* Vºſſ; N •. W & ºn ſº º§§ {{IIIHIIII: #E - *:: § - H E 35 # sº º | # ă É Cº. - qua i: :#- Ü - | || º- - | §ſſTTTTTTTTTT [B. º E-L-T-Z-T-5 P-T º ºrrºr--Cº ºvers, ºr º # (iiifºliº iſſ US 3. º: C J C C C C º sº Hiß CCº-Cº REPORT OF THE %, *2 ) ſe }*. * * Charter Revision Commission Governor of the State of New York. WITH PROPOSED AMENDTIENTS TO THE GREATER NEW YORK CHARTER. December 1, 1900, MART; , B. Brown Co., PRIN rers AND STATION FRS, . Nos. 49 to 57 PARK PLAce, N. Y. To the Governor of the State of Wew York : SIR-The Commission appointed under chapter 465 of the Laws of 1900, “ to examine into the local government of The City of New York and the counties contained therein, and the effect and working of the Charter of Greater New York and the various acts amendatory thereof and the several acts relat- ing thereto, and to suggest such legislation as it may deem advisable relating thereto,” respectfully reports as follows: In preparing its recommendations for legislation it became necessary for the Commission to determine in the first place whether it would undertake the preparation of a charter different in form from the existing Charter or whether it would embody its recommendations in the form of amendments to that Charter. But the limited amount of time at the command of the Commission has rendered it impossible to do more than to deal with questions of substance; and it has seemed to the Commission that by presenting its views in the form of amendments to the Charter as now existing, the Legislature and the public generally would per- ceive more clearly what changes are proposed. The Commission has, therefore, prepared and here with sub- mits a bill to be transmitted to the Legislature, providing for certain amendments to the Greater New York Charter. In accordance with the rules of the Legislature, new matter in this bill is underscored and matter proposed to be omitted is inclosed in brackets—except that in the case of sections which are to be repealed, it has been thought sufficient to refer to them simply by their number and title in the schedules that will be found at the end of the bill. ... -- 3. - § {S 3 *3 ** º,. -.. pº- '-- * & -* … . 2 : * ~ * # } § * , la %. . “...< *a- K-> -** 4. LEGISLATIVE POWERS. In considering the question of the legislative powers to be conferred upon The City of New York, we have been met in the first instance by the question whether any city legislature should exist at all. It has been contended that the affairs of the City are entirely or almost entirely of a business nature, and that no city legislature is really necessary except for the adoption of what may properly be called administrative rules and regulations. In this view the Commission is unable to concur. There will be many questions relating to the development and internal administration of the City which must be the constant subject of legislation as the City grows and as new and unforeseen conditions arise. Unless a city legislative body exists, there must be constant legisla- tion by the State as to the affairs of the City, and the embarrassment arising therefrom in municipal administration is generally acknowledged. To what extent the State should in the interest of the people of the whole State enact and admin- ister laws with reference to the affairs and government of cities is a question which we have not deemed it our duty to consider. But so strongly have many well-informed persons felt with reference to the practice of constant State legislation concern- ing matters of purely local administration that the adoption of a constitutional amendment has been urged, prohibiting the State Legislature from passing any special laws not made applicable to all the cities of the State. The Commission is not prepared to recommend so radical a constitutional change as this ; but it may be pointed out that many of the objects of such an amendment might be effected at once if both houses of the Legislature, by some changes in their rules, were to refuse to consider any bills which related to subjects of local interest and with which cities were themselves competent to deal. The Commission in passing upon the question of the legislative powers of the City has substantially adopted the views, which are well expressed in the report of the Commission 5 that framed the present Greater New York Charter, from which we quote, as follows: “The charter has been constructed upon the principle that it is expedient to give to the city all the power necessary to conduct its own affairs. The commission has accordingly conferred upon the municipal assembly legislative authority over all the usual subjects of munici- pal jurisdiction. * * * The city, as the commission has constituted it, has within itself all the elements and powers of normal growth and development, making it unnecessary to have habitual recourse as hitherto to the legislature of the state for additional powers—a serious evil, and in the past the source of much abuse. These powers—great, varied and even complex as they neces- sarily are—will, when scrutinized, be seen to be no greater than the city requires and to be always legislative in their character. They are such as the municipalities of England and of Europe, as well of this country, constantly exercise. “This does not mean that under the proposed charter the city can change the structure of its own government. Whatever powers it will have it will receive as a grant from the state to enjoy in the form that they are given, and the state alone can modify the grant. Neither does it mean that the city can do what it will in every possible direction. It is tied up in many ways by old laws that are continued because they have been justified by experience. But it does mean that the city is believed to be equipped with power to decide for itself what it will do within the well recognized range of ordinary municipal activity.” But, although it was the purpose of the former Commission to confer upon the City this large measure of self-government, it has been found in practice that difficulties which perhaps could not reasonably have been anticipated have rendered the provisions of the Charter ineffectual to carry out such purposes. y The “checks and safeguards” which it was thought necessary to place upon the action of the various municipal bodies are so numerous, and the powers of legislation are so minutely subdivided and so widely distributed, that it has proved 6 extremely difficult and often impossible, to secure prompt results upon other than routine matters. Our effort has, there- fore, been to facilitate local legislation, to simplify the govern- mental machinery and to remove some of the impediments to effective action. An illustration of the course we have pursued in this regard will be found in considering the provisions of section 47 of the present Charter, which we have renumbered as section 43. Under that section the local legislature now has “power to make, establish, alter, modify, amend and repeal all ordinances, rules, police, health, park, fire and building regulations, not contrary to the laws of the state, or the United States, as they may deem necessary to carry into effect the powers conferred upon the city of New York by this act, or by any other law of the state, or by grant, and such as it may deem necessary and proper for the good government, order and protection of persons and property, and for the preservation of the public health, peace and prosperity of said city and its inhabitants.” These powers we have continued. The present Charter, however, also confers large legislative power upon the Health, Police, Park, Fire, Dock and Building Departments to the exclusion of the local legislature, and it further provides that almost every modification of existing ordinances affecting any of these departments must originate with the department con- cerned and must be adopted or rejected by the Municipal Assembly without amendment. The Commission recommends that all such limitations upon the powers of the local legislature be repealed, and that all powers of legislation and all powers of fixing salaries be taken away from the administrative depart- ments. It also recommends that a great variety of local sub- jects enumerated in the Second schedule, annexed to the bill amending the Charter, be included within the legislative powers. It is, of course, possible that under this system there may often be an unwise exercise of power; but the Commission 7 believes that a safeguard against reckless or improvident legis- lation will be found in the provision that every head of department shall have a seat in the Board of Aldermen ; also in the large and increased powers of legislation vested in the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and in the stringent provisions relative to the Mayor's power of veto. Even at the risk of occasional serious mistakes it seems to us that it will be preferable to confer this measure of legislative independence upon the City authorities rather than to retain checks which only result in furnishing opportunities for unreasonable obstruc- tion and necessitate continual resort to the State Legislature. The Commission believes that such a change will be welcomed by the State Legislature and that, if the voters of the City can be compelled to rely solely upon themselves, a better public spirit will be aroused ; that better men will be elected to the local legislature as the opportunities of its members for useful public service are increased ; and that thus will be created a free, self-governing community, subject to State control only upon matters of general State policy which are enforced uniformly throughout the State. It is in such a community alone that efficient, economical, progressive muni- cipal government can be looked for. COMPOSITION OF THE LOCAL LEGISLATURE. The expression of opinion on the part of all who have addressed the Commission, is that there is no necessity that the City Legislature should be composed of two branches, a Council and a Board of Aldermen, that such a legislature has furnished opportunities which have too often been availed of for mere obstruction, and that every consideration of efficiency and honesty in the government of the City demands that the City Legislature should consist of a single house. As to the composition of that house, great divergence of opinion exists among those who have addressed us. & 8 The Commission, on full consideration of the subject, recommends that the Council should be abolished and the Board of Aldermen retained, with an increased membership. A numerous body is thought desirable, because the mere fact its being small will not improve the character of its member- ship; because the larger the body the more difficult it will be to improperly influence it; because in a large body there will always be some who will be vigilant to oppose bad measures ; and because by making the districts smaller the body will be representative of a greater variety of interests and localities. There is some advantage in retaining the name of the Board of Aldermen, because the people in the several districts of the city are usually acquainted with the Alderman and frequently call upon him for advice or assistance in various ways, thus giving a neighborhood side to his office not prescribed by statute, which is more likely to do good than harm. A further reason for constituting a somewhat numerous legislative body will be found in the provisions referred to below, for the formation of Local Improvement Boards con- sisting of the members of the Board of Aldermen from the Local Improvement districts. We recommend that the Board of Aldermen shall consist of its President, elected by the City at large, of the Presidents of the several Boroughs, and of members elected from each of the Aldermanic Districts provided for in the act. The Aldermanic districts are to be formed after the next legislative apportionment by dividing each assembly dis- trict within the city into two parts of equal size, provision being made for readjusting these districts after each decen- nial reapportionment. It has seemed, however, to the Com- mission that it would not be just, nor would it afford a fair trial to the proposed plan of a single legislative body, to put this system of representation into immediate operation, in view of the very great inequality now existing in the popula- lation of the several assembly districts. The last apportion- 9 ment of assembly districts was based on the enumeration made in 1892, and the extraordinarily rapid shifting of population since that period has resulted in leaving some of the assembly districts with a voting population approximately five times as great as that of others. The most accurate way available to the Commission for ascertaining the present voting population of the various assembly districts was to take the vote cast at the recent election. The number of aldermen allotted to each aldermanic district has been ascertained by taking the total votes cast at that election, and for every five thousand votes or major fraction thereof cast in any assembly district the Commission has allotted one alderman. In each dis- trict the vote taken as a basis was the highest total vote, whether for candidates for Presidential Electors or for Gover- nor. The result has been that the smallest assembly districts have one alderman each, the greater number two each, and a few three or four each. A difficulty arose from the fact that portions of two assembly districts of Westchester County now lie within the borough of The Bronx, and that a fraction of an assembly district in the former County of Queens now lies within the Borough of Queens. We have dealt with these districts by adding the fractions from Westchester County to the Thirty-fifth Assembly JDistrict of New York County, giving this territory six aldermen, and by adding the fractional district in the Borough of Queens to the Second Assembly District of Queens County, thus giving this territory three aldermen. The result of the arrangement proposed is that there will be one hundred and twenty-three aldermanic districts. To avoid possible misapprehension, we repeat that this allot- ment of aldermen among the several assembly districts is merely temporary and is intended to continue only until the next legislative apportionment after the census in 1905, when there will be two aldermanic districts in each assembly district. The President of the Board of Aldermen and the Presidents of the Boroughs, under the proposed charter, will have seats IO and votes both in the Board of Aldermen and in the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. We believe that it is of great importance to secure a constant publicity in the conduct of all City affairs. The Board of Alder- men should have ample powers to institute inquiry at all times. For this purpose, and also in order to secure intelligent and uniform legislation, we have continued the provision of the present charter that the heads of the several departments should have seats, without votes, in the Board. But we have extended this by requiring each head of department to attend, whenever summoned by the Board of Aldermen, and by requiring him to answer any questions that may be put to him by any member touching the affairs of his department, of which forty-eight hours' written notice shall be given. At present the time of the Municipal Assembly is largely taken up with the most trivial matters, such as granting special permits for stands of one kind or another upon the public streets. By section 50 of the bill herewith submitted we pro- vide that the Board of Aldermen may not pass any special ordinances in relation to these matters, and that all ordinances in relation thereto shall be general ordinances, which may apply either throughout the whole city or throughout specified sections thereof; which shall fix a definite license fee for every authorized structure, encroachment or obstruction to the street, according to the character, extent and duration thereof; and which shall provide for the issuing of revocable licenses therefor. The adoption of these and other like provisions will, we believe, give more serious purpose to meetings of the Board, and will lead men of character and ability to become candidates for aldermen. It has been strongly urged upon the Commission, that some system of proportional or minority representation should be adopted in the composition of the Board of Aldermen. . This Commission has not thought it necessary to consider this subject, because it agrees with the views of the former I I Commission, that under the Constitution of the State, it is impossible to provide for such representation in the Char- ter “without making a vital part of the Charter depend upon a provision of uncertain constitutionality.” And a majority of the Commission concur with the former Commission in recom- mending a constitutional amendment authorizing laws to be passed providing in municipal elections for minority or pro- portionate representation. Some of the advantages which are looked for under such a scheme of minority representation we hope will be found in the system we recommend of small alder- manic districts. Under the present Election Law (chapter 909, Laws of 1896, as amended by chapter 363, Laws of 1899) it is in substance provided that five hundred electors may nominate a member of Assembly or School Commissioner, while “ independent nominations of candidates for public offices to be voted for only by the electors of a town or ward of a city, or a village, can only be made by one hundred electors.” This does not in terms cover the case of aldermanic districts such as we propose; and we recommend an amend- ment to the Election Law providing that some reasonably small number of electors be empowered in such districts to make independent nominations. THE MAYOR. The Commission does not recommend any abridgment of the very great powers now vested in the Mayor, except in So far as such powers are necessarily abridged by the enlargement of the powers conferred upon the Borough Presidents by the other provisions of the Charter. On the contrary, the Commission recommends that the powers of the Mayor should in some material respects be enlarged. Experience has shown, both in the former cities of New York and Brooklyn, that very great powers can wisely be entrusted to a Mayor elected by the I 2 people at large, and that a concentration of responsibility in his hands conduces effectively to good government. With respect to the Mayor's term of office, there is force in the arguments which have been presented to us for a reduc- tion to two years. The Commission, however, recommends that the present provisions of the Charter in this regard be left unchanged, and that a Mayor be elected for a term of four years and be ineligible for re-election for the succeeding term. The most important change which we have made in the powers of the Mayor, and one which must have far-reaching consequences, is to extend throughout his entire term the absolute power which he may now exercise only for the first six months of his term, to remove certain executive officers ; and to provide that all his appointees (except members of the Board of Education, Judges, etc.) shall hold office without definite term. - Under the present Charter important executive functions of government, except in the matter of the finances, are in the hands of Commissioners who are not directly accountable to the people or even to their elected representatives. Immense powers are thus vested in persons who are nominated by the Mayor, but who, six months after the Mayor takes office, pass out of his control and out of the control of any one represent- ing the people, except in the event of their committing some offense which is susceptible of formal legal proof, and which, under the technical rules established by the Courts, will require a removal. The futility of that course has been proved on various occasions. The Mayor cannot reasonably be held responsible for officials unless he has an absolute power of removal. The tenure of office of the higher appointive officials in our city government is unlike that which prevails in the federal government where all the principal officials hold their office at the pleasure of the President, and are removable by him at I 3 will. Such was the system adopted in the early days of the Republic. At the present time, when The City of New York as now constituted embraces more inhabitants and vastly greater wealth than were contained in the whole United States at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, the Commis- sion believes that a similar system should here prevail. The Commission does not attach serious importance to the argument that the appointment of officials without definite term and subject to the Mayor's power of removal will make it more difficult for him to secure the services of competent and able officials. As we have just said, similar conditions prevail in the federal service, and it is highly improbable that any Mayor will ever remove an official of his own appointment without some justifiable cause. It may, indeed, be hoped that the possession of a constant power to remove will rather tend to keep in office many heads of departments during the administrations of successive Mayors, especially those whose duties are of a technical or professional character. BOROUGH GOVERNMENT. The Charter as at present existing and as originally framed contemplates the division of the city for administrative pur- poses into five boroughs. In each of these divisions a Borough President exists whose powers at the present time are practi- cally limited to the possession of a seat in the Board of Public Improvements, with no vote “except upon matters relating exclusively to the borough of which he is President.” He is also a member of each of the Local Improvement Boards within his Borough, but, as we shall presently point out, these Local Boards, under the restrictions of the Charter, are possessed of few effective powers. * It is clear that the vast territory comprised within the present City of New York, embracing as it does, districts so essentially different as the crowded east side of Manhattan I4. and the rural districts of Queens and Richmond, demands some subdivision and some degree of local autonomy. How far and in what respects the powers of administration in the various departments of the city government should be centralized, and how far they should be vested in the local authorities of each Borough, are questions which have demanded and have received our most careful attention. It appears to be entirely free from doubt that the great departments of public safety should be Centralized and in strong control. There can also be no question but that the Departments of . Finance, of Law, of . Public Charities, of Correction, of Docks and of Taxes should be centralized and uniform in their operation. But when we come to the departments which deal with the public works of the city a very different question is presented. The present Charter centralizes all of these departments and unites them in a Board of Public Improvements. In this respect the Com- mission is satisfied that the scheme of the present Charter has proved most unsatisfactory in its workings, more especially with regard to the Boroughs other than Manhattan. It there- fore recommends a very great enlargement of the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Borough Presidents. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS, PUBLIC WORKS, ETC. The testimony given both before the Commission as a whole and before its sub-committees, and in the communica- tions received by the Commission, shows that the system adopted by the Greater New York Charter for local improve- ments—both those paid for by local assessment and those paid for by the City as a whole—is extremely unsatisfactory. This is particularly true of local improvements paid for by assess- ments on the property benefited. The conditions existing at the present time bear a strong resemblance to those which existed immediately prior to 1890, in the district then known as the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of the old City I 5 of New York. Ilegislation was enacted in 1890 making pro- vision for a local officer in that district who was known as the Commissioner of Street Improvements for the Twenty- third and Twenty-fourth Wards and discharged all adminis- trative duties relative to such matters as sewers and streets, both in regard to their original construction and their subse- quent maintenance. All the testimony taken by the Com- mission proves that this law worked satisfactorily to the people of the district immediately concerned as well as to the City as a whole. The Commission has therefore decided to recommend that the departments of Sewers and Highways, which, under the present charter, have jurisdiction throughout the entire City, be abolished, and that their functions be transferred to the Presidents of the several Boroughs. Under this plan the Borough Presidents will occupy a position closely analogous to that of the former Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty- fourth Wards. The existing law relative to the making of local improve- ments is unsatisfactory in other respects. The functions of the various Local Boards under the present Charter are confined merely to recommending that proceedings be initiated, and the hearings before these bodies have, therefore, not assumed the importance which it is be- lieved it was the intention of the framers of the Charter that they should have. The actual determination that local improve- ments shall be made is dependent on the approval of so many authorities that such determination is removed further than advisable from the people immediately interested. The Com- mission therefore recommends that the resolution of a Local Improvement Board, if approved by the Presi- dent of the Borough and by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, shall be all that is necessary in order that proceedings for a local improvement shall be begun. The power of veto given the President of the Borough is -- * * 16 believed to be necessary in order both to protect the rights of the individuals liable to assessment and to safeguard the interests of the Borough as a whole against any reckless action on the part of particular Local Improvement Boards. The power of approval given to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment has been thought necessary in order to protect the interest of the City as a whole. As the contracting party in these cases of local improvements is not the local improve- ment district, nor even any one of the Boroughs, but is the Corporation of The City of New York, and as the expense of the improvement is in first instance defrayed by The City of New York out of the proceeds of assessment bonds which are obligations of the City as a whole, it would be unwise and improper to vest in any district, or even in any Borough, the absolute right of determination. If such a power were given without the checks recommended, to each of the twenty-five improvement districts or even to each of the five Boroughs, the financial situation of the City might easily be imperiled and the constitutional limitation upon its indebtedness exceeded. Finally it is recommended that where the expense of any improvement is to be borne partially by the City as a whole, the consent of the Board of Aldermen shall also be obtained, if the City's share shall equal the sum of $500,000. Another defect in the present Charter of which particular complaint has been made in the districts where building opera- tions are most extensive, is the excessive centralization of the present Department of Buildings. The distance of certain sections of the City from the headquarters of the Building Department in Manhattan is so great that much time is lost by the length of the necessary daily journeys of the officers of the department, and the citizens of many sec- tions having business with the department are also com- pelled under present arrangements to lose much time from the same cause. The system of Deputy Commissioners estab- lished by the Charter does not provide a sufficiently decentral- I 7 ized system to satisfy the needs either of the department or the people. We have therefore recommended the establish- ment of a bureau of buildings in the office of each President of a Borough, to exercise the powers now possessed by the various Commissioners of Buildings. The same reasons which have led us to recommend the transfer of the powers of the departments of Highways, Sewers and Buildings to the President of the Borough, have led us to recommend the transfer to the same officer of the powers of the Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies, so far as they relate to public buildings. The abolition of this department has also made necessary a redis- tribution of its other powers. The powers relative to supplies, which even now are exercised within some of the departments, such as Police and Education, have been given to the heads of departments generally and to the Presidents of the Boroughs, so far as their respective departments are concerned. The powers of the department relative to gas and electricity have been conferred upon the Commissioner of Water Supply. The foregoing changes in the present system have made it necessary to recommend the abolition of the Board of Public Improvements, because its continued existence would be incon- sistent with the plan for autonomy in the boroughs in matters of public improvements which the Commission has recom- mended. The powers now vested in the Board of Public Improvements which have not been transferred to the various departments and to the Presidents of the Boroughs, have been given to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT. The Commission has recommended a considerable exten- sion of the powers now conferred upon the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. With respect to what may be called the routine expenditures of the City, whether they are provided 2 º I8 for by taxation or by use of the City's credit, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment is given large powers. By rea- son of the possession of these new powers and of the increase of its freedom in exercising the powers which it has from the beginning of its history possessed, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment under our draft charter will be the most impor- tant body in the City government. Whatever dissatisfaction may have been felt with any other municipal body, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment has generally given satisfaction for its capacity, efficiency and integrity. Under the plan of the Commission it will be in reality the centre of all legislative activity in relation to financial affairs, and of much of the administrative activity of the City. It will be in effect an upper house of the City Legislature and also a cabinet of the most important administrative officers. -- In dealing with the composition of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, the Commission has not been unmindful of the danger of changing an agency of government which has long and successfully stood the test of experience. The present Board consists of the Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Council, the President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments and the Corporation Counsel—the two last-named officials being appointees of the Mayor. In giving to the Mayor the absolute power of removal it is evident that his appointees would be to a greater extent than at present under his influence, so that the Mayor in the Board of Estimate and Apportionment might, in effect, have three votes out of the five. It was not considered advisable to make the Corpora- tion Counsel and the President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments elective officers; neither was it considered desirable to elect additional members of the Board at large. A Board consisting of three members would be manifestly too small. On the other hand the facts that the Board of Estimate and Apportionment was given the power to disapprove the decisions of Local Improvement Boards, and to determine the I9 amount of money to be expended out of the treasury of the city in public work in each borough made it proper that the boroughs should have a direct representation on the Board. The Commission has therefore recommended that the Board of Estimate and Apportionment shall be composed purely of elective officers, viz.: The Mayor, the Comptroller and the President of the Board of Aldermen, elected by the City at large, and of the Presidents of the five boroughs, elected by the citizens of their localities. But in adding the Borough Presidents to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment another question required consideration. If the Borough Presidents were to possess a voting power, not only equal to that of each other but also to that of the other members of the Board, they might together control its decisions ; and this would mean that the financial control of the City would pass from the officials who are not directly interested in the spending of the City's money to officers at the head of great administrative agencies and charged with the duty of spending large sums in the development and improvement of the particular localities they were elected to represent. It therefore seemed essential that the total voting power of the five Borough Presidents should be less than that of the officers elected from the City at large ; and it was not thought just to give to the representatives of the smaller boroughs an equal vote with the Presidents of the two great Boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. What should be the representation of the different ele- ments in the Board of Estimate and Apportionment has been one of the most difficult questions which the Commission has had to answer. We propose to give three votes to each of the officers elected at large ; two votes each to the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn; and one vote each to the Presidents of The Bronx, Queens and Richmond. It will be perceived that the total number of votes in the Board will be sixteen, and that nine of these votes will be cast by the officers elected at large, assuring to them a control of the Board. 2O BOROUGH PRESIDENTS AND LOCAL BOARDS. If the changes proposed are adopted, the President of a Borough will have a very different position from that which he now has. He will have charge, first, of the Highway and Sewer administration; second, of matters now administered in the Department of Buildings; third, of all existing public buildings and of the erection of new public buildings; fourth, of the making of the topographical map of his Borough, which is the necessary prerequisite of all local improvements; and, fifth, in the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond, of the cleaning of the streets. He will also, as a member of the Board of Esti- mate and Apportionment, have a voice upon all of the many, matters coming before that Board affecting the interests of the City as a whole. The Local Improvement Boards are also made more important than formerly. The districts over which they have jurisdiction are made permanent so that district neighborhood feeling may be maintained and promoted. The present method of division by Senatorial Districts is adhered to with very few exceptions, and the Districts are given permanent names—names which have in most cases historical significance—instead of being merely numbered. It is also provided that the boundaries of these Districts shall not be changed with the periodical appor- tionments of Senatorial Districts. BOND ISSUES AND FRANCHISES. The action of the Municipal Assembly in respect to bond issues has been justly subjected to much criticism. No matter for what purpose the City is compelled to borrow money, the issue of bonds must at present be approved by a vote of three-fourths of all the members elected to each branch of the Municipal Assembly. The power to obstruct such issues thus resides in a very small minority of each House ; and even where the money must be raised in order to pay the lawful 2 I creditors of the City, the power of obstruction has been not always used for proper purposes. The Commission proposes that the power to issue bonds in all cases where there is no real discretion as to such issue—such as for refunding purposes and paying awards in condemnation suits— and in a few cases where experience has shown that money must be borrowed yearly to meet the necessities of the growing city— such as for new school-houses and extensions of the docks— should be vested in the Board of Estimate and Apportionment alone. In other cases the proposed amendments provide what is in effect a veto power of the Board of Aldermen, to be expresssed by the vote of a majority of all the members. It is further provided that any action in this regard must be taken by the Board of Aldermen within six weeks after the receipt of a copy of the resolution of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing the proposed bond issue. The reason for authorizing the Board of Estimate and Ap- portionment to issue bonds is in part to make it easier than at present to carry on the current administration of the City's affairs, even if the expense is to be defrayed by the borrowing of money instead of by annual taxation. Experience has amply shown that the necessary yearly extension of the water distributing system, due to the steady growth of the City, requires the expenditure of a certain amount of money each year. The policy of the City in the past has properly been to defray this expenditure out of the proceeds of the sale of bonds. This is a wise and pusinesslike course, because the undertaking is merely an exten- ision of a business which results in almost immediate profit to the City. If the City is to grow, such work must be done, and if the question were to be submitted year by year to the Board of Aldermen for its approval, the issue of bonds might be 11nnecessarily delayed without any compensating advantages. 22 The amendments proposed will thus by the action of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on the one hand enable the City to raise money promptly for its ordinary necessities; while on the other hand the Board of Aldermen is fully em- powered to discuss and, if it chooses, to prohibit loans which are not of a routine character. The questions as to borrowing money for all new undertakings are thus made to fall within the range of the powers of the entire legislative body of the City. Grants of franchises, which have also been unreasonably delayed by the present Municipal Assembly, must in like manner by our plan be acted upon within six weeks after the Board of Estimate and Apportionment frames the proposed legislation. Special attention may be called to the changes effected in Section 73 of the Charter, where by the transposition of sen- tences important restrictions are imposed upon any grant of tunnel railroad franchises. - Attention is also called to a matter of relatively minor importance. At the present time provisions relating to the power to grant licenses to establish and operate omnibus or stage lines in any part of the city are obscure and doubtful. They are contained in five sections of the Charter, scattered in various parts. We recommend that these be consolidated into one section, that the procedure in reference to a grant of such license be assimilated to that in case of grants of street franchises, and that reasonable and proper compensation be paid to the City. For some reason the Transportation Law now prohibits the incorporation of companies within The City of New York for such purposes. We can perceive no good reason for this prohibition. On the contrary, the Commission is of opinion that it may be to the interest of many parts of the city, under modern conditions, to facilitate the establishment of omnibus lines, and we there- fore recommend that the exception in the Transportation Law be repealed. f 23 FINANCES AND TAXATION. The Commission has been strongly urged by important interests to deal with the question of taxation in The City of New York. Unjust and unequal as taxation in a great city under the present law necessarily is, and harshly as the burden of taxes on personal property now often falls, the Commission has felt that the subject was one which could only be adequately dealt with by legislation affecting the entire state. It has therefore confined itself solely to proposing some amendments of minor importance in connection with the mode of assess- ing and collecting taxes in The City of New York; among others, one giving the right of inspection by the public of the list showing the taxation of personal property. The date when the annual taxes become a lien—heretofore a matter of uncertainty, and therefore of inconvenience to real estate in- terests—has been definitely fixed at the first Monday in October. The organization and powers of the Finance Department of the City are left substantially unchanged except in one particu- lar. Under the present Charter it is held that each head of a department is authorized to bind the City absolutely for specific amounts for supplies purchased, or other liabilities in- curred. No matter how excessive these charges may be, the Department of Finance possesses no power to dispute or reduce them, unless it can establish fraud—always a very difficult task. This has been corrected, and the Department of Finance is given substantial powers of audit and adjustment, subject, however, to a proper preservation of the rights of the City's creditors. The management of the finances of the Departments of Police and Education, except pension funds, has been placed in the Department of Finance. The Comptroller, at the present time, receives a salary of $10,000, and in addition receives a much larger amount as a percentage upon the collections made under the Transfer Tax. 24 As a measure of economy, the Commission recommends that his salary be fixed at $15,000, and that the Transfer Tax-per- centage be paid into the City Treasury. The Mayor's salary remains at $15,000. DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. No change of any moment has been thought to be neces- sary in the case of the Department of Bridges. It has, how- ever, been deemed advisable that the exception which was made in the present Charter with regard to the East River Bridge, now under construction, should be done away with, and that this bridge be put in the hands of the Commissioner of Bridges. The Commission was brought to this conclusion principally because of the fact that the Commissioners of the East River Bridge have been treated both by the present City administration and by the Courts as a part of the regular City government, and that, as a result, the increased expense re- sulting from the existence of a separate commission was not offset by any advantages due to permanency. The increased importance in the public mind of the question of tunnels has led us to recommend also that tunnels, other than Rapid Transit tunnels, be placed in the charge of the Commissioner of Bridges. No provision is made in the present Charter for these means of communication. MUNICIPAL OVW NERSHIP. We have been urged by many of those who have addressed us to make provision for the ownership by the City of what are known as “public utilities.” Water-works, gas-works, electric- lighting establishments, ice plants, printing establishments, and docks are some of the subjects to which our attention has been particularly directed. We are convinced, for reasons which we need not here elaborate, that the present policy in regard to 25 the municipal ownership of all the water supply of the City, and of the wharves and bulkheads on and ferries to Manhattan Island, should be continued. We are not, however, prepared to recommend any wider general extension of the principle. WATER SUPPLY. It has seemed to the Commission that the Department of Water Supply should continue to be centralized and under the control of a single Commissioner. Accordingly no material change is recommended in the organization of this Department, except that on account of the importance and differing condi- tions of the Brooklyn water supply it has been deemed neces- sary to require that a Deputy Commissioner be located in that borough, and except that, for reasons above stated, we recom- mend conferring upon the Department the powers in relation to gas and electric conduits now vested in the Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies. The Department of Water Supply, dealing as it does with the laying of water- mains throughout the City, could easily deal with the laying of gas and electric conduits, and it might incidentally and easily test the character of the service supplied. A very important question, however, arises in connection with the question of water supply, to which our special atten- tion was called by a letter from you dated May 26, 1900. We condemn the legislation called to our attention by you, which has given special privileges to the Ramapo Company, by means of which that company seeks to monopolize the most readily accessible sources for the supply of water to the City, and in the interest of the City and its citizens we recommend the repeal of that legislation. We have retained in Section 47 I of the Charter the existing provisions of law prohibiting the making of any contract for the supplying or selling of water, except with the approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, together with the separate written consent and approval of both the Mayor and 26 the Comptroller of The City of New York. We have also re- tained the provisions in the same Section providing that the making or approval of any such contract may be reviewed by the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court. We have been urged to recommend the entire prohibition of the making of contracts for the supply of water from any private source, so that there might be exclusive public owner- ship of the source of water supply in The City of New York. Although the Commission is satisfied that municipal owner- ship of water supply should be the general rule, yet there are exceptional cases in the Boroughs of The Bronx, Queens and Richmond, in which it is now essential, and may be for many years to come, that water should be obtained from sources not owned by the City; but we believe the present pro- visions of law, while enabling such exceptional contracts to be made, will sufficiently guard against any improvident ar- rangement upon a larger Scale. In Section 472 we have proposed amendments to the Char- ter which will enable the City to condemn water rights in all parts of the State. But we propose that in case of condemna- tion proceedings no sources of supply shall be taken which are in actual use at the time of the initiation of proceedings for condemnation “for the supply of the water-works of the people of any other city, town or village of the State, or for the supply and distribution of waters to the people thereof; or which in the opinion of the Court on such proceedings may reasonably become necessary for such supply; or to take or use the water from any of the canals of the State,” etc. While these powers seem to give to The City of New York ample means of extending its supply of water as such exten- sion may become necessary in the future, and also to give rea- sonable security to the inhabitants of those parts of the State from which the water supply must be derived, yet the Com- mission calls attention to the fact that the possession of such powers by the City will not fully solve the entire problem. 27 The constitutional provisions against increasing the City's debt operate in practice so as to make it exceedingly difficult for the City to borrow money for the purpose of extending its sources of the water supply. Money may, indeed, under the Constitution, be borrowed without limit for this purpose ; but in case the total indebtedness, including that incurred for the water supply, exceeded the limit imposed by the Constitution, The City of New York could not borrow money for other purposes essential to its continued growth—such as the extension of its docks and the building of new schools—until the total city debt had again been brought within the Constitutional limit. The Commission therefore recommends an amendment to Section Io of Article VIII. of the Constitution, which will so far modify the existing limita- tions on the incurring of indebtedness by cities as to except from its provisions indebtedness hereafter to be incurred by The City of New York for purposes of water supply. The justification for this exception is the profit incident to municipal ownership of the water supply, and that bonds issued and expenditures made for such purposes not only do not add to the burdens of taxation, but that they actually tend to reduce such burdens. The necessity for removing restrictions upon the ability of the City to provide its inhabitants with a pure, wholesome and sufficient supply of water is urgent. The danger of having the water supply of The City of New York thrown into private hands arises mainly from financial consid- erations. The day is not far distant when the pinch of water shortage will be actually felt. If, when that day comes, the City is unable itself to supply the needs of its citizens, theoret- ical considerations, however sound, will not be permitted to stand in the way of Securing additional water by the means most speedily available. In other words, the con- stitutional limitation, operating as it practically does to prevent the City from securing more water, 28 also undoubtedly operates with constantly increasing certainty to throw the City into the hands of private monop- oly. It is not to be expected that the people or their officers shall exercise such extraordinary self-denial as to forego the necessities of the present hour in order to undertake improvements and additions to the water-supply system, the benefits of which will not be experienced for ten or fifteen years. And when it is borne in mind that the supplying of water to the citizens of New York has always been a profitable enterprise, the Commission believes that there is no reason for continuing in force a constitutional provision which, in the present state of the law, leaves the citizens of New York only two unhappy alternatives : recourse to a private company for the supply of water, or the interruption of the orderly and necessary development of the City. It is particularly to be noted that we recommend that this constitutional restriction shall be removed only as to future indebtedness, so that no sudden enlargement of the City's debt incurring capacity, leading to possible extravagance, can result. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS. Acting under the same view of the importance of extend- ing and increasing the facilities of this Port, we recommend that the limit now fixed upon the annual issue of bonds by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment without the concur- rence of the Board of Aldermen for dock purposes be raised from three million dollars to five million dollars a year. The organization and powers of the Dock Board are left without material change, except that the power to contract for repairs to an unlimited amount without competitive bidding, and the granting of such contracts upon mere orders by the Dock Board—a power which is liable to grave abuse—is made 29 dependent upon the concurrence of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. We have enlarged the powers of the Dock Board in relation to ferry franchises. LAW DEPARTMENT AND CONDEMINATION PROCEEDINGS. No material change is proposed in regard to the Law Department, except an amendment to prevent what is believed to be an abuse by prohibiting the principal officers of that Department from engaging in the trial of cases in court for private clients and from acting as referees or receivers. In regard to proceedings to condemn land, the existing pro- visions of law by which the Corporation Counsel is prohibited from beginning such proceedings until authorized by unani- mous vote of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment has been modified so as to require a three-fourths vote, for the reason that the changed composition of the Board seems to make it undesirable to require a unanimous vote. A change has been made in the provisions relative to the appointment of Commissioners of Condemnation, so that the entire responsi- bility for the selection of fit men shall be placed upon the Judges of the Courts. Amendments have been proposed to those provisions of the Charter relating to the condemnation of lands for public pur- poses designed to end the abuses which have existed in regard to the making of separate or partial reports by Commissioners of Estimate, whereby the City has been compelled to advance large sums for the awards, and to wait indefinitely for the right to reimburse itself by the collection of the assessments. This change should materially lighten the burdens of taxation. 3O POLICE DEPARTMENT. The vital and important change proposed in the Police De- partment is the creation of a single-headed Police Commission. Much of the lax and negligent administration of the Police De- partment has been the result of divided responsibility due to the existence of a Board composed of four Commissioners, such Board being alleged to be bi-partisan in character. As a part of the new scheme, the Mayor is given the absolute power in his discretion to remove a Police Commissioner at any time, and it will, therefore, be difficult for the Mayor to resist public demands for efficient administration of the Police Department. The Commission has not received from any source whatever an approval of the present system, which has, in one form or another, been tried in the former City of New York for many years past. On the contrary, the system of a single-headed police department, such as was formerly in force in the City of Brooklyn, has been advocated before us by representative bodies of taxpayers and by many private individuals. We may add that the recent action of the Governor in holding the Mayor of The City of New York to personal re- sponsibility for the action of the Police Department upon Election Day in The City of New York, and other events fresh in the public mind, serve to emphasize the importance of an undivided and single responsibility for the control of the Police Department. The powers of the Police Commissioner under the plan of this Commission will be substantially the same as those which are now exercised by the four-headed Board. Two deputies are given him, who are always subject to his control, and may be assigned by him to such duties as he may see fit to impose. The salary of the Police Commissioner is fixed at $10,000 per annum, and the salaries of his deputies at $4,000 each. Our reason for recommending so large a salary for the Police Commissioner is the belief that it will tend to 3 I secure a man of the highest character and integrity to ad- minister the office. The Commission believes that the best police administra- tion may not always be obtained by the selection of the Chief of Police from among the members of the uniformed force, and it has therefore given power to make such selection out- side of such force; but when so selected the provisions for a retiring pension are not to be applied to him. It is, how- ever, provided that if selected from the force, the Chief must be chosen from among the deputy-chiefs or inspec- tors, and thus there will be due regard for seniority and long service. The same principle has been adopted for all promotions; and with the application of the new Civil Service provisions inserted in the Charter, deadlocks be- tween the Civil Service Board and the Police Department relative to promotions should become impossible. The executive powers of the Chief of Police have been pre- served, but he still remains subordinate to the Commissioner, in that, at any time, he can be retired by the Commissioner, with the approval of the Mayor. The financial affairs of the Police Department are hereafter to be lodged with the Comptroller, in line with the general scheme assigning to the Comptroller all matters relating to the fiscal administration of the City. The detective sergeants in the Borough of Brooklyn have always been permanent officers, and the same tenure is now given to the detective sergeants in the Borough of Manhattan. Permission has also been given to the Police Department to maintain a branch headquarters in each borough in aid of police efficiency. 32 BOARD OF ELECTIONS. A separate Board of Elections of four members is provided for. There should, however, be no increased expense on this account, as the salaries of the Commissioners are but $3,000 each, and there should be no need of expensive branch bureaus in the several boroughs. With reasonable attention on the part of the Commissioners, and with the branches in charge of efficient Chief Clerks, economy should ensue as the result of the plan. The Commissioners of Election will be appointed by the Mayor, and it is expressly provided that not more than two of them shall belong to the same political party, or have the same political opinion on State or National matters. We believe it desirable that the two great political parties should have the direct selection of the Commissioners of Elections, but it is not clear that this can be done under the Constitution of the State. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Under the present Charter the Fire Commissioner was originally given but a single deputy, who was seated in the Borough of Brooklyn. This provision imposed upon the Com- missioner so vast an amount of work, mainly clerical in its character, that the Legislature subsequently amended the Charter by providing that the Commissioner might delegate one of his subordinates to transact certain business on his behalf. The Commission recommends that the organization of the Department be modified so as to assimilate it to the organiza- tion of the Police Department, as it will be if the views of the Commission are accepted. The Fire Commissioner is given two general deputies. The compulsory provision requiring one of these deputies to be assigned to the Borough of Brook- lyn is abolished, but the power is retained to establish branch fire headquarters in all the boroughs if the Commissioner deems it advisable. 33 BOARD OF HEALTH. Under the existing Charter, the Board of Health is com- posed of three officers called “Commissioners of Health,” together with two ex-officio members, the President of the Board of Health and the Health Officer of the Port, and it is expressly provided that the President of the Board of Health shall not be a physician. The Commission is of the opinion that this organization is unnecessarily expensive and compli- cated and that the Mayor should not be prohibited, in proper cases, from appointing a physician to the important post of President of the Board of Health. The Commission therefore recommends that the Board be composed of one Commissioner, to be selected by the Mayor without restriction upon his choice, and of the Police Commissioner and the Health Officer of the Port. The powers and duties of the Health Depart- ment are not materially changed, except by the abolition of the present power of assignment of claims for expenses and penalties, which seems likely to lead to abuses. This Commission has not attempted to deal in any respect with the power of the Board of Health so far as it relates to tenement and lodging houses. . The same Legislature which authorized the appointment of this Commission also authorized the appointment of a Commission to examine into the tene- ment house question in cities of the first class. We have there- fore thought it inappropriate as well as inexpedient to make any recommendations upon the subject, and we have regarded our- selves as wholly relieved from that duty by the appointment of the Special Commission. The voluminous and minute provi- sions of existing law contained in Sections I3O4 to I325 of the Charter are left untouched by us with the exception of a few verbal changes, although many of them might well be the sub- ject of local ordinances. 34 PARK DEPARTMENT AND ART COMMISSION. In respect to the Park Department, the Commission believes that the exception contained in the present Charter to the gen- eral and salutary rule of single-headed administrative depart- ments should be continued. The territory within which lies the enormous park system of the City is so vast, and the con- ditions of the various parks are so different, that it is impossible for a single individual satisfactorily to supervise the entire system. Moreover, questions of policy deeply interesting to all citizens of New York must necessarily be determined ; and these questions, we believe, should not be left to the deter- mination of one person, but should rather be decided in open meetings by a board. The Commission therefore recommends a change in the provisions of the Charter so that the more important matters of park administration shall be dealt with by the Board and not by the Commissioners individually. The powers and duties of the Art Commission have been extended so as to require its approval of the artistic or monu- mental features of every public structure costing over one million dollars. PUBLIC CHARITIES. The Commission has thought it wise to recommend the substitution of a single Commissioner of Public Charities for the present Board of Public Charities, consisting of three Commis- sioners. There seems to be no good reason for not concen- trating in a single head the management of the charitable institutions throughout the territory of the City. The retention of the Board under the present Charter was a temporary ex- pedient, it being thought best to continue for a time the separate management of the charitable institutions in the different counties. Now that all the charitable institutions of the City are made a common charge, there seems to be no reason for regarding any longer distinctions of administration * which grew up under separate county organizations. 35 Amendments to the Charter are recommended which will give the Commissioner of Public Charities greater power in the matter of investigating the circumstances of children who are sought to be made wards of the City. It is a deplorable fact that many parents who are able to support their children have sought under various pretexts to have them foisted upon the City. It has been difficult under the present law to have ade- quate investigation made in these cases prior to the judicial action of the magistrates. For the purpose of facilitating a prompt and intelligent disposition of cases of dependent children we recommend that the City Magistrates in Manhattan and The Bronx be required by law to establish a special part of the Magistrates' Courts to be known as “The Children's Court ’’ and that this be at some place near the headquarters of the Department of Public Charity. Such a Court will have the advantage of separating this class of children from contact with vicious misdemeanants in the Magistrates' Courts. It is, however, provided that this so- called “Children's Court” shall not affect the present method of commitment of children who are charged with crime, or held as witnesses, and that it shall not deprive the magistrates of their existing jurisdiction temporarily to commit such children charged with crime, pending trial, to the care and custody of the Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. We also recommend some enlargement of the powers of the Commissioner in the matter of finding homes for dependent children. The finding of such homes not only saves the City from the support of these children, but is decidedly for the advantage of the children, The most important change, however, recommended in the matter of public charities is that Bellevue and its allied hospitals, viz.: Fordham, Harlem, Gouverneur and the Emergency Hos- pital, be placed under the administration of a board of seven trustees, the board to be so appointed that the term of office of 36 ^g one member of the board will expire each year. These trus- tees are to be appointed by the Mayor, but provision is made that certain Societies have a recognized opportunity to make nominations for these appointments. The power of the Mayor to make the appointments is, however, in no degree abridged by such recommendations or nominations. Bellevue Hospital is an institution of historical importance. It has not only been for many years the chief charity hospital of Manhattan Island, but it has been intimately connected with medical education. City patients in the hospital have com- manded the services of Surgeons of great distinction and skill. Two, at least, of the most important medical schools in the City have selected sites in close proximity to the hospital, with a view to the advantages of clinical instruction. It seems wise that the administration of such an institution should not be subject to change as an incident of municipal elections. The experiment of conducting City Hospitals by boards of trustees rather than by the Executive Officers of the City Government, has been successfully tried in Boston, Cincinnati and other large cities. It is the belief of those favoring this important change that the executive efficiency of the Department of Public Charities will in no degree be impaired by the creation of such a board of trustees. The Commissioner of Charities will be ea: officio a member of the board and his existing powers of visita- tion over the institution will thereby be fully preserved. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. In the Department of Correction we recommend the aboli- tion of those provisions which require a branch office in the . Borough of Brooklyn, and the abolition of the provisions of those existing laws which permit the creation of more than one deputy commissioner. At the present time the Kings County Penitentiary is the only penal institution of any importance in Brooklyn within the jurisdiction of this Department. There 37 seems to us no reason why the Warden of that Penitentiary cannot perform all the duties of his office under the direct supervision of the head of the Department. We also recommend an amendment of the existing law which will permit, in proper cases, the use of the habor of in- mates of the penal institutions in public works carried on by any department of the City. At the present time, under the provisions of the Constitution prohibiting the sale of the products of prison labor, such labor must be wholly devoted to the furnishing of supplies and rendering of service to the State itself or its political subdivisions. This limitation has thus far led to a deplorable lack of employment in the penal institu- tions. At the present time in some of the penitentiaries there is not work enough to keep the inmates employed more than three or four hours a day. The existing prison law of the State now requires that the various administrative departments of the State or its political subdivisions shall use the products of the prisons when practicable. The changes recommended by us in the Charter simply carry out this general principle. We recommend numerous changes in the existing provis- ions of the Charter affecting cases of commitment of vagrants and disorderly persons under the so-called “cumulative sen- tence” provision of the law. These provisions in the present Charter were held by the Courts unconstitutional. In the changes recommended we have sought to obviate these consti- tutional objections. We have also provided a system of pro- bation officers to exercise certain supervision over persons of this class in cases where the committing magistrates may deem it wise to suspend sentence. These probation officers are to serve without compensation. We have been assured that many philanthropic persons can be found willing to assume this burden. The system has been tried with success in Mas- sachusetts, and certainly seems worth trying here. It is not unlike the method which now exists in this State at the Elmira Reformatory, under which inmates of that institution are re- 38 leased on parole, but remain to some extent under the Super- vision of the Reformatory for a certain period of time. & tº THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. It was the purpose of the present Charter to centralize in a Board of Education, composed of delegates from borough school boards, all power over the physical conduct of the schools, and to leave to the Borough Boards the administration of educational matters. This plan, it was hoped, would secure the benefits of a uniform administration throughout the City in business affairs, while it would retain in the different Boroughs that which, in educational administration, was best adapted to local conditions. It has been demonstrated, however, by the experience of the last three years, that although a clear division of executive duties among officials of the department is necessary, yet a distribution of the business functions to one board and the educational functions to another, within the same department, is not practicable. In a vast city like New York, educational questions are too much dependent upon business policy for separate administration. Any Board of Education re- sponsible for educational results in this city, should have direct administrative control of the physical conditions of space, light, air and sanitation. It is now the duty, theo- retically, of the Board of Education, to investigate the educational needs of the several Boroughs, so far as it is necessary to determine their physical necessities. But as that Board is not directly charged with the responsibility for the educational administration, its executive departments have never been equipped for such investigation and, if they were, there would be an unnecessary and expensive duplication of functions. Unfortunate conflicts of opinion between the Board of Education and some of the School Boards have resulted from the present system, and they seem to be inevitable so 39 long as there exists within the Department of Education inde- pendent administrative bodies, charged with ultimate responsi- bilities in relation to interdeperfdent functions. Another unfortunate result of different systems of adminis- tration in the several Boroughs is found in a lack of uniformity in educational results attained. There is no uniform course of study. Pupils in one Borough may not move to another Bor- ough without the possible loss of a grade in their course. No power now exists to compel the several Borough School Boards to assimilate their courses of study. The concentration of authority in a central Board of Education, which the Commis- sion recommends, will remove this unfortunate condition, and at the same time permit elasticity in relation to those studies of the curriculum which the Board may deem it wise to pre- scribe in some localities and not in others. On the whole, the present system has been cumbersome and unsatisfactory in operation. It might perhaps be im- proved without changing the general plan. But the Commission is of the opinion that this could only be done by enlarging the powers of the Board of Education in matters of educa- tional administration. If the Borough School Boards are retained, this could only result in duplication of work and duties, involving delays, confusion and unnecessary expense of administration. If the Borough Boards were to be retained, we think it must logically follow that the necessity for a central Board of Education would be removed, and that the Borough Boards should be given complete independence and autonomy—subject to no central control except that of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Board of Al- dermen in the matter of the apportionment of funds. This plan does not commend itself to the Commission. If it were adopted, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment would of necessity be obliged to look into educational questions to enable it to pass upon the reasonableness of the demands of the several Boroughs—matters which it could treat neither adequately nor 4O * * sympathetically. We would thus have five educational systems within the same City, with varying and independent standards and methods—a result which would be most unfortunate. No scheme, finally, for autonomy in Borough school administra- tion could, in the judgment of the Commission, be successful without a separate tax rate for each Borough, and few believe that this would be wise. The Commission has considered with care all suggestions which have been made, and have devised a scheme which it believes is adapted to the existing conditions and will remove the troublesome administrative difficulties experienced in the last three years. Briefly, the system proposed is this : The Borough Boards are to be abolished; the Board of Education, consisting of forty-six members, appointed by the Mayor, is to be in entire charge of the educational system, excepting so far as limited powers and duties are devolved upon Local School Boards in small districts. The members of the Board of Education are to be selected from the several Boroughs in about the same proportion in which delegates are now sent to the Board of Education from the several Borough Boards. The Board of Education is to divide the City into forty-six local school board districts, in each of which the Borough Presidents are to appoint five persons who, with a member of the Board of Education to be assigned by the Pres- ident of that Board, and a district superintendent assigned by the City Superintendent, are to constitute a Local School Board. The Local School Boards are to have, in addition to the powers now conferred upon school inspectors, both advisory and initiatory powers in relation to certain matters peculiarly the subject for local administration. In adopting such a plan of centralization of administrative powers the Commission was not unmindful of the importance of preserving an efficient agency to keep alive in local com- munities an active interest in school administration. This has been attempted by the creation of the Local School 4. I Boards already mentioned. By a careful definition of the powers of these Boards it is believed that the dangers of the abuses which characterized the old trustee system of the old City of New York, and which have been charged against the local committee system of Brooklyn, have been avoided, while the merits of these two systems have been preserved. Among the powers of the Local Board is that of hearing and determining in the first instance complaints against teachers, subject to the right of appeal to the Board of Education in case the penalty is that of dimissal. The presence in these Local Boards of members of the Board of Education and district superintendents, will give them influence and dignity, and it is hoped that in the every-day details of school management they will come to be regarded by the communities in their respective districts as the repre- sentatives of the school administration to which convenient resort may be had, with the result that there will be kept alive that alert public interest in the local administration of school affairs which is indispensable to every successful public school system. A smaller Board of Education might have been more effi- cient in discharging its administrative duties. But it seemed desirable that the Board should be large enough to furnish a representative in each local School Board District. The advan- tage of the coherence thus given seemed to the Commission to outweigh the disadvantage of a large board, particularly in view of the extensive executive powers vested in the City Superintendent, the Superintendent of Buildings and the Superintendent of School Supplies. It was deemed advisable, however, to require the Board of Education to appoint annually an executive committee of fifteen members, to which it may depute such administrative powers as it sees fit. Reports of all standing committees are to be presented for consideration to this Committee before being presented to the Board, unless otherwise ordered. It is expected that by this plan many of the important measures undertaken by the Board will be first 42 considered and a policy formulated by an executive committee of convenient size for the efficient disposition of business. Important changes are recommended in the system of school supervision. The City Superintendent is to be the executive head of the educational administration. There are to be six Associate City Superintendents, who, with the City Superintendent, will constitute the Board of Superintendents, having large powers in relation to all educational matters. This Board is to nominate, transfer and promote teachers; to prepare courses of study; to make rules for the super- vision of the schools; and, in general, to determine the educational policy of the City, subject in all matters to the approval of the Board of Education. The more immediate supervision of the schools is to be in the hands of fifteen district superintendents, not constituting a board, but each assigned by the City Superintendent to duty in three of the forty-six local school board districts, and one assigned to an additional district. They are to have seats in the local school boards of the districts to which they are assigned with the right to speak but not to vote. While the number of supervising officials has been reduced, their effi- ciency in the matter of school supervision will be increased by confining the duties of the district superintendents to local supervision. With the increasing efficiency of our system and under the stringent rules now in force in relation to the selection of principals, it is believed that the reduction in the number of supervising officials may safely be made, with resulting economy in the expense of supervision, which is now larger than it should be. The Commission recommends that the salary schedule of the so-called Davis Law be repealed, and for the following reasons: After consolidation the school boards of Manhattan and The Bronx and of Brooklyn several times presented to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment salary schedules which were fairly satisfactory to the teaching staff and would have 43 involved only a moderate increase in the budget. The city authorities declined to appropriate funds to carry the sched- ules into effect. Largely at the instance of the teachers the so-called Ahearn Law was passed, which involved a much greater increase in the budget than the schedules just referred to, which had been presented to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. It is a matter of common knowledge that the municipal authorities who had themselves refused to act, did not oppose the passage of the Ahearn Law. That law provided for minimum salaries based upon length of service for certain quite long-stated periods without any interme- diate increase. There resulted inequalities and a discrimination against the low-salaried teachers which required supplementary schedules. These were prepared by the school boards and presented to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, but again funds were withheld and the whole matter of salaries was thrown into confusion with the result that more than a half a dozen salary bills suggesting remedies were introduced in the Legislature of 1900. Finally the Davis Law was passed, providing the same minima and annual increments throughout the city without regard to the expenses of living in the localities where teachers were employed or the salaries which had been there regarded as adequate before consolidation. In cases called to our atten- tion teachers living in some of the rural districts, who deemed themselves amply paid before, had their salaries more than doubled. Similar cases of extraordinary increases were nu- merous. By the increases caused by the Ahearn and Davis laws, the expenses of the department have been annually increased at least three million dollars in excess of the amount which would have been necessary to put in effect the schedules proposed by the local school authorities. Principally from the same cause the annual expense per capita of the population for the maintenance of the public school system has been nearly doubled in the last five years, and the annual average cost of educating each child has been startlingly increased. 44 Such results should never have been brought about without responsible action of the City authorities. The Commission, therefore, recommends that the Davis law be repealed imme- *e diately, but that the salaries now paid the teachers continue until July 1, 1901. There will thus be about three months during which the Board of Education will have an opportunity to pre- pare another schedule for presentation to the Board of Esti- mate and Apportionment for its adoption. If by July 1, 1901, such schedule shall not be adopted, the salaries of teachers are to be paid at the rates prevailing on December 31, 1899. The Commission deems that it has done its duty when it has attempted to sweep away all results of legislative action and has restored the local authorities to a position of autonomy in the matter of determining what the teaching staff shall be paid. After the general amendments to the Charter go into effect in 1902, ample provision is made requiring the Board of Aldermen to fix the salaries of all per- sons receiving any compensation from the City, including the teachers. In fixing such salaries, under another amendment recommended by the Commission, the Board of Aldermen or before July 1, 1901, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, may provide for two parts of each salary, the one dependent upon the prevailing rentals and other expenses of living in the different parts of the city, and the other an ordinary salary remuneration which shall be uniform throughout the city. From facts presented to the Commission it is believed that the power thus conferred may be availed of with entire justice to the teachers and great saving to the City. The commission recommends the repeal of the provision of the Davis law which makes it mandatory that there shall be appropriated for the salaries of the supervising and teaching staff an amount equal to four mills of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property subject to taxation within the city. This provision has resulted in the accumulation of a large surplus, the amount appropriated being more than sufficient for 45 the purposes specified. In view of the immense increase in the expenses of the City during the last three years, we do not feel justified in recommending the retention of this provision. Other changes suggested are the following: (a) Children under six years of age are only to be admitted to kindergarten classes. Unless the number of kindergartens is increased, this change will go far to make room for many children over six years of age who are now excluded from the schools, and is justified upon the ground that it is of less importance to accommodate children under six years of age than those older. (b) The term of office of members of the Board of Educa- tion is made five years, and so arranged that the terms of only about a fifth of the Board expire each year, thus insuring a con- tinuity which it is believed will add stability and avoid the intrusion of politics. (c) The management of the finances of the Department is restored to the Finance Department. INFERIOR LOCAL COURTS. In respect to the Inferior Local Courts of the City no sub- stantial change has been made. We are indebted to the Board of City Magistrates in the First Division for a comprehensive and accurate codification of the existing statutes relative to their powers and duties; and we have in like manner codified the provisions relative to the Courts of Special Sessions, so that a continual reference to Chapter 601 of the Laws of 1895 will no longer be necessary. It should therefore be understood that the several Sections relating to these Courts, although pre- sented as new matter, are in reality, with unimportant excep- tions, a mere re-enactment of existing law. 46 The only new feature in reference to these courts is in the addition of a Board of Control of Interpreters, composed of representatives of the Municipal Courts, the City Magistrates, and the Courts of Special Sessions. This Board is authorized to deal with the question of the appointment or assignment to duty of the interpreters throughout the City. It is thought that by this plan better service will be secured in these courts where the services of interpreters are constantly necessary; and that it will be possible to secure the employment of com- petent interpreters to deal with languages not very commonly spoken, but the interpretation of which is frequently necessary in a city so cosmopolitan as New York. SALARIES AND TENURE OF OFFICE. We have above alluded to the tenure of office of the heads of departments. In respect to subordinate officials we have considerably strengthened the hands of the Municipal Civil Service Commission. $ In furtherance of the same purpose, namely, to remove the city officials, as far as can be done by legislation, from the influence of local factions, and to prohibit their activity in other fields than those for which they are employed and paid by the taxpayers of the City, we have extended the existing provisions of the Charter, which prohibit the uni- formed members of the Police and Fire Departments from membership in associations intended to affect legislation. We have not only extended them so as to embrace the members of the Health and Street Cleaning Departments, and the heads of the departments in question, but also to the supervising and teaching staff in the Department of Education. One of the great evils of our municipal system has been the organized importunity 47 practised on the Legislature for an increase of salaries by large classes of city employees. This practice is an evil in itself, is demoralizing to the force, and it operates to relieve the local authorities of that responsibility which ought to be always fastened directly upon them. $ The Commission further recommends a general provision affecting all officers, subordinates and employees of the City, forbidding them to be members of any political party-commit- tees, or to be delegates to party conventions. Subordinates of the City are not prohibited from taking a proper and intelli- gent interest in political affairs. It is the belief of the Com- mission, however, that municipal public servants should not actively participate in partisan politics. Their compensation is derived from taxpayers of all parties, and so long as they accept and retain office the participation of office holders in politics should not extend so far as the direction and manage- ment of political campaigns. Provisions to enforce the prohi- bitions above referred to have been proposed, which it is believed will be effectual. Another important general provision has been recommended prohibiting the employment of any public servant by his superior for any service other than public. A number of requests were made from time to time both of the Commission and of its sub-committees to provide for an in- crease of salaries of various municipal employees, but the com- mission has, without exception (save in the four instances presently noted), declined to recommend any salary increases whatever. In the cases of the Comptroller, the Police Com- missioner, the Borough Presidents and the City Magis- trates in the First Division, changes in salaries have been deemed advisable. The reasons therefor in the cases of the Comptroller and the Police Commissioner have already been mentioned. As to the Borough Presidents, their func- tions and duties have been so greatly enlarged that the in- 48 crease recommended in their cases seems to us eminently just and proper. As to the City Magistrates in the First Division, the fact is that the salary of all the older appointees is now $7,000, and in the case of the two or three recently appointed the salary is $6,000 ; and the Commission has thought it desir- able, in view of the laborious nature of their services, that the salaries of all the magistrates should be uniform. The extraordinary growth in the expenditures of the City since consolidation over the expenditures of its constituent parts prior to consolidation, has attracted the attention of tax- payers and caused great and natural alarm. This growth is largely due to the increase in the charges for salaries. It is the belief of the Commission that in many, and in perhaps all departments of the City government, the number of persons employed is excessive, and that the salaries are in many cases too large. The expenditures for these purposes could prob- ably be reduced several million dollars without loss of efficiency. Unfortunately, it is not possible to fix responsibility for this condition. The local authorities, upon whom responsi- bility ought justly to rest, point to the fact that in many cases, involving numerous officials, salaries have been raised against , their protest by the action of the State authorities. The State authorities, on the other hand, are able to point to a provision in the existing Charter, empowering the Municipal Assembly upon the recommendation of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to fix the salary of any officer of the City government, whether provided for in the Charter or not. A condition of things, under which such extravagant increases in the ordinary expenses of the City are possible, and under which it is impracticable to hold either City or State officers responsible, ought not to continue. It has seemed to the Commission that the power of deter- mining the amount of salaries to be paid ought to be vested 49 absolutely in the officials chosen by the voters of the city itself, and that it is most unfortunate that any action in regard to such a matter should be taken by the representatives of other and distant localities. We have therefore recommended that the powers already conferred upon the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly shall be extended so that it shall no longer be merely within the power of the City legislature, but it shall also be its duty, to fix the salary of every person who draws pay from The City of New York. We propose to take away absolutely from every head of department the power to fix the salaries of his own subordinates—a power which has led to flagrant abuses in the past. These provisions, coupled with the abolition of the Board of Public Improvements, and the present costly system of deputies and branch offices in the various boroughs should, we believe, lead to early and substantial reductions in salaries, and to an intelligent classification of subordinates throughout the whole city. Even if it does not, the voters of the city will know whom to blame; and they will have full power and authority, if they choose, to Secure through a change of administration a change of policy in this regard. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. The foregoing review of the proposed amendments to the Charter is necessarily incomplete, as we have confined ourselves to a statement of what seem to us the most important changes suggested. All our alterations and amendments will appear upon an examination of the accompanying bill, and it is to be hoped that the reasons for them will be obvious; and we may add that it is only upon a detailed examination that the extent and complexity of our task can be fully understood. 4. 50 In the performance of the duty imposed upon us, every member of the Commission has borne an active part. Every portion of the Charter has been subjected to painstaking scrutiny by the entire Commission. We have been greatly aided in the work of revision by the many suggestions we have received. Immediately after the appointment of the Commission we held a series of public meetings, of which notice was given through the press. At least one meeting was held in each Borough. A large number of citizens appeared before us on these occasions. We also addressed letters to all the heads of the City Departments and to various associations or individuals requesting an expression of their views in writing. A general request to the same effect was made to all citizens through the press. Many replies were received. By special invitation a number of the City officials and some other persons, whose advice on particular topics was desired, have appeared before the Commission or its sub-com- mittees in executive session. We have had no occasion to avail ourselves of the extensive powers conferred upon us by the act under which we were appointed, by virtue of which we were authorized to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers. We are glad to testify to the readiness and courtesy with which our requests for information have been responded to by the City officials. It is not improper for us to say that besides the large amount of information acquired as above stated, the members of the Commission, in one way or another, collectively pos- sessed very ample personal knowledge of the workings of almost every branch of the City government. In conclusion, we must express our regret that we have been unable within the limited time afforded us to submit our work to preliminary public criticism. It has been exceed- ingly difficult, with the utmost diligence, to complete 5 I the task of examination and amendment of the Charter of New York and to make our report within the statutory period. Dated NEW YORK, December 1, 1900. GEORGE L. RIVES, President. GEO. W. DAVISON, Seeretary. FRANKLIN BARTLETT. CHARLES C. BEAMAN. JOHN D. CRIMMINS. GEORGE CROMWELL. WILLIAM C. DE WITT. FRANK J. GOODNOW. ISAAC M. KAPPER. EDGAR J. LEVEY. JAMES McKEEN. ALEX. T. MASON. CHAS. A. SCHIEREN. HENRY W. TAFT. JAMES L. WELLS. AN ACT TO AMEND THE GREATER NEW YORK CHARTER. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section One. Chapter three hundred and seventy- eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, entitled “An act to unite into one municipality under the corporate name of The City of New York, the various communities lying in and about New York harbor, including the city and county of New York, the city of Brooklyn and the county of Kings, the county of Richmond and part of the county of Queens, and to provide for the government thereof,” is hereby amended so as to read as follows: CHAPTER I. BOUNDARIES, BOROUGHS, POWERS, RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS of THE CITY. The City of New York; corporations consolidated; Iterritoryl terri- tories; short title of this act. § I. All the municipal and public corporations and parts of municipal and public corporations, including cities, vil- lages, towns and school districts, but not including counties, within the following territory, to wit: The county of Kings, the county of Richmond, the city of Long Island City, the towns of Newtown, Flushing and Jamaica, and that part of the former town of Hempstead as it existed on the thirty- first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven bounded on the east and north by the east and north bounds of the former village of Far Rockaway, and on the east by a line drawn due north from the northwest corner of said village to the south line of the town of Jamaica, as it existed on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, are hereby annexed to, united and consolidated with the municipal corpora- tion known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, to be hereafter called “The City of New York’’; and the boundaries, jurisdictions and powers of the said city of New York herein constituted, are for all pur- poses of local administration and government, hereby declared to be co-extensive with the territory above described; and the said city of New York is hereby declared to be the successor corporation in law and in fact of all the municipal and public corporations united and consolidated as aforesaid, with all their lawful rights and powers, and subject to all their lawful obli- gations, without diminution or enlargement except as herein otherwise specially provided; and all of the duties and powers of the several municipal and public corporations united and consolidated as aforesaid into The City of New York are here- 55 by devolved upon the board of aldermen Imunicipal assemblyl of the said city of New York, so far as the same are applicable to said city, and not herein otherwise specially provided, to be exercised in accordance with the provisions of this act. This act may be cited by the short title of “The Greater New York Charter.” Division into boroughs. § 2. The City of New York, as constituted by this act, is hereby divided into five boroughs to be designated respectively: Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond; the boundaries whereof shall be as follows: First. The borough of Manhattan shall consist of all that portion of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, known as Manhattan Island, Nuttin or Governor’s Island, Bed- loe's Island, Bucking or Ellis Island, the Oyster Islands, and also Blackwell’s Island, Randall’s Island and Ward's Island in the East Or Harlem rivers. Second. The borough of The Bronx shall consist of all that portion of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, lying northerly or easterly of the borough of Manhattan, between the Hudson river and the East river or Long Island sound, including the several islands belonging to the municipal corpo- ration heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and common- alty of the city of New York, not included in the borough of Manhattan. Third. The borough of Brooklyn shall consist of that por- tion of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, hitherto known as the city of Brooklyn. Fourth. The borough of Queens shall consist of Ithat por- tion of Queens county included in The City of New York, as hereby constituted.I the territory known as Queens county. Fifth. The borough of Richmond shall consist of the terri- tory known as Richmond county. Name; powers and rights of the corporation; seal. § 3. The name of the corporation constituted by this act shall be “The City of New York,” and the same shall by that name, be a body politic and corporate in fact and in law with power to contract and to be contracted with, to sue and be sued, to have a common Seal and to have perpetual succession, with 56 all of the rights, properties, interests, claims, demands, grants, powers, privileges and jurisdictions held by the mayor, alder- men and commonalty of the city of New York, and held by each of the municipal and public corporations or parts thereof, other than counties, by this act united and consolidated with the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and common- alty of the city of New York, except so far as modified or repealed by the provisions of this act. Local government; D municipal assemblyl board of aldermen; liabili- ties of corporations consolidated. § 4. For all purposes the local administration and govern- ment of the people and property within the territory hereby comprised within The City of New York shall be in and be exercised by the corporation aforesaid; and the board of alder- men Imunicipal assembly] as in this act constituted, subject to the conditions and provisions of this act, shall exercise all the powers vested in the corporation of The City of New York by this act or otherwise, save as in this act is otherwise specially provided. All valid and lawful charges and liabilities now existing against any of the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof, which by this act are made part of the corpo- ration of The City of New York, including the county of Kings and the county of Richmond, or which may hereafter arise or accrue against such municipal and public corpo- rations, or parts thereof, including the said counties of Kings and of Richmond, which but for this act would be valid and lawful charges or liabilities against the same, shall be deemed and taken to be like charges against or liabilities of the said The City of New York, and shall accordingly be defrayed and answered unto by it to the same extent, and no further, than the said several constitu- ent corporations would have been bound if this act had not been passed. All bonds, stocks, contracts and obligations of the said municipal and public corporations, including the county of Kings and the county of Richmond, and such pro- portion of the debt of the county of Queens and of the town of Hempstead as shall be ascertained as hereinafter prescribed, which now exist as legal obligations, shall be deemed like obli- gations of The City of New York, and all such obligations as are authorized or required to be hereafter issued or entered ~. 57 into, shall be issued or entered into by and in the name of the corporation of The City of New York. Laws relating to the creation and payment of debts to remain in force; common debt; taxation. § 5. All laws, or parts of laws, heretofore passed creating any debt or debts of the municipal and public corporations united and consolidated as aforesaid, or for the payment of such debts, or respecting the same, as well as every such law respecting the debts of the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, shall remain in full force and effect, except that the same shall be carried out by the corporation hereby constituted, to wit: The City of New York, and under such name and in such form and manner as may be suitable to the administration of Said corpo- ration; and all the pledges, taxes, assessments, sinking funds, and other revenues and securities provided by law for the payment of the debts of the municipal and public corporations aforesaid, shall be in good faith enforced, maintained and car- ried out by the corporation of The City of New York. All the valid debts of the municipal and public corporations mentioned in the first section of this act, including the county of Kings and the county of Richmond and the proportion of the debt of the county of Queens and of the town of Hempstead aforesaid, and the valid debts of the towns, incorporated villages, and school districts herein united and consolidated with the corpo- ration heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and common- alty of the city of New York into The City of New York, as well as the debts of the latter corporation, shall be the common debt of The City of New York, as hereby constituted. So far as resort to taxation is authorized or necessary to pay such debts, such taxation shall extend equally throughout the terri- tory of the corporation herein constituted, except that all assessments for benefits, heretofore laid or provided to be laid for the payment of any portion of such debts, or to reimburse any of the said municipal and public corporations which created such debt, in respect thereof, shall be preserved and enforced, it being the intent hereof that the obligations and liability of The City of New York, as the successor of municipalities and public corporations consolidated into it, shall be the same as, and not otherwise greater than, the respective obligations and liabilities of the several constituent corporations, and that The 58 City of New York shall succeed to all of their rights as well as to their obligations and liabilities in respect thereof, except as herein otherwise specially provided. Effect where only a part of a corporation is annexed. § 6. Where part only of the territory of a municipal or public corporation is embraced by this act within the limits of The City of New York, as herein constituted, the respective rights, duties and liabilities of the said city and of the munic- ipal or public corporations part of whose territory is so annexed to the said city, shall be as in this act provided. If any case shall arise for which this act does not make provision, or full and adequate provision arising out of such annexation, or out of the consolidation herein provided for, the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly] may by ordinance make provision for Such case, or for its equitable determination, so far as concerns The City of New York. Same subject; creation of debt. * § 7. No municipal or public corporation, part of whose terri- tory is annexed to The City of New York, shall hereafter create any debt which shall bind property within The City of New York, nor shall such municipal or public corporation levy any tax or assessment upon property within The City of New York, as herein constituted. Transfer of property; counties not to become indebted. § 8. In consideration of the foregoing provisions whereby The City of New York, as hereby constituted, assumes as afore- said the valid debts, obligations and liabilities of the municipal and public corporations including the counties, towns, incorpo- rated villages and school districts as aforesaid, and to carry out the scheme and purpose of this act, all of the public buildings, institutions, public parks, water works and property of every character and description, whether of a public or private nature, heretofore owned and controlled by any of the said municipal and public corporations or parts thereof, hereby consolidated into The City of New York, including any and all such prop- erty owned by the county of New York, the county of Kings, and the county of Richmond, wherever situated, and by the county of Queens situated in that portion thereof, which is included within the limits of The City of New York, as con- stituted by this act, and all the right, title and interest of the 59 said municipal and public corporations and counties as afore- said, or any of them, in and to such property, are hereby vested in The City of New York and divested out of the said corpora- tions and counties, and the power of said municipal and public corporations and of the said counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond to become indebted, shall cease upon the consummation and taking effect of the consolidation herein provided for. IThere is excepted from the provisions of this section the court house and county buildings in the county of Queens situated within the limits of The City of New York, as hereby constituted.I Former funds; payable to The City of New York. § 9. All funds and moneys which, on the first day of Janu- ary, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be held by or be payable to the receiver of taxes or the county treasurer of the county of Richmond, or to any officer of any of the municipal and public corporations, or parts of municipal and public cor- porations, hereby consolidated with the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, as well as all funds and moneys then held by or payable to any officer of said last-named corporation, shall be deemed to be held by and be payable to the corporation of The City of New York, constituted by this act, solely as the funds and moneys of said corporation, and upon the day aforesaid shall be delivered to the officer of said corporation entitled by this act to hold and control the same. All taxes levied against the town of Hempstead in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven shall be collectible and payable according to the provisions of the existing laws. Expenses of the city for the Iyearl years 1898 and 1902. § Io. In the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven it shall be the duty of the proper authorities of the various municipal and public corporations consolidated by this act into The City of New York, to prepare a budget for the year eighteen hun- dred and ninety-eight, as required by existing law, and to levy taxes for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, as required by existing law, as though such municipal and public corporations were not to be consolidated into The City of New York; and in so far as such taxes shall remain uncollected on the first day of 6O January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, they shall become valid liens due to the corporation by this act constituted, and shall be collected by it through the appropriate officers of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, pursuant in all respects to the laws under which said taxes were levied and were to be collected. On and after January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, the funds received by the chamber- lain of The City of New York, under this act, and the proceeds of revenue bonds issued in anticipation of the taxes for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight in The City of New York, as constituted prior to the passage of this act, and the proceeds of the tax levy therein of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, may be used for the expenses of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, in such manner as the board of estimate and apportionment for that year may deter- mine; and it shall be the duty of the board of estimate and apportionment to apportion the said funds to the various city departments as created by this act, so that such funds shall be used as nearly as may be, for the objects for which they were raised. The board of estimate and apportionment, during the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall have power to direct the issue of revenue bonds of The City of New York, to be redeemed out of the tax to be paid in the year eighteen hun- dred and ninety-nine, for such purposes and in such amounts as may be necessary to provide for the efficient conduct of the city in all its departments, during the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, provided that the sums So raised in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight shall be subject to be raised by taxation upon the various boroughs on the basis elsewhere provided in this act. Between January first and May first in the year nineteen hundred and two the board of estimate and apportionment shall have power from time to time to alter, modify and amend the budget for the year nineteen hundred and two ; to change the titles, terms and conditions of appro- priations contained therein; to add new appropriations and abolish any that may be found unnecessary; and in furtherance of these purposes shall have the power, if additional funds be required, to direct the comptroller to issue special revenue bonds redeemable from the tax levy of the year nineteen hun- dred and three. CHAPTER II. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Legislative power; where vested. § 17. The legislative power of The City of New York shall be vested in one house to be known and styled as “The Board of Aldermen of The City of New York’” Itwo houses to be known, respectively, as the Council and the Board of Alder- men to be together styled “The Municipal Assembly of The City of New York’’I. ICouncil; number of;l Board of aldermen; president; quorum; salaries; vacancies, how filled. § 18. The board of aldermen shall consist of members elected one from each of the aldermanic districts hereinafter provided for and of the president of the board of aldermen and of the presidents of the several boroughs. The president of the board of aldermen shall be chosen on a general ticket by the qualified voters of the city at the same time and for the same term as herein prescribed for the mayor. He shall be known as the president of the board of aldermen, and shall, except as herein provided, possess all the rights, privileges and powers, and perform the duties which on December thirty-first eighteen hundred and ninety-seven were con- ferred or imposed by law upon the president of the board of aldermen of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York. The aldermen shall be elected at the general election in the year nineteen hundred and one, and every two years thereafter. The term of office of each member of the board of aldermen shall commence on the first day of January after his election, and shall continue 62 for two years thereafter. The phrase, all the members of the board of aldermen, wherever used in this act, shall be taken and held to mean all the members of said board, includ- ing the president of the board of aldermen and the presidents of the several boroughs. The phrase, members elected to the board of aldermen, wherever used in this act, shall be taken and held to mean all the members of said board, except the president of the board of aldermen and the presidents of the several boroughs. Any vacancy which may occur among the members elected to the board of aldermen shall be filled by election by a majority of all the members elected thereto, and the person so elected to fill any such vacancy shall serve for the unexpired portion of the term. A majority of all the mem- bers of the board of aldermen shall constitute a quorum. The salary of the president of the board shall be five thousand dol- lars a year, and the salaries of the aldermen shall be one thousand dollars a year. IThe council shall consist of twenty-nine members, one of whom shall be its president. The president shall be chosen on a general ticket by the qualified voters of the city, at the same time and for the same term as herein prescribed for the mayor. He shall be known as the president of the council, and shall, except as herein provided, possess all the rights, privileges and powers, and perform the duties now conferred or imposed by law upon the president of the board of aldermen of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York. A majority of all the members elected to the council shall constitute a quorum. The salary of the president of the council shall be five thousand dollars a year. The salary of the other members of the council shall be one thousand five hundred dollars a year.T. ICouncil, how chosen; councill Aldermanic districts. § 19. The municipal assembly of The City of New York shall, within sixty days after the passage of this act, divide The City of New York into one hundred and twenty-three aldermanic districts in the following manner: The first, second, fourth, eighth, twelfth, thirteenth, sixteenth, seven- 63 teenth and twenty-sixth assembly districts of the county of New York and the third, eighth, ninth and fifteenth assem- bly districts of the county of Kings shall each constitute a separate aldermanic district. The third, fifth, sixth, sev- enth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, fourteenth, fifteenth, eighteenth, twentieth, twenty-second, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty- seventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth, thirty-second and thirty-third assembly districts of the county of New York and the first, second, fourth, fifth, sixth, tenth, elev- enth, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, sixteenth, Seventeenth and nineteenth assembly districts of the county of Kings, shall each be divided into two parts, each of which parts shall constitute one aldermanic district. The nineteenth, twenty-third and thirty-first assembly districts of the county of New York, the seventh, eighteenth, twentieth and twenty- first assembly districts of the county of Kings, the first assembly district of the county of Queens, the territory comprising the second assembly district of said county, together with so much of the third assembly district of said county as lies within The City of New York considered as one parcel, and the county of Richmond shall each be divided into three parts, each of which parts shall constitute one aldermanic district. The twenty-first and thirty-fourth assembly districts of the county of New York shall each be divided into four parts, each of which parts shall constitute one aldermanic district. The thirty-fifth assembly district of the county of New York and those portions of the territory of the first and second assembly districts of the county of Westchester that lie within The City of New York consid- ered as one parcel shall be divided into six parts, each of which parts shall constitute one aldermanic district. The several aldermanic districts into which any assembly district is divided shall be as compact in form as practicable, and each shall contain approximately the same number of inhabitants, excluding aliens. No election district of an assembly district shall be subdivided in forming said aldermanic districts. In 64 case the board of police or other lawful authority shall here- after alter the boundaries of any of the election districts into which The City of New York is divided at the time of the passage of this act, such alteration shall be so made that no election district shall contain portions of two aldermanic dis- tricts. The municipal assembly shall within ten days after making such division cause to be filed in the office of the sec- retary of state and in the offices of the clerks of the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond, a description of each of such aldermanic districts, specifying the number of each district and of the inhabitants thereof, excluding aliens, and such districts shall remain unaltered until the city shall be redivided into assembly districts as provided by law. Whenever hereafter The City of New York shall be redivided into assembly districts as provided by law, the board of alder- men shall, within sixty days thereafter, in accordance with the provisions of this section, redivide the city into aldermanic districts, and shall increase or diminish the number of such districts, so that there shall always be two aldermanic dis- tricts for every assembly district lying wholly within The City of New York. Qualification of members of the board of aldermen. § 20. Any citizen of the United States who is a resident of The City of New York shall be eligible for election to the board of aldermen in any one of the aldermanic districts. Time of meeting of Icouncill board of aldermen. § 22. The first meeting of the board of aldermen Isaid councill in each year shall be held on the first Monday of January, at noon. When president of Icouncill board of aldermen to act as mayor; powers; temporary chairman of [council] board of aldermen. § 23. Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the office of mayor, or whenever, by reason of sickness or absence from 65 the city, the mayor shall be prevented from attending to the duties of his office, the president of the board of aldermen Icouncil] shall act as mayor, and possess all the rights and powers of mayor during such disability or absence. In case of a vacancy he shall so act until noon of the first day IMon- day] of January succeeding the election at which the mayor's successor shall be chosen. [and at the next general election, at which municipal officers shall be elected, which shall take place more than thirty days after the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of mayor, a successor shall be chosen, who shall hold for the unexpired term.I. It shall not be lawful for the president of the board of aldermen Icouncil I, when acting as mayor in consequence of the sickness or absence from the city of the mayor, to exercise any power of appointment to or removal from office, unless such sickness or absence of the mayor shall have continued Iten I thirty days; or to sign, ap- prove, or disapprove any Ordinance or resolution unless such sickness or absence shall have continued at least nine days. The board of aldermen Icouncil.I, shall elect a vice-chair- man to preside over its meetings, who shall possess the powers and perform the duties of the president of the board of alder- men [council.II, when the president is sick, absent or under suspension, or while the president of the board of aldermen Icouncil] is acting as mayor, or when a vacancy occurs in said office, and who shall, during such time, be a member of every board of which the president of said board of aldermen Icouncil] is a member by virtue of his office. IBoard of aldermen; quorum]. Heads of departments; seats in board of aldermen; when required to attend. § 25. IA majority of all the members elected to the board of aldermen shall constitute a quorum I. Each head of an administrative department of the city shall be entitled to a seat in the board of aldermen Isaid board I and shall whenever required by it [practicable.I attend its [the] meetings. Iof the board. He shall answer all questions put to him by any mem- ber relating to the affairs of his department, provided he shall have received forty-eight hours written notice thereof and of the questions to be put. He [and] shall have the right to par- 5 66 ticipate in Iits] the discussions of said board, but shall not have the right to vote. If an administrative department is composed of more than one member, the president or presiding officer of such department shall be entitled to such seat. ICouncil andl Board of aldermen; sergeant-at-arms; rules; journal; sittings; expulsion of members. § 27. The Icouncil and the] board of aldermen may Teach] elect a sergeant-at-arms and such assistants as are needful to the orderly conduct of its Itheir I meetings, provided, how- ever, that no expenditures for salaries for such sergeant-at- arms and such assistants shall exceed the amount appropriated therefor in the annual budget. The board of aldermen IEach of said bodies I shall determine the rules of its own proceed- ings; shall be the judge of the election returns and qualifica- tions of its own members, subject, however, to review by cer- tiorari of any court of competent jurisdiction; shall Teach] keep a journal of its proceedings; shall Teach] sit with open doors; shall Teach I have authority to compel the attendance of absent members and to punish its members for disorderly behavior, and to expel any member with the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members elected to the board of aldermen Isuch body I. Every member so expelled shall thereby forfeit all his rights and powers, subject, however, to judicial review on certiorari. City clerk ſand clerk of municipal assemblyl; appointment; term; duties; papers certified by him [to bel; how far admissible in evidence; fees for certification. § 28. The board of aldermen Icouncil.I shall, whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of city clerk, Iat the first meeting,I appoint a clerk, who shall perform such duties as may be pre- scribed for him. The clerk so appointed shall also be the city clerk and the clerk of the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, and shall hold his office for six years, and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified, unless removed for cause. The city clerk shall have charge of all the papers and documents of the city, except such as are by law com- mitted to the keeping of the several departments or of other 67 officers, and except as provided in section one hundred and thirty-six of this act as amended. He shall keep the record of the proceedings of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assem- bly.I. He shall also keep a separate record of Iengross I all the ordinances of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly.I in a book to be provided for that purpose, with proper indices, which book shall be deemed a public record of such ordinances, and each ordinance shall be attested by said clerk. Copies of all papers duly filed in his office, and transcripts thereof, and of the records of proceedings of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly], and copies of the laws and ordinances of said city, certified by him under the corporate seal, shall be admissible in evidence in all courts and places [of the matters therein contained] in the same manner and for the same pur- poses as papers or documents similarly authenticated by the clerk of a county. ISaid clerk shall appoint a clerk for the board of aldermen, who, apart from his service during the meetings of said board of aldermen, shall be in all things sub- ject to his direction and control.I Said city clerk may be removed on charges by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the board of aldermen [council.I, subject, however, to judicial review on certiorari. IThe said city clerkI He shall collect the following fees: For a copy of any book, account, record or other paper filed in his office, five cents for each folio; for a certification of any book, account, record or other paper filed in his office, twenty-five cents, and five cents in addition for each folio in excess of five; for each bond filed in his office, twelve cents; for filing all other papers, required by law to be filed in his office, six cents; for a certificate of appointment of a commissioner of deeds, twenty-five cents. City clerk; proceedings of [municipal assemblyl board of aldermen. § 29. Immediately after the adjournment of each meeting of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I, it shall be the duty of the city clerk to prepare a brief extract, omitting all technical and formal details, of all resolutions and ordi- nances introduced or passed, and of all recommendations of committees, and of all final proceedings, as well as full copies Of all messages from the mayor and all reports of departments 68 or officers. He shall at once transmit the same to the person appointed to supervise the publication of the City Record to be published therein. Certain ordinances and resolutions, how passed and approved; ayes and noes published. § 30. No ordinance or resolution providing for or contem- plating the alienation or disposition of any property of the city, the granting of a franchise, terminating the lease of any property or franchise belonging to the city, or the making of any specific improvement, or the appropriation or expenditure of public moneys, or authorizing the incurring of any expense, or the taxing or assessing of property in the city, shall Ipass the council or board of aldermen at the same session at which it is first offered], unless by unanimous consent, [and the same shall not] be finally passed or adopted by the board of alder- men Imunicipal assembly I until at least five days after such abstract of its provisions shall have been published, as provided in section twenty-nine. No such ordinance or resolution shall be approved by the mayor until three days after such abstract shall have been so published after its passage; but if an abstract of any resolution or ordinance shall have been once published after its introduction, it shall not thereafter be necessary to publish the same again, but only to refer to the date and page of the former publication in the City Record, and to state the amendments, if any, made thereto. In all cases the ayes and noes upon the final passage of such resolution or ordinance shall be taken, recorded and published. Records open for inspection; other duties of clerk; sickness. § 31. It shall be the duty of the city clerk to keep open for inspection at all reasonable times, the records and minutes of the proceedings of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assem- bly]. He shall keep the seal of the city, and his signature shall be necessary to all leases by the city of its property, and to all grants and other documents, as under existing laws. In the absence of said clerk by sickness or otherwise, his first deputy shall be vested with and possessed of all the rights and powers, and be charged with all the duties by this section or by law or ordinance imposed upon said clerk. 69 Id.; records and papers delivered to and kept by the Lclerkl city clerk; clerks in boroughs. § 32. All the muniments, records, patents, deeds, minutes, writings and papers belonging to the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, which were Inowl in the custody of the clerk of the board of aldermen thereof on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, shall be delivered to and kept by the city clerk. The city clerk shall, except as otherwise expressly provided in this act, be the custodian of all like muniments, records, patents, deeds, minutes, writings and other papers belonging to any of the municipal and public corporations by this act united and con- solidated into The City of New York, and shall have power to appoint a clerk in each of the boroughs constituted by this act, who shall have charge of the same, subject to the direction and control of said city clerk or of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly.I. Id.; salary and deputies. $33. The salary of the city clerk shall be seven thousand dollars a year, and he may appoint such deputies or clerks as are necessary to the discharge of his duties. Iprovided that the aggregate salaries of such deputies and clerks, including the Salary of the city clerk, shall not exceed in any one year the sum appropriated therefor in the annual budget.I Licenses to auctioneers. § 34. The city clerk shall have authority to grant licenses to any person engaged in and carrying on the business and Occupation of auctioneer, or desiring to be so engaged, on such person filing a bond, approved by him, with two good sureties in the penal sum of two thousand dollars. The president of the board of aldermen Icouncil.I on complaint of any person having been defrauded by any auctioneer, or by the clerk, agent or assignee of such auctioneer, doing business in said city, is authorized and directed to take testimony under oath relating thereto; and if the charge shall, in his opinion, be Sustained, he shall revoke the license granted to such auc- tioneer, and direct his bonds to be forfeited. 7o IMunicipal assemblyl Board of aldermen; journal; ayes and noes. § 35. The board of aldermen IEach house] shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and the ayes and noes of the members on any question shall, at the desire of any two mem- bers, be taken and entered therein. The ayes and noes shall be called and recorded on the final passage of any ordinance. Id.; no member eligible to any city office. § 36. No member of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I shall, during the term for which he is elected, be eligible or be appointed to any other office under the city, nor shall any member of said board of aldermen Iassembly], while such, be a contractor with or an employee of the city or of the board of aldermen Leither branch of the said assembly I in any capacity whatever. Id.; meetings. § 37. The stated and occasional meetings of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly] and its proceedings and busi- ness shall be regulated by its own resolutions and rules, pro- vided, however, that at least one stated meeting shall be held each month, except in its [the] discretion [of the municipal assembly I in August and September. The mayor may at any time call a special meeting of the board of aldermen Imunici- pal assembly.I. He shall call such meeting when a requisition for that purpose, signed by fifteen Inine I members [of the board of aldermen, and three members of the council] has been presented to him. Three days before any special meet- ing of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I is held, notice of the time of the intended meeting and of the business proposed to be transacted, signed by the mayor, shall be pub- lished in the City Record, and at the same time the city clerk shall cause a copy of such notice to be left at or sent by post to the usual place of abode or of business of each member of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly.I; but want of service of a notice upon any member shall not affect the validity of a meeting. No business shall be transacted at a special meeting other than that specified in the notice relating thereto. 7 I Id.; style of ordinances. § 38. The style of ordinances shall be: “Be it ordained by the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I of The City of New York, as follows: ” Id.; vote required to pass ordinances and resolutions. § 39. Every legislative act of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I shall be by ordinance or resolution. No ordinance or resolution shall be passed except by a vote of a majority of all the members of the board of aldermen. Telected to each house. In case any ordinance or resolution involves the expenditure of money, the creation of a debt, the laying of an assessment, or the grant of a franchise, the votes of three-fourths of all the members elected to each house shall be necessary to its passage.] No money shall be expended for any celebration, procession, funeral ceremony, reception, or entertainment of any kind or on any occasion, unless by the votes of four-fifths of all the members of the board of aldermen Telected to each house.I. No additional allowance beyond the legal claim which shall exist under any contract with the corporation, or with any department or officer thereof, or for any services on its account or in its employment, shall ever be passed by the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I, except by a Lthe] unanimous vote [of both houses thereofI; and in all cases the provisions of any such contract shall deter- mine the amount of any claim thereunder or in connection therewith, against the said corporation, or the value of any such services. Mayor's veto. $ 40. Every ordinance or resolution shall, before it takes effect, be presented, duly certified, to the mayor for his ap- proval. The mayor shall return such ordinance or resolution to the board of aldermen Ito the house in which it originatedI, within ten days after receiving it, or at the next meeting of the board of aldermen Ihouse I after the expiration of said ten days, unless such ordinance or resolution be one of those mentioned in section thirty of this act, in which case the mayor shall return said ordinance or resolution [to the house in which 72 it originatedI within ten days after the abstract of its provi- sions or a reference thereto shall have been published in the City Record as provided in said section thirty, or at the next meeting of the board of aldermen Thouse I after the expiration of said ten days. If he approve it, he shall sign it. If he disapprove it, he shall specify his objection thereto in writing. If he do not return it with such disapproval within the time above specified, it shall take effect as if he had approved it. In case of disapproval, the objections of the mayor shall be entered at large on the journal of the board of aldermen Thouse I and the Thouse I board of aldermen shall, after ten days, and within fifteen days after such ordinance or resolution shall have been returned to it, proceed to reconsider and vote upon the same. If the same shall, on reconsideration, be again passed by the votes of at least two-thirds of all the members of the board of aldermen Telected to each house I, it shall take effect; provided that in case the ordinance or resolution involves the expenditure of money, the creation of a debt, or the laying of an assessment, Ior the grant of a franchisel it shall require a vote of three-fourths [five-sixths I of all the members of the board of aldermen Ieach house] to pass it over the mayor's veto; and if it involves the grant of a franchise, the mayor’s veto shall be final. If the ordinance or resolution shall fail to receive upon the first vote upon such reconsidera- tion such number of affirmative votes Lin either house], it shall be deemed finally lost. In all cases the vote shall be taken by ayes and noes, and the names of the persons voting for or against its passage on such reconsideration shall be entered in the journal of the house. In case an ordinance or resolution shall embrace more than one distinct subject, the mayor may approve the provisions relating to one or more subjects, and disapprove the others. In such case those he shall approve shall become effective, and those he shall not approve shall be reconsidered by the board of aldermen Thouse I, and shall only become effective if again passed, as above provided. Ordinances to remain in force. § 41. The ordinances which on December thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, were Inowl in force 73 respectively in The City of New York, the city of Brooklyn, Long Island City, and the other municipal and public corpora- tions and parts thereof Ihereby I consolidated with The City of New York, except so far as the same have since been modi- fied, amended, or repealed by the municipal assembly of The City of New York, and all ordinances which on January first, nineteen hundred and two, are in force in The City of New York, are, so far as the same are not inconsistent with this act, hereby continued in full force and effect within the former limits of said respective cities and municipal and public corpo- rations, or parts thereof, subject to modification, amendment or repeal by the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I of The City of New York. Such ordinances may be enforced by and in the name of “The City of New York.” [Municipal assemblyl Board of aldermen; powers and duties of former boards. $42. I461 Except as otherwise provided in this act, all the ^. powers and duties which on December thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, were conferred or charged upon the common council or the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, or the board of aldermen thereof, or upon the common council of the city of Brooklyn or of Long Island City, or upon any board, body or officer of any of the municipal and public corporations or parts thereof, Ihereby I consolidated with The City of New York, as here- tofore known and bounded, and all the powers and duties which on January first, nineteen hundred and two, are con- ferred or charged upon the municipal assembly of The City of New York shall be exercised and performed by the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, subject, nevertheless, to the power of approval or disapproval by the mayor of said city, as provided in this act. Id.; police, health, park, fire and building regulations. § 43. I471. The board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly.I shall have power to make, establish, alter, modify, amend and repeal all ordinances, rules, and police, health, park, fire and 74 building regulations, not contrary to the laws of the state, or the United States, as they may deem necessary to carry into effect the powers conferred upon The City of New York by this act, or by any other law of the state, or by grant; and Such as Lit] they may deem necessary and proper for the good government, order and protection of persons and property, and for the preservation of the public health, peace and prosperity of said city and its inhabitants, ex- cept So far as power is conferred by this act upon presi- dents of boroughs, the police, health, park, and fire depart- ments respectively to make rules for the government of the persons employed in and by said departments. Nothing in this section contained shall be construed to impair the powers conferred by this act upon the department of edu- cation. Ithe legislative power respecting the health, police, park, fire and building departments shall be conferred upon said departments respectively by the provisions of this act, and except that any modification of the existing rules, regu- lations and ordinances affecting any of the departments and all ordinances to be passed to govern the board of public improvements or any of the departments thereof, must orig- inate with the department concerned, or with said board, and must be adopted or rejected by the municipal assembly without amendment.I Id.; [foregoing] enumeration of powers not restrictive; general power. § 44. I5OI IThe foregoing or other] No enumeration of powers in this act shall Inot] be held to limit the legislative power of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I which, in addition to all enumerated powers, Ithereto] may exercise all of the powers vested in The City of New York by this act, or otherwise, by proper ordinances, rules, regulations and by- laws not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, or with the constitution or laws of the United States or of this state; and, Subject to such limitations, may from time to time ordain and pass all such ordinances, rules, regulations and by-laws applicable throughout the whole of said city or applicable only to specified portions thereof, as to the said board of aldermen 75 Imunicipal assembly I may seem meet for the good rule and government of the city, and to carry out the purposes and provisions of this act or of other laws relating to the said city, and may provide for the enforcement of the same by such fines, penalties, forfeitures and imprisonment as may by ordinance or by-law be prescribed. Franchises for street railways [; ferriesl. § 45. The board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly] is au- thorized to grant from time to time to any corporation there- unto duly authorized the franchise or right to construct and operate railways in, upon, over, under and along Streets, ave- nues, waters, rivers, public places, parkways or highways of the city, but no such grant shall be made except upon the limi- tations and conditions of this act elsewhere provided in respect of the grant by the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly] of franchises and rights in or under the streets, avenues, waters, rivers, public places, parkways and highways of the city. IAnd further, to the end that cheap, easy and conven- ient intercourse may be had between all parts of the city, The City of New York, as hereby constituted, shall have full and exclusive power to establish, and full power to enjoy by leasing the same or otherwise, and to maintain and regulate ferries over all streams and waterways within or adjoining the limits of the said city.I. The board of aldermen Imunicipal assem- bly I may pass appropriate ordinances not inconsistent with law or with this act, or with the vested rights of existing com- panies or corporations, to enforce the provisions of this section and to carry out its purposes. Nothing in this act contained shall repeal or affect in any manner the provisions of the rapid transit acts applicable to the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, or any municipality united therewith or territory em- braced therein, or to repeal or affect the existing general laws of the state in respect to street surface railroads. The consent or approval of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assem- bly] to or for the issue of corporate stock of The City of New York, as provided by section one hundred and sixty-nine shall not be necessary to authorize the comp- troller to issue such stock for the purposes prescribed in Isaid] chapter four of the laws of eighteen hundred and 76 ninety-one as amended. The board of estimate and ap- portionment and the comptroller of The City of New York shall, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstand- ing, be subject to all the duties and obligations prescribed in said chapter four of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety- one as amended for the board of estimate and apportionment and comptroller therein mentioned. Upon the execution of any contract made pursuant to chapter four of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one as amended, the board of rapid transit railroad commissioners may, in its discretion, make request upon the board of estimate and apportionment for the authorization of such corporate stock, either for such amounts from time to time as they shall deem the progress of the work to require, or for the full amount sufficient to pay the entire estimated expense of executing such contract. In case they shall make requisition for the entire amount, the comptroller shall endorse on the contract his certificate that funds are available for the entire contract whenever such stock shall have been authorized to be issued by said board of esti- mate and apportionment; and in such case such stock may be issued from time to time thereafter in such amounts as may be necessary to meet the requirements of such contract. The certificate of the comptroller, mentioned in section one hundred and forty-nine of this act, shall not be necessary to make such contract binding on The City of New York. Power to acquire additional water-works. § 46. I421. The board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly] is authorized, in accordance with the provisions of this act, to construct, establish and maintain, or to acquire by purchase or condemnation and maintain in all parts of the city, additional water-works to supply the city or any part thereof and its in- habitants with water, and to provide for the distribution and sale to the inhabitants of the city of such water, and fix the terms thereof, and acquire and hold property, real and per- sonal, within and beyond the limits of the city for said pur- poses. The board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I may pass appropriate ordinances, not inconsistent with law, with this act or with any vested rights of existing companies or corporations, to enforce the provisions of this section and to carry out its purposes. 