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ARKA TJERA YON STANDGUN¢ »S pki „## iteŸj@Hammad • La B KAUNO CANVAànqui *****]^4)= £<&•4• 200 AAA WANA MONT ** "" Designations, Maximum lift of water Minimum "" RESULTS OF TRIALS OF PUMPS for the Drainage of THE FOS BASIN, PREPARED BY M. DORNÊS, C.E. vacuum in the condenser number of revolutions per minute.. "9 "" thickness of sheet of water on crest of weir "9 indicated cylinder ·· "" : ·· ·· ·· delivery of pump per second indicated work in small cy- linder .. work in large Preparatory Trials. Pump No. 1. 4 hours 86 lb. 26.31 in. 104.5 NOTE. The pumps are centrifugal pumps, by the firm of John and Henry Gwynne, London, having suction pipes 30 inches in diameter, and each driven directly by a compound horizontal engine, with cylinders side by side, and jet condensation. The To determine the work of the engine, diagrams were taken every fifteen minutes, and at the same time were noted. pressure in the boilers; the vacuum in the condenser; the revolutions of the engine measured by a counter; the level of suction channel, and that of the delivery channel, which were indicated by floats, with pointers moving on carefully marked rules or scales. For calculating the delivery, a weir or notch of the submerged kind, perfectly dimensioned to 9.84 feet long, and 1.312 feet high, of the Boileau type, had been con- structed on a dam thrown across the dis- 65.75", | "" 235.11 gal. 237 54 gal. 241 16 gal. 233 22 gal. charge channel, and every five minutes the height of water on the crest of the weir was noted. From this the "charge or head on the weir was deduced from Boileau's table for a weir of absolutely similar proportions. The delivery was then calculated, taking as a co-efficient that given by the formula of 10.26 in. 52.37 47.37 49 78 18.32 "9 "9 "" 15.302 Definitive Trials. 8 hours 85 lb. 26.5 in. 114.2 10.3 in. 70.93,, 61.06 "" 18.772 22.75 Preparatory Trials. 3 hours Pump No. 2. 85 lb. 27.2 in. 111.2 10.43 in. 56.28 51.69 54.26 39 "" >> 17.138 Definitive Trials. 19.157 8 hour 85.5 lb. 26.5 in. 114.1 10.22 in. 69.22 "" 57.77,, 63.33 "" 19.416 Observations. 20.611 70 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. S . DRAINAGE AT LAKE ABOUKIR, EGYPT. 71 Total mean work shown on the pistons = I.H.P. ·· Mean effective work in water raised = W.H.P. ·· Useful effect in terms of effective work in water raised, divided by W.H.P. work shown on pistons I.H.P. Consumption of coal per hour and per effective horse-power in water raised. (Coal per W.H.P.) ·· Consumption of coal per I.H.P. per hour. (Coal per I.H.P.) Consumption of steam per I.H.P. per hour. (Steam per I.H.P.) .. ·· Cubic metres per minute Steam per indicated horse-power cubic metre raised 1 metre ·· ·· ·· 33.622 ·· 18.005 .535 *5.05 lb. *2.7 22.38 ·· "" · · "" ·· 41.522 ·· 24.03 4.21 lb. ⚫579 2.41 20.32 ·· ·· 33 "" 36.295 64.09 22.38 lb. 20.13 •555 4.46 lb. 2.47 20.66 "" ► * After the preparatory trials of pump No. 1, during which the draught of the chimney had been very bad, it was discovered that the lower heating flue had been partially obstructed by water which had entered, and further that there had been some passage of steam through the cylinder jackets. These two causes explain the excess of fuel consumption and the diminution of duty observed in this trial. The guarantee given by J. & H. Gwynne to the owners of the machinery was as follows:-1. That each pump shall run from 60 to 70 cubic metres of water per minute. 2. That the consumption of steam shall be between 20 lb. and 24 lb. English per indicated horse-power per hour. 3. That for each cubic metre or 1000 kilogrammes of water raised 1 metre high, the consumption of steam shall not exceed 0718 kilogrammes. Converting the quantities given in the Table to the same denominations as those given in the guarantee, for the purpose of comparison, the results are as follows:- Preparatory Trial. Definitive Trial. Pump No. 1. 64.7 20.32 lb. Preparatory Trial. Definitive Trial. Pump No. 2. 65.73 20.66 lb. ⚫0627 kilogs. 63.57 20.67 lb. ⚫0621 kilogs.' ⚫0703 kilogs. ·· ", ⚫059 kilogs. NOTE. Each pump is capable of passing much more than 65 cubic metres per minute, but this quantity is probably an economical delivery for a pump of the proportions chosen. 99 40.027 22.716 • 567 4.37 lb. 2.48 20.67 "" "" Boileau. To the over weir discharge was added a constant quantity of 13.64 litres (3 gallons) per second, which was known by preliminary experiments to represent a constant loss in the delivery channel owing to escapes through the dam, and in filtration through the sub-soil. Steam was supplied by a boiler, with removable furnace, of the Thomas and Laurens type, with steam chamber above and heating chamber below, in which the power of evaporation had been ascertained in the preliminary trials) to be 8.29 lb. to 8.367 lb. of steam per pound of coal. The trials were made with Anzin briquettes, showing 6 per cent. of cinder for the pump No. 1, and with "Nixon's navigation English coal for the pump No. 2. "> 72 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. 哆 ​· height of the lift is 6 87 feet, and the quantity of water dis- charged by the two pumps is 440 tons per minute over the weir, plus leakage which could not be measured; the coal con- sumed 2.07 lb. per I.H.P.; the I.H.P. of the two engines is 430; the efficiency of the machinery is ·60. The full lift of 11 feet, to ensure a minimum consumption of fuel, could not be obtained. With a higher lift the efficiency of the pumps would be much improved. With the large quantity of water passing through these pumps named above there was no sign of vortex action either on the intake or outfall sides. The suction pipes are bell mouthed. The discharge pipes of cast iron increase in size from 4 feet diameter at the fan to 8 feet at the outfall. A The boilers are four in number (one reserve), and are 7 feet diameter and 20 feet long, with Galloway tubes fitted to the internal flues or tubes. The pumping engines are used to drain Lake Aboukir, having an area equal to about 31,000 acres. DRAINAGE AT MISTERTON, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. At this place a 30-inch “Invincible" centrifugal pump was put in to drain a district, formerly carried out by two scoop wheels. The pump was put in to replace one of the scoop wheels, 31 feet diameter, that was previously used to work with one scoop wheel. The centrifugal pump and the single scoop. wheel are each separately driven by a beam condensing engine of 85 I.H.P. The speed of the scoop wheels was 18 revolu- tions per minute. The water lifted by the one remaining scoop wheel at the above speed during three hours was 535,435 cubic feet or 178,478 cubic feet per hour. At another trial for 2 hours 20 minutes with 23 revolutions, the same total quantity was pumped, or 229,472 cubic feet per hour, using 8 cwt. of coal. At a trial of the centrifugal pump of 1 hour and 40 minutes on the following day, at 21 revolutions of the engine 321,261 cubic feet of water was pumped with a con- sumption of 51 cwt. of coal, or 97,352 cubic feet of water per cwt. of coal. In each of the above trials the average lift was 5 feet. It may be noted that the consumption of coal would have been reduced had the 30-inch centrifugal pump been driven by direct-acting engines of Messrs. J. & H. Gwynne's special make. BIRKENHEAD DOCKS. 73 CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING MACHINERY AT THE COBURG DOCK, LIVERPOOL, FOR THE MERSEY DOCK AND HARBOUR BOARD. This machinery was erected for the purpose of raising the level of the water of five docks 6 feet, the area being about 50 acres. There are three 54-inch "Invincible" centrifugal pumps, each driven by vertical compound engines with H.P. cylinders 22 inches diameter, and L.P. 40 inches diameter, with a stroke of 30 inches. The speed of the engine is 90 revolu- tions per minute. The disc of each pump is 90 inches diameter, the pump casing is 16 feet 6 inches diameter. The boilers are of the Lancashire type, five in number, each 7 feet 6 inches diameter and 30 feet long, each flue is fitted with four Galloway tubes, the working pressure is 100 lb. per square inch. A Green's economiser is used containing 360 pipes. BIRKENHEAD DOCKS. An installation, consisting of three 54-inch centrifugal pumping engines, details much the same as above, has also been supplied to the Birkenhead Docks. The pumping by these engines will enable vessels of deep draught to use a dock system of an area of 130 acres in a tide when they can pass over a 12-feet sill. These centrifugal engines and pumps are also largely used for irrigation in Egypt, India, South Africa, &c.; also for pumping, graving, and floating docks. They are also suitable for raising sewage; there being no valves, any solids that are passed through do not interfere with the action of the pumps. An "Invincible" pump with 36-inch suction and delivery pipes will discharge 20,000 gallons of water per minute; one with 48-inch pipes 40,000 gallons per minute, and one with 60-inch pipes 100,000 gallons per minute. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING ENGINES, MADE BY MESSRS. W. H. ALLEN & Co., LAMBETH. The centrifugal pumping machinery, made by the above firm, has been applied to pumping water in docks and other places, also in the drainage of tracts of land, as well as for marine purposes, in pumping circulating water, also bilge and 74 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. ballast water. In the former cases the engines and pumps are of large size, and in the latter they are made in various sizes from 6 inches to 60 inches diameter of pipe. A description of both types will be given, variations in the details are made by the manufacturers to suit special cases, but the general principle of construction is the same. The engines to drive the pumps are attached direct, and are built both in the vertical and horizontal forms, either as single engines coupled, or as duplicates working independently of each other. In the vertical form they are made with inverted cylinders, and as high pressure or non- condensing, condensing, and compound engines. In the hori- zontal form they are also made to work upon the three separate systems named above. A few selections have been made to illustrate this particular type of pumping engine, data of working results will also be given of their performance. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING ENGINE, MADE BY MESSRS. W. H. ALLEN & Co., LAMBETH, FOR THE BUTE DOCK, CARDIFF. G In this installation there are two centrifugal pumps driven direct by two vertical engines combined. The suction pipes of the pumps are 18 inches diameter, the diameter of the casing is 4 feet 6 inches and 2 feet 6 inches wide inside. The engines are of the inverted cylinder type, each having cylinders 15 inches diameter and 12 inches stroke, they are fitted with variable ex- pansion gear. The cylinders are each bolted to cast-iron hollow back frames, and are fitted with a steel stanchion at the front. Steel slippers work in guides, attached to the back frames, the piston rods, slide rods, and connecting rods are also of steel. The crank shaft is 44 inches diameter, and works within bearings 7½ inches long. The connecting rods have marine ends at the crank pin, and a fork end at the slipper block and cross-head. The whole machinery is carried on a cast-iron bed-plate of box section, and so is self-contained. Either engine can work either pump, this is a very convenient arrangement for dock pumping. The pumps are fitted with patent ejectors, by which means the pumps are charged when the water is at the bottom of the dock. The height of the lift is 20 feet, and the quantity of water discharged when the pumps are running at their maximum speed of 200 revolutions per minute is 18,000 gallons, the dock is emptied in two hours. The contents of the dock is 2,500,000 CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING ENGINES. 75 gallons of water, the size being 400 feet by 45 feet, and 22 feet deep. The amount of fuel consumed for the work, at the trial, was 15 cwt., this included lighting the fires. The I.H.P. of the combined engines is 160. The steam used is 35 lb. per I.H.P., the coal consumption being 3.75 lb. per I.H.P. The boilers to supply the steam are two in number, each 6 feet diameter and 22 feet long, with two flues each 2 feet 6 inches diameter. The pressure of steam is 70 lb. per square inch. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING ENGINES, MADE BY MESSRS. W. H. ALLEN & CO., FOR THE HIOGO DOCK, FOR THE JAPANESE GOVERNMENT. This installation consists of two centrifugal pumps, with suctions and deliveries 27 inches diameter respectively, and collectively capable of discharging 25,000 gallons of water per minute. They are driven direct by two vertical engines of the inverted cylinder type combined with the pumps, each cylinder is 18 inches diameter and 16 inches stroke, the maximum speed being 200 revolutions per minute, with a boiler pressure of steam of 100 lb. per square inch. The engines are of much the same design as for the Cardiff dock last described, the cylinders being attached to a powerful back frame and fitted with four steel stanchions at the front, the piston and slide rods as well as the connecting rods are of steel, the guides and blocks, and other parts are the usual construction for this kind of engine. The pump cases are 5 feet 6 inches diameter by 4 feet 3 inches wide inside. The internal revolving disc is of gun- metal turned up all over, having a diameter of 5 feet, keyed to a manganese bronze spindle working in white metal bearings of extra length. The total height of the lift is 32 feet, and the quantity discharged at the maximum space is 700 tons of water per hour. The I.H.P. of each engine is 85. The steam used is 34 lb. per I.H.P., the coal consumption being 3.5 lb. per I.H.P. The over-all efficiency of the pumping engines is equal to 70 per cent. The whole of the machinery is attached to a strong bed-plate and is self contained. The steam is supplied by two boilers of the Lancashire type, 7 feet 6 inches diameter and 28 feet long, each having a flue 36 inches diameter. 76 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING ENGINES FOR CIRCULATING WATER FOR MARINE ENGINES, MADE BY MESSRS. W. H. ALLEN & Co., FOR THE BRITISH ADMIRALTY. These engines are constructed in various sizes for pumping the circulating water and for other marine engine purposes. The following is a description of a set supplied to H.M.S. Eolus, the Brilliant, Bonaventure and Cambrian, which will serve as a general description of the class of pumping engines now used in the British navy. These machines have pumps made entirely of gun-metal, with suctions 14 inches diameter, with revolving disc 3 feet diameter, and are driven by vertical compound H.P. engines of the inverted cylinder type, having cylinders 7 inches and 12 inches diameter and 7 inches stroke, they are driven at a speed of 210 revolutions per minute, with a pressure of steam of 100 lb. per square inch. The cylinders are attached to cast-iron hollow frames at the back, and are fitted with struts of steel in the front, the rods, guides, and blocks are the same kind as before described-the crank shafts pass through the pump casings and from the spindles of the pumps, they are of steel. The whole of the engines and pumps are attached to a bed-plate of cast iron which is bolted to the wrought-iron girders of the ship. The height of the lift is 12 feet, and the quantity of water discharged is 750 tons per hour. The steam used is 38 lb. per I.H.P., and the I.H.P. of each engine is 20. The efficiency being 83 per cent. These are a very compact form of engine, they only weigh 38 cwt. and occupy 90 cubic feet of space, considering the work performed this is very satisfactory. Centrifugal pumping engines of this class are also made by Messrs. W. H. Allen & Co., and are used for bilge and ballast pumping, they are built with either single or double steam cylinders, working either one or two pumps. The form most usually adopted is that of inverted cylinder type, in other cases horizontal engines coupled direct with the pump shafts. A small engine with single cylinder 5 inches diameter and 3 inches stroke, driving a pump with suction pipe 7 inches diameter at a speed of 275 revolutions per minute, will dis- charge 200 tons of water per hour. The weight is only 16 cwt., and the space occupied, 2 feet 6 inches by 3 feet by 3 feet AIRY AND ANDERSON'S PATENT SPIRAL PUMPS. 77 6 inches high. They are fitted with patent ejectors to keep the pumps charged when the water is low in the bilge, the air is extracted by the ejector, while the pump is in action. These pumps are usually fitted with gun-metal spindles and discs, and in some cases the whole pump is made of gun-metal. The pressure of steam used is 100 lb. per square inch. - These engines are also used for salvage purposes, they are in this case sometimes made, as far as the working parts are concerned, in manganese bronze. Sundry Centrifugal Pumps.-Several examples of these will be found in Part II, of this book. AIRY & ANDERSON'S PATENT SPIRAL PUMPS (Drawing No. 8). The patent spiral or screw pump is an apparatus by which liquids are screwed up an inclined plane at a low velocity, and without the intervention of pistons or valves of any kind. The duty performed is higher than is possible for low lifts, with any other arrangement of pumps. Experiments have shown that 85 per cent. of useful work can be realised, and in the larger pumps, worked by compound condensing engines, water has been raised with less than 3 lb. of coal per horse-power of water lifted per hour. The construc- tion of the pump is very simple, and consists of a sheet-iron cylinder, down the centre of which runs a core. Between the two are wound three or more spiral blades of a peculiar form, made of sheet iron. The ends of the core terminate in gudgeons of suitable construction, and revolve in pedestals, the lower one is fixed under water, and the upper one on a bridge spanning the delivery opening. The pump is generally driven by a spur or bevel wheel at the top attached to the casing, and geared into by a pinion and shaft, which may be driven in any convenient manner, either by a portable or fixed engine. A diaphragm makes a water-tight joint between the upper end of the pump and the delivery canal. The water level on the inlet side may rise to any extent above the minimum level without affecting the efficiency of the pump, but on the delivery side the water must not rise above a certain height, nor can it fall 78 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. much below it without loss of effect, hence these pumps are not applicable where there is great variation of level on the delivery side. The pumps can be made of any size to deliver from 1500 gallons to 32,000 gallons of water per minute, but the height for each lift should not exceed about 20 feet. The patent spiral pumps deliver very nearly the same per revolution whatever speed they are run at, hence they make very accurate meters. It is only necessary to fix a counter on each pump in order to have a complete record of the quantity of water raised in any given time. The pumps do not require charging, and may be run at very slow speeds. As the water passages are large, and there are no valves, these pumps are eminently suited for lifting sewage or any other liquid con- taining solid matter or floating substances. The screws have been found experimentally to give excellent results as motors to be driven by low falls of water, and they could be used advan- tageously in situations where undershot and breast wheels are usually employed. The experiments proved that the nett duty realised was equal to 71 per cent., a result nearly as good as that obtained from overshot water-wheels. CHAIN PUMPS. These are rather a rough contrivance, they are principally used to pump water from excavations, and consist of two pipe legs or shoots with top and bottom wheels; the buckets are at- tached at intervals to an endless chain. Motion is given at the top wheel by engine power; the water is delivered into a shoot at the top. They are noisy and somewhat cumbrous, and not very economical as to the consumption of fuel, they take some time to put together ready for work, and are liable to break down, a very serious consideration when pumping for works in progress. They, however, possess some advantages, they can pump gritty water and almost liquid mud without any de- triment to the apparatus, and partly on this account are a favourite class of pump with some contractors. The author does not recommend their general use, although they may be very useful in special cases. In Part II. of this book, the subject is treated more fully, SEWAGE PUMPS. 79 SEWAGE PUMPS. Lift or force pumps, both single and double-acting, are used for this purpose, they do not much differ from water pumps except as to the details hereinafter named; they are sometimes made with open top barrels, the pump buckets packed with double leathers, and the valves of leather of the "clack" kind; they should be easily accessible. To pump a large quantity, the pumps should be treble barrels, worked by crank shaft, and either driven by a strap or by wheel gear from shafting, or steam cylinders may be attached direct. A single pump may be fixed horizontally and worked direct from the end of a steam engine cylinder, as described at p. 30. The pumps in this case are made double acting with close tops, and on the ram and piston plan, packed either with leather or gasket. The passages must be made very free in area, the valves with rather small lift, and as described for the Portable Engines at p. 36. Pumps, 24 and 30 inches diameter and 36 to 48 inches stroke and upwards, on this plan, have been used for pumping the sewage of large towns, and have most efficiently performed the work, with an economical consumption of fuel. ¡ The speed of buckets or plungers should not exceed 120 to 150 feet per minute; otherwise much slip takes place, and the shocks in the pumps will be heavy. The suction pipe must be carefully protected at the bottom by a rose and grid, to prevent any sticks and dirt or other matter getting into the pumps. When these pumps are on a large scale they are usually worked by high- and low-pressure and con- densing engines, and in this case are very economical as to the consumption of fuel in the boilers compared to the work done. As pumps for this class of work are not special in other respects than those named above, sufficient detail is given. 80 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. CHAPTER V. AIR PUMPS, BLOWING ENGINES, AND COMPRESSORS. AIR PUMPS.-These pumps are used for various purposes, the details vary according to circumstances, some of the principal kinds are hereafter described; where they do not vary much in design when they are used for other purposes they are not specially mentioned here. AIR PUMPS FOR VACUUM PANS. 3 The barrels of these pumps should either be made of gun- metal, or cast iron lined with gun-metal, say & inch to inch thick. The buckets should have metallic packings, similar to the piston ring of a steam engine cylinder; those made on the locomotive plan, viz. a single ring, with a tongue piece and back plate, answer the best; the ring should not have too much spring, and must fit the cylinder accurately. The valve of the bucket may also be gun-metal, and made to rise on the rod, or it may be of red india-rubber, and attached to a gun-metal plate, as described at p. 15. The suction and delivery chambers are bolted on to the barrel, and the valves are made in the same way as the bucket valve. Where india- rubber valves are used the valve seats and the top of the bucket are made with grids; ample area must be given to the valve seats. The diameter and stroke of these pumps vary, according to the work to be done, from 10 inches to 30 inches diameter, and 24 inches to 42 inches stroke. The speed should not exceed about 30 to 40 strokes per minute for the largest size, this allows the valves to close; the author has, however, worked pumps of this kind, 18 inches diameter by 30 inches stroke, up to 70 and 75 strokes per minute. The rods should be of gun- metal or steel, either secured to the bucket by a key or by a solid collar on the rod, clipped by the junk ring of the bucket. AIR PUMPS FOR CHEMICAL VACUUM PANS. 81 ! The valves are sometimes made upon the "hat-band plan"; they give very good results, the valve seats in this case are a cylindrical grid, turned on the surface with a ring of thick indiarubber round it. They are not, however, so good as the other kinds named before, and are now seldom used. AIR PUMPS FOR CHEMICAL VACUUM PANS. These are made in much the same way as described above. The valves must not be made of indiarubber, but of leather, say -inch to 2-inch thick, according to the size of the pump, fitted in the same way, and made to rise on the bucket rod, as before described; in some cases the valves are made of gun-metal, and either to rise upon the rods and pins, or they may be of the spindle or flap kind. With pumps fitted with thick leather valves, the author has maintained a vacuum of 29 inches. Flap valves are not often used, on account of the noise in working, they, however, act efficiently, they may either be made of gun-metal or leather with gun-metal plates attached on the top to keep them rigid and make them fall. It is almost unnecessary to add, the work must be of the highest class, the chambers where the valves work and other parts well proportioned as to area, and free from all sharp bends or square junctions. To obtain a high vacuum, especially when the pumps do not exceed 6 inches to 8 inches diameter, they may be made much the same as a force pump; the piston is then allowed to work within inch to inch at the top and bottom of the cylinder, and the chambers kept small and close together to save loss of air. The forms of these pumps vary to suit circumstances: they may be made horizontal and double acting; when of small size they should always be made in gun- metal; a much more efficient pump is obtained in this way, and it does not as a rule cost much more than if made of cast iron, with gun-metal valves and plunger. 3 16 AIR PUMPS FOR DIVING PURPOSES. These pumps are employed to convey air to divers, and to diving bells under water, the following kinds are used; the G 82 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. most effective are those made by Messrs. Siebe, Gorman, & Co., of which the following is a description :— The double-action air pump for one or two divers consists of two gun-metal cylinders fitted on to a bed-plate in which is contained an air chamber, and is worked by a two-throw steel crank shaft, carried upon two cast-iron side frames with two fly-wheels and two winch handles. The cylinders are placed in a copper tank which is supplied with water to keep them cool, when the pump is supplying air to great depths, each cylinder will deliver 145 cubic inches of air per revolution of the crank, and can compress the air to 240 lb. per square inch. The pistons of the pumps are composed of two inverted leather cups, behind which are fixed spiral springs. There are two valves at the top of the cylinder cover, one for the inlet of the air and one for the outlet, there are also two valves at the bottom. With these pumps, air can be supplied to two divers independent of each other working at depths to 100 feet. Beyond that depth the pump is used for one diver only in water as deep as it is possible for a man to descend. The limit is placed at 140 feet, but latterly divers have been descending to 165 feet with this pump. The pumps are enclosed in a strong teak case, there is also a very ingenious arrangement of valves for distributing the air to either one or two divers, as the case may be. These pumps are fitted in the most careful manner, and are very effective in their action. They are also fitted with patent indicating gauges to denote the pressure of air and depth of water at which the divers are working. Only machines of the highest class should be used for this purpose, as it must be remembered the lives of the divers depend upon the perfect action of the pumping apparatus and gear. Three-cylinder pumps are also used, these are more effective in action than the above, but only one diver can be supplied from them at one time. The cylinders or barrels are of gun- metal, and open at the top, each piston is provided with a valve for the admission of air, the outlet is at the bottom of the barrel. The cylinders are fixed in a tank of water, and the working gear is by a crank shaft as before described. The air pipes are of indiarubber, with iron wire embedded, and in lengths of about 30 to 40 feet; the diameter is about ½ inch, they are fitted together with gun-metal joints. AIR PUMPS FOR EXHAUSTING AIR FROM CHAMBERS. 1 83 Air Pumps for Condensing Steam Engines, and for Vacuum Pans, &c.-The pumps are constructed in much the same manner as those before described, they are sometimes sunk in a tank of water, and made open at the top, the water overflowing at the top receiver. They give very good results when worked upon this plan; the wear of the rods and other parts is less, and the vacuum can be well maintained; the same remarks as to speed equally apply here. This is a very old type of pump, it still, however, gives as good working results as any other kind, and from the facility of keeping the packings tight it is often preferred. AIR PUMPS FOR EXHAUSTING AIR FROM CHAMBERS. These are sometimes made in the horizontal form, as de- scribed for the force pumps, at p. 30, they are worked direct from the end of the steam cylinder of an engine, and are fixed to the same bed-plate. The valves are gun-metal, as before described, but the piston of the cylinder is made solid with a metallic ring, it acts in the same way as a force pump. The pumps are usually large in diameter, and with a stroke about double the diameter; they are made double acting. Air Pumps of the same kind, but made Vertical.-A very good form is made by Messrs. George Waller & Company, of South- wark, the steam cylinder is fixed on one side, and the air pump on the other side of the bed-plate on an entablature form of engine. These pumps are used for exhausting air from pickling cylinders for timber preserving; they are made 18 inches (and above) in diameter, and are worked at a high speed; the cylinders, from which the air has to be exhausted, are of wrought iron, 6 feet to 7 feet diameter, and 50 feet to 70 feet long. Only gun-metal valves should be used in these cases, on account of the chemical vapours which are drawn away from the cylinder, which would act upon indiarubber or leather valves. The force pumps for driving in the sulphate of copper, creosote, or any other chemical used in the process, are fixed upon the same bed-plate, the pumps are worked by eccentrics. They are made very strong, and the parts well proportioned, to avoid the chance of a break-down, which, in processes of this kind, is a very serious consideration. G 2 84 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. AIR PUMPS FOR FORCING AIR INTO APPARATUS. These pumps are made upon the same plan as plunger force-pumps, described at p. 24, they are usually of gun-metal, and with plungers 3, 4, and 6 inches diameter according to the work to be done, they are sometimes worked in sets of three, in a frame, and by cranks, driven either by strap from shafting or by a steam cylinder attached direct on the pump frame as before described. The area through the valves should be about one-fourth of the area of the plungers; only small lift must be given to them, the face of the valve seat should be made conical, and with small surface; they must be a perfect fit to prevent any escape of air. The plungers must also perfectly fit in the gland and collar bushes, and be well packed. Taking 3-inch diameter pumps as an average size, they may be worked up from 80 to 90 strokes per minute. Safety valves must be fitted to the pipes, to give immediate relief in case of undue back pressure. Larger sizes, from 12 inches to 24 inches diameter and above, are made with solid pistons, and on much the same plan as described at p. 30, the piston may have metallic or hemp packing, the pump barrels in this case are made of cast iron, and the valves of metal or leather, the piston or pump rod should be steel. All the joints of the pump and pipes should be faced, and made with thin drawing paper well oiled. The passages must be compact to save loss of air, it must be borne in mind that it is more difficult to make the joints of vessels to retain air than any other fluid; if the receiver is of wrought iron it should be double riveted, it is also desirable to plane the edges of the plates, and drill all the holes. There are many other purposes for which air pumps of this class are used, but although the details vary with the special circumstances, the general form of the pumps is much the same. BLOWING ENGINES (Drawing No. 9). These blowing engines were constructed by Messrs. Hick, Hargreaves, & Co., of Bolton, and designed to supply blast for the Bessemer process; they were made for the Mersey Steel and Iron Company in 1871, and are capable of supplying 1500 cubic feet of air per minute, at a pressure of 25 lb. per square ROOT'S PATENT BLOWING MACHINES. 85 inch when running at 20 revolutions per minute, and indicating about 440 horse-power. The blowing cylinders are 54 inches diameter, the steam cylinders 40 inches diameter, and the stroke, 5 feet, is common to both. The admission and expulsion of air from the blowing cylinders is regulated by piston valves placed on the tops of the cylinders; this form of valve is eminently suitable for this purpose, on account of its simplicity, durability, and the small amount of power required to work it. There are, in addition, non-return valves in the eduction pipes, to prevent leakage of air back into the cylinders, in the event of the piston valves getting worn. Steam is admitted, and exhausted to and from the steam cylinders by means of equilibrium lifting valves, actuated by "cams" placed on lay shafts running parallel to the axes of the cylinders, and driven by mitre wheels from the crank shaft. The exhaust valves have a constant motion or lift, but the steam inlet valves may have four lifts by moving the hand levers shown in the drawing, which slide the sleeves carrying the admission cams along the shafts, thus bringing different-shaped surfaces under the toes of the rate rods, and cutting off the steam earlier or later in the stroke. It will be apparent from the drawing that the air cylinders lie behind the steam cylinders, and are bolted down to the same massive frame, thus making it a self-contained machine. In order to facilitate starting, and also to render a light fly-wheel sufficient, two engines are employed, having their cranks at right angles; this plan also ensures more steady and regular delivery of the air, and saves much vibration in the machinery and gear. ROOT'S PATENT BLOWING MACHINES. These machines are of the rotary class, and in design are on somewhat the same plan as Jones's patent gas exhauster, they can either be employed to exhaust air or gases, or as blowing engines for smithies, blast furnaces, or for the purpose of ventilating mines; they are also used for forcing air into drying rooms, for working pneumatic despatch tubes, and other purposes. The machine is constructed with two duplicate rotary pistons; they are fixed upon separate shafts, and work in a cast-iron case, having inlet and outlet openings, either at the top and bottom or at the sides. The two pistons 86 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. are geared with tooth wheels, and work closely together, but are not in actual contact. The blowers are also made to work direct from a steam cylinder by two connecting rods, attached to the cross-head, working two crank discs, one being keyed on to the shaft of each rotary piston. The inlet for the air is at the top of the casing, and the outlet at the bottom. These machines are also applied to the ventilation of mines; they do not differ in the system, but have pistons especially adapted for the purpose. One of these ventilators is in use at the Chiltern Colliery, Ferryhill, near Durham; the pistons are 25 feet diameter by 13 feet wide, and are keyed on steel shafts. The blower is driven by a pair of engines, 28 inches diameter by 48 inches stroke; the engines are placed at right angles to the blower, with bevel-wheel gear 9 feet 2 inches diameter. When running at a speed of 15 revolutions per minute, the air discharged is 87,000 cubic feet per minute, the machine, when worked up to the full capacity, will discharge 200,000 cubic feet of air per minute; at 21 revolutions per minute, discharging 118,272 cubic feet of air, the water gauge being 4.12 inches, the useful effect is 51 4 per cent. • Special Blowers are constructed to work at a pressure of 3 lb. per square inch, and to discharge 10,000 cubic feet of air per minute, the rotary pistons in this case are turned on the periphery, and the centre part shaped; they are driven by spur gear, and either by strap from a shaft or combined with an engine, as before described. For smiths' fires, a pressure of air equal to 12 inches of water is sufficient; and for melting iron in a cupola, 20 inches. The maximum speed of these blowers is from 300 to 400 revolutions per minute. These machines can be applied to a large number of pur- poses in chemical works, and for exhausting gas in gasworks. Machines of this class are not very silent in working, but this is a matter of small importance compared with their efficiency and economy in the work done. It would be beyond the scope of this book to enter into any further detail of this class of machine; enough has been stated to show what useful apparatus they are, and how well suited for the special purposes to which they can be applied. AIR COMPRESSORS. 87 AIR COMPRESSORS (Drawing No. 10). These machines are made by Messrs. Hick, Hargreaves, and Co., Soho Iron Works, Bolton, for mining purposes. Each machine consists of a pair of vertical inverted single-acting cylinders or pumps, supported on cast-iron standards. A crank- shaft by connecting rods works the pistons of the pumps, the shaft being driven by spur-wheel gear from any convenient engine. Single-acting cylinders for machines of this design have been found in practice the most effective; two cylinders. are, however, used to equalise the resistance, and give a more regular flow of compressed air. The cylinders are each open at the bottom; the inlet of air takes place at this point in the descent of the piston, and discharged by the closing of the valves on the top of the piston and opening the valves in the top valve plates, the air being discharged through the centre pipe common to both pumps. The pistons are packed with steel rings; the connecting rods are attached direct to them, the crank pins are placed at right angles; the valve plates of the piston and delivery consist of a number of small valves and seats, to which only a limited lift is given; the pistons work up very close to the top valve plate to prevent loss of air, and the space above the valve is economised as much as possible. The base plate is strong, and the A frames are well spread at the feet to give steadiness; the machine is very compact, and being vertical takes up very little floor space. A good foundation of brick- work or masonry is necessary, and long holding-down bolts passing through the same. The simplicity of the machine is apparent; the details of the connecting-rod crank shaft being of the same type as usual in engine work; the cylinders are 30 inches diameter by 24 inches stroke. This machine can have an engine attached direct to the pinion keyed on the crank shaft; the two bed-plates either being bolted together or cast in one piece. The steam cylinder can be placed either vertically or horizontally to suit the particular case. S AIR COMPRESSORS MADE BY MESSRS. J. FOWLER & Co., OF LEEDS, FOR COLLIERY PURPOSES (Drawing No. 11). These compressing machines are in the horizontal form, and consist of a pair of coupled engines with two steam cylinders. 34 inches diameter by 6 feet stroke, and the two air cylinders 88 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. are 40 inches diameter and also 6 feet stroke. The pressure of steam is 40 lb. per square inch, cut off. The air is compressed to 40 lb. per square inch. The engines are horizontal, of the usual type, they are coupled and have one fly-wheel, the valve motion is of the Cornish kind, worked by cams. The steam valve is 8 inches diameter, and the exhaust valve is 9 inches diameter. The air cylinders are worked direct off the piston rods of the steam cylinders, the air receiver being placed between the air cylinders, the cylinders are surrounded by water, and are double acting; the inlet and outlet valves are in the covers at each end, the inlet valves are of the "clack" kind with leather flaps ; there are three to each cover. There are two outlet valves at each cover-mitre valves of gun-metal with deep seats; they are guided at the top spindle, and are fitted with spiral springs to ensure the closing of same; this kind of delivery valve has been found to work the best in practice. The speed of the pistons equals 240 feet per minute, and the indicated horse- power is about 482. The air receiver is wrought iron, 5 feet diameter by 30 feet long, it is double riveted, and provided with gauge, relief valve, and other fittings. The useful effect at 40 lb. per square inch of air pressure equals 25.8 per cent., and at 19 lb. per square inch of air pressure it equals 45.8 per cent. Engines of this kind are very useful for supplying air for working hauling and other machines for underground work. It will be seen by the drawings that, owing to the length of these machines they can only be used where plenty of floor space is at command. STURGEON'S PATENT TRUNK AIR COMPRESSORS (Drawing No. 12). The compressor about to be described is called a Class B machine; it is horizontal, with one steam cylinder, the bed-plate in the centre forms the water space of the air cylinders: there are two air cylinders fitted into the bed-plate, which is bored out at each end to receive them. The bottoms of the cylinders are faced to form the seats of the delivery valves, which are large cheese-shaped valves, they work in the bored carrier between the two cylinders, also forming part of the bed-plate. STURGEON'S PATENT TRUNK AIR COMPRESSORS. 