THE UNIVERSITY 1817 LIBRARIES MICHIGAN DOE/EIS-0134-D DEPOR bar coo 40150 UMAN T DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (DEIS) CHARLIE CREEK-BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT BILLINGS, STARK, MCKENZIE, & DUNN COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA Administra CHARLIE CREEK - BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT NORTH DAKOTA Billings PO Box Billings (408) 857-8525 59107-8800 Pub making the trans Avalablay on the adequacy The Western Area maintain approximately and Selfield, North Dakeca Th the Antelope Valley Tioga, Woll Point, and Richland. This ccuracy of the DEIS should be considered in the In tines and loc Federal Register Notice huct, operats, and ween Charlie Creek transmission has been agas ads gros onosed action loadi and ayatera rakabil future exp provide additional flexibility for fut and provid Alternative Un on ared include no action, ener idered sand and the proposed proposed action ree effects of the proposed fuit, and cultural resources Draft Environmental Impact Statement U.S. Department of Energy 1988 HIS CELLINATIO ARTMENT FAMERTAVARIGINELED やく ​218 инти то 195 .E37 147 8861 BKS DOE E12-013-0 CHYHTIE CHEEK - BETLIETD ТОЗГОНЯ ЗИН ИОГИМИАНТ ATONA НТЯОИ inemetst2 fosqml letnemnosivna te10 vpien to themfisqed.2.U 88er UMMU DEPOS. 01/ 97 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (DEIS) CHARLIE CREEK-BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT BILLINGS, STARK, MCKENZIE, & DUNN COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA Lead Agency: U.S. Department of Energy, Western Area Power Administration For further information contact: James D. Davies, Area Manager Billings Area Office P.O. Box 35800 Billings, Montana 59107-5800 (406) 657-6525 Comparison Public comments on the adequacy, completeness, and accuracy of the DEIS should be received by the date given in the transmittal letter in order to be considered in the decision- making process. Public hearings on the DEIS will be held at times and locations noted in the transmittal letter and will be announced in Western's Federal Register Notice of Availability of the DEIS. ABSTRACT The Western Area Power Administration (Western) proposes to construct, operate, and maintain approximately 38.2 miles of new 345-kV transmission line between Charlie Creek and Belfield, North Dakota. The area is presently served by a single 345-kV transmission line from the Antelope Valley Station and several 115-kV transmission lines from Garrison, Tioga, Wolf Point, and Richland. This system is in need of added transmission capacity to correct low voltages, overloaded facilities, and loss of service that has been experienced and which will worsen as loads grow in the area. The proposed action would provide improved service to area loads and system reliability, contribute to energy conservation, and provide additional flexibility for future expansion when and if it becomes necessary. Alternatives considered include no action, energy conservation, other transmission systems and technologies, and the proposed action with routing and design alternatives. Unavoidable adverse effects of the proposed action would be construction related impacts on agricultural, visual, and cultural resources. OMMU 20930 230) THEMETAT: TOASMI JATHBMMORIVE TRANG REMO1221M2MART OBRUBB-XBERO BLUBAHO TRON CETHOD & DISMENOM PHATE, 20HLUNG wol sex matesWygien3 to inamtsge02. soiRO se prilis 00336 to 8 C9 od bloons 2130 art to youobs brisa notatoes out at beeblenco ed of yesupsbe ent no at enteri ni nevig isb ell yd bevloper al beson snottebol bris and bler sd the 8130 art no aprhsurf oddus sasco pritem to sobo 19ine Imebedotes ermannt er 3130 edt to vildelev TOARTERA oustanlinba jawo A meleeW adT en To eslim S.88 vitambongga réiniam cons or doxa rihoй bleftie@bna nots12 yeilsV agoistná BAT ons trio hmocht smil NoW spolT bris zelfost babechavo sapatioy wol toenco absol as now iw dobtw Sne ataye brs aboct sexs of enh bevormi enu of valdical inclibbs abiyong bas na noite on abuloni kenabianco evitsmeA os besogong at bna adpolice bre besogoty od A. Introduction....... optinued) (bound TABLE OF CONTENTS AT Executive Summary pribulant B. Need and Purpose...... C. Alternatives Including the Proposed Action.... S-11 evitsmetiA emetava nolealmennt bonnett D. Proposed Action E. Alternative Corridor and Substation Comparison......... F. Affected Environment.......... 1. Human Environment.. 11-12 18 .....i 17 .....i A iii .....iv ...iv 2. Cultural Environment. .iv 3. Natural Environment. .V G. Environmental Consequences. 02-11 1. Impact Assessment/Mitigation Planning Process 2. Impacts to the Human Environment. 3. Impacts to the Cultural Environment vii 01-0 07-1 4. Impacts to the Natural Environment. H. Electrical Effects........ 1. Environmentally Preferred Route....... J. Agency-Preferred Route.. viii .......ix no .ix 1. Land Use........ 2. Visual Resources........ 3. Cultural Resources........ I Need and Purpose 排 ​SA. Introduction........ B. Need......... a C. Purpose....... ..X .xi .xi .....Xi 1-1 ......... I-1 1-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) II. Alternatives Including the Proposed Action A. No-Action Alternative...... ....... II-1 B. Energy Conservation Alternative... ………………….. II-1 C. Other Existing or Planned Transmission Systems Alternatives... ....... II-2 noliaA beengons D. Other Technologies Alternatives...... 1. Direct Current Overhead Systems 2. Underground Construction......... 3. New Methods of Transmission. E. Overhead AC System Alternatives. F. Design Options for the Proposed Action. 1. Voltage Level........... 2. Structure Types....... 3. Conductor Size......... ...... 11-3 11-3 11-3 11-5 ....... 11-5 ..... 11-6 11-6 11-7 II-10 G. The Proposed Action... 11-10 1. Transmission Line Description. 2. Substation Description..... 3. Estimated Construction Costs........ 4. Tentative Project Schedule......... H. Alternative Corridor and Substation Site Comparison........ 1. Overview of the Route Selection Process 11-10 II-21 11-22 11-22 11-22 11-24 III. The Affected Environment A. Land Use and Agricultural Resources... 1. Land Ownership...... 2. Existing and Future Land Use. 3. Agricultural Land Use...... B. Visual Resources... 1. Study Approach.. 2. Study Area C. Socioeconomics Resources........ 1. Study Area........ III-1 III-1 III-2 III-4 111-6 111-6 111-7 III-11 III-11 TABLE CE TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) (be D. Cultural Resources. 1. Prehistoric Resources. 2. Historic Resources.... 3. Native American Resources. E. Air Resources. 1. Climate....... 2. Air Quality........... F. Earth Resources... 1. Geology......... 2. Minerals........ 3. Hydrology... 4. Seismicity..... 5. Paleontology..... 6. Soils.......... S-VIG. Biological Resources.. 1. Vegetation........ 2. Wildlife........ 99-VI H. Floodplains and Wetlands. es-vi 1. Study Area........ es-Vi III-12 III-13 III-15 III-17 ...... III-17 III-17 III-18 III-18 III-18 III-22 III-24 III-25 111-26 III-26 ...... III-29 III-29 III-32 III-34 III-35 sublea IV. Environmental Consequences A. Land Use and Agricultural Resources.. 1. Issues ........ IV-1 IV-1 2. Impact Types and Levels. 3. Residual Impacts........ IV-1 IV-3 B. Visual Resources....... IV-4 26 VI CE-VI as-vi 1. Issues......... 2. Impact Types and Levels.. 3. Residual Impacts. C. Socioeconomic Resources ........ 2. Residual Impacts TEVI D. Cultural Resources... IV-4 IV-4 IV-6 .... IV-8 1. Issues ........ IV-8 IV-18 IV-20 1. Issues ...... IV-20 2. Impact Types........ IV-20 3. Impacts Levels.......... IV-21 4. Residual Impacts IV-22 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) E. Air Resources...... 1. Issues............ IV-22 IV-22 2. Impact Types and Levels. 3. Residual Impacts..... IV-22 IV-23 Tall F. Geology and Hydrology......... IV-23 B 1. Issues..... IV-23 2. Impact Types and Levels.. IV-23 3. Residual Impacts IV-24 Sell G. Paleontology. IV-25 1. Issues.......... IV-25 2. Impact Types and Levels.. IV-25 3. Residual Impacts IV-25 H. Soils...... IV-26 1. Issues ........ IV-26 2. Impact Types and Levels... IV-26 3. Residual Impacts...... IV-26 I. Vegetation...... IV-29 1. Issues........ IV-29 2. Impact Types and Levels.. IV-29 3. Residual Impacts.... IV-30 J. Wildlife.. IV-30 1. Issues......... IV-30 2. Impact Types and Levels. IV-31 3. Residual Impacts. IV-31 K. Floodplains and Wetlands....... IV-32 1. Issues...... IV-32 2. Impact Types and Levels.......... IV-32 3. Residual Impacts......... IV-32 elevad bria rey quit s L. Substation.......... ...... IV-32 1. Audible Noise........ M. Electrical Effects........ 1. Line Characteristics 2. Biological Effects......... 3. Cardiac Pacemakers........ 4. Hazards......... IV-33 IV-33 IV-33 IV-36 IV-37 IV-37 SSVE TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) LIST OFTAR N. Cumulative Impacts... 1. Corridor Consolidation........ 2. Belfield Substation......... O. Short-Term Uses Versus Long-Term Productivity...... IV-38 IV-38 IV-39. IV-39 IV-42 Required IV-42 11-14 IV-42 IV-42 IV-44 P. Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources... Q. Significant Unavoidable Adverse Impacts. 1. Land Use......... 2. Visual Resources....... 3. Cultural Resources........ TABLE 114. TABLE IV. List of Preparers and Contributors TABLE ILA VI. Agencies, Organization, and Persons Receiving a Copy of the TABLE 11-7 TABLE ILS Draft Environmental Impact Statement Com Appendicesated Environment Appendix A - Alternative Corridor and Substation Site Comparison Appendix B - References, Biliography and Personal Communications Appendix C - Glossary, Abbreviations and Acronyms Envir 11-42 11-43 Appendix D - Electrical Effects tal Conser Appendix E - Vegetation and Wildlife Species List Appendix F - Summary Cultural Resources Study Progress TABLE IV-1. Visual Impact Model TABLE TV-2. Sol Hazard Potentials and Sensitivity Rankings TABLE 3 Sca TABLE BEL She TABLE Resources 39-43 Geology 6E-VI 2 Onsnued) ...alpsqmi ovitstumu M tebileano obimo 22 olistedua bisite8 1522 Viviaubos mmsT-pred suenay T-hon? O cash to thomimmo eldsvanie brb sidle event S alongil sanoA aldabioven minpl2 O sell band 0-24 anotudioino bosans anoase bos nossipson.asianepA JV Lavere off to yooo & privisos thematiste Josqmt istoamnative impacts 200ibneggA 6645 AV-25 nochismo ali nollstadu bas robino evilsmelia A xbneqgA TSR 18xbneqqA amyecQA bris venddA vineeol-OxibnsqgA Jell asloog2 elibw bris noitslegeVxibreqgA 29 youte wasu VameR XIbneqgA polybute 133 133 (bounth LIST OF TABLES I. Alternatives Including the Proposed Action TABLE II-1. Design Characteristics of the Charlie Creek to Belfield 345-kVTransmission Line to fugtu benimo BAT II-11 TABLE 11-2. Personnel and Equipment Required for Construction of Steel Lattice Structures.. TABLE 11-3. Summary of Public Meetings......... TABLE 11-4. Assessment Summary. TABLE II-5. Mitigation Measures.. TABLE 11-6. Alternative Routes...... 10-hone - ELISAT II-14 11-23 11-28 11-38 11-42 TABLE 11-7. Final Route Comparison........ TABLE II-8. Quantitative Comparison......... FIGURE 11-7. Shady III The Affected Environment FIGURE 1-8. A RGURE Aftern TABLE III-1. Crop Yields...... 11-43 11-45 111-5 TABLE III-2. Summary of Engineering and Environmental Soil Characteristics......... IV Environmental Consequences III-28 The TABLE IV-1. Visual Impact Model ........ IV-5 TABLE IV-2. Soil Hazard Potentials and Sensitivity Rankings. IV-27 TABLE IV-3. Soil Impacts IV-28 TABLE IV-4. Short-term Verses Long-term Productivity Calculations....... ...........IV-40 TABLE IV-5. Irreversible Verses Irretrievable Resources IV-43 FIGU FIGURE IN 10. Bong Restaure LIST OF TABLES (Continued) noinA beannolic Appendix D smail 1 TABLE D-1. Combined Output of Audible Noise, Radio Noise, TVI, Ozone 30 MISLEAY Concentration, Ground Gradient, and Magnetic Field. TABLE D-2. Short-Circuit Currents for Various Objects in Milliamperes........ .D-3 ......D-10 08-11 80-11 avi TS-VI 85A SUBAT GOT-IBAT lshamnorivna bra prisengra lo vimme si EAT zlichotomed0 108 2800supeana Istnamnoriva VI boy GA-VI aboM tosomi susV I-VISUBAT H162 S VILIBAT hon3-338AT ekdayahzeni seneV ella event avi BAT 65A LIST OF FIGURES 1. Need and Purpose FIGURE 1-1. Area Transmission Facilities...... II. Alternatives Including the Proposed Action RG FIGURE II-1. Typical 345-kV Single Circuit Steel-Lattice Structure.. FIGURE II-2. Typical 345-kV Single Circuit Steel H-Frame Structure.... FIGURE 11-3. Typical Transmission Line Construction Activities.......... and FIGURE 11-4. Basic Wire Handling Equipment.......... FIGURE 11-5. Task Sequence Diagram FIGURE 11-6. Regional Context Map. Dise FIGURE 11-7. Study Area... Coope 1-2 ..... 11-8 11-9 II-17 11-19 ........Foldout ........II-25 Foldout FIGURE II-8. Alternative Routes..... .......Foldout*. FIGURE 11-9. Final Routing Alternatives.. Foldout low dob finge syaloob III The Affected Environment 862 VIBAUDR Juobio FIGURE III-1. Land Use Resources.... ........Foldout adoqmi stiibliw .31-VI BRUDA FIGURE III-2. Theodore Roosevelt National Park Visual Analysis...... ...... III-9 FIGURE III-3. Cultural Resources Map ..........Foldout FIGURE III-4. Slope Zones. FIGURE III-5. Regional Geologic Structure. FIGURE III-6. Geologic Resources FIGURE III-7. Stratigraphic Column....... Foldout ....... III-20 ...... Foldout III-21 The FIGURE III-8. Surface Hydrology. Foldout FIGURE III-9. Soils.......... Foldout FIGURE III-10. Biological Resources... Foldout LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) IV Environmental Consequences Foldout FIGURE IV-1. Land Use Impacts... onibubal revismetA Foldout FIGURE IV-2. Visual Impact.......... FIGURE IV-3. Buck Hill Computer Simulation..... FIGURE IV-4. Painted Canyon Computer Simulation. FIGURE IV-5. Horseback Trail Computer Simulation........ FIGURE IV-6. Buck Hill Steel-Lattice Photosimulation.. ........ IV-9 ........IV-10 ..............IV-11 ..............IV-12 FIGURE IV-7. Painted Canyon Steel-Lattice Photosimulation.. .............IV-13 FIGURE IV-8. Horseback Trail Steel-Lattice Photosimulation. ........IV-14 FIGURE IV-9. Buck Hill Steel H-frame Photosimulation............. FIGURE IV-10. Painted Canyon Steel H-frame Photosimulation............ FIGURE IV-11. Horseback Trail Steel H-frame Photosimulation...................……………………….….….….….….….….…..IV-17 FIGURE IV-12. Cultural Impacts....... ....................IV-15 ........ IV-16 FIGURE IV-13. Geologic Impacts FIGURE IV-14. Soil Impacts. FIGURE IV-15. Vegetation/Wetland Impacts. FIGURE IV-16. Wildlife Impacts......... sovitimatiÁ enda.................Foldout .....Foldout Foldout Foldout ......Foldout Appendix D & BADOR FIGURE D-1. Horizontal Conductor Configuration......... FIGURE D-2. Electric and Magnetic Fields at 3.3 Foot Height............. Foldout Oversized figures are located at the back of this document roblo7 ...................D-2 8......D-8 DIR 802 6ill SAUDR algolots or- BAUDR wol of tooldus ad bluow meEXECUTIVE SUMMARY etherio prilieba ortt 28 Ness sihar-2VA ert mataya nolaelmens notelliW toethi-mateva impedig beol as Saboobs atuo nis onhub ea olher pritabe erT (S bns to asol sidle og bris spalov (s bns en nolasimanent Val 310 asion. A. Introduction 230-k beete The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing to construct a high voltage transmission line project which would interconnect the existing Antelope Valley Station-Charlie Creek 345-kV Transmission Line in southern McKenzie County and the Dawson County-Dickinson 230-kV Transmission Line near Belfield, Stark County, North Dakota. A new 345/230-kV substation would be constructed near Belfield and additions made to the existing Charlie Creek 345/115-kV Substation. This environmental impact statement (EIS) was prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations for the implementation of the procedural requirements of NEPA, the Department of Energy guidelines for compliance with NEPA, and other applicable legislation. obvo ed blow been betale arit onitsam seemedeya nolealmanent be B. Need and Purpose bB. Need and Purpose plagelhart of sau bludo mateow ed ther no alios beeogoiq ert rtionA The electrical needs of the Charlie Creek-Williston area in western North Dakota are presently served by a single 345-kV transmission line from the Antelope Valley Station (AVS) and several 115-kV transmission lines from Garrison, Tioga, Wolf Point, and Richland. Distribution service in the area is supported by a 69-kV system owned by McKenzie Electric Cooperative and a 41.6-kV system owned by West Plains Electric Cooperative. Power system simulation studies and operational experience have demonstrated the need for added transmission capacity into the area. The Charlie Creek-Williston area cannot sustain an outage of the AVS-Charlie Creek 345-kV line without experiencing severe low voltages, overloaded facilities, and possible loss of electric service to customers. In the future, system voltages and facility loadings will be unacceptable during both outage and system intact conditions. The proposed action would: 1) provide improved service to area loads, 2) improve system reliability, 3) contribute to energy conservation, and 4) provide flexibility for future system expansion. 120 beefhe eper C. Alternatives Including the Proposed Action The categories of alternatives considered for meeting the stated need are no action, energy conservation, other existing or planned systems, other technologies, other alternating current overhead systems, and the proposed action with routing and design alternatives. In this EIS, the no action alternative has been interpreted to mean that no new transmission facilities would be constructed by Western between Charlie Creek and Belfield. The consequences of the no action alternative would be: 1) The electrical loads served from the existing Charlie Creek-Williston 115-kV transmission system would be subject to low voltage and possible loss of electric service during an outage of the AVS-Charlie Creek 345- kV Transmission Line., and 2) The existing Charlie Creek-Williston transmission system would not be able to support anticipated area electrical load growth under system-intact conditions when Lewis and Clark generation is off-line. Overloaded facilities, low voltage conditions, and associated service interruptions will increase in frequency and severity as time progresses. Western could attempt to mitigate these adverse effects through mandatory load curtailments, rolling black-outs, and planned voltage reduction, but these measures are considered unacceptable in terms of normal utility practices. bis Western encourages energy conservation, which refers to the elimination of wasteful or unnecessary uses of energy and has the advantage of reducing energy consumption with no documented adverse environmental impacts. While conservation measures employed by Western and its customers have resulted in some energy savings and reduction in loads, they have not reduced area loads or area load growth in amounts sufficient to eliminate the need to improve the system. Another alternative for meeting the stated need would be for Western to provide support to the Charlie Creek area using existing or planned transmission systems. There are no existing or planned transmission facilities owned by others that Western could use to meet the need for the proposed action. A direct current (dc) transmission system is a possible alternative to an alternating current (ac) system, but, because of the need for ac-dc conversion facilities, a dc system with the power transfer capability of a 345-kV ac line would cost approximately two to three times as much as an ac line, with no apparent environmental advantage. Underground systems were also evaluated but eliminated because of technical complications, economic and environmental costs, and accessibility, although some aesthetic impacts would be avoided. No other method is presently available for the economical bulk-power transmission of electric energy. Overhead ac systems other than the proposed action were also considered. These included: 1) a Charlie Creek-Belfield 230-kV line, 2) a Charlie Creek-Dickinson 345-kV line, and 3) a Charlie Creek-Dickinson 230-kV line. A comparison of these options to the proposed action indicated that the proposed action offered the best combination of costs, savings in transmission line losses, improved system reliability, provision of an additional transmission source to area loads, and future expandability. After investigating the above alternatives, Western concluded that the most reasonable alternative for meeting the stated need and purpose would be a new overhead ac line constructed between Charlie Creek and Belfield. Design alternatives for voltage, structures, and conductor were considered. Results of design-alternative evaluations are incorporated in the following description of the proposed action and routing alternatives. nglesb emelave Have be ene melis auviorbotie wen on tort neem of beterent need aari evitamalle noima Fablellled bristow manent mont bevige absol soltosle pr (ted blow evilsmolts moto sanoo erT ii Identified HD. Proposed Action Western proposes to construct, operate, and maintain a single-circuit overhead 345-kV ac transmission line to connect Basin Electric's existing 345/115-kV Charlie Creek Substation with Western's existing Dawson County-Dickinson 230-kV Transmission Line at a new 345/230-kV substation to be built near Belfield, North Dakota. The proposed project would consist of the construction of about 38.2 miles of new 345-kV transmission line on steel-lattice or steel H-frame structures. The proposed Belfield Substation would be built on approximately 5 acres of land 4 miles southwest of Belfield. A steel-lattice structure would be 60 to 90 feet tall and occupy approximately 1600 square feet at the base. A steel H- frame structure would occupy about 88 square feet at the base and would be 60 to 90 feet tall. Span lengths between structures for either structure type would average 1,150 feet along a 165 foot wide right-of-way. The conductors would be nonspecular type to reduce light reflection. Construction of the proposed project would begin in May, 1989, and the line would be scheduled to be operational by December 1990. The expected life of the project is at least 50 years. E. Alternative Corridor and Substation Comparison The siting and impact assessment of the Charlie Creek to Belfield 345-KV Transmission Line Project was accomplished through a rigorous, systematic process involving six major phases: 1) determining the scope of the environmental studies and assessments to be conducted, 2) conducting resource sensitivity analyses to identify a opportunities and constraints to transmission line siting, 3) selecting alternative corridors brand substation sites for detailed study, 4) assessing the potential impact of constructing and operating the project at each alternative location and methods for avoiding or reducing those impacts, 5) identifying the "least impact" location and selecting a proposed or "preferred" route for the project, and 6) preparing the EIS for review and obtaining other required environmental reviews and approvals. metase Environmental studies including regional-scale and corridor-scale studies were conducted for a number of alternative transmission line routes between Charlie Creek and Belfield and for four alternative substation sites south of Belfield. The principal studies, through which the environmental baseline for impact assessment and mitigation planning en was developed, inventoried existing conditions for land use, agricultural, visual, and socioeconomic resources in the human environment; archaeological, historic, and Native American resources in the cultural environment; and air, geologic, paleontologic, hydrologic, soils, vegetation, and wildlife resources in the natural environment. In addition, potential electrical, biological, health, and safety effects from the proposed project were assessed. menu An extensive public involvement program was conducted which began early in the planning process with scoping meetings and agency contacts to provide information on the et proposed project and solicit early input regarding environmental issues. Further public workshops were held at critical points in the planning process to obtain data for the environmental studies and solicit input on alternative routes and substation sites, including refinement of the proposed alternative. iii F. Affected Environment 1. Human Environment The majority of lands within the study area are in private ownership. Publicly owned lands fall under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service, the North Dakota Department of State Lands, Billings, Stark, McKenzie, and Dunn Counties, and the city of Belfield. The Little Missouri National Grasslands are administered by the U.S. Forest Service as part of the Custer National Forest and are managed primarily for livestock grazing purposes, implementation of intensive range management systems, and the facilitation of minerals and energy development Regionally significant existing and planned land use features within the study area consist primarily of ranching-based agricultural activities. Over 90 percent of the land within the study area is devoted to non-irrigated crop and livestock production which is maintained on large farmsteads. There is no irrigated cropland in the study area. The City of Belfield (population 1,300) is the only municipality within the study area. There are numerous oil and gas production facilities concentrated primarily in the northeastern portion of the study area. A Department of Defense Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) tower is located 4 miles west of Belfield. Two major transportation corridors are located in the study area: 1) Interstate 94 runs east-west through the southern portion of the study area, and 2) U.S. Highway 85 runs north to south through the western portion of the study area. The study area is a homogeneous visual setting that is common to the physiographic region. Scenic quality for the study area is rated as Class C, characterized by upland rolling plains that are generally uniform, expressing little variety in form, line, color, or texture. Key Observation Points (KOPs) within the study area include residential and highway views. The Forest Service considers views from Interstate 94 to be particularly sensitive in relationship to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park (TNRP), the eastern boundary of which is one mile west of the project area (Forest Service, 1974). KOPS outside of the study area which have significance include a number of br viewpoints from the TRNP, whose vistas encompass areas along the western portion of the study area. evi 2. Cultural Environment There are no known cultural resources in the study area listed in or determined er eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Sites representing most 6 prehistoric periods have been recorded in the study area. These sites include cultural material scatters and quarries. Historic sites recorded in the study area include homestead/farmsteads, granaries, houses, dumps, and mines. iv meanco No Native American resources of contemporary or historical significance were identified in the study area. bns befl Weens sons youte erit nienistabool on 3. Natural Environment The climate in the study area is semi-arid and continental, characterized by long cold winters and short warm summers. The mean annual temperature at Watford City (located approximately 30 miles north of the study area) for 1971-80 was 43.1 °F; ranging from an average of 70 °F in July and August to 13.9 °F in January. The mean annual precipitation recorded at Watford City (located approximately 60 miles north of Belfield) for 1971-80 was 15.9 inches, with approximately 70 percent of total precipitation occurring during the growing season. The overall ambient air quality is good. The study area is located in the unglaciated Missouri Plateau Section of the Great Plains Physiographic Province in southwestern North Dakota. Only minor damage would be expected from seismic activity within the area. The area is characterized by low relief and gentle slopes interrupted by hills, buttes, and ridges. The near-surface strata are relatively flat-lying. The dominant lithologic unit is the Sentinel Butte Formation consisting of thin lignite, interbedded gray siltstone, silty claystone, mudstone, and gray-to-yellowish- gray, fine-to-medium channel sand. Significant mineral resources and economically valuable materials occurring within the study area include oil and gas, lignite, uranium, and scoria. The eight soil map units in the study area exhibit some potential water and wind erosion, compaction, reclamation sensitivity, and engineering problems. Although fossiliferous strata occur within the study area, the potential for disturbing significant paleontological resources is low. A north-south drainage divide is located in the western portion of the study area. Drainages located west of the divide flow into the Little Missouri River, while drainages that flow in an easterly direction drain into the Heart, Green, and Knife Rivers. These are low- gradient intermittent streams that normally flow in direct response to snowmelt or precipitation. Ground water supplies for domestic and livestock use are generally found in the upper Hell Creek-lower Ludlow aquifer system, aquifers in the upper part of the Ludlow, Tongue River, and Sentinel Butte Formations, and alluvial deposits. Vegetation in the area is dominated by prairie grassland, except on slopes and along drainages. Much of the natural vegetation on the rolling uplands has been replaced by non-irrigated cultivation of small grains and fodder crops. The Little Missouri National Grasslands are Federally owned lands managed as grazing rangeland similar to private holdings of native grassland. Limited hardwood forest stands occur in upper drainages and draws and limited wetland communities exist along larger stream channels, in poorly drained depressions, and adjacent to stock ponds and reservoirs. There are no permanent lakes or large areas of wetlands in the study area. No plant species currently on the Federal or state threatened or endangered species lists have been identified within the study area. per Cropland, grassland, wetland, aquatic, and hardwood are the five wildlife habitat types occurring within the study area. Big game species include mule deer, white-tailed Ideer, and pronghorn antelope. Common upland game birds include pheasant, partridge, grouse, and wild turkey. Waterfowl include geese and ducks. Four species listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service may occur in the study area. The peregrine falcon, bald eagle, and whooping crane are potential migrants through the area. V The black-footed ferret is a potential resident of prairie dog towns. State species of concern which likely are present are long-billed curlew, Baird's sparrow, and Sprague's pipit. There are no extensive floodplains in the study area. Wetlands are limited and have been significantly impacted by agriculture. The only wetland systems present are riverine and palustrine. Riverine systems along the small streams include all the wetlands and shallow water habitats contained within a channel, with the exception of wetlands dominated by trees, shrubs, and persistent emergents. Palustrine systems include floodplains, and all other ponds, depressions, marshes, and seepage zones throughout the area. Lacustrine systems, which are bodies of water greater than 20 acres, are notably missing from the study area. G. Environmental Consequences foo 1. Impact Assessment/Mitigation Planning Process Environmental consequences from the proposed action and alternatives are the residual impacts derived through a process that first identified, and subsequently evaluated and integrated, initial impacts and appropriate mitigation measures. The process involved assessing impacts by: 1) comparing the proposed project with the pre-project environment, 2) determining mitigation that would avoid, effectively reduce, or eliminate impacts, and 3) identifying "residual" impacts, or impacts remaining after the application of mitigation. Study area-specific impact types and levels as well as mitigation measures were first identified for each resource. Impacts were then evaluated using "reference centerline" routes which were located within each of the alternative corridors such that they occupied areas which had been identified to be less environmentally sensitive. Initial and residual impacts were established on a resource by resource basis for each of the alternative routes. Routes were then compared to identify the "environmentally preferred route". 2. Impacts to the Human Environment eagu ert Land use concerns expressed by Billings, Stark, McKenzie, and Dunn Counties, interested agencies, and the public during the project scoping process centered around the effects on agricultural practices, the proximity to occupied rural residences and farm tcomplexes, and the potential for closely paralleling other linear features such as roads. 1907 bns thenorme. In the study area, land use impacts primarily relate to agriculture, since most other types of land uses can be avoided through facility siting. Short-term impacts on agriculture include temporary loss of cropland in construction areas and reduced crop yields in construction areas due to soil compaction. Long-term land use impacts include reduction in available land by displacement of the area required for structures and reduction in crop yields due to soil compaction resulting from maneuvering farm equipment around structures. Transmission structures hinder the operation of farm equipment, and additional time is required to farm and maneuver around these structures. The proposed project may interfere with crop dusting operations. Weed control is a major concern of farmers in areas where transmission lines vi are located. Additional time may be required to hand-spray or cut weeds around transmission structures. Mature weeds may spread seeds into fields, and provide cover for harmful insects. betellon The socioeconomic impact assessment focuses on issues, concerns, and questions raised by landowners, elected officials, and agency representatives in the study area in meetings and conversations conducted as part of the environmental study process. Such comments are taken to be representative of the social and economic issues that are important to local people in relation to this project. These issues are evaluated in light of project construction and operation requirements in order to determine potential effects on community economies and social structures. Local residents would benefit from increased confidence in the reliability of electric service delivery. Effects of the project on the local economy of the study area are considered, overall, to be positive, but short-term. This is particularly true in Stark County, where most of the construction-related revenues would be spent. bre From an economic perspective, agricultural impacts would likely be minimal and restricted mainly to cultivated areas. Potential economic impacts to agriculture including crop loss and damages, would be compensated through payments by Western for acquired right-of-way. Right-of-way (ROW) acquisition would be accomplished through negotiations with each affected landowner. These negotiations are expected to result in some economic benefit to the property owner, particularly in light of the fact that agricultural operators could continue to use most of the acquired ROW for farming purposes. This economic benefit may be partially offset by the inconvenience and potential crop yield reduction associated with the presence of transmission structures in cultivated fields on a long-term basis. The primary siting issues associated with visual resources were foreground and middleground views from major travel routes, individual residences, and communities, as well as views from Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Visual intrusion of the transmission line would continue throughout the life of the proposed project. Nonspecular (not shiny) conductors would be used for the proposed project, reducing conductor visibility as much as possible. Structures would be placed in a manner which allows sensitive features to be avoided or spanned, wherever possible. These mitigation measures would reduce site-specific visual impacts to some degree, but would not effectively reduce initial impacts to lower levels (e.g., high impacts would not be reduced to moderate). In assessing the visual impacts of the proposed project, it was te determined that the minimum impact incurred would be low, since the line would always have some visual presence. Jo 3. Impacts to the Cultural Environment Ed Bow enemurl to consseng Depay ab hoqqu Impacts to cultural resources, which are nonrenewable, could be adverse and to permanent. Construction and operation of the proposed project could result in impacts affecting cultural resources physically and/or visually, directly and/or indirectly, and could affect criteria that makes a resource eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Direct impacts are primarily limited to the location of the support structures, guy wire anchoring, access trails/roads, and heavy equipment movement along the right-of- way. Direct impacts could also include visual impacts, especially to historic sites. Indirect vii impacts could result from increased access to previously isolated sites, heightening the potential for vandalism. To date, seven prehistoric sites, 4 historic sites, and 21 prehistoric isolated finds have been recorded from an intensive cultural resources survey of the proposed route. Several of these sites are avoidable through spanning and or establishment of avoidance (e.g., non-trespass) areas for construction, inspection, and other project-related personnel and equipment. Western will confer with the State Historic Preservation Officer to determine procedures for mitigation of adverse impacts to significant cultural resources. 4. Impacts to the Natural Environment 610 Primary types of impacts on air resources are increased total suspended particulate levels from construction activities and increased emission of nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide from construction and maintenance vehicles. Dust impacts could result from grading structure sites and access trails, clearing of brush and tree debris, and vehicle movement during construction. Air resource impacts anticipated during construction and maintenance of the proposed transmission line are highly transient in nature and of a very short duration. The impacts are therefore considered to be low in magnitude and should not prevent the maintenance of air quality standards. The principle geologic and hydrologic environmental impacts and construction constraints assessed for the proposed project were: 1) soil erosion on steep slopes, 2) construction of structure foundations in unconsolidated deposits (alluvium and colluvium), areas with high water tables, and areas subject to periodic flooding, and 3) small scale subsidence from burning lignite beds resulting in collapse of overburden. Potential soil related hazards were determined to be water erosion, wind erosion, compaction sensitivity, reclamation sensitivity, and engineering constraints. Spanning or rerouting to avoid sensitive features and upgrading structure foundations to insure stability in areas of soft subsurface conditions, high water tables, or flooding potential would effectively reduce geologic and hydrologic impacts and overcome construction constraints. High impact levels to vegetation were not encountered in the study area owing to the lack of large, critically sensitive areas of vegetation. No unique, threatened, or endangered plant species has been identified. The wetlands associated with reservoirs, marshes, and streams are small and easily avoided by careful routing. Other areas that could support wetlands vegetation, such as small potholes and surface depressions, are not present in the study area. Short-term impacts to wildlife would occur during the construction phase. They include disturbance of animals by noise and the presence of humans as well as temporary bloss of habitat owing to construction activities. Long-term impacts are those that result from the long-term presence of the transmission line such as permanent loss or alteration of bi habitat owing to construction of the line. The removal of grassland and cropland wildlife habitat for structure sites would not result in significant long-term biological impacts. All hardwood and wetland habitats would be avoided or spanned. No impacts to threatened, endangered, or special-status species have been identified. viii alnemmop allduq yonepa bns, H. Electrical Effects @qmi eve deblovs evilomats hose to seorsu bas The electrical effects of the proposed project would be those resulting from corona and electric/magnetic fields. Corona is the electrical breakdown of the air into charged particles. Effects of corona, which are greatest during wet weather, include audible noise, visible light, photochemical oxidants, and radio and television interference. No significant adverse effects from audible noise, visible light, or photochemical oxidants are anticipated. Impacts from radio and television interference, if they occur, are expected to be minimal and would be mitigated by Western on a case by case basis. Field effects from electrical and magnetic fields created by the proposed transmission line include induced currents and voltages. The induced short-circuit current to the largest anticipated vehicle under the proposed line would be less than the National Electric Safety Code criterion of 5 milliampere (mA). bas Primary shocks from steady-state current would not be possible from the induced currents because of the relatively low field strengths and grounding practices of Western. Secondary shocks are not likely to occur very often; when they do, they would represent a nuisance rather than a hazard. Spark discharges from induced voltages could occur on objects inadequately grounded under the proposed line; however, shock of this type would be rare. Whether long-term direct exposure to electric fields from transmission lines causes biological or health effects in humans is controversial. Research results are contradictory and inconclusive. The electric-field levels of the proposed line would be less than levels at which effects have been reported and below the perception levels for humans. No adverse health or biological effects are anticipated. Adverse electrical effects on agriculture are not anticipated because the electrical exfields from the proposed transmission line would be below levels where most effects have been observed on honeybees or crops. Magnetically induced currents and voltages from the proposed transmission line would be minimized because of grounding practices of Western and available mitigating techniques that would be applied. It is highly unlikely that exposures to the magnetic fields from the proposed line would have adverse biological or health effects because of the low levels generated, which are equal to or less than those of appliances in the home. The proposed line would not be located in close proximity to occupied residences. Reversion of pacemakers is the most substantial effect noted to wearers of pacemakers and is not considered a serious problem. To date, no evidence that a transmission line has caused a serious problem to the wearer of a pacemaker has been found. -Vonage ent et eban D 1. Environmentally Preferred Route Maple printeman ab bemeteng bne leta. The least potential impact or "environmentally preferred" route was identified through an assessment of the environmental data and public input. Included in the preferred route selection was a review of the impact characterizations, significant ix unavoidable adverse impacts, individual routing preferences, and agency/public comments regarding the locations and cumulative environmental consequences of each alternative route. Summaries of assessment criteria, corridor selection issues, and impact assessment issues are presented in Table 11-4. A comparison of impacts for the final list of alternative routes is shown on Table II-7. A quantitative comparison of final routes is shown on Table II-8. The locations of the alternative corridors and routes, and the alternative Belfield Substation siting areas are shown in Figure II-8. The environmentally preferred route is also shown in Figure II-9. The resources which were found to be the best discriminators, that is those which provided the greatest capability to differentiate between the alternative routes, were land use and visual. In the final analysis, two routes, an eastern route (E4-1) and a western route (W1-1), were found to be clearly preferred over all other alternatives. Land use showed a preference for the western route and visual showed a preference for the eastern route. Because the visual preference for the eastern route was stronger than the land use preference for the western route (i.e., a wider discrepancy within the given resource) and because visual impacts ranged into the high category while all land use impacts were moderate or lower, the eastern route was determined to be the least-potential-impact or "environmentally preferred" route. J. Agency-Preferred Route Because it was recognized that the eastern and western routes were very similar in overall environmental ranking, it was considered important to evaluate other factors such as miles of transmission line construction, available access, potential construction problems, and project costs before selecting the agency-preferred route. It was determined that the western route provided somewhat better access and fewer engineering/construction constraints. In addition, the shorter length of the western route (approximately 4 fewer miles) represented a potential savings of around 10% (up to one million dollars) in line construction costs over the eastern route. For these reasons, the western route (W1-1) was selected as the agency-preferred route. As a result of comments received from the public and interested agencies, implementation of mitigation measures, and a preliminary centerline survey/engineering review, refinements were made to the agency-preferred route. The agency-preferred and refined agency-preferred routes are shown in Figure 11-9. Table II-8 provides a quantitative assessment of the agency-preferred and refined agency-preferred routes. Based on the corridor selection process and adjustments made to the agency- preferred route, no significant unavoidable adverse impacts would remain for earth resources, biological resources, or floodplains and wetlands. Remaining significant (or potentially significant) unavoidable adverse impacts were identified for land use, visual, and e cultural resources. bensting X 1. Land Use The construction and operation of the proposed line would remove approximately 2.6 acres (steel-lattice structures) or 1.5 acres (H-frame structures) of cropland from production for the life of the project. 2. Visual Resources High visual impacts would occur along the proposed transmission line corridor where 32 residences with open views are located within 1 mile of the agency-preferred route. The proposed Belfield Substation would create high and high-to-moderate visual impacts to 1 residence with an open view and 2 residences with partially screened views within 1 mile of the substation. 3. Cultural Resources Although there is potential for significant impacts to archaeological and historic resources, unavoidable adverse impacts cannot be identified until the results of the intensive cultural resources survey are assessed and consultation for eligibility and effect between Western and the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) is completed. Western plans to avoid three of the seven recorded prehistoric cultural material scatters. Of the four that will not be avoided, two have been recommended as not eligible for the NRHP. A final determination of "not eligible" would result in no adverse impact by the proposed project. The remaining two prehistoric sites would be adversely impacted if they are determined to be potentially eligible and unavoidable. Two historic material scatters were recorded within the ROW and have been recommended as not eligible. Western does not plan to avoid these. The two historic structures recorded outside the ROW will be visually impacted, but have also been recommended as not eligible. Final NRHP eligibility determinations must be made before the level of impact to each resource can be assessed. Finalized construction plans will determine which resources can be avoided. Need and Purpose xi swe ahotkin dirty beingol is away no bluow notatadue besogo ver bebeami vienevos ed biod 2010 915 ads to toe agency for for visual, and I. Need and Purpose I. NEED AND PURPOSE C. Purpose The proposed action to Lindwould save the loy A. Introduction The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing to construct a high voltage transmission line project which would interconnect the existing Antelope Valley Station-Charlie Creek 345-kV Transmission Line in southern McKenzie County and the Dawson County-Dickinson 230-kV Transmission Line near Belfield, Stark County, North Dakota. The proposed project would require construction of approximately 38.2 miles of new 345-kV transmission line and terminal facilities at each end. The proposed transmission line would be constructed with steel lattice or steel H-frame structures on a 165-foot-wide right-of-way. A new 345/230-kV substation would be constructed near Belfield which would require acquisition of about 5 to 10 acres of land. Contribute proposad of electrical B. Need The electrical needs of the Charlie Creek-Williston area in western North Dakota are presently served by a single 345-kV transmission line from the Antelope Valley Station (AVS) and several 115-kV transmission lines from Garrison, Tioga, Wolf Point, and Richland as shown in Figure 1-1. Distribution service in the area is supported by a 69-kV system owned by McKenzie Electric Cooperative and a 41.6-kV system owned by West Plains Electric Cooperative. Power system simulation studies and operational experience have demonstrated the need for added transmission capacity into the area. Some of the problems are: The Charlie Creek-Williston area cannot sustain an outage of the AVS-Charlie Creek 345-kV line without experiencing severe low voltages, overloaded facilities, and possible loss of electric service to customers. As early as Winter 1990, system voltage and facility loadings in the area will be unacceptable without additional construction of transmission facilities. It will become increasingly difficult to remove sections of 115-kV transmission lines from service for routine maintenance because of the aforementioned problems. Reduced maintenance could lead to more unscheduled outages. J32 Because of these problems, it is necessary that additional transmission facilities be built to adequately serve the Charlie Creek-Williston area loads in the future. 01221M2MART ATCHAG WIROW 1-1 MO122 MBMART yhero not benimo 8-1 7 WILLIAMS ELEC UM 115 WAPA 115 WILLISTON WAPA 115 YELLOWSTONE/ RIVER MEC 69 MEC 115 له کہ 69 MEC 115 6 7 هم LITTLE згодния дИА ЛЕЗИ І BEPC 230 COOP MDU 115 TIOGA BEPC 230 MOU 115 eri MC KENZIE ELEC. COOP. 69 69 UM 115 WATFORD CITY .ཀ ༢. beat 69 69 MOUNTRAIL ELEC. COOP. بر 69 کر کسی MEC 115 WAPA 115 CHARLE CREEK KILLDEER PLAINS ELEC. COOP BEPC 345 MEC 115 WEST ཀ༽ KNIFE RIVERS PROPOSED CHARLIE CREEK-BELFIELD 345-kV TRANSMISSION LINE pajoy wor BELFIELD PROPOSED BELFIELD SUBSTATION HEART DICKINSON SLOPE ELEC. COOP. RIVER IVER MDU 115 WAPA 230 SELECTED REGIONAL TRANSMISSION FACILITIES*Wol TRANSMISSION LINES ||| 200kV or Higher 100kV to 200kV 50kV to 100kV *Some Transmission/Distribution Facilities Not Related to Project have been Omitted for Clarity. NORTH DAKOTA Fargo Belfieid Dickinson Bismarck 94 Lisbon 1-2 BEPC 230 DES LACS RIVER 115 LOGAN Migh upos eluper LAKE SAKAKAWEA GARRISON CANTELOPE VALLEY STATION WAPA 115 BEPC 230 CPEC 115 AUDUBON LAKE WAPA 115 BEPC 345 MKA 230 BEULAH MDU 115 MOU 345 COYOTE OLIVER-MERCER ELEC. COOP MGS 115 w S ssunde E ent avise vlasupebs of flud WAPA 115 C. Purpose The proposed action to construct a new Charlie Creek-Belfield 345-kV Transmission Line would serve the following purposes: Improve System Reliability. At the present time, there are no plans by other utilities to provide alternate high-voltage transmission paths from generation sources in the North Dakota coal fields to the Charlie Creek-Williston area. The proposed action would provide a second high-voltage source to back-up the loss of the AVS-Charlie Creek 345-kV line. Improve Service. The proposed action would improve service to electrical loads in the area for either scheduled (maintenance) or unscheduled (storm damage, lightning, etc.) outages. Contribute to energy conservation. Although it is not a primary objective of the proposed action, construction of the facilities would result in significant savings of electrical energy through reduction of transmission line losses in the area. Provide flexibility for future expansion of the area high-voltage transmission system. The project would extend a strong 345-kV transmission path from the North Dakota coalfields generation to the loads in southwestern North Dakota and eastern Montana. The new Belfield Substation would provide a means for further extension or expansion of the area high-voltage transmission if needed in the future. Alternatives Including the Proposed Action 1-3 nolzelmens V-240 blaffles noo of noitos bsadgong an noder entwallot at avise bloow an merito ad anisiq on ens ever amineaeng erit A validelle mess & exchan golferiep mot eritag nolaalmensat ogsflov-rigleretemetis ebivorgibt esti ent sets notail-leathed edit of ableit toodete riboй art! eft qu-load of sottos spatio-rigirt broosa a ebiyong bluow end Val-28 Hesto etheri3-8VA erit soniels of scivise evonami bluow hot mote) baluberianu no learjanantem) beluberloa A art to ea genhetene quorit aplysa insollins al een blow altit adt mod ng nollment hom TRANSMISS II. Alternatives Including the Proposed Action II. ALTERNATIVES INCLUDING THE PROPOSED ACTION Techoplogles alternatives. 1. Direct Currer nemotensi malaya new A. No-Action Alternative The no-action alternative has been interpreted to mean that no new transmission facilities would be constructed between Charlie Creek and Belfield. vd nob The consequences of the no-action alternative would be the following: The electrical loads served from the existing Charlie Creek-Williston 115-kV transmission system would be subject to low voltage and possible loss of electric service during an outage of the Antelope Valley Station-Charlie Creek 345-kV Transmission Line. Pevitet The existing Charlie Creek-Williston transmission system would not be able to support future area electrical loads under system-intact conditions when Lewis ebivog of me and Clark generation is off-line. Overloaded facilities, low voltage conditions, emeteve and associated service interruptions will increase in frequency and severity as time progresses. evil yd beilqqu 28 Western could attempt to mitigate these adverse effects through mandatory load curtailments, rolling black-outs, and planned voltage reduction, but these measures are considered unacceptable in terms of normal utility practices. EC B. Energy Conservation Alternative As part of its marketing policy, Western encourages energy conservation through the elimination of wasteful, uneconomic, or unnecessary uses of energy and the use of renewable resources such as hydro, wind, solar, and geothermal energy sources. This policy is embodied in Western's Conservation and Renewable Energy (C&RE) Program. As part of this program, Western requires that each of its customers file a C&RE plan describing their conservation activities. Typical conservation measures which may be implemented are as follows: yd benwo simlar to Improvement of heating/cooling efficiency in buildings owned by Western customers (cooperatives). Dissemination of energy conservation information to cooperative customers. ■Energy audits. States Customer service assistance in efficient design of customer facilities. Redesign of retail rates to encourage conservation. || -1 MO Assistance to customers in financing conservation measures. Development of cogeneration policies. - Purchase of energy-efficient power system transformers. Power factor correction. TJA II noteskne Conversion of distribution and subtransmission systems to higher voltage. The above measures result in energy savings and consequent reductions in load, relative to the degree of implementation. Many C&RE programs have been implemented by Western customers in the area. Implementation of all economically viable conservation measures would not reduce existing loads nor offset future load growth enough to eliminate the need to improve the system. of C. Other Existing or Planned Transmission Systems Alternatives enoble Another alternative for meeting the stated need would be for Western to provide support to the Charlie Creek area using other existing or planned transmission systems. High voltage transmission to the Charlie Creek-Williston area is supplied by five 115-kV transmission lines and one 345-kV transmission line which originates in the coalfields area of North Dakota. The ownership of these lines is divided as follows: 3580 Wolf Point-Williston 115-kV (Western) Tioga-Williston 115-kV (Montana-Dakota Utilities) Lewis & Clark-Williston 115-kV (Western) enablenco Lewis & Clark-Charlie Creek 115-kV (McKenzie Electric Cooperative)milo srtz ■Beulah-Charlie Creek 115-kV (Western) dewent ma al yolloq Antelope Valley Station-Charlie Creek 345-kV (Basin Electric Power Cooperative) nelq The existing transmission system will not meet reliability criteria when considered as an integrated system. There are no existing or planned transmission facilities owned by others that Western could use to meet the stated need for the proposed action. enco ygiena to nothinimseald stibus viena euilibet samotaus to neisab teller sonstelsen solve remotau nottavieanco epaucore of aeten isten to pleebeR 11-2 el 11 andbrdoje Wishe D. Other Technologies Alternatives Technologies other than overhead ac systems constitute another set of possible alternatives. 1. Direct Current Overhead Systems to nousallags a. Performance. Early applications of dc transmission without the benefit of a transformer technology encountered problems in maintaining voltage. Today, there is still no practical dc transformer technology or HV (high voltage) dc generation. However, the development of an alternating current (ac) transformer technology, and inverter/converter technology for changing dc into ac and ac into dc at terminals, has provided a means of bypassing the dc transformer problem and utilizing dc when it is economical and appropriate to system needs. The distinct advantages of dc transmission include the following: niamen veri seofT 8 There is less line loss on dc lines than on ac lines, depending on the distances involved, dc being more effective over longer distances. As an intertie, dc transmission stabilizes systems that may not be synchronized, thereby improving reliability. S1s molte eis noitaub hab pie 10 grote eeling In a dc system, power can be forced to flow to any desired point, while in an ac system, inadvertent or "loop" flow can occur. If flow is interrupted on one of the two conductors used in dc transmission, 50 percent of the load can be maintained on the remaining conductor. In similar circumstances, ac breakers will interrupt service on all three ac conductors. b. Economics. A principal deterrent to the use of dc transmission is the cost of the converters (required for changing ac to dc at the generator and then back to ac for distribution) and the dc breakers required for multiterminal lines. The cost of converters is fixed, regardless of the transmission length between terminals, and can be several times the cost of corresponding ac transmission terminals. For short distances, ac transmission systems are more economical than dc transmission systems. The distance necessary for savings in dc line construction and lower line losses, offsetting the additional costs of dc converter/inverter stations, varies from project to project; however, it is generally acknowledged to be in excess of 300 miles. The short length of the proposed 345-KV transmission line would make dc transmission uneconomical, if not infeasible. c. Environmental Consequences. The environmental consequences of a dc transmission system for the proposed action, with minor exceptions, would most likely be similar to those of an ac system. 2. Underground Construction There has been underground construction of transmission systems in the United States since the late 1920s for lower voltage distribution lines and some HV systems. However, most HV (69-kV or greater) underground installations have been constructed in 11-3 congested urban areas, or as leads to and from generating plants and substations. It is important to note that underground HV transmission lines have markedly different technological requirements than lower voltage underground distribution lines, and are vastly more complex and costly, primarily because of problems associated with dissipating cable heat. a. Performance. Design parameters and thermal limitations prohibit the use and application of underground transmission cable systems for long distance transmission. For these reasons alone, without consideration of the cost factor, there are no underground transmission systems at voltages of 230-kV and above that exceed approximately 15 miles in length in the United States. Submarine installations are the notable exception when the surrounding water can be used as a heat sink. bos Teck of the underground transmission cable systems in service, or concepts under development, only two are feasible for installations up to approximately 15 miles in length. These are the high-pressure, oil-filled (HPOF) pipe-type and the low-pressure, self-contained oil-filled cable systems. The HPOF cable system is preferred in the United States, based on its relative ruggedness, lower installation costs, reduced obstruction of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and avoidance of congestion during installation. While underground lines are relatively immune to climatic conditions, they remain vulnerable to digging, washouts, seismic events, and cooling system failures. These complications can result in service outages lasting days or weeks, rather than the hours usually required to correct overhead failures. Outages of such extended duration are unacceptable for a circuit carrying bulk power to serve regional consumers. b. Economics. The basic cost of constructing an underground 345-kV line using an HPOF cable system would be approximately $1.3 million per linear mile. In addition to the cable, pipe, and oil, ancillary facilities such as cable terminators, and oil-pressurizing, pumping, and reactor stations would be required to complete the underground system. Oil- pressurizing and pumping-plant facilities, which would be required every 7 to 10 miles along the transmission route, would cost approximately $233,000 per station (in 1981 dollars), and termination stations at each of the two substations would cost approximately $106,000 per station. Maintenance costs would also be considerably higher for an underground line than for its overhead equivalent. Total estimated costs for an underground 345-kV transmission line between Charlie Creek and Belfield would be roughly 8 to 10 times the cost of constructing an overhead system of comparable capability. of begbalworlos c. Environmental Consequences. During construction, the environmental impacts of an underground transmission line would be similar to those from pipeline construction, which require a continuous line of trenching and backfilling between terminal points. As a result, considerably greater adverse environmental impacts could be expected than from construction of an overhead line. Access to an underground line for repairs and regular maintenance would be required throughout its length in contrast to the overhead system, which normally requires structure access only. In addition to construction-related environmental impacts, there would be the potential for leaks of cooling liquid that could result in significant environmental harm. noo bnuogrebnu need end ener amsteve VH noe ons eenil nouditelb apstlov nawol not easer etal arti sonia sets/2 ni batountanco need avari enolielistent buoignebnu (atseng to Vea) VH feom jevswol 11-4 V-AS Although there would be fewer visual effects from an underground transmission line than from its overhead equivalent, most land uses, with the possible exception of farming, would be equally impacted. In the case of farming, mixing of top- and subsoils which could occur during excavation for an underground line, and the presence of ancillary facilities (e.g., oil pumping stations, cable terminators), could result in disruptions to cultivation practices as severe as those associated with the presence of overhead structures. In addition, overhead lines can span many sensitive areas where underground lines cannot. ions eabivor Considering the technical complications, potential economic and environmental costs, and access problems, an underground ac system, either in part or in total, is not a reasonable alternative. anofib 3. New Methods of Transmission the No method different from those described is presently available for the economical bulk-power transmission of electric energy from a generating source to load centers. While there is continuous research on the possibilities of microwave and laser transmission of energy, these methods have not been developed to the point where they could be used. Therefore, they cannot be considered a viable alternative. woodpole lattice an woodpole E. Overhead AC System Alternatives and of Alternatives for overhead ac system transmission support to the Charlie Creek- Williston area have been considered in several studies including the Missouri Basin System Group's 1986 Facility Study (Missouri Basin System Group, 1981), the 1990 Horizon Study (Missouri Basin System Group, 1982), and the studies described below. The Western North Dakota Transmission Study (Western, et al., 1985) was conducted jointly by Western, Basin Electric Power Cooperative (BEPC), and the Montana- Dakota Utilities Cooperative (MDU). The purpose of the study was to evaluate and determine any transmission additions required in the western North Dakota area to maintain reliable electric service. The study recommended that a Charlie Creek-Belfield or Charlie Creek-Dickinson line be built prior to the 1992 winter season to provide a backup source for loss of the AVS-Charlie Creek 345-kV line. The operating voltage of the proposed line was not determined in the study; although consideration was given to both 230-kV and 345-kV construction. Two terminations considered in the study were the existing Dickinson Substation or a tap of the Dawson County-Dickinson 230-kV line in the Belfield area. Study results indicated that the Belfield termination provided slightly better system performance than the Dickinson termination, but no preferred terminal was recommended. The Charlie Creek-Belfield/Dickinson Transmission Line Study (Western, 1986) was conducted by Western to reevaluate the previously identified Charlie Creek- Belfield/Dickinson transmission line alternatives. More current load projections were used to reaffirm the need for additional transmission support to the Charlie Creek-Williston area. The study examined and compared construction of: 1) a Charlie Creek-Belfield 345-kV line, 2) a Charlie Creek-Belfield 230-kV line, 3) a Charlie Creek-Dickinson 345-kV line, and 4) a Charlie Creek-Dickinson 230-kV line. Howeve 11-5 But note. The recommended facility addition was construction of a new 35 to 40 mile, 345-kV transmission line from Charlie Creek to Belfield prior to 1990. Study results showed that this alternative provides the following benefits: Increases the transmission capacity and improves the reliability of electric service to the Charlie Creek area. 919 theve -0.0) bbd · Provides another transmission source into the Charlie Creek area, thereby For reducing the severity of a single contingency outage. Reduces area transmission losses. Improves area voltages during both system-intact and outage conditions. Eliminates transfer restrictions below the maximum capacity of the Miles City DC Tie (MCCS) for outage of the Heskett-Dickinson 230-kV line. Reduces exposed length of the Dawson County-Dickinson 230-kV line by 26 miles. ■Provides a strong 345-kV terminal at Belfield, which could be used for future additions. For example, the Belfield 345-kV terminal could be used in the future to extend the 345-kV line to Miles City to support an increase in the capacity of the MCCS. F. Design Options for the Proposed Action duration are Three structural and two voltage alternatives for the transmission line were considered in the planning process. The alternatives considered were wood H-frame, steel H-frame, or steel lattice structures with the operating voltage at either 230-kV or 345-kV. 1. Voltage Level Voltages initially considered for the project were 230- and 345-kV. The 230-kV option would take advantage of the existing 230-kV transmission line near Belfield and the 345-kV option would take advantage of a strong 345-kV terminal at Charlie Creek. The existing load and projected growth in the Charlie Creek-Williston area precluded a 115-kV option from consideration. The 345-kV operating voltage was chosen for the following dua reasons: The 345-kV option would provide much improved system performance compared to the 230-kV option, especially during outage conditions. The 345- kV line would improve area voltages during both system-intact and outage conditions, and reduce area transmission losses. The addition of the Charlie Creek-Belfield 345-kV line would reduce losses in Western's load control area by an estimated 1.2 MW, 14.8 MW, and 0.3 MW for MCCS transfer levels of 87 MW (W-E), 200 MW (E-W), and 150 MW (W-E) respectively. For a MCCS transfer of 200 MW (E-W), the 345-kV option would provide an additional 2.5 MW savings in losses compared to the 230-kV option. 