (cp. draught-board in pl. li.). Object of unknown use in ebony, giving the name of “the scribe Mermaat”; pear-shaped glaze ornament (not pierced); plaster mask; ebony and bronze kohl-stick; two scarabs, one of them set on a silver ring and bearing the cartouche of Thothmes III. ; silver pomegranate ear-ring(?). XVIIIth Dyn. (New York.) PL. XLVIII. — Tomb 29 (two groups). Twelve flint arrow-heads: these, with the four ivory arrow-heads just below, are practically identical with the specimens found at Umm el Qa'ab in Ist Dynasty tombs: possibly they were taken from there by the owner of this tomb; ivory turtle-shaped dish; haematite model head- rest; heart amulet in red jasper, and two carnelian beads; ivory lotus column, possibly from a kohl-vase of the kind figured in pl. xlvii.; gold dummy amulet-holder; upper part of a human vase, and gazelle vase in pottery (described by Mr. J. L. Myres in Chap. xiv.); ivory comb; fragment of decorated ivory from inlay; eight glaze draughtsmen; two 90 tº EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. pieces of an ivory object of unknown use; ivory mirror handle; glaze seal; glaze Isis and Horus, Bes, and papyrus sceptre amulets; pottery doll; two glaze sacred eye amulets; five alabaster vases. (Ashmolean.) XVIIIth Dyn. Tomb 119. Bronze tweezers; three alabaster vases; clay doll; blackened limestone cyno- cephalus kohl-pot, with yellow incised decora- tion; two lead net-sinkers. XVIIIth Dyn. (Pittsburgh.) - Tomb 105. Blackened limestone kohl-pot, with yellow incised decoration; glaze pear- shaped pendant; limestone doll; glaze beads; glaze scarab. XVIIIth Dyn. (Bolton.) PL. XLIX.—Tomb 9. Wooden palette of the scribe Anhur-mes (for drawing see xl. 9); pottery crouching lion: this, both from the surface of the pottery, which is very similar to that of the two figures in the preceding plate, and from its general treatment seems to belong to the group discussed by Mr. J. L. Myres in Chap. xiv.; double Phoenician pot; wooden beard from a coffin; crowned hawk in glaze; alabaster vase; bronze cutting-out knife and spear-head, the latter possibly belonging to a later burial; gold and red jasper rings; glaze plaque with cartouche of Thothmes III. ; ebony kohl-stick in the form of a hand; bronze tweezers. (Boston.) XVIIIth Dyn. (Cp. xxxiii. 1, 2 and 5, xxxiv. 1, xxxi. 1.) Tomb 4. Stained ivory lotus flowers and buds, and rosettes; scraps of ivory and ebony inlay; a number of agate marbles. Of the ivory, the outside pieces are in red and white, the centre bud is in green, and the lower centre piece in red; these pieces must all have fitted together into one scheme of decoration, the figures on the back (xl. 14) probably showing the order in which they were to be placed. In the centre of each of the rosettes | there was a small gold pin. (Ashmolean.) XVIIIth Dyn. Tomb 6 (cp. xxx). Upper part of limestone ushabti; two unbaked clay ushabtis; glaze scarab ; red jasper shell and glaze rings; stone scarab, uninscribed ; glass beads and amulets; ebony and ivory eye, from a coffin; fragment of glazed pottery, with paste inlay; three inscribed plaques in glazed pottery from a draught-board (see p. 77, and cp. stela, plate xxx.). XIXth Dyn. (Bristol.) PL. L.-Tomb 11 (three groups). Three views of pottery vase in the form of a hedgehog (see section by Mr. J. L. Myres in Chap. xiv.); blackened limestone vase, with yellow incised decoration; pottery doll; three glaze scarabs; small glaze Isis and Horus; blackened lime- stone cynocephalus kohl-pot ; ivory kohl-stick, with uraeus top ; pieces of two glazed pottery vases, with ornamentation in black paint ; two alabaster vases. XVIIIth Dyn. (Hedgehog pot, Ashmolean, rest S. Helens.) Tomb 48 (two groups). Two finely-carved wooden legs from a chair; upper part of a limestone ushabti of Hemt-neter ; two bronze implements; of these six were found in the tomb ; they are too thin to have been used as weapons, and have all, moreover, a slight curve ; possibly they were used to strengthen the framework of the chair of which the legs are shown above ; glaze plaque; carved lion's head in wood, probably from the chair above- mentioned; stone heart scarab of Heru-S-mes. XVIIIth Dyn. (Dundee.) Tomb 17 (two groups). Three glaze scarabs, two giving the name of Thothmes III. ; two silver pomegranate car-rings; two gold rings; fine bronze ring ; bronze ring with glaze scarab attached; carved wooden chair leg; five-fold wooden kohl tube; serpentine vase; bronze tube, from an axe handle; two pottery vases; alabaster vase and dish. XVIIIth Dyn. (Con- necticut.) Tomb 8. Two views of a female-figure vase, with finely burnished red surface. See section DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. 91 by Mr. J. L. Myres in Chap. xiv. XVIIIth Dyn. (Ashmolean.) PL. L.I.—Tomb 99 (cp. group in pl. xlvii.). Remains of a draughtboard in glazed pottery. The squares were originally inlaid in wood, the width of which is shown by the bronze hooks to have been about half an inch. XVIIIth Dyn. Tomb 77 (two groups). Blue glazed pottery figure of Isis and Horus; bronze kohl-stick; alabaster vase ; model column in ivory; bronze mirror, with snake and plait pattern on the handle; hollow wooden sheath (?) for some kind of instrument; bronze knife. XVIIIth Dyn. Tomb 14 (see p. 83, and cp. glaze figure of Bes on pl. xlv.). Two model boats in clay, on one of which are painted the figures of Thoth, Isis, Khepera and Shu; clay statuette base, inscribed with the name of Pa-ab-mer (inscrip- tion xli. 2); glazed pottery “tat” amulet, inscribed with the same name (xli. 3); glazed pottery ushabti, also giving the name; model wooden chair leg; upper part of a clay statuette of Sekhet (?); two glaze sacred eye amulets; glaze cat; two tiny glaze figures of Bes, and a glaze scarab; two alabaster saucers. XIXth Dyn. (Chicago.) Tomb 59. Three glaze scarabs, one bearing the name of Thothmes III. ; two blackened limestone kohl-pots; small wooden kohl-pot ; alabaster saucer. XVIIIth Dyn. (Ashmolean.) Tomb 8 (cp. statuette head in pl. xxxvii., and steatopygous figure vase in pl. 1.). Alabas- ter vase ; broken pottery uraeus; upper part of a grotesque pottery figure; glaze frog; glaze button; stone eye from a wooden coffin; glaze hawk's head from inlay; sacred eye amulet; three glaze scarabs, one with cartouche of Amenhotep II. ; plaque with cartouche of Thothmes IV. XVIIIth Dyn. (Liverpool.) Tomb 117. Large ivory bracelet; wooden kohl-tube; two ribbed pieces of black glaze, originally glued on to blue cartonnage; five glaze scarabs, one bearing the name of Thothmes III. ; stone pendant: two glaze and one stone amulet. XVIIIth Dyn. (Dundee.) PL, LII-Glazed pottery canopic vase, amu- lets, &c. Found by Prof. Petrie, together with four inscribed stone coffins, in a square dome- roofed tomb (see p. 85, and cp. xxxv. 1, xxxvi. 1, 2, 3, and xxxvii.). XXXth Dyn. Tomb 19 B. Clay model boat, and inscribed tablet (see p. 79); at the bottom of the plate a horse's head in red glass and a dog's head (?) in glaze (cp. xxxv. 3). XIXth—XXth Dyn. Tomb 63. Hathor cow, vulture, “tat” and feather amulets in gold; silver rosettes and electrum beads (see p. 79 and cf. xli. 1 and 6). XXIInd Dyn. (Berlin.) Tomb 47. Winged scarab and set of the four genii of the dead in glaze; two scarabs and other amulets in stone. XXVIth—XXXth Dyn. (New York.) - Tomb 98. Set of wooden genii of the dead; small wooden hawk; glaze “tat” amulet; four bronze spear-heads (see p. 79). XXIInd— XXVth Dyn. . . Tomb 35. Bronze vase. XIXth-xxth Dynasty. (Dewsbury.) º PL, LIII-Group of scarabs and small objects from tomb 102. XVIIIth Dyn. For photo- graph of the objects in this tomb see pl. xlvi., and for pottery lv. • . Group of scarabs, &c., from tomb 116. (Pittsburgh.) XVIIIth Dyn. For pottery from this tomb see pl. lv., and for larger objects xlvi. • - Group of scarabs from tomb 119. (Pitts- burgh.) XVIIIth Dyn. For larger objects from this tomb, see pl. xlviii., and for pottery lv. 57, 65, 66. - w Scarabs from various tombs, of which the dates are as follows:— : 1. XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. 2. A blundered scarab of Shesha. XVIth Dyn. XIIIth— 92 - EI, AMRAH AN ID Al3 Y DOS. 3. XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. Cf. xlvii. 4 and 5. XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. 6. Plaque with duck back. XVIIIth Dyn. Cf. xlvii. - 7. Carnelian scarab of Queen Aahmes. XVIIIth Dyn. - 8. Scarab of Thothmes I. XVIIIth Dyn. 9. Ring giving name of Aat-mert-mut. -> XVIIIth Dyn. © 10. XVIIIth Dyn. For larger objects see li. 11. XVIIIth Dyn. Cf. 16 and xxxviii. 12. XVIIIth Dyn. 13. XVIIIth Dyn. xlviii. - Heart scarab of Tetafi. XVIIIth Dyn. Cf. xxxviii. *. 15. Heart scarab, with name XVIIIth Dyn. Cf. xxxviii. 16. Heart scarab of Si-anhur. XVIIIth— XIXth Dyn. Cf. 11 and xxxviii. For larger objects see 14. erased. PL, LIV.—Pottery of the intermediate XIIIth—XVIIIth period. (See pp. 68–69). The first group, from tomb 21, is a typical set of intermediate pottery, and shows well the close connection between XIIth and early XVIIIth Dyn. pottery. - With the second group, in tomb 78, were found the ebony wand of Seb-ka-y and the “ankh” stela, shown on pl. xliii. - . The third group consists of pottery of the same period from various tombs. With regard to form and ornamentation we may note the following:— - No. 2 is, so far as we know, a new shape. White spot decoration, such as we have in 6, 35, and 48, and whitened rims, as in 4, 10, 20, 27, 48, are characteristic of this period. They are found in late Middle Kingdom graves, and continue into the first two or three reigns of the XVIIIth Dyn. Red rims, as in 7 and 28, are found in this period, but black rims, such as 8 and 51 in pl. lv., not until the XVIIIth Dyn. * No. 13 is a black burnished pot with white incised decoration, and is peculiar to this period (cp. Diospolis Parva, xxxvi. 186, 187, 188). This class of pottery has also been found by Prof. Petrie at Kahun, and by M. Naville at Khataanah, in the Delta. - The decoration on Nos. 16 and 17 is peculiar; it resembles the prehistoric style of ornamenta- tion rather than that of any later period. Nos. 32 and 35 are rattles, and have no openings. - For the pottery in this plate compare Diospolis Parva, xxxv. and xxxvi., and the plates of intermediate pottery, published by | Mr. Garstang in Ill Arabah. PL. LV.