PN 6405 C56 A 991,391 ARTES LIBRARY 1817 SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FLUMIBUS TUEBOR SI QUÆRIS PENINSULAM ANŒNAM. CIRCUMSPICE BEQUEST OF IRVING KANE POND C.E. 1879, A.M. (HON.) 1911 PN 6405 €56 Proverbs Maxims and Phrases Of All Ages Classified Subjectively and Arranged Alphabetically Compiled by Robert Christy jewels five words long That on the stretch'd forefinger of all Time Sparkle forever.” 3000 Two Volumes in One G. P. Patnam's Sons New York and London The Knckerbocker Press Teznyson. COPYRIGHT BY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS 1887 The Knickerbocker Press, New York Gen, Lib. I.K. Pond Bequest 2-29-40 PREFACE. THE compiler does not venture to claim for his work either completeness or perfection; he hopes, however, that it may be found, what he has consci- entiously endeavored to make it, useful and instruc- tive. In offering a book to the world of letters, it is fair to assume that the author, or as in this case the compiler, claims for it a right to exist on the ground of superiority in some particulars over existing works in the same department of literature. The great value as instructors, of inspired and uninspired proverbs has long been recognized. "The people's voice, the voice of God we call, And what are proverbs but the public voice? Coined first and common made by common choice, Then sure they must have weight and truth withal.” It may be safely affirmed of all notable collections of proverbs hitherto published, that they include very many tainted with impurity, and others, the wit of which does not redeem their coarseness. All such have been excluded from the present compila- i ii PREFACE. tion. Even the learned Ray marred his celebrated work, that great storehouse of proverbs liberally drawn upon by succeeding collectors, by admitting "a a mass of revolting coarseness "—" ineffectually veiled by putting initial letters for uncleanly words.” Proverbs merely local, or consisting of allusions of a temporary character, or to individuals not his- toric were not deemed worthy of insertion. So far as the compiler's researches have extended he has found no considerable collection of proverbs, English or foreign, that was not arranged alphabet- ically,―a perplexing labyrinth without a clew; so that in order to find a desired proverb it was neces- sary to know the initial words, at least; the topical arrangement of the present work, it is believed, overcomes this difficulty as far as may be practi- cable. The compiler lays claim simply to industry in gathering, taste in selecting and patience in arrang- ing his collections; but feels also some pride in having brought to the notice of the modern reader many literary gems that lay buried in the writings of once famous but now forgotten or neglected authors. All available collections have been laid under con- tribution, and due credit to the same is given in the body of the work. The London Punch has been freely preyed upon. PREFACE. iii Punch the inimitable, whose wit if sometimes severe is never impure. Any careful reader of Punch has not failed to observe his liberal use of proverbs. Some of the most delightful pleasantries of Punch are grave proverbs masquerading in merry attire; for example, the Chinese proverb, " Patience, and the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown," is humor- ously transformed into, "Patients, patients, and the physician's pill-box become a brougham.” The reader will find that Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine stored with literary jewels of all kinds, has also been frequently referred to. The Tamil proverbs were taken from the collec- tion numbering more than six thousand, translated by P. Percival. The compiler had no hesitation in giving credit to Shakespeare for the numerous felicitous sayings selected from the dramas that bear his name, confi- dent that one who had disgracefully deserted his benefactor living, and basely defamed him dead, could not and would not have written such lines as these, "I hate ingratitude more in a man, Than lying, vainness, babbling, drunkenness, Or any taint of vice whose strong corruptions Inhabit our frail blood." A dishonored lord chancellor would never have iv PREFACE. perpetuated his self-confessed infamy in immortal verse, "In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice; And oft 'tis seen the wicked prize itself Buys out the law." The compiler may have brought himself within the condemnation of a well-known proverb, by ad- mitting into his work, so many proverbs fiercely denouncing his own profession, the law. If the censures are baseless,-they are harmless; if well founded, the profession should amend itself. None are so severe however as the recent pub- lished utterances of the eloquent modern Pagan. "The lawyer is merely a sort of intelligent strum- pet; a burglar in the realm of mentality." The ancient Pagan is less severe : he contents himself with saying of the lawyers of his day " Iras et verba locant." But "Law has her seat in the bosom of God, her voice is the harmony of the world; " if her disciples guide their footsteps by this noble sentiment, they will regain the confidence and respect of the world, if they have ever lost it. Many proverbs cruelly unjust to woman will be found, which the compiler did not feel at liberty to exclude. To the poison of these, other proverbs PREFACE. V furnish the antidote, "What cares lofty Diana for the barking dog ;"-" Slander, foulest whelp of sin, expires at a good woman's door." None of these however are nearly so atrocious as those to be found in "The Hitopadesa, " translated from the Sanskrit by Charles Wilkins. The following, which is much less severe than many others, will serve as an exam- ple. "In infancy the father should guard her, in youth her husband, in old age her children, for at no time is a woman proper to be trusted with lib- erty." However "as the people, so the proverb." R. C. PROVERBS MAXIMS AND PHRASES OF ALL AGES COMPILED BY ROBERT CHRISTY VOLUME I. PROVERBS, MAXIMS AND PHRASES OF ALL AGES. A. Abilities. 1. There are many rare abilities in the world that fortune never brings to light. Absence. 1. A little absence does much good. Fr. 2. Absence doth but hold off a friend to make one see him the more truly. 3. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Pope. J. H. Bailey. 4. Absence cools moderate passions but inflames violent ones. 5. Absence of occupation is not rest, A mind quite vacant is a mind distressed. Cowper. 6. Absence is love's foe, far from the eyes, far from the heart. Sp. 7. Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens. 8. Absent or dead still let a friend be dear, A sigh the absent claim, the dead a tear. Pope. 9. Absent none without blame, present none without excuse. Fr., Sp. 2 ABSENT MINDED.-ABSTINENCE.-Absurd. 10. Conspicuous by its absence. 11. Far from the eyes, far from the heart. 12. He that is absent will not be the heir. 13. Long absence changes friends. 14. Long absent soon forgotten. 15. The absent are always in the wrong. Tacitus. Fr. Fr., Dutch. Latin. 16. The absent one will not be the heir. 17. Whoso absents himself his share absents itself. Arabian. Absent Minded. 1. He looks for his ass and sits upon his back. Fr. 2. The butcher looked for his knife while he had it in his mouth. 3. You look for the horse you ride on. Russian. Abstinence. 1. Abstinence is the best medicine. Tamil. Stilson Hutchins. 2. Abstinence is the mother of competence. Absurd. 1. He calls for a shoeing horn to help on his gloves. 2. He catches the wind with a net. 3. He chastises the dead. 4. He cleaves the clouds. 5. He draws water with a sieve. M. Greek. 6. He gives grass to the lion-meat to the horse. Turk. Absurd. 3 ass. 7. He gives straw to his dog-and bones to his 8. He hides the sun with a sieve. M. Greek. 9. He is building a bridge over the sea. 10. He is making clothes for fishes. II. He is making ropes of sand. 12. He numbers the waves. 13. He ploughs the air. 14. He pounds water in a mortar. 15. He seeks water in the sea. 16. He seeks wool on an ass. 17. He sees a glow-worm and thinks it a confla- gration. 18. He takes a spear to kill a fly. 19. He takes oil to extinguish the fire. Turk. 20. He tries to support an egg upon his nose. M. Greek. 21. To commit as many absurdities as a clown in eating an egg. 22. To dig a well to put out a house on fire. 23. To dig a well with a needle. 24. To drink from a colander. 25. To swim a river with a bridge close by. 26. To the dog straw and to the ass bones. 27. To throw oil on the fire. Tamil. Turk. Latin. M. Greek. Dutch. 28. To throw pearls before swine. 29. To twist a rope of sand. 30. You ask an elm tree for pears. 4 ABUNDANCE.-ABUSE.-ACCEPTING. -ACCIDENT. 31. You dance in a net and think nobody sees you. 32. You go to a goat to buy wool. 33. You look for hot water under the ice. 34. You use a lantern at noon day. Abundance. 1. Abundance begets indifference. Latin. 2. Abundance is trouble but competency brings delight. 3. Abundance like want ruins many. 4. Abundance maketh poor. Abuse. 1. A man who is not spoken of is not abused. 2. Are you not accustomed to look at home when you abuse others? Plautus. 3. He who abuses others must not be particular about the answers he gets. Accepting. 1. Who accepts from another sells his freedom. Ger. 2. Who accepts nothing has nothing to return. Ger. 3. Who accepts sells himself. Ital. Accident. 1. Accident is a word not to be found in the divine vocabulary. 2. Accident is commonly the parent of disorder. Gibbon. ACCOMPLICE.—ACCUSATION.-ACCUSer.-Accusing. 5 3. No accidents are so unlucky but that the prudent may draw some advantage from them. Rochefoucauld. 4. Accidents do not threaten like rain. Haytian. 5. Nothing with God is accidental. Longfellow. 6. The greatest events often arise from acci- dents. Greek. Accomplice. 1. He sins as much who holds the bag as he who puts into it. Fr. 2. He that hides it is no better than he that steals. Dan. 3. He that holds is no better than he that scourges. Dan. 4. He who holds the ladder is as bad as the thief. Ger. 5. The accomplice is as bad as the thief. Por. Accusation. 1. Even doubtful accusations leave a stain be- hind them. Accuser. 1. Woe be to him whose advocate becomes his accuser. Accusing. 1. Accusing is proving when malice and force sit as judges. 2. Accusing the times is only accusing your- selves. 3. He who accuses too many accuses himself. 4. It is honorable to be accused by those who deserve to be accused. Latin. 6 ACHIEVING.-ACQUAINTANCES.-ACQUIRING.-ACTION. Achieving. 1. Who faints not achieves. Acquaintances. 1. The more acquaintances the more danger. Acquiring. 1. That which we acquire with most difficulty we retain the longest. Action. 1. Act honestly and act boldly. Colton. Dan. 2. Action is eloquence and the eyes of the ignorant more learned than the ear. 3. Action is the proper fruit of knowledge. Shaks. 4. Action must be founded on knowledge. Bea. 5. Actions measured by time, seldom prove bit- ter by repentance. 6. Act so in the valley that you need not fear those who stand on the hill. 7. Brave actions never want a trumpet. Dan. 8. Good actions carry their warrant with them. 9. Great and good are the actions done by many whose worth is never known. Hans Andersen. 10. For the sake of one good action a hundred evil ones should be forgotten. Chinese. 11. Men boast of their great actions but they are oftener the effect of chance than design. Men's actions are not to be judged of at first sight. Rochefoucauld. 12. Only the actions of the great smell sweet and blossom in the dust. ACTION (UNITED).—ADVANCING.-ADVANTAGE. 7 13. That action is best which procures the great- est happiness for the greatest numbers. Hutchinson. 14. 'Tis not the action but the intention that is good or bad. 15. 'Tis not your posterity, but your actions, that will perpetuate your memory. 16. We should consult three things in all our actions, justice, honesty and utility. Action (United). 1. By the hands of many a great work is made light. 2. By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall. 3. Three helping one another bear the burthen of six. 4. Three if they unite against a town will ruin it. 5. Weak things united become strong. Advancing. Arabian. 1. He who does not advance reccdes. Latin. 2. Not to advance is to recede. Advantage. 1. A finger's length in a sword and a palm in a lance are a great advantage. Dan. Latin. 2. Advantage is a better soldier than rashness. 3. Every advantage has its disadvantage. Adversity. 1. Adversity borrows its sharpest stings from our impatience. 2. Adversity flattereth no man. Bishop Horne. 8 ADVERSITY. 3. Adversity has no friends. Tacitus. 4. Adversity is easier borne than prosperity forgot. 5. Adversity is not without comfort and hopes. Bacon. Plutarch. 6. Adversity is the parent of virtue. 7. Adversity is the true scale to weigh friends in. 8. Adversity makes men, prosperity monsters. Fr. 9. Adversity makes wise though not rich. 10. Adversity may suspend our fondness for life but a single glance from prosperity recalls it. Livy. 11. Adversity often leads to prosperity. 12. Adversity reminds men of religion. 13. Adversity, sage useful guest, severe instructor but the best. Somerville. 14. Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory. 15. Adversity's sweet milk philosophy. 16. Adversity tries virtue. Shaks. Arabian. 17. Adversity willingly undergone is the highest glory. 18. Adversity will not last forever. 19. He that was never acquainted with adversity has seen the world but one side and is ignorant of half the scenes of nature. Seneca. Fr. 20. He who does not tire tires adversity. 21. He who swells in prosperity will shrink in ad- versity. 22. In prosperity caution, in adversity patience. Por. ADVICE, ADVISERS, ADVISING. 9 23. It is more difficult for a man to behave well in prosperity than adversity. Rochefoucauld. 24. Many can bear adversity but few contempt. 25. Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which like the toad ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head. Shaks. 26. There is no education like adversity. Bea. Advice, Advisers, Advising. 1. Advice after mischief is like medicine after death. Dan. 2. Advice given in the midst of a crowd is loath- some. 3. Advice is not a popular thing to give. 4. Advice is not compulsion. Arabian. Ger. 5. Advice like water takes the form of the vessel it is poured into. 6. Advice should precede the act. Punch. Ger. 7. Advice to a fool goes in at one ear and out at the other. Dan. 8. Advice to all, security for none. 9. Advice whispered is not worth a pea. Sp. 10. Advise no one to go to the wars or to marry. Sp. 11. Advise not what is most pleasant, but what is most useful. Solon. 12. Advisers are not givers. Dutch. 13. Advisers are not the payers. Fr. 14. Advising is easier than helping. Ger. 15. Advising is often better than fighting. Ger ΙΟ ADVICE, ADVISERS, ADVISING. 16. A good advice is as good as an eye in the hand. Fr. 17. Ask advice of your equals, help of your supe- riors. Dan. 18. Good advice can be given, a good name can- not be given. Turk. 19. He asks advice in vain who will not follow it. Fr. 20. He who follows his own advice must take the consequences. Sp. 21. He who will not take advice gets knowledge when trouble overtakes him. Kaffir. 22. He who will not take advice, will have to buy dear repentance. 23. He who won't be advised can't be helped. Ger. 24. If you wish good advice consult an old man. 25. It is better to seek advice at the beginning than the end. Ger. 26. It is easy to give advice when all goes well. 27. Less advice and more hands. Ital. Ger. 28. Let the meritorious and defective mutually advise. Hindoo. 29. Man gives nothing so willingly as advice. 30. Many persons take advice as they do physic, to fling aside the moment the doctor's back is turned. Punch. 31. Never advise a man to go to the wars nor to marry. 32. Never give advice unasked. Sp. Ger. ADVICE, ADVISERS, ADVISING. II 33. No advice like a father's. 34. Nothing is given so freely as advice. Fr. 35. One piece of good advice is better than a bag full. 36. Out of evils advice is easy. Dan. M. Greek. 37. Take advice of a red-bearded man and be- gone. Dan. 38. The advice of many persons is requisite in great affairs. Coke. 39. The worst men often give the best advice. Bailey. 40. There is nothing we receive so reluctantly as advice. Spectator. 41. Though old and wise be still advised. 42. To prescribe physic for the dead and advice to the old is the same thing. Diogenes. 43. We are casting our words in a leaky cask. (Throwing away our advice.) Plautus. 44. We may give advice but we cannot give con- duct. Franklin. 45. We receive nothing with such reluctance as advice. Latin. Ger. 46. We should never be too proud to take advice even from the lowly. 47. Whatever advice you give, be short. Horace. 48. When a thing is done advice comes too late. Fr. 49. When advice will not correct the rod will not. M. Greek. 50. When error is committed good advice comes too late. Chinese. 12 AFFAIRS.-AFFECTATION.-AFFECTION. 51. When the rabbit has escaped comes advice. Sp. 52. When they tell you you are drunk hold by the wall and go on. (Take advice.) M. Greek. 53. When things go well it is easy to advise. Dutch. Latin. 54. Worthless is the advice of fools. 55. Write down the advice of him that loves you though you like it not at present. Affairs. 1. Affairs are lost when one stands looking at another. M. Greek. 2. Affairs like salt fish ought to be a good while a soaking. 3. Affairs sleep soundly when fortune is present. Ger. 4. Affairs that are done by degrees are soon ended. 5. Make your affairs known in the market place and one will call them black and another white. Sp. 6. One cannot manage too many affairs: Literal: Like pumpkins in the water, one pops up while you pop down the other. Chinese. Affectation. 1. Affectation is a greater enemy to the face than small-pox. 2. Affected superiority mars good fellowship. Affection. 1. Affection is the broadest basis of a good life. George Eliot. AFFLICTION. 13 2. Our domestic affections are the most salutary basis of all good government. Bea. 3. Instinctive, unlike rational affection, has no favorite. Bulwer. Affliction. 1. Affliction is the wholesome soil of virtue. 2. Affliction like the iron-smith shapes as it smites. 3. Afflictions are the best blessings in disguise. 4. Afflictions are the good man's shining time. Emmons. 5. Afflictions are the good man's treasure. Dodd. 6. Affliction's sons are brothers in distress. A brother to relieve how exquisite the bliss. Burns. 7. Are afflictions aught but mercies in disguise? Mallet. 8. Nothing would be more unhappy than a man that had not known affliction. Demetrius. 9. One affliction is better than a thousand exhor- tations. 10. The afflicted person is sacred. Turk. Ovid. II. The angels of affliction spread their toils alike for the virtuous and the wicked, for the mighty and the mean. Dr. Johnson. 12. The best remedy of affliction is submitting to Providence. 13. There is mercy in affliction's smart. It heals those wounds of sin which mock all human art. Canter. 14 AFRICA.-AGE. Africa. 1. Africa always brings something new. Age. Latin. Dan. 1. Age is a sorry travelling companion. 2. Age is venerable in man and would be in woman if ever she became old. Punch. 3. Age makes many a man white but not better. 4. Few persons know how to be old. Dan. 5. Good-morrow, spectacles; farewell, lasses. Fr. 6. Gray beard and red lip seldom remain good friends. Ger. 7. He that would be long an old man must be gin early to be one. Spectator. 8. He that would be old long must begin betimes. Por. 9. He wrongs not an old man who steals his sup- per from him. 10. In telling the age of another, multiply by two; in telling your own, divide by two. Punch. II. It has been a great misfortune to many a one that he lived too long. 12. It is difficult to grow old gracefully. 13. It is the common failing of old men to at- tribute all wisdom to themselves. 14. Let me play the fool. Fielding. With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come. Shaks. 15. Most old men are like old trees, past bearing AGE. 15 themselves, will suffer no young plants to flourish beneath them. Pope. 16. No man is so old but thinks he may live an- other day. Pythagoras. 17. No old age agreeable but that of a wise man. 18. Old age brings companions with it. Ger. 19. Old age comes uncalled. Ger. 20. Old age is a troublesome guest. Ger. 21. Old age is honorable. 22. Old age has deformities enough of its own, do not add the deformity of vice. 23. Old age itself is a disease. Cato. Terence. 24. Old age, though despised, is coveted by all. 25. Old men are twice children. 26., Old men do not readily form friendships be- cause they are not easily susceptible of pleasure. Aristotle. 27. Old men who have loved young company have been of long life. 28. Old people see best in the distance. Bacon. Ger. 29. Poverty and age suit very ill together. Burke. 30. Save for the man on the white horse. (For old age.) 31. Secure the three things, virtue, wealth and happiness, they will serve as a staff in old age. 32. The old have every day something new. Tamil. Ger. 33. The old man who dances furnishes the devil fine sport. Ger. 16 YOUTH, AGE. 34. The old man who is loved is winter with flowers. 35. The old man's counsel is half deed, Ger. Ger. 36. The old man's staff is the rapper at death's door. 37. The oldest man that ever lived died at last. Gaelic. 38. 'Tis late ere an old man comes to know he is old. 39. What the old man does is always right. Hans Andersen. 40. When an old man cannot drink prepare his grave. Sp. 41. When an old man dances he raises a great dust. Ger. 42. When an old man plays tenpins the balls make a great clatter. Ger. 43. When men grow old they become more fool- ish and more wise. Fr. 44. When old men are not upright they teach their sons and grandsons to be rogues. 45. Who honors not age is unworthy of it. Chinese. Youth, Age. 1. A worm is in the bud of youth and at the root Cowper. of age. 2. A young man negligent, an old man necessi- tous. 3. Action from youth, advice from middle age, prayers from the aged. 4. Age but tastes, youth devours. Hesiod. Dryden YOUTH, AGE. 17 5. Better eat gray bread in your youth than in your age. Scotch. 6. Better poor, young and wise, than rich, old and a fool. Ger. 7. Better under the beard of the old than the whip of the young. Polish. 8. Consult with the old and fence with the young. Ger. 9. Crabbed age and youth cannot live together. Shaks. 10. Heavy work in youth is quiet rest in old age. Ger. 11. He that corrects not youth controls not age. Fr. 12. If the young knew, if the old man could, there is nothing but would be done. Ital. 13. If you lie upon roses when young, you'll lie upon thorns when old. 14. If youth knew what age would crave, It would both get and save. 15. Intemperate youth ends in an age imperfect and unsound. Denham. 16. In the lexicon of youth which fate reserves for a bright manhood there is no such word as fail. Bulwer. 17. It is hard to put old heads on young shoul- ders. 18. It is less painful to learn in youth than to be ignorant in age. 19. No one so old that he may not live a year, none so young but he may die to-day. Ger. 2 18 YOUTH, AGE. 20. Of young men die many, of old escape not any. 21. Old age is a tyrant which forbids the pleas- ures of youth on pain of death. Rochefoucauld. 22. Old boys have playthings as well as young ones, the difference is only in the price. Franklin. 23. Old head and young hand. 24. Old men for counsel, young men for war. 25 Old men go to death, but death comes to young men. 26. Old men when they scorn young, make much of death. 27. Old young and old long. 28. Reckless youth makes rueful age. Scotch. Dan. 29. The aged in council, the young in action. 30. The blunders of youth are preferable to the triumphs of manhood or the success of old age. Bea. 31. The old effect more by counsel than the young by action. Ger. 32. The old for want of ability and the young for want of knowledge let things be lost. Sp. 33. The old forget, the young don't know. Ger. 34. The old have death before their face, the young behind their backs. Ger. 35. The old man at home and the young abroad lie after the same fashion. Sp. 36. The old ones sing, the young ones pipe. 37. The old see better behind than the young be- fore. Ger YOUTH, AGE. 19 38. The warnings of age are the weapons of youth. 39. The young are slaves to novelty, the old to custom. 40. The young man's wrath is like straw of fire, But like red hot steel is the old man's ire. 41. The young may die, the old must die. Byron. Ger., Dutch. 42. They who would be young when they are old, must be old when they are young. 43. We expiate in old age the follies of our youth. Latin. 44. What youth learns age does not forget. Dan. 45. When old age is evil youth can learn no good. 46. Where the old are foolish the child learns folly. Ger. 47. Who follow not virtue in youth cannot fly sin in old age. Ital. 48. Who would be young in age, must in youth be sage. Ger. Dutch. 49. Young folk, silly folk, old folk, cold folk. 50. Young men soon give and soon forget af- fronts, old age is slow at both. Byron. 51. Young men's knocks, old men feel. 52. Young people must be taught, old ones be honored. So. Dan. 53. Young men are made wise, old men become 20 AGREE.-AGUE.-AIR.-ALCHEMIST. 54. Young men should be learners when old men are actors. 55. Young men think old men are fools, and old men know young men to be so. 56. Youth is a garland of roses, age is a crown of thorns. Hebrew. 57. Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle, old age a regret. Agree. Bea. 1. They agree like bells, they want nothing but hanging. 2. They agree like cats and dogs. 3. They agree like harp and harrow. 4. They agree like the clocks of London. 5. They agree like pickpockets in a fair. 6. Where they do agree on the stage their unan- imity is wonderful. Ague. Sheridan. 1. A quartan ague kills old men and heals young. 2. Agues come on horseback but go away on foot. 3. An ague in spring is physic for a king. Air. 1. Foul air slays like a sword. Dr. Angus Smith. 2. It is a great act of life to sell air well. 3. The air of a window is as the stroke of a cross- bow. Alchemist. 1. Beware of a poor alchemist. Ital. 2. The foolish alchemist sought to make gold of iron and made iron of gold. Ital. ALCHEMY.-ALE.-ALEXANDER.—" ALL BUT." 21 Alchemy. 1. It is approved alchemy to have an income and spend nothing. Ale. 1. Ale sellers should na be tale tellers. 2. Ale that would make a cat to speak. 3. Good ale is meat, drink and cloth. 4. He mends like sour ale in summer. 5. He that buys land buys many stones, He that buys flesh buys many bones. He that buys eggs buys many shells, Sp., Por. But he that buys good ale buys nothing else. Alexander. 1. Alexander himself was once a crying babe. 2. Alexander was below a man when he affected to be a god. "All But." I. “All but” saves many a man. Dan. "Almost." {{ \ I. Almost "kills no man. Dan. 66 2. Almost" never killed a fly. Ger. 3. "Almost" was never hanged. Alms. 1. A friar who asks alms for God's sake begs for two. Sp. 2. Alms are the golden key that opens the gates of heaven. 3. Alms are the salt of riches. Hebrew ALMS.-ALTAR. 22 4. Alms do not empty the purse and a mass does not exhaust a day's duty. Dan. 5. Almsgiving never made a man poor, nor rob- bery rich, nor prosperity wise. 6. Alms-giving secures heavenly bliss. 7. Better give nothing than stolen alms. Tamil. Ger. 8. Give not thy alms to the poor with grudging. Phyoclides, 540 years before Christ. 9. Give not your alms to a sound limbed beggar. M. Greek. Sp. 10. Giving alms never lessens the purse. II. He steals a goose and gives the giblets in alms. 12. He who gives alms makes the best use of his money. 13. He who gives alms should do it with discre- tion. 14. It is small alms one beggar gives to another. Cing. Ger. 15. No one becomes poor through giving alms. Ital. 16. Steal a pig and give the trotters for God's sake. Sp. 17. Steal my goose and stick me down a feather. 18. The door that is not opened to him who begs our alms will be opened to the physician. Fr. 19. The little alms are the good alms. 20. To give alms is better than to take alms. Ger. Altar. 1. Who lives by the altar must serve the altar. Ger. AMBERGRIS.-AMBITION. 23 Ambergris. 1. Many stop their noses at Ambergris. Ambition. 1. All are desirous to win the prize. 2. Ambition has no rest. Ital. Bulwer. 3. Ambition hath one heel nailed in hell, Though she stretch her fingers to touch the heavens. Lilly. 4. Ambition is as hollow as the soul of an echo. 5. Ambition is no cure for love. Scott. Shaks. 6. Ambition is the last infirmity of noble minds. 7. Ambition is the mind's immodesty. Davenant. 8. Ambition is the soldier's virtue. 9. Ambition is the way in which a vulgar man aspires. Beecher. 10. Ambition is torment enough for an enemy. 11. Ambition knows no gorge but the grave. Carl Seelbach. 12. Ambition like a torrent ne'er looks back. Ben Jonson. 13. Ambition, thou powerful source of good or ill. Young. 14. Blind ambition quite mistakes her road. Young. 15. Blood only serves to wash ambition's hands. Byron. Pope. 16. Black ambition stains a public cause. 17. By jumping at the stars you may fall in the mud. 24 AMBITION. 18. Climb not too high lest the fall be the greater. 19. Earth's worst tempters, gold and ambition. Bulwer. 20. Fling away ambition, by that sin fell the angels. Shaks. 21. He cannot see the river, his heart is set on leaping the dragon gate. Chinese. 22. He has gone in search of the (fabulous) birds of the sea. (Said of an ambitious person.) Kaffir. 23. He that cuts above himself will get splinters in his eye. 24. He that heweth above his height may have a chip in his eye. 25. He who would rise in the world should veil his ambition with the forms of humanity. Chinese. 26. He would fain fly but wants feathers. 27. He would open his hand in order to grasp the moon in the heavens, he would plunge into the sea to grasp leviathan. 28. In heaven ambition cannot dwell, Nor avarice in the vaults of hell. Chinese. Southey 29. It is a mean ambition to be the 'squire of the company. 30. Proud ambition is but a beggar. 31. The trap to the high born is ambition. Daniel 32. There is no eel so small but it hopes to be- come a whale. Ger. 33. There is no fir tree so small it does not ex- pect to become a cedar. Ger AMENDS. AMNESTY.—AMUSEMENT.—ANCESTORS. 25 34. There is nothing humbler than ambition when it is about to climb. Franklin. 35. Thriftless ambition, that wilt ravin up Thine own life's means. Shaks. 36. To take ambition from a soldier is to rob him of his spurs. 37. Vaulting ambition o'erleaps itself. Amends. Shaks. 1. It argues an ignorant mind where we have wronged to higgle and dodge in the amends. Amnesty. Hale. 1. Amnesty, that noble word, the genuine dictate of wisdom. Amusement. Chinese. 1. Amusement to an observing mind is study. Ancestors. Bea. 1. To forget one's ancestors, is to be a brook without a source, a tree without a root. Anchor. Chinese. I. "Allah is Allah, but I have two anchors astern." (Turkish admiral speaking to Lady Hester Stanhope.) 2. Good riding at two anchors, for if one break the other may hold. 3. He is like the anchor that is always in the sea yet does not learn to swim. 4. It is best to trust to two anchors. Ital. Latin 26 ANGEL.-ANGER. Angel. 1. Angel visits, few and far between. Campbell. 2. Angels are bright still though the brightest fell. 3. Angels hear the humblest human cry. Shaks. Bulwer. 4. Like angel's visits, few and far between. 5. They talk like angels but live like men. Dr. Johnson. 6. Write on the devil's horns "good angel," and many will believe it. Anger. 1. A hasty man never wants woe. 2. A man in a passion rides a horse that runs away with him. 3. A man is a stark fool all the while he is angry. 4. A state's anger should not take knowledge either of fools or women. Ben Jonson. 5. An angry man cannot see right. 6. An angry man heeds no counsel. Ger. Por. Syrus. 7. An angry man is again angry with himself when he returns to reason. 8. An angry man opens his mouth and shuts his eyes. Cato. 9. An irritable and passionate man is a down- right drunkard. Sp. 10. Anger and haste hinder good counsel. II. Anger and love give bad counsel. 12. Anger assists hands however weak. Ovid. ANGER. 27 13. Anger begins with folly and ends with repen- Pythagoras. tance. 14. Anger cannot stand without a strong hand. 15. Anger dieth quickly with a good man. 16. Anger edges valor. 17. Anger ends in cruelty. Tamil. 18. Anger first and pity afterwards. Tamil. 19. Anger increases love. Ital. 20. Anger is a short madness. Dutch. 21. Anger is a sworn enemy. 22. Anger is as useless as the waves of the ocean without wind. Chinese. 23. Anger is often more hurtful than the injury that caused it. 24. Anger is one of the sinews of the soul. Fuller. 25. Anger is the fever and frenzy of the soul. 26. Anger is to be avoided in inflicting punish- ment. 27. Anger last of all becomes old. Cicero. M. Greek. 28. Anger makes a rich man hated and a poor man scorned. 29. Anger manages everything badly. Statius. 30. Anger may glance into the breast of a wise man, but rests only in the bosom of fools. 31. Anger occasioned by a trifle may extend to the sky before it ceases. 32. Anger punishes itself. Tamil. 33. Anger rendereth the man insane and the prophet dumb. Hebrew. 28 ANGER. 34. Anger resteth in the bosom of fools. 35. Anger without power is folly. Bibie. Ger. 36. Base terms are bellows to a slackening fire. 37. Be master of thy anger. Periander of Corinth. 38. Be not choleric, it will make you look old. 39. Dread the anger of the dove. 40. He best keeps from anger who remembers zhat God is always looking upon him. Plato. 41. He looks as angry as if he were vexed. Irish. Chilo. 42. He overcomes a stout enemy who overcomes his own anger. 43. He that can reply calmly to an angry man is too hard for him. 44. He that is angry is seldom at ease. 45. He that is angry without a cause, must be pleased without amends. 46. He who has been angry becomes cool again. M. Greek. 47. He who overcomes his anger subdues his greatest enemy. Syrus. 48. If you be angry you may turn the buckle of your girdle behind you. 49. Ruling one's anger well is not so good as pre- venting it. 50. Striking and not making it felt is anger lost. 51. Take this remark from Richard, poor and lame,. Whate'er is begun in anger ends in shame. Franklin. ANGLER, ANGLING. 29 52. That anger is not warrantable that has seen two suns. 53. The anger of a good man is the hardest to bear. Syrus. Bible. 54. The discretion of a man deferreth his anger and it is glory to overlook a transgression. 55. The pain of anger punishes the fault. Homer. 56. The physician of anger is reason. M. Greek. 57. The sun should never set on our anger. 58. There is not in nature a thing that makes a man so deformed, so beastly, as intemperate anger. John Webster. 59. To be angry is to punish myself for another's fault. 60. Two things a man should never be angry at: What he can help, and what he cannot help. 61. Two to one in all things against the angry man. 62. We all know that anger cannot look at anger without laughing. Buckminster. 63. When a man grows angry his reason rides out. 64. When anger rushes unrestrained to action, like a hot mettled steed, it stumbles on its way. Savage. 65. When angry, count ten; when very angry, a hundred. Angler, Angling. Jefferson. 1. All that are lovers of virtue, be quiet and go angling. Izaak Walton. 30 ANNOYANCES. ANOTHER'S.-ANSWER-ANT. 2. Always keep your hook in the water, where you least expect one the fish will be found. 3. An angler eats more than he gets. Ovid. 4. Angling is somewhat like poetry, men must be born so. 5. No angler can be a good man. 6. To angle with a silver hook. Annoyances. Izaak Walton. Byron. 1. He puts up with small annoyances to gain great results. Another's. Latin. 1. What is another's always pines for its master. Sp., Por. Answer. 1. A sober man-a soft answer. 2. A soft answer bids a furioso to put up his sword. 3. A soft answer is a specific cure for anger. Ger. 4. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Bible. 5. No answer is also an answer. Dan. 6. Not all words require an answer. Ital. 7. The shortest answer is doing the thing. 8. There is no answer for, "Get out of my house," and, "What do you want with my wife?" Sp. 10. Who answers for another pays. 9. To answer one in his own language. II. Who answers suddenly knows little. Ant. 1. A cocoanut-shell full of water is an ocean to Fr. an ant. Tamil. 1 ANCIENTS, ANTIQUITY.-ANVIL. 31 2. An emmet (ant) may work its heart out, but cannot make honey. 3. Ants never bend their course to an empty granary. No friend will visit departed wealth. 4. Even an emmet may seek revenge. Ovid. 5. Even an ant is eight spans long as measured by its own hand. Tamil. 6. None preaches better than the ant, and she says nothing. 7. The ant has wings to its hurt. Franklin. Don Quixote. 8. What would the ant do if it had the head of a bull. Ancients, Antiquity. Ger. 1. All that is ancient is beautiful. All that is rich is wise. M. Greek. Bacon. *2. Ancient time was the youth of the world. 3. Antiquity cannot privilege an error, nor novelty prejudice a truth. 4. Antiquity is not always a mark of verity. 5. The living shun modern perfection for mould- ering antiques. Scribleomania. 6. We extol the productions of the ancients but are wholly unmindful of contemporary merit. Tacitus. Anvil. 1. The anvil fears no blows. 2. The anvil is used to noise. 3. When many strike upon an anvil they must strike by measure 32 ANVIL, HAMMER.—Ape. Anvil, Hammer. 1. A good anvil does not fear the hammer. Ita 2. If the hammer strikes hard the anvil lasts the longer. 3. If thou art an anvil then suffer: if a hammer, then strike. Roumanian. 4. If you are an anvil be patient; if you are a hammer strike hard. Get. 5. It is better to be the hammer than the anvil. Fr. 6. One must be either anvil or hammer. 7. Some men are born anvils, some are born hammers. Ital. 8. The anvil lasts longer than the hammer. 9. When you are an anvil bear, when you are hammer strike. Ape. Sp. 1. An ape may chance to sit among the doctors. 2. An ape's an ape, a varlet's a varlet, Though he be dressed in silk or scarlet. 3. An ape's an ape, though he wear a gold ring. 4. An ape is ne'er so like an ape, As when he wears a doctor's cape. 5. An old ape hath an old eye. 6. An old ape never made a pretty grimace. 7. As fond of it as an ape is of a ball or whip. Fr. 8. The ape claspeth her young so long that at last she killeth them. 9. The higher the ape climbs the more he shows his bald haunches. Fr., Ger APHORISMS.-APOTHEGMS.-APPEAR, APPEARANCE. 33 Aphorisms. 1. Aphorisms are portable wisdom, the quintes- sential extracts of thought and feeling. Apothegms. W. R. Alger. 1. Apothegms are the most infallible mirror to represent a man truly what he is. Appear, Appearance. Plutarch. 1. A grave and magestic outside is as it were the palace of the soul. Chinese. 2. A man is not always known by his looks, nor is the sea measured with a bushel. it. Chinese. 3. Always appear what you are and a little below M. Greek. 4. Anxious about the shoe but disregarding the foot. (Careful about external appearance but regard less of the culture of the mind.) 5. Appearances are deceitful. 6. Be what you appear to be. 7. Be what you seem to be. 8. Do not always judge by appearances. Ger. Latin. La Fontaine. 9. There is no trusting to appearances. Latin. 10. What wretched shifts are they obliged to make use of who would support the appearance of a fortune they have not. Appetite. 1. A good appetite does not want sauce. 2. Appetite comes with eating. Fielding. Ital. Fr., Ital 3 34 APPLAUSE.-APPLICATION.—APRIL. 3. He who cheats his appetite avoids debt. 4. Let appetite yield to reason. 5. New dishes beget new appetites. Chinese. 6. No sauce like appetite. Fr. 7. The cattle know when to leave their pasture, but a foolish man knows not the measure of his own appetite. Hans Andersen. 8. Where reason rules appetite obeys. Applause. 1. Applause is the root of abuse. 2. Applause is the spur of noble minds. Japanese. 3. Mankind bestows more applause on her de- stroyers than her benefactors. Gibbon. 4. Men seek less to be instructed than applauded. 5. The applause of the people is a blast of air. Application. 1. It is for want of application rather than of means that men fail of success. April. I. A cold April bread and wine. 2. A cold April the barn will fill. Rochefoucauld. Sp. 3. April flood carries away the frog and her brood. 4. April and May are the key of all the year. 5. April borrows three days from March and they are ill. 6 April cling good for nothing. 7. April showers bring forth May flowers. ARCHER. ARCHITECT.—ARCHITECTURE.—Argument. 35 8. The first day of April you may send a fool whither you will. Archer. I. A good archer is not known by his arrow but his aim. 2. If you have no arrows in your quiver go not with archers. Ger. 3. The archer that shoots badly has a lie ready. Sp., Por. Architect. 1. One may live in a house without being an architect. Goethe. 2. The name of the architect who builds most of the castles in the air is "to-morrow," and hope lays the foundation. Punch. Architecture. 1. Architecture is frozen music. Mme de Stael. Argument. 1. Argument makes three enemies to one friend. 2. Argument seldom convinces any one against his inclination. 3. The arguments of the strongest have always the most, weight. Fr. 4. When either side grows warm with argument the wisest man gives over first. Arms. 1. Arms and money require good hands. 2. Arms carry peace. Sp. Ital. 3. Arms, women, and books should be looked at daily. Dutch. 36 ARMY. ARROGANCE.-ARROW.-ART, ARTIST. 4. Let arms give place to the gown. Cicero. 5. Let arms revere the robe, the warrior's laurel yield to the palm of eloquence. Cicero. 6. The frailty of noble minds is love of arms and military glory. Gibbon. Army. 1. A headless army fights badly. 2. The army that comes off best loses some. 3. What's an army without a general? Arrogance. Dan. 1. Arrogance is a weed that grows mostly on a dunghill. 2. Arrogance is the obstruction of wisdom. Bion 3. Supple knees feed arrogance. Arrow. 1. A man does not use one finger to take out an Calabar. arrow. 2. Not every sort of wood is fit to make an arrow. Fr. 3. One arrow does not bring down two birds. Turk. 4. The polished surface throws back the arrow. 5. When the arrow is in the spring it must go. Chinese. 6. Why blame the arrow letting the archer go free? Tamil. Art, Artist. 1. A man may be an artist though he have not his tools about him. ARTS. 37 2. A thousand artisans a thousand plans. 3. An artist lives everywhere. 4. An art requires a whole man. Chinese. Fr. 5. Art and hope are twin brothers and they die together. Maga. 6. Art and knowledge bring bread and honor. 7. Art helps nature and experience art. 8. Art holds fast when all else is lost. 9. Art is art even though unsuccessful. 10. Art is long-life is short. II. Art is power. Dan Ger. Dan. Longfellow. 12. Art may err but nature cannot miss. Dryden. 13. Art must be deluded by art. 14. By deceit and art men live half a year, and by art and deceit the other half. 15. He that sips many arts drinks none. 16. He tries to match a grace beyond the reach of art. Dutch. 17. He who has an art has everywhere a part. Ital. 18. It is a poor art that maintains not the arti- san. 19. The perfection of art is to conceal art Ital. Quintillian. 20. To whiten ivory by ink is to spoil nature by art. Arts. 1. By hammer and hand all arts do stand. Latin. 38 ASHES.-ASKING. Ashes. 1 1. A man never appreciates ashes until he slips on the ice. 2. Ashes always fly back in the face of him that throws them. Yoruba. self. 3. Ashes are medicine for the sores of a bull. Tamil. 4. Under white ashes are often glowing embers. Ital., Dan. Asking. 1. A gude asker should hae a good nay—say. 2. Ask for an inch and take an ell. 3. Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no fibs. Goldsmith. 4. Ask my chum if I am a thief. 5. Ask my comrade who is as great a liar as my 6. Ask not after a good man's pedigree. 7. Ask the host if he have good wine. Fr. Sp. Ital. 8.. Ask the mother if the child be like the father. 9. Ask the seller if the ware be bad. 10. Ask the sick man if he wishes for a bed. Turk. II. Ask which was born first the hen or the egg. Ital. 12. Asking costs little. Ital. 13. Better ask than go astray. Ital. 14. Better ask twice than lose your way once. Dan., Ger. Ass. 39 15. Do not ask which is the right way from a blind man. Ger. 16. He denies himself who asks what it is im- possible to grant. 17. He that asketh faintly beggeth a denial. 18. He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning. Dan. 19. He'll never get a pennyworth that is afraid to ask the price. 20. Lose nothing for asking. 21. Never ask of him who has, but of him who wishes you well. Ass. 1. A braying ass eats little hay. Sp. Ital. 2. A dull ass near home needs no spur. 3. A goaded ass must needs trot. Fr., Ital 4. A living ass is better than a dead doctor. Ital. 5. A low ass is easy to ride on. Turk. 6. A thistle is a fat salad for an ass's mouth. 7. All asses do not go on four feet. Ger. Ger. 8. All asses have not long ears. 9. An ass covered with gold is more respected than a good horse with a pack saddle. 10. An ass does not hit himself twice against the same stone. Dutch 11. An ass is but an ass though laden with gold. 12. An ass is cold even in the summer solstice. 13. An ass is the gravest beast, an owl the grav est bird. 14. An ass let him be who brays at an ass. 40 Ass. 15. An ass loaded with gold climbs to the top of a castle. 16. An ass must be tied where the master will have him. 17. An ass's tail will not make a sieve. Ital. 18. An ass that carries a load is better than a lion that devours men. 19. An ass that kicketh against the wall receiveth the blow himself. 20. An ass to an ass is a beauty. 21. An ass's trot does not last long. 22. An ass was never cut out for a lap-dog. Latin. Ital. 23. An ass with her colt goes straight to the mill. 24. Asses' bridge. Sp. The fifth proposition of Euclid. 25. Asses carry the oats and horses eat them. Dutch. 26. Asses die and wolves bury them. 27. Asses must not be tied up with horses. Fr. 28. Asses sing badly because they pitch their voices too high. 29. Asses that bray most eat least. Ger. 30. Better an ass that carries me than a horse that throws me. Ger., Por. Por. 31. Better be killed by robbers than by the kick of asses. 32. Better have a bad ass than be your own ass. Sp., Por. 33. Better strive with an ill ass than carry the wood one's self. Ass. 41 34. Die not, mine ass, for the spring-time is com- ing and with it clover. Turk. 35. Either the ass will die or he that goads it. Sp. 36. Even an ass will not fall twice in the same quicksand. 37. Even an ass loves to hear himself bray. 38. For a stubborn ass a hard goad. Fr. 39. For a stubborn ass a stubborn driver. 40. For an ass buffoon is the best teacher. 41. Give an ass oats and he runs after thistles. Fr. Ger. Dutch. 42. Good, good, but God keep my ass out of his rye. Sp. 43. Hay is more acceptable to an ass than gold. Latin. Ital. 44. He that is good for something is the ass of the public. 45. He that makes himself an ass must not take it ill if men ride him. 46. Horses run after benefices and asses get them. Fr. 47. If any one say that one of thine ears is the ear of an ass regard it not; if he say so of them both procure thyself a bridle. 48. If one, two, three say you are an ass put on a bridle. Sp. 49. It is better to strive with a stubborn ass than to carry the wood on one's back. Sp. 50. Lay the burden on the slow-paced ass. Latin. 42 Ass. 51. Make yourself an ass and every one will lay a sack on you. Ger. 52. Many guests matter little to the ass of the Woloffs.-(Africa.) inn. 53. Nothing passes between asses but kicks. Ital. 54. One ass among monkeys is grinned at by all. Sp. 55. One ass nicknames another long-ears. Ger. 56. One ass scratches another. Latin. 57. One's own ass is better than his neighbor's stallion. Ger. Ger. 58. Out of a little grass comes a great ass. 59. Put not an embroidered crupper on an ass. 60. Rather an ass that carries than a horse that throws. Ital. 61. "Rough as it runs," as the boy said when his ass kicked him. 62. She was a neat dame that washed the ass's face. 63. The ass and his driver do not think alike. Ger., Dutch. 64. The ass boasted there was no voice equal to his, And no gait equal to that of his elder sister. 65. The ass brays when he pleases. Tamil. 66. The ass calls the cock big-headed. M. Greek. 67. The ass carries corn to the mill and gets this- tles. Ger. Ass. 43 68. The ass does not know the worth of his tail until he has lost it. Ital. 69. The ass embraced the thistle, and they found themselves relations. 70. The ass even eating oats dreams of thistles. Por. Ger. 71. The ass is not learned though he be loaded with books. 72. The ass knows well in whose face he brays. Ger. Sp. 73. The ass loaded with gold still eats thistles. Ger. 74. The ass of many owners is eaten by wolves. 75. The ass of a king is still but an ass. 76. The ass that brays most eats least. Sp. Ger. 77. The ass that carrieth wine drinketh water. 78. The ass that is common property is always the worst saddled. 79. The ass that is hungry eats thistles. Por. 80. The ass that trespasses on a stranger's prem- ises will leave them laden with wood; ¿. e., well cudgelled. 81. The ass's, hide is used to the stick. Por. Sp. 82. The ass's son brays one hour daily. Por., Latin. 83. The braying of an ass does not reach heaven. Ital. 84. The golden ass passes everywhere. 85. The golden covering does not make the ass a horse. Ger. 44 ASSASSINATION.-Assertion. 86. The mountaineer's ass carries wine and drinks water. Fr. 87. The starving ass does not count the blows. M. Greek. 88. There are more asses than carry sacks. Ital. 89. There goes more than one ass to market. 90. There is no ass but brays. Turk. 91. What good can it do an ass to be called a lion? 92. What's the use of putting honey in an ass's mouth? Ger. 93. When all men say you are an ass, it is time to bray. Russian. 94. When the ass bears too light a load, he wants to lie down. 95. When the ass is too happy, he begins dancing on the ice. Dutch. 96. Wherever an ass falleth, there will he never fall again. 97. Wherever an ass is crowned to fame, Both town and country bear the blame. Ger. 98. Who is in great haste should not ride an ass. Ger. Horace. 99. Who would save an ass against his will? + Assassination. 1. Assassination has never changed the history of the world. Assertion. 1. Assertion is no proof. Bea. Ger. ASSISTING.-ASSOCIATION.—ATHEIST.-AT LAST. 45 Assisting. 1. In this world it is necessary that we assist one another. La Fontaine. Association. 1. A calf that goes with a pig will eat excrement. Tamil. 2. A wise man associating with the vicious be- comes an idiot; a dog travelling with good men be- comes a rational being. Arabian. Atheist. 1. An atheist is one point beyond the devil (dev- ils, for they believe and tremble). 2. An atheist's laugh is a poor excuse for deity offended. Burns, 3. By night an atheist half believes a God. Young. 4. Health chiefly keeps an atheist in the dark, A fever argues better than a clark. Young. 5. He became an infidel remaining between two mosques. Turk. 6. If you sit down a mere philosopher, you will rise almost an atheist. 7. Men work themselves into an atheistical judg ment by atheistical practices. Whichcote, 8. Some are atheists only in fair weather. 9. When men leave religion and turn atheists, their own abilities leave them. At Last. 1. At last all things come to be known. 2. At last the fox turns monk. Massinger, 46 ATTAINABLE.-ATTEMPTING.-AUCTION. 3. At last the foxes all meet at the furrier's. Ital. 4. At last the wolf's cub becomes a wolf. Attainable. 1. Whatever has been attained is attainable. Attempting. Sir Wm. Jones. 1. Attempt nothing beyond your strength. Latin. 2. Attempt not or accomplish. Auction. 1. At an auction keep your mouth shut. Augur-Holes. Latin. Sp. 1. Many men continually attempt to make augur- holes with a gimlet. Augurs. Franklin. 1. They got the ill name of augurs because they were bores. August. 1. A wet August never brings dearth. Lowell. Ital. 2. When it rains in August, it rains honey and wine. Author. Sp. 1. Among authors, jealousy and envy are incurable diseases. Wharton's "Life of Pope." 2. Choose an author as you choose a friend. Roscommon. 3. Fear the worst from an enraged author. 4. Like author like book. 5. Most authors steal their works or buy. 6. No author ever spares a brother. Fr. Pope. John Gay. AVARICE. 47 Avarice. 1. Avarice and fidelity cannot dwell together in Grimm's Fairy Tales. the same house. 2. Avarice blinds our eyes. 3. Avarice bursts the bag. 4. Avarice disposes men to fraud. 5. Avarice increases with wealth. Fr. Ital. 6. Avarice is always poor, but poor by her own fault. 7. Avarice is both knave and fool. Johnson. Greville. 8. Avarice is insatiable, and is always pushing for more. 9. Avarice is never satisfied. L'Estrange. 10. Avarice is the basest and most selfish of human passions. II. Avarice is the parent of all wickedness. Claudianus. 12. Avarice is the parent of evil deeds, but fru- gality is the sure guardian of our virtues. Ancient Brahmin. 13. Avarice loses all in seeking to gain all. La Fontaine. 14. Avarice rarely finishes its day without weep- ing. La Fontaine. 15. Avarice sheds a blasting influence over the fairest and sweetest of mankind. Washington. 16. Gold and silver were mingled with dirt till avarice parted them. 17. Great honors and avarice fly one another. 18. He would sell even his share of the sun. Ital. 48 AVENGING. 19. If you wish to remove avarice you must re- move its mother luxury. Cicero. 20. It is not want but abundance that makes avarice. 21. No vice like avarice. 22. Pour an ocean of melted gold down the throat of avarice, and it would still cry "Give, give." C. C. Baldwin's" Moral Maxims." 23. The avaricious man is always in want. Latin. 24. The older the colder; the more avaricious, the more vicious. 25. The wretch who avarice bids to pinch and spare, Starves, steals, pilfers to enrich an heir. Ger. Franklin. 26. When all other sins are old, avarice is still young. Avenging. Fr. 1. He who will avenge every affront means not to live long. 2. If I had avenged every wrong, I had not worn my shirt so long. 3. It is often better not to see an insult than to avenge it. Seneca. 4. The avenging gods have their feet clothed in wool. (Noiseless is the approach of the avenging dei- ties.). BABBLERS.-BABE.- BACCHUS. 49 B. Babblers. 1. The great church bells rarely sound, the full cask returns no sound. (A proverb of the Chinese directed against babblers for whom they have a great aversion.) Babe, 1. A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure. 2. A babe is a mother's anchor. swing far from her moorings. Tupper. She cannot Beecher. 3. A babe is an angel whose wings decrease as his legs increase. 4. A bairn maun creep ere it gang. Fr. 5. At first babes feed on the mother's bosom, but always on her heart. Beecher. 6. None of us like the crying of another person's baby. Punch. Punch. 7. Too many nurses spoil the broth of a boy. 8. To the well-bred doctor all babies are angels. Punch. 9. Where God sends babies he sends penny loaves. Bacchus. 1. Bacchus hath drowned more than Neptune. 2. Bacchus kills more than Mars. 3. Bacchus loves freedom. Ger. Ger. 4 50 BACHELOR.-BACK.-BACKBITING. 4. If you make Bacchus your God, Apollo will not keep you company. 5. When Bacchus pokes the fire, Venus sits by the oven. Bachelor. Ger. 1. Bachelor, a peacock, betrothed a lion, married an ass. 2. A bachelor's bed is the pleasantest. Sp. Cicero. 3. An old bachelor is only the half of a pair of scissors. Ben. Franklin. 4. Bachelors' wives and maids' children are well taught. 5. Commend a wedded life, but keep thyself a bachelor. 6. Hold your hands off other folks' bairns till you get some of your own. 7. If you trust a man let him be a bachelor; let him be a bachelor. George Eliot. 8. Marriage has its pains, but a bachelor's life has no pleasures. Woloffs.-(Africa.) Ital. 9. Praise a wife, but remain a bachelor. 10. Who would avoid all strife, should be a bachelor. II. Wisely I say, I am a bachelor. Shaks. 12. Whoever is free from wrangling is a bachelor. Back. St. Jerome. 1. The back is shaped to the burden. Backbiting. 1. Backbiting oftener proceeds from pride than malice. BAD. 51 Bad. 1. A bad bush is better than the open field. 2. A bad knife cuts one's fingers instead of the stick. 3. A bad padlock invites a picklock. Por. 4. A bad reaper never gets a good sickle. Gaelic. 5. A bad shift is better than no shift. 6. A bad thing never dies. 7. A bad tree does not yield good apples. Dan. 8. A bad vessel breaks not easily. 9. A bad vessel is seldom broken. Hungarian. Latin. 10. All bad alike. Literal, putrid flesh is all of a flavor. Chinese. II. Bad is never good until worse happens. Dan. 12. Bad is the sack that will not bear patching. Ital. 13. Bad is the wool that cannot be dyed. 14. Bad mind bad heart. Ital. Terence. 15. He who has a bad name is half hanged. Ital. 16. Nothing so bad as not to be good for some- thing. 17. Nothing so bad but it finds its master. Dutch. 18. There is no man so bad but has a secret re- spect for the good. 19. There is nothing so bad but may be of some use. Ger. 52 BAG.-BAG-PIPE.-BAILIFF's Cow.-BAKER. 20. Those who are once found to be bad are pre- sumed to be so forever. Latin. 21. What is bad for one is good for another. Fr. 22. Where bad's the best naught must be the choice. 23. You may keep yourself safe from fire but not from a bad man. Por. 24. Bad men leave their mark wherever they go. Chinese. 25. Who is bad to his own is bad to himself. Bag. 1. An empty bag cannot stand upright. Bag-pipe. 1. Bring not a bag-pipe to a man in trouble. Ital. 2. He's like a bag-pipe, you never hear him till his belly's full. 3. The bag-pipe never utters a word till its belly's full. Fr. Bailiff's Cow. 1. The bailiff's cow and another's cow are two different cows. Baker. 1. Be not a baker if your head be of butter. Ger. Sp. 2. He is not fit to be a baker whose head is made of butter. Dan. Balance. 1. The balance distinguishes not between gold or lead. 2. The balance in doing its office knows neither gold or lead. Fr. Bankrupt.—BanKRUPTCY.—BANISHMENT.—BANQUET. 53 Bankrupt. 1. A bankrupt and a usurer do not disagree, i. e., they easily conclude a bargain. Arabian. 2. A bankrupt Jew searches his old accounts. Bankruptcy. Modern Greek. 1. Men of their broken debtors take a third, A sixth, a tenth, letting them thrive again. Shaks. Banishment. 1. Blood-thirsty is the man who returns from banishment. Ancient Proverb. Banquet. 1. There never was a banquet so sumptuous but some one dined ill at it. Fr. Barber. 1. He is a sorry barber that has but one comb. Ital. 2. Neither a dumb barber nor a deaf singer. • Por. 3. On a fool's beard the barber learns to shave. 4. One barber shaves another. Fr., Ital. Fr. 5. One barber shaves not so close but another finds work. 6. Softly, barber, the water scalds. Ital. 7. The bad barber leaves neither hair nor skin. Sp. 54 BARGAIN. 8. The barber learns to shave on the orphan's face. Arabian. 9. There is no beard so well shaven but another barber will find something more to shave from it. Bargain. 1. A bargain is a bargain. 2. A good bargain is a pick purse. Ital. 3. A man loseth his time that comes early to a bad bargain. 4. Bargains are costly. Ger., Sp. 5. Bargaining is as necessary to a trade as pole- ing to a vessel. 6. Good cheap is dear at long run. Chinese. 7. He who hunts after bargains will scratch his head. Catalan. 8. It is a bad bargain where both are losers. 9. It is a silly bargain where nobody gets. 10. It is only good bargains that ruin. 11. It takes two to make a bargain. 12. Make the best of a bad bargain. 13. Many have been ruined by buying good pennyworths. 14. More words than one go to a bargain. 15. No one will get a bargain he does not ask for. 16. On a good bargain think twice. Fr. 17. One word will not settle a bargain, though prices vary from morning to night. Chinese. 18. They spit upon the same stone. (A custom . (RASH) BARGAIN.-BARLEY CORN.-Base. 55 practised in the north of England when concluding a bargain.) 19. Twa words maun gang to that bargain. (Rash) Bargain. 1. It is a rash bargain to sell the bird on the bough. Ital. Shaks. 2. The man that once did sell the lion's skin Was killed in hunting him. Barley Corn. 1. The barley corn is the heart's key. Base. 1. Incline to nothing base. 2. It is a base thing to betray a man because he trusted you, 3. It is a base thing to tear a dead lion's beard off. 4. It is a base thing to tread upon a man who is down. Bashfulness. 1. A scoff is the reward of bashfulness. 2. At table bashfulness is out of place. 3. Bashfulness is an enemy to poverty. 4. Bashfulness is an ornament to youth but a re- proach to old age. Aristotle. 5. Bashfulness is no use to the needy. Dutch. 6. He that wants should not be bashful. Ital. 7. His bashful mind hinders his good intent. 8. It is only the bashful that lose. Fr. 9. To cast a sheep's eye at one. 56 BASLE.-BATH.-BATTLE.—Bazaar.—REAR. Basle. 1. It takes nine Jews to cheat a native of Basle. Bath. 1. The bath has sworn not to whiten the blacka moor. Sp. Battle. 1. It is a hard battle where none escape. 2. Many walk into a battle and are carried out of it. Fielding. 3. Nothing but a battle lost can be so melancholy as a battle won. Wellington. 4. The battle is over when the foe hath fallen. Ovid. 5. The battle is weak that is waged with one hand. Euripides. 6. The danger is great if thy foot stumble when. thou goest to battle. Volsunga Saga. 7. The winds and the waves in a naval battle are always on the side of the ablest navigator. Gibbon. Bazaar. I. The bazaar knows neither father nor mother. Turk Bear. 1. An old bear is slow in learning to dance. Ger. 2. Catch the bear before you sell his skin. 3. Don't play with the bear if you don't want to be bit. Ital. 4. He must have iron nails that scratches with a bear, Beard. 57 5. He that hath eaten a bear pie will always smell of the garden. 6. If it were a bear it would bite you. (Applied to a person hunting for a thing mislaid, by a person ob serving him near to it.) 7. One cannot teach a bear to dance in a day. Ger. 8. One must catch the bear before he draws a ring through his nose. Ger. 9. One must not play on the nose of the sleeping bear. Ger. 10. One must not reach his hand to the hungry bear. II. Savage bears agree with one another. Ger. Juvenal. 12. The bear wants a tail and cannot be lion. 13. The she bear thinks her cubs pretty. Ital. Beard. 1. Beard was never the true standard of brains. T. Fuller. 2. If the beard were all the goat would be the winner. Dan. 3. If my beard is burnt others try to light their pipes at it. 4. Little beard little modesty. Turk. Sp. 5. Red beard and black head catch him with a good trick and take him dead. 6. The beard does not make the philosopher. Itai. Sp. 7. To beards with money cavaliers pay respect. 58 BEARING.- Beast. 8. Where there is no beard there is no under- standing. Ger. 9. Whoever hath a divided beard the whole world will not prevail against him. 10. You can scarcely pull a hair from a thin beard. M. Greek. Bearing. 1. A man may bear till his back breaks. 2. Bear and blame not what you cannot change. Syms. 3. Bear and forbear. Ovid. 4. Bear the best humbly and the worst resigned. Homer. 5. Bear with a soul resigned the will of Jove. Homer. 6. Bear with evil and expect good. 7. To bear is to conquer our fate. Campbell. 8. You must bear that which hurts that you may gain that which profits. Beast. Syrus. 1. In order to manage an ungovernable beast he must be stinted in his provender. Queen Elizabeth 2. The beast dead the venom dead. Fr., Ital. 3. The beast is more savage than man when he is possessed of power equal to his passion. Plutarch. 4. The beasts are by instinct their own physi- cians. Fr., Ital. 5. The beast that goes well is never without some one to try his paces. Sp., Por BEAUTY. 59 6. There is no beast so savage but it sports with its mate. Sp. 7. There is no beast that does not roar in its den. Beauty. 1. A fair face may be a foul bargain. 2. A fair face may hide a foul heart. 3. A fair face is half a portion. Kaffir. 4. A fair face will get its praise though the owner keep silent. Dan. 5. A pretty face is as good as a drummer. Ger. 6. A pretty face is half a dowry. Ger. 7. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Keats. 8. All orators are dumb when beauty pleadeth. 9. All that's fair must fade. Shaks. Ital. 10. Beauties without fortune have sweethearts plenty but husbands none at all. II. Beauty and charity have always a mortal quarrel between them. 12. Beauty and folly are often companions. 13. Beauty and folly are sisters. Fr., Ital. Ger. 14. Beauty and understanding go rarely together. Ger. 15. Beauty blemished once forever's lost. Shaks. 16. Beauty carries its dower in its face. Dan. 17. Beauty comes not by forcing. Turk. 18. Beauty doth varnish age. Shaks. 19. Beauty draws more than oxen. 60 BEAUTY. 20. Beauty draws us with a single hair. Pope. 21. Beauty in the unworthy is poison in a casket of gold. 22. Beauty is a frail advantage. 23. Beauty is a good letter of introduction. Tamil. Ovid. Ger. 24. Beauty is a witch against whose charms faith melteth into blood. 25. Beauty is as good as ready money. Shaks Ger. 26. Beauty is but dross if honesty be lost. Dutch. 27. Beauty is but skin deep. 28. Beauty is worse than wine; it intoxicates both the holder and the beholder. 29. Beauty is no inheritance. 30. Beauty is one of God's gifts. Zimmerman. Lewes. 31. Beauty is potent but money is more potent. 32. Beauty is the eye's food and the soul's sor- row. 33. Beauty is the subject of a blemish. Ger. 34. Beauty is the wife's best dowry. 35. Beauty is truth, truth beauty. Keats. 36. Beauty lives with kindness. Shaks. 37. Beauty may have fair leaves but bitter fruit. 38. Beauty opens locked doors. Ger. 39. Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold. 40. Beauty-the fading rainbow's pride. Halleck. 41. Beauty vanishes, virtue endures. Ger. 42. Beauty will buy no beef. 43. Beauty without bounty avails not. 44. Beauty without modesty is infamous. Ger. BEAUTY, 61 45. Beauty without understanding is vain talk. 46. Beauty without virtue is a curse. Ger. 47. Beauty without virtue is a rose without fra- grance. Ger., Dan. Campbell. 48. Beauty's tears are lovelier than her smiles. 49. Good looks buy nothing in the market. 50. Health and wealth create beauty. 51. How goodness brightens beauty. Hannah Moore. 52. It is not the greatest beauties that inspire the most profound passion. 53. Man cannot divide beauty into dollars. 54. One cannot live on beauty. Fr. Polish. Ger. Ger. 55. One does not put beauty in the kettle. 56. Over the greatest beauty hangs the greatest ruin. 57. She that is born a beauty is half married. 58. She who is born a beauty is born betrothed. Ital. 59. She who is born handsome is born married. 60. The beautiful are never desolate, but some one always loves them. 61. The beautiful is always true. Bailey. Fr. 62. The beetle is a beauty in the eyes of its mother. African Negro. 63. The very autumn of a form once fine retains its beauties. Euripides. 62 BECOMING.-BEE. 64. We seize the beautiful and reject the useful. La Fontaine. 65. Without the smile from partial beauty won, Say what were man? a world without a sun. Becoming. 1. That best becomes every man, which he is by nature intended to perform. Scribleomania. 2. What is becoming is honorable and what is honorable is becoming. Bee. 1. A drone is one who does not labor. Cicero. Bea. 2. A swarm of bees in May is worth a load of hay, But a swarm in July is not worth a fly. 3. Bees do not become hornets. 4. Better two drones be preserved than one good bee perish. 5. Drones suck not eagles' blood but rob bee- hives. Shaks. 6. From the same flower the bee extracts honey and the wasp gall. Ital. 7. Good bees never turn drones. 8. He has a bee in his bonnet lug. 9. I want no drones in my bee-hive. Ger, 10. Old bees yield no honey. II. One bee is better than a handful of flies. Ger., Sp. 12 The bee from his industry in the summer eats honey all the winter. 13. Whatever the bee sucks turns to honey and whatever the wasp sucks turns to venom. Por BEER.-BEGGAR. 63 14. When bees are old they yield no honey. 15. When the bee sucks it makes honey, when the spider, poison. 16. Where bees are there is honey. Beer. Sp. 1. Better weak beer than an empty cask. Dan. 2. Beware: froth is not beer. 3. Hops, reformation and beer, Dan. Came to England all in one year. 4. Small beer comes the last. Dan. 5. The beer's of your own brewing and you must drink it. Dutch. 6. What two ideas are more inseparable than beer and Britania? Beggar. 1. A beggar is never out of his road. Sidney Smith. Fr. 2. A beggar nowhere suffers from famine. Tamil. 3. A beggar's estate lies in all lands. Dutch. 4. A beggar's hand is a bottomless basket. Dutch. 5. A beggar's wallet empty is heavier than a full one. 6. A beggar's wallet is never full. Ger. Por. 7. A lordly taste makes a beggar's purse. 8. A lord's heart and a beggar's purse agree not. 9. A prince wants a millon, a beggar but a groat. 10. A shameless beggar must have a short de nial. 11. Ae beggar is wae that anither by the gate gae. 12. Bare gentry-braggart beggars. 64 BEGGAR. 13. Beggars and borrowers must not be choosers. 14. Beggars breed and rich men feed. 15. Beggars can never be bankrupt. 16. Beggars fear no rebellion. 17. Beggars mounted run their horse to death. Shaks. 18. Better die a beggar than live a beggar. 19. Even the beggar envies the beggar. 20. He makes a beggar first that first relieves him. Heywood. 21. He'll soon be a beggar that canna say na. 22. I know him as well as the beggar knows his dish. 23. bite. If wishes were butter cakes, beggars might 24. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. 25. If wishes were thrushes beggars would eat birds. 26. It is a grief to the beggar that another stands by the door. Dutch. 27. One beggar likes not that another has wal- lets. 28. One day a beggar the next a thief. Dan. Ger. 29. Neither beg of him, who has been a beggar, nor serve him who has been a servant. Sp. 30. Set a beggar on horseback and he won't trot but gallops. Dutch. 31. Set a beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the devil. 32. She loves the poor well but cannot abide beggars. BEGGING. 65 33. Small invitation will serve a beggar. 34. So soon as the beggar's sack warms in one's hands, he never does good any more. 35. The beggar is never out of his way. Ger. 36. The beggar is the enemy of the hound and the hound of the beggar. Ger. 37. The beggar may sing before the thief. 38. The beggar stands sure, he cannot become bankrupt. Ger. 39. The beggar's sack never cries "hold enough." 40. The beggar's wallet has no bottom. Ger. Ital., Ger. 41. There is no pride like that of a beggar grown rich. Fr. 42. 'Tis one beggar's woe to see another by the door go. 43. To see a beggar's brat in riches flow, Adds not a wrinkle to my even brow. Dryden. 44. When it rains porridge the beggar has no spoon. Begging. 1. All do not beg for one saint. Dan. Sp. 2. Beggary is valiant. Shaks. 3. Begging a courtesy is selling liberty. 4. Better beg than steal. Dutch. 5. Better leave to my foes than beg frae my friends. 6. Better to beg than steal, but better to work than beg. Russian. 5 66 BEGINNING. 7. Better to beg than to borrow. 8. He begs at them who borrowed at him. 9. He buys very dear who begs. Por. 10. He who beggeth for others is contriving for himself. 11. He who begs timidly courts a refusal. Seneca. 12. He who knows how to beg may leave his money at home. 13. I would rather buy than beg. 14. Let them talk of me and beg of me. Dan. Latin. Sp. Ger. 15. Many trades begging the best. 16. That costs dear which is bought with begging. Ital. 17. The Friar who begs for God's sake begs for two. 18. What is got by begging is dearly bought. Sp. Dan. 19. Who is not ashamed to beg soon is not ashamed to steal. Ger. Beginning. 1. A bad beginning makes a good ending. 2. A beginner is always a good man. 3. A good beginning is half the work. Ger. Martial. Ger. 4. A good beginning makes a bad ending. 5. A good beginning makes a good ending. 5½. All beginnings are easy, said the ragpicker. Ger. 6. All beginnings are hard, said the thief, and be- gan by stealing an anvil. 7. Begin in time to finish without hurry. Dutch. Ger. BEGINNING. 67 8. Beginning and ending shake hands. Ger. 9. Begun is half done. Ger. Ger. 10. Better not begin than not end. 11. Everything must have a beginning. Fr., Ital., Por., Ger. 12. For a web begun God sends thread. Fr., Ital. 13. From small beginnings come great things. Dutch. 14. Good to begin well, better to end well. 15. He is not done who is beginning. 16. He is half done who has made a beginning. Fr. Horace. 17. He who begins and does not finish loses his labor. 18. He who begins badly ends badly. 19. He who begins much finishes little. Fr. Sp. Ger. 20. If you know the beginning well the end will not trouble you. Woloffs.—(Africa.) 21. If you wish to reach the highest begin at the lowest. 22. Ill begun ill done. Syrus. Dutch. 23. It is better to begin in the evening than not at all. 24. Mischief lurks in the beginning, a good begin- ning is half the task. Euripides. 25. No beginnings of things however small are to be neglected because continuance makes them great. 26. Right beginning makes right ending. Plutarch. Ger. 68 BEGINNING. 27. So begun, so done. Dutch. 28. Some think they are done when they are only beginning. Fr. 29. The beginning and the end are seldom alike. Ger. 30. The beginning and the end extend hands to each other. Ger. 31. The beginning hot, the middle lukewarm, the end cold. Ger. 32. The beginning is half the whole. Hesiod. 33. The beginning is no masterpiece. Ger. 34. The beginning of excellence is to be free from error. Quintillian. 35. The beginning of the dollar is the bank shil- ling. Ger. 36. The golden rule in life is "make a begin- ning." 37. The merit belongs to the beginner should his successor do even better. Egyptian. 38. To men who would be fortunate the begin- ning is everything. Don Quixote. 39. Well begun is half done. Fr., Ital., Ger., Sp., Por., Dan., Dutch. 40. What raging rashly is begun, challengeth shame before half done. 41. Who begins amiss ends amiss. Ger. 42. Who begins too much accomplishes little. Ger. 43. Everything is difficult at first. Chinese. BEG PARDON.-BEGUILING.-Belief. 69 Beg Pardon. 1. Beg pardon is the best penitence. Ger. 2. It is for those who have done an injury to beg pardon. wile. Cato the Younger. 3. Never ask pardon before you are accused. Beguiling. 1. He that seeks to beguile is overtaken in his Belief. 1. Believe no man in his own cause. Dr. Johnson. 2. Believe no woman though she is dead. 3. Believe one who has tried it. Ger. Virgil. 4. Believe only half you hear of a man's wealth and goodness. 5. Believe that and drink some water (to wash it down). 6. Believe well and have well. 7. Better believe it than go where it was done to prove it. 8. Don't believe what you see but only what I tell you. Sp. 9. For they can conquer who believe they can. Virgil. 10. He does not believe who does not live accord- ing to his belief. 11. He will never prosper who readily believes. Latin. 12. I would not believe such a thing though af- firmed by Cato. Latin. 70 BELIEVERS.—BELL. 13. It is always safer to believe nothing you hear. Hans Andersen. 14. Men are prone to believe what they least comprehend. Pliny. 15. Men willingly believe what they wish to be Cæsar. true. 16. That which is easily done is soon believed. 17. We are apt to believe what we wish for. 18. What a man desires he easily believes. 19. Who are ready to believe are easy to deceive. Ger. 20. Who believe all can easily come to harm. Ger. 21. Who believes does not reason. Ger. 22. Who does not believe must feel in the end. 23. Who neither believes heaven or hell The devil heartily wishes well. 24. Who quick believes late repents. Believers. 1. Quick believers need broad shoulders. Ger. Ger. Bell. 1. A cracked bell can never be sound. 2. Bells call others to church but go not them- selves. 3. Every one thinks that all the bells echo his own thoughts. Ger. 4. Fear not the loss of the bells more than the loss of the steeple. 5. He is like a bell that will answer every pull. BELLY. 71 6. If you love not the sound of bells why pull the ropes? 7. One bell serves a parish. Ital. 8. People make the bells say what they please. Ger. 9. The bell does not go to mass and yet calls every one to it. Ital., Sp. 10. The higher the bell is hung the shriller it sounds. Ger. 11. They are like bells every one in a several note. 12. While the great bells are ringing no one hears the little ones. Dan. 13. Who hears but one bell, hears but one sound. Belly. Fr. 1. A belly full of gluttony will never study will ingly. 2. A fat belly did not invent gun powder. 3. A full belly counsels well. M. Greek. 4. A full belly neither fights nor flies well. 5. An empty belly hears nobody. 6. Full bellies make empty sculls. Fr. 7. If it were not for the belly the back might wear gold. 8. Ill befall the belly that forgets eaten bread. Por. 9. The back an' the belly haud every one busy. 10. The belly does not accept bail. 11. The belly gives no credit. Por. Dan. 72 BEND.-BENEFACTORS. 12. The belly hates a long sermon. 13. The belly hath no cares. 14. The belly is a bad adviser. 15. The belly is not filled with fair words. Ger. 16. The belly (hunger) is the bestower of genius. Latin. 17. The belly is the commanding part of the body. Homer. 18. The belly is the teacher of art and the be- stower of genius. Persius. 19. The belly overreaches the head. Fr. 20. The belly teaches all arts. 21. The belly that's full may well fast. 22. The belly thinks the throat cut. 23. The belly warm-the foot at rest. Por. 24. When the belly is full the bones are at rest. Bend. 1. Bend the willow while it is young. Ital., Dan. 2. Best to bend it while a twig.. 3. Better bend than break. 4. Better bend the neck than bruise the forehead. 5. Better is the branch that bends than the branch that breaks. Dan. 6. It is a good blade that bends well. 7. It is better to bend than break. Fr. 8. Oaks may fall when reeds brave the storm. Benefactors. 1. The benefactor engraves his name in the hand that receives the benefit. BENEFITS.-BEST. 73 Benefits. 1. Benefits grow old betimes, but injuries are long livers. 2. Benefits like flowers please most when they are fresh. 3. Benefits oblige, and obligation is thraldom and unrequited obligation perpetual thraldom, which is hateful. 4. Benefits turn poison in bad minds. Hobbs. Byron. 5. He is more noble that deserves than he who confers benefits. 6. He that requites a benefit pays a great debt. 7. Let him who has bestowed a benefit be silent, let him who has received it tell of it. Seneca. 8. The last benefit is the most remembered. 9. There is no benefit so small that a good man will not magnify it. Seneca. I. There is no grace in a benefit that sticks to the fingers. II. To receive a benefit is to sell one's liberty. Best. 1. Best is best cheap, if you hit the nail on the head. 2. The best always goes first. Ital. 3. The best armor is to keep out of gunshot. Horace. 4. The best brewer sometimes makes bad beer. 5. The best cloth has uneven threads. Ger. Sp. 74 BETRAY. BETTER. 6. The best cloth may have a moth in it. 7. The best is cheapest. Ital., Ger. 8. The best is what one has in his hand. Ger. 9. The best manure is under the farmer's shoe. Dan. 10. The best medals lose their lustre unless brightened by use. II. The best metal is iron, the best vegetable wheat, the worst animal man. 12. The best pears fall into the pig's mouth. Betray. 1. He alone won't betray in whom none will con- Congreve. fide. 2. Who betrays me once wrongs me, who betrays me twice serves me just right. Ger. 3. Who last betrays is master. Ger. 4. Who will betray must spin fine threads. Ger. 5. Who will betray pipes sweet. Ger. Better. 1. A better seldom comes after. Ger. 2. Better a bare foot than none at all. 3. Better a beast sold than bought. 4. Better a blind horse than an empty halter. Dutch. 5. Better a distant good than a near evil. 6. Better a friendly denial than unwilling compli ance. Ger 7. Better a lame horse than an empty saddle. Ger BETTER. 75 Ger. 8. Better a lean jade than an empty halter. 9. Better a leg broken than the neck. 10. Better a little fire to warm us than a great one to burn us. 11. Better a little good than much bad. Ger. 12. Better a little in peace with right than much with anxiety and strife. Dan. 13. Better a little with honor than much with shame. 14. Better a mischief than an inconvenience. 15. Better a red face than a black heart. Por. 16. Better a salt herring on your own table than a fresh pike on another's. 17. Better a tooth out than always aching. Dan. 18. Better abridge petty charges than stoop to petty gettings. 19. Better an upright Turk than a false Christian. 20. Better anticipate than be anticipated. Ger. Por. 21. Better be ill spoken of by one before all than by all before one. 22. Better be stung by a nettle than pricked by a rose. 23. Better be the head of a cat than the tail of a lion. Ital. 24. Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. Fr. 25. Better be the head of the yeomanry than the tail of the gentry. 26. Better be unmannerly than troublesome. 76 BETTER. 27. Better be up to the ankles than over head and ears. 28. Better blow hard than burn yourselves. Dan. 29. Better coarse cloth than the naked thighs. Dan. 30. Better come at the latter end of a feast than the beginning of a fray. 31. Better deny at once than promise long. Dan. 32. Better fall from the window than the roof. Ital. 33. "Better fed than taught " said the churl to the parson. 34. Better fifty years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay. Tennyson. 35. Better go about than fall in the ditch. 36. Better go away longing than loathing. 37. Better good afar off than ill at hand. 38. Better half an egg than an empty shell. 39. Better in the dust than crawl near the throne. Ger. 40. Better is a handful with quietness than both the hands full and vexation of spirit. 41. Better is an enemy to good. 42. Better is rule than rent. 43. Better kills good. Bible. Ital., Ger. Ger. 44. Better lang something than soon naething. 45. Better late ripe. and bear than early blossom and blast. 46. Better late than never. Fr., Ital., Sp., Por., Dutch, Dan BETTER. 77 47. Better late thrive than never do well. Scotch. 48. Better leave than lack. 49. Better leave undone than by your deed ac- quire too high a fame when him we serve's away. Shaks. 50. Better make a short circuit than wet your hose. nesses. Dutch. Ital. 51. Better master one than engage with ten. 52. Better once than never. 53. Better one eye-witness than two hear-say wit- Dutch. 54. Better reap two days too soon than one too late. Dutch. 55. Better repair the gutter than the whole house. Por. 56. Better say nothing than nothing to the pur pose. 57. Better see a clout than a hole out. 58. Better some of a pudding than none of a pie. 59. Better something on the arm than all in the stomach. Dan. 60. Better something than nothing at all. 61. Better straw than nothing. Ger. Por Dutch. 62. Better stretch your hand than your neck. 63. Better the harm I know than the harm I know not. 64. Better there should be too much than too lit- tle. Ger. 65. Better they should say, "There he ran away," than "There he died." 78 BE TRUE.-Beware. 66. Better to rule than be ruled by the rout. 67. Better to say, was." "Here it is" than "There it 68. Better to wear out than to rust out. 69. Better too little than too much devotion. Ger. 70. Better twice remembered than once forgotten. Dutch. 71. Better unborn than unbred. 72. Better untaught than ill-taught. 73. Better walk before than behind an ox. Dutch. 74. Better walk leisurely than lie abroad all night. 75. Better walk on wooden legs than be carried on a wooden bier. Dan. 76. Better walk unshackled in a green meadow than be bound to a thorn bush. Dan. 77. Better wear out shoes than sheets. 78. Better where birds sing than where irons ring. 79. If better were in better would come out. 80. Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. Dutch. 81. This and better may do but this and worse will never do. Be True. 1. Be true to your word, your work, and your friend. John Boyle O'Reilly. Beware. 1. Beware of him whom God hath marked. 2. Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a ship. 3. Beware of no man more than thyself. Franklin. BIBLE.-BIDE.-BIND.-BIRD. 79 Bible. 1. How many read the Word (Bible), and yet from vice are not deterred. Ger. 1 Bide. 1. Bide your time. 2. Biding makes thriving. Dutch. Bind. 1. Safe bind-safe find. Shaks. 2. Sure bind-sure find. Bird. 1. A bird can roost but on one branch A mouse can drink no more than its fill from a river. Chinese. 2. A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 3. A bird may be caught with a snare that will not be shot. Dan. 4. A bird may be ever so small yet it always seeks a nest of its own. 5. A little bird wants but a little nest. Dan. 6. A rare bird upon the earth, something like a black swan. 7. A sly bird is often caught by two feet. M. Greek. 8. According to his pinions the bird flies. Dan. 9. An old bird is not caught with chaff. 10. Bird never flew so high but it had to come to the ground. 11. Birds of prey do not flock togetner. Dutch. Por 80 BIRD. 12. Birds of prey do not sing. 13. Birds pay equal honors to all men. 14. Each bird loves to hear himself sing. 15. Early birds pick up the crumbs (worms). 16. Every bird is known by its feathers. 17. Every bird likes its own nest best. 18. Every bird must hatch its own eggs. 19. Every bird needs its own feathers. 20. Every bird sings as it is beaked. 21. Every hooked beak is maintained by prey. Ger. Dan. Dutch. Fr. 22. Every shot does not bring down a bird. Dutch. 23. Fine birds are commonly plucked. 24. Fine feathers make fine birds. 25. He that will take the bird must not scare it. 26. He will ill catch a flying bird that cannot keep his own in a cage. 27. However high a bird may soar, it seeks its food on earth. Dan. 28. If every bird take back its own feathers, you'll be naked. 29. If the partridge had the woodcock's thigh, It would be the best bird that ever did fly. 30. If you be false to both beasts and birds, you must like the bat fly only at night. 31. If you can't get the bird, get one of its feath- ers. Dan. 32. Ill fares the young bird in the urchin's hand. Por # BIRD. 81 33. It is a dirty bird that fouls her own nest. 34. It is a foolish bird that stays the laying salt upon her tail. 35. It is a lazy bird that will not build its own Dan. nest. 36. It is hard to catch birds with an empty hand. Ger. 37. It is rash to sell the bird on the bough. 38. Let no shovel beaked bird ever enter your yard. Sp. 39. Little bird, little nest. Sp. 40. Little by little the bird builds its nest. 41. Old birds are hard to pluck. Fr. Ger. 42. Old birds are not caught with cats. Dutch. 43. Old birds are not caught with chaff. 44. Old birds are not caught with new nets. 45. One beats the bush, another catches the bird. 46. Small birds must have meat. 47. The bird feels not its wing heavy. Ger., Dutch. Turk. 48. The bird once out of hand is hard to recover. Dan. 49. The bird that can sing and won't sing must be made sing. 50. The bird that offers itself to the net is fair game to the fowler. 51. The first bird gets the first grain. Oriental. Dan. 52. The fowler's pipe sounds sweet until the bird is caught. 53. The nest made, the bird dead. Por. 6 82 BIRTH.-BITING. 54. The nest of a blind bird is made by God. 55. The noisy fowler catches no bird. Turk. 56. Though the bird may fly over your head let it not make its nest in your hair. Dan. 57. Two birds of prey do not keep company with each other. 58. When the cage is ready the bird is flown. 59. Where the bird was hatched it haunts. 60. You cannot catch old birds with chaff. Sp. Dutch. Birth. 1. He that is born under a three-penny planet will never be worth a groat. Irish. 2. He that was born under a three half-penny planet shall never be worth two pence. 3. High birth is a poor dish at table. Ital. 4. It matters less to a man where he is born, than where he can live. 5. No man can help his birth. Turk. Hans Andersen. 6. No one is born with an axe in his hand. Ger. 7. Our birth is nothing but our death begun, As tapers waste that instant they take fire. Young. 8. Our birth made us mortal, our death will make us immortal. Biting. 1. A gaunt brute bites sore. Fr. 2. Because the cur has bitten shall I bite the cur? BLADDER.-Blade.—Blame. 83 3. Better a friendly bite than an enemy's caress. 4. Bite not the dog that bites. Dan. Dan. 5. Don't bite till you know whether it is bread or a stone. 6. Don't make two bites of a cherry. Ital. Fr. 8. If you cannot bite never show your teeth. 7. He who can lick can bite 9. Keep to the little ones and the big ones will not bite you. Dan. 10. One must not make the bite larger than the mouth. II. Take two bites if one is too large. 12. The biter is sometimes bit. Ger. Ger. Fr., Ital. 13. The greatest barkers are not the greatest bit- ers. 14. Though I am bitten I am not all eaten. Bladder. 1. The bladder drowned. may be dipped but never Sibyl prophecy of Athens. Blade. 1. The blade of the sultan's sabre grows until it overtakes the offender. 2. The blade wears out the sheath. Turk. Blame. 1. Blame is the lazy man's wages. Dan. 2. He must be pure who would blame another. Dan. 84 BLEEDING.-Blessed.-Blessings.-Blind. 3. Who lends his lips to naught but blame, Has in his heart no love of fame. Ger. Bleeding. 1. According to the arm be the bleeding. 2. I may see him need but I'll not see him bleed. Blessed. 1. Blessed be St. Stephen, there is no fast upon his even. 2. Blessed is he that considereth the poor. Bible. 3. Blessed is the peacemaker, not the conqueror. 4. He begs a blessing of a wooden god. 5. If you wish for any blessing, look for it your- self. Arrian. Horace. 6. Nothing on earth is completely blessed. Blessings. 1. Blessings are not valued until they are gone. 2. Blessings brighten as they take their flight. 3. Blessings on his head that said, "Face about." Sp. 4. They have need of a blessing that kneel to a thistle. 5. Ye dinna ken whar a blessing may light. Blind. 1. A blind hen can sometimes find corn. 2. A blind horse goes straight forward. 3. A blind man is no judge of colors. Fr. Ger. Ital. Blind. 85 "This 4. A blind man leaned against a wall;- is the boundary of the world," he said. M. Greek. 5. A blind man may sometimes shoot a crow. Dutch. 6. A blind man shouldn't attempt to catch fleas. Punch. 7. A blind man's stroke which raises a dust from beneath water. Sp. • 8. A blind man will not thank you for a looking- glass. 9. A blind man wishes to show the road. Latin. 10. A blind man would be glad to see it. 11. A blind pigeon may sometimes find a grain of wheat. Dan. 12. A man were better half blind than have both his eyes out. 13. A pebble and a diamond are alike to a blind man. 14. Among the blind close your eyes. Turk. 15. Better be one-eyed than quite blind. Por. Dutch. 16. Better squinting than blind. 17. Blind man's holiday; i. e., twilight, almost quite dark. 18. Blind men must not run. 19. Blind men should not judge of colors. 20. He does as the blind man when he casts his staff. 21. He has the greatest blind side who thinks he has none. Dutch. 22. He is blind enough who sees not through a Don Quixote. sieve. 86 BLIND. 23. He is very blind who cannot see the sun. Ital. 24. He that governs well leads the blind, but he that teaches him gives him eyes. 25. If the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch. New Testament. 26. In the land of the blind the one-eyed is a king. Dutch. 27. It is a blind man's question to ask why those things are loved that are beautiful. 28. None so blind as those who won't see. 29. One blind man leads another into the ditch. Fr. 30. That would I fain see, said blind George of Hallowee. 31. The blind do not desire anything beyond two eyes. 32. The blind eat many a fly. 33. The blind man has picked up a coin. Turk. Por. 34. The blind man sought for a needle in the straw-loft, and the man with a lame hand made a basket to put it in. M. Greek. 35. The sky is not less blue because the blind man does not see it. Dan. 36. There are none so blind as they who wilfully shut their eyes. Arabian. 37. What matters it to a blind man, that his father could see? 38. When blind leads blind both fall into the ditch. 39. When the blind man carries the banner, woe to those who follow. Fr. BLACK.-BLOOD. 87 Black. 1. A black hen will lay a white egg. 2. A black man is a jewel in a fair woman's eye. 3. A black man is a pearl in a fair woman's eye. Shaks. 4. A black plum is as sweet as a white. 5. Black cows give white milk. Ger. 6. Black plums may eat as sweet as white. 7. Black will take no other hue. 8. Two blacks make no white. Blood. 1. All blood is ancient. 2. As falls the dew on quenchless sands, Blood only serves to wash ambition's hands. Byron. 3. Blood boils without fire. Sp. 4. Blood is inherited and virtue acquired. Don Quixote. 5. Blood is thicker than water. Ger. Byron. 6. France got drunk on blood to vomit crime. 7. Good blood will never lie. 8. Human blood is all of one color. Fr. 9. Human blood is heavy, that man that has shed it cannot run away. Western African Negro. 10. I renounce the gold basin in which I have to spit blood. Por. 11. Noble and ignoble blood is of the same color. Ger. 88 BLOT.-BLOW. 12. Send your noble blood to market and see what it will buy. 13. The blood of the people flowing in sounding torrents. (Metaphor applied to the Mongol conquest of China.) 14. The cold in clime are cold in blood. Byron. 15. There is no difference of bloods in a basin. 16. What ennobles sots, or slaves, or cowards! Alas, not all the blood of all the Howards. Pope. 17. You come of good blood and so does a black pudding. Blot. I. A blot is not a blot unless it be hit. 2. A common blot is held no stain. 3. Cleaning a blot with blotted fingers maketh a greater. Blow. 1. A blow with a reed makes a noise but hurts not. 2. Better be convinced by words than blows. 3. Blows are not given on conditions. Dan. 4. If you don't succeed with one blow don't hes- itate to deliver two. 5. That is a blow of your own seeking. Chinese. North American Indian. 6. The blow falls more lightly when anticipated. 7. The first blow is as good as two. 8. The second blow makes the fray. Latin. Fr., Ital BLOWING.-BLUNDER.-BLUSH. 89 Blowing. 1. Blow first and sip afterward. 2. Blow not against the hurricane. 3. Blow thy own pottage and not mine. 4. Blow your horn if you don't sell a fish. Boston Shad Pedler. 5. He that blows best takes awa' the horn. 6. He that blows in the dust fills his own eyes. 7. He that blows in the fire must get sparks in his eyes. Ger. 8. He who blows upon dust fills his eyes with it. Ital. 9. It is better to blow than burn your mouth. Dutch. Blunder. I. It is not allowed in war to blunder twice. Blush. Latin. 1. A blush on the face is better than a blot on the heart. 2. Blushing is virtue's color. 3. Blush like a black dog. Don Quixote. 4. He blushes, all is safe. Terence. 5. He that blushes not at his crime, but adds shamelessness to shame has nothing left to restore him to virtue. Taylor. 6. In all her veins no conscious drop to form a blush remains. 7. The man that blushes is not quite a brute. Young. 1 90 Boaster, Boasting, Braggart. Boaster, Boasting, Braggart. 1. A boaster if he die, cannot return to life. Tamil. 2. All my goods are of silver and gold, even my copper kettle, says the boaster. Dutch. 3. Better one braggadocio than two fighters. 4. Boasting is but an art our fears to blind. Homer. 5. Boast not thyself of to-morrow for thou know- est not what a day may bring forth. 6. Boasting renders one ridiculous. 7. Believe a boaster as you would a liar. Ital. 8. Every braggart shall be found an ass. Shaks. 9. God and men think him a fool who brags of his own great wisdom. 10. Great boast and little roast make unsavory mouths. 11. Great braggers, little doers. 12. He that boasteth of himself affronts his company. 13. He that boasteth of his ancestors confesseth he hath no virtue of his own. 14. He that boasts of his own knowledge pro- claims his ignorance. 15. He who boasts of his descent boasts of that which he owes to others. Seneca. 16. He who killeth a lion when absent feareth a mouse when present. 17. None more apt to boast than those who have. least real worth. BOAT.-BOLD.-Boldness. 91 18. They can do least who boast loudest. Latin. 19. They who boast most, generally fail most, for deeds are silent. 20. Throw not your axe so far you can't get it back. Grimm's Fairy Tales. 21. Who takes a lion at a distance fears a mule present. Boat. Ital. 1. Light boats sail swift, though greater bulks draw deep. Shaks. 2. Little boats must keep the shore, large ships may venture more. 3. Old as is the boat it may cross the ferry. Sp. 4. Say what we will, do what we will, the boat goes but sorrily without oars. 5. Vessels large may venture more, But little boats should keep near shore. Bold. 1. A bold attempt is half success. Ital. Dan. 2. A bold fellow is the jest of wise men and the idol of fools. 3. A bold man has luck in his train. 4. A bold onset is half the battle. 5. Be bold but not too bold. 6. Nothing so bold as a blind man. Boldness. Dan. Ger. 1. Boldness is ever blind, therefore it is ill in counsel but good in execution. Bacon. BONE.-Book. 92 Bone. 1. At an old bone not even a dog gnaws. Roumanian. 2. The nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh. Ger., Dutch. 3. What is bred in the bone won't out of the flesh. Dutch. 4. What is bred in the bone will out of the flesh. Book. 1. A book's a book although there's nothing in it. 2. A book that remains shut is but a block. 3. A good book is the best of friends, the same to-day and forever. 4. A good book praises itself. 5. A great book is a great evil. Tupper. Ger. Greek, Dutch. 6. A library is a repository of medicine for the mind. Greek. 7. A wicked book is the wickeder because it can- not repent. 8. According to the mercantile code the best book is a profitable ledger. Gibbon. 9. Beware of the man of one book. Latin. 10. Book-keeping taught in one lesson,—don't lend them. Punch. II. Books are for company, the best friends and counsellors. 12. Books can Writer of the Sixteenth Century. never teach the use of books. Bacon. Book. 93 13. Books cannot always please, however good, Minds are not ever craving for their food. Crabbe. 14. Books don't tell when de bee-martin an de chicken-hawk fell out. American Negro. 15. Books like proverbs receive their value from the stamp and esteem of ages through which they have passed. Sir Wm. Temple. 16. Books should to one of these four ends con- duce, For wisdom, piety, delight or use. Denham. 17. Books were only invented to aid the memory. Petrarch. 18. Books will speak plain when counsellors blanch. Bacon. Alcott. 19. Good books like good friends are few and chosen, the more select the more enjoyable. 20. Have thy study full of books rather than thy purse full of money. Lilly. 21. He that loveth a book will never want a faith- ful friend, a wholesome counsellor, a cheerful com- panion, an effectual comforter. Isaac Barrow. 22. He who has published an injurious book sins in his very grave, corrupts others while he is rotting himself. Robert South. 23. I never knew more sweet and happy hours than I employed upon my books. James Shirley. 24. It is vain to fish without a hook or learn to read without a book. 25. Judge not a book by its cover. Dan. 26. Like the parson of Saddleworth who could read in no book but his own. } 94 Boor.-Borderers. 27. No book is so bad but that something may be learned from it. Pliny. 28. Oh! that mine enemy would write a book. 29. Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. Alonzo of Aragon. 30. Something is learned every time a book is opened. Chinese. 31. The best books are those which the reader thinks he could have written himself. 32. The fountain of wisdom flows through books. Greek. 33. The learning of books that you do not make your own wisdom is money in the hands of another in time of need. Sanscrit. 34. There is no friend so faithful as a good book. 35. There is no worse robber than a bad book. Ital. 36. We are as liable to be corrupted by books as by companions. Fielding. 37. Word by word the great books are made. Fr. 38. Years know more than books. Boor. 1. A boor remains a boor though he sleep on silken bolsters. Dan. 2. "With all my heart," says the boor, when he must. Borderers. Ger. 1. Borderers are either thieves or murderers. Ital BORES.-Borrowing. 95 not, they come. 2. If they come, they come not; if they come (If the robbers on the northern bor- der of England came not, the cattle returned to their stables, and if they came the cattle did not return.) Bores. 1. There are two bores in society, the man who knows too much and the man who knows too little. Punch. Borrowing. 1. A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm. Arabian. 2. Better buy than borrow. 3. Beware of borrowing it bringeth care by night and disgrace by day. Hindoo. 4. Borrowed garments never fit well. 5. Borrowing brings care. Dutch. 6. Borrowing does well only once. Ger. 7. Borrowing is the canker and the death of Sir Walter Raleigh. every man's estate. 8. Borrowing is the mother of trouble. 9. Borrowing makes sorrowing. Hebrew. 10. Borrow not too much on time to come. II. Don't borrow from a poor man. 12. Don't borrow on interest. M. Greek. 13. Have a horse of thine own and thou mayst borrow another's. Welsh. 14. He that borrows must pay again with shame or loss. 15. He that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing. 96 BOSTON. 16. He who is quick at borrowing is slow at pay- ing. Ger. 17. He who let go his hold after climbing a tree, and he who borrowed money to lend came to grief. Tamil. 18. If you want to know what a ducat is worth try to borrow one. Sp., Por. 19. In borrowing an angel, in repaying a devil. Fr. 20. It is a fraud to borrow what we are unable to repay. 21. Long borrowed is not given. 22. Much borrowing destroys the credit. Syrus. Ger. 23. Neither a borrower nor a lender be, For loan oft loseth both itself and friend. And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. Shaks. 24. Scratching and borrowing do well enough but not for long. 25. The borrower is a slave to the lender, the debtor to the creditor. Franklin. 26. When one borrows one cannot choose. Fr. 27. Who borrows easily? He who pays punctu- ally. M. Greek. 28. Who readily borrows, readily lies. Ger. 29. Who would borrow when he hath not let him borrow when he hath. Boston. 1. Solid men of Boston banish strong potations, Solid men of Boston make no long orations. BOTTLE.-BOUGHS.-BOUNTY.-BOW. 97 Bottle. 1. It is only the first bottle that is dear. Boughs. Fr. 1. The boughs that bear most hang lowest. Bounty. 1. Bounty being free itself thinks all others so. 2. Bounty that makes gods does still mar men. Shaks. 3. He does bounty an injury who shows her so much as to be laughed at. Bow. 1. A bow long bent waxeth weak. 2. A bow o'erbent will weaken. 3. Draw not your bow until your arrow is fixed. 4. Have two strings to your bow. 5. He has two strings to his bow. 6. He's overshot his bow. 7. I've shot my arrow and hung up my bow. Turk. 8. It is always good to have two strings to your bow. Ital. 9. Strain not your bow beyond its bent lest it break. Dutch. 10. The bow that is always bent slackens or breaks. 11. When the bow is too much bent it breaks. Sp. 7 98 BOY.-BRAHMINS.-Brain. Boy. 1. A hober-de-hoy, half a man and half a boy. 2. As the boy so the man. 3. Boys avoid the bees that stung 'em. 4. Boys will be boys. 5. Boys will be men. Ger. 6. De boy what thinks his father a fool will arter awhile complain of de roughness ob de fare in de penitentiary. American Negro. 7. He's an ill boy that goes like a top only while he's whipped. 8. If you play with boys you must take boy's play. 9. Let nothing offensive to eye or ear be seen or heard under a roof where a boy resides. Latin. 10. Of all the plagues none can compare with climbing boys. II. Once a man, twice a boy. 12. One boy is better than three girls. Latin. Ger. 13. School-boys are the most remarkable people in the world, they care not how little they have for their money. 14. When the boy is growing he has a wolf in his belly. Brahmins. Ger. 1. When the Brahmins cease to be good they begin to do evil Cing. Brain. 1. All the brains are not in one head. Ital. 2. Business and action strengthen the brain but too much study weakens it. BRANCH.-BRAND.-Brandy. 99 3. Every one gives himself credit for more brains than he has and less money. 4. Fat paunches make lean pates. Ital. 5. Half a brain is enough for him who says little. Ital. 6. He who deals with a block-head will have need of much brains. Sp. 7. If the brain sows not corn it plants thistles. 8. Persons often increase in size at the expense of their brains. 9. The brains don't lie in the beard. Branch. Swift. 1. A young branch takes on all the bends that one gives it. Chinese. 2. The branch is seldom better than the stem. Dan. 3. The branch must be bent early that makes a good crook. 4. The highest branch is not the safest roost. Dan. Dan. 5. The old branch breaks if bent. Brand. 1. A brand burns him who stirs it up. Kaffir. 2. Let him who would reach another a brand, Beware that he do not burn his own hand. Dan. 3. The man who has been beaten by a firebrand runs away at the sight of a fire-fly. Brandy. Cing. 1. Brandy is lead in the morning, silver at noon, gold at night. Ger. 100 BRAVE.-BREAD. 2. Claret is the liquor for boys, port for men, but he who aspires to be a hero must drink brandy. Boswell, Life of Johnson. Brave. 1. How sleep the brave who sink to rest; Ital. By all their country's wishes blest. Collins. 2. Many are brave when the enemy flies. 3. None but the brave deserve the fair. Dryden. 4. Nothing is invincible to the brave nor im- pregnable to the bold. Alexander. 5. Some have been thought brave because they were afraid to run away. 6. The brave are born from the brave and good. Latin. 7. The brave man bears no malice but forgets at once in peace the injuries of war. Cowper. 8. The brave man may fall but cannot yield. (Motto of the Irish Earl of Drogheda.) 9. The brave man's word is a coat of mail. 10. To a brave man every soil is his country. Turk. Ovid. 11. With houses and gold, men are rarely bold (or brave). Ger. 12. The bravest are the tenderest, the loving are the daring. Bread. 1. Another's bread costs dear. Sp., Por. 2. Better half a loaf than no bread. 3. Bread at pleasure drink by measure. Fr. Bread. ΙΟΙ 4. Bread in one hand and a stone in the other. Ger. 5. Bread is better than the song of birds. Dan. 6. Bread is the staff of life. Swift. 7. Bread of a day, ale of a month, and wine of a year. 8. Do you want any better bread than wheaten? Fr. 9. Half a loaf is better than no bread. 10. He is as good as good bread. Don Quixote. II. He that has store of bread may beg his milk merrily. 12. He who has no bread has no authority. Turk. 13. He who has teeth has no bread, and he who has bread has no teeth. Ital. 14. I know well what I say when I ask for bread. Sp. 15. In default of bread meal cakes are good. Por. 16. It is hard to pay for bread that has been Dan. eaten. 17. Let every man look to the bread upon which he must depend. Por. 18. Let him that earns the bread eat it. 19. Never fall out with your bread and butter. 20. Others' bread has seven crusts. Ital. 21. Others' bread is too salt. Ital. 22. Salt and bread make the cheeks red. Ger. 23. Some have bread who have no teeth left. Fr. 24. The bread eaten-the company departed. Sp., Por. 102 BREED. 25. 'Tis a long day, a day without bread. Fr. 26. When bread is wanting oaten cakes are ex- cellent. Sp. Ital. 27. When there's little bread at table put plenty on your plate. 28. When you eat new bread don't drink water. 29. Where there is little bread cut first. 30. Whose bread I eat his song I sing. Breed. Sp. Por. Ger. 1. Although you take a reptile and place it on a cushion it will seek a heap of dried leaves. Tamil. 2. An ox remains an ox, even if driven to Vienna. Hungarian. 3. Bad bird-bad egg. 4. Bad egg-bad chick. 5. Bad the crow and bad the egg. 6. Beware of breeds; i.e., an ill breed. 7. Birth is much, but breeding is more. 8. Do not rear a bird of a bad breed. 9. Hatched in the same nest. Ger. Dutch. Greek. Por. 10. He that is born of a hen must scrape for a living. 11. No magpie hatches a pigeon. Ger. 12. No matter how much you feed a wolf he will always return to the forest. Russian. 13. That that comes of a cat will catch mice. 14. Vipers breed vipers. 15. We may not expect a good whelp from an ill dog.. brevity.—Brief.-Brewing.—BRIER.-BRIBE. 103 16. What is born of a cat will catch mice. Ital. 17. What is born of a hen will scrape. Ital. 18. What is born of the serpent never loses its poison. Ger. 19. Young cats will mouse, young apes will louse. Brevity. Dan. 1. Brevity is a great praise of eloquence. Cicero. 2. Brevity is the soul of wit, And tediousness the limbs and outward flour- ishes. Shaks. 3. For brevity is very good, when we are or are not understood. Butler. Brief. 1. 'Tis better to be brief than tedious. Shaks. Brewing. 1. If you brew well you may drink well. Brier. 1. Nip the brier in the bud. Bribe. 1. A bribe I know is a juggling knave. 2. A greased mouth cannot say no. Ital. 3. A jack fish does more than a letter of rec- ommendation. 4. Bribery and theft are first cousins. 5. Bribes throw dust into cunning men's eyes. 6. Bribes will enter without knocking. Fr. 7. He refuseth the bribe but putteth forth his hand. BRIDE.-BRIDGE. 104 Bride. 1. A bonny bride is soon buskit. Scotch. 2. A rich bride goes young to the church. Ger. 3. A sad bride makes a glad wife. Dutch. 4. All is well, for if the bride has not fair hair she has a fair skin. Dutch. 5. At the wedding feast the least eater is the bride. 6. Happy is the bride the sun shines on, And the corpse the rain rains on. 7. He that has luck leads the bride to church. Sp. Dutch. 8. He that is an enemy of the bride does not speak well of the wedding. Sp. 9. He who has the luck brings home the bride. Ger. 10. How shall the enemy of the bride speak well of the wedding. Sp. 11. The weeping bride makes a laughing wife. Ger. 12. There's no handsome woman on the wedding day except the bride. Bridge. Pór. 1. Safe over the bridge one laughs at Nepomach. (This saint is the peculiar guardian of bridges.) 2. That is a bad bridge that is shorter than the stream. Ger. 3. To make a bridge of one's nose. BRINGING.-BROOM.-BROTHER. Bringing. 105 1. Whoever brings finds the door open for him. Broom. Ital. 1. A bad broom leaves a dirty room. 2. A new broom is good for three days. 3. A new broom sweeps clean. 4. An old broom comes to the stable. 5. New brooms sweep clean. Ital. Roumanian. Ital., Ger., Dutch., Dan. Brother. 1. A brother offended is harder to be won than a strange city, and their contentions are like the bars of a castle. Bible. 2. A brother's sufferings claim a brother's pity. Addison. 3. A landmark. is well placed between two brothers' fields. Fr. 4. Between two brothers two witnesses and a no- tary. 5. He has made a younger brother of him. 6. Own brothers keep careful accounts. Chinese. 7. The brother had rather see the sister rich than make her so. 8. The wrath of brothers is fierce and devilish. 9. The wrath of brothers is the wrath of devils. Sp., Por. 10. The younger brother hath the more wit. 106 BROTHER-In-Law.-Broth:-BUCKETS—BUDDHA. 11. The younger brother is the ancient gentle- man. 12. The younger brother, the better gentleman. 13. Though they are brothers their pockets are not sisters. Turk. 14. Three brothers, three castles. Fr., Ital., Por. 15. Two brothers are one trunk; they should mu- tually support each other. M. Greek. 16. He that obliges me in a strange country maketh himself my brother. Turkish Spy. Brother-in-Law. 1. Of brothers-in-law and red dogs few are good. Broth. Ger. 1. Much broth is sometimes made of little meat. Buckets. Dan. 1. The bucket goes so often to the well that it leaves its handle there. Ital. 2. The buckets take to fighting with the well and leave their handles there. Ital. Buddha. 1. Even Buddha was once a cart-horse and car- ried the loads of others. Bug. Hindoo. 1. Would you let a bug escape you because it did not bite you? Building. 1. Building castles in the air. 2. Building is a sweet impoverishing. Tamil. BULLIES. 107 3. Do not build a great house. Cing. 4. First build your house and then think of your furniture. Hebrew. 5. He that buildeth on the highway hath many admirers. Ger., Dutch. 6. He that buildeth a house by the highway side, it is either too high or too low. 7. He that builds a house in the market builds either too high or too low. Ital. 8. He who builds a house or marries is left with a lank purse. Sp. 9. He who builds according to every man's ad- vice will have a crooked house, Dan. 10. He who builds by the roadside has many masters. (Surveyors.) Ger., Dutch. 11. He who builds on another's ground loses his stone and mortar. Ital. 12. He who builds on the public highway must let the people have their say. 13. Make a model before thou buildest. Ger. 14. The man that builds and wants wherewith to pay, Provides a house from which to run away. Young. 15. The spirit of building is come upon him. 16. They who love building will soon ruin them- selves and need no other enemies. Crassus. Bullies. 1. Bullies, coward-hearted, attack in public to be parted. Gay. 108 BURLESQUE.-Burthen. 2. For men are found the stouter hearted, The surer they are to be parted. 3. The bully is always a coward. Butler. The fable of the stag and the fawn. Burlesque. 1. A burlesque is the refuge of destitute jokes. Burthen. Punch. Ital. 1. A burthen becomes light when well borne. 2. A burthen of one's choice is not felt. 3. A voluntary burthen is no burden. 4. Another man's burden is always light. Dan. 5. Every man thinks his own burthen the heaviest. Seneca. 6. Every one feels his own burden heavy. Fr. 7. He who carries one burden will soon carry a hundred. Fr. 8. Impose not a burthen on others which thou canst bear thyself. Labernus. 9. It is a sad burthen to carry a dead man's child. 10. It is not the burthen but the overburthen that kills the beast. Sp. II. It is other people's burdens that kill the ass. Don Quixote. Fr., Ger. 12. Light burdens borne far become heavy. 13. Light burdens brak nae banes. 14. None knows the weight of another's burthen. 15. The burthen which was thoughtlessly got must be patiently borne. Gaelic BUSH.-BUSINESS. 109 16. The burden is light on the shoulder of another. Russian. 17. The greatest burdens are not the gainfullest. Bush. Fr. 1. He that examines every bush will hardly get into the wood. Ger. 2. He that fears every bush must never go a-birding. 3. There is no bush so small but casts its shadow. Business. 1. A fair exchange brings no quarrel. Fr. Dan. 2. A good customer won't change his shop, nor a good shop lose its customer once in three years. Chinese. 3. A man should sell his ware at the rates of the market. 4. A man without a smiling face must not open a shop. Chinese. 5. A nimble sixpence is better than a slow shil- ling. Pawnbroker's Maxim. 6. A stock once gotten wealth grows up of its own accord. 7. A tradesman who gets not loseth. 8. Able to buy, don't so buy as to frighten the seller: Able to sell, don't so sell as to frighten the buyer. Chinese 9. Ask but enough and you may lower the price as you like. 110 BUSINESS. 10. Ask too much to get enough. 11. At a great bargain make a pause. 12. At market prices do your trade, And mutual wrangling you'll evade. Chinese. 13. At the first hand buy, at the third let lie. 14. Bad ware is never cheap. 15. Bad ware must be cried up. 16. Be not too hasty to outbid another. Fr. Ger. 17. Better sell for small profits than fail in busi- ness. 18. Better sell than live poorly. Chinese. 19. Boldness in business is the first, second and third thing. 20. Business before pleasure. 21. Business is the salt of life. 22. Business makes a man as well as tries him. 23. Business may be troublesome, but idleness is pernicious. 24. Business neglected is business lost. 25. Business sweetens pleasure, and labor sweet- ens rest. 26. Business to-morrow. (An exclamation of Archias that passed into a proverb, because he lost his life by delaying to open a letter warning him of a con- spiracy against his life.) 27. Business with a stranger is title enough. 28. Buy and sell and live by the loss. 29. Buy at a market, but sell at home. Bea. BUSINESS. III 30. By entering all that's sold or bought, You'll escape much anxious afterthought. Chinese. 31. Despatch is the soul of business. Chesterfield. 32. Do business, but be not a slave to it. 33. Drive thy business, let not that drive thee. Franklin. 34. Entreat the churl and the bargain is broken off. Ital. 35. Everybody's business is nobody's business. 36. Every man as his business lies. 37. Every man doth his own business best. 38. For the buyer a hundred eyes are too few, for the seller one is enough. 39. From small profits and many expenses, Come a whole life of sad consequences. Ital. Chinese. 40. Fuel is not sold in a forest, nor fish on a lake. Chinese. 41. Having capital to open an eating-house, I dread not the most capacious stomachs. Chinese. 42. He fattens the mule and starves the horse; i. e., one partner gets rich at the expense of another. 43. He has an eye to business. Chinese. 44. He has more business than English ovens at Christmas. 45. He hath made a good progress in a busi- ness that hath thought well of it beforehand. 46. He that doeth his own business hurteth not his hand. I12 BUSINESS. 47. He that minds his business at home will not be accused of taking part in the fray. Sp. 48. He that mindeth not his own business shall never be trusted with mine. Sp. 49. He that thinks his business below him will always be above his business. 50. He that will sell lawn must learn to fold it. 51. He who does his own business does not soil his fingers. 52. If a little does not go much cash will not Chinese. come. Chinese. 53. If you would not be cheated ask the price at three shops. 54. In business one must be perfectly affable. Chinese. 55. It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it Chinese. open. Chinese. 56. It is the very life of merchandise to buy cheap and sell dear. 57. Keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee. Franklin. 58. Let every man mind his own business and the cows will be well tended. Fr. 59. Liked gear is half bought. 60. Long choosing and cheapening ends in buy- ing nothing or bad wares. Ger. 61. Mind no business but your own. Dr. Johnson. 62. Mind your own business. 63. One cannot live by selling ware for words. 64. Pity and compassion spoil business. Meran the Hindoo. BUSY. 113 65. That which is everybody's business is no- body's business. 66. To do a good trade wants nothing but reso- lution; to do a large one nothing but application. Chinese. 67. Use both such goods and money as suit your market. Chinese. 68. We can deal with ready money customers : those who want credit may spare their breath. Chinese. 69. What is every man's business is no man's business. 70. When one cheats up to heaven in the price he asks, you come down to earth in the price you offer. Chinese. 71. Whenever you go about to trade, Of showing your silver be afraid. Chinese. 72. Where much pushing must be made, There cannot be a lively trade. Chinese. 73. Who does not ready money clutch, Of business has not much. Chinese. 74. Who drives not his business, his business drives. 75. Without business debauchery. Ger. 76. Without capital. Literal: A farmer with- out an ox, a merchant without capital. Busy. 1. Busy will have hands. Chinese. 2. Some are always busy and never do anything. 3. The world's busy man is the grand imperti nent. 8 114 BUSY-BODY.-BUTTER. 4. Who more busy than they that have the least to do. (The Italians liken such a person to a pig's tail that is going all day and by night has done nothing.) Busy-body. 1. A busy-body is always malevolent. 2. Busy-bodies never want a bad day. 3. Busy folks are always meddling. Butter. Latin. 1. Boil stones in butter and you may sip the broth. 2. Butter is gold in the morning, silver at noon and lead at night. 3. Butter spoils no meat and moderation no cause. Dan. 4. Butter's once a year in the cow's horn. 5. He must have plenty of butter who would stop everybody's mouth. Dan. 6. He who has plenty of butter may put some in his cabbage. Dan. 7. It is dear bought butter that is licked off a wool comb. 8. No butter will stick to his bread. Dan. 9. She looks as if butter would not melt in her mouth. 10. They that have good store of butter may lay it thick on their bread. 11. What is a pound of butter among a kennel of hounds? BUY. 115 Buy. 1. Buy the bed of a great debtor. Ital. 2. Buy what thou hast no need of and ere long thou shalt sell thy necessaries. Franklin. 3. Buy when it is market time. Ger. 4. Buy your greyhound, don't rear him. Por. 5. Buy your neighbor's ox and woo your neigh- bor's daughter. Ger. 6. Buyers and sellers dispute over a single cash. Chinese. 7. Buyers are esteemed, good men dross are deemed. 8. Buying a thing too dear is no bounty. Chinese. 9. Buying and selling is but winning and losing. 10. Buying fresh fish and vegetables, examine them first, then fix the price. II. He who disparages wants to buy. Chinese. Fr., Ital., Ger., Sp. 12. Do not buy a red-haired person; do not sell one either, if you have one in the house, drive him away. 13. Do not buy of a huckster or be negligent at an inn. 14. Don't buy a cat in a bag. Turk. Sp. Ger., Dutch. 15. Don't buy a pig in a poke. 16. Don't buy everything that's cheap, and you'll escape being taken in. Chinese. 17. He buys well who is not called a donkey. Sp 116 BUY. 18. He that buys by the pennyworth keeps his own house and another man's. 19. He that buys lawn before he can fold it, Shall repent him before he has sold it. Ital. 20. He who buys a house gets many a plank and nail for nothing. 21. He who buys betimes buys cheaply. Ger. Ital. 22. He who buys the broom can also buy the Ital handle. 23. He who buys what he don't want will sell what he does want. Ital., Ger. 24. It is good to buy when another wants to sell. Ital. 25. It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer, but when he is gone his way then he boasteth. Bible. 26. No man buys yams while they are yet in the ground. Tropics. 27. There are more foolish buyers than foolish sellers. 28. They buy gude cheap that bring naething hame. 29. When you buy genuine articles, and you must lose, lose as little as possible. Chinese. 30. When you buy one fine thing you must buy ten more that your appearance may be all of a piece. 31. Who always buys and sells, feels not what he spends. 32. Who buys had need of eyes, but one's enough to sell the stuff. "By-and-by.”—Cabbage-stalks.-CÆSAR.-CAGE. 117 33. Who buys wants a hundred eyes; Who sells need have but one Dutch. 34. Who buys without discretion buys to sell. "By-and-by." Martial. 1. By the street of "By-and-By" one arrives at the house of Never. 2. "By-and-by" is easily said, C. Cabbage-stalks. 1. He is equal to any task that can subsist on cabbage-stalks. Cæsar. Chinese. 1. Fear nothing, thou carriest Cæsar and his fortune. (Cæsar encouraging the pilot in a storm.) 2. I came, I saw, I conquered. (Cæsar's an- nouncement of his victory over Pharnaces.) 3. Imperial Cæsar, dead and turned to clay, might stop a hole to keep the wind away. Shaks. 4. Render unto Cæsar the things that are Cæ- sar's. New Testament. Cage. 1. A fine cage won't feed the bird. Cain. 1. The instinct of the first Cain ever lurks some- where in human hearts. Cake. 1. I had rather my cake burn than you should turn it. 118 CALAMITY.-CALF.-CALLING.-CALM.-CALMS. 2. There is no cake but there is like of the same make. 3. Your cake is dough. Calamity. 1. Calamity is man's true touchstone. Beaumont and Fletcher. 2. Calamity is the touchstone of a brave mind. 3. Calamity's virtue's opportunity. Seneca. 4. The deliberations of calamity are rarely wise. ' Burke. 5. What appear to be calamities are often the sources of fortune. Calf. Bea. 1. A change of pasturage makes fat calves. Sp. 2. A lean calf forgets to skip. 3. The greatest calf is not the sweetest veal. 4. When the calf gets a fortune he expects to be called Mr. Bull. Ger. 5. When they give you the calf be ready with the halter. Calling. Sp. 1. He that is ashamed of his calling ever liveth shamefully in it. Calm. 1. A calm is welcome after a storm. 2. A calm portends a storm. 3. After a storm comes a calm. Calms. Ital. 1. Mightiest powers by deepest calms are fed. CALUMNY.-CAMEL. 119 Calumny. 1. A probable story is the first weapon of cal- umny. 2. Backwounding calumny the whitest virtue strikes. Shaks. 3. Be thou as chaste as ice and pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny. Shaks. 4. Calumniate strongly and some of it will stick. Latin. 5. Calumny and conjecture may injure innocence itself. 6. Calumny will soil virtue itself. Shaks. 7. It is better to play the role of an assassin than that of calumniator; the assassin inflicts death but once, the other a thousand times. Chinese. 8. Neglected calumny soon expires, show that you are hurt and you give it the appearance of truth. Tacitus. 9. Nothing in its progress is so rapid as cal- umny, nothing more widely spread, nor more readily received. Cicero. 10. Taught by calumny I pity the unfortunate. 11. There are calumnies against which even inno- cence loses courage. Fr. 12. We cannot control the tongues of others, but a good life enables us to despise calumnies. Cato. Camel. 1. A camel in Media dances in a little cab. 2. A mangy camel bears the load of many camels. M. Greek. I 20 CAN.-CANdle. 3. Even a mangy camel will carry more than a herd of asses. Latin. 4. Everything with a crooked neck is not a camel. Ger. 5. If the camel once get his nose in the tent his body will soon follow. Arabian. 6. Mangy old camels carry the skins of the young ones to the market. 7. The camel carries sugar but eats thorns. Kurd. 8. The camel going to seek horns lost his ears. Turk. 9. The camel has his own opinion and the camel driver has his. African. 10. The camel is dancing. (Said of one out of his element.) Latin. II. The camel that travels often to Mecca will re- turn lame at last. Arabian. 12. The kick of a camel is soft but stunning. Turk. 13. "Why is your neck crooked?" was asked of "What have I straight?" was the re- the camel. ply. Can Turk. 1. The old find strength in the can. Candle. 1. A candle lights others and consumes itself. 2. A candle under a bushel: i.e., unrevealed merit. Latin. 3. A good candle holder proves a good gamester. CANDOR.-CAP.-CAPITAL.-CAPRICE. 121 4. A good candle snuffer may come to a good player. 5. At the foot of the candle it is dark. Persian. 6. He that is worst may still hold the candle. 7. Never light your candle at both ends. 8. The candle does not give light to itself. Turk. 9. The candle that goes before gives the best light. 10. Neither women nor linen by candle light. Dutch. Ital. Fr. 11. The game is not worth the candle. 12. You may light another candle by your own without loss. Candor. 1. Candor breeds hatred. 2. Candor is a great virtue. Cap. 1. If the cap fits you, wear it. 1. Credit is capital. Capital. Dan. Latin. Bea. 2. To get on without capital. Literal: He picks up a grain and opens a mill. Chinese. 3. You cannot trade without some capital. Lit- eral: You must have a couple of grains of rice to catch fowls. Caprice. Chinese. 1. Vain man runs headlong to caprice resigned, Impelled by passion and with folly blind. Juvenal. 122 CARCASS.-Care. Carcass. 1. Where the carcass is, the eagles will be gathered together. I. 2. Care. Another's care hangs by a hair. Sp. Biting cares do not disperse otherwise than by vessels of wine. 3. Care and diligence bring luck. Horace. 4. Care and not fine stables makes a good horse. 5. years. 6. 7. 8. eye. Dan. Care brings on gray hairs and age without Ger. Care follows the increase of wealth. Horace. Care is an enemy to life. Shaks. Care keeps his watch in every old man's Shaks. 9. Care will kill a cat, yet there's no living without it. 10. Cast all your care on God, that anchor holds. Tennyson. II. "Don't care has no house. American Negro. " 12. He that taketh no care of himself must not expect it from others. 13. How foolish is the toil of trifling cares. Martial. 14. Light cares speak-great ones are dumb. 15. Little goods-little care. 16. Little property-little care. Seneca A CARES.-CARELESSNESS. 123 17. Much coin, much care. 18. Other folk's cares kill the ass. 19. Take care of your tin (or money). Sp. 20. Too much care does more harm than good. 21. Too much care is as bad as downright negli- gence. 22. Want of care admits despair. 23. Want of care does us more harm than want of knowledge. Cares. Franklin. 1. And the night shall be filled with music, And the cares that infest the day Shall fold their tents like the Arabs And as silently steal away. Longfellow. 2. Many cares make the head white. M. Greek. 3. 'Tis the vile daily drop on drop which wears The soul out (like the stone) with petty cares. Byron. I. 2. Carelessness. A careless watch invites the vigilant foe. Careless men let their end steal upon them unawares and unprovided. 3. Careless shepherds make many a feast for the wolf. 4. "I thought I had given him rope enough," said Pedley when he hanged his mare. 5. One stroke on the nail and a hundred on the horseshoe. Sp. 6. Such as are careless of themselves can hard- fy be mindful of others. Thales. 7. Throw not the child out with the bath. Dan. 124 CARRION.-CART.-CASK.-CASTLE-IN-THE-AIR. Carrion. 1. No carrion will kill a crow. 2. The carrion which the eagle has left feeds the crow. Latin. Cart. I. 2. 4. The best cart may overthrow. 5. wheels. Dutch. To make the cart go you must grease the Ital. An old cart well used-a new one abused. An unhappy man's cart is eith to tumble. 3. Creaking carts last the longest. Cask. I. A cask is easily set rolling. Latin. 2. A poor cask often holds good wine. 3. Every cask smells of the wine it contains. Sp., Por. 4. The cask always smells of the herring. Fr. 5. The cask can give no other wine than what it contains. Ital. 6. The cask full, the mother-in-law drunk. 7. The full cask makes no noise. Ital. 8. The fuller the cask, the duller the sound. Castle-in-the-air. Ger. I. He means to erect a castle-in-the-air and make his fly an elephant to carry it. 2. Ben Jonson. He that buildeth castles-in-the-air will soon have no land. CASTLE-Cat. 125 Castle. 1. Easy to keep the castle that was never be- sieged. 2. Scotch. He who has not seen a castle looks at a fur- nace and admires. M. Greek. 3. saulted. It is easy to keep a castle that was never as- Cat. 1. A baited cat may grow as fierce as a lion. 2. A bawbee cat may look at a king. 3. A blate cat makes a proud mouse. 4. A cat may look at a king. Ger., Dutch. 5. A cat pent up becomes a lion. Ital. 6. A cat that licks the spit is not to be trusted with roast meat. Ital. A cat that meweth much catcheth but few 7. mice. 8. A mewing cat is never a mouser. 9. IO. II. Dutch. A mittened cat was never a good hunter. All cats are alike gray in the night. Sp. All cats are not to be set down for witches. Fr. An old cat laps as much as a young kitten. An old cat likes young mice. 12. 13. 14. Cat after cat kind. 141. Cats eat what hussies spare. 15. Cats hide their claws. 16. Don't look for five feet on a cat. M. Greek. Don Quixote. 126 CAT. 17. 18. cat. He is like a cat, he always falls on his feet. He who puts by for the night puts by for the 19. He's like a singed cat, better than he's likely. 20. reach. Honest is the cat when the meat is out of 21. How can the cat help it if the maid be a fool. Ital. 22. I will keep no more cats than will catch mice. 23. It is the cat and the dog that go where they are not called. It takes a good many mice to kill a cat. Turk. 24. Dan. 25. Keep no more cats than will catch mice. 26. Muffled cats are not good mousers. 27. Neither red-haired cat or dog is good. 28. Never was a mewing cat a good mouser. Sp. Ital. 29. Never was cat or dog drowned that could but see the shore. 30. No one gives a cat to a hyena to keep. 31. Singed cats live long. Western Africa. Ger. 32. The cat always leaves her mark upon her friend. Sp. 33. The cat and dog may kiss yet are none the better friends. 34. The cat broke the china. CAT. 127 35. The cat hath eaten her count. 36. The cat in gloves catches no mice. 37. The cat invites the mouse to a feast. 38. The cat is a good friend but scratches. Sp., Por. 39. The cat is absent, the mice dance. M. Greek. 40. The cat is hungry when a crust contents her. 41. The cat is in the cream pot. Sp. 42. The cat is in the dove house. 43. The cat knows whose lips she licks. 44. The cat loves fish but is loth to wet her feet. Ital., Ger. 45. The cat sees not the mouse ever. 46. The cat steals the rice and the dog comes and eats it. 47. The cat well knows whose beard she licks. Chinese. Por. 48. The cat's curse hurts the mice less than her bite. Livonian. 49. The cats that drive away mice are as good as those that catch them. Ger. 50. The liquorish cat gets many a rap. 51. The more you stroke the cat's back the more she sets up her tail. Ital. 52. The scalded cat (or dog) dreads cold water. Ital., Sp. 53. There is a cat in the meal tub. 54. They that bourd wi' cats, maun count upo' scarts. 55. They whip the cat if our mistress does not spin. Sp. 128 CAT. 56. Though the cat wink awhile, yet sure she is not blind. 57. Thou wilt get nae mair o' the cat but the skin. 58. To a good cat a good rat. 59. To buy a cat in a poke. 60. Wanton kittens make sober cats. Fr. Fr. 61. “We are all well placed" said the cat, when she was seated on the bacon. Dan. 62. Well might the cat wink when both her eyes were out. 63. When cat and mouse agree the farmer has no chance. 64. When cats are mousing they don't mew. Dan. Dutch. 65. When the cat's away the mice will play. Fr., Ger., Sp., Dan., Por. 66. When the cat sleeps the mice play. Dutch. 67. When the cat's away it's jubilee to the mice. Dutch. 68. When the cat winketh, little wots the mouse what the cat thinketh. 69. When the weasel and a cat make a marriage it is a very ill presage. 70. Which is the cat and which the rat? Hassan, Rajah of Borneo asked this question of Mr. Brooke, referring to the relative strength of England and Holland. 71. Who is born of a cat will run after mice. 72. Who will not feed the cats, must feed the mice and rats. Ger. CAT'S PAW.-CATCHING.-CAUSE. 129 Cat's Paw. 1. He beat the bushes and another caught the birds. 2. He has given him the bag to hold. Fr. 3. It is good to strike the serpent's head with your enemy's hand. 4. To draw the snake out of the hole with an- other's hand. 5. To start the hare for another's profit. Sp. 6. To take out a burning coal with another's hand. Sp. 7. To do like the monkey, take the chestnuts out of the fire with the cat's paw. Catching. 1. When we think to catch, we are sometimes caught. Cause. Sp. 1. A good cause makes a stout heart and a strong arm. in. 2. A good cause needs help. 3. Everything must have a cause. 4. For it is a duty, all the learned think, Fr. Chinese. To espouse his cause by whom you eat and drink. 5. He who hath an ill cause let him sell it cheap. 6. If you grease a cause well it will stretch. 7. It is a bad or ill cause that none dare speak Scotch. 9 130 CAUTION. 8. Lidford law: first hang and draw, then hear the cause. 9. The best cause requires a good pleader. IO. The cause finds arms. II. There is a cause for all things. Dutch. Ital. 12. 'Tis a sign of an ill cause to rail at your ad- versary. 13. 'Tis the cause makes all : Degrades or hallows courage in its fall. Byron. Ital. 14. When the cause is lost words are useless. 15. Where the cause is just, the small conquers the great. Greek. Caution. 1. Abundant caution does no harm. Coke. 2. Be cautious what you say, of whom and to whom. Fielding. 3. Be first at a feast and last at a fight. Tamil. 4. Caution is the mother of tender beer glasses. Dutch. 5. Fortunate is he whom the dangers of others have rendered cautious. Latin. 6. If thou canst not see the bottom wade not. 7. It is always well to have hold of your horse's bridle. Fr. 8. Lock the stable door before the steed is stolen. 9. Much caution does no harm. Por. Celerity.—Censure.-Ceremony.-CERTAINTY. 131 10. We know not which stone. the scorpion lurks under. 11. Who sees not the bottom let him not pass the water. • Celerity. Ital. 1. Celerity is never more admired than by the negligent. Censure. 1. Censure and scandal are not the same. Shaks. 2. Censure is the tax a man pays to the public for being eminent. 3. Censure pardons the ravens but rebukes the doves. 4. First look at home, then censure me. Juvenal. 5. Let thy pride pardon what thy nature needs, The salutary censure of a friend. Ceremony. Young. 1. Ceremonious friends are so, as far as compli- ment will go. 2. Ceremony is the smoke of friendship. Chinese. 3. Excess of ceremony shows want of breeding. Certainty. 1. Certainty is the father of right and mother of justice. Pope. 2. He that leaves certainty and trusts to chance, When fools pipe he may dance. 3. I will not change a cottage in possession for a kingdom in reversion. D 132 CHAFF.-CHAINS.-CHAIR.-CHANGE.-Channel. 4. Nothing is certain in this world but death and taxes. 5. Nothing is certain in this world; the wheel of fortune is forever in motion. 6. Quit not certainty for hope. Chaff. 1. There is no wheat without chaff. Chains. Petrarch. 1. Chains of gold are stronger than chains of iron. Chair. 1. A rickety chair will not long serve as a seat. Dan. 2. Chair folk are never paid enough. Por. 3. Chairs sink and stools rise. Change. 1. Change of pasture makes fat calves. 2. People often change and seldom do better. 3. Pressed with their wants, all change was ever welcome. Ben Jonson. 4. Too great and sudden changes, though for the better, are not easily borne. 5. Who often changes, suffers. Channel. Fr. 1. If the channel's too small the water must break out. Characteristic. 1. Each has his characteristic whether it is honor or courage. Hans Andersen, CHARACTER.—CHARITY. 133 Character. 1. A character, like a kettle, once mended always wants mending. 2. A single sentence sometimes casts an odium on a man's character that years of integrity will not efface. Rousseau. 3. That ought to be called a loss that is gained by the sacrifice of character. Syms. 4. The labor of a day will not build up a virtu- ous habit on the ruins of an old and vicious charac- Buckminster. ter. 5. To a bad character good doctrine avails nothing. Ital. 6. Your character cannot be essentially injured but by your own acts. Charity. 1. A charitable man is the true lover of God. 2. Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days. Bible. 3. Catholic charity makes us members of the Catholic church. 4. Charity and pride have different aims, yet both feed the poor 5. Charity begins at home yet should not end there. (When your own courtyard thirsts do not pour the water abroad.) M. Greek. 6. Charity covereth a multitude of sins. 7. Charity doth not adopt the vice of its object. Fielding. 134 CHARITY. 8. Charity excuseth not cheating. 9. Charity gives itself rich, covetousness hoards itself poor. Ger. 10. Charity is the scope of all God's commands. 11. Charity seldom goes out of her own house and ill-nature is always rambling abroad. Fielding. 12. Charity shall cover the multitude of sins. New Testament. 13. Charity should visit Where hopeless anguish pours her moan and lonely want retires to die. 14. Charity will rather wipe out the score than inflame the reckoning. 15. First relieve the needy, then if need be ques- tion them. Rule of the Benedictines. 16. He hangs a lantern on a pole, which is seen from afar but gives no light below. (Applied to those who spend their charity on remote objects and neglect their families.) Chinese. 17. He that feeds upon charity, has a cold dinner and no supper. 18. He that has no charity deserves no mercy. 19. He who defers his charities till his death is rather liberal of another man's than of his own. 20. In faith and hope the world will disagree, But all mankind's concern is charity. 21. It is better to misplace our charity on nine unworthy persons than to deny alms to one that is really in need.. Turkish Spy. Pope. 22. The charitable give out at the door, and God puts in at the window. CHASTISING.-CHASTITY. 135 23. Well regulated charity begins at home (or with one's self). Chastising. Fr. 1. I chastise thee not out of hatred but out of love. 2. Chasten thy son while there is hope. 3. Chastise a good child that it may not grow bad, and a bad one that it may not grow worse. Dan. 4. Chastise one that is worthless and he will presently hate you. Sp. 5. Chastise the good and he will mend, chastise the bad and he will grow worse. Ital., Por. 6. He that chastiseth one amendeth many. 7. He who chastises one threatens a hundred. Ital. 8. Who chastises his child will be honored by him; who chastises him not will be ashamed. Dutch. Chastity. 1. A greater injury cannot be offered to inno- cent chastity than unjust suspicion. art. Massinger. 2. Chastity once tarnished can be restored by no Ovid. 3. Dear to heaven is saintly chastity. Milton. 4. The most cautious passes for the most chaste. 5. 'Tis chastity, my brother, chastity; She that has that is clad in complete steel. Sp. Milton. 136 CHATTERING.—Cheap.—Cheat, Cheating. 6. When a woman has lost her chastity, she will shrink from no crime. Tacitus. Chattering. 1. Chattering will not make the pot boil. Turk. 2 Much chatter, little wit. Cheap. 1. Cheap bargains are dear. Por. Sp. 2. Cheap things are not good, good things are not cheap. 3. Cheaply bought, dear in the end. 4. Dear is cheap-cheap is dear. Chinese. Sp. Por. 5. Do you want to buy cheap, buy of a needy fool. Sp. 6. He is never likely to have a good thing cheap who is afraid to ask the price. 7. Sell cheap and you will sell as much as four others. 8. That which is bought cheap is the dearest. 9. The cheap buyer takes bad meat. 10. The dearer is the cheaper to me for I shall buy the less Cheat, Cheating. 1. A skilful cheat does not fear the open eye. Ger. 2. A skilful cheat needs no assistant. Ger. 3. Cheating is more honorable than stealing. Ger. 4. Cheating is the chapman's cart and plough. Ger. 5. Cheating play never thrives. CHEERFULNESS.-CHEESE. 137 6. Cheat me in the price but not in the goods. 7. Doubtless the pleasure is as great Of being cheated as to cheat. 8. He is most cheated who cheats himself. Butler. Dan. 9. He that cheateth in small things is a fool, but in greater things is a rogue. 10. He that cheats me anes shame fa' him, if he cheat me twice, shame fa' me. 11. He that would cheat a Jew must be a Jew. Ger. 12. He that is cheated twice by the same man is an accomplice with the cheater. 13. He who cheats a cheat and robs a thief, earns a dispensation for a hundred years. 14. It is fair and just to cheat the cheater. 15. Ye cannot cheat one in trade. Cheerfulness. 1. Cheerful company shortens the miles. Ger. Sp. Chinese. Ger. 2. Cheerfulness and good-will make labor light. 3. Continual cheerfulness is a sign of wisdom. Cheese. 1. Cheese and bread make the cheek red. Ger. 2. Cheese from the ewe, milk from the goat, butter from the cow. Sp. 3. Cheese is gold in the morning, silver at noon and lead at night. Ger. 4. Cheese is a peevish elf, it digests all things but itself. 138 CHERRIES.-CHICKEN. Cherries. 1. Those that eat cherries with great persons shall have their eyes squirted out with the stones. 2. When you hear of many cherries carry but a small basket. M. Greek Chicken. 1. A capon eight months old is fit for a king's table. 2. A cock is crouse on his own midden. 3. A cock is valiant on his own dunghill. Sp., Por. Dutch, Por., Fr., Ger. Por. 4. A good cock was never fat. 5. A large cock does not suffer a small one to crow. Yoruba. 6. A laying hen is better than a standing mill. 7. A setting hen never grows fat. 8. All cocks must have a comb. 9. Black hens lay white eggs. Scotch. Dutch. Dutch. 10. Even clever hens sometimes lay their eggs among nettles. 11. Every cock scratches toward himself. Dan. 12. Every hen knows how to tread on her own chickens. Negro Africans of the West Indies. 13. Fat hens lay few eggs. Ger. 14. He who feeds the hen ought to have the egg. Dan. 15. Hens are free of horse corn. Dutch. 16. Hens like to lay where they see an egg. Dutch. CHICKEN. 139 17. If the hen had not cackled, we should not know she had laid an egg. 18. In cold weather cocks crow at midnight. Ital. Chinese. 19. It is a bad hen that eats at your house and lays at another's. Sp. 20. It is a sairy hen that cannot scrape for one bird. 21. It is not easy to guard the hen that lays her eggs abroad. Dan. 22. It is not the hen that cackles most that lays the most eggs. 23. Knowing hens lay even in nettles. Ger. 24. Large fowls will not eat small grain. Chinese. 25. Let the hen live though it be with the pip. Don Quixote. 26. Prepare a nest for the hen and she will lay eggs for you. 27. She holds up her head like a hen drinking water. 28. The chicken gives advice to the hen. 29. The chicken is the country's but the city eats it. 30. The cock often crows without a victory. Por. Dan. 31. The cock shuts his eyes when he crows be- cause he knows it by heart. Ger. 32. The cock that sings untimely must have its head cut off. Turk. 33. The hen flies not far unless the cock flies with her. Dan. 140 CHILD. 34. The hen is ill off when the egg teaches her how to cackle. 35. The hen lays upon an egg. Sp. Ger. 36. The hen likes to lay in a nest where there are eggs already. 37. The hen lives by pickings as the lion by prey. Dan. 38. The hen ought not to cackle in presence of the cock. 39. The hen sits if it be but one egg. Fr. Don Quixote. 40. The hen that stays at home picks up the crumbs. 41. The hen's eyes are with her chickens. Fr. 42. The hen's eyes follow her eggs. Galician. 43. The scraping hen will get something, the crouching hen nothing. 44. To force a hen to hatch chickens. Chinese. 45. To get the chicks, one must coax the hen. Fr. 46. Where the cock is the hen does not crow. Por. 47. You are as busy as a hen with one chick. 48. Young cocks love no cooks. Child. 1. A child of a year old sucks milk from the heel. (By running round in the open air.) Sp. 2. A child's back must be bent early. Dan. Dan. 3. A child's sorrow is short lived. 4. A child may have too much of his mother's blessing. CHILD. 141 5. A child that can walk is a Jama (god) to the child in the cradle. Tamil. 6. A chip of the old block. 7. A naughty child must be roughly rocked. 8. A pet child has many names. 9. A Sunday's child never dies of the plague. Dan. Fr. 10. A suspicious parent makes an artful child. Haliburton. II. As each one wishes his children to be, so they Terence. are. 12. Better the child cry than the old man. Dan. 13. Children and chicken must ever be picking. 14. Children and drunken men speak the truth. Dan. 15. Children and fools are prophets. Fr. 16. Children and fools have merry lives. 17. Children and fools tell truth. 18. Children are certain cares but uncertain com- forts. 19. Children are poor men's riches. 20. Children are to be cheated with cockles and men with oaths. Lysander. Fr. 21. Children are what the mothers are. Landor. 22. Children are what they are made. 23. Children cry for nuts and apples, and old men for silver and gold. 24. Children, fools, and drunkards tell the truth. Ger. 25. Children have wide ears and long tongues. 142 CHILD. 26. Children increase the cares of life but miti- gate the remembrance of death. 27. Children like tender osiers take the bow, And as they first are fashioned always grow. 28. Children married, cares increase. Juvenal. Sp. 29. Children must be circumvented with words, men with oaths. Lysander. 30. Children pick up words as pigeons pease, And utter them again as God shall please. 31. Children should be seen, not heard. 32. Children suck the mother when they are young, and the father when they grow up. 33. Children tell in the highway what they hear by the fireside. Por. 34. Children when little make parents fools, when great, mad. 35. Child's pig, father's hog. 36. Every man is to be envied who is fortunate with his children. Euripides. 37. From children expect childish acts. Dan. 38. From many children and little bread good Lord deliver us. 39. Give a child till he craves and a dog while his tail doth wag and you'll have a fair dog but foul knave. 40. Give a child his will and a whelp his fill and neither will thrive. 41. Give to a pig when it grunts and to a child when it cries, and you'll have a fine pig and a bad child Dan. CHILD. 42. Gold must be beaten and a child scourged. 43. Gude bairns get broken brows. 143 44. Happy is the child whose father went to the devil; i.e., died rich. 45. He knows not what love is that has not chil- dren. Ital. 46. He remembers his ancestors but forgets to feed his children. 47. He that does not beat his child will afterwards beat his own breasts. Turk. 48. He that loves his child chastises him. Dutch. 49. He who hath children hath neither kindred nor friends. 50. How did you rear so many children? By be- ing fondest of the little ones. Por. 51. How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is To have a thankless child. Shaks. 52. I hate all children of precocious talent. Cicero. 53. If the child cries let the mother hush it, if it will not be hushed, let it cry. Sp. 54. If the child does not cry, the mother does not understand it. Russian. 55. If the child does not cry they give him not suck. M. Greek. 56. If you have wicked children of what use is money, and if good, again what use is it. Turk. 57. Ill bairns are ay best heard at hame. 58. It is a wise child that knows its own father. Ger., Sp., Dan. CHILD. 144 59. Let a child have its will and it will not cry. Dan. Ital. 60. Little children and headaches, great children and heartaches. 61. Little children, little sorrows; big children, great sorrows. 62. Male children are the pillars of a house. Ital. Greek. 63. Many children and little bread is a painful pleasure. Sp. 64. Married life without children is as the earth deprived of the sun's rays. Latin. 65. No ape but swears he has the handsomest children. 66. Of glasses and children one never has too many. 67. Of listening children have your fears, For little pitchers have great ears. Dutch. 68. One is always somebody's child, that is a comfort. 69. Our neighbor's children are always the worst. 70. Pretty children sing pretty songs. Ger. Dan. 71. Quickly toothed and quickly go, Quickly will mother have woe. 72. Spare the rod and spoil the child. 73. The best horse needs breaking and the apt- est child needs teaching. 74. The burnt child dreads the fire. 75. The child is father to the man. Wordsworth, CHILD. 145 76. The child names the father, the mother knows him. Livonian. 77. The child saith nothing but what he heard at the fireside. 78. The child should be instructed in the arts that will be useful to the man. Spartan King. 79. The child that trembles at a rod will never dare to look upon a sword. Theoderic. 80. The child who gets a step-mother also gets a step-father. 81. The dearer the child, the sharper must be the rod. 82. The eternal child dwells in fine natures. Greek. Dan. De Quincey. 83. The two best books to a child are a good mother's face and life. 84. There are no children now-a-days. Fr. 85. There is not so much comfort in having children as there is sorrow in parting with them. 86. Thy child that is no child leave upon the water and let him swim. 87. 'Tis better to bind your children to you by gentleness than fear. 88. To save a father is a child's chief honor. Byron. 89. Train up a child in the way he should go. 90. What children hear at home soon flies abroad. 91. What the parents spin the children must reel. Ger. IO 146 CHIMNEY.-CHIPS.-CHOLER.-CHOLERIC. 92. When children stand quiet they have done some harm. 93. When the child cuts its teeth death is on the watch. Sp. 94. When the child is man we burn the rod. 95. When the child is christened come god fathers enough. Chimney. Fr. 1. A smoking chimney in a great house is a good sign. 2. A smoky chimney and a scolding wife are two bad companions. 3. A sooty chimney costs many a beefsteak. 4. There is not always good cheer where the chimney smokes. 5. Where the chimney smokes the meal is being cooked. Hans Andersen. Chips. 1. The worse the carpenter, the more the chips. Choler. Dutch. 1. Choler hates a counsellor. 2. Choler is the only unruly passion that justi fies itself. 3. Choleric men are blind and mad. Choleric. 1. The choleric drinks, the melancholic eats, the phlegmatic sleeps. CHOICE, CHOOSING.-CHRISTIAN.-CHRISTIANITY. 147 Choice. Choosing. 1. Choose rather to be the tail of lions than the head of foxes. Hebrew. 2. Choose what is most fit, custom will make it the most agreeable. 3. Choose what you are, no other state prefer. Elphinston. 4. Hard is the choice when one is compelled either by silence to die with grief or by speaking to live with shame. 5. He that chooses takes the worst. 6. He that has a choice has trouble. Ben Jonson. Dutch. 7. Hobson's choice; i. e., the next or nothing. 8. No choice among stinking fish. 9. There is but bad choice where the whole stock is bad. 10. There is small choice in rotten apples. Christian. Don Quixote. I.. A Christian is God Almighty's gentleman. I. C. Hare. 2. A Christian is the highest style of man. Young. 3. To be a humble Christian is no disparage- ment to a prince or nobleman. Christianity. 1. Christianity is completed Judaism or it is nothing. Christmas. 1. After Christmas comes Lent. Bea. 148 CHURCH. last. 2. Another year will bring another Christmas. 3. At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year. Dan. Tusser. 4. Christmas is talked of so long it comes at 5. Green Christmas, a white Easter. Fr. Church. 1. A church debt is the devil's salary. 2. A church stone drops gold. 3. A great church and little devotion. Beecher. Gallician. Ital. 4. A man may be good in the camp, yet bad in the church. 5. Better come late to church than never. Dan. 6. Big churches, little saints. 7. Early to the church-late to the court. Ger. 8. He that goes to church with an ill intention, goes to God's house on the devil's errand. 9. Let the church stand in the church-yard. 10. Many come to bring their clothes to church rather than themselves. II. New churches and new taverns are seldom empty. Ger. 12. Old churches have dark windows. Ger. 13. The church has no fear of just reasoners. Bea. 14. The church is not so large but the priest may say service in it. CHURL.-CIRCUMSTANCES.-CITY. 149 15. The church is out of temper when charity waxeth cold and zeal hot. 16. The Gypsy church was made of bacon, and the dogs ate it. Gypsy. 17. The nearer to church, the farther from God. Bea. Fr., Ger. 18. What the soul is to man, the church is to the world. 19. When there is nothing, the church loses. Ital. 20. Who builds a church to God and not to fame Will never mark the marble with his name. Churl. Pope. 1. Beat the churl and he will be your friend. 2. The churl knows not the value of spurs. 3. Grease a churl's boots and he'll say you're burning them. Circumstances. Fr. 1. Circumstances alter cases. (Lord Brougham once said, “I wish I had the cases to alter circum- stances.") 2. Circumstances are beyond the control of man, but his conduct is in his own power. 3. 'Tis circumstances make conduct ship, the sport of every wind. Bea. life's' a Bea. 4. To circumstances and custom the law must yield. City. Dan. 1. A great city-a great solitude. 2. That city cannot prosper where an ox is sold for less than a fish. 150 CIVIL BROILS, CIVIL WAR.-CIVILITY. 3. The air of cities to unaccustomed lungs is fa- tal. Bea. 4. The disgrace of the city is the fault of the citizens. M. Greek. Civil Broils, Civil War. I. In civil broils the worst of men may rise to honor. Plutarch. 2. The worst absolute government is preferable to civil war. Favonius. 3. The wounds of civil war are deeply felt. Lat. Civility. 1. Civil gates stand open to the bad as well as the good. 2. Civility costs nothing. 3. He that is more civil than usual either wants to cozen you or has need of you. Sp. 4. It is not a chargeable thing to salute civilly. 5. The usual forms of civility oblige no man. 6. There is nothing that costs less than civility. Don Quixote. Civilizers (of Man). 1. Increased means and increased leisure are the two civilizers of man. Bea. Claimant. 1. We do hate a claimant worse than a murderer. Clay. 1. Clay and lime conceal much evil. Sp. 2. If the clay is not beat, it does not become potter's clay. M. Greek. Cleanliness.-Clemency.—Clerk.—Clever. 151 3. Unless the clay be well pounded, no pitcher can be made. 4. We are clay in the hands of the potter. 5. You can imitate anything with moist clay. Cleanliness. 1. Cleanliness is next to godliness. 2. Cleanliness is the key of prayer. Clemency. Lat. Wesley. Arabian. 1. Clemency alone makes us equal to the gods. Claudianus 2. Clemency and virtue assimilate to God. Petrarch. 3. 'Tis clemency makes the absolute conquest. Clerk. 1. The clerk wishes the priest to have a fat dish. Gaelic. 2. The clock goes as it pleases the clerk. 3. When it pours upon the parson it drops upon the clerk. Dan. 4. When the curate licks the knife, it must be bad for the clerk. Sp. Clever. 1. A clever man turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all. Chinese. 2. A clever man's inheritance is found in every country. 3. All clever men are birds of prey. Dan. Maga. 152 CLIMBING.-Cloak. 4. He is called clever who cheats and plunders his friend. 5. If you are not very clever be conciliatory. Fr. Bea. Climbing. 1. Fain would I climb but that I fear to fall. 2. He that climbs high falls heavily. Raleigh. Ger. 3. He who climbs too high is near a fall. Ital. 4. He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. Ger. 5. He who would drive another over three dikes must climb over two himself. 6. If thy heart fail thee do not climb at all. 7. Nothing is too high for a man to reach, but he must climb with care and confidence. Hans Andersen. 8. The chamois climbs and gets caught. 9. Those who climb high often have a fall. Ger. Dan. 10. To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first. Shaks. 11. Where you cannot climb over you must creep under. Dan. 12. Who cannot climb the mountain must remain in the valley. 13. Who never climbed never fell. Ger. rain. Cloak. 1. A cloak is not made for a single shower of Ital. CLOUD. 153 2. An old cloak makes a new jerkin. 3. Arrange your cloak as the wind blows. Shaks. Fr. 4. Fie upon a cloak in fair weather. (Ingratitude.) 5. From a praying young man and a fasting old one God preserve my cloak. Sp. 6. Have not thy cloak to make when it begins to rain. 7. There is no making a good cloak of bad cloth. Sp. 8. Though the sun shines leave not your cloak at home. 9. Under a good cloak may be a bad man. Sp. 10. Under a shabby cloak may be a smart thinker. Por., Sp. 11. Under my cloak I command (or kill) the king. Sp. 12. When clouds are seen wise men put on their cloaks. 13. Where you lost your cloak, seek it. Cloud. 1. All clouds bring not rain. Shaks. Sp. Dutch. 2. Every cloud engenders not a storm. Shaks. 3. Every cloud has a silver lining. 4. If there were no clouds we should not enjoy the sun. 5. One cloud is enough to eclipse all the sun. 6. When the clouds are on the hills, they'll come down by the mills. 154 CLOWN.-Coat.-Cobblers.—Cockroach.-Cold. Clown. 1. A hint for a gentleman, a club for a clown. Pashto. 2. The more you court a clown the statelier he grows. Sp. Coat. 1. One must cut his coat according to his cloth. Ger. 2. When a man's coat is threadbare it is easy to pick a hole in it. Cobblers. 1. Cobblers and tinkers are the best ale-drinkers. 2. Cobbler's law: He that takes money must pay the shot. 3. Sherry-cobblers mend no shoes. (Americanism.) Punch. Cockroach. 1. The cockroach is always wrong when arguing with the chicken. Cold. 1. A man may catch cold while his coat is a making. Fielding. 2. Ae hour's cold will suck out seven years' heat. 3. As cold as charity. 4. Every one feels the cold according as he is clad. 5. Let him that is cold blow the coal. Sp. 6. What keeps out the cold keeps out the heat. Ital. COLT.-COMFORT.-COMFORTER. 155 Colt. 1. A colt is good for nothing if it does not break its halter. Fr. 2. A colt you may break, but an old horse you never can. 3. A kindly aver (colt) never makes a good horse. 4. A ragged colt may make a good horse. 5. A wild colt may become a sober horse. 6. He has a colt's tooth yet in his old head. 7. How can the foal amble when the horse and mare trot. 8. Ragged colts may make fine horses. 9. The best colt needs breaking. 10. The colt's tooth is still in his mouth. Massinger. II. The tricks that a colt gets at his breaking Will, whilst he lives, ne'er be lacking. 12. The wildest colts make the best horses when they come to be properly broke and handled. Themistocles. 13. There is no colt but breaks some halter. Ital. 14. You may break a colt but not an old horse. Comfort. 1. It is poor comfort for one who has broken his leg that another has broken his neck. Dan. Comforter. 1. The comforter's head never aches. Ital. 156 COMING.-COMMANDING.-COMMENCING. Coming. 1. He that comes after sees with more eyes than his own. 2. He that comes last makes all fast. 3. He that comes unbidden goes unthanked. 4. He that comes unca'ed sits unserved. 5. He who comes first grinds first. Dutch. Sp. Ital. 6. The late comer is ill lodged. 7. What comes seldom, comes sharp. Commanding. 1. He that commandeth well shall be obeyed well. 2. He who cannot command himself, it is folly to think to command others. Labertius. C 3. He who demands does not command. Ital. 4. It is a fine thing to command though it be but a herd of cattle. Don Quixote. 5. Little is done where many command. Dutch. 6. No affections and a great brain: these are the men to command the world. Bea. 7. There is great force hidden in a sweet com- mand. 8. They that command the most enjoy themselves the least. 9. To command many will cost much. Commencing. 1. He who commences many things finishes but few. Ital. COMMENDING.-Commerce.—Common. 157 Commending. 1. It is safer to commend the dead than the liv- ing. 2. To be commended by those who might blame without fear gives great pleasure. Agesilaus. Commerce. 1. Commerce loves freedom. Richardson. Common. 1. Whatever is common is despised. Dr. Johnson. Common-sense. 1. A handful of common-sense is worth a bushel of learning. 2. Common-sense is the growth of all countries. 3. It takes ten pounds of common-sense to carry one pound of learning. Persian. 4. There is seldom common-sense in high for- tune. Spectator. Company. 1. A boon companion halves the longest way. Bulwer. 2. A man knows his companion in a long journey or a little inn. 3. A man would not be alone even in paradise. 4. A good companion makes a heaven out of hell. 5. A good companion makes good company. Sp. Ger. 158 COMPANY. 6. An agreeable companion on the road is as good as a coach. 7. Bad companions quickly corrupt the good. Ger. 8. "Bad company," said the thief as he went to the gallows between the hangman and a monk. 9. Better alone than in bad company. IO. Better to be beaten than to be in bad com- pany. 11. Birds of a feather flock together. 12. Company in distress makes trouble less. Fr. 13. Company in misery makes it light. 14. For a good companion good company. Sp. 15. For want of company welcome trumpery. 16. Go not to hell for company. 17. Good company makes short miles. Dutch. 18. He keeps his road well enough who gets rid of bad company. 19. He that lies down with dogs will get up with fleas. Fr., Ital., Sp., Dan. 20. He that walketh with the virtuous is one of them. 21. He who goes with wolves learns to howl. Sp. 22. If you sit down with a lame man you will learn to halt. M. Greek. 23. If you sit with one who squints, before even- ing you will become cat-eyed. M. Greek. 24. Ill company is like a dog who dirts those most whom he loves best. Swift. 25. Keep good company and you shall be of the number. Por. COMPANY. 159 26. Keep company with good men and good men you'll imitate. Chinese. 27. Keep company with good men and good men you'll learn to be. 28. Kend fowks nae company. Chinese. 29. Let men take heed of their company. Shaks. 30. Never be with a bad man. 31. No road is long with good company. Chinese. Turk. 32. One takes the color of one's company. Lit eral: Near vermillion one gets stained pink, near ink one gets stained black. Chinese. 33. One takes the odor of one's company. Lit- eral: Near putrid fish you'll stink, near the epiden- drum you'll be fragrant. Chinese. 34. One rotten apple in the basket infects the rest. Dutch. 35. Pleasant company alone makes this life tol- erable. Sp. 36. Present company is always excepted. 37. Show me your company and I'll tell thee what thou art. Don Quixote. 38. Tell me the company you keep and I'll tell you what you are. Fr., Ital., Sp., Dutch. 39. Tell me with whom you go and I'll tell you M. Greek. your value. 40. Tell me with whom thou goest, and I'll tell thee what thou doest. 41. The best company must part as King Dago- bert said to his hounds. Fr. 42. The company keeper has almost as many snares as companions. 160 COMPARISON.-COMPENSATION. 43. The later the evening the fairer the company. 44. The rotten apple spoils its companions. Sp. 45. The third person makes good company. Dutch. 46. We should only associate with our equals. La Fontaine. 47. When you are in vicious company you are among your enemies. 48. Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. 49. Wicked companions invite us to hell. 50. With the good we become good. 51. You may know him by the Fielding. Dutch. company he keeps. Comparison. 1. Comparison is not proof. Fr. 2. Comparison more than reality makes men happy or wicked. 3. Comparisons are odious. Fr., Ital. 4. If you would compare two men you must know them both. 5. Nothing is good or bad but by comparison. 6. 'Tis comparison that makes men happy or miserable. Compensation. 1. I broke my leg perhaps for my good. Sp. 2. If I have lost the ring I still have the fingers. Ital., Sp. 3. There is no evil without its compensation. COMPLAINING.-COMPLIANce.-ComplIMENTS. 161 Complaining. 1. Make it a point never to complain. 2. Constant complaints never get pity. Compliance. 1. Much compliance, much craft. Compliments. Bea. 1. Compliments cost nothing, yet many pay dear for them. Ger. 2. In society compliments are loans which the lenders expect to be repaid with heavy interest. Condemning. Punch. 1. Men condemn because they do not under stand. Conduct (Rules of). Cicero. 1. Be with a man deaf and hearing, silent and speaking. 2. Bind so as you may unbind. 3. Boldly nominate a spade a spade. Hebrew. Ben Fonson. 4. Cast not away what you have for what you are not sure of. 5. Cast not the helve after the hatchet (Don't despair.) 6. Catch not at the shadow and lose the sub- stance. 7. Clear and round dealing is the honor of man's nature. II 162 CONDUCT (RULES of). 8. Commend not your wife, wine, nor house. 9. Conceal thy domestic ills. 10. Conquer thyself. Thales. Chinese. Dutch. II. Cry no herring till you have it in the net. 12. Cultivate a chaste imagination. 13. Deride not the unfortunate. 14. Do all you can to be good and you'll be so. 15. Do evil and look for the like. 16. Do good and care not to whom. Ital., Por. 17. Do good and then do it again. 18. Do good if you expect to receive it. 19. Do good to a knave and pray God he may not do the same to thee. Dan. 20. Do not abandon the substance for the shadow. 21. Do not all you can, spend not all you have, believe not all you hear, tell not all you know. 22. Do not carry too much sail. 23. Do not change what you have said. Hindoo. 24. Do not look upon the vessel but upon that which it contains. 25. Do not make fish of one and flesh of another. 26. Do not meddle with clandestine affairs. Hindoo. 27. Do not neglect your own field and plough your neighbor's. Hindoo. 28. Do not publish people's defects. Hindoo. 29. Do not put in more warp than you can weave. Dan. 30. Do not raké up old grievances. CONDUCT (Rules of). 163. 31. Do not rip up old sores. 32. Do not sail too near the wind. 33. Do not say go, but go thyself. 34. Do not take hold of a nettle, but if you do, grasp it tight. Afghan. 35. Don't fall into the fire to be saved from the smoke. Turk. 36. Don't get so anxious that you kill yourself. North American Indian. 37. Don't have too many irons in the fire or some will be sure to burn. 38. Don't make yourself poor to one who won't make you rich. Dan. 39. Don't pull hard enough to break the rope. 40. Don't put your finger in too tight a ring. Por. Fr., Ital. Fr. 41. Don't rely on the label of the bag. 42. Don't scald your tongue in other people's broth. 43. Don't scuffle with the potter for he makes money by the damage. Sp. 44. Don't send away your cat for being a thief. Sp. 45. Don't shiver for last year's snow. Fr. 46. Don't show your teeth if you can't bite. 47. Don't speak to the man at the wheel. 48. Don't take too big a chip on a saplin'. American Negro. 49. Don't throw the handle after the bill. (De- spair.) Dutch. 164 CONDUCT (RULES OF). 50. Don't wake a sleeping dog. 51. Don't wake the drunken man. 52. Don't yoke the plough before the horses. Ger. Dutch. 53. Drive not away what never came near you. Dan. 54. Drown not thyself to save a drowning man. 55. Either a man or a mouse. 56. Either Cæsar or nobody. 57. Either make a spoon or spoil a horn. 58. Employ thy time well, and since thou art not sure of a minute throw not away an hour. Franklin. 59. Hide not your light under a bushel. 60. However exalted our position, we should still not despise the powers of the humble. Phaedrus. 61. If you cannot say it point to it with your fin- Fr. ger. 62. If you cannot take it by the head take it by Arabian. the tail. 63. If you can't get it in bushels take it by spoon- fuls. Ger. 64. If you command wisely, you'll be obeyed cheerfully. 65. If you do wrang mak amends. 66. If you intend to do a mean thing, wait until to-morrow; if a noble one, do it now. 67. If you pursue two hares both will escape from you. M. Greek. 68. If you stir up the mire you must bear the smell. CONDUCT (Rules of). 