77 IId.;] Further powers; bonds for specified public improvements. § 47. [48] The board of aldermen Imunicipal assemblyl shall have power to provide by ordinance for the acquisition, construction, or establishment of markets; for the acquisition and construction of parks, parkways, boulevards and drive- ways; for the building of bridges [and the establishment of ferries] over, and of tunnels under any stream or waterway within or adjoining the limits of the city; for the building of docks, wharves, or piers, and for acquiring land by purchase or condemnation for said purposes; for acquiring, or con- structing public buildings, including school-houses and sites therefor for the use of the city; for the repaving of streets; and for any of the foregoing purposes, may create loans and authorize the issue of bonds, or other evidences of indebted- ness, to pay for the same, payable at such times, and in such manner, and at such rates of interest as it may by Ordinance prescribe; but no bonds or other evidences of indebtedness shall be issued under the authority of this section, unless the proposition for creating such debt, shall first be approved by a majority vote of the whole [a resolution or vote of a majority of all the members of the I board of estimate and apportion- ment, entered on the minutes or record of such board. I; and provided further, that in the case of the issue of bonds or other evidences of indebtedness for the repaving of streets, the vote of the board of estimate and apportionment must be unan- imous.T. Board of aldermen, to act within limited time on bond issues and grants of franchises. § 48. After any proposition for creating a debt by the issue of bonds for any of the purposes specified in section forty- seven of this act as amended, or after any proposed franchise or right to use the streets, avenues, waters, parkways or highways of the city, has been approved by a resolution or vote of the board of estimate and apportionment, it shall be the duty of the board of aldermen upon receiving a copy of such resolution or vote to appoint a day not less than one week nor more than two weeks after receipt thereof for the 78 consideration of the subject matter. The board of aldermen shall, on the day so fixed, proceed with the consideration thereof, and may continue and adjourn such consideration from time to time until a final vote shall be taken thereon as hereinafter provided. Within six weeks after the copy of such resolution or vote of the board of estimate and appor- tionment shall have been first received by the board of alder- men, a final vote shall be taken thereon by ayes and noes. If a majority of all the members of the board of aldermen shall vote against such proposition or franchise it shall be deemed to be rejected. If a majority of all the members of the board of aldermen shall not vote against such proposition or franchise within the six weeks above limited, then it shall be deemed at the expiration of said period to have been passed by the requisite vote of the board of aldermen. The action of the board of aldermen in passing any such proposition or franchise, whether by an affirmative vote, or by a failure of a majority of all the members of the board of aldermen to vote against the same, shall be subject to the approval of the mayor and to the action of the board of aldermen in case of a veto, as provided in section forty of this act. Id.; ordinances and regulations for certain purposes. § 49. The board of aldermen shall have power to make, amend and repeal ordinances, rules, regulations and by-laws not inconsistent with this act, or with the constitution and laws of the United States or of this state, for the following purposes: I. In relation to the inspection and sealing of weights and measures, and the keeping in use of proper weights and measures by vendors. 2. In relation to the inspection, weighing and measuring of firewood, coal, hay and straw and the cartage of the same. 3. In relation to street vagrants, beggars and mendicants. 4. In relation to the use of guns, pistols, fire-arms, fire- 79 crackers, fire-works and detonating works of all descriptions. 5. In relation to intoxication, fighting and quarreling in the Streets, the breaking or extinguishing of street lamps, and the wilful breaking or defacing of windows, porches, knockers or other fixtures. 6. In relation to places of public amusement. 7. In relation to the construction, repair and use of vaults, cisterns, areas, hydrants, sewers and pumps. 8. In relation to partition fences and walls. 9. In relation to the construction, repair, care and use of markets. Io. For the preservation and protection of all or any of the works connected with the supplying of The City of New York with pure and wholesome water. II. To regulate the fees for searches and certificates to be charged by the collector of assessments and arrears. I2. To regulate swimming and bathing in the waters of and bounding the city, to establish and maintain such public baths and public comfort stations as they may deem necessary, and to establish suitable rules and regulations for the management of the same. I3. To prohibit and suppress all gaming-houses and places for gaming in the said city. I4. To provide for the more effectual suppression of vice or immorality, and the preserving of peace and good order in said city. I5. To enlarge or extend from time to time the limits of the fire districts of the city, and to establish additional fire districts, and from time to time to extend the same. I6. To regulate the use of every building now used or hereafter to be used as a hotel, in so far as the use thereof may involve the safety of the inmates in case of fire. 17. And the board of aldermen shall also fix the annual license fee, not exceeding the sum of twenty dollars, for each street or horse car daily operated or used in that portion of the 8O city heretofore known as the city of Brooklyn. Every rail- road company operating or using such cars shall, on or before the first day of June in each year, certify to the city clerk the average number of cars daily operated and used by said com- pany, which certificate shall be verified by the oath of one of the managing officers of Said company, and every such railroad company shall, on or before the first day of July in each year, pay to the chamberlain of The City of New York the license fee so established for the average number of cars so operated and used by said company. The said license fees shall be taken in full satisfaction for the use of the streets or avenues, but the same shall not release said company from any obligations required by law to keep such streets and avenues, or any part thereof, in repair, which said obligations and the contracts, laws or ordinances, creating and enforcing the same, are hereby continued in full force and operation. But nothing in this subdivision contained shall be construed to release any railroad company in The City of New York, as constituted by this act, from any duty or obligation existing at the time this act takes effect by virtue of any law, ordinance or contract. Ordinances in relation to the matters mentioned in this section may provide for the enforcement thereof in the manner specified in section forty-four of this act as amended. ISubject to the provisions of this act, the municipal assembly shall have power within said city to make, establish, publish and modify, amend or repeal ordinances, rules, regula- tions and by-laws not inconsistent with this act, or with the constitution or the laws of the United States, or of this state, for the following purposes: I. In relation to the inspection and sealing of weights and measures, and the keeping in use of proper weights and meas- ures by vendors; and may by ordinance regulate the duties and fees or salary of the inspectors of weights and measures and of the sealers of weights and measures, and may impose such penalties for using weights and measures and scale-beams which shall not have been inspected and sealed in conformity to the ordinances, and to provide for the appointment of such 8 I inspectors and sealers by the mayor as to them shall seem proper. They may assign a particular district of the said city for each of said inspectors and likewise for each of the sealers of weights and measures, and may confine them in the per- formance of their duties to such districts respectively. 2. In relation to the inspection, weighing and measuring of firewood, coal, hay and straw and the cartage of the same. 3. To regulate the use of streets, highways, roads, public places and sidewalks by foot passengers, animals, vehicles, cars, motors and locomotives, and to prevent encroachments upon and obstructions to the same, (and to authorize and require their removal by the proper department; but they shall have no power to authorize the placing or continuing of any en- croachment or obstruction upon any street or sidewalk, except the temporary occupation thereof, during the erection or repairing of a building on a lot opposite the same, nor shall they permit the erection of booths and stands within stoop lines, except for the sale of newspapers, periodicals, fruits and soda water, and with the consent in such cases of the owner of the premises. 4. To regulate by general ordinance, the opening of street surfaces for purposes authorized by law, subject to such restric- tions as have already been prescribed by statute. 5. To regulate the numbering of the houses and lots in the streets and avenues and the naming of the streets, avenues and public places; but it shall not be lawful to number or renumber any houses or to change the name of any street, avenue or public place, save between the first day of December of any year and the first day of May next ensuing. 6. To regulate and prevent the throwing or depositing of ashes, Offal, dirt or garbage in the streets, and subject to the Other provisions of this act, to regulate the cleaning of the streets, avenues, sidewalks and gutters and removing of ice and snow from them. 7. To regulate the use of the streets and sidewalks, for signs, sign-posts, awnings, awning-posts, horse troughs, urinals, tele- graph posts and other purposes. 8. To provide for and regulate street pavements, cross- walks, curbstones, gutter-stones, sidewalks, and to provide for regulating, grading, flagging, curbing, guttering, and subject to the provisions of this act, lighting streets, roads, places and 3.Verlt16S. 6 82 9. To regulate public cries, advertising noises, steam whis- tles and ringing bells in the streets. Io. In relation to street vagrants, beggars and mendicants. II. In relation to the use of guns, pistols, fire-arms, fire- crackers, fire-works and detonating works of all descriptions within the city. 12. In relation to intoxication, fighting and quarreling in the streets. 13. In relation to places of public amusement. I4. In relation to exhibiting banners, placards, or flags in or across the streets, or from houses or other buildings. 15. In relation to the erection, maintenance and repair of public fountains for the use of man and animals, at convenient points along the streets and avenues and public places. I6. In relation to the exhibition of advertisements or hand- bills along the streets, avenues or public places. I7. In relation to the construction, repair and use of vaults, cisterns, areas, hydrants, sewers and pumps. I8. In relation to partition fences and walls. I9. In relation to the construction, repair, care and use of markets. 2O. In relation to the licensing and business of public cart- men, truckmen, hackmen, cabmen, expressmen, cardrivers and boatmen, pawn-brokers, junk dealers, keepers of intelligence offices, dealers in second-hand articles, hawkers, peddlers, vendors and the keeping of dogs, menageries, circuses, com- mon shows and Scalpers in coal freights, bone boiling, fat rendering and other noxious businesses, and to fixing the license, if any, therefor. All licenses created therefor shall be according to an established form, and shall be regularly numbered and duly registered, as shall be prescribed by the municipal assembly; provided, however, that all laws hereto- fore passed in respect to the avocations above named within the city, shall remain in full force and effect, to the exclusion of any power granted by this provision so far as their terms shall require. 2I. The municipal assembly shall also fix the annual license fee, not exceeding the sum of twenty dollars, for each street or horse car daily operated or used in that portion of the city heretofore known as the city of Brooklyn. Every railroad company operating or using such cars, shall, on or before the 83 first day of June in each year, certify to the city clerk the aver- age number of cars daily operated and used by Said company, which certificate shall be verified by the oath of one of the managing officers of Said company, and every such railroad company shall, on or before the first day of July in each year, pay to the chamberlain of the city of New York, the license fees so established for the average number of cars SO operated and used by said company. The said license fees shall be taken in full satisfaction for the use of the streets or avenues, but the same shall not release said company from any obliga- tions required by law to keep such streets and avenues or any part thereof, in repair, which said obligations and the con- tracts, laws or Ordinances, creating and enforcing the same, are hereby continued in full force and operation. But nothing in this subdivision contained shall be construed to release any railroad company in The City of New York, as constituted by this act, from any duty or obligation existing at the time this act takes effect by virtue of any law, ordinance or contract. 22. To the more effectual suppression of vice or immorality, and the preserving of peace and good order in said city. 23. For the licensing and otherwise regulating the use of dirt carts. 24. For the preservation and protection of all or any of the works connected with the supplying of The City of New York with pure and wholesome water. 25. To regulate the fees for searches and certificates, to be charged by the collector of assessments and arrears. 26. To make such regulations in reference to the running of stages, omnibuses, trucks and cars as may be necessary for the convenient use and the accommodation of the streets, piers, wharves and stations, and whenever in shipping or receiving goods, wares or other merchandise at any of the shipping lines, by steamboat, canal boat, sailing vessels, railroad, or from or to any warehouse during the specified hours for receipt or delivery of freight, a truckman is unreasonably detained over thirty minutes by reason of said steamboat, canal boat, sailing vessel, railroad company or warehouse not employing sufficient help for prompt receipt or delivery of freight, or by reason of the failure to use all of the facilities at their disposal for the prompt receipt and delivery of freight, to regulate the amount said truckmen shall be entitled to be paid, which 84 amount shall not be less than the sum of one dollar per hour for every hour which he is so unreasonably detained, which amount shall be paid to said truckman by the company, corpo- ration or person causing such delay. 27. To regulate the rates of fare to be taken by Owners or drivers of hackney coaches or carriages; such owners shall pay an annual license fee to be determined by the municipal assembly. 28. The municipal assembly may authorize the establish- ment, operation or extension of any right for the running of omnibuses or stages, and may terminate or alter such authority conformably to the statutes applicable thereto. 29. To regulate swimming and bathing in the waters of, or bounding the city, and to establish and maintain in the city such public baths and public comfort stations as they may deem necessary, and to establish suitable rules and regulations for the management of the same. 3O. To prohibit and suppress all gaming-houses and places for gaming in the said city. 31. To enlarge or extend from time to time the limits of the fire districts of the city, and to establish additional fire districts, and from time to time to extend the same. 32. To regulate the use of every building now used, or here- after to be used as a hotel, in so far as the use thereof may involve the safety of the inmates in case of fire, by such ordi- nances or resolutions only as may be prepared and recom- mended to the said municipal assembly by the head of the department of buildings.I Id.; to regulate the use of streets, processions, etc. § 50. The board of aldermen shall have power to regulate the use of streets and sidewalks by foot passengers, animals or vehicles; to regulate the speed at which horses shall be driven or ridden and at which vehicles shall be propelled in the streets; to regulate processions or parades Occupying or marching upon any street; to prevent encroachments upon and obstructions to the streets and to authorize and require their removal by the proper officers; to regulate the opening of street surfaces for purposes authorized by law; to regulate the numbering of 85 houses and lots in the streets and the naming of Streets, except that it shall not be lawful to number or renumber any houses or to change the name of any street save between the first day of December in any year and the first day of May next ensu- ing; to regulate and prevent the throwing or depositing of ashes, garbage or other filth or rubbish of any kind upon the streets; to regulate the use of the streets for signs, sign posts, awnings, awning posts, horse-troughs, urinals, posts for tele- graph or other electric wires, and other purposes; to regulate street pavements, cross-walks, curbstones, gutter-Stones and sidewalks; to provide for regulating, grading, flagging, curb- ing, guttering and lighting the streets; to regulate public cries, advertising noises, steam whistles, and ringing bells in the streets; to regulate the exhibiting of banners, placards or flags in or across the streets or from houses or other buildings; to regulate the exhibition of advertisements or handbills along the streets; and to make all such regulations in reference to the running of stages, omnibuses, trucks and cars as may be necessary for the convenient use and the accommodation of the streets, piers, wharves or stations. Whenever the word “street’’ or the plural thereof occurs in this section it shall be deemed to include all that is included by the terms “street, avenue, road, alley, lane, highway, boulevard, concourse, pub- lic square and public place” or the plurals thereof respectively. Wherever the word “vehicle “ or the plural thereof occurs in this section it shall be deemed to include wagons, trucks, carts, cabs, carriages, stages, omnibuses, motors, automobiles, loco- mobiles, locomotives, bicycles, tricycles, sleighs or other con- veyances for persons or property. The board of aldermen shall not have power to authorize the placing or continuing of any encroachment or obstruction upon any street or side- walk, except the temporary occupation thereof during the erec- tion or repairing of a building on a lot opposite the same, nor shall they permit the erection of booths and stands within stoop lines, except for the sale of newspapers, periodicals, fruits and 86 soda-water, aid with the consent in such cases of the owner of the premises. The board of aldermen shall not pass any special ordinance in relation to any of the matters mentioned in this section. All ordinances in relation thereto shall be general ordinances which may either apply throughout the whole city or throughout specified portions thereof, and shall provide for the enforcement thereof as specified in Section forty-four of this act as amended. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the board of aldermen from pro- viding by special ordinance for the erection or maintenance on the streets or waters within The City of New York of foun- tains, public comfort stations, urinals, public baths, or other like structures maintained by the public authorities; for the establishment of which the said board is hereby empowered to provide. All general ordinances relating to authorized structures, encroachments or obstructions in or upon the streets or sidewalks by persons other than the authorities of The City of New York, or other public authorities, shall fix a definite license fee for every such authorized structure, encroachment or obstruction according to the character, extent and duration thereof, and shall provide for the issuing of revocable licenses therefor, which shall be according to an established form and shall be regularly numbered and duly registered as shall be pre- scribed by the board of aldermen. Id.; licensing and regulating certain trades or business; dog licenses, § 51. The board of aldermen shali have power to provide for the licensing and otherwise regulating the business of dirt carts, public cartmen, truckmen, hackmen, cabmen, express- men, Car drivers and boatmen; of boot-blacks; of pawnbrokers, junk-dealers, keepers of intelligence offices, dealers in second hand articles, hawkers, peddlers, vendors and scalpers in coal freights; of menageries, circuses and common shows; of bone boiling, fat rendering and other noxious businesses; and shall 87 have power to provide for licensing the keeping of dogs. The board of aldermen shall also have power to regulate the rates of fare to be taken by owners or drivers of hackney coaches, carriages, motors, automobiles or other vehicles, and to compel the owners thereof to pay annual license fees. All ordinances in relation to any of the matters mentioned in this section shall be general, shall provide for the enforcement thereof in the manner specified in section forty-four of this act as amended, and shall fix the license fees to be paid, if any. All licenses shall be according to an established form, and shall be regu- larly numbered and duly registered as shall be prescribed by the board of aldermen. Rules and regulations as to navigable waters within the city limits. § 52. I319. It shall be the duty of the board to provide and enforcel The board of aldermen shall have power to establish by general ordinances proper rules and regulations for the safety of passengers on excursion steamers, yachts, and all crafts taking part in regattas or races, whether as ob- servers or participants, in the navigable waters embraced within the corporate limits of the city and Ito preservel for preserving the public peace and Iprevent] preventing undue interference with, or interruption of such regattas and races. Such rules and regulations when so adopted shall be duly published in the public newspapers and any wilful violation of the same by any person shall subject the offender to the penalties of a misdemeanor and if the holder of a license from the city to a forfeiture thereof. Licenses to run oninibuses, etc. § 53. The board of aldermen shall have power to authorize the establishment, operation or extension of any right for the running of stages or omnibuses, whether operated by horses or by other motive power, and to license and regulate such stages and omnibuses. Every proposition for a license to maintain or operate a line of stages or omnibuses, or to ex- tend an existing line, or to change the motive power, shall be referred by the board of aidermen to the board of estimate 88 and apportionment, who shall, after due inquiry, recommend such terms and conditions for granting the same as in their judgment will best protect the interests of the city and the traveling public. It shall be one of the conditions of grant- ing any such license that the person operating the same shall pay annually into the city treasury for the first five years after commencing operations thereunder five per cent. of the gross receipts of the entire route, and shall pay into the city treasury annually, after the expiration of such five years, Seven per cent. of such gross receipts. No such license shall be granted by the board of aldermen except on terms and conditions approved by the board of estimate and apportion- ment. No such license shall be granted for any longer pe- riod than twenty-five years; but the ordinance granting such license may provide, upon payment of an increased percent- age to be fixed therein, for giving the grantee a renewal for a further period of not more than twenty-five years. Upon the adoption of an ordinance by the board of aldermen grant- ing a license as in this section provided, the route may be maintained and operated in accordance there with, and the Ownership of such route may be transferred. No license granted under this section shall confer any exclusive right or privilege unless the consent in writing, duly acknowl- edged, of the owners of a majority of the property in each of the streets along the proposed route shall have been obtained and filed with the board of aldermen before the adoption of the ordinance granting such license. [Power to appoint special committees;] Id.; to see to the faithful execution of the laws, etc. $54. I441 The board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly] shall have power and it shall be its duty to see to the faithful execution of the laws and ordinances of the city; and it may Ithe municipal assembly may, by joint resolution] appoint from time to time a special committee to inquire whether the laws and ordinances of the city relating to any subject or to any department of the city government are being faithfully ob- 89 served, and the duties of the officers of such department or of any officer of the city are being faithfully discharged, also to examine and report whether there are any unnecessary, ineffi- cient or unfit employees, any excessive salaries or compensa- tions paid, and generally in respect of any and all matters which will conduce to the orderly and economical administra- tion of the affairs of the city government or any department ºthereof. Such committee shall have access to the books and records of the city or of any department or officer thereof. Id.; security to be required from certain officers. § 55. It shall be the duty of the board of aldermen Imunici- pal assembly I where no provision has been made by law in respect thereto, to provide for the accountability of all officers and other persons, save as herein otherwise provided, to whom the receipt or expenditure of the funds of the city shall be entrusted, by requiring from them sufficient security for the performance of their duties of trust, which security shall be annually renewed; but the security first taken shall remain in force until new security shall be given. In the event of a failure of the board of aldermen to fix any such bond, the heads of the respective departments and the presidents of the several boroughs shall have power to fix such bond subject to modifi- cation by the board of aldermen. IId.; prescribed] Salaries of officers. § 56. The salaries of all officers whose offices may be created by the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this act, shall, subject to the other provisions of this act, be prescribed by ordinance or resolution. It shall be the duty of the board of aldermen Ithe municipal assembly shall have power], upon the recommendation of the board of estimate and apportion- ment, to fix the salary of every [any] officer or person whose compensation is paid out of the city treasury other than day laborers, irrespective of the amount fixed by this act, except that no change shall be made in the salary of an elected officer or head of a department during his tenure of office Ithe term for which he was elected or appointed.I. Salaries need not be uniform throughout the 90 several boroughs, but may, in the discretion of the board of estimate and apportionment, be made to consist of two ele- ments: First, remuneration for work done, which shall be the same throughout all the boroughs for positions of like character; Second, an additional sum based upon an estimate of the prevailing rentals and expenses of living in the borough where the services rendered are performed, and which may vary in the several boroughs. The board of aldermen may re- duce but may not increase any salary recommended by the board of estimate and apportionment; but the action of the board Of aldermen on reducing any salary so recommended shall be subject to the veto power of the mayor as provided in section forty of this act. In case the board of aldermen shall vote to reduce more than one salary, the mayor may approve the reduction of one or more salaries and may disapprove the reduction of others. In such case the reductions he shall approve shall become effective; and as to those which he shall not approve, the recommendations of the board of estimate and apportionment shall become effective unless the reductions be again passed by a three-fourths vote of the board of alder- men in the manner provided in section forty of this act. All salaries as fixed on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two, shall continue in force until fixed by the board of aldermen as in this section provided. Id.; publication of [code of] ordinances; codification. § 57. The ordinances in force in The City of New York Iof the municipal assembly I shall, as far as practicable be re- duced to a code and published. The board of aldermen shall annually appoint a committee whose duty it shall be to compile the general ordinances in force on January first, nine- teen hundred and two, so far as the same remain in force, together with all general ordinances thereafter adopted; and the board of aldermen shall cause such general ordinances so compiled to be annually published. 9 I Id.; commissioners of deeds; appointment; [powers of] oath; term; clerk therefor. § 58. The board of aldermen is hereby authorized and is empowered to appoint commissioners of deeds from time to time, who shall hold their offices for two years from the date of their appointment; such appointment shall not re- quire [the concurrence of the council norI the approval of the mayor, and hereafter, at the time of subscribing or filing the oath of office, the city clerk shall collect from each person appointed a commissioner of deeds the sum of five dollars, and he shall not administer or file said oath unless said fee has been paid. All fees collected by the city clerk under and by virtue of this act, except as hereinafter provided, shall be accounted for and paid over monthly into the treasury of the city. The city clerk shall appoint an officer, to be known as commissioner of deeds clerk, whose duties shall be to enter the names of commissioners of deeds appointed, in a book kept for that purpose, make out certificates of appoint- ment and to discharge such other duties as the city clerk may designate. Said commissioner of deeds clerk shall receive a salary at the rate of twelve hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly. Any person hereafter appointed to the office of com- missioner of deeds in and for The City of New York by the board of aldermen, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of said office and within thirty days after such appoint- ment, shall take and subscribe before the commissioner of deeds clerk, in the office of the city clerk, the following oath of office: That the applicant is a citizen of the United States and of the state of New York, and a resident of The City of New York; that he will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New York, and faithfully dis- charge the duties of the office of commissioner of deeds. Any commissioner of deeds who may remove from The City of New York during his term of office is hereby required to no- tify the city clerk of such removal. Any person appointed to the office of commissioner of deeds under the provision of this section upon qualifying as above provided may take acknowl- edgments and administer oaths in any part of The City of New York, without filing a certificate of his appointment in the office of the clerk of the county in which he resides or in which the borough in which the acknowledgment is taken or 92 the Oath administered is situated, and all papers so acknowl- edged or verified shall be recorded or read in evidence without any further proof in all the boroughs of The City of New York. The city clerk upon the request of any commissioner appointed under the provisions of this act must make and deliver to such commissioner a certificate under his hand and Official seal, showing the appointment and term of Office of such commissioner, which certificates may be filed in the office of the clerk of the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond upon payment of six cents in each office for filing. The clerks of the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond shall each keep a book in which shall be registered the signatures of the commissioners so filing such certificate, and said clerks of the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond shall upon demand and upon payment of the sum of twenty-five cents, authenticate a certificate of acknowledgment or proof or oath taken before such a com- missioner of deeds, by subjoining or attaching to the original certificate of acknowledgment or proof or oath, a certificate under his hand and official seal specifying that at the time of taking the acknowledgment of proof, the officer taking it was duly authorized to take the same; that the authenticating officer is acquainted with the former's handwriting, or has compared the signature to the original certificate with that deposited in his office by such officer, and that he verily believes the signature to the original certificate is genuine, and if the original certificate is required to be under seal, he must also certify that he has compared the impression of the seal affixed thereto with the impression of the seal of the officer who took the acknowledgment or proof deposited in his office, and that he verily believes the impression of the seal upon the original certificate to be genuine, without regard to the county in which said acknowledgment was taken or oath administered, provided that said county be wholly within The City of New York, or if it be partly within The City of New York, that the acknowledgment was taken or oath adminis- tered in that portion of said county which is included within the boundaries of The City of New York. Any instrument or paper acknowledged before a commissioner within The City of New York and certified by the clerk of the county of New York, Kings, Queens or Richmond, as hereinbefore provided, 93 shall be recorded and read in evidence in any county of this state without further proof. The term of office of every com- missioner of deeds who, on the first day of May, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be holding over after a term of two years, shall then cease. IMunicipal assemblyl Board of aldermen; trustees of public property. $ 59. The board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I and the several members thereof and all officers and employees of the city are hereby declared trustees of the property, funds and effects of said city respectively, so far as such property, funds and effects are or may be committed to their manage- ment or control, and every person residing in said city, when authorized to pay taxes therein, and who shall pay taxes therein is hereby declared to be a cestui que trust in respect to the said property, funds and effects, respectively; and any co-trustees, or any cestui que trust, shall be entitled, as against said trustees, and in regard to said property, funds and effects, to all the rights and privileges provided by law for any co-trustee or cestui que trust to prosecute and maintain any action to pre- vent waste and injury to any property, funds and estate held in trust. Such trustees are hereby made subject to all the duties and responsibilities imposed by law on trustees, and such duties and responsibilities may be enforced by the city or by any co-trustee or cestui que trust aforesaid. IMunicipal assemblyl Board of aldermen; violations of law by mem- bers of. § 60. Any member of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I who shall knowingly and wilfully disregard any provision of law applicable to the members of said board of aldermen [assembly I, or who shall vote for any contract in violation of law or any appropriation unauthorized by law or in excess of the amount authorized by law, or for any illegal or injurious disposition of corporate property, rights or fran- chises, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and liable to the pun- ishment and penalties prescribed therefor; and every member voting in favor thereof shall be individually liable to refund the amount to the city at the suit of any citizen and taxpayer. *::: 94 Board of Ipublic improvements] aldermen; further power. § 61. I425.I. The board of Ipublic improvements] aldermen is authorized and empowered, [in its discretion,I on the appli- cation, in writing, of the head of the fire department, to grant the said department location for apparatus houses [in] for said department on any of the public property, streets or slips Iunder the control and care of one or more of the commis- sioners who constitute said board I; provided that the said houses are so located and constructed [as] that in the judg- ment of said Iboards] board they will not disfigure or mar the appearance of the public property, streets or slips, nor inter- fere with the purpose of travel or public recreation, and which if placed upon any street, avenue or slip, shall not reduce the width of the same between the curbs for the purpose of travel at the place of such location to less than thirty feet on each side of said building. CHAPTER III. |FRANCHISES AND GRANTs of LAND UNDER WATER. Title I. Franchises. Title 2. Grants of land under water. TITLE I. Franchises. Inalienable rights of the city to its properties. § 71. The rights of the city in and to its water front, ferries, wharf property, land under water, public landings, wharves, docks, streets, avenues, parks, and all other public places are hereby declared to be inalienable. Franchises to be granted by ordinance. § 72. Every grant of or relating to a franchise of any char- acter to any person or corporation must, unless otherwise pro- vided in this act, be by ordinance. Limitations and conditions to grants of franchises [for use of public streetsl. § 73. After the approval of this act no franchise or right to use the streets, avenues, waters, rivers, parkways or high- ways of the city, shall be granted by the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I to any person or corporation for a longer period than twenty-five years, except as hereinafter provided, but such grant may at the option of the city pro- vide for giving to the grantee the right on a fair revaluation or revaluations to renewals not exceeding in the aggregate twenty-five years. Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this section contained shall apply to consents granted to tunnel railroad corporations, and the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly] is hereby authorized in its discretion to grant a franchise or right to any railroad corporation to use any of 96 said streets, avenues, waters, rivers, parkways or highways in The City of New York for the construction and operation of a tunnel railroad underneath the surface thereof for any period not exceeding [the period of] fifty years, and any such grant may at the option of the city provide for giving to the grantee the right, on a fair revaluation or revaluations, to renewals not exceeding in the aggregate twenty-five years, provided, however, that any grant to construct a tunnel rail- road or renewal thereof, Isuch grant] shall only be made after an agreement has been entered into by such a tunnel corpora- tion to pay to The City of New York at least three per centum, Tor so much thereof as may be] of the net profits derived from the use of any tunnel which it shall construct, after there shall have first been retained by such company from such net profits a sum equal to five per centum upon the sum expended to construct such tunnel. At the termination of any franchise or right granted by the board of aldermen all the rights or property of the grantee in the streets, avenues, waters, rivers, parkways and highways shall cease without compensa- tion. Every such grant of a franchise and every [any] con- tract made by the city in pursuance thereof may provide that upon the termination of the franchise or right granted by the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I the plant [as well as the property I of the grantee [in the streets, avenues, park- ways and highways I with its appurtenances, shall thereupon be and become the property of the city without further or other compensation to the grantee; or such grant and contract may provide that upon such termination there shall be a fair valua- tion of the plant [and property] which shall be and become the property of the city on the termination of the contract on paying the grantee such valuation. If by virtue of the grant or contract the plant Iand property are] is to become the city's without money payment therefor, the city shall have the option either to take and operate the said property on its own account, Ior to renew the said grant for not exceeding twenty years upon a fair revaluation,I or to lease the same Ito others] for a term not exceeding twenty years. If the original grant shall provide that the city shall make payment for the plant and property, such payment shall be at a fair valuation of the same 97 as property, excluding any value derived from the franchise; and if the city shall-make payment for such plant [and prop- erty], it shall in that event have the option either to operate the plant and property on its own account [for at least five years, after which it may determine either to continue such operation on its own account] or to lease the said plant and property and the right to the use of streets and public places in connection therewith for limited periods, in the same or similar manner as it leases the ferries and docks. Every grant shall make ade- quate provision by way of forfeiture of the grant, or otherwise, to secure efficiency of public service at reasonable rates and the maintenance of the property in good condition throughout the full term of the grant. The grant or contract shall also specify the mode of determining the valuation and revaluations therein provided for. * Proceedings prior to grant of franchise. § 74. Before any grant of the franchise or right to use any street, avenue, waterway, parkway or highway shall be made, the proposed specific grant embodied in the form of an ordi- nance with all of the terms and conditions, including the pro- visions as to rates, fares and charges, shall be published at least twenty days in the City Record and at least twice in two daily newspapers published in the city to be designated by the mayor at the expense of the proposed grantee. Such ordinance shall on its introduction and first reading be referred by the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I to the board of esti- mate and apportionment, who shall make inquiry as to the money value of the franchise or right Iprivilege] proposed to be granted and the adequacy of the compensation proposed to be paid therefor, and no grant thereof by the board of alder- men Imunicipal assembly I shall be made except on terms ap- proved by vote or resolution of the board of estimate and ap- portionment, entered on the minutes or record of such board, and every ordinance containing or making such grant shall require the concurrence of three-fourths of all the members of the board of aldermen Ielected to each branch of the municipal assembly] as shown by the ayes and noes there recorded and the approval of the mayor, and thirty days at least shall inter- 7 98 vene between the introduction and final passage of any such ordinance. It shall require a vote of three-fourths [five- sixths I of all the members of the board of aldermen Telected to each branch of the municipal assembly] to pass such ordi- nance Over the mayor's veto. This act shall apply to any renewal or extension of the grant or leasing of the property to the same grantee or to others. [Municipal assemblyl Board of aldermen to pass ordinances. § 75. The board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly] may from time to time pass appropriate ordinances, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the state, to carry the provi- sions of this title into effect, but shall not part with the right and duty at all times to exercise in the interest of the public, full municipal superintendence, regulation and control in respect of all matters connected with such grant, and not incon- sistent with the terms thereof. City may dispose of buildings not required for public use. § 76. Nothing in this title contained shall prevent the city from disposing of any building or parcel of land no longer needed for public use, provided such disposition shall be ap- proved by the sinking fund commissioners, and shall be at public sale, and be provided for by ordinance. Acts not applicable to grants under this title. § 77. Section ninety-three of chapter five hundred and sixty- five of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety and any acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, shall have no application to grants made under and pursuant to this title. TITLE 2. GRANTS OF LANDS UNDER WATER. Grants of lands and franchises to city in aid of commerce. § 83. To the end that The City of New York, as herein con- stituted, may be enabled to make needful provisions for the navigation, intercourse and commerce of the city and ade- quately to develop and secure the same now and in the future, the said city shall have the control as herein and in this act 99 provided, of the water front of the entire city, subject, however, to the rights of private owners of property, and also power to establish, construct, acquire, own, maintain and enjoy all fer- ries, public wharves, docks, piers, bulkheads, basins, slips, streets, approaches and spaces, and all other public structures, adjuncts and facilities necessary or proper for the navigation, intercourse and commerce, foreign and domestic, of the city. To these ends, in addition to all other grants, there is hereby granted in fee to the said city of New York, as herein consti- tuted, in all the public streams, rivers, Sounds, bays and waters of all descriptions at any and all places within said city or adjoining the limits of said city as herein constituted, all and singular the property, estate, right, title and interest of the people of the state of New York, in, to, of, and concerning such lands and soil covered by water, as are embraced within the projected boundary lines of any street intersecting the shore line, and which street is in public use or which may be hereafter opened for public use, extending from high-water mark out into said streams, rivers, sounds, bays and waters so far (any limits in existing grants to the contrary) as the said city shall now or at any time hereafter in the opinion of its Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen or department of docks and ferries require the same for ferries, public wharves, docks, piers, bulkheads, basins, slips, or other public structures, adjuncts and facilities for navigation and commerce, including the right for such purposes to reclaim such lands from said waters, and including also all riparian rights, and all rents, issues and profits of the premises herein granted. The com- missioners of the land office shall from time to time, convey or patent the lands herein granted to the city for said purposes as and whenever required by the board of docks. Property and franchises inalienable. $84. The property, franchises and rights hereby granted and the works and structures hereby authorized are not the subject of sale but shall be held by the city in perpetuity. But this shall not prevent the city from leasing the same for limited periods of time, in the same manner as it leases other like prop- erty. IOO : *. gº : : Patenting of lands under water by commissioners of the land office. $ 86. After the approval of this act no patent of soil or land under water within The City of New York, as herein consti- tuted, shall be made except to The City of New York or to the riparian proprietor. If the board of docks with the approval of the commissioners of the sinking fund, shall pro- ject a plan or plans for the construction of docks between street intersections as aforesaid, and desire a grant of land under water for that purpose, they shall make application therefor to the commissioners of the land office, who thereupon shall give notice to the riparian proprietor before taking action in the matter and shall make such grant to the city for the purposes specified in section eighty-three. Such grant, however, shall be subject to all the rights of the riparian proprietor, and before the city shall construct such public wharves or other structures in front of the land of such riparian proprietor, the city shall make just compensation to such proprietor for the value of all the riparian rights. If the commissioners shall make a grant to the riparian proprietor it shall be confined to soil or land under water in front of the land of such riparian proprietor. If application be made to the commissioners of the land office by the riparian proprietor for a grant of soil or land under water within The City of New York, as herein constituted, such commissioners shall give notice thereof to the board of docks of the city, which shall examine into such application and certify to the said commissioners whether in the opinion of the said board Idetermine whether] the grant- ing of the same will conflict with the rights of the city under this act or be otherwise injurious to the public interests of the said city. Iand shall report their conclusions to I The said commissioners [who shallI may in their discretion insert such terms and conditions in the grant as are recommended by the board of docks and as will protect the public interests of the city in respect to navigation and commerce. The validity of any such grant or patent may be judicially determined in an action brought by and in the name of the city. : : º: : ; IOI Power of [municipal assemblyl board of aldermen. § 87. The Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen may from time to time pass appropriate ordinances to carry the provisions hereof into effect, not inconsistent with law or this act. Repealing provision. § 88. All acts and parts of acts, so far as the same are incon- sistent with this chapter are hereby repealed. CHAPTER IV. T H E E x E C UT I V E . Mayor; executive power in and election of; salary. § 94. The executive power of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, shall be vested in the mayor, the presi- dents of the several boroughs and the officers of the several departments Idepartment]. The mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the city; he shall be elected at the general election in the year nineteen hundred and one Teighteen hun- dred and ninety-seven], and every four years thereafter, and shall hold his office for the term of four years commencing at noon on the first day of January after his election. He shall be ineligible for the next term after the termination of his office. The salary of the mayor shall be fifteen thousand dol- lars a year. Mayor’s power of removal. § 95. IAt any time within six months after the commence- ment of his term of office the I The mayor, Telected for a full term, I may, whenever in his judgment the public interests shall so require, remove from office any public officer holding office by appointment from a [the] mayor of The City of New York, except members of the board of education Land school boardsI, trustees of the College of The City of New York. and trustees of Bellevue and allied hospitals, and except also judicial officers for whose removal other provision is made by the constitution. No public officer shall hold his office for any specific term, except as in this act is otherwise ex- pressly provided. IAfter the expiration of said period of six months, any such public officer may be removed by the mayor for cause upon charges preferred and after opportunity to be heard, subject, however, before such removal shall take effect to the approval of the governor expressed in writing.I IO3 Administrative departments. § 96. There shall be the following administrative depart- ments in said city: Department of finance. Law department. Police department. IRepresented in the board of public improvements.I II.I Department of water supply, gas and electricity. I2. Department of highways.I I3.I Department of street cleaning. I4. Department of sewers.I I5. Department of public buildings, lighting and supplies.I I6.I Department of bridges. Department of parks. IDepartment of buildings.I Department of public charities. Department of correction. Fire department. Department of docks and ferries. Department of taxes and assessments. Department of education. Department of health. Department of finance; comptroller. § 97. The head of the department of finance shall be called the comptroller of The City of New York. He shall be elected at the general election in the year eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, and every four years thereafter, and shall hold his office for the term of four years, commencing at noon on the first day of January, after his election. The comptroller may be removed from office by the governor in the same manner as sheriffs, except that the governor may direct the inquiry required by law, to be conducted by the attorney-general, and after charges have been received by the governor, he may, pending the investigation, suspend the comptroller for a period not exceeding thirty days. In case of a vacancy in the office of comptroller, it shall be filled by the mayor, and the person appointed to fill such vacancy shall hold office until noon of the first day of January succeeding the election at which a suc- cessor shall be elected. At the next general election at which municipal officers shall be elected, which shall take place more & IO4. than thirty days after the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of comptroller, a successor shall be chosen who shall hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term. Law department; corporation counsel. § 98. The head of the law department shall be called the corporation counsel. Iand shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for four years, and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified.] Police department; police [board] commissioner. § 99. The head of the police department shall be called the police commissioner. Iboard. Said board shall consist of four members to be known as police commissioners of The City of New York, who shall, unless sooner received, respectively hold their offices for four years and until their successors shall respectively be appointed and have qualified, except that the commissioners first appointed shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for one, two, three and four years respectively, as designated by the mayor.I IBoard of public improvements and departments represented there- in;l Departments of water supply, gas and electricity, street cleaning and bridges. § IOO. IThe head of the board of public improvements shall be the president of said board. He shall be appointed by the mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified.I I. The head of the department of water supply, gas and electricity shall be called the commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity. IHe shall be appointed by the mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified.] [2. The head of the department of highways shall be called the commissioner of highways. He shall be appointed by the mayor, and shall, unless Sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified.I IO5 2. L3.1 The head of the department of street cleaning shall be called the commissioner of street cleaning. IHe shall be appointed by the mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified.] L4. The head of the department of sewers shall be called the commissioner of sewers. He shall be appointed by the mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified.I. I5. The head of the department of public buildings, light- ing, and supplies shall be called the commissioner of public buildings, lighting, and supplies. He shall be appointed by the mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified.] 3. I6.1 The head of the department of bridges shall be called the commissioner of bridges. IHe shall be appointed by the mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified.I. Department of parks; park board. § IOI. The head of the department of parks shall be called the park board. Said board shall consist of three members who shall be known as commissioners of parks. IThey shall be appointed by the mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, respectively hold their offices for six years and until their successors shall respectively be appointed and have qualified, except that the commissioners first appointed shall, unless Sooner removed, hold office for two, four and six years respect- ively, as designated by the mayor.I Department of public charities; Iboard] commissioner of public charities. § IO3. The head of the department of public charities shall be called the Iboard of public charities. Said board shall con- sist of three members to be known as] commissionerIsI of public charities. Iof The City of New York. They shall be appointed by the mayor and shall, unless sooner removed, respectively hold their offices for six years, and until their IO6 successors shall respectively be appointed and have qualified, except that the commissioners first appointed shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for two, four and six years, re- spectively, as designated by the mayor.I Department of correction; commissioner of. § IO4. The head of the department of correction shall be called the commissioner of correction. IHe shall be appointed by the mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years, and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified.I. Fire department; the fire commissioner. § Ios. The head of the fire department shall be called the fire commissioner. IHe shall be appointed by the mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for six years, and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified.I. Department of docks and ferries; board of docks. § IO6. The head of the department of docks and ferries shall be called the board of docks. Said board shall consist Of three members, who shall be known as commissioners of docks. Iand who shall, unless sooner removed, hold their respective offices for six years, and until their successors shall respectively be appointed and have qualified, except that the commissioners first appointed shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for two, four and six years, respectively, as desig- nated by the mayor.I Department of taxes and assessments; board of taxes and assessments. § IO7. The head of the department of taxes and assess- ments shall be called the board of taxes and assessments. Said board shall consist of a president, who shall be so desig- nated in his appointment, and four other members, one of whom at least shall be a person learned in the law, who shall be called commissioners of taxes and assessments. IThe president, unless sooner removed, shall hold his office for the term of six years, and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified. The other commissioners shall, unless sooner removed, hold their respective offices for the term of four years. The commissioners first appointed under this act IO7 shall, unless sooner removed, hold office by designation of the mayor for terms of one, two, three and four years respectively. The commissioners thereafter appointed shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for the term of four years, and until their successors shall respectively be appointed and qualified.] Department of education. § Io8. The head of the department of education shall be called the board of education and shall consist of forty-six members as hereinafter provided. ISaid board shall consist of nineteen members, and shall be composed as follows: Of the chairman of the school board of the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, and ten other members elected by said school board; of the chairman of the school board of the borough of Brooklyn and five other members elected by said School board; and of the chairman of the school boards of the boroughs of Queens and Richmond, respectively. The members of said board of education shall hold office for one year, and until their successors shall respectively be chosen and have qualified.I Department of health; board of health. § Io9. The head of the department of health shall be called the board of health. Said board shall consist of the commissioner of health, the police commissioner [pres– ident of the police board], and the health officer of the port. [and three officers appointed by the mayor, to be called health commissioners, two of whom shall have been practicing physicians for not less than ten years preced- ing their respective appointments. The health commis– sioner, who is not a physician, shall be the president of the board and shall be so designated in his appointment. The health commissioners shall, unless sooner removed, respect- ively hold their offices for six years and until their successors shall respectively be appointed and have qualified, except that the commissioners first appointed shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for two, four and six years respectively, as desig- nated by the mayor.I Heads of departments and borough presidents; power to purchase se--------- supplies. § II.O. Each head of a department and each president of a borough shall have cognizance and control of the purchase of IO3 fuel, furniture, utensils, books and other articles needed for the public offices within his department or jurisdiction. Sup- plies shall be furnished to heads of bureaus and all subordi- nate officials only upon the receipt of a written requisition signed by the head of the office in which the same are required. Schedules of salaries to be presented when requested. § III. It shall be the duty of each borough president and the head of each department to present new schedules of sal- aries for his office or department to the board of estimate and apportionment, whenever requested by said board so to do. CHAPTER V. THE MAYOR. Mayor; duties of. § 1 I5. It shall be the duty of the mayor: I. To communicate to the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly], at least once in each year, a general statement of the finances, government and improvements of the city. 2. To recommend to the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly all such measures as he shall deem expedient. 3. To keep himself informed of the doings of the several departments. 4. To be vigilant and active in causing the ordinances of the city, and laws of the state to be executed and enforced, and for that purpose he may call together for consultation and co-operation any or all of the heads of departments. 