247.5 W373 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | St.QUÆRIS.PENINSULAM-AMENAM. 1837 VUMI SCIENTIA ARTES VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE PLURIBUS UNUM TUEBOR CIRCUMSPICE WWW.I $0.99 FROM THE LIBRARY OF PROFESSOR W.W.BEMAN AB.1870; AM, 1873 TEACHER OF MATHEMATICS 1871-1922 Sillllll ATHEMATICS 21,5 W375 24 TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. An authorized translation by Professor W. W. BEMAN of Chapter XXV. of Vol. II., of the Lehrbuch der Algebra* Mar BY PROFESSOR HEINRICH WEBER. [Professor Weber's presentation of the recent methods of demonstrating the transcendency of e and at, especially in sections 205 and 206, is so elementary that its reproduction in English will be welcomed by many. For the sake of completeness the whole chapter has been given. W. W. B.] S 203. Enumerable Masses. In the introduction to our work the general number con- cept was defined and with this general number concept we have operated, e.g., in the proof of the existence of a root. In the further course of our investigations, we have dealt only with algebraic numbers without stopping to inquire whether the content of the number domain was thus ex- hausted, or there were non-algebraic numbers besides. The existence of non-algebraic numbers, also called transcen- dental, was first demonstrated by Liouville. Other proofs have been devised by G. Cantor.† We begin here with the conception, already estab- lished in the introduction, of a mass or manifoldness, which means a system of elements of any kind so far de- fined that in case of any arbitrary object it is possible to de- cide whether it belongs to the system or not. We distinguish between finite and infinite masses and introduce as our first and most important example of an infinite mass the aggregate of the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, ... The following definition then holds : 1. Definition. A mass is said to be enumerable [abzählbar when its elements can be brought into a (1, 1) correspondence with the whole series of natural numbers or a portion of the same. I Accordingly every finite mass is enumerable and in the enumeration the series of natural numbers is used only up to a certain greatest number. In what follows we specially consider infinite masses. Braunschweig, Vieweg und Sohn, 1895 und 1896. † G. CANTOR, Crelle's Journal, vol. 77 (1873). “Ueber eine Eigen- schaft des Inbegriffes aller reellen algebraischen Zahlen." CANTOR, 1. C. The notion of enumerable masses agrees with the notion of simply infinite systems defined by DEDEKIND without the assumption of the number system. DEDEKIND, "Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen ?' 26. Braunschweig, 1887. (Second unaltered edition, 1893.) . G - 175 TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. [Feb., 1 We may also define an infinite enumerable mass as a mass of such a nature that to every element a definite number from the series of natural numbers can be applied as a name, provided every number of the series of natural numbers is employed ; that is, a mass in which there is a first, second, third, . . . hundredth ... element. Finally, we may also say that an infinite enumerable mass is one whose elements can be arranged in such an order that there is a first element, that each element is followed by a definite other one of the mass, and that every element save the first is preceded by a definite other element. Such a series we may call a countable [zählbar] arrangement. It is clear that an enumerable mass is enumerable not only in one way, but in infinitely many different ways. Besides the series of natural numbers which is manifestly enumerable, we may mention as a second example the system of rational positive proper fractions which may be enumer- ated, for instance, in the following manner: 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 4 1 5 2 3 3 4 4 5 55 5 5 6 6 5 i.e., so that every greater denominator follows the less denominator, and that the fractions with equal denominators are arranged according to the magnitude of the numera- tors. If, however, the fractions were to be arranged in or- der of numerical value, we should not have a countable ar- rangement. 