—Group of pottery found in tomb 116; dated by scarabs of Hatshepsut and Thothmes III. For scarabs from this tomb see liii., and for larger objects see xxxviii. and xlvi. Group of pottery found in tomb 102, together with a bead bearing the name of Amenhotep I, and scarabs of Thothmes I. and III. For other objects from this tomb see xlvi. and liii. Group of pottery from various tombs. With the exception of Nos. 56 and 61, which may be a little later, the pottery on this plate all belongs to the middle period of the XVIIIth Dyn. gº l’I. I.W.I.-Canopic vases from tombs of the XXth Dyn. (See p. 78.) PL. LVII.-LN.—Index of private mames. 93 CHAPTER XVII. THE INscRIPTIONs. By F. L.L. GitHFFITH. PL. XXIX. Stele of Nefer-hotep. This king, the 21st of the XIIIth Dynasty according to the Turin Papyrus, is already known from two other monuments to have shown particular devotion to the gods of Abydos. In the present case wo ſind him protecting a sacred spot from intrusion as an act of piety to the jackal-headed Upuat (Ophois). The record is written in the popular language of the Middle Kingdom, with little archaism. In this and in the poorness of the engraving it agrees with the great stela of the same king found by Mariette. - At the top we see the symbol of Upuat, a jackal on a standard XN offering # and | to the king's hawk, which surmounts his ka name, and is followed by the two solar names in cartouches. These names and titles have been erased. The king is described as “beloved of Upuat, lord of the Sacred Land”; and Upuat, who is “giving life, stability, and power (?) * says, “I give to thee all life, all power, all health, all joy, like Ra for ever.” The inscription continues below— “(1) He made this as his monument to his father Upuat, lord of the Sacred Land. - “Year 4: My Majesty, L.P.H., gave command to dedicate and protect (mkt) a Sacred Land on the (2) south of Abydos for his father Upuat lord of the Sacred Land, even as Horus did for his father Osiris Onnophris, without the possibility (n whi) of allowing any man to tread (3) upon this Sacred Land; and to set up two tablets on its south side and two on its north side, engraved with the great name of my Majesty, L.P.H. (4) The south of the Sacred Land shall be made at those stelae which shall stand in the southern portion, and the north at those stelae (5) which shall stand in the northern portion. “Verily, whosoever shall be found within these stelae, of the children of the priests (6) to their full extent" (), shall be burnt. And any magnate who shall make himself a tomb within (7) this sacred place, he shall be accused (?) and the lawful punishment be inflicted upon him, that belongs to a burial- place as at this day. But as to all beyond (8) this sacred place, where men have not made themselves tombs, it shall be lawful to be (9) | buried there. . “He (the god) maketh unto him (the king) liſe, stability, power (?), health and joy of his heart and his ka on the throne of Horus, like the Sun, for ever.” At the base is him 6°w followed by the deter- minative of desert land. Probably it is the name of the site; it may perhaps be rendered “Extinguisher of breaths” as it were “suffo- cating,” or perhaps “Suppresser of the breezes.” It seems curious if only “sons of the priests” and “magnates” are debarred from 1 Or perhaps “except a priest in the execution of his duty.” . .” 94 - EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. trespass, but perhaps the inhabitants of Abydos were all priestly, so that “sons of the priests” was the proper term for the common people in Abydos as opposed to the magnates. PL. XXX. Broken stela; at the top are the feet of a man offering to Osiris, enthroned, with Isis standing behind. In the first row below this are “the Osiris Khamuas” and “his sister the lady of a house, Isis,” and three figures offering to them : “his son Pay, his son Pa-uah,” and “the son of his son Amenmes.” In the lowest row are seven females seated, smelling lotus flowers: “her daughter Tai-Mennefer, her daughter Uayt (?), her daughter Ta-nehsi (the Negress), her daughter Nefert-ari, her daughter Ta-nebt, her daughter Isis, her daughter Nehay.” Many of the names occur in the family of Rameses II. Lower end of a limestone coffin sculptured with two apes adoring; that on the left, “Adoring Ra Harmachis, the great god,” on the right “Adoring Atum, Khepra in his boat, the great god.” PL. XXXI. Stela. “The divine father of Anhert Zed-Anhert-auf-ankh, son of the divine father of Anhert Bak-Mut” offers to “Osiris Khentamenti, Lord of Abydos,” and Isis. XXIInd Dyn. (?). - Stela (a hand copy of the lower lines in pl. xxxiv.). Pisebkhanu who, owing to the semi-royal position of the Theban priests, styles himself “son of the chief prophet of Amenra- sonther,” just as a prince is styled “son of the king,” adores Osiris, Horus and Isis. The man is “the Osiris, son of the chief prophet of Amonrasonther of Aa-qah (?), prophet of Min, Horus, and Isis of Coptos Pisebkhanu; ” and again, probably more correctly, “the son of the chief prophet of Amonrasonther, divine father of Amonrasonther in Aa-qah (?), prophet of Min, Horus and Isis of Coptos, prophet of Amen Herenmakhera (‘satisfaction to the storehouse'), prophet of Amen of Thiy, the leader, the Osiris Pasebkhanu (Psusennes) deceased, son of the chief prophet of Amonrasonther Men-kheper-ra.” The titles of Amen are curious; one seems to connect him with Thiy, Queen of Amenhotep IIT. Osiris, besides the usual titles, is called “Lord of Eternity, king of the gods, great god, prince of Justice.” Horus is “son of Isis, in Abydos, heir of Onnop.hris,” also “avenger of his father.” Isis is “Isis the great, the mother of a god, lady of Heaven, mistress of the gods.” In the lower lines there are added to these deities, “Anubis, Lord of the Sacred Land, Ophois (Upuat) in Abydos, Thoth, leader of the gods, l'tah, the successor of Ra, Heqy in Abydos, the great Neshem (?) boat, lord of eternity, and the gods who are in Hades.” XXIst Dyn. Stela. “The sistrum-player of Amen-ra, the sister of the king, the daughter of the king, the mother of the Adorer of the god l’a-abt-ta-mer, deceased, whose good name was Meresenapdu,” adores “Ra, great god, lord of heaven, he who is over all the gods.” XXVth Dyn. (?). Stela. “The chief captain Hat-pa-gath-terer, whose good name is Ar-pa-ankh qenqen-f(?),” adores Osiris. XXVth Dyn. (?). Stela. “The third prophet of Anhert (Onouris) Pepen-anhert offers to the deceased Min and the lady of the house Riaa.” XVIIIth Dyn. (?). PL, XXXIII. Squatting statue of Sa-dep-ahu. “(1) May the king give an offering and Anhert, god of gods, king of heaven, ruler of the two lands, universal lord, in every place of his, great god that (2) came into being of him- self, creator who formed creators, a leader prepared (?), coming forth from the primaeval waters, giving light (3) to mankind, making brilliant his glory for his cycle of deities, and by it they live and see. - “(4) (May he grant) attendance to his call for food so that (?) he command and the plan THE INSCRIPTIONS. 95 never fail eternally, divinity in heaven, power on earth, magic triumph in the underworld, (5) renewal of life after burial (?). These things are the pension of one without blame, just (6) is he that receiveth it. He shall be honoured in presence of the ancestors, his name shall exist remaining (7) as a monument, what he hath done shall not be wholly undone; his soul joineth (8) the owners of offerings, “welcome” to him is in the mouth of men, (9) and his image is among them (?). Pouring libations, there shall never again be an ending (?); (10) bring- ing offerings without ceasing. Every man of knowledge puts (11) forth the book-roll to him. One kindly of heart was he, of winning (12) face; he was the heir of one excellent in character, he was (13) indeed the son that God giveth, whom he placed deep in his heart : (14) his enlargement is to eternity, his hand is unbounded, he praised and there was no lack of his gifts (?). “(15) The Osiris, the prince, superintendent of the prophets in This of Ta-ur (the nome of This) Sa-dep-ahu deceased. “(16) Behold thy heart, it shall lead thy other parts, and they shall obey; thou shalt have water at command (17) from the stream, and the north breeze that cometh forth from Natho : thou shalt eat thy bread as thou desirest, (18) even as thou didst while thou wast upon earth: thou shalt gaze on Ra daily, (19) thy face shall see Aten when he riseth : there shall be given to thee food in Heliopolis, the gifts (20) of This of Ta-ur: thou shalt reach the hall of the two Truths, the (21) Amahet shall open to thee its gates, and thou shalt adore the god upon his throne. Thou shalt not be debarred from the chariot, (22) thou shalt sail the boat whither thou wilt, thou shalt plough in the field of (23) Aru: thou shalt walk with those who accompany (24) the attendants of Horus.” XVIIIth Dyn. - - 4. Granite shabti of the “chief of the palace(?) of the king's wife, Amenemant.” XVIIIth Dyn. 5. Alabaster canopic jar of “the priest, the superintendent of the oxen of Anhert, Neb.” XVIIIth Dyn. 6. Stuccoed box of son of Aufaa. Late period. 3. Stela of Khent-khety-mſhotep] son of Nesi- hor, son of Nesi-Min, son of Khentkhetymhotep. He was priest of Min, and bore many other titles. His mother was named Muthotep (?), and was musician of Min. Several curious religious ceremonies are referred to in the inscription. See also pl.xxxv. 2, xli. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. PL. XXXIV. 1. Inscription in two columns of Sa-dep-ahu, whose statue is in pl. xxxiii. He is here “praised by the lord of ‘the Flourish- ing in Years,’” which is probably an allusion to Hatshepsut. - - & 2. Tablet of Zab, son of the chief of the goldsmiths Udaqtura, and the king's favourite Hepu. End of the Middle Kingdom. 4. Table of offerings, mentioning “the of the prince, Aiemaatab.” XIIIth Dyn. 3, 5, 6, 7. Fragments with dates in the reign of a king not named, perhaps Thothmes III. or Rameses II. Each date is followed by the picture of a royal statue. Year xxi, 4th winter month, day 8. Statue. Year xxv. (?) 