89 These valves have white metal faces let in where they seat on the ends of the cylinders, the valves are kept up to their faces by spiral springs. The opening of the valves is regulated by a hard wood buffer. The inlet valves are in the hollow trunks at the bottom; they work in a bored carrier forming part of the trunk pistons, the air passing in through the annular space; the seats of the valves are white metal similar to the delivery valves; a guard on the upper side controls the amount of opening given to the valves; the guards also have white metal faces to deaden the blow on the carriers when open. The two trunks are coupled by means of cross heads and side connecting rods, the cross heads are fixed to the trunks, the side connecting rods working through four guides. The pump pistons work alternately, one taking in air, the other com- pressing its charge; the piston rod is attached to the cross head at one end, and the connecting rod from the crank pin to the fore trunk. The two trunks form guides, and thus save the complication of guide bars, as well as economise space. The trunks fit the cylinder close, and at the lower ends are fitted with Ramsbottom steel rings; the lower parts of the trunks work very close to the delivery valves, leaving scarcely any clearance space for the expansion of air, and the cross head works up to the cylinder flange through a slot at each side of the outer ends of the cylinders. Double-acting Compressors driven by a separate engine at Ladyhore Colliery. The steam cylinders are 14 inches diameter by 24 inches stroke; the air cylinders are 14 inches diameter and are also 24 inches stroke; the steam pressure is 35 lb. per square inch; the vacuum is 8 lb.; and the air pressure is 60 lb. per square inch. These compressors are used to drive the following machinery underground:-Two pairs of hauling engines with 8-inch cylinders by 15 inches stroke; one 3-cylinder crab winch 5 inches diameter by 5 inches stroke; two direct-acting pumps, each 5 inches diameter by 9 inches stroke, they also supply the blast for three smiths' forges. Compressed air can be used for a variety of purposes; not only to work machinery, but for sewage purposes. On Shone's Patent Pneumatic system, Sturgeon's apparatus have given the most satisfactory results. 90 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. AIR COMPRESSORS, MADE BY MESSRS. FAWCETT, PRESTON, & Co., LIMITED, FOR THE FORTH BRIDGE WORKS (Drawing No. 13). Four of these compressors were supplied for the Forth Bridge works, where they provided compressed air for the Doering rock drills, and also to the air bells (manufactured by the same firm). The working pressure in the boilers was 80 lb., and the compressors were designed to deliver air at 85 lb. above the atmosphere. The cylinder guides, main bearings, and air compressor are mounted on wrought-iron girders of I section, which form the bed-plate. The steam cylinder is 16 inches diameter and 24 inches stroke, is near to the crank shaft, and is fitted with piston and slide valve of the ordinary type. The piston rod is attached to a cast-iron cross head having adjustable bearings for the cross-head pin, and also with cast-iron shoes for slipper guides. The piston is secured to the rod by locking nuts, the rod is extended at the back, and joined by a cotter to the air-compressor piston rod. The connecting rod at the cross-head end is forked, into which the cross-head pin is shrunk, the crank pin end being fitted with ad- justable brasses secured to the T end of the rod by wrought- iron cap and bolts. The crank shaft is a solid forging carried on two main bearings which are secured by bolts and keys to the wrought-iron girders. A balanced fly-wheel is fitted to each end of the crank shaft outside the main bearings, the eccentric for working the slide valve being keyed on to the shaft between the crank web and the bearing, and serves also for driving the feed pump, which is bolted to the cast-iron distance piece at the ends of girders. The air compressor cylinder is the same diameter and stroke as the steam cylinder, and as before stated, is worked from the tail rod of the steam cylinder, which is secured by cotter to the compressor piston rod. Inlet valves are fitted in the covers of the compressor at each end. These valves, which are patented, have novel features which contribute in no small degree to the successful working of the compressor. The valve, which is of india-rubber, covers orifices of large area cast in the cover, and when open the valve falls on to a hollow guard screwed into the compressor covers; and into the hollow space in these guards water is delivered through a small pipe, which is connected to the discharge from the spray AIR COMPRESSORS. 91 pumps. At the top of this guard a number of small holes are drilled, and the water finds its way in the form of jets or spray into the compressed air inside the cylinder, and by this means the air and cylinder are kept cool. The spray pumps above mentioned are fixed one on the steam cylinder and one on the compressor cylinder, and are worked by a bracket cross-head bolted to the cottered part of the piston rods between the two cylinders. Discharge valves are fitted at each end of the com- pressor cylinder, and consist of thin phosphor-bronze sheets, covering a number of orifices cast in the body of the cylinders; these valves open like flaps on to guards of gun-metal. The clearance at each end of the cylinders is reduced to a mini- mum by means of projecting flanges on the piston and junk ring. The temperature of the air discharged from the com- pressor, when the spray pump is connected, is about 100° Fahr., but without the spray it reaches 260° Fahr. In addition to the engines and compressors described above four smaller engines and compressors of similar design were also applied by Messrs. Fawcett, Preston, & Co., Limited, the steam and compression cylinders being 12 inches diameter and 24 inches stroke, and together supplied the whole of the compressed air used in the construction of the bridge and foundations. AIR COMPRESSORS are made in other forms, but the systems of working do not materially differ from those before described. The manner of construction and also the arrangement of the inlet and outlet valves of the pumps varies in form with different manufacturers, added to this the circumstances of the case and the particular work to be done largely affect the question, and in many cases such parts must be specially designed. As in other kinds of machinery described in this book the author has selected types that seemed best to illustrate the purpose, and also those where data of actual working results could be given. The cylinders in all compressing pumps have to be kept cool externally with water, in most instances they are either jacketed and cold water is run through the jackets, and in other cases they work in a tank of water, or a small reservoir is formed in the top part of the cylinder, cold water is continually passed through them. 92 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. CHAPTER VI. ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. - As machinery for pumping water upon a large scale is an ex- tensive subject, only a few examples can be given, nearly all of the best systems in use will be noted in detail, and actual working data and results given founded on experience. For large pumping engines, especially for the drainage of mines and water supply of large towns, much difference of opinion exists as to the best form of engine, whether they should be direct- acting upon the Cornish plan, the Worthington and other types, or the various Rotative forms of engines. Of late years the several types of pumping engines have received great attention from many experienced designers and manufacturers, the cost of pumping has been much diminished especially as regards the consumption of coal. The various forms of Rotative engines will be first noticed, and then actual examples will be given of each kind; Cornish, Worthington, and other Direct- acting Engines will be treated in a separate chapter, as they are special types. As a rule they are only used for large water-works pumping, or for pumping the sewage of large towns, the draining of mines, and other kindred purposes. There are various classes of engines which are employed for working pumps, the most suitable type depending upon the quantity of water to be pumped and the circumstances of the particular case, most of those in general use for this pur- pose will be described to enable the reader to form an idea of the particular kind of engine most suitable to the case he has in hand to execute; in some instances the available space for the engine house will almost decide the question, and more especially where the pumping has to be done at an existing well surrounded by other buildings. Suitable engines for nearly all cases likely to arise in actual practice are described, thus making it an easy task to make a proper selection suitable for the particular purpose. ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 93 HORIZONTAL HIGH-PRESSURE OR NON-CONDENSING ENGINES, MADE BY MESSRS. G. WALLER & Co. (Drawing No. 14). When a moderate amount of water only is required to be pumped, this class of engine is the most suitable, it is very simple in construction, has few working parts, is not liable to break down, and can be looked after by comparatively unskilled men. Taking as an example an engine equal to 12 nominal horse-power of this class, it is of the following dimensions:- Cylinder, 12 inches diameter by 24 inches stroke; piston rod (of steel), 1 inches diameter; piston, 4 inches deep, packed with a single ring upon the locomotive plan, the rod being collared and clipped by the upper and lower joints of the piston. The area of the steam ports is 7.5 square inches. Variable expansion gear is fitted, capable of cutting off at 4 8 4 to of the stroke. Crank pin, 23 inches diameter by 3½ inches long; crank shaft, 4½ inches diameter; main bearing of hard gun-metal, 4 inches diameter by 5 inches long. Connecting rod, wrought iron and 42-inch to 48-inch centres. Fly-wheel, 7 feet 6 inches to 8 feet diameter, and to weigh 25 to 30 cwt., square rim, turned on the periphery, with split boss, and hooped with two wrought-iron rings; the wheel is carefully balanced, and keyed on the shaft by two keys, resting in sunk beds. The bed-plate is of the box form; the size is about 11 feet by 2 feet 4 inches, the bottom is planed to ensure an even bed on the stone, it is 5 inches deep and 3-inch metal, it is held to the stone and brickwork foundation by seven 1-inch diameter bolts passing through the bosses on the bed-plate into the brickwork, and secured by plates and cottars. The cylinder and jacket should be packed with felt and lagged with mahogany, secured by brass bands. The governor may be Porter's patent high speed. No force pump should be attached to the engine; the boilers should be supplied by an injector or donkey pump in the boiler house, hereafter named (see p. 184). The pressure of steam should be 40 to 50 lb. per square inch, the speed of the piston should not as a rule exceed 250 to 300 feet per minute. All work should be the best class; and when this is the case, little or no repairs would be necessary for several years. 94 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. A break-down with a pumping engine is mostly attended with serious consequences, and every possible precaution should be taken to avoid it. Where the engines do not exceed 16 nominal horse-power, unless plenty of water can be procured cheaply for condensation, high-pressure engines are the best to use; where the power required is beyond this, another class of engine may be employed. These engines are usually made 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 30, 40, and 50 horse-power, the dimensions varying to suit the power. This engine (12 N.H.P.) described in detail, has been given as an average size for small work; it would take up too much space in a work of this description to give all sizes in detail. BRICKWORK FOUNDATIONS FOR HORIZONTAL ENGINES. The height of the centre for an engine of this size (12 N.H.P.) should be 2 feet 3 inches to 2 feet 6 inches from the floor of the engine house, the thickness of stone 1 foot 6 inches to 2 feet, the floor being 1 inch above the joint between the stone and brickwork; the depth of brickwork below the stone should be 4 feet, and the footings three double courses. The length of the holding-down bolts from the top of the bed stone should be 4 feet. The depth of the concrete 18 to 24 inches, and spread 12 inches wider than the footings all round; if the bottom is not good, more concrete should be used. In boggy places piles should be driven to the solid earth, then cut off level at the tops; a platform of timber should be laid on it, and on this concrete at least 24 to 30 inches thick. The holding bolts must be provided with large plates and cottars, pulling against 4-inch stones (the full width of the foundation) at each set of bolts, or cast-iron girders may be used if desired. A good foundation in the first instance will always prove the most economical in the end, as the wear and tear of the engine, especially if performing heavy work, will always be materially less. The chance of a break-down is also much lessened, on account of the rigidity of the engine and con- sequent freedom from vibration. Where stone cannot be pro- cured, the engine may rest upon an oak frame well bedded on the brickwork. } : ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 95 HORIZONTAL HIGH-PRESSURE DIRECT-ACTING PUMPING EN- GINES, constructed by Messrs. Hick, Hargreaves, & Co., Soho Iron Works, Bolton (Drawing No. 15). These engines have cranks at right angles arranged to be worked either together or separately. The steam cylinders, which are 24 inches diameter by 4 feet stroke, are con- nected with the crank-shaft pedestals by "Corliss" frames, which allow of a maximum strength with a minimum of weight, the material being disposed in the direct line of the strain, and not, as in the old form of frame, at some distance below it. The pumps lie behind the cylinders, and are bolted down to a sole plate, which extends under the cylinders also. The valves of the steam cylinders are common slide valves, having "Meyer" cut-off valves working on their backs, which can be made to approach or to recede from one another by means of right and left handed screws formed on the valve rods, thus increasing or diminishing the lap, and cutting off the steam earlier or later in the stroke. The pumps are double acting, and are 9 inches diameter by 4 feet stroke; the valves are of gun-metal, working on gun-metal seats. The pumps draw water from a well 13 feet deep, and deliver it at a height of 240 feet through 3500 yards of 9-inch and 8-inch pipes. They are calculated to deliver 40,000 gallons per hour when running at their normal speed of 22 revolutions per minute; this corresponds to an indicated horse-power of 140. These engines were made in 1874, and are for supplying water to the hydraulic establishment at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. They are a good example of this type of pumping engine; well designed, and suited for the work to be done. HORIZONTAL HIGH-PRESSURE AND CONDENSING ENGINES. Engines of this class for sizes up to say 18- to 20-inch cylinders, are made in the horizontal form, in this case the length and not height in the engine room has to be considered. The most simple form is constructed in the same way as the high-pressure engine named above, the air pump being worked direct at the back end of the cylinder, the condenser surround- ing the pump; the cold-water pump is worked off the cross- heads. Expansion gear is used, and steam at about the same 96 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. pressure as named before. Engines of this class give very good results as to fuel, but the wear and tear is necessarily rather more than in high-pressure engines, on account of the increased number of the moving parts. It is advisable to have a skilled attendant in charge, as the engines are more complicated in their action, and therefore require more careful attention; particular attention is called to this, as ignorant men are too often placed in charge of such machinery, with the almost inevitable result of a serious breakdown. HORIZONTAL HIGH AND LOW-PRESSURE COMPOUND ENGINES. The most simple form, where space will allow, is to fix all the parts on one bed-plate, the low-pressure cylinder at the back of the high-pressure cylinder, the air pump and condenser at the back again; this is a very good form of engine, but the length of the bed-plate, unless there is plenty of space in the house, precludes its general use. Except the addition of the low-pressure between the high-pressure cylinder and the air pump, it is the same kind of engine as the high-pressure and condensing engine described at p. 95. When the required floor space cannot be had, the air pump can be fixed vertical, and either be worked off the cross-head by a rocking lever, from the end of the crank shaft at the front of the engine, or between the main bearing and the fly-wheel, either direct by double crank or by gear; the space at command between the bed- plate and the fly-wheel and other circumstances must decide this. No. 2 FORM.-The high- and low-pressure cylinder may be placed side by side and worked by the same crank shaft, the air pump being surrounded by the condenser, and placed at the back of the low-pressure cylinder; all the other details of cross- head, &c., are much the same as before. One advantage of this arrangement is the space saved, which is often a very important consideration. Any of these horizontal types of engines can be constructed and fixed at less cost than any form of vertical engine; the foundations and the cost of the engine house also are far less. All the strain is direct and kept low; the shocks, when pumping for high lifts, are much less than with vertical engines, added ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 97 to which the parts are so comparatively simple that a less skilled attendant is required to look after them, and the chances of a break-down are more remote. Some of the types of the above engines are specially described at pp. 98 to 141, with their working results; they have been specially selected to give data of actual performance spread over a long period. HORIZONTAL COMPOUND PUMPING ENGINE, made by Messrs. G. Waller & Co., London, and erected by them at Stone, Staffordshire (Drawing No. 16). This engine was designed to raise water from a bore hole 12 inches diameter and 120 feet deep, and to deliver 250 gallons of water per minute into a Reservoir placed 190 feet above the ground level, or say 310 feet total lift. The engine is constructed in the tandem form, and is worked upon the compound system. The high-pressure cylinder is 7 inches diameter, and the low-pressure 12 inches diameter and 24 inches stroke. The cylinders have steam jackets and vari- able expansion gear is provided, capable of adjustment by hand wheel and screw, fitted with a grade index to show the degrees of expansion; the slides are actuated by eccentrics. The work- ing pressure of steam is 80 lb. per square inch; the number of revolutions of the crank shaft is 88, being equal to a piston speed of 352 feet per minute. A surface condenser is placed in the concrete tank; it con- sists of copper tubes, fitted into end boxes. No casing surrounds the tubes. The pump is suspended in the bore-hole, and is constructed with a working barrel of gun-metal 9 inches diameter and 4 feet stroke; the suction valve is sunk into a conical seat at the bottom of the barrel, and is arranged for ready withdrawal for examination and repair. At the bottom of the barrel wrought-iron pipe is screwed in; this is 8 inches diameter and 30 feet long, and is fitted with a rose at the bottom. At the top of the gun-metal barrel the rising main is screwed on; this is wrought iron, 9 inches diameter and 90 feet long; the thick- ness is 1 inch; the pipes are in eight lengths, the top length being fixed to a cast-iron cover provided with a stuffing box; the bucket is attached to wrought-iron rods, on which are fixed wood guide blocks. The delivery pipe passes through the H 98 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. brickwork foundation of the engine into a tank of concrete made with Portland cement. The water is pumped up from the ground level by a bucket and plunger pump 12 inches diameter and 30 inches stroke, it stands upon the top of the tank and pumps through a main 8 inches diameter to the reservoir, which is situated about half a mile distant, standing at a level of 190 feet above the ground line at the top of the bore-hole. An air vessel, 3 feet diameter and 6 feet high, is provided at the engine house, and is fixed on the delivery main. Provision is made for auto- matically keeping the vessel well charged with air. The bed-plate of the engine, as shown in the drawing, is continued for the purpose of carrying the pump shaft, which is geared to the crank shaft by iron and mortise wheels, in a ratio of 4 to 1. The mortise wheel has a crank pin fitted in one of the arms of the wheel for the purpose of working the surface pump, at the other end of the shaft a disc is provided, which is balanced for the pump rods, the disc is fitted with a crank pin to work the pump placed in the bore-hole. The pump rods are connected to a cross head working in planed guides fixed to a plate and bolted to the engine foundation. The engine being placed 10 feet above the floor line enables the connecting rods to be made long. Steam is supplied from two Cornish boilers, 5 feet 6 inches diameter and 18 feet long, with tubes 2 feet 10 inches diameter; there are two boilers, one being a duplicate, one boiler only is required to do the work. The feed pump is fixed in the hot well, and is worked by an eccentric on the engine crank shaft, a donkey pump is also provided for use when required, and also draws the feed water from the hot well. The guaranteed duty of the engine is 21 lb. of best Welsh coal per actual horse-power, as measured by the work done. The machinery has performed the work in a very satisfactory manner, and has worked both with economy and without any break-down or stoppage, and reflects the greatest credit on the manufacturers. The author has used the same arrangement, as far as the bore-hole pump is concerned, in mills and other places where he has placed the engine directly over the bore- hole; it is a simple and inexpensive way of carrying out pumping from a small bore-hole. ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 99 HORIZONTAL HIGH-PRESSURE COMPOUND PUMPING ENGINES, made by Messrs. Fawcett, Preston, & Co., Limited, for the Anglo-Chilian Nitrate and Railway Co. (Drawing No. 17). J The horizontal compound pumping engines, shown in the Drawing, are capable of forcing 60 gallons of water per minute to a vertical height of 1600 feet, through 27 miles of 4-inch bore piping, the total head, inclusive of friction, being estimated to equal 2256 feet. The high-pressure cylinder is 18 inches diameter, and the low-pressure cylinder 28 inches diameter, the stroke of each being 24 inches. Each cylinder is fitted with a hard cast-iron liner shrunk in; the space between the liners and body of cylinder forms a steam jacket. The pistons are fitted with Mather and Platt's springs, and secured on the tapered part of the piston rods by nuts. Main and expansion slide valves are fitted to both high- and low-pressure cylinders, the expansion valve being arranged to cut off steam at th of the stroke if necessary. Each cylinder is cast with strong bracketed feet to bolt separately to the foundations. The framing with guides and main bearings is provided with a suitable cover for the front end of cylinder to which it is bolted, the piston rod stuffing box being bolted to the framing separately. The section of material in the framing is of circular form, the guide faces being bored out. The crank shaft bearing is carried in a square recess, the gun-metal liners being adjustable by wedge and screw. Each framing is bolted separately to the foundation at the main bearings. The crank shaft, which is forged from mild steel, is 6 inches diameter in the journals, and the crank, which is also made of mild steel, is shrunk on, and secured by two keys. Each piston rod is attached to the cross head by a cottar key. It is enlarged and tapered at the part on which the piston is fitted, and extended through the back cylinder cover, and coupled to the pump rods. The connecting rod is fitted with adjustable brasses at the crank-pin end, these brasses being secured to the T end of the connecting rod by cap and bolts, and at the cross-head end the brasses are adjusted by a tapered key. The air pump, as well as the filter-bed pumps, are worked by a bell-crank lever which is attached to a connecting link worked by a pin on the cross head of low-pressure engine. The air pump and hot well. are bolted to the condenser, the stuffing box and gland for the H 2 WorN 100 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. rod are inside the hot well above the head valve, the rod which is of mild steel is attached by a cottar to a cast-iron plunger, which works through a cover on the top of the hot well; the connecting rod being attached to a pin on the bell crank at the top, and to a pin fitted through the plunger at the bottom. The barrel of the pump is 14 inches diameter; the stroke being 18 inches. The bucket, which is of gun-metal, is fitted with an india-rubber valve, the head valve also being india-rubber, provided with a gun-metal seat and guard. A pump, 7 inches diameter and 18 inches stroke, with bucket and plunger, is worked from one end of the bell-crank lever, it draws from a well supplied by the river, and discharges either to the filter beds or to the suction stand pipes of the high-pressure pumps. An air vessel, on the discharge side, serves as a stand pipe, it is provided with overflow to the well when supplying water to the pumps, and is used as an air vessel when discharging to the Filter beds. A Wipperman and Lewis air injector is fitted to supply this air vessel. The main high-pressure pumps, which are single acting, are worked from the piston tail rods of each engine, two pumps being fitted to each of them. The pump castings are bolted to the foundations, and connected to the cylinders by the piston rods. Each ram is 27 inches diameter; it is forged from mild steel, and covered with gun-metal, the ram next to the cylinder being forged with a cross head, which joins the wrought-iron distance piece to which the tail rod is cottared, the other ram is worked by straight rods and cross head, the rods being guided in gun-metal bushed brackets at each end of the pump barrels. The valve boxes, which are bolted to facings on the pumps, are made specially strong, suitable for the high working pressure. As each pump delivers its water during each quarter of the revolution of the crank shaft, the flow is nearly uniform, but owing to the changes of motion the pressure is not constant, and to make it as nearly so as possible, a Steam loaded Hydraulic Accumulator is fitted, and so arranged that when the quantity of water being discharged at any point of the stroke is larger than the normal, the hydraulic ram is forced out; on the other hand, when the quantity is below the normal it is forced in by the steam piston, the respective areas of the ram and steam piston being such, that when working with a fairly constant boiler . ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 101 pressure of about 60 lb. the pressures are nearly balanced. The diagrams, which are given, illustrate the remarkable efficiency of this accumulator. They were taken when tried at Messrs. Fawcett, Preston, & Co.'s works under actual working conditions, with the Accumulator in action, the greatest dif- ference observed in the pressure was only 120 lb.; but when working without it, the difference was 510 lb. The complete plant for supplying the railway comprised two sets of compound pumping engines as above described. The author calls particular attention to the difficult work to be performed, especially the small size of the delivery main and its great length, and to the successful accomplishment of the work under such trying conditions. FOUR RIEDLER COMPOUND PUMPING ENGINES, MADE BY MESSRS. JAMES SIMPSON & Co., LIMITED, FOR THE GRAND JUNCTION WATER COMPANY'S WORKS AT HAMPTON (Drawings Nos. 18 and 19). These Engines are patented by Professor Riedler, they were designed to meet the present demand for high speed, for the purpose of readily controlling the pump valve on Rotative engines. In an ordinary pumping engine of this type it is difficult to run fast, owing to the concussion and vibration caused by the sudden closing of the pump valves at the end of each stroke. The arrangements in the Riedler engines entirely get rid of this difficulty, and although the special details appear at first sight to be somewhat complicated, a careful perusal of the description hereafter given, with the aid of the drawings, will enable the reader to understand the working. This is the first installation of this type of pumping engine in this country, and much interest is taken by many to see what the practical result may be in this ingenious and bold attempt to overcome the difficulties named above. In the engine at Hampton, shown in the Drawings Nos. 18 and 19, an air piston working under pressure horizontally in the side of the pump is always tending, by means of a lever, to keep the pump valve on its seat, but at certain points of the stroke, that is to say, when it is necessary for the valve to open, it is operated upon by a lever actuated by a cam driven off the main shaft of the engine, and its power is removed. Practically 102 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. 2. the pump valves are always mechanically closed much after the same manner as the valves of an ordinary steam engine. The cycle of valve closing throughout a whole revolution is as follows:- • Taking the engine when about to make a forward stroke, the power of the air piston is removed by the cams from the suction valve of the back end and also from the delivery valve of the front end, and remains off until about 75 of the stroke has been accomplished. At about this point, as the main shaft revolves, the cam allows the air piston to act upon these two valves which are gradually forced on to their seats and quite closed by the end of the stroke, so that when the crank turns the centre there is no concussion and therefore no noise. Similarly, on the return stroke, the suction valve of the front end and the delivery of the back end are free to open, and are in turn operated upon as were the two valves in the forward stroke. The arrangement is simple and effective, and the engine can be run at a piston speed of 360 feet per minute. The High-lift Engines. The contract was to pump 14,000,000 gallons in 24 hours to a height of 150 feet. A pair of Tandem Compound Engines are arranged side by side, coupled with cranks at right angles, with the pumps in line behind the cylinders. The sizes of the steam cylinders are 21 inches diameter and 39 inches with a 3-feet stroke. The valves are all of the Corliss type, and are actuated by levers and eccentrics off a shaft driven at right angles to the main crank shaft by a pair of mitre wheels. This shaft also carries the cams which act upon the main pump valves. The steam valves. are all arranged below the cylinders, which are thus effectually drained. The cylinders as well as the covers are steam jacketed, the condensed water from the jackets draining into a water receiver, from which it is pumped back into the boilers by the main feed pump, of which there are two, one to each engine. The main piston cross-head guide is of the hollow trunk type in one casting with the main plummer block; the cross head is of the double slipper type. The connecting rod is 6 feet 9 inches between the centres, 5 inches diameter at the cross-head end, tapering to 6 inches diameter. The end connecting the main crank-pin is of the marine pattern, and that joining the cross head is forked, with the cross head in between the jaws. The crank shaft is 12 feet 93 inches in length and 15 inches ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 103 The The diameter in the middle where the fly-wheel is keyed on. main journals are 11 inches diameter and 14 inches long. crank pin is of steel 8 inches diameter, and 11½ inches long. At the end of each crank pin another small crank is keyed on, off this the air pumps are worked by another connecting rod. The air pumps are two in number, and are vertical single-acting pumps with barrels 21 inches diameter. The condenser is of the ordinary jet type. The fly-wheel is 16 feet diameter, with a rim 11 inches wide. The main pumps are of massive design, each surmounted by a large domed air vessel, in which is placed the air piston, working under the pressure of the main. The valves, of which there are four in number, are 3 feet diameter, made of gun-metal. The cams which operate against the air pistons are cast iron, working 'against cast-iron rollers. The piston rod is 4 inches diameter next to the main cross-head, and is then diminished to 3 inches diameter, which is also the diameter of the plunger rod. The plunger is 20 inches diameter, it is made of cast iron and hollow. The Low-lift Engines. These are of an exactly similar design in every respect to the high-lift engines, but the steam cylinders are much smaller. The pump work is quite similar, with the exception of the plunger, which is 231 inches diameter and 27-inch stroke. The contract was to pump 14,000,000 gallons per day of 24 hours, on a lift of 16 feet. The sizes of the steam cylinders are 11 inches and 20 inches diameter and 27 inches stroke. The valves are of the Corliss type, and are arranged in the same manner as the high-lift engines, and are driven in the same way. The connecting rod is 2 inches diameter, tapering to 33 inches, and is 5 feet 11 inch between centres. The cross head is of the double-slipper type. The crank shaft is 10 feet 2 inches in length and 9 inches diameter in the middle where the fly-wheel is keyed on. The main bearings are 6 inches diameter and 9 inches long. The crank pins are of steel, 4 inches diameter by 6 inches long. are in the vertical form, and are worked in the high-lift engines, the barrels are 12 The condenser is of the jet type. The fly-wheel is 10 feet 9 inches diameter and 8 inches wide. The piston rods are 3 inches and 2 inches diameter, and the pump rod 3 inches diameter. The air pumps the same way as inches diameter. 104 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. SEMI-PORTABLE PUMPING ENGINES. These engines are built by Messrs. Marshall, Sons, & Co., Limited, Gainsborough, and are very useful for temporary pump- ing, and also when the space at disposal in the engine and boiler house is limited and it is desired to get the largest amount of power in the smallest space. The engine and boiler are combined and self-contained, the former being preferably placed under the latter, these are called "undertype engines"; they are carried on two wrought-iron girders, the cylinders being bolted to these at one end and at the crank shaft at the other end, and are placed directly on the foundation, this latter may be of concrete, or a strong timber frame if the former cannot be obtained. They are made in sizes from 8 nominal horse-power to 50 nominal horse-power in compound engines, and from 10 nominal horse-power to 30 nominal horse-power in high-pressure engines. The two-cylinder compound engines are the most economical for pumping purposes, whether for centrifugal or lift pumps, motion is communicated to the crank shaft of the lift pumps if sunk in a well by spur gear, and when the pumps are placed at the same level as the engine they are usually driven by a leather belt, centrifugal pumps are also driven by belt. The engines are built in the horizontal form, the high-pressure and low-pressure cylinders are steam jacketed, and are placed side by side. The guides, blocks, and connecting rods are of the usual form and work on to a double- throw steel crank running in bearings, which are fixed on the wrought-iron girders at the base. On one side of the crank shaft the fly-wheel is keyed, and on the driving pulley is a coupling to attach to shaft if required. A force pump to feed the boiler is provided and worked by the engine. Automatic variable expansion gear is also provided, also a high-speed governor. The Boiler is built the same as a railway locomotive with a fire box attached to the shell, and prolonged at the funnel end to form the smoke box. The funnel is of wrought iron, sufficient length is provided to suit the circumstances of the case. The boiler plates are of Siemens-Martin steel, the fire box of Low Moor iron is powerfully stayed, the tubes are wrought iron, the number varying according to power of the boiler, all the edges of the plates are planed, the holes are ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 105 drilled and all riveted by hydraulic machinery, the exterior of the boilers covered with felt and lagged with sheet iron. These engines and boilers are compact and substantial, work steadily and very economically as to fuel. The working pressure is from 100 to 140 lb. per square inch. They can be quickly moved from place to place when required, and are thus very useful in many instances when the engine cannot be placed on the precise spot, and also when it is desired to move it to another spot for temporary use. The following example is given as an idea of this class of engine, the results of its working are also given. Twenty Nominal Horse-power Compound Engines (by Messrs. Marshall, Sons, & Co.).-The cylinders in this case are, high- pressure 9 inches diameter, and low-pressure 14 inches diameter and 16 inches stroke, they are steam jacketed, and have pistons fitted with cast-iron rings and Mather and Platt's steel springs; the piston rods are of steel, and are keyed to a cross-head of wrought iron working in bored cylindrical guides, which are bolted to the front of the cylinder at one end and to a transverse or motion plate at the other; the connecting rods are made of steel, they are fitted with strap ends and brasses with special provision for adjusting same. The crank shaft is made of steel in one bar without weld, with two throws, the crank pins being the same diameter as the shaft, the eccentrics are cast iron fitted with gun-metal straps. The governor is Hartnell's patent, which automatically works the expansion gear according to the requirements of the load on the engine. The fly-wheel is 6 feet diameter and 12 inches wide, it is turned on the rim and carefully balanced. The engines are run at a speed of 135 revolutions per minute, with about 100 to 140 lb. of steam. The boiler shell is made of mild steel plates, the tubes are 43 in number and 2 inches diameter, the fire box is of Low Moor iron, and is stayed with gun-metal studs in the usual manner, the furnace and the boiler fittings are the usual type; at the funnel and smoke-box end provision is made for cleaning the tubes, room must be allowed for this in the house. The consumption of fuel in these boilers is about 24 lb. of steam coal per indicated horse-power. Special provisions are made for heating the feed water before its introduction into the boiler, by an apparatus fitted with brass tubes and placed close to the 106 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. . low-pressure cylinder, it is provided with covers at each end for cleaning out. The feed water passes through the tubes, the exhaust steam is in the shell or casing of the heater. These combined engines and boilers are most valuable to adopt in the cases before named, the more so, because their economy in working is equal to any of the best types of engines described elsewhere. VERTICAL HIGH-PRESSURE, AND CONDENSING ENGINES. These engines are usually made with side frames or hollow box frames, which are fixed to a bed-plate to which the cylinders are also fixed, the crank shaft runs in bearings placed at the top of the side frames. When the engines are built in the condensing form for water pumping, the air pump can either be placed under the cylinder and worked direct by the piston rod, or between the frames and by an intermediate crank, or by an eccentric, in the case of small engines. The fly-wheel is placed outside the frames next the wall. The pumps are either driven by shafting and gear or by a leather belt. In some instances it is advisable to place the engine directly over the well, in this case the pump is fixed directly under the cylinder, and is worked direct from the piston rod from the under side. There are several modifications of this form of engine, they do not, however, materially differ in general construction. They are sometimes used in the "inverted cylinder" form. The pump in this case can either be worked by tooth gear or by belt, or it may be placed directly under the centre of the engine and worked by an intermediate crank. Engines of this type are generally only used in small sizes; when a large quantity of water has to be pumped the compound type is adopted. Vertical HIGH AND LOW-PRESSURE COMPOUND Engines. These engines are also constructed with an entablature resting either on four or six columns bolted to a bed-plate, the high-pressure cylinder being placed at the front and the low- pressure next, the air pump fixed either close to it or on the outer side of the frame; a three-throw crank, running in bearings which are fixed on the top of the entablature, is operated by the cylinder piston rods through a cross head and connecting rod of the usual type. The air pump and condenser in this. ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 107 case are placed below the floor line, and the cold-water pump worked off the cross head of the air pump. In some instances the low-pressure cylinder is fixed below the high-pressure under the floor line; when this is done, all the parts should be arranged to allow of easy access. The cost of the foundation is, however, much increased by this arrangement, and for several reasons this form of engine is not to be recommended unless the circumstances of the case leave but little choice. Several examples will now be given of vertical compound pumping engines. VERTICAL COMPOUND PUMPING ENGINES, at the Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company's Works at Hampton, Middlesex (Drawing No. 20). The engines are arranged side by side, and are of the com- pound inverted cylinder type, being direct acting and rotative. They are supported upon massive cast-iron framing and columns of H section, 1 foot 9 inches by 2 feet, by 24 inches thick, resting at the base on four foundation girders 3 feet deep, and strutted by two raking arms from the two central base girders to the bed-plate which carries the crank shaft. The cylinders are arranged side by side upon a cast-iron entablature, supported by cast-iron columns which are bolted to the bed- plate by 21-inch diameter steel bolts, and are also secured by bolts 3 inches in diameter, which extend from the top of the entablature through the pillars to the bottom of the foundation girders at the base, to which they are cottared. The high- pressure cylinders are 32 inches diameter, and the low-pressure cylinders 52ğ inches diameter, the stroke being 7 feet. The cylinders, steam passages, covers, valve chests, and receiver, are steam jacketed; all the external pipes are coated with Leroy's composition and lagged with polished teak, secured by brass bands nickel-plated. The cylinders have an internal liner of hard cast iron, the stuffing boxes are fitted with bushes of phosphor bronze. Each end of both cylinders is fitted with a gun-metal relief valve. The pistons are each fitted with three steel rings, these were rough turned then heated and adjusted to the proper amount of spring, they were then placed in the lathe and turned to the proper diameter. The piston rods are of mild steel and are attached to the cross heads. The 108 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. connecting rods are of wrought iron, the ends of the marine type, with forged T heads and bearings of phosphor bronze. The crank shaft is steel 16 inches diameter and 14 inches diameter in the journals. Each pair of engines has one fly-wheel 21 feet diameter made in halves; it has six arms. The eccentrics and the sheaves are cast iron. High-speed governors of the Galloway type are fixed on the crank-shaft stage to each set of engines, and control the throttle valves. The valve gear of the high-pressure cylinder consists of ordinary cast-iron slide valves driven by three eccentrics, the relative positions of the back of the expansion valves with the main valve being arranged to alter by hand while the engine is running; it is provided on the outside with an index to show the grade of expansion. The condensers are 4 feet 1 inch diameter by 8 feet 10 inches long, the air pumps are cast iron, and are fitted with gun-metal liners, the pistons and buckets are all gun-metal, the valves are of red india-rubber and have gun-metal grids. The cold-water pumps are double-acting 11 inches diameter and 3 feet 6 inches stroke, and are fitted with metallic disc suction and delivery valves with gun-metal grids and guards. The air charging pumps to each engine are 23 inches diameter, and of sufficient power to make good the loss of air carried away with the water and to keep the air vessels fully charged with air. The main pumps are of the vertical piston type, and are double acting. They are cast iron, 19 inches diameter and 7 feet stroke. The valves are of the four-beat equilibrium type, having gun-metal beats, the barrels of the pumps are 23 inches thick, and are made to bear safely a pressure of 350 feet head of water. The pump pistons are solid, having no rings, and are worked from the lower cross heads, the pump rods of which are iron 4 inches diameter. There are two air vessels, one to each engine, 4 feet 6 inches diameter and 17 feet 3 inches high, the bodies are 2 inches thick, and gradually increase to 32 inches thick at the top of the domes. These vessels were tested after jointing to a head of water of 750 feet. The boilers for the above engines are six in number of the Lancashire kind, 7 feet 6 inches diameter and 28 feet long; each boiler has two Fox's corrugated flues 3 feet internal diameter reduced to 2 feet 54 inches at the ends, the shell plates ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 109 16 are of an inch thick, the furnace plates are mild steel g of an inch thick. Galloway tubes are fixed in each flue; they are 10 inches diameter. The end plate of the boilers are mild steel 11 of an inch thick, and are stayed with five gusset stays at the top and two at the bottom, the longitudinal stays are of steel 1 inches diameter. The front plate is attached to the shell by a welded ring of L section made of steel 4 inches by 3 inches, the back plate is flanged. All the longitudinal seams are made with double-riveted butt joints, having cover plates inside and outside. The longitudinal joints of the shell are double chain-riveted lap joints, with rivets 1 of an inch diameter and 2 inches pitch. The holes for the rivets are drilled, and the rivets are Low Moor iron. The edges of all the plates are planed. The furnaces have fire bars made in two lengths, and are of the usual type. Two manholes are provided to each boiler. The feed pipes are 4 inches diameter, there are two safety valves; the steam pipes are 9 inches diameter. The boilers are connected by two steam chests placed transversely, these are 3 feet diameter by 25 feet long; each of the chests takes three boilers, the plates are steel inch thick. The working-pressure of the boilers is 100 lb. per square inch. 16 The author may state in his own practice he has for some years adopted the above form of steam chest and has found it to work with much advantage. TABLE OF THE AVERAGE DUTY OF THE ENGINES OVER A PERIOD OF 6 WEEKS. Weeks ending 1889. June 18 25 "" July 2 9 16 23 ☺ ☺ "" "" 335 ·· .. .. ·· ·· Average Quantity per day. Revolutions per minute. Min. Average. Max. Average Head of Water in feet. 9,642,783 18.5 10.33 12.80 10,474,397 16.95 9.91 10.85 11,486,575 15.31 7.30 11.90 11,888,815 14.31 10.20 11,985,096 14.76 10.38 11,989,267 15.63 10.60 12.43 Average Duty per cwt. of Coal, 248.47 98,598,454 271.92 110,456,434 275.80 105,750,992 12.32 284.46 109,395,777 12.42 284.78 117,160,188 121,414,409 287.46 Average duty for 6 weeks = 110,462,709 These Engines and Boilers were designed for the Company by James W. Restler, Esq., M. Inst. C.E., and were made by Messrs. R. Moreland & Sons, London. 110 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. 3 VERTICAL DIRECT-ACTING COMPOUND PUMPING ENGINES, constructed by Messrs. Fawcett, Preston, & Co., Limited, Liverpool, for the Corporation of the town of Calcutta (Drawings Nos. 21, 22, 23). There are three pairs of engines; room is provided in the engine house for a fourth pair, all are duplicates of each other. They are of the direct-acting, vertical, compound intermediate receiver, and surface condensing type, the cranks are set at right angles, the high-pressure cylinder is 27 inches diameter, and the low-pressure cylinder 45 inches diameter, both have a stroke of 48 inches. The bodies of the cylinders as well as the covers are steam jacketed, they are supplied with steam at 90 lb. pressure per square inch direct from the boilers, the drains from the jackets return to the boilers by gravitation. The valves of both cylinders are of the piston type, and are fitted with steel pack- ing rings, the high-pressure cylinder is fitted with an expansion valve of the "Bodmer" type, which works inside the main valve, and is arranged so that the expansion can be readily altered while the engine is at work by partly rotating the expansion valve spindle. An index and pointer is fitted in connection with the expansion valve, so that the grade of cut-off can be readily seen. The jackets and receiver are clothed with "silicate cotton," encased in a sheet-steel covering. The piston rods, valve rods, and all the smaller pieces are of mild steel. The cylinders are fixed to cast-iron columns, which are well spread at their base where they are bolted to the bed-plate, and in addition they are tied together with an ornamental casting, which ensures the necessary rigidity when working. The bed- plates are hollow box-shaped castings 2 feet deep, having the seats for the crank-shaft bearings cast solid therewith. Pro- vision is made in the bed-plates for the main holding-down bolts which pass through the supporting columns and the pump girders, so that the whole of the strains from working are taken entirely by these bolts, and therefore do not come upon the foundations. The crank shafts and crank pins are of steel, the respective diameters of them being 11 and 7 inches in the bearings, while the cranks are of wrought iron, shrunk and keyed on the shafts. The fly-wheels are each 22 feet in ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 111 diameter, the rim being built in segments suitably cored out to balance the working parts; means are provided for turning the engines by hand-power when desired. The surface condenser is fixed in connection with the suction main, so that the whole water pumped by the engines acts as a cooling medium. The tubes are of brass, and are No. 15 B.W.G. in thickness, the tube plates are of Muntz metal 3 of an inch thick. The condenser is furnished with suitable end doors to give ready access for cleaning the tubes, it has a total cooling surface of 542 square feet. The air pump is 27 inches diameter, with a stroke of 18 inches, it is driven by an eccentric off the crank shaft. The pump is lined with gun-metal, and is supplied with a hemp-packed gun-metal bucket and patent metallic valves. The feed pump is 5 inches diameter with a stroke of 9 inches, and is fitted with gun-metal valves and seats, and the glands are bushed with gun-metal. The plunger is of cast iron, and is driven by an eccentric off the crank shaft. The engines are fitted with all the necessary pipes, valves, ladders, and platforms, &c., and each engine with its pumps is capable of delivering 5,500,000 gallons of water 40 feet high in ten hours. The total contract duty for the three engines was to lift 16 million gallons of water 40 feet high in ten hours, with an expenditure of 2 lb. of Indian coal per million foot- pounds of work done in water, lifted as determined by the displacement of the pumps; Indian coal being taken as having an evaporative value of two-thirds of best Welsh coal. Pumps.-There are two pumps for each engine, they draw from a tidal river with 21 feet difference in level, the high- water being 11 feet 3 inches, and the low-water 32 feet 3 inches below the engine house floor. The engines lift the water 7 feet 9 inches above floor level. The suction main, through which all the pumps draw, is 48 inches diameter and 850 feet long. The main pumps are on the piston and plunger plan, the piston being 42 inches diameter, and the plunger 30 inches diameter with a 48-inch stroke. The piston is cased with a renewable gun-metal ring 18 inches deep, having 22 grooves turned in it. of a section of of an inch by of an inch. This style of so- 14 called water packing is resorted to on account of the muddy character of the water. The piston and plunger pump is single- acting on the suction side, which is compensated for by an increase in the size of the suction vessel, but on the delivery 112 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. side it is double acting. On the down-stroke the water is forced by the piston through the delivery valves, but only one-half of this water passes into the main, the other half passing into the annular space of the upper part of the pump and on the up- stroke, this annular volume is delivered into the pumping main. The usual working speed is about 18 revolutions per minute. 16 16 Boilers.-There are six Boilers of the Lancashire type to supply the engines with steam, they are 7 feet diameter and 28 feet long, with two flues, or tubes, each 2 feet 9 inches diameter, fitted with Galloway tubes. The boilers are made of steel through- out, the shell being inch thick, and double riveted in the longitudinal seams. The end plates are in one piece inch thick, and the boilers are arranged for a working pressure of 90 lb. per square inch. All the mountings on the shell are bolted to wrought-iron seats, securely riveted to the boiler, and in addition to the engine feed pumps, there is a gun-metal injector fitted for feeding the boilers. A Green's patent economiser is also provided, this is fitted in the main flue from the boilers, it has a total surface of 3200 square feet in the pipes, and being fitted with the usual safety and other valves and dampers, and it is so arranged that it can be thrown out of work at any time. VERTICAL COMPOUND PUMPING ENGINE, at the Margate Corporation Waterworks, made by Messrs. Thornewill and Warham, Burton-on-Trent (Drawings Nos. 24, 25, 26, and 27). These engines were constructed and erected under the superintendence of Mr. A. Latham, M.Inst.C.E., engineer to the corporation, they are of the compound inverted cylinder type, each being sufficient for the work to be done, they are operated in turn. They are used to supply the town with water, each engine is entirely independent of the other, the low-pressure cylinder is supported on massive side frames of box section, the high-pressure cylinder is placed above, each cylinder and cover is steam jacketed. The pumps are worked direct from the main piston rods and cross-heads by means of two steel rods, which are attached to a lower cross-head carrying the pump plunger. The working barrels are placed down the well, and the bored part in which the plungers work at the top, the rising main being formed by the pipes between the upper ! ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 113 and lower part of the barrels. The air vessel is placed near the top of the well; it is of cast iron and of ample dimensions. The crank shaft and fly-wheel are placed near the floor of the house. The side frames rest on and are bolted to a cast-iron bed-plate of box section, which is secured to the foundation by long holding-down bolts and plates. A platform is provided midway between the floor of the house and the lower part of the low-pressure cylinder, as well as another at the top of the cylinder, thus giving easy access to the engine at all the chief parts. The air pump is worked off one of the pump rods, the condensed water is delivered into a tank from which the donkey pump draws the feed water for the boilers. The surface condenser is fixed between the delivery branch of the pump and the air vessel, the whole of the water pumped passes through the tubes, thus dispensing with a circulating pump. The high-pressure cylinders are 12 inches diameter, the low-pressure 21 inches diameter, both having a stroke of 3 feet 3 inches, the cylinders have internal liners of cast iron, the intermediate space forming the steam jackets, and are felted and lagged with mahogany on the outside. Both the high-pressure and low-pressure cylinders are provided with expansion valves, fitted with hand variable gear, the slides are operated by eccentrics on the crank shaft. A Porter governor is placed on the side frame of each engine, with a trip gear attached, in case the engines run away through losing their load. Ample arrangements are made for oiling all parts of the engines, as well as taking away the condensed water from the cylinders and jackets. The pressure of steam in the cylinder is 60 lb. per square inch, the speed of the engines is 40 revolutions per minute (in some cases they are run up to 50 revolutions), or a bucket speed of 260 feet per minute. A steam valve is provided for admitting steam direct to the low-pressure cylinder; this has been found of much advantage in starting the engines easily. The pumps are of the bucket and 13 inches diameter, and the plungers 9 a stroke of 39 inches. The bucket is 13 inches deep, to give a good guide, it is of cast iron with a gun-metal double-beat valve rising and falling on the pump rod; the two seats of the valve are gun-metal; the bucket is packed with three gun- metal spring rings. The valves in the buckets and suction I plunger kind, being inches diameter with U 114 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. ZU valve seats are duplicates, and are provided with cavities for loading with lead until the correct weight has been obtained, thus enabling the pumps to run without shock or vibration. The water is pumped from a well 70 feet in depth, and is delivered through a main about 2 of a mile long into a reservoir, at a total height above the water level in the well of about 170 feet. There are two Cornish boilers 5 feet diameter by 18 feet long, with 2 feet 6 inches diameter flues or tubes; the working pressure is 80 lb. per square inch, one boiler being sufficient for each engine, the other acts as a duplicate. An official trial of this engine was made by Mr. A. Latham, M.Inst.C.E., of which the following is the result :— Time of trial .. 8 hours. ·· Average number of revolutions per minute by the counter 33.3 Piston and bucket speed Mean pressure in H.P. cylinder L.P. Total I.й.P. Coal consumed in 8 hours per I.H.P. "" The efficiency of the engine "" .. .. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ·· • : : : : 216.5 ft. per min. 22.2 lb. per sq. in. 10.83 41.35 672 lb. 2.03 lb. 80 per cent. "" In Mr. A. Latham's report to the Margate Corporation on the above trial, he states, "Messrs. Thornewill & Warham's contract was to supply and fix engines, each equal to lift 300,000 gallons of water into the high-level reservoir in 12 hours, each engine to consume not more than 2 lb. of coal per horse-power per hour. It will be satisfactory to the Committee to know that the engines are much superior to the standard contracted for. On the Saturday the engines lifted 300,000 gallons of water into the high-level reservoir in 8 hours, and on the Monday 320,000 gallons in the same time, being upwards of 50 per cent. more than as guaranteed by the contract. The consumption of fuel being at the rate of 2 lb. per horse-power per hour.” VERTICAL COMPOUND INVERTED CYLINDER PUMPING ENGINES, for The Brisbane Waterworks, made by Messrs. Easton & Anderson, Limited, London (Drawings Nos. 28 and 29). These engines were designed with a view to economy of the floor area, as the site chosen for the house was rather limited. The drawing shows the general arrangement, which consists of three sets of independent engines and pumps; the duty ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 115 specified was that each engine should deliver three million gallons of water in 24 hours under a total head of 520 feet. The engine framing consists of two heavy cast-iron girders, built into the engine house walls, from which spring two "A" frames made in sections, with two cross girders about midway up, with bosses to which the high-pressure cylinder is bolted by four steel bolts. The upper sections of the "A" frame form the guides for the main cross-head, and are attached at their top ends to two girders built into the side walls, the low-pressure cylinder being bolted down on to these girders. The low-pressure cylinder is 61 inches diameter, and the high-pressure 30 inches diameter, both are 4 feet stroke, and steam jacketed all over. The working barrels are made separately, of hard metal, shrunk into the cylinder bodies. The high-pressure cylinder has an expansion valve working on the back of the main valve, adjustable by hand when the engines are running, and the low-pressure a piston valve. One eccentric works both the main valves, and another the ex- pansion valve, through weigh-shaft levers, &c. The low- pressure piston rod, and the top end of the high-pressure rod are cottared to a cast-steel cross-head fitted with adjustable guide plates, and a forged mild steel connecting rod, with gun-metal bearings at top and bottom, connects each end of the cross-head to a crank pin. The high-pressure piston rod is carried through the bottom cylinder cover, and connects direct on to the rod which works the main pump in the well. The crank shaft is placed a little out of the centre line of the engine, so as to clear the lower piston rod, and is provided with pedestals fitted with gun-metal bearings, bolted on the top flange of the main girders; a fly-wheel 14 feet diameter, with a crank formed in one of the arms to take the steel crank pin, is keyed on each end of the shaft close up to the main bearing. The surface condenser, placed in the basement, is made of steel plates and angles, with dished ends, and contains 218 brass tubes, 2 inches diameter, 7 feet long between plates, the steam passes through the tubes, and the discharge from the main pumps passes through the condenser box on its way to the main. The air pump is single acting, 17 inches diameter by 4 feet stroke, carried on girders built into the top of the well, and is worked by an arm from the main pump rod. The main pump is of the bucket and plunger type, with a barrel I 2 116 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. 1 28 inches diameter by 4 feet stroke, and the plunger 223 inches diameter, so as to balance the weight of the moving parts of the engine. The bucket and suction clack are fitted with gun-metal ring valves. The pump is bolted to girders placed 65 feet down the well, and the steel pump rod is well- guided up to the high-pressure piston rod. The delivery main is fitted with an air vessel close to the pump, and a self- acting non-return valve at the top of the well before it branches to the condenser. Steam at 100 lb. per square inch pressure is provided by seven Boilers, 7 feet diameter and 24 feet 10 inches long, placed in a house by the side of the engine room. The details of the boilers are as usually made by this firm. There are several novel features in these engines; it will be observed the powerful machinery is contained in a small space-it is compact. and well designed for the purpose for which it was intended. VERTICAL TRIPLE-EXPANSION PUMPING ENGINES at the East London Waterworks, Waltham Abbey (Drawings Nos. 51 and 52). These engines were designed by Mr. W. B. Bryan, M.Inst. C.E., engineer to the company, and were put down about five years since; they were quite a new departure in the type of pumping engines for waterworks, and were the first triple-expan- sion engines applied to this purpose; they are of the inverted cylinder marine type; the three cylinders are placed side by side, each being supported on a frame of box section, with two steel columns at the front of each cylinder. The frames are spread out in a ▲ form to give a larger base, and are bolted to a cast-iron base plate having six bearings for the crank and fly- wheel shaft, the plate is bedded on the concrete foundation. The steam cylinders are respectively 18 inches, 30 inches, and 51 inches diameter, and 3 feet stroke; all the cylinders are fitted with slide valves, the high-pressure cylinder has a main D valve, and is fitted with Meyer's expansion valve, both being worked by eccentrics, the intermediate and low-pressure cylin- ders have one D valve each, which is worked by an eccentric. All the cylinders are entirely steam jacketed. The piston rods are attached to slipper guides, working in guide bars attached to the back frame. The working pressure of steam is 110 lb. per square inch. The piston rods and cross-heads of the plunger ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 117 are of steel. The crank shaft is also of steel, it has three throws, and is provided with one fly-wheel keyed on at one end outside the frame; there are six main bearings, which are lined with Stones' patent white metal. The speed of the engine is 20 to 23 revolutions per minute. There are three pumps with rams 12 inches diameter, with a stroke the same as the cylinders; they are placed below the crank shaft; each pump is worked off the cross-head of the piston rod by two side rods placed diagonally. Two additional deep well pumps, 18 inches diameter and 2 feet 3 inches stroke, are also provided, and are worked by an extra crank off the end of the fly-wheel shaft in communication with bell cranks at the well. The water is raised from a depth of 200 feet to the surface, and is then forced up by the three ram pumps before named to the reservoir at High Beech about four miles distant. These three pumps work under a head of 340 feet, and at a speed of 20 to 23 strokes per minute, will discharge 52,800 to 60,720 gallons of water per hour. The consumption of fuel varying with the quality, and being 1.4 lb. per indicated horse- power with best Welsh coal. The consumption of steam 13.53 lb. per indicated horse-power. The air pump is worked off a rocking lever; the surface condenser is placed in a hori- zontal position in the pump suction chamber, the whole of the water passing through the pumps surrounds the tubes. The following is the result of a trial by Mr. W. B. Bryan, M.Inst.C.E., the engineer to the company :— Feed water, per hour Water discharged from the hot-well per hour Water discharged from the intermediate pressure cylinder jacket ·· .. ·· .. Water discharged from low-pressure cylinder jacket.. Total water discharged per hour Difference between feed-water and water discharged per hour Water condensed in high-pressure jacket returned to boiler Pump horse-power Water per pump horse-power discharged from hot-well per hour Water per pump horse-power passing through engine, including all jacket-water, per hour.. Indicated horse-power Water per indicated horse-power passing through engine, including all jacket-water, per hour The mechanical efficiency was 88 per cent. • .. ·· ·· .. • .. .. ·· .. lb. 2225.0 1937.5 77.1 41.1 2055.7 169.3 110.0 140.0 13.84 15.47 160·0 G 13.53 1 118 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. These engines have now been performing in the most eco- nomical and satisfactory manner for about five years; it will be seen by reference to the indicator diagrams on Drawings Nos. 51 and 52 how perfectly and evenly they are working. It may be stated that at the commencement the pressure of steam used was 140 lb. per square inch, but after repeated trials 110 lb.. was found to be the most economical pressure to use. The manufacturers of these engines were Messrs. Richardson & Sons, of Hartlepool. Since the erection of these engines Mr. W. B. Bryan has put down three other triple-expansion pumping engines at Lea Bridge, Clapton, which are giving excellent results. The steam is supplied by four Babcock & Wilcox's patent water-tube boilers. The longitudinal steam and water drums are 3 feet diameter, and 20 feet long. There are fifty- four 4-inch diameter tubes 16 feet long. The area of fire grate of each is 22.5 square feet. The transverse steam drum or chamber runs over the four boilers and is 2 feet 6 inches diameter and 28 feet long. Each boiler is rated at 96 horse- power on the basis of 30 lb. of water evaporated per horse- power per hour. The heating surface of each is 1098 square feet. They are provided with the usual fittings, and are of the same general form, and are set in batteries of two, in the same manner as those shown in Drawings Nos. 49 and 50. A Green's fuel-economiser is provided for heating the feed-water. The usual working pressure in the boilers is 110 lb. per square inch, they can be worked to 200 lb, if desired. VERTICAL QUADRUPLE PUMPING ENGINES at the Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company's Works at Wandsworth. These engines draw their supply from the company's 30- inch main from Hampton, and pump to one of the high-level districts. There are two sets of engines and pumps, with room in the house for a third set; they are of the inverted cylinder tandem type, direct acting and rotative, The four cylinders are 13½ inches, 19 inches, 26 inches, and 32 inches diameter respectively, with a piston stroke of 3 feet; they are arranged in two pairs in the tandem form, Nos. 1 and 3 being placed over one crank and set of pumps, and Nos, 2 and ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 119 case. 4 over the other; the larger cylinder being uppermost in each The cylinders rest upon an entablature, which in turn is supported at the back of the engine by heavy standards of hollow section, and at the front by polished steel columns. The engine stands upon a massive cast-iron bed-plate, which is bolted to a girder frame resting on the stone and brickwork founda- tion. The cylinders are completely steam jacketed, Nos. 1 and 2 having each a steel liner, and Nos. 3 and 4 having liners of cast iron. The pistons are of cast iron, and fitted with two rings, having a helical spring behind them. The slide valves are of the ordinary D type, those in Nos. 1, 2, and 3 cylinders being fitted with "Meyer" expansion valves. The valves are worked by eccentrics in the ordinary manner, the cut-off valves being controlled by a differential hydraulic governor, which is operated by the difference of pressure between the suction and delivery of the main pumps. A high speed rotary governor is also provided, which controls the admission of steam at the main steam pipe by means of the throttle valve. The piston and valve rods are of steel, and the connecting rods are also of steel, and fitted with phosphor bronze marine ends. The crank shaft, which is of steel also, is 8 inches diameter, in two interchangeable lengths, and the cranks are placed opposite. Each set of engines is provided with two fly- wheels 12 feet 2 inches diameter, weighing 11½ tons each, and turned on the rims and edges. The eccentric blocks and sheaves are of cast iron. In the line of the main suction is placed the Surface Con- denser, which is a cylindrical casting 3 feet diameter and 8 feet 6 inches long, having gun-metal tube plates, and 192 brass tubes 14 inches outside diameter, and No. 14 gauge, the condensing surface being 420 square feet. A regulating valve and bye-pass is provided on the main suction pipe to regulate the amount of water passing through the condenser tubes. The air pump is 14 inches diameter by 18 inches stroke, and is fitted with a gun- metal liner and bucket, with vulcanite disc valves. The feed. pump is 3 inches diameter and 18 inches stroke, of cast-iron, it is gun-metal lined, and has a gun-metal plunger and valves. These pumps, together with an air charging pump to make up the loss of air from the Air Vessels, are worked from the middle of a steel lever, which is pivoted at one end, and which 120 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. has its free end connected by links to a cross-head on the main pump rods. The main pumps in each set consist of two 18- inch diameter single-acting bucket pumps, with 3 feet stroke, placed side by side at different levels. The cranks being opposite the pump buckets move in opposite directions, the lower pump bucket forming a suction valve for the upper pump, and the upper pump bucket in turn acting as the delivery valve to the lower pump, thus keeping up a continuous flow of water. The pump barrels are of cast iron, and the buckets and valves of gun-metal, the valves having four beats on conical seats. There are three Air Vessels, two of which are connected with the delivery mains and one with the suction, they are 3 feet diameter and 12 feet 6 inches high. The arrangement of working out mains and plan of the engine house is shown ou Drawing No. 53. There are four boilers for supplying steam of the Babcock & Wilcox patent water-tube type, the top steam and water drums of which are 3 feet diameter, and 21 feet 4 inches long; there are 48 tubes 3 inches diameter and 16 feet long. The area of each fire grate is 19.15 square feet. A transverse steam drum or chamber is placed across the top drums, this is 2 feet 6 inches diameter and 10 feet 9 inches long, the fittings are of the usual description; each boiler is capable of evaporating a minimum of 30 lb. of water per horse- power per hour, and is worked at a pressure of 200 lb. per square inch. All the exposed parts of the boiler, together with the steam pipes, are covered with Leroy's non-conducting composition. The ashes are removed by small trucks, which run upon a tramway sunk below the boiler-house floor, and so keep the house free from dust and grit. One of the Pulsometer Engi- neering Company's duplex pumps is fixed in the boiler-house to act as an auxiliary feed pump. These Engines were designed for the Company by J. W. Restler, Esq., M. Inst. C.E. BEAM CONDENSING ENGINES. Where the length of the bed-plate is an object, and where the cylinders are above 18 inches diameter, this form of engine possesses many advantages, although the first cost is much higher than in Horizontal condensing engines. The cylinder is much the same as before, but is fixed vertical. The beam should ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 121 be formed of two wrought-iron slabs, with wrought- or cast-iron distance pieces, to carry the gudgeons. The slides are worked by eccentrics from a rocking shaft, the eccentric rods being fitted with a gab end to allow the engine to be run either way; this arrangement is also very useful in starting a large engine, as, by means of a hand lever, the man can put the slide into any position and admit steam at either side of the piston. The air pump is worked half way between the cylinder and the main centre, and is made half the stroke of the cylinder; it is constructed as described at p. 80. The condenser usually surrounds the pump; the cold-water pump is worked off the other side of the centre near the crank. In some cases the main pump for raising the water from the well, &c., is worked direct off the beam near the crank shaft; this plan is described in detail at p. 123. The piston speed should not usually exceed 220 to 240 feet per minute. The fly-wheel should be heavy and of large diameter, the weight being duly proportioned to the size of the engine. The entablature for carrying the main centre is either supported by a column or columns, or is made in the form of a girder fixed in the side walls of the engine house, which should be made thicker at this part, the entablature or girder should be box section, well ribbed on the inside. HIGH AND LOW-PRESSURE COMPOUND BEAM ENGINES. The compound principle was first applied to this form of engine, and where space will allow, and the first cost is not the only consideration, they are a very suitable form of pumping engine. The two cylinders are placed side by side, the high- pressure being at the end of the beam, the low-pressure close to it (or the reverse), and the air pump with its condenser below, about midway between the high-pressure cylinder and the main centre. The pump is either worked off the other end of the beam, near the crank shaft, as described at p. 123, or by means of spur gear from it, working a separate shaft driving the pump shafts; this latter arrangement must always be made when there are three pumps to be worked. These engines give very good results, and when worked at a piston speed not exceeding 240 feet per minute, the consumption of fuel does not exceed 2 lb. per horse-power per hour. The foundations should be heavy and the walls of the engine house 122 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. substantial. The wear and tear of these engines is not great, the work is done quietly and very free from vibration. Steam of 60 to 80 lb. per square inch is used, and the cylinders are fitted with variable expansion gear, they should be steam jacketed, felted, and lagged with mahogany; all the pipes should be protected in the same way. In some cases super- heaters are used with much advantage. The kind of valves used for the steam and exhaust differ: one plan is a D slide, with a grid at the back for the expansion slide to work on; or valves on the Cornish system of gun-metal double beat, or on the "Corliss" system. Examples of engines of this kind will now be given, from which, it is hoped, a good idea may be formed by those who are not intimately acquainted with such machinery. As high- and low-pressure engines, either in the "Beam," Vertical," or "Horizontal" forms, are now mostly used for pumping water on a large scale, more detail has been given of them. (6 These engines, in the author's opinion, cannot be very advantageously employed except where the quantity of water to be pumped is large. Skilled men only should be allowed to have charge of such costly machinery; all the glands want very careful packing, not only to prevent loss of steam, but to save any undue friction; the parallel motion and other parts must also have very careful supervision. - HIGH AND LOW-PRESSURE COMPOUND BEAM ENGINES, con- structed by Messrs. J. Simpson & Co., for the Lambeth and Chelsea Waterworks Companies (Drawing No. 30). These engines are worked coupled, with one fly-wheel, the cranks being set at right angles. The high-pressure cylinders are 28 inches diameter by 5 feet 63 inches stroke, and the low- pressure cylinders 46 inches diameter by 8 feet stroke. There is one pump to each engine, 233 inches diameter by 6 feet 11 inches stroke. The beams are cast iron, consisting of two cheeks, fitted with wrought-iron gudgeons; the length between the end centres is 26 feet 6 inches, the depth at the centre is 5 feet, the main centre is 1 foot 41 inches diameter, the height of the same from the engine-house floor being 21 feet 4 inches. The fly-wheels (one to each pair of engines) are 21 feet ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 123 • 2 diameter, and weigh 13 tons each. The pistons of each cylinder are made solid, the high-pressure being 20 inches deep, low-pressure 12 inches; both are packed with Rams- bottom steel rings. The air pumps are 30 inches diameter by 3 feet 3 inch stroke, and are worked off the beam at the same side of the main centre as the steam cylinder; the condensers are placed below the floor line. The cold-water pumps are 3 feet 5 inch stroke, and are worked off the beam near the main pumps. The valves for the cylinders are of the piston kind, and are worked by a "cam" driven by cross shaft and bevel gear, the cut off varies from one-third to two- thirds of the stroke; this system of valves answers perfectly. The cylinders are steam jacketed both at the sides, bottoms, and covers. The pumps are of the bucket-and-plunger kind, the buckets being 24 inches diameter by 6 feet 11 inches stroke; the plungers are 16 inches diameter. The suction valves of the pumps are annular, of gun-metal, working on gun-metal seats. The buckets of the pumps have single annular valves; the buckets are connected to the plungers by rods keyed into sockets, with collars upon them to regulate the opening of the valve. The delivery valves are of gun- metal and of the flap kind. The connecting rods to the cranks are made double, they have single ends, and work between the cheeks of the beam. They are placed on the outside of the beam, and near the end centre; they are about 24 feet long, centre to centre, and are made I section; the lower ends of the rods are attached to a cross-head to which the plungers are keyed; the cross-head is fitted with rubbing guides, which work on guide bars fixed on either side of the pumps. This is a very ingenious arrangement, as it enables the pumps to be placed near the end of the beam, the cranks working in between the double rods and clearing the cross-heads. The pressure of steam used in the cylinder is 40 lb. per square inch. The coal used by these engines is 1.61 lb. per indicated horse-power per hour. These engines have been remarkably free from break- downs; at the Lambeth Company's works six sets have been working in one house for the last thirty-eight years, and are working now (1892) in the same steady way as they were in 1864, when the author first saw them. He was lately informed by the superintendent of the works that no beam or 124 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. TABLE A. DETAILED REPORT OF OFFICIAL TRIAL BY THOMAS HAWKSLEY, ESQ., V.-P. INST. C.E., OF TWO ENGINES AND PUMPS CONSTRUCTED BY SIMPSON & Co., ENGINEERS, GROSVENOR ROAD, PIMLICO, FOR THE CHELSEA WATERWORKS COMPANY, ENGINES “E "" AND “F.” Duration of Trial from 1.15 P.M. on Friday, May 31st, to 4.18 P.M. on Saturday, June 1st, 1867. Constants. Hour. "" " " 4.15 P.M. 77,960 185 97 32.73 218-70 38 6.15 " 79,406 186 53 32.90 219.43 41 • 41 "9 " 8.15 10.15 12.15 A.M. 2.15 4.15 6.15 8.15 "" 10.15 "" 81,017 184 27 32 73 217.00 82,602 184·27 32·65 216.92 41 84,268 189.92 32.82 222 74 41 85,841 182.58 32.74 215.32 40.5 87,464 183 14 32 82 215 96 41 99,149,183 14 32.90 216 04 40.5 · "" 41 90,776 185.96 32.98 [218.94] 92,527 186 52 32.90 219.42 41 • 2.15 4.15 4.18 12.15 P.M. 94,341 190 47 32.98 222 45 41.5 96,021 189 91 32-98 222-89 42.5 39 97,666 184 26 32 81 217·07] 97,708 38 • " >> Number on Counter. bours 24.3 Head on Gauge. Depth of Water in Well. ·· Total Height to which Water is lifted. ·· · · Boiler Pressure. ·· Barometer. 