2. The aggregate of all algebraic numbers is an enumerable mass. To prove this important theorem we recall that every al- gebraic number @ is the root of one and only one irreduci- ble equation (1) f(O)=a, An + a, An-1+...+00 = 0 where do, a, ...0, are integral rational numbers without a common divisor, and a, is positive and different from zero. The degree n of the equation (1) is a positive integer and hence at least equal to 1. Some of the numbers Qy, Q2, ...a nm 1 may be 0. tan . tan We will now select the signs so that +0,,#02, dar • are not negative, and call the sum (2) N=(n − 1)+ a, #ą,+g. the height of the algebraic number 0. The height is then al- ways a positive integer. Now it is easy to see that for a given value of the height R3 Pirag.W.W. Bus -üft 1897.] TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. 176 ! N there is always only a finite number of algebraic num- bers. For in the first place by (2) n can never be greater than N, and for given values of N and n the numbers &q, Az, ...am can be determined in only a finite number of ways. Among the functions f(0) so determined we retain only the irre- ducible ones. If now the algebraic numbers be arranged so that the numbers of less height precede those of greater height, that among numbers of equal height that one pre- cedes whose real part is the smaller, that among numbers of equal height and equal real part the one of smaller imaginary part precedes, we have a countable arrangement of the algebraic numbers and it is shown that the aggregate of all algebraic numbers is an enumerable mass. We have, for example: o 1, ao 1, di +1, + 2, £1, N=1, n = 1, do = 1, ay = 0, N=2, n=1, a = 1, ay N= 3, n= do = 2, ay n=2, a 2, ao = 1, az 1, az = 0, a, = 1, and the beginning of an orderly series of algebraic num- bers becomes 1 1 0, — , – ✓ 2' , -2 2,... in Every portion of the series of natural numbers is an enu- merable mass: for we have only to arrange the numbers of such portion in order of magnitude to obtain a countable ar- rangement. Thus it appears that every portion of an enumerable mass is itself an enumerable mass. Hence it follows among other things that the mass of real algebraic numbers is enumerable. § 204. Unenumerable Masses. We now proceed to the proof of the theorem that there are number masses which are not enumerable and in parti- cular we shall show that: The aggregate of all real numbers even when we are restricted to a finite interval is not enumerable. For this purpose consider any enumerable mass of unequal real numbers which in a countable arrangement (2) may be designated: 177 [Feb., TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. (9) W1, W2, 03, 04, • • (where it is to be observed that the elements may not be arranged in order of magnitude). For brevity we shall speak of that one of two elements of the series 2 which has the smaller index as the earlier, the one with greater index as the later. We now select any two real numbers a and B, a 1 x | then is XC li always a proper fraction if h 2k. Consequently xn in-k Il(n) Il(K) k +1 k +2 Hence it follows that the infinite series 2c2 203 (2) e* = 1 + x + + +... II(2) II(3) converges for all values of x, and by it we define the ex- ponential function es, whose simplest properties we here assume as known from analysis. We have, in particular, the relation paty e eg for any two values x,y; whence it follows that, for n a posi- tive integer, en is the nth power of the number 1 1 (3) e=2+ + + ...= 2.718281828459... I (2) 11 (3) If now r represents any positive integer, formula (2) may be written II (4) II (r) e* =II (r) + x 2 + ... + x + x" U, II (9) x + II (1) Il (2) . 2 zos where x² (5) U= n+1+ (+ 1)(-+2)+(n+1)(-+2)(n+3)+ t... and this formula holds for p= 0) if we assume II (0)=1. Designating | x | by 5, it follows from the theorem that the absolute value of a sum is never greater than the sum of the absolute values of its parts, that Ę $3 $? | US1+ p+1+(n+1)(r+2)+(+1)(r+2)(-+ 3) t... and therefore . 181 [Feb., TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. 