.Wfivxfi \‘ 4'11 9‘) ;\| ‘ml 1.x“ 7 . /7/ l/Vf/F W73 EN'I‘RANCIC HALL; ROGERS BUILDING. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. BOSTON. A B/BlEF ACCOU/VT OF [TS FOUND/l TZON, CHARACYER,ANZ)£QUWWWENT PREPARED IN CONNECTION WITH @1132 seems Qfolumhi'au (Exposition. B O S T O N : PUBLISHED BY THE lNS'l‘l'l‘Ul‘E. 1893._ @Hnimrsitg firms : JOHN WlLsoN AND SON, CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. IIE I\IAssACI~IUsETTs INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY is a Scientific School, or )ollege of Industrial Science, in which are taught the sciences and their applications to useful arts, through a very wide range. The studies, exercises, and experiments carried on in the school are grouped into thirteen four-year courses as follows 2 —— COURSES OF INSTRUCTION. I. CIVIL ENGINEERING, INCLUDING RAILROAD ENGINEERING, HIGHWAY ENGINEERING, .TIRIDGE BUILDING, AND HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING. II. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, INCLUDING STEAM ENGINEERING, MILL AND LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERING. III. MINING ENGINEERING AND METALLURGY. IV. ARCHITECTURE. V. ( Q‘ It EM I sTRY. VI. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. VII. BIOLOGY. VIII. PHYsICs. IX. GENERAL STUDIEs. X. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. XI. SANITARY ENGINEERING. XII. GEOLOGY. XIII. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE. FOUNDATION. The Institute was chartered in 1861, and opened to students in 1865. Its founder and first President was Dr. \VILLIAM BARTON ROGERS, formerly professor in the University of Virginia, and 6 flfassac/zusez‘z‘s [flsz‘z'z‘uz‘e 0f Yiec/mology. Director of the Geological Survey of that State. Dr. Rogers died in 158.2. At the time of his death he was President of the National Academy of Sciences. Among Dr. Rogers’ co-laborers Were some of the most eminent men of the time,notably, Dr. JACOB BIGE- LOW, JAMES B. FRANCIS, Gnonen B. EMERSON, ERASTUS B. BIGELOW, JoHN D. and EDWARD S. PHILBRICK. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION. The requirements for admission are substantially the same as the requirements for graduation from a good city high school or from the English or scientific department of an endowed academy like Exeter, Andover, or Easthainpton. The examinations embrace Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, History, French (or German), English Grammar and Composition. The average age of the entering class is a little over eighteen and a half years. DEGREES. The degree of Bachelor of Science (S.B.) is given for the success- ful completion of any one of the four-year courses. The degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Science are offered for the completion of advanced courses of study at the Institute. AGRICULTURE. It will appear from the list of courses already given that the art of Agriculture is not taught at the Institute. The reason is that, when Congress passed the Act of July 2, 186.2, providing for the ‘ establishment in each State of at least one College of Agriculture and the h/Iechanic Arts, the Con'nnonwealth of Massachusetts, by Act of April 27, 1863, constituted the Institute of Technology (which had been previously chartered) the College of Mechanic Arts for the Commonwealth, and at the same time established a college at Amherst to promote the interests of agricultural education. But While thus Agriculture is not taught at the Institute as an art, the sciences which especially contribute to Agriculture—that is, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Geology—are made the subjects Massac/zusezz‘s [nsz‘z'z‘uz‘e 0f Tee/mo/ogy. 7 of distinct courses. Moreover, Topography, Irrigation, Drainage, Highway Engineering, and Road Making (all of them directly tributary to Agriculture) are extensively pursued at the school. MILITARY TACTICS. In accordance with the requirements of the Act of 1862, the Insti- tute gives instruction in Military Tactics, an ofiicer of the regular army being detailed for that duty, with the rank of professor. This branch of instruction is confined to the first year, three exercises being held each week. Arms and equipments are furnished by the United States government. In addition to the Gymnasium of the Institute, the Cadet Battalion is, by the courtesy of the Common- wealth, allowed to drill regularly in the armory of the First Regi— ment of Massachusetts h/Iilitia. GRADUATES OF OTHER COLLEGES. The Institute of Technology generally has in its courses between forty and fifty graduates of other colleges and scientific schools, who come to the Institute to take technical courses. . Such students sometimes enter the third year, though more commonly they come in at the beginning of the second year. Persons taking college courses with the purpose of subsequently pursuing technical studies at the Institute, would do well to plan their college work with more or less reference to this consideration; and with that view are invited to correspond with the Secretary of the Institute. TEACHERS AT THE INSTITUTE. Teachers are admitted to the Institute without examination. For those who can only attend in the afternoons and on Saturday forenoon, special provision and arrangements are, so far as possible, made to enable them to take the courses for which they apply. 