4th winter month, day 25. Statue of bronze. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Year xxxviii. 1st summer month, day . . . . Year xxxix. 1st summer month. Year xl. (?) 4th (?) winter month. 6 mentions thirty aruras of land and hin- measures of wine and milk, in similar columns. Probably these statues and the offerings for them were dedicated in the temple at Abydos on the dates named at the head of the columns. 8. See pl.xxxi. 96 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOs. PL. NYXV. 1. Inscription of a priest of the statues of Nekhthorheb, etc. XXXth Dyn. 2. Inscription of the priest Rhent-khemhotep already known from the stela in pl. xxxiii. 3. Fragment of sculpture showing the “king's son Ptah...... ” adoring Ra. 4. Hymns to the rising and the setting sun, by a holder of many priesthoods named Ruru, son of Aufankh (?) and Aru. 5. Inscription on wooden statuette of the lady Shepset-ta-pert, daughter of the priest of Amen Horsiesi, son of Amenemant. 7. Fragment of inscription of the vizier Nespnmete (?) cf. pl. xlii. - * 8. Fragment naming the king Nebpehtira (Ahmes I.). & Pi. XXXVI. 1. Coffin of Hun, prophet of the gods in the temple of the king, and prophet of the temple of Rameses II., etc.; he was son of Hor-kheb and Ta-Ament. Late period. 2. Coffin of a priestess of Khentament named Desnekht, daughter of the priestess Esoeris and of Hor, priest of Bast in Abydos. 3. Coffin of Tshemmin, daughter of Nephthys, and of the scribe and priest Tutu. PL. XL. 5. Shabti of the scribe Panehem. 7, 15. Inscriptions of the “great favourite of the god of his city Amenra in Karnak, the true scribe of the king whom he loves, superintendent of the granaries of all the gods, Amenemapt.” 8, 10. Amulets to face north and south (like xli. 1, 6) for the wazir Nes-ka-shuti. 9. Palette of Anhert-mes, with the cartouche of Thothmes III., and inscribed with prayers to Anhert, Thoth and Sesht. The scribe was “overseer of all things in This ’’ and “superin- tendent of the granaries.” 11. From a statuette of “the scribe Thembu..” 12. Ivory penholder (?) of the wazir Pa-ser; cartouche of Rameses II. Pi. XLI. 1, 6. Amulets for Astemkhebt, “ thou that comest to bind, thou shall not bind ; thou that comest to dismiss, thou shall not dismiss,” etc. 2 is a similar amulet. 3. “Tat" amulet inscribed for “the divine father of Amen, the steward Pa-ab-mer.” 4. Fragment of coffin of the daughter of a king, otherwise unknown, named Mery-Amen Horsiesi. Late period. - 5. Shabti of the “priest of Sekhemt Huy, son of Thun.” 7. Shabti of “the royal scribe Any,” prob- ably that of the famous papyrus of the “Book of the Dead,” in the British Museum, in which he is entitled “royal scribe, superintendent of the storehouses of the Lords of This,” etc. 8. Shabti of “the chief prophet of Osiris, Thay.” - 9–13. Inscription on base and back of lime- stone statuette of Khent-khety-m-hotep. See xxxiii. 3 and xxxv. 2. PL. XLII. The fragments of cartonnage from D 15 show a number of names and priestly titles; those from D 57 belong to the person | mentioned in pl. xxxv., No. 7. personal name of a king of the Middle IKing- dom, otherwise unknown. “The good god, lord of the two lands, lord of doing things, son of the Sun Seb-IVay, beloved of Isis the goddess (?),” These inscriptions collectively are an im- portant contribution to our knowledge of the history and priestly inhabitants of Abydos, but they must be collated with a vast amount of similar material before the information they contain can be made use of. 3. 07 CHAPTEIR XVIII. CATALOG U E OF T O M B.S. NIXth–XXth Dyn. grave, Shallow irregular with remains of two skeletons. Contained 8 or 9 boxes (wood decayed) of glaze ushabtis of Unnefer, Pau, Ankh-s-n- mut and another; few bronze model hoes, axes, and adzes for use of ushabtis (xlv.). XXVth Dyn. Tomb of Ast-n-Kheb, daughter of Shabaka. Contained 37 inscribed ushabtis (xxxix.) and 300 un- inscribed ; set of broken alabaster canopic jars ; fragments of inscribed coffin ; upper part of mummy; skulls and bones of several small animals. XVIIIth Dyn. stained ivory lotuses, rosettes, etc.; 26 agate marbles (xlix.). XIXth–XXth Dyn. with Several Stela of Kha-m-uas, sister, 2 sons, grandson, and 7 daughters (xxx.); upper part of a lime- stone ushabti ; unbaked ushabtis; 3 glaze rings, one of Mut-nezemt, wife of Horemheb (xlix.); glaze plaques set of 3 large clay from a draught-board (xlix.); alabaster canopic jars. XXVth–XXXth Dyn. A broken lime- stone stela (xxxiii. 3), marble sarcophagus (xxxv.2), and limestone statuette (xli. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13), giving genealogy — Rhenty-m-hotep Nesi-min | Nesi-her = Mut-hotep Khenty-m-hotep ; base of a granite statuette, giving the 10. 11. name Min-mes; a number of stained ivory pegs; a fragment of stuccoed linen from a coffin, giving name Rui; 2 canopic jars and 4 heads. alabaster In the sand above the tomb a rough stela of Zed-anhur-auf-ankh (xxxi.). In a supplementary pit a fragment of cartonnage, giving the name Bak-n-rui. XVIIIth Dyn. In pit steatopygous pottery figure (1.); scarab of Amenhotep II. : plaque of Thothmes IV. ; upper part of grotesque pottery figure, etc. (li.); within arched chamber limestone statuette head (xxxvii.). XVIIIth Dyn. Limestone squatting statue (xxxii.) and door-jamb (xxxiv. 1);of Sa-dep-ahu; limestone lintel of Min with: *:: wife Ryaa and son Pepen-anhur (xxxi.); alabaster canopic jar of Neb (xxxiii. 5); scribe's palette in ebony of Anhur-mes, with cartouche of Thothmes III. (xl. 9); pottery lion, gold rings, kohl-pots, etc. (xlix.). - Re-used in XXVth Dyn. Broken stele of Hat-pa-gath-serer (xxxi.); another of Tura; bronze spear-head (xlix.); tiny un- inscribed ushabtis. - XVIIIth Dyn. Fine glaze kohl-pot, with animals in relief (xxxviii.). Re-used in XXth—XXIInd Dyn. ber of rough pottery ushabtis of Zed-mut- auf-ankh, . . . . XVIIth Dyn. Hedgehog pot; blackened limestone kohl-pot with scroll pattern : alabaster vases, etc. (l.). Num- H 98 EI, AM RA II A NI) ABYDOS. 13. Re-used in XXth—XXIInd Dyn. Number of glaze ushabtis. Re-used again in XXVth–XXXth Dyn. Broken stela of Ruru (xxxv. 4); number of tiny uninscribed glaze ushabtis. XVIIIth Dyn. In fore-court two sand- stone pillars, 35 in. high, hollowed out at one end, and possibly used for offerings; on one of these there was a very worn inscription, giving the name Amen-m- apt (?); also a fine alabaster canopic head. In the pit two clay tablets of Nes-qa- shuti (xl. 8 and 10); a small green glaze pot; a bronze ring plated with gold, and a few XVIIIth Dyn, pots. In the pit there were also a number of tiny glaze ushabtis; and partially over the pit there was built, probably in XXVth Tyn., one of the dome structures described in Chap. xii. 14 B. XIXth Dyn. Large glaze “tat” amulet, unbaked clay statuette base and a quantity of glaze ushabtis, all inscribed with the name Pa-ab-mer; clay model boats; - ºalabaster dishes, etc. (li.). - : ‘. . º Fº o '7- ~~...iº. Re-used in XXth—XXIInd Dyn. Glaze . . . . ." §§sº e - “....jºushabtis of Hora, Pau-her, Ankh-s-n-mut. 15. In sand above pit, thrown over from a neighbouring earlier tomb, part of a lime stone stela of Zab, naming his father, Udaqtura, and his mother, Hepu (xxxiv. 2). E. XVIIIth Dyn. Fine glaze Bes with inlaid paste (xlv.); stone heart-amulet, covered with gold foil; scarab with 4 cartouches of Thothmes III. Re-used in XXth Dyn. Quantity of painted pottery canopic vases and pottery and glaze ushabtis, giving names Ta du-ast, Nes-ta-maat-ra, Amer-amen, Bak-n-khonsu, Thent-amen. XXVth–XXXth Dyn. Fragments of wooden coffins and cartonnage, giving names Nekht, Ankh-pef, and Ta-kharu (xlii.); scraps of painted papyrus; quantity of uninscribed glaze ushabtis, Saitic type ; jasper “girdle tie" amulet; set of limestone canopic jars; inscribed canopic box of X, son of Auſ-aa (xxxiii. 6). In forecourt shallow grave, XIXth– XXth Dyn., containing a number of glaze ushabtis of Unnefer. 16 B. XVIIIth Dyn. Pit. Limestone ushabti of Hu-ma-y (xxxix.); several alabasters (xliv.). C.. XXVth Dyn. Dome tomb. Fragments of wooden coffin, 3 alabaster canopic jars, and a quantity of glaze ushabtis, all giving the name Menth-hotep. XXVIth–XXXth Dyn. Low vaulted chamber. T’laster cast of a seated figure of Isis (xxxvii.). XVIIIth Dyn. A. Bronze ring of Akhen- aten ; scarabs of Thothmes III. ; five-fold wooden kohl-tube, &c. (l.). B. Broken wooden ushabti of Pedu-n-neb- tani (xxxix.); alabaster kolil-pots, etc. (l.). XIXth Dyn. Broken limestone stela, showing the royal son Ptah . . . . adoring Ra (xxxv. 3); horse's head in red glass; dog's head in glaze ; clay model boat ; inscribed tablet (lii.). - XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. Group of charac- teristic intermediate XIIth-XVIIIth Dyn. pottery (liv.). Tomb of Pisebkhanu, son of Ra-men- kheper, of the XXIst Dyn. Contained a fine stela (xxxi.), a stamped brick, and a number of glaze ushabtis (xxxix.), all giving his name. XXth Dyn. Number of glaze ushabtis of Hor-si-ast and Hor-iu. XIIIth—XVIIIth Dyn. Fragments of inscribed wooden coffin and pottery canopic jars of Senb-hena-n-f, father Amen-si, mother Ab-mu (xliv.). XXth Dyn. Number of painted pottery canopic jars, and glaze and pottery ushabtis, giving the names Pa-pet-pet, |). 17. 19. CATALOGUE OF TOMBS. 99 29. B. D. amulet - holder; 31. 32. Hor-heq, Bak-mut, Ta-kharu, Heqt, and Hati; large glaze plaque bead giving the name . . . . pa-ankh ; knob of banded blue, yellow, white and black glass; several glaze rings, etc. (xlv.). Also a fragment of limestone, giving the name Usertesen- senb, son of the royal daughter Nub-m-an. Mastaba of XVIIIth Dyn. Intrusive dome-tomb XXXth Dyn. XVIIIth Dyn. Pit. Gazelle vase and upper part of a female figure vase in pottery; 24 ſlint and 2 ivory arrow-heads; 20 glaze draughtsmen; gold dummy ivory dish and lotus column; alabaster vases, etc. (xlviii.). l'o-used in XXIInd Dyn. Two open- work sacred eye-amulets (xlviii.), and several unbaked pottery ushabtis of Ast-m- Kheb. t XIIIth–XVIIth Dyn. Fragments of a wooden coffin and of a broken limestone stcla (xxxviii.), give the name Hor-senb-ti, son of Ren-senb. XIXth–XXth Dyn : re-used in XXth— XXVth Dyn. Number of painted pottery canopies, and glaze and pottery ushabtis, giving names Thent-hor, Nu-ast, Hor-iu, Hent-mer, Nesi-ny, Ankh-s-ast, Pa-meter- hon, Pa-nekht, Hor-ankh, Mer-su-tef, Un- nefer, Hemt-neter, S-ankh-sahti, Hent-yit; glaze pectorals, rings, scarabs and amulets; small ivory Hathor figure, two red porphyry of XXVth — heart-amulets, etc. 33. XIXth Dyn. Fragments of inscribed coffin of Mer; 4 small pottery canopic jars; bronze vase with lotus handle ; 2 bronze spear-heads; jasper “girdle-tie.” 35. amulet, etc. (xliv.). Re-used in XXVIth Dyn. 