11-6 The 345-kV option would assure that there will be adequate transmission capacity to serve future area electrical loads. The study area loads are projected to increase 47% by the winter of 1996-97 to 683.4 megawatts (MW). A 345-kV line would preclude the need for additional transmission capacity into the Charlie Creek area in the foreseeable future. In the event of a critical outage of the Antelope Valley Station-Charlie Creek 345-kV line, the Charlie Creek- Belfield 345-kV line would provide an alternate high-capacity transmission path into the Charlie Creek-Williston area. The 345-kV option would extend the existing 345-kV transmission path from the coalfields to loads in southwestern North Dakota and eastern Montana. The Belfield 345/230-kV terminal would be available for future extension of the 345-kV transmission path from the coalfields area to Miles City. This would provide support for a future increase in the capacity of the MCCS which currently has a transfer capability of 200 MW (east-to-west) and 150 MW (west- to-east). beerhavo epbh@ soleluent Ort a 2. Structure Type a. Steel-Lattice Structures. Steel-lattice construction has higher initial costs than woodpole and approximately the same initial costs as steel H-frame; however, the steel- lattice structures have a longer service life and much lower maintenance costs than woodpole H-frame construction. A typical steel-lattice structure would be 60 to 90 feet tall and occupy approximately 1600 square feet at the base. The longer average span length for steel-lattice than for woodpole H-frame structures (1150 versus 700 feet) results in fewer structures per mile (4.6 versus 7.5). The steel-lattice structure is well suited for operation in the Charlie Creek-Belfield area where severe winter storms can heavily load the conductors and structures with ice. Figure II-1 illustrates the configuration of a typical steel-lattice structure. b. Wood H-Frame Structures. Construction of the line utilizing wood H-frame structures would likely be less costly than steel-lattice or steel H-frame construction but has the disadvantages of a shorter service life and higher maintenance costs. A typical wood H- frame structure would be 75 feet tall and would require more structures per mile than steel- lattice or steel H-frame. The dark wood H-frame structures can be more visible and obtrusive than the neutral colored steel structures; however, less land would be taken out of production per structure. c. Steel H-Frame Structures. Construction utilizing steel H-frame structures (Figure 11-2) would likely be similar in cost to steel-lattice construction. Steel H-frame structures have a longer service life and lower maintenance costs than wood H-frame construction. Span lengths, structure heights, and service life would be approximately the same as for steel-lattice. A steel H-frame structure would occupy approximately 88 square feet at the base, which would result in less land being taken out of production per structure than steel- lattice. The Basin Electric 345-kV Antelope Valley Station-Charlie Creek Transmission Line and Western's 230-kV Dawson County-Dickinson Transmission Line utilize steel-lattice structures. Currently, the proposed project description incorporates steel-lattice structures. However, H-frame steel structures or a combination of H-frame and steel-lattice structures 11-7 Overhead Ground Wire Bridge Insulator Conductor- ent to Structure ex Side View BOOM 009 agnolia MACHT mãe, 345 KV But aves el desgaowed that this assont or bacbojo na bluow enil V-28 A ulong 12.5' enil V-BAC bloille 35' 12.5' noliga Vane natestuos nf absol or eblallo 15155 30' 30' bas slogboow 110' Subunte 551 called to nolloutance booWed Front View dell blow (S-11 Ar ent noleair 125 60 ocs a'm W bas 29 unda FIGURE II-1. TYPICAL 345-KV SINGLE CIRCUIT STEEL-LATTICE STRUCTURE WOH 11-8 galouber ni banished billosade limool Tees (REDA) be eldistascos 27'-3"- ule limo STS 18' BO sib-d 2000 sqml 主 ​soroubhoo modopa Eed 420 xelqub Heer Wha80- eles 1015 H of vilasqas UE CHEEKTO 19 prited 918 afirw atosqmi es/2 toubnoQ & Dort enT suolo to aboiseuori) exolouboco xelque abiahoo asw limool obtengam-otels red bluow art sotoboo # ta erit diwitegoo Insulators Conductors Right Land bearhavo fuo 90' phiteleans amstesW po told th 100jor 72' olea T enli Vil-BAC 2'Diameter Tourenco 01 vleismingoset bna notatadu other Warra Rose pitale estatauli - anug Haugh 80 eller breagong eritaalfilost notes them gnitaixe of noislen bluow one Val To al toolong edoooxe en70 a wriiged belong besogong eto nobaudeno sedmesed yd lanolico ed of beluberias ed Structure Res art 10 10' 0 nolaeb nolasim sT ni baiell aus noltah So fee salgyt zoltahet IsolgyT zoltahet nolealment bielle 27 W 199m of con polealmanent 10 roles est elhar s besogong prest Vertical Scale mo! leunsM Vhaqong s bluow efill polermanent Vil-a besogong bainisqnu to bem egy olgale nate FIGURE 11-2. TYPICAL 345-KV SINGLE CIRCUIT STEEL H-FRAME STRUCTURE are being further evaluated to determine if any advantages could be gained in reducing impacts while still maintaining comparable costs. 3. Conductor Size The three conductor sizes considered for the proposed project were 795 kcmil (thousands of circular mils), 954 kcmil, and 1272 kcmil aluminum/steel reinforced (ACSR). Duplex conductors (two conductors/phase) were assumed for the 345-kV options. The 795 kcmil was considered to be the minimum conductor-diameter that would meet acceptable electro-magnetic interference (EMI) standards. The 1272 conductor was the largest size conductor that would be employed without impacting project costs. The Rail 954 kcmil ACSR conductor was selected for the proposed project. It is compatible with the structure types being considered and is superior in performance, line losses, and EMI to the Drake 795 kcmil ACSR conductor. The Bittern 1272 conductor, although superior in loss savings and EMI, was not selected because it was not economic as compared to the 954 conductor. The Charlie Creek-Belfield 345-kV line with duplex 954 ACSR conductors provides similar capacity to the existing Antelope Valley-Charlie Creek 345-kV line. G. The Proposed Action Western proposes to construct, operate, and maintain a single-circuit overhead 345-kV ac transmission line, approximately 38 miles long, between Basin Electric's existing 345/115-kV Charlie Creek Substation and a new 345/230-kV substation tapping Western's existing Dawson County-Dickinson 230-kV Transmission Line near Belfield, North Dakota. Figure 1-1 illustrates the proposed Charlie Creek-Belfield Transmission Line Project in relation to existing transmission facilities in the area. Construction of the proposed project would begin in May, 1989, and the line would be scheduled to be operational by December 1990. The expected life of the project is at least 50 years. 1. Transmission Line Description a. Design Characteristics. Typical transmission design characteristics for the proposed Charlie Creek-Belfield Transmission Line are listed in Table II-1. (1) Electrical Design. Western designs, constructs, operates, and maintains transmission lines to meet or exceed the requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code, U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health standards, and Western's Power System Safety Manual for maximum safety and protection of workers and landowners and their property. (2) Structures. Structures for the proposed 345-kV transmission line would be free-standing steel-lattice type and/or steel H-frame made of unpainted galvanized steel. Options involving constructing the entire line using a single type of structure versus using more than one are currently being considered. ell-10 TABLE II-1. DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD 345-kV TRANSMISSION LINE Typi PNEUS Line Length (approximate) 38.2 miles 00 Type of Structure 100 munimuts) ROA Steel lattice or H-frame Structure Height 60-90 feet Structure Base (approximate) 16 blai Steel Lattice 40 x 40 feet 08 Steel H-Frame Span Length Number of Structures Per Mile Right-of-Way Width Land Temporarily Disturbed: Structure Base Wire-Pulling Sites Construction Yard Batch Plants (if necessary) Land Permanently Required: Structure Base Steel Lattice Steel H-frame 4 x 30 feet 1,150 feet average ruling span 4.6 165 feet brucie muminiM tomuondo to 165 x 165 feet (0.63 acre) 165 x 200 feet (0.76 acre) per 2 miles 400 x 540 feet (5.2 acres) 1 to 2 acres 40 x 40 feet (0.0367 acre) 4 x 30 feet (0.0028 acre) Access Roads na. New Roads Required b. Use of Existing Roads Voltage Capacity Circuit Configuration and Servi Constru Construction of would involve nvolve, ap 3.04 miles (11.05 acres) 14.06 miles (51.14 acres) ±345,000 volts Winter: 1150 MVA, Summer: 880 MVA in Table 1-2 Cons Single-circuit, vertically bundled duplex conductor, horizontal phase configuration II-11 Conductor Size Conductor Type ment Maximum Anticipated Electric Field at 3.3 feet above ground Anticipated Electric Field 80 Feet From Centerline 3.3 Feet Above Ground Magnetic Field at Edge 80 Feet From Centerline 3.3 Feet Above Ground Minimum Ground Clearance of Conductor Structure Foundations TABLE II-1. (CONTINUED) SAT 954 kcmil (1.165 inch diameter), Rail ACSR (aluminum conductors with steel reinforced core) Non-specular finish 6.4 kV/m 1.604 kV/m 0.11 Gauss 30 feet at maximum conductor operating temperature (176° F.) Drilled piers - cast-in-place concrete Source: Western Area Power Administration 1987. AVM 088 19 adriel riste of the project is at Bolted les12 email-les18 istics for the B2900A wellentes, and dre safety and egatiov Bosch would ame mode of unpainted ing the expirewallee@danige type dy being considered II - 12 MOTOURTEMо Typical structure-to-structure spans for steel-lattice and/or steel H-frame are anticipated to be approximately 1150 feet. Steel-lattice structures would be free-standing and square-based. Typical height for either structure type would be 90 feet and the line would require a 165-foot right-of-way. Construction using steel H-frame would require three-pole guyed structures at turning points. nolisistent navio (3) Foundations. Four drilled-pier-cast-in-place concrete foundations would be required for each steel-lattice structure. A typical free-standing structure foundation would consist of a steel stub angle for structure attachment, and a concrete base 2.5 to 3.5 feet in diameter and approximately 25 feet in depth. Steel H-frame foundations would require two or three (in the case of turning structures) drilled holes with dimensions similar to those for steel-lattice structures. prinos Structures would be placed in the holes which would then be backfilled with concrete. (4) Conductors. Minimum above-ground clearance would be 30 feet. The exact height of each structure would be governed by topography and the safety requirements for conductor clearance. (5) Insulators and Associated Hardware. Insulators and hardware used on the line would provide nearly corona-free operation. (6) Overhead Groundwires. To protect conductors from direct lightning albume strikes, two steel overhead groundwires would be installed on the top of the structures. Current from lightning strikes can be transferred through the groundwires and structures into the ground. b. Construction. (Vub ebunt lusri leela & veert) ensi sy? aquatiq s nemglup3 TOTAL (1) Right-of-Way Acquisition. New land and land rights would be required for the transmission line. Permanent easements would be acquired for the lane transmission line and access. Assuming a transmission line right-of-way 165 feet wide, about 764 acres of permanent easement would be acquired. A total of 5 to 10 acres of land would be acquired in fee for construction of the new Belfield Substation. All land rights would be acquired in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-646) and other applicable laws and regulations governing Federal acquisition of property rights. Landowners would be paid fair market value for rights acquired to their property. Every effort would be made to acquire these rights by direct purchase. However, if the necessary rights could not be acquired by a negotiated agreement, Federal eminent domain proceedings would be instituted. All easements acquired would provide for the payment of damages caused by the construction, operation, and maintenance of the line. Land for the substation site would be purchased in fee simple. A Land Use Authorization would be obtained from the Forest Service to a accommodate that portion of the transmission line that crosses the National Grasslands. (2) Work Force. Construction of the proposed 345-kV transmission line with steel-lattice structures would involve, approximately, the number of workers and type of equipment listed in Table 11-2. Construction activity would occur within the right-of-way and access easements. Line construction would consist of II-13 TABLE 11-2. PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT TYPICALLY REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION not tripled leoigy ba to-triph tool-23 atniog pri bayup eloq-serit snluper emsil-H Culvert Installation Personnel: 3 persons (including maintenance) not beinluper telanoo bluow noitebnuot blow Equipment: 1 front-end loader 1 pickup truck inlupes bloow anousbruelement-H leste Footing Installation Personnel: 8 persons 1 auger Equipment: (89) riw asion bethb (esbia doinw selor de bebel od blow senutoun/2 alq 670hor100 palo bront-avode muminit crouto (4) 1 truck (2 ton)evog od okrepite nose to tripled taxe 3 concrete trucks boneraalb soloubnoo not atnemetiuper 2 pickup trucks Structure Steel Haul Personnel: Equipment: Structure Assembly Personnel: 2 carry alls 1 batch plant no balletant sd 4 persons ad 3 steel haul trucks 1 yard crane (heavy duty) 2 pickups enli ari! arly op beerhavo lesia own sexhitz mon them Petoune bha aniwbriuong molovreno d All artistes AyeWo-k (7) 12 persons Equipment: 2 carry alls 2 pickups Structure Erection 2 cranes (rubber tired) Personnel: Equipment: 7 persons 1 crane (60 ton) 2 pickup trucks anil nolasiment VX-26 bengon nowhow to admin ar hidiwusco blow vivito to telenco blow noboun enij nolezimmeriad erff hol amos At Rods, eblw belupos ad bluow brisk to emas 8 bra How airich onel Anolistadue leef bris eonatalee notopleft sections bne (040-18 ws alrigh yhegoig to nobitalupoe news hegona art of belupos striph www.H seriowy torib vd atriph ime nebe nemesigs betellopen a vd blow beilupos einemosss A beautian nolterego nolltonenco et yd besuso esl ni baasrong sd blow ale noltradus Jasno erit met benleido ad tai eri asesoro tartt anil nolealmanent 100 to nailontano mo show (S) avlovni bluow blow subbunte colttel-leste ruiw elde? ni batallinemquipe to soy bos sascos brs yowo-righ art II-14 8-12 rupnel sri gnols pnbhow aws13 19912 noltointando solits-leste TABLE 11-2. (CONTINUED) neupag enil or to Vy ad blucw Conductoring yevice to piteler ns pnhub east esen Personnel: of be bienoo ton Equipment: law es amistaye biso nolfountanco erit sot evener maleva gnitabre no loved yd yo basu planow be Cleanup yd rqs3xe StyletamixongaA Jatt Personnel: betegiolins al 1 ort Equipment: Johtest bluc 16 persons 16 Vino 1 drum pullers 1 splicing truck noon! istini onivene (6) eviua siitoa noiteso ebibendo bhog gnol 18oy ow! yletamixongge hela sot batoubnooed blucw ayeviua alivizos notiundegos ed 1 double-wheeled tensioner 2 wire reel trailers 1 crane (2-4 tons) 6 pickup trucks benisiniam 6 persons bos pickup trucks Road to Bed babang ters Personnel: 2 persons யரி noitepéqo ellasog Labeon bris alian bobeng Vilaueu os aboo, levoy! bloow to alm foods ino not ando en tort sodW velo-righ not absot levent bashevo gh erit abiatuo bel Equipment: BA 1 tractor and disc 1 pickup truck TOTAL PERSONNEL REQUIRED:30 ph e 6 ahel eldlaeoq joy holtuntano bao1 foled blow abeon gnitaxe on to nodountanco art of nong A yew-to-irigh ait asoro asonel evenan also ent no alool Istant 100 aniT veWo-riola onbeek (2) doy to notiountanco aalag to hotelatani ni ton aliant sesoos of eats yow-to anenwobnet yd batasuper Source: Western Area Power Administration, 1988. ener no od vlacilf blow aset wel rigportiA minim art of bewelo ad bluow beat benetnuoone to similers ginaw sessos ebivong of themglupa noltourenco 10 secos oldative buong arts is to fus ed bidow esant love eluolrlev firmag of bas yow-to-frighten azelnu eoshua beloved erti nl namen blow amatays foot be eq Wyd ed bluow alde ablw-tool-ar A metesW vd bevomer ed of batsnplash salwento of visessgen engri esere benedimit ni es tarif setia entoure of 88830s 1ot beiselo trobes erit of bevoren ed bluow asent erti sonssalo sou-o notoubnoo not wolls gee-obubneb mumixam obnu soreneslo Isolhay to teet Sobivery of bantupen endisine eri lo able rose no iss to ribi s sol anolilbroo sa 12-enubunte (8) onll nolaakmansu yna of Ineosjbe aessT obré autouie art of s2000s suolder time of bevoren ed blow autounde evorst gentesen gailist of sub egemah eulonte to yildized art asiminim edmem enutbuta nolaelmenians yns mol aulbay toot-08 s broyed bretxe ton bluew IN TYPICAL TRA at-II-15 sequential activities performed by a series of small crews working along the length of the line, as shown in Figure 11-3 which illustrates steel-lattice construction. Steel H-frame construction would be very similar. (3) Surveying. Initial line-survey work, consisting of survey control, route centerline location, profile surveys, and access surveys, would take place during an approximately two-year long period prior to the start of construction. These surveys would be conducted for planning purposes only, and are not considered to be construction activities. (4) Access Trails. Access to and from nearby public road systems as well as within the transmission line right-of-way would be required for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed transmission system. Whenever possible, access to the right-of-way would be accomplished by travel on existing trails and roads. Trails are generally ungraded and unsurfaced two-tracks used by landowners, operators, hunters, etc. and are not maintained except by periodic travel. Roads are usually graded, surfaced, and maintained. Approximately 17 miles of access easements would be required for the proposed project. Of that, only about 3 miles of new access construction would be necessary It is anticipated that line construction would be accomplished through overland travel along the right-of-way. Where steep slopes (greater than 12 to 15 percent) would restrict overland travel, roads for construction access may be either graded or located outside the right-of-way on more gentle terrain. Trails would be located at right angles to streams and washes where ever possible. Culverts would be installed where necessary. In addition, any required road construction would include dust-control measures in sensitive areas. All existing roads would be left in a condition equal to or better than their condition prior to the construction of the transmission line. Gates would be installed whenever fences cross the right-of-way. At the landowner's request, Western would install locks on the gates. TOT (5) Clearing Right-of-Way. The contractor's first activities would be the installation of gates, construction of access approaches, and clearing of the right- of-way. Gates to access trails not in use would be closed but not locked unless requested by landowners. Although few trees would likely be encountered along the preferred route, where encountered, trees would be cleared to the minimum extent required to provide suitable access for construction equipment. To provide access within the limits of the right-of-way and to permit vehicular travel, trees would be cut off at the ground surface. Stumps and root systems would remain in the traveled surface unless otherwise designated to be removed by Western. A 15-foot-wide strip would be cleared for access to structure sites that are in timbered areas. Where necessary to allow for conductor-to-tree clearance, the trees would be removed to the extent required to provide 25 feet of vertical clearance under maximum conductor-sag conditions for a width of 28 feet on each side of the centerline. (6) Structure-Site Clearing. Trees adjacent to any transmission line structure would be removed to permit vehicular access to the structure and/or minimize the possibility of structure damage due to falling trees. Tree removal would not extend beyond a 20-foot radius from any transmission structure member, 11-14 2-11-16 FOOTING INSTALLATION na yew-to-irigh ard to afimil ad utoinde vas 10 lotout noitsbnuot edit as to baaogalb bris et bluow lountdm-ybse to enollose o calle anulounge yd bewollol ed STRUCTURE STEEL HAUL, ASSEMBLY, AND ERECTION be De priggilo sa 70730 noierisT entw-bruoto prignan ayollug one beast 33 senulonte arts riguorit so asile evilen pideo b ed blea panist not bevond ed blue of 000 bhrow mam heism nolgy goal benn beve beaoga vote ed (0) wollot Isten ala bruong SWB boluer ed nolfoutsoo s nouibnoo V-etripleoimado tone (hr) w yigmca of Vazasoen saanu llamos nih bisbate vietse stulant blaow upe svilostorg toe meteoW oldug art to not arlanove art n and mangond ytelse staya Vand wilemenea soflehead (0) od bluow onli nolasimene erT V-S88 or VN-SE most yay ub AGb SS nerit sael of yew-to righ or lo sobe sit belon oldibus souborg-enit nolasiment ed Jual gahub Adb. 1 bos ed blow bade evilsubnoos moit nenulo hora arb bus abisit ottangen (G xibregqA) npleeb erit yo batimil bns FIGURE 11-3. TYPICAL TRANSMISSION LINE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 11-17 except for danger trees. Danger trees are trees within the limits of the right-of-way which, upon falling, would come within 10 feet of the conductor or any structure member, including guy wires. 3 ♡ (7) Foundation Installation. An auger truck would auger the foundation holes. Excess excavation material would be removed from the site and disposed of in an approved manner. Placement of concrete from a ready-mix truck would follow. (8) Structure Assembly and Erection. Individual pieces or sections of lattice-steel or steel H-frame structures would be delivered to the structure sites followed by assembly crews to assemble the structures. This would be followed by erection equipment and crew. (9) Conductor Installation. The conductor pulling, sagging, and clipping operations would take place in rapid succession, as shown in Figure 11-4. Tension- stringing would be utilized to install the conductors and overhead ground-wires. Steel-pulling cables would be pulled downline and placed in large pulleys hanging from insulator strings attached to structures. The pulling cables are used to pull the conductor through the structures under tension for the entire length between the preselected cable delivery sites. Therefore, the pulling and tension equipment would not be set up at any intermediate locations. Approximately 10,000 to 16,000 feet of conductor would be installed for each pull, and two or three pulls could be completed each week. (10) Cleanup and Removal. The final phase of construction would involve ground cleanup and gate repair as required. All rubbish and waste material would be hauled away and disposed of at approved sites. On completion of construction, all construction areas would be restored as near as possible to their original condition. AT DUIT (11) Use of Chemicals. Rights-of-way would not be chemically treated unless necessary to comply with the requirements of appropriate agencies. (12) Safety Program. Western would require the contractor to prepare and conduct a safety program in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local safety standards and requirements, and general practices and policies of Western. The safety program would include, but not be limited to, procedures for accident prevention, use of protective equipment, and medical care of injured employees and protection of the public. Western would also establish provisions for taking appropriate actions in the event the contractor fails to comply with the approved safety program. c. Operation (1) Operational Characteristics. Generally, 345-kV system voltage may vary from 328-kV to 362-kV. The transmission line would be designed to limit audible noise at the edge of the right-of-way to less than 22 dBA during fair weather and 47 dBA during foul weather. The transmission line-produced electric and magnetic fields and the short-circuit current from a conductive object would be limited by the design (Appendix D). 8BITIVITOA MOTORтaй0.98MSMART JADISYT #38009 11-18 yone to ed blow onil 6 anerfofbens erit solinom bris is dals anelsend fille dismethin no bettim ensivit bas noite pla 湯 ​ens als ermota pon insuper d be ebi arit el ris ed bluo of bswor of naged Pilot Line -Two Sub-Conductors Pulling Line eveng CONDUCTOR STRINGING Tensioner elepeV an eledel riv gor Rope Puller beniuper & Two Drum Puller 100 nep CLEAN-UP aluberias Vignisso tdpla ed to sell (0) etrigh enll noiesigen enil ett to conten pamsh Inevera of navee betqubnog megard to shq abam w of 11 FIGURE 11-4. BASIC WIRE HANDLING EQUIPMENT II-19 (2) Operational Procedures. The day-to-day operation of the line would be directed by system dispatchers in power control centers. These dispatchers determine the amount of power required to serve the loads and configure the power system accordingly, schedule the proper amount of generation, and monitor the power system to ensure reliable service to the customer. The circuit breakers also operate automatically to further ensure safe operation of the transmission line. (3) Use of the Right-of-Way. Many land use activities are permitted on transmission line rights-of-way as long as they do not interfere with operation and maintenance of the line. Normal farming activities are permitted if reasonable care is taken to prevent damage to transmission line structures. Standard 345-kV design allows safe operation of moving farm machinery of no greater than 15 feet in height (including antennae, etc.) underneath conductors. d. Maintenance (1) Scheduled Maintenance. Western's preventive maintenance program for transmission lines includes routine aerial and ground patrols. Aerial patrols are conducted several times per year, particularly after wind, ice, or lightning storms that might damage conductors, insulators, or structures. Ground patrols are usually conducted once a year to detect equipment needing repair or replacement. Whenever possible, ground patrols and subsequent repair activities are scheduled during times when there is likely to be a minimum of crop or property damage. Each year, every fifth mile of line is inspected and hardware and bolts are tightened where necessary. Trees that have grown enough to endanger operation of the line are trimmed or topped. Herbicides may be used at structures on the transmission line right-of-way to prevent undesirable weed growth. Herbicides used by Western are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency in compliance with the Federal Pesticide Control Act of 1972 and other Federal pesticide acts. Application of appropriate EPA approved herbicides or soil sterilants to prevent undesirable plant growth is the primary weed-control measure at Western power facilities. Application would be made in accordance with label directions. Vegetation may also be mowed to minimize fire hazard. (2) Emergency Maintenance. Western's transmission lines are sometimes damaged by storms, floods, or accidents requiring immediate repair. Emergency maintenance would involve prompt movement of crews to repair or replace any damaged equipment. If damages result from the repair activities, Western representatives would meet with the land owner/operator to arrange for compensation. e. Abandonment (1) Dismantling. At the end of the useful life of the proposed project, if the facility were no longer required, the transmission line structures, conductors, insulators and hardware would be dismantled and removed from the right-of-way. from abject TYRMAIUDAEMUOKA BAW ORAS SAUSA 11-20 PS SUMMARY PUBL JC INVOLVEMENT ACTIVITIES TABLE ILS SUM babeen (2) Future Uses. When and if the line and associated right-of-way are abandoned at some future date, Western would relinquish its interest in the easement to the owners of the underlying fee title. Project Planning Seat (3) Site Reclamation. Following abandonment and removal of the or o transmission line from the right-of-way, areas leveled for equipment required to dismantle the line would be restored as near to their original condition as possible. 2. Substation Descriptions State Histo Nov. 18, 1988 (6) enu no Substations are constructed to interconnect electrical transmission lines of all voltages to form a transmission grid or network for the reliable delivery of electrical power and energy from generating plants to load centers. Typical substation facilities include transmission line take-off structures, power circuit breakers, power transformers, switches, buswork, control house, and all associated control and instrumentation features. The following substation additions would be constructed as part of this project: Charlie Creek Substation - This facility is Basin Electric's existing 345/115-kV substation. New facilities to be added would include a 345-kV line terminal bay with two circuit breakers, to complete a 3-element ring bus, steel and buswork, and associated relays and controls. No additional land would be required, and Allemalive Corridor the fenced area of the substation would not be increased. These facilities would be designed and constructed by Basin Electric at Western's expense. Cou Czy) Belfield Substation. This would be a new substation located approximately 4 Medora) miles southwest of Belfield, North Dakota. It would serve as the termination of the new Charlie Creek-Belfield 345-kV transmission line, as well as an interconnection with Western's existing Dawson County-Dickinson 230-kV line. The new substation would include a 250 MVA, 345/230-kV transformer, bus work, control house, and instrumentation to support the above major facilities. Approximately 5 to 10 acres of land would be required for the construction of this facility. Preferred Coma. Construction. Construction work at the Belfield substation would consist of: 1) Wwk access road construction, 2) site grading, 3) site fencing, 4) footing installation, 5) equipment installation, and 6) cleanup. ammo olidug bris foolee (1 of bosu rior Construction would require grading and compaction equipment, concrete trucks, material-hauling vehicles, and cranes. b. Operation. Electric substations associated with the proposed project would be unmanned and operated remotely from an operations facility. The substation equipment and facility layout would be designed to limit radio and television interference, and audible noise. Each substation would be fenced, locked, and secured. Entry would be restricted to appropriate utility personnel. bns c. Maintenance. Maintenance would include equipment testing and routine overhaul or repair of major equipment. Emergency maintenance would take place only when equipment is damaged or inoperable. Sune) Brite) II - 21 d. Abandonment. The facilities would be dismantled when no longer needed. 3. Estimated Construction Costs Construction costs are expected to be approximately $10 million for the transmission line and $4.5 million for the new Belfield Substation. 4. Tentative Project Schedule is to The tentative project schedule for the Charlie Creek-Belfield Transmission Line would be as follows: to noits Final EIS (Dec. 1988) Record of Decision (Jan. 1989) Land Acquisition (Jan. to Jul. 1989) Transmission Line: imanent 611 loob showaud am sihed? noitstedua ow dw Design and Specifications (Sep. 1987 to Nov. 1988) Construction Contract Award (Jan. 1989) Terminal Facilities: Design and Specifications (Jul. 1987 to Feb. 1989) Construction Contract Award (Apr. 1989) Project Completion (Dec. 1990) H. Alternative Corridor and Substation Site Comparison srit to how This section summarizes the facility siting options evaluated for the Charlie Creek- Belfield Transmission Line and the Belfield Substation. A discussion is provided of the approach used to: 1) select and assess alternatives, 2) incorporate public comments into the process, 3) describe and compare final alternatives, and 4) identify the "environmentally preferred" and "agency preferred" routes and substation sites. Appendix A provides a complete discussion of the approach to identification and analysis of alternatives. The siting and impact assessment for the Charlie Creek-Belfield 345-kV Transmission Line was accomplished through a rigorous and systematic process involving six major phases, as illustrated in Figure 11-5 (foldout). Each major phase has incorporated significant public involvement. This input has included public scoping and planning meetings, and numerous other meetings with Federal, state, and local governmental agencies and individual landowners. Table 11-3 summarizes these public and agency meetings and indicates the planning phase in which they were conducted. ald bagamisbal themglupa nertw 11-22 TABLE 11-3. SUMMARY OF PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT ACTIVITIES ari hol neolshebnu axast 10 seri sho nollbes eirit to abniamen adT eonsmatoR en noleeima Banisingo AxibnsqgA noi elhed edt to themat (uoblot) 2-11 enug of gnifa bluore Project Planning Stage Type of Public Involvement Date/Location Regional Baseline Data ven astilbu lom anew air mening bris meteoW yd batsubons selbur erif on ajang basaging er State Historic Preservation Officer Acquisition oniwali balinebi-State Agencies yhee agnleem gnigoce - Scoping Meetings nbo atosqm lethaloq ol ert thened blow tolong ert peqmi isely jelinatog onerT nofacie Hoe bas sonsblug w gnots jap onhegend not alaad er is to ed Alternative Corridor Workshops teewrtuos ni belsool art entarior aswit zolilidiasoq noltsdol ella Preferred Corridor Workshops 168 ernos WM Billings County Commissioners McKenzie County Commissioners Stark County Commissioners Public Meeting Public Meeting State & Federal Agencies Nov. 18, 1986 (Bismarck) Jan. 6, 1987 (Medora) Jan. 6, 1987 (Watford City) Jan. 6, 1987 (Dickinson) Jan. 7, 1987 (Belfield) Jan. 8, 1987 (Grassy Butte) Jan. 9, 1987 (Bismarck) host benisido enoltesque bra anemo elgel etate bra label serio bns ASB vd bobivong chow er!T erfTolong Joslong entt hot mangong how ar habru nd of awolven bra salbuta babivolg bris aetuberbe bne potr Agency Contacts County Officials Billings County - Public Workshops Grassy Butte Belfield - ne Apr. 1987 - Present May 19, 1987 (Medora) May 19, 1987 (Grassy Butte) T Avbura andar AS May 20, 1987 (Belfield) State & Federal Agencies & swore May 19, 1987 (Bismarck) gnolis @ebn lla benistroo ti tert Hous sene ybuta nctoers as benlieb asw sene ybuta enT sans erit bleed of noissa lee elhedo BU prets bris to raw prit of asinunoggo gaituon ebuloni jon blb sene ybute adf bos ad! vent of County Officials Billings County WTB.A - Public Workshops - She isnotted tioveso noboed butir er anoll, Sept. 17, 1987 (Medora) mod WM end of leas Wee Recr.Tss suph in S-ll bemueas Belfield Grassy Butte - State & Federal Agencies sonipivota se vhite letalonioutan brig notated yed Sept. 15, 1987 (Belfield) Sept. 16, 1987 (Grassy Butte) Sept. 17, 1987 (Bismarck) MAP ww ni prins this isinammonivas Jemnon on nquavit beaglipa SOS & ES ns belliinebl amalqqus woon aleb pnliste mot vinamthe ass youts Denish or hot bato Grosion at to roul selonegs leool ons atat nebo rifiw egnileom fetus bas namu Jaunot not evitohen bas origisig FIGURE 1-S II-23 6-TVITJA TELEV DVOUBY 30 YRAMMUS & FEAT The remainder of this section briefly describes the major tasks undertaken for the siting and assessment of the Charlie Creek-Belfield 345-kV Transmission Line. Reference should be made to Figure 11-5 (foldout) when reviewing this section. Appendix A contains a more detailed discussion of the methodology used in each task. 1. Phase 1 - Scoping toalong Studies conducted by Western and other area electrical utilities revealed the need for the proposed project. Once the engineering requirements were established (i.e., nola Bunum terminal substation locations), an environmental study area was identified. Following the apoA identification of a study area, Western conducted a series of public scoping meetings early in project planning. During the scoping meetings, landowners expressed concern for potential impacts to farming operations, electromagnetic field effects, and how the project would benefit the local area. Federal and State agencies were concerned about potential visual impacts, (ble effects on wildlife, especially threatened and endangered species, and soil erosion. There (eywas also significant interest in the purpose and need for the project. Comments and suggestions obtained from these meetings, along with guidance provided by NEPA and other Federal and state legislation, served as the basis for preparing the work program for the project. The work program described the scope of all environmental studies and reviews to be undertaken, including major tasks, study methods, responsibilities, and schedules, and provided guidelines for all subsequent environmental impact assessment tasks. NA 2. Phase 2-Sensitivity Analysis a. Task 2A - Refine Study Area. The proposed project is located in southwest North Dakota, as shown in Figure II-6. The first task in the siting process was to refine the study area, such that it contained all "reasonable" corridor and site location possibilities. The study area was defined as a rectangle with a long north/south axis running from the Charlie Creek Substation to Belfield. The area extends 6 miles to the west of this axis, to include routing opportunities to the west of and along U.S. Highway 85, and 6 miles to the east of the axis. The study area did not extend further to the west because of the presence sele of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, which was recognized as an exclusion area for XoW routing considerations. The study area boundaries are from the NW corner of section 34, T.145N., R.99W., east to the NW corner of section 34, T.145N., R.97W., south to the SW corner of section 22, T.139N., R.98W., and west to the SW corner of section 22, T.139N., R.100W., as shown in Figure 11-7 (foldout). The study area boundaries defined at this stage (ese differ slightly from those assumed for Phase 1. The Phase 1 boundary was extended to include approximately three sections in the northeast corner of the study area, providing a more suitable exit out of the east bay of the Charlie Creek Substation and reducing potential impacts to land use. b. Tasks 2B & 2C - Existing Environment. Environmental and planning data were identified and collected for the defined study area, primarily from existing data sources with supplementary field investigations. Much of this information was collected through meetings with Federal, state, and local agencies. The collected data were described in both graphic and narrative form for natural, human, and cultural resources. 11-24 were Sensitivity criteria cons ane ed bluow sene ybute bareblanon is act 85 nos ni isop airt In the enclisoot ro North Dakota 10) 01 binoo nolsain belong saw alaylens olte Manea tesel ns air!! to luaan er om or eviden Dickinson Fargo prelig 94 Belfield Bismarck olding Lisbon solectio appr Charlieable Creek Substation 85 osen, the com edi an aking conside for the ୮ pro opp to locate the Lead bral vo\bris themepanem bral The four A gra kshops Fairfield R National Par Highway enobless gef REGIONAL nomego bre holoun CONTEXT MAP 185 60 ort of batslamico aswalayians vivillanse eirT Bit of lantho yalinstog ed of benimmetal alos (8 sliblw (2 nottelager (Jenoto (8 doughy Project Deserraton L 94 (8 bos Belfield 27 called links pacts could be unks combing to overal FIGURE 11-6. II-25 c. Task 2D - Sensitivity Criteria. The goal of the sensitivity analysis was to identify the transmission corridor and substation site alternatives most likely to be acceptable for thes proposed project. In order to accomplish this goal in a comprehensive manner, a systematic analysis was made to determine which locations within the study area would be most and least sensitive to (or in conflict with) the proposed project, for all considered resources. The result of this analysis was a ranking of the study area environment from most to least sensitive. The most sensitive areas were the most constraining to the project, and the least sensitive areas provided the greatest opportunity to find an acceptable project location. As a basis for the sensitivity analysis, the following sensitivity criteria were developed: Resource Value - A measure of rarity, high intrinsic worth, distinctiveness, or diversity of an environmental resource within the area. Protective Status - A measure of the formal concern expressed for a resource either through legal protection or by designation of special status. Present and Future Use - A measure of the level of conflict based on policies of land management and/or land use. Hazards - A measure of the degree to which a resource represents a significant risk to construction and/or operation of the proposed project. In addition to these general criteria, specific Transmission Facility Corridor and Route Criteria as cited in the North Dakota Energy Conversion and Transmission Facility Siting Act, Chapter 69-06-08, Section 69-06-08-02 (North Dakota Public Service Commission, 1985) were used to establish levels of environmental sensitivity within the study area. d. Tasks 2E & 2F - Sensitivity Analysis. The sensitivity criteria were applied to the existing environmental conditions, and exclusion and avoidance areas were identified within the study area, which are defined as follows: JAMO TX# SAM Exclusion Areas - Areas with unique, highly valued, complex, or legally protected resources; significant potential conflict with current or planned use; substantial hazards to construction and operation of the facility. Examples: occupied residences, air strips and associated approach zones, and National Register cultural resource sites. Avoidance Areas - Areas with important valued resources; resources assigned special status; some conflict with current or planned use; some hazard to construction and operation of the facility. Examples: wetlands, cropland, and planned subdivisions. This sensitivity analysis was completed for those resource categories which were determined to be potentially critical to the siting process: 1) land use and agriculture, 2) visual, 3) cultural, 4) vegetation, 5) wildlife, 6) soils, 7) geology, and 8) floodplains and wetlands. he to the 100 10 B-BAUDA 11-26 Sensitivity criteria are summarized in Table II-4. Constraint maps for each resource were prepared as a set of overlays for use in identifying routing opportunities. Existing linear corridors (e.g., transmission lines, roads, pipelines) were included on the land use constraint map. 3. Phase 3 - Alternative Corridor/Substation Site Selection a. Task 3A-Preliminary Alternatives. Opportunities for locating alternative transmission line corridors were first identified using mapped land use constraints. Transparent maps showing the other resource constraints were then overlaid on the preliminary corridors to identify necessary local adjustments to avoid other sensitive areas. The corridor boundaries were established by locating areas through which a hypothetical transmission line could be routed while avoiding the most sensitive areas and/or best utilizing existing linear features. The preliminary alternative corridors and reference- centerline routes (divided into segments called links) are shown on Figure II-8 (foldout). To the largest extent possible alternative corridors encompass areas of rangeland where the line would not disturb farming practices. Where it was necessary to include cultivated land, an attempt was made to provide opportunities to locate the right-of-way along section lines, field/strip boundaries, or existing roads. A summary of corridor selection issues is provided in Table II-4. po The Belfield Substation siting areas had to be located to provide a tap into Western's existing Dawson County-Dickinson 230-kV Transmission Line. The four alternative sites were chosen through consideration of their orientation with respect to approach corridors as well as constraints occurring within the immediate area. The alternative substation siting areas are shown on Figure 11-9 (foldout). b. Task 3B - Final Alternatives. Prior to finalization, the preliminary alternative corridors and substation siting areas were reviewed with agency personnel and individual landowners during the public planning meetings. Landowners attending the workshops were concerned that Federal lands (i.e., Little Missouri National Grasslands) would be considered to be more sensitive than privately owned lands. The agencies were concerned for the potential visual effects on Theodore Roosevelt National Park (TRNP), U.S. Highway 85, and Interstate 94. One State agency expressed the opinion that and alternative corridor should be considered adjacent to U.S. Highway 85. The U.S. Forest Service advised Western that unless there were specific environmental concerns, the Grasslands should be considered no more sensitive to transmission line routing than similar private land. Public input generated through these meetings resulted in the refinement of some corridor boundaries, and adjustments to some portions of the reference centerlines. A detailed analysis was made of potential visual effects on TRNP. A U.S. Highway 85 corridor was not included owing to the level of development along the highway. 4. Phase 4 - Impact Assessment/Mitigation Planning To assess impacts, a. Tasks 4A & 4B - Define Links and Project Description. reference centerlines were first divided in segments called links such that impacts could be evaluated on a link by link basis. In Phase 5 links were combined into overall routes 11-27 Resources LAND USE RESOURCES Exclusion High Avoidance SELECTION CRITERIA Constraint Levels Moderate Avoidance Low Avoidance Corridor Selection issues LAND USE RESOURCES TABLE 11-4. ASSESSMENT SUMMARY SUMMARY OF RESOURCE ISSUES LAND USE RESOURCES Impact Assessment Issues Agriculture Non-Irrigated cropland_ Residential Urban/Suburban. Rural 500' Buffer Around Residence. Farm Complex (including shelterbelt). Commercial/Residential Communication facility. Cemetery Institution. Agricultural Storage Wells. Scoria Pits. Uranium Mines Airport/Landing Strip (Includes interference zone). nil no beisuleve 本 ​ESW Land Jurisdictions Land jurisdictions were considered during corridor selection on the basis of resource sensitivity, agency plans, policy or comment. The following jurisdictions were avoided, or contact was minimized, by alternativs corridor selection: 1. Incorporated Communities 2. Unincorporated Communities Existing and Planned Land Use The key land use features that were excluded or avoided to the extent possible by alternative corridor selection include: 1. Agriculture (non-Irrigated cropland) 2. Residential (all categories) 3. Commercial/Industrial (all categories) 4. Airport/Landing Strip As a result of the patterning of cropland within the study region, avoidance of non-irrigated cropland was not possible. Transportation and Utilities FIS Highways, secondary roads and utility ROWS were considered in selecting initial corridor opportunities to the extent that they avoided sensitive areas and features. Pipeline ROWS were not utilized since they generally are located in diagonal alignments across cropland, and do not offer any access opportunities and require separated ROWs to avoid creating induced currents with pipelines. Railroad ROWs were not paralleled due to curved alignments and the lack of opportunity to minimize conflicts with cropland. 廣​雄 ​ole Impact Types Land use Impacts pertain to the physical or operational effects of the proposed project on existing or planned land uses. Potential visual and aesthetic impacts are described under visual resources. Potential physical or operational impacts on land uses in the study area primarily relate to Impacts on agriculture. The general types of agricultural-related Impacts that could result from a 345-kV transmission line include removal of cropland from production for structure sites, reductions in crop yields around structures due to soil compaction and reduced weed and pest control; increased time required for farming operations and disruption of agricultural aircraft operations; and economic losses to farmers resulting from reduced crop yields, Increased farming time required and land removed from crop production. Most Impacts on agriculture are long-term and adverse in nature. The specific types of potential short- and long-term impacts on agriculture that were considered in this study include: 1. Short-Term Impacts Temporary loss of cropland in tower construction staging areas. Reduced crop yields in construction staging areas due to soil compaction. These types of impacts generally last from one to three seasons depending upon soil reconditioning techniques. Long-Term Impacts Permanent loss of cropland within and around transmission towers. b. Reduced crop yields around transmission structures due to reduced weed and pest control, and due to soil compaction from farm equipment maneuvers around structures. 10t sysheve ne shatho Villiens 31508 tenco II-28 Resources Exclusion High Avoidance SELECTION CRITERIA Constraint Levels Moderate Avoidance Low Avoidance Corridor Selection Issues SUMMARY OF RESOURCE ISSUES TABLE 11-4. (CONTINUED) C. Impact Assessment Issues Permanent modification to farming operations near and around transmission structures resulting in increased farming time and increased soil compaction. d. Economic losses to farmers due to loss of cropland, reduced crop yields, and additional time requirements for equipment operations. Other types of potential physical Impacts on land uses in the study area are physical restrictions to residential uses. All physical conflicts with these types of uses would be long-term and adverse. The potential types of physical restrictions considered In the study area are: 1. Limitations on future urban development, planned subdivisions, or farmstead expansions. 2. Potential conflicts with local land use plans and policies. Impact Levels Impact levels were initially assigned based upon the degree of physical or operational impact that a 345-kV transmission line would have on existing or planned land uses. High Impacts. Within the study area, potential high impacts were initially identified in the following situations: In agricultural areas where the project would parallel an existing transmission line and cross an irregular field pattern. In residential areas where (1) the project would physically conflict with either existing dispersed residences or planned residential developments, and (2) the project would create a conflict with future residential/farmstead expansion. In commercial areas where (1) the project would physically with conflict commercial, industrial, aviation, or transportation facilities. 11-29 Resources Exclusion High Avoidance Moderate Avoidance Constraint Levels SELECTION CRITERIA Low Avoidance Corridor Selection Issues SUMMARY OF RESOURCE ISSUES follows: TABLE 11-4. (CONTINUED) Impact Assessment Issues Moderate Impacts. Within the study area, moderate impacts were identified as In agricultural areas where the proposed transmission line would be located through potentially non-irrigated cropland. in commercial areas where the proposed project would cross areas planned for urban growth or residential development. Low Impacts. Within the study area, low impacts were identified as follows: In agricultural areas where the project would cross rangeland. Mitigation measures were recommended in most cases as an effective means of reducing the severity of anticipated initial impacts. Recommended mitigation to reduce initial impacts to non-irrigated cropland Include aligning the right-of-way and structures with field boundaries to the extent possible and to reduce Impacts on farm operations and agricultural production. Where this was not possible due to Irregular field boundaries, structures were aligned perpendicular to row crops where possible, and diagonal crossings of fields were to be avoided where possible. These mitigation measures reduced physical impacts to non-irrigated agriculture to a moderate residual level. For urban areas and isolated residential and commercial facilities, the mitigation measures included avoidance through rerouting and sensitive structure placement in proximity to residential and commercial buildings. These mitigation measures reduced potential high physical impacts to urban and commercial areas and residences to a low residual level, and moderate impacts to commercial structures to a low residual level. For potential interference with airports and airstrips, the only effective mitigation measure was rerouting the line to avoid potential physical/operational conflicts. 11-30 Exclusion High Avoidance SELECTION CRITERIA Constraint Levels Moderate Avoidance Low Avoidance TABLE 11-4. (CONTINUED) SUMMARY OF RESOURCE ISSUES VISUAL RESOURCES Resources Residential Foreground (0.25 mile) Urban Foreground (0.25 mile) Theodore Roosevelt National Park. · Designated Viewpoints. Horseback Trail Views Highway Foreground (0.25 mile) VISUAL RESOURCES Corridor Selection Issues Primary siting feature associated with visual resources in the corridor selection process was: Foreground distance zone (0.25-0.5 mile) from travel routes, residential and urban areas, and recreation use areas. The alternative routes avoid conflicts with recreation views and minimizes visual impacts to highway foreground, residential middleground and distinctive scenery. Conflicts with residential foreground views were avoidable due to the patterning of rural residences in the study area and the attempt to locate the proposed project along field edges to minimize agricultural impacts. anw Impact Assessment Issues VISUAL RESOURCES Impact Types The primary Impact concerns assessed in the visual resources study are potential decreases in quality of life resulting from a decline in aesthetic quality. The type of visual impacts evaluated include: 1. Effects on scenic resources. 2. Effects on the view from residential, commercial, institutional, and other visually sensitive existing and planned land uses. 3. Effects on the view from established, designated or planned park or recreation areas. 4. Visual contrasts resulting from conflicting structure types and/or materials and construction of new access trails. Determining potential impacts was based upon assessing: (1) the physical contrasts, or landscape changes, that would result from the project; (2) the degree of visibility, or visibility level, that the proposed project would have from each visually sensitive land use (key observation point) or scenic area; and (3) the compatibility of the project with existing structures, including other transmission lines. Visibility levels for key observation points were determined by assessing the viewer sensitivity, distance from the project, duration of view, and viewer orientation. The combination of visibility levels and structure compatibility determined levels of visual dominance. Impact Levels · High Impact-In general, a high impact is a result of highly visible contrast of landform, vegetation or, most commonly, structures within an area one-quarter to one-half mile of any residences, recreation area, or highway. High visual impacts will always by long-term impacts. The proposed activity dominates the landscape by not repeating the basic elements (form, line, color and texture) of the landscape. Moderate Impact - Moderate impacts apply to a wide range of conditions within the study area where the proposed project would create a noticeable, although not dominant, visual effect in landscape. Moderate Impacts generally occur where residences, recreation areas, or highways would be between one-quarter and one mile from the line and where above average scenery was crossed. Moderate impacts levels also applied to long-term effects. II-31 Resources CULTURAL RESOURCES Exclusion High Avoidance SELECTION CRITERIA Constraint Levels Moderate Avoidance Low Avoidance Corridor Selection Issues CULTURAL RESOURCES TABLE 11-4. (CONTINUED) SUMMARY OF RESOURCE ISSUES Impact Assessment Issues CULTURAL RESOURCES PREHISTORIC RESOURCES National Register of Historic Places Sites. Sensitivity Levels High Medium. Low HISTORIC RESOURCES National Register of Historic Places Sites. Sensitivity Levels High Low PREHISTORIC RESOURCES The primary prehistoric resource considerations in corridor selection were: 1. Sites Included in or determined eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). 2. Environmental zones of high sensitivity where there are known or predicted "significant" archaeological resources that are important due to their informational content or interpretive potential. Impacts on high sensitivity areas were minimized by corridor selection. HISTORIC RESOURCES Key historic resource considerations in the corridor selection process included: 1. Sites listed in or determined eligible for Inclusion in the NRHP. 2. High sensitivity zones that include potentially eligible known historic sites, structural remains that could be historic sites, and reported but undocumented site locations. PREHISTORIC AND HISTORIC RESOURCES Impact Types The types of impacts that were considered for cultural resources were: 2. No Impact would Include no measurable direct or indirect impact. No Adverse impact would include measurable direct or indirect impacts, but would not adversely affect the physical integrity or other NRHP criteria of a resource. Adverse impact would include measurable direct or indirect impacts which adversely affect the physical integrity or other criteria of a resource. Impacts to cultural properties may be direct or indirect. Direct impacts associated with transmission lines are primarily limited to location of the support structures, access trails/roads and heavy equipment movement along the right-of-way. Direct Impacts could also include visual Impacts to historic sites. Indirect impacts resulting from transmission line construction would tend to be related to increased access to previously Isolated sites, possibly heightening the potential for vandalism. Much of the adverse impacts to sites could be avoided by moving structures or rerouting the centerline. NATIVE AMERICAN RESOURCES Sites Of Contemporary Or Historical Significance. NATIVE AMERICAN RESOURCES Native American groups known to live in or near the project area were contacted for input on concerns or values for cultural resources of contemporary or historical significance. No resources were identified within the study area. ( W Impact Levels High Impact Level indicates areas where the majority of the resources would probably be eligible for the NRHP. Initial project impacts would be more likely to be adverse in these zones. Moderate Impact Level indicates areas where the majority of the resources would probably be considered not eligible for the NRHP, though some eligible resources could occur. Initial project impacts would be considered moderate in these zones, since relatively few resources would be adversely impacted. Low Impact Level indicates areas where resources are not expected to occur. Any that do occur would almost certainly be considered not eligible. Initial project Impacts would be considered low; the possibility of adverse impacts to resources very slight. 11-32 Resources Exclusion High Avoidance SELECTION CRITERIA Constraint Levels Moderate Avoidance Low Avoidance Corridor Selection Issues SUMMARY OF RESOURCE ISSUES TABLE 11-4. (CONTINUED) Impact Assessment Issues High and moderate impacts could be lowered in most cases by realigning the centerline or moving transmission line structures. If resource specific mitigation procedures are implemented, residual impacts to cultural resources should be low to non-existent. NATIVE AMERICAN RESOURCES Impact Types study area. No resources Identified as significant to Native Americans exist within the vare 11-33 Resources EARTH RESOURCES GEOLOGY, HYDROLOGY, SOILS, AND PALEONTOLOGY Erosion Potential Over 20% Slopes. 10-20% Slopes. Under 10% Slopes. Exclusion High Avoidance SELECTION CRITERIA Constraint Levels Moderate Avoidance Low Avoidance EARTH RESOURCES Corridor Selection Issues TABLE II-4. (CONTINUED) SUMMARY OF RESOURCE ISSUES EARTH RESOURCES Impact Assessment Issues GEOLOGY, HYDROLOGY, PALEONTOLOGY, AND SOILS The primary concern in corridor selection was to avoid or minimize contact with areas which had high erosion potential, low reclamation potential, high flooding potential, a shallow water table, or known fossil sites. Erosion potential is largely a function of rock and soil type and slope angle. Reclamation potential is also reflected by slope angle as well as soil salinity. Flooding hazard is most severe in drainages with significant floodplains. Shallow water tables are associated with floodplains and saline soils. The key terrain features associated with potential fossil-bearing strata are exposed solls, steep slopes, and outcrops. GEOLOGY, HYDROLOGY, PALEONTOLOGY, AND SOILS Impact Types The assessment of earth resources included types of environmental impacts and engineering constraints. The primary environmental impacts considered were accelerated erosion rates, poor reclamation potential, and formations with moderate to high probability of fossil discovery. Engineering constraints included construction of structures on steep slopes and in areas of shallow ground water tables and/or high flooding potential. Flooding Hazard and Shallow Water Table Alluvial Soils. Erosion Potential 10-20% slopes Over 20% slopes Reclamation Potential Saline Soils. Paleontology Fossil-Bearing Formations and Groups. Known Fossil Sites. Flooding Hazard and Shallow Water Table Alluvial soils Saline soils Reclamation Potential Saline soils Paleontology Fossil-bearing formations and groups Known fossil sites Impact Levels Impact levels were based upon degree of slope angle, rock and soil types, known fossil sites, and formations with a moderate to high probability of discovering significant fossils. Initial high impact levels were identified by the following constraints: 1. Steep slopes over 20% 2. High salinity soils based on reclamation sensitivities and construction constraints. Initial moderate impact levels were identified by the following constraints: 1. Bedrock with 10-20% slopes. 2. Areas of shallow ground water tables and/or high flooding potential. 3. Saline soils. Known fossil sites and/or formations with a potential for important fossil discovery. 11-34 Resources BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE Hardwood Draw Vegetation Riparian Vegetation_ Hardwood Habitat. WETLANDS rative Riparian Wetlands Vegetation Preferred Boats displa apolled The prefer Exclusion High Avoidance Moderate Avoidance Constraint Levels SELECTION CRITERIA Low Avoidance Corridor Selection Issues TABLE 11-4. (CONTINUED) SUMMARY OF RESOURCE ISSUES Impact Assessment Issues BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES The key vegetation, wildlife, floodplains, and wetland features in corridor selection were: BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Impact Types VEGETATION Riparian Community Hardwood Draws WILDLIFE Raptor Habitat Endangered Species Habitat Hardwood Habitat The 3 WETLANDS Riparian Wetland Vegetation y-case for selective mitigation ar along the non consists of me Vegetation The environmental impacts to vegetation are significant to the degree that the project could effect important plant species or plant communities. The types of potentially significant impacts to vegetation that were evaluated for the project include: Federally protected threatened or endangered species. State mandated or listed protected, threatened, unique, or sensitive species. Undisturbed rare or unique vegetation type, species, community, or area. Areas that present special problems for revegetation or reclamation. Areas that contain, or are receptive to noxious weeds as listed by the SCS. The primary concerns for vegetation, wildlife, and wetlands in corridor selection were to avoid contact with open water, riparian vegetation, and areas that exhibit a potential for threatened and endangered species. Major siting constraints occurred along drainages where riparian and hardwood draws vegetation types are prominent. The vegetation and wildlife study was primarily concerned with biological and surface water resources issues related to wildlife habitat and threatened and endangered species. The wetlands study specifically addressed those resources that require consideration for compliance with Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands. The alternative routes were located to avoid floodplains and wetlands wherever possible. To the extent such areas are along the preferred routes, further efforts will be made during detailed design of the line to avoid locating transmission structures, access roads, and other associated facilities in the floodplains or wetlands. If complete avoidance of floodplains or wetlands is not possible, western will comply with the requirements of 10 CFR 1022 and Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Wildlife Two types of direct physical impacts could occur as a result of construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed transmission line. These impact types Include: 1) short-term impacts that result during construction activities, and 2) long-term impacts which will continue after construction is completed. The specific types of potential short-term and long-term impacts on wildlife were considered for this study Include: 1. Short-Term Impacts Disturbance of animals resulting from an increase in noise and the presence of humans. The extent of impacts varies with season and habitat type. Riparian habitat was identified as being the most sensitive, especially during the winter and spring. b. Temporary loss of habitat due to construction activities. Impacts would be high in riparian habitats and low in cropland. 2. Long-Term impacts Permanent loss of habitat or significant alteration of habitat. Impacts would be high in riparian zones and low in cropland. II-35 Resources Exclusion High Avoidance Constraint Levels SELECTION CRITERIA Moderate Avoidance Low Avoidance Corridor Selection Issues SCHOR THEBOSSCEN Bidrocic WSEXIET SUMMARY OF RESOURCE ISSUES TABLE 11-4. (CONTINUED) Impact Levels Impact Assessment Issues Vegetation Wildlife · High Impacts - High impacts would result where construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed transmission line would cause significant adverse impact to riparian wetland zones. These zones are located in streams and drainages, and are associated with floodplains, wetlands, and hardwood forests. No high impact levels occur in the study area. Moderate Impacts - Moderate Impacts were confined to wetland communities located along the floodplains of the intermittent streams. This vegetation type is a complex sensitive species, some of which are susceptible to disturbances, and other species which are similar to the surrounding upland grassland vegetation. ■Low Impacts - Low impacts would result where construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed transmission line would cause an Insignificant adverse change or stress to vegetation. Vegetation types that were identified as having low impacts were upland prairie grassland, shrubland, and cropland. · High Impacts - High impacts would occur in riparian zones, portions of the wetlands habitat that support wetlands vegetation, or in potential endangered species habitat such as prairie dog towns. Moderate Impacts - Moderate impacts were identified in grassland Xue habitat. ⚫ Low Impacts - Low Impacts were identified as areas that would not exhibit significant adverse change or stress to wildlife habitat, specifically cropland habitat. In most areas, implementation of mitigation measures in sensitive vegetation habitat, particularly riparian zones along drainages and in wetland or hardwood habitats, impacts may be reduced from moderate initial impact to low. 11-36 representing all possible locations for the line. A description of the project's physical characteristics was also developed to allow impacts to be estimated. b. Tasks 4C to 4G - Determine Impacts and Mitigation. The objective of the impact assessment/mitigation planning process was to conduct a systematic interdisciplinary analysis to determine the potential environmental impacts of alternative project facility locations, and to assess how significant impacts could most effectively be mitigated. This process involved identifying "initial" impacts based upon a comparison of the proposed project with the pre-project environment, determining measures that would effectively reduce or eliminate impacts, and identifying "residual" impacts (impacts remaining after the application of committed mitigation). Impact types and levels for each resource category Bare shown on Table II-4, and discussed in Chapter IV. The mitigation plan for the project includes two types of programs: generic and selective mitigation. Generic mitigation consists of measures or techniques that Western has committed to undertake on a "generic" or non-specific basis as part of the proposed tuor project plan. Generic mitigation measures are described in Table II-5. This level of mitigation was accordingly assumed in assessing initial impacts.ive ed itw tuby Selective mitigation consists of measures or techniques to which Western has 100 committed on a case-by-case (or "selective") basis after initial impacts were identified and lede assessed. Types of selective mitigation are described in Table II-5, and specific application mole of these measures to locations along the preferred route are described in the individual resource impact assessments in Chapter IV. w palo 5. Phase 5 - Preferred Corridor/Substation Site Selection a. Task 5A - Combine Links Into Routes. The process of comparing alternative routes initially involved combining links into a set of 28 reference centerlines (Table II-6) which comprised all of the reasonable routes which could be used for construction of the line from the existing Charlie Creek Substation to each of the four Belfield Substation siting benicareas. The reference centerlines were used as a basis for evaluating impacts along a 165- foot wide hypothetical right-of-way within the designated corridors. b. Tasks 5B to 5D -Describe Impacts and Compare Routes Within Groups. Impacts were assessed for each link and aggregated along the alternative routes. In order to reduce the complexity of the comparison process and avoid having to compare each of the 28 routes to one another, the routes were first grouped by substation siting area endpoints. Comparisons were then made within each of the four resulting groups. er holle Alternative routes were compared within each group and qualitatively ranked on a resource by resource basis. In order to better compare rankings between resources an 989 analysis was done (described in Appendix A) to establish the relative importance of each peto resource within the study area. The rankings developed for each resource were then evaluated in establishing the environmentally preferred route within each group. c. Task 5E - Identify Environmentally Preferred Route. The final four routes were then compared to establish the overall environmentally preferred route. Table II-7 presents the results of this comparative process as applied to the final set of four routes. The resources included in this comparison are displayed in order of relative importance from most (land use/agriculture) to least (soils). The preferred route was determined on the 11-37 TABLE 11-5. MITIGATION MEASURES GENERICALLY COMMITTED MITIGATION 1. 2. Lee 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All construction vehicle movement outside the right-of-way will be restricted to predesignated access, contractor acquired access, or public roads, except in emergency conditions. The areal limits of construction activities will normally be predetermined, with activity restricted to and confined within those limits. No paint or permanent discoloring agents will be applied to rocks or vegetation to indicate survey or construction activity limits. ostes Blasting for access trails or structure footings will be performed only if necessary and then only if debris would be recoverable and can be removed from the site without significant environmental impact. In construction areas where recontouring is not required, the original contour will be maintained by matting down vegetation cover. This will prevent excessive root damage and allow for resprouting. Herbicides will be used in accordance with label instructions to prevent weed growth in the substation yard and at some transmission line structures. When used in accordance with label instructions, the herbicides will not be a hazard to fish or wildlife. In construction areas where recontouring is required, revegetation and/or reseeding will be performed after the final grade has been established and as required. Watering facilities will be repaired or replaced if they are damaged or destroyed by construction activities. mont onil Structures and conductors will be marked with high-visibility devices where required by Federal agencies. 8. Nonspecular conductors will be used for the entire project. 9. nil none of bes20825 enew On agricultural land, right-of-way will be aligned, insofar as is practical, to reduce the impact to farm operations and agricultural production. 