U.S. Military Sect, Debt, Listv Directory Army Officers 27 The 2012 300 Wh A * ܘܒ ܕ ܐ ܐ ܢ MAR TRA ww LAMAN KERRACE ARTES LIBRARY VAVOJA THIIIIHHII UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1817 VERITAS VAR と​思 ​UNUNG FLUM AUS UN In TUEBOR SI QUERIS PENINSULAM-AMŒNAM SCIENTIA OF THE CIRCUMSPICE MOJ MT. »US © ® - ܘܗܘܘ܀ ARMY LIST AND DIRECTORY. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. NOVEMBER 20, 1905. THE MILITARY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. WASHINGTON: ¡ GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. 54 ! ų " Ws 43 14.65 2 ' ARMY LIST AND DIRECTORY. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. NOVEMBER 20, 1905. U.S. THE MILITARY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. Copies of this ARMY LIST AND DIRECTORY can be obtained ONLY from the "Superintendent of Documents, Office Public Printer, Washington, D. C.," at 10 cents per copy or $1.00 per year. TABLE OF CONTENTS. General Staff of the Army. Divisions and Departments.. Military Posts and troops stationed thereat General Officers. Adjutant General Officers of Staff Corps and Departments: The Military Secretary's Department Inspector General's Department Judge Advocate General's Department Quartermaster's Department.. Subsistence Department. Medical Department. Pay Department Corps of Engineers. Ordnance Department Signal Corps.... -- Chaplains Military Academy Officers serving with Engineer Troops. Officers and Stations of Cavalry Artillery Corps: Artillery Districts and Headquarters thereof Officers and Stations of Field Artillery. Officers and Stations of Coast Artillery.. Bands. Unassigned Captains and Lieutenants. Chaplains. Veterinarians Officers and Stations of Infantry Officers of the Porto Rico Provisional Regiment. Officers of the Philippine Scouts. Contract Surgeons Contract Dental Surgeons Lineal Rank of Officers of Cavalry, Artillery, Infantry, and Philippine Scouts. General Recruiting Stations and Recruiting Officers... Officers detailed as Professors of Military Science and Tactics at Educational Institutions. Retired Officers detailed with the organized militia of States and Territories. Alphabetical list of Officers of the Army, with their addresses.. Changes among Commissioned Officers between October 15 and November 15, 1905 (3) Page. 5 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 15 2 2 2 ∞ 22 22 23 26 26 26 26 27 39 40 42 42 43 55 56 57 58 90 Wittenmyer. Edmund. capt. (inf.) pay dept., Army Bldg.. New York City. Wittich, Willis, lt. col. ret., 75 Court st., Plattsburg, N. Y. Wolf, Paul A., capt. 4 inf., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Wolf, Silas A., maj. 19 inf., Manila, P. I. Wolfe, Edwin P., capt. med. dept., Manila, P. I. Wolfe, Orrin R., capt. 22 inf., San Francisco, Cal. Wolven, F. Homer, dent. surg., Ft. Adams, R. I. Wolverton, William D., col. ret., Vancouver, Wash. Wood, David P., 2 lt. 21 inf., Manila, P. I. Wood, Edward E., col., prof. Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y. Wood, Frank C., capt. Porto Rico regt., San Juan. P. R. Wood, Henry C.. brig. gen. ret., 330 W. 85th st., New York City. Wood, Leonard, maj. gen., Manila, P. I. Wood, Marshall W., lt. col. ret.. 413 16th st., Boise, Idaho. Wood, Norton E., 2 lt. 33 co. coast art., Ft. Columbia, Wash. Wood, Oliver E., lt. col. (art. corps) mil. secy's dept.. Van- couver Bks., Wash. Wood, Palmer G., lt. col. 11 inf., Ft. D. A. Russell, Wyo. Wood, Rinaldo R., I lt. 14 inf., Vancouver Bks., Wash. Wood, Robert E., 1 lt. 3 cav., Isthmian Canal Commission, Panama. Wood, Thomas J., brig. gen. ret. (maj. gen.), 121 N. Main st., Dayton, Ohio. Wood, William S., 2 lt. art. corps, Ft. Stevens, Oreg. Wood, William T., maj. (inf.) insp. gen. dept., Manila. P. I. Wood, Winthrop S., maj. qm. dept., Qm. Genl's Office, Washington, D. C. Woodall, Wm. P., 1 lt. med. dept., U. S. Gen. Hosp., San Francisco, Cal. Woodbury, Frank T., 1 lt. med. dept., Manila, P. I. Woodbury. Thomas C., col. 3 inf., Ft. W. H. Seward, Alaska. Woodhull, Alfred A., brig. gen. ret., 46 Bayard Lane, Prince- ton, N. J. Woodruff, Carle A., brig. gen. ret., Raleigh, N. C. Woodruff, Charles A., brig. gen. ret., 2802 Van Ness ave., San Francisco. Cal. Woodruff, Charles E., maj. med. dept., Plattsburg Bks.. N. Y. Woodruff, Edward C., lt. col. ret., P. O. Box 97, Glen Ridge, N. J. Woodruff, Ezra, col. ret., 69 Market st.. Poughkeepsie. N. Y. Woods, Robert F.. 1 lt. 49 co. coast art., Ft. Williams, Me. Woodson, Pickens E., 2 lt. 8 inf., Ft. Niagara, N. Y. Woodson, Robert S., maj. med. dept., Presidio of Monterey, Cal. Woodward, Charles G., maj. art. corps, Ft. Miley, Cal. Woodward, George A., brig. gen. ret.. 2110 Massachusetts ave. nw., Washington, D. C. Woodward, John E., capt. 29 inf., Ft. Douglas, Utah. Woodward, Samuel L., brig. gen. ret., 5710 Clemens ave., St. Louis, Mo. 89 Woolnough, James B., 2 lt. 21 inf., Manila, P. I. Wooten, William P., capt. eng., Dallas, Tex. Worcester, Philip H., 2 lt. 28 fleld batty., Manila. P. I. Workizer, John G., capt. 2 inf., University of Nebraska. Lincoln, Nehr. Worrilow, Ulysses G., capt. 29 inf., Ft. Bliss, Tex. Wotherspoon. William W., lt. col. 19 inf. (gen. staff), War College, Washington, D. C. Woude. Albert J., 1 lt. 6 cav., Ft. Keogh, Mont. Wray, George M.. 1 lt. Philippine scouts, Manila, P. I. Wren, William C., capt. (inf.) qm. dept., Phelan Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Wright, Andrew C., 1 lt. 12 inf., Ft. McDowell, Cal. Wright, Clement H., 2 lt. 2 inf., Ft. Logan. Colo. Wright, Edmund S., capt. 1 cav., Ft. Clark. Tex. Wright, Henry H., maj. ret., P. C. Box 2055, Philadelphia, Pa. Wright, John W., 1 lt. 5 inf., Plattsburg Bks, N. Y. Wright, Walter K., maj. 7 inf., rectg. serv., Louisville, Ky. Wright, William M., capt. 2 inf. (gen. staff), Washington. D. C. Wrightson, Philip G., 2 lt. 20 inf., Manila, P. I. Wuest, Jacob W. S., 2 lt. 30 inf., Ft. Crook, Nebr. Wyeth, Marlborough C., maj.med. dept., Ft. Wadsworth.N.Y. Wygant, Henry, col. ret., Hampton Hall. Cranford. N. J. Wygant, Henry S., capt. 2 inf., Ft. Logan. Colo. Wyke, Jacob E., 1 lt. 59 co. coast art., Ft. Andrews, Mass. Wyllie, Robert E., capt. 78 co. coast art., Ft. Adams, R. I. Yates, Arthur W., capt. qm. dept., 185 Middle st., Portland, Me. Yates, Halsey E., 1 lt. 5 inf., West Point, N. Y. Yates, Julian E., chap. art. corps, Ft. Terry. N. Y. Yates, William. capt. 14 cav., Ft. Walla Walla, Wash. Yeatman, Richard T.. It. col. 