5. And generally to perform all such duties as may be prescribed for him by this act, the city ordinances and the laws Of the state. Id.; a magistrate. § II6. The mayor is a magistrate. Id.; may appoint clerks, etc. § II.7. The mayor may appoint such clerks and subor- dinates as he may require to aid him in the discharge of his Official duties, and shall render to the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly] every three months, an account of the expenses and receipts of his office, and therein shall state, in detail, the amounts paid and agreed to be paid by him, for salaries to such clerks and subordinates respectively, and the general nature of their duties, which account and report shall be published in the City Record. The aggregate expenses incurred by him for such purposes shall not exceed, in any One year, the sum appropriated therefor. I IO Id.; to appoint heads of departments [terms of latter]. § 1 I8. The mayor shall appoint the heads of departments and all commissioners, except as otherwise provided in this act. He shall also appoint all members of any board or com- mission authorized to superintend the erection or repair of any building belonging to or to be paid for by the city, whether named in any law or appointed by any local authority, and also a commissioner of jurors for the boroughs of Man- hattan and the Bronx, inspectors of weights and measures, and as many sealers of weights and measures as may by ordi- nance be prescribed, and also the members of any other local board and all other officers not elected by the people, whose appointment is not excepted or otherwise provided for. Every head of department and person in this section named shall, subject to the power of removal herein provided, hold his office for such term as is provided by this act, or other- wise, and in each case until a person is duly appointed, and has qualified, in his place. IThe terms of office of all such heads of departments and persons, shall, as to those first appointed, commence at noon on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and thereafter at noon on the first day of January in the year in which the terms of office of their predecessors expire, except that any person who shall be appointed in pursuance of this section to fill any vacancy shall hold his office for the unexpired term of his pre- decessor.I Id.; to appoint commissioners of accounts. § 1 IQ. The mayor shall appoint and remove at pleasure two persons who shall be commissioners of accounts, one of whom shall be a certified public accountant. It shall be their duty, once in three months, to make an examination of the receipts and disbursements in the offices of the comptroller and cham- berlain, in connection with those of all the departments and officers making returns thereto, and report to the mayor a detailed and classified statement of the financial condition of the city as shown by such examinations. They shall also make such special examinations of the accounts and methods of the departments and offices of the city and of the counties of New York, Richmond, Queens and Kings, as the mayor may from time to time direct, and such other examinations as * I I I the said commissioners may deem for the best interests of the city, and report to the mayor and the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I the results thereof. For the purpose of ascertaining facts in connection with these examinations they shall have full power to compel the attendance of witnesses, to administer oaths and to examine such persons as they may deem necessary. Such commissioners shall each be paid the sum of five thousand dollars a year. The board of estimate and apportionment and the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I shall annually appropriate a sum sufficient to pay the salaries of said commissioners, and in the discretion of said board and the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly] a sum sufficient to enable them to employ the necessary assist- ance to carry out the provisions of this Iactl section. Id.; proclamation as to holding court in case of pestilence, etc. § I2O. The mayor, or, in case of his absence, or other dis- ability, the president of the board of aldermen [council.I., by proclamation, may direct that the next ensuing term of any court, other than the court of appeals, appointed to be held in the city shall be held in any building within The City of New York, other than the building where the same is regularly to be held, if, in his opinion, war, pestilence, or other public calamity, or the danger thereof, or the destruction or injury Of the building, or the want of suitable accommodation, renders it necessary that some other place be selected. The proclamation must be published in two or more daily news- papers, published in The City of New York. Id.; police power as to pawnbrokers. § 12I. The mayor shall possess the power conferred upon the chief, deputy chiefs, inspectors and captains of police by Section three hundred and seventeen of this act. Id.; removal by governor. § 122. The mayor may be removed from office by the gov- ernor in the same manner as sheriffs, except that the governor may direct the inquiry provided by law to be conducted by the attorney-general; and after the charges have been received by I I 2 the governor, he may, pending the investigation, Suspend the mayor for a period not exceeding thirty days. Municipal civil service; mayor to appoint commissioners. § I23. The mayor shall appoint three or more suitable per- sons, not more than two-thirds of whom shall be members of the same political party, who shall, in the manner defined by chapter three of the general laws, commonly known as the civil Service law, and subject to and in pursuance of the pro- visions of that law and of such amendments as may from time to time be made to it, prescribe, amend and enforce rules for the classification of the offices, places and employments in the public service of the city, and for appointments and promo- tions therein, and examinations therefor, and for the registra- tion and selection of laborers for employment therein. Such persons shall constitute the municipal civil service com- mission, and, within the amount appropriated therefor, they shall have authority to appoint a secretary, exam- iners, and such other subordinates as may be necessary. Proper provision shall be made in the annual budget for all the expenses of the municipal civil service commission. IThe mayor shall appoint three or more suitable persons as commissioners to prescribe and amend, subject to his approval, and to enforce regulations for appointment to, and promotions in, the civil service thereof, and for classifications and examinations therein, and for the registration and selec- tion of laborers for employment therein, in pursuance of the constitution of this state. Said commissioners shall receive no compensation.I Regulations of municipal civil service. § 124. All appointments, promotions and changes of status of persons in the public service of The City of New York shall be made in the manner prescribed by the constitution of the state and in accordance with the provisions of chapter three of the general laws, commonly known as the civil service law, and such amendments as may be made thereto, and the pro- II 3 visions of this act. ISuch regulations shall, among other things, provide: I. For the classification of the offices, places and employ- ments in the civil service of the said city. 2. For examinations, wherever practicable, to ascertain the fitness of applicants for appointment to the civil Service of said city. All examinations shall be public. No question in any examination under the rules established as aforesaid shall relate to political or religious opinions or affiliations, and no appointment or selection to or removal from an office or employment within the scope of the rules established as afore- said, shall be in any manner affected or influenced by such opinions or affiliations. Such examinations shall be practical in their character, and shall relate to those matters which will fairly test the relative capacity and fitness of the persons exam- ined to discharge the duties of the position to which they seek to be appointed. Such examinations, save in the case of appli- cants for employment as laborers, shall be open, competitive examinations, except where, after due efforts by previous public advertisement or other effort in case of extraordinary emergency, competition is found not to be practicable. The examination of applicants for employment as laborers shall relate to their capacity for labor, their habits as to industry and Sobriety, and the number of persons dependent upon them for support. 3. For the filling of vacancies in the offices, places and employments in the public service which are subject to com- petitive examination by selection from among those graded highest as the result of such examination, provided, however, that Soldiers and sailors honorably discharged from the army and navy of the United States in the late civil war, who are citizens and residents of this state, shall be entitled to prefer- ence in appointment and promotion from any list from which an appointment or promotion is to be made, without regard to their standing on such list. 4. For a period of probation before an appointment or em- ployment is made permanent. 5. For promotions in office on the basis of ascertained merit and seniority in service, and upon such examination as may be for the good of the public service.I 8 I I4. Authority and duty of commissioners of municipal civil service. § I25. The municipal civil service commission shall have the power to make investigations concerning all matters touching the enforcement and effect of the provisions of the civil service law, in so far as it applies to The City of New York, and the rules and regulations prescribed thereunder, or concerning the action of any examiner or subordinate of the commission, or of any person in the classified municipal Ser- vice, in respect to the execution of that act, and in the course of such investigations each commissioner and the Secretary shall have the power to administer oaths. The municipal civil service commission shall have the further power to subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses, and the production thereby of books and papers pertinent to the investigations and inquiries hereby authorized, and to examine them, and such public records as it shall require in relation to any matter which it is required to investigate. For this purpose the commission shall possess all the powers conferred by the code of civil procedure upon a board or committee, and may invoke the power of any court of record in the state to compel the attendance and testifying of witnesses or the production thereby of books and papers as afore- said. IThe persons so appointed or employed shall be known as municipal civil service commissioners, and within the amount appropriated therefor, they shall have authority to employ a secretary, examiners, and such other subordinates as may be necessary. It shall be the duty of such persons to make reports from time to time to the state civil service com- mission, whenever said commission may request, of the manner in which the civil service law, and the rules and regulations thereunder, have been and are administered, and the results of their administration in such city, and of such other matters as said commission may require, and annually on or before the tenth day of January in each year to make such a report to said commission; and it shall be the duty of said state commission in its annual report to set out either these reports, or a sufficient abstract or summary thereof, to give full and clear information as to their contents. It shall be the duty II 5 -a-rº ** of all persons in the official service of the city to conform to and comply with said rules and regulations and any modifica- tions thereof made pursuant to the authority of this section or said rules and regulations, and to aid and facilitate in all reasonable and proper ways the enforcement of Said rules and regulations and any modifications thereof, and the holding of all examinations which may be required under the authority of this section or said rules and regulations. Until the appointment of a municipal civil service commission under this act in said city, the municipal civil service commissioners now in existence in any part of the territory of said city shall con- tinue in office, and the civil service rules now in force therein shall continue to be in force until the adoption of new rules hereunder. The authority by this section conferred shall not be so exercised as to take from any policeman or fireman any right or benefit now conferred by law or by this act, or exist- ing under any lawful regulation of the department in which he serves. Proper provision shall be made in the annual bud- get for all the expenses of the municipal civil service commis- sioners.I Warrants for payment of salary of person whose appointment has not been made under civil service law, prohibited. § 126. Any officer of said city whose duty it is to sign or countersign warants, shall not draw, sign or issue, or authorize the drawing, signing or issuing of any warrant on the cham- berlain or other disbursing officer of the city for the payment of Salary to any person in its service whose appointment or retention has not been [made in pursuance of this chapter and the rules in force thereunder, provided, however, that this section shall not apply to persons now in office who are by this act continued in office, or transferred in service.I in accord- ance with the civil service law and its amendments and of the valid rules in force thereunder. Veterans in municipal service. § 127. All veterans either of the army or navy or the volun- teer fire departments, now in the service of either of the municipal and public corporations hereby consolidated, who are now entitled by law to serve during good behavior, or who can not under existing law be removed except for cause, shall I IG be retained in like positions and under the same conditions by the corporation constituted by this act, to serve under such titles and in such way as the head of the appropriate depart- ment or the mayor may direct. Bureau of municipal statistics and records. § 128. There shall be a bureau of municipal statistics and records of The City of New York [for the purpose of collect- ing, keeping and publishing, as hereinafter or otherwise pre- scribed by law, such statistical data relating to the city, as shall be deemed of utility or interest to the city government or its citizens.I Bureau; how constituted. § I29. The bureau of municipal statistics and records shall consist of a commissioner Ichief of the bureau I of statistics and records Iof a municipal and statistical commission], and of such assistants Ito the chief of the bureau] as may be found necessary for properly carrying on the work of the bureau. DChief of bureaul Commissioner of statistics and records to be appointed by the mayor. § 130. The commissioner of statistics and records Ichief of the bureau of municipal statistics I shall be appointed by the mayor Ifor a term of four years, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold office until his successor shall be appointed and has duly qualified. He shall be ex-officio a member and the chairman of the municipal statistical commission]. Compensation of Lchief of bureaul commissioner of statistics and records [and his assistants and of the commission]. § 134. The commissioner of statistics and records Ichief of the bureau of municipal statistics.I shall receive an annual salary of three thousand five hundred dollars. IHe shall appoint his assistants and shall fix their salaries with the approval of the board of estimate and apportionment. The members of the municipal statistical commission shall receive no compensation.I I 17 Power and duties of the [commissionl commissioner in relation to the collection and publication of statistics. § 135. IThe municipal statistical commission shall make such rules and by-laws as may be necessary for the regulation of the bureau of municipal statistics not in conflict with this act, or with any law of this state or of the United States, and shall direct the general work of the bureau of municipal statis- tics.I. The commissioner Icommission I shall devise and carry out plans for the collection and publication of such statistical data relating to the city as shall be deemed of utility or interest to the officials and citizens of the city [it may deem advisable to publishI. The head of each department of the city shall, upon a request from the commissioner Icommission I made through the mayor, and approved by him, transmit to the commissioner Ichief of the bureau of municipal statistics.I for his use [by the commission], upon such blanks as may be provided, or in such other manner as may be deemed con- venient by the commissioner Icommission], such statistical data relating to the work of such department as the commis- Sioner Icommission I may call for. The commissioner of statistics and records shall publish annually, with the approval Of the board of estimate and apportionment, a volume to be known as the “Municipal Statistics of The City of New York for the year * * *.” In this volume the commissioner shall publish in so far as he may deem advisable, the results attending the work of the various departments of the city government for the preceding calendar year, and such other statistical information and facts relating to The City of New York or its inhabitants as he may deem of general public interest. Such publication shall contain statistics relating to population and births, marriages and deaths; to streets, pave- ments, sewers, markets, docks, parks, buildings, fires, water supply and sanitary condition of the city; to the administration of charities and corrections, of the police department, of the various branches of the judiciary and the criminal courts of the city; to the work of the department of education, the number of children of school age and those attending school; II 8 to municipal revenues and expenditures, the administration of the various city departments having charge of the expenditure of public moneys, the collection of taxes and the management of the city debt; and also a general statement of the legis- lative enactments relating to the government of The City of New York. Powers and duties of the commissioner in relation to the collection and preservation of records. § 136. It shall be the duty of the commissioner of statistics and records to collect, preserve and make properly accessible the manuscript records of The City of New York. By these are meant all journals, minute books, maps and plans, files of papers, parchments and documents of public character which relate to the history of The City of New York, and to all departments of the same, since its incorporation as a munici- pality; also the records, similarly defined, of all the cities, towns and villages which at any time have been annexed to or consolidated with The City of New York and which are now extinct jurisdictions. He shall have the authority and it shall be his duty to recover such of these records as may be in pri- vate hands and to institute search for such as appear to be lost; also to procure from the city clerk and from the heads of city departments, or other officials, the records now in their custody which fall within the meaning of this clause. But no official or head of department shall be required to surrender to said commissioner any book, document or paper which is less than twenty years old, or which he shall certify to be neces- sary for the transaction of current business in his office. Of the books, papers and documents thus accumulated the com- missioner of statistics and records shall be the sole and lawful custodian. It shall be the duty of the commissioner to pre- serve the said records in adequate, fireproof rooms, provided and furnished at the expense of the city, and located as near as may be to the repository of the records of the county of New York. Such records shall be kept in such manner and II9 under such regulations that they may at all proper times be accessible to those who desire to consult them. He shall cause proper shelves, cases and files to be provided for them, and shall, as may be needed, cause them to be bound, copied, arranged and indexed. Limitation of expense of maintaining the bureau of Imunicipall statistics and records. § II38.I. I37. The expense of such publications and all other expenses of the bureau of Imunicipal] statistics and records, shall be included in the annual budget. The total expense of maintaining the bureau of Imunicipal] statistics and records, including salaries, shall not exceed in any one year the sum of fifteen Iten I thousand dollars, unless other- wise provided by the board of estimate and apportionment and the board of aldermen. Imunicipal assembly.1 CHAPTER VI. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Title I. The comptroller. Title 2. The bonds and obligations of the city. Title 3. The chamberlain. Title 4. The sinking funds. Title 5. Appropriations and the board of estimate and appor- tionment. Title 6. Levying taxes. TITLE I. The Comptroller. General duties; settlement of claims; assent to certain contracts required; election; salary. § 149. The Ifinance.I department of finance shall have control of the fiscal concerns of the corporation. All accounts rendered to or kept in the other departments shall be subject to the inspection and revision of the officers of this department. It shall prescribe the forms of keeping and rendering all city accounts, and, except as herein otherwise provided, the manner in which all salaries shall be drawn, and the mode by which all creditors, officers and employees of the corporation shall be paid. All payments by or on behalf of the corporation, except as otherwise specially provided, shall be made through the proper disbursing officer of the department of finance, on vouchers to be filed in said department, by means of warrants drawn on the chamberlain by the comptroller, and counter- signed by the mayor. The comptroller may require any person presenting for settlement an account or claim for any cause whatever, against the corporation, to be sworn before him touching such account or claim, and when so sworn, to answer orally as to any facts relative to the justness of such account or claim. Willful false swearing before him is per- I 2 I jury, and punishable as such. He shall settle and adjust all claims in favor of or against the corporation, and all accounts in which the corporation is concerned as debtor or creditor; but in adjusting and settling such claims, he shall, as far as practicable, be governed by the rules of law and principles of equity which prevail in courts of justice. No claim against the city or against any of the counties contained within its territorial limits, or payable in the first instance from moneys in the city treasury for services rendered or work done or materials or supplies furnished except (I) claims reduced to judgment, or (2) awards, costs, charges and expenses duly taxed or ordered paid in judicial proceedings, or (3) claims arising under the provisions of contracts made at public letting in the manner provided by section four hundred and nineteen of this act, or (4) claims settled and adjusted by the comp- troller, pursuant to the authority of this section, shall be paid unless an auditor of accounts shall certify that the charges therefor are just and reasonable; and, except as hereinabove otherwise provided, all contracts with the city or any of such counties or with any public officer acting in its or their behalf, shall be subject to such audit and revision by the department of finance. The power hereby given to settle and adjust such claims shall not be construed to [give such settlement and adjustment the binding effect of a judgment or decree, nor to I authorize the comptroller to dispute the amount of any salary established by or under the authority of any officer or depart- ment authorized to establish the same, nor to question the due performance of his duties by such officer, except when neces- sary to prevent fraud. If in any action at law against The City of New York to recover upon a claim not embraced within the exceptions hereinabove numerically specified, the amount claimed by the plaintiff is in excess of the amount as audited and settled by the department of finance, the plaintiff must establish his claim by competent evidence of value, and no testimony shall be admitted to show a promise or agreement by any officer or employee of the city or of any of the counties contained within its territorial limits, to pay any larger sum I 22 than the amount so audited or allowed by the department of finance. The comptroller shall not reduce the rate of interest upon any taxes or assessments below the amount fixed by law. No contract hereafter made, the expense of the execu- tion of which is not by law or ordinance, in whole or in part, to be paid by assessments upon the property benefited, shall be binding or of any force, unless the comptroller shall indorse thereon his certificate that there remains unexpended and unapplied, as herein provided, a balance of the appro- priation or fund applicable thereto, sufficient to pay the esti- mated expense of executing such contract, as certified by the officer making the same. But this provision shall not apply to work done, or supplies furnished, not involving the expendi- ture of more than one thousand dollars, unless the same is required by law to be done by contract at public letting. It shall be the duty of the comptroller to make such indorse- ment upon every such contract so presented to him, if there remains unapplied and unexpended such amount so specified by the officer making the contract, and to thereafter hold and retain such sum to pay the expense incurred until the said contract shall be fully performed. And such indorsement shall be sufficient evidence of such appropriation or fund in any action. The comptroller shall furnish to each head of department, Iweekly I monthly, a statement of the unex- pended balances of the appropriation for his department. Wages and salaries, except as otherwise provided in this act, may be paid upon pay-rolls, upon which each person named thereon shall separately receipt for the amount paid to such person, and in every case of payment upon a pay-roll the war- rant for the aggregate amount of wages and salaries included therein may be made payable to the superintendent, foreman or other officer designated for the purpose. The comptroller shall enter into, upon behalf of The City of New York, any lease authorized by the commissioners of the sinking fund of property leased to the city. The assent of the comptroller shall be necessary to all agreements hereafter entered into by any city officer, board, commission or department for the acqui- sition by purchase of any real estate or easement therein, when such an agreement involves an obligation to pay or an expendi- ture of any money on behalf of the city, and in any proceedings that may hereafter be had to acquire real estate or heredita- I23 ments for or on behalf of the corporation of The City of New York, before an award shall be confirmed, imposing an obliga- tion upon the city to pay any moneys, the comptroller shall have thirty days' notice in writing, stating before whom and at what time such proceeding will take place; but nothing hereinbefore contained shall affect the board of rapid transit railroad commissioners existing under chapter four of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one as amended. The comp- troller of The City of New York shall be elected and Ishall] hold office as provided in this act, and [he] shall receive an annual salary of Iten I fifteen thousand dollars, and shall account to and pay into the city treasury all fees and emolu- ments to which he may be entitled under the general tax law of the state of New York and all other statutes whether gen- eral or special. Comptroller to appoint two deputy comptrollers. § I50. The comptroller shall appoint, and for cause to be stated in the City Record, at pleasure remove, two deputy comptrollers. The said deputy comptrollers shall, in addition to their other powers, possess any or every power and perform any or every duty belonging to the office of comptroller, when- ever the said comptroller shall, by due written authority and during a period of time not extending beyond three months, nor beyond his term of office, and to be specified in such authority, designate and authorize the said deputy comptrollers or either of them to possess such powers and perform such duties, and such designation and authority shall be duly filed in and remain of record in the department of finance and in the mayor’s Office. The said deputy comptrollers shall possess the like authority in case of the disability of the comptroller, upon the like designation of the mayor, which shall be filed and remain of record as aforesaid; but such authority, derived from a designation from the comptroller or the mayor, may at any time be terminated in the same manner as it was created. Bureaus of the [financel department of finance. § I5I. There shall be five bureaus in this department: I. A bureau for the collection of revenue accruing from rents and interests on bonds and mortgages, and revenue aris- I24 ing from the use or sale of property belonging to or managed by the city, and the management of the markets, the stalls or stands in which shall be rented on permits, to be issued by the comptroller, all of such permits heretofore or to be hereafter issued to be revocable by the comptroller for good and suffi- cient cause, and not otherwise, which shall be known as the bureau for the collection of city revenue and of markets. The chief officer of such bureau shall be called the collector of city revenue and the superintendent of markets. It shall be lawful for such bureau, under the direction of the comptroller, to col- lect rental for the temporary use and occupation of property acquired by the city for public purposes between the time of the acquisition thereof and the time when the same can be actually utilized for the purposes for which it was acquired, and of property which, having been originally acquired for public purposes, has ceased to be used for such purposes. 2. A bureau for the collection of taxes, the chief officer of which shall be called, the receiver of taxes. He shall receive a salary at the rate of five thousand dollars per annum. 3. A bureau for the collection of assessments, and of such taxes, assessments and water rents as are in arrears, the chief officer of which shall be called the collector of assessments and arrears. He shall receive a salary at the rate of four thousand dollars per annum. 4. An auditing bureau, which under the supervision of the comptroller shall audit, revise and settle all accounts in which the city is concerned, as debtor or creditor, and the chief offi- cers whereof shall be called auditors of accounts, to be ap- pointed or removed, as shall be also deputy auditors, at the pleasure of the comptroller. IThe number of said auditors and deputy auditors, as well as their salaries, shall be such as the comptroller shall from time to time fix and determine.I Dur- ing the absence of either or any or all of said auditors of accounts, from illness or other cause, said deputy auditors or any or either of them shall, when and to the extent he or they may be authorized so to do in writing by the comptroller, per- form the duties and exercise the powers of either or of any or of all of the said auditors of accounts. The said auditing bureau shall keep an account of each claim for and against the corporation, and of the sums allowed upon each, and certify I 25 the same to the comptroller, with the reasons for the allow- ance. The comptroller may detail any of such auditors and deputy auditors as he may deem proper to the borough hall of the borough of Brooklyn, to the borough hall of the bor- ough of The Bronx, to the borough hall of the borough of Queens and to the borough hall of the borough of Richmond, in addition to such as may be in the chief office of the comp- troller in the borough of Manhattan. All such accounts aris- ing from local improvements within the borough of Brooklyn may be audited, revised and settled by the auditor or the auditors of accounts so detailed as aforesaid by the comptroller in the borough hall of the borough of Brooklyn. All such accounts arising from local improvements within the borough of Queens may be audited, revised and settled by the auditor or auditors of accounts so detailed as aforesaid by the comp- troller in the borough hall of the borough of Queens. All such accounts arising from local improvements within the borough of Richmond may be audited, revised and settled by the auditor or auditors of accounts so detailed as aforesaid by the comptroller in the borough hall of the borough of Rich- mond. And all such accounts arising from local improve- ments within the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx may be audited, revised and settled by any of the auditors of accounts in the chief office of the comptroller in the borough of Manhattan, or, so far as the borough of The Bronx is con- cerned, in the office to be located in the borough hall of the borough of The Bronx, and the auditors of accounts may have such clerks and assistants, examiners, engineers, inspectors and employees as the comptroller may deem necessary and proper, to be appointed by the comptroller. IThe number of said appointees, and their salaries, shall be fixed and determined from time to time by the comptroller.I 5. A bureau for the reception and safe keeping of all moneys paid into the treasury of the city, and for the payment of money on warrants drawn by the comptroller and counter- signed by the mayor, the chief officer of which shall be called the chamberlain. Appointment and bond of receiver of taxes and collector of assess- ments and arrears. § I52. The comptroller shall appoint the receiver of taxes and the collector of assessments and arrears. The receiver of I26 taxes and the collector of assessments and arrears, before entering upon the duties of their offices, shall each enter into a bond to The City of New York, to be approved by the chamber- lain and comptroller in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, which bond shall be conditioned for the faithful per- formance of the duties of the office by the officer giving such bond. Every such bond shall be a lien on all the real estate held jointly and severally by the said receiver or the said collector executing the same, as the case may be, or any surety thereto, within any of the counties embraced in The City of New York at the time of the filing thereof, unless there be named and described in or on any such bond, real estate in one or more of such counties equal in value to the amount of said bond and owned by a surety, in which case the said bond shall be a lien on such real estate so described and upon all the real estate of the said receiver or collector, as the case may be, and no other, and shall continue to be such lien until the condition, together with all costs and charges which may accrue by the prosecution thereof shall be fully satisfied, not to exceed, however, the period of ten years after the Texpiration of the term of the officer who has given such bond, I time when the officer who has given such bond shall have ceased to hold his office, unless an action thereon has been commenced and shall then be pending. Renewal of bond. § I53. If at any time during the continuance in office of the said receiver of taxes or of any of the deputy receivers of taxes or of the collector of assessments and arrears or of any of the deputy collectors of assessments and arrears the comptroller shall deem any surety of them or either of them to be insuffi- cient, he may require the said receiver or any deputy receiver, or collector or any deputy collector to enter into a new bond to be approved in like manner as herein prescribed, within such time as said comptroller may direct, not being less than ten days after requiring such new bond to be given; and in case of the neglect or refusal of any such officer to furnish such bond within the time so directed, the comptroller may declare his office vacant. I27 Accounts of receiver and collector and their deputies to be examined. § 154. IUpon the expiration of the term of office of the I Whenever a receiver of taxes or Iof I any deputy receiver or Iof the I a collector of assessments and arrears or Iof I any deputy collector shall cease to hold office, and within one year thereafter, it shall be the duty of the comptroller to examine the accounts of such receiver or collector or deputy, and if found correct to cause a certificate to that effect to be filed with the bond of such officer, and such certificate so filed shall be a full discharge and satisfaction of the conditions of such bond and the lien or liens thereby created. And if at any time dur- ing his continuance in office any such receiver, collector, or deputy receiver, or deputy collector shall execute and file with the comptroller a new bond in the same form and penalty and approved as provided in section one hundred and fifty-two, it shall be the duty of the comptroller to examine and adjust the accounts of such receiver or collector or deputy, to the date of such filing, and, if found correct, to cause a certificate to that effect to be filed with the bond or bonds previously filed by such Officer, and such certificate so filed shall be the full discharge and satisfaction of the condition of such prior bond or bonds and of the lien or liens thereby created. Receiver of taxes and collector of assessments and arrears; where to keep offices. § 155. The receiver of taxes and the collector of assess- ments and arrears shall each have his chief office in the borough of Manhattan at such places as shall be, from time to time, by ordinance of the [municipal assembly I board of aldermen designated for that purpose. Each of them shall also have an office in the borough of Brooklyn, in the borough of The Bronx, in the borough of Queens and in the borough of Rich- mond, at such places in said boroughs as shall be designated by the Imunicipal assembly I comptroller. Receivers of taxes and collector of assessments and arrears may appoint deputies. § I56. The receiver of taxes and the collector of assessments and arrears may each appoint the requisite number of deputy tax receivers and of deputy collectors of assessments and arrears respectively. Each of them shall take from each deputy I 28 so appointed by him a bond, in such penal sum and with such sureties as may be approved by him and by the comptroller and chamberlain, which bond shall run to the receiver or the collector, as the case may be, The City of New York and to whom it may concern, and shall be conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of such deputy. The receiver of taxes, and his sureties, shall be liable for the acts and defaults of the deputy receivers so appointed and the collector of assess- ments and arrears, and his sureties, shall be liable for the acts and defaults of the deputy collectors. Each bond taken in pursuance of the provisions of this section shall be filed with the comptroller. Each deputy receiver of taxes shall have all the powers and be subject to all the duties of the receiver of taxes in respect to the collection and receipt of taxes, and each deputy collector of assessments and arrears shall have all the powers and be subject to all the duties of the collector of assessments and arrears in respect to the collection of assess- ments and arrears. IThe deputy receiver of taxes and deputy collectors of assessments and arrears shall receive annual salaries to be fixed by the comptroller in his discretion, within the limits of the appropriation made therefor.I Where taxes, assessments and arrears are due and payable. -* § I57. Taxes, assessments and arrears due upon property within the borough of Manhattan, shall be payable and receiv- able at the main offices of the receiver of taxes and of the collector of assessments and arrears, respectively, in said bor- Ough. Taxes, assessments and arrears due upon property situated in every other borough shall be payable at the offices of said receiver of taxes or collector of assessments and arrears, respectively, in the borough in which said property is situated. Bond of receiver and collector to be filed. § I58. The bonds given by the receiver of taxes and the collector of assessments and arrears as hereinbefore provided shall be filed and remain in the office of the comptroller, and true copies thereof, certified by the comptroller, shall be filed in the office of the clerk of each of the counties [wholly or partly] embraced within The City of New York and shall be public records. In case a certificate of the adjustment of the accounts of any receiver or collector be made as hereinbefore I 29 provided, a true copy thereof, certified by the comptroller, shall be filed in each of the offices in which a copy of the bond of said receiver or collector shall have been filed. Assessment lists to be filed. § 159. There shall be kept in the office of the Icomptroller] collector of assessments and arrears a full and complete record, in detail, of all lists of assessments confirmed, whether by the supreme court or the board of revision or the board of assessors, with the date of confirmation and the date of entry under such record, which record shall be open to inspection during office hours, and the same shall be received as presumptive evidence of the facts therein contained. An assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate affected thereby Limmediately upon I ten days after its entry in the said record. If any such assessment list affects property situated in any borough, "other than the borough of Manhattan, a copy of such list shall forthwith be transmitted to and filed in the office of the collector of assessments and arrears in the borough in which is situated the property SO affected. Comptroller to appoint clerks and assistants. § 160. The comptroller shall appoint as many clerks and assistants to the receiver of taxes and the collector of assess- ments and arrears as may be necessary, and shall designate the boroughs in which they shall respectively perform their duties. I, and shall, within the limits of the appropriation therefor, fix their salaries.I Publication of financial statement. § 161. It shall be the duty of the comptroller to publish in the City. Record Land corporation newspapers, two months before the election of municipal officers] within two months after the close of each calendar year, a full and detailed state- ment of the receipts and the expenditures of the corporation during the Itwo years ending on the first day of the month in which said publication is made I preceding year and the cash balance or surplus; and in every such statement the different sources of city revenue, and the amount received from each, the several appropriations made, the objects for which the 9 I3O same were made, and the amount of moneys expended under each, the money borrowed on the credit of the corporation, the authority under which each loan was made, and the terms on which the same was obtained, shall be clearly and particu- larly specified. Application of certain moneys. § 162. It shall be lawful for the comptroller to apply the moneys accruing for interest on the sales of lands in said city for unpaid taxes, assessments and water rents, or So much thereof as shall be required, to the account or fund designated “lands purchased for taxes and assessments,” such moneys to be used for purchases by the corporation at such sales. Dedication of certain lands for markets. § 163. The lands in the ninth ward of that part of the corporation heretofore knºwn as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, bounded on the north by Bloomfield street, on the south by Gansevoort street, on the east by West street and Tenth avenue, and on the west by Thirteenth avenue, being a portion of the lands heretofore set apart by law for use as a market place, are hereby dedicated to market purposes, and shall be used and Occupied as such in the manner that may be designated and prescribed by the commissioners of the sinking fund, who shall have full power and authority in respect thereto. Said commissioners of the sinking fund may, in their discretion lease said lands to be used for public market purposes for such term of years, with such covenants, and for Such annual rentals, as in their judgment shall be for the best interests of the city, or may prepare the same for use as a public market. The block of ground in said ward bounded on the north by Little Twelfth street, on the south by Gansevoort street, on the east by Washington street, and on the west by West street and Tenth avenue, is hereby declared to be a public market place, and subject to the provi- sions of section two hundred and five of this act, shall be kept for the exclusive use of farmers and market gardeners. Any farmer or market gardener desiring to use such market, or the market in the borough of Brooklyn known as the Wallabout farmers’ market, may present to the department of finance an affidavit, stating his name, residence, occupation and a general I3 I description of the commodities which he desires to sell in any such market, together with a request that a license be issued to him to use the same. On the filing of such affidavit and the payment of a nominal fee sufficient to defray the cost of issuing said license the department of finance, if satisfied that such applicant is a proper person, shall issue to him a license to use such market for a period not to exceed one year. Such licenses shall be numbered, and registered in the department of finance, and the department of finance shall issue to such licensee a metallic tag or plate, with the number of such license thereon. Such tag or plate shall be of convenient form and suitable design, approved by the department of finance. No person shall be permitted to use any such market except he be a holder of one of said licenses and while using such market shall at all times cause to be conspicuously displayed the tag or plate containing the number of his license. The department of finance shall have sole charge and control of Isaid] any such public market place and of the wagons employed in the --- business of selling farm and garden produce in said city, and shall have power to make suitable regulations concerning fees, the hours during which the said business shall be conducted, and the general management of the same. Comptroller’s powers in Wallabout market. § 164. The department of finance of The City of New York shall have sole charge and control of the Wallabout market lands in the borough of Brooklyn and of the wagons employed in the business of selling farm and garden produce in and about said Wallabout market, and shall have power to make suitable regulations concerning fees, the hours during which the said business shall be conducted and the general management of the same. The portion of the said market commonly known as “farmers’ square * shall be kept for the exclusive use of farmers and market gardeners. The comp- troller shall have and be vested with all the powers exercised by the commissioner of city works of the former city of I32 Brooklyn, and shall have the sole power to lease any portion of the said market lands and renew existing leases on such terms and at such rentals as may be agreed upon between him and the lessees or holders, subject to the following provisions as to the rate of rent. In case the amount of rent for any renewal term of any lease be not agreed upon as aforesaid by the first day of January preceding the expiration of the pre- vious term the same shall, if either the comptroller or the lessee or holder shall so elect, be fixed as now provided by law except that the rent may, in the discretion of the comptroller, be reduced. The rents for such renewal terms whether agreed upon as above provided, or fixed as now provided by law shall not be less than an amount equal to two-thirds of the rent of the preceding term, nor exceed an amount equal to the rent of the preceding term and one-third thereof in addition thereto. The comptroller may at any time, with the consent of the lessee or holder, vary or modify any of the provisions of any lease of such lands. The comptroller may also adjust and settle any claims and controversies in regard to rents and other matters that appertain to any lease both those which have here- tofore arisen and any which may hereafter arise during either the original term or any renewal or extension thereof as in his opinion justice may require. Renewals of existing leases shall be made according to the provisions thereof, unless, within thirty days after the passage of this amendment, written notice be given to the said comptroller by the lessee or holder of his election that the said lease and renewals thereof be subject to the provisions of this section. The comptroller may in his discretion allow such notice to be given after the expiration of such thirty days, but nothing herein contained shall inter- fere with the jurisdiction of the department of docks and fer- ries of The City of New York over the piers, bulkheads and water front in and around said Wallabout market lands, nor with the jurisdiction of the president of the borough of Brook- lyn over said Wallabout market lands, so far as concerns his powers over highways. I 33 TITLE 2. The Bonds and Obligations of the City. Corporate stock of The City of New York; how issued; provisions as to bonded indebtedness. § 169. All bonds issued by The City of New York on and after January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, in pursu- ance of laws already passed or which may hereafter be passed, or in pursuance of the provisions of this act, except- ing assessment bonds and revenue bonds, shall be known as “corporate stock of The City of New York.” For the redemption and payment of said corporate stock and the interest thereon, the faith and credit of The City of New York shall be and is hereby pledged. Such corporate stock shall be in such form as may be designated by the comp- troller, and shall be signed by the said comptroller and the mayor of The City of New York, and sealed with the common seal of The City of New York, and attested by the city clerk. Such corporate stock shall be in coupon form in sums not less than five hundred dollars each share, or shall be registered, and shall be conditioned to be paid in gold coin, or in the legal currency of the United States, at the option of the commis- sioners of the sinking fund and shall be made redeemable at a period of not less than ten, nor more than fifty years from the date thereof; Iprovided, however, that such stock when issued to provide for the supply of water shall always be issued in the manner provided by section ten of article eight, of the constitution of the state of New York.I Such corporate stock and all assessment bonds and revenue bonds, as well as all bonds hereafter to be issued by The City of New York by virtue of this act or of any other act, whether general or special, shall be free and exempt from all taxation, except for state purposes. The interest on such corporate stock and on all other bonds of the corporation, except revenue bonds, shall not exceed four per centum per annum, and shall be made pay- able quarterly, or semi-annually, in The City of New York, or at such other place as may be fixed by the said comptroller at the time of issue of said stock or bonds; provided, however, that the interest on revenue bonds, issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes may be made payable at the date of the maturity thereof. ICorporate stock of The City of New York, issued in pursuance of laws already passed or I 34 which may be hereafter passed, or in pursuance of the provisions of this act, shall be, unless otherwise provided by this act, issued by the comptroller only to the extent to which he may be thereunto authorized by resolution of the municipal assembly and the board of estimate and apportionent adopted by vote as provided for in this act.I Such corporate stock may be authorized to be issued by the board of estimate and apportionment without the concur- rence or approval of any other board or public body for the following purposes and within the following limita- tions: 1. For the purposes specified in section one hundred and seventy of this act; 2. For the purposes Specified in section one hundred and seventy-four of this act; 3. For the purposes specified in section one hundred and Seventy-six of this act; 4. For the purposes specified in sec- tion one hundred and eighty-four of this act; 5. For the pur- poses specified in section two hundred and thirty-five of this act; 6. For the purposes specified in section four hundred and twenty-two of this act; 7. For the purposes specified in section one hundred and seventy-eight of this act, to an amount not exceeding two million dollars in any one calen- dar year; 8. To pay the awards, costs, charges and expenses of acquiring title to lands required for public purposes and which have been or may hereafter be authorized by or pur- suant to law; 9. For constructing and equipping school buildings and acquiring sites therefor to an amount not exceeding three million five hundred thousand dollars in any one calendar year; Io. For the repaving of streets to an amount not exceeding two million dollars in any one calendar year; I I. For the improvement of parks, parkways and drives to an amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars in any one calendar year. Corporate stock to be issued for purposes other than those hereinbefore in this section specifically enumerated, or for such purposes in excess of the amounts therein specified, shall be authorized by the board of aldermen with the approval of the I35 board of estimate and apportionment as provided by section forty-seven of this act; provided, however, that wherever by existing provisions of law, Ior by the provisions of this act, I the commissioners of the sinking fund may be specifically authorized to provide for the issue of stocks or bonds, said authorization of the comptroller shall be made by said com- missioners instead of Ithe said municipal assembly and I said board of estimate and apportionment, Land provided, fur- ther, that whenever the amount of stocks or bonds required to be issued in pursuance of any law for any one purpose in any year shall not exceed the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, the comptroller may issue such bonds when there- unto authorized by the vote of a majority of the board of estimate and apportionment]; and that nothing in this sec- tion contained shall affect the provisions of sections one hun- dred and eighty and two hundred and thirteen of this act. Issue of stock or bonds by The City of New York to take the place of bonds authorized to be issued by laws enacted prior to January I, I898. § 170. Whenever, and to the extent to which, it may be lawful for the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof, including the counties of Kings and Richmond, which by this act are made part of the corporation of The City of New York, to issue for public purposes bonds pur- Suant to laws enacted prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, it shall be lawful for The City of New York, as hereby constituted, to issue corporate stock as herein provided for the same purposes; provided, however, that the amount so to be issued shall not in any one case exceed the balance remaining unissued of the amount limited to be issued pursuant to the authority of said laws. In simi- lar instances assessment bonds and revenue bonds of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, may likewise be so issued, subject to the same limitations as to the amount thereof. Bonds to be issued in sums of ten dollars or any multiple thereof. § 17I. Whenever it shall be lawful to issue any bonds of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, the same, when issued in registered form, may be issued in denomina- 136 tions of ten dollars or any multiple thereof. Preference shall, as far as practicable, and without pecuniary disadvantage to the said city of New York, be given to applicants for the smallest amounts and smallest denominations of Said bonds in issuing the same. Registration of stocks and bonds. § 172. All stocks and bonds heretofore lawfully issued by any of the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof, which have heretofore been annexed to or consolidated with the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and common- alty of the city of New York, or which by this act are made part of the corporation of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, including the counties of Kings and Richmond, for the payment of the principal and interest of which The City of New York is liable, may be registered and must be recorded by the owners thereof in the comptroller's office in said city, and shall be transferable at the pleasure of the holder, either in person or by attorney, only upon the books of the corporation in said office, and subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the comptroller may prescribe; such registry and transfer to be indorsed thereon by the comptroller. When- ever such stocks or bonds have been issued in coupon form, and whenever hereafter corporate stock of The City of New York may be so issued, it shall be the privilege of the holders thereof at any time, subject to such rules and regulations to convert the same into registered stock or bonds, and the comp- troller is hereby authorized to issue registered stock or bonds therefor in the manner and form in which the same would have been conditioned if originally issued in registered form. The interest on all such stocks and bonds when so registered shall, as the same shall become due and payable, be paid in like manner as upon other registered stocks and bonds of The City of New York; and whenever any such stocks or bonds have coupons attached, the comptroller shall, upon registration thereof, have authority to detach all coupons therefrom, and shall thereupon indorse the fact of such registration, with a reference to this section. Fund for street and park openings. § I73. The fund heretofore established and accumulated in the treasury of the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen I37 and commonalty of the city of New York, entitled the “fund for street and park openings,” shall be continued in the cor- poration of The City of New York, as hereby constituted. The said fund for street and park openings shall consist of: I. Whatever cash balance in said fund may upon January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, be on deposit in the treasury of the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York. 2. Whatever cash balances there may be on January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, in the treasuries or stand- ing to the credit of the several municipal or public corpora- tions or parts thereof which by this act are made part of the corporation of The City of New York, and which said cash balances may be applicable to the payment of damages awarded by the commissioners of estimate and assessment in reports heretofore confirmed or hereafter to be confirmed in proceed- ings taken to open any street, road, avenue, boulevard, public Square or place, park or parkway, or to acquire title to land required for any bridge, tunnel or approach thereto, and all the costs and expenses of such proceedings heretofore or here- after taxed. 3. Such sums as may be raised by taxation in The City of New York, and the proceeds of such bonds as may be issued as by this act provided to meet the expense, in whole or in part, of any of the objects and purposes in the preceding sub- division of this section specified. 