8 fl/assae/msez‘ls Institute of Tee/mo/ogy. WOMEN AT THE INSTITUTE. The first woman graduate of the Institute was Miss Ellen ll. Swallow, now Mrs. Robert H. Richards, instructor in Sanitary Chemistry, who graduated with the class of 1873. Since that time 30 women have received the degree of the Institute, some of them with distinguished honor. Much larger numbers have received in- struction in partial courses. The number of women students at the Institute the present school year is ~11, some of them graduates of other colleges. MARGARET CHENEY READING-ROOM; WALKER BcILDixe. The departments which women most frequently enter are Chem- istry, Physics, Biology, and Architecture. While in the lines indi- cated Women students almost invariably do good work, it is not expected that their number here will greatly increase. The Institute of Technology is, by the nature of the case, essentially a man’s college, though the Corporation and Faculty have seen no reason why any person who wishes to do the work of the school, and is qualified for it. should be excluded by reason of sex. Massac/msctz‘s Institute of Tea/urology. 9 THE PURPOSE OF THE SCHOOL. While the applications of the sciences to the useful arts are ex- tensively taught in the Institute of Technology, the primary purpose of the school is education. Not. only are mere knacks and devices and technical methods constantly subordinated to the acquisition of principles, but those principles are studied with the predominant purpose to expand and develop the mind, to exercise the powers and FOI‘RTH YEAR. HYDRAULIC FIELDWORK PARTY. to train the faculties of the pupil. \Vhat the Institute aims to do is to graduate those who are, first, well-educated men in all which that term implies, and who, secondly, have studied the problems of some one technical profession, have mastered the scientlfic principles re- lated thereto, and have had a certain amount of practice in the application of those principles to such problems. In the four years required for graduation it is sought — 1. To make the pupil observant, discriminating, and exact. :2. To develop in him a taste for research and experimentation on the one side, and for active exertion on the other. I... ‘olol .0 a‘! un-o no... u IO Masszu/zusclfs fizsz‘z'z‘ztie 0f Tea/mo/ogy. 3. To give him the mastery of the fundamental principles of mathematics, cl'iemistry, and physics, which underlie the practice of all the scientific professions. 4. To equip him with such an amount of practical and technical knowledge, and to make him so familiar with the special problems of the particular scientific profession at which be individually aims, as to qualify him immediately upon graduation to take a place in the industrial order. How far this object has been attained through the instruction given in the Institute of 'l‘echnology, the roll of its alumni and their occupations, as contained in the successive annual catalogues, will tell. As a rule, the graduates of the Institute readily find professional positions where they have an opportunity to show what is in them, and to work their way upward as fast as they deserve. As a rule, also, the course of the graduate of the Institute is one of steady and even rapid prmimtion. CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES. The characteristic and distinguishing features of the Institute may be said to be : —— l. The great number of its teachers and pupils. It is the largest scientific and technical school in the United States, and one of the largest in the world. By the catalogue of IStlfl—QS, the number of students is 1060, and the number of teachers 1725. This great body of students come from thirty-nine States and two Terri- tories of the Union, and from seventeen foreign countries. 2. The great variety of its courses, as shown on a preceding page. Some schools devote themselves chiefly or solely to Civil Engineering; other schools to Mecl'ianical Engineering; others still to Civil and Mechanical Engineering; some are predomi- nately Mining schools. This institution is a school of general technology, embracing almost every department of instruction and of experimentation which is found in any scientific or technical school. It is believed that the several departments of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology mutually support each other and induce a healthful emulation, while allowing a degree of differen- tiation and specialization which would be simply impossible in a O U l...