'Sealing of Psamtek; quantity of small uninscribed ushabtis. XIXth–XXth Dyn. XXVth Dyn. Re-used XXth— Broken limestone lintel, | 37. 38. 41. 44. 45. 47. giving name Neb-ankh; alabaster handled vase ; glaze pectorals and stone heart- amulets; openwork glaze ring ; porphyry scarab with bronze ring; bronze vase with papyrus handle (lii.); number of painted pottery canopies and glaze and pottery ushabtis, giving names Hora, Pa-heq, Ankh-nefer-m-ryaa, Hor-ast-at-f, Ta-rehat, Hathor, Meh-hat, Ta-nefer, Unnefer, Thent- ta-urt, Mer, Si-ast, Mer-su-tef, Meh-kha, Tahuti-m-heb, Pa-iuf, Re-iati. XIXth–XXth Dyn. Re-used XXth— XXVth Dyn. Ivory disc with engraved horse; glaze pectoral and heart-amulet; ivory comb (xlv.); painted pottery canopic vases and glaze and pottery ushabtis, giving names Si-ast, Pa-ankh-m-ast, Ast-m-kheb, Sena, Asar-m-heb, Nes-thy, Pa-unsh, Ba- saa, Ba, Nefer-y. . e XIXth—XXth Dyn. Stone heart-amulets, glaze pectorals, etc. XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. Fragment of paint- palette gives cartouche of Sebekhotep III. XIXth Dyn. Ivory pen-holder (?) of the wazir Pa-ser, giving cartouche of Ramses II. (xl. 12); 2 slips of wood, inscribed with the name and titles of Amen-m-apt (xl. 7 and 15); fragment of a musical instrument with alternate ivory and ebony pegs (xlii.); broken wooden ushabti with name and titles of Pa-nehem (xl. 5); few large painted pottery ushabtis with name Un-nefer (?). • * Re-usedXXIInd—XXVth Dyn, Number of tiny glaze ushabtis of Ta-ast. . Dome tomb, XXVth-XXXth Dyn. Num- ber of small uninscribed glaze ushabtis; several mummied hawks and cats; 2 wooden “ba” birds; glaze beads from mummy wrappings. - Dome tomb, XXVth-XXXth Dyn. Set of blue glaze genii and scarab (lii.); frag- ments of several painted wooden coffins; wooden coffin mask, etc. 100 EL AMRAH AND ABY DOS. 48. 51. 53. 57. 59. XVIIIth Dyn. Remains of 3 elaborately carved wooden chair-legs; upper part of a limestone ushabti of Hemt-neter; 6 bronze mortices (?); stone heart-Scarab of Heru-s- mes (1). * * Re-used XXth—XXIInd Dyn. Two sets of limestone canopic jars, 3 in each set being dummies. & Also in pit a large stela of Pa-apt-ta-mer, XXVth Dyn. * - XIXth Dyn. Painted limestone ushabti of Pa-ser (xxxix.); fragments of wooden coffin of Henut-ta ; painted wooden ushabtis of Kha-m-ua and Sep-nefer; 3 wooden chair-legs; quantity of glaze rings, one giving the name of Ramses II. XIXth—XXth Dyn. Ivory lotus flower and bud spoon; small gold pectoral inscribed with uraeus; tiny gold ring (xliv.). g Re-used in XXth—XXVth Dyn. Number of glaze ushabtis, giving names Zed-khonsu, Neb-nehi, Zed-bast-s-ankh, Nesi-ga-shu, Ra-ma-ka, Ast-kheb. XXVth–XXXth Dyn. A broken lime- stone stela (xxxv. 7); and pieces of cartonnage which give the names Nes-p- mete, Nesi-khonsu, and Shepses-ta-...... (xlii.); fragments of wooden coffin and a number of ink-written glaze ushabtis, giving name Ta-kha-au-n-bast; lower part of a limestone sarcophagus (xxx.); gold wrist-band with lapis lazuli plaque; lapis lazuli scarab ; inscribed clay statuette bases; remains of dried sycamore wreaths. XXIst—XXIInd Dyn. Bases and parts of the figures of 3 wooden statuettes of Shepset-ta-pert, daughter of Hor-si-ast, and granddaughter of Amen-m-ant (xxxv. 5); several broken “ba” birds and uraei | in wood. Re-used XXIInd—XXVth Dyn. Num- ber of tiny glaze ushabtis of Sit-mes (P). XVIIIth Dyn. Two blackened limestone kohl-pots, one with spiral pattern; 2 scarabs of Thothmes III. ; alabaster dish; tiny wooden kohl-pot (li.). 60. XXth—XXIInd Dyn. Number of ushabtis of Zed-ast-auf-ankh. 62. XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. Ebony tray of AImaat-ab; ivory shell (xliv.); limestone table of offerings, giving same name (xxxiv. 4); fragments of wooden coffin, giving name Beba. 63. XXth—XXIInd Dyn. Hathor cow amulet, vulture, “tat” and feathers in gold; silver rosettes and electrum beads (lii.); 3 clay statuette bases, inscribed with the name of Ast-n-khebt (xli. 1 and 6). 68. XIIIth–XVIIth Dyn. Glaze scarab (liii.). 71. XVth–XVIIIth Dyn. Small glaze sphinx, partially covered with gold foil (liii. 4); glaze scarab (liii. 5). 76. 131ackened limestone kohl-pot, with animal figures (xlvii.). 77. XVIIIth Dyn. Fine bronze mirror with decorated handle ; bronze knife with hook handle ; wooden decorated case, use un- known ; glaze figure of Isis and Horus; alabaster vase, etc. (li.). 78. XIIIth–XVth Dyn. Ebony wand of King Seb-ka-y (xliii.); small liméstone stela with large ankh cut out of the centre, giving the names Sebek-hotep and Neferu- ptah (xliii.); group of pottery (liv.). 79. XIIIth–XVIIth Dyn. Three broken ivory wands; quantity of glazed beads and amulets (xliv.); white-spotted pottery rattle with animal head (liv.). 81. XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. Quantity of car- melian, amethyst, garnet and glaze beads; silver and copper bracelets and clasps (xliii.); small bronze mirror; serpentine, alabaster and blue marble kohl-pots. 84. XIIIth–XVIIth Dyn. Ivory lion (xliii.); pottery rattle (liv.). 88. XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. Alabaster kohl-pot with ring-stand base; limestone kohl-pot; CATALOGUE 101 OF TOMBS, 2 broken limestone statuettes; bronze cylinder from axe-handle (?) (xliii.). XIIIth—XVIth Dyn. Blundered scarab of Shesha (liii. 2); fragments of “Pan- grave” pottery. - XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. Base of blue marble statuette, giving namo Tu-ſ-sonb; limestone doll; tiny eight-fold scarab (xliii.). XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. Two hippopotamus. head amulets in carnelian ; amethyst cynocephalus amulet; glaze, carnelian, garnet and haematite beads; fragments of “Pan-grave” pottery. XIIIth—XVIIth Dyn. Ebony scribe's palette; blue marble kohl-pot ; limestone figure of girl playing a harp ; plaster mask; fragments of “Pan-grave" pottery (xliii.). Re-used XIXth—XXth Dyn. Small glaze ushabtis of the “royal scribe” Ky- 90. 92. 93. 94. nefer; glaze and jasper beads and amulets; glaze poctoral. XVIIIth Dyn. remaining. . Re-used XXIInd—XXVth Dyn. Five bronze spear-heads; set of wooden genii (lii.); 2 tiny glaze ushabtis. XVIIIth Dyn. Glaze inlay from the top and sides of a draught-board, with conical and reel-shaped men (li.); small ebony object of unknown use, giving the name Mer-maat; scarab of Thothmes III. on silver ring; plaster mask, etc. (xlvii.). 99 A. XXth—XXIInd Dyn. Shallow grave. Number of glaze ushabtis of Mut-n-ast; uninscribed stone heart-scarab ; wooden genii. 100. XVIIIth—XIXth Dyn. Stone heart- scarab of Si-anhur (liii. 16); alabaster vase and dish (xxxviii.); 4 glaze scarabs (liii. 11). XVIIIth Dyn. Two glaze scarabs, one giving name of Thothmes I. Re-used XXIInd—XXVth Dyn. 98. Only pottery and beads 99. 101. Two set of (lv.). 105. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. uninscribed stone heart-scarabs; two small wooden genii. 102. XVIIIth Dyn. Blue glass bead of Amenhotep I. ; glaze scarabs of Thothmes I. and III.; 7 gold and 2 electrum rings; 2 electrum “coil” rings; silver ring with scarab ; two scarabs in gold setting ; 36 other scarabs and plaques; blue paste dish ; bronze cutting-out knife, fish-hooks, etc. (xlvi. and liii.); group of pottery XVIIIth Dyn. Rough limestone doll; blackened limestone kohl-pot; glaze beads (xlviii.); two glaze scarabs (liii. 13). XVIIIth Dyn. Fine carnelian scarab of Aahmes Nefertari (liii. 7); 3 other glaze scarabs ; alabaster vase and saucer; car- nelian, glaze, glass and shell beads. XVIIIth Dyn. Blackened limestone vase and kohl-pot ; , end of blue glazed menat . with name Kha-n-res (?); two small ivory vases (xliv.); plaque of Thothmes III. ; glaze and jasper beads and amulets. XVIIIth Dyn. Broken limestone stela (xxxv. 6); alabaster kohl-pot; glaze, glass and carnelian beads. XIII—XVIIth Dyn. Green jasper scarab with name (?) and trees; bronze spear- head (xlvii. and liii. 3). - Re-used later (?). Alabaster canopic head. - XVIIIth Dyn. Double wooden kohl- tube, with ivory lid and ebony stick: broken glaze dish; 3 glaze scarabs, one with the name of Thothmes III. ; duck inscribed Ra-mery-ankh (liii. 6); plaque of Thothmes III. (xlvii.); model bronze spear- head; bronze fish-hooks; glaze, carnelian and amethyst beads, etc. XVIIIth Dyn. Limestone head-rest; 4 glaze scarabs (one gold-plated and one giving name of Thothmes III.); gold ring; limestone kohl-pot; carnelian and glaze beads; tiny gold Bes amulet. - 102 EL AMRAH AND ABY DOS. XVIIIth Dyn. Lower part of squatting limestone statuette of Thembu (xl. 11); 2 blackened limestone kohl-pots; 2 alabaster kohl-pots; 3 glaze scarabs; glaze “eye” amulet with cartouche of Thothmes III. ; bronze tweezers, etc. (xlvii.). - XVIIIth Dyn. Four gold fish amulets; 2 scarabs of Thothmes III. ; 2 bronze spear- heads; glaze scarab on bronze ring; glaze and carnelian beads, etc. XVIIIth Dyn. For groups of objects see pl. xlvii. - Re-used XXth—XXIInd Dyn. Number of small glaze ushabtis. XVIIIth Dyn. Groups of larger objects on pl. xlvi. ; glaze kohl-pot with animals carved in open work (xxxviii.); several gold and electrum rings; 3 glaze scarabs and a plaque of Thothmes III. ; glaze scarab of Hatshepsut; glaze draughtsman with Bes top (liii.); group of pottery (lv.). - XVIIIth Dyn. Five glaze scarabs (one of 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. Thothmes III.); wooden kohl-tube; large ivory bracelet ; small carmelian scarab ; glaze and carnelian beads and amulets (li.); wooden mask and hands holding was and anykh from coffin. - XVIIIth Dyn. Bronze cylindrical vase; 4 glaze scarabs (one mounted in gold); bronze hook and model spear-head (xlvi.); four-fold wooden kohl-tube; glaze, shell and carnelian beads and amulets. Limestone ushabti of Sen-nefer, in pottery case with hoes, yoke and baskets, and brick-mould (xxxix.); 3 alabaster vases; blackened limestone monkey kohl-pot; bronze tweezers; clay doll; a number of lead net-sinkers (xlviii.); one carnelian scarab and several glaze scarabs and plaques, two with name of Thothmes III. (liii.). XVIIIth Dyn. Two large stone heart- scarabs, one bearing the name Tetafi (liii. 15 and 16 and xxxviii.); several glaze scarabs (2 Thothmes III.); 3 gold rings; small bronze figure of Neit, etc. 103 INDEX TO PART II PAGE PAGE Aahmes I. © © e & g g . 