10. Prior to construction, all supervisory construction personnel will be instructed on the protection of cultural and ecological resources. To assist in this effort, the construction contract will address: (a) Federal and state laws regarding antiquities, plants, and wildlife, including collection and removal; and (b) the importance of these harts et resources and the purpose and necessity of protecting them. Illustrations of protected resources that might occur in the area will be supplied in order to assist in identification. a 11. A means will be provided of resolving environmentally related complaints for activities within construction areas. Bleau brish) taom 11-38 snil otspilim bl bran TABLE 11-5. (CONTINUED) 12. As a means to identify necessary mitigation, preconstruction cultural resource studies will be undertaken ce to olber b Following selection of the refined agency-preferred route, cultural resource studies will be conducted to identify specific resources subject to impact from the construction, operation and maintenance of the proposed project and to recommend measures to mitigate the impacts. A general goal of the study is to provide the State Historic eral hole Preservation Officer with the data necessary to make recommendations concerning eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places. The surveys will address prehistoric, historic and Native American resource concerns. To accomplish this, the following tasks will be performed: alim a bas Inem 9 blow alla bauord svillanes redme Setting A. Development of a narrative history of the study area, to provide a framework to assist in evaluating historic resources. B. Identification of general and/or specific Native American values and uses of the area, either historic or contemporary, and concerns of Native Americans for historic and prehistoric resources within the study area. When baz C. The D. Development of a prehistoric overview of the project area, to provide a framework to assist in evaluating prehistoric resources. An intensive pedestrian survey will be performed of the agency preferred route to locate and record all cultural resources, both historic and prehistoric. The survey area will include 100 feet on either side of the staked centerline, access roads, substation locations and any other areas that will be disturbed by construction In ord and/or operation of the proposed transmission line. E. F. After completion of the intensive survey, a preliminary report will be prepared, including the cultural resources overview, a brief description and analysis of the resources including location maps and recommendations as to NRHP eligibility. This information will be available to Western for use in siting and designing structures, access roads and other construction areas, to lessen impacts to cultural resources. The report will also include a description of background research and evaluation of existing data, a discussion of field and laboratory methods and management recommendations, including the need for further work, if any, for each resource. A Historic Properties Management Plan (HPMP) will be prepared for all eligible sites that could be affected by construction, operation and maintenance of the proposed transmission line, substation and access easements The HPMP will include discussions of the expected impacts of the project on each eligible site, and the methods recommended for mitigation of adverse impacts. G. Western will follow the procedures prescribed in 36 CFR 800 and will consult with the SHPO and Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) regarding determination of eligibility, determination of effect, and identification of measures which will avoid or mitigate any adverse effects. II-39 esibute so 13. H. (OTABLE II-5. (CONTINUED) Following implementing avoidance measures, Western would mitigate the residual adverse effects to cultural resources resulting from the proposed project in accordance with a plan agreed upon by the SHPO and the ACHP. Western will apply necessary mitigation to satisfy complaints of line-generated radio or television interference at residences. 14. Western will apply necessary mitigation to eliminate problems of induced currents and voltages onto conductive objects sharing a right-of-way. All transmission line structures will be grounded. To prevent electrification of fence lines, wood post fences parallel to and within 75 feet of the centerline are grounded at one-quarter mile intervals and fences with steel posts will be grounded at one-half mile intervals. One grounding post will be used at each side of the right-of-way for fences crossing under the line. One grounding post will be used at the hinge end and latch end of each gate. 15. Western will continue to monitor studies performed to determine the effects of electromagnetic fields in order to ascertain whether these effects are significant. 16. Western will obtain all required air quality permits if open burning is necessary, although none is anticipated. sebivor 17. Where required, Western will develop necessary Spill Prevention, Containment and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans for substation sites. br 1. 2. 3. sidig ishd ebuloni iw SELECTIVE MITIGATION telegus noitstego to\bne or destroyed by Access Trails soltarampasas wäre Trailstollanoscale. gnibu It would be necessary to develop 3.04 miles of new access trails. No new trails would be developed in environmentally sensitive areas. This would minimize ground disturbance, limit new access, reduce scarring, and prevent damage to sensitive areas. Existing trails needed for access in environmentally sensitive areas would not be widened or upgraded unless absolutely necessary (same benefits as number 1 above). The alignment of any new access trails will follow the area's landform contours, providing that such an alignment does not additionally impact resource values. This would minimize ground disturbance and erosion and/or reduce scarring. to as nebi bris AntPor activities noitepimetab blovs liw dairw 11-40 08 TE 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Rea TABLE 11-5. (CONTINUED) 38 12 21.08 dzone All access trails not required for maintenance will be permanently closed using the most effective and least environmentally damaging methods appropriate to that area, and with concurrence of the landowner. This would limit new or improved accessibility into the area. Line Routing and Structures SHO The structure design will be selected to minimize ground disturbance, operational conflicts, visual contrast, and/or avian conflicts. Where soft subsurface conditions or potentially active fluvial erosion is encountered, structure footings will be designed to insure stability. Structures will be placed so as to avoid sensitive features or to allow conductors to span the features (such as significant cultural resource sites), within limits of standard structure design. This would minimize the amount of sensitive feature disturbed and/or reduce visual contrast. When paralleling other high voltage transmission lines, an attempt will be made, where feasible, to match structure spacing to reduce visual contrast. 9. The line will be routed to avoid sensitive features. This would eliminate or reduce visual or physical conflict with features. Preconstruction Study Programs 10. In order to determine further selective mitigation needs, Western will conduct a field review of structure and access-road design. This field review will be conducted by an appropriately qualified professional to identify site-specific, soil erosion impacts and determine the most effective means of mitigating them. Possible mitigation measures could include minor adjustments in structure and road locations, restricting access during periods of high moisture, and utilizing selective biodegradable soil stabilizing agents, etc. 11. In order to determine further selective mitigation needs, Western will conduct an ecological field review of structure and access-road design. This field review will be conducted by an appropriately qualified professional to identify site-specific impacts to threatened, endangered or otherwise sensitive vegetation and wildlife and to determine the most effective means to mitigate those impacts. Possible mitigation measures could include minor adjustments in structure and road locations, closing access roads, relocating sensitive species, habitat improvements, etc. EE ATS PAWS 03.38 AB SEW D-EWS W34 II-41 SUBSTATION 1 TABLE 11-6. ALTERNATIVE ROUTES SUBSTATION 2 Route Links Length Route Links Length W1-1 17-20-31-41 37.00 W2-1 17-20-31-40 37.30 W1-2 17-19-21-31-41 38.00 W2-2 17-19-31-40 36.95 W1-3 12-18-22-21-31-41 37.85 W2-3 12-18-22-21-31-40 38.15 W1-4 12-13-15-23-22-21-31-41 37.85 W2-4 12-13-15-23-22-21-31-40 38.15 EW1-1 6A-11-16-23-22-21-31-41 38.25 EW2-1 6A-11-16-23-22-21-31-40 38.55 SUBSTATION 3 SUBSTATION 4 Route Links Length Route Links E3-1 1-5-10-28-32-37-38-43 37.65 E4-1 1-2-3-27-27B-36 W3-1 17-19-30-32-37-38-43 38.90 W3-2 12-18-22-30-32-37-38-43 38.75 W3-3 12-13-15-23-22-30-32-37-38-43 38.75 Joinino Isolavid to E4-2 1-2-4-26-27-27A-33-36A-36 Length 41.00 40.50 E4-3 1-5-10-25-26-27-27A-33-36A-36 40.30 E4-4 1-5-10-28-32-35-36A-36 W3-4 12-13-14-29-32-37-38-43 35.40 W4-1 12-13-14-24-25-26-27-27A-33- 38.70 40.10 36A-36 Jaiv W3-5 12-13-14-24-28-32-37-38-43 37.45 W4-2 12-13-14-24-28-32-35-36A-36 38.50 8 EW3-1 6A-6B-9-10-28-32-37-38-43 36.75 W4-3 12-13-14-29-32-35-36A-36 36.45 EW3-2 6A-11-24-28-32-37-38-43 37.65 EW4-1 6A-6B-9-10-25-26-27-27A-33- 39.40 36A-36 EW3-3 6A-11-29-32-37-38-43 35.60 EW4-2 6A-6B-9-10-28-32-35-36A-36 37.80 11-42 TABLE II- 7. FINAL ROUTE COMPARISON RESOURCE CONSIDERATIONS RELATIVE IMPORTANCE MOST Routes Land Use & Agriculture Visual Cultural W1-1 Vegetation/ Wetlands LEAST Wildlife Geology Soils Environ. Preference 4th. Comments Minimizes Impacts to agriculture; however, would result in greater visual Impacts to residences than Route E4-1. This route is also in view from TRNP. to This is the 3rd preference route for visual impacts residences and 2nd preference for agriculture, resulting in 3rd level of overall preference. Least preferrable for impacts to both agriculture and residential views, although preferred for most other resources. Minimizes Impacts to residences and views from TRNP. May consolidate with existing utility corridor. Greater agricultural impacts; however, reduced visual impacts offset agricultural impacts. 17, 20, 31, 41 2nd 37.00 Miles 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd W2-1 17, 20, 31, 40 3rd 37.30 Miles 12nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 1st 3rd W3-4 12, 13, 14, 29, 32, 37, 38, 43 35.40 Miles 4th 4th 1st 1st 1st 2nd 1st E4-1 1, 2, 3, 27, 27B 1st 36 41.00 Miles 3rd 1st 4th 3rd 2nd 3rd 4th 00012 entwo -Numerical value represents the environmental preference for resource (These values are not averaged to obtain the environmental preference) Shaded area represents the level of impact assigned to each resource (e.g. low to moderate) alber Recenze nie nol LEGEND Impact Levels ed of beninete pronta a tavaly of wo! Moderate Moderate to High High to Moderate High gmi evlet sri ( bris sonenfibes benpls losgral to level (t do alead egoitsoof art ses to nochemoo evitelineup A of bot Low Low to Moderate Moderate to Low 11-43 basis of: 1) level of impact assigned to each resource, 2) the environmental preference for each resource, and 3) the relative importance assigned to each resource. The locations for the final set of four alternatives are shown in Figure II-9 (foldout). A quantitative comparison of these alternatives is shown in Table II-8. nert The resources which were found to be the best discriminators, that is those which provided the greatest capability to differentiate between the final routes, were land use and visual. Based primarily on these two resources, Routes E4-1 and W1-1 were clearly the preferred routes among the final four. Land use showed a preference for Route W1-1 over E4-1 because of fewer miles of cultivated land crossed (14.7 miles for W1-1 versus 18.8 miles for E4-1). Visual a strong preference for E4-1, primarily because of fewer residences with open views within one mile of the line (15 for E4-1 versus 33 for W1-1). Levels of impact for land use ranged from low to moderate and levels of impact for visual ranged from moderate to high. Because the visual preference for E4-1 was greater than the land use preference for W1-1, and because visual impacts ranged into the high category, route E4-1 was determined to be the least-potential-impact or "environmentally preferred" route. This route exits from the Charley Creek Substation and proceeds easterly to the far eastern edge of the study area where it turns south and continues on a north-south line for most of its extent until it terminates at Belfield Substation Siting Area No.4. d. Task 5F-Select Agency-Preferred Route. Although route E4-1 was determined to be the environmentally preferred route, it was recognized that routes E4-1 and W1-1 were very similar in overall ranking. Consequently, it was considered important to evaluate other factors such as miles of transmission line construction, available access, potential construction problems, and project costs, before selecting the agency-preferred route. It was determined that Route W1-1 provided somewhat better access and fewer engineering/construction constraints. In addition, the shorter length of Route W1-1 (almost 4 fewer miles) represented a potential savings of around 10% (up to one million dollars) in line construction costs over Route E4-1. For these reasons, Route W1-1 was selected as the agency-preferred route. Because the agency-preferred route differs from the environmentally preferred route, the discussion in the following Chapters III and IV addresses both Route E4-1 and Route W1-1 for comparative purposes. e. Task 5G - Refine Agency-Preferred Route. Refinements to the reference centerline location of the agency-preferred route were made following the third set of public meetings at which the environmentally preferred and agency-preferred routes were presented. Three sources provided the inputs for these refinements: Comments received from affected landowners who requested slight changes in the preferred route to avoid or reduce impacts to their property or agricultural practices. A preliminary centerline survey/engineering/environmental review resulted in alignment changes to avoid sensitive habitats, cultural resources sites, and steep terrain, provide better road and river crossings, and generally reduce construction problems. T20M viona WE TEURAT II - 44 W3-4 LINKS: 12-13-14-29-32-37-38-43 W1-1 LINKS: 1-2-3-27-27B-36 ALTERNATIVE ROUTES W1-1R LINKS: 17-20-31-41 E4-1 LINKS: 17-20-31-41 39.3 0.6 11 10.1 9.2 0.7 18.8 0 390 Private State Federal Highly Erosive Soils High Salinity Soils Floodplains LAND- CONSTRUCTION AGR. OWNERSHIP CONSTRAINTS (miles/ (miles) (miles) Non-irrigated Cropland Mid-field Angle Structures (number) Pipelines Crossed Oil & Gas Wells w/in 500 ft. Scoria Pits and Uranium Mines Res. w/in 1 Mile w/ Open' Views 32.2 0.5 5.5 10.2 2.2 0.3 14.2 0 2 40 32 32 8 12 12 40 72* 0 0 0 22.8 0.9 0.3 0 111 30.9 0 4.6 10.4 1.5 0.4 14.7 0 2 3 2 33 13 12 33 13 12 46 74* 0 0 20.8 1.1 0.4 0 1 1 1 40 0.3 35.5 W2-1 LINKS: 17-20-31-40 31.8 0 4.5 10.7 6.1 0.6 13.5 0 3 5 2 36 16 12 52 81* 0 0 22.3 0.9 0.6 0111 41 0.5 37.3 3 33.4 0 2.0 9.6 6.7 0.3 19.0 1 5 10 0 48 14 4 62 99 0 0 15.7 0.4 0.3 0 111 43 0.435.4 15 23 5.5 38 62 1.3 0 19.8 1.7 0.7 2.0 1 1 1 38 0.7 41.0 2 Res:w/in 1 mile w/ Screened or Mod. View Highway Foregound 0-1 mile) Total Number of Res. w/in 1 Mile Total Number of Res. w/in 1-3 mi. TABLE 11-8. QUANTITATIVE COMPARISON Miles Crossed or Number of Occurences HUMAN ENVIRONMENT LAND USE IMPACTS number) (number) CULTURAL ENVIR VISUAL IMPACTS EFFECTS ON CULTURAL RES. TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS (miles/number) NATURAL ENVIRONMENT EFFECTS ON AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS (miles/number) (number) (miles) High Prehistoric Sensitivity (mi.) Known Historic & Native American Resources Vegetation Prairie Grassland Shrubland Vegetation Hardwood Draws/ Vegetation Riparian Wetland Areas w/in 0.5 Mile Of Known Raptor Nests Heart River (number) Green River (number) Knife River (number) Intermittent (crossings) Wetland Vegetation (miles) Length In Miles es dous astresoring collimathen bris alioe aldibogo Osio ROUTE PREFERENCE 39 0.3 38.2 REFINEMENT OF ROUTE W1-1 * Visible From Residences Within Belfield. ** 1-3 Mile Visibility For Residences Within Study Area Only. II-45 МИЗ МАЙМУЛИ aunasuono to tedmu so basso 20M Implementation of recommended environmental mitigation measures such as moving the route further from residences, steep slopes/erodible soils, and foreground views. Refinements to the agency-preferred route are provided on Figure 11-9 (foldout). Table II-8 provides a quantitative assessment of the refined agency-preferred route. 6. Phase 6 - Prepare and Review the EIS This phase involves those tasks required to prepare, review, and finalize the EIS, conduct other environmental reviews, and secure project approval. The issuance of this Draft EIS (DEIS) represents a major step in this final phase. Steps remaining for Phase 6 include: 1) evaluation and preparation of responses to comments received on this DEIS, 2) preparation and distribution of the FEIS, and 3) publication of a Record of Decision. edmurt MOBIHARMOO EVITALITHAUD 8-11 SUBAT ТИЗМИСТРИИМ НАЛИН.. 920 CHOUCASA MAT slight changes in rty or agricultural stas, and ally reduce 11-46 III. Affected Environment III. THE AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT west of Crop This chapter provides a description of the environment potentially affected by the construction, operation, maintenance, and eventual abandonment of the proposed transmission line. The study area resources are described from two perspectives: those resources within the study area, and those resources along the environmentally preferred route, agency-preferred route, and refined agency-preferred route. The study area established for the Charlie Creek-Belfield Transmission Line Project encompasses approximately 420 square miles (12 by 35 miles). The project area is predominantly located in Billings and Stark Counties, including the City of Belfield, and incorporates smaller portions of McKenzie, and Dunn Counties. The region is located in southwestern North Dakota, an area dominated by flat to rolling agricultural lands interspersed with grass and pasture lands. The western part of the study area includes portions of the Little Missouri National Grasslands and the southwestern corner of the study area is one mile east of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. There A. Land Use and Agricultural Resources This section describes the environment within the general study area and along the environmentally preferred, agency-preferred, and refined agency-preferred routes, with reference to the following: Land Ownership (not a corridor selection criteria). Existing and Planned Land Use Features - including urban, residential, commercial/industrial, recreational, resource extractive, transportation, and eneris utility corridor uses. gniw niritis Agricultural Land Use. grizelxe tonede Figure III-1 (foldout) provides support for this section, illustrating land ownership and existing/planned land use. orth 1. Land Ownership a. Study Area. The majority of lands within the study area are in private ownership. Publicly owned lands fall primarily under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service (FS), the North Dakota Department of State Lands, Billings, Stark, McKenzie, and Dunn Counties, and the City of Belfield. Land ownership patterns are shown on Figure III-1 (foldout). en The Little Missouri National Grasslands are interspersed throughout the western portions of the study area within Billings and McKenzie Counties. They are administered by the FS as part of the Custer National Forest. These lands are managed primarily for livestock grazing purposes, implementation of intensive range management systems, and the facilitation of minerals and energy development with consideration to other resource needs (Forest Service, 1986). Recreational use on the National Grasslands is dispersed. III - 1 Activities are limited primarily to small game and upland bird hunting with some occasional big game hunting. State lands in the study area are found only in Billings and McKenzie Counties, with the largest holdings concentrated in the northwestern portion of the study area. These include school sections (16 and 36) granted to the state in the last century. These lands are held by the state for generating revenues to support the state's school system and are currently leased for agricultural and grazing purposes. b. Environmentally Preferred Route. The environmentally preferred route is 41.0 miles long. Private land is crossed for 39.3 miles. Publicly owned lands crossed include National Grasslands which are traversed for 1.1 miles due east of the Charlie Creek Substation, and North Dakota state lands which are crossed for 0.6 mile. c. Agency-Preferred Route. The agency-preferred route is 37.0 miles long, and directly crosses 32.4 miles of private land. The Little Missouri National Grasslands constitute the only public lands crossed and account for 4.6 miles of this route. d. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. The refined agency-preferred route is 38.2 miles in length and crosses the greatest amount of publicly owned land. Privately held land accounts for 32.2 miles of this route. This alternative crosses 5.5 miles of National Grassland and 0.5 mile of state land. 2. Existing and Future Land Use a. Study Area. Regionally significant existing and planned land use features within the study area consist primarily of farming and ranch-based agricultural activities. Urban areas are limited to Belfield. Rural residences are scattered throughout the study area. Other uses include transportation and utility corridors, oil, water, and gas wells, pipelines, landing strips for small aircraft, and communication facilities. Agricultural lands dominate the setting and are described in the following subsection. Figure III-1 (foldout) depicts the distribution of all existing and planned land uses within the alternative corridors. The City of Belfield, located in northern Stark County is the only municipality within the study area. Located just south of Interstate 94, this small city has a population of approximately 1,300. Existing residential and commercial land uses are concentrated in and immediately around the city with no immediate plans for growth. Directly east of Belfield is a sewage treatment facility on the Heart River drainage. cida Outside of Belfield, residential and commercial development is rural and scattered, with residential patterns relating closely to the agricultural setting. Farms and farming related facilities are located throughout the study area. The only identifiable rural community in the study area is Fairfield. Institutional land uses include schools and churches. There are no designated recreation areas outside of Belfield. The study area contains a number of surface mineral extraction areas including scoria pits, abandoned uranium mines, and abandoned coal mines. The scoria pits provide surfacing material for local unpaved roads and are scattered predominantly along or near the major intermittent Heart, Green, and Knife River drainages. There are several major oil and gas fields in the northeastern portion of the study area with related facilities, such as collection points and refineries, scattered throughout. Military installations include a III-2 CK NOT Racking County Department of Defense Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) tower located 4 miles west of Belfield off of Interstate 94. There are two small airstrips that are used primarily by crop dusting planes. 8 bns FOR alells Three major transportation corridors are located in the study area. Interstate 94, the major east to west interstate connection through North Dakota, passes through the southern portion of the study area. This interstate runs through Belfield, heading east into Dickinson, the Stark County Seat, and west to access Theodore Roosevelt National Park. North Dakota State Highway 200, located along the northern boundary of the study area, also provides an east-west connection through the area. U.S. Highway 85 runs north to south through the western portion of the study area. A network of improved and unimproved rural roads oriented on a section line basis are found throughout the study area. The Burlington Northern railroad line runs east and west through Belfield in the southern portion of the study area. There are no major north to south utility corridors within the study area. Western's Dawson County-Dickinson 230-kV Transmission Line parallels the southern boundary of the study area. The Belfield substation will connect with this line. There are also several corridors which currently exit the Charlie Creek Substation in the northern portion of the study area including one 69-kV transmission line, three 115-kV lines operated by West Plains Electric Cooperative (WPEC), McKenzie Electric Cooperative (MEC), and Western, and one 345-kV Basin Electric Power Cooperative (BEPC) line which skirts the northern boundary of the study. vehad low el va b. Environmentally Preferred Route. The environmentally preferred route does not cross any urban area, planned development, residence, recreation area, scoria pit, cemetery, school, airstrip, or communication facility. Although no oil and gas wells are directly crossed, several are within 0.25 mile of this alternative and are predominantly located in the northern portion of this route. There are 18 houses within 0.50 mile of the reference centerline, and a total of 38 occupied dwellings within 1 mile. Although visual impacts would be a concern to these dwellings, no physical land use conflicts are anticipated. Transportation and utility corridor crossings are minimal for this alternative. Interstate 94, which is crossed 5.5 miles east of Belfield, is the only major road along this route. Other crossings are limited to improved and unimproved rural roads. This alternative parallels the Basin Electric Power 345-kV transmission line for 5.5 miles and crosses a 115- kV Department of Energy transmission line east of the Charlie Creek Substation. The Burlington Northern railroad is crossed at the Heart River Drainage. Two Koch oil pipelines (4 and 6 inches in diameter) are crossed 1.5 miles north of Interstate 94. A Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline (WBIP) 8-inch pipeline is located within .4 mile of the western edge of the reference centerline just south of Interstate 94. A WBIP 16-inch natural gas pipeline lies within the proposed Belfield Substation Site No. 4. c. Agency-Preferred Route. The agency-preferred route does not cross any urban area, planned development, occupied residence, recreation area, cemetery, school, airstrip, or communication facility. A small surface scoria mine is crossed on this alternative and numerous other mining operations are within a 0.25 to 0.50 mile vicinity of the reference centerline. One unoccupied dwelling is crossed and there are a total of 46 occupied residences within 1 mile of the centerline, 14 of which are located within 0.25. One industrial site is also located within 0.50 mile of this route. This route does not directly cross any oil or gas wells although several are within 0.25 mile. III-3 Transportation crossings include Interstate 94, 2.5 miles west of Belfield, and Highway 85, 1 mile west of the Charlie Creek Substation. Two Koch oil trunk pipelines, 4" and 6" in size, are crossed just south of Interstate 94. The Burlington Northern railroad ROW is crossed approximately 3 miles north of the proposed Belfield Substation Site No.1. This alternative crosses one utility corridor, a 115-kV WPEC transmission line and parallels a 115-kV MEC line for 0.6 mile as it enters the Charlie Creek Substation. The reference centerline passes approximately 1.2 miles east of the Ground Wave Emergency Network tower. 18 d. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route varies only slightly from the agency- preferred route. Shifts in the alignment avoid the crossing of surface mining operations and unoccupied buildings. Proximity to occupied dwellings and industrial sites varies only slightly, with 40 residences within 1 mile of the reference centerline, and an additional oil refinery within 0.50 mile of the route. All transportation, utility corridor, infrastructure, and railroad crossings remain the same as the agency-preferred route. 3. Agricultural Land Use a. Study Area. clasanu nosis 2015 ybule The predominant land use in the region is ranching-based agriculture. Over 80 percent of the farms produce livestock in this region, often taking advantage of National Grassland grazing allotments provided through the Forest Service. Over 90 percent of the land within the study area is devoted to non-irrigated crop and livestock production on large farmsteads. Cash crops are primarily limited to wheat, barley, and sunflowers. The production of cash crops in both Billings and Stark County is well below many of the other counties within the state. The vast majority of crops within the study area, including hay and oats, are produced for livestock feed. Agricultural statistics for 1987 support this, as Stark County is rated fourth and fifth statewide respectively in the production of hay and oats. Table III-1 shows the yields per acre and production ranking in the state for these major crops as compiled for 1986. Livestock production in Billings, Stark, McKenzie and Dunn Counties includes cattle, hogs, sheep, and chickens. Cattle production in Stark, McKenzie, and Dunn Counties ranks among the highest in the state. Dry land farming for the production of livestock feed, and cattle grazing on rangeland, are the predominant agricultural activities within the study area (North Dakota Crop & Livestock Reporting Service, 1987). b. Environmentally Preferred Route. The environmentally preferred route crosses 18.8 miles of non-irrigated cropland. A majority of these crossings take advantage of section and quarter-section siting. The remainder of the agricultural area crossed consists of 19.8 miles of grassland. c. Agency-Preferred Route. The agency-preferred route minimizes interference with non-irrigated cropland, crossing 14.7 miles. Many of these crossings, however, do not utilize a section, or quarter-section orientation. Range and grassland are crossed for 20.8 miles. 30 brs evde d. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. Non-irrigated cropland crossings for this route are slightly lower than for the agency-preferred route. Non-irrigated cropland is crossed for 14.2 miles, with the addition of two diagonal field crossings. This alternative crosses 22.8 miles of grassland. III-4 TABLE III-1. MAJOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION - MCKENZIE, DUNN, BILLINGS, AND STARK COUNTIES 8 92 2 min to vis All Wheat CROP PRODUCTION All Oats All Hay Total Total Total moths pniw LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION All Cattle Number Production Yield/ County Production Yield/ County Production Yield/ County of Head County (in 000s) Acre Ranking (in 000s) Acre Ranking (in 000s) Acre Ranking (in 000s) County Ranking (B.U.) (B.U.) (B.U.) (B.U.) (tons) (tons) McKenzie 3,569 23.5 29 615 42.4 19 77 0.95 10 81 5* kay slowing areas. The Billings 571 18.1 52 249 37.4 29 48 0.70 29 31 27* K Dunn 2,716 23.6 39 1,437 48.4 8 160 1.00 8bre 1 Stark 3,853 24.1 27 1,794 45.8 5 136 1.40 4 61 11 Based on 5 year average, 1981-1985. * Tied with another county. maq bansera biel motions to Consorbate 120 elves III-5 MOITOLOG BY Conuth pobins f B. Visual Resources апиро ИЛАТА ПИА ЗОИНле пица TOUGORE JABUT JUDIRO 1. Study Approach Visual resources reflect the importance of a landscape for its natural aesthetic qualities, its public viewing value, and its sensitivity to visual change. In order to describe the visual resource values within and adjacent to the study area, the following factors were considered: 1) landscape type, scenic quality, and setting, 2) key observation points and distance zones, 3) visual sensitivity, and 4) Forest Service visual quality objectives. The approach used in evaluating each of these factors in described below. a. Landscape Types and Setting. Landscape types categorize areas with similar patterns of landform, land use, views of adjacent scenery, and unique features. Description of these factors permits an evaluation of scenic quality. On lands administered by the Forest Service (FS), these are referred to as Variety Classes. Three potential ranges of scenic quality or variety classes are used to express the landscape scenic value within the context of the physiographic region for both private and public lands: Class A - Distinctive Scenic Quality. Areas containing features such as landforms, vegetative patterns, water forms, and rock formations which are of an unusual or outstanding visual quality not common in the surrounding area. Class B - Common Scenic Quality. Areas containing features with a variety of form, line, color, and texture or combinations thereof but which tend to be common throughout the surrounding area and are not outstanding in visual quality. Class C - Minimal Scenic Quality. Areas generally characterized by little or no variety in form, line, color, texture or combination thereof. Landscape settings at both facility and viewer locations may be open, skylined, or screened. Open settings are characterized by flat or rolling terrain with unrestricted viewing conditions. Skylined settings include minor ridges or hills where objects may be silhouetted in the landscape. Screened settings include landscapes which are visually contained by either topography or vegetation. Landscape settings may also be modified by industrial- related facilities including existing transmission lines, oil fields, and refineries. b. Key Observation Points (KOPs). Key observation points include major travel routes, recreation areas, rural/urban communities, and dispersed rural residences. The appearance of features in the landscapes varies with viewing distance and project type. Lands seen from a KOP are divided into three distance zones: 1) foreground/near middle- ground (within 1 mile of the KOP), 2) middle-ground (from 1 mile to a range of 3 to 5 miles from the KOP), and 3) background or seldom-seen areas which are either beyond 3 to 5 miles or are generally unseen owing to topography. These distance zones correlate with the relative perception of the scale of objects in the given landscape. A discussion of the relationship of these distance zones to impact types and levels is provided in Chapter IV. no bea88 Vinuca aisneXoM III-6 8-3 aprilie 62 E-SITE INTRUSIONS Je National Park Service (NPS) and FS lands also serve as key viewing areas. The southern unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park (TRNP), though not within the study area, has views to the study area. Maintenance of the visual scene is a first priority within the Park: "Today, the Park Service recognizes the primary significance of the Park depends upon keeping the natural and historical scene of Roosevelt's time." (Harmon, 1986). The FS VIE has developed visual management policies for the Little Missouri National Grasslands that concentrate on management in conjunction with the viewing experience from the Park, as well as from other key observation areas such as major roads within the study area. c. Visual Sensitivity. Visual sensitivity describes different levels of public and agency concern over change in scenic quality in landscape types and settings. This factor also includes consideration of the type and volume of use associated with community views and travel routes, recreation views, and dispersed residences as well as distance from the viewing locations (i.e., distance zones). d. Visual Quality Objectives (VQOs). VQOS characterize the desired levels of acceptable alteration of the landscape as defined by the Forest Service: ent of ylab nee Retention VQQ provides for management activities which are not visually evident. Activities may only repeat forms, lines, colors, and textures which are yhistuotheq frequently found in the characteristic landscape. Changes in the qualities of Vaxie MAT size, amount, intensity, direction, and pattern should not be evident. lis to (elim I niriiw) s of elim■ nisnet ni 290 ! Partial Retention VQO provides for management activities which remain visually subordinate to the characteristic landscape. Activities may repeat forms, lines, colors or textures common to the characteristic landscape but changes in their qualities of size, amount, intensity, direction, pattern, etc., remain visually subordinate to the characteristic landscape. Activities may also introduce forms, lines, colors, or textures which are found infrequently or not at all in the characteristic landscape, but they should remain subordinate to the visual strength of the characteristic landscape. (Forest Service, 1974). 008 2. Study Area pojem 1000 a. Landscape Types and Settings. The study area lies within the unglaciated Missouri Plateau section of the Northern Great Plains Physiographic Province in southwestern North Dakota. This section is characterized by terraced lands, local badlands, and isolated buttes (Fenneman, 1931). The study area is a homogeneous visual environment that is typical of the physiographic region. Scenic quality for the entire study area is rated as Class C, characterized by uniform, upland rolling plains expressing little variety in form, line, color, or texture. The badlands of the adjacent Theodore Roosevelt National Park are recognized as a visual resource of distinctive scenic quality. Landscapes within the study area are primarily open and dominated by crop and rangeland activities. Cropland areas provide some visual diversity on a seasonal basis. The major drainages crossing the study area are the Green, Knife, and Heart Rivers. Modified industrial settings are dispersed throughout the study area. Oil and gas wells, pipelines, and associated facilities are concentrated in the northeastern portion of the study area but occur at other locations as well. In addition to active and inactive scoria mining operations, there are a number of inactive uranium and coal mines located primarily CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD ON LINE ENVIRONMEN III-7STUDY ORE ROOSEVELT NATIONAL PARK VISUAL ANALYSIS 1-9 in the southern half of the study area. Existing transmission lines run east, west, and southwest out of the Charlie Creek Substation and modify the appearance of the northern portion of the study area. The Dawson County-Dickinson 230-kV Transmission Line parallels the southern edge of the study area. This line is visible to adjacent residences as well as to visitors to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Also, visible from TRNP in the southwest portion of the study area are two microwave towers and a groundwave emergency network (GWEN) tower. modeadow Viewing conditions associated with these settings vary throughout the study area. The relatively flat rolling terrain provides a predominance of open unrestricted views, as well as potential skylining along minor ridges and hills. Screened areas are associated primarily with the major intermittent drainages. Introduced vegetation in the form of shelterbelts that are associated with many of the farmsteads may also provide localized screening. bne b. Key Observation Points (KOPs). KOPS within the study area include residential views, such as those from Belfield and other rural residences. Travel routes which were considered KOPS include Interstate 94 (1-94) and Highway 85. Both roads provide access to the southern unit of TRNP and Highway 85 is the only major access to the northern unit. Traffic data show that an overall daily average of 1300 vehicles and a peak season daily average of 2000 vehicles pass through the study area on I-94 (North Dakota State Highway Department, 1986). The National Park Service considers views from I-94 to be particularly sensitive with respect to the visitor experience while traveling to and from the TRNP. Sixty percent of the study area is within the foreground to near middle-ground (within 1 mile) of all KOPS. The remainder of the study area is characterized by middle-ground (from 1 mile to a range of 3 to 5 miles) with some seldom-seen areas defined locally by variations in terrain. There are several vistas within the TRNP which have been determined to be KOPS with views into the study area. These include the Painted Canyon Overlook, Buck Hill, and the horseback riding trail along the eastern edge of the Park. Statistics for 1986 indicate that there were approximately 397,000 visitors to the Park, staying for an average of 2.2 hours; and approximately 204,000 visitors spent an average 0.3 hour at Painted Canyon Overlook (National Park Service, 1986). Visitors to Buck Hill in 1987 numbered approximately 46,000 (Powell, pers. comm., 1987). Approximately 6,000 Park visitors participate in horseback riding throughout the park every year. A majority of the riding occurs in the western portions of the TRNP although the horseback trails along the eastern rim of the Park are consistently used throughout the summer months, primarily by the Demores Riding Club (Powell, pers. comm., 1987). Figure III-2 provides an overview of the TRNP, FS lands, and KOPS in relationship to the study area. ibed c. Visual Sensitivity. All views in the foreground zone (within 1 mile) of residential areas and highways were considered highly sensitive to the introduction of the proposed transmission line because of their generally open, and expansive nature and the public's concern for visual intrusions. Views from KOPS within TRNP, including the Painted Canyon Overlook, Buck Hill, and the horseback riding trails along the eastern edge of the Park were also assigned high sensitivity levels. Views toward the study area from Painted Canyon Overlook and Buck Hill are within a badland setting. Views within the immediate foreground (0.25 mile) from I-94 to National Grassland areas were also considered to be highly sensitive in conjunction with Park visitation (Forest Service, 1984). bha avios of aas bas, asnilleqiqellow edito is 1030 tud seis ybute yusming betool senim Isoo brs muinenu evitoshi to Yedmun sete eterifenolianego oninim 111-8 85 OFF-SITE INTRUSIONS A Oil and Gas Field within 1 Mile Communication Towers Transmission Line (Existing) VIEWPOINT ANALYSIS Photosimulation Viewpoints Cumulative Photosimulation Fields of View Other Viewpoints Analized LAND JURISDICTION Little Missouri National Grassland BLM Land State Owned Land 0 1 2 3 Miles Theodore Roosevelt Little Missouri River Medora NORTH DAKOTA THEODORE ROOSEVELT NATIONAL PARK -STUDY AREA BELFIELD BISMARCK (94) DICKINSON North National Scenic Loop VICINITY MAP Drive Park Horseback Trail Buck Hill O Painted Canyon Overlook O Alternative Corridor CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY THEODORE ROOSEVELT NATIONAL PARK VISUAL ANALYSIS 111-9 85 Alternative Corridor Belfield Burlington 94 Northern B Railroad Study Area Boundary Alternative Corridor 200 FIGURE III-2. S-11 BRUGA ЧАМ ТИКТ DICKINSOH СНУУГЕ СВЕЕК ДО ВЕГЫЕГО YOUTE тиамиони измаилят BIEVIAMA JAUDIV НА ЈАЙОТТАИ Товаров РОДОВИТ 3. Environmentally Preferred Route a. Scenic Quality and Landscape Setting. The scenic quality of the landscape crossed by the environmentally preferred route is classified as Class C. This route crosses approximately 21 miles through settings that are generally remote, including 5 miles parallel to the existing Antelope Valley Station-Charlie Creek 345-kV Transmission Line, 8 miles through a producing oil field, and 6 miles through broken grassland terrain. The remainder of this route consists primarily of open cropland and grassland. This route also crosses 1 mile of Little Missouri National Grasslands that have been assigned a partial retention visual quality objective. b. Distance Zones and Key Observation Points. The environmentally preferred route is in the foreground zone of 1-94 for 0.5 mile where the interstate is crossed at right angles east of Belfield. The route parallels State Highway 200 for 2 miles as it enters the Charlie Creek Substation and is within the foreground for approximately 1.5 miles. There are a total of 38 houses within a foreground/near middleground (1 mile) distance of this route; 23 of which have a screened setting, and 15 of which have open views. This route is not visible from Park KOPS. erit to sauso98 4. Agency-Preferred Route onlwol a. Scenic Quality and Landscape Setting. The scenic quality of the landscape crossed by the agency-preferred route is classified as Class C. The majority of this route crosses open-rolling terrain in agrarian setting. The remainder crosses miniature badlands. Modifications to the setting of the agency-preferred route include surface extraction areas and small oil and gas production areas, each occurring along approximately 1 mile of this route. National Grasslands rated as Partial Retention areas by the FS are crossed for 4.5 miles. b. Distance Zones and Key Observation Points. The agency-preferred route crosses and is in the immediate foreground zone of 1-94 for 2 miles. It parallels 0.5 mile of National Grasslands which have been designated as Retention areas by the FS due to proximity to the interstate and the eastern approach to TRNP. The route parallels Highway 85 at distances varying from 1 to 3.5 miles and is within the H-85 foreground zone for 8 miles. It crosses H-85 directly west of the Charlie Creek Substation in an open setting. There are a total of 46 houses within 1 mile of this route; 33 which have open viewing conditions and 13 that are screened. Portions of the agency-preferred route are visible from three KOPs in TRNP. These include the Painted Canyon Overlook, Buck Hill along the Park's loop road, and the horseback riding trails along the eastern rim of the Park. A total of approximately 10 miles of the southern portion of this route are visible from these three KOPS. The TRNP KOPS range from about three miles (horseback trail) to about eight miles (Buck Hill) from the agency-preferred route. State Histo III - 10 5. Refined Agency-Preferred Route etion bonetos vietomscovas C emains The refined agency-preferred route varies only slightly from the agency-preferred route. Subtle shifts in the alignment have reduced the number of homes within 1 mile of this alternative from 46 to 40. Thirty-two of these would have open views of the proposed transmission line and eight would have their views partially screened. In general, however, the adjustments made to the agency-preferred route do not result in a significant overall reduction in potential visibility compared to the alignment prior to refinement. C. Socioeconomic Resources sim avibejdo villsup consteld d buorge lot ari ni al etuos evad The purpose of the socioeconomic analysis is to describe the effects of the project on the human resources in the study area. Although detailed demographic and economic information for the specific study area is unavailable, a profile of the area can be inferred from countywide data. Because of the nature of transmission projects, few socioeconomic factors have the potential to be significantly altered. The following description of the study area focuses on aspects of the social and economic environment most likely to be affected by the project. These include agricultural operations and income, public services, housing, and the local economy. 1. Study Area 2010 art of enoiteolliboM org ang bris llo llama brs The 420 square-mile Charlie Creek-Belfield Project study area is located in western North Dakota. The majority of the area lies within Billings and Stark Counties; very small portions of McKenzie and Dunn Counties are also included. The major community in the study area is Belfield in Stark County, with a population of approximately 1300. Outside of Belfield, the area is rural with low residential density. For example, Billings County, with a population of 1300 has an average of less than one person per square mile. Interstate Highway 94, which serves Belfield, and U.S. Highway 85 are the major transportation routes in the area. Both of these routes are used by visitors to the two units of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, located just west of the study area. Many of these visitors stop in Belfield for lodging or refreshment. The study area is almost entirely composed of ranching-based agricultural land. Ranchers in the vicinity are mainly of Russian and Central European origin. Many of their families arrived in North Dakota between 1900 and 1910 during a wave of immigration. Originally of German descent, these forebearers settled in Russia for several decades, then persecution led them to seek opportunities in the northern plains where the setting was similar. Even today, approximately one-quarter of area residents speak another language in addition to English. a. Local Economy. The major sources of income in the study area are agriculture and oil and gas production. Stark County has a more diversified economy including manufacturing and sales attributed to the City of Dickinson (population 20,000). Stark County taxable sales in 1986 were $32.8 million. In contrast, Billings County has sales of $201,000 and has the lowest mill rate in the state. III-11 Barn Billings County also has the lowest unemployment rate in the state (2.9 percent), while Stark County has a 7.7 percent rate, about the state average. Per capita income in the area is fairly low (approximately $11,000), ranking in the lower third of the state's counties. Agriculture contributes nearly $40 million per year to the economics of Billings and Stark Counties, with the average market value of products ranging between $30,000 and $40,000 per farm. Over 90 percent of the land in the study area is devoted to non-irrigated crop and livestock production on fairly large farms. Family-owned cattle ranching is the primary type of agriculture in the study area, and horses are also raised. Over 80 percent of the farms produce livestock. Grazing allotments are also a major source of income on Forest Service National Grasslands. Crop production occurs throughout the study area, with the vast majority of crops, such as hay and oats, produced for livestock feed. Cash crops are limited and include wheat, barley, and sunflower. The mineral industry accounts for nearly 2000 jobs and a $50 million annual payroll in Billings and Stark Counties. Oil and gas wells occur throughout the study area, with royalty income accruing to property owners. There are also several production and processing plants. Although the area was once expecting a production boom, the oil industry has not developed under current economic conditions. Manufacturing and wholesale and retail trade in Stark County are dependent on tourism and agriculture, and include shipping, food processing, and machinery production as well as consumer services. Tourism in the vicinity of the study area is mainly a product of its proximity to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Over 16 million people have visited the park since it opened in 1948, and there were 397,000 visitors in 1986. Traffic data show that a daily average of 1300 vehicles and a peak-season daily average of 2000 vehicles pass through the study area on Interstate 94. Although data is not available, it is assumed that a portion of these travelers shop, dine, and lodge in Belfield. b. Services. The major service center in the vicinity of the study area is Dickinson, located 25 miles east of Belfield on Interstate 94. Dickinson offers over 50 restaurants and 800 hotel units, as well as a full range of retail goods and consumer services. Within the study area, Belfield has four motels with approximately 110 units, three restaurants, a full- service gas station, and retail supplies. Rental housing is available both in Belfield and Dickinson. Furnished and unfurnished units may be obtained on a short-term basis for under $300 per month. SD. Cultural Resources lehud bos biarioA art to te 618 29 Cultural resources were assessed through a literature and files search, and sensitivity levels were assigned on the basis of existing data for the study area and adjacent lands. An intensive survey for cultural resources in the agency-preferred route, Belfield Substation site, and some of the access easements has been conducted following a preliminary land survey. All access easements were not surveyed due to time constraints and weather conditions. The unsurveyed easements will be surveyed in the spring of 1988. The results of the intensive survey will be included in a report which will be submitted to the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), as a part of consultation pursuant to Section 106 III - 12 of the National Historic Preservation Act. A summary of work completed to this point has been included as Appendix F. 1. Prehistoric Resources a. Study Area ons 2015 (1) Prehistoric Overview. The Northern Plains chronological sequence which applies to the study area was outlined by George Frison (1978). This sequence is divided into several periods: Paleo-Indian, ca. 12,000-7,700 Before Present (B.P.), Archaic Period, ca. 7,700-1,500 B.P., Late Prehistoric Period, ca. 1,500-250 B.P., and Protohistoric Period, ca. 250-100 B.P. The Paleo-Indian period is divided into three stages; Clovis, Folsom and Plano (Jennings, 1968; Beckes and Keyser, 1983). This period was characterized by what Willey (1966) labeled the "Big Game Hunting Tradition." At this time, small bands of transient hunters subsisted mainly on large game animals such as the Mammoth. Paleo-Indian sites usually contain a characteristic lithic technology of large lanceolate spear points. Extensive climatic changes resulting from the warmer and drier Altithermal climatic period brought about gradual extinction of many of the big game animals. With the decline of this food source, human subsistence strategies began to change during the latter part of this period. The Paleo-Indian tradition has limited representation in westcentral North Dakota (Gregg, 1984). ybula oboer The Archaic period can be characterized by a shift from the Paleo-Indian lifestyle of big game hunting to a broader spectrum subsistence strategy (Beckes and Keyser, 1983). In addition to dependance on bison, this new strategy included hunting of small game and processing of vegetal food stuffs as evidenced by the presence of lithic grinding implements. Projectile point technology changed from the early lanceolate type spear point to large side and corner-notched points used with the atlatl (a spear throwing instrument). During the early part of the Archaic, human groups were located primarily in peripheral regions of the Great Plains due to the dry conditions brought about by the Altithermal. The archaeological record indicates that during the latter part of the Archaic, cultural groups had returned to the interior regions of the Great Plains. Communal bison hunting techniques were common during the late Archaic (i.e. jumps, pounds and traps). unu The Late Prehistoric period is distinguished by the shift away from the atlatl technology to the bow and arrow (Frison, 1978). During this period, corner- notched and side-notched projectile points display a marked decrease in overall size. Other cultural developments for this period include ceramics and burial mounds. Subsistence strategies remained similar to that of the Archaic with a possible slight increase in plant food dependence. Communal bison kill sites are commonly represented during the Late Prehistoric period. eb The Protohistoric period is characterized by Euro-American and Native American interaction, and introduction of the horse, which substantially changed many Northwestern Plains cultures. Sites dating to this period are identifiable based primarily on the presence of Euro-American trade goods. III-13 balls vite Within the study area and its immediate surroundings cultural resources to representing all the occupational periods have been recorded. Prehistoric site wol types that have been found include: cultural material scatters, quarry/mine sites, earthworks, mounds, stone rings, rock shelters, kill sites and cairns. Of these site types, cultural material scatters are the most common. By 1981, cultural material scatters represented 71.5 percent of all sites recorded in Billings County (Gregg, pin 1985). wol to bego 20 (2) Prehistoric Sensitivity Analysis. For this project, three prehistoric sensitivity levels were identified based upon the probability of encountering specific site types that would be likely to occur in different environmental/topographic settings. Sensitivity levels at this phase of cultural resource assessment were based on expected density/probability of sites rather than site specific impacts which could occur, as depicted on Figure III-3 (foldout). High Sensitivity. High sensitivity areas include the location of known prehistoric resources that are listed in, eligible or potentially eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Also included are areas categorized from the files and records search as "site leads" (areas where sites have been reported but not verified or recorded). In addition, those areas likely to contain the greatest number of long term or multiple occupations are included. Based on previously recorded sites, these areas are located within 500 meters of permanent water resources, such as the Heart River, or springs and natural lakes. Sites in this zone which are considered eligible for nomination to the NRHP probably exhibit one or more of the following characteristics: intact surface and/or subsurface features or artifacts in a datable context, stratigraphic integrity, high artifact diversity and/or density, multiple/separable components, ceramics, earthen mounds or stone circles. Permanent water sources are defined as natural lakes, springs, and drainages shown on USGS maps with solid blue lines. Due to a probable higher percentage of potentially eligible sites, the proposed project would be likely to have more adverse impacts in this high sensitivity zone. Medium Sensitivity. Medium sensitivity areas include those within 500 meters of seasonally available water sources such as the numerous intermittent drainages shown on the USGS maps. Predicted site types included cultural material scatters representing short term occupations in addition to other resource types representative of short term activities. These sites are usually not unique or significant due to their low potential to yield important data, i.e., they often lack diagnostics, subsurface deposits, etc. A lower percentage of sites in these medium sensitivity areas would probably be considered eligible for the NRHP, so the project is less likely to have adverse impacts. The majority of sites are expected to be located in this zone. Low Sensitivity. Low sensitivity areas are flat or low, rolling plains over 500 meters from intermittent water. Few sites occur in these areas and those that do are most likely to have been short term activity areas and are not expected to be considered eligible for nomination to the NRHP. Also included in this level are previously surveyed areas of 40 acre-blocks or larger lacking cultural resources. In low sensitivity areas, the proposed project would not be expected to have adverse ert impacts. lo fluan s hubeelM en ne JoniM vab bectie besseront erit diliw neve nolensaxe baolis III - 14 b. Environmentally Preferred Route. This route does not cross or indirectly affect any known sites that have been determined eligible for the NRHP. It crosses 1.25 miles of high sensitivity areas, 19.1 miles of medium sensitivity areas, and 20.65 miles of low sensitivity areas. c. Agency-Preferred Route. This route does not cross or indirectly affect any known sites that have been determined eligible for the NRHP. It does not cross any high sensitivity areas. It crosses 23.6 miles of medium sensitivity areas, and 13.4 miles of low sensitivity areas. d. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route does not significantly vary from the agency-preferred route and will not affect any previous recorded sites listed in or eligible for the NRHP. Seven prehistoric material scatters were found by the intensive cultural resources survey. 301 2. Historic Resources 26816 5 a. Study Area (1) Historic Overview. Around the middle of the eighteenth century, the first contact between Euro-American traders and native populations took place in North Dakota (Gregg, 1985). However, it was not until after 1860 that whites settled permanently in North Dakota. These settlers were French traders who developed the French Canadian fur trade in the area. In 1803, the French Government sold the Missouri Basin (Louisiana Purchase) to the United States (Devoto, 1953). In 1804, Lewis and Clark were sent to explore the new territory. For approximately the next 50 years, the fur trade was the major economic activity that influenced Euro-Americans to come to North Dakota (Provo, 1984). During the 1860's, the fur trade began to decline in the Upper Missouri region. Simultaneously, Indian troubles ensued and a series of forts were constructed by the American Military (Athern, 1967). By 1868, the signing of several treaties had pacified the Native American populations in the area. This created more incentive for permanent Euro-American settlement. The 1870's brought the first "Great Dakota Boom" to the area. The Northern Pacific Railroad had received land grants from the Federal Government and used these to stimulate the creation of large "Bonanza" farms in eastern North Dakota (Robinson, 1966). These farms produced wheat for the thriving flour milling market in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This first boom came to an end during the late 1880's but resulted in an increase in the population of North Dakota from 37,000 in 1880, to 191,000 by 1890. It was the occurrence of this first boom which led to the formation of North Dakota as a state in 1889. Railroad expansion was the major cause of substantial settlement in the Missouri Plateau area. The Northern Pacific Railroad reached the vicinity of Fort Abraham Lincoln in 1873, resulting in the establishment of the city of Bismarck. The towns of Medora, Dickinson, Minot, and Williston also originated as a result of railroad expansion. Even with the increased railroad development, the Missouri III - 15 ert mont Plateau region remained sparsely populated before 1900. This area was mainly utilized as grazing land by the cattle industry, which declined for a period of time begon due to the extremely hard winter of 1886-87. lealmans babioge hour saml ed At the turn of the century, a second "Dakota Boom" was stimulated by meteor additional railroad expansion. Between 1898 and 1915 more than 250,000 settlers entered the area. Enough people had settled in the Little Missouri region by 1905 to create McKenzie County. This second boom coincided with a period of above- average rainfall on the Great Plains, the promotion of dry farming techniques, rising agricultural prices during World War I, and new homesteading laws which increased the amount of land which could be taken as an individual claim. In 1915, these trends began to reverse. Three major factors were responsible for emigration from North Dakota: the decline in farm prices following nirtw son World War I, a period of drought on the Great Plains in the 1920's and 1930's, and the Great Depression. At this time, many of the small homesteads were abandoned erfeues and larger farmsteads were formed. It was during this period that the Federal Government sought to relieve the plight of farmers on the arid plains by buying their land. In this manner, the Little Missouri National Grasslands and Theodore ynamiche Roosevelt National Park were created. είναι (2) Historic Sensitivity Analysis. Expected locations of historic resources, especially structural remains, were projected primarily by examining USGS and/or aerial photographs. Historic site sensitivity was predicted utilizing two levels, high and low as shown on Figure III-3. de High Sensitivity. This level includes the locations of known historic sites that are listed in, eligible or potentially eligible for nomination to the National yns aan Register of Historic Places. Also included are structural remains or other potential viim historic resources identified through archival studies, examination of maps, aerial photos, or through interviews with local informants. Any potential site locations such as "site leads," i.e., Fort Houston, etc., that were identified during the files and records search, were designated as high sensitivity areas. Historic sites with structurally intact remains, such as homesteads, are the most likely to be degroo considered significant. Cla Inble to Villsup Low Sensitivity. Included in this level are all other areas where significant historic resources have not been located and/or are not likely to exist based on the above mentioned examinations. sisles verib. Environmentally Preferred Route. This route will not affect any previously recorded sites listed in or eligible for the NRHP. Potentially eligible historic sites exist within the impact zone of the proposed project and those that may be visually impacted by the transmission line would be recorded during the intensive survey. These sites could include homesteads, farmsteads, towns, schools, etc. loca bloc. Agency-Preferred Route. This route will not affect any previously recorded sites listed in or eligible for the NRHP. bne vlut ni 3° of Jo egerove na mot grignan a ayeb est al noasse pniwong art to riipnel III-16 d. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route does not significantly vary from the agency-preferred route and will not affect any previous recorded sites listed in or eligible for the NRHP. Potentially eligible historic sites exist within the impact zone of the proposed project and those that may be visually impacted by the transmission line were recorded during the intensive survey. These sites included two homesteads/farmsteads, a granary, and a site of undetermined usage. 3. Native American Resources a. Study Area. Native American history of the study area has been previously described. Known Native American groups who lived in or near the project area include Assiniboine, Mandan-Hidatsa, Crow and Fort Totten Sioux. In accordance with Public Law 95-341, the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) of 1978, Native American concerns and values for cultural resources of contemporary or historical significance within the project area were addressed. As a preliminary step to determine Native American use of the area, letters were sent to representatives of the above mentioned Indian tribes. The major goals of the Native American contacts were to develop an inventory of significant past or present cultural resources and the activities associated with them, and to document concerns and recommendations for preservation and/or mitigation procedures for any identified resources. b. Environmentally Preferred Route. This route does not cross or pass near any known Native American sites. c. Agency-Preferred Route. This route does not cross or pass near any known Native American sites. d. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route does not cross or pass near any known Native American sites. North E. Air Resources Climatic and air resources within the study area were evaluated to identify climatological and meteorological factors that could potentially influence the physical design of the proposed project. Available climatological air quality data revelent to the study area were reviewed to establish a representative baseline. Climatological factors of primary interest include temperature, precipitation, winds, and severe weather. Air quality parameters include particulate, ozone, nitrogen oxide, and carbon monoxide as they relate to North Dakota state standards. ebula 1. Climate eans book The climate in the area is semi-arid and continental, characterized by long cold winters and short warm summers. According to the U.S. Environmental Data Service, the mean annual temperature for 1971-80 at Watford City (60 miles north of Belfield) was 43.1 °F; ranging from an average of 70 °F in July and August to 13.9 °F in January. The average length of the growing season is 125 days. also Ds a re railroad development, the Missour III-17 eettud Thunderstorms are common in June, July, and August. The mean annual oprecipitation recorded at Watford City for 1971-80 was 15.9 inches, with approximately 70 us percent of total precipitation occurring during the growing season. ba Rens ybut In 1985, the predominant wind direction recorded at the Painted Canyon of meteorological monitoring site was westerly. These westerly winds averaged 11.9 miles per hour, with extreme winds exceeding 30 miles per hour. pools 2. Air Quality W SM briser lo nall les to (fueblot Sales In general, the overall quality of the ambient air in North Dakota is good; however, The some problems do exist that are directly associated with strong wind conditions. bec The Air Quality Services Branch, Division of Environmental Engineering, North Dakota State Department of Health, does not operate air quality monitoring sites within the 22 study area. The closest available data is for the Medora and Dunn Center rural sites, which en are located approximately 15 miles west and 50 miles northeast, respectively of Belfield and have similar environments to that of the study area. Estimates of the annual geometric le means for total suspended particulates (TSP) or dust for Medora and Dunn Center are 13 and 16 micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m³) of air, respectively (Christianson and Wentz, 1981). The maximum 24-hour concentration at Medora is 78 ug/m³ and 112 ug/m³ at the Dunn Center monitoring site (Christianson and Wentz, 1981). Noxious gases associated with oil and natural gas production, such as hydrogen sulfide (H,S), are locally present in noticeable concentrations but do not exceed state standards. Suspended nitrates and sulfur dioxide have been recorded at both sites; however, concentrations do not exceed the set standards. 10 8 3 The primary sources of air pollutants in the study area are sulfur dioxide from industrial processes related to oil and gas production and TSP from unpaved roads and ane agricultural operations. No other significant sources of air pollutants are located in the study area. The entire state of North Dakota, except where classified as a Class I area, is a Class II Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) area. The nearest Class I area (any area which is designated for the most stringent degrees of protection from future degradation of air quality) is the Theodore National Park located one mile from the western boundary of the study area. The Lostwood National Wilderness Area, located in the northwestern portion of the state, is the only other Class I area in North Dakota. quon noinu no gnhe dalo silab e to husq biswb be F. Earth Resources sugno (uobiol 64 eupl ansobeing stel not erli eslhavo yldsam bebbedien 200 1. 