‘ is _ ‘.5. O‘. D D‘. ‘O. . O O O... flfassaclmsefls [nstz'tuz‘e of Teclmo/ogy. I I small college, with a less numerous staff of instructors. Thus, at the Institute of Technology, there are not only professors of Civil Engineering and of Mechanical Engineering, but professors or instruc- tors in Mechanism, in Steam Engineering, in Railroad Engineering, in Highway Engineering, in Hydraulic Engineering, in 'I‘opographical Engineering, etc. Again, the chemical staff of twenty-two persons is distributed over General Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, and Sanitary Chemistry. Several Tnmn YEAR. CIVIL ENGINEERING FIELD IxsTRL'MExTs. of these departments have more than one laboratory devoted to their experiments and researches. Thus, there are separate laboratories for water analysis, for gas analysis, for food analysis, for dyeing and bleaching, for organic-conibustions, etc. In each of these are teachers who are able to give their entire time to instruction and research in a single line. 3. The third characteristic of the Institute of Technology is the unusually large amount of laboratory work that is carried on. Indeed, it was in this school that certain kinds of laboratory work were begun. Here the first laboratory of general chemistry was 12 Massaa/zuscz‘z‘s [nsz‘z'fuz’e 0f Tea/analogy. organized by Professors Eliot and Storer. Here the first laboratory of general physics was planned by President Rogers, and organ- ized by Professor Pickering. Here the first metallurgical laboratory equipped for the actual treatment of economic quantities of ore was founded by Professor Robert H. Richards. On May 30, 1864, while the first building was going up, President Rogers had pro- posed a laboratory where the student might “learn practically the methods of estimating motors and machines by the dynamometer, of experimenting on the flow of water, of air, and other gases, and of testing the strength of the materials used. in construction ; ” and in 1973, a mechanical engineering laboratory was opened in the basement of the Rogers Building, the equipment having been planned and set up by Professor \Vhitaker. This is believed to have been the first engineering laboratory ever established. The first tests of the transverse strength of full-sized timber beams, as part of a scheme of instruction, were those made in the Institute Laboratory of Applied Mechanics, under Professor Lanza. The Laboratory of Electrical Engineering, under the charge of Professor Cross, was the first established, at least in the United States. This leadership by the Institute of Technology in the advancement of laboratory practice, in the lines mentioned, is significant of the spirit which has here, in all departments, whether of Mechanics, of Physics, of Engineering, of Chemistry, of Biology, or of Architecture, instituted systematic experimental work at nearly every point in every course, to illustrate, to enforce, and to supplement the work of the recitation-room, the lecture-room, and the drawing-room. But while laboratory work is carried so far at the Institute of Technology, it is also true that the student is never allowed to lapse into the state of mind when he can do nothing but laboratory work,——a condition often reached in schools of mere research. This danger has been purposely guarded against; and in each term of his course except the last, the student is called back from the moods of the laboratory to do good lecture-room and recitation-room work, and to give account, clearly and sharply, of What he has been doing in the laboratory. 4. The fourth characteristic of the Institute of Technology to be indicated is the high standard of scholarship which has from the fl/[assac/zuse’l‘z‘s [WSfil'Ztl’fl of Technology. I 3 first been maintained. The Institute stands with the Military Academy at West Point and the Naval Academy at Annapolis, in insisting upon the full, actual accomplishment of all its prescribed work, as a. condition precedent to graduation. This school was founded in a confident reliance upon the essential manliness of young men, — a belief that, if properly appealed to, and if given Work which they themselves see to be worth doing, young men can be brought to labor with enthusiasm and energy; and that lowering the standard FREE-HAND DRAWING-ROOM; HoGERs BUILDING. Of requirements is not the way to make a school popular any more than it is the way to make it useful. The unprecedented resort of students to the halls of the Institute affords suflicient proof that in this view the founders of the Institute of Technology made no mistake. In that spirit the Institute was established, and In that spirit it has been unfalteringly maintained, as a place for men to Work, and not for boys to play. 5. The fact that, from the foundation of the school, a certain amount of general studies has been made part of every course in the Institute for at least three years out of the four required for gradua- I4 Massaa/zusez‘fs [nsz‘z'z‘m‘e 0f Teafinology. __ tion. In some, perhaps most, scientific or technical schools there are no “liberal studies ” aside from those of a professional character; in other schools there are no such studies after the first year. The authorities of the Institute of Technology, however, have ui'iiformly maintained the position that some degree of philosophical study should be combined with scientific work. 6. The exceedingly high grade of thesis work which is attained in the fourth year. This would be impossible but for the foundation laid for it by the manner in which the Work of the earlier years is done. As an illustration of this feature the Faculty have included in the exhibit the theses presented by the graduating class of 189.2, and invite examination of them as affording the best pos- sible means of measuring the work of the Institute of Technology. The theses shown are presented without revision, and are not to be regarded as those of some few superior scholars, but as rel'iresenting the whole work—the poorest as well as the best—~of an