83 ہم رله 62 + 1.2 + U, 1<| 1+i If we put tie 1-2-3 = - es. U, - qr es then ar is a function of x of which we know that 1 q1 < 1. We now substitute in formula (4)r= 0,1,... n, and write out the terms in reverse order as follows: } nl (n) €* = 9m 24 % + 2* + nxn-1 + n(n-1) **-? + + II (n) (6) Il(n-1) e* = In–, 29-10% + x-1 + (n-1) 29-2 +(n-1).(n 2) 24–3+. 6* = 9, es + 1. Now assume an arbitrary integral function of x of the nth degree: (7) f(x) = Cm " + Cn-yan-1 + 09-2 3-2 + ... + Co, and its derivatives f'(x) = nc, **-1 + (n-1)(n-1 33–3 2n1 -+ ... (8) F"(x) = n(n-1) 22-2 + (n-1)(n--2) Cn~182~3 + ... ll Com (9) xn_1 f(n) x = (n) and for brevity put F(x) = f(x) + f'(x) + f'(x) + ... + f(n)(x). Then F(x) is an integral function of x of degree n. Finally assume (10) Q(x) = Cn9n 2" + Cn-1 (n-1 +...+ Co 90 (11) P= C, I (n)+ C, II (n-1)+...+ c. Q(x) depends upon x, though not expressible rationally in terms of 2; P, however, is independent of x. If we now multiply equations (6) in order by C-1, ..., and add, we get (12) €* P= F(x) + € 0 (x). n $ 1897.] 182 TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. This formula will serve as the foundation for the follow- ing deductions. If we assume e to be an algebraic number it must satisfy an equation of degree m (say) (13) C + C, et C, e + ... + Cem = 0 whose coefficients Co, C, C, ... Con are integral rational num- bers,* and C. and Cm are not zero. It is required to show the absurdity of this hypothesis. To this end we substitute in (12) for x successively the integers 0, 1, 2, ... m, so that becomes identical with 2, multiply by C, C, ... C and add. Then by (13), since P is independent of x, (14) 0=C, F(0)+C, F(1)+...+ Cm F(m) + CoQ (0)+ CeQ(1)+...+ Cmem Q (m) and now by a suitable choice of the still arbitrary function F(x) we are to show that (14) is impossible. We select a prime number p, which is greater than met and put 2c2–1 (1 — x)" (2 — x)”... (m x)? (15) f(x) II (p-1) so that the degree n of f(x) is equal to (m + 1) p-1 and we now prove two things : (1) CF(0) + CF (1)+...+ C F (m) is an integer dif- ferent from zero and, therefore, disregarding sign, at least equal to 1. (2) CQ(0) + Ce Q(1) + ... + Ce Q (m) is less than 1, both upon the assumption that p has been suitably dis- posed of. If these two points are established, we recognize * The following definitions are given by Weber in % 133: An algebraic number o is called an integral algebraic number when it satisfies a rational equation (1) OM + A, OM-It... + Am–10 + Am=0 whose coefficients A1, A2, ..., Am are integers. Integral algebraic numbers include as a special case ordinary integers, which, for distinction, we call integral rational numbers. W. W. B. † That there is always a prime number p greater than any given num ber ll was already demonstrated in EUCLID (Elements, Book IX., Prop. XX., vol. 2 of HEIBERG's edition). The proof is simply this, that the in- teger II (u)+1 which is obviously greater than u is divisible by no prime number, which is not greater than j, because this number gives the remain- der 1 when divided by the numbers 2, 3, ...ll. Hence it is impossible that there be no prime number above lo i 183 [Feb., TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. the impossibility of equation (14) and therefore of equation (13), from which (14) was derived. If we arrange the numerator of f(x) in powers of x we get an expression of the form : Ap- t... 2-129–1 + A, 27" + Ap+1 22+1 (16) f (x2) Il (241) where Ap_1, Ap, A2+1 ... are integers and A,-=[ll (m)]”, and hence is certainly not divisible by p. . Comparing (16) with Taylor's Formula x? f(x) = f(0) + x f'(0) + 1 (2) II (2) f”(0) + ..., we have f(0) = f'(0) = f'(0) = ... = f(-2) (0)=0, fro-1) (0) Ap-i, f(P)(O)=p Apyf (+1) (0)=P(+1)/2+1, ... Hence F(0) = Ap-1 + p 4, +p(p+1)^2+1 +... is an integer not divisible by p. If, however, we arrange f(x) in powers of (x - 1), we get B, (x - 1)” +Be+1 (x - 1)p+1 + .. f(a) 11 (p-1) where B,, Bp+1, ... are again integers. Thence it follows as above by comparison with - f(a)=f(1) + (x - 1)f' (1) + II (2) ) that F(1)= p B, +p (p+1) B,+1+... Consequently, F(1) is an integer divisible by p, and similarly we can show that F(2), F(3),...F (m) are integers divisi- ble by p. Since p can be chosen so large that C, is not divisible by p, it follows that C.F(0) + C, F(1)+...