26 avi supnoT onlyhebnu ert Geology bad stingi a br lennero enit a. Study Area. The study area is located in the unglaciated Missouri Plateau not Section of the Great Plains Physiographic Province in southwestern North Dakota. The area is bounded on the west by a highly dissected, rugged, deeply eroded, hilly area commonly Do known as the Little Missouri Badlands, and on the north and east by rolling uplands of the Moda glaciated section of the Missouri Plateau. Jesl III-18 นทท Over The area is characterized by low relief and gentle slopes interrupted by hills, buttes, and ridges. Relief ranges from 2843 feet at Saddle Butte in eastern Billings County to 2360 feet where the Little Knife River flows out of northeast Billings County. The rolling plateau surface is in places highly dissected by fluvial and eolian processes, resulting in Badland type topography in locations along the western and eastern boundaries of the study area. Slopes in the area vary in steepness from less than 5 percent on the rolling uplands to greater than 20 percent along drainages and on buttes, as illustrated on Figure III-4 (foldout). Structurally the area lies on the southwestern flank of the Williston Basin, an intracratonic basin that extends from the southern portions of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, down into Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota (Figure III-5). The Williston Basin is a broad syncline that exhibits both structural and sedimentary features. The present configuration of the basin was shaped late in Cretaceous time, with thick accumulations of en sedimentary rock filling the basin towards its center, near Watford City, North Dakota. bre The near-surface strata in the basin are relatively flat lying with gentle dips of less than one degree to the north or northeast towards the center of the basin. In locations throughout the basin this gentle dip is interrupted by several large geologic structures as shown on Figure III-5. These structures, referred to as the Nesson and Cedar Creek Anticlines and the Sheep Mountain Syncline, have been formed as a result of the tectonic style of uplift in this region of the Great Plains. Although faulting and folding have played a major role in the geologic history of the area and may readily occur on a regional scale, structures formed by these processes within the study area are not present at the surface due to sediment deposition. Several small scale structures are also prevalent throughout the study area. These structures include relict permafrost polygons, blowout depressions, and small eskers or ridges resulting from topographic inversion due to resistance of fluvial sediment to erosion. The geologic history of the region is closely related with the uplift and subsequent erosion of the Rocky Mountains and the Black Hills. Strata present in the area are sedimentary in nature, and were deposited during several periods of alternating marine and non-marine episodes. This series of depositional events has occurred during the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras; however, surficial strata in the area is dominated by Early Tertiary and Recent age sediments. The dominant lithologic unit in the study area is the Sentinel Butte Formation (Figure III-6; foldout), the upper-most formation of the lignite-bearing Fort Union Group. These late Paleocene sediments are thought to be the landward part of a delta plain that conformably overlies the Tongue River Formation. The Sentinel Butte Formation consists of thin lignite, interbedded gray siltstone, silty claystone, mudstone, and gray to yellowish-gray fine to medium channel sand. The contact between the underlying Tongue River and the Sentinel Butte Formations has been placed at the H-T Butte lignite bed (Anna, 1981) as shown on Figure III-7. fonu art ni baisool al sens ybute erT servbu12.8 The Sentinel Butte is relatively thin on the upland areas in the southwestern portion of the study area, having a mean thickness of less than 100 feet. The formation thickens to the northeast, towards the center of the basin, attaining thicknesses between 300 and 400 feet. III -19 Overlying the Sentine Formation is the sight cenubri vho Lenazevelo MONTANA POPLAR DOME Hight יזי PTT ལས་ イイ ​MILES CITY from the ager duced. POWDER RIVER BASIN Study Area Ting T WILLISTON ㅏ ​זדי CEDAR CREEK ANTICLINE ٢٢٢١ AXIS admaM Tisblo NORTH DAKOTA יז וזזזזזזזזז''. N A NESSON ANTICLINE MINOT nt day BISMARCK- 어 ​erline 7 DICKINSON route of Y WILLISTON BASIN only TTTTTTT bbbbd dddddddd BLACK HILLS BIG HORN MTNS. WYOMING SOUTH DAKOTA 0 Each of 5030 100 MI 0 100 200 KM FIGURE III-5. REGIONAL GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE area is hig Modified from: Stratigraphy and Paleobotany of the Golden Valley Formation of Western North Dakota, Hickey, L.J., 1977. MMUJOO OIHRA ARTS - BADDI III-20 Golden Valley Formation Camel Butte Member Bears Den Member Cross-bedded micaceous sandstone. Beds of shale, micaceous siltstone, and poorly indurated, parallel-bedded sandstone with interbedded lignite. Dark-olive-gray, highly carbonaceous mudstone. Yellow-and-orange-stained kaolinitic siltstone containing minute limestone spherules. Brown-gray to light-gray claystone and siltstone. Light-yellowish-brown, very sandy claystone. Light-gray claystone. ATOXAQ Sentinel Butte Formation TOMI Light-olive-gray, silty, bentonitic claystone. Calcareous streaking. Lignite bed. Light-gray claystone. Light-gray, silty claystone. Dark-gray, very fine to fine argillaceous sandstone. ATOXAQ HTUber Dark-gray, very silty claystone. 003 Claystone en Lignite bed. Light-gray, very silty, bentonitic claystone. HT Butte lignite bed. WIMOYW Yog Tongue River and the onits bed (Anna, 1987) as Cross-bedded sandstone Carbonaceous mudstone Lignite 0 Sandstone Calcareous Micaceous balliboM stesW FIGURE III-7. STRATIGRAPHIC COLUMN III-21 ern Overlying the Sentinel Butte Formation is the light purplish-gray claystone, tan sandy claystone, and micaceous crossbedded sandstone of the Golden Valley Formation. Due to its stratigraphic position close to the top of the depositional sequence, erosional processes have destroyed most of the formation in the study area (Ting, 1972). The environment of deposition for the Golden Valley Formation was primarily lacustrine, with sediments being deposited during the Eocene Epoch. The Golden Valley Formation is divided into two distinct lithologic members. The lower member, referred to as the Bear Den Member, is predominantly tough, kaolinitic claystone or mudstone with interbedded sandstone and rare lignite. The member crops out along drainages in the northern and eastern portions of the study area, forming bare slopes that weather to bright yellow, orange, or ash gray. Thickness of the unit ranges from 0 to 30 feet within the study area (Ting, 1973). 916 6916 art The upper Camels Butte Member is limited to just a few remnants on the highest part of a topographic divide located northeast of Fairfield. The Camels Butte consists of lenses of micaceous, carbonate-cemented, and crossbedded sandstone, separated by finer grained, parallel-bedded sediments, and clays. The dominant clay minerals are illite and montmorillinite. b. Environmentally Preferred Route. The environmentally preferred route crosses approximately 3.0 miles of moderate to steep slopes. Most of these areas occur along Link 27, in the "little badlands" section located in the eastern portion of the project area. bns ooie C. Agency-Preferred Route. The agency-preferred route crosses 1.4 miles of moderately steep slopes (10-20% grade). d. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. The refined agency-preferred route varies only slightly from the agency-preferred route. The number of moderately steep slopes crossed has been reduced. shoo2 2. Mineral Resources a. Study Area. Significant mineral resources and economically valuable materials occurring within the study area include oil and gas, lignite, uranium, and scoria. Each of these have been identified, described, and mapped (Figure III-6). These resources are discussed in order of economic value and potential impacts resulting from construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed transmission line. belt ban (1) Oil and Gas. The location of the study area in the southwestern portion of the Williston Basin places it within one of the largest hydrocarbon producing regions in the United States. Oil fields have been defined throughout the study Brice area, the largest of which is located in northeastern Billings and western Dunn Counties as shown on Figure III-6. This field, known as the Little Knife field, produces oil and natural gas from the Mississippian Mission Canyon Formation. 25220 Much of the easy to find hydrocarbons in the Williston Basin have already been produced, but the potential for future oil and gas exploration and production throughout the study area is high. airit no bessono al nolisnego prinim shooe fama A siuos airTanoltsego pninim orilo to elim 2.0 nirti bene betasol al atuor erit bris evitamets ablait ang no lo spiel yris sons ton asob III - 22 (2) Lignite. Lignite occurs over most of southwest North Dakota. In the Belfield area, lignite deposits occur in either the Sentinel Butte or Tongue River Formations of the Paleocene Fort Union Group. Within these formations, lignite has been deposited in eight major coal seams that are laterally discontinuous and have thicknesses greater than five feet. Areally, lignite is persistent throughout the study area and crops out in locations where erosion has exposed the seam. Exposures of lignite are evident in drainages, hillsides, and buttes. Total coal resources for all coals in the area are approximately 6.3 billion tons (Banet, 1980). Although lignite resources in the area are significant, no current production exists and, because of unfavorable economics, previous development has been minimal. (3) Uranium. The majority of uranium occurrences in the study area are found in thin lignite beds that underlie the water-bearing sandstone units of the White River Formation. The uranium is thought to have been emplaced through leaching of uranium metal from deposits of volcanic ash in the White River strata. Subsequently, uranium has been transported by water percolating through the strata downward to the lignites, carbonaceous shales, and sandstones of the underlying Golden Valley and Sentinel Butte Formations. n3 d Production of uranium in the area was investigated in the mid-fifties and further developed in the early- to mid-sixties. Development was limited to near- surface deposits in lignite and carbonaceous shale, which were burned in pits and then shipped to milling operations in South Dakota, Colorado, and New Mexico. The ash was then blended and treated along with sandstone ores (Bluemle, 1977). There are no presently active uranium mining operations in the study area. (4) Scoria. The reddish layers and brick-like masses of baked and fused clay, shale, and sandstone found in many locations of the study area are locally referred to as scoria. Scoria is found in areas where seams of lignite have burned, producing sufficient heat to bake adjacent sediments forming the natural brick material. Ignition of lignite beds is a result of spontaneous combustion, range fires, lightning, and the actions of man. Burning most commonly occurs where the coal seam has been exposed, on steep slopes, in drainages, and on hillsides. The scoria commonly contains fragments that appear as though they have been melted. These fragments were formed when the material overlying a burning coal bed collapsed, plunging it into the exceptionally hot areas so that the sediments melted (Bluemle, 1977). As a result of collapse of the overlying material into voids formed by the burning coal, subsidence features are often associated with the scoria beds. Due to the scarcity of gravel in much of southwestern North Dakota, scoria is mined, crushed, and used as a substitute for gravel as road surfacing material. b. Environmentally Preferred Route. The environmentally preferred route crosses the Little Knife oil field located in Billings and Dunn Counties. c. Agency-Preferred Route. A small scoria mining operation is crossed on this alternative and the route is located within 0.5 mile of other mining operations. This route does not cross any large oil or gas fields. MN III-23 heisw ent d. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route varies only slightly from the agency- preferred route avoids crossing any mining operations. 3. Hydrology ant bris Event To ylleoma. Study Area (reer 11624 Teom celles bns benlaido el e ybuts bril nl assogg eets to snotabnes beteblloanoolmes (1) Surface Water. The main surface water drainages in the study area are the Heart, Green, and Knife Rivers, all of which are tributary to the Missouri River (Figure III-8; foldout). Smaller drainages on the western edge of the area flow into the Little Missouri River Basin. Topographically, the area ranges from flat, rolling uplands in the western portion of the study area to highly dissected erosional badlands in the eastern part. The prominent topographic feature that controls the direction of flow for surface water is a north-south trending drainage divide. This divide is located in the western portion of the study area and is the headwaters for each of the drainage basins present within the area. Drainages located west of the divide flow into the Little Missouri River, while drainages that flow in an easterly direction drain into the Heart, Green, and Knife Rivers. emangam 0689 The Heart River is the primary watershed within the study area. This stream generally flows from west to east and drains the southern portion of the project area. The Green River, a tributary to the Heart River, flows in a southeasterly ssst direction through the central part of the area. The Knife River drains the northern part of the study area and flows in a northeasterly direction. Although these streams may contain standing water throughout most of the year, they are not considered to be perennial in nature. The Heart, Green, and Knife Rivers are low entefqbdo gradient streams that normally flow in direct response to snowmelt or precipitation. sear In addition to the three major streams, the remaining surface water consists art cor of small creeks, man-made ponds and reservoirs, and natural depressions. In years when precipitation amounts are high, these depressions remain undrained in areas apang where a clayey soil is present at or near the surface. Streamflow in the study area exhibits seasonal fluctuations. During the Serwinter, lack of runoff from snowmelt results in extremely low water levels in the belinu la major streams. The spring rise usually produces the peak flow of the year. The 015 2018 recession from the peak is quite rapid, and subsequent increases in flow are STOPS dependent upon rains of significant enough duration and intensity to cause surface runoff. E Vid ybur According to gaging station data along the Green River (sections 13 and 14, T.141N., R.98W.), the average discharge from 1962 to 1986 was 17.6 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 12,750 acre-feet per year. The mean annual discharge for the water year October 1, 1985 to September 30, 1986 was 22.5 cfs. During that water year the maximum discharge was 1150 cfs on March 2, and the minimum discharge of 0.25 cfs occurred on June 26 and 27 (U.S. Geological Survey, 1986). obsolete III-24 ged rape Chemical quality and sediment load are factors that affect the water resources. A minor amount of sediment is transported by the streams (Anna, 1981). Man's influence on surface-water quality and flow in the study area is increased erosion potential and inflow of domestic and industrial wastes. (2) Ground Water. Ground water used for public, domestic, and livestock purposes in the study area is obtained from aquifers consisting mostly of semiconsolidated sandstone of Late Cretaceous and Tertiary age (Anna, 1981). Water supplies for domestic and livestock use are generally found in the upper Hell Creek-lower Ludlow aquifer system, aquifers in the upper part of the Ludlow, trich Tongue River, and Sentinel Butte Formations, and alluvial deposits. The Fox Hills-lower Hell Creek aquifer system is used for public, domestic, and livestock supplies. Because water in this aquifer system is the most dependable for quality and quantity, the Fox Hills-lower Hell Creek aquifer supplies most of the municipal water for the area (Anna, 1981). Lignite deposits in the area are also a source of ground water. Where drilled, lignite deposits are found to be saturated and yield water to most wells; however, water quality from this source is variable. The ground water of the area is predominantly a sodium bicarbonate type, with median dissolved-solids concentrations ranging from 1,000 to 2,330 milligrams per liter (Anna, 1981). b. Environmentally Preferred Route. This route crosses 38 intermittent creeks. Major stream crossings include the Knife, Green, and Heart rivers. Te c. Agency-Preferred Route. This route crosses 42 intermittent creeks. These crossings occur at the headwaters of the principal drainages, therefore no major floodplains are crossed. d. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route does not significantly vary from the agency-preferred Route. 4. Seismicity The study area lies immediately within Nuttli and Hermann's (1978) central United States, Northern Great Plains seismic source zone. Historically, only 21 earthquakes are known to have occurred within 320 kilometers (200 miles) of the study area since 1872. This represents an average spatial density of earthquake occurrence about three times less than that for the Northern Great Plains seismic source zone. The area is not considered a seismic source region as no earthquake events larger than Modified Mercalli intensities of V to VI have been recorded nor are there any known active faults within an approximately 320 kilometer radius. Similarly, surface faulting has not been associated with earthquakes in the central United States or in the study area. It is not expected that surface rupture or other significant changes will be associated with seismic activity in the area. Therefore, the study area is more appropriately within the Residual Events seismic source zone (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1980). ning ong This rouse III-25 01 The proposed transmission line would be in Zone 1 of the Uniform Building Code Seismic Risk Zonation System. It is expected that only minor damage would be sustained from seismic activity in Zone 1. This damage prediction corresponds to Modified Mercalli Intensities of V and VI. The maximum magnitude earthquake for the Residual Events seismic source zone is 5.3; the return period for maximum magnitude earthquakes anywhere in the Residual Events region is 1000 years (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1980). no 5. Paleontology allos brsinnst emring a. Study Area. Southwestern North Dakota has a diverse and proportionately large fossil representation that is distributed in several geologic formations. These occurrences are isolated and laterally restricted throughout the region. The study area contains fossiliferous and potentially fossiliferous strata of the Paleocene and Eocene Epochs. Within the project area a total of nine localities containing fossils have been identified in the Sentinel Butte and Golden Valley Formations. The only reported fossils are paleobotanical specimens that were recorded during investigations by Sigsby (1966), Denson (1969), and Hickey (1977). The Sigsby and Denson investigations centered on fossils located in the Sentinel Butte Formation. Sigsby collected macroplants west of Belfield during his investigation of scoria deposits in North Dakota, while Denson's study was concerned mostly with pollen and spores. Hickey described plant fossils in the Golden Valley Formation at numerous localities in the study area. level bissed b. Environmentally Preferred Route. The environmentally preferred route is located exclusively in the Sentinel Butte Formation and does not cross any paleontological sites that have been identified in previous investigations. c. Agency-Preferred Route. The agency-preferred route crosses approximately 36.7 miles of Sentinel Butte deposits and 1.5 miles of Golden Valley sediments. In section 5, T.140N., R.100W., the route crosses within several hundred feet of macroplant fossils identified by Sigsby. doldw Бо d. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route does not significantly vary from the agency-preferred route. No previously recorded sites are crossed. 6. Soils a. Study Area. A general soils map of the study area was compiled based on Soil Conservation Service (SCS) mapping of Stark (Soil Conservation Service, 1968), Billings (Soil Conservation Service, 1944), McKenzie (Soil Conservation Service, 1942), and Dunn (Soil Conservation Service, 1982) Counties. The 126 map units used in those surveys were compiled into eight general soil map units similar to the general soil map of Stark County. The eight soil map units (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10) each contain three to fifteen major soil series, except for map unit 10 which is comprised of mine waste. Figure III-9 is a map of soil units occurring in all of the alternative corridors. The general soil map units from Stark County were extended to Dunn, Billings, and McKenzie Counties based on soil series that were mapped in the original soil surveys which were published in 1982, 1944, and 1942 respectively. The old surveys are now considered obsolete. III-26 anisique Table III-2 summarizes the engineering and environmental characteristics of the soils of the study area. Potential soil-related problems of interest in the study area are water and wind erosion, compaction, reclamation sensitivity, and engineering constraints as shown on Table III-2. Areas designated as prime farmland are limited throughout the study area, and are delineated by soil map units 1, 2, and 6. There is no reliable soil information on which to base identification of prime farmlands in Billings and McKenzie Counties. A few bodies of prime farmland soils occur in the corridors in Stark and Dunn Counties. Most are small enough to be spanned; one or two could be impacted by powerline construction. Soil loss due to water erosion on disturbed portions of the corridors will be a function of slope angle, slope length, and soil erodibility. Water erosion is most critical for map units 8 and 10, which are in areas of steep slopes. For map units 1, 2, 4, and 5 the water erosion hazard is moderate based on moderately steep slopes. Water erosion hazard is low for units 6 and 7. Soil loss by wind is a function of the wind erodibility group (WEG), surface roughness, wind velocity and fetch (unsheltered distance parallel to prevailing winds), and vegetation cover. Transmission line construction normally disturbs relatively small areas, limiting unsheltered distances. Map units 4 and 8 have a moderate wind erosion hazard. Map unit 10, mine pits and waste dumps, is the only soil map unit assigned a high wind erosion hazard level. The compactibility of a soil is a function of soil texture, cohesion and moisture content. The final soil density will be a function of the compactive effort, or in the case of this study, the number of passes of heavy equipment along the transmission line corridor. Excessive compaction can result in more rapid runoff, higher rates of erosion, and decreased vegetation cover. Based on the Unified Surface Classification, map units 1 and 4 are assigned a moderate to high compaction sensitivity. Map units 5, 6, and 7 are rated moderate and map units 2 and 8 are rated low to moderate. Compaction sensitivity is not applicable to map unit 10 (mine waste). Reclamation sensitivity is a measure of the ease or difficulty with which disturbances can be revegetated and stabilized. Sensitivities of the map units were based on water and wind erosion hazard, surface pH, surface salinity, and surface texture. Map units 1 and 5 are assigned a moderate sensitivity due to erosion potential, pH, or salinity. Units 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10 are assigned a high sensitivity due to adverse pH (units 4 and 6), salinity (unit 7), or erosion potential (units 8 and 10). The soils in the study area have also been evaluated based on engineering constraints, or the ability of the soils to support structure foundations. The evaluation considers the Unified Classification, depth to ground water table, flooding, drainage, and slumping hazard. Map units 1 and 5 are rated moderate for engineering constraints. Units 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10 are assigned high constraints based on near surface groundwater tables and fine texture. Map unit 2 is rated low to moderate. b. Environmentally Preferred Route. The environmentally preferred route crosses all soil map units in the study area except for map unit 10. Areas of concern are steep terrace escarpments and buttes (map unit 8), highly saline soils (map unit 7), bottomlands along stream channels (map units 6 and 7), and alluviated areas along drainage ways (map unit 4). The gently rolling uplands (units 1, 2, and 5) have few constraints. Link 1 crosses an III-27 Dominant Map Unified Class. Surface/ Subsurface Unit to bussipe lanolish TABLE III-2. SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SOILS CHARACTERISTICS Slope Landscape (%) Position oil ebeng Depth to Depth to PH Groundwater Bedrock Surface/ Table (feet) (inches) Subsfurface EC 30 KS ade o Surface WEG ush greeb T Value 1 CL,ML/ 0-10 uplands > 6.0 20-60+ neutral/mod. NS .32 7,6, 5,4 CL,CH,ML alkaline 4-4L 2 SM,ML,CL/ 0-15 SM,CL uplands,stream terraces, and sideslopes neutral/ > 6.0 7-60+ mildly NS .20-.32 6,5,3 5,4,2 alkaline uplands,terrace 4 CL,CH/CH,CL, MH-CH 0-15 slopes of drainage- 1.0-6.0+ 20-60+ mod. alkal./ NS .28-.37 8-4L 5-2 ways, depressions, mod-strongly and basins alkaline 5 ML,CL/CL,CH 0-9 uplands,terraces, > 6.0 > 60 neutral/mod. NS .32 7,6 4,3 and swales alkaline 6 CL,ML,SM/CL, 0-9 terraces, valley mod. alkal./ NS .17-.32 7,6, 5,4 CL-ML,SM footslopes, bottom- > 6.0 >60 mod.-strong 5,2, lands,sm. stream alkaline 3 channels 7 CL, ML, CL-ML/ CL,CH 0-6 terraces, swales, 1.0-6.0+ 40-60+ mildly alkal >8 .32-.37 8-5 5 valley footslopes /mod alkal. 8 CL,ML,SM/ CL,SM.ML 3-50 uplands, buttes and escarpments mild-v.stron. > 6.0 7-60+ alka./mild-v NS .15-.37 8,6, 4-1 4L,3, strong alka. 2 10 steep, mine dumps irreg. 1¦ neutral-v. strong alka. III-28 201 HQ 2J1Q8 JATMEM area of sensitive buttes and terrace escarpments, along link 27 there are significant areas of sensitive buttes, terrace escarpments, bottomlands, and alluvial terraces, and link 36 crosses sensitive alluvial terraces, bottomlands, and small areas of prime farmland. Steep terrace escarpments and buttes are crossed for a total of 10.85 miles, alluvial terraces along drainageways are crossed for a total of 7.80 miles, bottomlands along drainageways are crossed for a total of 3.30 miles, and saline soils are crossed for a total of 0.60 miles. c. Agency-Preferred Route. The agency-preferred route crosses all the soil map units in the study area, except map unit 10. Significant terrace escarpments and buttes occur along most of link 17 and 20 and intermittently extend south on link 31 to about 2.0 miles south of Fairfield. About one-half mile north of the Green River, buttes and escarpments occur again for about 3.5 miles on link 31; from about 1.50 miles north of I-94 they sporadically extend south along link 41 to the proposed Belfield Substation. Several of the terrace escarpments are narrow enough to be spanned. Alluvial terraces of concern occur within the second mile of link 31 and intermittently extend south from the Billings- Stark County line to the proposed substation. This route crosses terrace escarpments and buttes for a total of 8.60 miles, alluvial terraces for 5.25 miles, saline soils for 1.50 miles, and bottomlands for 0.60 miles. d. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route does not vary significantly from the agency-preferred route. wils prove BO G. Biological Resources 03-05 for rigado #sobed (aerom) MCINEERING VAD EM S-BUGAT 1. Vegetation a. Study Area. The study area is located in the unglaciated Missouri Slopes region of southwestern North Dakota. The most significant topographic feature is a relatively flat drainage divide that trends north and south in the western portion of the study area and separates the headwaters of the Little Missouri River from the Heart, Green, and Knife River drainages to the east. Generally, streams flow east and west through the area, with the majority flowing in an easterly direction. Tributaries in the project area have dissected the rolling uplands to form "miniature badlands" with distinct vegetation types that grade into forests of "bottom hardwood draws". The highly dissected portions of the study area contain either grassland, shrublands, or forbs. Areas with steep slopes often have little or no vegetation due to erosional processes. Vegetation in the area is dominated by prairie grassland, except on slopes and along drainages. The prairie plains community primarily consists of grasses, forbs, and some shrubs (Mueggler and Stewart, 1980; Hirsch, 1985). The type of grassland community is determined by the topographic position and soil characteristics of a particular habitat. Much of the natural vegetation on the rolling uplands has been replaced by non- irrigated cultivation to small grains and fodder crops. The Little Missouri National Grasslands are Federally owned lands managed as grazing rangeland similar to private holdings of native grassland. Page er III-29 bas rela Hardwood forest stands predominantly occur in the upper drainages and draws, and to a certain extent, in the alluviated areas of lower stream bottoms. Wetland vegetation occurs along most of the larger stream channels, in poorly drained depressions, and adjacent to stock ponds and reservoirs. The aerial extent of wetlands is limited, ranging from a few feet to 50 feet in width. There are no permanent natural lakes or large areas of wetlands in the study area. Vegetation types have been mapped on Figure III-10 (foldout). A vegetation species list, including scientific names, is provided in Appendix E. acho bas bris of (1) Prairie grasslands. Although grasslands are the dominant vegetation nommon type occurring within the study area, this community has been diminished or altered by dryland agricultural practices and extensive livestock grazing. Prairie grasslands occupy flat or gently sloping uplands, shallow slopes, and dry, uncultivated evar all floodplains. 818 sblen need br brush The prairie grasslands can be grouped into three main types based upon dominant plant species, topographic position, and soils (Soil Conservation Service, erd of 281978; Hirsch, 1985). The first main grassland type is dominated either by prairie sandreed, needle and thread, or little bluestem, and occurs on sandy to shallow uplands and dry slopes. Secondary grass cover consists of blue grama, sedges, western wheatgrass, and sand dropseed. Forbs make up to 10 percent of the cover, and include hairy goldaster, prairie cone-flower, green, and sagewort. Low cover by shrubs includes prairie rose, snowberry, fringed sagewort, and silver sage. Grazing has increased the cover of blue grama, sedges, and unpalatable forbs over To anothe much of the study area. WOTTA V6m 8581 pools abr ni nevi The second grassland type is dominated by western wheatgrass and blue grama, and occurs on thin claypan to clayey soils, on level uplands to steep slopes, ni base and on terraces of floodplains. Other common grasses are needle and thread, plains muhly, Sandberg bluegrass, saltgrass, and plains reedgrass. Common forbs are scarlet globemallow, prairie thermopsis, yarrow, and onion. Shrubs occur in irregular clumps and include winterfat, silversage, snakeweed, and sagebrush. Janebe erli 10 brisibod beaw lage a ol bru wonen is nahsch a hot brat Thettimet The third grassland type is dominated by needle and thread and western wheatgrass, and includes a low cover of sedges and blue grama on sandy loam to clayey loam soils in level to moderately sloping areas. Secondary cover is junegrass, green needlegrass, and red threeawn. Common forbs are fringed sagewort, flax, phlox, and skeletonweed. Shrub species are scarce in this type. (2) Shrublands. Shrublands are a minor component of the vegetation in the study area and occur as small stands and pockets in grasslands, on upper portions of draws, or interspersed with hardwood forest stands. In grasslands, common shrubs are snowberry, silver sage, and wild rose. Along the upper edges of draws the shrubs are silverberry, snowberry, big sagebrush, service berry, choke cherry, and shrubby cinquefoil. Two low species of juniper, prostrate, and common are interspersed in the grasslands, and as an understory in the shrublands. Grasses such as bluegrass, wildrye, and bromegrass grow in the shrublands as a sparse ground cover. (3) Hardwood Draws. Forests of hardwood trees, known locally as "bottom hardwood draws", grow in protected draws, drainages, and along some mesic floodplains on streams, particularly in the northern and eastern portions of the study area. This is a fairly unique vegetation type and habitat in this portion of III-30 Adob Be the Northern Great Plains. Major deciduous trees are green ash, american elm, and cottonwoods. Trembling aspen groves occur on upper northeast-facing draws. In addition to poison ivy and buckbrush, there is an understory of the shrubs listed in the shrublands section. Rocky Mountain juniper is occasionally found on dry sites. (4) Badlands. The badlands type of plant community occurs as strips of vegetation along tributaries and drainages in the highly dissected portions of the study area. This community is a combination of grassland, shrubland, and forbs. Ground cover varies from almost no vegetation on steep slopes to grassland and forbs on the more stable slopes. Hardwood draws and aspen groves are common along the edges and at the headwaters of these drainages. (5) Cropland. Portions of the better upland grassland with rich soils have been planted to small, non-irrigated grain crops, principally wheat. These fields are planted on a two to three year rotation basis. Some of the cropland has been planted as improved pasture, or allowed to revert naturally back to a grassland. The amount of land cultivated is greatest around Belfield, and decreases to the north and west in the study area. (6) Riparian. Riparian plant communities are located along the narrow floodplains on the eastern and western edges of the study area. These areas may be isolated stands of cottonwoods and willows interspersed with wetlands along and in the stream channels and oxbows, hardwood draws in the upper drainages, and some communities of dry or saline grasslands occurring on drier portions of the floodplains. A more complete description of riparian vegetation is given in Section H, Floodplains and Wetlands. (7) Wetlands. Wetlands, both riparian and non-riparian, are discussed in Section H, Floodplains and Wetlands. (8) Special Status Plant Species. No plant species currently on the Federal or state threatened or endangered species lists have been identified within the study area. The absence of special-status species is due in part to the uniformity of the area and lack of unique or unusual conditions. There were no unique plant species identified in the study area by the North Dakota Game and Fish Department (Henegar, pers. comm., 1987). However, they recommend avoiding the woodland natural community (hardwood draws) as a sensitive habitat. (9) Noxious Weeds. Leafy spurge has been identified by a local weed supervisor as a problem along drainages and on floodplains. b. Environmentally Preferred Route. This route crosses prairie grassland for a distance of 19.8 miles, bottom hardwood/shrublands for 1.7 miles, and several narrow riparian zones for 0.7 mile. The remaining distance of 18.8 miles is cropland. c. Agency-Preferred Route. This route crosses prairie grassland for a distance of 20.8 miles; bottom hardwood/shrubland for 1.1 miles, and small intermittent riparian streams for 0.4 miles. The remaining distance of 14.7 miles is cropland. d. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route crosses prairie grassland for a distance of 22.8 miles; bottom hardwood/shrubland for 0.9 mile, and small intermittent riparian streams for 0.3 mile. The remaining 14.2 miles are in cropland. III-31 2. Wildlife bris alosge am Wildlife in the study area is described in terms of habitat types as well as species. Construction of a transmission line through a given habitat has the potential to impact any or all of the species relying on that habitat. In instances where the overall habitat quality is not significantly affected, the presence of a transmission line can still be detrimental to individual species or members within a species. Study area wildlife features are mapped on Figure III-10. A wildlife species list, including scientific names, is provided in Appendix E. ghinub a. Study Area. Raptors Fert 200 6 (1) Habitats. Cropland, grassland, wetland, aquatic, and hardwood are the gnhub five wildlife habitat types that occur within the study area, as shown in Figure III-10. vart (a) Cropland. Cropland habitat corresponds to the cropland vegetation community and is the most abundant habitat type in the study area. However, agricultural practices render the overall habitat quality low, especially during the winter. Cropland is an essential habitat component for ring-necked pheasants and gray partridge, supplying forage and cover for both species. It also supplies cover for songbirds such as horned larks and western meadowlarks. yllshom Ismert (b) Grassland. Grassland habitat is predominantly in the prairie plains vegetation community but also includes some breaks and shrubland areas. The value of grassland habitat varies with grazing intensity. Heavily grazed areas epincare much lower in value than lightly or moderately grazed areas. Species typical of grassland habitat include. sharp-tailed grouse, upland sandpiper, western meadowlark, black-tailed prairie dog, and pronghorn. (c) Wetland. Wetland habitat in the area is scarce and limited to evoo small areas along drainages. It provides habitat for a variety of species which might bouot not otherwise occur in the area, such as red-winged blackbird. Wetlands also provide winter cover for a variety of species such as cottontail and ring-necked equoia pheasant. Ho sbiv ybuta (d) Aquatic. Aquatic habitat is found in larger drainages such as om the Heart and Little Knife Rivers and in numerous small reservoirs and stock ponds located throughout the study area. Many of these are seasonal or temporary in bris brenature. Aquatic habitat is used by a wide variety of waterfowl and shorebirds during their migrations and by some during the nesting season. (e) Hardwood. Hardwood habitat is found in steep draws on slopes overlooking drainages throughout the study area. Additionally, there are extensive stands in the southeast portion of the area along the Heart River and Norwegian Creek. These areas provide habitat for a variety of tree-nesting species such as fox squirrel, magpie, American robin, and Swainson's and red-tailed hawks as well as protective cover for mammals such as cottontail, mule-deer, and white- tailed deer. (2) Species. For the purpose of this document, important wildlife species are defined as those species which are important from an economic or legal perspective, as well as those with a high public interest. III - 32 (a) Big Game. The predominant big game species in the study area are mule deer, white-tailed deer, and pronghorn. Mule deer feed on shrubs asics and forbs throughout the year, with a higher emphasis on shrubs in the winter and yas to forbs in the spring and summer. They rely on steep topography and thick brush for el valescape and thermal cover. They are more common in the northern portion of the of air study area (Kobridger, pers. comm., 1987). no bago White-tailed deer have food habits similar to mule deer, but they are more secretive in nature. They are more common in the southern portion of the study area (Kobridger, pers. comm., 1987). alirens boowb Pronghorn are primarily browsers which also feed on forbs during on the spring and summer. They have also been known to utilize winter wheat during the early spring (Hoover, et al., 1959; Sundstom et al., 1973). In the study area they brisacare associated with grassland habitat (Kobridger, pers. comm., 1987). (b) Upland Game. Upland game birds common in the study area are ring-necked pheasant, gray partridge, sharp-tailed grouse, and wild turkey. Beisi Ring-necked pheasant and gray partridge are introduced species associated with grain farming. They nest in grassland and cropland habitat when adequate cover is present. However, early hay mowing or grain harvesting can cause high mortality. anting During the winter, pheasants require dense undisturbed vegetation for thermal 28913 cover (Weigand and Janson, 1976), such as hardwood draws and some wetland 975 areas. Gray partridge are hardier birds and are rarely found in wetland areas (Weigand, 1980). Both species are common throughout the study area (Kobridger, matar pers. comm., 1987). Wasid she Sharp-tailed grouse are associated with grassland habitat where of adequate cover is present. Although they may use cropland for foraging, they are dependent on grassland for survival. During winter they will use hardwood cover for protection from the elements (Hillman and Jackson, 1973). They are found bestos throughout the study area but are more common in the northern portion (Kobridger, pers. comm., 1987). No known strutting grounds for mating, or grouse leks, exists within the study area. Wild turkeys are found throughout the study area but are more numerous in the northern portion, where they rely on hardwood areas to provide Bisvat roost sites and cover from harsh winter weather. They feed in both cropland and grassland habitats (Kobridger, pers. comm., 1987). (c) Waterfowl. A variety of ducks and geese migrate through the study area and some nest there. However, the scarcity of wetlands in the study area results in low waterfowl populations (Kobridger, pers. comm., 1987). (d) Threatened and Endangered Species. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has indicated that four species listed as endangered may occur in the study area. Bald eagle, peregrine falcon, and whooping crane are potential spring and fall migrants through the area. Whooping cranes are associated with wetlands, which are scarce in the study area. Black-footed ferrets are associated with prairie dog towns as the prairie dog is their primary food source (Zschomler, pers. comm., 1987). cropland. III-33 any 869 epr bris (e) State Species of Concern. The North Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society (1982) has published an extensive list of species of concern in North Dakota. Three of these, long-billed curlew, Baird's sparrow, and Sprague's pipit, are likely to occur in the study area (Kreil, pers. comm., 1987). All three species are associated with grassland habitat. The long-billed curlew is listed by the Society as threatened while Baird's Sparrow and Sprague's pipit are listed in the watch category. This category is for species whose status is questioned for one reason or another (North Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society, 1982). (f) Raptors. A wide variety of raptors use the study area at various times of the year. Ferruginous hawks, Swainson's hawks, and golden eagles are known to nest there. b. Environmentally Preferred Route. This route passes through year-round habitat for mule deer, white-tailed deer, and pronghorn. Mule deer are more abundant along the northern portion of the route and white-tailed deer are more abundant along the southern 20 portion. Pronghorn are common along the entire route. Ring-necked pheasants and gray prpartridge are found along the entire route, but are more common along the southern portion where croplands are more abundant. Sharp-tailed grouse are more common in grasslands along the northern portion of the route, as are wild turkeys. Bald eagles, peregrine falcons, and whooping cranes may migrate through the area. No prairie dog towns are known to exist along this route; therefore, black-footed ferrets are unlikely to occur. Two known ferruginous hawk nest sites occur within one-half bimile of the environmentally preferred route. c. Agency-Preferred Route. Distribution of important wildlife species along this route is similar to the environmentally preferred route. There are no ferruginous hawk nests ap close to this route. This route does not cross any known prairie dog towns. d. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. Distribution of important wildlife species along let this route is similar to the agency-preferred route. No raptor nests are known to occur near this route and the route is not within one-half mile of any prairie dog towns. ybute-art to erit H. Floodplains and Wetlands The Federal government has mandated that consideration be given to the management and protection of floodplains and wetlands through two separate executive orders. Executive Order 11988 of 1977 on floodplains management requires all Federal bagencies to provide leadership for preserving the natural and beneficial values of floodplains, reducing flood losses, and evaluating any potential effects of proposed actions on floodplains. Executive Order 11990 provides for actions to be taken to minimize the loss of wetlands, and to preserve and enhance their natural and beneficial values. The Federal Wagencies responsible for floodplains/wetlands are land management agencies such as the SV Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service, resource agencies such as the pris Department of Energy, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Soil Conservation Service, and en regulatory agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers. In the study area, the Federal agencies with primary concerns are the Fish and OneWildlife Service, Soil Conservation Service, and Forest Service. enic 6016 em endisaengeb abnog III-34 In implementing these Executive Orders, the agencies require identification and mapping of the floodplains and wetland types. For the purposes of this study, floodplains are defined as the lowland and flat areas adjoining drainages including, at a minimum, areas Ve subject to a one percent or greater probability flood (100-year flood) in any given year. These area are inundated by surface or ground water with a frequency sufficient to support and vegetative or aquatic life that requires saturated or seasonally saturated soil conditions for growth and reproduction. Types of natural wetlands in the study area include marshes and wet meadows, potholes and mudflats, sloughs and river overflows, and seasonal natural ponds, springs, and seeps. Riparian zones occur along the major rivers and drainages, and are important areas for preservation, recreation, and wildlife. Two types of wetlands resulting from human 1st activities are ponds and reservoirs for livestock, erosion control, and sewage treatment, and the seepage areas below ponds, irrigation canals, and collection ditches. erit mer Wetland areas and floodplains in the region provide flood and erosion control as well as stability along streams and coulees. Because of the limited extent of wetlands in the al study area, associated recreational uses and aesthetic values are minimal. 1. Study Area The study area is located in the unglaciated Missouri slopes region of North Dakota. The area is generally well-drained by creeks, except for a small area just north of Belfield, and lacks the potholes, depressions, and interrupted drainage characteristic of the glaciated al region to the east of the project area. The study area is notably lacking in large lakes or reservoirs and extensive or large wetlands. Streams in the area have a low gradient with some meandering and oxbow depressions occurring in the eastern portion. Because these streams are near their headwaters all of them are listed as intermittent, and have narrow floodplains. The principal streams draining to the east are the Knife, Green, and Heart Rivers. The western flowing streams are all small tributaries draining into the Little Missouri River to the west of the study area.. a. Floodplains. Within the study area there are narrow floodplains along the drainages that flow to the east but there are no mappable 100-year floodplains for these intermittent streams. Alluviated areas shown on Figure III-6 probably represent the extent of flooding for more frequent flood events. b. Wetlands. The system used to classify wetlands was adopted by the Fish and Wildlife Service in its National Wetlands Inventory of 1979 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1979). Wetlands in the study area are limited in extent and have been significantly impacted by the extensive agriculture that characterizes the region. These factors have reduced the value of the wetlands that may potentially be impacted. The only wetland systems present in the area are riverine and palustrine, as shown in Figure III-10. Riverine systems along the small streams include all the wetlands and shallow water habitats contained within a channel, with the exception of wetlands dominated by trees, shrubs, and persistent emergents. Palustrine systems are comprised of wetlands along the floodplains, and all other ponds, depressions, marshes, and seepage zones throughout the area. III-35 Lacustrine systems, bodies of water greater than 20 acres, are notably absent from the study area. Emergent wetlands occur around stock ponds and reservoirs and are dominated by tall species of rush, grass, and sedge along with cattails and some aquatic species. These wetlands are zoned around the ponds and the species present depends on the water regime and salinity (Stewart and Kantrud, 1971). The marsh and seepage wetlands in the study area are not extensive outside of the drainages. These areas are mostly wet meadow to shallow marshes with the prevalent species being bluegrass, wheatgrass, and reedgrasses, grading into sedges and rushed in the wetter areas. These areas are typically heavily grazed by livestock with resultant increase in weedy and annual species. (1) Riverine. The riverine systems in the study area are contained within the channels of the streams and drainages. Within the riverine systems, most of the subsystems are nonvegetated bottoms and shorelines. There are some aquatic beds and nonpersistent emergent wetlands along the Knife, Green, and Heart rivers, but these wetlands are small due to narrow channels and small floodplains. (2) Palustrine. The majority of the wetlands in the study area are classified as palustrine systems. These include wetlands along the floodplains and drainages; ponds and reservoirs less than 20 acres; wet meadows, marshes, and seepage zones in drainages, potholes and depressions; and marshy areas along intermittent streams and irrigation ditches. Isolated stands of cottonwoods occur along some of the streams, but are limited in number. Shrub-dominated wetlands are also present on the floodplains with the common species being willows, serviceberry, hawthorn, and choke cherry. These shrublands alternate with marshy zones dominated by wet or mesic species of grass, sedges, rushes, cattails, and forbs. Along the floodplains and drainages there are also areas of lush wet meadows with species of mesic grasses, sedges, and forbs which are heavily grazed in this area. c. Environmentally Preferred Route. The preferred route crosses five streams that have narrow floodplains for a total of 0.7 miles of floodplain and potential wetland habitat. d. Agency-Preferred Route. This route crosses the upper drainages of four small streams for a total of 0.3 miles of floodplain and potential wetland habitat. e. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route varies only slightly from the agency- preferred route, and does not significantly affect wetland resources. All floodplains and wetlands are spannable. Environmental Consequences 111-36 68) viinilea bris eriper ybuta stayeque sbed ass shisib bra anfsiqboolt ant pools ametsya enhleute as eset bas ebnog gnale bris modtwar bleem no jew vd beispimob pham Lever joqqu ant milded bells letmana etuon airTuptuofa bemelni-vonep& b bus nisiqbool to selim 8.0 to letos not amasite y Snaps art met bns nisigbout A Tuod benger Abanila oldennage is ebnsilew de was adoped by the Flets and Verentory of 1079 (U.3. Fish and Wildile Service end and save been significantly the region. These factors have impacted. The only wetland by Riverine shrubs, and nds along the floodplains, zones throughout the area IV. Environmental Consequences qeeb bebe IV. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES VisV lliw eml nemalupe to yd To n go ent nebni astutunda nolaalmanen evusnem brs mist of berluper al emis egy A. Land Use and Agricultural Resources asmist ghoms to nolistneho 220! no blely 1. Issues nole Land use concerns expressed by Billings, Stark, McKenzie, and Dunn Counties, interested agencies, and the public during the project scoping process centered around the effects on agricultural practices, and the proximity to occupied rural residences and farm complexes. Siting opportunities included closely paralleling linear features such as section lines, field boundaries, and existing transmission lines. Taking these concerns into account, the key land use features that were considered to be exclusion areas during alternative corridor identification were urban areas, rural residences and farm complexes, recreation areas, airstrips, gas and oil wells, scoria mines, and other commercial and institutional uses. There is no irrigated cropland within the study area. Avoidance areas (avoided to the extent possible) included all non-irrigated agriculture, and a 500 foot buffer zone around rural around rural residences. Land jurisdiction/ownership was not used as a siting criteria. Highways, including U.S. Highway 85, secondary roads, and existing utility rights- of-way (ROW) were initially considered corridor selection opportunities to the extent that they avoided sensitive areas and features. The lack of any dominant north to south utility corridors prohibited paralleling existing transmission lines for any great length. Opportunities to parallel railroad ROWS was also minimal as there are no north-south railroads in the study area. 2. Impact Types and Levels Land use impacts pertain to physical or operational effects of the proposed project on existing and planned land uses. Table II-4 describes land use impact types and levels considered. a. Agricultural Impact Types. In the study area, land use impacts primarily relate to agriculture, since most other types of land uses can be avoided through facility siting. Agricultural impacts can be either short- or long-term. Short-term impacts on agriculture include temporary loss of cropland in construction areas and reduced crop yields in construction areas due to soil compaction (usually lasting for one to three seasons, depending on soil reconditioning techniques and climatic conditions). Long-term impacts include reduction in available land by displacement of the area required for structures and reduction in crop yields due to soil compaction resulting from maneuvering farm equipment around structures. It is not anticipated that any long-term soil compaction would result from activities associated with construction and operation of the IV-3 SIV-1 proposed project (Bilbo, 1979). Previous agricultural studies have recommended deep ripping as mitigation where soil compaction occurs. Transmission structures hinder the operation of farm equipment, and additional time is required to farm and maneuver around these structures. The added time will vary among farmers, depending on differences in farming practices, types of equipment, orientation of structures in the field, and weather conditions. The area affected by restrictions in equipment maneuvering is estimated to be approximately 1600 square feet around each individual structure (assuming steel-lattice structures). Reduced yield or loss of production may be experienced in these areas (Bilbo, 1979). Potential damage can occur to equipment such as harvesters from accidents involving structures or conductor. The proposed project may interfere with crop dusting operations. Transmission lines and structures create a safety hazard to pilots, especially in the late evening or early morning. Aerial applications in areas where transmission lines are located cost more because additional clean-up passes are required. Aerial applicators typically fly beneath HV lines and make clean-up passes around structures or sidedress parallel to transmission lines to optimize coverage. Weed control is a major concern of farmers in areas where transmission lines are located. Additional time may be required to hand-spray or cut weeds around transmission structures. Mature weeds may spread seeds into fields, and provide cover for harmful insects. Western will spray or cut weeds around any structure base where weeds create a potential fire hazard, or where requested by the landowner. On rangeland, weed control measures will be implemented in coordination with county noxious weed control inspectors. b. Existing and Future Land Use Impact Types. Other potential types of long-term, adverse impact on land uses are physical restrictions of residential areas. The potential types of physical restrictions considered include limitations on future urban development, planned subdivisions, commercial/industrial facilities, or farmstead expansions, and potential conflicts with local land use plans or policies. Significant direct physical conflicts with residences and commercial/industrial facilities have been avoided for all alternatives. c. Impact Levels. Initial impact levels were assigned based on the project description. Steel-lattice structures were assumed because they would result in the greatest amount of impact of the structure types under consideration. Figure IV-1 (foldout) displays assigned impact levels for the reference centerlines using a 165-foot ROW width. Residual impact levels after application of mitigation measures are also shown. Initial high land use impacts were assigned for: 1) oil and gas pipeline crossings, 2) physical conflicts with active oil and gas wells, and 3) stock pond crossings. chos Moderate-to-high initial impact levels were assigned where a reference centerline ccwould: 1) cross non-irrigated cropland diagonally or through irregularly tilled land, 2) cross unoccupied farmstead structures, 3) cross surface extraction operations, or 4) conflict with expansion of a communication facility interference zone. eqab Moderate initial impact levels were assigned where a reference centerline would: 1) cross non-irrigated cropland along field edges and mid-field, 2) present a physical conflict with oil or gas wells that were dry, abandoned, or had cancelled permits, or 3) cross either major highways or railroads. IV-2 Low and low-to-moderate initial impact levels were assigned where a reference centerline would: 1) cross rangeland, taking into consideration the potential for noxious weed establishment in areas disturbed by construction activities, and 2) parallel existing oil and gas trunk pipelines. 3. Residual Impacts AL Two types of mitigation were considered feasible and effective for reducing land use and agricultural impacts: 1) avoidance through facility siting or ROW routing, or 2) spanning between structure sites. As shown on Figure IV-1, the ability to apply these mitigation measures to agriculture was limited because such a large proportion of the study area is non-irrigated cropland. Field edges and section lines were followed to the extent possible in locating alternative routes. The types of residual impacts associated with agricultural lands include: 1) reduced crop yields, 2) disruption of crop dusting operations, 3) interference with farming operations, and 4) weed and pest problems. Mitigation measures would reduce the amount but not eliminate residual land use impacts. a. Environmentally Preferred Route. As shown on Figure IV-1, The environmentally preferred route would avoid, or minimize to a significant extent, land use and agricultural impacts. This route has no associated high or moderate-to-high residual impacts. Moderate-to-high residual impacts would occur where: 1) non-irrigated cropland is crossed diagonally for 0.3 mile (where the presence of one steel-lattice structure would result in 1600 square feet of lost cropland and an additional 1600 square feet of lowered crop yield), and 2) potential minor conflicts might exist with oil well operations for 0.7 mile. Moderate residual impacts would make up a majority of the route, totaling 18.1 miles where the route would cross non-irrigated cropland at midfield, or along field edges. The presence of approximately 80 steel-lattice structures along those 18.1 miles would result in the loss of about 3 acres of cropland and lowered production for another 3 acres. Low-to-moderate and low impacts would make up the remainder of the route where residual impacts for rangeland areas would be considered low and all highways and railroads would be spanned. b. Agency-Preferred Route. The agency-preferred route would also minimize land use and agricultural impacts. This route has no associated high or moderate-to-high residual impacts. Moderate residual impacts associated with crossing non-irrigated cropland at midfield or along field edges would occur for 13.3 miles. The presence of approximately 59 steel-lattice structures along these 13.3 miles would result in the loss of about 2 acres of cropland and lowered production for another 2 acres. to all 816 Low-to-moderate and low impacts would characterize the remainder of this route, which would consist primarily of rangeland. One scoria mine and all highways and railroads would be spanned. qmi eborn danibrodus pro2 s nips iniw ewsly latineblea Varigi moni selim Setting Tracomission Liner IV-3 c. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route varies only slightly from the agency- preferred route. Moderate impacts have been decreased by 0.5 miles (.15 fewer acres lost or lowered in production) due to less cropland crossed at midfield or field edges. B. Visual Resources 1. Issues ed bet The primary siting issues associated with visual resources were foreground and middleground views from major travel routes, individual residences, and communities, as well as views from Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Visual impact types and levels are summarized in Table 11-4. Initial and residual visual impacts are shown on Figure IV-2 (foldout) for all of the alternative route. Jud 2. Impact Types and Levels The major concern assessed for visual resources was the potential for a decline in visual aesthetic quality. Visual impact types evaluated include: 1) effects on scenic quality, 2) effects on views from residential and other visually sensitive land uses, 3) effects on views from major travel routes, and 4) effects on views from established, designated, or planned park or recreation areas. Determination of potential impacts and levels was based on the ability of the landscape to absorb visual changes, and the degree of visibility that the project would have from Key Observation Points (KOPs) and other sensitive viewing points. Distance from the proposed project was translated into three potential zones of visual influence based on the project description. These zones reflect perceived thresholds of visual dominance within the landscape setting (Blair, 1976). Visual impacts are considered adverse, direct, and long- term. Table IV-1 shows the visual impact criteria and corresponding impact levels. High visual impact occurs where the transmission line is visible within 1 mile (Visual Influence Zone 1) of existing residences and is in an open or skylined setting. Generally, such landscapes have a low capacity to absorb visual change. High-to-moderate impacts are associated with views from residences in Visual Influence Zone 2 (1 to 3 miles) where the transmission line would by skylined. Under both high and high-to-moderate impact conditions the structures are a dominant element in the landscape. Moderate-to-high and moderate impacts apply to a wide range of conditions within the study area where the project attracts attention and begins to dominate the landscape. Moderate-to-high impacts include Zone 2 views from residences in open settings and Zone 1 views that are in a screened setting. Open or skylined views from major roads which are within 1 mile, as well as skylined views out to 3 miles were also assigned moderate-to-high impacts. Moderate impacts generally would occur where residential views within 1 mile of the proposed line are modified by pre-existing industrial facilities. Moderate-to-low impacts will result where the structures attract attention but are subordinate to the surrounding landscape. Generally, moderate-to-low impacts occur 1 to 3 miles from highway views or residential views which are in a screened setting. IV-4 TABLE IV-1. VISUAL IMPACT MODEL ojem to ale of serv awelv of atga ataogrski agne bluey, SWT VIEWING LOCATION & FACILITY SETTING RELATIONSHIPS assighetsriben VIEWERS VIEWER VER VI VISUAL LOCATION dieiv ener SETTING INFLUENCE OPEN ZONE ato VIEWS FROM STUDY AREA VIEWS FROM RESIDENCES AGRICULTURAL/ OPEN ROLLING AGRICULTURAL/ OPEN ROLLING m-01 wom eth for og loa THEODORE ROOSEVELT NATIONAL PARK PAINTED CANYON 20 OVERLOOK BUCK ងដ HILL BADLAND 7 Mi. 6-7 Mi. Zone 2 1-3 Mi. Zone 2 Zone 1 1-3 Mi. 0-1 Mi. L Σ FACILITY SETTING FACILITY SKYLINING H H M MH to ML SCREENED BY TOPOGRAPHY &/OR TREES MH to M Σ H to M M to L L L MH MH M ML ML ML M to L MH to ML L L L ML ML NA NA N ut ever blu NA L NA Potential Cumulative Impacts N NA L N NA Potential Cumulative Impacts N * Although the facility is located in an agricultural setting, it would be perceived as being a part of the viewers badland setting from these viewpoint locations. ent chole 8982010 & Be fidiw awe nirifiw ewslv Setting modified by existing industrial facilities ■ Transmission Lines Oil Fields ■Refineries H - High (S) MH-Moderate-to-High M-Moderate ML-Moderate-to-Low L-Low N-No Identifiable Impact IV-5 NA- Not Applicable N N L MTOA Moderate-to-low impacts were also assigned to views within 1 mile of major highways where the setting is modified by existing industrial facilities. Impacts to views within 3 miles of the horseback riding trail along the eastern edge of TRNP would range from moderate to low depending upon topographic conditions along the trail. Low visual impacts occur where structures are visible, but do not attract attention and are viewed in context with existing industrial facilities. Low impacts primarily occur where the transmission line is 3 miles or more from residential and highway views in a modified setting. Views from KOPS within the southern unit of TRNP (where visible structures would be within a range of 6 to 8.5 miles) were also assigned low impacts. In assessing the visual impacts of the proposed project, it was determined that the minimum impact incurred would be low, since the line would always have some visual presence. 3. Residual Impacts 40 Residual visual impacts associated with the proposed project are discussed within the context of three potential viewing locations: 1) existing residences, 2) major travel routes, and 3) views from Key Observation Points within Theodore Roosevelt National Park. a. Environmentally Preferred Route. High visual impacts would occur for 8 miles of this route, moderate-to-high for 5.6 miles, moderate for 12 miles, and low-to-moderate impacts for 9.6 miles. The remainder of the route, 5.8 miles, would be characterized by low visual impacts. CLEM (1) Views From Residences. There are 38 occupied residences within 1 mile of the reference centerline. For a number of these residences views of portions of the line would be screened by topography or local shelterbelts. Of those houses within 1 mile of the reference centerline, 15 would have high impacts resulting from open or skylined views, 14 would have moderate-to- high impacts where views of the line would be modified by topographic or vegetative screening, and 9 would have full or partial views of the line but would have moderate impacts because they are in a setting which is already modified by an existing 345-kV transmission line, oil wells, and/or various other industrial facilities. Moderate impacts were assigned to views from 36 houses located from 1 to 3 miles from the reference centerline. The majority of these residences are partially screened by topography, vegetation, or a combination of both. Moderate-to-low impacts apply to residential views within 1 to 3 miles which are screened by topography or vegetation. Low impacts were assigned to residential views within 1 to 3 miles in a modified setting and those residential views greater than 3 miles from the environmentally preferred route. AAYOUTS (2) Views From Roads. Moderate-to-high impacts occur along the environmentally preferred route for 1 mile to the north and south of where it crosses Interstate 94. Moderate impacts result from topographic screening of views within 1 to 3 miles Interstate 94. Moderate-to-low impacts were assigned to views within 1 IV-6 else vd bom gritted aslibet lehtaubni esnul noiseimen 2000m al eldesigg able O arit of mile of State Highway 200 where the environmentally preferred route would parallel an existing 345-kV transmission line. All other views from smaller roads or from anal roads where views would be modified by topographic or vegetative screening were assigned a low level of impact. es 26 801 list pribh loads (3) Views From Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The environmentally Boufer preferred route is located beyond the viewshed of any KOP within TRNP and, 2610 therefore, would result in no identifiable visual impacts to the Park. b. Agency-Preferred Route. High visual impacts were identified for 13.3 miles of this route, moderate-to-high impacts for 11.8 miles, and moderate impacts for 7.3 miles. The remaining 4.6 miles are characterized by moderate-to-low visual impacts. C8 als (1) Views from Residences. There are 46 houses within 1 mile of the reference centerline: 33 would have high visual impacts resulting from open or skylined views; 8 would be screened by topography or vegetation resulting in 8.2 pro moderate-to-high impacts; and 5 would have views of all or part of the line which are modified by pre-existing industrial facilities, resulting in moderate impacts. There are 66 houses within 1 to 3 miles of this route which were assigned moderate impacts. A majority of these would have views of the line at least partially screened by topography or vegetation. Moderate impacts were also assigned for 3.25 miles of this route where the reference centerline would be within 1 to 3 miles of the City ripid ni of Belfield. ever bloow en ban svit) stoaqmi aise (2) Views From Roads. Moderate-to-high impacts were assigned for the anos in agency-preferred route for 1 mile on either side of the Interstate 94 crossing. saerit ine Moderate-to-high impacts were also assigned for 2 miles where the route parallels, ni efun and is within 1 mile, of Highway 85. Moderate impacts would occur between 1 and etuon 3 miles on either side of the 1-94 crossing, and for 27.5 miles where the route is within 1 to 3 miles of U.S. Highway 85. sisnollibbs ns to (3) Views From Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The agency-preferred to em route would be visible from KOPS in the southern unit of TRNP, including Buck Hill, Painted Canyon Overlook, and the horseback riding trail which runs along the eastern edge of the Park: nemitzujbs tripila Buck Hill - Views from Buck Hill would be approximately 6 to 7 miles from the route with structure visibility that would vary from partially screened to skylined in a badland setting. Viewer orientation at Buck Hill is not focused or defined in any one direction. Impacts associated with views from Buck Hill would be low, as the facility would appear to be subordinate in the landscape owing to the distance from the viewer. Painted Canyon Overlook - This vista is especially noted for its badland setting. Visibility to the route would vary from partially screened to skylined conditions and would be more limited than at Buck Hill. While this KOP has a higher and nolasim volume of visitors and a defined viewer orientation, its greater distance from the agency-preferred route (7.5 to 8.5 miles) would result in a low visual impact. Horseback Riding Trail - The agency-preferred route is approximately 3 miles east of the horseback riding trail. From the trail, the route would be viewed in an open landscape and would be skylined from some viewing locations. FIGURE IV BLK IV-7 Impacts along the horseback trail were assigned moderate-to-low due to the relatively close proximity of the route and the perceived expectations of riders using the trail. Computer-generated plots showing the visibility and scale of typical structures as they would be seen from Buck Hill, Painted Canyon Overlook, and the horseback riding trail are shown on Figures IV-3, IV-4, and IV-5. Each plot was utilized to construct a photosimulation of the agency-preferred route from each KOP for steel-lattice structures (Figures IV-6, IV-7, and IV-8) and steel H-frame structures (Figures IV-9, IV-10, and IV-11). Photographs of the Dawson County-Dickinson 230-kV Transmission Line running parallel to the southern boundary of TRNP were taken from viewpoints within the Park at distances ranging from 3 to 6 miles. The photographs assisted in more accurately simulating the appearance of the structures and were also utilized in determining impact levels from other KOPS. oqot vd benille c. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. High visual impacts were identified along 15.8 miles of this route, moderate to high impacts along 9 miles, and moderate impacts along 8.3 miles. The remaining 5.1 miles of the route were assigned moderate to low visual impacts. (1) Views from Residences. There are 40 houses within Zone 1 of the refined agency-preferred route (6 fewer than the agency-preferred route). Thirty- two of these would have open views to all or part of the line resulting in high impacts (one less than the agency-preferred route). Eight houses would have screened or modified views resulting in moderate to high, or moderate impacts (five less than the agency-preferred route). Although the number of houses within Zone 1 has been reduced by adjustments in the agency-preferred route alignment, these residences would still have views of the transmission line. The length of the route in Zone 2 from Belfield (3.2 miles) remains the same as the agency-preferred route. (2) Views from Roads. The refined agency-preferred route would have the same impacts in regard to major travel routes with the exception of an additional 1.5 miles of moderate-to-high impacts in Zone 1 and an additional 4.2 miles of ort price moderate impacts in Zone 2 from U.S. Highway 85. be (3) Views from Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The slight adjustments ent moin this route where it is nearest the Park boundary do not result in significant changes in the visual impacts to Park views. ni bonisb woled bluov srif of gnis C. Socioeconomic Resources iscoyanocated from 1 Redes escences are Drittes brisb 1. Issues blith miles which Socioeconomic issues related to the Charlie Creek-Belfield Transmission Line Project include the following: ur along the Effects on the local economy - including employment, agricultural and other income, retail trade, tourism, and the tax base. IV-8 10 VP 2 95 100 5 105 10 110 isuz mazione 115 FIGURE IV-3. BUCK HILL COMPUTER SIMULATION 120 Theodore Roosevelt National Park South Unit Scenic Loop Drive Buck Hill Tower locations Visible towers that appear in photosimulation Centerline Corridor -Photosimulation field of view 35mm CAMERA WITH 45mm LENS 125 Alternative Corridor 規 ​Belfield 94 Study Area Boundary VIEW DIST: 17 INCHES 85 Alternative Corridor Alternative Corridor IV-9 ultural and other MOITAJUMIB RETURMO JIH XOUS VIBRUAR 8-VI 10 VP 5 48 5 53 10 58 sual imulations 63 89 Theodore Roosevelt National Park South Unit Scenic Loop Drive Painted Canyon Visitor Center Overlook Tower locations Visible towers that appear in photosimulaton Centerline -Corridor Photosimulation field of view 35mm CAMERA WITH 45mm LENS FIGURE IV-4. PAINTED CANYON COMPUTER SIMULATION 73 78 Alternative Corridor 姐 ​Belfield 94 85 Study Area Boundary VIEW DIST: 17 INCHES Alternative Corridor Alternative Corridor IV-10 18 8 СПКЕ и VILED СУИЛОИ 23 HOITAJUMI RETUSMOS JA 40 --10 VP 3 -75 5 18 08 Visua imulations 85 Theodore Roosevelt National Park South Unit 06 Scenic Loop Drive Horseback Trail Tower locations Visible towers that appear in photosimulation Centerline -Corridor Photosimulation field of view 95 Alternative Corridor 帶 ​Belfield 94 85 Alternative Corridor Study Area Boundary VIEW DIST: 17 INCHES 35mm CAMERA WITH 45mm LENS FIGURE IV-5. HORSEBACK TRAIL COMPUTER SIMULATION 100 105 Alternative Corridor IV-11 JARTXOABEZA MOITAJUMIB TUAMOO JIART XOABB2AOM VIBRO VIRUDI -VI Distance to Visible Towers in Simulation: 6-7 Miles FIGURE IV-6. BUCK HILL STEEL LATTICE PHOTOSIMULATION IV-12 Distance to Visible Towers in Simulation: 7.5-8.5 Miles FIGURE IV-7. PAINTED CANYON STEEL LATTICE PHOTOSIMULATION IV-13 Distance to Visible Towers in Simulation: 3 Miles FIGURE IV-8. HORSEBACK TRAIL STEEL LATTICE PHOTOSIMULATION IV-14 Distance to Visible Towers in Simulation: 6-7 Miles FIGURE IV-9. BUCK HILL STEEL H-FRAME PHOTOSIMULATION IV - 15 Distance to Visible Towers in Simulation: 7.5-8.5 Miles FIGURE IV-10. PAINTED CANYON STEEL H-FRAME PHOTOSIMULATION IV-16 Distance to Visible Towers in Simulation: 3 Miles FIGURE IV-11 HORSEBACK TRAIL STEEL H-FRAME PHOTOSIMULATION IV-17 nollouber ble m Effects on services - including public services and housing. Effects on people's perceived quality of life. aland ever asifiliost Potential impacts on the socioeconomic environment would, for the most part, be of short duration. Such impacts would be associated with the project construction schedule, workforce, and costs, as described below. Socioeconomic impacts would be both positive and negative. a. Schedule. The Charlie Creek-Belfield transmission line and substation would be constructed over an approximately nine month period from May 1989 to March 1990. songgs bluc prites b. Workforce. The construction workforce would number about 40 people at its peak. There would be no permanent employment associated with the project. The extent of local labor employed on the project would depend on practices of the selected construction contractor. It is likely that the majority of the labor force would be drawn from the Dakotas, Montana, and Wyoming. The Contractor may seek local people as linemen and ground equipment operators. Local suppliers would be used for certain construction materials including fill, gravel, and concrete, all of which are available near the study area. Major substation and transmission line components and construction equipment would likely be imported from outside the study area. gnhub me blow On a short-term project such as this, construction workers would temporarily relocate to the project area. They would not bring their families with them if children are in school in their place of residence. They may commute home periodically, but would otherwise seek lodging in motels, apartments, and RV parks. to villup c. Costs. Construction costs are expected to be approximately $10 million for the betransmission line and $4.5 million for the new Belfield Substation. Of these costs, about $1.5 million represents wages paid to workers. The Contractor would pay taxes on all materials procured locally and would purchase necessary licenses from local agencies. sens ybule no2. Residual Impacts 16jew jewes eb ebulon e d ed a. Local Economy. Overall potential effects of the project on the local economy of the study area would be positive, but short-term. This is particularly true in Stark County, where most of the construction-related revenues would be spent. Local employment would not be significantly affected by the project, since the majority of the workforce would come from other areas. Local hiring by the construction contractor, if any, would represent a short-term benefit to the economy. 1019 Agricultural impacts, from an economic perspective, would likely be minimal and mainly restricted to cultivated areas. Loss of cropping area beneath and around transmission structures could result in a minor long-term loss of income. Transmission lines have not been shown to have negative effects on rangeland. Potential economic impacts to agriculture including crop loss, damages, and severance would be compensated through payments by Western for acquired ROW. ROW acquisition would be accomplished through no negotiations with each affected landowner. These negotiations would be expected to result in some economic benefit to the property owner, particularly in light of the fact that no agricultural operators could continue to use the acquired ROW for farming purposes. This IV-18 economic benefit could be offset by the inconvenience and potential crop yield reduction associated with the presence of transmission structures in cultivated fields on a long-term basis. od heq The oil and gas industry would not be affected by the project since all facilities have been avoided. Other sectors of the local economy would benefit from the project, if only during the period of construction. Construction workers would seek housing in motels or rent apartments in Belfield or Dickinson, where the availability and vacancy of existing units would readily accommodate them. Revenues generated through sales of food, lodging, retail goods, and entertainment could approach $375,000, based on the premise that transient construction workers would spend one-quarter of their income on these amenities. These effects are short-term, lasting only through the construction period. The environmentally preferred route traverses McKenzie, Billings, and Stark Counties, while the agency-preferred and refined agency-preferred routes affect McKenzie and Billings Counties. balow theThere would be no effect on the tax base of these counties as a result of this project. Western is exempt from payment of property taxes, as an agency of the Federal government. However, individual landowners would continue to pay property taxes on the land included in the ROW, having been compensated for such expenses by Western during acquisition negotiations. The issue of effects on tourism has been raised by the National Park Service and North Dakota Tourism Promotion. While it is not likely that the project would have any direct effect on the level of park visitation, the Park Service is concerned that the quality of the recreational experience could be reduced by the visual impact of the agency-preferred Ils route on views from scenic vistas in Theodore Roosevelt National Park. There is a social concern for protecting the resources which draw tourists to the area, but it is not expected to translate into negative economic effects on the study area. b. Services. Public services include sewer, water, fire, and police protection provided by public agencies. A potential concern in large construction projects is that an influx of people to an area may require upgrading of these systems at public expense. For this project, however, the short nine month construction period and the need to accommodate only 40 construction workers would put no significant demand on public services. The existing level of public services in the area is fairly high due to recent development in anticipation of an energy growth which has not yet occurred. vihojeni Project effects on the housing market are expected to be positive. The rental housing stock, particularly in Dickinson, is quite new and sufficient vacancies exist to accommodate any potential demand from the project. Some motel units would also be available for the duration of project construction. c. Quality of Life. Quality of life is a subjective issue rather than a measurable one. Many of the comments received from the public relative to transmission projects indicate that people are concerned about changes to their lifestyle as a result of the project. Such comments on the Charlie Creek-Belfield Project have centered on visual impacts, effects on agricultural operations, desirability of maximizing use of public versus private land, and constraints on land uses. As all of these factors are components in the public's perception IV-19 SIV of the quality of life in the study area, it can be judged, that the proposed project would have some detrimental, though unquantifiable, impact on the life style of those directly affected. D. Cultural Resources Impa 1. Issues a. Prehistoric Resources. Two primary prehistoric resource concerns were considered in corridor selection: 289038 80 batin 280100897 ROW edlic Sites included in or determined to be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). ■ Zones of high sensitivity where there are known or predicted archaeological resources that may be important due to their information content or interpretive potential. latinetog b. Historic Resources. Key historic resources considered in corridor selection were: f da beneblar eldedong ■ Sites listed in or determined to be eligible for the NRHP. Sites considered to have high sensitivity due to their potential for historical significance. c. Native American Resources. No known Native American resources are located in the study area. This issue was not a factor in corridor selection. sers foajon erit not St-Viewpit no bavakjaib 2. Impact Types sbed Potential direct and indirect impacts were considered for prehistoric and historic resources. If a recorded cultural resource property meets eligibility requirements for nomination to the NRHP, it will be necessary to determine the potential impact(s) to that resource. Specifically, a site is affected when the property's location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, association, or the characteristic(s) which (may) qualify it as significant according to the National Register criteria are changed. Categories of impacts from construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed transmission line, substation site, and access roads which may affect NRHP eligible or potentially eligible resources are as follows: der causes yo No Impact - No measurable direct or indirect impact would be expected. No Adverse Impact - Measurable direct or indirect impacts would be possible, but would not adversely affect the physical integrity or other NRHP criteria of a resource. IV-20 Adverse Impact - Measurable direct or indirect impacts which adversely affect the physical integrity or other NRHP criteria of a resource could Construction, maintenance, and operation activities would be considered to have "no impact" or "no adverse impact" on resources determined to be not eligible for the NRHP. In the revised (October 1, 1986) Advisory Council on Historic Preservation regulations for Section 106 Consultation (36 CFR 800), the distinction between "direct" and "indirect" effects has been deleted; both are now treated the same in the consultation process. In order to define the entire range of potential impacts, this distinction remains in the following discussion. Direct impacts associated with transmission lines are primarily limited to the location of the support structures and, in some cases, guy wire anchoring, access trails/roads, and heavy equipment movement along the right-of-way. Adverse impacts to a prehistoric site would tend to be primarily direct because the significance of these resources is usually in their potential to yield important data (i.e., quality and integrity of intact cultural deposits). Direct impacts could also include visual impacts, especially to historic sites. Indirect impacts resulting from transmission line construction would tend to be related to increased access to previously isolated sites, possibly heightening the potential for vandalism. 3. Impact Levels Impact levels reflect the probability of cultural resources present to be considered significant (eligible or potentially eligible for the NRHP) and therefore indicate the probable level of initial impact of the project on the resources. The nature of these resources, especially prehistoric, is such that their presence can only be determined by an intensive, pedestrian survey. The following levels are displayed on Figure IV-12 for the project area: photein art prives High Impact Level - The majority of the resources in areas with this designation would probably be eligible or potentially eligible for the NRHP. Initial project impacts would be more likely to be adverse in these areas. Moderate Impact Level - The majority of the resources in these designated areas would probably be considered not eligible for the NRHP, though some eligible resources could occur. Initial project impacts would be consideredend moderate in these areas, since relatively few resources would be adversely impacted. Low Impact Level - Cultural resources are not expected to occur in these areas. Any that do would almost certainly be considered not eligible. Initial project impacts would be considered low; the possibility of adverse impacts to resources would be very slight. result of of the proje blow icate Such cts, effects on land perception IV-21 4. Residual Impacts Effects of the proposed project on sites determined to be potentially eligible for nomination to the NRHP are evaluated using the criteria of effect found at 36 CFR 800. Two types of resource-specific mitigation recommendations would be considered for eligible sites that would be adversely impacted by the project: avoidance (i.e., movement of the centerline and/or spanning), or data recovery. It is anticipated that data recovery would be the primary recommended method for any resource, especially prehistoric, that could not be avoided adn would potentially be affected by direct impacts. Information that would be recovered during data recovery could include length, period, and possibly seasonality of occupation(s), as well as number and types of activities represented. If data recovery is necessary, a resource specific Historic Properties Management Plan would be developed in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office. ResWestern plans to avoid three of the seven recorded prehistoric cultural material scatters. Of the four that will not be avoided, two have been recommended as not eligible for the NRHP. The two historic material scatters will probably not be avoided and have been recommended as not eligible. The two historic structures recorded outside of the ROW will be visually impacted, but are also recommended as not eligible. Final NRHP eligibility determinations have not yet been made for any resources. b If avoidance is possible or resource-specific mitigation procedures are implemented, residual impacts to cultural resources would be low to non-existent. of sub et ets be yits A discussion of the survey work completed on the refined agency-preferred route to date, and the methods used, is provided in Appendix F. noitonujnoo ni bap aqola no bes supinu s to betonurients nominais associated lagh residual impacts no1. Issues asvisas asp bna lo E. Air Resources sollingle asy esp bas braeons Impacts on air resources that could cause air quality to exceed Federal or state poregulatory guidelines, or degrade air quality in the region on a long-term basis, would be en significant considerations for the proposed transmission line. 2. Impact Types and Levels gen Primary types of impacts on air resources are increased total suspended particulate (TSP) levels from construction activities and increased emission of nitrogen oxide, no hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide from construction and maintenance (s vehicles. siege tem Dust impacts could result from grading structure sites and access trails, clearing of Ish brush and tree debris, and vehicle movement during construction. It is conceivable that strong winds could transport dust to developments that lie within one-quarter mile of the transmission line right-of-way, creating a low impact on the environment surrounding these developments. However, during strong winds, background dust levels due to natural causes would already be relatively high. IV-22 Emissions of nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbon, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide from construction and maintenance vehicles may cause localized impacts. However, because of the rapid atmospheric dispersion process which occurs during the day in the region, these impacts are expected to be very low outside the immediate construction area. 3. Residual Impacts Air resource impacts anticipated during the construction and maintenance of the proposed transmission line are highly transient in nature and of short duration. The impacts. are therefore considered to be low in magnitude and should not significantly affect the ambient air quality standards of the area. No mitigation is recommended, and no significant residual impacts are anticipated. F. Geology and Hydrology as bo 1. Issues Impacts on geology and hydrology are considered to be long-term, adverse, direct, and indirect in nature. The primary concern addressed in corridor selection was to avoid or minimize contact with areas that have a potential for erosion at an accelerated rate due to construction, operation, and maintenance of the transmission line. Erosion could potentially affect surface water quality by increasing stream sediment loads, but the potential for significant increases is considered to be low. The classification of avoidance areas for geological and hydrological resources was primarily based on slope gradient in conjunction with rock type. There are no geologic or hydrologic features in the study area of a unique or hazardous enough nature to constitute total avoidance by transmission line construction. Consequently, no exclusion areas were designated. The presence of the transmission line right-of-way would not reduce the production of oil and gas reserves. While the potential for future discovery of new oil and gas reserves is high, potential impacts on these resources due to construction, maintenance, and operation of the transmission line is considered to be low. Although the potential for mining strippable lignite exists, coal reserves in the area are not unique relative to the rest of the region. The overall impact to mineral resources and mining activities would be low, if not negligible. 92. Impact Types and Levels The principle geologic and hydrologic environmental impacts and construction constraints assessed for the proposed project were: 1) soil erosion on steep slopes, 2) construction of structure foundations in unconsolidated deposits (alluvium and colluvium), areas with high water tables, and areas subject to periodic flooding, and 3) small scale subsidence from burning lignite beds resulting in collapse of overburden (lack of locational information precluded mapping these features). Impact types and levels are summarized in Table II-4. olaveb dgirt yavita vitats ed beans bluow recuso SIV-23 From a geological perspective, erosion potential was evaluated primarily on the basis of slope gradient. All of the bedrock units in the study area have lithologies which are very similar in terms of susceptibility to erosion. Erosion potential based on soil characteristics is discussed below under soils. High impacts were assigned to all slopes with gradients in excess of 20 percent. Moderate impact levels were assigned to 10 to 20 percent slopes. onluvad Locations where significant thicknesses of unconsolidated deposits (more difficult structure foundation construction), and locations on significant floodplains (flooding potential and high water tables) were assigned moderate impact levels. Moderate impacts were also assigned to areas where road access would have to be upgraded or newly constructed. All other areas were assigned a low level of impact. 3. Residual Impacts Spanning or re-routing to avoid sensitive features and modifying structure foundations to insure stability in areas of soft surface and subsurface conditions, high water tables, or flooding potential would effectively reduce environmental impacts and overcome construction constraints. These mitigation steps were considered in reducing initially high impact levels to moderate or low residual impacts as shown on Figure IV-13 (foldout). Initial moderate impact levels were reduced to low residual impacts. In order to mitigate localized subsidence in areas where burned out lignite beds occur, a site specific drilling operation should be conducted to identify any significant voids detrimental to construction of structure foundations. Drilling operations would be conducted during the preconstruction geotechnical survey. a. Environmentally Preferred Route. The environmentally preferred route avoids or minimizes significant impacts to geologic and hydrologic resources. This route has no associated high residual impacts. Moderate residual impacts occur along link 27 for 0.40 mile where slope gradients are in excess of 20 percent. Implementation of mitigation measures reduces all other impacts to low residual impact levels. b. Agency-Preferred Route. The agency-preferred route also avoids significant impacts to geologic and hydrologic resources. This route crosses a small scoria mining operation and is located within 1.5 miles of several abandoned uranium mining operations. Impact to significant floodplains or unconsolidated deposits would easily be mitigated by spanning. This alternative has no associated high or moderate residual impacts. yd bablovs c. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This alternative does not vary significantly from the agency-preferred route. This route avoids crossing any mining operations and slightly reduces the number of steep slopes crossed. are co realign ning preferred rou realigning the cen the transmission wered Route Initial nigh ced to moderate censitive areas Mo steep slopes, valley hottons IV-24 G. Paleontology 1. Issues elbeng 190 Locations where significant fossil populations are likely to be vulnerable to transmission line-related impacts include outcrops, steep slopes, and exposed soils. Potential impacts may also occur in locations where good exposures of Golden Valley deposits are present, as such exposures are not common and much is yet to be learned about organisms that inhabited North Dakota during time of deposition (Hoganson, pers. comm., 1987). 2. Impact Types and Levels atsumi leubles C Impacts to paleontological resources could affect known and unique fossil types, and formations with high to moderate probability of fossil discovery and high to moderate paleontological importance. All impacts to significant resources resulting from structure construction and access trail development would be direct and long-term. However, the probability of finding significant vertebrate and invertebrate specimens is low throughout the study area. 3. Residual Impacts Recommended mitigation for paleontological resources would be to conduct a site specific survey during the preconstruction geotechnical review and to modify structure placement in locations where significant fossil occurrences have been identified. Based upon species type identified in previous investigations and the potential for mitigation, the overall impact to paleontological resources is expected to be negligible. a. Environmentally Preferred Route. The environmentally preferred route is exclusively located within the Sentinel Butte Formation, effectively reducing the potential to impact paleontological sites. This alternative does not cross any previously recorded sites and has no associated high or moderate residual impacts. b. Agency-Preferred Route. This alternative crosses within several hundred feet of previously recorded macroplant fossil sites. Impacts to this resource would be avoided by structure placement and/or spanning. c. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route does not significantly vary from the agency-preferred route. No previously recorded sites are crossed. Table 84 high die floodin small and levels IV-25 YTIVITIEVER OиA & ATVETOS ORASAH TMU SAM JOS SVIGAT rigid 1. Issues elgebom elanebom TABLE H. Soils IMPACT TYPES wol wol vivillans@ pablos B Benevo Descrip Potential soil-related hazards associated with construction of a transmission line in the study area were determined to be water and wind erosion, compaction, reclamation sensitivity, and engineering constraints. Based on the soil characteristics discussed in Chapter III and presented in Table III-2, a set of models were developed to characterize each soil map unit in terms of its sensitivity to these hazards. A qualitative sensitivity ranking developed for use in corridor comparison is presented in Table IV-2. The overall sensitivity of each map unit to the construction of a transmission line was based on a consideration of its cumulative hazard potential. 2. Impact Types and Levels short Generally, where routes cross steep slopes on buttes and escarpments, and alluviated valley bottomlands, initial impacts become more significant. Initial impact levels associated with these areas are depicted on Figure IV-14. The primary types of impacts to soils are listed in Table IV-3. Map units 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10 have the highest cumulative hazard potentials in the study area. Map unit 4 predominantly occurs on uplands and moderately sloping alluviated drainageways and was assigned a high level of avoidance because of high compactibility, poor reclamation potential, and significant engineering constraints. Map units 6 and 7 occur on terraces, valley footslopes, and small stream channels; both have poor reclamation potential and significant engineering constraints. Map units 8 and 10 occur on steep irregular slopes resulting in high erosion potential, poor reclamation potential, and significant engineering constraints. Map units 1 and 5 are deep, moderately well-drained and occur on upland swales, terraces, and in drainageways. These two map units are moderately susceptible to impacts. Map unit 2 consists of deep, well drained upland soils and has an overall low susceptibility to impacts. Wol woll 3. Residual Impacts Wol aboon Wol om-worl Residual impacts for soil resources are moderate to low, with no areas exhibiting high residual impacts (Figure IV-14). Where structures must be located on steep slopes (map units 8 and 10), valley bottomlands (map units 6 and 7), or alluvial terraces (map unit 4), residual impacts are lowered to moderate based upon mitigative construction practices (e.g., larger or deeper foundations). Some of the valley bottomlands and escarpments are narrow enough to be spanned or avoided by slightly realigning the centerline. In those instances, the residual impacts are considered to be low. a. Environmentally Preferred Route. Initial high impacts along the environmentally preferred route would be reduced to moderate and low levels by spanning or slightly realigning the centerline to avoid sensitive areas. Moderate residual impacts occur when the transmission line crosses steep slopes, valley bottoms, or alluvial terraces. Moderate doid rigirt AM dpid noid TS-VIV-26 Map Unit 1 2 vilem TABLE IV-2. SOIL MAP UNIT HAZARD POTENTIALS AND SENSITIVITY RANKINGS Water Erosion Hazard བ་ Wind Erosion Compaction Reclamation Hazard Sensitivity Hazard Sensitivity Hazard Engineering Constraint Overall Sensitivity Hazard Ranking moderate low-moderate moderate-high low-moderate low-moderate low moderate low low-moderate low-moderate low-moderate low moderate moderate moderate-high moderate-high moderate-high moderate low moderate (51-V! @upi) 2sqmi (subles loe not absqmi Isubies co would be moderate buol aqeeb 10 wotens alosqmi low low Meubles ed of p ghots stagmi ripin lani stofbenster vistnamnojiva s laubla eleoboM yd alevel wol bas ates moderate-high tha om of basuben ad bluow atuon bensteng nse blows of enthetneo erf gningitse escepto snil nolealment arit 5 9 7 8 10 high low low low-high moderate alinu gaM moderate-high moderate low moderate-high moderate-high moderate Of bas siqu no wood ytimenimobaig s to level mold a benpiess Insollinple moderate low-moderate high NA moderate-high moderate-high high moderate-high moderate battist low-high high blanos high high 6 IV-27 wol to pritelegos atuon set to sob TABLE IV-3. SOIL IMPACT TYPES 15 ffoldout Que enlise allo vere not atnamqsoas eosmet eetud prilazov Description oihoq gninisme en alim os. Beneficial/ Adverse Direct or Indirect Duration erit mont Increased soil erosion adverse direct & short and sedimentation indirect nolsters Increased wind erosion adverse direct short Compaction of soils resulting vin increased runoff, erosion, tecand decreased vegetation cover ed al Disturbance of soils that are bo difficult to reclaim, resulting in decreased vegetation cover, increased runoff, and erosion adverse direct & short- ben sbubb indirect long stage e) adverse direct & indirect short- long Disturbance of soils that have engineering constraints to construction such as shallow groundwater, flooding hazard, poor drainage, or unfavorable Unified Soil Classification al séjo adverse direct menta dese short etstiden alove Ibas asayLibromi S uash bluco ter 15sqmi telinelog insoilingla tom T aligt 229005 bna autonte to mongoo notistepes to levomat ad sbulon aristog blues-text néhalégay Violaying billow natiounen not beteulave saw te th noltetegev erT atsidar bris eelosqe insiq supinu o inshoom the project Thay 10 asloege over Supins And Sebu the seft betbelang ylisbe abnew auoixon of avitqepen 915 IV-28 es-viv impacts occur for a distance of 18.5 miles, with the remainder of the route consisting of low residual impact levels. b. Agency-Preferred Route. Initial high impacts along the agency-preferred route would also be reduced to moderate and low residual impact levels. Moderate residual impacts occur as a result from crossing buttes, terrace escarpments, alluvial soils, saline soils, and bottomlands for a distance of 14.20 miles. The remaining portion of the route consists of low impacts. c. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route does not vary significantly from the agency-preferred route. moderal nolzone@os beaccion noll@themibes ins I. Vegetation Joelb 9319vbs 1. Issues noleate briw beeasan Potential impacts to vegetation include reduction in plant growth and productivity and temporary removal of vegetation. The vegetation communities that are the most productive and sensitive to disturbance are the wetlands in marshy areas along streams and on floodplains and riparian zones on floodplains. Other vegetation types considered to be important are the bottom hardwood forests (Henegar, pers. comm., 1987) and shrublands. These communities occur in low, protected areas, or in the upper drainages. The hardwood forests and shrublands are fairly extensive in areas not disturbed by agriculture. The floodplain and riparian habitats are narrow strips along streams that flow in an easterly direction through the study area. Wetland vegetation is also confined to strips in and along stream channels, but is much more limited in extent than floodplain and riparian habitats. 2. Impact Types and Levels eldenov spanisib hoog poltiollaasi 02 belliqu The most significant potential impact that could result from the proposed project is the removal of vegetation for construction of structures and access trails. Construction would physically remove vegetation that could potentially include important or unique plant species and habitats. The vegetation that was evaluated for potential impacts related to this project include: ■Federally protected threatened or endangered species. State mandated or listed protected, threatened, unique, or sensitive species or habitats. Undisturbed rare or unique vegetation types, species, communities, or areas. Areas that present special problems for revegetation. Areas that contain, or are receptive to, noxious weeds. 82-VI high IV-29 23 med-pnol Potential impacts to vegetation are summarized in Table II-4 and are depicted on Figure IV-15 (foldout). Due to the lack of large, critically sensitive areas of vegetation, high impact levels were not identified in the study area. Initial moderate impact levels occur in areas where bottom hardwood forest and riparian wetland communities are prominent. No unique, threatened, or endangered plant species have been identified in the study area. Impacts 3. Residual Impacts Moderate impacts have been reduced to low residual impact levels by spanning or slightly realigning the centerline. Local minor adjustments in structure location and spacing would also reduce impacts to the smaller sensitive areas. Impacts to vegetation during construction, maintenance, and operation of the transmission line would be further mitigated by erosion control measures and revegetation. a. Environmentally Preferred Route. A total of 1.1 miles of bottom hardwood draws and shrublands occur along this route. Impact levels in these areas would be reduced to low by slight realignment of the line or spanning. The remaining portion of the route has low residual impacts, crossing mostly prairie grassland and cropland. b. Agency-Preferred Route. Where the route crosses small streams and drainages containing bottom hardwood forest and wetland communities (0.3 mile), impacts have been (@reduced to low through avoidance or spanning. Low residual impacts occur along the remainder of the route where cropland and grassland is crossed. brus brisleesg c. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route does not significantly differ from the agency-preferred route. The refined agency-preferred route slightly reduces the number of evstream crossings, hardwood forests, and wetlands. All hardwood forests would be spanned of and little or no tree removal or trimming would be necessary. J. Wildlife ybuts edi ablovs to legol 21. Issues Impacts which could occur to wildlife resources as a result of transmission line Vi construction can be classified as either short-term or long-term. olm a. Short-Term Impacts. Short-term impacts occur during the construction phase of 10 the project. They include disturbance of animals by noise and the presence of humans as well as temporary loss of habitat owing to construction activities. all monty The extent of these impacts would vary with season and habitat type. Impacts would be highest during the winter when animals are under physiological stress and during the breeding season when many species are most sensitive to human activity. Short-term impacts would also be highest in those habitat types that have more species and higher animal densities. Thus, impacts would be highest during the winter and spring in hardwood and wetland habitats. They would be expected to be lowest in cropland during the late summer. Other season/habitat combinations would fall between these two extremes. IV-30 b. Long-Term Impacts. Long-term impacts are those that result from the long-term presence of the transmission line, such as permanent loss or alteration of habitat owing to construction of the line. 2. Impact Types and Levels Potential impacts to wildlife resources were classified as high, moderate, or low. These impact levels are summarized in Table II-4 and are depicted on Figure IV-16 (foldout). Impact levels are defined as follows: High Impacts - Impacts which occur in hardwood habitat or wetlands or in potential endangered species habitat. Potential endangered species habitat in the study area consists of prairie dog towns (black-footed ferret habitat). Moderate Impacts - Impacts which occur in grassland habitat. Low Impacts - Impacts which occur in cropland. 3. Residual Impacts 10coo abnsiduita bas 1000 nsinpilas tripila yd wol ono atosqmi leubles Implementation of mitigation measures such as spanning or avoidance (Table II-5) would reduce all high initial impacts to moderate residual impacts. The removal of grassland and cropland wildlife habitat for structure sites would not result in significant long- term biological impacts. lang vanags No significant impacts would be expected to occur along any of the alternative routes for any of the threatened or endangered species or species of concern most likely to be present in the study area (i.e., bald eagle, peregrine falcon, whooping crane, black- footed ferret, long-billed curlew, Baird's sparrow, and Sprague's pipit). a. Environmentally Preferred Route. The environmentally preferred route avoids most areas that have a potential for high impact, such as significant hardwood habitat or wetlands. Any hardwood habitat crossed would be spannable. The route crosses a total of 1.1 miles of hardwood habitat and 0.3 mile of wetland habitat. This route does not cross any known raptor nesting areas or prairie dog towns. b. Agency-Preferred Route. The agency-preferred route avoids most potentially high impact areas. The route crosses a total of 0.7 mile of hardwood and wetland habitats, all of which are spannable. This route crosses a total of 2.0 miles that are within 0.5 mile of known raptor nests. Impacts to these habitats may be mitigated by avoidance and/or spanning. No known prairie dog towns are crossed by this route. c. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route does not significantly vary from the Dagency-preferred route. beo pnibeand art bluów etosami aur asilianeb isming and atefider bostew bris fatided noasse isto emmuz weeds IV-31 K. Floodplains and Wetlands (2) Radio broadcast noltstedu ble 1. Issues bagage Impacts on floodplains and wetlands are related to physical disturbance from construction, maintenance, and operation of the proposed transmission line and construction of access roads. Removal of vegetation or changes in drainages that affect the water regime would be direct impacts. Indirect impacts could be caused by erosion or siltation as a result of improper installation. The consequences of these impacts would be a reduction in plant growth and productivity, and use of the habitat by wildlife species. 2. Impact Types and Levels beout ИА beaod Initial and residual impacts to floodplains and wetlands are incorporated into impacts assigned to geology, soils, vegetation, and wildlife (Figures IV-13, IV-14, IV-15, and IV-16). High impacts are not expected in the study area. Structure construction within a wetlands habitat would have moderate impacts owing to vegetation removal. Moderate impacts would also occur where the line crosses floodplains for short distances at right angles to the drainage or is built on the periphery of large wetlands. Low impacts would be expected where the line crosses intermittent streams or small marshes. 3. Residual Impacts w Initial moderate impact levels would be reduced by routing to avoid wetlands and hardwood draws. Crossing major drainages at right angles would also reduce initial moderate impact levels. a. Environmentally Preferred Route. All significant floodplains and wetlands to crossed by this route would be avoided or spanned. bris (IV b. Agency-Preferred Route. The agency-preferred route does not significantly affect wetland resources. All floodplains and wetlands would be spanned and no structures would be placed therein. c. Refined Agency-Preferred Route. This route varies only slightly from the agency- preferred route. ni betalbet troll:ABb pro Jeol OS L. Substation Environmental impacts resulting from construction of the proposed Belfield Substation would be low for air resources, earth resources, cultural resources, floodplains, and wetlands. The proposed substation would avoid cropland. High and high-to-moderate visual impacts would occur for 1 house with an open view and 2 houses with partially screened views within 1 mile of the proposed substation. elave dms woled IV-32 1. Audible Noise The audible noise (AN) which will propagate from the proposed Belfield Substation will come from the 345-kV transformer and from the corona of exposed conductors in the substation. The level of noise produced by corona would depend on weather conditions, but noise from the transformer would be relatively constant. 15 Jan Transformer noise levels at the fenceline (100 feet) would be about 54 decibels (A- weighted) or dBA. This would approximate the sound of light traffic, or rain falling on foliage. Corona noise levels at the substation fenceline would be about 20 dBA during fair weather and about 40 dBA during rainy weather. AN levels can be reduced, if necessary, by substation fence design modifications. A noise level of 35 dBA is considered to be the maximum for bedroom sleeping situations. A reduction in noise levels of 15 dBA is generally achieved inside a normal residence (Lee, 1978). This level can be met in residential situations within 200 feet of the transformer, without mitigative action. There are no residences within 3/4 of a mile of the proposed substation site. Migh ed bluce M. Electrical Effects blow tatidan bristow bels bluow adosomi apenietb erit of esions The following discussion is a summary of electrical effects and the environmental consequences associated with the proposed transmission line. A full report on electrical effects is provided in Appendix D. bluow 1. Line Characteristics The electrical effects of the proposed 345-kV transmission line can be characterized as "corona effects" and "field effects". Corona is the electrical breakdown of the air into charged particles caused by the electrical field at the surface of the conductors. Effects of corona are AN, visible light, radio and television interference (RI and TVI) and photochemical oxidants. Field effects are induced currents and voltages in conducting objects near the line, and related effects that occur as a result of electric and magnetic fields at ground level. a. Corona Effects. Corona can occur on the conductors, insulators and hardware of an energized high-voltage transmission line. (1) Audible Noise. Transmission-line AN is measured and predicted in decibels (A-weighted) or dBA. Some typical noise-levels are: library, 40 dBA; light automobile traffic at 100 feet, 50 dBA; an operating air conditioning unit at 20 feet, 60 dBA; and freeway traffic or freight train at 50 feet, 70 dBA. This last level represents the point at which a contribution to hearing impairment begins. The average noise-level during wet weather at the edge of the right-of-way for the stage proposed line is anticipated to be 46.3 dBA. The average fair-weather noise at the edge of the right-of-way is predicted to be 21.3 dBA, which would probably be below ambient levels. IV-33 ort not caricheelt (2) Radio, Television, and Communication Band Interference. Corona- to-trigh generated radio interference (RI) is most likely to affect the AM broadcast band; FM sto seu radio reception is rarely affected. Only AM radio receivers near transmission lines mambem are affected by RI. An acceptable level of maximum fair-weather RI at the edge of a 10 elb 10 8011 OST right-of-way is 40 to 45 dBuV/m (decibels above 1 microvolt per meter). The predicted fair-weather level for the proposed transmission line is 40.3 dBuV/m, while the predicted average level for foul weather is 57.3 dBuV/m. The level of corona-generated television interference (TVI) expected from the Charlie Creek-Belfield Transmission Line is 20.9 dBuV/m at the edge of the right-of-way. This is a lower level than occurs on many previously built 500-kV lines pri nart where TVI has not been a serious problem. Corona-generated interference can disrupt communication bands such as woll fortiethe citizen's (CB) and mobile bands. However, mobile-radio communications are buong annot susceptible to transmission line interference because they are generally on the thelb ni same frequency-modulated (FM). beabbm ert! long There are various mitigative techniques for eliminating adverse impacts to radio, television, and communication band reception. In the unlikely event enil besog interference occurs with these types of communications, typical mitigation that can es bentebbe achieved includes cleaning insulators, tightening line hardware, and inspecting Sauso aud conductor surface for irregularities. Individual complaints about interference, of batsqic should they occur, will be resolved by Western. ansm (3) Visible Light. Corona is visible as a bluish glow or as bluish plumes. On the proposed line, corona levels will be so low that corona on the conductors as rouse will be observable only under the darkest conditions and probably only with the aid ipid vine of binoculars. Without a period of adaptation for the eyes and without intentionally alrite looking for the corona, it will probably not be noticeable. erit to ebutinger bra aner ad 1968 (4) Photochemical Oxidants. When corona is present, the air surrounding the conductors is ionized and many chemical reactions take place producing small amounts of ozone and other oxidants. Approximately 90 percent of the oxidant is ozone, and the remainder is mainly nitrogen oxides. al The National Primary Ambient Air-Quality Standard for photochemical oxidants, of which ozone is the principal component, is 235 ug/m elenit nole (microgram/cubic meter) or 120 ppb (part per billion). The maximum incremental el #bozone-levels at ground level calculated for the proposed line would be less than vd approximately 0.3 ppb for a 1.0 mph perpendicular wind and a 0.05 inch/hr. rain. Measurements near transmission lines have shown that the amount of oxidants produced by operating transmission lines is barely measurable and of no environmental consequence. b. Field Effects. The electric field created by a high voltage transmission line extends from the energized conductors to other conducting objects, such as the ground, structures, vegetation, buildings, vehicles, and persons. The electric field or voltage of gradient is expressed in units of volts/meter (V/m) or kilovolts/meter (kV/m). orit bns noilo abnuoig 00 to a IV-34 The maximum calculated electric field at the minimum 30-foot clearance for the proposed line at 345-kV would be 6.4 kV/m. At 80 feet from the centerline (edge-of-right-of- way) the field would be 1.604 kV/m. These numbers are based on the proposed use of a horizontal configuration for the line. Typical 500-kV transmission lines have maximum electric field of 8 to 9 KV/m and edge-of-right-of-way values of 2.5 to 3.5 kV/m. (1) Induced Currents. When a conducting object, such as a vehicle or person, is placed in an electric field, currents and voltages are induced in the met bak object. These induced currents and voltages represent a potential source of toe nuisance shocks near a high voltage transmission line. With the conductor at 120 Fuel°F, 34-foot clearance, the short-circuit current resulting from induced voltage of the proposed transmission line to the largest anticipated vehicle would be less than the National Electric Safety Code (NESC) criterion of 5 mA. erb (2) Steady-State Current Shocks. Steady-state currents are those that flow continuously after a person contacts an object and provides a path to the ground for the induced current. Primary shocks are those that can result in direct physiological harm. Primary shocks would not be possible from the induced of efonqy currents under the proposed line. neys nclaivalat clbst Potential steady-state-current shocks from vehicles under the proposed line priteqarare all at or below the secondary shock levels. Secondary shocks are defined as those that could cause an involuntary and potentially harmful movement, but cause no direct physiological harm. Steady-state-current shocks are not anticipated to occur very often, and when they do, would represent a nuisance rather than a hazard. (8) on to be (3) Spark Discharge Shocks. Induced voltages appear on objects, such as vehicles, when there is an inadequate ground. If the voltage is sufficiently high, then a spark-discharge shock will occur as contact is made with the object. This type of shock could occur under the proposed line. However, the magnitude of the electric field would be low enough so that this type of shock would be rare and would occur only in a small area under the line near midspan. Carrying or handling conducting objects under the proposed line could also result in spark discharges that are a nuisance. The primary hazard, however, is direct contact of the object with the conductors. sblo (4) Field Perception. When the electric field under a transmission line is sufficiently great, it can be perceived by hair erection on an upraised hand. It is very unlikely that the electric field under the proposed line would be perceivable by a person standing on the ground. (5) Grounding and Shielding. Induced currents are always present around transmission lines. However, the grounding policies of Western would eliminate the possibility of nuisance shocks due to these currents from stationary buong a objects such as fences and buildings. sall Mobile objects cannot be grounded permanently, but coupled currents to persons in contact with mobile objects can be limited through adherence to the NESC and the use of conductor grounds. Electric-field reduction and the IV-35 accompanying reduction in induced effects, such as shocks, is also accomplished by conductive shielding. Persons inside a conducting vehicle cab or canopy will be shielded from the electric field. Similarly, a row of trees or a lower-voltage distribution line will reduce the field on the ground in their vicinity. Metal pipes, wiring, and other conductors in a residence or building will shield the interior from the electric field. no anoigeo (6) Magnetic Field. The maximum calculated 60 Hz magnetic field at 3.3 feet above ground for the proposed line is 0.43 gauss. This field would occur under conditions of maximum current (1990 A) and a conductor height of 30 feet. For baeocord these conditions, the maximum calculated magnetic field at the edge of the right-of- way is 0.11 gauss. The maximum level is comparable with the maximum magnetic fields of other transmission lines with levels of magnetic field measured near some common household appliances (Lee, et al., 1985; Gauger, 1985). The actual level of magnetic field will vary as the current on the line varies. There are two possible impacts associated with the magnetic fields from an equbnt or ac transmission line: 1) magnetically induced voltages and currents in long (seere conducting objects, and 2) possible biological effects due to long-term exposure. The latter possibility is discussed in the section on long term exposure to transmission line fields. erit hab need ection a. Magnetically Induced Currents and Voltages. Alternating abath magnetic fields induce voltages at the open ends of conducting loops. The vigubo conducting loop can be formed by a fence, an irrigation pipe, an electrical brise distribution line, or a telephone line. The earth to which one end of the conductor is pritoubro grounded forms the other portion of the loop. The possibility for a shock exists if a artt steni person closes the loop at the end by contacting both the ground and the conductor. Cor Par Grounding practices and the availability of mitigation measures mean that magnetic induction effects from the Charlie Creek to Belfield line can be minimized. It is therefore unlikely that magnetically induced voltages and currents would have and adverse impact. 2. Biological Effects To dlaacq a. Effects on Humans. The electric and magnetic fields from the proposed V transmission line are below levels where detrimental effects have been reported for humans, animals, or cellular and tissue systems. Over most of the right-of-way the electric field will be below the perception level for humans. Anticipated use of the right-of-way is transitory. The nearest residences are over 500 feet from the line. At these locations, both electric and magnetic fields from the proposed line will be equivalent to or less than typical residential levels. Operational experience over several decades with 230-kV and higher voltage transmission lines has indicated no adverse biological or health effects related to electric or magnetic field exposure. Therefore, the electric and magnetic fields of the Charlie Creek to Belfield transmission line are not anticipated to cause adverse health or biological effects. A en complete discussion of the most current research on human biological or health effects of transmission lines is presented in Appendix D. ngaups IV-36 6 mo gnol prilisinetta SAT Ischisels 10 3. b. Effects on Agriculture. (1) Honeybees. The electric fields from the proposed line could have effects on honeybees and on hive performance. Under certain conditions, honeybees are adversely affected by electric fields (Wallenstein, 1973; Rogers, et al., 1982; Greenberg, et al., 1981; Greenberg and Bindokas, 1980; Greenberg et al., 1984). These effects can be mitigated by avoiding high field regions on transmission line rights-of-way, and placing grounded metal cages or screens over the hives. Beekeepers with hives located on the final right-of-way of the proposed transmission line will be advised by Western of the possible adverse effects to bees and compensated fairly to assist in relocation of hives. The maximum fields beyond the right-of-way for the proposed line will not exceed the threshold levels where effect on bees have been observed. Therefore, there will be no impact beyond the right-of-way. (2) Crops. High electric-fields (15 kV/m) have been observed to induce corona on the uppermost parts of plants (McKee, et al., 1978; Rogers, et al., 1982) resulting in minor damage to the leaf tips. The maximum electric field under the proposed line would be well below the level where induced corona has been observed on crop plants. (3) Livestock. There are no indications that exposures to the fields beneath operating transmission lines affect livestock behavior or productivity. However, both ac and dc currents cause definite behavioral responses in dairy and beef cattle. For this reason metal water and feed troughs, like all conducting objects under the proposed transmission line, should be grounded to eliminate the possibility of nuisance shocks. Cardiac Pacemakers Currents and voltages that are introduced internally to the body represent a possible source of interference to cardiac pacemakers. Internal currents can be caused by electric fields, by magnetic fields or by direct contact. The conclusion drawn from research and reviews of the literature is that the overall risk to pacemaker wearers from transmission lines is minimal. This is especially true of 345- kV lines because of the relatively low electric fields when compared to 500-kV and 765-kV lines. The threshold for interference to the most sensitive pacemakers is estimated to be 3.4 KV/m. Thus the maximum fields of the proposed line would almost never be at a level to cause interference with pacemakers. To date, no evidence has been found that a transmission line has caused a serious problem to the wearer of a pacemaker. 4. Hazards 29 jaogxe The greatest hazard from a transmission line is direct electrical contact with the conductors. Therefore, extreme caution must be exercised when operating vehicles and equipment for any purpose in the vicinity of a transmission line. IV-37 In a high electric field, it is theoretically possible for a spark discharge from the induced voltage on a large vehicle to ignite gasoline vapor during refueling. However, the probability for exactly the right conditions to occur is extremely remote. For the proposed line, the maximum electric field is low enough that it is very doubtful the right conditions could ever be achieved (BPA, 1979; Basin, undated). noll blofile bezog Because of the hazards associated with fires, Western prohibits storage of flammables, construction of flammable structures, and other activities that have the potential to cause or provide fuel for fires on rights-of-way. Choda o Transmission line structures, wires and other tall objects are likely points to be hit by lightning during a thunderstorm. Therefore, the area near structures and other tall objects should be avoided during thunderstorms. The proposed line is designed with overhead ground-wires and well-grounded structures to protect the system from lightning by routing a strike to the earth. srt to ear binoo vallitus as yew-to-trigh want to air? ST. N. Cumulative Impacts Jow esarka ollert nirtilW lestreng to behag The cumulative impacts associated with the project would result from the incremental impact of the proposed action when added to other past, present, and future actions occurring in the region. The project area is predominantly in cultivated cropland that has been modified by utility, oil and gas, and highway rights-of-way that have removed land from production and resulted in visual impacts. The present impact of these features on individual landowners is significant in some cases. bron individual la bluow Tre1. Corridor Consolidation of (en uow not oo pnhub badhutelb Brit pahub (A-Veld U.S. Highway 85 (US-85) is the only linear right-of-way between the existing Charlie Creek Substation site and the planned alternative site for the new Belfield Substation. Paralleling US-85 would result in significant impacts to adjacent residential and commercial land uses. No other linear rights-of-way exist between Charlie Creek and Belfield that would provide a suitable location for a transmission line. loa riliw be! Located 2.5 miles east of the western boundary of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park (TRNP), the proposed line will be seen from vistas in combination with existing communication towers that are within 1 mile and a ground wave emergency network (GWEN) tower that is within 2 miles. In addition, the existing Dawson County- Dickinson 230-kV Transmission Line is located approximately 5 miles south of the TRNP, and is visible from the Scenic Loop Drive and the Painted Canyon Overlook area. As a o result the introduction of the transmission line will cause cumulative visual impacts to vistas from the South Unit of TRNP. NE FOR elsiegeven of bluow brisigoto bervilius or nottqunalb mont fluan blow esa bol no abbaqui tod beepgung art ferk beaamuasal tabloit nl eoutound noiselmans to consseng art of priwo vetembongga! no big mom next bral istuttuale to nuoms eri asiminim blow s100 (estuounts solttel-lests not setas 83 bos ems-Holemos e IV-38 2. Belfield Substation blot shosle rigid a ni The proposed Belfield Substation would be located approximately 4 miles southwest of the town of Belfield. The location is in an open area adjacent to the existing Dawson County-Dickinson 230-kV Transmission Line. Impacts associated with the proposed Belfield Substation would be cumulative with pre-existing visual and land use impacts from the Dawson County-Dickinson line. O. Short-Term Uses Versus Long-Term Effects For purposes of this section, short-term has been defined as the construction period plus 2 to 3 years for reclamation. Long-term is defined as post-reclamation to 50 years (the estimated minimum project life) and thereafter. Long-term effects will depend on the continued existence of the proposed project's facilities, or the continued use of the right-of-way as a utility corridor. Within the life of the proposed project, the construction phase would represent the period of greatest environmental impact involving approximately 38.2 miles of new transmission line right-of-way for the refined agency-preferred route. Construction of this route would result in disturbance to approximately 28 acres for construction access, 72 acres for transmission structure and line installation, and 5 acres for installation of a new substation south of Belfield. Calculations used to determine quantities of disturbed areas are provided in Table IV-4. Following the construction phase of the proposed action, the majority of the land disturbed during construction would revert to its preconstruction use. Overland trails would be used for access as necessary for on-the-ground maintenance, but would revert to their preconstruction surface use during the life of the proposed project. From 3.8 (H-frame) to 6.5 (steel-lattice) acres would be occupied by the transmission structures (Table IV-4). Approximately 5 to 10 acres would be occupied by the proposed new Belfield substation. Potential effects on physical resources will be predominantly short-term and primarily related to construction activities. Earth resources impacts would be short-term, and associated with soil disturbance and potential erosion resulting from construction and abandonment activities. Impacts on air quality would be short-term and localized. These impacts would be caused by fugitive dust and gaseous emissions from ground equipment during construction and abandonment activities. There are no anticipated significant short- term or long-term impacts on the water resources along the preferred corridor. Potential effects on biological resources would be short- and long-term. It is anticipated there would be a small loss and displacement of plant or wildlife species, but no species is expected to become significantly affected as a direct result of project-related activities. Wildlife habitat recovery would vary according to vegetative types; badland areas would be the slowest to revegetate. Direct impacts on land uses would result from disruption to cultivated cropland owing to the presence of transmission structures in fields. It is estimated that the proposed route would minimize the amount of agricultural land taken from production (approximately 1.5 acres for H-frame and 2.6 acres for steel-lattice structures). IV-39 Const TABLE IV-4. SHORT-TERM USES VERSUS LONG-TERM PRODUCTIVITY CALCULATIONS FOR AREAS DISTURBED OR TAKEN OUT OF PRODUCTION Highways, an preferred route. GEVOMER Y TM Long-term impacts Fnpacts would result if hor during construction, operatio A. ACRES DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION further be affected by site- by site-spect zelim 88 x enll to alim\etos 01.0 autonte erne mavat 1. Access Irreversiben Assume 23 miles of access trail with 10-foot-wide maximum disturbance width: Im 88 x and to alim 9108 23 miles x 5,280 ft/mile x 10 = 1,214,400 ft² 1,214,400 ft² 43,560 ft²/acre = 28 acres of access trail disturbance 2. Transmission Structures project Structure-sites during construction: Structure-site construction area = 100 feet x 165 feet bristono to saliM 100 ft x 165 ft 43,560 ft²/acre = 0.38 acre/structure Resec 38 miles x 5 structures/mile of line = 190 structure sites 190 x 0.38 = 72 acres of structure construction disturbance 3. Substation Site etil oslona to! Deveren bruisigono 5 acres encave & eos of or a 18er nollsteinemA two sas metu ( Park the line perty screated Views IV-40 TA VI 12-42 TABLE IV-4. (Continued) КОПООСОЛЯВО ТЦС ИЗНАТ ЯС 088 B. ACRES PERMANENTLY REMOVED 1. Transmission Structures a. Steel H-frame. Base area of steel H-frame structures = 0.10 acre/mile of line x 38 miles 3.8 acres occupied by structures b. Steel Lattice. Base area of steel lattice structures = 0.17 acre/mile of line x 38 miles m = 6.5 acres occupied by structures 2. Cropland Removed From Production a. Steel H-frame. netcalmanat Acres of crop land lost from production = 0.10 acre/mile of line Miles of cropland crossed by refined agency-preferred route = 15.0 miles 0.10 x 15.0 = 1.5 acres of cropland removed for project life b. Steel Lattice. Acres of cropland lost from production = 0.17 acre/mile of line Miles of cropland crossed by refined agency-preferred route = 15.0 miles 0.17 x 15.0 = 2.6 acres of cropland removed for project life 3. Substation Site 5 to 10 acres Sources: 1) Western Area Power Administration, 1987 2) University of Minnesota, 1978 Proin disruption to cultivated cropland It is estimated-ilst the proposed froin production (sporoodmately IV-41 3. Cultural Resou Visual impacts would be primarily associated with disruption to views from highways and residential areas. These visual impacts would last for the life of the project. Construction of the refined agency-preferred route would result in greater visual impacts to residences, highways, and Theodore Roosevelt National Park land than the environmentally preferred route. procedur ToasЯ yopele Long-term impacts could potentially occur to cultural resources. Long-term no impacts would result if non-renewable archaeological resources are destroyed or removed golba during construction, operation, maintenance, or abandonment activities. Historic resources could further be affected by site-specific visual impacts for the life of the project. 9269 svifioul mont P. Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources allce villeUO HA Resources committed to the proposed project would be both material and non-polonby material, including financial. Irreversible commitment of resources has, for the purposes of nothis section, been interpreted to mean that those resources committed to the proposed bnstew noit project would continue to be committed throughout the estimated minimum 50-year life of the project. Irretrievable commitment of resources has been interpreted to mean that resources used, consumed, destroyed, or degraded during construction, operation, maintenance, and abandonment of the proposed project could not be retrieved or replaced polol for the life of the project or beyond. Irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources for the proposed project are summarized in Table IV-5. brs notiounterco Q. Significant Unavoidable Adverse Impacts nolisecen bre nottavissa pho Based on the corridor selection process and adjustments resulting from public uph comment, no significant unavoidable adverse impacts would remain for earth resources, biological resources, and floodplains and wetlands. Remaining significant (or potentially significant) unavoidable adverse impacts were identified for land use, visual, and cultural resources. isten to noteberged 1. Land Use The construction and operation of the proposed line would remove from 1.5 acres (H-frame structures) to 2.6 acres (steel-lattice structures) of cropland from production for teriors the life of the project. aelis to bns 2. Visual Resources 619 Visual impacts would occur along the proposed transmission line corridor where 32 residences are located within 1 mile of the refined agency-preferred route. The route would also be in view of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park from key observation points located between 3 and 8.5 miles from the line. Visual impacts would occur for 1 house with an open view and 2 houses with partially screened views within 1 mile of the proposed substation. oholall IV-42 halb live be Isu TABLE IV-5. IRREVERSIBLE AND IRRETRIEVABLE RESOURCES Byswipin tenoo eblaen Resource Category Type of Commitment Reason for Commitment Irreversible atuor benslang Irretrievable Geology and Soils Soil loss and erosion, construction activities Vilehneroa blog bloesrious ald No ami mal-pop fluest blueConstruction nolloutta Phase hub letely off: Air Quality Hydrology Wetlands Degradation of air quality from fugitive dust and 300 gaseous emissions, con- struction activities. none Disturbance and loss of marshland riparian habitats, construction activities. asait gribulani lehalem Yes am need Construction eunitnoo blu and Operation Phaseserit mabb bemuanoo beau 880100881 No ed Construction Phase Ws bidlenevem! nobrads bas e Project Life braved to mejor ent to sillarit of color besogong arti not Biological Disturbance and loss to Yes vegetation and wildlife, construction and operation. Recreation and None debloven Uns Preservation Agricultural Visual Retirement of farmland from production; alter-sqm ation of farming operations, and prime and important farmland. Degradation of natural scenic-quality; viewshed intrusion. alosqm Yes ort no baa Project Life Insollingla on animos solgoloid (inssiingla Yes Project Life evoret bluc enff beangong ar to noitsiego bras noltouando erT Prehistoric Potential disturbance and/or removal of sites. Historic S& oneriw bluow sluo Potential disturbance and/or removal of sites. eintog notas Interference with visual riw eapon setting. besogong erit to e-coinat-leate Yess as of (a) Yesos as of (acquount Construction, 17 Yes pejo en Operation, Maintenance and Abandonment. 28011020 Isualy Project Life erit grols uboo blow absqm levalv its sd to elim niriw betspoles asoneblee ad slevesoof Yesposit art to waiv Project Life and art monteslim 2.8 bns e noswiad betBool niriti awoly bensaios vishaq dilw esauort S bas welv nego na noltstadue IV-43 3. Cultural Resources Although there is potential for impacts to significant archaeological and historic resources, unavoidable adverse impacts cannot be identified until the results of the intensive cultural resources survey are assessed and consultation for eligibility and effect between Western and the SHPO is completed. Western will confer with the SHPO to determine procedures for mitigation of adverse impacts to significant cultural resources. List of Preparers and Con IV-44 Project Lis and Construction Operation Mainte Abandonment, Project Life Project Life V. List of Preparers and Contributors NALMOITASIOITRAS NAME polstoels9 J. W. Bisterfeldt, Western M. G. Skougard, Western V. LIST OF PREPARERS AND CONTRIBUTORS PREPARERS #M QUALIFICATIONS tel uity B.S.- Electrical Engineering Colorado State University M.S. - Botany MAM PARTICIPATION Engineering Details 0.7 ture Contracting Officers Technical Representative M. J.Wieringa Brigham Young University B.S.- Forestry Environmental Review Western BusiV Michigan State University etoslidot M.A. - Geography Michigan State University sillbliw R. H. Jones, Western B.S.-Civil Engineering 9100M & zema Construction Activities South Dakota School of Mines 0082A & noeboo yliaisolat ygolood 0.49 NAME eal bris moncosolbo Vioval sildus R. C. Moore, Yeolose Goodson & Assoc. vpolonoels9 brs 98 brs! T. Tetherow, Aqualy Dames & Moore asonuose IsohotelH S. A. Bamberg, Goodson & Assoc. Vilbimeise TugasЯ hotelrans asomote hemA visi primo CONTRIBUTORS QUALIFICATIONS B.S.-Geology Colorado College 8.8 M.S.-Environmental Geology Colorado State University estedion B.S. - General Studies University of Washington M.L.A. - Landscape Architecture University of Pennsylvania B.A. - Biology University of Tennessee M.A. - Ecology University of Colorado Ph.D. - Biology University of California nsub..0 PARTICIPATION Project Manager@ Project Coordinator nambah...9 osa & nosboo Vegetation Floodplain/Wetlands VOID G A & noshool max G anaaA & noaboon V-1 S-V NAME L.M. BithelloTTRAR Goodson & Assoc. T.D. Bracken T. Dan Bracken, Inc. CONTRIBUTORS (CONTINUED) 2 QUALIFICATIONS B.A. - Geology University of Pennsylvania M.S.