entire class at the end of a four—years course. The theses, being a part of the permanent records of the Institute, are necessarily kept under cover to preserve them from injury ; but the officer in charge of the Y I 1/ exhibit will, on application, present them for examination. THE BUILDINGS OF THE INSTITUTE. The buildings occupied by the Institute are six in number. NI‘ITHGI‘O'LIS photographs of these, presenting both exterior an interior views, will be found in the Institute exhibit. The two buildings first constructed, known severally as the Rogers and the “talker Buildings, are situated upon Boylston Street, one of the great thoroughfares of Boston, upon land conceded by the Common- wealth of Massachusetts. The Rogers Building, completed in 1865, named in honor of “Iilliam Barton Rogers, first President of the Institute, is 90 by 156 feet on the ground. Its interior structure is somewhat irregular, owing to the introduction of Huntington Hall ; but it contains substantially four stories and a basement. It com— prises a hall seating nine hundred persons, used for public gather- ings and commencement exercises, as well as for lectures of the Lowell Institute, numerous lecture-rooms, recitation-rooms, and [Vassar/awaits [nsfz'r‘uz‘e of Technology. 15 thawing-rooms in the upper stories, while on the first floor are found the departments of Biology and Geology, with the Presi- dents and Secretary’s offices, and, in the basement, the John (lunnnings Lal'ioratory of Mining Engineering and Metallurgy. The Walker Building, on the same square, at the corner of Claren- don Street, built in 1853, has almost precisely the same dimensions on the ground as the Rogers Building, and contains four stories and a basement. “'ALKM: axn Houses BL'iLmNGs. The Department of Chemistry occupies, with the Kidder Labora- tories and with its recitation and lecture rooms, the two upper stories of the building, together with a laboratory for Industrial Chemistry in the basement. The Department of Physics occupies the remain- der of the basement, the entire first floor, and all the second floor not taken by six recitation-rooms for Modern Languages and Mathematics. In addition to the Rogers and the Walker Buildings, above described, two more of the principal structures of the Institute are situated upon Trinity Place, distant about six hundred feet from the 16 [Massachusetts [nsz‘z'tut'e 0f Tea/analogy. main Institute square. Of these, the Engineering Building, erected in 1889, is 52 by 148 feet upon the ground, and contains five stories and a basement. The basement and first story are occupied by the engineering laboratories, the four upper floors being the drawing, recitation, and lecture rooms of the Mechanical and the Civil Engineering departments. Adjoining the Engineering Building is the Architectural Building, erected in 1892. This is 58 by 68 feet upon the ground, and, like the Engineering Building, contains five stories and a basement, ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL BUILDINGS. the floors of the two buildings having the same level in each case, with communication by doorways. In addition to the four buildings mentioned, the Institute has at the foot of Garrison Street a series of shops, which, with the boiler house and chimney, cover about 24,000 square feet on the ground. The last of the buildings to be mentioned is the Gymnasium, 160 by 50 feet, for athletic and military exercises, besides bath and toilet rooms and a due amount of gymnastic apparatus. The Institute maintains no dormitories; its students find homes in the city, or in the beautiful suburban towns and cities of the Boston Basin. Massar/zusetz‘s fizsz‘z'z‘uz‘e of Technology. I 7 LIBRARIES. At the Institute of Technology books are regarded as apparatus for immediate use; and the Collections are, therefore, placed in direct connection with the several departments. There are, in all, eleven separate libraries, with an aggregate num- ber of 26,631 volumes. In addition to the card-catalogues of the separate libraries, there is a general card-catalogue, showing in which library any given book is to be found. The most valuable of the Institute libraries is the William Ripley Nichols Chemical Library, comprising over 5,000 volumes and 2,000 pamphlets. The Engineering Library comprises over 4,000 volumes ; the Physical Library more than 3,500, and there is a library of Political Science, comprising over 5,000 volumes. The Architectural Library comprises 1,000 volumes, chiefly illustrated works, and 6,000 photographs. The several libraries are so arranged and conducted that a student can consult them with the smallest possible loss of time. The stu- dents have free access to the card-catalogues and to the shelves. Each library is also used as a reading-room, all the magazines and journals belonging to the department being freely accessible. The number of periodicals received at the Institute, excluding all annuals, is three hundred and sixty-two, forming one of the largest collec- tions of scientific journals, magazines, and reviews to be found anywhere. THE LABORATORIES OF THE INSTITUTE. The chief and dominating feature of the Institute of Technology, from the material point of view, Consists of its numerous large and well-equipped laboratories. The buildings of the Institute, in addi- tion to all drawing, recitation, and lecture rooms, and libraries, comprise eight laboratories or groups of laboratories. These are, — I. THE RoGERs LABORATORY OF PHYsICs. II. THE KIDDER CHEMICAL L.