30 30 30 30.1 30.1 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 strokes mean | mean mean mean | mean 19.748 186 20 32.88 219 08 40.5 30 Vacuum, E Engine. Vacuum, F Engine. Temperature of Cold- water Cistern. High-pressure Cylinder Low-pressure Cylinder Pumps (one to each Engine) Effective Pressure in High-pressure Cylinder (mean) 1 E. F. 26·927·2 65 92 91 79 26.7 26.9 65 74 74 76 93 92 76 27.2 27.0 64 92 91 27.3 27.0 64 92 91 27.3 27.1 63 92 91 [27·3 27·1 63 91 91 76 |27·4′27·1 63 90 89 74 27.3 27.2 63 91 90 78 27.3 27.2 63 92 91 78 27.2 27.1 64 94 94 79 27·126·9 65 96 94 81 27.126.9 66 94 92 27 2 27.0 66 76 93 91 78 { mean 27.41 • diam. 28 in. 46 in. 24 in. : ·· Temperature of Hot Well. .. Ther- mometer. : Engine House. stroke. 5 ft. 6 in. 8 ft. 0 in. 6 ft. 11 in. 27.79 lb. : The working of the Engines during the whole of the trial was in every way all that could be desired, and the works have been most satisfactorily carried out by the Contractors, Messrs. Simpson & Co. The trial was conducted under my immediate superintendence, the coals being weighed, and the accuracy of all gauges and indicators carefully tested by my assistants. The fires at the commencement and close of the observations were cqually charged with coal, and every care was taken to render the experiments in every way reliable. Yard. 72 65 60 55 53 51 51 57 63 70 74 74 72 ft. 23 8 23 9 23 7 in. 23 11 23 10 23 9 23 10 24 0 23 10 23 9 23 11 24 0 :: REMARKS. ·· •• ·· ·· ·· .. 7,182,000 7,958,000 7,784,000 8,242,000 7,771,000 7,962,000 8,253,000 7,997,000 8,654,000 9,131,000 8,474,000 8,242,000 ·· ·· ·· .. ·· Effective Pressure in Low-pressure Cylinder (mean) Loss of Pressure between Pistons (mean) Loss of Pressure from Imperfect Vacuum cwt. qr. lb. 350,000 105 2 118,141,000 111,350,000 1.99 1.61 247 ·· 218 241 236 250 236 ·· 241 250 242 262 277 257 250 : 296 ·· 313 298 303 mean mean 306 312 309 ::19:8:5:3 55 63 57 61 ·· 55 59 mean 59 6.76 lb. 0.78 lb. 1.43 lb. As will be seen by the Table, the duty performed was 111,350,000 lb. of water lifted 1 foot high with 1 cwt. of Welsh coal, equivalent to a consumption of 1.99 lb. of coal per actual or usefully-exerted horse-power per hour, or 1·61 lb. per indicated horse-power per hour. This remarkably high duty was obtained whilst the engines were being employed in the ordinary service of water to the Metropolis. (Signed) T. HAWKSLEY C.E. 4th June, 1867. ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 125 connecting rod had ever been fractured, a fact that shows the careful design of the sections, good quality of the castings, and workmanship. The engines at Ditton pump the water, through a 30-inch diameter main, 10 miles, to Brixton, under a head of about 200 feet; the speed of working is about fourteen revolutions per minute of the crank shaft. The author gives, on the preceding page, a Table (A) of a trial of engines of this kind, made by T. Hawksley, Esq., M. Inst. C.E., which gives very remarkable results as to the water pumped and the fuel consumed. HIGH AND LOW-PRESSURE COMPOUND BEAM ENGINES for Low LIFT, working at the Lambeth Waterworks at Ditton, also by Messrs. Simpson & Co. They were each designed to pump 420,000 gallons of water per hour 35 feet high. There are two sets of engines, each of which may be described as a double engine, having two beams each, the high-pressure cylinder working one beam and the low-pressure cylinder the other, with one crank-shaft and fly- wheel to each set; the steam passes through a steam-jacketed receiver on its way from the high-pressure to the low-pressure cylinder. There are four pumps to each engine working on either side of the main centres. The high-pressure cylinder is 1 foot 9 inches diameter; low-pressure ditto 3 feet diameter by 5 feet 6 inches stroke. Pump plungers 2 feet 3 inches diameter by 4 feet stroke. The pressure of steam is 60 lb. per square inch, and is cut off at one-fifth of the stroke. The speed of piston is 240 feet per minute. The quantity of water pumped by each of the engines is 490,000 gallons per hour. The performance of these engines and their steady working is remarkable, even when running at 330 feet per minute. It may be mentioned that the quantity of water thrown by both engines under these circumstances equals about 100 tons. per minute. The description of engines given fairly repre- sents this kind; and although in some instances the dimen- sions may differ, the working results as to fuel and cost of pumping will be much the same. Table B shows the result of a trial made of these engines by Mr. John Taylor, M. Inst. C.E., in October, 1881. In the 126 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. ÷ author's practice he has never met with such a result-the fuel consumed per indicated horse-power 1.55 lb. Welsh coal, and the duty 103.112 million foot-pounds per 112 lb. of coal. The table is so clear that it does not require any further explanation. Time. OFFICIAL TRIAL OF Two LOW-LIFT PUMPING ENGINES, constructed by SIMPSON & COMPANY, Grosvenor Road, Pimlico, London, S.W., for the LAMBETH WATERWORKS COMPANY, DITTON. July 1881. ****** These engines were each designed to pump 420,000 gallons of water per hour 35 feet high to supply the new filter beds. Time. They are compound beam, with the cranks set at right angles, the steam from the high-pressure cylinder passing through an intermediate receiver on its way to the low-pressure cylinder. The cylinders and receivers are completely steam jacketed with boiler steam. Steam was supplied by four Cornish boilers, each 5 feet 6 inches in diameter by 27 feet long. Welsh coal was used, and the trial was carried out by John Taylor, Esq., M. Inst. C.E., on September 30th, 1881. 10.0 A.M. 6.15 P.M. 10.0 A.M. 00000 6.15 P.M. 10,545 Diameter of small pistons Diameter of large pistons Stroke of pistons Diameter of pump plungers Stroke of pump plungers Number of plunger pumps to each engine I K Leading Dimensions of Engines and Pumps. Nos. on Counters. Engine I K Engine L M ·· TABLE B. 27.90 Average Vacuum. 000001 10,785) Observations Taken. LM = 27.54 • 21.3 Average Revolutions per Minute. L M I K Barometer. • :: 30.41 21.79 : : : ·· feet 34.974 :: IK ::: 481,400 ft. in. 1 9 Average Height | Average Boiler of Lift. Pressure. 3 0 5 6 2 3 4 0 4 · lb. 59.26 Average Gallons per hour. L M 492,350 ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 127 lifted by both Engines. Total Coal Duty per Total average Actual Horse- power in Water used, including 112 lb. of Coal 100 lb. of Ashes. in million foot-lb. 172.011 Table of Results. cwt. 27.25 S 103.112 Mean Indicated Horse-power of both Engines. 238.77 Lb. of Coal per Indicated Horse-power per Hour. 1.55 Lb. of Coal per Actual Horse-power per Hour. 2.15 The quantity of water pumped was determined by the careful measurement of a reservoir which contains 2,103,603 gallons; and at a trial made August 31st to ascertain the least time in which the reservoir could be filled, the engines pumped 2,103,603 gallons in 1 hour 40 minutes, thus exceeding their contract quantity by 50.25 per cent. (Signed) JOHN TAYLOR, M. Inst. C.E. October 1881. HIGH AND LOW-PRESSURE PUMPING BEAM ENGINES AT CLIFTON, NEAR BRISTOL, made and erected by Messrs. Simpson & Co. (Drawing No. 31). The pumping machinery consists of two pairs of Compound Beam Engines of the intermediate receiver type, actuating four double-acting pumps of the kind known as "bucket and plunger." Each pair comprises two complete single engines, viz. one high- and one low-pressure engine, coupled together by means of cranks at right angles on one fly-wheel shaft. Each single engine, with its pump, is complete in itself, and can be worked independently, but they are coupled in pairs in ordinary work, so as to obtain the maximum uniformity of rotative effect in the engine with a high rate of expansion, and likewise to regulate the relative action of the pumps in order to obtain the most uniform flow of water in the suction and delivery mains. The high-pressure cylinders are 25 inches, and the low-pressure 38 inches diameter, both having a stroke of 5 feet 6 inches. They are each connected to the ends of their respective beams by a simple single-link parallel motion, the ex- treme opposite ends of the beams being connected to the cranks which govern the relative movement of each pair of steam pistons and pump buckets, the distance between the cylinders and connecting-rod gudgeons on the beams is 18 feet 101 inches. The cylinders are completely enveloped with a steam space, which is so connected to the boilers as practically to form a part of the same. The lowest part of the steam space A 128 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. TABLE GIVING RESULTS OF TRIALS OF COMPOUND BEAM PUMPING ENGINES CONSTRUCTED BY MESSRS. SIMPSON & Co. Whether Woolf or intermediate receiver) engines Date of trial ·· .. ·· Engineer who conducted the trial Pressure of steam Indicated horse-power Pump horse-power Frictional horse-power, including air, cold water, feed, and air-charging pump P.HP. X 100 I.HP ·· ·· Efficiency of pumps Height of lift Duration of trial Coal used Description of coal Percentage of ash in coal Supposing that (Foot-lb. in millions per pump delivery) 112 lb. of coal.. equal displace-) Pounds of coal per pump ment. horse-power per hour .. ·· ·· ·· ·· Calculated from Foot-lb. in millions per the actual 112 lb. of coal delivery of) Pounds of coal per pump pumps. horse-power per hour Including ash.-Pounds of coal per indi- cated horse-power per hour.. Excluding ash.-Ditto ditto ditto .. Chelsea Water- Chelsea Water- works, works, Kingston. Kingston. Woolf 1657 Joshua Field : 24 hours 103.9 : : : : Woolf 1867 T. Hawksley 40.5 lb. 306 247 59 80.719 219 ft. 24 hours 3 min. 105 c. 2 qr. 11 lb. 111.35 1.99 : ·· 1.61 Berlin Waterworks, Berlin. Woolf 1869 H. Gill 32 lb. 120.66 ·· 76 hours 19,536 lb. ·· ·· 117.9 1.88 112.5 1.97 Fried. Krupp's Waterworks, Essen. Woolf 1877 Ruhlmann and Kley 41.1 lb. to 57.3 lb. 136.47 *108.57 27.9 79.566 378.5 ft. 137 hours 35,409 lb. German 14.4 93.6 2.37 1.89 1.62 Bristol Waterworks, Clifton Extension. Receiver 1880 J. Taylor 59 lb. 235 196.76 38.24 83.728 190.6 ft. 7.5 hours 33.29 cwt. Welsh 10 98.67 2.32 1.94 1.75 * This horse-power is calculated from the measured quantity deliver. d. East London Waterworks, Lea Bridge. Woolf 1980 G. Seaton 56 lb. 185.647 157 28.647 84.569 195 ft. 12 hours 41.5 cwt. North country screenings 90 2.46 2.08 Lambeth Chatham Ditton. Filter Engines. Waterworks, | Waterworks, Deep-Well Pumps. Receiver 1881 J. Taylor 59.3 lb. 238.77 *172.011 66.76 72.04 35 ft. 8 hours 15 min. 27.25 cwt. Welsh 3.3 108.841 2.056 103.112 2.15 1.55 1.50 Woolf 1981 J. Taylor 69.57 55.45 14.12 79.704 10 hours 11.9 cwt. Welsh .64 92.2 2.4 ·· 1.92 1.91 , ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 129 of each cylinder is considerably above the tops of the boilers, and all the steam flow and return connections are arranged with a continuous fall, without water pockets, so as to promote an active circulation of steam at the temperature of the boilers. The whole of the external surface of the cylinders is coated with non-conducting composition, and covered on the sides with polished mahogany lagging, and on the tops with bright moulded cast-iron covers. The distribution of the steam is effected by slide valves with Meyer's expansion gear. Each end of all the cylinders has its own set of valves, which can be easily and independently adjusted to regulate the various points of the distribution; and the period of steam admission into both high- and low-pressure cylinders can be varied from 0 to 75 of the stroke while the engines are working. • The intermediate receivers are also each enveloped by a steam space, covered with non-conducting composition, and lagged similar to the cylinders. In order to render them more efficient as superheaters, the steam on its passage through each is conducted past a narrow annular space, formed by an inside cylindrical casing, and the inner walls of the space filled with steam at a high temperature. The high-pressure cylinder can be shut off, and the receiver in each case supplied with steam direct from the boilers, when it is desired to work the low- pressure engine by itself, and vice versa. The steam is exhausted from the low-pressure cylinders into surface condensers, placed on the main leading from the supply reservoir to the suction standpipes. The surface con- densers are cylindrical, and are filled with gun-metal tubes, through which the exhaust steam passes, the water from the reservoir flowing to the standpipes outside the tubes. The air pumps are placed close to the condensers, but at a lower level, so as to thoroughly drain the same, they are single-acting bucket pumps, and are worked direct from the beams of the low-pressure engines. The condensed water is discharged into a cistern, from which it is drawn by the feed pumps, and again forced back into the boilers. By this arrangement the quantity of water required for working the engines is reduced to a minimum, thereby effecting a great saving, the water supplied to the main pumps having been filtered and already raised to a great height, and being therefore very valuable. The main pumps are 17 inches diameter by 4 feet 756 K 130 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. inches stroke, they are divided in pairs, corresponding to the high- and low-pressure cylinders of each pair of engines, and are driven from the crank-shaft ends of the main working beams. Each pair of pumps are fixed on one suction pipe, and draw their water from single open-topped standpipes placed in the pump wells, both of which receive their supply through one long main from a reservoir some distance away. There are two delivery air vessels, one for each pair of pumps, the outlets of which are connected into one main delivery pipe. The pump valves are of the double-ring description, with four beats of sufficient diameter and area to admit of the pumps being worked with the greatest economy, at a speed of twenty double strokes per minute. Table C shows the result of a trial of two compound engines, also made by Mr. John Taylor, M. Inst. C.E. The table speaks for itself, and needs no further comment. TABLE C. OFFICIAL TRIAL OF TWO ROTATIVE COMPOUND BEAM ENGINES, CONSTRUCTED BY SIMPSON & COMPANY, GROSVENOR ROAD, PIMLICO, LONDON, S.W., FOR THE CLIFTON EXTENSION OF THE BRISTOL WATERWORKS. These engines were designed to pump together 180,000 gallons of water per hour, 175 feet high. They are on the system of E. A. Cowper, Esq., with an intermediate receiver, through which the steam passes on its way from the high-pressure to the low- pressure cylinder, The cylinders are completely steam-jacketed with boiler steam, and the delivery from the pumps passes through a surface condenser, Steam was obtained from two Lancashire boilers, 7 feet in diameter by 30 feet long. Welsh coal was used, and the trial was carried out by John Taylor, Esq., C.E. Date of Trial. Diameter of piston of small cylinder Diameter of piston of large cylinder Stroke of pistons Diameter of barrel of bucket-and-plunger pumps (two to each) Stroke of pumps April 13th, 1880. 7.51 A.M. 1.27 P.M. 2.27 4. 0 "" "" Leading Dimensions of Engines and Pumps. ·· No. 3. 405,240 411,666 412,518 414,352 Observations taken. Nos. of Counters. No. 4. 408,500 +15,030 415,030 416,804 Average Revolutions per Minute. No. 3. ·· 19.12 14.2 19.72 No. 4. 19.43 19.07 ft. in. 2 1/1/20 3 2 5 6 1 5/1/2 4 7/1/2 Average Height of Lift from Mercurial Gauge. 196.86 176.00 196.97 Average Boiler Pressure. 60.0 57.0 60.1 ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 131 Date of Trial. April 13th, 1880. 7.51 A.M. 1.27 P.M. "" 2.27 4. 0, Total average Actual Horse- power in Water lifted by each Engine. 98.38 Average Vacuum. Barometer. No. 3. 98.38 27.5 27.4 27.7 Total Coals used including 3.29 cwt. of Ashes. 33.29 Total average Actual Horse- Total Coals power in Water lifted by each Engine. used in cwt. (Ashes deducted.) 30.00 No. 4. 27.7 27.7 Duty per 112 lb. of Coal in millions of foot-lb. 98.67 Tables of Results. Duty per 112 lb. of 29.75 Coal in millions of foot-lb. Average Gallons of Water delivered per hour. 109.49 222,796 82,047 224,161 117.5 Mean Indicated Lb. of Coal | Lb. of Coal Horse-power per Indicated per Actual of each Horse-power Horse-power Engine from per hour. per hour. Diagrams. April, 1880. (Signed) JOHN TAYLOR, C.E. NOTE. In the above table the ashes, amounting to nearly 10 per cent. of the total coal used, are included; if they were deducted the results would be as under :- 1.94 117.5 Remarks. Fires had to be cleaned out at 1.27 P.M., and No. 4 engine was stopped for 1 hour, as steam ran down. 2.32 1.75 Mean Indicated Lb. of Coal Lb. of Coal Horse-power per Indicated per Actual Horse-power Horse-power per hour. per hour. of each Engine from Diagrams. 2.09 Cwt. of Coal (including Ashes per hour taken on the total Actual Horse- power). 4.06 Cwt. of Coal (deducting Ashes) per hour taken on the total Actual Horse- power. 3.68 HIGH AND LOW-PRESSURE COMPOUND BEAM ENGINES FOR WATERWORKS PUMPING, constructed by Messrs. Easton & Anderson. The following engines were manufactured and erected by Messrs. Easton & Anderson. A short description is given of each, with actual data of working results, it will enable the reader to form an idea of the dimensions of the engines suitable for the performance of a required amount of work. They are all made on much the same general plan, but differ as to details. The leading dimensions of several engines by this firm will now be given, with working results, both as to the quantity of water pumped and the fuel consumed. K 2 132 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. 1. Brighton Waterworks.-There are four engines of the same size, but constructed at different dates, they are of similar design. The following description is given of one of these engines :- 4 It is a double-cylinder, compound, condensing beam engine, with two deep-well lift pumps under the beam, one on each side of the centre of the beam, one high-lift bucket and plunger pump under the beam on the crank side, and a similar pump placed under the outer end of the fly-wheel shaft, and worked by a crank on same. The high-pressure cylinder is 28 inches diameter by 5 feet 4 inches stroke, and the low-pressure 46 inches diameter by 8 feet stroke. The number of revolu- tions per minute = 16. The well is placed directly under the bed-plate of the engine, and in this are placed the pumps. They are each 33 inches diameter by 2 feet 6 inches stroke, with a lift of 129 feet net. One bucket and plunger pump, under beam, for middle service, 24 inches and 17 inches diameter, by 3 feet 6 inches stroke; 92 feet lift net. One similar pump, 4 feet stroke, for high service, with a lift of 166 feet net. The engine indicates 250 to 300 horse-power. The efficiency is 75 to 80 per cent. The engines are not steam jacketed. Portsmouth Waterworks.-There are four engines of like design, three of which have unjacketed cylinders, the fourth is steam jacketed and works at a high pressure of steam. One of the engines is as follows: It is a double-cylinder, steam-jacketed, compound, condensing beam engine, working one double-acting pump under the beam, on the crank side. The high-pressure cylinder is 27 inches diameter by 3 feet 9 inches stroke, and the low-pressure 38 inches by 6 feet stroke. The pump is 23 inches diameter by 3 feet stroke. The number of revolutions per minute is 22, indicating 140 horse-power. The total head on the pumps is 160 feet. The quantity of water raised is 2376 gallons per minute. Lambeth Waterworks.-There are four beam compound engines; one set of the engines is constructed as follows:- Two single-cylinder steam-jacketed beam engines, with surface condenser, acting on cranks placed at right angles on the same fly-wheel shaft, forming together a compound engine. ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 133 Each engine works one bucket and plunger pump under the beam on the cylinder side. The high-pressure cylinder is 221 inches diameter, and the low-pressure 45 inches diameter by 5 feet 6 inches stroke. The pumps are 22 inches and 16 inches diameter by 2 feet 9 inches stroke. The number of revolutions per minute is 22, indicating 163 horse-power. The total head on the pumps is 226 feet. The water raised is 2083 gallons per minute. The efficiency is 89 to 91 per cent. Antwerp Waterworks.-There are two pairs of compound condensing beam engines, each pair being connected by cranks. working at right angles at the end of a crank and fly-wheel shaft common to both engines. Each of the four engines works one bucket and plunger pump under the beam on the cylinder side The high-pressure cylinder is 18 inches diameter by 3 feet 8 inches stroke, and the low-pressure 30 inches diameter by 5 feet 6 inches stroke. The pumps are respectively 22½ inches and 16 inches diameter by 2 feet 9 inches stroke. The number of revolutions per minute is 22, indicating 100 horse-power. The total head on the pumps is 280 feet. The work done is 1042 gallons of water lifted per minute. The efficiency is about 90 per cent. COMPOUND BEAM PUMPING ENGINE, AT THE ADDINGTON PUMP- ING STATION OF THE CROYDOn Waterworks, by Messrs. Easton & Anderson, Limited (Drawing No. 32.) This engine was started in June 1888, and is of the usual type of Messrs. Easton & Anderson's double-cylinder compound beam engines, as far as the engine itself is concerned, as shown on the Drawing. A continuous cast-iron bed-plate carries the two cylinders at one end, a pair of "A" frames supporting the main beam gudgeon in the middle, and the crank-shaft pedestal at the other end. But in order to arrange for a second engine being placed to work another pump in the same well, the well pump is worked from the end of the beam, and the crank- shaft is nearer the centre of the beam, so as to allow the pump connecting-rod to clear the main connecting-rod end. The air pump is worked off the back links of the cylinder parallel motion. The cylinders are steam-jacketed all over, and covered 134 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. with hair-felt and polished mahogany lagging. The water is pumped by the well pump through the surface-condenser, pass-- ing outside the tubes (the exhaust steam passing through the tubes) into a tank under the engine-room floor, from which it is raised into the high reservoir by a pump placed under the low-pressure cylinder, and worked by a prolongation of its piston-rod passing through a stuffing box in the bottom of the cylinder. Both pumps are double acting, of the bucket and plunger type, having gun-metal ring valves and gun-metal seats for buckets and clacks. As the water level in the well varies very much, the pump is placed sufficiently low to draw when at its lowest level, the standpipe is carried sufficiently high to be above the highest water, so that access can at all times be had to the bucket and clack. In order to balance the excess weight of the pump-rods and bucket over and above what is required to balance the weights at the cylinder end, the plunger is not only made long enough to work through the stuffing box, but is carried all the way down to the connection to the bucket, and is made of wrought-iron tubes, inch thick, and screwed together watertight. The upper end of the plunger is connected to a wrought-iron pump rod, which is guided by suitable guides to near the top of the well, where it is attached to the cross-head, which is guided in a slipper guide, and connected by a pin to the connecting-rod from the end of the beam. A self-acting non-return valve is placed on the delivery pipe near the branch from the standpipe, and an air vessel is placed above that on the rising pipe. The reservoir pump delivers through a non-return valve into the main air vessel just outside the house. The high-pressure cylinder is 20 inches diameter by 4 feet stroke, and the low-pressure 34 inches diameter by 6 feet stroke. The low-pressure cylinder is fitted with an ordinary slide valve, and the high-pressure one with a similar main slide, with an expansion slide on the back of it, fitted with Meyer's gear, variable by hand, it is worked from the beam by means of links and a lever. The main slides of both cylinders are worked by one eccentric on the crank shaft, through suit- able rods and bell cranks. In ordinary work the steam is expanded 14 times, and the engine makes about 20 revolutions per minute, indicates 142 horse-power, and pumps 1464 gallons ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 135 ¡ per minute, against a total head of resistance of 254 feet, of which 91 feet is the lift of the well pump. The surface condenser has a cast-iron body, and contains 320 brass tubes, inch diameter by 5 feet 4 inches long, giving a total surface of 310 square feet. The air pump is 13 inches diameter by 3 feet stroke, single- acting, with gun-metal grids and indiarubber valves for the bucket, foot and head valves. The overflow can be allowed to run to waste, or be diverted into a feed suction tank, into which all the condensed steam from the steam pipes, cylinders, and jackets is led, and which is also fitted with a ball-cock to admit fresh well water when it is not desired to use the surface condenser water for the feed. A plunger feed pump, 4 inches diameter by 18 inches stroke, is placed on the bed-plate and worked direct from the beam. It draws water from the feed suction tank. The beam is 18 feet long between the end centres, it is cast of a special mixture of cast-iron and mild steel. The fly-wheel is 18 feet diameter, and weighs 9 tons. The high level or reservoir pump is 19 inches diameter, and has a plunger 13½ inches diameter, with a stroke of 6 feet. The well pump is 194 inches diameter, and has a plunger 13½ inches diameter, it is inch larger in diameter than the reservoir pump, to ensure its lifting a sufficient supply of water, the surplus over- flowing into the well. 1 There are three Cornish boilers, 5 feet diameter by 25 feet 10 inches long, with a 2-feet 9-inch flue, and 6 circulating tubes in each, constructed of mild steel, for a working pressure of 100 lb. per square inch. Two of these boilers are amply sufficient to work the engine, and the third is spare. A Green's economiser, with 64 tubes, is inserted between the boilers and the chimney. A steam travelling crane is provided over the engine to serve not only for overhauling or repairing the engine, but also for any future work in the well. In April 1890, Professor A. B. W. Kennedy, M.Inst.C.E., conducted a whole day's experiment with this engine under the usual working conditions, everything being in the ordinary state of repair, and in good working order, and found that the con- sumption of best Welsh coals was 1.56 lb., and the consumption of feed water 16 24 lb. per indicated horse-power per hour. · 136 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. This engine was erected six years after the first edition of this book was written, it is now added to give a more modern example of the compound beam pumping engines made by Messrs. Easton & Anderson, Limited, showing by the above test by Professor Kennedy the economy of working both as to consumption of fuel and steam. PAIR OF COMPOUND BEAM PUMPING ENGINES FOR THE AGRA WATERWORKS, by Messrs. Easton & Anderson, Limited (Drawings Nos. 33, 34, and 35). The machinery at these works consists of a pair of com- pound coupled beam engines, working the high-lift pumps, two horizontal engines working the low-lift pumps, three patent revolving water purifiers, and four steam boilers. The water is drawn from the river and delivered by the low-lift pumps through the purifiers on to the filters, from whence it falls by gravitation into the suction sump of the high-lift engines which pump it into the service reservoirs. One set of low-lift pumps runs continuously, and delivers 1800 gallons per minute under a head of 32 feet, and the two beam engines work inter- mittently, and deliver 6400 gallons per minute, with a head of 134 feet. Each beam engine has one high-pressure cylinder 18 inches diameter by 3 feet 8 inches stroke, and one low-pressure cylinder 31 inches diameter by 5 feet 6 inches stroke. Both are steam-jacketed, felted, and lagged with mahogany. The high-pressure has an adjustable expansion valve working on the back of the main valve, and is actuated by levers and links from the beam, the two main valves are driven by an eccentric and weigh-shaft levers, &c. The pistons are fitted with spring rings, and the piston rod cross-heads are connected to the beam by a parallel motion. The bed-plate is formed in one casting of the box section, and carries the main bearing at its outer end, and a pair of "A" frames in the centre, fitted with gun- metal bearings at their top ends for the main beam gudgeon. The condenser is of the ordinary injection type, and the air pump is single-acting, 18 inches in diameter, 2 feet 9 inches stroke, worked from the back link of the parallel motion. The main pump is double-acting, with the barrel 28 inches diameter and plunger 193 inches diameter, it is carried on : ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 137 girders built into the foundations at the basement level, and is worked by a prolongation of the low-pressure piston rod. The bucket and clack are fitted with gun-metal ring valves, and a short suction pipe is bolted to the bottom end of the pump, and the delivery pipe, fitted with a self-acting valve, is carried through the engine house wall, and connects to an air vessel of steel 4 feet 6 inches in diameter, 20 feet high, common to both pumps, from whence the water passes into the main to the reservoir. The low-lift engine has a cylinder 12 inches diameter, 2 feet 2 inches stroke, fitted with an expansion valve on the back of the main valve. The condenser is placed behind the cylinder, and has a double-acting air pump 54 inches diameter formed in it, the bucket being worked by the tail end of the piston rod. A pair of spur wheels work the three-throw pumps, which are placed in a shallow well by the side of the engine; the barrels are 18 inches diameter, 2 feet stroke. The suction pipe from the river couples to the bottom box, and the delivery pipe, fitted with an air vessel and self-acting valve, rises from the top box to a trench just below the floor level, and is coupled to the main leading to the revolving purifiers. These are each 5 feet diameter, 16 feet long, in which the water is treated by the iron process, the inside of the shell being fitted with a number of shelves, which lift the particles of iron as it revolves, and showers them through the water as it slowly passes along the barrel. The purifiers are driven through gearing by a lay shaft, worked by a belt from the horizontal engine shaft. The delivery pipes from the purifiers open into a trough, which leads the water on to the filters. Steam is supplied by four boilers, 6 feet 6 inches diameter, 19 feet 3 inches long inside, with two 2 feet 6 inches flues, and four cross tubes, the working pressure is 100 lb. per square inch. Two donkey engines supply the feed, one engine being sufficient for the maximum water required. These engines and pumps have been working in a very satisfactory manner ever since they were started in 1890; the revolving purifiers have proved most effective in removing the organic impurities from the water of the Jumna, so that it is now delivered as a good wholesome potable supply. A description of these fine engines has been added to the present second edition of this book, as well as those at Croydon, as they illustrate modern engines of the compound 138 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. beam type made by Messrs. Easton & Anderson for water- works purposes. It will be observed that all the engines named give very high results as to economy in fuel; they are fine machines, perform their duty in the most admirable manner, and reflect the highest credit upon the manufacturers. The author believes the firm were one of the first to apply the compound system to waterworks pumping, and for upwards of thirty years have successfully carried out many large works of this kind, only a few examples of which could be described in the space at disposal. The engines for Brighton, Portsmouth, Lambeth, and Antwerp, described at pp. 132 and 133, have been more fully detailed in Part II. of this book; at the time of writing this portion the author was furnished with extra detail and working results, which were then added. Under these circumstances it has not been thought desirable to alter the original matter in this edition, with the exception of a few small revisions it has not been interfered with. COMPOUND BEAM PUMPING ENGINES, made by Messrs. Fawcett, Preston, & Company, Limited, Liverpool, for the Liscard Pumping Station of the Wallasey Local Board (Drawings Nos. 36 and 37). There are two pairs of beam engines, fixed side by side, being duplicates, and independent of each other. They are the compound beam surface condensing type, the high-pressure cylinder being 24 inches diameter, with a stroke of 501 inches, and the low-pressure 34 inches diameter, with a stroke of 72 inches. The cylinders are surrounded at top, bottom, and sides with steam jackets, supplied with 80 lb. steam direct from the boilers. Each cylinder is fitted with a slide valve, on the back of which work suitable cut-off or expansion plates, all the valves being worked by eccentrics, and the expansion can by screw gear be readily altered in either cylinder while the engines are at work. The cylinders and valve chests are effectively clothed with felt and hard wood, bound with polished brass bands. The piston rods, valve rods, and all the smaller parts are of mild steel. The cylinders are bolted together and firmly secured to the bed-plates, which are hollow box-shaped ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 139 castings, 21 inches deep, with provision cast on them to receive cylinders, columns, &c. They are strongly ribbed internally, and firmly bolted down to a massive brickwork foundation with strong holding-down bolts and washer plates. The crank-shafts and crank-pins are of steel, the respective diameters of them being 11 inches and 7 inches in the bearings, while the cranks are of wrought iron, shrunk and keyed on the shafts. The fly- wheels are each 22 feet 6 inches diameter, the rim being built in segments, suitably cored out, so as to balance the working parts, and means are provided for turning the engines by hand when required. The main beams are of cast iron, in one flitch, 23 feet long, 4 feet 9 inches deep at centre, secured to gudgeons of mild steel. The main gudgeons are 12 inches diameter in the beam, and have 8-inch diameter journals 12 inches long. The entablature is of cast iron, box section, relieved with mouldings, resting on fluted columns, and stretches across the house, where it is securely fixed to the walls, and to it are bolted the main bearings for the beams. The entablature, spring beams, and columns are all bound together by strong through-bolts. The piston rods are guided by steel rods 41 inches diameter, which are secured to cast-iron brackets on the cylinder covers and to the spring beams. The connecting rods are 16 feet 6 inches long, 5 inches diameter at the top, 8 inches diameter in the middle, and 6 inches diameter at the bottom, and are fitted with gun-metal crown brasses adjustable by bolts and nuts. The surface condensers are fixed in connection with the delivery mains, so that the whole of the water pumped passes round the tubes and acts as a cooling medium. They are cylindrical vessels constructed of steel, with cast-iron ends and brass tubes and tube plates. The air pumps and feed pumps are worked direct from the main beams, and are placed in a chamber in the foundations between the engines. The air pumps are fitted with indiarubber valves and brass guards, their suction valves being placed in valve chests easily accessible, and the delivery valves are concentric with the buckets, open- ing immediately into the hot well, from whence the condensed water flows by pipes into tanks placed under the floor at the rear of the cylinders, from which the boiler feed pumps draw. The main pumps are of the bucket and plunger type, the barrel being 25 inches diameter inside, and the plunger 140 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. 18 inches diameter, with a stroke of 48 inches. They are bolted to two massive cast-iron girders which span the well, and are secured by strong holding-down bolts. On the under side of the pumps the suction valves are bolted, and from each of these a suction pipe of 21 inches bore descends, terminated by a perforated rose, which hangs 2 feet clear of the well bottom. A pair of cast-iron girders span the well at the level of the suction box, and on each of these is cast a rail, on which the suction boxes, having wheels, can, with the suction pipes, be let down, and then run into the middle part of the beams for examination or repairs. At the level of the pump plungers the water is led by side branches, and passes through hinged stop- back valves, accessible by a cover on the top of the chests. The air vessels are 4 feet diameter, constructed with steel tops and cast-iron seats, to which are joined the stop-back valves and the rising mains. Air charging pumps are fixed in the engine-room for supplying these vessels with air. The rising mains are 14 inches bore, and are provided with strong feet, carried on girders in the well. Two safety valves of 6 inches diameter are also provided, one to each rising main, to prevent accidents should the pumps be set to work while the sluice valves are closed. The main pumps are actuated from the main beams at points between the engine connecting rod centre and centre gudgeons. Strong rods, fitted with gun-metal bushes, descend from the beams, pass through the engine bed- plates, and their lower ends are connected to strong cross-heads of best hammered scrap iron. The cross-heads are firmly secured to the pump rods, and the ends of these rods, which are square in section, are extended up through guide brackets attached to the engine bed-plates. The pump rods below the cross-head are of the best wrought piping, 5 inches diameter, § of an inch thick, guided by long hard wood guides attached to wood beams that span the well. The weight of the pump rods is balanced in the fly-wheels. For facilitating the starting of the engines two 4-inch diameter relief valves are attached to the main pumps on the pump side of the delivery valves. These relief valves discharge into the well, and are actuated in the engine- room by suitable rods and gearing. The engines are fitted with all the necessary pipes, valves, ladders, platforms, &c., and each engine with its pumps is capable of delivering 60,000 gallons of water per hour from a depth of 160 feet, and forcing GOD ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 141 to a height of 100 feet, including friction; making a total effective height of 260 feet. The contract duty was to lift the above quantity of water at an expenditure of 1.65 to 1.85 lb. of coal per indicated horse- power per hour, or equivalent to a duty of 90 to 100 million. foot pounds in water raised, measured by the displacement of the pumps, multiplied into the total head, including friction. Boilers.-There are three boilers of the Lancashire type for supplying the engines with steam, each 7 feet diameter in the shell, and 27 feet long, and furnished with two flues or tubes, each 2 feet 9 inches diameter, fitted with Galloway tubes. 16 seams. The boilers are made of steel throughout, the shell being of an inch thick, and double riveted in the longitudinal The end plates are in one piece, of an inch thick, and the boilers are arranged for a working pressure of 80 lb. per square inch. All the mountings on the shells are bolted to wrought-iron seats, securely riveted to the boiler. 9 6 SCHÖNHEYDER'S PATENT PRESSURE REGULATOR (Drawing No. 38). This apparatus is for the purpose of ensuring steady and equal flow of water, pumped by any type of engine, into a delivery main. It may be looked upon as a perfect compensator, by means of which a true balance is maintained in pumping and the utmost steadiness ensured. This is more particularly apparent in engines working single pumps, whether they are made single or double acting. In the case of three-throw pumps the work is more easily balanced, the cranks being placed at an angle of 120°; a nearly even stream of water is ensured, when, however, this apparatus is attached to pumps. of this type, the even delivery is as nearly as possible per- fection. It has been applied to pumping engines delivering through a main 4 inches diameter and 27 miles long, such long lengths of pipe nearly always give trouble, in this instance it procured a steady and even flow of the water quite free from heavy shock and concussions. It is a very ingenious and well- designed method for getting rid of the serious noise and vibrations that often take place in heavy pumping, more especially (as before stated) through long lengths of mains, 142 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. and particularly when the main is rather small in diameter compared to the work it is called upon to perform. The following is a detailed description of the apparatus, showing the working and how it can be applied, it is especially useful for pumping engines working under a varying head. It is well known to engineers who have experience in pumping machinery for high lifts, how difficult it is to main- tain the air in the air vessels and how soon it becomes absorbed by the water; also the desirability, especially for Rotative Pumping Engines, to have the air-vessel well charged before pumping is started, for the purpose of avoiding undue strains on the machinery and the main due to the uneven rate of supply from the pump, and the inertia of a long column of water. To overcome the difficulty, Mr. W. Schönheyder designed and patented this pressure regulator, shown in the Drawing No. 38. The object of the combination is to supply the deficiency in the volume of water (or other liquid) delivered during certain portions of the stroke of the pumps, and to receive the excess furnished during other portions of the stroke, so that the delivery into the main may be at a uniform rate. The plunger C, working in a T-piece provided with a packed gland on the main A, by its movement alternately supplies these deficiencies. and receives the excess quantities, the necessary pressure upon it is balanced by the plunger or piston F, which is con- nected to it by the cross-head D and side rods E, the piston is free to move in the cylinder G; the relative areas of G and F being proportioned to the mean water pressure in the pumping main, and to the available air or steam pressure. As however the pressure in the main A will necessarily fluctuate from time to time, the counter pressure upon the piston F must be made to fluctuate in the same proportion. This is effected by the valve I in the casing K, and which is moved by the lever L, actuated by the stops M and M' on one of the side rods E. When the pressure against the plunger C becomes reduced below the normal, it will, in addition to its regular up and down movements, gradually rise to higher positions until the stop M' actuates the lever L and re-adjusts the valve I so as to exhaust some of the steam (or air) from the cylinder G, ENGINES FOR WORKING PUMPS. 