-Geochemistry University of Colorado B.S. - Physics Dartmouth College M.S. - Physics Stanford University M PARTICIPATION Minerals and Mining Paleontology SMAL Electrical Effects inclaeW Ph.D. - Physics Stanford University BannerWL M M. Buchenau, Dames & Moore B.L.A. - Landscape Architecture Colorado State University Visual Resources P. R. Davis, Wildlife Goodson & Assoc. mereW D. Duerr, Dames & Moore S. R. Elliott Goodson & Assoc. L. Fraser Dames & Moore P. D. Friedman Goodson & Assoc. abroile D. Groy stopsy qbool Goodson & Assoc. D. G. Killam Goodson & Assoc. Ypolosp B.S. - Biology Michigan Tech University M.S.-Wildlife Biology Michigan Tech University Ph.D.- Wildlife Ecology University of Wyoming B.A. - Urban Affairs Connecticut College B.S.-Geology Colorado State University Vileeving B.L.A. - Landscape Architecture Colorado State University B.A. - Anthropology University of California M.A. - History University of California B.S.-Geology Western State College Coe College Land Use Socioeconomics Public Involvement Geology Hydrology Atmospheric Resources Paleontology Land Use and Visual Resources Historical Resources predmes A 2 & nasbood Seismicity Prehistoric Resources Native Amer Resources V-2 NAME CONTRIBUTORS (CONTINUED) QUALIFICATIONS PARTICIPATION M. A. Martorano Goodson & Assoc. R. Palmer Dames & Moore M. Schaffer Dames & Moore J. Walsh B.A. - Anthropology Adams State College M.S. - Anthropology Colorado State University B.L.A. - Landscape Architecture Colorado State University M.L.A. - Landscape Architecture Harvard University B.S. - Geography Arizona State University M.S. - Recreation (in progress) Arizona State University B.A. - Geology Goodson & Assoc. University of Colorado M.S. - Geology University of Colorado Cultural Res Coordinator Prehistoric Resources Native Amer Resources Land Use and Visual Resources Land Use Soils Agencies, Organizations, and Persons Receiving the DEIS V-3 D. Grey Goodson & Assoc Dodson & Asson 80002 A &ncebook Prehistoria Rescates Amar Res 8.V VI. Agencies, Organizations, and Persons Receiving the DEIS VI. AGENCIES, ORGANIZATIONS, AND PERSONS Regiona ncanbola bns Daniser po RECEIVING A COPY OF THE notasilidste istutiuol DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Governor George ner Bismarck, Nor Dakota Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Washington, D.C.emnonotonia Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. Dakota eeneled to inemheged 2.U seeniou nolivia Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. agio ymA.2.0 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Department of Interior, Washington, D.C. Bureau of Indian Affairs pens to themneqe pena lenobo lamemnonins Marth Dakots set to ammaga Bureau of Land Management Bureau of Reclamation U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Geological Survey National Park Service Counci Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. galbo U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. Honorable Quentin Burdick, Bismarck, North Dakota JetT 61812 meni ein W bris ram 8.U nos lenolgeR 3 Honorable Kent Conrad, Bismarck, North Dakota Honorable Byron Dorgan, Bismarck, North Dakota Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Western Division of Project Review, Golden, Colorado. Department of Agriculture prinnel en to nemnsqp0 North Coordinator, Forest Service, Bismarck, North Dakota Forest Service, Dickinson and Watford City, North Dakota State Conservationist, Soil Conservation Service, Bismarck, North Dakota riholo inimba noit S-VI-1 State Soil Scientist, Soil Conservation Service, Bismarck, North Dakota Soil Conservation Service, Dickinson and Watford City, North Dakota Soil Conservation Service, Bismarck, North Dakota Agricultural Stabilization & Conservation Service, Bismarck, Belfield, and Dickinson, ORIVMB FARO North Dakota Department of Commerce Director, Environmental Data Services, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado nuovo Department of Defense Long to 090 notenireaW hemmed Division Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha, Nebraska U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bismarck, North Dakota ons Department of Energy feminage0 euch to themhsqa Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, San Francisco, California Environmental Manager, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregonesa Department of Health and Human Services ist sont to usua to use a holterabe♬ to usnu8 Regional Director, U.S. Public Health Service, Denver, Colorado U You 80 2.0 9 fenolich Department of Interior Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Billings, Montanaogen Trust Services Officer, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Aberdeen, South Dakota State Director, Bureau of Land Management, Billings, Montana Bureau of Land Management, Dickinson, North Dakota to themhsqs0 32U 20 Chief, Intermountain Field Operation Center, Bureau of Mines, Denver, Colorado U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bismarck, North Dakota Regional Environmental Office, Department of the Interior, Denver, Colorado.oH U.S.Geological Survey, Bismarck and Dickinson, North Dakota Chief, Water Resources Division, Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado dono National Park Service, Rocky Mountain Regional Office, Denver, Colorado Superintendent, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, Medora, North Dakota Regional Director, Bureau of Reclamation, Billings, Montana nebi Bureau of Reclamation, Bismarck, North Dakota hotelH Field Representative, Missouri Basin Region, Denver, Colorado Missouri Basin Planning Officer, Denver, Colorado Department of Transportation suflushpa to themheged tootsienoo dho Federal Highway Administration, Bismarck, North Dakota Regional Director, Federal Aviation Administration, Aurora, Colorado Local Coordinator, Federal Aviation Administration, Dickinson, North Dakota VI-2 Environmental Protection Agency Mnnud egalla aendlealm nu Regional Administrator, Denver, Colorado Director, North Dakota Office, Bismarck, North Dakota so prinnel vinuo beM bris bloille B to set toysM Governor George Sinner, Bismarck, North Dakota brane esibute teolooloo3 1ot edulitan s Director, North Dakota Aeronautics Commission, Bismarck, North Dakota Attorney General, Bismarck, North Dakota ela noitsioba aliblW stole rinov Veloo@nodubeA lenoltel Board of Vocational Education, Bismarck, North Dakota Director, Economic Development Commission, Bismarck, North Dakota Director, Energy Development Impact Office, Bismarck, North Dakota Commissioner, Department of Agriculture, Bismarck, North Dakota State Health Officer, State Health Department, Bismarck, North Dakota Executive Director, Job Services of North Dakota, Bismarck, North Dakota snsinoM rosanie19 tesW elsnaXoM Commissioner, Game & Fish Department, Bismarck, North Dakota Executive Secretary, Industrial Commission, Bismarck, North Dakota ebcamst Executive Director, Governer's Council on Human Resources, Bismarck, North Dakota Highway Commissioner, North Dakota Highway Department, Bismarck, North Dakota Superintendent, Historical Society, Bismarck, North Dakota Executive Director, Indian Affairs Commission, Bismarck, North Dakota Commissioner, Land Department, Bismarck, North Dakota Director, Park and Recreation Department, Bismarck, North Dakota Director, Office of Intergovernmental Assistance, Bismarck, North Dakota Executive Secretary, Soil Conservation Committee, Bismarck, North Dakota Secretary, Water Commission, Bismarck, North Dakota State Geologist, North Dakota Geological Survey, Grand Forks, North Dakota Commissioner, Department of Labor, Bismarck, North Dakota North Dakota State Preservation Officer, Bismarck, North Dakota App endices VI-3 County Commissioners, Billings, Dunn, McKenzie, and Stark Counties thermoting County Planning Boards, Billings, Dunn, McKenzie, and Stark Counties Mayor, Cities of Belfield and Medora, North Dakota Institute for Ecological Studies, Grand Forks, North Dakota North Dakota Chapter, Sierra Club, Grand Forks, North Dakota North Dakota Wildlife Federation, Bismarck, North Dakota National Audubon Society, New York, New York Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Bismarck, North Dakota Montana-Dakota Utilities Co., Bismarck, North Dakota West Plains Electric Cooperative, Dickinson, North Dakota McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Watford City, North Dakota Marion Hurinenko, Manning, North Dakota James Odermann, Belfield, North Dakota G o e vernottA usbub lenotsoov to bisod 003 albenta emcolave@ygiena pazbeni nemhage penolsaimmod lovemela manha da ema enolzaimmo Ishiaubol viste svilupex3 notoenlo evituoex olzalmio yewrip!H inebreinhequa olesiamco netebe? evitused 100 sola toho brano yevue isolpole storio teigolos siste stels Orthoinmal odsto nemhed enolasimmo Departm Fe Local Coordin hepen alat2 sioa tho Dickinson, North Dakota VI-4 Appendices APPENDIX A arti prite ALTERNATIVE CORRIDOR AND SUBSTATION SITE COMPARISON Jamong bezah This appendix presents a detailed discussion of the approach used to identify and assess alternative locations for the Charlie Creek-Belfield 345-kV Transmission Line and the be new Belfield Substation. This information is intended to supplement the general discussion provided in Chapter II, Section H. Siting and impact assessment for the Charlie Creek-Belfield 345-kV Transmission br Line Project were accomplished through a rigorous and systematic multidisciplinary to process involving six major stages or phases. These phases were: 030 Phase 1 - Determine the scope of the environmental studies and assessments to be conducted for the project, including identifying an appropriate study area based on the engineering requirements of the proposed project. Phase 2 - Conduct resource sensitivity analyses to identify opportunities and constraints to transmission line siting. me bris 3 Phase 3 - Select alternative corridors and substation sites for detailed study. bris estbu Phase 4 - Assess the potential impact of constructing and operating the project at beach alternative location, and methods of mitigating and reducing those impacts. of Phase 5 - Identify the "least impact" location and select a proposed or "preferred" transmission route for the project. route Isinan yns to noll Phase 6 - Prepare and review the EIS, and other required environmental reviews and approvals. The issuance of this Draft EIS (DEIS) represents a major step in this final phase. Steps remaining for Phase 6 include: 1) evaluation and preparation of responses to comments received on this DEIS, 2) preparation and distribution of the FEIS (December, 261988), and 3) publication of a Record of Decision (January, 1989). Each of the six major phases of the siting and assessment process has incorporated significant public involvement and input. This input has included public scoping and planning meetings, and numerous other meetings with Federal, State, and local governmental agencies and individual landowners. The remainder of this section describes the tasks undertaken and the methods used for the siting and assessment of the Charlie Creek-Belfield 345-kV Transmission Line Project, as well as the environmental reviews and approvals required for the project. Reference should be made to Figure II-5 when reviewing this section. alaylenA divilians qsM vinuhogg A-1 35 A. Phase 1 - Scoping The final Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), 40 CFR Parts 1500-1508, require that Federal agencies undertake a public scoping process as early as practicable in the planning process. The purpose of scoping is to allow prompt identification of key public issues and concerns in order to ensure that they are addressed adequately in the EIS. Load flow and other studies conducted by area electrical utilities revealed the need for the proposed project. Once the engineering requirements were established (e.g., terminal substation locations), an environmental study area was identified which would permit determination of those locations that are least environmentally sensitive to the transmission line. Following identification of a study area, and in response to NEPA and CEQ regulations, Western conducted a series of public scoping meetings early in project planning. During the scoping meetings, landowners expressed concern for potential impacts to farming operations, electromagnetic field effects, and how the project would benefit the local area. Federal and State agencies were concerned about potential visual impacts, effects on wildlife, especially threatened and endangered species, and soil erosion. There was also significant interest in the purpose and need for the project. Input from these meetings, as well as guidance provided by NEPA and CEQ and other Federal and State legislation, served as the basis for preparing the work program for the project. This work program described the scope of all environmental studies and reviews to be undertaken, including major tasks, study methods, responsibilities, and schedules, and provided guidelines for all subsequent environmental impact assessment tasks. The program was reviewed and approved by the Department of Energy prior to implementation of any environmental study programs. 1erto Sne bhe 915091 & gas19 pdf alavoiggs bas B. Phase 2 - Sensitivity Analysis Phase 2 involved conducting resource sensitivity analyses to identify opportunities and constraints to transmission line siting and included the following major tasks: Task 2A - Refine Study Area ☐ Task 2B - Collect Data oldug insollingle bedmogrooms bne agrideem prinsi bns nicode wbal bas agionepe stemmavopiof pbortem.orTask 2C - Map and Describe Existing Environmental Conditions entl sjord - Task 2D - Develop Sensitivity Criteria Task 2E-Conduct Sensitivity Analysis Task 2F - Prepare Constraint/Opportunity Map ol baru shem ed es Joajor orla sonessin A-2 1. Task 2A-Refine Study Area ВЫМИОЯМИЗ ЙАМИН The first task in the siting process was to refine the study area, such that it contained all "reasonable" corridor and site location possibilities. Line interconnections were required at the existing Charlie Creek Substation. The study area was defined as a rectangle with a long north/south axis running from the Charlie Creek Substation to Belfield. The area extends 6 miles to the west of this axis, to include routing opportunities to the west of and along U.S. Highway 85, and 6 miles to the east of the axis. The study area boundaries are from the NW corner of section 34, T.145N., R.99W., east to the NW corner of section 34, T.145N., R.97W., south to the SW corner of section 22, T.139N., R.98W., and west to the SW corner of section 22, T.139N., R.100W., as shown in Figure 11-7. The study area boundaries defined at this stage differ slightly from those assumed for Phase 1. The original boundary was extended to include approximately three sections in the northeast corner of the study area, providing a more suitable exit out of the east bay of the Charlie Creek Substation and reducing potential impacts to land use. 2. Task 2B - Collect Data estia pohod Environmental and planning data were identified and collected for the defined study area. A majority of these data were gathered from secondary sources, including existing maps, published and unpublished reports, and aerial photography. These sources were supplemented with field studies as required. Much of this information was collected through meetings with Federal, State, and local agencies. 3. Task 2C-Describe Existing Environmental Conditions bob The existing environmental conditions were determined and described in both graphic and narrative form. The following information characterizing the natural, human, and cultural environments was researched: 101 of ebem sow alaylens ollemalaya b eir to fluse edT Jass of tedi Janefore buse aevitsmelis leop airit rellamopos NATURAL ENVIRONMENT bianco Air Resources - Climate and air quality. Holdw entimeteb erii (diw, tolling, Earth Resources - Geology, surface and groundwater hydrology, soils and erosion potential, paleontological resources, mineral resources, and potential for BAND ybule seismic activity. 90100891 bos Biological Resources - Terrestrial vegetation, threatened and endangered plant and wildlife species, and important wildlife habitats. Floodplains and Wetlands - One-hundred-year floodplains, ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial streams, stockponds, reservoirs, marshes, canals, and lakes. sojong beadgong aris oo of breser A-3 fee HUMAN ENVIRONMENT A Vture enite 2-AS Harr Land Use - Land ownership/jurisdictions, existing and planned land uses, agricultural uses, park, recreation and preservation areas, roads and highways, and utilities. Visual Resources - Physiographic provinces, scenic quality, distance zones, visual sensitivity, and visual resource compatibility levels. CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT stembe Prehistoric - Known and suspected archaeological sites (e.g., cultural material scatters, quarry/mine sites, earthworks, mounds, stone rings, rock shelters, kill sites, and cairns). Historic - Historic sites and trails. BS desT S et Native American - Religious and ritual sites, hunting and gathering sites, trails, rock-art, and multiple resource areas. Data maps were prepared for the entire study area at a scale of 1:24,000 displaying the existing environment in spatial terms, accompanied by descriptive narratives. This information provided the basis for the sensitivity analyses and subsequent selection of alternative corridors and substation sites to follow. 4. Task 2D - Develop Sensitivity Criteria The goal of this task was to identify the transmission corridor and substation site alternatives most likely to be acceptable locations for the proposed project. In order to accomplish this goal in a comprehensive manner, a systematic analysis was made to determine which areas within the study area would be most and least sensitive to (or in conflict with) the proposed project, for all considered resources. The result of this "sensitivity analysis" was a ranking of the study area environment from most to least sensitive. The most sensitive areas were the most constraining to the project, and the least besensitive areas provided the greatest opportunity to find an acceptable project location. 70% As a basis for the sensitivity analysis, sensitivity criteria specific to this study area and this project area were developed. These criteria were: beepe Jensmerigs bos alonso Resource Value - A measure of rarity, high intrinsic worth, distinctiveness, or diversity of an environmental resource within the area. Protective Status - A measure of the formal concern expressed for a resource either through legal protection or by designation of special status. Present and Future Use - A measure of the level of conflict based on policies of land management and/or land use. Hazards - A measure of the degree to which a resource represents a significant hazard to construction and/or operation of the proposed project. A-4 5. Task 2E-Sensitivity Analysis evitsmetts visnimileng orte ans (aiinil bellso The sensitivity criteria, which were developed in Task 2D, were applied to the existing environmental conditions that were documented in Task 2C. In addition to the criteria use in Task 2D, specific Transmission Facility Corridor and Route Criteria as cited in the North Dakota Energy Conversion and Transmission Facility Siting Act, Chapter 69-06- 08, Section 69-06-08-02 (North Dakota Public Service Commission, 1985) were used to establish levels of environmental sensitivity within the study area. The study area was classified into exclusion and avoidance areas, which are defined as follows: evitemet poiars 0 Exclusion Areas - Areas with unique, highly valued, complex, or legally protected resources; significant potential conflict with current or planned use; and areas posing substantial hazards to construction and operation of the facility. Examples: occupied residences, air strips and approach zones, and National Register cultural resource Avoidance Areas - Areas with important resources; resources assigned special status; some conflict with current or planned use; and areas posing some hazard to construction and operation of facility. Examples: wetlands, cropland, and planned subdivisions. bew 9.1) obris Avoidance areas were further subdivided into low, moderate, and high categories depending upon the level of sensitivity determined for a given environment. abna This sensitivity analysis was completed those major environmental categories which were determined to be potentially critical to the siting process: 1) land use and agriculture, 2) visual, 3) cultural, 4) vegetation, 5) wildlife, 6) soils, 7) geology, and 8) floodplains and wetlands emde A Results of the sensitivity analysis are summarized in Table II-8. 106. Task 2F - Prepare Constraint Map Constraint maps for each resource were prepared as a set of overlays for use in identifying routing opportunities. Existing linear corridors (e.g., transmission lines, roads, pipelines) were included on the land use constraint map. writ C. Phase 3 - Alternative Corridor/Substation Site Selection 1.. Task 3A-Preliminary Alternatives Opportunities for locating alternative transmission line corridors were first identified using mapped and use constraints. Transparent maps showing the other resource constraints were then overlaid on the preliminary corridors to identify necessary local adjustments to avoid other sensitive areas. The corridor boundaries were established by locating areas through which a hypothetical transmission line could be routed while avoiding the most sensitive areas and/or best utilizing existing linear features. The A-5 preliminary alternative corridors and reference-centerline routes (divided into segments called links) are shown on Figure II-8. To the largest extent possible, alternative corridors encompass areas of rangeland, which the scoping process identified as the least sensitive areas in the study area, where the line would not disturb farming practices. Where it was necessary to include cultivated land, an attempt was made to provide opportunities to locate the right-of-way along section lines, field/strip boundaries, or existing roads. A summary of corridor selection issues is provided in Table II-4. The Belfield Substation siting areas had to be located to provide a tap into Western's existing Dawson County-Dickinson 230-kV transmission line. The four alternative sites were chosen through consideration of their orientation with respect to approach corridors as well as constraints occurring within the immediate area. The alternative substation siting areas are shown on Figure II-9. 2. Task 3B - Final Alternatives vintaged or busted Prior to finalization, the preliminary alternative corridors and substation siting areas were reviewed with agency personnel and individual landowners during the public planning meetings. Landowners attending the workshops were concerned that Federal lands (i.e., Little Missouri National Grasslands) would be considered to be more sensitive than privately owned lands. The agencies were concerned for the potential visual effects on Theodore Roosevelt National Park (TRNP), U.S. Highway 85, and Interstate 94. One State agency expressed the opinion that and alternative corridor should be considered adjacent to U.S. Highway 85. The U.S. Forest Service advised Western that unless there were specific environmental concerns, the Grasslands should be considered no more sensitive to transmission line routing than similar private land. Public input generated through these meetings resulted in the refinement of some corridor boundaries, and adjustments to some portions of the reference centerlines. A detailed analysis was made of potential visual effects on TRNP. A U.S. Highway 85 corridor was not included owing to the level of development along the highway. E. Phase 4 - Impact Assessment/Mitigation Planning Phase 4 involved those tasks required to identify and assess the potential environmental impacts and mitigation strategies for each alternative location as a basis for identifying the locations having the least environmental impact. Phase 4 included the following major tasks: Task 4A-Define Reference Centerlines and Links ■Task 4B - Develop Project Description Task 4C-Determine Generic Mitigation Task 4D - Prepare Environmental Baseline Accent T baggam prisu herto blows of athemeube w riguori esens gritsool posed project 3A-6 roldwyd en privilinebi bay to no leidsT niber Task 4E-Assess and Determine Initial Impacts Task 4F - Assess and Determine Specific Mitigation Task 4G - Re-assess and Determine Residual Impacts Duration 1. Task 4A - Define Reference Centerlines and Links ebegm alagmi thepltingle Jaubleer" 8 To assess impacts, reference centerlines were first divided in segments called links such that impacts could be evaluated on a link by link basis. These links, which represent the most basic corridor unit for purposes of assessment, were ultimately joined in different combinations to form continuous routes. 2. Task 4B - Develop Project Description In order to accurately assess the potential impacts associated with the proposed project, a complete description was developed. This included project appearance and details on construction, operation, and maintenance, including plans for ultimate decommissioning and abandonment. 3. Task 4C-Determine Generic Mitigation on may The mitigation plan for the project includes both generic and selective mitigation. Generic mitigation consists of those measures or techniques which Western has committed to undertake on a "generic" or non-specific basis as part of the proposed project plan. Selective mitigation consists of measures or techniques to which Western made commitments on a case-by-case (or "selective") basis after impacts were identified and assessed in Task 4F. Mitigation measures committed to by Western for the proposed project are shown on Table II-5. 4. Task 4D - Prepare Environmental Baseline The environmental baseline conditions, or pre-project environmental setting, for each transmission corridor and substation siting alternative were determined in Task 4D. This required refining the environmental data that were developed for the entire study area in Task 2C, through additional study and field reviews, to be specific to the alternative corridor and substation siting area locations. The required types of data refinement included determining the number of residences within each corridor, identifying specific planned land uses, identifying the number and types of known cultural resource sites, etc. These data were prepared and described in chart, map, and narrative form for all links. Environmental baseline maps are included in this document as Figures III-1, III-3, III-6, III-8 through III-10, and IV-2. 5. Task 4E-Assess and Determine Initial Impacts The objective of the impact assessment/mitigation planning process was to conduct a systematic interdisciplinary analysis to determine the potential environmental A-7 impacts of project facilities in alternative locations, and to assess means by which significant impacts could most effectively be mitigated. This process involved identifying "residual" impacts, which were defined as impacts remaining after the application of mitigation. Impact types and levels for each resource category are summarized in Table II- 8. For the purposes of this project, environmental impact was defined as a "modification in the status of the environment, as it presently exists or is anticipated to be brought about by the proposed action." Impacts will result: ■If environmental change or stress occurs to biotic populations or natural resources affecting their safety, health, abundance, productivity, or aesthetic or cultural values. If the change or stress affects the diversity and variety of individual choice, the standard of living, or the extent of sharing of life's amenities. If the change or stress affects the quality of renewable resources or the recycling of depletable resources. Environmental impacts can be beneficial or adverse as a direct or indirect result of the action, and can be permanent, long-term, or short-term in longevity. Impacts can vary in degree or magnitude from no change, or only slightly discernible change, to a total change in the environmental condition or system. Duration of impacts has been defined for the potential and residual impacts described in this chapter as follows: Short-term impacts are those changes or stresses made to the environment during construction, which would generally revert to preconstruction conditions at, or within a few years of, the conclusion of the construction phase. Although short in duration, these impacts are normally obvious and can be highly disruptive in nature. Long-term impacts are those changes or stresses made to the environment during construction and operation that would substantially remain for the life of the proposed project (minimum of 50 years) and beyond. Types of impacts were first identified by considering what effects or changes the proposed action (including design features, construction, maintenance activities, and operation characteristics detailed in Task 4B) would have on the pre-project environment associated with each alternative corridor and substation site. All potential impacts to the environment along the reference centerlines were assessed and documented. In addition, all "significant" impacts within the entire corridor widths were determined and documented. An assessment identifying levels of impact (from high to low) along each alternative was also conducted for each major resource category. Results of this assessment were based on the application of an impact model constructed for each resource category considering the same general criteria: of asw Resource Sensitivity - the probable response of a particular resource to activities related to the project; eviibido edT beni sitomettyas foubrod A-8 93 901ozen istutus bilibega s golevab of eldiaspo to yeviue■ Resource Quality - the condition of the resource potentially affected by the ed Wild project; groups Resource Quantity - the amount of the resource potentially affected; and Duration of Impact - the period of time over which the resource would be affected, measured as short-term or long-term. Although the underlying conceptual criteria were the same for each model, the criteria varied according to the characteristics of each resource category. Application of the models to locations along each corridor resulted in a determination of levels of impact associated with construction, operation, maintenance, and/or abandonment of the proposed line, as defined below: enew lobh eviternatis bemetena ert High Impact - A high level of impact would potentially cause a significant or substantial adverse change or stress to an environmental resource or resources. Moderate Impact - A moderate impact would potentially cause some adverse change or stress (ranging between significant and insignificant) to an environmental resource or resources. Low Impact - A low impact potentially cause an insignificant or small adverse change or stress to an environmental resource or resources. No Identifiable Impact - No identifiable impact would be indicated where no impact, or no measurable impact, would occur to the specific resource(s) under investigation. Initial (or unmitigated) impacts for each resource category were consequently identified, assessed, and documented as to type, location, and level (by link) for the entire corridor network. Impact types and levels for each resource category are shown on Table 11-4, with locations shown on Figures IV-1, IV-2 and IV-12 through IV-16. Low Impera f 6. Task 4F-Assess and Determine Specific Mitigation A mitigation assessment was subsequently conducted to determine requirements for mitigation in specific areas. In cases where impacts were low, or where mitigation would not be effective, mitigation was not recommended. Where mitigation was warranted and would be effective, mitigation recommendations were made by the resource specialists using a pre-selected list of measures deemed both effective and practical. those Based upon the application of the mitigation recommendations, impacts were re- assessed. The preliminary residual impacts remaining after application of recommended mitigation indicated the effectiveness of a particular mitigation measure. Where applicable, the cost of each recommended mitigation measure was also considered and commitments to apply mitigation in specific geographic locations on a case-by-case or selective basis were made. Specific mitigation measures committed to for the project are shown on Table 11-5. A-9 The lack of specific data made it impossible to develop a specific cultural resource mitigation plan. Specific data will be available following a review of the intensive survey of the proposed transmission line right-of-way. A cultural resources mitigation plan will be developed in consultation with the North Dakota SHPO. 7. Task 4G - Re-assess and Determine Residual Impacts O to nolising Once commitments to selectively applied mitigation measures were identified, impacts were re-assessed and final residual impacts were determined. Final impact maps graphically displaying the location and impact level associated with each major resource category were prepared. Potential air resource and socioeconomic impacts were not mapped due to their regional rather than site-specific nature. No paleontological resources were mapped due to their correlation with mapped lithologies. Since potential impacts to Native American resources were not identified for any alternative corridor or substation site, an impact map for this resource category was not prepared. Residual impacts, or those impacts remaining after committed mitigation, then became the basis on which the alternative corridors were evaluated and compared. A E. Phase 5 - Preferred Route/Substation Site Selection Phase 5 involved those tasks required to evaluate and compare alternative corridors and the substation site, identify the "least impact" route, and select the "preferred route" for the project. This phase included the following major tasks: vinstpeanos Task 5A - Combine Links to Form Comparative Routing Options slins at Task 5B - Describe Impacts by Route eldat no row (batepilimnu 10) bria 286 ballitnisbl Task 5C - Compare Routes Within Each Resource Task 5D - Compare Routes Across Resources Task 5E-Identify Environmentally Preferred Route/Site Task 5F - Select Agency-Preferred Route/Site activities and gobingitian Fronment Task 5G - Refine Agency-Preferred Route Centerline Location mpitepifier sot Redion adeblow bame high and a grizu 1. Task 5A-Combine Links Into Routes The process of comparing alternative routes initially involved combining links into a set of 28 reference centerlines (Table 11-6) which comprised all of the reasonable routes which could be used for construction of the line from the existing Charlie Creek Substation to each of the four Belfield Substation siting areas. The reference centerlines were used as a basis for evaluating impacts along a 165-foot wide right-of-way within the designated corridors. A-10 to aprible Impacts were assessed for each link and aggregated along the alternative routes. In order to reduce the complexity of the comparison process and avoid having to compare each of the 28 routes to one another, the routes were first grouped by substation siting area endpoints (four groups). Comparisons were then made within each of the four resulting groups. w tosqmi E4-1 2. Task 5B-Describe Impacts by Route As a basis for comparing routes, analyses of overall and significant unavoidable adverse impacts on each resource category were conducted. a. Overall Impacts. Consideration for overall impacts associated with the use of a particular route is based upon the premise that the preferred location should minimize overall impact to the environment. In order to summarize impact data into a more readily comparable form for decision-making, the specific residual impacts for each alternative route were quantified by percent of low, moderate, and high residual impact along the length of the route. The overall route was then qualitatively described as follows: Voute elsubivib belb High Impact (H) - characterized by high impacts. to aleed srit no no 290 silqmocos erti betaulave Jall meet ni mwoda High-to-Moderate Impact (H-M) - characterized by high impacts that range pekne toward moderate values. bas Moderate-to-High Impact (M-H) - characterized by moderate impacts that noqu beesd range toward high values.) eldr Moderate Impact (M) - characterized by moderate impacts. noitesimigo van Istremno s Moderate-to-Low Impact (M-L) - characterized by moderate impacts that range Boudest sub toward low values. Inechesion to Low-to-Moderate Impact (L-M) - characterized by low impacts that range enimmelsb of toward moderate. abam rioir Low Impact (L) - characterized by low impacts. Juods ber auenseno ybute erit■ No Identifiable Impact (N) - no occurrence of significant resource. srit of ods provides b. Significant Unavoidable Adverse Impacts - The environmentally preferred route should also minimize significant unavoidable adverse impacts. By definition, the impacts remaining after the application of mitigation (residual impacts) are adverse and unavoidable. Although the proposed project would create numerous impacts, decision-making was focused on those that were "significant." 3. Task 5C - Compare Routes Within Each Resource project atuon bone erti pohe A multiobjective decision-making process was utilized in order to satisfy, simultaneously and objectively, the competing environmental considerations inherent in the study area in ranking alternative routes and selecting the environmentally preferred route. Each resource investigation team first completed rankings within resource categories or SA-11 disciplines. These rankings were then used as a basis for "interdisciplinary" rankings of routes within each group. Once data on overall impacts and significant unavoidable adverse impacts were developed, all routes within each group were compared and a route preference ranking from least-to-most potential impact was established for each resource category within each group. For example: Preference 1 - Lowest potential impact route for that resource Preference 2 - Next-to-lowest potential impact route for that resource Preference 3-Third-from-lowest potential impact route for that resource. 4. Task 5D-Compare Routes Across Resources Comparison and preference ranking of routes for the overall environment was accomplished through an interdisciplinary process involving key individuals from the resource teams responsible for establishing the individual resource preferences. This study team first evaluated the relative importance of all considered resources on the basis of impact and potential mitigation for each resource, and resource sensitivity, as shown in Table 11-4. The study team then summarized the cumulative environmental consequences for each route by considering overall impact, significant unavoidable adverse impact, and preference ranking by resource category. In several instances, routes or specific links within routes that were obviously not suitable (or considerably less suitable) based upon this cumulative assessment were identified and eliminated from further consideration. Routing preferences were determined through an interdisciplinary optimization process designed to identify the route or routes which minimized overall environmental impacts and significant unavoidable adverse impacts and maximized individual resource category routing preferences. If there was obvious agreement, or preference, for a route, the route was assigned a rank by concensus of the study team. If there was disagreement about ranking, the study team first examined the overall impacts of the routes to determine whether the difference in levels of impact to specific resources associated with preference ranking was marginal or important, with decisions made to optimize routings which made for the greatest environmental savings. If a consensus could still not be reached about ranking certain routes after examining overall impacts for specific resources, then the study team examined the differences among significant unavoidable adverse impacts to the various resources in terms of preestablished priorities. pealingla asiminim cals bluoria ove Any routes which could not be clearly ranked above or below other routes after this process assumed the same preference ranking. Quoritta insollingla new fari esoril no beaboot 5. Task 5E - Identify Environmentally Preferred Route The environmentally preferred route, which represented the least impact to the overall environment between Charlie Creek and Belfield, was identified by comparing the preferred routes within each group using the process described in Task 5C. riw apnbing betalgmoo tall meet nollsglizevni so doaB A-12 (2 The locations for the final set of four alternatives are shown on Figure 11-9. A quantitative comparison of these alternatives is shown in Table II-8. hown in Table 6. Task 5F - Select Agency-Preferred Route o sueel bas ensqe Although route E4-1 was determined to be the environmentally preferred route, it was recognized that routes E4-1 and W1-1 were very similar in overall ranking. Consequently, it was considered important to evaluate other factors such as miles of transmission line construction, available access, potential construction problems, and project costs before selecting the agency-preferred route. It was determined that Route W1-1 provided somewhat better access and fewer engineering/construction constraints. In addition, the shorter length of Route W1-1 (almost 4 fewer miles) represented a potential savings of around 10% (up to one million dollars) in line construction costs over Route E4-1. For these reasons, Route W1-1 was selected as the agency-preferred route. uten been toejong to 7. Task 5G - Refine Agency-Preferred Route bas luterans of Refinements to the reference centerline location of the agency-preferred route were made following the third set of public meetings at which the environmentally preferred and agency-preferred routes were presented. Three sources provided the inputs for these refinements: betsgang betshener Athem Roh nolasim Comments received from affected landowners who requested slight changes in the preferred route to avoid or reduce impacts to their property or agricultural practices. A preliminary centerline survey/engineering review of the agency-preferred route, resulting in alignment changes to avoid steep terrain, provide better road and river crossings, and generally reduce construction problems. 3M erit yd benluper seori sebiss& nl notto Implementation of recommended environmental mitigation measures such as moving the route further from residences, steep slopes/erodible soils, and foreground views. HIDA Refinements to the agency-preferred route are provided on Figure II-9. Table II-8 provides a quantitative assessment of the refined agency-preferred route. Pro F. Phase 6 - EIS Preparation and Project Approvals lo brood nolelos Phase 6 involves those tasks required to prepare, review, and finalize the EIS, conduct other environmental reviews, and secure project approval. This final phase includes the following major tasks: The Story, Educ Serie Task 6A - Prepare DEIS Task 6B-Issue DEIS for Public Review/Comment A-13 Task 6C - Prepare and Issue Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Task 6D - Other Environmental Reviews/Approvals Task 6E - Prepare and Issue Record of Decision 1. Task 6A-Prepare DEIS puortA BBW baxin The DEIS incorporates the results of all studies and assessments conducted for the project. In addition to presenting the purpose and need for the project, the DEIS describes and compares the proposed project with other alternatives, and discusses the potential impact the project will have on the environment and the measures that will be taken to protect the environment and reduce or mitigate those impacts. WW 2. Task 6B - Issue DEIS for Public Review/Comment engen (salim newal A enil In order to ensure full and factual disclosure of project need, nature, requirements, and environmental effects, and to facilitate broad-based public input to the project decision process, this DEIS is being provided for public review and comment. To additionally facilitate public input, hearings on the DEIS are also scheduled. 3. Task 6C-Prepare and Issue FEIS Subsequent to closure of the 45-day comment period, the FEIS will be prepared and submitted. The FEIS will respond to all substantive comments and questions generated by the public hearings and review of the DEIS. 4. Task 6D - Other Environmental Reviews and Approvals Besides those required by the NEPA, the Charlie Creek-Belfield 345-kV transmission line project will require other environmental reviews and approvals prior to construction. In particular, compliance with Federally mandated legislation will include that required for endangered species (Endangered Species Act of 1973), floodplains (Executive Order 11988), wetlands (Executive Order 11990), and cultural resources (National Historic Preservation Act, Executive Order 11594, and the American Indian Religious Freedom Act). nsup s bivorg 5. Task 6F - Prepare and Issue Record of Decision 160019 80-8 as 9 3 At least one month after issuance of the FEIS, Western will issue the Record of Decision for the project. The Record of Decision will articulate the decision made as to the disposition of the project, including any conditions or special requirements associated with approval. 100 ring the Vidu9 hot 30 steel-88 Nest A-14 palwon APPENDIX Benign be habepu REFERENCES, BIBLIOGRAPHY, AND PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS no englt US Bureau of gement, Cult espbha YA. REFERENCES Ahlbom, A., et al., "Biological Effects of Power Fields," New York State Power Lines Project lau Scientific Advisory Panel Final Report, July 1, 1987. Algers, B., I. Ekesbo and K. Hennichs, The Effects of Ultra High-Voltage Transmission Lines on the Fertility of Dairy Cows, A Preliminary Study, Report No. 5, Swedish idea University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Animal Hygiene with Farrier's School, Skara, 1981. 010 American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), Biological and Human Health Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Report of the Committee on Hilmar Biological Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields, Graves, H. B., Chairman, American Institute of Biological Sciences, Arlington, VA., 1985. Amstutz, H. E. and D. B. Miller, A Study of Farm Animals Near 765-kV Transmission Lines, Bovine Practitioner, No. 15, pp. 51-62, November, 1980. Anna, L,O., Ground-Water Data for Billings, Golden Valley, and Slope Counties, North Dakota, North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-water Studies No. 29 and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 76, Part III, 1981. Isolpol Athern, Robert G., Forts of the Upper Missouri, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1967. Banet, A.C., Jr., Coal Geology and Resource Calculations of the South Belfield Area, Billings Hoyer and Stark Counties, North Dakota, Open-file Report 80-870, USGS, 1980. Beckes, M.R. and J.D. Keyser, The Prehistory of the Custer National Forest: An Overview, USDA Forest Service, Billings, Montana, 1983. Bilbo, Bill C., The Effects of Electrical Transmission Lines and Towers on Agriculture, Propietary report to Southern California Edison, Resource International, Fresno, California, 1979. Blair, W., Measuring the Visibility of High Voltage Facilities in the Pacific Northwest, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon, 1976. Bluemle, John P., The Face of North Dakota: The Geologic Story, Educational Series 11, North Dakota Geological Survey, 1977. Jenning 1000 ares lov zolengamotoelecia B-1 Bourgsdorf, V., Cited in Male and Norris, 1981, "How the Advancement of Knowledge has Modified the Technical Feasibility Forecasts," CIGRE, Round Table on UHV Transmission Feasibility, Subject 2, 1980. MOQ Bridges, J. E., "Environmental Considerations Concerning the Biological Effects of Power Frequency (50 or 60 Hz) Electric Fields." IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS-97: 19-32, 1978. Carpenter, D. O., Letter to concerned persons, State of New York, Department of Health, Office of Public Health, Albany, NY, Undated. Carver, Robert F. and William G. Hamlin, North Dakota Agricultural Statistics, issued in cooperation with North Dakota State University, USDA, and National Agricultural Statistics Service, 1987. Dabkowski, J. and A. Taflove, "Mitigation of Buried Pipeline Voltages Due to 60 Hz AC Inductive Coupling: Part II - Pipeline Grounding Methods," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-98, 1814-1823, 1979. Devoto, Bernard, The Journals of Lewis and Clark, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 1953. Dorn, R.D., Flora of the Black Hills, 377 pp. 2821 Elek, G. R. and B. E. Rokas, "A Case of Inductive Coordination", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-96, 834-840, 1977. Fenneman, N.M., Physiology of the Western United States, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York and London, 1931. Florida Electric and Magnetic Fields Science Advisory Commission (FEMFSAC), Biological Effects of 60-Hz Power Transmission Lines, Report submitted to the Department of Environmental Regulation, Tallahassee, Florida, 1985. Forest Service, National Forest Landscape Management, Vol. 2, USDA, 1974. Frison, George C., Prehistoric Hunters of the High Plains, Academic Press, New York, New York, 1978. Fulton, J. P., et al., "Electrical Wiring Configuration and Childhood Leukemia in Rhode Island," American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 111:292-296, 1980. er 8.odia Gauger, J., "Household Appliance Magnetic Field Survey," IEEE Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-104, 2436-2445, 1985. Greenberg, B. and V. P. Biondokas, The Effects of High-voltage Transmission Lines on Honeybees, EPRI Report EA-1809, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA., 1980. pimeule rinol Greenberg, B., V. P. Bindokas and J. R. Gauger, "Biological Effects of a 765 Kilovolt Transmission Line Exposures and Thresholds in Honeybee Colonies, Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 2:315-328, 1981. B-2 Greenberg, B., V. Bindokas and J. R. Gauger, Honeybees and EHV Transmission Lines:X Mechanisms and Biological Effects, Paper presented at the 1984 DOE/EPRI/NYS Contractors' Review of Biological Effects from Electric and Magnetic Fields to wolf Associated With High Voltage Transmission Lines, St. Louis, MO., 1984. поган Gregg, Michael L. (ed.), An Overview of the Prehistory of Western and Central North Dakota, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Cultural Resources Series No. 1, Montana State ohio Office, Billings, Montana, 1985. tni yburea Gustafson, R. J. and V. D. Albertson, "Neutral-to-Earth Voltage and Ground Current Effects in Livestock Facilities, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS- Miss 101(7):2090-2095, 1982. hogeR RO 16 ImbA how no8 Harmon, David, At the Open Margin, NPSS Administration of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, National Park Service, 1986. Ispigolola bns M.L Hennichs, K., Cows Exposed to 400-kV Lines, Inventory and Fertility Study, Report No. 7, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Animal Hygiene with Farrier's School, Skara, 1982. BABA ble Hillman, C.N. and W.W. Jackson, The Sharp-tailed Grouse in South Dakota, Technical Bulletin No. 3, South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, 62 pp., 1973. Hirsch, K.J., Habitat Type Classification of Grasslands and Shrublands of Southwestern M yellev nuo North Dakota, Ph.D. Thesis, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, 9 1985. Hodges, T. K. and C. A. Mitchell, "Growth and Yield of Field Crops in the Proximity of an Nor Ultra-High Voltage Electric Test Line", American Electric Power System, North nolto Liberty, Indiana, 38 pp, 1979. chibal ods! Hodges, T. K. and C. A. Mitchell, Influence of High Intensity Electric Fields on Yield of Sweet Corn and Dent Corn - 1982, A Report for the American Electric Power Service 933 Corporation, North Liberty, Indiana, 1984. mets Hoover, R.L., C.E. Till and S. Ogilvie, The Antelope of Colorado, Technical Bulletin No. 4. etry Colorado Department of Game and Fish. Denver. 110 pp, 1959. yd ba IEEE, Working Group, "Electromagnetic Effects of Overhead Transmission Lines: Practical Problems, Safeguards, and Methods of Calculations", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus Systems, Vol. PAS-93, 892-904, 1974. Jaffa, K. C., and J. B. Stewart, Magnetic Field Induction From Overhead Transmission and bost bool Distribution Power Lines on Buried Irrigation Pipelines, IEEE Transaction on Power B012 Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-100, 990-1000, 1981. Jaffa, K. C., Magnetic Field Induction From Overhead Transmission and Distribution Power Lines on Parallel Fences. 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H., "The Human Considerations in Bioeffects of Electric Fields," In: Biological Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, R. D. Phillips, et al., eds., Proceedings of the 18th Annual Hanford Life Sciences Symposium, Richland, WA, October 16-18, 1978, DOE Symposium Series 50, Report No. CONF-781016, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., pp. 21-37, 1979. Michaelson, S. M., "Human Responses to Power Frequency Exposures."In: Biological Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, R. D. Phillips et al., eds, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Hanford Life Sciences Symposium, Richland, Washington, October 16-18, 1978, DOE Symposium Series 50, Report No. CONF- 781016, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., pp. 1-20, 1979. Milham, S., "Mortality From Leukemia in Workers Exposed to Electrical and Magnetic Fields," (Letter to the editor), New England Journal of Medicine 307(4):249, 1982. Mohan, N., F. Mahjouri and J. R. Gemayel, "Electrical Induction on Fences Due to Faults on Adjacent HVDC Transmission Lines." IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS-101: 2851-59, 1982. Nordstrom, S., E. Birke and L. Gustavsson, Reproductive Hazards Among Workers at High Voltage, Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 4: 91-101, .1983. Olsen, R. G. and K. C. Jaffa, Electromagnetic Coupling From Power Lines and Magnetic Field Safety Analysis, IEEE Power Engineering Society Paper No. 84 WM 189-7, Presented at 1984 PES Winter Meeting, 1984. hoge8 80 bration you to inamaliged Pak as Isohibellis M902 MairimbA new allivenno 3808-98300 B-16 3 bris lo Ontario Ministry of Health, Health Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields: A Review of Clinical and Epidemiological Studies, Disease Control and Epidemiology Service, Public Health Branch, Ontario Ministry of Health, July 30, pitenget 1987. Rogers, L. E., et al., Environmental studies of a 1100-kV Prototype Transmission Line, Weste Prepared for Bonneville Power Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, Portland, OR., 1982. Rommereim, O. N., R. L. Buschbon, L. E. Anderson and M. R. Sikov, Reproduction and Development Study in Rats Chronically Exposed at Multiple Fields Strengths to 60- Hz Electric Fields, Abstract presented at the U.S. Department of Energy Electric/Power Research Institute Contractors Review, Kansas City, MO, November, 1987. 818-908:(a) Hilw Savin B. M, et al., "Methods for Studying and Criteria for Evaluating the Biological Effects of Electric Fields of Industrial Frequency, "Paper for the American-Soviet Symposium on Super High Voltage and Supply Lines, Tashkent, USSR, 1978. Savitz, D. A. and E. E. Calle, "Leukemia and Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Review of Epidemiologic Surveys", Journal of Occupational Medicine, Vol. 29, 47-51, 1987. Savitz, D. A., Case-Control Study of Childhood Cancer and Residential Exposure to Electric and Magnetic Fields, Final Report to the New York State Department of Health Power Lines Project, 1987a. Savitz, D. A., Final Results of Case-Control Study of Childhood Cancer and Electromagnetic Field Exposure, Abstract and presentation to the DOE/EPRI Contractors Review, emoh Kansas City, MO, November, 1987, 1987b. Savitz, D. A., Memorandum to Persons Concerned About Reports of Electromagnetic Fields and Childhood Cancer, Attachment to Addendum to New England/Hydro-Quebec bra +450 kV Transmission Line Interconnection -- Phase II Final Environment Impact Mood Statement, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., DOE/DOE/EIS-0129F, October, 1987, 1987c. Stevens, R. G., Epidemiological Studies of Cancer and Residential Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields, Final Report, Power Lines Project 21082-18, Albany, NY: Health Research, Inc., 1986. Taflove, A. and J. Dabkowski, Prediction Method for Buried Pipeline Voltages Due to 60 Hz Inductive Coupling: Part I - Analysis, IEEE Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-98, 780-787, 1979. Taflove, A., and M. Genge and J. Dabkowski, Mitigation of Buried Pipeline Voltages Due to 60 Hz AC Inductive Coupling: Part I -- Design of Joint Rights-Of-Way, IEEE Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-98, 1806-1813, 1979. TDHS Report, Contractors' Review: 1987 Meeting Covers EMF Issues with International Cast of Presenters, Transmission/Distribution Health & Safety Report, Minneapolis, MN., November/December, 1987. B-17 Tenforde, T. S., Interaction of ELF Magnetic Fields with Living Matter, In C. Polk and E. Postow, ed., CRC Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, CRC 08 viu Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL., 1986. ypotolmsbiq Tomenius, L., L. Hellstrom, and B. Enander, Electrical Constructions and 50 Hz Magnetic Field at the Dwellings of Tumor Cases (0-18 years of age) in the County of Stockholm, Presented at the Inst. Symp. Occup. Health Saf. Min. Tunnelling, Prague, June 21 to 25, 1982. Tomenius, L., 50-Hz Electromagnetic Environment and the Incidence of Childhood Tumors in Stockholm County, Bioelectromagnetics. Vol. 7, 191-208, 1986. Tucker, R. D. and O. H. Schmitt, Tests for Human Perception of 60-Hz Moderate Strength Magnetic Fields, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering BME-25(6):509-518, 1978. Wachtel, H., F. Barnes and D. Savitz, Two Alternative Interpretations of the Denver-Boulder ELRF Epidemiology Study, Abstract presented at the Bioelectromatics Society Meeting, Portland, OR, June 21-25, 1987. Wallenstein, G., Effect of High-Voltage Transmission Lines on Honeybee Colonies, Zeitschrift fur Angewondte Entomologie 74:86-94, 1973. Wertheimer, N. and E. Leeper, Electrical Wiring Configurations and Childhood Cancer, Miss American Journal of Epidemiology, 109:273-284, 1979. Wertheimer, N. and E. Leeper, Re: "Electrical Wiring Configurations and Childhood Leukemia in Rhode Island," American Journal of Epidemiology, 111, 461, 1980. Wertheimer, N. and E. Leeper, Adult Cancer Related to Electrical Wires Near the Home, International Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 11, 345-355, 1982. Wertheimer, N., J. P. Fulton and E. Leeper, 60-Hz Electromagnetic-Field Exposure Related to Fetal Development, Proceedings of the Twenty Third Hanford Life Sciences Symposium: Interactions of Biological Systems with Static and ELF Electric and Magnetic Fields, October 2-4, 1984, Richland, WA., Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA., CONF-841041/UC-97a, 1987. Western Energy Supply and Transmission (WEST) Associates, A Critical Review of the en Scientific Literature on Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields: Assessment of Possible Effects on Human Health and Recommendations for Research, Energy Task Force Project ET-84-11, Project Manager: Southern California Edison, Rosemead, CA., 1986. WHO (World Health Organization), Environmental Health Criteria for Low Frequency (ELF) Fields, Environmental Health Criteria 35, Geneva, Switzerland, 1984. Williams, J. H. and E. J. Beiler, An Investigation of Dairy Farm Operations in Association with 765-kV Transmission in Ohio, Ohio Power Siting Commission and Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Cleveland, Ohio, 1979. land silogeenniM hoq 100 00Я BHOT 2919 to 180 drevoMMM B-18 Other MOTADIUMMO JAMOZRE APPENDIX C Misssouri Basin System Group, 1986 Facility Study, 1981. Missouri Basin System Group, 1990 Horizon Study, 1982. Western and Charlie Creek-Belfield/Dickinson Utility Cooperative, Western North Dakota Transmission Line Study, 1985. Western, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, and Montana-Dakota Utility Cooperative, Western North Dakota Transmission Study, 1985. 3 as a no por paths stole th the Motomel8mnsqedeR & Thistl Teet 8 hoA attel yovaus lacigolossos an Hafi brs ems sole that M bas einnotabla nhsqed riaf dox Atemaal (insome closed ho Alternative (route) plotemala Inamhaged ria bna é An seer aedmene atole holt noensila Teer & admed stoked 3821 Shat isnota 8er a admo Gbg basmell some elth 09-8 B-19 C. LIST OF PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS Best Western Inn, Belfield, North Dakota, December 7, 1987. Bauer, Robert, District Conservationist, Soil Conservationist, Dickinson, North Dakota, 1987. Davis, Dan, Forest Service, Dickinson, North Dakota, 1987. Drake, Kelly, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, Colorado, 1987. Gerbig, Brian, Range Conservationist, Soil Conservation Service, Dickinson, North Dakota, 1987. Handley, Brent, U.S. Forest Service, Dickinson, North Dakota, letter, 1987. Heidel, Bonnie and Mike McKenna, North Dakota Heritage Program, North Dakota Game & Fish Department, Bismarck, North Dakota, 1987. Henegar, D., Commissioner, North Dakota Game & Fish Department, Bismarck, North Dakota, letter, 1987. Hoganson, J.W. Paleontologist. North Dakota Geological Survey, letter, April 6, 1987. Kobridger, J., Upland Game Management Supervisor, North Dakota Game and Fish Department, Dickinson, February 20, 1987 Kobridger, J., Upland Game Management Supervisor, North Dakota Game and Fish Department, November 27, 1987. Kreil, R., Nongame Biologist, North Dakota Game and Fish Department, Bismarck, November 10, 1987 Lennick Property Management, Inc., Dickenson, North Dakota. December 8, 1987. North Dakota Secretary of State, Bismarck, North Dakota, December 8, 1987. Powell, R., Chief Park Ranger, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, 1987. Stark County Chamber of Commerce, Dickinson, North Dakota, December 6, 1987. Western Area Power Administration, December 6, 1987. Zschomler, M.S., Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bismarck, North Dakota, April 9, 1987. B-20 Operations in Association with ng Commissio et-8 10 gidanshow nemuri Chamed@neelife mod vi APPENDIX C GLOSSARY, ABBREVIATIONS, AND ACRONYMS alinatoq bris 2901uosen paitabxe to of sorsrio to 10s beeoqong's most men se erit yd bevisneg nested priv! eqppabral leuely Access (road) Aerial (applications) erit nevip vip savo veus is bec Aerie Alignment Alluviumontes yd beau nabol agerheq to alaubivioni sens halucinaqis ni olezim Alternative (action) neo to: GLOSSARY Road used for passage to and along transmission line for purposes of construction and maintenance. Agricultural chemicals spread by aircraft. A raptor nest or nesting site. The specific, surveyed route of a transmission line. A general term for all detrital deposits resulting from the operations of modern rivers, including the sediments laid down in river beds, floodplains, and fans at the foot of mountain slopes, and estuaries. An option for meeting the stated need. An optional path or direction for a transmission Alternative (route) ent to stevnes of line. Characteristic of the atmosphere. stage Ambient beoubong ang obtolash ya benime vinsming noltrudmoo Annual (ecology) hobinco band rose rilliw Anticlinediol neitsbol benetang Aquifer vhsauching onstan meneo to eelmee Archaeologyosigaans visiemes bryos sones, blad benose Archival Areal A plant that completes its development in one year, or one season, and then dies. A fold, in rock, that is convex upward. enthammed A stratum of permeable rock, sand, etc. which contains and is capable of producing water, as in a well. The science that investigates the history of peoples by studying material remains. Pertaining to or contained in documents or records. A particular extent of space or surface serving a special function. C-1 Artifact Assessment (environment) Aural Background (visual) Base Load Any object showing human workmanship or modification, especially from a historic or OMA prehistoric period. anoo to asaog BAYRA22030 An evaluation of existing resources and potential impacts to them from a proposed act or change to the environment. Pertaining to or perceived by the ear. That portion of the visual landscape lying between the middleground limits to infinity. Color and 660A texture are subdued in these areas; primarily concerned with the two-dimensional shape of fevils yo baange stealmer landforms against the sky. (anollsoliqgs) Ishak The minimum load of a utility over a given period of time. Biotic Pertaining to life. Bisma Campsite Capacity Capability Carbon monoxide Centerline A small habitation location used by a single muvulla individual, several individuals, or perhaps a single family for brief stays in a particular area. The maximum load that can be generated or transmitted by generating or transmission facilities for a given period of time without exceeding emeri approved limits of temperature or stress. The ability to generate or transmit power. omte ert to pileA colorless, odorless, toxic gas produced by idma gmark Cincomplete fuel combustion, primarily emitted by olevabati astelmo 1 motor vehicles. aldeges Ceremonial site sunnA A line identified within each broad corridor representing the preferred location for the enlloinA transmission line. eupA An area used specifically for activities of a religious or ceremonial nature, particularly by Native Americans. Examples of ceremonial sites are cremation and cemetery areas, places where SAA olen priybure initiations were held, dance grounds, and sacred no sinamubobni bertindo 10 of p mountains. isvirionA s privica sochus no sosge to inato aliaq A notional labbe08 C-2 amainagio nested agirianoitelen erit to youts arT Characteristic landscape nt of novne lepiThe established landscape within an area being viewed, which does not necessarily imply a landscape of natural character. It could refer to a farming community, an urban landscape, a primarily natural environment, or other landscape that has an identifiable character. olge thenolsoftbela na bruns in artw ninti nolger to soaga & of or sbsy dither assabet tas ta vohtools nottheon nolah Circuit Committed mitigation a fuoriquor Community (biological) not st bne po Conductor Contrast ebnu wievo ns inessig bluc A completely closed conducting path over which electric current may flow. Obligatory measure that would diminish the severity of an impact. longe beregn A group of one or more populations of organisms that form a distinct ecological unit. Such a unit may be defined in terms of plants, animals, or both. nam of lah prA material, usually in the form of a wire or cable, suitable for carrying an electric current. pottanigho nirvy mont grigo Contrast rating Corona Corridor enciibnico gnion gribnu nego na vlibom The effect of a striking difference in the form, line, color, or texture of an area being viewed. A method of determining the extent of visual osmu brs in impact for an existing or proposed activity that will modify any landscape feature (land and water form, vegetation and structures). alb bns yoneupert er to ybute ni notionao solgaloleyniq tril tart enotostart to be hobudhalb bne yon blo The discharge of energy from an energized transmission line that occurs when the voltage gradient exceeds the breakdown strength of air. dormiligationypololmables of prin A continuous trace of land of defined width through which a utility route passes. los ydsnan baneadof al thes enti be Criteria Cultural resources gelogonriths ieloce basinute to Culture noliqish bed-ja eri sno bad nolistenatal bras asylans Standards of evaluation. Any site or artifact associated with human activities. An integrated system of learned behavior patterns characteristic of the members of a human society and not the result of biological inheritance. Demographic esboirosigonite to elas Of, or relating to, the statistical study of human olose to nolah bohe besloot to ast Distance zone populations with reference to size, density, distribution, and vital statistics. The area that can be seen as foreground- middleground, background, or seldom seen. C-3 Ecology Electromagnetic field Electrostatic field Emergent (vegetation) Endangered species Endogenous Environment qua Sipolade tonnels saint to amet nibantus The study of the relationships between organisms and their total environment. A space or region within which magnetic forces are present around an electrical current. Pertaining to a space or region within which atmospheric electricity at rest interferes with radar, radio, or television reception. Aquatic plants which project above the surface of the water. Any species in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. This definition excludes species of insects that the Secretary of Interior determines to be pests and whose protection under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 would present an overwhelming and stenot ar visu te overriding risk to man. barogongo gribeixe bret exfest Epidemiology Epidemiologic Erosion Ethnography escot viens to eg atupoo far sill nola obilsand ont abess Holoubno Developing from within; originating internally in an organism. The surrounding conditions, influences or forces that affect or modify an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival. The study of the frequency and distribution of a disease, or a physiological condition in human populations and of the factors that influence the frequency and distribution. Pertaining to epidemiology. The group of natural processes whereby soil or rock material is loosened or dissolved and moved from one location on the earth's surface to another. That aspect of cultural and social anthropology real to metaye betere devoted to the first-hand description of particular mem on to ofthe cultures. paklo fuest sit fon sonal Ethnology leolienste ori of sected Theoretical analysis and interpretation based on a synthesis of ethnographic data. impomed Epoch A formal division of geologic time corresponding to a series of rock and a subdivision of a period. enos constela -buergenot es nege ed nes tert som erf nose mobles no,briuongload, britsongelubim C-4 8-0 yd be Fault blo moob emit to bohoqerit of rivol vilsollidegs bas Datasol is anismet lah nepobyt to pnilaiando ebnuogmos elen of beau vinommoo yo Fiscal Floodplain W art of sethle ne erit to suiste er n hotos braogoig er yd Foreground edit of tratalest bas pritelbel hot be A fracture or fracture zone in the earth's surface layers along which there has been displacement of the sides relative to one another parallel to the fracture. Financial affairs pertaining to the public treasury or public revenues. That portion of a river valley, adjacent to the river channel, which is built of sediments and is subject to inundation by flood water during a storm event with a 1 percent chance of occurrence (100-year flood). The limit of an area viewed in which details are perceived and obvious. Textural and other visual piles install it sloped to qualities of vegetation are often perceivable within this zone, 0-1/2 mile. themnoniv Formation asonelbe laolgok foz of beldmszas sajoz to eredmem et les einl aroupen ritiw noiluk yrs of exriplani abivong var angio nicio ver goldbab bemeldono Fossil enoilulbe 10 notalegav mobelow to bed) to be Linky/Remenep vivia inamspanem usood bales to to bete el lw ynomerielb Gauss 10 nivom Generic mitigation Geology Guy pribbe to easpo lubelom s belle Tobes esinute ort 161 minagio privil abelle toybos zolbute or of amuinsgio privil to vood sitt vem yahartius now nirth violine! Habitat beelow holileog haveado lo A unit of rock defined for distinctive lithological characteristics, which is used as a basic map unit. May be combined into a Group, or subdivided into a Member. The remains or traces of animals or plants that have been preserved by natural causes in the earth's crust, exclusive of organisms which have been buried since the beginning of historic time. The unit of magnetic induction or magnetic flux density in the electromagnetic system of measurement. Mitigation measures or techniques to which the agency has made commitment on a non-specific basis. The science that relates to the earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the changes that the earth has undergone or is undergoing. A wire or cable used to balance the horizontal forces on a pole or tower. A specific set of physical conditions that surround a single species, a group of species, or a large community. In wildlife management, the major components of habitat are considered to be food, water, cover, and living space. C-5 Historic edi nienot Owen Hydrocarbons Hydrology Impact Insulator Pertaining to the period of time documented by written record, and specifically for this study, any 21 and of avis event or material remains at least 50 years old. stellateb rtoir bawaly s015 Interdisciplinary team ses been el rioitw pay boblübdos quosos can bealde asiq o alemirs to essant to en tenuten yd bevise Intrusion lonization In vitro (Latin) pro to eveu princiged arit scr odengiam to 10 ost to seruesom no besoqmon anopietnu 28 In vivo (Latin) d of beau eldso Jurisdictions Key Observation Point Any one of the compounds consisting of hydrogen and carbon only; commonly used to refer to oil and natural gas. The science that relates to the water of the earth. A modification in the status of the environment brought about by the proposed action. A device that is resistant to the conduction of electricity used for isolating and supporting conductors. A group of people with different training representing the physical sciences, social sciences, biological sciences, and environmental design arts assembled to solve a problem or perform a task. The members of the team proceed to solution with frequent interaction so that each discipline may provide insights to any stage of the problem and disciplines may combine to provide new solutions. A feature (land or waterform, vegetation or structure) or management activity generally considered out of context because of excessive contrast and disharmony with the characteristic landscape. The process of adding/removing an electron to/from a molecule. Referring to the studies and/or effects that occur outside the living organism, for example in a test tube or Petri dish. Referring to the studies and/or effects that occur within the body of living organisms. how to sloga no The limits or territory within which authority may biw nf tetided to sosga privil bre 19V be exercised. One of a series of observer positions on a travel route or at a use area, potential use area, or developed area that are used to determine the "seen area." C-6 to less erit as beouborg aseso lo vimst A web/stararit gnomA asang to nollag Kilovolt 1,000 volts, where a volt is a measure of electrical estorov Totom sta se potential difference which will cause a current of 1 blustusmevlackpebris ampere to flow through a conductor whose ashtaubni Impact vam doldw sbushpam a di o sonaro 007-ni-t sansay benbrud Kilowatt Landform pnhub betabnuni gnied nottsbbo Vitafoegee beaubongo nego to iquerit besang at shaga Landscape character Repate aleeb terit son arit quoi sape emelosovo serito no teub as dous aeloheq ota Landscape features stared pines to gbne bas princip Linear land use Link beknopen art to notheq benbrust year ga Joe to stileup supe benbr tog boheqerit schem Megawatts eye Microgram Middleground Milliamp (mA) Mitigation bedim Hisenee best to resistance is 1 ohm. A unit of power equivalent to 1,000 watts. A term used to describe the many types of land surfaces that exist as the result of geologic activity and weathering, e.g., plateaus, mountains, plains and valleys. The arrangement of a particular landscape as formed by the variety and intensity of the landscape features and the four basic elements of form, line, color, and texture. These factors give the area a quality which distinguishes it from immediate surroundings. The land and water, form, vegetation, and structures that compose the characteristic landscape. A functional land use that generally assumes a straight line (e.g., a railroad or pipeline or transmission line). A segment of a route alternative sharing common endpoints with adjacent links. Endpoints of a link are determined by the location of intersection with other segments (links) of other routes. 