+Cm F (m) is an integer not divisible by p and hence does not vanish; thus (1) is demonstrated. If we can show further that by increasing p, Q(a) can for any positive x be made as small as we please, it will follow that for a sufficiently large value of p the expression (2) can certainly be made less than 1, and our proof is completed. 1897.] 184 TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. و7.. Returning to the expression (10) for Q(x), let Yn1, denote the absolute values of the coefficients en Ci—1, .Co of f(x). Since que In1, . . . are less in absolute value than 1, it appears that for every positive x, IQ (x) | is less than (17) (2) = 1,21" + Yn–21-1 + ... +ro. The coefficients Com Cn1, Co of the function f(x) in (15) differ from the rm in-1, ...y, only in sign. If we replace x by — x, thus forming the function 29–1 (1 + x)” (2 + 2)"...(m + x)” f(-x) = II (p - 1) this function has the same coefficients as f(x) but with all the signs positive. It is therefore nothing else than the function & (oc). If we put X= x (1 + 2) (2 + x) ... (m + x), then X Xp-1 (18) Ų (x) Il (p-1) and, as shown at the beginning of this section, with p in- creasing indefinitely this approaches the limit zero. Therefore e is a transcendental number. X -1, $206. Transcendency of the number 1. By the same methods we may now show the transcendency of the number . As definition of this number we use the property that it is the least positive number which satisfies the equation (1) eit when ex is defined by the formula $ 205 (2). If we assume now that t and consequently i n also is an algebraic number, then is in one of the roots of an irreduci- ble rational equation z(x)= 0 whose coefficients are inte- gral rational numbers. If we denote the various roots of this algebraic equation by Pi, Pn, ... By and the coefficient of xv in z by a, then (2) x(x)= a (x – 3)(x – B)... (a – B, ), and the products a Bı, a B, ... a B, are integral algebraic num- ! 185 [Feb., TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. bers and their integral symmetric functions therefore in- tegral rational numbers ($ 133). As the number i must occur among the B's, we must have by (1): (1 + eB.) (1 + eB2)...(1 + eBv)= 0, or expanding 1 + Ieki + Eeßi+Br + E Pi+Bu+B* + ...=0. Among the exponents in this sum the number 0 may oc- cur several times; suppose (C-1) times so that C is a positive integer at least =1. The remaining exponents B, B: + BB:+ B +Px..., some of which may be equal to one another, we will designate by An, Q.2, ... Qy, so that the equa- tion becomes . (3) C + ea, + +...+eQue = 0. The quantities a, a,, ... are algebraic numbers which multiplied by the rational integer a become integral alge- braic numbers. The symmetric functions of the various sums By, B:+BP:+Bu+Px... are at the same time symmetric functions of B,... Bu, and therefore rational numbers. These sums are therefore the roots of a rational equation and since the root 0 can be removed as often as it occurs, the quantities An, Q.2, ... Au are also roots of a rational equation. The funda- mental symmetric functions of the quantities a a,,a, ...a are integral rational numbers. The absolute values of the numbers α α au a, agg...au we shall designate by a,, ,, ...0 If in equation (12) of the previous section we put x = 0, ang ang ..., and apply equation (3), we obtain (4) 0=CF(0) + F(a) + F(0) + ... + F(Q) 1+CQ (0) + eas Q (q) +ear Q (Q) + ... + eu Q (Qu), and we have to show the impossibility of this equation by a suitable choice of f(x). Let p again be a prime number which may increase with- out limit, and put 1897.] 186 TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. P Orde ) a? M aug aup+r–22–1 (x – 0,)” (a — ,)”... (x (5) f(x) II (p - 1) so that f(x) is a function with rational coefficients. As in the previous section we arrange in powers of x: f(x)=49–1 202 + 4, xº + Ap+1 2+1 " + ... Il p 1) where Ap-1, A,, Ap+19 ... are integral rational numbers and A2-1 = (-1)" aup+P-1 Qal, ... If we assume p greater than either of the rational integers a, ama, 4,... 