27 inf., Ft. Sheridan, Ill. Yemans, Herbert W., cont. surg., Manila, P. I. Yost, John D., capt. med. dept., Camp McKinley, Honolulu. H. I. Woodruff, James A., capt. eng., Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. Woodruff, William S., 1 lt. Porto Rico regt., leave, 288 Colfax ave., Benton Harbor, Mich. Young, Malcolm, capt. 48 co. coast art., Ft. Monroe, Va. Woods, Oscar W., cont. surg., U. S. Gen. Hosp., Ft. Bayard. | Young, Robert H., capt. ret., Lock Box 7, Bedford, Trimble co., Ky. N. Mex. Young, Samuel B. M., lt. gen. ret., Schuylkill Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa. Yost, Philip, 1 lt. 17 co. coast art., Ft. Monroe, Va. Young, Charles, capt. 9 cav.. military attaché, Port au Prince, Haiti. Young, Fred'k S., 1 lt. 23 inf., Ft. Leavenworth. Kans. Young, George S., maj. 18 inf., Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. Young, Haldimand P., capt. qm. dept., Schuylkill Arsenal. Philadelphia, Pa. Young, James S., jr., 1 lt. 10 inf., Camp McKinley, Hono- lulu, H. T. Young. John S. E., 1 lt. 9 cav., Jefferson Bks., Mo. Youngberg, Gilbert A., 1 lt. eng., Ft. Leavenworth. Kans. Younglof, Albert, 2 lt. Philippine scouts, Manila, P. I. Yuie, Edgar H., 1 lt. 18 co. coast art., Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. Zalinski, Edmund L., maj. ret., The Rutherford, 206 E. 17th st.. New York City. Zalinski, Moses G., maj. qm. dept., Omaha, Nebr. Zane, Edmund L., 2 lt. 14 cav. Ft. Walla Walla, Wash. Zell, Edward M., 2 lt. 7 cav., Manila, P. I. Zinke, Stanley G., 1 lt. med. dept., Manila, P. I. Zinn, George A., maj. eng., Wheeling, W. Va. Zollars, Charles O., 1 lt. 94 co. coast art., Ft. Flagler, Wash. CHANGES AMONG COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, Recorded in The Military Secretary's Office between October 15 and November 15, 1905. REGULAR ARMY. PROMOTIONS. CORPS OF ENGINEERS. Lieut. Col. Charles E. L. B. Davis, to be colonel, October 15, 1905. Maj. Walter. L. Fisk, to be lieutenant colonel, October 15, 2 1905. Capt. Henry Jervey, to be major, October 15, 1905. First Lieut. Edward M. Markham, to be captain, October 15, 1905. Second Lieut. Charles R. Pettis, to be first lieutenant, Octo- ber 15, 1905. CAVALRY ARM. Maj. Thaddeus W. Jones, 13th Cavalry, to be lieutenant colonel, October 20, 1905-to the 7th Cavalry. Capt. Harry C. Benson, 4th Cavalry, to be major, October 20, 1905-to the 13th Cavalry. Capt. George H. Sands, 6th Cavalry, to be major, October 29. 1905-to the 10th Cavalry. First Lieut. Charles C. Farmer, jr., 10th Cavalry, to be cap- tain, October 20, 1905-to the 4th Cavalry. First Lieut. Stuart Heintzelman, 6th Cavalry, to be captain, October 20, 1905-to the 6th Cavalry. First Lieut. John D. Long, 12th Cavalry, to be captain, No- vember 7, 1905-to the 11th Cavalry. Second Lieut. E. Kearsley Sterling, 3d Cavalry, to be first lieutenant, October 20, 1905-to the 10th Cavalry. Second Lieut. Wiley P. Mangum, jr., 15th Cavalry, to be first lieutenant, October 20, 1905-to the 6th Cavalry. Second Lieut. Charles J. Naylor, 4th Cavalry, to be first lieutenant, November 7, 1905—to the 12th Cavalry. ARTILLERY CORPS. Lieut. Col. Luigi Lomia, to be colonel, November 7, 1905. Maj. Albert S. Cummins, to be