143 thereby restoring the balance of pressures. On the other hand, when the water pressure rises, the plunger C is forced further downwards until the valve I becomes slightly depressed and more steam is admitted to the cylinder G to counter- balance the increased water pressure. In practice it has been found that the valve I very seldom opens the exhaust, but at varying intervals gives an extra supply of steam to replace that lost by leakage or condensation. It will be clear that the regulator is a perfect automatic substitute for the usual air vessel of pumping engines, whether for water, oil, or other liquids, and that by arranging the steam supply to the valve-box K so that it communicates direct with the main steam pipe of the pumping machinery, the moment the steam is turned on from the boiler to the main pipe, the regulator will at once work without any attention from the driver (excepting perhaps to open the drain O) and that it will operate directly the engine is started, and requires no further attention. The regulator has been successfully applied to several sets of pumping engines working at high pressures and through long mains, one as much, as before stated, as 27 miles long and only 4 inches diameter, it is a most valuable addition to this class of machinery. PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. 144 CHAPTER VII. DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. CORNISH ENGINES.-It is unnecessary to enter into any historical account of the first use of the Cornish engine; it may, however, -be stated that the first single-acting engine, in its present form, for pumping water for the supply of London, was introduced by Mr. Wickstead in 1837, at the East London Waterworks, Old Ford, who purchased one in Cornwall, having a 90-inch cylinder by 10 feet stroke; it was working to within a short periodof the present time (1892); it was lately removed when those Pumping Works were closed. This class of engines is extensively used by the large London water companies, and it is contended by those who advocate their use, that they still are the most economical pumping engines; the author intends hereafter to give some working results, having been favoured by some of the engineers to the water companies with the same. The economy of the Cornish engine is more apparent in countries where coal is very dear: it must always be borne in mind, in calculating the cost of pumping water, that all expenses must be taken, including interest upon the original cost of the engine and foundations, repairs and sinking fund, fuel, oil, labour, supervision, &c. The author describes, hereafter, two or three good examples from actual practice; they are powerful engines, and the work- ing results given are an average taken over more than one year; the accuracy of the data may be relied on. G There are two types of these engines in use at waterworks, although there are several that differ in slight details. The beam and the direct-acting or "Bull" engine are the only ones that need be noticed. The Cornish beam engine is single- acting, the steam acting on the top side of the piston. At the other end of the beam, the pump with its pole plunger and counterbalance are worked; the weight of these is sufficient to overcome the dead load of the column of water to be lifted, DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 145 including friction. No fly-wheel or crank-shaft is required. The air pump is worked in the same way as the ordinary beam engines. The valve motion of the cylinder is worked by tappets, and consists of double-beat valves, described at p. 14, except that the faces are conical; a very ingenious contrivance, called a "cataract," controls the opening and closing of the valves. A high rate of expansion is used, in some instances the steam is cut off at of the stroke of the piston. The pressure of steam is about 50 or 60 lb. per square inch, although in some cases steam of a lower pressure is used; it is not, how- ever, so economical in working as high-pressure steam cut off at an early part of the stroke. The cylinders are steam-jacketed, packed with felt, and lagged with mahogany on the outside in the usual way; steam is also admitted to the stuffing boxes, to prevent air being drawn into the cylinder in case of any leakage in the packing. The pumps in nearly all these cases are of the plunger kind and single acting. To save fracture to the engine and pump, in case of missing the stroke, at each end of the beam two bars of wrought iron are fixed, which rest upon strong timbers. At the end of each stroke there is a short interval of time, which allows the valves to close. This class of engine can only be successfully applied upon a large scale; they are very costly, somewhat cumbersome, and the valve motion rather complicated. In some places they are still the favourite engine, and certainly give very high results as to economy of fuel. The foundations and the engine house are of necessity rather costly. The following is a descrip- tion of some of the largest of this class made upon a modern principle. CORNISH BEAM ENGINES at the Southwark and Vauxhall Wat-r Company's Works at Hampton.-These are a fine pair of engines, and although not the largest of their class, they are very good examples of this type of engine. There are two engines, one on each side of the house (Drawing No. 39). The cylinders are 80 inches diameter by 10 feet stroke, piston rods 7 inches diameter, steam pipes 11 inches diameter. The cylinders are steam-jacketed, the covers also, and the bodies of the cylinders are coated with composition and lagged L 146 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. with corrugated iron on the outside. There are four valves in connection with the cylinder, all on the double-beat plan, and made of gun-metal. At the top of the cylinder are three steam valves. No. 1 is on the steam pipe, for starting the engine, and is worked by hand; this is called the governor, and regulates the amount of steam to be admitted. No. 2, top, is a steam inlet, and is opened by the "cataract"; the amount of opening is adjusted by a slide on the plug rod; this also regulates the power of cutting off steam. No. 3 is the exhaust valve (at the bottom of the cylinder), worked in the same way as the last, and under control of the "cataract." No. 4 is the equilibrium valve, opened by the working rod during the "up" stroke. 1. The stroke commences by opening the exhaust valve, this ensures the cylinder being clear on the under side of the piston, the steam valve is then quickly opened by the cataract, and the steam rushing in on the top side forces down the piston; the valve is closed by the plug rod, according to the required grade of expansion, the rest of the stroke is made by the expansion of the steam and the momentum of the parts in motion; the exhaust valve is closed before the piston arrives at the bottom of the cylinder, and the equilibrium valve is opened, connecting the top and bottom of the cylinder. The loaded plunger of the pump at the other end of the beam brings the piston to the top, and forces the steam from the top to the under side of the piston, the equilibrium valve being closed just before the finish of the stroke. The beam is cast iron, with two cheeks, 6 feet deep at the centre; the weight is about 17 tons. The entablature on which the main centre is carried is of cast iron, built in the side walls, and supported by four columns. The main gudgeon is 18 inches diameter. The pressure of steam used is 40 lb. per square inch, cut off at two-thirds of the stroke; the speed of the piston is 8·5 strokes per minute; the velocity is 170 feet per minute; the vacuum 28 inches. The pumps are double acting, the barrels are 242 inches diameter by 10 feet stroke; the head of water=220 feet. The quantity of water pumped=200 gallons per stroke, or taking the up and down stroke = nearly 400 gallons, and at 8 strokes per minute=3200 gallons. The pumps have solid pistons, and are attached to pump rods 6 inches diameter. The counter- DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 147 balances are cast iron, loaded, and weigh about 23 tons. The valves are of the Cornish kind, the suction valves having 4 beats, and the delivery ditto 2; the faces are flat, and made of gun- metal. The suction valves have larger area than the delivery, to allow of the water passing rapidly into the pump barrel on the up stroke of the plungers. The air pumps are 42 inches diameter by 5 feet stroke; they have condensers of the usual kind. The vacuum made 28 inches. The cold water pumps are worked off the counter-balances of the main pumps. The duty performed by these engines is equal to 80 millions of lb. raised 1 foot high, by each 112 lb. of Welsh coal, equal to about 2 lb. per horse-power per hour. The "slip" of the pumps does not exceed 2 per cent. The average effective horse-power=209. In these engines the water is raised by the fall of the counterbalances attached to the pump rods at the back end of the beams, the steam in the cylinders being admitted, as before stated, at the top side of the pistons, the lower side being open to the exhaust. When the piston is at the bottom of the stroke, the plunger is ready to descend, when it has made the full stroke, it rests sufficient time for the valves to close. The "up" strokes of the plungers are made very rapidly, this is due to the sudden admission of steam at the top of the pistons. The lift of the suction valves does not exceed 2 inches, this, however, gives full area for the passage of the water into the pump. The diameter of the delivery main is 30 inches. = The air vessel is cast iron, 4 feet diameter by 18 feet high; two small pumps worked by the engines are employed to keep up the supply of air in the vessel, this is a very important matter on account of the absorption of the air by the water. = This company have the largest Cornish Beam Engine used for waterworks purposes; the cylinder is 112 inches diameter by 10 feet stroke, and works at the rate of 7 strokes per minute. The velocity of piston 138 feet per minute, the pressure of steam 35 lb., and the average pressure throughout the stroke = 24 48 lb., the vacuum=28 inches. The pump plunger is 50 inches diameter. The average head of water pumped is about 170 feet. The number of gallons per stroke = 820, the average effective horse-power is 292. The air pump is 56 · L 2 148 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. 1 inches diameter by 5 feet stroke. The beam is double, it is cast iron, 8 feet 9 inches deep at the centre, by 31 feet 6 inches long, and weighs about 40 tons. The main centre is 18 inches diameter, the piston rod is 11 inches diameter. The valve motion is on the Cornish system, the same as before described, and the general design of the engine is also much the same. CORNISH DIRECT-ACTING OR "BULL" ENGINES (Drawing No. 40).—Where floor space is an object, engines of this class may be employed, the cylinders are fixed upon powerful frames fitted with valve motion as before, the weighted plunger poles and pump are placed immediately under them. The following gives a description of three engines working at Hampton, at the Southwark and Vauxhall Company's Works, for the water supply of part of London: There are three engines in one house, two of the cylinders are 66 inches and one 70 inches diameter, each of 10 feet stroke. The number of strokes per minute equals 7; the velocity of the piston per minute = 140 feet; the pressure of steam 40 lb. per square inch; cut off at half-stroke. The cylinders and covers are steam-jacketed, the piston rods are 7½ inches diameter, two of the pumps have plungers 39 inches diameter by 10 feet stroke, and one 42 inches by 10 feet stroke. The weight of the ram piston and rod in two of the engines 30 tons each, and in one 35 tons. The quantity of water pumped by each pump 516, 516, and 600 gallons per stroke; the head or lift of water is 135 feet. The pumps are single acting, and have valves of the same kind as described before at p. 147. The air pumps are 20 inches and 24 inches diameter by 5 feet stroke; the vacuum made 27 inches. = The duty of these engines = 65 millions of lb. raised 1 foot high by 112 lb. of Welsh coals at 25s. per ton. The average effective horse-power is 136, 143, and 170. The air pumps and cold water pumps are worked by rocking levers or half beams fixed under the cylinders, the fulcrums being at the wall, and attached to the piston rods at the other end by side links; the guides for the air pumps, &c., are of the usual type. These "Bull" engines are very compact, and give good results, but the expansion cannot be carried so far as in the "Cornish" beam engines; the first cost of the Bull engines and the brickwork for the house and foundations is considerably less = DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 149 as compared to those of the beam kind. This fact, combined with the small space they occupy, will often settle the question as to the particular kind of Cornish engine to be employed. The valve motions are the same as in the beam engines before described. There is a pause, as in the other engines, at the end of each down stroke of the pump plungers, to allow the valves to close; the "up" stroke is made rapidly, and in all other respects the action of the engines is the same as the "beams." The head of water is 35 feet. The diameter of the delivery main is 36 inches. The water is pumped from the settling reservoirs into two air vessels of cast iron, 4 feet 6 inches diameter by 16 feet high, and thence into a standpipe. These engines have been in use since 1852, and the author believes were the first of this kind fixed in London for water- works purposes. Considering the number of years they have been at work (about thirty-nine years), and that expansion cannot be carried so far as in the beam engines, they are very economical and give good working results. The repairs during the period have been small. DATA OF COST OF PUMPING, FUEL, &C., IN CORNISH ENGINES. • = The average coal consumed per million gallons at one of the large London waterworks, pumping by Cornish Bull engines 1 ton 0 cwt. 1 qr. Coal consumed per million foot-lb. of water, average for twelve months 1.63 lb. Coal consumed per horse-power per hour = 2.46 lb. Oil and tallow consumed for twelve months, per million gallons of water pumped: oil, — • = 14 pint, and tallow 6 lb.; and per million foot lb., oil .00008 pint, tallow 00066 lb. Cost per million gallons, including coal, oil, and tallow, 17. 1s. 9d. Cost per million foot-lb., 152d. Cost per million gallons, for wages and engine repairs (only), 9s. 5d.; and per million foot-lb., 0671d. Cost per million gallons, for coal, oil, tallow, waste, wages, and engine repairs, 17. 11s. 31d.; and per million foot-lb., 218d. HORSE-POWER employed to raise one million gallons of water one foot high · 2396. · - The above is an average taken for upwards of twelve months, from the returns of one of the largest London water companies, and is very valuable testimony as to the actual results of 150 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. working upon a large scale. For smaller engine power and a less number of engines such high results must not be expected. FOUNDATIONS. It need hardly be said that the foundations of the engines must be solid, and well able to resist the heavy shocks they have to sustain. In places where the ground is marshy, piles must be driven into the solid earth, and a timber foundation formed on top of the same, on this a good concrete bed in Portland cement should be laid. The brickwork is built upon this, and heavy base stones at the top, to take the cylinders, &c. Granite is the best material, but rather costly; in small engines the bases may be of Yorkshire stone; they are much less expensive, and make a good sound job. No rules can be given as to the depth and dimensions of the foundations, as it mainly depends upon the size of the engine, head of water to be pumped, and the nature of the ground in the particular locality. As these foundations are rather costly, it is advisable to have special skilled advice upon such matters, in order to avoid any errors. GENERAL REMARKS. Engines of the Cornish kind are only suitable where large quantities of water have to be pumped, and where the "head" or pressure is constant; otherwise there is much loss, caused by the difference of friction in the delivery pipe. Arrangements have, however, been made in large engines, by automatic valve gear, which partly compensates for this defect, and takes off the shock which the engine would otherwise receive by the difference of resistance in the down stroke of the pump plungers. There has been much controversy as to the value of these engines for water pumping as compared with other kinds. As the author has in most instances given the consumption of fuel, &c., the designer must judge for himself the sort of engine most suitable for his particular case. DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. Several types of these engines have of late years come more generally into use, and have been performing economically and efficiently. There are many instances where they are to be recommended in preference to rotative engines. The Cornish DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 151 engines, already described, are of this class, as they are a distinct type, and are peculiar to themselves; they have been treated separately. Most of the engines about to be described are built in the horizontal form, and although they require greater length in the engine house, less width and height are needful, and much less costly foundations; this is a most essential consideration; as to the economy in capital outlay, the cost of the respective engines under consideration may in some cases be nearly the same, the above important factor may, however, decide the type to adopt. For low lifts of water in large quantities the author considers non-rotative engines are the best to employ, they work with greater economy than most others, and are less liable to break down. They give a more regular delivery, are free from sudden shocks, and are so simple in construction, that comparatively unskilled men can attend them. The following selections have been made to illustrate this class of engine, being the types more generally in use at the present time (1892), they will each be treated in detail, and data of working given when possible. The author advises the reader to compare the details and the relative merits of the several engines hereafter described, and to look carefully into the working results before he comes to a final decision which kind to adopt. THE WORTHINGTON HIGH-DUTY PUMPING ENGINE. This type of engine is constructed by Messrs. James Simp- son & Co., Limited; it is direct acting, non-rotative, and is built in the duplex form, and arranged either as compound or triple-cylinder engines. In the compound type two low-pres- sure cylinders are placed side by side with a high-pressure cylinder directly in front of each in the tandem form or vice versa. The piston rods pass through the two cylinders, both the high-pressure and low-pressure pistons are attached to the same rod. The steam cylinders are jacketed. The rods are prolonged through the low-pressure cylinder, and work the air pumps, which are placed directly behind one of the cylinders; in some instances the air pump is placed below and worked by a bell crank. The pistons are cushioned by steam at each end of the stroke. Two double-acting pumps are placed at a short distance in front of the steam cylinders, and are secured to the 152 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. same by powerful wrought-iron rods or frames, which take all the thrust of the pumps. The pump rods are attached direct to the piston rods, the ram or plungers being securely fixed to the rods. Each steam cylinder has its own steam and exhaust valves, the piston rods in the course of their stroke operate through rocking levers the valves of the other engine. The length of the stroke is maintained by a very simple contrivance of compensating or compression cylinders acting in the same manner as a fly-wheel in a Rotative engine. This is a most ingenious and beautiful arrangement; it is simple in action and most effective in accomplishing the desired object. The arrange- ment and operation of these compensating cylinders is as follows:- To the cross-head connecting the pump plunger rod and piston rod two small oscillating cylinders are placed, one of the cylinders being inverted and suspended over the other— the rams or pistons of the upper and lower cylinders are attached, and at the centre a large cross head is fixed. The trunnions of these cylinders are carried in bearings in the main framing. Each plunger of these small oscillating cylin- ders is in connection with a water chamber under pressure, the water of which acts upon them. The pressure on the pistons or rams of the oscillating cylinders is made to vary with the head or pressure on the pumps. The pressure in the mains is multiplied and adjusted by a "Differential accumu- lator." A large receiver is connected with the air space of the air vessel, which is connected with the main pumps, and con- tains compressed air at the same pressure as the pumping head. This is admitted into the upper part of the accumulator cylinder, which is provided with a piston. A ram, with a diameter equal to about one-fourth of the piston, is attached to the bottom of the same; this passes through a stuffing box formed in an intermediate division of the cylinder into a second or lower cylinder containing water, and which is connected with the oscillating cylinders. The pressure of the air in the water column (or head of pumping) is thus increased four times in the above-named cylinders. To allow the pressure to be adjusted to meet any variation of steam pressure, a defined amount of compressed air is admitted to the annular space below the piston. As the piston of the main cylinder moves forward, power is stored in these small oscillating cylinders, DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 153 and is given out towards the end of the stroke, and so equalises the pressure on the rams of the pumps and thus ensures perfectly steady working. This beautiful and absolutely perfect mechani- cal motion acts as a most efficient compensator, reserving and giving out power when required in exactly the same manner as the fly-wheel of an ordinary Rotative engine. The pumps are in each case formed by a central cast-iron barrel or cylinder surrounded by an outer casing; in the centre of the barrel a division plate is made, and in this a long gun- metal bush or sleeve is fixed, the plungers which are also of cast iron, and made hollow, work through this interior bush. The suction and delivery valves consist of a large number of small rubber valves working on flat seats, which are sunk into the internal casting. The valves have rubber faces, rise and fall upon centre pins, and are kept up to their work by metallic springs. The pump rods pass through stuffing boxes in the usual manner. Hand-holes are provided in each valve chamber, for the purpose of examining and replacing the valves when required. The use of a number of small valves for the suction and delivery of pumps is not novel; it is, however, a very good way of getting rid of the shock and vibration that usually attends the closing of valves of large diameter, the faces also remain tight a much longer period, and in the event of any of the valves not acting in a proper manner, very little difference in the quantity of water discharged takes place. Suction and delivery pipes are provided for each pump, the latter pipes are connected into one main, to which an air vessel is attached. The air vessel required for this type of engine is not nearly as large as those used by a rotative engine with a fly-wheel. The engine is bolted to the foundation at the pumps only, the cylinder end is not bolted, but simply rests on the foun- dation, the dead weight being sufficient to keep it steady. There is a great saving in the cost of the engine house and foundations, especially in the masonry, which is of a very simple and inexpensive character. The speed of the engines in pumping is automatically controlled according to the require- ments of the work to be performed. The Worthington pumping engine can be worked as slow as one stroke per minute, and to a speed of as much as 160 strokes per minute. Some of these engines having a 10-inch stroke and throwing about 25,000 to 30,000 gallons of water 154 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. per hour are running at a speed of 72 strokes per minute. A Worthington high-duty engine, at L'Orient in France, was carefully tested by Messrs. J. Simpson & Co., they found it could run as slow as one stroke in 4 minutes up to a maximum speed of 36 strokes per minute. This engine has a stroke of 15 inches. The slip of the pumps in Worthington engines is not more than 1 to 14 per cent., which is as near perfection as possible with any kind of pump. The engines work without noise and vibration, and give a steady and regular discharge of water under the heaviest "heads" or pressure. The quantity of steam used in the best engines is about 16 lb. per indicated horse-power, with a coal consumption assuming an evaporation of 10 to 1 of 1·6 lb. per indicated horse-power. When working at ordinary speed they are so silent any one might suppose the engines were standing. They are, in the author's opinion, the most economical and perfect pumping engine he has met with. These engines and pumps have been brought to the greatest state of perfection by Mr. J. G. Mair-Rumley, M. Inst. C.E., of the firm of Messrs. James Simpson & Co., Limited. The author has had the privilege of seeing several large engines in operation made by this firm, and by their courtesy and liberality is now able to place before his readers a detailed description of a com- pound engine of a large size working at the West Middlesex Company's Works at Hampton; also a triple-expansion engine for the Lambeth Waterworks at Thames Ditton. The firm have also kindly supplied data giving results of working of their engines, which not only prove their efficiency, but are also of the greatest value to practical men. WORTHINGTON HIGH-DUTY COMPOUND PUMPING ENGINES, at the "West Middlesex Waterworks," Hampton, con- structed by Messrs. James Simpson & Co., Limited, Pimlico. The engines are built on the compound system and in the duplex form, in most respects the method of construction is the same as given in the general outline at p.151. They are in the horizontal form, with two high-pressure cylinders 27 inches diameter, and two low-pressure cylinders 54 inches diameter, DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 155 the stroke is 42 inches. The valves are worked on the system as before described, with valve boxes placed above the cylinders, arrangements are made for ensuring variable points of cut-off in each cylinder. The two oscillating compensating cylinders to each engine are 11 inches diameter, and are loaded to a pressure of about 110 lb. per square inch. The main steam cylinders are jacketed, also the exhaust pipe below the high- and low-pressure cylinders. The engines are fitted with con- densers of the jet type, and with horizontal air-pumps which are worked direct by the piston rods, which are extended through the low-pressure cylinder for this purpose. The pumps are worked by the main piston rods, and are placed some distance in front in the usual way in this type of engine. The rams are 40 inches diameter and the same stroke as the steam cylinders, the valves are india-rubber, rising and falling on gun-metal seats, they are 70 in number and 8 inches diameter for the suction, and 70 for the delivery. The pumps raise water from an intake-well connected directly with the River Thames, and deliver it through 36 inches diameter mains to the reservoirs at Barnes about nine miles distant, the head of water in pumping is about 65 feet. The slip from the pumps is very small, not above 1 per cent. The pressure of steam at the boilers is 75 lb. per square inch. The number of double strokes per minute of the engines is 17 67, it is often run at 20 strokes. The indicated horse-power = 296.25, and the quantity of water delivered per hour (under a head of 65 feet) is 815,862 gallons, or at the rate of 19,580,000 gallons per day of 24 hours.* The efficiency of the engines and pumps is 0.843. The Boilers are five in number, four of which were used at the trial named hereafter, they are of the. Cornish type (single flue), 6 feet diameter by 28 feet long, the tube or flue being 3 feet 6 inches diameter; the length of the grate is 4 feet 6 inches = an area of 63 square feet for the four boilers. The pressure in the boiler is about 75 lb. per square inch. The boilers are set in brickwork in the usual manner, and are provided with feed apparatus and other fittings. The following gives the particulars of the result of a trial of the engines. * The contract was 22,500,000 gallons per twenty-four hours, against a total head of 70 feet, making 380 P.H.P. It can pump easily 21,000,000 gallons. 156 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Trial of Worthington High-duty Compound Pumping Engines, at the West Middlesex Waterworks at Hampton, by Professor C. Unwin, M. Inst. C.E., October 29th, 1888. TIME OF TRIAL, 8 HOURS. Double strokes per minute Boiler pressure Feed water per minute Jacket drains per minute Temperature of steam.. Pressure on pump "" in compensators Mean pressure in H.P. cylinders L.P. Temperature of injection ·· .. ·· air-pump discharge "" Head over orifice.. Air-pump discharge per minute Injection water ·· • • "" ·· .. .. Heat rejected in air-pump discharge Converted into work Radiation and error .. .. jackets Piston speed per minute ·· ·· .. •• ·· ·· .. ·· ●• • ·· .. ·· ·· ·· : ·· : ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· Heat Passing through Engine per Minute per Indicated Horse-power. Thermal units from boiler in saturated steam through cylinders from feed temperature Latent heat of jacket steam ·· : : : .. .. ·· · .. ·· ·· • ·· ·· .. : Indicated horse-power Pump horse-power Mechanical efficiency Feed per indicated horse-power per hour through cylinders Feed per indicated horse-power per hour through : 17.67 75.2 lb. per sq. in. 85.99 lb. ·· "" 11.16 320.06 deg. 26.27 lb. per sq. in. 120.6 39.23 7.42 "" 54 deg. Fahr. 81.18 1.9662 ft. "" 2777·7 lb. 2702.9,, ·· ·· .. .. 292.0 33.6 "" 325.6 254.6 42.7 28.3 "" 325.6 296.25 249.84 · 8434 15.15 lb. "9 2.26 126.4 ft. C " Trial of 24 hours of the engines named above, also by Professor C. Unwin, M. Inst. C.E., November 5th and 6th, 1888. • · • Four boilers were used, the mean of the barometer was 29.78 inches, 14.627 lb. per square inch. The temperature of injection water 49° 2 Fahr. The mean boiler pressure 60 29 lb. per square inch. Vacuum (mean) 13 63 lb. Head of water at starting 55 feet, and at finish 53.5 feet. gallons pumped per hour was 804,396. power = 217. The efficiency of engines The number of The pump horse- and pumps 0·8495. DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 157 The coal used was Welsh = 1.785 lb. per indicated horse- power per hour. The duty of the engines = 111,500,000 foot- lb. per 112 lb. of coal. Double strokes per minute Boiler pressure Feed water per minute Jacket drains per minute Temperature of steam Pressure on pump in compensators "" Mean pressure in high-pressure cylinders low-pressure "" Temperature of injection د, RESULTS OF WORKING. ļ air pump discharge Head over orifice Air pump discharge per minute Injection water per minute "" ·· ·· Indicated horse-power.. Pump Heat rejected in air pump discharge Converted into work Radiation and error ·· ·· ·· ·· "" ·· .. Heat passing through Engine per Minute per Indicated Horse-power Thermal units from boiler in saturated steam through cylinders from feed temperature Latent heat of jacket steam ·· • ·· ·· ·· ·· : . ·· ·· .. : : cylinders Feed per indicated horse-power through jackets Piston speed per minute ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· : ·· ·· Mechanical efficiency Feed per indicated horse-power per hour through 17.282 60.29 lb. per sq. in. 75.37 lb. 11.77 "" 307 36 deg. Fahr. 23.26 lb. per sq. in. 120 "" 32.92", "" "" "" 6.905 "" 49.2 deg. Falır. 74.965 1.7033 ft. 2586 lb. 2522.4 lb. • : : ·· .. "" ·· 287.8 41.45 329.25 260.24 42.75 26.26 329.25 255.517 217.06 ⚫8495 14.937 lb. 2.763 124 ft. Trial of a Worthington High-duty Pumping Engine, con- structed by Messrs. James Simpson & Co., Limited, at the New River Company's Works at Stoke Newington, by E. A. Cowper, Esq., M. Inst. C.E., November 23rd and 24th, 1888. The engines are of the Worthington horizontal type, the cylinders being steam jacketed. The pressure of steam was 80 lb. per square inch. The air pressure in the compen- sating cylinder was 158 lb. per square inch. The pumps are double-acting, of the usual Worthington type. The boilers used are 7 feet diameter x 26 feet long, the length of the grate is 5 feet. The coal used was Nixon's Navigation. : 158 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Low Stroke High-pressure cylinders "" • .. • TIME OF TRIAL, 24 HOURS. DIMENSIONS, &c. Engine. Diameter of main pumps Stroke ·· "" ·· ·· Three double-flued boilers, each Two flues Grates in each boiler equal ·· .. Mechanical efficiency Friction "". Steam pressure on trial, average Head of water on pumps Temperature injection air-pump discharge feed-pump delivery Average total strokes per minute Vacuum Barometer "" "" .. ·· .. ·· .. ·· .. Pumps. • Boilers. ·· ·· : Observations. • • ·· : : .. •• ·· • : .. .. ·· : : · : ·· Results. 330 h.p. Total indicated horse-power Pump horse-power, calculated from full displacement 301 92 h p. • per cent. 91.5 8.5 ·· ·· .. Coal used per indicated horse-power per hour in- cluding the ashes Allowing for difference of temperature between cold feed and hot-well, viz. 26.5 deg. Coal used per pump horse-power (as above) in- cluding the ashes With the same deduction for temperature as above Water evaporated per pound of coal, excluding that condensed in jackets, which were in circulation and not measured Water as steam used in cylinders per indicated horse- power per hour (excluding that condensed in jackets) Water as steam used in cylinders per pump horse- power (as above) ·· ·· ·· Duty of 112 lb. of coal, including ashes "" allowing for difference of temperature of feed- water (as above) ·· .. : ·· ·· •. ·· 27 in. dia. 54 "" 3.603 ft. 28 in. 3.603 ft. 7 ft. by 26 ft. dia. 2 ft. 9 in. dia. 27 sq. ft. 79.8 lb. 148.48 ft. 46.0 deg. 76.2 49.6,, 35.312 28 in. 30.2 in. 100.0 "" 1.905 lb. 1.86 2.082 "" 2.034, "" 7.74 "" "" 14.75 16.13 106,500,000 ft.-lb. 109,000,000 "" "" "" Trial of a compound Worthington High-duty Pumping Engine, constructed by Messrs. James Simpson & Co., DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 159 Limited, for the West Middlesex Waterworks at Hammer- smith. The trial was made by Osbert Chadwick, Esq., C.E., November 17th and 18th, 1890:- LEADING DIMENSIONS. Diameter of high-pressure cylinders.. low Diameter of high-pressure piston rod, one on one side low two on one side Diameter of pumps, A B "" "" .. ·· "9" ·· ·· Diameter of pump rod, one on one side Length of stroke for cylinders and pumps Extreme length of stroke possible from cover to cover of cylinder . "" 99. .. Diameter of oscillating compensating cylinders, two to each engine Mean effective area of high-pressure cylinder ·· ·· .. .. 24 × 60 × 33,000 Gross weight of coal consumed.. Ashes weighed Clinker weighed Together : "" "" ·· low Mean effective area of pump plunger Area of oscillating cylinders, two to each pump Pounds per square inch on pump plunger; per lb. per square inch effective on high-pressure cylinder Pounds per square inch on pump plunger; per lb. per square inch effective on low-pressure cylinder Ratio of area of high- and low-pressure pistons Gallons displaced per foot of piston travel .. 820} + 154.8 848.75 lb. X 12 × 144 10.0001 70° — 32° Mean length of stroke in inches Space swept through per revolution, in feet Hence mean pump horse-power developed revs. it. area lb. 28,917 × 16.05 × 291·205 × 79.52 ·· ·· ·· : .. ·· ·· : RESULTS OF THE TRIAL. ·· Total number of revolutions made in 24 hours Therefore mean number of revolutions per minute Mean mercurial column in water pressure-gauge Mean depth of surface water in suction well below zero of mercurial gauge, in feet Temperature of mercury in pressure gauge Temperature of water in mains.. Therefore pressure on pump plungers, in lb., per sq. in. lb. ft. 8.74 144 ·· "" ·· ·· ·· : ·· : : ·· • ·· ·· The diameter of the pump plungers was measured by Professor C. Unwin, M. Inst. C.E., from gauges prepared by Mr. Hervey, M. Inst. C.E., the engineer of the West Middle- sex Waterworks. The other dimensions are taken from Messrs. James Simpson & Co.'s drawings. ·· : .. •· •• ·· : ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· .. .. ·· ·· .. ·· ·· .. • ·· ·· 232 lb. 412 644 22 in. 43 "" 4 4 "" "" 41 "" "" 19.485 in. 19:492 X × 62.409}=79.52 lb. 48.14 in. 16.05 ft. nearly 4.943 3.851 12.603 "" 48 49 8 "" 372.82 sq. in. 1439.63 291.205 "" 50.27 "" "" 28,917 20.081 154.8 in. "" 1.284 lb. "" "" 226 10,987 lb. "" 8.74 72 deg. Fabr. 50 "" Uor M 160 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Hence nett fuel burned ·· ·· Gross lb. of coal per pump horse-power per hour Nett fuel burned per pump horse-power per hour Duty in millions Number of measuring tanks of water supplied to boiler in 24 hours ·· horse-power per hour = H Contents of measuring tank in lb. Hence total feed water supplied to boiler Therefore weight of steam through cylinders per pump 87.906 16.2 lb. nearly. 24 × 226 "" h = Mean effective forward pressure in H.P. cylinders L.P. 1 = Mчou .76 lb. Steam through cylinders per stroke Total quantity of water pumped about 4000 gallons per minute. Date of Trial.. Duration of ditto Total No. of strokes Numerous diagrams were taken during the trial, which gave the following result:- 99 "" Ос Effective pressure per sq. in. of pump due to steam pressure in H.P. cylinder = hour L = Effective pressure per sq. in. of pump due to steam pressure in L.P. cylinder L = HL = total working pressure of steam per sq. in. of pump piston ·· Water pressure in lbs. per sq. in. W E = Efficiency of engines. S .. ·· .. ·· ·· •• ·· ·· .. A subsequent experiment, made on 1st January, 1891, gave practically the same result, so that the loss of energy by internal friction of the engine and pumps is 13 per cent. nearly. Average revolutions per minute Average total lift, feet Total ib. of feed water = 564 × 22, including jackets Lb. of feed per hour Total lb. of coal-gross including ash Gallons pumped per stroke Pump horse-power I.H.P. (mean of 48 diagrams) Lb. of feed per P.H.P. per hour jackets ·· Trial of a Worthington High-duty Pumping Engine, at the Oxford Corporation Waterworks, by W. H. White, Esq., M. Inst. C.E. .. .. ·· ·· 2068 114 100 × 10 × 185·86 × 20.25 33,000 .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· • ·· ·· ·· ·· • .. .. ·· ·· • .. ·· 10,343 lb. 2.03 nearly. 1.91 116,100,000 ·· 161 + 9.5 24 544 lb. 10.5 oz. 87,906 lb. ·· .. including 34.07 9.55 43.74 47.22 90.96 78.92 0.87 Jan. 15, 1891. 6 hours. 