4,-1 will not be divisible by p and hence F(0) = 49–1 + p A, +p (p+1) Ap+1 + ... will be an integer not divisible by p. Likewise if p is taken sufficiently large C is not divisible by p. On the other hand, arranging the numerator of f (x) in powers of a (x—a,) we obtain B, a? (—a,)” + Bp+1 ap+1 (x-a,) P+1 +.. f(x) Il (p-1) are no longer rational but are integral al- gebraic numbers, since the numerator of f(x) is an integral function of ax, aung • . From this it follows as in the last section that F%) = p B, a" + p (p+1) B,+1 Q2+2 +... If similarly we form F(Q), F (az),...F(Qu) and observe that the sum B, (a) + B, (a) +...+ B, (QM) is an integral rational number, it follows that F(a) + F(Q) + ... + F) is an integral rational number divisible by p. Hence finally we conclude that CF(0) + F(a) + F(Q)+...+F (QM) is an integral rational number not divisible by p, and hence not equal to zero; it must therefore, disregarding sign, be at least equal to 1. where B, B2+1,..: a au 187 [Feb., TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS, we 1-) One by If now finally it can be shown that with the present choice of f(x) the function Q(x) can be made as small as we please, for any value of x, by a suitable increase of P, may show, as before, the impossibility of equation (4). This may be seen as follows: Instead of the function (6) f(x) = 0,2* + 09–127–1 + ... + consider the function a up+2–1 22–1 (x + ay) ” (x + ay)!... (x + ay )” 4(x)= Il (p-1) =Yn x * + Yamla t +...+ You which has all its coefficients positive, (though not necessa- rily rational). The coefficients On: Cn-19 · are formed by multiplication and addition from the numbers a, -y, — , Qu, and the corresponding coefficients Yu Yn-1, ... are obtained from these on replacing —Q,, -,, their absolute values ay, day Que ; whence by the theorem previously mentioned it follows that the coefficients Yra Yn-1, are certainly not less than the absolute values of the cor- responding coefficients One Cn—1, Now for every finite x whose absolute value is $, the ab- solute value of Q(x) by $ 205 (10) is not greater than Yn + Yn-1 3-1 +...+y=4 (6), and that 4() can be made as small as we please by in- creasing p sufficiently appears from the form X XP-1 4 (x)= ax ' II (p-1) where X= a +1 x (x + a) (x + a)... (x + au). Hence it is proved that: The number z is a transcendental number. The quadrature of the circle can not be effected by any geometric construction in which only algebraic curves and surfaces are employed. 1 $ 207. Lindemann's General Theorem Regarding the Exponential Function, The transcendency of the numbers e and t, just demon- strated, is contained as a special case in a very general theorem regarding the exponential function announced by 1897.] 188 TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. To prove ang 0.22 a Lindemann in the memoir above mentioned, of which an extended proof was given by Weierstrass in his memoir. We propose to demonstrate this theorem here by the use of the same methods. as in the two special cases. The theorem may be stated as follows: I. An equation of the form (1) Cei + Cee's +...+ Cepn=0 is impossible if the coefficients C1, C2, ... Care algebraic numbers and the exponents z...mare distinct algebraic numbers, unless all the coefficients C,C,, ... Cm are equal to zero. this we establish first a lemma. Let ... a be any real or imaginary but distinct quantities, and A,, A2, ... A likewise arbitrary quantities which do not all vanish. Similarly for the two series of quantities B, B, ..., B, B,,...B Designate by 11/29 - ..Yi the distinct sums among the rs sums a: + Bx and put A= A, ea: + A, eas +...+A, ear, (2) B= B, eß. + B, eß. +...+Bess, (3) AB= C, ey + Cey: +...+ C, en The lemma to be proved may then be stated as follows: 1. The coefficients C, C,,... can not all vanish. In the proof of this theorem we may obviously assume that no one of the coefficients A1, A,, ... A, B, B,, ... B, van- ishes, since those that vanish may be omitted. For brevity we shall say for the moment that of two dif- ferent complex numbers a, b, a is less than b (a take the norm of the product (x - 2) (x x) ...(x -- 20m) freed of any divisors that it may have in common with its derivative. Now put $(x) = * x(),p'(,)= a* (2,), Ç” (c,)= , x(z,),.. 