lieutenant colonel, Novem- ber 7, 1905. Capt. Millard F. Harmon, to be major, November 7, 1905. Second Lieut. Raymond S. Pratt, to be first lieutenant, Sep- tember 16, 1905. Second Lieut. Alfred A. Maybach, to be first lieutenant, September 16, 1905. INFANTRY ARM. To be colonel. Lieut. Col. Walter S. Scott, 11th Infantry, October 30, 1905– to the 15th Infantry. To be lieutenant colonel. Maj. Palmer G. Wood, 12th Infantry, October 30, 1905-to the 11th Infantry. To be major. Capt. Frank B. Andrus, 8th Infantry, October 30, 1905-to the 12th Infantry. To be first lieutenants. Second Lieut. Robert G. Peck, 27th Infantry, July 28, 1905~ to the 7th Infantry. Second Lieut. Robert J. Binford, 15th Infantry, July 28, 1905-to the 20th Infantry. Second Lieut. John A. Brockman, 7th Infantry, July 28, 1905-to the 17th Infantry. Second Lieut. Robert W. Adams, 2d Infantry, July 29, 1905– to the 9th Infantry. Second Lieut. Sheldon W. Anding, 8th Infantry, August 8, 1905-to the 30th Infantry. Second Lieut. William G. Murchison, 8th Infantry, August 8, 1905-to the 19th Infantry. Second Lieut. Charles C. Finch, 11th Infantry, August 11, 1905-to the 12th Infantry. Second Lieut. John S. McCleery, 20th Infantry, August 15, 1905--to the 21st Infantry. Second Lieut. Elvin H. Wagner, 17th Infantry, August 21, 1905-to the 29th Infantry. Second Lieut. Thomas W. Brown, 27th Infantry, August 30, 1905-to the 23d Infantry. Second Lieut. Otis R. Cole, 19th Infantry, September 2, 1005-to the 21st Infantry. Second Lieut. Shelby C. Leasure, 14th Infantry, September 10, 1905-to the 17th Infantry. Second Lieut. Daniel E. Shean, 16th Infantry, September | 12, 1905-to the 9th Irf ry. Second Lieut. Charles F !, 19th Infantry, September 22, 1905-to the 21st Inf Assignment of additional second lieutenants as second lieuten- ants. Additional Second Lieut. George W. Maddox, 20th Infantry, June 17, 1905, to the 27th Infantry, with rank from June 13, 1905. Additional Second Lieut. Walter E. Pridgen, 22d Infantry, June 28, 1905, to the 1st Infantry, with rank from June 13, 1905. Additional Second Lieut. James W. H. Reisinger, jr., 27th Infantry, June 30, 1905. to the 27th Infantry, with rank from June 13, 1905. Additional Second Lieut. Rupert A. Dunford, 26th Infantry, July 17, 1905, to the 26th Infantry, with rank from June 13. 1905. Additional Second Lieut. Charles C. Bankhead, 28th Infan- try, July 20, 1905, to the 28th Infantry, with rank from June 13, 1905. TRANSFERS. CHAPLAIN. Chap. George H. Jones, from the 5th to the 7th Infantry, October 27, 1905. CAVALRY ARM. First Lieut. Robert McC. Beck, jr., from the 11th to the 12th Cavalry, October 30, 1905. First Lieut. Lewis Brown, jr., from the 13th to the 7th Cav- alry, November 4, 1905. First Lieut. Creed F. Cox, from the 12th to the 11th Cav- alry, October 30, 1905. First Lieut. Alvan C. Gillem, from the 4th to the 5th Cav- alry, November 14. 