-\BOR.-\’I“ORIES. III. THE JOHN CUMMINGS LABORATORY OF MINING ENGINEERING AND METALLL'RGY. 18 JVassac/zusetz‘s [izsz‘z'z’ule 0f Tea/mo/ogy. IV. THE ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, INCLUDING THE LABORATORY OF APPLIED MEcHAMcs AND THE HYDRAULIC LABORATORY. V. THE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. VI. THE ARCHI'l‘ECTURAL LABORATORY. VII. THE GEOLOGICAL LABORATORY. V1.11. THE MEcHARIeAL LABORATORIES, OR WORKsHoPs. The several laboratories may be described in the following terms:— I. The Rogers Laboratory of Physics comprises seventeen separate rooms, all in the “Talker Ifluilding. LABORATORY 0F GEXERAL PHYsIcs; \VALIIER BUILDING. Of these two are lecture—rooms seating 270 and 70 persons respectively, the latter being used jointly by the chemical and physical departments, and eleven are laboratory rooms. There are also the physical library, the apparatus-room, the office of the depart- ment, and a study. The following are the principal rooms used for laboratory instruction : — Massac/zusez‘z‘s [nsz‘z'z‘uz‘e of Technology. 19 1. THE LABORATORY OF GENERAL PHYSICS, 108 by 29-;— feet, on the first floor, devoted to instruction in the principles of physical measuren'ient. It is supplied with a great variety of apparatus for experimental work in Mechanics, Optics, Heat, and Electricity. The instruction given in this laboratory is designed particularlyto teach the student how to use physical measuring apparatus in general, and to make him. familiar with the methods of determining various physi- cal constants. THE LABORATORY or ELECTRICAL MEAsUEEMENTs, also on the first floor and of the same size as the preceding, which is devoted chiefly to advanced electrical work carried on by the students in Elec- trical Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry. In this room will be found an extremely large and valuable collection of electrical measur- ing apparatus of a character suited for delicate testing. Instruments for the determination of electrical resistance and capacity, electro- motive force and current, for the calibration of galvanometers, for the study of the magnetic properties of iron and steel, are in constant use by the more advanced students. Here are also the batteries for testing, amounting to nearly 200 cells. Much of this apparatus is original in design. A considerable amount of research and thesis work is carried on in this laboratory. 3. THE DrNAito-aoon in the basement, It) by 440 feet, is provided with a lVestinghouse engine of 75 horse—power, the sole use of which is to furnish the power to drive the plant of dynamos. This plant, besides a number of smaller machines, comprises a 500 light alternating current Tliomson-I-Iouston dynamo, with transformers, a 150 light Edison dynamo, a 200 light Thoi'nsOn-Houston direct current dynamo, a 60 light \Veston dynamo, a 3 arc-light Brush dynamo, a United States 300 Ampere low voltage dynamo for elec- trolytic work, and a Siemens’ alternating arc-light dynamo. From time to time other large machines are temporarily placed here for purposes Of study by the students. The wires from this room are carried to all parts of the building for experimental purposes, as well as for use in illumination. The illuminating circuits are, however, capable of instant connection with the mains of the Edison Illuminat- ing Co., so that all of the dynamos are available at all times for purposes of instruction. The dynamo-room is also furnished with a 2O Massac/zusez’ts [mtz'z'ute of Tee/analogy. great variety of apparatus for measurements of the current, electro- motive force, and out-put of the dynamo machines. 4. THE LABORATORIES 0F ELEC’I‘RICAL ENGINEERING comprise: A room by 29% feet in the basement, devoted especially to thesis and other Work in dynamo machinery. It contains a cradle dynamometer for the mechanical measurement of power consumed by dynamo machines, a large ice-calorimeter for testing transformers, a .500 volt storage battery for purposes of calibration, a closed air- DYNAMO~RO0Mg ‘.VALK ER BUILDING. chamber, 8 by 8 feet, for testing ventilating fans and blowers, and several electro-motors of various capacities. Here is also placed an extensive collection of railway signalling apparatus used in the instruction of the mechanical, civil, and electrical engineering stu- dents. In this room much of the testing of electro-motors, in connection with thesis work, is carried on. Here is. also found a photometry room, for the purpose of testing are and incandescent lights, and the workshop of the mechanician of the Rogers Labora- tory, used also by the students. Massachusetts Institute of Tea/analogy. 21 A room 36% by 29 feet, opening from the dynamo-room, is used almost entirely for research in connection with the theses. 5. A room, 61% by 29% feet, also in the basement, contains dark rooms fitted up for photographic work, and also an additional pho- tometry room. Here also is carried on the laboratory work in heat measurements of the students in chemical engineering. The storage batteries are also placed here, and such apparatus as is used in testing them. Various other electrical experiments are also carried on in this room. PHYSICAL APPARATUS: GALVANOMETERS. 