193 [Feb., TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. Then the sum C14'() + ... + Conso" (x)=C7' (2,).x," + ... + Cmx' (cm) x mm certainly cannot vanish for every exponent h, since other- wise, contrary to our hypothesis, C, x'(x), ...Cmx'(m) would all equal zero. Now that the existence of a function 4(x), such as was de- sired, has been established, we apply the formula $ 205 (12), e* P(x) = F(x) + e Q (C). In this we put x = 71,722 • 2m and designate the absolute values of 21, Z by 51, 52 Then by (11) we obtain (15) O=C, F(x) + C, F(%) + ... +CF(2m) + C, e$i Q(2) + C, e62 Q() +...+ Cm esm F(m), 22 mº and if f(x) is an arbitrary integral function of the nth degree, we have (16) F(x) = f(x) + f(x) +...+ f(n) (2). Designating by pa natural prime number which may be made as large as we please, we put x=cz [according to (13)] and 9 (2)P-16'(x) (17) f(x) = 11(p-1) where y (x) is the function satisfying the conditions (1), (2). Arranging in powers of (x --X,) we may write ! (x)?? ¢'(x) = ç'(x)(x—3,)+ A, (x) (x—2,) + Ap+1(x,) (x--<,)p+1 +... where A, (2), Ap+1(2),... are integral algebraic numbers and rational functions of x. On the other hand by Taylor's theorem: f(2)=f(2) + (2—2) f'(2) + (2—2)? f" (2.) +... 1:2 and c (2-2) = x-X. The comparison shows that f(27) - 0,f'(2)= 0, ... f(-2)(22) = 0, f(p-1) (2,)=(P-10'(x,)”, f) (2.) =po A, (x,), f(+1) (2.) =p (P+1) c2+1 4,+1(x,),... and hence 1897.] 194 TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. F(2.) = 02-10'(x,)” + p C” A, («)+P (P + 1)c2+1 Ap+1(x)+...; in this x,, , may be replaced by X,,,, or by Xg, 73, etc. Accordingly the integral rational number C, F(27) -+ C, F() +...+ Cm F(zm) is congruent, to the modulus p, to 03- [C,& (<,)” + C, 9' (x,)” +...+ Cm Vol (2 m)']. Since C, C, ...,C, are integral rational numbers, it follows that Cº=C1, CP= C,, ... (mod. p), and by an application of the polynomial theorem, C&'(x) + C, (x,)” +...+ Cmo (n)"= [C%'(x) + C,&'(x) + ... + Cm 8' (2.)] = k (mod. p). Accordingly we have the congruence (18) CF(2) + C, F(z)+...+ Cm F(zm) = -1 kop (mod. p). Now the numbers c, k are independent of p, and hence we can take p so large that it will not be contained in cand in k. 5. Hence the sum C F (2.) + CF ()+...+CF() is an integral rational number different from zero and therefore at least equal to 1. We designate by y, (2) the integral function derived from 4(20) on replacing any negative coefficients among a, a,,a... by their positive values. The function 8 (2) -781' (x) fi(2) (= Il(p-1) which thus results from (17) will have only positive coeffi- cients and these coefficients are in absolute value certainly not less than the corresponding coefficients of f(2), because the co- efficients of fi(x) are derived by addition from the same numbers which in the formation of the coefficients of f(2) are partly added, partly subtracted. Hence from formula $ 205 (10) letting = 1 * , we have 19(2)] = $(5)P-! «,!(5) Il(p-1) And therefore for any finite value of = Q(x) can be made as small as we please by a sufficient increase of p. By 5 and 6 it has been shown that if p be taken large enough equation (15) is impossible. Hence 4 and conse- quently the whole theorem I. is proved. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 04207 7530 195 TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS. [Feb., This theorem now admits of manifold applications. It gives us first the transcendency of e, if we regard C1,C2, ... 21, 22, ... as integral rational numbers. It gives further the transcendency of T. For from the equation 1 + ein = 0 it follows by I. that it, and consequently 7, can not be alge- braic. It follows further that For every algebraic number x, except x = 0, X= ex is a trans- cendental number. For every algebraic X, except X= 1, every natural logarithm x = log X is a transcendental number. For every arc which stands in an algebraically expressible rela- tion x to the radius, except x = sin x is a transcendental number. This follows from I, since 2 i X = pix - eix, The same is true for the other trigonometric lines cos x, 1 tan x, and for the chord sin To add one more re- 2 2 sult: The transcendental equation tan x = a x for a alge- braic has, except 0, only transcendental numbers for roots. 0, X UNIV, OF MICH. JAN 21 1924 BOUND | 1