165 69. If you wish a thing done, go; if not, send. 70. In a matter of life and death trust not even your mother, she might mistake a black bean for a white one. Alcibiades. 71. In a wood don't walk behind another. 72. It is absurd for a man either to commend or depreciate himself. Plutarch. 73. Ne'er scad your lips in other fowk's kale. 74. Ne'er tell your fae when your feet sleeps. 75. Never apologize for showing feeling. 76. Never be ashamed to eat your meat. 77. Never be too much elated. 78. Never be weary of well doing. Lat. 79. Never cast dirt into that fountain of which thou hast sometime to drink. 80. Never count four unless you have three in your bag. 81. Never cross a bridge until you come to it. 82. Never cry hallo till you are out of the woods. 83. Never deny your assistance, nor ever do any body any hurt. French peasant. 84. Never descend to vulgarity even in joking. Latin. 85. Never do anything of which you are ashamed. 86. Never do by proxy what you can do yourself. Ital. 87. Never give the skin when you can pay with the wool. 88. Never grieve over spilt milk. 89. Never insult people in distress. Ger. Fable of the wanton calf. 166 CONDUCT (Rules of). 90. Never lose a tub for a ha'p-worth of tar. 91. Never make a mountain of a mole-hill. 92. Never mourn over the past nor mope over the future. Rev. Dr. Crowley. 93. Never neglect an opportunity for improve- Sir Wm. Jones. ment. 94. Never neglect small matters or expenses. Ital. 95. Never order a man to do what you are afraid to do yourself. Chinese Gordon. 96. Never praise a ford till you are over. 97. Never put your arm out further than you can draw it back again. Baillie Jarvis. 98. Never put your thumb between your grinders. 99. Never quit certainty for hope. 100. Never refuse a good offer. 101. Never repent a good action. Latin, Ital. Dan. 102. Never revenge a private injury and hazard your life for the public. Henry, Prince of Condé, to his son. 103. Never rub against the grain. 104. Never say, Fountain, I will not drink of thy water. 105. Never sigh but send. 106. Never spread your corn to dry before the door of a saintly man. Sp. 107. Never take anything for granted. Bea 108. Never tread on a sore toe. 109. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. CONFIDENCE. 167 110. Never venture out of your depth till you can swim. III. Never howl till you're hit. Ulster. 112. Not many things imperfectly but a few well. 113. Of what does not concern you, nothing good or bad. 114. One should always conciliate. Ital. Ger. 115. One should break his arm to save his neigh- bor's neck. Ger. 116. Order and do it and you'll be rid of anxiety. 117. Produce much, consume little, labor diligently, speak cautiously. Chinese. 118. Rather contend for valor with the brave, than for wealth with the rich, or in rapaciousness with the covetous. Cato. 119. Rule lust, temper the tongue, and bridle the belly. 120. Rule youth an' eild will rule itself. 121. See that in avoiding cinders you step not on burning coals. Latin. 122. Tell no one what you would have known only to yourself. Dutch. 123. Tell not all you know, believe not all you hear, do not all you are able. Ital. 124. Tell not all you know nor judge of all you would live in peace. you Sp. see if 125. With your superiors, eat, drink, and rise fast- ing. Confidence. I. Confidence begets confidence. 2. M. Greek. Ger Confidence cannot be won in a day. 168 CONNOISSEur.—Conquer.—Conquerors, Conquered 3. Confidence goes farther in company than good sense. 4. Confidence is a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom. 5. Chatham. Confidence is the companion of success. Connoisseur. I. The connoisseur is one who knows, as op- posed to the dilettante who thinks he knows. 2. Conquer. Fairholt. I. They conquer who believe they can. Virgil. Would you be strong, conquer yourself. 3. You will conquer more surely by prudence than by passion. Conquerors, Conquered. Syrus. 1. Conquerors are like fires, the greater their brilliancy, the larger the ruin they leave behind them. Punch. 2. Earth's law: The conquered are the wrong. 3. Bulwer. He conquers who sticks in his saddle. Ital. 4. He hath conquered that hath made his ene- mies fly. 5. He is twice a conqueror, who can restrain himself in the hour of victory. 6. He that will conquer must fight. 7. Let him live who conquers. 8. Long life to the conqueror. 9. Syi us. Don Quixote. Sp Most men cry, Long live the conqueror. Conquest.-Confession.-Conscience. 169 IO. The conquered is never called wise nor the conqueror rash. Conquest. I. The honors of conquest are never wholly our own fortune will claim her share in the success. 2. It is no small conquest to overcome your- self. Confession. 1. A fault confessed is half redressed. 2. A fault once denied is twice committed. 3. A generous confession disarms slander. 4. A knavish confession should have a cane for absolution. 5. Confess and be hanged. 6. Confess and beg days. 7. Confession of a fault makes half amends. 8. Confession without repentance, friends with- out faith, prayer without sincerity, are mere loss. Ital. He that covereth his sins shall not prosper, 9. but who confesseth and forsakes them shall have mercy. 10. Open confession is good for the soul. Conscience. Bible. I A bad conscience flies from the light as the devil from the cross. " Ger. 2. A clear conscience can bear any trouble. 3. A clear conscience is a good pillow. Fr. 4. A clear conscience is a sure card. ir 5. A clear conscience is a wall of brass. Latin 170 CONSCIENCE. 6. tions. 7. A good conscience is a soft pillow. A clear conscience laughs at false accusa- Ger. 8. 9. A good conscience is God's eye. Russian. A good conscience is heaven, a bad one hell. Ger. IO. A good conscience is the best divinity. A good conscience is the best looking-glass of heaven. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. nance. 16. Cudworth. A good conscience is the best law. A good conscience is wont to speak out. A good conscience knows no fear. Pausanias. Ger. A good conscience makes a joyful counte- A grand eloquence, little conscience. Ger. 17. with its possessor. A guilty conscience is an enemy that lives. Tamil. 18. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. 19. A peace above all earthly dignities, A still and quiet conscience. Shaks. 20. A pure conscience may defy city gossips. Bea. 21. A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. 22. An approving conscience is a perpetual feast; a guilty conscience a ceaseless torment. C. C. Baldwin's Moral Maxims. 23. Although invisible, there are always two witnesses present at our every action: God and our conscience. CONSCIENCE. 171 • 24. neck. 25. An evil conscience breaks many a man's An evil deed has a witness in the bosom. Dan. 26. Conscience and wealth are not always neigh- bors. 27. Conscience cannot be compelled. Massinger. 28. Conscience does make cowards of us all. Shaks. 29. Conscience is as good as a thousand wit- nesses. 30. Conscience is the chamber of justice. 31. Conscience is the champion of justice. 32. Ital. Conscience may grant a truce to the guilty, but never makes a lasting truce. Tacitus. 33. Conscience often stops at a molehill and leaps over a mountain. Fielding 34. You cannot purchase a good conscience. 35. He hath a conscience like a cheveril's skin, that will stretch. 36. It is always term-time in a court of con- science. 37. Little conscience and great diligence make a great man. 38. Man's conscience is the oracle of God. Byron. 39. Nothing is more wretched than a guilty con- Ben Jonson. science. 40. Put your hand in your conscience and see if it don't come out as black as pitch. Dutch. 172 4I. CONSIDERATION.-CONSISTENCY.-CONSPIRACIES. Sell not thy conscience with thy goods. 42. The great theater of conscience is virtue. Cicero. The indispensable requisite to happiness is Gibbon. a clear conscience. 44. The most sensual man that ever was in the world never felt so delicious a pleasure as a clear conscience. Tillitson. 45. The motions of passion and conscience are two things. 46. There is a policeman in every man's con- science; you may not always find him on the beat. Punch. 47. We do nothing but in the presence of two great witnesses, God and our conscience. 48. You may often feel that heavily on your back which you took lightly on your conscience. Consideration. Dan. 1. Consideration gets as many victories as rash- ness loses. 2. Consideration is half conversion. 3. Consideration is the parent of wisdom. Consistency. 1. Consistency, thou art a jewel. Conspiracies. 1. Conspiracies no sooner should be formed than executed. Addison. 2. When the scabbards are broken we can no longer hide our sabres. Russian Conspirators. CONSTANCY.-CONSTITUTION.-CONTEMN. 173 Constancy. 1. Constancy is the foundation of the virtues. Constitution. Latin. 1. He keeps watch over a good castle who has guarded his own constitution. Contemn. 1. To contemn a just condemnation is to kick at a kindness. Contemplation. 1. He that contemplates on his bed has a day without a night. Contempt. 1. Contempt is the sharpest reproof. 2. Contempt is usually worse borne than real in- juries. 3. Contempt of a man is the sharpest reproof. 4. Contempt will cause spite to drink of her own poison. 5. Contempt will sooner kill an injury than re- venge. Content. 1. A competence is vital to content. 2. A contented man is always rich. Young. Latin. Por. 3. A contented ass enjoys a long life. 4. A contented mind is a continual feast. 5. A contented mind is a specific for making gold. 6. Be content, the sea hath fish enough. Tamil. 174 CONTENT. 7. Content can soothe where'er by fortune placed, Can rear a garden in the desert waste. H. K. White. 8. Content is happiness. 9. Content is an inexhaustible treasure. 10. Content is more than a kingdom. Turk. II. Content is the philosopher's stone that turns all it touches into gold. 12. Content lodges oftener in cottages than palaces. 13. Content yourself with your own skin. (Fable of the ass dressed in the lion's skin.) 14. Contentment gives a crown where fortune has denied it. Ford. 15. Contentment is to the mind what a frame is to a cucumber, sunning it and lifting it even from a dunghill. 16. Gnaw the bone which is fallen to thy lot. 17. He has enough who is content. Ital. 18. He may well be contented that need not lie nor flatter. 19. He that is content with his poverty is won- derfully rich. 20. He that can sit upon a stone and feed him- self should not move. Dan. 21. He that cannot get bacon must be content with cabbage. Dan. 22. He who wants content can't find an easy chair. 23. Let every one be content with what God has given him. Por. CONTINUANCE.-ContradICTION. 175 24. Let us thank God and be content with what we have. 25. No one is content with his own lot. Por. 26. Nothing will content him who is not content with a little. 27. Our content is our best having. Greek. Shaks. 28. Since we have loaves let us not look for cakes. Sp. 29. The noblest mind the best contentment has. Spenser. 30. They need much whom nothing will content. 31. To be content with little is true happiness. Tacitus. 32. To be content to let twelve pennies pass for a shilling. Ital. 33. What's an estate good for if it cannot buy con- tent? 34. Who is content is rich enough. Ger. 35. Who is not satisfied with his condition is a great fool. Ger. Ger. 36. Who is well seated should not budge. 37. You must be content sometimes with rough roads. 38. You must contrive to bake with the flour you have. Dan. 39. You must plough with such oxen as you have. Continuance. 1. Continuance becomes usage. Contradiction. Ital. 1. Contradiction should awaken attention not passion. 176 CONTRIVAnce.—ConversatION.-CONVINCING. Contrivance. 1. Contrivance is better than force. Conversation. Fr. 1. A man's conversation is the mirror of his Chinese. thoughts. 2. Be not too brief in conversation lest you be not understood, nor too diffuse lest you be trouble- Protagoras. some. 3. Conversation enriches the understanding, but solitude is the school of genius. Gibbon. 4. Conversation teaches more than meditation. 5. He who converses with nobody is either a brute or an angel. 6. He who converses with nobody knows noth- ing. 7. In conversation avoid the extremes of for- wardness and reserve. Cato. 8. In conversation dwell not too long on a weak side. Convincing. 1. One may be confuted and yet not convinced. Conviviality. 1. Conviviality reveals secrets. Cook. 1. A good fire makes a good cook. 2. A hungry man has aye a lazy cook. Dutch. Scotch. 3. A lovelorn cook oversalts the porridge. Ger. 4. All are not cooks who carry long knives. Ger., Dutch, Dan COOKING.-COQUETTE. 177 5. A march before day to dress one's dinner, and a light dinner to prepare one's supper, are the best cooks. Alexander. 6. An ill cook should have a good cleaver. 7. Better bid the cooks than the mediciners. 8. But civilized man cannot live without cooks. Owen Meredith. 9. Cooks are not to be taught in their own kitchens. 10. Every cook praises his own broth. II. Many cooks spoil the broth. 12. Salt cooks bear blame, but fresh bear shame. 13. She will as soon part with the cook as the porridge. 14. There is never enmity between the cook and the butler. Ital. 15. 'Tis an ill cook cannot lick his own fingers. Shaks. 16. When the cook and steward fall out, we hear who stole the butter. Dutch. 17. When the cook is roasting for the butler, woe unto the master's wine cask. Dan. 18. Where there are too many cooks the soup will be salt. Cooking. 1. First catch your hare then cook it. Ital. 2. With such cooking a monkey might eat his own father. Coquette. 1. A coquette often loses her reputation while she possesses her virtue. Spectator. 12 178 CORAL.-Cork.-Corn.-Corporation. 2. If the men did not encourage coquettes so much there would not be so many of them. Punch. 3. The greatest miracle of love is the reforma- tion of a coquette. Rochefoucauld. 4. Ye're o' sae mony minds, ye'll ne'er be mar ried. Coral. 1. Good coral needs no coloring. Cork. 1. If you squeeze a cork you will get but little juice. Corn. 1. Corn him well, he'll work the better. 2. Corn in good years is hay, in ill years straw is corn. 3. Corn is not good to be gathered in the blade but in the ear. 4. He has eaten his corn in the blade. 5. Much corn lies under the straw that seen. 6. No corn without chaff. Fr. is not Dutch. Fr. 7. The corn falls out of a shaken sheaf. 8. There is plenty of corn in Castile but he who has none starves. 9. Very good corn grows in little fields. Corporation. Por. Fr. 1. A corporation has no soul to be damned nor body to be kicked. Thurlow. 2. Corporations cannot commit treason, nor be outlawed nor excommunicated for they have no souls. Coke. Correction.—Corruption.-CorsAIR.-COST. 179 Correction. 1. Correction bringeth fruit. Dutch. 2. Correction is good when administered in time. Dan. 3. Correction should not respect what is past so much as what is to come. Corruption. 1. Corruption of the best becomes the worst. 2. Corruption will never want a pretence. Cato the younger. 3. Corruption wins not more than honesty. Corsair. Shaks. 1. Corsair against corsair, nothing to win but empty casks. Ital., Sp 2. The galley is in a bad way when the corsair promises masses and candles. Cost. 1. More cost, more worship. Sp. 2. That which costs us little is lightly esteemed. Don Quixote. 3. The cost ofttimes takes away the relish. 4. The cost takes away the taste. 5. The more cost the more honor. Fr. 6. The more worship the more cost. 7. There's a daily cost and all of it lost. 8. Three things cost dear: the caresses of a dog, the love of a mistress and the invasion of a host. 180 COTTAGE.-COUNSEL. } 9. What costs little is little esteemed. 10. What costs nothing is worth nothing. Dutch. 11. With cost one may make good pottage of a stool. Cottage. 1. The cottage is a palace to the poor. Fr. Counsel. 1. A resolute heart endures no counsel. Por. 2. After counsel is fool's counsel. Ger. 3. Counsel after action is like rain after harvest. 4. Counsel before action. 5. Counsel in wine seldom prospers. Dan. Dutch. 6. Counsel is irksome when the matter is past remedy. 7. Counsel is no command. 8. Counsel is nothing against love. Ital. 9. Counsel is to be given by the wise, the rem- edy by the rich. 10. Counsel must be followed, not praised. II. Counsel never out of date. 12. Counsel over cups is crazy. 13. Everybody knows good counsel except him that has need of it. Ger. 14. Give neither counsel or salt until you are asked for it. 15. Good counsel brings good fruit. Ger. 16. Good counsel comes over-night. Ger. 17. Good counsel has no price. Ital. COUNSEL. 181 18. Good counsel is better than a great army. Ger. 19. Good counsel is better than a thousand hands. Ger. 20. Good counsel is no better than bad counsel, if it be not taken in time. Dan. 21. Good counsel is not to be paid with gold. Ger. 22. Good counsel never comes too late. 23. Good counsel will not rot if it be got in dry. Ger. Dan. 24. Good counsel without good fortune is a wind- mill without wind. 25. Happy counsels flow from sober feasts. Ger. Homer. 26. He takes in good counsel like cold porridge. 27. He that cannot be counselled cannot be helped. 28. He that gives bad counsel suffers most by it. Latin. 29. He that will not be counselled cannot be helped. 30. If the counsel be good no matter who gave it. 31. It is easier to give good counsel than to fol- iow it. Ger. 32. It is safer to hear and take counsel than to give it. 33. It is well to take counsel of one's pillow. 34. Keep your own counsel. 35. No man is so foolish but may give another good counsel sometimes. Ben Jonson. 182 COUNSELLOR.—Count. 36. No price is good enough for good counsel. 37. None goes to the gallows for giving good counsel. 38. Swift in its march is evil counsel. Sophocles. 39. Take counsel before it goes ill, lest it go Dutch. worse. 40. There is none so simple but can give counsel. 41. Though thou hast never so many counsellors, yet do not forsake the counsel of thy own soul. 42. Though you are a prudent old man do not despise counsel. Sp. 43. Three may keep counsel if two be away. 44. To give counsel to a fool is like throwing water on a goose. Dan. 45. Two may keep counsel putting one away. 46. You give notable counsel but he's a fool that takes it. Counsellor. 1. Neither a blind guide nor a stupid counsellor. Don Quixote. 2. There may be such things as old fools and young counsellors. Count. 1. Count cash as if it were gold and so avoid the least mistake. Chinese. 2. Count like Jews and agree like brethren. 3. Count not your chickens before they're hatched, Eat not your gudgeons before they're catched. 4. Count siller after a' your kin. Butler. Countenance.-Counterfeit.—Country. 183 5. He that counts a' costs will ne'er put plough i' the ground. 6. Wrong count is no payment. Countenance. 1. A good countenance is a letter of recommen- dation. Fielding. 2. A good presence is a letter of recommenda- tion. 3. An open countenance often conceals close thoughts. Ital. Latin. 4. The countenance is the index of the mind. Counterfeit. 1. Counterfeit coin passes current at night. Por. Country. 1. Wheresoever we live, that is our country. Courage. 1. A brave man will yield to a brave man. Motto of the Irish Earl of Upper Ossory. 2. A brave man's country is wherever he chooses his abode. Quintus Curtius Rufus. 3. A decent boldness ever meets with friends. Homer. 4. A gallant man needs no drums to rouse him. 5. A gallant man rather despises death than hates life. Fr. 6. A man of courage never wants weapons. 7. A short sword for a brave man. 8. Add a step to it. (The Spartan mother's advice to her son who complained that his sword was too short.) 9. All are brave when the enemy flies. Ital. 184 COURAGE. 10. Beasts and birds of prey To the last gasp defend their brood. Massinger. II. Before the time great courage, when at the point great fear. 12. Bold in close ambush, base in open field. Sp. Dryden. 13. Courage is the armed sentinel that guards lib- erty, innocence and right. C. C. Baldwin's Moral Maxims. 14. Courage, conduct and perseverance conquer all before them. 15. Courage consists not in hazarding without fear but in being resolute minded in a just cause. 16. Courage in danger is half the battle. Plautus. 17. Courage in war is safer than cowardice. Hindoo. Bea. 18. Courage is fire, bullying is smoke. 19. Courage leads to heaven, fear to death. Seneca. 20. Courage mounteth with occasion. Shaks. 21. Courage ought to have eyes as well as arms. 22. Courage without fortune destroys a man. 23. Every man will shoot at the enemy but few will fetch the shafts. 24. Good courage breaks ill luck. 25. He is master of another man's life, who is indifferent to his own. Ital. 26. He makes me less bold who delivers me from the misery that made life a burthen to me. (The soldier speaking to Antigonous.) COURAGE. 185 27. Human courage should rise to the height of human calamity. Genl. R. E. Lee. 28. If you do not enter a tiger's den you can't get his cubs. 29. In a slothful peace courage will effeminate. Chinese. Pope. 30. In doubtful matters courage may do much, in desperate, patience. 31. Intrepid courage is the foundation of victory. Plutarch, Sp. 32. It is courage that vanquishes in war and not good weapons. 33. Man has the addition of courage and virtue to defend his rights. Civilis the Batavian. 34. No man can answer for his courage who has never been in danger. Rochefoucauld. 35. No exile or danger can fright a brave spirit. Dryden. 36. Nothing recommends a man more to the fe- male mind than courage. Spectator. 37. Put off your armor and then show your cour- age. 38. Rage avails less than courage. Fr. 39. The courage of the soldier is found to be the cheapest and most common quality of human na- Gibbon ture. 40. The great point of honor in men is courage, in women chastity. Spectator 41. The more wit the less courage. 42. There is a courage which grows out of fear. 186 COURT.-COURTESY. 43. True courage grapples with misfortune. Tacitus. 44. Who hath no courage must have legs. Ital. Court. 1. A court is an assemblage of noble and dis- tinguished beggars. Talleyrand. 2. A petitioner at court that spares his purse angles without bait. 3. A place at court is a continual bribe. 4. At court every one for himself. 5. At court there are many hands but few hearts. Ger. 6. At court they sell a good deal of smoke without fire. 7. Courts keep no almanacs. 8. Far from court, free from care. 9. He who would succeed at court must lie sometimes low, sometimes high. Ger. 10. It is at courts as it is in ponds, some fish, some frogs. II. Leave the court ere the court leaves thee. 12. Like King Petard's court where every one is master. 13. The steps at court are slippery. Fr. Dan. 14. There are nine holidays out of seven days. (Hindoo description of a luxurious court.) 15. Who serves at court dies on straw. Courtesy. Ital. 1. A courtesy much entreated is half recom pensed. COURTIER. 187 not. 2. All doors open to courtesy. 3. Courtesie is cumbersome to them that ken it 4. Courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue. 5. Courtesy that is all on one side cannot last long. Fr. 6. Full of courtesy, full of craft. 7. He may freely receive courtesies who knows how to requite them. 8. He that asketh a courtesy promiseth a kind. ness. 9. In courtesy rather pay a penny too much than too little. 10. It is a rank courtesy where a man is forced to give thanks for what is his own. 11. Less of your courtesy and more of your purse. 12. Lip courtesy avails (or pleases) much and costs little. Sp. 13. One of those gentle ones that will use the devil himself with courtesy. 14. Pluck not a courtesy in the bud before it is ripe. 15. The courteous learns his courtesy from the discourteous. 16. Too much courtesy-too much craft. Courtier. Turk. 1. A courtier should be without feeling and without honor. Fr. 188 COVETOUSNESS. 2. An old courtier, a young beggar. 3. Better a field with the birds than hanging on lords. 4. Eye-service is the courtier's art. Dutch. Dan. 5. He has a veil upon a veil. (The Italians say, to make a mask with a natural face on the outside.) Arabian. 6. Marble polished is neither less hard or less cold; so with courtiers. Chinese. 7. The courtier is cringing and servile in ad- versity. Chinese. 8. To be a perfect courtier it is necessary to be without honor and without temper. Duke of Orleans. Covetousness. 1. A covetous abbot for one offering loses a 'hundred. 2. A covetous man does nothing that he should till he dies. 3. A covetous man has two sources of inqui- etudes how to amass money and how to use it. : Cingalese. 4. A covetous man is a dog in a wheel that roasts meat for others. 5. A covetous man makes a half-penny of a farthing and a liberal man makes sixpence of it. 6. A covetous man makes no friend. Cingalese. 7. A covetous woman deserves a swindling gallant. 8. All covet, all lose. Ital., Dutch Cow. 18g 9. Covet nothing over much. Chilo. 10. Covetous men are condemned to dig in the mines for they know not who. II. Covetous men are neither clothed, fed nor respected. 12. Covetous men live drudges to die wretches. 13. Covetous men's chests are rich, not they. 14. Covetousness as well as prodigality brings a man to a morsel of bread. 15. Covetousness brings nothing home. 16. Covetousness bursts the bag. Sp. 17. Covetousness is always filling a bottomless vessel. 18. Covetousness is never satisfied until its mouth is filled with dirt. Dutch. 19. Covetousness is the father of unsatisfied de- sires. Yorubas. (Africa.) 20. Covetousness starves other vices. 21. Even covetous men have sometimes their intervals of generosity. 22. That which we may live without, we need not much covet. 23. The world is too small for the covetous. Lat. 24. Those who covet much want much. Cow. 1. A cow from afar gives plenty of milk. 2. A cow is not called dappled unless a spot. 3. A cow may catch a hare. 4. A cursed cow has short horns. Horace. Fr. she has Dan 190 Cow. 5. All is not butter that comes from a cow. 6. An ill cow may have a good calf. 7. Barley straw's good fodder when the cow gives water. 8. Every cow licks her own calf. Servian. 9. He that owns the cow goes nearest her tail. Scotch. 10. He who recovers but the tail of his cow does not lose all. Fr. 11. If you buy the cow take the tail into the bargain. 12. If you sell the cow you sell her milk too. 13. It is by the head the cow gi'es milk. (By good feeding.) 14. It is not for the good of the cow when she is driven in a carriage. Dan. 15. It is not until the cow has lost her tail that she discovers its value. Ger. 16. It is the old cow's notion that she never was a calf. Fr. 17. Let him who owns the cow take her by the tail. 18. Like the cow that gives a good pail of milk and then kicks it over. 19. Like Mrs. Peabody's cow that drank all the swill and gave no milk. Gen. Jo. Geiger. 20. Loud in the loan was never a good milch COW. 21. Many a cow stands in the meadow and looks wistfully at the common. 22. Many a good cow has a bad calf. Dan. Ger COWARDICE. 23. Milk the cow but don't pull off the udder. 191 Dutch. 24. Of what use is it that the cow gives plenty of milk if she upset the pail. Ger. 25. The beadle's cow may graze in the church- yard. Ger., Dutch. 26. The cow gives good milk but kicks over the pail. 27. The cow gives milk through her mouth. (As she is fed.) Ger. 28. The cow is milked, not the ox; the sheep is shorn, not the horse. 29. The cow licks no strange calf. Dan. 30. The cow that does not eat with the oxen, either eats before or after them. Gallician. 31. The cows that low most give the least milk. Ger. 32. The cow that's first up gets the first o' the dew. 33. The day is sure to come when the cow will want her tail. Dan. Dan. 34. The laggard cow gets the sour grass. 35. 'Tis well that wicked cows have short horns. Dutch. 36. To come home like the parson's cow with a calf at her foot Cowardice. 1. A coward calls himself cautious and a miser thrifty. Seneca. 2. A coward often deals a mortal blow to the brave. Fr 192 COWARDICE. 3. A coward's fear may make a coward valiant. 4. A valiant man's look is better than a coward's sword. Carl Seelbach. ard. Fr. 5. Better be a coward than foolhardy. 6. Better fight with a hero than play with a cow- Ger. Ital. 7. Between two cowards, he has the advantage who first detects the other. 8. But look for ruin when a coward wins, For fear and cruelty are ever twins. Aleyn. 9. Coward against coward the assailant con- quers. 10. Cowards are cruel. Sp. 11. Cowards are made to be trampled on unless their wit cover them. 12. Cowards die many times before their death; The valiant never taste death but once. Shaks. 13. Cowards falter, but danger is often overcome by those who nobly dare. 14. Cowards have no luck. Queen Elizabeth. Ger. 15. Cowards never use their might Except against such as will not fight. Butler. 16. Cowards run the greatest danger of any men in battle. 17. Cowards' weapons neither cut nor pierce. Ital. 18. Cowardice is afraid to be known or seen. 19. Cowardice leads to ingratitude and ungrate ful sentiments to wicked actions. Arabian. COXCOMB. 193 20. For whom sword and courage are not enough, corslet and lance will not be enough. Sp. 21. Great cowardice is hidden by a bluster of daring. Lucan. 22. He has acted with the spirit of a woman, i.e., without courage. Hindoo. Latin. Dan. 23. Hidden valor is as bad as cowardice. 24. It is cowardly to fly from a living enemy or to abuse a dead one. 25. It is cowardly to quit the post assigned us by God before he permits us. Pythagoras. 26. Many would be cowards if they had courage enough. 27. Of two cowards, the one that attacks conquers the other. 28. One coward makes ten. 29. Plenty and peace binds cowards. Por. Ger. Shaks. 30. Put a coward to his mettle and he'll fight the devil. 31. Strength avails not a coward. 32. Tears are no proof of cowardice. Ital. Sterne. 33. The coward may begin hostilities, but the brave are left to shed their blood in the quarrel. Julius Auspex. 34. When all the blandishments of life are gone, The coward sneaks to death, the brave live Dr. Sewell, on. Coxcomb. 1. Once a coxcomb, alwavs a coxcomb. 13 194 CRAB.-Cradle.—Craft. Crab. 1. The crab has not learned to keep his legs straight. M. Greek. 2. The crab has stuck fast between two stones. (Said of a person in difficulty.) Kaffir. 3. The crab of the wood is sauce very good for the crab of the sea, But the wood of the crab is sauce for the drab, that will not her husband obey. 4. The greatest crabs are not always the best meat. 5. You can never bring a crab to walk straight. 6. You look like a runner quoth the devil to the crab. Cradle. 1. Better have one plough going than two cradles. 2. Cast not thy cradle over thy head. 3. No great work worthy of praise or memory but came out of a poor cradle. Dr. Johnson. 4. What is learned in the cradle lasts to the grave. Craft. 1. Be not ashamed of your craft. 2. Every one is a thief in his own craft. Fr. Ger. Dutch. 3. He who is of the craft can discourse about it. 4. No man is his craft's master the first day. Ital. 5. Of all crafts an honest man's the master craft. 6. "Success to you. God speed the craft," as the hangman said to the judge. Ger. CRAFT, CRAFTY.-CRAZY.-Credit. 195 7. There is craft in daubing, or there is more craft in daubing than in throwing dirt on the wall. Craft, Crafty. 1. A crafty fellow never has any peace. 2. A crafty knave needs no broker. 3. All the craft is in the catching. 4. Craft borders on knavery; wisdom neither uses nor wants it. 5. Craft, counting all things, brings nothing home. 6. Craft must have clothes, but truth loves to go naked. 7. Crafty evasions save not veracity. 8. Crafty men deal in generals. 9. Cunning craft is but the waste of wisdom. 10. No man has a monopoly of craft to himself. Crazy. 1. A crazy vessel never falls from the hand. Sp. Credit. 1. A man has just so much credit as he has money in his possession. Juvenal. 2. A pig on credit makes a good winter and a bad spring. Por. 3. Better to take eight hundred than sell (on credit) for a thousand cash. Chinese. 4. Better twenty per cent. on ready money than thirty per cent, on credit. Chinese. 5. Credit cuts off customers. Chinese. 6. Credit is better than ill won gear. 196 Creditors.-Credulity. 7. Credit helps a man on the horse and some- times under the ground. Ger. 8. Credit is better than gold. Ger. 9. Credit is better than ready money. Ger. 10. Credit is dead, bad pay killed it. Ital. 11. Credit keeps the crown o' the causeway. 12. Credit lost is a Venice-glass broken which cannot be soldered. 13. Credit lost is like a broken looking-glass. 14. He getteth a great deal of credit who payeth but a small debt. 15. He that has lost his credit is dead to the world. Ger. 16. If any one wants to enjoy the good will of his kind let him sell on credit and never collect the money. Chinese. 17. More credit can be thrown down in a moment than can be built up in an age. 18. My capital small and profits slender, On credit my goods I can't surrender. Chinese. 19. No man ever lost his credit but who had it not. 20. Who sells upon credit has much custom but little money. Creditors. Ger. 1. Creditors have better memories than debtors. Credulity. 1. Credulity is the only vice that can ruin a happy prince. Turkish Spr. 2. Credulity thinks others short-sighted. CRICKET.-Crime. 197 Cricket. 1. In matters of cricket, the fault of the Dutch Is hitting too little and missing too much. Crime. 1. A crime in which many are implicated goes unpunished. 2. A great crime is in a great man greater. Lucan. Massinger. 3. Be sparing of persons, speak of crimes. Latin. 4. Crimes may be secret, yet not secure. 5. Criminals are punished that others may be amended. Ital. 6. Extraordinary crimes call aloud for extraordi- nary remedies. Lord Molesworth. 7. He acts the third crime that defends the first. Ben Jonson. 8. He that conceives a crime in thought, con- tracts the danger of an actual fault. 9. He who profits by a crime commits it. Dryden. Seneca. Seneca. 10. One crime has to be concealed by another. 11. Petty crimes are punished: great, rewarded. Ben Jonson. Seneca. 12. Successful crime is called virtue. 13. The greater the man the greater the crime. Totilla. 14. The prince and even the people are responsi- ble for the crimes they neglect to punish. (See, Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.) 198 CRIPPLE.-CRITIC. 15. The success of a criminal is almost instantly followed by the loss of his prize. Gibbon. 16. We easily forget crimes known only to our- selves. Rochefoucauld. Cripple. 1. A cripple in the way out-travels a postman out of the way. 2. A cripple may catch a hare. Ben Jonson. 3. A lame man won't walk with one who is lamer. 4. A lame traveller should get out betimes. Fr. 5. Better to limp upon the right way than to ride upon the wrong. wife. 6. "Crooked Carlin " quoth the cripple to his Scotch. 7. Halt not before a cripple. 8. I now see which leg you are lame of. 9. It is hard to halt before a cripple. 10. Never limp before the lame. Fr. 11. The lame goeth as far as the staggerer. 12. The lame returns sooner than his servant. 13. We must wait for the lame man. Fr. Critic. 1. A kindly critic is one who helps you at an awkward pass over the style. Punch. 2. Critics are like brushers of other men's clothes. 3. Critics are men who have failed in literature and art. 4. Criticism is easy, art is difficult. Bea. Fr. CROOKED.-Cross. 199 5. He who is busy criticising the faults of his friends has no friendship in his heart. Cingalese. 6. It is much easier to be critical than to be cor- Bea. rect. Crooked. 1. A crooked log is not to be straightened. Lat. Fr. 2. A crooked log makes a good fire. 3. A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow. 4. Crooked by nature is never made straight by education. 5. Crooked iron may be straightened with a hammer. 6. Crooked logs make straight fires. Cross. 1. Crosses are ladders which lead to heaven. Dan. 2. Crosses though not pleasant are wholesome. 3. Each cross has its inscription. 4. Every house has its cross. Dutch. 5. Every one bears his own cross. Fr. 6. Every one thinks his own cross the heaviest. Ital. 7. He that bears the cross blesses himself first. Dan. 8. No cross-no crown. 9. The cross is the ladder of heaven. 10. There grows no grass at the cross. 11. To every one his own cross is heaviest. Ital. 12. "We must bear our cross with patience," said the man when he took his wife on his back. Dan 200 CROW.-CROWD. Crow. 1. A crow does not pick out a crow's eyes. M. Greek. 2. A crow is never the whiter for often washing. 3. An old crow croaks not for nothing. Dan. Russian. 4. Crows are black all the world over. Chinese. 5. Crows are never the whiter for washing them- selves. 6. Crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them. 7. Crows do not peck out crow's eyes. 8. It is ill killing a crow with an empty sling. 9. It is not every hog that the crow will ride. Por. Dan. 10. Old crows are hard to catch. Ger. II. One crow does not make a winter. Ger., Dutch. 12. The crow thinks his own bird fairest. 13. The crow when stripped of her borrowed feathers excites our laughter. 14. The crow will find its mate. 15. When the crow flies her tail follows. Crowd. 1. A crowd is not company. Horace. Dan. 2. He who does not mix with the crowd knows nothing. Sp Crown.-CRUELTY.-CUCKOO.-CUNNING. 201 3. He who follows the crowd has many com- panions. Ger. 4. Men whose counsels you would not take as individuals lead you with ease in a crowd. Crown. 1. All laws are broken to obtain a crown. Cato. Sp. 2. And fearless minds climb soonest unto crowns. Shaks. 3. Cleave to the crown though it hang on a bush. (Royal Proverbs) Lord Stanley. 4. The best man in the field is the most worthy of a crown. 5. 'Tis the fairest flower in his crown. Macedonian. 6. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. Cruelty. Shaks. 1. A cruel heart ill suits a manly mind. Homer. 2. A man of cruelty is God's enemy. 3. Cruelty is a tyrant that is always attended by fear. ing. 4. Cruelty is the attribute of the devil. 5. I must be cruel only to be kind. Shaks. 6. Men of cruelty are birds of the devil's hatch- Cuckoo. 1. More crafty than the cuckoo. her eggs in the nests of other birds.) (A cuckoo lays 2. You are like the cuckoo : you have but one song. Cunning. 1. Cunning has but little honor. Dan. 202 CUP.-CURE. 2. Cunning is a sort of short-sightedness. 3. Cunning is no burden. 4. Cunning men's cloaks sometimes fall. Addison. 5. The greatest cunning is to have none at all. Fr. 6. The most cunning are the first caught. Fr. 7. There is cunning in a pointed chin. Ger. 8. Too much cunning undoes. 9. You are so cunning you know not what weather it is when it rains. Cup. 1. A full cup must be carried steadily. 2. A man should not, while drinking from one cup, look into another. Hebrew. 3. The cup finds not out its master's death. (Meaning, because it passes into others' hands.) Woloffs. (Africa.) 4. When the cup is full, carry it even. 5. You drink out of an old cup; i.e., are descended from an old family. 6. You may silver scour a pewter-cup, It will be pewter still. Cure. 1. Abstinence and fasting cure many a plaint. 2. Good language cures great sores. Kaffir 3 It is part of the cure to wish to be cured. com- Dan. Seneca. CURIOSITY.—Curse. 203 4. No cure no pay. Chinese rule as to physicians. 5. That sick man is not to be pitied that has his cure in his sleeve. 6. The cure is not always worth the pains. Marius the Roman. 7. The cure may be worse than the disease. 8. The purse of the patient protracts his cure. Ger. 9. To cure every one with the same ointment. 10. To fear the worst oft cures the worst. 11. Ulcers cannot be cured that are concealed. 12. What cannot be cured must be endured. Curiosity. Ger., Dutch. 1. Babbling, foolish vanity, and vain curiosity have the same parentage. La Fontaine. 2. Curiosity often brings its own punishment. Hans Andersen. 3. He that peeps in at his neighbor's window may chance to lose his eyes. Arabian. 4. He that pryeth into the clouds may be struck with a thunderbolt. 5. He who peeps through a hole may see what will vex him. 6. Her hands are on the wheel, but her eyes are in the street. Curse. 1. A curse will not strike out an eye unless the fist goes with it. Dan. 2. A sedgly curse light on him; i.e., the devil 204 Cursed.-CURTAIN LEcture.-CuSTOM. ride through him booted and spurred with a scythe at his back. Massinger. 3. A thousand curses never tore a shirt. Syriac. 4. Curses are like processions; they return to whence they came. Ital. 5. Curses are like young chickens and still come home to roost. 6. Curses are the devil's language. 7. Curses hurt not-prayers injure not. 8. Curses sing the devil to mass. 9. Cussin' de weather is mighty poo' farmin'. Ger. Ger. American Negro. 10. He is pattering the devil's pater noster. (Curs- ing.) 11. The curse on the hearth wounds the deepest. Dan. Ger. 12. The curse sticks to no one but the curser. 13. The lips that curse shall want bread. Polish. 14. Who curses prays to the devil Cursed. 1. Cursed is he of whom all men speak well. Curtain Lecture. Ger. 1. The chamber bell (curtain lecture) is the worst sound a man can have in his ears. Custom. Ital. 1. A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept. 2. A cake and a bad custom ought to be broken. Fr CUSTOM. 205 3. Bad customs are better broken than kept up. 4. Be a custom good or bad a peasant will have it continue in force. Sp. 5. Break the legs of an evil custom (or habit). 6. Conform to common custom and not to com- mon folly. 7. Custom does often reason overrule, And only serves for reason to the fool. Rochester. 8. Custom in infancy becomes nature in old age. 9. Custom is second nature. Ital., Ger., Sp., Dutch. 10. Custom is the guide of the ignorant. 11. Custom is the plague of wise men and the idol of fools. 12. Custom makes all things easy. 13. Custom without reason is but an ancient error. 14. Every country has its custom. Sp. Por. 15. Every land has its own custom, every wheel its own spindle. 16. Follow the customs or fly the country. Dan. 17. How much of injustice and depravity is sanc- tioned by custom. Terence. 18. In each country, its custom. Don Quixote. 19. It is a custom More honored in the breach than the observ- ance. Shaks. 20. National customs are national honors. Dan. 21. Old custom without truth is but an old error. 206 CUT-PURSE.-DAINTIES.-DAM.-DAMAGE. 22. Once an use and ever a custom. 23. Once is no custom. Fr., Dutch. Ital., Ger. 24. So many countries, so many customs. 25. The empire of custom is most mighty. Syrus. 26. Tyrant custom makes a slave of reason. Cut-purse. 1. A cut-purse is a sure trade, for he hath ready money when his work is done. D. Dainties. 1. Who dainties love shall beggars prove. over. Dam. 1. Where the dam is lowest the water first runs Damage. 1. Damage suffered makes you wise (or know- ing), but seldom rich. Dancer, Dancing. Dan. I. A man dances all the same though he may dance against his will. Dan. 2. A pair of light shoes is not all that is wanting for dancing. 3. Either dance well or quit the ball-room. Dan. M. Greek. 4. Every one dances as he has friends in the ball-room. Por. 5. He who dances well goes from wedding to wedding. Sp. DANGER. 207 6. I will make him dance without a pipe. 7. If the bear will learn to dance he must go to school early. Ger. 8. If we pay for the music, we will join in the dance. Fr., Ger. 9. It is no child's play when an old woman dances. Ger., Dan. 10. It is good dancing on another man's floor. Dutch. II. Mary was fond of dancing and got a fiddler for her husband. M. Greek. 12. More belongs to dancing than a pair of dancing shoes. 13. No longer pipe no longer dance. 14. Not every one that dances is glad. Dutch. Fr. 15. The next time ye dance ken wha ye take by the hand. 16. The willing dancer is easily played to. Servian. 17. They love dancing well that dance among thorns. 18. 'Tis safer to dance after a fiddle than a drum, though not so honorable. Fielding. 19. To dance to every man's pipe or whistle. 20. When the crane attempts to dance with the horse she gets broken bones. Dan. 21. When you go to dance, take heed whom you take by the hand. Danger. 1. A common danger produces unanimity. Dan. Lat. 208 DANGER. 2. A danger foreseen is half avoided. 3. Better face a danger once than be always in fear. 4. Better pass a danger once than be always in fear. 5. By a divine instinct men's minds mistrust en- suing danger. Shaks. 6. Danger and delight grow on one stalk. 7. Danger comes sooner when despised. Latin. 8. Danger is next neighbor to security. 9. Dangers are overcome by dangers. 10. Dangers precede victories. Maga. 11. Every man is bound by his duty to fly from a danger that threatens his life. Sir Walter Raleigh. 12. For danger levels man and brute, And all are fellows in their need. 13. Great dangers give also great honors. Byron. M. Greek. 14. He is safe from danger who is on his guard even when safe. Syrus. 15. He that always fears danger alway feels it. 16. He that seeks danger perisheth therein un- pitied. 17. He who turns aside avoids danger. Fr. 18. It is a dangerous thing to dig pits for other folks. 19. One danger is seldom overcome without an- other. 20. The danger past and God forgotten. 21. The danger past and the saint cheated. Ital. DARING.-DARKNESS.-Daughter. 209 22. The habitation of danger is on the borders of security. Arabian. 23. Think of thy deliverance as well as of thy danger. 24. Without danger, danger cannot be sur- mounted. Syrus. Daring. 1. I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares do more is none. 2. Letting I dare not wait upon I would, Shaks. Shaks. West Indian Negro. Like the poor cat in the adage. Darkness. 1. Darkness has no shame. 2. He who gropes in the dark finds what he would not. Daughter. 1. A daughter is an embarrassing and ticklish possession. Menander. 2. A daughter married is a daughter alienated. Sp. 3. A house filled with daughters is a cellar full of sour beer. 4. Alas! another daughter is born to you. 5. As the mother so the daughter. Dutch. Sp Ger. 6. Between promising and performing a man may marry his daughter. 7. Daughters and dead fish are no keeping wares. 8. Daughters are easy to rear but hard to marry. Ger. 14 210 DAUGHTER. 9. Daughters are brittle ware. 10. Daughters can never take too much care of their fathers. 11. Daughters may be seen but not heard. Plautus. Dutch. 12. Dominies come for your wine and officers for your daughters. 13. He who has daughters is always a shepherd. Sp. 14. He who has daughters to marry let him give them silk to spin. Sp. 15. If thy daughter be marriageable, set thy ser- vant free and give her to him in marriage. 16. It is harder to marry a daughter well than to bring her up well. Latin. 17. Judge of the daughter by the mother. 18. My son is my son, till he hath got him a wife, But my daughter's my daughter all the days of her life. 19. One daughter helps to marry the other. Ital. 20. Three daughters and a mother, four devils for the father. Sp. 21. Three dear years will raise a baker's daugh- ter to a portion. 22. When a good offer comes for your daughter don't wait till her father returns from market. Sp. 23. Whoever does not beat his daughters, wil one day strike his knees in vain. Turk. 24. Would you know your daughter see her in company. DAUGHTER-IN-LAW.-DAY. 211 Daughter-in-law. 1. A clever daughter-in-law cannot cook without ice. Chinese. 2. As long as I was a daughter-in-law, I never had a good mother-in-law, and as long as I was a mother-in-law, I never had a good daughter-in-law. Sp. 3. Daughter-in-law hates mother-in-law. Ger. 4. I say it to you, daughter, hear it, daughter-in- law. Ital., Sp. 5. I see by my daughter-in-law's eyes when the devil takes hold of her. Gallician. 6. My daughter-in-law tucked up her sleeves and upset the kettle into the fire. Day. 1. A bad day never had a good night. 2. A day after the fair. Sp. 3. A day that is not thine own do not reckon it as of thy life. Arabian. 4. A day to come shows longer than a year that's gone. 5. A fast-day is the eve of a feast-day. Sp. 6. A single day grants what a whole year denies. Dutch. 7. Every day a thread makes a skein a year. Dutch. 8. Every day brings a new light. 9. Every day cannot be a feast of lanterns. Chinese. 212 DAY. 10. Every day hath its night, every weal its woe. 11. Every day is not a holiday. Ital., Dutch. 12. Every day in thy life is a leaf in thy history. 13. Everything may be bought except day and night. Fr. 14. He never broke his hour who kept his day. 15. He that passeth a winter's day escapes an en- emy. 16. In the evening one may praise the day. Ger. 17. Make the night night, and the day day, And you will live pleasantly. 18. Many seek good nights and lose good days. 19. No day but has its evening. 20. No day is wholly productive of evil. 21. No day passes without some grief. Sp. Dutch. Fr., Ital. Latin. 22. No day should pass without something being done. Latin. 23. One of these days is none of these days. 24. One day is as good as two to him who does everything in its place. Fr. 25. Open your door to a fine day, but make your- self ready for a foul one. 26. Seize the present day, giving no credit to the succeeding ones. Horace. 27. Seven hours to sleep, to healthful labor seven, Ten to the world and all to heaven. 28. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. 29. The better the day the better the deed. Bible. Fr., Sp.. Por. TO-DAY. 213 • 30. The day has eyes, the night has ears. 31. The day is never so holy that the pot refuses to boil. Dan. 32. The day is short and the work is much. 33. The day sees the workmanship of the night and laughs. M. Greek. 34. The day that 'succeeds the downfall of a ty- rant is always the best. Curtius Montanus. 35. The day that you do a good thing there will be seven new moons. 36. The days follow each other and are not alike. 37. The longest day must have an end. 38. The longest day is sure to have its night. 39. The longest day soon comes to an end. Fr. Pliny the Younger. Por. Seneca. 40. There is no day without its night. 41. There is no day without sorrow. 42. They had ne'er an ill day, that had a gude e'en. 43. What a day may bring a day may take away. To-day. 1. Be wise to-day, 'tis madness to defer. Young. 2. Happy the man and happy he alone, Who can call to-day his own. Dryden. 3. To-day is yesterday's pupil. 4. To-day's egg is better than to-morrow's hen. Turk 214 TO-DAY, TO-MORROW. To-day, To-morrow. 1. Better have an egg to-day than a hen to- morrow. Ital. 2. Enjoy to-day, for to-morrow the first gray hairs may come. Punch. 3. Have you somewhat to do to-morrow, do it to-day. Franklin. 4. He who falls to-day may rise to-morrow. Don Quixote. 5. If things look badly to-day, they may look better to-morrow. 6. If to-day will not, to-morrow may. 7. It is better to have a hen to-morrow than an egg to-day. 8. Never defer till to morrow that which you can do to-day. 9. One hour to-day is worth two to-morrow. 10. One to-day is worth two to-morrows. Ger. II. Rather the egg to-day than the hen to-morrow. Dan. 12. To-day me, to-morrow thee. 13. To-day must borrow nothing of to-morrow. Ger. 14. To-day's sorrows will bring not to-morrow. Dutch. 15. To-morrow's remedy will not ward off the evil of to-day. 16. Use not to-day what to-morrow may want. Sp. Ancient Brahmin. TO-MORROW.—YESTERDay.—Deaf. 215 17. What is wrong to-day won't be right to- morrow. Dutch. 18. What one loses to-day one may gain to- Don Quixote. morrow. 19. What's my turn to-day, may be thine to- morrow. 20. You saddle to-day and ride out to-morrow. To-morrow. 1. Bad to care no more than for to-morrow. 2. Every to-morrow brings its bread. Fr. 3. From to-morrow to to-morrow time goes a long journey. Fr. 4. It may be a fire-to-morrow it will be ashes. Arabian. 5. Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we shall Bible. die. 6. No one has ever seen to-morrow. 7. To-morrow comes never. 8. To-morrow is never. Arabian. 9. To-morrow morning I found a horse-shoe. 10. To-morrow to fresh fields and pastures new. II. To-morrow's sun to thee may never rise. Yesterday. 1. No man can call back yesterday. Congreve. 2. Each day is the scholar of yesterday. Syrus. Deaf. 1. A deaf auditor makes a crazy answerer. Dan. 2. Deaf men are quick-eyed and distrustful. 216 DEALER.-Death. 3. Deaf men go away with the injury. 4. None so deaf as those who won't hear. Fr., Ital., Sp., Dan. Dealer. 1. A dealer in onions is a good judge of scullions. Fr. 2. A dealer in rubbish sounds the praise of rub- bish. Death. 1. A dead man does not make war. 2. A dead man does not speak. Latin. Ital. Por. 3. A dead man has neither relations nor friends. 4. A dead mouse feels no cold. Fr. 5. A death-bed's a detector of the heart. Young. 6. A fly, a grape stone, or a hair can kill. Pope. 7. A man has learned much, who has learned how to die. 8. A sudden death is the best. 9. All death is sudden to the unprepared. Ger. Cæsar. Ger 10. All men are born richer than they die. 11. An escape from death is worth more than the prayers of good men. Don Quixote. 12. An honorable death is better than an inglori- ous life. 13. As dead as a door nail. 14. As dead as a herring. Socrates. 15. As soon as man expert from time has found the key of life, it opes the gates of death. Young. 16. As soon as man is born he begins to die. Ger. DEATH. 217 17. As soon dies the calf as the cow. Fr. 18. As soon goes the lamb's skin to market as the old ewes.' 19. Be still prepared for death, and death or life shall thereby be the sweeter. Shaks. 20. Better once dead than all the time suffering in need. Ger. 21. But kings and mightiest potentates must die; For that's the end of human misery. Shaks. 22. Charon waits for all. 23. Come soon or late death's undetermined day, This mortal being only can decay. 24. Dead dogs don't bite. 25. Dead folks can't bite. 26. Dead men do not bite. 27. Dead men pay no surgeons. 28. Dead men tell no tales. Ovid. Ger., Dutch. Theoditus. Fielding. 29. Death foreseen, never comes. 30. Death always comes too early or too late. Ital. Maga. 31. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Job. 32. Death and love are two wings which bear men from earth to heaven. Michael Angelo. 33. Death defies the doctor. 34. Death devours lambs as well as sheep. Dan. 35. Death does not blow a trumpet. 36. Death has a thousand doors to let out life. Massinger. 37. Death hath nothing terrible in it, but what life hath made so. 218 DEATH. 38. Death is a black camel that kneels at every man's gate. 39. Death is but what the haughty brave, The weak must bear, the wretch must crave. 40. Death is in the pot. Byron. Dutch. 41. Death is most unfortunate in prosperity. (Esop however says it is then most happy to good men.) Plutarch. 42. Death is never premature except to those who die without virtue. Fr. 43. Death is shameful in flight, glorious in vic- tory. 44. Death is the grand leveller. 45. Death keeps no calendar. Cicero. 46. Death meets us everywhere. 47. Death opens the gate to good fame and ex- tinguishes envy. Byron. 48. Death rather frees us from ills than robs us of our goods. 49. Death's but a path that must be trod, If man would ever pass to God. 50. Death's-day is doom's-day. Parnell. 51. Death says to the man with his throat cut, "How ugly thou art." (Hypocrisy.) 52. Death spares neither pope nor beggar. 53. Death to the wolf is life to the lamb. 54. Death to us-liberty. Sp. Caucasian battle cry. 55. Death will hear of no excuse. Euripides. 56. Deep swimmers and high climbers seldom die in their beds. Dutch. 1 219 DEATH. 57. Do not speak ill of the dead, but deem them sacred who have gone into the immortal state. Ancients. 58. Dread thought, that all the work man's life can have Is but to bear his coffin tow'r'd his grave. 59. Every one must pay his debt to nature. Ger. 60. Feign death and the bull will leave you. Por. 61. Few have luck, all have death. 62. Golden lads and girls, all must As chimney-sweepers come to dust. 63. Great body, great grave. Dan. Shaks. Ger. 64. He dies like a beast who has done no good while he lived. 65. He hath lived ill that knows not how to die well. 66. He hauls at a long rope that expects another's death. Ital. 67. He should wear iron shoes that bides his neighbor's death. 68. He that died half a year ago is as dead as Adam. 69. He that dies pays all debts. Shaks. 70. He that dies this year is quit of the next. Shaks. 71. He that dies troubles his parents but once, but he that lives ill torments them perpetually. 72. He that waits for dead men's shoes may go long enough barefoot. 73. He waits long that waits for another man's death. Dutch. 220 DEATH. 74. He who dies not in his twenty-third year, drowns not in his twenty-fourth, is not twenty-fifth, may boast of good days. 75. He who waits for a dead man's danger of going barefoot. slain in his Dutch. shoes is in Fr., Dan. 76. He whom the gods love dies young. Plautus. 77. He would be a good one to send for death. 78. Heaven gives its favorites an early death. Ital. Byron. 79. His candle burns within the socket. 80. How wise in God to place death at the end of Ger. life. 81. I know of nobody that has a mind to die this year. 82. If death be terrible the fault is not in death, but thee. 83. If you want to be dead wash your head and go to bed. 84. It is a lightning before death. Sp. 85. It is as natural to die as to be born, 86. It is better to die an honest death than to live an infamous life. Petrarch. 87. It is better to die once than to live always in fear of death. Cæsar. 88. It is better to die with honor than to live in infamy. Agricola. 89. It is hard even to the most miserable to die. 90. It takes four living men to carry one 、dead man out of the house. Ital. 91. Julius Cæsar lived in the midst of combats DEATH, 221 and died in the midst of the Senate. Turkish Spy. Solon. Ital. 92. Keep thine eye fixed on the end of life. 93. Me dead, the world is dead. 94. Men fear death as children to go in the dark. 95. Never say die, 96. No priority among the dead. 97. Noble spirits war not with the dead. Byron. 98. Of the great and of the dead, either speak well or say nothing. Ital. 99. Pale death knocks at the cottage and the palace with an impartial hand. Horace. 100. She is good and honored who is dead and buried. Sp. 101. Six feet of earth makes all men equal. 102. The actions of a dying man are void of dis- guise. Turkish Spy. 103. The bitterness of death must be tasted by him who is to appreciate the sweetness of deliver- ance. • Maga 104. The dead and absent have no friends. 105. The dead are soon forgotten. 106. The dead cannot defend, therefore speak well of the dead. 107. The dead man is unenvied. Latin. M. Greek. 108. The dead open the eyes of the living. Por 109. The evening praises the day, death the life. 110. The first breath is the beginning of death. Ger. III. The greatest business of life is to prepare for death. 222 DEATH. 112. The heathen looked on death without fear, the Christian exulted. 113. The quiet haven of us all. Bulwer. Wordsworth. 114. The road of death must be travelled by all. Horace. Shaks. 115. The sight of death is as a bell that warns old age to a sepulchre. 116. The sun and death are two things we cannot stare in the face. 117. The world's an inn and death the journey's end. Dryden. 118. There is no medicine against death. 119. There is no remedy for all evils but death. 120. They never fail who die in a great cause. 121. They that live longest must die at last. 122. Time goes, death comes. Byron. Dutch, Ger. 123. 'Tis ours to bear, not judge the dead. 124. To die is nothing: 'tis but parting with a moun- tain of vexation. Massinger. 125. To die is the fate of man, but to live with lin- gering anguish is generally his folly. Rambler, 126. To insult the dead is cruel and unjust. Homer. 127. To live in the hearts we leave behind us is not to die. 128. To wrestle with ghosts; i.e., to speak ill of the dead. Latin. 129. Until death there is no knowing what may be- fall. Ital. DEBASED.-DEBT. 223 130. We die as we live. Turk. 131. We had better die at once than to live con- stantly in fear of death. Dion. Hood 132. When he's forsaken-withered and shaken, What can an old man do but die. 133. When I'm dead everybody's dead and the pig too. Ital. 134. When one is dead it is for a long time. Fr 135. When you die even your tomb shall be com- fortable. Russian. 136. When you die your trumpeter will be buried. 137. Who dies in youth and vigor dies the best. Homer. 138. Who thinks often of death does nothing wor- thy of life. Debased. 1. I had rather die than be debased. Ital. Latin. Debt. 1. A hog upon trust grunts till he's paid for. 2. A hundred wagonfuls of sorrow will not pay a handful of debt. Ital. 3. A hundred years of regret pay not a farthing of debt. 4. enemy. Fr., Ger. A light debt makes a debtor; a heavy one an 5. A loan should come laughing home. Ital. Sp. 6. A man in debt is stoned every year. 7. A pound of care will not pay an ounce of debt. 8. A shut mouth incurs no debt. Gaelic 224 DEBT. 9. A sick man sleeps but not a debtor. Sp. 10. A small debt makes a debtor; a heavy one an enemy. Syrus. 11. A thrush paid for is better than a turkey owing for. 12. Afttimes the cautioner pays the debt. 13. Better a coarse coat for a gulden than a fine one in debt. Ger. 14. Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt. 15. Debt hath a small beginning but a giant's growth and strength. 16. Debt is an evil conscience. 17. Debt is a bitter slavery to the free born. Bea. Syrus. 18. Debt is the prolific mother of folly and crime. 19. Debt is the worst poverty. Bea. 20. Debts turn freemen into slaves. Greek. 21. Happy is the man who is out of debt. Latin. 22. He cannot pay his debts. Literal: If I kill him he has no skin, if I scrape him he has no flesh. Chinese. 23. He has but a short Lent who must pay money at Easter. 24. He that gets out of debt grows rich. 25. He that has one hundred and one and owes one hundred and two the Lord have mercy on him. 26. He who gets out of debt enriches himself. Fr. 27. He who is without debt is without credit. Ital. DEBT 225 28. He who owes nothing fears not the sheriff's officer. 29. He who oweth is all in the wrong. Latin. 30. He who pledges or promises runs in debt. Sp. 31. How happy is he that owes nothing but to himself. 32. If you pay what you owe, what you're worth you'll know. Sp. 33. It is better to pay and have but little left, than to have much and be always in debt. 34. Keep out of debt. 35. O' ill debtors men get aiths. 36. Of bad debtors you may take spoilt herrings. 37. Out of debt, out of danger. Dan. 38. Rather check your appetite than get in debt, and though penniless be patient. Chinese. 39. Rather go to bed supperless than rise in debt. 40. Say nothing of my debts unless you mean to pay them. 41. Sins and debts are always more than we think them to be. 42. The debts go to the next heir. Ger. 43. The second vice is lying, the first being that of owing money. 44. Who lives on the score has shame evermore. 45. Who pays a debt creates capital. 46. Without debt, without care. Fr. Ital Ital. • 15 226 Debtor.—Decay.—Deceit, Deceiver. Debtor. 1. A debtor does not get angry. Accra. 2. A debtor gets twice angry, i.e., when he is dunned and when he has to pay. 3. From a bad debtor even a bag of straw is worth having. M. Greek. 4. Early to rise and late to bed, lifts again the debtor's head. 5. Happy is he who owes nothing. Ger Greek. M. Greek. 6. The bad debtor neither denies nor pays. Decay. 1. All that rises sets, and everything which grows decays. 2. Decay's effacing fingers Have sought the lines where beauty lingers. Deceit, Deceiver. 1. Deceit and treachery make no man rich. 2. Deceit is in haste, but honesty can wait a fair leisure. 3. Deceiving a deceiver is no knavery. 4. He that accomplishes his ends by deceit shall render up his soul with anguish. Turk. 5. If a man deceive me once.shame on him, if he deceive me twice shame on me. 6. It is an ill thing to be deceived, but worse to deceive. 7. It is my own fault if I am deceived by the same man twice DECIDING, DECISION. 227 8. Know how to deceive, do not deceive. M. Greek 9. Men are never so easily deceived as while they are endeavoring to deceive others. Rochefoucauld Io. No deceit like the world's. II. Nothing is more easy than to deceive our selves, as our affections are subtle persuaders. Demosthenes. 12. Oh! what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive. 13. One deceit brings on another. 14. The wretch that often has deceived, Though truth he speaks is ne'er believed. Phaedrus. 15. There is a twofold pleasure in deceiving the deceiver. 16. There is no deceit in a brimmer. 17. There is no deceit in a bag pudding. 18. Who has deceived thee as often as thyself? Franklin. 19. Who will not be deceived must have as many eyes as hairs on his head. Deciding, Decision. Ger. 1. Decision destroys suspense and suspense is the charm of existence. 2. Those that are quick to decide are unsafe. Bea. Greek, 3. Who shall decide when doctors disagree. 4. Who shall decide when doctors disagree? Punch, who decides neither shall have fee. Punch 228 DECORUM.-Deeds. 5. We ought to weigh well what we can only once decide. Decorum. Syrus. 1. Observe decorum even in your sport. Latin. Deeds. 1. A deed done has an end. 2. A good deed bears a blessing for its fruit. Ital. Hans Andersen. 3. Blessings ever wait on virtuous deeds. Congreve. 4. Deeds are fruits, words are leaves. 5. Deeds are love and not sweet words (or fine phrases). Sp., Por. 6. Deeds are males and words are but females. 7. Deeds, not words. Beaumont and Fletcher, 8. Good deeds are ever in themselves rewarded. Massinger. 9. Good deeds remain, all things else perish. 10. Great deeds are reserved for great men. 11. Great soul, great deeds. •Don Quixote. Ger. 12. He who is scared by words has no heart for deeds. Dan. 13. How much more safe the good than evil deed. 14. Ill deeds are doubled with an evil word. Homer. Shaks. 15. Immodest deeds you hinder to be wrought, But we proscribe the least immodest thought. Dryden. 16. 'Tis deeds must win the prize. Shaks. Defects.-Defence.-Defer, Deferred.-DefianCE. 229 Defects. 1. They know not their own defects who search for the defects of others. day. Defence. I. A combined defence is the safest. Sanscrit. 2. Millions for defence, not one cent for tribute. Defer, Deferred. 1. Defer not till to-morrow to be wise, To-morrow's sun to thee may never rise. Congreve. 2. Defer not till to-morrow what may be done to- 3. Deferred is not annulled. 4. What is deferred is not lost. Defiance. 1. Defiance provokes an enemy. Defile. I. It is the narrowest part of the defile that the valley begins to open. Persian. 2. Should you a cistern with rose-water fill, A dead dog would defile it still. Oriental Deformity. 1. A deformed body may have a beautiful soul, 2. We hug deformities if they bear our name. Delay. 1. A delay is better than a disaster. Glanville. 2. All delay is irksome but it teaches us wisdom. 3. All is not lost that is delayed Syrus. 230 Deliberate, DELIBERATION.-Delights. 4. Away with delay! it always injures those that are prepared. Lucan. 5. Away with delay! the chance of great fortune is short-lived. Silius Atticus. 6. Delays are dangerous but they make things sure. 7. Delays have dangerous ends. Shaks. 8. Delays increase desires and sometimes ex- tinguish them. 9. Good is the delay which makes sure. Por. 10. He who delays, gathers. Sp. 11. That is a wise delay which makes the road safe. 12. The Roman conquered by delay. 13. There is danger in delay. Latin. Syrus. 14. To deliberate about useful things is the safest of all delay. 15. We hate delay and yet it makes us wise. 16. What reason could not avoid has often been cured by delay. Deliberate, Deliberation. Seneca. 1. Deliberate before you begin, then execute with vigor. 2. Deliberate slowly, execute promptly. 3. Deliberation is not delaying. Delights. Sallust. 1. All unwarrantable delights have an ill fare- well. Demagogues.-Demand.-DenialS.-DEPENDENCE. 231 Demagogues. 1. Demagogues try to keep their feet in both stirrups. Hindoo. 2. The demagogue's pride licks the dust. Demand. 1. To a hasty demand a leisurely reply. Denials. 1. Denials make little faults great. 2. He who denies all confesses all. Dependence. 1. Dependence is a poor trade. Ital., Sp., 2. Disdain the bitter bread of dependence. C. C. Baldwin's Moral Maxims. 3. He who depends on another dines ill and sups worse. 4. He who is fed by another's hand seldom gets enough. Dan. 5. He who relies but on another's table is apt to dine late. Ital. 6. Who dangles after the great is the last at table and the first to be cuffed. Ital. Deprivation. 1. There is nothing like deprivation to excite content and gratitude for small mercies. Descent. Sp. 1. No man is a thousand descents from Adam. 2. No one can disguise family descent. Hooker. Hans Andersen. 232 DESERT.-DESERTER.-DESIRE. Desert. 1. Use every man after his desert and who should escape whipping? Deserter. Shaks. 1. His shield is turned the wrong way. Kaffir Desire. 1. All men desire three things, honor, riches, pleasure 2. Desire beautifies what is ugly. 3. Desire nothing that would bring disgrace. 4. Desires are nourished by delays. Sp. 5. Examine well the counsels that favor your desires. 6. First deserve, then desire. 7. He that desires but little has no need of much. 8. He who desires to see, desires also to be seen. Don Quixote. 9. If your desires be endless your cares will be so too. 10. It is easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow it. 11. Lack of desire is the greatest of riches. 12. No one can have all he desires. Franklin, Seneca. Seneca. 13. Our desires may undo us. 14. They that desire but few things can be crossed but in few. 15. What is much desired is not believed when it comes. Sp. DESPAIR.-DESPISING, 233 16. You had better return home and make a net than go down to the river and desire to get fishes. Chinese. 17. You have a desire to do whatever you see others doing. Despair. 1. Despair defies even despotism. 2. Despair gives courage to a coward. Chinese. Byron. 3. Despair hath ruined some, but presumption multitudes. 4. Despair is the conclusion of fools. Bea. 5. It is the nature of despair to blind us to all means of safety. Fielding. 6. Let us not throw the rope after the bucket. 7. To throw the halter after the ass. Don Quixote. Ital. Ital. 8. To throw the helve after the hatchet. Fr., Sp. 9. To throw the rope after the bucket. 10. To throw the house out of the windows. II. To what purpose should a person throw him- self into the water before the bark is going to be cast away? Despising. Chinese. 1. A man must make himself despicable before he is despised by others. Chinese. 2. Despise not a small wound, a poor kinsman, or a humble enemy. 3. Despise school and remain a fool. Dan. 4. Despise your enemy and you will soon be beaten. Por 234 DESPOT.-DESTINY.-DETERMINATION. 5. Do not despise an insignificant enemy nor a slight wound. ers. 6. Do not despise your inferior. Ger. Fielding. 7. None so despicable as those who despise oth- Despot. Fielding. 1. The despot's smile is the hope of fortune and his frown the messenger of death. Gibbon. 2. The despot uproots the tree, the wiser master only prunes off the superfluities. Alphonso X. Destiny. 1. As each goes on his way, destiny accompanies him. Tamil. 2. Destiny leads the willing but drags the un- willing. 3. He must stand high who would see the end of his own destiny. 4. It is wise to submit to destiny. Dan. Chinese. 5. One meets his destiny often in the road he takes to avoid it. 6. That which must be will be. 7. There is no contending against destiny. 8. What will be, will be. La Fontaine. Dan. Massinger. Ital. Turkish Spy. 9. Who can unravel the web of destiny? act. Determination 1. To him who is determined it remains only to Ital. DETESTING.-DETRACTOR.-DEVIL. 235 Detesting. 1. Men love in haste, but they detest at leisure. Detractor. Byron. I. A detractor is his own foe and the world's en- emy. 2. Detraction is a weed that only grows on dung- hills. 3. Where curiosity is not the purveyor detrac- tion will soon be starved. in. Devil. 1. A customary railer is the devil's bagpipe. 2. As good eat the devil as the broth he is boiled 3. At the end of the play the devil waits. Ger. 4. Away goes the devil when he finds the door shut against him. 5. Call not the devil, he will come fast enough unbidden. Dan. 6. Cast a bone in the devil's teeth and it will save you. 7. Devils must be driven out with devils. 8. Devil's play and wine will together. Ger. Ger. 9. Do not make two devils of one. Fr. 10. Don't mention the cross to the devil. Ital. 11. Don't tell the devil too much of your mind. 12. Even the devil has rights. Ger. 13. From a closed door the devil turns away. Por 14. Give even the devil his due. 236 DEVIL. 15. Give the devil a finger and he'll take the whole hand. 16. Give the devil rope enough and he'll hang himself. 17. Great cry and little wool, quoth the devil when he sheared his hogs. 18. He had need of a long spoon that supped with the devil. 19. He is good as long as he is pleased and so is the devil. 20. He is not so much of a devil as he is black. Fr. 21. He knows one point more than the devil. 22. He knows where the devil carries his tail. Ital. 23. He must be a clever host that would take the devil into his hostelry. Dan. 24. He must be ill favored who scares the devil. Dan. 25. He must cry loud who would scare the devil. Dan. 26. He must have iron fingers who would flay the devil. Dan 27. He must needs go whom the devil drives. 28. He needs a long spoon that would eat out of the same dish with the devil. Dan. 29. He that has swallowed the devil may swallow his horns. Ital. 30. He that hath the devil on his neck must find him work. Dutch. DEVIL. 237 31. He that is afraid of the devil does not grow rich. Ital 32. He that is embarked with the devil must sail with him. Dutch. 33. He that shippeth the devil must make the best of him. 34. He that takes the devil in his boat must carry him over the sound. 35. He that the devil drives, feels no lead at his heels. 36. He that worketh journey-work with the devil shall never want work. 37. He who has once invited the devil into his house will never be rid of him. Ger. 38. Ill doth the devil preserve his servants. 39. It costs the devil little trouble to catch a lazy man. 40. It is a sin to belie the devil. Ger. 41. It is an ill battle where the devil carries the colors. 42. It is an ill procession where the devil holds the candle. 43. It is easy to bid the devil be your guest, but difficult to get rid of him. Dan. 44. It is good sometimes to hold a candle to the devil. 45. It is not for nothing the devil lays down in the ditch. Dan. 46. Let the devil get into the church and he will mount the altar. Ger. 238 DEVIL. 47. Let the devil never find you unoccupied. Latin. 48. Make not even the devil blacker than he is. 49. Needs must when the devil drives. 50. Never was hood so holy, but the devil could get his head in it. Dutch. 51. One devil does not make hell. Ital. 52. One devil drives out another. Ital. 53. One devil knows another. 54. One may understand like an angel and yet be a devil. 55. One must sometimes hold a candle to the devil. Dutch. 56. Open not your door when the devil knocks. 57. Pulling the devil by the tail does not lead far young or old. Fr. Ger. 58. Raise no more devils than you can lay. 59. Renounce the devil and thou shalt wear a shabby cloak. 60. Resist the devil and he will flee from thee. Sp. tle. New Testament. 61. Satan finds some mischief still For idle hands to do. Watts. 62. Satan now is wiser than before, And tempts by making rich, not making poor. Pope. 63. Satan's friendship reaches to the prison door. Turk. 64. Seldom lies the devil dead in a ditch. 65. Talk of the devil and you hear his bones rat- Dutch. DEVIL. 239 66. Talk of the devil and his imp appears. 67. Talk of the devil and he'll either send or come. 68. Tell everybody your business and the devil will do it for you. 69. Tell the truth and shame the devil. 70. The devil alone can cheat the Hebrew. Ital. Polish. 71. The devil always leaves a stink behind. 72. The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. Shaks. Fielding. 73. The devil cannot receive a guest more worthy of him than a slanderer. 74. The devil catches most souls in a golden net. Ger. 75. The devil divides the world between atheism and superstition. 76. The devil entangles youth with beauty, the miser with gold, the ambitious with power, the learned with false doctrine. 77. The devil gathers up curses and obscenities. Ger. 78. The devil gets into the belfry on the vicar's skirts. Sp. 79. The devil goes shares in gaming. 80. The devil has his martyrs among men. Dutch. 81. The devil had no goats yet he sold cheese. M.Greek. 82. The devil hath not in all his quiver's choice, An arrow for the heart like a sweet voice. Byron. 240 DEVIL. 83. The devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape. Shaks. 84. The devil is a busy bishop in his own diocese. 85. The devil is a most bad master. 86. The devil is always ready at hand when called for. 87. The devil is bad because he is old. Fielding. Ital. 88. The devil is civil when he is flattered. Ger. 89. The devil is fond of his own. Gallician. 90. The devil is good to some, 91. The devil is good when he is pleased. 92. The devil is in the dice. 93. The devil is master of all arts. Ger. 94. The devil is never nearer than when we are talking of him. 95. The devil is not always at a poor man's door. Fr. 96. The devil is not always at one door. 97. The devil is not in the quality of the wine but in the excess. Turkish Spy. 98. The devil is not so black (or ugly) as he is painted. Ital., Ger., Por., Dutch. 99. The devil is so fond of his son that he put out his eyes. Sp. 100. The devil is subtle yet weaves a coarse web. Ital. 101. The devil leads him by the nose, who the dice too often throws. Fr 102. The devil lies brooding in the miser's chest. 103. The devil likes to souse what is already wet. Ger. DEVIL. 241 104. The devil lurks (or sits) behind the cross. Fr., Ger., Sp., Dutch. 105. The devil may die without my inheriting his horns. Fr. 106. The devil often carries the standard of the living God. Ancient saying. 107. The devil rebukes sin. 108. The devil sleeps in my pocket: I have no cross to drive him from it. Massinger. 109. The devil take the hindmost. Spectator. 110. The devil tempts all, but the idle man tempts. the devil. III. The devil turns away from a closed door. Ital. Ital., Sp. 112. The devil was handsome when he was young. Fr. 113. The devil was sick, the devil a monk would be, The devil was well, the devil a monk was he. 114. The devil when he grows poor becomes an excise man M.Greek. 115. The devil will not come into Cornwall (Eng- land) for fear of being put into a pie. 116. The devil will play at small games rather than none at all. 117. The devil will tempt Lucifer. Ital. 118. The devil would have been a weaver but for the temple. 119. The devil's behind the glass. 120. The devil's children have the devil's luck. 121. "The devil's in the cards" said Sam, “four aces and not a single trump." 16 242 DEVIL. 122. The devil's meal turns half to bran. Fr., Ger. 123. There is no head so holy that the devil does not make a nest in it. Ger. 124. They have begun a dispute which the devil will not let them end. 125. They run fast whom the devil drives. 126. They were both equally bad and the devil put them together. 127. 'Tis an ill procession where the devil carries the cross. 128. To crow well and scrape ill is the devil's trade. 129. What is gotten over the devil's back is spent under his belly. 130. What the wind gathers, the devil scatters. (Ill come goods never stay.) M. Greek. 131. When every man gets his own the devil gets nothing. Dan. 132. When the devil finds the door shut he goes Fr., Sp. away. 133. When the devil gets into the church, he seats himself on the altar. 134. When the devil grows old he turns hermit. Dutch. Fr., Ital. Fr., Sp. 135. When the devil says his pater noster, he means to cheat you. 136. When the devil was sick he thought to be come a monk. Ger. 137. When your devil was born mine was going to schoo'. Ital DEW-DROP.-DEXTERITY.—DIAMOND. 243 138. Where none else will, the devil himself must bear the cross. 139. Where the devil cannot put his head he puts his tail. Ital. 140. Where the devil cannot go himself, he sends an old woman. Ger. Ger. 141. Who serves God is the devil's master. 142. You pious rogue, said the devil to the hermit. Ger. 143. You would be little for God, if the devil were dead. Dew-drop. 1. The law that rounds the world, the same Rounds the dew-drop's little frame. Dexterity. 1. Dexterity comes by experience. Diamond. Maga. 1. A barley corn is better than a diamond to a cock. 2. A diamond is not so precious as a tooth. Don Quixote. 3. A diamond is valuable though it lie on a dunghill. 4. A diamond with a flaw is preferable to a common stone without any imperfection. 5. A fine diamond may be ill set. 6. Diamonds cut diamonds. 7. Diamonds dart their brightest lustre From the palsy shaken head. Chinese. Wordsworth. 244 DIANA.-DICE, Dicer.—Diet.-Difference. 8. If a diamond be thrown into the mire, it is a diamond still. Diana. Turk. 1. What cares lofty Diana for the barking dog? Dice, Dicer. Latin. cast. 1. Chance is a dicer. 2. He hath not lost all who hath one throw to 3. The best cast at dice is not to play. Sp. 4. The best throw of the dice is to throw them away. 5. The die is cast. banks of the Rubicon. Cæsar's exclamation on the Diet. 1. Diet cures more than the lancet. 2. Every animal but man keeps to one dish. 3. Fresh pork and new wine, Kill a man before his time. Difference. Spectator. Sp. 1. It makes a difference whose ox is gored. Different. 1. Different people take different views. 2. Different sores must have different salves. 3. Different times, different manners. Difficulty. 1. Difficulty makes desire. 2. Difficulties give way to diligence. Ital. Diffidence.—DifFICULT.-DIFFICULTIES. DIGNITY. 245 Diffidence. 1. Diffidence is the right eye of prudence. Difficult. 1. Nothing is difficult to a willing mind. 2. Nothing so difficult but that man will accom- plish it. Horace. 3. The difficult thing is to get foot in stirrup. 4. To the brave and faithful nothing is difficult. 1 Latin. 5. What one knows not how to do is difficult, what one knows how to do is not. Difficulties. Chinese. 1. The wise and the active conquer difficulties by daring to attempt them. 2. Through difficulties to the stars. Rowe. Motto of the State of Kansas. Dignity. 1. Dignity does not consist in possessing honors but in deserving them. Aristotle. 2. The easiest way to dignity is humility. Dilemma. 1. A pond in front and a stream behind. (Be- tween two evils.) 2. A precipice in front, a wolf behind. 3. Between hawk and buzzard. 4. Between Scylla and Charybdis. 5. Between the devil and the deep sea. M. Greek. Latin. 246 DILIGENCE.-Diligent.-DINNER.-DIPLOMATISTS. 6. Between the hammer and the anvil. Ger., Dutch. 7. Flying from the bull he fell into the river. Sp. 8. I have a wolf by the ears, I can neither part with her nor keep her. Terence. 9. In avoiding Charybdis he falls into Scylla. 10. Like the boy with the bear, he couldn't hold on't and was afraid to let go. 11. To be aground on the same rock. (To be in the same dilemma.) 12. To be in the same hospital. Diligence. Latin. 1. A man diligent in business shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. Bible. 2. Diligence is the mother of good fortune. 3. Diligence is the mother of success. Don Quixote. 4. The lapse to indolence is soft and impercep- tible, but the return to diligence is difficult. Rambler. 5. To perfect diligence nothing is difficult. Diligent. 1. The diligent hand maketh rich. 2. The diligent spinner has a large shift. Chinese. Dinner. 1. A dinner lubricates business. Lord Stowell. Diplomatists. 1. Diplomatists are the Hebrews of politics. Bea. DIRT.-DISASTERS.-DISCIPLINE. 247 Dirt. 1. Dirt is the dirtiest upon the fairest spot. 2. "Dirt is my brother" says the street sweeper. 3. Dirt parts good company. 4. He that deals in dirt has aye foul fingers. Ger. 5. He that falls into the dirt the longer he lies the dirtier he is. 6. He that flings dirt at another dirtieth himself most. 7. It has been blowing hard; the dirt has been Dan. blowing into high places. 8. When dirt comes to honor it knows not what to be. Dan. 9. You stout and I stout, who shall carry the dirt out. Disasters. 1. We are the authors of our own disasters. Discipline. Latin. 1. Where there is discipline there is virtue, where there is peace there is plenty. Discontent. Dan. 1. Discontents arise from our desires oftener than from our wants. 2. The discontented man finds no easy chair. Franklin. Shaks. 3. What's more miserable than discontent? 248 DISCORD.-DISCOURSE.-DISCOVERS. Discord. 1. There stalks discord with her torn mantle. Discourse. Virgil. 1. Little discourse is gold, too much is dirt. Ger. 2. No discourse that is long can be pleasing. Don Quixote. 3. Such is the man, such is his discourse. 4. Sweet discourse makes short days and nights. 5. The discourse of men always conforms to the temper of the times. Discovers. 1. That which covers thee, discovers. Discretion. Tacitus. 1. A dram of discretion is worth a pound of wisdom. Ger. 2. An ounce of discretion is better than a pound of knowledge. wit. Ital. 3. Discretion in speech is more than eloquence. 4. One ounce of discretion is worth a pound of Diseases. 1. Diseases are the tax on ill pleasures. 2. The disease a man dreads, that he dies of. Disgrace. 1. That only is a disgrace to a man which he has deserved to suffer. Phædrus. 2. When men disgraces share, the lesser is the care. • DISHONEST.-DISHONORABLE.-DISLIKE. 249 me. Dishonest. 1. Nothing is profitable which is dishonest. Dishonorable. Cicero. 1. What is dishonorable is always dangerous. Dislike. 1. What you dislike for yourself do not like for Disputations. Sp. 1. Disputations leave truth in the middle and party at both ends. Disputing. 1. Dispute the price but don't dispute the weight. Chinese. 2. Disputing and borrowing cause grief and sor- rowing. Ger. 3. Many get into a dispute well that cannot get out well. 4. There is more disputing about the shell than the kernel. 5. There is no disputing about tastes. Ger. Sp. 6. There is no disputing against a person who • denies a principle. 7. To dispute about a donkey's shadow. Coke. Latin. 8. When two men dispute you may be sure there is a fool upon one side or the other, and the man that interferes the biggest fool. Punch. 9. Who disputes with the stupid must have sharp answers. Ger. 250 DISSEMBLERS.-DISSENSIONS.-DISTAFF.-Distance. + Dissemblers. I. Dissemblers oftener deceive themselves than others. taff. Dissensions. 1. Dissensions like small streams at first begun, Scarce seen they rise but gather as they run. Distaff. Garth. I. If it will not be spun bring it not to the dis- 2. She has other tow on her distaff. Distance. 1. The farther away from the State the louder they cry, "California pears." 2. 'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view, And robes the mountain in its azure hue. Campbell. 3. What is seen at a distance is most respected. Distrust. 1. Distrust is poison to friendship. Tacitus. 2. Distrust is the mother of safety but must keep out of sight. 3. Distrust is the mother of security. Ditch. La Fontaine. 1. At the end of the ditch the summerset. Fr. 2. It is better to leap over the ditch than trust to the pleadings of good men. Sp. DIVIDING, SHARING.-DIVINE.-Do. 251 Dividing, Sharing. 1. A Montgomery division: all on one side, none on the other. 2. He who divides gets the worst share. Sp. 3. He who shares has the worst share. Sp. 4. He who shareth honey with the bear hath the least part of it. 5. Who divides honey with the bear will be like to get the lesser share. Ital. 6. Who divides with the lion gets but little. Ger. Divine. ings. 1. It is a good divine that follows his own teach- Do. Shaks. 1. And all may do what has by man been done. Young. 2. As good do nothing as to no purpose. 3. Better to do nothing than to do ill. Pliny. 4. Command your man and do it yourself. 5. Do and undo, the day is long enough. 6. Do as little as you can to repent of. 7. Do as most men do and men will speak well of thee. 8. Do as others do and few will mock you. 9. Do as the friar saith, not as he does. 10. Do as the maids do, say no and take it. 11. Do as you're bidden and you'll never bear blame. 12. Do as you would be done by. 252 Do. 13. Do in the hole as thou wouldst do in the hall. 14. Do it well that thou mayst not do it twice. 15. Do the best and leave the rest. 16. Do the likeliest and hope the best. 17. Do thoroughly what you set about, Kill a pig, kill him out and out. Chinese. 18. Do unto others as you would others should do to you. 19. Do well and doubt nae man, do ill an' doubt a' men. 20. Do well and dread nae shame. 21. Do well and have well. 22. Do well is better than say well. 23. Do what I say well and not what I do ill. Sp. 24. Do what the friar says, not what he does. 25. Do what thou doest. Sp. (Age quod agis.) 26. Do what you consider right whatever the peo- ple think of it, despise its censure and its praise. Pythagoras. 27. Employed about many things and doing noth- ing. 28. Do what you ought come what may. Fr., Ital. 29. Do what your master bids you and sit down by him at table. Don Quixote. 30. He doth much that doth a thing well. 31. He slumbers enough who does nothing. 32. He that doth most at once doth least. 33. He that doth well wearieth not himself. Fr. 34. He that is suffered to do more than is fitting will do more than is lawful. Do. 253 35. He who cannot do always wants to do. 36. He who does as he likes has no headache. away. Ital. Ital. 37. He who does good to you either dies or goes Sp. 38. He who does no more than another is no bet- ter than another. Sp. 39. He who does nothing but sit and eat will wear away a mountain of wealth. Chinese. 40. He who does what he likes, does not what he ought. Sp. 41. He who is afraid of doing too much always does too little. Ger. 42. How many things are ill done because they are done but once. Petrarch. 43. I will do what I can and a little less to be able to continue at it. Ital. 44. If things were to be done twice, all would be wise. 45. If you would have a thing well done, do it yourself. 46. It is easier to do many things and continue than to do one thing long. Ben Jonson. 47. It is easier to know how to do a thing than to do it. Chinese. 48. No man should live in the world who has nothing to do in it. 49. No man can do nothing and no man can do everything. 50. None so busy as those who do nothing. Ger. Fr. 51. Nothing is done while something remains un- done. Fr. 254 Do. 52. Nothing is done with a leap. Bacon. 53. Once well done is better than twice ill done. Turk. 54. Overdoing is doing nothing to the purpose. 55. That is done soon enough which is well done. Fr., Ital. 56. That which a man causes to be done he does himself. 57. That which is well done is twice done. 58. The dead and only they should do nothing. 59. The thing that's done, is na to do. 60. There is a right and wrong way to do every- thing. 61. There is more trouble in having nothing to do, than in having much to do. Ital. 62. There is nothing so well done but may be mended. 63. They that do nothing learn to do ill. Fr. '64. They who cannot as they would, must do as they can. 65. To do one must be doing. Fr. 66. Well doing is the best capital. Turk. 67. Well done outlives death. Ger. 68. What is done cannot be undone. Ital., Dan 69. What is done is done for this time. Sp 70. What may be done at any time will be done at no time. 71. What you do, do quickly. Ger 72. What you do, do thoroughly. Fr. 73. What you do yourself is well done. Dan. DOCTOR (PHYSICIAN). 255 74. What you have to do, do without delay. Lit- eral: Wait until the Yellow River becomes clear and how old will you be? Chinese. 75. What you would not have done to yourselves never do unto others. Alexander Severus. 76. What's done cannot be undone. 77. What's done can't be helped. 78. Whatsoever a man findeth to do, do it with thy might. Bible. 79. Whatsoever ye would that men should do un- to you even so do unto them. Bible, 80. When a man goes out let him consider what he is to do, when he returns what he has done. Cleobulus. 81. When a thing is done make the best of it. Ger. Sp. Ital. 82. Wherever you are do as you see done. 83. Who does all he may never does well. 84. Who does no ill can have no foe. 85. Who does the best his circumstance allows, does well, acts nobly; angels could do no more. Young. 86. Who will have things done all right must be both master and servant. Doctor (Physician). 1. A broken apothecary a new doctor. Ger. 2. A disobedient patient makes an unfeeling physician. Syrus. 3. A doctor is one who kills you to-day to pre- vent you from dying to-morrow. Punch. 256 DOCTOR (PHYSICIAN). 4. A doctor's child dies not from disease but from medicine. Tamil. 5. A half doctor near is better than a whole one far away. one. 6. A loquacious doctor is successful. Ger. Tamil. 7. A lucky physician is better than a learned Ger. 8. A multitude of physicians have destroyed me. (The Emperor Adrian directed these words to be inscribed on his tomb.) 9. A new doctor, a new grave digger. Ger. 10. A physician is a man who pours drugs of which he knows little into a body of which he knows less. Voltaire. 11. A physician is an angel when employed, but a devil when one must pay him. Ger. 12. A physician is but a consoler of the mind. Petronius Arbiter. Pope. 13. A wise physician is more than armies to the public weal. 14. A wise physician never despises a distemper however inconsiderable. Fielding. 15. A young physician should have three grave- yards. .Ger. 16. An honest physician leaves his patient when he can no longer contribute to his health. Temple. 17. An ignorant doctor is no better than a mur- derer. Chinese. 18. Better wait on the cook than the doctor. 19. Bleed him, purge him and if he dies bury him. Sp., Dutch. DOCTOR (PHYSICIAN). 257 20. By medicine life may be prolonged, yet death will seize the doctor too. Shaks. 21. Do not dwell in a city whose governor is a physician. Hebrew. 22. Each physician thinks his pills the best. Ger. 23. Every man is a fool or a physician. at forty. 24. Every one ought to be his own physician. M. Greek. 25. Feed sparingly and defy the physician. 26. God healeth and the physician hath the thanks. 27. God is the restorer of health and the physi- cian puts the fee in his pocket. 28. He who has suffered is the physician. Ital. M. Greek. 29. Head cool, feet warm, make the doctor poor. 30. Herring in the land, the doctor at a stand. Ger. Dutch. 31. Honor a physician before thou hast need of him. 32. Hussars pray for war and the doctors for fever. 33. I die by the help of too many physicians. Ger. Alexander the Great. 34. If doctors fail thee be these three thy doctors: rest, cheerfulness and moderate diet. Latin. 35. If the doctor cures the sun sees it, but if he kills the earth hides it. Scotch. 36. If you have a friend who is a physician send him to the house of your enemy. Por. 17 258 DOCTOR (PHYSICIAN). 37. Little does the sick man consult his own in- terests who makes his physician his heir. Syrus. 38. Many funerals discredit a physician. Ben Jonson. 39. Most physicians as they grow greater in skill grow less in their religion. Massinger. 40. Nature, time and patience are the three great physicians. 41. New doctor-new church-yard. 42. No good doctor ever takes physic. Ger. Ital. 43. No man is a good physician who has never been sick. 44. No physician is better than three. Arabian. Ger. 45. No physician takes pleasure in the health even of his best friend. Greek Comedian. 46. One physician is better than two but three are fatal. (Homopathic globule.) 47. Physician, heal thyself. Punch. Ital., Ger. 48. Physicians alone are permitted to murder with impunity. Petrarch. 49. Physicians' faults are covered with earth and rich men's with money. 50. That city is in a bad case whose physician has the gout. Hebrew. 51. That patient is not like to recover who makes the doctor his heir. 52. The barber must be young and the physician old. Ger. 53. The best physicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merryman. DOG. 259 ** 54. The blunders of physicians are covered by the earth. Por. 55. The disobedience of the patient makes the physician seem cruel. 56. The doctor is often more to be feared than the disease. 57. The doctor seldom takes physic. Fr. Sp. 58. The earth hides as it takes the physician's mistakes. 59. The first physicians by debauch were made, Excess began and doth sustain the trade. Dryden. 60. The four best physicians, Dr. Sobriety, Dr. Jocosity, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Gold. Ger. Chinese. 61. The physician can cure the sick, but he can- not cure the dead. 62. The physician cannot drink the medicine for the patient. 63. Time is the ablest of all mental physicians. Ger. Fielding. Ger. 64. When the physician can advise the best the patient is dead. 65. When you call the physician call the judge to make your will. Ger. 66. Who has a physician has an executioner. Ger, 67. With respect to the gout, the physician is but a lout. 68. You need not doubt, you are no doctor. Dog. 1. A bad dog never sees the wolf. Geo. Herber 2. A barking dog was never a good hunter. Por 260 DOG. 3. A bashful dog never fattens. Ger. 4. A cursed cur should be short tied. 5. A cur's tail grows fast. Ital. 6. A dog has nothing to do and no time to rest. 7. Tamil. A dog in the manger, that neither eats nor lets others eat. 8. A dog is a dog whatever his color. Por. Dan. 9. A dog is never offended at being pelted with bones. 10. A dog is stout on his own dung-hill. Fr. 11. A dog knows his own master. Turk. 12. A dog may look at a bishop. Fr. 13. A dog never bit me but I had some of his hair. 14. Ital. A dog of an old dog, a colt of a young horse. (Some say, a calf of a young cow and a colt of an old horse.) 15. A dog's life, hunger and ease. 16. A dog that bites silently. traducer.) (An insidious Latin. 17. A dog will not cry if you beat him with a bone. 18. A dog with a bone knows no friend. 19. A good bone never falls to a good dog. 20. A good dog deserves a good bone. 21. A good dog hunts by instinct. 22. A good dog never barks at fault. Dutch. Fr. Fr. 23. A good hound hunts by kind. Fr. 24. A hair of the dog cures the bite. Ital. DOG. * 261 25. A hunting dog will at last die a violent death. Chinese. 26. A kitchen dog was never good for the chase. Ital. Sp. 27. A lean dog gets nothing but fleas. 28. A man may provoke his own dog to bite him. 29. A man's best friend is his dog, better even than his wife. Esquimaux. 30. A man who wants to drown his dog says he is mad. Fr. 31. A mastiff groweth the fiercer for being tied up. it. Fr. 32. A mischievous cur must be tied short. 33. A schock dog is starved and nobody believes Sp. 34. A sorry dog is not worth the whistling after. 35. A staff is quickly found to beat a dog. Shaks. 36. A stranger's care makes old the dog. 37. All bite the bitten dog. M. Greek. Por. 38. Although dogs together fight they are very soon all right. 39. An ill hound comes halting hame. Chinese. 40. An ill-tempered dog has a scarred nose. Dan. 41. An old dog biteth sore. 42. An old dog cannot alter its way of barking. 43. An old dog does not bark for nothing. Fr., Ital. 44. An old dog does not grow used to the collar. Ital. 1 262 DOG. 45. An old dog will learn no tricks. 46. A waking dog barks from afar at a sleeping lion. 47. Barking dogs don't bite. Fr., Ger., Dutch. 48. Better have a dog fawn upon you than bite you. 49. Better have a dog for your friend than your enemy. 50. Beware of a silent dog and still wåter. Dutch. Latin. 51. Beware the dog himself; his shadow does not bite. Dan. Por. 52. Beware of the dog that does not bark. 53. Brabbling curs never want sore ears. 54. By gnawing skin a dog learns to eat leather. Dan. Ger. 55. Cats and dogs do not go together without wounds. 56. Cut off the dog's tail he remains a dog. Ital. 57. Dogs are hard drove when they eat dogs. 58. Dogs bark and the wind carries it away. Russian. 59. Dogs bark as they are bred. 60. Dogs bark at those they don't know. Ital 61. Dogs begin in jest and end in earnest. 62. Dogs gnaw bones because they cannot swal- low them. 63. Dogs have more good in them than men think they have. 64. Dogs have teeth in all countries. Chinese. Sp. DOG. 263 65. Dogs love no companion in the kitchen. Latin. 66. Dogs never go into mourning when a horse dies. 67. Dogs ought to bark before they bite. 68. Dogs that hunt foulest scent the most faults. 69. Dogs that put up many hares kill none. 70. Dogs wag their tails not so much to you as your bread. 71. Do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail. 72. Dumb dogs and still water are dangerous. Ital. Ger. 73. Every dog hath its day, and every man his hour. 74. Every dog is a lion at home. 75. Every dog is not a lion at home. Ital. 76. Flesh never stands so high but a dog will ven- ture his legs for it. 77. Give a dog an ill name and you may as well hang him. 78. Have a care of a silent dog and still water. 79. He fells twa dogs wi' ae stane. 80. He is as good a Catholic as Duke Alva's dog who ate flesh in Lent. 81. He that is bitten by a dog must apply some of its hair. Dutch. 82. He that keeps another man's dog shall have nothing left him but the line. 83. He that pelts every barking dog, must pick up a great many stones. 264 DOG. 84. He that wants to beat a dog is sure to find a stick. Ital. 85. He that wants to hang a dog is sure to find a Dan. 86. He that wants to hang a dog says it bites the sheep. Dan. rope. 87. He that would hang his dog gives out at first that he is mad. 88. He who has loaves has dogs. Ital. 89. He who has not bread to spare should not keep a dog. Sp. 90. He who would buy a sausage of a dog must give him bacon in exchange. Dan. 91. Hold your dog in readiness before you start your hare. Dutch. 92. Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings. 93. I had rather be a dog and bay the moon, Than such a Roman. Shaks. 94. I will never keep a dog to bite me. 95. “I will not bite any dog" says the shepherd's dog, "for I must save my teeth for the wolf." Ger. 96. I will not keep a dog and bark myself. 97. If the bitch were not in such haste she would not litter blind puppies. Ger. 98. If the dog bark go in, if the bitch bark go out. 99. If the old dog bark he gives counsel. 100. If you eat a pudding at home your dog shall have the skin. 101. If you would have the dog follow you, you must give him bread. Sp., Dutch. DOG. 265 102. In the mouth of a bad dog falls many a good bone. 103. It grieveth one dog that another goeth into the kitchen. Dutch. 104. It is a good dog that can catch anything. 105. It is a hard winter when dog eats dog. 106. It is all one whether you are bit by a dog or a bitch. 107. It is an ill dog that deserves not a crust. 108. It is bad coursing with unwilling hounds. Fr. Dutch. 109. It is bad for puppies to play with cub bears. Dan. 110. It is easy robbing when the dog is quieted. III. It is easy to find a stick to beat a dog. Ital. Ital., Dutch. 112. It is ill to waken sleeping dogs. 113. It is the nature of the greyhound to carry a long tail. Ital. 114. Let a dog get a dish of honey and he will jump in with both legs. 115. Let the dog bark so he does not bite me. Sp. 116. Like dogs that snarl about a bone And play together when they've none. Butler. 117. Little dogs start the hare but great ones catch. 118. Mad dogs get their coats torn. Dan. 119. Make the dog your companion but hold fast your staff. M. Greek. 266 DOG. 120. Many dogs are the death of the hare. 121. Many dogs soon eat up a horse. Dan. 122. Many ways to kill a dog besides hanging him. 123. Mastiff never liked greyhound. Fr. 124. Never yet the dog our country fed, Betrayed the kindness or forgot the bread. Bulwer. 125. No mad dog runs seven years. Bulwer. 126. Not every dog that barks bites. Fr. 127. Old dogs bark not for nothing. 128. One dog growls to see another go into the kitchen. Ger. 129. One must talk soothingly to the dog until he has passed him. Fr. 130. On finding a stone we see no dog, on seeing a dog we find no stone, Tamil. Latin. Fr. 131. Quarrelling dogs come halting home. 132. Rear dogs and wolf cubs to rend you. 133. Snarling curs never want sore ears. 134. Spaniels that fawn when beaten will never forsake their master. 135. Stones or bread—one must have something in hand for the dogs. Ital. 136. That dog barks more out of custom than care of the house. 137. The best dog leaps the stile first. 138. The dog barks and the ox feeds. Ital. 139. The dog barks and the caravan passes. Turk. 140. The dog does not get bread every time he wags his tail. Ger. DOG. 267 141. The dog gets into the mill under cover of the ass. Ital. 142. The dog guards the night, the cock rules the morn. Chinese. 143. The dog has no aversion to a poor family. Chinese. 144. The dog in his kennel barks at his fleas, the dog that hunts does not feel them. Chinese. 145. The dog rages at the stone, not at him who throws it. Ger. 146. The dog that starts the hare is as good as the one that catches it. Ger. 147. The dog that barks much is never good for hunting. Por. 148. The dog that bites does not bark in vain. Ital. 149. The dog that has been beaten with a stick is afraid of its shadow. Ital. 150. The dog that has his bitch in town never barks well. Sp. 151. The dog that is forced into the wood will not hunt many deer. Dan. 152. That dog that is idle never tires of running. Turk. Ital. 153. The dog that is quarrelsome and not strong, woe to his hide. 154. The dog that kills wolves is killed by wolves. Sp., Por. 155. The dog that licks ashes is not to be trusted with flour. Ital. 156. The dog wags his tail not for you but for your bread. Ital., Sp., Por. 268 DOG. 157. The dog understands his master's mood. Chinese. 158. The dog who hunts foulest hits at most faults. 159. The dog will not get free by biting his chain. 160. The dogs bite the hindermost. Dan. Ger. Dan. 161. The dog's kennel is not a place to keep a sausage. 162. The flitch hangs never so high but a dog will look out for a bone. 163. The gardener's dog is neither full nor hungry. Dan. Sp. 164. The greyhound that starts many hares kills none. Sp., Por. 165. The hair of the dog is good for his bite. (Similia similibus curantur.) 166. The hindmost dog may catch the hare. 167. The honest watch-dog never barks when his own friends come round. Sam. Randall. 168. The hound that lies in the kitchen is not hungry. 169. The lean dog is all fleas. Ger. Sp. 170. The leaner the dog the fatter the flea. Ger. Por. 171. The mad dog bites its master. 172. The watch-dog does not get sweet milk unless there be drowned mice in it. Dan. 173. The well-bred hound if he does not hunt to- day will to-morrow. Sp. 174. There are more ways to kill a dog than hanging. DOG. 269 175. There are good dogs of all sizes. Fr. 176. There are more ways to kill a dog than to choke him to death on bread and butter. 177. There is danger when a dog has once tasted flesh. Latin. 178. There is never wanting a dog to bark at you. Por. 179. There is no dog, be he ever so wicked, but wags his tail. 180. There is no showing the wolf to a bad dog. Ital. Fr. 181. Though the mastiff be gentle, yet bite him not on the lip. Sp., Por. 182. Throw no stones at a sleeping dog. 183. Throw that bone to another dog. 184. Timid dogs bark worse than they bite. Dan. Sp., Por. Latin. 185. Timid dogs bark most. Ger. 186. 'Tis a good dog can catch anything. 187. 'Tis an ill dog deserves not a crust. 188. 'Tis sweet to hear the watch-dog's honest bark. Fr., Dan. 189. To beat the dog in presence of the lion. Fr. 190. Wash a dog, comb a dog, still a dog remains a dog. 191. We'll bark ourselves ere we buy dogs so dear. 192. What, keep a dog and bark myself! Ger. 193. What matters the barking of the dog that does not bite. 194. When a dog is drowning every one offers him water. Fr. 270 DOG. 195. When a dog runs away, hit him! hit him! 196. When a man will throw at a dog, he soon finds a stone. 197. When an old dog barks, look out. Ger. Ger., Dutch. Ger. 198. When mastiffs fight, little curs will bark. 199. When the dog is awake the shepherd may sleep. 200. When the dog is down every one is ready to bite him. 201. When the old dog barks he giveth counsel. Dutch. Sp., Por. Dutch. 202. When two dogs fight for a bone the third runs away with it. 203. While the dogs growled at each other, the wolves devoured the sheep. Fr. 204. While the dogs yelp the hares fly to the wood. Dan. 205. While you trust to the dog the wolf slips into the sheepfold. 206. Who has no bread to share should not keep a dog. Sp. Latin. 207. Whoso is desirous of beating a dog will readily find a stick. 208. With the hide of the dog its bite is cured 209. Yelping curs may anger mastiffs at last. DONKEY.-"DON'T CARE."-DOOR. 271 Donkey. 1. He that is a donkey and believes himself a deer finds out his mistake at the leaping of the ditch. Ital. 2. If you cannot drive an ox drive a donkey. 3. My donkey is dead; let no more grass grow. M. Greek. Turk. 4. The donkey dies on the mountain, his loss comes home. 5. The horse and the mule kick each other; between the two the donkey dies. Turk. 6. There is no making a donkey drink against his will. "Don't Care." 1. "Don't care "" has no house. Ital., Dutch. Door. West Indian Negro. 1. A creaking door hangs long on its hinges. 2. A door must be either open or shut. Fr. 3. At a deaf man's door it is all one whether you knock or not. M. Greek. 4. Beware of a door that has many keys. 5. Every one sweeps before his own door. Por. Fr. 6. He that will make a door of gold must knock in a nail every day. 7. Let every one sweep before his own door. Ger. 8. One door never shuts but another opens. Ital. 272 DOOR-SILL.-DOTAGE.-DOWER.-DOUBT. 9. Take care your tail don't get caught in the door. 10. The back door robbeth the house. 11. When one door shuts a hundred open. 12. When the door is low one must stoop. 13. When one door shuts another opens. Door-sill. Ital. Sp. Fr. Sp. 1. The door-sill speaks not save what it heard from the hinges. Dotage. 1. That folly of old age which is called dotage is peculiar to silly old men, not to age itself. Cicero. Dower. 1. A great dower is a bed full of brambles. 2. What one wins by marriage soon wastes away. 3. Who wives for a dower resigns his power. 4. Bring something, lass, along with thee, If thou intend to live with me. Doubt. 1. Doubt is the key of knowledge. Ger. own Persian Sceptic. 2. He doubts nothing who knows nothing. Por. 3. He that casteth all doubts shall never be re- solved. 4. He who doubts nothing knows nothing. Sp. 5. If you are in doubt of anything don't be ashamed to ask, or if you have committed an error, to be corrected. Erasmus. Dover COURT.-Dragon.-DreaM. 273 6. In matters of doubt, boldness is of the great- est value. 7. Our doubts are traitors Syrus. Shaks. And make us lose the good we oft might win By fearing to attempt. 8. The end of doubt is the beginning of repose. Petrarch. 9. There lives more faith in honest doubt, Believe me, than in half the creeds. Tennyson. 10. "Tis good to doubt the worst. We may in our belief be too secure. Webster and Kowley. 11. When in doubt decide for the sake of deciding. 12. Who doubts errs not. Dover Court. 1. Dover court: all speakers and no hearers. Dragon. 1. A serpent unless it devour a serpent grows not to be a dragon. Dream. 1. A Friday's dream on Saturday told, Will be sure to come true ere the day be old. 2. After a dream of a wedding comes a corpse. 3. Dreams are from Jove. 4. Dreams are froth (or lies). Homer. Fr., Ger. 5. Man is but an ass if he go about to expound his dreams. Giles' Proverbs. 6. Who lies in a silver bed has golden dreams. Ger. 18 274 DRESS. Dress. 1. A good shape is in the shear's mouth. 2. A smart coat is a good letter of introduction. Dutch. 3. A slovenly dress betokens a careless mind. Don Quixote. 4. A well-formed figure needs no cloak. Por. 5. An affectation in dress implies a flaw in the understanding. 6. An old ewe dressed lamb fashion. 7. As a man dresses so is he esteemed. 8. Clothes make the man. Dan. Dutch. 9. Dress drains our cellar dry, Cooper. Fr. And keeps our larder clean. 10. Dress slowly when you are in a hurry. 11. Every one sees his smart coat, no one sees his shrunken belly. 12. Fine clothes often hide a base descent. 13. Fine clothes wear soonest out of fashion. 14. Fine cloth is never out of fashion. Dan. 15. Fine dressing is usually a foul house swept before the door. 16. Fine linen often conceals a foul skin. Dan. 17. Fond pride of dress is sure a very curse, Ere fancy you consult, consult your purse. Franklin. 18. Foppish dressing tells the world the outside is the best of the puppet. 19. Good clothes open all doors. DRESS. 275 20. He that is proud of his fine clothes gets his reputation from his tailor. 21. He who dresses in others' clothes will be un- dressed on the highway. Sp. 22. He who has but one coat cannot lend it. Sp. 23. I have a good jacket in France. Sp. 24. In my own city my name, in a strange city' my clothes procure me respect. 25. In your own country your name, in other countries your appearance. Hebrew. 26. It is not the gay coat that makes the gen- tleman. 27. Many dressers put the bride's dress out of order. 28. Mean clothes will keep out cold and ordinary meats satisfy hunger. Turkish Spy. 29. More goes to the making of a fine gentleman than fine clothes. 30. No fine clothes can hide the clown. 31. Rich garments weep on unworthy shoulders. 32. Showy clothes attract most. Fr. Latin. Ger. Sp. 33. The coat does not make the man. 34. The dress does not make the friar. 35. The gown does not make the friar (or monk). Fr., Ital. 36. The robe does not make the dervish. Turk. 37. The swarthy dame dressed fine decries the fair one. 38. The tailor makes the man. Sp. 276 DRINK. 39. The white coat does not make the miller. Ital., Ger. Fr. 40. The worst clothed go to windward. 41. That suit is best that best fits me. 42. Though you see me with this coat I have another up the mountain. Drink. Sp. 1. Drink and drouth come not always together. 2. Drink in the morning staring, then all day be sparing. 3. Drink little that ye may drink lang. 4. Drink nothing without seeing it; sign nothing without reading it. Por. Ger. 5. Drink upon salad costs the doctor a ducat, Drink upon eggs costs him two. 6. Drink washes off the daub and discovers the man. 7. Drink wine and have the gout, drink none and have it too. 8. Drink wine and let the water go to the mill. 9. Drink wine upon figs. Ital. Sp. 10. Drinking kindness is drunken friendship. 11. Good drink drives out bad thoughts. Dutch. 12. Knock under the board; he must do so that will not drink his cup. 13. Of all meat in the world drink goes down the best. 14. Only what I drink is mine. Polish Serf. 15. The first draught a man drinks ought to be DROWNING.-DRUNKARD. 277 for thirst, the second for nourishment, the third for pleasure, and the fourth for madness. Anacharsis. 16. The smaller the drink the cooler the blood and the clearer the head. 17. They that drink longest live longest. 18. Thousands drink themselves to death before one dies of thirst. Ger. 19. You must drink as much after an egg as after an ox. ing. Drowning. 1. A drowning man will catch at a rush. 2. A drowning man will catch at a straw. 3. A good swimmer is not safe against drown- 4. Better go about than be drowned. Fr. Sp., Por. 5. Good swimmers are oftenest drowned. 6. He came safe from the East Indies and was drowned in the Thames. 7. The best swimmer is the first to drown him- self. Ital. 8. The best swimmers are oftenest drowned, and the best riders have the hardest falls. Drunkard. 1. A drunkard's purse is a bottle. Chinese. 2. A drunken man may soon be made to dance. Dan. Berkley. 3. An old dram drinker's the devil's decoy. 4. Drunkards have a fool's tongue and a knave's heart. 278 DRUNKARD. 5. Drunken folk seldom take harm. 6. He hurts the absent who quarrels with a drunken man. Syrus. 7. He that kills a man when he is drunk must be buried under the gallows. 8. He who has drunk will drink. Fr. 9. He who likes drinking is always talking of wine. Ital. 10. He would rather have a bumper in hand than the Bible. Dutch. II. Let the drunkard alone and he will fall of himself. 12. Often drunk and seldom sober, falls like the leaves in October. 13. Oh! that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains. Shaks. 14. The best cure for drunkenness is while sober to see a drunken man. Chinese. 15. The drunkard and the glutton come to poverty and drowsiness that clothe a man with rags. 16. The drunkard continually assaults his own life. 17. The drunkard is discovered by his praise of wine. 18. The drunken man's joy is often the sober Dan. man's sorrow. 19. The drunken mouth reveals the heart's se- crets. 20. The wise drunkard is a sober fool. Ger. Ger. 21. There are more old drunkards than old doc- tors. Fr., Ger. DRUNKENNESS, 279 22. What is in the heart of the sober man is on the tongue of the drunken man. Lat. 23. What the sober man has in his heart, the drunken man has on his lips. Dan. 24. What the sober man thinks the drunkard tells. Fr., Dutch. 25. You drink out of the broad end of the funnel and hold the little one to me. Drunkenness. 1. Drunkenness brutifies even the bravest Feltham. spirits. 2. Drunkenness does not produce faults; it dis- covers them, for time does not change manners; it uncovers them. Chinese. 3. Drunkenness is a bewitching devil, a pleasant poison and a sweet sin. Augustine. 4. Drunkenness is a pair of spectacles to see the devil and all his works. 5. Drunkenness is an egg from which all vices are hatched. ness. 6. Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary mad- Seneca. 7. Drunkenness makes some men fools, some beasts and some devils. 8. Drunkenness turns a man out of himself and leaves a beast in his room. 9. Thought when sober, said when drunk. Ger. 10. What soberness conceals drunkenness reveals. 11. What you do when drunk you must pay for when sober. Scotch. 280 DROP.-DROPping.-Drum.-DUCK.-Due. Drop. 1. Drop by drop fills the tub. 2. Drop by drop the lake is drained. Fr. 3. The whole ocean is made up of little drops. Dropping. 1. Constant dropping wears the stone. 2. Dropping buckets into empty wells. And drawing nothing up. 3. The gutter by dropping wears the stone. Sp. Drum. 1. Got with the fife, spent with the drum. 2. The noisiest drum has nothing in it but air. 3. What comes by the fife comes back to the drum. Fr. 4. Where drums speak out, laws hold their tongues. Duck. 1. A duck will not always dabble in the same water. 2. It is no sign of a duck's nest to see fedders on de fence. American Negro. 3. Like the conversation of ducks, nothing but wah-wah. 4. They follow each other like ducks in a gutter. 5. Young ducks may be auld geese. Due. I. Who loseth his due getteth no thanks. Turk. DUEL, DUELList.-Dull.-DUNG.-DUTY. 281 Duel, Duellist. 1. The duel is a perfidious device, by means of which the cut-throat can securely assassinate an honest man. Fr. 2. The duellist, in proving his bravery, shows that he thinks it suspected. 3. The duellist values his honor above the life of his antagonist and the happiness of his family. 4. Were the devil to come from hell to fight, there would forthwith be a Frenchman to challenge him. Dull. 1. As dull as a beetle. Fr. 2. As dull as the debates of Dutch burgomasters on cheese parings and candle ends. Dung. 1. Dung is no saint, but where it falls it works miracles. 2. There is never a great dunghill at a sports- man's door. Duty. 1. Duty before pleasure. Dwelling. Sp. 1. Do not dwell in a city where a horse does not neigh, nor a dog bark. (The meaning is, if we would' be safe from danger we require the horse against the enemy, and the dog against thieves.) Hebrew. 282 EAGLE-EAR.-EARLY RISING. E. Eagle. 1. An old eagle is better than a young sparrow. Ger. 2. An old eagle is better than a young crow. Ger. 3. Eagles catch na flies. 4. Eagles do not breed doves. Ger., Dutch. 5. Eagles fly alone, but sheep flock together. 6. The crow does not devour fowls: they are the prey of the eagle. Chinese. 7. The eagle does not catch (or hunt) flies. Fr., Ger. Caucasian. 8. The eagle does not war against frogs. Ital. 9. The eagle loves the mountain. 10. The eagle soars alone. 11. The old age of an eagle. (Applied to old to- pers, the eagle being supposed to live by suction in its old age.) Latin. 12. When the eagle is dead, the crows pick out his eyes. Ger. Ear. 1. To a quick ear a half a word. Ger. Early Rising. 1. Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, and wealthy, and wise. 2. For all one's early rising it dawns none the sooner. Sp. EARLY RISING. 283 3. Get a name to rise early and you may lie all day. 4. Go to bed late, rise early, you will see your own harm and that of others. Por. 5. Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark. 6. He that will thrive must rise at five, He that hath thriven may lie till seven. 7. He who does not rise with the sun does not enjoy the day. Don Quixote. 8. He who does not rise early never does a good day's work. 9. He who rises early will gather wisdom. 10. If no profits he spies, Where's the man will early rise. Dan. Chinese. II. It dawns none the sooner for all the world's early rising. Por. 12. It is better for him whom God helps than for him who rises early. Don Quixote. 13. Let not the sun look down and say inglorious here he lies. 14. Out before day, in before night. Franklin. Dutch. Sp., Por. 15. Rise early and watch, labor and catch. 16. The early riser is healthy, cheerful and indus- trious. Fr. 17. The morning hour has gold in its mouth. Ger., Dutch, Dan. 18. Who makes everything right must rise early. { 284 EARNESTNESS AND SPORT.-EARNESTNESS.-—Earth. Earnestness and Sport. 1. Earnestness and sport are often neighbors. 2. Earnestness and sport go well together. Ger. Dan. Earnestness. 1. Earnestness is the soul of work. Ger. Earth. 1. Earth is the best shelter. 2. The earth is a host who murders his guests. Haffiz. 3. The earth is always frozen to lazy swine. Dan. 4. The earth produces all things and receives all again. 5. What much is worth comes from the earth. Sp. Earthen. 1. No wolf's bane is drunk out of earthen vessels; i.e., a peasant is in no danger of being poisoned. Juvenal. 2. The earthen pan gains nothing by contact with the copper pot. Dan. 3. The earthen pot must keep clear of the brass kettle Ease. 1. If we have not the world's wealth, we have the world's ease. Scotch. 2. One may support any thing better than too much ease and prosperity. Ital. EASY. EASIER. 285 1 Easy. 1. It is easy to add to things that have once been invented. 2. It is easy to be generous of another man's money. 3. It is easy to be generous out of another man's purse. Dutch, Dan. 4. It is easy to bowl down hill. 5. It is easy to cut thongs from other men's leather. Dutch. 6. It is easy to help him who is willing to be helped. Ger. 7. It is easy to manage when fortune favors. Dan. Dan. it. 8. It is easy to poke another man's fire. 9. It is easy to rob an orchard when none keeps 10. It is easy to stride a tree when it is down. Dan. 11. It is easy to swim when another holds up your head. Dan. 12. It is easy to take a man's part, but the matter is to maintain it. 13. Nothing is easy to the unwilling. Easier. Gaelic. 1. It is easier than to blow dust off any thing. Chinese. 2. It is easier to bear what's amiss than go about to reform it. 286 EAST.-EAT. 3. It is easier to blame than to do better. Ger. 4. It is easier to build two chimneys than to keep one in fuel. Franklin. 5. It is easier to build two hearths than always to keep a fire on one. 6. It is easier to descend than ascend. Ger. 7. It is easier to get away from the bank than the bottom. 8. It is easier to pull down than build. Fr. 9. It is easier to stem the brook than the river. Dan. 10. It is easier to strike than defend well. II. 'Tis easier to hurt than to heal. Ger. East. I. Too far east is west. 2. They who possess the highway to the East have the treasures of the world. Eat. 1. A full man is no eater. Por. 2. A man must eat though every tree were a gallows. Dutch. 3. A man that has had his fill is no eater. Sp. 4. A good eater must be a good man. Bea. 5. A morsel eaten gains no friends. 6. As a man eats so he works. Ger. 7. Eat a bit before you drink. 8. Eat and drink measurely and defy the medi- ciners. 9. Eat and welcome, fast and heartily welcome. EAT. 287 10. Eat after your own fashion, clothe yourself as others do. 11. Eat at pleasure, drink by measure. 12. Eaten bread is soon forgotten. 13. Eat bread that's light and cheese by weight. 14. Eat little at dinner, less at supper; Sleep aloft and you will sleep oft. Dutch. Sp. 15. Eat peas with the king and cherries with the beggar. 16. Eat the fruit and don't inquire about the tree. Turk. 17. Eat the present and break the dish (so as not to be reminded of the obligation). 18. Eat-well is Drink-well's brother. 19. Eat with him and beware of him. Arabian. Por. 20. Eating and drinking make the stomach full but the purse empty. Ger. 21. Eating and drinking want but a beginning. 22. Eating and drinking take away one's hunger. 23. Eating little and speaking little can never do a man harm. 24. Eating sets the head to rights. 25. He has two stomachs to eat and one to work. 26. He that banquets every day never makes a good meal. 27. He that eats most porridge shall have most meat. 28. He that eats the king's goose shall be choked by the feathers. 288 EAT. 29. He that eats well and drinks well should do his duty well. 30. He that eats while he lasts will be war while he die. 31. He who eats but one dish never wants a phy- sician. 32. He who eats pears with his master should not choose the best. Ital. 33. He who eats the meat let him pick the bone. Sp. 34. If I were to fast for my life I would eat a good breakfast in the morning. 35. If you eat it up at supper, you cannot have it at breakfast. Sp. 36. If you hate a man eat his bread, if you love him do the same. 37. It is a great pleasure to eat and have nothing to pay. 38. It is dangerous to eat cherries with the great; they throw the stones at your head. 39. It is very savory to eat scot free. Dan. Sp. 40. Nice eaters seldom meet with a good dinner. 41. Often and little eating makes a man fat. 42. One does not eat acorns when he has peaches. Ger. 43. One is never well at table unless there be four in company. Arabian Nights. Fr. 44. One may be surfeited by eating tarts. 45. People must eat if every tree were a gallows. Dutch., Dan. ECONOMY.-EDGE. 289 46. She that is ashamed to eat at table eats in private. 47. Some eat the stew, then ask for the pan. 48. To eat and to scratch one has but to begin. Sp. Ger. 49. To good eating belongs good drinking. 50. Who eats and leaves has another good meal. 51. Who eats his dinner alone must saddle his horse alone. Economy. 1. A farthing saved is twice earned. 2. A good' saver is a good server. 3. A jade eats as much as a good horse. Sp., Por. Ital 4. A man's voluntary expense should not ex- ceed his income. Dr. Johnson. 5. Cut your coat according to your cloth. Dutch. 6. Economy is a great revenue. Cicero. 7. Economy is too late at the bottom of the purse. Seneca. 8. Every one is bound to live within his means. Ovid. 9. He that eats and saves sets the table twice. 10. He who eats and puts by, has sufficient for two meals. Sp. 11. If you make not much of three pence, you'll ne'er be worth a groat. Eage. 1. A good edge is good for nothing if it have nothing to cut. 19 290 EDUCATION.-EEL. 2. Too keen an edge does not cut, too fine a point does not pierce. 3. It's ill jesting with edge tools. Education. Fr. Dutch. 1. A man cannot leave a better legacy to the world than a well educated family. Thomas Scott. 2. Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him. 3. Education is the poor man's haven. Latin. 4. Education polishes good natures and corrects the bad ones. 5. Nothing so much worth as a mind well instructed. Bible. 6. The tutors of youth have an ascendency over the stars of their nativity. Arabian. 7. 'Tis education forms the common mind, Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined. Pope. 8. What Master Jackey does not learn, Mr. John never knows. Ger. 9. What tutor shall we find for a child sixty years old? 10. You may pay more for your schooling than your learning is worth. Eel. 1. A gray eel is better than a variegated ser- pent. Ger. 2. All that breed in the mud are not eels. 3. An eel escapes from a good fisherman. 4. An eel held by the tail is not yet caught. EGG. 291 5. As nimble as an eel in a sand bag. 6. As slippery as an eel. • 7. Cover up the pot, there's an eel in it. Dutch. 8. He is as much out of his element as an eel in a sand bag. 9. Holding an eel too fast is the way to let it escape. 10. Mud chokes no eels. II. The eel that will eat lettuce must come to land. Ger. 12. There is an eel under the rock: i.e., if you wish to find you must search. Fr. 13. There is as much hold of his words as of a wet eel by the tail. 14. To begin skinning the eel at the tail. 15. To squeeze an eel too hard is the lose it. 16. You cannot hide an eel in a sack. Fr. way to Fr. Égg. 1. A rotten egg cannot be spoiled. 2. A white egg often comes from a black hen. 3. A wild goose never laid a tame egg. Ger. Irish. 4. All your eggs have two yolks apiece I war rant you. 5. "An egg's an egg" said the boor, and took the goose egg. Ger., Dutch. 6. An egg is the only clean thing in a slovenly house-wife's kitchen. 7. An unlaid egg is an uncertain thing. Ger. 292 EGG. 8. Better a half an egg than an empty shell. 9. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. 10. Eggs and oaths are easily broken. Dan. II. Eggs are close things, but the chicks come out at last. 12. Eggs are put to hatch on chance. Chinese, Fr. 13. Eggs of an hour, fish of ten; bread of a day, wine of a year; a woman of fifteen and a man of thirty. 14. He has lost the nest egg. Dutch. 15. He lays his eggs beside his nest. Dutch. 16. He that will have eggs must have cackling. Dutch. 17. He who treads on eggs must tread lightly. Ger. 18. It is hard to shave an egg. 19. Neither good egg nor bird. 20. One rotten egg spoils the whole pudding. Ger. 21. One should not put too many eggs under one hen. Ger. 22. One should not sell the egg until it is laid. Ger. 23. Out of a white egg often comes a black chick. Ger. 24. Presented eggs are always fresh. 25. Send not for a hatchet with which to break open an egg. 26. Shave the egg and take its hair. 27. Sometimes an egg is given for an ox. M. Greek, Ital EGOTIST.-EGYPT.-ELEPHANT.-ELOQUENCE. 293 28. The egg teaches the hen, and the tile the potter. Ger. 29. The egg will be more knowing than the hen. Ger. 30. There goes reasoning to the roasting of eggs. 31. To cackle and lay no egg. 32. Unlaid eggs are uncertain chickens. 33. Upon an egg the hen lays an egg. Sp., Por. Ger. Fr. 34. You will find it out when you want to fry the eggs. Egotist. Sp. 1. An egotist is especially hated by all other egotists. 2. Egotism is an alphabet of one letter. Egypt. London Truth. 1. He that hath not seen Egypt has not seen the greatest sight in the world. Elephant. Arabian Nights. 1. An elephant does not catch mice. Latin. 2. He hath an elephant on his hands. (Like the subject to whom an Eastern prince made a present of an elephant and forbade his selling it or disposing of it in any way.) 3. The elephant does not feel a flea bite. Ital. Eloquence. 1. As the grace of man is in the mind, so the beauty of the mind is eloquence. Cicero. 2. Eloquence avails nothing against the voice of gold. Latin. 294 EMBASSADOR.-EMPIRE-EMPTY.-EMULATION. 3. He who has heard the world acquires elo- quence. M. Greek. 4. It is easy to defend the innocent but who is eloquent enough to defend the guilty. Syrus. 5. True eloquence consists in saying all that is proper and nothing more. Rochefoucauld. 6. Unprofitable eloquence is like the cypress: great and tall but bears no fruit. Embassador. 1. An embassador beareth no blame. Ital. 2. An embassador is a good man sent abroad to lie for the good of his country. Empire. 1. The empire is peace. Wotton. Napoleon III. 2. To make an empire durable, the magistrates must obey the law and the people the magistrates. Empty. 1. Empty vessels make the most sound. Solon. Fr., Ger., Dutch, Dan. 2. Empty wagons make most noise. Dan. 3. The empty vessel makes the greatest sound. Emulation. Shaks. 1. Emulation is lively and generous, envy base and malicious. 2. Emulation is the whetstone of genius. Latin. 3. Emulation layeth up a grudge. End. 1. All's well that ends well. 2. At the end the thing is praised. Shaks. Hungarian. ENDS OF MAN.-ENDURING. 295 3. In all undertakings it is necessary to consider La Fontaine. the end. 4. In the end it will be known who ate the bacon. 5. In the end things will mend. 6. Let the end try the man. 7. Look at the end. Fr. Shaks, 8. The end crowns the work. Fr., Ital., Por., Dutch: 9. The end makes all equal. 10. The end must justify the means. Prior. 11. The end of a dissolute life is commonly a I desperate death. 12. The end of all things is death. 13. The end of the corsair is to drown. Bion. Dutch. Ital. 14. There's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough- hew them how we will. Shaks. Ends of Man. 1. In two rules he summed the ends of man: Keep all you have and try for all you can. Enduring. 1. He that endureth is not overcome. Bulwer 2. He that tholes (endures) overcomes. Scotch. 3. Through much enduring come things that cannot be endured. Latin. 4. You must endure that which cannot be altered. Syrus. 296 ENEMY. Enemy. 1. A dead enemy is as good as a cold friend. Ger. 2. A sly enemy is worth more than ten others. Ger. Fr. 3. An enemy does not sleep. 4. An enemy has sharp eyes and acute ears. Ger. 5. An enemy is a perpetual spy. 6. An enemy is a thorn in the quilt. Pashto. 7. An enemy may chance to give good counsel. 8. An enemy's envy is an honor. Latin. 9. An enemy's envy is his own punishment. Tamil. 10. An enemy's present is no favor. M. Greek. 11. An enemy to beauty is a foe to nature. 12. An enemy who begging forgiveness lies at thy feet must not feel thy sword. 13. An old enemy becomes not a friend. M. Greek. 14. An open enemy is better than a false friend. 15. Be my enemy and go to my mill. Ger Sp. 16. Be my enemy far from me he may live a thousand years. Turk. 17. Be thine enemy an ant, see in him an ele- phant. Turk. 18. Best dealing with the enemy when you take him at the weakest. ENEMY. 297 19. Better a wise enemy than a foolish friend. M. Greek. 20. Better to have the enemy in front than in the rear. 21. Beware of enemies reconciled and of meat twice boiled. Sp. 22. Build golden bridges for the flying foe. Ger. 23. Consider that an enemy may become a friend. Syrus. 24. Do not despise your enemy. 25. Do not spread your corn to dry at an en- emy's door. Asturian. 26. Every man carries an enemy in his own bosom. Dan. 27. Every one has both enemies and friends. Ger. 28. For a flying enemy make a silver bridge. 29. He is above his enemies that despises their injuries. 30. He that dallies with his enemy gives him leave to kill him. 31. He who feeds a wolf strengthens his enemy. Dan. Sp. 32. He who has enemies let him not sleep. 33. He who has three enemies must agree with two. Ger. 34. He who makes light of his enemy dies by his hand. 35. His own enemy is no one's friend. Sp. Ger. 36. How learned a thing it is to beware of the humblest enemy. Ben Jonson. 298 ENEMY. 37. If I wished to punish an enemy, I would make him hate somebody Hannah More. 38. If we are bound to forgive an enemy, we are .not bound to trust him. 39. If we be enemies to ourselves, whither shall we fly. 40. If you have no enemies it is a sign fortune has forgot you. 41. If you would make an enemy, lend a man money and ask it of him again. 42. In an enemy spots are soon seen. 43. It is a miserable lot to be without an enemy. Syrus. Ger. 44. Little enemies and little wounds are not to be despised. 45. Look with suspicion upon the flight of an enemy. 46. Make a silver bridge for a flying enemy. 47. Make no enemies. Ital. Sp., Por. Cingalese. 48. Man has not a greater enemy than himself. Petrarch. 49. Many enemies, much honor. Ger. 50. Never fight an enemy while it is possible to cheat him. 51. No enemy is so despicable but he may do one a vexatious turn. 52. No man is without enemies. 53. Once an enemy always an enemy. L'Estrange. 54. One can learn even from an enemy. Arabian. Ger ENEMY. 299 1 55. One enemy can harm you more than a hun- dred friends can do you good. Ger. 56. One should not believe the enemy though he tell the truth. Ger 57. Out of a secret enemy one must make an open one. 58. Receive instruction from an enemy. 59. So many slaves so many enemies. Ger. Ovid. Ger. Latin. 60. That is a most wretched fortune which is without an enemy. 61. The body of a dead enemy always smells well. Charles IX. of France. Ger. 62. The enemy is sleepless. 63. The officer who grapples with the enemy can never be wrong. Nelson. 64. The stouter the enemy the more glorious the victory. Ger. 65. The weakness of the enemy makes our own strength. Fr. 66. There is no enemy that cannot do harm. Ger. 67. There is no little enemy. 68. There is no such thing as an insignificant enemy. Fr. 69. Though thy enemy seem a mouse, yet watch him like a lion. 70..Though you are bound to love your enemy, you are not bound to put your sword in his hand. 71. To learn of an enemy has always been ac counted honorable. Dr. Johnson Turk. 72. Water sleeps, the enemy wakes. 300 ENGLAND, ENGLISHMAN, 73. We carry our greatest enemies within us. 74. We have met the enemy and he is ours. Perry. 75. What signifies dying the day after thine enemy. Arabian Nights. Dutch. 76. When thine enemy retreateth make him a golden bridge. 77. When two enemies blow one horn the third will have to suffer for it. Dan. 78. When you are on the road speak not ill of your enemy. Sp. 79. Who is your enemy? A man of your own trade. 80. Your enemy makes you wise. England, Englishman. Sp. Ital. 1. A right Englishman knows not when a thing is well. 2. England is the paradise of woman, the hell of horses and the purgatory of servants. 3. Every Englishman's house is his castle. 4. He that would England win Must with Ireland first begin. 5. Saxon industry and Norman manners will never agree. Bea. 6. The English never value anything until they lose it. (Talleyrand made this remark in regard to the colonies of that country.) 7. The Englishman weeps, the Irishman sleeps, but the Scotsman goes until he gets it. ENOUGH.-ENTERPRISING.-ENVY. 301 8. The Italianized Englishman is a devil in- carnate. Ital. 9. When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather. Enough. 1. Enough is as good as a feast. Dr. Johnson. Dutch. 2. Enough is as good as a feast to one that is not a beast. 3. Enough is a feast, too much vanity. 4. Enough is better than a sack full. Ger. 5. Enough is better than too much. Fr., Dutch. 5. Enough is enough of bread and cheese. 7. Enough is great riches. 8. Enough to keep the wolf from the door. 9. Good enough is never ought. 10. Leave well enough alone. 11. More than enough is too much. 12. Of enough men leave. Dan. 13. That is never to be called little which a man thinks to be enough. 14. There is never enough where naught is left. Ital. 15. There is not enough if there is not too much. Fr. 16. What is enough is never little. Fr. Enterprising. 1. The enterprising are often fortunate. Bea. Envy. 1. A man envies every other man except his son and his pupil. Hebrew. 302 ENVY. 2. A quarrel in a neighbor's house is refreshing. i.e., to envious persons. Tamil. 3. After honor and state, follow envy and hate. 4. All envy is between neighbors. 5. An envious man is a squint-eyed fool. Dutch. Ger. 6. An envious man waxes lean with the fatness of his neighbor. consume a man. 7. As a moth gnaws a garment, so does envy Chrysostomus. 8. As love thinks no evil, so envy thinks no good. 9. As rust corrupts iron, so envy corrupts man. Anisthenes. 10. Bad eyes never see any good. 11. Base envy withers at another's joy, And hates the excellence it cannot reach. Thomson. 12. Better the envy of enemies than the pity of friends. Ger. 13. Envy always pursues the fortunate and meri- torious. Arabian. 14. Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peaks. Arabian. 15. Envy and covetousness are never satisfied. 16. Envy beats itself. Ger. 17. Envy crieth of spite where honor rideth. Dutch. 18. Envy does not enter an empty house. 19. Envy doth merit like its shade pursue. Dan. Aristophanes ENVY. 303 20. Envy envies itself. Ger. 21. Envy feeds on the living, it ceases when they are dead. 22. Envy follows good fortune. 23. Envy goes beyond avarice. 24. Envy has made no man rich, 25. Envy is a kind of praise. Ovid. Ger. Fr Ger. Gay. 26. Envy is an awkward homage that inferiority pays to merit. La Motte. 27. Envy is blind and is only clever in depreciat- ing the virtues of others. 28. Envy is its own torture. Livy. Dan. 29. Envy is productive of hatred, and pity borders on contempt. 30. Envy is the mean man's gratitude. 31. Envy is the sorrow of fools. 32. Envy is the worst disease. Gibbon. Bulwer. Ger. Ger. Livy. Ger. 33. Envy like fire soars upward. 34. Envy makes sorrow. 35. Envy which turns pale, And sickens even if a friend prevail. Churchill 36. Envy never has a holiday. Latin. 37. Envy never yet enriched any man. 38. Envy no man. 39. Envy not the store Of the greatest man that grinds the poor. Dryden. Ben Jonson. 40. Envy sets the stronger seal on desert. ENVY. 304 41. Envy shoots at others and wounds herself. 42. Envy—the dyspepsia of the mind. 43. Envy was never a good spokesman. Punch. 44. Envy will be a science when it learns the use of the microscope. Bulwer. 45. He who envies, suffers. Ger. 46. He who envies us admits his inferiority. Latin. 47. If envy were a fever all the world would be ill. Dan. 48. Many owe their fortunes to their enviers. 49. No one lives who does not envy. Ger. 50. Nothing can allay the rage of biting envy. 51. Nothing sharpens sight like envy. 52. The envious hurts others something, but him- self more. 53. The envious man grows lean at the success of his neighbors. Horace. 54. The envious man's face grows sharp and his eyes big. Sp., Por. 55. The envious man, who sends away his mutton because the person next him is eating ven- ison. 56. The envious die, but envy never. Punch. Fr. 57. The fortunate or the brave can afford to laugh at envy. Syrus. 58. The greatest mischief you can do to the en- vious is to do well. 59. The over envious are not over wise. Massinger. EQUALITY.—EQUITY.—EQUIvocation. 305 60. The Sicilian tyrants never devised a greater punishment than envy. 61. The smoke (envy) follows the fairest. Juvenal. 62. There are some who see ill and would like to see worse. Ital. 63. Those that are advanced by degrees are less envied than those that are advanced suddenly. Bacon. 64. Those who raise envy will easily incur cen- Dr. Johnson. sure. 65. Two things ought to be the object of our fear, the envy of our friends and the hatred of our en- emies. Bias. 66. When fortune's chariot rolls easily, envy and shame cling to the wheels. Dan. 67. With fame in just proportion envy grows, The man that makes a character makes foes. Equality. 1. Equality causes no war. Equity. 1. Equity is half religion. Young. Solon. Turk. Equivocation. 1. Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. Erring, Error. 1. A monarch's errors are forbidden game. Cowper. 2. Each is enslaved by the same error and the only difference is it mocks them in different ways. Horace. 20 306 ERRING, ERROR. 3. Erring is not cheating. 4. Error is always in haste. 5. Error is no payment. Ger. Ital. 6. Error though blind herself sometimes brings forth children that can see. 7. Errors in the first concoction are hardly mended in the second. 8. Every age confutes old errors and begets new. 9. Find earth where grows no weed and you may find a heart where no error grows. 10. He never errs who sacrifices himself. Knowles. Bulwer. II. He who stops half way is only half in error. Ger. 12. Him who errs forgive once, but never twice. Sp. 13. Improve rather by other men's errors than find fault with them. 14. It is a manly act to forsake an error. 15. It is human to err but diabolical to persevere. 16. No errors are so dangerous as those of great men. 17. Nothing can give stability and durable uni- formity to error. Bolingbroke. 18. One error breeds twenty more. 19. The errors of young men are the ruin of business. 20. To err again on the same string. 21. To err is human, to forgive divine. Bacon. Pope, Ger., Dutch. ESCHEWED.-ESTATE. 307 22. To err is human, to persevere in error is the act of a fool. Latin. Ital. 23. Who errs in the tens errs in the thousands. Eschewed. 1. What cannot be eschewed must be embraced Estate. Shaks. 1. An estate inherited is the less valued. 2. Estates are landscapes gazed upon awhile, Then advertised and auctioneered away. Por. Cowper. 3. He has a good estate but that the right owner keeps it from him. (Ironically spoken.) 4. He that gets an estate will probably never spend it. 5. He who walks daily over his estate finds a coin each time. Hebrew. 6. It is a hard thing to have a great estate and not fall in love with it. 7. It is good to be near of kin to an estate. 8. Many would have been worse, if their estates had been better. 9. The bones of a great estate are worth the picking. 10. To the world no bug-bear is so great, Pope. As want of figure and a small estate. II. What is a great estate good for if it bring melancholy? 308 ESTEEM.-ETERNITY.-EUCLID.-EVE.-EVEN. Esteem. I. Ill grounded passions quickly wear away, What's built upon esteem can ne'er decay. Eternity. 1. Eternity has no gray hairs. 2. Eternity whose end no eye can reach. Euclid. Walsh. Milton. 1. You may dance on the ropes without reading Euclid. Eve. 1. Eve is not yet dead. Even. 1. Even paupers live on the parish page. Ger. Bulwer. 2. Even speed when we are anxious seems like delay. Syrus. 3. Even sugar itself may spoil a good dish. 4. Even the dog gets bread by wagging his tail. 5. Even workhouses have their aristocracy. Itai. Maga. Evening. 1. The evening crowns the day. Every. 1. Every back hath its pack. London Truth. 2. Every bean hath its black. 3. Every block will not make a Mercury. 4. Every gap hath its bush. EVERY. 309 5. Every glowworm is not a fire. Ital., Ger. Ital. 6. Every herring must hang by its own gill. 7. Every hill has its valley. 8. Every horse thinks his own pack heaviest. 9. Every Jack must have his Jill. 10. Every light has its shadow. 11. Every light is not the sun. 12. Every man has equal strength to sail. 13. Every man has his liking. Dan. 14. Every man is not bred at a varsity (univer- sity). 15. Every man to his taste. (C 16. Every "maybe" hath a maybe not." 17. Every medal has its reverse. 18. Every monster hath its multitudes. 19. Every mote doth not blind a man. Fielding. Fr. Fr., Ital. 20. “Every one as she likes," as the old woman said when she kissed the cow. 21. Every one hath a penny for a new ale-house. 22. Every one his own is but fair. Fr. 23. Every one is emperor in his own ground. Ger 24. Every one's censure is first moulded in his own nature. 25. Every one must row with the oars he has. 26. Every one speaks as he is. 27. Every one speaks of the feast (or the fair) as he finds it. Sp., Por. 28. Every one stretches his legs according to the length of his coverlet. Sp., Por. 310 EVERY. 29. Every one takes his flogging in his own way. 30. Every one to his equal. Por. 31. Every one to his own calling and the ox to the plough. Ital. 32. Every one tries to cross the fence where it is lowest. Dan. M. Greek. 33. Every opinion has its answer. 34. Every plummet is not for every sound. 35. Every pomegranate has its rotten pip. 36. Every procession must end. 37. Every reed will not make a pipe. Latin. Bea. 38. Every rumor is believed when directed against the unfortunate. 39. Every scale has its counterpoise. 40. Every shop has its trick. Syrus. Ital. 41. Every slip is not a fall. 42. Every sore-eyed person is an occulist. 43. Every sprat now-a-days calls itself a herring. 44. Everything does not fall that totters. Fr. 45. Everything has an end except a sausage which has two. Dan. 46. Everything has its price as the old woman said when she sold the rotten apples. 47. Everything has two sides. 48. Everything is good for something. 49. Everything is good in its season. 50. Everything is good in its way. Ger. Dutch. Ital. Ital. Maga. 51. Everything is the worse for wearing. 52. Everything may be except a ditch without a bank. EVIL. 311 53. Everything may be repaired except the neck- bone. Ital. 54. Everything passes, everything breaks, every- thing wearies. Fr. 55. Everything would be well were there not a but. Ger. 56. Every tub must stand on its own bottom. Dan. 57. Every vine must have its stake. Ital. 58. Every tub smells of the wine it holds. Evil. 1. A small evil is a great good. .2. An evil lesson is soon learned. 3. An evil life is a kind of death. Greek. Ovid. 4. Better suffer a great evil than do a little one. 5. Better to suffer a known evil than to change for uncertain good. 6. Depart from evil and do good. Sp. Bible. 7. Do not stir up an evil that has been fairly buried. Latin. 8. Evil to him who evil thinks. (Honi soi qui mal-y-pense.) Motto of Great Britain, 9. Evil comes not amiss if it comes alone. Don Quixote. 10. Evil comes to us by ells and goes away by inches. Chinese. 11. Evil communications corrupt good manners. 12. Evil conduct is the root of misery. 13. Evil doing costs more than well doing. Ger. 312 EVIL. 14. Evil fall on him who goes to seek it. 15. Evil gains are as bad as a loss. 16. Evil got, evil spent. Don Quixote. Hesiod. 17. Evil habits soil a fine dress more than mud. Plautus. 18. Evil is fittest to consort with evil. Livy. 19. Evil is soon believed. 20. Evil is soon done but slowly mended. Dan. 21. Evil must be drawn out by evil. Dan. 22. Evil they sow and sorrow will they reap for their harvest. 23. Evil wastes itself. Southey. Dan. 24. Evils that are past should not be mourned: 25. He sucked evil from the dug. 26. How much pain the evils have cost us that have never happened. 27. Let us permit men to speak evil of us; is it not sufficient they cannot do it? Augustus. 28. Never do evil that good may come of it. Ital. 29. No evil is great if it is the last. Nepos 30. No face all ugly e'er was seen on earth, No heart all evil e'er from Eve had birth. 31 Of two evils choose the least. 32. Some evils are cured by contempt. 33. That evil which is old at night is yet the off spring of every morning. 34. That which is evil is soon learnt. Hebrew 35. The evil comes upon us all at once like sticks upon a dog Don Quixote. EXAMPLE. 313 36. The evil is lessened when it is seen before- hand. Latin. 37. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones. Shaks. 38. The evil which issues from thy mouth falls into thy bosom. Sp. 39. The evil wound is cured but not the evil name. 40. The last evil smarts the most. 41. There are evils which compared to others are benefits. 42. Three great evils come out of the north, a cold wind, a cunning knave and a shrinking cloth. 43. To a mortal man no evil is immortal. 44. To every evil doer his evil day. Sp. 45. We will not believe the existence of evil until it is upon us. La Fontaine. 46. Who does not punish evil invites it. 47. Who doth no evil is apt to suspect none. Example. 1. A good example is the best sermon. Ger. 2. Admiral Byng was shot to encourage others. Voltaire. Ger. 3. Example does more than much teaching. 4. Examples of justice are more merciful than the unbounded exercise of pity. Machiavel 5. Examples teach more than precepts. 314 EXCESS. 6. Examples work stronger and quicker in the minds of men than precepts. Fielding. 7. Follow example: Literal: Recite according to the book. Chinese. Chinese. 8. Follow example in drawing your calabash. 9. Follow the good and learn to be so. Chinese. 10. Good example is half a sermon. Ger. 11. Ill examples are like contagious diseases. 12. One ill example spoils many good. 13. Profit by good example. 14. The example of good men is visible philos- ophy. 15. Unless parents set a good example to their children they will furnish a plain reason to be used by them against themselves. Euripides. 16. Where the dam leaps over, the kid follows. Excess. 1. All the virtues by excess degenerate into vices. 2. Beware of excess. 3. Every excess becomes a vice. Latin. 4. Everything in excess is adverse to nature. Hippocrates. 5. He that exceeds the commission must answer for it at his own cost. Ger. 6. Nothing to excess. La Fontaine. 7. To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, To throw a perfume on the violet, To smooth the ice, or add another hue EXCUSE.-EXECUTION.-EXERTION. 315 Unto the rainbow, or with taper light To seek the beauteous eye of Heaven to garnish, Is wasteful and ridiculous excess. Shaks. Excuse. I. A poor excuse is better than none. Latin. 2. An unasked excuse infers transgression. Ital. 3. An excuse is good if it hold good. Ital. not a Ital. 4. Any excuse will serve when one has mind to do a thing. 5. Better a bad excuse than none at all. 6. He that does amiss never lacks excuses. Ital. 7. He who excuses himself, accuses himself. Fr., Ital., Dutch. 8. That which is customary requires no excuse. 9. Why should excuse be born or e'er begot. Execution. Ital. Shaks. 1. Speedy execution is the mother of good fortune. Exertion. 1. Lambs don't run into the mouth of the sleep- ing wolf. Dan. Ital. 2. No great good comes without looking after it. 3. No pear falls into a shut mouth. 4. Roast geese don't come flying into the mouth. 5. Roast pigeons don't fly through the air. Dutch. 316 EXILES.-EXPECT.-EXPEDIENT.-Expense. 6. You may gape long enough ere a bird fall in your mouth. Exiles. 1. Exiles, the proverb says, subsist on hope. Expect. Euripides. 1. Expect not at another's hand what you can do by your own. Sp. 2. Expect to be treated as you have treated others. Latin. 3. To expect to expect, is worth four hundred drachms. Expedient. 1. Many things lawful are not expedient. Expense. 1. Set thy expense according to thy trade. Expenses. Dutch. 1. The sole sign of a man being in his senses. Is learning to reduce his past expenses. Experience. 1. A bitten child dreads a dog. 2. A burnt cat shuns the fire-place. Byron. Tamil. • 3. A burnt child dreads the fire. 4. A novice at the first attempt, an adept at the second. 5. A scalded cat dreads cold water. Chinese. Fr., Por. 6. A scalded dog thinks cold water hot. Ital. 7. After mischance every one is wise. 8. All is but lip wisdom that wanteth experience. Fr. EXPERIENCE. 317 9. By falling we learn to go safely. Dutch. 10. Could everything be done twice everything would be done better. 11. Even the fool knows from experience. Ger. Hesiod. 12. Experience breedeth art, lack of experience chance. Ben Jonson. 13. Experience is good if not bought too dear. 14. Experience is the best teacher. 15. Experience is the blind man's dog. Punch. 16. Experience is the fool's master, reason the wise man's. Ger. 17. Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. 18. Experience is the great baffler of speculation. 19. Experience is the great test of truth and is perpetually contradicting the theories of men. Dr. Johnson. 20. Experience is the mistress of fools. 21. Experience is the mother of science. 22. Experience joined to common-sense, To mortals is a providence. Latin. Green. 23. Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn in no other. 24. Experience makes fools wise. 25. Experience purchased by suffering teaches wisdom. Latin. 26. Experience teaches fools and he is a great one that will not learn by it. 27. Experience without learning is better than learning without experience. 318 EXPERIMENT.—EXTRAVAGANCE.—EXTREMES. 28. He knows the water best who has waded through it. Dan. 29. He who has been bitten by a snake is afraid of an eel. 30. He who has been stung by a scorpion is afraid of its shadow. Sp. 31. He who has been stung by a serpent is afraid of a lizard. Ital. 32. He who has crossed the ford knows how deep it is. Ital. 33. He who has once burnt his mouth always blows his soup. Ger. 34. I know by my own pot how the others boil. 35. Once bit, twice shy. Fir 36. Personal experience is better than book learn ing. in. 37. Scalded cats fear even cold water. Experiment. 1. Make your experiment on a worthless subject. Extravagance. Latin. 1. He builds cages fit for oxen to keep his birds 2. He burns his candle at both ends. Dutch. 3. He that runs out by extravagance must re trieve by parsimony. Extremes. 1. All extremes are vicious and come from man. All compensation is just and comes from God. La Bruyere. EYE. 319 2. Avoid extremes and shun the fault of such Who still are pleased too little or too much. Pope. 3. Clasp not the corpse from fear of the ghost. (Don't rush to extremes.) 4. Extremes meet. Malay. Fr. 5. It is best to be cautious and to avoid extremes. Plutarch. 6. Run not from one extreme to another. Eye. 1. A chaste eye exiles licentious looks. 2. A man who has but one eye must take good care of it. Fr. 3. All that you get you can put in your eye and see none the worse. 4. An evil eye can see no good. Dan. 5. An eye finds more truth than two ears. Ger. 6. Better eye out than always watching. 7. Better one-eyed than stone blind. Ger., Sp. 8. Cure your sore eyes only with your elbow. 9. Four eyes see more than two. 10. He that would keep his eye sound must tie up his hand. 11. Her eyes are homes of silent prayer. Por. Tennyson. 12. I went to cross myself and put out one of my Sp., Por. eyes. 13. If the eye do not admire the heart will not desire. Ital. 320 EYE. ↓ 14. If the eye don't see the heart wont break. Sp. 15. If you have a sore eye wipe it with your elbow. 16. In every battle the eye is first conquered. Fr. Tacitus. 17. In the forehead and the eye the lecture of the mind doth lie. 18. It is all in my eye. (An expression sometimes used to express disbelief in an improbable state- ment.) 19. It is better to trust the eye than the ear. Ger. 20. It is the open eye that weeps. Dr. South. 21. Many see more with one eye than others with two. Ger. 22. One bad eye spoils the other. Ger. 23. One may have good eyes and see nothing. Ital. 24. Out with the eye that profits me not. Turk. 25. The eye believes itself, the ear other people. Ger. 26. The eye is a shrew. 27. The eye is bigger than your belly. Ger. 28. The eye is blind if the mind is absent. Ital. 29. The eye is never satisfied with seeing. 30. The eye is the pearl of the face. Ger. 31. The eye of the housewife makes the cow fat. Ger. 32. The eye of the master does more than both his hands. EYE. 321 33. The eye of the master fattens the steed. Fr., Ital., Sp., Dan. 34. The eye of the master is the horse's grooming. Turk. 35. The eye of the master makes the horse fat and that of the mistress the chambers neat. Dutch. 36. The eye strays not while under the guidance Syrus. of reason. 37. The eye that sees all things else, sees not itself. 38. The eyes believe themselves, the ears other people. 39. The eyes of the great are dim. Ger. Turk. 40. The eyes of the hare are one thing and the eyes of the owl another. M. Greek. Ital. 41. The eyes serve for ears to the deaf. 42. The eyes, the ears, the tongue, all fast in their way. 43. The one-eyed is king in the land of the blind. Fr., Ger., Sp., Por. 44. There are eyes that fall in love with bleared ones. 45. Two eyes see more than one. Sp. Por. 46. Wanting to make right the eyebrows he pulled out his eyes. Turk. 47. What I see with my eyes I can guess with my fingers. Sp. 48. What the eye sees not, the heart craves not. Dutch. Fr., Ital., Ger. 49. What the eye sees not, the heart rues not. 21 322 FACE.-FACT.-FAGGOT. 50. What the eye sees not breaks not the heart. Don Quixote. Ger. Dan. 51. What the eyes see the heart believes. 52. Woe be to an evil eye. F. Face. 1. A good face needs no band, and a bad one deserves none, and pretty wench no land. 2. A good face needs no paint. 3. Fair faces need no paint. 4. He had a face like a benediction. Don Quixote. 5. There is virtue in a man's face; i. e., presence carries weight. Fr. 6. There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face. Fact. Shaks. 1. A single fact is worth a ship load of argument. 2. But facts are chiels that winna ding. An' downa be disputed. Burns. 3. Dar's some fac's in de wol' dat don't slide 'long on de telegraph wire. American Negro. 4. Facts are more powerful than words. 5. Facts are stubborn things. 6. One fact is stronger than twenty texts. Faggot. 1. The fast faggot is not easily broken. Smollett. 2. There are faggots and faggots; i. e., all are not alike. Fr. FAILINGS.—FAINT HEART.-FAIR.—FAIREST. 323 Failings. 1. His failings leaned to virtue's side. Goldsmith. 2. Other men's failings accuse us of frailty. 3. We carry our neighbor's failings in sight; we throw our own over our shoulders. Faint Heart. 1. Faint heart is always in danger. 2. Faint heart never won fair lady. Fair. 1. Fair feathers make fair fowls. 2. Fair in the cradle, foul in the saddle. 3. Fair play is a jewel. 4. Fair things are soon snatched away. 5. There is many a fair thing fu' fa'se. 6. To every bird his nest is fair. 1 Por. Burns. Fr., Ital. 7. Men speak of the fair as things went with them there. Fairest. 1. The fairest mark is easiest hit. 2. The fairest silk is soonest stained. Fair Hair. 1. Fair hair may hae foul roots. 2. Falseness often lurks beneath fair hair. Dan. Faith. 1. Faith flourishes in solitude. Bea. 324 FALLING. 2. Faith sees by the ears. 3. He distrusts his own faith who often swears. Ital. 4. Meek faith converts the couch of pain into a bed of roses, For there we moral vigor gain to bear what God disposes. Pennia Moïses. 5. Much knowledge of things divine escapes us through want of faith. it. Heraclitus. 6. Pin not your faith on another's sleeve. 7. The ancient faith knows no guile. Maga. 8. To revive faith is more difficult than to create Bea. 9. Who don't keep faith with God, won't keep it with man. Dutch. Falling. row. 1. He that abideth low cannot fall hard. Dutch. 2. He that creepeth falleth not. Dutch. 3. He that falls to-day may be up again to-mor- 4. He that falls by himself never cries. Turk. 5. He that falls into the sea takes hold of a ser- pent to be saved. 6. He that is down can fall no longer. 7. He that lies on the ground cannot fall. Butler. Loyal Songs, Latin. 8. He who does not soar high will suffer less by a fall, Chinese. 9. It is better to fall from the window than the roof. FALLING OUT.-FALSE.-FALSE CHARGES. 325 up. 10. Keeping from falling is better than helping 11. Lofty towers fall down with the greatest crash. Horace. 12. No one falls low unless he attempts to climb high. 13. Not all that shakes (or trembles) falls. 14. One falls to the side to which one leans. 15. One may sooner fall than rise. 16. Some falls are means the happier to rise. Dan. Ital. Fr. Shaks. 17. The higher the mountain, the lower the vale, The taller the tree, the harder the fall. Dutch. 18. The higher the rise, the greater the fall. Fr., Ital., Sp. 19. Who bravely dares must sometimes risk a fall. Smollett. Falling Out. I. When two fall out, the third wins. Ger. False. 1. False in one thing, false in all. Legal Maxim. 2. He is false by nature that has a black head and a red beard. 3. Though a thing has been false a hundred years, it cannot become true. False Charges. 1. To invent false charges is never difficult. Falsehood. 1. A goodly apple rotten at the heart, O what a goodly outside falsehood hath. Ger. Shaks. 326 FALSE SWEARING-FAME. False Swearing. 1. He that sweareth falsely denieth God. 2. He who swears is a liar. Fame. Ital. 1. A good fame is better than a good face. 2. Ah! who can tell how hard it is to climb The steep where fame's proud temple shines afar. Beattie. 3. All fame is dangerous, good bringeth envy, bad, shame. 4. And what is fame? The meanest have their day, The greatest can but blaze and pass away. Pope. 5. Better than fame is still the wish for fame, The glorious training for a glorious strife. Lytton. 6. Common fame hath a blister on its tongue. 7. Common fame is a common liar. 8. Common fame is seldom to blame. 9. Common fame seldom lies. Ger. Dutch. 10. Every fame worth having must be fought for. Maga. 11. Fame and repute follow a man to the door. 12. Fame is a magnifying glass. 13. Fame is a thin shadow of eternity. Dan. 14. Fame is but the breath of the people and that often unwholesome. FAME. 327 15. Fame is in the keeping of the mob. 16. Fame is the last infirmity of noble minds. Milton. 17. Fame is the perfume of heroic deeds. Socrates. and broadest afar off. 19. Folly loves the martyrdom of fame. 20. Fondness for fame is avarice of air. 21. From fame to infamy is a beaten road. 22. His fame ('tis all the dead can have) shall live. 18. Fame like a river is narrowest at its source Byron. Young. Homer. 23. If you would earn (or deserve) fame, let not the sun shine on you (or find you in bed). Sp. 24. Some have the fame and others card the wool. Sp. 25. The aspiring youth that fired the Ephesian dome outlives the pious fool that raised it. Gibbon. 26. The way to fame is like the way to heaven, through much tribulation. Sterne. 27. There is a different fame goes about of every man. 28. They say fame is a calamity, take care! 29. Various are the roads to fame. 30. What is the end of fame? 'tis but to fill Turk. Ital. A certain portion of uncertain paper. Byron. 31. What rage for fame attends both great and small! Better be d-d than mentioned not at all. Wolcott. 328 FAMILIAR.-FAMILIARITY.-FAMILY. 32. Who can escape envy or blame, him. That speaks or writes for public fame? Familiar. Dutch. 1. Man is clogged with what is too familiar to Turkish Spy. Familiarity. A thing too much seen is little prized. Fr. I. 2. Caress your dog and he'll spoil your clothes. 3. If you play with puppies they will lick your face. Efik or old Calabar. Africa. 4. Play with an ass and he will whisk his tail in your face. Sp., Por. 5. Play with a fool at home and he will play the fool with you in the market. 6. Too much familiarity breeds contempt. Family. 1. A small family is soon provided for. 2. He that has no fools, knaves or beggars in his family was begot by a flash of lightning. 3. It costs something to support a family, how- ever small. Ger. 4. It is better to be the best of a low family than the worst of a noble one. Greek. ily. 5. Once a buffoon, never a good father of a fam- 6. So yourself be good, a fig for your grand- father. 7. So yourself be good, a fig for your grand mother. FAMINE.—Fan.—FANS.-FANATICISM.-FANCY. 329 8. Upon my family at home depends my char- acter abroad. 9. Where can one be happier than in the bosom of his family. Famine. 1. After a famine in the stall, comes a famine in the hall. 2. All's good in a famine. 3. I shall easily get over this year's famine, but in my plenty it will be hard for you to meet me. Chinese. 4. More die by food than famine. 5. To cry famine on a heap of corn. Fr. Fan. 1. You had better return a fan gracefully than give a thousand pounds awkwardly. Chesterfield. ity. Fans. 1. There are no fans in hell. Fanaticism. Arabian. 1. Fanaticism obliterates the feelings of human- Fancy. Gibbon. 1. Fancy and fear are worse than the pestilence. 2. Fancy flies afore the wind. 3. Fancy may bolt bran and think it flour. 4. Fancy may kill or cure. 5. Fancy requires much; necessity but, little. 6. Fancy surpasses beauty. Ger. Ger. 330 FARMER, FARMING.-FASHION. 7. That which has its value from fancy is not very valuable. 8. To give a reason for fancy were to weigh the fire and measure the wind Farmer, Farming. 1. A bad farmer's hedge is full of gaps. 2. Be a gentleman farmer. 3. Cultivate not a barren soil. Gaelic. Juvenal. Latin. 4. He that is manned with boys and horses with colts shall have his meat eaten and his work un- done. 5. The field should be poorer than the farmer; i. e., it is useless for a man to attempt farming with- out capital. 6. The foot of the farmer manures the field; i. e., the care of the farmer. Dan 7. 'Tis the farmer's care that makes the field bear. Fashion. 1. A fop of fashion is the mercer's friend, the tailor's fool and his own foe. 2. As good be out of the world as out of the fashion. 3. Better be dead than out of fashion. 4. Fashion, a word which fools use, Their knavery and folly to excuse. Churchill. 5. Fashion is more powerful than any tyrant. Latin. 6. For fashion's sake as dogs go to church. 7. Men after the modern fashion and asses after the ancient. Ital. FAST.-FASTIDIOUSNESS.-FATE. 331 8. Nothing is fashionable until it be deformed. Ben Jonson. 9. Tailors and writers must mind the fashion. Jo. We are led into the most improper things we commit by the force of fashion. Spectator. II. When advised to adopt a new fashion re- member the fox without a tail. 12. While the world lasts fashion will lead it by the nose. Cowper. Fast. 1. Fast as the hare runs, the greyhound outruns her since he catches her. 2. Fast bind, fast find. 3. Fast enough is well enough. 4. O'er fast, o'er loose. Fastidiousness. Sp. Latin. 1. The too fastidious are unfortunate; nothing satisfies them. La Fontaine. Fate. 1. Fate leads the willing but drives the stubborn. 2. Heaven from all creatures hides the book of fate. Pope. 3. It needs a light spirit to bear a heavy fate. 4. No flying from fate. 5. No man can strive against his doom. Dan. Northmen. Butler. 6. We do but sow. We're steered by fate. J 332 FATES.-FATHER. 7. We make our fortunes and we call them fate. 8. Who can control his fate. Bea. Shaks. Fates. 1. What fates impose that men must need abide. Father. Shaks. 1. A father lives after death in his son. Sanscrit. 2. A father loves his children in hating their faults. Fr. 3. A father's blessing cannot be drowned in water nor consumed by fire. Russian. Sp. 4. A father's love for all others is air. 5. A father maintains ten children better than ten children one father. Ger. 6. An ill father desireth not an ill son. 7. As the field, so the crops; as the father, so the sons. Ger. 8. Fathers in reclaiming a child should outwit him and seldom beat him. 9. He does not sing his father's song; ie., does not imitate his father. 10. It is not the anger of the father but his silence that the well-born son dreads. Chinese. II. Our fathers find their graves in our short memories and sadly tell us how we may be buried in our survivors. Sir. F. Browne. 12. Our fathers who were wondrous wise, Did wash their throats before they washed their eyes. FAULT, FAULTS. 333 13. The father a saint, the son a devil. Ital., Sp., Por. 14. The father in praising his son extols himself. Chinese. 15. The father sighs more at the death of one son than he smiles at the birth of many. 16. The father to the bough, the son to the. plough. 17. The father's virtue is the child's best inheri- tance. 18. You may thank God your father was born before you. Fault, Faults. 