84, 85 || Aru, fields of . o • . .* tº g . 95 3 y , tomple of e & e tº . 76, 84 || Asar-m-heb . e e e o o g . 99 Aahmes Nefertari . e g . 75, 76, 84, 92, 101 | Ast (A) . º g g * . . . 84, 94 (Isis) Aa-qah . c tº e * tº e tº . 94 | Ast (B) . º g e • . . e . 94 (Isis) Aat-mert-mut . • . º tº ſº . 75, 92 | Ast-kheb . © a s • * . . . . 100 Abmu e * © g e * e º . 98 || Ast-m-kheb (A) e • . . . tº . 99 Adze, model of, in bronze. g g & º . 89 Ast-m-kheb (B) o o ſº .* “e & . 99 Aegean pottery o tº tº o . dº . 68 Ast-n-kheb (A) e o o 64, 78, 79, 86, 97 Agate, marbles of . te o e tº o . 90 | Ast-n-kheb (B) © • , º e 79, 87, 96, 100 Ai-m-aat-ab . . . . . .85, 88, 95, 100 || Aten . . . . . . . . . 95 Akhenaten . © © * e º 76, 84, 98 || Atum, worship of . ſº * . e . 80, 94 Alabaster, mortar of . © * & © © . 89 || Auf-āa . e . • . e . 81, 85, 95, 98 ,, vases of . . . . 69, 71, 89,90, 91 | Auf-ankh . . . . . . . . . 96 Amahet . ſº : s e tº • e . 95 63 s - Amélineau, M. . o e & o de . 66, 76 Ba . • . . • e © o tº . , 99 Amenhotep I. . e * g . 75, 76, 84, 92, 101 || Bak-mut (A) . & ſº g g o g . 94 Amenhotep II. tº te t © º 86, 91, 97 | Bak-mut (B) . e re e e G º . 99 Amen-m-ant (A) de tº • 64, 71, 85, 86, 88, 95 || Bak-n-khonsu . * © © e . e . 98 Amen-m-ant (B) . . . . . 79, 96, 100 | Bak-n-rui. . . . . . . . . . 97 Amen-m-apt . • • : ſº . 77, 86, 96, 99 || Ba-saa . gº . e g & • . , 99 Amen-mes e * © g e © tº . 94 || Bast, worship of . . . . . * ſº . 96 Amen-Ra, worship of . e º . 84, 88, 94, 96 || Beba, tº º * * e e e . . 100 Amen-si . © . . . . . tº te g . 98 || Bes, figures of . * tº . . 72, 79, 88, 90, 91 Amer-amen . e e º º ë º . 98 || Black-incised pottery . . . . 69, 92 Amethyst, beads of . e e º e , 69, 87 | Black-topped “Pan-grave” pottery. . 67, 69, 86, 87 Amorite pottery connections . e e * . 68 || Black-topped pre-historic pottery . . gº . 68 Amulets, of glaze and carnelian * e 88, 90, 91 | Blue marble statuette . * • . g . . 87 Anhur, worship of . * ſº . 70, 85, 94, 95, 96 5 y vases of . e o o g . 69 Anhur-mes . . . . . 72, 86, 90,96, 97 | Bone, rings of . . . . . . . . . 77 Ankh-nefer-m-ryaa . tº • . o g . 99 | Boundary stela e © Q . . . . . 64 Ankh-pef . * . . . te e & 81, 87, 98 || Bracelets, of copper. • * tº o * . 87 , Ankh-s-ast . . . . . . . . 99 ,, of glaze . . . . . . . . 88 Ankh-s-n-mut . ſº & & . . . 97, 98 99 of ivory . gº e e & • . 91 Anubis, worship of . tº * & e g . 94 99 of silver . . . • e e , 88 Any . o e º te tº e * . 87, 96 || Bricks, measurement of . • . gº e . 65 Apt . º e tº tº & tº º g . 96 ,, mixing of pebbles and pottery fragments with 65 Arching of chambers. ę © .* . 70, 78, 80, 83 ,, stamped with name . ſº g . 76, 78 Az-pa-ankh-qenqen-f . . . . . 79, 94 | y, stuccoed to imitate limestone . . . 83 Arrow-heads, in flint and ivory g . . . . 89 | Brick-moulds, similarity of ancient and modern . 65 Aru . º * o § * & . . 80, 96 || Bronze, adze of . . . e © tº . . 89 104 EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. Bronze, axe-head of . ,, cutting out knives of . ,, cylinders of ,, fish-hooks of ,, frames of . . ,, hook of ,, kohl-sticks of ,, mirror of ,, model tools of 2 :) mortices of ,, razor of ,, ring of ,, . rivets of ,, small objects of . ,, spear-heads of ,, tweezers of . ,, ushabti of ,, vases of Button, glaze . Calf-vase . Canopic jars of glazed pottery . 99 of pottery 2 3 of stone Carnelian, amulets of ,, beads of . 2 º' rings of Cartonnage Casing of pyramid Clay, doll of ,, statuette of . ,, tablets of Chair legs Combs Contracted position of burials . Copper, bracelets of ,, model bags of Coptos Crocodile of ivory Cross-hatched pottery Cutting-out knives Cynocephalus kohl pots De Morgan, M. Dendereh quoted Depth of pits . Des-nekht - Diospolis Parva quoted Dog's head in glaze. Dolls º º * . 71, 88, 89, 91 . 69, 87, 88, 89 º 80, 81, 87 79, 86, 87 87, 88, 90 PAGE . . 89 89, 90 88, 90 88, 89 89 89 88, 89, 91 72, 91 86, 88, 89 90 89 90 . 88 . 72 79, 88, 89 88, 89, 90 87 91 73, 74, 89 . 91 78, 88 79 88 77 75 90 91 72, 90 88, 89 67, 68 87 86 94 87 . 67 89, 90 88, 89, 90 69 69 65 85, 96 68, 69, 92 77 “Dome-tombs" 65, 80 Draught-boards . 72, 77, 90,91 Dummy chambers . 64, 65, 78, 80 Ebony, kohl-pot of . wº . 89 ,, kohl-sticks of 88, 89, 90 ,, objects in 72 ,, spoon of 88 ,, tray of 88 ,, wand of 87 El Ahaiwah 89 El Arabah quoted 92 Electrum, beads of . 91 Esoeris . 96 Ethiopians 35, 79 Fish-hooks wº 88, 89 Flint, arrow-heads of g . 89 Foreign pottery . . . . • * 63, 69 Fusion of dynastic with prehistoric Egyptians . 67 Garnet, beads of 69, 87 Garstang, Mr. . ſº dº 63, 92 Genii of the dead, in wood and wax. 79, 91 92 9 y in glaze 81, 91 Glass, beads of tº 89 ,, knob of . © e * . 88 Glazed pottery, amulets o 88, 90, 91 2 2 beads of . 69, 88, 89, 90 9 3 bracelet of 88 , , button of 91 3 * canopic case of 91 9 x draughtsmen of 89 y 2 figure pendants of 88 3 y kohl-pots of . 86 2 2 lotiform cups of 72, 89 , , objects in . . 72 5 y pendants of 88, 90 y 9 plaques and cowroids of . 89, 90, 91 § 9 rings of 77, 90 2, 2 vase of 89 . Gold, amulets of 91 ,, beads of . sº 89 ,, dummy amulet-holder of 89 ,, objects in tº . 71 ,, pectoral of 71, 88, 100 9 3 rings of . 71, 88, 89, 90, 100 ,, setting of Scarab . 89 Gold-leaf, finger tips of º , 80 PAGE INI)}}X. º 105 PAGE Granite statues of Unnefer and Mery 85 ,, statuette of . e © e e . 81 ,, ushabti of . a • 64, 71, 85, 86, 88, 95 Griffith, Mr. e o e e 63 Haematite, model head-rest of . . 89 Iſalſ-arching of pits . 64, 80 Harp, girl playing, in limestone . 87 Hathor-amulets 79, 88 Hathor, worship of . 99 Hati © © tº © . 99 Hat-pa-gath-serer 79, 84, 94, 97 Hatshepsut . 75, 92, 95, 102 Heart-amulets . Heart-scarabs . Hedgehog vase Heliopolis Hemt-neter (A) Hemt-neter (B) Hent-mer Hent-yit . Henut-ta . Hep & e Heg-reshu hill . Heqt Heqy Horu-s-mos * History of cemetery D Hor e Hora (A). Hora (B). Hor-ankh Hor-ast-at-f Horemheb Hor-heq . Hor-iu (A) •e Hor-iu (B) Hor-kheb Hor-mes . Hor-senb-ti Horse's head in glass Hor-si-ast (A) . Hor-si-ast (B) . Hor-si-ast Mery-amen Horus, statuette of . Horus, worship of Hu, excavations at . Hu-may . Hun Huy. Hyksos e . 88 79, 86, 90 73, 90 . 95 90, 100 99 99 . 99 . 100 95, 98 86, 87 99 . . 94 75, 90, 100 64 96 98 99 99 . 99 77, 97 99 98 99 96 . 64 86, 99 . . 77 79, 96, 100 . 98 87, 96 72, 90,91 93, 94, 95 67, 69 71, 86, 98 85, 96 87, 96 68, 69 - - PAGE Isis, plaster cast of . tº s e © . . e. . 81, 98 , statuette of . e • * e 72, 90, 91 - ,, worship of e 0. © © e 77, 94, 96 Iu-f-senb . º e e º . e . 87, 101 Ivory, arrow-heads of . e * e - © . 89 ,, . bracelet of . e . • . . . © . 91 ,, comb of º . p • g . 88, 80 ,, crocodile of . . º º e : . 87 ,, disc of, with horse . e o e . 88 ,, kohl tubes of . º te e . 72, 88, 89, 91 ,, lion of . tº e . . . . . . 87 ,, lotus flowers of . e © • & . 90 ,, mirror-handle of . e º o º . 90 ,, objects in . • , , º e e . 72 ,, strips of from inlay . . . . . . 69, 88 ,, turtle-shaped dish of . . . . . . 89 ,, vases of . º º • , , tº . 88, 89 ,, wands of O • . . . . . º ... 88 Jasper, amulets of . • • ſº © 79, 88, 89 ,, beads of © o . . . e . 89 ,, rings of . . . © & º e . 90 ,, scarab of . & • . e © . 89 Kabyle pottery connections . º . . . 68 Kahun . g º e º . . . . . . 92 Kha-m-ua e o e o e • . 77, 100 Kha-m-uas . . . . . . 77, 84, 94, 97 Kha-n-res . . . . . . . 87, 101. Khataanah & © • * . . © . 92 Khentament, priestess of . . . . . 96 Khenty-m-hotep (A) . . . 81, 85, 87, 95, 96, 97 Khenty-m-hotep (B) . . . . 81, 95, 97 Khepera, worship of o . . . 77, 91, 94 Ky-nefer . . . . . . . . . 101 Lapis-lazuli, scarab of . . . . . . 80 Lawes, Miss . º & . . . . . . . . 63 Lead, net-sinkers of . . . . . . . . 90 Limestone, blackened to imitate ebony . e . 71 99 doll of . . . tº . . . . 87, 90 ,, objects in º . . s . . . 71 ,, . pestle of . . º o e º . 89 ,, vases of . º e • * º . 91 Lions, use of in decoration © de © , 69 Lotus-column kohl-pots . . . . 72, 88, 89 Maat-men-ra-m-heb . . • . . . 64, 71 Marbles . . . . . . . . . . 90 Mariette, M. . . e e º e © 66, 93 106 EL AMRAH AND ABY DOS. Mastabas, dates of ,, height of . Meh-hat Meh-kha . Men-kheper-ra . Menth-hotep Mer (A) Mer (B) Mer-maat . Mer-s-n-abdu Mer-su-taf Mery C e Metal, objects in Min, worship of Min (private name) . Min-mes . . . Model boats of clay . Murray, Miss Musical instrument . Mut-n-ast . Mut-hotep Mut-nejemt Myres, Mr. J. L. Naqada quoted . Natho Naville, M. Neb . . . Neb-ankh Neb-nehi . Neb-pehti-ra Neferhotep Nefert-ari. Neferu-ptah Nefer-y Nehay Nekht Nekht-hor-heb . Nephthys. Neshem boat Neska shut Nes-p-mete Nes-ta-maat-ra Nes-thy . . Nesy-hor. Nesy-khonsu . Nesy-min Nesy-ny . Nesy-qa-shu Net-sinkers PAGE 82 70 . . 99 . . 99 77, 94, 98 98 99 . . 99 72, 89, 101 79, 94 , . . 99 85 . 71 o 94, 95 . 71, 84, 94, 97 81, 97 77, 91 . 63 72, 87 . . 101 81, 85, 97 (58 95 º . 92 85, 95, 97 . . . 99 . 100 . 94 87, 100 99 80, 87, 98 85, 96 96 94 86, 96, 98 | 80, 85, 87, 96, 100 98 . . 99 81, 95, 97 80, 87, 100 81, 95, 97 . 99 , 100 90 94 | Newberry, Mr.. Nu-ast Nub-m-an Onnop.hris Ophois e Orientation of tombs Osiris, worship of Osiris temple enclosure Pa-ab-mer Pa-ankh-m-ast Pa-apt-ta-mer . Pa-heq Pa-iuf Palettes, scribes 12a-nehem Pa-nekht . Pa-neter-hon “Pan-graves”. 77, 97 | . 68, 89,90, 91 | Pa-petpet - Papyrus, fragments of Pa-ser I?anther-head necklaces T'au . Pa-uah ; Pau-her . Pa-unsh . Pa-y e º Pectorals of glazed pottery and wood o º e e . 96 || 64, 71, 84, 85, 86, 88, 93 92 of gold Pedu-n-neb-taui Pepen-anhur . Petrie, Prof. Petrie, Mrs. l?illars Pisebkhanu Pits, bricking of ,, depth of . ,, direction of ,, half-arching of Plaster cast Plaster masks . Plundering of tombs Porphyry, amulets of Position of cemetery D . ,, . doll of Offering jars from Umm el Qa'ab, marks on 77, 86, 87, 96, 100 72, 86, 98 71, 84, 94, 97 63, 71, 85, 86, 91, 92 64, 77, 79, 84, 85, 86, 94, 98 Place of offerings in tombs Pottery connections, foreign Pottery, development of dynastic fro l’AG k, 63 . 