4. All moneys hereafter collected by The City of New York, as hereby constituted, for or on account of assessments made and confirmed and hereafter to be made and confirmed for opening any street, road, avenue, boulevard, public square or place, park or parkway, or for acquiring title to land required for any bridge, tunnel or approach thereto, wholly or partly within the limits of the several municipal or public corpora- tions or parts thereof, which by this act, are made part of the corporation of The City of New York. Damages, etc., to be paid from said fund. § I74. From the said fund for street and park openings, and not otherwise, shall be paid all damages awarded by the commissioners of estimate and assessment in reports hereafter or heretofore confirmed in proceedings taken to open any I38 street, road, avenue, boulevard, public square or place, park or parkway, or to acquire title to land required for any bridge, tunnel, or approach thereto in The City of New York, as hereby constituted, and all the costs and expenses of such proceed- ings heretofore or hereafter taxed. The person or persons to whom awards shall be made in such proceedings, wherein reports are or have been confirmed, and the person or persons in whose favor costs and expenses may be or have been taxed, shall not have an action at law against The City of New York for such awards, costs or expenses, but may require the offi- cers of said city to raise, as hereafter provided, the money necessary to enable the comptroller to pay such awards, costs and expenses from the said fund, and thereafter compel the payment of such damages, costs and expenses from such fund. Whenever the amount of the damages awarded in any report, together with the costs of the commissioners and the chârges and expenses, shall exceed the balance remaining in said fund after deducting all outstanding claims against said balance, the comptroller is authorized to raise by the issue and sale of revenue bonds such amounts as shall be necessary to pay such damages, costs and expenses; provided, however, that in each and every case in which by virtue of any existing statute or any statute hereafter enacted, or by virtue of any act or resolution heretofore or hereafter adopted by any board or body pursuant to any statute, the whole or any portion of the awards made in any proceeding, and of the costs and expenses thereof, are payable out of the fund for street and park open- ings and are not to be assessed upon the property benefited, but are to be borne and paid by The City of New York, the board of estimate and apportionment may, in its discretion, Iby a majority vote, I direct that the amount so to be borne and paid by said city of New York shall be raised by the issue and sale of corporate stock of The City of New York, and the Comptroller shall thereupon issue and sell said stock at such times and in such amounts as may be necessary, and shall pay the proceeds thereof into said fund for street and park open- 1ngs. Replenishment of said fund. § 175. The corporation counsel shall furnish to the board of estimate and apportionment in each year, at the time of making the estimate for the ensuing year, a list of all reports I39 confirmed for the twelve preceding months with a statement of the amount of awards and costs taxed in each proceeding. The comptroller shall at the same time furnish to the said board, statements of the amount of such awards and costs already paid, and of the amounts due for awards and costs payable from the said fund and still unpaid, and of the amounts of revenue bonds then outstanding, issued in pur- suance of the last preceding section, and of the balance in the treasury to the credit of the said fund. The Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen and the said board shall there- upon include in the annual budget for the ensuing year a sum sufficient, with such balance, to pay all claims for the awards and costs in all proceedings in which reports shall have been prior to that time confirmed, and which awards shall not then have been paid, and also a sum sufficient to pay and discharge the revenue bonds then outstanding and issued in pursuance of the last preceding section. Payment of assessments imposed upon The City of New York. § 176. It shall be the duty of and lawful for the comp- troller when thereto authorized by Ithe municipal assembly and] the board of estimate and apportionment to issue such amounts of the corporate stock of The City of New York as shall be necessary to provide the funds to enable said comp- troller to pay any and all assessments and expenses imposed, or that may hereafter be imposed directly or indirectly upon The City of New York, by reason of the laying out, opening, regulating and grading or improving any and all streets, roads, avenues, public parks, squares or places, or the construction of sewers, and out of the proceeds of said stock to pay such assessments and expenses. Disposition of moneys received from certain assessments. - $ 177. The moneys collected upon the assessments laid by the commissioners of estimate and assessment, appointed in pursuance of sections six hundred and seventy to six hun- dred and seventy-eight inclusive of chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, as amended, shall be applied toward the payment of the fund or stock authorized by section one hundred and forty of chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen hundred I4O and eighty-two, or to the payment of said awards and ex- penses, if received before the issue of said fund or stock. Expenses relating to the water supply; how to be met. § 178. It shall be the duty of the comptroller, and he is hereby authorized and directed when thereto authorized by [the municipal assembly and I the board of estimate and appor- tionment, or when the amount to be issued in any One year exceeds the sum of two million dollars when thereunto authorized by the board of aldermen and the board of estimate and apportionment, on requisition of the commissioner of water supply, to raise, from time to time, on the issue of corporate stock of The City of New York, amounts of money sufficient to pay the sums which may be necessary from time to time to be paid for the acquisition of any real estate, or for the extinguishment of any right, title or interest therein to be acquired or extin- guished under the provisions of the laws relating to the supply of water to the city, together with all expenses necessarily incurred in surveying, locating and acquiring title to such real estate, or extinguishing claims, for damages thereto; and also all such sums as, from time to time, may be found necessary for the construction of aqueducts, reservoirs, dams, sluices, canals and appurtenances and for the distribution of water by mains, pipes or other conduits; and all such payments shall be made by the comptroller on the certificate of the commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity. Iprovided, however, that the amount so raised shall not in any one year exceed the limitations which, by law, may be or may have been imposed as to the amount of expenditure to be made therefor.I Bonds for drains. § 179. It shall be the duty of the comptroller, when thereto authorized by the board of estimate and apportionment, to issue assessment bonds in behalf of The City of New York, to an amount sufficient to raise the sum necessary to pay any damages that may from time to time be awarded to the owners of lands for the right of way required for drains and for the expense of plans and surveys and the fees of commis- sioners. The proceeds of such bonds shall be paid into the I4 I street improvement fund, from which fund payments as aforesaid shall be made, and assessments collected on account thereof shall be paid into said street improvement fund. Expenses of the department of docks and ferries; how met. § 18O. The comptroller shall, from time to time, when authorized by the board of estimate and apportionment on the recommendation of [directed by I the commissioners of the sinking fund, issue corporate stock of The City of New York in such amounts as they may deem the public interests to demand, but not exceeding five million dol- lars in any one calendar year for the purpose of raising the money necessary to carry out the provisions of title one of chapter sixteen of this act, relating to the department of docks and ferries, its powers and duties. In case the public interests demand the issue of such bonds to an amount exceed- ing the sum of five million dollars in any one calendar year, the approval and authority of the board of aldermen shall be obtained therefor in the manner provided for by sections forty-seven and forty-eight of this act. INot more than three million dollars of such stock shall be issued in any one year; provided, however, that there may also be issued an additional amount of such stock, equal to the balance remain- ing unissued of the amount of dock bonds authorized to be issued by the provisions of chapter two hundred and forty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-six.I . The moneys received from sales of such stocks shall be deposited in the treasury of the city and shall be drawn out and paid by the comptroller of said city for the several objects and purposes provided in said title, relating to the said department, its powers and duties, upon the requisition of the board of docks Icountersigned by the commissioners of the sinking fund I; provided, however, that the commissioners of the sinking fund may specify from time to time in such detail as may seem to them proper the purposes to which the proceeds of the sale of such stock shall be applied and it shall thereupn be unlawful for the board of docks to incur any liability or expense in excess of any appropriation thus made. The expenses and compensation of said board, its rents, the com- I42 pensation of its appointees, the purchase money and damages awarded upon the acquisition of private property, the pay- ments under the contracts authorized in said title and for work performed under the same, and all other expenses and disbursements necessarily incurred in carrying out the said provisions of said title in keeping, maintaining, repairing, building and rebuilding the wharves belonging to the said corporation, in dredging and cleaning slips, shall be paid out of said moneys in the manner above provided. Assessment bonds. § 181. It shall be lawful for the comptroller, when authorized by the board of estimate and apportionment to issue assessment bonds, at not less than par, for such periods as said comptroller may determine, not exceeding ten years, and bear- ing interest at a rate not exceeding four per centum per annum, to provide the means necessary to pay all expenses incurred or to be incurred on account of regulating and paving Streets, building sewers, and all other work ordered to be done by con- tract, by virtue of ordinances which may be hereafter passed by the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen of The City of New York, the expense whereof is to be collected by assess- ment from the property benefited by said work or works, or on account of any local improvement or other public work heretofore made or performed, or that shall hereafter be made or performed under and by virtue of the authority of any law in all cases in which the said expense is to be paid in whole or in part by assessment upon the property benefited. No moneys shall be paid out of the proceeds of said bonds on account of any contract hereinbefore referred to, until a copy of said contract has been filed with the comptroller of said city by the president of a borough, the head of the department or board having such work in charge, and also a certificate in writing from the president of a borough, head of such depart- ment or board, stating that a payment is due and the amount of such payment. On work contracted for subsequent to May Seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, or hereafter con- tracted for, no interest shall be charged on the monthly or other intermediate payments to any contractor, and thirty per centum, and no more, shall be reserved from the amount or value of work specified and certified from time to time to the I43 comptroller of said city, by the proper officer, to have been done by any contractor; and such reserved thirty per centum shall be paid to such contractor on or before the expiration of thirty days from the completion and acceptance of the work. The fund heretofore created by the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, known as the “street improvement fund,” shall be continued, and into such fund shall be paid the proceeds of the Sale of assessment bonds as by this section authorized, and of such bonds as may by other provisions of law be authorized to be issued for similar purposes within the territory of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, and for the payment of the expense of which the said city may, in the first instance, become liable, as well as the cash balances of assessments already collected, or to be hereafter collected, on account of similar contracts duly entered into by the proper authorities of the several municipal or public corporations, or parts thereof, which by this act are consolidated with the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York. Proposals for bonds and stock hereafter issued or purchased. § 182. Whenever any bonds or stock shall be hereafter issued, other than revenue bonds, or such bonds and stocks as may be purchased for investment by the commissioners of the sinking fund, the comptroller shall invite proposals therefor by public advertisement, for not less than ten days, and shall award the same to the highest bidder or bidders therefor; provided, that no proposals for bonds or stocks shall be accepted for less than the par value of the same; and said proposals shall only be publicly opened by the comptroller, in the presence of the com- missioners of the sinking fund, or such of them as shall attend. It shall be a condition of sale of such bonds and stocks, and the advertisement calling for proposals therefor shall so declare, that every bidder may be required to accept a portion of the whole amount thereof bid for by him at the same rate or pro- portional price as may be specified in his bid; and any bid which conflicts with this condition shall be rejected. Every bidder, as a condition precedent to the reception or considera- tion of his proposal, shall deposit with the comptroller a certi- fied check, drawn to the order of said comptroller upon one of I44 the state or national banks of the said city, or a sum of money; such check or money to accompany the proposal to an amount to be fixed by the comptroller not exceeding two and one-half per centum of the amount of the proposal. Within three days after the decision as to who is or are the highest bidder or bidders, the comptroller shall return all deposits made to the persons making the same, except the deposit made by the highest bidder or bidders, and if the said highest bidder or bidders shall refuse or neglect, within five days after service of written notice of the award to him or them, to pay to the city chamberlain the amount of the stocks or bonds awarded to him or them at their par value, together with the premium thereon, less the amount deposited by him or them, the amount or amounts of deposit thus made shall be forfeited to and retained by said city as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal, and shall thereafter be paid into the sinking fund Of The City of New York for the redemption of the city debt. Expenses of restoring street pavements; how met. § 183. The moneys which the comptroller is authorized to pay pursuant to the provisions of section Ifive hundred and twenty-five] three hundred and ninety-one of this act shall be Obtained by him from time to time, as may be necessary, by the Sale of assessment bonds as provided by section one hundred and eighty-one of this act. The money collected pursuant to the provisions of said section Ifive hundred and twenty-five] three hundred and ninety-one shall be set apart, when collected, as a trust fund, and applied to the redemption of the principal and interest of said bonds. Redemption of certain bonds payable from collection of assessments. § 184. If at any time hereafter the amount in the treasury of the city derived from collections of assessments shall be in- sufficient to meet and pay, when they become due and payable, any bonds issued by The City of New York, as hereby consti- tuted, or any bonds heretofore issued by any of the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof hereby consolidated into The City of New York, for expenditures incurred on public im- provements, payable in whole or in part from assessments, then it shall be lawful for the comptroller, when thereto authorized by [the municipal assembly and I the board of estimate and ap- portionment, to issue corporate stock of The City of New York I45 for an amount sufficient to pay the bonds so falling due as afore- said; or the comptroller may in his discretion, for such purpose, issue assessment bonds in the manner provided by Section one hundred and eighty-one of this act. Deficiencies in collections of arrears of assessments; how met. § 185. The comptroller is hereby authorized to issue from time to time assessment bonds in the manner provided by Sec- tion one hundred and eighty-one of this act, to provide such amounts as may be required to meet the deficiencies caused by delay in collecting arrears of assessments; the aggregate amount so issued not to exceed at any time the aggregate amount of said arrears then Outstanding. Bonds for state taxes. § 186. For the purpose of enabling The City of New York to make payment of the quota of state taxes which may be im- posed upon, and chargeable to the said city and the counties wholly comprised therein, [and the part of Queens county in- cluded in said city,I at the same time or times that other counties of this state are or may be required to make payment by law, the comptroller is hereby authorized and required, unless the money for the payment of the same shall have been otherwise provided, to issue revenue bonds for such amounts as may from time to time become necessary to meet such quota of the state taxes, and from the proceeds thereof to pay to the state treasurer the amount of taxes which the comptroller of the state shall have apportioned according to law, and which may be required to be paid in pursuance of such apportionment to the state by The City of New York and said counties [and said part of Queens county,I at such times. Revenue bonds of city; special funds. § 187. The comptroller is authorized to borrow, from time to time, on the credit of the corporation, in anticipation of its revenues, and not to exceed in amount the amount of such revenues, such sums as may be necessary to meet expenditures under the appropriations for each current year, including such amounts as are to be raised by The City of New York for county purposes. Iunder the provisions of section fif- teen hundred and ninety-three hereof.I Such amounts shall be obtained by the issue of revenue bonds, which shall be redeemed out of the proceeds of the tax levy in IO I46 anticipation of the collection of which such bonds were issued. Whenever the comptroller may be authorized by the provisions of this act, or by laws heretofore or hereafter enacted, to issue revenue bonds for purposes other than to meet expenditures under the appropriations for each current year, such revenue bonds shall be redeemed out of the tax levy for the year next succeeding the year of their issue, and the necessary appropria- tion therefor shall be made by the Imunicipal assembly] board of aldermen and the board of estimate and appor- tionment in the budget for such year. Such last mentioned bonds may be designated and known as “Special revenue bonds.” Cash balances of special funds in the treasuries Or to the credit of the several municipal or public corpo- rations or parts thereof, including the counties of Kings, Queens and Richmond, hereby consolidated with the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York shall be transferred by the comptroller to like special funds of The City of New York, where such exist; and such special funds shall thereupon be liable for payments which would otherwise have been made out of the funds so transferred. Where no similar funds exist in the treasury or to the credit of The City of New York, such special fund shall be, so far as practicable, admin- istered in the same manner as they would have been administered, if this act had not been passed. Whenever I, within two years after the passage of this act, I it shall appear that the charges and liabilities of any such special fund exceed the available assets thereof, it shall be lawful for the board of estimate and appor- tionment, upon the written request of the comptroller, to author- ize the issue of revenue bonds or assessment bonds or corporate stock of The City of New York, for the purpose of supplying such deficiency. Special revenue bonds. § 188. The comptroller is authorized to issue special rev- enue bonds to provide the means necessary to make payments for the following purposes: I. The expenses necessarily incurred in condemning unsafe buildings as provided by section five hundred and eleven of chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-two. 2. Amounts audited by the board of estimate and apportion- ment pursuant to section two hundred and thirty-one of this act. I47 3. Such amounts as may be necessary to pay judgments recovered against the corporation; provided, however, that when such judgments shall have been recovered for county charges or liabilities of any of the counties included within the territorial limits of The City of New York, separate accounts shall be kept thereof. The corporation counsel shall, in all such cases, advise the comptroller as to the amount of such county liability and the county incurring the same, and it shall, thereupon, be the duty of the comptroller in making the certificate to the board of aldermen, required by section nine hundred and two of this act in respect to county charges, to include in the amounts chargeable against each of such counties the amounts of such judgments respectively paid on account thereof during the preceding calendar year. It shall also be the duty of the comptroller in estimating the revenues of the general fund for the reduction of taxation as required by section nine hundred of this act, to include the amounts which shall be respectively chargeable against each of such counties. 4. The amount appropriated in pursuance of Section two hun- dred and thirty-six of this act in those cases in which the appro- priations are made after the final passage of the annual appro- priation and the certification to the Imunicipal assembly] board of aldermen of the amount to be raised. 5. The amount necessary to defray the expense of supplying water meters as authorized by section four hundred and seventy- five of this act. 6. To provide for deficiencies in the fund for street and park openings as provided in section one hundred and seventy- four of this act. 7. To provide for the payment of claims, charges, expenses and appropriations which have been or may be [hereafter by law specifically imposed upon I lawfully payable by The City of New York, as hereby constituted, and the several counties wholly included within its limits Iby the legislaturel, and for which no other provision for payment has been made. Sepa- rate accounts shall be kept of the bonds issued and payments I48 made on account of county charges and expenses and the comptroller shall similarly certify the amounts thereof to be raised by tax in the respective counties and to be included in the general fund for the reduction of taxation as provided by subdivision three of this section in the case of judgments. 8. To provide for the payment of expenses authorized by the concurrent vote of all the members of the board of estimate and apportionment upon a Tjoint1 resolution requesting such authorization, adopted by the affirmative vote of three- fourths of all the members of the board of aldermen Telected to each branch of the municipal assembly]; provided, how- ever, that the amount thus issued shall not in any One year exceed [two hundred and fifty thousand] one million dollars. 9. To meet and pay the expenses incurred pursuant to the provisions of sections eleven hundred and seventy-seven and eleven hundred and seventy-eight of this act. TITLE 3. The Chamberlain. How appointed; bond. § 194. The chamberlain shall be appointed in the same manner as heads of departments. [and shall hold his office for four years, unless sooner removed, as herein provided.I He shall, within ten days after receiving notice of his appoint- ment and before he enters upon his office, give a bond to the people of the state of New York in the sum of three hun- dred thousand dollars, with not less than four sufficient sure- ties to be approved by the comptroller, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office and all trusts imposed on him by law in virtue of his office. Such bond shall be deemed to extend to the faithful execution of the duties of the office until a new appointment shall be made and confirmed, and the person so appointed enters upon the performance of his duties. In case of any official miscon- duct or default on the part of such chamberlain, or his sub- ordinates, an action upon such bond may be begun and pros- ecuted to judgment by the attorney-general, or by the city, which shall, after first paying therefrom the expenses of the I49 litigation, cause the proceeds of such judgment to be distrib- uted as shall be lawful and equitable among the persons and objects injured or defrauded by such official misconduct or default of said chamberlain, or any of his subordinates. Duties; accounts of to be examined by commissioners of accounts. § 195. Said chamberlain shall exhibit to the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, at its first meeting in the month succeeding that in which he enters upon the execu- tion of his office, an exact statement of the balance in the treasury to the credit of the city, with a summary of the receipts and payments of the treasury during the preceding year, and since the last preceding report required by law, if more than a year shall have elapsed since such report, He shall receive all moneys which shall from time to time be paid into the treasury of the city. He shall deposit all moneys which shall come into his hands on account of the city on the day of the receipt thereof, or on the business day next succeeding, in such banks and trust companies as shall have been designated as deposit banks in pursuance of the next section; but no amount shall be on deposit at any one time in any one bank or trust company exceeding one-half of the amount of the capital and net surplus of such bank or trust company. The money so deposited shall be placed to the account of the chamberlain, and he shall keep a bank book, in which shall be entered his accounts of deposit in, and moneys drawn from the banks and trust companies in which the deposits shall be made. The said banks and trust companies shall, respectively, transmit to the comptroller a weekly state- ment of the moneys which shall be received and paid by them on account of the city treasury. The chamberlain shall pay all warrants drawn on the treasury by the comptroller and countersigned by the mayor, or the chief clerk of the mayor when empowered by the mayor in writing so to do, and no moneys shall be paid out of the treasury except on the warrant of the comptroller so countersigned. No such warrant shall be signed by the comptroller or countersigned by the mayor, except upon vouchers for the expenditure of the amount named therein, examined and allowed by an auditor of accounts, approved by the comptroller and filed in the department of finance, except in the case of judgments, in which case a tran- script thereof shall be filed, nor except such warrant shall be I 50 authorized by law or by ordinance, and shall refer to the law or Ordinance, and to the appropriation under and from which it is drawn. The chamberlain shall not draw any moneys of the city treasury from said banks or trust companies unless by checks subjoined and attached to such warrants and sub- Scribed by him as chamberlain, and no moneys shall be paid by either of the said banks or trust companies on account of the treasury except upon such checks; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to transfer checks transferring funds from one city depository to another. The chamberlain shall exhibit his bank book to the comptroller on the first Tues- day of every month, and oftener when required. The accounts of the chamberlain shall be annually closed on the last day of INovemberI December and shall be examined in the month of IDecember] January in each year by the commissioners of accounts. Such commissioners shall examine the accounts and vouchers of all moneys received into and paid out of the city treasury during the year ending on the last day of INovem- ber 1 December next preceding such examination, and shall certify and report to the mayor and Imunicipal assembly] board of aldermen in the following month of IJanuary] February the amount of moneys received into the treasury during such year, the amount of moneys paid out during the same period by virtue of warrants drawn on the treasury by the comptroller, the amount of moneys received by the chamberlain who shall be in office at the time of such examination, if he entered upon the execution of his duties since the last preceding report, the balance in the treasury on the last day of INovemberI December preceding such examination, the amount of moneys borrowed for or on the credit of the city during such year and the amount of the bonds of the city issued during such year, with the purposes for which and the authority under which such bonds were issued. Such commissioners shall also compare the warrants drawn by the comptroller on the treasury during the year end- ing on the last day of INovemberI December preceding such examination, with the several laws and ordinances under which the same shall purport to have been drawn, and shall in like manner certify and report whether the comptroller had power to draw such warrants; and if any shall be found which, in I 5 I their opinion, he had no power to draw, they shall specify the same in their report, with their reasons for such opinion. Public moneys; where to be deposited; salary of chamberlain. § I96. The said chamberlain and mayor and comptroller shall, by a majority vote, by written notice to the comptroller, designate the banks or trust companies in which all moneys of The City of New York shall be deposited, and may, by like notice in writing, from time to time change the banks and trust companies thus designated ; but no such bank or trust company shall be designated unless its officers shall agree to pay into the city treasury interest on the daily balances at a rate to be fixed by the mayor and chamberlain and the said comptroller of The City of New York, by a majority vote, which rate shall be so fixed quarterly, on the first days of February, May, August and November in each year, according to the current rate of interest upon like balances deposited in banks and trust companies in The City of New York by private persons and corporations. The said chamberlain shall keep books showing the receipts of moneys from all sources, and designating the Sources of the same, and also showing the amounts paid from time to time on account of the several appropriations, and no warrants shall be paid on account of any appropriation after the amount authorized to be raised for that specific purpose shall have been expended. The said chamberlain shall once in each week report in writing to the mayor and to the comptroller all moneys received by him, the amount of all warrants paid by him since his last report, and the amount remaining to the credit of the city. The chamberlain shall receive the sum of twelve thousand dollars annually, and no more, for his services as chamberlain of said city, and as county treasurer of the county of New York, in lieu of all salary and of all interest, fees, commissions and emoluments; and all such interest, fees, commissions and emoluments shall be accounted for and paid Over by him to the city treasury, except that the commissions or compensation provided by law, and received by him for receiving and paying over the state taxes, and all interest which accrue on deposits shall be paid by him to the commissioners of the sinking fund. He may appoint and remove at pleasure, deputy chamberlains, and such clerks and assistants as may be necessary, whose salaries, together with all the expenses of his office, shall be paid by The City of New York when fixed by I 52 Ihim and approved by the municipal assembly and I the board of aldermen on the recommendation of the board of estimate and apportionment. Certain sections of code of civil procedure respecting moneys paid into court applicable. º § 197. Each provision of title three of chapter eight of the code of civil procedure, relating to a county treasurer, applies to the chamberlain, with respect to money paid into court, in an action triable in The City of New York, as hereby constituted, or with respect to money, or a bond, mortgage, or other security, or public stock, representing money paid into court, except where special provision, with respect to the same, is otherwise made by law, and the chamberlain shall perform all the duties prescribed by said provision of law in the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond. Fees. § 198. The chamberlain is entitled, for the services specified in this section, to collect for, and on behalf of the city the following fees: For receiving money paid into the court, one- half of one per centum upon the sum so received. For paying out the same, one-half of one per centum upon the sum so paid out. For investing money, pursuant to the direction of the court, one-half of one per centum upon the sum invested, not exceeding two hundred dollars, and one-quarter of one per centum upon the excess over two hundred dollars. For receiv- ing the interest upon an investment, and paying the same to the person entitled thereto, one-half of one per centum upon the interest so received and paid. All of said fees when col- lected by said chamberlain shall be paid by him into the city treasury, as provided in section one hundred and ninety-six of this act. TITLE 4. The Sinking Fund. Commissioners of the sinking fund; how constituted. § 204. There shall be a board of commissioners of the sink- ing fund composed of the mayor, comptroller, chamberlain, I 53 president of the Icouncil, I board of aldermen and chairman of the finance committee of the board of aldermen, with all the powers and duties now assigned, designated and reposed by law or ordinance in the commissioners of the sinking fund of The City of New York, as heretofore constituted, of the city of Brooklyn and of Long Island City, or the officers entrusted with similar powers and duties in any of the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof, including the counties of Kings and Richmond, hereby consolidated with the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, except as otherwise provided by this act. The said board shall admin- ister each of the said several sinking funds, and perform, carry out and exercise the several trusts, powers, obligations and duties relating thereto, in the same manner as the same would have been administered, performed, carried out and exercised if this act had not been passed, except as otherwise provided in this act. The assets and accounts of each of said sinking funds shall, except as hereinafter otherwise provided, be kept separate and distinct, and the same shall in all respects be administered as independent trusts, subject to and governed by the Several provisions of law or ordinance heretofore relat- ing thereto, with the intent and purpose of preserving inviolate the rights of holders of bonds and stocks heretofore issued by any of the municipal and public corporations or parts thereof hereby made of The City of New York, including the counties of Kings and Richmond. Powers. § 205. The said board shall, except as in this act other- wise specifically provided, have power to sell or lease for the highest marketable price or rental at public auction or by sealed bids, and always after public advertisement Land appraisall for a period of at least fifteen days in the City Record, and after appraisal under the direction of said board made within three months of the date of sale, any city property except parks, wharves and piers and land under water, but Inot] no such lease shall run for a term longer than ten years nor a renewal for a longer period than ten years. [But if said prop- erty be market property excepting the market between Six- teenth and Seventeenth streets, east of Avenue C; the market I54 in Gouverneur slip and the market in Old slip, it shall not be Sold or leased unless under a condition that the purchaser or lessee thereof shall maintain said market property as and for the purposes of a public market for at least ten years from and after such sale or lease, and under due ordinances of the municipal assembly or the department of health or under stip- ulations in the deed of sale or lease, unless otherwise Ordered by the commissioners of the sinking fund and the municipal assembly.I. If such property be market property it shall be sold only pursuant to a resolution adopted by an unanimous vote of the commissioners of the sinking fund, concurred in by the board of aldermen. The commissioners of the sinking fund shall have power to assign to use for any public purposes any city property, for whatsoever purpose originally acquired, which may be found by the depart- ment having control thereof to be no longer required for such purpose. The proceeds of said sale or leasing shall on receipt thereof, after paying necessary charges, be im– mediately paid to the credit of the sinking fund Iof The City of New York] for the redemption of the city debt. Said commissioners of the sinking fund shall have power, by unanimous vote, to settle and adjust by mutual conveyances or otherwise, and upon such terms and conditions as may seem to them proper, disputes existing between the city and private owners of property, in respect to boundary lines, and to release such interests of the city in real estate as the corporation counsel shall certify in writing to be mere clouds upon titles of private owners, in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as in their judgment shall seem proper. The provisions of existing laws or ordinances relative to the investment of moneys and assets of the several sinking funds hereby made subject to the control of the commissioners of the sinking fund, as hereby constituted, in bonds, stocks or obligations of the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof hereby consolidated into The City of New York, including the counties of Kings and Richmond, shall here- after apply to investment thereof in the bonds and stock of the corporation of The City of New York, issued on and I 55 after January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, pro- vided, however, that such bonds or stocks shall not there- upon Or thereafter be cancelled, except as herein otherwise specifically provided, but the same shall upon their matu- rity be paid off, liquidated or discharged in the same maner as they would be if held by private creditors. It shall be lawful for the commissioners of the sinking fund in their discretion, and they are hereby empowered in such discretion, to cancel from time to time, but not before maturity, bonds and stocks of any of the municipal and public corpora- tions or parts thereof forming part of the corporation of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, and of the counties of Kings and Richmond, which may be held by any of said sinking funds on December thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, providing said bonds and stocks are by law redeemable from the sinking funds in which the same are held. It shall also be lawful for the commissioners of the sinking fund in their discretion, and they are hereby empowered in such discretion, to cancel from time to time, but not before maturity, any portion of the indebted- ness of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, incurred on or after January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, which may be held by them in the “sinking fund of The City of New York,” as hereinafter constituted, and which may by law be redeemable from said sinking fund as herein or elsewhere provided, and all such similar indebtedness in- curred to provide for the supply of water, which may be held by them and redeemable from “the water sinking fund of The City of New York” as hereinafter constituted. The funds to be known as the “sinking fund of The City of New York” and the “water sinking fund of The City of New York,” as hereinafter constituted, shall be administered by the commissioners of the sinking fund, in like manner as provided by the ordinance of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, approved by the mayor, February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and forty-four, so far as the same may be applicable; provided, however, that nothing contained in said ordinance shall affect or alter the composition of the board of commissioners of the sinking fund, as by this act constituted. The commissioners of the sinking fund may by resolution assign the places where the I 56 Several municipal courts shall be held within their respective districts and may assign such place in said city as may to it seem most conducive to the public convenience, for the holding of the courts of general and special sessions, and upon the application of the board of city magistrates, may designate additional places for the holding of magistrates' or police courts and jail delivery to be held in and for the city; notice of any change of the places of holding such courts shall, before the same takes effect, be published in the City Record and the corporation newspapers, for a period of not less than two weeks. Said publication shall be made under the direction of the comptroller. The commissioners of the sinking fund may by resolution designate from time to time any building or buildings within the city to be the common jails of said city or of any of the counties contained within its territorial limits for all the purposes for which common jails may by law be used, and such building or buildings so designated shall be such common jails until changed by a-like resolution of the commis- Sioners of the sinking fund. The sinking fund commis- sioners of The City of New York shall not have the power in any event to compromise or release any existing liability or obligation to The City of New York or to the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, or to any of the municipalities or parts of municipalities consolidated with the former city of New York, under the provisions of chapter six hundred and forty-two of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-six or under chapter four hundred and thirty-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-three; but such lia- bilities and obligations shall be and remain inviolable. The sinking fund of The City of New York. § 206. There shall be created a fund to be known as the “sinking fund of The City of New York,” which shall have for its purposes the liquidation of the principal of the debt of the corporation of The City of New York incurred on or after January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, as to which I 57 no provision for the payment thereof otherwise than from tax- ation is made, and excepting revenue bonds and bonds issued to provide for the supply of water. Ipursuant to the provisions of section ten of article eight of the constitution of the state of New York.I. For the redemption of such debt out of said sinking fund there shall be annually included in the budget and paid into the sinking fund of The City of New York herein created, an amount to be estimated and certified by the comptroller, and to be by the Imunicipal assembly] board of aldermen and the board of estimate and apportionment inserted in the budget for each year, which with the accumulations of interest thereon shall be sufficient to meet and discharge such bonds or stocks by the time the same shall be payable; provided, however, that there shall be deducted from said amount, the amounts annually re- ceived from the operation of any rapid transit railroad or railroads for the construction of which bonds shall have been issued pursuant to the provisions of the rapid transit act applicable to The City of New York or any munic- ipal corporation or territory embraced therein. When- ever the bonds and stocks outstanding on December thirty- first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and being charges or liens on any of the sinking funds hereby made subject to the control of the commissioners of the sinking fund, shall in respect to any such sinking fund be wholly discharged, liqui- dated or canceled, it shall thereupon be lawful for the commis- sioners of the sinking fund to cancel such bonds of the corpora- tion of The City of New York issued on or after January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, as may be held by such sink- ing fund, and the revenues of such sinking fund when thus re- lieved of such liens or charges shall thereupon and thereafter be paid into the sinking fund of The City of New York, as herein created. Whenever such payments shall be made, the comptroller in making the certificate to the board of estimate and appor- tionment by this section required shall take into account the amount thereof, and deduct the same from the estimated amount to be included in each year’s budget as herein provided. Sinking funds for redemption purposes to be continued. § 207. The fund known as “the sinking fund of The City of New York for the redemption of the city debt,” and the fund 158 known as “the sinking fund of the city of Brooklyn,” and the like funds of each and every of the municipal or public corpo- rations or parts thereof by this act consolidated with the corporation known as “the mayor, aldermen and common- alty of the city of New York,” including the counties of Kings and Richmond, shall be continued, and the funds, moneys, revenues and assets heretofore pledged and appro- priated to each of said funds shall continue to be and the same are hereby pledged and appropriated thereto severally and respectively in the same manner as though this act had not been passed, until such time as the bonds, stocks and Obligations outstanding on December thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and redeemable therefrom, shall have been respectively canceled, liquidated, discharged and redeemed. Wherever, by existing laws or ordinances, the duty is imposed upon boards or officers of the several munici- pal or public corporations or parts thereof hereby consoli- dated with the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, including the counties of Kings and Rich- mond, to raise by taxation, annually or otherwise, amounts of money for sinking fund purposes, or for the redemption of or payment of interest on bonded indebtedness, for which The City of New York [are] as hereby constituted, is by this act made liable, it shall be the duty of the proper officers of the said, The City of New York, in like manner to raise such amounts by taxation upon the estates, real and personal, sub- ject to taxation in said city. Sinking funds created pursuant to constitutional requirements; water sinking fund of The City of New York. § 208. There shall be created a fund to be known as the “water sinking fund of The City of New York,” which shall have for its purpose the liquidation of the principal of the debt incurred by The City of New York, as hereby constituted, on and after January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, for the supply of water. [as provided by section ten of article eight of the constitution of the state of New York.] The funds known as the “sinking fund number two of The City of New York,” the “water sinking fund of the city of Brooklyn,” and the sinking funds of each and every municipal and public cor- poration or part thereof hereby made part of the corporation of The City of New York, including the counties of Kings and I 59 Richmond, created pursuant to the requirements of the con- stitutional amendment adopted November fourth, eighteen hun- dred and eighty-four, or of section ten of article eight of the constitution of the state of New York, shall be continued, and the funds, moneys, revenues and assets heretofore pledged and appropriated to each of said funds shall, except as herein otherwise specifically provided, con- tinue to be severally and respectively so pledged and appropri- ated. It shall, however, be the duty of the comptroller of The City of New York, as soon as practicable after the passage of this act, to cause an examination to be made as to the condition of said funds, and if it appears to him, and he shall so certify to the commissioners of the sinking fund, that said funds or any of them have Inot] been managed, invested and admin- istered in the manner required by the provisions of the consti- tution of the state of New York as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said commissioners of the sinking fund, by concurrent vote, to authorize and direct the amalgamation of said fund or funds with the water sinking fund of The City of New York. as hereby constituted. Sinking funds for the payment of interest. § 209. The fund known as the “sinking fund of The City of New York for the payment of the interest accruing and to accrue upon the stocks of said city until the same be fully and finally redeemed,” shall be continued, and after providing for the interest on the bonds and stocks now payable therefrom as provided by law, shall form a fund which shall be transferred to the “sinking fund of The City of New York for the redemp- tion of the city debt"; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall authorize the payment from said fund of any interest which may accrue on bonds to be issued by the corpo- ration of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, after January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. Like funds in any of the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof which by this act are made part of the corporation of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, including the coun- ties of Kings and Richmond, shall likewise be continued, and any surplus that may remain therein after fully satisfying all claims, liens or charges that may exist against such funds pur- suant to law or ordinance shall, unless otherwise provided by I6O law, be transferred to the “sinking fund of The City of New York,” as herein constituted. Disposition of certain moneys received for local improvements. § 2 IO. All moneys now in the treasury of the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York heretofore collected and received in payment or on account of assessments made and confirmed for local improve- ments in said city, and all moneys which shall hereafter be collected and received in payment or on account of assessments made and confirmed, or which may be made and confirmed, for local improvements in said city completed prior to June third, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, shall be paid into the sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt, and the same is hereby, in addition to the revenues and moneys afore- said, pledged and appropriated to said sinking fund for the payment of the bonds and stocks of said city, to be paid and redeemed therefrom as herein provided. Funds and revenues pledged to redemption of city debt. § 2 II. Between the city and its creditors, holders of its bonds and stocks as aforesaid, including the bonds and stocks of the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof con- solidated with the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, as well as those of the latter corporation and of the counties of Kings and Rich- mond, there shall be and there is hereby declared to be a con- tract that the funds and revenues of the city, including all the corporations last stated and said counties of Kings and Rich- mond, and the funds to be collected from assessments pursuant to any law by this chapter pledged to the sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt, shall be accumulated and applied only to the purposes of the said several sinking funds as pre- scribed by law, until all of said debt redeemable therefrom is fully redeemed and paid as herein provided. Sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt not to be alienated or impaired. § 212. Nothing in this chapter contained shall be held to require or authorize the commissioners of the sinking fund to use or apply any part or portion of the accumulations in said sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt or the rev- I6 I enues of said fund in any manner whatever, whereby the security of said fund for the payment of the bonds and stocks of the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and com- monalty of the city of New York, for which said fund is now pledged by law, and which are a charge on said fund, shall be alienated or impaired, and the said bonds and stocks so secured by law are hereby declared to constitute a preferred charge on said sinking fund until the same are fully and finally paid and redeemed. - Commissioners may call in bonded debt; consolidated stock of The City of New York; lien of, on sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt. § 213. The commissioners of the sinking fund are hereby authorized and empowered to call in, pay, and redeem any por- tion of the bonded debt constituting a charge upon the treasury of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, other than revenue bonds, issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes, when they may deem it to be advantageous for the inter- est of the city so to do, and for this purpose the said commissioners of the sinking fund, are hereby empowered Ito authorize, I by a concurrent vote, and subject to the approval of the board of estimate and apportionment, to authorize and direct the comptroller to issue and sell or exchange therefor at not less than par, corporate stock of said city, in the manner herein provided; and upon the payment and redemption of any portion of said bonded debt, the certificates thereof shall be canceled by said commissioners of the sinking fund. The “ consolidated stock ’’ of the mayor, aldermen and com- monalty of the city of New York, issued pursuant to the provisions of section one hundred and seventy-six of chapter four hundred and ten, of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, after fully providing for the preferred bonds and stocks of said city, as in the preceding Section specified, shall form a charge upon the said “sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt,” and any part of the bonded debt of said corporation falling due and not exchanged for or redeemed from the proceeds of said consolidated stock as in said section provided, may be paid from said sinking fund for the redemption of the said city debt, provided such payment shall not in any way impair the preferred claims thereon as in II I62 the preceding section specified, and provided also, the commis- sioners of the sinking fund shall deem it to be for the best interests of the city that such payment shall be so made. Preferred bonds and stocks to be paid from the sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt. § 214. From the said sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt shall be paid and redeemed all preferred bonds and stocks of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, as by this title authorized. Disposition of certain assessments for local improvements. § 2 I 5. The assessments made for local improvements prior to the ninth day of June, eighteen hundred and eighty, by the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and com- monalty of the city of New York, including assessments for improvements contracted for or authorized by said corpora- tion, prior to said date, shall, when collected, be paid over to the commissioners of the sinking fund, and applied by them in accordance with law. Alteration of rates prohibited: the general fund. § 216. It shall not be lawful for The City of New York to make or cause to be made, any alteration of rates or charges affecting any item or source of the revenues of any of the sinking funds of said city, or of the general fund which may tend to a diminution of the receipts from such source of rev- enue, or either of them, and all the revenues of said corpora- tion not by law otherwise specifically appropriated, shall, when received into the city treasury, be credited to the general fund; except such proceeds of policies of insurance as shall be authorized by the board of estimate and apportionment to be applied to repair, replace or reconstruct any public property injured or destroyed and covered by such insurance. Applications for leases for public purposes; statement by comptroller. § 2 I7. All applications to lease any real estate for the purposes of The City of New York, or any of the counties contained within its territorial limits, including the premises required in accordance with law, for armories and drill rooms and places of deposit for the safe keeping of arms, uniforms, I63 equipments, accoutrements and camp equipage of the national guard, must be presented to and passed upon by the commis- Sioners of the sinking fund of said city. It shall be the duty Of the comptroller, after due inquiry to be made by him, to present to the said commissioners a statement, in writing, of the facts relating to any real estate proposed to be leased, the purposes for which such lease is required by the city, with his Opinion, and the reasons therefor, as to the fair and reasonable rent of said premises. The said commissioners upon such report, and upon such further inquiry as they, in their discre. tion, may make, may authorize a lease of such premises as shall be specified in their resolution, at the rent therein set forth, for a period not exceeding five years, except that a lease for an entire building intended to provide accommodations for more than one department of the city, may be made for a period not to exceed twenty-one years; but such lease shall not be authorized except at a fair and reasonable rent, and unless the commissioners are satisfied, and shall so express, that it would be for the interests of the city that a lease of the prem- ises for the purposes specified, should be made. Without the consent of the said commissioners, the premises leased shall riot be used during the period of the lease for purposes other than specified in said resolution. If the city shall, prior to the making of the lease, have entered upon the possession of the property, the lease may be made to commence as of the date when the occupation commenced. Cession of certain lands to federal government to improve Harlem river. § 218. The commissioners of the sinking fund, or the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen, are authorized to cede, grant and convey to the United States, upon such terms, and for such consideration as may be agreed upon by and between said commissioners of the sinking fund, Or said Imunicipal assembly,I board of aldermen and the United States, all the estate, right, title and interest of The City of New York in and to any part of the land required for the channel to connect the waters of the Harlem river with the Hudson river, in accordance with the plans for the improvement of the Harlem river, prepared under the direction of the secretary of war. Whenever any part of said land shall have been ceded by said commissioners of the I64 sinking fund, or said [municipal assembly I board of alder- men, pursuant to the authority hereby given, it shall be the duty of said commissioners of the sinking fund, or a majority of them, to give a certificate under their hands, that the same has been ceded, pursuant to the provisions of this section; and upon the production of such certificate, and upon proof of due compliance, on the part of the United States, with the terms of cession, it shall be the duty of the mayor and the city clerk, in the name and on behalf of The City of New York, to execute a proper conveyance of such lands under their hands and the seal of said city. Certain duties of commissioners relative to docks, piers, etc. § 2 IQ. The commissioners of the sinking fund shall per- form the duties and possess the powers with reference to docks, piers and slips, stated in chapter sixteen of this act. Sale of public lands at auction. § 22O. The commissioners of the sinking fund are author- ized, upon the application of the board of education duly authorized and certified, to sell at public auction at such times and on such terms as they may deem most advanta- geous for the public interest, any land or lands and the build- ings thereon, owned by The City of New York, occupied or reserved for school purposes, and no longer required there- for, provided, however, that no property shall be disposed of for a less sum than the same may be appraised by the commissioners of the sinking fund, or a majority of them, at a meeting to be held and on an appraisement made within two months prior to the date of the sale; and at least thirty days’ notice of such sale, including a description of the prop- erty to be sold, shall be published in the City Record. The money received in payment for the said lands and buildings shall be paid into the sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt, if the property thus sold was acquired prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and if acquired subsequent thereto, into the sinking fund of The City of New York. Sales of city’s interest in tax sale certificates acquired by the former city of Brooklyn, etc. § 221. The commissioners of the sinking fund are author- ized, upon the written application of the comptroller of The 165 City of New York, to sell at public auction at such times and On Such terms as they may deem most advantageous for the public interest, but after due appraisement, all the city’s right, title and interest in certain tax sale certificates of lands and premises purchased by the former city of Brooklyn at Sales for arrears of taxes held under and pursuant to an act entitled “An act concerning the settlement and collection of arrearages of unpaid taxes, assessments and water rates of the city of Brooklyn, and imposing and levying a tax, assessment and lien in lieu and instead of such arrearages and to enforce the pay- ment thereof,” passed March sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and the several acts amendatory thereof. Notice of such sale shall be published in the City Record for at least thirty days prior to the date of sale, and said notice shall designate the number of the certificate, the ward in which said lands are situated, the block and lot number by which the same are designated or known on the assessment map of such ward. Upon the payment of the amount bid at such sale the commissioners of the sinking fund shall authorize the comptroller to execute an assignment of said certificate, but no assignment of any certificate given under the provisions of this section shall become operative or have any effect until the same shall have been presented by the purchaser or his representative to the deputy collector of assess- ments and arrears in the borough of Brooklyn, and a memoran- Jum thereof entered on the record of sales, and a minute of such entry indorsed on such assignment, and every such assign- ment shall have priority according to the date such entry and minute are made and indorsed. The proceeds of said sale shall, on receipt thereof, after paying necessary charges, be immediately paid into the city treasury to the credit of the general fund. . --- - - --- -- - - I66 TITLE 5. Appropriations and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. How constituted; duties; the annual budget. § 226. The mayor, comptroller, Icorporation counsel,] president of the Icouncil, and the president of the department of taxes and assessments] board of aldermen, and the presi- dents of the boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richmond shall constitute the board of estimate and apportionment. Except as otherwise specifically provided, every act of the board of estimate and apportionment shall be by resolution adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes authorized by this section to be cast by said board. The mayor, comptroller and the president of the board of aldermen shall each be entitled to cast three votes; the presidents of the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn shall each be entitled to cast two votes; and the presidents of the boroughs of The Bronx, Queens and Richmond shall each be entitled to cast one vote. A quorum of said board shall consist of a sufficient number of the members thereof to cast nine votes, of whom at least two of the members hereby authorized to cast three votes each shall be present. No resolution or amendment of any resolution shall be passed at the same meeting at which it is originally presented unless twelve votes shall be cast for its adoption. The first meeting of said board in every year shall be called by notice from the mayor, personally served upon the members of said board. Subsequent meetings shall be called as the said board shall direct, IAt] and at such meetings the mayor shall preside. Iand one of the members shall act as sec- retary.I. The said board shall annually, between the first day of October and the first day of November meet, and [by the affirmative vote of all the members] make a budget of the amounts estimated to be required to pay the expenses of con- ducting the public business of The City of New York, as con- stituted by this act and of the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond for the then next ensuing year. Such budget shall be prepared in such detail as to the titles of appro- priations, the terms and conditions, not inconsistent with law, 167 under which the same may be expended, the aggregate sum and the items thereof allowed to each department, bureau, office, board or commission, as the said board of estimate and apportionment shall deem advisable. In order to enable said board to make such budget, the presidents of the Several bor- oughs, the heads of departments, bureaus, offices, boards and commissions shall, Iat least thirty days before the said budget is hereby required to be made, I not later than September tenth, send to the board of estimate and apportionment an estimate in writing, herein called a departmental estimate, of the amount of expenditure, specifying in detail the objects thereof, required in their respective departments, bureaus, Offices, boards, and commissions, including a statement of each of the salaries of their officers, clerks, employees and subordinates. Duplicates of these departmental estimates and statements shall be sent at the same time to the Imunicipal assembly I board of alder- men. Before finally determining upon the budget the board of estimate and apportionment shall fix such sufficient time or times as may be necessary to allow the taxpayers of Said city to be heard in regard thereto, and the said board shall attend at the time or times so appointed for such hearing. After such budget is made by the board of estimate and apportion- ment, it shall be Isigned by all the members thereof, and I submitted by said board within Iten I five days to the Imunic- ipal assembly I board of aldermen, whereupon a special Ijoint.I meeting of the Itwo houses constituting the municipal assem- bly I board of aldermen shall be called by the mayor to con- sider such budget, and the same shall simultaneously be pub- lished in the City Record. IThe president of the council shall preside at such joint meeting, and it shall be the duty of said two houses to consider and investigate carefully the said bud- get; but such consideration and investigation shall not continue beyond fifteen days.I. The consideration of such budget by the board of aldermen shall continue from day to day until final action is taken thereon but such consideration shall not continue beyond twenty days, and in the event of said board of aldermen taking no action thereon within such period of time, the said budget shall be deemed to be finally adopted as submitted by the board of estimate and apportionment. The I68 Imunicipal assembly] board of aldermen Iby a majority vote by all the members elected thereto] may reduce the said several amounts fixed by the board of estimate and appor- tionment, except such amounts as are now or may hereafter be fixed by law, and except such amounts as may be inserted by the said board of estimate and apportionment for the pay- ment of state taxes and payment of interest and principal of the city debt, but the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen may not increase such amounts nor vary the terms and con- ditions thereof, nor insert any new items. Such action of the Imunicipal assembly] board of aldermen on reducing any item or amount fixed by the board of estimate and apportionment shall be subject to the veto power of the mayor as elsewhere provided in this act, and unless such veto is overridden by a Ifive-sixths] three-fourths vote of the [municipal assembly] board of aldermen, the item or amount as fixed by the board of estimate and apportionment shall stand as part of the bud- get. IAfter the final estimate is made in accordance herewith, it shall be signed by the president of the council and the mem- bers of the board of estimate and apportionment, and when so signed the said several sums shall be and become appropriated to the several purposes and departments therein named. The said estimate shall be filed in the office of the comptroller and published in the City Record and corporation newspapers.I Prior to December twenty-fifth in each year the budget, as finally adopted purºant to the provisions of this section, shall be certified by the mayor, comptroller and city clerk whereupon the said several sums shall be and become appropriated to the several purposes therein named. On or before December thirty-first in each year the said budget shall be filed in the office of the comptroller and published in the City Record. Payment of city’s obligations to be provided for. § 227. It shall be the duty of the board of estimate and apportionment, from time to time, to provide for the payment of the interest and principal of the bonds and other obligations of the city, or for which the city is liable, and also to provide for the payment to the commissioners of the sinking fund of any sums directed by special laws to be paid to said commis- 169 sioners on account of such bonds or obligations and in anticipa- tion of their maturity, and to provide for the raising of the money therefor, in accordance with such special laws and the laws under which such bonds and obligations were issued or created. Duties when accumulations in sinking fund are insufficient. § 228. Whenever and as often as the commissioners of the sinking fund shall certify to the board of estimate and appor- tionment that the accumulations in any sinking fund will not be sufficient to meet the payment of any bonds or stocks falling due in the next following calendar year redeemable therefrom, it shall be the duty of the said board of estimate and appor- tionment, and it is hereby required to include in the annual budget for such year, to be raised by tax on the estates, real and personal, in the city, subject to taxation, such an amount to be applied to the payment of said bonds or stocks as shall be certified by said commissioners, and the amount So included in said estimate shall be paid into said sinking fund and applied as in this section specified. Certain city bonds and stocks; annual provisions to meet payment of. § 229. For the payment of all bonds and stocks of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York issued after June third, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and for the payment of all the bonds and stocks hereafter issued by The City of New York, as hereby constituted, and for which no provision for the payment thereof, otherwise than from taxation is made, except revenue bonds issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes there shall annually be set apart or paid over to the commissioners of the sinking fund, as herein- after directed, and invested by them in the manner provided by law, a sum sufficient, with the accumulation of interest thereon to meet and discharge the amount of said bonds or stocks by the time the same shall be payable, as the same shall be estimated and certified by the comptroller. The said annual sum so to be set apart or paid over and invested, except so far as it relates to bonds and stocks issued on or after January first, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, and bonds issued to provide for the supply of water, shall, until other provisions therefor may be hereafter made by law, be set apart out of the surplus income, revenues I7O and accumulations of the sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt as now established by law, after fully providing for the payment of the stocks and bonds of said city now out- standing, and which, by sections two hundred and twelve and two hundred and thirteen of this act, are declared to be and are made preferred claims upon said sinking fund, and also for the payment of such other bonds and stocks of Said city as by said section two hundred and thirteen of this act are authorized to be paid from said sinking fund. Whenever, and as often as the commissioners of the sinking fund shall certify to the board of estimate and apportionment that the said Sur- plus revenues of said sinking fund will, in the opinion of Said commissioners, be less than the amount by this section required to be set apart or paid over to said commissioners for the pur- poses aforesaid, and certifying the amount of such deficiency, it shall be the duty of said board of estimate and apportion- ment, and the Imunicipal assembly, I board of aldermen to include in the annual budget for the year next ensuing to be raised by tax on the estates, real and personal, in Said city subject to taxation, the amount of the deficiency certified as aforesaid, and this amount so raised by tax shall be paid to the commissioners of the sinking fund on the first day of Novem- ber of the year in which the same shall be levied. Items to be included in annual estimate. § 230. The board of estimate and apportionment shall, in addition to such other amounts as it may in its discretion provide for public purposes in The City of New York and the several counties wholly contained within its territorial limits, annually include in its final estimate the following sums, which shall annually be raised and appropriated: IFirst—Such sum in any year, as shall be included in the estimate of the department of highways, to be expended in re- paving or resurfacing such streets, roads, avenues, and public places in the said city asshall be certified to the municipal assembly by the commissioner of highways as required to be repaved for the safety, health, or convenience of the public, and as said assembly shall, by ordinance or resolution, direct.I ISecond—Such sum as said board may deem necessary in the interest of the city, to be expended by the commissioner of water supply when thereto authorized by the municipal assembly, ac- I7 I cording to law, 1n extending and enlarging the distribution of water through the city.I IThird—All necessary sum or sums of money for the pur- pose of paying the expense incurred by any coroner, in accordance with law, in employing scientific experts, en- gineers and toxicologists.I IFourth—The amount fixed by said board for clerk hire and contingent and incidental expenses of the office of the commis- Sioners of jurors, but not exceeding the amount fixed by law.T First IFifth I–A sum not exceeding eight thousand dollars to be paid to the trustees of the Seventh regiment armory build- ing, as an equivalent and in lieu of the rental of an armory for said regiment, to be applied to the preservation, maintenance and improvement of said armory building, as provided in chapter five hundred and eighteen of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-three, said sum to be paid in the month of January in each year. ISixth–The sum or sums authorized to be expended in accordance with law for the purchasing and leasing of lands and the erection or leasing of buildings for armories and drill- rooms.I. Second ISeventh]—The amount necessary for the mainte- nance of the buildings, instruments and equipments of: I. The meteorological and astronomical observatory. 2. The American Museum of Natural History, not ex- ceeding Ininety-five I one hundred and thirty-five thou- sand dollars. 3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, not exceeding ninety-five thousand dollars. 