1,000 kilowatts or 1 million watts, where a watt is a unit of electrical power equal to 1/756th horse- power. A measure of mass equivalent to one-millionth of a gram. This zone includes areas viewed in which detail is somewhat to no longer perceivable. Vegetative patterns begin to appear as outlines or patterns, 1/2 to 5 miles. A one-thousandth part of an ampere, a unit of electric current. A means to alleviate or render less intense or severe. 840 C-7 Nitrogen oxides lover rouw garenshib hop a riquant One-hundred-year flood Oxidant Ozone Paleontology Particulates ent ais riblow vilic aphibnoomu bos reiterans Path Perennial Physiographic province Prehistoric Publicly owned land Raptor Rare Reconnaissance Region vd A family of gases produced as the result of combustion of gases. Among the major sources of these gases are motor vehicles, electric power plants, and explosive manufacturing industries. A flood with a magnitude which may occur one every one hundred years; a 1-in-100 chance of a certain area being inundated during any year. An agent for oxidation. A form of oxygen, O3, produced especially when an electric spark is passed through oxygen or air. The science that deals with the life of past geological ages through the study of the fossil remains of organisms. Minute, separate particles such as dust or other air pollutants. Combination of contiguous links within a set that share a common beginning and endpoint. Lasting through a year or many years. An extensive portion of the landscape normally encompassing many hundred square miles, that portrays similar qualities of soil, rock, slope, and vegetation of the same geomorphic origin. peto (path) alam Pertaining to the era before written or recorded history. In North America, the period prior documented European contact with Native Big Americans. Lands administered by local, state, and/or Federal give agencies. A bird of prey. A plant or animal restricted in distribution. May be locally abundant in a limited area or few in number zelim over a wide area. may Preliminary examination or survey of a territory. A large tract of land generally recognized as having similar character types and physiographic types. C-8 Jos erft vd batbelts pried to stata evilsio Rehabilitation Residual impact sonsulin ism A short-term management alternative that returns existing negative impacts to a desired quality. oo esbivong farts adunde so ea sew or ment pnols to asonable asph anot Reversion irit ni beau need ear blow tert fosqm vns Top gaysa blow ter 10 spriado asevelt 10 600 ed of bene ets Right-of-way sonucean letrenc new stag de ess emon ni u inpla beroba Riparianovip s lo sonetive pniwaria la bruchglasd art tart noue nashodi or Route hotel gibnohevod baeues To? dnemglupe wat ball Runoff R-wave inhibited Scenic-quality class offosga sot betsenileb to staublibet ross elle Scenic-quality rating unit tw madaye nollmans ph Seismicity Seldom-seen area Selective mitigation boshomo eriogone nom The adverse impact of an action occurring after application of all mitigating measures. The process by which R-wave inhibited pacemakers, when stimulated by interference, emit pulses independent of whether the heart is beating normally. Strip of land over which the power line, access road, and maintenance road will pass. Situated on or pertaining to the bank of a river, stream, or other body of water. Riparian is normally used to refer to the plants of all types that grow along streams or around springs. In this environmental document, a series of contiguous links forming a path between Charlie Creek and Belfield. The discharge of water through surface streams. A type of pacemaker designed to emit pulses only when the heart misses a beat. The designation (A, B or C) assigned a scenic quality rating unit to indicate the visual importance or quality of a unit relative to other units within the same physiographic province. A portion of the landscape that displays primarily homogeneous visual characteristics of the basic landscape features (landform, water, vegetation and structures and modifications) which separate it from the surrounding landscape. The likelihood of an area being subject to earthquakes. The phenomenon of earth movements. Areas that are either beyond the furthest extent of the background zone (of the area or travel routes) or that are seen from areas or travel routes of low use volume. Mitigation measures or techniques to which the agency made commitment on a case-by-case basis after impacts were identified and assessed. C-9 Sensitivity Xsmetis Inamepanem miet of external influence. The relative state of being affected by the actions maup bonlesbs of atosqmsvdsgan pa Shelterbelt noitos ne to 10sqre puttspitim tie to nolls Significant (impact) 289005 ewog er d Site Skylined rwyd hed art of ginished to no be selsw to vbodarilo 10 moob isnemotivne Soil collapse ses primo exit aucu Species riquor salow to oc evils in Study area Subsidence (soil) Substation Sulfur dioxide abhal potonal) seule solibom bris Joy anos bado Syncline System or espinosi no esuess bssesses bra bailiinabi How alosqm hels Stands of trees or shrubs that provides cover or protection, as from the weather. Usually occur near rural residences or along field edges. "Significant" has been used in this document to describe any impact that would cause a substantial adverse change or stress to one or more environmental resources. In general, all potential high impacts were considered to be "significant;" but in some cases potential moderate impacts were considered significant. Any locale showing evidence of a given resource. Located on the horizon such that the background for viewing is open sky. Soil collapse is caused by overloading loamy or silty soils with heavy equipment. Soil particles are compressed, thus reducing the air-water filled pore space and permitting reduction of soil volume. A group of individuals of common ancestry that closely resemble each other structurally and physiologically and in nature interbreed to produce fertile offspring. A given geographical area delineated for specific research. The sinking of the earth's surface because of the withdrawal of water or mineral resources. A facility in an electrical transmission system with the capability to route and control electrical power, and to transform power to a higher or lower voltage. A heavy, suffocating, colorless, water-soluble gas (SO2), obtained from burning sulfur. A common product of hydrocarbon and coal combustion. A fold, in rock, that is concave upward. A subdivision of the overall routing network representing localized routing options. Each system is comprised of two or more routes sharing common endpoints. C-10 Teratology The study of development abnormalities in the 8MYMORDA OMA 2 fetus and of the causes of such occurrences. Threatened species Topography Any species likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant part of its range. Inemuo grittemaA Bolotnian leats notoubnoo munimulA Tributaries OH to Bonus The relief and contour of the land. Streams or rivers that contribute their flows to larger streams, rivers, or other bodies of water. Use volume quoille neloni nasham The total volume of visitor use each segment of a travel route or use area receives. Utility corridor Viewshedemagens brs to A common route used by more than one utility for eelon eldibu transportation. MA Landscape visible from a viewpoint. Could be open to the horizon or limited by topography, vino wooltools nie vegetation, structures, etc. Visual-sensitivity levels do brisanasto The index of the relative degree of user interest in scenic quality and concern for existing or MWH notaalmogen almost proposed changes in the landscape features of a given area in relation to other areas in the study Vilauo latrisinonimno on area. Visual Quality Objectives east of NESC A desired level of excellence based on physical and sociological characteristics of an area. Refers betriplew "A" aludice to degree of acceptable alteration of the characteristic landscape Those areas that are inundated by surface or Menua bent groundwater with a frequency sufficient to support vegetative or aquatic life that requires saturated or govorom vorom ano voda aled Wetlands is gion to ta themetste sont latnemoniluns seasonally saturated soil conditions for growth and reproduction. σεβίκων πρωτ hogen Josqm Intemnotv ponerehami dengemonte VanenA nobeton Isnemnostr am3 oveW buat VHB Wawe C-11 But alanlamanda memgolaveb to you nue to agar ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS one amooed of vanil A to e suolgut un Amperes ac ACSR ACHPX Jon AIRFA foes au solaiv to ormulov 20908) Bens sau o alu AM nom yd boau nu AN BLM Alternating current Aluminum conductor steel reinforced Advisory Council of Historic Preservation American Indian Religious Freedom Act Amplitude modulation Audible noise Bureau of Land Management bertawal BEPC pike CB sengel vitales arts to CEC nsegnars beeor CEQ Basin Electric Power Cooperative Citizens and Mobile Bands de California Energy Commission Council on Environmental Quality cfs Cubic feet per second SUO IquelV dBA Decibels, "A" weighted dBuV/m Decibels above one microvolt per meter dc vanauperis daw telev Direct current DEIS Draft environmental impact statement mottaubong DOE EHV EIR EMI EPA Department of Energy Extra high voltage Environmental impact report Electromagnetic interference Environmental Protection Agency FM GWEN Frequency Modulation Dom Ground Wave Emergency Network C-10 C-12 Faring tr-o HPOF Bonenehatni nolelve APPENDIX DE High-Pressure Oil-Filled CTS HV stem oldua migo flushoA to Inomhaqs estate ba IA/MPP 019 Istremorin3 ads kcmil noitsmeber to users asta12 Both current and vollar The currerak of a magnetic High Voltage INT Impact assessment and mitigation planning process rist ARB A9380 Thousands of a circle 1 mil (0.001 inch) in diameter Key observation points volts Kilovolt Tran KOPS KV kV/m KW kWh alectic MA MEC MW referred to MWH NEPA NESC NPS for Induced curts facts due to the maonado Kilovolt per meter Kilowatt Kilowatt-hour Milliamperes McKenzie Electric Cooperative Megawatt Megawatt-hour National Environmental Policy Act National Electric Safety Code National Park Service NRHP ppb RI ROW SCOF SCS SHPO SQRU TRNP National Register of Historic Places Parts per Billion Radio interference Right-of-way Self-Contained Oil-Filled Soil Conservation Service State Historic Preservation Officer Scenic Quality Rating Units Theodore Roosevelt National Park Corona on C-13 TVI ug/m Television interference bel-10 eu USDA notispita breinameas USEPA Microgram/cubic meter MS ROSH VH United States Department of Agriculture 99M AI United States Environmental Protection Agency 100.0) lim reisio s to USBR United States Bureau of Reclamation limax FS Forest Service ainlog nolievisedo v USFWS United States Fish & Wildlife Service USGS V v/m VRM WPEC stem aq tovor Volts Wi Volts per meter AWA Visual Resource Management Am West Plains Electric Cooperative OBM NewsgaM WM tow HWM ASOM OPEN United States Geological Survey SHAM Energy Vow-to-trigla WOR 9008 elinae noise R08 208 ency OSHа Unca Emergency NetworЯHAT C-14 TAB LIGNHE D-J APPENDIX D-ELECTRICAL EFFECTS A. Line Characteristics Both current and voltage are required to transmit electrical energy over a transmission line. The current is a flow of electric charge measured in amperes or amps (A) and is the source of a magnetic field. The voltage, which represents the potential for an electrical charge to do work, is expressed in units of volts (V) or kilovolts (kV) and is the source of an electric field. The proposed Charlie Creek to Belfield Transmission Line is a 345-kV line which may operate at voltages between 228-kV and 262-kV. At maximum capacity approximately 1990 A will flow in each of the three phases. However, the projected loading of the proposed line would be significantly less than maximum capacity. Because the current and voltage are varying at 60 hertz (Hz), or cycles per second, the magnetic and electric fields are also varying at 60 Hz. The fields extend out from the conductors and decrease as distance from the transmission line increases. The electric fields at two locations are important for the electrical effects associated with a transmission line. First, the electric field at the surface of the conductors is responsible for corona occurring at that location. Corona is the electrical breakdown of the air into charged particles which results in audible noise (AN), electromagnetic interference, and other effects commonly referred to as "corona effects." Second, the electric field at ground level is responsible for induced currents and voltages, and related effects. These phenomena, along with effects due to the magnetic field at ground level, are commonly referred to as "field effects." Analysis of the electrical effects of the proposed Charlie Creek-Belfield transmission line was conducted for the configuration shown on Figure D-1. A voltage of 345-kV was selected as a nominal operating condition. The minimum conductor clearance used for analyzing effects was 30 feet, corresponding to a conductor temperature of 176 °F (80 °C). The conditions required for this minimum clearance to occur would be rare. Table D-1 shows the combined effects of audible noise, radio and television interference, ozone levels, magnetic, and electrical fields. bato go o 1. Corona Effects The electric field from the energized conductors of a high voltage transmission line can cause corona to occur on the conductors, insulators and hardware of the line. Corona represents a conversion of electrical energy into AN, electromagnetic interference, visible light and heat. Chemical reactions take place between the ionized gas molecules near the conductors and photochemical oxidants such as ozone and oxides of nitrogen are produced. The electric field at the surface of a conductor is the most important factor in determining whether or not corona will occur. Electric-field strength is dependent on the voltage and the size of the conductor. The smaller the radius of curvature of an object, the higher will be the electric field at the surface of the object for a given voltage. Corona on D-1 STORE JADIATOREXIA ЧА of Agriculture FIGURE D-1 poliehetosisno Edge of Right-of-Way savo viene leahtbels Oanail of betype zeno artovolol to K bs noinw.spatlov ant blan atlov lo atinu nt beweere of een elherto basogovo 6SS neswied appr zapplic ni woll Illw w A 00 ass! yline pole ed bluowaniezdo sar snil nomens blei Visas bns 38a60 mumb S (SH) sharl 08 ts ebla) edT sH 03 enil nolealmen 08 abette T 100 62 поло 100 potibels (MA) eaton el ebbette snoo 2008tlov bris al bloit olengam ert oeu 3 2 polazimendola-deen effisno boogong ent to lapelis leohtoelnerito alavien 1-0 en norworta noltugiinco erot ratoubro 2- 19 ab muminkin sirt hot blu 30 prisviens 101 Horizontal Conductor Configuration (Typical) Proposed Charlie Creek to Belfield 345 kV Transmission Line to to epatiov O T008° at to ende noo art selon eldibus abbons be ebelt leohtools ba Distance at 176° F Conductor Temperature Belo sol 80% 97510W erit awis - elds agem alvel snoso e ini smal 3101 alost nso en nolecimang epsilov ripiri a to enojubno mene erti hot bleft ohdosie oriT snoo anil art to sewbied bas otsus alfaly sonstphatni obtenperatosis MA MA on 000 of sno100 90000 nlerevnoo в а поведет ad seen eelusaiom sag besinol eri neewed cosiq exist enolioset is mero ser bra tripil ess repostin to sebixo bns enoso as dua simsblo leolmerlodoriq bns anotoubnoo ni holos inshoqmi taom erti al soloubnoo is to sortua erit te blait ohibele erft beoubong arit no inebneqsb el riigrete bisit-ohtos uoco liw snonoo ton to herfierw gninimmsteb erit joeldo ne to eutsid to quiben erftellama si soloubnoo erit to esle erit bris spatiov no enoto apstlov nevis not toldo art to soshua eril is bis!! ohtools art ed lliw aripid bell of 0414 D-2 alosant estoin as dous anolauntong erit lotans called cy Redio of worls bns beñhay need m (dec as a gan ub sidington: Salon fal aon!! nolasimanent ba WROD 88 ab enis 20 188 S eur TABLE D-1. COMBINED OUTPUT OF AUDIBLE NOISE, RADIO NOISE, TVI, OZONE CONCENTRATION,GROUND GRADIENT AND MAGNETIC FIELD blow sapori #3 eels riw and the complainant Typ to be minimal. Initigating technique bru से OZONE FOR ELECTRIC MAGNETIC RATE OF 0.05"/HR AT FIELD FIELD TVI Rain dBuV/m 0-Foot Level PPB kV/m Gauss/ 1000 Amp RADIO INTERFERENCE L50 Fair dBuV/m Proposed Action: Steel-lattice or H-frame, horizontal 46.3 21.3 57.3 40.3 20.9 0.145752 1.604 0.05368 configuration; 165' typical right-of-way (82.5' between centerline and edge of right-of-way; data based on 80') CONFIGURATION/ ROW WIDTH L50 Rain dBA L50 Fair dBA L50 Rain dBuV/m AUDIBLE NOISE Source: Western Area Power Administration, 1988 Croning D-3 gonice conductors occurs where the field has been enhanced by protrusions such as nicks, insects or water drops. During fair weather the number of these sources is small and corona is insignificant. However, during rain, fog and snow the number of these sources increases substantially because of raindrops, snowflakes, and condensation on the surface of the conductors. Therefore, corona effects are much greater during foul weather. Corona effects from transmission lines have been studied extensively for many years. The equations used here to calculate levels have been verified and shown to accurately predict the corona performance of proposed lines. The parameters of importance in the calculations are the line voltage, line configuration or geometry, number and diameter of the conductors, and the weather condition. a. Audible Noise. Corona-generated AN from transmission lines is generally characterized as a crackling, hissing noise. The noise is most noticeable during wet conductor conditions such as rain, snow, or fog. Sometimes a 120 Hz hum is also present during foul weather. During fair weather, AN from transmission lines is a very sporadic crackling sound which is barely perceptible. Transmission line AN is measured and predicted in units of decibels (A-weighted) or dBA. The A-weighted sound level scale weights the various frequency components of a noise in the same way that the human ear responds. VICE Some typical noise levels are: a library, 40 dBA; light automobile traffic at 100 feet, 50 dBA; an air conditioning unit at 20 feet, 60 dBA; and freeway traffic or a freight train at 50 feet, 70 dBA. This last level represents the point at which a contribution to hearing impairment begins (USEPA, 1972). Continuous noise levels of 44 dBA do not interfere with normal conversation at up to 25 feet separation between individuals (Scott-Walton, 1979). Outdoor noise is attenuated (i.e., reduced) when passing through buildings. A conservative estimate of the attenuation of a residence with an open window is 10-to-12 dBA. Sleep disturbance occurs for steady noises above about 35 dBA (Scott-Walton, 1979). An increase of 10 dBA is usually perceived subjectively as a "doubling" of the sound. TOE VI Transmission line noise is commonly expressed in terms of exceedance levels: for example, L50 and L5 refer to the noise levels in dBA that are exceeded 50 percent and 5 percent of the time, respectively. Separate exceedance levels are given for fair and foul weather. The L50 foul weather level corresponds closely to an average value over all rains for a long period of time, usually one year. The L5 level for foul weather is considered to correspond to a heavy rain or maximum value. The overall average noise level depends on the amount of foul weather at a particular location. Predicted L50 AN levels for the edge of the right-of-way during foul weather for the two line configurations are shown on Table D-1. The average (L50) values at the edge of the right-of-way is 46.3 dBA for the proposed action. The predicted average fair weather noise levels at the edge of the right-of-way is 21.3 dBA. These levels would most likely be below ambient noise levels. In most instances the AN from the Charlie Creek to Belfield line would be masked by naturally occurring sounds at locations beyond the edge of the right-of-way. The attenuation associated with residences would reduce the maximum levels inside a house right at the edge of the right-of-way to levels below where interference with sleep, conversation, or television viewing occurs. 83 D-4 DEL halugen! to Bosh Bosh 2010 b. Radio and Television Interference. Corona on transmission line conductors can generate electromagnetic noise at the frequencies at which radio and television signals are transmitted. This noise can cause interference with the reception of these signals and is called radio interference (or RI) and television interference (or TVI), depending on frequency. Radio reception in the AM broadcast band (535 to 1605 kHz) is most often affected with what is commonly referred to as static. FM radio reception is rarely affected. Only radio receivers very near to transmission lines have the potential to be affected by RI. An acceptable level of maximum fair weather RI at the edge of a right-of-way is 40 to 45 dBuV/m (decibels above I microvolt per meter) (EPRI, 1978). Average levels during foul weather are, as a general rule, 16 to 22 dB higher than average fair weather levels. ni bazu bm The predicted fair and foul weather RI levels for the proposed Charlie Creek-Belfield line are shown in Table D-1. The L50 fair weather level at the edge of the right-of-way is 40.3 dBuV/m for the proposed configuration. During foul weather the L50 level is 57.3 dBuV/m. Both levels are within acceptable guidelines. Another and more prevalent source of RI and TVI from electrical systems is spark gaps on distribution and low voltage transmission lines. If for some reason, such as mechanical failure, vibration or corrosion, a connection between two parts that is usually conducting becomes nonconducting, then a voltage can develop across the gap between the two components. If the voltage is large enough then a spark occurs which generates RI, TVI and sometimes AN. This type of interference is primarily a fair weather phenomenon. Water tends to short out the gaps during foul weather. Obviously spark gaps will occur more often on old lines where loose and damaged hardware, and dirty insulators are undoubtedly present to a large extent. New lines are designed with corona- and gap-free shahardware. To If RI generated by the proposed transmission line proves annoying in a given situation, mitigating techniques exist and will be applied on a one-to-one basis between Western and the complainant. Typical mitigation measures that will be applied include cleaning insulators, tightening line hardware, and inspecting conductor surface for irregularities. eanil nole ylened ed Corona-generated interference can affect the reception of the video (picture) portion of a TV signal. When it occurs, TVI due to corona appears as three bands of "snow" on the television screen. TVI at the edge of the right-of-way due to corona occurs during foul weather and is generally of concern for transmission lines with voltages of 345-kV or auabove. The anticipated level of corona-generated TVI from the Charlie Creek-Belfield line is 20.9 dBuV/m. These are lower levels than those occurring on many previously built 500-kV grandlines where TVI has not been a serious problem (Loftness, 1981). As with RI, gap sources on distribution and low voltage transmission lines are the as dourprincipal source of TVI. The proposed line would be designed to minimize such sources of TVI. Other forms of television interference from transmission lines are signal reflection (ghosting) and signal blocking caused by the relative locations of the transmission structure oute and receiving antenna with respect to the incoming television signal. In summary, the impact on television reception from the proposed line is expected to be minimal. In those instances where television reception is degraded by the line, ono le mitigating techniques exist and would be applied on a one-to-one basis between Western and the complainant. Typical mitigation measures that would be applied include: Cleaning D-5 insulators, tightening line hardware, inspecting conductor surface for irregularities, 060 relocating complainants' antennae, installing high-gain or directional antennae, connecting to a cable system or installing a translator station. c. Other Interference. Corona-generated interference can conceivably cause disruption on other communication bands such as the citizens' (CB) and mobile bands. However, complaints of interference from transmission lines to CB radio are rare. A more likely cause of interference to CB is sparking on a transmission or distribution line. Mobile radio communications are not susceptible to transmission line interference because they are generally frequency modulated (FM). In the unlikely event interference occurs with these or other communications, mitigation can be achieved with the same techniques utilized for TV and AM radio interference. A recent study of interference to electronic monitoring equipment used in agriculture indicated that a limited number of problems had arisen in the past (Gustafson, 1979). The exact cause of the interference was not completely identified but seemed to be related to abnormal operating conditions of the lines in question; e.g., dirty or leaky insulators which would be a strong source of RI. In the few instances of this type of Whage interference, no damage to the monitoring devices was reported and they operated normally when away from the line. Given the increasing sophistication of manufacturers Wise and the necessity to shield from other sources such as communications, ignitions, and solenoid generating noise, the noise immunity of agricultural monitoring systems to electromagnetic interference is being increased as new models are developed. In the unlikely event that problems arise from the transmission line, mitigation can be accomplished by proper shielding. d. Visible Light. Corona is visible as a bluish glow or as bluish plumes. On the proposed line, corona on the conductors would be observable only under the darkest and/or rainiest conditions, when the corona is most intense, and probably would be visible only with the aid of binoculars. Without a period of adaptation for the eyes, and without intentionally looking for the corona, it would probably not be noticeable. e. Photochemical Oxidants. When corona is present, the air surrounding the conductors is ionized and many chemical reactions take place producing small amounts of ozone and other oxidants. Measurements in the laboratory and near transmission lines have shown that the amount of oxidants produced by operating transmission lines is barely measurable and of no environmental consequence. f. Ozone. Ozone is a colorless, unstable gas with a pungent odor. It can be measured in micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m³) or parts per billion (ppb). Natural 006 sources of ozone at ground level are: diffusion from the stratosphere where ozone is formed by sunlight, and production by electrical processes such as lightning. Photochemical oxidants that are formed by the action of sunlight on hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides are another principal source of ambient ozone. The precursors for this source are usually associated with man's activities where combustion is involved, such as transportation and industrial processes. Ozone is also the principal naturally occurring oxidant and the principal constituent (90 percent) of the photochemical oxidant mixtures associated with air pollution. The national primary ambient air quality standard for photochemical oxidants, of which ozone is the principal component, is 235 ug/mA3 or 120 ppb. This is a maximal one D-6 LIGABE D-S 09 DIBLYиCE EBOW CENIENTIME IN BEEL 20 OF 08 10 OS OT 80 oe 100 WYCHELIC LIETD2 (evnza) hour concentration not to be exceeded more than once per year. In rural areas, concentrations are usually in the range of 10-30 ppb, with higher levels present during the summer. The maximum incremental ozone levels at ground level calculated for either the proposed or alternative conductor configurations of the proposed line would be less than approximately 0.3 ppb for a 1.0 mph perpendicular wind and a 0.05 inch/hr rain. Because the resolution of ozone instrumentation is approximately 1.0 ppb, it is very unlikely that corona-generated ozone from the proposed line could be measured. Furthermore, the incremental levels of ozone predicted for this line are insignificant when compared to natural levels, fluctuations in natural levels and air quality criteria. g. Nitrogen Oxides. Nitrogen oxides are produced by corona discharges from high voltage transmission lines. However, studies conducted to determine the amount of nitrogen oxides produced show the amount produced is normally one-tenth the quantity of ozone produced. The maximum ground level concentration of nitrogen oxides produced by the proposed transmission line is expected to be negligible. 2. Field Effects 2 EC a. Electric Field. The electric field created by a high voltage transmission line extends from the energized conductors to other conducting objects such as the ground, towers, vegetation, buildings, vehicles and persons. The electric field or voltage gradient is expressed in units of volts/meter (V/m) or kilovolts/meter (kV/m). The unperturbed electric field at a height of 3.3 feet is used to describe the field under transmission lines. This quantity is easily measured and can be used to characterize the level of effects associated with the fields. The most important parameters for determining the ground level electric field of a transmission line are conductor height above ground and line voltage. Because of practical considerations, measured values of electric field can, and do, deviate from calculated values. It is therefore common practice to calculate the electric fields for a line under a specific extreme condition. The National Electric Safety Code (NESC, 1977) states the condition for evaluating electric-field-induced short circuit currents as conductors at a final unloaded sag at 120 °F. The operating voltage is 345-kV. The computed electric-field profiles at 3.3 feet above ground for the proposed conductor configurations is shown in Figure D-2. The maximum field at the minimum 30-foot clearance is 6.4 kV/m. As shown in Table D-1, the edge-of-right-of-way fields are 1.604 kV/m. As a means of comparison, typical 500-kV lines have maximum electric fields of 8 to 9 KV/m, and edge-of-right-of-way values of 2.5 to 3.5 kV/m (Lee, 1978). The NESC in effect limits the maximum electric field under transmission lines with voltages greater than 242-kV and requires that conductor clearance at a conductor temperature of 120 °F be sufficient to keep the induced short-circuit current to the largest anticipated vehicle to less than 5 milliampere (mA). Because the induced current depends on the electric field, this criterion established the maximum field that can occur for a known vehicle. This particular constraint is applicable at voltages of 345-kV and above. EFECUBIC STEPD MOD-7 BEB WELEH D-8 7 سبيا 6 ELECTRIC FIELD IN KILOVOLTS PER METER 2 3 5 O ohatha ein biali ohtools abinav beisq 이 ​100 MAGNETIC FIELD ELECTRIC & MAGNETIC FIELDS AT 3.3 FOOT HEIGHT 0.7 0.6 ELECTRIC FIELD 0.5 EDGE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY 0. 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 3 100 DISTANCE FROM CENTERLINE IN FEET FIGURE D-2 0.3 0.2 MAGNETIC FIELDS (GAUSS) 0.1 STOBL80 2UDINAV RO3 2TVB UBAT (1) Induced Currents. When a conducting object, such as a vehicle or person, is placed in an electric field, currents and voltages are induced in the object. The magnitude of the induced current depends on the electric-field strength and the size and shape of the object. If the object is grounded, then the induced current flows to earth and is called the short-circuit current of the object. In this case, the voltage on the object is effectively zero. If the object is insulated (not grounded), then it assumes some voltage relative to ground. These induced currents and voltages represent a potential source of nuisance shocks near a high voltage transmission line. Some representative short-circuit currents in unperturbed fields of 1.0 kV/m and 5.1 kV/m are given in Table D-2. The largest permitted truck in North Dakota is 65 x 8.5 x 13.5 feet. The largest anticipated vehicle under the Charlie Creek to Belfield line is 65 x 13.5 feet with a short-circuit current of approximately 0.93 mA/kV/m. Large pieces of farm equipment, such as hay wagons and combines, would also have large short-circuit currents but would not exceed this level. Therefore, with the conductor at 120 °F, 34-foot clearance, the short-circuit current to the largest anticipated vehicle is 4.74 mA, which is less than the NESC criterion of 5 mA. The possibility of the total short circuit current being available for a shock is further diminished by less than ideal conditions such as conducting tires, vegetation touching the vehicle, moisture, etc. However, the values in Table D-2 do allow an upper bound to be placed on available currents. If a person provides the only conducting path from the object to ground, then the currents listed in Table D-2 flow through the person. (2) Steady-State Current Shocks. Steady-state currents are those that flow continuously after a person contacts an object and provides a path to ground for the induced current. The response of persons to such currents has been extensively studied and levels of response documented (Keesey, 1969; IEEE, 1978). Primary shocks are those that can result in direct physiological harm. The lowest category of primary shocks is "let go" which represents the steady-state current that cannot be released voluntarily. The "let go" threshold was established for adult males at 9.0 mA and 6.0 mA for adult females. These thresholds were established for adult men weighing 180 pounds and adult women weighing 120 pounds. Let-go thresholds for adults have been established from actual experimentation. Thresholds for children, however, have been derived from the data for adults, since no actual measurements were taken from children. The derivation of a threshold for children was based on body weight, and is generally accepted as 5.0 mA (the value adopted by the NESC). No information is readily available on the body weight of the children for whom the 5.0 mA threshold was adopted. Despite the more widespread adoption of the 5.0 mA threshold, some within the profession advocate the adoption of a 4.5 mA threshold. Primary shocks will not be possible from the induced currents under the proposed Charlie Creek to Belfield line because of the line's relatively low field strengths and the grounding practices of Western. The maximum induced current criterion for vehicles is 5 mA. Potential steady-state current shocks from vehicles under the proposed Charlie Creek to Belfield line would be at or below the secondary shock level, where secondary shocks are defined as those that could cause an involuntary and potentially harmful movement but cause no direct physiological harm. D-9 TABLE D-2. SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENTS FOR VARIOUS OBJECTS IN MILLIAMPERES (MA) Field bellsa Object 1 kV/m 5.1 kV/m Person (5'8" tall) 0.016 0.08 Cow 0.024 0.12 Sedan 0.11 0.56 Camper truck (28' long) 0.28 1.43 Large trailer-truck (65 x 8.5 x 13.5)¹ 0.93 4.74 Large haystacker and 4WD tractor²2 0.89 4.54 3-strand fence (200' long) 0.30 1.53 ¹Largest anticipated vehicle (Reilly 1979). nuod 2Estimated from vehicle described by Hancock (1980) with increment of 0.07 mA/(kV/m) for 4-wheel drive versus 2-wheel drive tractor. Source: Western Area Power Administration, 1988 lastoRA 2. of Hem elhar bes Aum 0.8 jaw Hubs of nsiblido vd betqobs to no gobs baengaeble Am de a lo noligobs arti aignende blat wol yleviteley a'entli Bespin bapubai mumbem sd7 day meant albore meno state vboats 10 te ed bloow anil blallia 2 srit sacrit as baneb sha axborle on sauso hid themeve every D-10 1 02 BQ FIGURE D sil diguovi al encued of are ed so touboo Several factors tend to reduce the opportunity for secondary shocks to ali norw occur. If activities are distributed over the whole right-of-way, then only a small percentage of time will be spent in areas where the field is at or close to the maximum value. If road crossings are kept near the towers, then vehicular traffic in amos abiv high-field-strength areas will be restricted to farm machinery on soil or vegetation briel zenit which tends to reduce shock currents substantially. brs lice en Because of these mitigating factors it is very likely that most steady-state current shocks will be below the 1.1 mA perception level for 50 percent of men and, in fact, less than the 0.5 mA standard for maximum leakage current from portable abbotts boo appliances. Thus steady-state current shocks are not anticipated to occur very often, and when they do they will represent a nuisance rather than a hazard. Gebis Yhalim buong pribliud no Violsa vd bris aaloire (3) Spark Discharge Shocks. Induced voltages appear on objects such as vehicles when there is an inadequate ground. If the voltage is sufficiently high, then a spark discharge shock will occur as contact is made with the object. Such shocks are similar to "carpet" shocks, which occur when touching a door knob after walking across a carpet on a dry day. Spark discharge shocks could occur under the Charlie Creek to Belfield line. However, the magnitude of the electric field would be low enough so that this type of shock would rarely occur and then only in a small area under the line near midspan. Carrying or handling conducting objects under the line can also result in evods fost spark discharges that are a nuisance. Irrigation pipe should be carried as low to the 2205 Cground as possible and preferably unloaded at a distance from the transmission line to eliminate spark discharge nuisance shocks. The primary hazard with irrigation pipe, however, is direct contact with the conductors. epbe erit is mumixem s 1890 to level (4) Field Perception. When the electric field under a transmission line is sufficiently great, it can be perceived by hair erection on an upraised hand with the al des erit sensation of a slight breeze blowing over the hand or arm. It is very unlikely that the electric field under the Charlie Creek to Belfield line would be perceivable directly when standing on the ground. When working on top of equipment there is probably enough extraneous skin stimulation during normal activities to preclude perception of the field at all. gens mot etosido pak basaucaib al gool poitoul 292olo nost belimi ang expo (5) Grounding and Shielding. The grounding policies of Western eliminate the possibility of nuisance shocks due to induced currents from stationary objects such as fences and buildings. Since the electric field extends beyond the right-of- way, grounding requirements extend beyond the right-of-way for very large objects or extremely long fences. Electric fences require a special grounding technique because they can only operate if they are insulated. Application of the grounding policy during and after construction will effectively mitigate the potential for shocks from stationary objects near the proposed line. Mobile objects such as vehicles and farm machinery cannot be grounded permanently like a fence or building. Limits to coupled currents to persons from such objects are accomplished in three ways. First the NESC requires that the conductor clearance for lines with voltage exceeding 242-KV be such as to keep the induced short circuit current to the largest anticipated vehicle under the line less than 5 mA. D-11 nok adog Who A second method of reducing potential currents to persons is through the intentional use of grounds. For example, a chain or other conductor can be dragged by a vehicle; a ground strap can be attached to the vehicle when it is stopped. Third, the very nature of large vehicles and their use tend to provide some grounding and reduce the electrical resistance of the vehicle to ground. Tires tend to be conductive, farm machinery is usually in direct contact with the soil, and conducting vegetation is in contact with equipment. Because of these factors, the realization of a well insulated (worst-case) vehicle is a remote possibility. Electric-field reduction and the accompanying reduction in induced effects such as shocks is also accomplished by conductive shielding. Persons inside a conducting-vehicle cab or canopy will be shielded from the electric field. Similarly, a row of trees or a lower voltage distribution line will reduce the field on the ground in their vicinity. Metal pipes, wiring, and other conductors in a residence or building will shield the interior from the electric field due to the transmission line. Thus, impacts of electric-field coupling can be mitigated through grounding vo policies and adherence to the NESC. Worst-case levels are used for safety analysis, but, in practice, currents and voltages are reduced considerably by inadvertent grounding. Shielding by conducting objects, such as vehicles and vegetation, also reduces the potential for electric-field effects. b. Magnetic Field. The maximum calculated 60 Hz magnetic field at 3.3 feet above ground for the proposed Charlie Creek to Belfield 345-kV transmission line is 0.43 gauss. This field would occur under conditions of maximum current (1990 A) and a conductor height of 30 feet. For these conditions, the maximum calculated magnetic field at the edge of the right-of-way is 0.11 gauss. The maximum level is comparable with the maximum magnetic fields of other transmission lines and with levels of magnetic field measured near some common household appliances (Lee, et al., 1985; Gauger, 1985). The actual level of magnetic field will vary as the current on the line varies. The dc magnetic field of the earth is 0.6 gauss. There are two possible impacts associated with the magnetic fields from an ac transmission line: magnetically induced voltages and currents in long conducting objects and possible biological effects due to long-term exposure. The latter possibility is discussed in the section on long term exposure to transmission line fields. diseog (1) Magnetically Induced Currents and Voltages. Alternating magnetic fields induce voltages at the open ends of conducting loops. The conducting loop can be formed by a fence, an irrigation pipe, a pipeline, an electrical distribution line soort voor a telephone line. The earth to which one end of the conductor is grounded forms the other portion of the loop. The possibility for a shock exists if a person closes the loop at the open end by contacting both the ground and the conductor. bab em Shocks due to magnetically induced currents and voltages are of the same type as those due to electric field induced currents and voltages. In the case of magnetic induction, the voltages are generally quite low and the currents are limited by the resistance in the current path. Am & nar D-12 risant to souce aldiesogs 28 neblased oss Normally, the resistance of shoes will limit the current to levels below the onol to nolla threshold for perception. However, a low resistance contact (standing barefoot on Over yhes damp earth) with a long insulated fence parallel to a heavily loaded transmission line can result in steady state currents above threshold and even above let-go. This latter possibility is very unlikely because of the long length of ungrounded fence required. Mitigation measures, such as grounding and breaking electrical continuity, that are implemented for electric field induction will also mitigate magnetic field induction effects. 818w VX-008 n bus obidil to shtools of bat everi ener erer noe leivo2 erft bebulonco bris behogen bris viiblisy erf ni betlo 080 Magnetically induced currents from powerlines have been investigated for many years (IEEE, 1974; Jaffa and Stewart, 1981; Jaffa, 1981; Taflove and Dabkowski, 1979; Olsen and Jaffa, 1984). Calculation methods and mitigating measures are available. A recent comprehensive study of gas pipelines near transmission lines developed prediction methods and mitigation techniques specifically for induced voltages on pipelines (Taflove and Dabkowski, 1979; set brs bene Dabkowski and Taflove, 1979). Similar techniques and procedures are available for irrigation pipes and fences. feart need as edi brs need ever ert to aw oftengem bre content Geo vioslvbA matheW ent new (увет Dillinslos edit th to fluees adv tu eused the so enutensilie of aldia200 eblaft of no at anoleu 6e able rttiw betalbot al airft ear exposur Induction effects in adjacent facilities such as pipelines and communications systems have been well studied and mitigation is usually handled cooperatively with the affected parties on a case-by-case basis (Elek and Rokas, 1977; Taflove et al., 1979). The magnitude of magnetic-field induced currents for both pipes and fences is very dependent on the electrical unbalance (unequal currents) of the three phases of the line. Thus, a distribution line where a phase outage can go unnoticed for long lengths of time can represent a large source than a transmission line where the loads are well balanced (Jaffa, 1981). Results from an investigation of electric-shock due to magnetically coupled currents to fences during electrical-fault conditions concluded that a hazardous situation would be extremely unlikely to occur (Mohan et al., 1980). Although a 400- kV dc line in Minnesota was considered, the results apply to an ac line as well, because they were considering fault conditions. Furthermore, standard grounding practices for lightning protection on fences (150-foot intervals) are effective in reducing the energy available for shock well below that considered to be dangerous. Knowledge of the phenomenon, grounding practices and the availability of mitigation measures mean that magnetic induction effects from the Charlie Creek to Belfield line can be minimized. It is therefore unlikely that magnetically induced voltages and currents would have an adverse impact. on 3. Long-Term Exposure to Transmission Line Fields blow Jud oferte The question of whether long-term direct exposure to the electric and magnetic fields from transmission lines causes biological or health effects in humans is a controversial subject which as been raised primarily in transmission line certification and condemnation rtoiriw hearings. However, in no case has a specific deleterious effect been identified from exposure to transmission line fields. Initially, concern centered on electric fields; however, D-13 in recent years magnetic fields have also been identified as a possible source of health effects. a. Electric Fields. Much of the concern and activity related to the question of long- ain term exposure effects was stimulated by reports from the Soviet Union in the early 1970s. sonel These reports indicated that workers in substations with voltages greater than 500-kV were abhts suffering from such debilitating effects as headaches, tiredness, nausea, loss of libido, and Begin other functional disorders (Knickerbocker, 1985). These effects were attributed to electric fields (greater than 5 kV/m). Subsequent studies in the United States and elsewhere have failed to substantiate the Soviet findings of gross effects (as discussed by Michaelson, 1979, hot be Mehn, 1979, Male and Norris, 1981, Lee, et al., 1985). Bridges (1978) evaluated the Soviet studies in terms of other environmental factors present in the substations and concluded pritap that the electric field could not be solely identified as the causal agent of the reported effects. More recently, Soviet papers have expressed reservations about the validity and esupin extent of earlier reports of adverse effects (Savin et al., 1978 and Bourgsdorf, 1980: cited in ere Male and Norris, 1981). Although the original impetus for concern has now been tempered and the possibility of dramatic effects essentially eliminated, the question of possible subtle health effects related to electric-field exposure remains. Over the past decade, research addressing the existence and implications of possible effects of electric fields has been conducted with humans, animals, and cells and tissues. The results of this research and the question of possible health effects due to 60-Hz electric (and magnetic) fields have been analyzed and reviewed by numerous authors and scientific panels. Recent reviews of the literature and research related to possible health effects of 60-Hz electric and magnetic fields have been prepared by: World Health Organization (WHO, 1984); American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS, 1985); Florida Electric and Magnetic Fields Science Advisory Commission (FEMFSAC, 1985); Bonneville Power Administration (Lee et al., 1985); Western Energy Supply and Transmission Associates (WEST, 1986); New York State Power Line Project (NYSLPLP) (Ahlbom et al., 1986), and Ontario Ministry of Health (Ontario, 1987). These reviews were prepared by groups of scientists familiar with the scientific literature on electric field effects. Each group evaluated, wholly or in part, the result of epidemiologic studies, human laboratory studies, animal studies, and cell and tissue studies. Although the reviews addressed the electric and magnetic field bioeffects literature with varying degrees of thoroughness and with different emphases, it is still possible to non extract common conclusions regarding possible health effects associated with electric fields oors from transmission lines. These conclusions can be interpreted as the present consensus on long-term effects of electric fields from transmission lines. (In general, the conclusions apply also to magnetic fields. However, because of the present interest, magnetic fields are to valid addressed in detail in the following section.) of Has basub Conclusion 1: oflongam bne p Istenavoninco noitanmabo mont belliinat There is no apparent hazard to human health associated with exposure to the electric fields found under transmission lines. This is especially true for fields less than 10 kV/m. The World Health Organization (1984), concluded that there is no reason to limit access to areas where fields are below 10 kV/m but that in consideration of chronic exposure it is prudent to avoid unnecessary exposure in electric fields of 1 to 10 kV/m. This cautionary note was not based on specific biological evidence but rather on a prudent interpretation of the literature which nesd poveworkablelt ohtools no no botas erill of susce D-14 ybod erit ni alovel aboneo Tomenius et recommended limiting exposures "to levels as low as can be door of residences reasonably achieved." measured fields of The NYSPLP Report (Ahlbom et al., 1987) identified a particular reported for dwelling concern for the possible association of residential magnetic fields and nolzemenin svarende certain childhood cancers, as discussed in the next section. They seg mont seort nari also identified a variety of behavioral and nervous system effects that were worthy of additional study. These "effects" may not constitute a major hazard because most appear to be reversible, "but they may impact temporarily on human function." endl nols tud yns Tot noitais riw bat ablell offe 001 to The most (19878 Conclusion 2: on ef exer pipolo beth ni ell63 ber ed adf boo bns ne Conclusion 3: Conclusion 4: The conclusion reached by the Ontario Ministry of Health (Ontario, 1987) was "...the diversity of the questions examined in the literature has been considerable yet the results have failed to support a causal relationship between ELF (extremely low frequency) field exposure and a variety of adverse health effects. From this it may be inferred that there is little or no evidence that there is a public health risk." There are confirmed effects in vivo and in vitro systems due to exposure to 60-Hz electric fields. These effects occur at the cellular, physiological, and behavioral levels. However, extrapolation of these effects to humans is speculative. Similarly, the degree of risk to human health associated with these effects is highly uncertain. Mechanisms of interaction, other than perception and shocks, that explain effects of electric fields have not been established. Research into possible and confirmed effects should continue to elucidate effects, establish mechanisms, and develop dose-response relationships. Research should also be directed towards quantifying human exposures. In the area of electric field effects, numerous studies have been completed with a wide range of biological parameters. Specific areas of research can now be identified. For example, one area of uncertainty regarding electric fields has been in the area of effects on reproduction and development. Previous studies with swine and rats had indicated possible increased malformations among offspring of exposed female animals (see, for example, Lee et al., 1985). In follow-on research involving larger numbers of animals (rats) and multiple exposure levels, Rommereim et al., 1987 (TDHS Report, 1987) have found no statistical differences in the number of litters with malformations in four groups: exposed to different field levels: 0 (control), 10, 65 and 100 kV/m. of bimb 08 (089 Although it is virtually impossible to demonstrate "no risk" from electric field exposures, the degree of uncertainty is continually reduced through research. b. Magnetic Fields. Initial concern for and research on possible biological effects from 60-Hz fields centered on electric fields. Magnetic fields from transmission lines did not receive the same emphasis as electric fields because, Calle Investigated Magnetic fields associated with transmission lines are at a low level compared to levels where deleterious effects have been observed and magnetically D-15 Wol induced currents are at levels below endogenous levels in the body (FEMFSAC, 1985). Field levels in the home from appliances are comparable to or greater than those from transmission lines. Induced current densities from the peak magnetic fields under transmission lines are approximately an order of magnitude less than those from peak electrical fields (FEMFSAC, 1985). Thus, the relatively low level of induced currents from 60-Hz transmission line O magnetic fields and the lack of significant amounts of magnetic material in any but sus specialized organisms make magnetic interaction with biologic material slight when compared with 60-Hz electric-field interaction. No specific mechanism of interaction for such low magnetic fields with non-magnetic biological systems has been identified. Jon bew w It should be pointed out, however, that for 60-Hz field exposures associated with residential and occupational settings, the induced currents associated with magnetic fields are comparable to or even greater than those associated with concurrent electric-field exposure. Residential electric fields are reduced by approximately 1000 from peak transmission line levels, while residential magnetic fields are approximately a factor of 100 less than transmission line fields. Again, it should be emphasized that there is no mechanism of interaction identified for magnetic fields at these levels. c. Epidemiologic Studies. In recent years there has been heightened concern about possible effects of prolonged exposure to weak magnetic fields associated with residential and occupational exposure. These concerns have been raised by epidemiologic studies that have linked cancer with magnetic fields. Certain reports have associated childhood cancers with residential magnetic field exposures. Similarly, other reports have associated increased incidence of certain types of cancer with "electrical worker" occupations, which purportedly have high magnetic fields exposures when compared with other occupations. There are also contradictory or null reports of association with cancer in studies involving both residential and occupational exposure. Recent reviews of these studies include Tenforde (1986), WEST (1986), Ahlbom et al. (1987), and Savitz and Calle (1987). The possible association of childhood leukemia with magnetic fields was first raised by Wertheimer and Leeper (1979). They observed a positive association between the electrical distribution system wiring in Denver, Colorado, and the incidence of childhood leukemia. They found that cancer cases were more likely to live near high-current configurations (HCC), than near low-current configurations (LCC). HCC's are primary and secondary wiring configurations that because of their location or wire size are assumed to carry more electric current and hence to be stronger source of magnetic fields than LCC's. The researchers concluded from their observations that an association may exist between magnetic fields from residential distribution lines and childhood cancer. The cancer risk appeared to be two to three times greater for residences near HCC's. Fulton et al., 1980 performed a similar study in Rhode Island but did not observe an association between childhood cancer and wiring configuration. However, Wertheimer and Leeper (1980) reanalyzed the data of Fulton et al. and reported a weak association between the incidence of leukemia and HCC configurations. vilag D-16 playal of he cs which ar-0 bed spoue tarii sish art to bawora tuota Tomenius et al., 1982 (Tomenius, 1986) measured magnetic field levels at the front Ar of door of residences of childhood tumor cases and matched controls in Stockholm, Sweden. elbuns The incidence of cancer was greater than expected in residences near 200-kV lines and with not a measured fields of 3 mG or greater. An approximate two-fold increase in tumor rate was reported for dwellings with visible 200-kV lines. However, the increased incidence of tumors was not apparent for residences with fields that exceeded 4 mG (Tenforde, 1986). The most recent childhood cancer study was performed in the Denver area by Savitz (1987a; 1987b). This work was part of the NYSPLP and used both the Wertheimer- Leeper wiring codes and magnetic field measurements as exposure indicators. Magnetic field measurements in residences were made in both a low power condition (MAGLO) with the major appliances and lights off and with the same sources turned on (MAGHI). The childhood cases and controls in this study were different than those in the previous Denver study (Wertheimer and Leeper, 1979). Savitz observed a slight association between cancer cases and proximity to HCC's: a risk ratio of 1.53 was observed relative to non-HCC homes; i.e. the increased risk associated with HCC's was about 50%. Because of the limited number of cases and other uncertainties, this (statistically) from no increased risk. etness (A risk ratio of 1.0 represents no increased risk.) The increased risk for measured magnetic fields (MAGLO or MAGHI) could not be discerned statistically from no increased risk. #not Wertheimer and Leeper (1982) in a second study in the Denver area found an association of the incidence of adult cancer with HCC's. A more recent study in the Seattle area employing improved exposure characterization found no association between measured magnetic fields or wiring codes and the incidence of adult leukemia (Stevens, obanger 1986). hoy siqooq tar In the Seattle study, exposure in each of 43 houses was characterized by: 24-hour art box measurement of field; spot field measurements on a different day; and, the wire coding chate classification according to the Wertheimer-Leeper code (Kaune et al., 1987). There was a areweak correlation between the 24-hour measurements and wiring code. However, the best betups prediction of 24-hour residential magnetic fields was a formula developed through post-hoc regression analysis of the data. The three characteristics within 140 feet of a home that could be used to predict magnetic fields were presence of transmission lines, number of primary phase conductors, and number of service drops. This latter factor seemed to be the most important. ble In both epidemiologic studies done for the NYSPLP, (Stevens, 1986; Savitz, 1987) a correlation between measured magnetic field and wire coding was found, giving some et eone credence to the use of wire coding as a surrogate for historical exposure to magnetic fields. alte However, the association between magnetic fields and the incidence of cancer is very tenuous. One of the investigators in the recent Denver study has speculated that there is some factor other than magnetic fields, associated with wiring code that may be linked anchise more strongly with cancer (Wachtel et al., 1987). erit no pen sin During the past several years, there have been several reports showing an association between the incidence of adult leukemia or cancer and occupations that snells purportedly involve exposure to electric and magnetic fields, the so-called "electrical worker" categories. Milham (1982) reported an elevated number of leukemia deaths (36%) for workers in ten electrical occupations in the state of Washington. Numerous surveys of other occupational populations have subsequently appeared with varying results. Savitz and Calle (1987) compiled data from eleven studies in which incidence of leukemia was investigated as a function of possible occupational exposure. These data sets included the D-17 original Milham data. Their intent was to assess the consistency of the data that suggested front scan increased risk of leukemia among electrical workers. Of the eleven studies, four showed mobaw no excess leukemia risk, five studies showed modestly elevated risk estimates of 1.2 to 1.4 thy brand one study showed a risk estimate of 1.9. The summary relative risk across all studies and all jobs was a modest 1.2 for all leukemias and a higher 20 to 50% increase in risk for num acute leukemia. However, they noted that the available data were not adequate to conclude that electric and magnetic field exposures are the source of the increased risk. T Vita In assessing the significance of their results, Savitz and Calle (1987) noted the lack of specificity of risk for leukemia: that is, other cancers also showed increased risks when pe analyzed by job title, which would imply that magnetic fields were associated with multiple law 10 types of cancer, an unlikely occurrence. Identification of exposure through related occupation was also a weakness in the studies because of variation of exposure within a specific occupation, the possible absence of exposure measurements for some of these occupations. Confounding factors such as other carcinogenic agents in the workplace, medical ionizing radiation and family cancer history were also not addressed in studies of to this type. odempre bens Recent reviews of the epidemiologic literature have not identified health hazards associated with electric and magnetic field exposure nor have they found support for a causal relationship between cancer and magnetic fields (WEST, 1986; Ahlbom et al., 1987; is bac Ontario, 1987). These findings are consistent with numerous earlier reviews, which have been summarized in Lee et al. (1985) and WEST (1986). The NYSPLP Report (Ahlbom et al., 1987), however, identified areas of potential concern for public health: in particular, the possible association of residential magnetic fields with incidence of childhood cancer was singled out. However, both the New York Sate Department of Health (Carpenter, 1987) and Savitz (1987c) have stressed that people should not be unduly alarmed by the information in the NYSPLP Report (1987) and that children are exposed to a number of other environmental factors that pose a greater risk than the as-yet unproved association between cancer and magnetic field exposures. The NYSPLP Report, as well as the other reviews, urged that additional research was required before a decision about the significance of this concern could be assessed. Six studies of human reproductive effects attributable to electric and magnetic field exposures have been reviewed by the Ontario Ministry of Health (1987). These studies included reproductive experience of the female spouses of high voltage workers ((Nordstrom et al., 1983) and possible effects associated with the use of electric blankets and heated water beds Wertheimer et al. (1984). The conclusion reached by the Ontario Ministry of Health was that "none of the studies to date presents convincing evidence to support an association between adverse reproduction outcomes and electromagnetic field exposure." In summary, the epidemiologic evidence from both residential and occupational studies for an association between electric and/or magnetic fields and cancer or the adverse effects on humans is weak and tenuous. More definitive information is required on exposure assessment and other cancer determinants. Research is underway in the United States and elsewhere to provide this information in both residential and occupational studies. anohalugog lanoits most elsh bellamos (18er) ella bris sklizzog to noitanut a es beispitesvni D-18 ollangem to oh d. Laboratory Studies. Studies of magnetic field effects in the visual system, blaitis B nervous system and various cellular and tissue systems have been reviewed by Tenforde (1986). Magnetophosphenes are luminous sensations in the eye that are caused by magnetic fields at levels above approximately 100 gauss. This phenomenon is well studied and occurs at field levels well above those found at ground level under transmission lines. balbusa In order for magnetic fields to affect isolated nerve electrical activity, the induced currents must exceed the endogenous level of 1 to 10 milliamperes per meters squared ebleit (mA/m²) (Tenforde, 1986). The 60-Hz fields generally used in the laboratory or encountered in an occupational setting are not strong enough to induce such currents. However, effects on integrated neural networks and behavior could result from an additive response mechanism. 2slob 618 ablait Reports on behavioral effects of magnetic fields are inconsistent: negative studies (showing no effect) occur at higher field levels than positive studies; negative studies were done at field levels that produced currents above 1 mA/m² in the head, a theoretical lower threshold for effects; studies showing effects have been done in fields below these threshold levels. Laboratory exposures to magnetic fields require great care to eliminate artifacts Bried such as audible noise and vibration associated with magnetic field coils (Tucker and Schmitt, 1978). Consequently, the literature on behavioral effects associated with magnetic field exposures is not easily interpreted and does not demonstrate robust repeatable effects. biove After a review of numerous (34) reports on a variety of cellular and tissue systems, Tenforde (1986) was able to identify four reported bioeffects on cellular and tissue systems that had occurred where exposures were comparable with environmental field levels (<1 G): decreased rate of respiration, altered metabolism, decreased cellular growth rate, and teratology and developmental effects. In all instances, positive experiments that showed prions these effects were also observed at higher field levels. ebnu Inel bne Jo-righ Tenforde (1986) cautioned about the acceptance of these findings because fo the lack fo a plausible mechanism in the low field region where induced currents do not od w approach endogenous levels. He also concluded that "it is difficult at present to draw firm conclusions concerning the bioeffects of these (magnetic) fields at the cellular and tissue levels..." ." This difficulty is caused by the variety of exposure regimens that have been used, by the lack of replication in independent laboratories and by inconsistencies in the literature that are similar to those already cited for behavioral studies. Other reviews of the magnetic field effects literature also support the lack of consistency among studies. Other reviews of the magnetic field effects literature also support the lack of consistency among studies (FEMFSAC, 1985; Ahlbom et al., 1987). ever egot eins Inconsistencies in the data, the lack of any confirmed effects at the field levels found in the human environment, and the lack of any identified mechanism minimize the likelihood of there being an adverse effect on animal behavior or cellular and tissue systems associated with the magnetic fields found in the human environment. e. Summary. The electric and magnetic fields from the proposed transmission line are below levels where detrimental effects have been reported for humans, animals or cellular and tissue systems. Over most of the right-of-way the electric-field will be below the perception level for humans. Anticipated use of the right-of-way is transitory. The nearest residences are over 500 feet from the line. At these locations, both electric and magnetic fields from the proposed line will be equivalent to or less than typical residential levels. Operational experience over several decades with 230-kV and higher voltage transmission os-G D-19 lines has indicated no adverse biological or health effects related to electric or magnetic field exposure. Therefore, the electric and magnetic fields of the Charlie Creek to Belfield transmission line are not anticipated to cause adverse health or biological effects. 