1. A man should pardon everybody's fault rather than his own. Cato. 2. A wilful fault has no excuse and deserves no pardon. 3. Bad men excuse their faults; good men leave them. Ben Jonson. 4. Be not busy in detecting other men's faults. } Cingalese. 5. By others' faults wise men correct their own. 54. Condemn the fault and not the actor of it. Shaks. 6. Don't find fault with what you don't under- stand. 7. Every man hath his faults. Fr. Latin. 8. Every one's faults are not written on their foreheads. 9. Every one puts his faults on the times. 10. Faults are thick when love is thin. 334 FAULT, FAULTS. 11. Faults of ignorance are excusable only where the ignorance itself is so. 12. Faults that are rich are fair. Shaks. 13. Forget others' faults by remembering your own. excess. 14. Great faults may grow out of great virtues in Maga. 15. He has but sorry food that feeds upon the faults of others. 16. He is lifeless that is faultless. 17. He may find fault, but let him mend if he can. 18. He that does one fault at first And lies to hide it, makes it two. Watts. 19. If nobody takes notice of our faults we easily forget them ourselves. 20. If the best man's faults were written on his forehead it would make him pull his hat over his eyes. Gaelic. 21. In every fault there is folly. 22. It is well our faults are not written on our face. 23. Jupiter makes for our own faults a sack be- hind and for the faults of others, one we wear before. Homer. 24. Let him that is without fault cast the first stone. 25. Men's years and their faults are always more than they are willing to own. 26. No man is born without faults; he is the best who has the fewest. Horace FAULT, FAUlts. 335 27. No one sees his own faults. Ger. 28. Nobody is willing to acknowledge he is in fault. 29. One fault will not justify another. 30. One man's fault is another man's lesson. 31. Small faults indulged are great thieves that let in greater. 32. Some faults though small, intolerable grow. Juvenal 33. The fault is as great as he that commits it. Fr., Sp. 34. The fault of another is a good teacher. Ger. 35. The fault of the ass must not be laid on the pack-saddle. 36. The faulty stands always on his guard. 37. The first faults are theirs that commit them, the second theirs that permit them. 38. The man the least pardonable is the one who declines to correct his faults, unless it be he who prides himself on them. 39. The most faulty are most prone to find fault. 40. The way to avoid great faults is to beware of small ones. 41. There's none without a fault. 42. They who seek only for faults, see nothing else. 43. 'Tis easier to avoid a fault than acquire per- fection. 44. We know not what is in the wallet behind. (The wallet containing our own faults.) 45. Where no fault is there needs no pardon. 336 FAULT-FINDING.-FAVOR. 46. Wilful faults have no excuse and deserve no pardon. Fault-finding. 1. Every clown can find fault though it would puzzle him to do better. 2. He that finds fault wants to buy. Ger. Ger., Sp. 3. He that findeth fault with rusticity is himself a rustic. 4. Nothing is easier than fault-finding. Cæsar. Robert West. 5. The sieve says to the needle: "You have a hole in your tail.” Bengalese. 6. You would find fault with a fat goose. 7. You would spy faults if your eyes were out. 8. You'd find faults in a bulrush. Favor. 1. A favor becomes doubly valuable when granted with courtesy. 2. A favor becomes old sooner than any other thing. M. Greek. 3. A favor ill-placed is great waste. 4. A favor is half granted when gracefully re- fused. Syrus. 5. A favor to come is better than a hundred re- ceived. 6. Everything goes by favor and cousinship. Ital. Fr. 7. Favors out of place I regard as positive inju- ries. Cicero. 8. From great folks great favors are to be ex- Don Quixote pected. FAVORITES. 337 9. Go shake another oak; i.e., apply for favors to another person. 10. Grace will last, favor will blast. II. He who asks fewest favors is the best re- ceived. Sp. 12. Never ask a favor of a man until he has had his dinner. Punch. 13. One favor qualifies for another. 14. The favor of great men and the praise of the world are not much to be relied on. 15. The favor of the court is like fair weather in winter. 16. The favor (or grace) that we receive from the spirit of the ocean is as deep as the ocean itself. Chinese. 17. There is pleasure in meeting the eyes of one on whom you are going to confer a favor. La Bruyere. 18. We should never remember the benefits con- ferred nor forget the favors received. Chilo. 19. When we ask a favor we say, madam; when we obtain it, what we please. Sp. 20. Who depends on princes' favors swims with fins of lead. 21. Without favor, art is like a wind-mill without wind. Juvenal. Favorites. I. A favorite has no friends. Gray. 2. The greatest favorites are in most danger of falling. 22 338 FEAR. Fear. 1. All the arms of England will not arm fear. George Herbert. 2. All the weapons of war cannot arm fear. 3. A man may threaten and yet be afraid. 4. Afraid of his own shadow. 5. Are you afraid of him that died last year ? 6. Do not lose honor through fear. Sp. 7. Early and provident fear is the mother of safety. Burke 8. Every one wishes that the man whom he fears would perish. 9. Fear always springs from ignorance. Ovid. Emerson. 10. Fear can keep a man out of danger, but courage only can support him in it. 11. Fear guards the vineyard. Ital., Sp. 12. Fear has big eyes. 13. Fear has no understanding. Ger. 14. Fear in love has no luck. Ger. 15. Fear is a great inventor. Fr. 16. Fear is a tyrant that frightens both child and man. Ger. 17. Fear is cruel and mean. 18. Fear is often greater than the danger. 19. Fear is one part of prudence. Emerson. Ger. 20. Fear is stronger than love. 21. Fear is the mother of safety. Sir H. Taylor. 22. Fear is the parent of cruelty. Froude FEAR. 339 23. Fear makes lions tame. Ger. 24. Fear naturally quickens the flight of guilt. Dr. Johnson. 25. Fear not the future; weep not for the past. Shelley. 26. Fear not the anger of the wise to raise, Those can best bear reproof who merit praise. 27. Fear not to-morrow's mischance. Pope. Turk. 28. Fear of death drives the wretches to prayer. Seneca. 29. Fear of the future is worse than one's present fortune. 30. Fear shame. Quintilian. Motto of the Duke of Portland. 31. Foolish fear doubleth danger. 32. For fear though faster than the wind Believes 'tis always left behind. Butler. 33. Great fear is often concealed by a show of daring. Latin. 34. He that fears danger in time seldom feels it. 35. He that fears leaves must not come into a wood. 36. He that fears not the future may enjoy the present. 37. He that fears you present, will hate you ab- sent. 38. He that has been hurt fears. 39. He that hath been bitten by a serpent is afraid of a rope. 40. He that is afraid of wounds must not come nigh a battle. 340 FEAR. 41. He that's afraid to do good, would do ill if he durst. 42. He who fears a sparrow will never sow millet. Russian. 43. He who fears death has already lost the life he covets. 44. He who fears death lives not. 45. He who fears God fears but him. 46. He who fears God is the true wise man. Cato. 47. He who fears to suffer, suffers from fear. F₁ 48. He who fears his servants is less than a ser vant. Syrus. 49. He who is feared by many fears many. Ger. 50. He who is feared gets more than his own. Sp. 51. I have lived too long near a wood to be frightened by owls. 52. It is good to fear the worst, the best saves itself. Dan. 53. It needs a high wall to keep out fear. 54. Men as resolute appear, with too much as too little fear. 55. Nobody would be afraid if she could help it. Butler. Smollett. 56. No greater hell than to be a slave to fear. Ben Jonson. 57. Of all the bad passions fear is most accursed. Shaks. 58. Our fears are always more numerous than our dangers. Seneca. . FEAST. 341 59. Over-daring is as great a vice as over-fearing. Ben Jonson. 60. The fear of ill exceeds the ills we fear. 61. The first thing that introduced a God in the world was fear. Petronius Arbiter. 62. The greater the fear the nearer the danger. Dan. 63. There is no readiness so quick as the readi- ness of fear. Maga. 64. There's nae medicine for fear. 65. They that fear an overthrow are half beaten. 66. 'Tis time to fear when tyrants seem to kiss. Shaks. 67. To be furious is to be frightened out of fear. Shaks. 68. Too much fear cuts all the nerves asunder. 69. Too much fear is an enemy to good delibera- tion. 70. 'Twas fear that first put on arms. 71. What are you afraid of him that died last year? 72. Who fears is worthy of calamity. Ben Jonson. 73. When one has seen the bear in the woods, he hears his growl in every bush. Ger. 74. Who is in fear of every leaf must not go into the wood. 75. Wise fear beats care. Feast. Ital., Dutch. 1. A feast is not made of mushrooms only. 1 342 FEASTING.-FEBRUARY.-FEE.-FEEBLENESS. 2. After a feast a man scratches his head. 3. Feast to-day makes fast to-morrow. 4. Feast won, fast lost. Fr. Plautus. 5. Fiddlers' dogs an' fleas come to a feast unca'd. 6. He that takes pet at a feast loses it all. 7. He who would enjoy the feast should fast on the even. Ital. 8. Small cheer and great welcome make a great feast. 9. The wedding feast is not made of mushrooms only. Sp. 10. 'Tis not clean linen only that makes the feast. Feasting. 1. Feasting is the physician's harvest. 2. Feasting makes no friendship. 3. It's good feasting in another's hall. Dutch. February. I. All the months in the year curse Februeer. it. a fair 2. February makes a bridge and March breaks 3. When it rains in February it will be temper ate all the year. Fee. Sp. 1. Always take the fee when the tear is in the eye. Feebleness. 1. Feebleness is sometimes the best security. FEELING.-FEELINGS.-FELLOW-FEELING.-FEIGNed. Feeling. 1. Feeling hath no fellow. Feelings. 1. It is with feelings as with waters: 343 The shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb. Fellow-feeling. Raleigh. 1. A fellow-feeling makes us wondrous kind. Feigned. 1. Nothing is lasting that is feigned. Felicity. 1. Felicity eats up circumspection. 2. Felicity lies much in fancy. Garrick. 3. He that cannot command felicity may at least deserve it. Fellow. Rousseau. 1. A good fellow lights his candle at both ends. 2. A gude fellow is a costly name. 3. Longer lives a good fellow than a dear year. 4. To do good to low fellows is to throw water into the sea. Don Quixote. Fellow-mortal. 1. However wretched a fellow-mortal may be, he is still a member of the common species. Females. Seneca. 1. Females confer on life its finest felicities. B. Rawle. 344 FENCE.-FERRY.-FETTErs.—Fever. 2. The female bird builds the nest. Turk. 3. The female mind is too practical to be me- thodical. Who would marry a woman that punctu- ates her love letters? Punch. 4. The sex (female) is ever to a soldier kind. Fence. Homer. 1. No fence against a flail. 2. No fence against gold. 3. No fence against ill fortune. 4. There is no fence against a panic. Ferry. 1. If you ferry at all, ferry right over. Chinese. Fetters. 1. Fetters even of gold are heavy. 2. Fetters of gold are still fetters, and silken cords pinch. 3. I hate fetters though they be of gold. Por. 4. Let the smith himself wear the fetters he forged. 5. No man likes his fetters though of gold. 6. "Tis folly to love fetters though they be of Latin. gold. 7. 'Tis in vain to kick after you have once put on the fetters. Fever. I. A fever is as troublesome upon a couch of state as upon a flock bed. Few.—Fiddle.—FIDDLER.-FIDELITY.-FIELD. 345 Few. 1. Few are fit to be entrusted with themselves. 2. Few men will be better than their interests allow them. 3. Few things in the world that will bear too much refining. Fiddle. 1. The fiddle makes the feast. Ger. 2. The least boy always carries the greatest fiddle. Fiddler. 1. Fiddler's fun: meat, drink, and money. 2. In a fiddler's house all are dancers. 3. The fiddler of the same town never plays well at their feasts. 4. Who cannot become a fiddler let him remain a fifer. Ger. Fidelity. 1. Fidelity purchased with money, money can destroy. Field. Seneca. 1. A field requires three things: fair weather, good seed, and a good husbandman. 2. Fields have eyes and hedges ears. 3. Good corn is not reaped from a bad field. Dan. 4. There's nothing like having the key of the fields. Fr. 346 FIG-TREE-FILE.-FINDING.-FINE.-FINGERS. Fig-tree. 1. You are like fig-tree fuel: much smoke and little fire. File. 1. It is a good file that cuts iron without making a noise. Finding. Ital. 1. He that finds a thing steals it if he endeavors not to restore it. 2. He that finds something before it is lost, will die before he is sick, viz., will be hanged. 3. He that hides can find. Dutch. Fr. 4. Where something is found there look again. Fine. 1. Fine upon fine make but a slender doublet. Fingers. 1. All the fingers are not alike. Fire. 1. A little fire burns up a great deal of corn. 2. A little fire is quickly trodden out, Fr. Which being suffered rivers cannot quench. Shaks. 3. A small fire that warms you is better than a large one that burns you. 4. Any water will put out fire. Dan. Fr., Ital. Dan. 5. Fire and straw soon make a flame. 6. Fire and water are good servants but bad masters. FIRE. 347 7. Fire and water are two good servants. 8. Fire drives the wasp out of its nest. 9. Fire in flax will smoke. 10. Fire is not quenched with fire. 11. Fire is not quenched with tow. Ger. Ital. Ital. 12. Green wood makes a hot fire 13. He carries fire and water. Fr. 14. He carries fire in the one hand and water in the other. 15. He that will have fire must bear with smoke. Dutch, Dan. 16. If you want fire look for it in the ashes. Ger. 17. It is a good fire when the neighbor gives the wood. Ger. 18. It is as bad to spit out the fire and be ashamed as to swallow it and be burned. Dan. 19. It is bad to be between two fires. 20. It is good to warm one's self by another's fire. Dan. Dutch. 21. It never smokes but there is a fire. 22. It won't do to trifle with fire. Fr. 23. Kindle not a fire you cannot extinguish. 24. More fuel, more fire. Chinese. 25. No fire without smoke. Fr. 26. Put out the fire betimes before it reach the roof. Ger. 27. Saft fire maks sweet mawt. 28. Soft fire makes sweet malt. 348 FIRE. 29. The fire heeds little whose cloak it burns. Dan. 30. The fire is welcome when icicles hang with- out. Dan. 31. The fire of London was a punishment for gluttony. 32. The fire that burneth taketh the heat out of a burn. 33. The fire that does not warm me shall never scorch me. 34. The fire which lighteth us at a distance will burn us when near. 35. The most covered fire is always the most glowing. Fr. 36. The one kindles the fire, the other blows it. (One begins the evil, the other increases it.) M. Greek. 37. The same fire purifies gold and consumes straw. 38. There is no fire without smoke. Ital. Dan. 39. There is no quenching of fire with tow. 40. There is no smoke without fire. 41. They who shun the smoke often fall into the fire. Ital. 42. To cast oil into the fire is not the way to quench it. 43. To save your house from neighboring fire is hard. Ovid. 44. When the next house is on fire it is high time to look to your own. FIRST.-FISH. 349 45. When there is a fire in the neighborhood carry water to your own house. 46. Where there's fire there's smoke. Ital. Sp. 47. Who hath skirts of straw must needs fear the fire. 48. Who wants fire let him look for it in the ashes. First. 1. First come, first served. 2. The first pleases every one. Dutch. Dryden. Ital. 3. The first in the boat has the choice of oars. Dutch. 4. The first men in the world were a gardener, a ploughman and a grazier. men. 5. The first movements are not in the hands of Don Quixote. 6. The first pig and the last whelp of the litter is the best. 7. Who comes first grinds first. Fish. Ger., Dutch. 1. A fish should swim three times: in water, in sauce and in wine. 2. A little bait catches a large fish. Ger. M. Greek. 3. All fish are not caught with flies. 4. Better fish is to be had in Billingsgate than on the sea-coast. 5. Better small fish than an empty dish. 6. Big fish spring out of the kettle. Dutch. Fr. $ 7. Damning and laving is gude sure fishing. 8. Don't teach fishes to swim. 350 A FISH 9. Even that fish may be caught that strives the hardest against it. 10. Every fish is not a sturgeon. Dan. Russian. II. Every fish that escapes, appears greater than it is. Turk. 12. Fish are not to be caught with a bird call. 13. Fish begin to stink at the head. 14. Fish make no broth. 15. Fish must swim thrice: once in the water, once in the sauce, and a third time in wine in the stomach. 16. Fish spoils water but flesh mends it. 17. Fish are cast away that are cast into dry ponds. 18. Fishes follow the bait. 19. From great rivers come great fish. Por. 20. Go to the sea if you would fish well. Ital. 21. Great fish are caught in great waters. Ger. 22. Great fishes break the net. Dutch. 23. He fishes on who catches one. Fr. 24. He is a poor fisherman that will not wet his feet. Ger. 25. He that fishes afore the net, lang 'ere fish get. 26. He that lets his fish escape, may cast his net often yet never catch it again. 27. He that sets his net betimes may expect a fuller, draught than he that fishes later. 28. He who catches one fish is a fisherman. Sp. 29. He who does not bait his hook fishes in vain. Fr., Ger. FISH. 35I 30. He who wants to catch fish must not mind a wetting. Sp., Por. 31. I had no thought of catching you when I fished for another. 32. I have other fish to fry. 33. If you swear, you'll catch no fish. 34. If you take away fish to the dogs. the salt you may throw the 35. In the deepest water is the best fishing. 36. It is a silly fish that is caught twice by the same bait. 37. It is good fishing in troubled waters. Fr., Sp., Dutch. 38. It is no use fishing until you have baited your hook. 39. It is the bait that lures, not the fisherman or the rod. Sp. 40. Like fish that live in salt water, yet are fresh. 41. Little fish are sweet. Dutch. 42. Make not your sauce until you have caught your fish. 43. Neither fish nor flesh nor good red herring. Sir H. Sheers. 44. Never fish in troubled waters. 45. No man cries stinking fish. 46. Old be your fish, your oil, your friend. Ital. 47. One must lose a minnow to catch a salmon. 48. Sma' fish are better than nae fish. Fr. 49. That fish will soon be caught that nibbles at every bait. 352 FISH. 50. The best fish swim near the bottom. 51. The big fish eat the little ones. Fr., Ital., M. Greek. 52. The big fish eat the little ones, the little ones eat the shrimps, and the shrimps are forced to eat mud. (Applied to the classes of society paying taxes.) Chinese. 53. The end of fishing is not angling but catch- ing. 54. The fish by struggling in the net hampers it- self the more. 55. The fish comes to his senses after he gets in- to the net. Turk. 56. The fish lead a pleasant life: they drink when they like, Ger. 57. The fish may be caught in a net, that will not come to a hook. 58. The fisherman fishes in troubled waters. 59. The hasty angler loses the fish. 60. The hasty hand catches frogs for fish. Por. 61. There are as good fish in the sea as ever were caught. 62. There is no catching trouts with dry breeches. Por. 63. 'Tis not for every one to catch a salmon. 64. 'Tis rare to find a fish that will not bite sometime or other. 65. To fish with a golden hook. Latin. 66. Where there are no fish, even a crawfish calls himself a fish. Russian. FIT.-FLAG.-FLAME.-FLATTERER, FLATTERY. 353 67. Who cannot catch fish must catch shrimps. Chinese. 68. Who fishes with a golden hook catches what he will. Ger. 69. Without a bait fish is not caught. M. Greek. 70. Young flesh and old fish are best. I. All is fine that is fit. Fit. Flag. 1. An old flag is an honor to its captain. Fr. 2. He changes his flag to conceal his being a pirate. Flame. 1. Take away fuel, take away flame. 2. The flame is not far away from the smoke. Flatterer, Flattery. 1. A flatterer, a hypocrite. Dan. Ger. Hungarian. 3. A flatterer is the shadow of a fool. Giles' Proverbs. 2. A flatterer is a secret enemy. 4. A flatterer of vice is an immoral man. 5. A flatterer has a poisonous tongue. Johnson. Ger. 6. A flatterer has water in one hand and fire in the other. 7. A flatterer's mouth worketh ruin. 8. A flattering speech is a honeyed poison. Ger. Bible. Latin. 23 354 FLATTERER, FLATTERY. 9. A man that flattereth his neighbor spreadeth a net for his feet. Bible. 10. As a wolf is like a dog, so is a flatterer like a friend. 4 II. Beware of the flatterer. 12. Dread to flatter as to die. 13. Flatterers and dogs soil their own masters. Homer. Ger. 14. Flatterers are always bowing and cringing. Arbuthnot. 15. Flatterers are cats that lick before and scratch behind. 16. Flatterers are the devil's nurse. Ger. Ger. 17. Flatterers are the worst kind of enemies. Tacitus. 18. Flatterers haunt not cottages. 19. Flattery always degenerates into ingratitude. 20. Flattery brings friends but the truth begets enmity. 21. Flattery displays a braver flag than humility. 22. Flattery is like friendship in show but not in fruit. Socrates. 23 Flattery is sweet food to those who can swallow it. Dan. Shaks. 24. Flattery is the bellows that blows up sin. 25. Flattery is the destruction of all good fellow- ship. 26. Flattery is the food of fools. Bea. Swift. 27. Flattery is the prolific parent of falsehood. Gibbor FLATTERER, FLATTERY. 355 28. Flattery sits in the parlor when plain dealing is kicked out of doors. 29. Flattery the dangerous nurse of vice. Daniel. 30. Flattery was formerly a vice; it has now be come the fashion. Syrus. 31. He cannot have me both for a friend and flatterer. Phocion speaking of Antipater. 32. He that feasteth a flatterer and a slanderer dineth with two devils. 33. He that is open to flattery, is fenced against admonition. 34. He that rewards flattery begs it. 35. He who praises me on all occasions is a fool who despises me or a knave who wishes to cheat me. Chinese. 36. He would swallow flattery though it were laid on with a trowel. 37. If we did not flatter ourselves no body else could. 38. Just praise is only a debt, but flattery is a present. Dr. Johnson. 39. Let flattery, the handmaid of vice, be far ie- moved from friendship. Cicero. 40. Openness to flattery is the common disgrace of declining life. Dr. Johnson. 41. Our flatterers are our most dangerous ene- mies, though they often lie in our bosoms. 42. Parent of wicked, bane of honest, deeds. 43. Scratch people where they itch. Prior. Fr. 356 FLEA. 44. Show me a poor man and I'll show you a flat- terer. 45. The coin most current is flattery. Por. 46. The flatterer does the prince more harm than the enemy in the field. Ger. 47. The flatterer's bite is poisonous. Ger. 48. The flatterer's throat is an open sepulchre. Ital. 49. There is no such flatterer as a man's self. 50. They who delight to be flattered pay for their folly by a late repentance. Phædrus. 51. Trust not the flatterer: in the days of sun- shine he will give three pounds of butter, and in thy need deny thee a crust of bread. 52. 'Tis an old maxim in the schools That flattery is the food of fools. 53. We seldom find out we are flattered. Chinese. Swift. 54. When flatterers meet, the devil goes to dinner. Defoe. 55. When the flatterer pipes, the devil dances. 56. Who knows not how to flatter, knows not how to talk. Ital. 57. Who paints me before, blackens me behind. Ital. 58. Who trusts the flatterer sells his goods with- out money. Flea. Ger. I. I will send him away with a flea in his ear. 2. One flea cannot raise a coverlet. 3. One flea does not hinder sleep. Chinese. FLESH.FLIGHT.-FLINT.-FLIRT. 357 4. That's a valiant flea that dare eat his break- fast on the lip of a lion. Shaks. 5. The fatter the flea, the leaner the dog. Ger. 1. All flesh is grass. Flesh. 2. All flesh is not venison. Flight. Bible. Fr. 1. It is not all who turn their backs that flee. Dan. 2. It is wiser to run away when there is no rem- edy, than to stay and die in the field foolishly. 3. To flee and to run are not all one. Sp. 4. Who fights and runs away, may live to fight another day. Butler. 5. Who flees the bees runs into the jaws of the .ion. Ger. 6. Who flees the wolf meets with the bear. Ger. Flint. I. In the coldest flint there is hot fire. 2. The fire in the flint shows not till it is struck. 3. Two hard flints never grind well. Ger. 4. Strike a flint and you'll get fire; strike it not and you'll not get even smoke. Flirt. Chinese. 1. A flirt changes her opinion every day, except- ing the good opinion she has of herself. 2. Such envious things the women are, That fellow flirts they cannot bear. Punch. 358 FLIRTATION.-FLOWER. Flirtation. will. 1. Who will not when he can, cannot when he Por. 2. Who won't when he may, when he will shall have nay. 3. Ye may gang farther and fare war. 4. You may have worse offers before May-day. Flower. 1. All flowers are not for nosegays. 2. All flowers are not in one garland. 3. As welcome as flowers in May. 4. Every flower has its perfume. Turk. side. 5. Fair flowers do not remain long by the way- 6. Flowers are the pledges of fruit. Ger. Dan. 7. Flowers are the poetry of earth, as stars are the poetry of heaven. 8. Full many a flower is born to blush unseen And waste its sweetness on the desert air. Gray. 9. It is a bad soil where no flowers will grow. 10. It is not every flower that smells sweet. Ital. 11. Nobody is fond of fading flowers. 12. Not all flowers are fit for nosegays. 13. One flower does not make a summer. 14. One flower makes no garland. 15. Painted flowers have no scent. 16. 'Tis my faith that every flower Enjoys the air it breathes. Ger. Turk. Fr., Dutch. Wordsworth. FLY. 359 1 + Fly. 1. A fly before his own eye is bigger than an elephant in the next field. 2. A fly even has its anger. Latin. 3. Big flies break the spider's web. Ital. 4. Even a fly hath its spleen (anger). Ital. 5. Even the lion must defend himself against the flies. 6. Every fly has its shadow. 7. Flies are busiest about lean horses. Ger. Por. 8. Flies are easier caught with honey than with vinegar. 9. Flies don't light on a boiling pot. 10. Hungry flies bite sore. Fr. Fr., Ital. Ger., Dutch. II. Is it an emperor's business to catch flies? Fr., Ital., Sp., Por. 12. No flies get into a shut mouth. 13. No flies light on a boiling pot. 14. One fly does not provide for another. Sp. Sp. 15. The busy fly is in every man's dish. 16. The fly flutters about the candle till at last it gets burned. Dutch. 17. The fly that bites the tortoise breaks its beak. Ital. 18. The fly that playeth too long in the candle singeth her wings. 19. The fly that sips treacle is lost in the sweets. John Gay. 20. To a boiling pot flies come not. 360 FOE-FOEMEN.-FOG.-FOLLOW. 21. Where the wasp has passed the fly sticks fast. Fr. 22. You shall never beat the fly from the candle though she burn for it. I. Foe. Friends become foes and foes are reconciled. Latin: 2. He's a man of able mind, that of a foe can make a friend. 3. He makes no friend who never made a foe. Tennyson. 4. In the unhappy man forget the foe. Addison. 5. That man is sure to lose Who soils his hands with dirty foes. Foemen. 1. The stern joy which warriors feel In foemen worthy of their steel. Fog. Butler Scott. 1. A fog cannot be dispelled by a fan. Japanese. Follow. 1. Follow the copy though it fly out of the win dow. Printers' Maxim. 2. Follow the river and you will get to the sea. 3. Follow the road and you will reach an inn. Por. 4. Follow the wise few rather than the vulgar many. Ital. 5. Follow truth too close at the heels and 'twil) strike out your teeth. FOOD.-FOLLY. 361 Food. 1. A man hath often more trouble to get food than to digest it. Folly. 1. A man's folly is his worst foe and his dis- cretion his best friend. 2. A man's folly ought to be his greatest secret. 3. Among other evils folly has also this: it is always beginning to live. Seneca. 4. Folly and learning oft dwell together. 5. Folly as well as wisdom is justified by its children. 6. Folly hath eagle wings, but the eyes of an owl. Dutch. 7. Folly is the most incurable of maladies. Sp. 8. Folly is the poverty of the mind. 9. Folly is the product of all countries and all ages. 10. Folly often goes beyond its bounds, but im- pudence knows none. Ben Jonson. 11. If a man have folly in his sleeve it is sure to peep out. 12. If folly were a pain, there would be groaning in every house. Dan. Sp 13. If we will have the kindness of others we must endure their follies. Dr. Johnson. 14. It is folly to drown on dry land. 15. It is folly to gape against an oven. Fr., Dan. 16 It is folly to lay out money in the purchase of iepentance. Franklin 362 FOLLY. 17. It is folly to sing twice to a deaf man. 18. It is folly to fear what we cannot avoid. Dan. 19. It is the ordinary way of the world to keep folly at the helm and wisdom under the hatches. 20. It is well to profit by the folly of others. 21. Mingle a little folly with your wisdom. Latin. Horace. 22. Natural folly is bad enough, but learned folly is intolerable. 23. Nobody so wise but has a little folly to spare. 24. No folly to being in love. Ger. Welsh. 25. Purposing without performing is mere folly. 26. The amity which wisdom uniteth not, folly will unite. 27. The desire for the superfluous is folly, for it hath no bounds. Pythagoras. 28. The first degree of folly is to think one's self wise, the next to tell others so, the third to despise all counsel. 29. The follies of youth are food for repentance in old age. 30. The folly of one man is the fortune of another. 31. The malady that is most incurable is folly. Por. 32. The most exquisite folly is made of wisdom too fine spun. 33. The shortest follies are the best. Fr. 34. To counsel and to disregard his own safety is folly. Phædrus. 1 FOLLY (IN CONDUCT). 363 35. Whoever falls sick of folly is long in getting cured. Folly (in Conduct). Sp. 1. A cucumber being offered a poor man he re- fused it because it was crooked. Turk. 2. Bolts a door with a boiled carrot. 3. Hard by the river he digs a well. Latin. 4. He baked snow in the oven. Ger. 5. He brings a staff to break his own head. 6. He expects that larks will fall ready roasted into his mouth. Fr. 7. He expects to find water at the first stroke of the spade. egg. 8. He has given the hen for the egg. Sp. Ger. 9. He has killed the goose that laid the golden 10. Lay on more wood, ashes give money. 11. The egg hurls itself against the stone. Chinese. 12. The glass-dealer's horses fell out and he looked on to see which kicked hardest. 1 Sp. 13. To bind a dog with the gut of a lamb. Latin. 14. To cut down an oak and plant a thistle. 15. To cut down an oak and set up a strawberry. 16. To fight with one's own shadow. 17. To fill bags with meal against the wind. Ger 18. To find a mare's nest. 19. To fish in the air, to hunt in the sea. 20. To foul the stream and expect the stream to Latin. be pure. Chinese. 364 FOOL. 21. To go mulberry gathering without a crook. Fr. 22. To go rabbit hunting with a dead ferret. Sp. 23. To go to the vintage without baskets. Fr. 24. To kill the hen by way of getting the egg. Fr. 25. To pull down the house for the sake of the mortar. 26. To put bread into a cold oven. Ital. Latin. 27. To put the cart before the horse. 28. To put water into a basket. Dutch. 29. To take one foot out of the mire and put the other foot into it. Sp. 30. To take out of one pocket to put in the other. Fool. 1. A barber learneth to shave by shaving fools. 2. A fair promise makes a fool merry. 3. A fool always comes short of his reckoning. 4. A fool always finds a greater fool than him- self. Boileau. 5. A fool always finds a greater fool that ad- mires him. 6. A fool and his money are soon parted. 7. A fool can dance without a fiddle. 8. A fool cannot be silent. Ger. Demaratus, king of Sparta. 9. A fool demands much, but he is a greater that gives it. 10. A fool has not stuff enough to make a good Rochefoucauld. man. FOOL. 365 II. A fool if he holds his tongue passes for wise. 12. A fool is better than an obstinate man. 13. A fool is full of words. Sp. 14. A fool is like other men as long as he is silent. Dan. 15. A fool is one who gives, and greater fool one who will not take. 16. A fool is the wise man's ladder. Ger. African. 17. A fool laughs when others laugh. 18. A fool loses his estate before he finds his folly. 19. A fool may chance to say a wise thing. Dutch. 20. A fool must now and then be right by chance. Cowper. 21. A fool never admires himself so much as when he has committed some folly. Chinese. 22. A fool only wins the first game. 23. A fool shoots; God guides the bullet. Dan. Russian. 24. A fool thinks nothing right but what he does himself. 25. A fool unless he knows Latin is never a great fool. 26. A fool wants his cloak on a rainy day. 27. A fool when he hath spoken hath done all. Sp. 28. A fool who speaks the truth is better than a hundred liars. 29. A fool will laugh when he is drowning. 30. A fool will not be foiled. Ger. 366 FOOL. 31. A fool will not gie his bauble for the tower of London. 32. A fool's head never whitens. 33. A fool's bolt is soon shot. 34. A fool's bolt may sometimes hit the mark. 344. A fool's heart dances on his lips. 35. A fool's lips are the snare of his soul. Bible. 36. A fool's speech is a bubble of air. 37. A fool's tongue is long enough to cut his own throat. 38. A fool's voice is known by a multitude of words. Bible. 39. A nod from a lord is a beefsteak for a fool. 40. A pointless saying is a fool's doing. Punch. 41. A prating fool shall fall. Bible. Irish. 42. A thorn in the foot and a fool's answer, are two sharp things. 43. A wise look may secure a fool if he talk not. 44. All but fools know fear sometimes. 45. All cry "fie "fie" on the fool. 46. All fails that fools think. Henry Hein. 47. All fools have still an itching to deride, And fain would be upon the laughing side. Pope. 48. All places are filled with fools. Cicero. 49. All the fools are not dead yet. 50. All too good is every man's fool. 51. An easy fool is a knave's tool. 52. An ass will deny more in an hour than a FOOL. 367 hundred philosophers will prove in an hundred years. 53. An old fool is better than a young simpleton. 54. As the bell clinks so the fool thinks. Dan. 55. As the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of a fool. 56. Be wise with speed, A fool at forty is a fool indeed. Bible. Young. 57. Bray a fool in a mortar, he'll be never the wiser. 58. By his immoderate laughter you can always distinguish a fool. Latin. 59. Even a fool can bet a good hand at poker. (A game of cards.) 60. Even a fool when he holdeth his peace is counted wise. Bible. 61. Even fools sometimes speak to the purpose. 62. Everybody must wear out one pair of fool's shoes if he wear no more. Ger. 63. Every fool is pleased with his bauble. 64. Every fool is wise when he holds his tongue. 65. Every fool thinks he is clever enough. Dan. 66. Every fool wants to give advice. 67. Every fool will be meddling. Ital. Bible. 68. Every man a little beyond himself is a fool. 69. Every man hath a fool in his sleeve. 70. Every man's friend, every man's fool. 71. Far fools hae fair feathers. Fr., Ital. Ger. 368 FOOL. 72. Fool is he who alone talks and is his only listener. Turk. 73. Fools and madmen ought not to be left in their own company. 74. Fools are all the world over, as he said who shod the goose. 75. Fools are always resolute to make good their own folly. 76. Fools are free all the world over. 77. Fools are known by looking wise. 78. Fools are not to be convinced. Ger. Butler. 79. Fools are pleased with their own blunders. 80. Fools are plentier than philosophers because there is more demand for them. Durbin Ward. 81. Fools for arguments use wagers. Butler. 82. Fools go in throngs. Fr. 83. Fools grin on fools. Young. 84. Fools grow without watering. Ital. 85. Fools' haste is no speed. 86. Fools laugh at their own sport. 87. Fools live poor to die rich. 88. Fools must not be set on eggs. Ger. 89. Fools refuse favors. 90. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Pope. 91. Fools set far trysts. 92. Fools shou'd na hae chopping sticks. 93. Fools should not see half-done work. 94. Fools will not part with their bauble for all Lombard street. FOOL. 369 95. Fools worship mules that carry gold. 96. Forbid a fool a thing and that he'll do. 97. From many questions one knows a fool. Ger. 98. "God help the fool!" said the idiot. 99. God sends fools fortune. 100. Great fools have great bells. Dutch. 101. Greater fools than those of Zago, who dunged the steeple to make it grow. Ital. Fr. 102. He does a good day's work who rids himself of a fool. 103. He exposes himself to be thought a fool who reports the follies of others. Fr. 104. He has great need of a fool who makes him- self one. Fr. 105. He is a fool who avoids the place where he has aforetime broken his nose. Russian. 106. He is a fool who boasts of four things: that he has good wine, a good horse, a handsome wife, and plenty of money. Ital. 107. He is a fool who buys an ox to have good cream. Ger. 108. He is a fool who makes his physician his heir. Fr. 109. He is a fool that makes a mallet of his fist. Fr. 110. He is a fool who only hears himself speak. Ger. III. He is a fool who only sees the mischiefs that are past. Bryant. 112. He is a fool who spends more money than his receipts. Fr. 24 370 FOOL 113. He is a fool who thinks that another does not think. Ital., Ger., Por. 114. He is a great fool who forgets himself to feed another. Sp. 115. He is fool enough himself who will bray against another ass. 116. He is nae the fool that the fool is, but he that wi' the fool deals. 117. He shall have enough to do who studies to please fools. 118. He that cannot reason is a fool. 119. He that can turn his hand to anything hath not the mind of a fool. Chinese. 120. He that is only his own pupil shall have a fool for his tutor. 121. He that is well sheltered is a fool if he stir out into the rain. 122. He who is born a fool is never cured. 123. He who is very learned is a very learned fool. Tamil. 124. He who would make a fool of himself will find many to help him. Dan. 125. He is a fool that's wiser abroad than at home. 126. I will not dance for every fool's pipe. 127. If a fool have success it ruins him. 128. If all fools wore white caps we should look like a flock of sheep. 129. If every fool were to wear a bauble, fuel would be dear. FOOL. 371 130. If every fool wore a crown, we should all be kings. Welsh. 131. If every one were wise, the fool would be the prize. Ger. 132. If fools ate no bread, corn would be cheap. Ger., Dutch. 133. If fools went not to the market, bad wares would not be sold. 134. If there were neither fools or knaves in the world all people would be of one mind. 135. If thou play the fool stay for a fellow. Sp. 136. If you play with a fool at home he'll play with you in the market. 137. If you want to get into the bog, ask five fools the way to the wood. Livonian. 138. It is a cunning part to play the fool well. 139. It is better to be a beggar than a fool. 140. It is better to deal with a whole fool than a half fool. Ger. Latin. 141. It is better to please a fool than to anger him. 142. It is the part of a fool to say, "I should not have thought it." 143. It is the property of fools to be always judg ing. 144. It needs a cunning hand to shave a fool's head. 145. Knaves and fools divide the world. Dutch. 146. Learned fools are the greatest of all fools. Ger. 147. More fools, more fun. Fr. 148. Neither give to all nor contend with fools. Ger. 372 FOOL. 149. Never challenge a fool to do wrong. 150. Never defy a fool. 151. No fool like an old fool. Fr. 152. No one is a fool always: every one some- times. 153. Nobody is twice a fool. Accra (Africa). Pope. 154. No creature smarts so little as a fool. 155. None but a fool is always right. 156. None is so wise but the fool overtakes him. 157. Nothing looks so much like a man of sense as a fool that holds his tongue. 158. Nothing so foolish as the laugh of a fool. Ger. Martial. 159. Old fools are more foolish than young ones. Rochefoucauld. 160. One begins by being a fool and ends by be- ing a knave. 161. One fool is enough in a house. 162. One fool praises another. 163. One should be born either a king or a fool. Ger. 164. Ordinarily I can bear the sensible knave bet- ter than the fool. Pope. 165. Send a fool to market and a fool he'll return. · 166. Silent fools may pass for wise. 167. Speak not of stones to a fool lest he cast them at thy head. Turk. 168. The assistance of fools only brings an injury. Latin FOOL. 373 169. The false modesty of fools will conceal ulcers rather than have them cured. Horace. 170. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction. 171. The feast passes and the fool remains. Bible. Ital., Sp. 172. The first chapter of fools is to esteem them- selves wise. 173. The fool and the brutish person die and leave their wealth to others. 174. The fool cuts himself with his own knife. Bible. Fr. Cicero. 175. The fool discerns the faults of others and for- gets his own. 176. The fool has always wet weather in his calen- dar. Ger. 177. The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. 178. The fool hunts for misfortune. Bible. Fr. 179. The fool is busy in every one's business but his own. 180. The fool runs away while his house is burn- ing. 181. The fool saith, "Who would have thought it." 182. The fool thinks nothing well done but what he has done himself. 183. The fool who falleth into the fire rarely fall- eth out of it. 1 184. The fool who is silent passes for wise. Arabian. Fr., Por. 374 FOOL. 185. A fool's life is half death. 186. The fool's pleasure costs him dear. Ger. 187. The more riches a fool hath, the greater fool he is. 188. The older a fool the worse he is. Ger. 189. The poor fool that closeth his mouth never winneth a dollar. Spanish Gypsy. 190. The prosperity of fools shall destroy them. Bible. 191. The shadow of a lord is a cap for a fool. 192. The way of a fool is right in his own eyes. Ital. Bible. 193. The world is too narrow for two fools a quar- relling. 194. There are bearded fools. 195. There cannot be a more intolerable thing than a fortunate fool. 196. There is a fool at every feast. Dutch. 197. There is a medium betwixt all fool and all philosopher. 198. There is no art can make a fool wise. 199. There is no fool in this world but who is sure to find a greater fool than himself. Fr. 200. There is no fool like a learned fool. Ital. 201. There is no knife cuts keener than a fool turned doctor. Ger. 202. There is no man that hath not a vein of the fool in him. Ger. 203. There is no need to fasten a bell to a fool, he is sure to tell his own tale. Dan. FOOL. 375 204. There is nothing blackens like the ink of fools. Pope. 205. There is nothing so intolerable as a fortu- nate fool. Latin. Ger. 206. There must be fools in the world. 207. This fellow's wise enough to play the fool, And to do that well craves a kind of wit. Shaks. 208. Though a coat be ever so fine that a fool wears, yet 'tis but a fool's coat. 209. Though the fool waits, the day does not. 210. Thrust not thy finger into a fool's mouth. Fr. Dutch. 211. 'Tis sweet to play the fool in time and place. Homer. 212. To be a fool or knave in print doth but bring the truth to light. 213. To every fool his cap. Dutch. 214. To promise and give nothing is comfort to a fool. 215. To reprove a fool is but lost labor. 216. Two fools in one house are too many by a couple. 217. Unless a fool know's Latin he is never a great fool. 218. We have all been fools in our time. 219. What gifts to fools avail ? Sp. Latin. Homer. 220. When a fool finds a horseshoe, he thinks ay the like to do. 221. When a fool has spoken he has done all. 376 FOOL.-WISE MAN. 222. When a fool hath bethought himself the market is over. 223. When fools go to market, pedlers (hucksters) make money. Dutch, Dan. 224. When fools have nothing to talk about they talk about the weather. Ger. 225. When gods gave fools mouths, it was not that they might talk but eat. Turk. 226. Where two fools meet the bargain goes off. 227. Where you see a jester a fool is not far off. 228. When fools shun one sort of vices they fall on their opposite extremes. 229. Who is born a fool is never cured. Horace. Ital. 230. Why thinks the fool with childish hope to see What neither is, nor was, nor e'er shall be ? Ovid. 231. Wise lads and old fools were never good for anything. 232. With fools it is always holiday. 233. Worthless is the advice of fools. Ital. Latin. Latin. 234. Young fools think that the old are dotards, but the old have forgotten more than the young fools know. Fool.-Wise Man. Dutch. A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer. Ital. 2. A fool is always meditating how he shall be- gin his life; a wise man, how he shall end it. N. McDonald. 3. A fool knows his own business better than a wise man that of other men. Ital FOOL.-WISE MAN. 377 4. A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another's. 5. A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years. 6. A fool may chance to put something in a wise man's head. 7. A fool may give a wise man counsel. 8. A fool may make money but it requires a wise man to spend it. 9. A fool may meet with good fortune but the wise only profit by it. 10. A fool throws a stone into a well and it requires an hundred wise men to get it out again. Ital. II. A man may talk like a wise man, yet act like a fool. 12. Amangst twenty-four fools no ae wise man. 13. A nod for a wise man and a rod for a fool. 14. A rich fool is a wise man's treasurer. 15. A wise man and a fool together know more than a wise man alone. Ital. 16. A wise man begins in the end, and a fool ends in the beginning. 17. A wise man changes his mind, a fool never. 18. A wise man may learn of a fool. Sp. 19. A wise man may look ridiculous in the com- pany of fools. 20. A wise man's thoughts walk within him, a fool's without him. 378 FOOL.-WISE MAN. 21. A wise man's soul reposes at the root of his tongue, but a fool's is ever dancing on the tip. Arabian. 22. A wise man thinks all that he says, a fool says all that he thinks. 23. A wise man will not reprove a fool. Chinese. 24. Better to weep with the wise than laugh with fools. Ger. 25. Better with the wise in prison than with fools in paradise. Ger. 26. Bridges were made for wise men to walk over and fools to ride under. 27. Each wise' man has a fool for his brother. Ger. 28. Every fool can find faults that a great many wise men can't remedy. 29. Fools are wise men in the affairs of women. 30. Fools ask, What o'clock ? but wise men know their time. Dutch. 31. Fools build houses and wise men buy them. Dutch. 32. Fools invent fashions and wise men follow them. · Fr. 33. Fools lade out all the water and wise men take the fish. 34. Fools make feasts and wise men eat them. 35. Fools may ask more in an hour than wise men can answer in seven years. 36. Fools set stools for wise men to stumble at. 37. Fools tie knots and wise men loose them. FOOL.-WISE MAN. 379 38. He is a fool who cannot be angry, but he is a wise man who will not. 39. He is not a wise man who cannot play the fool on occasion. Ital. 40. He that is a wise man by day is no fool by night. 41. If a wise man should never miscarry the fool would burst. 42. If the fool have a hump no one notices; if the wise man have a pimple everybody talks about it. Livonian. 43. If wise men never erred it would go hard with the fool. 44. If wise men play the fool they do it with a vengeance. Ger. 45. It is better to associate with the half fool than the half wise man. 46. It is better to be saved with the fool, than to perish with the wise. De Langoiran. 47. It is better to sit with a wise man in prison than a fool in paradise. 48. It takes a wise man to be a fool. 49. None can play the fool as well as a wise man. 50. Oftentimes to please fools wise men err. 51. One day of a wise man is worth the whole life of a fool. 52. One fool makes many, but a thousand wise men cannot make one wise man. 53. One wise man is worth a thousand fools. Ger. M. Greek. 380 FOOL.-WISE MAN. 54. Set a fool to roast eggs and a wise man to eat them. 55. That which makes wise men modest makes fools unmannerly. 56. The fool doth think that he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. Shaks. 57. The fool knows more in his own house than the sage in other men's. Ital. 58. The fool may teach the wise man wit. 59. The fool wanders, the wise man travels. 60. The fool wonders, the wise man asks. Bea. 61. The greatest of all fools is he who is wise too soon. Maga. 62. The least foolish is accounted wise. 63. The wise and the fool have their fellow. 64. The wise can learn of fools. Ger. 65. The wise do at the beginning what fools do at the end. Ger. 66. The wise man draws more advantage from his enemies than a fool from his friends. 67. The wise man when he holds his tongue says more than a fool when he speaks. 68. The wise man is born to rule the fool. 69. The wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows all. Ital. 70. The wise man knows the fool but the fool does not know the wise man. 71. The wise must endure fools. Ger. 72. The wise seek wisdom, the fool has found it. Ger. FOOT.-FOOT-BALL.-FORBEARANCE.-FORCE. 381 73. The wise too jealous are, fools too secure. Congreve. 74. There is no one so wise that he may not be cheated by a fool. Ger. 75. Valiant fools were made by nature for the wise to work with. } Rowe. 76. Were there no fools there would be no wise men. Ger. 77. Wise men change their minds, fools never. 78. Wise men have their mouth in their heart; fools their heart in their mouth. 79. Wise men learn by other men's mistakes; fools by their own. 80. Wise men learn more from fools, than fools from wise men. Cato the Censor. 81. Wise men sue for office and blockheads get them. Foot. 1. The foot has no nose. 2. The paunch warm, the foot sleepy. Foot-ball. 1. All fellows at foot-ball. Forbearance. Dutch. Kaffir Sp. 1. There is a limit when forbearance ceases to be a virtue. Burke. Force. 1. Force can never destroy right. Berryèr. 2. Force is no argument. Bright. 3. Force not the current of the river. 382 FORD. FORECAST, FORELOOKING, FORESEEING. 4. Force without forecast is little avail. 5. He who lets the goat be laid on his shoulders is soon after forced to carry the cow. Ital. purpose in the Lysander. Sp. 6. If one cannot accomplish his lion's skin he must put on the fox's. 7. What force cannot, ingenuity may. 8. Who overcomes by force overcomes his foe. but half Milton. 9. You may force an ox to the water but you can't make him drink. Dan. 10. You may force a man to shut his eyes but you cannot make him sleep. Ford. Dan. 1. Avoid the ford in which your friend was drowned. Gaelic. Forecast, Forelooking, Foreseeing. 1. Could a man foresee events he would never be poor. 2. Forecast is better than hard work. Fr. 3. He who could see only three days into futurity might enrich himself forever. Chinese 4. If our foresight were as good as our hind- sight, we would never make any mistakes. 5. He that will not look before him must look behind him. Gaelic. 6. He who does not look before him must take misfortunes for his earnings. Dan. 7. He who looks not before finds himself behind. Fr. FORETELLING.—FORGET.—FORGIVING.-FORTIFIED. 383 Foretelling. 1. That which one most foretells soonest comes to pass. Forget. I. It is sometimes expedient to forget what you know. Forgiving. Syrus. 1. A coward never forgave; it is not his nature. Sterne. 2. Forgive and forget. Ger. 3. Forgive thyself nothing and others much. Ger. 4. Forgive any sooner than thyself. 5. Forgive others, yourself never. 6. Forgiven is not forgotten. Syrus. Ger. 7. Forgiveness to the injured does belong, But they ne'er pardon who have done the wrong. Fortified. Dryden. 1. Whatever is fortified will be attacked, and whatever is attacked will be destroyed. Fortitude. 1. Fortitude is a great help in distress. Gibbon. Plautus. 2. Fortitude is the mean between fear and rash- ness. 3. True fortitude is seen in great exploits That justice warrants, warrants, and that wisdom guides. Addison. 384 FORTRESS.-FORTUNE, LUCK. Fortress. 1. A fortress on its guard is not surprised. Sp. 2. The fortress that parleys soon surrenders. Ital. Fortune, Luck. 1. A drop of fortune is worth a cask of wisdom. 2. A fortunate boor needs but be born. Latin. 3. A fortunate man may be anywhere. 4. A handful of luck is better than a sackful of wisdom. 5. A little will serve a fortunate man. 6. A lucky man is rarer than a white crow. Ger. Juvenal. 7. A man does not seek his luck, luck seeks its man. Turk. 8. A man of parts may lie hid all his life unless fortune calls him out. 9. A stout heart crushes ill luck. 10. All are not born to lie on the milk. Sp. lap and drink Hans Andersen. 11. All bad fortune is to be conquered by endur- ance. 12. All brings grist to your mill. Virgil. 13. As fortune is sought so it is found. Ger. 14. Bad luck, bad credit. Ger. 15. Bad luck often brings good luck. 16. Be not arrogant when fortune smiles, nor de- jected when she frowns. Ausonius. FORTUNE, LUCK. 385 17. Better luck next time. 18. Born of a white hen. (Said of a lucky fellow.) Latin. 19. Call me not fool till Heaven has sent me fort- une. Shaks. 20. Every man is arrogant or humble according to his fortune. 21. Every one is dissatisfied with his own fortune. 22. Everything he touches turns into gold. Cicero. (An allusion to Midas, king of Phrygia) 23. Everything may be borne except good fortune. Ital. 24. For him who is lucky even the cock lays eggs. M. Greek. 25. Fortune aids the bold. Sp. 26. Fortune always leaves some door open in dis- asters whereby to come at a remedy. Don Quixote. 27. Fortune and go to sleep. Ital. Ger. 28. Fortune and misfortune are neighbors. 29. Fortune and misfortune are two buckets in a well. Ger. 30. Fortune can take away riches but not courage. Seneca. 31. Fortune can take from us only what she has given us. 32. Fortune changes not birth. 33. Fortune comes to her who seeks her. Fr. Horace. Ital. 34. Fortune does not stand waiting at any one's door. 警 ​Dutch. 25 386 FORTUNE, Luck. 35. Fortune dreads the brave and is only terri- ble to the coward. 36. Fortune favors fools. 37. Fortune favors the brave. Seneca. Latin. 38. Fortune gives her hand to a brave man. 39. Fortune gives many too much, but no one enough. Laberias. 40. Fortune has no power over discretion. Solon. 41. Fortune has rarely condescended to be the companion of genius. Isaac Disraeli. 42. Fortune has wings. 43. Fortune helps that help themselves. Ger. 44. Fortune helps the bold, but not always. Ger. 45. Fortune is a woman: if you neglect her to- day, expect not to regain her to-morrow. 46. Fortune is blind. Fr. Ger. 47. Fortune is gentle to the lowly, and Heaven strikes the lowly with a light hand. Seneca. 48. Fortune is like glass: she breaks when she is brightest. Latin. 49. Fortune is like the market, where if you will bide your time the price will fall. 50. Fortune is like women: loves youth and is fickle. Ger. 51. Fortune is not content to do a man but one ill turn. Syrus. 52. Fortune is not far from the brave man's head. Turk. 53. Fortune is round; it makes one a king, an- other a beggar. Dutch FORTUNE, LUCK. 387 54. Fortune is the companion of virtue. 55. Fortune is the guardian of the stupid. Latin. Ger. 56. Fortune knocks once at least at every man's door. 57. Fortune lost, nothing lost; courage lost, much lost; honor lost, more lost; soul lost, all lost. Dutch. 58. Fortune makes a fool of him she too much favors. Latin. 59. Fortune makes friends, and misfortune tries them. 60. Fortune makes kings and fools. Ger. Ger. 61. Fortune makes kings out of beggars, and beg- gars out of kings. Ger. 62. Fortune makes rich and poor. Ger. 63. Fortune often knocks at the door, but the fool does not invite her in. Dan. 64. Fortune often lends her smiles as churls do money, to undo the debtor. 65. Fortune often rewards with interest those that have patience to wait for her. 66. Fortune rarely brings good or evil singly. 67. Fortune seldom comes alone. 68. Fortune smiles upon the brave and frowns upon the coward. Latin. 69. Fortune sometimes favors those she after- wards destroys. Ital. 70. Fortune wearies with carrying one and the same man always. 71. Fortunes of thousands, thousands ten, cannot be made but by able men. Chinese. 388 FORTUNE, LUCK. 72. Fortune unaided prevails over the plans of one hundred learned men. Plautus. Latin. 73. Fortune when she caresses a man too much makes him a fool. 74. From twelve eggs he gets thirteen chickens. Ger. 75. Give a man luck and throw him in the sea. 76. God send you luck, my son, and little wit will serve your turn. 77. Good conduct overcomes ill fortune. Charles of Anjou. 78. Good fortune ever fights on the side of pru- dence. 79. Good fortune comes to her who takes care of her. Greek. 80. Good fortune gives courage. Hans Andersen. 81. Good luck comes by cuffing. 811. Good luck lies in odd numbers. Shaks. 82. Good luck reaches farther than long arms. 83. Half an ounce of luck is better than a pound of sense. 84. He dances well to whom fortune pipes. 85. He extracts milk even from a barren goat. Ger. Greek. 86. He is lucky who forgets what cannot be mended. Ger. 87. He needs little advice that is lucky. 88. He planted pebbles and took potatoes. Greek. 89. He was born with a caul. 90. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Fr. FORTUNE, LUCK. 389 91. He who hath no ill fortune is clogged with good. 92. He who is meant to be a basket carrier is born with the handle in his hand. 93. His bread fell into the honey. 94. His bread is buttered on both sides. 95. His hens lay eggs with two yolks. Ital. Sp. Ger. 96. If fortune favor you, be not elated; if she frown, do not despond. Ausonius. 97. If he fling a penny on the roof, a dollar would come down to him. 98. If it is to be luck the bull may as well calve as the cow. Dan. 99. If you are too fortunate you will not know yourself. If you are too unfortunate nobody will know you. 100. It is better to be born lucky than rich. 101. It is easier to win good luck than to retain it. Latin. 102. It is not every man who is the son of Gaika. (Gaika was a very rich man among the South Afri- cans.) 103. Low fortunes only break low minds. Kaffir. 104. Luck comes to those who look after it. Massinger. Sp. 105. Luck does not remain standing before one's door. Ger. 106. Luck for fools, and chance for the ugly. 107. Luck follows the hopeful, ill luck the fearful. Ger. 390 FORTUNE, LUCK. 108. Luck gives many too much, but no one enough. 109. Luck has but a slender anchorage. 110.. Luck has much for many, but enough one. III. Luck is all. 112. Luck is better than a hundred marks. 113. Luck is everything in promotion. Ger. Dan. for no Dan. Dan. Don Quixote. 114. Luck is for the few, death for the many. Ger. 115. Luck meets the fool but he seizes it not. Ger. 116. Luck offers his hand to the bold. 117. Luck perhaps visits the fool but does not sit down by him. Ger. Ger. 118. Luck seeks those who flee and flees those who seek it. Ger. 119. Luck stops at the door and inquires whether prudence is within. Dan. 120. Luck will carry a man across the brook if he is not too lazy to leap. Dan. 121. Lucky men need no counsel. 122. Men are seldom blessed with good fortune and good sense at the same time. 123. More luck than wit. Livy. Dutch. 124. No hour brings good fortune to a man, without bringing misfortune to another. Syrus. 125. No man has perpetual good fortune. Plautus. 126. No man knoweth fortune till he dies. Dutch. 127. One man gets an estate by what another man gets a halter. Fielding. FORTUNE, LUCK. 391 128. One man is born to the money and another to the purse. Dan. 129. Pitch him into the Nile and he will come up with a fish in his mouth. Arabian. Syrus. 130. That is a very wretched fortune which has no enemy. 131. The bird of prosperity has lodged on his head. Turk. 132. The goddess of fortune dwells in the feet of the industrious. The goddess of misfortune dwells in the feet of the sluggard. Tamil. 133. The heathen's fortune is the Christian's provi- dence. 134. The highest spoke in fortune's wheel may soon turn lowest. 135. The lucky man has a daughter for his first- born. Por., Sp. 136. The most friendly fortune trips up your heels. Fr. 137. The most wretched fortune is safe, for there is no fear of anything worse. Ovid. 138. The wheel of fortune turns quicker than a mill wheel. Don Quixote. 139. The worse luck, the better another time. 140. The worse service, the better luck. Dutch. 141. There is no fence against fortune. 142. There is no one luckier than he who thinks himself so. Ger. 143. There lies no appeal from the decisions of fortune. 392 Fortune, Luck. 144. They who strive with fortune win or weary her at last. Byron. 145. To a bold man fortune holds out her hand. 146. To have luck needs little wit. 147. To the bold man fortune gives her hand. Fr. Ital. Sp., Por. 148. Too poor for a bribe and too proud to impor- tune, He hath not the method of making a fortune. Gray on his own character. 149. Whatever fortune has raised to a height, she has raised only to cast it down. Seneca. 150. When fortune favors a man too much she makes him a fool. Syrus. 151. When fortune fawneth she biteth, when she is angry she woundeth. 152. When fortune knocks, open the door. Ital., Ger. 153. When fortune means to men most good, She looks upon them with a threatening eye. Shaks. 154. When fortune reaches out her hand one must seize it. Ger. 155. When fortune opens one door she opens another. Ger. 156. When fortune smiles, take advantage. 157. When smiling fortune spreads her golden ray, All crowd around to flatter and obey. But when she thunders from the angry sky, Our friends, our flatterers, our lovers fly. Ovid. UNFORTUNATE, Unlucky. 393 158. Where luck is wanting, diligence is useless. 159. Who changes country changes luck. Sp. Ital. Ital. 160. Who changes his condition changes fortune. Ger. 161. Who has luck needs no understanding. 162. Who has luck plays well with bad cards. Ger. 163. Who has luck warms himself without fire and grinds without wind or water. Ger. Ger. 164. Whom fortune favors the world favors. 165. Will fortune never come with both hands full? Shaks. 166. You must have good luck to catch hares with a drum. Unfortunate, Unlucky. Dan. 1. By land or water the wind is ever in my face. 2. Even to smile at the unfortunate is to do an injury. Syrus. 3. He falls on his back and breaks his nose. Fr. 4. He is a horse with four white feet; i. e., he is unlucky. Fr. 5. He was born upon St. Galpert's night three days before luck. Dutch. 6. If I went to sea I should find it dry. Ital. 7. If I were to trade in winding sheets no one would die. Arabian. 8. If my father had made me a hatter men would have been born without heads. Irish. 9. It avails little to the unfortunate to be brave. Sp. 394 FOUNDATION.-Fox. 10. More unlucky than a dog in church. 11. The unfortunate are counted fools. 12. The unfortunate know who are their real friends. Ital. 13. Were I a hatter men would come into the world without heads. 14. Who can help misluck? 15. What is worse than ill luck? Foundation. 1. A weak foundation destroys the work. Ger. 2. No good building without a good foundation. Fox. 1. A fox is slyer than ten asses. Ger. 2. A fox sleeps but counts hens in his dreams. Russian. 3. A good fox does not eat his neighbors' fowls. 4. A good fox has three holes. Fr. 5. A running fox is better than a sleeping lion. 6. An old fox don't go twice into the trap. Ger. Ger., Dutch. 7. An old fox is not to be caught in a trap. M. Greek. 8. An old fox needs not to be taught tricks. 9. As long as ye serve the fox ye maun bear up his tail. 10. As long runs the fox as he has feet. 11. Bear and bull catch no fox. Ger. Fox. 395 12. But when the fox hath once got in his nose, he'll soon find means to make the body follow. 13. Even foxes are caught. 14. Every fox likes a hen-roost. 15. Every fox looks after its own skin. Shaks. Ital. Ital. Dan. 16. Every fox must pay his own skin to the flayer. 17. Every fox takes care of its tail. Russian. 18. "Fie upon hens," quoth the fox, because he could not reach them. Fr. 19. Foxes are all tail and women all tongue. Ital. 20. Foxes come at last to the furrier. 21. Foxes dig not their own holes. 22. Foxes never fare better than when they are cursed. 23. Foxes prey farthest from their earths. 24. Foxes when they cannot reach the grapes say they are not ripe. 25. Fox's broth, cold and scalding. (6 Sp. 26. Good day to you all," said the fox when he got into the goose pen. Dutch. 27. He is a proud tod that winna scratch his ain hole. 28. He that will out-wit the fox must rise betimes. 29. He who has to do with foxes must look after his hen-roost. Ger. 30. If the badger leave his hole the fox will creep into it. 31. If the fox is a butler he will not die of thirst. Ger 396 Fox. 32. If thou dealest with a fox think of his tricks. 33. If you would catch a fox you must hunt with geese. Dan. 34. It is a poor fox that hath but one hole. Ger. 35. It is difficult to trap an old fox. Dan. 36. "It is not for my own sake," said the fox, "that I say to the geese, that there is a good goose green in the wood." Dan. 37. No fox so cunning but he is caught at last. 38. Old foxes are hard to catch. 39. Old foxes want no tutors. 40. One fox rarely betrays another. Ger. Ger. 41. Reynard is still Reynard though he put on a cowl. 42. Take care of your geese when the fox preaches. Dan. 43. The brains of a fox will be of little service, if you play with the paw of a lion. 44. The fox advised the others to cut off their tails because he left his own in the trap. Ital. 45. The fox barks not when he would steal the lamb. Shaks. 46. The fox changes his skin but keeps the rogue. Ger. 47. The fox does not so much mischief in a year as he pays for in an hour. Sp. 48. The fox does not go twice into the same trap. Dan. 49. The fox does not prey near his hole. Ger. 50. The fox fares best when he is most cursed. Fox. 397 51. The fox goes at last to the shop of the fur- rier. Turk. 52. The fox goes through the corn and does not eat but brushes it down with his tail. Gallician. 53. The fox has many tricks, the hedgehog only one, but greater than all. Latin. 54. The fox is cunning but he is more cunning that catches him. 55. The fox knows more than one hole. Sp. 56. The fox knows well with whom he plays tricks. 57. The fox grows gray but never good. Sp. 58. The fox may lose his hair, but not his cun- ning. Dutch. 59. The fox praiseth the meat out of the crow's mouth. 60. The fox preys farthest from his hole. 61. The fox said the grapes were sour. Æsop's Fables. 62. The fox says of the mulberries when he can- not get at them, "They are good for nothing." Fr. 63. The fox that sleeps till the morning hath not his tongue feathered. Fr. 64. The fox that tarries long is on the watch for prey. Sp. 65. The fox thinks everybody eats poultry like himself. Fr. 66. The fox with only one hole is soon caught. Ger. 67. The fox's death is the hen's life. Ger. 398 Fox. 68. The fox's wiles will never enter the lion's head. 69. The more the fox is cursed the more prey catches. 70. The sleeping fox catches no poultry. he Ital. 71. The tod (fox) ne'er sped better than when he went on his ain errand. 72. The tod (fox) keeps aye his ain hole clean. 73. The tod's (fox's) whelps are ill to tame. 74. There is no fox so cunning he does not find one more cunning. Ger. 75. There is ne'er a best among them, as the fel- low said by the fox-cubs. 76. Though the fox runs, the chicken hath wings. 77. We never find that a fox dies in the dirt of his own ditch. 78. What the fox cannot reach he allows to hang. M. Greek. 79. When a fox is in his hole smoke fetches him out. Sp. 80. When the fox comes out of the trap he is more prudent than before. Ger. 81. When the fox is asleep nothing falls into his mouth. 82. When the fox is hungry he pretends he is asleep. M. Greek. 83. When the fox is judge, the goose wins her suit with difficulty. Ger. 84. When the fox licks his paw let the farmer look to his geese. Dan. FRANKNESS.—FRANKS.-FRAUD.—Freedom. 399 85. When the fox wishes to catch geese he wags his tail. Ger. 86. When you bargain with a fox beware of tricks. Latin. 87. Where there are no dogs the fox is a king. 88. With foxes we must play the fox. Ital. 89. You canna have more of a fox than his skin. Frankness. 1. There is no wisdom like frankness. Bea. Franks. 1. The Franks were good friends but bad neigh- (A saying of the old Greeks of Constantino- bors. ple.) Fraud. 1. Fraud and deceit are always in haste. 2. Fraud is the recourse of weakness and cun- Gibbon. ning. 3. Fraud requires delay and intervals of guilt. Freedom. Tacitus. 1. A bird in a cage is not half a bird. Beecher. 2. A poor freedom is better than a rich slavery. 3. All are not free who mock their chains. Ger. 4. Better a bean and freedom, than comfits and slavery. Ger. 5. Better be a bird of the wood than a bird in a cage. Ital. 6. Better be a free bird than a captive king. Dan. 400 FREEDOM. 7. Better free in a foreign land than a serf at home. Ger 8. Better to look from the mountain than from the dungeon. Servian. 9. Corrupted freemen are the worst of slaves. Garrick 10. For from the moment a freeman takes A tyrant's gift, his half of manhood's fled. II. Freedom has a thousand charms to show, That slaves howe'er contented never know. 12. Freedom is above silver and gold. 13. Freedom's battle once begun, Bequeathed from bleeding sire to son, Though baffled oft is ever won. Cowper. Ger. 14. He is not free who drags his chain after him. Fr., Ital. 15. He is the freeman whom the truth makes free. 16. Hereditary bondsmen, know ye not Cowper. Who would be free themselves must strike the blow? Byron. 17. In a free country there is much complaint with little suffering: in a despotism much suffering but little complaint. Giles' Proverbs. 18. Injurious is the gift that takes away freedom. Ital. 19. None is to be deemed free who has not per fect self-command. Pythagoras. 20. One never knows what freedom means till one has seen those who are not free. Maga. FRENCHMAN.—FRIEND. 401 21. On the first day of his servitude the captive is deprived of one-half of his manly virtue. Homer. 22. The good man alone is free and all bad men are slaves. Maxim of the Stoics. 23. The most magnificent palace would appear to him a prison who was confined to it. Turkish Spy. 24. To speak his thoughts is every freeman's right. Homer. 25. We must be free or die, who speak the tongue that Shakspeare writ. Wordsworth. 26. Who has lost his freedom has nothing else to lose. 27. Who sells his freedom in exchange for gold, Shall make eternal servitude his fate. Frenchman. Ger. Homer. 1. The Frenchman sings well when his throat is moistened. Por. 2. When the Frenchman sleeps the devil rocks him. Friend. 1. A clear bargain, a dear friend. Fr. Ital. 2. A courageous is better than a cowardly friend. 3. A fair weather friend changes with the wind. Sp., Por. 4. A faithful friend is the true image of the deity. Napoleon. 5. A false friend and a shadow attend only when the sun shines. Franklin. 6. A false friend has honey in his mouth, gall in his heart. Ger. 26 FRIEND. 402 7. A false friend is worse than an open enemy. Ger. 8. A father is a treasure, a brother a comfort, but a friend is both. 9. A foe to God was never true friend to man. Young 10. A friend and look to thyself. II. A friend as far as conscience allows. 12. A friend at one's back is a safe bridge. Dutch. 13. A friend cannot be known in prosperity nor an enemy be hidden in adversity. 14. A friend in need is a friend in deed. 15. A friend in the market is better than money in the chest. 16. A friend is best found in adversity. 17. A friend is better than money in the purse. 18. A friend is never known till needed. Dutch. 19. A friend is not known till he is lost. 20. A friend is not so soon gotten as lost. 21. A friend is often best known by his loss. Ger. 22. A friend is one who jumps down and puts on the drag when he finds you are going down hill too fast. Punch. 23. A friend is to be taken with his faults. Por. 24. A friend-one soul, two bodies. Oriental. 25. A friend should bear a friend's infirmities. Shaks FRIEND. 403 26. A friend that you buy with presents will be bought from you. 27. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. Sp. Dutch. 28. A friend to my table and wine is no good neighbor. Fr. 29. A friend without faults will never be found. 30. A friend's dinner is soon dressed. 31. A friend's faults should be known but not abhorred. 32. A friend's faults may be noticed but not blamed. Dan. Por. 33. A friend's frown is better than a fool's smile. 34. A good friend is better than silver and gold. Dutch. 35. A good friend is my nearest relation. 36. A good friend never offends. 37. A good-natured friend is often only an enemy in disguise. Punch 38. A man may see his friend need but winna see him bleed. 39. A man without a friend is only half a man. 40. A plaster house, a horse at grass, A friend in words, are all mere grass. Dutch. 41. A ready way to lose your friend is to lend him money. 42. A reconciled friend is a double enemy. 43. A rich friend is a treasure. 44. A sure friend is known in a doubtful case. 45. A table friend is changeable. Fr. 404 FRIEND. 46. A thousand friends are few, one foe many. Turk. 47. A treacherous friend is the most dangerous enemy. Fielding. 48. A true friend does sometimes venture to be offensive. 49. A true friend is above all things sure capital. Ger. 50. A true friend is better than a relation. Turk. 51. A true friend is forever a friend. Geo. McDonald, 52. A true friend is known in the day of adver- sity. 53. A true friend is the nectar of life. Turk. Tamil. 54. Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public. Syrus. 55. Aft counting keeps friends lang thegither. 56. Ah! how good it feels, the hand of an old friend. Longfellow. 57. All are not friends who speak one fair. 58. An old friend is better than two new ones. Ger., Russian. 59. An untried friend is like an uncracked nut. Russian. 60. At weddings and funerals friends are dis- covered from kinsfolk. 61. Avoid a friend who covers you with his wings and destroys you with his beak. Sp. 62. Be a friend to thyself and others will be so too. FRIEND. 405 63. Be blind to the failings of your friends but never to their vices. Tacitus. 64. Behold thy friend and of thyself the pattern see. 65. Before you make a friend eat a peck of salt with him. Scotch, 66. Better a good friend than silver and gold. Ger. 67. Better an open enemy than a false friend. Dan. 68. Better foes than hollow friends. Shaks. 69. Better have a friend on the road than gold or silver in your purse. Fr. 70. Better have a friend in the market-place than money in your coffer. Por. 71. Between two friends, a notary and two wit- nesses. Sp. 72. Beware of a reconciled friend as of a devil. Sp. 73. Bought friends are not friends in deed. 74. By requiting one friend we invite many. 75. Can't I be your friend, but I must be your fool too? 76. Defend me from my friends, I can defend myself from my enemies. Marechal Villars. 77. Desertion of a calumniated friend is an im- moral action. Dr. Johnson. 78. Even reckoning keeps long friends. 79. Everybody's companion is nobody's friend. Ger. 406 FRIEND. 80. Everybody's friend and nobody's friend is all one. Sp., Por. 81. Everybody's friend is everybody's fool. Ger., Dutch, Dan. 82. Eye-friend, false friend;-eye-friend, back enemy. 83. Faithful are the wounds of a friend. Ger. Bible. 84. Fall not out with a friend for a trifle. 85. Fall sick and you will see who is your friend and who is not. Sp. 86. Familiar paths and old friends are the best. Ger. 87. False friends are worse than open enemies. 88. Few there are that will endure a true friend. 89. Fire and water are not more necessary than friends are. 90. Fresh fish and poor friends grow soon ill- fav'r'd. 91. Friends agree best at a distance. 92. Friends and mules fail us at hard passes. Fr. Gallician. 93. Friends are far from a man who is unfortu- nate. Latin. 94. Friends are like fiddle strings: they must not be screwed too tight. 95. Friends are like melons; shall I tell you why? To find one good you must a hundred try. Claude Mermet. 96. Friends are not so soon got or recovered as lost. 97. Friends are the nearest relations. FRIEND. 407 98. Friends become foes and foes are reconciled. Latin. 99. Friends got without desert are lost without cause. 100. Friends living far away are no friends. Greek. 101. Friends may meet but mountains never greet. 102. Friends need no formal invitation. 103. Friends tie their purse with a cobweb thread. Ital. 104. Give out that you have many friends and be- lieve that you have but few. Fr. 105. Go slowly to the entertainments of thy friends and quickly to their misfortunes. Chilo. 106. God keep me from my friends, from my ene- mies I will keep myself. Ital. 107. Good neighbors and true friends are two things. 108. Happy men shail have many friends. 109. Have but few friends though much acquaint- ance. IIO. He is a fair weather friend. III. He is my friend who grinds at my mill. Sp., Por. 112. He is my friend that succoreth me, not he that pitieth me. 113. He is no friend that eats his own by himself and mine with me. Por. 114. He makes no friend who never made a foe. Tennyson. 408 Friend. 115. He never was a friend who ceased to be so for a slight cause. Por. 116. He never was a friend who has ceased to be one. Fr. 117. He is a friend at sneezing time, the most that can be got from him is a God bless you." Ital. 66 118. He that seeks to have many friends never has any. Ital. 119. He that trusts a faithless friend has a good witness against him. Sp. Ital. 120. He that would have many friends should try a few of them. 121. He who cannot counterfeit a friend, can never be a dangerous enemy. 122. He who for his own sake would expose a friend deserves not to have one. Rousseau. 123. He who has a good nest finds good friends. Por. 124. He who has a thousand friends, has not a friend to spare, He who has one enemy shall meet him every- where. Persian. Aristotle. 125. He who has many friends has no friends. 126. He who has no enemy has no friend. Ger. 127. He who is everybody's friend is either very poor or very rich. Sp. 128. He who is his own friend is a friend to all men. Seneca. 129. He who is wanting but to one friend loseth a great many by it. FRIEND. 409 130. He who makes friends of all keeps none. 131. He is a good friend that speaks well of us be- hind our backs. 132. Here's to our friends and hang up the rest of mankind. 133. Hit him again, he has no friends. Sp. 134. I am on good terms with the friend who eats his bread with me. 135. I was wounded in the house of my friends. Bible. 136. I will be thy friend but not thy vices' friend. 137. I would rather have a dog my friend than enemy. Ger. 138. If you had had fewer friends and more ene- mies you had been a better man. 139. If you have one true friend you have more than your share. 140. If you want enemies excel others, if you want friends let others excel you. 141. If you wanted me an' your meat, you would want a gude freende. 142. In time of prosperity friends will be plenty. In time of adversity not one amongst twenty. 143. It is a good friend that is always giving though it be never so little. 144. It is as bad to have too many friends as no friend at all. Latin. 145. It is better to decide a difference between enemies than friends, for one of our friends will certainly become an enemy, and one of our enemies a friend. Bias. 410 FRIEND. 146. It is good to have friends everywhere. 147. It is important but not easy to distinguish a true friend from an agreeable enemy. Petrarch. 148. It is more disgraceful to suspect our friends than to be deceived by them. Fr. Dan. 149. It is no small grief to a good nature to try his friends. Euripides. 150. It is no use hiding from a friend what is known to an enemy. 151. Keep your mouth and keep your friend. Dan. 152. Let him who is wretched and beggared try everybody and then his friend. Ital. 153. Let not one enemy be little in thy eyes, nor a thousand friends be many in thy sight. Hebrew. 154. Let our friends perish provided our enemies fall with them. (An atrocious maxim of the Greeks and Romans.) 155. Let us be friends and put out the devil's eyes. 156. Let us be friends, let our purses be at vari- ance. M. Greek. 157. Little intermitting makes gude freends. 158. Make no friend of thy thrall. Northmen. 159. Make not thy friend too cheap to thee, nor thyself to thy friend. 160. Many a man is a good friend but a bad neigh- bor. Dan. 161. Many friends and few helpers in need. Ger. 162. Many humble servants but not one true friend. 163. Many kinsfolk, few friends. FRIEND. 4II 164. May God not prosper our friends that they forget us. Sp. 165. My friend is he who helps me in time of need. Ger. 166. My friend's enemy is often my best friend. Ger. Ger. 167. No better friend than the man himself. 168. No friend a friend until he shall prove a friend. Beaumont and Fletcher. 169. No longer foster, no longer friend. 170. Nothing is more annoying than a tardy friend. Plautus. 171. Nothing is so dangerous as an ignorant friend. (This maxim is illustrated by the fable of the bear and the man.) 172. Old friends and new reckonings. 173. Old friends are best. La Fontaine. Fr. Selden. 174. Old friends and old ways ought not to be disdained. Dan. 175. Old friends and old wine are best. 176. Old friends are not to be paid with gold. Ger. 177. Old tunes are sweetest and old friends are surest. 178. On the choice of friends our good or evil name depends. Gray. 179. One enemy can harm you more than a hun- dred friends can do you good. Ger. 180. One enemy is too much for a man in a great post and a hundred friends are too few. 412 FRIEND. 181. One God no more, but friends good store. 182. One seldom finds white ravens and true friends. Ger. 183. One should fly a laughing enemy and a flat- tering friend. 184. Prove thy friends ere thou have need. Ger. 185. Rather have a little one for your friend, than a great one for your enemy. 186. Save me from my friends. Ital. 187. So long as fortune sits at the table friends sit there. 188. Sweet language will multiply friends. Ger. Spectator. 189. Tell nothing to thy friend which thy enemy may not know. Dan. 190. Tell your friend your secret and he will set his foot on your neck. Ital., Sp., Por. Ger. 191. The best friend often becomes the worst enemy. 192. The best looking-glass is an old friend. Ger. 193. The best of friends must part. 194. The enemy of my friend is often my best friend. Ger. 195. The false friend is like the shadow of a sun- dial. Fr. 196. The friend looks at the head, the enemy at the foot. Turk 197. The friends thou hast and their adoption tried, Grapple to thy soul with hooks of steel. Shaks FRIEND. 413 198. The goods of friends are in common. Pythagoras. 199. The greatest affliction that can befall a man is the unkindness of a friend. Fielding. 200. The greatest blessing is a pleasant friend. Horace. 201. The hireling is gained by money, the true friend by an obliging behavior. Chinese. 202. The interested friend is a swallow on the roof. (Prepared to leave on the appearance of winter.) Fr. 203. The oldest friend is the best friend for a man. Plautus. 204. The only way to have a friend is to be one. Emerson. 205. The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it. 206. The voice is powerful of a faithful friend. 207. There is no living without friends. Holmes. Homer. Por. 208. There is no more hold of a new friend than of a new fashion. 209. There's no living without friends. 210. They are rich who have friends. Por. Sp., Por., Latin 211. They are rich who have true friends. 212. They cease to be friends who dwell afar off. Latin. 213. 'Tis easier to preserve a friend than to re- cover him when lost. 214. To a friend's house the road is never long. Dan. 414 FRIEND. 215. To be every one's friend is to be every one's fool.. Ger. 216. To preserve a friend three things are required: to honor him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. Ital 217. Treat your friend as if you knew that he will one day become your enemy. Laberius. 218. Trust not the praise of a friend nor the con- tempt of an enemy. 219. Try your friend ere you trust him. Ital. 220. Try your friend with a falsehood and if he keep it a secret tell him the truth. Ital. 221. Unless you bear with the faults of a friend you betray your own. Syrus. 222. We can live without a brother but not with- out a friend. Ger 223. We can live without our friends but not without our neighbors. 224. We must ask what is proper from our friends. Cicero. 225. We shall never have friends if we expect to • have them without fault. 226. We should behave toward our friends, as we should wish them to behave toward us. Aristotle. 227. We should have many well wishers but few friends. Spectator. 228. When a friend asketh there is no to-morrow. 229. When friends meet, hearts warm. Sp. 230. When good cheer is lacking, our friends will be packing. FRIENDSHIP. 415 231. When there are two friends to one purse, the one sings, the other weeps. 232. Where friends, there riches. Sp. Ger., Por. 233. Where shall a man have a worse friend than he brings from home? 234. Where two faithful friends meet, God makes up a third. 235. Wherever you see your friend trust yourself. 236. Wherever you see your kindred, make much of your friends. 237. Who has no friends only half lives. 238. Who has true friends is rich. Ger. Ger. 239. Who in want a hollow friend doth try, Shaks. Ger. Directly seasons him his enemy. 240. Who makes friends of all keeps none. 241. Who would have many friends let him test but few. Ital. 242. Without a friend the world is a wilderness. 243. Your candid friend has never anything pleas ant to say to you; he reminds you of his pet virtue by wounding you with it. Friendship. 1. A broken friendship may be soldered but will never be sound. 2. A dissimilarity of pursuits dissolves friend- ship. Latin. 3. A generous friendship no cold medium Homer. knows. 4. A hedge between keeps friendship green. Ger 5. A lost friendship is an enmity won. Ger. 416 FRIENDSHIP. 6. A needle's eye is wide enough for two friends; The whole world is too narrow for two foes. Persian. 7. Disparity of fortune is the bane of friendship. Petrarch. 8. Do not allow the grass to grow on the road of friendship. Madame Geoffrin. 9. Concealed grudges are dangerous in friend- ship. 10. Female friendships are of rapid growth. Bea. 11. Friendship canna stand aye on ae side. 12. Friendship and company are a bad excuse for ill actions. 13. Friendship and importunate begging feed at the same dish. 14. Friendship always benefits, love sometimes injures. Seneca. 15. Friendship consists not in saying "What's the best news?" 16. Friendship increases in visiting friends but not in visiting them seldom. 17. Friendship is a plant which one must often water. Ger. Coleridge. Ger. 18. Friendship is a sheltering tree. 19. Friendship is love with understanding. 20. Friendship is not to be bought at a fair. 21. Friendship is stronger than kindred. Syrus. 22. Friendship is the balm as well as the season- ing of life. Richardson, 23. Friendship is the most sacred of all moral bonds. FRIENDSHIP. 417 24. Friendship is the perfection of love. 25. Friendship! mysterious cement of the soul, Sweet'n'r of life, and solder of society! Blair. 26. Friendship rises but with fortune and sets when men go downward. Aaron Hill. 27. Friendship should be unpicked not rent. Ital. 28. Friendship that flames goes out in a flash. 29. Friendship, the older it grows the stronger it is. 30. Friendships are cheap when they can be bought by dropping the hat. Ital. 31. Friendships multiply joys and divide griefs. 32. In royal breasts both enmity and friendship should always give way to policy. Maga. 33. In the division of inheritance friendship standeth still. 34. Judge before friendship then confide 'till death, Dutch. Well for thy friend, but nobler far for thee. Young. 35. Life has no pleasure nobler than that of friendship. Dr. Johnson. Fr. 36. Little presents maintain friendship. 37. No friendship lives long that owes its rise to the pot: 38. Nothing can be sweeter than friendship. Petrarch. 39. One should sacrifice everything to friend- ship except honor and justice. Fr. 40. Patched up friendship seldom becomes whole again. Ger. 27 418 FROG. 41. Pylades and Orestes died long ago and left. no successors. (These were ancient Greeks celebrated for their friendship for each other.) 42. Reconciled friendship is a wound ill salved. 43. Sudden friendship, sure repentance. Ital., Dan. 44. Suffering for a friend doubleth friendship. 45. The friendship of a great man is a lion at the next door. 46. The friendship of a great man is like the shadow of a bush soon gone. Fr. 47. The friendship of the great is fraternity with lions. Ital. Bea. 48. The friendships of the world are wind. 49. There can be no friendship where there is no freedom. 50. There is scarcity of friendship but none of friends. 51. To live in friendship is to have the same de- sires and the same aversions. Sallust. 52. To preserve friendship one must build walls. Ital. 53. True friendship is imperishable. Pythagoras. 54. What is friendship but a name, a charm that lulls to sleep, A shade that follows wealth or fame, and leaves the wretch to weep? Goldsmith. 55. When friendship goes with love it must play second fiddle. Ger. Frog. 1. Even a frog would bite if it had teeth. Ital. FRUGALITY.-FRUIT. 419 2. Like frogs in a well. (Applied in Japan to those opposed to intercourse with foreigners.) 3. The frog cannot get out of her bog. 4. The frog does not bite because it cannot. Ital. 5. The frog enjoys himself in water but not in hot water. West African Negro. 6. The frog flew into a passion and the pond knew nothing about it. M. Greek. 7. The frog learns his croak from himself. Ger. 8. The frog will jump back into the pool, Although it sits on a golden stool. Dutch. 9. Where the swamps are wanting, frogs are wanting. Frugality. 1. Frugality is an estate alone. 2. Frugality is a great revenue. 3. Frugality is the mother of all virtues. Ger. Latin. Latin. 4. Frugality is the sure guardian of our virtues. Ancient Brahmin. 5. Frugality when all is spent comes too late. Seneca. 6. The world has not yet learned the riches of frugality. Fruit. 1. Better the fruit lost than the tree. 2. Blossoms are not fruits. Cicero. Ger Dutch. 3. But the fruit that can fall without shaking, in- deed is too mellow for me. Mrs. Montagu. 4. Can you mature fruit by beating it with a stick when it does not ripen of itself? Tamil 420 FRYING-PAN. 5. Forbidden fruit is sweetest. 6. Fruit ripens not in the shade. 7. Fruit and grain are half a year in concocting. Bacon. 8. If you would fruit have, you must carry the leaf to the grave; i.e., you must transplant your trees about the fall of the leaf. 9. I would have the fruit, not the basket. 10. If you would enjoy the fruit pluck not the flower. II. Late fruit keeps well. 12. Little wood, much fruit. Ger. Dutch. 13. No autumn fruit without spring blossom. 14. Nothing so good as forbidden fruit. • · Fr. 15. That which blossoms in the spring will bring forth fruit in the autumn. 16. The better the fruit the more wasps to eat it. Ger 17. The fruit falls not far from the stem. Dutch. 18. The ripest fruit first falls. Shaks. 19. There is no worse fruit than that which never ripens. Ital. 20. We cannot eat the fruit whilst the tree is in blossom. Bea. 21. When all fruit fails welcome haws. 22. You seek for fruit in the garden of Tantalus. Frying-pan. Latin. 1. A blow from a frying-pan though it may not hurt, sullies. Sp. 2. A frying-pan will not wait for the king of Cordova. Bea. FULL-FULL-FED.-FUR.-FURNITURE. 421 3. He has enough to do who holds the handle of the frying-pan. Fr. 4. He has fallen out of the frying-pan into the fire; i.e. gone from bad to worse. 5. He that holds the frying-pan runs the risk of burning himself. Fr. 6. He who holds the handle of the frying-pan turns it as he pleases. Fr. 7. The kettle smuts the frying-pan. Fr. 8. To have one eye on the cat and another on the frying-pan. Full. Fr. Ger. M. Greek. 1. Full vessels give the least sound. 2. The full does not believe the hungry. Full-fed. 1. The full-fed cow makes company of her tail. Sp., Por. 2. The full-fed sheep is frightened at her own tail. Fur. Sp., Por. 1. The fur that warms a monarch warmed a bear. Furniture. Pope. 1. What furniture can give such finish to a room as a tender woman's face? Geo, Eliot. Fury. 1. Fury itself supplies arms. Future. 1. If men will have no care for the future, they will soon have sorrow for the present. Chinese, 422 GAIN. GALE.-Gallows. 2. It is impossible to tell what is in the future. Literal, one may feel but not see the hair on the back of his head. Chinese. G. Gain. 1. An evil gain is equal to a loss. Latin. 2. Do not run too fast after gain. 3. Gain at the expense of reputation should be called loss. Syrus. 4. Gain does not delight as much as loss grieves. M. Greek. 5. Gain got by a lie will burn one's fingers. 6. Gain. has a pleasant odor come whence it will. Por. 7. Light gains come thick, great ones but now and then. Bacon. 8. Light gains make a heavy purse. Dutch. 9. No gains without pains. 10. Only that which is honestly got is gain. 11. Small gains bring great wealth. Dutch. 12. There are no gains without pains, 13. There are no gains without pains; Then help hands for I have no lands. Then plough deep while sluggards sleep. 14. To make any gain some outlay is necessary. Gale. Plautus. 1. No gale will equally serve all passengers. Gallows. 1. All criminals turn preachers when they are under the gallows. Ital.. Dutch. GAMBLING. 423 2. Either towards the country or towards the gallows. Turk. 3. No armor is proof against the gallows. 4. Talk as you go, husband, to the gallows. Sp. 5. The gallows takes its own. 6. The gallows will have its own at last. 7. The gallows was made for the unlucky. Sp. Ital., Sp. Sp. 8. To parade the gallows before the town. 9. To show the gallows before they show the town. Sp. Ger. 10. Two can lie the third to the gallows. II. We must eat and drink though every tree were a gallows. Ger., Dutch. 12. What belongs to the gallows does not drown. Dutch, 13. When every one gets his own, you'll get the gallows. 14. You'll ride on a horse that was foaled of an acorn; i.e., the gallows. Gambling. 1. A man gets no thanks for what he loseth at play. 2. A man may shuffle cards or rattle dice from noon to midnight without tracing a new idea in his mind. Rambler. 3. A pack of cards is the devil's prayer-book. 4. All players cannot win. Ger. 5. At the end of the game we see who wins. 6. Gambling is the idler's opium. Punch 424 GAMBLING. 7. Gaming is the son of avarice and the father of despair. Fr. 8. Give losers leave to speak and winners to laugh. 9. He studies the bible of fifty-two leaves (a pack of cards). Dutch 10. He who hopes to win what belongs to another deserves to lose his own. Richardson. 11. He who is a good gamester is lord of another man's purse. 12. I would cheat my own father at cards. 13. If the destructive dice-box have pleasure for the father the son will be a gambler. Juvenal 14. In all games it is good to leave off a winner. 15. It is a bad game where nobody wins. Ital. 16. It is a silly game where nobody wins. 17. Many can pack the cards that cannot play. 18. Many players lose in an hour what they can- not win back in a life-time. Ger. 19. One rarely finds a rich gambler. Ger. 20. Rich gamblers and old trumpeters are rare. Ger. 21. Runs of ill luck will come, as sure as day and night succeed each other. (Beau Nash's advice to young gamblers.) 22. There are games in which it is better to lose than to win. Latin. 23. The more skilful the gambler the worse the man. Syrus. 24. There is no better gambling than not to gamble. Ger. GARDEN.—GARDENING.-GARLANDS.-GARLIC. 425 Ger. 25. There is no gaming in which the devil has not a share. 26. When the game is most thriving it is time to leave off. 27. When two play, one must lose. 28. Young gambler-old beggar. Garden. Dan. Ger. Ger. 1. He that hires one garden (which he looks after) eats birds; he that hires more than one will be eaten by the birds. 2. Many things grow in the garden that were not sowed there. 3. More grows in a garden than a gardener sows there. Por. 4. Rue an thyme grow baith in ae garden. 5. The gardener's feet do no harm to the garden. Sp. 6. Wholesome and poisonous herbs grow in the same garden. Gardening. 1. This rule in gardening never forget: To sow dry and set wet. Garlands. 1. Garlands are not for every brow. Garlic. 1. Garlic will not lose its smell tho' it is envel- oped in perfume. Garrulity. Cingalese. 1. A garrulous tongue entangles all things. Motto of Emperor Charles the Fat. Gathering. I. One knows not for whom he gathers. Fr. 426 GAUNTLET.-GEAR.-GEMS.-GENERALS. Gauntlet. I. What the gauntlet wins the gorget consumes. Gear. 1. Gear is easier gained than guided. Fr. 2. He that gets his gear before his wit, will be short while master of it. 3. The grace o' God is gear enough. Gems. 1. Fairest gems lie deepest. Generals. Scotch. 1. I made all my generals out of mud. Napoleon. Generous Man. 1. The generous man enriches himself by giving, the miser hoards himself poor. Dutch, Dan. 2. The generous man pays for nothing so much as what is given him. Generosity. 1. Be just before you are generous. Genius. 1. Genius can never despise labor. Abel Stevens. 2. Genius cannot be transmitted by last will and testament. 3. Genius is a nervous disease. De Tours. 4. Genius, like water, will find its level. 5. Genius must be born and never can be taught. Dryden. Goethe. 6. It is the property of true genius to disturb all settled ideas. 7. It is with a fine genius as with a fine fashion · GENOESE.-GENTILITY.-GENTLE. 427 all those are displeased at it, who are not able to follow it. Warton. 8. No age is shut against great genius. Seneca. 9. The dunces of all countries propagate the maxim that a man of genius is unfit for business. Pope. 10. The greater the genius, the higher the aim; the higher the aim, the greater risk of failure. 11. The honors of genius are eternal. 12. Time, place and action may with pains be wrought, Latin. But genius must be born and never can be taught. Dryden. 13. Without genius learning soars in vain, Without learning genius sinks again. Horace. Genoese. I. The Genoese have a sea without fish, land without trees and men without faith. Gentility. Addison. 1. Gentility without ability is worse than plain beggary. Gentle. 1. A gentle hand may lead the elephant with a hair. Persian Rosary. 2. Gentleness does more than violence. Fr. 3. Gently but firmly. Latin. 4. Gently comes the world to those That are cast in gentle mould. Tennyson. 5. The gentle calf sucks all the cows. Por. 6. The gentle hawk mans herself. Fir. 428 Gentleman. • 7. The gentle lamb sucks any ewe as well as its mother; The surly lamb neither its own nor another. Sp. 8. The gentle ewe is sucked by every lamb. Ital. 9. There is no severity like gentleness. Gentleman. 1. A gentleman is one who has no business in the world. Punch. 2. A gentleman ought to travel abroad but dwell at home. 3. A gentleman should be honest in his actions and refined in his language. Spectator. 4. A gentleman should have more in pocket than on his back. 5. A gentleman without an estate is a pudding without suet. 6. A true gentleman will respect woman even in her weakness. Fr. 7. He is the best gentleman who is the son of his own deserts. 8. Manners and money make a gentleman. 9. Punctuality and politeness are the insepara- ble companions of gentlemen. Lamartine. 10. The first thing a poor gentleman calls for in the morning is a needle and thread. 11. What's a gentleman but his pleasure? 12. When Adam delved and Eve span, Scotch. Where was then the gentleman? Ger., Dutch. 13. Who would be a gentleman let him storm a town. Gentry.—German.-GHOSTS.—GIANT (DWARF). 429 Gentry. 1. Gentry by blood is bodily gentry. 2. Gentry sent to market will not buy one bushel of corn. German. 1. A German Italianized is a devil incarnate. Turkish Spy. 2. No German remains where he is well-off. Ger. 3. The German mind cannot brook repose, The field of danger is the field of glory. Tacitus. 4. The Germans carry their wit in their fingers. Fr. 5. Where Germans are, Italians like not to be. Ghosts. Ital. 1. Where ghosts walk there is loving or thieving. Giant (Dwarf). Ger. 1. A giant will starve on what will surfeit a dwarf. 2. A stirring dwarf, we do approbation give Before a sleeping giant. Shaks. 3. The awakening of a giant shakes the earth. Gift (Presents). Arabian. 1. A gift in the hand is better than two promises. La Fontaine. 2. A gift long wished for is sold not given. 3. A gift with a kind countenance is a double present. 4. A good offer should never be refused unless we have a better one at the same time. Bea. 430 GIFT (PRESENTS). 5. A good present need not knock long for admittance. 6. A man may be kind an' gie little o' his gear. 7. A man's gift makes room for him. 8. A present blindeth the eyes. 9. A present is cheap but love is dear. Russian. 10. A slight gift, small thanks. 11. A small gift is better than a great promise. Ger. 12. A well is not to be filled with dew. (Refer- ring to trifling gifts.) Arabian. 13. Accept the largess of thy friend as if thou Turk. wert an enemy. 14. Beware of him who makes you presents. Ital. 15. Fair is he that comes, but fairer he that brings. 16. Gifts are according to the giver. 17. Gifts are often losses. Fr. Ger. Ital. 18. Gifts break (or dissolve) rocks. Sp., Por. 19. Gifts from enemies are dangerous. 20. Gifts make beggars bold. 21. Gifts make friendship lasting. Dan. 22. Great gifts are for great men. 23. He doubles his gifts who gives in time. 24. He that bringeth a present finds the door open. 25. He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house, but he that hateth gifts shall live. Bible. 26. He that is won with a nut may be lost with an apple. GIFT (PRESENTS). 431 27. I fear the Greeks even when they are offering presents. 28. Nothing freer than a gift. 29. No purchase like a gift. Virgil. Fr 30. One gift well given recovereth many losses. 31. Presents break rocks. 32. Presents keep friendship warm. Don Quixote. Ger. Ger. 33. Presents make the water to run back. 34. Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove un- kind. 35. Secret gifts are openly rewarded. Shaks. Dan. Latin. 36. Small favors conciliate, but great gifts make enemies. 37. Take gifts with a sigh, most men give to be paid. John Boyle O'Reilly. 38. The gift bringer always finds an open door. Ger. 39. The gift of an enemy is no better than an injury. M. Greek. 40. The gifts of enemies are not gifts and are worthless. Sophocles. 41. The giver makes the gift precious. Latin. 42. Vinegar for nothing is as sweet as honey. M. Greek. 43. We never profit by the gifts of the wicked. 44. What is bought is cheaper than a gift. 45. What's freer than a gift? Latin. Ital., Por. Ger. 46. What's of no use is too dear as a gift. 47. Whatever is given to the poor is laid up in Heaven. 432 GIFT-HORSE.-Gypsy.-GIVING. Gift-horse. 1. Look not a gift-horse in the mouth. Fr., Ital., Ger., Sp., Dutch, 2. Never heed the color of a giſt-horse. Dan. Ital. 3. The teeth of a horse presented are never observed. Gypsy. Turk. 1. You cannot find a cupboard in the hut of a gypsy. Giving. Turk. I. A hand accustomed to take is far from giving. Arabian. 2. A benefit is estimated according to the mind of the giver. 3. Better give than have to give. Seneca. Ital., Ger. 4. Give a clown your fingers and he'll take your whole hand. 5. Give a grateful man more than he asks. Por. 6. Give a helping hand to a man in trouble. Latin. 7. Give a hint to the man of sense and consider the thing done. 8. Give a loaf and beg a shrive. 9. Give a poor man sixpence and not a bottle of wine. 10. Give a thing and take again and you shall ride in hell's wain. II. Give and spend and God will send. 12. Give him an inch and he'll take an ell. 13. Give him rope enough and he'll hang him- self. GIVING. 433 14. Give me roast meat and beat me with the spit. 15. Give assistance and receive thanks lighter than a feather. 16. Give at first asking what you safely can, 'Tis certain gain to help an honest man. 17. Give every man his due. 18. Give me liberty or give me death. Patrick Henry. 19. Give me a seat and I will make room to lie down. 20. Give to him that has. Sp. Iral. 21. Give unto the king what is the king's, and unto God what is God's. it. Ger. 22. Giving begets love, lending as usually lessens 23. Giving is fishing. Ital. 24. Giving much to the poor doth increase a man's store. 25. God loveth a cheerful giver. 26. Hand and tongue never give alike. Yorubas (Africa). 27. He gives an egg to get a chicken. 28. He gives double who gives unasked. Dutch. Arabian. 29. He giveth twice who giveth in a trice. 30. He is of the race of John Vancleve who would always much rather have than give. Dutch. 31. He sends his present with a hook attached. (Angling for a return.) Latin. 28 434 GIVING. 32. He that bestows but a bone on thee would not have thee die. 33. He that gives his goods before he be dead, Take up a mallet and knock him on the head. 34. He that gives his heart will not deny his money. 35. He that gives honor to his enemy is like to an ass. 36. He that gives to a grateful man puts out to usury. 37. He that gives to be seen will relieve none in the dark. 38. He that giveth customarily to the vulgar bor- roweth trouble. 39. He that giveth to a good man seileth well. 40. He who can give has many a good neighbor. Fr. 41. He who gives all before he dies will need a great deal of patience. 42. He who gives bread to others' dogs is often barked at by his own. Ital. 43. He who gives fair words feeds you with an empty spoon. 44. He who gives grudgingly shall be taught better by adversity. Cingalese. 45. He who gives little gives from his heart; he who gives much gives from his wealth. Turk. 46. He who gives mankind a new food product is a benefactor. 47. He who gives must take. ing.) Stilson Hutchins. (Applied to jok- Ger. GIVING. 435 48. He who gives to the public gives to no one. Sp. Ger. 49. He who gives quickly gives doubly. 50. He who gives to the poor lends to the Lord. Ger., Dutch. 51. He who giveth expecteth something in return. 52. He who would take must give. 53. His name is Doson (will give). always promising, never performing. Chinese. Sp. Said of one Plutarch. 54. If a poor man gives to you he expects more in return. Por. 55. If you give him an inch he'll take an ell. 56. It is more blessed to give than to receive. New Testament. 57. It is not much to give the leg to him that gave you the fowl. Sp. 58. Let the giver be silent, and the receiver speak. Por. 59. Many give with their mouths, and not with their hands. Ger. 60. Many take by the bushel and give by the spoon. Ger. 61. Much is expected where much is given. 62. Not he gives who likes, but who has. 63. Not usurers make more beggars where they Sp. live, Than charitable men, who heedless give. Heywood. 64. One always regrets what he gives to the wicked. La Fontaine. 436 GIVING. 65. One must not give to another what he needs himself. Ger. 66. People don't give black puddings to one who kills no pigs. Sp. 67. People give to the rich and take from the poor. Ger. 68. Rent a man a garden, and he'll make it a desert; Give a man a rock, and he'll make it a para- dise. 69. Shameless they give, who give what's not their own. 70. Sic as ye gie, sic will ye get. 71. The hand that gives gathers. Homer. 72. The hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Turk. 73. The hard give no more than he that hath nothing. 74. They are free of fruit that want an orchard. 75. They that gie you hinder you to buy. 76. They that will give must take. Don Quixote. 77. To be slow to give and to refuse are the same thing. Fr., Por. 78. To give an apple where there is an orchard. 79. To give an egg to get an ox. Fr., Dutch. 80. To give and keep there is need of wit. 81. To give and to have doth a wise brain crave. 82. To give is a noble thing. 83. To give is honor, to beg dishonor. 84. To give is honor, to lose is grief. Ovid. Por. Sp. GIVING. 437 85. To give quickly is to give doubly. 86. To give one as good as he brings. Ger. 87. To give one the dog to hold; i. e., to serve one a dog's trick. 88. To give tardily is to refuse. Fr., Por. Ital. 89. To him who can take all you have, give what he asks. 90. To him who gives you a capon you can spare a leg or a wing. Sp. 91. To him who gives you a pig, you may well give a rasher. Ital. 92. To one who has a pie in the oven you may give a bit of your cake. Turk. 93. What thou givest that shalt thou take with thee. 94. What we gave we have, what we spent we had, what we left we lost. Epitaph of Edward, Earl of Devon. 95. What you give is written in sand, what you take with an iron hand. Ger. 96. Who gives away his goods before he is dead, Take a beetle and knock him on the head. 97. Who gives his milk to the cats must drink water. 98. Who gives teaches a return. Ger. Ital. 99. Who gives the capon give him a leg and wing. 100. Who gives to me teaches me to give. Dutch. 101. Who gives sells dear if the receiver be not a churl. 102. Who little gives can give often. Ital. 438 GIRL.-GLASS HOUSES.-GLASS Roof. 103. Whoever gives thee a bone would not wish to see thee dead. Don Quixote. 104. Whoever makes great presents expects great presents in return. Martial. 105. Your lavished stores speak not the liberal mind, but the disease of giving. Epicharmus speaking to a prodigal. Girl. 1. A girl, a vineyard, an orchard and a bean field are hard to watch. 2. A girl draws more than a rope. Por. Sp. 3. A girl unemployed is thinking of mischief. Fr. 4. The girl as she is taught, the flax as it is wrought. 5. The girl is the smallest portion of herself. Glass Houses. Sp. Ovid. 1. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Glass Roof. 1. He who has a glass roof should not throw stones at his neighbors. Ital., Sp., Ger., Dutch, Dan. Glass Windows. 1. Who hath glass windows must take heed how he throws stones. Glory. 1. Alas, how difficult is the guardianship of glory. Syrus. 2. Avoid shame but do not seek glory; nothing so expensive as glory. Sidney Smith. GLORY. 439 3. Desire of glory is the last garment that even wise men put off. 4. Glory follows virtue as though it were its shadow. Cicero. 5. Glory is acquired by virtue, but preserved by letters. 6. Glory is like a circle in the water, Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself, Petrarch. 'Till by broad spreading it disperse to naught. Shaks. Martial. 7. Glory paid to our ashes comes too late. 8. Glory should always have a greater weight with us than interest. 9. Hasty glory goes out in a snuff. Cleomenes. 10. I prefer the glory that will last forever, to that of a day. Pompey. II. Sudden glory soon goes out. (Speedy rise- speedy fall.) 12. That man is entitled to be registered in the lists of glory who has doubled his ancestral in- heritance. Cato. 13. The desire of glory is the torch of the mind. 14. To draw the sword in the cause of freedom is the true glory of the brave. Galgacus the Briton. 15. True glory takes root and even spreads. All false pretences like flowers fall to the ground, nor can counterfeit last long. 16. When glory comes memory departs. Cicero. 17. Where there is danger there may be glory. Fr. Gibbon. 440 VAIN-GLORY.-GLOWING.-GLUTTONY.-GOAT. Vain-glory. 1. A man gains nothing by vain-glory but con- tempt and hatred. 2. Vain-glory blossoms but never bears. 3. Where vain-glory reigns, folly is prime min- ister. Glowing. 1. Who glows not, burns not. Gluttony. 1. A glutton is never generous. 2. A glutton young, a beggar old. 3. A greedy man God hates. Ger. 4. Gluttony kills more than the sword. Fr., Ital. 5. He'll eat till he sweats and work till he freezes. 6. His eye is bigger than his belly. 7. If it rained macaroni what a fine thing for gluttons. Ital. 8. It is easier to fill a glutton's belly than his eye. 9. Never good that mind their belly so much. 10. You dig your grave with your teeth. 11. Your belly will never let your back be warm. Goat. 1. A lame goat will not sleep by day. 2. A piece of a kid is worth two of a cat. Sp. 3. An old goat is never more reverend for his beard. 4. By candle-light a goat looks like a lady. Fir GOD 5. Goats are not sold at every fair. 44I 6. If the beard were all the goat might preach. 7. None ever saw a goat dead of hunger. Dan. Fr., Ital. 8. The goat cannot well cover herself with her tail. Sp. 9. The kid that keeps above is in no danger of the wolf. 10. The lame goat does not take a siesta. Por. II. When the goat's foot is broken, then he finds his master's door. West Indian Negro. 12. Where the goat is tied she must browse. Fr. 13. Where the goat leaps, leaps that which sucks her. Sp. God. 1. Against God's wrath no castle is thunder proof. 2. All things proclaim the existence of a God. 3. Better God than gold. Napoleon. 4. Every little blade of grass declareth the pres- ence of God. Latin. 5. Every one in his own house and God in all men's. Sp. 6. Every one is as God made him and very often worse. Don Quixote. Dutch, 7. Everything has an end excepting God. 8. Father and mother are kind, but God is kinder. Dan. * 442 GOD. 9. Get thy spindle and thy distaff ready and God will send the flax. 10. God alone understands fools. II. God arms the harmless. Fr. 12. God blesses the seeking, not the finding. Ger. 13. God comes at last when we think he is far- thest off. Dan. 14. God comes with leaden feet but strikes with iron hand. 15. God deals his wrath by weight but without weight his mercy. 16. God defend me from the still water, and I'll keep myself from the rough. 17. God defend me from the devil, the eye of a harlot and the turn of a die. Sp. 18. God delays but does not forget. M. Greek. 19. God deliver me from a man of one book. 20. God deprives him of his bread who likes not his drink. 21. God does not pay weekly but he pays at the end. 22. God does not smite with both hands. 23. God extends from eternity to eternity. Dutch. Sp. Aristotle. 24. God gives a cursed cow short horns. Ital. 25. God gives almonds to some who have no teeth. Sp. 26. God gives bread but we must creep along ourselves also. M. Greek. 27. God gives every bird its food but does not thrust it into its nest. Dan. GOD. 443 28. God gives little folks small gifts. 29. God gives strength to bear a we only strive ourselves to endure. Dan. great deal if Hans Andersen. 30. God gives the milk but not the pail. Ger. 31. God gives the wine but not the bottle. Ger. 32. God gives wings to the ant that she may per- ish the sooner. Sp. 33. God grant me to contend with those who understand me. 34. God grant you fortune, my son, for knowledge avails you little. Sp. 35. God has given nuts to some that have no teeth. Por. 36. God has given us the earth, but left the sea to the infidels. Turk. 37. God has many names though he is only one being. 38. God helps the sailor but he must row. 39. God helps those who help themselves. 40. God helping, nothing need be feared. 41. God helps the early riser. 42. God helps the strongest. Aristotle. Ger. Sp. Ger., Dutch. 43. God helps three sorts of people: fools, chil- dren, and drunkards. Fr. 44. God is always at leisure to do good to those that ask it. 45. God is everywhere except where he has his delegate. (Ironical.) Ital. 46. God is not hasty but he forgets nothing. Ger. 47. God is patient because eternal. St. Augustine. 444 GOD. 48. God keeps the nobleman no more than the peasant. 49. God is the enemy of the proud. Ger. Turk. 50. God is where he was. 51. God keep you from-" It is too late.” Sp. 52. God knows who are the best pilgrims. 53. God looks to pure hands, not full ones. Syrus. 54. God loves good accounts. 55. God made the country, man made the town. 56. God made us and we wonder at it. Byron. Sp. 57. God never sends mouths but he sends meat. 58. God, our parents and our master can never be requited. 59. God permits nothing to happen which is not the best for us. Hans Andersen. 60. God permits the wicked but not forever. 61. God postpones, he does not overlook. Turk. 62. God puts a good root in the little pig's way. Fr. 63. God reaches us good things by our own hands. 64. God save me from one who does not drink. Ital. 65. God save me from the man of one occupa- tion. Ital. 66. God save me from those I confide in. Fr. 67. God save me from a bad neighbor and from a beginner on the fiddle. Ital. 68. God saves the moon from the wolves. Fr. God. 445 69. God sells knowledge for labor, honor for risk. Dutch. 70. God send me a friend that may tell me my faults, if not an enemy and to be sure he will. 71. God send you readier meat than running hares. 72. God sends clothes after clothes. Latin. 73. God sends corn and the devil mars the sack. 74. God sends enough to all. 75. God's mills turn slow, but they grind woe. Oriental. 76. God sends meat and the devil sends cooks, 77. God sends no greater evil than many children and little bread. Ger 78. God sends nothing but what can be borne. Ital. 79. God sent him meat but the devil cooked it. Dutch. 80. God stands in need of nothing; he is forever above and beyond want. 81. God stays long but strikes at last. Aristotle. 82. God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. Sterne, Fr. 83. God made the world so wisely, so wisely governs it. 84. God's help is nearer than the fair even. 85. God who sends the wounds, sends the cure. Don Quixote. 86. God will provide, but a bundle of straw will not be amiss. 87. God's mill goes slowly, but it grinds well. Sp. Ger. 446 GOD. 88. God's providence is the sweet and best inheri- tance. 89. God's work is soon done. 90. Good is God and long is eternity. 91. Hae God hae a'. Fr. 92. He loseth nothing that keeps God for his friend. 93. If God be with us everything that is impossi- ble becomes possible. 94. If God be with us who shall stand against us. Latin. 95. If God bids thee draw, he will find thee a rope, and if he bid thee ride, he will find thee a horse. Dan. 96. If God give not bushelfuls, he gives spoon- fuls. Dan. 97. If God proposes the destruction of an ant he gives her wings. Arabian. 98. If things go well it is God's will, and if they don't go well it is his will also. Bombay the African speaking to Captain Speke. 99. It is better to have to do with God than with his saints. Fr. 100. It is impossible to do anything against the will of God. Hannibal. IOI. Laugh where we must, be candid where we can, But vindicate the ways of God to man. Pope. 102. Man doth what he can and God what he will. 1024. No threshold without God. Russian. 103. Not God above gets all men's love. GOD. 447 104. Preserve thyself from the occasion and God will preserve thee from the sin. 105. That man is to be feared who fears not God. Turk. 106. The most High God sees and forbears; my neighbor knows nothing and yet is always finding fault. 107. To God's counsel chamber there is no key. Dan. 108. Unless God be with us all labor is in vain. Latin. 109. Whom God will help none can hinder. 110. What God will, no frost can kill. III. What we have in us of the image of God, is the love of truth and justice. Demosthenes. J12. Whatever happens, happens by the will of God. Last Knight of Delphi. 113. When God gives light he gives it for all. Sp. 114. When God means to punish a nation he de- prives its rulers of wisdom. Ger., Dutch. 115. When God pleases it rains in fair weather. Sp. 116. When God pleases it rains with every wind. Sp., Dutch. 117. When God says to-day the devil says to- morrow. Ger. Fr. 118. When God sends flour the devil carries off the sack. 119. When God sends the dawn he sends it for all. Don Quixote. 120. When God will not the saints cannot. Ital., Sp., Dutch. 448 GOD-FATHER.—Gods. 121. When it is God's will to plague a man a mouse can bite him to death. Dutch. 122. When it pleaseth not God, the saint can do little. 123. When the anguish is greatest, God's help is highest. Ger. 124. Where God bestows an office he provides brains to fill it. Ger. 125. Where God builds a church, the devil builds a chapel. Ger. 126. Who hath God hath all, who hath him not hath less than nothing. 127. Whom God loves, his house is savory to him. 128. You cannot serve God and mammon. God-father. New Testament. 1. Who stands God-father to a wolf should have a dog under his cloak. Gods. 1. The gods are just and of our pleasant vices, Make instruments to scourge us. Shaks. 2. The gods are on the side of the stronger. Tacitus. 3. The gods cannot help a man who loses oppor. tunity. Chinese. 4. The gods delight to see a man struggling to succeed. 5. The gods did not send corn only for the rich. 6. Whom the gods love die young. 7. Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. GOING.-GOLD. Going. 449 1. By dint of going wrong all will come right. Fr. 2. Go in God's name for he takes a loaf of mine. 3. Go softly over bad bits of road. Sp. Ital. 4. He goes not out of his way who goes to a good inn. 5. He that will not go over the stile must be thrust through the gate. 6. He who goes everywhere gains everywhere. Fr. 7. He who goes the contrary way must go over it twice. 8. One may go a long way after one is tired. Fr. 9. The slower you go the further you be. Russian. 10. To go as fast as a friar that is invited to dinner. II. To go cheek by jowl, with one. 12. To go like a bear to the stake. 13. Who goes himself is in earnest, who sends is indifferent. Ital. 14. Who goes not sees not, who proves not be- lieves not. Ital. 15. Without going you can get nowhere. Chinese. 16. You go as if nine men held you. 17. You must learn to creep before you go. Gold. 1. A gold ring does not cure a felon. 2. A golden bit makes none the better horse. Ital., Ger. 29. 450 GOLD 1 3 A golden dart kills where it pleases. 4. A golden gallows is still but a gallows. Ger. 5. A golden hammer breaks an iron gate. 6. A golden key opens every door save that of heaven. Dan. 7. A golden shield is of great defence. 8. A great load of gold is more burthensome than a light load of gravel. 9. A hare may draw a lion with a golden cord. 10. A man may buy even gold too dear. 11. All is not gold that glitters. 12. As the touchstone trieth gold, so gold trieth men. 13. Before gold even kings take off their hats. 14. Better gain in mud than lose in gold. Ger. Ital., Por. Dan. 15. Better whole than patched with gold. 16. Even gold may be bought too dear. 17. Even with gold one cannot buy everything. Ger. Ger. 18. Gold and goods may be lost, a good name endures forever. Ger. 19. Gold and silver do not make men better. Ger 20. Gold begets in brethren hate, Gold in families debate, Gold does friendship separate, Gold does civil wars create. 21. Gold goes in any gate except honor's. Cowley. 22. Gold goes through all doors except heaven's doors. Ger. GOLD. 451 23. Gold goes to the Moor; i.e., a man without conscience. Por. 24. Gold glitters most when virtue shines no more. 25. Gold is a good doctor. Young. 26. Gold is an unseen tyrant. Greek. 27. Gold is the balm to a wounded spirit. 28. Gold is proved with fire, friendship in need. Dan. 29. Gold is the best mediator. Ger. 30. Gold is the devil's fishhook. 31. Gold is the right nail one must strike. 32. Gold is the snare of the soul. Ger. Ger. 33. Gold lies deep in the mountain, dirt on the highway. Ger. 34. Gold remains gold though it lay in the mud. Ger. 35. Gold rules the court, the camp, the grove, And married men and men in love. Almacks. 36. Gold rules the world. 37. Gold when present causeth fear, when absent grief. 38. Golden dreams make men awake hungry. 39. Golden roofs break men's rest. Seneca. 40. He who expends gold properly is its master, who lays it up its keeper, who loves it a fool, who adores it an idolater; the truly wise man is he who despises it. Petrarch. 41. He who has gold has fear, who has none has sorrow. 42. He who would make a golden door (or gate) must add a nail to it daily. Fr., Dutch. 452 GOLD. 43. If the walls were adamant, gold would take the town. 44. I will not have any gold, but I love to reign over those who have. 45. It is not all gold that glitters. 46. Man must govern not serve gold. 47. That is gold which is worth gold. Old Roman. Dan. Ger. Fr., Ital., Sp., Por. 48. That is all well and good, but gold is better. 49. The purest gold is the most ductile. Dan. 50. The true art of making gold is to have a good estate and spend little of it. 51. There is no better friend in misfortune than gold. Ger. Sp. 52. There is no lock if the pick is of gold. 53. There is no lock one cannot open with a golden key. Ger. 54. Try your skill in gilt first and then in gold. 55. When gold speaks every tongue is silent. Ital., Ger. 56. When gold speaks you may hold your tongue. 57. When we have gold we are in fear, when we have none we are in danger. 58. Where gold avails, argument fails. 59. Where gold chinks, arguments are of no avail. Ger. 60. Where my gold there my heart. 61. Where there is gold, there the devil dwells. Ger. 62. Who has gold has ease. Ger. GOLDEN AGE.-GOLGOTHA.-GOOD. 453 63. Who has gold is a welcome guest. Ger. 64. You may speak with your gold and make other tongues dumb. on. Golden Age. 1. The golden age was never the present age. Golgotha. 1. In Golgotha are skulls of all sizes. Good. 1. All good is the better for being diffusive. 2. And learn the luxury of doing good. Goldsmith. 3. Be good and refrain not to do good. 4. Be good in your office, you'll keep the longer 5. Do good by stealth and blush to find it fame. 6. For he that once is good is ever great. 7. Good and bad make up a city. 8. Good and quickly seldom meet. Pope. Ben Jonson. Por. 9. Good at a distance is better than evil at hand. 10. Good comes to better and better to bad. Fr. 11. Good for good is natural, good for evil is manly. 12. Good is good but better carrieth it. 13. Good never comes too often. Turk. Dan. 14. Good the more communicated more abundant grows. Milton. 15. Good that comes too late is good as nothing. 16. Good though long stayed for is good. 454 GOOD. 17. Great and good are seldom the same. 18. Gude fowk are scarce, take care of ane. 19. He begins to grow bad who believes himself good. Ital. 20. He cannot be good that knows not why he is good. 21. He is not good himself who speaks well of everybody alike. 22. He knows best what good is who has endured evil. 23. He that does good shall find good, he that does evil shall find evil. Turk. 24. He that hath plenty of good shall have more, he that hath but little shall have less. 25. He that helps the evil hurts the good. Socrates. 26. He that returns good for evil obtains the victory. 27. How few know their own good, or knowing it Juvenal. pursue. 28. If they say you are good, ask yourself if it be true. 29. If you pursue good with labor, the labor passes away but the good remains; if you pursue evil with pleasure, the pleasure passes away and the evil remains. Cicero. 30. In avoiding that which is evil I have found that which is good. Latin. 31. It is as hard for the good to suspect evil, as it is for the bad to suspect good. Cicero. 32. It is good if it were but caught. Good. 455 33. Men resemble the gods in nothing so much as in doing good to their fellow creatures. Cicero. 34. No man is good unless others are made bet- ter by him. 35. None can be good too soon. Welsh. 36. Out of a great evil comes a great good. Ital. 37. So good that he is good for nothing. Ital. 38. Some good, some bad as sheep come to the fold. 39. That's my good that does me good. 40. The good are joyful in the midst of poverty, but the wicked are sad in great riches. 41. The good for virtue's sake abhor to sin. Creech. 42. The good fear no law; it is his safety and the bad man's awe. Massinger. 43. The good or evil we confer on others often recoils on ourselves. 44. The good palliate no bad action. 45. The good that is done to bad men productive of injury as the milk which is snake is converted into poison. Fielding. is as often given to a M. Greek. 46. The good you do is not lost though you for- get it. 47. There are good and bad everywhere. Ital. 48. There is none that doeth good, no not one. Bible. 49. There is not the thickness of a sixpence be- tween good and evil. 50. There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. 51. They are aye gude that are far awa'. Shaks. 456 GOOD-FAITH.-GOOD TURN.-Goodness.-Goods. 52. Though good be good, better is better (or better carries it). 53. What is good is never too abundant. 54. What is good is difficult. Don Quixote. Plato. 55. Where there is no good within, no good comes out. 56. Worldly good is ebb and flood. Good-faith. Dutch. Dutch. 1. Good-faith is a seldom guest; when you have him, hold him fast. 2. Good-faith stole the cow. Good Turn. Ger. 1. Nothing is more easily blotted out than a good turn. 2. One good turn deserves another. 3. One never loseth by doing good turns. 4. There is as much greatness in owning a good turn as in doing it. Goodness. 1. Goodness moves in a larger sphere than jus- tice. Plutarch. 2. Goodness still delighteth to forgive. 3. There is nothing so popular as goodness. Goods. Burns. Cicero. 1. A man may lose his goods for want of de- manding them. 2. Common goods no goods. Dutch. 3. Goods are theirs only who enjoy them. 4. Merchants' goods are ebb and flood. Dutch. Goose. 457 5. The best goods are the cheapest. Dutch. Chinese. 6. There are customers for all sorts of goods. 7. 'Tis better to cry over your goods than after them. 8. When goods increase the body decreases. Fr. Goose. 1. A goose drinks as much as a gander. Dan. 2. A gosling flew over the Rhine and came home a goose. Ger. 3. As deep drinketh the goose as the gander. 4. Feather by feather the goose is plucked. 5. Geese are plucked as long as they have any feathers. 6. He that has a goose will get a goose. Dutch. 7. I too can lead the geese to water when it rains. Ital. 8. It is a blind goose that knows not a fox from a fern bush. 9. It is a silly goose that comes to a fox's sermon. 10. It is a sorry goose that will not baste itself. II. "Peter, I am taking a ride," said the goose when the fox was running into the woods with her. 12. Dan. Shall the gosling teach the goose to swim? 13. The goose goes often into the kitchen until at last she sticks to the spit. Dutch. 14. The goose hisses but does not bite. Dutch. 15. The goose that has a good gander 'cackles loudly. Dan. 458 GOSSIPING.-GOT.-GOUT. 16. The old goose plays not with foxes. Ger. 17. When one goose drinks, all drink. 18. When the goose trusts the fox, then woe to her neck. 19. Young is the goose that will not eat oats. Gossiping. 1. A gossip speaks ill of all and all of her. 2. At every word a reputation dies. Dan. Welsh gossip. 3. From my gossip's bread a large piece for my god-son. 4. Gadding gossips shall dine on the pot lid. 5. Gossiping and lying go together. 6. Gossips and frogs drink and talk. Sp. 7. Gossips and tale-bearers set on fire all the houses they enter. 8. Gossips fall out and tell each other truths. Sp. 9. It is no time to gossip with the dying. Turk. 10. Lies and gossip have a wretched offspring. Dan. 11. My gossips don't like me because I tell them the truth. I. So got, so gone. Got. Gout. Sp., Por. 1. When old age comes to wait upon a great and worshipful sinner it comes with many painful girds and achings called the gout. Governing, Government. 1. A hated government does not last long. South. Seneca Governing, Government. 459 2. A smile for a friend and a sneer for the world is the way to govern mankind. Bea. 3. Any government is preferable to an anarchy. Cato the younger. 4. Constitutional government can never go on without lying. Bolingbroke. 5. For forms of government let fools contest, Whate'er is best administered is best. Pope. 6. Govern thyself, and you will be able to govern the world. Chinese. 7. He is unfit to manage public affairs who knows not how to rule at home his household. Ford. 8. He is unworthy to govern who governs not himself. Fr. 9. Impartial vigor and example are the best means of governing. Chinese. 10. No government is safe unless it be fortified by good will. Nepos. 11. Rewards and punishments are the basis of a good government. 12. Such is the government, such is the people. Ital. 13. Temperate climates run into moderate govern- ments. Swift. 14. That is the best government in which an in- jury to one is the concern of all. Solon. 15. The choice of the people is the surest and best title to reign over them. Gibbon. 16. The greatest of all evils is a weak govern- ment. Bea. 460 GRACE.—Grafting.-Grain.-Grapes.—Grasping. 17. The hearts of the people are the only legiti- mate foundations of empire. 18. The right divine to govern wrong. Chinese. Pope. 19. Those who cannot govern themselves must be governed. Dr. Johnson. Grace. 1. In space comes grace. Grafting. 1. 'Tis good grafting on a good stock. Grain. 1. A whole bushel of wheat is made up of single grains. 2. By the stubble you may guess the grain. Homer. 3. Grain by grain the hen fills her crop. Sp., Por. 4. Of evil grain no good seed can come. Grapes. 1. A vine bears three grapes-the first of pleas- ure, the second of drunkenness, the third of repent- ance. 2. The sweetest grapes hang highest. Grasping. 1. Grasp all, lose all. Anacharsis. 2. Grasp no more than thy hand will hold. Ger. 3. He that grasps at too much holds nothing fast. 4. He who grasps at all holds nothing fast (or loses all). Ger., Sp. Grass. 1. The grass never grew again where Attila's horse had trod. Gibbon. GRATITUDE.-GRAVE. 461 2. The thicker the grass, the easier to mow. Alaric. 3. Where every one goes the grass never grows. Ger. 4. While the grass is growing the steed starves. Ger., Dutch, Dan. Gratitude. I. A tree that affords thee shade, do not order it to be cut down. Arabian. 2. Excessive gratitude for a favor is too often used as a handle to a begging box for a second. Punch. 3. Gratefulness is the poor man's payment. 4. Gratitude is a keen sense of favors to come. 5. Gratitude is expense. Talleyrand. Gibbon. 6. Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. Hosea Ballou. 7. Gratitude is the least of virtues; ingratitude the worst of vices. 8. Men are grateful in the same degree they are resentful. Pope. 9. There is not a more pleasing exercise of the mind than gratitude. Addison. 10. To the grateful man give more than he asks. Sp. 11. You may believe anything that is good of a grateful man. Grave. 1. Bloody and deceitful men dig their own graves. 462 GRAY.-GREAT. 4 2. He who lies in the grave is well lodged. Ger. 3. In the grave dust and bones jostle not for the wall. 4. In the grave the prince does not lie easier than the day laborer. 5. Kings have no such couch as thine, Ger. As the green that folds thy grave. Tennyson. 6. The dust (of the grave) alone can fill the eye of man. Arabian. 7. The grave is the general meeting-place. 8. The grave levels all distinctions. 9. The more thy years the nearer thy grave. IO. There are countless roads on all sides to the grave. 11. We shall lie all alike in our grave. Gray. 1. Gray and green make the worst medley. Great. 1. Great barkers are nae biters. 2. Great birth is a very poor dish at table. 3. Great bodies move slowly. Cicero. 4. Great designs require great consideration. 5. Great disputing repels the truth. 6. Great engines turn on small pivots. Fr. 7. Great expectations are better than a poor pos- session. 8. Great marks are soonest hit. 9. Great smoke, little roast. Don Quixote. Ger. 10. Great talent has always a little madness mixed up with it. GREATEST.-GREAT MEN. 463 11. Great undertakings require great preparations. 12. Great vaunters, little doers. Greek. Fr. 13. Great weights may hang on small wires. 14. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. Shaks. 15. The great and the little have need of each other. 16. The great cab and the little cab go down to the grave. 17. The great calabash-tree has a seed for its mother. 18. The great oak bears small fruit. Greatest. African. Ger. 1. The greatest oaks have been little acorns. 2. The greatest strokes make not the best music. 3. The greatest vessel has but its measure. Great Men. 1. A great man scorns to trample on a worm or to cringe to an emperor. Collier. 2. A great man's word is like the elephant's tusk. i.e., not to be concealed or withdrawn. Hindoo. 3. Alas! by what trivial causes greatness is overthrown. Claudianus. 4. All great men are in some degree inspired. Cicero. 5. All things great men do are well done. 6. Great men have more adorers than friends. 7. Great men have reaching hands. 8. Great men may jest with saints. Shaks. Ger. 464 GREAT MEN. 9. Great men must be employed to complete great changes in empire, but little men may begin them. 10. Great men's requests are commands. Maga. Ger., Dan. II. Great men's servants don't think little of themselves. Ger. 12. Great men's vices are accounted sacred. 13. Great persons seldom see their faces in a true glass. 14. He is great whose failings can be numbered. Hebrew. 15. It belongs to great men to have great defects. Fr. 16. Mean men admire wealth-great men, glory. 17. The great man is he that does not lose his child's heart. Mencius. 18. The greatest men are the simplest. 19. The vile are only vain, the great are proud. Byron. 20. Thunder showers and great men's favors are always partial. 21. To be great we must know how to push our fortunes to the utmost. Rochefoucauld. 22. Towers are measured by their shadows and great men by their calumniators. Chinese. 23. Who noble ends by noble means obtains, Or failing, smiles in exile or in chains, That man is great indeed. 24. Whom great men wrong they hate. Pope. 25. With great men one must allow five to be an even number. Ger. Greatness.—Greed.—Grief. 465 Greatness. 1. Greatness alone is not enough or the cow would outrun the hare. Ger. 2. Greatness of name in the father oft-times overwhelms the son. 3. It is more noble to make yourself great than to be born so. Greed. 1. Big mouthfuls often choke. Ital. 2. Greed and the eye can no man fill. Ger. 3. Greedy folks have long arms. 4. Greedy chokes puppy. West Indian Negro. 5. He has eat up the pot and asks for the pipkin. 6. The bounty of nature is too little for the greedy man. Seneca. 7. Whose carriage is greediness, his companion is beggary. Oriental. · 8. Ye let little gae by you unless it be the swallow. Grief. 1. Dig but deep enough, and under all earth runs water, under all life runs grief. Bulwer. 2. Do not rejoice at my grief, for when mine is old, yours will be new. it. Sp. 3. Every one can master a grief but he that has Shaks. 4. Every substantial grief has twenty shadows, and most of them shadows of your own making. Sidney Smith. 5. Everything becomes intolerable to the man who is once subdued by grief, Bolingbroke. 30 466 GRIEF. ' 6. Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak Whispers the o'er-fraught heart, and bids it break. 7. Great griefs are mute. Shaks. Ital. 8. Great griefs medicine the less. Shaks. 9. Grief best is pleased with grief's society. Shaks. 10. Grief diminishes when it has nothing to grow upon. Syrus. 11. Grief is a stone that bears one down, but two bear it lightly. 12. Grief is satisfied and carried off by tears. Ovid. Bea. 13. Grief is the agony of an instant, its indulgence the blunder of a lifetime. 14. Grief pent-up will burst the heart. 15. Grieving for misfortunes is adding gall to wormwood. 16. He grieves more than is necessary who grieves before it is necessary. Seneca. 17. He has seen his step-mother's grave and he weeps. (Spoken of feigned grief.) M. Greek. 18. He oft finds medicine who his grief imparts, But double griefs afflict concealing hearts. Spenser. 19. He that conceals his grief finds no remedy for it. Turk. 20. In much wisdom is much grief. 21. In private, grieve-but with a careless scorn, In public seem to triumph not to mourn. Rambler GRIEF. 467 22. Moderate lamentation is the right of the dead, excessive grief the enemy of the living. Shaks. 23. Much of grief shows still some want of wit. 24. New grief awakens the old. Shaks. 25. No grief is so acute but time ameliorates it. Cicero. 26. Our griefs how swift, our remedies how slow. Prior. 27. Our own grief produces pity for another. 28. Patch grief with proverbs. Richardson. Shaks. 29. She grieves sincerely who grieves unseen. Martial. 30. That grief is light which is capable of coun- sel. 31. The grief of the heir is only masked laughter. 32. The only cure for grief is action. Latin. Geo. Henry Lewes. 33. The sublimest grief will eat at last. Fielding. 34. Those griefs burn most that gall in secret. Seneca. 35. Those who have known grief seldom seem sad. Bea. 36. Time and thinking tame the strongest grief. 37. 'Tis a folly to fret; grief's no comfort. 38. To grief there is a limit, not so to fear. Pliny the younger. 39. Too late to grieve when the chance is past. 40. When long pent-up griefs once find vent, men 4 468 GRIEVANCE.-GRINDSTONE.-GROAT. love to discharge the load that weighs upon the heart. Grievance. Tacitus. Don Quixote. 1. A good grievance is worth more than bad payment. 2. Everybody hates a man with a grievance. Talleyrand. Sp. 3. One grievance borne, another follows. Grindstone. 1. He does not live in this world who can skin a grindstone. 2. He holds his nose to the grindstone. Groat. Dutch. 1. The groat is ill saved that shames its master. Grundy, (Mrs.) 1. What will Mrs. Grundy say? Thomas Morton. Guard. 1. He does not guard himself, who is not always on his guard. 2. No man can stand always on his guard. Guessing. Fr. 1. Guess how many eggs are in the basket and you shall have the whole seven. 2. Guessing is missing. 3. He who guesses well prophesies well. Ger. Ger. Ital. 4. Some had rather guess at much than take pains to learn a little. Guest. 1. A constant guest is never welcome. 2. A daily guest is a great thief in the kitchen. Dutch GUEST. 469 3. A great guest is always dear to a host. Russian. 4. A guest and a fish after three days are poison. Fr. 5. A guest sees more in an hour than the host in a year. Polish. 6. A house filled with guests is eaten up and ill spoken of. 7. An unbidden guest is worse than a Tartar. Sp. Russian. 8. An unbidden guest must bring his own stool with him. 9. An unpleasant guest is as welcome as salt to a sore eye. 10. An untimely guest is the house's plunder. Dan. Pashto. 11. Even the welcome guest becomes wearisome when he sits too long in the house. Hans Andersen. 12. Fish and guests smell at three days old. Dan. 13. Guests that come by daylight are best re- ceived. 14. He is an ill guest that never drinks to his host. 15. Let the guests go before the storm bursts. Ger. 16. The guest is not welcome to the guest but both to the host. Turk. 17. The guests will go away and we will eat the pastry. Por. 18. The unbidden guest is ever a pest. Ger. 470 Guide.-GUILT. 19. Unbidden guests are often welcome when they are gone. 20. Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest. 21. When the guest is in most favor, he will do well to quit. Ger. Guide. 1. The guide ought to know every part of the mountain, the traveller need only know the path. Guilt. 1. Alas, how difficult it is to prevent the counte- nance betraying our guilt. Ovid. 2. All fear but fear of heaven betrays a guilt. 3. He confesses his guilt who flies from his trial. 4. Guilt cannot keep its own secret, suicide is confession. Daniel Webster. 5. Guilt has quick ears to an accusation. 6. Guilt is always cowardly. Fielding Latin. 7. Guilt is always zealous. 8. Guilty men still judge others like them. Massinger. 9. Guilty men still suspect what they deserve. Ben Jonson. 10. Guilt sinks the brave to cowards. Aaron Hill. II. Guilt once harbored in the conscious breast, Intimidates the brave, degrades the great. Johnson. 12. He declares himself guilty who justifies him self before accusation. HABIT. 471 13. He that is guilty thinks the world turns round. 14. He who flies proves himself guilty. Dan. 15. He who is guilty believes all men speak ill of him. Ital. 16. Human guilt cannot go beyond the crime of those who solicit war. Maga. 17. Successful guilt is the bane of society. Syrus. 18. The guilt and not the scaffold makes the shame. Fr. 19. The guilt being great, the fear doth still ex- ceed. Shaks. 20. The guilty are alarmed and turn pale at the slightest thunder. Juvenal. 21. The guilty mind needs no accuser. 22. They whose guilt within their bosom lies Imagine every eye beholds their blame. Shaks. 23. Those whom guilt stains it equals. Lucan. H. Habit. 1. Every one has his peculiar habit. Latin. 2. Habits if not resisted soon become necessity. St. Augustine. 3. Habit in sinning takes away the sense of sin. Latin. 4. Habit is second nature. 5. Habit is stronger than nature. 6. Habit is ten times nature Quintus Curtius Rufus. Wellington 472 "HAD-I-BUT-KNOWN."-HAIR, 7. How use doth breed a habit in a man. Shaks. 8. Il habits gather by unseen degrees, As brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas. Dryden. 9. It is a thousand times easier to contract a new habit than to get rid of an old one. 10. It is easier to prevent ill habits than to break them. Motto on Plato's ring. 11. Pursuits become habits. 12. Small habits well pursued betimes May reach the dignity of crimes. Ovid. Hannah More. 13. There is nothing so true as habit. 14. To change one's habits smacks of death. Por. “Had-I-but-known.” 1. Beware of "had I but known." 2. "s "Had-I-known is a poor man. Hair. 1. A hair casts its shadow on the ground. 2. All wool is hair, more or less. Por. 3. Even a hair casteth its shadow. Ger., Sp., Por. 4. Gray hairs are death's blossoms. 5. Hair by hair and the head gets bald. Dan. 6. Hair is not to be mentioned in a bald man's house. Livonian. 7. How easily a hair gets into the butter. Ger. 8. Long hair-little brain, Turk. 9. No doors are shut against honest gray hairs. 10. Short hair is soon brushed. Ger II. The bald pate talks most of hair. Livonian. HAIR-SPLITTIN G.-HALF.-HAND. 473 12. There is no hair so small but hath its shadow. Hair-splitting. 1. It is hard to split the hair, that nothing is wanting and nothing to spare. Half. 1. The half is better than the whole. Hand. 1. A clean glove often hides a dirty hand. 2. A clean hand wants no washing. 3. A hand which thou canst not bite, kiss and put on thine head. 4. A taking hand will never want. Arabian. 5. Hand in use is father of lear (of learning, skill). 6. Hand over head as men took the covenant. Franklin. 7. He has three hands, right, left, and a little behind hand. (Said of a tardy person.) 8. It is a bad hand that refuses to guard the head. Ger. Dutch. 9. Many hands make quick work. 10. Nothing enters into a close hand. 11. No one cuts the hand that gives. 12. One hand does not go a counselling. Turk. Accra (Africa). 13. One hand may wash the other but both the face. Dan 14. One hand must wash the other or both will be dirty. 15. One pair of heels is often worth two pair of hands. 474 HANDICRAFT.-HANDSOME. 16. Open hand makes open hand. Ger. 17. Put not thy hand between the bark and the tree. 18. Put your hand no further than your sleeve will reach. 19. The hand that kindles cannot quench the flame. Byron. Ital. 20. The right hand is slave to the left. 21. There is no better sign of a brave mind than a hard hand. Shaks. 22. Two hands are for the defence of one head. Turk. 23. Were it not for the fingers the hand would be a spoon. Western African Negro. 24. White hands are no offence. Handicraft. 1. A good handicraft has golden foundation. Sp. Dan. Handsome. 1. A handsome shoe often pinches the foot. 2. Handsome apples are sometimes sour. Fr. Ger, Dutch. 3. Handsome is not what is handsome but what pleases. Ital. 4. Handsome is that handsome does. Goldsmith. 5. Handsome women generally fall to the lot of ugly men. Ital. 6. Handsomely asked, handsomely refused. Fr. 7. It is a great plague to be too handsome a man. Plautus. 8. Neither handsome enough to kill, nor ugly enough to frighten. Sp., Por HANGING. 475 9. The handsomest flower is not the sweetest. 10. The handsomest rose loses its fragrance. Ger. II. The handsomest snuffs the candle. Hanging. Ger. 1. A hangman's is a good trade; he does his work by daylight. 2. All are not hanged who are condemned. 3. As good be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. 4. Away with you; be a pedler, a knave, says the hangman to his man. Ger. 5. Before a man learns to hang, he is half dead. 6. Better "there he goes," than hangs." 7. Either rich or hanged. Dan. "there he Sp. 8. Go steal a horse and you'll die without being sick. 9. Hang a dog on a crab tree and he'll never love verjuice. 10. Hang him that hath no shift and him that hath too many. 11. Hang not all your bells on one horse. Dan. 12. Hang the young thief and the old one will not steal. 13. Hanging is the worst use a man can be put Wotton. to. 14. He came time enough who was hanged by candle light. Sp. 15. He rises o'er early, that is hanged ere noon. 16. He escaped hemp but deserved a wooden halter. 476 HANGING. 17. He stands like Mump Hazard who was hanged for saying nothing. 18. He that has an hour's start will not be hanged. Sp. 19. He that is born to be hanged will never be drowned. Ital., Ger., Dutch. 20. He that is born to be hanged will never be drowned unless the water come over the gallows. Dan. 21. He that is hanged for stealing a horse to-day has no reason to buy oats for him to-morrow. Fielding. 22. He that is to die by the gallows may dance on the river. Ital 23. He was hanged that left his drink behind, (A certain malefactor was suspected because he fled from the inn upon hearing the hue and cry, leaving his drink unfinished.) 24. He who does not wish to become old may hang himself when young. Ger. 25. He who would hang himself is sure to find a rope. Dan. 26. If you steal for others you shall be hanged yourself. 27. If you would not live to be old you must be hanged when you are young. 28. If your luck go on at this rate you may very well hope to be hanged, 29. Millers, tailors, and weavers are not hanged or the trade would soon be extinct. 30. No haste to hang true men. Ger HANNIBAL.-HAPPEN. 477 31. See how he has risen from a mayor to a hangman. Sp. 32. Take courage; younger than thou have been hanged. 33. That char is charr'd, as the good wife said when she had hanged her husband. 34. There never was a worse use made of a man than hanging him. Curran. 35. We hang little thieves and let great ones escape. 36. We hang little thieves and take off our hats to great ones. Dutch. Ger, 37. Who hangs himself in the chimney should not complain of smoke. Ger. 38. You must not hang a man by his looks. 39. You'll dance at the end of a rope without teach- ing. 40. You'll go up the ladder to bed; i̟.e̟., be hung. Hannibal. 1. Hannibal is at the gate. Happen. Dutch. • 1. Everybody is wise after the thing has hap- pened. 2. Everything happens for the best. Fr. 3. That happens in a moment which may not happen in a thousand years. Fr., Ital. 4. What does not happen in a year may happen in a moment. Sp. 5. What happens to one may happen to another. 6. What is long spoken of happens at last. Dutch. 478 HAPPINESS. 7. What is to happen will happen. Happiness. 1. All happiness is in the mind. 2. Better be happy nor wise. Hans Andersen. 3. Happiness flies court for garret. 4. Happiness invites envy. Latin. 5. Happy are they that have not the blood of kindred to avenge. 6. Happy he who can live in peace. Fr. 7. Happy he who can take warning from the mishap of others. Dan. 8. Happy is he that is happy in his children. 9. Happy is he that serveth the happy. 10. Happy is he who is content. Ger. 11. Happy is he who is made wary by others perils. Latin. 12. Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth. 13. Happy is he whose friends were born before him. 14. Happy is she who is in love with an old do- tard. Ital. 15. Happy is the man who does all the good he talks of. 16. Happy is the man who keeps out of strife. Latin. 17. He is happy who knoweth not himself to be otherwise. 18. He is happy who knows his good fortune. 19. He is not happy who knows it not. Chinese. Ital. HAPPINESS. 479 20. He is truly happy who makes others happy. 21. He who is happy is rich enough. Cingalese. 22. I, myself, had been happy if I had been un- fortunate in time. 23. If happiness have not her seat and centre in the breast, we may be wise, or rich, or great, but never can be blest. Burns. 24. Men expect that happiness should drop into their laps. Tillotson. 25. Neither gold nor grandeur can render us happy. La Fontaine. 26. No happiness without holiness. 27. No man can be called happy before his death. Solon's saying to the king of Lydia. 28. No man can be happy without a friend, nor be sure of his friend till he is unhappy. 29. Oh, happiness! how far we flee Thy own sweet paths in search of thee. 30. Our happiness in this world proceeds from the suppression of our desires, but in the next from the gratification. Spectator. 31. Scarcely one man in a thousand is capable of tasting the happiness of others. Fielding. 32. That is but a slippery happiness that fortune can give and fortune take away. 33. The first requisite for happiness is that a man must be born in a famous city. Euripides. 34. The man that is happy in all things is more rare than the phoenix. Ital. 35. The man who would be truly happy should not study to enlarge his estate, but to contract his desires. Plato. 480 HARE. 36. The memory of happiness makes misery woe- ful. 361. There is no happiness without virtue. Madame de Stael. 37. 'Tis better to be happy than wise. 38. 'Tis not good to be happy too young. 39. 'Tis only happiness can keep us young. Maga. 40. To be happy on earth one must be born in Soo Chow (a favorite place in China). Chinese. 41. To be of use in the world is the only way to be happy. Hans Andersen. 42. To make one man happy you may always cal- culate on making ten others miserable. 43. True happiness is to no place confined, Maga. But still is found in a contented mind. Horace. 44. We are never so happy or fortunate as we think ourselves. 45. We cannot expect always to be happy; by exercising evil as well as good, we become wiser. Hans Andersen. Hare. 1. Hares are not caught with drums. Fr., Dutch. 2. He is as easily caught as a hare with drums. Dutch. 3. In small woods may be caught large hares. Dutch. 4. It is a mad hare that will be caught with a tabor. 5. It is hard to catch hares with unwilling hounds. Dutch. 6. Lame hares are ill to help. HARLOT, WHores. 481 7. One catches the hare and another eats it. Ger. Fr. 8. Running hares do not need the spur. Ital. 9. The hare always returns to her form. 10. The hare draws a lion with a golden thread. M. Greek. 11. The hare may pluck the dead lion by the beard. Shaks. 12. The hare starts from where it is least ex- pected. Ital., Sp. Ital. 13. The very falling of leaves frightens hares. 14. To catch a hare with a cart. 15. When we least expect it the hare darts out of the ditch. 16. Where we least think there goeth the hare away. Dutch. Don Quixote. two hares together catches 17. Who hunts two neither. Harlot, Whores. Ger. 1. A harlot does not repent, and water in a jar does not become sour milk. Arabian. 2. A harlot repented for one night, "Is there no police officer to take up harlots?" she said. Arabian. 3. A whore and a buffoon fare ill in their old age. Sp. 4. He who has one foot in a brothel has an- other in a hospital. Sp. 5. There is no need of a ferret to catch a harlot. 6. Whoredom and grace ne'er dwelt in one place. 7. Whoredom and thieving are never long con- cealed. Sp. 482 HARM.-HARNESS.-HARVEST.-HAS BEEN.-HASTE. 8. Whores affect not you but your money. 9. Whores' curses are blessings. 10. Whoring and bawdry do often end in beggary. Harm.' 1. He that keeps out of harm's way will gather goodly riches. Harness. 1. To harness the horses behind the cart. 2. To harness unwilling oxen. Harvest. Dan. 1. Good harvests make men prodigal, bad ones provident. 2. Harvest comes not every day though it comes every year. 3. He that hath a good harvest may be content with some thistles. 4. He that sleeps in harvest is a son that causeth shame. Has Been. 1. What has been, may be. Bible. Ital. Haste. • 1. A prudent haste is wisdom's leisure. 2. As the man said to him on the tree top, make no more haste when you come down than when you went up. 3. Haste comes late in the end. 4. Haste comes not along. Ger. Ger. Koran. 5. Haste is of the devil. 6. Haste is slow. (Festinatio tarda est.) Latin. 7. Haste often brings shame. Ger HASTE. 483 8. Haste makes waste and waste makes want, and want makes strife between the good man and his wife. 9. Haste trips up its own heels, fetters and stops itself. Seneca. 10. Hasten at leisure. (Festina lente.) 11. Hastiness is the beginning of wrath and its end repentance. Dutch. 12. Hasty climbers have sudden falls. 13. Hasty councils are seldom prosperous. Coke. 14. Hasty gamesters oversee themselves. 15. Hasty people will never make good midwives. 16. He hastens to repentance who hastily judges. Syrus. 17. He that goes too hastily along often stum- bles on a fair road. Fr. 18. He that is hasty fishes in an empty pond. 19. He that is hasty to give credit is light minded. Bible. 20. He tires betimes that spurs too fast betimes, With eager feeding food will choke the feeder. Shaks. 21. He who pours water hastily into a bottle spills more than goes in. Sp. 22. In a hurry is error. Chinese. 23. Make no more haste than good speed. 24. Most haste-worst speed. 25. Naething in haste but gripping o' fleas. 26. Nothing is ever well done in a hurry except fleeing from the plague, or from quarrels, and catch ing fleas. Ital. 484 HASTE. 27. Nothing is well ordered that is hasty or pre- cipitate. Seneca. 28. Nothing should be done in a hurry excepting catching fleas. 29. Of hasty counsel take, good heed, For haste is very rarely speed. Ger. Dutch. 30. One hates to see men do important things in a hurry. 31. Rash haste makes waste. Warren. 32. Seeth thou a man that is hasty in his word, there is more hope of a fool than of him. 33. Slow haste goes best. Bible. 34. The more haste the less (or worse) speed. Fr., Sp., Ger., Dutch. 35. "The more haste the worse speed," quoth the tailor to his long thread. 36. The more haste we make in a wrong direc- tion the further we are from our journey's end. 37. We do in haste and repent at leisure. Ger. 38. We have not yet saddled and are already mounted. 39. What is done hastily is not done well. Sp., Por. Chinese. 40. What is the best thing to do in a hurry? Nothing. Punch. 41. Who hastens in the beginning seldom goes far. Ger. 42. Who hastens too much often remains behind. Ger. 43. Whoever is in a hurry showeth the thing he is about is too big for him. Chesterfield. HATCHET.-HATRED.-HAUGHTINESS. 485 Hatchet. 1. Throw not the hatchet at the lord, he will turn the sharp edge against thee. Hatred. 1. Hate knows no age but death. Dan. 2. Hate no one; hate their vices not themselves. 3. Hatred is blind as well as love. 4. Hatred is self-punishment. Hosea Ballou. 5. Hatred renewed is worse than at first. Ital. 6. How apt men are to hate those they injure. Fielding. 7. I like a good hater. Dr. Johnson. 8. It is human nature to hate him whom you have injured. 9. Let them hate while they fear. Tacitus. Cicero. 10. Many will hate you if you love yourself. Latin. 11. Men hate sometimes those who have obliged them and cease to hate those who have injured them. Fr. 12. The greatest hate springs from the greatest love. 13. To hate whom we have injured is a propensity of the human mind. Tacitus. 14. We always hate those we have wronged. 15. When our hatred is violent, it sinks us even below those we hate. Rochefoucauld. Haughtiness. 1. Haughtiness lives under the same roof with solitude. Plato * 486 HAVING.-HAWK. Having. • · 1. As much as you have so much you are worth. 2. Better have than hear of it. Don Quixote. 3 Better have something yourself than beg of your sister. Dan. Por. 4. Better have to give than have to beg. 5. Every one counts for as much as he has. Ger. 6. Had I a fish 'tis good without mustard. 7. He is well constituted who grieves not for what he has not and rejoices for what he has. Democritus. 8. Having is having come whence it may. 9. "I have had" is a poor man. Ger. Ger. Ger. 10. "I have" is a better bird than "if I had." 11. There are but two families in the world, "the haves" and "the have nots." Don Quixote. 12. What we have, let us be thankful for; what we haven't got, let us hope would make us miserable if we had it; what you can't have, abuse 13. When "had" comes, "have" is too late. Dutch. 14. Who has, let him thereof take heed; love wanes, misfortunes come with speed. 15. Who has, is. 16. Who has not, cannot. Ger. Ital. Fr. 17. Who has not, is not, Ital. Hawk. 1. A goshawk beats not a bunting. Ger. 2. He knows not a hawk from a handsaw (an- cient name for heron). HEAD. 487 3. He who has no falcon must hunt with owls. Dan. 4. High flying hawks are fit for princes. 5. It is hard to lure hawks with empty hands. Dan. 6. It is not every man that can carry a falcon on his hand, Dan. 7. Pheasants are fools if they invite the hawk to dinner. 8. The falcon flies high but not above the sun. Ger. 9. The first point of hawking is, hold fast. 10. The hooded falcon cannot strike the quarry. 11. Though the heron flies high the falcon kills Por. 12. We hate the hawk because he ever lives in battle. Ovid. it, 13. When one stuffs the head of the falcon too much it will not hunt. Head, 1. A big head has a big ache. Ger. Turk. 2. A broad hat does not always cover an honor- able head. 3. A curly head, a hasty temper. 4. A good head does not want for hats. Fr. 5. A good head is rarely set on a fat belly. Ger. 6. A great head and little wit. 7. A great head has great cares. Russian. 8. A head is not to be cut off because it is scabby. Dan. 9. A spur in the head is worth two in the heels. 488 HEAD. 10. All heads are not sense boxes. Fr. 11. An old head on a young pair of shoulders. 12. He that has no head deserves not a laced hat. 13. He that has a head of wax must not approach the fire. Fr. 14. He that hath a head of wax must not walk in the sun. 15. He who has a head won't want for a hat. Ital. 16. He who has no head wants no hat. Sp. 17. If your head is made of butter don't be a baker. Fr. 18. It is a fortunate head that never ached. 19. It is a sound head that has not a soft piece on it. 20. It is difficult to get many heads under one hat. Dan. 21. Many an empty head is shaken at Aristotle. 22. Many heads, many minds. 23. Many heads obstruct intrigues, Dutch. And slowest insects have most legs. Butler. 24. No man's head aches while he comforts an- other. 25. One good head is better than a thousand strong hands. 26. Scabby heads love not the comb. 27. The head gray and no brains yet. 28. The head is only a funnel for the stomach. Ger. 29.'The produce of the best of heads, is often defeated by the best of hearts. Fielding. HEALTH. 489 30. The remembrance of past pleasures adds to present sorrows. 31. Two heads are better than one. Latin. Ital. 32. Two heads are better than one, if one be a fool's head. 33. "Two heads are better than one," quoth the woman when she had her dog with her to the mar- ket. 34. When the head aches all the limbs ache. Dan. 35. When the head is sick the whole body is sick. Dutch. 36. Who falls short in the head must be long in the heels. 37. Your head will never fill your pocket. Health. Ger. I. A cool mouth and warm feet live long. George Herbert. 2. A dry cough is the trumpeter of death. 3. A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools. 4. After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile. 5. After melon wine is a felon. 6. After pear, wine or the priest. 7. After stuffing pears within, drink old wine until they swim. Sp. 8. Against diseases known, the strongest fence Is the defensive virtue, abstinence. Franklin. 9. Air coming in at a window is as bad as a cross-bow shot. 490 HEALTH. 10. Always rise from the table with an appetite and you will never sit down without one. Wm. Penn. 11. As he who has health is young, so he who owes nothing is rich. 12. Be old betimes that thou mayest long be so. 13. Better lose a supper than have a hundred physicians. Sp. 14. By the side of sickness health becomes sweet. Welsh. 15. Cover your head by day as much as you will, by night as much as you can. 16. Don't stop the way of a bull or of a current of air. 17. Good health is above wealth. Sp. 18. Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other. Spectator. 19. Health and understanding are the two great blessings of life. 20. Health is happiness. Greek. 21. Health is the vital principle of bliss. Thomson. 212. He that sits with his back to a draft sits with his face to a coffin. Sp. 22. He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy. 23. He that wants health wants everything. Fr 24. He that would be healthy must eat temper- ately and sup early. Sp. 25. He that would be healthy must wear his winter clothes in summer. Sp. 26. He who has not health has nothing. 27. He who is well has half won the battle. Por. HEALTH. 49I 28. He who never was sick dies the first. 29. Health and cheerfulness make beauty, finery and cosmetics cost many a lie. Sp. 30. Health consists with temperance alone. Pope. 31. Health dwells with the peasant. 32. Health is better than wealth. 33. Health is great riches. 34. Health is not valued till sickness comes. Ger. Turk. 35. Health is the most admirable manifestation of right living. Humboldt. 36. Health without money is a half malady. Ital. 37. If you would be healthy be wise betimes. Por. 38. Keep your feet dry and your head cool and for the rest live like a beast. 39. Let him cool in the skin he sat in. 40. Not to wish to recover is a mortal symptom. Sp. 41. Of the malady a man fears, he dies. Sp 42. Spare diet and no trouble keep a man in good health. 43. Strong folks have strong maladies. Ger. 44. Study sickness while you are well. 45. There are no riches like health. 46. Three things kill a man; a scorching sun, sup- pers and cares. Sp. 47. To rise at five, dine at nine, sup at five, go to bed at nine makes a man live to ninety-nine. Fr. 48. To rise at six, eat at ten, sup at six, go to bed at ten makes a man live years ten times ten. Fr. 49. To the well man every day is a feast day. Turk. 492 HEARING. HEARSE.-HEART. 50. We are usually the best men when in the worst health. 51. When you are well keep as you are. Fr. 52. Without health life is not life, life is lifeless. Hearing. Greek, 1. From hearing comes wisdom, from speaking, repentance. 2. He that will not hear must feel. 3. Hear all and say nothing. 4. Hear and be just. 5. Hear both sides. 6. Hear, see, and be silent. Virgil. Latin. Latin. 7. Hear, see and say nothing if you would live in peace. Fr., Ital., Por. 8. Hear the other side and believe little. Ital. 9. Hear a' parties. 10. Hear first and speak afterwards. Sp. 11. Hear one man before you answer, several be- fore you decide. Dan. 12. Hear twice before you speak once. 13. He who has ears to hear let him hear, 14. Ill hearing makes bad re-hearing. 15. To hear is to heed. Latin, 16. What we hear moves less than what we see. Roscommon. Hearse. 1. When the house is ready the hearse is at the door. Heart. 1. A bitter heart makes a strong arm. Sp. Ger. HEART. 493 rice. 2. A blythe heart makes a blooming visage. 3. A bushel of hearts is not worth one grain of Chinese. 4. A cheerful countenance betokens a good heart. 5. A determined heart will not be counselled. Sp. 6. A generous heart repairs a slanderous tongue, Homer. 7. A glad heart seldom sighs, but a sorrowful mouth often laughs. 8. A liel heart never lied. 9. A good heart breaks bad fortune. 10. A good heart overcomes evil fortune. Dan. Sp. Don Quixote. 11. A happy heart is better than a full purse. Ital. 12. A happy heart makes a blooming visage. 13. A royal heart is often hidden under a tattered cloak. Dan. 14. A sharp word can come out of a good heart. 15. A stout heart tempers adversity. 16. Affinity in hearts is the nearest kindred. 17. An evil heart's desire is thy deadliest foe, Ger. Ruckert. 18. As the black stone can never become white, so a heart stained with iniquity preserves always its blackness. Chinese. 19. By a long road we know a horse's strength, sc length of days show a man's heart. 20. Cold hand, a warm heart. Chinese. Ger. 494 HEART. 21. Deep lies the heart's language. 22. Every heart hath its own ache. 23. Every heart ought to rejoice when true merit is distinguished with public notice. Dr. Johnson. 24. Few hearts that are not double, few tongues that are not cloven. 25. Fire in the heart sends smoke into the head. 26. He has more head than heart Ger. 27. He that has no heart ought to have heels. 28. He who hath most heart, knows most of sorrow. 29. Hearts alone buy hearts. 30. Hearts may agree though heads differ. 31. It is a poor heart that never rejoices. Bailey. 32. No estate can make him rich that has a poor heart. 33. Set your heart at rest. 34. The bowels support the heart and not the heart the bowels. 35. The heart does not lie. Dutch. 36. The heart does not think all the mouth says. 37. The heart is no traitor. 38. The heart is seen in wine. Ital. Sp. Ger. 39. The heart is the hidden treasure of man, The tongue is the gate to the treasure. Hebrew. 40. The heart knoweth its own littleness. Solomon. 41. The heart leads whither it goes. 42. The heart of a fool is in his mouth but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart. Sirach. HEAR-SAY.-HEAVEN. 495 43. The heart's testimony is stronger than a thousand witnesses. Turk. 44. There never was a heart truly great and generous that was not also tender and compassion- ate. South. Ital. 45. To a young heart everything is sport. 46. What comes from the heart goes to the heart. Ger. 47. When the heart is afire some sparks fly out of the mouth. 48. When there is room in the heart, there is room in the house. Dan. Punch. 49. When you open your heart be always ready to shut it to again. 50. Where the heart is past hope, the face is past shame. 51. Where there is least heart there is most tongue. Ital. 52. Who can tell the hearts of a thousand men ? Hear-say. 1. Hear-say is half lies. Indian Sepoy. Ger 2. I saw a man, who saw another man, who saw the sea. 3. Sight goes before hear-say. Por. Dan. Ital. 4. To have "heard say " is half a lie. 5. One eye-witness is better than ten hear-says. Heaven. 1. A man may go to heaven with half the pains it takes to purchase hell. Fielding. 496 HEAVEN. 2. A man must go old to the court and young to a cloister that would from thence to heaven. 3. A Persian's heaven is easily made, It is but black eyes and a lemonade. Thomas Moore. 4. Aid yourself and Heaven will aid you. La Fontaine. 5. All of heaven and hell is not known till here- after. 6. Better go to heaven in rags, than to hell in embroidery. 7. Better once in heaven than ten times at the gate. Dutch. 8. Even the hen when it drinks water looks toward heaven. 9. Heaven always favors good desires. Turk. Don Quixote. 