4. The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, not exceeding ninety-five thousand dollars. Third IEighth I–Such sum, not exceeding seventy-five thousand dollars, as is included in the departmental estimates submitted to it by the department of public charities, to be applied to the relief of poor adult blind persons. Fourth INinth]—The sum of ten thousand dollars to the credit of the department of health, to be known as the tenement house fund, to be expended by the board of health. I72 Fifth ITenth]—Such sum as is necessary to pay the ex- penses of the registration and revision of registration required by law, and of all elections held in said city during the year. Sixth IEleventh]—Such sum as may be necessary to pay the compensation due according to law to justices of the supreme court from judicial departments, other than the first and second judicial district, who hold court in the first judicial department, or who hold court within the second judicial department within the said city of New York as hereby constituted. Seventh ITwelfth I–Such sum as may be necessary to pay the salaries of county officers within the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond, and likewise all other ex- penses within said counties and each of them which are county as distinguished from city charges and expenses. IThirteenth—The amount necessary for the support of the night medical service; but in no case shall the sum so appro- priated exceed three thousand dollars for any one year, unless Otherwise provided by said board and the municipal assembly.I. IFourteenth—To pay the proportion of expense chargeable to the city for the maintenance and repair of public bridges which are now built, or which may hereafter be built within The City of New York as hereby constituted.I IFifteenth—The amount necessary to pay the expense of procuring and preparing surveys and maps for commissioners of estimate and assessments, appointed in any proceeding to open any street, avenue or public park or place.] ISixteenth—The sum necessary to pay the salaries of the janitors of the district courts.I Eighth ISeventeenthI-Such sum as is necessary for de- fraying the expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of sections ten hundred and ninety-three, ten hundred and ninety-four and ten hundred and ninety-five of chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty- tWO. IEighteenth—Such sum as may be necessary to pay the expenses of the magistrates’ courts and the board of city magistrates incurred in accordance with law.I Ninth TNineteenth]—Such sum as may be necessary to provide for the compilation and publication of the registry of VOterS. ITwentieth—Such sum as may be required by the trustees I73 Of the college of the city of New York, pursuant to section eleven hundred and thirty-one of this act.I ITwenty-first—Such sum as may be required by the trustees of the Normal college, in the city of New York, pursuant to the provisions of section eleven hundred and forty-two of this act.I. Tenth ITwenty-second1–The sums necessary, in the dis- cretion of said board, to make the following described payments, namely: I. To the American Female Guardian society for the main- tenance of each girl under the age of fourteen and each boy under the age of ten years, committed to such society by any magistrate in The City of New York, the sum of two dollars per week for each and every week until such child is discharged or removed from the institution of such society. And also the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, to be applied to the support of the industrial schools and other charitable work of the said society. 2. To the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children the sum of thirty thousand dollars for the uses and purposes of said Society. 3. To the New York Society for the Relief of the Ruptured and Crippled, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for the support of every crippled child received and retained in their hospital for one year, and a proportionate sum for a shorter period. - 4. To the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, twenty-five dollars for each homeless or needy mother who re- ceived care and attendance in lying-in wards of the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, for such care and obstetric attendance, and the further sum of eighteen dollars per month, and proportionately for any fraction of a month, for each mother thus domiciled and attended at the birth of her child, and for each homeless and needy mother with a nursing infant who resides at said infirmary at the request of or by permission of its officers, and wet nurses her own infant, provided such residence shall exceed the period of two months, but the said monthly allowance of eighteen dollars shall not be paid for a longer period than one year for any mother so remaining continuously. And to the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women, twenty-five dollars for each needy mother who nas received care and obstetric attendance at her home or in the lying-in wards of the said hospital, for such care and obstetric I74 attendance, and the further sum of eighteen dollars per month and proportionately for each fraction of a month for each mother attended at the birth of her child and domiciled at such hospital, but not for a longer period than one year, and also for each homeless or needy mother with a nursing infant who re- sides at said hospital at the request of or by permission of its officers and wet nurses her own infant, provided such residence . shall exceed the period of two months. But such sums to the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women shall not exceed eight thousand dollars in the aggregate in any one year. 5. To the Children's Fold of the city of New York, the sum of two dollars per week for each and every orphan, half orphan and destitute child received and supported by said institution, the expense of whose support is not paid by private parties. 6. To the New York Institution for the Blind, fifty dollars for each state pupil sent to and received in said institution from said city, whose parents or guardians shall, in the opinion of the Superintendent of public instruction, be unable to furnish them with suitable clothing, to be by it applied to furnishing such pupils with suitable clothing while in said institution. 7. To the Children's Aid Society, the sum of ten thousand dollars for the uses and purposes of said society. And also the sum of thirty thousand dollars to be applied to the care and education in the industrial schools of said city, of destitute chil- dren not attending the common schools in The City of New York. And also the sum of thirty thousand dollars to be applied to the support of the boys’ and girls' lodging houses of the said society. To St. John's Guild, of the city of New York, the sum of thirty thousand dollars, to be applied to the maintenance and operation of its hospitals, to the support of its other chari- table work and to the general uses and purposes of said Society, and to the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children in the city of New York, the sum of five thousand dollars to be applied to the support of its charitable work. 8. To the Foundling Asylum of the Sisters of Charity and to the Babies' Hospital of the city of New York, respectively, at the rate of thirty-eight cents per day for each and every foundling or infant received and maintained by them. And also for each and every homeless and needy mother with a nursing infant, who shall reside at the asylum, or at Said hospital, by request of its officers, and nurses her own infant, the sum of eighteen dollars per month. To the babies' wards of the Post-Graduate I75 Hospital in the city of New York, at the rate of thirty-eight cents per day for each and every infant received and cared for therein. -- t 9. To the Nursery and Child’s Hospital, the sum of five dollars per week for every destitute woman admitted into its lying-in wards, according to the time of the said woman’s con- tinuing under the care of the said institution, and the further Sum of ten dollars per month for each and every child born in the institution or supported and maintained by said institution, whenever it may be necessary or expedient to place said child in the country, or for want of room in the institution to find accommodation for it elsewhere; and also the sum of ten dollars per month for all children received and retained in the Nursery and Child’s Hospital, in the city of New York, and in like pro- portion for any fraction of a year for each and every destitute child which may be supported and maintained in said institution. To the New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, for board, nursing and medical or surgical aid and attendance, one dollar per day for each needy and charity patient who occupies a bed in said hospital and who receives such care, support and maintenance; such payments not to exceed in the aggregate thirty thousand dollars per annum. To the New York Homeo- pathic College and Hospital, for board, nursing and medical or surgical aid and attendance, one dollar per day for each needy and charity patient who occupies a bed in the Flower Surgical Hospital, belonging to said New York Homeopathic College and Hospital, and who receives such care, support and maintenance; such payment not to exceed in the aggregate twelve thousand dollars per annum. Io. To the New York Infant Asylum, a sum of money at the rate of thirty-eight cents per day, in monthly payments, for each and every child received and maintained by said asylum: a further sum of twenty-five dollars for each homeless or needy mother who receives care and attendance in the lying-in wards of the asylum; the further sum of eighteen dollars per month, and proportionately for any fraction of a month, for each home- less or needy mother who is domiciled in the asylum and attended at the birth of her child, and resides at the asylum by the request of its officers, and wet nurses her own infant; and for each other homeless or needy mother with a nursing infant who resides at the asylum by the request of its officers and wet nurses her own infant; provided, however, that in each case 176 such residence must exceed the period of two months, and that said monthly allowance shall not be paid for a longer period than for One year for any mother so remaining. II. To the Shepherd's Fold of the Protestant Episcopal church in the state of New York, the sum of five thousand dollars, to be applied to the purposes and objects of Said corpo- ration. I2. To the New York Catholic Protectory, yearly, the sum of one hundred and ten dollars per capita, on the average number of persons annually maintained in its institutions; the average number of persons thus maintained shall be ascertained by the examination and testimony, under oath, of the president or Secretary of said society. 13. To the Hebrew Benevolent Society of the city of New York, one hundred and ten dollars per annum and proportion- ately for any fraction of a year, and to the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of New York one hundred and four dollars per annum and proportionately for any fraction of a year for each orphan, half orphan and indigent child committed or erº- trusted to its care in pursuance of the provisions of law. I4. To the New York Juvenile Asylum, one hundred and ter. dollars per annum, and proportonately for any fraction of a year, for each child, which, by virtue and in pursuance of the provisions of chapter three hundred and thirty-two of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-one, as amended by laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, chapter forty-three, laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-three, chapter ninety-four, and laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, chapter two hundred and forty-five, shall be entrusted or committed to the said asylum and shall be supported and instructed therein. I5. To the Roman Catholic House of the Good Shepherd, monthly payments at the rate of one hundred and ten dollars per annum for each female, between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one, committed to it by any magistrate in accordance with chapter four hundred and nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. 16. To the Magdalen Female Benevolent Asylum and Home for Fallen Women, monthly payments at the rate of one hundred and ten dollars per annum for each female, between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one years, committed to it by any magis- trate, in accordance with said last mentioned law. 17. To the Protestant Episcopal House of Mercy, monthly 177 payments at the rate of one hundred and ten dollars per annum for each female between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one years, committed to it by any magistrate in accordance with said last mentioned law. 18. To the Five Points House of Industry, the sum of fifty- two dollars per year for each and every Orphan, half orphan and destitute child, not exceeding two hundred children in any one year, received and supported by said institution for each year, the expense of whose support is not paid by private parties, and in the same proportion for the part of a year. I9. To the Association for Befriending Children and Young Girls, a per capita allowance of one dollar a week for each female by it rescued, supported, instructed and trained to useful employment. 2O. To the Peabody Home for Aged and Indigent Women, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum for each and every woman therein over sixty-five years of age received and supported by said institution, not exceeding, however, the sum of five thousand dollars in any one year, and to the Sloan Mater- nity Hospital in the city of New York, the sum of five dollars per week for every destitute woman admitted into its lying-in ward, according to the time of the said woman continuing under the care of the said institution, and the further sum of ten dollars per month for each and every child born in the insti- tution or supported and maintained by said institution, but such sums shall not exceed eight thousand dollars in any one year. And to the New York Female Asylum for lying-in women, twenty-five dollars for each homeless and needy mother who has received care and attention in the lying-in ward of the asylum, for such care and obstetric attendance, but such sums shall not exceed eight thousand dollars in any one year. 21. To the Mothers’ and Babies’ Hospital, fifteen dollars for each homeless and needy mother who has received care and attention in the lying-in ward of the hospital, for such care and obstetric attendance, not to exceed three hundred patients in any one year. 22. Such other sum or sums as are, or mav be by law directed or authorized to be raised and paid for charitable purposes or to private or incorporated societies, associations, asvlums, hospitals, corporations, institutions, protectories, home or schools. 23. The board of estimate and apportionment are hereby I2 178 authorized in their discretion to include in their annual state- ments and estimates the following specified sums of money for the respective purposes herein stated, namely: Four thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Hospital (formerly City Hospital); four thousand; dollars to be paid to the Long Island College Hospital; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Brook- lyn Homeopathic Hospital; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Central Dispensary; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn City Dispensary; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Eclectic Dispensary; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Homeopathic Dispensary; five thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Eastern District Dispensary and Hospital (formerly the Williamsburgh Dispen- sary); fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Long Island College Dispensary; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Gates Avenue Homeopathic Dispensary; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Nursery and Infants' Hospital; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Eastern District Homeopathic Dispensary (formerly the Williamsburgh Home- opathic Dispensary); twenty-five hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Maternity (formerly Brooklyn Lying-in Asylum); twenty-five hundred dollars to be paid to the Eye and Ear Hos- pital of the city of Brooklyn; one thousand dollars to be paid to the Southern Dispensary and Hospital; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Orthopedic Dispensary; four thousand dollars to be paid to the SaintPeter’s Hospital; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Saint Peter’s Dispensary; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Atlantic avenue Dispensary; one thousand dollars to be paid to the Saint Mary's Dispensary; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Diet Dispensary; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Saint Catherine’s Dispensary; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Saint Catherine's Hospital : one thousand dollars to be paid to the Helping Hand Society of Brooklyn; one thousand dollars to be paid to the Sheltering Arms Nursery of Brooklyn; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Home for Consumptives; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Memorial Hospital for Women and Children; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Saint Mary's General Hospital of the city of Brooklyn; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Central Homeopathic Dispensary; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Memorial Dispensary; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Bushwick and East Brooklyn Dis- 179 pensary; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Dispensary of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saint Mary's Hospital of the city of Brooklyn; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Methodist Episcopal Hospital of the city of Brooklyn; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Saint Mary's Female Hospital; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Lutheran Hos- pital Association of the city of New York and vicinity; four thousand dollars to be paid to the iBrooklyn Throat Hospital; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Bedford Dispensary and Hospital; four thousand dollars to be paid to the St. Martha's Sanitarium and Dispensary; three thousand dollars to be paid to the Central Throat Hospital and Polyclinic Dispensary; three thousand dollars to be paid to the Long Island Throat Hospital and Eye Infirmary (formerly the Long Island Throat and Lung Hospital and People's Dispensary Association); four thousand dollars to be paid to the Norwegian Lutheran Deaconesses' Home and Hospital; two thousand and five hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Home for Aged Colored People; three thousand dollars to be paid to the St. Mary's Maternity and Infant’s Home; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Memorial Train- ing School for Nurses; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Church Charity Foundation of Long Island for its hospital : twenty-five hundred dollars to be paid to the Home of St. Giles the Cripple; three thousand dollars to be paid to the Bushwick Hospital; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Training School and Home for Young Girls; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the dis- pensary of the Methodist Episcopal Hospital; twenty-five hun- dred dollars to be paid to the Low Maternity; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Hospital dispensary; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Society for the Aid of Friend- less Women and Children; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Stone Maternity of Brooklyn; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to St. Phebe's mission; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Orphan Asylum Society of the city of Brooklyn; two thousand five hundred dollars to be paid to the Industrial Home for the Blind; Ione thousand dollars to be paid to the Homeopathic Hospital Association of Brooklyn;I fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Industrial School Association and Home for Destitute Children; fifteen hun- dred dollars to be paid to the Industrial Home School I8o Association of Brooklyn, eastern district; twenty-five hundred dollars to be paid to the Maternity of the Long Island College Hospital; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Twenty-sixth Ward Homeopathic Dispensary; such several sums of money to be paid to the several institutions in consideration of their contracting to render and rendering medical and surgical aid and treatment to the poor of the county of Kings who may apply to them therefor; such contract to be in writing, executed on behalf of the city by the mayor and comptroller and also by the executive officers of said associa- tions respectively, and to be approved by the counsel to the corporation of the city, to be filed annually on or before the thirty-first day of May, in the office of the city clerk. 24. Any other sum or sums which may heretofore have been duly authorized by law to be paid Iby taxI within The City of New York, or any part thereof, as constituted by this act, for the education and support of the blind, the deaf and dumb and juvenile delinquents, and for the care, support, maintenance and Secular education of inmates of orphan asylums, protectories, homes for dependent children or correctional institutions, or to charitable, eleemosynary, correctional and reformatory insti- tutions, wholly or partly under private control for care, support and maintenance, as in such law specified. The board of esti- mate and apportionment may also, in its discretion, appropriate and allow moneys raised by taxation or received from any other Source and properly applicable thereto, to any charitable, elee- mosynary, correctional or reformatory institution wholly or. partly under private control for the care, support and main- tenance of its inmates; such payments to be made only for such inmates as are received and retained therein pursuant to rules established by the state board of charities. The board of esti- mate and apportionment may in any year, and from time to time, increase or diminish, the sum authorized to be paid to any insti- tution, association, corporation or society included in the Itwenty-second I tenth paragraph of this section. The final estimate shall specify each institution by its corporate name and the sum to be paid thereto, with a reference to the laws authorizing the appropriation, and the comptroller is author- ized to pay the sum to such institution upon its appearing to his satisfaction in such manner as he shall prescribe that the expenditure thereof by the institution is lawful and proper. No appropriation shall be made under this section to any cor- I8I poration unless the mayor of the city, or the president of the borough in which the chief office of such corporation is situ- ated, be notified of all meetings of its board of management and be empowered to attend the same or designate in writing some person to do so in his behalf; but this shall not be con- strued as impairing any existing powers of visitation vested in the supreme court or the state board of charities, or any provisions of law requiring statements by such corporations as to their affairs. Board of estimate and apportionment to audit charges against city for costs, etc. § 231. The board of estimate and apportionment is hereby authorized to audit and allow, as charges against the city, the reasonable costs, counsel fees and expenses paid or incurred, or which shall hereafter be paid or incurred by any commis- sioner, city magistrate or police justice who shall have been a successful party in any proceedings or trial to remove him from office, or who shall bring or defend any action or pro- ceeding, in which the question as to his title to office is in any way presented, or involved, or in which it is sought to con- vict him, or to review or prohibit any such removal or to obtain possession of his office, or by any commissioner for the proper presentation and justification of his official con- duct before any body or tribunal lawfully investigating the same, and not officially recommending his removal from office. The board of estimate and apportionment and the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen are hereby author- ized and directed to cause to be included in the budget for the year following such audit, an amount sufficient to pay the revenue bonds directed to be issued by the said comptrol- ler pursuant to section one hundred and eighty-eight of this act, with all interest due or to become due thereon. Deficiencies; how provided for. $232. The amount raised by assessment, pursuant to the provisions of chapter one hundred and ninety-one, of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty, shall be collected and paid into the city treasury, and applied toward the payment of revenue bonds issued under said chapter. If any defi- I82 ciency shall arise from any cause, and a sufficient amount shall not be realized from such assessment to pay fifty thou- Sand dollars of the revenue bonds issued pursuant to said chapter, with the interest thereon, such deficiency shall be provided for by the board of estimate and apportionment and the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, by includ- ing the same in the annual appropriation first made, after the amount of such deficiency, if any, shall be ascertained. Issue of certain stock and bonds authorized; transfers of appropri- ations. § 235. The board of estimate and apportionment may at any time, as Occasion may require, Iby the affirmative vote of three members,I authorize the issue of any stocks or bonds for the purpose of withdrawing, or taking up at maturity any Stocks or bonds outstanding; but the said bonds or their pro- ceeds shall be applied exclusively to the payment, purchase, and extinction of such maturing bonds in such manner that the aggregate of the stocks or bonds of said city outstanding shall not be increased thereby for a longer period than is neces- sary in effecting said change. IThe said board of estimate and apportionment may, from time to time, on the application of the head of any department, authorize the transfer, from one bureau or purpose to another in the same department, of any sum theretofore appropriated for the purpose of such department or bureau.I Appropriation for prevention of contagious diseases. § 236. For the prevention of dangers from contagious or infectious diseases found to exist in any part of the city, or for the care of persons exposed to danger from contagious or infectious diseases, the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen and the board of estimate and apportionment may appropriate to the use of the health department money in excess of the annual estimate and appropriation for any year to the amount that shall be declared necessary for such pur- pose by resolution of the board of health; not, however, to exceed, in the aggregate, the sum of eighty thousand dollars in excess of such annual appropriation, and if any sum or sums of money shall be so appropriated by said [municipal assembly I board of aldermen and said board of estimate and apportionment in any year prior to the date of the certificate I83 of the comptroller to the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen of the aggregate amount of the budget for such year, the amount thereof shall be added to such final esti- mate, and included in the tax levy in such year. - Board of estimate may transfer excess of appropriations. § 237. The board of estimate and apportionment shall have the power at any time to transfer any appropriation for any year which may be found, by the president of a borough, the head of [the] a department or other officer having control of such appropriation, Ifor which such appropriation shall have been made, I to be in excess of the amount re- quired or deemed to be necessary for the purposes or objects thereof, to such other purposes or objects for which the appropriations in such year are insufficient, or such as may require the same. But nothing in the power thus con- ferred shall authorize the transfer by said board of an appro- priation made for any object or purpose, in one year, to any purpose or object, whether an appropriation has been made therefor or otherwise, in any subsequent year. And any bal- ance of appropriations remaining unexpended at the close of any fiscal year, after allowing sufficient to satisfy all claims payable therefrom, and also any balance to the credit of any account of moneys which have been or may hereafter be paid into the treasury of the city, under existing laws, appropriated or authorized to be expended for any specific purpose, and which the said board of estimate and apportionment may deter- mine not to be necessary, or to be in excess of the amount required therefor, may, at any time, but not less than sixty days after the expiration of the year for which such appropria- tions are made, or sixty days after the expiration of the year during which the moneys aforesaid were paid into the treasury of the city, after allowing sufficient to satisfy all claims payable from such appropriations, or which the comptroller shall cer- tify should be paid from said moneys paid into the treasury, as aforesaid, be transferred by the comptroller, with the approval of the said board of estimate and apportionment, to the general fund of the city, and applied to the reduction of taxation. The approval by the board of estimate and apportionment of the certificate of the comptroller, as aforesaid, shall be an appro- priation of the amounts therein stated to the object or purposes in said certificate specified. 184 Appropriations out of excise moneys to home for girls. - § 238. There may be paid annually, out of the excise moneys of The City of New York, to the Home for Fallen and Friend- less Girls, in said city, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, for the support of every fallen and friendless girl received and supported by said corporation in their Home for Fallen and Friendless Girls for the year for which such payment shall be made, and a proportional sum for a shorter period in the same year. Street sweeping contracts to be approved by board. § 239. The terms and conditions of all contracts for street sweeping and cleaning, or for the collection of ashes and garbage, shall, before they are entered into, be approved by the board of estimate and apportionment. Excise moneys; how appropriated. § 240. Said board of estimate and apportionment is author- ized, from time to time, in sums according to its discretion, by resolution of said board, to appropriate from excise moneys obtained from either local or state boards or officers, for taxes or licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors, to such benevo- lent or charitable institutions in said city which shall gratui- tously aid, support or assist the poor thereof, as may seem to said board deserving or proper Ibut no such resolution shall be valid unless adopted by a majority vote of all the members of said board]; and the comptroller shall draw his warrants in favor of such institutions respectively mentioned in such reso- lutions, according to the tenor thereof, and the chamberlain shall pay such warrants out of the said moneys received for licenses. The term “poor,” as used in this section, shall only include persons who would otherwise become a charge upon said city, as foundlings, orphans, or such prostituted or fallen women or juvenile delinquents as may be committed to or cared for gratuitously, in or by any reformatory institution, protectory or juvenile asylum, and persons who are supported, relieved, or cared for gratuitously, in or by any charitable institution for the care or relief of the ruptured or crippled, the cure of hip or spinal diseases, the sick, or the destitute, friendless, or infirm, including children of volunteers who died in the late civil war, and the care and instruction of idiots, the deaf and dumb, the blind and the insane. No payments shall 185 be made, in pursuance of this section, except as a per capita allowance for the poor and destitute persons actually supported, treated, cared for, or educated in the institutions referred to in this section, except in the case of the American Female Guardian Society and Home for the Friendless, the Children's Aid Society, and the Shepherd's Fold of the Protestant Epis- copal Church, which shall severally receive only the same amounts as provided by other provisions of law. The said board of estimate and apportionment is also authorized, from time to time, and in sums according to its discretion, to appro- priate, by resolution of said board, all moneys derived from penalties and fines, recovered, pursuant to sections fourteen hundred and seventy-three, fourteen hundred and eighty-one and fourteen hundred and eighty-two of this act, and all mon- eys from licenses for amusements [provided for in chapter twenty-two, title two of this act, I to whatever benevolent or charitable institutions may seem to such board deserving or proper; but no such resolution shall be valid unless adopted by vote of a majority of said board; and the comptroller of said city is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrants in favor of the corporations, societies, or charitable institutions, respectively mentioned in such resolution according to the tenor thereof; and the chamberlain of said city shall pay such warrants out of the said moneys received for such penalties, fines and licenses. Appropriations for contesting office to be made for prevailing party only. § 24.I. No appropriation or payment for the contesting of the office of mayor, or any seat in the [municipal assembly] board of aldermen, or office in any department, or the office of any officer whose salary is paid from the city treasury, shall be made to any but the prevailing party. Nor shall any such appropriations or payment be made to such prevailing party except upon the written certificate of the chief officer of the law department, and of the presiding justice of the appellate division of the first department of the supreme court certifying who is such prevailing party, and the value of the services rendered in the case. In case an officer or clerk is ordered to be examined, in pursuance of law, the corporation counsel shall assign some one from his depart- ment as counsel for the officer or clerk making an application therefor. I 86 Board of estimate and apportionment; powers with respect to certain subjects. § 242. The board of estimate and apportionment shall have power over the following subjects: *- (i.) To appropriate, from time to time, for the mainte- nance, improvement and extension of the system of water sup- ply of the borough of Brooklyn, the moneys received from water rents in the said borough, subject, however, to the charges now imposed by law upon said revenues. (2.) To appropriate, from time to time, for the mainte- nance of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge the moneys received from the revenues of said bridge. Authority to change the map or plan of the city or to change grades. $ 243 I436]. The board of Ipublic improvementsI esti- mate and apportionment is authorized and empowered, whenever and as often as it may deem it for the public inter- est so to do, to initiate a change in the map or plan of The City of New York, so as to lay out new streets, parks, bridges, tunnels and approaches to bridges and tunnels and parks, and to widen, straighten, extend, alter and close existing Streets, and to change the grade of existing streets shown upon such map or plan, by publishing notice of its proposed action for ten days in the City Record and the corporation newspapers, and giving an opportunity for all persons inter- ested in such change to be heard, at a time and place to be specified in such notice, such time to be not less than ten days after the first publication of such notice. After the due publication of such notice, and after hearing protests and objections, if any there be, against the proposed change, if the said board shall favor such change, notwithstanding such protests and objections, it shall transmit its resolution to that effect to the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, together with the objections, if any, which have been made in writing, and filed with it, and a statement of its reasons for such determination. If Iboth houses of the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen concur in such resolution passed by the board of Ipublic improvements] estimate and apportionment, by passing an ordinance adopting and ap- 187 proving the same by a two-thirds vote, and the same receives the approval of the mayor, such change in the map or plan of The City of New York, or in the grade of any street or streets shown thereon, shall be deemed to have been made. The board of Ipublic improvements] estimate and appor- tionment is authorized and empowered without the concur- rence of the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, but with the approval of the mayor, to change the grades of bridges, tunnels and approaches to bridges and tunnels, and the location of approaches to bridges and tunnels. Board of Lpublic improvements] estimate and apportionment; gen- eral powers. § 244. I426T. The said board of Ipublic improvements] estimate and apportionment shall exercise such powers and perform such duties with respect to the whole territory embraced within The City of New York, as constituted by this act, as were heretofore vested in the board of street opening and improvements of the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, with respect to the territory included within that municipality, except so far as the same have been other- wise specifically and expressly conferred by this act. All the maps, records and proceedings of the board of public improve- ments relating to the subjects as to which jurisdiction is con- ferred by this section upon the board of estimate and appor- tionment, shall be transferred to, kept and maintained in the office of the board of estimate and apportionment. And the board of Ipublic improvements] estimate and apportion- ment shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as are vested in or cast upon it by any of the provisions of this act, or that may in accordance with the law be devolved upon it by the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen. All acts or proceedings here- tofore performed or taken by the board of public improvements of The City of New York in respect to the powers hereby con- ferred and the duties hereby imposed upon the board of esti- mate and apportionment, shall continue to be valid and of full I88 force and effect unless modified, repealed or abrogated in the manner provided by law. TITLE 6. Levying Tares. Deficiencies; limits of; levies for. § 248. It shall be the duty of the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen to include, in any and every ordinance or resolution passed by them, imposing and levying taxes for any purpose or purposes authorized by law, such sum, in addition to the aggregate amount required for such purposes, as they shall deem necessary, not exceeding three per centum of said aggregate amount, to provide for deficiencies in the actual product of the amount imposed and levied therefor. Aggregate amount apportioned to be certified to [municipal assembly] board of aldermen and raised. § 249. The aggregate amount estimated by the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen and the board of estimate and apportionment, in the annual budget, shall be certified by the comptroller to the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen; and it shall be the duty of said Imunicipal assembly in joint session of both houses.I board of aldermen and they are hereby empowered and directed annually to cause to be raised, accord- ing to law, and collected by tax upon the estates, real and personal, subject to taxation within The City of New York, the amount so certified, as aforesaid. CHAPTER VII. L A W D EP A R T M E N T . ILaw department] Corporation counsel to be the head of the law department; duties [and powers]; salary. § 255. There shall be a law department of The City of New York, the head whereof shall be called the corporation counsel, who shall be the attorney and counsel for The City of New York, the mayor, the [municipal assemblyl board of aldermen and each and every officer, board and department of said city. except as otherwise herein provided. The salary of the corporation counsel shall be fifteen thousand dollars a year. The corporation counsel shall have charge and conduct of all the law business of the corporation and its departments and boards, and of all law business in which The City of New York, is interested, except as otherwise herein provided. He shall have charge and conduct of the legal proceedings neces- sary in opening, widening, altering and closing streets, and in acquiring real estate or interests therein for the city by condemnation proceedings, and the preparation of all leases, deeds, contracts, bonds and other legal papers of the city, or of, or connected with, any department, board or officer thereof, and he shall approve as to form all such contracts, leases, deeds, bonds and other legal papers; provided, however, that he shall not institute any pro- ceeding for acquiring title to real estate by condemnation pro- ceedings, except for opening streets, unless the same shall have been approved by the Iconcurrent vote of all the members of the] board of estimate and apportionment upon a statement to be furnished said board of the valuation of such real estate as assessed for purposes of taxation; and provided, further, that the board of estimate and apportionment shall have power by a majority vote to direct such changes to be made in the forms of contracts and specifications as may seem to promote the interests of the city. He shall be the legal adviser of the Igo mayor, the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, the pres- idents of the boroughs and the various departments, boards and officers, except as otherwise herein provided, and it shall be his duty to furnish to the mayor, the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen, the presidents of the boroughs and to every department, board and officer of the city all such advice and legal assistance as counsel and attorney in or Out of court as may be required by them or either of them, and for that purpose the corporation counsel may assign an assistant or assistants to any department that he shall deem to need the same. No officer, board, or depart- ment of the city, unless it be herein otherwise especially provided, shall have or employ any attorney or counsel, except where a judgment or order in an action or proceeding may affect him or them individually or may be followed by a mo- tion to commit for contempt of court, in which case he or they may employ and be represented by attorney or counsel at his or their own expense. The corporation counsel, except as otherwise herein provided, shall have the right to institute actions in law or equity, and any proceedings provided by the code of civil procedure or by law in any court, local, state or national, to maintain, defend and establish the rights, interests, revenues, property, privileges, franchises or demands of the city or of any part or portion thereof, or of the people thereof, or to collect any money, debts, fines or penalties or to enforce the laws and ordinances. IHe shall be a member of the board of estimate and apportionment and of the board of public improvements.I. He shall not be empowered to compromise, settle or adjust any rights, claims, demands or causes of action in favor of or against The City of New York; provided, however, that this inhibition shall not operate to limit or abridge the discretion of the corporation counsel in regard to the proper conduct of the trial of any proceeding or action at law, or to deprive said corporation counsel of the powers or privileges ordinarily exercised in the course of litigation by attorneys-at-law when acting for private clients. Tor to I He shall not permit, offer or confess judg- ment against the city, or [to] accept any offer of judgment in favor of the city, or determine not to take an appeal, or I9 I abandon an appeal already taken without the previous written approval of the comptroller; and in case of any claim for a money judgment exceeding ten thousand dollars, or for relief other than in the nature of a money judgment, the previous written approval of the mayor shall be also necessary. Corporation counsel’s power of appointment. § 256. The corporation counsel may appoint, and at pleasure remove, as many assistants to the corporation counsel as are necessary to the discharge of the duties of the law department, and he may appoint and at pleasure remove such clerks, assist- ants, and subordinates as are requisite to the discharge of the business of the department, giving to his appointees such titles or designations as he may deem appropriate to their services, respectively. IHe shall fix and regulate the salaries and com- pensation of all of his appointees within the limits of the appro- priation for his department.T. Any assistant corporation counsel shall, in addition to his other powers, possess every power and perform all and every duty belonging to the office of the corporation counsel, or so much of such duties as the corporation counsel shall deem it necessary to delegate when- ever so empowered by said corporation counsel by written authority, designating therein a period of time, not extending beyond three months, nor beyond the term of office of said corporation counsel, during which such power and authority may be exercised; such designation and authority must be duly filed and remain on record in the law department, and may be revoked at any time. Neither the corporation counsel, nor any of his assistants, shall appear as attorney or counsel in any action or litigation except in the discharge of his official duties, nor accept an appointment as referee or receiver in any action or proceeding. - Branch offices. § 257. In addition to the main office of the corporation counsel, which shall be located in the borough of Manhattan, he shall have an office in the borough of Brooklyn and, in his discretion, may maintain an office in the borough of The Bronx, the borough of Queens and the borough of Richmond, or either of them. I92 Bureaus. § 258. The corporation counsel may establish such bu- reaus for divisions of service in the law department as he may judge most conducive to the efficient discharge of duty. There shall be a bureau in the law department to be known as the “bureau of street openings.” It shall have charge under the direction of the corporation counsel of such legal proceedings to open, widen, alter or close streets and parks, and to acquire title to or extinguish interests in real estate therefor, and of all such other proceedings involving awards for damages or assessments for benefit to lands, tenements and hereditaments as may be assigned to it by the corporation counsel. The corporation counsel shall appoint and remove, at will, the head of said bureau and all other employees thereof, and shall regulate their salaries and compensation. The assistants to the corporation counsel assigned to such bureau, shall conduct in his behalf, and subject to his direc- tion and control, all legal proceedings so assigned, and shall Imayl also act as clerks to the commissioners of estimate or the commissioners of estimate and assessment in all such proceedings without compensation therefor other than their salaries. Such bureau shall furnish to the commissioners of estimate or the commissioners of estimate and assessment in each proceeding, suitable offices and all the assistants which they may require in preparing their preliminary abstracts of estimate or of estimate and assessment, and their final re- ports for presentation to the supreme court for confirma- tion. The compensation of the head of said bureau and of all other employees thereof, and all the legal costs, charges, expenses and disbursements incurred by said bureau on ac- count of such proceedings, shall be divided proportionately, as nearly as practicable, to the services rendered or expense incurred in each of the said proceedings, and shall be in- cluded in the assessment for benefit to be imposed by the commissioners of estimate or the commissioners of estimate and assessment in each proceeding as part of the costs, charges and expenses thereof, after the same shall have been taxed by the court in the manner now provided by law for the taxation of such costs, charges, expenses and disburse- ments; but the compensation of the employees of said bureau and the necessary charges, expenses and disbursements I93 thereof, shall be chargeable to and shall be paid monthly, in the first instance by the comptroller of The City of New York, out of the fund known as “the fund for street and park openings,” created by chapter one hundred and seventy- three of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, upon pay- rolls and vouchers duly certified by the corporation counsel. The assistant clerks or other appointees, of this bureau, en- gaged in the transaction of business or duties pertaining to the borough of Brooklyn, may have their office in the bor- ough hall or public building of the borough of Brooklyn and if, in the judgment of the corporation counsel it be con- venient and advisable, such of the assistants, clerks or other appointees of this bureau as may be engaged in the transac- tion of business pertaining to the borough of The Bronx, the borough of Richmond or the Borough of Queens, may like- wise have an office in either of said boroughs. Bureau for recovery of penalties. § 259. There shall be a bureau in the law department for the recovery of penalties for the violation of any law or mu- nicipal ordinance, to be called the “bureau for the recovery of penalties.” All actions for such recovery shall be brought in the name of The City of New York, and not in that of any department, except where otherwise provided by this act. The assistant corporation counsel assigned to this bureau in the main office, or in the branch office located in any borough, shall not receive for his own use any fees or emoluments in addition to his salary, and he shall pay into the city treasury all costs and commissions received by him from any source whatever; such payments shall be made monthly, and shall be accompanied by a sworn statement in such form as the comptroller shall prescribe. ISuch statement, with a de- tailed list of] A statement of the costs, commissions, fines and penalties collected, shall be published in the City Record monthly. All fines or moneys, from whatsoever source, re- ceived by the head of this bureau, shall be paid into the treas- ury of the city, except as otherwise specifically provided by law. Bureau for collection of arrears of personal taxes. § 260. There shall be a bureau in the law department for the collection of arrears of personal taxes to be called the I3 I94 “bureau for the collection of arrears of personal taxes.” The assistant corporation counsel assigned to this bureau shall give a bond to The City of New York, with one or more sureties, to be approved by comptroller and corporation counsel, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office and the payment over of all taxes collected by him, which shall be filed in the comptroller’s office, and he and his bondsman or bondsmen shall be responsible to the corporation therefor. Presentation of claims to be pleaded. § 261. No action or special proceeding, for any cause what- ever, shall be prosecuted or maintained against The City of New York, unless it shall appear by and as an allegation in the complaint or necessary moving papers that at least thirty days have elapsed since the demand, claim or claims upon which such action or special proceeding is founded were pre- sented to the comptroller of said city for adjustment, and that he has neglected or refused to make an adjustment or payment thereof for thirty days after such presentment. IIf the plain- tiff recovers judgment in his action or special proceeding he shall recover full taxable costs without regard to the amount of the judgment.I Jurisdiction of actions against the city. § 262. All actions wherein The City of New York is made a party defendant shall be tried in that county within The City of New York in which the cause of action arose, or in the county of New York, subject to the power of the court to change the place of trial in the cases provided by law. IThe supreme court shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all actions or special proceedings wherein The City of New York is made a party defendant. And all such actions shall be tried in that county wholly or partly embraced within The City of New York in which the cause of action arose, or in the county of New York, subject to the power of the court to change the place of trial in the cases provided by law.I Service of process. § 263. All process and papers for the commencement of actions and legal proceedings against The City of New York I95 shall be served either upon the mayor, the comptroller or the corporation counsel. Issuance of execution. § 264. No execution shall be issued upon any judgment recovered against The City of New York until after ten days' notice, in writing, of the recovery of such judgment shall have been given to the comptroller. Bills of costs in condemnation proceedings. § 265. No bills of costs for fees of commissioners of esti- mate, compensation of clerks or assistants, or for other expenses in and about special proceedings instituted for the acquisition of the title to lands required by The City of New York for public purposes, shall, unless the same be payable by law from the fund for street and park openings, be taxed by the supreme court prior to the confirmation of the report of the commissioners of estimate appointed in such proceed- ings. CHAPTER VIII. POLICE DEPARTMENT AND BOARD OF ELECTIONS. Title I. Police department. Title 2. Board of elections. TITLE I. Police Department. Police commissioner [board]; salary. § 270. The head of the police department shall be called the police commissioner, who shall be appointed by the mayor, and shall hold office as provided in chapter four of this act. The terms of office of the members of the police board, except the president thereof, appointed pursuant to the provisions of the greater New York charter, shall cease and determine on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two, and the president of the said police board shall thereupon become the police commissioner. The salary of Said police commissioner shall be ten thousand dollars a year. The said police commissioner shall have power to appoint and at pleasure remove two deputies to be known as first deputy, and second deputy. The first deputy shall during the absence or disability of the commissioner possess all the powers and perform all the duties of the commissioner except the power of making appointments. In the absence or disability of both the commissioner and the first deputy, the second deputy shall possess aii the powers and perform all the duties of the commissioner, except the power of making appointments. The commis- sioner shall define the duties of the deputies and may dele- - I97 gate to either of them any of his powers except the power of making appointments. The salary of each of such deputies shall be four thousand dollars a year. IThe head of the police department shall be called the police board. Said board shall consist of four persons, to be known as police commissioners of The City of New York. They shall be ap- pointed by the mayor, and shall hold their respective offices as provided in chapter four of this act. No more than two of said commissioners shall, when either of them is appointed, belong to the same political party, Ör be of the same political opinion on state and national politics. The salary of each of said police commissioners shall be five thousand dollars a year.] Police commissioner [board]; authority. Ibureau of elections.] § 271. The said police commissioner Iboard I shall have cognizance and control of the government, administration, disposition and discipline of the said police department, and of the police force of said department [and it shall also have cognizance and control of the bureau of elections hereinafter mentioned, and said bureau of elections shall be a part of said police department.I. Id.; to make and enforce rules and regulations. § 272. The said police commissioner Iboard I shall make, adopt and enforce such rules, orders and regulations, and do all such other acts as may be reasonably necessary to effect a prompt and efficient exercise of all powers conferred by law, and the performance of all duties imposed by law upon the said commissioner Iboard I or the said department, or upon any part of or person in said department. But said commissioner Iboard I shall do no act which is contrary to , or inconsistent with this act. Boards and officers abolished and forces consolidated. § 273. Except as herein otherwise expressly provided, the police department, the board of police and the offices of the police commissioners of The City of New York, provided for by the New York city consolidation act of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and the acts amendatory thereof, the office of commissioner of police and excise of the city of Brooklyn, I98 the board of police commissioners for Long Island City and the board of commissioners of police for the county of Rich- mond are hereby abolished. The respective police forces and departments heretofore existing in the said cities and the said county, including the park police of the mayor, alder- men and commonalty of the city of New York, and the park police of the city of Brooklyn, and the police force of the New York and Brooklyn bridge are hereby consolidated into one department and force to be constituted, controlled and administered as provided in this chapter. Police department; powers and authority transferred to. § 274. All the rights, powers, authority, duties and obli- gations, immediately heretofore by law vested in or imposed upon the police departments, or either of the boards or com- missioners mentioned in the last above section, shall forth- with by force of and as an effect of this chapter be transferred to and continue in the police department created by this act except in so far as the same shall be contrary to or incon- sistent with the provisions of this chapter. All the rights, powers, authority, duties and obligations relative to, or con- nected with the appointment, control or cognizance of any police force immediately heretofore by law vested in or im- posed upon the commissioners of public parks in The City of New York, the department of parks of the city of Brooklyn, and the board of trustees of the New York and Brooklyn bridge, shall forthwith, by force of, and as an effect of this chapter be transferred to and continued in the police depart- ment created by this act, except in so far as the same shall be contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. Property to vest in The City of New York and be managed by police department. § 275. All money, funds and property, and all rights and title to and interest in, and possession of and control over and all rights to the use and possession of any moneys, funds or property, which when this act takes effect, shall be vested in, held or exercised by the department, or either of the boards or commissioners, mentioned in section two hundred and seventy-three of this act, or which shall then be applicable to, or used for the purpose of, or in the maintenance of, or in I99 connection with the functions or duties of either of the re- spective police forces appointed by the commissioners of public parks in The City of New York, the department of parks of the city of Brooklyn, or the said trustees of the New York and Brooklyn bridge, shall forthwith by force of and as an effect of this chapter, be and become vested in The City of New York, and the same shall be held, exercised, man- aged, controlled, used and applied by, and under the direc- tion of the police department created by this act until it is otherwise lawfully provided. No such money, funds or prop- erty shall, however, be used for or applied to any purpose different in kind from that for or to which the same might theretofore have been lawfully used or applied, until such different use or application shall first have been lawfully authorized. Police force; composition. § 276. Until otherwise provided by the Imunicipal assem- bly I board of aldermen, upon the recommendation of the Ipolice board, I mayor and the police commissioner, the police force in the police department created by this chapter, shall consist of the following members, to wit: A chief of police; two [five I deputy chiefs of police; fourteen Iten] inspectors of police; captains of police, not exceeding in num- ber one to each fifty of the total number of patrolmen, except in the rural portion of the city; Sergeants of po- lice, not exceeding four in number to each fifty of the total number of patrolmen; roundsmen not exceeding four in number to each fifty patrolmen; detective sergeants to the number authorized by law; the members of the tele- graph force as specified in section two hundred and seventy- seven of this act; doormen of police, not exceeding two in number to each fifty of the total number of patrolmen; sur- geons of police, not exceeding forty in number, one of whom shall be chief surgeon, and patrolmen to the number of six thousand three hundred and eighty-two. The police com- missioner shall appoint two deputy chiefs of police from among the five deputy chiefs of police in office, and the three deputy chiefs of police not so appointed who shall have been in said office prior to the first day of July, nineteen hundred, shall become inspectors of police with the salaries of deputy 2OO chiefs and the rights granted to deputy chiefs in respect to the relief pension fund. Id.; members of former forces in New York city transferred. § 277. The members of the police force of The City of New York, and the members of the police force appointed by the commissioners of public parks in said city, as said forces are provided for by sections two hundred and sixty-five and six hundred and ninety of the New York city consolidation act of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and by the statutes amendatory of and supplementary to said sections, who shall be such members of said forces respectively when this act takes effect, shall be members of the police force specified in section two hundred and seventy-six of this act. The em- ployees of the telegraph force of the police department, of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York who are in office when this act takes effect, shall take the same rank in the police force specified in section two hundred and seventy-six of this act, as the telegraph force of the police department of the city of Brooklyn has under existing laws; provided, however, that until otherwise ordered by the police commissioner Iboard], the superintendent of telegraph of the police force of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York shall be superintendent of telegraph for the police force specified in said section two hundred and seventy- six of this act; and the deputy superintendent of telegraph of the police force of said, the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York, shall be deputy superintendent of telegraph in the central office in the borough of Manhattan; and the superintendent of telegraph of the police force of the city of Brooklyn shall be superintendent of police telegraph for the borough of Brooklyn. Id.; members of former forces in Brooklyn transferred. § 278. The superintendent and deputy superintendent of police, and each inspector, captain, sergeant, detective-sergeant, roundsman, patrolman, doorman, bridge-keeper, police sur- geon, Superintendent of telegraph, and telegraph operator, who is, when this act takes effect in, of, or attached to the police force of the city of Brooklyn, or the police force appointed by the department of parks of said city, or the police force 2OI appointed by the board of trustees of the New York and Brooklyn bridge, pursuant to section eight of chapter three hundred of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and the acts amendatory thereof, or supplementary thereto, shall be members of the police force specified in section two hundred and seventy-six of this act. Id.; members of former force in Long Island City transferred. § 279. The lawfully appointed captain, sergeant and patrol- men of the police force of Long Island City, who shall be such when this chapter takes effect, shall be members of the police force, specified in section two hundred and seventy-six of this act. Id.; members of former force in Richmond county transferred. § 28O. The captain and each Sergeant, roundsman and patrolman of the police force of the county of Richmond, or of any town or village in that part of the county of Queens included in The City of New York, as hereby constituted, shall be members of the police force specified in section two hundred and seventy-six of this act. Police [board] commissioner; authority over members transferred by preceding sections; rank of transferred members. § 281. The police Iboard I commissioner created by this act shall have the same powers, control and authority over the members of the police force, transferred thereto by sections two hundred and seventy-seven, two hundred and seventy- eight, two hundred and seventy-nine and two hundred and eighty of this act, and over their tenure of such membership and removal therefrom, as the said Iboard, commissioner shall have over the members of said force, appointed thereto by Isaid board I him, and especially, except as otherwise pro- vided by this chapter, to fix and assign the rank, title, duties, powers and place of service of said transferred members. Until by said Iboard I commissioner otherwise provided the rank, title, duties, powers and place of service of said trans- ferred members shall be the same as they were in the police force to which they belonged before this act took effect. 2O2 Id.; authority over employes of former boards; duties and salaries of such employes. § 282. All clerks, matrons, secretaries, and other subordi- nates, assistants and employees attached to, or in the Service of the department or either of the boards or commissioners speci- fied in section two hundred and seventy-three of this act, until it shall be otherwise provided by the police Iboard] commis- sioner created by this act, shall perform like services and duties and receive therefor the same salaries or compensation as they performed and received respectively prior to this act taking effect. But such clerks, matrons, secretaries, and other subor- dinates, assistants and employees, their services, duties, salaries or compensation, tenure of and removal from their positions or employment shall in all respects be subject to the control and authority of the police Iboard] commissioner created by this act. Id.; power to appoint and remove members and employees; salaries. and fines. § 283. Subject to the powers by this act conferred on the board of estimate and apportionment and the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen of The City of New York, and to such other provisions of this act as may limit their power in the premises, the police commissioner Iboard] created by this act shall have power to appoint and remove as hereinafter provided the members of the police force specified in section two hundred and seventy-six of this act, and also such clerks, police matrons, secretaries, and other subordinates, assistants and employees, as may be reasonably necessary to the proper performance of the duties and execution of the powers and functions of the police department created by this act, or of any of the component parts thereof, and to prescribe their respective ranks and duties. [and compensation. The salary or compensation of any such members of the said police force as are specified in sections two hundred and seventy-seven, two hundred and seventy-eight, two hundred and seventy- nine and two hundred and eighty of this act, as the same is lawfully fixed at the time this chapter takes effect and imme- diately prior thereto, shall not be decreased.I. The salary or compensation of members of the police force shall be subject to all fines, penalties, forfeitures and deductions lawfully imposed for cause. 