99 79, 99 85 94 94 65 . 79, 85, 93, 94 63 77, 86, 87, 91, 96, 98 99 . 79, 84, 94, 100 99 99 72, 86, 87, 90 77, 86, 96, 99 99 99 67 89 98 81 97 94 98 99 94 79 71 63 70 70 69 , 69 64, 80 . 64 81, 86 87, 89 , 65, 69, 78, 83 . 79 63 68 m prehistoric . 67 90 INDEX. 107 & PAGE Pottery, hedgehog . ſº ſº º ſº s . 90 ,, influence of foreign element on . e . 68 ,, lion . º tº © . . g . 90 } } model tools of . ſº tº e . 71, 86 ,, painted to imitate wood . ſº e , 88 ,, “scrabblo" pattern on g tº . . . 69 ,, XIIth to XVIIIth Dynasty ſº . 69, 92 9 J white spot decoration on . g e . 92 } } with white, red, or black rims . o . 92 Prehistoric Egyptians . e e e tº , 67 9 y , , , were they indigenous . . 68 Prehistoric encampment . tº e e tº . 76 Priestly Orders at Abydos o tº e & , 94 Psamtek . te tº '• e e e e , 99 Ptah, worship of . o e & º © . 94 Ptah & & o g . ſe . 77, 85, 96, 98 l?yramidal casing over “dome-tombs" . g . 65 Pyramidion o tº e tº g o . 79, 86 Quibell, Mrs. . e & g © & º ; 63 Ra, worship of 70, 80, 85, 87, 95, 96, 99, 100 Ra, Harmachis . º º te e e o . 94 Ra-ma-ka . e e º e e * e . 100 Ramses II. . . . 77, 79, 85, 87, 95, 96, 99, 100 Rattles of pottery . . e t . . . 87, 88 Razor, bronze . . . . e to t g . 89 Re-iati tº g e * e & t •. , 99 Reisner, Dr. . t & . o o º . 89 Ren-senb . * • tº g § & . 86, 99 “Royal Tombs I.,” quoted & e , 86 | Ruru (A) º ſº e . 81, 85, 96, 98 Ruru (B) . e e e e * . . . 81, 97 Ryaa . e tº ſº e & g . 71, 84, 94, 97 Sa-dep-ahu . 63, 84, 85, 97 9 ) statue of . g e & e . 71, 94. Sandstone, hone of . ſº & { } tº * . 89 9 y statue of . . . º e gº . 71, 94 S-ankh-sahti . e ſº * e & e . 99 Scarabs . * e º º © te . 75, 89 , Scattering of objects in tombs . e e tº . 66 Sebek-hotep III. . * & t g & . 99 Sebek-hotep e 87, 100 Seb-kay 69, 87, 92, 100 Sekhet e * & tº 87, 91, 96 Sena . tº ſº gº * e o g e , 99 Senb-hena-nef . 9. . . . tº . 88, 98 Sen-nefer . 71, 86, 102 Sep-nefer . 77, 100 “Sequence-dating ” . Serpentine, vases of . Sosht Shabaka. Shell, beads of . ,, rings of . Shepses-ta Shepset-ta-pert. Shesha Shrine of limestone . . Shu ; o e Shumet ea. Zebib Si-anhur . Si-ast © ë Silver, beads of ,, bracelets of ,, hawks of º © te ,, pomegranate ear-rings of ,, objects in . . ,, ring with scarab ,, rosettes of Sit-mes o tº Spcar-heads of bronze , Spoons . . . © Stairways in tombs . Statues, place of, in tombs ſe Statue of Sa-dep-ahu Statuettes of clay and wood 9 3 of limestone 9 ) of blue marble . Steatopygous figure vase . Stelae, position of, in tombs Stone, objects in Style of mastabas Ta-ament . Ta-ast . º & e Table of offerings in limestone . Ta-du-ast. Tahuti-m-heb . Ta-kha-au-n-bast Ta-kharu (A) . Ta-kharu (B) . . Ta-mennefer Ta-nebt Ta-nehsi . o © Ta-nefer . & O Ta-rehat . Ta-ur Tetafi , 75, 86, 92, 101 .75, 86, 92, 102 PAGE 67, 68 . 69, 71, 89, 90 , 96 78, 97 , 69, 89 b . 90 80, 87, 100 .79, 85, 96, 100 69, 91, 101 & 64 77, 91 63 99 89 87, 88 . 88 89, 90 71 . 89 . 91 . . 100 79, 88, 89 72, 88 65, 80 65, 83 71, 94 72, 85, 91 87, 88 . 87 73, 91 65, 78 71 64 96 99 85 98 , 99 80, 100 81, 87, 98 99 94 94 94 99 99 95 108 EL AMRAIL AND Alby DOS. PAGE Thay 87, 96 Thembu 87, 96, 102 Thent-amen 98 Thent-hor 99 Thent-ta-urt. . 99 This . 95, 96 Thiy e tº . 94 Thoth, worship . 77, 91, 94, 96 Thothmes I. º O * e e 75, 92, 101 Thothmes III. . 72, 75, 76, 89, 90,91, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, # 101, 102 Thothmes IV. . 91, 97 Thun • * e g e & 96 Tombs constructed for use of several people . . 70 ,, re-use of & o 83 Tomb-plans, development of dynastic from prehistorio 67 Tortoise-shell, comb of Tshemmin Tura Tutu. Tweezers of bronze . Uayt Udaqtura Umm el Qa'ab . o º g © , 88 to g e , 89 • . 85, 96 97 & ... 96 88, 89, 90 . 94 ſº 95, 98 63, 68, 85, 86, 89 Underground chambers 3 J j 3 Unnefer (A) Unnefer (B) Unnefer (C) Unnefer (D) Unnefer (E) Upuat Uraeus in pottery Urt-nefert Usertesen-semb Ushabtis, glaze 9 3 stone Wands blocking of . stone lining of Well, resemblance of “dome-tomb" to Wood, kohl-pot of ,, objects in Wreaths of sycomore Zab * Zed-anhur-auf-ankh Zed-ast-auf-ankh Zed-bast-s-ankh Zed-khonsu Zed-mut-auf-ankh PRINTED BY GILBERT AND RIVINGTon, LTD., ST. John's 110 USE, CLERKENWI&LL, B.C. PAGE 70, 78, 83 70, 77, 83 77, 78 85 97 98 99 99. 93 . 91 64, 71 79, 99 78, 79 71 60, 87, 88 (55 91 72 80 85, 95, 98 79, 84, 94, 97 . 100 . 100 , 100 97 - EL AMRAH. PL. I. -5-270/7MºS - º- > Žiž//lºss - - wº- ºr. - º -- - º % N ...? ºn º Miſſilſ/X7% &N - ſinlº \llº * Wilſº ^º º N N inſii |\ º º §§ %2 *\\\ * ºn §§ lſº N o º º % sº º %iº.” SW | º/ -- º § "4% % % *NW § sº NWWW 3%.” %-º/ flºº" "Nº %\s sº |\\ º, */jnº. ºw\º 5°o º º ºii --> .." | º ºf: EL AMRAH sº O C. § o S. 3- SKETCH # 3 # 3 # 25 O # : : º º - 2. º rn & MAP || 3 * † : º gº Ys ; : * * * *%. 5% ºs cº - º OF THE t- º : -: & º º > * * 5. * * * º - # - DISTRICT | # ; : S$ º Q o S$ ~ § 3: 3 § # C ºr- >> ºr ~ à ºf? Żº. -- in C : 20 + # 2 *%-36 - in U : §§ : *% ºz Beni Hill, tº W ºr º : % º --- §, W 5 fi, "º > º wo º º º : 5. º : 3 ºr º o - O > 3 * § -0 ºn - - tº uº. º O cº Pººvºº - view OF THE WALLEY. º -- º: . - 2.É. ºº: Lºº º -- - * - - - CAVATORS QUARTERS. COURTYARD LLED WITH POTTERY. THE EX EL AMRAH. TYPICAL TO M BS. PL. ||. º º º: º º º º: sº Tº --- º | 2- º EL A.V. RAH. TYPICAL TOM BS. PL. III. L º - sº º - º º - FL AMRAH, EVOLUTION OF THE FORM of TOMB. | V. --------> * *** - **** B (4.4 º \ #!'..." &sked wid: / tº * - S o o _^ ~~–~–~~~~ 1 : 2O Tºt 4 feet disp *** *** * *-*-...sºs, -ss-s-s- === 1 : 2O Fl— AMRAH, SELECTED GRAVES. 2 ***- m. Tomb & 23 *22- - - - - - - - - * ~ *- - a-º-º-ºw - *T*-...----- " * -- ~ • -- * * -- a-- †† º Tº iss --- : “if RS: Whº. - ... §º- | [] º | | | | || | | iſ' | #: º #|| Alli º | * * | º º *, *, , ; º rºº º D | iſ lºſſ; º | ºr" hiſ lºº | º| ſº -er- #ſºft jº W!! Iſº # | | . º § *— §Illiš' | º -r-, M | ſº | | | TFE- § ji %| º W. º | ſº |, - - §§§ º |}º >> - w iſ |||ſº º | } - * *AN'i.j}| | sº º | | / ‘ſt The ruli-H Bodits rººf —ty-or-ty- is ckūtd. & ckićd 7 f 2ſ W. 43. skull If & º § lº - § Kºłº, º *—---> §§§. ſºrts &ntstort ºf , *% 3] status sº - 'wºrk dual” jºu w/ºykus : d.6% s’ stard ºf fºur mad kin. PLATE V. Tom & 3.118 tºo &ntstant 2 a sº(deutſ'kºeād ſºo's ***, *.*** *A* ºf task, !] states 3 ºuld stak(2.49 4. Storu base typi Jraj Joung, 6 RAIT tº, --- Tº 92. D7%adu) y Tomb & 9% 3antu Pot Pºsa. Pºsd on º: g: “nº ea- - R.23°. 7 Ne ſ (tº 6– small'awmal 3. .#.” 3 marblº ºnaei 4 séan bahth. 5 small i. 6 &intstoni m'a 7 stati palath. 0 w 9 '... cult is fant dances º tº: it dioriti mael. J 28tael. •f ſ ** ru k, yavt. 7tººt g g :*:3.}. Ply fº ...? d" 6. cºy board, mraft Tornº dº ſ39 !] stat, politti, 3 Ostrick tjj, :::::::: Čvºwl PL. VI. ROUGHLY WORKED FLINTS FROM BOTTOM OF GRAVES. DAGGER. CYLIN DER. EL AMRAH. rº --~~rrºr- rTr-r- EL AMRAH. GROUPS FROM IN DIVIDUAL TOM B.S. PL. VII. E L A V1 RAH. CONTENTS OF TOM B B 62. PL. VI ||. * 24 TC 69 w N / 13 53b f 80 º W 25 - R ss. P 14. S– …” & ~ \ p 2.3 c. \ |P82b P4Oe / EL AMRAH. CLAY ANIMALS AND DOLLS. PL. 1X. EL AMRAH. VARIOUS OBJECTS. PL. X. º º º EL AMRAH. BASKETWORK AND WOODWORK. PL. XI. | º º º X ||. EL AMRAH, º-№! !! ¿№ №, №8º_№ №- ſ—- №tº)- ºs§§§§, 13 12 (d.4 Ti ſo) ot’t T. 699 TI JEE TI a88 Tl p88 Tl Z.6 Tl Aven 189 Tl 89 Tl p98 T . #89 Tl q+7, Tl 69 g Tl () "B 23 V/V, B_L\, Tl º q}+ 3 O – () q68 - - e () +79 - O Ne D B - V/W H5)ſh O - ||X Tl G. NV & SBSSVT! O "A & Bll Od – O SEcł A.J. W= N H vs Wv -13 9 : | 1 : 6 EL AMRAH. NEW TYPES OF POTTERY, CLASSES B, P AND D, BLAck ToPPED AND POLISHED RED ware. ~ B 81c. C) ºr B 28 c P 26e P 848 DECORATED AND OTHER WAR E. gº §N/WAN'ſ F 2 F 99 1 : 6 EL AMRAH. NEVV EXAMPLES OF POTTERY CLASS C. XV. C 25 C 3Ob ~~~ b "| W I 12 s & * * * C 7 Ob Áº 15 17 (7. Nº 18 C 39 C 37 C 19 C 9.6b s 5 2O § 19 EE 22 21b 5. C 76b C 75d EL AMRAH. STONE VASES. PL. XVI. CHARACTERIST|C FORMS OF STONE VASES. 1 : 4. EL AMRA. H. MARKS ON THE POTTERY, XV ||. ; D tº * * * D & º º 17 19 12 13 14. O C} T ~~~~~ 22. 11 ^ _* 16 || || @ 1 O y NY 3O 23 24. 25 26 27 28 29 SN- ſ a-' S” 31 32 33 34 4\ \cy vº- \ . / & ~~ 43 37 39 42 36 U ſº 41 ſh 38 4.O Numbers of the graves and classes of the pottery from which these marks come : 1 grave b 91 - Pot L 1 F 23 grave b 153 - Pot R 34 grave – - Pot P 2 ,, a 2 * * 29 R I 2 24 , - § tº 99 B 35 ,, a I tº tº 1, R 3 , - gº 29 L I3 25 ,, a II 23 - 99 B 36 9) b I I4 - 9) R grave a 1074 - Pot R 4 9) b I33 - 99 L I4 26 29 º º 29 L 37 J} a 1074 - j9 R 5 - 2) b 32 º 29 L I 5 27 29 b 82 e 29 L 38 99 a 23 * > 29 B 6 , b 151 - , R 16) 28 J) b 52 tºº , R . 39 , - ( → L 7 29 b 39 sº 2) R I 7 y) b 233 º 2) B 29 29 b 22 I º » B 40 99 tºmº . tº º J) P 8 , - - , R 18 , a 96 - , R 30 , - » , R. 4 I , a 1 12 - , R 9 29 a 2 I tº }} R I9 29 tºº tº , j9 R 3 I 29 a IO2 - 29 B 42 9) « º tºº JJ R IO , a IO2 - , , 2O , a I I I - , R. 32 , a 152 - 0 P 43 , a 1 133 - R. 2 I , a 131 - B 33 , a 106 - , R 22 , b 38 - , R : 3. PL. XVI ||. ROUGHLY WORKED FLINTS FROM FILLING OF GRAVES. EL AMRAH. - - EL AMR AH - ROUGHL Y WOR KED FL | NTS FROM TOP SURFACE,-CO ,-CONTRAST ED SKU LLS. PL. XIX XX, TEMPLE OF USERTESEN III, NEAR ABYDOS. H5)=łEOKO £\/ NOI. LOBS ± *2 VZa -------- <><==<!--- _=~~~==<!--№ss-----~--~~~~ „~~\~\~~~~ ~~~~^^^~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~^^^^®^º^. (, , '! ;º, , \ y^vº** • • • • • №wºsº),~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ : ~~~~ºzsº»ºvºººº *: < • • • • ! -, → (~~~~~~*** * * *^^***^*> ***• ? → →*ș-→• ---- • •§§§Êº: * · |-|\ * Ņ § -Ņ №. Ņ § È \,ŅÈÈ t”, * }} } ŅNSN:..…: 8, Nſ. №ſí§§} · 2. (§§§ ×<%! ×...×№ºr <!--~~~~ ~ae^*,… * * · · ·~~~~ 4 ~º ~º ~ºſ-2 * ~~~~ ~~~~\~~~. • • • * ºº**{ z ºsae •* 4. § • • • (* · * * · · · **, *) • •* • . && · • × × …- * *. ^_- -<^wº : • •-, e xeº sº, z******-~~~~~.~\~\~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !*· ·. • •*** ?, ?-?) , -?<.*)$. Saeſº,,?,!,:5$$$$$žºá. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.>>:)!!!!!!!!!!!!--><!--****<!->^<!>>><<<<<<<<<<<< >>**~ . ::: ~~~~ ~~~~); s <>,· --&^~~°. S• • •– →. +~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ . -----•ą_a^*** v --~~~~ (ČC<!