10. Heaven helps those who help themselves. II. Heaven in punishing the culpable does not permit itself to be deceived by the breadth of a hair. Chinese. 12. Heaven never helps the men that will not act. Sophocles. Homer. 13. Heaven protects the just. 14. Heaven's never deaf but when man's heart is dumb. Francis Quarles. 15. Heaven sent us women, and the devil, stays. Fr. 16. Heaven's harmony is universal love. Cowper. 17. Heaven is the widow's champion and defence. Shaks. • HEAVEN. 497 18. Heaven would often be unjust if it answered our prayers. 19. He will never get to heaven that desires to go thither alone. 20. Heaven is mine if God say amen. 21. Heaven never helps the man who will not act. 22. Heaven will make amend for all. 23. Heaven without good society cannot be heaven. 24. It is harder work getting to hell than to heaven. Ger. 25. Let us fulfil our own parts and await the will of Heaven. 26. Men go laughing to heaven. Chinese. Dutch. Dan. 27. The road to heaven is equally short where'er we die. 28. The way to heaven is by weeping cross. Ger. 29. The way to heaven lies open indifferently to all. Spectator. 30. There is no going to heaven in a sedan. 31. There's no getting to heaven in a coach. Ital. 32. Though the heavens be glorious yet they are not all stars. 33. What Heaven ordains the wise with courage bears. Homer. 34. What the heavens shower down the earth drinks up. 35. Whatever Heaven ordains is best. 36. Without climbing mountains, no one the height of heaven. M. Greek. Homer. can know Chinese. 32 498 HEDGE. HEDGE-HOGS.-HEIR.-HELL. Hedge. 1. A low hedge is easily leaped over. 2. Better shelter under an old hedge than a young furze bush. 3. Hedges have eyes and walls have ears. 4. Hedges have no eyes but they have ears. Ital. 5. It is good sheltering under an old hedge. 6. One briar does not make a hedge. Ital. 7. The figs on the far side of the hedge are Servian. sweeter. 8. Where the hedge is lowest every one goes Ital., Ger., Dutch. over. 9. Where the hedge is lowest, the devil leaps over. Hedge-hogs. Ger. 1. Hedge-hogs are not to be killed with a fist. Por. 2. Hedge-hogs lodge among thorns because they themselves are prickly. Heir. 1. A third heir seldom enjoys property dis- honestly got. 2. Let an ill man lie in thy straw and he looks to be thy heir. 3. Put a beggar into your barn and he will make himself your heir. Hell. 1. For ill do well, then fear not hell. Sp. 2. He who is in hell knows not what heaven is. Ital 3. He who would not go to hell must not go to court. Dan. HELP. 499 4. Hell and destruction are never full, so the eyes of man are never satisfied. 5. Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn. Bible. 6. Hell is full of good meanings and wishes, but heaven is full of good works. 7. Hell is full of the ungrateful. 8. Hell is paved with good intentions. 9. Hell is wherever heaven is not. Ital., Fr., Por. 10. The fear of hell's the hangman's whip To haud the wretch in order. Burns. II. The road to Eden is difficult but the ways to Tophet (hell) are easy. Hebrew. 12. The road to hell is paved with good inten- tions. 13. There is no redemption from hell. Ger. 14. They that be in hell think there's no other heaven. Help. 1. A grain does not fill a sack but it helps its fellow. 2. A little help does a great deal. Sp. Fr. 3. A little thing often brings great help. Ger. 4. A little thing often helps. Fr. • 5. A willing helper does not wait until he is asked. 6. All is not at hand that helps. Dan. 7. Even the just have need of help. Ital. 8. "Every little helps" said the sow as she snapped at the gnat. Dan. 9. He who cannot help many hinders. Ger. 500 HELP. 10. He who helps everybody helps nobody. Sp. 11. Help hands for I have no lands. 12. Help is good everywhere except in the por- ridge bowl. 13. Help the lame dog over the stile. 14. Help yourself and God will help you. Dan. Dutch, Dan. 15. Help yourself and your friends will help you. 16. I must not break my back to heal his finger. Shaks. Ovid. 17. It is a kingly act to help the fallen. 18. It is cheap enough to say " God help you." 19. I will not pull the thorn out of your foot and put it in my own. 19½. Many can help one. Ger. 20. One grain does not fill the granary but it helps its companions. Por. 21. Slow help is no help. 22. Soon or late the strong need the help of the weak. Fr. 23. That is poor help that helps me from the feather bed to the straw. Dan. 24. The laird may be laird an' need his hind's help. 25. There is no helping him who will not be advised. Ital. 26. Though one grain fills not the sack it helps. 27. 'Tis not enough to help the feeble up, But to support him after. Shaks 28. We must not lie down and cry, God help us. HELPLESS. HERALD.-HERCULES.-HERETICS. 501 29. What we cannot help is our misfortune, not our fault. 30. When need is greatest help is nearest. 31. Who will help everybody, will help nobody. Helpless. Ger. Ger. 1. I have become as helpless as if the branch I seize and the one I stood upon both broke at the same time. Herald. 1. At a round table the herald is useless. 2. No heralds in the grave. Hercules. I. A dwarf threatens Hercules. Tamil. 2. He must be strong indeed who can take the club from Hercules. Old Roman. 3. Judge of the statue of Hercules by the size of the foot. 4. Let Hercules do what he may, The cat will mew, the dog will have his day. Shaks. 5. Put your own shoulder to the wheel and then call on Hercules. Heretics. 1. With the gospel men become heretics. Ital. Hero. 1. A hero is only known in time of misfortune. Hebrew. 2. A lean horse and a hero in a strange country each look amiss. Khivese. 3. A scoundrel is often but an incomplete phi losopher, and a ruffian but an unfinished hero. 502 HERON. HESITATION.-HIDING. 4. From a humble cottage a hero often springs. Latin. 5. No man is a hero in the eyes of his valet. Fr. 6. A man must be a hero to understand a hero. Goethe. Homer. 7. One brave hero fans another's fire. 8. One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. Porteus. 9. The blood which flows from the breast of a hero is sacred and his memory is sweet. Hans Andersen. 10. The hero does not ask if there be evil omens; he views death as going home. Chinese. II. The hero is known on the battle field. Turk. 12. heroes. There is a line which is impossible even to 13. 'Tis fortune chiefly that makes heroes. 14. To be conquered by a hero is an honor. 15. To believe in the heroic makes heroes. Heron. Bea. I. The heron blames the water because he can- not swim. 2. The heron's a saint when there are no fish Bengalese. in sight. Hesitation. 1. Hesitation seldom prospers. Hiding. 1. Hide the outcast, betray not him that wan- dereth. 2. Hiders are good finders. Bible. HIDDEN. HIGH.-HIGHER.-HIGHWAY. 503 Hidden. 1. Naething comes fairer to light than what has been lang hidden. High. 1. High buildings have a low foundation.'" 2. High houses are mostly empty in the upper story. Ger. 3. High l'arnt nigger ain't much service at de log-rollin'. American Negro. 4. High places have their privileges. 5. High prices attract sellers from afar. Chinese. 6. High regions are never without storms. 7. It is not always well to have a high employ- (Fable of the two mules.) ment. tory. 8. What is too high that let fly. Higher. Ger. 1. The higher the plum-tree the riper the plum, The richer the cobbler the blacker his thumb. Highway. 1. The highway is never about. History. 1. Happy the land which has nothing for his- French wit. 2. History is philosophy teaching by examples. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 3. History repeats itself. 4. History, which is, indeed, little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind. Hoarding. Gibbon. 1. The base wretch who hoards up all he can, Is praised and called a careful man. Dryden. 504 HOARY HEAD.-HOBBY.-HOBBY-HORSE.-HOG. Hoary Head. 1. The hoary head is a crown of glory. Parsee. Hobby. 1. Every man has his hobby. Hobby-horse. 1. Every man has his hobby-horse. 2. Hobby-horses are dearer than Arabians. Ger. Hog. 1. A barren sow is never kind to pigs. 2. A bespattered hog tries to bespatter another. 3. A measly hog infects the whole sty. Sp. Sp. 4. A hog in armor is still but a hog. 5. A hog that's bemired endeavors to bemire others. 6. A pig's life-short and sweet. Fr. 7. A pig's tail will never make a good arrow. Sp. 8. A pretty pig makes an ugly hog. 9. A sow is always dreaming of bran. Fr. 10. A sow may find an acorn as well as a hog. Dan. 11. A sow prefers bran to roses. Fr. 12. A still sow eats up all the draff. Dutch. 13. A swine fatted hath eat its own bane. 14. As the sow fills the draff sours. 15. Everyone basteth the fat hog while the lean one burneth. 16. Every sow deserves not a sack posset. 17. Every sow to her trough. 18. Feed a pig and you will have a hog. HOG. 505 19. He has the right sow by the ear. 20. He that can rear up a pig in his house, Ger. Hath cheaper his bacon and sweeter his souse. Tusser. 21. He that has but one hog makes him fat, he that has but one son makes him a fool. 22. He that has but one pig easily fattens it. Ital. 23. He that seeks to grunt at me, has the wrong sow by the ear. Sancho Panza. 24. He who does not kill hogs will not get black puddings. Sp. 25. He's like a swine, he'll never do good while he lives. 26. If you pull one pig by the tail all the rest squeak. Dutch. 27. Ill would the fat sow fare on the primroses of the wood. 28. It is ill to drive black hogs in the dark. 29. It is not every man that takes the right sow by the ear. Dan. 30. "It will all come back" said the man who gave his sow pork. 31. Lean meat from a fat pig. Dan. Por. 32. Like Goodyear's pig: never well but when do- ing mischief. 33. Old pigs have hard snouts. Ger., Dan. 34. Pigs in the cold and men in drink make a great noise. 35. Pigs love that lie together. Por. 36. The fat sow knows not what the hungry sow suffers. Dutch. 506 HOLD-FAST. 37. The hog never looks up to him who threshes down the acorns. 38. The lazy pig does not eat ripe pears. Ital Bea. 39. The oldest pig must look for the knife. 40. The pig having done wallowing in the mire is seeking some clean person to rub against. Yorubas. (Africa.) 41. The pig prefers mud to clean water. 42. The sow prefers the mire. Latin. Dan. 43. The still swine eat the mash, the wild ones. run past it. 44. The whole hog or none. Dan. 45. The worst pig eats the best acorn (or pear). Ital., Sp., Por. 46. The worst pig gets the best corn. 47. The young pig must often suffer for what the old sow did. 48. To bring one's hogs to a fair market. Dan. 49. What can you expect of a hog but his bristles. 50. When every one sees you are a pig why don't you go into a sty? Dutch. 51. When the pig is proffered hold up the poke. 52. When the sow is satisfied she overturns the trough. Ger. 53. You can't expect anything from a pig but a grunt. Grimm's Fairy Tales. 54. Young pigs grunt as old pigs grunted before them. Dan. Hold-fast. 1. Brag's a good dog, but hold-fast is a better. HOLD-ON.-HOLDING.-HOLE-HOLIDAY.-HOMAGE. 507 2. For oaths are straws, men's faith are wafer cakes, And hold-fast is the only dog, my duck. Shaks. 3. Hold-fast is the first point in hawking. Hold-on. 1. Hold on, wait for the grasshoppers; i.e., better times. Holding. 1. Wha can haud what will awa? Hole. Juvenal. 1. A separate hole is to be preferred though it be but a rat hole. Holiday. 1. On the holiday the devil goes hunting. Homage. 1. Shall we who struck the lion down, Shall we pay the wolf homage? Home. 1. A hearth of your own is worth gold. Tamil. Byron. Dan. 2. At evening home is the best place for a man. Goethe. 3. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. 4. East and west, at home's the best. Ger. 5. Every cricket knows its own hearth, Russian. 6. Hame is a hamely word. 7. He that has no house of his own is every- where at home. 8. He that has no rest at home is in the world's hell. Turk. 9. He who is far from home is near to harm. Dan. 508 HOME. 10. Home, dear home, small as thou art, to me thou art a palace. II. Home is home, be it ever so homely. 12. Home is the rainbow of life. Ital. London Truth. 13. Home keeping youths have ever homely wits. 14. Home the spot of earth supremely blest, A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest. Montgomery. 15. I would rather see smoke from my own chim- ney than fire on another's hearth. 16. In my own house I am a king. Sp. 17. Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. 18. My home, my mother's breast. Payne. Ital. 19. Our own home surpasses every other. Latin. 20. The coal-heaver is master at home. 21. The fire burns brightest on one's own hearth. Dan. 22. The good governor and the broken leg will keep at home. Don Quixote. 23. The reek of my own house is better than the fire of another. Sp. 24. Travel east or travel west, a man's own home is still the best. Dutch. 25. There is no place like home even if it is a cel- lar. Hans Andersen. 26. Without hearts there is no home. Byron. HOMER. HONESTY. 509 Homer. 1. Seven cities warr'd for Homer dead, Who living, had no roofs to shroud his head. T. Haywood. 2. Seven wealthy towns contend for Homer dead, Through which Homer living begged his bread. Honesty. 1. A clean mouth and an honest hand Will take a man through any land. Ger. 2. A few things gained by fraud destroy a fort- une otherwise honestly won. Latin. 3. A good honest man now-a-days, is but a civil word for a fool. 4. A ill wan penny will cast down a pound. 5. A man never surfeits of too much honesty. 6. A nod of an honest man is enough. 7. A tower of strength is an honest man. Bulwer. 8. All the honesty is in the parting. 9. An honest countenance is the best passport. 10. An honest look covereth many faults. 11. An honest man does not make himself a dog for the sake of a bone. Dan. 12. An honest man has half as much more brains as he needs; a knave hath not half enough. 13. An honest man is always a child. Martial. 14. An honest man is hurt by praise unjustly be- stowed. Fr 15. An honest man is not the worse because a dog barks at him. Dan. 16. An honest man is the noblest work of God. Pope. 510 HONESTY. 17. An honest man's word is as good as the king's. 18. An honest man's word is his bond. 19. As honest a man as ever break bread. Por. Dutch. 20. As honest a man as ever trod on shoe leather. 21. Clean hands are better than full ones in the sight of God. 22. Clean hands want no wash-ball. Syrus. 23. He leaves his office with the beggar's staff in his hand. Ger. 24. He that resolves to deal with none but hon- est men must leave all dealing. 25. Honest as the cat when the meat is out of reach. 26. Honest men and knaves may possibly wear the same cloth. 27. Honest men are easily humbugged. 28. Honest men are bound, but you can never bind a knave. 29. Honest men fear neither the light nor the dark. 30. Honest men never have the love of a rogue. 31. Honest nobody is to blame for all. 32. Honesty and plain dealing put knavery out of the bias. 33. Honesty has stolen the cow. Ger 34. Honesty is a fool and loseth that it works for. 35. Honesty is nae pride. 36. Honesty is praised and freezes. 37. Honesty is praised and starves. Shaks. Juvenal. Latin HONESTY. 511 38. Honesty is the best policy. 39. Honesty is the best policy, but he who acts on that principle is not an honest man. 40. Honesty lasts longest. Archbishop Whately. Ger. Ger. 41. Honesty maketh rich but she works slowly. 42. Honesty may be dear bought but can never be a dear pennyworth. 43. Honesty is better than ill-gotten wealth. 44. Honesty is to many the cause of poverty. Quintus Curtius Rufus. 45. Hypocritical honesty goes upon stilts. 46. Knavery may serve for a turn but honesty is best at long run. 47. Let honesty and industry be thy constant companions. Franklin. 48. Many an honest man stands in need of help that has not the face to beg it. 49. No honest man ever repented of his honesty. 50. No honest man has the leer of a rogue. 51. No legacy so rich as honesty. Shaks. 52. No man ever surfeited on too much honesty. 53. None can be wise, and safe but he that is honest. 54. Persevere in acting honestly for all will be made right in time. Hans Andersen. 55. The best investment for income is honesty. so Ger. 56. The man who pauses on his honesty wants little of the villain. Martyn. 512 HONEY. 57. They are all honest men, but my cloak is not to be found. Sp. 58. To be honest as this world goes is to be one man picked out of ten thousand. Shaks. 59. We are bound to be honest but not to be rich. 60. You may trust him with untold gold. 61. You measure every man's honesty by your own. Honey. 1. A drop of honey catches more flies than a hogshead of vinegar. Ger. 2. A little gall spoils (or embitters) a great deal of honey. Fr., Ital., Sp. 3. Cover yourself with honey and the flies will have at you. 4. He buys honey dear who has to lick it off thorns. Dutch. 5. He is a very bad manager of honey who leaves nothing to lick off his fingers. Fr. 6. He that licks honey from a nettle pays too dear for it. 7. He who would gather honey must bear the stings of bees. 8. Honey cloys. Dutch. Latin. Ital. Fr., Dutch. 9. Honey in the mouth saves the purse. 10. Honey is not for asses. 11. Honey is sweet but the bee stings. Fr., Dutch. 12. Honey is too good for a bear. 13. It is not by saying "honey, honey" that sweetness comes into the mouth. Turk HONOR. 513 14. Make yourself honey and the flies will de- vour you. Ital. 15. Michael, Michael, you have no bees and yet you sell honey. Sp. 16. Where there is honey there are bees. Latin. 17. Where there is honey, there will the flies Plautus. swarm. 18. Who has eaten the honey? He who has a fly on his umbrella. M. Greek. Honor. 1. A churl knows not the worth of spurs; i.e., honor. Fr. 2. A hundred years cannot repair a moment's loss of honor. 3. A lady's honor will not bear a soil. 4. A man's word is his honor. Ital. Dryden. Dan. 5. A man that breaks his word bids others be false to him. 6. All is lost except our honor. of Francis I. after the battle of Pavia.) (Exclamation 7. Among men of honor a word is a bond. Ital. 8. Before honor is humility. Bible. 9. Better deserve honor and not have it, than have it and not deserve it. Por. 10. Better to fall with manly wounds before thy cruel enemy, than survive thine honor. Massinger. II. Better with honor die than live with shame. 12. Conduct and courage lead to honor. 13. Either live or die wi' honor. Ger 14. Great honors are great burthens. Ben Jonson. 33 514 HONOR. 15. He who partakes the honor, should partici- pate in the labor. Petrarch. 16. Honor and good name easily lost, with diffi- culty regained. Ger. 17. Honor lost much lost; life lost more lost; soul lost all lost. Ger. 18. Honor a good man that he may honor you and a bad man that he may not dishonor you. Por. 19. Honor and ease are seldom bed fellows. 20. Honor and profit will not keep in one sack. Por. 21. Honor and shame from no condition rise, Act well your part; there all the honor lies. Pope. 22. Honor blossoms on the grave. Fr. 23. Honor buys no beef in the market. 24. Honor is not seemly for a fool. Bible. 25. Honor is on his tongue and ice under it. Russian. 26. Honor the old, teach the young. Dan. 27. Honor is the reward of virtue. Cicero. 28. Honor the tree that gives you shelter. Dan. 29. Honor thy father and thy mother. Bible. 30. Honors best thrive when rather from our acts. We them derive than our fore-fathers. Shaks. 31. Honors change manners. Fr., Ital., Dutch. 32. I cannot stain my honor with a deed of shame. 33. If I lose my honor, I lose myself. Byron. Shaks. HONOR. 515 34. It is a sign of a worthy spirit whom honor amends. 35. It is a worthier thing to deserve honor than to possess it. 36. It is better to be beloved than honored. 37. It is no honor for an eagle to vanquish a dove. Ital. 38. Moderate honors are wont to augment, but immoderate to diminish. Theopompus. 39. New-made honor doth forget men's names. 40. Nothing will bring you more honor than to do what right you may. 41. Regal honors have regal cares. Bacon. 42. Suffering and patience, obedience and appli- cation help the lowly born to honor. 43. Take honor from me and my life is done. Dan. Shaks. Burke. 44. That chastity of honor which felt a stain like a wound. 45. The honors of this world are the principles of virtue. 46. The man without honor is worse than dead. Don Quixote. 47. The more danger the more honor. 48. The surest road to honor is to deserve it. London Truth. 49. They who deserve honor fail of it and they who obtain it do not deserve it. Ger. 50. What is life without honor? degradation is worse than death. Stonewall Jackson. 51. Where honor ceases, knowledge decreases 516 HOOK.-HOPE. 52. Where honor grows a span, folly grows an ell. Ger. 53. Where law lacks, honor should eke it out. Dan. 54. Where there is no honor there's no dishonor. Por. 55. Where there is no shame there's no honor. Ger., Dutch. 56. Who will grow old with honor must begin early. Ger. 57. With honor in store what would you have more. Dutch. 58. You can only pass into the temple of honor through the temple of virtue. Turkish Spy. 59. Your father's honor is to you but a second- hand honor. Hook. 1. The hook draws the unwilling fish out of the water. 2. The hook without bait catches no fish. Ger. Ger. Hope. 1. A good hope is better than a bad possession. 2. Always you are to be rich next year. 3. As broken a ship as this has come to land. 4. As long as there is life there is hope. 5. Daylight will peep through a small hole. 6. Do not hang by one hope only. M. Greek. 7. Feed famished hope with the cold alms of pity. Aaron Hill. 8. Great hopes make great men. HOPE. 517 9. He feeds himself on false hopes. 10. He gains much who loses a vain hope. Ital. 11. He may hope for the best that is prepared for the worst. 12. He that hopes no good fears no ill. 13. He that wants hope is the poorest man alive. 14. He who travels with hope has poverty for his coachman. 15. Hope and expectation are a fool's income. Ger. Dan. 16. Hope and joy are the daughters of prosperity and grief of adversity. Petrarch. 17. Hope and hang on when you are wrecked. Century Magazine. 18. Hope and strive is the way to thrive. 19. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick. Bible. 20. Hope for the best. 21. Hope holds up the head. 22. Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper. 23. Hope is a lover's staff. 24. Hope is a waking dream. Pliny, Coke. 25. Hope is an egg of which one may get the yolk, another the white and a third the shell. Dan. 26. Hope is as cheap as despair. 27. Hope is but the dream of those that wake. 28. Hope is grief's best music. Prior. 29. Hope is our only comfort in adversity. Latin. 30. Hope is sweeter than possession. Bulwer. 31. Hope is the best medicine and fortunately it is in the power of every doctor to dispense it. Punch. 518 HOPE. 32. Hope is the bread of the unhappy. 33. Hope is the dream of a man awake. 34. Hope is the pillar of the world. Plato. Woloffs (Africa). 35. Hope is the poor man's bread. 36. Hope maketh the fool rich. Ital. Ger. 37. Hope of all passions most befriends us here. 38. Hope on, hope ever. Young. 39. Hope springs eternal in the human breast, Man never is but always to be blest. Pope. 40. Hope thinks nothing difficult; despair tells us that difficulty is insurmountable. Watts. 41. Hope, thou nurse of young desire. Bickerstaff. 42. Hope to the end. New Testament. 43. Hope well and have well. 44. Hopers go to hell. 45. Hopes and fears checker human life. 46. Hopes delayed hang the heart upon the tenter hooks. 47. Hopes of pardon mend not, but encourage criminals. 48. How void of reason are our hopes and fears. Juvenal. 49. If it were not for hope, the heart would break. 50. In the greatest ill the good man hath hope left. 51. It is a poor heart in which hope cannot find something to feed upon. 52. It is hope alone makes us willing to live. HORNS. 519 53. Nane so well but he hopes to be better. 54. No condition so low but may have hopes, none so high but may have fears. 55. Not to have hope is the poorest of all con- ditions. 56. The hope of the man that is hanging that the rope may break; i. e., a faint hope. 57. The man who lives by hope will die by hunger. 58. The mighty hopes that make us men. Ital. Tennyson. 59. The miserable have no other medicine, But only hope. Shaks. 60. True hope is swift and flies with swallows' wings, Kings it makes gods and meaner creatures kings. Shaks. 61. Were it not for hope the heart would break. Scotch. 62. When the night's darkest dawn's nearest. 63. When there is no hope there can be no en- deavor. 64. While I live I hope. Dr. Johnson. Ital., Por., Latin. 66. Who could live without hope? Fr. 65. While there is life there's hope. 67. Without hope there is no energy. 68. You cannot purchase hope with money. Horns. 1. What has horns will gore. Dutch. 520 HORSE. Horse. 1. A borrowed horse and your own spurs make short miles. 2. A fast horse does not want the spur. 3. A fidging mare should be well girthed. 4. A galled horse will not endure the comb. gentle horse should 5. A spurr❜d. Dan. na be o'er sair 6. A good horse cannot be of a bad color. 7. A good horse is worth his fodder. 8. A good horse never lacks a saddle. 9. A good horse resembles a superior man, Dutch. Ital. Chinese. 10. A hard bit does not make the better horse. Dan. Ger., Dutch. II. A hired horse and one's own spurs make short miles. 12. A horse deprived of his food won't work. 13. A horse grown fat kicks. Latin. Ital. 14. A horse is his who mounts it, a sword is his who girds it on, and a bridge is his who passes it. Turk. 15. A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings. 16. A horse may stumble though he have four legs. Ital., Dutch. 17. A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats. 18. A kick from a mare never hurts a horse. 19. A man may lead his horse to water, but can- not make him drink. Horse. 521 20. A race horse is an open sepulchre. 21. A runaway horse punishes himself. Ital. 22. A scabbed horse is good enough for a scabbed knight. 222. A short horse is soon curried. 23. A thorough-bred horse is not disgraced by his bad saddle. 24. All lay load on the willing horse. 25. An hired horse tires never. Syriac. 26. A lean horse does not kick.. 27. An old horse for a young soldier. Ital. Fr. 28. Another man's horse and your own spurs out- run the wind. Ger. Dan. 29. Another man's horse and your own whip can do a great deal. 30. Be a horse ever so well shod he may slip. Fr. 31. Better a poor horse than an empty stall. Dan. 32. Better ride a good horse for a year, than an ass all your life. Dutch. 33. Better ride a lame horse than go afoot. Ger. 34. Blind bridle can't hide de fodder stack from de lean horse. American Negro. 35. Cavalry horses delight in battle. 36. Do not spur a free horse. 37. Every foal is not like his sire. Chinese. Dan. 38. Furniture and mane make the horse sell. 39. He is a weak horse that mauna bear the saddle. 40. He is an old wheel horse; i.e., entirely re- liable. 522 HORSE. 41. He that hires the horse must ride before. 42. He that would have good luck in horses must kiss the parson's wife. 43. He who buys a horse buys care. Sp. 44. He who has a good horse in his stable can go afoot. Ger., Ital. Dutch 45. Hired horses make short miles. 46. His horse's head is too big; it cannot get out of the stable. Fr. Fr. 47. Horse, don't die yet, grass is coming. 48. Hungry horses make a clean manger. 49. If the mare have a bald face the filly will have a blaze. 50. If you don't break the colts, you'll have no wheel horses. 51. Ill matched horses draw badly. 52. In a wind, horses and cows don't agree. Dutch. Chinese. 53. It does not depend on the dog when the horse shall die. Dan. 54. It is a bad horse that does not earn its fodder. 55. It is a good horse that never stumbles. Fr. 56. It is a poor horse that is not worth his oats. Dan. 57. It is an ill horse that will not carry his pro- vender. 58. It is ill to set spurs to a flying horse. 59. It is no time to swap horses when you are crossing the stream. Abraham Lincoln. HORSE. 523 60. It is the bridle and spur that make a good horse. 61. It's a very proud horse that will not carry his Ital. oats. 62. Lay the saddle on the right horse. 63. Let a horse drink when he will, not what he will. 64. Let the best horse leap the hedge first. 65. Like a loader's horse that lives among thieves. 66. Like a miller's horse that goes much but per- forms no journey. 67. Like Flanders mares, fairest afar off. 68. Live, horse, and you'll get grass. 69. Never ride a free horse to death. 70. Never spur a willing horse. Ital. 71. No horse is so good but that he will at times stumble. Latin. 72. No need to say "trot" to a good horse. Ital. 73. One thing thinketh the horse and another he that saddles him. 74. One whip is good enough for a good horse, for a bad one not a thousand. Russian. 75. Restive horses must be roughly dealt with. 76. Seldom lend your horse to a sailor, never to a Frenchman and as little as you can to any one at all. Maga. 77. That horse loves the hay better than the saddle. 78. The best feed of a horse is his master's eye. Sp., Dutch. } 79. The biggest horses are not the best travellers. 524 HORSE. • 80. The blind horse is hardiest. 81. The common horse is worst shod. 82. The horse does not spring from the slow- paced ass. Latin. 83. The horse is not judged of by the saddle. Chinese. Dan. 84. The horse must go to the manger and not the manger to the horse. 85. The horse never turns its back on its master. Chinese. 86. The horse next the mill carries all the grist. 87. The horse of Servis. (An unlucky possession.) Latin. 88. The horse that draws best is most whipped. Fr., Ital. 89. The horse that draws his halter is not quite escaped. 90. The horse that pulls at the collar is always getting the whip. Fir. 91. The horse thinks one thing and he who rides him another. Sp. 92. The horse's best allowance is his master's eye. Por. 93. The horses eat oats and don't earn them. Ger. 94. The impetuous steed will not brook restraint. Chinese. 95. The mare's kicks are caresses to the horse. Sp., Por. 96. The old horse may die waiting for new grass. 97. The old horse must die in somebody's keep- ing. HOSPITALITY.-HOST. 525 98. The tired mare goes willingly to grass. Por. 99. The wounded horse as soon as he sees the saddle, trembles. M. Greek. 100. 'Tis the abilities of the horse occasions his slavery. IOI. Touch a galled horse and he'll wince. Dutch. 102. Uphill spare me, downhill forbear me, plain way spare me not, nor let me drink when I am hot. 103. When old horses get warm they are not easily held in. Ger. 104. When the manger is empty the horses fight. Dan. 105. Where the Turk's horse once treads, the grass never grows. 106. Who cannot beat the horse let him beat the saddle. Ital. 107. You may know the horse by his harness. 108. You must look at the horse and not at the mare. I. Hospitality. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. New Testament. 2. Hospitality grows best where it is most needed. Hugh Miller. 3. Hospitality I have found as universal as the face of man. Ledyard. 4. It is a sin against hospitality to open your doors and shut up your countenance. Host. 1. When the host smiles most blandly he has an eye to the guest's purse. Dan. 526 HOSTESS.-HOUR.-HOUSE. Hostess. 1. When the hostess is handsome the wine is good. Hour. 1. All our sweetest hours fly fastest. 2. An hour brings what a year brings not. Virgil. M. Greek. 3. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 4. An hour may destroy what an age was in building. 5. An inch in an hour is a foot in a day's work. 6. In America one makes an hour out of forty minutes. Ger. 7. It chanceth in an hour that comes not in seven years. 8. Pleasant hours fly fast. 9. The darkest hour is that before dawn. Seneca. 10. The hour which gives us life begins to take it away. II. There is an hour in each man's life appointed To make his happiness if he then seize it. Beaumont and Fletcher. House. 1. A house built by a man's father and a vine- yard planted by his grandfather. 2. A house built by the wayside is either too high or too low. 3. A house divided against itself cannot stand. 4. A house ready built never sells for so much as it cost. • 527 HOUSE. 5. A man's house is his castle. 6. A wee house has a wide throat. 7. An Englishman's house is his castle. 8. After the house is finished he deserts it. Sp. 9. Better an empty house than an ill tenant. 10. Better one's house be little one day than too big all the year after. 11. Every man is master in his own house. Dutch. 12. God hath-often a great share in a little house. 13. Half a house is half a hell. Ger. 14. He does not a little who burns his house: he frightens the rats and warms himself. 15. He that buys a house ready wrought Hath many a pin and nail for naught. 16. His house stands on my lady's ground. 17. How can one pole build a great house. Sp. 18. In my own house I am a king. Chinese. Sp. 19. In old houses many mice, in old furs many lice. it. Ger. 20. It is a bad house that hath not a poor man in 21. It is a sad thing when one must warm by his burning house. 22. My house is my castle. 23. Set not your house on fire to be revenged of the moon. 24. Since my house must be burned I will warm myself at it. 25. Since the house is on fire let us warm our- selves. Ital., Sp. 528 HOUSE-KEEPING. 26. Sour wine, old bacon, and rye bread keep a house rich. 27. The house completed, possession defeated. Sp. Ital. 28. The house of laughter makes a house of woe. Young 29. There is a fault in the house, but would you have it built without any? 30. Were every one to sweep before his own house every street would be clean. Dutch. 31. Who can speak broader than he that has no house to put his head in? Such may rail against high buildings. Shaks. 32. Woe to them that join house to house, that lay field to field. House-keeping. 1. A noble house-keeper needs no doors. Bible. 2. A sensible house-keeper begins to sweep her stairs from the top. Ger. 3. Fat house-keepers make lean executors. 4. House-keeping has a wide mouth. Ger. 5. House-keeping without a housewife is a lan- tern without a light. Ger. 6. I mistress and you miss, who is to sweep the house? 7. house. Sp. "Sweetheart" and " " and "honey bird " keeps no 8. The day I did not make my toilet there came one I did not expect. Sp. 9. The day I did not sweep my house there came to it one I did not expect. Sp. HOUSEWIFE.-HUMBLE.HUMILITY. 529 10. There are mae married than gude house- haunders. Housewife. I. A cross-grained woman and a snappish dog take care of the house. Dan. 2. Good housewifery trieth to rise with the cock. Ill housewifery lieth till nine of the clock. Tusser. 3. The fingers of the housewife does more than a yoke of oxen. Ger. 4. The foot on the cradle and hand on the dis- taff is the sign of a good housewife. 5. The ugliest is the best housewife. Ger. 6. There is but an hour in the day between a good house and a wife. 7. When the housewife dies, eggs and milk are waşted. Ger. Humble. 1. The humble are in danger when the powerful disagree. Phædrus. 2. The humble suffer continually from the folly of the great. La Fontaine. Humility. 1. Humility is the foundation of all virtue. 2. Humility often gains more than pride. Ital. 3. Humility, that low sweet root From which all heavenly virtues shoot. Moore. 4. There are some who use humility to serve their pride. Dunham. Ger. 5. There is no true holiness without humility. 6. Too much humility is pride. 34 530 HUNCHBACK.-HUNGER. Hunchback. 1. The hunchback does not see his own hump but he sees his brother's. 2. The hunchback does not see his own hump but he sees his companion's. Hunger. Fr., Sp. 1. A good repast ought to begin with hunger. Fr. 2. A hungry ass eats any straw. Ital. 3. A hungry stomach has no ears. Fr., Ital., Ger., Sp., Por., Dutch. Fr. 4. A hungry clown is half mad. 5. A hungry dog and a thirsty horse take no heed of blows. 6. A hungry dog does not fear the stick. 7. A hungry horse maketh a clean manger. 8. A hungry kite sees a dead horse afar off. Dan. 9. A hungry man discovers more than a hun- dred lawyers. Sp. 10. A hungry man is an angry man. 11. A hungry man sees far. 12. A hungry man smells meat afar off. 13. A hungry wolf has sharp teeth. Ger. 14. A hungry wolf is not at rest. Por. 15. A man who wants bread is ready for any- thing. Fr. 16. A starved belly has no ears. Fr. 17. A starved town is soon forced to surrender. Ital. 18. As hungry as a church mouse. 19. Bakers and millers are last to die of hunger. Ger. HUNGER. 531 20. Better cross an angry man than a fasting man. Dan. 21. He that's full takes no care of him that's fast- ing. 22. He thinks of everything who wants bread. 23. Hunger and cold surrender a man to his en- emy. Sp., Por. 24. Hunger and thirst scarcely kill any, But gluttony and drink kill a great many. 25. Hunger becomes the teacher of many. M. Greek. Ital. 26. Hunger changes beans into almonds. 27. Hunger drives the wolf out of the woods. Fr., Ital., Ger., Dutch. 28. Hunger drives the workman over snow and ice. 29. Hunger eats through stone walls. Ger Dutch. Ger. 30. Hunger fears no gallows. 31. Hunger finds no fault with the cooking. 32. Hunger is a sharp, fierce dog. West Indian Africans. 33. Hunger is better than a French cook. Fielding. 34. Hunger is good kitchen meat. 35. Hunger is insolent and will be fed. 36. Hunger is sharper than the sword. Homer. Beaumont and Fletcher. Ger. 37. Hunger is the best cook. 38. Hunger is the best sauce. Fr., Ital., Dutch, Dan. 532 HUNTING. 39. Hunger is the best seasoning for meat. Young's Cicero. 40. Hunger is the mother of impatience and an- Zimmerman. ger. 41. Hunger looks in at the industrious man's door but does not enter. Fr. 42. Hunger makes raw beans relish well. 43. Hunger sweetens beans. Latin. 44. Hunger teaches many things. Latin. 45. Hunger will obey no laws. 46. Hungry men think the cook lazy. 47. It is better to buy dearly than to hunger direly. Dan. 48. The best sauce is hunger and that is never wanting to the poor. Don Quixote. Ital. 49. The full belly does not believe in hunger. 50. The hungry man is not satisfied with looking in the full man's face. Turk. Russian. 51. The open mouth never remains hungry. 52. The well-fed man does not believe in hunger. 53. To the hungry no bread is bad. Ital. Hunting. 1. A houndless man comes to the best hunting. 2. All are not hunters who blow the horn. Fr., Ger., Dan. 3. Emperor huntsman, dynasty lost. Chinese. 4. Game is cheaper in the market than in the fields and woods. HURRY.-HUSBAND. 533 5. Good hunters track narrowly. Dutch. 6. He that hunts others must run himself. Ger. 7. He that hunts two hares at once will catch neither. Fr., Dutch, Ger. 8. He who hunts with cats will catch mice. Dan. 9. Hunting, hawking and love, for one joy have a thousand griefs. 10. One cannot hunt eels and hares at the same time. Ger. II. Our ancestors grew not great by hawking and hunting. 12. There is no hunting but with old hounds. Fr. 13. They went out to hunt deer and roused tigers. 14. To hunt with unwilling hounds. Hurry. 1. Hurry is not haste. 2. Hurrying along on both one's feet, Is all for clothes and something to eat. Hindoo. Latin. Chinese. 3. He who hurries cannot walk with a stately step. one. Husband. Chinese. 1. Abroad one has a hundred eyes, at home not 2. A good son makes a good husband. Ger. 3. A husband between two parrots is like a head between two sticks. African. 4. A husband who fears his wife is foolish, but a woman who does not fear her husband, a thousand times more foolish. Chinese. 534 HUSBAND. son. 5. A husband with one eye rather than with one Sp. 6. A husband without ability is like a house without a roof. 7. A husband's cuffs leave no marks. Sp. Russian. 8. A husband's wrath spoils the best broth. 9. An Argus at home, a mole abroad. 10. At home an elephant, abroad a cat. 11. Be a good husband and you will get a penny to spend, a penny to lend and a penny for a friend. 12. I don't count them to you, wife, but a hog makes twenty puddings. Sp. 13. In the husband, wisdom, in the wife, gentle- ness. 14. It is better to have a husband without love, than jealous. Ital. 15. It is nothing, they are only thrashing (or kill- ing) my husband. Por. 16. Let it be a husband though it be but a log. Sp. 17. Mother, I must have a husband or I shall set fire to the house. Ger. 18. Observe the face of the wife to know the husband's character. Sp. 19. Paint and patches give offence to the hus- band, hopes to the gallant. 20. Rather a husband with one eye than one son. Por. 21. She hangs out the broom; i.e., wants a hus- Dutch. band. HUSBAND. 535 22. Sorrow for a husband is like a pain in the elbow, sharp and short. 23. The bacon of paradise for the married man that does not repent. Sp. 24. The better workman, the worse husband. 25. The cry of the neglected husband :-Woman's affection is best proved by the care she takes of your linen. Punch. 26. The husband must not see and the wife must be blind. 27: The husband reigns but it's the wife that gov- Punch. erns. 28. When the husband drinks to the wife all would be well; when the wife drinks to the husband, all is well. 29. The man has neither sense nor reason that leaves a young wife at home. Fr. 30. The married man must turn his staff into a stake. 31. The more a husband loves his wife the more he increases her whims. Chinese. 32. The more a wife loves her husband the more she corrects his faults. Chinese. 33. The woman who has a bad husband makes a confidant of her maid. Sp. 34. Thus it is we are ruined, husband; you are good for little and I for less. Sp. 35. To make a happy couple the husband must be deaf and the wife blind. Fr. 36. When the husband earns well The wife spins well. Dutch. 536 HUSBANDRY.-HUSH.-HYPOCHONDRIA.-HYPOCRITE. 37. Where the gray mare is the better horse, there the horse is but an ass. Fielding. Husbandry. 1. Good husbandry is good divinity. 2. Good husbandry is the first step toward riches. Hush. 1. About the king and the inquisition, hush! Sp. 2. There is no house without its "hush! hush!" Hypochondria. 1. Disease without a disease. Hypocrite. 1. A devotee's face and a cat's claws. 2. A honeyed tongue with a heart of gall. 3. A hypocrite is worse than a demon. 4. A mouth that prays, a hand that kills. 5. All saint without, all devil within. Sp. Fr. Sp. Fr. Tamil. Arabian. 6. A hypocrite pays tribute to God, only that he may impose on men. 7. Better the world should know you as a sinner, than God know you as a hypocrite. 8. Beware of the man of two faces. 9. Externally a sheep, internally a wolf. Dan. Dutch. M. Greek. 10. God in his tongue and the devil in his heart. II. He has one face to God and another to the devil. 12. He has the Bible on his lips but not in his heart. Dutch. HYPOCRITE. 537 13. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. 14. He shows honey-he mixes poison. M. Greek. 15. Hypocrisy is a sort of homage that vice pays to virtue. Rochefoucauld. 16. Hypocrisy is the devil's stalking horse under an affectation of simplicity and religion. L'Estrange. 17. Hypocrisy is the necessary burden of villany. Dr. Johnson. 18. Hypocritical piety is double iniquity. 19. May the man be damned and never grow fat, Who wears two faces under one hat. 20. Never carry two faces under one hood. 21. Rosary in hand, the devil at heart. 22. Saint abroad and a devil at home. 23. The cross on his breast and the devil in his Por. Bunyan. acts. Sp. 24. The cross on his breast and the devil in his heart. 25. The hypocrite has the look of an archbishop and the heart of a miller. M. Greek. 26. The words of their mouth are smoother than butter, but war is in their hearts; their words are softer than oil, yet are they drawn swords. 27. There is some virtue in almost every vice ex- cept hypocrisy. Hazlitt. 28. To cry with one eye and laugh with the other. 29. To fawn with the tail and bite with the mouth. Sp. 538. HYPOTHESIS.—IDEAS.—IDIOTS.—IDLENESS. 30. Who devour widows' houses and for a show make long prayers. New Testament. 31. Ye hae a face to God, an' anither to the devil, Hypothesis. 1. Get on the crupper of a good stout hypothesis, and you may ride round the world. Sterne. 2. It is the nature of an hypothesis that when it once seizes a man, everything he sees, tastes, or feels is proper food for it. I. Ideas. Sterne. 1. It is with ideas as with pieces of money, those of the least value generally circulate the most. Punch. Idiots. 1. A man profits more by the sight of an idiot than by the orations of the learned. Idleness. Arabian. 1. A hundred years of idleness are not worth one hour well employed. 2. A young idler, an old beggar. 3. An idle brain is the devil's workshop. Fr. Ger. Ger. 4. An idle man is the devil's bolster. Ital., Dutch. 5. An idle person is the devil's playfellow. Arabian. 6. An idle youth becomes in age a beggar. Latin. 7. An idler is a watch that wants both hands, As useless when it goes as when it stands. Cowper. 8. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean. Coleridge. IDLENESS. 539 • 9. As we must render account of every idle word, so must we likewise of our idle silence. Ambrose. 10. Better lose your labor than your time in idle- less. Dutch. 11. Better to be idle than not well occupied. 12. By doing nothing we learn to do evil. Latin. 13. Doing nothing is doing ill. 14. Employ thyself in anything rather than stand idle. 15. For Satan finds some mischief still For idle hands to do. Hesiod. Watts. 16. He is idle that might be better employed. 17. He that is busy is tempted but by one devil; he that is idle by a legion. 18. He who does nothing does ill. Fr. 19. He who follows idleness shall find it the path to distress. 20. I would rather be sick than idle. Cingalese. Seneca. 21. Idle bairns are the devil's work-houses. 22. Idle dogs warry sheep. 23. Idle folks have the least leisure. 24. Idle folks have the most labor. 25. Idle folks lack no excuses. 26. Idle men are the devil's playfellows. 27. Idle people take the most pains. 28. Idleness always envies industry. 29. Idleness and lust are sworn friends. 30. Idleness has a bad outcome. 31. Idleness has poverty for wages. Ger. Ger. Ger. 540 IDLENESS. 32. Idleness is a house out of which all siņs come. 33. Idleness is a living death. Ger. 34. Idleness is hunger's mother, and of theft it is full brother. Dutch. 35. Idleness is only the refuge of weak minds and the holiday of fools. 36. Idleness is the beginning of sin. Ger. 37. Idleness is the devil's bolster. Dan. 38. Idleness is the devil's couch of ease. Ger. 39. Idleness is the greatest prodigality in the world. 40. Idleness is the key of beggary. 41. Idleness is the root of all evil. Ger, 42. Idleness is the rust of the soul. 43. Idleness is the sepulchre of a living man. Anselm. 44. Idleness is the step-mother of virtue. Ger. Latin. 45. Idleness is the shipwreck of chastity. 46. Idleness makes the fullest purse empty. Ger. 47. Idleness must thank itself if it go barefoot. 48. Idleness leads to vice. 49. Idleness turns the edge of wit. 50. If the devil catch a man idle he'll set him to work. 51. It is more painful to do nothing than some-` thing. 52. It is only idle people that can find time for everything. 53. No deity assists the idle. Beaumarchais. Latin. "IF."-IGNORANCE. 541 54. Of idleness comes no goodness. 55. The idler's mind-the devil's workshop. 56. They must hunger in frost that will not work in heat. 57. They must hunger in frost who spring-time have lost. 58. To be idle is to be vicious. 59. To do nothing teacheth to do evil. Ger. Rambler. Dutch. 60. Troubles spring from idleness and grievous toils from needless ease. Franklin. 61. Where idleness dwells sickness turns. Ger. 62. You'll soon learn to shape idle a coat. 63. You may tell an idle fellow if you but see him at dinner. "If." 1. Had it not been for an "if" the old woman would have bitten a wolf. 2. "If" is the only peace-maker. Dan. Shaks. 3. Were it not for "if" and "but" we should all be rich forever. Fr. 4. With the help of an "if " you might put Paris in a bottle. Ignorance. Fr. I. Better have disease in the body than ignorance in the mind. M. Greek. 2. Double ignorance is where a man is ignorant that he is ignorant. Plato. \ 3. From ignorance our comfort flows. 4. The only ignorant are the wise. Prior. 5. Ignorance and prosperity make men bold and confident. 542 IGNORANT.-ILL. 6. Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune. 7. Ignorance is less hateful than conceitedness. 8. Ignorance is preferable to error. Jefferson. 9. Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven. 10. Ignorance is the mother of impudence. Shaks. Bea. Punch. II. Ignorance never settles a question. 12. Ignorance shuts its eyes and believes it is right. 13. Ignorant men differ from beasts only in their figures. Cleanthes. 14. It is better to be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. Plato. 15. Nothing is more terrible than active ignorance. Goethe. 16. What ignorance to kick against the pricks. Terence. 17. Where ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise. Ignorant. Gray. 1. An ignorant man is despised even by women. Tamil. 2. The ignorant are courageous. M. Greek. 3. The ignorant are sufferers by their ignorance, as the blind are by their want of sight. Plato. 4. To be conscious you are ignorant is a great step toward knowledge. Ill. 1. He that does ill hates the light. Bea. 2. He that prepares for ill gives the blow a meeting, and breaks its stroke. ILL. 543 3. He that would do no ill must do all good or . sit still. 4. He that's ill to himself will be good to nobody. 5. He who hath done ill once will do it again. 6. If well and them cannot, then ill and them can. 7. If you be not ill, be not ill like. 8. If you do nae ill, do nae ill like. 9. If you have done no ill the six days you may play the seventh. Io. Ill comes on war's back. II. Ill doers are ill thinkers. 12. Ill getting hot water frae 'neath cauld ice. 13. Ill in kine, and worse in beeves. 14. Ill is the eve of well. Ital. 15. It is ill to take out of the flesh that is bred in the bone. 16. No ill befalls us but what may be for our good. 17. He that is ill to himself will be good to no- body. 18. One ill calls another. 19. The good are better made by ill, As odors crushed are sweeter still. 20. There are ills that happen for good. 21. There is no ill but comes for good. Scotch. Rogers. Por. Sp. 22. There n'er came ill after gude advisement. 23. 'Tis a good ill that comes alone. 24. To favor ill is to injure the good. 25. We have always sufficient strength to bear the ills of another. 544 "I'LL GO MYSELF AND "I'LL SEE TO IT." 25. When I did well I heard it never; when I did ill I heard it ever. 27. Who all sense of others' ills escapes, Is but a brute at best in human shape. "I'll go myself" and "I'll see to it." Juvenal. I. "I'll go myself" and "I'll see to it " are two good servants on a farm. Dan. Ill-gotten. 1. Ill-got, ill-spent. 2. Ill-gotten gains are productive of evil. 3. Ill-gotten goods never prosper. 4. Ill-gotten is ill-spent. Sophocles. Ger. Plautus. 5. Things ill-got had ever bad success ; And happy always was it for that son Whose father for his hoarding went to hell. Ill Luck. Shaks. 1. Even ill luck is good for something in a wise man's hand. Old Fr. 2. He that has ill luck gets ill usage. 3. He that has no ill luck grows weary of good luck. Sp. 4. Ill luck comes by pounds and goes away by ounces. Ital. 5. Il luck enters by fathoms and departs by inches. 6. Ill luck is good for something. Sp. 7. Ill luck is worse than found money. 8. Ill luck upon ill luck and a stone for a pillow. Sp. ILL TIDINGS.—ILL TURN.-ILL VESSELS.-ILL WILL. 545 9. her. When ill luck falls asleep let nobody wake Ill Tidings. 1. Ill tidings come soon enough. Ill Turn. Sp. Dutch. 1. It is an ill turn that does no good to any one. Ill Vessels. 1. Ill vessels seldom miscarry. Ill Will. 1. Ill will never said well. Imagination. 1. The imagination governs the universe. Dan. Bonaparte. 2. The lunatic, the lover, and the poet, Are of imagination all compact. Imitation. Shaks. 1. As the old birds sing the young ones twitter. Ger., Dan. 2. As the old cock crows so crow the young. 3. As the old cock crows, the young cock learns. 4. By looking at squinting people you learn to squint. Ovid. 5. Easy to look at, difficult to imitate. Chinese. 6. If our child squints our neighbor's child has a cast in both eyes. Livonian. 7. Imitate Ssw-ma who laid up much secret merit. Chinese. 8. Imitation is natural to man from infancy. 9. Imitation is the sincerest flattery. Spenser. Colton. 35 546 IMPARTIALITY.—IMPATIENCE.-IMPOSSIBLE. 10. 'No man doth accompany with others but he learneth ere he is aware some gesture, voice, or fashion. Bacon. II. No man ever became great by imitation. Dr. Johnson. 12. One dog looks at something, and a hundred dogs at him. Impartiality. Chinese. 1. I winna make fish o' ane an' flesh o' anither. Impatience. 1. A little impatience subverts great undertak- ings. Chinese. 2. Impatience does not diminish but augments the evil. 3. Impatience never gets preferment. Impossible. 1. A thing cannot be at the same time both true and false. Chinese. 2. A thousand men cannot undress a naked M. Greek. man. 3. A toad propping a bed-post firmly. Chinese. I cannot run and sit still at the same time. 5. I cannot sell the cow and have the milk. 4. Scotch. 6. I cannot spin and weave at the same time. 7. It is always the impossible that happens. Fr. 8. Nae man can baith sup an' blaw thegither. 9. Nae man can make his ain hap. 10. No man can at the same time fill his cup from the source and the mouth of the Nile. Dr. Johnson. IMPOSSIBLE. 547 II. No one can be caught in places he does not visit. Dan. 12. No one can blow and swallow at the same time. 13. No one is bound to do impossibilities. Ger. Fr., Ital. 14. Not even a thousand men in armor can strip a naked man. 15. Nothing is impossible to pains and patience. 16. One actor cannot perform a play. 17. One cannot be and have been. 18. One cannot be both old and young same time. Turk. Ray. Chinese. Fr. at the Ger. 19. One cannot be in two places at once. 20. One cannot drink and whistle at the same time. Ital. 21. One cannot ring the bells and walk in the procession. 22. One cannot shear a naked sheep. 23. One cannot wash a blackamoor white. 24. One can't shoe a running horse. Fr. Ger. Dutch. 25. One foot cannot stand on two boats. Chinese. 26. That which has been eaten out of the pot cannot be put into the dish. Dan. 27. The water that comes from the same spring cannot be both pure and salt. 28. The wonderful and impossible have collided. 29. There is no stripping a naked man. Kaffir. Ger. 548 IMPOSSIBLE. 30. To believe a business impossible is the way to make it so. 31. You cannot clap with one hand. Chinese. Ital. 32. You cannot coax de mornin'-glory to clime de wrong way roun' de corn stalk. American Negro. 33. You cannot damage a wrecked ship. 34. You cannot draw blood from a turnip. Ital. 35. You cannot draw wine out of an empty cask. Ger. 36. You cannot drive a wind-mill with a pair of bellows. 37. You cannot get oil out of a wall. 38. You cannot make a hawk of a buzzard. Fr. 39. You cannot make a sieve of an ass's tail. Ger. 40. You cannot make a silk purse of a sow's ear. 41. You cannot make an ass drink if he is not thirsty. Fr. 42. You cannot make velvet of a sow's ear. 43. You cannot pull hard with a broken rope. Dan. 44. You cannot shade off the sun with one hand. Chinese. 45. You cannot shear the sheep closer than the skin. Dan. 46. You cannot strip two skins off one cow. (There is a limit to extortion.) Chinese. 47. You cannot take a cow from a man that has none. 48. You can't have your cake and eat it too. 49. You can't make a horn of a pig's tail. Dan. IMPOSTURE.-IMPROMPTU.-IMPROVIdent. 549 50. You can't make a whistle of a pig's tail. 51. You can't sell the cow and have the milk too. Imposture. 1. One imposture generally engenders many Accra (Africa). more. Impromptu. 1. The impromptu is always successful in life. dish. Improvident. Bea. 1. If it should rain porridge he would want his Improving. 1. He who does not improve to-day, will grow worse to-morrow. it. Imprudence. 1. All men have their imprudent days. Ger. Bea. 2. To commit the sheep to the care of the wolf. 3. To set the fox to keep the geese. Ital. 4. What, give the lettuce in charge to the geese? Impudence. 1. It is better to be impudent than servile. I myself. 1. Look you, I myself am nearest to myself. Incense. Terence. 1. Incense intoxicates and every one wishes for Incongruity. Ital. 1. A velvet saddle does not fit on the back of an ass. Hungarian. 2. It is much like a blacksmith with a white silk apron. 550 INCONSISTENCY. 3. It looks as well as a diamond necklace about a sow's neck. 4. The pack-saddle has been put on the ox. 5. Ye drive the plough before the owsen. Inconsistency. Cicero. 1. Blind guides which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. New Testament. 2. He avoided the fly and swallowed the spider. Por. 3. He leaps into a deep river to avoid a shallow brook. 4. He robs Peter to pay Paul. 5. He runs from the bear to fall in with the wolves. Russian. 6. He shuns the bear and runs into the pit. Arabian. 7. It is said they are making silver bells for the child about to be born whilst the child on the lap is crying for a handful of rice. Tamil. Sp. 8. To get out of one muck into another. 9. To get out of the rain under the spout. Ger. 10. To give ruffles to a man that wants a shirt. II. To jump in the water for fear of the rain. Fr. 12. To jump out of the frying-pan into the fire. Fr., Sp. 13. To spare at the spigot and let it run out at the bung-hole. 14. To steal the leather and give away the shoes for God's sake. Ger. Incredible.—INCREDULITY.-INDEPEndence. 551 15. To steal the pig and give away the pettitoes for God's sake. Ital., Sp., Por. 16. To strip one altar to cover another. 17. His evening sang and his morning sang are na alike. 18. Said the frying-pan to the kettle, "Stand off, black bottom." Sp. 19. Said the raven to the crow "Get out of that, blackamoor." Sp. 20. The naked man is making a jacket for dogs. Cingalese. 21. To see the mote in another's eye and not the beam in your own. Incredible. Dutch. 1. The dead woman was frightened at her that was beheaded. Don Quixote. Incredulity. 1. Incredulity should make men advised, not irresolute. 2. You'll not believe a man is dead until you see his brains out. 3.' You'll not believe he's bald until you see his brains. Independence. 1. To be truly and really independent is to support ourselves by our own exertions. Jane Porter. gate. Indirection. 1. Climbs o'er the house to unlock the little Shaks. 2. He beats about the bush. 552 I. INDISCRETION.-INDOLENCE. Indiscretion. Avoiding the rain he met a tempest. Turk. 2. He fled from the sword and hid in the scab- bard (into which the sword will return). Yorubas (Africa). 3. He wishes to hide his foot-prints, and yet walks upon snow. Chinese. 4. Many flee the brook and fall into the river. Ger. 5. Many shun the sword and come to the gallows. Ger. 6. Nourish a wolf in the winter that he may de- vour you in the summer. M. Greek. 7. Nourish a raven that will pluck out thine eyes. Turk. 8. The thrush avoiding the trap fell into bird lime. 9. To get out of the mire and fall into the river. Por. 10. To get out of the smoke and fall into the fire. Por. II. To sacrifice certain for speculative profits. Latin. 12. You give the wolf the wether to keep. Indolence. 1. An indolent man draws his breath but does not live. 2. Enjoyment stops where indolence begins. 3. Indolence the mother of misery. Cicero. Pollok. Burton. INDUSTRY. 553 Industry. 1. A flying crow always catches something. Dutch. 2. An industrious life is the best security for food in old age. Latin. 3. An industrious man is tempted by one devil, an idle one by seven. 4. An industrious woman arranges her furniture without ceasing. Chinese. 5. Grind with every wind. 6. If there be a man that labors not, or a woman who does not occupy herself with spinning, some one in the empire will suffer with hunger or cold. 7. In every rank, great or small, 'Tis industry supports us all. Chinese. Gray. 8. Industry is fortune's right hand, and frugality her left. 9. Industry is often concealed under a straw. 10. Industry is the parent of fortune. Turk. Ger. 11. Industry makes a gallant man and breaks ill fortune. 12. Industry need not wish, and he who lives upon hope will die fasting. 13. Industry pays debts but despair increaseth Franklin. them. 14. Nothing is impossible to industry. Periander of Corinth. 15. When industry goes out of the door, poverty comes in at the window. Dutch. 554 INFIDEL. INFORMER.-INGRATITUDE. Infidel. 1. The infidel writer is a great enemy to society. Informer. Knox. 1. The informer is the worse rogue of the two. Ingratitude. 1. A forest that has sheltered you, you should not call a shrubbery. (You should not detract from the merits of a benefactor.) Oji. 2. A satiated mouth soon forgets the benefactor. Japanese. 3. A thankless man never does a thankful deed. Dan. 4. A too quick return of an obligation is a sort of an ingratitude. 5. After crossing the river the boatman gets a cuff. Tamil. 6. An ungrateful man is a tub full of holes. Latin. 7. As soon as you have drank you turn your back upon the spring. 8. Be not ungrateful to your old friend. 9. Bring up a raven and he will pick out your eyes. Fr., Ger. 10. Earth produces nothing worse than an un- grateful man. Ausonius. 11. He has brought up a bird to pick out his own eyes. 12. He that you seat upon your shoulder will often try to get upon your head. Dan. 13. If you call a man ungrateful you say every- thing against him. Juvenal. INGRATITUDE. 555 14. I hate ingratitude more in a man, Than lying, vainness, babbling, drunkenness, Or any taint of vice, whose strong corruptions Inhabit our frail blood. Shaks. 15. I taught you to swim, and now you would drown me. 16. I took him for a worm and he proved a ser- pent. 17. Ingratitude is the mother of pride. 18. Ingratitude is the daughter of pride. Don Quixote. Ger. 19. Ingratitude sickens benevolence. 20. Ingratitude makes the receiver worse but the benefactor better. 21. One ungrateful man does an injury to all who are in distress. Syrus. 22. Save a thief from the gallows and he'll be the first shall cut your throat. 23. Take a churl from a gibbet and he will put you on it. Fr. 24. Take down a thief from the gallows and he will hang you up. Fr., Ital. 25. The axe goes to the wood from which it bor- rowed its helve. 26. The sword has forgotten the smith that forged it. 27. The winter has gone, the spring has come, Sp. A fig for those who us good have done. 28. To do good to the ungrateful is to throw rose- water into the sea. 29. Unhang one that is hanged and he will hang thee. Fr 556 INHERITANCE.-INJURY. 30. What you do for an ungrateful man is thrown away. Latin. 31. When I had thatched his house he would have hurled me from the roof. 32. You love a nothing when you love an ingrate. Plautus. Inheritance. 1. Better a dollar earned than ten inherited. Ger. 2. He flourishes by hereditary renown. Latin. 3. He is no great heir that inherits not his an- cestors' virtues. 4. He who inherits a farthing is expected to spend a dollar. 5. Many heirs make small portions. Injury. Ger. Ger. 1. A little injury dismays, a great one stills. Por. 2. A small injury often brings great woe. Ger. 3. Alas, how grievous it is to be injured by one against whom we dare not complain. Syrus. 4. An injury forgiven is better than an injury revenged. 5. An injury may prove a blessing. Ovid. 6. Every one should make the case of the in- jured his own. Syrus. 7. He invites future injuries who rewards past ones. 8. He is the wretch that does the injury, not he that endures it. 9. He that courts injury will obtain it. Dan. 10. He that defends an injury is next to him that commits it. INJURY. 557 11. He that does you a very ill turn will never forgive you. 12. He that is not above an injury is below him- self. 13. He who doth the injury never forgives the injured man. 14. He who wishes to injure another will soon find a pretext. Syrus. 15. Injure a man and his wrath will be like lead. 16. Injuries are writ in brass and not to be for- gotten. Massinger. 17. Injuries don't use to be written on ice. 18. Injurious is the gift that takes away freedom. 19. Injurious men brook no injuries. Ital. 20. Injury is to be measured by malice. 21. It is a proof of nobility of mind to despise in juries. Seneca. 22. It is better to suffer an injury than to commit one. 23. Let the injurer not forget. Chinese. Ital. 24. Men are more prone to revenge injuries than to requite kindnesses. 25. Neglect will sooner kill an injury than re- venge. 26. None can injure him who does not injure himself. Chrysostom. 27. Slight small injuries and they'll become none at all. 28. Some injure all they fear and hate all they in jure. 558 INNOCENCE. 29. The injurer never forgives. Ital. 30. The memory of the benefit soon vanisheth but the remembrance of an injury sticketh fast in the heart. 31. The noblest remedy of injuries is oblivion. 32. The remedy for injuries is not to remember them. Ital. 33. 'Tis generous to bear an injury but danger ous to requite it. 34. To pocket an injury. 35. We are more mindful of injuries than bene fits. 36. Write injuries in dust but kindnesses in marble. Innocence. 1. An innocent man needs no eloquence. Ben Jonson. 2. He's armed without that's innocent within. Pope. 3. He that is innocent may well be confident. 4. I dare defend my innocent life against an emperor. Shaks. 5. Innocence finds not near so much protection as guilt. 6. Innocence is a wall of brass. Rochefoucauld Massinger. 7. Innocence is like an umbrella: when once we've lost it we must never hope to see it back again. 8. Innocence is no protection. Punch. 9. Innocence itself sometimes hath need of a mark. INNOVATIONS.-INQUIRING.--INSIGNIFIcant. 559 10. Innocent actions carry their warrant with them. 11. Oh, keep me innocent-make others great. Caroline of Denmark. 12. The breastplate of innocence is not always scandal proof. 13. The first of all virtues is innocence; modesty the second. 14. The innocent are gay. Greek. Cowper. 15. The silence often of pure . innocence per- suades when reason fails. 16. The surest panoply is innocence. Shaks. 17. What can innocence hope for, when such as sit her judges are corrupted. Innovations. 1. Innovations are dangerous. Inquiring. Massinger. 1. He that inquires much, learns much. Insignificant. 1. A spark may consume a city. Dan. Hungarian. 2. A feather shows the way the wind blows, And a straw the way the stream flows. 3. The insignificant often are the most to be feared. La Fontaine. 4. The least and weakest man can do some hurt. 5. The little wimble will let in the great auger. 6. The smallest fish find their place in the ocean. 7. The smallest insect can cause death by its bite. Chinese. 560 INSOLENCE.—INSTRUCTION.—Insult.—INTEGRITY, brood. 8. The smallest worm will turn, being trodden on, And doves will peck in safeguard of their Shaks. 9. The strongest things are in danger from the weakest. Spectator. Insolence. 1. Insolence is pride with her mask pulled off. 2. Insolence puts an end to friendship. 3. The insolence of the aggressor is usually pro- portioned to the tameness of the sufferer. Ames. 4. The insolent are never without wounds. Turk. Instruction. 1. Take fast hold of instruction, let her not go. Keep her for she is thyself. Insult. 1. A moral, sensible, well-bred man, Will not insult me; no other can. 2. Insult begets insult. Bible. Cowper. M. Greek. 3. Insults proceed only from black and rancor- ous minds. Fielding. 4. He who insults me to my face can yet be an honest man and my friend. Integrity. 1. Integrity is praised and starves. Chinese, Juvenal. 2. There could be no friendship without confi- dence and no confidence without integrity. Rambler. Intellect. 1. The intellect engages us in the pursuit of truth; the passions impel us to action. INTEMPERANCE.-INTENTIONS.-INTERest. Intemperance. 561 1. Full bottles and glasses make swearers and asses. Dutch. 2. Gods! what wild folly from the goblet flows. Homer. Ital. 3. He earns a farthing and has a penny-worth of thirst. 4. Intemperance and lust breed infirmities. Tillotson. 5. Intemperance is the doctor's wet nurse. Ger. 6. Intoxication is a temporary madness. Pythagoras. Ger. 7. More men are drowned in the bowl than in the sea. 8. Thousands perish from intemperance; mean- while all the world give themselves over to it. Chinese. 9. We have snakes in our cups and in our dishes and whoever dips too deep will find death in the pot. L'Estrange. Sp. 10. When drink enters, wisdom departs. 11. You take your health to the whiskey shop once too often until it gets broken. Intentions. Cork saying. 1. Many have good intentions but something comes across them. Interest. 1. That great saint, interest, rules the world. Intrigues. 1. And many heads obstruct intrigues, Ger. And slowest insects have most legs. Butler. 36 562 INVITATION.-IRON.-IRONS.—“I SAY.”—Island. 2. He who intrigues with a married woman hath his life in pledge. Invitation. Sp. Sp. 1. Go neither to a wedding nor christening without invitation. 2. Go to your rich friend's house when invited, to your poor friend's without invitation. Por. 3. Who comes unbidden departs unthanked. Ger. Iron. 1. Iron long fired becomes steel. Chinese. 2. Iron may be rubbed so long that it gets heated. 3. Iron not used soon rusts. Fr. Por. 4. Iron or brass, let nothing pass. Chinese. 5. It is bad iron in which there is no steel. Dan. 6. The command of iron soon gives a nation command of gold. Irons. Gibbon. 1. He who has many irons in the fire will let some of them burn. "I Say." 1. It is never permitted to say "I say.” Island. Dan. Madam Necker, 1. In settling an island, the first building erected by a Spaniard would be a church; by a Frenchman a fort; by a Dutchman a warehouse, and by an Englishman an ale house. Italian. 1. Italian devotion and German fasting have no meaning. Dan. ITHACA. IT IS GOOD.-IT IS HARD. 563 2. The Italian is wise before he undertakes a thing, the German while he is doing it, and the Frenchman when it is over. 3. The Italians cry, the Germans bawl, and the French sing. Ithaca. Fr. 1. A rough, wild nurseland, but whose crops are men. It is Good. Cicero. 1. It is good to be a priest at Easter, child in Lent, peasant at Christmas and fool in harvest time. Dan. 2. It is good to beat a proud man when he is alone. Fr. 3. It is good to be of kin to means. Dr. Johnson. 4. It is good to be sure. 5. It is good to cry yule at other men's cost. 6. It is good to go on foot when a man hath a horse in his hands. 7. It is good to have a hatch before the door. 8. It is good to hear mass and keep house. Sp. 9. It is good to hold the clothes of one who is swimming. Ital 10. It is good to be out of harm's gate. It is Hard. 1. It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright. 2. It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. 3. It is hard having lived with the men of one generation to be compelled to make his defence to those of another. 4. It is hard to be high and humble. Cato. 564 IT IS IN VAIN.-IT IS NOT. 5. It is hard to break an old hog of an ill custom. 6. It is hard to catch a weasel asleep. 7. It is hard to keep flax from the lowe (fire). Scotch 8. It is hard to glean after a niggardly husband- man. Dan. 9. It is hard to make a fire on a cold hearth. Dan. Dan. 10. It is hard to sail without wind and to grind without water. 11. It is hard to suffer wrong and pay for it too. 12. It is hard to swim against the stream. Dutch. 13. It is hard to teach an old dog tricks. 14. It is hard to turn back on a narrow bridge. It is in Vain. Dan. 1. It is in vain for a man to rise early who has the repute of lying in bed all the morning. Fr. 2. It is in vain to cast nets in a river where there are no fish. Sp. 3. It is in vain to kick after you have put on your fetters. 4. It is vain to learn wisdom and yet to live foolishly. 5. It is in vain to lead the ox to water if he is not thirsty. Fr. 6. It is in vain to use words when deeds are expected. It is not. 1. It is not the cowl that makes the friar. Dutch. 2. It is not the defects of the branches nor of Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume JEERING. JEST, JOKE. 567 14. The jealous man-who spreads his bed with stinging nettles and then sleeps on it. Punch. 15. The jealousy of the wife is the path to di- Ger. vorce. 16. There is no man however high but is jealous of some one, and there is no man however low but has some one jealous of him. 17. Trifles light as air are to the jealous confirma- tions strong as proofs of holy writ. Jeering. Shaks. 1. Do jeer poor folks and see how it will thrive. 2. One jeer seldom goes forth but it brings back its equal. Jest, Joke. 1. A common jester may have wit but not wis- dom. Young. 2. A jest driven too far brings home hate. 3. A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend. 4. A joke should not be carried too far. Latin. 5. All in the way of a joke the wolf goes to the ass. 6. An ill-timed jest hath ruined many, And gentle dulness ever loves a joke. Sp. Pope 7. Away with such jests, there is no good in be ing malignant. 8. Better lose a jest than a friend. 9. Drop the jest when it is most amusing. Ital. 10. Good jests bite like lambs, not like dogs. 11. He that jokes confesses. Ital 568 JEST, JOKE. 12. He that would jest must take a jest, Else to let it alone were best. 13. His back is broad enough to bear jests. Dutch. 14. If you be a jester keep your wit until you have use for it. 15. It is not good jesting with God, death or the devil. 16. It is past joking when the head's off. Arabian. 17. It requires a surgical operation to get a joke well into a Scotch understanding. 18. Jesters do oft prove prophets. Sidney Smith. 19. Jesting lies bring serious sorrows. 20. Jest not in earnest. Motto of the Margrave of Brandenburg. 21. Jest not with a rude man lest thy ancestors be disgraced. 22. Jest not with the eye nor religion. 23. Jest so it may not turn in earnest. Bible. Sp. 24. Jest with an ass and he will flap you in thę face with his tail. 25. Jests are seldom good the first time, but the second distasteful. 26. Jests, like sweetmeats, have often sour sauce. 27. Jest with your equals. Dan. 28. Jesting costs money. Sp. 29. Leave off the jest when it is merriest. Sp. 30. Manual jokes are clowns' jokes. Fr., Sp. Ital 31. Many a true word spoken in jest. 32. Much better lose a jest than a friend. 33. Never joke with stupid people. JESUITS. 569 34. No jesting with edge tools or with bell ropes. 35. Of all the griefs that harass the distressed, Sure the most bitter is a scornful jest. Johnson. 36. Rather spoil your joke than lose your friend. 37 Some who jest tell tales of themselves. 38. That's the cream of the joke. Scotch. Fr. 39. The jest's propriety lies in the ear of him who hears it, never in the tongue of him who makes it. 40. The truest jests sound worst in guilty ears. 41. The wise make jests and fools repeat them. 42. The worst jests are those that are true. Fr. 43. There are jokes like diamonds that take in- finitely less time to find than to polish. Punch 44. There is no worse joke than a true one. Ital., Sp. 45. To jest is tolerable, but to do harm by jest is insufferable. 46. True jests breed bad blood. 47. True jokes never please. Fr. 48. We knock in jest and it is opened in earnest. Ger. 49. When the demand is a jest the fittest answer is a scoff. Archimedes. 50. When the jest is at its best, 'twill be well to let it rest. Jesuits. Ger. 1. The Jesuits are wise; they never lose their temper. Bea. * 570 JEW.-JEWEL.-JOSEPH.-Journey. Jew. 1. A Christianized Jew and a reconciled foe are not to be trusted. Russian. 2. A German deceives the Pole, the French the German, a Spaniard the French, a Jew the Spaniard, the devil only the Jew. 3. No Jew a fool, no hare lazy. Jewel. Polish. Sp. 1. The jewel is not to be valued for the cabinet. Joseph. I. There arose a new king that knew not Joseph. Bible. 2. There is always a Pharaoh who does not know Joseph. Journey. Ger. 1. A journey were better too long than danger- ous. Jove, Jupiter. 1. By Jove the stranger and the poor are sent. Homer. 2. Him whom Jove would destroy he first de- prives of reason. Latin. 3. I love to stand aloof from Jove and his thun- derbolts. 4. When Jupiter is in the wrong he always thun- ders. Joy. 1. A joyous evening often leads to a sorrowful morning. 2. A joyous heart spins the hemp. 3. After joy, grief; after grief, joy. Dan. Servian. Tamil. Joy. 571 4. After sorrow, joy. Latin. 5. All the joys in the world cannot take one gray hair out of our heads. 6. All the joys we travel to through vice, Like fairy banquets vanish when we touch them. Massinger. 7. All who joy would win, must share it ; Happiness was born a twin. Byron. 8. Every life has its joy; every joy its law. Dan. 9. If your joys cannot be long, so neither can your sorrows. 10. Joy and sorrow are next door neighbors. Ger. 11. Joy and sorrow usually succeed each other. Arabian. 12. Joy is like the ague; one good day between two bad ones. 13. Joy is the tender shadow which sorrow casts. Dan. Jeremy Taylor. 14. Joys are not the property of the rich alone. Horace. 15. Joy surfeited turns to sorrow. Latin. 16. Joy which we cannot share with others is only half enjoyed. 17. No joy like Heaven's. 18. No joy without alloy. Hans Andersen. 19. Sudden joy kills sooner than excessive grief. 20. The present joys of life we doubly taste, By looking back with pleasure on the past. Martial. 21. We should publish our joys and conceal our griefs. 572 JUDGING. 22. When joy is in the parlor, sorrow is in the passage. Judging. 1. As solemn as a judge. Dan. 2. Do not judge of a tree by its bark nor of a man by his exterior. 3. Do not judge of the ship from the land. 4. Do not judge of the ship while it is on the stocks. Ital. Dan. 5. Do not judge of the dog by its hairs. 6. Forbear to judge for we are sinners all. Shaks. 7. From one you may judge of the whole. Latin. 8. He is the best judge that knows the least. 9. He who is judge between two friends loses one of them. Fr., Ger. 10. He who will have no judge but himself con- demns himself. II. I am a judge of cresses," said the peasant, when he was eating hemlock. 12. Judge not of men or things at first sight. 13. Never judge by appearances. Dan. 14. Never judge peremptorily on first appearance. Richardson. 15. The cold neutrality of an impartial judge. Burke. 16. We wisely strip the steed we mean to buy, Judge we in their caparisons of men? Young. 17. Well to judge depends on well to hear. Ital. 18. Who judges others condemns himself. Ital. 19. You cannot judge of a man 'till you hear his whole story. JUNE. JUDGMENT.—Just. 573 20. You cannot judge of the wine by the barrel. 21. You can't judge of the horse by the harness. June. 1. A dripping June brings all things in tune. 2. Calm weather in June sets corn in tune. Judgment. 1. He hath a good judgment that relieth not wholly on his own. Ital. 2. Of judgment every one has a stock on hand for sale. 3. 'Tis with our judgments as our watches; None go just alike yet each believes his own. Pope. 4. To him of good judgment the sound of a gnat suffices; to him who lacks it, the noise of an orches- tra availeth not. Just. Turk. 1. Any time is the proper time for saying what is just. Greek. 2. He who is only just is cruel; who on earth would live were all judged justly? just. Byron. 3. How is he greater than I, if he is not more Agesilaus. 4. If all men were just there would be no need of valor. Agesilaus. 5. Nothing brings a man more honor than to be invariably just. 6. The just hand is as precious ointment. Latin. 7. The just man will flourish in spite of envy. 8. The memory of the just is blessed. Latin. Bible. 574 Justice.-KEEP. 9. What is just and right is the law of laws. Justice. 1. Every man loves justice at another man's ex- pense; nobody cares for it at his own. 2. It is folly to expect justice from the unprin- cipled. 3. Justice consists in doing no injury to men; decency in giving them no offence. 4. Justice has a waxen nose. 5. Justice is half religion. 6. Justice is never angry. Ger. Turk. Ben Jonson. 7. Justice is the rightful sovereign of the world. 8. It is the clerk makes the justice. Pindar. 9. Let justice be done though the heavens fall. Latin. 10. No one likes justice brought home to his own door. II. Of all virtues justice is the best; Valor without it is a common jest. 12. Paper and ink and little justice. Ital. Waller. Sp. 13. Though justice has leaden feet it has leaden hands. 14. Who demands justice must administer justice. K. Keep. Ger. 1. He who gets doth much, but he who keeps doth more. 2. Keep a thing seven years and you'll find use for it. Gaelic. KEY. 575 3. Keep cool and you command everybody. St. Just. 4. Keep not two tongues in one mouth. Dan. 5. Keep out of a hasty man's way for a while, out of a sullen man's all the days of your life. 6. Keep out of brawls and you will neither be a principal nor a witness. 7. Keep some till furthermore come. 8. Keep something for a sair fit. 9. Keep the common road and thou'rt safe. 10. Keep the feast to feast day. 11. Keep the staff in your ain hand. 12. Keep your breath to cool your crowdie. Sp. Scotch. 13. Keep yourself from the anger of a great man, from the tumult of a mob, from a man of ill-fame, from a widow that has been thrice married, from a wind that comes in at a hole, and from a reconciled enemy. 14. Who shall keep the keepers? (Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.) 15. You may keep the wool until it is dirt and flax until it is silk. Key. 1. All the keys hang not at one man's girdle. 2. Better is the turn of the key than a friar's conscience. Sp. 3. Locks and keys are not made for honest fingers. Ger. 4. The golden key opens every door. Ital. 5. The key that is used grows bright. Ger. 576 KILLING. KINDNESS. 6. The keys at the girdle-the dog in the larder. 7. Your key fits not that lock. Killing. Sp. 1. Any one can kill a bound foe. Turk. 2. He kills a man that saves not his life when he can. Dan. 3. Kill a man's family and he may brook it, But keep your hand out of his breeches pocket. Byron. 4. Kill and thou wilt be killed and he will be killed who kills thee. Sp. 5. Kill no more than you can salt or you will have tainted meat. Dan. 6. Kill the lion's whelp; thou'lt strive in vain when he's grown. lost. Kindness. 1. A forced kindness deserves no thanks. 2. A kindness bestowed on the good is never 3. A kindness is never lost. Latin. 4. A word of kindness is better than a fat pie. Russian. 5. He merits no thanks that does a kindness for his own ends. 6. He that is kinder than he was wont hath a design upon thee. 7. He who doth a kindness to a good man doth a greater to himself. 8. How quickly with all is. a kindness forgotten. Latin. KING. 9. Kindness breaks no bones. 10. Kindness canna be bought for gear. 11. Kindness is more binding than a loan. 12. Kindness comes o'will. 577 Ger. Chinese. 13. Kindness like grain increases by sowing. 14. Kindness is the noblest weapon to conquer with. Shaks. 15. Kindness lies na ay in ae side o' the house. 16. Kindness, nobler ever than revenge. 17. Kindness to the just is never lost. Plautus. 18. Kindness will creep where it mauna gang. 19. Never forget a kindness. 20. Nothing grows old sooner than a kindness. 21. One kindness is the price of another. Fr. 22. One ought to remember kindnesses received and forget those we have done. 23. The wild beast feels man's kindness more than Bulwer. man. 24. To do a kindness to a bad man is like sowing your seed in the sea. Phocylides. 25. Unfading are the gardens of kindness. King. M. Greek. 1. A countryman may be as warm in kersey as a king in velvet. 2. A crown is no cure for the headache. Ital., Ger., Dutch. 3. A king is never powerful that hath not power on the sea. Sp. 37 578 KING. 4. A king promises but observes only what he pleases. 5. A king's favor is no inheritance. 6. A king should have neither friends nor rela- tions, needing only slaves. Sicandar of India. 7. A king without a good counsellor is like a wayfaring man who is blind. 8. A man ought to be born a king or a fool. Latin. 9. A noble prince or king never has a coin to bless himself. Fr. 10. Accurst the king that casts his purple o'er his vices. 11. Among the blind a one-eyed man is king. 12. An illiterate king is a crowned ass. 13. As the king, so are his people. Bulwer. Latin. Sp. Por. 14. Every law is broken to become a king. 15. Every one is a king in his own house. 16. General calamities imply in kings general im- becility. 17. He is half a king who has the king's good acres. 18. He that is hated o' his subjects canna be a king. 19. He who eats the king's cow lean, pays for it fat. Fr., Sp. 20. Ill kings make many good laws. 21. It befits the king to be liberal for he is sure of never falling into poverty. Por. KING. 579 22. King Henry robbed the church and died poor. 23. Kings and bears oft worry their keepers. 24. Kings are out o' play. 25. Kings are like stars,-they rise and set; they have The worship of the world, but no repose. 26. Kings' entreaties are commands. 27. Kings hae lange ears. Shelley. Dutch. 28. Kings have long arms and many eyes and ears. Ital. 29. Kings love the treason but not the traitor. 30. Kings ought to be environed with good will instead of guards. Bias. 31. Kings ought to be kings in all things. Adrian. 32. Kings ought to shun the company of the vicious, for the evil they commit in his company is accounted his. Plato. 33. Neck or nothing, for the king loves no cripple. 34. Neither a log nor a stork, good Jupiter. (Fable of the frogs praying for a king.) 35. Nice customs courtesy to great kings. Shaks. 36. No king was ever a traitor or pope excom- municated. Sp. 37. Robbers take to rocks and precipices for se- curity; for a king there is no such fortress as honor and humanity. Aratus. 38. "Sail!" quoth the king; "Hold!" saith the wind. 39. The emperor of Germany is the king of 580 KING. kings; the king of Spain king of men; the king of France king of asses; the king of England king of devils. Fr. 40. The greatest king must at last go to bed with a shovel. 41. The king's leavings are better than my Lord's bounty. Don Quixote. 42. The king cannot always rule as he wishes. 43. The king goes as far as he can, not so far as he would. Sp. 44. The king likes the treachery but not the traitor. Sp. 45. The king may bestow offices but cannot be- stow wit to manage them. 46. The king may give the honor but thou art to make thyself honorable. Ger. 47. The king of France with twenty thousand men, Marched up the hill and then marched down again. R. Tarleton. 48. The king of good fellows is appointed for the queen of beggars. 49. The king (queen) of the bees has no sting. Por. 50. The king's chaff is better than other folks' corn. Ger. 51. The king's cheese goes half way in parings. 52. The king's favor is no inheritance. 53. The king's friend is he who tells him the truth. 54. The last reason of kings. (Motto engraved on a French cannon.) KISS. 581 55. The subjects' love is the king's best guard. 56. The surest guard of a king is not armies or treasures but friends. 57. The sword of kings Is the last reason of all things. Petrarch. Butler. 58. The word of a king ought to be as binding as the oath of a subject. Ital. 59. The wrath of kings is always dreadful. 60. There's such divinity doth hedge a king, That treason can but peep to what it would. Shaks. 61. 'Tis fate that flings the dice, and as she flings, Of kings makes peasants and of peasants kings. (Re- 62. To such a king, such an ambassador. mark of the ambassador of Louis XIII. of France to the king of Spain.) 63. Under which king, Bezonian? speak, or die. Shaks. 64. When kings lose their temper, it is their people who pay for it. 65. Whosoever is king, thou'lt be his man. 66. Would you have me serve you, good king, give me the means of living. Kiss. Por. 1. A kiss of the mouth often touches not the heart. 2. A man often kisses the hand that he would fain see cut off. Sp., Por., Dan. 3. Do not make me kiss, and you will not make me sin. 582 KITCHEN. 4. For the sake of the knight, the lady kisses the squire. Fr. 5. I kiss thee, hide, because thou art to be a wine-bag. Por. 6. If you can kiss the mistress, never kiss the maid. 7. Kiss ardently the hand you cannot cut off. 8. Kisses are the messengers of love. 9. Kissing goes by favor. Turk. Dan. 10. Many kiss the child for the nurse's sake. Dan. 11. One kisses the child for the mother's sake, and the mother for the child's sake. Ger. 12. One kisses the nurse for the sake of the child. Ger. Kitchen. 1. A fat kitchen has poverty for a neighbor. Ital. 2. A fat kitchen is next door to poverty. Ital. 3. A fat kitchen makes a lean purse. Ger. Ger. ens. 4. A fat kitchen makes a lean will. 5. Communities begin by building their kitch- 6. Silk and velvet put out the kitchen fire. Ger. 7. Silks and satins put out the fire in the kitchen. 8. Silks and satins, scarlets and velvets put out the kitchen fire. 9. Ger. The kitchen kills more than the sword. 10. The smallness of the kitchen makes the house the bigger. 11. The supper out of a strange kitchen tastes good. Ger Kite.-Knave, Knavery. 583 12. The taste of the kitchen is better than the smell. 13. Who frequents the kitchen smells of smoke. Ital. Kite. 1. A carrion kite will never make a good hawk. 2. Ask a kite for a feather and she'll say she has just enough to fly with. 3. One leg of a lark is worth the whole body of a kite. 4. If the frog and mouse quarrel, the kite will see them agreed. 5. The kite's malady: its wing broken and its beak sound. Knave, Knavery. 1. A knave discovered is a great fool. 2. An old knave is no babe. 3. An open knave is a great fool. Fr. 4. Better kiss a knave than be troubled with him. 5. Better the sensible knave than the fool. Bolingbroke. 6. Cool weather and knaves come out of the north. 7. Early waster-long knave. 8. Every one is glad to see a knave caught in his own trap. 9. For an honest man half his wits are enough; the whole is too little for a knave. 10. He hath a cloak for his knavery. Ital. 11. He is doubly sinful who congratulates a suc- cessful knave. Syrus. 584 KNAVE, KNAVERY, 12. He is no small knave that knows a great one. Dan. 13. He who knows a knave makes no bid for him. Dan. 14. It is a bad thing to be a knave, but worse to be known for one. Ital. 15. It is as hard to please a knave as a knight. 16. Knavery without luck is the worst trade in the world. 17. Knavery's plain face is never seen till used. 18. Knaves are in such repute that honest men are accounted fools. 19. Knaves imagine nothing can be done without knavery. 20. Knaves will thrive when honest plainness knows not how to live. Shirley. 21. More knave than fool. 22. No more mortar, no more brick; a cunning knave has a cunning trick. 23. Nobody so like an honest man as an arrant knave. 24. None better guard against a cheat, than he who is a knave complete. 25. Once a knave, always a knave. 26. One knavery is met by another. Martial. Sp. 27. One piece of knavery begets another. Terence. 28. Sly knavery is too hard for honest wisdom. 29. The hatred of knaves is preferable to their company. Latin. Pope. 30. The knave and fool are their own libellers. KNIFE. KNOCK.-KNOT.-KNOW THyself. 585 31. The more knave, the better luck. Dan. 32. When knaves fall out, honest men come by their own. 33. With a fool and a knave there is no conclu- sion. 34. With art and knavery we live through half a year; with knavery and art we live through the other half. Knife. 1. In a golden sheath a leaden knife. 2. In a smith's house the knife is wooden. 3. One knife keeps another in its sheath. 4. One knife whets another. Ital. Ital. Sp. Ital. Ital., Ger. 5. The knife cuts not the hand of gold. Turk. 6. 'Tis a good knife; it will cut butter when 'tis melted. 7. Under a gold sheath a leaden knife. Knock. Sp. 1. He gives one knock on the iron and two on the anvil. 2. He giveth one knock on the hoop and another on the barrel; i. e., he speaks now to the purpose, now on matter wholly extraneous. Knot. 1. Where the knot is loose the string slippeth. 2. To a hard knot a hard wedge. Sp. 3. You ought to untie that knot which you knit yourself. Know Thyself. 1. Know thyself. (Inscribed in letters of gold over the portico of the temple of Delphi.) Chilo. 586 KNOWLEDGE Knowledge. 1. A doctor and a boor know more than a doctor alone. Ger. 2. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 3. A man knows no more to any purpose than he practises. 4. All our knowledge is ourselves to know. Pope. 5. All we know is nothing can be known. (From the Greek.) Byron. 6. Government of the will is better than increase of knowledge. 7. Half our knowledge we must snatch, not take. Pope. 8. He hath a tun of knowledge but the bottom is out. Dutch. 9. He knows enough who knows how to live and keep his own counsel. Fr. 10. He knows which side of his bread is buttered. 11. He that imagines he hath knowledge enough hath none. 12. He that knows himself knows others. 13. He that knows least commonly presumes most. 14. He that knows little soon repeats it. 15. He that would know what shall be must con- sider what hath been. 16. He who increases knowledge increases sor row. 17. He who knows but little tells it quickly. Latin. Ital., Sp., Por. KNOWLEDGE. 587 18. He who knows himself best, esteems himself least. 19. He who knows little is confident in every- thing. 20. He who knows nothing never doubts. Ital. He who thinks he knows the most knows the 21. least. 22. Hidden knowledge differs little from igno Horace. rance. 23. I envy no man that knows more than myself but pity them that know less. Sir Thomas Browne. 24. I know no difference between buried treasure and concealed knowledge. Ital. 25. It is almost as necessary to know other men as ourselves. 26. It is not permitted to know all things. Latin. 27. It is not the quantity but the quality of knowl- edge which is valuable. Samuel Sorbiere. 28. It is well for one to know more than he says. Plautus. 29. It requires a long time to know any one. Don Quixote. 30. Know then thyself, presume not God to scan; The proper study of mankind is man. Pope. 31. Knowledge begins a gentleman but 'tis con- versation that completes him. 32. Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers. Tennyson. 33. Knowledge directeth practice and practice in- creaseth knowledge. 34 Knowledge finds its price. La Fontaine. 588 KNOWLEDGE. 35. Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age. 36. Knowledge is a second light and hath bright eyes. 37. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. 38. Knowledge is no burden. 39. Knowledge is power. Bacon. 40. Knowledge is silver among the poor, gold among the nobles, and a jewel among princes. Ital. 41. Knowledge is the foundation of eloquence. Bea. 42. Knowledge must be gained by ourselves. Bea. 43. Knowledge or wealth to few are given, But mark how just the ways of Heaven : True joy is free to all. Mickle. 44. Knowledge without education is but armed injustice. Horace. 45. Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist. 46. Learn thou of learned men, the unlearned of thee; For thus must knowledge propagated be. Dutch. 47. No man knows till he has tasted both fort- unes. 48. No one knows what will happen to him before sunset. Punch 49. No one knows when he is well off. 50. Not to know what has been transacted in for mer times is to continue always a child. Seneca. 51. One part of knowledge consists in being igno- rant of such things as are not worthy to be known. KNOWLEDGE. 589 52. Profess not the knowledge thou hast not. Bible. 53. The first step to self-knowledge is self-dis- trust. 54. The more a man knows the more he is in- clined to be modest. Fielding. 55. The only jewel which will not decay is knowl- edge. Langford. 56. The seeds of knowledge may be planted in solitude but must be cultivated in public. Dr. Johnson. 57. There is no knowledge so dangerous as half- knowledge. Stilson Hutchins. 58. Through being too knowing the fox lost his tail. 59. To know a man well, one must have eaten a bushel of salt with him. Fr. 60. To know everything is to know nothing. Ital. 61. To know how to obey requires as generous a disposition and as rational an education as to know how to command. 62. To know nothing is the happiest life. Plato. Euripides. 63. To know one perfectly one must live in the same house with him. 64. To know one's self is true progress. Hans Andersen. 65. To know the disease is the commencement of the cure. Don Quixote. 66. Whatever I did not know, I was not ashamed to inquire about, so I acquired knowledge. Persian Philosopher 590 LABOR. Ital. Ital. 67. Who knows most believes least. 68. Who knows most forgives most. 69. Who knows most says least. Fr., Ital., Sp. 70. Who knows nothing, doubts nothing. 71. Who knows nothing in his thirtieth year, is nothing in his fortieth, has nothing in his fiftieth, learns nothing, is nothing, and comes to nothing. Ger. 72. Without knowledge there is no sin. 73. Your knowing a thing is nothing unless an- other knows you know it. Latin. L. Labor. 1. A good handicraft has a golden foundation. Dutch. 2. A good head and industrious hand are worth gold in any land. Ger. 3. A good laborer is better than a bad priest. Ger. 4. A good trade will carry farther than a thou- sand florins. Ger. 5. A grain of rice, a thread of hemp, are the fruit of the sweat of the poor. 6. A man must live by his trade. Chinese. 7. A man of many trades begs his bread on Sun- days. 8. A ploughman on his legs is higher than a gen- tleman on his knees. Franklin. 9. A trade is an estate for life. Turk. A 10. Adam got a hoe and Eve got a spinning-wheel and thence came all the nobles. Dan. LABOR. 591 II. All for each and each for all. 12. All the grains of Maxim of Knights of Labor. rice that are in the soup Chinese. Por. have been matured by the sweat of the laborer. 13. Another man's trade costs money. 14. As the labor, so the pay. 15. Be the first in the field and the last to the couch. 16. Blessing goes with labor. 17. Bodily labor earns not much. 18. By labor comes wealth. Chinese Turk. Yarubas (Africa). 19. By labor fire is got out of a stone. 20. Every laborer is worthy of his hire. 21. Finished labors are pleasant. 22. For just experience tells in every soil, Dutch. Ger. That those who think must govern those who toil. 23. From labor there shall come forth rest. Pope. Longfellow. 24. He that by the plough would thrive, himself must either hold or drive. Franklin. 25. He that hath some land must have some la- bor. 26. He that labors and thrives spins gold. 27. He that labors is tempted by one devil and he that is idle by a thousand. 28. Honest labor bears a lovely face. Ital. 29. In all labor there is profit. Thos. Dekker. Bible. 30. It is hard to labor with an empty belly. Dan. 592 LABOR. 31. Labor conquers all things. Virgil. 32. Labor has a bitter root but a sweet taste. Dan. 33. Labor, if it were not necessary to the ex- istence, would be indispensable to the happiness of man. 34. Labor is itself a pleasure. 35. Labor is only awarded the lowest. Dr. Johnson. Lucretius. 36. Labor is preferable to idleness as brightness to rust. 37. Labor is the best sauce. Plato. Latin. 38. Labor itself is but a sorrowful song, The protest of the weak against the strong. F. W. Faben. 39. Labor makes bread out of a stone. Ger. 40. Labor not to be rich. Bible. 41. Labor rids us of three great evils: tedious- ness, vice and poverty. 42. Labor warms, sloth harms. Fr. 43. Labor, wide as the earth, has its summit in heaven. 44. Labor without luck helps not. Carlyle. Ger. 45. Love labor; for if thou dost not want it for food, thou mayest for physic. W. Penn. Dan. 46. Many a man labors for the day he will never live to see. 47. No man can eat anything sweeter in this world than what is acquired by his own labor. 48. Past labor is pleasant. 49. Reward sweetens labor. Turkish Spy. Dutch. LABOR (Loss of). 593 50. Such hath it been-shall be-beneath the sun, The many still must labor for the one. Byron. 51. The gods sell everything for labor. 52. The labor we delight in physics pain. Shaks. 53. The laborer is worthy of his hire. New Testament. 54. The palm is not gained without the dust of labor. Latin. 55. The sleep of the laboring man is sweet whether he eat little or much; but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep. Bible. 56. The three things most difficult are,—to keep a secret, to forget an injury and to make good use of labor. Chilo. 57. Those who labor with their minds rule; those who labor with their bodies are ruled. 58. To labor is the lot of man below. Chinese. Homer. 59. What is done by hand-labor is eaten with pleasure. 60. Without labor, no good thing. Chinese. 61. Without labor there was no ease, no rest. Labor (Loss of). Ger. Carlyle. 1. It is all preaching in the desert and hammer- Don Quixote. ing cold iron. 2. It is lost labor to sow where there is no soil. 3. That which burns thee not cools not. Dutch. 4. The swallow's plastering of her nest is labor lost. Chinese. 5. To look for a needle in a bundle (or bottle) of hay. Fr., Ger. 38 594 LABYRINTH.-LADDER. 6. To make a hole in the water. 7. To make a long harvest of a little corn. 8. To make one hole by way of stopping up another. 9. To pour water into a sieve. Fr. 10. To wash an ass's head is but loss of time and soap (or of suds); i.e., to reprove a fool is but lost labor. II. To wipe up the sea with a sponge. Fr. Duich. 12. We all labor with one ox (are in the same boat). M. Greek. 13. We plough the sand on the sea-shore. Juvenal. 14. You are lighting a fire in the wind. 15. You are looking for wings on a wolf. 16. You are teaching iron to swim. Kaffir. Latin. Latin. 17. You are washing an unburnt brick. Latin. 18. You count the waves. 19. You do but water a dead stake. 20. You may knock a long while against an alder bush before you get a swarm of bees out of it. Dan. 21. You must walk a long time behind a wild goose before you find an ostrich feather. 22. You put it together with a hot needle and burnt thread. 23. You teach the dolphin to swim. Labyrinth. Latin. 1. If you go into a labyrinth take a clew with you. Ladder. 1. The man who holds the ladder at the bottom is frequently of more service than the man at the top. LADY.-LAMENT.-LAMP.-Lance. 595 Lady. 1. A lady's age once known will always be re- membered, and that more for spite than love. dies. Richardson. 2. Far fetched, and dear bought, is good for la- 3. Ladies, by all the laws of war, are privileged. Shaks. 4. "Ladies have ladies' whims," said crazy Ann, when she draggled her cloak in the gutter. Dan. 5. Ladies keep men by keeping them off. Punch. 6. Ladies are whitest in a blackamoor's land. 7. Tell me how many ladies' maids a lady has had, and I will tell will tell you her temper. Punch. 8. The Grecian ladies counted their age from their marriage, not birth. Homer. 9. The society of ladies is the school of polite- ness. Lament. 1. Cease to lament for that thou cans't not help, And study help for that which thou lamentest. Lamp. Shaks. 1. By lamplight every country wench is hand- some. Ital. 2. If you would have your lamp burn, you must pour oil into it. Ger. 3. When wanes the lamp amid the morning light, Forget not, hermit, how it cheered thy sight. Lance. 1. A good cavalier never lacks a lance. Fr. 596 LAND.--Landmark Stones.—Lane.—Language. 2. A good knight is never at a loss for a lance. 3. A great lance thrust to a dead moor. Land. 1. A dumb man never gets land. Ital. Sp. 2. According to the worth of the man is the worth of his land. Fr. 3. Better a ruined than a lost land. Fr., Dutch. 4. Half an acre is good land. 5. Good land should not be quitted for a bad landlord. Fr. 6. Land was never lost for want of an heir. 7. Not every land has all at hand. 8. The land a man knows is his mother. Sp. 9. The land is dead; i.e., war has begun. Kaffir. 10. Who buys land buys war. Landmark Stones. Ital. 1. Who removeth landmark stones bruiseth his fingers. Lane. 1. It is a long lane that has no turning. Dutch. Language. 1. Language most shows a man; speak that I may see thee. Ben Jonson. 2. That is not good language which all under- stand not. Lasses. 1. Her prentice hand she tried on man, And then she made the lasses O! 2. Glasses and lasses are brittle wares. Burns. Scotch. LAST.-LAST GARMENT.-Laugh. 597 3. Lasses and glasses are always in danger. Ital. 4. The lass that has mony wooers aft wales (chooses) the warst. Last. 1. For the last comer the bones. 2. The last come is the best liked. Fr. Fr. 3. The last comers are often the masters. 4. The last drop makes the cup run over. 5. The last of the Romans. 6. The last shuts the door. 7. The last stole the sack. Ital., Ger. Ger. 8. The last taste of things gives them the name sweet or sour. 9. Though last, not least in love. (Brutus to Casca) Shaks. 10. 'Tis the last feather breaks the camel's back. 11. 'Tis the last straw that breaks the horse's back. Last Garment. 1. Our last garment is made without pockets. Laugh. Ital. I. A laugh costs too much if it is bought at the expense of propriety. Quintillian. 2. A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market. Lamb, Franklin. 3. By much laughter you detect the fool. Latin. 4. Commonly he is not stricken again who laughs when he strikes. 5. Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful. 598 LAUGH. 6. He is not laughed at, who laughs at himself first. 7. He laughs ill that laughs himself to death. 8. He laughs well (or best) who laughs last. Fr., Ital. 9. He that laughs alone will be sport in com- pany. 10. He that laughs at his ain joke spoils the sport. o' it. 11. He that laughs on Friday may cry on Sunday. Fr. 12. He who laughs at impertinence makes him- self an accomplice. 13. He who laughs last laughs best. Chinese. Fr., Ital., Ger., Dan. 14. He who made free of the old man laughed at first and cried afterwards. Sp. 15. He who laughs not in the morning laughs not M. Greek. at noon. 16. He who laughs over much may have an ach- ing heart. Ital. 17. He who laughs too much hath the nature of a fool; he that laugheth not at all hath the nature of an old cat. 18. He who tickles himself laughs when he pleases. Ger., Dutch, Dan. 19. His lungs are very sensible for everything makes them laugh. 20. I had rather laugh when the battle is won. Archbishop Herring. LAVISHNESS. 599 21. It is as much intemperance to weep too much as to laugh too much. 22. Laugh and grow fat. 23. Laugh if you're wise. Martial. 24. Laughter does not prove a mind at ease. Fr. 25. Laughter is the hiccup of a fool. 26. Laughter leaves us doubly serious shortly after. 27. Laughter makes good blood. Byron. Ital. 28. Let him laugh who is at the right hand side. of the hedge. 29. Let me go warm and folks may laugh. Sp., Por. 30. Nothing is sillier than a silly laugh. Catullus. 31. One never wept but another laughed. Ital. 32. The laughter of the cottage is the most hearty. Latin. Fr. 33. The loud laugh speaks the vacant mind. 34. The more fools, the more laughter. 35. The thief's wife does not always laugh. Ital. 36. They laugh that win. Shaks. 37. To laugh in one's face, and cut his throat. 38. To laugh in one's sleeve. 39. We must laugh before we are happy for fear of dying before we are happy at all. La Bruyère. 40. Who laughs at others' ills, has his own behind the door. Ital. 41. Who laughs on Friday will cry on Saturday Ger. Lavishness. 1. Lavishness is not generosity. 600 LAW. Law. 1. A bad (or lean or meagre) compromise is bet ter than a fat lawsuit. Fr., Ital., Ger., Sp., Dutch, Dan. 2. A case well stated is half tried. W. W. Wilshire. Coke. 3. A common error makes law. 4. A corrupt society has many laws. Dr. Johnson. 5. A foolish judge passes a brief sentence. 6. A fox should not be on the jury at a goose's trial. 7. A friend in court is as good as a penny in pocket. 8. A friend in court makes the process short. 9. A good cause and a good tongue, yet money must carry it. 10. A good king is better than an old law. Dutch. 11. A good word in court is better than a pound in the purse. Irish. 12. A lawsuit for a maravedi consumes a real's worth of paper. 13. A lawsuit is civil war. 14. A litigious man, a liar. 15. A long lawsuit is the lawyer's vintage. Sp. Ger. Ger 16. A pennyweight of love is worth a pound of law. 17. A person ought not to be judge in his own cause. 18. A pretty woman wins the lawsuit. Ger. 19. A prisoner is covered all over with the armor of the law. Erskine. LAW. 601 20. A promise against law or duty is void in its nature, 21. A rat may very ill plead the law. 22. A rich knave is a libel on the laws. 23. A silent man's words are not brought into court. 24. Abundance o' law braks nae law. 25. Accusing is proving where malice and force sit judges. 26. Agree, for the law is costly. 27. Agree with thine adversary quickly. New Testament. 28. All the matter's not in my lord judge's head. 29. An indifferent agreement is better than carry- ing a cause at law. 30. An ounce of favor goes further than a pound of justice. Fr. 31. An upright judge has more regard to justice than to men. 32. Arms and laws do not flourish together. Cæsar. 33. As the man is friended, so the law is ended. 34. As fast as laws are devised, their evasion is contrived. Ger. 35. Better no law than law not enforced. Dan. 36. Better ten guilty escape than one innocent man suffer. 37. By lawsuits no one has become rich. 38. Courts for cowards were erected. 39. Custom becomes law. Ger Burns. Sp 602 LAW. 40. Don't hear one and judge two. 41. Favor and gifts disturb justice. M. Greek. 42. First hang and draw, then hear the cause by Lindford's law. 43. Fond of lawsuits, little wealth; fond of doc- tors, little health. 44. For the upright there are no laws. Ger. 45. Give me the making of the songs of the peo- ple; I care not who makes their laws. 46. God gives the will, necessity gives the law. Dan. 47. God help the sheep when the wolf is judge. Dan. Turk. 48. God keep me from judge and doctor. 49. Good laws often proceed from bad manners. 50. Hard is a new law imposed on an old license. Ital. 51. He goes safely to trial whose father is a judge. Sp. 52. He is the best judge who knows the least. 53. He that buys magistracy must sell justice. 54. He that goes to law does as the sheep that in a storm runs to a briar. Burton. 55. He that goes to law holds a wolf by the ears. Burton. 56. He that goes to law should have his brother for the judge. South American. 57. He that has the worst cause makes the most noise. 58. He that is mediator between two litigants loses his money. Turk. LAW. 603 59. He that passeth a judgment as he runs over- taketh repentance. 60. He that would thrive by law, must see his en- emy's counsel as well as his own. 61. He wastes his tears who weeps before the judge. Ital. 62. He who goes to law for a sheep loses his cow. Ger. 63. He who is fond of maintaining an action will soon be without the means of maintaining himself. Punch. Sp. Latin. 64. He who makes a law should keep it. 65. He will embark in litigation even if a donkey has bitten his dog. 66. He will go to law for the wagging of a straw. 67. Hell and chancery are always open. 68. Human laws reach not thoughts. 69. If the judge be your accuser, may God be your help. Turk. 70. If you would be a good judge hear what every one says. Por. 71. I'll make him water his horse at Highgate; i. e., I'll sue him. 72. In a thousand pounds of law there is not an ounce of love. 73. In giving judgment haste is criminal. Syrus. 74. It becomes not a law-maker to be a law- breaker. Bias. 75. It is better to be tried than suspected. English State Trials. 76. Judges should have two ears, both alike. Ger. 604 LAW. 77. Justice, but not in my own house. Sp. 78. Justice oft leans to the side where the purse hangs. Dan. 79. Law cannot persuade where it cannot punish. 80. Law helps the waking; luck may come to the sleeping: 81. Law is a bottomless pit; it is a cormorant, a harpy that devours everything. Dan. Arbuthnot. 82. Laws are not made for the good. Socrates. 83. Laws catch flies and let hornets go free. 84. Laws go the way kings direct. Sp. 85. Laws go where dollars please. Por. 86. Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule the law. Goldsmith. 87. Laws have wax noses. Fr. 88. .Laws were made for rogues. Ital. 89. Lawsuits and wine lead to the poor-house. Ger 90. Like king, like law; like law, like people. Por. 91. Like the judges of Gallicia, who for a half dozen chickens will dispense with a half dozen pe- nal statutes. 92. Litigation and gaming bring many to want. Sp. Cingalese 93. Little do you know what a gloriously uncer- tain thing the law is. Plautus. 94. Little thieves are hanged by the neck, and great thieves by the purse. Ital., Dutch. 95. Little thieves have iron chains and great thieves gold ones. Dutch. LAW. 605 96. Men who go to law must expect to eat their 'taters without salt. Detroit Free Press. 97. Money and friendship break the arms of jus- tice. Ital. 98. Money and friendship bribe justice. Ger. 99. New laws, new roguery. 100. New lords, new laws. 101. No man may be both accuser and judge. Plutarch. 102. No man testifying to his own baseness ought to be heard. 103. No one is a good judge in his own cause. Por. 104. Nothing is law that is not reason. 105. One lawsuit begets another. Powell. Latin. 106. Some go to law for the wagging of a straw. 107. Strict law is often great injustice. Cicero. 108. Take a pint an' 'gree the law's costly. Scotch. 109. That trial is not fair where affection is the judge. Ger. 110. The best judge must drink water. 111. The hungry judges soon the sentence sign, And wretches hang that jurymen may dine. Pope. 112. The hurrying of justice is the stepmother of misfortune. 113. The Jews spend at Easter, the Moors at mar- riages, and the Christians in suits of law. 114. The judge is condemned when the guilty are acquitted. Syrus. 115. The law blushes when children correct their parents. Coke. 606 LAW. 116. The law devised, its evasion contrived. 117. The law guards us from all evils but itself. Fielding. 118. The law has a nose of wax; one can twist it as he will. Ger. 119. The law is not the same at morning and night. 120. The law says what the king pleases. 121. The laws go as kings please. Fr. Don Quixote. 122. The laws of a nation form the most instruc- tive part of their history. Gibbon. 123. The laws sometimes sleep but never die. 124. The litigious man ;—who goes to law in hopes of ruining his opponent and gets ruined himself. Punch. 125. The magistrate's sow gets out of every scrape. Sp. 126. The man goes to court with one suit and re- turns with two. Ger. 127. The more laws the less justice. Ger. 128. The more laws, the more offenders. 129. The nobleman is always in the right when the peasant sues. Russian 130. The only thing certain about litigation is its uncertainty. Bovee 131. The rich man transgresses the law and the poor man is punished. 132. The strictest law is oft the highest wrong. Sp. Terence. 133. The worst of a lawsuit is that out of one there grow a hundred. Sp. LAW. 607 · 134. There is never a lawsuit but a woman is at the bottom of it. 135. There is no law without a hole in it if one could find it out. Ger. 136. There is scarcely a lawsuit unless a woman is the cause of it. Juvenal. 137. Those who begin a lawsuit, plant a palm tree which never gives fruit to those who plant it. 138. 'Tis but to hazard my pretence Where nothing's certain but the expense. (To go to law.) Butler. 139. To know the law and do the right are two things. Dan. 140. To live by the bar you must live like a hermit and work like a horse. Lord Eldon. 141. To violate the law is the same crime in the emperor as in the subject. Chinese. Russian. 142. Truth is straight but judges are crooked. 143. When you go to law against the emperor, God himself should be the judge. *144. Where law ends tyranny begins. Russian. William Pitt. 145. Where there are many laws there are many enormities. 146. Where your father has been with ink, go not you with a bag; i.e., what your father has sold, go not to law for it. Sp. 147. Who had a lawsuit about his cow, lost his calf also. * Ger. 148. Who sues a mite will catch a mite. Oriental. 608 LAWYERS. 149. Who will prosecute a lawsuit must have much gold, good lawyers, much patience and much luck. Ger. 150. Who will win a lawsuit must have three sacks; one with briefs, one with gold and one with luck. Ger. 151. Who will live in peace must keep himself from women and lawsuits. Ger. 152. Who would win his suit must invite the judges to his table. 153. With law must the land be built. Ger. Dan. 154. You little know what a ticklish thing it is to go to law. Lawyers. Plautus. 1. A captain and a lawyer are rare guests in heaven. 2. A good lawyer is an evil neighbor. Ger. 3. A hungry man discovers more than a hundred lawyers. 4. A lawyer and a cart-wheel must be greased. Sp. Ger. 5. A lawyer is a learned gentleman who rescues your estate from your enemies and keeps it to him- self. Brougham. 6. A lawyer is an odd sort of a fish, first rotten, then green, then ripe. 7. A lawyer, that entangles all men's honesties. And lives like a spider in a cobweb lurking, And catching at all flies that pass his pitfalls. Fletcher. 8. A lawyer without cunning, a peasant without manure, a merchant without gold, remain poor. Ger. LAWYERS. 609 9. A peasant between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats. Catalan. 10. A wise lawyer never goes to law himself. 11. An old physician and a young lawyer. 12. Fair and softly as lawyers go to heaven. 13. Fools and obstinate men make lawyers rich. 14. Fools and the perverse, fill the lawyer's purse. Sp., Ger. 15. From confessors, doctors and lawyers, do not conceal the truth of your cause. Fr. 16. Go not for every grief to the physician, for every quarrel to the lawyer, nor for every thirst to the pot. 17. God grant that disputes may arise that I may live. (Lawyer's prayer.) 18. Good counsellors lack no clients. Sp. Shaks. 20. Go not to your doctor for every ail, 19. Good lawyers, bad neighbors. Nor to your lawyer for every quarrel, Nor to your pitcher for every thirst. 21. He is a bad lawyer that drinks only water. Ger. 22. Hide not the truth from your confessor, your doctor or your lawyer. 23. I know you lawyers can with ease, Twist words and meanings as you please. Ital. 24. It is an ill cause that the lawyer thinks shame o'. 25. It's aye the cheapest lawyer's fee to taste the barrel. Burns 39 610 LAWYERS 26. Lawsuits make the parties lean, the lawyers fat. Ger. 27. Lawyers and painters can soon change white to black. Dan. 28. Lawyers and soldiers are the devil's play- fellows 29. Lawyers are bad Christians. Ger. 30. Lawyers are men who hire out their words and anger. 31. Lawyers don't stick at trifles. Martial. Kelley. 32. Lawyers' houses are built of fools' heads. Fr. 33. Lawyers' robes are lined with the obstinacy of suitors. Ital. 34. Lawyers strive mightily in court, then eat and drink as friends. 35. Lawyers will live so long as mine and thine exist. Ger. 36. No good lawyer ever goes to law himself. Ital. 37. Nothing is the breath of an unfeed lawyer. 38. Of three things the devil makes a salad; law- yers' tongues, notaries' fingers, and the third shall be nameless. Ital. 39. One may steal nothing but a lawyer's purse. ! Fr. 40. One must knock at a lawyer's door with an iron hammer. Ger. 41. Plenty of words when the cause is lost. Fr. 42. Put a lawyer on your horse and he'll soon drive you to the devil. Punch. 43 The better lawyer, the worse Christian. Dutch. LAWYERS. 611 44. "The case is altered," quoth Plowden. (Plow- den was a lawyer who gave an opinion to a client, and when he found that he himself was the wrong-doer, used this expression.) 45. The Isle of Wight hath no monks, lawyers or foxes. 46. The king can make a sergeant, but not a lawyer. 47. The lawyer can direct the matter as he will when it does not lie before his own door. Ger. 48. The lawyer dreams his life long of quarrels and contentions. 49. The lawyer has long day's work. Ger. 50. The lawyer with a face demure, hangs him who steals your pelf, Because the good man endures no robber but himself. Fielding. Fr. 51. The lawyer's pouch is a mouth of hell. 52. The lawyer's vocation is to make the worse appear the better reason. Ital. 53. The lives of doctors, the souls of priests and the property of lawyers are in great danger. 54. The more lawyers the more processes (suits). Ger. 55. The nobleman fleeces the peasant, and the lawyer the nobleman. Ger. 56. "The "The suit is ended," said the lawyer ; "neither party has anything left." Ger. 57. The wise man seeketh the lawyer early; i.e., before his rights are lost. A. Lipscomb. 58. Until hell is full no lawyer will be saved. Fr. 612 LAY THINGS BY.-LAZINESS. 59. "Virtue in the middle," said the devil when seated between two lawyers. Dan. 60. War, hunting and law are as full of trouble as pleasure. 61. We think lawyers to be wise men and they us to be fools. 62. When the lawyer acts according to his con- science the blind man will believe what his eyes see. Ger. 63. Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have stolen away the key of knowledge. Lay Things By. New Testament. 1. Lay things by; they may come to use. Laziness. 1. A lazy boy and a warm bed are difficult to part. Dan. 2. A lazy man carries about him a perpetual burden. 3. A lazy man eats his own brains. 4. A lazy man goes far and he who shuns labor, labors doubly. M. Greek. 5. A lazy mouthful must be spurred with wine. Latin. 6. A lazy ox is little better for the goad. Sp. 7. A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy. 8. A lazy youth, a lousy age. 9. As lazy as Ludlam's dog, that leaned his head against the wall to bark. 10. As long as you lie on this come neither longer nor shorter; not prosper. mat, it will be- i.e., laziness will Syriac. LEADER.-LEAF.-LEAN.-LEAP. 613 11. Laziness has no advocate but many friends. Ger. 12. Laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him. Franklin. 13. Lazy folks take the most pains. 14. The lazy become industrious in the evening. Ger. 15. The lazy man goes to his work like the thief to the gallows. 16. The lazy man's the beggar's brother. 17. To a lazy man every day is a holiday. r8. To the lazy the way is full of thorns. Ger. 19. Who is lazy in his youth must work in old age. Turk. Ger. Leader. 1. If you want to be a leader of the people you must watch events. Leaf. 1. The fall of a leaf is a whisper to the living. 2. We all do fade as a leaf. Lean. 1. A man that is lean, not from hunger, is hard- er than brass. 2. You must take the fat with the lean. Sp. Leap. 1. A great leap gives a great shake. Sp. 2. A leap in the dark. (The fable of the two frogs.) 3. Before you leap look at the ground. Malabar. 4. He that takes too great a leap falls into the ditch. 614 LEARNING. run. 5. He who would leap high must take a long 6. Look before you, ere you leap, As you sow you're like to reap. 7. Look before you leap. Dan. Butler. Ital., Ger. 8. Look before you leap, for snakes among sweet flowers creep. 9. One must step back to make the better leap. Learning. Fr. 1. A handful of good life is better than seven bushels of learning. Fr. 2. A learned man can only be appreciated by another learned man. Cingalese. 3. A man becomes learned by asking questions. 4. A mere scholar at court is an ass among apes. 5. Do not learn to do that from which there is no advantage. Hindoo. 6. Don't learn too much, Jack, else you must do a great deal. Ger. 7. He is sufficiently learned that knows how to do well, and has power enough to refrain from evil. Cicero. 8. He takes the eel of science by the tail. (Index learning.) 9. He who has learned unlearns with difficulty. M. Greek. 10. His learning overbalanceth his brain and so is a burthen. II. I pity unlearned gentlemen on a rainy day. Lord Falkland. LEARNING. 615 12. If thou love learning thou shalt be learned. Isocrates. 13. It is altogether in vain to learn wisdom and yet live foolish. 14. It is good to learn at other men's cost. 15. It is never too late to learn. 16. It is no shame for a man to learn that which he knoweth not, whatever be his age. Isocrates. 17. Learning by study must be won, 'Twas ne'er entailed from sire to son. Gay. 18. Learning is a sceptre to some, a bauble to others. 19. Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age. Aristotle. 20. Learning is better than house and land. 21. Learning is the eye of the mind. Bea. 22. Learning makes a good man better and an ill man worse. 23. Learning makes a man fit companion for himself. 24. Learning procures respect to good fortune and helps the bad. 25. Learning refines and elevates the mind. 26. Learning to have and wisdom to lack, Is a load of books on an ass's back. Oriental. 27. Learn not and know not. 28. Learn some useful art that you may be inde- Cato. pendent of the caprice of fortune. 29. Learn the luxury of doing good. Goldsmith. 616 LEATHER. 30. Learn to labor and to wait. 31. Never too old to learn. Longfellow. 32. Nobody is born learned; even bishops are made of men. Byron. 33. No man learneth but by pain or shame. Dutch. 34. No one is so old that he cannot still learn something. 35. One learns by falling (failing). 36. Soon learnt, soon forgotten. Ger. Fr. 37. Take from the learned the pleasure of being heard and their love of knowledge would vanish. Rousseau. 38. The best blood by learning is refined. 39. The greatest learning is to be seen in the greatest plainness. 40. The learned man has always riches in him- self Phædrus. 41. The learned pate ducks to the golden fool. 42. The learned pig did not learn its letters in a day. Punch. Dutch. 43. The most learned are not the wisest. 44. The older one grows the more one learns. Dutch. 45. There is more learning than knowledge in the world. 46. There is no royal road to learning. 47. 'Tis harder to unlearn than to learn. 48. We are ay to learn as long as we live. Leather. 1. Broad thongs may be cut from other men's leather. Ital LEAVE.-LEAVEN.-Leisure.-Lending. 617 Leave. I. It is better to leave than to lack. 2. Leave in concealment what has long been concealed. 3. Leave not your stuff at home. Seneca. 4. Leave raillery when it is most agreeable. 5. Leave the minster where it is. Leaven. 1. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. Fr. Leisure. New Testament. Fr. 1. Avoid the dangers of leisure. 2. Be always at leisure to do good; never make an excuse to decline the offices of humanity. well. 3. Done leisurely-done well. M. Aurelius. Latin. 4. Leisure without literature is death. 5. None but a wise man can employ leisure 6. There is luck in leisure. Lending. 1. A loan though old is no gift. Hungarian. 2. Better give a shilling than lend half a crown. 3. Do you love him, don't lend him. M. Greek. 4. Great spenders are bad lenders. 5. He that doth lend loseth his friend. 6. He that his money lends, løseth both coin and friends. 7. He who lendeth to the poor gets his interest from God. Ger. 618 LENDING. 8. If you pelt dogs with meat dumplings you will lose all and get nothing. (Applied to the lending of money without prospect of repayment.) Chinese. 9. It is better to give one shilling than to lend twenty. 10. It is good to lend to God and the soil; they Dan. pay good interest. 11. Lend and lose, so play fools. 12. Lend the man money, if you have it to spare, And if you have not, to be civil take care. Chinese. 13. Lend thy horse for a long journey, thou may- est have him return with his skin. 14. Lend to one who will not repay, and you will provoke his dislike. Chinese. 15. Lend to your friend and ask payment of your enemy. 16. People lend only to the rich. Sp. 17. They are aye gude willy o' their horse that hae none. 18. What you lend to a friend an enemy sues for. Ger. 19. Who lends recovers not, or if he recovers, re- covers not all, or if all not much, or if much a mor- tal enemy. 20. Who lends to a friend loses doubly. Sp. Fr. 21. Who ventures to lend loses money and friend. Dutch 22. Who wants an enemy, let him lend some money. Ger. LENT.-LEOPARD.-LET. 619 Lent. 1. Lent which seems so long is short at other men's tables. Ital. 2. Salmon and sermon have their season in Lent. 3. They have a short Lent that owe money to be paid at Easter. 4. Who wishes for a short Lent, let him contract a debt to be paid at Easter. Leopard. 1. Leopard feels at home with leopard. Ital. George Eliot. 2. The leopard is absent, so they play with the cubs. Let. West African. 1. Let bell'd wethers brak the snow. 2. Let "by-gones " be "by-gones." 3. Let each man have according to his deserts. 4. Let every bird sing its own note. 5. Let every fox take care of its own tail. Cicero. Dan. Ital. 6. Let every herring hang by its own gills. 7. Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. 8. Let every man skin his own skunk. 9. Let every one carry his own sack to the mill. Ger. 10. Let every one keep off the flies with his own tail. Ital. 11. Let every one look to himself and no one will be lost. 2. Let every pedler carry his own burden. Dutch. 620 LET. 13. Let every sheep hang by its own shank. 14. Let him alone with a saint's bell and give him rope enough. 15. Let him be wretched who thinks himself so. Don Quixote. 16. Let him eat the tough morsel who eat the tender. Por. 17. Let him not complain of being cheated who buys cloth by the pattern. Sp. 18. Let him play the instrument who knows how. Sp. 19. Let him play the second fiddle who can play the first. 20. Let him stay at the oar who has learnt to Dan. row. 21. Let him who has a glass cull not take to stone throwing. Ital. 22. Let him that itches scratch himself. Fr., Ger. 23. Let him that does not know you buy you. Sp. 24. Let lie what is too heavy to lift. 25. Let me get over the lake and I have no fear of the brook. Dutch. Dutch. 26. Let me skim the water with one oar and with the other touch the mud. (Go not out of my depth.) 27. Let no man anticipate uncertain profits. Latin. Dr. Johnson. 28. Let no man squander against his inclination. Dr. Johnson. 29. Let not the mouse-trap smell of blood. Letter.-LETTERS. 621 30. Let not thy right hand know what thy left hand doeth. 31. Let not thy expenditure exceed thy income. Plautus. 32. Let nothing vile come into the temple. Latin. 33. Let the galled jade wince, our withers are un- wrung. Shaks. 34. Let the grafts be very good or the knife be where it stood. 35. Let the hoofs go with the hide. 36. Let the horns go with the hide. 37. Let the morn come and the meat with it. 38. Let the plough stand to catch a mouse. 39. Let the shirt next your skin know not what's within. Fr. 40. Let there be food in the pigeon house and the pigeons will come to it. Sp. 41. Let there be writing before you pay, and re- ceipt before you write. 42. Let things go on as they are going. Sp. German Endaemonisen. 43. Let us return to our muttons. (Resume the subject of discourse.) 44. Let your letter stay for the post and not the post for the letter. (Be always beforehand with your business.) Letter. 1. The written letter remains. (Litera scripta manet.) Letters. 1. Letters without virtue are like pearls in a dung-hill. Don Quixote. 622 LIBERAL.-LIBERALITY.-LIBERTY. Liberal. 1. Liberal hands make many friends. Liberality. 1. Liberality is not giving largely but wisely. Liberty. Dan. 1. A bean in liberty is better than a comfit in prison. 2. A day, an hour of virtuous liberty, Is worth a whole eternity in bondage. Addison. 3. A libertine's life is not a life of liberty. 4. A wilderness is rich with liberty. Wordsworth. 5. All men love liberty and seem bent on de- stroying her. Voltaire. 6. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. 7. For liberty, glorious liberty, who'd fear to die. 8. For liberty or glorious death, We gladly yield our latest breath. 9. Give me again my hollow tree, My crust of bread and liberty. (The fable of the country and city mouse.) 10. Lean liberty is better than fat slavery. 11. Liberty and union now and forever one and inseparable. 12. Liberty is from God; liberties from the devil. Ger. 13. Liberty is given by nature even to mute ani- mals. Tacitus. 14. Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty as well as by the abuse of power. Madison in the Federalist. LIFE. 623 15. Liberty with laws and government without oppression. 16. Oh, liberty, what crimes are committed in thy name! Madame Roland. 17. Poor and liberty is better than a full craw and chain upon the neck. Ger. 18. Reason and virtue alone can bestow liberty. Shaftesbury. 19. That comes with honor is true liberty. Massinger. 20. The people never give up their liberty but under some delusion. Burke. 21. The tree of liberty only grows when watered by the blood of tyrants. Barère. 22. 'Tis liberty that every one loves. Life. 1. A bad life, a bad end. Ger. 2. A good life enables us to despise calumnies. Cato. 3. A good life keeps off wrinkles. 4. A life in continual need is half death. Ger. 5. A life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things. Franklin. 6. A life without a friend is a life without a sun. Ger. 7. A long life hath long miseries. 8. All wish to live long, but not to be called old. Dan. 9. An ill life, an ill end. 10. Anything for a quiet life. Fr. II. Arthur himself had but his time. 624 LIFE. 12. As a man lives so shall he die; As a tree falls so shall it lie. 13. As the life so will be the language. 14. Better to live well than long. 15. Better to live without money than without friends. Ger. 16. Consider well and oft why thou comest into this world and how soon thou must go out of it. 17. Every man desires to live long, but no man would be old. Swift. 18. Every station in life has duties which are proper to it. 19. Few deserve happy life. Addison. Turk. 20. For life is not to live but to be well. Martial. 21. He that is not gallant at twenty, strong at thirty, rich at forty or experienced at fifty, will never be gallant, strong, rich or prudent. 22. His is the happiest life who knows nothing. Latin. 23. I wept when I was born and every day shows why. 24. In childhood be modest, in youth temperate, in manhood just, in old age, prudent. Socrates. 25. In the short life of man, no lost time can be afforded. 26. It is a great journey to life's end. 27. It is the principal rule of life not to be too much addicted to any one thing. 28. Life and misery began together. Spectator. 29. Life ain't all beer and skittles, Sam Slick. 30. Life at court is often a short cut to hell. Dan. LIFE. 625 31. Life gives nothing to men without great labor. 32. Life hath quicksands, life hath snares. Horace Longfellow. 33. Life is a road beset with roses and thorns. is. 34. Life is a shuttle. 35. Life is a state of warfare. Shaks. Seneca. 36. Life is as tedious as a twice told tale, Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man. Shaks. 37. Life is but a span; I'll every inch enjoy. Farquahar. 38. Life is ended when our honor ends. Goldsmith. 39. Life is half spent before one knows what life 40. Life is labor, death is rest. Fr. Archias' Thracian view of life and death. 41. Life is not mere existence, but the enjoyment of health. 42. Life is not to be bought with heaps of gold. 43. Life is short, yet sweet. Latin. Homer. Euripides. 44. Life is too short to learn more than one busi- ness well. 45. Life is war,-eternal war with woe. Young. 46. Life lieth not in living, but in liking. 47. Life lives only in success. Bayard Taylor. 48. Life that is too short for the happy is too long for the miserable. 49. Life without a friend is death without a wit ness. Sp 40 626 LIFE. 50. Life without learning bears the stamp of death. Scribleomania. it. 51. Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in 52. Life's but a walking shadow. 53. Lifeless, faultless. 54. Lives of great men all remind us, We can make our lives sublime, And departing, leave behind us Shaks. Footprints on the sands of time. Longfellow. 55. Long life hath long misery. 56. Man comes into the world naked and bare, He goes through the world with trouble and care, When he dies he goes the Lord knows where, But if he does well here, he does well there. Hindoo. Maga. 57. Man's life is moulded by the disposition of his soul. 58. No man believes his own life will be short. Dr. Johnson. 59. No occupation implants so speedy and so ef- fective a love of peace as a country life. Plutarch. 60. Nor life nor death they deemed the happier state, But life that's glorious, or death that's great. Greek. 61. Nor love thy life, nor hate, but what thou liv'st, Live well, how long or short permit to Heaven. Milton. LIGHT. 627 62. Oh, life, how long to the wretched, how short to the happy! Syrus. 63. Our life is but a span. New England Primer. 64. So long as the sick man has life, there is hope. Latin. 65. The experience of life-What a fool I've been. Punch. 66. The longest life is but a parcel of moments. 67. The only sure path to a tranquil life is through virtue. Juvenal. 68. The web of your life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together. 69. The youngest in the morning are not sure That till the night their life they can secure. Duban. 70. There is but one way to enter this life, but the gates of death are without number. Turkish Spy. 71. 'Tis very certain the desire of life prolongs Byron. it. 72. We are born crying, live complaining, and die disappointed. 73. We must not look for a golden life in an iron age. 74. We pass our lives in doing what we ought not, and leaving undone what we ought to do. Petrarch. 75. Whosoever valueth not his own life may be master of another's. Light. 1. If you desire to see my light, you must minis- ter oil to my lamp. 2. Light is bad for sore eyes. Fr. 628 DIVINE LIGHT.-Light STROKES.-LIGHTLY COME. 3. Light is light, though the blind man see it not. Ger. 4. The more light a torch gives the shorter it lasts. Divine Light. 1. The way to see divine light is to put out thine own candle. Light Strokes. 1. Light strokes fell great oaks. Lightly Come. 1. Lightly come, lightly go. Like. Franklin. Dutch. 1. One must needs like what one cannot hinder. Fr. 2. That which a man likes is half done. 3. When one has not what one likes, one must like what one has. Like. Fr. 1. Like a chip in the pottage pot, doth neither good nor harm. 2. Like arming a hog in the snout with a plough- share, that can tear up the ground without it. Tamil. 3. Like box-makers, more noise than work. Fr. 4. Like driving away dogs till break of day, be- cause he had lent his door to a neighbor. Tamil. 5. Like putting one's hand in a water-pot in search of a missing elephant. Tamil. 6. Like the strange missile the Australian throws, Your verbal boomerang slaps you on the nose. 7. Like the hidalgo's dinner, very little meat and a great deal of table-cloth. Spanish Student. LIKE-TO-LIKE. 629 8. Like the old sow: you have to pull her ears off to get her to the trough, and her tail off to get her away. 9. Like the squire of Guadalaxara who knew nothing in the morning of what he said at night. Sp. 10. Like the tailor who sewed for nothing and found the thread himself. 11. Like the wife that never cries for the ladle until the pot runs over. Like-to-like. 1. Daws love one another's prattle. 2. Every sheep with its like. Don Quixote. 3. Jack-daw always perches by jack-daw. Latin. 4. Let beggars match with beggar. 5. Like and like make good friends. 6. Like carpenters, like chips. Ben Jonson. Ger. 7. Like cures like. (Similia similibus curantur.) 8. Like draws to like, a scabbed horse to an auld dike. 9. Like plays best with like. Dan. 10. Like pleases like. Greek. 11. Like pot, like cover. Dutch 12. “Like-to-die " mends na the churchyard. 13. Like to his like. Turk. 14. "Like will to like" as the devil said to the coal-burner. Ger. 15. Like will to like, be they poor or rich. Dutch. 16. Like lies in the mire and unlikely gets over. 17. Owl to owl-crow to crow. Scotch. 630 LILLIES.-LIMA.-LINE.-Lion. Lillies. 1. Lillies that fester smell far worse than weeds. Lima. Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1. Lima is a heaven to woman, a purgatory to husbands and a hell to jackasses. Line. 1. The line must be drawn somewhere. Lion. 1. A lion may be beholden to a mouse. Sp. Æsop's Fables. 2. An old lion is better than a young ass. Latin. 3. Dreadful is the lion's cave, though he's no longer there. 4. Even hares pull a lion by the beard when he is dead. Dutch. 5. He is a lion in a good cause. 6. If thy hand be in a lion's mouth, get it out as fast as thou canst. 7. It is an ill office to file the teeth of the lion. Ger. 8. It is little honor to the lion to sieze the mouse. Ger. 9. It is not good to wake a sleeping lion. 10. Like a worn-out lion in a cave, That goes not out to prey. 11. Lions in time of peace-deer in war. Latin. 12. Lions make leopards tame. Shaks. 13. Lions' skins were never cheap. Fr. 14. Little birds may pick a dead lion. LIPS.-LISTENERS.-LISTENING. 631 15. So when the lion quits his fell repast, Next prowls the wolf, the filthy jackall last. Byron. 16. The hind that would be mated by the lion must die for love. 17. The lion hath need of the mouse. Shaks. 18. The lion is known by his claws. Ital. 19. The lion is not half so fierce as he is painted. Sp. 20. The lion's skin is never cheap. 21. The old lion perisheth for lack of prey. Shaks. 22. 'Tis better playing with the lion's whelp, Than with an old one dying. Shaks. 23. 'Tis not a basket of hay, but a basket of flesh that makes a lion war. 24. When the lion is dead the hares jump upon his carcass. Ital. 25. Where the lion's skill falls short, it must be eked out with the fox's. Lysander. 26. Where the lion's skin falls short piece it out with the fox's. 27. You may know the lion by his claw. Lips. 1. Lips however rosy must be fed. Listeners. Ital., Ger. Fr. 1. Listeners hear no good of themselves. 2. The listener makes the back-biter. Sp. Fr. 3. To a good listener à few words. Don Quixote. Listening. 1. He that listens for what people say of him shall never have peace. 632 LITERATURE.—Little. 2. He who listens at doors hears more than he desires. Fr. 3. If you listen at a hole, you will hear ill of yourself as well as others. Sp. 4. Listen at the key-hole and you'll hear news of yourself. 5. Listen to what is well said even from an enemy. M. Greek. 6. Men were made to listen as well as talk. Bea. Literature. 1. Literature like virtue is its own reward. Chesterfield. 2. Periodicals are the dead leaves that fertilize the soil of literature. 3. The ocean of literature is without limit. Little. Rochefoucauld. 1. A little of everything is nothing in the main. 2. A little pack serves a little pedler. Fr. 3. A little said is soon amended. Dr. Johnson. 4. A little snow tumbled about soon becomes a mountain. Shaks. 5. A little stone may upset a large cart. Ital., Dan. 6. A little stream may quench thirst as well as a great one. 7. A little stream will drive a light mill. 8. A pebble in the streamlet scant, Has turned the course of many a river. A dewdrop on the baby plant Has bent the royal oak forever. LITTLE. 633 9. At a little fountain one drinks at his ease. Fr. 10. Attention to little things render it impossible to do anything great. Plutarch. 11. Enjoy the little you have while the fool is hunting for more. Sp. 12. From little things men go on to great. Dutch. 13. He that contemns little things shall perish little by little. 14. He that despises little things is not worthy of the great. Dutch 15. He that has little is the less dirty. 16. He who neglects the little loses the greater. Latin. 17. If you add little to little repeatedly it will become much. Hesiod. 18. It is better to have a little than nothing. Dr. Johnson. Turk. Ger. 19. Let him accept our little for much. 20. Little and often fills the purse. 21. Little and often is better than much and seldom. Ger. 22. Little and often makes a heap in time. 23. Little brooks make great rivers. Ger. Fr. 24. Little by little he got to be rich, By saving of candle ends and sich. Saxe. Sp. 25. Little by little one goes far. 26. Little chips kindle the fire and big logs sus- tain it. 27. Little drops produce the shower. Por. Latin. 28. Little things are great to little men. Goldsmith. 634 LIVING. 29. Many little rivulets make a great river. Dan. 30. Many littles make a mickle. Dutch. 31. Of a little take a little and leave a little. 32. That little which is good fills the trencher. 33. The little cannot be great unless he devour many. 34. There could be no great ones were there no little ones. 35. Though you have but little be thankful to God. Cingalese. 36. Use the little to get the big. 37. Who heeds not little things, will be troubled about lesser ones. way. Living. Ger. 1. A living dog is better than a dead lion. Bible. 2. A living mouse is better than a dead lion. Russian. 3. A living wolf is better than a dead lion. Ger. 4. As we journey through life let us live by the 5. Better live in a poor hovel than be buried in a rich sepulchre. 6. Better live within compass than have large comings in. 7. By living I mean doing what deserves to be written or writing what deserves to be read. 8. By the living we burn the dead. 9. Good or bad we must all live. Dr. Crowley. Dutch. Ital. 10. He is unworthy to live who only lives for him self. LIVING. 635 11. He knows to live who keeps the middle state. Pope. 12. He lives in fame who dies in virtue's cause. 13. He lives in the land of promise. Shaks. Dutch. 14. He lives long that lives till all are weary of him. 15. He lives longest that is awake most hours. 16. He lives the life of a hare: i. e., in constant fear. 17. He liveth long that liveth well. Latin. 18. He most lives who thinks most, feels the no- blest, acts the best. 19. He only truly lives who lives in peace. 20. He that lives a knave will hardly die an honest man. 21. He that lives long suffers much. 22. He that lives not well one year sorrows for it seven. 23. He that lives on hope has but a slender diet. 24. He that lives upon hope shall die fasting. Franklin. 25. He that lives with cripples learns to limp. Dutch. 26. He that lives with the muses shall die in the straw. 27. He that lives in hope danceth without a fiddle. 28. He that looks too nicely into things never lives easy. 29. He that would live for aye must eat sage in May. 636 LIVING. 30. He that would live in peace and rest Must hear, and see and say the best. 31. He that is not handsome at twenty, strong at thirty, wise at forty, rich at fifty, shall never be handsome, strong, wise or rich, 32. He that at twenty understands nothing, at thirty knows nothing, at forty has nothing, will lead a wretched old age. Sp. 33. He who cannot command his sentiments knows not how to live. 34. He who cannot hold his peace will never live at ease. 35. He who lives after nature shall never be poor; after opinion shall never be rich. Seneca. 36. He who lives a long life must needs pass through much evil, Don Quixote. 37. He who lives by medical treatment has a wretched existence. Latin. 38. He who lives by the church should serve the church. Ger. 39. He who lives in hopes, breakfasts ill and sups worse. Sp. Fr. Ger. 40. He who lives long knows what pain is. 41. He who lives on hope, dies on hunger. 42. He who lives to fancy can never be rich. 43. He who lives wickedly always lives in fear. 44. He who lives with hopes, dies with the winds. M. Greek. Dan. 45. He who lives without restraint, will die with- out honor. 46. He would live as long as old Ross of Pottern, Who lived till all the world was weary of him. LIVING. 637 47. How many things hath he to repent of that lives long. 48. I live and lords do no more. 49. If you would live forever you must wash milk from your liver. 50. It is good living under the shadow of the belfry. 51. It is not how long but how well we live. 52. Live according to your income. 53. Live according to your means. 54. Live and learn. 55. Live and let live. Ital. Persius. Dan. Ital. Ital., Ger., Dutch. 56. Live not for time, but eternity. 57. Live not to eat, but eat to live. 58. Live not upon the opinion of other men. 59. Live, vile, and evil have the self-same letters, They live but evil whom evil holds iņ fetters. An anagram. 60. Live within your harvest. Persian. 61. Living well is the best revenge we can take on our enemies. 62. Men who live to be a hundred will not die at fifty. 63. One may live and learn. Tamil. 64. So live and hope as if thou wouldst die im- mediately. Pliny. 65. Take it easy and live long are brothers. Ger. 66. The habitual living in prosperity is most in- jurious. Syrus. 67. The langer we live we see the mae ferlies (follies). 638 LIVING. 68. The way to live much is to live well betimes. · 69. There is difference between living long and suffering long. 70. They live too long who happiness outlive. 71. They live well who live cleanly. Dryden. 72. They who live in a worry, invite death in a hurry. London Truth. 73. They who live longest will see most. 74. To breathe is not to live, but to be well. Martial. 75. To live long is to suffer long. Dan. 76. To live long it is necessary to live slowly. Cicero. Greek. 77. We live not as we would, but as we can. 78. We must live as we can, not as we would. 79. We must live by the quick and not by the dead. 80. We should eat to live, not live to eat. Latin. 81. We should live as though our life should be both long and short. 82. What and how great the virtue and the art, To live on little with a cheerful heart. Pope. 83. When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody will believe them. Plato. 84. While we live we must make the best of life. 85. While we live let us live. 86. Who lives well sees afar off. 87. Who lives will see. Pope. Latin. Fr. Little Man.—LITTLE SET.-LOCHAW.-LOCK. 639 88. Who loves his work and knows to spare, May live and flourish anywhere. 89. Would you live an angel's days, Be honest, just and wise always. 90. Would you live long, be healthy and fat, Drink like a dog, and eat like a cat. 91. You must live long in order to see much. Ger. Ger. Don Quixote. 92. You should not live one way in private and another in public. Little Man. I, A little man fells a great oak. Syrus. Fr. 2. A little man sometimes casts a long shadow. Fr. 3. Little folks are fond of talking about what great folks do. Ger. 4. To little men God gives little things. M. Greek. Little Set. 1. In men this blunder still you find, All think their little set mankind. Hannah More. Lochaw. 1. It is a far cry to Lochaw. (The proud boast of the Campbells when threatened by the government with punishment.) Lock. 1. No lock avails against a hatchet. Fr. 2. No lock will hold against the power of gold. 1. Logic forever ! Logic. That beats my grandmother and she was clever. Maga. 640 LONG.-LONGER,-LONGING.-LOOKING. Long. 1. Long ere you cut down an oak with a pen- knife. 2. Long is not forever. Ger 3. Long fasting is no bread sparing. Ger., Dutch. 4. Long looked-for comes at last. Longer. 1. Longer than a day without bread. Longing. Ital. 1. Those who long grow old in a day. M. Greek. Looking. 1. Look before you ere you leap. 2. Look for the hog at the oak. 3. Look high and fall low. Butler. Ital. 4. You must look where it is not as well as where it is. Look Not. 1. Look not for musk in a dog kennel. 2. Look not for this year's birds in last year's Don Quixote. nest. Look Upon. 1. Look upon a picture and a battle at a very great distance. Unlooked-for. 1. Unlooked-for often comes. Looker-on. Ger. 1. He who looks on has two-thirds of the game. Ital. 2. He who looks on knows more of the game than he who plays. Ger. LOOKING-GLASS.—LOQUACITY. 641 3. Lookers-on may be better judges of the game than players. 4. Lookers-on see more than players. Chinese. 5. Of the two lookers-on one is sure to become a player. Fr. 6. The man on the dyke is always the best hurler. Munster. 7. To the looker-on no work is too hard. Ger. Looking-glass. 1. Kinder is the looking-glass than the wine- glass, for the former reveals our defects to ourselves only, the latter to our friends. 2. That is not in the looking-glass which is seen in the looking-glass. Ger. 3. The uglier the face the more it chides the looking-glass. Ger. 4. There's none so homely but loves a looking- glass. South. 5. They took away the mirror from me because I was ugly and gave it to the blind woman. Sp. 6. They who are often at the looking-glass sel- dom spin. Dutch. 7. What your looking-glass tells you will not be told by counsel. 8. Your looking-glass will tell you what none of your friends will. Loquacity. 1. The loquacity of fools is a lecture to the wise. 2. The shallowest persons are the most loqua- cious. 41 642 LORD.-Loss. Lord. 1. A lord of straw devours a vassal of steel. Fr. 2. A lord without land is like a cask without wine. Dan. 3. A lord without riches is like a soldier without arms-very ridiculous. Turkish Spy. 4. A lordly taste makes a beggar's purse. 5. A lord's heart and a beggar's purse agree not. 6. A man is not a lord because he feeds on fine dishes. 7. An insolent lord is no gentleman. 8. As drunk as a lord. 9. Generous lords had rather give than pay. Dan. Young. 10. Great lords have long hands but they do not reach to heaven. Dan. II. Great lords will have much and poor folk can give but little. Dan. 12. One lordship is worth all his manners. 13. The lord will not fail to come though he may not come on horseback. Dan. 14. There is no accord where every man would be a lord. 15. To every lord, every honor. Loss. Fr. 1. A little loss frightens-a great one tames. Sp. 2. After losing, one loses soundly. 3. After one loss comes many. 4. All is not lost that is in peril. 5. Better lose than lose more. Fr. Fr. Por. Loss. 643 6. Better lose the anchor than the whole ship. 7. Better lose the saddle than the horse. 8. Better lose the wool than the sheep. Dutch. Ital., Ger. 9. Beware of one who has nothing to lose. 10. For a lost thing care nothing. Fr. II. Great losses are usually followed by small gains. 12. He loses many a good bit that strives with his betters. 13. He loseth indeed that loseth at last. 14. He plans less for profit than for quick return who will buy anything for three cash and sell it for Chinese. two. 15. He that is not sensible of his loss has lost nothing. 16. He who carries nothing loses nothing. 17. He who does not gain loses. 18. He who loses is always in fault. Ital. 19. He who loses, sins. Fr. 20. He who loses money loses much, he who loses a friend loses more, but he who loses his spirits loses all. Sp. 21. It is better to lose than to lose more. (The first loss is the best.) Sp. 22. It is not lost that comes at last. 23. Let what is lost go for God's sake. Sp. 24. Lose a leg rather than life. 25. Lose no right and commit no extortions. Sp. 644 LOTTERY.-Love. 26. Lose not a hog for a half-penny worth of tar. 27. Losers are always in the wrong. 28. Losses make us more cautious. 29. No great loss but some small profit. 30. No man can lose what he never had. Sp. 31. One lost, two found. Isaac Walton. Dutch. Montaigne. 32. One man's profit is another man's loss. 33. Praising what is lost makes the remembrance dear. 34. Prefer loss to unjust gain. Shaks. 35. Rather lose the wool than the sheep. Por. Syrus. 36. The loss that is not known is no loss. 37. The loss which your neighbor does not know is no real loss. 38. They who lose to-day may win to-morrow. 39. Trivial losses often prove great 40. We do not know what is good lost it. Por. Demosthenes. gains. Ovid. until we have Don Quixote. Dutch. 41. What is lost in the fire must be sought in the ashes. 42. When a thing is lost its worth is known. Ger. 43. You may lose a fly to catch a trout. tion. Lottery. 1. A lottery is taxation on all the fools in crea- Love. 1. A boy's love is water in a sieve. Fielding. Sp. LOVE. 645 it. 2. A fence between makes love more keen. Ger. 3. A man has choice to begin love but not to end 4. A sweet and innocent compliance is the ce- ment of love. 5. All's fair in love and war. 6. Always in love, never married. Fr. 7. An oyster may be crossed in love. Sheridan. 8. As the best wine makes the sharpest vinegar, so the deepest love turns to the deadliest hatred. 9. At love's perjuries Jove laughs. to. Be loving and you'll never want for love. Muloch. II. Better a dinner of herbs where love is than a stalled ox and hatred therewith. Solomon. 12. Better to have loved amiss than nothing to have loved. "" Crabbe. 13. Blue eyes say, "Love me or I die; black eyes say, "Love me or I kill thee.” 14. But Love is blind and lovers cannot see The pretty follies that themselves commit. 15. By beating love decays. 16. Can a mouse fall in love with a cat? Sp. Shaks. 17. Cauld cools the love that kindles o'er hot. 18. Cold broth hot again, that loved I never ; Old love renewed again, that loved I ever. 19. Congruity is the mother of love. 20. Dry bread is better with love than a fat with fear. Fr. capon 21. Esteem and love were never to be sold. Pope. 646 Love. 22. Fanned fire and forced love never did well yet. 23. Follow love and it will flee, flee love and it will follow thee. 24. For the love of the ox the wolf licks the yoke. Catalan. Ger. 25. For love the wolf eats the sheep. 26. For love of the nurse many kiss the bairn. 27. Forced love does not last. Dutch. 28. Fortune and love are blind. 29. Generally we love ourselves more than we hate others. 30. Hot love and hasty vengeance. 31. He loves mutton well who eats the wool. 32. He loves roast meat well who licks the spit. 33. He loves thee well who makes thee weep. 34. He loves well who chastises well. 35. He loves well who never forgets. Don Quixote. Ital., Sp., Por. 36. He that does not love a woman sucked a sow. 37. He that falls in love with himself will find no rival. Franklin. 38. He that hath love in his breast hath spurs in his heels. 39. He that is in love bids adieu to prudence. 66 La Fontaine. 40. He that loves glass without a g" take away "1" and that is he. 41. He who forces love where none is found, Remains a fool the whole year round. Sp. LOVE. 647 42. He who loves himself best is the honestest man. 43. He who loves well is slow to forget. 44. He who loves well obeys well. Sp. 45. He who would not be indolent let him fall in love. 46. Honor in love is silence. Ovid. Massinger. 47. I cannot hate and I am forced to love. Ovid. 48. I love my friends well but myself better. Fr. 49. I love thee well but don't touch my pocket. 50. I think his face is made of a fiddle; every one that looks on him loves him. 51. If Jack's in love he's no judge of Gill's beauty. 52. If you are in love fly to the mountain. Turk. 53. If you love me, John, your acts will tell me so Sp. 54. If you love yourself over much, nobody else will love you at all. 55. In hunting and in love you begin when you like and leave off when you can. Sp. 56. In love's wars, he who flieth is conqueror. 57. It is all one whether you die of sickness or love. 58. It is loving too much to die of love. Ital. Fr. 59. It is only the blind who ask why they are loved who are fair. Dan. 60. Likeness is the mother of love. 61. Love abounds in honey and poison. Plautus. 62. Love, a cough, smoke, and money cannot long be hid. Fr., Ital., Ger. 648 LOVE. 63. Love accomplishes all things. Petrarch. 64. Love all, trust a few, be false to none. Shaks. 65. Love and faith are seen in works. Ger., Por. 66. Love and light cannot be hid. 67. Love and lordship like no fellowship. Fr., Ital., Por. 68. Love and poverty are hard to conceal. Dan. 69. Love and pride stock bedlam. 70. Love and religion are both stronger than friendship. 71. Love alone begets love. Bea. La Bruyère. 72. Love asks faith and faith asks firmness. 73. Love begets love-confidence begets confi- dence. New York World. 74. Love begins at home. Ger. 75. Love, being jealous, makes a good eye look asquint. 76. Love Bertram, love his dog. Fr, 77. Love can make any place agreeable. Arabian. 78. Love can neither be bought nor sold; its only price is love. 79. Love comes in at the window and goes out at the door. 80. Love conquers all things, let us yield to love. Virgil. 81. Love deceives the best of womankind. Homer. 82. Love delights in praise. 83. Love despises gold. 84. Love does much, but money does more. 85. Love does much, money everything. Fr., Ger., Sp Love. 649 86. Love does wonders but money makes mar- riage. 87. Love expels jealousy. 88. Love fears no danger. Fr. Fr. Ger. 89. Love gives for guerdon, jealousy, and broken faith. Ital. 90. Love, grief and money cannot be kept se- cret. 91. Love grows with obstacles. 92. Love has no law. Sp. Ger. Por. 93. Love heats the brain and anger makes a poet. Juvenal. 94. Love him who tells thee thy faults in private. Hebrew. 95. Love in a hut with water and a crust, Is love, forgive us, cinders, ashes, dust. 96. Love is a credulous thing. 97. Love is a leveller. Ovid. Aaron Hill. 98. Love is a sweet tyrant because the lover en- dureth his torments willingly. 99. Love is a thing full of anxious fears. 100. Love is an excuse for its own faults. Niphas. Ovid. Ital. IOI. Love is as strong as death, many waters can- not quench love, neither can the floods drown it. Bible. 102. Love is as warm among cottagers as cour- tiers. 103. Love is better than fame. Bayard Taylor. 104. Love is blind but sees afar. Ital. 105. Love is cold without good eating and drink- ing. Syrus. 650 Love. 107. Love is master of all arts. 106. Love is incompatible with fear. 108. Love is never without jealousy. 109. Love is not to be found in the market. Syrus Ital. 110. Love is potent but money is omnipotent. Fr. III. Love is strong as death, jealousy as cruel as the grave. 112. Love is the loadstone of love. 113. Love is the touchstone of virtue. Bible. 114. Love is the true price at which love is bought. Ital. 115. Love is without prudence and anger without counsels. Ital. 116. Love, knavery, and necessity make men good orators. 117. Love knows hidden paths. 118. Love knows no love. Ger. Por. 119. Love knows no measure. 120. Love knows not labor. Ital. 121, Love laughs at locksmiths. 122. Love levels all inequalities. Ital. 123. Love lieth deep, love dwells not in lip depths. Tennyson. 124. Love, like death, Levels all ranks and lays the shepherd's crook Beside the sceptre. Lytton. Dutch. 125. Love lives in cottages as well as in courts. 126. Love makes labor light. 127. Love makes time pass away, and time makes love pass away. Fr. Love. 651 128. Love me little and love me long. 129. Love me, love my dog. Fr., Ital., Dan. Ital. 130. Love must be attracted by beauty of mind and body. 131. Love of gain turns wise men into fools. Ovid. Chinese. 132. Love of lads and fire of chats is soon in and soon out. Derbyshire. 133. Love one that does not love you, answer one that does not call you, and you will run a fruitless race. Sp. 134. Love others well but love thyself the most, Give good for good but not to thine own cost. Dutch. 135. Love rules his kingdom without a sword. Ital. 136. Love rules without law. Ital. 137. Love sees no faults. 138. Love sought is good, but given unsought is better. Shaks. 139. Love subdues everything, except the felon heart. 140. Love teaches asses to dance. Fr. Fr. 141. Love, thieves and fear make ghosts. Ger. M. Greek. 142. Love thy friend with his foibles. 143. Love thy neighbor but pull not down thy hedge. 144. Love understands love ; it needs no talk. 145. Love warms more than a thousand fires. 146. Love well, whip well. Ger 652 LOVE. 147. Love will creep where it cannot go. 148. Love will find out the way. 149. Love without return is like a question without an answer. 150. Love yields to employment. 151. Love's humility is love's pride. Bayard Taylor. 152. Love's anger is fuel to love. 153. Love's merchandise is broken faith. Ger. Ital. 154. Love's plant must be watered with tears and tended with care. Dan. 155. Love's the noblest frailty of the mind. Dryden. 156. Loving and singing are not to be forced. Ger. 157. Luve your friend an' look to yoursel'. 158. Mad love! I for you and you for another. 159. Man loves but once. 160. Man's love is of man's life a thing apart, 'Tis woman's whole existence. 161. Next to love quietness. 162. New loves drive out the old. 163. No jealousy, no love. 164. No love without bread and wine. Sp., Por. Ger. Byron. Sp. Ger. Fr. 165. No rose without a thorn, nor love without a rival. Turk. 166. Of all the paths that lead to a woman's love pity's the straightest. Beaumont and Fletcher. 167. Of soup and love the first is the best. 168. Old love and old brands kindle at all seasons. 169. Old love does not rust. Fr. Ger. Love. 653 170. One always returns to one's first love. 171. One grows used to love and to fire. 172. One love drives out another. Fr. Fr. Sp. 173. People in love think other people's eyes are out. Sp. 174. Perfect love never settled in a light head. 175. Reason was never admitted into the court of love. Agricola. 176. Regretting those you love is happiness com- pared with living with those you hate. La Bruyère. 177. Royal favor, April weather, woman's love, rose leaves, dice, and card-luck change every mo- Ger. ment. 178. See for your love and buy for your money. 179. Seek love and it will shun you, Haste away and 'twill outrun you. 180. She who loves an ugly man thinks him hand- some. 181. Spectacles and gray hair are bad wares in love's market. 182. Sweet is true love tho' given in vain, Ger. And sweet is death that puts an end to pain. Tennyson. 183. The approaches of love must be resisted at the first assault lest they undermine at the second. Pythagoras. 184. The course of true love never did run smooth. 185. The English love, the French make love. 186. The love of country is more powerful than reason itself. Ovid. 654 Love. t 187. The love of fame usually spurs the mind, Ovid. 188. The love of father and mother is the founda- tion of all the virtues. 189. The love of gaming is the worst of ills. Young. 190, The love of heaven makes one heavenly. Sidney. 191. The love of liberty is the parent of all vaga- bondm. 192 The love of money grows as money grows. Juvenal. Juvenal. 193 The love of pelf increases with the pelf. 194 The love of popularity holds you in a vice. Juvenal. 195. The love of power is an instinct of the human heart Tacitus. 196. The love of power is natural, insatiable and never cloyed by possession. Bolingbroke. 197. The love of the wicked is more dangerous than their hatred. 198. The man who loves is easy of belief. Ovid. 199. The only victory over love is flight. Fr. 200. The remedy for love is-land between. 201. The revolution that turns us all topsy-turvy, -the revolution of love. Sp. Bulwer. 202. The reward of love is jealousy. 203. The sweetest joy, the wildest woe, is love. Bailey. 244. The truth of truths is love. Bailey. Love. 655 205. Their (women's) love is always with the lover past. Homer. 206. There are more calamities in the world arising from love than hatred. Spectator. 207. There are no reasons that explain love, but a thousand that explain marriage. Punch. 208. There is beggary in the love that can be reckoned. Shaks. 209. There is more true happiness in the folly of love than in all the wisdom of philosophy. Fielding. 210. There is no love without jealousy. Fr., Ital. 211. They love least that let men know their love. Shaks. 212. They love me for little that hate me for naught. 213. They love most who are least valued. 214. They love too much that die for love. 215. They that lie down for love should rise for hunger. 216. Though love is blind yet 'tis not for want of eyes. 217. 'Tis better to have loved and lost, Than never to have loved at all. 218. To be loved, be lovable. 219. To be wise and love Tennyson. Ovid. Exceeds man's might, that dwells with gods alone. Shaks. 220. To love and to be wise are two different things (or impossible). 221. To love it as a dog does a whip. 222. To love it as a cat does mustard. Fr., Sp., Por. 656 Love. 223. To love it as the devil does holy water. 224. To raise esteem we must benefit others; to procure love we must please them. Dr. Johnson. 225. Too much is not enough. Beaumarchais speaking of love. 226. True love can fear no one. Seneca. 227. True love falters not. Helen Molony. Ital. Sp. 228. True love never grows hoary. 229. True love suffers no concealment. 230. We never know how much we loved till what we loved is lost. 231. What is life when wanting love? 232. When all else fails, love saves. Burns. Anna K. Green. 233. When love fails we espy all faults. 234. When love is in the case the doctor's an ass. 235. When mistrust enters, love departs. Dan. 236. When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window. 237. When pride begins love ceases. Ger. Lavater. 238. Where love is there is no labor, and if there be labor, the labor is loved. St. Austin. Ital. 239. Where love is, there the eye is. 240. Where there is great love there is great pain. Ital. 241. Where there is much love there is much mistake. 242. Where there is no love all faults are seen. Ger 243. Where there is no jealousy there is no love. Ger LOVER. 657 244. Where there is not equality there can be no perfect love. Ital. 245. Where we do not respect we soon cease to love. Bea. 246. Who ever lov'd that lov'd not at first sight? 247. Who feels love in his breast feels a spur in his limbs. Ital. 248. Who has no children does not know what love is. Ital. 249. Who love too much hate in like extreme. Homer. 250. Who loves believes, who loves fears. 251. Who loves not women, wine and song, Remains a fool his whole life long. Ital. Ger. 252. Who loves the tree, loves the branch. 253. Who loves well chastises well. Ital. Fr., Ital. 254. Who loves well is slow to forget. Fr. Ital. 255. Who would be loved must love. 256. Whom we love best to them we can say least. 257. With lightning and with love, the clothes. sound the heart burned. Sp. 258. With nothing left to love there's naught to dread. Byron. 259. Without bread and wine, even love will pine. Fr. 260. Works and not words are the proof of love. Sp. 261. You will not be loved if you think of no one but yourself. Lover. 1. A cold lover is a faithless friend. Sp., Ital. Ital. 42 658 Lover. 2. A lover's anger is short lived. Ital. 3. A lover's soul lives in the soul of his mistress. Plutarch. 4. A reserved lover makes a suspicious husband. 5. All are fools or lovers first or last. 6. All mankind love a lover. 7. An incensed lover shuts his eyes, And tells himself many lies. Goldsmith. Dryden. Emerson. Syrus. 8. As is the lover so is the beloved. Ital. 9. Bagdad is not remote for a lover. Turk. 10. Every lover is a soldier. Ovid. II. For the lover travel and patience. Turk. 12. In her first passion woman loves her lover, In all others, all she loves is love. Byron. 13. Love but laughs at lovers' perjury. Dryden. 14. Let him not be a lover who has no courage. Ital. 15. Lover and king brook no companion. Turk. 16. Lovers are fools. Latin. 17. Lovers break not hours unless to come before their time. Shaks. 18. Lovers ever run before the clock. 19. Lovers live by love as larks by leeks. 20. Lovers' purses are tied with cobwebs. Ital. 21. Lovers' quarrels are love redoubled. 22. Lovers remember everything. Por. Ovid. 23. Lovers think others blind. 