6. THE AcoUsTIC LABORATORY, 33 by 29% feet, is situated on the second floor. This is designed especially for acoustic and telephonic study and research. It is furnished with special telephone and elec- tric light and power currents, and a constant-pressure blast. There are electro-motors and all other needed facilities for the electrical driving of sirens and like apparatus. In this laboratory is placed the extensive collection of acoustic apparatus belonging to the Institute. 22 [Vassar/mulls Znsz’z'z‘zzz‘e 0f 'fea/mo/ogy. 7. THE OPTICAL-ROOM, 29:12- by 2-9 feet, adjoins the Acoustic Laboratory east and south, and is particularly designed for such work as may require the use of sunlight. It is also employed for other advanced work as occasion requires. The cabinet of optical apparatus is located here. S. A room, by 10 feet, on the same floor as the preceding, is fitted up for the purpose of the construction and test of resistance coils. It contains a constant temperature tank with the standard \Vheatstone’s bridge, and the necessary galvanometers and accessory apparatus. 9. A small room, 16 by 15-},I feet, opening from the Acoustic Laboratory, contains various electro-dynamometers, and like apparatus used in connection with measm'ements upon self-induction. II. The Kidder Laboratories of Chemistry in the \Yalker Building comprise eighteen working laboratories, four lecture-rooms, a library and reading-room, balance-rooms, offices, and supply rooms, ——in all, thirty rooms. 1. THE LABORATORY OF GENERAL CnEMIs'rRY is 84.5 by 39.5 feet. It has 133 working desks. Under each desk there are three complete sets of drawers and cupboards, so that the laboratory has accommodations for LIOO students. Since the classes in this labora- tory are limited to about 50 students working at one time, the three students who have a desk in common never interfere with each other. The actual number of students working in this laboratory during the year 1892~93 was This laboratory is for beginners in chen'iistry, and the exercises during the first term of the first year are designed not only to make the student familiar with chemical manipulation, and to teach him fundamental chemical facts, but also to train him in accurate habits of observation. In the second term of the first year, the elements of qualitative analysis are taught in this laboratory. THE LABORATORY OE ANALYTICAL CHEMIs'rRY is likewise 84.5 by 39.5 feet. It has 108 desks, feet long, and each desk is pro- vided with cupboards and drawers in which a large amount of apparatus can be stored. These laboratories of General and Analytical Chemistry are on the jllassac/mse/ts Institute of Tee/zzzo/qgy. 23 fourth (top) floor of the Walker Building, and each is lighted on three sides by 23 windows. The rooms are 17 feet high, and have large sky-lights in the roof. They are provided with all the perma- nent fittings found in modern chemical laboratories for accurate and rapid work. The .~\nalytical Laboratory is provided also with suit- able electrlcal currents and apparatus for electro-cl'iemical analysis. The ventilation of these laboratories (as in all the rooms of the Walker Building) is effected by forcing in moderately warmed air by LABORATORY 0F AXALY'I'ICAL CIIEriIIs'raY; \VALKER BUILDING. a powerful fan in the basement. The outlet of this air in the labora- tories is through the hoods which line the walls. The amount of air passing through the laboratories is such as to secure a total change once in seven minutes. In consequence of this unusually perfect ‘ventilation it is possible to conduct, without annoyance or injury, many chemical operations in the open laboratory, which in most chemical laboratories must be confined to closed hoods. In this laboratory there is a unique evaporator designed by Mr. H. Wood- bridge, of the Institute, in which evaporations of water and other 24 Massac/zusez‘z‘s [nsz‘z'z‘uz‘e 0f Tec/mo/ogy. liquids can be very rapidly performed. It consists of a combination of a steam bath and a current of warm air. 3. Adjoining the Analytical Laboratory is a room, 31.6 by 11.7 feet, used exclusively for volumetric analysis. In this room, which is painted entirely in white, 21 students can work at the same time. I. THE ORGANIC Lxnona'roar, also on the fourth floor, is 29.2 by 36 feet. It has desks for 26 students, and is provided with all the conveniences and delicate apparatus required for work in organic chemistry. Adjoining is a laboratory, 6 by .26 feet, arranged exclu- sively for organic combustions. It has all the requisite fittings for gas, oxygen, blast, and suction to operate five furnaces at one time. ‘On the roof above the Organic Laboratory is an enclosed room, 19.7 by feet, in which chemical operations of a dangerous or noxious character can be performed. Four small laboratories, 17.5 by 14.5 feet each, are also on the fourth floor, for the use of the staff of instruction. 5. THE BALANCE-ROOM, communicating directly with the Ana- lytical and Organic Laboratories, is 1.2.2 by 3.2 feet; it contains 221 high-grade analytical balances. 