1905. First Lieut. Robert F. Jackson, from the 3d to the 10th Cav- alry, November 8, 1905. First Lieut. Charles J. Naylor, from the 12th to the 4th Cav- alry, November 14, 1905. - First Lieut. Jerome G. Pillow, from the 7th to the 13th Cav- alry, November 4, 1905. First Lieut. E. Kearsley Sterling, from the 10th to the 3d Cavalry, November 8, 1905. First Lieut. Richard W. Walker, from the 5th to the 12th Cavalry, November 14, 1905. Second Lieut. Karl D. Klemm, from the 14th to the 4th Cavalry, November 6, 1905. Second Lieut. George R. Somerville, from the 14th to the 3d Cavalry, October 16, 1905. INFANTRY ARM. First Lieut. Hugh A. Drum, from the 27th to the 23d Infan try, November 13, 1905. First Lieut. Thomas W. Brown, from the 23d to the 27th Infantry, November 13, 1905. First Lieut. Edward K. Massee, from the 22d to the 7th In- fantry, October 20, 1905. First Lieut. Edwin J. Nowlen, from the 11th to the 1st Infan- try, November 10, 1905. First Lieut. William L. Reed, from the 1st to the 11th In- fantry, November 10, 1905. First Lieut. Edward W. Terry, from the 7th to the 22d In- fantry, October 20, 1905. Second Lieut. Avery D. Cummings, from the 29th to the 10th Infantry, November 15, 1905. Second Lieut. Charles W. Mason, jr., from the 10th to the 29th Infantry, November 15, 1905. Second Lieut. Hugh L. Walthall, from the 25th to the 15th Infantry, October 19, 1905. RETIREMENTS. At thier own request, after over forty years' service, act of June 30, 1882. Col. William Ennis, Artillery Corps, November 7, 1905. Col. Henry C. Ward, 15th Infantry, October 30, 1905. Lieut. Col. Daniel C. Pearson, 7th Cavalry, October 20, 1905. At his own request, after over thirty years' service, section 1243, Revised Statutes. Maj. George L. Scott, 10th Cavalry, October 20, 1905. For disability incident to the service, section 1251, Revised Statutes. Capt. William N. Blow, jr., 15th Infantry, November 15, 1905. Capt. Roger B. Bryan, 5th Cavalry, November 2, 1905. Chap. Joseph A. Potter, 7th Infantry, October 19, 1905, (90) DETAILS. For service in the staff departments, under section 26,' act of February 2, 1901, and act of March 2, 1903. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. Capt. Samson L. Faison, 13th Infantry, October 29, 1905. Capt. Letcher Hardeman, 11th Cavalry, November 7, 1905. SIGNAL CORPS. First Lieut. William K. Moore, Artillery Corps, November 6, 1905. RELIEVED FROM DUTY IN STAFF DEPART- MENTS. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. Capt. Thomas B. Lamoreux (Artillery Corps), quartermas- ter, October 29, 1905. 91 Capt. Charles C. Walcutt, jr., quartermaster, October 29, 1905, and assigned to the 5th Cavalry, November 3, 1905. CASUALTIES. Died. Col. John N. Coe, retired, October 17, 1905, at Albany, N. Y. First Lieut. George W. Brandle, 1st Infantry, October 30, 1905, at Fort Porter, N. Y. First Lieut. William McE. Walton. retired, October 26, 1905, in Burke county, N. C. Resigned. Capt. James P. Drouillard, 3d Infantry, November 2, 1905. First Lieut. Frank S. Burr, 15th Infantry, November 11, 1905. First Lieut. John W. Norwood, 23d Infantry, October 21, 1905. PHILIPPINE SCOUTS. APPOINTMENTS. Second Lieut. James B. Hutchinson, to be first lieutenant, November 13, 1905. Batt. Sergt. Maj. Thomas Gordon, 6th Infantry, to be second lieutenant, October 16, 1905. First Sergt. William G. Carter, Co. M, 20th Infantry, to be second lieutenant, November 15, 1905. CASUALTY. Died. First Lieut. George Smith, November 13, 1905, in the Phil- ippine Islands. envelope 39015049915708 Barcode ܢ ܝ ܀ ܝܘܡܬܗ ܀ 1