24. Old lover, young fool, Ital., Sp. Ger. 25. Quarrels of lovers but renew their love. LOVELINESS. 659 26. Sapient, Solitary, Solicitous and Secret are the four S's that all true lovers should possess. Don Quixote. 27. The conversation of lovers is inexhaustible. 28. The lover in the husband may be lost. Bea. Lyttleton. 29. The oaths of one that loves a woman are not to be believed. Sp. 30. The prostrate lover when he lowest lies, But stoops to conquer, but kneels to rise. 31. The reason why lovers are never weary of one another is this, they are always talking of them- selves. Rochefoucauld. 32. The sight of lovers feeds those in love. Shaks. 33. The soul of a lover lives in the body of an- other. Cato. 34. There is more pleasure in loving than in be- ing loved. 35. What law can bind lovers? Love is their supreme law. Boethius. 36 What woman says to her fond lover, should be written on air or the swift water. 37. Who can deceive a lover? 38. Whom I love I beat. Catullus. Virgil. Russian. 39. You must make a lover angry, if you wish him to love. Syrus. Loveliness. 1. Loveliness needs not the foreign aid of orna- ment, But is when unadorned adorned the most. 660 LUXURIOUS, LUXURY.-LYING (FALSEHOOD). Luxurious, Luxury. 1. He tried the luxury of doing good. Crabbe. 2. It is a hard matter to save that city from ruin where a fish was sold for more than an ox. Cato reproving luxury. 3. Luxury destroys mankind, At once corrupts the body and the mind. Crown. 4. Luxury is the bane of morality and virtue. 5. Luxury thou curst by Heaven's decree. Swiss. Goldsmith. 6. The luxurious want many things, the covetous all things. 7. The luxury of the rich gives bread to the poor. Lying (Falsehood). 1. A false report rides post. Fr. 2. A good faculty in lying is a fair step to pre- ferment. 3. A good lie finds more believers than a bad truth. 4. A great lie is the best. 5. A great talker is a great liar. 6. A half-a-truth is better than a whole lie. Ger. Ger. Fr. 7. A liar is a bravo towards God and a coward towards man. 8. A liar is a nuisance to society. 9. A liar is never esteemed. Cingalese. Ital., Por. 10. A liar is sooner caught than a cripple. LYING (FALSEHOOD). 661 II. A lie becomes truth when one believes it. Ger. 12. A lie begets a lie till they come to genera- tions. 13. A lie carries ten others. Ger. 14. A lie has no legs (no stability) but a slander has wings. 15. A lie has short legs; i.e., is soon caught. 16. A lie is soon ready. 17. A lie needs twenty more to prop it. 18. A lie never grows old. 19. A lie never has enough. Ital., Sp. Ger. Euripides. Ger. lie. 20. A lie that is half truth is ever the blackest Tennyson. 21. A lie though it promises good will do thee harm and truth will do thee good at last. 22. A necessary lie is harmless. Ger. 23. "Almost" and " very nigh" save many a lie. 24. And that outrageous appetite for lies, That Satan angles with for souls like flies. 25. Don't tell new lies to old rogues. 26. Every liar has another for his witness. Byron. M. Greek. 27. Falsehood is cowardice, truth is courage. 28. Falsehood is folly. Hosea Ballou. Homer. 29. Falsehood is just as far distant from truth as the ears are from the eyes. Thales. 662 LYING (FALSEHOOD). 30. Falsehood is often rocked by truth but she soon outgrows her cradle and discards her nurse. Cotton. 31. Falsehood is the devil's daughter and speaks her father's tongue. 32. Falsehood meddle with it. Dan. like a nettle stings those who 33. Falsehood never tires of going round about. Dan. 34. Falsehood travels and grows. Dan. 35. From long journeys long lies. Sp. 36. He lies as fast as a horse can trot. 37. He lies like a tooth drawer. Fr. 38. He lies like print. 39. He lies like truth. Mecklenburg. 40. He may lie boldly who comes from afar. Fr., Ital. 41. He that does not lie does not come of good blood. Sp. 42. He that hears much hears many lies. 43. He that tells a lie buffeteth himself. 44. He who always tells me a lie never cheats me. Sp. 45. He who prates much lies much. Ger. 46. He who says nothing never lies. Ital. 47. He who tells a lie must invent twenty more to maintain it. Pope. 48. He who utters falsehoods shall not be credited when he tells the truth. 49. He's a long-bow man; i.e., a liar. Aristotle. 50. I give him joy that's awkward at a lie. Young. LYING (FALSEHOOD). 663 51. I hate a liar. 52. “I heard one say so," is half a lie. Plautus. 53. If lies are to be believed they must be patched with truth. Dan. 54. If lies were Latin there would be many learned Dan. men. 55. It is better to save one's self by a falsity than to innocently suffer an infamous death. Timæus. 56. Liars begin by imposing upon others but end by deceiving themselves. 57. Liars generally pay the penalty of their guilt. Phædrus. 58. Liars should have good memories. Ital., Ger. 59. Lie for him and he'll swear for you. 60. Lies and gossips have a wretched offspring. 61. Lies and Latin go round the world. Dan. Dan. 62. Lies have short legs. Ital., Ger. 63. Lies melt like snow. Ger. 64. Lies pass away, truth endures. Ger. 65. Long voyages occasion great lies. 66. Lords and fools speak falsely. Dan. 67. Lying and gossipping go hand in hand. Sp. 68. Lying is the first step to the gallows. 69. Lying lips are an abomination unto the Lord. Ger. 70. Lying pays no tax. 71. Lying rides on debt's back. 72. No law for lying. Bible. Por. 73. No lie so gross that it does not find believers. Ger. 664 LYING (FALSEHOOD). ity. 74. Old men and far travellers may lie by author- 75. One lie draws ten after it. 76. One lie in the sultan's head will keep out twenty truths. 77. One lie makes many. 78. One lie reaches its hand to another. Moorish. Ger. 79. One must adorn a lie with many others. Ger. 80. Painters and poets have liberty to lie. 81. Show me a liar and I'll show you a thief. Fr., Ger., Dutch. 82. Singers, lovers and poets are privileged liars. Ger. Turk. 83. Some lies are better than truth. 84. Tell a lie and you'll hear the truth; Ger., Sp. 85. The credit got by a lie, lasts only till the truth comes out. 86. The greatest liars talk most of themselves. 87. The liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. Ital. 88. The liar is sooner caught than the cripple. Sp. 89. The mou' that lies slays the saul. 90. The nimblest footman is a false tale. 91. The official that cannot lie may as well be out of the world. Sp. Ger. 92. The thief and liar live under the same roof. 93. There is no vice that hath not its beginning in a lie. Dryden. 94. Thou canst not better reward a liar than in not believing what he speaketh. Aristippus. LYING (FALSEHOOD). 665 95. Though a lie be swift truth overtakes it. Ital. 96. Though a lie be well dressed it is ever over- come. 97. Two may lie so long as to hang a third. Dan. .98. Who dares think one thing and another tell, My heart detests him as the gates of hell. Pope. 99. Who is the greatest liar? Who talks most of himself. Chinese. 100. Who knows to lie, knows neither to love nor respect his parents. Chinese. 101. You may shut your doors against a thief but not against a liar. Dan. PROVERBS MAXIMS AND PHRASES OF ALL AGES COMPILED BY ROBERT CHRISTY VOLUME II. Bea. Cing. Dan. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. .Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. Fr. Ger. Ital. Kurd, often spelled Curd. Maga... M. Greek.. Por... Shaks.... Sp.. Syrus. Turk. • Cingalese. .Danish. French. .German. .Italian. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Modern Greek. .Portuguese. William Shakspere. • • .. .Spanish. Publius Syrus. .Turkish. PROVERBS, MAXIMS AND PHRASES OF ALL AGES. I. M. Madness. A mad beast must have a sober driver. 2. A mad bull is not to be tied up with a pack thread. 3. A mad dog cannot live long. 4. A madman and a fool are no witnesses. 5. A madman is not cured by another running Antisthenes. mad also. 6. A mad parish must have a mad priest. 7. As mad as a March hare. 8. A man of gladness seldom falls into madness. 9. Every madman thinks all other men mad. Syrus. 10. He is mad that trusts in the lameness of a wolf, a horse's health, a boy's love, or a whore's oath. Shaks. 11. If madness were pain you would have out- cries in every house. 12. It is best to profit by the madness of others. Pliny the Elder. Sp. 13. Make way for a madman and a bull. I 2 MAGICIAN.-MAGISTRATES.—MAID. 14. One mad action is not enough to prove a man mad. 15. There are pleasures in madness known only to madmen. Dr. Johnson. 16. Though this be madness yet there's method in it. Magician. Shaks. 1. The magician mutters and knows not what he mutters. Magistrates. 1. Magistrates are to obey as well as execute laws. 2. No negligence like the magistrates'. Maid. 1. A maid oft seen and a gown oft worn are dis- esteemed and held in scorn. 2. A maid that laughs is half taken. 3. A maid that talketh yieldeth. 4. A maiden's heart is a dark forest. Russian. 5. A simple maiden in her flower is worth a hundred coats-of-arms. 6. As spiteful as an old maid. Tennyson. 7. All meat is to be eaten, all maids to be wed. 8. For the virtuous maiden employment is en- joyment. Don Quixote. 9. Hackney mistress, hackney maid. 10. He must have keen eyes that would know a maid at sight. Ger. 11. Maidens, like moths, are ever caught by glare, And mammon wins his way where seraphs might despair. Byron. MAID. 3 12. Maids say nay and take. 13. Maids want nothing but husbands, and when they have them they want everything. 14. Maidens say no and mean yes. 15. Maidens should be mild and meek, Swift to hear and slow to speak. 16. Maidens must be seen and not heard. Ger. 17. Maidens must be mum till they're married an' they may burn kirks. 18. Old maids lead apes in hell. 19. Once a housemaid, never a lady. 20. Poor maids have more lovers than husbands. John Webster. 21. Show me a man without a spot, and I'll show you a maid without a fault. 22. The chariest maid is prodigal enough Sp. If she unmask her beauty to the moon. Shaks. 23. The maid is such as she was bred, and tow as it was spun. 24. The maid that modestly conceals her beauty, while she hides reveals. E. Moore. 25. The virtuous maid and the broken leg must stay at home. Don Quixote 26. The worst stave is a maid unbestowed. 27. To win the mistress first bribe the maid. Terence. 28. When maidens sue, men live like gods. 29. When the maid leaves the door open the cat's in fault. 30. While the tall maid is stooping, the little one hath swept the house. 4 MAIN CHANCE.-Making.—Malevolent. 31. You must judge a maiden at the kneading trough and not in a dance. Main Chance. 1. Be careful of the main chance. 2. Have a care of the main chance. 3. He has an eye to the main chance. 4. Look to the main chance. Making. Dan. Dryden. Butler. 1. He that makes one basket can make a hun- dred. 2. He that makes the shoe can't tan the leather. 3. He that maketh a fire of straw hath much smoke and but little warmth. tail. 4. There is no making a good arrow from a pig's Sp. 5. There is no making a sieve from an ass's tail. Greek. 6. There is no making pancakes without breaking the eggs. Ital., Sp. 7. There is no making a silk purse out of a sow's ear. 8. What man has made man can destroy. Ger. 9. You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs. (Napoleon's remark over the slain after the battle of Borodino.) 10. You may be a wise man though you cannot make a watch. Malevolent. 1. The malevolent have hidden teeth. Syrus. MALICE.—MALIGNITY.-MAN. 5 Malice. 1. He that keeps malice harbors a viper in his breast. ory. 2. Hot men harbor no malice. 3. Malice drinketh its own poison. 4. Malice hath a strong sight and a strong mem- 5. Malice is mindful. 6. Malice seldom wants a mark to shoot at. 7. More malice than matter. Malignity. 1. There is hardly any malignity so intolerable that it may not be overcome by repeated favors. Man. Dion. 1. A fence lasts three years, a dog lasts three fences, a horse three dogs, and a man three horses. Ger. Sp. 2. A great man's entreaty is a command. 3. A great man's foolish sayings pass for wise ones. 4. A great man is one who affects his generation. Bea. 5. A great man will not trample on a worm nor sneak to an emperor. 6. A handsome man is not quite poor. Sp. 7. A great man must be happy in a state of slavery as well as in a state of freedom. Plato. 8. A man among children will be long a child, A child among men will be soon a man. 9. A man apt to promise is apt to forget. 6 MAN. 10. A man as he manages himself, may die old at thirty or young at eighty. II. A man at five may be a fool at fifteen. 12. A man at sixteen will prove a child at sixty. 13. A man can do no more than he can. 14. A man can know nothing of mankind without knowing something of himself. Bea. 15. A man canna bear a' his ain kin on his back. 16. A man cannot both ring the bell and walk in the procession. Sp. 17. A man cannot leave his wisdom and his ex- perience to his heirs. 18. A man cannot live by the air. 19. A man cannot spin and reel at the same time. 20. A man conducts himself abroad as he has been taught at home. Dan. 21. A man does not look behind the door unless he has stood there himself. 22. A man far from his good is near his harm. 23. A man has two ears and one mouth that he hear much and speak little. Ger. 24. A man in distress or despair does as much as ten. 25. A man is a lion in his own cause. 26. A man is a man though he have never a cap to his crown. 27. A man is bound by his word and an ox by a hempen cord. Dan. 28. A man is little the better for liking himself if nobody else like him. MAN. 7 29. A man is not a lord because he feeds off fine dishes. 30. A man is not always asleep when his eyes are shut. 31. A man is not better than his conversation. Ger. 32. A man is not good or bad for one action. 33. A man is not known till he cometh to honor. Dutch. 34. A man is not so soon healed as hurt. 35. A man is valued according to his own esti mate of himself. So. 36. A man is one who is faithful to his word. Turk. 37. A man is weal or woe, as he thinks himself 38. A man like a watch is to be valued for his goings. 39. A man may be more vigorous than his luck, or he may be more bending than his good. Chinese. 40. A man may be strong and yet not mow well. 41. A man may be young in years yet old in hours. 42. A man may hap to bring home with him what makes him weep. Sp. 43. A man may hold a candle to enlighten the people so as to burn his own fingers. 44. A man may live upon little but he cannot live upon nothing. 45. A man may love his house and yet not ride on the ridge. Co MAN. 46. A man must plough with such oxen as he hath. 47. A man must take as the spoon gives. 48. A man of words and not of deeds Is like a garden full of weeds. Ger. 49. A man should take as companion one older than himself. Wolofs (Africa). 50. A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong; it is but saying, “I am wiser to-day than yesterday." 51. A man's best things are nearest him, Lie close about his feet. Pope. Houghton. 52. A man takes his own wherever he finds it. Fr. 53. A short man needs no stool to give a long lubber a box on the ear. 54. A short man and a long dinner. 55. A tall man is a fool. Fr. Aristotle. 56. A wise and good man can suffer no disgrace. Diogenes. 57. According to the worth of the man is the worth of his land. 58 All men have their price. Fr. Walpole. 59. All men think all men mortal but themselves. Young. 60. All men think their enemies ill men. 61. An old man hath the almanac in his body. 62. An old man in a house is a good sign. 63. An old man never wants a tale to tell. 64 An old man's sayings are seldom untrue. Ital. MAN. 9 * 65. * Best men are moulded out of faults And, for the most become much more the better For being a little bad. Shaks. Every man has his lot and a wide world before 66. him. 67. Every man has his value. Dan. Fr. 68. Every man hath his own planet. 69. Every man hath his weak side. 70. Every man his own is not too much. Dan. 71. Every man his way. 72. Every man is dearest to himself. Ger. 73. Every man is important in his own eyes And believes himself important to the public. Dr. Johnson. 74. Every man is not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. 75. Every man is occasionally what he ought to be perpetually. tune. 76. Every man is the architect of his own for- Ger., Dan. 77. Every man is the best interpreter of his own words. Ger. Sp. 78. Every man is the son of his own works. 79. Every man judges of others by himself. Latin. 80. Every man likes his own praise best. Dan. 81. Every man must eat a peck of dirt before he dies. 82. For a man a word is sufficient. Turk. 83. For a man, what needs words of blame? a look is enough. Turk, ΙΟ MAN. 84. Forget not that you are a man. 85. He is a man who acts like a man. Latin. Dan. 86. He is not a man but the vaults of a bath, he makes an echo to what you say. Turk. 87. He that would rightly understand a man must read his whole story. 88. Man carries his superiority inside, animals theirs outside. Russian. 89. Man is a two-legged animal without feathers. Plato. 90. Man is a wolf to man. Plautus. 91. Man is an animal that cooks his victuals. Burke. 92. Man is an animal that writes. Homer. 93. Man is born to do good. Greek. 94. Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly up- Bible. ward. 95. Man is harsher than iron, harder than stone, and more delicate than a rose. Turk. 96. Man is the merriest species of the creation. Addison. 97. Man learns to be wise by the folly of others. Turkish Spy. 98. Man over man he made not lord. Milton. 99. Man proposes and God disposes. Fr., Ger., Sp., Por., Dan., Dutch. 100. Man raises, but time weighs. 101. Man's extremity, God's opportunity. M. Greek. 102. Man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn. Burns. MAN. II 103. Man wrongs and time avenges. 104. Men and beasts are all alike. 105. Men are as the time is. 106. Men are blind i' their ain cause. Chinese. Shaks. 107. Men are but children of a larger growth. Dryden. 108. Men are neither suddenly rich nor suddenly good. Libanius. 109. Men are not to be measured by inches. 110. Men are rare. III. Men can bear all things except good days. Dutch. 112. Men in society notwithstanding the diversity of their fortunes, depend the one upon the other. Fr. 113. Men like cattle follow him who leads. Byron. 114. Men may bear 'til their backs break. 115. Men may blush to hear what they were not ashamed to act. 116. Men may live fools, but fools they cannot die. Young. 117. Men must sail while the wind serveth. Duich. 118. Men never think their fortune too great, nor their wit too little. 119. Men of wit and parts need never be driven to indirect courses. Otway. 120. Men take less care of their conscience than their reputation. 121. Men talk wisely but live foolishly. 122. Men that have much business must have much pardon. 12 GOOD MAN. 123. No living man all things can. 124. No man is born wise or learned. Fr. 125. No man is more than another unless he does more than another. Don Quixote. 126. No man is so tall that he need never stretch and none so small that he need never stoop. Dan. 127. No man is the worse for knowing the worst of himself. 128. No man likes to be surpassed by men of his own level. 129. One man is another's devil. Livy. Ger. 130. One man is no man. (We are mutually depend- ent.) Greek. 131. One man is not bad because another is good. Dan. 132. One man often talks another off his bench and seats himself on it. 133. The man always feasts. Good Man. Dan. Turk. 1. A good man is better than anything else. Cingalese. 2. A good man is no more to be feared than a sheep 3. A good man should rather his virtuous ac- tions went unrewarded than his bad ones unpun- ished. 4. A good man will as soon run into a fire as a quarrel. 5. A good man will requite a gift, an ill man will ask for more. GOOD MAN. 13 6. A good man will take care of his horses and dogs, not only while they are young, but when old and past service. Plutarch. 7. A good man's pedigree is little hunted up. Sp. 8. Examine not the pedigree, nor the patrimony of a good man. 9. Good men are a public good. 10. Good men but see death, the wicked taste it. Ben Jonson. II. Good men must die, but death cannot kill their names. 12. Good men want the laws only for their de- fence. ter. 13. He's a good man, whom fortune makes bet- 14. It is a sign of a good man, if he grow better by commendation. 15. It is the property of a good man to do great and good things, though he risk everything by it. Metillus. 16. Make much of one, good men are scarce. 17. The good are better made by ill, As odors crushed, are sweeter still. S. Rogers. 18. The good man is always rich. Maxim of the Stoics. 19. The good man is the last who knows what is amiss at home. 20. The good man will avoid the spot of any sin. Ben Jonson. 14 BAD MAN. Bad Man. 1. A bad man becomes worse when he apes a saint. Syrus. 2. A bad man has it not in him to be a great man. 3. A bad man's gift is like his master. La Bruyère. Sp. 4. A good horse and a bad horse need the spur. A good man and a bad man need the stick. Ital 5. Better fare hard with good men, than feast with bad. Manliness. 1. Frowning and fierceness do not prove manli- ness. Manners. Yorubas (Africa). Sp. 1. As are the times, so are the manners. 2. Good manners are made up of petty sacri- fices. Emerson. 3. Good manners, to except the Lord Mayor of London. 4. Ill manners produce good laws. 5. Let him mend his manners, they will be his own another day. 6. Manners make the man. 7. Manners often make fortunes. 8. Meat feeds, an' claith cleeds, but manners make a man. 9. Meat is much, but manners are more. 10. New honors change manners. MARCH.-MARKET, 15 11. Simplicity in manners has an enchanting ef fect. Striking manners are bad manners. Rev Robt. Hall 12. Sympathy of manners maketh conjunction of minds. March. 1. A bushel of March dust on the leaves, is worth a king's ransom. 2. A load of March dust is worth a ducat. Ger. 3. A windy March and a rainy April, make a beautiful May. 4. March borrows three days of April and they be ill. 5. March grass never did good. 6. March hackman comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. 7. March in Janivier, Janivier in March I fear. 8. March wind and May sun makes clothes white and maids dun. 9. March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers. Market. 1. Forsake not the market for the toll. 2. He loses his market who has nothing to sell. Sp. 3. He that cannot abide a bad market deserves not a good one. 4. He that sits to work in the market-place shall have many teachers. Sp. 5. It is better to have a friend on the market than money in one's coffer. Sp. 16 MARKETING.-MARK.-MARKSMAN.-MARTYR. 6. No grass grows in the market-place. 7. No man makes haste to the market where nothing is to be bought but blows. 8. No means, no market. 9. No one has a good market for bad merchan- dise. Fr. 10. One may come soon enough to an ill market. 11. The lamentation of a bad market. 12. There is a great difference between market days. 13. Three women and a goose make a market (or fair). Ger. 14. You have brought your pigs to a fine market. 15. You may know by the market folks how the market goes. Marketing. 1. Go early to the fish market and late to the shambles. 2. It is bad marketing with empty pockets. Dutch. Mark. 1. A great mark is soonest hit. Marksman. 1. A good marksman may miss. Martyr. 1. He can never be God's martyr that is the devil's servant. 2. It is the cause and not the death that makes the martyr. Napoleon. 3. No religion but can boast of its martyrs. 4. Not the pain but the cause makes the martyr. Ambrose, MASTER. 17 5. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. 6. The commandments have made as many mar- tyrs as the creed. 7. Who perisheth in needless danger is the devil's martyr. Master. 1. A good master of the house must first to bed and first out. 2. All men can't be masters. Ger. 3. As is the master so is his dog. Sp. 4. As many servants so many masters. Seneca. 5. As the master so the work. Ger. 6. Better a master be feared than despised. 7. Every one has his master. Ger. errs. 8. He must indeed be a good master who never Dutch. 9. He who has a companion has a master. Fr. 10. He who has two masters to serve must lie to one of them. Sp. II. It is bad to have a servant but worse to have a master. Por. 12. Like master, like man. Fr., Ital., Ger., Dutch. 13. Masters amuse themselves, servants die. Turk. 14. Masters are mostly the greatest servants in the house. 15. Masters' hints are commands. Ital. 16. Masters should be sometimes blind and some- times deaf. 17. Mony ane serves a thankless master. 2 18 MASTER. 18. No man can serve two masters. 19. Of a master who never forgives, the orders are seldom disobeyed. Gibbon. 20. One eye of the master sees more than four of the servants'. 21. Our master is our enemy. (La Fontaine illus- trates this proverb by one of his fables of the ass and his master.) La Fontaine. 22. Share not pears with your master either in jest or in earnest. 23. Some day Peter will command as much as his master. Sp. 24. The forehead of a master is better than his hind head. (A Latin proverb quoted by Cato and Pliny the Elder.) 25. The master bids the man, the man bids the cat, and the cat bids its own tail. Por. 26. The master derives honor from his art. Dan. 27. The master eats the flesh, the servant must gnaw the bones. Ger. 28. The master makes the house to be respected, not the house the master. 29. The master of the house is the guest of the Turk. servant. 30. The master's eye and foot are the best ma- nure for the field. Dutch. 31. The master's eye puts mate on the horse's bones. 32. We cannot all be masters. Ulster. Shaks. 33. What belongs to the master is forbidden to the slave. Arabian. MATRIMONY. 19 34. You may know the master by the man. Matrimony. 1. A deaf husband and a blind wife are always a happy couple. Fr., Dan. 2. A growing moon and a flowing tide are lucky times to marry in. Irish. 3. A hawk's marriage-the hen's the better bird. Dan. 4. A hog has eaten the fine pear. (Said when an ugly man marries a fine woman.) M. Greek. 5. A man finds himself seven years older the day after his marriage. Lord Bacon. 6. A man may woo whar he will, but wed whar he is wierd. 7. A man is newly married who tells his wife everything. 8. A man is not to be known till he takes a wife. Fr. 9. A poor wedding is a prologue to misery. 10. A young man married is a man that's marred. Shaks. II. Age and wedlock bring a man to his nightcap. 12. Age and wedlock tame man and beast. 13. Age and wedlock we all desire and repent of. 14. Always say "no," and you will never be mar- ried. Fr. 15. An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune. 16. An impudent face never marries. Ger. 17. An office is the shoeing-horn to marriage. Ger. 18. As comfortable as matrimony. 20 MATRIMONY. 19. As your wedding ring wears, you'll wear off your cares. 20. Before you marry have where to tarry. Ital. 21. Be sure before you marry, Of a house wherein to tarry. Sp. 22. Before you marry beware, for it is a knot dif- ficult to untie. Sp. 23. Before you marry have a house to live in, fields to till, and vines to cut. Sp. 24. Better be half hanged than ill wed. 25. Better have an old man to humor than a young man to break your heart. 26. But depth of judgment most in him appears, Who wisely weds in his maturer years. Pope. 27. Cupid is blind to everything save pin money. Punch. 28. Do not buy a carrier's ass, nor marry an inn- keeper's daughter. Sp. 29. Do you want to see a wolf with young (i.e., an insatiable plunderer) marry your daughter? Sp. 30. Domestic happiness, the only bliss of para- dise that has survived the fall. L'Estrange. Bea. 31. Early marriages are to be deprecated, espe- cially for men. 32. Either marry very young or turn monk very M. Greek. young. 33. Every one sings as he has the gift and marries as he has the luck. Por. 34. For better, for worse, they have married me. Sp. 35. Go down the ladder when thou marriest a wife, go up when thou chooseth a friend. Hebrew. MATRIMONY. 21 36. Grief still treads upon the heels of pleasure, Married in haste we may repent at leisure. Cowper. Ger. 37. Hasty marriage seldom proveth well. Shaks. 38. Hasty marriages seldom turn out well. 39. He can't demand a flitch of bacon at Dun- mow. (An allusion to a custom in the manor of lit- tle Dunmow, England. A couple who had been mar- ried a year without repenting it could demand a flitch of bacon under the charter of the convent of Dunmow.) 40. He has a great fancy to marry that goes to the devil for a wife. 41. He has great need of a wife who marries mamma's darling. 42. He hath tied a knot with his tongue that he cannot untie with all his teeth. 43. He that cannot find wherewith to employ himself let him buy a ship or marry a wife. Sp. 44. He that goes far to marry goes to be deceived or to deceive. Sp. 45. He that is needy when he is married shall be rich when he is buried. 46. He that marries a daw eats meikle dirt. 47. He that marries ere he be wise will die ere he thrive. 48. He that marrieth for wealth sells his liberty. 49. He that marrieth for love hath good nights and bad days. Fr. 50. He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin. 22 MATRIMONY. 51. He who fain would marry, in choice should not tarry. Ger. 52. He who is about to marry should consider how it is with his neighbors. 53. He who marries a beauty marries trouble. Yorubas (Africa). 54. He who marries does well, but he who re- mains single does better. Ger. 55. He who marries ill is long in becoming wid- owed. 56. He who would the daughter win With the mother must begin. Sp. Ger. Greek. 57. Honest men marry soon, wise men not at all. 58. How thrice wretched is he who marries when he is poor. 59. Humble wedlock is better than proud virgin- ity. Augustine. 60. I'll marry and eat the prime of the pot and sit down first. Sp. 61. If marriages are made in heaven you had but few friends there. Scotch. 62. If one will not another will, so are all maidens married. 63. If thou wouldst marry wisely, marry thy equal. Ovid. 64. If thy estate be good, match near home and at leisure; if weak, far off and quickly. 65. If you wish to marry suitably, marry your equal. Ovid. 66. In marriage cheat who can. * MATRIMONY. 23 67. It goes ill with the house when the hen sings and the cock is silent. Sp. 68. It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock. 69. It is a silly flock where the ewe bears the bell. 70. It is better to marry a quiet fool than a witty scold. 71. It is hard to wive and thrive both in a year. 72. It is unlucky to marry in May. Ovid. 73. Keep your eyes wide open before marriage and half shut after. 74. Let every one marry an equal. Don Quixote. 75. Like blood, like age, and like goods make the happiest marriage. 76. Make haste when you are purchasing a field, but when you are to marry a wife be slow. 77. Make the happiest marriage. 78. Many a good hanging prevents a bad mar- riage. Shaks. 79. Many a one for land, takes a fool by the hand. 80. Marriage and hanging go by destiny. 81. Marriage at first, like a knock on the elbow is peculiarly painful, but the pain lasts only a little while. Lope de Vega. 82. Marriage in haste we may repent at leisure. Congreve. 83 Marriage in the blood is seldom good. Ger. 84. Marriage is a lottery. 85. Marriage is heaven or hell. Ger. 24 MATRIMONY. 86. Marriage is honorable but housekeeping a shrew. 87. Marriage is the bloom or blight of all men's happiness. Byron. 88. Marriage is the mother of the world and pre- serves kingdoms, and fills cities, churches and heaven itself. Jeremy Taylor. 89. Marriage with peace is the world's paradise, with strife this life's purgatory. 90. Marriages are made in heaven. 91. Marriages are not as they are made but as they turn out. 92. Marriages are written in heaven. 93. Married to-day, married to-morrow. 94. Marry and grow tame. Ital. Fr. Sp., Por. 95. Marry a girl who is your inferior, don't give your daughter to a superior. ter. 96. Marry a person in your rank in life. Turk. 97. Marry above your match and you get a mas- 98. Marry in haste and repent at leisure. Fr., Ital., Ger., Dutch. 99. Marry in haste and repent at leisure, 'Tis good to marry late or never. 100. Marry in preference to all other women one who dwells near thee. 101. Marry! marry! and who is to manage the house. Sp. 102. Marry, marry, sounds well but tastes ill. Por. 103. Marry me without delay mother, for my face is growing wrinkled. Por. MATRIMONY. 25 104. Marry your son when you please, your daugh- ter when you can. Sp., Por., Dan. 105. Marrying is easy but housekeeping is hard. Ger. 106. "Mother, marry me, marry me, or the gulls will fly away with me." "" (( 107. “Mother, what is marriage ? Spinning, bearing children and crying, daughter." Sp. 108. No pot so ugly as not to find a cover, Ital. 109. Observe the edge and take the linen, observe the mother and take the daughter. Turk. 110. One marriage is never celebrated but another grows out of it. Ger. III. She is well married who has neither mother- in-law nor sister-in-law by her husband. Sp. 112. She that marries ill never wants something to say for it. 113. She who marries secretly is defamed openly. 114. Single long, shame at last. M. Greek. 115. Some go as far as to say, "No one marries but repents." Fr. 116. That house is in a bad case, where the distaff commands the sword. 117. The day upon which you marry, you either make or mar yourself. 118. The day you marry, 'tis either kill or cure. Sp. 119. The old man who is married, bids death to the feast. Ger. 120. There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence. Rousseau. 26 MATTER. 121. To be tied to the sour apple tree; i.e., mar. ried to an ill husband. 122. To marry once is a duty, twice a folly, thrice is madness. Dutch. 123. Wedding and ill wintering tame both man and beast. 124. Wedlock forced is but a hell, an age of dis- cord and continual strife. Shaks. 125. Wedlock is heaven or hell. Ger. 126. Wedlock rides on the saddle, and repentance on the crupper. Fr. 127. Wedlock without children, a world without a Ger. sun. 128. Wedlock, a padlock. 129. When an old man marries death laughs. Ger. 130. Who marries between the sickle and the scythe will never thrive. 131. Who weds a sot to get his cot, Will lose the cot and get the sot. 132. Who weds ere he be wise Shall die ere he thrives. Dutch. 133. With an old husband's hide, one buys a young one. Fr. Ital. 134. You have married a beauty, so much the worse for you. 135. You have tied a knot with your tongue, you cannot undo with your teeth. 136. You need not marry, you have troubles enough without it. Matter. I. 'Tis not the matter but the mind. MAXIM.-MAY.-MAYBE.-MEAL. 27 2. What is matter? mind? never matter. never mind. What is Punch. Maxim. 1. A good maxim is never out of season. 2. Maxims are the condensed good sense of nations. Sir. J Mackintosh. 3. The maxims of men disclose their hearts. Fr. May. 1. A hot May makes a fat church-yard. 2. It is not always May. Longfellow. 3. May borrows ten days from March to kill off cattle and old people. Maybe. 1. It would take a very large book that con- tained all the "may-be's " uttered in a day. Meal. Fr 1. A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast. 2. A good meal is worth hanging for. Irish. Ger 3. A good salad may be a prologue to a bad supper. 4. A good stomach is the best sauce. 5. A letter written after dinner is read in hell. Turk. Fr. Fr. 6. A little dinner long expected, and cold, Is by no means given, but dearly sold. 7. All state and nothing on the plate. 8. At table, the company should never exceed that of the muses (9), nor be under the number of the graces (3). 28 MEAL. 9. Better a good dinner than a fine coat. 10. Better be meals many than one too merry. Fr. 11. By suppers more have been killed than Galen ever cured. 12. Dinners cannot be long where dainties want. 13. Go to bed without supper and you'll rise without debt. 14. He fasts enough that has a bad meal. 15. He sups ill who eats up all at dinner. Sp., Por. 16. He that saveth his dinner will have the more for supper. 17. He that would eat a good dinner, let him eat a good breakfast. 18. He who would have a hare for breakfast, must hunt over night. 19. I have nothing for dinner; sit down to table. Por. 20. Light suppers mak lang life days. 21. More people are slain by suppers, than by the sword. 22. Oil is best in the beginning, honey at the end, and wine in the middle. Dutch. 23. Suppers kill more than greatest doctors ever cured. 24. Supper is soon served in a plentiful house. Por. Dan. 25. There are many days in the year, and still more meals. 26. Two hungry meals make the third a glutton. 27. Two ill meals make the third a glutton. MEAN.-MEANS.-MEANING.-MEASURE. 29 28. Unhappy is he who has not breakfasted at three. Don Quixote. Mean. 1. Be something; anything but mean. Byron. 2. Is there no mean, but fast or feast? Means. 1. The means that Heaven yields must be em braced and not neglected. Shaks. 2. To live according to one's means is honor- able; not to do so is dishonorable. ing. 3. Use the means and God will give the bless- 4. Use the means and trust to God for the bless- ing. Meaning. 1. The meaning is best known to the speaker. Measure. Fr. 1. Better twice measured than once wrong. Dan. 2. De new ground's de bes' yardstick to mezer a strange darky by. American Negro. 3. Do not give your measure to any one but your tailor. 4. Every one ought to measure himself by his own proper foot and standard. Horace. 5. Good weight and measure is Heaven's treasure. 6. It is not a sin to sell dear, but it is to make ill measure. 7. Just scales and full measure injure no man. Chinese. 8. Measure a thousand times and cut once. Turk, 30 MEASURES.-MEAT. 9. Measure is a merry mean. 10. Measure is a treasure. II. Measure not others' corn by your own bushel. 12. Measure ten times before you cut once. M. Greek. 13. Measure your cloth twice since you can cut but once. Schlav Merchant. 14. Measure thrice before you cut once. 15. There is a measure in all things. Ital., Dutch. 16. To measure his cloth by another's yard. 17. To measure the meat by the man. 18. When the measure is full it runs over. Ger. Measures. 1. Measures, not men. Canning. 2. Measures, not men, has always been my mark. Goldsmith. 3. Moderate measures succeed best. 4. The chat of "not men but measures." Burke. Meat. 1. All meat is not the same in every man's mouth. 2. Broth made of cheap meat is insipid. Turk, 3. God sendeth and giveth both mouth and the meat. 4. Much meat, much maladies. 5. Ne'er shaw me the meat but the man. Tusser 6. No meat ever remains in the shambles how- ever bad it may be. 7. One man's meat is another man's poison. Ital. MEDLARS.-MEDDLING.-Medicine. 31 8. Strangers' meat is the greatest treat. Dan. 9. That meat relishes best which costs nothing. Io. The wholesomest meat is at another man's cost. 11. To a full belly all meat is bad. Ital. 12. Upon what meat does this our Cæsar feed, That he is grown so great. Shaks. 13. What is one man's meat is another man's poison. 14. Where they eat your meat let them pick your bones. Sp. 15. You canna fare well but you cry roast meat. Medlars. 1. Medlars are never ripe until they are rotten. 2. With time and straw medlars ripen. Fr., Ital. Meddling. 1. Every fool will be meddling. 2. He sticks his nose in everything. Ger. 3. He that will meddle with all things must go shoe the goslings. 4. He who tastes every man's broth sometimes burns his mouth. Dan. 5. Meddle not with what you don't understand. Por. 6. Meddle not with dirt; some of it will stick to you. Dan. 7. No good ever comes of minding other men's matters. 8. Of little meddling comes great ease. Medicine. 1. A little drug oft brings relief. Fielding. Ovid. 32 MEDICINE. 2. A disease known is half cured. 3. A doubtful remedy is better than none. Latın. 4. Bitter pilis are gilded. 5. Bitter pills may have wholesome effects. Ger. 6. Dear physic always does good, if not to the patient at least to the apothecary. Ger. 7. Desperate diseases require desperate reme- dies. Fr. 8. I was well, would be better, took physic and died. An epitaph. 9. If physic do not work prepare for the kirk. 10. If the pills were pleasant they would not want gilding. II. Learn from the beast the physic of the field. 12. Medicines are not meant to live on. 13. Meet the disease at its approach. 14. One is not so soon healed as hurt. Pope. 15. Our bane and physic, the same earth bestows, And near the noisome nettle blooms the rose. Ovid. 16. Patients are simples that grow in every medi- cal man's garden. 17. Pills must be bolted not chewed. Punch. Fr. 18. Starve the measles and nourish the small-pox. Chinese. 19. The maladies of the body may prove medi- cines to the mind. Buckminster. 20. To yield to remedies is half the cure. Seneca. 21. What cures Sancho makes Martha sick. Sp. MEDIUM.-MEEKNESS.-MEMORY.-MEND. 33 Medium. 1. There is a medium in all things. Meekness. Horace. 1. The meekness of Moses is better than the strength of Sampson. Memory. 1. A man often admits that his memory is at fault but never his judgment. 2. A strong memory is usually accompanied with an infirm judgment. Montaigne. 3. All complain of want of memory but none of want of judgment. 4. Bad memory has its root in bad attention. 5. Many complain of their memory, none of their judgment. 6. Memory is the first of faculties that age in- vades. 7. Memory is the purveyor of reason. Rambler. 8. Memory is the tax gatherer of the past. Punch. 9. Memory is the treasurer of the mind. 10. Memory is the treasurer and guardian of all things. Cicero. 11. Memory tempers prosperity, mitigates adver- sity and controls youth and delights old age. Lactantius. 12. Memory, the warder of the brain. 13. Much memory and little judgment. 14. Though lost to sight, to memory dear. Mend. Shaks. Fr. 1. If every one would mend one all would be amended. 34 MERCHANT.-MERCY. 2. It is never too late to mend. Merchant. 1. A merchant has never enough till he has got a little more. Spectator. 2. A merchant's happiness hangs upon chance, winds and waves. 3. He is no merchant who always gains. Dutch. 4. He that buys and sells is called a merchant. 5. He that could know what would be dear, Need be a merchant but one year. 6. If a man knew when things would be dear He need be a merchant but one year. 7. Like the merchant that dammed up and drained a river to recover a grain of pepper. Tamil. 8. Merchant to-day, beggar to-morrow. 9. Quick returns make rich merchants. 10. The merchant that loseth cannot laugh. Fr. 11. The merchant that gains not, loseth. 12. To be a merchant the art consists more in getting paid than in making sales. Mercy. 1. A merciful man is merciful to his beast. Sp. 2. It is safer to err on the side of mercy. Coke. 3. Mercy and truth preserve the king and his throne is upheld by mercy. Bible. 4. Mercy but murders, pardoning those who kill. Shaks. 5. Mercy often inflicts death. Seneca. 6. Mercy sways the brave. Homer MERIT.-MESSENGERS.-METEOR. 35 7. Mercy to him that shows it, is the rule. Cowper. 8. Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people. Arabian Nights. 9. Misplaced lenity is an offence against society. Seneca. 10. Nothing emboldens sin so much as mercy. Shaks. Shaks. 11. Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge. 12. The quality of mercy is not strain'd: * * * * * * * * it becomes The throned monarch better than his crown. Merit. Shaks. 1. A man who displays his own merit is a fool, and a man who does not know it, is a fool. Chesterfield. 2. Dignities and honors set off merit, as good dress does good figure. 3. Merit is sure to rise. Hans Andersen. 4. True merit is like a river: the deeper it is the less noise it makes. Halifax. 5. True merit, like the pearl inside the oyster, is content to remain quiet until it finds an opening. Messengers. Punch. 1. Messengers should neither be beheaded nor hanged. Meteor. 1. The meteor fallen to the earth is but a stone. 36 METHOD.-METTLE.-MIDDLE.-Might. Method. 1. Method in business is the chief instrument in getting rich. 2. Method will teach you to win time. Mettle. 1. Mettle is dangerous in a blind horse. Middle. 1. A middle course is the safest. Spectator. Goethe. 2. Not too little, not too much; the middle is the best limit. 3. The middle station is the safest. Might. 1. Either by might or by slight. Ger. Latin. 2. If I canna do't by might, I'll do't by slight. 3. What can't be done by might may be done by slight. 4. Where might is master, justice is servant. Ger. Might, Right. 1. A handful of might is better than a sackful of right. 2. Might is not right. 3. Might makes right. 4. Might overcomes right. Milk. 1. No weeping for spilt (shed) milk. Ger. Fr., Dutch. 2. That which is taken in with the milk only goes out with the soul. Russian. 3. When there is milk in the can for one, there is milk in the can for two. Hans Andersen. MILL. 37 Mill. I. A bad mill has also a bad pivot. M. Greek. 2. A greedy mill grinds all sorts of corn. 3. As good water goes by the mill as drives it. 4. By going gains the mill and not by standing still. Sp. 5. He who goes to the mill gets befloured. Ital. 6. His mill will go with all winds. 7. I am loth to change my mill. 8. In vain does the mill clack if the miller his hearing lack. 9. It is the master wheel that makes the mill go round. 10. Mills will not grind if you give them water. Fr. no 11. Much water passes by the mill that the mil- ler perceives not. Ital. 12. Much water runs by the mill while the miller sleeps. 13. No mill, no meal. 14. That brings water to the mill. Dan. 15. The best of the mill is, the sacks can't speak. 16. The corn passes from hand to hand, but it comes to the mill at last. African. 17. The corn that is taken to a bad mill will be badly ground. 18. The first at the mill grinds first. Dan. Ital. 19. The mill does not grind with water that is Fr., Ital., Sp., Por. past. 20. The mill gains by going, and not by standing still. Sp. 38 MILLER.-MILLSTONE. 21. The mill must be of two stones (two persons are required for friendship). Turk. Greek. 22. The mill of the gods grinds slowly, but it grinds fine. 23. The mill that is always grinding grinds coarse and fine together. 24. Though the mills of God grind slowly, Yet they grind exceeding small. Though with patience he stands waiting, With exactness grinds he all. Miller. Irish. Longfellow. 1. An honest miller hath a golden thumb. 2. Every miller draws the water to his own mill. 3. Like a miller, he can set to every wind. 4. Millers and bakers do not steal; men bring to them. Ger. 5. Nothing bolder than a miller's shirt, that every morning collars a thief. Fr., Ger. 6. That miller is honest who has hair on his teeth. Ger. 7. The miller is never so drunk that he forgets to take his dues. Dan. 8. The miller ne'er got better toll than he took wi' his own hands. 9. The miller's hen, and the widower's maid, Ger. Of want need never be afraid. 10. We beat the sack, and mean the miller. Ger. II. When the millers are making an uproar, tie up your sacks. Millstone. Ital. 1. I can see as far into a millstone as he that picks it. MIND. 39 2. The lower millstone grinds as well as the upper. Mind. 1. A depraved mind never comes to good. 2. A mind conscious of guilt is its own accuser. Latin. 3. A mind content both crown and kingdom is. Greene. 4. A mind unblemished is the noblest posses- sion. Latin. 5. A princely mind will undo a private family. 6. A pure mind is the most august possession. 7. A vacant mind is open to all suggestions, as a hollow mountain returns all sounds. Chinese. 8. A well prepared mind hopes in adversity, and fears in prosperity. Horace. 9. A willing mind makes a hard journey easy. Massinger. 10. A willing mind makes a light foot. II. Aspiring minds must sometimes sustain loss. Plato. 12. Command you may your mind from play. 13. Do not let the mind dwell upon what you cannot obtain. Cingalese. 14. Find enjoyment for the body and the mind will find enjoyment for itself. 15. Great minds and great fortunes don't always go together. 16. Great minds are easy in prosperity and quiet in adversity. MIND. 40 17. His mind splits a hair and puts trousers on a flea. M. Greek. Ovid. 18. Light minds are pleased with trifles. 19. Little minds appreciate little minds the best. 20. Little minds like weak liquors are soonest soured. 21. Many men, many minds. 22. Never let the bottom of your purse or mind be seen. 23. Out of sight, out of mind. Ital. Horace. 24. Place may be changed but who can change his mind. 25. Show not all the bottom either of your purse or mind. 26. Sickly body, sickly mind. Ger. 27. Small minds are captivated by trifles. Ovid. 28. So many heads, so many minds. Ital., Dan. 29. So many men, so many minds (opinions). Terence. 30. Sudden movements of the mind often break out either for great good or great evil. Homer. 31. The defects of the mind, like those of the face, grow worse as we grow old. : Rochefoucauld. 32. The mind is like a bow the stronger for be- ing unbent. Ben Jonson. 33. The mind is the man. 34. The mind ought sometimes to be diverted that it may turn the better to thinking. Spectator. 35. The rust of the mind is the blight of genius. 36. The spirit grows with its allotted space; The mind is narrow in a narrow sphere.. 1 MINE.-MINE AND THINE.-MINISTER.-MINUTE. 41 37. 'Tis the mind ennobles, not the blood. Ger. 38. 'Tis the mind that makes the body rich. Shaks. 39. 'Tis the riches of the mind only that makes a man rich and happy. Mine. 1. Better mine than ours. Por. 2. What is mine is my own; my brother John's is his and mine. Mine and Thine. (6 Sp. 1. Men would live exceedingly quiet if those two words, "mine" and thine were taken away. Anaxagoras. Minister. 1. A good minister of state fears neither cal- umny nor death. Minute. Chinese. 1. There is a critical minute for all things. Miracle. Horace. 1. He that can see his own eyes without a glass can perform miracles. Literally: Shall be able to move the bull's horns (the earth resting on the horns of a bull). Arabian. 2. Let the miracle be wrought though it be by the devil. Sp. 3. Little saints also perform miracles. Dan. 4. The sheik's miracles are those of his own telling. Turk. Mire. 1. There never was a good town but had a mire at one end of it. 42 MIRTH. 2. When a man has fallen into the mire the more he flounders the more he fouls himself. Mirth. Ital. 1. A merry companion is music in a journey. 2. A merry companion on the road is as good as a nag. 3. A merry fellow was never yet a sensible man. Chesterfield. 4. A merry heart doth good like a medicine. Bible. 5. A merry heart goes all the day. Your sad tires in a mile-a. Shaks. Dutch. 6. A merry host makes merry guests. 7. A merry life forgets father and mother. Fr. 8. A merry old fool and a gay apish matron are domestic monsters. 9. A pennyworth of mirth is worth a pound of sorrow. 10. Against ill chances men are ever merry. 11. Always merry is seldom rich. 12. As long lives the merry man, As the wretch for a' the craft he can. 13. As long lives the merry heart as the sad. 14. As merry as a cricket. 15. Be always as merry as ever you can, For no one delights in a sorrowful man. 16. Be merry and wise. 17. Be merry but sin not. Shaks. Ger. 18. Be merry if you are wise. Martial. MIRTH. 43 19. Be merry shrovetide, for to-morrow thou wilt be ashes. Sp. 20. Can a jackanapes be merry with a clog at his heels? 21. Gall in mirth is an ill mixture and sometimes truth is bitter. 22. He that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast. 23. In the time of mirth take heed. 24. It is good to be merry at meat. 25. Let us be merry and wise. Bible. Turkish Spy. 26. Merriment is the poison of friendship. Tamil. 27. Merry meet-merry part. 28. Mirth and mischief are two things. 29. Mirth and motion prolong life. 30. Mirth cannot move a soul in agony. 31. Mirth is the medicine of life; it cures its ills and calms its strife. 32. No mirth good but with God. 33. One ounce of mirth is worth more than a thousand weight of melancholy. 34. Prepare for mirth, for mirth becomes a feast. Shaks. 35. The end of mirth is the beginning of sorrow. 36. There is not a string attuned to mirth, Dutch Hood. But has its chord in melancholy. 37. 'Tis merry in hall when beards wag all. Shaks. 44 MISANTHROPE.-Mischief.—Miser. Misanthrope. 1. The misanthrope praises the dead out of hatred to the living, And beats the children with the bones of their fathers. Mischief. Volney. 1. He prepares evil for himself who plots mis- chief for others. Latin. 2. He that hinders not a mischief when it is in his power, is guilty of it. 3. He that is disposed for mischief will never want occasion. 4. He'll find money for mischief when he can find none for corn. 5. If we would avoid a mischief we must not be very kind and familiar with an evil man. 6. Little mischief-too much. 7. Many a one is good because he can do no mischief. 8. Mischief comes soon enough, Fr. 9. Mischiefs come by the pound and go away by the ounce. 10. That mischief comes justly that is of your own seeking. II. Welcome mischief if thou comest alone. Miser. 1. A miser and a liar bargain quickly. M. Greek. 2. A miser grows rich by seeming poor, an ex- travagant man grows poor by seeming rich, Shenstone. 3. A miserly father makes a prodigal son. MISER. 45 4. A miser's son is generally a spendthrift. Latin. 5. Addition is the miser's sum of happiness. Punch. 6. As good beg of a naked man as a miser. 7. He that keeps up his riches and lives poorly is like an ass that carries gold and eats thistles. 8. He weeps at throwing away the water in which he was washed. Plautus. 9. His money takes the place of wisdom. Dutch. 10. If the niggard should once taste the sweetness of giving, he'd give all away. 11. Misers put their back and their belly into their pocket. 12. Misers' money goes twice to market. Sp., 13. No feast like a miser's. Por Fr. Latin. 14. Poor though in the midst of wealth. 15. The miser and the pig are of no use till dead. Fr. Shaks. 16. The miser doth spoil his coat by scanting a little cloth. 17. The miser acquires yet fears to use his gains. Horace. 18. The miser grows old, but his miserly spirit. remains young. 19. The miser is always poor. 20. The miser is ever in want. 21. The miser's bag is never full. Ger. Ger. Horace. Dan, 22. The miser's chest is rich, but he is as poor as a wolf. Ger. 23. The miser's friendship continues as long as he gains by it. Ger. 46 MISERY. 24. The only good a miser does is to prove the little happiness there is to be found in wealth. 25. The riches of the miser fall into the hands of the spendthrift. M. Greek. 26. The wolf is sometimes satisfied, the miser Ger never. 27. 'Tis strange the miser should his cares employ To gain those riches he can ne'er enjoy. Pope. 28. To beg of the miser is to dig a trench in the Turk. sea. 29. What he has is no more use to the miser than what he has not. " Misery. 1. He bears misery best who hides it most. Syrus. 2. He is miserable indeed who must lock up his miseries. 3. He is miserable once who feels it, but twice who fears it before it comes. 4. Misery acquaints a man with strange bed- fellows. 5. Misery doth brave minds abate. 6. Misery is always unjust. 7. Misery must be the mother, When one beggar begets another. 8. Sacred even to gods, is misery. Shaks. Spenser. Homer. 9. The miseries of the virtuous are the scandal of the good. Syrus. 10. This iron world brings down the stoutest heart to lowest state, For misery doth bravest minds abate. Spenser. 11. When misery is highest, help is nighest. MISFORTUNES. 47 Misfortunes. 1. A man's part is to bear misfortunes lightly. Antiphanes. 2. A misfortune and a friar are seldom alone. 3. Another's misfortune does not cure my pain. Por. Fr. 4. Another's misfortune is only a dream. 5. Blessed is the misfortune that comes alone. Ital. 6. Do not yield to misfortunes. Latin. 7. He who is born to mïsfortune stumbles as he goes, And though he fall on his back will fracture his nose. Ger. Ital. 8. He who is the cause of his own misfortune may bewail it himself. 9. I never knew any man in my life who could not bear another's misfortune perfectly like a Chris- tian. Pope. 10. It is a great art to laugh at your own misfor- tunes. Dan. II. It is better to forget one's misfortunes than to talk about them. Fr. 12. It is good to see in the misfortunes of others what we should avoid. 13. Misfortune does not always come to injure. 14. Misfortune is a good teacher. 15. Misfortune is good for something. Syrus. Ital. Ger. Fr 16. Misfortune is often the daughter of a good mother. Ger. 48 MISFORTUNES. 17. Misfortunes are close to one another. Latin. 18. Misfortunes are common to all; life is like a wheel, and prosperity unstable. Phocylides. 19. Misfortunes come by forties. 20. Misfortunes come on horseback, and go away on foot. Fr. 21. Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot. 22. Misfortunes come unbidden. 23. Misfortunes make us wise. 24. Misfortunes make strange bedfellows. Ger. 25. Misfortunes come at night, i. e., when least ex- pected. Grimm's Fairy Tales. 26. Misfortunes often sharpen the genius. Ovid. 27. Misfortunes seldom assault a man singly, but assault him in troops whom fate has marked out for ruin. Turkish Spy. 28. Misfortunes seldom come alone. 29. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is. 30. Misfortunes that can't be avoided must be sweetened. 31. Misfortunes to which we are used affect us less severely. Juvenal. 32. Misfortunes when asleep are not to be wakened. 33. Misfortune will one day find him whom it has until then passed by. Syrus. 34. Misfortunes, wood, and hair, grow throughout the year. 35. Most of our misfortunes are more supportable than the comments of our friends upon them. 36. One has always strength enough to bear the misfortunes of one's friends. Fr. MISTAKES.-MISUNDERSTANDINGS. 49 37. One misfortune brings on another. Por., Dutch. 38. One misfortune calls another. 39. One misfortune is the eve of another. 40. Our worst misfortunes are those that never befall us. 41. That is good misfortune which comes alone. 42. The misfortunes to which we are accustomed affect us less deeply. Latin. Latin. 43. There is no greater misfortune than not to be able to bear misfortune. 44. There is nothing we forget sooner than past misfortunes. 45. To the wicked misfortunes come triple. Fr. M. Greek. 46. Welcome misfortune if thou comest alone. Sp. 47. When misfortune sleeps let no one wake her. Sp. 48. When misfortune befalls injuries follow. Fr. 49. Whither goest thou, misfortune? to where there is more? Sp., Dan. 50. Who has no misfortune is fortunate enough. Mistakes. Ger. 1. Mistakes occur in the best regulated families. 2. Mistakes occur through haste, never through doing a thing leisurely. Chinese. 3. To learn from other men's mistakes to pre- vent your own. Misunderstandings. 1. Misunderstandings bring lies to town. Terence. 4 50 - MISTRESS. MOB.-MOCKING.-MODERATION. Mistress. 1. He whose mistress squints says she ogles. Ger. 2. Never seemed a prison fair or a mistress foul. Fr., Ger. Mob. 1. A mob's a monster with many hands and no brains. Franklin. 2. Against the wild fire of the mob there is no defence. 3. I count not the votes of the fickle mob. Horace. 4. The mob has many heads but no brains. 5. Who builds on the mob builds on sand. Ital. Mocking. 1. Mocking is catching. 2. If you mock the lame you will go so yourself in time. 3. It is never becoming to mock the miserable. La Fontaine. 4. It is not good or safe to point the mockery behind the grand seignior's back. Turk. 5. There are more mockers than well meaners and more foolish quips than good precepts. Moderation. 1. Moderation in prosperity argues a great mind. 2. Moderation in success is no less expected from brave men than gallantry in action. 3. Moderation is best. Modesty. 1. A modest dog seldom grows fat. Cleobulus. MOLE. 51 2. A modest man at court is the silliest wight breathing. 3. As it is the part of justice never to do vio- lence, so it is the part of modesty never to commit offence. 4. He that has no modesty has all the town for his own. 5. Individuals may be modest, but modesty degrades nations. Gioberti. 6. Loquacity storms the ear but modesty takes the heart. 7. Modesty becomes a young man. Plautus. 8. Modesty cannot be taught: it may be born. Syrus. 9. Modesty has more charms than beauty. 10. Modesty is the appendage to sobriety and is to chastity, to temperance, to humility as the fingers are to a garment. Bayard Taylor. II. Modesty ruins all that bring it to court. 12. Of their own merits modest men are dumb. Coleman. 13. She that loseth her modesty and honesty hath nothing else worth losing. 14. Though modesty be a virtue, bashfulness is a vice. 15. When modesty has once perished it will never revive. Seneca. Mole. 1. A mole can undermine the strongest rampart. 2. A mole wants no lanthorn. Chinese. MONARCHY.-MONEY. 52 3. He holds a looking-glass to a mole. Monarchy. 1. Absolute monarchy is a fair field, but it has no outlet. Solon. ་ Money. 1. A man who is proud of his money has rarely anything else to be proud of. 2. A man without money is like a bird without wings; if he soars he falls to the ground and dies. Roumanian. 3. A man without money is a bow without an arrow. 4. A man without money is like a ship without sails. Dutch. 5. A moneyless man goes fast through the mar- ket. 6. A string of cash can but reach to one's heels; i. e., the sum is not worth contending about. Chinese. 7. A thousand pounds and a bottle of hay, Are just the same at doomsday. 8. All powerful money gives birth and beauty. Horace. 9. As water runs toward the shore, so does money toward the rich man's hand. Dan. Ger. 10. Bad money always comes back. II. Between smith and smith no money passes. Sp., Por. 12. But few prize honor more than money. Sallust. 13. But help me to money and I'll help myself to friends. MONEY. 53 14. Discover not your silent (hoarded) money to anybody. 15. Do not lend your money to a great man. 16. Fair money can cover much that's foul. 17. Get money, get money still, And then let virtue follow if she will. 18. Give me money, not advice. Sp. Fr. Pope. Por. 19. God makes and apparel shapes, but it is money that finishes the man. 20. God send me some money, for they are little thought of that want it. Scotch. 21. God send you more wit and me more money. 22. Good manners and plenty of money will make my son a gentleman. Por. 23. Hate, religion, ambition, all have their hypoc- risies, but money applies the thumb-screw to them Dr. Crowley. all. 24. He that has no money in his purse should have fair words on his lips. 25. He that hath it and will not keep it, He that wants it and will not seek it, He that drinks and still is dry, Shall want money as well as I. Dan. 26. He that hath no money in his pot, let him have it in his mouth. 27. He that hoardeth up money taketh pains for other men. 28. He that is known to have no money has neither friends nor credit. 29. He that is without money might as well be buried in a rice tub with his mouth sewed up. Chinese. 54 MONEY. 30. He that shows his money shows his judgment. 31. He that wants money is accounted among those who want wit. 32. He who has both money and bread May choose with whom his daughter to wed. Sp. Ital. 33. He who throws away money with his hands, will seek it with his feet. 34. If a man's money be white no matter if his face be black. Turk. 35. If money be not thy servant it will be thy master. 36. If thou knowest how to use money, it will be- come thy handmaid; if not it will become thy mas- Diodorus. ter. 37. If thou wouldst keep money, save money. 38. If thou wouldst reap money, save money. 39. If you had as little money as manners you'd be the poorest of all your kin. Turk. 40. If you have money you are wise, if not you are a fool. 41. If you have no money turn placeman, as the court fool said to the prince. Ger. 42. If you make money your god, 'twill plague you like a devil. ter. 43. If you have money take a seat, If you have none take to your feet. Fielding. Ger. 44. It is a rare miracle for money to lack a mas- Bias. 45. It is not the praise of the man but of the money-chest to keep money from diminution. Remark of Themistocles censuring Aristides. MONEY. 55 46. Mention money and the world is silent. 47. Money amassed either serves or rules us. Ger. 48. Money answereth all things. Horace. Bible. 49. Money as well as need makes the old wife trot. 50. Money begets money. 51. Money borrowed is soon sorrowed. 52. Money burns many. Sp. Fr. 53. Money can neither open up new avenues to pleasure, nor block up the passages of anguish. Rambler. 54. Money clothes the naked, feeds the hungry, and buys a crutch for the cripple. 55. Money does all. 56. Money does not get hanged. Fr. Ger. 57. Money in purse will be always in fashion, 58. Money in purse dispels melancholy. Ger. 59. Money in whatever hands will confer power. Dr. Johnson. 60. Money is a good servant but a bad master. 61. Money is a good soldier and will on. 62. Money is a source of trouble and woe. Fr. Shaks. Cingalese. 63. Money is a sword that can cut even the Gor- dian knot. 64. Money is an universal language speaking any tongue. 65. Money is an epitome of human power. Ital. 56 MONEY. 66. Money is both blood and life to men. Latin. 67. Money is first to be sought, virtue afterwards. Latin. 68. Money is like manure : of very little use unless it be spread. Bacon. Ital. 69. Money is lost only for the want of money. 70. Money is money's brother. 71. Money is more eloquent than a dozen mem- bers of parliament. Dan. 72. Money is needed both by monk and dervish. 73. Money is not gained by losing time. 74. Money is power. 75. Money is round and rolls. Turk. Por. Dutch. Fr., Ital. 76. Money is that art that hath turned up trumps. 77. Money is the best bait to fish for man with. 78. Money is the fruit of evil as often as the root of it. 79. Money is the god of the world. 80. Money is the measure of all things. 81. Money is the one thing needful. 82. Money is the only monarch. Fielding. Por. 83. Money is the only power that all mankind bow down before. Butler. 84. Money is the root of all evil. New Testament. 85. Money is the sinew of love as well as of war. 86. Money is the sinew of war. 87. Money is the sinew of business. 88. Money is the soul of business. Dutch. Plutarch. Ger. MONEY. 57 89. Money is the very blood and life of mortals. Greek. 90. Money is welcome though it come in a dirty clout. 91. Money is wise: it knows it's own way. 92. Money lent, an enemy made. Por. 93. Money like manure does no good till it is spread. 94. Money makes a man free ilka where. 95. Money makes dogs dance. 96. Money makes marriage. Fr. 97. Money makes not so many true friends as real enemies. 98. Money makes the gentleman, the want of it the blackguard. 99. Money makes the mare to go. 100. Money rules the world. Dutch. 101. Money saved is money got (or as good as money gained). Dan. 102. Money soothes more than the words of a cav- alier. 103. Money is the life-blood of the nation. Sp., Por. 104. Money taken, freedom forsaken. Ger. 105. Money, the pick-lock that never fails. Massinger. 106. Money thou need'st: 'Twill keep thee honest; want made thee a knave. 107. Money turns bad into good. Ben Jonson. Sp. 108. Money we want and cannot borrow, Yet drink we must to slacken sorrow. 58 MONEY. 109. Money which is gained by fraud, by fraud must be lost. Turk. 110. Money will do more than my lord's letter. III. Money will make money. 112. Money will make the pot boil though the devil pour water on the fire. 113. Money wins the battle, not the long arm. Por. 114. Much money, many friends. Ger. 115. My money is little, my heart without strife. Turk. 116. My money, your money, let us go to the tav- ern. Por. 117. One handful of money is stronger than two handfuls of truth. Dan. 118. One never gets more than the money's worth of anything. Fr. 119. Nothing stings us so bitterly as loss of money. Livy. 120. Procure empire by money, not money by em- pire. Philip, father of Alexander the Great. 121. Property purchased with borrowed money, and money obtained by treachery shall soon pass away. Cingalese. 122. Public money is like holy water: every one helps himself to it. Ital. 123. Put not your trust in money but your money in trust. 124. Rather a man without money, than money without a man. Themistocles. 125. Ready money can put anything in stock. Chinese. MONEY. 59 126. Ready money brings a remedy. 127. Ready money is ready medicine. 128. Ready money will away. Fr. 129. Samson was a strong man, yet could not pay money before he had it. 130. Tell money after your own father. 131. The abundance of money ruins youth. 132. The art is not in making money but in keep- ing it. 133. The chief end of man is not to get money. 134. The money paid, the work delayed. Don Quixote. 135. The money paid, the workman's arm is broken. Fr. 136. The money you refuse will never do you good. 137. The sign invites you but your money must get you out. 138. The skilfulest without money is scorned. may. 139. The smell of money is good, come whence it Juvenal. 140. The thirst for money brings all the sins into the world. Ger. Franklin. 141. The use of money is all the advantage there · is in having money. 142. The want of money is the root of much evil. London Truth. 143. There is abundance of money spent to be laughed at. 144. There is more money got by ill means than by good acts. 60 MONEY. 145. There is no lustre in money unless it derives its lustre from moderate enjoyment. Horace. 146. Those who believe money can do everything are frequently prepared to do everything for money. 147. Those who make money make little exertion, those who make much exertion make no money. Chinese. 148. Though you have money do not spend it in the twelfth night. 149. 'Tis money that begets money. Chinese. 150. To disregard money on suitable occasions is often a great profit. Terence. 151. Touch not another man's money, for the most honest never added to it. Fr. 152. Trust not your money to one whose eyes are bent on the ground. 153. Want of love or want of money lies at the bottom of all our griefs. Bea. 154. When honor grew mercenary, money grew honorable. 155. When I had money in my purse, I had food in my mouth. 156. When land and money's spent, Then money is most excellent. Dan. 157. When money speaks, truth keeps silent. Russian. 158. Where there is money there is no courage. Ger. 159. Where there's money there's the devil, But where there's none a greater evil. 160. Where there's muck, there's money. Ger. MONK.-MONKEY. 61 161. With Latin, a horse, and money, thou wilt pass through the world. Sp. 162. With money you would not know yourself, without money nobody would know you. Sp. 163. With us wretched mortals money is life. Hesiod. Latin. Ger. 164. Without money all is in vain. 165. Without money, without fear. 166. Would you know the value of money go bor- row some. 167. You will see more ruined than saved by money ill gotten. Sophocles. Monk. 1. A runaway monk never speaks well of his convent. Ital.. 2. Offend one monk and the lappets of all cowls will flutter as far as Rome. Ger. 3. The abbey does not fail for the want of one monk. 4. The monk responds as the abbot chants. Fr. Fr., Ital 5. 'Tis not the habit that makes the monk. 6. What a monk thinks he dares. Fr. Monkey. 1. A monkey remains a monkey though dressed in silk. 2. Every monkey will have his gambols. 3. The old monkey gets the apple. Sp. Fr. 4. "What pretty things men will make for money," quoth the old woman when she saw the monkey. 62 MONUMENTS.-MOON.-MORE.-MORNING. Monuments. 1. The most lasting monuments are doubtless paper monuments. Moon. 1. Moon is made of green cheese. Rabelais, Butler. 2. Oh, swear not by the moon, the inconstant Shaks. moon. 3. The moon does not heed the barking of dogs. 4. The moon is a moon whether it shine or not. The moon's not seen when the sun shines. 6. What does the moon care if the dogs bark at her? 5. More. 1. The more the merrier, the fewer the better cheer. Morning. 1. He that would have a bad morning let him walk out in a fog after a frost. 2. The morning is wiser than the evening. 3. The morning sun never lasts a day. Russian. 4. The morning to the mountain, the evening to the fountain. 5. The muses love the morning. Morsel. 1. There is no flavor in a swallowed morsel. Fr. Mortal. 1. We think all men mortal but ourselves. Mortar. 1. The mortar always smells of the garlic. Fr., Ital. MOSES.-MOTH.-MOTHER. 63 Moses. 1. When the tale of bricks is doubled then comes Moses. Hebrew. Moth. 1. The moth does most mischief to the finest garment. Mother. Ital. 1. A bustling mother makes a slothful daughter. Latin. 2. A fond mother produces mischief. Sp. 3. A good mother does not hear the music of the dance when her children cry. Ger. 4. A light heeled mother makes a heavy (lazy) heeled daughter. 5. A mother is a mother all the days of her life, A father is a father 'till he gets a new wife. 6. A mother is a mother still, The holiest thing alive. Coleridge. Tamil. 7. A mother's attachment, a dog's attachment. 8. A mother's heart is always with her children. Ger. Ger. West African. 9. A mother's love changes never. 10. A mother's love is best of all. 11. A mother's love the best love, God's love the highest love. Ger. Russian. 12. A mother's love will draw up from the depths of the sea. 13. A tender-hearted mother makes a scabby daughter. Fr., Ital. 64 MOTHER. ter. 14. An indulgent mother makes a sluttish daugh- Dutch. 15. An old mother in a house is a hedge. Ger. 16. Better the child cry than the mother sigh. Dan. 17. Each has a part and both all (Victor Hugo speaking of maternal affections). 18. Every mother's child is handsome. 19. Every one can keep house better than her mother till she trieth. 20. Forget not the mother that fondled you at the breast. Cingalese. 21. From the father comes honor, from the mother, comfort. Dutch. 22. He who takes the child by the hand takes the mother by the heart. Dan. 23. Mothers' darlings are but milksop heroes. 24. Mother's love is ever in its spring. Fr. 25. Mother's truth keeps constant youth. 26. No mother is so wicked but she desires to have good children. Ital. 27. One tear of a mother can blot out a thousand complaints against her. Alexander. 28. The good mother saith not, "will you?" but gives. 29. The mither's breath is aye sweet. 30. The mother knows best whether the child be like the father. 31. The mother of a timid son never weeps. Turk. GRANDMOTHER.-MOTHER-IN-LAW. 65 32. The mother reckons well, but the child reck- ons better. us. Sp. 33. The mother of a coward does not often weep. Nepos. 34. There is no mother like the mother that bore Sp. 35. What is sucked in with the mother's milk runs out in the shroud. 36. When yet was ever found a mother, Would give her booby for another. Sp. Gay. 37. Whom will he help that does not help his mother. Turk. 38. God could not be everywhere, therefore he made mothers. (Ben Hur.) Wallace. Grandmother. 1. The Grandmother's correction makes no im- pression. Mother-in-law. 1. A mother-in-law is like the dry rot: far easier to get into a house than to get it out again. Punch. 2. If my mother-in-law dies, I will fetch some- body to flay her. Por. 3. Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law,-storm and hail. Ital. 4. My mother-in-law is dead, my hearth is en- larged. M. Greek. 5. Of all the old women that ever I saw, Surest bad luck to my mother-in-law. 6. The best mother-in-law is she on whom your geese feed (on the grass that grows on her grave). 7. The cask full, the mother-in-law drunk. Sp. 5 66 MOTIVE.-MOTTO.-MOUNTAIN. 8. The gude man's mither is always in the gude wife's gait (way). 9. The husband's mother is the wife's devil, Ger. 10. The mother-in-law does not remember she was once daughter-in-law. Sp., Por. II. The mother-in-law must be entreated and the pot must be let stand. Sp. 12. There is no good mother-in-law, but she that wears a green gown (the turf of the church-yard) (Kelley's Proverbs.) Ger. Motive. 1. What makes life dreary is the want of motive. Motto. George Eliot. 1. For submission, mercy; for resistance, war to the knife. Ancient Romans. Mountain. 1. Behind every mountain lies a vale. Dutch. 2. Believe if thou wilt that mountains change their places, but believe not that men change their dispositions. Mahomet. 3. If the mountain will not go to Mahomet, Ma- homet must go to the mountain. 4. If you don't scale the mountain you can't view the plain. Chinese. 5. Mountains do not come near to mountains, but men to men. Turk. 6. Mountains never unite. 7. The most difficult mountain to cross is the threshold. Dan. Fr 8. Two men may meet, but never two mountains. MOUNTAINEErs.—Mourning.—Mouse. 67 Mountaineers. 1. Mountaineers are always freemen. Mourning. Latin. 1. He mourns the dead who lives as they desire. Young. 2. He that lacks time to mourn lacks time to mend. Henry Taylor. 3. It is better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of feasting. Bible. 4. They truly mourn that mourn without a witness. 5. What man so blest but mourns? Mouse. Baron. Homer. 1. A mouse in time may shear a cable asunder. 2. A mouse must not think to cast a shadow like an elephant. 3. A mouse will put the finishing stroke to a castle wall. 4. By diligence and patience the mouse ate into the cable. Franklin. • 5. If you are a mouse don't follow frogs. Ital. 6. It's a bold mouse that makes her nest in the cat's ear. Dan. 7. It is a mean mouse that has but ae hole. 8. It is a poor mouse that sits on the meal sack and does not gnaw. Ger. 9. It were better to hear the lark sing than the mouse cheep. 10. Mice care not to play with kittens. II. No larder but hath its mice. 68 MOUTH. 12. She is a sairy mouse that has but ae hole. 13. That mouse will have a tail; i.e., the thing will have a long train of consequences. Dutch. mouse. 14. The mountain is in labor and brings forth a Ital., Latin. 15. The mouse does not leave the cat's house with a belly full. Ital., Sp. 16. The mouse is knowing but the cat more knowing. Dan. 17. The mouse may find a hole in a room ever so full of cats. Dan. 18. The mouse that has but one hole is soon caught. Fr., Sp., Dutch. Pope. 19. The mouse that trusts to one poor hole, Can never be a mouse of any soul. 20. 'Tis not the mouse but the hole that does the injury. Ger. 21. Weel kens the mouse when the cat's out o' the house. 22. When a mouse has fallen into the meal sack he thinks he's the miller himself. Dutch. 23. Who shall hang the bell about the cat's neck? (The mice having in council decided that this was necessary to their safety were confronted with this ques- tion.) Mouth. 1. A foul mouth must be provided with a strong back. Dan. 2. A man must keep his mouth open a long time before a roast pigeon will fly into it. Dan. 3. A mouth fu' o' meat may be a town fu’o' shame. MOUTH. 69 4. A shut mouth keeps me out of strife. 5. A wise head has a close mouth to it. Por. 6. All is not gospel that comes out of the mouth. 7. Beware of errors of the mouth. 8. He has a mouth for every matter. Hindoo. 9. He has neither a mouth nor a spear, can neither talk nor act. Fr. 10. He must have plenty of meal who would stop every man's mouth. II. He that hath a mouth of his own should not say to another, "blow." 12. He who would close another man's mouth must first tie up his own. Dan. 13. I have a mouth which I feed, it must speak what I please. Dutch. 14. Mouth and heart are wide apart. Ger. 15. Mouth civility is no great pains but may turn to good account. 16. Mouth of honey, heart of gall. Por. 17. Mouth shut and eyes open. Ital. 18. Once in people's mouths 'tis hard to get out of them. Ger. 19. Open thy mouth that I may know thee. 20. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. 21. Put a seal upon your mouth, and guard your heart with the same vigilance as the ramparts of a city. 22. The mouth and the purse shut. Chinese. Sp. 23. The mouth is not sweetened by saying honey, honey." Turk. 70 MUCH. 24. The mouth often utters what the head must answer for. 25. The mouth that says "yes" says "no." Dan. Sp., Por. 26. The virtue of the mouth healeth all it toucheth. 27. Two eyes, two ears and only one mouth. Ger. 28. Your mouth hath beguiled your hands. 29. Your mouth is a sweet plum, your hand is a thorn bush. Much. 1. Much never cost little. Tolaga. Sp., Por. 2. Much on earth but little in heaven. 3. Much smoke but little roast, Ital. Por. Fr. Sp. 4. Much straw and little corn. 5. Much worship, much cost. 6. Much worth never cost little, 7. Much would have more and lost all. 8. Much would have more, but often meets with less. 9. Never too much of a good thing. 10. Never too much of anything. Greek. II. One may surfeit with too much as well as starve with too little. 12. Too little and too much spoil everything. 13. Too much asseveration is a good ground of suspicion. 14. Too much bed makes a dull head. 15. Too much breaks the bag. 16. Too much consulting confounds. MUDDY.-MULE. 71 17. Too much cordial will destroy. 18. Too much disputing puts the truth to flight. 19. Too much gravity argues a shallow mind. 20. Too much is stark naught. Ital. Welsh. 21. Too much lenity makes robbers bold. Shaks. 22. Too much of a good thing is worse than none at all. 23. Too much of a thing nauseates. Latin. 24. Too much of one thing is good for nothing. 25. Too much spoileth, too little is nothing. 26. Too much water drowned the miller. 27. Too much wax burns the church. 28. Who does too much often does little. Ital. Muddy. 1. Muddy springs will have muddy streams. 2. Muddy water won't do for a mirror. Ital. Mule. 1. A gilt bridle for an old mule. Fr. 2. He who wants a mule without fault must walk on foot. Sp. 3. He who would have a mule without fault must keep none. 4. Like the pope's mule that kept its kick for seven years. 5. Mule don't kick accordin' to no rule. American Negro. 6. Mules make a great fuss about their ances- tors having been asses. Ger. 72 MULTITUDE.-MURDER.-MUSHROOM.-MUSIC. 7. The mule long keeps a kick in reserve for its master. 8. Woe to the mule that sees not his master. Multitude. Fr. 1. The multitude always delight in State tem- pests, hoping for plunder. Turkish Spy. 2. The multitude are not more desirous of gain than of honor. Aristotle. 3. The multitude is always in the wrong. Roscommon. 4. The multitude of offenders is their protection. Murder. 1. For murder though it have no tongue will speak with most miraculous organ. Chaucer. 2. Murder's as near to lust as flame to smoke, Passion and treason are the hands of sin. Shaks. 3. Murder will out; that we see day by day. Chaucer. 4. One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. Mushroom. Bishop Porteus. 1. In a night's time springs up a mushroom. Music. 1. Discords are the sweetest airs. 2. It is the tone that makes the music. Hudibras. 3. Music has charms alone for peaceful minds. Pope. 4. Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast, To soften rocks or bend a knotted oak. Congreve. MUSICIAN.MUSSEL.-MUST. 73 5. Such as the music is, such are the people of the commonwealth. Turk. 6. Where there's music there can be no harm. Musician. Don Quixote. 1. When a musician has forgot his note, He makes as though a crumb stuck in his throat. Mussel. 1. There is life in a mussel. Must. 1. Must is a hard nut. 2. Must is a king's word. Mutability of Fortune. Ger. 1. A hundred years a banner, a hundred years a barrow. (A very old French proverb signifying the changeful fortunes of great feudal families.) 2. A nobody to-day, a prince to-morrow. Bohn. Latin. 3. Change of fortune is the lot of life. 4. Change yourself and fortune will change with you. Por. 5. Every ten years one man has need of another. Ital. Latin. 6. He fell to-day, I may fall to-morrow. 7. In a hundred years' time princes are peasants, And in a hundred and ten, peasants are princes. 8. Once he was a hammer, now he is an anvil. 9. That which is his lot to-day, may be yours to- morrow. Latin. 10. To-day a knight, to-morrow a beggar. Ger. 74 MYRTLE. MYSTERY.-NAIL. 11. To-day a man, to-morrow a mouse. 12. To-day for money, to-morrow for nothing. Ger., Dutch. 13. To-day gold, to-morrow dust. 14. To-day in finery, to-morrow in filth. Ger 15. To-day in gold, to-morrow in the mould. Dan. 16. To-day red, to-morrow dead. Ger., Dutch. 17. To-day stately and brave, to-morrow in the grave. 18. Who to-day was a haughty knight, Dutch. Dutch. Is to-morrow a penniless wight. 19. Yesterday a cow-herd, to-day a cavalier. Sp. 20. You used to be a baker, though now you wear gloves. Myrtle. Sp. 1. The myrtle is always a myrtle though it be among nettles. Mystery. Ital. 1. Mystery magnifies danger as the fog does the sun. N. Nail. 1. Do not drive a second nail until the first be clinched. 2. Do not hang all on one nail. 3. Drive the nail that will go. 4. He hath hit the nail on the head. Ger. 5. He who heedeth not the lost shoe-nail will soon lose his horse. Ger. 6. Hit the nail on the head. 7. In frosty weather a nail is worth a horse. Sp. NAME. 75 8. It takes heap o' licks to dribe a nail in de dark. 9. Leave no nail unclinched. 10. One nail drives out another. American Negro. Ital. 11. The horseshoe that clatters wants a nail. Sp. 12. When the smith's wife wants a nail she must buy it at the shopkeeper's. Ger. Name. 1. A famous name will never die. Hans Andersen. 2. A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. Bible. 3. A good name is better than precious oint- ment. 4. A man dies, his name remains. Bible. Turk. 5. A man may be deprived of life, but a good name cannot be taken from him. 6. A nick-name is the heaviest stone the devil can throw at a man. 7. A nick-name lasts forever. 8. An ill wound may be cured, not an ill name. 9. He that has an ill name is half hanged. 10. If you don't praise don't spoil my good name. Ashantees (Africa). II. Ill wounds may be cured but not ill names. 12. One may remove an evil thing too late to cure an evil name. 13. The shadow of a mighty name. 14. To get a name can happen to but few. Lucan. Dr. Johnson. 76 NAPLES. NATION.-NATure. 15. What's in a name? that which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet. Naples. 1. See Naples and die. Nation. Shaks. Ital. 1. All the great things have been done by little nations. Bea. 2. I have seen some nations like over loaded asses, Kick off their burdens, meaning the higher classes. Nature. Byron. 1. By nature all men are alike, but by education widely different. Chinese. 2. Drive away nature and back it comes at a gallop. 3. He that follows nature is never out of his way. 4. If we shut nature out at the door, she will come in at the window. Sir Roger L'Estrange. 5. Know Nature's children all divide her care; The fur that warms a monarch warmed a bear. 6. Nature and love cannot be hid. Pope. Ger. 7. Nature draws more than seven oxen. Ger. 8. Nature equips all people with what is most expedient for them. Fielding. 9. Nature furnishes genuine gold but art makes false. Ger. NATURE. 77 10. Nature has given us two ears, two eyes and but one tongue, to the end that we should hear and see more than we speak. Socrates. II. Nature has placed nothing so high that virtue cannot reach it. Quintus Curtius Rufus. 12. Nature is beyond all teaching. 13. Nature is content with little. Latin. 14. Nature is frugal and her wants are few. Young. 15. Nature is a frugal mother and never gives without measure. 16. Nature is stronger than education, 17. Nature must obey necessity. Emerson. 18. Nature never did betray the heart that loved her. 19. Nature never says one thing and science an- other. Juvenal. 20. Nature on all like powers has not bestowed. 21. Nature requires little-fancy much. 22. Nature passes nurture. Horace. Ger. 23. Nature takes as much pains in the forming of a beggar as an emperor. 24. Nature teaches us to love our friends but re- ligion our enemies. 25. Nature, the vicar of Almightie God. Chaucer. 26. One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. Shaks. 27. The nature of things will not be altered by our fancies of them. 28. The secret powers of nature are generally dis- covered unsolicited. Hans Andersen. 78 GOOD-NATURE.-ILL-NATURE.-NAY.-NEAR. * 29. Though you cast out nature with a fork it will still return. 30. Though you expel nature with a club, she will always return. Latin. · 31. What belongs to nature lasts to the grave. Ital. Good-nature. 1. Good-nature and good sense are usually com- panions. Pope. 2. Good-nature is a great misfortune if it want prudence. 3. Good-nature is the most god-like commenda- tion of a good man. Dryden. 4. Good-nature is the proper soil upon which virtue grows. 5. Good-nature without prudence is foolishness. 6. The better natured, the sooner undone. Ill-nature. I. Ill-natures never want a tutor. Nay. 1. Nay contains the same number of letters as yea. Don Quixote. 2. Nay! Nay! quoth Stringer when his neck. was in the halter. Near. 1. Near is my petticoat but nearer is my smock. Ital. 2. Near the church, far from God. Nearer. Ital. 1. The nearer the minster the later to mass. Fr. 2. The tunic is nearer than the frock. Latin. NEAREST.-NECESSARY.-NECESSITY. 79 Nearest. 1. Nearest the king, nearest the widdie. 2. The nearest the dearest. Necessary. Ger. 1. It is not necessary to fish up every bucket that falls into the well. Ital. 2. 'Tis as necessary to him as gold weights to a beggar. Dutch. 3. 'Tis well with him to whom God has given what is necessary with a sparing hand, Horace. Necessity. 1. A man driven by distress does as much as thirty. Sp. 2. He knows not his own strength who hath not met necessity. 3. Make a virtue of necessity. Ben Jonson. Rabelais, Chaucer, Shaks., Dryden. 4. Necessity and opportunity may make a cow- ard valiant. 5. Necessity becomes will. 6. Necessity breaks iron. 7. Necessity dispenses with decorum. 8. Necessity has sharp teeth. 9. Necessity has a greater power than duty. 10. Necessity hath no law. II. Necessity the mother of invention. Ital. Seneca. 12. Necessity, thou mother of the world. Shelley. 13. Necessity is a bitter herb. Ger. 14. Necessity is a disagreeable guest. Ger 80 NEED. 15. Necessity is a good teacher. Ger. 16. Necessity is a hard master. Ger. 17. Necessity is a harsh nurse. Ger. 18. Necessity is a powerful weapon. Seneca. 19. Necessity is the last and strongest weapon. Livy. 20. Necessity is the mother of invention. Fr., Ger., Dutch. 21. Necessity makes war to be just. Bias. 22. Necessity never made a good bargain. 23. Necessity seeks bread where it is to be found. Franklin. Ger. 24. Nccessity sharpens industry. 25. Necessity teaches all things. Ger. 26. Necessity teaches the lame to dance. Ger. 27. Necessity, the tyrant's plea. Milton. 28. Necessity unites hearts. Ger. 29. The art of our necessity is great that makes vile things precious. Shaks. 30. The inventions of necessity are older than those of pleasure. Cicero. 31. The necessities of things are sterner stuff than the hopes of man. 32. There is no virtue like necessity. Bea. Shaks. 33. Where necessity pinches, boldness is pru- dence. Need. 1. Long is the arm of the needy. 2. Need makes the naked man run. 3. Need makes the naked queen spin. Gaelic. NEEDLE.-NEGLECT.-Neighbor. 81 Fr., Sp., Dutch, Dan. 4. Need makes the old wife trot. 5. Need makes virtue. 6. Need teaches things unlawful. 7. Need will have its course. Seneca. 8. One often has need of a lesser than himself. Fr. 9. There is no need to bind up one's head before it is broken. Ital. Io. There is no need to blow what does not burn you. Dan. Needle. 1. A needle is not sharp at both ends. 2. Needle and thread are half clothing. Neglect. Chinese. 1. A little neglect may breed great mischief. Sp. 2. If negligent at twenty, slovenly at forty, will stink at fifty. Chesterfield. Neighbor. 1. A bad neighbor is as great an evil as a good one is a blessing. Hesiod. 2. A bad year passes, a bad neighbor remains always. M. Greek. 3. A good neighbor is a precious thing. Ger. 4. A good neighbor is a good morrow. 5. A good neighbor is better than a brother afar Dan. 6. A good neighbor is better than a jewel in a chest. off. Ger. 7. A good neighbor is the safest guide. Ger. 6 82 NEIGHBOR. 8. A great man and a great river are often ill neighbors. 9. A man may take a neebor's part Yet no hae cash to spare him. Burns. 10. A near neighbor is better than a distant cousin. II. An unpeaceable man hath no neighbor. 12. Better a near neighbor than a distant cousin. Ital. 13. Better is a neighbor that is near than a brother that is far off. Bible. 14. Better is my neighbor's hen than mine. Por. 15. Better learn by your neighbor's skaith than by your own. 16. Between neighbors' gardens a hedge is not amiss. Sp. 17. Does your neighbor bore you lend him a sequin. Ital. 18. Every man's neighbor is his looking-glass. 19. He who has a good neighbor has a good morning. Ital., Ger., Dan. 20. He who has a bad neighbor is fain to praise himself. Dan. 21. Here's talk of the Turk and the Pope, but its my next neighbor that does me the harm. 22. If a man would know what he is let him anger his neighbor. Ger. 23. It is not as thy mother says but as thy neigh- bors say. 24. Keep well with your neighbors whether right or wrong. Ger. NEIGHBOR. 83 25. My neighbor's goat gives more milk than mine. Sp., Por. 26. My neighbor's hen lays more eggs than mine. Sp. 27. One cannot keep peace longer than his neighbor will let him. Ger. 28. Neighbor once over the hedge, neighbor over it again. 29. Neighbor's right, God's right. 30. No neighbor is the best. Ger. Turk. Ger. 31. No one is rich enough to do without a neigh- bor. Dan. 32. The bad neighbor gives a needle without thread. Sp., Por. 33. The neighbor's cow gives the most milk. Ger. 34. The neighbor's hen lays the largest eggs. Ger. 35. The neighbor's misfortunes to us are only dreams. Ger. 36. The neighbor's wife is always the handsomest. Ger. 37. There are three bad neighbors: great rivers, great lords, and great roads. Dan. 38. What is it to me how my neighbor lives. Ger. 39. What my neighbor eats does my stomach no good. Sp. 40. When thou seest thy neighbor's house in flames go warm by it. Sp. 41. When your neighbor's house is on fire look to your own. M. Greek. 42. You may love your neighbor and yet not hold his stirrups. 84 NET.-NETTLE. 43. You must not throw stones into your neigh- bor's garden. Net. Fr. So. Dan. 1. A new net won't catch an old bird. 2. All is fish that comes to his net. 3. In vain the net is spread in sight of any bird. Bible. 4. Nets are for thrushes, eagles are not caught 5. New nets don't catch old birds. Werner. Sp. 6. The net that holds no great, takes little fish. Southwell. 7. The net was never spread for the hawk or buzzard that hurt us, but for the harmless birds that are good meat. Ben Jonson. 8. The rough net's not the best catcher of birds. 9. When there is no fish in one spot cast your net in another. Chinese. 10. With never a single hemp thread in his hand he thinks to make a dozen nets. (Trading without capital.) Chinese. Nettle. 1. He that handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung. 2. It is better to be stung by a nettle than pricked by a rose. 3. Tender handed stroke a nettle and it stings you for your pains; Grasp it like a man of mettle, and it soft as silk remains. 4. Though you stroke the nettle ever so kindly, yet it will sting you. • NEUTRAL.-NEVER.-NEW. 85 Neutral. 1. A neutral is a bat. Ger. 2. Neutrals are soused from above and singed from below. none. Ger. 3. Neutrals think to tread on eggs and break Ger. 4. Who can ride upon two saddles is a neutral. Ger. 5. He howls with the wolves, and bleats with the sheep. Dutch. Never. 1. It shall be done when the king comes to Wigàn; i.e., never. 2. Never is a long day. 3. Never is a long term. 4. When the Greek Calends come, when two Sundays meet, when the frog has hair; i.e., never. New. 1. A new toot out of an old horn. 2. Always something new, seldom good. 3. Everything new is beautiful. something Ger. Ital. 4. New things are most looked at. 5. Nothing is so new as what has long been for- gotten. Ger. 6. Nothing is so new but it has happened before. Dan. 7. One must not throw away the old until he has the new. Ger. 8. The new is always liked though the old is often better. Dan. 86 NEWS. 9. There is no new thing under the sun. 10. There is nothing new under the sun. II. What is new is always fine. News. Bible. Fr 1. As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. 2. Bad news always comes too soon. 3. Bad news has wings. 4. Bad news is always true. 5. Bad news is the first to come. Bible. Ger. Fr. Sp. Ital. 6. Do not fret for news, it will grow old, and you shall know it. Sp. 7. For evil news rides post while good news bates. Milton. 8. Go into the country to hear what news in town. 9. Good news is rumored, bad news flies. 10. Good news sweetens the blood. Sp., Por. Fr. 11. He comes too early who brings bad news. Ger. 12. He knocks boldly, who brings good news. Fr., Ital., Dan. 13. He was scant of news who told his father was hanged. 14. He was short of news that spoke ill of his mother, 15. Ill news are aft o'er true. 16. Ill news are swallow winged, But good walks on crutches. 17. Ill news travels fast. 18. It is a barber's news. Massinger. Ital. Greek. NEWSPAPER.-NICE. 87 19. No news is good news. Fr., Ital. 20. The lame post brings the surest news. 21. The sun never sets without fresh news. Kaffir. 22. They are scarce of news that speak ill of their mother. 23. Though it be honest, it is never good Ulster. To bring bad news. Ill tidings tell them- selves. 24. Too good news to be true. Shaks. 25. You must go into the country to hear what news at London. Newspaper. 1. Speak and speak out and sow wisdom about. Dice, doce, E-dice. (Punch's motto for a newspaper.) 2. Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets. Napoleon. Russel. 3. Newspapers are curious exponents of diseased ideas. 4. There are never any vacancies on a good newspaper: there is always room for a good man. Col. Starbuck. 5. The press is the sheet anchor of our liberties. Nice. 1. As nice as a nun's hen. 2. He is more nice than wise. 3. Nothing so nasty as a nice man. Dean Swift. 4. To undo crosses in a straw loft. (To part all the straws that they may not lie cross-wise, i.e., to be over nice.) 5. Who is over nice loses many a slice. Sp. Ger. 88 NIGGARD.-NIGHT.-NIGHTINGALE. Niggard. 1. The niggard spends as much as he who is lib- eral and in the end more. Night. 1. Blemishes are unseen by night. Fr. 2. Darkness and night are mothers of thought. Dutch. 3. Night gives counsel. Fr. 4. Night has no friends. Fr. 5. Night is the mother of counsels. 6. Night is the mother of thought. 7. The night brings counsel. 8. The night is a cloak for sinners. 9. What is done by night appears by day. Nightingale. 1. A nightingale was put in a golden cage-" Oh for my home," she said. 2. A nightingale won't sing in a cage. Turk. 3. Everybody thinks his own cuckoo sings better than another's nightingale. Ger. 4. He esteems the crow and nightingale alike. Turk. 5. It is better to hear the nightingale sing than the mouse gnaw. Ital. 6. Nightingales can sing their own songs best. 7. The nightingale and the cuckoo sing both in one month. 8. When the crow sings the nightingale takes wing. M. Greek. No, YES.-NOBILITY. 89 9. When the nightingale sings no more she's an ugly brown bird. 10. Who cries like a raven when young, does not sing like a nightingale when old. · No, Yes. 1. My "no" is as good as your “yes.” Ger. Ital. 2. "No" and "yes" cause long disputes. Dan. 3. "No" is a good answer when given in time. Dan. Dan. 4. Out of "yes" and "no" come all disputes. Fr. 5. Ten no's are better than one lie. 6. "Yes" and " no is a long dispute. Nobility. Ger. 1. A true nobleman would prefer rags to patched clothing. 2. Better not be at all than not be noble. Sp. Tennyson. 3. Born to consume the fruits of the earth. (Fruges consumere nati.) 4. Do not make a difference between the noble and ignoble. Hindoo. 5. He is ignoble who disgraces his brave ances- tors by a vicious life. 6. He is noble that hath noble conditions. 7. He is noble who performs noble deeds. Dutch. 8. He is of the twice ten thousand for whom earth was made. 9. He is of true nobility, his father went to the chase with a pair of oxen. Ger. 10. It is a reproach to be the first gentleman of his race, but it is a greater to be the last. 90 Noble Lives.-Nodding, Napping. 11. Let wealth and commerce, laws and learning die, But give us back our old nobility. 12. Nobility consists in virtue. Lord John Manners. Don Quixote. 13. Nobility has its obligations. (Noblesse oblige.) 14. Nobility is nothing but ancient riches, and money is the world's idol. 15. Nobility remains noble. Hans Andersen. 16. Piety, prudence, wit, and civility are the ele- ments of true nobility. 17. The more noble the more humble. Ger. 18. There never were fewer nobles than when all would be so. 19. 'Tis only noble to be good. Dan. Tennyson. 20. To be of noble parentage and not to be en- dowed with noble qualities is rather a defamation than a glory. 21. True nobility is exempt from fear. 22. True nobility is invulnerable. Shaks. Fr. 23. 'Twas virtue only at first made all men noble, Noble Lives. Ben Jonson. I. In the wreck of noble lives, Something immortal still survives. Longfellow. Nodding, Napping. 1. Even Demosthenes sometimes nodded in his orations. Cicero. 2. Even the good Homer is sometimes caught napping. Horace. NOISE. NONSENSE.-Nose. 91 face. Noise. 1. He that loves noise must buy a pig. Nonsense. I. A little nonsense now and then I. Is relished by the best of men. Nose. Holmes. A big (long) nose never spoiled a handsome Fr. 2. A man should not stick his nose in his neighbor's pot. 3. A man should not stick his nose in every- thing. 4. A red nose makes a ragged back. 5. He cut off his nose to spite his face. Scotch. 6. He that hath a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it. 7. His nose will abide no jests. 8. If you have lost your nose put your hand be- fore the place. Ital. 9. If Cleopatra's nose had been a quarter of an inch shorter it would have changed the face of the world. 10. Keep your nose out of another's mess. Dan. II. No one bites his own nose. 12. One may know by your nose what pottage you love. 13. Scant of cheeks makes a long nose. 14. To be led by the nose. Dutch. 15. To follow one's nose. 16. Who blows his nose too hard makes it bleed. Fr. 92 NOT EASY.-NOTHING. Not Easy. 1. It is not easy to know your butter in another man's cabbage. Dan. 2. It is not easy to pluck hairs from a bald pate. Dan. 3. It is not easy to show the way to a blind man. 4. It is not easy to sting a bear with a straw. Ital. Dan. 5. It is not easy to straighten in the oak the crook that grew in the sapling. Gaelic. 6. It is not easy to walk on the devil's ice. Dan. Nothing. 1. Blessed be nothing. (Exclamation of a house- wife on cleaning day.) 2. Blessed be nothing when the tax-gatherer comes around. 3. Better aught than naught. Ital., Ger. 4. Blessed is he who expects nothing for he shall not be disappointed. 5. From nothing nothing can come. 6. He goes safely who has nothing. Pope. Fr. Fr. 7. He has nothing for whom nothing is enough. Fr., Por. 8. He that has nothing is frightened at nothing. 9. He that has nothing to spare must not keep a dog. 10. He who has nothing fears nothing. 11. Naught is never in danger. Fr. 12. No one so liberal as he who has nothing to give. Fr. NOVELTY.-Nurse. 13. None have all and none have nothing. 93 Ger. 14. Nothing can come of nothing. (Ex nihilo nihil fit.) 15. Nothing have, nothing crave. 16. Nothing happens for nothing. Fr. 17. Nothing is a footless stocking without a leg. 18. Nothing is had for nothing. Fr. 19. Of nothing comes nothing. 20. Soon rich, soon poor,-soon nothing. Ger. 21. To have nothing is to have rich eyes and poor hands. Shaks. 22. When nought comes to aught, it does not know itself. 23. Who nothing have shall nothing save. 24. Where nothing is, a little doth ease. 25. Where nothing is, nothing can be had. Dutch. 26. Where nothing is to be had the king must lose his right. 27. Who has nothing fears nothing. 28. Who has nothing is nothing. Novelty. 1. Novelty always appears handsome. Ital., Sp. Ital. 2. Novelty is an essential attribute to the beau tiful. Bea. 3. Novelty is the great parent of pleasure. South. 4. 'Tis novelty that sets the people a-gaping. Nurse. 1. Nurse, you are mistress whilst the child sucks, and after that nothing. 94 NUT.-OATH.-OBEDIENCE. 2. One year a nurse and seven years the worse. 3. The nurse is valued till the child is done suck- ing. 4. The nurse's tongue is privileged to talk. 5. Whilst the nurse suckles we love her, when she is of no further use she is forgotten. Nut. 1. By the husk you may guess at the nut. 2. It is a hard nut to crack. Sp. 3. Nuts are given but they are not cracked for us. 0. Oath. Hans Andersen. 1. A true word needs no oath. Turk. Ger. 2. An oath and an egg are soon broken. 3. An unlawful oath is better broken than kept. 4. He keeps his oath as a dog does his fast. Ger. 5. It is a great sin to swear unto a sin, But greater sin to keep a sinful oath. Shaks. 6. Oaths are but words and words but wind. Butler. 7. 'Tis not the many oaths that make the truth, But the plain, single vow that is vowed true. Shaks. 8. "To keep that oath were more impiety Than Jeptha's, when he sacrificed his daugh- ter. Obedience. Shaks. 1. Obedience and majesty never lodged in the same inn. Massinger. OBLIGATION.-OBSERVATION.-OBSTINACY. 95 2. Obedience is more seen in little things than in great. 3. Obedience is the mother of happiness. 4. Obey orders if it break owners. 5. The proof of obedience is found in small mat- ters more than great. 6. They that are bound must obey. 7. When you obey your superior you instruct your inferior. Obligation. 1. By conferring an obligation you do not always procure a friend but are certain of creating ene- mies. Fielding. 2. Excess of obligations may lose a friend. Observation. 1. Exhaustive observation is an element of every great achievement. 2. For he is but a bastard to the time That doth not smack of observation. Obstinacy. Spenser. Shaks. 1. A headstrong man and a fool may wear the same cap. 2. Obstinacy is the worst and most incurable of all sins. Occulist. 1. Among wonderful things is a sore-eyed person who is an occulist. Arabs of Egypt. Occupation. 1. A good occupation is better than a golden girdle. Ger. سم 96 Odd Numbers.-Offences.-OFFENDING. 2. Constant occupation prevents temptation. Ital. 3. No thoroughly occupied man was ever miser- able. 4. The church, the sea, or the royal household for those who would thrive. 5. Thrice happy they who have an occupation. Odd Numbers. 1. There is luck in odd numbers. Offences. Byron. 1. Offences generally out-weigh merits with great men. Offending. 1. No one can justly offend us but ourselves. St. Chrysostom. 2. Who offends writes on sand, who is offended on marble. Offenders. Ital. Ital. 1. The offender never pardons. Offers. 1. Extravagant offers are a kind of denial. Ital. Office. 1. All offices are greasy; i.e., open to receive what the Dutch call smear money. Dutch. 2. An ill man in office is a mischief to the public. 3. An office that does not give the holder enough to eat is not worth two beans. Don Quixote. 4. Cursed is he that doth his office craftily, cor ruptly or maliciously. OFFSPRING. 97 5. Great office, great care. 6. He hath a great office, he must need thrive. 7. He that puts on a public gown must put off the private person. 8. It is a pretty office where one works only with his stomach. Ger. 9. It is thou must honor the place (or office) and not the place thee. 10. Jack in office is a great man. II. No office so humble but is better than noth- Dutch. ing. 12. Nothing is more obnoxious than a low per- son raised to a high position. 13. Office tests the man. 14. Office without pay makes thieves. man. Claudian. Latin. Ger. 15. The office (or place) teaches (shows) the Ger., Latin. 16. They that buy an office must sell something. 17. To grow proud in office is the nature of man. Tiberius. 18. To kiss a man's wife or wipe his knife is but a thankless office. 19. Who fills an office must learn to bear re- proach and blame. Ger. 20. Who obtains an office surreptitiously like a fox will administer it like a wolf. Offspring. Ger. 1. The offspring of them that are very old or very young lasteth not. 2. Unworthy offspring brag most of their de scent. Dan. 98 OLIVE. ONCE.-One. Olive. 1. Call me not olive until you see me gathered. 2. No man who has planted an olive has ever tasted its fruit. 、 Once. 1. Once is never. (Ein mal kein mal.) Ger. 2. Once upon a time no time. (Some day, no day.) One. Ger. 1. One foolish act may undo a man and a timely one make his fortune. 2. One foot is better than two crutches. 3. One foot is better than two stilts. Gaelic. Fr. hail. 4. One grain of pepper is worth a cart-load of 5. One grain of sharp pepper is better than a basket full of gourds. 6. One grape will not make a bunch though it be a great one. Bea. 7. One link broken, the whole chain is broken. Ger. Ger. 8. One log does not burn long by itself. 9. One pirate gets nothing of another but his cask. 10. One ploughs, another sows, Who will reap no one knows. 11. One poison is cured by another. 12. One sad losel soils a man for aye. 13. One stroke falls not an oak. 14. Only one can be emperor. Dan. Byron. Ger. ONE'S OWN.-OPINION.-OPPORTUNITY. 99 One's Own. 1. One's own hearth is worth gold. Dutch. 2. One's own straw is better than an enemy's wool. Ger. 3. One's own thistle field is dearer to him than his neighbor's garden of roses. Ger. 4. The smoke of our own country is brighter than fire abroad. Latin. 5. 'Tis written "What's not your own that let alone." 6. To every one his own is not too much. Ger. 7. You may call that your own which no one can take from you. Dan. 8. Your cracked jug seems better to me than my sound one. Opinion. Sp. 1. All worldly happiness consists in opinion. 2. A man's own opinion is never wrong. Ital. 3. He that seeks a' opinions comes ill speed. 4. Opinion is the great pillar that upholds the commonwealth. 5. Popular opinion is deceitful. 6. The man is a fool who when asked for his candid opinion gives it. Opportunity. Punch. 1. A man must make his opportunity as oft as find it. 2. An occasion lost cannot be redeemed. Bacon. 3. An opportunity which presents itself must not be lost. Turk. 100 OPPRESSION.-ORATOR, Oratory. 4. Catch the opportunity. Latin. 5. Don't let escape the opportunity of the present; it will not return. 6. Know your opportunity. Turk. Pittacus, one of the seven wise men. 7. Let not slip the golden opportunity. 8. Occasion's (opportunity's) bald behind. 9. Opportunity is the cream of time. 10. Opportunity makes desire. Massinger. Dutch. 11. Opportunities are more powerful than con- querors and prophets. 12. Opportunities do not wait. 13. Opportunities neglected are lost. Bea. M. Greek. 14. The first occasion offered, quickly take, Lest thou repine at what thou did'st forsake. Dutch. Syrus. 15. The opportunity is often lost by deliberating. 16. To take opportunity by the forelock. Oppression. 1. Oppression causeth rebellion. 2. Oppression will make a wise man mad. Orator, Oratory.. 1. A good orator must be Cicero and Roscius in one man. 2. An orator is a virtuous man skilled in the art of speaking well. Cato. 3. An orator without judgment is a horse with- out a bridle. Theophrastus Order.-ORTHODOXY.-ORPHAN.-OVEN.-Over. ΙΟΙ 4. He is a good orator who convinces himself. 5. He's a pretty fellow of an orator that makes panegyric of himself. 6. Oratory is the wings upon which we must rise to the great offices of state. Plutarch. 7. Their weakness made them get up into clamor as lame men get on horseback. Cicero, speaking of bawling orators. Order. 1. Order is Heaven's first law. 2. Set thine house in order. Pope. Bible. 3. The old order changeth, yielding place to new. Orthodoxy. Tennyson. 1. Orthodoxy is my doxy, heterodoxy is another man's doxy. Orphan. Bishop Warburton. 1. O teach the orphan boy to read, Or the orphan girl to sew. Oven. I. An old oven is easier to heat than a new one. 2. No gaping against an oven. Over. 1. What is over can't be begun. Owl. Fr. Dickens. 1. The owl does not praise the light nor the wolf the day. Dan. 2. The owl is not accounted the wiser for living retiredly. 3. The owl thinks her children the fairest. Dan. 102 Ox. Ox. 1. A long ox, a short horse. 2. An old ox makes a straight furrow. Fr., Ital., Sp., Por. 3. An old ox will find a shelter for himself. 4. An ox when he is loose licks himself at pleasure. 5. Even he gets on who is drawn by oxen. Dan. 6. He has hay upon his horn. (The ancients thus marked mischievous oxen.) 7. He takes the bull by the horns; ie., grapples boldly with the difficulty. 8. He who greases his cart-wheels helps his Sp. oxen. 9. He who has lost his oxen is always hearing bells. Sp. 10. If an ox won't drink you cannot make him bend his neck. Chinese. 11. If the ox fall, whet your knife. 12. Is the crow aware of the pain it occasions in picking the sore of an ox? 13. It is easy to frighten a bull from the window. Ital. 14. It is not the best oxen that do the best day's work. 15. No need to seek shelter for an old ox. Sp. 16. Old oxen have stiff horns. Dan. 17. Old oxen tread hard. Ger. 18. Ox, keep to your grass. 19. The black ox never trod on his feet; i.e., he never knew sorrow or adversity. P's. AND Q's.-PAGE.-PAIN. 103 20. The fierce ox becomes tame on strange ground. Sp. 21. The ox comes to the yoke at the call of his feeder. Sp. 22. The ox knoweth his owner and the ass his master's crib. Bible. 23. The ox that tossed me threw me into a good place. 24. The ox when weariest treads surest. 25. The ox without a bell is soon lost. Sp., Por. Sp. Sp. Bible. 26. The tired ox plants his foot firmly. 27. Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. 28. To what place must the ox go where he must not plough. Sp. 29. When the ox falls there are many will help to kill him. 30. Who leads an ox to drink must first wet his own feet. Chinese. 31. You need not find a shelter for an old ox. P. Por. P's. and Q's. 1. Mind your P's and Q's. Page. 1. Be not an esquire where you were a page. Sp. 2. Make a page of your own age. 3. Where you were a page be not an esquire. Por. Pain. 1. An hour of pain is as long as a day of pleasure. 104 PALATE. 2. Great pain and little gain make a man soon weary. 3. Great pains cause us to forget the small ones. Ger. 4. He that is uneasy at ever so little pain is never without some ache. 5. If pains be a pleasure to you profit will follow. 6. Let pain deserved without complaint be borne. Dr. Johnson. 7. Naething is got without pains but dirt and lang nails. 8. Pain is forgotten when gain comes. 9. Pain is no longer pain when it is past. 10. Pain makes even the innocent liars. II. Pain past is pleasure. Syrus. 12. Pains are the wages of ill pleasures. 13. Pains make the heart golden. 14. There is a pleasure that is born of pain. Ger. Owen Meredith. 15. There is no pain so great that time will not soften. Ger. 16. There is no remembrance which time does not obliterate, nor pain which death does not put an end to. Don Quixote. 17. Where a man feels pain he lays his hand. Palate. Dutch. 1. There is no living with a man whose palate has quicker sensations than his heart. Cato. PAPER.-PARADISE.-PARASITE.-PARDON. 105 Paper. 1. Paper bears anything (or is patient). Fr., Ger. 2. Paper does not blush. Paradise. 1. A good key is necessary to enter Paradise. Ital. 2. For the pious, Paradise exists everywhere. Bea. 3. He that will enter Paradise must come with a right key. 4. One cannot enter Paradise in spite of the saints. Ital. 5. Paradise is for those who command their anger. Parasite. 1. The parasite has no roots. Pardon. Koran. Western Africa. 1. But they ne'er pardon who have done the wrong. 2. He that sharply chides is the most ready to pardon. 3. He who will not pardon others must not him self expect pardon. Seneca. 4. It is more noble to pardon than to punish. Arabian Nights. 5. Pardon is the choicest flower of victory. Arabian. Syrus. 6. Pardon others often, thyself never. 7. Pardoning the bad is injuring the good. 8. The very best men stand in need of pardon. 9. They that have much business must have much pardon. 106 PARIS. PARLEYS.-PARLOR.-PARNAssus. Paris. 1. There is but one Paris. Parleys. Fr. 1. The town that parleys is half surrendered. Fr. Parlor. 1. All that is said in the parlor should not be heard in the hall. 2. Your dirty shoes are not welcome in my parlor. Parnassus. 1. Parnassus has no gold mines in it. Parry. 1. There is a parry to every thrust. Partners. 1. When two partners are of one mind, clay is into gold refined. Partridge. Chinese. 1. The partridge loves peas but not those that go into the pot with it. Jolofs (Africa.) Party. 1. Party is the madness of many for the gain of a few. Passions. Pope. 1. Give me that man that is not passion's slave, And I will wear him in my heart's core. Shaks. 2. Govern your passions, otherwise they will govern you. Horace. 3. He alone is happy who commands his pas- sions. Horace. 4. He that overcomes his passions, overcomes his greatest enemies. PASSIONATE.-PAST. 107 5. He whom passion rules is bent to meet his death. Plautus. 6. He that shows a passion tells his enemy where he may hit him. 7. Hence one master-passion in the breast, Like Aaron's serpent swallows up the rest. Pope. 8. No man can guess in cold blood what he may do in a passion. 9. Nothing is well said or done in a passion. 10. Passions are winds to urge us o'er the wave, Reason the rudder to direct or save. 11. Regulate thy own passions and bear those of others. 12. The end of passion is the beginning of re- pentance. 13. The passions are like fire and water, good servants but bad masters. 14. The ruling passion strong in death. 15. The ruling passion, be it what it will, The ruling passion conquers reason still. Pope. 16. We ought to distrust our passions even when they seem most reasonable. 17. Where passion is high, there reason is low. Passionate. 1. Passionate men like fleet hounds are apt to overrun the scent. 2. Passionate people lay up no malice. Past. 1. Not Jove himself upon the past has power. Homer. 108 PASTIME.-PATCH.-PATCH-WORK.-PATER NOSTER 2. The best prophet of the future is the past. Pastime. Byron. 1. One should make a serious study of a pastime. Alexander the Great. 2. Use pastime so as not to lose time. Patch. 1. Patch by patch is good housewifery, but patch upon patch is plain beggary. 2. The best patch is off the same cloth. Patch-work. Sp. 1. The defects are often better than the patch- work. Pater Noster. Ger. time. 1. A man may say even his pater noster out of 2. He knows it as well as his pater noster. Sp. 3. Let those pater nosters be for your own soul. (Ironical speech in reproof of swearing.) Sp. Path. 1. A beaten path is a safe one. Latin. 2. A hundred paths present a hundred difficul- ties. 3. Better a path than a hole. Chinese. Ger. 4. Every path hath its puddle. 5. The middle path is the safe path. Ger 6. The path of duty is the path of safety. 7. The path of pain leads to Paradise. Ger 8. The paths of glory lead but to the grave. Gray. ¡ PATIENCE. 1,09 etry. 9. There is no royal path which leads to geom- Euclid addressing Ptolemy. Patience. 1. A moment's patience is a ten-year's comfort. M. Greek. 2. An hour's patience will procure a long period of rest. Arabian. 3. An ounce of patience is worth a pound of brains. Dutch. 4. Abused patience turns to fury. 5. All commend patience, but none can endure to suffer. 6. At the bottom of patience is, Heaven. Bornou. 7. Be patient and you shall have patient chil- dren. 8. Be patient toward all men. New Testament. 9. Bear patiently what thou sufferest by thine own fault. Dutch. 10. Beware of the fury of a patient man. Dryden. 11. Every misfortune is to be subdued by pa- tience. 12. Every thing which is out of our power to amend becomes more supportable by patience. Horace. Russian. 13. Have patience, Cossack, thou wilt come to be a hetman. 14. He that can be patient finds his foe at his feet. Dutch, 15. He who endures with patience is a conqueror. Latin IIO PATIENCE 16. How poor are they that have not patience. Shaks. 17. Job was not so miserable in his sufferings as happy in his patience. 18. No remedy but patience. 19. None patient but the wise. 20. Patience abused becomes fury. Latin. 21. Patience and application will carry us through. 22. Patience and pusillanimity are two things. 23. Patience and the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown. Chinese. 24. Patience and time accomplish more than force and violence. La Fontaine. 25. Patience devours the devil. Ger. 26. Patience is a bitter plant but it has sweet fruit. Ger. 27. Patience is a flower that grows not in every garden. 28. "Patience is a good plant, but it don't grow in my garden," said the hangman. Ger. 29. Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius. Bea. 30. Patience is a plaister for all sores. 31. Patience is good preaching. Ger. 32. Patience is pale cold cowardice in noble breasts. Shaks. 33. Patience is so like fortitude, that she seems either her sister or her daughter. 34. Patience is sorrow's salve. Aristotle. Churchill. PATIENCE. III 35. Patience is the armor and conquest of the godly. Charlotte Young. 36. Patience is the beggar's virtue. Massinger. 37. Patience is the best buckler against affronts. 38. Patience is the door of joy. 39. Patience is the key of Paradise. Ger. Turk. 40. Patience is the strongest of strong drinks, for it kills the giant Despair. 41. Patience is the virtue of asses. Douglas Jerrold. Fr. 42. Patience, money and time, bring all things to pass. 43. Patience must suffer pain. 44. Fatience opens all doors. Dr. Johnson, 45. "Patience," said the wolf to the ass. 46. Patience surpasses learning. Ital. Dutch. 47. Patience, time, and money overcome every- thing. 48. Patience under injuries invites new ones. Ital. Syrus. 49. Patience with poverty is all a poor man's remedy. 50. The herb patience does not grow in every man's garden. 51. The patient man is always at home. 52. The remedy for hard times is to have pa- tience. Arabian. 53. The world is for him who has patience. Ital. 54. Though patience be a tired mare, yet she will plod. Shaks. 55. To wait and be patient soothes many a pang. Dan. 112 PATRIOTISM. 56. Verjuice with patience becomes wine, and the mulberry leaf becomes satin. Turk. 57. What cannot be removed becomes lighter by patience. Horace. 58. Who has patience may get fat thrushes at a farthing apiece. Ital. 59. Who has patience sees his revenge. Ital. 60. With patience and time, the mulberry becomes a silk gown. Patriotism. Sp 1. A boot from my own country let it even be patched. M. Greek. 2. A brave and generous mind will shun no danger to save his prince and country. Turkish Spy. 3. A good citizen owes his life to his country. 4. A patriot is a fool in every age. Russian. Pope 5. And for a country 'tis a bliss to die. Homer. 6. In such an enterprise, to die is rather The dawn of an eternal day, than death. Byron. Johnson. 7. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. 8. Patriotism must be founded on great princi- ples and supported by great virtue. Bolingbroke. 9. Protection and patriotism' are reciprocal. Calhoun. 10. There is always a clinging to the land of one's birth. Hans Andersen. II. "Tis sweet to die for one's country. PAUSE-PAUSES.-PAY. 113 12. True patriots we, for be it understood, We left our country for our country's good. Barrington, of the people of Botany Bay. Pause. 1. 'Tis best to pause and think ere you rush on. Pauses. 1. Prudent pauses forward business. Pay. Byron. 1. Good-will should be taken in part payment. 2. He is well paid that is well satisfied. Shaks. 3. He needs say nothing about the score who pays nothing. Fr. 4. He pays for the glasses who breaks them. Fr. 5. He that becomes responsible pays. Fr. 6. He that cannot pay let him pray. 7. He that payeth beforehand shall have his work ill done. 8. He that pays last never pays twice. 9. He who cannot with his purse must pay with his hide. Io. If forehand. Ger. you would have your work ill done pay be 11. Ill payers are aye gude cravers. 12. I will pay thee when fowls cut their teeth. Itai Kanuri or Bornou (Africa) 13. Once paid, never craved. 14. Pay as you go and keep from small store. 15. Pay day comes every day. 8 114 PAYMASTER. 16. Pay him hame in his ain coin. 17. Pay promptly, collect closely. 18. Pay what thou owest and know what thou hast. Ger. 19. Pay what you owe and be cured of your com- plaint. 20. Punctual pay gets willing loan. 21. Sair cravers are aye ill payers. 22. Soon paid is well paid. Sp., Por. 23. There is no paying with an empty hand. 24. They take a long day that never pay. 25. To pay one in his own coin, Ger. Fielding. 26. Who pays beforehand is served behindhand. Ital. 27. Who pays promptly borrows when he will. Fr. 28. Who pays well is master of others' purses. 29. Who pays well is well served. Paymaster. Ger. Ger. 1. A good paymaster does not hesitate to give good security. Ital. 2. A good paymaster is keeper of other men's purses. Sp. 3. A good paymaster may build St. Paul's. 4. A good paymaster needs no security. 5. A good paymaster never wants workmen. 6. An ill paymaster never wants an excuse. 7. An ill receiver makes an ill paymaster. 8. An ill servant will never be a good paymaster. PEACE. 115 9. Good paymasters need no security. 10. Great promisers, bad paymasters. Ger., Dutch. 11. He who pays his debts betters his condition. Ger. 12. He who pays is fairly entitled to speak his mind. Fr. Ger. 13. He who pays well may borrow again. 14. Of an ill paymaster get what you can though it be but a straw. 15. The worse the dun the worse the paymaster. Peace. Ger. 1. A cake eaten in peace is worth two in trouble. 2. A certain peace is to be preferred to an ex- pected victory. Hannibal. war. 3. A deceitful peace is more hurtful than open 4. A disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war. Erasmus. 5. Better a lean peace than a fat victory. 6. Better an egg in peace than an ox in war. 7. Better an unjust peace than a just war. 8. Better cabbage in peace than sugar with grumbling. M. Greek. Dutch. 9. Better keep peace than make peace. 10. By wisdom peace, by peace plenty. 11. From prudence peace, from peace abundance. Ital 12. He that will not have peace, God gives him war. 116 PEACE. 13. If princes knew to speak, and women to keep silent, courtiers said what they thought, and ser vants to conceal it, the whole world would be at peace. Chinese. 14. If you desire peace be ever prepared for war. 15. In peace prepare for war. Latin. 16. Neither trust nor contend, nor lay wagers or lend, and you'll have peace to the end. Por. 17. No one can have peace longer than his neigh- bor pleases. Dutch. 18. One peace is better than ten victories. Ger. 19. Peace and a well-built house cannot be bought too dearly. Dan. 20. Peace and patience and death with penitence. Sp. 21. Peace in the village is better than war in the city. Ger. 22. Peace feeds, war wastes; peace breeds, war consumes. 23. Peace flourishes when reason rules. 24. Peace has her victories no less than war. 25. Peace is in holding one's tongue. 26. Peace is obtained by war. 27. Peace is the father of friendship. Dan. renowned Milton. Turk. Nepos. Bornou (Africa). 28. Peace must be bought even at a high price. Dan. 29. Peace to his ashes. 30. Peace with a cudgel in hand is war. Por. PEAR. PEARLS.-PEASANT. 117 31. Peace without truth is poison. Ger. 32. Peace would be universal if there were neither thine nor mine. Ital. 33. See, listen, and be silent, and you will live in Ital. peace. 34. They make a desert and call it peace. Tacitus. 35. When they have made the world a solitude they call it peace. Golgacus the Briton referring to the Romans. 36. Who loves peace serves God. Ger. 37. You must ask your neighbor if you shall live in peace. Pear. 1. When the pear is ripe it falls. Pearls. Ital., Ger. 1. Neither cast ye your pearls before swine. New Testament. 2. Pearls and precious stones are not good to eat or drink. Chinese. 3. Pearls are like girls: they require much atten- tion. Peasant. Eca. 1. A rich peasant, like a shaggy dog, only keeps himself warm with his money. Roumanian. 2. An ennobled peasant does not know his own father. 3. "At home," says the peasant, "I am king." Ger. 4. Better a healthy peasant than a sickly king. (Said by Ferdinand III.) Ger. 5. Better a rich peasant than a poor nobleman. Ger 118 PEDIGREE.PEN. 6. He who would cheat a peasant must take one with him. Ger., Dutch. 7. If the thunder is not loud the peasant for- gets to cross himself. Russian. 8. It is easier to make a lady of a peasant girl, than a peasant girl of a lady. 9. Peasant erect is taller than peasant on bended knee. Turk. 10. Princes and lords may flourish or may fade ; A breath can make them as a breath has made; But a bold peasantry, their country's pride, When once destroyed can never be supplied. Goldsmith. 11. Set a peasant on horseback and he forgets both God and man. Sp. 12. The peasant is a peasant though he sleep till mid-day. Ger. 13. The peasant reaches heaven as soon as the nobleman. Ger. 14. There is no knife cuts deeper, than a peasant become a nobleman. Ger. 15. When a peasant gets rich he knows neither relations nor friends. Sp. 16. When the peasant would become a nobleman, he becomes a beggar. Ger. Pedigree. 1. Who asks after the pedigree of a swine he is to kill? paw. I. A Pen. goose quill is more dangerous than a lion's PENNY. 119 2. Beneath the rule of men entirely great The pen is mightier than the sword. Bulwer. 3. He writes with an iron pen. Latin. 4. Many who wear rapiers are afraid of goose- quills. 5. Pen and ink is wit's plough. 6. Take away the sword, States can be saved without it; bring the pen ! Bulwer. 7. The lance never blunted the pen, nor the pen the lance. Don Quixote. 8. The might that slumbers in a goose's wing. 9 The pen is a tree whose fruit is expression. 10. The pen is mightier than the sword. 11. The pen of the tongue should be dipped in the ink of the heart. Ital. 12. The pen, that mighty instrument of little men. Byron. 13. You need not get a golden pen to write upon dirt. Penny. 1. A bad penny always comes back. Ger. 2. A penny in my purse will bid me drink when all the friends I have will not. 3. A penny in the pocket is better than a ducat in the chest. Ger. 4. A penny in time is as good as a dollar. Dan. 5. A penny is sometimes better spent than spared. 6. A penny saved is a penny gained. 120 PENNY. 7. A penny saved is twopence clear, A pin a day's a groat a year. Franklin. 8. A pennyworth of ease is worth a penny. 9. A single penny fairly got, Is worth a thousand that are not. Ger. 10. Account not that work slavery That brings in penny savory. 11. An ill-won penny will cast down a pound. 12. Better a penny out of the land than a dollar out of the sea. lar. Ger. 13. Better one's own penny than another's dollar. Ger. 14. Better penny in silver than any brother. 15. Better to-day a penny than to-morrow a dol- 16. Ducats are clipped, pence are not. Ger. Ger. 17. Every penny that's saved is not gotten. 18. He that does not save pennies will never have pounds. Sp. 19. He that regards not a penny will lavish a pound. 20. He who was born to pennies will never be master of dollars. 21. In for a penny, in for a pound. 22. Dan. It is a good penny with which one gains a dollar. Ger. 23. Lay thy hand upon thy half-penny twice be- fore thou partest with it. 24. One cannot have a good penny with bad ware. Fr PENNY. 121 25. One penny in the money-box makes more noise than when it is full. Dutch. 26. One penny is better on land than ten on the seas. Dan. 27. One penny with right is better than a thou sand without right. Ger. 28. Penny and penny laid up will be many. 29. Penny in pocket is a good companion. 30. Penny is penny's brother. Ger. 31. Penny wise and pound foolish. 32. Put two pennies in a purse an' they'll come thegither. 33. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. 34. That penny is well spent that saves a groat. 35. That which is stamped a penny will never be a pound. Dan. 36. The honest penny is better than the stolen dollar. 37. The penny does not remain with a poor man. 38. The penny is the best companion in all lands. Ger. 39. The smith and his penny are always black. 40. The smith makes more noise to earn a penny than the goldsmith to earn a ducat. Ger. 41. The unrighteous penny corrupts the righteous pound. Ger. 42. There is no companion like the penny. 43. There's no compassion like the penny. 44. 'Tis a good farthing saves a penny. Fr 122 PERHAPS.-PERSEVERANCE. 45. What is not wanted is dear at a penny. 46. Who pennies has, has also friends. 47. Who will not keep a penny, Shall never have many. Ger. 48. You may know by a penny how a shilling spends. Perhaps. 1. Perhaps hinders folk from lying. Perseverance. 1. An oak is not felled at one blow. Fr. Sp. 2. Appeles was not a master painter the first day. 3. By slow degrees the bird builds its nest. Dutch. 4. Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance. Johnson. 5. Link by link the coat of mail is made. Fr. 6. In time a mouse will gnaw through a cable. Ger. 7. Many strokes though with a little axe. Hew down and fell the hardest timbered oak. Shaks. 8. Nine storied terraces rise by a gradual ac- cumulation of bricks. 9. Paris was not built in a day. 10. Perseverance brings success. Chinese Fr. Dutch. Sp. 11. Perseverance kills the game. 12. Step by step one goes far (or to Rome). Ital., Por., Dutch. 13. The repeated stroke will fell the oak. Ger. 14. There is nothing difficult in the world; the PERSUASION. PERTINACITY. 123 only fear is that men will be lacking in perse- verance. 15. 'Tis perseverance that prevails. Chinese. 16. Troy was not taken in a day. 17. With perseverance one surmounts all diffi- culties. M. Greek. 18. Zamora (a city of Spain) was not built in a Don Quixote. day. Persuasion. I. Persuasion is better than force. 2. Persuasion is the recourse of the feeble, and the feeble can seldom persuade. Gibbon. 3. The persuasion of the fortunate sways the doubtful. Pertinacity. 1. I'll fight it out on this line if it take all U. S. Grant. summer. Philosopher, Philosophy. 1. A little philosophy inclineth a man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion. Bacon. 2. All that philosophy can teach is to be stub- born or sullen under misfortune. Goldsmith. 3. Aristippus being asked what he learned by philosophy replied, "To live well with all the world." 4. Beard and mantle do not make the philoso- Ger. 5. Many a philosopher is little honored till the future prove his inspiration. pher. • Bea. 6. Philosophy teaches a knowledge of the truth of things. Hegel. 124 PHILOSOPHER'S STONE.-PHLEGM.-PHLEGMATIC. 7. Philosophy triumphs easily over past and over future evils but present evils triumph over philosophy. Rochefoucauld 8. Philosophy will clip an angel's wings. Keats. 9. The new philosopher needs a new fool's cap. Ger. 10. There is nothing so absurd as not to have been said by some philosopher. Cicero. II. "We two have much to think about," said the louse on the head of the philosopher. if Philosopher's Stone. 1. Pay as you go is the philosopher's stone. Ger. John Randolph of Roanoke. Phlegm. 1. You must let your phlegm subdue your choler you would not spoil your business. Phlegmatic. 1. The world belongs to the phlegmatic. Pick-pockets. Ital. 1. Pick-pockets are sure traders for they take ready-money. Pictures. 1. A room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Piety. 1. Piety is the only proper and adequate relief of decaying man. Rambler. 2. True piety elevates the spirt, ennobles the heart and strengthens the courage. Pigeons. 1. Pigeons are taken when crows fly at pleasure, PIGMIES.-PILGRIMS.-PILLOW.-PILOT. 125 Pigmies. 1. Pigmies are pigmies still though perched on Alps, And pyramids are pyramids in vales. Young. Pilgrims. 1. Pilgrims seldom come home saints. Pillow. 1. Our pillow should be our counsellor. Pilot. Latin. 1. A good pilot is not known when the sea is calm and the weather fair. Dan. 2. A mariner must have his eye upon rock and sands as well as upon the north star. 3. A pilot is not chosen for riches but his knowledge. 4.. Every one can navigate in fine weather. Ital. Every pilot 5. Can steer the ship in calms, but he performs The skilful part can manage it in storms. Denham. 6. He steers his course by wandering planets instead of the faithful pole. Petrarch. Ger. Dan. 7. In a calm sea every man is a pilot. 8. It is easy to sit at the helm in fine weather. 9. It is not in the pilot's power to prevent the wind from blowing. 10. Reward not a sleeping pilot. 11. The best pilots are ashore. Sp. Latin. Dutch. 126 PIPERS.-PIRATES.-PICTURE.-PIKE.-PIN. 12. The diligent pilot in a dangerous tempest does not attend the unskilful words of a passenger. Sidney. 13. The paleness of the pilot is sign of a storm. 14. The rock makes the pilot. Cingalese. 15. When there is no wind every man is a pilot. Pipers. 1. Pipers don't pay fiddlers. Pirates. Fr. 1. Pirates make cheap pennyworths of their pillage. Picture. 1. A picture is a poem without words. Latin. 2. A picture is a silent poem, and a poem a speaking picture. Simonides. 3. Painted pictures are dead speakers. Pike. 1. The pike grows big on small fry. Pin. 1. He who does not pick up a pin cares nothing for his wife. Sp. 2. See a pin and let it lie, you'll want a pin before you die. Fr. 3. The prick of a pin is enough to make an em- pire insipid for a time. Pine. 1. The pine wishes herself a shrub when the axe is at her root. Pitch. 1. He that handleth pitch shall foul his fingers. & PITCHER.-PITY. 127 2. He that toucheth pitch shall be defiled there- Bible. with. 3. He who handles pitch besmears himself. Ger. 4. If thou touchest pitch thou shalt be defiled. Dutch. 5. They that touch pitch will be defiled. Shaks. Pitcher. 1. If the pitcher knocks against a stone, woe to the pitcher; and if the stone knocks against the pitcher, woe to the pitcher. 2. Little pitchers have great ears. 3. Little pitchers have long ears. Sp. 4. The pitcher does not go so often to the water but it comes home broken at last. 5. The pitcher goes often to the fountain, and M. Greek. once not. 6. Whether the pitcher strike the stone or the stone the pitcher, woe to the pitcher. Pity. 1. Better be envied than pitied. Fr., Ital., Dutch, M. Greek. 2. Foolish pity spoils a city. 3. For pity is the virtue of the law, And none but tyrants use it cruelly. Shaks. 4. He hath a tear for pity, and a hand as open as the day for melting charity. Shaks. 5. He that hath pity on the poor lendeth to the Lord. Bible. pity. 6. He that pitieth another remembereth himself. 7. No beast so fierce but knows some touch of Shaks. 128 PLACE.-PLAGUES.-PLAIN DEALING. 8. Pity and need make all flesh kin. 9. Pity cureth envy. 10. Pity is akin to love. 11. Pity melts the mind to love. Dryden. 12. Prudent cruelty is better than foolish pity. 13. We have a great pity for a man who is ruin- ing himself, but very little for one that is ruined. 14. Wherever we meet misery we owe pity. Place. 1. There is a place and means for every man alive. Shaks. Plagues. 1. Who has no plagues makes himself some. Ital. Plain Dealing. 1. Plain dealing is a jewel, but they that wear it are out of fashion. 2. Plain dealing is dead, and died without issue. 3. Plain dealing is more praised than practised. 4. Plain dealing is a jewel but they that use it die beggars. Plain Speaking. 1. Call a spade a spade. 2. Figs he calls figs, a spade a spade. Plutarch. 3. "Never mind," said Philip, "the Macedonians are a blunt people; they call a spade a spade." Kennedy's Demosthenes, vol. i., p. 249. 4. He hath been at London to call a strea a straw and a waw a wall. Planting. 1. He who plants a walnut tree expects not to eat of the fruit. PLANTS.-Plaster.-Play. 129 2. Plant near a vineyard, reside near a town. 3. Plant the crab tree where you will, it will never bear pippins. Plants. 1. Noble plants suit not a noble soil. Plaster. 1. A plaster is but small amends for a broken head. 2. That is a prodigious plaster for so small a sore. 3. The bed is the best plaster for a wounded foot. Ger. Play. 1. An hour of play discovers more than a year of conversation. 2. As good play for nothing as work for nothing. 3. Gie o'er when the play is good. 4. He plays best who wins. Fr., Ger. 5. He plays you as fair as if he picked your pocket. 6. If thy cast be bad mend it with good play. 7. It is best to play with equals. 8. It is not an art to play but it is a very good art to leave off play. Ital. 9. It is well to leave off playing when the game is at the best. 10. It signifies nothing to play well if you lose. 11. Play at small games rather than stand out. Fr. Shaks. 12. Play not with a man until you hurt him, nor jest till you shame him. 9 130 · PLEASE. · 13. Play's gude while it is play. 14. The less play the better. 15. The play won't pay the candles. 16. We should play to live, not live to play. 17. What is play to the strong is death to the weak. Dan. mouse. 18. What is sport to the cat is death to the Ger., Dan. 19. What's play to you is death to us. (Fable of the boys stoning the frogs.) Please. 1. He is not yet born who can please everybody. Dan. 2. He labors in vain who tries to please every- body. Latin. 3. He must be a sad fellow that nobody can please. 4. He must rise betimes that would please everybody. Dutch. 5. He that would please all and himself too, Undertakes what he cannot do. 6. If you be not pleased put your hand in your pocket and please yourself. 7. It is hard to please everybody. } Dutch. 8. Jupiter himself cannot please everybody. Latin. 9. No dish pleases all palates alike. 10. One cannot please everybody and one's father. Fr. 11. To please will always be the wish of benevo- lence, to be admired the constant aim of ambition. Dr. Johnson. PLEASANTRY.-PLEASURE. 131 12. We cannot so act as to please all the world. Petrarch. 13. He had need rise betimes who would please everybody. Fr., Dan. Pleasantry. 1. Pedants who proscribe pleasantry are like cripples who decry dancing. Pleasure. 1. A day's pleasure and a year's grief. M. Greek. 2. A man of pleasure is a man of pains. Young. 3. A pleasant thing never comes too soon. Dan. 4. A pleasure is well paid for that is long ex- pected. Ital. 5. After pleasant scratching comes unpleasant smarting. Dan. 6. After the greatest danger greatest danger is the greatest pleasure. ure. 7. Cent per cent we pay for every vicious pleas- 8. Consider not pleasures as they come but as they go. Aristotle. 9. Every one takes his pleasure where he finds it. 10. Fie upon the pleasure fear can corrupt. Fr. La Fontaine. 11. Fly the pleasure that will bite to-morrow. 12. Fly pleasure and it will follow thee. 13. For my own pleasure, as the man said when he struck his wife. 14. For one pleasure a thousand pains. 132 PLEASURE. 15. From short pleasure long repentance. 16. Hours of pleasure are short. Fr. 17. If you long for pleasure you must labor hard to get it. Chinese. 18. In hawks, hounds, arms and love for one pleasure a thousand pains. Fr. 19. In the pursuit of pleasure the greatest virtues. lie neglected. 20. Never pleasure without repentance. Cicero. 21. No sensual pleasures ever lasted but for an hour. 22. Of sinful pleasure only repentance remains. 23. One day of pleasure is worth two of sorrow. 24. Our pleasures are imagined but our griefs are real. 25. Pleasure gives law to fools, God to wise men. 26. Pleasure is deaf when told of future pain. Cowper. 27. Pleasure is the greatest incentive to evil. 28. Pleasure often comes from pain. 29. Pleasure should follow business. Flato. Bulwer. Bea. 30. Pleasure that comes too thick grows fulsome. 31. Pleasures are like poppies spread, You seize the flower, its bloom is shed; Or, like the snowfall in the river, A moment white, then melts forever. Burns. 32. Pleasures are the baits of evils. Latin. 33. Pleasures steal away the mind. 34. Pleasure's the hook of evil. 35. Pleasures while they flatter, sting. Dutch. Massinger. PLEBEIAN.-Pledge.~Plenty. 133 36. Say to pleasure, “Gentle Eve, I will have none of your apples." 37. Short pleasures, long laments. 38. Short pleasure often brings long repentance. 39. Sweet is pleasure after pain. Dan. Dryden. 40. That is a cursed pleasure that makes a fool. 41. The most delightful pleasures cloy without variety. Syrus. 42. The pleasures we enjoy are lost by coveting more. 43. The reward of unlawful pleasure is lawful pain. 44. There is little due to pleasure but much to health. 45. There is no pleasure but palls and all the more if it costs nothing. Sp. 46. True grandeur is to govern our passions and true pleasure to enjoy ourselves. La Fontaine. Plebeian. 1. It is dangerous for a plebeian to grumble in public. Pledge. 1. Beware of a pledge that eats. Syrus. Por. 2. He has a good pledge of the cat who has her skin. Fr. 3. Of the good man a good pledge and of the bad neither pledge nor surety. Plenty. Por. 1. It is a fair degree of plenty to have what is necessary. 2. Plenty is dainty. 134 PLOT.-PLOUGH, PLOUGHING. Plot. 1. A mischievous plot may produce a good end. 2. A tragical plot may produce a comical con- clusion. 3. Who cannot be crushed by a plot. Shaks. Plough, Ploughing. 1. A plough that worketh shines, but still water stinks. Dutch. 2. An ox and an ass don't yoke well to the same plough. Dutch. 3. De plough pint is close kin to de meal bag. American Negro. 4. Drive not too many ploughs at once; some will make foul work. 5. He that would by the plough thrive, Himself must either hold or drive. 6. He who ploughs with young oxen makes crooked furrows. Ger. 7. If your plough be jogging, you may have meat for your horses. 8. Ne'er put the plough afore the owsen. 9. Plough deep and you will have plenty of corn. 10. Plough deep while sluggards sleep, And you will have corn to sell and keep. Sp. 11. Plough or not plough you must pay your rent. Sp. 12. Take care of your plough and your plough will take care of you. Ger. 13. The plough goes not well if the ploughman hold it not. POEM.-POET.-POETRY.-POISON. 135 Poem. 1. Let your poem be kept nine years. Poet. Horace. 1. God has chosen a poet generally when he has a message to give. 2. It is not good to be the poet of a village. Ger. 3. Ne'er Was flattery lost on poet's ear, A simple race, they waste their toil For the vain tribute of a smile. Scott. 4. Poets are born, but orators are made. 5. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. Bea. 6. The poet is born, not made. (Poeta nacitur, not fit.) 7. The poet of all sorts of artificers is proudest of his work. 8. Those who are poets can make soup of sausage skewers. Hans Andersen. 9. To a poet even a rush may be vocal. Turk. and of lending existence to nothing. Poetry. 1. Poetry is the art of substantiating shadows, Burke. Cowper. 2. There is a pleasure in poetic pains. Which only poets know. Poison. 1. Poison and the dagger are the Eastern bill of rights. 2. Poison quells poison. Ital 3. Poison still is poison though drunk in gold. Massinger, 136 POLE-POLICY.—POLITENess. 4. The antidote before the poison. (To offer an excuse before an accusation.) 5. What does not poison, fattens. 6. What's one man's poison, Signor, Is another's meat or drink. Latin. Ital. Beaumont and Fletcher. Pole. 1. A Pole would rather steal a horse on Sunday than eat butter or milk on Friday. Policy. 1. Policy goes beyond strength. Ger. Fr. 2. Policy may be virtuous as well as vicious. · Politeness. 1. A hunchback making a bow. politeness.) (Excessive Chinese. 2. A civil denial is better than a rude grant. 3. Hat in hand goes through the land. Ger. 4. Politeness is benevolence in small things. Macaulay. 5. To be truly polite remember you must be polite at all times and under all circumstances. 6. A man without ceremony had need of great merit in its place. 7. After the land's manner is mannerly. Dutch. 8. As charity covers a multitude of sins before God, so does politeness before men. 9. At Rome do as Rome does. 10. Cap in hand never did any harm. Greville. Ital. II. One never loseth anything by politeness. 12. One outward civility is civility is current pay for another. POLITICIANS.-POLITICS.-PONDER.-POOLS.-POOR. Politicians. 1. Old politicians chew on wisdom past. 2. Politicians never love nor hate. Politics. 1. In politics nothing is contemptible. 2. There are no miracles in politics. Ponder. 1. Ponder long before you act. Pools. 1. Standing pools gather filth. Poor. 137 Pope. Chesterfield. Bea. Maga. 1. A fallen rich man may make a good master, but not an enriched poor man. Ital. 2. A lamb is as dear to a poor man as an ox to the rich. 3. A north wind has no corn and a poor man no friend. Sp. 4. A poor man can gain nothing by contending with the great. Cingalese. Dan. 5. A poor man has few acquaintances. 6. A poor man has no friends. Ashantees (Africa). 7. A poor man has not many marks for fortune to shoot at. 8. A poor man is all schemes. 9. A poor man is hungry after eating. 10. A poor man's joy has much alloy. 11. A poor man's shilling is but a penny. Sp. Por. Dan. 12. A poor man wants something, a covetous man all things. 13. A poor man's debt makes a great noise. 138 POOR. 14. A ragged sack holds no grain, a poor man is not taken into counsel. Ital. 15. As long as there are some poorer than you, praise God even if you are unshod. 16. Be considerate toward the poor. 17. For poor people, small coin. 18. Every poor man is counted a fool. Gipsy. 19. He is not poor that hath not much, but he that craves much. 20. He is not poor who has a competency. Horace. 21. He is poor indeed who can promise nothing. 22. He is too poor to buy a rope to hang himself. Ger. 23. He who devours the substance of the poor, will find at length a bone to choke him. 24. If poor, act with caution. Fr. 25. Look on the poor with gentle eyes, for in such habits often angels desire alms. Massinger. 26. Much wisdom is lost in poor men's mouths. Ger. 27. Much wisdom is smothered in a poor man's head. Dutch. 28. Much wit is lost in a poor man's purse. Ger. 29. No one is poor but he who thinks himself so. Por. 30. No one so hard upon the poor as the pauper who has got into power. Dan. 31. Not he who has little, but he who wishes for more, is poor. Seneca. Shaks 32. Poor and content is rich and rich enough. Poor. 139 33. Poor folks are glad of pottage. 34. Poor folks say “thank you " for a little. 35. Poor folk's wisdom goes for little. Dutch. 36. Poor men do penance for rich men's sins. Ital. 37. Poor men have no souls. (So think the rich.) 38. Poor men seek meat for their stomachs, rich men stomach for their meat. 39. Poor men's money and cowards' weapons are often flourished. 40. Poor men's tables are soon spread. Ital. 41. Poor men's words have little weight. Greek. 42. Poor people's words go many to the sackful. 43. Poor, what he can; rich, what he will. Ger. M. Greek. 44. Poor without debt is better than a prince. Turk. Horace. 45. That man is not poor who has the use of things necessary. 46. The dainties of the great are the tears of the poor. 47. The devil wipes his tail with the poor man's pride. 48. The impartial earth is open to the poor as well as the sons of kings. Horace. 49. The pleasures of the mighty are the terrors of the poor. 50. The poor advanced makes friends of enemies, For who not needs, shall never lack a friend. Shaks. 140 POOR. 51. The poor ye always have with you. New Testament. 52. The poor are rich when they are satisfied. Ger. 53. The poor do penance for the follies of their superiors. Ital. 54. The poor can live in one house together when two kings cannot in a kingdom. Ger. 55. The poor cannot, the rich will not. 56. The poor live secure. Ger. Ger. 57. The poor must dance as the rich pipe. .Ger. 58. The poor man's honor is worth more than the rich man's gold. Ger. 59. The poorest man may in his cottage bid defi- ance to all the force of the crown. Wm. Pitt. 60. The poor man eats at double cost. Dan. 61. The poor man has his crop destroyed by hail every year. 62. The poor is aye put to the worst. 63. The poor pay for all. Sp. Scotch. 64. The poor man's budget is full of schemes. Sp. 65. The poor man's coin always grows thin. Dan. 66. The poor man seeks for food, the rich man for appetite. Dan. 67. The poor man's penny unjustly obtained is a coal of fire in the rich man's purse. 68. The poor man's wisdom is as useless as a palace in a wilderness. Gaelic. 69. The poor man turns his cake and another comes and takes it away. 70. The poor man wants much, the miser every- thing POOR. 141 71. The poor man must keep his word, and the rich when it suits him. Ger. 72. The poor pour, and the rich drink, the wine. Ger. 73. The poor rich man is emphatically poor. 74. The poor sing free throughout the world. Ger. 75. The poor sit in Paradise on the first benches, Ger. 76. The poor trying to imitate the powerful per- ish. Phædrus. 77. The wise discourses of a poor man go for nothing. 78. There are many things that may not be uttered by men in threadbare coats. Juvenal. 79. There is God's poor, and the devil's poor; the first from Providence, the other from vice. 80. To contemn the poor because of his poverty is to affront God's providence. 81. We give the rich, and take from the poor. Ger. 82. What the poor are to the poor none know but themselves and God. Charles Dickens. 83. When poor, liberal; when rich, penurious. Sp. 84. When the poor become rich they sink the village. Ger. 85. When you eat think of the poor. Cingalese. 86. Wherever a poor man is, there is his destiny. M. Greek. 87. Who closes his ear to the poor, Peter will not hear when he knocks. Ger. 88. Whoso stoppeth his ear at the cry of the poor, shall cry himself and not be heard. Hebrew. 142 POOR-HOUSES.-POPE.-Port. 89. Withhold not the wages of the poor. Poor-houses. 1. The poor-houses are filled with the honestest people. Pope. 1. After one pope another is made. 2. Every priestling conceals a popeling. Sp. Ital. Ger. 3. He that has the pope for his cousin need not fear hell fire. Sp. 4. He who has the pope for his cousin may soon be a cardinal. Ger. 5. He who never budges from Paris will never be pope. Sp. 6. If you would be a pope you must think of nothing else. 7. It is hard to sit in Rome an' fight wi' the pope. 8. One living pope is better than ten dead. Ital. 9. The corpse of the pope takes up no more ground than the sacristan's. Don Quixote. 10. The pope and a peasant know more than the pope alone. 11. We cannot all be pope of Rome. Port. 1. Any port in a storm. Ital. Ger. 2. It is not every man's lot to gain the port of Corinth. (A port difficult to enter.) Horace. 3. Many have come to a port after a storm. 4. No wind can do him good who steers for no port. PORTUGUESE.-POSSESSION. 143 port. 5. The worse the passage the more welcome the Portuguese. 1. A Portuguese apprentice, who can't sew, yet would be cutting out. Possession. Sp. 1. A bird in a cage is worth a hundred at large. Ital. 2. A crown in pocket doth you more good than an angel spent. 3. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 4. A sparrow in hand is worth a pheasant that flieth by. 5. A thousand cranes in the air are not worth one sparrow in the fist. Egyptian. 6. Better a feather in the hand than a bird in the air. Ger. 7. Better a finch in the hand than a parrot in the Indies. 8. Better a leveret in the kitchen than a wild boar in the forest. Livonian. 9. Better a mouse in the pot than no flesh at all. 10. Him that is in possession God helps. Ital. II. I'll not change a cottage in possession for a kingdom in reversion. 12. One bird in the net is better than a hundred flying. 13. One quill is better in the hand, than geese upon the strand. Dutch. 14. Possession and good right with iance in hand. Sp. 144 POSSIBLE.-POSTERITY.-POT. 15. Possession is as good as a title. Fr. 16. Possession is eleven points in the law and they say there are but twelve. 17. Possession is nine points of the law. 18. Possession is the grave of pleasure. 19. Prospect is often better than possession. 20. Rather possess a freehold though but a cot- tage than live in a palace belonging to another. Possible. 1. Madam, if it is possible, it is done; if it is not possible, it shall be done. Fr. Posterity. 1. Posterity allows to every man his true valus and his proper honors. pot. Pot. 1. A cracked pot never fell off the hook. 2. A little pot is soon hot. 3. Little pots soon boil over. Tacitus. Ital. Dutch. Ger., Dutch. 4. Many a good drop of broth is made in an old 5. That which will not make a pot may make a pot lid. 6. The flawed pot lasts longest. 7. The pot boils best on your own hearth. Dan. 8. The pot that boils too much loses its flavor. Por. 9. 'Tis God's blessing makes the pot boil. 10. When the pot boils over it cools itself. 11. While the pot boils friendship blooms. 12. Who boils his pot with chips makes his broth smell of smoke. Ger. POVERTY. 145 13. You may cook in small pots as well as in large ones. Poverty. Dan. 1. All is lost when the people fear death less than poverty. Chinese. 2. A narrow fortune is a cramp to a great mind. L'Estrange. 3. A threadbare coat is armor proof against highwaymen. 4. Bear wealth-poverty will bear itself. 5. Better be poor than wicked. 6. Better poor with honor than rich with shame. Dutch. 7. Deep draughts and long morning slumbers soon make a man poor. Dan. 8. Do not through fear of poverty surrender liberty. (Fable of the horse and the stag.) 9. Every one likes to wipe his shoes on poverty. 10. Hard is the path from poverty to renown. Ger. Latin 11. He bears poverty very ill who is ashamed of it. 12. He becometh poor who dealeth with a slack hand. Bible. 13. He has no share in the sun, i. e., is abjectly poor. M. Greek. 14. He whose expenses exceed his receipts shall come to poverty. Cingalese. 15. His wit got wings and would have flown, But poverty still kept him down. 16. Honest poverty is thinly sown. Fr. IO 146 POVERTY. 17. How many sink into the sordid hut of cheer- less poverty. Thomson. 18. If you would grow poor without perceiving it employ workmen and go to sleep. Por. 19. It is hard to find one who bears poverty with a noble spirit. Aristides. it. 20. It is more easy to praise poverty than to bear Ital. 21. It is no sin to be poor. Ger. 22. Kin or no kin, woe to him who has nothing. Ital. 23. My poverty, not my will, consents. Shaks. 24. No better masters than poverty and want. Dutch. 25. No man lives so poor as he was born. 26. Nothing to be got without pains but poverty. 27. Old age and poverty are two heavy burthens, either is enough. Ger. 28. Pain, distress, and poverty have frightful looks. Locke. 29. Poverty and hunger have many learned dis- ciples. Ger. 30. Poverty and love are hard to hide. 31. Poverty breeds strife. 32. Poverty craves many things, but avarice more. Ital. 33. Poverty has no kin. Ital. 34. Poverty has no shame. Sp. 35. Poverty is a complication of evils. 36. Poverty is a good that all men hate. Ger. POVERTY. 147 is. 37. Poverty is a shirt of fire. 38. Poverty is a sort of leprosy. Turk. Fr. 39. Poverty is cunning, it catches even a fox. Ger. 40. Poverty is death in another form. Latin. 41. Poverty is no shame, but being ashamed of it 42. Poverty is no sin. Ger. Fr., Sp. 43. Poverty is no sin, but it is a branch of roguery. Sp. 44. Poverty is no sin, but it is terribly incon- venient. 45. Poverty is not dishonorable in itself, but only when it is the effect of idleness, intemperance, prodigality and folly. Plutarch. 46. Poverty is shamefully borne by a sluggard. 47. Poverty is shamed and persecuted all over the globe. 48. Poverty is the daughter of laziness. Lucan. Ger. 49. Poverty is the mother of all arts. Ital. 50. Poverty is the mother of health. 51. Poverty is the reward of idleness. Dutch. 52. Poverty is the sister of a sound mind. 53. Poverty is the sixth sense. Ger. 54. Poverty is the worst guard to chastity. 55. Poverty makes a man acquainted with strange bedfellows. 56. Poverty makes a man mean. 57. Poverty never sped well in love. Por. 58. Poverty on an old man's back is a heavy burthen. 148 POVERTY. 59. Poverty parteth friends (or fellowship). 60. Poverty shows us who are our friends and who are our enemies. 61. Poverty trieth friends. Latin. 62. Pride and poverty are ill met yet often to- gether. 63. Prison and Lent were made for the poor. Sp. 64. The poverty of the poor shall be at an end when they shall learn to minister to the wants of each other. Cingalese. 65. The worst part of poverty is to bear it im- patiently. 66. Their rise is one of difficulty whose minds are impeded by poverty. Latin. 67. They only are ashamed of poverty who are poor against their will. Aristides. 68. Though poverty bring sorrow, riches create inquietude. 69. To be poor the Greeks did not hold scanda- lous unless it was due to one's own indiscretion. Fielding. 70. To be poor without being free is the worst state into which man can fall. Fr. 71. To feed many persons and to build many houses is the readiest way to poverty. 72. Unmanly poverty subdues the heart, Greek. Cankers each wound and sharpens every dart. Callinachus. 73. When money is sent flying out of the win dow, it's poverty comes in at the door. POWER.-PRACTICE. 74. Who doth sing so merry a note, As he who cannot change a groat? Power. 1. All human power is but comparative. 149 2. Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness. Washington. 3. For sovereign power all laws are broken. Sp. 4. He is most powerful who governs himself. 5. No power, no respect. Seneca, 6. Power can achieve more by gentle means than by violence. 7. Power goes before talent. Dan. 8. Power, like a desolating pestilence, pollutes whate'er it touches. Shelley. 9. Power on my head or the raven on my corpse. Turk, 10. Power weakeneth the wicked. II. The nature of sovereign power is not to en- dure a rival. Tacitus. 12. When power puts in its plea, the laws are si- lent. Practice. I. Practice makes perfect. Massinger. Ger., Sp. Literal: The boxer's 2. Practice makes perfect. fist must keep to its task and the singer's voice no rest must ask. 3. Practice makes the master. Chinese. 4. Practice not your art, and 'twill soon depart. Ger. 150 PRAISE. 5. Practice what you preach. 6. Suppose you wish to excel before an expert, practice well. Chinese. Praise. 1. A man finds no sweeter voice in the world than that which chants his praises. Fontenelle. 2. A puff of wind and popular praise weigh alike. 3. Approbation from Sir Hubert Stanley is praise indeed. Thomas Morton. 4. Be not the trumpeter of your own praise. 5. Damn with faint praise. 6. Even too much praise is a burden. 7. Every pedler praises his own needles. Greek. Sp., Por. 8. Every potter praises his own pot and the more if it be cracked. 9. Faint praise is akin to abuse. Ital., Sp. 10. Full praise must not be given to the horse that wins the race, but to the man that keeps the stable. 11. Good things should be praised. Chinese. Shaks. 12. He dwells afar from neighbors who is fain to praise himself. 13. He is a fool that praises himself and a mad- man that speaks ill of himself. Dan. 14. He that doeth good for praise only meriteth but a puff of wind. 15. He that is loudly praised will be clamorously censured. PRAISE. 151 16. He that praiseth bestows a favor, and he that detracts commits a robbery. 17. He that praiseth publicly will slander pri- vately. 18. He that refuseth praise the first time does it because he would have it the second. 19. He who praises himself befouls himself. Ital. 20. He who praises himself must have bad neigh- bors. 21. If thou wouldst have praise, die. Ger. Welsh. 22. In doing what we ought we deserve no praise because it is our duty. St. Augustine. 23. It is more difficult to praise rightly than to blame. 24. It is not good praising a ford until one be over. 25. Let another man praise thee and not thine own mouth. 26. Let every man praise the bridge he goes over. 27. Neither praise nor dispraise any before you know them. 28. Neither praise nor dispraise thyself; thine ac- tions serve the turn, 29. Neither speak well or ill of yourself; if well, men will not believe you, if ill they will believe a great deal more than you say. 30. Never praise a man for being like a woman, nor a woman for resembling a man. Quædaretus. 31. Never sound the trumpet of your own praise. 152 PRAISE. 32. None ever gives the lie to him that praiseth him. 33. Of whom to be disprais'd were no small praise. 34. Old praise dies unless you feed it. Milton. 35. One has only to die to be praised. 36. Our praises are our wages. Ger. Shaks. 37. Praise a fool and you may make him useful. Dan. 38. Praise doth a wise man good and a fool harm. 39. Praise borrowed from ancestors is but sorry praise. Dan. 40. Praise from Sir Hubert is praise indeed. (The correct quotation is as above.) Thomas Morton. 41. Praise is not pudding. 42. Praise is pleasing to him that thinks he de- serves it. 43. Praise is the hire of virtue. 44. Praise makes good men better and bad men worse. 45. Praise not the unworthy on account of their wealth. 46. Praise not yourself. • Bias. Cingalese. Dan. 47. Praise paves the way to friendship. 48. Praise the sea and keep on land. Fr., Ital. 49. Praise undeserved is satire in disguise. Broadhurst. 50. Praise undeserved is scandal in disguise. Pope. PRATE. - PRAYING. 153 51. Praise without profit puts little in the pot. 52. Praise yourself, basket, for I want to sell you. Sp. 53. Praises are a spur to virtue, but flatteries are Petrarch. a subtle poison. 54. Praising is not loving. 55. Self-praise defiles. Ger. 56. Self-praise is half slander. 57. Self-praise is odious. 58. Self-praise is the ground of hatred. 59. Self-praise stinks. 60. The praise of a wise man is worth a whole theatre of others. Pittacus. Addison. 61. The praise of a fool is censure in disguise. 62. The public is more disposed to censure than to praise. 63. The sweetest of all sounds is praise. Xenophon. 64. The virtues of the young are increased by praise. Theophrastus. 65. They that value not praise will never do any- thing worthy of it. 66. Too much praise is a burthen. 67. True praise takes root and spreads. Prate. 1. Prate is but prate, 'tis money buys land. 2. Prate is but prate, but its the duck that lays the egg. Praying. 1. A prayer of a dog does not reach heaven. Sp. 2. A short prayer ascends to heaven. Sp. 154 PRAYING. 3. Affliction teaches a wicked man to pray, prosperity never. 4. Apollo hears when invoked. Ben Jonson. Latin. Turk. 5. Don't say amen to an unacceptable prayer. 6. He has milka prayer, but little devotion. 7. He invokes Heaven if a flea bite him. Latin. 8. He prayeth well who loveth well, Both man and bird and beast; He prayeth best who loveth best All things both great and small. Coleridge. 9. He that would learn to pray let him go to sea. 10. More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of. Tennyson. 11. Much praying but no piety. 12. None can pray well but he that lives well. 13. Pray to the saint until you have passed the slough. 14. Prayer is the voice of faith. Dutch. 15. Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night. 16. Prayers move the hand that moves the uni- verse. 17. Rather go rob with good men than pray with bad. Por. 18. Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees. Cowper. 19. The fewer the words the better the prayer. 20. The prayer of the stranger is accepted. Ger. Turk PREACHER, PREACHING. . 155 21. The prayers that are forced do not penetrate into heaven. 22. The stranger's prayer is heard. Turk. 23. "They shall have no more of our prayers than we of their pies," quoth the vicar of Layton. 24. When the pirate prays there is great danger. 25. Who knows not how to pray, let him go sail the sea. Ital. Preacher, Preaching. 1. A young preacher, a new hell. 2. Good preachers give fruits, not flowers. Ital. 3. He is a good preacher who follows his own preaching. Ger. 4. He is past preaching who does not care to do well. 5. He preaches well that lives well. Fr. 6. He preaches patience that never knew pain. 7. He that will not be saved needs no preacher. Ger. 8. He who will not go to heaven needs no preaching. Ger. Ger. 9. It is bad preaching to deaf ears. 10. It is easy preaching to the fasting with a full belly. Ital. 11. It is easy to preach fasting with a full belly. 12. The life of a pious minister is visible rhetoric. Hooker. 13. The most disorderly students make the most pious preachers. Ger. 14. There are many preachers who don't hear themselves. Ger. 156 PRECAUTION.—PRECEPT.-PRECIOUS.—PRECIPITATE. 15. There is no good in preaching to the hungry. 16. You canna preach out of your own pulpit. Precaution. 1. Precaution is better than repentance. Greek. 2. Precaution said "Good friend, this counsel keep, strip not until you're laid to sleep." Precept. 1. Precept begins, example completes. 2. Precepts may lead, but examples draw. Precious. Dutch. 1. Precious ointments are put in small boxes. Fr. Fr. 2. Precious things are mostly in small compass. Dutch. Precipitate. 1. Precipitate counsel, perilous deed. Dan. Precedence. 1. At a dangerous passage yield precedence. 2. Be ye last to go over a deep river. Precedent. 1. A precedent embalms a principle. Ital. Bea. 2. To follow foolish precedents and to wink with both our eyes, is easier than to think. Precepts. Giles' proverbs. 1. Whatever precepts you give be short. Latin. Precocity. 1. Early ripe, early rotten. PREPARED.-PREPARATION.-PRESENT. 157 2. He dies before he is old who is wise before his day. 3. Soon fire, soon ashes. 4. Soon grass, soon hay. Latin. Dutch. Dutch. 5. Soon old, soon cold; soon old, soon with God. 6. Soon ripe, soon rotten. Ger. Latin. 7. So wise so young, they say do never live long. 8. What ripens fast does not last. Prepared. Shaks. 1. It is better to be always prepared than 'to suffer once. Preparation. Latin. 1. Preparation for war is sometimes the best security for peace. 2. Preparation is half the battle, and nothing is lost by being on one's guard. Don Quixote. Present. 1. Past and to come seem best, things present Shaks. worst. Presumption. 1. Presumption first blinds a man, then sets him running. Pretence. 1. If you want a pretence to whip a dog, it is easy enough to say he ate up the frying-pan. 2. On a little pretext the wolf seizes the sheep. Ital., Dutch. 3. You have daily to do with the devil and pre- tend to be frightened at a mouse. 158 PRETTINESS.-PREVENTION.-PREY.-Pride. 4. You pretend the public but intend yourself. 5. You pretend to be a visitor, but are really a spy. Prettiness. 1. Prettiness dies quickly. 2. Prettiness makes no pottage. Prevention. 1. Prevention is better than cure. 2. Prevention is the best bridle. Coke. Feltham. Prey. 1. If one should be a prey, how much the bet- ter To fall before the lion than the wolf. Shaks. Pride. 1. A man may have a just esteem of himself without being proud. 2. A Burston horse and a Cambridge master of arts will give way to nobody. 3. A clown enriched knows neither relation or friend. Fr. 4. A little dog, a cow without horns, and a short man, are generally proud. 5. A man well mounted is always proud. Fr. 6. A proud look makes foul work in a fair face. 7. A proud mind and a poor purse are ill met. 8. A proud pauper and a rich miser are con- temptible beings. 