4. Effects on Agriculture bos a. Honeybees. Effects of transmission line fields on honeybees have been studied Poextensively. Under certain conditions, honeybees are adversely affected by electric fields athens (Wallenstein, 1973); Rogers et al., 1982; Greenberg et al., 1981; Greenberg and Bindokas, pag 1980; Greenberg et al., 1984). When hives are placed in electric fields of 2 to 4 kV/m behavioral effects can occur in honeybees. Fields of 7 to 12 kV/m can result in a variety of problems, including mortality. Intensive studies of the nature of the problem and its causation have demonstrated that bees are not harmed by electric fields per se of 10, 50, or even 100 kV/m even when exposed for 800 hours. Hence, foraging and other activities are not likely to be affected. However, when honeybee hives are placed in strong electric fields, currents and voltages are induced in the hive which are dependent on field strength, hive characteristics, and moisture conditions. If the field is high enough, there is a significant voltage difference across the dimensions of a bee's body. This "step potential" results in a shock to the bee when it takes a step. These shocks, and not the electric field per se, are a source of irritation for bees and can cause physiological damage, including death (Greenberg et al., 1984). Not surprisingly, honey production falls off and other activities amets become erratic. Fortunately, there are two simple solutions to the problem. One is to avoid keeping bees in high field regions on transmission line rights-of-way, and the other is to place grounded metal cages or screens over the hives. The fact that no behavioral effects have been seen in shielded hives under operating transmission lines indicates that 60-Hz magnetic fields are not influencing behavior. The induced currents and voltages in hives from magnetic fields are not sufficient to cause the shock conditions that exist from electric field induction. Beekeepers with hives located on the final right-of-way of the proposed line will be advised by Western Area Power Administration of the possible adverse effects to bees and compensated fairly to assist in relocation of hives. The maximum fields beyond the right-of- way for the proposed line will not exceed the threshold levels where effect on bees have been observed. Therefore, there will be no impact beyond the right-of-way. b. Crops. High electric fields (15 kV/m) have been observed to induce corona on the uppermost parts of plants (McKee, et al., 1978; Rogers et al., 1982). The induced corona causes minor damage to leaf tips. Studies of the effects of electric fields on crops bu and other plants have been conducted under controlled greenhouse conditions and under boorte transmission lines. erhetave su The most extensive analysis on effects of 60-Hz electric fields on living plants has been done by McKee and co-workers at the Pennsylvania State University (McKee et al., 1978). In initial studies, several thousand plants from 85 different species were exposed to fields from 0 to 50 kV/m in a very controlled green house environment. "Damage" to plants was associated with sharp, or pointed, leaf tips and amounted to self-limiting corona damage to a few millimeters of these pointed plant parts. Tip damage began for some species at field of 15 to 20 kV/m. The damage was less than that seen due to routine drying under normal field conditions and, even at 50 kV/m, never threatened the overall growth, nolasim viability, yield, or reproduction of exposed plants. hexe land er a D-20 regel art jer! berzeppua bear Villine ed Joelle auoivdo on now In follow-up studies, McKee (1985) exposed five types of plants -- alfalfa, tall fescue, sweetcorn, and two types of wheat -- to 60-Hz electric fields for extended periods. Plants were extensively analyzed for chemical element content and for an extremely wide species-specific array of size and mass parameters. There were "no statistically significant effects on seed germination, seedling growth, plant growth, phenology, flowering, seed set, biomass production, plant height, leaf area, plant survival, and nodulation." The only consistent effect that resulted from exposure was the expected occasional damage to a few millimeters of the terminal tip of plant parts exposed to fields of 30 kV/m or greater. Studies on peas and barley conducted over several years under a Bonneville Power Administration 1200-kV test line indicated no consistent adverse effects attributable to exposure to about 12 kV/m (Rogers et al., 1982). In this same study, conifers growing close to a 1200-kV test line exhibited corona at the tips of needles and corona damage to the growing tips of some trees closest to the line. Right-of-way management practices normally limit tree growth in the immediate vicinity of the conductors, and there is no suggestion that forest growth or timber production adjacent to power lines would be Svar affected by electromagnetic fields. enil Electric fields up to 12 kV/m under operating lines and up to 16 kV/m under a test line had no noticeable effects on growth or productivity of corn and other crops commonly grown in Indiana (Hodges and Mitchel, 1979; 1984). However, some crops growing in the Willeur maximum field area exhibited minor damage from induced leaf-tip corona. nisp triplew offenpai4mIn summary, the effects of 60-Hz electric fields on plants is limited to corona al nil damage at sharp terminal plant parts. This effect is too limited to be noticeable under field Je conditions found under operating transmission lines and does not result in crop damage. The electric fields associated with the proposed line are well below levels where the leaf-tip corona phenomenon has been observed. No damage or harm to crops will occur due to pritone the fields under the proposed line. ob br c. Livestock. Numerous studies have investigated the performance of livestock in bluoria the electrical environment of high voltage ac transmission lines. Over a two year period, Amstutz and Miller (1980) studied livestock, including beef and dairy cattle, on 11 farms located near a 765-kV ac transmission line in Indiana. Typical maximum electric fields were over 88.5 kV/m with levels up to 12 kV/m. Magnetic flux densities of .056 G were measured with (300 higher values expected during periods of higher current flow. Short-circuit currents for Tuo cows were 0.1 to 0.2 mA in a 6 to 8 kV/m field. Cows seemed to react to induced currents aws of about 0.7 0.8 mA from an insulated feed trough. The authors concluded that "neither ariT health, behavior, nor performance were affected by the electric and magnetic fields created by the 765 kV line." Williams and Beiler (1979) investigated 55 dairy farms located within one half mile of bas 765 kV lines in Ohio. Herd performance was evaluated from milk production records, farm erth records and interviews for a six-year period -- three years before line energization and three years after. Milk production did not appear to be affected by the presence of the 756-KV lines. After the lines had been constructed, the incidence of calf mortality and birth defects esper farm increased. However, the investigators felt these changes may have been due to mataya larger herd sizes after the line was constructed, to changes in farm management and to bias in reporting. Farmers involved in the study did not believe there was any significant change in the performance of their herd following line energization. The study indicated that there D-21 were no obvious effects of the 765-kV transmission line. The data suggested that the largest factors in herd performance were farm management, quality of feed and, on occasion, change in ownership. Is A Swedish study of 106 farms located under 400-kV ac transmission lines found that Wan herds exposed to 400-kV lines for more than 15 days per year did not have decreased NOOK fertility relative to other herds (hennichs, 1982). There was also no relationship between DOS exposure and the number of cows slaughtered on each farm because of reduced fertility. All herds used artificial insemination. Exposure days for each herd were estimated from the to aby percent of pasture occupied by the transmission line and the number of days animals were in the pasture. No field measurements were made in this study, but the maximum electric field strength measured under 400-kV lines on 11 farms in Sweden was 5 kV/m (Algers, jewo Ekesbo and Hennichs, 1981). Magnetic fields were not reported but would presumably be oskat least comparable with those of 230-kV lines in the USA: in one case, a maximum of 0.12 prie G has been reported (Lee et al., 1982). In a behavioral study conducted underneath the BPA 1200-kV prototype ac line in Oregon for five years, cattle showed no reluctance to graze or drink beneath the line (Rogers et al., 1982). The maximum electric field was 12 kV/m. There was no magnetic field associated with the prototype line. However, an adjacent 230-kV line would have resulted in magnetic fields above typical rural levels. Exposure of swine to a 345-kV ac transmission line in lowa resulted in no observable effects in exposed animals relative to control animals (Mahmond, Zimmerman and Cowan, 1982; Mohmond and Zimmerman, 1984). Body weight, carcass quality, behavior, feed intake, pregnancy rate, frequency of birth defects, birth weight or weight gain shoto of young were investigated. Electric field.exposures ranged from 3.5 to 4.1 kV/m. Magnetic field was not measured. However, the magnetic flux density from the 345-kV line is ROMpresumably comparable with those of 230-kV lines: e.g., a maximum of 0.12 G (Lee et al., 1982). There are no indications that exposures to the fields beneath operating transmission lines affect livestock behavior or productivity. However, both ac and dc po currents can cause definite behavioral responses in dairy and beef cattle. For this reason metal water and feed troughs, like all conducting objects under the proposed line, should be grounded to eliminate the possibility of nuisance shocks. MA bateool Microshocks to animals from so-called "stray" or neutral-to-earth voltages have given rise to problems of animal health and production (Gustafson and Albertson, 1982). Voltages between a grounded-neutral system and true earth can produce low level current shocks in and around barns. These shocks can affect livestock, particularly dairy cows, sine which can apparently perceive a voltage as low as 0.75 to 1 V across parts of the body. The results of these low level shocks can be a significant loss in production. Neutral-to-earth voltages have been observed from both on-farm and off-farm sources. The sources are generally related to current flow in the primary distribution and farmstead neutral systems and not to field induction from transmission lines. Similarly, the mitigation of neutral-to-earth voltages involves modifications to the primary neutral system, the farmstead neutral system, the farmstead electrical load, or the conducting surfaces in the affected area (Gustafson and Albertson, 1982). Mitigation is done on a case-by-case basis. The effects of "stray" voltages are considered an electrical distribution system egneri problem and not a transmission line problem. ybula ni lol brodert) lo sonammoheq erit ni D-22 15. B 5. Cardiac Pacemakers ber of Currents and voltages that are introduced internally to the body represent a possible source of interference to cardiac pacemakers. Internal currents can be caused by wo electric fields, by magnetic fields or by direct contact. In the last case, the person might provide a path between a large vehicle under a transmission line and ground, or between an appliance with inadequate grounding and ground. the 10 Tilb rious 9ng For to ipsa rth to Recognition of and concern for the possible effects on pacemakers of transmission line electric and magnetic fields has led to considerable research on this topic in the last decade (Bridges, 1979). A study at the University of Rochester will expose pacemaker patients to electric fields in a substation under medical supervision (Kavet, 1981). Possible effects of transmission lines on pacemakers have been addressed in the reviews/hearings conducted in New York (Scott-Walton, 1979), Minnesota (Dow, 1980), Michigan (Herrold, 1979), and California (CEC, 1981). existed blues The conclusion drawn from the research and reviews is that the overall risk to pacemaker wearers from transmission lines is minimal. This is especially true of 230-kV lines like the proposed Charlie Creek to Belfield line, because of the relatively low electric fields when compared to 500 and 756-kV lines. The threshold for interference to the most sensitive pacemakers is estimated to be 3.4 kV/m. Reversion of pacemakers is the most substantial effect noted to wearers of pacemakers and is not considered a serious problem. To date, no evidence has been found that a transmission line has caused a serious problem to the wearer of a pacemaker. ep ever e esni eqie ros elac a. Safety. The proposed line would be constructed to meet or exceed the NESC. Nevertheless, electrical equipment of any kind can be a safety hazard and special care must be taken when working or playing near transmission lines to avoid hazardous situations. Leqiq 6. Hazards1000as adeau a. Direct Electrical Contact. The greatest hazard from a transmission line is direct electrical contact with the conductors at any voltage. In fact, contact is more likely with lower voltage transmission lines, because of their lower clearance compared to 230-kV lines. Physical contact between a grounded object and the high voltage conductors is not necessary for electrical contact to be made. Arcing can occur across an air gap. eW The following list of precautions indicates the care that must be taken near a high voltage line to avoid direct electrical contact. Extreme caution must be used when operating tall equipment, such as cranes or drilling equipment, near the line. Irrigation pipes and systems cannot be tipped up near the line. Trees near the transmission line should not be felled onto the conductors. Kites should not be flown near transmission lines and only nonmetallic string and kites should be used on dry days. The wind should carry the kite away from the transmission line. Towers should not be climbed. phileuler on If there is adequate clearance to the conductors of the proposed transmission line, then normal agricultural and other activities can be carried on safely. viso ed leubivib bseoque ed faum bet erit ter bas nollstegev view emsb no gribnsta yan berstueni ad oals teum abitev art belt ohtosle on to varie reumbcom stof 03 D-23 b. Irrigation. Both fixed and mobile irrigation systems can be operated safely near transmission lines. However, certain precautions are necessary to minimize the hazards Bone involved. The hazards associated with irrigation near transmission lines fall into three you be categories: direct contact, induced shocks, and transferred potentials. With appropriate rpm precautions all can be minimized as a source of danger. Direct contact is the most dangerous and, unfortunately, the most likely to occur without special precautions. Irrigation pipes are often long enough to reach within flashover nola distance of the conductors. Therefore, pipes should never be tipped up to remove dirt or 1881 or small animals when in proximity to an overhead line. Equipment used to install irrigation systems can be tall; therefore precautions should be taken to maintain adequate electrical clearance during installation. When moving a high pressure system with long booms, such he as a Vermeer mobile system, special precautions should be taken to insure that it does not blane tip. Steady streams of water contacting the energized conductors can provide a direct oleh path to ground for leakage current or a flashover. Therefore, precautions should be taken Wos to prevent steady water streams from striking the conductors. If this does happen, one should avoid contacting or being near the irrigation system. Thus, when a steady stream of om water reaches a conductor, the water should be turned off at its source before correcting the problem. Nozzle risers in the vicinity of transmission lines should be equipped with spoilers or automatic shutoffs. High volume, high pressure systems have the potential to send a steady stream considerable distances. Safe operating distances for this type of equipment are based on several factors, including nozzle diameter and line voltage. Information is available to determine safe distances for this type of equipment (Lee, 1978; Ewy, 1981). Both electric-field and magnetic-field coupling can occur on irrigation systems. The former is easily reduced or eliminated by unloading and handling pipes away from the transmission line and by attaching only short lengths of pipe to a grounded header or riser. Potentially hazardous, magnetically induced voltages can occur in long irrigation pipelines and maintenance of long pipes such as pivot systems should be done with the pipe perpendicular to the transmission line. In the event this orientation cannot be achieved, then the system should be grounded at each end. If the pipe is cut into sections, then each section should also be grounded. To avoid the possibility of a transferred potential from the power system to the irrigation system during an electrical fault, buried portions of the irrigation system, or any digits pipeline, should not be too close to the tower or the tower grounding system. Western will nary specify the minimum separation distance. In summary, irrigation near transmission lines can be hazardous to personnel, if Vino ba certain precautions are not taken. Cooperation between the landowner and the operator of the line is essential for safe operation. c. Refueling. In a high electric field it is theoretically possible for a spark discharge from the induced voltage on a large vehicle to ignite gasoline vapor during refueling. However, the probability for exactly the right conditions to occur for ignition is extremely remote. According to results obtained from studies conducted by Johns Hopkins University, the ignition of fuel under a transmission line would require that an individual be standing on damp earth or vegetation and that the vehicle to be refueled must be exposed to the maximum intensity of the electric field. The vehicle must also be insulated. Finally, 09-0 D-24 the air-fuel mixture must approach optimal flash-point conditions. Therefore, the number of precise conditions to be met to achieve fuel ignition reduces the likelihood of the occurrence. The report points out that "even if spark energies were sufficient to ignite fuel, then the person making the attempt would likely experience uncomfortable sparks, which would serve as a healthy warning of a potentially hazardous situation" (Herrold, 1979). For the Charlie Creek to Belfield line the maximum electric field is low enough that it is very doubtful the right conditions could ever be achieved. Because of the theoretical possibility of ignition, some utilities recommend that refueling not be done near transmission lines unless necessary (BPA, 1979; Basin, undated). In the event refueling must be done under a line, grounding is recommended. d. Fires. The Boise Interagency Fire Center (Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service and National Weather Service) has no records of a fire caused by high voltage transmission lines (Western, 1985). Large fires near transmission lines represent a potential electrical hazard. The hot gases and smoke can create a conductive path to ground. If a flashover occurs along this path, then people near the fire could possibly experience dangerous shocks. Flashovers also cause outages and jeopardize the reliability of the transmission system. Because of the hazards associated with fires, Western prohibits storage of flammables, construction of flammable structures and other activities which have the potential to cause or provide fuel for fires on rights-of way. e. Explosives. Use of explosives on or near the right-of-way can be affected by electrical interference from the power line to the circuits used for detonation. There is also a potential for damage to the transmission system. Therefore, blasting activity in the vicinity of the transmission line should be coordinated with Western. f. Lightning. Transmission line towers, wires and other tall objects are the most likely points to be hit by lightning during a thunderstorm. The proposed Charlie Creek to Belfield line is designed with overhead ground-wires and well grounded towers to protect the system from lightning. When the overhead ground-wire or tower is hit, the lightning stroke is conducted to ground at the tower. Since it is hazardous to be in the area where lightning enters the ground, it is advisable to stay away from the towers (and all tall objects) during electrical storms. Arstida longis Bromus Broms Cate Germ Carex bel Distichi's Hordeum jubague Koeleris pyram D-25 to sodmun art to the leut anll bleilia dph nett egatlov simetoege Teeheele sonia was erit te brasong of bersubros e colante NEWS VER ba al buong och aiste printrigit hoss on be hazardosis to personnel & an the landowner and the operator of esky possible a spark discharge gasoline vapor during railing extremely Hopkins posed insulated. Finally, as 90 24 yirul anis19. Bitnodns/StuM Mertens paengph.nsibni APPENDIX E Oenother O VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE SPECIES LISTS Opun PLANT SPECIES LIST Prairie Grassland Community Scientific Name Amorpha cansecens....... Artemisia cana...... Artemisia frigida......... Artemisia tridentata........ Atriplex canescens....... Atriplex nuttallii ........ Ceratoides lanata........ Chrysothamnus nauseosus Gutierrezia sarothrae... Rhus trilobata........ Shrubs Common Name ....Lead plant Silver sagebrush ..Fringed sagewort 2004 ...... Big Sagebrush muita Four wing saltbush A Nuttall saltbush menA Winterfat Rabbitbrush od sidesA Snakeweed sialment Skunkbrush ...Prairie rose Wood's rose Snowberry Rosa arkansana... Rose Woodsii ........ Symphoricarpos occidentalis. Grasses Scientific Name Agropyron cristatum. Agropyron dasystachium. Agropyron smithii.. Agropyron spicatum........ Agropyron trachycaulum Andropogon hallii......... Androgogon scoparius Aristida longiseta.. Bromus inermis........ Bromus tectorum...... Bouteloua gracilis......... Buchloe dactyloides.... Calamagrostic montanensis. Calamovilfa longifolia Carex eleocharis Carex filifolia...... Carex heliophila........ Distichlis spicata.. Hordeum jubatum. Koeleria pyramidata. Common Name Crested wheatgrass Thickspike wheatgrass Western wheatgrass Bluebunch wheatgrass Slender wheatgrass Sand big bluestem Little bluestem Red three awn .Smooth brome Cheatgrass Blue grama Buffalo grass Plains reedgrass .Prairie sandreed .Needleleaf sedge Threadleaf sedge Sun sedge .....Saltgrass Foxtail barley Prairie junegrass o E-1 Muhlenbergia cuspidata Oryzopsis hymenoides......... Panicum virgatum........ Poa compressa. Poa pratensis Poa secunda....... Puccinellia nuttalliana Schedonnardus paniculatus........ Sporobolus airoides....... Sporobolus cryptandrus. Stipa comata......... Stipa spartea Stipa viridula....... Plains Muhly .Indian ricegrass Switchgrass Canada bluegrass .Kentucky bluegrass Sandberg's bluegrass Nuttall alkali grass Tumble grass Alkali sacaton .Sand dropseed .Needleandthread grass .Porcupine grass .Green needlegrass Achillea millefolium Forbs Scientific Name Common Name Yarrow salmen A .Pale glauca Might cinimanA altimen A KakahiA eoblotere Agoseris glauca.. Allium geyeri. Allium textile Anemone patens. Antennaria neglecta....... Arabis holboellii............. Artemisia drancunculus, Artemisia ludoviciana.. Astragalus missouriensis Astragalus purshii....... Astragalus striatus.. Campanula rotundifolia......... Cardaria draba......... Castilleja sessiliflora. Centauria repens. Cerastium arvense Cirsium undulatum........ Corypantha vivipara........ Delphinium bicolor... Descurainia pinnata Eriogonum multicaps.. Euphorbia esula.......... Grindelia squarrosa. Hedoema hispida... Heterotheca villosa Iva axillaris... Kochia scoparia......... Liatrus punctata Linum rigidum.. Lomatium foeniculaceum Lotus americana... Lygodesmia juncea. Medicago sativa. Phlox hoodii........ Wild onion .Onion .Windflower Pussytoes Holboell rockcresseavdo .Sagewort .Cudweed .Missouri milkvetch Pursh locoweed OW SHOR .Prairie milkvetch .Harebell .Whitetop .Indian paintbrush .Russian knapweed mela Chickweed Wavyleaf thistle .Pincushionsh Larkspur time nonvooiA ..... Tansy mustard panicA .Buckwheat Borgopa .......Leafy spurge spurgesopogonbпA .Curly cup gumweed False pennyroyal HehA .......Hairy golden aster monst .....Povertyweed fos Summer cyprus Dotted gayfeather orique Flax sinom pltagibamsle Salt-and-pepper Trefoil Rush skeleton weeds ...Alfalfa Melilotus officinalis......... Phlox Yellow sweetclover brot pigg 9021 E-2 Mertensia lanata........ Oenothera caespitosa. Opuntia fragilis........ Opuntia polyacantha. Oxytropis lambertii Penstemon angustifolius.. Petalostemum purpureum Phlox hoodii.......... Plantago patagonica. Potentialla arguta. Ratibida columnifera Salicornia rubra....... Sedum lanceolatum Selaginella densa ...... Solidago mollis......... Sonchus oleraceus........ Sphaeralcea coccinea Thermopsis rhombifolia Tragopogon dubius... Zygadenus elegans........ 2028615 .......Bluebell .Evening primrose ....Brittle pricklypear pricklypeared .Plains pricklypear ..Purple pointloco .Beard's tongue .Purple prairie-clover .Phlox .Plantain Tall cinquefoil .Prairie cone-flower Red glasswort .Stonecrop ...Little clubmoss Soft goldenrod Sow thistle Scarlet globemallow Prairie goldenpea .....Salsify ...Death camas inver12 Shrubland Community ayxonamy Trees Scientific Name Juniperus scopulorum…....... Populus tramuloides......... Common Name ......Juniper Trembling aspen Shrubs Scientific Name Common Name Amelanchier alnifolia......... Artemisia frigida............ Artemisia tridentata...... Ceonathus velutinus.. Eleagnus commutata Juniperus communis. Juniperus horizontalis.......... Pentaphylloides floribunda Opuntia polycantha.......... Prunus virginiana.. Purshia tridentata Rhus trilobata....... Ribes lacustre........ Rosa woods.ii......... Symphoricarpos occidentalis. Toxicodendron rydbergii Serviceberry Fringed sagewort ....Big sagebrush Buckbrush Silverberry .....Common juniper Prostrate juniper Shrubby cinquefoil Prickly pear Chokecherry Horsebrush Skunkbush sumac Currant Woods rose .Snowberry .Poison ivy E-3 Grasses Scientific Name Agropyron smithii............. Agropyron spicatum Bromus tectorum Bouteloua gracilia Carex haydenii Elymus cinereus. edonal plausnaM oneQ Common Name kons Western wheatgrass O Bluebunch wheatgrass Cheatgrass Blue grama ...Hayden's sedge Wildrye Scientific Name Achillea millifoliu…...……………………………. Arctium minus Artemisia cana Eriogonum flavum. Geum triflorum ..... Glycyrrhize lepidota Heterotheca villosa........ Heuchera richardsonii. Hymenoxys acaulis. Mertensia paniculata. Oxytropis sericea...... Petrophytum caespitosum Phlox hoodii Sisyrinchium montanum Sphaeralcea coccinea Vicia americana.. Forbs Common Name ba? 2 .......Yarrow ..... Burdock Silver sage Buckwheat Prairie smoke Wild licorice sunsberys Hairy golden aster ......Alumroot Mat hymenoxys Bluebells Pointloco Rockmat Phlox estel ollinsto? Blue-eyed grass .....Scarlet globemallow American vetch Bulu 200월 ​adonuz Hardwood Draws Community slimobe Trees elemA Scientific Name Fraxinum pennsylvanica........ Juniperus scopularum Populus angustifolia. Populus tremuloides......... Ulmus americana. Common Name Gimgha Green ashley Rocky Mountain juniper Narrow-leaf cottonwood ..Aspen .....American elm sidau idols audit Radia Taboow seof obro T E-4 Serou Scientific Name Amelanchier alnifoliaa......... Ceanothus velutinus......... Eleagnus angustifolia Eleagnus commutata........ Prunus americana......... Toxicodendron rydbergii Scientific Name Agropyron smithii........ Bromus tectorum Denthonia intermedia......... Elymus cinereus... Muhlenbergii filiformis. Phleum pratense edu12 Shrubs ems offeneb? Common Name kionelemA Serviceberry UnDap .Buckbrush Russian olive Silverberry epbro T .Wildplum 8208 Poison ivy Grasses Common Name Western wheatgrass Cheatgrass Oatgrass .Wildrye Slender muhly .Timothy Forbs Common Name 90IA Scientific Name Achillea millefolium....... Agoseris glauca.. Campanula rotundifolia. Clematis liqusticifolia.. Cornus canadensis........ Crepis acuminata........ Eustoma grandiflorum Glycyrrhize leipdotda. Hackelia deflexa....... Humulus lupulus.. Lupinus argenteus........ Potentilla anserina. Mertensia paniculata....... Yarrow Pale glauca .Harebell Virgin's bower ....Bunchberry Hawksbeard .Prairie gentian Wild licorice Stickseed .....Hops Lupine den 252 29762 nagy 口 ​Bluebells Silverweed cinquefoil Rubus idaeus.. Solidago missourensis. Vicia americana. deut Raspberry Goldenrod .Vetch ed augrul aide aupout Wetlands/Riparian Community 2880 viene best Scientific Name Trees Common Name Populus angustifolia. Populus sargentii.. Populus trichocarpa. 8-3 .Narrow leaf cottonwood .Plains cottonwood Black cottonwood E-5 Eleagnus commutata Prunus americana. Prunus virginiana ........ Scientific Name Amelanchier alnifolia. Toxicodenrvon rydbergii......... Shrubs Common Name Serviceberry Silverberry .Wild plum Chokecherry Poison ivy alemA Rosa woodsii.. Salix bebbiana.. Salix interior... Salix spp....... Woods rose Willow habogixoT Willow Willows Sheperdia argentia.. Symphoricarpos occidentalis. Silver buffaloberry Common snowberry engine Grasses Common Name sinodine Thickspike wheatgrass OM Quackgrass ing mustis 49113 Western wheatgrass Scientific Name Agrophron dasystachum.. Agropyron repens. Agropyron smithii.. Agrypyron trachycaulum Agrostis alba......... Alopecurus pratensis. Andropogon gerardii.. Beckmannia syzigachne. Bromus inermis..... Calamagrostis inexpansa Carex aquatilis. Carex sartwellii....... Carex nebraskensis........ Carex rostrata. Carex sartwellii Cyperus acuminatus.......... Dactylis glomerata Eleocharis acicularis......... Elymus canadensis..... Glyceria maxima. Hordeum jubatum. Hordeum pusillum......... Juncus balticus. Juncus effusus....... Muhlenbergii asperifolia. Panicum virgatum.. Phalaris arundinacea Phragmites communis........ Poa palustris........... Rupia maritima book Slender wheatgrass ....Bentgrass Meadow foxtail Molinelo? Big bluestem American slough grass Smooth brome Northern reedgrass Water sedge Slough sedge ....Nebraska sedge Beaked sedge an .Sartwell sedge exitivevib Flat sedge .......Orchard grass ..Spike sedge .Canada wildrye Ber Jurul American mannagrass .Foxtail barley Little barley .Wire rush sotiems slov Common rush Scratchgrass ...... Switchgrass Reed canary grass Reedgrass Fowl bluegrass Widgeongrass Monimebe E-6 squesadaht autugot 8-9 Scirpus validus.. Scirpus pallidus........ Sorghastrum nutans. Sparganium eurycarpum Spartina pectinate. Merm Scientific Name belllo Arctium minus ...............loaked bullrush ......Great bullrush Indian grass Burr-read Prairie cordgrass Forbs Common Name Asclepias incovnate...... Aster junciformix........ Cavex laeviconia........ Clematis liqusticifalia.......... Euphorbia esula......... Geum macraphyllm. Glycyrrhiza lepidota Helianthum nutlalli. Helianthus annuus. Helianthus nuttallii Iris missoupuin ........ Lysimachia thyrsifalia Medicago sativa .......... Melilotus officinale. Potamogeton pectinatus. Polygonum persicaris. Potentilla anserina........ Rumes acetosella Rumex crispus.......... Smilacina stellata. Solidago gigantex Sonchus asper Triglochin maritimum Sueda depressa.. Typha latifolia......... Viola nephrophylla.......... Zannichellia palustris.......... ......Burdock ....Swamp raw ...Aster .......Smootheone Virginsbower (Western) .....Leafy spurge ..Large leaf avens ..American licorice ..Huttall sunflower Sunflower .....Nuttall sunflower Blueflag Water loonstrife Alfalfa Yellow sweetclover Sago pondweed .Lady's thumb Silver cinquefoil ......Sheep sorrel ......Curly dock False solomonseal Goldenrod Sowthistle ....Arrowgrass Pursh seepweed ......Cattail Violet Horned poolmat Fulica ames Grus cana Howls quase Scent Name baren Charadruls vot 8-3 E-7 WILDLIFE SPECIES LIST raunfud balec Hauntud teena aubilling aumio? Scientific Name Podiceps auritus.... Podilymbus podiceps. Birds Loons and Grebes eubiley aumb? mun:01608 Veniced anthege Common Name ......Horned grebe Moitinale Pied-billed grebe unică multina asigabeA Cormorants Scientific Name Common Name Herons and Their Allies sm muak Scientific Name Jawolinu2 Ardea herodias.......... Common Name exidhwovid Botaurus lentiginosus........ Great blue heron .....American bittern aim ah Geese smiey! Sa oprolbeM Scientific Name blilaM Common Name omstos Branta canadensis ......Canada goose Chen caerulescens .....Snow goose RemUR Surface-feeding Ducks belme Scientific Name Common Name Anas acuta.......... Anas americana ....... boolant Pintail ......American wigeon aboua si srayT Anas clypeata......... Anas crecca.. Anas discors.. Anas platyrhynchos Anas strepera..... Northern shoveler Green-winged teal Blue-winged teal Mallard Gadwall Abiv pinnes Bay Ducks Scientific Name Common Name Aythya affinis........ Aythya americana Aythya valisineria....... Bucephala clangula...... ......Lesser scaup scaupass ..... Redhead Canvasback .Common goldeneye E-8 1-3 gma.nommo Scientific Name Lophodytes cucullatus.. Mergus merganser. Mergus serrator. etsoovA Mergansers Common Name Sulamivupe Hooded merganser Common merganser Red-breasted merganser Vultures, Hawks, Falcons Scientific Name Accipiter cooperii ........ Accipiter striatus.. Aquila chrysaetos. Buteo jamaicensis Buteo lagopus Buteo regalis.. Buteo swainsoni........ Cathartes aura......... Circus cyaneus.. Falco columbarius.. Falco mexicanus.. Falco peregrinus anatum, Falco sparverius......... Haliaeetus leucocephalus. alcy Common Name Cooper's hawk Sharp-shinned hawk Golden eagle Red-tailed hawk ....Rough-legged hawk hawkense .Ferruginous hawk ehbile .Swainson's hawk Turkey Vulture .Northern Harrier .Merlin .Prairie falcon American peregrine falcon ..American kestrel Bald eagle (northern) Gallinaceous Birds nommo ebe Scientific Name Common Name ater19 ...Turkey Meleagris gallopavo. Pediocetes phasianellus....... Perdix perdix.......... Phasianus colchicus Scientific Name Sharp-tailed grouse .Gray partridge Ring-necked pheasant Cranes and Their Allies Common Name American coot Fulica americana Grus americana.. Whooping crane Grus canadensis Sandhill crane Plovers Scientific Name Common Name Charadrius semipalmatus Charadruis vociferus........ .......Semipalmated plover Killdeer E-9 Scientific Name Recurvirostra americana....... Scientific Name Avocets Common Name ......American avocet petyboring! Snipe en zumeM Common Name Capella gallinago.... .......Common snipe Somme? Sandpipers sqoop. gisr2 smalt ollinsio? thedono 19ticionA sipas nablo Scientific Name Actitis macularia.................. Bartramia longicauda.. Calidris minutilla. Calidris pusilla. Catoptrothorus Semipalmatus Limnodromus scolopaceus Lommosa fedoa......... Numenius americanus. Tringa flavipes.. Tringa solitaria....... Common Name allcioba 213 BluDA Spotted sandpiper gelu@ Upland sandpiper petus Least sandpiper pen pale Semipalmated sandpiper Willet Long-billed dowitcherto Marbled godwit log ..Long-billed curlew Lesser yellowlegs Solitary sandpiper Phalaropes Scientific Name Common Name 03 Phalaropus tricolor...... Wilson's phalarope shousloM Gulls bolbe xitxen xible 9 Scientific Name Chilidonias niger........ Hydroprogne caspia. Larus argentatus Larus delawarensis ........ Larus pipixcan......... Sterna foroteri....... Sterna hirundo. Common Name unclass Black tern Caspian tern Herring gullmakt oftimel2 Ring-billed gull Franklin's gull Forster's tern sollus me and Common ternostuse ae Scientific Name Columba livia....................... Zenaida macrowra anavol Doves Common Name plinalo? .....Rock dove beterto Mourning dove E-10 he Owls Thrushes, Some Scientific Name nommo Asio flammeus..... bemoH Asio otus..... Athene cunicularia......... Bubo virginianus......... Otus asto........ Common Name Linebe ......Short-eared owl irgoment Long-eared owl Burrowing owl Great horned owl Eastern screech owlmelo? Saw-whet owl obnually obruniH Common Name Common nighthawk dost Aegolius acadicus. Goatsuckers nin elgust Scientific Name Chordeiles minor................ wor Hummingbirds Scientific Name Common Name oftfinale Archilochus collubris.......... elapam be d-Hoste ..........Ruby-throated hummingbird vel su Kingfishers Scientific Name Common Name Megaceryle alcyon...... Belted kingfisher lineina Woodpeckers Scientific Name Common Name aeriotariluk Colaptes aruatus......... Melanerpes erythrocephalus. .......Common flicker Picoides pubscens........ Picoides villosus........ Sphyrapicus varius. Red-headed woodpecker ...Downy woodpecker Hairy woodpecker Yellow-bellied sapsucker Flycatchers Scientific Name Contopus virens... Empidonax difficilis.......... Empidonax minimus...... Empidonax oberholseri........ Empidonax trailli........ Myiarchus crinitus Sayornis phoebe........ Tyrannus tyrannus.. Tyrannus verticalis........ Common Name Eastern wood pewee Western flycatcher Least flycatcher Dusky flycatcher Willow flycatcher Great crested flycatcher Eastern phoebelinabe Eastern kingbird Western kingbird ST-BE-11 Scientific Name Eremophila alpestris.. wo Scientific Name Hirundo pyrrhonota Hirundo rustica... Progne subis ....... alwo Larks Common Name Loftiinaipe Horned lark sit pleA eufo plaA Swallows shskoolnuo sned!A monialny odua Common Name otas auro Deps BullonsA ......Cliff swallow Barn swallow Purple martin Scientific Name Corvus brachyrhynchos...... Cyanocitta cristata........ Pica pica........ Riparia riparia Bank swallow Stelgidopteryx serripennis. Tachycineta bicolor......... .Northern rough-winged swallow Tree swallow etoria Jays, Magpies, Crows Common Name .American crow idon A Corvus corax......... Common raven ....Blue jay Black-billed magpie Chickadees DOM Scientific Name Common Name Parus atricapillus.. Black-capped chickadee Nuthatches Scientific Name Certhia familiaris......... Sitta carolinensis Common Name ...... Brown creeper White-breasted nuthatch Wrens Scientific Name Common Name mase Cristothorus palustris.. .Marsh wren Pugotno Cristothorus platens. ......Sedge wren Xenobama Troglodytes aedon......... .House wren Xenoblame bigme Mockingbirds, Thrashers obloms Common Name Scientific Name Dumetella carolinensis. Toxostoma rufum..... ....Gray catbird Brown thrasher 71-3 E-12 meldew booW Thrushes, Solitaires, Bluebirds Scientific Name Common Name Catharus fuscescens........ Catharus guttatus........ Catharus ustulatus......... Sialia sialis.......... Turdus migratorius........ .Veery Minobe .....Hermit thrush Swainson's thrush cabre C Eastern bluebird ...American robin Kinglets Scientific Name Common Name A 10 Regulus calendula......... Ruby-crowned kinglet Pipits Scientific Name Anthus spraqueii.. Motacilla spinoletta ....... Common Name Sprague's pipitatiebia .Water pipit Waxwings Scientific Name Bombycilla cedrorum...... Common Name Cedar waxwing Shrikes Scientific Name Common Name Lanius excubitor........ Lanius ludovicianus.. Northern shrike ....Loggerhead shrike Starlings Scientific Name Sturnus vulgaris...... Common Name ..European starling Vireos cheo8 Scientific Name Common Name Vireo gilvus......... Vireo olivaceus. Vireo solitarius....... ...... Warbling vireo .....Red-eyed vireo Solitary vireo grünud MA iczomeles E-13 Scientific Name ab Dendroica coronata....... Dendroica magnolia......... Dendroica palmarum Dendroica striata.... Geothlypis trichas Icteria virens.. Mniotilta varia......... Oporornis philadelphia......... Seiurus aurocapillus......... Seiurus noveboracensis Setophaga ruticilla........ Wood Warblers Common Name Yellow-rumped warbler Yellow warbler Palm warblerut Blackpoll warbler Common yellowthroat Yellow-breasted chat Black-and-white warbler ..Mourning warbler Ovenbird Northern waterthrush ...American redstart Wesba Vermivora celata Orange-crowned warbler Vermivora peregrina ..Tennessee warbler Wilsonia pusilla......... Wilson's warbler Weaver Finches Scientific Name Passer domesticus. Common Name BlipaloM House sparrow Blackbirds, Orioles Common Name Scientific Name aw rebo Agelaius pheoniceus... Dolichonyx oryzivorus Euphaga carolinus....... Euphaga cyanocephalus. Icteras galbula......... Icterus spurius....... Molothrus ater.. Quiscalus quiscula Sturnella neglecta........ Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. ems nommo Red-winged blackbird Bobolink .Rusty blackbird Brewer's blackbird .Northern oriole .Orchard oriole Brown-headed cowbird Common grackle Western meadowlark Yellow-headed blackbird emel billinglo? Tanagers Scientific Name Common Name Pirenga olivacea....... Scarlet tanager Grosbeaks, Finches, Sparrows, Buntings pany Scientific Name Common Namele pentY Ammadramus candacutus Ammodramus bairdii. Ammodramus savannarum Calamospiza melanocorys. E-14 Sharp-tailed sparrow Baird's sparrow Grasshopper sparrow Lark bunting 81-3 Common redpoll American goldfinch esah bas elidden Carduelis flammea Texidea Carduelis tristis…....... Vupes Viznes Carpodacus purpureus. .Purple finch Chondestes grammacus. .Lark sparrow Coccothraustes vespertinus Junco hyemalis........... Solenti Melospiza georgiana........ Melospiza lincolni. Unisona Melospiza melodia........ Odbor Passerculus sandwichensis......... Odpool Passerina cyanea... Pheucticus ludovicianus Pinocola enuculator.. Pipilo erythrophthalmus........ Pooecetes gramineus. Ecient Spica americana.... Spirella pusilla........ Ambyst Spizella arborea....... Bun po Spizella pallida......... Spizella passerina ....... Paruder Zonotrichia albicollis......... Zonotrichia leucophrys. 163 .Evening grosbeak Bude Dark-eyed junco usive Swamp sparrow Posivly? Lincolns sparrow .......Song sparrow Savannah sparrow ...Indigo buntingtrabe Rose-breasted grosbeak Pine grosbeak Rufous-sided towhee Vesper sparrow Dickcissel Field sparrow American tree sparrow Clay-colored sparrow Chipping sparrow White-throated sparrow White-crowned sparrow DIM Longspurs and Snow Buntings avienio M Scientific Name Common Name 921 Calcarius lapponicus........ Calcarius mccownii....... Chely Calcarius ornatus......... Chryser Plectrophenax nivalis........ .Lapland longspur McCown's longspur Chestnut-collar longspur ...Snow bunting Colub Mammals 168 miupa auvise Trame Iricayx Scientific Name Shrews Micromega Common Name 1065 Sorex cinereus.... Masked shrew Bats emal.common amali ofilmaine Scient Scientific Name Common Name Catosto Eptesious fuscus..... teodo Catoeto Lasiurus borealis........ Corus Lasiurus cinereus..... Coues Myotis evotis......... Myotis keeni......... Esoxlu Myotis lucifugus...... Catoste Lasiorycteris noctivagans Big brown bat Silver-haired bat Red bat ......Hoary bat .....Long-eared myotisUM Keen myotis Little brown bat Hiodon Hybognathus m ar- E-15 Rabbits and Hares Scientific Name Common Name allenbred Cosbogso Lepus townsendii........ Sylvilaqus audubonii. White-tailed jackrabbit Desert cottontail Sylvilagus floridanus Eastern cottontail Rodents Scientific Name Common Name Castor canadensis. Cynomys ludovicianus. Dipodomys ordii....... Erethizon dorsatum. Eutamias minimus........ Lagurus curtatus........ Marmota caligata........ Marmota flaviventris........ Microtus longicaudus Microtus ochrogaster.. Microtus pennsylvanicus Mus musculus......... Neotoma cinerea. Ondatra zibethicus. Onychomys leucogaster.. Perognathus fasciatus Perognathus flavescens. Perognethus hispidus Peromyscus leucopus Peromyscus maniculatus........ Ruthrodontomys megalotis Sciurus carolinensis... Sciurus niger....... Spermophilus tridecemlineatus. Spermopholus franklinii Thomomys talpoides....... Zapus hudgonius. .....Beaver Black-tailed prairie dog Ord's kangaroo rat Porcupine Least chipmunk Sagebrush vole Hoary marmot ellerin& Yellow-bellied marmot .Long-tailed vole Prairie vole .Meadow vole .House mouse 105 fonos Bushy-tailed woodrat Muskrat .Northern grasshopper mouse Olive-backed pocket mouse Plains pocket mouse Hispis pocket moust White-footed mouse Deer mouse Western harvest mouse Eastern gray squirrel .Fox squirrel 13-lined ground squirrel .Franklin's ground squirrel .Northern pocket gopher .Meadow jumping mouse Carnivores 8163 Scientific Name Canis latrans....... Felis eukens... Lutra canedensis. Mephitis mephitis......... Mephitis spilogali.......... Mustela frenata. Mustela nigripes. Mustela nivalis........... Mustela vison....... Procyton lotor querento xero2 Common Name Coyoted offlineba .......Coyote Bobcat River otter .Striped skunk Spotted skunk elovioles LeUnutes! Long-tailed weasel Black-footed ferret M Least weasel .Mink .Raccoon E-16 alloyM 81-9 ......Badger durlo begre Taxidea taxus Vulpes velox........ Vulpes vulpes...... Swift fox ....Red fox rio Ungulates won Scientific Name Antilocapra americana....... Odocxoileus hemionus. Odocoileus virginianus Borgno Common Name alliomo elegodvid ESOURCES-stol sto Stomies Bunsion/M Prognhorn (antelope) Mule deer White-tailed deer auveli auto minepeevolt, cons smora astedgamis ametso evdarolaid nebenso nolbetepsite muently noibeteost Scientific Name Ambystoma tigrinum. Bufo cogonatus........ Bufo woodhouse.......... Pseudacris triseriata......... Rana pipiens........... Scaphiopus bombifrons.. Amphibians Common Name ......... Tiger salamander Great plains toad Woodhouse's toad Boreal chorus frog ..Leopard frog Plains spadefoot (AIREA) of Scientific Name Chelydra serpentina......... und resources in the North Dalenta in Reptiles Religious Freedom Ac Common Name ...........Snapping turtle Chrysemys pictas.. Coluber constrictor Crotalis viridus..... Phrynosoma douglass.......... Pituophis melanoleucus. Thamnophis radix......... Thamnophis sirtalis Trionyx spiniferus.. Western painted turtle Yellow-bellied racer Prairie rattlesnake Eastern short-horned lizard Bullsnake Western plains garter snake Common (red-sided) garter snake Western spiny softshell Fish binson Scientific Name Carpoides carpio............ Catostomus catostomus.. Catostomus commersoni.......... Catostomus platyrhynchus. Cottus bairdi.... Couesius plumbeus....... Cyprinus carpio........... Esox lucius........ Hybognathus nuchalis Hiodon alosoides. Common Name River carpsucker .Longnose sucker White sucker .Mountain sucker Mottled sculpin .Lake chub .Carp Northern pike Goldeneye Silvery minnow based could occur and E-17 Hybopsis gracilis.......... Ictalurus punctatus....... Lota lota.......... Micropterus salmoides Noturus flavus. Perca flavescens....... Pimephales promelas........ Rhinichthys cataractae Stizostedion canadense Stizostedion vitreum Flathead chub Channel catfish Burbot Largemouth bass Stonecat Yellow perch Fathead minnow Longnose dace ...Sauger Walleye BUXA! BebixsT Xolev 290iuV Badluy EspluY email piturgia2 Brechers Saspoliin A cimert eueliooobo ansinionis auellooobo eneidinemA o biscos. lodiabega enlarg onlagen Bollige errИ billing? mucholt amolavdmA an B00000 plus ฟรี leauonboow plus arangam shoshies scelgia anex idmod sugoiras 2 soithingto? uphiv atteson? antosonvids aleidooing sidconmed! sidconmar pursijalca avnon! deit anes novamo Cenmon Name Coyote olcisa asbloms oleciso aurofeote mao pumotots? fivela eurotecte baled avio mula pulasyo oktrisa zunhavo autoul xoad esblozols noboit elisdoun audienpodyH E-18 enew entame One or more 35 APPENDIX F vivifiano? chotaH clude pivotal ariq SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES STUDY PROGRESS along A. Pre Fieldwork Studies sis of soha beniss photel Brunt ste2 stkso 1. Records Search A records search was conducted to document all known cultural resources in the study area. Records checked include: the State Historical Society of North Dakota in Bismarck, the National Register of Historic Places, and applicable agency files such as the en USDA Forest Service (Little Missouri National Grasslands). Information was also obtained Jerby contacting local landowners and informants. These searches yielded a list of known of prehistoric and historic cultural resource locations which included: Smithsonian site number (SITS), site type/description, ownership, location, and NRHP status. OW! 02. Native American Contacts be In accordance with Public Law 95-341, the American Indian Religious Freedom Act 212 (AIRFA) of 1978, Native American concerns and values for cultural resources of edcontemporary or heritage significance within the project area were addressed. As a preliminary step in determining Native American use of the area, letters were sent to representatives of the Assiniboine, Mandan-Hidatsa, Crow and Fort Totten Sioux. The major goals of the Native American contacts were to develop an inventory of significant past or present cultural resources and the activities associated with them and to document we concerns and recommendations for preservation and/or mitigation procedures for any identified resources. 3. Cultural Resources Overview A brief overview of the cultural prehistory and history of the study area was compiled from the following sources: Frison 1978, Jennings 1968, Beckes and Keyser 1983, Willey 1966, Gregg 1985, Metcalf and Schweigert 1986, Devoto 1953, Provo 1984, Athern 1967 and Robinson 1966. er pabuinvil mot 4. Prehistoric Sensitivity mending For this project, three prehistoric sensitivity levels were identified based upon the O probability of encountering specific site types that would be likely to occur in different environmental/topographic settings. Environmental parameters such as topography and proximity to water were analyzed and compared for all previously recorded sites. Sensitivity levels (low, medium and high) for the project area were based on expected density/probability of sites rather than site specific impacts which could occur. F-1 5. Historic Sensitivity Expected locations of historic resources, especially structural remains were projected primarily by examining USGS quadrangles and/or aerial photographs. Historic site sensitivity was predicted utilizing two levels, high and low. B. Fieldwork The required State and USDA Forest Service permits were obtained prior to actual fieldwork. Permitting procedures were coordinated through the North Dakota State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the USDA Forest Service, Billings, Montana. 1. Methods no la tramusob or bet to telo lehota wat2 ent sers Vbute After selection of the agency-preferred corridor and prior to the intensive survey, one qualified cultural resources specialist accompanied the agency's preliminary centerline siting party to identify potential site specific cultural resource conflicts and suggest measures to avoid these conflicts. This process took four days of fieldwork time to complete. Fieldwork for the intensive survey was completed in nine days by two crews of two and one historian. During the survey, spacing intervals of 15 to 20 meters (50-80 feet) between crew members were maintained by use of compass bearings and the staked centerline. Transects were walked in a zig-zag pattern to achieve maximum coverage of the area. The cultural resources survey corridor was intensively surveyed (100%) 30 meters (100 feet) on either side of the preliminary ROW centerline and proposed access easements were surveyed 4.5 meters (15 feet) either side of centerline. All of the access roads were not surveyed due to time constraints and weather conditions. The access easements that were not surveyed will be surveyed in the spring of 1988. 10 All observed cultural materials and features were flagged. After flagging, the crew members checked the immediate area for additional materials. For isolated finds (IF's), a North Dakota State Cultural Resources Survey (NDCRS) Archaeological Site form page 1 or Historical Archaeological Site form page 1 was completed if less than five artifacts were found at a resource location. Isolated finds were assigned consecutive temporary numbers based on recording order. If five or more prehistoric or historic artifacts were found in association, or a structure or feature was found, the resource was given site status and the following steps undertaken. ent noqu me ☐A NDCRS site form, including the appropriate computer code sheet was completed. The "NDCRS Site Form Training Manual" was utilized to fill out all forms. ■ A temporary site number was assigned to the resource in the field. Permanent trinomial Smithsonian numbers were obtained from the North Dakota SHPO bas prigo after acceptance of the completed site forms. vivillam Vllmixong batospe no (rigid bas bas mubem wol) alovel sea lo viilidadongyllensb F-2 leus eft nirifiw bebrogen chaw remt betslo 10 anoaeg ene bas One or more 35 mm. black and white photographs were taken of the site and/or features. Additional photographs were taken of historic sites that include standing structures. need toy AHA ■ A site map was drawn on polar grid paper using a Brunton compass and taped or paced measurements. All artifacts and features were mapped from a datum ert ghubbucpoint. This datum consisted of a piece of rebar 3/8" x 12" driven into the ground along with two pin flags. The map shows site location in relation to topographic features and the proposed line and delineates site boundaries, features, artifact concentrations and locations of collected artifacts. Maps of standing historic structures were drawn in sufficient detail to show location of entries and fenestration, roof lines, and directional orientation. The site boundaries were described and/or mapped in relation to the existing line, the right of way, centerline and access road limits. 87sages A ■ Prior to fieldwork and during the rights-of-entry permit process, Western welven obtained written permission from private landowners to collect items during the survey or testing. The agreement also determined if the artifacts were to be returned to the owner. Artifact collection was kept to a minimum and no collection was made if permission was denied by private landowners. Prehistoric artifacts were collected only if they were diagnostic or very unique, and historic artifacts were collected only if laboratory analysis was necessary for accurate description or interpretation. The majority of observed surface artifacts were fully described, drawn and/or photographed in the field. Collected artifacts were assigned a temporary field number. ■ Written descriptions of sites detailed site condition, topographic and cultural features, dimensions, soils, elevation, proximity to water and vegetation on and surrounding the site. ■ The site was plotted on the appropriate USGS map and each resource was described as to legal location. All site locations were marked on aerial photos, if available. To assess visual intrusions on historic sites, a visual/cultural resource survey was conducted to record historic sites that may be eligible for the NRHP and may be visually impacted by the proposed line. Sites anticipated in this category included standing structures such as homesteads. In addition to the intensively surveyed cultural resources corridor, 200 meters on either side of this survey corridor was examined for potential visual impact by completing a Visual Cultural Resource (V-CR) Field Inventory Form. Resources were recorded as sites if potential visual impact was assessed as high. 2. Survey Results a. Prehistoric Resources. Seven prehistoric sites were recorded during the intensive survey of the cultural resources corridor and access easements. These sites are all cultural material (CM) scatters. Formal NRHP determinations have not yet been made for the prehistoric sites. F-3 b. Historic Resources. Two historic sites were recorded within the cultural resources corridor. Both sites are depressions and/or foundations with associated trash by scatters. Both lack integrity and do not appear to be related to any significant persons or events. Two historic sites were recorded outside the cultural resources corridor and were assessed for visual impact. Formal NRHP determinations have not yet been made for any of the historic sites. c. Isolated Find Resources. Twenty prehistoric isolated finds were found during the intensive survey. No historic IF's were found. No further work is recommended for these isolated finds. C. Additional Work Fieldwork will be conducted on the remaining unsurveyed access easements in the spring of 1988. Additional survey and/or testing will be performed as required. A separate report containing NRHP recommendations will be submitted to the SHPO for review. of bezoubrioo ertyd balbaqmi neo ya long- fenuliuo erts 10 dang ent F-4 SCOPING ALTERNATIVE RESOURCE SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS CORRIDOR SELECTION 2-F Prepare Linear Corridor Overlay Transmission • Roads Pipelines 300 4-B Develop Project Description • Design Construction • Operation Maintenance Abandonment IMPACT ASSESSMENT/MITIGATION PLANNING Define Reference Centerline Routes and 4-D Prepare Environmental Baseline Air Resources Earth Resources Biological Resources Floodplain and Wetlands Land Use Socioeconomics Visual Resources Acoustical Characteristics Archaeological Resources' Historical Resources Native American Cultural Resources 4-E Assess and Determine Initial Impacts • Type Location Level Determine Specific Mitigation 4-F Assess and 4-G Reassess and • Mitigation Recommendation Determine Residual Impacts Residual Impacts 5-A Combine Links • Preliminary Mitigation Commitments 2-C Map and 2-A Describe 2-F 2-8 3-A 3-B 4-A Existing Environmental Prepare Work Program Refine Study Collect Conditions Natural Data Area Environment Prepare Constraint Map • Exclusion Areas Select Preliminary Select Final Alternative Corridors/ Substation • Human Environment Cultural Environment • Avoidance Areas Siting Areas Alternative Corridors/ Substation Sites Segments (Links) Public Scoping Meetings 2-D Develop 2-E Sensitivity Criteria • Resource Agency Value Input 4-C Conduct Sensitivity Analysis Public Determine • Maximum Planning Generic Protective • Major Meetings Mitigation Status • Moderate Present and Minimum Future Use Hazards Mitigation Plan for Project 5-B PREFERRED ROUTE SELECTION to Form Comparative Routing Options Describe Impacts by Route Overall Impact Levels • Significant Adverse 5-C Unavoidable Impacts Compare Routes/Sites and Determine Preferences by Individual Resource Category 5-D Compare Routes/Sites and Determine Preferences for Environment as a Whole, Based on • Minimum Overall Impact • Minimum Significant Adverse Unavoidable Impact • Maximum Individual Resource Preference EIS AND OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS/APPROVALS 6-D Public North Dakota North Dakota Planning Meetings (PSC) (PSC) Staff Review Review/ Approval 5-E 5-F Identify Environmentally Select Agency Preferred Preferred Route/Site Route 5-G Refine Preferred Route Centerline Location 6-A 6-B Prepare Draft Issue DEIS for Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Public Review/ Comment 6-C Prepare and Issue Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) 6-F Prepare and Issue Record of Decision (ROD) Secure Right-of-Way and Construct Project 6-E Other Environmental Reviews/ Public Hearings Approvals A-95 Endangered Species Floodplain/ Wetlands • Cultural Resources Task Sequence Diagram FIGURE 11-5. LIVE R100 W McKenzie Co. R99N 29 Stark Co Saddle Butte 5 85 McKenzie Co Billings Co R99W R98W Rattlesnake Butte Green River 899 W R98W Billings Co Stark Co. T141N T140N २०६ Belfield Heart R99W R98W River T140N T139N Charlie Creek Substation T142N T141N R98W Dunn Co. R97W Billings Co. T145N T144N Knite River T144N T143N 0.5 1 2 3 Miles T143N T142N STUDY AREA CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION 3 North FIGURE II-7. LIVE ૪૦૬૪ R100W McKenzie Co. R99N 40 40 Stark Co Saddle Butte R99W R98W McKenzie Co Billings Co 20 Charlie Creek Substation 12 19 13 14 15 21 22 23 31 30 29 5 85 32 24 28. Rattlesnake Butte Green River R99W R98W 10 Dunn Co. R98W R97W 25. Billings Co. 26 272 3 Knite River T144N T143N Billings Co. T141N Stark Co. T140N 27a E33 34 27b 35 36a 37 36 38 Belfield 39 Heart 42 43 R99W R98W River T140N T139N T142N 141N T143N T142N 10 T145N T144N ROUTE CONFIGURATION ROUTE CORRIDOR ALTERNATIVE ROUTE CENTERLINE 7 MILEAGE MARKER LINK 0.5 1 2 3 Miles National Grassland State Land North ALTERNATIVE STUDY ROUTES CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION FIGURE 11-8. LIVE Stark Co Saddle Butte AGENCY PREFERRED ROUTE (W1-1 W2-1 R100W McKenzie Co. R99N Belfield 40 REFINED AGENCY PREFERRED ROUTE (W1-1R) 8 R99W R98W Charlie Creek Substation 12 Mekenzie Col Billings Co. 13 20% 31 29 94 Rattlesnake Butte 18 W3+4 R99W R98W 43 Billings Co. Stark Co. R99W R98W 38 32 Green River ENVIRONMENTALLY PREFERRED ROUTE E4-1 37 36 Heart River 27B T140N T139N R98W R97W Dunn Co. Billings Co. 27 Little Knife River T144N T143N T141N T140N 0.5 1 T142N T141N T143N T142N 2 3 National Grassland State Land T145N T144N Miles North FINAL ROUTING ALTERNATIVES CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION FIGURE II-9. LIVE 01 R100W McKenzie Co. R99N Stark Co 115 Saddle Butte Belfield སྔུལ 230k V DOE 94 McKenzie Co. Billings Co. Rattlesnake Butte R98 0 R99W R99W R98W a Billings Co Stark Co. R98W 33 رجیح ہے Charlie Creek Substation 115 345KV BEPG 115kV MEC Dunn Co. R98W R97W Warren Petroleum Substation Billings Co. T145N T144N Knife River T142N T141N T143N T142N 0 T144N T143N Green River 1141N T140N AGRICULTURE Non-Irrigated Cropland RESIDENTIAL Residence/Farmstead Occupied Farmstead Unoccupied COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL Industrial Surface Extraction Heart River LAND USE CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY Dos T140N T139N t Cemetary O Producing Gas/Oil Well Abandoned Gas/Oil Well Dry Hole/Permit Cancelled Gas/Oil Well Other Gas/Oil Well Major Natural Gas/Oil Pipeline UTILITIES Existing Substation Existing Transmission Line 0.5 1 2 3 Miles North FIGURE III-1 DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION FIGURE III-1. LIVE L R100W McKenzie Co. R99N D Stark Co Saddle Butte Belfield McKenzie Co Billings Co Rattlesnake Butte MOOG R98W M668 R98W Star Co. Charlie Creek Substation D Green River M R98W R97W Dunn Co. Knife River Billings Co. T141N 194 Heart R98W R99W T140N T139N T140N Billings Co. T145N T144N T142N T141N T143N T142N T144N T143N High Sensitivity Area Medium Sensitivity Area River Hear Δ Potential Historic Site CULTURAL RESOURCES CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY 0.5 1 2 3 Miles T North DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION FIGURE III-3. LIVE MATION Stark Co Saddle Butte Belfield 5 B McKenzie Co. Billings Co 5 R99W R98W 13 Charlie Creek Substation Rattlesnake Butte Green River R98W Billings Co. Stark Co. 94 Heart River L. R100W McKenzie Co. R99N SLOPE ZONES R99W R98W CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY Dunn Co. R98W R97W Billings Co. T145N T144N Knife River T144N T143N T141N T140N T142N 141N T143N T142N 10 2 T140N T139N <<10% 10%-20% > 20% 0.5 1 2 3 Miles North DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION FIGURE III-4. LIVE L. R100W McKenzie Co. R99N Stark Co Saddle Butte Belfield B McKenzie Co Billings Co Rattlesnake Butte MOOD R98W gruck R99W R98W Billings Co. Star Co. 94 Heart R99W R98W Charlie Creek Substation Green River River T140N T139N R98W Dunn Co-R97W Knife River T141N T140N Billings Co. T145N T144N T142N 141N T143N T142N T144N T143N Alluvium Golden Valley Formation Sentinel Butte Formation Abandoned Surface Mine Abandoned Underground Mine Oil and Gas Field Paleontology (Known Sites) 0.5 1 2 3 Miles 1 North GEOLOGIC RESOURCES CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION FIGURE III-6. LIVE R100W R99N McKenzie Co. Stark Co Belfield Saddle Butte 6 R99W R98W McKenzie Co. Billings Co R99W R98W Rattlesnake Butte Green River R98W Stark Co. Billings Co T141N Heart SURFACE HYDROLOGY CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY River T140N T139N T140N Charlie Creek Substation T142N T141N R98W R97W Dunn' Co. Billings Co. T145N T144N 23 Knife River T144N Minor Intermittent Stream Major Intermittent Stream 0.5 1 2 3 Miles T143N T142N 1 North DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION T143N MO FIGURE III-8. LIVE Stark Co Saddle Butte Belfield B McKenzie Con Billings Co の ​R99W R98W Rattlesnake Butte MOOG R98W Billings Co. Star Co. Heart Charlie Creek Substation Green River L. R100W McKenzie Co. R99N SOILS R98W R99W CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY River R98W R97W Dunn C 25m T145N Billings Co. T144N ว Knife River T144N T143N T141N T140N T142N HA1N T143N T142N Map Unit 1 Map Unit 2 Map Unit 4 Map Unit 5 Map Unit 6 T140N T139N Map Unit 7 Map Unit 8 Map Unit 10 0.5 1 2 3 Miles North DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION FIGURE III-9. LIVE R100W R99N McKenzie Co. Stark Co Belfield Saddle Butte 85 R99W R98W McKenzie Co. Billings Co. Rattlesnake Butte Green River R98W Billings Co Stark Co. T141N T140N Heart River BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY T140N T139N R99W R98W T142N T141N Charlie Creek Substation X مرکی R98W Dunn C-R97W Billings Co. T145N T144N Knife River T144N T143N T143N T142N VEGETATION/WETLANDS/ WILDLIFE 00 Grassland Badlands Hardwood/Shrubland Wetlands/Riparian Reservoirs/Ponds Observed Sensitive Species Locations 0.5 1 2 3 Miles 1 North WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 10 FIGURE III-10. LIVE Eng Stark Co R99W R98W McKenzie Co. Billings Co 20 31 Saddle Butte 85 21 22 23 18 ww+ 30 30 29 C Charlie Creek Substation 32 28 Rattlesnake Butte Green River 899W R98W Billings Co. Stark Co. 37 34 R98W Dunn Co. 02 R97W Billings Co. 25 26 T145N T144N 3 17 18 12 8 13 11 MCKENZIE BILLINGS 15 Knife River 23 16 T144N T143N 27 T143N T142N T142N 141N 29 12 14 2637 1600 rsasy Butte River 2580 2565 2566 Stor Pit 10 24 28 27a INITIAL RESIDUAL T141N T140N High High Moderate- High 33 35 27b Moderate Moderate- High Moderate Moderate- Moderate- Low Low 36a Low Low 36 41 40 Belfield Heart 39 38 River R100W McKenzie Co. R99N 42 44 43 R99W R98W LAND USE IMPACTS CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY ROUTE CONFIGURATION T140N T139N LINK- 39 INITIAL IMPACT- 38 RESIDUAL IMPACT 0.5 1 2 3 Miles North DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION 5 257 2611 2560 25 2 FIGURE IV-1. LIVE MH 41 @ H M H ww R99W M86H 17 Charlie Creek Substation 6 18 5 H McKenzie Co Dunn Co R98W R97W 2 19 Billings Co. 13 Billings Co. 9 20 22 15 14 10 21 23 16 24 H 25 26 31 18 Stark Co M 40 McKenzie Co. R100W R99N H Saddle M MH 29 30 Butte MM W H ① H 060 H H M Rattlesnake M Butte 13 M R99 R98W M 32 28 H H H M M w Knife River M M M H Green River H Billings Co. Stark Co. H H 37 H 84 33 35 36a H M 36 H Belfield 39 H H H 38 42 43 M R99W R98W רין 3 MT145N T144N T144N T143N T143N T142N T142N TA1N VISUAL RESOURCES O Foreground Distance Zone (0-1 Mile) Residence Major Road Industrial Facility (0-1 Mile) Producing Well (0-1 Mile) Screening (Shelterbelts) VISUAL IMPACTS High Moderate-High 1141N T140N 27 a 27b MH Moderate MH Moderate-Low Heart H River M Low M/H IMPACT TO ROAD M T140N T139N LINK 38 M IMPACT TO ROAD INITIAL IMPACT IMPACT TO RESIDENCE H = HIGH MH - MODERATE-HIGH M = MODERATE ML MODERATE-LOW L = LOW 0.5 1 2 3 Miles North VISUAL RESOURCES & IMPACTS CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION FIGURE IV-2. LIVE Stark Co Saddle Butte 31 41 0 Belfield: R100W McKenzie Co. R99N R99W R98W 17 McKenzie Co 18 Billings Co 119 20 B 94 Charlie Creek Substation R98W R97W Dunn Co. 2 T145N Billings Co. T144N 4 3 17 2122 23 12 25 26 30 29 32 Rattlesnake Butte Green River R99W R98W 28 8 18 15 13 11 270 Knife River 23 16 T144N T143N 27 T143N T142N 27a Billings Co. Stark Co. T141N T140N 37 T142N TA1N ON 14 Nem co BILLINGS 6 24 29 12 26002 INITIAL RESIDUAL 33 35 27b High High Moderate Moderate 36a Low Low 36 Heart 39 38 River 42 43 R99W R98W CULTURAL IMPACTS CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY ROUTE CONFIGURATION T140N T139N LINK- 39 INITIAL IMPACT 38 RESIDUAL IMPACT 0.5 1 2 3 Miles North DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION 2565 River 9 rasey Bobte 35 2566 10 28 5 25 2 FIGURE IV-12. LIVE 7 Stark Co Saddle Butte 31 5 8 R99W R98W McKenzie Co Billings Co 20 18 Charlie Creek Substation Dunn Co. 02 R98W R97W T145N Billings Co. T144N 4 3 21 22 23 12 25 26 30 29 32 Rattlesnake Butte Green River 899W R98W Billings Co Stark Co. 37 34 28 18 15 17 262 8 13 11 Knife River 23 16 T144N T143N 27 27a T141N T140N T142N 1141N T143N T142N 10 MCKENZIE BILLINGS 226007 24 29 12 INITIAL RESIDUAL 33 35 27b High High Moderate Moderate 36a Low Low 36 41 40 Belfield Heart 39 38 River R100W McKenzie Co. R99N 42 44 43 R99W R98W GEOLOGIC IMPACTS CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY ROUTE CONFIGURATION T140N T139N LINK- 39 INITIAL IMPACT- 38 RESIDUAL IMPACT 0.5 1 2 3 Miles North DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION 6 Graasy Butte 600. 35 River 2580 2565 2566 Score Pit 10 28 5 2611 2 25 FIGURE IV-13. LIVE 41 R100W McKenzie Co. R99N Stark Co 18 Saddle Butte 314 (85) R99W R98W McKenzie Co. 18 Billings Co 19 20 Charlie Creek Substation R98W Dunn Co 10 2 R97W T145N Billings Co. T144N 4 3 21 22 23 25 26 30 29 Rattlesnake Butte R99W R98W Gruck 28 17 121 8 18 MCKENZIE 13 BILLINGS 11 114 15 Knife River 23 16 T144N T143N 27 T143N T142N 32 T142N TA1N Billings Co. Stark Co. 37 Belfield 39 38 42 44 43 R99W R98W 34 Green River 27a 33 35 27b 36a T141N T140N 6 2565 2566 Storia Pit Graney Hote 35 10 24 12 29 28 INITIAL RESIDUAL High High 100 Moderate Moderate Low Low ROUTE CONFIGURATION 236 T140N T139N LINK- 39 Heart INITIAL IMPACT River Hear SOILS IMPACTS CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY 38 RESIDUAL IMPACT 0.5 1 2 3 Miles North DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION 5 257 25 2 FIGURE IV-14. LIVE 7 R99W R98W McKenzie Co. BOLLING Billings Co 20 Q Stark Co 31 Saddle Butte 85 18 21 22 23 30 30 29 Charlie Creek Substation 32 28 Rattlesnake Butte Green River 899W R98W Dunn Co. 02 R98W R97W T145N Billings Co. T144N 3 25 26 17 18 12 13 15 26.0 7 8 COLE 11 MCKENZIE BILLINGS 6 2600- Grassy Butte Knife River 23 16 T144N T143N 24 29 12 27a Billings Cos Stark Co. 37 34 27 T143N T142N T142N 141N T141N T140N River 2580 2565 2566 Stor INITIAL RESIDUAL 33 35 27b High High Moderate Moderate 36a Low Low 36 41 40 Belfield Heart 39 38 River R100W McKenzie Co. R99N 42 43 ROUTE CONFIGURATION T140N T139N LINK- 39 INITIAL IMPACT- 38 0.5 1 2 3 RESIDUAL IMPACT Miles R99W R98W VEGETATION/WETLANDS IMPACTS CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY North DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION 10 28 5 2011 2 2563 25 FIGURE IV-15. LIVE Stark Co 31 Saddle Butte R99W R98W 17 18 McKenzie Co 19 Billings Co 20 41 40 Belfield R100W McKenzie Co. R99N Charlie Creek Substation R98W Dunn Co R97W 2 ".. Billings Co. T145N T144N 4 3 21 22 23 25 26 30 29 32 28 Rattlesnake Butte Green River 94 44 R99W R98W Billings Co. Stark Co. 37 34 18 17 12 13 80 11 8 MC KENGTE BILLINGS 15 114 22600) Knife River 23 16 6 T144N T143N 27 T143N T142N T142N | HA1N 27a T141N T140N 29 12 12637 6 2600 2565 River 9 2566 Frasey Belte 35 Pit orig 10 24 28 INITIAL RESIDUAL 33 35 27b High High Moderate Moderate 36a Low Low 36 Heart 39 38 River 42 43 R99W R98W WILDLIFE IMPACTS CHARLIE CREEK TO BELFIELD TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY ROUTE CONFIGURATION T140N T139N LINK- 39 INITIAL IMPACT- 38 RESIDUAL IMPACT 0.5 1 2 3 Miles North DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION 5 25 2 FIGURE IV-16. 70 431AA BR5 5131 10/97 02-013-01 GB UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 04123 2300