7301 20.25 185.86 12,408 2068 1213 100 113.9 123.34 18.14 DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 161 1213 Lb. of coal per P.H.P. per hour 6 x 114 Evaporation lb. of water per 1 lb. of coal Efficiency P.H.P. I.H.P. = ·· ·· .. Duty assuming evaporation of 10 lb. of water per lb. of coal as required by contract = Duty on actual coal burnt .. • • • 1.77 10.2 92.3 per cent. 122,000,000 125,000,000 It will be observed that the lb. of coal actually used represents a duty of 125 millions, while 122 millions is the duty on an assumed evaporation of ten to one, so that the duty actually obtained is almost exactly same calculated. as that TRIPLE - EXPANSION HIGH - DUTY WORTHINGTON PUMPING ENGINE, built by Messrs. James Simpson & Co., Limited, for the Lambeth Waterworks at Thames Ditton (Drawing No. 39). This is a triple-expansion condensing high-duty engine of the horizontal type. The three cylinders on either side are arranged behind each other, the high-pressure being at the back with the intermediate one in the middle. The sizes of the cylinders are respectively 20, 31, and 48 inches diameter, all having a stroke of 4 feet. Each cylinder is completely steam jacketed. The steam and cut-off valves, which are of the Corliss type, are arranged below the cylinders, by which method a thorough system of drainage is maintained. The main pumps, which are as usual in line with the cylinders, have plungers 24 inches diameter. The valves, of which there are 200 in number, are 5 inches in diameter. The main pumps are of a specially massive design, well stayed, having to bear a head of water of 200 feet. The main pumps. are attached to the low-pressure cylinders by bright steel rods, which also carry the bearings for the compensating cylinders. The air pumps are four in number, they are single acting, and are worked by a double bell crank driven from the main cross-head. The condenser is of the surface condensing type arranged on the suction of the main pump, the inlet water passes round the tubes which are 215 in number. The steam valves are operated by levers and links in connection with the prolonged shafts of the air pump bell cranks. Each engine works its own cut-off valve and the slide valve of its M 162 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Type of engine Engineer who conducted the trial .. ·· Head on pump in feet Efficiency per cent... Feed water per actual) horse - power, jackets being in circulation; pounds per hour Pounds of water evapor- ated per lb. of coal (ash and clinker included) on trial from the feed temperature. Duty in pounds of water raised 1 ft. high per 112 lb. of coal, in- cluding ash and clinker, which are not deducted, and assuring the same evaporation as found by Professor Unwin, the full pump displacement being taken in all cases was .. .. RESULTS OF TRIALS OF PUMPING ENGINES MADE BY MESSRS. JAMES SIMPSON & Co., LIMITED. Lambeth Water- works, Ditton. Receiver Beam. Woolf Beam. Worthington. Mr. E. A. Cow- Mr. Thos. Hack, M.I.C.E. Professor Unwin, F.R.S. per, M.I.C.E. 35.0 77.4 18.4 8.347 (the jackets being in circulation) West Middlesex Waterworks, West Middlesex Waterworks, Hammersmith. Hampton. 112,626,200 187.7 83.8 17.3 187.2 85.0 17.3 9.44 9.37 (the jackets being in circulation) | 53.7 84.9 17.6 60.5 84.3 17.9 9.914 9.914 (including jackets) 118,094,000 117,650,000 111,500,000 111,500,000 New River Waterworks, Stoke Newington. Worthington. Mr. E. A. Cow- per, M.I.C.E. 148.5 91.5 16.13 7.74 (the jackets being in circulation) 121,032,000 West Middlesex Waterworks, Hammersmith. Worthington. Worthington. Mr. W. H. White Mr. Osbert Chadwick 190.35 87 16.2 Oxford Water- works. 185.86 92.3 18.14 (including jackets) 10.2 8.01 (including (jackets circulating) jackets) 123,300,000 | 128,200,000 } DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 163 neighbour in the usual manner of the Worthington type of engine. The cut-off valves are variable by hand, and may be adjusted to cut off at any point of the stroke by means of handwheels worked from the platform. The compensating cylinder rams are 8 inches diameter and are in connection with a differential accumulator, the top piston of which is 22 inches diameter, and the ram of the same 12 inches diameter. The contract is to pump 10,000,000 gallons in 24 hours to a height of 200 feet. The engine is finished in the very best style, all the links and levers being bright, and the whole presents a very fine appearance. This makes the second High- Duty Pumping Engine erected by Messrs. James Simpson & Co. for the Lambeth Water Company. The author may note, at the time of writing, the firm are removing two "Bull" Engines at Hampton, for the West Middle- sex Waterworks Company, which they are going to replace with a high-duty triple-expansion vertical Worthington engine of an entirely new type in this country. The contract is to pump 26,000,000 gallons in 24 hours to a height of 70 feet. Results will be looked forward to with much interest.* THE DIFFERENTIAL PUMPING ENGINE (Drawings Nos. 42 to 46). DAVEY'S PATENT PUMPING ENGINES.-These engines are constructed by Messrs. Hathorn, Davey & Co., of Leeds, and are on an entirely different system to the ordinary type of pumping engines. A description is given in detail, describing the system, and also data of actual working results. The engines are specially adapted for deep-well and mine pumping, and for the heavier class of work, and have been adopted largely for the water supply of towns. The differential engine exists in three distinct types, viz. the single cylinder, the com- pound engine, and the triple expansion; the latter, admitting of being worked with high pressure and high degrees of expan- sion, are capable of realising the greatest economy in fuel. The chief peculiarity in the invention is the simple manner in which the engine is made perfectly safe in working under all conditions of load, automatically varying its supply of steam in * This engine has since been started and is giving the very greatest satisfaction. M 2 164 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. * proportion as the load on the engine increases or decreases, the distribution of steam being such that the pumping is performed without shock. The distribution of steam is effected by coupling the motion of the engine with that of a piston having a uniform velocity. The engine is made to cut off steam by its motion, whilst the uniformly moving subsidiary piston is employed in admitting it. As long as the resistance to the engine is sufficient to prevent its motion becoming relatively equal to that of the subsidiary piston, steam is admitted up to a fixed point of cut off; but should a loss of resistance or a superior pressure of steam cause the engine to acquire a speed relatively greater than the speed of the subsidiary piston, then the motion of the steam valve would be reversed earlier, and the supply of steam would be adjusted to the altered conditions. The modus operandi is best illustrated by the following diagrams. The action of the differential valve gear is illustrated in the diagrams, Drawing No. 44. These diagrams are not drawn to scale, but are intended to show clearly the action of the gear; whilst drawing No. 44a shows a practical example of its application to a compound engine. The main slide valve G is actuated by the piston rod through a lever H working on a fixed centre, which reduces the motion to the required extent and reverses its direction. The valve spindle is not coupled direct to this lever, but to an intermediate lever L, which is jointed to the first lever H at one end; the other end M is jointed to the piston rod of a small subsidiary steam cylinder J, which has a motion independent of the engine cylinder; its slide valve I, being actuated by a third lever N, coupled at one end to the intermediate lever L, and moving on a fixed centre P at the other end. The motion of the piston in the subsidiary cylinder J is controlled by a cataract cylinder K on the same piston rod, by which the motion of this piston is made uniform throughout the stroke; and the regulating plug Q can be adjusted to give any desired time for the stroke. The intermediate lever L, has not any fixed centre of motion, its outer end M being jointed to the piston rod of the subsidiary cylinder J; the main valve G consequently receives a differential motion compounded of the separate motions given to the two ends of the lever L. If this lever had a fixed centre of motion at the outer end DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 165 M, the steam would be cut off in the engine cylinder at a con- stant point in each stroke, on the closing of the slide valve by the motion derived from the engine piston rod; but inasmuch as the centre of motion at the outer end M of the lever shifts in the opposite direction with the movement of the subsidiary piston J, the position of the cut-off point is shifted, and depends upon the position of the subsidiary piston at the moment when the slide valve closes. At the beginning of the engine stroke, the subsidiary piston is moving in the same direction as the engine piston, as shown by the arrows; and in the instance of a light load, as illustrated, the engine piston having less resistance to encounter, moves off at a higher speed, and sooner overtakes the subsidiary piston, moving at a constant speed under the control of the cataract; the closing of the main valve G is consequently accelerated, causing an earlier cut-off. But with a heavy load, the engine piston encountering greater resistance, moves off more slowly, and the subsidiary piston has time consequently to advance further in its stroke before it is overtaken, thus retarding the closing of the main valve G, and causing it to cut off later. At the end of the engine stroke, the relative positions become reversed, in readi- ness for the commencement of the return stroke. The subsidiary piston J, Drawing No. 44a, being made to move at a uniform velocity by means of the cataract K, the cut- off consequently takes place at the same point in each stroke, so long as the engine continues to work at a uniform speed; but if the speed of the engine becomes changed, in consequence of a variation in the load-if, for instance, the load be reduced, causing the engine to make its stroke quicker-the subsidiary piston has not time to advance so far in its stroke before the cut-off takes place, and the cut-off is therefore effected sooner. On the contrary, if the load be increased, causing the engine stroke to be slower, the additional time allows the subsidiary piston to advance further before the cut-off takes place, and it is consequently cut off later. From the foregoing description of the valve gear, it will be understood that every erratic motion of the engine alters the relative position of the valves with respect to the main piston, and in that way the engine checks itself. So perfect is the action of this gear, that when properly adjusted, the full load may be thrown suddenly off the engine without any injury 166 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. resulting. The effect of a sudden loss of load is to reverse the action of the valves, and to throw the steam against the motion of the piston stopping it before the end of the stroke. Many instances of this have occurred in practice when a pump rod has broken, a pump valve has failed, or a pipe has burst. At the St. Helen's Waterworks the mains burst without causing the slightest damage to the differential engine. As another instance of the steadiness of the engine with unequal loads, it may be mentioned that the differential engine has often been worked with the pumps on one end only, so that the whole power of the engine was exerted on one side of the pistons only, and none whatever exerted on the other; yet the engine moved along so steadily that the action could not be noticed unless one's attention was called to it, and the engine was actually run this way for some days to the full number of strokes. Now the throttle valve had to be open, and in the same position as if both pumps were on, and the Davey motion had to do all the regulating. Cornish Differential The following comparison of the two systems, Cornish and compound differential, are taken from actual tests in practice:- "" .. Initial Pressure. 31 45 43 80 Rates of Expansion. Go & 20th ∞o 3 4.5 621/ 8 Average Pressure. lb. 16 19 13 24 2 Maximum Piston Velocity per Minute. feet. 600 500 228 220 Relative Strains on Engine. 1.8 2.26 1.4 1.37 Effective Piston Speed. 100 80 168 150 DAVEY'S PATENT COMPOUND DIFFERENTIAL PUMPING ENGINE FOR MINING PURPOSES, made by Messrs. Hathorn, Davey & Co., Leeds (Drawing No. 42.) These are a pair of compound pumping engines made for a colliery in Japan, they were designed by Mr. Henry Davey, M.Inst.C.E. The engines are made in the horizontal form and on the compound system, and are placed side by side. The high- pressure cylinders are 40 inches diameter, and the low-pressure cylinders 76 inches diameter, each having a stroke of 10 feet. Each of the engines is about 500 indicated horse-power, and they are together capable of pumping 360,000 gallons of DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 167 water per hour to a height of 420 feet, at a speed of 7½ strokes per minute. Each cylinder is provided with four double-beat Cornish valves as shown, two for steam and two for exhaust. The steam valves of both cylinders also have a separate cut-off motion. The high- and low-pressure pistons are connected to the cross-head by means of two piston rods; the pistons being made very deep to provide a large area of supporting surface. The surface condensers are placed in a sump by the side of the engine house. The air pumps are worked off arms on the quadrant shaft. There are two 24-inch plunger pumps and two 24-inch bucket pumps to each engine, each having a stroke of 10 feet. The bucket pumps raise the water into a sump at a height of 120 feet from the bottom of the shaft, and in which the surface condensers are placed, and from this point the two plunger pumps force to a further height of 300 feet to the surface, through a wrought-iron rising main 26 inches diameter, the total lift therefore being 420 feet. The pump valves are of the double-beat type. Motion is given to the pumps by means of connecting rods and two powerful quadrants. DAVEY'S PATENT COMPOUND DIFFERENTIAL DIRECT-ACTING PUMPING ENGINE, made by Messrs. Hathorn, Davey & Co., for the Grand Junction Water Company's Works at Hampton (Drawing No. 43). This engine is built in the vertical form with two cylinders inclined and fixed to massive A frames; the high-pressure cylinder being placed on one side and the low-pressure cylinder on the other. The distinguishing feature of this type of engine is the peculiar arrangement by which the steam and pump pistons are coupled together, by means of a cast-iron disc or rocking frame, in such a way that the steam piston has a mechanical advantage over the pump piston as the stroke is produced. The high-pressure cylinder is 26 inches diameter, and the low-pressure 44 inches diameter by 4 feet stroke, the engine is capable of pumping 166,620 gallons per hour against a total head of 140 feet, at a speed of 16 strokes per minute. Cut-off valves are provided on each cylinder, adjustable by hand. The engine is provided with the differential gear 168 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. placed between the two cylinders in the centre of the engine frame. The surface condenser is placed on the rising main. The air vessel is twelve times the capacity of one of the pumps. Both the high- and low-pressure cylinder barrels are jacketed. There are two plunger pumps, each 26 inches diameter by 3 feet 7 inches stroke. The pump valves are of the double-beat type. The boilers are of the Lancashire type and three in number, 6 feet 6 inches diameter by 26 feet long, with two tubes each 2 feet 6 inches diameter, the pressure of steam being 80 lb. per square inch; they are placed in an adjoining house, and are provided with feed apparatus and the usual fittings. At an official trial of this engine of 24 hours duration, on Nov. 17th and 18th, 1890, the following were some of the results obtained :- Indicated horse-power Pump horse-power .. ·· ·· ·· • "" ·· ·· .. · Mechanical efficiency of engine and pumps Duty of engine on 112 lb. of the small coal used on an evaporation of 11 lb. of water per lb. of coal Coal per I.H.P. per hour, with an evaporation of 11 lb. of water per lb. of coal Coal per P.H.P. per hour, with an evaporation of 11 lb. of water per lb. of coal • • ·· .. • ·· .. ·· ·· 83 73 87.9 per cent. 101 millions. 113 1.69 lb. 1.95 "" "" DAVEY'S PATENT HORIZONTAL COMPOUND DIFFERENTIAL PUMPING ENGINE, made by Messrs. Hathorn, Davey & Co., for the South Staffordshire Waterworks Company at Fradley (Drawing No. 44). In this arrangement the cylinders are placed horizontal, one behind the other, both being bolted to the bedplate. The disc or rocking frame above described is placed in a line with the cylinders, and is connected by means of rods to the bucket pumps. The force pump is also in a line with the engine, and is worked off a tail rod on the low-pressure cylinder. The high-pressure cylinder is 27 inches, and the low-pressure cylinder 48 inches diameter, the speed of the engine is 13 strokes per minute. The cylinder barrels and covers are steam-jacketed, and are supplied with steam direct from the boiler. The pump horse-power is 120. DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 169 The bucket pumps are open at the top, each are 14 inches in diameter, by 4 feet 6 inches stroke, and pump from a depth of 180 feet, delivering into a receiver at the side of the engine bed, from which the force pump takes its supply. The force pump is double-acting, 13 inches diameter by 5 feet stroke, and forces direct into a 14-inch diameter main, against a head of 350 feet. The pump valves in the bucket pump are of the hatband type, and in the case of the force pump of the double- beat type. The engine and pumps are capable of raising 42,000 gallons of water per hour to a height of 530 feet. The surface condenser is placed in the sump of the bucket pump, and the air pump is worked off a lever on the disc shaft. The air vessel is placed on the delivery of the force pump, and is twelve times the capacity of the force pump. DAVEY'S PATENT HORIZONTAL DIFFERENTIAL DIRECT-ACTING TRIPLE-EXPANSION PUMPING ENGINE, made by Messrs. Hathorn, Davey & Co., for Waterworks purposes (Drawing No. 45). This type of engine is arranged in the horizontal form, the high-pressure cylinder is placed in front, and the low-pressure cylinders side by side at the back, the arrangement of the engine in other respects being the same as in the compound engine last described. The pumps can also be arranged in the same manner. The makers guarantee a high duty with this engine, with a boiler pressure of 90 lb. per square inch. This is an exceedingly neat and compact form of triple-expansion engine. There are only three stuffing boxes, and all three piston rods are connected to one cross-head. Two bucket pumps are worked off the disc in the usual way. The high-pressure cylinder is 16 inches diameter, the inter- mediate cylinder is 24 inches diameter, and the low-pressure is 36 inches diameter, all being 3 feet stroke. The pumps are 21½ inches diameter, and 3 feet stroke, and are capable of raising 110,800 gallons per hour to a height of 120 feet. The valves of the pump are of the double-beat type. The speed of the pump is 20 strokes per minute, or 120 feet piston speed. The pressure of steam is 90 lb. per square inch. The pump. horse-power is 70. 170 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. No. 1QBHBC7∞∞OELS 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 LIST OF SOME OF THE DIFFERENTIAL PUMPING ENGINES IN USE. Horse- power. 585 585 476 462 433 406 394 340 330 312 312 304 300 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 235 235 230 230 230 223 217 200 198 198 193 193 193 193 183 168 159 154 154 140 135 125 125 115 115 No. of Gallons Raised per Hour. 120,000 120,000 120,000 100,000 152,174 84,000 42,000 42,000 37,200 72,000 60,000 30,000 37,200 37,200 46,800 24,000 30 000 90,000 60,000 60,000 48,000 37,600 24,000 7,200 36,000 54,000 15,000 ¡ Height to which Water is Paised. 668 720 ·· 435 600 200 600 910 910 200 360 600 345 920 1,200 1,200 1,500 600 1,100 450 : ·· 420 500 323 600 410 720 600 390 .. 1,220 600 No. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 CHROMNOHOU 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 71A 71B 72 73 74 75 76 77 *E*R****F085 78 79 82 83 84 86 87 Horse- power. 112 112 112 112 106 95 95 92 89 86 85 80 78 78 78 78 78 71.3 71·3 71.3 71 70 66 64 62 62 60 60 57 51 50 50 48 44 44 41 41 41 41 41 35 35 34 30 No. of Gallons Raised per Hour. 19,800 48,000 48,000 15,600 15,000 15,000 40,000 300,000 72,000 24,000 24,000 18,000 •• 115,800 39,000 62,500 62,500 39,000 39,000 13,440 11,400 11,400 12,000 13,200 420 50,000 12,000 6,000 18,000 6,600 12,000 30,000 Height to which Water is Raised. 600 180 180 855 400 400 240 20 80 300 240 480 .. ·· 70 870 300 220 190 190 240 240 555 350 350 260 262 750 100 290 480 100 465 480 151 DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 171 TONKIN'S PATENT DIRECT-ACTING PUMPING ENGINE, as applied to Waterworks Purposes and the Drainage of Mines (Drawing No. 47). A description is given of the construction and mode of operating the slide valve by steam alone in the smaller sizes of Tonkin's steam pump at p. 31. Since these particulars were given in the first edition of this book, their use has been considerably extended in their application to mines and water- works. Engines of large size have been put down, with steam cylinders up to 40 inches diameter, and strokes of 4 feet. Many have also been supplied with compound high and low- pressure cylinders where economy of fuel is essential. In this type of engine the low-pressure cylinder is placed tandem with the high-pressure, either in front or at the back; it is provided with an ordinary D slide valve, which is coupled up. to the same steam valve plungers that operate the slide valve of the high-pressure cylinder, in the manner as described at page 32, and thus the reversals take place simultaneously in both cylin- ders. These compound steam pumps are usually supplied with various forms of condensers, to obtain the benefit of the vacuum on the larger area of the low-pressure piston. Lately an arrangement has been devised (Messrs. Tonkin & Evans patent) by which a pair of these steam pumps (either single or compound) can be placed side by side and made to work in the duplex form, somewhat in the same way as the well-known Worthington pumps, but with several unique advantages. In this case the slide valve is reversed by steam, acting on plungers in nearly the same manner as previously described on page 32, but small pipes are carried across from the cylinder of one engine to the slide valve plungers of the other, and the connections are so arranged that the time of reversal of either of the slide valves depends on the relative positions of the two main pistons, which are thus caused to keep step with each other in much the same manner as if they were connected to a crank shaft having cranks at right angles. In these cross-over duplex pipes, small three-way cocks are pro- vided, so that, when desired, the communication between the two engines can be cut off, and either of them made to work independently in the same manner as in the ordinary "Tonkin " 172 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. steam pump. This is very useful when any repairs are needed. to either engine or pump. There are several special advantages peculiar to this new duplex arrangement : 1. A constant length of stroke of the main pistons is secured under all conditions, as the slide valve cannot be reversed until the steam piston has made the full stroke. The number of strokes per minute is therefore determined by the slowest moving piston, which is naturally the one doing the most work, the quicker moving piston having to wait at the end of its stroke until the other is passing the middle of the stroke. The action of the ordinary lever duplex pump is the reverse of this, as in these, if from any cause, such as air in the pipes or loss of water, one piston should move faster, it shortens the stroke of the other working piston (in extreme cases to a few inches) by reversing its slide valve long before it has reached the end of its stroke, thus causing great waste of steam by the extra clearance. 2. The new arrangement also gives a greater delivery of water from a given size of pump, as both pump pistons are usually in motion at the same time, the reversals occurring alternately. In the ordinary duplex pump only one piston is practically at work at one time, the other only beginning to move as this one is coming to rest at the end of its stroke. 3. This new construction is the only duplex arrangement that allows one of the pumps to be worked independently when the other pump has to stand, either for repairs or from short- ness of water supply. It also allows of one pump being fixed first; and if the quantity of water required to be pumped increases, another duplicate steam pump can be placed by the side of the first one, and the two combined in the duplex arrangement with the same mains. A very complete set of these pumps has been lately applied for waterworks purposes, of which the following is a description :- DUPLEX DOUBLE-ACTING COMPOUND PUMPING ENGINES, erected at the Balloch Pumping Station on Loch Lomond, for the Local Authority of the Bonhill and Alexandria District, Dumbartonshire. The engines, which are shown in Drawing No. 47, are compound and surface condensing, each engine having a DIRECT-ACTING NON-ROTATIVE ENGINES. 173 15-inch diameter high-pressure and a 24-inch diameter low- pressure steam cylinder, working a double-acting pump of 12 inches diameter and 36 inches stroke. The two pumps will deliver about 65,000 gallons per hour at their maximum speed. The engines are fixed about half a mile from the southern extremity of Loch Lomond, and at about 14 feet above the mean water-level of the loch. The suction pipe is 12 inches diameter; it draws from a small straining well on the shore, which is provided with two separate intake pipes, laid on the bed of the loch for some distance, and fitted with universal joints. The reservoir, to which the water is forced, is situated on a hill about 160 feet above the level of the pumps, and about 1½ mile distant; the delivery pipes being also 12 inches diameter. The mode of working the slide valve of the low-pressure steam cylinder from the same plungers that operate the slide valve of the high-pressure cylinder is clearly shown in the drawing, as are also the duplex pipes crossing over from the cylinder of one engine to the steam plunger of the other. The pump barrels are lined with gun-metal, and fitted at each end with gun-metal multiple valves provided with springs to prevent concussion. The gun-metal seats for these valves are screwed into malleable-iron plates, which are easily removable in case of repairs. Each of the pumps has its own air vessel and retaining valve, while sluice valves are provided to the forked suction pipes adjoining each pump inlet. A large vacuum chamber is fitted on the suction pipe, near to the engine. The deliveries from the two pumps, after passing the retaining valves, are connected by a breeches pipe, and all the water pumped passes through the tubes of the surface condenser placed above and between the two engines. This condenser, which is of wrought iron, with welded seams, is fitted with tubes also of wrought iron to avoid the effects of unequal expansion. Independent air pumps, in duplicate, are fixed behind the steam cylinder. They are each on the lever duplex system, having steam cylinders 5 inches diameter and air pumps. 5 inches diameter and 5 inches stroke. The exhaust steam from these air pumps is carried up and discharged into their combined delivery on its way to the feed tank, thus heating the feed water to nearly the boiling point. 174 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. The steam cylinders are clothed with slag wool and lagged with sheet steel. A sight feed lubricator is also fixed with separate pipes to each engine. Steam stop valves are also pro- vided to enable either engine to be shut off for repairs, the other in the meantime working as an ordinary "Tonkin" steam pump, as before mentioned. An automatic valve is also provided on the main steam pipe, and connected with the rising main to shut off the steam if the water mains should suddenly burst. Steam is supplied from two Cornish boilers each of about 20 horse-power nominal, working at a pressure of 60 lb. per square inch. They are fired with slack obtained in the locality; the consumption of this slack is stated to be about 4 lb. per indicated horse-power per hour. The author may here note that coal in this district is of inferior evaporative power, and if, instead of slack, good large steam coal, such as generally used at waterworks, either in London or the North of England, had been adopted, the result would have probably been not more than 2 lb. per indicated horse power. He gives the above data of actual result of working, as the engines have not been tried under the condi- tions last named. There are many novel features in Tonkin's patent pumping engines, more especially with regard to the valve gear of the steam cylinders. The inventor has done much good work in improving this class of pumping engine, both for the purpose named, and also for feeding boilers, and for inde- pendent steam pumps where only small quantities have to be pumped. (175) CHAPTER VIII. BOILERS. THE principal kinds of boilers used for water - pumping machinery are Vertical, Cylindrical, Cornish, Lancashire, and Multitubular. There are also several kinds of Water-tube boilers that can be employed for pumping purposes, they are not so generally used as the Cornish and Lancashire type, but in many cases are adopted with much advantage. VERTICAL BOILERS are only used where small quantities of water have to be pumped, and where there is not sufficient space for a horizontal boiler; there are several forms of these boilers, they are all constructed with a fire box, the most simple have one centre tube riveted on the top of the fire box, with three or more cross-water tubes passing through the same. The top of the boiler may be made cup shape, and should be well stayed, proper mud-hole doors must be provided at the bottom part to allow for cleaning out when required. The fittings for a 3-feet diameter by 7 feet boiler (about one of the smallest likely to be used), should be: one 2-inch safety valve, two -inch gauge glasses, two-inch water gauge cocks, one 11-inch blow-off cock, one 14-inch feed valve, and one 2-inch steam valve or solid bottom cock. The boiler should be covered with composition, and lagged with wood or sheet iron; to procure a good draught the blast pipe from the engine should be carried into the smoke pipe, the top of the pipe being contracted at the outlet. MULTITUBULAR BOILERS (VERTICAL).—In lieu of the centre and cross tubes, the top of the fire box forms a tube plate, another one is also riveted in at the top of the shell, a number of small tubes, from 1 to 2 inches diameter pass through each of these plates and are riveted to them; in all other respects the boiler is of the same construction as before. Vertical boilers are not so economical as to fuel as the 176 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. horizontal type, and are only to be recommended where space is an object; in the hands of unskilled people they are not very safe to use. The steam space is small, and in case of the boiler not being properly and regularly supplied with water, the risk of an explosion is greater than in horizontal boilers. HORIZONTAL CYLINDRICAL BOILERS.-This class of boiler, although not as economical as to fuel, may be adopted with much advantage where it is cheap, or where coke or breeze is intended to be used, especially as in the most untutored hands they are perfectly safe in working. Taking a 6 nominal horse-power boiler as an example of a small size, this should be 4 feet diameter by 12 feet 6 inches long, with a dome 18 inches diameter by 18 inches high; the shell may be 3-inch thick and the ends inch. The shell should be made in four plates, no seam should be over the fire, the ends cup shape and solid flanged, the steam chest welded, and the top of it solid flanged; no angle iron is required. The manhole should have a ring riveted round it. This boiler should be set in brickwork with a wheel draught, the flues lined with fire brick 4½ inches thick. The area of the fire- grate must be in proportion to the kind of fuel used, it should not be less than 1 square foot per horse-power. The fittings should be the same as named for the vertical boiler; for the water gauge and cock fittings, tubes are screwed into the end of the boiler and carried through the flues, they are protected by being passed through larger pieces of pipe built in the brickwork across the flue. The top of the boiler should never be entirely covered with brickwork, the height to the top of the stone coping is as a rule about 12 inches to 15 inches above the top of the side flues. The brickwork should always stand on a good concrete foundation, and where the soil is bad or wet this may be made in Portland cement and at least 2 feet thick, according to the nature of the soil, it is most important in all boiler settings to keep down the wet and damp from the soil on which they rest; this should have more careful attention than it sometimes receives. 7 16 For sending abroad where there is very little skilled labour at hand, they are much to be recommended, added to which they are easily repaired, which is a very important consideration in a foreign country. They take rather longer time to get up BOILERS. 177 steam in the first instance from cold water, than in the case of tubular boilers of the Cornish and Lancashire kind; but if the fire is properly banked up over-night the steam can be raised in the morning in nearly the same time. A good draft from the shaft is necessary. If coke or breeze is to be the fuel, the area of the fire grate must be larger than that named above, and the air spaces at the fire grate must also be increased; thin bars and an extra number of spaces is the best plan in this case, and should be used. When wood is to be used for fuel, the fire grate must be made specially large, and the air spaces through the bars properly proportioned. CORNISH BOILERS.-These boilers are a very favourite type, they may be used for sizes up to 5 feet 6 inches or 5 feet 9 inches diameter. They have one tube or flue which passes through the shell of the boiler; this tube is generally about half the diameter of the shell, the furnace is placed inside the tube, the end of the tube is slightly coned at the back end to increase the draft. A steam dome is usually provided and placed near the centre of the boiler. The front and end plates should be made in one piece, and either connected to the shell by L-iron rings, or the plates may be solid flanged, and the shell riveted to the flange. For sizes above 8 nominal horse- power this kind of boiler is the most suitable. The plate over the fire should be of Lowmoor iron, and of a length sufficient to carry it over the bridge. The seams or joints should have the laps placed away from the fire. Taking as an example a boiler 5 feet diameter by 16 feet long = 15 nominal horse-power, the proportions should be as follows: the tube should be 32 inches diameter by inch thick, the shell 3 inch, and the end plates 7 inch thick, these should be solid flanged. Gusset stays must be provided at each end of the boiler. The main tube or flue is fitted with three or four Galloway conical tubes, and is strengthened by three L-iron rings on the outside. The steam chest 27 inches diameter by 30 inches high, solid flanged at the base, and the top may be solid flanged also. The seams of the boiler should be double riveted, the rivets 3 inch diameter and 17 inch pitch; the holes should be drilled. At each of the end plates four gusset. stays are riveted to strengthen the same; manhole and mudhole doors are provided, and all the attachments to the boiler are made with solid blocks riveted on, the joints of which are faced. For 16 16 4 N 178 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. other details of manufacture see Lancashire boiler. The boiler is set in brickwork, with a wheel or split draught, the heated air passing through the tube along each side flue, and out at the flue under the boiler, the flues are lined with firebrick. The fittings should be one 3-inch double-safety valve, one 23-inch steam valve, two sets ğ-inch gauge glass fittings, two -inch gauge cocks, one 2-inch blow-off cock, one 2-inch feed valve and back-pressure valve, one float and whistling gear. The chain of the damper should be led over pulleys to the front of the boiler, The brickwork should be carried up to 15 inches above the side flue and the top of boiler, and the steam chest should be covered with non-conducting composition, together with all the steam pipes; this should be well painted, with at least two or three coats. LANCASHIRE BOILERS (Drawing No. 48).—When the diameter of a boiler exceeds 5 feet 9 inches to 6 feet, this type should be used; the general construction is much the same in many respects as the above, except that there are two tubes or flues in lieu of one. The maximum diameter and length of the shell should not exceed 7 feet 6 inches by 30 feet to 35 feet long; when more steam power is wanted it is advisable to increase the number of boilers. 4 The shell of the 7-feet diameter boiler, shown in drawing No. 48, is put together in sections-the plates being made of a convenient length compared with the length of the boiler. These plates are inch thick, and should be of the best brand; the holes should be drilled and the rivets 3 inch diameter, at 13 inch pitch; the plates should be double riveted. The usual length of a boiler this size is about 26 feet; when there is available space to put one in of these dimensions, a steam dome is provided at the top of the shell 2 feet 9 inches to 3 feet diameter by 2 feet 9 inches high; this may be solid flanged at the point of attachment to the shell-or it may be jointed by angle iron as shown in the drawing-the top, or dome-plate, should be solid flanged. The diameter of the tubes should be 2 feet 9 inches, and made of 7 inch plates; each tube is pro- vided with four Galloway patent conical tubes; on the exterior L-iron rings are riveted with stay bolts as shown, these are for giving stiffness to the tubes. At the furnace end Low- moor iron plates are carried over the furnace so as to keep the 16 BOILERS. 179 fire from the riveted joints. The end plates are § inch thick, and can either be attached to the shell by L-iron rings, or the plates may be solid flanged both at the attachment to the shell as well as the tubes. At each end-plate five gusseted stays are riveted. The furnaces are placed inside the tubes, they are of the usual character, the length of the fire-bars should not exceed 6 feet, the area of the fire grate should be 2 of a square foot per horse-power. Manhole and mudhole doors are provided. All the attachments for connection to the boiler are made by blocks riveted on the plates, and faced at the joints, this prevents any leakage from bad joints at these parts, and offers great convenience for the easy removal of any connection for repairs or renewal. In first-class boilers the holes for the rivets are always drilled, it makes better work. The riveting done with drilled holes is about 9 per cent. stronger than with punched holes. Where the plates are thinned down at the joints, the parts at the junction should be thinned in the machine. All plates should be riveted by hydraulic or steam-power, it makes much better work than when done by hand. Boilers are now often made with steel plates of the Siemens-Martin brand, the thickness of the plates in this case may be inch less than when made of iron. Nearly all the details named as to the manufacture, apply equally for Cornish boilers as well as for the other types described. 16 The Fittings for a boiler of this size should be one 4-inch double safety valve, one 6-inch steam valve, one 2-inch feed valve and back-pressure valve, one 21-inch blow-off cock, one float and alarm whistle, two sets of 7-inch gauge glass fittings, two 1-inch gauge cocks, Bourdon's steam gauge, one Gifford's injector or a steam feed pump. When well set in brickwork, and the top of boiler and pipes properly protected, these boilers are about the most economical to use. Large boiler capacity should always be allowed, it must be borne in mind this is true economy, as a small boiler forced will consume more fuel than a large one properly fired. Should it be necessary to let the engine stand for several hours, the damper is closed, and the boiler becomes simply a reservoir of steam ready for immediate use at any time. N 2 180 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. MULTITUBULAR BOILERS.-Boilers made upon this plan do not require any setting, they are specially useful when fixed upon a pier, “jetty" wharf, or, as in some cases in London, on one of the upper floors of a building. They are made on much the same plan as a locomotive boiler, with a fire box at one end and smoke box at the other, a tube plate being riveted at the smoke box end, the tubes pass through the fire box and the tube plate, they are of wrought-iron and 2, 24, or 3-inch diameter. In some cases these boilers are made without a fire box, the furnace in this case is placed inside the tube,-this, as a rule, only applies to boilers of the larger class. In cases where the steam used is at a high pressure, say above 70 lb. per square inch, it is advisable to use the fire box, it must in this case be strongly stayed like a locomotive, the tubes are not usually made more than 2 inches diameter. The shell is protected with felt, and lagged with wood, or it may be covered with non-conducting boiler composition. The steam chest and fittings are the same as before described. These boilers are very economical in action, the steam can be got up rapidly, they take up much less room than the Cornish or the Lancashire boilers, a large saving is effected in the brickwork setting, and when carried on jetties or the floor of a building there is much less dead weight to support, which in most cases is a serious consideration. They are specially applicable where the boilers have to be placed in a cellar or vault, on account of the saving in excavation, and also the small amount of space taken up. In many instances the smoke shaft is made of wrought iron, and all the flues from the boilers of the same material. BABCOCK AND WILCOX PATENT WATER TUBE BOILER. This boiler is constructed, as shown in Drawings Nos. 49 and 50, with a group or battery of lap welded wrought-iron tubes, placed in an inclined position and connected with each other. The end connections of each vertical row of tubes are in one piece. They are fitted into these end boxes, and then expanded in the usual way. At each end of every tube a cover fastened by a screw and cross bar is provided; this is for the purpose of cleaning out when necessary. At each end of the battery of inclined tubes they are connected to a large upper drum or f BOILERS. 