9. A very proud man is always wilful. Ital. 10. And the devil did grin, for his darling sin Is pride that apes humility. Coleridge PRIDE. II. As proud as a cock on his own dunghill. 12. As proud as an apothecary. 13. As proud come behind as go before. 159 14. But yesterday out of the shell, to-day he despises the shell. 15. Decency and decorum are not pride. Turk 16. Every ass thinks himself worthy to stand with the king's horses. 17. "Fie upon thee, how black thou art," said the kettle to the sauce-pan. Dan. 18. He does not think milk and water of himself. 19. He is as proud as a peacock, and calls for ram's milk. M. Greek. 20. He that is proud eats up himself. Shaks. 21. He that is too proud to ask, is too good to receive. 22. He who is on horseback no longer knows his own father. Russian. 23. He who is puffed up with the first gale of prosperity will bend beneath the first blast of adversity. 24. I do hate a proud man, as I hate the engen- dering of toads. 25. I wa'd na ca' the king my cousin. Shaks. 26. If pride lead the van, beggary brings up the Franklin. rear. 27. If pride were an art, how many doctors we should have. Ital. 28. It is good pride to desire to be the best of men. · 160 PRIDE. 29. It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride. 30. It is pride, not nature, that craves much. 31. Neediness conquers pride. 32. No pride like that of an enriched beggar. 324. Nothing more thankful than pride when com- plied with. 33. Of all vice pride loudest calls and for the largest bowl. 34. Peacock, look at your legs. Young. 35. Pride and grace ne'er dwell in one place. Ger. 36. Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty, supped with infamy. 37. Pride continues not. Ger. 38. Pride costs more than hunger, thirst ana cold. 39. Pride feels no cold. 40. Pride goes before and shame follows after. 41. Pride goes hated, cursed and abominated by all. 42. Pride goeth before haughty spirit before a fall. Hammond. destruction, and an Bible. 43. Pride had rather go out of the way than go behind. 44. Pride in prosperity turns to misery in adver- sity. 45. Pride increaseth our enemies, but putteth our friends to flight. 46. Pride is as loud a beggar as want and great deal more saucy. ' 47. Pride is the mask of one's own faults. Hebrew. PRIDE. 161 48. Pride is the sworn enemy of content. 49. Pride is joined with many virtues, chokes them all. 50. Pride, like anger, builds among the stars, But pleasure, lark like, rests upon the ground. Young. Ger. 51. Pride leaves home on horseback but returns on foot. 52. Pride loves no man and is beloved by no man. 53. Pride may lurk under a threadbare coat. 54. Pride must have a fall. 55. Pride must suffer pain. Shaks. Hans Andersen. 56. Pride ne'er leaves its master till it gets a fa’. 57. Pride often borrows the cloak of humility. 58. Pride scorns a director and choler a coun- sellor. 59. Pride scorns the vulgar, yet lies at its mercy. 60. Pride sleeps in a gilded crown, contentment in a cotton nightcap. Punch. 61. Pride still is aiming at the best abodes, Men would be angels, angels would be gods. 62. Pride the first peer and president of hell. 63. Pride the never failing vice of fools. 64. Pride triumphant rears her head, A little while and all her power is fled. Pope. De Foe. Pope. Goldsmith. 65. Proud as a peacock, all strut and show. II 162 PRIDE. 66. Proud looks lose hearts, but courteous words win them. 67. The best manners are stained by the addition of pride. 68. The man in boots does not know the man in shoes. 69. The nobler the blood the less the pride. Dan. 70. The noblest character is stained by the addi- tion of pride. Claudianus. 71. The pride of the poor does not endure. Dan. 72. The pride that holds its head high rarely picks up anything, whereas modesty like a diver gathers pearls by keeping his head low. Punch. 73. The proud man, who gets wet through rather than ride in the carriage of an inferior. Punch. 74. There are some who despise pride with greater pride. Ital. 75. 'Tis good beating proud folks for they'll not complain. 76. 'Tis pride and not nature that craves much. 77. 'Tis pride in fashion that puts humility out of countenance. 78. When a proud man hears another praised he thinks himself injured. 79. When pride rides shame lackeys. 80. When they came to shoe the horses of the pacha the beetle stretched out his leg. 81. You a gentleman and I a gentleman, who will milk the cow? (Satire on pride.) Turk. 82. You a lady, I a lady, who is to put the sow out of doors? (Satire on pride.) Gallician. PRIEST. 163 83. You gazed at the moon and fell into the gutter. Priest. Dan. 1. A priest must be the guardian of truth. Ger. 2. A priest's pocket is not easily filled. 3. Bad priests bring the devil into the church. 4. Either fight not with priests or beat them to death. Ger. 5. Give the priest a drink for the clerk is thirsty. Ital. 6. If a priest be a priest, if a ploughman be a ploughman. M. Greek. 7. It is just the priest should live by the altar. Fr. 8. Lang standing and little offering makes a poor priest. 9. Like priest, like people. 10. Priests pay each other no tithes. Ger. 11. Priests pray for enemies but princes kill. Shaks. 12. Priests should not prate out of the confes- sional. 13. Such as the priest, such is the clerk. 14. That priest is a fool who decries his relics. Ital. 15. The bites of priests and wolves are hard to heal. Ger. 16. The priest does more than the physician. Ger. 17. The priest forgets that he was a clerk. 164 PRINCE. 18. The priest to his book; the peasant to his plough. Dan. 19. The priests ought not to survive their tem- ples. Tacitus. 20. The quarrel of priests is the devil's jubilee. 21. Vilify not your parish priest. Ger. 22. When the priest visits you do not be over- joyed; he will soon begin to beg. Prince. Russian. 1. A good prince does not cut out freedom's tongue. 2. A good prince is not the object of fear. Ger. Diogenes. 3. A good prince must have a tongue, a pen and a heart. Ger. 4. A great prince should have many ears and many eyes. Ger. 5. A prince ought to be aware not only of his enemies, but of his flattering followers. Dionysius. 6. A prince wants a million, a beggar but a groat. 7. A prince who would possess subjects must respect their faith. Hindoo. 8. A prince without letters is a pilot without eyes. Ben Jonson. 9. A wise prince is covered with a bulwark of gold. 10. All are not princes who ride with the emperor. Dutch. PRINCE 165 II. All the virtues that a prince acquires are so many misfortunes to the wicked. Chinese. 12. As princes fiddle, subjects must dance. Ger. 13. Happy a subject when the prince is guided by justice, not his passionate will. Massinger. 14. If the prince wants an apple, the servants take the tree. Ger. 15. No prince is poor that has rich subjects. Ger. 16. Princes and asses do nothing unurged. Ger. 17. Princes can make knights, but not learned Ger. men. 18. Princes do not think of rendering their sub- jects happy unless when they have nothing else to do. 19. Princes have long arms. Chinese Ital. 20. Princes have long arms and many ears. Ger. 21. Princes keep good reckoning; they never lose anything. 22. Princes know only what they must. 23. Princes or lords may flourish or may fade. Fr. Ger. Goldsmith, 24. Princes will not be served on conditions. Fr. 25. Princes use men as the husbandmen use bees. 26. Subjects from princes' crimes grow bold. Fr. Aaron Hill. 27. The blemish of a prince who has forfeited his word can never be removed. Chinese. 28. The hand of the prince is as great as his ter- ritory. Ger. 166 PRINCIPLES.-PRISON. 29. The prince that is feared by many must of necessity fear many. 30. The prince who deserves the favor of Heaven should practise and honor the five virtues, charity, justice, prudence, fidelity and politeness. Chinese. 31. The surest guard for a prince or other chief is the sincere affections of his people. Plutarch. 32. The vices of a prince draw shoals of follow- ers. 33. The word of a prince should never be dis- puted or recalled. Timour. 34. Their power and their will are the measures princes take of right and wrong. 35. There is no prince so bad, whose favorites and ministers are not worse. Burke. 36. They are not all princes who ride with the Czar. 37. We rise in glory as we sink in pride; Where boasting ends, there dignity begins. Principles. Young. 1. We are best of all led to men's principles by what they do. Butler. 2. Their feet, through faithless leather, met the dirt, And oftener changed their principles than shirt. Prison. Young. 1. A prison is a house of care, a place where none can thrive ; A touchstone true to try a friend, a grave for one alive. PROCLAMATIONS.—PROCRASTINATION.-PRODIGAL. 167 Sometimes a place of right, sometimes a place of wrong, Sometimes a place of rogues and thieves and honest men among. Inscription on Edinburgh old Tolbooth. 2. It is better to make conditions in the bush than in prison. Proclamations. Dan. 1. To whisper proclamations is ridiculous. Procrastination. 1. Procrastination is the thief of time; Year after year it steals till all are fled. Young. Prodigal. 1. The prodigal robs his heir; the miser himself. Prodigality. 1. Prodigality and profligacy are twins in every country. Maga. Profanity. 1. Nothing will justify profanity. Stonewall Jackson. 2. That in the captain's but a choleric word Which in the soldier is flat blasphemy. Shaks. Profits. 1. For profits small as pin heads, they rush from east to west. 2. Great capital, great profits. 3. Great profits, great risks. Chinese. Chinese. Chinese. 4. Hold back some goods for a thousand days and you will be sure to sell at a profit. 5. Profit is better than fame. Chinese. 168 PROJECTS.-PROMISE. 6. Small profits and often, are better than large profits and seldom. 7. Small profits are sweet. Ger. Dan. 8. Small profits on large capital are after all great. Chinese. 9. Great profits on small capital are after all small. Chinese. 10. Stock that never lies dead naturally yields a profit. II. The pain o'ergangs the profit. Chinese. 12. What's none of my profit shall be none of my peril. Projects. 1. Man has many projects but God cuts them short. M. Greek. 2. Man projects all his life and dies without realizing. Promise. Fr. 1. A great many shoes are worn out before a man does what he says. 2. A promise is a debt. Ger., Ital. 3. A promised dollar is not worth half. Ger. 4. All promises are either broken or kept. 5. Don't promise what you cannot perform. Turk. 6. Expect nothing from him who promises a great deal. Ital. 7. Fair promises bind fools. Ital. 8. Give no credit to great promises. lays. 9. He loses his thanks who promises and de- PROMISE. 169 10. He promises like a merchant-man, and pays like a man-of-war. 11. He ruins himself in promises and clears him- self by giving nothing. Fr. 12. He that promises too much means nothing. 13. His promises are lighter than the breath that utters them. 14. In the land of promise a man may die of hunger. 15. Lavish promises lessen credit. 16. Men apt to promise are apt to forget. Dutch. Horace. 17. Neither promise wax to the saint, nor cakes to the child. M. Greek. 18. No greater promisers than those who have nothing to give. Dutch. 19. Nothing weighs lighter than a promise. Ger. 20. Promise little and do much. 21. Promises and undressed cloth are apt to shrink. 22. Promises are for fools. Dan. 23. Promises are like pie-crust, made to be broken. 24. Promises don't fill the belly. Ger. 25. Promises fill no sack. Ger. 26. Promises make debts and debts make promises. Dutch. 27. Promises may make friends, but 'tis perform- ance keeps them. 28. Promises must not fill the place of gifts. Latin. 170 PROPHET.-PROPHECY. 29. Promising and performing are two things. Fr., Dutch. 30. Promising is not giving but serves to content fools. Por. 31. Take heed, girl, of the promise of a man, for it will run like. a crab. Sp. 32. There is no piety in keeping an unjust promise. 33. There is no virtue in a promise unless it be kept. Dan. 34. Thy promises are like Adonis's garden, That one day blossomed and fruitful were the next. Shaks. Dan. 35. To promise is easy, to keep it troublesome. Fr Ital. Por. 36. To promise more butter than bread. 37. To promise more carts than oxen. 38. To promise much means giving little. 39. When a man repeats a promise again and again he means to fail you. 40. Who makes no promises has none to perform. Ger. 41. Who promises much and does little, dines a fool on hope. Prophet. Ger. 1. A prophet is not without honor save in his own country and in his own house. New Testament 2. No man is a prophet in his own country. cast. Prophecy. 1. The best reply to a prophecy is another fore- New York World (newspaper). PROSPERITY. 171 Prosperity. 1. All claim kindred with the prosperous. Latin. 2. He that considers in prosperity, will be less afflicted in adversity. 3. In prosperity no altars smoke. 4. In prosperity think of adversity. Ital. Dutch. 5. In time of affliction a vow, in time of prosper- ity an inundation of wickedness. 6. It is no easy matter to bear prosperity de- cently. 7. Let the wretched hope and the prosperous be on their guard. Latin. 8. Oh, how portentous is prosperity! How, comet-like, it threatens while it shines! Young. 9. Prosperity and vanity are often lodged to- gether. 10. Prosperity destroys fools and endangers the wise. 11. Prosperity discovers vices and adversity virtues. 12. Prosperity engenders sloth. Livy. Sp. 13. Prosperity forgets father and mother. 14. Prosperity gains friends, and adversity tries them. Pacuvius. 15. Prosperity gives some appearance of higher sentiments, even to persons of mean spirit. Plutarch. 16. Prosperity is a ray of the sun that the least shadow can interrupt; adversity is sometimes like the refreshing rain of Spring. Chinese. 172 PROSPERITY. 17. Prosperity is a stronger trial of virtue than adversity. Rochefoucauld. 18. Prosperity is like a tender mother but blind who spoils her children. 19. Prosperity is not without many fears and dis- tastes, and adversity is not without comfort and hopes. 20. Prosperity is the nurse of anger. South. Latin. 21. Prosperity is the worst enemy men usually have. 22. Prosperity lets go the bridle. 23. Prosperity is the thing in the world we ought to trust least. 24. Prosperity tries the human heart with the deepest probe and brings forth the hidden character. Tacitus. 25. Prosperity's right hand is industry and her left hand is frugality. 26. Prosperous men sacrifice not; i. e., they forget God. 27. Prosperous men seldom mend their faults. 28. The prosperous man cannot easily form a right idea of misery. 29. The prosperous whether he is loved. Quintillian. man does not know Lucan. Ger. 30. They must be strong legs that can support prosperous days. 31. When prosperity smiles, beware of its guiles. Dutch. 32. When prosperity was mounted, she let go the bridle and soon came tumbling out of the saddle. Franklin. PROVERB. 173 Proverb. not. 1. A man's life is often builded on a proverb. 2. A proverb, a true word. Ger. 3. A proverb deceives not; the heavens fall Ger. 4. A proverb is a remnant of the ancient philos- ophy preserved amidst very many destructions on account of its brevity and fitness for use. Syrus quoting from a work of Aristotle now lost. 5. A proverb is condensed popular wisdom. Carl Seelbach. 6. A proverb is much light condensed in one flash. Simmons. 7. A proverb lies not; its sense only deceives. Ger. 8. A proverb-much matter decocted into a few words. Fuller. 9. A proverb is the child of experience. 10. A proverb is the experience of half a cent ury, extracted from a dozen folio volumes and com- pressed in a crystal. 11. A proverb is the interpretation of the words of the wise. Bible. 12. A proverb is the wit of one man and the wis dom of many. John Russell. 13. A wise man who knows proverbs reconciles difficulties. Yoruba. 14. All the good sense of the world runs into proverbs. 15. An apologue of Æsop is beyond a syllogism, and proverbs more powerful than demonstration. Brown's Vulgar Errors. 174 PROVERB. 16. As the country so the proverb. Ger. 17. Cessit in proverbum. (It has become a proverb.) 18. Generally a fable is a proverb put in action. 19. I am proverb'd with a grandsire phrase, Maga. To be candle-holder and looker-on. Shaks. 20. **** Jewels five words long That on the stretched forefinger of all time Sparkle forever. Tennyson. 21. Maxims expressed in a few words and become popular. La Rousse. 22. Proverbs are the children of experience. 23. Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience. 24. Proverbs are the echoes of experience. Dutch. L' Abbe de St. Pierre. 25. Proverbs are the jewels of the multitude. Popular Encyclopædia. 26. Proverbs are the language of the gods. Vico. 27. Proverbs are the wisdom of ages. 28. Proverbs are the wisdom of the streets. Ger. 29. Proverbs bear age, and he would do well to view himself in them as in a glass. 30. Proverbs lie on the lips of fools. 31. Short sentences drawn from long experience. Cervantes. 32. Short sentences frequently repeated by the people. Johnson. 33. Short sentences into which as in rules the ancients have compressed life. Johann Agricola, 1558. PROVIDENCE. 175 34. Solomon made a book of proverbs, but a book of proverbs never made a Solomon. 35. The genius, wit and spirit of a nation are dis- covered in its proverbs. Bacon. 36. The ingredients of a good proverb are sense, shortness and salt. Howell. 37. We have many coarse proverbs, but of good meaning. Ger. 38. Well-known and well-used dicta framed in a sort of out-of-the-way form and fashion. Erasmus. 39. When a poor man makes a proverb he does not break it. Ger. Providence. 1. If you leap into a well, Providence is not bound to help you out. 2. If you oblige those who can never pay you, you make Providence your debtor. 3. Providence alone can extricate us out of the labyrinths we often fall into. 4. Providence assists not the idle. Turkish Spy. Latin. 5. Providence for the most part sets us on a level. Spectator. 6. Providence is better than rent. 7. Providence knows better what we require than we do ourselves. La Fontaine. 8. Providence is supremely wise, alike in what it gives and what denies. 9. Providence will sooner or later procure the felicity of the virtuous and innocent. Fielding. 10. There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. 176 PROVING.-PROVISION.-PRUDE.-PRUDENCE. Proving. 1. He that proves too much proves nothing. Latin. 2. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. New Testament. 3. That which proves too much proves nothing. Provision. 1. Provision in season makes a bien (plentiful) house. Prude. 1. A prude often preserves her reputation when she has lost her virtue. Spectator. Prudence. 1. Abandon not your old clothes till you get your new. Gaelic. 2. A good "take heed" will surely speed. 3. A grain of prudence is worth a pound of craft. 4. A prudent man does not make the goat his gardener. Hungarian. 5. A prudent man procures in summer the sleigh and in winter the wagon. 6. All things belong to the prudent. Roumanian. 7. A nail secures the horseshoe, the shoe the horse, the horse the man, the man the castle, and the castle the whole land. 8. Be on the safe side. Ger. 9. Attempt not to fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren. 10. Be prudent with valor and brave without ostentation. Agricola. PRYING.-Pudding.-Puff.-PULL.-PUN. 177 11 Colts by falling and lads by losing grow pru- dent 12, Destroy the lion while he is but a whelp. 13. Do not ship all in one bottom. Sp. Ger. 14. Do not wade where you see no bottom. Dan. 15. No protecting deity is wanted if there be prudence. Juvenal. 16. Prudence is the charioteer of all virtue. Latin. 17. Prudence is the parent of success. 18. Prudence supplies the want of every good. Juvenal. 19. The most prudent yields to the strongest. Ital. 20. The prudent still have fortune on their side. Prying. Spectator. 1. Who is always prying has a dangerous life. Pudding. 1. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Sp. Dutch. 2. The proof of the pudding is not in chewing the bag. Puff. 1. Puff not against the wind. Pull. 1. Pull down your hat on the wind side. 2. Pull gently at a weak rope. Pun. 1. Who makes a pun will pick a pocket. Punctuality. 1. Punctuality begets confidence and respect. 12 178 PUNISHMENt.—Pure.-Purse. 2. Punctuality is the soul of business. Punishment. 1. A monarch should be slow to punish, swift to reward. 2. Birchen twigs break no ribs. Ovid. 3. It is cruelty to the innocent not to punish the guilty. Syrus. 4. It is less to suffer punishment than to deserve Ovid. 5. Let them who have deserved their punish- ment bear it patiently. it. Ovid. 6. It is seldom that punishment though lame of foot has failed to overtake a villain. Horace. 7. Man punishes the action, but God the in- tention. 8. Many without punishment, none without sin. 9. Punishment comes slowly, but it comes. Ger. 10. The worst punishment of all is that in the court of his own conscience, no guilty man is ac- quitted. Juvenal. II. When men of talents are punished, authority is strengthened. Tacitus. 12. Who punishes one threatens a hundred. Fr. Pure. 1. To the pure all things are pure. Latin. Purse. 1. A dainty stomach beggars the purse. 2. A full purse has many friends. Ger. 3. A full purse is better than ten friends. Ger. 4. A full purse makes the heart light. Ger. PURSE. 179 5. A full purse makes the mouth run over. 6. A full purse never lacks friends. 7. A handsome hostess is bad for the purse. 8. A handsome landlady is bad for the purse. 9. A light purse makes a heavy heart. 10. A poor spirit is poorer than a poor purse. 11. A purse without money is but a piece of leather. 12. All is not gain that is put in the purse. 13. All is not won that is put in the purse. 14. An empty purse causes a full heart. Fielding. 15. An empty purse damps a bargain. Gaelic. 16. An empty purse frightens away friends. 17. An empty purse and a new house make a man wise, but too late. Por. 18. An empty purse fills the face with wrinkles. 19. An empty purse frights away friends. 20. An empty purse is heavy but sickness presses heavier. Roumanian. 21. An empty purse makes a man wise too late. Por. 22. Ask thy purse what thou shouldst buy. 23. Be it for better or be it for worse, Be ruled by him that beareth the purse. 24. Better an empty purse than an empty head. Ger. 25. Better an empty purse than gold saved. Ger. 26. But for all that the honest man has not got his purse. Fr. 27. Give every man good words, but keep your purse strings close. 180 PURSE. 28. Gold and silver are a good provision in the purse. 29. Gold is gold though it be in a rogue's purse. Dan. 30. He hath left his purse in his other breeches. 31. He that buys and lies shall feel it in his purse. 32. He that has but four and spends five has no need of a purse. 33. He that hath money in his purse cannot want a head for his shoulders. 34. He that hath no money needeth no purse. 35. He that in his purse lacks money, Hath in his mouth much need of honey. 36. He that shows his purse longs to be rid of it. 37. He who does not open his eyes must open his purse. Ger. 38. He who has his purse full preaches to the poor man. Fr. 39. Heavy purses and light hearts can sustain much. Dutch. 40. His purse and his palate are ill met. 41. His purse is made of toad-skin; i. e., he is a covetous person. 42. If a man empties his purse into his head no man can take it from him. Franklin. 43. If you put nothing in your purse you can take nothing out. 44. It is petty expenses that empty the purse. Ital. 45. Keep your purse and your mouth closed. 46. Let your purse be your master. PURSE. 181 47. Little winnings make a heavy purse. 48. My son, put money in thy purse and there keep it. 49. One pin for your mouth and two for your purse. 50. Open thy purse (viz., receive thy money) and then open thy sack (viz., deliver the goods). 51. Open your purse and I will open my mouth. Por. 52. Out of an empty purse the most expert thief cannot steal. Ger. 53. Please the eye and pick the purse. 54. Put money in thy purse. Shaks. 55. Put your hand quickly to your hat and slowly to your purse and you will take no harm. Dan. 56. So it goes in the world: one has the purse, the other the gold. Ger. 57. That is but an empty purse that is full of other men's money. 58. The epicure puts his purse into his belly, the miser his belly into his purse. 59. The man who has lost his purse will go wherever you wish. Horace. 60. The purse strings are the most common ties of friendship. 61. There is nothing agrees worse, Than a proud mind and a beggar's purse. 62. Who has an empty purse must have a sweet tongue. Ger. 63. Who has little money needs only a small purse. Ger 182 PURSUITS.-PUT.-QUACKERY.-QUAILETH. 64. Who has no money in his purse must have honey in his mouth. 65. Wrinkled purses make wrinkled faces. Ital. 66. Yes, ready money is Aladdin's lamp. Byron. Pursuits. 1. Trifling pursuits true wisdom casts away. Put. 1. Put a stout heart to a steep hill. 2. Put by for a rainy day. Horace. 3. Put on your spurs and be at your speed. 4. Put the right man in the right place. 5. Put your finger in the fire, and say 'twas your ill fortune. Q. Quackery. 1. Quackery has no friend like gullibility. Scotch. 2. The healer of others is himself full of wounds. (Applied to pretenders to medical skill.) Quaileth. 1. He who quaileth at the sight of a precipice or an abyss, will never travel on the dangerous paths of this world. Abd-ar-Rahman. Quality. 1. Quality without quantity is little thought of. Quandary. 1. I am neither at the ford nor the bridge. 2. Midway between the earth and starry Olym- pus. Quarrel. Latin. 1. Avoid the first quarrel. (Good advice to a newly married couple as well as others.) QUARREL. 183 2. An old quarrel is easily renewed. * 3. * Beware Ital. Of entrance to a quarrel; but being in Bear't that the opposer may beware of thee. Shaks. 4. Forbear a quarrel with a friend to move, Anger breeds hatred, concord sweetens love. Dutch. 5. Greatly to find quarrel in a straw When honor's at the stake. Shaks. 6. He that parts the fray goeth away with the blows. Massinger. 7. He who interferes with the quarrels of rela- tions must pass through life without a friend. Maga. 8. He who quarrels with a drunken man injures one who is absent. (He that is drunk is gone from home.) 9. In a false 'quarrel there is no true valor. 10. Interfere not in the quarrels of others. Latin. 11. It is better to keep out of a quarrel than to make it up afterwards. 12. It takes two to make a quarrel. 13. No foolery like falling out. 14. None but cats and dogs are allowed to quar- rel in my house. 15. Quarrels could not last long were but pru- dence one side. 16. The greatest quarrels, do not always rise from deepest injuries. 17. They who in quarrels interpose Must often wipe a bloody nose. Terence. J. Gay. 184 QUESTIONS. 18. Two cannot fall out if one does not choose. 19. Two cocks in one yard do not agree. 20. Two crocodiles cannot live in one hole. Sp. Ital. West African Negro. 21. Two dogs over one bone seldom agree. Ger., Dutch. 22. Two sparrows on one ear of wheat cannot agree. 23. When neighbors quarrel, lookers on are more apt to add fuel than water. Dan. Turk. 24. When one hits you with a stone, hit him with a piece of cotton. 25. When one will not, two cannot quarrel. Sp. 26. When two quarrel, both are in the wrong. Questions. Dutch. 1. A prudent question is one half of wisdom. Bacon. 2. Hasty questions require slow answers. Dutch. 3. He that makes a question where there is no doubt must make an answer where there is no reason. 4. He that nothing questioneth nothing learneth. 5. I wish to see face and back; i. e., both sides of the question. Sfik or old Calabar, Africa. 6. It is not calling your neighbors names that settles a question. Bea. 7. Never answer a question until it is asked. 8. No question is settled until it is settled right. New York Freeman's Journal. QUICK.—QUIET.—QUIET PEOPLE.—QUOTATIONS. 185 9. There are few questions that have not their Ger. answers. 10. 'Tis not every question that deserves an answer. II. To a man full of questions make no answer at all. Plato. 12. To question a wise man is the beginning of wisdom. Ger. 13. Unsettled questions have no pity for the repose of nations. Quick. 1. Quick and good go not well together. Swiss. Ger. 2. Quick and good sit not under the same hat. Ger. 3. Quick and well-done don't agree. Ital., Dan. 4. Quick at meat, quick at work. 5. Quick come, quick go. 6. Quick enough if good enough. 7. Quick landlords make careful tenants. Quiet. Ger. 1. The highest degree of earthly happiness is quiet. Quiet People. Dr. Johnson. 1. It is the quiet people who are dangerous. Quotations. La Fontaine. I. To patch-work, learned quotations are allied; Both strive to make our poverty our pride. Young. 186 RABBIT.-RABBLE.-RACE.-Race.—RACK. R. Rabbit. 1. Like a rabbit, fat and lean in twenty-four hours. 2. Smart rabbit go home fo' de snow done fal- len. American Negro. Rabble. 1. Sometimes the rabble discovers what is right. Latin. Race. 1. He lives to build, not boast, a generous race; No tenth transmitter of a foolish face. Savage the bastard. 2. It is better to be the first of one's race than the last (meanest). Fr. 3. The decay of a race is an inevitable necessity unless it lives in deserts and never mixes its blood. Race. 1. The race is got by running. Bea. 2. The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. Rack. 1. The rack can extort a false confession from the innocent. Ragamuffin. 1. He who is always drinking and stuffing Will in time become a ragamuffin. Rage. 1. Rage furnishes no weapon. Latin. Ger. Latin. 2. Rage is a brief insanity. (Ira brevis furor est.) Raillery.—Rain.—Rainbow.-RANK.-RARE. 187 Raillery. 1. No raillery is worse than that which is true. 2. Raillery which plays with the foibles of the great is long remembered and seldom forgiven. Rain. Tacitus. 1. After great droughts come great rains. Dutch. 2. "Agree between yourselves" (as to the time) quoth Arlotto, "and I will make it rain.” 3. A heavy shower is soon over. 4. A little rain stills a great wind. Ital. Ital. Fr. 5. After rain comes sunshine. Fr., Ger., Dutch. 6. It is pleasant to look on the rain when one stands dry. 7. Much rain wears the marble. Dutch. Shaks. 8. One already wet does not fear the rain. Turk. 9. Small rain lays a great wind. Ital. 10. Small rain lays great dust. II. Some rain, some rest. 12. When it rains it pours. Rainbow. 1. The rainbow at night is the sailor's delight. 2. The rainbow in the morning gives the sailor warning. Rank. 1. Rank has its bores as well as pleasures. Bea. 2. The rank is but the guinea stamp, A man's a man for a' that. Burns. 3. There is a rank of mind as well as of birth. Rare. 1. Rare commodities are worth more than good. 188 RASCAL.-RASHNESS.-RASP.-RAT. Rascal. 1. A rascal grown rich has lost all his kindred. 2. A rascal praised, you make his faults your Horace. own. Rashness. 1. A rash man, a skin of good wine and a glass vessel do not last long. Por. 2. A rash man provokes trouble, but when the trouble comes is no match for it. 3. It is best not to be rash. Chinese. Walter Scott. 4. Rash presumption is a ladder which will break the mounter's neck. 5. Rashness brings success to few, misfortune to many. 6. Rashness is not always fortunate. 7. Rashness is not valor. Rasp. Phædrus. Livy. 1. You must use the rasp before you turn to the sand-paper. Rat. 1. A good rat will not injure the grain near its own hole. Chinese. 2. A rat makes a hole, a snake inhabits it. Tamil. 3. A rat may flood a province. Sydney Smith, speaking of Holland. 4. An old rat easily finds a hole. Dutch. 5. An old rat won't go into a trap. Dutch. Ben Jonson. Ger. 6. Do you not smell a rat? 7. Many a rat devours the lion. 8. Rats and conquerors must expect no mercy in misfortune. RAVEN.-Razor. 189 9. Rats do not play tricks with kittens. 10. Rats desert a sinking ship. II. The rat betrayed by his own trap perishes. Sp. Latin. 12. The rat that has but one hole is soon caught. Sp., Dutch. 13. The very rats had instinctively quit it (the ship). Raven. Shaks. 1. A raven can wish a long time before the horse die therefrom. Ger. 2. Foster a raven and it will pluck out your eyes. Sp. 3. He that takes a raven for his guide will light on carrion. 4. The raven chides blackness. Oriental. Shaks. 5. The raven doth not hatch a lark. 6. The raven is fair when the rook is not by. Dan. 7. The young ravens are beaked like the old. Dutch. 8. "Thou art a bitter bird," said the raven to the starling. 9. When the ravens cry the rain follows. 10. Who doth the raven for a guide invite, Must marvel not on carcasses to light. Razor. Ger Oriental. 1. A razor against a whetstone, i.e., he has met his match. 2. The razor cannot shave itself. Latin. West African Negro. 190 READING.-READY.-REASON. Reading. 1. And better had they ne'er been born, Who read to doubt or read to scorn. Walter Scott. 2. By reading a man antedates his life and makes himself contemporary with ages past. Collier. 3. He that can read and meditate will not find his evenings long or life tedious. 4. Read and you will know, Mother of Sir William Jones. 5. Reading between the lines. 6. Reading maketh a full man, conversation a ready man, and writing an exact man. Ready. Bacon. 1. He who is not ready to-day will be less so to-morrow. Reason. Ovid. • 1. A man without reason is a beast in season. 2. Do not an ill thing in company nor alone, but above all respect yourself; govern yourself by reason. 3. He that does not reason is a slave. 4. He that will not reason is a bigot. Pythagoras, 5. I have no other but a woman's reason, I think him so because I think him so. Shaks. 6. If you will not hear reason, she will surely rap your knuckles. 7. Neither great poverty nor great riches will hear reason. 8. Reason binds the man. 9. Reason does not come before years. Ger REBEL, REBELLION. 191 10. Reason governs the wise man and cudgels the fool. II. Reason lies between the bridle and the spur. 12. Reason not with the great, 'Tis a perilous gate. Ital. Fir 13. Reason serves when pressed, but honest in- stinct comes a volunteer. Pope. Shaks. 14. Strong reasons make strong actions. 15. Swift instinct leaps, slow reason feebly climbs. Young. 16. The reason of the strongest is always the best. La Fontaine. 17. There are subjects upon which we cannot reason, we can only feel. Maga. 18. 'Tis in vain to speak reason where it will not be heard. 19. To tell a lie and give a reason for it. 20. Two principles in human nature reign, Self-love to urge and reason to restrain. 21. We reason from our heads but act from our hearts. Fielding. Rebel, Rebellion. 1. To despise life is the first qualification of a rebel. Gibbon. 2. Who draws his sword against his prince must throw away the scabbard. 3. An insurrection that stands still is an insur- rection ruined. Maga. 4. Conquered rebellion strengthens a govern- Fielding. ment. 192 REBUKE.-RECEIVER.-RECEIVING. Rebuke. 1. Open rebuke is better than secret hatred. 2. Rebuke with soft words and hard arguments. 3. Rebuke ought not to have a grain more of salt than of sugar. Receiver. 1. The receiver is as bad as the thief. Receiving. 1. What is worth receiving is worth returning. Ital. 2. Who receives should thank, who gives should be silent. Reckoning. Ger. 1. A short reckoning makes long friendship. Ital. 2. Always count the cost. 3. Don't reckon your eggs before they are laid, 4. Don't reckon without your host. Ital. Ger. 5. He that reckoneth before his host must reckon again. 6. I may go over my reckoning but not over my time. Dutch. 7. Merry is the feast-making until we come to the reckoning. 8. Misreckoning is no payment. 9. Old reckonings breed new disputes. Fr., Ital., Sp. 10. Reckon not your chickens before they are hatched. 11. Short reckonings make long friends. Fr., Ger., Por., Dutch. RED. REED.-REFINEMENT. 193 12. The fairer the hostess the fouler the reckon- ing. 13. The fairer the hostess the heavier the reckon ing. Ger. 14. Who can reckon well will not become poor. Ger. 15. Who reckons without his host must reckon again. Dutch. 16. Wine and roast? Yes, yes! Count and bill! Woe, woe! I. Red. Turk. "Red is love's color," said the wooer to his foxy charmer. Reed. Ger. 1. He that sits among reeds may cut pipes as he pleases. 2. Lean not on a reed. 3. Thou trusted in the staff of this broken reed. 4. Where there are reeds there is water. Refinement. Bible. 1. Over refinement is the herald of the decay of a country. Reformation, Reforms. 1. A true reformation must begin at the upper end. 2. Fire and faggots are but sad reformers. 3. He who reforms, God assists. Sp. 4. Reforms are generally most unpopular where most needed. Martin's History of India. 5. To turn over a new leaf. 13 194 REFUSING.-Regard.-RELATIONS (KINDRED). Refusing. 1. A prompt refusal has in part the grace of a favor granted. Latin. 2. Some refuse roast meat and afterwards long for the smoke of it. Ital. 3. To refuse graciously is half to grant a favor. 4. Who refuses, muses. Regard. Syrus. Fr. 1. I am the slave of him who regards me and the king of him who disregards me. Relations (Kindred). Turk. 1. A bag full of flour and a purse full of money are the best relations in the world. 2. Curse on accounts with relations. Roumanian. Sp. 3. Dine with thy aunt, but not every day. 4. Go not every evening to your brother's house. 5. Go to your aunt's house but not every day. Sp. 6. He who abandons his poor kindred God for- sakes him. 7. If my aunt had been a man, she'd have been my uncle. 8. I want more for my teeth than my relations. Por. 9. Let us have florins and we shall find cousins. Ital. 10. Much kindred, much trouble. Fr. 11. My sister's son is a kinsman beyond dispute, Sp. RELIGION. 195 12. My teeth are nearer than my kindred. 13. No relation is poor. 14. Poor relations have little honor. Sp. Sp. Dan. 15. Relations or not relations my turnips are three hundred cash per picul. 16. The kinsman's ears will hear it. Chinese. 17. The nearest boor is the nearest kinsman when the calf lies in the ditch. Dutch. 18. Though my father-in-law is a good man, I do not like a dog with a bell. 19. With a relation eat and drink, but transact no business with him. M. Greek. Religion. 1. A man should be religious but not supersti- tious. Latın. 2. A man without religion is like a horse with- out a bridle. Latin. 3. A profitable religion never wants proselytes. Ital. 4. All things that are good and beautiful make us more religious. 5. Be not righteous over much. Bea. Bible. 6. Each one holds his own religion for the best. Ger. 7. “I have learned religion, I believe what I will," said the cobbler. Ger. 8. It matters not what religion an ill man is of. 9. Much religion but no goodness. 10. No man's religion ever survived his morals. 196 REMEDY. 11. Our religion and our language we suck in with our milk. 12. Religion has true and lasting joys; weigh all and so if anything have more let heaven go. 13. Religion is the best armor but the worst cloak. 14. Religion lays not an icy hand on the true joys of life. Buckminster. 15. Religion was never designed to make our pleasures less. 16. Religion should be the rule of life, not a casual incident to it. Bea. 17. Religious contention is the devil's harvest. Fr. 18. The strength of empire is in religion. Ben Jonson. 19. There never was and never will be a country without a religion. Remedy. Byron. 1. Divine Providence always places the remedy by the side of the evil. Fr. 2. Extreme remedies are never the first to be resorted to. 3. How readily do men at ease prescribe to those who're sick at heart. Terence. 4. No one tries extreme remedies at first. Seneca. 5. Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie, Which we ascribe to Heaven. Shaks. 6. The best remedy against an ill man is much ground between both. 7. The remedy is worse than the disease. Scotch. REMEMBER. REMEMBRANCE.-REMORSE. 197 8. The remedy of to-morrow is too late for the evil of to-day. Sp. 9. There is a remedy for all things but the ap- pointed time to die. Turk. 10. There is a remedy for everything could men find it. II. There is a remedy for everything except death. Fr., Sp., Dutch, Dan. 12. Where remedies are needed, sighing avails not. Remember. Ital. 1. It is as well now and then not to remember all we know. 2. Remember Lot's wife. Syrus. New Testament. 3. Remember Milo's end, Wedged in that timber which he strove to rend. Roscommon. 4. That is pleasant to remember which was hard Ital. to endure. 5. That which was endured with difficulty is re- membered with delight. 'ber. Seneca. 6. We have all forgotten more than we remem- 7. What was hard to bear is sweet to remember. Por. 8. What you remember to your cost you remem- þer long. Remembrance. Dan. 1. The remembrance of a well spent life is ¿weet. Remorse. 1. Remorse is the echo of a lost virtue. Bulwer. 198 REMOVING.-Renter.—Repair.—Repentance. Removing. 1. I never saw an oft-removed tree, nor yet an oft-removed family that throve so well as those that settled be. Franklin. 2. One is never so rich as when he moves from one house to another. 3. Plants oft removed never thrive. Fr. Ger. 4. Remove an old tree and it will wither to death. 5. Remove not the ancient landmarks which thy fathers have set. Solomon. 6. Three removes are as bad as a fire. 7. Trees often transplanted seldom prosper. 8. Two removes are as bad as a fire. Dutch Renter. 1. The owner has one house, the renter a thou sand. Repair. Turk 1. He that repairs not a part builds all. 2. He who does not repair a gutter has a whole house to repair. Sp.. 3. It is better to repair the beginning than the end. Ger. 4. Let him that receives the profit repair the inn. Repentance. 1. A noble mind disdains not to repent. Homer. 2. Amendment is repentance. 3. Every one finds sin sweet and repentance bitter. Dan. REPENTANCE. 199 it. 4. He that protects an ill man may live to repent 5. Late repentance is seldom worth much. Dan. 6. Not to repent of a fault is to justify it. 7. He who seeks repentance for the past Should woo the angel virtue in the future. Bulwer. 8. I left what I know for what I hear and re- pented. Sp. 9. He that repents of a fault upon right grounds is almost innocent. 10. Repentance costs dear. Seneca. Fr., Sp. 11. Repentance does not bring the lost back. Ger. 12. Repentance follows hasty counsels. Syrus. 13. Repentance is not to be measured by inches and hours. 14. Repentance is the heart's medicine. 15. Repentance is the whip for fools. 16. Short acquaintance brings repentance. Ger. 17. Take nothing in hand that may bring repent- ance. Dutch. 18. That may be soon done which brings long re- pentance. Dan. 19. The sinning is the best part of repentance. (An atrocious maxim.) 20. Thou must repent, Arabian. And one bad act with many deeds well done mayst cover 21. 'Tis never too late to repent. Milton. 22. When all is consumed repentance comes too late. 200 REPORT.-REPROACH.-REPROOF.-REPUTATION. 23. You will never repent of being patient and sober. Report. 1. In the report of riches and goodness always bate one half. Sp. 2. Report makes the wolf bigger than he is. Ger. Reproach. 1. Reproach is infinite and knows no end. 2. The sting of a reproach is the truth of it. Reproof. 1. A smart reproof is better than smooth deceit. 2. Public reproof hardens shame. 3. Reprove not a scorner lest he hate thee; rebuke a wise man and he will love thee. Bible. 4. Reprove others but correct thyself. 5. Reprove thy friend privately, commend him publicly. Solon. 6. Reproof never does a wise man harm. 7. Who reproves the lame must go upright. Dan. 8. It is better to reprove privately than to be angry secretly. Reputation. 1. A bad wound may be cured, bad repute kills. Sp. 2. A good name covers theft. Ger. 3. A good name is a rich inheritance. Ger. 4. A good name is a second inheritance, Ger. 5. A good name is better than a golden girdle. Fr. 6. A good name is better than precious oint- ment. Bible. REPUTATION. 201 7. A good name is better than riches. Bible. 8. A good name keeps its lustre in the dark. 9. A good reputation is a fair estate. 10. A great reputation is a great charge. II. A good name is sooner tint than won. 12. A man had better die than lose his good Turk. name. 13. A man's character reaches town before his person. Dan. 14. A splendid reputation is not amongst the necessaries of life. Dr. Johnson. 15. A wounded reputation is seldom cured. 16. Beware of him who regards not his repu tation. 17. Good name in man or woman Is the immediate jewel of their soul. Shaks. 18. Good repute is better than a golden belt. Fr. 19. Good repute is like the cypress, once cut it never puts forth leaf again. Ital. 20. He deserves no man's good word of whom all men speak well. Arabian. 21. He that regardeth not his reputation despis- eth virtue. 22. He who hath lost his reputation is a dead man among the living. Sp. Latin. 23. He who hath lost his good name how shall he in the future earn his living. 24. He is born in a good hour who gets a good name. 25. How difficult it is to save the bark of reputa- tion from the rocks of ignorance. Petrarch. 202 REPUTATION. 26. If one's name be up he may lie abed. 27. It is better to lose an eye than one's reputa- tion. Turk. 28. It takes a lifetime to build up a good repu- tation; it may be lost in a moment. 29. Let every man strive to add a good name to his other capital. 30. No ruins are so irreparable as those of repu- tation. 31. One man may steal a horse, and another may not look over the hedge. our success. 32. Our reputation for wisdom depends much on Euripides. 33. Reputation is commonly measured by the acre. 34. Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault. 35. Reputation serves to virtue as light does to a picture. 36. Repute hangs a man. Fr. 37. Take away my good name, take away my life. 38. The first step to a good name is a good life, the next is good behavior. 39. The purest treasure mortal times afford Is spotless reputation. Shaks. 40. The reputation of a man depends on the first steps he makes in the world. Pope. 41. There is no reputation so clear but a slan- derer may stain it. 42. When his name is up he may lie abed. Spectator. REQUITAL.-RESOLUTION.-RESPECT. 203 43. When your name is up you may lie abed till noon. Requital. 1. He that looks for a requital serves himself, not me. Resolution. 1. A resolute man cares nothing about diffi culties. Tamil. Chinese. 2. Be resolved and the thing is done. 3. Bold resolution is the favorite of Providence. 4. Every task can be accomplished by a man of resolution. Chinese. 5. He who refuses to serve either king or prince is possessed of lofty resolution. Chinese. 6. He who resolves suddenly repents at leisure. 7. In things that must be it is good to be reso- lute. 8. Once resolved, the trouble is over. 9. Resolution is independent of great age, but without it one lives a hundred years in vain. Chinese. 10. Set a stout heart to a steep hill-side. 11. Set hard heart against hard hap. Scotch. 12. The first thing a scholar does is to establish resolution. Chinese. 13. With ease a man of worth establishes a fam- ily, and what is hard to the true superior man when he resolves. Chinese. 14. Without resolution a man must make his liv- ing by the sweat of his brow. Respect. 1. Respect a man, he will do the more. Chinese. 204 REST.-RETREAT. 2. Respect for one's parents is the highest of the duties of civil life. rest. rest. Rest. Chinese. 1. A man rests all over when he lies down. 2. A short rest is always good. Stonewall Jackson. Dan. 3. All that are in a bed must not have quiet 4. Alternate rest and labor long endure. Ovid. 5. Better a little with rest than much with un- Ger. 6. Men tire themselves in pursuit of rest. Sterne. 7. Rest comes from unrest and unrest from rest. Ger. 8. Rest is good after the work is done. Dan. 9. Rest is sweet after strife. Owen Meredith. 10. Rest is the sweet sauce of labor. Plutarch. 11. Rest is won only by work. Turk. 12. Rest makes rusty. Dan. 13. Silken rest tie all my cares up. Beaumont and Fletcher. 14. The fertile field becomes sterile without rest. Sp. 15. Too much rest itself becomes a pain. Homer. Retreat. ધ Livy. 1. A brave retreat is a brave exploit. 2. Flying men often meet their fate. 3. He that fights and runs away, May live to fight another day. 4. He who retires does not fly. Butler. Don Quixote. RETRIBUTION. 205 5. In all the trade of war no feat Is nobler than a brave retreat. Retribution. 1. As they brew so let them bake. 2. As they pipe to me I will dance. 3. As they sow let them reap. Butler. Por. 4. As you begun the dance you may pay the piper. 5. As you brew so drink. Dutch. 6. As you have ground so eat. M. Greek. 7. As you make your bed so you must lie on it. 8. As you salute you will be saluted. Ital. 9. As you sow you shall reap. 10. Every one reaps as he sows. Por. II. For it is sport to have the engineer hoist by his own petar. it. Shaks. 12. He falls into the pit who leads another into 13. He is caught in his own snare. 14. He is dead in his own den. Sp. Latin. North American Indian. 15. He that makes his bed ill lies thereon. 16. He that digs a pit falls into it himself. 17. He who laid a snare for me has fallen into Ger it. Sp. 18. Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it may singe yourself. 19. Perfidy often recoils upon its author. Shaks. La Fontaine. 20. Subtlety set a trap and was caught itself. 206 REVENGE. 21. They thought to put others in a sleeve and they are put in themselves. 22. Those who sow injustice reap hate and ven- geance. Fr. 23. Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. New Testament. 24. You are bottled in your own jug. North American Indian. 25. You are mired in the hole which you dug yourself. North American Indian. 26. You gather a rod for your own back. - 27. You were caught with your own chaff. North American Indian. Revenge. 1. Forgetting of a wrong is a mild revenge. 2. He's like the pope's mule that kept his kick for seven years. Ital. 3. He who cannot revenge himself is weak; he who will not is contemptible. Ital. 4. He who will have a good revenge let him leave it to God. 5. He who would seek revenge must be on his guard. Dan. 6. If I ever catch his cart overthrowing I'll give it one shove. 7. If you want to be revenged hold your tongue. Sp. 8. In taking revenge a man is but even with his enemy, but in passing it over he is superior. 9. It costs more to revenge injuries than to bear them. REVENGE. 207. 10. It is but the weak and little mind that re- joices in revenge. Juvenal. II. It is more wisdom sometimes to dissemble wrongs than to revenge them. 12. It is worse to do than revenge an injury. woman. 13. No one delights more in revenge than a Juvenal. 14. Nothing so easy as to revenge an offence; nothing so grand as to pardon it. 15. Revenge a hundred years old has still its milk teeth. Ital. 16. Revenge at first though sweet, Bitter ere long back on itself recoils. Milton. 17. Revenge converts a little right into a great wrong. Ger. 18. Revenge in cold blood is the devil's own act and deed. 19. Revenge is an expensive luxury. 20. Revenge is new wrong. 21. Revenge is sure though sometimes slow paced. 22. Revenge is sweet. 23. Revenge remains nct unrevenged. Dryden. Ger. 24. Since he cannot be revenged on the ass he falls on the pack-saddle. 25. Sit down and dangle your legs and you will see your revenge. 26. Sweet is revenge,—especially to women. Ital. Byron. 27. The best revenge is to prevent the injury. 28. The revenge of an idiot is without mercy. 208 REVOLUTIONS.-REWARD.-RICH. 29. The whirligig of time brings in its revenges. Shaks. 30. There is small revenge in words, but words may be greatly revenged. 31. 'Tis sure the mighty will revenge at last. La Fontaine. 32. To lose one eye that you may deprive another of two. 33. To forget wrong is the best revenge. 34. To revenge is no valor, but to bear. Sp. Shaks. 35. Wait for time and place to take your revenge for it is never well done in a hurry. Ital. 36. Who holds his peace and gathers stones, will find a time to throw them. Revolutions. 1. Revolutions never go backward. Reward. 1. Desert and reward go not often together. Rich. Por. 1. A little house well filled, a little land well tilled, and a little wife well willed are great riches. 2. A man that keeps riches and enjoys them not, is like an ass that carries gold and eats thistles. 3. A rich child often sits in a poor mother's lap. Dan. ones. girl. 4. A rich man's foolish sayings pass for wise Sp. 5. A rich man is either a rogue or a rogue's heir. Latin. 6. A rich man is never ugly in the eyes of a Fr. RICH. 209 7. A rich man knows not his friends. Ger. 8. A rich man without understanding is a sheep with golden wool. 9. A rich mouthful, a heavy groan. Ger. 10. All ask if a man be rich, none if he be good. Latin. 11. All strive to give to the rich man. 12. And his best riches, ignorance of wealth. Goldsmith. 13. At the door of the rich are many friends, at the door of the poor none. Hebrew. 14. Before the rich man is willing to give, the poor man dies. 15. Better rich in God than rich in gold. 16. Every one is kin to the rich man. Turk. 17. For one rich man that is content there are a hundred who are not. 18. Give me neither poverty or riches. Bible. 19. God help the poor, for the rich can help them- selves. Scotch. 20. God help the poor, the rich help themselves. Ger. 21. God help the poor, the rich can beg. 22. God sends us some wheat of our own when the rich men go to dinner. 23. God sends us of our own when rich men go to dinner. 24. He alone is rich who makes a proper use of his riches. Horace. 25. He has riches enough who need neither bor- row nor flatter. 14 210 RICH. 26. He is not fit for riches who is afraid to use them. 27. He is not rich who is not satisfied. Ger. 28. He is rich enough who does not want. Ital. 29. He is rich enough who has true friends. Ger. 30. He is rich enough who owes nothing. 31. He is rich that is satisfied. Ger., Fr., Ital. 32. He is richest who is content with least, for content is the wealth of a nation. 33. He is truly rich who desires nothing and he is truly poor who covets all. Solon. 34. He that is poor all his kindred scorn him; he that is rich all are kin to him. 35. He that maketh haste to be rich, shall not be innocent. Proverbs. 36. He that never fails never grows rich. Ital. 37. He that oppresses the poor to increase his riches and he that giveth to the rich shall surely come to want. Bible. 38. He who despises small things seldom grows rich. Dan. 39. He who has good health is young and he is rich who has no debts. 40. He who hastens to be rich incurs peril. Chinese. 41. He who is rich can have no vice, and he that is poor no virtue. Fielding. 42. He who wants to be rich in a year comes to the gallows in half a year. 43. I never knew a silent rich man. Fr., Ital., Sp., Fr. RICH. 211 44. I would rather be a hog than an ignorant rich man. Bishop Hall. 45. If rich be not elated, if poor be not dejected. Socrates. 46. If riches were granted even beggars would become rich. M. Greek. 47. Is it not sheer madness to live poor to die rich? Juvenal. 48. It is a miserable sight to see a poor man proud and a rich man avaricious. ill. Ital. 49. It is better to be poor and well, than rich and African. 50. It is better to be poor with honor than rich with shame. Ger. 51. It is not without a purpose when a rich man greets a poor man with kindness. Plautus. 52. It would make a man scratch where he doth not itch to see a man live poor to die rich. 53. Men often seem rich to become rich. Maga. 54. Moderate riches will carry you, if you have more you must carry them. 55. Once poor, my friend, still poor you must re- main, The rich alone have all the means of gain. Martial. 56. No good man ever becomes suddenly rich. Syrus. "" 57. No man is so rich as to say, "I have enough. Latin. 58. Not possession but use is the only riches. 59. Rich for yourself, poor for your friend. 212 RICH. 60. Rich in gold, rich in care. Ger. 61. Rich men and fortunate men have need of much prudence. 62. Rich men are slaves condemned to the mines. 63. Rich men feel misfortunes that pass over poor men's heads. 64. Rich men have no faults. 65. Rich men seem happy, great and wise, all which the good man only is. Ger. 66. Rich men's spots are covered with money. 67. Rich people are everywhere at home. 68. Riches abuse them who know not how to use them. 69. Riches and cares are inseparable. (Fable of the mouse and the weasel.) 70. Riches and favor go before wisdom and art. Dan. 71. Riches and virtue do not often keep each other company. 72. Riches are always restless; it is only to pov- erty the gods give content. 73. Riches are as precious as life. 74. Riches are but the baggage of fortune. 75. Riches are but the baggage of virtue. Maga. Turk. 76. Riches are first to be sought for, after wealth virtue. 77. Riches are like muck which stink in a heap but spread abroad make the earth fruitful. 78. Riches are often abused but never refused. Dan RICH. 213 79. Riches breed care, poverty is safe. Dan. Ger. 80. Riches cause arrogance, poverty meekness. 81. Riches come better after poverty than pov- erty after riches. Chinese. 82. Riches endless is as poor as winter, To him that ever fears he shall be poor. Shaks. 83. Riches fall not always to the lot of the most deserving. Latin. 84. Riches have made more men covetous, than covetousness hath made men rich, 85. Riches have their embarrassments. Fr. 86. Riches have wings. 87. Riches make men worse in their latter days. 88. Riches never come even by chance to him whose destiny it is to be poor. Chinese. Chinese. 89. Riches only adorn the house, but virtue adorns the person. 90. Riches only give us meat, fire and clothes. 91. Riches rule the roast. Pope. 92. Riches serve a wise man but command a fool. 93. Riches take peace from the soul but rarely if ever confer it. Petrarch. 94. Riches well got and well used are a blessing. 95. Riches will bear out folly. Latin. 96. Riches without understanding, a body without a soul. Ger. 97. That man is rich who hath a sufficiency and desires no more. 214 RICH. 98. The abuse of riches is worse than the want of them. 99. The foolish sayings of the rich man pass for laws in society. Don Quixote. 100. The rich and ignorant are sheep with golden wool. Ital. 101. The rich are trustees under God for the poor. 102. The rich can only eat with one mouth. Ger. 103. The rich devour the poor, and the devil de- vours the rich and so both are devoured. 104. The rich have many friends. Dutch. Dutch. 105. The rich man does not know who is his friend. 106. The rich man has more relations than he knows. Fr. 107. The rich man is often poorer than the beg- gar. 108. The rich need not beg a welcome. Ger. 109. The rich never want for kindred. 110. The rich ruleth over the poor and the bor- rower is servant to the lender. Bible. III. The richest man carries nothing away with him but his shroud. Fr. 112. The richest man whatever his lot, Is he who's content with what he has got. Dutch. 113. The ways to enrich are many and most of them foul for you. Terence. 114. The whole world is the house of the rich and they may live in whatever apartment they please. Fielding. RICH. 215 115. There are none so poor they cannot help, and none so rich as not to need help. Ger. 116. There be as many miseries beyond riches as on this side them. 117. There is no one so rich that he does not still want something. Ger. 118. There is no revenging yourself on a rich man. Don Quixote. 119. 'Tis brave scrambling at the rich man's dole. 120. To be rich one must have a relation at home with the devil. Ital. 121. To become rich in this world it needs only to turn one's back on God. Ital. 122. To whom can riches give repute or trust, Content, or pleasure, but the good and just? Pope. 123. We heap up riches as if we should live al- ways. Fr. 124. What need a rich man be a thief? 125. When riches increase, the body decreaseth. 126. Who is healthy and free is rich, Ger. 127. Who will become rich must cast his soul be- hind the money chest. Ger. 128. Who will become rich must have great care and little conscience. Ger. 129. Who will become rich must rise at four; who is rich may lie till seven. Ger. 130. Who would be rich in a year gets hanged in half a year. Sp. 131. Who would be rich must keep his soul under cover of his cash box. Ger 216 RIDICULE.-RIDICULOUS.-Riding. Ridicule. 1. Ridicule is the test of truth. 2. The dread of ridicule extinguishes originality in its birth. Ridiculous. Maga. 1. A fear of becoming ridiculous is the best guide in life and will save one from all sorts of scrapes. Riding. 1. A canter is a cure for every evil. Bea. Bea. 2. Be the horse good or bad always wear your spurs. Ital. 3. Before you mount look at the girth. Dutch. 4. Better a begging mother than a riding father. 5. Better badly mounted than proud on foot. 6. Better ride, when saddles do lack, On a pad than on a bare horse's back. Ger. 7. He rode sure indeed that never caught a fall. 8. He that can't ride a gentle horse must not attempt to break a mad colt. 9. He that rides before he is ready wants some o' his gear. 10. He who knows the road can ride at full trot. Ital. II. He who rides behind another does not saddle when he will. Sp. 12. He who rides on the giant's shoulders sees further than he who carries him, Fr. 13. He who rides the horse is his master. Dan. 14. He who rides the mule shoes her. Fr. RIGHT. 217 15. If two men ride a horse one must ride behind. Shaks. 16. It is good to go afoot when one is tired of riding. Dutch. 17. More belongs to riding than a pair of riding boots. 18. Ne'er rode, ne'er fall. Ger. 19. Ride on but look before you. Dutch. 20. Ride softly that we may come sooner home. 21. Riding the only thing that princes ever do well because horses are no flatterers. Swift. 22. The best horseman is always on his feet. 23. When you ride a young colt see your saddle be well girt. 24. You ride as if you went to fetch a midwife. Right. 1. A hundred years of wrong do not make an hour of right. Ger. 2. A man in the right with God on his side is the majority. 3. Be sure you're right, then go ahead. Beecher. Davy Crockett. 4. Between right and wrong never balance a moment. 5. Entreaty and right do the deed. Sp. 6. Every one says "my right is good.' Fr. Dutch. 7. Good right needs no help. 8. I would rather be wrong with this man than right with others. 9. Little between right and wrong. Latin. 218 RIP. 10. Many love to praise right and do wrong. Dan. II. No one is always right. 12. Nothing can be great which is not right. 13. Right is with the strongest. Rambler. Ger. 14. Right or wrong, God aid our purpose. Sp. 15. Right or wrong, 'tis our house up to the roof. 16. Right overstrained turns to wrong. 17. Right wrangs nae man. Sp., Por. Sp. 18. That side is always right that's strong, And that that's beaten must be wrong. Royal Songs. 19. One truth is clear, whatever is is right. Pope. 20. What is right for one is reasonable for the other. 21. Where force prevails right perishes. Ger. Sp. 22. Where might is right, right is not upright. Ger. 23. Where there's no might there's no right. Por. 24. Where will is right law is banished. 25. Who bows to might loses his right. 26. Who does right is born of God. Dan. Ger. Ger. 27. Who does right is born sufficiently noble. Ger. 28. Who is in the right fears, who is in the wrong hopes. Fr. 29. With a little wrong a man comes by his right. Sp. Rip. 1. We must rip, not tear away. RIVER.-RHYME.-RIGHTEOUS. 219 River. 1. A smooth river washes away its banks. Servian. 2. Swollen rivers subside rapidly. Latin. 3. The course of a river is not to be altered. Latin. 4. The greatest rivers must run into the sea. Ger. 5. The river does not swell with clear water. Ital. 6. The river which runneth with sound beareth away along with it stone and water. Spanish Gypsy. 7. When the river makes a noise it is either dried up or much swollen. Sp. 8. Where the river is deepest it makes least noise. Ital., Sp., Por. 9. You, a river, are contending with the ocean. Rhyme. 1. For rhyme the rudder is of verses, Latin. With which like ships they steer their courses. Butler. 2. It's neither rhyme nor reason. Righteous. 1. Be not righteous overmuch. Bible 2. Many are the afflictions of the righteous. Bible. 3. The green burns for the dry, and the right- eous pay for sinners. Sp. 4. The righteous find peace when the wicked feel torment. 5. The righteous pays for the sinner. Por. 220 RISK.-ROAD.-ROBBING.-ROBIN HOOD. 6. Who is righteous overmuch is a morsel for the old one. Risk. Dutch. Latin. 1. It is better to risk, than to delay overmuch. 2. It is necessary to risk something. 3. Swift risks are often attended with precipitate falls. Road. 1. All roads lead to the mill. Syriac. 2. De public road aint free for de rattlesnake. American Negro. 3. Had you but seen those roads before they were made, You'd lift up your hands and bless General Wade. 4. The beaten road is the safest. Coke. 5. The nearer the inn, the longer the road. Ger. 6. Whatever way you take there is a league of bad road. Robbing. Sp. 1. He that is robbed not wanting what is stolen, Let him not know it, and he's not robbed at all. 2. To rob a robber is not, robbing. Shaks. 3. To steal for pence is dastardly and mean; To rob for millions with a soul serene, Soils not the fingers; all such is clean. Robin Hood. Fr. 1. Many talk of Robin Hood that never shot in his bow. Many talk of Little John that never did him know. ROCHEFOUCAULD.-ROCK.-ROCKET.-ROCKING-CHAIR. 221 2. Robin Hood's pennyworth. (Applied to those who having gotten a thing irregularly sell it much below cost.) 3. Tales of Robin Hood are good enough for fools. Rochefoucauld. 1. Rochefoucauld is the greatest philosopher for administering consolation to the idle, the envious, and worthless of mankind. Addison. Rock. 1. The rock that resists a crow-bar gives way to the roots of a tender plant. Rocket. Tamil. 1. Goes up like a rocket, comes down like a stick. 2. The final event to himself (Mr. Burke) has been, that as he rose like a rocket he fell like a stick. Thomas Paine. Rocking-chair. 1. Better to keep de rockin' chair in de cabin lof' till Sunday. American Negro. Rogue. 1. After a long experience of the world, I affirm before God, I never knew a rogue who was not unhappy. 2. A rogue in grain is a rogue amain. Junius. 24. A thread will tie an honest man better than a rope will do a rogue. 3. He who has left a rogue behind him has made a good day's journey. Ger. 4. He who would catch a rogue must watch behind the door. Dutch. 222 ROMAN.-ROME. 5. If you pity rogues you are no great friend of honest men. 6. If you save a rogue from the gallows he will rob you before night. 7. It is easier to fill a rogue's belly than his eyes. Dan. 8. Much better never catch a rogue than let him go again. 9. No greater rogue than he who marries only for money, and no greater fool than he who marries only for love. 10. No rogue like the godly rogue. 11. Nobody calls himself rogue. Dr. Johnson. 12. One rogue is usher to another still. Homer. 13. One rogue does not betray another. Ger. 14. One rogue knows another. Ger. 15. One rogue makes another. 16. To a rogue a rogue and a half. Fr. 17. When a rogue kisses you count your teeth. Hebrew. 18. When rogues fall out, honest men come by their own. 19. When rogues go in procession the devil car- ries the cross. Ital. 20. You cannot make a good archbishop of a rogue. Roman. Dan. 1. Wherever the Roman conquered he inhab- ited. Rome. 1. All roads lead to Rome. Gibbon. Ital. ROOT.-ROPE.-ROSE. 223 2. Every road leads to Rome. Fr., Sp. 3. He who would live at Rome must not quarrel with the pope. 4. I found Rome brick, I left it marble. Fr. Augustus Cæsar. 5. I had rather be the first man in a village than the second man in Rome. Cæsar. 6. It is folly to live in Rome and quarrel with the pope. 7. Rome was not built in a day. John Russel. 8. The nearer to Rome the worse Christian. 9. There are many roads to Rome. Dutch. Ital. 10. When you are at Rome do as Rome does. 11. Where the pope is Rome is. Ital. 12. Ye drive a snail to Rome. Root. 1. When the root is worthless so is the tree. Ger. Rope. 1. Name not a rope in the house of him that hanged himself. Rose. 1. An onion will not produce a rose. 2. Among thorns, grow roses. Latin. 3. Brief, while the rose doth bloom gather it straight; No rose, but thorns, remain for those who wait. 4. Every rose has its thorn. 5. For the rose the thorn is often plucked. Ital. 224 ROWING. 6. Gather the rose and leave the thorn behind. 7. He who would gather roses must not fear thorns. Dutch. 8. No house without a mouse, no barn without corn, no rose without a thorn. 9. Not every one may pluck roses. Ger. 10. Pluck the rose, and leave the thorns. Ital. II. Roses and maidens soon lose their bloom. 12. Roses fall but the thorns remain. 13. Roses have thorns. Ger. Dutch. 14. Soon fades the rose, once past the fragrant hour, The loiterer finds a bramble for a flower. Dr. Johnson, from the Greek. 15. Strew no roses before swine. Dutch. 16. The bud becomes a rose, and the rose a hip. Fr. 17. The faded rose no suitor knows. 18. The fairest rose at last is withered. 19. The rose is queen. Ger. 20. The roses fall and the thorns remain. Ital. 21. There are more thistles than roses. Ger. 22. Under the thorn grow the roses. Ger. 23. You may break, you may shatter the vase as you will, But the scent of the roses will hang round it still. Rowing. 1. He looks one way and rows another. Moore, row. Rubbish.—Rudder.—Rudeness.—RUIN.-RULE. 225 2. He that's carried down the stream need not 3. It is good rowing with set sail. Dutch. 4. You may row your heart out, if the wind and tide set against you. t Rubbish. 1. Rubbish is only matter out of place. Rudder. 1. He that will not be ruled by the rudder, must be ruled by the rock. Cornish. 2. One that will not answer to the rudder must answer to the rock, Rudeness. 1. Rudeness will repel when courtesy would at- tract friends. Ruin. 1. You are creeping on your knees to the fire- place; i.e., going to ruin. Rule. 1. No rule (general) without an exception. Kaffir 2. Submit to the rule you have yourself laid down. Latin. 3. The good old rule sufficeth them, the simple plan, That they should take who had the power and they should keep who can. Old Song. Ruling. 1. He that hath a fellow ruler, hath an over- ruler. 2. He that is heady is ruled by a fool. 3. He who would rule, must hear and be deaf, see and be blind. ТЕ Ger. 226 RUNNING.-RUSSIAN. 4. No ruler good save God. 5. No single man is born with the right of con- trolling all the rest. Warton. 6. Rulers always hate and suspect the next in succession. Tacitus. Running. 1. He must not talk of running that cannot go. 2. He runs as fast as if he had eggs in his shoes. 3. He runs far that never turns. Dutch. 4. He runs heavily who is forced to run. Dan. 5. He runs the wild goose chase. (A horse race in any direction the leader, chooses to take.) Shaks. 6. He that runs fast will not run long. 7. He that runs fastest gets most ground. 8. He that runs fastest gets the ring. Shaks. 9. He that runs in the dark may well stumble. 10. He that runs, loses ground in the end. Ger. II. It is not enough to run: one must start in time. Fr. 12. There is no use running: to set out betimes is the main point. La Fontaine. 13. Who runs is followed. Dutch. 14. You run like Teague before your errand. 15. What is the use of running when we are not on the right road? Russian. Ger. 1. A Russian without the knout seldom does good. 2. In a Russian stick three Jews. Ger. Ger. RUST.-SACK. 227 3. Let the Russian not die and he would not let thee live. Ger. 4. Scratch a Russian and you'll find a Tartar. 5. You may praise a Russian a thousand times but his eyes will still be blue. (The reverse of hand- some according to the Usberg taste.) Rust. 1. Rust consumes iron and envy consumes it- self. 2. Rust wastes more than use. Dan. Fr. S. Sack. 1. A full sack pricks up its ear. 2. A sack is best tied before it is full. Ital. Fr. 3. A sack was never so full but it could hold an- other grain. Fr., Ital. 4. An auld sack craves meikle clouting. 5. Every man must carry his own sack to the Ital., Dan. mill. 6. Everyone goes with his own sack to the mill. Ital., Dan. 7. He fears the sack who has been in it. Dan. 8. He has command of the sack who is seated on it. Dan. 9. I hope I may tie up my sack when I please. 10. Into a holed sack it is indifferent whether you put or not. (Spoken of a spendthrift.) II. It is a bad sack that will abide no clouting. 12. Like a collier's sack, bad without and worse within, Sp. 228 SACKCLOTH.-SACRIFICE.-SADDLE.—Sadness. 13. Nothing can come out of a sack but what is in it. Ital. 14. Old sacks want much patching. 15. Three or four daily will bring you to the bot- tom of the sack. 16. When a man is in a sack he must get out at the top or at the bottom. 17. When the sack is full it pricks up its ears. Dan. Ger., Dutch. 18. You may know by a handful the whole sack. Sackcloth. 1. Under the sackcloth there is something else. Sacrifice. Sp., Por. 1. It is not the beast but the mind that makes the sacrifice. Saddle. 1. A saddle fits more backs than one. 2. Always put the saddle on the right horse. 3. He that eats his fowl alone must saddle his horse alone. Sp., Por. 4. My heart and soul at your service, but not the pack-saddle. Sp., Por. 5. On his own saddle one rides the safest. Ger. 6. One should put the saddle on the right horse. Ger. Sadness. 1. Sadness and gladness succeed each other. Safety. 1. The way to be safe is never to feel secure. SAGACIOUS.-SAIL, SAILING.-SAILOR. 229 Sagacious. 1. The sagacious are generally lucky. Maga. Sail, Sailing. 1. He enters the port with a full sail. Virgil. 2. He that will not sail till all dangers are over must not put to sea. 3. He that will not sail until he have a full, fair wind will lose many a voyage. 4. Hoist your sail when the wind is fair. 5. If thou sailest with a bad wind thou hadst need understand tacking. 6. It is good sailing (or steering) with wind and tide. Dutch. 7. It is safest sailing within reach of the shore. 8. On life's vast ocean diversely we sail, Reason the card, but passion is the gale. Pope. 9. Sail while the wind blows; wind and tide wait for no man. Dan. 10. Set your sail according to the wind. II. To set up his sail to every wind. Fr. 12. You cannot sail as you would but as the wind blows. 13. You must shift your sail with the wind. Sailor. Dan. Ital. 1. A good sailor may mistake in a dark night. 2. A seaman if he carry a millstone will have a quail out of it. 3. If the sailors become too numerous the ship sinks. Arabian. 230 SAINT.-SALT. Saint. 1. A great ceremony for a small saint. 2. A saint sleeps not on soft beds. Roumanian. 3. A young saint, an old devil. 4. All are not saints who go to church. Ital. 5. All saints do not work miracles. Ital. 6. Don't believe in the saint unless he works miracles. Ital. 7. Every one praises his own saint. Ital. 8. Every saint has its festival. Ital 9. Let a saint be ever so humble he will have his wax taper. Dan. 10. Saint cannot if God will not. Fr. II. The old saints are forgotten in the new. Por. Ital. 12. The river passed, the saint forgotten. 13. The saint has no believers unless he works miracles. Ital. 14. The saint who works no cures has few pil- grims at his shrine. Fr. 15. The saint's day over, farewell the saint. Fr. 16. There is no chapel so small but has its saint. Fr. 17. There is no saint so petty but claims his own candle. Ger 18. They are not all saints who use holy water. 19. To every saint his candle. Fr., Ital. 20. When the fields yield not, the saints have not. Sp. Salt. 1. Salt spilt is never all gathered. Sp., Dutch, Sameness.—SatiETY —SATIRES.—Satisfied.—Sauce. 231 Sameness. 1. Sameness is the mother of disgust; variety the cure. Petrarch. Satiety. 1. Cherries are bitter to the glutted blackbird. Ger. 2. Even honey occasions satiety. M. Greek. 3. Satiety causes disgust; abundance begets in- difference. Ger. 4. Vetches seem bitter to a full-cropped pigeon. Ital. 5. When the mouse has had enough the meal is bitter. Dutch, Dan. Satires. 1. Satires run faster than panegyrics. Satisfied. I. I satisfied, the world is satisfied. 2. Who is satisfied is well paid. Ital. Ger. Sauce. 1. More sauce than meat. 2. Though the sauce be good yet you need not forsake the meat for it. 3. We don't care for the sauce so long as there is fish in the kettle. Ital. 4. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. English woman's proverb. 5. You spoil a good dish with ill sauce. Savage. 1. A niggardly savage is nowhere to be found. Tamil. 232 SAVING, SAVERS. THEY SAY.-Saying. Saving, Savers. 1. For age and want save while you may, No morning sun lasts a whole day. 2. From saving comes having. 3. He who saves, finds. Sp. 4. He who saves in little things can be liberal in great ones. Ger. 5. He who would save should begin with the mouth. 6. No alchemy like saving. 7. Of saving cometh having. Dan. 8. Save thoroughly if you will, kill thoroughly if you kill. Chinese. 9. Saving comes too late when you get to the bottom. 10. Saving is a greater art than gaining. Seneca. Ger. 11. Saving is getting. 12. Saving is the first gain. 13. Some savers in a house do well. 14. To save for old age, earning one maravedi and drinking three. Sp. 15. When a man is rich, he begins to save. Ger. 16. Who saves, saves for the cat. They Say. 1. "They say " is a fool (or a liar). Ital Fr., Ital. 2. "They say " is often proved a great liar. 3. They say " is half a liar. Saying. 1. Say before they say; i.e., tell your own story first. Sp. SAYING AND Doing. 233 2. Say good-morning to the bean seller, not to the druggist. 3. Saying gangs cheap. 4. Say no ill of the year till it is past. African. 5. Say not all thou knowest, but believe all that thou sayest. Ger. 6. Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear, do not all that you can. 7. Say nothing when you are dead. 8. That which is unsaid may be said; that which is said cannot be unsaid. 9. The less said, the sooner mended. Dan. Dutch. 10. There is nothing ill said that is not ill taken. II. To say little and perform much, is the char- acteristic of great minds. 12. What every one says must be true. 13. What is said is said and no sponge can wipe it out. Saying and Doing. Ger. 1. Between saying and doing many a pair of shoes is worn out. Ital. 2. Between saying and doing there is a long road. 3. Easier said than done. Sp., Dan. Chinese. 4. Easy to say, hard to do. 5. Everybody says it, nobody does it. Ger., Dan. 6. From saying to doing is a long way. Ital. 7. It is better to do well than to say well. Ital. 8. It is sooner said than done, 9. Little said is soon amended. 234 Saw. Scandal.—SCAR. Io. No sooner said than done. 11. Saying and doing are two things. 12. Saying well causes a laugh, doing well causes silence. 13. Say-well and do-well, end with one letter, Say-well is good, but do-well is better. Saw. 1. Saw thin, shear thin. Scandal. Fr. 1. And there's a lust in man no charm can tame Of loudly publishing our neighbor's shame; On eagles' wings immortal scandals fly, While virtuous actions are but born and die. Stephen Harvey's Juvenal. 2. Every one that repeats it, adds something to the scandal, 3. Greatest scandal waits on greatest state. Ovid. Shaks. 4. Scandal is a bit of false money and he who passes it is frequently as bad as he who originally utters it. Punch. 5. Scandal, like the Nile, is fed by innumerable streams, but it is extremely difficult to trace it to its source. dry. Punch. 6. Scandal will not rub out like dirt when it is 7. Thy tongue is nae scandal. Scar. 1. A scar nobly got is a good livery of honor. Shaks. Scatter.-Scavenger.-SCEPTRES.-Scheme. 235 2. He laughs at scars that never felt a wound. Ger. 3. He jests at scars that never felt a wound. 4. The generous motive dignifies the scar. Shaks. Homer. 5. Though the sore may heal, yet a scar may remain. 6. What deep wounds ever close without a scar? Scatter. 1. Scatter with one hand, gather with two. Scavenger. 1. What scavenger was ever soiled by being pelted with mud. Sceptres. 1. Sceptres and suitors hate competitors. Scheme. 1. Who can secure a thousand-year's scheme? Scholar, Student. 1. A scholar has no ennui. Chinese. Richter. 2. A scholar may be beguiled thrice, a soldier but once. 3. A student has usually three maladies : poverty, itch and pride. ter. 4. Dear the school-boy spot, Ger. We ne'er forget, though there we are forgot. Byron. 5. Every good scholar is not a good schoolmas- 6. Great scholars are not the shrewdest men. Fr. 236 SCIENCE.-Sciences.—Scoff. Scoffer.-ScoLDING. 7. He is the best scholar, who has learned to love well. 8. It is as easy to be a scholar as a gamester. Harries. 9. John has been to school to learn to be a fool. Fr. 10. The scholar may war the master. II. There mark what ills the scholar's life assail, Toil, envy, want, the patron and the jail. Dr. Johnson. 12. Who robs a scholar robs the public. Science. Sp. 1. All useless science is an empty boast. Shaks. 2. Science is a plant whose roots indeed are at Mecca, but its fruit ripens at Herat. 3. Science is organized knowledge. Sciences. Arabic. Spenser. 1. The sciences have bitter roots, but their fruits are sweet. 2. The sciences have had their martyrs as well as religion. Richardson. Scoff. 1. He that scoffs at the crooked, had need go very straight himself. Scoffer. 1. The scoffer's own house is often on fire. Dan. Scolding. 1. He scolds most that can hurt the least. Dan. 2. She will scold the devil out of a haunted house. Scorn.-Scornful.-Scorning.-SCOTCHMAN. 237 3. Since you have been scolding me, I have counted a hundred and twenty holes in that nutmeg- grater. Sp. 4. Who more ready to call her neighbor "scold,” than the arrantest scold in the parish? Scorn. 1. Scorn at first makes after love the more. 2. Scorn no man's love though of mean degree, Much less make anyone thine enemy. Hubert. Scornful. 1. Never was a scornful person well received. Scorning. 1. Scorning is catching. Scotchman. I. A Scotsman is aye wise a-hent the hand. 2. A Scottisman and a Newcastle grindstone travel all the world over. Northumberland, England. 3. Much may be made of a Scotsman if he be caught young. Dr. Johnson. Scribbling-fry. 1. Hot, envious, proud the scribbling fry, Burn, hiss and bounce, waste paper, stink and die. Sea. 1. A smooth sea never made a skilful mariner. 2. All water runs to the sea. 3. Being on the sea, sail; being on the land, settle. 4. Better on the heath with an old cart than at sea in a new ship. Dutch. 238 SEAMAN. 5. Better poor on land than rich at sea. Dutch, Ger. 6. Do not prepare thyself until thou see the sea. Tamil. 7. Even the sea, great as it is, grows calm. Ital. 8. He goes a great voyage who goes to the bot- tom of the sea. 9. He ought not to complain of the sea who re- turns to it a second time. Ital. 10. He that is at sea hath not the wind in his hands. Dutch. II. He that is at sea must either sail or sink. Dan. 12. He who does not know his way to the sea should take a river tor his guide. Plautus. 13. He who is at sea does not direct the winds. Fr., Dutch, 14. If a man would learn to pray let him go to sea. 15. Praise the sea but keep on land. Fr. George Herbert. 16. The master of the sea will always acquire the dominion of the land. Gibbon. 17. The sea and air are common to all men. 18. The sea refuses no river. Queen Elizabeth. 19. 'Tis a great way to the bottom of the sea. 20. 'Tis hard to sail over the sea in an egg shell. Seaman. 1. The good seaman is known in bad weather. SEARCH.-Secret. 239 Search. 1. Search all things, hold fast that which is true. Secret. I. A secret between two is God's secret; a secret between three is everybody's. 2. A secret fire is discovered by the smoke. Sp. Catalan. 3. A secret imparted is no longer a secret. Ital. 4. A secret is seldom safe in more than one breast. Swift. 5. A secret once told is no secret at all. Searle. 6. A man with whom the secrets of a lady are not safe, must be the most contemptible of mortals. Fielding. 7. Bestow on me what you will so it be none of your secrets. 8. Conceal not your secret from your friend or you deserve to lose him. Por. 9. Confide a secret to a dumb man and it will make him speak. Livonian. 10. Do not disclose your secret to your wife nor trust your enemy at any time. Tamil. Hebrew. 11. Do not speak of secret matters in a field that is full of little hills. 12. Do not tell your secrets behind a wall or a hedge. Sp. 13. He has let the cat out of the bag; i.e., ex- posed the secret. 14. He who keeps his own secret avoids much mischief. Sp. 240 SECRET. 15. He who revealeth his secret makes himself a slave. 16. He who telleth his own secret will hardly keep another's. Ital., Sp. 17. If my shirt knew my design I'd burn it. 18. If you want to know secrets seek for them in trouble or in pleasure. Sp. 19. If you would teach secrecy to others begin with yourself. 20. It is wise not to seek a secret and honest not to reveal it. 21. No man is required to tell his own secrets. 22. No secrets but between two. Dr. Johnson. Fr. 23. Nothing is so burdensome as a secret. 24. Oil and water, woman and a secret, are hostile properties. 25. Secrets travel fast in Paris. Bulwer. Napoleon. 26. Tell your secret to your servant and you make him your master. 27. The bosoms of the wise are the tombs of secrets. Oriental. 28. The only way to keep a secret is to say noth- ing. Fr. 29. The secret of two is God's secret; the secret of three is everybody's secret. Fr. 30. There is no secret time will not reveal.. 31. There is nothing so secret but it transpires. Dutch. 32. Three are too many to keep a secret, and two too few to be merry. SECURE-SECURITY.-SEDITIOUS.-Seeing. 33. Three know it, all know it. 241 Ital. 34. Thy secret is thy prisoner; if thou let it go, thou art a prisoner to it. 35. To a woman and a magpie tell your secrets in the market-place. Sp. 36. To him that you tell your secret you resign your liberty. 37. To tell our secrets is often folly; to communi- cate those of others is treachery. Rambler. Turk. 38. Unless you wish your enemy to know your secret tell it not to your friend. 39. Where you tell your secret you surrender your freedom. Por. 40. Would you know secrets search for them in grief or pleasure. 41. Your secret is your property. Secure. 1. He that is secure is not safe. 2. He that is too secure is not safe. Rothschild. 3. None are secure from desperation, few from subtilty. Security. 1. Security is nowhere safe. 2. Byron. Ger. Security is the first cause of misfortune. Ger. Seditious. 1. The most seditious are the most cowardly. Seeing. Tacitus. I. I wa'd rather see't than hear tell o't. 2. Seeing's believing, but feeling's the truth. 16 Seeking.-Seeming.-Self-command. 242 3. Seldom seen, soon forgotten. 4. We shall see, as the blind man said. Fr. 5. What we see we believe. Fr. 6. Who sees with the eye of another is as blind as a mole. Seeking. 1. He that seeks finds. Ger. Sp. Ital. 2. He that seeks finds and sometimes what he would rather not. 3. He who is well and seeks ill, if it come God help him. Sp. 4. Seek till you find and you'll not lose your labor. Sp. 5. Seek your salve where you got your sore. 6. Who seeks what he should not, finds what he would not. Seeming. 1. Life is arched with changing skies, Rarely are they what they seem. 2. Things are not what they seem. Ger. 3. To seem and not to be is throwing the shuttle without weaving. Self-command. 1. The noblest task is to command one's self. Self-conceit. Maga. Ruskin. 1. Conceit may puff a man up, but never props him up. 2. It is a good thing to have the conceit taken out of us. SELF-DEPRECIATION. 243 3. "Let us agree not to step on each other's feet," said the cock to the horse. 4. Self-conceit deprives the wasp of honey. Yoruba (Africa). 5. Stand up, cent, and let the dollar sit down. 6. Stand up, farthing, and let the florin sit down. Ger. 7. The goslings would lead the geese to grass. Fr. 8. There is more hope of a fool, than of him that is wise in his own conceit. Bible. 9. There is not a mite but fancies itself a cheese. Lavater. 10. 'Tis self-conceit makes opinion obstinate. I. Self-depreciation. He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf, 2. He that makes himself dirt is trod on by the swine. 3. He who lies down in the wash will be eaten by the swine. Dutch, Dan. 4. He who lies on the ground must expect to be trodden on. Ger. 5. He who makes a mouse of himself will be eaten by the cats. Ger. 6. He who makes himself a dove is eaten by the hawk. Ital. 7. He who makes himself a servant is expected to remain a servant. Ital. 8. He who makes himself honey will be eaten Ger., Dutch by the bees. 244 SELF-CONFIDENCE.-SELF-CONQUEST. 9. He who makes himself nothing is nothing. Ger. Io. He who throws himself under the bench will be left to lie there. Dan. 11. Who lets another sit on his shoulder will soon have him on his head. 12. Who makes himself mutton the wolf eats. Ger. (Barbary States) Joel Barlow. 13. Who would not have feet set on his neck, let him not stoop. Self-confidence. Ital. 1. Self-confidence is the first requisite to human greatness. Self-conquest. 1. Self-conquest is the greatest of victories. Plato. Self-defence. 1. Self-defence is nature's oldest law. Dryden. Self-denial. 1. The more a man denies himself, the more will he receive from Heaven. Self-doing. I. Self done is soon done. 2. Self done, well done. 3. Self do, self have. Self-esteem. Horace. Ger. Ger. 1. He who esteems none but himself is as happy as a king. Self-exaltation. 1. Self-exaltation is the fool's paradise. Ital. SELF-EXERTION.-SELF-fear.-SelfISHNESS. Self-exertion. 245 .. Generals and premiers spring not from seed corn: men must exert themselves. Chinese. 2. Give orders and do it yourself and you will be rid of anxiety. Por. 3. Give order and do no more and nothing will be done. Sp., Por. 4. He spins from himself like a spider. 5. He that performs his own errand saves his messenger's hire. Dan. 6. He that would have a thing done quickly and well must do it himself. tree. Ital. 7. He that would have the fruit must climb the 8. Hope in the Lord but exert yourself. Russian. 9. Paddle your own canoe. 10. When it rains pottage you must hold up your dish. 11. Would you have potatoes grow by the pot- side? Self-fear. 1. When you have no observers be afraid of yourself. Selfishness. 1. A man overboard, a mouth the less. Dutch. 2. All men row galley-way; i.e., towards them- selves. 3. Each person for his own skin. Turk. 4. Every man draws the water to his own mill. 5. Every man for himself and God for us all. Ger. • 246 SELFISHNESS. 6. Every man thinks of advancing himself, but no one thinks of the danger that may accrue to the public weal. Plutarch. self. 7. Every old woman blows under her own kettle. Servian. 8. Every one draws toward his own side. 9. Every one has his hands turned towards him- Polish. 10. Every one rakes the embers to his own cake Arabian. 11. Every one rakes the fire under his own pot. 12. For my peck of salt set the kiln on fire. 13. He is better with a rake than a fork. Dan. 14. He sets my house on fire only to roast his eggs. 15. Let me gain by you and no matter whether you love me or not. 16. Like the dog in the manger, you'll not eat yourself nor let the horse eat. 17. No. 1 is the first house in the row. 18. Self is the first object of charity. 19. Self is the man. the State. Latin. Dutch, Ger. 20. Selfishness in council brings misfortune to 21. Selfishness puts all in its own sack. Ger. Ger. 22. The gardener's dog neither eats greens (or lettuce) nor lets any one else eat them. Ital., Sp., Por. SELF-LOVE, Self-lovers.-Self-control. Self-love, Self-lovers. 247 1. It is the nature of extreme self-lovers, as they will set an house on fire (though) it were but to roast their eggs. Bacon. 2. Of all mankind each loves himself the best. Terence. 3. Self-love and self-conceit fills the land with fools. Ger. 4. Self-love exaggerates our faults as well as our virtues. 5. Self-love is the greatest of flatterers. 6. Self-love is a mote in every man's eye. 7. Self-love is a thief. • Goethe. Rochefoucauld. Ger. Shaks. Dutch 8. Self-love, my liege, is not so great a sin As self-neglecting. Self-control. 9. Self-love-nobody's else love. 1. Know prudent, cautious, self-control is wis- dom's root. Self-mastery. Burns. 1. He that is master of himself will soon be master of others. Self-preservation. 1. A drowning man would catch at razors. Ital. 2. As sore fights the wren as the crane. (All are equally courageous in extremity.) 3. He that is carried down the torrent catcheth at everything. 4. He that is drowning shouts though he be not heard. Ital. 248 SELF-RELIANCE.—SELF-RESPECT.—Self-restraint. 5. Self-preservation is the first law of nature. Self-reliance. 1. For that thou can'st do thyself rely not on an- other. 2. I am the only one of my friends I can rely upon. 3. Rely on yourself. Self-respect. Terence. La Fontaine. 1. All must respect those who respect them- selves. Self-restraint. Bea. 1. Who restraineth himself in the use of things lawful will never encroach on things forbidden. Self-seeing. Dr. Johnson. 1. O wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursels as others see us! It wad frae monie a blunder free us An' foolish notion. Self-sustaining. 1. He flies with his own wings. Selling. 1. Rather sell than be poor. Burns. Latin. 2. Sell him for an ass at the fair who talks much and does little. 3. Sell me dear and measure me fair. 4. Sell publicly and buy privately. 5. Some sell and don't deliver. Fr. 6. They that sell kids and have no goats, how came they by them? SEND.-SENSE.-SENSEs.-Sensible. 249 7. While the dust is on your feet sell what you have bought. 8. Who will sell a blind horse praises the feet. Ger. 9. You must sell as markets go. Send. 1. Send a man of sense on an embassy and you need not instruct him. 2. Send a wise man on an errand and say noth- ing to him. 3. Send not for a hatchet with which to break open an egg. 4. Send you to the sea, ye'll na get salt water. Sense. 1. All complain of want of silver but none of want of sense. Scotch. 2. Sense comes with age. 3. Take care of your sense; the sound will take care of itself. 4. The man of sense does not hang up his knowledge. Por. 5. When one sense is suppressed it only retires into the rest. Senses. Pope. 1. He that feeds his senses feasteth his enemies. Sensible. 1. The sensible man hopes little and despairs of nothing. Fr. 2. The sensible man understands a half a word, Fr. 250 SERMON.-SERVANT. Sermon. I. A good sermon must be brief, clear and vigorous. Ger. 2. A sermon without Augustine is a stew with- out bacon. 3. Funeral sermon, lying sermon. Sp. Ger. 4. He profits most by the Lenten sermon who has two full meals in his stomach. Ger. 5. Long sermon, little attention. Ger. Servant. 1. A faithful servant is more than a mother. 2. A good servant makes a good master. Tamil. Ital. 3. A good servant must have good wages. 4. A servant and a cock should be kept but one year. 5. A servant is a paid enemy. 6. A servant is known by his master's absence. 7. A servant knows more than he should tell. Ger. 8. A servant never yet miscarried through ex- cess of respect. 9. A servant should know more than he tells. Latin. 10. A smiling boy seldom proves a good servant. 11. A young serving man—an old beggar. 12. An honest and diligent servant is an humble friend. 13. An honest and faithful servant is a jewel. Ben Jonson. 14. At a bridge, a plank, or a river, the servant foremost, the master behind. SERVANT. 251 15. At the end of one year the man has the habits of his master. Sp. 16. Bad is a bad servant, but 'tis worse being without him. 17. By the servant the master is known. Ger. 18. Do not stuff your servant with bread and he won't ask for cheese. Sp. 19. Eat of your own and call yourself mine, i. e., be my servant and feed yourself. Por. 20. Give a new servant bread and eggs, but after a year bread and a cudgel. 21. Grandfather's servants are never good. 22. He can give little to his servant who licks his own trencher. 23. He is the devil's valet; he does more than he is ordered. 24. He that would be ill served must keep plenty of servants. Ital. 25. He that would be well served must know when to change his servants. 26. He who has servants has unavoidable ene- mies. Sp. 27. If the servant grows rich and the master poor they are both good for nothing. Ger. Sp. 28. If you have a loitering servant set his dinner before him and send him on an errand. 29. If you pay not a servant his wages he will pay himself. 30. If you would have a faithful servant and one that you like, serve yourself. Franklin. 31. If you would have a good servant take neither a kinsman nor a friend. 252 SERVING. 32. Many servants, little service. 33. Many servants, many enemies. 34. No silver, no servant. Ger. Ger. 35. Servants should put on patience when they put on livery. 36. Servants will not be diligent when the mas- ter's negligent. 37. The lazy servant takes eight steps to avoid Sp., Dutch. one. 38. The more servants the worse service. Dutch. 39. The servant holds a key to the closet that contains the family skeleton, 40. The servant of a king is a king. 41. The servant wench that has a mother in town swoons seven times a day. Sp. 42. Three things are of equal worth: the old ser- vant, dog and horse. Ger. 43. What enjoyment! to have little to eat and keep a servant. 44. Who has many servants has many thieves. Serving. Sp. Dutch. 1. A service done to the unwilling is no service. 2. He who serves is not free. Sp. 3. He who serves many masters must neglect some. Sp. 4. He who serves the public hath but a scurvy master. Ital., Dutch. 5. He who serves the public obliges nobody. 6. He who will not serve one master must needs serve many. Ital SEVEN. 253 7. Proffered service is little valued. 8. Serve as a serf or fly like a deer; Dutch. Fr. 9. Serve God in your calling; 'tis better than al- ways praying. 10. Serve yourself till your bairns come to age. II. Service is no inheritance. 12. Services unrequired go unrequited. Ger. 13. Serving one's own passion is the greatest slavery. 14. Small service is true service while it lasts. Wordsworth. 15. They also serve who only stand and wait. 16. Unwilling service earns no thanks. Milton. Dan. 17. Whoever serves well and says nothing makes claim enough. 18. Who serves well asks enough. Ital. 19. He is a slave of the greatest slave, who serv- eth nothing but himself. 20. He that serves everybody is paid by nobody. 21. He that serves the public is paid by nobody. 22. He that serves well need not be afraid to ask his wages. 23. He who would serve everybody gets thanks from nobody. Dan. 24. If you wish to be well served, serve yourself. Seven. Sp., Por. 1. Seven brothers in a council make wrong right. Sp. 254 SEXES.-SHADOW.-SHAME. 2. Seven may be company but nine are confusion. 3. Seven's a banquet, nine's a brawl. Sexes. Latin. 1. There are three sexes: men, women and clergymen. Shadow. 1. He stands the shadow of a mighty name. Fr. Lucan. 2. What shadows we are and what shadows we Burke. pursue. Shame. 1. Having sold his sense of shame he carries his price under his arm. 2. He is lost whose shame is lost. Tamil. 3. He that cannot conceal his own shame will not conceal another's. 4. He that despises shame wants a bridle. 5. He who has no shame has no conscience. Sp. 6. Ingenuous shame once lost is never regained. Syrus. 7. In the land of the naked, people are ashamed of clothes. Livonian. 8. It is no shame to yield to him, that we must not oppose. 9. Many a one would like to lay his own shame on another's back. 10. One doth the blame, another bears the shame. 11. Shame comes to no man unless he helps it on the way. Dan. 12. Shame is worse than death. Russian. 13. Shame lasts longer than poverty. Dutch SHARPERS. 255 14. Shame lost, honor lost. 15. Shameful craving must have shameful way. 16. Shame may restrain what the law does not prohibit. Seneca. 17. Shame of poverty is almost as bad as pride of wealth. 18. Shame once banished never returns in favor. Syrus. 19. Some, thinking to avenge their shame, increase it. Fr. 20. That man is lost who is lost to shame. Plautus. 21. The worst kind of shame is being ashamed of frugality or poverty. Livy. 22. There is no honor where there is no shame. Ital. 23. Where there is shame there is virtue. 24. Who fears no shame comes to no honor. Ger. Dutch. 25. Who has no shame, all the world is his own. Ital. 26. Who loseth shame once loseth it forever. Ger. Sharpers. Sp. 1. Between two sharpers the sharpest. 2. The sharper soon cheats the covetous man. Sp., Por. 3. When sharpers prey upon one another there is no game abroad. 4. When sharpers quarrel, the wolf has a winning game. 256 SHAVING.-SHEEP. Shaving. 1. A bald head is soon shaven. 2. A beard well lathered is half shaved. Sp. Fr., Ital., Por. 3. After shaving there's nothing to shear. 4. Bald heads are soon shaven. 5. St. Francis shaved himself first and then he shaved his brethren. 6. The executioner is a clean shaver. ful. 7. 'Tis ill shaving against the wool. Sheep. 1. A little sheep always seems young. Ital. Ger. Fr. 2. A mild sheep is sucked by every lamb. Ital. 3. A sheep's bite is never more than skin deep. 4. Coupled sheep drown one another. no 5. Every lamb knows its own dam. Itai. Dutch. 6. Every time the sheep bleats it loseth a mouth- 7. Good pastures make fat sheep. 8. He who has sheep has fleeces. Shaks. Sp. 9. It is a bad sheep that is too lazy to carry its own fleece. Dan. 10. It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf her confessor. 11. It is madness for a sheep to treat of peace with a wolf. 12. Make thyself a sheep and the wolf is ready. Russian. 13. Make yourself a sheep and the wolves will eat you. Ital., Fr.. Cir SHEEP. 257 14. Many a sheep goes out woolly and comes home shorn. Dan. 15. One mangy sheep spoils a whole flock. Dan. 16. One sheep follows another. 17. One stable will hold many patient sheep. Ger. 18. Shear the sheep but don't flay them. 19. Shear sheep that have them. 20. Silly sheep, where one goes all go. Fr. Sp. . That is a woeful silly sheep that goes to the wolf to confess. 22. That sheep has his belly full that butts his companion. 23. The deceived sheep that went for wool came back shorn. Sp. 24. The lamb goes to the spit as soon as the sheep. Don Quixote. 25. The lamb has no choice when in the jaws of the wolf. 26. The scabbier the sheep the harder it bleats. Chinese, Dutch. Ger. 27. The sheep does not bite the wolf. 28. The sheep on the mountain is higher than the bull on the plain. 29. The sheep out of the fold, the wolf eats it. Fr. M. Greek. 30. The sheep should have his belly full who quarrels with his mate. Bea. 31. The sheep that bleats is strangled by the wolf. Ital. 32. The sheep that bleats most does rot give the most wool. Ger 17 258 SHEPHERDS. 33. The sheep that bleats most gives the least milk. 34. The sheep that bleats loses a mouthful. Dan. Fr. Fr., Ital., Sp., Por. 35. The sheep that is too tame is sucked by too many lambs. 36. The well-fed sheep makes a cloak of its tail. Sp. 37. 'Tis a silly sheep that makes the wolf her confessor. Fr., hal. 38. When one sheep is over the dam the rest fol- low. Dutch. 39. When one sheep leads the way the rest fol- low. Chinese. 40. Where every hand fleeceth the sheep goes naked. Shepherds. 1. An excessive number of shepherds harms the flock. Chinese. 2. Straying shepherd, straying sheep. Ger. 3. The good shepherd shears, not flays. 4. The more shepherds the less care. 5. The shepherd even when he becomes a gen- tleman smells of the lamb. Ital. Dan. M. Greek. 6. When many shepherds tend the sheep, They but so much the longer sleep. Dutch. 7. When the shepherd is angry with his sheep he sends them a blind guide. 8. When the shepherd strays the sheep stray. Dutch. SHIFT.-SHIP. 259 Shift. 1. A good shift may serve long but it cannot serve forever. Ship. 1. A dear ship stands long i' the haven. 2. A great ship must have deep water. 3. A little leak will sink a great ship. 4. A little ship needs but a little sail. 5. All ships leak: some midships, some in the bows, some in the hold. Ital. 6. Better is an old carriage than a new ship. Dan. 7. Better on a sound boat than a leaky ship. 8. Don't give up the ship. Ger. Lawrence. 9. Don't spoil the ship for a half-penny-worth of tar. 10. Great ships require deep waters. 11. He who steadies himself between two ships will certainly be drowned, Russian. Dan. 12. It is hard to track the path the ship follows in the ocean. 13. Many commanders sink the ship. M. Greek. 14. Many drops of water will sink the ship. 15. Many grains of sand will sink a ship. 16. Ships fear fire more than water. 17. The great ship has also great dangers. Dan. M. Greek. 18. The ship does not go without the boat. Ital. 19. 'Tis skill not strength that governs a ship. 260 SHIPWRECK.—Shirt. 20. To a crazy ship every wind is contrary. Ital. 21. Two captains sink the ship. Turk. 22. When the helm is gone the ship will soon be wrecked. Dan. 23. When the ship is sunk every one knows she might have been saved. 24. Where the ship goes the brig can go. Ital. 25. You may take a ship to water, but you cannot make it swim. Punch. Shipwreck. 1. A general shipwreck is a consolation to all. Latin. 2. A wreck on a shore is a beacon at sea. Dutch. 3. After shipwrecks there is a harbor. Latin. 4. All wrecks come to the shore; the shore never goes to the wreck. Fr. 5. He is foolish to blame the sea who is ship- wrecked twice. Syrus. 6. He that has been shipwrecked shudders at still water. Ovid. 7. He who is shipwrecked the second time can- not lay the blame on Neptune. 8. Let another's shipwreck be your sea mark. 9. No one can complain of the sea who twice suffers shipwreck. Ger. 10. Shipwrecked in luxury and lost in ease. Prior. 11. Show mercy to those that are shipwrecked. Phocylides 540 years before Christ. 12. To look at a shipwreck from the shore. Latin. Shirt. 1. Close sits my shirt but closer my skin. SHOE. 261 2. He that has more smocks than shirts in a bucking, Had need be a man of good forelooking. Chaucer. 3. He that has no shirt wishes every day for ten yards of cloth. 4. My shirt is nearer than my cloak. 5. Near is my shirt but nearer is my skin. 6. The shirt is nearer than the doublet. Turk. Dutch. Shoe. Ital., Sp., Dan. 1. All feet tread not in one shoe. 2. Better cut the shoe than pinch the foot. 3. Every shoe fits not every foot. 4. Dr. Luther's shoes will not fit every village priest. Ger. 5. Fit the foot to the shoe, not the shoe to the foot. (Applied to those acting absurdly.) 6. He has found a last for his shoe. 7. His shoes are made of running leather, Por. 8. If your shoe pinches you, give it your man. 9. No one knows better where the shoe pinches than he who wears it. Ital., Ger 10. None know where the shoe pinches but he that wears it. (Exclamation of the Roman noble who `had just put away his wife.) 11. Not every wood will make wooden shoes. Dan. 12. One cannot make all shoes over the same last. 13. One must make the shoe according to the foot. Ger 262 SHOEMAKER.-Short.-Shot, SHOOTING. 14. One shoe will not fit every foot. 15. Over shoes, over boots. Ger. 16. Shoes made by the elder brother's wife are a pattern for the younger brother's wife to copy. Chinese. 17. The fairest looking shoe may pinch the foot. 18. The finest shoe often hurts the foot. 19. The same shoe does not fit every foot. Ital. 20. There never was a shoe however handsome that did not become an ugly slipper. 21. To cast an old shoe after one. to bring good luck.) ro Ital. (This is done 22. To him who hath a shoe under his foot it is the same as if the world was covered with leather. 23. Two feet in one shoe. Shoemaker. Turk. 1. Let not the shoemaker go beyond his last. Latin. Ger. 2. Shoemaker, stick to your last. Ger., Sp., Dutch. 3. Shoemakers and tailors lie readily. 4. Shoemakers go to mass and pray that sheep may die. 5. Shoemakers and tailors count hours. Sp. 6. Shoemakers should na be sailors that can neither steer nor row. 7. Six awls make a shoemaker. Short. 1. An inch too short is as bad as an ell. Dutch. Shot, Shooting. 1. A chance shot will kill the devil. Irish. SHOWER. 263 2. A fine shot never killed a bird. Ital. 3. A man does not always aim at what he means to hit. 4. A miss is as good as a mile. 5. An inch in missing is as bad as an ell. 6. An inch of a miss is as good as a mile. 7. He is a bad shot who cannot find an excuse. Ger. 8. He must shoot well who always hits the mark. Dutch. 9. He that shoots always right forfeits his arrow. 10. He that is always shooting must sometimes hit. 11. He who once hits will ever be shooting. 12. He who shoots often hits at last. Ger. 13. He will shoot higher that shoots at the moon than he that shoots at a dunghill, though he miss the mark. 14. It is not enough to aim, you must hit. Ital. 15. Not every ball hits. Ger. 16. Often shooting hits the mark. Ger. 17. One cannot take aim at things too high. 18. One does not always hit what one aims at. Fr. 19. One may as much miss the mark by aiming too high as too low. 20. Shoot not beyond the mark. 21. When he hits 'tis history, When he misses 'tis mystery. Shower. 1. It is the first shower that wets. Terence. Ital 264 SHOWING ONE's Self.-Shrew.-SICKNESS. Showing One's Self. 1. He that does not show himself is overlooked. Sp. Shrew. 1. Every one can tame a shrew but he that hath her. 2. Govern a horse with a bit and a shrew with a stick. Dan. 3. It will be fair weather when the shrews have dined. 4. Onions, smoke and a shrew make a good man's eye water. Dan. 5. The gray mare is the better horse, i.e., the wife rules the husband. 6. There are three things from which no good can be got without a beating: a walnut tree, a don- key, and a shrew. Dan. 7. There is little peace in that house where the hen crows and the cock is mute. Ital. 8. Three things drive a man out of doors: smoke, a leaky roof, and a shrew. Ital. 9. In an evil hour thou bring'st her home. (You are marrying a shrew.) Sickness. Horace. 1. Away with thee, sickness, to where they make a good pillow for thee. 2. Be lang sick that you may be soon hale. Sp. 3. He is in great danger who being sick thinks himself well. 4. In time of sickness the soul collects itself anew. Pliny. SIGNS.-SILENCE. 265 5. It is better to be sick than care for the sick. Turk. 6. It is easy for a man in health to preach patience to the sick. 7. Sickness comes in haste and goes at leisure. Dan. 8. Sickness comes on horseback and departs on foot. Dutch. it. 9. Sickness comes uninvited; no need to bespeak 10. Sickness is every man's master. Dan. Dan. 11. Sickness is felt but health not at all. 12. Sickness tells us what we are. 13. Sickness will spoil the happiness of an em- peror as well as mine. 14. The chamber of sickness is the chapel of de- votion. 15. The sick man is free to say all. wall. Ital. 16. The sick man is vexed with the flies on the Ger. 17. The sick man sleeps when the debtor cannot. Ital. 18. The sickness of the body may prove the health of the soul. 19. "Who can escape sickness?" quoth the drunken wife when she lay in the gutter. Signs. 1. Old signs do not deceive. Silence. Dan. 1. A judicious silence is always better than truth. spoken without charity. De Sales. 266 SILENCE. 2. A silent tongue and a true heart are the most admirable things on earth. Ger. 3. Be checked for silence but never taxed for speech. Shaks. 4. Be silent and pass for a philosopher. Latin. 5. Be silent or say something better than silence. Ger. 6. Be silent or speak something worth hearing. 7. Better be silent than talk ill. 8. Better silence than ill speech. Por. Swedish. 9. Better silent like a fool than talk like a fool. Ger. 10. Deep rivers move in silence, shallow brooks are noisy. 11. Deep vengeance is the daughter of deep silence. 12. Few speech. Byron. ever repented of having forborne Rambler. 13. From a silent man and a dog that does not bark deliver us. Sp. 14. From a silent person remove your dwelling. Sp. 15. God rights the man that keeps silence. 16. He that is silent gathers stones. Persian. 17. He that knows nothing, knows enough if he know how to be silent. Ital. 18. He that knows when to speak, knows too when to be silent. 19. He who is silent gains store. Archimedes. Sp. SILENCE. 267 20. He who would prosper in peace must suffer in silence. Ger. 21. I have often regretted having spoken, never having kept silent. Syrus. 22. I prefer silent prudence to loquacious folly. Cicero. 23. If a word be worth one shekel, silence is worth two. 24. In silence there is many a good morsel. 25. In the company of strangers silence is safe. 26. It is good speaking that improves good silence. Dutch. 27. It is well to know how to be silent till it is time to speak. 28. Least said is soonest mended. Por. 29. Many have suffered by talking, few by silence. 30. More have repented of speech than of silence. 31. Mute the camel labors with the heaviest load, And the wolf dies in silence. Byron. 32. Of much speaking cometh repentance, but in silence is safety. Ancient Brahmin. 33. One accomplishes more by silence than by speech. Ger. 34. No one betrays himself by silence. Ger 35. No one has ever injured another through silence. Ger. 36. No wisdom like silence. 37. Silence and look out, we shall catch both hen and chicks. Sp. 38. Silence and reflection cause no dejection. Ger. 268 SILENCE. Dutch 39. Silence answers much. 40. Silence brings friendship. 41. Silence gives consent. Fr., Ital., Sp., Ger., Dutch. 42. Silence grips the mouse. 43. Silence has many advantages. Menander. 44. Silence in love betrays more woe Than words, though ne'er so witty; À beggar that is dumb you know May challenge double pity. Raleigh. 45. Silence is a fine jewel for a woman but it is little worn. 46. Silence is as great an art as speech, Ger. 47. Silence is better than unmeaning words. 48. Silence is consent. Pythagoras. Carlyle. 49. Silence is deep as eternity, speech is shallow as time. 50. Silence is learned by the many misfortunes of life. • Seneca. 51. Silence is more eloquent than words. Ger. 52. Silence is the answer to anger. Ger. 53. Silence is the god of the fortunate. Ger. 54. Silence is the greatest ornament in a woman. Latin. 55. Silence is the mother of truth. Bea. 56. Silence is the sanctuary of truth. 57. Silence is the virtue of those who are not wise. 58. Silence is wisdom and gets a man friends. SILENCE. 269 59. Silence is wisdom when speaking is folly. 60. Silence never betrays you. John Boyle O'Reilly. 61. Silence puts an end to quarrels. 62. Silence reaps what speech sows. 63. Silence seldom does harm. Tamil. 64. Silence was never written down. Ital. 65. Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom. Bacon. 66. Silence is the virtue of a fool. Bacon, 67. Silence aspires after truth. Bacon. 68. Silent men like still waters are deep and dangerous. 69. Some things are better praised by silence than remark. Latin. 70. Speaking comes by nature, silence by under- standing. 71. Speaking is silver, silence is gold. 72. Speaking silence is better than speech. 73. Speech is oft repeated, silence never. Ger. Dutch. senseless Dan. Dan. 74. Speech is silver, silent golden; who speaks sows, who keeps silent reaps. 75. Study the power of silence. Persian. 76. The silence of the people is the lesson of kings. 77. The silent dog is the first to bite. 78. The silent man is most trusted. 79. The virtue of silence is a great knowledge. Ger. Dan. piece of Ital. 270 SILVER. 80. There is a gift beyond the reach of art: of being eloquently silent. Bovee. 81. There is a sure reward for faithful silence. Horace. 82. 'Tis easier to know how to speak than how to keep silent. 83. To be silent hurts no one, to be talkative does the mischief. Latin. 84. Too much speech and too much silence be- long to the fool. 85. Unreasonable silence is folly. Ger. 86. We ought either to be silent or speak things better than silence. Pythagoras. Silver. 1. A silver hammer breaks an iron door. Fr. 2. A silver key can open an iron lock. 3. Bad silver will only buy old sow's flesh. 4. Bonny silver is soon spent. Chinese. 5. Fight with silver spurs and you will overcome everything. Latin. 6. He that fights with silver is sure to overcome. 7. He that has no silver in his purse should have silver on his tongue. 8. Is no coin good silver but your penny? 9. Silver and gold are all men's dears. Dan. 10. Silver is of less value than gold, gold than virtue. Horace. II. Silver is the people's money. Leland Stanford. 12. White silver draws black lines. SIMPLE.-SIN. 271 Simple. 1. The simple man is the beggar's brother. Sin. 1. A sin concealed is half pardoned. (Meaning, when care is taken to conceal the scandal.) 2. A sin confessed is half forgiven. 3. A sinful heart makes a feeble hand. 4. Auld sin, new shame. Fr., Ital Ital. Scott. 5. Commit a sin thrice and you will think it allowable. 6. Compound for sins they're inclined to, Hebrew. By damning those they've no mind to. Butler, 7. Conquer one besetting sin at a time. 8. Dissembled sin is double wickedness. 9. Every man has his besetting sin. Cicero. 10. Every one thinks himself without sin because he hath not that of others. Ital. 11. Every sin carries its own punishment. 12. Few love to hear the sins they love to act. Shaks. 13. I am a man more sinned against than sin- ning. Shaks. 14. In the land of sinners the unjust sit in judg M. Greek. ment. 15. It is the property of an old sinner to find de- light in reviewing his own villanies in others. South. 16. Keep yourself from opportunities and God will keep you from sin. 17. Nip sin in the bud. 18. Old sins breed new shame. Ital. 272 SINCERITY. 19. One sin another doth provoke. Shaks. 20. One sin opens the door for another. Ger. 21. Out of small sins come large, Ger. 22. Plate sin with gold and the strong lance of justice breaks; Arm it in rags, a pigmy's straw doth pierce it. Shaks. 23. Sin steals the horse and carries home the bridle honestly. 24. Sin brings its own punishment. 25. Sin that is hidden is half forgiven. 26. That man sins charitably who damns none but himself. 27. The good hate to sin from love of virtue, the bad hate to sin from fear of punishment. 28. The wages of sin is death. Latin. New Testament. 29. To fall into sin is human, to remain in sin devilish. Ger. 30. We are ever young enough to sin, never old enough to repent. 31. What is no sin is no shame. Ger. 32. Where one sin hath entered, legions will force their way. Rogers. 33. Who avoids small sins does not fall into great ones. Ger. 34. Who is not ashamed of his sins, sins double. Sincerity. 1. Sincerity gives wings to poweṛ. 2. True sincerity sends for no witnesses. Ger. SINGING. SIR POSITIVES.—SIT. 273 Singing. 1. A man who can't sing is always striving to sing. Latin. 2. He that sings on Friday shall weep on Sun day. 3. He who pitches too high won't get through his song. 4. He who sings drives away sorrow. 5. He who sings frightens away his ills. Ger. Ital. Don Quixote. 6. None but fools and fiddlers sing at their meat. 7. Some sing who are not merry. 8. Who sings drives away care. Sir Positives. Ital. Sp. 1. Two Sir Positives can scarce meet without a skirmish. Sit. 1. As good sit still as rise up and fall. 2. Better sit still than rise and get a fall. 3. Don't budge if you sit at ease. 4. He sits fu still that hath riven breeks. 5. He sits not sure who sits too high. Ger. 6. He sits by moonshine and lies abed by sun- shine. 7. He sits well who can rise without help. Dan. 8. He that comes first may sit where he will. 9. He that sits among reeds, cuts pipes as he pleases. Ger. 10. Lowly sit, richly warm. 18 274 SIX.-SKELETON.-SKILL.—Skin.-Sky. 11. Sit in your place and none can make you rise. 12. Sit still rather than rise and fall down. 13. They may sit in the chair that have malt to sell. Six. 1. Six of one and half a dozen of the other. 2. Six things have no business in this world: a fighting priest, a coward knight, a covetous judge, a stinking barber, a soft-hearted mother and an itchy baker. Skeleton. 1. There is a skeleton in every house. Skill. Fr. 1. Skill and assurance are an invincible couple. 1 2. Skilled hands eat trout. 3. Skill is stronger than strength. Skin. 1. The skin is nearer than the shirt. Dutch. Fr. Cumberland. 2. The toughest skin holds longest out. Sky. 1. If the sky fall the pots will be broken. 2. If the sky fall we shall catch larks. 3. If the sky fall hold up your hands. Sp. 4. Neither heat nor cold abides always in the sky. 5. The titmouse holds up its feet to keep the sky from falling on it. 6. There is no relying on a starry sky. Persian. SLANDER. 275 7. Were the sky to fall not an earthen pot would be left whole. Dutch. Slander. 1. A slanderer and a snake of deadly poison have each two tongues. Tamil. 2. Among wild animals the slanderer is most dangerous, among tame the flatterer. Diogenes. 3. Avoid a slanderer as you would a scorpion. 4. Defaming or slandering others is the greatest of all sins. 5. For slander lives upon succession, Forever housed where it once gets possession. Shaks. 6. He that uttereth a slander is a fool. Bible. 7. He that gives himself leave to play with his neighbor's fame may soon play it away. 8. He who blackens others does not whiten himself. Ger. 9. He who repeats the ill he hears is the true slanderer. 10. He who slanders his neighbor makes a rod for himself. Dutch. II. If the ball do not stick to the wall yet it will leave some mark. 12. If you slander a dead man you stab him in his grave. 13. Jocular slanders often prove serious injuries. 14. Lay it on, some of it will stick. 15. Lay your hand on your bosom and you will not speak ill of another. Por. 276 SLANDER. 16. Let him beat me too when I am absent. (Remark of Socrates when a friend told him that an enemy had slandered him.) 17. Mary's mouth costs her nothing for she never opens it but at others' expense. Franklin. 18. No, 'tis slander Whose edge is sharper than the sword; whose tongue Outvenoms all the worms of Nile. Shaks. 19. Slander expires at a good woman's door. Dan. 20. Slander flings stones at itself. 21. Slander is a more cruel weapon than the sword, and its wounds are incurable. Fielding. 22. Slanders are the devil's bellows to blow up contentions. 23. Slander leaves a score behind it. 24. Slander, slander, some of it will stick. 25. Slander, that worst of poisons, ever finds An easy entrance to ignoble minds. Juvenal. 26. Slander, the foulest whelp of sin. Pollok. 27. Slander, whose edge is sharper than the sword. 28. Society produces not a more odious vermin than the slanderer. Fielding. 29. Such as give ear to slanderers are worse than slanderers themselves. Domitian. 30. The greatest slanderers are the most impa- tient of censure. Warton. 31. The only difference between a slanderer and an evil doer is, that the latter requires an oppor 'tunity. Quintillian. • 1 SLAVE.-SLAVES.-SLAYING. 277 32. The way to close the mouth of a slanderer is to treat him with contempt. Chinese. 33. There is no cure against a slanderer's bite. Dan. 34. There is no sufficient recompense for an un- just slander. 35. They that slander the dead are like envious dogs that bark and bite at bones. 36. To slander with a matter of truth. 37. What king so strong Zeno. Can tie the gall up in a slanderous tongue. Shaks. 38. Who stabs my name would stab my person too, Did not the hangman lie in the way. Crown. Slave. 1. He is still a slave whose limbs alone are freed, Ger. Slaves. 1. Slaves cannot breathe in England: if their lungs Receive our air, that moment they are free; They touch our country, and their shackles fall. Cowper. 2. There is a period in which the tamest slaves rise into fury and revenge. Gibbon. 3. We ought not to forget that our slaves are our fellowmen. Slaying. 1. He that slays shall be slain. Cato. 278 SLEEP. Sleep. 1. All are not asleep who have their eyes shut. 2. All who snore are not asleep. 3. Death's half-brother, sleep. Ger. Dan. Dryden. 4. Do not go to sleep early and rise late. Hindoo. 5. Every one will sleep as he makes his bed. M. Greek. 6. He hath slept well who remembers not he slept ill. 7. He sleeps as dogs do when wives sift meal. 8. He sleeps soundly who has nothing to lose. Fr. 9. He who desireth to sleep soundly, let him buy the bed of a bankrupt. Ger. 10. He who lies long in bed his estate feels it. 11. He who sleeps alone keeps long cold; two soon warm each other. 12. He who sleeps by day will hunger by night. Detroit Free Press. Ital. Sp. 13. He who sleeps catches no fish. 14. He who sleeps much learns little. 15. He who sleeps well does not feel the fleas. Ital. 16. If I sleep, I sleep for myself; if I work, I know not for whom. Ital. 17. If men had not slept the tares had not been sown. 18. I'll sleep on it. Dutch. Ger., Dutch, Dan. 19. It is good to sleep in a whole skin. 20. It is not for a man in authority to sleep a whole night. Homer. SLEEP. 279 21. Let him who sleeps too much borrow the pil- low of a debtor. Sp. 22. Not all are asleep who have their eyes shut. 23. O sleep! it is a gentle thing; Beloved from pole to pole. Ital. Coleridge. 24. One hour's sleep before midnight is better than two after. Fr., Ger. 25. One must not take his cares to bed with him. Ger. 26. Quiet sleep feels no foul weather. 27. Slavery's only service money-sweet sleep. 28. Sleep is a sovereign physic. Bea. Massinger. 29. Sleep is a thief: it steals half one's life. Ger. 30 Sleep is the brother of death. Ger. 31. Sleep makes every man as great or rich as the greatest. 32. Sleep not in time of peril. 33. Sleep over it and you will come to a resolu- tion. Sp. 34. Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleeve of care, The death of each day's life, sore labor's bath; Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, Chief nourisher in life's feast. Shaks. 35. Sleep that sometimes shuts up sorrow's eye. 36. Sleep to the sick is half health. Shaks. Ger. 280 SLEEVE.-SLIPPERS.-SLOTH. 37. Sleep without supping and waste without owing. 38. The less a man sleeps the more he lives. 39. Those who come from labor and exercise sleep more sweetly than the inactive and effeminate. Alexander. 40. Tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep. 41. To sleep a dog's sleep. 42. We are all equals when we are asleep. Young. Don Quixote. 43. We can sleep with open gates-we have noth- ing to lose. Loyal Songs. 44. When unbruised youth with unstuffed brain Doth couch his limbs, there golden sleep doth reign. Shaks. 45. Who goes fasting to bed will sleep but lightly. Dutch. 46. Who goes to bed supperless all the night tum- bles and tosses. 47. You should go to the land of Nod where they pay you for sleeping. 48. You would do well in Slumberland where they have half a crown a day for sleeping. Sleeve. I. A broken sleeve holdeth the arm back. Slippers. 1. Though golden slippers they must be put on the feet. Sloth. Tamil. 1. A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom. Bible. SLOUGH.-SLOW. 281 2. A slothful man' is a brother to him who is a great waster. 3. A slothful man never has time. 4. A slothful man is a beggar's brother. Ital. 5. Flee, sloth, for the indolence of the soul is the decay of the body. Cato. 6. Gaudy, slothful people are wasps that eat up the bee's honey. 7. He that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster. 8. Sloth is the beginning of vice. Bible. Dutch. Ger., Sp., Por. 9. Sloth is the key to poverty. 10. Sloth is the mother of poverty. II. Sloth is the nurse of vice and rust of, action. Massinger. 12. Sloth like rust consumes faster than labor wears. 13. Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry all easy. Franklin. 14. Sloth, that destructive siren, is ever to be avoided. 15. Sloth turneth the edge of wit. Horace. 16. Sloth wears out the body and consumes the mind. Slough. 1. There is nothing like being bespattered for making one defy the slough. Fr. 2. Who has not himself stuck in the slough looks not for another therein. Slow. Ger. 1. Be slow in choosing, but slower in changing, 282 SLUGGARD. 2. Be slow in giving advice, ready to do a service. 3. Be slow to believe an evil report; deliberate well before repeating it. 4. Be slow to offend, swift to revenge. (An in- scription on a dagger.) 5. Be slow to promise, quick to perform. 6. Slow and sure. 7. Slow at meat, slow at work. 8. Slow rises wealth by poverty depressed. Sluggard. Dr. Johnson. 1. A sluggard takes a hundred steps because he would not take one in due time. 2. At evening the sluggard is busy. Ger. 3. Go to the ant, thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise. Bible. 4. Go to the ant, thou sluggard, learn to live And by her busy ways reform thine own. Smart. 5. He who has a sluggard has a prophet. (He invents excuses such as it is going to rain, etc.) M. Greek. 6. Pull up the stones, you sluggard, and break the devil's head with them. 7. Sluggards are never scholars. 8. The sluggard makes his night till noon. 9. The sluggard's convenient season comes. season never 10. The sluggard's guise: loth to go to bed and loth to rise. ง SMALL.-SMARTS. 283 II. 'Tis the voice of the sluggard; I hear him complain, "You have waked me too soon, I must slumber again. "" Watts. 12. What better is the house for a sluggard rising early? Small. 1. A great gap may be filled with small stones. Gaelic. 2. A small bolt to the house is better than none at all. Dan. 3. A small cloud may hide both sun and moon. Dan. 4. A small coin in a big jar makes a great noise. Hebrew. Por. 5. A small demerit extinguishes a long service. 6. A small hatchet fells a great oak. 7. A small hurt in the eye is a great one. 8. A small matter hurts one that is sore. 9. A small pack becomes a small pedler. 10. A small sore wants not a great plaster. II. A small stone is large enough to prop up a large water jar. African. 12. A small sum may serve for a small reckoning. 13. Attention to small things is the economy of virtue. 14. Small axes fell great trees. Chinese. Ger. 15. Small brooks make the greatest noise. Ger. Smarts. 1. What smarts teaches. 284 SMILE.-SMILES.-Smith.-Smoke.-Snail. Smile. 1. A cup must be bitter that a smile will not sweeten. 2. Better the last smile than the first laughter. 3. One may smile and smile and be a villain. Smiles. 1. Smiles from reason flow, Shaks. To brute deny'd, and are of love the food. Smith. Milton. 1. The smith's dog sleeps at the sound of the hammer and wakes at the grinding of teeth. Sp. 2. The smith's mare and the cobbler's wife are always the worst shod. Smoke. 1. No smoke without fire. Ger. 2. Secret fire is discerned by its smoke. Catalan. 3. Smoke rises only from large blocks of wood. Russian. 4. The seller of smoke was punished by smoke. Alexander Severus. Snail. 1. The snail slides up the tower at last though the swallow mounteth it not. 2. The snail to be rid of annoyance bartered its eyes for horns. Sp. 3. Tramp on a snail and she'll shoot out her horns. Sneer. 1. A sneer cannot be answered. Bailey. SNOW. SOBRIETY.-Softly.-Soldier. 285 2. Sneers are poor weapons at the best. Maga. 3. Who can refute a sneer. Snow. 1. A snow year, a rich year. Paley. 2. In March much snow, to plants and trees much woe. Ger. 3. Snow for a se' night is a mother to the earth, forever after a step-mother. 4. Snow is the poor man's fertilizer. 5. The more snow the more healthy the season. 6. What lay hidden under the snow cometh to light at last. 7. When in the ditch the snow doth lie, 'Tis waiting for more, by and by. Dutch. 8. When the snow falls dry it means to lie; But flakes light and soft bring rain oft. 9. Whether you boil snow or pound it you will have but water from it. Sobriety. 1. Strength of mind rests in sobriety, for this keeps the reason unclouded by passion. Pythagoras. Softly. 1. Softly, don't raise a dust. Soldier. 1. A beaten soldier fears a reed. Ital. Japanese. 2. Advantage is a better soldier than rashness. 3. .A proud soldier is fellow to a king. Shaks. 4. A soldier, fire, and water soon make room for themselves. Ital. 286 SOLDIER. 5. A soldier ought to fear nothing but God and dishonor. 6. A true soldier is his country's strength, his sovereign's safety. Ben Jonson. Ger. 7. A young soldier, an old beggar. 8. A young trooper should have an old horse. 9. All are not soldiers who go to the wars. Sp., Por. 10. Away from the battle all are soldiers. Ger. 11. He is not a good soldier who fights with his tongue. 12. Ignorance, poverty, and vanity make many soldiers. Zimmerman. Ger. 13. It is the blood of the soldier that makes the general great. 14. Soldiers are martyrs to ambition. Ital. 15. Soldiers in peace are like chimneys in summer. 16. Soldiers must be well paid and well hanged. Ger. Ger. 17. The best soldiers come from the plough. 18. The blood of the soldier maketh the glory of the general. 19. The soldier is well paid for doing mischief. Ital. 20. The soldier's blood exalts the captain. Ital. 21. The soldiers fight and the kings are heroes. Hebrew. 22. The world without peace is the soldier's pay. SOLITUDE -Solomon.-SOMETHING. 287 23. 'Tis honor with most lands to be at odds, Soldiers should brook as little wrong as gods. Shaks. Solitude. 1. A solitary man is either a brute or an angel. Ital. 2. Among the perils and dangers of life soli- tude's none of the least. 3. An absolute solitude is contrary to humanity. Petrarch. 4. He makes a solitude and calls it peace. Byron. 5. In solitude, where we are least alone. Byron. 6. It is not good that man should be alone. Bible. 7. O solitude, where are the charms That sages have seen in thy face? Cowper's Alexander Selkirk. 8. One would not be alone even in Paradise. Ital. 9. Solitude dulls the thought, too much company dissipates it. 10. Solitude is often the best society. 11. Solitude sometimes is best society. Milton. 12. Solitude is the despair of fools, the torment of the wicked and the joy of the good. Solomon. 1. When he was born Solomon passed by his door and would not go in. Something. 1. Something tastes better than nothing. Sp. Ger. 2. Something to every one is good division, Ger. 3. When one is getting something one is losing nothing. Don Quixote. 288 SON. Son. 1. A debauched son of a noble family is a foul stream from a clear spring. 2. A good son is a good brother, good husband, good father, good kinsman, good friend, good neigh- bor and good citizen. Chinese. 3. A lame mule and a stupid son have to endure everything. Sp. 4. Alas, for the son whose father goes to heaven. Por. 5. A son pays his father's debts, but a father will not recognize his son's. Chinese. 6. A wise son maketh a glad father, but a fool- ish son is the heaviness of his mother. Bible. 7. Even as the father was so will the son be. Scribleomania. 8. Good wombs have borne bad sons. Shaks. 9. He that brings up his son to nothing breeds a thief. 10. He to whom God gave no sons the devil gives nephews. Sp. 11. He who picks up the staff of his father with respect will not beat his dog. Chinese. 12. His mother an onion, his father garlic, him- self comes out conserve of roses. Turk. 13. Leave your son a good reputation and em- ployment. 14. Let a daughter be the care of her mother, but the education of the son should be the delight of the father. 15. Like father, like son. Pope. Por. SON-IN-LAW. 289 16. She spins a good web that brings up her son well. Sp. 17. The portrait of the father is but a picture to the stranger, to the son a book which points out his duties. Chinese. 18. The son disgraces himself when he blames his father. Chinese. . 19. The son that yawns at his father's oft re- peated stories will weep little at his death. Chinese. 20. The tardy son reaps not with his father. M. Greek. 21. The ungrateful son is a wart on his father's' face; to leave it is a blemish, to cut it off is pain. Afghan. 22. To your son give a good name and a trade. 23. Uprightness is the aliment of filial piety. Sp. Chinese. Pope. 24. We think our fathers fools, so wise we grow, Our wiser sons will think us so. 25. Who has no son has no satisfaction. Cingalese. Son-in-law. I. A son-in-law of the same village and a plough- Tamil. ing buffalo are overwrought. 2. A son-in law's friendship is a winter's sun. Sp. 3. After the daughter is married then comes son- in-laws a plenty. Fr. 4. I see by my daughter's face when the devil takes hold of my son-in-law. Ital., Sp. 5. Invite your son-in-law to a fowl and he will take away the lemon. Sp. 19 290 SONG. SOON.-SORE. 6. The son-in-law's sack is never full. Dan. 7. To a son-in-law and a hog you need not show the way but once. Sp. 8. Who has gold can choose his son-in-law. Ger. Song. 1. A good song is none the worse for being sung twice. 2. A silly song may be sung in many ways. Dan. 3. Be the day ever so long, at length cometh even song. 4. Give me the making of the songs of a people, I care not who makes their laws. 5. New songs are eagerly sung (or are liked best). 6. Sweet song has betrayed many. 7. There is an end o' an auld sang. Soon. Ger., Dan. Ger. 1. Soon enough is well enough. 2. Soon gained, soon squandered. Fr. 3. Soon got, soon spent. 4. Soon hot, soon cold. Sore. 1. It is ill healing an old sore. 2. Old sores are hardly cured. 3. One always knocks one's self on the sore place. 4. There is a salve for every sore. Fr. Smollett. 5. You rub the sore when you should rub the plaster. Shaks.. SORROW 291 Sorrow. joy. I. A day of sorrow is longer than a month of 2. A sorrowing bairn was never fat. Chinese. 3. All sorrows are bearable if there is bread. Don Quixote. Dan. 4. Alone in counsel, alone in sorrow. 5. Any mind that is capable of real sorrow is capable of real good. 6. Better two losses than one sorrow. Mrs. Stowe. 7. Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal. Moore. 8. Fat sorrow is better than lean sorrow. 9. For sorrow ends not when it seemeth done. Shaks. 10. Give sorrow words: the grief that does not speak, Whispers the o'erfraught heart and bids it break. 11. Hang sorrow, care'll kill a cat. Shaks. Ben Jonson. Fr. 12. He gains enough who loses sorrow. 13. He who loves sorrow will always find some- thing to mourn over. 14. He who swims in sin will sink in sorrow. 15. .Immoderate sorrow causes great mischief. Dan. Cingalese. 16. It has pleased the gods that sorrow should act as companion to sorrow. 17. It is weel wairt they hae sorrow that buy it wi' their siller. 292 Sorrow. 18. Light sorrows speak, great ones are dumb. Spectator. Bacon. 19. Make not two sorrows of one. 20. One sorrow never comes but brings an heir, That may succeed as his inheritor. Shaks. 21. On the sands of life sorrow treads heavily, And leaves a print time cannot wash away. 22. Rejoice not in another's sorrow. Neele. Turk. 23. Serve a great man and you will know what sorrow is. Sp. 24. Shame on those hearts of stone that cannot melt, In soft adoption of another's sorrow. A. Hill 25. Sin and sorrow are inseparable. 26. Sorrow and ill weather come unsent for. 27. Sorrow brings on premature old age. 28. Sorrow comes unsent for. Latin. Latin. 29. Sorrow concealed doth burn the heart to cin- ders. Shaks. 30. Sorrow dwells on the confines of pleasure. 31. Sorrow ends not when it seemeth done. 32. Sorrow felt by a man conscious of his igno- rance is like the joy of heaven. Cingalese. 33. Sorrow is always dry. 34. Sorrow is good for nothing but sin. 35. Sorrow is knowledge. 36. Sorrow seldom comes alone. 37. Sorrow will pay no debt. Byron. Dan. 38. Sorrows grow less every time they are told, Just like the age of a woman. Punch. Sorrow. 293 39. Sorrows remembered sweeten present joy. Pollok. 40. That which comes with sin goes with sorrow. Dan. 41. The best cure for sorrow is to pity somebody. 42. The bridge between joy and sorrow is not long. Ger. 43. The holidays of joy are the vigils of sorrow. 44. The sorrow men have for others hangs upon a hair. 45. The path of sorrow, and that path alone Leads to the lands where sorrow is unknown. 46. This is the truth the poet sings, Cowper. That sorrow's crown of sorrow is remember- Tennyson. ing happier things. 47. 'Tis better to be lowly born and range with humble lovers in content, than wear a golden sor- row. Shaks. 48. 'Tis held that sorrow makes us wise. Tennyson. 49. 'Tis not in the power of man to bear The silent eloquence of female sorrow. Massinger 50. Two in distress make sorrow less. 51. When sorrow is asleep wake it not. 52. When sorrows come, they come not single spies, But in batallions. Shaks. 53. Whither goest thou, sorrow?—whither I am wont. Sp. 294 SOUL.-SOUP. Soul. 1. A little body often harbors a great soul. 2. A pensive soul feeds upon nothing but bitters. 3. A soul in a fat body lieth soft and is loth to rise. - 4. As sight in the eye so is the mind in the soul. 5. Corn is cleansed with the wind and the soul with chastening. 6. It is nobler to convert souls than to conquer kingdoms. Louis le Debonnaire. 7. Lay not that flattering unction to your soul. 8. Little bodies have great souls. 9. Little souls on little shifts rely. 10. My chest locked up, my soul safe. Shaks. Dryden. Por. 11. Provide for thy soul by doing good works. 12. The body is the socket of the soul. 13. The body is the workhouse of the soul. 14. The soul is a prisoner which in escaping always kills his jailer. 15. The soul is not where it lives but where it loves. 16. The soul of a choleric man sits ever by the fireside. 17. What is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul. New Testament. Soup. 1. All ought to be made to taste the soup, i. e., Grimm's Fairy Tales. share the disagreeable. Sour Grapes.—Sour Kraut.—Sowing. Sour Grapes. 295 I. "Sour grapes," as the fox said when he could not reach them. 2. Sour grapes can never make sweet wine. Sour Kraut. 1. Sour kraut is good for the cold fever. Ger. Sowing. 1. After a bad harvest sow again. to difficulties.) (Don't yield Latin. 2. Do not abstain from sowing for fear of the pigeons. 3. Early sow, early mow. 4. He that sows his grain upon marble will have much hunger before harvest. Arbuthnot 5. He that sows in the highway tires his oxen and loseth his corn. 6. He that sows iniquity shall reap sorrow. 7. He that sows thistles shall reap prickles. 8. He who sows hatred shall gather rue. Dan 9. He who sows here shall reap hereafter. Turk. 10. He who sows his land trusts in God. II. He who sows iniquity shall reap shame. Dan. 12. He who sows little reaps little. Dan. 13. He who sows money will reap poverty. Dan. 14. He who sows peas on the highway does not get all the pods into his barn. Dan. 15. He who sows thorns will never reap grapes. 16. He who sows well reaps well. ! Sp. 17. If thou wouldst have a good crop, sow with thy hand but pour not out of the sack. 296 SPANIARD.-SPARE. 18. If you sow thorns you will reap pricks. Turk. 19. Ill sowers make ill harvest. Sp. 20. Nobody sows a thing that will not sell. 21. Sow leaves in the mud and they'll grow like wood. 22. Sow good works and thou shalt reap glad- ness. 23. The early sower never borrows of the late. 24. They have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind. Bible. 25. We must sow even after a bad harvest. Dan. 26. Who sows ill reaps ill. 27. Who sows thorns should not go barefoot. Spaniard. Ital. Fr., Ital. 1. Beware of a white Spaniard and a black Englishman. Dutch. 2. It is better to be in the forest and eat pine cones, than to live in a castle with Spaniards. Ital. 3. Strip a Spaniard of every virtue and you have a Portuguese. 4. When a Spaniard sings either he is mad or has not a doit. Spare. Sp. 1. Always to be sparing is always to be in want. Dan. 2. Better spare at the brim than at the bottom. 3. Better spare to have of thine own than to ask others. 4. Better spared than ill spent. 5. Ever spare, ever bare, SPARK. 297 6. He that spares the wicked injures the good. Syrus. 7. He that spares something to-day will have something to-morrow. Dutch. 8. He that spares when he is young may spend when he is old. 9. He that spares vice wrongs virtue. Fr., Ger. 10. He that spareth the purse spoileth the child. Fielding. II. He that spareth the rod hateth his son, but he that loveth him chastiseth him betimes. Bible. 12. He who spends more than he should, Shall not have to spare when he would. 13. It is as great a mischief to spare all as it is cruelty to spare none. 14. Spare well and spend well. 15. Spare when you are young, and spend when you are old. 16. Spare your breath to cool your pottage. 17. 'Tis too late to spare when the pocket is bare. Ger., Dutch. Spark. 1. A concealed spark is more to be feared than an open fire. Ger. 2. A large fire often comes from a small spark. 3. A little spark kindles a great fire. Dan. Ital., Ger., Sp. 4. A little spark shines in the dark. 5. A little spark will set a whole city on fire. Fr. Arabian 298 SPARROW.-Sparta.-SPEAK. 6. A small spark can cause a great conflagration. 7. A small spark makes a great fire. Chinese. 8. Blacksmiths' children are not afraid of sparks. Dan, 9. Even the smallest spark shines brightly in darkness. 10. From a spark the house is burnt. Latin. Dutch 11. The smith has always a spark in his throat. 12. The spark sleeps in the stone. Sparrow. Ger. 1. A sparrow is a little bird yet it has liver and gall all complete. Chinese. 2. A sparrow suffers as much when it breaks its leg as does a Flanders' horse. 3. Auld sparrows are ill to tame. 4. Every sparrow to its ear of wheat. Dan. 5. How can sparrows expect to be admitted into the society of peacocks? Hans Andersen. 6. Sparrows fight for corn which is none of their own. 7. Sparrows should not dance with cranes, their legs are too short. 8. The sparrow builds in the martin's nest. Sparta. 1. Sparta is not buried up in one man. Speak. Dan. Callicrotides. 1. He speaks of things more ancient than chaos. 2. He speaks one word nonsense and two that have nothing in them. SPEAR.-SPEARS.-SPEECH. 299 3. He that speaks lavishly shall hear as knav- ishly. 4. He that speaks me fair and loves me not, I'll speak him fair and trust him not. 5. He that speaks not, God hears not. Sp. 6. He that speaks of things that do not concern him, shall hear of things that will not please him. Arabian. 7. He that speaks sows, he that hears reaps. 8. He that speaks the things he shouldna, hears the things he wa'dna. 9. He that speaks truth must have one foot in the stirrup. Turk. 10. He who speaks ill of himself is praised by no one. Dan 11. That is well spoken which is well taken. 12. Where two speak the third is a bone in the throat. Spear. Ger. 1. A sharp spear needs no polish. Spears. 1. Spears are not made of bulrushes. Speech. Natal. 1. A man may say too much even on the best of subjects. 2. A man never speaks of himself without loss. Montaigne. 3. A man of all tongue is dangerous in his city. 4. A soft speech has its poison. Syrus. 300 SPEECH. 5. As a vessel is known by the sound whether it is cracked or not, so men are proved by their speeches whether they be wise or foolish. 6. As the man so is his speech. Demosthenes. Dan. 7. Hasty speeches commit men to foolish courses. Wigglesworth. 8. He who says what he likes hears what he does not like. Sp. 9. Honeyed speech often conceals poison and gall. Dan. 10. If thou speakest what thou wilt, thou shalt hear what thou wouldst not. Bias. 11. It is better to say nothing than not enough. Latin. 12. It is good speaking that improves good si- lence. Dutch. 13. It is more necessary to guard the mouth than the chest. Ger. 14. It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently. 15. Many speak much that cannot speak well. 16. Men speak to each other by words, animals by signs. Russian. 17. Much speaking and lying are cousins. Ger. 18. No speech good but of God. 19. None speak false when there is none to hear. Beattie. 20. One may say too much even upon the best subject. 21. One may think what he dare not speak. • SPEECH. 301 22. Some that speak no ill of any, do no good to any. 23. Spare to speak and spare to speed. Fr. 24. Speak little and to the purpose and you will pass for somebody. For. 25. Speak little of your ill luck and boast not of your good luck. Dan. 26. Speak little, speak truth, spend little, pay cash. Ger. 27. Speak little with others, much with thyself. Ger. 28. Speak me fair and think what you will. 29. Speak not against the sun; i. e., argue not against what is clear. 30. Speak well even to bad men. 31. Speak well of the dead. 32. Speak well of thy friends, be silent as to thy enemies. Ger. 33. Speak well of your friend, of your enemy neither well nor ill. Ital. 34. Speak what you will, men will turn it ill. 35. Speak when you are spoken to, come when you are called. 36. Speaking evil of one another is the fifth ele- ment men are made up of. 37. Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim. 38. Speech is the gift of all, but thought of few. 39. Speech is the picture of the mind. Cato. 302 Speeches.-Spending, SpENDTHRIFTS. 40. Speech was given to man to conceal his thoughts. (Dialogue XIV. Le Chapon et la Poularde, Voltaire.) Talleyrand. 41. The manner of speaking is as important as the matter. Chesterfield. 42. Though the speaker be a fool, let the hearer be wise. Sp. 43. Two ears to one tongue, therefore hear twice as much as you speak. Turk. 44. When a' men speak, nae man hears. 45. When a man is not known when he speaks he is not believed. 46. Who says little has little to answer for. Ital. Ger. 47. Who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like. Fr. 48. Who speaks sows, who listens reaps. 49. Who speaks two languages is a double man. Speeches. Ger. 1. Suspect the meaning and regard not speeches. Spending, Spendthrifts. 1. To a good spender God is treasurer. Socrates. 2. He that spends more than he is worth, spins a rope for his own neck. Fr. 3. He that spends without regard shall want without pity. 4. Spend and be free, but make no waste. 5. Spend and God will send. 6. Spending money with many a guest Empties the kitchen, the cellar and chest. Sp. > SPICE.-Spider.—Spiders.—SPINNING. 303 7. Spend not when you may save, spare not when you must spend. 8. Spend one penny less than the clear gain. Fr. 9. Spendthrifts are always of necessity greedy and covetous. 10. Through not spending enough we spend too much. Sp. II. To spend much and gain little is the sure road to ruin. 12. Who more than he is worth doth spend, E'er makes a rope his life to end. 13. Who spends before he thrives Will beg before he dies. Spice. Ger. 1. If you beat spice it will smell the sweeter. 2. She that has spice enough may season as she likes. 3. The best spices are in small bags. Spider. Ital. 1. The spider lost her distaff, and ever since is forced to draw her thread through her tail. 2. The spider's web lets the rat escape and catches the fly. Spiders. Sp. 1. Spiders might make silk if they could live in harmony with each other. Spinning. 1. It is better to spin all night with Penelope than sing all night with Helen. 2. She that gazes much spins not much. 304 SPIRIT.-SPit.—Spite.—Spoil. 3. Spinner, spin softly, you disturb me, I am praying. Por. 4. Spin not too fine a thread lest it break in weaving up. 5. That which will not be spun let it not come between the spindle and the distaff. 6. You must spoil before you spin. Spirit. 1. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 2. The virtue of the divine spirit illuminates everything. Spit. Chinese. 1. He who spits above himself will have it all in his face. Sp. 2. Spit in your hand and take better hold. 3. Spit not against Heaven, 'twill fall back in thy face. 4. Spit not in the well, you may have to drink its water. 5. When one spits against the moon it falls back in his face. Bengal. 6. Who spits against Heaven it falls on his head. Fr. 7. Who spits against the wind it fouls his beard. Dutch. Spite. 1. There is no spite like that of a proud beggar. Spoil. 1. To spoil what is good by unreasonableness is like letting off fireworks in the rain. Chinese. SPOILS -SPORT-SPOT.-STAIN.-STAIRS.-STAKE. Spoils. I. To the victors belong the spoils. 305 Controverted Political Maxim. Sport. 1. It is poor sport that is not worth the candle. 2. Said in sport, meant in earnest. 3. Sport is sweetest when no spectators. Herbert. Ger. 4. The best of the sport is to do the deed and say nothing. 5. The strong man's sport is the weak man's death. Spot. 1. A spot is most seen on the finest cloth. 2. Are there not spots on the sun ? Ger. Fr. 3. In an ermine spots are soon discovered. 4. Point not at others' spots with a foul finger. Dan. 5. Skill or fortune will efface the spots. 6. The brightest of all things, the sun, has its spots. 7. The fairer the paper the fouler the blot. Stain. 1. A white cloth and a stain never agree. Stairs. Yoruba. 1. The pain of having to ascend the stairs of other men. Stake. 1. An ill stake standeth longest. Dante. 2. It is a bad stake that will not stand in the hedge one year. 20 306 STANDING.-Star.-Starlings.—StarVE. Standing. 1. He that stands may fall. 2. He that stands upon a slippery place, Makes nice of no vile hold to stay him up. Ital. Shaks. 3. He who stands high is seen from afar. Dan. 4. He who stands near a wood-cutter is likely to be hit by a splinter. Dan. 5. Who moves picks up, who stands dries up. Star. Ital. 1. If the stars were loaves, many persons would sleep out of doors. Wolofs (Africa). 2. He that looks for a star puts out his candle. 3. No one sees what is before his feet; we all gaze at the stars. Cicero. • · 4. One may point at a star but not pull at it. 5. Some persons take more trouble looking for pins than they would for stars. 6. Stars are not seen by sunshine. Starlings. Punch. 1. Starlings are lean because they go in flocks. Starve. 1. Starve together, eat together. 2. The replenished understand not the pain of the starving. State. (Maxims Political.) Turk. 1. Every state will be delivered from its calami- ties when by the favor of fortune, great power unites with wisdom and justice in one person. Plato. STATE. (MAXIMS POLITICAL.) 307 2. Fleets and armies are not always the strongest bulwarks, the best resources of the sovereign are in his family. Titus. 3. Flight toward preferment will be but slow without some golden feathers. 4. Free man, free goods. (So free ships, free goods. American.) Ger. 5. He that depends on popular will, swims with fins of lead and hews down oaks with rushes. Shaks. 6. He that does anything for the public is ac- counted to do it for nobody. 7. In the affairs of state the prince alone ought to decide, the empress alone should concern herself with domestic affairs. Chinese. 8. In the East a conqueror is always succeedeá by a coward, and the founder of an empire by a fool. 9. In the old republic, money was despised and virtue was the energy of the state. Tacitus. 10. Liberty with laws and government without oppression. 11. Party is organized opinion. Bea. 12. Places are gods, placemen are the devil. Ger. 13. Power and fortune must concur with prudence and virtue to effect anything great in a politica' capacity. Plato. 14. Private persons are to be advised to take care of themselves, but persons in a public charac- ter to take care of others. Pelopidas. 15. States of native liberty possess't, The very poor, may be very blest. Goldsmith. 308 STATE. (MAXIMS POLITICAL.) 16. The best and securest of all keys is the friendship of the people. (Remark of Antigonus when advised to sieze upon Athens as the key of ali Greece.) 17. The common people believe without proof and they soon find the author of that that never hap- pened. Tacitus. 18. The common people pardon no faults in any man. 19. The complaisance which produces popularity is the source of the greatest operations of govern- Plato. ment. 20. The extinction of party is the origin of faction. Walpole. 21. The fate of a nation will ultimately depend upon the strength and health of the population. Bea. 22. The fickle populace always change with the prince. Claudianus. 23. The first man who ruined the Roman people was he who first gave them treats and gratuities. Plutarch. Diogenes. 24. The foundation of every state is its education of its youth. 25. The higher our position the more modestly should we behave. Cicero. 26. The most successful legislators are those who have consulted the genius of the people. Bea. 27. The noblest motive is the public good. Virgil. 28. The only security for civil rights is political power. Pitt. 29. The people follow the example of those above them. Chinese. STATE. (MAXIMS POLITICAL.) 309 30. The people's voice, God's voice. Fr., Ital., Ger., Sp. 31. The people will worship a calf if it be a golden one. 32. The principle, of Dutch finance is to mortgage industry to protect property. Bea. 33. The public has more interest in the punish- ment of an injury than he who receives it. Cato the Elder. Bulwer. 34. The public man needs but one patron, viz., the lucky moment. 35. The state that strives for liberty though foiled, Deserves at least applause for her attempt. Cowper. Burke. 36. The unbought loyalty of men is the cheap defence of nations. 37. The utility of my country is the spring that guides all my actions. Cato the Younger. 38. There can be no affinity nearer than our country. Plato. 39. 'Tis easier to drag a rock from the bottom of the sea than the sentiments of right from the hearts of the people. Daniel Webster. 40. We may endeavor to persuade our fellow citizens but it is not lawful to force them even to that that is best for them. 41. What constitutes a state? **** Men who their duties know, Plato. But know their rights, and knowing dare maintain. Sir W. Jones. 310 STATUE.-Staying.-STEALING. 42. When crows are the guides of a people they lead the carcasses to the dogs. Egyptian. 43. When vice prevails and impious men bear sway, The post of honor is a private station. Addison. 44. Where the love of the people is assured the seditious are thwarted. Bias. 45. What belongs to the public belongs to no- body. 46. Who knows not how to dissemble knows not how to reign. 47. Who serves the public serves no one. Ital. Ital., Dutch. 48. Will he who cannot manage his own house- hold affairs attend to the management of a country? Tamil. Statue. 1. I had rather it would be asked why I had not a statue than why I had. Staying. Cato. 1. He that stays in the valley will never get over the hill. 2. Stay awhile and lose a mile. 66 Stealing. I. Convey," the wise call it; steal! foh, a fico for the phrase ! Shaks. 2. He steals money from the beggar's dish. Turk. 3. He that steals can hide. 4. He that will steal a pin will steal a better thing. STEEL.-STEER.-STEP. 311 Sp. 5. He that will steal a pin will steal an ox. 6. He who steals once is never trusty. 7. If I am seen I am joking, if I am not seen I steal, Ger. 8. It is a greater offence to steal dead men's labors than their clothes. Synesius. 9. It is a shame to steal but a worse to carry home. Io. It is not enough to know how to steal, one must know how to conceal. Ital. II. It is wit to pick a lock and steal a horse, but wisdom to let it alone. 12. Steal the horse and carry home the bridle. 13. Who steals a calf steals a cow. Ger. 14. Who steals an egg will soon steal an ox. Ger. 15. Who steals an old man's supper does him no harm. 16. Who steals another's good name makes him poor indeed and not enriches himself. 17. Why should a rich man steal? Ger. 18. You are a fool to steal if you can't conceal. Steel. 1. Steel whets steel. Steér. 1. Steer not after every mariner's direction. Step. 1. Step after step the ladder is ascended. 2. Step not on the sleeping serpent. Turk. 3. The first step binds one to the second. 4. The first step is all the difficulty. Fr. Fr. 312 STEP-FATHer.—Step-mother.—STEW.—STICK. 5. The hardest step is over the threshold. Ital. 6. There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous. Napoleon. Step-father. 1. He who will not obey father will have to obey step-father. Dan. Step-mother. 1. A step-mother has a hard hand. Dan. 2. There are as many good step-mothers as white ravens. Ger. is at home. 3. What the bear is in the woods the step-mother Stew. 1. The stew that boils much loseth its flavor. Ger. Stick. 1. A bamboo stick is king of a vicious snake. 2. A stick is a peace-maker. Sp. Tamil. Fr. 3. A straight stick is crooked in the water. 4. I gave him a stick to break my own head with. 5. It is the raised stick makes the dog obey. Dan. 6. There's no argument like that of the stick. Sp. 7. To bring down two apples with one stick. Dutch. Stimulants. 1. The two greatest stimulants in the world are love and debt. Bea. STINGY. —STIR NOT.-STITCH.-STOCKS.—Stolen. 313 Stingy. 1. A stingy man is always poor. Stir Not. 1. Stir not the dying embers. Fr. 2. Stir not the fire with a sword; i.e., do not irritate an angry person. I. Stitch. A stitch in time saves nine. Stocks. 1. My son, buy no stocks. Latin. 2. Both legs in the stocks or only one, 'tis all the same. Stolen. 1. Stolen bread stirs the appetite. 2. Stolen fruit is sweetest. 3. Stolen wool does not warm long. Ger Fr. Ger. 4. Sweet is the apple when the keeper is away. Latin. 5. There is no choicer morsel than that which is stolen. Sp. Stomach. 1. A full stomach praises Lent. Dan. 2. A full stomach studies unwillingly. Ger. 3. A sharp stomach makes a short devotion. 4. It is a difficult task to speak to the stomach because it hath no ears. 5. It is the stomach that bears the feet. Cato. Don Quixote. Don Quixote. 6. No stomach is a span bigger than another. 314 STONE. 7. Sharp stomachs make short devotion. 8. Small stomachs, light heels. 1 9. The stomach is a bad counsellor. Ger. 10. The stomach is a shopkeeper that gives no credit. Ger. 11. The stomach is easier filled than the eye. Ger. 12. The stomach is master of all arts. Ger. 13. The stomach makes the thief and murderer. Ger. 14. The stomach rules the head. Ger. 15. The stomach sharpens the senses and makes the head witty. Ger. Dutch. 16. When the stomach is full the heart is glad. Stone. 1. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Fr., Ital., Ger., Sp., Por., Dutch. 2. A rolling stone gathers no sea-weed. (Refer- ring to a stone on the sea-shore.) Latin. 3. A rugged stone grows smooth from hand to hand. 4. Beware of the stone thou stumblest at before. 5. Get what you can and what you get hold, 'Tis the stone that will turn all your lead into gold. (Philosopher's stone.) 6. He is not a good mason that refuses any stone. Ital. 7. No man can stay a stone. 8. Rolling stones gather no moss. Dan. 9. The stone sharpens knives but is dull itself. Petrarch STOOLS.-STooping.-Stop. 315 10. The stone that everybody spits upon will be wet at last. Dan. II. The stone that lieth not in your way need not offend you. 12. Throw no stones at thine own window. 13. To kill two birds with one stone. Por., Dutch. 14. When a stone leaves the hand it belongs to the devil. 15. Who throws a stone above himself may have it fall on his own head. Bible. 16. Who throws a stone at the sky may have it fall on his head. Stools. 1. Between two stools fall to the bottom. Ital. 2. Put a stool in the sun, when one knave rises another will come, viz., to places of profit. Stooping. 1. He must stoop that hath a low door. 2. He that will not stoop for a pin will never be worth a point. way. 3. I will never stoop low and pick up nothing. 4. Stoop and let it pass; the storm will have its Stop. 1. One can stop when he ascends but not when he descends. Napoleon. 2. The best time to stop is in the beginning. Lesley. 3. To stop the hand is the way to stop the mouth. Chinese. 316 STOPPING.-Store.-Storm.-STORY.-STRANGE. Stopping. 1. When lazy horses begin to start, old women to dance, and white clouds to rain, there is no stop- ping them. Dan. Store. 1. Store is no sore. Storm. 1. A calm precedes a storm, 2. It is a storm in a glass of water. Ger. 3. The more violent the storm the sooner it is over. Story. Seneca. 1. One man's story is no story, hear both sides. 2. There is much good sleep in an old story. Ger. Ger. Strange. 1. Strange if true. Stranger. 1. If thou be a stranger be merry and give the first good-morrow. Straws. 1. Straws show which way the wind blows. Strength. 1. It is excellent to have a giant's strength, But it is tyrannous to use it like a giant. Shaks. Stretch. 1. Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach. 2. Stretch your legs according to your coverlet. Ger., Dutch. STRIKING.-STRIVING.-Strong.-Strongest. Striking. 317 1. He that strikes my dog would strike me if he durst. 2. He that strikes with his tongue must ward with his head. 3. He that strikes with his sword shall be beaten with the stabbard. 4. He who strikes another does not strike far from the head. Dan. 5. Strike but bear. Plutarch's Life of Themistocles. 6. Strike-for your altars and your fires, Strike for the green graves of your sires, God—and your native land Fitz-Greene Halleck. 7. Strike, Dawkins, the devil is in the hemp. 8. Strike while the iron is hot. John Webster. 9. Strike while the iron's hot. Fr., Ital., Ger., Por., Dutch, Dan. Striving. 1. He that will not strive in this world should not have come into it. Ital. 2. He who strives to do, does more than he who has the power. 3. No striving against the stream. 4. Strive not against the stream. 5. Striving to better, oft we mar what's well. Strong. Sp. Shaks. 1. He must be strong to pull a rope against a stronger. Strongest. 1. The strongest is always in the right. Dan. 318 Stubborn.-Studying.-Stumble. Stubborn. 1. I stubborn and you stubborn who is to carry the load. Studying. Sp. 1. Some men grow mad by studying much to know, But who grows mad by studying good to Franklin. know? 2. Study makes learned men but not always pious and wise. Ger. 3. The study of vain things is laborious idleness. Stumble. 1. A stumble may prevent a fall. 2. Better stumble once than be always tottering. Fr. 3. Even a horse though he has four feet stum- bles. Ital., Ger., Dutch. 4. He that stumbles and falls not mends his pace. Fr., Sp. 5. He who stumbles twice over the same stone deserves to break his neck. Sp. 6. I never desired you to stumble at the stone that lieth at my door. stone. 7. It is disgraceful to stumble thrice at the same Greek. 8. No wonder if he break his head who stum- bles twice over the same stone. Ger. 9. To stumble at a straw and leap over a block. 10. Well may he stumble that chooses a stony way. II. When one foot stumbles the other is near falling. Dan. STUPIDITY.-SUCCESS. 319 12. Who is not quick on his feet will stumble. 13. Wisely and slow: they stumble that run fast. Stupidity. Shaks. 1. Against stupidity the gods themselves fight unvictorious. Greek, Schiller. 2. With a staircase before you, you look for a rope to go down by. Success. 1. A successful man loses no reputation. Sp. 2. But try the Cæsar or the Catiline By the true touchstone, success. Byron. 3. Deserve success, and you shall command it. 4. He who succeeds is reputed wise. 5. It is a bad action success cannot justify. Ital. 6. It is success that colors all in life; success makes fools admired, makes villains honest. Thomson. 7. Military successes beyond all others elevate the mind of a nation. Atterbury. 8. No hand of strife is pure but that which wins. 9. Nothing succeeds like success. Daniel. Maga. 10. One secret of success is to know how to deny yourself and other people. II. Success alters our manners. 12. Success brings many to ruin. Phædrus. 13. Success consecrates the foulest crimes. Seneca. 14. Success has many friends. 15. Success is by acting, not wishing. 16. Success is never blamed. Greek. 320 Succor.-SUFFERER, SUffering. 17. Success is the child of audacity. 18. Success leads to insolence. Bea. Latin. 19. Success makes a fool seem wise. 20. Success repays us for all our pains. 21. The merit of success is claimed by all; ca- lamity is imputed to the general only. Tacitus. 22. The secret of success is constancy to pur- pose. 23. 'Tis Heaven that gives success. Bea. Homer. 24. 'Tis not in mortals to command success, But we'll do more, Sempronious; we'll de- serve it. Succor. 1. Wise Plato said the world was stored, Addison. That succor each to other might afford. Sufferer, Suffering. Denham. 1. Another's suffering is but skin deep. M. Greek. 2. Better to suffer than to do ill. 3. He that will not suffer evil must never think of preferment. 4. He who much has suffered much will know. Homer. 5. He who suffers innocently is in better condi- tion than they who unjustly condemn. Agis. 6. I would rather be found suffering than doing what is unjust. 7. It is the lot of man to suffer. Phocion. Bea. 8. Know how sublime a thing it is To suffer and be strong. Longfellow. SUICIDE.-SULTAN.-Summer. 321 9. Many a one suffers for what he cannot help. 10. Of suffering comes ease. Fr. II. Suffer in order to know; toil in order to Sp. have. 12. Suffering is the mother of fools, reason of wise men. 13. Sufferings are lessons. 14. The sufferer becomes a chatterer. 15. We must suffer much or die young. Greek. Turk. Por. 16. When another man suffers a piece of wood suffers. Arabian. 17. Who breathes must suffer, and who thinks must mourn, And he alone is blessed who ne'er was born. Prior. 18. Whom can we accuse but ourselves for what we suffer. Suicide. Massinger. 1. He dies twice who perishes by his own hand. 2. 'Tis more brave to live than to die. Sultan. Syrus. 1. The sultan's interdict lasts three days. Turk. Summer. 1. A dry summer ne'er made a dear peck. 2. A good winter brings a good summer. 3. It will not always be summer. Hesiod. 4. Summer will not last forever. Latin. 5. When the summer is winter, and the winter summer, it is a sorry year. Sp. 21 322 SUN. Sun. 1. As long as the sun shines one does not ask for the moon. Russian. 2. Clouds, that the sun builds up, darken him. 3. However bright the sun may shine, leave not your cloak at home. Sp. 4. If the sun shines on me I care not for the Ital., Sp. moon. 5. In every country the sun riseth in the morning. 6. Make hay while the sun shines. Ger. • 7. Make use of the sun while it shines. Dan. 8. Men shut the door against the setting sun. Shaks. 9. Men use to worship the rising sun. 10. Men worship the rising not the setting sun. Pompey. II. The sun can be seen by nothing but its own light. set. 12. The sun is not the light for study. 13. The sun is still beautiful though ready to 14. The sun is the king of torches. Western African Negro. 15. The sun may do its duty though your grapes are not ripe. 16. The sun passes over filth and is not defiled. Ital. 17. The sun shines even on the wicked. 18. The sun shines for all the world. 19. The sun will bring to light what lay under Seneca. Fr. the snow. Ger. SUN-DIAL.-Sunshine.-SUPEREROGATION. 323 20. The sun will go down all by itself without thy assistance. Hebrew. 21. They that walk much in the sun will be tanned at last. 22. 'Tis day still while the sun shines. 23. When the sun flies, the shadow dies. Oriental. 24. When the sun is highest he casts the least shadow. 25. When the sun rises the disease will abate. 26. When the sun shines on thee, thou needest not care for the moon. Sun-dial. 1. The sun-dial only counts bright hours. 2. What's the use of a sun-dial in the shade? Sunshine. 1. No sunshine but hath some shadow. Supererogation. Ital. 1. He has dashed with his oar to hasten the cataract. 2. He has waved with his fan to give speed to the winds. Terence. 3. It is needless to pour water on a drowned mouse. 4. Owls to Athens, coals to Newcastle, en- chantments to Egypt, pepper to Hindostan, indul- gences to Rome. 5. To add water to the ocean. 