\,C,...,~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ vº) · · · ·~~ ~~ ~~ \***~*~~~~~… * *)^*)^*) Stone a mal Sand : “...i. Fººtº: tº: a *. ~ * --- - ºr--> * . ~~~~ **** ſº: :::::: * // Stone / / * | Šş ; << N \ A 7 ſc/. Scale 1: 200 TEMPLE OF USERTESEN III., NEAR ABYDOS. PL. XXI. OBJECTS OF MIDDLE AND NEW EMPIRE, FROM EL AMRAH AND FROM ABYDOS. PL, XX||. 1 : 1.OOO ABY DOS, GENERAL PLAN OF MASTA EAS, XX || |. ſy GROUP OF XVI || DYN. PITS 99-12O 57 1 3-4. INCHES N. OF 57 “ff Tºr “{g} * is 1O # EXCAVATED BY AME LINEAU H XII-XVIII DYN. PITS D [E] '' AST-N-KHE B §§ i EXCAVATED BY AMELINEAU * X||—XVIII DYN. PITS i. stELA OF NEFER HOTEP $ *. s --> * *. i *. ^ § ^ $. § § § § § § 'R. t § * 37 35 32 t——tº looo t500 2000 - soale of inches * * 28 ***. ; : ... : :º: *//www. "** * * * ...nº. To UMM EL OAAB “”. //// /////%////, ^rºn,.. XX|V. TEM FLE AND TOMB PLANS, XVI || DYN. ABYDOS, 1 : 4-OO wae *: $× 9#3 �• s 3#^,•■ . , -,}£� & !ºÚ}{ ? v<£).~,* (3 § > º}#~~$, ��•|×---- •<!»«^w ••<∞)3 3 →~^,•< �� © 0 | | tae ! | U } { ! { {|•^<> | | � } | | ● D 9 4- [T] ck awa&s rs 5 * * * * * * D 9 [−] T E M P L E OF AAH (1ES I Y sº ** - - - - - e. 1 : 2OO | 6 1 : 2OO ABYDOS. TOMB PLANS, XVIII–XX DYN. XXV. l- sº smºº gº º tº p 6 c N A M P R R3 Dil, c ha MP A R 5 T 14 E. C H A M 8 f R 5 1) (1 C H A r1 B & R 5 XXVI. TOMB PLANS, XIX—XX| DYN. ABY DOS. 2OO 1 P. SEB K MANU. brick pavement D 7 (º. v. - ... - - - - * * * "l i ... • *-* * - - - - - - - - 5 pſ S E BK HANU : CHAMBERS. f* * * * * * = ... • a *- - - - - - - - - - • * ~ ~ ~ _ *** • ~~~~ -...-- To 2 8 XXV ||. r----º-º-º-º-º * * * * * * * * * * *= = = = ==> • • • • • • → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → ± i_^) . TOMB PLANS, XXV–XXX DYN. AEY DOS. 2OO 1 i · ! | w/)| pć| u!± = ~ ~ !|- ° ) ' _ _ÈÈÈÈÈ| XC*} <| DĽ} ©•------------~~ d.| | az © ± 3• æ=*** •••••=. --. …,__--••••• • G•|----=!= sææ æ ææ^, ©:©} ;• • • • • • • • •---} *------------\~~~~~~~~--~، D-EQ <+ ŅŅŇŇ\\\\\\\\ ÞN | ºllſſwnſl-i-l2 -I- !CD ||>Zſæ, |; :ż}– |}2●C_9 �|2 | |* O )H- » La ] Z•=C^D ^C/Q «C→|-×--> |OO Q-! Lu |Q^)CC) 0X- O | S. P L A N |D. 1 : 2OO ABYDOS, TOMB PLANS, xxv-xxx DYN. XXV | ||. Ur C. § A Na B ºr 1A. J. tº- J U A F A C ºf S E C T | O M 5 D l; 7 J) & 7 S E C r ſ 6 N a ....... & 7 D 57 PLA N ps y º g c ri o N s : “f $ & 6 ºr i o N t . . . . . . . . dº D & 7 C H A M P E R 5 1 : 4. ABY DOS. STELE OF NEFERHOTEP. XX|X. ~T. I O º - f - - . - . - % Aº a.º.e, 2 - - 2, 2.2% ºf 2.2 7.2 ... º. º. 2 - % > % 2. % . - • - % 2. º w Z º %3% - %fº? % - * %2% Lºr/ 24% - e \ . . - % %% % º - 2% & 2. % Zº 24% - - - - - % % % 2. - • a *_º - % * - % % à 2 Z º - Z % . • * - - 2 % £3% & º º . . . . - sº % ź - ". . . - - .. - ºl Pºž2222*. * |W - - % Ø: - - 2%Z% 22 - - Ø%.4 - - 2.2 %, ’’ - - º º “... % - ! sºlº) || \s SL, E!/*||||}\. V%t!, Sºſiº. Aſ sº lsº |Hºl: º33 ſº-Nº *Tºº [*[H2' =\ººlſ [f Szſº DATAºzº &ºi==}=A=| gº Zā’īº:/ſºlº Erik, i}{ſ}." "Wºw! A "TX.4 =Qſ>5. A. |*A*ſūA lººk Eſſºlº-A&A. Gº Air W. "." Ulliº/* =| ºzºïT XXX. ETC. VIEWS OF TO MES, A BY DOS, D 6 XXX DYN. XXVI – D 57 KHA-M-UAS, XIX D Y N. XXVI-XXX DYN. D 57 –XX D Y N. XIX 5 1 XXX D Y N. XXVI – AEY DOS. NSCR FTIONS, ſº º: # - º . º * § § º º- ZED-A N H UR-AUF-ANKH. x § ;: j; §§ §ºliº - jº º º º º - º §§ §§ i. § ºf; {{#### *ś ; - *Mººri §§ §§§ § Bºº Eyºtº §§§ §§ §§ \ #º § jº - 6 PA-GATH-TE º RERU, XXV DYN. PA—s EB-KHANU, XXI DYN. CIRC, 1 : 1 O MIN, XVIII DYN. XXX| |, SAND STONE STATUE, XVI || DYN, STON ES, &c., FROM AAH MES TEM PLE ABY DOS. 6 CIR C. 1 STON ES AND BRICK FROM TEMPLE OF AAHME ſae 6 S. CIRC. 1 Ķ ---- —A HU -D EP SAND STONE STATUE OF SA H #################| tºº, } *Jº jºijäß. \ - *! tº tº e 2 & *:::/ a. * § %f Vºž s le d'H • sº l I/ ** gº #############III Xiàº, # * * * T:Px2:51%+Yūkº Iyiºlº), º * “as - 62 - - , , –ºf “ss © ŽVºffiºſº): Prºs, sº $ +: >\ - W). | 19...]???? ***)? II? T'El 9, Y}l: Tºll * ..W. Le S ſ O T S. / 63 .L. | Q / ** tº tº as : • Nr.5%, 2. º > ºmme - de P- 3 n \ \O 6 a -3 |# YläIsl:Ulvi'it-lºſs •=>s ſº J J #|º º * § É / sº 4. 2 Y. Ž : S- 7- 9 / 9 & º: † £7; * *** * o :=|x|[...]: 5|#| ||#|E|3: Jº Jº'IETI HP *|1|A|º ITG’ſ TS h.3% (\ } j|#####|#|}|3 - 41 - ######## g 295 |*|†12.Éɺlºr|2|f|| #º | | º ſ sºv/1- ſ:04:XIITF a ſº-, …,x==== \{#ſº sſ & ſº ºc. WiżºłSpy ######## a U.: }\}llº 112 |4|| ºilº -*tſ.” Tºſſ-tº-ter' ºſſº. yº, º żºłºś. W ºff #.”"TI-Flº, jiājāś ... . . .” *11p || sm opup ºlºlºſºlſº b ((((\ºi £ºſºvº. Nº. #ººlſ#WHº Yºyº. 17: Lºſſ-ºxººl=l ' ' || XXX 'SXèvw Lod GNV SNOILa 1èOSNI sod Aav +7 | ſh NV H > E. F. Slcł ſh HV-cº E Gl-\/S 6 Cl d H # jºi 1 r ſ 1 cº-º' -- T. A Sºx. $ 63 | 1 M I dº || == * , #!!Miſſºl:Allālājāººl NIšM:tillſ;fjäºlº tº UElżºłºśſºlº (3:191"|2|+|| | www. #4fºlllliſºlºiſºflºxºlſ: rwººlll:HMF;1:xxºs g # 9 23 B-1B N N ſl - O E WO_L 83-13 NNſ) - O 8 WOL § {4. º | | I SONI : 33- O - O BT18 VL C. - = l $º V : > ſiąśl'ſ ºli, |[...] TT. J.' s I \ I. A ck ; & Q-7 U Ult! Qº-º-Sº --D- | || \\ | U | ălsº # wº. 14- , IL- §). *: c: \\ > B-33 NNſ) - O B WOl # Gº sh; \ A || {|| (#v=ºffWºft|ff WSJ-T}. | 2-3 U r * | || 0 || no |- Vºy Y |''U.S. 'e' ' ' Mºrā l º Er <--> ºWTºp Hººk N-Fº a) \| T', ','º', §º T= In º' "UU|IUU ºzºW. A * }|| ||ºgºź rT- } vºy | 13.7A: \}'', 2× §l > z \s--~~-- tº \ |), | LI== "/\|XXX 'S NOI Lc |& OSN | 'SOC] A8V 1 : 4- AEY DOS, SARCOPHAG | | NSCRIPTIONS, ETC. XXXV. | º * > f | FIEELZZiężpºiſ-Xī’ tthºffºlºz–MTüºtullålſº Fl:42|I./Mºlºſſălºſſºvº :IJ:#ſitſ TENTNSTTF- flat-ºffſº fºx.V. L- \;\xºs & Mººſ éºj: AI iſ: i : P ſh, º |: º º lºadpººſa: Sºfiñºſ. An i + upº) #ſºſłºń Zººlºº :/ſſſſſſ), B [] º g 2TN—2–1– --M. ſlº ºol is : V_s \–" - D & 7 s * *-* ...-- ſ - ----- ſ ... . .” ... nºn-sio |ºilſ.[...]|*| š-šiº. | st |º #. | jº. - § || || ſºft. ſºjºſ slº 9.6 ||*||ºilº || || *H el J [][ g| gº ||[] [] [] D ||& D L C-Q |ſº & 5. " zºº) D. Q. ^. Sº || || |} [] | ? ||| ſe º =1} ^)/ | Cºnſº %| º |A 2. *U ºſ º ||& *Aſ NC) N- * Z”|G: Wºo y Żºł à | ||º]|}< &#..º. º Žºsſ ||Y’ * º º º||es. D. D. ſ. [º. - |ji S’|| 2 Sp 2-fºllº || -- ſº |& ||º #| || Tºſs ººij. *|-g |3|||† ºft|*|| || tº ſº. |}^3|||—|| Kºlºzs, Wilſº § 3 || = ºf ej [|sº {-|Gº || || || ||< * §)|sºlº jº * ||Nº|| ..º. Sº, [] [j't _º|| || ||##### iá|º]}}|sº [] [] [] sº- S-7 ||º, ---, º * *s º U [] || S-2 & &|| cººr n || --> –lº |||ſſ|º]|| ||si º §11 |}|ºsº |'' 3. *||&2 || Tºll #| || || |||}º || #||*|† ſº § { Aft|º]}|ºil ºlºš =l tº ºlº Exxis |TFTT5. º ; : 4' | § 8. | }: # | | \, .º. º º ||f|| t; \ Hºlls-lè - A} º 3 J.D. / º º || 0 | \\ \ |- ||YYYYYYYY º V. // \\ ‘....xxx xxxx!| 'ſ/\XXX '15)V HaOO& VS ENO LS 'SOC] Agav +2 : XXXV ||, XXX DYN, ) |( , : 24. MARBLE SARCO FHAG US LID CIR C. 1 ſae ſae , XXX DYN SHRINE, STATUETTES, ETC. ABY DOS, W § d DYN. · XV || || ſaeae ( ) UNNEFER AND MERY (GRANITE), 1 : 12 CIRC TOP OF SHR 1 NE . MARBLE HEAD FROM SAR COPHAGUS D 16 D LIM ESTONE STATUETTE, XVIII DYN , XXVI-XXX DYN. PLASTER CAST AEY DOS, GLAZE KOHL-POTS, ETC., XV | | |-X|X DYN. XXXVI ||, 4 : 3 D 1 O f : 1 D 116 C R C 1: 9 D 31 XXX X US HAET | U. ABY DOS, EST ON E H | LL R Ll M H | LL R ANY (BRONZE) LIM GLASS H | LL R G R A NITE 1 : 3 DĽ –1 – I >- 02 LII H– |- O Cl- Gl. A Z E H | LL R Li M EST ONE LIM EST ONE XXX AST-N-K HEE V PISEE KHAN U A B-MER PA- VVOOD D 17 B GLAZE H ! LL R XX XXI XIX AEY DOS, | NSCRIPTIONS, ETC. XL. ! ſ 22 - 1:-re." <º ! : A y *::"-º. }ſ & #5 rT 9 U 11.1%. , 51 & 3. É G) ºt-a-T º : n 4- v s * M *: sº-º c-, }. º ; M : * | f ſ §: & s ; 5. ; # Aſº, tº ſº 2 ö #4, | { } 3, #3; #12 in: 74xx'ſ Yº -ſ; ...'...T. | { &; ºf ºf & | #4+%" || || St J- | 7 || *A*Azºvay- alſº | | t tà—. : y º : # * ºve stems ---a -ss-st: *** ***. ty Dº-> | }, |ſº § ii iſ tº In K | || ? § 2x S] Rig j | 43-mºzłę º [*] f E) rº —t- 1944, 51227 **** |-} , Ice SEs ''. A- . . > co © ºn •L, ºft/31% – 9 -F, =#| |-f| |\lſ - |É § |##| |}: º SS . § ¥ º; Yº|| || || |ºl ºf 2-3 ºil |ºr || TVº |= •=o • * @ P & tº “... IN ||{} # a lºº. ... +-- . *==== ** == wº- YººHºrrºſiſgiºſºſ, 30 tes Ary *! . O RNRHPāfī:MHºlt ºf Vºždžily .33EEEG: -º º § # = #F# E #; * -3.3/ſ1": {=ll- i; == P- → º *: - 3:11tra, is: !!! Jºãº, § 7) dº amº Ta- - E - ††:# || |# |É; ; # = Es = | § sº #º #: Aº Q) = 2 O º * |2|+||lºlli,ll |E| ###". [44. Tº zºa ſe **t Sº sº.--> $13 jº #º }/{} CM/ \- / |2|ft|||ſº |='02.7 * * * * * * * * * g #Tº Exsig=EFf º }. }ºllº -wr- T £2:##15 Jºj ž& ## 1275.255#. Z! Wºl lºliiºlº # zcſſºſſ-fly- # lºſt; Jºº ſº. O r sºmeºs *...] ſº ‘IT X ‘ol's ‘ſh 118 VHSſ) NO SNOILeſ I & OSN | SOC] Agav 1 : 3 - AEY DOS, CARTON NAGE, ETC. XL|l. sº 'lºſiº Tºpºgº * [] § # * 3. Tº º # * . J + º-º-º-º: lºsses-ri :* -> *r-sº º: –––. >=== :* sº §ºš: =:::::::===º (; º: - **:::. it. Tº º Sº - - *.*.*.* -> <> * - * jº-E :=º * * *º-º-º- Nº. º + sº * e-- H.P. XL|| |, TOM B GROUPS, ETC., X | | |-XVI DYN. ABY DOS, |() -№. ſae. №t: ! §. |× : ſae ſae |- ## ſae. } XLIV. ETC, TOM B GROUPS, AEY DOS, ſaev :N wºº *(~~~~ È!!! D 1 O.8 XV Il DYN. – XV | DYN . XIV —XV D Y N. XIV D 33 DYN XVIII DYN XV || | XV | | | D Y N. DYN. * D 16 E XVI-XV 1 || XX DYN ETC, TOM B GROUPS, ABY DOS, : ſae 2 >- C) × X1X DYN XVI il DYN O 14. E xvil | DYN TOMB GROUPS, XVIII, DYN. A BY DOS, D 116 D 116 ...š., •••••• • •\, , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •www……************e ſºººº", ſºs, ſºwe, wº ſºº(~)} ººººººººº,, ,•)„wesºta .|×…|- Tºººººººººººººººº saesaevº wae,,ſaewºL.) , : fi~,~\,********ț¢ () _■■■■■*****s*….….…,~…,№ tºº, ſ Tiſ((((((((((((((((((((((((( ſ, ſººs D 118 D O2 XLV ||. TOMB GROUPS, XVI || DYN. ABY DOS. D 113 D 115 D 11 O XV DYN. XII D 115 ----___------ DYN. XV | || TOME GROUPS, ABY DOS, DYN, XV || |. TO ME GROUPS, A BY DOS, D 6 XVI ||, DYN, E.T.C., ABY DOS, D 11 TOME GROUPS, 1 : 2 CIRC : 2 1 CIR C. : 2 1 CIR C. 4.8 7 f ABY DOS, TOMB GROUPS, XVIII-XiX DYN. Ll. •Nº. Sº ABYDOS, TOMB GROUPS, ETC. L|l. XXX DYN . - 1 : 2 XVIII DYN. D 19 B XVI || DYN, 1 : 1 ABY DOS. SCA RAES, ETC. L| | |. t **lver 5 t . O O ºr ſº 5 !. 3' 6twº glass ( t w e A as & 9 l. or ºr ews- “ry tº r. TOM B GROUP D 1 O2 Žºrº § lº, º º 91 - 5 l. 9t. ! ºne stone TOMB GROUP D 116 *º-sº ºù) = (24 (#) W ºft. * | @) 63-c) l 3' 38. Sº/ . 9t *R 3. 9t. 9t. • gt - 9t. TOMB GROUP D 119 J 2TſNTN 7 (#) 7 JD 116 9r ſoakes st * f \ , 9 (. in ter. gap, /< *S-rººf) ſºirº/ſº *jº fºſſi AIMEirſ: Eſſies #### a'ſ Pºzº iſº: ###FE rººz #|ſº × 7", ſº tº e-mese | ſºmº ( ( §4:332&t Q J. ferve Jº a. o. s to re. 30 fee 2 ****4, a º &z J. T. ot - “”:/ Ps 4 Q ( ) 9 & * , ! & O c ſ C 245) 8 WOL 3 * od }, s a Wiſ Q & – *;" . "/\IT "NAG 111Ax–IIx 'A&B Lloa sod Aav 1 : 6 ABY DOS, POTTERY, XVI || DYN, LV. tº. | 6 } ſ 2. yed paint 5. - - 1 9 C; C) tº ºct. Point ! I /6 l tº /5." ſ & 17 - JºBEERRRs. . CºCCICICICICT-IN GU Cº. Rººf Tº TOMB GROUP D 116 1, I - 3, 2. E-544 - 2-> 2.6 O - §::::: *s. k - 2 ſ----, - 2.7 0. T.J." §. 