181 cylinder, this is made of steel; the diameter varies accord- ing to the power of the boiler, it, however, does not usually exceed 3 feet 6 inches diameter. At the back end of the tubes they are connected to a mud drum; this is of cast iron, it takes all the deposit in the water, the blow-off cock is attached to the bottom part of this drum. The furnace in front is continued for about one-third the length of the tubes, the details of this part do not differ from an ordinary boiler furnace. The boiler including the drum and tubes is suspended from and supported by wrought-iron or steel stanchions of H section, it is thus rendered entirely independent of the brick- work setting, and is free to expand and contract without being held rigid at any part. The fittings of these boilers are the usual kind, and need not be detailed here. The whole of the tubes. and one-half of the top drum are encased in brickwork and lined with firebrick in the usual way. A baffle wall of brick- work is provided at about three-quarters the length of the boiler, and most ample arrangements are made for examination. and cleaning of all parts of it as well as the flues and combustion chambers. mang The lower tubes are filled with water, outside of which the flame and heated vapour is expended, the top drum is about half filled with water, the other half represents the steam space. As the water is heated in the tubes it rises at the front or highest end to the top drum, the colder water falling at the back or lowest end of the tubes. A perfectly constant and rapid circulation is thus ensured, and steam is quickly raised and easily maintained at the required pressure. The boilers can be with absolute safety worked to a pressure up to 200 lb. per square inch; they are easily worked and require no more attention than ordinary boilers. They are most economical as to the use of fuel, and will evaporate 10 to 10½ lb. of water to each 1 lb. of good (Welsh) coal, this shows a very good result as compared with the evaporative power of other high- class boilers. The Special Advantages of these Boilers are: They are con- veniently portable, as the parts, except the drum, are of small weight; they are therefore specially suitable for places where boilers have to be put in, where they must pass through contracted places; they are also much to be recommended for sending abroad, especially where there are no facilities for G 182 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. lifting heavy weights, and also where they have to be trans- ported up the country, through rough roads and hilly country. They can be worked with perfect safety at a higher pres- sure than almost any other boiler in use, and in the event of a tube bursting, the only damage done is the fire is ex- tinguished; another one can be inserted, and the boiler got to work in less than two hours. They can be made to suit any shaped house without interfering with their efficiency; this is of great moment in cases where the width or length of the house is limited. They are so simple in construction that any partly unskilled person can put them together in foreign countries and other inaccessible places where it is difficult to obtain skilled labour. The author has sent these boilers abroad to places where the difficulty of unloading heavy weights at the nearest port was very great, and where the trans- port to the required spot by the distance and difficulties of the roads would have precluded the use of any other kind of boiler. It may be added that they were in this case put together by local labour with the greatest facility, and have worked since most economically in a country where fuel is very dear, to the entire satisfaction of the author's clients for whom they were sent out. In another instance he has been able to employ them where the space at a works was so limited, that the only suitable position available was a corner of the place over a large cellar. The boilers in this case were carried on girders, and from their less proportionate weight in comparison with Lancashire boilers, it was possible to safely adopt them, without materially in- creasing the cost of construction. It may be added these particular boilers are giving an ample supply of steam, are worked very economically as to the fuel used, and are giving the greatest satisfaction. In this particular case the water is of rather indifferent quality as to the deposit that usually arises when used in boilers, but no trouble has been experienced with the tubes on this account. The man working them does it quite easily, he had never seen any of the same kind before. There are one or two more kinds of water tube boilers, as however in the author's experience they are not economical in fuel, and are not otherwise satisfactory, no mention is made of them, as he could not recommend their adoption with any BOILERS. 183 confidence. He has acted in this case in the same manner as in other parts of the book in only describing the machines or apparatus that have proved in working to be efficient. ,, Various Boilers.-Several other types were formerly used, such as the old Wagon boiler, now obsolete; the "Elephant boiler, very seldom used now; and boilers of the marine class; one of these latter, made upon Messrs. Horton & Son's patent, is a reliable and economical boiler; there are many cases in which it might be advantageously used. The author sometime ago used a large one of this type, of 60 nominal horse-power, which gave very good results, both as to steam produced and economy in the consumption of fuel, in cases where the length in a boiler house is limited, they can be applied with much advantage. There are a few other kinds of boilers in use, but no notice need be taken of them here for the purposes under considera- tion. Simplicity, efficiency, economy in fuel, and safety are the points to achieve in all cases. A large number of patents have been taken out from time to time, but no material advan- tage has been effected in any case. All the above boilers described are the best to use for the purpose under notice, the form and dimensions of course varying according to the special case. FEED WATER HEATERS. All the feed water should be heated before it enters the boiler, this may be done up to 110°, by means of this kind of apparatus, there are several types in use, the exhaust steam from the engine is passed through the heater, two of those mostly in use will now be described, nearly all the others are simply modifications of these. Plain Cylinder Heaters.—A plain cylinder of wrought iron or cast iron may be fixed either vertically or horizontally, the exhaust steam is blown on the top of the water, the surplus passes off through a pipe at top of the apparatus, they are made self-feeding from an upper tank by means of a float, &c., and a gauge glass is fitted on the outside to show the level of the water. A manhole is provided at the bottom to allow of cleaning out at certain intervals; it has been found that much of the deposit from the water remains in this vessel, and so saves the boilers and keeps them clean. 184 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Tube Heaters. These consist of an outer cylinder of wrought or cast iron, with a tube plate at the top and bottom, fitted with 1 or 2-inch copper or iron tubes. The exhaust steam passes through these tubes, the water being in the cylinder. At the top and bottom tube plate there are joints to enable the appara- tus to be easily disconnected for cleaning the tubes and also for repairs. They are most convenient when fixed vertical and standing upon three or four legs, they are fitted in the same way as before; this kind of heater, although more expensive than the last-named, is more efficient in action; the water being heated by passing through small tubes, the size of the apparatus is less, and a saving of room is effected. The water may be heated outside the tubes if desired. FEED APPARATUS FOR BOILERS. Steam Pumps are the best kind of apparatus for feeding water to boilers; the author has found the pump made by Messrs. Thornewill & Warham, of Burton-on-Trent, the most effective for this purpose; they are self-contained on one bed-plate, can be worked either at a very low or a high rate of speed, and are not liable to get out of order or to stick in working like many of the steam pumps with the valves worked by tappets. They can either pump from or draw the water through the heater, according to the requirements of the special case. It is advisable to fix them on a brickwork foundation about 3 feet from the floor to protect them from dirt and grit, and to be at a convenient height for oiling and starting. It is not advisable to feed more than two boilers with one pump-two or more should be provided according to the size and number of the boilers. Injectors should always be fixed in addition to the above, for use in case of any break-down with the pump. The author in all cases advises a full-size one, capable of feeding rapidly in case of any emergency. All the pipes should be put together with gun-metal faced flanges, and the holes drilled; this allows of rapid disconnection in case of a stoppage. These apparatus are perfectly safe in the hands of skilled people, but on no account should others be allowed to interfere with them. A feed tank to supply the injectors, of say 30 gallons capacity, should be fixed on top of the brickwork of the boilers, and be fitted BOILERS. 185 f with a ball valve and overflow pipe. This tank should be covered at the top and carefully protected from dirt and grit, great care should be used to obtain clean water for feeding boilers, especially where injectors are employed. FURNACES FOR SMOKE CONSUMING. There have been a large number of these brought out. The author here notices only a few which he has found to act well in practice and meet the requirements of the Smoke Act, as well as effecting a considerable economy in fuel. Many of the so-called smoke consumers are a delusion, and it is simply a waste of money to adopt them, as they do not prevent smoke, and effect no economy in coal. Wright's Apparatus is a very useful type, it possesses the advantage that it can be applied to boilers at a small extra cost, it is simple and effective in action, prevents smoke, but in the economy of fuel is not equal to those named below. The bars are arranged to rock by means of a hand lever, which is applied occasionally, this breaks up the clinker, and helps to push forward the red coal. Vicker's Apparatus.-This is a modification of Hazeldean's, an old patent, it consists of furnace bars made in steps, which are moved forward and backward by a cam motion in front, the fire is broken up and pushed to the bridge in this man- ner, and a feed of equal thickness is maintained, the coal is fed automatically and in regular defined quantities. The furnace is driven by a small engine, the coal is thrown into a large hopper placed above the boilers, and can be automatically conveyed to the small hopper, at each furnace, where there are several to feed. The apparatus is efficient in action, economical in the consumption of fuel, and prevents the formation of smoke. It is a very useful apparatus, and there are many cases where it can be applied with advantage. Juckes' Furnace. This apparatus has stood the test of forty years' constant use, and upon a very large scale. At one esta- blishment, a large brewery, about thirty have been in constant use for about thirty-eight years, they are still working, and giving very high results as to economy in the fuel used. The apparatus consists of an endless chain of cast-iron bars 186 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. working over drums at each end, it travels at the rate of about 6 feet per hour. A hopper at the front of the furnace feeds small coal which is slowly carried forward by the chain to the bridge, thus ensuring the perfect slow combustion of the fuel, and the entire prevention of smoke. The supply of steam from the boiler is regular, and no injury takes place to the plate of the boiler over the fire by the opening of the door, as in the common furnace, to charge it with fuel. The fire does not require to be clinkered, it is self-acting in this respect. They are, however, only applicable on a large scale, and where skilled labour can be had in case of a break-down to repair quickly. The economy of fuel effected is from 25 to 30 per cent.; the power required to drive them is very small, this is usually done by a separate engine, or driven off the fly-wheel of the donkey engine. The cost of the brickwork for these furnaces is much more than in ordinary furnaces. There have been many modifications of this furnace, but the original type has never been equalled, the author believes that the original patentee, although he did so much to solve the question of smoke prevention, never reaped any substantial benefit, but like many people in such cases, sunk a large sum of money for others to reap the result of his ingenuity and labours. There are several other smoke furnaces, viz. Procter's, Bennis', Smith's, and others, the action of most of these is somewhat like the one described, it is beyond the scope of this work to enter into detail as to the merits or otherwise of these furnaces, those requiring further information as to them should refer to the various books and papers written on this special subject. For Waterworks boilers either of those more particu- larly described can be used with advantage. In instances where boilers are already fixed in their places, Vicars' furnace is perhaps the most to be recommended for use in this case. A large number of schemes for this purpose, such as Clarke's, Brunton's, Stanley's, Copeland's, and other furnaces, have not been noticed, as some are now entirely out of use, and others were not very successful when tried, and so gradually ceased to be used. BOILERS. 187 GENERAL REMARKS. DUPLICATE BOILERS should always be provided to be used when others are being cleaned, examined, and repaired. The author's practice is to work each boiler for a month, then to throw it out of action, examine the interior, clean, if necessary, and carefully examine all the fittings. The flues should be cleared out once per week; but at the stopping time they should be carefully examined internally, and the outer shell of the boiler also. The pins of the safety valves should be minutely examined and the seats cleaned. The water-gauge fittings should also have careful attention, and also the feed pipes, as in many instances serious accidents have taken place through the partial stoppage of the gauge pipes by deposit from the water in the boiler. THE FITTINGS Should be of the highest class, and ample for the size of the boiler; it must be remembered their safe working almost entirely depends upon the proper condition of the fittings. The author prefers to use double water-gauge fittings in all cases, as in the event of one set getting stopped by deposit from the boiler, the other set will probably be in good working order and condition. With regard to the safety valves, it may be noted they are too often of a very indifferent kind, badly made, too small, and when made too deep in the conical seat they are apt to stick; in all cases they should be so made that they will relieve the boiler at any instant of undue pressure. In many instances proprietors of boilers have such an objection to a slight escape of steam (almost a necessity in a sensitive safety valve), that the makers will only supply deep-seated valves to please the purchaser in the above respect; this is much to be depre- cated, and the engineer advising the firm should always have his own way in all these important matters. PROVING BOILERS.-They should not be proved at more than 40 lb. per square inch beyond the working pressure, and for the average of boilers the maximum pressure should not exceed 100 lb. per square inch. The proving must always be done by hydraulic pressure, it should be gradually put on, and left on for some time; during this period all parts of the shell and tube should be submitted to a careful examination. 188 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. If any part leaks, the rivets or seams should be marked with chalk, but on no account should any caulking be done while the hydraulic pressure is on the boiler. It is advisable to keep a small hydraulic boiler tester in the house, these are usually made portable, the tank and pump being carried on wheels. THE FUEL used for boilers will depend upon the locality, in some instances where small coal is very cheap, it may be advantageously employed, but in the London district, or any place distant from the coal fields, good clean "nut" coal, or coal about the size of a pigeon's egg, and well screened, will be found the best to use, they do not make so much clinker, give greater heat, and the cost is less in working; the amount of ash refuse is also much less. Where gas coke can be obtained at a cheap rate it is a good fuel, and coke breeze can also be advantageously used, but in this case the furnaces must be specially constructed to burn the same. The area of the grate must be larger, and the air space increased; more clinker will be formed than when using coke or coal, the draught from the shaft must be very good. Water should be laid on near the coal heap, and an india- rubber hose provided to damp the coal before use. This has been found very advantageous especially when using small coal. It is also advisable to have a water pan under the fire bars to keep them cool; in some instances the draught of the shaft is much increased by this plan. FEED WATER SUPPLY.-This is a very important matter, only perfectly clean water should be procured, river water contain- ing either silty or sewage matter should never be used. Waters containing chalk or other hard matter should be softened and filtered by the Porter-Clark or other systems. To keep the boilers clean, the blow-off cock should be opened several times each day for a minute or so, this prevents the hard matter in solu- tion depositing on the plates. Boilers should always be fed with hot water, this not only saves some of the corrosion taking place, but saves the fuel also. Anyone desiring further information upon the construction of boilers and their fittings is referred to the author's book upon 'Modern Steam Engines and Boilers,' and for the management of boilers to his book upon the 'Working and Management of Boilers and Engines.'-Spon, London. ، 1 ( 189 ) CHAPTER IX. ENGINE AND BOILER HOUSES. ENGINE HOUSES. THE dimensions of the houses will, of course, depend upon the size and kind of engine, the disposition of the gear, and other special circumstances. The house should be of good height, and even in small houses not less than 10 to 12 feet to the wall plate; the walls, when of brickwork, should not be less than one and a half brick or 14 inches thick, and the principals of the roof of iron, with wood purlins, caulked on and bolted to the T-iron; it should be close boarded, and covered with slates, or it may be an open timber roof, stained and varnished. The walls should be plastered on the inside and painted. The floor may be either in wood, or covered with tiles, or stone paving, or, when the ground is solid below, the paving may be of Stuart's patent granolithic concrete. The author has used this material on a large scale for this and kindred purposes, and has been well satisfied with it. The house should be well lighted, and a proper amount of ventilation provided by swing sashes. All the steam pipes should be covered with composition, and in some instances also cased with wood; where any pipes have to pass under the floor, they should also be covered with composition and be placed in channels of brickwork, easy means of access for examination and repairs should be provided; in most cases the channel should be covered at the top with iron plates, a few being made to take up when required. An engine counter should be provided to show the number of strokes made by the engine in a given time, the counter should be placed under glass, and in such a way that the attendants cannot interfere with it, the record of the work is marked by a pencil on a revolving card or paper, this is ruled and shows the day and time, any stoppage or irregularity in working the engine is thus shown, and the cause can be enquired into. S 190 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY, The engine house should be completely shut off from the boiler house, and while thorough ventilation should be pro- vided, all damp, dust, and grit should be carefully excluded. Engine Houses for Cornish and Beam Engines must be specially constructed to suit the particular kind of engine; no rules can be given as to this the foundations for the cylinder, main centre, and pumps, must be massive; granite is the preferable stone to use in this case; the thickness of the walls will depend upon the kind and power of the engine, this matter cannot, however, be further treated here. Fittings of Rooms.—A steam gauge as well as a vacuum gauge should be fixed on the wall, they should be placed well in sight; a pressure gauge should also be provided to show the "head" of water pumped. A set of spanners to take each size of nut should be kept on a rack, which should be fixed to the wall of the house. A girder should be fixed over the cylinder, and one also at the fly-wheel shaft, for the purpose of lifting these parts of the engine when under repair; in the case of large Beam, Cornish, or other engines a traveller is generally provided with a lifting crab and strong tackle. Engine Drivers.-The author always advises that the engine should be got up bright in all the usual parts; when this is done the men take more pride in keeping the machinery in good order. A system of bonuses to the drivers as well as to the stokers is advisable when the engines have been kept going well up to their work, with a consumption of coal, oil, &c., not exceeding a certain fixed amount per month relative to the work done. It is almost needless to say that where Cornish or the larger kind of Compound Triple or Quadruple engines are used, only skilled mechanics should be employed, the machines being of a costly character and of large power; in case of any emergency arising those in charge should be competent to deal with it both with expedition and skill. From a long experience in such matters, the author may state he has always found the employment of well experienced men to pay best in the end; if the proprietors do otherwise it is very false economy, and nearly sure to lead to serious accidents, not only to the machinery but in many cases to the loss of human life. " ENGINE AND BOILER HOUSES. 191 BOILER HOUSES. The houses should be of fair height, say not less than 6 feet 6 inches from the top of the boiler to the under side of the tie beams of the roof. The walls, when of brickwork, should not be less than 14 inches thick; it is desirable to plaster the inside walls. When built of stone it should be wrought with a fair face in order to keep the place clean. The roof may be constructed with iron trusses with wood purlins covered with boards and felted, on these the slates are fixed. At the top of the roof a lantern or ventilator should be pro- vided with glazed swing sashes, or louvres, capable of adjustment by cords from the floor of the boiler house or by mechanical gear. The floor in front of the boilers should be of iron plates, for say at least 4 feet wide; the rest may be paved with stone or covered with asphalte or Stuart's patent granolithic paving, before named. A channel of brickwork should be formed in front of the boiler for the blow-off pipes, with a door and frame over each cock. The bottom of this channel should be laid with a fall, and any water that collects should be taken away by a trapped gulley to the drain. The stoking space in front of the boiler must not be less than 8 feet; the coal may either be kept in an iron bunker at the back of the stoking floor or at the side of the boiler. In some cases it is more convenient to run the coal into the houses in iron trucks on three wheels, the front one being made to swivel, and fitted with a sliding hopper to take out the coal as required; these trucks should not be made to hold more than 10 cwt. A water pipe with a hose, as before named, should be pro- vided to sprinkle the coals occasionally, and also for the purpose of quenching the fire if it has to be drawn out on to the floor in case of any emergency. Provision should be made either at the front or back wall for taking out the boiler if required. BRICKWORK SHAFTS.-No rule can be given for the height and area of these, as it depends upon the number of boilers, and also as to the position of the shaft in relation to the surround- ing buildings. When constructed in London, the Building Act 192 PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. requires that the diameter outside of the shaft at the base should not be less than one-tenth the height, and the thickness of brick- work according to the height, which is measured from the top, commencing with one brick to one and a half brick for the first 25 feet, and an extra half brick in thickness each succeeding 25 feet. The shape of the shaft may be round, square, or octagon; the author generally prefers them round as they keep cleaner, and present a nice exterior appearance, added to which they are not so liable to split as square shafts. The top cap may be cast iron, and painted white to look like stone; it is much less in weight, added to which the brickwork is better protected by iron than stone, and is safer in every respect. A large flue door should be left at the base of shaft, and a pocket for the soot of not less than 3 feet below the main flue into the shaft; any greater depth in most cases will much interfere with the draught. The lower part of the shaft and flues must be kept perfectly free from water and damp. G LABOUR IN THE BOILER HOUSE. In large places the boilers should be attended to by men who should have no other duties to perform than to look after them; the feeding apparatus should in all cases be in the boiler house, and quite independent of the engines. To ensure careful attention and economy in the use of the fuel, good wages should be paid to efficient men, and a small premium paid monthly upon any saving of coal effected below a certain fixed amount, in proportion to the number of hours at work and work done in the mill or factory. All the parts of the house should be kept very clean, and the fittings well polished, when all things are in good order the men take extra interest in the place, the work is always better done, and the apparatus better cared for in every way. It is advisable to have clear rules or instructions either printed or in writing fixed on the walls of the boiler house, as to the duties of the men, viz. the regular supply of feed water, periodical trial of water gauges, when to open the blow-off cocks, banking of fires-and especially that no outside person should be allowed on any account to interfere with any part of the boilers or their fittings. In the author's experience many unfortunate accidents have been caused by such interference; strangers and those who have , ENGINE AND BOILER HOUSES. 193 no business in the house should at all times be rigidly ex- cluded, in, too many instances in large factories, men and boys get into the boiler house from the other part of the place, and either interfere with the stokers doing their duty in a proper way, or touch some of the apparatus, whereby serious. accidents may be caused. ( A. Accumulator, 100 Admiralty pumps, 76 Agra pumping engines, 136 Air compressors, 84, 87, 88 pumps, 80-84 chemical, 81 , vacuum, 80 diving, 81 force, 24 vessels, 8, 12, 15, 20, 26, 28 receivers, 88 INDEX. Airy's spiral pumps, 77 Allen, W. H. & Co., pumping engines, 73-77 Ammoniacal liquor pumps, 11 Anglo Chilian Railway Company pumping, 99 Angus' composition, 46 Appold's pumps, 61 Arrangement of pumps, 42 B. Babcock and Wilcox boilers, 180 Balanced engines, 64 Barrels of pumps, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 24, 26, 27 2 Beam engines, 120-141 Beer pumps, 10 Belts for driving pumps, 8 Birkenhead Dock (pumping), 73 Blowing engines, 80, 84, 85 Root's, 85 Boilers, 36, 38, 114, 116, 119, 121, 134, 137, 141, 155, 175–183 patent, 38, 180, 183 water tube, 180 multitubular, 179 Cornish, 177 Lancashire, 178 vertical, 175 Boilers, wagon, 183 elephant, 183 houses, 191 labour, 192 Brickwork shafts, 191 " foundations, 20, 30, 150 Brisbane engines, 114 Bucket and plunger pumps, 114, 125 Buckets of pumps, 7 Bull engines, 148 Bute Dock, Cardiff (pumping), 74 C. Calcutta (pumping), 136 Cardiff (pumping), 74 Cast-iron pumps, 11 tanks, 57 pipes, 46 Centrifugal pumps, Allen, 73 Easton, 61 , Gwynne, 66 Chain pumps, 78 Chelsea Water Company's engines, 122 Chemical pumps, 81 Clutches, sliding, 43 Clutch gear, 43 Coals used, 34, 68, 69, 72, 75, 105, 108, 115, 174 Coburg Dock (pumping), 73 Composition, Dr. Angus', 46 Compound engines, 96-141 Compression of air, 80, 87, 88, 90 Condenser's (surface), 65, 114, 116, 120, 135 Condensing engines, 95–141 Connecting rods for pumps, 7, 25 Consumption of fuel, 34, 66, 69, 72, 75, 98, 105, 115, 149 Corliss valves for engines, 102, 103 Cornish boilers, 177 engines, 144-150 o 2 196 INDEX. Cornish valves, 14 pump (Tonkin's), 31 Cost of pumping, 37 Crank shaft pumps, 7 Creosote pumps, 28 Croydon (pumping), 133 Cylindrical boilers, 176 D. Data of pumping engines, 62, 63, 64, 65, 69, 70, 126, 128, 135, 148, 149 Davey's patent engine, 163 Deep wells, 21 pumps, 14 Delivery mains, 8, 11, 45 Depth of suction pipes, 44 Differential engines, 163–170 Dimensions and depth of tanks, 57 Direct-acting pumping engines, 29, 30, 31, 34, 38, 40, 95, 144, 150 > boilers, 181-186 coals used, 34, 66, 68, 69, 72, 75, Egypt (pumping), 69 98, 105, 110, 126, 149 oil, 149 Ejectors for pumps, 65 Engines for working pumps, 92 tallow, 149 pumping, 92 beam, 125-141 steam pumps, 30 Diving pump apparatus, 81 Dock pumping, 63, 64 Portsmouth, 63 Cronstadt, 63 Glasgow, 63 " air compressors, 87 pumps (steam), 29, 30, 31 blowers, 84 Birkenhead, 73 Liverpool, 73 Cardiff, 74 -, Japan, 75 Haulbowline, 64 Donkey pumps, 30, 31 Double action pumps, 109 Drainage of country, Ferrara, 68 of Witham, 62 of Italy, 68 of Whittlesea, 62 of Fos, Bouches du Rhône, 69 of Redmoor, 62 of Holland, 66 of Lake Aboukir, 69 of Misterton, 72 of Coburg Dock, 73 Drainage pumps, 61 Driving gear for pumps, 8, 9, 16, 43 Duplex engines, 172 E. Easton and Anderson's engines, 61–66, 115, 131 Eccentrics and rods for pumps, 10, 17 Economy of coals, 34, 66, 68, 69, 72, 75, 105, 108, 115, 174 Efficiency of Engines, 62, 72, 76, 85, 88, 115, 118 ? condensing, 95-141 compound, 96-141 tests and trials, 70, 110, 115, 118, 124, 126, 128, 130, 135 foundations, 94, 150 houses, 189 drivers, 190 -, semi-portable, 104 Exhausting air, 80, 83 Expansion gear for engines, 95 F. Fawcett, Preston & Co.'s engines, 90, 99, 110, 138 Feed water supply, 188 heaters, 183 pumps, 184 Ferrara (Italy), pumping, 68 Fire engines, 38, 39, 40, 41 Floats, steam, 40 Flooring of engine and boiler houses, 189 Foot-pounds of work, 149 Force pumps, 24, 41 " direct-acting steam, 29-36 portable, 35, 37 " for creosote, 28, 84 for hydraulic presses, 27 vertical, 29 Forth Bridge compressing engines, 90 Fos, Bouches du Rhône, pumping, 69 Foundations of pumps, 20, 30 of engines, 94, 150 INDEX. 197 G. Gas works pumps, 11 Gear for pumps, 8, 9, 16, 17, 43 General details of pumps, 42 observations, 42, 150 Fowler's air compressors, 87 J. Fuel used, 34, 66, 68, 69, 75, 105, 108, Jackets for engine cylinders, 102, 108 115, 135, 188 Furnaces (common) boilers, 177 smoke consuming, 185 Giffard's injectors, 184 Girders for wells, 16, 17 Grand Junction Water Company's engines, 101, 167 Guest and Chrimes water meters, 50 Guide for wells, 16 Gwynne's (J. and H.) pumps, 66–73 H. Hathorn, Davy & Co., pumping engines, 163 Haulbowline (pumping), 64 Heaters (feed water), 183 Hick & Co., blowing engines, 84 pumping engines, 95 High- and low-pressure engines, 96, 141 High-duty engines (Worthington), 151-163 High-lift pumping engines, 151 Hiogo Dock (Japan) pumping, 75 Horizontal engines, 93- steam pumps, 30 pumping engines, high- and low- pressure, 93- force pumps, 26 Horse power required in pumping, 43, 149 rule required for pumping, > 43 Hot water pumps, 11 Hydraulic press pumps, 27 I. India (Calcutta, pumping at), 136 India-rubber valves, 6, 10, 15 Inferential meters, 50-51 Injectors, 100, 184 Japan (pumping at), 75 Joints of pipes, 46 Juckes' furnaces, 185 K. Kennedy's water meters, 49 L. Labour in boiler house, 192 Lake Aboukir (pumping), 69 Lambeth Water Company's engines, 122-127 Lancashire boilers, 178 Land steam fire engines, 39 Leather valves, 6, 44 Lift pumps, 5 Liscard (Liverpool), pumping, 138 Low-lift pumping engines, 103, 125 Mains, rising, 8 delivery, 45 M. Margate pumping engines, 113 Marine-purpose pumps, 76 Marshall and Son's engines, 104 Mather and Platt's wells, 22 Mersey Dock Board, pumping, 73 Meters for water, 48 for hot water, 56 Meyer's valve gear, 129, 135 Misterton (pumping), 72 Multitubular boilers, 175 N. New River Company's engines, 157 Non-condensing engines, 93 Non-rotative engines, 144 Nottinghamshire (pumping in), 72 Number of pumps used, 9 0. Observations, general, 42, 150 Oil used, 149 Outlets (pipe), 72 P. Packing for stuffing boxes of pumps, 44 Parkinson's water meters, 49 198 INDEX. Patent blowers, 85 boilers, 180 engines, 85 spiral pumps, 77 Pet cocks, 25, 28 Pipe outlets, 72 Pipes, 8, 45, 46 delivery, 28 suction, 8, 11, 28 Plunger pumps, 26 Portable force pumps, 35, 37 hand pumps, 37 steam pumps, 35 pumping engines, 92 Positive meters, 49, 52, 54 Pressure regulator, 141 Proving boilers, 187 Pumping at Portsmouth, 63, 132 at Amsterdam, 61 at Brisbane, 115 at Cronstadt, 63 at Haulbowline, 64 at Glasgow, 63 at Redmoor, 62 at Whittlesea, 62 at Witham, 62 at Lambeth, 132 at Bristol, 127 at Brighton, 132 at Chelsea Co., 122 at Coburg Dock, 73 at Bute Dock, Cardiff, 74 at Japan, 75 at Antwerp, 133 at St. Helen's, 166 at Staffordshire Potteries, 97 at Hampton, Southwark and Vauxhall Company, 107, 144 Grand Junction Water- works Company, 101, 167 at Anglo-Chilian Railway Com- pany, 99 at Fos, Bouches du Rhône, 69 at Lake Aboukir, Egypt, 69 at Misterton, Nottinghamshire, 72 at Margate, 112 portable engines, 35-37 at Liscard (Liverpool), 138 at Croydon, 133 at Agra, 136 Pumps, steam, 19, 35, 37 Pumps, tar, 11, 27 vinegar, 12 , sewage, 13, 79 force, 24-41 lift, 5 air, 80, 84 -, vacuum, 80, 81 hydraulic presses, 27 beer, 10 Pump-valves, 10, 11, 13, 14, 26, 28, 37, 44 crank shafts, 7 gear (for driving), 8, 9, 16, 43 data and performance, &c., 62, " 63, 64, 65, 69, 70, 126, 135, 148, 149 !]. position in well, 18 buckets and rods, 15 marine purposes, 76 ballast and bilge, 76 vacuum, 80 Q. Quadruple engines at Wandsworth, 118 Quality of pumps, 19 of leather for valves, 44 of boilers, 179 Quantity of oil used in engines, 149. of water pumped by engines, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 65, 67, 68, 71, 73, 75, 95, 97, 102, 103, 110, 112, 115, 125, 132, 135, 140, 167, 169, 170, 173 of steam used in engines, 69-71, 75, 76 Quality of feed water, 188 of tallow, 149 R. Ram pumps, 26 Receivers, steam, 125, 129 Redmoor drainage, 62 Regulator for pressure of water, 141 Relief valves, 26 Results of trials of pumping engines, 70, 110, 115, 118, 124, 126-128, 130, 135 Retaining valves, 28 Revolutions of engines, 95, 97, 105, 115, 132, 133, 135 INDEX. 199 Riedler engine at Grand Junction Water Co., 101 Rising mains, 8 Roofs for engine houses, 189 for boiler houses, 191 Root's patent blower, 85 Rule for horse power, 43, 149 S. Safety valves, 25, 28, 29 Schönheyder's water meter, 54 pressure regulator, 141 Semi-portable engines, 104 Sewage pumps, 13, 79 Shafts, brickwork, 191 crank, 7 Shand & Mason's fire-engines, 38-41 Siemens' water meter, 50 Simpson's valves, 48 Slip of pumps, 154 Smoke consuming furnaces, 185 Solid piston pumps, 26 Southwark and Vauxhall Water Co.'s engines, 108, 145 Special blowers, 86 Speed of pumps, 10 of engines, 102, 103, 105, 115, 132, 133, 135 of water in mains, 45 in pumps, 11, 20, 28, 29, 30, 34, 45, 79 Spiral pumps, 77 Stages in wells, 18 Standard valves, 48 Stand pipes, 45 Stays for tanks, 59 Steam fire engines, 38, 39, 40, 41 , floating, 40 pumps, 19, 30, 34, 35, 37 jackets to cylinders of engines, 102, 108 Steam used in engines, 69, 71, 75, 76 St. Helen's Waterworks engines, 166 Storage tanks, 59 Sturgeon's air compressors, 88 Suction pipes, 8, 44 Sundry boilers, 183 Surface condensers, 65-116, 114, 120, 135 T. Tables of engine trials, 70, 110, 115, 118, 125, 126, 128, 130, 135 of engine work, 156, 161, 162, 166, 168, 170 Tallow used in engines, 149 Tanks, cast iron, 57 • 2 of pipes, 46 of valves, 48 wrought iron, 59, 184 Tar pumps, 11, 27 Tests of meters, 52, 53, 55 Thornewill's pumps, 30, 113 Three-cylinder pumps, 82 Three-throw pumps, 6, 82 Tonkin's feed pump, 31 feed water, 184. pumping engines, 171 Top driving gear for pumps, 16 Trials of engines, 66, 68, 70, 72, 75, 78, 110, 115, 118, 124, 126, 128, 130, 135 Triple expansion engines, 116, 161, 169 Tube water heaters, 184 Turbine meters, 50, 51 Tylor's water meters, 51 " U. Uniform speed of pumps, 6 feeding of furnaces, 186 5 V. Vacuum pumps, 80, 81 maintained in engines, 126, 131 Valves for pumps, 14, 10, 26, 28, 44 Cornish, 14 Corliss gear, 102, 103 Meyer's steam, 129, 135 for water, 47, 48 safety, for boilers, 175, 178, 179 leather, 6, 44 india-rubber, 6, 10, 15 Variable expansion gear, 97, 129, 135 Various boilers, 183 Velocity of water in pipes, 45 of pistons in engines, 93, 102 Vertical depth of suction, 44 engines, 106-120 200 INDEX. Vertical boilers, 175 air pumps, 83 force pumps, 24, 25, 29 pumping engine, Southwark and Vauxhall Water Co., 107 Co., Ld., 110 , Fawcett, Preston & Margate, 112 Calcutta, 110 Brisbane, 114 triple expansion engine, Waltham Abbey, 116 quadruple ditto, Wandsworth, 118 Vicker's patent furnace, 185 Vinegar pumps, 12 W. Water meters, 48, 49 mains and pipes, 45, 46 towers, 59 velocity in mains, &c., 45 quality for boilers, 188 tube boilers, 180 " Water heaters (feed), 183 supply to boilers, 188 Waterworks Co.'s pumping at— Brighton, 132 Portsmouth, 132 Lambeth, 132 Antwerp, 133 Waterworks Co.'s pumping at— Chelsea, 122 Bristol, 127 ". " " ton, 108, 145 St. Helen's, 166 Stone, Staffordshire, 97 Southwark and Vauxhall, Hamp- : Calcutta, 110 Liverpool (Liscard), 138 -, Margate, 113 Croydon, 133 Hampton, 101, 108, 110 Thames Ditton, 125 " " Waltham Abbey, 117 Brisbane, 115 Wandsworth, 118. " Weight of pipes, 46 Well girders, 16, 17 pumps, 13 Wells, deep, 21 shallow, 21 Whittlesea drainage, 62 Wipperman's injector, 100 Witham drainage, 62 Working results of engines and pumps, 62-76, 95, 97, 99, 102, 110, 112, 115, 125, 126, 128, 130, 132, 141 boilers, 192 Worthington pumping engines, 151-63 Wright's patent furnace, 185 Wrought iron tanks, 59 LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. xii ADVERTISEMENTS. Ingots, Billets, Castings, LIMIT OF ELASTICITY. Tons per sq. inch. 23.47 15.50 30.00 28.60 domason THE PHOSPHOR BRONZE CO., 87, Sumner Street, Southwark, London, S.E. SOLE MANUFACTURERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM FOR BULL'S METAL. 100.32 BRONZE COMPANY MAXIMUM STRESS. Tons per sq. inch. 78.75 BULL'S METAL is a malleable alloy, possessing good casting qualities. It can be rolled, forged, stamped, or otherwise wrought at a red heat, and then acquires an elastic limit and tensile strength considerably higher than mild Steel. Castings in the alloy possess a tensile strength and elastic limit almost twice as high as good Gun Metal, with the same or greater resistance to corrosion, also great resistance to wear. 38.9 35.43 RAD MARK The perfect uniformity of the alloy, combined with the leading qualities mentioned above, render it particularly suitable for purposes where great strength and resistance to wear and corrosion are required, i. e. for Pro- pellers, cast or forged parts of Pumps and Valves, Pump Rods, Pump Spindles, Valve Spindles, Condenser Plates, Valve Discs, Stern Shafts, Hull Plates, Angle Bars, Marine and Hydraulic Work generally, Bolts and Nuts, parts of Ordnance and Ammunition, &c., &c. HE Tests to ascertain the tensile and crushing strength of this metal have been made at various times, and gave the following results :- dail TRADE MARK. LIMITED, Percentage of Compression. Rods, Forgings, Stampings, On 2.145" 51.4% On 2.553" 47.5% Percentage of Extension. 10.15 21.00 COMPRESSION TESTS, Cold Rolled Specimen. Cast Specimen. EXTENSION TESTS. Cold Rolled Specimen. Ditto. ADVERTISEMENTS. xi THE PHOSPHOR BRONZE CO., " Sole Makers of the Original "VULCAN" LIMITED, 87, Sumner Street, Southwark, London, S.E. BRONZE COMPANY HOME RAD MARK E "COG WHEEL" and Brands of PHOSPHOR BRONZE," The best and most durable Alloys for Bearings, Bushes, and parts of Machinery exposed to friction and wear. "DURO METAL" (REGISTERED TRADE MARK). Alloy A, for Railway Carriage, Wagon, and Truck Bearings. Alloy B, specially adapted for Bearings for Hot Neck Rolls of Ironworks, Tin-plate Mills, &c. WEILLER'S PATENT SILICIUM BRONZE ELECTRICAL WIRE. High Conductivity, great Tensile Strength, and Resistance to Corrosion. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS AND INFRINGEMENT OF PATENT RIGHTS. Rolled and Drawn Brass of all kinds; HIGH CONDUCTIVITY AND OTHER COPPER WIRE. GERMAN SILVER. Finest Babbitt Metal, "Vulcan" Brand, Four Qualities. Best Plastic Metal, "Cog Wheel" Brand. "Phosphor" White Brass, Alloys I. and II. PHOSPHOR TIN AND PHOSPHOR COPPER, 66 COG WHEEL" BRAND. X ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS THEIR ENGINEERING, SANITARY, AND OTHER APPLIANCES, WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS. By F. COLYER, M. Inst. C.E. 8vo, cloth, 10s. 6d. CONTENTS. Sanitary Appliances-Drainage and Sewage Disposal-Water Supply, Cold and Hot Service Warming Apparatus-Lifting Machinery-Baking Apparatus and Bakery— Steam Laundries-Engine Boilers and Pumping Machinery-Stables, Cowhouses, and Workshops-Gas Works and Lighting-Breweries-Electric Light and Plant. WATER SUPPLY. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON WATER SUPPLY ENGINEERING, RELATING TO THE HYDROLOGY, HYDRODYNAMICS, AND PRACTICAL CONSTRUCTION OF WATERWORKS IN NORTH AMERICA. WITH NUMEROUS TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. By JOHN T. FANNING, C.E. Ninth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 8vo, cloth, £1 5s. M CONTENTS. SECTION 1. Collection and Storage of Water, and its Impurities - Chap. 1. Intro- ductory-Chap. 2. Quantity of Water required-Chap. 3. Rainfall-Chap. 4. Flow of Streams-Chap. 5. Storage and Evaporation of Water-Chap. 6. Supplying capacity of Watersheds-Chap. 7. Springs and Wells-Chap. 8. Impurities of Water-Chap. 9. Well, Spring, Lake, and River Supplies. SECTION 2. Flow of Water through Sluices, Pipes, and Channels-Chap. 10. Weight, Pressure, and Motion of Water-Chap. 11. Flow of Water through Orifices-Chap. 12. Flow of Water through Short Tubes Chap. 13. Flow of Water through Pipes under Pressure-Chap. 14. Measuring Weirs and Weir Gauging-Chap. 15. Flow of Water in open Channels. SECTION 3. Practical Construction of Waterworks Chap. 16. Reservoir Embankments and Chambers Chap. 17. Open Channels-Chap. 18. Waste Weirs-Chap. 19. Partitions and Retaining Walls-Chap. 20. Masonry Conduits-Chap. 21. Mains and Distribution Pipes- Chap. 22. Distribution Systems-Chap. 23. Classification of Water-Chap. 24. Pumping of Water-Chap. 25. Systems of Water. London: E. & F. N. SPON, 125, Strand. New York: SPON & CHAMBERLAIN, 12, Cortlandt Street. ADVERTISEMENTS. ix ALFRED WILLIAMS&Co PUDR. paar סנגג!! THE WILLIAMS LOGOGR KARLATRY WINDMILLS ELECTRIC LIGHT & SUPPLY FOR VILLAGES COUNTRYAMANSIONS AND FACTORIES AND DRIVEN. TUBE WELLS PUMPS Фатените ELUSTRATED CATALOGUES ENGINEERS' BUMBL 11. 39 GREAT EASTERN ST LONDON. E.C. FIVE MINUTES WALK FROM LIVERPOOL ST STA G·E.R. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS "VENTULUS LONDON SPONS 1 HOME SIZE OF BOOK. SPONS' TABLES AND MEMORANDA FOR ENGINEERS. Selected and arranged by J. T. HURST, C.E., Mem. of the Society of Engineers, Mem. Phys. Soc. of London, late Surveyor War Department, Author of Architectural Surveyors' Hand-Book,' 'Hurst's Tredgold's Carpentry,' &c. Eleventh Edition, 64mo, roan. gilt edges, ls. In case, ls. 6d. Engineers Tables MMARY TABLES. London: E. & F. N. SPON, 125, Strand. New York: SPON & CHAMBERLAIN, 12, Cortlandt Street. P viii ADVERTISEMENTS. FAWCETT, PRESTON & CO., LIMITED, ENGINEERS, BOILERMAKERS, MILLWRIGHTS, Iron and Brass Founders, and Coppersmiths, LIVERPOOL, MANUFACTURERS OF Pumping Machinery of all classes and sizes. Stationary Engines of all classes and sizes, High or Low Pressure, Condensing, Single Cylinder, Com- pound or Triple Expansion. Marine Engines, Compound Surface Condensing, Triple Expansion. Stationary and Marine Boilers of all classes, suitable for steam of any pressure. Sugar Machinery of every kind, including Cane Mills, Vacuum Pans, Multiple Effects, etc. Nitrate making Machinery. Apparatus for the economical production of Fresh Water from Sea Water. Multiple Effect Evaporators for the Economical Concentration of Chemical and other Solutions. Air Compressing Plants. Coffey and other Stills, for the production of Spirits, and Distillery Works of all kinds. Hydraulic Machinery, including Watson's Hydraulic Presses of the most powerful type for packing cotton, jute, and other substances. All kinds of Engineering and Millwright's Work in cast iron, wrought iron, brass or copper. Particulars of a few of the Works carried out by F. P. & Co. will be found on pages 90, 99, 110, 138, and Plates 13, 17, 21, 22, 23, 36, 37, Part I. } armhou WORTHINGTON PUMPING ENGINE CO., 153, QUEEN VICTORIA ST., LONDON, E.C. TIZENT ADVERTISEMENTS. WWE WORTHINGTON. 2MS TRADE MARK. ECIES AN BERKELADI WA KEMUR SHETDEUR JE COMPOUND PUMP. MANDATE QUANT, QUALIT WORTHINGTON ROGERING vii The Worthington Pump is the recognised Standard of Steam Pumping Machinery. WORTHINGTON PUMPS FOR ALL SERVICES. Worthington Pumps, both Horizontal and Vertical, and with either Gun Metal or Iron Water Ends, suitable for all purposes and all pressures. CATALOGUES AND ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION. vi' WORTHINGTON PUMPING ENGINE CO., 153, QUEEN VICTORIA ST., LONDON, E.C. Tags of dia kan saniki HRE Km 150/wk). Cota 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. FURYTE WORTHINGTON. TRADE MARK. O GOVINDA AGA THANOLLER (WORTH:INGTON HME. KUNSTIDED IN TO Huw BIBIDONANIE. 101 11 KOETTER.ONAL!! SINKING PUMP, WITH POT VALVE CHAMBERS. WORTHINGTON PUMPS FOR ALL SERVICES. CATALOGUES AND ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION. ADVERTISEMENTS. EASTON & ANDERSON, LTD., ENGINEERS, LONDON & ERITH. WATERWORKS PUMPING MACHINERY. ROTARY OR DIRECT-ACTING ENGINES; SINGLE, COMPOUND, OR TRIPLE EXPANSION, ETC. DOCK PUMPING MACHINERY. ए DIRECT-ACTING CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS & ENGINES; LIFT PUMPS AND ENGINES. DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION MACHINERY. CENTRIFUGAL, SCREW, AND LIFT PUMPS. SEWAGE PUMPING MACHINERY. HYDRAULIC PUMPING ENGINES. HYDRAULIC LIFTS AND CRANES. HIGH-SPEED ENGINES, FOR CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, FANS, AND DYNAMOS. BOILERS. STEEL CORNISH, LANCASHIRE, AND TUBULAR. Particulars of a few of the Works carried out by E. & A. will be found on pages 61-66, 115, 131, and Plates 6, 7, 8, 28, 29, 32 to 35, Part I. Offices-3, WHITEHALL PLACE, S.W. Works-ERITH IRONWORKS, ERITH, KENT. Telegraphic Address "EGYPTIAN, LONDON.” Telephone No. 3695. ADVERTISEMENTS. Several Special Medals obtained for Excellence and Practical Success of Engines and Machinery represented by Models Exhibited by this Firm. Gold Medal at International Exhibition of Mining and Metallurgy. Silver Medal at The Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne. HARVEY & CO., iv LIMITED, 186, 187, 188, GRESHAM HOUSE, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C. WORKS AT HAYLE, CORNWALL. MECHANICAL, HYDRAULIC, AND MINING ENGINEERS, IRON & STEEL STEAM BOAT & SHIP BUILDERS, Iron & Steel Boiler Manufacturers, Founders & General Smiths. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF PUMPING ENGINES, AND Machinery for Water Works, Irrigation, Drainage, Sewage and Mining Purposes; Sluices, Hydrants, Improved Sluice Cocks, Pen Stocks, Watering Posts, Valves, Cocks, &c., &c. PATENT & OTHER LARGE PUMPING VALVES, Pneumatic Ore Stampers, Special Stone Boring Machines, Stone Breakers and Crushers, GOLD AMALGAMATING AND QUARTZ CRUSHING MACHINERY. NEWEST & MOST IMPROVED MACHINERY FOR HOME AND FOREIGN MINES. MILLS AND MACHINERY FOR SUGAR PLANTATIONS, &c. Gold Mining and Dressing Machinery, A SPECIALITY. ERECTION OF MACHINERY UNDERTAKEN IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD. SHIPPED DIRECT FROM HAYLE. South African Agency-HARVEY & Co., Johannesburg. Mexican Agency-READ, CAMPBELL & Co., Ld., City of Mexico. Member of the "Engineering Exchange," London. CATALOGUES AND PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION, ? JOHN & HENRY GWYNNE, ENGINEERS, Hammersmith Iron Works, W.; and 89, CANNON ST., LONDON, MANUFACTURERS OF The LARGEST AND MOST ECONOMICAL Centrifugal Pumping Engines in the Universe. PATENTEES AND SOLE MAKERS OF THE RENOWNED "INVINCIBLE" ADVERTISEMENTS. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING ENGINES, Which have Replaced Vertical Spindle Centrifugal Pumps, Scoop Wheels, and Lift Pumps, with ENORMOUS SAVING IN FUEL, in some cases as much as 70 PER Cent. Reclamation Works. Drainage Irrigation Water Sewage THE MOST SUITABLE MACHINES FOR- "" "" iii "" Raising the Level of Water in Docks. Emptying Graving & Floating Docks. &c., &c. "" Require very small Foundations, little or no Repairs, and no skilled labour to work them. ALSO MAKERS OF CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, Portable and Stationary, PORTABLE CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING ENGINES, STEAM ENGINES FOR ALL PURPOSES, STEAM FANS, TURBINES, and other kinds of Machinery. A description of some of the Installations erected is given on pages 66-73, Part I. Telegrams, "GWYNNE, LONDON." PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY, AND OTHER MECHANICAL APPLIANCES, Supplied by the following Firms:- GWYNNE, JOHN & HENRY, Hammersmith Iron Works, W.; and 89, Cannon Street, London ·· ·· • .. HARVEY & Co., Limited, 186, 187, 188, Gresham House, Old Broad Street, London, E.C.; and Hayle, Cornwall · ·· •• EASTON & ANDERSON, Limited, London and Erith.. WORTHINGTON PUMPING ENGINE Co., 153, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. FAWCETT, PRESTON & Co., Limited, Liverpool ALFRED WILLIAMS & Co., 39, Great Eastern Street, London, E.C. THE PHOSPHOR BRONZE Co., Limited, 87, Sumner Street, South- wark, London, S.E. ·· .. ·· ·· PAGES iii iv V vi, vii viii ix xi, xii PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY DRAWING No 53. 2 F. COLYER, M INST.C.E D 5 · 1 L 1 1 t ↑ · t 1 + 1 I 1 1 CIR • 7 # SCALE 10 I 4 DIL I J J I OTO 15 QUADRUPLE PUMPING ENGINE SOUTHWARK & VAUXHALL WATER CO, WATER CO, WANDSWORTH. 20 FEET 15"Delivery 20″ Suction 15″ Delivery E.& F.N.Spon,London & New York. Sluice Valves air Vessels men den haftadóms Penting off 11 ¦ 1 15 delivery 15 Suction • 15″ delivery in 15″ Suction * 15" Suction is Delivery 11 U MAIN_PUMPS CONDENSER PROPOSEDLEVARA I CONDENSER Hous MAIN POMPS ENGINE PLAN OF ENGINE AND BOILER HOUSE LISTENIN HOUSE BOILER B ILER BOILER PR 80 B BOILERS J LER ER Economi STORE COAL Tho Kell & Son, Lith. $ PS & PUMPING MACHINERY A A F. COLYER,M.INST.C.E DIAGRAMS OF ENGINES Scale, go Scale, 30 Scale 10 E&F.N.Spon, London & New York. PART OF DRAWG NO L L L UNIV OF MICH Tho Kell & Son, Lith. " OF ¡ PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY AIN TRIPLE-EXPANSION PUMPING ENGINES FOR THE EAST LONDON WATER WORKS. CONSTRUCTED BY MESSRS. T. RICHARDSON AND SONS, ENGINEERS, HARTLEPOOL. F. COLYER, M. INST. C.E 12 € 10 God 10 TE Anh. An Ad W TYY V 3 FLACHE WEARS) Now al простого ટ Da SevinciiKiekkominen I الالالالال mon F..& F.N.Spon, London & New York. Ba 4.2 a'dat DRAWING NO 52. 10 FI Tho Kell & Son Li DRAWING Nº 51. The Bell & Son, Lath PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY TRIPLE-EXPANSION PUMPING ENGINES FOR THE EAST LONDON WATER WORKS. CONSTRUCTED BY MESSRS. T. RICHARDSON AND SONS, ENGINEERS, HARTLEPOOL, 1 C 15 !!!!! F COLVER MINST CE La Xuy: ED. M. TANGI міститься wary about wor Ko bo The p MED KOJ A prometen ti Fig LA Din saat) MOOL о LO TOL 5 ALDM Kas luchtbl TILIL ALL ZZZZZ |_ LIZZI Des for 30 O HIRI عالم ماما འཁ O #4 TUNUT Om M_ID__01___MIL ر کرتے MALI LIVI IT TAI 167A= Intial HIMMI OLO OF THING @ i:a |'S" ILKETING © BE משחח DECORATI IEPILDU FIRMA ISLAMAD J E&FR.pos.London & New York XIDUF NHL In 應 ​A O LY M прогородо oro L4163 WW LIUBLIKMU 10 SE WITUT TITAT: SULLUJ RUULT. 0.0 10 t о о о 12 god OP ·O • C க Q O ❤ → * ब] On Om CO oft By འབུལ། ། ! PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY F COLYER.M.INST. C.E BABCOCK & WILCOX PATENT WATER TUBE BOILER 0 HE ICR E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. ठ 29 Jaak AA DRAWING No 50. Tho Kell & Son, Lith. UNIV OF MICH PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY fot DO يها # F. COLYER.M. INST. CE 1 == BABCOCK & WILCOX PATENT WATER TUBE BOILER IMRATE n } GAME\\\\V 10 H&N Spon, London & New York. 77 WAHANA 3 1 1 D +HL [ I 1 DRAWING Nº49. 1114. The Kell & Son Lith. UNIV OF MICH PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY F CCLYER,M.INST CE. AN dia I 1 1/7.6.dia C LIZETT TIPY" 0000 000 Wholes { EMEKEME KAREES, ENTITEITSSIKUALA oooo 000 EXTRAS BERABER KO KRAKKERESKE KOULU SANALLARREALAMASCOTIA 0 b |§ Blew off Cock O 04 aka, KADINA Gusset" Feld pipe 25 PEETERANGAN DAGPETITIONS 16 plates (2017 Gusset / (1/10 plates area of Fire bars Gusset fr G 33.39. ft -8:0°. LANCASHIRE BOILER 7·0″ DIA × 28.0 LONG 1 I 1J i Steam Valve SeSLiron Liron O O O -3.0" dia E.& 7.M.Spon, London & New York. 4 double Safety Kal : ↓ ! · -3/15 MISURATORIALDIILIRDNETEINERAI 28.07. (RAID CO O O 2017 KATE C STRE O MODELELETTRONICO2 A 1:3 ========== . OPPELTER STIEN LICENSING S ELLERHETI:7: ORATION DRAWING Nº48 PERUKKIES CALITLAMAT BLOG I GAMLIN SERENIFAILEDUTERTEZ ZAZALLI Gussel PETRAITHRED: TEMU MORIZESOMMEI:11:11111:20INGATANZEZTEZİSİ an LAXSEXFLØYA.. Gusset INST GREETZ KARKILLED DEN FYZIKEMELKEDE Tho Kell & Son Lith PUMPS & PUMPING MACH PUMPING ENGINES FOR VALE OF LEVEN LEVEN WATER Si SU TONKIN'S PATENT. CO 05 F. COLYER.M.INST. C.E D 51 DEXTERTA GRE UN UMBAD کا Be 00 ire A TAPET & ME- • sig.17 · TEAD ··· Rickin Filtrstest Jikom AROT COM E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. Zeni نگ 201 Eup מפטפטים ב 12 • H budin T FELADA LLLL * y I then gen te RAWING NO 47. 39/2 Tho Kell & Son, Lith YER,M INST.CE. H.P. CYLINDER Scale, 1 Inch - 40 lbs. MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE-27 LBS. 曹 ​L. P. CYLINDER Scale, 1 Inch = 8 lbs. MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE 9.63 LBS. INDICATED HORSE POWER H.P. Gylinder. 24 L.P.Cylinder 26·25 Total 50·25 E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. UNIE OF MICH Tho Kell & Son, Lith PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY G J I J COMPOUND DIFFERENTIAL ENGINES. Diagrams. Illustrating Action of Differential Valve Gear. Beginning of Engine Stroke. N H CO M P Heavy Load Late Gut-off P F.COLYER.M.INST.C.E I H M TOOHOO REMON katlaid K G J J Light Load Early Cut-off. N P P. E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. H L DRAWING Nº 46. M End of Engine Stroke. immy! H ניה K UNIV OF Thos Kell & Son Lith CH PS & PUMPING MACHINERY COLYE DAVEY'S PATENT TRIPLE EXPANSION DIFFERENTIAL PUMPING ENGINE SCALE INST.C.E. 10 BY MESSRS HATHORN DAVEY & CO. ΠΟΣΙ # H He 9+ MEMES O DRAWING Nº E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. FEET AF Ch f · Tho Kell & Son, Lith DRAWING NO 44 : Tho Kell & Son, Lith. H&T PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY OF UNIV R F. COLYER, M. INST. C.E • O Plan of Differential Valve Gate. Ins 12 Ꮐ 0 wul COMPOUND DIFFERENTIAL ENGINE. 10 2 ·Scale 1/24th 3 N X 7 O I F 5 E.& F.N. Spon, London & New York… 6 Feet 2 Y Z K PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY F. COLYER,MINST.CE. ゴ ​m Holl 1208! 10% III 12 [ ок LA H HRE I о о о O O а I ㅁ ​о 010 010 * 30 113 $11 + AL B [11 } (USEPARPL) ® Luckepos DAVEY'S PATENT COMPOUND DIFFERENTIAL PUMPING ENCINE FOR S.S.W.W C² FRADLEY. BY MESSRS HATHORN, DAVEY & CR 11 Ji 184 714 O C SCALE 28 Ori se oooooo E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. FREY с O WELOLLYFFEL! 1921 BESORABE DRAWING Nº 44. PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY F. COLYER, M.INST.CE. 1 * 2013 ( ΤΟΥ Τ TO% 100 101 DRAWING Nº 43 DAVEY'S PATENT COMPOUND DIFFERENTIAL PUMPING ENGINE AT THE CRAND JUNCTION WATER WORKS HAMPTON Aragana ! E & FIN Spon, Condos & New York. BY MESSRS HATHORN DAVEY & Cº 10 of SCALE •I 20 tel Jamesart H H O {e} 30 FEET H H O ABER UNTE MICH DF Tho Kell & Son, Lith. PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY Tag 6 ७ 9 ! : mga viral, apparat a la la la 68 F COLYER,MINST.CE. 12 8 e-hi 9-9- 1 3·9° To Tara 13 - 10ˆ__ O ____15_0 1 ! 32 201 AL ווי —— I a Loc T +55=0 ↓ { 2ܫ 15-4 O I : ا اور بریار ۱۷ : Į FY!!* Jeg WICE The SCALE E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. n 13 17 16 D DAVEY'S PATENT COMPOUND DIFFERENTIAL PUMPING ENGINE FOR COLLIERY JAPAN BY MESSRS HATHORN DAVEY & C° SCALE 22-10 7 1 1 7 1 1 3 • • EX ! 3 5'- 0″ 20 JASE 36 FEET == 1 } 犟 ​O O WEE BREAS €7. 2 (83) DRAWING No 42 VESAYSESS The Kell & Son Lath PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY DRAWING Nº 41 F.COLYER, MINST.C.E. we .. . - -- diproseso editing on pers 4 dəq the water cont ontenders to the Batt Kapp. • ta là thiệp và độ thi hàn WORTHINGTON HIGH DUTY PATENT PUMPING ENGINE BY MESSES J. SIMPSON & Co LP LONDON. GELOHD mmmmmmmintälle. HE 12 FEET ORD 1' I E&F.N.Spon, London & New York. O 0- E + : Thof Kell & Son, Lith. PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY 14 the ***** mart *~ ***** 9:8 F. COLYER.M.INST. C.E I ↓ 1 t 14.0" 30.9* 05: 91 ·3:0 5:3" 2.9" 5.3" 3.0 2.0 15.6 5.6 --2.9% 10.6 TT · 5′ 0″ · 5.0" 70 18:0 10.0˝ stroke — 4.6% sto: 2.9% 16.6* C • ------ ĐÂY ĐINH HẠO ĐÀO TẠO 16.6%* {6'8% 7:14 '75. 112% TH ·14.0" 5.9 C N.4% OI 75.9". 2.9" 23.72 · 8'. 0. 59 3.6 28.0 CORNISH BULL ENGINES. CYLINDER 70 INS DIAR X 10 FT STROKE. For BL B + Otoro 3.70"..... LO Scale, Yoth Inclu~) Foot. F.& F. N.Spon, London & New York. 46. 0".. 00 田雨 ​0 • DRAWING Nº 40. OH 110 Tho Kell & Son Lid /08 MPS & PU STEAM : 1 1 • 1 1 } 1 lo G MACHINERY INST.C.E. EXHAUST 1 I 1 I } I + SCHÖNHEYDER'S PATENT REGULATOR } PUMPING MAIN E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. DRAIN 1 : : ¿ [ VAIVAL UNIE OF 1CHY • · 1 Tho Kell & Son, Lit PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY DRAWING Nº 39. get to t MODE 0 w The WE A water to ******* The aper - 1994 and **** } --- L As the ނ What 2. 3 10:21. ・3:0° 19′ 3′ 74. 5 23:3" 6 16. 7 2:9 20:6" pa de dei maging ga g * 7 ··· 52.0* 9 10 }} 12 --5.5% 75.10% 13 M 15 18.10/2.. ... Scale 16 16.3° 17 18 ས་ 8.9 8.7"-. CORNISH BEAM ENGINES. CYLINDER 80 INS DIAR X 10 FT STROKE. 6.10 6.9 27.9' 300 6.7-. TII 1 79.6 4.4% W 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Feet. 8.8″ **** 78.10%% 8:54 3.6 76.3" 75.10 TÀIM Quan ! ondan & New York. ** 4.6 - * 1.9 W 513 4.6 " 3.0/% 3.8/2. ..*. 3.9" ... 3′.9° 77' 6". ·76: 3 2.9" ·20'. 6′ 14. 42- Hall TUR Meto C 20 XDI H1 9 張​保 ​9! 70€ · · · · · · · - • ; 26'. Tho Kell & Son, Lith PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY PROSE PORTION ܬܝܢ BASE THE NE - THERE 4 th cợp chhar A ve dete The HWT Kasund myntate mar Ass Tag me that entrarest and me ve Vatan FRONT WIPEND Wat ge - print man state ---- * Morgan HOME A MONSTER. WHEN - mitedating OFTATE STRONGEST --- WHEN HE CONTENT, PARTIES, THEN THE TRANS tate ang mga taong ************ WHEN AND WHEN ܘܒܐ ܫܡܝܐ F. COLYER, M. INST. C.E LO = id 88- M G 1 ! - W == HERE YEARS. WETENSCENTES ASMENS UN sunsets of features ❤ HE WASTE OF THE #2 #p ****** modyteñen matig Why do vlag S wth Comming MOTH THE HEART THE WEE wd COD CAEN M THERE ARE Video Marge www * that that t HABA derrada dimenangan ICH E.& FIN. Spon, London & New York. ARRANGEMENT -OF IT ENGINES PUMPS & c WALLASEY LOCAL BOARD- LISCARD PUMPING STATION -SIDE SECTIONAL ELEVATION- ï SCALE DRAWING Nº 37. TITL 111 23 E Tho Kell & Son, Lith. ; * PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY - No WANTED - that t Kanan ou van ons Warning wa ** chub Met de * A www Sadiq qala pang di tep WHERE THE TRANSF myle diken with was g << < < for t - WTHORNED THE SECRETARY REST OF THE S Pro W HERE. THE NA WA - Le B - - V * - hwing WAS W ww ΤΟ F. COLYER, M. INST. C.E تأير TI pdf de stadenteng n mostan Ant I E,& F.N.Spon, London & New York. K Į TIT ARRANGEMENT -OF- WALLASEY LOCAL BOARD LISCARD PUMPING STATION- -SIDE SECTIONAL ELEVATION 220 ENGINES PUMPS &c- I To ་ SCALE DONA WALA TIL I I I I I 8 q 22 25 G Tho Kell & Son, Lith. Expe with table and female on seating - all for th S Volg de v I FILTERED WATER : · ! 1 ! : T SUMP. oo own. ش کرے گی۔ trachan avenue. +481 +479 PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY -··· LAS GEL BEARING THE à da se F. COLYER, M. INST.C.E : FILLING RETRON="CENA:SA SAVREMIIL*** Alloy MIXED WITH LIME. 6:0 1 COL. ! metery "g?"", "in" s MD MA M X v dalje pojma, maj JKBB 6 17"0" +479 0 A s mate BY CARL M. SPLIT 369 10 TON TRAYELLING GRANE. SUDAN 358.4 J R 316 - 0 40U5F 7.9% 77 iz We as we mag met Bedste -- CENTREST. -- Z--- SAK -- 1. 18. My 22 REMS, PER MIN. 501. g 20 +Ell↓ STORE Gama de VSA MAN MAIN ENTRANCE • THE ROOM. tot de vé Và thật tự tin trong đ *S 10 (2 "PIPE. S Di BY MESSRS EASTON & ANDERSON L LONDON & KENT A L E. +499,5]. E.&.N.Spon, London & New York. 2" GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF ENCINES PUMPS 301541 12″S FACO HAP Lisaq d -AIR PIPË MUNICIPALITY OF ACRA WATER WORKS 30 t 16-9 FRET ✈ 503..5.. +500. NGTUBAL 30:0 } & PURIFIERS R GROUND LEVEL, r HOUSE….. KEMANETANSE | ! PAR MIN. when we *NOMIKESTERIN ܀ +499:5 * + -/"6 50 REYS +497.5. BELISC +505 12 ***77/9 81 Dadira -25-3 - RAIL CONTR 12° 2.0 12" PIPE 个案 ​House -86 GLADE OR WELL t482.5. 5 TON TRAVELLINE CRANE. +480:5 10" 9" 62 PEA 16" 18 - {REYS mim. $5.8.12. -21.07 12 +884:51. 1 DIRIN yaḥ. +497.5. --154"0" 15 "PIPE. ** DRAWING NO 35 +504 £500 ŞATURAL GROUND. LEYEL.. 1+ 48 4761 The Fell & Son Lith. OF ICH +504: GROUND PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY LS YEL. _1.5.00.-_BATURAL. +499-5. † 497.5. DOU VRŠI LANKA ST. 0..6 vocy 3ACTS WAS のこ ​GROUND LEYEL SREEVES VARA TILES "LAMANHORARILE VA a y da đậy me quedad de su dan te ! F. COLYER, M. INST. C.E luncht VEZANE VERSLA "T___T 9' 9 HOUSE. # + 9.9 (ce) (co)+09. to gnio @ 10 ~ 1. Dio 3. FEED_MALI dan kepada pagt vedtekter - C ------ 30 m MUNICIPALITY OF AGRA WATER WORKS GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF BOILERS, ENGINES, & PUMPS. BY MESSR EASTON & ANDERSON Lº LONDON & KENT EN ± 499-5... FEET ._______ J. சுந்தர்ர் INDUSZEM DE SE SA BRID ky gut CASTORKY 32 BULLD QU*-9,7 86* 511 +5.01 12 +500) WARM WATER | TANK ·0"* I I 1 I 7.102- 7484 £ 4 7 9 n. T AA 1340." t + PRESS, PT- 2." D 12 13:0 } HIGH-WATER IN TROLLS £500. 1504. GROUND LE YEL. 7-401- ་ -COLD 51.0" HILSE 15 + لاته -2 T 501 £ 500 LD YYATER 15.0" 400 can, alo, que al van 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ZAMUS. 8″0· E&F.N.Spon, London & New York. 23"- 0 RIZ +1 LONGITUDINAL SECTION - A -7:1012 AT TO DO. del van de kan v 13:05 5:42- TANK +488 mte de B1+ . 1479 LEM 3.0" Mag DO -541- ·71 * Pam Denn ATNI. H 7.20 HD ! 1501 5500. "COLD_WATER. Jašk * AYSEL £5 Q5.. 1 † 4.99 5. dt. 97:51. · 8 · 6° · Kevin Ma 20 Ent LZMAJIBIKA .60.0 ·0-~~ 6 8" 6" + +482.5 +480.5. 22 -+10:00" ·5. # a BELE YA -2-0"x12" Zdena SERVERSLASVERSE Lane w & Sa 1505 FA lors LAL JOBA £4.99:5 1+497.5. 122-0 DRAWING NO 34 -9.07 CREDIT MONTLIK '("____ 186 84.5 +4 82:5. +480.5. STREAM 1505. Seven a pagan pa Pūma za sziklaag SQL GROVNO. Mga Pag mag en maak - BEST ITALY, 1.41* LEVEL Tho Kell & Son, Lith. ་ 500 NATURAL BROUHI D.— PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY KOOM. SPARE ! ! F. COLYER.M IN ST.C.E The ·5-12 8" 3818 KY Ө MUNICIPALITY GENERAL + ·2· Stand dadded atte Sea O, de The 9" 100 LBS. WORKING PRESSURE. + 7 6 ARRANGEMENT OF BOILERS, ENGINES, PUMPS, & PURIFIERS.- 48" 9" HOUSE MEDI 4 BY MESSY EASTON & ANDERSON Lº LONDON & KENT SCALE PIRE OF ACRA WATER WORKS 3 810- 10 FLOOR ! } 8 PLAN 4102 Ja 20 FIND CHANRIK DUYG ____←_« 30 FEET 30 GALLON ===RKED DONKEYS 14.3 66- -- ; I 5 NODALO STEAM == 10¨EVEN! f -lib 10 130- E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. RE +12×2:00 6 6~~ O FILTERED YYNTER SUMP. Lemma mae e per darbo ma dog 10 17:0". I_I warly wwwde ¦ 25.0 i ..C. @~¥3-2-gara zgleda spin-*-- 580 ! 846 + ما ang mere qytes: S og "HOUSE" - ** LOTY PRESSURE CYLINDER 3/", 1 DIAM. 66" STROKE l HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER 182 DIAM, 44" STROKE Kada guna memang THE --17- == OUSE ENGINE HOUSE. wder QYERELOM!! X-FMAY#{+}~EN-B "B" SINGLE 17 .... سیا ~~ pao: # at #11 k2/*- 18" PIPE >>> FACE SLUICE الم. AIR YEŞŠEL PLANT STEEL major make mate v STARTING YALYE! 20. -- 1 22 REYS AIR COMPRESSING. PUMP COMPRES Matteo kuende 6.6° ** HIGH CONDEN FLODE PIPE MOEYSERS LONG. PER MIX · 16 · SLUICE COCK. !!! 18″ NON RETURN YALYE. 21: 3 - 2 1 - - BUCKET Y.PLUNGER \PUMP 28″DIAM. PLUNGER 193 Dram STROKE 66. ケー ​AIR PUMP -18" DIAM. Į 33″ STROKE. € #1 • V DO Kapak je a vea #10 a de made K Piec 7' 6" 3 REY PER MIN. AIR PUMR punk Y CONDENSER ¦ COLO YYATER. PUMP S 26 STROKE OLIKVER 12 26 STRO ·26″0″ Haus FER Sổ Quan 83° REYS. 8-6-- ક TUBRE M د .. و ا S 18. PIPE TRIPLESHARESA: Star gauko d Dat. —A TA I A ་་ NE ! 12. 34. BALL YALYE HOT AIR 36 Lawn✈ CHIUUKAUDEN 50 REYS THROW HUMNS 18-21800. X 24 CÍROME 25 REYS. PER MIN, KITANZANILIES, 600" HOUSE. -RAY M 4 12 301 RETURN VALYS al.or 3/9 10.0 1 #i 9 RUE $ 3.. -54072800 364. 60·0-HOUSE. HOUS 9. 18″ PIPE. 0. HOUSE 30 HR 2. »→→→→→ -- AVE YESSAY DRAWING NO 33. 3'-67 9.0* 410- PERFORATE AERATING 6 PIPE *1-34 6 ROOT'S BLOWER. ROOT'S D 7 WELL. 10:00 pg pg p Tho Kell & Son, Lith. : PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY U 1 1 } ! } 1 1 1 ! و پیچھے 1 I I { I ¦ i I 1 -6.02 F.COLMER.M. INST.C.E *6*12* جوله -0-07 32.6° เ ! 1 1 I 1 I 2.6 ! 1 ! centre line ? 13. 31 Feed pump. 4°22 18" Cle 160 -÷ Engine House · " P. cit. 34a: 6.0 strike -T- O¨. "Dua" ==== 14 # نی # { { # 2.0.7 825" rolled joist 1.6. T 1 B 1 8:00 CCC 13"diat Stay with the way to dogg A S -- **** A Reservoir Pump 19 diaz 6.0 st Air pump. 106" my 1 * TA '3.0" Stroke, → THERE ARE - L LITELLE 2!6", # TORT 4½" Wood Floor قنور : V-AEN mum a aj F l Hel 11.02 6.1.7 I 1. ریک O 9.9" 12" i 1 entry live of Cyninders L Centre Lace of B " GeGr -2:0: 4. Fluxmudam d Throttle Valve Foose! shper HOME | | | -4+ FE⠀⠀⠀÷÷÷÷=========⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀================|||| 62.0 from Engine Room Floor to top of Girder - 4″ Steam, Starling Valve 7- 3. 25. X-12-* 10:0° dia. Condenser * "all '15" tot brake up ARRANGEMENT OF ENGINE e Gwene Room Floo. ☆ Lily. Hauge: Stearn to tometter 414-214 3:6" : mde "ab Y Room Floor. 9:0 gang maligy -data 10ibe". da, kaj delalija, din ng matar hand fande BY MESSRS EASTON & ANDERSON LO LONDON & KENT SCALE L Papai 7:0 4 13. Jū This Girder fixed lè one side to clear Air Vessel मैं 1 -3-3" F 9:07 29.4. 25.95 42.0. 1/20 FEET - M 12-6- 21" June 2:6 BOILERS, PUMPS & C 2. -9!7" 9:0″ Well Primpe 194" dia. 6:0"Stroke A 129. 7 " to bottom of Strainer E.& F.N.Spon,London & New York. +$/> 7:0 Parivar var Malaga (m F 12:05. 15 Taps pupur 1. 1 = 6-0" ~ .3 принени я kib I 6 - H =་-- 12:02. } 3:2 : 1 ¦ ¡ 1 Centre line of Fell Lowest Water Level = 160.0" below original Greund beret - 16's' 0" below Engine House Floor 1 20:02 ¦ } -2.3. : 15.6 &c. CROYDON WATER WORKS (ADDINGTON # ik J F 12.0 Frischnet Zu Linuterw anuss 2 FZ Feed to E -2-2 5. w C 12 95-1 " 12.0 Bebek v M B —— 22" w. i pike .8 ·8-1-4652- Vespe $6 L" 284020-0020 197′ 0″ below Ground Level to bottom of Well 2050 below Engine House Floor- 1 ! Grand ÷ 26-11½-- 13 Feed ! f 8.2" 12:0 10. Je". I M mga katana n M ¡ 4 42.0" P 1 I O 9:0 2 Feed Rew Value •3 Feed Main. 11.0" FRX WORKS (ADDINGTON STATION). == -7=2/22- 7-22- | 7:25- Fred Relief Valv 78"- 9:00 8. 6:00 5. X 8:2″. * 8:2" x Y 22 12 # jde t H L 8 8-02 To #71 DRAWING NO 32. Lä 41 O Kai C D Tho Kell & Son, Lith. 1 I və ADEL UNIV OF ICH CALIBRATES 1 PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY một trong trận mà t 1 - PRICE INTERNA og teroppan ANTENNES THAT ARE THE KAURTILSAKSITISH)| · - F. COLYER, M. INST.C.E OD DO 000 1000 Of C COMPOUND BEAM ENGINES AT CLIFTON NEAR BRISTOL SIMPSON & CO L, LONDON. BY MESSRS J MALE (THERETILE MUDRE * a A 16 一 ​00 00 n, on ADCO W De & New York. ATENE MY MODE topi ---! DO !! [ 11 M 400 MIGX WEV M HT BETW Det HAALDELMENH f Do DRAWING NO 31. D ****** Thof Kell & Son, Lith. UNIV KICHY OF PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY 2010 F. COLYER, M. INST.C.E AT LAMBETH & CHELSEA WATERWORKS BY MESSRS J. SIMPSON & CO LO LONDON. CAD sa COMPOUND BEAM ENGINES ... T → ... F.& F.Non.London & New York. BABIRIANRES வரம்.. WOLL ww ዝበውን www 38 Out HI · DRAWING Nº 30. 010 1997 AWAMA 14 Tho Kell & Son, Lith. PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY 2.3 8 Stith F. COLYER,M INST.CE. 1 I Hot Will 3.02 Doorway + + 10: 0° O LOF I 50 -40- Air __4.6____ 1 15° Delivery DO @ [OF 12 Exhaust 42' 0" 12′ 6″. 15" Delivery 18 Stram FOL gà và tin TN HÀNG ↓ 26 Main L-- Air Vessel 4-6 Outside Diam. x 20˚.1″ High 5.0 Condenser 4.10 Diam. 218 Brass Tubes 2"diam X' L H.P. Cylinder 30% Diam. x4.0 Strote -#- 4 6". (७) 15 Delivery fm m — HywBol 19¼µ"chiam 6 Steam + Simp -- 12'. 6″_ HOL BY MESS'S EASTON & ANDERSON Lº LONDON & KENT SCALE dagga dag E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. £. P. Cylinder 61 inch diam x 4.0" Stroke X C FEET P 管​得 ​4.6 7.0* Engines. B 601 Condensers B 603 Air Vessel & Pipes B 604 t I } 8 3 ¡ } ¡ } 2:3 BRISBANE BOARD OF WATER WORKS Arrangement of Vertical Jandem Engines Plan Scale 3/4 inch = 1 Boot S Initial Steam Pressure 100 lbs. Speed 20 Revs. per Min. DRAWING NO 29. The Kell & Sen, Lith. PUM MING MACHINERY 7 日 ​口​口​期 ​L MARGATE WATER WORKS DETAILS OF PUMPS & ENGINES 想 ​T I MON - var). MIN DRAWING NO.27 UNIV LIN PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY H F.COLYER, M.INST.CE. 1 Θ } о 14 Q ☺ ↓ Q O 14 O. Q O MARGATE WATER WORKS DETAILS OF LOW PRESSURE CYLINDER. BY MESSRS THORNEWILL & WARHAM SCALE E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. Q о FEET O о O O O O O O O O Ø O 0 O о O DRAWING Nº 26 Ö .-0 Tho Kell & Son, Lith. PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY F.COLYER, M. INST.C.E. O πí → 1 17 £•0·0.0° : 曹 ​MARGATE WATER WORKS DETAILS OF HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER 1 ++ T1 SCALE 3 & F.N.Spon, Londer New York. о о O о FEET о 1 1 O O DRAWING No 25 O Tho Kell & Son, Lith UNIV OF MICH₂ PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY F COLYER MINST CE. A- · о о IIIIIIIPES: Op FEITUR о i о GROUND PLAN TALIAN ! 1 T I SECTION THRO, A.B. T | CARRIER: -B HORIZONTAL COMPOUND PUMPING ENGINE BY MESSRS C.WALLER & C° E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. 10 CINETARAE SCALE : LOT SECTION THRO, C.D. F DRAWING Nº16 Tho Kell & Son Lith. PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY iés. SIZ E *-1. 10. 2. Jote 210 Jot Por 5.4 4.d.. BI 3..0.. 1:4 F COLYER MUST CE. 2.-8..... ام 14 hole Fa 14 £. ĥ... ·9... 781 .잘​.. Ja D H⠀ Yo ·32 2::10%. of DIRECT ACTING PUMPING ENCINES. BY MESSES HICK, HARGREAVES & CO BOLTON. 270 Centre A Ins. Til 6:0. 1 line F 9 Rude Steam Cylinders 24 diam. x 4.0 Stroke Double acting Pumps I'diam. × 4.0° Stroke. between Engines 6. T 5.40 3 2:32. 3:1 2:7″ 2.32- .10. 2:35½ デ ​Scale 1/3rd Inch -1 Foot. 4 5 VUTE Z E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. „2:10%. 5. 6* 21:06. Qihe 10- Feet .2.0…. 기 ​12:0 14.6" to Centre of Crank Shaft --- A to C - - - 11 fest Centres . Ha van dit va man van den vi med mi A G Z 0 Centres 釁 ​Wo 54 4% 151 6 Travel Fran DRAWING No 15 D TOT ith ·1.019: · K---102- J а DOLC ख Tho Kell & Son, Lith. PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY } AB F COLYER,M.INST. CE. 1 1 1 4 (11) வி எட் כם 10 B·F·· O O E101 OB AIR COMPRESSORS 'MADE FOR THE FORTH BRIDGE WORKS BY MESS! FAWCETT PRESTON & CO L LIVERPOOL. BET te OH #1 2 Appea O 10 o o O с IN 12 110 H Z!!!!M. Ctitutul } į } i { I 1 III E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York } Kādi dzi Hot SCALE 01- TOLL FILT · 1 O THI • + I 000 .O. O FT BOB O 10 } ނ . Paleteadlikule kan ve -~ O 11770 * 1 DRAWING Nº 13 O Tho Kell & Son Lith. OF PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY F. COLYER,M.INST. C.E. MARCATE WATER WORKS VERTICAL COMPOUND PUMPING ENGINE MESSRS THORNEWILL & WARHAM BURTON-ON-TRENT BY o O 10 — TT HOL 10 DC E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. 11 A Plate I : Do Life E 1 1481 CIGREREDE 707 O O Milady kakak DRAWINGNº 24 1 The Belt & Sen Lati PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY DRAWING NO 23 : V KAGAME wherunder charaan mak ų konağı etre kvart Get and duste T JA Makah tahap +grab at A + VAPNA POVA attorne the anon andra 10-10-100=-1946 4. the west, asesorgt. Het D HION LINE OF HEAD Howth and as a Mf. F COLYER,M.INST.C.E PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY que Row F CO YERM INST CE. THE RIEDLER COMPOUND PUMPING ENGINE Illin BY MESSRS J.SIMPSON & Co Lº LONDON. بشکه 4 SCALE 10 71 13 JA 15 16 17 DI m m van # 18- FEET He ==== 32 IK · © VW • M 1 f < ; Tinty DRAWING Nº 18 孟 ​E&F.N.Spon, London & New York. } ¡ : i K KC O ffff =** Nat 7.1 ! ¡ 4 ; ; е HEAVEN DRAWING NO 19. Tho Kell & Son. Lit. UNIV OF MICH PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY DRAWING NO 17 - Helen Hand WARNED. curtain d F. COLYER.M.INST. C.E 二 ​101 H 19# T GARMAPU A La vale <<>> Srbin M Date Chan *** düren, maant By Saka Wedn KIDS BOTAN mm d ad marang ganja po uON, PRO GARAN-CARD GRAD - COMPOUND ENGINES AND PUMPS, BY FAWCETT, PRESTON & & Co L FOR THE Herring disering ANGLO CHILIAN NITRATE NITRATE COMPANY. IN2 19 Cate SCALE OT CT 1 H ✔ Grate 寡 ​ w man made todos THE TER A SADRES th A. 161 # W Some ««« $ 18 IN THE ASSOCIATED TOELE Maddy ap т A M 1 1 } 1 Jan 1 HO " The www. B BAND WHEN AND DIN Th anggutt of paths t Morts ARGENTINA AT THE TH da de ale po te ==== C S } I 1 ENTERTE INGAT THE STA 1 1 1 "". I ring tone anterom 10 CAN YO a w COAL, VIŠNJA I 1 # H creation, the rest toront 1 Home - Challe - 1- - KOTA DA GA At arkangelan " The A Đ Tho Kell & Son. Lith. PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY F COLYER MINST CE. S STURGEON'S PATENT TRUNK AIR COMPRESSER. O U E&F.N.Spon.London & New York. 1 J DRAWING Nº12. The Kell & Son, Lith. PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY ;; ! I 1 Plan པ་ག་ག་ག་ག་ག་གས་པ་ RESTA To w A. THE “ATTHINK Feet 10 F. COLYER, M. INST. C.E P Ins.12 ܫܚܐܝܐ - 5 오​~ 0 H MORE IN THE 50 C ENEN KVAKR <----** POD GOO DOT PLAN. Scale froth 로 ​LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF AIR CYLINDER. Scale 1/24th & 20 3 5 30 Feet CROSS € Feet AIR COMPRESSING ENGINES. BY MESSRS J. FOWLER & CO LEEDS. P FOL → } TRANS.VERSE SECTION OF STEAM CYLINDER SHOWING STEAM VALVE. ! I ! WANT THE ASSOCIA Ins. 1½d (T. 1.flyn, London, klew fork. に ​Ins. 12 l END ELEVATION OF AIR CYLINDER. Scale 1/24th 2 7 O 3, 4. TO 1 5 Feet Scale 1/24th INLET VALVE TRANSVERSE SECTION OF STEAM CYLINDER SHOWING EXHAUST VALVE. 5 OUTLET VALVE. INSIDE ELEVATIONS OF INLET AND OUTLET VALVES. wl & Feet Scale 16th с :LONGITUDINAL SECTIONS. ip Inches 10 DRAWING NOU. I ✓ The KH & Fe.. lam: iad: DRAWING Nº 10. Tho Kell & Son, Lith. MIC PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY NI F. COLYER,MINST CE. Muðu AIR COMPRESSING ENGINE. BY MESSRS HICK, HARGREAVES & CO BOLTON. MO о F&F.N.Spon, London & New York. D II MPS & PUMPING MACHINERY প ㅜㅜ ​ARLOV -101- ioj F COLYER MINST CE. © Low Sa mga m INTERNET AN BESSEMER BLOWING BY MESSRS © HICK, HARGREAVES & Co 10 Fol O ENGINES. O BOLTON. O B E&F.N.Spon, London & New York. O DRAWING NO 9 Scale, /½rd Inch ~ / Foot. W 1 • Blowing Cylinders 54 "diam. » 5.("Strokes fitted with piston Valves Steam Glinders 40 "diam. 5'0'Strokes fitted with Lifting Valves. x Tho Kell & Son, Lith. UNIV AF PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY Highest Deliv: LaLevel 20 F COLVER,MINST.CE. AIRY & ANDERSON'S PATENT SPIRAL PUMPS. .E A E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. HP Suction Level DRAWING Nº 8. The Kell & Son, Lith. UNIV. OF PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY Staviruse „6; 9 In WLDIPE छण {A 7 BORE Loping 0:00 1 _TJá } P M A 19:0″ FBORE 11:2″ 2:0 „V;6°¨ F COLYER.M.INST.C.E Rob Tert 2 BORK 3011 7" DELIVERY 9"OVERFLOW _OXERFLOW__. HT 9:0 z'ells - -EL fot J -18:0 1 PROVIN 6 BOR }} NOLIZAS -9.6 12 LB Q |ID RF ENGINE. Qx 1-857 BOTTOM OF BEDPLATE FLOOR LEVEL 0:08 30-51 A Penstock D ст } the 1 مجھے : $-6″ 70 + 35 07 i 3've +-+ Dot'sx "FEED FEED SUCTION TANK. SORE 8:0 A 2:5 19:0 12:0 CD 11-12 53.0" EDUCTION) CON risé 30:0" Discharge Cutrert to Harbour 60 12 Fillk 6542 A # 17 38:0 54- 7102 B 74:77 HER 26:9 -MAIN- GOPPER 10=3". 10:42ˆ "CHE 53-0 **Copp fisiz Lan 5 JO 5 Bone -181 12.0" 10-12 S-BONE Ja Shite And TI ! 8:31 Staircase. Penstock C I : Į ! 1 A MA Į G 3.6% J 1 E.& EN.Spon, London & New York. 1 |: " ·le -- 1 fi O 1 12:0 A g ME/. Delivery Chamber. 6:61 84415-6 قالا Condensed Steam Tank |||| K Base of Prump 9:11 FELT CONDENSED STEAM TANK. Penstock B. 16:00 Sp 15" NAT 308 2 19:6 Flar Level 8' 6" ||| $ Gallery. Gallery Hist HAULBOWLINE YARD EXTENSION.. Discharge Culvert to Basin ARRANCEMENT OF ENGINES BOILERS PUMPS & PIPES.. BY MESSRS EASTON & ANDERSON LO LONDON & KENT Manhole. ! Penstock. A. i ¡ 1 ! b=3" Cost +4015- *********** Sell 5:05 AL Emptying Calvert from Dry Dock 20 9:07 1 ! I I ! 3·1 $ 20. CENTRE OF WELL._ DRAWING No 7. 30 FEET Tho? Kell & Spn, Lith. I } PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY 1 l'o" Ground Leret 0:0 Coping Do 1 ± - 66 HWQST! -24" Highest Water Do in Basin OXT -96 HW.ONT - 1816 Low Water Level } # M 30 35.6' Add Mean P 2:7 1 Camden At F COLYER.M.INST.C E K 7=-7½" Ma da se do desde M melden dat - T -41.6 Bottern of Dock Floor at Entrance 55:6 Sunnosed bottom of Sump t F 47.0" Bottom of Suction Culvert at Docke HICC ~50'0" Bottom of Suction Culvert at Penstock A. 10=0: 3.6 Addre 112 DJ 7-42" Ź Marg BRICK IN LINE 25:6" 5:05 BRICK IN CEMENT. 7 0 16 0 Ja 10-4 P twent PRIRE › Leas 16:25 3-3 " HAULBOWLINE YARD EXTENSION. ARRANGEMENT OF ENCINES BOILERS PUMPS & PIPES. 4:0½ 12 Supposed Rock Sandarnamna de A A A A MA I PERSWEPT ARIVOLASHERS Jy kan na akong SAR * BY MESSRS EASTON & ANDERSON LE LONDON & KENT bastun qata e Vainglo DESAA Mata àvia i tkom added mortg A 1 } E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York . : FRET Gen 4 van d ZiQ- -18:0″ Proposed Alterations. 8:0" 2:3 ¡ 10:0 30: Bryprosed Rock -grad -2·6" Highest Water in Basin Wh III परस्टार +8+862 bd 8 SARE — +2. -186 Cam Water Liscret Expansion joints I Hobbleh fot Int BŘICK TIN LIME 1 BRIGI GEME 848½ D batts DRAWING Nº 6. . •Small Pire built in Wall for Water Level Indicator Tho Kell & Son, Lith 1. SOME Manway Į I ? PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY HIMIESTO 0 E A ... 11 PARKINSON METER. 58 INCH. F. COLYER, M. INST. CE TYLOR'S METER. G A B D SECTION ON LINE A.B. A No 5. B F ↓ } my Long No 1. C Janu • D ATTRES с KENNEDY METER. 2 INCH. SECTION ON LINE C.D. B ! A I I N. 2. FOLLO ANTOISTEN. HOLE WATER METERS Nº 5 E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. SEIMENS TURBINE METER. O Th B 1 O No 3. с TYLOR'S METER. S (116URLT TRAINE [1] D1211 F N. 6. SCHÖNHEYDER'S PATENT WATER METER. LLAMA N. 4. DRAWING NO 5. --- Tho Kell & Son Lith. PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY 0 [J 6 F. COLYER, M. INST. C.E | WATER VALVES d MESSRS J. SIMPSON & C? LP. c? BY 1 h E.& F.N.Spon, London & New York. C g DRAWING N! 4A e NIV. OF DH 142 Tho : Kell & Son Jith. PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY F.COLY KA JA -—— T INST.C.E } : PLAN. Tapped for 1푼 ​Gas. 1 C > 3 } MODEL" STEAM PUMP. BY THORNE WILL & WARHAM BURTON-ON-TRENT. 이 ​DRAWING NO4. 달리 ​1 } 13 STEP PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY in a fn F COLYER, M. INST.C.E ថា TONKIN'S PATENT "CORNISH" STEAM PUMP AIR VESSEL о Delivery Suction i # ron อีก SECTION ON LINE E. F. 201 Gui BAGI CORNISH STEAM PUMP. Scale 1/12th A E&F.N.Spon, London & New York. H D Exhaust SECTION ON LINE G. H. Inside piston Falve = Steam Slide Valve & Piston Scale 1/ Steam DAWANG SECTION ON LI LINE A ក L A. D. DRAWING NO 3. UNIV OF Tho? Kell & Son, Lith./CH PUMPS & PUMPING MACHINERY DRAWING Nº 2 THREE THROW WELL PUMPS 8" DIA, × 24″ STROKE : OL Cyl 12"dia, x 24″S 25 rers, D 1 --- ܚ ---- pileptika diguna 1717 -- MANGAAAA ܀ MJETN 42/- $81. made a Y 5:3″ ***** +44 P · - · - ***** །། WE ARE beter opptagetan MARTINY » «f Laar, ql, dhe But get past qua forget de tram per v water is as for water dept al big day she made a ↑ Mage man strat p Ad tic K d -24″ Stroke ... → dan #o de '8" dia mafund +08 main dengan CPNS put her vote station Magjike wiring you - valgte speld™ $ Smetkazganmane istuma stoned the county show a fre VERSION. WE HEART Integer Co A de Bloom als of potentie the 10-t+ dan mengheria magand AVE deda * *. V deling really the• *** stan Keren unters were gent with a HENNING A 22 ******* Pomeraman o not waste of the .. ENGINE SANTA free matching we met ande HERE IS A SER - ĐỘNG VÀ HIỆN TƯỢNG TÂN HƯNG HÀN HIỆN ĐANG pal Nagar, spia 1 We are a LIFE LONZORY Bà một đại ấn vào các Y❤ Mynfim, the form. Everywest, and tendone and will region. 1000 ugut gut we promote w In + on th Kitten a more- * the guy wat on + with one thing with i won the «*** *** ** tim này thành và When the wolf +++ news of the were no j blung dermed megang en teffer - stetner with the mo Appender, \alle • *•**\. what the onenen templates/ *・・ non t be too w US TO AND the Buttert, 1965 HARD OF HELENGE HA- A We offer on the * ever. His cat both *** I was the one whether yout for free. WE SEEN AND THEN it a good constant to sprakpan, sayt kap en ag van Hata men RETEND THEN WENT THE INNER for wo » moo S INTERPRE prefente – get on selling *, Jani det f ! aaron set - "iffer with witte to the vast te os que • a ft " - The rendering with the a đu nog meer te weten te down an encha Wor ***** we tender at the mot a. < eraklippan G how our lend the r + wcase in patient was on ghai. – a - pages of the anger ce a v sprang i a H montagna e hora per p orton the mesh namany of the net visade sure that and m <^> - - ay ay • weight to "h these parties, we compet * Nothing we as 97-1"," a tent, DANIEL COGNOMETRY SING mà như đi mất t ·· # thân t [64000 000000 Sobremen T B ON M of the wee A A So we te putem 003000 **** Avto the art, * I WA HAND WHEN THE - --- The Kell & Son, Lith. L& F.N.S; on,London & New York . F.COLYER,M INST C.E. THOTT OF 1 이 ​} BOUND NOV 29.1945 UMV. OF MICH. LIBRARY Mga s parkom, pam Estrin, Library TJ 900 .C73 1892 .pt.1 } UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 04984 1334 Colyer...... -- Fumps and pumping ………………………………………………………. M machinery ………………………Sa 105060 8 Bindery [••• The O ·i ***** j jazzy bag, manga qua ogledd yn y a 10320 $52 ་