6. To carry a lantern in mid-day. 7. To carry water to the sea or river. Latin. Fr. Fr., Ger., Por., Dutch. 324 SUPERSTITIONS.-Sure.-SURETYSHIP.-SURFEITS. 8. You carry faggots to the wood. 9. You carry oil to the city of olives. Superstitions. Horace. Hebrew. 1. Superstitions would soon die out if so many old women wouldn't act as nurses to keep them alive. Punch. Sure. 1. It is better to be sure than sorry. 2. No one so sure but he may miss. Dutch. Suretyship. 1. Be bail and pay for it. 2. Be surety and evil is at hand. Greek. 3. Beware of suretyship for thy best friends. Lord Burleigh. 4. Connaught security: three in a bond and a book oath. 5. He that hateth suretyship is sure. Bible. 6. He that is surety for another is never sure himself. 7. He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it. Bible. 8. He who is surety for another pays for him. Dutch 9. Whoso would know what he is worth, let him never be a surety. 10. Your surety wants a surety. Surfeits. 1. Surfeits destroy more than the sword. Ital. John Fletcher. Surgeon.-Surprise.-SusPICION, SUSPICIONS. Surgeon. 325 1. A good surgeon must have an eagle's eye, a lion's heart, and a lady's hand. 2. Call not a surgeon before you are wounded. 3. He mistakes the knife of the surgeon for the blade of the assassin. 4. Tender surgeons make foul wounds. 5. The best surgeon is he of the soul. Ital. 6. The best surgeon is he that has been hacked himself. Surprise. 1. A man surprised is half beaten. 2. All men have their surprises, either good or bad, in store for them. Suspicion, Suspicions. 1. A man suspected is half condemned. 2. A slight suspicion may destroy a good repute. Dan. 3. An innocent heart suspects no guile. Por. 4. As good steal the horse as look over the hedge. out. 5. At the gate where suspicion enters love goes 6. Be ever vigilant but never suspicious. 7. He is so suspicious that he cannot be got at without a stalking-horse. 8. He that is in fault is in suspicion. Ital. 9. He who suspects is seldom at fault. 10. Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind, The thief doth fear each bush an officer. Ital. Shaks. 326 SWALLOW.-Swan.-SWEAT. -Sweep.-SWEET. II. Suspicion is the bane of friendship. Petrarch. 12. Suspicion is the poison of friendship. 13. Suspicion is the virtue of a coward. Fr. 14. Suspicion may be no fault, but showing it is a great one. 15. Suspicions among thoughts are like bats among birds that ever fly by twilight. 16. The losing side is full of suspicion. Swallow. I. One swallow does not make a summer. Bacon. Syrus. Ital., Sp., Dutch, Dan. 2. One swallow makes not a spring, nor a wood- cock a winter. Swan. 1. It is not good for the swan to teach eaglets to sing. 2. The swan sings when death comes. Dan. 3. When the rooks are silent the swans begin to sing. Sweat. 1. Sweat makes good mortar. Dan. 2. The sweat of Adam's brow hath streamed down ours ever since. Sweep. 1. Sweep before your own door before you look at your neighbor's. Sweet. 1. After sweet meat comes sour sauce. 2. All sweets are not wholesome. 3. Every white will have its black and every sweet its sour. Old Song. SWEETHEART.-SWIFT.-SWIMMING. 327 4. He deserves not sweet that will not taste of sour. 5. He is worthy of sweet who has tasted bitter. Dan. 6. He who has not tasted bitter knows not what sweet is. Ger. 7. He who hath bitter in his breast spits not sweet. 8. No sweet without some bitter. 9. Short and sweet. IO. Sweetmeat must have sour sauce. II. Sweets to the sweet. Ital. Shaks. 12. That is not always sweet in the maw that is sweet in the mouth. 13. That which is bitter to endure may be sweet to remember. 14. The fly that sips treacle is lost in the sweets. 15. There is no sweet without sour. Gay. Ger. 16. What is sweet in the mouth is not always good in the stomach, Dan. Ger. 17. Who has tasted a sour apple will have the more relish for a sweet one. 18. Who hath bitter in his mouth spits not all sweet. Sweetheart. 1. Nobody's sweetheart is ugly. Swift. 1. Swift to attack, swift to run away. Swimming. 1. Swim with the stream. Dutch 328 SWINDLING.-SWISS.-SWORD. 2. There yet may be peril, but no man is able To learn how to swim on his library table. 3. 'Tis hard to swim against the stream. 4. To swim and swim more and be drowned on shore. 5. To swim between two waters. Swindling. 1. Swindling is the perfection of civilization. Swiss. 1. No money no Swiss. 2. The Swiss fight for any god or man. Sword. Sp. Fr. Voltaire. 1. A captain's sword must be tied to his heart, his heart fixed to his head and conducted by his judgment. Spinola. 2. A leaden sword in an ivory scabbard. 3. A good swordsman is never quarrelsome. Fr. 4. A sword anointed, with honey. Latin. 5. An inch in a sword or a palm in a lance is a great advantage. Sp. 6. He that is master of a sword can best plead about boundaries. Lysander. 7. He who has his sword is master of himself, Cato the Younger. i.e., can take his own life. 8. He who has the longest thought to be in the right. sword is always 9. He who plays with a sword plays with the devil. Gallician. 10. Keep your sword between you and the strength of a clown. SYLLABLES.-SYMPATHY. 329 II. Leave not a sword in the hand of an idiot. Latin. 12. Ne'er put a sword in a woodman's hand. 13. One sword keeps another in the scabbard. Ger., Dan. 14. Put not a naked sword in a madman's hands. 15. Scandenberg's sword must have Scandenberg's arm. 16. The palate kills more than the sword. 17. The rusty sword and empty purse plead the performance of covenants. 18. The sword and the ring according to the hand that bears them. Sp., Por. 19. The sword from heaven above falls not down in haste. 20. The sword is not to be used against him who asks forgiveness. Turk. 21. The sword keeps the peace of the land. Dan. 22. The sword knows no friends. Ger. Gibbon. 23. Those who refuse the sword must renounce the sceptre. 24. When the sword is in the mouth you must caress the sheath. Syllables. 1. Syllables govern the world. Sympathy. Dan. Selden. 1. No man limps because another is hurt. Dan. 2. One does not feel three hundred blows on another's back. Servian. 3. Other men's ills hang by a hair. Don Quixote. 330 SYSTEM.-TABLE.-TAILORS. 4. Sympathy is the solace of the poor, but for the rich there is consolation. System. Bea. 1. A certain place for everything and every- thing put to its use. Hartley. 2. A distinct name for everything and every- thing called by its name. 3. A peg for every hole. Hartley. Fr 4. A place for everything and everything in its place. 5. A proper time for everything and everything done in its time. 6. All is soon ready in an orderly house. T. Table. Hartley. 1. Spread the table and contention will cease. 2. The table robs more than the thief. Tailors. 1. Dull scissors make crooked mouthed tailors. Dan. 2. Four farthings and a thimble make a tailor's pocket jingle. 3. Nine tailors make a man. 4. Tailors' shreds are worth the cutting. 5. The Portuguese apprentice who does not know how to sew and wants to cut out. Sp. 6. The tailor ill dressed, the shoemaker ill shod. Por. 7. The tailor that makes not a knot loses a stitch. · TAKE HEED.-"TAKE THIS. "-TAKING. 331 8. There is little to sew where tailors are true. 9. To be like the tailor of Campello, who worked for nothing and found the thread. Take Heed. 1. Take heed of a good minute. Sp. 2. Take heed of many, advice of few. Dan. 3. Take heed of the words of the wise. 4. Take heed of an ox before, and an ass behind, and a knave on all sides. 5. Take heed will surely speed. 6. Take heed you find not that you do not seek. "Take This." "" "" I. I was never satisfied with "I will," "I will one "take this," is better than two "I will give you." 2. One "take this," is better than ten bless yous." Sp. "God Ger. (C Fr., Dutch. 3. One "take this " is better than two you shall haves." Taking. 1. Take not a musket to kill a fly. 2. Take not your sickle to another man's corn. 3. Take the ball at the hop. Dan. fall. 4. Take the middle of the way and thou wilt not 5. Take things always by the smooth handle. Taking Out. Sp. 1. Always taking out of the meal tub, and never putting in soon comes to the bottom. 332 TALE. 2. It is delightful to take out of a great hoard. Horace. 3. Take out without putting in, soon comes to the bottom. Sp., Por. 4. When you take out and do not put in, expect to reach the bottom. Tale. 1. A good tale ill told is a bad one. M. Greek. 2. A good tale is not the worse for being twice told. told. - 3. A school-boy's tale the wonder of an hour. 4. A tale never loses in the telling. Byron. 5. A tale twice told is cabbage twice sold. 6. An honest tale speeds best being plainly Shaks. 7. And what so tedious as a twice-told tale. Pope. 8. Every man's tale is gude till anither be tauld. 9. Ha'f a tale is enough for a wise man. 10. In the fair tale is foul falsity. 11. It ought to be a good tale that is twice told. 12. Must I tell you a tale and find you ears too? 13. No sweetness in a cabbage twice boiled or in a tale twice told. 14. One tale is good until another be told. 15. Tell no tales out of school. Ger. 16. The tale runs as it pleases the teller. 17. There is many a true tale told in jest. 18. What so tedious as a twice-told tale. Homer. 19. You will tell another tale when you are tried. TALE-BEARER.-TALENTS.-TALKING. 333 Tale-bearer. 1. A dog that fetches a bone will carry one. 2. Beware of the tale-bearer. 3. Put no faith in tale-bearers. 4. Tale-bearers are commonly a sort of half- witted men. Talents. 1. The more talents the more they will be de- veloped. Talking. Chinese. 1. A great talker never wants for enemies. Chinese. 2. A man of sense talks little and listens much. Chinese. 3. Always talk big and you will not be forgotten. Fr. 4. Beware of a man that does not talk and a dog that does not bark. 5. Do not talk Arabic in the house of a Moor. Por. Sp. 6. Do not talk Latin before the sacristans. Fr. 7. Fore-talk spares after-talk. Ger. 8. Great talkers are commonly liars. 9. Great talkers are like leaky pitchers: every- thing runs out of them. 10. Great talkers are not great doers. Fr., Dutch. 11. Have a care of whom you talk, To whom and what and where. Horace. 12. He has the gift of the gab; i.e., is a fluent talker. 334 TALKING. 13. He that hears much and speaks not all, Shall be welcome both in bower and hall. 14. He that talks to himself talks to a fool. 15. He who talks much is sometimes right. Sp. 16. I have a poor opinion of a man who talks to men what women should not hear. Richardson. 17. It is very seldom that a great talker hath either discretion or good manners. 18. Leave a dog and a great talker in the middle of the street. 19. Let people talk and dogs bark. 20. Long talk makes short days. Ger. Fr. 21. Many talk like philosophers and live like fools. 22. Much talk little work. 23. Much talking enervates the judgment. 24. Much talking, much erring. Dutch. Turkish Spy. Sp. 25. People should talk not to please themselves but those who hear them. 26. Talk does not cook rice. Chinese. 27. Talk is but talk; but 'tis money that buys land. 28. Talk little and well and you will be looked upon as somebody. 29. Talk much and err much. Sp. 30. Talk of camps but stay at home. 31. Talk of sporting but buy game in the market. 32. Talkers are no doers. Shaks. 33. Talking comes by nature, science of under- standing. Ger. TARRY.-TASK.-TASTE. 335 34. Talking is easier than doing, and promising than performing. 35. Talking is silver, silence is gold. 36. Talking pays no toll. Ger. Ger. 37. Talking very much and lying are cousin Ger- mans. 38. The eternal talker neither hears nor learns. 39. The greatest talkers are always the least doers. 40. The talker sows, the listener reaps. Ital. Bea 41. The more you are talked about the less pow- erful you are. 42. There is never much talk of a thing but there is some truth in it. 43. They always talk who never think. Ital. Pope. 44. 'Tis remarkable that they talk most who have least to say. Pope. 45. To talk without thinking is to shoot without aiming. 46. Who talks much errs much. Tarry. Sp. 1. Tarry awhile that we may make an end the sooner. 2. Tarry long brings little home. Task. 1. When you have set yourself a task finish it. Ovid. 2. Whoever undertakes a task cannot repudiate the responsibility. Chinese. Taste. 1. To a depraved taste sweet is bitter. Sp. 336 TATTLER.-TAXES.-TEACHER, TEACHING. 2. To him who has lost his taste sweet is sour. 3. Whether sugar be white or black it preserves its proper taste. Turk. 4. There is no accounting for tastes as the old woman said when her husband kissed the cow. Tattler. 1. A tattler is waur than a thief. 2. Shun an inquisitive person, for he is also a tattler. Latin. 3. Tattlers and busy bodies are the canker and rust of idleness as idleness is the rust of time. jig. Taylor. 4. The tattler's tongue is always dancing a silly Taxes. 1. Taxes are the perpetual theme of popular complaint. Gibbon. 2. Those who do a good trade don't wrangle over Chinese. taxes. 3. What church does not take, exchequer takes. Teacher, Teaching. 1. A teacher is better than two books. Ger., Sp. Ger. 2. Delightful task to rear the tender thought, To teach the young idea how to shoot. Thomson. 3. He teaches me to be good that does me good. 4. He teaches ill that teacheth all. 5. He that teaches himself has a fool for his master. TEAR. 337 6. Taught in the same school. 7. Teaching others teaches yourself. Latin. 8. The best mode of instruction is to practise what we teach. 9. Who teaches often learns himself. Ital. Tear. 1. An orphan's tear falls not in vain. 2. A small tear relieves a great sorrow. Russian. 3. But woes await a country when She sees the tears of bearded men. 4. Easier to stop Euphrates at its source Than one tear of a true and tender heart. Scott. Byron. 5. Even when the gates of prayer are shut the gates of tears are open. 6. Every woe a tear may claim Except an erring sister's shame. Hebrew. 7. He wastes his tears who weeps before the judge. Ital. 8. More tears are shed in playhouses than in churches. Guthrie. Ger. 9. Nothing dries sooner than a tear. 10. Oh, father, what a hell of witchcraft lies In the small orb of one particular tear. Shaks. 11. Repentant tears wash out the stain of guilt. Latin. 12. Tears are sometimes as weighty as words. Ovid. 13. Tears benefit not the dead, they may injure the living. Plutarch. 22 338 TEETH. 14. Tears in mortal miseries are vain. 15. The busy have no time for tears. 16. The drying up a single tear has more Of honest fame than shedding seas of 17. That very law which moulds a tear Homer. Byron. gore. Byron. And bids it trickle from its source, That law preserves the earth a sphere, And guides the planets in their course. S. Rogers. 18. The fewer his years the fewer his tears. 19. The tear down childhood's cheek that flows Is like the dew-drop on the rose: When next the summer breeze comes by, And waves the bush the flower is dry. Scott. 20. The tears of a whore and the oaths of a bully may be put in the same bottle. 21. The tears of a penitent are the wine of angels. St. Bernard. 22. The tears of the congregation are the praises of the minister. 23. The tears of the night equal the smiles of the day. Rousseau. 24. What can I think of thy good qualities since every bite draws tears. Teeth. African. 1. The teeth of the puppy are growing while the old dog is gnawing bones. Dan. 2. The tooth often bites the tongue and yet they keep together. Dan. 3. The toothless man envies those that can bite well. Latin Temper.—Temperance.—Temples.—TEMPTATION. 339 4. Who hath aching teeth hath ill tenants. Temper. 1. He who loses his temper is in the wrong. Fr. 2. Of all bad things by which mankind are curst, Their own bad tempers surely are the worst. Temperance. 1. Temperance is the best medicine. Cumberland. 2. Temperance is the greatest of virtues. Plutarch. 3. The virtue of prosperity is temperance. Bacon. Temples. 1. The groves were God's first temples. Bryant. 2. The truest temples are fixed in the heart. Temptation. 1. A bad padlock invites a picklock. 2. A fair booty makes many a thief. Tacitus. 3. All temptations are found either in hope or fear. Dutch. Fr. 4. An open box tempts an honest man. 5. An open door may tempt a saint. 6. At an open chest the righteous sins. 7. Flight is a triumph. (Fleeing from temptation.) Latin. 8. Godfrey sent the thief that stole the cash away, And punished him that put it in his way. Pope. 9. He who avoids the temptation avoids the sin. Sp. 1 340 Tempter.—TENDER. 10. It is difficult keeping that which is admired by many. Syrus. 11. She is good who is close to the fire and does not burn. 12. Shut your door and you will make your neigh- bor good. Sp., Por. 13. It is too much to expect of the cat that she should sit by the milk and not lap it. 14. Take away the motive and you sin. Ger. take away the Don Quixote. 15. Temptation makes a good Christian. Ger. 16. The key at my girdle keeps me good and my neighbor too. 17. The less the temptation the greater the sin. 18. The open door invites the thief. Sp. Dutch. 19. The righteous man sins before an open chest. Sp. 20. When a chest lies open a reputed honest man may sin. 21. When Christ was alone the devil tempted him. Ger. 22. When we do ill the devil tempted us, when we do nothing we tempt him. Tempter. 1. The tempter is then ever nighest when we think him furthest off. Old Divine. 2. Who draws others into evil courses is the devil's factor. Tender. 1. Who is tender in everything is a fool in every- Catalan.. thing. THANKING.-THANKS.-THEFT.-THEME. 341 Thanking. 1. I'll thank you for the next, for this I am sure of. (Said after receiving a favor.) Thanks. 1. Old thanks are not for new gifts. 2. Old thanks pay not for a new debt. Theft. Ital. 1. A mouthful of meat (if it be stolen) may be a townful of shame. 2. The honest man enjoys the theft. Theme. Scotch. 1. When great the theme 'tis easy to excel. Quoted by Alexander from Euripides. Thersites. 1. Thersites' body is as good as Ajax' when neither is alive. Thief. Shaks. 1. A hundred bakers, a hundred millers, and a hundred tailors are three hundred thieves. Dutch. 2. A hundred tailors, a hundred millers, and a hundred weavers are three hundred thieves. Sp. 3. A rackless hussie makes mony thieves. 4. A thief does not always thieve, but be always on your guard against him. Russian. 5. A thief does not willingly see another carry a basket. Ger. Ger. 6. A thief is better than a lazy servant. 7. A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf. 8. A thief makes opportunities. Dutch. 9. A thief passes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich. 342 THIEF. 10. A thief seldom grows rich by thieving. Ger II. A thief thinks every man steals. Dan 12. All are not thieves whom the dogs bark at. 13. An old thief desires a new halter. Ger. 14. As stout as the miller's waistcoat that takes a thief by the neck every day. 15. Every tribe has its thief, every mountain its wolf. Russian. 16. First a turnip, then a sheep, next a cow, and then the gallows. 17. Great thieves always have their sleeves full of gags. 18. Great thieves hang little ones. 19. He is a thief indeed that robs a thief. Fr. Fr. Fr. 20. He that showeth his wealth to a thief is the cause of his own pillage. 21. He who has à son grown up should not call another a thief. Sp. 22. He is a thief for he has taken a cup too much. 23. Highways and streets have not all the thieves : shops have ten to one. 24. If there were no receiver, there would be no thief. Sp. 25. If you cut down the woods you'll catch the thief. 26. If you would make a thief honest trust him. 27. Ill laying up makes many thieves. Sp. 28. It is hard to steal where the host himself is a thief. Ger., Dutch. THIEF. 343 29. Look not at thieves eating flesh, but look at them suffering punishment. 30. No receiver, no thief. 31. No thief e'er felt the halter draw With good opinion of the law. 32. Opportunity makes the thief. Chinese. Fr., Ital., Ger., Sp., Dutch, Dan. 33. Petty thieves are hanged, people take off their hats to great ones. Ger. 34. Put a miller, a weaver, and a tailor in a bag and shake them, the first that comes out will be a thief. 35. Set a thief to catch a thief. 36. Stealing would be a nice thing if thieves were hanged by the girdle. 37. The great thieves hang the small ones. 38. The great thieves punish the little ones. 39. The hole invites the thief. 40. The thief becomes the gallows well. Sp. Ger. Sp. Por. 41. The thief cannot find any tree that suits him for a gallows. Ger. 42. The thief is frightened even by a mouse. Ital. 43. The thief is sorry he is to be hanged, not that he is a thief. 44. The thief proceeds from a needle to gold, and from gold to the gallows. Por. 45. The thief steals until he comes to the gallows. Ger. Sp., Por. 46. The thief thinks all men are like himself. 344 THING. 47. There are more thieves than are hanged. Dutch. Ital. 48. There are more thieves than gibbets. 49. There is but one short step between lying and theft. 50. There is honor among thieves. 51. There is no guarding against the privy thief. 52. Thick as thieves. Fr. 53. Thieves and rogues have the best luck if they do but escape hanging. 54. Thieves quarrel and thefts are discovered. Sp. 55. Time and place make the thief. Ger., Dutch. 56. When it thunders the thief becomes honest. Ital 57. When thieves fall out thefts are discovered. Fr. 58. Why is there honor among thieves? Because they usually hang together. Punch. Thing. I. A good thing is known when it is lost. 2. A good thing is soon caught up. Por. 3. A good thing one soon forgets, the bad grow old in the head. Ger. 4. A thing done has a head. (Exclamation of an ancient sculptor on finishing a statue.) 5. A thing done perforce is not worth a rush. 7. A thing lost is a thing known. 6. A thing is not bad if well understood. Ger. Fr. 8. All good things are not given to one. La Fontaine. THING. 345 Latin. 9. All things are difficult before they are easy. 10. All things are easy that are done willingly. II. All things are good with the good. 12. All things are not to be granted at all times. 13. All things are soon prepared in a well ordered house. 14. All things have their uses. 15. All things of this world are nothing unless they have reference to the next. 16. From trivial things great contests oft arise. Sp 17. Good things require time. Dutch. Dutch. Plautus. Bea. 18. Good things soon find a purchaser. 19. Great things spring from casualties. 20. He who prizes little things is worthy of great ones. Ger. 21. He who takes no care of little things will not have the care of great ones. 22. Little things are pretty. Ger. 23. Little things attract light minds. 24. Moderate things last. 25. Out of small things large cannot spring. Ger. 26. Small things affect light minds. 27. Small things become the small. Horace. 28. Small things make base men proud. Shaks. 29. The best thing in the world is to live above it. 30. The best things are the first to perish. Latin. 31. The best things are the worst to come by. 32. The greatest things are done by the help of small ones. 346 THING. 33. Things above thy height are to be looked at, not reached at. 34. Things are not as they are, but as they are regarded. 'Ital. 35. Things at the worse will cease or else climb upwards. ill. Shaks. 36. Things at the worst will sometimes mend. 37. Things bad begun strengthen themselves by Shaks. 38. Things beyond our reach are not worth our consideration. Latin. 39. Things coming from afar are most esteemed. 40. Things do not always go as man wills. Ger. 41. Things forbidden have a secret charm. Tacitus. 42. Things hardly attained are the longer re- tained. 43. Things ill acquired are ill expended. 44. Things ill got have ever bad success. Latin. Shaks. 45. Things in motion sooner catch the eye than what not stirs. Shaks. 46. Things may be fitting to be done, which are not fitting to be boasted of. Fielding. 47. Things not understood are admired. 48. Things past may be repented but not recalled. 49. Things promised are things due. Livy Fr. 50. Things sweet to taste prove in digestion sour. Shaks. 51. Things unhoped for happen oftener than what we desire. Plautus. THINKER, THINKING.-THIRST.-THIRTEENTH. 347 52. Things unreasonable are never durable. Ital. Thinker, Thinking. 1. A profound thinker always thinks he is super- ficial. Bea. 2. A thinking man is always striking out some- thing new. 3. It is for want of thinking that most men are undone. 4. Think first and speak afterwards. Turk 5. Think much, speak little, and write less. Fr., Ital. 6. Think of ease, but work on. 7. Think of many things, do one. Por. 8. Think to-day and speak to-morrow. 9. Think with the wise, but talk with the vulgar 10. Thinking is not knowing. Dr. Johnson. Por. 11. Thinking of where you are going, you forget whence you came. Por. 12. Who has never done thinking never begins doing. Thirst. 1. Thirst comes from drinking. Ital. Ital 2. Thirst is the best butler. Ger. 3. Thirst makes wine out of water. Ger. 4. Who has no thirst, has no business at the fountain. 5. You look at what I drink and not at my Dutch. thirst. Sp. Thirteenth, 1. The thirteenth man brings death. Dutch, 348 THIRTY.-THISTLE.—THORN-bush.—Thorns. Thirty. 1. Thirty is the turning point of a man's life. Thistle. 1. If you should plant a thistle in Paradise, it would never become a rose. 2. Thistles are a salad for asses. Ger. 3. Thistles are more lovely to an ass, than roses. Thorn-bush. Ger. 1. Wherever a man dwells, he shall be sure to have a thorn-bush before his door. Thorns. 1. A man does not run among thorns for noth- ing either he is chasing a snake or a snake is chas- ing him. Yoruba. 2. A myrtle among thorns is a myrtle still. 3. Barefooted men must not go amongst thorns. 4. Better one thorn plucked out than all remain. Horace. 5. From the thorn springs the rose, and from the rose the thorn. M. Greek. 6. He knows well where the thorn pricks him. Ital. 7. He that handles thorns, shall smart for it. 8. He that scattereth thorns, must not go bare- foot. 9. It early pricks that will be a thorn. 10. The point of the thorn is small but he who has felt it does not forget it. Ital. 11. The thorn comes into the world point fore- most. THOUGHT.-THREAD. 349 12. Thorns make the greatest crackling. 13. What profits you, only one thorn eradicated out of many. Horace. 14. While the shoe is on thy foot tread upon the thorns. 15. Without thorns no roses. Thought. Ger. 1. A man without thought for the future must soon have present sorrow. Confucius. 2. He is never alone that is in the company of noble thoughts. 3. If thoughts were legal witnesses, many an honest man would be proved a rogue. Dan. 4. In matters of conscience first thoughts are best; in matters of prudence last thoughts are the best. Rev. Robert Hall. 5. Keep your thoughts to yourself, let your mien be free and open. 6. Second thoughts are best. Latin. 7. The only way to keep our thoughts is to fasten them in words and chain them in writing. Turkish Spy. 8. The thought has good legs and the quill a good tongue. 9. They are never alone who are accompanied by noble thoughts. 10. Thought is a nimble footman. 11. Thought is free. Sidney. Shaks. 12. Thoughts are told free but not held free. Ger. Thread. 1. By the thread we unwind the skein. Sp. 350 THREATS, THREATENING. 2. It hangs upon a silken thread. 3. Short flax makes long thread. Dan. 4. The thread breaks where it is thinnest. Sp. 5. Threads do not break for being fine, but for being gouty and ill spun. Por. 6. Where it's weakest there the thread breaketh. 7. Who holds the thread holds the ball. Fr. Threats, Threatening. 1. A blow threatened was never well given. 2. A buffeting threatened is never well given. Ital., Sp. Sp., Ital. 3. A threatened man lives long if he can get bread Dutch. 4. All do not bite that show their teeth. 5. All threateners don't fight. Dutch. Dutch. 6. He can do but little who cannot threaten an- other. 7. He that threatens wastes his anger. 8. He threatens many that injured one. 9. He threatens who is afraid. Sp. Por. Ben Jonson. Fr. 10. He who threateneth hunteth after revenge. II. It is more easy to threaten than to kill. Ital. 12. Longer lives he that is threatened than he that is hanged. Ital. 13. Many a one threatens while he quakes with fear. Ital., Ger. Sp. Dutch. 14. More are threatened than are stabbed. 15. No one dies of threats. THREE. 351 16. Not all threateners fight. 17. Some threaten who are afvd. Dutch. Fr. 18. The threatener loses the opportunity of ven- geance. 19. The threatener sometimes gets a drubbing. 20. There are more threatened than hurt. Sp. Fr. 21. Threatened folks too, eat bread. 22. Threatened folks live long. 23. Threats are arms for the threatened. Ital., Sp. Sp., Por. Fielding Ital. 24. Threats don't kili. (Men don't die of threats.) 25. To freemen threats are impotent. Dutch. Cicero. Ger. 26. Who threatens, warns. Three. 1. By three things we learn men : love, play and wine. Ger. 2. One's too few, and three's too many. 3. Three things soon pass away: woman's beauty, the rainbow, and the echo of the woods. Ger. 4. Three things trouble life: quarrels, love and wine. Ger 5. To expect what never comes, to lie in bed and not sleep, to serve well and not be advanced, are three things to die of. Ital. Sp. 6. What three know everybody knows. 7. What three know will soon be known to thirty. Ger 352 THRESHING.-THRIFT.-THRIVING.-THRONE. Threshing. 1. When the barn is full you may thresh before the door. Thrift. 1. Thrift and he are at a fray. 2. Thrift is better than an annuity. 3. Thrift is the philosopher's stone. Thriving. Fr. 1. He that will thrive in this world must think I. no course vile. Ben Jonson. 2. He who would thrive must follow the church, the sea, or the king's service. Throne. Sp. 1. It is more honorable to be raised than to be born to a throne; Hazard bestows the one, but merit obtains the other. Thunder. Petrarch. 1. A bolt does not always fall when it thunders. Thunder-bolt. Ger. 1. The thunder-bolt has but its clap. Tide, Ebb, Flow. 1. A flow will have an ebb. 2. After ebb comes flood and friends with good. Dutch. 3. After high floods come low ebbs. Dutch. 4. Every flood hath its ebb. Dutch. 5. Every tide hath its ebb. 6. The ebb will fetch off what the tide brings in. TIEING.-TIGER.—Time. 353 - 7. There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood leads on to fortune. Tieing. Shaks. 1. He that ties well, unties well. 2. See that you tie so you can untie. Dutch. 3. Tie me hand and foot, and throw me among my own people. dog. 4. Who ties well, unties well. Tiger. Ital. Sp. 1. Draw a tiger incompletely and he's like a 2. Fiercer than a cubless tiger. Chinese. 3. He is a paper tiger. (Applied to a blustering coward.) Chinese. 4. The tiger that has once tasted blood is never sated with the taste of it. 5. He calls the tiger to chase away the dog. Time. Chinese. 1. A little time may be enough to hatch a great mischief. 2. A hundred years hence we shall all be bald. Sp. 3. A hundred years is not much, but never is a long while. Fr. 4. A thousand years hence the river will run as it did. 5. All the treasures of the earth would not bring back one lost moment. Fr. 23 354 TIME. do. 6. An hour after twelve is just one whatever you Ger. 7. As good have no time as make no good use of it. 8. Better to take time. Latin. 9. Every scrap of a wise man's time is worth saving. 10. Everything has its time. Por. 11. Everything has its time and that time must be watched. 12. He is behind the times; i. e., old fashioned. 13. He that has most time has none to lose. 14. He that hath time and looketh for more, loseth time. 15. He who gains time gains everything. 16. Hour by hour time departs. 17. I have lost a day. (Perdidi diem.) Bea. Ital. Titus. 18. If the time don't suit you, suit yourself to the time. Turk. 19. If time be of all things most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality. Franklin. 20. In less than a thousand years we shall all be bald. Sp. 21. In time the savage bull doth bear the yoke. Shaks. 22. It is all one a hundred years hence. 23. It is good to be in good time, you know not how long it will last. 24. It is time enough to set when the oven comes to the dough. TIME. 355 25. It is time enough to take off your hat when you see the man. Dan. 26. "I've lost a day!" the prince who nobly cried, Had been an emperor without his crown. Young. 27. It will be all the same an hundred years hence. 28. Lost time never returns. Ger. 29. Lost time and opportunities can never be re- covered. 30. Lost time is never found again, and what we call time enough always proves little enough. 31. Man cannot buy time. 32. Nae man can tether time or tide. Franklin. Ger. Burns. 33. Once in every ten years every man needs his neighbor. 34. Once in ten years one man hath need of an- other. 35. Other times, other counsels. 36. Other times, other folks. Por. Dan. Fr. 37. Other times, other manners. 38. Our time runs on like a stream; first fall the leaves and then the tree. 39. Suit yourself to the times. Dutch. Ger. 40. Take time by the forelock. 41. Take time for deliberation, haste spoils every- thing. 42. Take time to be quick. Statius. 43. Take time when time is, for time will away. 356 TIME. 44. The best preacher is time. Ger. 45. The complaint of the present times is the gen- eral complaint of all times. 46. The crutch of time does more than the club of Hercules. 47. "The good old times," all times when old are good. 48. The good time comes but once. Byron. Ital. 49. The greatest expense we can be at is that of our time. 50. The heavens are just, and time suppresseth wrong. Shaks. 51. The past is for wisdom, the present for ac- tion, but for joy the future. 52. The time of life is short, To spend that long. Bea. shortness basely 'twere too Shaks. 53. The time of the prince is the property of the people. Gibbon. 54. The time to come is no more ours than the time past. 55. There is a time for all things. 56. There is a time to fish and a time to dry nets. Chinese. 57. There is a time to jest and a time when jests are unreasonable. Don Quixote. 58. There is no appeal from time past. 59. There is no better counsellor than time. 60. There is no hand to catch time. Ital. Greek. Bengalese. TIME. 357 61. There is nothing more precious than time and nothing more prodigally wasted. 62. There's naething more precious nor time. 63. They that make the best use of their time have none to spare. 64. Time and opportunity are no man's slave. Ger. 65. Time and the hour are not to be tied with a rope. 66. Time and the hour run through the roughest (or longest) day. 67. Time and tide for no man bide. 68. Time and tide wait for no man. 69. Time and words can never be recalled. 70. Time at last sets all things even. Byron. 71. Time brings everything to those who can wait for it. Ger. 72. Time brings roses. Ger., Dutch. 73. Time covers and discovers everything. Ger. 74. Time discovers truth. 75. Time dresses the greatest wounds. 76. Time devours all things. Seneca. Ger, 77. Time does not bow to you, you must bow to time. 78. Time enough is little enough. 79. Time fleeth away without delay. Russian. 80. Time flies on restless pinions, constant never, Be constant and thou chainest time forever. 81. Time gained, much gained. Schiller. Dutch * 358 TIME. 82. Time heals all things. 83. Time is a file that wears and makes no noise. 84. Time is anger's medicine. Ger. 85. Time is an inaudible file. Ital. 86. Time is an unpaid advocate. Ger. 87. Time is a true friend to sorrow. Wordsworth. 88. Time is generally the best doctor. Ovid. 89. Time is God's and ours. Dutch. Dutch, Turk. 90. Time is money. Dan. 91. Time is not tied to a post like a horse to a manger. 92. Time is precious but truth is more precious than time. Bea. 93. Time is the best counsellor (or preacher). Ger. 94. Time is the greatest innovator. Bacon. 95. Time is the herald of truth. Cicero. 96. Time is the rider that breaks youth. 97. Time makes hay. Ger. 98. Time misspent is not lived but lost. Fuller. 99. Time, motion, and wine cause sleep. Ovid. 100. Time moves slowly to him whose employment is to watch its flight. 101. Time passes like the wind. Dr. Johnson. Por. 102. Time past never returns, a moment lost, lost forever. 103. Time reveals all things. Dr. Johnson. 104. Time rolls his ceaseless course. Scott. 105. Time shall unfold what plaited cunning hides; Who cover faults at last shame them derides. Shaks TIMIDITY. 359 106. Time stays not at the fool's leisure. 107. Time stoops to no man's lure. Swinburne. 108. Time subdues all things. 109. Time tint is ne'er to be found. IIO. Time tries a'. Arabian Nights. III. Time which obliterates the fictions of opin- ions confirms the decisions of nature. 112. Time works wonders. Cicero. Ger. 113. 'Tis time, conversation and business that dis- cover what a man is. 114. 'Tis time to yoke when the cart comes to the oxen. 115. To him that does everything in its proper time one day is worth three. 116. To save time is to lengthen life. 117. We are all the balls of time, tossed to and fro, from the plough unto the throne and back again. Massinger. 118. We take no note of time but from its loss. Young. 119. What greater crime than loss of time. 120. What reason and endeavor cannot bring about time often will. 121. Who has no time yet waits for time, comes to a time of repentance. Timidity. 1. A timid man has little chance. Sp. 2. The most timorous animals are the hardest to be tamed. Plutarch. 3. The timid and weak are the most revengeful and implacable. 360 TINKER.-TIRED.-TIRING.-TITLES.-TOBACCO. 4. The timid are always cruel. 5. The timid never erect a trophy. Tinker. Gibbon. Latin. 1. A tinker's budget is full of necessary tools. 2. Like Banbury tinkers that in mending one hole make three. Tired. 1. Tired folks are quarrelsome. Tiring. 1. Who does not tire achieves. Titles. 1. A successive title long and dark Fr. Sp. Drawn from the mouldy rolls of Noah's ark. Dryden. 2. Empty heads love long titles. Ger. 3. Of what avail are pedigrees. Juvenal. Tobacco. 1. Divine tobacco. Spenser. 2. Sublime tobacco! which from East to West, Cheers the tar's labor or the Turkman's rest. Byron. 3. Tobacco-hic, if a man be well 'twill make him sick. 4. Tobacco-hic, will make a man well if he be sick. 5. What a glorious creature was he who first dis- overed the use of tobacco. Fielding. Tocsin. 1. He is in safety who rings the tocsin. Sp. TOIL. TONgue. 361 Toil. 1. He toils like a dog in a wheel, who roasts meat for other people's eating. 2. He who toils with pain will eat with pleasure. Chinese. 3. How pleasant it is for him who has been pre- served to remember his toil. 4. Nothing is achieved without toil. Greek. 5. To make a man of yourself you must toil. 6. Toil is prayer. (Laborare est orare.) Chinese. 7. Toil is the lot of all, and bitter woe The fate of many. Homer. 8. Toil without glory is a menial's lot. 9. When toil ceases the people suffer. Bea. Bea Tongue. 1. A brain is worth little without a tongue. Fr. 2. A bridle for the tongue is a necessary piece of furniture. 3. A good tongue has seldom need to beg atten tion. 4. A good tongue is a good weapon. 5. A long tongue betokens a short hand. 6. A man may hold his tongue in an ill time. 7. A quiet tongue shows a wise head. Sp. 8. A slip of the foot may be soon recovered but that of the tongue never. 9. A slip of the tongue. 10. A smooth tongue is better than smooth locks. Dan. 362 TONGUE. II. A still tongue maketh a wise head. 12. All successful men know how to hold their tongues. Talleyrand. 13. All tongues are not made of the same flesh. 14. An unbridled tongue is the worst of diseases. 15. Beware of tally. Euripides. a fine tongue, 'twill sting mor- 16. Better a slip of the foot than of the tongue. Fir 17. Between evil tongues and evil ears there is nothing to choose. Sp. 18. Birds are entangled by their feet, men by their tongues. 19. Confine your tongue lest it confine you. 20. For a bad tongue scissors. Por. 21. He cannot speak well who cannot hold his tongue. 22. He loses least in a quarrel who keeps his tongue in check. Dan. 23. He must have leave to speak who cannot hold his tongue. 24. He that knows not how to hold his tongue knows not how to talk. 25. He who has a bad tongue should have good loins. Ital. 26. He who holds his tongue does not commit himself. Fr. 27. He who holds his tongue saves his head. Turk. TONGUE. 363 28. He who restrains not his tongue shall live in trouble. Ancient Brahmin. 29. Her tongue steals away all the time from her hands. 30. His tongue goes always of errands but never speeds. 31. His tongue is no slander. 32. I know enough to hold my tongue but not to speak. 33. Ill tongues ought only to be heard by persons of discretion. 34. In all contentions put a bridle on your tongue. 35. It is a gude tongue that says nae ill. 36. Keep your tongue out of other men's pies. 37. Keep your tongue within your teeth. 38. Let him who is well off hold his tongue. 39. Let not the tongue utter what the head must pay for. Sp., Por. 40. Let not your tongue cut your throat. 41. Let not your tongue run away with your brains. 42. Long tongue, short hand. Fr., Ital. 43. Man is caught by his tongue and an ox by his horns. Russian. 44. Much tongue and much judgment seldom go together. L'Estrange. 45. Much tongue and money go together. 46. No one ever repented of having held his tongue. 47. One may hold one's tongue in an ill time. Ital. 364 TONGUE. 48. One pair of ears would exhaust a hundred tongues. 49. Point the tongue on the anvil of truth. 50. Put a key on your tongue. Ital. Pindar. M. Greek. 51. Silken tongue and hempen heart often go together. Dan. 52. Teach the tongue to say, "I do not know." Hebrew. 53. The overlicking (flattering) tongue soon makes a wound. Russian. 54. The tongue breaketh bone though itself have none. 55. The tongue can no man tame: it is an unruly member. New Testament. 56. The tongue turns to an aching tooth. Latin. 57. The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones. 58. The tongue is not steel yet it cuts. Turk. 59. The tongue is the rudder of our ship. 60. The tongue is the worst part of a bad servant. Juvenal. 61. The tongue kills a man and the tongue saves Ashantee (Africa). a man. 62. The tongue kills quicker than the sword. Turk. 63. The tongue of a bad friend cuts more than a knife. Sp. 64. The tongue of a fool carves a piece of his heart to all that sit near him. Tongue. 365 65. The tongue of idle persons is never idle. 66. The tongue slays more than the sword. Turk. 67. The tongue speaks wisely when the soul is wise. Homer. 68. The tongue talks at the head's cost. 69. The tongue which is yielding endures, the teeth which are stubborn perish. Chinese. Fr. 70. The tongue wounds more than a lance. 71. The wise hand doth not all the foolish tongue says. 72. The wise man's tongue is a shield not a sword. Ger. 73. There are some tongues so venomous no in- nocence escapes them. Fielding. 74. They are little to be feared whose tongues are their swords. 75. They say the tongues of dying men Enforce attention like deep harmony. Shaks. 76. Thistles and thorns prick sore, but evil tongues prick more. Dutch. 77. Turn your tongue seven times before speaking. 78. What the heart thinketh the tongue speaketh. 79. Who can govern his tongue is a strong man. Ger. 80. Who has a tongue in his head can go all the world over. Ital. 81. Who has not a good tongue ought to have good hands. Ger. Dutch. 82. Who knows the tongue is at home everywhere. 1 366 TOOLS-TOWERS.-TOO LATE. (PROCRASTINATION.) 83. Who looks for a courtier's tongue between the teeth of a clown. Fielding. 84. Who masters his own tongue his bread shall not fail. Ger. Hebrew. 85. Whose heart is narrow his tongue is large. 86. Your tongue runs before your wit. Tools. 1. He that works without tools is twice tired. 2. What is a workman without his tools. Towers. 1. The loftiest towers rise from the ground. Too Late. (Procrastination.) Chinese. 1. A little too late, much too late. Ger., Dutch. 2. After death, the doctor. 3. After the carriage is broken many offer them- selves to show the road. 4. After the vintage, baskets. Turk. Sp. 5. After the war many heroes present themselves. Roumanian. 6. Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. Shaks. 7. He brings his machines after the war is over. 8. He brings his medicines after his patient's death. Shaks. 9. He has done like the Perugian, who, when his head was broken ran home for his helmet. 10. He that always thinks it is too soon to come too late. Ital. is sure Ger. TOO LATE. (PROCRASTINATION.) 367 II. It is nae time to stoop when the head's off. 12. It is too late for the bird to scream when it is caught. Fr. 13. It is too late to come with the water when the house is burned down. Ital. 14. It is too late to cover the well when the child is drowned. Dan. 15. It is too late to cry, "hold hard" when the arrow has left the bow. Dutch. 16. It is too late to lock the stable door when the steed is stolen. Fr., Dutch. 17. It is too late to spare when the bottom is bare. 18. It is too late to throw water on the cinders when the house is burned down. Dan. 19. One covers the well too late when the child is drowned. Ger. 20. The gladiator having entered the lists is seek- ing advice. 21. The Trojans were wise too late. Latin. Ital. 22. To fetch water after the house is burned. Sp. 23. “Too late's " the curse of life. 24. To stop the hole after the mischief is done. 25. Too late the bird cries out when it is caught. Sp. Fr. 26. Too late to grieve when the chance is past. 27. When the calf is drowned they cover the well. Dutch. 28. When the calf is stolen the peasant mends the stall. Ger. 368 Too MANY.-Too SooN. (PREMATURE.) on. 29. When the head is broken the helmet is put Ital. 30. When the horse is starved you bring him oats. 31. When the mischief is done the door is shut. Juvenal. 32. When the wine runs to waste in the cellar he mends the cask. 33. You break my head and then bring me a plaster. 34. You come a day after the fair. 35. You plead after sentence is given. Too Many. Ger. 1. A pig that has two owners is sure to die of hunger. 2. A. pot that belongs to many is ill stirred and worse boiled. 3. Too many bitter herbs spoil the stew. 4. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Sp. 5. Too many sacks are the death of the ass. Ger. 6. Too many tire-women make the bride ill dressed. 7. Two captains sink the ship. Sp. Turk. 8. Too many expedients may spoil an affair. La Fontaine. 9. With seven nurses a child will be without eyes. Too Soon. (Premature.) Russian. 1. Boil not the pap until the child is born. 2. Don't climb the hill until you get to it. 3. Don't cry fried fish before they are caught. Ital. Too SOON. (PREMATURE.) 369 4. Don't cry herrings till they are in the net. Dutch. 5. Don't cry hurrah till you're over the bridge. Ger., Dutch. 6. Don't curse the crocodile's mother before you cross the river. West African Negro. 7. Don't divide the spoil until the victory is won. Tamil. Ger 8. Don't fly till your wings are feathered. 9. Don't halloo until you are out of the wood. 10. Don't pick me up before I fall down. II. Don't sell the bear skin before you have killed the bear. Ital., Ger., Dutch. 12. Don't snap your fingers at the dog before you are out of the village. Fr. 13. Don't sing your triumph before you have con- quered. Latin. 14. Don't throw away your dirty water till you have got clean. Irish. 15. Don't throw away your old shoes till you have got new ones. 16. Do not strip before bed-time. 17. Gut nae fish till ye git them. Dutch. Fr. 18. He counts his chickens before they are hatched. 19. He cries out before he is hurt. Dutch. Ital. 20. He passes sentence before he hears the evi- dence. 21. He wants to fly before he has wings. Dutch. 22. It will not do to keep holidays before they come. Fr. 24 Too SWIFT.-TORCH.-TORMENTING.-TORTOISE. 370 23. To swallow gudgeons ere they're catched, And count their chickens ere they're hatched. Butler. 24. To take physic before one is sick. 25. You cry out before you are hurt. 26. You halt before you are lame. 27. You take me up before I am down. 28. We have no son and yet are giving him a name. Too Swift. 1. Too swift arrives as țardily as too slow. Torch. 1. He that beareth a torch shadoweth himself to give light to others. Tormenting. 1. He who torments others does not sleep well. Fr. Tortoise. 1. What does the tortoise care for flies? Latin. Touching. 1. To touch with fingers' ends; i.e., to touch deli- cately. Touchstone. Latin. 1. The touchstone distinguishes between gold and brass. Toys. 1. There are toys for all ages. Traceys. Fr. 1. The Traceys have always the wind in their faces. (Because an ancestor was active in killing Thomas à Becket.) TRADE. 371 Trade. 1. A handful of trade is a handful of gold. 2. "Every man to his trade," quoth the dog to the bishop. 3. Everyone finds fault with his own trade. Ital. 4. Every trade has its ways. Chinese. 5. He smells of the faggot; i.e., is known by his trade. Fr. 6. He that brings not up his son to some trade makes him a thief. Hebrew. 7. He that hath a trade hath an estate, and he that hath a calling hath an office of profit and honor. Franklin. 8. He who cannot speak well of his trade does not understand it. Fr. 9. He who has a trade may travel through the world. 10. Jack of all trades is no trade. 11. Jack of all trades and master of none. Sp. 12. Let every man practise the trade he best un- derstands. 13. Small trades make great profits. 14. The man of your trade is your enemy. Cicero. Chinese. Por. 15. There are no foolish trades, there are only foolish people. 16. There may be trade and none able to do it. Fr. 17. Trade is the mother of money. Chinese, 18. Trade knows neither friends nor kindred. 19. Two of a trade seldom agree. 372 TRANQUILLITY.-TRANSLATORS.-TRap. 20. Who hath a good trade through all waters may wade. Tranquillity. 1. Tranquillity is the first duty of a citizen. Governor of Berlin. Translators. 1. Translators, traitors. Ital. Trap. 1. 'Tis easy to fall into a trap but hard to get out again. Travelling, Traveller. 1. A man travels as far in a day as a snail in a thousand years. 2. A pleasant companion on a journey is as good as a post-chaise. 3. A short cut is a losing cut. Fr. Latin. 4. A short cut is always a long road. Dan. 5. A short cut is often a wrong cut. 6. A tired traveller must be glad of an ass if he have not a horse. 7. A travelled man hath leave to lie. 8. Better return half-way than lose yourself. Dutch. 9. Discreet stops make speedy journeys. 10. Don't leave the high road for a short cut. Por. 11. Fair and softly goes far in a day. 12. Far traveller, great liar. Ger. 13. Getting out well is a quarter of the journey. 14. He least discredits his travels who returns the same as he went. Wotton. TRAVELLING, TRAVELLER. 373 15. He that can travel well afoot keeps a good Franklin. horse. 16. He that leaves the highway for a short cut commonly goes about. 17. He that travels far knows much. 18. He who stops at every stone never gets to his journey's end. Fr. 19. He who takes the wrong road must make his journey again. Sp. 20. He who wants to travel far takes care of his beast. 21. He who would travel through the land, Fr. Must go with open purse in hand. Dutch. 22. How much a dunce that hath been sent to roam, Excels a dunce that hath been kept at home. Cowper. 23. If an ass goes a travelling he'll not come home a horse. 24. If you tell every step you will make a long journey of it. 25. It is better to turn back than go astray. Ger. 26. It is necessary for him who would reach his journey's end sometimes to go round about. Persian. 27. Meat and matins hinder no man's journey. 28. Nothing is lost on a journey by stopping to pray or to feed your horse. 29. On a long journey even a straw is heavy. Sp. Ital. 30. One never goes so far as when one don't know whither one is going. Fr. 374 TREACHERY. 31. The farthest way about is the nearest way home. 32. The farthest way about to o'ercome, In the end proves nearest home. Ger. Butler. 33. The getting out of doors is the greatest part of the journey. Cowley. 34. The traveller without money will sing before the robber. Juvenal. 35. 'Tis a great journey to the world's end. 36. To bait and to grease does not retard a journey. 37. To travel safely through the world a man must have a falcon's eye, an ass's ears, an ape's face, a merchant's words, a camel's back and a hart's legs. 38. Travel is the great source of true wisdom. Bea. 39. Travel makes a wise man better but a fool worse. 40. Travel renders life more modest. 41. Travelling teaches toleration. Greek. Bea. 42. Travellers should correct the vice of one country by the virtue of another. 43. Who goes and returns makes a good journey. Fr. 44. Who goes softly goes safely, and he that goes safely goes far. 45. Who will go far must go slow. Treachery. Ital. Ger. 1. He covers me with his wings and bites me with his bill. TREASON, TRAITORS. 375 2. It is the foot of a baboon. (Said of a treach- erous person.) Kaffir 3. Passion and unkindness may give a wound that shall bleed and smart, but it is treachery that makes it fester. South. 4. The act of treachery is liked but not he that does it. Sp. 5. To stroke with one hand and stab with the other. 6. Treachery and slander are long lived. Dan. 7. Treachery lurks in honeyed words. Treason, Traitors. 1. A traitor is a coward. Dan. Turk. 2. A traitor must be looked upon as an enemy. Cicero. 3. Are there traitors at the table that the loaf is turned the wrong side upwards? 4. Give a traitor good words and you make him loyal. Dutch. 5. I like the treason, but I praise not the traitor. Plutarch. Ger. 6. The hasty man was never a traitor. 7. The loyal man lives no longer than the traitor pleases. Sp. 8. The treason approved-the traitor abhorred. Ger., Por. 9. The treason is loved, but the traitor is hated. Ital. IO. Traitors all first fall themselves. Demosthenes. II. Traitors are detested by those who have em- ployed them. 376 TREASURE.-TREE. 12. Traitors are hated even by those they favor. Tacitus. 13. Treason doth never prosper. What's the reason? For if it prosper none dare call it treason. Sir John Harrington. 14. Treason is not inherited, 15. Two false men to one traitor. Shaks. 16. Tyranny is far the worst of treasons. Byron. Treasure. 1. Where your treasure is there will your heart be also. New Testament. Tree. 1. A good walnut tree is as good to a poor man as a milch cow. 2. A great tree hath a great fall. 3. A short tree stands long. 4. A tree is known by its fruit. Ital. 5. A tree often transplanted neither grows nor thrives. 6. A twig in time becomes a tree. Sp. Latin. 7. Airly crooks the tree that good cammock should be. 8. All leaf and no fruit. Sp. 9. All superfluous branches we lop away that bearing boughs may live. IO. As the tree so the fruit. II. As the twig is bent the tree's inclined. Shaks. Ger. 12. Delicious fruit is pleasing to the taste, but it is the tree that bears it that merits our esteem. Arabian. TREE. 377 13. Good fruit never comes from a bad tree. Por. 14. Great trees are uprooted in an hour. 15. Great trees give more shade than fruit. Ger. 16. Great trees keep down the little ones. 17. He that plants trees loves others beside him- self. 18. He who leaneth against a good tree, a good shelter findeth he. Don Quixote. 19. He who plants fruit trees must not count up- on the fruit. Dutch. Dutch. 20. High trees give more shadow than fruit. 21. It is only at the tree loaded with fruit that people throw stones. Fr. 22. Judge of the tree by its fruit. 23. Many desire the tree who pretend to refuse the fruit. 24. No tree falls at the first stroke. Ital. Ger. 25. Nobody lets go a tree and springs in the air. Accra (Africa). 26. Of a good tree the fruit is also good. 27. Old trees are not to be bent. M. Greek. 28. Set trees poor and they will grow rich. Set them rich and they will grow poor. 29. Shake the tree when fruit is ripe. Ger. 30. Soon crooks the tree that good gambrel would be. 31. Straight trees have crooked roots. 32. Such as the tree is, such is the fruit. 378 TRIALS. 33. Tall trees catch much wind. 34. The best trees are the most beaten. 35. The highest tree hath the greatest fall. Dutch. Ital. 36. The more the good tree grows the more shade does it afford. (The good rich man's munificence in- creases with his age.) M. Greek. 37. The more noble the tree the more pliant the twig. Dutch. 38. The old withy tree would have a new gate hung to it. 39. The tree does not fall at the first stroke. Fr., Ital., Dutch. 40. The tree is known by its fruit. New Testament. 41. The tree is no sooner down than every one runs for his hatchet. 42. The tree is not to be judged by its bark. Ital. 43. The tree is sure to be pruned before it reaches the skies. Dan. 44. The tree must be bent while it is young. Ger. 45. There is no tree but bears some fruit. 46. Though a tree grow ever so high, its falling leaves return to the root. Chinese. 47. To the fallen tree, hatchets ! hatchets! Ital. 48. When the tree falls every one runs to cut boughs. Dutch, Dan. 49. When the tree falls the shade is gone, i.e., the unfortunate man is deserted. Chinese. 50. When the tree is down everybody gathers wood. Trials. Latin. 1. The gem cannot be polished without friction nor man perfected without trials. Chinese. TRICK.-TRICKS.-TRICKERY.-TRIPE.-TROUBLE. Trick. 1. One trick is met by another. 379 Sp. 2. One trick needs a great many more to make it good. 3. Trick against trick. Tricks. 1. There are tricks in all trades but ours. Ger. Trickery. 1. Trickery comes back to its master. Fr. Tripe. 1. Tripe broth is better than no porridge. 2. Tripe is good meat if it be well cleaned. 3. Tripe broth, you make much of yourself. Sp. Trouble. 1. Do not call upon death to relieve you of trouble. (Fable of the old man and death.). 2. He that seeks trouble, it were a pity he should miss it. Scotch. 3. He that will have no trouble in this world must not be born in it. 4. In trouble to be troubled is to have your trouble doubled. 5. It is good to have company in trouble. Sp. 6. Let your trouble tarry 'til it's own day comes. 7. No one gets into trouble without his own help. 8. Send not to market for trouble. Dan. 9. There is always some trouble mixed up with the greatest pleasure. Hans Andersen. 380 TRUMPET.-TRUMPETER.-TRUST. 10. While at their ease men burn no incense, but when trouble comes they clasp the feet of Fo. (Chief of the gods.) Chinese. II. Who troubles others has no rest himself. Ital. self. Trumpet. 1. Empty men are trumpets of their own deeds. Massinger. 2. Make good flour and you need no trumpet. 3. Some tremble before the trumpet sounds. Trumpeter. Latin 1. Your trumpeter is dead so you trumpet your- Trust. 1. Be just to all but trust not all. 2. Do not trust a boy with a sword. Latin. 3. Do not trust or contend, nor borrow or lend, And you'll gain in the end Sp. 4. Eat a peck of salt with a man before you trust him. 5. From those I trust God guard me; from those I mistrust, I will guard myself. Ital. 6. He that trusts every one without reserve will at last be deceived. Rambler. 7. He that trusts to borrowed ploughs will have his land lie fallow. 8. He who looks demurely trust not with your money. 9. He who trusteth not is not deceived. Sp. 10. I'll trust him no farther than I can throw a millstone. TRUST. 381 II. I sell nothing on trust till to-morrow. 12. I would not trust him, no, not with a bag of scorpions. 13. If you trust before you try, you may repent before you die. 14. In trust is treason. 15. It is an equal failing to trust everybody and to trust nobody. 16. It is happier to be sometimes cheated than Rambler. not to trust. 17. Living on trust is the way to pay double. 18. Never trust him whom you have wronged. 19. Never trust much to a new friend or an old enemy. 20. Never trust a black Brahmin nor a white Pariah. Hindoo. 21. Never trust the man that hath reason to suppose that you know he hath injured you. Fielding. 22. Never trust to a broken staff. 23. Never trust to another what you should do yourself. 24. Never trust a tailor that does not sing at his work; his mind is on nothing but filching. Beaumont and Fletcher. 25. Never trust to fine promises. 26. Of a bitter gourd use not even the seed. (Trust not the children of the wicked.) 27. Put not your trust in princes. 28. Self-trust is the essence of heroism. M. Greek, Bible 29. Sudden trusts bring sudden repentance, 382 TRUST. 30. Swim on and don't trust. 31. There's none deceived but he that trusteth. 32. This day there is no trust, come to-morrow. 33. To trust in thyself and God is best. 34. Trust all in all, or not at all. 35. Trust begets truth. Fr. Hans Andersen. 36. Trust, beware whom. 37. Trust but not too much. Ger. Ger. 38. Trust entirely or not at all, for a secret is often innocently blabbed out by those who know but half of it. 39. Trust everybody but thyself most. Fielding. Dan. 40. Trust him no further than you can see him. 41. Trust in God but keep your powder dry. Cromwell's order to his soldiers. 42. Trust in God but mind your business. 43. Trust makes way for treachery. Russian. 44. Trust me but look to thyself. 45. Trust no one until you have eaten a bushel of salt with him. 46. Trust nor contend, nor wager, nor lend, And you'll have peace to your end. Ger. 47. Trust no secrets to a friend which if repeated would bring infamy. 48. Trust not a dog that limps. Thales. Por. 49. Trust not a great weight to a slender thread. 50. Trust not a horse's heels nor a dog's tooth. 51. Trust not a new friend nor an old enemy. TRUTH. 383 52. Trust not a skittish horse, nor a great lord when they shake their heads. 53. Trust not him who has broken faith. Dan. Shaks. Dan. 54. Trust not still water nor a silent man. 55. Trust not to another for what you can do yourself. 56. Trust not too much in a new friend and an old house. 57. Trust not too much to an enchanting face. Ger. Virgil. 58. Trust thyself only, and another shall not be- tray thee. 59. Trusting often makes fidelity. 60. Trusting too much to others is the ruin of many. "" 61. "Trust was a good man, "Trust Not" was a better. 62. Trust-well rides away with the horse. Ger. 63. We live by reposing trust in each other. Pliny. Truth. 1. A little truth makes the whole lie pass. Ital. 2. A man for being told the truth thanks you the first time, votes you a bore the second, and quarrels with you the third. Punch. 3. A thing is never much talked about but there is some truth in it. Ital. 4. A thousand probabilities do not make one truth. Ital. 5. A truth teller finds the doors closed against him. 384 TRUTH. 6. Above all things always speak the truth, 7. All is not true that is told. Haliburton. Dr. Johnson. 8. All men naturally have some love of truth. 9. All truth is not to be told at all times. 10. As true as a turtle to her mate. II. As true as God is in Heaven. 12. As true as steel. 13. As true as the dial to the sun. 14. Better suffer for truth than prosper by false- hood. Dan. 15. Between wrangling and disputing truth is lost. Ger. 16. Buy the truth and sell it not. Bible. 17. By too much altercation truth is lost. 18. Every truth is not to be told. Ital. 19. Face to face the truth comes out. 20. Fair fall truth and daylight. M. Greek. 21. From the fool and the drunkard you may learn the truth. 22. Great is truth, and mighty above all things. Bible. 23. He must keep a sharp lookout who would speak the truth. Dan. 24. He that does not speak truth to me, does not believe me when I speak the truth. 25. He that follows truth too near will have dirt kicked in his face. 26. He who conceals an useful truth is equally guilty with the propagator of the injurious false- hood Augustine. TRUTH. 385 27. He who does not fully speak the truth is a traitor to it. 28. If it is not true, it ought to be. Latin. Ital. 29. If we reject the truth we seal our own per- dition. J. M. Mason. Fr. Turk. 30. In too much disputing truth is lost. 31. In truth is right. 32. Is not the truth better banished out of nine cities? Turk. 33. It is impossible to sin against charity when we do not against truth. 34. It is true that a' men say. 35. It is truth that makes a man angry. Ital. 36. It takes a good many shovelfuls of earth to bury the truth. Ger. 37. No crime is more infamous than the violation of truth. Dr. Johnson. 38. None but a fool distasteful truth will tell. Dryden. Por. 39. Not all that is true is to be spoken. 40. Obsequiousness begets friends; truth, hatred. Terence. Ger. 41. Oil and truth will get uppermost at last. 42. One must not say all that is true. 43. People praise truth, but invite lying to be their guest. 44. Sooner or later the truth comes to light. Dutch. 45. Speak the truth and shame the devil. Ital. 46. Tell your friend a lie and if he keep it secret tell him the truth. Sp., Por. 25 386 TRUTH. 47. That is most true which we least care to hear. 48. That is true which all men say. 49. That which is probable is the greatest enemy to truth. 50. The language of truth is simple. 51. The truth is mighty and will prevail. 52. The truth is the best advocate. Senera 53. The truths we least like to hear are those which it is most to our advantage to know. 54. The truth will out. 55. The usefulest truths are the plainest. 56. Though malice may darken truth, it cannot put it out. 57. 'Tis possible if true. Fr. Dan. 58. To discover truth by telling a falsehood. Sp. 59. To withhold truth is to bury gold. 60. Truth and honesty have no need of loud pro- testations. 61. Truth and oil always come to the surface. Sp., Por. 62. Truth begets hatred. Latin. 63. Truth can never be confirmed enough, Though doubts did ever sleep. Shaks. 64. Truth conquers all things. Latin. 65. Truth creeps not in corners. Ger. 66. Truth crushed to earth shall rise again, The eternal years of God are hers; But error, wounded, writhes in pain, And dies among his worshippers. Bryant. 67. Truth fears no colors. TRUTH. 387 68. Truth finds foes where it makes none. 69. Truth finds no asylum. 70. Truth forever on the scaffold, Ger. Lowell. Wrong forever on the throne. 71. Truth gives a short answer; lies go round about. Ger. Motto of the Irish Earl of Belvedere. 72. Truth gives wings to strength. 73. Truth has a handsome countenance but torn garments. 74. Truth hates delays. Ger. Seneca. 75. Truth hath always a fast bottom. Shaks. Ger. 76. Truth hath a quiet breast. 77. Truth ill timed is as bad as a lie. 78. Truth is a means not an end. 79. Truth is above everything else, though truth is not always agreeable. Hans Andersen. 80. Truth is always straightforward. Sophocles. 81. Truth is always strange, stranger than fiction. Byron. 82. Truth is afraid of nothing but concealment. 83. Truth is as impossible to be soiled by any outward touch as the sunbeam. Milton. 84. Truth is better than gold. Arabian. 85. Truth is bitter food. Dan. 86. Truth is God's daughter. Sp. 87. Truth is heavy, few therefore can bear it. Hebrew. 88. Truth is lost in too much debating. Dutch. 89. Truth is mighty and will prevail. Latin. 388 TRUTH. 90. Truth is not truth to the false. 91. Truth is stranger than fiction. 92. Truth is the best buckler. Bea. 93. Truth is the club that knocks down and kills everybody. Fr. 94. Truth is the daughter of time. Ger., Dutch. 95. Truth is the foundation of all knowledge, and the cement of all societies. Dryden. 96. Truth is the highest thing that may kepe. Chaucer. 97. Truth is the spring of heroic virtue. Pindar. 98. Truth is the water of life. Ger. 99. Truth is truth to the end of the reckoning. Shaks. 100. Truth itself doth flow in wine. (In vino veritas.) IOI. Truth knows no fear, While praise earned without it is purchased too dear. Scribleomania. 102. Truth lies at the bottom of a well. 103. Truth like the sun submits to be obscured, but unlike the sun only for a time. 104. Truth makes all things plain. 105. Truth makes the devil blush. Shaks. Ger. 106. Truth makes the tongue smart. 107. Truth may be blamed but shall never be shamed. 108. Truth may be suppressed but not strangled. Ger. 109. Truth may languish but can never perish. Ital. TRY. 389 110. Truth may sometimes come out of the devil's mouth. III. Truth must be seasoned to make it palatable. 112. Truth needs no memory. Dan. 113. Truth needs not many words but a false tale a large preamble. 114. Truth never fears investigation. 115. Truth never grows old. 116. Truth never perishes. Seneca. 117. Truth never was indebted to a lie. Young. 118. Truth seeks no corner. 119. Truth shines brighter clad in verse. 120. Truth should not always be revealed. 121. Truth stretches but does not break. Latin. Swift. Don Quixote. 122. Truth is truth to the end of the reckoning. 123. Truth will sometimes break out unlooked for. 124. Truth and roses have thorns about them. 125. Truth's best ornament is nakedness. 126. Truth's cloak is often lined with lies. 127. Truths too fine spun are subtle fooleries. 128. What is true is not always probable. 129. When anger blinds the eyes truth disappears. 130. When you have to fool the world, tell the truth. Bismarck. 131. Whoever knew truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter? Try. 1. If at first you don't succeed, Try, try again. Milton. 390 TURN ABOUT.-TURNING POST.-TURNIP.-TUSCAN. 2. Try before you trust. 3. Try the ice before you venture on it. Turn About. 1. Turn about is fair play. Turning Post. 1. Urge the horse close to the turning post, i. l., keep to the point in question. Turnip. Latin. 1. There is no getting blood out of a turnip. Ital. Tuscan. 1. He that hath to do with a Tuscan must not be blind. Twig. 1. A twig in time becomes a tree. Ital. 2. Young twigs may be bent but not trees. Dutch. Two. 1. To catch two pigeons with one bean. 2. To have two strings to his bow. Fr. 3. To kill two birds with one stone. Por., Dutch. 4. To kill two flies with one flap. 5. To make two friends with one gift. 6. To make two nails at one heat. Ital. 7. To stop two mouths with one morsel. 8. To stop two gaps with one bush. 9. To take two boars in one thicket. Io. Two are the masters of one. Dan. II. Two “anons” and a “by-and-by," are an hour and a half. 12. Two dogs strive for a bone and a third runs away with it. TYRANT.-UNCERTAINTY. 13. Two dry sticks will kindle a green one. 14. Two good things are better than one. 15. Two securities avail more than one. 391 La Fontaine. 6. Two things are bad: "too much," and "too litte." 17. Two to one are odds at foot-ball. B. Two watermelons cannot be held under one arm. Tyrant. 1. A tyrant's breath is another's death. Turk. 2. Better to live in mirth and pleasure than to ocupy a tyrant's uneasy throne. 3. It is hard to see an old tyrant. Diogenes. 4. No tyrant can take from you your knowledge o wisdom. ain. 5. Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. 6. The tyrant is dead but not tyranny. U. Uncertainty. Ger 1. All between the cradle and the coffin is uncer- 2. Between the hand and the lip the morsel may slip. 3. Between the hand and the mouth the soup is often spilt. Fr., Ger., Sp., Por. lip. slip. 4. Many a slip between the cup and the lip. 5. There is many a slip 'twixt the cup and the 6. 'Twixt the spoon and the lip, the morsel may Dan. 392 UNDERSTANDING.-UNDERTAKING.—UNDERTAKINGS. Understanding. 1. Each one brings his understanding to market. Ger. 2. He who understands most is other men's master. 3. Much understanding has little good luck Fer. 4. That which is not understood is always nar- vellous. Litin. 5. The more understanding the fewer words Fer. 6. The understanding is ever the dupe of the heart. Fr. 7. There is a knack of showing we understand the matter when we hold our peace. 8. There is a palate of the understanding as well as of the senses. Ben Jonson, 9. Understanding is the most important mattr in everything. Hans Anderse 10. Wrath and malice, envy and revenge distot the understanding. Undertaking. Tillotson 1. Undertake no more than you can perform. 2. Who undertakes many things at once, seldom does anything well. Undertakings. 1. Small undertakings give great comfort. Undoing. 1. We should be undone but for undoing. Dutch. Ger. Themistocles. UNFORTUNATE.-UNGAINED.-UNHAPPY.-UNION. Unfortunate. 393 1. To persecute the unfortunate is like throwing stones on one fallen into a well. Chinese. 2. Unfortunate and imprudent are but two words for the same thing. Ungained. Fr. 1. Men prize a thing ungained more than it is. Unhappy. Shaks. 1. The unhappy alone know the value of be- nevolent minds. Union. 1. Union gives strength to the humble. 2. Union is strength. Rousseau. Syrus. Dutch. 3. Union of capital is like union of fate. Chinese. 4. United we stand, divided we fall. 5. Even tender creepers when united are strong. Tamil. 6. Let unity dwell in our tents, and discord Be banished to our enemies. 7. Unity is a precious diamond. Unkindness. Massinger. Holydays. 1. He that is unkind to his own, will be unkind to others. 2. No cut like unkindness. Gallician. 3. 'Tis easier to bear unkindness than affronts. 4. Unkindness has no remedy at law. 5. We can distrain (pound) for debt, but not for unkindness. Upbraiding. 1. Upbraiding makes a benefit of an injury. Fr. 394 UPRIGHT.-USEFUL.-USELESS.-UNLEARNED. Upright. 1. The upright never grow rich in a hurry. Dan. Useful, 1. It was the wisdom of ancient times to cɔn- sider what is most useful as most illustrious. Senica. 2. Study to be useful. 3. The useful and beautiful are never apart. Useless. Perianler. 1. Nothing is useless to a person of sense. La Fontane. 2. To be employed in useless things is to be half idle. Unlearned. 1. A gem unwrought is a useless thing, so a man unlearned is a senseless being. Use. Chinese. 1. A used plough shines; standing water stinks. Ger. Ger. 2. As a thing is used, so it brightens. 3. He who is of no use to himself, is of no use to any one. 4. It is right to put everything to its proper use. Ger., Dan. Gaelic. 5. Use can almost change the stamp of nature. Shaks. 6. Use is the judge, the law, and rule of speech. 7. Use makes perfectness. Shaks. 8. Use makes the craftsman. Sp., Ger. 9. Use, use, is life, and he most truly lives who uses best. USURER.-VACUUM.-VALOR. 395 10. Use will make a man live in a lion's den. II. What's in use wants no excuse. Sp. Usurer. 1. A usurer, a miller, a banker and a publican are the four evangelists of Lucifer. Dutch. 2. He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor. 3. That usury is a sin some hold, But take for granted they've no gold. Bible. Ger. 4. To borrow on usury brings sudden beggary. 5. While with the silent growth of ten per cent., In dirt and darkness hundreds stink content. V. Vacuum. Pope. 1. Nature abhors a vacuum. (Galileo said, how- ever, only for the first thirty feet, alluding to the ris- ing of the water in a pump to that height.) Valor. 1. It is war's prize to take all advantages, And ten to one is no impeach of valor. Shaks. 2. Perfect valor consists in doing without wit- nesses all we should be capable of doing before the whole world. Rochefoucauld. 3. That valor which is not founded on prudence is rashness. Don Quixote. 4. The better part of valor is discretion. 5. There is a great difference between a due re- gard to valor and a contempt of life. 6. There is always safety in valor. Cato the Elder. Emerson. 396 VALUED.-VANITY. act. 7. To make a man valiant abuse him lustily. 8. True valor is fire; bullying is smoke. 9. True valor knows as well how to suffer as to Io. Valor can do little without discretion. II. Valor's a mouse trap, wit a gin, which women oft are taken in. Butler. 12. Valor that parleys is near yielding. 13. Valor would cease to be a virtue if there were no injustice. Agesilaus. 14. Valor would fight, but discretion would run away. 15. When valor preys on reason it eats the sword it fights with. Valued. Shaks. I. If you wish to be valued make yourself scarce. Vanity. Ger. 1. All is sugar to the vain, even the praise of fools. 2. All is vanity and vexation of spirit. Bible. 3. Every man has just so much vanity as he wants understanding. 4. Every man thinks his own copper gold. Pope. Ger., Dan. 5. Every man thinks his own geese swans. 6. Every man thinks his own owl a falcon. Dutch. 7. Every one thinks he has more than his own share of brains. Ital. 8. Every one thinks himself able to advise an- other. VANITY. 397 9. I see thy vanity through the holes of thy coat. (Plato speaking to the Cynic Philosopher.) 10. Make not thy tail broader than thy wings. 11. Make not your sail too big for your ballast. 12. No man sympathizes with the sorrows of vanity. Dr. Johnson. 13. She doesn't think small beer of herself. Maga. 14. She that looks too much at herself looks too little to herself. 15. The cow rails at the pig for being black. Chinese, 16. The frying-pan says to the kettle, "Avaunt, black brows." 17. The kettle calls the sauce-pan smutty. Turk. 18. The kiln calls the oven burnt brows. 19. The pan says to the pot, "Keep off or you'll smut me." Ital. 20. The pot upbraids the kettle that it is black. Dutch. 21. The raven chides blackness. 22. The shovel scouts the poker. Fr. 23. The sooty oven mocks the black chimney. 24. There is no doubt that vanity is our principal cause of infidelity. 25. Vanity has no greater foe than vanity. 26. Vanity is the food of fools. Knox. Fr. Swift. 27. Vanity is the vice of low minds; a man of spirit is too proud to be vain. 28. Vanity will prove vexation. Swift. 398 29. VANQUISHED.-VARIETY.-VARNISHING. "We hounds killed the hare," quoth the dog. 30. "What a dust have I raised," quoth the fly upon the coach. 31. "What a dust we kicked up," said the fly to the car-wheel. 32. "Your feet are crooked, your hair is good for nothing," said the pig to the horse. Vanquished. Russian. 1. It is noble to grant life to the vanquished. Statius. 2. 2. The more famous the vanquished the more famous the victor. Don Quixote. 3. There should be no strife with the vanquished or the dead. Virgil. 4. With the arm that won the victory he protects the vanquished. Variety. Ovid. 1. Variety alone gives joy, the sweetest meats the soonest cloy. 2. Variety is the mother of enjoyment. 3. Variety's the very spice of life That gives it all its flavor. Prior. Bea. Cowper. 4. Variety, that divine gift that makes a woman charming. Varnishing. 1. Varnishing hides a crack. Bea. Vengeance. 1. Vengeance has no foresight. Napoleon. 2. Vengeance is wild justice. 3. Vengeance ought always to pursue crimes, and the guilty are not proper objects of mercy. Arabian. VENOM.-Venture. 4. Vengeance should be left to women. 399 Petrarch. 5. Vile is the vengeance on the ashes cold, And envy base to bark at sleeping fame. Venom. 1. In the tail lies the venom. 2. No viper so little but hath its venom. 3. The venom is in the tail. Spenser. Fr. 4. The venom of a viper's tongue may be con- verted into treacle. Venture. 1. Boldly ventured is half won. 2. First weigh, then venture. Ger. 3. He has put all his eggs in one basket: i. e., ventured all in one enterprise. 4. He that dare not venture must not complain of ill luck. dle. 5. He that ventures not, fails not. Fr. 6. I will either win the horse or lose the sad- 7. Many ventures make a full freight. 8. My ventures are not in one bottom trusted. 9. Nothing venture nothing have. Shaks. Fr. 10. Take your venture as many a good ship hath done. 11. Throw a brick to allure a gem. Chinese. 12. Venture a small fish to catch a great one. 13. Venture not all in one bottom. 14. Ventures make men and ventures break men. 1 400 VENUS.-VICE. 15. Venture thy opinion but not thyself for thy opinion. 16. Who does not venture gets neither horse nor mule, And who ventures too much loses horse and mule. 17. Who ventures nothing has no luck. Venus. 1. Venus smiles not in a house of tears. Fr. Sp. 2. Venus, thy eternal sway, all the race of men obey. Vice. Euripides. 1. A man must either imitate the vicious or hate them. Montaigne. Sp. 2. A vicious man has a good title to vice. 3. After one vice a greater follows. 4. All vice infatuates and corrupts the judg- ment. 5. Concealed goodness is a sort of vice. 6. Every vice fights against nature. 7. Great parts produce great vices as well as virtues. Plato. 8. Great vices as well as great virtues make men famous. 9. He who is free from vice himself is the slower to suspect it in others. Greek. 10. He who plunges into vice resembles a man who rolls from the top of a precipice. Chinese. II. He who suffers himself to hate vice will hate mankind. Thrasea. VICE. 401 12. If you swallow vice 'twill rise badly in your stomach. 13. Lordly vices require lordly estates. 14. Most of our evils come from our vices. 15. Never open the door to a little vice lest a great one enter with it. 16. No vice but hath its patron. 17. No vice goes alone. 18. One vice begets another. 19. Our pleasant vices are made the whip to Scourge us. 20. Private vices Shaks. are public benefits. (Mande- ville's celebrated paradox.) 21. The maintaining of one vice costeth more than ten virtues. 22. The proudest vice is ashamed to wear its own face long. 23. The vicious man should date his destruction from his first temptation. Lapland. 24. The vicious obey their passions as slaves do their masters. Diogenes. 25. Through tattered clothes small vices do ap- pear, Robes and furred gowns hide all. Shaks. 26. 'Tis the most dangerous vice looks like vir- tue. 27. To blush at vice shows the world you are ashamed of it. 28. Vice always produces contempt. Dr. Johnson. 29. Vice begins in mistake and ends in ignominy. Rambler. 26 402 VICE. 30. Vice can never be too great to be lashed, nor virtue too poor to be commended. Fielding. 31. Vice gets more in this vicious world than piety. Beaumont and Fletcher. 32. Vice hath not a more abject slave than the slanderer. Fielding. 33. Vice is a monster of such frightful mien, As to be hated needs but to be seen; Yet seen, too oft familiar with her face, We first endure, then pity, then embrace. Pope. 34. Vice is cherished and thrives by concealment. Latin. 35. Vice is its own punishment and sometimes its own cure. 36. Vice is learnt without a school-master. Dan. 37. Vice is the most dangerous when it puts on the garb of virtue. Syrus. 38. Vice loses half its evil by losing its gross- ness. 39. Vice makes virtue shine. Burke. 40. Vice often rides triumphant in virtue's chariot. 41. Vice ruleth where God reigneth. 42. Vice stings us even in our pleasures, but virtue consoles us even in our pains. 43. Vice will stain the noblest race. Horace. 44. What maintains one vice would bring up two children. 45. When our vices leave us, we flatter our- selves we leave them. YICTOR, VICTORY. 403 46. Where vice goes before, vengeance follows after. 47. Where vice is, vengeance follows. Victor, Victory. 1. A victory is twice itself when the achiever brings home full numbers. Shaks. 2. He conquers twice who conquers himself in victory. Syrus. 3. He that forgives (the aggressor) gains the victory. Yoruba (Africa). 4. He that traverses the list without an adver- sary may receive the reward of victory, but he has no pretension to the honor. 5. He who has victory, has right. Seneca. Ger. 6. Not the body but the soul strikes the blow in which lives victory. 7. Oft the victor triumphs but to fall. Maga. Homer. 8. One may know how to gain a victory, and know not how to use it. Barca the Carthagenian. 9. Such another victory and we are undone. Pyrrhus. 10. The harder matched, the greater victory. Shaks. 11. The more Moors, the better victory. 12. There are none but savage beasts, with whom carnage succeeds victory. Petrarch. 13. Victories attended with little advantage will ruin rather than enlarge an empire. Turkish Spy. 14. Victory gives no account of her actions. Civilis the Batavian. 15. Victory or Westminster Abbey. Nelson. 404 VIEWS.-VILLAIN.-Vine, Vineyard.-Vinegar. Views. 1. Extreme views are never just. Villain. Bea. 1. Anoint a villain and he will prick you; prick a villain and he will anoint you. Fr. 2. At an ambuscade of villains a man does better with his feet than with his hands. Sp. 3. No villain like the conscientious villain. 4. The villain's censure is extorted praise. Pope: 5. The stains that villany leaves behind no time will wash away. Fielding. 6. Where villany goes before, vengeance follows after. Vine, Vineyard. 1. Make your vine poor, and it will make you rich. 2. He who has many vineyards has many cares. Turk. Vinegar. Beware of vinegar made of sweet wine. Ital. 2. He cries wine, and sells vinegar. 3. More flies are caught with a spoonful of syrup (or drop of honey) than with a cask of vinegar. Violent. Dutch, Dan. 1. Nothing that is violent is permanent. 2. Violent fires soon burn out, Small showers last long, but sudden storms are short. Shaks. Virtue. 1. A happy life consists in virtue. Latin. VIRTUE. 405 2. A man that hath no virtue in himself ever envieth virtue in others. Bacon. 3. A man who is wise and learned, but without virtue, shall be despised. Cingalese. 4. All human virtue to its latest breath, Finds envy never conquered but by death. Pope. 5. All the praise of inward virtue consists in outward action. 6. All the virtues are in peril when filial piety is attacked. Chinese. 7. All virtue lies in a power of denying our own desires when reason does not authorize them. Locke. 8. An exterior grave and majestic announces a palace where virtue resides. Chinese, 9. As virtue is its own reward, so vice is its own punishment. 10. Be a father to virtue, but a father-in-law to vice. II. Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue. 12. Each must in virtue strive to excel, That man lives twice who lives the first life well. Herrick. Virgil. 13. Even virtue is fairer when it appears in a handsome person. 14. Every virtue is but half way between two vices. Latin. 15. Few are virtuous when the reward's away. Dr. Johnson. 406 VIRTUE. 16. From our ancestors come our names, but from our virtues our honors. 17. He cannot go wrong when virtue guides. 18. He has no mean portion of virtue that loveth it in another. 19. He that thinks too much of his virtues, bids others think of his vices. 20. He who aspires to be virtuous resembles a man who climbs up a steep mountain. Chinese. 21. He who dies for virtue does not perish. Plautus. 22. He whose mind is virtuous is alone of noble kind. Dryden. 23. I have seen many men not adapted to the sciences; not one incapable of a virtue. 24. If virtue keep court within, honor will attend without. 25. If you can be well without health, you may be happy without virtue. 26. It is difficult to persuade mankind that the love of virtue is the love of themselves. Cicero. 27. It is easier to run from virtue to vice than from vice to virtue. 28. It is impossible for fortune to conquer vir- Plutarch. tue. 29. It is in hating vice that we strengthen our- selves in the love of virtue. Fr. 30. It is the will of heaven that virtue be proved by trials. 31. It is virtue to fly vice. Arabian. Horace. VIRTUE. 407 32. It needs great virtues to be known and ad- mired, or perhaps great vices. La Bruyère. 33. Kindred without friends, friends without power, power without will, will without effect, effect without profit, profit without virtue, are not worth a rush. 34. Let them call it mischief, Fr. When it is past and prosper'd 'twill be virtue. Ben Jonson. 35. Make a virtue of necessity. 36. Mankind are all stamped equal at their birth, Virtue alone the difference makes on earth. 37. Men's evil manners live in brass, Their virtues we write in water. Shaks. 38. Most men are more willing to indulge in easy vices, than to practise laborious virtues. Dr. Johnson. 39. Nobody hath too much prudence or virtue. 40. Not to go forward in the way of virtue is to go backwards. 41. O' need make virtue. 42. Our virtues will be often discredited with the appearance of evil. Rogers. 43. Our virtues would be proud if our vices whipped them not. 44. Poverty does not destroy virtue nor wealth bestow it. Sp. 45. Room can never be wanting for virtue. Seneca.· 46. Some rise by sin and some by virtue fall. Shaks. 47. Steadiness is the foundation of all virtue. Motto of Viscount Hereford. 408 VIRTUE 48. Sweet are the slumbers of the virtuous man. Addison. 49. The first step to virtue is to love virtue in an- other. 50. The first step to virtue is to abstain from vice. 51. The man who is always fortunate cannot easily have a great reverence for virtue. Cicero. 52. The virtue that was received from heaven was as great as a mountain. Chinese. 53. The virtues and vices are put in motion by interest. Rochefoucauld. 54. The virtuous nothing fear but life with shame, And death's a pleasant road that leads to fame. Geo. Granville. 55. There is some virtue or other to be exercised whatever happens. 56. There must ever be a place for virtue. Seneca. 57. To subdue the proud and spare the suppliant has ever been a Roman virtue. Tacitus. 58. Virtue alone can procure that independence. which is the end of human wishes. ter. Petrarch. 59. Virtue alone has majesty in death. Young. 60. Virtue alone is happiness below. Crabbe. 61. Virtue alone is invincible. Latin. 62. Virtue alone with lasting grace Trumbull. Embalms the virtues of the face. 63. Virtue alone outbuilds the pyramids : Her monuments shall last when Egypt's fall. Young. 64. Virtue and happiness are mother and daugh- VIRTUE. 409 65. Virtue and truth are respected everywhere. Turkish Spy. 66. Virtue and truth are two of heaven's most beautiful and lovely daughters. Bacon. 67. Virtue and understanding cannot be bought with gold. Ger. 68. Virtue and vice cannot dwell under the same roof. Ger. 69. Virtue and vice, wisdom and folly, are not hereditary. 70. Virtue alone is true nobility. Chinese. Stepney. Ger. 71. Virtue brings honor. 72. Virtue conquers envy. 73. Virtue consists in action. Motto of Marquis of Cornwallis. Dutch. Horace. 74. Virtue consists in avoiding vice and is the highest wisdom. 75. Virtue dwells not in the tongue but in the heart. 76. Virtue even in rags will keep warm. Horace. 77. Virtue flourishes from a wound. Motto of Scotch Earl of Galloway. 78. Virtue flourishes in misfortune. Ger. 79. Virtue goes before, nobility follows after. Ger. 80. Virtue hath not a greater enemy than wealth. Petrarch. 81. Virtue grows under every weight. Latin. 82. Virtue in poverty is better than sinful wealth. Ger. 83. Virtue is a friend ever true. Ger. 410 VIRTUE. 84. Virtue is a jewel of great price. 85. Virtue is always amiable. 86. Virtue is always flourishing. Petrarch. Motto of Irish Viscount Belmore. 87. Virtue is as good as a thousand shields. Latin. 88. Virtue is a sheet anchor. Latin. 89. Virtue is between two extremes; he who has passed the middle has not done better than he who has reached it. 90. Virtue is bold and goodness never fearful. 91. Virtue is choked with foul ambition. Chinese. Shaks. Shaks. 92. Virtue is the best patrimony for a child to in- herit. 93. Virtue is the only nobility. 94. Virtue is increased by the smile of approval. 95. Virtue is its own reward. 96. Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set. Ovid. Bacon. 97. Virtue is like precious odors, most fragrant when they are crushed. Bacon. 98. Virtue is more persecuted by the wicked than encouraged by the good. 99. Virtue is never aided by a vice. Ben Jonson. 100. Virtue is of noble birth, but riches take the wall of her. 101. Virtue is not allowed to go backward. Seneca. 102. Virtue is praised and starves. Juvenal. 103. Virtue is the base of the prosperity of an em- pire. Chinese. VIRTUE. 4II 104. Virtue is the most beautiful apparel. 105. Virtue is the only true nobility. Ger. Juvenal. 106. Virtue is the path of praise. Homer. 107. Virtue is the reward of virtue. Ger. 108. Virtue is the safest helmet. Latin. 109. Virtue is tied to no degrees of men. Ger IIO. Virtue is without alloy. 111. Virtue itself offends when coupled with for- bidden manners. Middleton. 112. Virtue itself 'scapes not calumnious strokes. 113. Virtue itself turns vice being misapplied. 114. Virtue kindles strength. Motto of the Irish Viscount of Strangford. 115. Virtue, like a strong and hardy plant, will root where it can find an ingenuous nature and a mind not averse to labor. Plutarch. 116. Virtue maketh men on the earth famous, in their grave illustrious, in the heavens immortal. Chilo. 117. Virtue may be overclouded for awhile, but will shine at last. 118. Virtue, not pedigree, should characterize no- bility. Latin. 119. Virtue often trips and falls on the sharp- edged rocks of poverty. 120. Virtue only finds eternal fame. Eugene Sue. Petrarch. IZI. Virtue overcomes envy. Latin. 122. Virtue rejoices in temptation. Motto of the Earl of Dartmouth. 123. Virtue remains when all else has passed away. Ger. 412 VIRTUOUS. 124. Virtue shines grandest in misfortune. Ger. 125. Virtue sometimes starves while vice is fed. Pope. Ger. 126. Virtue subdues power. 127. Virtue survives the grave. Motto of the Irish Earl of Shannon. 128. Virtue though momentarily shamed cannot be extinguished. 129. Virtue unites man with God. Syrus. Latin. 130. Virtue when concealed is a worthless thing. Claudianus. 131. Virtue which parleys is near surrender. 132. Virtue would not go far, if a little vanity walked not with her. 133. Virtues all agree, but vices fight one another. 134. Wealth and beauty less than virtue please. Homer. 135. What can the virtues of our ancestors profit us if we do not imitate them. 136. What's vice to-day may be virtue to-morrow. Arabian. Fielding. 137. Where virtue resides not, liberty can no longer subsist. 138. Wherever virtue is found in an eminent de- gree, it is sure to be persecuted. 139. Whether I am praised or me to advance in virtue. Virtuous. Don Quixote. blamed, it enables Chinese Philosopher. 1. The device of the virtuous man is expressed by the two words: "to forgive," and "to pardon." Fr. VOICE.—Vows.—Vulgar.—Vulgarity.—WAGER. 413 2. The world is ashamed of being virtuous. Sterne. 3. To be virtuous is to do good and do it well. Voice. 1. A voice soft, gentle and low, is an excellent thing in a woman. 2. A loud voice bespeaks a vulgar man. 3. Apples, pears, and nuts spoil the voice. Shaks. 4. He who has no voice in the valley will have none in the council. Sp. 5. Sweet is the voice of a sister in the season of sorrow. Bea. 6. The voice of the people is the voice of God. (Vox populi vox Dei.) 7. The voice of the pigeon on the spit is not like the voice of the pigeon on the tree. Woloffs (Africa). Vows. 1. Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms. Vulgar. 1. The vulgar keep no account of your hits but of your misses. Vulgarity. 1. Vulgarity in manners defiles fine garments more than mud. Plautus W. Wager. 1. A wager is a fool's argument. 2. My mother bade me be confident but lay no wagers. 3. None but fools and knaves lay wagers. 4. 'Tis the remark of old cunning stagers, That fools for arguments use wagers. Butler. 414 WAGES.-WAGON.-WAILING.-WAIT. Wages. 1. He cannot lead a good life who serves with- out wages. Ital. 2. Nature has laws and this is one-a fair day's wage for a fair day's work. Wagon. Bea. 1. A wagon though drawn by oxen still moves onward. Ger. one. it. 2. The empty wagon must make way for the full 3. The wagon must go whither the horses draw Dan. Wailing. 1. None can cure their harms by wailing them. Wait. 1. All comes right to him who can wait. Shaks. Fr. 2. An hour of triumph comes at last to them who watch and wait. 3. Everything comes in time to him that can wait. 4. For the hungry, "wait" is a hard word. 5. He that makes waits. Fr. 6. He that waits upon another's trencher, makes many a light dinner. 7. He who can wait obtains what he wishes. Ital. 8. He who waits for another man's trencher often dines in imagination (or with Duke Hum- phrey). Fr. 9. He who waits for another man's platter has a cold meal. Catalan. WAKE.-WALKING.-Wall. 415 10. If he wait long enough the world will be his own. Por. II. If you have learnt to wait you may be Queen of Sweden. Dan. 12. It is necessary to wait for the same man. Fr. 13. People count up the faults of those who keep them waiting. Fr. Russian. 14. Seven never wait for one. 15. The auld aver may die waiting for new grass. 16. The future belongs to him who knows how to wait. Russian. 17. To know how to wait is the great secret of De Maistre. 18. To wait upon his preceptors and the aged is the first point of honor and civility. success. 19. Wait is a hard word to the hungry. Chinese. 20. When you do not know what to do-wait. Wake. 1. Wake not a sleeping dog. Ger. Fr., Ital., Ger., Dutch. 2. Wake not a sleeping lion. Walking. 1. 'Tis good walking till the blood appears in the cheek but not the sweat on the brow. Wall. Sp. 1. A white wall is the fool's paper. Fr., Ital. 2. Bring your line to the wall, not the wall to your line. 3. Hard with hard makes not the stone wall. 4. It is bad to lean against a falling wall. Dan. 416 WANT, WANTS. 5. One may see through a wall if there is a hole in it. 6. The walls are the books of the poor. Ger. Punch. 7. The walls have ears and the plain has eyes. 8. Walls have ears. M. Greek. Fr., Ger., Por., Dutch. Sp., Por. 9. Walls sink and dunghills rise. 10. When a wall is cracked and lofty, its fall will be speedy. II. White walls are fools' writing-paper. Want, Wants. Chinese. 1. Every one must speak of his wants be he where he will. Don Quixote. 2. Everything goes to him who does not want it. Fr. 3. Every want that stimulates the breast, Becomes a source of pleasure when redrest. Goldsmith. 4. He cannot provide for the wants of others whose own are numerous and craving. Plutarch. 5. He is the nearest to God who has the fewest Dan. wants. on. 6. He is not in want who has no desires. Latin. 7. He that gets forgets, but he that wants thinks 8. He that wants the kernel must crack the nut. Fr., Ger., Dutch. 9. He who wants a good deal must not ask for a little. Ital. Io. I will not want when I have and when I ha'n't too. WARES. 417 II. It is hard baith to hae an' want. 12. Man wants but little here below nor wants that little long. Goldsmith. 13. More than we use is more than we want. 14. Nothing makes men sharper than want. Addison. 15. Of all the enemies of idleness, want is the most formidable. Dr. Johnson. 16. On the ends of wants, wants grow. 17. The fewer our wants the nearer we resemble the gods. Socrates. 18. The more one has the more one wants. 19. There is no woe like want. 20. To have no wants is money. 21. Want and necessity break faith and oaths. 22. Want goes by such a one's door. 23. Want is the master of mankind. Dan. Rev. Dr. Crowley. 24. Want is the mother of industry. 25. Want makes strife 'twixt man and wife. 26. Want too oft betrays the tongue to lies. Homer. 27. We lessen our wants by lessening our desires. Wares. 1. Good ware makes a quick market. 2. Good ware was never dear. 3. Good ware easily finds a buyer. 4. Good wares must sell bad ones. 5. Pleasing ware is half sold. Labernus. Ital. Plautus. Ger: 27 418 WARNING. WAR. 6. Wares are good and bad, prices high and low. Chinese. 7. When the wares are gone, shut up the shop windows. Warning. I. A man that is warned is half armed. 2. A man warned is as good as two. 3. A man warned is half saved. 4. Forewarned-forearmed. Fr., Ital., Sp. Ger. Fr. 5. He that gives time to resolve, gives time to deny, and warning to prevent. 6. He was slain that had warning, not he that took it. 7. The tempest threatens before it comes, houses creak before they fall. Seneca. War. 1. A foreign war is preferable to one at home. Petrarch. 2. At the wars do as they do at the wars. Fr. 3. But war's a game, which, were their subjects wise kings would not play at. Cowper. 4. Civil war is a hideous and repugnant thing. Maga. 5. Even war is better than a wretched peace. Tacitus. 6. Every milder method is to be tried before a nation makes an appeal to arms. Kent. 7. Good kings never make war but for the sake of peace. WAR. 419 8. He that makes a good war makes a good peace. 9. He that preacheth up war when it might well be avoided, is the devil's chaplain. IO. He who has land has war. Ital. II. In time of war the devil makes more room in hell. 12. In war according to war. Ger. Fr. 13. In war it is best to tie your horse to a strange manger. Dan. Ellenborough. 14. In war reputation is strength. 15. In war-time there is pay for every horse. Ital. 16. It is a bad war from which no one returns. Ger. 17. Mad wars destroy in one year the works of many years of peace. Franklin. 18. Many return from the war who cannot give an account of the battle. Ital. 19. Of all wars peace ought to be the end. 20. One war brings on another. Ger. 21. Talk of the war but do not go to it. Sp. 22. That war is only just which is necessary. 23. The fear of war is worse than war itself. Ital. 24. The hardest operation of war is to stop it. 25. There never was a good war nor a bad peace. Franklin. Homer. 26. To die or conquer are the terms of war. 27. War begun, hell unchained. Ital. 28. War gives no opportunity for repeating a mis- take. 420 WAR. 29. War is a proceeding that ruins those who suc- ceed. it. 30. War is death's feast. 31. War is no strife To the dark house or the detested wife. Shaks. 32. War is pleasure to him who does not go to 33. War is the son of hell. Ger.. Por. Shaks. 34. War makes robbers and peace hangs them. Fr., Ital. Latin. 35. War must be waged by waking men. 36. War ought to be neither dreaded nor pro- voked. 37. War should be so managed as to remember that the only end of it is peace. Cicero. 38. War to the knife. (Polafox's answer to the French general at the siege of Saragoza.) 39. War with all the world and peace with Eng land. Sp. 40. War's a brain-spattering, wind-pipe-slitting art, Unless her cause by right be sanctified. 41. Wars bring scars. Byron. 42. When Greek meets Greek then comes the tug of war. 43. When war begins hell's gates are set open. 44. When war is raging the laws are dumb. Cicero. 45. When you go to war every man you meet is an ememy ;-kill all. North American Indian. WASHING.—Waste. 421 46. Where money and counsel are wanting it is better not to make war. Washing. Dan. 1. All will come out in the washing. Don Quixote. 2. Dirty water does not wash clean. 3. Foul linen should be washed at home. Dan. Fr. 4. It is a loss of soap to wash the ass's head, (Applied to advice given to a fool.) 5. People should wash their linen in private. Sp. Napoleon. 6. Seemed washing his hands with invisible soap, In imperceptible water. Hood. 7. The laundress washeth her own smock first. 8. The spot will come out in the washing. 9. They who do not wash well do not bleach well. 10. Wash your dirty linen at home. Dan. 11. Wash your hands often, your feet seldom, and your head never. Waste. 1. After one that earns comes one that wastes. so Dan. 2. Building and the marrying of children are great wasters. 3. Burning the candle at both ends. 4. He sprinkles incense on a dunghill. 5. Nae wonder to see wasters want. 6. Save at the tap and waste at the bung-hole. 7. To burn out a candle in search of a pin. 8. To dig with golden spades. (To waste means.) Latin. 422 WATCHING.—Water. 9. Wasting is a bad habit, sparing a sure in- come. Io. Waste makes want. II. Waste not want not. 12. Wilful waste brings woeful want. Watching. 1. A good watch prevents misfortune. 2. A watched pan is long in boiling. 3. Good watch prevents misfortune. 4. Harm watch harm catch. Dutch. 5. To him who watches everything is revealed. 6. Who watches not, catches not. Ital., Sp. Dutch. Water. 1. A glass of water is sometimes worth a tun of wine. 2. Brackish water is sweet in a drought. Ital. Por. 3. Can a house be burned down with hot water? Tamil. 4. Drinking water neither makes a man sick, nor in debt, nor his wife a widow. 5. Far water does not put out near fire. Ital. 6. Foul water will quench fire. 7. From a pure source pure water comes. Latin. 8. From smooth (or still) water God preserve me; from rough (or running) I will preserve myself. Ital., Sp. 9. He who would have clear water must go to the fountain head. Ital. WATER. 423 10. However foul it be, never say, "Of this water I will not drink. Sp. 11. If you want clear water draw it from the spring. 12. In still water are the largest fish. Por. Dan. 13. In still water the worms are worst. Dan. 14. It is prophet drink (water). Dutch. 15. No safety wading in unknown water. up. 16. Of spilt water there is little to be gathered Ben Jonson. 17. On dry land even brackish water is good. Sp. 18. Running water carries no poison. Ital. 19. Shallow waters make most din. 20. Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep. Shaks. 21. Smooth waters run deep. 22. Stagnant water grows stinking. Ger. 23. Still water breeds vermin. Ital. 24. Still waters run deep. Ger., Dutch, Dan. Ital. 25. The water breaks where it is not expected. 26. The water is so strong it requires too whiskies. Donegal. 27. The water runs while the miller sleeps. Dan. 28. The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up. Chinese. 29. There is no worse water than that which sleeps. Fr. 30. Under water famine, under snow bread. 31. Water comes to the mill from afar. Por 424 WAY.-WAYS.-WAY OF THE WOrld. 32. Water is less dreaded than fire, yet fewer suffer by fire than by water. 33. Water is the best of all things. Chinese. Greek. 34. Water is the least valued among things exist- ing, and the most valued among things wanted. Hebrew. 35. Water is the strongest drink, it drives mills. Ger. 36. Water run by, will not turn a mill. Ital., Sp. 37. Water washes everything. Por. 38. We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. 39. What water gives, water takes away. Por. 40. Where the water is shallow no vessel will ride. 41. Where water has been, water will come again. Ger. Way. 1. The way to Babylon will never bring you to Jerusalem. 2. The way to make ourselves admired is to be what we expect to be thought. 3. The way to rise is to obey and please. Socrates. Ben Jonson. 4. There is no short cut of a way, without some ill away. Ways. 1. There are more ways to the wood than one. Way of the World. 1. He that falls all the world runs over. Ger. 2. He that's down, "Down with him!" cries the world. WAY OF THE WORLD. 425 3. He who is in the mud likes to pull another into it. Sp. 4. If a man once fall all will tread on him. 5. It is na what is she," but "what has she." 6. No man is willing to own him who is out of the good opinion of the world. 7. Now that I have a sheep and a cow every- body bids me good-morrow. 8. Now that I have a sheep and a lamb every- body says, "Good-morrow, Peter." 9. One starts the hare, another bags it. Sp. Sp. 10. People take more pains to be damned than to be saved. II. The tinsel, glitter, and the specious mien Delude the most, few pry behind the scene. Phædrus. 12. The world is naturally averse to all the truth it sees or hears, But swallows nonsense and a lie with greedi- ness and gluttony. Butler. 13. There is little difference (in the eye of the world), in being nought and in being thought so. 14. This is a world of scandal and like wolves we fall on the wounded. Crowley. 15. When a man is down everybody runs over him. Ger. 16. When a man is going down-hill, everybody gives him a kick; when a man is going up-hill, every body gives him a lick. 17. When a man is not liked whatever he doth is amiss. 426 WEAK.-WEAKEST.-WEALTH. 18. When a man lays the foundation of his own ruin, others will build on it. Fielding. 19. When a tree is falling, every one cries, "Down with it!" 20. When the wagon is tilting everybody gives it a shove. Ital. Dan. 21. “Who are you for?" "I am for him I get most by." 22. Who arrays himself in other men's garments is stripped on the highway. Weak. 1. In the fray the weak are strong. 2. To be weak is to be miserable. Weakest. Sp. Ital. 1. The weakest goes to the wall. 2. The weakest must hold the candle. Wealth. Shaks. Fr. 1. A great estate is not gotten in a few hours. Fr. 2. A great fortune in the hands of a fool is a great misfortune. 3. A great fortune is a great slavery. 4. A man has no more goods than he gets good by. 5. A man of wealth is a slave to his possessions. Tamil. 6. A man's wealth is his enemy. 7. A wealthy man errs with impunity. Latin. 8. Among men some have their virtue concealed by wealth, and some their vices by poverty. Theganis. 9. Command your wealth, else that will com- mand you. WEALTH. 427 10. Devotion and wealth are seldom united. Ger. II. Fathers their children and themselves abuse, That wealth, a husband, for their daughters choose. Fielding. 12. Great wealth and content seldom live to- gether. 13. Great wealth, great care. Dutch. 14. Great wealth makes us neither more wise nor more healthy. 15. I wot well how the world wags; he is most loved who has most bags. 16. If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as of getting. Franklin. 17. Ill fares the land to hastening ills a prey, Where wealth accumulates and men decay. Goldsmith. 18. Of lawful wealth the devil takes the half; of unlawful the whole and the owner too. Turk. 19. One man's wealth is often many men's ruin. Maga. 20. Real wealth consists not in having but in not wanting. 21. Talent and poverty, wealth and stupidity, usually dwell together. Latin. 22. The greatest wealth is contentment with a little. 23. The loss of wealth is loss of dirt, All sages in all times assert, The happiest man's without a shirt. John Haywood. 24. The lust of wealth can never bear delay. Juvenal. 428 WEALTH. 25. The secret of wealth lies in the letters SAVE. 26. The truest wealth is that of the understand- ing. 27. The wealth of the mind is the only true wealth. Greek. 28. Wealth and content do not always live together. 29. Wealth and honors can never cure a wounded conscience. 30. Wealth breeds a pleurisy, ambition a fever, liberty a vertigo, and poverty is a dead palsy. Gaelic. 31. Wealth conquered Rome after Rome had conquered the world. Petrarch. 32. Wealth is best known by want. 33. Wealth is liberty and liberty is a blessing fittest for a philosopher. Swift. 34. Wealth is not his who makes it but his who enjoys it. Ital. 35. Wealth is stepmother to virtue. Ger. 36. Wealth is timid. 37. Wealth like an index reveals the character of men. Latin. 38. Wealth like rheum falls upon the weakest parts. 39. Wealth maketh many friends. 40. Wealth maketh worship. Bible. 41. When wealthy, show thy wisdom not to be To wealth a servant, but make wealth serve thee. Denham. 42. Where there is wealth friends abound. WEAPON.-WEAR.-WEATHER. 429 Weapon. 1. A weapon is an enemy even to its owner. Turk. 2. A wigh❜t man ne'er wanted a weapon. 3. They who fight with golden weapons are pretty sure to prove their right. 4. Weapons bode peace. Wear. Dutch. 1. It is better to wear out, than to rust out. Weather. Bishop Horne. 1. A foul morn may turn to a fine day. 2. A green Christmas makes a fat church-yard. 3. A right easterly wind is very unkind. 4. A misty morning may have a fine day. 5. After clouds a clear sun. 6. After clouds clear weather. 7. An evening red and a morning gray, Is a sign of a fair day. Latin. 8. Change of weather is the discourse of fools. 9. Dry overhead, happy. 10. Expect not fair weather in winter from one night's ice. II. Fair weather cometh out of the north. Bible 12. Good signs of rain don't always he'p de young American Negro. crops. 13. Hail brings frost with its tail. 14. If St. Within weep, that year the proverb says, The weather will be foul for forty days. 15. If the weather is fine put on your cloak; if it rains, do as you please. Fr. WEDDING RING.-WEDGE. 430 16. If there be neither snow nor rain, Then will be dear all sorts of grain. 17. In the wane of the moon a cloudy morning bodes a fair afternoon. 18. It never thunders but it rains. 19. Never mind the weather, so the wind don't blow. 20. No weather is ill if the wind be still. 21. On a hot day, muffle yourself the more. 22. Praise a fine day at night. Sp. Ger., Dan. 23. Rain comes after sunshine, and after a dark cloud, a clear sky. Dan. 24. The dirt bird (or dirt owl) sings, we shall have rain. 25. The full moon brings fair weather. 26. 'Tis pity fair weather should do any harm. 27. To a child, all weather is cold. 28. When the wind is in the east, It's neither good for man nor beast; When the wind is in the south, It's in the rain's mouth; When the wind is in the west, The weather's at the best. Wedding Ring. 1. O, how many torments lie in the small circle of a wedding ring. Wedge. Colley Cibber. 1. A blunt wedge sometimes does what a sharp axe will not. 2. A knotty piece of timber must have smooth wedges. WEEDS.-WEEPING. 431 it. 3. Blunt wedges rive hard oaks. 4. Knotty timber requires sharp wedges. 5. One wedge drives another. Shaks. Ger., Turk. 6. There goes the wedge where the beetle drives Weeds. 1. A good garden may have some weeds. 2. He that bites on every weed may light on poison. est. 3. Ill weeds are not hurt by frost. 4. Ill weeds grow apace. Sp., Por. Fr., Ital., Dutch. 5. Ill weeds grow the fastest and last the long- 6. Most subject is the fattest soil to weeds. 7. No garden without its weeds. Dan. Shaks. 8. One ill weed spoils a whole pot of pottage. 9. The frost hurts no weeds. 10. The weeds overgrow the corn. II. Weeds never die. 12. Weeds want no sowing. Weeping. Ger., Dan. 1. He who has much weeps as well as he who has little. M. Greek. 2. He who loves you well makes you weep, and he who hates you may make you laugh. 3. He who weeps from his heart will provoke tears even from the blind. Russian. 4. Onions can make heirs and widows weep. 5. The thatched cottage where one is merry is preferable to a palace where one weeps. Chinese. 432 ing. Weigh.-Weight.-WELSHMAN.-WELCOME. 6. There is a certain kind of pleasure in weep- Ovid. 7. To weep overmuch for the dead is to affront the living. 8. When the vulture dies the hen does not weep. Ger. 9. Who has none to still him may weep out his eyes. Weigh. 1. Weigh right and sell dear. Weight. 1. Weight and measure save a man toil. 2. Weight and measure take away strife. Welshman. Sp. 1. The older the Welshman, the more madman. 2. The Welshman would rather see his dam on her bier, Than see a fair Februeer. 3. The Welshman keeps nothing until he has lost it. Welcome. 1. As welcome as snow in summer. 2. As welcome as water in a leaking ship. 3. As welcome as water in one's shoe. 4. Do not out-stay your welcome. 5. He is as welcome as snow in harvest. 6. He is as welcome as the first day in Lent. 7. He who brings is welcome. Dutch. Ger. 8. Leave welcome a-hent you. WELL.-"WELL, WELL. "-WELL-DOING. 433 9. New come, welcome. 10. Such a welcome, such a farewell. 11. They are welcome that bring. Ger., Dan. 12. Welcome ever smiles and farewell goes out sighing. 13. Welcome is the best cheer. 14. Welcome is the best dish in the kitchen. 15. Who comes seldom is welcome. Well. Shaks. Ital. I. A well which is drawn from is improved. .(Art is improved by practice.) Latin. 2. Cast no dirt in the well that gives you water. 3. Dig a well before you are thirsty. (Be pre- pared for emergencies.) 4. Drawn wells are seldom dry. 5. Drawn wells have sweetest water. Chinese. 6. It is a bad well into which one must put water. Ger., Dutch, Dan. 7. It is wretched business to be digging a well just as thirst is mastering you. Plautus. 8. The more the well is used the more water it yields. Ger. 9. When the well is dry we know the worth of Franklin. water. “Well, Well. " 1. "Well, well," is a word of malice. Well-doing. 1. Be not weary in well-doing. 2. Better to do well late than never. 28 434 WELL-WISHER.—WHEEL.—WHERRIES.—WHIP. 3. There is something noble in hearing one's self ill spoken of when one is doing well. Well-wisher. I. A well-wisher sees from afar. Wheel. Alexander. Sp. 1. A fifth wheel to a cart is but an incumbrance. 2. Crazy wheels run longest. Sp. Ger. 3. It is the best spoke in your wheel. 4. It is the small wheels of a carriage that come in first. 5. Put a spoke in his wheel. 6. The hind wheel of a carriage will pass where the fore wheel has passed. 7. The wheel that turns gathers no rust. 8. The worst wheel creaks most. Wherries. 1. Wherries should not put out to sea. Whip. Turk. M. Greek. Fr., Ital. 1. A whip for a fool and a rod for a school is always in good season. 2. An old coachman loves the crack of a whip. Ger., Dutch. 3. He who does not whip the child does not mend the youth. Sp. 4. Let them whip me in the market-place pro- vided it be not known at home. Whipping. Sp. 1. De wost whipping dat a fellow gets is from de man what doan want to fight. American Negro. WHISPER.-WICKEDNESS. 435 2. Whipping a man over another's shoulders 3. Whipping the devil around the stump. Whisper. 1. A whisper separateth chief friends. 2. He who whispers lies. L'an, 3. Many a thing whispered into one ear is heard over the whole town. Dan. 4. Never whisper in company. 5. The whisperer's tongue is worse than the ser- pent's venom. Latin. 6. What is whispered in your ear is often heard a hundred miles off. Chinese. 7. What is whispered in your ear tell not to your husband. 8. Where there is whispering there is lying. Wickedness. Sp. 1. A wicked companion invites us all to hell, . 2. A wicked man's gift has a touch of his master. 3. A wicked man is afraid of his own memory. 4. A wicked man is his own hell. (And his pas- sions and lusts the fiends that torment him.) 5. He that has led a wicked life is afraid of his own memory. 6. He that rebuketh the wicked getteth a blot. Bible. 7. He that worketh wickedness by another is wicked himself. 8. He who helps the wicked repents it before long. Phædrus. 436 WICKEDNESS. '' 9. If you associate with the wicked you will be- come wicked yourself. 10. Never wicked man was wise. Menander. Homer. II. No man was ever wicked without secret dis- content. Rambler. 12. The conversation of the wicked is a fountain of mischief. 13. The majority are wicked. Cingalese. Greek. 14. The success of the wicked entices many more. Phædrus. 15. The sure way to wickedness is through wicked- ness. Seneca. 16. The triumphing of the wicked is short. Bible. 17. The wicked alone are active. Burke. 18. The wicked are snared in the work of their own hands. Bible. 19. The wicked ears are deaf to wisdom's call. Homer. 20. The wicked ever hate vice in others. 21. The wicked find it easier to unite for war, than for concord in peace. Tacitus. 22. The wicked grow worse and good men better from troubles. 23. The wicked heart never fears God but when it thunders. 24. The wicked man lives to eat and drink, but the good eats and drinks to live. Plutarch. 25. The wicked shun the light as the devil shuns the cross. Dutch. 26. The wickedness of a few is the calamity of all. Syrus. WIDOW. 437 27. "There is no peace," saith the Lord unto the wicked. Bible. Cicero. 28. To accuse the wicked and defend the wretched is an honor. 29. Wicked men cannot be friends, either among themselves or with the good. Socrates. 30. Wicked men will ever live like rogues, and not fall to work but be lazy and spend victuals. Bacon. 31. Wickedness is its own greatest punishment. Syrus. 32. Wickedness proceeds from the wicked. (The oldest recorded proverb.) Bible. 33. Wickedness with beauty is the devil's hook baited. 34. Woe be to the wicked, and woe be to them that cleave to them and to their neighbors that live near them. Widow. 1. A buxom widow must be either married, buried, or shut up in a convent. Sp. 2. A good occasion for courtship is when the widow returns from the funeral. 3. A rich widow weeps with one eye and laughs with the other. Por. 4. Few persons turn gray because their husbands die. 5. He that marries a widow and three children marries four thieves. 6. He that marries a widow and two daughters has three back doors to his house. 438 WIFE. 7. He that marries a widow will often have a dead man's head thrown in his dish. Sp. 8. He that woos a maid must seldom come in sight, But he that woos a widow must woo her day and night. 9. If a stock fish became a widow it would fatten. Io. In the widow's house there's no fat mouse. II. Long a widow weds with shame. Oriental. 12. Never marry a widow unless her first husband was hanged. 13. The rich widow's tears soon dry. Dan. 14. 'Tis dangerous marrying a widow, because she has cast her rider. 15. To diminish his substance is not the part of a man but of a widow woman. 16. Widows are always rich. Cato. 17. Woo the widow whilst she is in weeds. Ger. Wife. 1. A bad wife is the shipwreck of her husband. Ger. 2. A bad wife wishes her husband's heel turned homeward and not his toe. Dan. 3. A barren wife makes a dear and interesting friend. (To those who are looking for her husband's money after his death.) Juvenal. Dutch. 4. A brilliant daughter makes a brittle wife. 5. A brown lass is gay and cleanly. WIFE. 439 6. A child's bird and a boy's wife are well used. 7. A cross-grained woman and a snappish wom- an take care of the house. Dan. 8. A fair wife without a fortune is a fair house without furniture. 9. A faithful wife becomes the truest and the tenderest friend. Savage. 10. A faithless wife is the shipwreck of a house. Latin. II. A foolish wife drives her husband from his country. Ger. 12. A good wife and health are a man's best wealth. 13. A good wife is a good present. Hebrew. 14. A good wife is the best household furniture. Ger. 15. A good wife is worth gold. Ger. 16. A good wife makes a good husband. 17. A grunting horse and a groaning wife seldom fail their master. 18. A gude yeoman makes a gude woman. 19. A house ready made, and a wife to make. Fr. 20. A house well furnished makes a good house- wife. 21. A light wife doth make a heavy husband. Shaks. 22. A man can never thrive who has a wasteful wife. 23. A man can only find real delight in one wife. Hebrew. L WIFE. 440 24. A man lifts his wife to his own rank. (Woman uplifts her husband to the dignity of her own character.) Maga. 25. A man must ask his wife's leave to thrive. 26. A man of sense rarely behaves very ill to a wife who deserves very well. Fielding. 27. A man's best fortune, or his worst, is his wife. 28. A man without a wife, a house without a roof. Ger. 29. A man without a wife is a man without care. 30. A nice wife and a back door, Do often make a rich man poor. 31. "A paradise in which hogs feed," is a beauti-· ful woman with an ugly husband. 32. A poor man who takes a rich wife has a ruler, not a wife. 33. A prudent wife is from the Lord. 34. A rich wife is the source of quarrel. Greek. Bible. 35. A rouk-town is seldom a good wife at home. 36. A shoemaker's wife and a smith's mare are always the worst shod. 37. A vicious wife and an untoward sow no laws can govern. Chinese. 38. A wife is a young man's mistress, a middle aged's companion, an old man's nurse. 39. A wife speaks and spurs. Bacon. Hebrew. 40. A world of comfort lies in the one word, wife. Knowles. 41. A young wife is an old man's post-horse to the grave. Ger. WIFE. 44I 42. A young wife should be in her house but a shadow and an echo. Chinese. 43. A young woman married to an old man must behave like an old woman. 44. All are good maids, but whence come the bad wives? Pope. 45. "All freight lightens," said the skipper, when he threw his wife overboard. Ger. 46. All other goods by fortune's hand are given; A wife is the peculiar gift of heaven. 47. An expensive wife makes a pensive husband. 48. An obedient wife commands her husband. 49. A old man married to a young wife is full of inquietude. 50. An old woman is a very bad bride, but a very good wife. Fielding. 51. An unscolded wife, like an uncut millstone, does not go easily. Roumanian. 52. Anxiety and need make the old wife trot. Ger. 53. As the good man saith, so say we, But as the good wife saith, so it must be. 54. As the market goes, wives must sell. 55. As you would have a daughter, so choose a wife. 56. Bare walls make gadding housewives. Ital. 57. Better a portion in a wife than with a wife. 58. Better be an old man's darling than a young man's slave. 59. Better no wife than a foolish one. 60. Blind men's wives need no paint. Ger. 442 WIFE. 61. By seeming to gie Roger a' the rule, Round your finger you may turn the fool. 62. Cæsar's wife must be above suspicion. 63. Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye. 64. Choose cloth by its edge, and a daughter by her mother. Turk. 65. Choose neither a woman nor linen by candle- light. Sp. 66. Discreet wives have neither eyes nor ears. Ger. 67. Discreet wives have sometimes neither eyes nor ears. 68. Do you carry the trough, husband, and I will carry the sieve, which is as heavy as the devil. Sp. 69. Empty rooms make giddy housewives. Fr. 70. Everybody knows where his own shoe pinches. (The remark of an ancient Roman when asked why he had separated from so excellent a wife.) 71. Every man has a good wife and a bad trade. Ital. 72. Few take wives for God's sake, or for fair looks. 73. Fire, water, and a bad wife are three great evils. Ger. 74. For a good dinner, and a gentle wife, you can afford to wait. Dan. Ital. 75. For a wife and a horse go to your neighbor. 76. For whom does the blind man's wife adorn herself? Sp. WIFE. 443 77. Give your wife the short knife and keep the long one yourself. 78. Grief for a dead wife lasts to the door. Dan. Ital., Por. 79. Happy is the wife who is married to a mother- less son. 80. Happy the man that hath a beautiful wife his days shall be increased. Hebrew. 81. He draws a good wagonful into his farm who gets a good wife. Dutch. ; 82. He fasts enough whose wife scolds all din- ner time. 83. He that abides a curst wife need not fear what company he liveth in. 84. He that goes a great way for a wife is either cheated or means to cheat. 85. He that has a wife has a master. 86. He that has no wife chastises her well; he that has no children rears them well. Ital. 87. He that hath a white horse and a fair wife never wants trouble. 88. He that hath a wife and children hath given hostages to fortune, for they are impediments to great enterprises either of virtue or mischief. Bacon. 89. He that hath a wife and children must not sit with his fingers in his mouth. 90. He that hath a wife and children wants not business. Herbert. 91. He that hath a wife is sure of strife. Fr. 92. He that kisses his wife in the market-place shall have enough to teach him. 444 WIFE. 93. He that loseth his wife and sixpence hath lost a tester. 94. He that loseth his wife and a farthing hath a great loss of a farthing. 95. He that takes not up a pin slights his wife. 96. He that tells his wife news is but lately mar- ried. 97. He that will not be ruled by his dame must be ruled by his step-dame. 98. He that would have a beautiful wife should choose her on a Saturday. Sp. 99. He who does not honor his wife dishonors himself. Sp. 100. He who has a bad wife can expect no happi- ness. Sp. 101. He who has a good wife can bear any evil. Sp. 102. He who has a handsome wife, a castle on the frontier, or a vineyard on the roadside, is never with- Sp. out war. 103. He that has no wife is for threshing her daily, but he that has one takes care of her. Sp. 104. He who takes a wife takes a master. Fr. 105. He would be quartermaster at home if his wife would let him. 106. Him that has a good wife no evil in life That may not be borne can befall; Him that has a bad wife no good thing in life Can chance that good you may call. 107. Hold your tongue, husband; let me talk that have all the wit. WIFE. 445 108. How much the wife is dearer than the bride. Lord Lyttleton. 109. How shall a virtuous wife her husband sway? The secret lies in one short word—obey. 110. Husband, don't believe what you see but what I tell you. III. Husbands are in heaven whose wives chide not. 112. I received money with her, and for the dowry have sold my authority. Plautus. 113. I thought I had no husband and I eat up the stew. Sp. 114. If the wife sins the husband is not innocent. Ital. 115. If thou desirest a wife choose her on a Satur- day rather than on a Sunday. 116. If you make your wife an ass she will make you an ox. 117. If you want to thrash your wife ask her for a drink of water in the sun. (To find fault with its purity.) 118. If your wife is little stoop to her. Sp. Hebrew 119. In buying horses and taking a wife, shut your eyes and commend yourself to God. Ital. 120. In the rich woman's house she always com- mands, he never. Sp. 121. It fares ill with the house where the distaff commands the sword. Sp., Por. 122. It is a good horse that never stumbles and a good wife that never grumbles. 446 WIFE. 123. It is a sour reek when the good wife dings the good man. 124. It is a sweet sorrow to bury a termagant wife. 125. It is said the wife of a mat-maker died on the bare ground. Tamil. 126. It is sometimes right to obey a sensible wife. Servian. 127. Live on good terms with your wife. Cingalese. 128. Look after your wife, never mind yourself, she'll look after you. London Truth. 129. Make not a toil of pleasures, as the man said when he buried his wife. 130. Many blame the wife for their own thriftless life. Scotch. 131. Mills and wives are ever wanting. 132. Neither reprove nor flatter thy wife where any seeth or heareth it.. Dutch. 133. Ne'er seek a wife 'till you have a house and a fire burning. 134. Ne'er seek a wife 'till you know what to do wi’ her. 135. Next to no wife a good wife is best. 136. No fellow is so poor that he has not a wife on his arm. Ger. 137. Of all the plagues the greatest is untold, The book-learned wife in Greek and Latin bold. Shaks. 138. Of earthly goods the best is a good wife, A bad the bitterest curse of human life. Simonides. WIFE. 447 139. Of your wife and tried friend believe nothing but what you know for certain. Sp. 140. Oh, that all olive trees would bear such fruit ! (Exclamation of Socrates at seeing the body of a scold- ing wife hanging to a limb of an olive tree.) 141. One God, one wife, but many friends. Dutch. 142. Prudent men choose frugal wives. Ger. 143. Refuse a wife with one fault and take one with two. Welsh. 144. Saith Solomon the wise, "A good wife 's a good prize." 145. She hath broken her elbow at the church door. (Applied to a lazy wife.) 146. She stayed at home and spun her wool. (An epitaph on a good wife.) 147. She that hath an ill husband shows it in her dress. 148. Smoke, raining into the house, and a scolding wife will make a man run out of doors. 149. Smoke, rain, and a scolding wife are three bad things in a house. Dan. 150. Sorrow and an evil life maketh soon an old wife. 151. Strife is the dowry of a wife. Ovid. 152. Take a vine of a good soil, and a daughter of a good mother. 153. That wife is an enemy who is given to a man in marriage against her will. 154. The ancient saying is no heresy, Hanging and wiving go by destiny. Plautus. Butler. 448 WIFE. 155. The best furniture in a house is a virtuous woman. 156. The blind man's wife needs no painting. 157. The calmest husbands make the stormiest wives. 158. The cunning wife makes her husband her apron. 159. The dead wife and the living sheep, make a man rich. Ger. 160. The death of your first wife made such a hole in your heart that all the rest slip through. 161. The economic wife is too wise to let the moth of fortune shed its silk without winding it round her finger. Chinese. 162. The first wife is a broom, the second a lady. Sp. 163. The first wife is a servant, the second a lady. Ger. 164. The first wife is matrimony, the second com- pany, the third heresy. Ital. 165. The gods alone know what kind of a wife a man will have. Juvenal. 166. The good or ill hap, of a good or ill life, Is the good or ill choice of a good or ill wife. 167. The married life of a woman of the working class is now a lease of woe. Bea. 168. The nobleman finds a wife easier than the peasant. Ger. 169. The old wife, if she do not serve for a pot, serves for a cover. Sp. 170. The poor white man has no wife to grind his corn. (Mills in that country are unknown.) Abyssinian. WIFE. 449 171. The sum of all that makes a just man happy consists in the well choosing of his wife. Massinger. 172. The wife abroad, the maid at the window. Ger. 173. The wife is the key of the house. Ger. 174. The wife lives with the heart, the husband with the head. Ger. 175. The wife of the shoemaker never has whole shoes. Ger. 176. The wife wears the breeches, i. e. rules the husband. 177. The wife that expects to have a good name Is always at home as if she were lame, And the maid that is honest her chiefest de- light Is still to be doing from morning to night. 178. The wife that loves the looking-glass hates the saucepan. 179. The wife is the keeper of her husband's soul. Arabian. 180. There is many a good wife that can't sing and dance well. 181. There is nothing a man of good sense dreads in a wife so much as her having more sense than himself. Fielding. 182. There is nothing worse on earth than the wife become the master. Ger. 183. There is one good wife in the country, and every one thinks he hath her. 184. There was a wife that kept her supper for her breakfast an' she was dead or day. 29 450 WIFE. 185. Three duels he fought, thrice ventured his life, Went home and was cudgelled again by his wife. Swift. 186. Three things are rare; a good melon, a good friend, and a good wife. Ger. 187. 'Tis a precious thing when wives are dead, To find such numbers who will serve instead. Crabbe. 188. 'Tis hard to wive and thrive both in a year. 189. 'Tis a sweet sorrow to bury a termagant wife. 190. To choose a wife, two heads are not enough. Ger. 191. To" Get out of my house," and "What do you want with my wife?" there is no answer. Don Quixote. 192. To misfortune and a wife, one easily comes. Ger. 193. Two cocks in one house, two cats and a mouse, An old man and a young wife, Are always in strife. 194. Two good days for a man in this life: Dutch. When he weds, and when he buries his wife. 195. "Use great prudence and circumspection," says Lord Burleigh to his son, "in choosing a wife." 196. What is there that beats a good wife? bad husband. A Punch. 197. What the good wife spares, the cat eats. 198. What's my wife's is mine. 199. When the wife dies, and the mare foals pros perity increases. Ger. 200. When the wife rules the house, the devil is man-servant. Ger. WILD-OATS. 45I 201. When the wife is asleep the basket is asleep also. Hebrew. 202. Who has a handsome wife must have more than two eyes. 203. Who has a horse out of a good stall wife out of a poor house, comes out well. Ger. and a Ger. Ger. 204. Who has an office, finds readily a wife. 205. Who has a bad wife, his hell begins on earth. Dutch. 206. Who has a bad wife, is poor in the midst of riches. Ger. 207. Who hath a scold hath sorrow to his sops. 208. Who takes a rich wife sells his freedom. Ger. 209. Who takes a wife sells his peace. 210. Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the Lord. Ger. Bible. 211. Whoso is tired of happy days, let him take a wife. Dutch. 212. Wife and children are bills of charges. 213. Wisdom in the man, patience in the wife, brings peace to the house. 214. Wives may be merry and honest too. Shaks. 215. Wives must be had, be they good or bad. 216. You may beat the devil into your wife but you'll never bang him out again. 217. Your wife and nag get from a neighbor. Ital. 218. Your wife and the sauce at the lance hand (right hand). Sp. Wild-oats. 1. Every man must sow his wild-oats. 452 WILFUL.-WILL. 2. Happy is he who hath sowed his wild-oats betimes. 3. The bread of repentance we eat is often made of the wild-oats we sow in our youth. Wilful. 1. A wilful man had need be very wise. 2. A wilful man never wants woe. 3. As wilful as a pig that will neither lead nor drive. Will. 1. A man's will is his heaven. Dan. 2. A man who will can do more than ten who must. Ger. 3. A power over a man's substance amounts to Hamilton in the Federalist. a power over his will. Bulwer. Por. 4. A will is wealth's last caprice. 5. Everything depends on will in this world. 6. Good table, bad will. 7. He may make his will upon his nail for any- thing he has to give. 8. He that complies against his will is of his own opinion still. Butler. 9. He that doeth what he will, doth not what he ought. 10. I owe much, I have nothing; I bequeath the rest to the poor. Rabelais. 11. None want judgment to confirm their will. Pope. 12. Naething is difficult to a well-willed man. 13. Self will burn in hell. Ger. 14. Take the will for the deed. WILLING. WILLOWS.-WIND. 453 15. The will does it. Ger. 16. The will gives the work its name. Ger. 17. The will is everything. Ital. 18. The will is taken for the deed. Fr. 19. The will is the soul of the work. Ger. 20. To him that wills ways are not wanting. 21. When the will is prompt the legs are nimble. Ital. 22. When there's a will there's a way. 23. When you cannot what you will, will what you can. M. Greek. 24. Where the will is ready the feet are light. 25. Where there is no want of will there will be no want of opportunity. Sp. 26. Where there is a will there is a way. Ital., Sp. 27. Will is power. 28. Will is the cause of woe. 29. Will without reason is blind, and against rea- son is mad. 30. Ye maun take the will for the deed. Willing. 1. He that cannot is always willing. Ital 2. He that will does more than he can. Por. Willows. 1. Willows are weak yet serve to bind other wood. Wind. Ital. 1. A little wind kindleth a great fire, a great one putteth it out. 2. As the wind blows seek your shelter. WIND. 454 3. As the wind blows you must set your sail. 4. Blow the wind ever so fast, it will lower at last. 5. Every wind does not shake down the nut. Ital. 6. Every wind is against a leaky ship. Dan. 7. He that weighs the wind must have a steady hand. 8. High winds blow on high hills. 9. If the wind do blow aloft, then of wars we shall hear oft. 10. If the wind will not serve take to the oars. II. If the wind blows it enters every corner. Latin. Arabian. 12. Ill blows the wind that profits nobody. Shaks. 13. It came wi' the wind, let it gang wi' the water. 14. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. 15. It is an ill wind that blows no good to Corn- wall. 16. North wind show de cracks in de house. American Negro. 17. One can't hinder the wind from blowing. Fr. 18. The wind does not always blow from the same quarter. Ger. 19. The wind is not in your debt though it fill your sail. 20. The wind that blows out candles kindles the fire. 21. When the wind serves, all aid. 22. Wind and fortune are not lasting. Sp., Por. WINE. 23. Wind in the face makes a man wise. 455 Fr. 24. Wind puffs up empty bladders, opinion fools. Wine. Socrates. 1. Excess of wine neither keeps secrets nor per- forms promises. Don Quixote. Ger. 2. Good wine is milk for the aged. 3. Good wine makes a bad head and a long story. 4. Good wine makes good blood. Ital. 5. Good wine makes the horse go. 6. Good wine needs no bush. 7. Good wine needs no crier. Fr. Ital., Ger., Sp., Por., Dutch. Dutch. 8. Good wine praises itself. 9. Good wine ruins the purse and bad the stomach. Ger. IO. He that drinks not wine after salad is in danger of being sick. 11. He who hangs out a branch wants to sell his wine. Sp. 12. I like best the wine drunk at the cost of others. Diogenes. 13. If the landlady's fair, the wine too is fair. Ger. 14. In the looking-glass we see the form, in wine the heart. Ger 15. Inflaming wine dulls the noble mind. Homer. 16. It is a good wind that blows a man to his wine. Washington Irving. 17. No matter what the vessel is so the wine in it be good. 456 WINE. 18. O thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee devil. Shaks. 19. Of what use is the cup of gold if the wine be sour? Ger. 20. Of wine the middle, of oil the top and of honey the bottom is best. 21. Old wood to burn, old wine to drink. Bacon. 22. Passion makes a man a beast, but wine makes him worse. 23. Physic makes you first sick, then well; Wine first makes you well, then sick. 24. Since the wine is drawn it must be drunk. Fr. 25. Sometimes the lees are better than the wine. Ital. 26. Spilt wine is worse than water. 27. Strong is the vinegar of sweet wine. Ital. 28. Sweet wine makes sour vinegar. Ger. Fr. 30. The counsels that are given in wine 29. The best wine has its lees. Will do no good to thee or thine. 31. The sourest vinegar comes from the sweetest wine. Ger. 32. The wine given to your workman is that for which you get the best paid. Fr. 33. The wine is not known by the hoops. 34. The wine skin has its reason for smelling of Fr. pitch. 35. There is a devil in every berry of the grape. Por. Koran. WINE. 457 36. There is no one so wise that wine does not make him a fool. Ger. 37. There is no such witness as a good measure of wine. Sp. Ital. 38. Thick wine is better than clear water. 39. Truth and folly dwell in the wine cask. Dan. 40. When the beer (or wine) goes in the wit goes Dutch, Dan. out. 41. When the wine is in the man, the wit is in the can. 42. When the wine's in, the wit's out. Dutch. Ital., Por., Dutch, Dan. 43. When wine enters modesty departs. 44. When wine sinks words swim. 45. Where the best wine grows the worst is drank. 46. Where wine goes in, modesty goes out. Ger. Ital., Ger. Horace. Latin. 47. Who prates of war or want, after his wine! 48. Wine and youth are fire upon fire. 49. Wine carries no rudder. 50. Wine enters the stomach and business grows ripe in the brain. 51. Wine ever pays for his lodging. Chinese. 52. Wine hath drowned more men than the sea. Syrus. 53. Wine in the bottle doth not quench the thirst. 54. Wine is a turn-coat, first a friend, then an enemy. 458 WINK.-WINNING. 55. Wine is the blood of devils. Manes the Persian. 56. Wine is the master's, but the goodness is the drawer's. Fr. 57. Wine poured out is not wine swallowed. 58. Wine that costs nothing is digested ere it be drank. 59. Wine upon beer is very good cheer, Beer upon wine consider with fear. 60. Wine washes off the daub. Ger. 61. Wine wears no breeches: i. e., discloses the man. Fr., Sp. Fr. 62. Wine will not keep in a foul vessel. 63. You drink water when you have wine at your elbow. · Wink. i. A wink is as good as a nod to a blind man. 2. He that winketh with one eye and seeth with the other, I would not trust him though he were my brother. 3. Who would regard all things complacently must wink at a great many. 4. Wink at wee faults, your ain are meikle. Winning. 1. Easy won is easy lost. Dutch. 2. Too light winning makes the prize light. Ger. 3. Win a bet (or game) of your friend and drink it on the spot. 4. Win at first and lose at last. Sp., Por. 5. Win by persuasion and not by force. Latin. WINTER.-WISDOM. 459 6. Win it and wear it. 7. Win your way by yielding to the tide. 8. Who would win must learn to bear. Winter. Pope. Ger. 1. After winter spring will come. Hans Andersen. 2. Winter finds out what summer lays up. 3. Winter is summer's heir. 4. Winter never rots in the sky. 5. Winter thunder makes summer wonder. 6. Winter weather and women's thoughts often change. 7. Winter's thunder and summer's flood, Never boded Englishman good. 8. There is winter enough for the snipe and woodcock too. Wisdom. 1. Affectation of wisdom often prevents us from becoming wise. 2. A flow of words is no proof of wisdom. 3. An ounce of luck is worth a pound of wisdom. Fr. 4. An ounce of wisdom is worth a pound of wit. 5. By wisdom wealth is won, But riches purchased wisdom yet for none. Bayard Taylor. 6. Both folly and wisdom come upon us with years. all. 7. He is oft the wisest man who is not wise at Wordsworth. 8. He is well onward in the way of wisdom, who can bear a reproof and mend by it. 460 WISDOM. 9. In youth and beauty wisdom is but rare. Homer. 10. It is a great point of wisdom to find out one's own folly. II. It is a mark of wisdom to dislike folly. 12. It is best to learn wisdom by the experience of others. Latin. 13. It is fortune, not wisdom, that rules man's life. Cicero. 14. Learn wisdom by the folly of others. Ital. 15. Man's chief wisdom consists in knowing his follies. Rochefoucauld. 16. Many appear wise who are fools in folio. Ger. 17. My son, thou knowest not how little wisdom goeth to the management of the world. The Painter Rubens. 18. Of money, wit and wisdom, believe one fourth of what you hear. 19. No man is blest by accident or guess, True wisdom is the price of happiness. Young. 20. That is good wisdom which is wisdom in the end. Dutch. 21. The greatest wisdom in man consists in know- ing his follies. Fr. 22. The next thing to having wisdom ourselves is to profit by that of others. 23. The only jewel which you can carry beyond the grave is wisdom. Langford. 24. 'Tis altogether vain to learn wisdom, and yet live foolishly. WISDOM. 461 25. 'Tis wisdom sometimes to seem a fool. 26. Too much wisdom is folly. Ger. 27. Well goes the case where wisdom counsels. 28. What is not wisdom is danger. 29. When passion entereth at the foregate, wisdom goeth out at the postern. 30. When wisdom fails luck helps. 31. When one is wise two are happy. Dan. 32. Wisdom adorns riches and shadows poverty. Socrates. 33. Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile. Shaks. 34. Wisdom and honor are the avenues to a happy immortality. Plato. 35. Wisdom asks fruits but folly flowers. 36. Wisdom at proper times will forget, Horace. 37. Wisdom don't always speak in Greek and Latin. 38. Wisdom goes not always by years. 39. Wisdom in a poor man is a diamond set in lead. 40. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. Cingalese. 41. Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it. 42. Wisdom is humble that he knows no more, Knowledge is proud that he knows so much. Cowper. 43. Wisdom is more to be envied than riches. 44. Wisdom is better than gold or silver. Ger. 462 WISE. 45. Wisdom is neither inheritance nor legacy. 46. Wisdom is only in truth. 47. Wisdom is overshadowed by wine. Goethe. Pliny the Elder. 48. Wisdom is the conqueror of fortune. Juvenal. 49. Wisdom is the least burdensome travelling pack. 50. Wisdom is the mother of all arts. 51. Wisdom is the sunlight of the soul. Dan. Ger. Ger. 52. Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body. 53. Wisdom never lies. Rochefoucauld. Homer. 54. Wisdom prefers an unjust peace to a just war. 55. Wisdom provides things necessary not super- fluous. Solon. 56. Wisdom rides on the ruin of folly. 57. Wisdom sometimes walks in clouted shoes. 58. Wisdom was the daughter of Knowledge by Reflection; Wit was the son of Genius by Mirth. Maga. 59. Wisdom without knowledge is mere cozen- age. Ben Jonson. Wise. I. A single conversation across the table with a wise man is better than ten years' study of books. 2. Chinese. A wise man adapts himself to circumstances as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it. 3. A wise man, a strong man. Chinese. Ger. WISE. 463 4. A wise man gets learning from those who have none themselves. 5. A wise man hath more ballast than sail. 6. A wise man is a great wonder. 7. A wise man is never less alone than when he is alone. 8. A wise man is rich enough. Ger. 9. A wise man keeps on good terms with his wife, his conscience and his stomach. Io. A wise man knows his own. 11. A wise man may be kind without cost. 12. A wise man should have money in his head but not in his heart. Swift. 13. A wise man should never give his wife too much rein. Latin. 14. A wise man's loss is his secret. 15. A wise man turns chance into a good fortune. 16. A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. 17. A wise man will make tools of what comes to hand. 18. A wise man without work is a bee without honey. Ger. 19. A wise man would be a soldier in time of peace and a parson in time of war. 20. All countries are a wise man's home. Fielding. 21. Be wisely worldly, but not worldly wise. Francis Quarles. 22. Be wise to-day; 'tis madness to defer. Young. 23. Be wise with speed, A fool at forty is a fool indeed. Young. 464 WISE. 24. Better be mad with all the world than wise alone. 25. Better be wise than rich. 26. Do not revile wise men. 27. Every one is wise after the event. 28. Every one is wise for his own profit. 29. Gold vessels still as gold we prize, Fr. Sp. Hindoo. Ger., Sp. Por. Tamil. And wise men in adversity are wise. 30. He commands enough that obeyeth a wise man. 31. He is a wise man who speaks little. 32. He is not wise who is not wise for himself. 33. He is no wise man who will quit a certainty for an uncertainty. Dr. Johnson. 34. He is so wise that he goes upon the ice three days before it freezes. Dutch. 35. He is the wise man who is the honest man. 36. He is the wisest man who does not think him- self so. Fr. 37. He is wise that hath wit enough for his own affairs. 38. He is wise that is ware in time. 39. He is wise that when he is well can had him sae. + 40. He is wise that can mak' a freend o' a fae. 41. He is wise to no purpose who is not wise for himself. Latin. 42. He is wise who learns at another's cost. Ital. 43. He is wise who suits himself to the occasion. Latin. WISE. 465 44. He is wise who talks but little. Latin. 45. He's wise that leads passion by the bridle. 46. He must be a wise man himself who is capa- ble of distinguishing one. Diogenes. 47. He seemeth wise with whom all things thrive. 48. He would be wise who knew all things be- forehand. Dutch. 49. He's a wise man that wears poverty decently. 50. He's a wise man that leads passion by the bridle. 51. He's a wise man who when he's well off can keep so. 52. He's wise that knows when he's well enough. 53. He who conceits himself wise has an ass near at hand. Sp. 54. How prone to doubt, how cautious are the wise. Homer. 55. Is he wise who hopes to attain the end with- out the means? Tillotson. 56. It becomes no wise man to expose himself to danger on account of the faults or follies of others. Statilius. 57. It becomes a wise man to try negotiation be- fore arms. Terence. 58. It is better to be lucky than wise. 59. It is not always good to be wise. Ger. 60. More nice than wise. 61. Most things have two handles, and wise men take hold of the best. 62. No man so wise but may easily err, if he will take no other counsel but his own. Ben Jonson. 30 466 WISE. } 63. No man is the only wise man. 64. No man was ever wise by chance. 65. No man is born wise. Plautus. Seneca. 66. No one is so wise that he cannot become wiser. Ger. 67. No one is wise at all times. Pliny the Elder. 68. No one is wise enough to advise himself. Ger. 69. No one is wise in his own affairs. Dutch, 70. Some are wise, and some are otherwise. 71. The wise distrust the unknown. La Fontaine. 72. The wise does not say all that he thinks, but thinks all that he says. Ger. 73. The wise for cure on exercise depend. Dryden. 74. The wise is only once betrayed. Ger. Sp. 75. The wise man does not hang his knowledge on a hook. 76. The wise man does not trust his wife with a Ger. 77. The wise man has long ears and a short tongue. secret. Ger. 78. The wise man knows an ignorant one be- cause he has been ignorant himself, but the ignorant cannot recognize the wise because he has never been wise. Persian. 79. The wise man makes more opportunities than he finds. 80. The wise man strikes twice against one and the same stone. Russian. 81. The wise man should be prepared for every- thing that does not lie within his control. Pythagoras. WISE. 467 82. The wise should possess their lives in hope. Euripides. 83. The wise spare both time and words. Ger. 84. The wise take the middle way. Ger. 85. The wise weighs his words on the goldsmith's scales. Ger. 86. The wise with hope support the pains of life. 87. The wisest are not always wise. Euripides. Fr. Euripides. 88. The wisest man cannot turn a good action into ridicule. 89. There is no condition but sits well on a wise man. 90. There is no one so wise he does not slip sometimes. Ger. 91. 'Tis not knowing much, but what is useful that makes the wise man. 02. To the wise a word may suffice. 93. We cannot all be wise. 94. When a wise man errs, he errs with a ven- geance. 95. When wise men fall out then rogues come by what is not their own. Punch.. 96. When wise men play the fool they do it with a vengeance. 97. Who is wise is more than rich. Ital. Ger. 98. Whoever is not too wise is wise. Martial. 99. Wise men always practise moderation in pas- sion. 100. Wise men are caught in wiles. Euripides. 468 WISHING. J IOI. Wise men are instructed by reason, men of less understanding by reason, the most ignorant by necessity, and beasts by nature. Cicero. 102. Wise men care not for what they cannot have. 103. Wise men in the world are like timber trees in a hedge—here and there one. 104. Wise men, though all laws were abolished, would lead the same lives. une. Wishing. Aristophanes. 1. After the acting wishing is in vain. 2. Better do it than wish it done. 3. Better to have than to wish. Fr. 4. Good wishes do not always bring good fort- Bea. 5. If wishes were true, farmers (shepherds) would be kings. Fr. 6. I never fared worse than when I wished for my supper. 7. Like our shadows, Our wishes lengthen as our sun declines. 8. Mere wishes are silly fishes. Young. 9. One year of joy, another of comfort, and all the rest of content. (A marriage wish.) 10. Thy wish was father to the thought. Shaks. II. Thou art as like to obtain thy wish as the wolf is to eat the moon. 12. When the thing you wish cannot be had, ever wish for that which may. Terence. 13. Who has no money must have no wishes. Ital. 14. Wish not for that you cannot obtain. WIT. 469 15. Wishes at least are the easy pleasures of the poor. 16. Wishes never filled the bag. 17. Wishes were ever fools. 18. Wishes won't wash dishes. Douglas Jerrold. Fr. Shaks 19. Wishing of all employments is the worst. 20. With wishing comes grieving. Wit. Young. Ital. I. A dinner of wits is proverbially a palace of silence. Bea. 2. A wit's a feather and a child's a rod; An honest man is the noblest work of God. 3. After-wit is commonly dear bought. Pope. La Bruyère. 4. All the wit in the world is useless to him who has none. 5. An ounce of mother-wit is worth a pound of clergy. Scotch. 6. An ounce of mother-wit is worth a pound of school-wit. Ger. 7. An ounce of wit that's bought is worth a pound that's taught. 8. Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. 9. Big head little wit. Fr., Ger. 10. Bought wit is best but may cost too much. 11. Buffoonery and scurrility are the corruption of wit, as knavery is of wisdom. 12. Even wit's a burden when it talks too long. Dryden. 470 WIT. 13. Every ditch is full of after-wit. 14. Good wits jump. 15. Great wit to madness sure is near allied, A thin partition does their bounds divide. 16. Great wits meet. Ital. Dryden. Fr. 17. Half witted folk speak much and say little. 18. He has more wit in his head than Samson had in both shoulders. 19. He hath more wit in his little finger than there is in thy whole body. 20. He hath some wit but a great fool hath the guidance of it. 21. He is at his wit's end. 22. His clothes are worth pounds but his wit is dear at a groat. 23. His wit is as sharp as a wooden pestle. Tamil. 24. Intemperate wits will spare neither friend nor foe. L'Estrange. 25. Little wit in the head makes much work for the feet. 26. Love of wit makes no man rich. 27. Many that are wits in jest are fools in earnest. 28. Might and courage require wit in their suit. 29. Much laughter little wit. Dan. Por. 30. No fools so insufferable as those who affect to be wits. Giles' Proverbs. 31. No house is big enough for two wits to live in together. WIT. 471 32. Nothing more smooth than glass, yet nothing more brittle, Nothing more fine than wit, yet nothing more fickle. 33. Nuremburg wit and a skilful hand, Will find their way through every land. Ger. 34. Quick wits are generally conceited. 35. Shallow wits censure everything that is beyond their depth. 36. The less wit a man has the less he knows he wants it. 37. The life of a wit is a warfare on earth. Warton. 38. The wit one wants spoils what one has. Fr. 39. They who have most wit or money are most sparing of either. Pope. 40. 'Tis an unhappy wit that stirs up enemies against itself. 41. 'Tis wit to pick a lock and steal a horse, but 'tis wisdom to let it alone. 42. True wit is nature to advantage drest, What oft was thought but ne'er as well ex- pressed. Pope. 43. Use your wit as a buckler, not as a sword. 44. Want o' wit is war than want o' wealth. 45. Weak men had need be witty. 46. Where there is no wit within no wit will come out. 47. Wit and judgment often are at strife, Dan. Though meant each other's aid, like man and wife. Pope. 472 WIT. 48. Wit and wisdom are rarely seen together. Richardson. 49. Wit bought is better than wit sought. 50. Wit does not take the place of knowledge. 51. Wit ill applied is a dangerous weapon. 52. Wit in a poor man's head and moss on the mountain avail nothing. 53. Wit is folly unless a wise man hath the keep- ing of it. 54. Wit is the epidemical madness of the French. Rousseau. 55. Wit is the most rascally, contemptible, beg- garly thing on the face of the earth. Murphy. 56. Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food. 57. Wit may be bought too dear. 58. Wit may work what wishes want. 59. Wit once taught is worth twice bought. Hazlitt. 60. Wit that can creep and pride that licks the dust. Pope. 61. Wit which borders on profaneness deserves to be branded with folly. Tillotson. 62. Wit without discretion is a sword in the hand of a fool. 63. Wit without wisdom cuts other men's meat and its own fingers. 64. Witticisms spare no one. 65. You have not wit enough to drown ships in. 66. You were born when wit was scant. 67. Your wits are gone a wool-gathering. WITCH.-WITNESS.—WITNESSES.-Woe.—Wolf. Witch. 473 1. They that burn you for a witch will lose their coals. Witness. 1. False folk should have many witnesses. Scotch. 2. If it only depend on swearing, the cow is ours. 3. There is a witness everywhere. Fr. 4. You can leave your memory at home as com- pletely as a bribed witness. Witnesses. Ouida. 1. Witnesses like watches go just as they're set : too fast or slow. woe. Woe. Butler. 1. Alas! by some degree of woe, we every bliss must gain, The heart can ne'er a transport know, that Lord Lyttleton. never feels a pain. 2. By telling our woes we often assuage them. Fr. 3. He scorned his own who felt another's woe. Campbell. 4. No scene of mortal life but teems with mortal Scott. 5. Woe to him who is alone when he falleth. 6. Woe to the house where there is no chiding. 7.. Woes cluster, rare are solitary woes, They love a train, they tread each other's heels. Young. Wolf. 1. A wolf hankers after sheep even at his last gasp. Dutch. 474 WOLF. 2. A wolf is a wolf though it hath torn no sheep. 3. A wolf never eats a lamb by messenger. 4. A wolf without teeth is still a wolf. 5. All the sheep are not for the wolf. Ger. M. Greek. Ger. Ital. 6. An old wolf is not scared by loud cries. Dan. 7. An old wolf is used to be shouted at. Dutch. 8. Bad watch often feeds the wolf. 9. Better the wolf eat us than the fleas. 10. Even counted sheep are eaten by the wolf. Fr. Ger. Fr., Ital., Ger. 11. Gie ne'er the wolf the wedder to keep. 12. He hath enough to keep the wolf from the door. 13. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. 14. If the wolf had stayed in the wood there would have been no hue-and-cry after him. 15. Ill herds make fat wolves. Ger. 16. It is a small thing for which the wolf eats the sheep. 17. It must be a hard winter when one wolf de- vours another. Dan. 18. It needs but small provocation to make the wolf devour the lamb. Dan. 19. It never troubles the wolf how many the sheep be. 20. One must howl with the wolves. 21. One wolf does not kill another. 22. One would rather be bitten by by sheep. Virgil. Fr. Sp., Por. wolves than Dan. WOLF. 475 23. So you tell me there are wolves on the moun- tains and foxes in the valley. Sp. 24. Sooner will the wolf take a sheep for a wife. 25. Talk of the wolf and behold his skin. 26. Talk of the wolf and his tail appears. Latin. Por, Fr., Dutch. 27. The wolf and fox are both privateers. 28. The wolf and the fox are both in one story. Sp. 29. The wolf bemoans the sheep and then eats it. 30. The wolf calls the fox robber. Ital. Ger. 31. The wolf changes his hair but not his nature. 32. The wolf changes his coat but not his disposi- tion. 33. The wolf dances round the well. (Longing for the water he cannot reach.) Latin. 34. The wolf does not satisfy his hunger with wolf's flesh. Ger. 35. The wolf does not weep over the death of the dog. Ger. 36. The wolf does that in the course of the week, which hinders him from going to mass on Sunday. Sp. 37. The wolf eats of what is counted. 38. The wolf is always left out of the reckoning. Sp., Por. Ital. 39. The wolf is always said to be more terrible than he is. Ital. 476 WOLF. 40. The wolf loses his teeth but not his inclina- tion. Sp., Por. Ger. 41. The wolf must pay with his skin. 42. The wolf never wants a pretence against the lamb. 43. The wolf picks the ass's fleas by moonlight. Sp. 44. The wolf preys not in his own field. (Com- mits no mischief at home.) Sp., Dutch. Ger. 45. The wolf speaks no ill of himself. 46. The wolf's death is the life of the sheep. Ger. 47. The wolf will die in his skin. Fr. 48. There is never a cry of wolf, but the wolf is in the district. Ital. 49. Though the wolf loses his teeth he never loses his inclination. 50. Though you teach the wolf the pater noster he will say "lamb, lamb." 51. Twa wolves may worry ae sheep. Dan. 52. Very hard times in the wood when the wolves eat each other. Fr. 53. Were it a wolf it would spring at your throạt. (Said to a person hunting a thing that another sees near him.) 54. What the she-wolf brings forth pleases the he- wolf. Fr., Sp. 55. When one wolf eats another there is nothing to eat in the woods. Sp. 56. When the wolf grows old he becomes the sport even of the pups. M. Greek. 57. When the wolf grows old the crows ride him. WOMAN. 477 58. When the wolf's ears appear his body is not far off. Dan. 59. When you see the wolf do not look for his track. Ital. 60. Where the wolf gets one lamb he looks for another. Ital., Sp., Por. 61. Who does not wish to be like the wolf, let him not wear its skin. Ital. 62. Who hath a wolf for his mate needs a dog for his man. 63. Who himself is afraid of the wolf, cares not for the sheep. 64. Wolves are often under sheep's clothing. 65. Wolves do not eat wolves. Ger. Dan. Dan. Dan. 66. You must howl with the wolves when you are among them. 67. "Your words are fair," said the wolf, "but I will not come into the village." Woman. Ger. 1. A bag of fleas is easier to keep watch over Ger. than a woman. 2. A beautiful and chaste woman is the perfect workmanship of God, the true glory of angels, the rare miracle of earth, and sole wonder of the world. Hermes. 3. A beautiful hand is a beautiful thing in wo- Bea. man. 4. A beautiful woman if poor should use double circumspection; for her beauty will tempt others, her poverty herself. Colton. 478 WOMAN. 5. A beautiful woman is the hell of the soul, the purgatory of the purse and the paradise of the eyes. Fontenelle. 6. A beautiful woman smiling bespeaks a purse weeping. 7. A black woman hath turpentine in her. 8. A busy woman is a fearful nuisance. Ital. Ben Jonson. 9. A cat has nine lives and a woman has nine cats' lives. 10. A clock serves to point out the hours and a woman to make us forget them. II. A cunning woman is a knavish fool. Lord Lyttleton. 12. A dishonest woman cannot be kept in and an honest one will not. 13. A dog is wiser than a woman; he does not bark at his master. Russian. 14. A fair woman and a slashed gown find always some nail in the way. 15. A fair woman without virtue is like palled wine. 16. A faithful subject dies without fear, and a virtuous woman meets danger with delight. Chinese. 17. A foolish woman is clamorous. 18. A foolish woman is known by her finery. Bible. 19. A French woman talks a great deal more than she thinks, an English woman thinks a great deal more than she talks. 20. A glaring sunny morning, a woman that talks Latin, and a child reared on wine, never come to a good end. Fr. WOMAN. 479 21. A goose, a woman and a goat are bad things lean. Por 22. A graceful correction :-the proper study of mankind is woman. Punch Ger. 23. A handsome woman is always right. 24. A handsome woman is either silly or vain. Sp. 25. A high estate with woman takes place of all desert. Massinger. 26. A judicious woman that is diligent and re- ligious is the very soul of the house. Bishop Thorne 27. A man frequently admits he was in the wrong, a woman never, she was only mistaken. Punch. 28. A man of straw is worth a woman of gold. 29. A man pauses, hesitates and requests time to study a woman, whereas a woman will read you a dozen men at first sight. Punch. 30. A man's words are like an arrow, close to the mark; a woman's like a broken fan. Chinese. 31. A woman and a melon are hard to choose. Fr. 32. A mill, a clock and a woman always want mending. 33. A mule and a woman do what is expected of them. Sp. 34. A pretty woman is a welcome guest. Byron. 35. A proud woman brings distress on her family. Cingalese. 36. A prudent woman is in the same class of honor as a wise man. 37. Arthur could not tame a woman's tongue. C 480 WOMAN. 38. A sack full of fleas is easier to watch than a woman. 39. A shameless woman is the worst of men. Young. 40. A ship, a mill and a woman are always re- pairing. 41. A silent woman is always more admired than a noisy one. 42. A spaniel, a woman and a walnut tree, Latin. The more they be beaten, the better they be. 43. A thousand men may live together in har- mony, whereas two women are unable to do so though they be sisters. Tamil. 44. A truth telling woman has few friends. Dan. 45. A vicious woman is like a thorn in the foot, you cannot get rid of either without pain. Sanscrit. 46. A virtuous woman commands her husband by obeying him. Syrus. 47. A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband. Bible. 48. A virtuous woman though ugly is the orna- ment of the house. 49. A weeping man and a smiling woman are not to be trusted. Tamil. 50. A wicked woman and an evil, is three half- pence worse than the devil. 51. A wicked woman is a magazine of evils. Latin. 52. A woman and a cherry are painted for their own harm. Ger., Sp. 53. A woman and a glass are always in danger. WOMAN. 481 54. A woman and a greyhound must be small in the waist. Sp. 55. A woman and a hen are soon lost in gadding. Sp. 56. A woman can love a poor boy better than a rich dotard. Hebrew. 57. A woman can throw away more with a spoon than a man can bring in with a shovel. 58. A woman changes oft, Who trusts her is right soft. Francis I. (He afterwards had good cause to alter his opinion.) 59. A woman complains, a woman in woe, A woman is sick when she likes to be so. Ital. 60. A woman conceals what she knows not. 61. A woman's counsel is no great thing, but he who does not take it is a fool. Sp. 62. A woman either loves or hates, there is no third part. Syrus. 63. A woman finds it much easier to do ill than well. Plautus. Latin. 64. A woman for a general, and the soldiers will be women. 65. A woman forgives sin in her lover, but never meanness. 66. A woman has never spoiled anything through silence. Ger. 67. A woman has often committed herself by talk- ing, never by holding her tongue. Punch. 68. A woman hates a question but loves to ask one. Punch. 31 482 WOMAN. 69. A woman impudent and mannish grown, Is not more loathed than an effeminate man In time of action. Shaks. 70. A woman is always changeable and capri- cious. Virgil. 71. A woman is known by her walking and drink- ing. Sp. 72. A woman is naturally born to fears. Shaks. 73. A woman is to be from her house three times, when she is christened, married and buried. 74. A woman laughs when she can and weeps when she pleases. 75. A woman may be ever so old, if she take fire she will jump. Dan. 76. A woman never brings a man into the right way. Kanuri. 77. A woman never commands a man, unless he be a fool, but by her obedience. Turkish Spy. 78. A woman possessed of a decent and modest spirit marries but once. Chinese. 79. A woman's preaching is like a dog's walking on his hind legs: it is not done well but you are sur- prised to find it done at all. Johnson. 80. A woman seldom asks advice before she has bought her wedding clothes. 81. A woman seldom writes her mind but in her postscript. 82. A woman's first counsel is the best. Spectator. 83. A woman's greatest torment, dust; man's greatest plague, a woman continually brushing the same. Punch. WOMAN. 483 84. A woman's head is always influenced by her heart, but a man's heart is always influenced by his head. Lady Blessington. 85. A woman smells sweetly when she smells of nothing at all. Plautus. 86. A woman's mind and winter wind change oft. 87. A woman's strength is in her tongue. Welsh. 88. A woman's tear-drop melts, a man's half sears, To them 'tis a relief, to us a torture. Byron. 89. A woman's tears and a dog's limping are not real. Sp. 90. A woman's tears are a fountain of craft. Ital. 91. A woman's tongue is her sword and she does not let it rust. Fr. 92. A woman's tongue is only three inches long, but it can kill a man six feet high. Japanese. 93. A woman's tongue wags like a lamb's tail. 94. A woman strong in flounces is weak in the head. Ger. 95. A woman's vengeance knows no bounds. Ger. 96. A woman's work and washing of dishes is never at an end. 97. A woman that loves to be at the window is a bunch of grapes on the highway. 98. A woman that paints puts up a bill, to let. 99. A woman the more curious she is about her face is commonly the more careless about her house. Ben Jonson. 100. A woman when inflamed by love or hatred will dare everything. 484 WOMAN. 101. A woman when thinking by herself is always thinking of mischief. 102. A woman who accepts sells herself, a woman who gives surrenders. row. Fr. 103. A woman who has lost her rival has no sor- Woloffs (Africa). 104. A woman who has sacrificed her virtue soon resigns every other principle. Tacitus. 105. A woman who is never spoken of is praised the most. 106. A woman who looks much in the glass spins but little.. 107. A woman who walks the streets know whether they be paved or no. Fr. ought to Fielding. 108. A woman will forgive anything in a rival ex- cepting her being prettier than herself. Punch. 109. A woman wins an old man by listening to him, a young man by talking to him. Punch. 110. A woman without a husband, a house without a foundation. Ger. III. A woman without dower has no liberty to speak. Euripides. 112. A woman without religion, a flower without perfume. Ger. Ger. 113. A woman's first advice is the best. 114. A woman's hair is long but her sense short. Russian. 115. A woman's lot is made for her by the love she accepts. George Eliot. 116. A woman's mind is affected by the meanest gifts. Livy. WOMAN. 485 117. Abandon her who is careless of her own rep- utation. Tamil. 118. Adam must have an Eve to blame for all his faults. Ital. 119. All that a woman has to do in this world, is contained within the duties of a daughter, a sister, a wife, and a mother. 120. After all, woman's fort is her piano. Steele. Punch. 121. All women are good. Viz., good for something or good for nothing. Dan. 122. All women are good Lutherans: they would rather preach than hear mass. 123. An ill-tempered woman is the devil's door- nail. Dan. 124. An ugly woman dreads the mirror. Japanese. 125. As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout so is a fair woman which is without discretion. Bible. 126. As great a pity to see a woman cry as a goose go barefoot. 