6. SANITARY CHEMISTRY. There are two laboratories on the third floor, respectively 39.3 by 39.5 feet, and 37.3 by 29.5 feet. ‘The instruction in Sanitary Chemistry comprises the examination of food products, such as flour, butter, milk, and the analysis of air and water, and the study of sanitary problems. In these labora- tories, under the charge of the head of the chemical department and the instructor in Sanitary Chemistry, has been conducted the great investigation of the il-Iassachnsctts Board of Health into the natural waters of the State. In the course of this investigation, which is still in progress, there have been analyzed, since 1887, over 10,000 samples of water. 7. THE LABORATORY FOR GAs ANALYSIS occupies a room, 25.5 by 10.5 feet, partitioned off from one of the Sanitary Laboratories. It contains a collection of the best modern apparatus for the analysis of gases. The instruction in this department includes an extended course in gas analysis for students of Chemistry, and a shorter course for the students in h/Iechanical Engineering. The great importance Alassaekusetz‘s Institute of Tee/analogy. 2 5 which attaches to the economic utilization of fuel renders the course in the analysis of furnace gases particularly valuable to the engineer. Three chemical laboratories on the third floor are provided for the head of the department of Chemistry, for the Professor of Cr- ganic Chemistry, and for the Professor of Industrial Chemistry, who is the head of the department of Chemical Engineering. These three laboratories, which are respectively 24.3, and 18.3 by 20.5 LABORATORY or TEN'IILE (‘oLoRING; ‘WALKER BUILDING. feet, are used also by students engaged, directly under the pro— fessors, in original investigation. 0. THE LABORATORIES OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY comprise a large room in the basement for the manufacture of chemicals on a semi-industrial scale, and a laboratory for textile coloring on the third floor. The first mentioned is a room 50 by 20.5 feet, which contains kettles of various patterns, stills, presses, tanks, centrifugal dryers, filter presses, crystal dryers, etc. The laboratory of textile coloring, 30.3 by 20.5 feet, contains a large number of jacketed kettles, baths, and dye tubs, squeeze rolls, steamer, ager, and drier, 26 Massachusetts Institute of Tet/analogy. and a two-color printing-inachine. It is provided with arc'lights for working after dark. 10. A room, 39 by 14 feet, on the second floor, is fitted for the special purpose of instruction in the optical analysis of sugar. There is a large and readily accessible store-room, 73 by 29.5 feet, on the third floor, for chemicals and apparatus, another in the basement, and two supply-rooms on the fourth floor. Two under- ground vaults, respectively 37 by 5) feet, and (it) by 3.2.5 feet. are LABORATORY OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY; “'A'LKER BUILDING. provided for the storage of apparatus in original packages, for carboys, inflammable liquids, etc. The Chemical Library and Reading-room, 32 by 17 feet, is situated between the Analytical and Organic Laboratories on the fourth floor. The principal chemical lecture-room is 43 by 40.5 feet, and is fitted with 220 rising seats. Another lecture-room, by 21 feet, has seats for it), and a third room, for still smaller classes, accom- modates 10 students. A lecture-room, by feet, with a seating capacity of 65, is used by both the chemical and physical departments. .l/assar/zusez'ts Instz'fute of Tee/mo/ogv. 27 ll l. The John Cummings Laboratory of Mining Engineering and Met- allurgy, in the basement of the Rogers Building, comprises labora- tories for milling, for concentrating, and for smelting ores, as well as for testing them by an assay and by the blowpipe, and a library comprising the most important literature of the subject. HEEL-rise Lxnuuxrouv; \VITCIIING FOR THE HLIOK. THE BnowriInc-noon, ZS by 32.5 feet, is provided with tables for 24 students, and with the apparatus and supplies, balances, reagents, water, and gas, needed for the determination of minerals, as well as for the assay of silver by the blowpipe. THE ROOM rua Assume is 2&3 by 33.133 feet, and contiguous with it is a balance-room, 13.6 by 16.7 feet, for fine balances. This laboratory is supplied with desks for fifty students, although only ten work at a time. There are ten crucible furnaces, seven mufiiles, with 28 Massac/zuseits Ivzsz‘z'z‘uz‘e of Technology. the necessary stock of ore samples, ore and reagent balances, as well as fine button balances. THE MILLING-noon is 01.7 by 127.0 feet, and can be used by a. class of fifteen students. It is supplied with fine apparatus for mill- ing gold and silver ores by the various processes of amalgamation, lixiviation, and chlorination. This laboratory is also well provided with the machinery for concentrating gold, silver, copper, lead, and Zinc ores, and has a complete plant for experimenting on the deposit- ing and refining of metals by electricity. THE SMELTINe-EooM is 55 by 35.7 feet, and large enough for a class of fifteen students. This laboratory has complete apparatus for roasting and smelting ores, and refining metals in quantities of from 500 to 6,000 lbs., according to the process. The mostnoteworthy parts are the water-‘jacket furnace and the Bruckner roasting cylinder. Attached to the laboratory are : —— 1. A Library, 22.6 by 15.5 feet, containing over 3,000 volumes, includ- ing all the prominent mining and metallurgical periodicals in English, French, and German. 