3 S . (, lack . - §. - - . - tteºk Faint 3. - 32 3 3 - J tº \_” &račk rim. tº tale.k. paint track paint - tº . 3 3 - - .. - tº 9 * , & 2, (2 Q J 6. | ) - C- 37 39 . . * * • - - track hadn't - $4; - - - . - - tº 7 - - - ſº JT - - F tº lo & k Paint é - . track/saint . 3° 2. * 3 tº ack point f & 8 track rim. Clcº tº re'rra TOMB GROUP D 102 J. J.” J’ & &s 61 63 D77, tlock bas it f ack P p.99 D.115. J'9 D, Yoct. W. *...t Tº ſo 5. D in t D to 9 it ask fº paint §: N/ |||ſ \\\\\\!/III// #7 | | ſº | | § |ATT 'SE'S.V/\ Old ON VO 'SOC] A83 V ABY DOS. TABLE OF PRIVATE NAMES, LVII. ho. hown - Jittee and Relationshūks game mel Dats. 00-is ch l |}. s-R see xxxuſ 6 —ſ /J. B. lxxvi-xxxl Co- 2 |3. º See Xxxv tº ſ.t. o/ / O ST | | XXVI - XXX 3 telc- 3 || A3 ſºr 3ee X Ll ll 92 |xn -xvil statuette l; * DJ = SE DJ metav ºf 102 2. 3 |xuſ-xvil cano/*- vase J’ J) ºr ºf als e aritter J. Nº-taº? and A5, Wieś,.. xxxvi. xiiv 62. X111 - xvi II toºle of * 6 |* = g a See X t- 7 Nº. 1 ST 4 lº × 12 |wo octen sºft's 7 tº e ] = Jce X X X 1 4, * x v i “ska.été 8 95%, E W = #  see xxxv s f-tº- # * * re-ºf-tº- of 14 & 1 & 8 |xxi-xxii statuette 9 ||= miſ See X X X. re… •w ºf 1* o 6 x 1x-xxl steća. to º 'º' ºr #: f-a- of / O 2. 2 & |xlli - xvil canok de vase | | | |) ºr ) {: g 11, E | xx-xxiſ ashatt. 12 || R. Iſſ it & H 78ſ: F = ? ... x , 9 X, V || || || A extette 13 <= } } - | | xx - x x . . . u-shoºt tº | lº | $4a see X×× V iſ . rvatºv. f / o $ || xxvi - xxx. 1 s &e toº. 15 || 3: Å, *7 |xxv-xxx|easte ºne-3 s | 6 || < | f = <= q := 37 lax - xxi., I wºke... t. |7 5 ºf [ ] see xxx sº a twº of 13 o 6 XIX - XX, l ste lo- | 8 $ “ xxx da, 3 kts. ºf 17 6 x Ix-X x steća. 19 J & = 4 2 9 D | xx - xx M I wish.o. (-t-. 2 O 3 = % 3 Y xx - x x . . I ush a 6 tº 2 | 43 *% * J 3 xx - x x . . I ush a 6 ti 22 | f : ~ 2./ 5 e s X, X X | X, de-3k twº */ Jhadako. J X, X V’ u show& tº - 2.3 || J.º. 2) #, see x\, . 1 & 6 6 3 X X | \ stay tatte‘s 2. 1, ºf Ş º see L11 9 — |xvi - x -l stage ºng 2. 3 "gº g in 1 || || 5: 5’ + 3 see x L. 11 ºvetº. f 8 & sºn fisé| 1 , |xxv-xxx ea-tonnay. 2 6 * ºn # - jºi 3 ST x x - xxvil wish at tº 2.7 42 ºn -- j = 3 2. xx-xx" wish at tº 2 8 * *- ::, ; ; Ti º or ºc 8 xx - xxt 1 I washeſ tº 2 y | ? "a zºº 4- ſ 2S X tº-ska & tº so | * ** see XXX daught ºf ſt 6 x 12 - XX séeta- 3 | | #2 * = | X X. ****** 32 | #2 * = in = | 3 G | x 1 x u-shać tº 33 £e ºf #N i <= j. A 3 2. Åx - XXII I wash at ti 3 l; 4.- : * 3 JT xx - xx in I wish aſ tº 3 JT fps: fºr ... ext, ºf 7 6 2. 8 X, Y X - XX. stelo. 36 i º º-A-Y = } & ºr i se. xxx v a. f-tº- ºf 144 ! It |xn state- 37 4A . - 37 xx-xxn| “...have. 3 8 || JA it 37 X X → X. X || vsheet. 3 y | JJ 62 |x|II- Xvil | eoff in l, o | + = * ºl A, see xxx. fºtº ºf 14* 7 XX || || 3 tº ta. 1, 1 || ?---> a.º. . 2 8 X x - xx vshalt, 6. l, a 2N = ~.... J 2- 2. X - X. X. vs haſ-ti [.. 3 Sº it: Y X X V - 20, 3, 20 coſ.f in. ABY DOS. TABLE OF PRIVATE NAMES. LV 1 ||. ho. ho-me Jitle and Relationship: Jomº no.1 Dote 06 ſect l, l, *r-> → | " ~ º 11, E |xx-xx it w shoºt. l, 3 || 2 r = <- 1 s laxv-xxx l wish atti l, & 2% See XX X. 5 or of /36 6 lxix-xx stele. 1, 7 | * * *s Il D / ) º ºs see X l- | | Sº X I X arvalet l, 9 | aft f_** *g 3- Yrs etc. . see x x x 1:32, at name SE. Tº ‘s’ l; 8 XX V s tele- l, 9 || 33-? ~3° e d? 37 | xx-xx 11 | task at tº J O || 3:. . . ſ X X “sheet. S I aft. .S. R | lº xx - x x 11 was h.c.0 °. J 2 || 2:. . ; see X X X 6 on e4 (3 o 6 X 1 × - X x s tele- 33 || 2: 4- tº 37 l xx-xx 11 | wish at tº J l; 2#. 5 2 2 3 xx - x x . . I wisha (-ti J 3 || 36, §º Yst, see X. L. &T ls tº X X wishat-ti J 6 3f. §5? 32. lxx-xx it l v-shoºt-tº. $ 7 || 2:- T 9 71 ° 2- ) #, J W - ...e., + 3 2. xx-xxvi I wish-et-ti 3. 8 || 3 || * , 3 & 1xx-xx 11 I wish a 4t. $ 9 || 26.4 3X ºš. ses X L 12. It l; xix ºvery 6 O || 5.5, T!!! - M. see xxxi son of 67 ? ? | xvi 1 s tele- 6 || |.5., ſº - * 38 |xx-xxt cerebie jea 62 3.j\ } & ‘ā’ see XX x t v 8 son ºf Re-n-on-kheft v. 22 | xx." stelo. 63 § { . . . . * * See X X XV 3 - | ? X \X - XX stela. 6 lº l-$ dº !!! D xx-xxn ask-ee: 65 lº - d ? 99 A |xx-xx in wiskolt tº & 6 |-º-H = [...] ºf : * ~ *** **** + ie. 7 xxv-xxx eºſºn “te. 87 | * $e e X X X | fath- ºf é o 2 x v in stela. 68 ºr iſ ſº 7 A |x|v || | | ? s to talette 69 | #3 #: / & C xxv-xxx I wish atti's 7 O | As 3.3 X JX - XX effºrt. 7 | | SE. + - hº 3 & xx-xx ºn I wish at-té 72 | \e 24, § Yºu ?? X, V | | || ~~~~ t 73 S. 3 & Xx-xx I I I wish a 6 tº Y tº s \ c &. 3 2. lxx-xx! | | w_s hio.6 tº 75 | ET / 3 Sº [...] 32 |xx-xx 11 wish.a.l. t. 76 |rs, $ 5 º 3. SS "... the ºf 3 + 2. 8 |XIX-XX ste?c. 77 | <=> asri—A, e 9 xvin canºhis jea. 78 || - $ iſ ! l; X V | | | stelo- 7 ? e º “at 3s |x|x-xx lºntel 8 o | < * * * | | xx-xx 11 I wisha.0 t. 8 e o A J 3 XX - XX ºf w-shatt; 82. à e º 'º 37 Xx-xx II l v-sha (-ts. 83 || 3 || Sº See XXX da, jktv. f 17 6 XIX - XX stela. 81, #; 3 ‘F [] see XL 111 • ‘fs f /* o 78 xiii-xvil stela. 8.5 | iſ A Q Q 5 e º XX X. 4-3ktv' ºf 7 6 | x 1 x -x x . stelo- 8 & tº # 7. * 3 frt, T : * * * ER as "n" see xlii ser of 1st 15 Ixxv-xxx I can town ags ABYDos. TABLE OF PRIVATE NAMEs. Ll X. ho. Tuam- Jittee ovnd Reloti or ships Jomſ, no. I Dote Olºset 87 is 7-3 = 7 Qi v.- Š. || |xx-xx 11 I wish a lºt. 8 8 tº • 0 (!) 35 Å ete see xxx v 7 S X i. 11 57 Fºxv-xxx fºa w castenrage 8 9 § +ge- - see XX X 1 || 3 re-ºf-tº- of l 32, 7 XXV-XXX s te ła- yo # , ºr * [...] 32. xx - xx II l v-sha ( tú. 9 s 5, •. •Aste vs $* ... xxxin s : x- e, is 7 XXV-XXX l stelo- " statuette 22 || $ ... + ~ EP See X - 1 & 7 xxv-xxx can tennaje 93 |ss ºf 4, 6ee X L. 8 ' ' ' O / 3 xx-xx u | clay tablets 91, ‘rs ºf M | | xx - xx v I wish a 6 tº 9s | His ºf M 5 S IX x ~ XXV a sha-tré. , 96 || $º ºf Sº D -)-- a-- ? & l tº E bºx - x x . . . was had ti 97 ºr := 0 } 37 XX - XX | || wish a 4t. 99 || 7 g -*-* ~ dº 3 2. xx - xx iſ l tº shatt. ?? | T : l; 8 'X V | | || v-shatti | O O || 7 || M-97 g 3 & Xx-xx n |can-ºf-- ºv | o | | * }} = EI - Axx. ~f~ ºf 67 mother of 6 o ? 9 XV 1 || || 6 tº ta. | O 2 |52, ſº ºr 4 flºº ºc Seºn. ef ! O Y it. 2. J.T X | || - XV | | canokie. ye- ! O 3 || C & LJ 3 3 XX - XX || wisho (sts ol, lá: J B |xxv-xxx ean ten najs of liº: * T = 95% ſºl ste see xxxv tº •n ºf 14 - 1. | | XXV - XX X s te ła. lo & |> ſi “Tº Petkº, of 1* + 3 | xiii-xvii flag. ºf stone lo) || =? &nj\#2 : **is ;...a war. * ***** = ... xxx, ? xxv stela. / O B | * d . 2- 8 xx-xx II le wish.c.0 ti |0} | E $ºt I & 8 || XVI I I as h.c.', tà | | 0 || 6′ 3, mºtºr ºf 144 1 if |xtil-xvil stela. | | | | || 3 - g * , X | X •effºr | || 2 || E3 - Sr * [...] 5-; ~ $º, 3 2. XX - XXII a shoºt. || 3 | }. | lr | x x ~ xx in a shot tº - | | | | }. 3 5. lxx - XX. It l v-sho-0 ti | |S | \, \ 3 8 X X arr-let { | | 6 || ?, ? 2. it Kx -xx 11 v-sk at ti \ || 7 || 3 & 3 2 | XX - XX 1 & w shoºt. 118 3, 45 s 3 & XX - xx | vº-sha.( tú | | | | }. f. 3 2. XX - XX . I wish a 6-ti. | 20 | \, iſ . . — I XX { s tº toº. | 2 || || $ 74 (J - 3. 2.8 TXX • -X, X \\ wish-o-lett \ 122 ºf l; 8 xv. 1, heave sea-a- / 123 3. *.dº 2. it Exx-xx it “halt. | 2 || | }. *d is iſ & •er # 8 A-tº- © ** 5 8 XX s to ta-ettº 125 |3, fºr f. son of l o 6 3 || |X| || - XY | 1 fºes. ºf 3 tone | 26 | #2 28 lxx-xx iſ l a shoºt. | 2.7 || J & J } 3 2. lxx-xxii a sh-ţti | 2, 3 || M. 3 $ lxx - xx 11 | Ash'al-ti ABY DOS. TABLE OF PRIVATE NAMES, LX. ho. ho-me J. Łtee and Relationshifts Jomº nel Date O6.ject 129 |5 - JT/ X / X wishol, tº 13 o ls - 1 “s Xxx 6" oth v. f | 7 6 X |X - X. X stelo- | 3 || |3, § (?) $e e X L | V 1 o 8 XV | a-rnale t | 3 2. ;: l $:: also sk.tt * * * * * : ... xxxus s, xxxv 2, x Ll 17. 7 xxv-xxx I stela elee. | 3 3 ;: lºssº: “s xxxii, s **-revºſ-tº- f | 3 2. 7 XXV - X x X 3 te ło- | 3 || || YAR, Twº, see L | 1 || 1 & / O o XVI I I I heart sea-at. 135 * J is * CI 3 & XX - Xx . . was h.a.0 tº - 136 || “... : 37 xx - xx it l wish at ti 13, †- O &R; =& - 7 % ºf $3:... º see xxxvii is a , xxx v 9 XV'ſ | statute. | 3 8 | f * 33 3 2. xx - xx it l wisha &ti | 39 ſº d. 5* . 3 J. xt 11 - xvi I (?) Jºey. •f stone | lio | ſle, 5*: jet - Fa 7a k-4 ºvel f 3 + 7 8 XI 11 - XV stela- | lº-j |ſ a 3 st 3 M X X v_sh a 6-tº | 1, 2 || || J7 |xx - x x . . . vºskia 6-ti | l, 3 || $3 Jee X X X | X 119. xv.11. wish all-ti | l; l; × B -- d ?. 7 B XX V - X X X cºff- | l; 5 ºf 13, 5* ‘a’ CI 4a.pk ºv, of. I 2 ºf JT8 |xxii - xxv statuetta | l; 6 lºſ K*... . > CT $ 7 XX V - X x X. sexternag- | L: G = ??? Yet, 9 it xt x - x x u-shall, ti | Lº lik it It l; XX - XX % v-sk-a-l-ti I lº 9 || $º 5 # A • See XX x aa.gºv, f iſ 6 |x| < − xx stela. | 5 O | N if ºs 3 5 ' | xx - xx 1 v I v. shall, t. | S I | A sº $ee X X X 4-jk tº f 17 6 X | X - XX 3 tela. | $ 2 | Nº Yſ, see X x X claw-3ktv. f I7 6 x1 x-xx l ste?a. | 5 3 || 3: 5. Sº 3 & 1xx - xx in I wish at ti | 5 || || Nº $ºx. $..., W: sº [...] J-7 xxv-xxx ashakti • effºr | $ 5 || Mº i ; *- 2, 3 XX • X X || || wish at tº | 5 § Mº i º see x L. S㺠P me thes. ºf 2. Sº | ST xxv-xxx e-ten vºys | J 7 | }\"a-n dº | l; E |xx-xx 11 w-ska.l. t. | S 9 || = } <> ) . y xx-xxii U)|fºº}. •f J tone is 9 |: ) - see LI I I I tº | 2. O ×v I I I hear tº sean al- 1 & 0 || > ºn Je. ht, See X L || || | | 3 XV | | | statuette | 6 || |*, * * liſ E. xx-xx tº I wish aſ tº | 62 |# 3. +* ~ * * 32 xx-xx" | shatti | | 3 || #: Nº ſº 33 |xx-xx al 2-shatt. | 6 || || $1 3,3 tº see xxxv 2. sor of 3 & # 11 O tº lam-ºwn'ſ sta. - 16s $).R. 93 fºr 7 Q - , R, See X X X S 6 yu. ºf li o 7 X X || ste 2a- | 6 || | *) dº s. 7 ºn T 1 - e. é o lxx-xx I was hoſ, tt | 67 | *N U7 ſº $ 3 | xx-xx 11 l wisha ( tú. | 6.9 || 3-N N ?? 7 1 O | XX - XX11 I wish a 46. 16% *\ .º. ). X II +* - ) = 5 3 xx-xxii wish atti This preservation photocopy was made at BookLab, Inc. in compliance with copyright law. The paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper) Austin 1998 3 9015 O4035 5482 ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ }}T ##į- ſįjį. }} ſae #### ſae ſiſ ae #į.| )T ſſſſſſſſſſſ'); ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ: ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ.-ſſſſſſſſſſ ſ. 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