127. A woman's honor is her good name. Don Quixote. 128. A woman's wisdom is under her heels. Pashto. 129. Beat a woman with a hammer and you'll make gold. 130. Because, " is a woman's answer. Russian. 131. Better dwell with a dragon than with a wicked woman. 132. Between a woman's "yes " and "no" there is no room for the point of a needle. Sp. 486 WOMAN. 133. Beware of a bad woman and put not your trust in a good one. Sp., Por. 134. But what is woman? only one of nature's agreeable blunders. Mrs. Cowley. 135. But yet believe me, good as well as ill Woman's at last a contradiction still. Pope. 136. Civil carriage is the best sign of affection to a woman. 137. Disguise our bondage as we will, 'Tis woman, woman rules us still. 138. Divination seems heightened to power in woman. Tom Moore. its highest Alcott. Lowell. 139. Earth's noblest thing: a woman perfected. 140. Earth's twin-born rulers, fame and woman's love. Bulwer. 141. Everything in the world depends on women. Bea. 142. Every woman is in the wrong until she cries, and then she is in the right instantly. Punch. 143. Every woman loves the woman in the looking- glass. Ger. 144. Every woman who is a shrew in domestic life is now become a scold in politics. Addison. 145. Every woman would rather be handsome than good. 146. Fairest of creatures, last and best. Ger. 147. Fair, good, rich and wise is a woman four stories high. 148. For woman's soul when once plunged in, Knows no stopping place in sin. Fr. WOMAN. 487 149. Fortune and women are partial to fools. Ger. 150. From four things God preserve us: a painted woman, a conceited valet, salt beef without mus- tard and a little late dinner. Ital. 151. Hares are caught with hounds, fools with praise and women with gold. 152. He is a fool who thinks by force or skill To turn the current of a woman's will. Ger. 153. He who listens to the advice of a woman is a fool. Tamil. 154. He who listens to the words of a woman will be accounted worthless. 155. He who trusts a woman and leads an ass will never be free from plague. 156. I hate a dumpy woman. 157. I hate a learned woman. Fr. Byron. Euripides. 158. If a woman hold her tongue, it is only from the fear she cannot hold her own. Punch. 159. If a woman were as little as she is good, A peascod would make her a gown and a hood. 160. If the heart of a man is depressed with cares, The mist is dispell'd when a woman appears. Gay. 161. If you want to know a woman's true char- acter linger after the guests are gone and listen to what she has to say about them. Punch. 162. In arguments with men a woman ever, Goes by the worse whatever be her cause. Milton. 488 WOMAN. 163. In men every mortal sin is venial; in women every venial sin is mortal. Ital. 164. It is better to dwell in a corner of the house- top, than with a brawling woman in a wide house. Bible. 165. It is better to dwell in the wilderness than with a contentious and angry woman. Bible. 166. It is better to irritate a dog than an old woman. Ital. 167. It is easier to guard against a bushel of fleas than a woman. Ger. 168. It is vain to watch a really bad woman. 169. It is nothing at all, only a woman drowning. Ital. Fr. 170. It is the men that cause the women to dislike each other. Fr. 171. Kind words and few are a woman's orna- ment. Dan. 172. King Arthur did not violate the refuge of a woman. 173. Let women spin and not preach. 174. Man is fire and woman is tow and the devil comes and blows. Fr., Sp., Por. 175. Man may be the head of the family, but far better than that woman is the heart of it. Punch. 176. Man without woman is head without body; woman without man is body without head. Ger. 177. Man, woman, and the devil are the three de- grees of comparison. 178. Man to man so oft unjust, is always so to woman. Byron. WOMAN. 489 179. Many estates are spent in the getting Since women for tea forsook spinning and knitting, And men for their punch hewing and splitting. 180. Many things make the honor of a man, few that of a woman. (Economy, modesty and silence adorn a woman.) M. Greek, 181. Many women, many words. 182. Many words honor a man and few the M. Greek. woman. 183. Mean women have their faults as well as queens. Massinger. 184. Men are as old as they feel and women as they look. 185. Men as well as women born to be controlled, Stoop to the forward and the bold. Ital. 186. Men make wealth and women preserve it. Ital. 187. Men must work and women must weep. Kingsley. 188. Men never begrudge the money they spend on dinners, nor women on pastry. 189. Men respect and women love. 190. Men's vows are women's traitors. Punch. Shaks. Tom Moore. 191. My only books were woman's looks, And folly's all they taught me. 192. Never ask a woman her age: ask it of some other woman. Punch. 193. Never contradict a woman when she is abus- ing her husband. 194. No relying on wine, women, or fortune. Punch. 490 WOMAN. 195. No woman is a beauty to her femme-de-cham bre. Punch. 196. No woman is ugly if she is well dressed. Sp., Por. Sp. 197. No woman marries a man for God's sake. 198. No woman sleeps so soundly that the twang of a guitar will not bring her to the window. 199. Not she with traitorous kiss her Saviour stung, Not she denied him with unholy tongue, She, while apostles shrunk, could danger brave, Last at his cross, and earliest at his grave. E. S. Barrett. 200. Nothing causes women to lose the taste of visiting but the want of attire and ornament. Chinese. 201. Nothing is more unbearable than a woman with a full purse. Juvenal. 202. Nothing is so important to a young man en- tering life as to be well criticised by women. Bea. 203. Oh! woman, woman, when to ill thy mind Is bent, all hell contains no fouler fiend. 204. Old women's gold is not ugly. Homer. 205. One demands four things from a woman : that virtue dwell in her heart, modesty beam on her fore- head, sweetness flow from her lips, and industry oc- cupy her hands. Chinese. 206. One hair of a woman draws more than a bell rope. Ger 207. One hair of a woman draws more than a team of oxen. WOMAN. 491 208. One tongue is enough for a woman. 209. One tongue is enough for two women. 210. Out of nine women, one is sure to be affected with jealousy. Chinese. 211. Play, women and wine make a man laugh till he dies. 212. Play, women and wine undo a man laughing. 213. Praise a woman's taste, and you may attack her sense with impunity. 214. Priests and women never forget. Punch. Ger. Plautus. 215. Provided a woman be well principled she has dowry enough., 216. Put the light out and all women are alike. Ger. 217. Seek to be good, but aim not to be great, A woman's noblest station is retreat. Lyttleton (1731). 218. Summer sown corn and woman's advice, turn out well in every seven years. Ger. 219. Swine, women and bees cannot be turned. 220. Take a woman's first advice, not her second. Fr. 221. Talk to women as much as you can, 'tis the best school. Bea. 222. Tears are ordinarily the touchingest eloquence of women. Turkish Spy. 223. Tell a woman she's a beauty and the devil will tell her it ten times. Sp. 224. Tell a woman she is wondrous fair and she will soon turn fool. WOMAN. 492 225. Tell her she's handsome and you will turn her head. Sp., Por. Dan. 226. That bench is well adorned that is filled with virtuous women. 227. That man that hath a tongue, I say is no man, If with his tongue he cannot win a woman. Shaks. 228. The action of women on our destiny is in- creasing. Bea. 229. The best guidance for a woman's life is a union with the man she loves. Maga. 230. The cunning of the sex is equal to their ob- stinacy. (Female sex.) 231. The dog is faithful, women never. Turk. 232. The first counsels of women are the wisest and their last resolutions the most dangerous. Chinese. 233. The first talent of a woman is to be able to Maga. converse. 234. The fortitude that becomes a woman would be cowardice in a man, and the modesty which be- comes a man would be pertness in a woman. Tacitus. 235. The laughter, the tears and the song of a woman are equally deceptive. 236. The looking-glass is the woman's best coun- sellor. Ger. 237. The love of woman buries her wrongs without a tear. Maga. 238. The man's a fool who thinks by force or skill, To stem the torrent of a woman's will; For if she will, she will, you may depend on it, And if she won't she won't, and there's an end on it. WOMAN. 493 239. The man that lays his hand upon a woman save in the way of kindness, is a wretch whom 'twere gross flattery to name a coward. 240. The more a woman admirés her face, the more she ruins her house. Sp. 241. The more women look in their glasses the less they look to their houses. Macaulay. 242. The most beautiful object in the world is a beautiful woman. 243. The ornament of a woman is her modesty Cingalese. 244. The power of a Brahmin is in his knowledge, of a woman in her beauty, of a soldier in his cour- age. Cingalese. 245. The reputation of chastity to a woman, is not so necessary as veracity to a man. 246. The smiles of a pretty woman are the tears of the purse. Ital. 247. The thoughts of women are after thoughts. 248. The tongue of women is their sword and they take care not to let it rust. Chinese. 249. The way of women: when you will they won't, and when you won't they're dying to. 250. The well-dressed woman draws her husband from another woman's door. Sp. 251. The whisper of a beautiful woman can be heard further than the loudest call of duty. 252. The woman in finery, the house in filth, but the door-way swept. Sp. 253. The woman that deliberates is lost. Addison. 494 WOMAN. 254. The woman who gives is seldom good; the woman who accepts is in the power of the just. Ital. 255. The world is the book of women. Fr. 256. The world was sad, the garden was a wild, And man the hermit sighed, 'til woman Campbell. 257. There are only two good women in the world: the one is dead, the other not to be found. Ger. 258. There is little use in watching a bad woman. smiled. Sp. 259. There is no mischief done, but a woman is one. 260. There is no torture a woman would not endure to enhance her beauty. Montaigne. 261. There is not a woman without some duty. Cicero. 262. There is nothing on earth to be compared with a virtuous and lovely woman. Arabian. 263. There is only one way in which a woman can be handsome but a hundred thousand ways in which she can be pretty. Maga. 264. There is scarcely a lawsuit unless a woman is the cause of it. Juvenal. 265. There is scarcely a man who does not inveigh against the scandal of women, but they all of them listen to it. 266. There is no mischief in the world done, But a woman is always one. Punch. 267. There never was a looking-glass that told a woman she was ugly. 268. There never yet was fair woman, But she made mouths in the glass. Fr. Shaks. WOMAN. 495 269. They say that women and music should not be dated. Goldsmith. 270. They talk about a woman's sphere as though it had a limit, There's not a place in earth or heaven, There's not a task to mankind given, There's not a blessing or a woe, There's not a whisper yes or no, There's not a life or birth, That has a feather's weight of worth, Without a woman in it. 271. Three things women highly hold in hate, Falsehood, cowardice and poor descent. Shaks. 272. Time, wind, women and fortune are ever changing. Ger. 273. 'Tis as natural for women to pride themselves in fine clothes as 'tis for a peacock to spread his tail. 274. 'Tis beauty that doth oft make women proud, 'Tis virtue that doth make them most ad mired, 'Tis modesty that makes them seem divine. Shaks. 275. To a foolish woman, a violin is more pleasing than a distaff. Ital. Bulwer. 276. To a gentleman every woman is a lady in right of her sex. 277. To be slow in words is a woman's only virtue. Shaks. 278. Trust not a woman even when dead. (She may feign death.) 496 WOMAN. 279. Trust not a woman when she weepeth, for it is her nature to weep, when she wanteth her will. Socrates. 280. "Twas surely the devil that taught women to dance and asses to bray. 281. Two cats and one mouse, two women and one house, *Two dogs and one bone, will not agree long. Ger. Ger. 282. Two things govern the world: women and gold. 283. Two women can be reconciled who have quarrelled unless they have called each other ugly. Horace Walpole. 284. Two women placed together make cold weather. Shaks. 285. Ugliness is the guardian of women. Hebrew. 286. Ugly women finely dressed are the uglier for it. 287. Upon a woman one must wait an hour. 288. Virtue is the most beautiful ornament of woman. Ger. 289. Want of sympathy in a woman is almost as bad as want of beauty. 290. Watching a woman is labor in vain. Ger. 291. We never know what a woman doesn't mean until she has spoken. 292. We should make it a rule to give up to women and they are sure to give up to us. Bea. 293. Wealth, wind, women and fortune change like the moon. Fr. WOMAN. 497 294. What a woman wills, God wills. Fr., Sp. 295. What manly eloquence could produce such effect as woman's silence. Michelet. 296. What's a table richly spread, without a woman at its head? J. Wharton. 297. When a handsome woman laughs you may be sure her purse weeps. 298. When a woman has no answer, the sea is empty of water. Ger. 299. When a woman has nothing to do, she talks scandal. Punch. 300. When a woman is openly bad she is good. (She then is at her best.) Syrus. 301. When a woman thinks by herself, she's think- ing of mischief. Latin. 302. When a woman vows she never flirts, she is flirting. Punch. 303. When an ass climbs a ladder, we may find wisdom in woman. 304. When pain and anguish rive the brow, A ministering angel thou. Scott. 305. When there are two women in one house there is one too many. 306. When woman reigns the devil governs. Ger. Ital. 307. Where a woman deposits her heart, she should deposit her fortune. Fielding. 308. Where a woman rules the house, the devil is serving-man. Ger. 309. Where there are women and geese, there wants no noise. 32 498 WOMAN. 310. Whether sunned in the tropics, or chilled at the pole, If a woman be there, there is happiness too. 311. Who is it can read a woman? Moore. Shaks. 312. Who places his confidence in a woman is a fool. 313. Who takes an eel by the tail, and at her word, may say he holds nothing. Polish. a woman Ital. 314. Who is the man that was never fooled by woman? Ger. 315. Wine and women bring misery. 316. Wine and women make fools of everybody. Martial. Ger. 317. Woman as a mother makes the house and mars it. 318. Woman, fairest of creation, last and best. Turk. Milton. 319. Woman impromptu, man on reflection. Ital. 320. Woman is an evil, but a necessary evil. Latin. 321. Woman is an idol man worships until he throws it down. 322. Woman's at best a contradiction still. Pope. 323. Woman is the handsomest in animal creation. 324. Woman is the lesser man. Hebrew. Tennyson. 325. Woman like good wine is a sweet poison. Turk. 326. Woman, take her all in all, is extravagant by Greek. nature. 327. Woman's beauty, the forest echo, and rain- bow soon pass away. Ger. WOMAN. 499 328. Woman's grief is like a summer storm, short as it is violent. Joanna Baillie. 329. Woman's honor is nice as ermine: 'twill not bear a soil. Dryden. 330. Woman's happiness is in obeying. Michelet. 331. Woman's love is dangerous, their hate is fatal. 332. Woman's mission: to stop at the fireside whilst man goes to collect material to make the pot boil. Punch. 333. Women always speak the truth but not the whole truth. Ital. 334. Women always poke the fire from the top. 335. Women and dogs set men together by the ears. 336. Women and fools are always in extreme. Pope. 337. Women and glass are always in danger. Por. 338. Women and hens are lost by too much gadding. Ital. 339. Women and maidens must be praised whether truly or falsely. Ger. 340. Women and wine, game and deceit, Make the wealth small and the want great. Franklin. Ital. 341. Women and wine intoxicate the young and old. 342. Women are as fickle as April weather. Ger. 343. Women are in extremes, they are better or worse than men. La Bruyère. Ger. 344. Women are never at a loss for words. 345. Women are passive agents and when love prompts them can outsuffer martyrs. Massinger. 500 WOMAN. 346. Women are sooner angry than men. Hermes. 347. Women are supernumerary when present and missed when absent. Por. 348. Women are the refiners of the merits of men. Chesterfield. 349. Women are watches that keep bad time. Ger. 350. Women are wise impromptu, fools on reflec- tion. Ital. 351. Women, asses, and nuts require strong hands. Ital. 352. Women can do everything because they rule those who command everything. Fr. 353. Women cannot be completely severed unless they hate. Rochefoucauld. 354. Women confess little faults that their candor may cover great ones. 355. Women commend a modest man but like him not. 356. Women conceal all they know not. Punch. 357. Women fear too much even as they love. Shaks. Ger. Turk. 358. Women, fortune and gold favor fools. 359. Women have long hair and short wit. 360. Women in mischief are wiser than men. 361. Women know a point more than the devil. Ital. 362. Women know the better they obey the surer they are to rule. Michelet. 363. Women laugh when they can and weep when they will. Fr. WONDER. 501 364. Women like princes find few real friends. Lyttleton. 365. Women, money and wine have their value and their harm. Fr. 366. Women must have their wills while they live because they make none when they die. 367. Women rouge that they may not blush. Ital. 368. Women tell the truth indeed but only half of it. 369. Women think plaice a sweet fish. Ger. 370. Women weep for their friends, men remember them. Tacitus. 371. Women who have been happy in a first marriage are the most apt to venture on a second. Addison. 372. Women, wind and fortune soon change. 373. Women's counsels are ever cruel. Sp., Por. Icelandic. Ital. 374. Women's jars breed men's wars. 375. Women's tears are a fountain of craft. 376. You may know a foolish woman by her finery. Turk. 377. You should believe one word in forty that a woman speaks. 378. You should lecture neither child nor woman. Wonder. Turk. 1. A wonder lasts but nine days and then the puppies' eyes are opened. 2. No wonder lasts more than three days. Ital. 3. Wonder is the daughter of ignorance. 502 WONDERS.-WOOD.-WOODEN LEG.-WOODS 4. Wonder is the first cause of philosophy. Aristotle. 5. Wonder lasts but nine nights in a town. Wonders. 1. Wonders will never cease. Wood. 1. He that picks up all sorts of wood soon gets an armful. 2. Wood half burned is easily kindled. Wooden Leg. 1. A wooden leg is better than no leg. Woods. 1. Woods have ears and fields have eyes. Wooing. Ger. Ger., Dutch. 1. A man may obtain easily a fatherless maid. Gaelic. 2. A rich man's wooing is seldom long of doing. Scotch. 3. All wooers are rich and captives poor. Ger. 4. Happy's the wooing that's not long in doing. 5. Men are April when they woo, December when they wed. Shaks. 6. Never mind him, let him be, By-and-by he'll follow thee. 7. Not what is she but what hath she. 8. The last suitor wins the maid. 9. The wooing was a day after the wedding. 10. 'Tis best to woo where you can see the smoke. Dutch. WOOL.-Word. 503 II. To woo is a pleasure in young men, a fault in old. 12. Who the daughter would win, With mamma must begin. Wool. Ger. 1. Many go out for wool that come back shorn. 2. Much cry and little wool. Ger. 3. Much cry and little wool as the devil said when he sheared his hogs. Word. 1. A blemish may be taken out of a diamond by careful polishing, but if your words have the least blemish there is no way to efface it. 2. A common word is always correct. Chinese, 3. A deluge of words and a drop of sense. 4. A good word always finds its man. Polish. Ger 5. A good word extinguishes more than a pail full of water. Sp. 6. A good word for a bad one is worth much and costs little. Ital. 7. A good word is as soon said as a bad one. 8. A good word stills great anger. Ger. 9. A kind word leads the cow into the stabie. 10. A spoken word is silver, an unspoken one Ger. gold 11. A spoken word will not be called back. Ger. 12. A word and a stone let go cannot be called back. 13. A word before is worth two after. 504 WORD. 14. A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. 15. A word hurts more than a wound. Bible. 16. A word in earnest is as good as a speech. Dickens. 17. A word isn't a bird, if it flies out you'll never catch it again. Russian. 18. A word is sufficient between man and man. Hans Andersen. Fr. 19. A word is worth a dollar, silence two. Ger. 20. A word once out flies anywhere. 21. A word once sent abroad flies irrevocably. Horace. 22. A word spoken in season, at the right moment, is the mother of ages. 23. A word spoken is an arrow let fly. 24. A word to the wise is sufficient. Carlyle. Latin. 25. A word unreasonably spoken may mar the course of a whole life. Greek. 26. A word uttered may bring wealth as well as tuin. Tamil. 27. Ae ill word meets anither an it were at the brig of London. 28. All food is good to eat but all words are not fit to speak. 29. An acute word cuts deeper than a sharp weapon. 30. An unkind word falls easily from the tongue but a coach with six horses cannot bring it back. Chinese. WORD. 505 31. Bad words find bad acceptance. 32. Bad words make a woman worse. 33. Bare words buy no barley. 34. Better a good word than a battle. 35. Better break your word than do worse in keeping it. 36. Better one living word than a hundred dead ones. Dutch. 37. Better one word in time than two after. 38. Big words seldom go with good deeds. Dan. 39. Changes o' words are lightening o' hearts. 40. Cool words scald not the tongue. 41. David did not slay Goliah with words. Icelandic. 42. Deliver not your words by number but by weight. 43. Evil words corrupt good manners. Dutch. 44. Fair words and foul play cheat both young and old. + 45. Fair words break no bones, but foul words many a one. 46. Fair words, but look to your purse. 47. Fair words butter no parsnips. 48. Fair words don't fill the pockets. Ital. 49. Fair words fill not the belly nor mind always. 50. Fair words make me look at my purse. Dan. 51. Fair words please the fool and sometimes the wise. 52. Fair words will never pluck out the tongue. 53. Fair words won't feed a cat. Fr. Ita!. 506 WORD. 54. Fair words won't fill the sack. Dutch, Dan. 55. Faithful are the words of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. 56. Few words are best. 57. Few words darken speech and so do too many. 58. Few words, many deeds. 59. Few words sufficeth to a wise man. Ben Jonson. 60. Fine words will not keep a cat from starv- ing. Dutch. 61. Fine words without deeds go not far. Dan. 62. Foolish ears need sharp words. 63. For mad words deaf ears. 64. Good words and bad deeds deceive both wise and simple. Sp., Por. 65. Good words and no deeds are rushes and reeds. 66. Good words are better than bad strokes. 67. Good words cool more than cold water. 68. Good words cost no more than bad. Shaks. 69. Good words cost nothing but are worth much. 70. Good words fill not a sack. 71. Half a word to the wise is enough. Dutch 72. He keeps his word as the sun keeps butter. Dutch 73. Ill words are bellows to a slackening fire. 74. Immodest words admit of no defence, For want of decency is want of sense. Roscommon. WORD. 507 75. It is bitter fare to eat one's own words. 76. It takes many words to fill a sack. 77. Kind words don't wear out the tongue. 78. Kind words heal friendship's wounds. Dan. Dan. Dan. Dan. 79. Let no word escape you unsuitable to the oc- casion. 80. Let thy words be few. 81. Many words, an unsound heart. Pericles. Bible. Turk. 82. Many words hurt more than swords. 83. Many words, little work. Ger. 84. More is done with words than with hands. Ger 85. No word is ill spoken that is not ill taken. Por. 86. Of big words and feathers many go to the pound. Ger. 87. One good word quenches more heat than a bucket of water. Ital. 88. One honest word is better than two oaths. Turk. 89. One ill word asketh another. 90. One word before is better than ten afterwards. Dan. 91. One word brings on another. Ital. 92. Pleasant words are valued and do not cost much. Ital. 93. Smooth words do not flay the tongue. 94. Smooth words make smooth ways. Ital. 95. Soft words break no bones. 96. Soft words don't scratch the tongue. 97. Soft words hurt not the mouth. Fr. 508 WORD. 98. Soft words warm friends, bitter words lasting enemies. 99. Sometimes words hurt worse than swords. 100. Sugared words generally prove bitter. Sp. IOI. Sweet words butter no parsnips. 102. Take a horse by his bridle and a man by his word. Dutch. 103. Take a man by his word and a cow by her horns. 104. The spoken word cannot be swallowed. Fr.. Russian. 105. The word goes from the lips and passes to thousands. M. Greek. 106. The word impossible, is not in my dictionary. Napoleon. 107. The word that has escaped thee is thy master, that which you retain thy slave. Fr. 108. The words of the good are like a staff in a slippery place. Hindoo. 109. To rude words deaf ears. Fr. 110. Twix't the word and the deed there's a long step. Fr. III. Under fair words beware of fraud. Por. 112. Use soft words and hard arguments. 113. We should be as careful of our words as of our actions. Cicero. 114. What harm is there in a good word, it costs nothing? Ger. 115. What you keep by you you may change and mend, But words once spoken can never be recalled. Roscommon. Word. 509 116. When the word is out it belongs to another. 117. When the words are said the holy water's made. Fr. 118. When you give others ill words you rail at yourself. 119. Wise words and great seldom agree. 120. With words to combat ill befits the brave. Cibber. Ital. Homer. 121. Words and feathers are tossed by the wind. 122. Words are but empty thanks. 123. Words are but sands, 'tis money buys lands. 124. Words are female, deeds are male. 125. Words are good when works follow. Ger. 126. Words are men's daughters, but God's sons are things. Johnson. 127. Words are like leaves and where they most abound, Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found. 128. Words are the voice of the heart. Pope. Confucius. 129. Words are the wings of action. Lavater. 130. Words are women, deeds are men. Herbert. 131. Words don't fill the belly. Por. 132. Words fine and bold, are goods half sold. Ger. 133. Words of snow which fell last year. Ger. 134. Words often do more than blows. Ger. 135. Words once spoken cannot be wiped out with a sponge. Dan. 136. Words show the wit of a man, but actions his meaning. 510 WORK. 137. Words spoken in the evening the wind carri eth away. (In the heat of conviviality men talk care- lessly.) 138. Words will not do for my aunt for she does not put faith even in deeds. Sp. 139. Words without thoughts never to heaven go. Shaks. Ital. 140. Words won't feed cats. 141. You may gain by fair words, what may fail you by angry ones. Dan. Work. 1. A work ill done must be twice done. 2. A work well begun is half ended. Plato. 3. All work and no play makės Jack a dull boy. 4. All work, even cotton spinning, is noble— work alone is noble. 5. Better direct well than work hard. 6. Better sit idle than work for naught. 7. By the work we know the workman. Carlyle. La Fontaine. 8. By work you get money, by talk you get knowledge. Haliburton. 9. By working in a smithy one becomes a smith. 10. Church work goes on slowly. Fr. II. Do the head work before the hand work. 12. Fire and love do not say, "Go to your work.” 13. Good material is half the work. Sp. Ger. WORK. 511 14. Good works will never save you, but you can- not be saved without them. 15. Great gain makes work easy. 16. He was born on a Sunday: he likes work ready done. 17. He who would rest must work. Fr. Ital. 18. In truth they must not eat, who will not work in heat. 19. It's all in the day's work. 20. It is not the long day but the heart that does the work. 21. Man's work is from sun to sun, Woman's work is never done. Ital. 22. Men work but slowly that have poor wages. 23. Mighty work must be done with few words. Dan. 24. Most hands despatch apace and make light work. 25. Never was good work done without much trouble. 26. Slow work produces fine goods. 27. Sour work-sweet sleep. Chinese. Ger. 28. The result tests the work. George Washington. 29. The time is never lost that is devoted to work. Emerson. 30. Thy hand is never the worse for doing thy own work. 31. 'Tis not prating but working that brings in the harvest. 32. To work for a dead horse or goose. 512 WORKMAN. 33. To work for the bishop. (Prayers but no pay.) Sp. 34. We cannot all be noblemen, there must be some to do the work. Hans Andersen. 35. When every one minds his own business the work is done. Dan. 36. When he should work every finger is a thumb. 37. Where there are too many there is little work. 38. Work done expects money. 39. Work first and then rest. Ger. Por. Ruskin. 40. Work makes riches, and the weaver's tool builds the store-house. Ger. 41. Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit. Ger. 42. Work makes the workman. 43. Work produces virtue, and virtue honor. Ger. Workman. 1. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 2. A skilful mechanic is a good pilgrim. Sp. 3. A workman is known by his chips. 4. At the working man's house hunger looks in but does not enter. Franklin. 5. Diligent work makes a skilful workman. 6. Handle your tools without mittens: remem- ber the cat in gloves catches no mice. Franklin. 7. He is a bad workman who cannot talk of work. Ger. 8. He never wrought a good day's work who went grumbling about it. 9. He who has money to throw away let him employ workmen and not stand by. Ital World. 513 10. It is working that makes a workman. 11. Many workmen, little work. Ger. 12. Never pay your workmen beforehand. Maga. 13. Not to oversee workmen is to leave them your house open. 14. Not to oversee workmen is to leave them your purse open. 15. The work praises the workman. 16. The workman is known by his work. Ger. Fr., Ital., Dutch. 17. The workman is worthy of his hire. Dutch. 18. They may know the workınan by his work. Ital. 19. Workmen are easier found than masters. (More hands than heads.) 20. Would you a perfect workman find, Ger. To an embroidery needle an iron pestle grind. World. Chinese. I. A due consideration of the vanities of the world will naturally bring us to a contempt of it. L'Estrange. 2. A falling world might crush but it could not intimidate me. Petrarch. 3. All the world is not mere conduct and stratagem. 4. All the world will beat the man whom fortune buffets. 5. He is the world's master who despises it, its slave who prizes it. Ital. 33 514 WORLD. 6. He that will consider the world must own he has never seen a better. Dutch. 7. If all the world were ugly, deformity would be no monster. 8. If all were wise the world would come to an end. Ger. 9. If the whole world does not enter one-half of it will. 10. In this world men must be saved by their want of faith. Lord Halifax. II. In this world nine-tenths of all success de- pends upon the time. 12. In this world, the fondest and the best Are the most troubled and distressed. Crabbe. 13. In wiving and thriving men should take coun- sel of all the world. 14. Let the great book of the world be your prin- cipal study. Chesterfield. 15. Of this world each man has as much as he takes. Ital. 16. One-half the world does not know how the other half lives. 17. One-half the world laughs at the other half. Fr., Ger. 18. Take the world as it is, not as it ought to be. Ger. 19. The gown is hers who wears it, and the world is his who enjoys it. 20. The world has people of all sorts. 21. The world is a bride superbly dressed, Locke. Who weds for dowry must pay his soul. Hafiz. WORLD. 515 22. The world is a great book of which they that never stir from home read only a page. St. Augustine. 23. The world is a ladder for some to go up and others to go down. 24. The world is a lottery wherein one must ex- pect to meet with many unlucky chances. Turkish Spy. 25. The world is a net; the more we stir in it the more we are entangled. 26. The world is a wheel. M. Greek. 27. The world is as free for a fly as for an eagle. Ben Jonson. 28. The world is governed with little brains. Ital. 29. The world is like a staircase, some go up and others go down. Ital. 30. The world is so much knave that it holds honesty to be a vice and folly. 31. The world likes to be cheated. Dutch. 32. The world likes to have night owls that it may have matter for wonder. it. Ger. 33. The world owes me a living providing I earn 34. The world wags on with three things: doing, undoing and pretending. Ital. 35. The world was never so dull as if one wont another will. 36. The world would perish were all men learned. 37. The world's a stage, each plays his part and takes his share. Dutch. 516 WORMWOOD.-WORN OUT.-WORSHIP. 38. There needs a long apprenticeship to under- stand the mystery of the world's trade. 39. There needs a long time to know the world's pulse. 40. This world is nothing except it tend to another. 41. 'Tis a wicked world and we make part of it. 42. When the world is inclined to favor, it over- rates as much as it will underrate when it disfavors. Richardson. Wormwood. 1. There is no wormwood that comes into flower that does not wither. (Spoken of the life of man.) Worn Out. Kaffir. 1. Something better always makes its appear- ance when old and worn out things fail. Worship. Hans Andersen. 1. They who worship God merely for fear Would worship the devil should he appear. Worst. 1. It is best to know the worst at once. Plautus. 2. Provide for the worst, the best will save itself. 3. The corruption of the best produces the Latin. worst. 4. The worst is always the present. La Fontaine. 5. When things are at the worst they sometimes mend. Byron. 6. When things come to the worst they'll mend. 7. Who is it can say, "I am at the worst." Shaks. WORTH.-WOUND. 517 Worth. 1. The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it. 2. The worth of a thing is what it will bring. Por. 3. The worth of good is not known but by ex- perience. Turk. 4. Worth makes the man and want of it the fellow. Wound. 1. A green wound is soon healed. Pope. Ital. 2. A wound foreseen pains the less. 3. A wound is not cured by the unbending of the bow. 4. A wound never heals so well that the scar cannot be seen. Dan. 5. After the battle humanity should close the wounds that valor has inflicted. Petrarch. it. 6. He that would heal a wound must not handle Ital. 7. If you cannot heal the wound do not tear it open. 8. Old wounds easily bleed. 9. Reopen not a wound once healed. Dan. Ger. Latin. 10. Search not a wound too deep lest thou make a new one. 11. Small wounds if many may be mortal. 12. That wound that was never given is the best cured of any other. 13. The knife's wound heals, the tongue's never. Turk. 518 WRANGLERS.-WRANGLING.-Wren. 14. The private wound is deepest. Shaks. 15. The wound that bleedeth inwardly is most dangerous. 16. The wounds of athletes do not smart. Ger. 17. 'Tis not so deep as a well nor so wide as a church door; but 'tis enough, 'twill serve. (Mercu tio speaking of his wound.) Shaks. 18. Unbending the bow does not heal the wound. Fr., Ital. 19. What wound ever healed but by degrees. Shaks. Dan. 20. When the wound is healed the pain is for- gotten. 21. Who fears wounds must not go to war. Ger. 22. Wounds from the knife are healed but not those of the tongue. 23. Wounds may heal but not those made by ill words. 24. Wounds pain most when grown cold. Wranglers. 1. Wranglers are never in the wrong. Sp. Sp. Sp. 2. Wranglers never want words though they may matter. Wrangling. 1. They wrangle about an egg and let the hens fly away. Wren. Ger. 1. The poor wren, the most diminutive of birds, will fight, her young ones in the nest, against the owl. Shaks WRESTLING.-WRINKLE.-WRITING. 519 2. Wrens may prey where eagles dare not perch. Wrestling. I. He that is thrown will still wrestle. Fr. 2. He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill: our antagonist is our helper. Burke. 3. If you wrestle with a collier, you will get a blotch. Wrinkle. 1. An old wrinkle never wears out. 2. And wrinkles the d-d democrats won't flatter. Byron. 3. Wrinkles disfigure a woman less than ill Dupuy. nature. Writing. 1. He that intends to write what is worthy to be read more than once should blot frequently. Horace. 2. If you would write naturally, vigorously, deli- cately, you must express the truth. La Bruyère. 3. Of all those arts in which the wise excel Nature's chief masterpiece is writing well. Buckingham. 4. Sound judgment is the ground of writing well. Roscommon. 5. True ease in writing comes from art, not chance. Pope. 6. Write with the learned but speak with the vulgar. 7. Writing is the language of the hand. Hebrew. 520 WRONG.-WRONGS.-XERXES.-YEAR. 8. You write with ease to show your breeding. But easy writing's curst hard reading. Moore's Life of Sheridan. Wrong. 1. He who does the wrong forgets it, but not he who receives it. 2. No wrong without a remedy. Ital. 3. One wrong step may give you a great fall. 4. One wrong submitted to, another follows. Por. 5. Since I wronged you I have never liked you. Sp. 6. The submitting to one wrong brings on another. 7. The wrong doer never lacks a pretext. Sp. Ital., Sp. 8. They hurt themselves that wrong others. 9. 'Tis better to suffer wrong than do it. 10. Wrong has nae warrant. Wrongs. 1. On adamant our wrongs we all engrave, But write our benefits upon the wave. 2. Two wrongs do not make a right. King. X. Xerxes. 1. Xerxes did die and so must I. New England Primer. Y. Year. 1. A snow year a rich year. 2. All the same a hundred years hence. YOEMAN.-YIELDING.-YORKSHIRE.-YOUTH. 3. Each passing year robs us of something. 521 Latin. 4. Every past year is the best. M. Greek. 5. Everything is of every year. 6. One year borrows another year's food, Ital. Chinese. Fr. 7. The ill year comes in swimming. 8. The year has a wide mouth and a big belly. Dan. 9. Years and sins are always more than owned. Ital 10. Years are the mile-stones that tell us the distance we have travelled, but it is rarely women count them. Yoeman. Punch. 1. A yoeman on his legs is higher than a prince upon his knees. Yielding. 1. Yielding is sometimes the best way of suc- ceeding. 2. Yielding stays war. Yorkshire. Ital. Ger. 1. Shake a bridle over a Yorkshireman's grave and he'll rise and steal a horse. Youth. 1. A growing youth has a wolf in his belly. 2. A young man seldom makes much money who is out of his time before twenty. 3. A youth in which a single aim governs life early arrives at the harvest. 522 YOUTH. 4. All of us must be drunk once, youth is drunk- enness without wine. Goethe. 5. Almost everything that is great has been done by youth. Bea. 6. He is young enough who has health, and he is rich enough who has no debts. Dan. 7. The young are not always with their bow bent. 8. The young will sow their wild oats, but pre- vent it if possible. 9. The youth of a nation are the trustees of posterity. Bea. 10. There are more lamb skins than sheep skins. (Meaning that youth is exposed to many dangers.) M. Greek. 11. There come just so many calf-skins to market as cow skins. (Meaning youth is surrounded by dan- gers.) Ger., Dutch. 12. There die as many lambs as wethers. (Same meaning as last above.) Por. 13. There is a learning time in youth which, suf- fered to escape and no foundation laid, seldom re- Clarissa. turns. 14. To be famous when you are young is the for- tune of the gods. 15. We shall never be younger. Bea. 16. Youth and white paper take any impression. 17. Youth comes but once in a lifetime. Longfellow. 18. Youth is life's seed time. 19. Youth is the season of hope. Holmes. YOUTH (AGE).—Zeal. 523 20 Youth is gay and holds no society with grief. Aristotle. 21. Youth is the seed time of life: an unseeded youth, a needy age. 22. Youth may stray yet return at last. 23. Youth ne'er casts for peril. Fr. 24. Youth should be a saving's bank. 25. Youth will have its swing. Madame Swetchine. 26. Youth's sorrows like April showers are tran- sitory. Youth (Age). 1. A prudent youth is superior to a stupid old Tamil. man. 2. An old man's shadow is better than a young man's sword. 3. Youth looks forward and age backward. Z. Zeal. 1. Blind zeal only does harm. Ger. 2. There is no zeal so intemperate and cruel as that which is backed by ignorance. Stilson Hutchins. 3. Too much zeal is a bad soldier who fires be- fore the word of command. 4. Too much zeal spoils all. Punch. Fr. 5. We do that in our zeal our calmer moments would be afraid to answer. 6. Zeal is a bad servant. Scott. Talleyrand. 7. Zeal is fit only for wise men but is found mostly in fools. 524 ZEAL. 8. Zeal without knowledge is fire without light. 9. Zeal without knowledge is like expedition to a man in the dark. John Newton. 10. Zeal without knowledge is frenzy. 11. Zeal without knowledge is the sister of folly. INDEX. A. ABILITIES-vol. 1, p I. ABRIDGE-See Better, No. 18. ABSENCE-vol. 1, p 1. See Death, No. 104. ABSENT See Drunkard, No. 6. ABSENT-MINDED-vol. I, p 2. ABSTINENCE—vol. 1, p 2. See Health, No. 8. ABSURD―vol. I, p 2. ABUNDANCE—vol. I, p 4. ABUSE-vol. I, p 4. See Applause, No. 1. ACCEPTING―vol. I, P 4. ACCIDENT-vol. 1, p 4. ACCOMPLICE-vol. I, P 5. See Cheat, No. 12. ACCUSATION-vol. 1, p 5. ACCUSER-vol. I, P 5. See Conscience, No. 18. Guilt, No. 21. ACCUSING-vol. I, p 5. ACHIEVING-vol. I, p 6. See Tiring, No. 1. -ACHING-See Better, No. 17. ACQUAINTANCES-vol. 1, p 6. ACQUIRING vol. 1, p 6. ACTION-vol. 1, p 6. See Age (Youth,) Nos. 29, 31. Brain, 2. ADVANTAGE-vol. I, p 7. See Beauty No. 22. ADVERSITY—vol. I, p 7. See Friend, Nos. 16, 52, 142 Giving, No. 44. Heart, 15. Hope, 16, 29. Memory, II. Mind, 8, 16. Pride, 44. Prosperity, 2, 4, II, 14, 16, 17, 19. ADVICE-vol. I, p 9. See Youth, Age, No. 3. Building, 9. Fool, 67, 234. Fortune, 87. Woman, 220. ADVISERS-vol. 1, p 9. ADVISING--vol. I, p 9. See Belly, No. 14. ADMIRAL BYNG-See Exam- ple No. 2. ADVOCATE-See Accuser, No. I. AFFABLE-See Business, No. 54. AFFAIRS-vol 1, p 12. AFFECTATION-vol. 1, p 12. AFFECTION-vol. 1, p 12. See Praying, No. 3. AFFLICTION-vol. 1, p 13. AFFRONTS-See (Age) Youth, No. 50. Avenging, I. AFRICA-Vol. 1, p 14. Grief, 32. Sloth, II. Time, 51. ADVANCING-vol. I, p 7. See Bashfulness, No. 4. 525 ACTION (United)-vol. 1, p 7. AGE-vol. I, p 14. 526 INDEX. AGE Youth-vol. 1, p 16. See Laziness No. 19. AGREE―vol. I. p 20. ANGER-Continued. Truth, 129. ANGER'S MEDICINE-See Time, No. 84. ANGLER-vol. I, 29. ANGLING-Vol. 1, p 29. ALADDIN'S LAMP-See Purse, ANKLE-See Better, No 27. ALCHEMIST-vol. I, p 20. AGUE-vol. I, p 20. AIR-vol. I, p 20. See Sea, No. 17. | No. 66. ANNOYANCE-vol. 1, p 30. ANNUITY-See Thrift, No. 2. ANOTHER'S-vol. I, p 30. ANSWER-vol. I, p 30. ALE-DRINKERS-See Cob- ANT-vol. I, p 30. blers-No. 1. ALEXANDER-vol. I, p. 21. ALCHEMY-vol. 1, p 21. ALE-vol. I, p 21. ALL-BUT-Vol. 1, p 21. ALMOST-Vol. 1, p 21. See Lying, No. 23. ALMS-vol. I, p 22. See Hope, No. 7. ALTAR-vol. I, p 22. ALTERCATION See Truth, No. 17. AMBASSADOR-See King, No. 62. AMBERGRIS-vol. 1, p 23. AMBITION-vol. I, p 23. See Blood, No. 2. Money, 23. Soldier, 14. Wealth, 30. AMENDS-vol. 1, p 25. AMNESTY-vol. 1, p 25. AMUSEMENT-vol. I, p 25. ANCESTORS-vol. 1, p 25 See Boaster, No. 13. ANCIENT See Blood, No. 1. ANCIEN IS-vol. 1, p 31. ANCHOR-vol. 1, p 25. ANGEL-vol. I, p 26. See Babe, No. 3. Borrowing, 19. Do 85. ANGER-vol. 1, p 26. See Fly, No. 2. Hunger, 40. Keep, 13. Paradise, 5. Prosperity, 20. ANTICIPATE-See Better, No. 20. ANTIQUITY—vol. I, p 31. ANVIL-Vol. I, p 31. See Beginning, No. 6. Mutability of Fortune, 8 Tongue, 49. ANXIETY-See Better, No. 12. APE-vol. I, p 32. See Child, No. 65. APHORISMS-vol. I, p 33. APOLLO-See Bacchus, No. 4. Praying, 4. APOTHEGMS-vol. 1, p 33. APPEAR-vol. I, p 33. APPEARANCE-vol. I, p 33. See Judging, No. 13, 14. APPETITE-vol. 1, p 33. APPLAUSE-vol. 1, p 34. APPLE-See Company, No. 34, 44. APPLICATION—vol. I, 34. See Business, No. 66. Patience, 21. APRIL vol. I, P 34. See March, Nos. 3, 4, 9. APRIL WEATHER-See Wo- man, No. 342. ARCHBISHOP-See Hypocrite, No. 25. ARCHER-vol. I, P 35. See Arrow, No. 6. ARCHITECT-vol. I, p 35. ARCHITECTURE-vol. I, P 35. ARGUMENT-vol. 1, p 35. See Cockroach, No. 1. INDEX. 527 ARGUMENT-continued. See Gold, Nos. 58, 59. ARISTOCRACY-See Even, No. 5. ARM-See Better, No. 59. Fear, 1. Force, 2. ARMOR-See Best, No. 3. Courage, 37. ARMS-vol. 1, p 35. See Cause, No. 10. Fear, 1, 70. Fury, I. Law, 32. Pleasure, 18. ARMY-Vol. 1, p 36. See Counsel, No. 18. ARROGANCE-vol. I, p 36. ARROW-vol. I, p 36. See Bow, Nos. 3, 7. ART-vol. I, p 36. See Belly, No. 18. Critic, 4. Experience, 12. Favor, 21. Learning, 28. Nature, 9. ARTIST-vol. I, p 36, ARTS-vol. 1, p 37. See Belly, No. 20. Devil, 93. Love, 107. Poverty, 49. Wisdom, 50. ASHES-vol. 1, p 38. ASKING vol. I, p 38. See Business, Nos. 9, 10. Ass—vol. I, P 39. See Burthen, No. 11. Care, 18. Content, 3. Dream, 5. Fault, 35- Fool, 52. Fox, I. Horse, 32, 82. Husband, 37. Jest, 24. Prince, 16. Ass-continued. Rich, 2. Selling, 2. Wife, 116. Woman, 155, 303, 351. ASSASSIN-See Calumny No. 7. Surgeon, 3. ASSASSINATION-vol. I, P 44. ASSERTION-vol. I, p 44. ASSISTING vol. 1, p 45. ASSOCIATION-vol. I, p 45. ATHEISM-See Devil, No. 75 ATHEIST-vol. 1, p 45. AT LAST-vol. 1, p 45. ATTAINABLE—vol. 1, p 46. ATTEMPTING—vol. 1, p 46. See Bold, No. 1. ATTILA'S HORSE-See Grass, No. 1. AUCTION-Vol. 1, p 46. AUGER-HOLES-vol. I, p 46. Augurs―vol. 1, p 46. AUGUST-vol. I. p 46. AUTHOR-vol. I, p 46. See Book, No. 29. AVARICE—Vol. 1, p 47. See Ambition, No. 28. Envy, 23. Gambling, 7. Poverty, 32. AVENGING vol. 1, p 48 AXE-See Birth, No. 6. Boaster, 20. B. BABBLERS-vol. I, p 49. BABE-vol. 1, p 49. BACCHUS-vol. I, p 49. BACHELOR-vol. 1, p 50. See Jealousy, No, 3. BACK-vol. I, p 50. See Bearing, No. 1. BACKBITER-See Listeners, No. 2. BACKBITING~vol. I. p 50. 528 INDEX. BACON-See House, No. 26. Husband, 23. BAD-vol. I, P 51. See Better, No. II. BADGER-See Fox, No. 30. BAD MAN-vol.2, p 14. BAG-vol. I, p 52. See Buy, No. 14. BAGDAD-See Lover, No. BAG-PIPE-vol. 1, p 52. See Devil, No. 1. BAIL-See Belly, No. 10. BAILIFF'S Cow-vol. I, p 52. BAKER-vol. 1, p 52. See Hunger, No. 19. Miller, 4. BALANCE-Vol. 1, p 52. BANKRUPT-vol. 1, P 53. BANKRUPTCY-vol. 1, p 53. Banishment— vol. 1, p 53. BANNER-See Blind, No. 39. BANQUET-vol. 1, P 53. Barber-vol. I, p 53. See Doctor, No. 52. Fool, I. BAREFOOT-See Better, No. 2. BARGAIN-vol. I, P 54. See Beauty, No. I. Business, II, 34. BARGAIN (Rash)-vol. I, p 55. BARKERS-See Biting, No. 13. BARKING-See Dog, Nos. 193, 194, 195. BARLEY CORN-vol. I, p 55. BASE-vol. I, P 55. BASE TERMS See Anger, No. 36. BASHFULNESS-vol. I, p 55. See Modesty, No. 14. BASIN-See Blood, Nos. 10, 15. BASKET See Beggar, No. 4. BASLE―vol. 1, p 56. BAT-See Bird, No. 30. Neutral, No. I. BATH-vol. I, p 56. BATTLE-See Bold, No. 4. Eye, 16. BATTLE—Continued. Look Upon, I. Bazaar-vol. 1, p 56. BEADLE'S Cow-See Cow, No. 25. BEAK-See Bird, No. 21. BEAR-vol. 1, p 56. See Dancing, Ño. 7. Dividing, 4, 5. BEARD-vol. 1, P 57. See Barber, No. 9. Brain, 9. BEARING-Vol. I. p 58. See Winning, No. 8. BEAST-vol. 1, p 58. See Courage, No. 10. BEAUTIFUL-See Useful, No. 3 BEAUTIFUL HAND-See Wo- man, No. 3. BEAUTY-vol. 1, p 59. See Devil, No. 76. Enemy, II. Fancy, 6. Maid, 24. Matrimony 53. Modesty, 9. Money, 8. Virtue, 134. Wickedness, 33. Wisdom, 9. Woman, 4, 223, 242, 244, 260, 274, 289. BECAUSE See Woman, No. 130. BECOMING-vol. 1, p 62. BED-See Asking, No. 10. Buy, I. BEE-vol. 1, p 62. BEE MARTIN-See Book, No. 14. BEEF See Beauty, No. 42. BEER-vol. 1, p 63. See Life, 29. Wine, 59. BEER GLASSES-See Caution, No. 4. BEETLE-See Beauty, No. 62. Pride, 80. INDEX. 529 BEGGAR-vol. 1, p 63. See Alms, Nos. 9, 14. Court, I. Courtier, 2. Death, 52. Eat, 15. Family, 2. Fortune. 53, 61. Gambling, 28. Gift, 20. Giving, 63. Gluttony, 2. Greed, 7. Heir, 3. Idleness, 2, 6. Laziness, 16. Like to Like, 4. Lord, 4, 5. Merchant, 8. Misery, 7. Nature, 23. Pride, 32. Prince, 6. Purse, 61. Rich, 46, 107. Servant, 11. Simple, 1. Sloth, 4. Soldier, 7. Spite, 1. BEGGARY-See Harlot, No.10. Idleness, 40. Pride, 26. Usurer, 4. BEGGING Vol. 1, p 65. BEGINNING-vol. I, p 66. BEG PARDON-vol. I, p 69 BEGUILING-Vol. I, 'p 69. BELIEF Vol. 1, p 69. Believers-vol. 1, P 70. BELL-vol. 1, 70. See Agree, No. 1. BELLY-vol. I, p 71. BEND-vol. I, P 72. See Branch, No. 5. BENEFACTORS-vol. I, P 72. See Applause, No. 3. BENEFICES-See Ass, No. 46. BENEFITS-vol. I, P 73. See Benefactors, No. 1. Injury, 30, 35. BENEVOLENCE- See Ingrati- tude, No. 19. BEST-Vol. 1, p 73- See Bad, No. 22. Bearing, 4. BEST FURNITURE-See Wife, No. 155. BEST MEN-See Man, No. 65. BEST THINGS See Thing, Nos. 30, 31. - BETRAY-Vol. I, P 74. See Base, No. 2. BETROTHED-See Bachelor, No. I. Beauty, 58. BETTER-vol. I, p 74. See Blind, Nos. 15, 16. Blowing, 9. Good, 10, 12, 52. BE TRUE-vol. 1, p 78. Beware-vol. I, p 78. BIBLE-Vol. 1, p 79. BIDE-vol. I, p 79. BIND-vol. I, p 79. See Conduct (Rules of) No. 2. BIRD-vol. I, p 79. See Rash Bargain, No. 1. Better, 78. Company, II. BIRTH-vol. 1, p 82. See Breed, No. 7. Money, 8. BIT-See Bear, No. 3. BITCH-See Dog, Nos. 97, 98, I 50. BITING Vol. 1, p 82. See Bear, No. 6. BLACK-vol. 1, p 87. BLACK EYES-See Love, No. 13. BLACKHEAD-See Beard, No. 5. False, 2. BLACKGUARD-See Money, No. 98, 34 530 INDEX. BLACKHEART-See Better, | BOASTING-continued. No. 15. BLADDER-vol. 1, p 83. BLADE-vol. 1, p 83. See Bend, No. 6. Blame—vol. I, p 83.. See Bearing, No. 2. Fame, 32. BLEEDING-vol. I, p 84. BLEMISH-See Beauty, No. 33. BLESSED-Vol. I. p 84. BLESSINGS-vol. I, p 84. See Child, No. 4. Friend, 200. Harlot, 9. BLIND-vol. I, p 84. See Bold, No. 6. Boldness, 7. Love, 59. No. 34. See Fool, No. 106. BRAGGART-vol. 1, p 90. BOAT-vol. I, p 91. BOLD-vol. 1, p 91. See Brave. Fortune, Nos. 25, 44. BOLDNESS-vol. I, p 91. See Business, No. 19. Necessity, 33. BONE-Vol. I. p 92. BONNET-See Bee, No. 8. Book-vol. 1, p 92. See Arms, No. 3. Ass, 71. Author, 4. BOOK-KEEPING-See Book, No. 10. BOOK-LEARNED WIFE-See Wife, No. 137. BLIND BRIDLE-See Horse, Books OF THE POOR-S e e Wall, No. 6. BLIND HORSE-See Selling, BOOMERANG-See Like, No. No. 8. BLIND SIDE-See Blind, No. 21. BLUE EYES-See Love, No. 13. BLOCKHEAD-See Brain, No. 6. Fool Wise Man, 81. BLOOD-vol. 1. p. 87. See Ambition, No. 15. Mind, 37. BLOOD OF THE Soldier-See Soldier, Nos. 18, 20. BLOSSOMS-See Fruit, Nos. 2, 13, 15, 20. BLOT-vol. I, p 88. BLOW-vol. 1, p 88. See Better, No. 28. BLOWING Vol. 1, p 89. BLOWS See Ass, No. 87. BLUNDER-vol. 1, p 89. See (Youth) Age, No. 30 Doctor, 54. BLUSH-vol. 1, p 89. Boaster-vol. 1, p 90. BOASTING-vol. 1, p 90. | 6. BOOR-vol. 1, p 94. BORDERERs-vol. I, p 94. BORES-vol. 1, p 95. BORN-See Beauty, Nos. 57, 58, 59. BORROWING-vol. 1, p 95. See Beggar, No. 13. Begging, 7, 8. To-day, To-morrow, 13. Disputing, 2. Money, 51. Rich, 25, 110. BOSTON-vol. 1, p 96. BOSTON SHAD PEDLER-See Blowing, No. 4. BOTTLE-vol. I, p 97. BOUGHS-vol. I, p 97. BOUNTY-vol. 1, p 97. See Beauty, No. 43. Bow-vol. 1, p 97. Boy-vol. 1, p 98. BOY'S LOVE-See Love, No. I. Madness, IO. INDEX. 531 BOY'S WIFE-See Wife, No. | BRIDLE-See Horse, No. 60. 6. BRAHMINS-vol. 1, p 98. BRAIN-vol. 1, p 98. See Beard, No. 1. Honesty, 12. BRANCH-vol. 1, p 99. See Bend, No. 5. BRAND-vol. 1, p 99. BRANDY-vol. I, p 99. BRAGGADOCIO-See Boaster, No. 3. BRAVE-Vol. 1, p 100. See Cowardice, Nos. 2, 33, 34. Fortune, 37, 38, 68. Guilt, 10, II. BRAY-See Ass, Nos. 29, 37, 65, 72, 76, 82, 83, 90. 93. BREAD-vol. 1, p 100. See Art, No. 6. Cheese, I. To-morrow, 2. Egg, 13. BREAD OF REPENTANCE-See Wild Oats, No. 3. BREAK-See Bend, Nos. 3, 5, 7. Better, 9. Branch, 5. Love, 259. BREAKFAST-See Hope, Meal, No. 22. BREAKING EGGS-See Mak- ing, Nos. 6, 9. BREED-vol. 1. p 102. See Cat, No. 71. Dog, 190. BREVITY-vol. 1, p 103. BREWER-See Best, No. 4. BREWING-vol. 1, p 103. BRIBE-vol. 1, p 103. See Court, No. 3. BRIEF-vol. 1, p 103. See Law, No. 150. BRIDE-vol. 1, p 104. See Wife, No. 50. BRIDGE-vol. 1, p 104. See Ass, No. 24. Enemy, 22, 28, 46, 76. Horse, 14. Bringing vol. 1, p 105. BRITANNIA-See Beer, No. 6. Broken Leg-See Maid, No. 25. BROOM-vol. 1, p 105. See Husband, No. 21. BROTHER-vol. 1, p 105. See Friend, Nos. 8, 222. Neighbor, 5, 13. Penny, 14. BROTHER-IN-LAW-vol. I, P 106. BROTH-vol. I, p 106. BRUISE-See Bend, No. 4. BRUTE-See Blush, No. 7. BUCKETS-vol. 1, p 106. See Dropping, No. 2. BUDDHA—vol. 1, p 106. BUFFOON-See Ass, No. 40. Family, 5. BUG-vol. 1, p 106. BUILDING-vol. 1, p 106. See Waste, No. 2. BULL-See Ox, Nos. 7, 13. Ashes, 3. BULLIES-vol. 1, p 107. BULLYING-See Courage, No. 18. Valor, 8. BURLESQUES-vol. 1, p 108. BURN-See Better, Nos. 10. 28. Blowing, 9. Brand, 1, 2. BURTHEN-vol. 1, p 108. See Ass, No. 50. Back, I. BUSH-vol. 1, p 109. See Bad, No. I. BUSINESS-vol. 1, p 109. See Brain, No. 2. Busy-vol. 1, p 113. BUSYBODY-Vol. 1, p 114. 532 INDEX. BUT-See If, No. 3- CANDLE-vol. 1, p 120. BUTLER-See Cook, No. 14, CANDLe-Snuffer-See Can- 17. Fox, 31. BUTTER-vol. 1, p 114. See Baker, Nos. 1, 2. Bread, 19. Cheese, 2. Buy-vol. I, p 115. dle, No. 4. CANDOR-vol, I, p 121. CAP-vol. I, p 121. CAPITAL-Vol. I, p 121. See Business, Nos. 41, 76. Do, vol. 1, 66. CAPON-See Chicken, No. 1. See Begging, Nos. 9, 13, 16, CAPRICE--vol. 1, p 121. 18. Better, 3. CAPTAIN-See Lawyers, No. I, Business, 8, 28, 29, 30, CARAVAN-See Dog, No. 139. 56. Borrowing, 2. BUYER-See Business. No. 38. Buy, 6, 27. BY-AND-BY-vol. I, p 117. BY GONES-See Let, No. 2. C. CABBAGE STALKS-vol. I, P 117. CÆSAR-vol. 1, p 117. See Death, No. 91. CAGE-vol. 1, p 117. See Bird, Nos. 26, 58. CAIN-Vol. 1, p. 117. CAKE-Vol. 1, p 117. See Custom, No. 2. CALAMITY-vol. 1, p 118. CALF-vol. I, p 118. See Dog, No. 14. CALLING-vol. I, p 118. CALM-vol. I, p 118. CALMS-vol. 1, p 118. CALMEST HUSBANDS-See Wife, No. 157. CALUMNY-Vol. 1, p 119. CALUMNIATORS-See Men, No. 22. CARCASS-vol. I, p 122. CARE-vol. 1, p 122. See Borrowing, Nos. 3, 5. Court, 8. Debt, 7, Dog, 36. Horse, 43. Office, 5. Rich, 69, 79, 129. Sorrow, II. Wealth, 13. Wife, 29. CARES-vol. I, p 123. CARELESSNESS-vol. I, p 123. CARESS-See Biting, No. 3. CARNAGE-See Victor, No. 12. Carpenter-See Chips, No. I. CARRION-vol. I, p 124. CART-vol. 1, p 124. CART WHEEL-See Lawyer, No. 4. CASES-See Circumstances, No. I. CASK-vol. I, p 124. See Beer, No. I. Great CASTLE-IN-THE-AIR-vol. p 124. CALVES-See Change, No. 1. CASTLE-vol. 1, p 125. CAMEL-Vol. 1, p 119. See Death, No. 38. CAMP-See Church, No 4. CAN-vol. I, p 120. See House, Nos. 5, 7, 22. CAT-vol. I, p 125. See Agree, No. 2 Better, 23. Bird, 42. I, ! INDEX. 533 CAT-continued. Buy, 14. Care, 9. Dog, 55. CAT'S-PAW-vol. 1, p 129. CATO-See Belief, No. 12. CATCHING-vol. 1, p 129. See Bird, Nos. 26, 45. Blind, 6. CHATTERING-vol. 1, p 136. Cheap-vol. 1, p 136. See Best, No. 1. Business, 56. CHEAPENING--See Business, No. 60. Buy, 16. CHEAPEST-See Best, No. 7. CHEAT-Vol. 1, p 136. CATHAY-See Better, No. 34. CHEATING-vol. 1, p 136. CAUSE-vol. I, p 129. CAUTION-vol. 1, p 130. See Adversity, No. 22. CEDAR-See Ambition, No. 33. CELERITY-vol. 1, p 131. Censure-vol. 1, p 131. See Villain, No. 4. CEREMONY-vol. I, p 131. CERTAINLY-vol. 1, p 131. CHAFF-vol. I, p 132. See Bird, Nos. 9, 43, 60. CHAINS-vol. 1, p 132. See Freedom, No. 14. CHAMOIS-See Climbing, No. 8. CHAIR-vol. I, p 132. CHANCE-Se é No. 12. Experience, CHANCERY-See Law, No. 67. CHANGE-vol. I, p 132. CHAMBER-BELL-See Curtain Lecture, No. 1. CHANNEL--Vol. 1, p 132. CHARACTERISTIC-vol. 1, 132. CHARACTER-vol. I, p 133. CHARITY-Vol. 1, p 133. See Beauty, No. II. Church, 15. Truth, 33. See Business, No. 70. Charity, 8. Matrimony, 66. CHEERFULNESS vol. I, P 137. CHEESE-vol. 1, p 137. CHERRIES-vol. 1, p 138. See Biting, No. 6. Eat, 15, 38. CHICKEN-Vol. 1, p 138. See Child, No. 13. Cockroach, I. CHICKEN-HAWK-See Book, No. 14. CHILD-vol. I, p 140. See Youth, Age, No. 46. Asking, 8. Carelessness, 7. God, 43. Happiness, 8. Love, 248. Wife, 86, 88, 89, 90. CHILD REARED ON WINE- See Woman, No. 20. p CHIMNEY-vol. 1, p 146. CHIP-See Child, No. 6. CHIPS-vol. I, p 146. CHARON-See Death, No. 22, CHASTISING-vol. I, p 135. CHASTITY-vol. 1, p 135. See Courage, No. 40. Idleness, 45. Poverty, 54. Woman, 245. See Ambition, No. 24. CHOICE-Vol. I, p 147. See Bad-No. 22. Choler-vol. 1, p 146. CHOLERIC-vol. 1, p 146. See Anger, No. 38. CHOOSING vol. 1, p 147. See Beggar, 13. Borrowing, 26. Business, 60. 534 INDEX. CHRISTENED See Child, No | CLOAK-vol. 1, p 152 95. CHRISTIAN-vol. I, p 147. See Better, No. 19. Death, 112. Lawyers, 29, 43. CHRISTIANITY-vol. I, p 147. CHRISTIAN'S PROVIDENCE- See Fortune, No. 133. CHRISTMAS-vol. I, p 147. CHURCH-Vol. 1, p 148. CHURCH DEBT-See Church, No. I. CLOCK-See Agree, No. 4 Clerk, 2. CLOTH-See Best, No. 5. Better, 29. CLOUD-vol. I, p 153. CLOUT-See Better, No. 57. CLOWN-vol. I, p 154. See Dress, No. 30. Giving, 4. Sword, 10. Tongue, 83. CLUB-See Clown, No. 1. CHURCH WORK-See Work, CLUB OF HERCULES--See CHURL-Vol. 1, p 149. No. 10. See Better, No. 33. Business, 34. Honor, 1. Ingratitude, 23. CIRCUMSTANCES-vol. 149. Time, No. 46. COAT-Vol. I, p 154. COAT OF MAIL-See Brave, No. 9. COBBLERS-vol. I, p 154. See Higher, No. 1. 1, p COCK-See Chicken. CITY-Vol. 1, p 149. CIVIL BROILS-vol. I, p 150. CIVIL WAR-vol. I, p 150. See War, No. 4. CIVILITY-Vol. 1, p 150. See Nobility, No. 16. CIVILIZERS OF MAN-vol. I, p 150. CLAIMANT vol. 1, p 150. CLARET See Brandy, No. 2. CLAWS-SEE Cat, No. 15. CLAY-vol. 1, p 150. CLEAN HANDS-See Honesty, Nos. 21, 22. CLEANLINESS-vol. I, p 151. CLEMENCY-vol. 1, p 151. Cleopatra-See Nose, No. 9. CLERK-vol. I, p 151. CLEVER-vol. 1, p 151. CLIMBING-vol. 1, p 152. See Ambition, No. 18. Boy, 10. Falling, 12. CLIME-See Blood, No. 14. Ass, No. 66. Dog, 142. Fortune, 24. COCKROACH-vol. I, p 154. COFFIN-See Health, No. 212. COIN-See Blind, No. 33. Care, 17. COLD-vol. I, p 154. See Blood, No. 14. Hunger, 23. COLOR-See Blood, No. 8. COLORS-See Blind, No. 19. COLT-vol. 1, p 155. Dog, No. 14. Horse, 50. COMFORT-Vol. 1, p 155. COMFORTER-vol. I, p 155. See Book, No. 21. COMING-Vol. 1, p 156. COMMANDING-vol. I, p 156, COMMENCING-vol. 1, p 156. COMMENDING-vol. I, p 157. See Conduct (Rules of) No 8. COMMERCE-vol. 1, p 157- INDEX. 535 COMMON-Vol. 1, p 157. COMMON-SENSE-vol. 1, p 157. See Experience, No. 22. COMPANION-See Book, No. 21. COMPANY-vol. 1, p 157. COMPARISON-vol. 1, p 160. COMPASSION-See No. 64. COMPENSATION—vol. Conquerors-vol. 1. p 168. See Blessed, No. 3. Patience, 15. Rat, 8. Conquered-vol. 1, p 168. CONQUEST-vol. 1, p 169. See Cause, No. 15. Clemency, 3. CONFESSION-vol. 1, p 169. P CONSCIENCE-vol. I, p 169. Wealth, No. 29. Business, I, 160. See Cow, Nos. 4, 35. nence, No. 2. Wise, 9. COMPETENCY-See Absti- CONSIDERATION—vol. Abundance, 2. Content, I. Poor, 20. COMPLAINING-vol. 1, p 161. COMPLIANCE-vol. 1, p 161. See Better, No. 6. COMPLIMENTS-vol. 1, p 161. COMPROMISE-See Law, Nos. I, 26, 27, 108. Condemning-vol. 1, p 161. CONDUCT-(Rules of) vol. 1, p 161. See Advice, No. 44. Circumstances, 2, 3. Courage, 14. CONCEAL-See Conduct (Rules of), No. 9. CONCILIATE-See Conduct, (Rules of), No. 114. CONCILIATORY-See Clever, No. 5. CONFESSING-See Denials, No. 2. CONFIDENCE-vol. 1, p 167. See Love, No. 73. CONFIDING-See Betray, No. I. CONJECTURE-See Calumny, No. 5. Connoisseur-vol. 1, p 168. CONQUER-vol. 1, p 168. See Belief, No. 9. Conduct, (Kules of), 10. 172. 1, p CONSISTENCY-vol. 1, p 172. CONSPIRACIES-vol. I, p 172. CONSTANCY-vol. 1, p 173. CONSTANCY ΤΟ PURPOSE- See Success, No. 22. CONSTITUTION-vol. I, p 173. CONSULTING-See Youth, Age, No. 8. CONSUME-See Conduct (Rules of) No. 117. CONTEMN-vol. 1, p 173. CONTEMPLATION—vol. 173. CONTEMPT-vol. 1, p 173. See Adversity, No. 24. Slander, 32. I, P CONTEND-See Conduct, (Rules of), No. 118. CONTENT-vol. 1, p 173. See Pride, Nos. 48, 60. Rich, 32. Wealth, 12, 28. CONTINUANCE-vol. I, p 175. CONTRADICTION-vol. I, P 175. CONTRIVANCE-vol. I, p 176, CONTRIVE-See Content, No 38. CONVERSATION—vol. 1, p 176 See Education, No. 2. Knowledge, 31. Lover, 27. Reading, 6. 536 INDEX. CONVERSION-See Considera- ] COURAGE-continued. tion, No. 2. CONVINCING-vol. 1, p 176. CONVIVIALITY-vol. 1, p 176. COOK-vol. 1. p 176. See Doctor, No. 18. God, 76. Hunger, 37. COOKING vol. 1, p 177. See Man, No. 91. COPY-See Follow, No, I. COQUETTE-vol. I, p 177. CORAL-vol. 1, p 178. CORK-Vol. 1, p 178. CORN-Vol. 1, p 178. See Ass, No. 67. Brain, 7. CORPORATION-vol. 1, p 178. CORPSE-See Bride, No. 6. CORRECTION-vol. 1, p 179. CORRUPTION-vol. 1, p 179. CORSAIR-vol. 1, p 179. COST-vol. 1, p 179. COTTAGE-vol. 1, p 180. Certainty, No. 3. Content, 12. Death, 99. Flatterer, 18. Hero, 4. Laugh, 32. Love, 102, 125. Poor, 59. Possession, II, 20. Weeping, 5. COUGH-See Love, No. 62. COUNSEL-Vol. 1, p 180. See Youth, Age, 31. Belly, 3. Boldness, I. Nos. 29, COUNSELLOR-vol. 1, p 182. See Youth, Age, No. 24. Book, 11, 18, 21. COUNT-Vol. 1, p 182. COUNTENANCE-vol. 1, p 183. Counterfeit-vol. 1, p 183. COUNTRY-vol. 1, p 183. COURAGE-vol. 1, p 183. Cause, 13. Characteristic, 1. Fear, 10. Fortune, 30, 35, 37, 80. Honor, 12. Lover, 14. Lying, 27. Wit, 28. COURT-Vol 1, p 186. See Church, No. 7. Favol, 15. Happiness, 3. Life, 30. COURTESY-vol. 1, p 186. See Begging, No. 3. COURTIER-vol. 1, p 187. See Peace, No. 13. Tongue, 83. COVER-See Book, No. 25. COVET-See Rich, No. 33. COVETOUSNESS-vol. 1, p 188. See Charity, No. 9. Envy, 15. Poor, 12. Rich, 84. Cow-vol. I, p 189. See Business, No. 58. Horse, 52. Cowardice-vol. 1, p 191. See Bullies, No. 3. Conscience, 28. Courage, 17. Despair, 2. Forgiving, I. Fortune, 68. Guilt, 10. Law, 38. Lying, 27, Mother, 33. Necessity, 4. Tiger, 3. Treason, I. Woman, 234, 239. COXCOMB-vol. 1, p 193. CRAB-vol. I, p 194. CRADLE-vol. 1, p 194. CRAFT-vol. I, p 194. INDEX. 537 CRAFT-continued. See Prudence, No. 3. Woman, 375- Craft, CrafTY—vol. 1, p 195. See Compliance, No. 1. Courtesy, 6, 16. CRANE-See Dancing, No. 20. CRAWFISH-See 66. Fish, No. CRAWL-See Better, No. 39. CRAZY-vol. I, p 195. CREDIT-vol. 1, p 195. See Belly, No. II. Borrowing, 22. Business, 68. Debt, 27. Fortune, 14. Money, 28. CREDITORS vol. 1, p 196. See Borrowing, No. 25. Credulity-vol. 1, p 196. CREEDS See Doubt, No. 9. CRICKET-Vol. 1, p 197. See Home, No. 5. CRIME-Vol. 1, p 197. See Blood, No. 6. Blush, 5. CRUELTY-vol. 1, p 201. See Anger, No. 17. Cowardice, 8. Fear, 22. Pity, 12. CUB-See Bear, No. 13. CUCKOO-vol. 1, p 201. CUDGELS-See Reason, No. IO CUNNING-Vol. 1, p 201. See Lawyers, No. 8. CUP-vol. I, p 202. CUR-See Biting, No. 2. Dog, 4, 32, 209. CURATE-See Clerk, No. 4. CURE-vol. I, p 202. See God, No. 85. Knowledge, 65. Prevention, I. CURIOSITY-vol. I, p 203. See Detractor, No. 3. CURSE-vol. 1, p 203. See Cat, No. 48. Cursed-vol. 1, p 204. CURSES-See Whore, No. 9. CURTAIN LECTURE-vol. I, p 204. CRIMINALS-See Crime, No. CUSTOM-vol. 1, p 204. 5. CRIPPLE-vol. 1. p 198. See Lying, No. 88. Money, 54. CRITIC-Vol. 1. p 198. CROOK-See Branch, No. 3. CROOKED-vol. 1, p 199. Cross-vol. 1, p 199. See Devil, Nos. 10, 104. CROUCHING See Chicken, No. 43. CROW-vol. 1, p 200. See Blind, No. 5. Carrion, 1, 2. Eagle, 6, 12. CROWD-vol. I, p 200. CROWN-vol. 1, p 201. See Cross, No. 8. King, 2. CRUEL-See Timidity, No. 4. See Choice, No. 2. Circumstances, 4. CUT-PURSE-vol. 1, p 206. CUTTING-See Ambition, No. 23. CYCLE-See Better, No. 34. D. DAGGER-See Poison, No. 1. DAINTIES-vol. 1, p 206. DAM-Vol. I. p 206. Damage-vol. 1, p 206. DANCER-yol. 1. p 206. DANCING-vol. 1, p 206. See Bear, Nos. 1, 7 DANGER-vol. 1, p 207. See Battle, No. 6. Courage, 35. Cowardice, 13. 538 INDEX. DANGER-continued. See Debt, No. 37. Delay, 13. Fear, 18, 31, 34, 58. Glory, 17. Honor, 47. DARING-vol. 1, p 109. See Fear, No. 59. DARKNESS—vol. 1, p 209. DAUGHTER-vol. I, p 209. DEATH-continued. See Shame, No. 12. Xerxes, 1. DEATH-BED-See Death, No. 5. DEATH'S FEAST-See War, No. 30. DEBASED-vol. 1, p 223. DEBAUCH-See Doctor, No. 59. DEBAUCHERY-See Business, No. 75. Matrimony, 29, 50, 95, DEBT-vol. 1, p 223. See Buy, No. 5. Fortune, 135. 104, 107, 109. Money, 32. Mother, 1, 13, 14. Son, 14. Widow, 6. Wife, 55, 64, 152. DAUGHTER-IN-LAW-vol. 1, p 211. See Mother-in-Law, No. 3. DAVID-See Word, No. 41. DAY-vol. I, p 211. DEAF-vol. 1, p 215. See Eye, No. 41. DEALER-vol. I, p 216. DEALING-See Conduct (Rules of), No. 7. DEAR-See Bottle, No. I. Business, 56. Cheap, 1, 4, 8, 10. DEATH-Vol. 1, p 216. See Absence, No. 8. Youth, Age, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 34, 41. Ass, 34, 35. Beggar, 18. Bird, 53. Birth, 7, 8, Certainty, 4. Despot, I.. Do, 58, 67. Fortune, 114, 126. Jest, 15. Life, 40, 50, 60, 70. Good Man, 10, II. Pain, 16. See Appetite, No 3. Death, 69. Industry, 13. Lent, 4. Lying, 71. Meal, 13. Poor, 44. Promise, 26. Rich, 39. Stimulants, I. Water, 4. Youth, 6. DEBTOR-vol. I, p 226. See Borrowing, No. 25. Buy, I. Creditors. I. Fortune, 64. Sleep, 21. DECAY-Vol. 1, p 226. DECEIT Vol. 1, p 226. See Art, No. 14. Woman, 340. Deceiver-vol. 1, p 226. DECIDING-vol. 1, p 227. DECISION-Vol. I, p 227. DECORUM-vol. 1, p 228. DEED-See Day, No. 29. DEEDS-vol. 1, p 228. See Boaster, No. 19. Fame, 17. Word, 124, 130. DEFECTS-vol. I, p 229. DEFENCE-vol. 1, p 229. DEFER-vol. 1, p 229. Deferred-vol. 1, p 229. INDEX. 539 DEFIANCE-vol. 1, p 229. DEFILE-Vol. 1, p 229. DEFORMITY-vol. I, p 229. DEGRADATION-See No. 50. DELAY-Vol. 1, p 229. See Truth, No. 74. Honor, DELIBERATE-vol. I, p 230. DELIBERATION 230. vol. I, P DELIGHTS-vol. 1, p 230. See Danger, No. 6. DEMAGOGUES-vol. I, p 231. DEMAND-vol. I, p 231. See Commanding, No. 3. DENIALS Vol. 1, p 231. See Asking, No. 17. Better, 6, 31. DEPENDENCE-vol. I, p 231. DEPRIVATION-vol. 1, p 231. DESCENT-Vol. 1, p 231. See Boaster, No. 15. DESERT-Vol. I, 232. See Envy, No. 40. Reward, I. DESERTER-vol. 1, p 232. DESIRE-Vol. 1, p 232. DESOLATE-See Beauty, No. 60. DESPAIR-vol. I, p 233. See Care, No. 22. Conduct (Rules of), 49. Gambling, 7. Hope, 26, 40. Industry, 13. Patience, 40. DESPATCH-See Business, No. 31. DESPISING-vol. 1, p 233. DESPOT-vol. 1, p 234. DESTINY-vol. 1, p 234. DESTROYER-See Applause, No. 3. DETERMINATION-vol. I, p 234. DETESTING—vol. 1, p 235- DETRACTOR-vol. 1, p 235. DEVIL-vol. I, p 235. DEVIL-continued. See Belief, No. 23. Borrowing, 19. Child, 44- Cowardice, 30. Cruelty, 4, 6. Curse, 8, 10. Drunkenness, 7. Flatterer, 16, 54, 55. Frenchman, 2. Friend, 72. Gambling, 25. God, 17, 73, 76, 79, 117, 118, 125. Haste, 5. Heaven, 15. Holiday, I. Hypocrite, 5, 10, 11, 16 21, 22. Idleness, 17, 50. Jest, 15. Jew, 2. Labor, 27. Liberty, 12. Love, 223. Man, 129. Matrimony, 40. Money, 42, 159. Patience, 25. Pride, 10. Priest, 3. Revenge, 18. Rich, 103, 121. Rogue, 19. Saint, 3. Scolding, 2. Shot, I. Sluggard, 6. Son, 10. Stone, 14. Striking, 7. Sword, 9. Truth, 45. War, II. Wealth, 18. Whipping, 3. Wickedness, 25. Wife, 216. 540 INDEX. DEVIL-continued. See Wine, Nos. 18, 35. Woman, 177, 223, 280, 306, 308, 361. Worship, I. DEVIL'S MAN-SERVANT-See Wife, No. 200. DEVIL'S BEI LOWS - See Slander, No. 22. No. 55. DEVIL'S SALAD-See Law- yers, No. 38. DEVIL'S SALARY- See Church, No. I. DEVIL'S VALET-See Servant, No. 23. DEVIL'S WORKSHOP - See Idleness, Nos. 3, 21, 55. DEVIL'S BLOOD-See Wine, DEVOTION-See Church, No. DEVIL'S BLUSH-See Truth, No. 105. DEVIL'S BOLSTER-See Idle- ness, No. 4. DEVIL'S CHAPLAIN War, No. 9. — See DEVIL'S COUCH OF EASE- See Idleness, No. 38. DEVIL'S DAUGHTER Lying, No. 31. -See DEVIL'S DOOR-NAIL-See Woman, No. 123. ERRAND DEVIL'S See Church, No. 8. DEVIL'S FACTOR-See Temp- ter, No. 2. DEVIL'S FISH - HOOK-See Gold, No. 30. DEVIL'S HARVEST-See Re- ligion, No. 17. DEVIL'S HOOK-See Wicked- ness, No. 33. DEVIL'S ICE-See Not Easy, No. 6. DEVIL'S JUBILEE-See Priest, No. 20. DEVIL'S MARTYR-See Mar- tyr, No. 7. 3. Wealth, 10. DEW-See Blood, No. 2. DEW-DROP-vol. 1, p 243. DEXTERITY-vol. I, p 243. DIAMOND-vol. I, p 243. See Blind, No. 13. DIANA-vol. I, p 244. DICE—vol. I, p 244. See Devil, Nos. 92, 101. DICER-vol. I, p 244. DIET-vol. I, p 244. DIFFERENCE-vol. I, p 244. DIFFERENT-vol. I, p 244. DIFFICULT-vol. I, p 245. See Beginning, No. 43. DIFFICULTY-vol. 1, p 244. DIFFICULTIES-vol. 1, p 245. DIFFIDENCE-vol. I, p 245. DIGNITY-vol. 1, p 245. DIKES-See Climbing, No, 5. DILEMMA-vol. I, p 245. DILIGENCE-vol. 1, p 246. See Care, No. 3. Conscience, 37. Fortune, 158. DILIGENT-vol. I, p 246. DINNER-vol. 1, p 246. DIPLOMATISTS-vol. 1, p 246. DEVIL'S MOUTH-See Truth, DIRT-vol. 1, p 247. No. 110. DEVIL'S PLAY-FELLOW-See Idleness, Nos. 5, 26. Lawyers, 28. DEVIL'S POOR-See Poor, No. 79. DEVIL'S PRAYER-BOOK-See Gambling, No. 3. DISASTERS-vol. I, p 247. See Delay, No. 1. DISCIPLINE-vol. I, p 247. DISCONTENT-vol. I, p 247. DISCORD-vol. I, p 248. DISCOURSE-vol. 1, p 248. DISCOVERERS-vol. 1, p 248. DISCRETION-vol. 1, p 248. INDEX. 541 DISCRETION-continued. See Folly, No. 1. Fortune, 40. Valor, 4. DISEASES-vol. 1, p 248. See Doctor, No. 56. DISGRACE-vol. I, p 248. See Borrowing, No. 3. City, 4. DISHONEST-vol. 1, p 249. DISHONORABLE-vol. I, p 249. DISLIKE-Vol. 1, p 249. DISPARAGING-See Buy, No. II. DISPARITY OF FORTUNE-See Friendship, No. 7. DISPUTATIONS-vol. I, p 249. DISPUTING-vol. I, p 249. DISTAFF-Vol, I, p 250. See Wife, No 121. DISSEMBLERS-vol. I, p 250. DISSENSIONS-vol. I, p 250. DISTANCE-vol. 1, p 250. DISTRESS-See Company, No. 12. DISTRUST-vol. 1, p 250. DITCH-Vol. 1, p 250. See Better, No. 35. Blind, 25, 29, 38. DIVIDING-Vol. 1, p 251. See Beauty, No. 53. Divine-vol. 1, p 251. DIVINITY-See Husbandry, No. J. DIVINITY SHAPES Our ENDS-See End, No. 14. Do-vol. I, p 251. See (Youth) Age, No. 12. ALL You CAN-See Conduct, (Rules of) Do No. 14. DO EVIL AND-See Conduct, (Rules of) No. 15. Conduct, Do GOOD-See (Rules of) Nos. 16, 17, 18, 19. DO NOT-See Conduct, (Rules of) Nos. 20 to 35. DON'T-See Conduct (Rules of) Nos. 36 to 53. DOERS-See Boasters, No. II. DO WELL-See Better, No. 47. DOCTOR-vol. 1, p 255. See Ass, No. 4. Babe, 8. Beast, 4. Death, 33. Drink, 5. Drunkard, 21, Eat, 8. Feasting, J. Law, 43, 48. Love, 234. Time, 88. DOCTOR'S CHILD-See Doc- tor, No. 4. DOG-vol. I, p 259. See Agree, No. 2. Better, 24. Biting, 4. Cat, 23, 27, 29, 33, 46. Child, 39. Company, 19, 24. Experience, 15. Friend, 137. Horse, 53. Woman, 231. DOING-See Saying and Do- ing. World, No. 34. DOING GOOD-See Learning, No. 29. DollarS-See Beauty, No. 53. Beginning, 35. DOMINIES-See No. 12. Daughter, DONE-See Beginning, Nos 27, 28. DONKEY-vol. 1, p 271. See Buy, No. 17. Disputing, 7. DON'T CARE-vol. 1, p 271 See Care, No. 11. DOOR-vol. 1, p 271. See Beauty, No. 38. 542 INDEX. DOOR-SILL-vol. 1, p 272. DOTAGE-vol. I, p 272. DOUBT-vol. 1, p 272. See Knowledge, Nos. 20, 70. DOVE-See Censure, No. 3. DOVER COURT-vol. I, p 273. DOWER-vol. 1, p 272. See Beauty, Nos. 6, 16, 34. Woman, 111, 215. Health, DRAFT-See 212. Keep, 13. DRAGON-vol. I, p 273. DREAM-vol. 1, p 273. See Hope, No. 24. DRESS-vol. 1, p 274. See Eat, No. 10. Woman, 196. DRINK-vol. I, p 276. NO. DRUNKARD-vol. 1, p 277- See Anger, No. 9. Child, 14, 24. God, 43. Quarrel, 8. Truth, 21. DRUNKENNESS-vol. I, p 279. See Advice, No. 52. Grapes, I. DUCAT-See Borrowing, No. 18. DUCK-vol. 1, p 280. DUE-vol. I, p 280. DUEL-vol. 1, p 281. See Wife, No. 185. DUELLIST-vol. 1, p 281. DULL-vol. I, p 281. DUMB MAN-See Secret, No. 9. See Eat, Nos. 8, 11, 20, 21, DUNG-Vol 1, p 281. 22, 29, 49. Father, 12. Hunger, 24. 18. DRINKING WATER DUST-See Better, No. 39. Blowing, 6, 8. Woman, 83. Drink Well-See Eat, No. DUTCH-See Cricket, No. 1. Water, No. 4. - See DRIVE NOT-See Conduct (Rules of), No. 53. DRIVER-See Ass, Nos. 39, 63. Camel, 9. DRONE-See Bee. DROP, DROPPING-vol. I, p 280. DROSS-See Beauty, No. 26. Buy, 7. DROUTH-See Drink, No. 1. DROWNING-vol. I, p 277- See Conduct (Rules of), No. 54. Hanging, 19, 20. DROWSINESS-See Drunkard, No. 15. DRUM-vol. 1, p 280. Drummer See Beauty, No. 5. DRUNK See Blood, No. 6. DUTCHMAN-See Island, No. I. DUTY-vol. 1, p 281. DWARF-See Giant. DWELLING-vol. 1, p 281. DYSPEPSIA OF THE MIND- See Envy, No. 42. E. EAGLE-vol. I, p 282. See Carrion, No. 2. EAR-vol. I, p 282. See Better, No. 27, EARL OF DEVON-See Giving No. 94. EARLY BIRD-See Bird, No 15. EARLY RISING-vol. I, p 282 See Debtor, No. 4. Fame, 23, God, 41. Earnestness-vol. 1, p 284. EARTH-vol. 1, p 284. INDEX. 543 EARTHEN-vol. 1, p 284. EASE-vol. I, p 284. See Anger, No. 44. Honor, 19. Sufferer, 10. EASY-vol. 1, p 285. EASIER―vol. 1, p 285. EAST-Vol. 1, p 286. EASTER-See Christmas, No. 5. Debt, 23. EAT-vol. 1, p 286. See Appetite, No. 2. Grief, 33. Living, 57. EBB-See Tide. ECHO-See Ambition, No. 4. Wife, 42. ECHO OF THE WOODS-See Three, No. 3. ECONOMY-Vol. 1, p 289. See Woman, No. 180. EDGE-vol. 1, p 289. EDUCATION-vol. 1, p 290. EEL-vol. I, p 290. See Ambition, No. 32. EGG-Vol. 1, p 291. See Asking, No. II. Better, 38. Black. I. Oath, 2. EGOTIST-Vol. I, p 293. EGYPT-vol. I, p 293. EITHER See Conduct (Rules of), Nos. 55, 56, 57. ELBOW-See Eye, Nos. 8, 15. ELEPHANT-vol. I, p 293. ELL-See Asking, No. 2. ELOQUENCE-vol, 1, p 293. See Action, No. 2. Arms, 5. Conscience, 16. Discretion, 3. EMBASSADOR-vol. 1, p 294. EMBERS-See Ashes, No. 4. EMMET See Ant, No. 2. EMPEROR-See Nature, No. 23. EMPIRE-vol. I, p 294. See Money, Nos. 120. EMPTY-vol. 1, p 294. EMULATION-vol. I, p 294. END-vol. I, p 294. ENDING See Beginning, Nos. 1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 14, 18, 20, 26, 29, 30, 31, 41. ENDS OF MAN-vol. I, p 295. ENDURING—vol. 1, p 295. ENEMY-vol. 1, p 296. See Ambition, No. 10. Anger, 21, 42, 47. Better, 41. Biting, 3. Book, 28. Brave, 2. Bride, 10. Building, 16. Despising, 4, 5. Envy, 65. Flatterer, 2, 17, 41, 46. Fortune, 130. Friend, 37, 42, 47, 67, 76, 87, 121, 124, 126, 137, 145, 147, 150, 153, 166, 180, 183, 185, 191, 194, 196, 217, 218, 239. Gift, 13, 19, 39, 40. God, 70. Jest, 3. Keep, 13. Lending, 15, 18, 19, 22. Man, 60. Passions, 4, 6. Poor, 50. Poverty, 60. Pride, 45. Revenge, 8. Secret, 10, 38. Senses, I. Servant, 5, 26, 33. Speech, 32, 33. Talking, I. Trade, 14. Trust, 19, 5I. 544 INDEX. ENEMY-continued. See Wife, No. 153. Wine, 54. Word, 55, 98. ENERGY-See Hope, No. 67. ENGLAND-vol. I, p 300. See Beer, No. 3. ENGLISH-See Love, No. 185. ENGLISHMAN-vol. 1, p 300. See Island, No. 1. Spaniard, I. ENGLISH OVENS-See Busi- ness, No. 44. ENJOYMENT See Indolence, No. 2. ENOUGH-Vol. 1, p 30г. ENTERPRISING-vol. I, P 301. ENTERTAINMENTS See Friend, No. 105. ENVY-Vol. 1, p 301. See Author, No. 1. Beggar, 19. Emulation, I. Enemy, 8, 9. Fame, 3, 32. Just, 7. Pity, 9. Rust, I. Understanding, 10. Virtue, 121. EPHESIAN DOME-See Fame, No. 25. EPICURE-See Purse, No. 58. EPITAPH-See Giving, No. 94. EQUALITY-Vol. 1, p 305. See Love, No. 244. EQUITY-vol. I, p 305. EQUIVOCATION-vol. 1, p 305. ERRING-vol. I, p 305. See Talking, Nos. 24, 29, 46. ERROR-vol. I, p 305. See Advice, No. 50. Ancients, 3. Beginning, 34. Doubt, 5, 12. Haste, 22. Truth, 66. Eschewed-vol. I, p 307. ESTATE-vol. I, P 307, See Beggar, No. 3. Borrowing, 7. Content, 33 ESTEEM-vol, I, p 308. ETERNITY-Vol. 1, p 308. | EUCLID-vol. 1, p 308. EUROPE-See Better, No. 34. EVANGELISTS OF LUCIFER- See Usurer, No. 1. EVE-vol. 1, p 308. EVEN-vol. 1, p 308. EVENING-vol. 1, p 308. EVERY-Vol. 1, p 308. EVERY BACK See Every, No. I. Categor EVERY BEAN-See Every, No. 2. EVERY BLOCK-See Every, No. 3. EVERYBODY-See No. 35. Business, EVERY GAP-See Every, No.4. EVERY GLOW-WORM Every, No. 5. See EVERY HERRING-See Every, No. 6. EVERY HILL-See Every, No. 7. EVERY HORSE-See Every, No. 8. EVERY LIGHT See Every, Nos. 10, II. EVERY ONE-See Every, Nos 20 to 33. EVERYTHING See Ever y, Nos. 44 to 56. EVERY TUB-See Every, Nos. 56, 58. EVERY VINE-See Every, No. 57. EVERY MAN-See Man, Nos. 66 to 82. EVIL-vol. I, p 311. See Bearing, No. 6. Better, 5. Book, 5. INDEX. 545 EVIL-continued. See Clay, No. I. Compensation, 3. Day, 20, 28. Good, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 36, 43, 49. Idleness, 12, 41. Jealousy, 8. Living, 59. EXAMPLE-Vol. 1, p 313. See Precept, Nos. I, 2. EXCELLENCE-See Beginning, No. 34. EXCESS-vol. I, p 314. See Doctor, No. 59. EXCUSE-vol. 1, p 315. See Idleness, No. 25. EXECUTION-vol. I, p 315. See Boldness, No. 1. EXERTION-vol. 1, p 315. F. FACE-vol. I, p 322. See Beauty. Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Better, 15. FACE ABOUT See Blessings, No. 3. FACT-vol. 1, p 322. FAGGOT-vol. I, p 322. FAILINGS-vol. I, p 323. FAINT HEART-vol. I, p 323. FAIR-vol. 1, p 323. See Beauty, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 9. Brave, 3. Woman, 147. FAIR HAIR-vol. 1, p 323. FAIR PLAY-See Fair, No. 3. EXHORTATION-See A fili c- FAIREST-vol. 1, p 323. tion, No. 9. EXILE-See Courage, No. 35. EXILES-vol. 1, p 316. EXPECT-vol. 1, p 316. EXPECTATION-See No. 15. Hope, EXPEDIENT-vol. 1, p 316. EXPENSE-vol. 1, p 316. EXPENSES-vol. 1, p 316. See Beware, No. 2. Business, 39. EXPERIENCE-vol. 1, p 316. See Art, No. 7. Man, 17. EXPERIMENT-vol. 1, p 318. EXTRAVAGANCE-vol. 318. 1, p EXTREMES-vol. 1, p 318. EYE-vol. I, p 319. See Beauty, No. 32. Blind, 12, 14. Jest, 22. EYEBROWS-See Eye, No. 46. EYE-WITNESS-See Better, No. 53. FAITH-Vol. 1, p 323. See Beauty, No. 24. Charity, 20. Love, 65, 72. Want, 21. FALCON See Hawk. FALLING-vol. 1, p 324. See Ass, No. 36. Better, 32, 35. Climbing, 1, 2, 3, 9, 13. FALLING OUT—vol. I, p 325. FALSE-vol. 1, p 325. See Better, No. 19. Love, 64. FALSE CHARGES-vol. I, p 325. FALSE DOCTRINE-See Devil, No. 76. FALSEHOOD—vol. I, p 325. See Flatterer, No. 27. Speech, 17. Travelling, 7, 12. Truth, 14. FALSE SPEAKING-See Speech, No. 19. 35 546 INDEX. FALSE SWEARING-vol. I. p| FAULT, FAULTS―vol. 1, p 333. 326. FALSE TALE-See Truth, No. 113. FAME-vol. I, p 326. See Better, No. 49. Church, 20. Love, 103. Virtue, 120. Woman, 140. FAMILIAR-vol. I, p 328. FAMILIARITY—-vol. 1, p 328. FAMILY-vol. 1, p 328. FAMILY SKELETON-See Ser- vant, No. 39. FAMINE-vol. I, p 329. See Beggar, No. 2. FAN, FANS-vol. I, p 329. FANATICISM-vol. I, p 329. FANCY-vol. 1, p 329. Nature, No. 21. FAREWELL-See Welcome, Nos. 10, 12. FARMER-vol. I, p 330. FARMING-vol. I, P 330. FASHION-Vol. I, p 330. See Genius, No. 7. FAST-vol. 1, P 331. See Belly, No. 21. Day, 5. FASTIDIOUSNESS-vol. I, P 331. FASTING-See Cloak, No. 5. Cure, 1. FATE-vol. I, P 331. ↓ See Bearing, No. 7. FATES-vol. I, p 332. FATHER-vol. 1, P 332. See Advice, No. 33. Asking, 8, Bazaar, 1. See Denials, No. 1. Doctor, 49. Drunkenness, 2. Father, 2. Fool, 175. Friend, 23, 29. 31, 32 221. God, 70. House, 29. Love, 233, 242. Patience, 9. Rich, 64. Self-love, 4. Wait, 13. Wife, 143. FAULT-FINDING-vol. I, p 336. FAVOR-vol, I, p 336. FAVORITES-vol. 1, P 337. FEAR-vol. I, P 338. See Boaster, No. 4. Child, 87. Courage, 19, 42. Cowardice, 8. Fancy, 1. Fortitude, 2. Gold, 41. Grief, 38. Guilt, 19, Hope, 45, 48, 54. Injury, 28. Love, 106, 141,' FEAST-Vol. I, p 341. See Better, No. 30. Caution, 3, Day, 5. FEASTING-vol. I, p 342. FEATHERS-See Bird, Nos 24, 28, 31. FEBRUARY-vol. I, p 342. Child, 32, 35, 58, 75, 88. FED-See Better, No. 33. Daughter, 10, 20. Friend, 8. Greatness, 2. Mother, 5, 21. Son, 2, 4, 7, 11, 12, 14, Miser, 3. FEE-vol. 1, p 342. See Lawyers, No. 25. FEEBLENESS-vol. I, p 34 FEED-See Cat, No. 72. FEELING-Vol. I, P 343- See Seeing, No. 2. 15. 17, 21, 24. INDEX. 547 FEELINGS-Vol. 1, p 343. Feigned-vol. I, P 343. FELICITY—Vol. 1, p 343. FELLOW-vol. I, P 343- See Bold, No. 2. Worth, 4. FELLOW-FEELING-vol. I, p 343. FELLOW MORTAL-vol. I, p 343. FEMALE MIND-See Courage, Sor- No. 36 FEMALE SORROW-See row, No. 49, FEMALES-Vol. 1, p 343. FENCE-vol. I, p 344. See (Youth) Age, No. 8. FERRY-vol. I, P 344. FETTERS-Vol. I, p 344. FEVER-vol. I, p 344. See Atheist, No. 4. FEW-vol. I, p 345. FEWER-See More, No. I. FICTION-See Truth, Nos. 81, 91. FIDDLE-vol. 1, p.345. See God, No. 67. FIDDLER-vol. I, P 345. See Singing, No. 6. FIDELITY— Vol. I, P 345. See Avarice, No. 1. Trust, 59. FIELD-vol. 1, P 345. FIFE-See Drum, Nos. 1, 3. FIGHT-See Caution, No. 3. FIGHTERS-See Boaster, No. 3. FIGHTING-See Advice, No. 15. Belly, 4. FIG-TREE-Vol. 1, p 346. FILE-vol. I, p 346, FILIAL PIETY-See Son, No. 23. Virtue, No. 6. FILLY-See Horse, No. 49. FINDING-Vol. 1, p 346. See Bind, Nos. 1, 2. FINE-Vol. I, p 346. FINGERS-vol. 1, p 346. FINISH-See Beginning, Nos. 7, 19. FIRE-vol. 1, p 346. See Bad, Nos, 23. Blood, 3. Blowing, 7. Work, 12. FIRE-FLY-See Brand, No. 3. FIRST-vol. 1, p 349. FIR-TREE-See Ambition, No, 33. FISH-Vol. I, p 349. See Book, No. 24. Business, 40. Buy, 10. City, 2. Egg, 13. Guest, 4, 12. FISHING See Giving, No. 23. FIT-vol. I, P 353. FLAG-Vol. I, P 353. FLAME-vol. 1, p 353. FLANDERS' MARE See Horse, No. 67. FLATTERER-vol. I, p 353. See Self-love, No. 5. Slander, 2. FLATTERY-vol. I, p 353. See Content, No. 18. Imitation, 9. Rich, 25. Tongue, 53. FLEA-Vol. I, p 356. 'See Blind, No. 6. Dog, 27. Haste, 25, 26, 28. Woman, 167. FLESH-vol. 1, P 357. See Bone, Nos. 2, 3, 4. FLIGHT-vol. I, P 357- See Belly, No. 4. Love, 199. FLINT-Vol. I, p 357. FLIRT-Vol. 1, P 357. FLIRTING-See Woman, No 302. 548 INDEX. FLIRTATION-vol. 1, p 358. FLOCK-See Bird, No. 11. FLOW-See Tide, No. FLOWER-vol. 1, p 358. See Bee, No. 6. Benefits, 2. FLY-vol. I, P 359. See Bee, No. 11. Blind, 32. FOE-vol. I, p 360. See Battle, No. 4. Begging, 5. Carelessness, I. Conduct (Rules of), 74. Friend, 98, 114. Friendship, 6. Jew, 1. Patience, 14. Truth, 68. Wise, 40. FOEMAN-Vol. 1, p 360. FOLLOW-vol. I, p 360. FOG-vol. I, p 360. FOLLY-Vol. 1, p 361. See (Youth) Age, No. 43. FOOL-continued. See Avarice, No. 7. Barber, 3. Boaster, 9. Cheap, 5. Cheat, 9. Child, 15, 16, 17, 34- Counsel, 2, 46. Despair, 4. Despising, 3. Doctor, 23. Drunkard, 20. Envy, 5, 31. Erring, 22. Experience, 11, 16, 20 23, 26. Familiarity, 5. Family, 2. Fashion, I, 4. Flatterer, 3, 26, 35, 52. Fortune, 19, 36, 58, 60, 63, 73, 106, 115, 117, I 50. Friend, 75, 215. God, 10. Hog, 21. Honor, 24. Anger, 35. Beauty, 12, 13. Fault, 21. Happiness, 12. Honor, 52. Lying, 28. Man, 97. Rich, 95. Silence, 85. Wine, 39. Wisdom, 6, 10, II, 14, 15, 21, 26, 35, 56. FOLLY (in Conduct), vol. I, p 363. FOOD-vol. I, p 361. See Bird, No. 27. Famine, 4. FOOD OF FOOLS-See Vanity, No. 26. FOOL-vol. 1, p 364. See Advice, Nos, 7, 54. Anger, 34. (Youth) Age, 55. Hope, 36. Jest, 41. King, 8. Knave, 1, 3, 5, 18, 21, 30, 33. Laugh, 3, 25, 34. Lawyers, 13, 14, 32. Lending, II. Love, 131. Lover, 5, 16, 24. Lying, 66. Madness, 4. Man, 55- Meddling, I. Merit, 1. Mirth, 8. Obstinacy, I. Opinion, 6. Patriotism, 4. Pleasure, 40. Praise, 13, 37, 61. INDEX. 549 FOOL-continued. See Pride, No. 63. Promise, 7, 22, 30, 41. Reason, 10. Repentance, 15. Rogue, 9. Ruling, 2. Self-Conceit, 8. Self-Love, 3. Silence, 9, 66, 84. Singing, 6. Slander, 6. Solitude, 12. Speech, 42. Success, 19. Talking, 14. Teacher, 5. Tongue, 64. Truth, 21, 38. Unfortunate, II. Vanity, 26. Weather, 8. Whip, I. Wind, 24. Wine, 36. Wisdom, 16, 25. Wise, 23, 96. Wishing, 17. Wit, 8, 27, 62. 316, Woman, 149, 152, 153, 224, 238, 312, 336, 350, 358. FOOL, WISE MAN-vol. I, p❘ 376. See (Youth) Age, No. 6. Anger, 30. Bold, 2. Experience, 24. Heart, 42. Pleasure, 25. Loquacity, 1. Money, 40. Praise, 38. Rich, 92. Prosperity, 10. Sufferer, 12. Travelling, 39. Zeal, 7. FOOL'S INCOME-See Hope, No. 15. FOOL'S LEISURE-See Time, FOOL'S No. 106. PAPER-See Wall, No. I. FOOL'S PARADISE-See Self- Exaltation, No. 1. FOOL THE WORLD-See Truth, No. 130. FOOT-vol. I, p 381. See Appear, No. 4. FOOT-BALL-vol. 1, p 381. FORBEARANCE-vol. 1, p 381. See Bearing, No. 3. FORCE-vol. 1, p 381. See Right, No. 21. FORD-Vol. I, p 382. FOREARMED—See Warning, No. 4 FORECAST-vol. 1, p 382. Forehead-See Bend, No. 4. FORELOOKING-vol. 1, p 382. FORESEEING-vol. 1, p 382. FOREST-See Business, No. 40. · FORETELLING-vol. 1, p 383. FORGET-vol. 1, p 383. FORGIVING-Vol. 1, p 383. See Erring, No. 21. FORGOTTEN See Better, No. 70. FORM-See Beauty, No. 63. FORTIFIED-vol. I, p 383. FORTITUDE-vol. 1, p 383. FORTRESS-vol. 1, p 384. FORTUNE-vol. 1, p 384. See Affairs, No. 3. Beauty, 10. Content, 14. Diligence, 2. Envy, 22. Industry, 8, 10. Wind, 22. Woman, 149, 358. FORTUNATE-See Beginning, No. 38. 550 INDEX. FOUNDATION-vol. I, p 394. FOUR SS.-See Lover, No. 26. FOWLER-See Bird, Nos. 50, 52, 55. Fox-vol. 1, p 394. See At Last, No. 2. Choice, I. Wolf, 27, 28, 30. FRANCE-See Blood, No. 6. FRANKNESS-vol. I, p 399- FRANKS-Vol. I, p 399. FRAY-See Better, No. 30. FRAUD-vol. I, P 399. See Avarice, No. 4. Borrowing, 20. Honesty, 2. Money, 109. FREEDOM-vol. I, p 399. See Bacchus, No. 3. Commerce, I. Friendship, 49. Secret, 39. FREEMEN-See Debt, No. 20. FRENCH COOK-See Hunger, No. 33. FRENCHMEN-vol. I, p 401. See Horse, No. 76. Island, 1. Jew, 2. Love, 185. FRIAR-See Begging, No. 17, Going, 10. FRIEND-vol. 1, p 401. See Absence, Nos. 8, 13. Begging, 5. Be True, I. Book, 3, 11, 19, 21, 29, 34. Cat, 32. Churl, 1. Covetousness, 6. Enemy, 14, 19, 23, 27, 35, 55. Envy, 65. Favorites, I. Flatterer, 10, 31. Foe, I. Fool, 71. FRIEND-Continued. See Fortune, No. 59. God, 70. Great Men, 6. Happiness, 28. Husband, II. Idleness, 29. Insult, 4. Jest, 3, 8, 32, 36. Judging, 9. King, 56. Law, 7, 8. Lending, 5, 15, 18, 21. Liberal, 1. Life, 6, 15, 49. Loss, 20. Love, 142. Lover, I. Matrimony, 35. Misfortunes, 36. Money, 13 28, 97, 114. Obligation, 2. Penny, 46. Poor, 3, 6, 18, 50. Poverty, 59, 60, 61. Pride, 45. Promise, 27. Prosperity, 14. Purse, 2, 3, 6, 16. Reckoning, II. Rich, 7, 29, 59, 104, 105. Secret, 8, 38. Self-Reliance, 2. Servant, 12, 31. Speech, 32. 33. Tongue, 63. Trade, 18. Trust, 19, 47, 51, 56. Truth, 40, 46. Wealth, 39, 42. Whisper, I. Wickedness, 29. Wife, 9, 139, 141, 186. Wine, 54. Wise, 40. Woman, 364. Word, 55, 98. INDEX. 551 FRIENDSHIP-vol. I, p 415. See Distrust, No. 1. Drink, 10. Feasting, 2. Flatterer, 22. Gift, 21, 32. Gold, 28. Insolence, 2. Insult, 4. Integrity, 2. Law, 97, 98. Mill, 1. Mirth, 26. Miser, 23. Peace, 27. Pot, II. Praise, 47. Purse, 60. Reckoning, 1. FROG―vol. 1, p 418. FROTH-See Beer, No. 2. FRUGALITY-vol. 1, p 419. See Avarice, No. 12. Industry, 8. Prosperity, 25. Shame, 21. FRUIT-vol. 1, p 419. See Beauty, No. 37. FRYING-PAN-vol. 1, p 420. FUEL-See Business, No. 40. FULL-vol. 1, p 421. FULL BELLY-See Hunger, No. 49. FULL-FED-vol. 1, p 421. FUNERALS-See Doctor, No. 38. FUR-vol. I, p 421. FURNITURE-vol. I, p 421. See Building, No. 4. FURRIER-See Fox, No. 51. FURY-Vol. I, p 421 FUTURE-vol. I, p 421. See Wait, No. 16. G. GAIN-vol. 1, p 422. See Bearing, No. 8. Pain, 8. GAIT-See Ass, No. 64. GALE-Vol. I. p 422. GALLANT See Husband, No. 19. Life, 21. GALLOWS-vol. I, p 422. See Lying, No. 68. Thief, 16, 40, 41, 44, 45. GAMBLING-vol. 1, p 423. See Woman, No. 340. GAME-See Candle, No. II. Hunting, 4. GAMING-See Devil, No. 79. Law, 92. Love, 189. GARDEN-vol. 1, p 425. GARDENING-vol. I, p 425. GARLANDS-vol. 1, p 425. GARLIC-vol. 1, p 425. GARRET See Happiness, No. 3. GARRULITY—vol. 1, p 425. GATES OF PRAYER See Tear, No. 5. Gates of TEARS-See Tear, No. 5. GATHERING-vol. I, p 425. GAUNTLET-vol. 1, p 426. GEAR-vol. I, p 426. GEMS-vol. 1, p 426. GENERALS-Vol. 1, p 426. See Army, No. 3. GENEROUS MAN-vol. I, p 426. GENEROSITY-vol. 1, p 426. See Lavishness, No. 1. GENIUS-vol. 1, p 426. See Belly, No. 16, 18. Emulation, 2. Fortune, 41. Mind, 35. Misfortune, 26. Patience, 29. GENOESE--vol. 1, p 427. GENTILITY-vol. 1, p 427. GENTLE-vol. I, P 427. GENTLEMAN-vol. I, 428. See Christian, No 1. 552 INDEX. GENTLEMAN-continued. · See Clown, No. 1. Dress, 29. Money, 22, 98. GLOWING-Vol. 1, p 440. GLUTTON-See Drunkara, No. 15. GLUTTONY-vol. I, p 440. See Hunger, No. 24. Gentleness—See Child, No. GO ABOUT--See Better, No. Pride, 81. 87. Husband, 13. GENTRY-Vol. 1, p 429. See Beggar, No. 12. Better, 25. GERMAN-vol. I, p 429. See Italian, No. 1. Jew, 2. GETTING See (Youth) Age, No. 14. Better, 18. GHOSTS-vol. I, p 429. See Love, No. 141. GIANT-vol. I, p 429. GIANT'S SHOULDERS — See Riding, No. 12. GIBLETS-See Alms, No. II. GIFT-vol. 1, p 429. See Beauty, No. 30. Woman, 116. GIFT-HORSE-vol. I, p 432. GIMLET--See Auger Holes, No. I. GIRL-vol. I, p 438. See Boy, No. 12. GIVING-Vol. I, p 432. See Advice, No. 12. Borrowing, 21. Hand, II. GLADNESS-See Sowing, No. 22. GLASSES-See Child, No. 66. Lasses, 2, 3. GLASS HOUSES-vol. 1, p 438. Glass Roof-vol. 1, p 438. GLASS WINDOWS--vol. I, p 438. GLORY-Vol. 1, p 438. See Arms, No. 6. Great Men, 16. Toil, 8. GLOVES-See Cat, No. 36. 35. GO AWAY-See Better, No. 36. GOAD-See Ass, No. 38. GOAT-vol. I, p 440. See Beard, No. 2. GOD-vol. I, p 441 See Anger, No. 40. Babe, 9. Beauty, 30. Beginning, 12. Beware, I. Bird, 54. Boaster, 9. Charity, 22. Church, 17, 20. Conscience, 38. Danger, 20. Doctor, 26, 27. Friend, 234. House, 12. Jest, 15. Liberty, 12. Rich, 122. Spending, 5. GOD'S OPPORTUNITY See Man, No. 101. GODFATHER-vol. 1, p 448. See Child, No. 95. | GODLINESS-See Cleanliness, No. I. GODS-vol. 1, p 448. GOING-Vol. 1, p 449. GOLD-vol. I, P 449. See Ambition, No. 19. Ass, 9, 11, 15, 43, 73, 84, 85. Avarice, 16. Balance, 1, 2. Beauty, 21. Belly, 7. Brandy, I. INDEX. 553 GOLD-continued. See Brave, No. II. Chains, I. Child, 42. Counsel, 21. Devil, 76. Early Rising, 17. Eloquence, 2. Fence, 2. Fetters, 1, 2, 3, 5. Fool, 95. Fortune, 22. Freedom, 12. Friend, 66, 69. God, 3. Happiness, 25. Home, I. Iron, 6. Labor, 26. Law, 149, 150. Lawyers, 8. Life, 42. Love, 83. Nature, 9. Poison, 3. Purse, 56. Rich, 15, 60. Silence, 71. Silver, 10. Son-in-law, 8. Truth, 59, 84. Usurer, 3. Virtue, 67. Wisdom, 44. Woman, 129, 204, 282, 358. Word, 10. GOLDEN RULE-See Begin- ning, No. 36. GOLDEN SORROW-See Sor- row, No. 47. GOLIAH-See Word, No. 41. GOLGOTHA-vol. I, p 453. GOOD-vol. 1, P 453. See Bad, Nos. II, 21. Bearing, 6. Better, 5, 37, 41, 43. Evil, 37. GOOD FAITH-vol. 1, p 456. GOOD LOOKS-See Beauty, No. 49. GOOD MAN-vol. 2, p 12. See Bad Man, No. 4. GOOD NAME-See Gold, No. 18. Honor, 16. Reputation. Son, 22. GOOD OLD RULE-See Rule, No. 3. GOOD SENSE-See Fortune, No. 122. Good Nature, 1. GOOD THING-See Thing. GOOD TURN-vol. I, p 456. GOODNESS-See Beauty, No. 51. Belief, 4. Wisdom, 33. GOODS-vol. I, p 456. GOOSE-vol. I, p 457. See Alms, Nos. 11, 17. Folly (in Conduct), 9. Fox, 83. GOLD MINES-See Parnassus, GORGET-See Gauntlet, No. 1. No. I. GOLDEN AGE-vol. I, P 453. GOLDEN EGG-See Folly, (in Conduct), No. 9. GOLDEN HOOK-See Fish, Nos. 65, 68. GOLDEN KEY-See Key, No. 4. GOLDEN NET-See Devil, No. 74. GOSSIPING-Vol. 1, p 458. Gossips-See Conscience, No. 20. GOT-vol. 1, p 458. Gour-vol. 1, p 458. See Doctor, Nos. 50, 67. GOVERNING-vol. 1, p 458. See Blind, No. 24. GOVERNMENT-vol. I, p 458. See Civil Broils, No. 2. 554 INDEX. GOWN-See Arms, No. 4. GRACE-vol. 1, p 460. See Art. No. 16. Favor, 10. GRACES-See Meal, No. 8. GRAFTING-vol. I, p 460. GRAIN-vol. 1, p 460. See Bird, No. 51. GRAPES-vol. 1, p 460. See Fox, No. 24. GRASPING-Vol. 1, p 460. GRASS-vol. 1, p 460. GRATITUDE-vol. 1, p 461. See Envy, No. 30. GRAVE-vol. 1, p 461. See Ambition, No. II. GRAY-vol. I, p 462. Grindstone-vol. 1, p 468. GROANS-See Laugh, No. 2. GROANING WIFE-See Wife, No. 17. GROAT―vol. 1, p 468. See Beggar, No. 9. GRUMBLING See Workman, No. 8. GRUNDY, (Mrs.) — vol. 1, p 468. GRUNT See Hog, No. 53. GUARD-vol. 1, p 468. GUESSING-vol. 1, p 468. GUEST-vol. 1, p 468. See Ass, No. 52. GUIDE-vol. I, p 470. See Counsellor, No. 1. GRAY HAIRS-See Love, No. GUILT-vol. I, p 470. 181. GREAT-vol. 1, p 462. See Happiness, No. 23. GRAY MARE-See Husband, No. 37. GREATEST-vol. I, p 463. GREAT MEN-vol. I, p 463. See Man, Nos 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. GREAT THINGS-See Thing. GREATNESS-vol. 1, p 465. GREED-vol. 1, p 465. GREEN-See Gray, No. 1. GREEKS-See Gift, No. 27. GREYHOUND-See Buy, No. 4. Dog, 113, 123, 164. GRIEF-vol. 1, p 465. See Beggar, No. 26. Day, 21. Friendship, 31. Hope, 16, 28. Hunting, 9. Joy, 3, 19, 21. Love, 90. Matrimony, 36. Money, 153. Pleasure, 1, 24. Secret, 40. Wife, 78. Woman, 328. GRIEVANCE-vol. 1, p 468. See Innocence, No. 5. GUILTY-See Law, Nos. 36, II4. GUITAR-See 198. Woman, No. GUNPOWDER-See Belly, No. 2. GUTTER-See Better, No. 55. Dropping, 3. GYPSY-vol. I, p 432. H. HABIT-Vol. 1, p 471. See Custom, No. 5. Evil, 17. HAD-I-BUT-KNOWN P 472. HAIR-vol. I, p 472. HAIR-SPLITTING 473. - vol. I, vol. I, P HALF-vol. I, P 473. HALF BLIND-See Blind, No. 12. HALF DONE-See Beginning, No. 39. HALT See Company, No. 22. HALTER-See Better, Nos. 4, . 8. INDEX. 555 HAMMER-See Anvil, Ham- | HATRED-vol. 1, p 485. mer. Arts, No. 1. Mutability of Fortune, 8. HAND-Vol. 1, p 473. See Arts, No. 1. Better, 62. Tongue, 42. HANDICRAFT-vol. I, P 474. HANDFUL-See Better, No. 40. HANDSOME-vol. I, p 474. See Beauty, No. 59. Living, 31. Man, 6. HANGING-Vol. 1, p 475. See Wife, No. 154- HANNIBAL-vol. I, p 477. HAPPEN-vol. I, p 477. HAPPINESS-vol. 1, p 478. See Content, No. 31. Obedience, 3. Virtue, 64, Woman, 330. HARE-vol. I, p 480. See Dog, No. 204. Jew, 3. HARLOT-vol. I, p 481. HARM-Vol. I, p 482. I. See Better, No. 63. HARMONY-See Spiders, No, HARNESS-vol. 1, p 482. HARP-See Agree, No. 3. HARVEST-vol. 1, p 482. See Candor, No. 1. Envy, 3, 65. Injury, 28. Love, 249. Money, 23. Truth, 40. Woman, 100. HAUGHTINESS-vol. 1, p 485 HAVING-Vol. I, p 486. HAWK-vol. 1, p 486. See Pleasure, No. 18. HAWKING-See Hunting, No. 9. HAY-See Ass, No. 43. HEAD-vol. I, p 487. See Belly, No. 19. HEADACHES-See Child, No. 60. Do, 36. HEAD-WORK See Work, No. II. HEAD OF A CAT-See Better, No. 23. HEAD OF A DOG-See Better, No. 24. HEAD OF THE YEOMANRY— See Better, No. 25. HEALTH-vol. I, p 489. See Atheist, No. 4. Life, 41. Poverty, 50. Rich, 39, 127. Wife, 12. Youth, 6. HARROW--See Agree, No. 3. HEARING-vol. 1, p 492. See Work, No. 31. HAS BEEN-vol. 1, p 482 HASTE-vol. 1, p 482. See Anger, No. 10. Ass, 98. Fish, 59, 60. Fool, 85. Hurry, I. Time, 41. HATCHET-vol. 1, p 485. HATE-See Weeping, No. 2. HEARSAY-Vol. 1, p 495. HEARSAY WITNESS-See Bet- ter, No. 53. HEARSE-vol. 1, p 492. HEART-vol. I, p 492. See Bad. Beauty, No. 2. Better, 15. Eye, 48, 49, 50, 51. Hope, 49. Mouth, 14, 16. 556 INDEX. HEART-ACHES-See Child, | HIDALGO'S DINNER - See Like, No. 7. No. 60. HEATHEN-See Death, No. HIDDEN-vol. I, p 503. II2. HEAVEN-Vol. 1, p 495. See Alms, No. 2. Hell, 2. Lawyer, I, 12. Patience, 6. HEBREW-See Devil, No. 70. Diplomatists, I. HEDGE-vol. 1, p 498. HEDGEHOGS-vol. I, p 498. HEELS-See Hand, No. 15. HEIR―Vol. I, p 498. See Absence, Nos. 12, 16. Avarice, 25. Doctor, 37, 51. Grief, 31. Man, 17. HELL―vol. I, p 498. See Company, No. 16. Heaven, 1, 5, 6, 24. House, 13. Law, 67. Lawyers, 51, 58. Life, 30. HELP-vol. I, p 499. See Advice, Nos. 14, 23. HELPLESS-vol. 1, p 501. HEN-See Chickens. Asking, No. II. Black, 1. HERALD-Vol. 1, p 501. HERCULES-vol. 1, p 501. HERE IT IS-See Better, No. 67. HERETICS-Vol. I, p 501. HERO-vol. 1, p 501. See Cowardice, No. 6. Mother, 23. HERON-Vol. 1, p 502. See Hawk, No. II. HERRING-See Better, No. 16. Conduct (Rules of), II. HESITATION-vol. 1, p 502. HEWING See Ambition, No. 24. HIDING-Vol. 1, p 502. See Conduct (Rules of), No. 59. HIGH-Vol. I, p 503. HIGHER Vol. 1, p 503. HIGHEST-See No. 21. Beginning, HIGHWAY-Vol. 1, p 503. See Building, No. 12. HIND-See Lion, No. 16. HINGES See Door-Sill, No. I. HINT--See Clown, No. 1. HISTORY-Vol. 1, p 503. HOARDING-vol. 1, p 503. HOARY HEAD-vol. I, p 504. HOBBY-Vol. 1, p 504. HOBBY-HORSE-vol. I, P 504. HOBER-DE-HOY See Boy, No. I. HOBSON'S CHOICE — See Choice, No. 7. HOG-vol. I, p 504. HOLD FAST-vol. 1, p 506. HOLD ON-vol. 1, p 507. HOLDING-Vol. 1, p 507. HOLE-vol. I, p 507. See Better, No. 57. Coat, 2. Mouse, 7, 12, 18, 20. HOLIDAY-vol. I, p 507. See Blind, No. 17. Court, 14. Envy, 36. Fool, 233. Laziness, 17. HOMAGE-vol. 1, p 507. HOME-vol. I, p 507. HOMER-vol. I, P 509. HONESTY-Vol. 1, p 509. See Action, No. 16. Beauty, 26. Corruption, 3. Deceit, 2. Key, 3. INDEX. 557 HONESTY-Continued See Truth, No. 60. MAN-See Wise, HONEST MAN-See No. 35. HONEY-vol. 1, p 512. See Ass, No. 92. HORSE-Continued. See Borrowing, 13, Donkey, 5. England, 2. Husband, 37. Bee, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, HORSEBACK See Beggar Money, 161. 16. Nos. 30, 31. Fly, 8. Pride, 22. HONEY BIRD-See House- HORSE'S HEALTH-See Mad- keeping, No. 7. HONEY-HONEY-See Mouth, No. 23. HONOR-vol. 1, P 513. See Art, No. 6. Avarice, 17. Characteristic, I. Cost, 5. Fear, 6. Fortune, 57,› Money, 154. Mother, 21. Shame, 14, 24. Virtue, 24. Wisdom, 34. Woman, 329. Work, 43. HONORABLE-See Becoming, No. 2. Hook-vol. I, p 516. See Book, No. 24. HOPE-vol. 1, p 516. See Architect, No. 2. Art, 5. Charity, 20. Exiles, I. ness, No. 10. HOSPITALITY-vol. I, P 525. HOST-vol. I, P 525. See Asking, No. 7. Guest, 3, 5, 14, 16. Reckoning, 4, 5, 15. HOSTESS-vol. 1, p 526. See Reckoning, Nos. 12, 13. HOUND-See Beggar, No. 36. Dog, 39, 108, 168, 173. Pleasure, 18. HOUR-vol. 1, p 526. HOUSE-vol. 1, p 526. See Architect, No. 1. Better, 55. Conduct (Rules, of), 8. Hush, 2. Kitchen, 10. HOUSEKEEPING vol. I, p 528. See Matrimony, Nos. 86, 105. HOUSEWIFE-vol. I, p 529. See Egg, No. 6. Eye, 31. HUCKSTER-See Buy, No. 13. Living, 23, 24, 27, 39, HUE-See Black, No. 7. 41, 44. Wise, 82, 86. Youth, 19. HOPS-See Beer, No. 3. HORN-See Butter, No. 4. New, I. HORNS-vol. 1, p 519. HORNET-vol. 1, p 519. HORSE-vol. I, p 520. See Ass, Nos. 25, 27, 30, 46, 60, 85. Better, 4, 7 HUMAN-See Blood, Nos. 8, 9. HUMANITY-See Wound, No. 5. HUMBLE-Vol. 1, p 529. See Conduct (Rules of); No. 60. HUMILITY-vol. 1, p 529. See Dignity, No. 2. Honor, 8. HUNCHBACK-vol. 1, P 530. 558 INDEX. HUNGER-vol. I, p 530. See Belly, No. 16. Hope, 57. Idleness, 34. Poverty, 29. Workman, 4. HUNGRY-See Money, No. 54. Wait, 4, 19: No. 3. IDLE-See Providence, No. 4 IDLENESS-vol. 1, p 538. See Business, No. 23. Devil, 110. Poverty, 51. Tattler, 3. Want, 15. IDLER'S OPINION-See Gamb- ling, No. 6. HUNGRY MAN-See Lawyers, IF-vol. 1, P 541. HUNTING-Vol. 1, p 532. See Lawyers, No. 60. Love, 55. HURRICANE-See No. 2. HURRY-vol. I, p 533- Blowing, See Beginning, No. 7. Dress, 10. Haste, 22. HUSBAND-vol. I, P 533. See Beauty, No. 10. Jealousy, 3. Lover, 28. Maid, 13, 20. Matrimony, I. Wife, Woman, IIO. HUSBANDRY-vol. I, p 536. See Borrowing, No. 23. HUSH-vol. I, p 536. HYENA-See Cat, No. 30. HYPOCHONDRIA―vol. 1, p 536. HYPOCRITE-voi. 1, p.536. See Death, No. 51. Flatterer 1. HYPOTHESIS-vol. 1, p 538. I. ICE-See Ashes, No. 1. Wise, 34. I DO NOT KNOW Tongue, No. 52. IDEAS-vol. 1, p 538. IDIOTS—vol. 1, p 538. See Fool, No. 98. Revenge, 28. See See Conduct (Rules of), Nos. 61 to 70. IGNOBLE BLOOD-See Blood, No. I. IGNORANCE-vol. I, P 541. See Boaster, No. 14. Fear, 9. Knowledge, 22. Reputation, 25. Soldier, 12. Wonder, 3. IGNORANT-vol. 1, P 542. ILL-Vol. I, P 542. See Better, No. 37. ILL-BEGUN-See Beginning, No. 22. ILL-DONE - See Beginning, No. 22. ILL-GOTTEN-vol. I, P 544- ILL-HABITS-See Habit, Nos. 8, 10. ILL-LUCK-vol. I, P 544. See Courage, No. 24. Gambling, 21. ILL-NATURE See Charity, No. II. ILL-SPOKEN OF-See Better, No. 21. ILL-TAUGHT-See Better, No. 72. ILL-TIDINGS-vol. I, p 545- ILL-TURN-vol. I, P 545. ILL-VESSELS-vol. 1, p 545. ILL-WILL-vol. 1, P 545. I'LL GO MYSELF-vol. I, p 544. I'LL SEE TO IT-vol. I, P 544- IMAGINATION-vol. I, P 545. INDEX. 559 IMITATION-vol. I, p 545. IMMORTAL-See Birth, No. 8. IMP-See Devil, No. 66. IMPARTIALITY-vol. I, p 546. IMPARTIAL JUDGE-See Judg- ing, No. 15. IMPATIENCE-vol. I, p 546. See Adversity, No. 1. Hunger, 40. IMPOSSIBLE-vol. 1, p 546. See Word, No. 106. IMPOSTURE-vol. I, p 549. IMPROMPTU-vol. 1, p 549. IMPROVIDENT-vol. I, p 549. IMPROVING-vol. I, p 549. IMPRUDENCE-vol. I, p 549. See Folly, No. 10. IMPRUDENT See Unfortu- nate, No. 2. IMPUDENCE-vol. I, p 549. See Ignorance, No. 1o. I MYSELF-vol. 1, p 549. INCENSE-vol. I, p 549. INCH-See Asking, No. 2. INCOME-See Waste, No. 9. INCONGRUITY-vol. I, p 549. INCONSISTENCY-vol. 1, p 550. INCONVENIENCE-See Better, No. 14. INCREDIBLE-vol. 1, p 551. INCREDULITY-vol. I, p 551. INFAMY-See Fame, No. 21. INFIDEL-vol. 1, p 554. See Atheist, No. 5. INFORMER-vol. I, P 554. INGRATITUDE-vol. 1, p 554. See Cowardice, No. 19. Flatterer, 19. Gratitude, 7. INHERITANCE-vol. I, p 556. See Beauty, No. 29. Clever, 2. Wisdom, 45. INJURY-Vol. 1, p 556. See Benefits, No. 1. Contempt, 2. Labor, 56. INK-See Art, No. 20. INN-See Buy, No. 13. Going, 4. Road, 5. INNKEEPER'S DAUGHTER- See Matrimony, No. 28. INNOCENCE-vol. p 558. See Calumny, Nos. 5, 11. INNOVATIONS-vol. 1, p 559. INQUIRING-vol. I, p 559. INQUISITION-See Hush, No. I. INSANE-See Anger, No. 33. INSIGNIFICANT-vol. I, p 559- INSOLENCE-vol. 1, p 560. INDEPENDENCE-vol. 1, p 551. | INSTINCT-See Reason, Nos. INDEX LEARNING See Learning, No. 8. INDIRECTION-vol. I, P 551. INDISCRETION-vol. I, P 552. INDOLENCE-vol. 1, p 552. INDUSTRIOUS MAN-See Hun- ger, No. 41. INDUSTRY-vol. 1, p 553- See Bee, No. 12. Fortune, 132. Honesty, 47 Idleness, 28. Necessity, 24. Prosperity, 25 Sloth, 13. Woman, 205. | 13, 15. INSTRUCTION—vol. 1, p 560. INSULT-vol. 1, p 560. See Avenging, No. 3. INTEGRITY—vol. 1, p 560. INTELLECT-vol. 1, p 560. INTEMPERANCE—vol. 1, p 561 INTENTIONS—vol. 1, p 561. See Action, No. 14. Bashfulness, 7. Hell, 8, 12. INTEREST-vol. 1, p 561. See Borrowing, No. 12. Intrigues-vol. 1, p 561. See Head, No. 23. INVENT-See Belly No. 2. 560 INDEX. INVITATION-vol. 1, p 562. See Beggar, No. 33. IRE-See (Youth) Age, No. 40. IRELAND-See England, Nos. 4, 7. IRON-vol. I, p 562. See Best, No. II. Chains, I. IRONS-vol. I, p 562. See Better, No. 78. I SAY-vol. 1, p 562. ISLAND—vol. 1, p 562. ISLE OF WIGHT-See Law- yers, No. 45. ITALIAN-Vol. 1, p 562. See German, No. 5. ITHACA-Vol. 1, p 563. IT IS GOOD-vol. 1, p 563. IT IS HARD-vol. 1, p 563. IT IS IN VAIN-vol. I, p 564. IT IS NOT-vol. 1, p 564. IT IS SAFE-vol. 1, p 565. IT IS USELESS-vol. 1, p 565. IT IS WELL-vol. 1, p 565. IVORY-Vol. I, p 565. See Art, No. 20. J. JACKALL-vol. 1, p 565. See Lion, No. 15. JADE-See Better, No. 8. JAIL-vol. 1, p 566. JANUARY-vol. 1, p 566. See March, No. 7. JEALOUSY-vol. 1, p 566. See Author, No. 14. Love, 87, 89, 108, 111, 163, 202, 210, 243. Woman, 210. Jeering-vol. 1, p 567. JEST-Vol. I, p 567. See Time, No. 57. JESUITS-vol. 1, p 569. JEW-vol. I, P 570. See Bankrupt, No. 2. Basle, 1. Cheat, II. JEW-continued. See Law, No. 113. Russian, 2. JEWEL-Vol. I, P 570. See Black, No. 2. Knowledge, 55. JOKES-See Burlesque, No. 1. JOSEPH-vol. I, p 570. JOURNEY-vol. I, p 570. JOVE-vol. 1, P 570. See Dream, No. 3. Joy-vol. I, p 570 See Beauty, No. 7. Drunkard, 18. Friendship, 31. Hope, 16. Hunting, 9 Patience, 38. Sorrow, 39, 42, 43. Time, 51. JUDAISM-See Christianity, No. I. JUDGE-See Law. JUDGING-vol. 1, p 572. JUDGMENT-vol. I, P 573. See Memory, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5. 'Wit, 47. JULY-See Bee, No. 2. JUNE-Vol. I, P_573. JUPITER-See Jove. Fault, No. 23. JUST-vol. 1, p 573. See Life, No. 24. JUSTICE-vol. I, p 574. See Action, No. 16. Certainty, I. Conscience, 30, 31. K. KEEP-Vol. 1, p 574. KENNEL-See Dog, No. 163. KETTLE-See Beauty, No. 55. KEY-Vol. I, P 575. KEY OF PARADISE See Pa tience, No. 39. KICKING See Ass, No. 31. INDEX. 561 KILLING—vol. 1, p 576. See Ass, No. 31. Better, 43. KINDNESS-vol. I, p 576. See Beauty, No. 36. Injury, 24, 36. KINDRED-See Relations. Trade, No. 18. KING-Vol. I, P 577. See Ass, No. 75. Cat, 2, 4. Cloak, II. Death, 21. Eat, 15, 28. Fool, 164. Fortune, 53, 60. Grave, 5. Home, 16. Honesty, 17. Hope, 60. House, 18. Hush, I. KNOCK-Vol. 1, p 585. KNOT-vol. 1, p 585. KNOWLEDGE-vol. 1, p 586. See Action, No. 3, Art, 6. Boaster, 14. Care, 23. Discretion, 2. Doubt, I, 4. Ignorance, 9. Learning, 45. Wisdom, 42, 59. Zeal, 8, 9, 10, II. KNOW THYSELF-vol. 1, p 585. KNOWS NOTHING - See Knowledge, No. 71. L. Peasant, 3, 4. Poor, 54. Servant, 40. Soldier, 21. KING DAGOBERT-See Com- pany, No. 41. KING'S FRIEND-See King, No. 53. KING PETARD'S COURT-See Court, No. 12. KINGDOM-See Certainty, No. 3. KISS-vol. I, p 581. KITCHEN-vol. 1, p 582. KITE-vol. 1, p 583. KITTENS-See Cat, No. 60. -KNAVE—Vol. 1, p 583. See Avarice, No. 7. Family, 2. Fool, 160, 164. Honesty, 12. KNAVERY-Vol. 1, p 583. See Honesty, No. 46. Love, 116. KNIFE-vol. 1, p 585. See Bad, No. 2. LABOR-vol. I, p 590. See Bee, No. 1. Beginning, 17. Business, 25. Conduct (Rules of), 117. Fool, 216. Genius, I. God, 69, 108. Idleness, 10, 24. Industry, 6. Learning, 30 Life, 31, 40. Love, 120, 126. Rest, 4, 10. Sleep, 34, 39. LABOR (LOSS OF)-vol. 1, p 593. LABOR IN VAIN-See Wo- man, No. 290. LABORER-See Grave, No. 4 LABYRINTH—vol. I, p 594. LACK-See Better, No. 48. Ladder-vol. I, p 594. See Climbing, No. 4. Fool, 16. LADY—vol. I, p 595. See Pride, No. 82. 36 562 INDEX. LADY'S HONOR-See Honor, | LAWYERS—vol. 1, p 608. No. 3 LAKE-See Business, No. 40. LAMB-See Sheep. Wolf, Nos. 42, 60. LAME-See Company, No. 22. Cripple, 3, 4. LAMENT-vol. I, p 595. LAMENTS-See Pleasure, No. 37. LAMP-Vol. I, p 595. LANCE-vol. I, P 595. LAND-vol. I,,P 596. LANDMARK STONES-vol. 1, p 596. LANDMARKS-See Removing, No. 5. LANE-vol. 1, p 596. LANGUAGE-vol. 1, p 596. See Cure, No. 2. LAP-DOG-See Ass, No. 22. LASSES―vol. 1, p 596. See Age, No. 5. LAST-vol. I, P 597. LAST GARMENT-vol. I, p 597. LATE-See Better, Nos. 45, 46, 47. LATIN-See Fool, Nos. 25, 217. Lying, 54, 61. Money, 161. Talking, 6. Woman, 20. LAUGH-Vol. 1, P 597. See Fool, Nos. 8, 17, 29, 86. House, 28. LAUGHTER-See Fool, No. 55. Wit, 29. Woman, 235- LAUREL-See Arms, No. 5. Lavishness-vol. I, p 599. Law-vol. 1, p 600. See Circumstances, No. 4. Drum, 4. Power, 12. War, 44. Woman, 264. Buy, 19. Drum, 4 See Hunger, No. 9. LAY THINGS BY-vol. I, P 612. LAZY-See Blame, No. 1. Earth, 3. LAZINESS-vol. 1, p 612. See Life, No. 5. Poverty, 48. LEAD-See Balance, Nos. 1, 2. Brandy, I. LEADER—vol. 1, p 613. LEAF-vol. I, p 613. Beauty, No. 37. LEAK-See Beware, No. 2. LEAN-vol. 1, p 613. LEAP-vol. 1, p 613. LEOPARDS-See Lion, No. 12. LEARNING-vol. 1, p 614. See (Youth) Age, No. 18. Asking, 18. Common Sense, 1, 3. Experience, 27, 36. Folly, 4. Genius, 13. Life, 50. Man, 124. World, 36. Leather-vol. 1, p 616. LEAVE―vol. 1, p 617, See Better, Nos. 48, 49. LEAVEN-vol. 1, p 617. LEDGER-See Book, No. 8. LEG-See Better, No. 9. LEGACY-vol. 1, p 51. See Wisdom, No. 45. LEGS-See Courage, No. 44. LEISURE-vol. 1, p 617. See Civilizers (of Man), No. I. Idleness, No. 23. Life, 5. LENDING See Borrowing, — Nos. 23, 25. Friend, 41. Neighbor, 17. See Christmas, No. 1. LAWN-See Business, No. 50. LENT-vol. 1, p 619. INDEX. 563 LEOPARD-vol. 1, p 619. LET-vol. I, p 619. LETTER—vol. 1, p.621. LETTER OF INTRODUCTION— See Beauty, No. 23. Dress, 2. LETTERS-vol. 1, p 621. LIAR-See Asking, No. 5. False Swearing, 2. Fame, 7, 9. Law, 14. Miser, I. Pain, Io. Talking, 8. LIBERAL-vol. 1, p 622. LIBERALITY-vol. 1, p 622. LIBERTY-vol. 1, p 622. See Begging, No. 3. Benefits, II. Death, 54. Virtue, 137. Wealth, 33. LIBERTIES-See Liberty, No. 12. LIBRARY-See Book, No. 6. LICK-See Biting, No. 7. LIDFORD LAW-See No. 8. LIE-See Blood, No. 7, Borrowing, 28. Equivocation, I. Gallows, 10. Jest, 19. Cause. Truth, 1, 46, 77, 117. Want, 26. Whisper, 2. Wisdom, 53. LIFE-vol. 1, p 623. See Care, No. 7. Death, 31. Honor, 17. LIGHT-vol. 1, p 627. See Conduct (Rules of), No. 59. Love, 66. LIGHT STROKES-vol. 1, p 628. LIGHTLY COME-vol. I, p 628. LIKE-vol. 1, p 628. LIKE-TO-LIKE-vol. 1, p 629. LIKE-TO-DIE See Like-to- Like, No. 12. LIKENESS-See Love, No. 60. LILIES—vol. 1, p 630. LIMA—vol. I, p 630. LIME-See Clay, No. 1. LINE-vol. 1, p 630. LION-vol. I, p 630. See Ass, Nos. 18, 91. Bear, 12. Better, 23, 24. Boaster, 16, 21. Cat, I, 5. Choice, 1. Dividing, 6. Dog, 74, 75. Fear, 23. Flea, 4. Fox, 5, 43, 68. Friendship, 45, 47. Hare, 10, II. Homage, I. Jackall, 1. LION'S BEARD-See Base, No. 3. LION'S SKIN-See Rash Bar- gain, No. 2. LIPS-vol. I, p 631. LISTENERS-vol. 1, p 631. LISTENING-Vol. 1, p 631. See Speech, No. 48. LITERATURE-vol. 1, p 632. LITIGIOUS MAN-See Law, Nos. 14, 124. LITTLE—vol. I, p 632. LITTLE FIRE-See Better, No. 10. LITTLE GOOD-See Better, No. II. LITTLE GOODS-See Care, No. 15. LITTLE IN PEACE-See Better. No. 12. LITTLE MAN-vol. I, p 639. See Great Men, No. 9, 564 INDEX. LITTLE NATIONS tion, No. 1. See Na- LORDSHIP-See Love, No. 67. Loss-vol. 1, p 642. LITTLE PROPERTY-See Care, No. 16. LITTLE THINGS-See Thing. LITTLE SET-vol. 1, p 639. LITTLE WITH HONOR-See Better, No. 13. LIVE-See Beauty, No. 54. Beggar, 18. LIVING-vol. 1, p 634. See (Youth) Age, No. 19. Architect, I. LOADER'S HORSE-See Horse, No. 65. LOAF See Bread, Nos. 2, 9. LOAN-See Borrowing, No. 23. Debt, 5. 36. LOATHING-See Better, No. LOCHAW-vol. I, p 639. Lock-vol. I, p 639. LOCKSMITHS See Love, No. 121. LOGIC-Vol. I, p 639. LOWLY-See Fortune, No. 47. LONG-vol. 1, 640. LONGER―vol. 1, p 640. LONGING-vol. 1, p 640. See Better, No. 36. LOOKER-ON-vol. I, p 640. LOOKING-Vol. 1, p 640. LOOKING-GLASS vol. I, P 641. See Blind, No. 8. Friend, 192. Wife, 178. Wine, 14. Woman, 236, 143, 267, 268. LOOK OUT-vol. 1, p 640. LOOK UPON -vol. I, p 640. LOQUACITY-vol. 1, p. 641. See Modesty, No. 6. LORD-vol. I, p 642. See Beggar, No. 8. Lying, 66. | See Bashfulness, No. 8. Buy, 29. Donkey, No. 4. LOTTERY-vol. 1, p 644 LOUSE-See Philosopher, No. II. LOVE-vol. I, p 644. See Absence, Nos. 6, 7 Ambition, 5. Anger, 11, 19. Beauty, 60. Coquette, 3. Counsel, 8. Death, 32. Envy, 8. Father, 4. Fault, 10. Fear, 14, 20. Folly, 24. Friendship, 14, 19, 24, 55. Giving, 22. Happiness, 14. Hatred, 3. Having, 14. Hunting, 9. Husband, 14. Kiss, 8. Law, 16. Lion, 16. Mother, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24. Pity, 10, II. Pleasure, 18. Poverty, 30, 57. Rogue, 9. Scorn, I, 2. Smiles, I. Stimulants, I. Three, 4. Weeping, 2. Woman, 100, 140, 189, 229, 331, 345. Work, 12. LOVE' PERJURIES-See Love, No. 9. INDEX. 565 LOVER--Vol. 1, p 657. See Imagination, No. 2. Maid, 20. ousy, No. 12. MAHOMET See No. 3. MAID-vol. 2, p 2. Mountain, See Bachelor, No. 4. Cat, 21. Rose, II. Wife, 44, 177. Woman, 65. LOVER'S HELL See Jeal- LOVER'S STAFF-See Hope, MAJESTY-See No. I. No. 23. LOVELINESS-vol. 1, p 659. LOVING-See Brave, No. 12. LOWEST-See Beginning, No. 21. LOWLY BORN-See Honor, No. 42. LUCK-See Fortune. Bold, No. 3. Bride, 7, 9. Cowardice, 14. Death, 61. Labor, 44. Law, 149, 150. Leisure, 6. LUNATIC-See No. 2. Imagination, LUST-See Idleness, No. 29. LUXURIOUS―vol. 1, p 660. LUXURY-vol. 1, p 660. See Avarice, No. 19. LYING-vol. 1, p 660. See (Youth) Age, No. 35. Content, 18. Gossiping, 5, 10. Governing, 4. Truth, 43. Whisper, 8. M. MAD DOGS-See Dog, Nos. 87, 118, 125, 171. MADNESS-vol. 2, p 1. See Anger, No. 20. MAGICIAN-Vol. 2, p 2. MAGISTRATES-vol. 2, p 2. MAGISTRATE'S Sow See Law, No. 125. MAGPIE-See Breed, No. II. MAIN CHANCE-vol. 2, p 4. Obedience, MAKING-vol. 2, p 4. See Dress, Nos. 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39. MALADIES See Meat, No. 4. MALEVOLENT-vol. 2, p 4. See Busybody, No. 1. MALICE-vol. I, P 5. See Backbiting, No. 1. Brave, 7. Passionate, 2. Truth, 56. Understanding, 10. MALIGNITY-vol. 2, p 5. MALT See Fire, No. 27, 128. MAMMON-See Maid, No. II. MAN-vol. 2, p 5. See Best, No. II. Bird, 2. MAN'S Boy, 1, 2, 5, 11. Child, 75. Egg, 13. Every, 12 to 16. INHUMANITY-S e e Man, No. 102. MAN'S WORK See Work, No. 21. — MANHOOD-See (Youth) Age, No. 57. MANLINESS-vol. 2, p 14. MANNERS-Vvol. 2, p 14. See Gentleman, No. 8. MANURE-See Best, No. 9. Lawyers, 8. Money, 68, 93. MANY-See Too Many. MARCH--vol. 2, p 15. See April, No. 5. 566 INDEX. MARCH-Continued. See February, No. 2. May, 3. Snow, 2. MARE-See Horse, Nos. 3, 18, 95, 98, 108. MARKED See Beware, No. 1. MARKET-vol. 2, p 15. See Beauty, No. 49. Business, 67. Fool, 165, 222, 223. MARKET RATES-See ness, No. 3. 3. MASTER-vol. 2, p 17. See Bad, No. 17. Betray, 3. Eye, 32, 33, 34, 35. MASTER OF THE SEA-See Sea, No. 16. MASTER ONE See Better, No. 51. MASTER-PIECE See Begin- ning, No. 33. MASTER'S EYE- See Horse, Busi- Nos. 78, 92. Master, 20, 30, 31. MARKET TIME-See Buy, No. MASTER'S FOOT-See Master, MARKETING—vol. 2, p 16. MARK—vol. 2, p 16. See Bad, No. 24. MARKSMAN-vol. 2. p 16. MARRIAGE-See Money, No. 96. MARRIAGE WISH- Wishing, No. 9. MARRY-See Matrimony. Advice, No. 31. Bachelor, 1,8. Beauty, 57, 59. Cat, 69. Child, 28. Coquette, 4. No. 30. MASTIFF See Dog, Nos. 31, 123, 181, 198, 209. MATRIMONY-vol. 2, p 19. See Love, Nos. 6, 207. MATTER-vol. 2, p 26. MAXIM-vol. 2, p 27. MAY-vol. 2, p 27. See April, Nos. 4, 7. Bee, 2. March, 8, 9. Matrimony, 72. MAYBE Vol. 2, p 27. See Every, No. 16. MEADOW See Better, No. 76. Daughter, 8, 14, 15, 16, MEAL—vol. 2, p 27. 19, 22. MEAN-vol. 2, p 29. Woman, 78. MEANS-vol. 2, p 29. MARRIED LIFE-See Child, See Civilizers (of Man), No. No. 64. Housekeeping, 10. MARRYING CHILDREN See Waste, No. 2. MARRYING FOR LOVE I. MEANING Vol. 2, p 29. MEASURE-vol. 2, p 29. See Weight, Nos. 1, 2. See MEASURES-vol. 2, p 30. MEAT-Vol. 2, p 30. MECCA-See Camel, No. 11. MEDALS-See Best, No. 10. Every, 17. MEDLARS-vol. 2, p 31. MEDDLING-vol. 2, p 31. See Busybody, No. 3. MEDICINE-vol. 2, p 31. See Abstinence, No. 1. Rogue, No. 9. MARRYING FOR MONEY-See Rogue, No. 9. MARS-See Bacchus, No. 2. MARTYR-vol. 2, p 16. See Sciences, No. 2. Woman, 345. MASS-See Alms, No. 4. Bells, 9. INDEX. 567 MEDICINE-continued. See Ashes, 3. Death, 118. Doctor, 20. Hope, 31, 59. MEDITATION See Conversa- tion, No. 4. MEDIUM-vol. 2, p 33. MEDLARS-vol. 2, p 31. MEEKNESS-vol. 2, p 33. MELANCHOLIC-See Choleric, No. 1. MELANCHOLY MILK-Vol. 2, p 36. See Black, No. 5. Cheese, 2. MILL-vol. 2, P 37. See God, Nos. 75, 87. MILLER-vol. 2, p 38. See Hanging, No. 29. Hunger, 19. Hypocrite, 25. MILLER'S HORSE-See Horse. No. 66. MILLION-See Beggar, No. 9. See Mirth, MILLSTONE-vol. 2, p 38. Nos. 33, 36. MEMORY-Vol. 2, p 33. See Book, No. 17. Experience, 17. Truth, 112. MEN'S VOWS-See Woman, No. 190. MEND-vol. 2, p 33. MIND-vol. 2, P 39. See Absence, No. 5. Bad, 14. Book, 13. MINE-vol. 2, p 41. MINE AND THINE-vol. 2, p 4I. See Lawyers, No. 35. MENIAL'S LOT- See Toil, MINISTER-vol. 2, p 41. No. 8. MERCHANT-vol. 2, p 34. See Lawyers, No. 8. MERCY-vol. 2, P 34. See Affliction, No. 7. Vengeance, 3. MERIT-vol. 2, P 35. See Beginning, No. 37. Candle, 2. MERRY-See Weeping, No. 5. MESSENGERS-vol. 2, P 35. METAL-See Best, No. II. METEOR-vol. 2, p 35. METHOD-Vol. 2, p 36. METTLE—Vol. 2, p 36. MIDDLE-vol. 2, p 36. See Beginning, No. 31. See Path, No. 5. MIDDLE PATH MIDWIVES See Haste, No. 15. MIGHT vol. 2, p 36. See Right, 22, 23, 25. Wit, 28. MIGHT RIGHT-vol. 2, p 36. MINUTE-vol. 2, p 41. MIRACLE-Vol. 2, p 41. See Saint, Nos. 5, 6, 13. MIRE-vol. 2, p 41. MIRTH-Vol. 2, p 42. MISANTHROPE-vol. 2, p 44. MISCHIEF-vol. 2, p 44. See Beginning, No. 24. Better, 14. Mirth, 28. MISER-vol. 2, p 44. See Cowardice, No. 1. Devil, 102. Generous Man, 1. Poor, 70. Pride, 8. Purse, 58. MISERABLE-See Hope, Na 59. MISERY-vol. 2, p 46. See Company, No. 13. Evil, 12. Happiness, 36. Indolence, 3. Life, 7, 28, 55- Matrimony, 9. 568 INDEX. } MISERY-Continued. See Pity, No. 14. Prosperity, 28. MISFORTUNES-vol. 2, P 47. See Courage, No. 43. Fool, 178. Fortune, 28, 29, 59. Friend, 105. Having, 14. Ignorance, 614. Law, 112. Neighbor, 35. Security, 2. Virtue, 124. MISTAKES-vol. 2, p 49. See Love, No. 241. MISUNDERSTANDING―vol. 2, P 49. MISTRESS-vol. 2, p 50. See Eye, No. 35. MISTRUST See Love, No. 235. MITTENS See Cat, No. 9. Workmen, 6. MOB-vol. 2, p 50. See Fame, No. 15. MOCKING-Vol. 2, p 50. MODEL-See Building, No. 13. MODERATION-vol. 2, p 50. See Butter, No. 3. MODERN-See Ancients, No. 5. MODESTY-vol. 2, p 50. See Beard, No. 4. Beauty, 44. Innocence, 13. Life, 24. Wine, 43. 243, 274, 355- MONEY-Continued. See Book, No. 20, 33. Brain, 3. Child, 56. Easy, 2. Folly, 1, 6. I, Fool, 6, 106. Fool-Wise man, 8. Fortune, 128. Gentleman, 8. Whores, 8. Hope, 68. Law, 97, 98. Lending, 21. Life, 15. Loss, 20. Love, 62, 84, 85, 86, 99, IIO, 192. Patience, 42, 47- Poor, 39. Time, 90. Tongue, 45. Trade, 17. Want, 20. War, 46. Wisdom, 18, 40. Wishing, 13. Wit, 39. Woman, 188. Workman, 9. MONK-vol. 2, p 61. See At Last, No. 2. MONKEY-vol. 2, p 61. See Ass, No. 54. MONSTER-See Every, No. 18. MONUMENTS-vol. 2, p 62. MOON-vol. 2, p 62. MOORS-See Law, No. 113. Woman, 180, 205, 234, MORALITY-See Luxury, No. MOLE-vol. 2, p 51. MONARCHY-vol. 2, p 52. MONEY-Vol. 2, p 52. See Alms, No. 12. Arms, I. Beard, 7. Beauty, 25, 31. 4. MORE-vol. 2, p 62. MORNING-vol. 2, p 62. See Brandy, No. 1. MORSEL-vol. 2, p 62. MORTAL-vol. 2, p 62. See Birth, No. 8. MORTAR-vol. 2, p 62 INDEX. 569 MORTAR-Continued. See Sweat, No. 1. MOSES-vol. 2, p 63. MOTE-See Every, No. 19. MOTH-See Envy, No. 7. MOTHER-vol. 2, p 63. See Asking, No. 8. Babe, 2, 5. Bazaar, I. Beauty, 62. Child, 4, 21, 54, 76, 83. Conduct (Rules of), 70. Courage, 8. Daughter, 5, 17, 20. Matrimony, 50. Neighbor, 23. News, 22. Rich, 3. Six, 2. Wife, 152. 5, 6. MULBERRY LEAF-See Pa- tience, Nos. 23, 56, 60. MULE-vol. 2, P 71. See Boaster, No. 21. Donkey, 5. Fool, 95. Friend, 92. Riding, 14. Son, 3. MULTITUDE-vol. 2, p 72. MURDER-vol. 2, p 72 See Doctor, No. 48. Hero, 8. MURDERER-See Doctor, No. 17. Borderers, I. Claimant, I. MUSHROOM-vol. 2, p 72. MUSIC-vol. 2, p 72. See Architecture, No. 1. MOTHER-WIT-See Wit, Nos. MUSICIAN-vol. 2, p 73. Grandmother, vol. 2, p 65. MOTHER-IN-LAW-vol. 2, p 65. See Cask, No. 6. Daughter-in-law, 2, 3. Matrimony, III. Wife, 79. MOTIVE-vol. 2, p 66. MUSES-See Living, No. 26. Meal, 8. Morning, 5. MUSSEL-vol. 2, p 73. MUST-vol. 2, p 73. MUTABILITY OF FORTUNE- vol. 2, P 73. MYRTLE-vol. 2, p 74. MOTION-See Mirth, No. 29. MYSTERY-vol. 2, p 74. MOTTO-vol. 2, p 66. MOUNTAIN-vol. 2, p 66. See Climbing, No. 12. MOUNTAINEERS-vol. 2, p 67. MOUNTED-See Beggar, No. 17. MOURNING-Vol. 2, p 67. MOUSE-vol. 2, p 67. See Bird, No. 1. Boaster, 16. MOUTH-vol. 2, p 68. N. NAETHING-See Better, No. 44. NAIL-vol. 2, p 74. See Prudence, No. 7. NAKED See Money, No. 54. NAME-vol. 2, p 75. See Advice, No. 18. Evil, 39. See Purse, Nos. 35, 45, 49, NAPLES--vol. 2, p 76. 64. MUCH-vol. 2, p 70. MUD-See Ambition, No. 17. MUDDY-vol. 2, p 71. NATION-Vol. 2, p 76. NATIONS-See Modesty, No. 5. NATURE-vol. 2, p 76. 570 INDEX. NATURE-Continued. See Art, Nos. 7, 12, 20. Becoming, I. GOOD NATURE-vol. 2, p 78. NAUGHT-See Bad, No. 22. NAVAL BATTLE-See Battle, No. 7. NAVIGATOR-See Battle, No. 7. NAY-vol. 2, p 78. NEAR-vol. 2, p 78. NEARER-vol. 2, p 78. See Church, No. 17. NET-vol. 2, p 84. See Fish, Nos. 12, 25, 26, 27, 54, 55, 57. NETTLE-Vol. 2, p 84. See Better, No. 22. NEUTRAL-p 85. NEVER-vol. 2, p 85. See Better, Nos. 46, 52. By and by, I. Conduct (Rules of), 73 to 112. NEW-vol. 2, p 85. NEAREST-vol. 2, p 79. NECESSARY-vol. 2, p 79. NECESSITY-vol. 2, P 79. NEWS-vol. 2, p 86. NEWSPAPER-vol. 2, p 87. NICE-Vol. 2, p 87. NIGGARD-vol. 2, p 88. NECESSARIES--See Buy, No. 2. | NICE MAN-See Nice, No. 3. See Fancy, No. 5. Want, 21. NECK-See Bend, No. 4. Better, 9, 62. NEED-vol. 2, p 80. See Pity, No. 8. NEEDLE-Vol. 2, p 81. See Blind, No. 34. Neediness-See Pride, No. 31. NEEDY-See Bashfulness, No. 5. Charity, 15. NEGLECT-vol. 2, p 81. See Injury, No. 25. NEGLIGENCE-See Care, No. 21. Celerity, I. Neglect, 2. NEIGHBOR-vol. 2, p 81. See Friend, Nos. 107, 223. Lawyers, 2, 19. Love, 143. Peace, 17, 37. Time, 33. Wife, 75. NEPHEWS-See Son, No. 10. NEPOMACH-See Bridge, No. 1. NEPTUNE-See Bacchus, No. I. NIGHT-vol. 2, p 88. See Brandy, No. 1. NIGHTINGALE—vol. 2, p 88. NO-YES-vol. 2, p 89. See Mouth, No. 25. Woman, 132. NOBILITY-Vol. 2, p 89. See Virtue, Nos. 93, 105, 118. NOBLE BLOOD-See Blood, Nos. 11, 12, 16. NOBLE LIVES-vol. 2, p 90. NOBLEMAN-See God, No. 48. Law, 129. Lawyers, 55- Peasant. Wife, 168. NOBODY-See Business, Nos. 35, 65. NODDING-vol. 2, p 90. NOISE-vol. 2, p 91. NONSENSE-vol. 2, p 91. NOON-See Brandy, No. 1. NORMAN MANNERS See England, No. 5. NOSE-vol. 2, p 91. See Bridge, No. 3. Foot, I. NOT EASY-vol. 2, p 92. NOTHING-vol. 2, p 92. See Better, Nos. 60, 61. INDEX. 571 NOTHING-Continued. See Lawyers, No. 37. Something, 1, 3. NOVELTY-Vol. 2, P 93. NURSE-vol. 2, p 93. See Babe, No. 7. NUT-vol. 2, P 94. O. OAK-See Bend, No. 8. OARS-See Boat, No. 4. OATS-See Ass, No. 41. OATH-vol. 2, p 94. See Egg, No. 10. Want, 21. OATHS OF A BULLY-See Tear, No. 20. OBEDIENCE-vol. 2, p 94. See Commanding, No. 1. OBEY-See Wife, No. 109. OBLIGATION—vol. 2, p 95. See Benefits, No. 3. OBSEQUIOUSNESS-See Truth, No. 40. OBSERVATION-vol. 2, p 95. OBSTINACY-vol. 2, p 95. See Lawyers, No. 13. OCULIST-Vol. 2, p 95. OCCUPATION-vol. 2, p 95. ODD NUMBERS-vol. 2, p 96. ODORS CRUSHED-See Good man, No. 17. OFFENCES-vol. 2, p 96. Offending-vol. 2, p 96. OFFSPRING-vol. 2, p 97. OIL-See Truth, Nos. 41, 61. OLD-See Age, No. 32. New, 7, 8. OLD AGE-See Age. Memory, No. II. OLD MAN'S SUPPER-S e e Stealing, No. 15. QLD MAN'S SHADOW-See (Youth) Age, No. 2. OLD MEN-See Age. Advice, No. 24. Lying, 74. Man, 61, 62, 63, 64. OLD PEOPLE-See Age, No. 28. OLIVE-vol. 2, p 98. OMELET-See Making, No. 9. ONCE-vol. 2, p 98. See Better, No. 52. ONE-vol. 2, p 98. ONE EYED-See Blind, Nos. 15, 26. Eye, 43. ONE'S OWN-vol. 2, p 99. ONION-See Weeping, No. 4. ONSET See Bold, No. 4. OPINION-Vol. 2, p 99. See Every, No. 33. OPPORTUNITY-vol. 2, p 99. See Gods, No. 3. Necessity, 4. Sin, 16. Time, 64. Will, 25. OPPRESSION-vol. 2, p 100. ORATION-See Boston, No. 1. See Fool-Wise Man, No. | Orator-vol. 2, p 100. Offenders-vol. 2, p 96. See Blade, No. 1. Offers-vol. 2, p 96. OFFICE―vol. 2, p 96. 81. God, 124. Honesty, 23. King, 45. Matrimony, 17. Wife, 204. 12. See Beauty, No. 8. Love, 116. ORATORY-Vol. 2, p 100. ORDER-vol. 2, p 10г. ORESTES See Friendship, No. 41. OFFICERS-See Daughter, No. ORIGINALITY-See Ridicule No. 2. 572 INDEX. ORPHAN-vol. 2, p 101. See Barber, No. 8. Tear, 1. ORTHODOXY-vol. 2, p 101I. OYSTER-See Love, No. 7. OVEN-vol. 2, p 101. See Business, No. 44. OVER-vol. 2, p 101. OVER-BURTHEN-See then, No. 10. Bur- OVER-DOING-See Do, No. 54. OWL―vol. 2, p 101. See Ass, No. 13. Ox-vol. 2, p 102. See Beauty, No. 19. Better, 73. Buy, 5. City, 2. Dog, 138. Force, 9. P. P'S AND Q'S-vol. 2, p 103. PADLOCK-See Bad, No. 3. PAGE-vol. 2, p 103. PAIN-vol. 2, p 103. PARENT-See Child, Nos 10. 34, 91. Example, 15. Law, 115. PARIS-vol. 2, p 106. PARLEYS-vol. 2, p 106. PARLOR-vol. 2, p 106. PARNASSUS-vol. 2, p 106. PARRY-vol. 2, 106. PARSON-See Better, No. 33. Clerk, 3. Wise, 19. PARSON'S WIFE-See Horse, No. 42. PARSON OF SADDLEWORTH- See Book, No. 26. PARTNERS-vol. 2, p 106 See Businsss, No. 42. ·PARTRIDGE-vol. 2, p 106. See Bird, No. 29. PARTY-vol. 2, p 106. PASSIONS-vol. 2, p 106. See Beauty, No. 52. Conscience, 45. Wisdom, 29. Wise, 45. PASSIONATE-vol. 2, p 107. PAST-Vol. 2, p 107. PASTIME-vol. 2, p 108. PASTURE-See Change, No. I. PAINS-See Idleness, No. 27. PATCH-vol. 2, p 108. See Gain, No. 9. Pleasure, 39, 43. Impossible, 15. Pleasure, 2, 14. 12. Death, 99. Weeping, 5. PATCHWORK—vol. 2, p 108. PATES-See Brain, No. 4. PALACE-See Content, No. PATER NOster-vol. PALATE-Vol. 2, p 104. PANCAKES-See Making, No. 6. PANEGYRIC-See Satires, No. I. PANIC-See Fence, No. 4. PAPER-vol. 2, p 105. Paradise-vol. 2, p 105. Poor, No. 75- PARASITE-vol. 2, p 105. PARDON-vol. 2, p 105. 2, P 108. PATH-vol. 2, p 108. PATH OF DUTY-See Path, No. 6. PATH OF PAIN-See Path, No. 7. PATHS OF GLORY-See Path, No. 8. PATIENCE-Vol. 2, p 109. See Adversity, No. 22. Courage, 30. Impossible, 15. Law, 149. Lover, II. INDEX. 573 PATIENCE-continued. See Mouse, 4. Wife, 213. PATIENT-See Doctor, Nos. 2, 16, 64. Medicine, 6. PATRIOTISM-vol. 2, p 112. PAUNCHES-See Brain, No. 4. PAUPERS-See Even, No. I. PAUSE-vol. 2, p 113. PAUSES-vol. 2, p 113. PAWNBROKER-See Business, No. 5. PAY-vol. 2, p 113. See Borrowing, Nos. 14, 16, 27. PAY CASH-See Speech, No. 26. PAYMASTER-vol. 2, p 114. PAYMENT See Count, No. 6. PEACE-Vol. 2, p 115. See Arms, No. 2. Courage, 29. Cowardice, 29. Listening, I. Soldier, 15. War. See Blessed, No. 3. PEACEMAKER If, 2. PEAR-vol. 2, p 117. See Best, No. 12. PEARLS-vol. 2, p 117. See Black, No. 3. PEASANT-Vol. 2, p 117. See Custom, No. 4. Earthen, I. God, 48. Health, 31. King, 61. Law, 129. Lawyers, 8, 9, 55. Mutability of fortune, 7. Pope, 10. Priest, 18. Wife, 168. PEBBLE-See Blind, No. 13. PEDIGREE―vol. 2, p 118. See Asking, No. 6. Good Man, 7, 8. Virtue, 118. PEN-vol. 2, p 118. PENITENCE-See Beg Pardon, No. I. PENITENTIARY-See Boy, No. 6. PENNY-vol. 2, p 119. See Honesty, No. 4. Husband, II. PENNYWORTH-See Bargain, No. 13. Buy, 18. PERHAPS Vol. 2, p 122. PERJURY--See Lover, No. 13. PERSEVERANCE-vol. 2, p 122. See Courage, No. 14. PERSUASION--vol. 2, p 123. PERTINACITY—vol. 2, p 123. PHARAOH-See Joseph, No. 2. PHEASANTS-See Hawk, No. 7. PHILOSOPHER--vol. 2, p 123. See Atheist, No. 6. Beard, 6. Fool, 80. Hero, 3. Silence, 4- PHILOSOPHER'S STONE-vol. 2, p 124. See Content, No. 11. Thrift, 3. PHILOSOPHY-vol. 2, p 123. See Love, No. 209. Wonder, 4. PHLEGM-Vol. 2, p 124. PHLEGMATIC--vol. 2, p 124. See Choleric, No. 1. PHOENIX-See Happiness, No. 34. PHYSICIAN-See Doctor. Alms, No. 18. Fool, 108. Lawyers, 11, 15, 16, 20 Priest, 16. 574 INDEX. PLAGUE-See Child, No. 9. Haste, 26. PICKPOCKETS-vol. 2, p 124. See Agree, No. 5. PICKPURSE-See Bargain, No. | PLAGUES-vol. 2, p 128. 2. PICTURE-vol. 2, p 126. See Look Upon, No. 1. PICTURES-Vol. 2, p 124. PIE-See Better, No. 58. PIETY-vol. 2, p 124. See Book, No. 16. Nobility, 16. PIGEONS-vol. 2, p 124. See Blind, No. II. PIG-See Hog. Alms, No. 16. Best, 12. Buy, 15. Child, 41. Noise, I. PIG'S TAIL-See Busy, No. 4. PIGMIES-vol. 2, p 125. PIKE-vol. 2, p 126. See Better, No. 16. PILGRIMS—Vol. 2, p 125. PILL-See Doctor, No. 22. Medicine, 4, 5, 10, 17. PILLOW-vol. 2, p 125. See Counsel, No. 33. PILOT-Vol. 2, p 125. PIN-vol. 2, p 126. PINE-vol. 2, p 126. PINS-See Star, No. 5. Wife, 95. PINIONS-See Bird, No. 8. PIOUS-See Paradise, No. 2. PIPERS-vol. 2, p 126. See (Youth) Age, No. 36. PIPES See Betray, No. 5. PIRATES-vol. 2, p 126. PITCH-Vol. 2, p 126. PITCHER-vol. 2, p 127. See Child, No. 67. Clay, 3. PITY-Vol. 2, p 127. See Anger, No. 18. Grief, 27. Love, 166. PLACE-vol. 2, p 128. PLAIN DEALING-vol. 2, p 128. See Flatterer, No. 28. Honesty, 32. PLAIN SPEAKING-vol. 2, p 128. PLANS-See Art, No. 2. PLANTING-vol. 2, p 128. PLANTS-vol. 2, p 129. PLASTER-vol 2, p 129. PLAY-Vol. 2, p 129. See Bear, Nos. 3, 9. Boy, 8. Devil, 3, Woman, 212. PLAYTHINGS-See Age, No. 22. (Youth) PLEASE-vol. 2, p 130. PLEASANTRY—vol. 2, p 131. PLEASURE-vol. 2, p 131. See Business, Nos. 20, 25. Duty, I. Grapes, I. Pain, 11, 12, 14. Possession, 18. Secret, 18, 40. Wishing, 15. PLEBEIAN-vol. 2, p 133. PLEDGE-vol. 2, p 133. PLENTY-vol. 2, p 133. See Cowardice, No. 29. PLOT-Vol. 2, p 134. PLOUGH-Vol. 2, p 134. See Content, No. 39. Count, 5. Labor, 24. Soldier, 17. PLOUGHING-vol. 2, P 134. PLOUGHMAN-See Priest, No. 6. PLUM-See Black, Nos. 4, 6. PLUMMET See Every, No 34. POEM-vol. 2, p 135. POET-Vol. 2, p 135. INDEX. 575 POET-continued. See Imagination, No. 2. Love, 93. POETRY-Vol. 2, p 135. See Angling, No. 4. POISON-Vol. 2, p 135. See Beauty, No. 21. Benefits, 4. Breed, 18. Earthen, I. Drunkenness, 3. Meat, 7. POKE-See Buy, No. 15. POLE-vol. 2, p 136. POLICEMAN-Šee Conscience, No. 46. POLICY-Vol. 2, p 136. See Friendship, No. 32. POLITENESS-vol. 2, p 136. See Gentleman, No. 9. Lady, 9. POLITICIANS-vol. 2, p 137. POLITICS-Vol. 2, p 137. POMEGRANATE- See Every, No. 35. PONDER-vol. 2, p 137. POOLS-vol. 2, p 137. POOR-vol. 2, p 137. See Age (Youth), No. 6. Alms, 5, 8, 15. Avarice, 6. Beggar, 32. Blessed, 2. Borrowing, II. Cottage, I. Fortune, 62. Gift, 47. Giving, 24, 67. Hope, 13. Hunger, 48. Jove, 1. Law, 86, 131. Lawyers, 8. Living, 35. Luxury, 7. Miser, 19. Nothing, 20. Pity, 5. POOR-continued. See Pride, 71. Rich. Sea, 5. Stingy, I. Sympathy, 4. Wife, 206. Wishing, 15. POOR HOUSES-vol. 2, p 142. POOR MAN-See Poor. Flatterer, No. 44. Penny, 37. Wisdom, 39. Wit, 52. POOR MAN'S BREAD-See Hope, No. 35. POOR MAN'S DEBT-See Poor, No. 13. POOR MAN'S PAYMENT-See Gratitude, No. 3. POOR MAN'S PRIDE-See Poor, No. 47. POOR MAN'S REMEDY-See Patience, No. 49. POOR MAN'S RICHES Child, No. 19. See POOR MAN'S SHILLING-See Poor, No. II. POPE-vol. 2, p 142. See Death, No. 52. King, 36. Rome, 6, 11. POPE'S MULE-See Revenge, No. 2. PORK-See Diet, No. 3. PORT-vol. 2, p 142. See Brandy, No. 2. PORTION-See Beauty, No.' 3. PORTUGUESE-vol. 2, p 143. See Spaniard, No. 3. POSSESSION-vol. 2, p 143. See Hope, No. 30. POSSIBLE-vol. 2, p 144. POSTMAN-See Cripple, No. I. POSTERITY-vol. 2, p 144. Por-vol. 2, p 144. 576 INDEX. POT-continued. See Chattering, No. 1. Friendship, 37. POTATIONS-See Boston, No. I. POTTER-See Clay, No. 4. POTTER'S CLAY-vol. 2, p 145. POUND-See Penny, Nos. 35, 41. POUND FOOLISH-See Penny, No. 31. POVERTY-vol. 2, p 145. See Age, No. 29. Bashfulness, 3. Content, 19. PRAYER-See Toil, No 6. PRAYING-Vol. 2, p 153. See Age, (Youth) No. 3 Cleanliness, 2. Cloak, 5. Curse, 7, 14. Heaven, 18. PREACHER-vol. 2, p 155. See Gallows, No. 1. PREACHING-vol. 2, p 155. Patience, No. 31. Woman, 173. PRECAUTION-vol. 2, p 156. PRECEPT-vol. 2, p 156. PRECIOUS-vol. 2, p 156. PRECIPITATE―vol. 2, p 156. PRECEDENCE-vol. 2, p 156. Debt, 19. Drunkard, 15. Good, 40. PRECEDENT-Vol. 2, p 156. Honesty, 44. PRECEPTS-vol. 2, p 156. Hope, 14. See Example, Nos. 5, 6. Idleness, 31. Industry, 15. King, 21. Kitchen, 1, 2. Labor, 41. Love, 68, 236. Rich, 18, 72, 79, 80, 81. Shame, 13, 17, 21. Sloth, 9, 10. Slow, 8. Soldier, 12. Sowing, 13. Virtue, 44, 82, 119. Wealth, 8, Wisdom, 32. Wise, 49. Woman, 4. 21, 30. POWER-vol. 2, p 149. See Devil, No. 76. Love, 195, 196. PRACTICE-vol. 2, p 149. See Knowledge, No. 33. PRAISE-vol. 2, p 150. See Beauty, No. 4. Envy, 25. Flatterer, 38. Love, 82. PRATE- vol. 2, p 153. PRECOCITY-Vol. 2, p 156. See Child, No. 52. PREMATURE-See Too Soon. PREPARED-vol. 2, p 157- PREPARATION-vol. 2, p 157. PRESENCE-See Countenance, No. 2. PRESENT-Vol. 2, p 157. See Eat, No. 17. Enemy, 10. Friendship, 36. Gift. PRESUMPTION-vol. 2, p 157. See Egg, No. 28. PRETENCE-vol. 2, p 157. PRETENDING-S e e No. 34. World, PRETTINESS-vol. 2, p 158. PRETTY-See Beauty, No s. 5, 6. PREVENTION-vol. 2, p 158. PREY-vol. 2, p 158. See Bird, Nos. 11, 12, 21, 57. Clever, 3. Courage, IO. PRICE-See Asking, No. 19. Business, 9, 12, 53, 79 INDEX. 577 PRIDE-vol. 2, p 158. See Backbiting, No. 1. Beggar, 41. Charity, 4. Humility, 6. Ingratitude, 17, 18. Insolence, I. Love, 69, 237. Poverty, 62. PRIEST-vol. 2, p 163. See Church, No. 14. Clerk, I. Woman, 214. PRINCE-vol. 2, p 164. See Beggar, No. 9. Credulity, I. Flatterer, 46. Grave, 4. PROFITS-vol. 2, p 167. See Business, No. 39. PROFLIGACY-See ity, No. I. Prodigal- Progress-See Business, No. 45. PROJECTS-vol. 2, p 168. PROMISE-Vol. 2, p 168. See Better, No. 31. PROMISING See Talking, No. 34. PROOF-See Assertion, No. I. PROPHET-Vol. 2, p 170. See Anger, No. 33. Child, 15. Past, 2. Sluggard, 5. Mutability of Fortune, PROPHECY-vol. 2, p 170. 2. Peace, 13. Poor, 44. Priest, II. Woman, 364. Yeoman, I. PRINCIPLE-See Precedent, No. I. PRINCIPI ES-vol. 2, p 166. PRISON―vol. 2, p 166. PRISONER-See Law, No. 19. PRIVATE VICES-See Vice, No. 20. PROBABLE-See Truth, No. 49. PROCESSIONS-See Every, No. 36. PROCLAMATIONS 167. PROSPECT-See No. 19. Possession, PROSPER-See Belief, No. II. PROSPERITY-vol. 2, p 171. See Adversity, Nos. 4, 8, 21, 22. Alms, 5. Ease, 2. Friend, 142. Hope, 16. Ignorance, 5. Memory, II. Mind, 8, 16. Praving, 3. Pride, 44. Temperance, 3. PROTECTION-See Patriotism, No. 9. vol. 2, P PROVERB-vol. 2, p 173. PROVING-Vol. 2, p 176. PROCRASTINATION-vol. 2, p PROVIDENCE-vol. 2, p 175. 167. See Too Late. PRODIGAL-vol. 2, p 167. PRODIGALITY—vol. 2, p 167. See Covetousness, No. 14. PRODUCE-See Conduct (Rules of), No. 117. PROFANITY-vol. 2, p 167. PROFIT See Honor, No. 20. PROVISION-vol. 2, p 176. Prude―vol. 2, p 176. PRUDENCE-Vol. 2, p 176. See Accident, No. 3. Fear, 19. Fortune, 78, 119. Life, 21, 24. Nobility, 16. 37 578 INDEX. Prudent Men-See Wife, | PURSE―continued. No. 142. PRYING-Vol. 2, p 177. PUDDING-vol. 2, p 177. See Better, No. 58. Blood, 17. PUFF-vol. 2, p 177. PULL-vol. 2, P 177. PUN-vol. 2, p 177. PUNCTUALITY-vol. 2, p 177. See Gentleman, No. 9. PUNISH-See Pardon, No. 4. PUNISHMENT―vol. 2, p 178. See Anger, No. 26. PUPPIES See Dog, No. 109. PURE-vol. 2, p 178. See Blame, No. 2. PURSE-vol. 2, p 178. See Alms, Nos. 4, 10. Beggar, 8. Book, 20. Court, 2. Cure, 8. Courtesy, II. Dress, 17. Drunkard, 1. Easy, 3. Fortune, 128. Friend, 17, 69, 103, 156, 231. Gain, 8. Gambling, II. Heart, II. Host, I. Idleness, 46. 1 Kitchen, 3. Lawyers, 39. Little, 20. Lord, 4, 5. Lover, 20. Mind, 22. Money, 57, 58. Mouth, 22. Pay, 9, 28. Poor, 28, 67. Pride, 7. Sword, 17. Travelling, 21. Wine, 9. Woman, 6, 201, 246. Word, 46, 50, Workmen, 14. PURSUITS-vol. 2, p 182. PUSHING-See Business, No. 72. PUSILLANIMITY — See tience, No. 22. Pa- PUT-vol. 2, p 182. PYLADES-Se è Friendship, No. 41. Q. QUACKERY-Vol. 2, p 182. QUAILETH-Vol. 2, p 182. QUALITY-vol. 2, p 182. QUANDARY-vol. 2, p 182. QUARREL-vol. 2, p 182. See Haste, No. 26. QUARRELS-See Lover, Nos. 21, 25. Three, 4. Tongue, 22. QUEEN OF BEGGARS—S e e King, No. 48. QUESTIONS-vol. 2, p 184. See Asking, No. 3. Blind, 27. Learning, 3, QUICK-Vol. 2, p 185. See Time, No. 42, QUIET-vol. 2, p 185. QUIETNESS-See Better, No. 40. QUIET PEOPLE--vol. 2, p 185. QUOTATIONS-vol. 2, p 185. R. RABBIT-vol. 2, p 186: Rabble-vol. 2, p 186. RACE-vol. 2, p 186. RACE HORSE-See Horse, No. 20. RACK-vol. 2, p 186.' Ragamuffin-vol. 2, p 186. INDEX. 579 RAGE-vol. 2, p 186. See Courage, No. 38. RED BEARD-See False, No. 2. RAG-PICKER-See Beginning, RED HAIRED-See Buy, No. No. 5½. RAILLERY-vol. 2, p 187. RAIN-vol. 2, p 187. See Cloud, No. 1. RAINBOW-vol. 2, p 187. See Beauty, No. 40. Three, 3. RANK--Vol. 2, p 187. RARE-vol. 2, p 187. RASCAL-vol. 2, p 188. RASH BARGAIN-vol. I, p 55. See Bird, No. 37. RASHNESS-vol. 2, p 188. See Consideration, No. 1. Fortitude, 2. RASP-vol. 2, p 188. RAT-vol. 2, p 188. RAVEN-Vol. 2, p 189. See Censure, No. 3. RAZOR-vol. 2, p 189. READING-vol. 2, p 190. READY-vol. 2, p 190. READY MONEY-See Busi- ness, Nos. 68, 73. REAP-See Better, No. 54. REAPER-See Bad, No. 4. REASON-vol. 2, p 190. See Anger, Nos. 56, 63. Appetite, 4, 8. Egg, 30. Experience, Eye, 36. 16. Love, 175, 186. Passions, 17. REASONERS-See Church, No. 13. REBEL-Vol. 2, p 191. REBELLION--vol. 2, p 191. See Beggar, No. 16. REBUKE-Vol. 2, p 192. RECEIVER-vol. 2, p 192. See Thief, Nos. 24, 30. RECEIVING-vol. 2, p 192. RECKONING-vol. 2, p 192. RED-vol. 2, p 193. 12, REED-Vol. 2, p 193. See Bend, No. 8. Every, 37. Refinement—vol, 2, p 193. REFORMATION-vol. 2, p 193. See Beer, No. 3. REFORMS Vol. 2, p 193. REFUSING-vol. 2, p 194. See Begging, No. 11. REGARD-vol. 2, p 194. RELATIONS-vol. 2, p 194. RELIEVING See Beggar, No. 20. RELIGION-Vol. 2, p 195. See Atheist, No. 9. Equity, I. Jest, 22. Love, 70. Money, 23. Woman, 112. Remedy-vol. 2, p 196. See Counsel, No. 9. To-day 15. Death, 119. Fortune, 26. Grief, 26. Wrong, 2. To-morrow, REMEMBER-vol. 2, p 197. See Better, No. 70. REMEMBRANCE 197. - vol. 2, p REMORSE-vol. 2, p 197. REMOVING-vol. 2, p 198. RENT See Better, No. 42. Giving, 68. Plough, 11. • RENTER Vol. 2, p 198. REPAIR―vol. 2, p 198. See Better, No. 55. REPAYING-See Borrowing, No. 19. REPENTANCE-vol. 2, p 198. See Advice, No. 22. 580 INDEX. REPENTANCE-continued. Friendship, 43. Grapes, I. Haste, 37. Hearing, I. Passions, 12. Pleasure, 15, 20, 22, 38. Precaution, I. Silence, 32. Time, 121. RICH-Vol. 2, p 208. See (Youth) Age, No. 6. Alms, 3, 5. Beggar, 14, 41. Content, 2, 19. Counsel, 9. Debt, 24. Desire, II. Devil, 31. Enough, 7. Trust, 29. REPLY-See Anger, No. 43. Demand, I. REPORT-Vol. 2, p 200. REPOSE-See Doubt, No. 8. REPROACH-vol. 2, p 200. REPROOF-vol. 2, p 200. See Contempt, Nos. 1, 3. REPUTATION—vol. 2, p 200. See Coquette, No. i. Fame, II. Gain, 3. REQUITAL-Vol. 2, p 203. RESOLUTION—vol. 2, p 203. See Business, No. 5. RESPECT-Vol. 2, p 203. See Love, No. 245. REST-vol. 2, p 204. See (Youth) Age, No. 10. Belly, 23, 24. Business, 25. Labor, 23. RETREAT-Vol. 2, p 204. RETRIBUTION-vol. 2, p 205. See Beer, No. 5. Brand, 2. REVENGE-vol. 2, p 206. See Ant, No. 4. Contempt, 5. Injury, 25. Kindness, 16. Patience, 59. Understanding, 10. REVOLUTIONS-vol. 2, p 208. REWARD-vol. 2, p 208. See Labor, No. 49. RHYME-Vol. 2, p 219. Envy, 24. Fault, 12. Fool, 87. Fool Wise Man, 14 Fortune, 30, 62, 100. Friend, 127. Gods, 5. Good, 40. Happiness, 23. Health, 11, 33, 45. Hope, 2. If, 3. Labor, 40. Law, 86, 131. Lending, 16. Life, 21. Little, 24. Living, 31, 35, 42. Luxury, 7 Man, 108. Good Man, 18. Mirth, II. Nothing, 20. Poor, 32, 43, 55, 57, 58, 66, 67, 71, 72, 81, 83, 84. Saving, 15. Sympathy, 4. Virtue, 100. Wife, 34, 206. Wisdom, 32, 43. Wise, 8, 25, 97- Wit, 26. Woman, 147. RICH DOTARD-See Woman, No. 56. RICH MAN-See Rich. INDEX. 581 RICH MEN'S SINS-See Poor, | ROSE-continued. No. 36. RIDICULE-vol. 2, p 216. RIDICULOUS-vol. 2, p 216. See Step, No. 6. RIDING Vol. 2, p 216. RIGHT-vol. 2, p 217. See Might. RIGHTEOUS-vol. 2, p 219. RIP-vol. 2, p 218. RIPE-See Better, No. 45. RISK-Vol. 2, p 220. RIVAL-See Woman, No. RIVER-vol. 2, p 219. 103. ROAD-vol. 2, p 220. See Beggar, No. 1. Blind, 9. Content, 37. Rome, 1, 2, 9. Friend, 214. ROADSIDE See No. 10. Building, ROBBER-See Book, No. 35. ROBBING-vol. 2, p 220. See Arms, No. 5. Ass, 31. ROBE-See Alms, No. 5. ROBIN HOOD-vol. 2, p 220. ROCHEFOUCAULD-vol. 2, p 221. Rock-vol. 2, p 221. See Pilot, No. 14. ROCKET-vol. 2, p 221. ROCKING CHAIR-vol. 2, p 221. ROD-See Child, Nos. 72, 79, 94. ROGUE-vol. 2, p 221. See Cheat, No. 9. ROMAN-vol. 2, p 222. ROME-vol. 2, p 222. ROOF-See Better, No. 32. ROOST-See Branch, No. 4. KOOT-vol. 2, p 223. ROPE-vol. 2, p 223. ROSE-vol. 2, p 223. See (Youth) Age, Nos. 13, 56. Beauty, 47. Better, 22. Thorns, 5, 15. Time, 72. Truth, 124. ROSS OF POTTERN-See Liv- ing, No. 46. ROUT-See Better, No. 66. ROWING-vol. 2, p 224. RUBBISH-vol. 2, p 225. See Dealer, No. 2. RUDDER-vol. 2, p 225. Wine, No. 49. RUDENESS-vol. 2, p 225. RUFFIAN-See Hero, No. 3. RUIN-Vol. 2, p 225. See Beauty, No. 56. RULE-vol. 2, p 225. See Better, Nos. 42, 66. RULE LUST-See Conduct (Rules of), No. 119. RULE YOUTH-See Conduct (Rules of), No. 120. RULING-Vol. 2, p 225. RUMOR-See Every, No. 38. RUNNING-Vol. 2, p 226. See Blind, No. 18. RUSSIAN-vol. 2, p 226. RUST-vol. 2, p 227. See Envy, No. 9. Wear, I. RUST OF THE SOUL-See Idle- ness, No. 42. RUST OUT-See Better, No. 68. S. SABRE-See Blade, No. 1. SACK-vol. 2, p 227. See Bad, No. 12. Beggar, 39. SACKCLOTH-vol. 2, p 228. SACRIFICE-vol. 2, p 228. 582 INDEX. Saddle—vol. 2, p 228. See Better, No. 7. Sadness-vol. 2, p 228. Safety-vol. 2, p 228. See Blush, No. 4. Distrust, 2. Fear, 7, 21. SAGACIOUS-vol. 2, p 229. SAGE-See Living, No. 29. SAIL-vol. 2, p 229. SAILING-vol. 2, p 229. SAILOR-vol. 2, p 229. See Horse, No. 76. SAINT-vol. 2, p 230. See Church, No. 6. Danger, 21. God, 120, 122. Great Men, 8. SALT-vol. 2, p 230. See Bread, No. 22. Counsel, 14. SALVE-See Sore, No. 4. Sameness-vol. 2, p 231. SAMSON-See Money, No. SATAN-See Devil, Nos. 61, 129. 62, 63. Idleness, 5. Lying, 24. Praying, 18 SATIETY-vol. 2, p 231. SATIRES-vol. 2, p 231. See Praise, No. 49. Satisfied-vol. 2, p 231. See Rich, Nos. 27, 31. SAUCE-vol. 2, p 231. See Appetite, Nos. 1, 6. Labor, 37. SAUCEPAN See Wife, No. 178. SAVAGE-vol. 2, p 231. SAVE-See Wealth, No. 25. SAVERS-vol. 2, p 232. SAVING-vol. 2, p 232. See (Youth) Age, No. 14. SAVINGS BANK-See Youth, SAYING No. 24. Vol. 2, p 232. SAYING AND DOING vol. 2, P 233. SAYS LITTLE-See Brain, No. 5. SAW-vol. 2, p 234. SAXON INDUSTRY-See Eng- land, No. 5. Scaffold-See Guilt, No. 18. SCALE-See Every, No. 39. SCANDAL-vol. 2, p 234. See Censure, No. 1. Praise, 50. Way of the World, 14. Woman, 299. SCANDENBERG'S SWORD-See Sword, No. 15. SCAR-vol. 2, p 234: SCATTER Vol. 2, p 235. SCAVENGER-vol. 2, p 235 SCEPTRES-vol. 2, p 235. SCHEME-vol. 2, p 235. SCHOLAR-vol. 2, p 235. SCHOOL BOYS-See Boy, No. 13. SCIENCE-vol. 2, p 236. See Experience, No. 21. Nature, 19. SCIENCES-vol. 2, p 236. SCISSORS-See Tailors, No. I. Tongue, 20. SCOFF-vol. 2, p 236. See Bashfulness, No. 1. Jest, 49. SCOFFER-vol. 2, p 236. SCOLDING-vol. 2, p 236. SCOLDING WIFE-See Wife, Nos. 148, 149. SCORN-vol. 2, p 237. SCORNFUL-vol. 2, p 237. SCORNING vol. 2, p 237. SCOTCHMAN-vol. 2, p 237. See England, No. 7. Jest, 17. SCOUNDREL-See Hero, No. 3. Patriotism, 7. SCRAPE-See Chicken, No. 43. Scratches-See Bear, No. 4 Chicken, II. INDEX. 583 SCRATCHING See Borrowing, | SELF-ESTEEM-vol. 2, p 244. SELF-EXALTATION—vol. 2, p No. 24. Eat, 48. 244. SCRIBBLING FRY-vol. 2, p SELF-EXERTION vol. 2, P 237. 245. SELF-FEAR vol. 2, p 245. SCULLS-See Belly, No. 6. SEA-vol. 2, p 237. See King, No. 3. Penny, 12, 26. Praise, 48. Wine, 52. SEAMEN-vol. 2, p 238. SEARCH-vol. 2, p 239. SECRET-Vol. 2, p 239. See Folly, No. 2. Labor, 56. Trust, 47. Truth, 46. Wise, 76. SECURE-vol. 2, p 241. SECURITY-vol. 2, p 241. See Advice, No. 8. Danger, 8, 22. Distrust, 3. SEDITIOUS-vol. 2, p 241. SEEING-Vol. 2, p 241. See (Youth) Age, No. 37. SEEKING-vol. 2, p 242. SEEMING Vol. 2, p 242. SELF-COMMAND vol. SELFISHNESS-vol. 2, p 245. SELF-LOVE-vol. 2, p 247. Self-Lovers-vol. 2, p 247. SELF-MASTERY-vol. 2, p 247. SELF-PRAISE-See Praise, No. 55 to 60. SELF-PRESERVATION-vol. 2, P 247. SELF-RELIANCE 248. vol. 2, P SELF-RESPECT-vol. 2, p 248. SELF-RESTRAINT- vol. 2, P 248. SELF-SEEING-vol. 2, p 248. SELF-SUSTAINING-vol. 2, p 248. SELF-TRUST-See Trust, No. 28. SELL-See Bear, No. 2. Weigh, 1. SELLER-See Asking, No. 9. Business, 38. Buy, 6, 27. 2, p SELLING-vol. 2, p 248. See Better, No. 3. 242. SELF-CONCEIT-vol. 2, p 242. See Self-Love, No. 3. SELF-CONFIDENCE-vol. 2, p 244. SELF-CONQUEST vol. 2, p 244. SELF-CONTROL-vol. 2, p 247. SELF-DEFENCE-vol. 2, p 244. SELF-DENIAL-vol. 2, p 244. SELF-DEPRECIATION vol. 2, P 243. See Ass, Nos. 45, 51. Sheep, 12, 13. Business, 8, 17, 18, 28, 29, 30, 56. Buy, 2, 9, 12, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34. SEND-vol. 2, p 249. SENSE-vol. 2, p 249. See Fortune, No. 83. SENSES-vol. 2, p 249. SENSIBLE-vol. 2, p 249. SERMON-vol. 2, p 250. See Belly, No. 12. SERPENT See Dragon, No. I‹ Conduct (Rules of), 72. SERVANT-vol. 2, p 250. SELF-DISTRUST See Knowl- edge, No. 53. SELF-DOING-vol. 2, p 244. See Beggar, No. 29. Cripple, 12. England, 2. Great Men, II. 584 INDEX. SERVANT-Continued. See Master, 4, II, 13, 14, 20, 27, 29. Peace, 13. Secret, 26. Thief, 6. Tongue, 60. Zeal, 6. SERVING-Vol. 2, p 252. See Beggar, No. 29. SERVIS-See Horse, No. 87. SEVEN-Vol. 2, p 253. SEXES-vol. 2, p. 254. SHADOW-vol. 2, p 254 See Sunshine, No. I. Wife, 42. SHAME-Vol. 2, P 254. See Anger, No. 51. Beginning, 40. Borrowing, 14. Fame, 3. Haste, 7. Honor, II, 21, 32, 55. Pride, 40, 79. SHARING-Vol. 1, p 251. SHARPERS-vol. 2, p 255. SHAVING-vol. 2, p 256. SHEATH-See Blade, No. 2. SHEEP-vol. 2, p 256. See Wolf. SHEEP'S EYE-See Bashful- ness, No. 9. SHEETS-See Better, No. 77. SHELL-See Better, No. 38. SHEPHERD Vol. 2, p 258. See Carelessness, No. 3. Daughter, 13. SHEPHERD'S DOG-See Dog, No. 95. SHERRY COBBLER-See Cob- blers, No. 3. SHIFT-Vol. 2, p 259. See Bad, No. 5. SHILLING See Beginning, No. 35. Business, 5. SHIP-vol. 2, p 259. See Beware, No. 2. SHIP-continued. See Boat, 2. SHIPWRECK-vol. 2, p 260. SHIRT-Vol. 2, p 260. SHOE-Vol. 2, p 261. See Appear, No. 4. Better, 77. SHOEMAKER-vol. 2, p 262. See Tailors, No. 6. SHOP-See Business, Nos. 55, 57. Every, 40. Thief, 23. SHORE-See Boat, No. 2. SHORT-vol. 2, p 262. SHOT-Vol. 2, p 262. SHOOTING-Vol. 2, p 262. See Blind, No. 5. SHOWER-vol. 2, p 263. SHOWING ONE'S SELF-vol. 2, p 264. SHREW-vol. 2, p 264. SHRIMP-See Fish, Nos. 52, 67. SHROUD-See Rich, No. III. SICKNESS-Vol. 2, p 264. See Asking, No. 10. Water, 4. SIEVE-See Ass, No. 17. Blind, 22. SIGNS-vol. 2, p 265. SILENCE-vol. 2, p 265. See Beauty, No. 4. Better, 56. Fool, 184. Gold, 55. Idleness, 9. Innocence, 15. Love, 46. Talking, 35. Woman, 180, 295. Word, 19. SILENT MAN-See Trust, No. 54. SILK AND VELVET Kitchen, No. 6. SILVER-vol. 2, p 270. See Avarice, No. 16. See 1 INDEX. 585 SILVER-Continued. See Brandy, I. Freedom, 12. Friend, 66, 69. Gold, 19. Talking, 35. Wisdom, 44. Word, 10. SILVER LINING-See Cloud, No. 3. SIMPLE-vol. 2, p 271. SIN-Vol. 2, p 271. See (Youth) Age, No. 47. Avarice, 26. Charity, 6. Debt, 41. Drunkenness, 3. Flatterer, 24. Idleness, 36. Mirth, 17. Sorrow, 40. Virtue, 46. Woman, 148. Year, 9. 3, 5. SKILL-Vol. 2, p 274. SKIN-vol. 2, p 274. See Beauty, No. 27. SKITTLES See Life, No. 29. SKY-vol. 2, p 274. See Blind, No. 35. Slander-vol. 2, p 275. See Praise, No. 17. Treachery, 6. Slanderer-See Devil, No. 73. Reputation, 41. SLAVE-Vol. 2, p 277. SLAVERY-See Liberty, No. 10. SLAVES-vol. 2, p 277. See Debt, No. 20. Enemy, 59. SLAYING-Vol. 2, p 277. SLEEP-vol. 2, p 278. See Force, No. 10. Labor, 55. Story, 2. Work, 27. SLEEPING See Law, No. 80. SINNER-See Righteous, Nos. SLEEVE-vol. 2, p 280. SINCERITY-vol. 2, p 272. SINGER-See Barber, No. 2. SINGING-Vol. 2, p 273. See (Youth) Age, No. 36. Ass, 28. Bird, 49. Love, 156. SIR HUBERT STANLEY-See Praise, No. 3. SIR POSITIVES-vol. 2, p 273. SISTER-See Brother, No. 7. Voice, 5. SISTER'S SHAME-See Tear, No. 6. SISTER-IN-LAW-See Matri- mony, No. III. SIT-vol. 2, p 273. SIX-vol. I, p 274. SIXPENCE-See Business, No. 5. SIZE-See Brain, No. 8. SKELETON-vol. 2, p 274. SLIP-See Every, No. 41. SLIPPERS Vol. 2, p 280. SLIPPING-See Ashes, No. I. SLOTH-Vol. 2, p 280. Labor, No. 42. Prosperity, 12. SLOUGH-Vol. 2, p 281. SLOW-vol. 2, p 281. See Travelling, No. 45- Sluggard-vol. 2, p 282. See Fortune, No. 132. SMALL-Vol. 2, p 283. SMALL THINGS-See Thing. SMARTS-vol. 2, p 283. SMILE-Vol. 2, p 284. See Beauty, No. 65. Governing, 2. SMILES-vol. 2, p 284. See Beauty, No. 48. Tear, 23. SMITH-Vol. 2, p 284. SMITH'S WIFE No. 12. See Nail 586 INDEX. SMOKE-vol. 2, p 284. See Love, No. 62. SNAIL-Vol. 2, p 284. SONG-Continued. See Woman, 235. SONGS-See Law, No. 45. Snarling CuRS See Dog, Soon-vol. 2, p 290. No. 133. SNEER-vol. 2, p 284. See Governing, No. 2. SNEEZING TIME-See Friend, No. 117. SNOW-vol. 2, p 285. See Water, No. 30. SOAR-See Bird, No. 27. SOBER MAN-See Drunkard, Nos. 22, 23, 24. SOBRIETY-vol. 2, p 285. See Drunkard, No. 18. Drunkenness, 9, 10. SOFTLY-vol. 2, p 285. Soldier-vol. 2, p 285. See Ambition, No. 8. Horse, 27. Lover, IO. Money, 61. Wise, 19. Woman, 64. SOLITUDE-vol. 2, p 287. See City, No. I. Conversation, 3. Faith, I. Haughtiness, I. SOLOMON-vol. 2, p 287. See Proverb, No. 34. SOME-See Better, No. 58. SOMETHING vol. 2, p 287. See Better, Nos. 44, 59, 60. SON-vol. 2, p 288. See Daughter, No. 18. Father, 1, 6, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16. Greatness, 2. Harvest, 4. Hog, 21. Husband, 2, 5, 20. Miser, 3. Mother, 31. SON-IN-LAW-vol. 2, p 289. SONG-vol. 2, p 290. See Love, No. 251. 3, See Too Soon. SORE-Vol. 2, p 290. SORE-EYED PERSON Every, No. 42. SORROW-vol. 2, p 291. See Beauty, No. 32. Child, 3, 61. Day, 41. To-day 14. Debt, 2. - See To-morrow, Drunkard, 18. Envy, 31, 34. Evil, 22. Gold, 41. Future, I, Grief, 6. Heart, 28. Husband, 22. Jest, 19 Joy, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 22. Knowledge, 16. Mirth, 9, 15, 35. Patience, 34. Pleasure, 23. Singing, 4. Sleep, 35 Sowing, 6. Tear, 2. Thought, I. Time, 87. Voice, 5. Wife, 150. SORROW (Sweet)-See Wife, No. 124. SORROWING See Borrowing, Nos. 9, 15. SOUL-Vol. 2, p 294. See Anger, Nos. 24, 25. Beauty, 32. Church, 18. Fortune, 57 Honor, 17. INDEX. 587 SOUL-continued. See Rich, 128, 132. Soup-vol. 2, p 294. See Love, No. 167. SOUR-See Sweet. SOUR GRAPES-vol. 2, p 295. SOUR-KROUT-vol. 2, p 295. SOUR WINE-See House, No. 26. Sow-See Hog. SOWING-Vol. 2, p 295. SPADE-See Conduct (Rules of), No. 3. SPANIARD-vol. 2, p 296. See Island, No. 1. Jew, 2. Spare-vol. 2, p 296. SPARING-See Waste, No. 9. SPARK-vol. 2, p 297. SPARROW-vol. 2, p 298. Sparta-vol. 2, p 298. SPARTAN MOTHER Courage, No. 8. SPEAK―vol. 2, p 298. -See See Conduct (Rules of), No. 117. Hearing, I, 10, 12. SPEAKING-See Silence, Nos. 70, 71, 72. SPINNING-continued. See Betray, No. 4. Woman, 173. SPIRIT-Vol. 2, p 304. See Better, No. 40. SPIRITS-See Loss, No. 20. SPIT-vol. 2, p 304. See Bargain, No. 18. SPITE-vol. 2, p 304. See Contempt, No. 4. SPLINTER-See Ambition, No. 23. SPOIL-vol. 2, p 304. SPOILS-vol. 2, p 305. SPORT-vol. 2, p 305. See Earnestness, No. 4 SPOT-vol. 2, p 305. SPRAT--See Every, No. 43. SPUR-See Horse, Nos. 1, 2, 11, 28, 36, 60, 70. SPURS See Churl, No. 2. SQUINTING-See Blind, No. 16. Company, 23. STAFF-See Blind, No. 20. STAFF OF LIFE-See Bread, No. 6. STAGE-See Agree, No. 6. STAIN-Vol. 2, p 305. STAIRS-vol. 2, p 305. SPEAR-vol. 2, p 299. Spears-vol. 2, p 299. Love, 181. STAKE-Vol. 2, p 305. SPECTACLES-See Age, No. 5. STALLION-See Ass, No. 57. SPEECH-vol. 2, p 299. See Silence, Nos. 73, 74, 84. Thinker. Tongue, 21, 24, 77. SPEECHES-vol. 2, p 302. SPEED-See Haste, No. 24. SPENDING-vol. 2, p 302. See Speech, No. 26. SPENDTHRIFTS vol. 2, 302. See Miser, Nos. 4, 25. SPICE-vol. 2, p 303. SPIDER-vol. 2, p 303. SPIDERS-vol. 2, p 303. SPINNING-Vol. 2, p 303. STANDING-vol. 2, p 306. STAR-vol. 2, p 306. See Ambition, No. 17. Flowers, 7. STARLINGS-vol. 2, p 306. STARVE-vol. 2, p 306. See Ass, No. 87. STATE, MAXIMS POLITICAL ―vol. 2, p 306. p STATUE-vol. 2, p 310. Staying-vol. 2, p 310. STAYS-See Heaven, No 15. STEALING-vol. 2, p 310. See Beginning, No. 6. Cheat, 3. 588 INDEX. Stealing—continued. See Lawyers, 39. STEEL-vol. 2, p 311. STEM-See Branch, No. 2. STEER―vol. 2, p 311. STEP-vol. 2, p 311. STEP-FATHER-vol. 2, P.312. See Child, No. 80. STEP-MOTHER-vol. 2, p 312. See Child, No. 80. Grief, 17. STEW-vol. 2, p 312. STEWARD-See Cook, No. 16. STICK―vol. 2, p 312. See Ass, No. 81.. STILL WATER-See Dog, Nos. 50, 72. Stimulants-vol. 2, p 312. STINGY-vol. 2, p 313. STIR NOT-vol. 2, p 313. STITCH-Vol. 2, p 313. STOCK-See Business, No. 6. STOCKS-vol. 2, p 313. STOLEN-vol. 2, p 313. STOMACH-vol. 2, p 313. See Better, No. 59. Wise, 9. STONE-vol. 2, p 314. See Bargain, No. 18. Word, 12. STOOLS-vol. 2, p 315. STOOP-See Wife, No. 118. STOOPING-vol. 2, p 315. See Better, No. 18. STOP-vol. 2, p 315. STOPPING-Vol. 2, p 316. STORE-vol, 2, p 316. STORM-Vol. 2, p 316. See Bend, No. 8. Calm. 'STORY-Vol. 2, p 316. STRANGE-vol. 2, p 316. Stranger-vol. 2, p 316. See Jove, No. 1. STRAW-See Better, No. 61. Travelling, 29. STRAWS-vol. 2, p 316. STRENGTH-vol. 2, p 316. STRETCH-vol 2, p 316 See Better, No. 61. STRIFE-See Want, No 25. War, 31. Wife, 91, 151, 193. STRIKING-vol. 2, p 317. STRINGS-See Bow, Nos. 4, 5, 8. STRIVING-Vol. 2, p 317. STROKE-See Blind, No. 7. Strong-vol. 2, p 317. See Life, No. 21. Living, 31. STRONGEST-vol. 2, p 317. ST. STEPHENS-See Blessed, No I. STUBBORN-vol. 2, p 318. See Ass, Nos. 38, 39. STUDENTS' MALADIES—See Scholar, No. 3. STUDYING-Vol. 2, p 318. See Belly, No I. Brain, 2. STUMBLE-vol. 2, p 318. STUNG See Better, No. 22. STUPIDITY-vol. 2, p 319. See Fortune, No. 55. Wealth, 21. SUBLIME-See Step, No. 6. SUBTILTY-See Secure, No. 3. SUCCESS-vol. 2, p 319. See (Youth) Age, No. 30. Application, I. Confidence, 5. Diligence, 3. SUCCESSOR See Beginning, No. 37. SUCCOR-vol. 2, p 320. Sufferer-vol. 2, p 320. SUFFERING-vol. 2, p 320. SUICIDE-Vol. 2, p 321. SULTAN-vol. 2, p 321. See Blade, No. 1. SULTAN'S HEAD-See Lying, No. 76. SUMMER-vol. 2, p 321. SUN-vol. 2, p 322. See Beauty, No. 65. INDEX. 589 SUN-continued. Cloud, 4, 5. Death, 116. SUNDAY'S CHILD-See Child, No. 9. SUN DIAL-vol. 2, p 323. SUNSHINE-vol. 2, p 323. SUPERIOR'S See Condnct, (Rules of), No. 125 vol. 2, p SUPEREROGATION 323. SUPERSTITION See Devil, No. 75. SUPERSTITIONS—vol. 2, p 324. SUPPER-See Hope, No. 22. Kitchen, II. Meal. SURE-vol 2, p 324. SURETYSHIP-vol. 2, p 324. Surfeits-vol. 2, p 324. SURGEON-vol. 2, p 325. SURPRISE-vol. 2, p 325. SUSPENSE-See Deciding, No. I. SUSPICION-vol. 2, p 325. See Chastity, No. 1. SUSPICIONS-vol. 2, p 325. SUSPICIOUS-See Child, No. IO. SWALLOW-vol. 2, p 326. SWAN-vol. 2, p 326. See Bird, No. 6. SWAPPING Horses — Seej Horse, No. 59. SWARM-See Bee, No. 2. SWEETNESS — See Woman, No. 205. SWIFT-vol. 2, P 327. See Too Swift, No. 1. SWIMMERS See Drowning: Nos. 3, 5, 7, 8. SWIMMING-vol. 2, p 327. SWINDLING-vol 2, p 328. Swiss-vol. 2, p 328. SWORD-vol. 2, p 328. See Child, No. 79. Horse, 14. Kitchen, 9. Surfeits, I. Tongue, 62, 66, 72. Wife, 121. Youth (Age), 2. SYLLABLES-vol. 2, p 329. SYMPATHY-vol. 2, p 329. SYSTEM-vol. 2, P 330. T. TABLE-vol. 2, p 330. See Bashfulness, No. 2. Better, 16. TAIL-See Ass, Nos. 17, 68. Better, 23, 24, 25. Bird, 34. TAILORS-vol. 2, p 330. See Dress, Nos. 20, 38. Hanging, 29. Shoemaker, 3, 5. Trust, 24. HEED-vol. 2, p 331. TAKE IT EASY-See Living, No. 65. SWEARING See Faith, No. 3. | TAKE SWEAT-vol. 2, p 326. SWEEP-vol. 2, p 326. See Broom, Nos. 3, 5. Door, 7. House, 30. Housekeeping, 2, 6. SWEET-vol. 2, p 326. SWEETHEART-vol. 2, p 327. See Beauty, No. 10. Housekeeping, 7. SWEET TONGUE-See Purse, No. 62. TAKE THIS―vol. 2, p 231. TAKING-Vol. 2, p 331. TAKING A WIFE-See Wife, No. 119. TAKING OUT-vol. 2, p 331. TALE-vol. 2, p 332. TALE-BEARER-vol. 2, P 333. See Gossipping, No. 7. TALENT-See Wealth, No. 21 TALENTS-vol. 2, p 333. TALKING-Vol. 2, P 333- 590 INDEX. TALKING-Continued. See Listening, No. 6. Wise, 44. TAPERS-See Birth, No. 7. TARRY-Vol. 2, P 335- TASK-vol. 2, p 335. TASTE-vol. 2, P 335. Disputing, No. 5. TASTE (Lordly)-See Beggar, No. 7. TATTLER-vol. 2, p 336. TAUGHT See Better, 33. TAVERNS-See Church, II. TAXES-vol. 2, p 336. Certainty, No. 4. TEACHER—vol. 2, p 336. TEACHING-vol. 2, p 336. See Blind, No. 24. Example, 3. TEAR-vol. 2, p 337. See Beauty, No. 48. Cowardice, 32. Grief, 12. Law, 61. Mother, 27. Poor, 46. Venus, I. TEMPLES-Vol. 2, p 339. TEMPTATION-vol. 2, p 339. See Occupation, No. 2. Virtue, 122. TEMPTER-vol. 2, p 340. TENANT-See House, No. 9. TENDER-vol. 2, p 340. TERMAGANT WIFE See Wife, No. 124. TEXTS-See Fact, No. 6. THANKING-vol. 2, p 341. No. THANKLESS-See Child, No. 51. No. THANKLESS OFFICE-See Of- Woman, 89, 90, 222, 235, 246, 375. TEDIOUS-See Brief, No. 1. TEDIOUSNESS-See Labor, No. 41. TEETH-vol. 2, p 338. See Better, No. 17. Biting, 8. Bread, 13, 23. Child, 93. Diamond, 2. Tongue, 69. TEMPER THE TONGUE No. 119. TEMPERANCE-vol. 2, p 339. fice, No. 18. THANKS-Vol. 2, p 341. THEFT-Vol. 2, P 341. See Bribe, No. 4. Idleness, 34. THEME-Vol. 2, p 341. THERE HE DIED-See Better, No. 65. THERE HE RAN AWAY-See Better, No. 65. THERE IS NO ANSWER-See Wife, No. 191. THERE IT WAS-See Better, No. 67. THERSITES-vol. 2, No. 341. THIEF-vol. 2, p 341. See Accomplice, Nos. 4, 5. Asking, 4. Beauty, 39. Beggar, 28, 37. Beginning, 6. Borderers, 1. Craft, 2. Guest, 2. Hanging, 12, 35, 36. Ingratitude, 22, 24. Law, 94, 95. Love, 141. TEMPER-vol. 2, P 339. See Lying, 92, 101. Conduct (Rules of), Office, 14. Servant, 44. Suspicion, 10. Temperate—See Life, No. THIEF'S WIFE-See Laugh, No. 35. 24. INDEX. 591 THIEVING See Harlot, No. | THRIVING--continued. 7. THIGHS See Better, No. 29. THINE-See Mine and Thine. THING-Vol. 2, p 344. See Bad, No. 6. THINGS-vol. 2, P 344. See Thing. THINKER Vol. 2, p 347. THINKING-vol. 2, p 347. See Grief, No. 36. Hunger, 22. THIRST-Vol. 2, P 347. See Hunger, No. 24. Lawyer, 16, 20. THIRTEENTH-vol. 2, p 347. THIRTY-vol. 2, p 348. THISTLE—Vol. 2, p 348. See Ass, Nos. 6, 41, 67, 69, 70, 73, 79. Brain, 7. Harvest, 3. THORN BUSH-vol. 2, p 348. See Better, No. 76. THORNS-vol. 2, p 348. See Age (Youth), Nos. 13, 56. Laziness, 18. Rose. THOUGHT-vol. 2, p 349. THRALDOM See Benefits, No. 3. THREAD-Vol. 2, p 349. See Beginning, No. 12. Best, 5, 6. Betray, 4. THREATS--Vol. 2, p 350. THREATENING vol. 2, P 350. THREE-vol. 2, p 351. THREE THINGS TO DIE OF- See Three, Nos. 2, 5. THRESHING vol. 2, p 352. THRESHOLD-See Mountain, No. 7. THRIFT-Vol. 2, P 352. THRIVING-Vol. 2, p 352 See Bide, No. 2. See Occupation, 4. Wife, 25. THRONE-vol. 2, P 352. See Better, No. 39. THRUST - See I. Parry, No. THUNDER--Vol, 2, p 352. See Jove, No. 4. THUNDERBOLT-vol. 2, p 352. THYSELF-See Beware, No. 3. TIDE-vol. 2, p 352. See Time, Nos. 67, 68. TYING-Vol. 2, p 353. TIGER--Vol. 2, p 353. TILE-See Egg, No. 28. TIME-vol. 2, p 353- See Conduct (Rules of), No. 58. Death, 122. Doctor, 63. Grief, 25, 36. Love, 127. Man, 103, 105. Pain, 15, 16. Patience, 24, 42, 47, 60. TIMIDITY—vol. 2, P 359. TINKER-vol. 2, p 360. See Cobblers, No. 1. TIRED-vol. 2, p 360. TIRING-Vol. 2, p 360. TITLES-vol. 2, p 360. TOAD-See Adversity, No. 25 TOBACCO-vol. 2, p 360. TOCSIN-Vol. 2, p 360. TO-DAY-Vol. 1, p 214. See Mutability of Fortune. Thinker, No. 8. TOIL-vol. 2, p 361. See Sufferer, No. 11. TOILET See Housekeeping,. No. 8. TOLERATION-See Travelling No. 41. TOMB-See Death, No. 135. TO-MORROW-vol. 1, p 215. See Architect, No. 2. 592 INDEX. To-MORROW-continued. Boaster, 5. Business, 26. Defer, 1, 2. Friend, 228. Thinker, 8. TONGUE-vol. 2, p 361. See Flatterer, No. 5. Heart, 39, 51. Wise, 77. TRADE-continued. See Expense. Labor, 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 13. Son, 22. Tricks, I. Wife, 71. TRADUCER-See Dog, No. 16. TRANQUILLITY-vol. 2, p 372. TRANSGRESSION-See Anger, No. 54. Woman, 208, 209, 248. TRANSLATORS—vol. 2, p 372. Wound, 13. TOOLS-vol. 2, p 366. See Art, No. 1. TOWERS-vol. 2, p 366. Too LITTLE - See Nos. 64, 69. TRAP-vol. 2, p 372. TRAVEL-See Lover, No. II. TRAVELLER-vol. 2, P 372. See Guide, No. 1. TOO DEAR-See Buy, No. 8. TRAVELLING-vol. 2, p 372. TOO LATE-vol. p 366. Extremes, 2. Much, 11, 12. Better, TOO MANY-vol. 2, p 368. See Ass, Nos. 74, 78. Babe, 7. Commanding, 5. Cook, II. Doctor, 8. Dress, 27. Egg, 21. Much. Sailor, 3. Shepherd, I. Ship, 21. Woman, 305. Too Soon-vol. 2, p 368. Too SWIFT-vol. 2, p 370. TORCH-vol. 2, p 370. TORMENTING-vol. 2, p 370. TORTOISE-Vol. 2, p 370. TOUCHING-vol. 2, p 370. TOUCHSTONE-vol. 2, p 370. Toys-vol. 2, p. 370. TRACEYS-vol. 2, p 370. TRADE-vol. 2, p 371. See Begging, No. 15. Business, 66, 71, 72. Dependence, 1. Enemy, 79. To TRAVEL SAFELY-See Travelling, No. 37. TREACHERY—vol. 2, P 374. See Deceit, No. 1. Trust, 43. TREAD UPON--See Base, No. 4 TREASON—vol. 2, P 375. See King, Nos. 29, 36, 44. Trust, 14. TRAITORS-vol. 2, p 375.- See Translators, No. 1. TREASURE-vol. 2, p 376. TREE-vol. 2, p 376. TRICK-vol. 2, p 379. TRICKS-vol. 2, p 379. TRICKERY—vol. 2, P 379. TRIPE-vol. 2, p 379. TRIUMPH-See Age (Youth), No. 30. TROPHY-See Timidity, No. 5. TROUBLE-Vol. 2, p 379. See Bagpipe, No. 1. Borrowing, 8. Company, 12. Conduct (Rules of) 109 Health, 42. Man, 94. Money, 62. Secret, 18. Tongue, 28. Wickedness, 22. Wife, 87, INDEX. 593 TRUMPET, vol. 2, p 380. TRUMPETER-vol. 2, p 380. See Death, No. 136. Gambling, 20. TRUST―vol. 2, p 380. See Love, No. 64. Try, 2. Trustees of POSTERITY-See Youth, No. 9. TRUTH-vol. 2, p 383. See Ancients, No. 3. Beauty, 35. Child, 14, 24. Craft, Crafty, 6. Devil, 69. Disputations, I. Experience, 19. Eye, 5. Flatterer, 20. Freedom, 15. Law, 142. Lawyer, 22. Love, 204. Lying, 11, 20, 27, 64, 83, 84, 95. Mercy, 3. Money, 157. Ridicule, 1. Speak, 9. Speech, 26. Time, 74, 92, 95. Tongue, 49. Trust, 35. Virtue, 65, 66. Wine, 39. Wisdom, 46. Woman, 333. TRY-vol. 2, p 389. TUNES-See Friend, No. 179. TURK-See Better, No. 19. TURK'S HORSE-See Horse, No. 105. TURN ABOUT-vol. 2, p 390. TURNCOAT-See Wine, No. 54. TURNING POST-vol. 2, p 390. TURNIP-vol. 2, p 390. TUSCAN-Vol. 2. p 390. TWIG-Vol. 2, p 390. TWIG-continued. See Bend, No. 2. TWILIGHT-See Blind, No. 17. Two-vol. 2, p 390. See Quarrel, Nos. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. Two GOOD DAYS-See Wife, No. 194. TYRANNY-See Law, No. 144. TYRANT-vol. 2, p 391. See Day, No. 34. Envy, 60. Fear, 66. U. UGLY-See Evil, No. 30. Fortune, 106. Handsome, 5. Love, 180. Rich, 6. Sweetheart, I. Woman, 124, 196, 267, 283, 285, 286. UGLIEST-See No. 5. Housewife, UNBORN--See Better, No. 71. UNBRED-See Better, No. 71. UNCERTAINTY-vol. 2, p 391. UNDERSTANDING-vol. 2, p 392. See Beard, No. 8. Beauty, 14, 45. Fear, 13. Virtue, 67. UNDERTAKING-vol. 2, p. 392. UNDERTAKINGS-vol 2, p 392. UNDOING-vol. 2, p 392. See World, No. 34. UNFORTUNATE- vol. 2, P 393. See Calumny, No. 10 UNGAINED-vol. 2, p 393, UNHAPPY-vol. 2, p 393. UNION-vol. 2, p 393. 38 594 INDEX. UNKINDNESS-vol. 2, p 393- Unknown-See Wise, No. 71. UNLEARNED-vol. 2, p 394. UNLOOKED FOR-vol. 1, p 640. UNLUCKY-See Gallows, No. | 7. UNMANNERLY-See Better, No. 26. UnTaught-See Better, No. 72. UNWILLING See Easy, No. 13. UNWORTHY-See Beauty, No. 21. UPBRAIDING-vol. 2, p 293. UPRIGHT-vol. 2, p 394. See Better, No. 19. URCHIN-See Bird, No. 32. USAGE-See Continuance, No. 1. USE-vol. 2, p 394. See Bad, No. 19. Best, 10. Book, 16. Custom, 22. Rust, 2. USEFUL-vol. 2, p 394. VANITY-vol. 2, p 396. See Curiosity, No. 1. Prosperity, 9. Soldier, 12. Virtue, 132. VANQUISHED vol. 2, p 398. VARIETY-vol. 2, p 398. VARNISHING—vol. 2, p 398. See Beauty, No. 13. VASE-See Rose, No. 23: VEGETABLE-See Best, No II. Buy, 10. VENGEANCE-vol. 2, p 398. See Silence, No. II. Threats, 18. Vice, 46, 47. Villain, 6. Woman, 95. VENOM-Vol. 2, p 399. See Beast, No. 2. Bee, 13. VENTURE-vol. 2, p 399. See Boat, 2, 5. VENUS-vol. 2, p 400. VERY NIGH-See Lying, No 23. To-day, To-morrow, 16. VESSEL-See Bad, Nos. 8, 9. See Beauty, No. 64. USELESS-vol. 2, p 394. USURER-vol. 2, p 395. See Bankrupt, No. I. Giving, 63. USURY-See Giving, No. 36. UTILITY-See Action, No. 16. V. VACUUM-vol. 2, p 395. VALLEY-See Climbing, No. 12. VALOR-vol. 2, p 395. See Anger, No. 16. Cowardice, 12, 23. Justice, 11. VALUED—vol. 2, p 396. VEXATION-See Better, No 40. VICE-Vol. 2, p 400. See Avarice, Nos. 21, 24. Charity, 7. Covetousness, 20. Excess, 3. Fear, 59. Flatterer, 4, 29, 39. Gratitude, 7. Great Men, 12. Hypocrite, 15. Idleness, 48. Joy, 6. King, 10. Labor, 41. Lying, 93. Modesty, 14. Prosperity, II. Sloth, 8, 11. INDEX. 595 VICE-Continued. See Spare, 9. Travelling, 42. Virtue, 9, 14, 19, 27, 29, 31, 32, 43, 68, 69, 74, 99, 113, 125, 133, 136. Wealth, 8. Wickedness, 20. VICTOR―Vol. 2, p 403. See Vanquished, No. 2. VICTORY-Vol. 2, p 403. See Chicken, No. 30. Danger, 10. Enemy, 64. Pardon, 5. Peace, 5, 18, 24. VIEWS-vol. 2, p 404. VIGILANCE-See Liberty, No. 6. VILLAIN-vol. 2, p 204. VILE-See Great Men, No. 19. Living, 59. Wisdom, 33. VINE-vol. 2, p 404. VINEGAR Vol. 2, p 404. See Fly, No. 8. Gift, 42. Wine, 28, 31. VINEYARD-vol. 2, p 404. See House, No. 1. VIOLENT-vol. 2, p 404. VIPERS-See Breed, No. 14. Virtue-vol. 2, p 404. See Age, No. 31. (Youth) Age, 47. Ambition, 8. Angling, I. Avarice, 12. Beauty, 41, 46, 47. Blood, 4. Blush, 2, 5. Boaster, 13. Calamity, 3. Calumny, 2. Candor, 2. Clemency, 2. Conscience, 42. VIRTUE-continued. See Constancy, I. Coquette, I. Courage, 33. Courtesy, 4. Crime, 12. Discipline, 1. Excess, I. Face, 5. Failings, I. Father, 17. Fault, 14. Forbearance, 1. Fortune, 54. Frugality, 3, 4. Glory, 4, 5. Gold, 24. Good, 41. Gratitude, 7. Happiness, 36½. Honor, 27, 45, 58. Humility, 1, 3. Hypocrite, 15, 27. Idleness, 44. Innocence, 13. Justice, II. Lawyers, 59. Letters, I. Liberty, 18. Life, 67. Literature, 1. Living, 12, 82. Love, 113, 188. Luxury, 4. Modesty, 14. Money, 17, 67. Mouth, 26. Nature, II. Necessity, 3, 32. Nobility, 12, 23. Patience, 36, 41. Patriotism, 8. Pleasure, 19. Praise, 43, 53. Pride, 49. Prosperity, II, 17. Prude, 1. Prudence, 16. 596 INDEX. VIRTUE-Continued. See Remorse, I. Repentance, 7. Reputation, 21, 35. Rich, 41, 71, 75, 76, 89. Self-love, 4. WALLET See Beggar, Nos 5, 6, 27, 40. Fault, 44. WANT-vol. 2, p 416. See Avarice, Nos. 20, 23. Haste, 8. Shame, 23. Silence, 66, 79. Silver, 10. Spare, 9. State, 9, 13. Travelling, 42. Truth, 97. Temperance, 2, 3. Miser, 20. Pride, 46. Rich, 28. Spare, 1. Waste, 10, II, 12. Wealth, 32. Wine, 47. Woman, 340. Vice, 7, 8, 26, 30, 37, WANTS-vol. 2, p 416. 39, 40. Wealth, 8, 35. Woman, 205, 274, 277, 288. Work, 43. VIRTUES (The five)-S ee Prince, No. 30. VIRTUOUS-vol. 2, p 412. See Company, No. 20. VOICE-vol. 2, p 413. See Devil, No. 82. Vows-vol. 2, p 413. VULGAR-vol. 2, p 413. VULGARITY-vol. 2, p 413. W. WAGER-vol. 2, p 413. WAGES-vol. 2, p 414. See Blame, No. 1. WAGON-Vol. 2, p 414. WAILING-vol. 2, p 414. WAIT-vol. 2, p 414. See Learning, No. 30. Wife, 74. WAKE-vol. 2, p 415. WAKING-See Law, No. 80. WALKING—vol. 2, p 415. See Better, Nos. 73, 74, 75, 76. Conduct (Rules of), No. 71. WALL-Vol. 2, p 415. See Bashfulness, No. 6. WAR-vol. 2, p 418. See Advice, No. 31. (Youth) Age, 24. Blunder, 1. Brave, 7. Courage, 32. Equality, I. Land, 9, 10. Lawyers, 60. Love, 5. Necessity, 21. Peace. Wife, 102. Wine, 47. Wisdom, 54. Woman, 374. Yielding, 2. WARES--vol. 2, p 417. See Asking, No. 9. Business, 14, 15. WARM-See Better, No. 10. WARNING-Vol. 2, p 418. See Threats, No. 26. WARRIOR-See Arms, No. 5. WASHING-vol. 2, p 421. WASP-See Bee, No. 13. WASTE-vol. 2, p 421. See Haste, Nos. 8, 31. WATCH DOG-See Dog, Nos. 167, 172, 188. WATCHING-vol. 2, p 422. WATER-vol. 2, p 422. INDEX. 597 WATER-Continued. See Blood, No. 5. Enemy, 72. WAVE-See Battle, No. 7. WAY-vol. 2, p 424. See Will, Nos. 20, 22, 26. WAYS-vol. 2, P 424. WAY OF THE WORLD-vol. 2, P 424. See Dog, Nos. 194, 195, 200. Fortune, 164. Tree, 47, 48, 49. WEAK-Vol. 2, p 426. See Timidity, No. 3. WEAKEST-vol. 2, p 426. WEALTH-Vol. 2, p 426. See Age, No. 31. Ant, 3. Avarice, 5. Beauty, 50, Belief, 4. Care, 6. Conscience, 26. Do, 39- Great Men, 16. Health, 17, 32. Honesty, 43. Labor, 18. Law, 43. Matrimony, 48. Slow, 8. Virtue, 44, 80, 134. Wife, 12. Wisdom, 5. Woman, 186, 293, 340. WEAPON-Vol. 2, p 429. See Courage, Nos. 6, 32. Cowardice, 17. WEB-See Beginning, No. 12. WEDDING RING vol. 2, p 430. WEDGE-vol. 2, P 430. See Knot, No. 2. WEDLOCK-See Matrimony, Nos. 125, 126, 127, 128. WEEDS-vol. 2, p 431. WEEPING-vol. 2, p 431. See Mother, Nos. 31, 33. Woman, 187, 279. WEEPING MAN--See Woman, No. 49. WEIGH-Vol. 2, p 432. WEIGHT-vol. 2, p 432. WELCOME-vol. 2, p 432. WELL-vol. 2, p 433. See Ill, No. 14. "WELL WELL"-vol. 2, p 433. WELL-DOING-vol. 2, p 433. See Do, Nos. 66, 67, 73. WELL-WISHER-vol. 2, p 434. WELSHMAN-vol. 2, p 432. WEST-See East, No. 1. WHALE-See Ambition, No. 32. WHEAT-See Best, No. II. Chaff, 1. WHEEL-vol. 2, p 434. WHEEL HORSES-See Horse, No. 50. WHEEL OF FORTUNE-See Certainty, No. 5. WHELP-See Child, No. 40. WHERRIES-vol. 2, P 434. WHIP-Vol. 2, P 434. See Horse, No. 74. Love, 146. WHIPPING-vol. 2, p 434. WEAR OUT-See Better, Nos. WHIRLIGIG OF TIME-S e e Fear, 2. WEAR-vol. 2, p 429. 68, 77. WEASEL-See Cat, No. 69. WEATHER—vol. 2, p 429. See Fool, No. 224. WEAVERS-See Hanging, No. 29. Revenge, No. 29. WHISPER-vol. 2, P 435. WHITE-See Black, No. 8. WHITE HORSE Śee Wife, No. 87. WHORES-See Harlot. 598 INDEX. WHORES-Continued. See Madness, No. 10. Tear, 20. WICKEDNESS-vol. 2, p 435. See Avarice, No. 11. Good Man, 10. WIDOW-vol. 2, p 437. See Heaven, No. 17. Keep, 13. WIFE-vol. 2, p 438. See Answer, No. 8. Bachelor, 4, 9. Beauty, 34. Bride, 3, 11. Chimney, 2. Conduct (Rules of) 8. Daughter, 18. Dog, 29. Haste, 8. Horse, 42. House-wife, 6. Husband, 4, 12, 13, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37. Jealousy, 1, 15. Laugh, 35. Matrimony, 1, 7, 8, 35, 40, 41, 43, 76. Mother, 5. WILLING-Vol. 2, p 653. WILLOWS Vol. 2, P 453. See Bend, No. 1. WIND-Vol. 2. p. 453. See Battle, No. 7. WIND MILL-See Counsel, No. 24. WINDOW See Better, No. 32. WINE-Vol. 2. p 455. See Asking, No. 7. Ass, 77. Beauty, 28. Book, 29. Care, 2. Cask, 2, 3, 5. Conduct (Rules of), 8. Counsel, 5, 12. Devil, 8, 97. Diet, 3. Drink, 7, 8, 9. 17. Egg, 13. Friend, 175. Heart, 38. Hostess, I. House, 26. Law, 89. Neighbor, 36. Rich, I. Pleasure, 13. Secret, 10. Shoe, 10. Smith, 2. Want, 25. War, 31. Water, 4. Wise, 9, 13, 76. Love, 251, 259. Poor, 72. Three, 4. Time, 99. Truth, 100. Wisdom, 47. Woman, 20, 194, 211, 212, 315, 316, 325, 340, 341, 365. WINE-GLASS See Looking glass. WINE OF ANGELS-See Tear, No. 21. WING-See Bird, No. 47. GRUM-WINK-vol. 2, p. 458. WIFE'S DEVIL-See Mother- in-law, No. 9. WIFE THAT NEVER BLES-See Wife, No. 122. WILD OATS-vol. 2, p 451. See Youth, No. 8. WILFUL-vol. 2, p 452. WILL-Vol. 2, p 452. See Kitchen, No. 4. WINNER-See Gambling, No 8. WINNING-Vol. 2, p. 458. See Buy, No. 9 WINTER-vol. 2, p 459. See Crow, No. II. INDEX. 599 1 WINTER-Continued. See Summer, 2, 5. WINTER'S DAY-See Day, No. 15. WISDOM-Vol. 2. P 459. See (Youth), Age, Ño. 53- Arrogance, 2. Boaster, 9. Books, 16, 32. Consideration, 3. Craft, crafty, 4-9. Delay, 2. Discretion, I. Experience, 17, 25. Folly, 5, 21, 23. Fortitude, 3. Fortune, 1, 4. Grief, 20. Haste, 1. Hearing, 1. Husband, 13. Jest, I. Knave, 28. Knowledge, 32. Learning, 13. Man, 17. Poor, 26, 27, 35, 68. Self-control, I. Silence, 36, 58. Time, 51. Travelling, 38. Wickedness, 19. Wife, 213. Wit, 48. WISE-Vol, 2. p 462. See (Youth) Age, No. 6. Anger, 30. Cloak, 12. Counsel, 9. Enemy, 80. Envy, 59. Experience, 16, 24. Folly, 23. Fool, 157, 185, 199. Happen, I. Happiness, 23, 37. Heaven, 33. Ignorance, 4, 17. WIFE-continued. See Living, 31. Loquacity, I. Love, 219, 220. Man, 97, 124. Mirth, 16, 18, 25. Money, 40. Sorrow, 48. Wickedness, IO. Woman, 147. WISE MAN-See Send, No. 2. WISE MAN'S LADDER-See Fool, No. 16. WISHES-See Beggar, Nos. 23, 24, 25. WISHING-Vol. 2, p 468. See Industry, No. 12. WIT-vol. 2, p 469. See Chattering, 2. Courage, 41. Discretion, 4. Fool, 207. Fool, Wise Man, 58. Head, 6. Idleness, 49. Jest, I. King, 45. Nobility, 16. Poor, 28. Wine, 40, 42. Wisdom, 4, 18. WITCH-Vol. 2, p. 473. See Beauty, No. 24. WITCHCRAFT-See Jealousy, No. 10. WITNESS-vol. 2, p 473. See Better, No. 53. Madness, 4. Wine, 37. WITNESSES-vol. 2, p 473- WOE-vol. 2, p 473. See Beggar, No. 42. House, 28. Life, 45. Money, 62. Want, 19. Will, 28. WOLF-vol. 2, p 473. 600 INDEX. WOLF-Continued. See Ass, No. 26. Boy, 14. Breed, 12. Carelessness, 3. Company, 21. Dog, 95, 154, 203, 205. Lion, 15. Sheep. Way of the World, 14. WOLF CUBS-See Dog, No. WOMAN-Continued. See Talking, 16. Vengeance, 4. Voice, I. Wife, 50. Word, 32, 130. Wrinkle, 3. Year, 10. WOMAN'S BEAUTY-See Three, No. 3. WOMAN'S COUNSELS-See Woman, No. 373. an, No. 271. WOLF'S LAMENESS-See Mad- WOMAN'S HATE-See Wom- WOMAN-Vol. 2, p 477. 134. ness, No. 10. See Age, No. 2. Arms, 3. Black, 2, 3. Candle, 10. Chastity, 6. Covetousness, 7. Cowardice, 22. Devil, 140. Egg, 13. England, 2. Flirt, 2. Fool, Wise Man, 29. Fortune, 45, 50. Fox, 19. Furniture, I. Gentleman, 6. Handsome, 5. Heaven, 15. Husband, 4, 25. Industry, 4, 6. Jealousy, 2. Law, 18, 134, 136, 151. Love, 81, 160, 166, 251. Lover, 12, 36. Peace, 13. Praise, 30. Revenge, 13, 26. Secret, 24, 35. Selfishness, 7. Silence, 45, 54. Slander, 19. Sorrow, 38. Stopping, 1. WOMAN'S REASON-See Rea- son, No. 5. WOMAN'S SPHERE- See Woman, No. 270. WOMAN'S WORK-See Work, No. 21. WOMEN'S JARS-See Woman, No. 374. WOMEN'S LOVE-See Love, No. 205. WOMEN'S THOUGHTS-See Winter, No. 6. WONDER-vol. 2, p 501. WONDERS-vol. 2, p 502. WOOD-vol. 2. p 502. See Book, No. 29. WOODCOCK-See Bird, No. 29. WOODEN LEG-vol. 2, p 502. See Better, No. 75. WOODEN GOD-See Blessed, No. 4. WOODS-vol. 2, p 502. WOOING-vol. 2, p 502. See Buy, No. 5. Lasses, 4. Matrimony, 6. Widow, 8, 17. WOOL-Vol. 2, p 503. See Bad, No. 13. WORD-vol. 2, p. 503. See Bargain, No. 14. Beginning, 3. Be True, I. INDEX. 601 1 WORD-continued. See Blow, 2. Book, 37. Business, 63. Deeds, 4, 6, 7, 14. Fact, 4. Revenge, 30. Wine, 44. WORK-vol. 2, p 510. See (Youth) Age, No. 10. Begging, 6. Be True, 1. Earnestness, I. End, 8. Hand, 9. Laziness, 19. Living, 88. Money, 134. Play, 2. Rest, II. Sleep, 16, Talking, 22. Thinker, 6. Will, 19. Woman, 187. WORKMAN-vol. 2, p 512. See Hunger, No. 28. Husband, 24. Money, 135. Paymaster, 5- Poverty, 18. Wine, 32. Work, 7. WORKMANSHIP-See No. 33. WORTH-Vol. 2, p 517. WOUND-Vol. 2, p. 517. See Civil Broils, No. 3. Despising, 5. Enemy, 44. Evil, 39. Fear, 40. Friendship, 42. God, 85. Honor, 10. Insolence, 4. Time, 75. WRANGLERS-vol. 2, p 518. WRANGLING-vol. 2. p 518. See Truth, No. 15. WRATH-See (Youth) Age No. 40. Brother, 8, 9. Understanding, 10, WREN-vol, 2, p 518. WRESTLING-vol. 2, p 519. WRINKLE-vol. 2, p. 519. WRITING-Vol. 2, p. 519. See Reading, No. 6. WRONG-Vol. 2, p 520. See Avenging, No. 2. Right. Truth, 70. WRONGS-vol. 2. p 520. X. XERXES-vol. 2, p 520. Day, WORLD-vol. 2. p 513. See Way of the World. Beauty, No. 65. Blind, 4. Death, 117. WORMWOOD-vol. 2, p 516. Worn Out-vol. 2, 516. WORSHIP-vol. 2, p 516. See Cost, Nos. 1, 6. WORSE-See Bad, No. 11. Better, 81. WORST-vol. 2, p 516. See Best, No. II. Y. YAMS-See Buy, No. 26. YEAR Vol. 2, p 520. YEARS-See Book, No. 38. YES-See No. Mouth, No. 25. YESTERDAY-vol. 1, p 215. See To-day, No. 3. YEOMAN-Vol. 2, p 521. See Better, No. 25. YIELDING-Vol. 2, p 521. YORKSHIRE-vol. 2, p 521 602 INDEX. YOUNG MAN See Matri- | YOUTH-continued. mony, No. 10. YOUNG MAN'S SWORD-See Youth (Age), No. 2. YOUNGER BROTHER See < Brother, Nos. 5. 10, II, 12. YOUTH-Vol. 2, P 521. See Youth (Age). Bashfulness, No. 4. Memory, II. See Wine, 48. Wisdom, 9. YOUTH (AGE)-vol. 2, p 523 See vol. 1, p 16. Z. ZEAL―vol. 2, p 523. See Church, No. 15. ZEALOUS-See Guilt, No. 7. DO NOT CIRCULATE 600 MAR 13 800MAREL 728 ОСТ 30 404 NOV 5 950 更​食​響​。 ស UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 04849 1263 i