2. A Private Laboratory, 16.7 by 11.2 feet, for chemical and physical experiments on ores. A Supply-room, 15.8 by 10 feet, for small apparatus and chemicals. An Office for the instructors. ' A Toilet-room, 21.5 by 20 feet, with abundant supply of water, and with a hanging closet for each student in the department. ow eke-Q IV. The Engineering Laboratories occupy the two lower floors of the Engineering Building on Trinity Place, and comprise labora- tories of steam engineering, of hydraulics, a laboratory for testing the strength of materials, and a room containing cotton machinery. The laboratories of steam and hydraulics occupy a portion of the lower floor, 50 by 100 feet, and the central portion of the floor above, 50 by 70 feet. The heavier pieces of apparatus and those requiring special foundations are placed on the lower floor. 1. THE STEAM LABORATORY. The most prominent feature of this is the 9, 16, and .241 by 30 inch, Allis triple-expansion engine, having a capacity of about 150 horse-power when running triple, with 150 lbs. initial pressure in the high-pressure cylinder. This ‘pliedwith tables, Bunsen- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 37 burners, agate mortars, and other accessory apparatus accon'n'nodating classes of twenty-four students each. The minerals used are arranged in ten series of specimens, repre- senting sixty species in each, and classified in eighty wooden trays. 3. THE GEOLOGICAL LIBRARY AND LAEORA'I‘ORY, Room 14, Rogers Building. This room is likewise used as a recitation-room for a few of the smaller and more advanced classes. It contains the Rogers Geological Library of about thirteen hundred bound volumes and several hundred pamphlets; also, the current numbers of eight of the leading serial publications. III the cases are two hundred drawers of specimens of fossils and rocks, stratigraphically arranged. There is also an exhibition case of specimens arranged in like manner, and a case of eighteen large drawers filled with maps, sec- tions, and drawings. The room is well supplied with tables at which students pursue their studies in stratigraphical palacontology and micro-lithology. Geological maps and sections are drawn, and field notes are revised, and the results of investigations are here prepared for final presentation. VIII. The Mechanical Laboratories, or Workshops. A separate cir- cular has been printed in connection with the exhibit of the Insti- tute, giving a statement of the system of instruction in the Mechanic Arts, and an account of the workshops, or mechanical laborato- ries, and their equipment, which it is not necessary to repeat here. ENDOWMENT. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is unfortunately still an unendowed institution, in the sense that its receipts from invested property constitute but a very small part of the means required to carry oil the service of the school. First and last, about a million and a half dollars have been given or bequeathed to the school, some part of which it has been abso- lutely necessary to use for current I‘naintenancc. Of the amount mentioned, the State of Massachusetts gave $200,000, one half of which was free of conditions, the other half being for the support of free scholarships. 38 Massac/zusctts lust/talc of Yi’cfiuotogy. The two principal contributors to the funds of the Institute in its earlier days were Dr. Win. J. Walker and Mr. Ralph Huntington. The principal contrilnum's of late years have been Messrs. George B. Dori‘, Richard Perkins, Jerome S. Kidder, Mrs. Henry Edwards, and Mrs. Catherine P. Perkins. The amount of income-yielding property held by the Institute is $504,403.75 The buildings occupied by the Institute stand on the books of the 'l‘reasurer at $707,020.55 ; the land at $127,155.60. ARCIIITEL‘TI‘RAL I)EP.~\R'l‘.\1l~INT; FREE-HAND Dnxu'Ise-(‘LAss In addition to the land thus held in fee, the Institute enjoys the right of perpetual occupancy, by grant from the Connnonwealth of Massachusetts, of the land upon which the Rogers and Walker Buildings stand. The equipment of the several buildings and their laboratories, in— cluding the libraries, the accumulations of twenty-eight years, repre- sents an expenditure of probably about $200,000. The net annual income from invested funds is about 5,000. ll/Iassoe/zusells [uslz'lufe of T eo/mology. 39 The income from students’ fees last year (1501-02) was S1SI),573.77. The Institute receives one third of the national grants to the State of Massachusetts under the United States Acts of 186:2 and 1500, amounting at present to about $12,000 a year. It has also a certain income from rents and other sources, making the total receipts (1801412) $264,265.78. The expenditures for the same year amounted to $2307,5l7.‘.)0, leaving a deficit for the year of a little over $3,000. Of the total expenditures $180,007.01 was for salaries. 'l'EsTs (IN Yl-IX'l‘ILA'I‘IXG Faxs. Yor ('Hhr/nf/m's" mm’ information. (ll/(fl'l’SS Dr. II. ‘A’. TYLER. Secrefary. .llrrssuclmsclls [nsh'iufc of Tcc/mu/or/y. Hus/on. -lluss. M1335 .llll‘llI-lll Illlllll-lIl-l \illllt OF MIC llllllil. Illlllll .5068 on cu; ck“...