2O3 Police force; qualifications of members; publishing names and resi- dence of applicants and appointees. § 284. No person shall [ever] be appointed or reappointed to membership in the police force or continue to hold member- ship therein, who is not a citizen of the United States, or who has ever been convicted of felony, or who cannot read and write understandingly [in] the English language, or who shall not have resided within the state one year next preceding his appointment, but skilled officers of experience may be ap- pointed for detective duty who have not resided as herein required. No person shall be appointed patrolman who shall be at the date of Isuch I appointment over thirty years of age; and no Inor shall any I person who shall have been a member of the force and shall have Ihave resigned, or have I been dismissed therefrom, shall be reappointed. Texcept upon the concurring vote of all the members comprising the board to be taken by ayes and noes, and recorded in the minutes.I. The name, residence and occupation of each applicant for ap- pointment or reappointment to any position in the police department, as well as the name, residence and occupation of each person appointed to any position, shall be published, and such publication shall, in every instance, be made, on the Saturday next succeeding such application, or appointment, in the City Record. Id.; warrant of appointment; oath. $ 285. Every member of the police force shall have issued to him, by the police department, a proper warrant of appoint- ment, signed by the police commissioner [president of the police boardI and chief clerk or first deputy clerk of said department or of the police commissioner [board I, which warrant shall contain the date of Ihis] appointment and This I rank. Each member of the police force shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take an oath of office and sub- scribe the same before any officer of the police department who is empowered to administer an oath. Id.; promotions. § 288. Promotions of officers and members of the police force shall be made by the police commissioner [board I, as provided in section Ithree hundred and four] one hundred 2O4. and twenty-four of this act, on Igrounds] the basis of Senior- ity, meritorious police service and superior capacity, as shown by competitive examination. Individual acts of personal bravery may be treated as an element of meritorious service in such examination, the relative rating therefor to be fixed by the municipal civil service commission. The police Com- missioner shall transmit to the municipal civil Service Com- mission in advance of such examination, the complete record of each candidate for promotion I; and shall be as follows: Sergeants of police shall be selected from among patrolmen assigned to duty as roundsmen, as provided in Section two hun- dred and ninety-two of this act; captains from among the sergeants; inspectors from among captains; deputy chiefs of police from among inspectors and captains; and chief of police from among deputy chiefs, inspectors and captains, but]. No promotion shall be made, except in the case of a vacancy in the office of chief of police, unless the same is recommended by the chief of police in writing, stating his reasons for such recommendation. In case of the rejection of any recommen- dation for promotion, the chief of police shall submit another name within three days, and shall continue so to do until the vacancy is filled. Roundsmen shall be selected from among patrolmen of the first grade, but roundsmen may be reduced to the grade of patrolmen at any time by the police commis- sioner after due trial upon charges the determination of which may be reviewed by writ of certiorari. Sergeants of police shall be selected from among roundsmen who shall have served at least two years continuously as such. Captains shall be selected from among sergeants who shall have served at least three years as such. Inspectors shall be selected from among captains who shall have served at least two years as such. Deputy chiefs of police shall be selected from among inspectors who shall have served at least three years as such. The chief of police shall be appointed by the police commissioner and, if selected from the uniformed force, he shall be appointed from among the deputy chiefs of police or inspectors who shall have served at least five years as such inspector. 2O5 Id.; increase of. § 289. The police commissioner Iboard] is authorized to increase the police force by adding to the number of patrolmen. from time to time, provided the board of estimate and appor- tionment and the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen shall have previously made an appropriation for that express purpose, such increase not to exceed one hundred and fifty in any one year. The board of estimate and apportionment and the [municipal assemblyl board of aldermen may include in the annual budget from year to year, and the comptroller shall certify, as required by law, to the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen and the [municipal assemblyl board of aldermen shall include in the annual tax levy an amount sufficient to pro- vide for the compensation of the additional patrolmen author- ized to be appointed pursuant to the provisions of this section. Id.; central office bureau of detectives. § 290. The police commissioner Iboard I shall maintain a. bureau which shall be called the central Office bureau of detec- tives, and shall select and appoint to perform detective duty therein, from the patrolmen or roundsmen as many detectives, in addition to those selected and appointed to perform detec- tive duty prior to the first day of October, nineteen hundred, who may be acting as detective Sergeants on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two (who are hereby continued in their respective offices), as the said commissioner may, from time to time, determine to be necessary to make that bureau efficient. Said detectives shall be known under and by the name of detective Sergeants, and shall hold the same rank and draw the same pay as other sergeants of police and shall be eligible for promotion in the entire police force in the city, under the same rules and conditions applicable to the promo- tion of all other sergeants of police in said city, and shall not be reduced in rank or salary except in the manner provided by law for sergeants and other officers of the police force. Las many patrolmen as said board may, from time to time, deter- mine to be necessary to make that bureau efficient. The patrol- men so selected and appointed shall be called detective ser– 2O6 geants, and shall be assigned to duty in that bureau, and while performing such detective duty shall be vested with the same authority and be entitled to receive and be paid the same salary as sergeants of police under this chapter; but the police board may by order, reduce to the grade of patrolman, and transfer such detective sergeants or any of them to perform patrol or other police duty, and when so transferred they shall only be entitled to receive and be paid the same rate of compensation as ordinary patrolmen of the police force under this chapter.I Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the police Iboard I commissioner to appoint any additional patrol- men in place of said detective sergeants. IThe headquarters of said central office bureau of detectives shall be at the police headquarters in the borough of Manhattan, and a branch office thereof shall be maintained at the police headquarters in the borough of Brooklyn, and other branch offices thereof may be maintained at the police headquarters in each of the other bor- oughs into which The City of New York is divided by this act.I. No member of department to be interested in other office. § 29I. Any police commissioner, or any member of the police force, who shall, after qualifying in office, accept any additional place of public trust, or civil emolument, or who shall during his term of office be publicly nominated for any office elective by the people, and shall not, within ten days succeeding the same, publicly decline the said nomination, shall be in either case deemed thereby to have resigned his commis- Sion and to have vacated his office, and all votes cast at any election for any person holding the office of police commis- Sioner, or within thirty days after he shall have resigned such office, shall be void. Chief of police; duties and powers. § 292. The chief of police shall be the chief executive officer of the police force. He shall be chargeable with and respon- sible for the execution of all laws and the rules and regulations of the department. He shall assign to duty the officers and members of the police force, and shall have power to change such assignments from time to time, whenever, in his judg- ment, the exigencies of the service may require such change Iprovided, however, that permanent assignments of patrolmen 2O7 to duty as roundsmen shall be made by the police board on the recommendation of the chief of police, and in case of the rejection of any such assignment recommended by the chief of police, he shall within three days submit another name and continue so to do until a permanent assignment is made]. He shall have power to suspend without pay, pending the trial of charges, any member of the police force; provided, however, that no such suspension shall be continued for a period of more than ten days without affirmative action to that effect by the police commissioner Iboard I. If any member of the police force so suspended shall not be convicted by the police commis- sioner Iboard I of the charges so preferred, he shall be entitled to full pay from the date of suspension, notwithstanding such charges and suspension. Said chief of police may grant leaves of absence to members of the force for a period not exceeding five days. He shall report to the police commissioner Iboard I all changes or assignments of officers and all leaves of absence granted. Id.; absence or disability of. § 293. In case of the absence or disability of the chief of police, either deputy chief of police designated by him shall discharge all the duties of the chief of police [a deputy chief of police designated by the police board, or in case no deputy chief is so designated, then a deputy chief of police, designated by the chief of police shall discharge all the duties of chief of police]; or in case each deputy chief of police be absent or disabled, or, for any good cause, is not available for such designation, then the duties of chief of police shall be per- formed by one of the inspectors of police to be designated by the police commissioner Iboard.I. Police surgeons; duties and districts. § 294. The duties of the police surgeons, and the extent and bounds of their districts, shall be assigned, from time to time, by the rules and regulations of the police commissioner Iboard I. The police commissioner Iboard I may, if re- quested by the department of health, [employ their I desig- nate police surgeons to aid the sanitary inspectors in the dis- charge of their duties, under such regulations and orders as the police commissioner Iboard] may make and issue. 2O8 IId.; Comptroller to payl Payment of salaries and Idischargel obligations of department. § 297. IThe police board through its treasurer, and in pur- suance of orders, rules and regulations of the police board,Il The comptroller shall pay all salaries and wages to officers and members of the police department and force, as established by and in pursuance of law, and all bills, claims and obligations lawfully incurred by or by authority of said police depart- ment I;I in the same manner as salaries and wages and bills, claims and obligations of other departments are paid. But the Comptroller shall pay over and advance from time to time to the police commissioner such portions of the appropriation made to the police department for contingent expenses, not ex- ceeding ten thousand dollars at any one time, for which requisition may be made by said police commissioner. The police commissioner shall transmit to the department of finance the original vouchers for the payment of all sums of money disbursed by him on account of such contingent ex- penses, and no greater sum than ten thousand dollars in ex- cess of the amount duly accounted for by said vouchers shall be advanced to said police commissioner at any one time. The police commissioner shall give a bond of ten thousand dollars, with two sufficient sureties, to be approved by the comptroller, for the faithful performance of the duties im- posed and privileges conferred upon him by this section. Land the comptroller shall pay over to the treasurer of the police board on the requisition of the police board, the total amount annually estimated, levied, raised, and appropriated for the support and maintenance of the police department and force, from time to time, and in such sums as shall be required (not exceeding one-twelfth part of said total annual amount in any one month), and the treasurer of the police board, if re- quired by the comptroller, shall transmit to the department of finance, each month, duplicate vouchers for the payment of all sums of money made on account of the police depart- ment during each month.I The police Iboard] commissioner shall procure and pay for all printing, books, blanks, paper, and other articles of stationery required for the administration and business of the department and each bureau thereof. 2O9 Id.; copy of minutes when evidence. § 298. A copy of the minutes of the police commissioner Iboard I or of any part of said minutes, or of any order or resolution of said commissioner Iboard I, or of the rules and regulations established by said commissioner Iboard or any or either of them], when certified by the police commissioner Ipresident of said board and I or the chief clerk, or first deputy clerk Lof said board or I of said police department, may be given in evidence upon any trial, investigation, hearing or proceeding in any court, or before any tribunal, commis- Sioner or commissioners, or board, with the same force and effect as the original. Salaries of officers and members of the force. § 299. IExcept as otherwise provided in sections two hun- dred and eighty-three and two hundred and ninety of this act.] The annual salaries and compensation of the officers and members of the police force shall be as follows, to wit: Of the chief of police, six thousand dollars; of each deputy chief of police, five thousand dollars; of each inspector of police, three thousand five hundred dollars; of each captain of police, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; of each police surgeon, three thousand dollars; of each sergeant of police, including detective Sergeants, two thousand dollars; of each doorman, one thousand dollars; of each roundsman, one thousand five hundred dollars; and the grade and pay or com- pensation of patrolmen or policemen shall be as follows, to wit: All such members who are patrolmen and who shall have served five years or upwards on said force, shall be mem- bers of the first grade. All such members who shall have served on such force for less than five years and more than four years and six months, shall be members of the second grade. All such members who shall have served on such force nor less than four years and six months, and more than four years, shall be members of the third grade. All such mem- bers who shall have served on such force for less than four years and more than three years, shall be members of the fourth grade. All such members who shall have served on such force for less than three years and more than two years, shall be members of the fifth grade. All such members who shall have served on such force for less than two years and I4 2 IO more than one year, shall be members of the sixth grade. And all persons appointed patrolmen on or after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be members of the seventh grade. Whenever any mem- ber of the seventh grade shall have done service therein for one year, he shall be advanced to the sixth grade. Whenever any member of the sixth grade shall have done service therein for one year, he shall be advanced to the fifth grade. Whenever any member of the fifth grade shall have done service therein for one year, he shall be advanced to the fourth grade. Whenever any member of the fourth grade shall have done service therein for one year, he shall be ad- vanced to the third grade. Whenever any member of the third grade shall have done service therein for six months, he shall be advanced to the second grade. And any member of said force who shall have served six months in the second grade, shall become a member of the first grade. But no such patrol- man shall be so advanced as aforesaid, except after examina- tion and approval by the police [board] commissioner of his record, efficiency, and conduct. The annual pay or compen- sation of the members of the police force who are patrolmen, as aforesaid, shall be as follows: For members of the first grade, at the rate of not less than one thousand four hundred dollars each; for members of the second grade, at the rate of not less than one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars each; for members of the third grade, at the rate of not less than one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars each; for members of the fourth grade, at the rate of not less than one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars each; for members of the fifth grade, at the rate of not less than one thousand dol- lars each; for members of the sixth grade, at the rate of not less than nine hundred dollars each; for members of the Seventh grade, at the rate of not less than eight hundred dollars each. The pay or compensation aforesaid shall be paid monthly to each person entitled thereto, subject to such deduc- tions for or on account of lost time, sickness, disability, ab- sence, fines, or forfeitures, as the police department may, by rules and regulations, from time to time prescribe or adopt. Nothing in this section contained shall be construed to change in any way the salaries or grading, present or prospective, of the patrolmen or policemen who are or become members of 2 I I the New York police force prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. All other patrolmen or policemen Of the various police forces consolidated into a single force by the provisions of this act, shall belong, so far as pay or compensation is concerned, to the grade indicated by the pay or compensation which they are respectively receiving on Jan- uary first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. But nothing in this section contained shall be construed to affect in any other way the rights and privileges secured under the provi- sions of this act to the members of the various police forces consolidated into a single force by this act. The date for the eligibility of any member of the forces transferred to the con- Solidated force by sections two hundred and seventy-seven, two hundred and seventy-eight, two hundred and seventy-nine and two hundred and eighty of this act for advancement to the next grade, shall be the day of the year on which he was originally appointed to the force from which he was trans- ferred; and any member of the forces so transferred not a member of the New York police force prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, whose salary falls between two grades, shall receive the salary of and be assigned to the grade next above the salary he is receiving at the time of transfer. Salaries of all officers in the forces so transferred, other than officers in the New York police prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be equalized on the same basis. If the difference in pay is not more than fifty dollars, the pay shall be equalized at once. If the difference is more than fifty dollars, the pay shall be made uniform with- in three years by equal annual additions. Police commissioner [board] ; rules, etc., for government and dis- cipline of police department and police force; trials, dismissals. § 3OO. The police commissioner Iboard] is authorized and empowered to make, adopt and enforce rules, orders and regu- lations for the government, discipline, administration and disposition of the police department and police force and the members thereof. He IIt] shall have power and is author- ized to adopt rules and regulations for the examination, hear- ing, investigation and determination of charges made or pre- ferred against any member or members of the said police force, 2 I 2 except the chief of police, but no member or members of the police force except as otherwise provided in this chapter shall be fined, reprimanded, removed, suspended or dismissed from the police force until written charges shall have been made or preferred against him or them, nor until such charges have been examined, heard and investigated before the police com- missioner or one of his deputies Ione or more members of Said board I, upon such reasonable notice to the member or members charged, and in such manner of procedure, practice, examina- tion and investigation as the said commissioner Iboard] may, by rules and regulations, from time to time prescribe. The trial of any member of the police force upon charges shall be held in the borough within which the accused member was serving at the time the charge was preferred. Any member of the police force who may hereafter become insane or of unsound mind, so as to be unable or unfit to perform full police service or duty, may be removed and dismissed from the police force by the commissioner Iboard I. The chief of police may be removed; but only upon due trial and conviction by the mayor on the charges preferred. The police commis- sioner may, with the approval of the mayor, retire the chief of police or any deputy chief; but the retirement, under this pro- vision, of a chief of police who was not at the time of his appointment a member of the uniformed force, shall not entitle him to receive any compensation by way of pension, or other- wise, from the city after his retirement. ISuch rules and regulations shall, as nearly as may be, provide that where a charge is preferred against any member of the police force, the investigation of such charge and the taking of testimony with reference thereto shall be at police headquarters in the borough within which the accused member was serving at the time the charge was preferred. In all cases where the offense charged is punishable by fine, the case may be fully and finally disposed of by one commissioner. Any member of the police force who may hereafter become insane or of unsound mind, so as to be unable or unfit to perform full police service or duty, may be removed and dismissed from the police force by the board. The police board may, by a unanimous vote of the board, or by a vote of a majority of its members with the 2 I 3 approval of the mayor, retire the chief of police or any deputy chief.I Police commissioner, etc., may issue subpoenas; who may administer oaths. § 301. IEither of I The police commissionerſsl and his deputies shall have power to issue subpoenas, attested in the name of the Ipresident of the I police Iboard] commissioner, and to exact and compel obedience to any Order, Subpoena or mandate issued by them, and to that end may institute and prosecute any proceedings or action authorized by law in such cases. He [They] or either of his deputies [them] may in proper cases issue subpoenas duces tecum. Such police Com- missioner Isaid board I may devise, make and issue process and forms of proceedings to carry into effect any powers or juris- diction possessed by him [them.T. IEach of The police com- missionerIsI, the chief of police, each deputy chief of police, the chief clerk and first deputy clerk of said Ipolice board or] police department are hereby authorized and empowered to administer oaths and affirmations in the usual or appropriate forms, to any person in any matter or proceedings authorized as aforesaid, and in all matters pertaining to the police depart- ment, or the duties of any officer or other person in matters of or connected with said department and to administer oaths of office which may be taken or required in the administration or affairs of said department, and to take and administer oaths and affirmations, in the usual or appropriate forms, in taking any affidavit or deposition which may be necessary or required by law or by any order, rule, or regulation of the police com- missioner [board I for or in connection with the official pur- poses, affairs, powers, duties or proceedings of Said police department, or of said police Iboard, or of any police] com- missioner, or member of the police force, or any official purpose lawfully authorized by said commissioner [board I. Any person making a complaint that a felony or misdemeanor has been commited may be required to make oath or affirmation thereto, and for this purpose a police commissioner, the chief of police, the deputy chiefs of police, the chief clerk, or deputy clerks of the police department [or police board], the inspec- tors, captains and Sergeants of police shall have power to administer oaths and affirmations. 2I4. Police [board] commissioner; punishments by; limitations of suits for reinstatements, etc. § 3O2. The police commissioner Iboard I shall have power, in his [its] discretion, on conviction by him [it] or by any court or officer of competent jurisdiction, of a mem- ber of the force of any criminal offense, or neglect of duty, violation of rules, or neglect or disobedience of Orders, or absence without leave, or any conduct injurious to the public peace or welfare, or immoral conduct or conduct unbecom- ing an officer, or any breach of discipline, to punish the Of- fending party by reprimand, forfeiting and withholding pay for a specified time, suspension, without pay during such suspension, or by dismissal from the force; but no more than thirty days’ pay or salary shall be forfeited or deducted for any offense. All such forfeitures shall be paid forthwith to the treasurer of the department to the account of the police pension fund. The police commissioner Iboard] is also authorized and empowered, in his [its] discretion, to deduct and withhold pay, salary or compensation from any member or members of the police force, for or on account of absence for any cause without leave, lost time, sickness or other disa- bility, physical or mental; provided, however, that the pay, salary or compensation so deducted and withheld shall not, except in case of absence without leave, exceed one-half thereof for the period of such absence, any act or law to the contrary notwithstanding; and said police commissioner Iboard I is authorized and empowered from time to time to make and prescribe rules and regulations to carry into effect and enforce the provisions of this section. No action, suit or proceeding, either at law or in equity, shall be commenced or maintained against the police department, or any member thereof, or against the police commissioner, or against the mayor, Iboard, police commissioners or either of them], or against The City of New York by any member or officer, or former member or officer of or belonging to the police force or department of said city to recover or compel the payment of any salary, pay, money or compensation for or on account of any service or duty, or to recover any salary, compensa- tion or moneys, or any part thereof forfeited, deducted or withheld for any cause Ior to restore or reinstate to the po- 2 I 5 lice force or department any member or officer thereofI, unless such action, suit or proceedings shall be commenced within two years after the cause of action shall have accrued; provided that causes of action or proceedings which shall have heretofore accrued may be begun or brought within six years after the same shall have accrued and within two years after the passage of this act; but nothing in this section con- tained shall be construed or held to extend the time in which causes of action or proceedings which shall have heretofore accrued must be brought, and no proceeding shall be brought to procure the restoration or reinstatement to said police force or department of any member or officer thereof, unless said proceeding shall be instituted within four months after the decision or order sought to be reviewed. Said proceed- ing when so brought shall be placed upon the calendar by the party instituting the same, for hearing, for a term of the court not later than the second term after the filing of the answer or return in said proceeding, and of service of notice of said filing upon the party instituting said proceeding. And in the event of the failure of the party instituting the said proceeding to place the said proceeding upon the said calendar, then the said proceeding shall be dismissed for want of prosecution upon application to that effect by the corpora- tion counsel, unless the court for good and sufficient cause shall otherwise order. Police force; resignations and absences on leave. § 303. No member of the police force, under penalty of forfeiting the salary or pay which may be due him, shall with- draw or resign, except by permission of the police commis- sioner Iboard I. Absence, without leave, of any member of the police force for five consecutive days shall be deemed and held to be a resignation, and the member so absent shall, at the expiration of said period cease to be a member of the police force and be dismissed therefrom without notice. No leave of absence exceeding twenty days in any one year shall hereafter be granted or allowed to any member of the police force, except upon the condition that such member shall 2I 6 waive and release not less than one-half of all salary, pay or compensation and claim thereto Ior any part thereofI dur- ing such absence. Police commissioner Iboard]; rewards to informers. § 305. The police commissioner Iboard I shall have authority to offer rewards to induce all classes of persons to give information which shall lead to the detection, arrest and conviction of persons guilty of homicide, arson, or receiv- ing stolen goods, knowing them to be stolen; and to pay such awards to such persons as shall give such information. But no such reward shall be offered unless there be an unex- pended appropriation therefor made by the board of estimate and apportionment, which shall make the necessary appro- priation for such purpose. Police force; gratuities and political contributions forbidden; may be permitted to obtain rewards. § 306. No member of the police force or employee of the police department shall, under any pretense whatsoever, share in, for his own benefit, any present, fee, gift or emolu- ment for police services, or for services of the police depart- ment or any member thereof, additional to his regular sal- ary, pay or compensation. The police commissioner Iboard] for meritorious and extraordinary services rendered by any member of the police force in due discharge of his duty, may permit such member of the police force to retain for his own benefit any reward or present, or some part thereof, ten- dered him therefor; and it shall be cause for removal from the police force for any member thereof to receive any such reward or present without notice thereof to the police com- missioner Iboard I. Upon receiving said notice, the police commissioner Iboard] may either order the said member to retain the same, or shall dispose of it for the benefit of the police pension fund. INo1 Neither the police commissioner nor any deputy commissioner nor any person in the police force shall be permitted to contribute any moneys, directly or indirectly, to any political fund, or to join or be or become a member of any political club or association or any club or association intended to affect legislation for or on behalf of 217 the police department or any member thereof, or to con- tribute any funds for such purpose. Id. ; detail of policemen at polls. § 307. It shall be the duty of the chief of police to detail, or to cause to be detailed on election day, at least two patrol- men at each election poll. It shall be the duty of the police force, or any member thereof, to prevent any booth, or box, or structure for the distribution of tickets at any election from being erected or maintained within one hundred and fifty feet of any polling place within the city, and summarily to-remove any such booth, box or structure, or *to close and prevent the use thereof. Id.; special patrolmen; when may be appointed; military assistance. § 3O8. The police commissioner Iboard I may, upon an emergency or apprehension of riot, tumult, mob, insurrection, pestilence or invasion, appoint as many special patrolmen without pay from among the citizens as it may deem desir- able. The mayor, or, in case of his failure so to do, the governor may demand the assistance of the militia of the state within the city, or of any brigade, regiment or company thereof, by order in writing served upon the commanding Officer of any brigade and such commanding officer shall obey such order. Special patrolmen, appointed in pursuance of law, may be dismissed by order of the police commissioner Iboard]; and while acting as such special patrolmen shall possess the powers, perform the duties, and be subject to the Orders, rules and regulations of the police department in the Same manner as regular patrolmen. Every such special patrol- man shall wear a badge, to be prescribed and furnished by the police commissioner Iboard.I. No transfer, detail or assign- ment to special duty of any member of the police force, except in cases authorized or required by law, shall hereafter be made or continued, except for police reasons and in the interests of police service; provided, however, that the chief of police may, whenever the exigencies of the case require it, make detail to special duty for a period not exceeding three days, at the ex- piration of which the member or members so detailed shall report for duty to the officer of the command from which the detail was made. The police commissioner Iboard I, when- 218 ever expedient, may on the application of any person or per- Sons, corporation or corporations, showing the necessity there- for, Idetail regular patrolmen of the police force, or I appoint and Swear any number of special patrolmen to do special duty at any place in The City of New York upon the person or persons, corporation or corporations by whom the application shall be made, paying, in advance such Iregular or I special patrolmen for their services, and upon such [regular or I Special patrolmen, in consideration of their appointment, sign- ing an agreement in writing releasing and waiving all claim whatever against the police department and The City of New York for pay, salary of compensation for their services and for all expenses connected therewith ; Iregular patrolmen so detailed shall be paid at the same rate as provided for patrol- men in this act;I but the Iregular or I special patrolmen so appointed shall be subject to the orders of the chief of police and shall obey the rules and regulations of the police depart- ment and conform to its general discipline and to such special regulations as may be made [and shall wear such dress or emblems as the department may directI and shall during the term of their holding appointment possess all the powers and discharge all the duties of the police force, applicable to regular patrolmen. The special patrolmen so appointed may be removed at any time by the police commissioner Iboard I without assigning cause therefor, and nothing in this section contained shall be construed to constitute such special patrol- men members of the police force, or to entitle them to the privilege of the regular members of the force, or to receive any salary, pay, compensation or moneys whatever from the said police department or The City of New York, or to share in the police pension fund. Police [board] commissioner; detail persons to attend courts. § 309. It shall be the duty of the police commissioner Iboard] to cause some intelligent and experienced person con- nected with the police force to attend at the courts of the city in cases where there is need of such assistance, who shall, to such extent as the rules of the board of magistrates may reasonably require, aid in bringing the facts before the magis- trates in proceedings pending in such police courts. 2 IQ Police department to co-operate with department of health. § 3 IO. It shall be the duty of the police department (and of its officers and men, as said police [board I commissioner shall direct) to promptly advise the department of health of all threatened danger to human life and health, and of all matters thought to demand its attention, and to regularly report to said department of health all violations of its rules and ordinances, and of the health laws, and all useful sanitary information. Said department, shall, So far as practicable and appropriate, co-operate for the promotion of the public health and the safety of human life in said city. It shall be the duty of said police department, by and through its proper officers, agents and men, to faithfully and at the proper time enforce and execute the sanitary rules and regulations, and the orders of said department of health (made pursuant to the power of said department of health), upon the same being received in writing and duly authenticated as said department of health may direct. Said police department is authorized to employ and use the appropriate persons and means, and to make the necessary expenditures for the execution and en- forcement of said rules, orders, and regulations, and such expenditures, so far as the same may not be refunded or com- pensated by the means herein elsewhere provided, shall be paid as the other expenses of said department of health are paid. In and about the execution of any order of the department of health, or of the police department made pursuant thereto, police officers and policemen shall have as ample power and authority as when obeying any order of or law applicable to the police department; [or as if acting under a special war- rant of a justice or judge, duly issued] but for their conduct , they shall be responsible to the police department and not to the department of health. The department of health may, with the consent of the police department, impose any portion of the duties of subordinates in said department upon subordi- nates in the police department. Police force; arrests for violation of health laws. § 3 II. Any member of the police force may arrest without warrant any person who shall, in view of such member, violate, or do, or be engaged in doing or committing in said city, any act or thing forbidden by chapter nineteen of this act, or by any 22O law or by any ordinance the authority to enact which is given by this act or any other statute or who shall, in such presence, resist or be engaged in resisting the lawful enforcement of any such law or ordinance or any official order made pursuant to any statute of this state. And any person so arrested shall thereafter be treated, disposed of and punished as any other person duly arrested for a misdemeanor unless other provision is made for the case by law. Id.; detail of officers and men to assist department of health. § 312. The police commissioner Iboard], upon the requi- sition of the board of health, shall detail to the Service of the said department of health for the purpose of the enforcement of the provisions of the sanitary code, and of the acts relating to tenement and lodging houses, not less than fifty nor more than one hundred suitable officers and men of experience of at least five years' service in the police force I, provided that the department of health shall pay monthly to the police depart- ment a sum equal to the pay of all officers and men so detailed]. At least thirty of the officers and men so detailed shall be em- ployed exclusively in the enforcement of the laws relating to tenement and lodging houses. These officers and men shall belong to the sanitary company of police, and shall report to the board of health. The board of health may report back to the police department for punishment any member of said com- pany guilty of any breach of order or discipline, or of neglect- ing his duty, and thereupon the police commissioner Iboard I shall detail another officer or man in his place, and the disci- pline of the said members of the sanitary company shall be in the jurisdiction of the police department, but at any time the board of health may object to any member of said sanitary company on the ground of inefficiency, and thereupon another Officer or man shall be detailed in his place. Id.; detail of officers and men to assist the department of public parks. § 313. The police commissioner Iboard], upon the requisi- tion of Leither of the commissioners of parks] the park board, shall from time to time detail to the service of the department of parks [in the borough or boroughs under the charge of such commissioner I, for the enforcement of the park ordinances and for the maintenance of good order in the parks, so many 22 I suitable officers and men as in the judgment of the police com- missioner Idepartment] are necessary. Such officers and men shall continue to be in all respects an integral part of the police force of the city and shall be paid out of the funds appro- priated for the support of the police department. These offi- cers and men shall constitute the park police So long as their detail lasts, and shall report to the park commissioner in charge of the parks in which they serve. Each commissioner of parks may report back to the police department for punishment any member of said park police force guilty of any breach of orders or discipline, or of neglecting his duty, and thereupon the police commissioner Idepartment I may detail another officer or man in his place; and the discipline of the said members of the park police shall be in the jurisdiction of the police department, but at any time either commissioner of parks may object to the inefficiency of any member of said park police serving in any park under his charge and thereupon another officer or man may be detailed in his place. Id.; detail of officers and men to assist the department of bridges. § 314. The police commissioner Iboard], upon the requisi- tion of the commissioner of bridges shall from time to time detail to the service of the department of bridges for the enforcement of the ordinances regulating travel over any of the bridges and for the maintenance of good order thereon, so many suitable officers and men as in the judgment of the police commissioner Idepartment] are necessary. Such offi- cers and men shall continue to be in all respects an integral part of the police force of the city and shall be paid out of the funds appropriated for the support of the police department. These officers and men shall constitute the bridge police so long as their detail lasts, and shall report to the commissioner of bridges. The commissioner of bridges may report back to the police commissioner Idepartment] for punishment any member of said bridge police force guilty of any breach of Orders or discipline, or of neglecting his duty, and thereupon the police commissioner Idepartment] may detail another officer or man in his place; and the discipline of the said mem- bers of the bridge police shall be in the jurisdiction of the police department, but at any time the commissioner of bridges 222 may object to the inefficiency of any member of said bridge police and thereupon another officer or man may be detailed in his place. Id.; duties of. § 315. It is hereby made the duty of the police department and force, at all times of day and night, and the members of such force are hereby thereunto empowered, to especially pre- serve the public peace, prevent crime, detect and arrest offenders, suppress riots, mobs and insurrections, disperse unlawful or dangerous assemblages, and assemblages which obstruct the free passage of public streets, sidewalks, parks and places; protect the rights of persons and property, guard the public health, preserve order at elections and all public meetings and assemblages; regulate the movement of teams and vehicles in streets, bridges, Squares, parks and public places, and remove all nuisances in the public streets, parks and highways; arrest all street mendicants and beggars; pro- vide proper police attendance at fires; assist, advise, and protect emigrants, strangers and travelers in public streets, at steam- boat and ship landings, and at railroad stations; carefully observe and inspect all places of public amusement, all places of business having excise or other licenses to carry on any business; all houses of ill-fame or prostitution, and houses where common prostitutes resort or reside; all lottery offices, policy shops, and places where lottery tickets or lottery poli- cies are sold or offered for sale; all gambling-houses, cock-pits, rat-pits, and public common dance-houses, and to repress and restrain all unlawful and disorderly conduct or practices there- in ; enforce and prevent the violation of all laws and ordi- nances in force in said city; and for these purposes, to arrest all persons guilty of violating any law or ordinance for the sup- pression or punishment of crimes or offenses. Hd.; general powers over certain trades. § 316. The chief of police and each deputy chief of police, and each inspector in his district, and each captain of police within his precinct shall possess powers of general police su- pervision and inspection over all licensed or unlicensed pawn- brokers, venders, junkshop keepers, junk-boatmen, cart- men, dealers in second-hand merchandise, intelligence-office 223 keepers, and auctioneers, within the said city; and in the ex- ercise of Said supervision, may from time to time empower members of the police force to fulfill such special duties in the aforesaid premises as may be from time to time ordained by the police board. The said chief of police and each deputy chief of police, and each inspector in his district and each captain within his precinct, may, by authority in writing, em- power any member of the police force, whenever such mem- ber shall be in search of property feloniously obtained, or in search of suspected offenders, or evidence to convict any per- son charged with crime, to examine the books of any pawn- broker, or his business premises, or the business premises of any licensed vender, or licensed junk-shop keeper, or dealer in second-hand merchandise, or intelligence-office keeper, or auctioneer, or boat of any junk-boatman, IAny such mem- ber of the police, when thereto authorized in writing, by the said chief, shall be authorized] and to examine property al- leged to be pawned, pledged, deposited, lost or stolen, in whosoever possession said property may be; but no such property shall be taken from the possessor thereof without due process or authority of law. Hd.; may examine pawnbrokers’ books. § 317. The chief of police, deputy chiefs of police, inspect- ors of police, and captains of police and persons acting by their, or by either of their orders, shall have power to exam- ine the books of any pawnbroker, his clerk or clerks, if they deem it necessary, when in search of stolen property, and any person having in his possession a pawnbroker's ticket shall, when accompanied by a policeman, or by an order from the chief of police or a deputy chief of police, or an inspector of police, or a captain of police, be allowed to examine the prop- erty purporting to be pawned by said ticket; but no property shall be removed from the possession of any pawnbroker without the process of law required by the existing laws of this state, or the laws and Ordinances of the city regulating pawnbrokers. A refusal or neglect to comply in any respect with the provisions of this section, on the part of any pawn- broker, his clerk or clerks, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and punishable as such. 224 Id.; suppression of gaming and other houses. § 318. IIf any member of the police force, or I If any two or more householders shall report in writing, under This or I their signature, to the chief of police or to a deputy chief of police, that there are good grounds (and stating the same) for believing any house, room or premises within the said city to be kept or used as a common gambling-house, com- mon gaming-room, or common gaming premises, for therein playing for wagers of money at any game of chance, or to be kept or used for lewd and obscene purposes or amusements, or the deposit or sale of lottery tickets or lottery policies, it shall be lawful for the chief of police or a deputy chief of police to authorize, in writing, any member or members of the police force to enter the same, who may forthwith arrest all persons there found offending against law, but none Others; and seize all implements of gaming, or lottery tickets, or lottery policies, and convey any person so arrested before a magistrate, and bring the articles so seized to the office of the property clerk. It shall be the duty of the said chief of police or deputy chief of police to cause such arrested person to be rigorously prosecuted, and such articles seized to be destroyed, as the orders, rules and regulations of the police commissioner Iboard I shall direct. Police [board] commissioner; to furnish station houses, etc., and fix boundaries of precincts; headquarters. § 320. The police commissioner Iboard I shall from time to time with the authority of the Imunicipal assembly I com- missioners Qf the sinking fund, establish, provide and furnish stations and station houses, or sub-stations and sub-station houses, at least one to each precinct, for the accommodation thereat of members of the police force, and as places of tem- porary detention for persons arrested and property taken within the precinct; and shall also provide and furnish such business accommodations, apparatus and articles, and pro- vide for the care thereof, as shall be necessary for the depart- ment of police and the transaction of the business of the de- partment. The said police Iboard I commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to furnish horses and wagons, to be known as patrol wagons, which said horses and wagons shall be under the custody, control and care of said police de- 225 partment, for the exclusive use thereof. The board of esti- mate and apportionment and the Imunicipal assembly.I board of aldermen are directed to appropriate a sufficient sum of money in each and every year, for the purpose of fur- nishing such horses, wagons and apparatus connected there- with, and the maintenance thereof, and for the other pur- poses authorized by this section. The number and bounda- ries of the precincts shall be fixed by the police commis- sioner Iboard.I. There Ishall] may be one headquarters or central station, established and located by said police Iboard] commissioner in Teach] any borough into which The City of New York is divided by this act. IA deputy chief of police shall be assigned to duty by the police board at police headquarters in the borough of Brooklyn, and, in the discretion of the police board, a deputy chief of police may be assigned to duty at police headquarters in each of the other boroughs.I. The said police [board I commissioner shall apply to and use for the purposes mentioned in this section, the property and premises which shall come into Itheir] his possession, or under Itheirl his control, by virtue of section two hundred and seventy-five of this act, so far as suitable for the purpose in Itheir] his judgment, and available therefor. Id.; to provide accommodations for detention of witnesses. § 321. The police commissioner Iboard I shall, where not otherwise provided by law, and as authorized by the Imunic- ipal assembly board of aldermen, provide suitable accommo- dations and supplies for the detention of witnesses who are unable to furnish security, for their appearance in criminal proceedings, other than children actually or apparently under the age of sixteen years, to be called the house for the deten- tion of witnesses; and such accommodation shall be in prem- ises other than those employed for the confinement of persons charged with crime, fraud or disorderly conduct. And it shall be the duty of all magistrates, when committing witnesses in default of bail, to commit them to such house for detention of witnesses. The board of estimate and apportionment and the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen shall in each and every year appropriate a sufficient sum of money to defray I5 226 the expenses authorized by this section. And said police Iboard] commissioner shall apply to and use for such purposes the property and premises which shall come into [theirl his possession or under Itheir] his control by section two hun- dred and seventy-five of this act, so far as the same may be available, and, in Itheirl his judgment, suitable therefor. Id.; may maintain and operate telegraph and telephone lines, and use same in assisting department of health. § 323. The police commissioner Iboard I shall have power- to erect, operate, supply and maintain, under the general laws of the state relating to telegraphs, all such lines of telegraph and telephone to and between such places in the city as for the purposes and business of the police the commissioner [board] shall deem necessary. The police commissioner Iboard] may procure all instruments, fixtures, property and materials for the purpose above mentioned, and control the same, but the cost thereof shall be chargeable to general expenses of police. The police commissioner Iboard] is hereby permitted to use the said telegraph and telephone lines to aid Iit] him in facilitating the operations of the department of health, and when so used, the expense thereof shall be charged to the said department of health. Id.; may use boats; establish mounted patrol, sell old property, etc. § 324. In the performance of police service in any precinct or precincts, comprising waters of the harbor, the police com- missioner Lboard I may procure and use and employ such rowboats, steamboats, and boats propelled by other power as shall be deemed necessary and proper. In rural or sparsely inhabited precincts he [it] may establish a mounted patrol and procure and use and employ so many horses and equip- ments as shall be requisite for the purpose; and he [it] shall procure and cause to be used teams and vehicles to transport prisoners, supplies and property, whenever the use of teams and vehicles for such purposes shall be proper and tend to preserve the public peace and decency. The police commis- sioner Iboard] may sell and dispose of, in accordance with law, any personal property owned or used in the department, whenever such property shall have become old and unfit and 227 shall not be required for service, and he [it] shall have author- ity to detail and employ patrolmen in any duty or Service, other than patrol duty, which may be necessary and proper to enable the department to exercise the powers and perform the duties and business imposed and required by law. Stolen property; property clerk; employment of and duties. § 331. The police commissioner Iboard I shall employ some person as clerk, who shall be designated property clerk, to take charge of all property alleged to be stolen or embezzled, and which may be brought into the police office, and all prop- erty taken from the person of a prisoner, and all property or money alleged or supposed to have been feloniously obtained, or which shall be lost or abandoned, and which shall be taken into the custody of any member of the police force or criminal court in The City of New York, or which shall come into the custody of any magistrate or officer, shall be, by such member or magistrate, or by order of said court, given into the custody of and kept by the said property clerk. All such property and money shall be described and registered by said property clerk in a book kept for that purpose, which shall contain the name of the owner or claimant if ascertained, the place where found, the name of the person from whom taken, with the general circumstances, the date of its receipt, the name of the officer recovering the same, a description thereof, the names of all claimants thereto, and any final disposition of such property or money. The said police commissioner [board I may pre- scribe regulations in regard to the duties of the clerk so desig- nated, and require and take security for the faithful perform- ance of the duties imposed by this section, but all animals strayed, lost or stolen, which shall come into the possession of the said property clerk shall by him be transferred and sent to the public pound, in said city, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Id.; return of property to person accused. § 332. Whenever property or money taken from any person arrested shall be alleged to have been feloniously obtained, or to be the proceeds of crime, and brought, with all ascertained claimants thereof, and the person arrested, before some magis- trate for adjudication, and the magistrate shall be then and 228 there satisfied from evidence that the person arrested is inno- cent of the offense alleged, and that the property rightfully belongs to him, then said magistrate may thereupon, in writ- ing, order such property or money to be returned, and the property clerk, if he have it, to deliver such property or money to the accused person himself, and not to any attorney, agent, or clerk of said accused person. Id.; claim to by another person. § 333. If any claim to the ownership of such property or money shall be made on oath before the magistrate, by or in behalf of any other persons than the person arrested, and the said accused person shall be held for trial or examination, such property or money shall remain in the custody of the property clerk until the discharge or conviction of the person accused and until lawfully disposed of. Unclaimed, lost, stolen, etc., property, to be registered and advertised. § 334. All property or money taken on suspicion of having been feloniously obtained, or of being the proceeds of crime, and for which there is no other claimant than the person from whom such property was taken, and all lost property coming into the possession of any member of the said police force, and all property and money taken from pawnbrokers as the pro- ceeds of crime, or by any such member from persons supposed to be insane, intoxicated or otherwise incapable of taking care Of themselves, shall be transmitted, as soon as practicable, to the property clerk, to be registered and advertised in the City Record for the benefit of all persons interested, and for the information of the public, as to the amount and disposition of the property so taken into custody by the police. Id.; to be sold if unclaimed. § 335. If the property stolen or embezzled be not claimed by the owner, before the expiration of six months from the con- viction of a person for stealing or embezzling it, the officer having it in his custody must, on payment of the necessary expenses incurred in its preservation, deliver the same to the property clerk. The property so delivered to said property clerk, and all such other property, securities, moneys, things, or choses in action, that shall remain in the custody of the property clerk for the period of six months without any lawful 229 claimant thereto, after having been advertised in the City Record for the period of ten days, may be sold at public auction in a suitable room to be designated for such purpose, and the proceeds of such sale shall be paid into the police pension fund. No property shall be delivered to the property clerk or at the central office of the police department, except as provided by law. Stolen property desired as evidence in criminal court. $ 336. If any property or money placed in the custody of the property clerk shall be desired as evidence in any police or other criminal court, such property shall be delivered to any officer who shall present an order to that effect from such court. Such property, however, shall not be retained in said Court, but shall be returned to such property clerk to be dis- posed of according to the previous provisions of this chapter. Police force; arrests without warrant. § 337. The several members of the police force shall have power and authority to immediately arrest, without warrant, and to take into custody, any person who shall commit, or threaten, or attempt to commit, in the presence of such mem- per, or within his view, any breach of the peace or offense directly prohibited by act of the legislature, or by any ordi- nance made by lawful authority. The members of the police force shall possess in The City of New York and in every part of this state, all the common law and statutory powers of con- stables, except for the service of civil process, and any warrant for search or arrest, issued by any magistrate of this state, may be executed, in any part thereof, by any member of the police force, and all the provisions of sections seven, eight and nine of chapter two, title two, part four of the revised statutes, in relation to the giving and taking of bail, shall apply to this chapter. Id.; returns of arrests; accused to be taken before magistrate. § 338. In every case of arrest by any member of the police force, the same shall be made known immediately to the Superior on duty in the precinct wherein the arrest was made, by the person making the same; and it shall be the duty of the said Superior, within twenty-four hours after such notice, to make written return thereof, according to the rules and regu- 23O lations of the police department, with the name of the party arrested, the alleged offense, the time and place of arrest, and the place of detention. Each member of the police force, under the penalty of ten days’ fine, or dismissal from the force, at the discretion of the police [board I commissioner shall, immediately upon an arrest, convey in person the offender before the nearest sitting magistrate, that he may be dealt with according to law. If the arrest is made during the hours that the magistrate does not regularly hold court, or if the magistrate is not holding court, such offender may be detained in a precinct or station-house thereof, until the next regular public sitting of the magistrate, and no longer, and shall then be conveyed without delay before the magistrate, to be dealt with according to law. And it shall be the duty of the said police Iboard] commissioner, from time to time, to provide suitable rules and regulations to prevent the undue detention of persons arrested, which rules and regulations shall be as Operative and binding as if herein specially enacted, subject, however, to the order of the court committing the person arrested. Penalty for personating policeman, and for willful neglect of police. § 339. It shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by imprison- ment in the penitentiary for not less than one year, nor exceed- ing two years, or by a fine of not less than two hundred and fifty dollars, or the forfeiture of his position, for any member of the police force to wilfully neglect to make any arrest for an offense against the law of the state, or any ordinance in force in The City of New York, Ior]; and it shall be a misde- meanor, punishable in like manner, for any person not a mem- ber of the police force to falsely represent himself as being such a member, with a fraudulent design upon persons or property, or upon any day or time to have, use, wear or dis- play, without specific authority from the police department, any uniform, shield, buttons, wreaths, numbers or other insignia or emblems in any wise resembling such as are worn by members of the police force; and the said police department is hereby authorized and directed, from time to time, to pre- Scribe the uniform, shields, emblems, insignia and weapons to. be worn, displayed and used, and to regulate the wearing, dis- ply and use thereof, by any and all persons, excepting marshals and the sheriff, his under sheriff and deputies authorized under 23 I the laws of this state, to make arrests for any cause in The City of New York. Misdemeanor for persons not members of police force to serve criminal process. § 340. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person not being a regular member of the police established in any city of this state, or a member of the police force of The City of New York, or a constable of this state, or a police constable, or assistant police constable, or United States marshal, or other peace officer of this state, or a sheriff, or one of the usual gen- eral deputies of any sheriff of this state, to serve any criminal process within the said city. Exemption from military and jury duty, and civil process. § 341. No person holding office under this department shall be liable to military or jury duty, and no officer or pa- trolman while actually on duty shall be liable to arrest on civil process, or to service of subpoena from civil courts. Steam boilers; inspection of; not to be operated without certificate. § 342. Every Owner, agent or lessee of a steam boiler or boilers in use in The City of New York shall annually, and at Such convenient times and in such manner and in such form as may, by rules and regulations to be made therefor by the police commissioner Iboard,I be provided, report to the said department the location of each steam boiler or boilers, and thereupon, and as soon thereafter as practicable, the sanitary company or such member or members thereof as may be competent for the duty herein described, and may be detailed for such duty by the police commissioner Iboard] shall proceed to inspect such steam boilers, and all apparatus and appliances connected therewith ; but no person shall be detailed for such duty except he be a practical engineer, and the strength and security of each boiler shall be tested by atmospheric and hydrostatic pressure and the strength and security of each boiler or boilers so tested shall have, under the control of said sanitary company, such attachments, ap- paratus and appliances as may be necessary for the limitation of pressure, locked and secured in like manner as may be from time to time adopted by the United States inspectors of steam boilers or the secretary of the treasury, according 232 to act of congress, passed July twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six; and they shall limit the pressure of steam to be applied to or upon such boiler, certifying each inspection and such limit of pressure to the owner of the boiler inspected, and also to the engineer in charge of same, and no greater amount of steam or pressure than that certified in the case of any boiler shall be applied thereto. In limiting the amount of pressure, wherever the boiler under test"will bear the same, the limit desired by the owner of the boiler shall be the one certified. Every owner, agent or lessee of a steam boiler or boilers in use in The City of New York shall, for the inspection and testing of such or each of such boilers, as provided for in this act, and upon receiving from the police department a certificate setting forth the location of the boiler inspected, the date of such inspection, the persons by whom the inspection was made, and the limit of steam pres– sure which shall be applied to or upon such boiler or each of such boilers, pay annually to the police commissioner Itreas- urer of the police department] for each boiler, for the use of the police pension fund, the sum of two dollars, such certifi- cate to continue in force for One year from the granting thereof when it shall expire, unless Sooner revoked or sus- pended. Such certificate may be renewed upon the payment of a like sum and like conditions, to be applied to a like pur- pose. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons, cor- poration or corporations, to have used or operated within The City of New York any steam boiler or boilers except for heating purposes and for railway locomotives, without having first had such boiler or boilers inspected or tested and procured for such boiler or each of such boilers so used or operated the certificate herein provided for. The Superin- tendent and inspectors of boilers, in the employ of the police department, in the city of Brooklyn, and the boiler inspect- ors in Long Island City, shall continue to discharge the du- ties heretofore devolved upon them, subject, however, to re- moval for cause, or when they are no longer needed. Id.; no person to use, or act as engineer for, without certificate. § 343. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to operate or use any steam boiler to generate steam except for railway locomotive engines, and for heating purposes in pri- vate dwellings, and boilers carrying not over ten pounds of 233 steam and not over ten horse-power, or to act as engineer for such purposes in The City of New York without having a certificate of qualification therefor from practical engineers detailed as such by the police department, such certificate to be countersigned by the officer in command of the sani- tary company of the police department of The City of New York and to continue in force one year, unless Sooner re- voked or suspended. Such certificate may be revoked or suspended at any time by the police commissioner Iboard] upon the report of any two practical engineers, detailed as provided in this section, stating the grounds upon which such certificate should be revoked or suspended. Where such certificate shall have been revoked, as provided in this sec- tion, a like certificate shall not in any case be issued to the same person within six months from the date of the revoca- tion of the former certificate held by such person. ł, Id.; record of inspections to be kept. § 344. A correct record in proper form shall be kept and preserved of all inspections of steam boilers made under the direction of the police board, and of the amount of steam or pressure allowed in each case, and in cases where any steam boiler or the apparatus or appliances connected therewith shall be deemed by the department, after inspection, to be insecure or dangerous, the department may prescribe such changes and alterations as may render such boilers, apparatus and appli- ances secure and devoid of danger. And in the mean time, and until such changes and alterations are made and such appliances attached, such boiler, apparatus and appliances may be taken under the control of the police department and all persons prevented from using the same, and in cases deemed necessary, the appliances, apparatus or attachment for the limitation of pressure may be taken under the control of the said police department. * Id.; over=pressure forbidden; owner neglecting to report boiler. § 345. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to apply or cause to be applied to any steam boiler a higher pres- sure of steam than that limited for the same in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and any person violating the provisions of the last preceding section shall be guilty of 234. a misdemeanor. In case any owner of any steam boiler in the said city shall fail or omit to have the same reported for inspection, as provided by law, such boiler may be taken under the control of the police department and all persons prevented from using the same until it can be satisfactorily tested, as hereinbefore provided for, and the owner shall, in such case. be charged with the expense of so testing it. LId.;l Special patrolmen for district telegraph companies. § 350. The police commissioner Iboard] is hereby author- ized, in addition to the police force now authorized by law, to appoint a number of persons, not exceeding Itwo I three hundred, who may be designated by any company which may be operating a system of signaling by telegraph to a central Office for police assistance, to act as special patrolmen in con– nection with such telegraphic system. And the persons SO appointed shall, in and about such service, have all the powers possessed by the members of the regular force, except as this may be limited by the regulations of the police commissioner Iboard I, and they shall be subject to the supervision and con- trol of the police department. No person shall be appointed as such special patrolman who does not possess the qualifica- tions which may be required by the police commissioner Iboard I for such special service; and the persons so appointed shall be subject, in case of emergency, to do duty as a part of the regular police force. The police commissioner Iboard] shall have power to revoke any such appointment or appoint- ments at any time, and every person so appointed shall wear a badge and uniform, to be furnished by such company and approved by the police department. Such uniform shall be designated at the time of the first appointment under this sec- tion, and shall be the permanent uniform to be worn by said special police. The pay of such special patrolmen and all ex- penses connected with their service shall be wholly paid by such company or companies, and no expense or liability shall at any time be incurred or paid by the police department for, or by reason of, the services of the persons so as aforesaid appointed. 235 Police pension fund; police [board] commissioner trustee [s] of; powers over. - - § 35I. The police commissioner Iboard I shall be the trusteeſs] of the police pension fund hereinafter mentioned, and [the treasurer of said board I shall be treasurer of the pension fund. He shall, before entering upon his duties as treasurer thereof, execute and deliver to the comptroller of The City of New York Isaid board I, a bond in the penal sum of one hundred thousand dollars, to be approved by the comp- troller of The City of New York, and conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties, and that he shall pay over and account for all moneys and property which shall come into his hands as such treasurer. Such trusteel's] shall have charge of and administer said funds, and from time to time invest the same, or any part thereof, as he [they] shall deem most bene- ficial to said fund, and he is [they are] empowered to make all necessary contracts and take all necessary and proper actions and proceedings in the premises, and to make pay- ments from such fund of pensions granted in pursuance of this act, and also pensions now charged on said fund or any part thereof by or under existing laws, and said trusteeſs] shall be the legal successor[s] of the trustee or trustees of the police life insurance fund, and of any police pension fund heretofore existing within the limits of The City of New York as consti- tuted by this act, including the pension fund of the park police of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, and the pension fund of the park police of the city of Brooklyn. The said trusteeſs] may, and he is [they are I authorized and empowered, from time to time to establish such rules and regulations for the disposition, investment, preservation and administration of the police pension fund as he Ithey] may deem best. He [They] shall report in detail to the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen of The City of New York, annually, in the month of January, the condi- tion of the police pension fund and the items of receipts and disbursements on account of the same. No payments what- ever shall be allowed or made by said trusteeſs] from said fund as reward, gratuity or compensation to any person for salary or services rendered II to or for said trusteeſs, except payment of legal expenses.I. On or before the first day of 236 February of each year, the trustee shall make a verified report to the mayor of his proceedings as such trustee, containing a Statement of all receipts and disbursements on account of Said fund, together with the names and residences of each bene- ficiary and the amounts paid to such beneficiary for or on account of said fund. There shall be an auditing committee consisting of three members to be appointed by the mayor as follows: two members to be selected from among the officers and members of the uniformed force of the police department and one member to be selected from the retired members of the police department. It shall be the duty of this committee on or before the first day of March in each year to examine the condition of said relief fund and to audit the account of the said trustee. Id.; funds to be paid trustees; exemption from execution and process; false swearing in pension claims. § 352. The said police pension funds existing in said city of New York as constituted by this act, or in any part thereof when this act takes effect, and all moneys, bonds, investments, securities, revenues and incomes thereof, or belonging thereto, in whose hands soever or wherever the same may be, shall be paid over and delivered on demand to the police commissioner. Isaid trustees of the pension fund as constituted by this act.I The moneys, securities and effects of the police pension fund, and all pensions granted and payable from said fund shall be and are exempt from execution and from all process and pro- ceedings to enjoin and recover the same by or on behalf of any creditor or person having or asserting any claims against, or debt or liability of, any pensioner of said fund. Every person who knowingly or wilfully in any wise procures the making Or presentation of any false or fraudulent affidavit or affirma- tion concerning any claim for pension or payment thereof shall in every such case forfeit a sum not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars, to be sued for and recovered by and in the name of the said trustees, and, when recovered, to be paid over to and thereupon become a part of the said police pension fund. Any person who shall wilfully swear falsely in any oath or affirmation in obtaining or procuring any pension or payment 237 thereof, under the provisions of this chapter, shall be guilty of perjury. Id.; of what it consists. § 353. The said police pension fund shall consist of: I. The capital, interest, income, dividends, cash, deposits, securities and credits formerly belonging to the police life insurance fund, and any police pension fund, existing as afore- said with the addition thereto, from time to time, of 2. All forfeitures imposed by the police department from time to time, upon or against any member or members of the police force; and of 3. All rewards, fees, gifts, testimonials and emoluments that may be presented, paid or given to any member of the police force on account of police services, except such as have been or shall be allowed by the police commissioner Idepartment] to be retained by the said members, and also all gifts or bequests which may be made to the said pension fund, or to the said police commissioner [board I as trusteeſs] thereof. 4. All lost, abandoned, unclaimed, or stolen money remain- ing in the possession of the property clerk of the police depart- ment for the space of one year, and for which there shall be no lawful claimant, and all moneys arising from the sale by said property clerk of unclaimed, abandoned, lost or stolen property, and all moneys realized, derived or received from the sale of any condemned, unfit or unserviceable property belong- ing to or in the possession or under the control of the police department; and of 5. All moneys, pay, compensation or salary, or any part thereof forfeited, deducted or withheld from any member or members of the police force on account of absence for any cause, lost time, sickness or other disability, physical or mental, to be paid monthly by the comptroller Itreasurer of the police board I to the police pension fund. I6. All moneys derived or received from any licenses or certificates granted or given under section three hundred and forty of this act.I. 6. IZ.] Any sum out of or share of excise moneys derived from the granting of licenses or permission to sell strong or spirituous liquors, ale, wine or beer, or out of or of any moneys paid for taxes upon the business of trafficking in or selling or 238 dealing in strong or spirituous liquors, ale, wine or beer, which by law was, at the time of the taking effect of this act, applicable to or appropriated to any police pension fund then existing within the limits of The City of New York, as consti- tuted by this act, and such sum or share shall be paid in equal quarterly installments by the comptroller of The City of New York, or other person or officer having the legal custody there- of, to the police commissioner Itreasurer of the police pension fund I without any action or authority of or from any other official body or officer. 7. I8.I All moneys received or derived from the granting or issuing of permits to carry pistols in said city, and no permit shall be granted or issued to any person except upon the payment of two dollars and fifty cents in advance to the chief of police, nor shall any such permit continue in force for more than one year, when another may be issued from year to year, upon the payment of a like sum. The chief of police is authorized to grant and issue permits for such purpose in proper cases, upon the payment of the sum aforesaid, and all such moneys shall be paid over to the treasurer of the police pension fund. 8. IQ.I. All moneys derived or received from the granting or issuing the permits, or the giving of permission to give masked balls, entertainments or parties, or either of them, in The City of New York. No masquerade or fancy dress ball, or other entertainment, shall be held, given or permitted in The City of New York, except upon condition that a license fee therefor of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars shall first be paid to the police department who are authorized to demand and receive the same for the benefit of the police pension fund. 9. II.O.I. A sum of money equal to but not greater than two per centum of the monthly pay, salary or compensation Of each member of the police force, which sum shall be deducted monthly by the comptroller Itreasurer of the police board] from the pay, salary, or compensation of each and every member of the police force and the said Itreasurer of said board] comptroller is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to deduct the said sum of money as aforesaid and forthwith to pay the same to the treasurer of the trustees of the police pension fund. 239 IO. III.I. Any and all other moneys and funds which, but for the passage of this act, would have been part of or appli- cable to any police pension fund at the time this act takes effect or thereafter within the limits of The City of New York as constituted by this act. II. II.2.1. And any and all unexpended balances of appro- priation or amounts estimated, levied, raised or appropriated for the payment of salaries or compensation of members of the police force within said city of New York remaining unex- pended or unapplied after allowing all claims payable there- from ; provided, however, that whenever, at the end of any fiscal year, the surplus in the police pension fund shall exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, over and above all charges then existing against the same, such unex- pended balances, or so much thereof as shall not be required to bring the surplus up to the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, shall be transferred to the general fund for the reduction of taxation. And the comptroller Ipolice board may, and it] is hereby authorized to pay over to the police pension fund such unexpended balances or any part thereof, at any time after the expiration of the year for which the same were made and appropriated, and after allowing sufficient to satisfy all claims payable therefrom as aforesaid. 12. II.3.I. In case the amount derived from the different sources mentioned and included in this section shall not be sufficient at any time to enable the police commissioner Idepartment] to pay in full the pensions which have been or which may hereafter be granted, it shall be the duty of the police commissioner Idepartment] each year at the time of making up the departmental estimate, to prepare a full and detailed statement of the assets of said police pension fund and the amount which is required to pay in full all such pen- sions and to present the same to the board of estimate and apportionment together with a statement of the amount of money required to enable the said commissioner Iboard I to pay the said pensions in full. It shall be the duty of said board of estimate and apportionment and the board of alder- men Imunicipal assembly] to make an appropriation sufficient to provide for such deficiency and the amount so appropriated 24O shall be included in the tax levy, and the comptroller shall pay Over the money to the police commissioner. Itreasurer of the police pension fund.I - I3. II.4.1 And the said police commissioner Iboard, as trustees of the police pension fund,I is hereby authorized and empowered to take and hold, as trusteels I of such fund, any and all gifts or bequests which may be made to such fund. Id.; pensions classified. § 354. The police commissioner Iboard I shall have power, in his [its] discretion, to retire and dismiss from member- ship in the said police force, and thereupon to grant pensions to, as hereinafter provided, any member of the police force of said city who shall have become disabled, physically or mentally, or Superannuated by age so as to be unfit for po- lice duty, and to widows and orphans of such members to be paid from the police pension fund Ito the trustees thereof, I as follows: I. To the widow of any member of any police force within the limits of said city, who shall have been killed while in the actual performance of duty, or shall have died from the effects of any injury received whilst in the actual discharge of such duty, or ‘who has died, or who shall hereafter die after ten years of service in any police force within the limits of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, or who shall have been retired upon a pension, if there be no child or children under eighteen years of age of any such member, the sum of not exceeding three hundred dollars per annum; but if there be any such child or children of such member under the age aforesaid, then the said sum may be divided between such widow, child or children in such proportions and in such manner as the said trustee may direct; provided, however, that the foregoing provision shall not be applicable to the widow, child, or children of any member of any police force within the limits of said city who shall have been killed or died prior to the taking effect of this act, unless such widow, child or children would have been entitled to a pen- sion under the laws in force at that time; and provided fur- ther that in no event shall such widow, child or children re- ceive a greater pension than she, it or they would have been entitled to under the laws in force immediately prior to the taking effect of this act. 24. I 2. Subject to the like limitations, to any child or children under eighteen years of age of such member killed or dying as aforesaid or pensioner as aforesaid, but leaving no widow, or, if a widow, then after her death to such child or children being yet under eighteen years of age, a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars per annum. 3. Subject to the like limitations, to any such member of any such police force who, whilst in the actual performance of duty and by reason of the performance of such duty, and without fault or misconduct on his part, shall have become permanently disabled, physically or mentally so as to be un- fitted to perform full police duty, a sum not to exceed one- half nor less than one-fourth of his rate of compensation per a111111111. 4. To any such member of the said police force who shall, after ten years, and less than twenty-five years’ membership in any such police force, become superannuated by age, per- manently insane or mentally incapacitated, or disabled physi- cally or mentally so as to be unfitted or unable to perform full police duty by reason of such disability or disease contracted without misconduct on his part, a sum not to exceed one- half nor less than one-fourth of his rate of compensation per 3.111111111. Id.; when members of force entitled to pension; amount and duration. § 355. Any member of the police force being of the age of fifty-five years who has or shall have performed duty on such police force as aforesaid for a period of twenty years or up- wards, upon his own application in writing, may, or upon a certificate of So many of the police surgeons as the police commissioner Iboard I may require, showing a member of whatever age who has served twenty years is permanently disabled, physically or mentally so as to be unfit for duty, shall, by order of the police commissioner Iboard I, be re- lieved and dismissed from said force and service and placed On the roll of the police pension fund, and awarded and granted, to be paid from said pension fund, an annual pen- Sion during his lifetime of a sum not less than one-half of the full salary or compensation of such member so retired; and any member of the police force who has, or shall have per- formed duty on any such force aforesaid, for a period of twenty-five years or upwards, being of the age of fifty-five I6 242 years, or any member of any such police force who is an honorably discharged soldier or sailor from the army and navy of the United States in the late civil war, who shall have reached the age of sixty years, or any such soldier or sailor who has performed duty on any such force for a period of twenty years, upon his own application in writing, provided there are no charges against him pending, must be relieved and dismissed from said force and service by the department and placed on the roll of the police pension fund and awarded and granted, to be paid from said pension fund, an annual pension during his lifetime of the sum not less than one-half of the full salary or compensation of such member so retired; and the said commissioner Idepartment I may in like manner relieve and dismiss from the service and place on the roll of the police pension fund, and grant and award a pension to any member of said force other than an honorably dis- charged soldier or sailor of the Mexican or late civil war who shall have reached the age of sixty years. The said police commissioner Idepartment] shall award and grant pensions to the chief of police of three thousand dollars; to each dep- uty chief of police, twenty-five hundred dollars; to each in- spector, seventeen hundred and fifty dollars; to each captain of the police, thirteen hundred and seventy-five dollars, and to each sergeant and detective sergeant of police hereafter relieved and dismissed from said force and service and placed on the roll of the pension fund, as hereinbefore provided, the sum of one thousand dollars per annum hereafter, and to each captain of police heretofore relieved and dismissed from said force and placed on the roll of the police pension fund, as hereinbefore provided, who, at the time when he was so relieved and dismissed and at the time when he was so placed on the roll of said pension fund, was receiving an an- nual salary of twenty-seven hundred and fifty dollars, the sum of thirteen hundred and seventy-five dollars per annum hereafter. Pensions granted under this section shall be for the natural life of the pensioner, and shall not be revoked, re- pealed or diminished. In case any member shall have vol- untarily left any such police force, and entered into the United States service, and served in the war of the rebellion, in the army or navy, and received an honorable discharge, and afterwards shall have been reinstated or reappointed in 243 the police force, the time of his service in the army or navy shall be considered as continuous service in the police force. Pensions may, in the discretion of the said police commis- Sioner Idepartment] be continued and paid to the widows and children, or, if no widow, to the child or children while under the age of eighteen years of any member of the police force to whom pensions shall have been granted, provided, however, that such pension to such widows or children, as the case may be, shall, in no instance, exceed six hundred dollars per annum, and the same may, in the discretion of the said commissioner Iboard I, be, from time to time, and at any time diminished, modified or revoked; provided, how- ever, that no member of either of the police forces by this act consolidated, having a right to retire upon a pension at the time this act takes effect, shall be deprived of such right by reason of his remaining upon the police force, or of any- thing in this act contained. In determining the terms of ser– vice of any member of the police force, service in the munici- pal and metropolitan force, and subsequently in the police force of The City of New York, as heretofore constituted, or in any police force within the limits of The City of New York as hereby constituted, and thereafter in the police force cre- ated by this act, shall be counted and held to be service in the police force of The City of New York for all the purposes of this chapter. Id.; when certain pensions terminate; equalizing existing pensions. § 356, Pensions to widows shall terminate when the widow shall re-marry, and pensions to children shall terminate when- ever the children shall respectively marry or arrive at the age of eighteen years. The police commissioner Iboard] may, in his [its] discretion, order any pension granted, or any part thereof, to cease, or be diminished, except those pen- sions as to which it is otherwise provided in this act, and as therein provided; but in all such cases the said police com- missioner Iboard I shall file with the papers [trustees] of the police pension fund a written statement of the causes which determined him [the police board] in ordering any pension so to cease or to be diminished; and nothing herein, or in any other act contained, shall render the granting of any 244. pension obligatory on the police commissioner Iboard I or chargeable as a matter of right upon said police pension fund, except as herein provided. All existing pensions law- fully granted, payable out of the police life insurance fund, or any police pension fund of which the police commissioner is Iboard are I made trusteeſs] by this chapter, and not law- fully revoked, are continued and shall be paid out of the po- lice pension fund in pursuance of the limitations and provi- sions of this chapter. Id.; certificate of disability; department may make rules. § 357. No member of the police force shall be granted, awarded or paid a pension on account of physical or mental disability or disease, unless a certificate of so many of the police surgeons as the police board may require, which shall set forth the cause, nature and extent of the disability, disease or injury of such member, shall be filed in the depart- ment. And no member shall be retired upon pension or be pensioned, nor shall any pension be awarded, granted or paid except as provided in this chapter, any other law to the con- trary notwithstanding. The said police department is author- ized and empowered to make and adopt all such rules, orders and regulations as are or may be necessary to carry out and enforce the provisions of this act as to pensions. Disposition of proceeds of sales. § I37.I.I 358. All moneys realized by sales under this chapter shall be paid over to the chamberlain of The City of New York, to the credit of the general fund of said city. Designation of station houses for confinement of women. § I372.I 359. The police commissioner Iboard I shall designate one or more station houses for the detention and confinement of women under arrest in The City of New York. Such commissioner Iboard I may at any time desig- nate for such purposes any additional station house or houses, or may revoke the designation of any station house or houses theretofore designated, provided that at least one such station house shall at all times be so designated for such purpose in such city. In every station house to which police matrons are appointed toilet accommodations shall be 245 provided for such matrons, which accommodations shall be wholly separate and apart from the toilet accommodations provided for prisoners, or for the other officers attached to such station house. Appointment of police matrons. § I373.I 360. The police commissioner Iboard I shall ap- point for each station house designated in the last section, not more than two respectable women, who shall be known as police matrons, in the same manner and under restrictions governing the appointment of patrolmen so far as the same may be applicable, except that any rule or regulation as to the age of a person appointed patrolman shall not apply to matrons appointed under this act. No woman shall be ap- pointed a police matron, unless suitable for the position and recommended therefor in writing by at least twenty women of good standing, residents of The City of New York. Po- lice matrons shall be appointed to station houses to which police courts are attached and to station houses which are in close proximity to a police court. IIn case there is no po- lice court in close proximity to a station house in said city, then police matrons may be appointed to any station house therein.I Terms of office, removal, salary. § I375.1 36I. Police matrons shall, upon appointment, hold office until removal, and they may be removed at any time, by the authority appointing them, under the regula- tions prescribed for the removal of patrolmen. Immediately upon the death, resignation or removal of a police matron. her successor shall be appointed in the manner hereinbefore provided. A police matron shall receive the same salary as the doorman in the station house to which she may be ap- pointed. Duties of Police Matrons. § I376.I. 362. When only one police matron is attached to a police station, she shall reside there, or within a reasonable distance therefrom, and shall hold herself in readiness to respond to any call therefrom at any hour, day or night, and each matron shall, during such hours as may be fixed by the 246 police commissioner Iboard], remain in such station and hold herself in readiness to respond to any call therefrom. So long as any woman is detained or held under arrest in a police station to which a matron is attached, it shall be the duty of such matron to remain constantly thereat ready for service; Or, if there be more than one matron attached to such station then one of them shall be constantly ready for service. A police matron shall, subject to the officer in charge of such station house, have the immediate care and charge of all women held under arrest in the station to which she is attached, and she may at any time call upon the Officer in command of such station for assistance. She shall be subject to the authority of the police commissioner Iboard] and to the rules and regulations prescribed by such authority; but at the station where she may be appointed on duty she shall be subject only to the authority of the officer in command thereof. Police [board] commissioner to provide accommodations for women. § I377.I 363. It shall be the duty of the police Iboard I commissioner to provide sufficient accommodations for women held under arrest to keep them separate and apart from the cells, corridors and apartments provided for males under arrest, and to so arrange each station house that no communi- cation can be had between the men and women therein con- fined, except with the consent of the matron or officer in command of said station-house. No officer, other than the matron, shall be admitted to the corridor or cells of the women prisoners without the consent of the officer in command of said station house. Proceedings where woman is arrested. § I378.I 364. Whenever a woman is arrested and taken to a police station, to which a matron is attached, it shall be the duty of the officer in command of the station to cause such matron to be summoned forthwith, and whenever a female is arrested in any precinct to which no matron is attached she shall be taken directly to the station house designated to re- ceive the women prisoners of the precinct in which the arrest is made. No such separate confinement nor any such removal of any woman, shall operate to take from any court any juris- 247 5 diction which it would have had. The term “woman ’’ used in sections Ithree hundred and seventy-two to three hundred and eighty] three hundred and fifty-nine to three hundred and sixty-six, inclusive, shall not include any female either actu- ally or apparently under the age of sixteen years whose care is assumed by any Society referred to in section two hundred and ninety-three of the penal code; but every such female shall be taken directly to a station house designated to receive women prisoners and shall be at once transferred therefrom by the officer in charge, to the custody of such society. Appropriation for salary and maintenance. § I379.I 365. The board of estimate and apportionment and the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I shall appro- priate annually such sum as may be necessary for the separate care and confinement in station houses of all women arrested in such city, and for the appointment, salary and maintenance of police matrons. Moneys paid to pension fund by matrons to be returned. IMatrons to contribute to pension fund and share therein.] § I38O.I 366. All moneys heretofore contributed by any police matron to the pension fund of the police force shall be returned and paid back to such police matron with interest thereon from the date of such contribution, such interest to be paid by The City of New York from the contingent fund of the police department. IEvery police matron upon being ap- pointed to the uniformed force, shall, each year thereafter, and under the regulations prescribed for patrolmen, contribute two per centum of the salary received by her to the pension fund of the police force, and all fines and forfeitures imposed upon police matrons of the uniformed force, or emoluments received by them under the regulations prescribed for patrol- men, shall be contributed to the pension fund of the police force. A police matron who shall have performed duty on such police force for a period of twenty years or upward, upon her own application in writing may, or upon the certificate of so many of the police surgeons as the police board may require showing that a matron of whatever age who has served twenty years as police matron is permanently disabled physic- 248 ally or mentally, so as to be unfit for duty, shall, by order of the police board, be relieved and dismissed from said force and Service and placed on the roll of the pension fund, and awarded and granted to be paid from said fund an annual pension during her lifetime of a sum not less than one-half of the full salary or compensation of such matron so retired. Pensions granted under this section shall be for the natural life of the pensioner and shall not be revoked or diminished. The police board shall have power in its discretion, to retire or dismiss from membership in the police force and thereupon grant a pension to, any police matron who shall after ten years and less than twenty-five years membership in any such police force become physically or mentally incapacitated for further service in the department through injuries received during the performance of her duties.I Certain act not applicable. § I38I.T 367. Chapter four hundred and twenty of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, entitled “An act to provide for police matrons in cities,” as amended by chapter ninety of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, shall not be applicable to The City of New York. TITLE 2. Board of Elections. Bureaus of election in police department abolished. § 368. The bureau in the police department of The City of New York known and designated as the general bureau of elections, and the branches of said general bureau in the bor- oughs of The Bronx, Brooklyn, Richmond and Queens, together with the office of superintendent of elections of The City of New York and the offices of the chiefs of the branch bureaus of elections in said respective boroughs are hereby abolished, and all of the rights, powers, authority, duties and obligations immediately heretofore by law vested in and im- posed upon the said bureau, branch offices, superintendent and chiefs of branch offices, together with every right, power, 249 authority, duty and obligation, immediately heretofore by law vested in and imposed upon the police department of The City of New York with respect to general, special or primary elec- tions, shall forthwith by force of and as an effect of this chapter be transferred to and continue in the board of elections of The City of New York hereby created. Board of elections established. § 369. There shall be a board of elections of The City of New York to consist of four members who shall be appointed by the mayor, and to be known as commissioners of elections, each of whom, at the time of his appointment, shall be a resi- dent and voter of The City of New York, and not more than two of whom shall, when either of them is appointed belong to the same political party, or be of the same political opinion on state or national politics. The salary of each of said com- missioners of elections shall be three thousand dollars a year. Transfer of books, papers, etc. § 370. All books, documents, papers, records and election appliances or appurtenances held or used by or under the control of the superintendent of elections and the chiefs of the branch bureaus of elections, or under the control of the police board of The City of New York shall be transferred to the care, custody and control of the board of elections created by this chapter. Transfer of superintendent, clerks, etc. § 371. So far as practicable and necessary the superin- tendent, clerks and other employees attached to and in the service of the bureau of elections of The City of New York and of the branches of said bureau in the respective boroughs On January first, nineteen hundred and two, shall be continued in the service and employment of the said board of elections with the same salaries and so far as practicable, the same duties. 25O IId.;I Board of elections; management; superintendent. § 372. Igóo.I. The affairs of said Igeneral bureaul board of elections [and of said branches thereofI under and subject to such rules, regulations and orders as may, from time to time, be made by said Ipolice] board, not inconsistent with the provisions of the election law or of this chapter, shall be managed, conducted and carried on by a person chosen and appointed by said Ipolice] board who shall be known as the superintendent of elections of The City of New York; and such other officers, clerks, assistants and employees as may be selected or appointed as hereinafter provided. Id.; officers’ terms and salaries; removals. § 373. I262.1 The said superintendent of elections Ishall hold his office for five years, and I shall receive a salary of six thousand dollars a year, IThe chiefs of the branch bureaus of elections of the boroughs of Kings, Richmond, The Bronx and Queens shall receive such salaries respectively as shall be fixed by the police board, not to exceed the sum of four thousand dollars a year for the chief of the branch bureau of elections in the borough of Brooklyn, fifteen hundred dollars a year in the borough of The Bronx, and fifteen hundred dol- lars a year in each of the boroughs of Richmond and Queens. Such salaries shall be paid by the police board in equal monthly installments. Said superintendent of elections and chiefs of branch bureaus I and shall Leach] be removable at any time by the Ipolice] board Ifor cause I of elections. Id.; expenses of. § 374. All sums necessary to pay the expenses of Said board of elections and to meet and defray the charges and expenses of all elections in The City of New York, or in any terri- tory included therein, shall, within the appropriation made therefor, be a charge against the said city, and shall upon proper certificates and vouchers be paid in the same manner as by law is provided for the other expenses and charges against the said city. Said charges and expenses shall be included in the annual budget of said city each year and in the yearly 25 I taxes levied upon the estates, real and personal, in The City of New York. rº- Id.; superintendent to destroy registers of electors, etc. § 375. I369.1 The Superintendent of Ithe general bureau of Ielections under the direction of the Ipolice] board of elec- tions [in The City of New York] is hereby authorized and directed not less than two years after each election, to sell or destroy all registers of electors, statements of canvass and tally sheets; provided that two copies of the register of electors for each election district to be selected by the superintendent of Ithe general bureau of I elections, shall be excepted and preserved from such sale or destruction. CHAPTER IX. B O R O U G H OF F I C E R S . Title I. Borough officers. Title 2. Bureau of buildings. TITLE I. Borough Officers. President; qualifications, term, election, salary. § 382. There shall be a president of each borough, who must be a resident thereof at the time of his election and remain a resident thereof throughout his term of office. The presi- dent and his successors shall be elected by the electors of the borough at all the elections whereat the mayors of The City of New York are respectively to be elected. The president shall hold his office for a term of four years, commencing at noon on the first day of January next after his election. The salary of the presidents of the boroughs of Manhattan, of The Bronx and of Brooklyn, respectively, shall be [five] seven thousand five hundred dollars a year, and the salary of the presidents of the boroughs of Queens and of Richmond, respectively, shall be IthreeT five thousand dollars a year. A president of a borough may be removed in the same manner as the mayor as provided in other sections of this act. Iby the mayor on charges, subject to the approval of the governor of the state of New York.I. Any vacancy in the office of president caused by removal from the borough, or otherwise, shall be filled for the unexpired term by an election to such vacancy made by a majority vote of all the members of the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen then in office repre- senting said borough, and in case of any such vacancy it shall be the duty of the mayor forthwith to call such members in session for such an election and to preside thereat; but he 253 shall not vote unless his vote be necessary to decide the elec- tion. TIn case of the disability of any president of the bor- ough caused by protracted illness there shall be elected in the same manner as for a vacancy, a president of the borough pro tempore, who shall act until the president is able to per- form the duties of his office.I President; powers and duties. § 383. IAI The president of a borough shall, by virtue of his office, be a member of the local board of every district of local improvements in his borough, and chairman thereof, entitled to preside at its meetings and to vote as any other member. I, but he shall not have the power of veto.1 He shall have an office in such hall or public building of the borough as the [municipal assembly I board of aldermen may by resolution direct. He may appoint and at pleasure remove a commissioner of public works for his borough, who may discharge all the administrative powers of the president of the borough relating to streets, sewers, public buildings and sup- plies conferred upon him by this act; and who shall, in the absence, or illness of such president diséharge all the duties of such president. He shall have power to appoint a Secretary and such [other] assistants, [and] clerks and subordinates as he may deem necessary, if provision be made therefor by the board of estimate and apportionment and the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen. Iand, within the proper appro- priation, to fix their salaries.I. The said secretary, assistants, Iand] clerks and subordinates shall hold office at the pleasure of the president, subject to the provisions of the civil service laws. He shall, within the borough for which he shall have been elected, have cognizance and control: I. Of regulating, grading, curbing, flagging and guttering of streets and laying of crosswalks. 2. Of constructing and repairing public roads. 3. Of paving, repaving, resurfacing and repairing of all streets, and of the relaying of all pavements removed for any Ca.11Se. 254 4. Of the laying or relaying of surface railroad tracks in any public street or road, of the form of rail used, or character Of foundation, and the method of construction, and of the restoration of the pavement or surface after such work. 5. Of the filling of sunken lots, fencing of vacant lots, dig- ging down lots, and of licensing vaults under sidewalks. 6. Of the removal of incumbrances. 7. Of the issue of permits to builders and others to use or Open the streets. 8. Of the construction and maintenance of all bridges and tunnels which are within his borough, and form a portion of the highways thereof, except such bridges as cross navigable StreamS. 9. Of all subjects relating to the public sewers and drainage Of his borough. He shall initiate the making of all plans for the drainage of his borough, except as otherwise specifically provided in this act. He shall have charge of the construction of all sewers in accordance with said plans. He shall have in charge the management, care and maintenance of the sewer and drainage system of the borough of which he shall be presi- dent and the licensing of all cisterns and cesspools. IO. Of the construction, repairs, cleaning and maintenance Of public buildings, including markets, except schoolhouses, almshouses, penitentiaries and fire and police station houses, and other buildings whose care and custody are otherwise provided for in this act. II. Of the care and cleaning of all offices leased or occupied for public uses. I2. Of the location, establishment, care, erection, and main- tenance of the public baths, public urinals and public comfort stations; and of the placing of all signs indicating the names of the streets and other public places. The president of each borough shall prepare all contracts relating to his borough, subject to approval as to form by the corporation counsel. He shall have such other powers as are 255 expressly conferred upon him by this act, and such other powers as may be conferred upon him by the board of alder- men. He shall make an annual report of the business and transactions of his borough to the mayor. The presidents of the boroughs of Queens and Rich- mond shall, each for the borough of which he shall have been elected president, in addition to the powers above specified, have cognizance and control: º I. Of the sweeping and cleaning of the streets of the bor- ough, and of the removal or other disposition as often as the public health and the use of the streets may require, of ashes, street sweepings, garbage, and other light refuse and rubbish, and of the removal of snow and ice from leading thorough- fares and from such other streets as may be found practicable. 2. Of the framing of regulations controlling the use of side- walks and gutters by abutting owners and Occupants for the disposition of Sweepings, refuse, garbage or light rubbish, within the borough which, when so framed, and approved by the board of aldermen shall be published in like manner as city ordinances, and shall be enforced by the police department in the same manner and to the same extent as such ordinances, together with such other powers concerning street cleaning as are expressly conferred upon them by this act. 3. The said presidents of the boroughs of Queens and Rich- mond shall have power to appoint such subordinates as may be necessary to enable them to carry into effect the provisions of this act regarding cleaning the streets of his borough, but the aggregate, salaries of such officers shall not exceed in any one year the amount appropriated therefor by the board of estimate and apportionment and the board of aldermen. The said presidents of the boroughs of Queens and Richmond shall, So far as possible, select such subordinates from the members of the street cleaning department employed within said bor- oughs at the time when this act shall take effect. The said presidents of the boroughs of Queens and Richmond shall have 256 such other powers relating to street cleaning within said boroughs as are conferred upon the commissioner of Street cleaning by sections five hundred and forty-one, five hundred and forty-three, five hundred and forty-four and five hundred and forty-five of this act. Whenever by any of the provisions of this act powers are . Conferred or duties are imposed upon a president of a borough, such powers may be exercised and such duties may be per- formed, upon the request of said president, by the commis- sioner of public works of said borough, if such official shall have been appointed; and if not, by any subordinate duly appointed by the president of said borough under the powers conferred upon him by this act and duly designated thereto in writing; and such powers and duties when exercised or performed by such commissioner of public works or other appointee shall be regarded as having been exercised or per- formed by such president in the same manner as if such powers and duties had been actually exercised or performed by such president personally. President to call meetings of local board. § 384. IAI The president of Ithel a borough shall call all meetings of the various local boards of the borough, and shall give such notice thereof to the members as the ordinances of the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen may require. And he shall certify all resolutions, proceedings and determina- tions of the local boards of the districts of local improvements in his borough. Halls or buildings to be located in each borough. § 385. There may be Iwhen prescribed by this act a hall or public building or buildings in each borough, at which may be stationed deputies of such of the various administrative departments of the city government, as may be authorized by the board of Ipublic improvements,I aldermen, for the greater convenience of the people of the city in the discharge of the duties thereof, provided such deputies or divisions shall be in all things as much a part of each department respectively, and 257 as fully under the head thereof, as if the administrative force of said department were seated wholly in one building. Employment of engineers and architects. § 386. The president of each borough may at any time em- ploy, when thereto authorized by the board of estimate and apportionment and the board of aldermen, a consulting engi- neer, who shall be an expert in all matters relating to Sewers and highways, and who shall have had fifteen years' ex- perience as a civil engineer; and a consulting engineer of public buildings, who shall be an expert in the matter of con- struction, repair and maintenance of public buildings; and a consulting architect, who shall be an architect of recognized, scientific and artistic standing of not less than fifteen years' experience. All other engineers or assistant engineers ap- pointed by or under the authority of a borough president must be civil engineers of at least ten years’ experience. The office of commissioner of street improvements in the twenty= third and twenty-fourth wards abolished; devolution of powers. § 387. I526.I. The office of commissioner of street improve- ments of the twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards of the city of New York, created by chapter five hundred and forty five of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety, is hereby abolished, and all the powers, privileges and duties of the said commis- sioner of street improvements for the said twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards, which in any way relate to the regulat- ing, grading, regrading, curbing, flagging and guttering of streets, laying of crosswalks, the constructing and repairing of public roads, paving, repairing and repaving of all streets and the relaying of all pavements removed for any cause, of the filling of sunken lots, or which in any way relate to the sewers and drainage of the said twenty-third and twenty- fourth wards, and to the construction, repair and cleansing of sewers and underground drains, and of the licensing of the cisterns and cesspools therein, and of all matters in any way relating to the construction, maintenance and care of the sewer 17 258 System and drainage of Said wards, are hereby, so far as the same are consistent with the requirements of this act, devolved upon the Icommissioner of highways of The City of New York, I president of the borough of the Bronx and are to be exercised and performed by him or by the commissioner of public works appointed by him according to the provisions of this act. Devolution of powers of former [boards.l. officers; highways. § 388. I527.1 All powers and duties which on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two, are conferred upon the commissioner of highways of The City of New York, and all powers and duties which on December thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, were conferred upon the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, or upon any board or officer thereof, or upon the corporation known as the city of Brooklyn, or upon any board or officer thereof, or upon the corporation known as Long Island City, or upon any board or officer thereof, and upon any other municipal corpora- tion, town or village, within the county of Richmond, or within ISO much of the territory of the county of Queens as is by this act annexed to the municipal corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, and con- Solidated into the municipality known as The City of New York, I the county of Queens, in any way relating to the regu- lating, grading, regrading, curbing, flagging, and guttering of Streets, the laying of crosswalks, the constructing and repair- ment of public roads, paving, repaving and repairing of all streets, and the relaying of all pavements removed for any cause, the filling of sunken lots, and all matters directly related thereto, are hereby vested in The City of New York, as consti- tuted by this act, and as matter of administration devolved upon the Icommissioner of highways, I president of the bor- ough,within which is situated the territory to which or to the official representatives of which said powers and duties here- tofore appertained, and by him are to be executed pursuant to the provisions, directions and limitations of this act. 259 Devolution of powers of former Lboards.] officers; sewers. § 389. I566.1 All powers and duties heretofore conferred upon The City of New York as heretofore known and bounded, or any of the officers thereof, or upon the city of Brooklyn, or any of the officers thereof, or upon Long Island City or any of the officers thereof, or upon any board or public officers acting within any of the territory of the county of Richmond, or within that part of the territory of the county of Queens, here- by annexed by this act to the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, and by this act consolidated into one municipal corporation, which in any way relate to the public sewers and drainage of the said cities, municipal corporations, town or territory, and to the construction, repair and cleansing of sewers and underground drains and of the licensing of cisterns and cesspools therein and to all matters in any way concerning the construction and care of the sewer system and drainage thereof, so far as such powers and duties are consistent with and conformable to the provisions of this act, are hereby vested in The City of New York, and as matter of administration devolved upon the Icommissioner of sewers of The City of New York, I president of the borough within which is situated the territory to which or to the official representatives of which said powers and duties heretofore appertained to be by him executed in accordance with the provisions, directions and limitations of this act. Maps, etc., to be returned over to borough presidents. § 390. The commissioner of highways and the commis- sioner of sewers, as constituted by chapter three hundred and seventy-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, are hereby respectively required and directed to turn over and deliver, on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two, to the several borough presidents of the various bor- oughs included within The City of New York, so far as the same shall apply to the borough of which each is president, all maps, plans, models, Surveys, books and papers relating to highways or to sewers, filed with or communicated to said commissioners respectively or turned over to them or either of them by his or their predecessors, and all official records and 26O papers of every kind in the possession of them or either of them. And the commissioner of public buildings, lighting and supplies as constituted by chapter three hundred and Seventy-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety- seven is hereby required and directed to turn over and deliver to the various borough presidents, on the first day of January, inineteen hundred and two, all maps, plans, models, books and papers, and all official records and papers of every kind in his possession, relating to the designing, construction and main- tenance of public buildings, to each president such plans as pertain to the borough within which he has jurisdiction. Permit [from department of highways necessary] for removals of pavements, etc.; procedure in case of pavements relaid, etc. § 391. I525.I. No removal of the pavement or disturb- ance of the surface of any street for the purpose of con- Structing vaults or lateral ways, digging cellars, laying foun- dations of buildings or other structures, making Sewer con- nections, or repairing Sewers or pipes, of laying down gas and water pipes, Steam pipes and electric wires, or intro- ducing the same into buildings, or for any purpose whatever, shall be made until a permit is first had from the Idepart- ment of highways;I president of the borough where the work is to be done; and whenever any portion of the pave- ment in any street or avenue in said city shall have been removed for any of these purposes, and such pavement shall not be relaid in a manner satisfactory to the Icommis- Sioner, I president of said borough, the said IcommissionerI president may cause a notice, in writing, to be served upon the person or corporation by whom the same was removed; or if such removal was for the purpose of making con- nection between any house or lot, or any sewer or pipes in the street, or for constructing vaults, or otherwise improving any house or lot, upon the owner or occupant of such house or lot, requiring such person or corporation, or the owner or Occupant of such house or lot, to have such pavement properly relaid within five days after service of such notice. Such notice may be served upon the owner or occupant of a house or lot by leaving the same with any person of adult age upon 261 said premises, or posting the same thereupon; in case such pavement, or portion thereof, shall not be relaid to the satis- faction of said Icommissioner] borough president within the time specified in such notice, it shall be lawful, and authority is hereby given to said Icommissioner, I borough president to have such pavement, or the portion thereof which shall have been so unsatisfactorily laid, put in proper order and repair, in such manner as [the commissioner] he may deem best, On account of the person or corporation by whom such pavement was removed, or of the owner of the premises for whose benefit such removal was made. Upon the costs of such work being certified to the comptroller of The City of New York by the said Icommissioner, I borough president, with a description of the lot or premises to improve which such removal was made, said comptroller shall pay the same, and the amount so paid shall become a lien and charge upon the premises so described, and, on being certified by the comptroller to the collector of assessments and arrears, may be collected in the same manner that arrears and water rates are collected under the direction of such collector of assessments and arrears. But nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit said Icommis- sioner] borough president from demanding, before issuing said permit, and as a condition thereof, the deposit of such sum of money or other security as, in his judgment, may be necessary to pay the cost of properly relaying the pavement so removed, together with the expense of the inspection thereof. Overflow sewers; where discharged. $392. I557.] Any overflow sewers which may be deemed necessary for the relief of any main sewers now constructed or which may hereafter be constructed in said city, may be discharged into the waters adjacent to said city, or into the Gowanus canal, or any other canal or inlet in said city, at such points as in Ihis] the judgment of the president of the bor- ough in which said overflow sewer is located may be most convenient. Canals to be kept free from obstructions. § 393. I558.I. It shall be the duty of The City of New York to keep any canal free from any obstructions that may 262 be occasioned by Ithel reason of the emptying of said over- flow sewers into it, and for that purpose the Idepartment of sewers of said city.I president of the borough in which such canal is located is authorized and directed to dredge the same from time to time. ICommissioner;I Power to construct temporary sewers, expenses of SãIſlee § 394. I559.I. Whenever it shall become necessary to con- struct a sewer or drain for the purpose of preventing damage to property or to abate a nuisance, and it shall become imprac- ticable to proceed immediately to the construction of the same in accordance with any plan already adopted, Ipursuant to title two of this chapter, I on the approval of the board of Ipublic improvements,I estimate and apportionment, the Isaid commis- Sioner] president of the borough within which such necessity arises shall have power to construct a temporary sewer or drain in such manner as to avoid such damage or to abate such nuisance, and the cost of such temporary sewer or drain shall be assessed upon the property draining into the same and bene- fited thereby. And such assessments shall be enforced, levied and collected in the manner provided in chapter seventeen of this act. Permits for construction of private sewers; procedure; becomes prop= erty of city when paid for by, etc. § 395. I56O.I. A permit for the construction of Sewers in the streets of said city by private property owners shall only be granted upon the parties proposing to construct such Sewer first filing with the [commissioner of sewers, I president of the borough where said sewer is to be constructed plans and specifications of such proposed sewer, conforming to the gen- eral plan for the construction of public sewers in said city, Ion file in the office of the board of public improvementsI and a duplicate copy of the contract for the construction of such sewer, showing the cost of the construction thereof, to- gether with a satisfactory guarantee to said IcommissionerI borough president for the payment of the necessary expense of said department of sewers, in the supervision of the con- struction of said sewer. And upon approval of such plans, 263 specifications and contracts, by the Icommissioner of sewers and the board of public improvements the said com- missioner] said borough president, he shall issue his permit for the construction of such proposed sewer and shall forth- with request the board of assessors to apportion the cost of the construction of said sewer according to actual benefit be- tween the several parcels of property abutting on each side of that part of the street through which said sewer shall be constructed. The said board of assessors shall as soon as practicable report such apportionment of such cost to the said Icommissioner of sewers.I borough president. Said Icommissioner] borough president shall grant permits for connection with said sewer, to be constructed as aforesaid, Only to such owners or occupants of the property abutting on that part of such street through which said sewer shall be constructed as shall produce to said Icommissioner of sewers] borough president satisfactory proof of the pay- ment by him or them to the parties who constructed and paid for such sewer, of the amount of the proportionate part of the cost of the construction of said sewer apportioned as aforesaid to the property sought to be connected with said Sewer, and no permit shall be issued for, nor shall any con- nection be allowed with said sewer, nor with any sewer here- tofore constructed by the owners of the abutting property by private contract from any abutting property until the pro- portionate part of the expense of the construction of such sewer shall have been paid to the parties entitled thereto by the Owners of such abutting property, and satisfactory proof thereof made to said Icommissioner of sewers.I borough president. And when constructed, except for the purpose of supervision, maintenance and use by The City of New York in connection with its public sewer system, said sewer shall be deemed the private property of the persons who shall have paid for its construction until the owners of all the property abutting on that part of the street or avenue in which said sewer shall be laid, shall have paid their several shares of the cost of the construction of said sewer, but when the same shall have been fully paid for by all the owners of abutting property, then the same shall be the property of The City of New York, and deemed to have been fully dedi- cated to said city. 264 Id.; power to acquire lands for sewers. § 396. I56I.I. The City of New York is authorized to ac- quire title for the use of the public to all or any of the lands and premises required for sewers, or to easements therein for that purpose, whether the same be above or below high-water mark or under water. The board of Ipublic improvements,I estimate and apportionment, at the request of the Icommis- Sioner of sewers, I president of the borough where such lands are located, is authorized to direct the same to be done. It shall be the duty of the corporation counsel, when requested in writing by the board of Ipublic improvements,I estimate and apportionment, immediately to institute a proceeding to acquire title for the use of the public to lands and premises or easements therein, required for the building of sewers or drains, in the same manner that is provided by this act for the acquisition of lands for the purpose of opening streets. The expenses incurred in the acquisition of such lands and prem- ises, with the buildings and improvements thereon, so far as the same shall be taken in such a proceeding, shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of this act relating to the opening of streets upon all the property deemed by the com- missioners of estimate and assessment appointed in such pro- ceeding to be benefited by the acquisition of such lands for such purpose, and upon the owners thereof or persons inter- ested therein. Proposals and contracts for sewerage work. § 397. I562.1 The Icommissioner of sewers,I president of each borough, upon the completion of the plan of sewerage of any district within the borough of which he is president, upon the filing of copies thereof, Ias required by title two of this chapter, I or as soon thereafter as may be deemed con- venient and necessary, shall [with the approval of the board of public improvements], cause printed specifications to be made in accordance with said plan of the work proposed to be done in said district, and shall thereupon invite proposals in the manner now required by law, and shall contract for the whole or any part of the work in said district. 265 [Commissionerl Borough president authorized to purchase supplies. $ 398. I563.I. In order to provide for the more effectual and economical construction of sewers, the Icommissioner of sewers, I president of any borough, [with the approval of the board of public improvements, may contract in pursuance of law for such materials used in the construction of sewers within the borough of which he is president and in such quantities as he may deem proper; and it shall be the duty of the comptroller out of the appropriate fund or from the pro- ceeds of assessment bonds authorized to be issued, upon the requisition of said Icommissioner, I borough president, to pay for such materials, and the expenses for engineers, sur- veyors, inspectors or other persons employed by authority of said Icommissioner] borough president in the construc- tion of sewers. Penalty for injury to sewers. § 399. I564.] All provisions of law creating civil and crim- inal liabilities from wrongs and injuries done to the water- works of The City of New York, and providing remedies for the redress thereof, and the prosecution and punishment of persons committing the same, shall apply in like manner and extent to wrongs and injuries done to sewers in the said city. Construction of lateral sewers on behalf of private owners. § 40O. I567.I. Whenever a majority in amount, according to the last preceding assessment, of the owners of land com- prising at least thirty acres in one body shall petition for leave to construct and connect lateral sewers in and upon the land in question the Icommissioner of sewers, I president of the borough within which said lands shall be located, shall, unless the same has already been done, prepare plans and specifications of such proposed sewers conforming to the gen- eral plan for the construction of public sewers in said city. A LOneI copy of said plans and specifications shall be filed in the Office of the Iboard of public improvements, and a duplicate copy in the office of the commissioner of sewers,I said borough president. The president of said borough Ithe commissioner of Sewers] may require a guaranty satis- factory to himself for the payment of the necessary expense 266 of the Idepartment of sewers in the] preparation of such plans and specifications. Upon the approval of such plans and specifications by the Icommissioner of sewers and the board of public improvements, the commissioner of sewers] said borough president, he shall, at the request of the peti- tioners, cause bids to be advertised according to law for the building of any portion of said sewers to be named by said petitioners, but not less than ten thousand dollars in amount (or one mile in length). Upon the opening of said bids the Icommissioner of sewers, I said borough presi- dent, may award the said contract, as provided by law, but conditional upon the deposit of the amount thereof by or on behalf of the petitioners as hereinafter provided. Thereupon the Icommissioner of sewers,I said borough president shall notify in writing said petitioners and the comptroller of such award and the amount that will be required thereunder to con- struct and build the said sewers. Within thirty days thereafter the said petitioners shall pay or cause to be paid to the comp- troller of The City of New York a sum equal to the amount necessary to construct and build the said sewers covered by said contract. If the petitioners shall not pay such money to the comptroller within the time aforesaid, then all proceedings hereunder shall be null and void, and after deducting from the money already deposited by or on behalf of the petitioners, or secured by them to be paid, the amount of all expenses in con- nection with said proposed sewers, the comptroller shall return the balance of said money, if any, to the petitioners or their assigns. If the petitioners shall deposit the money for the purpose of carrying out said contract, as above provided, the Icommissioner of sewers.I said borough president shall duly award said contract to the bidder entitled thereto, and shall proceed to the construction and completion of said sewers. When the said sewers shall have been completed, the Icom- missioner of sewers] said borough president shall deliver to and file with the comptroller and also with the board of assess- ors of said city a certificate setting forth the amount of the entire cost of such portion of said sewers, including the interest accrued on said deposit to the date of said certificate, together with a map and statement showing the location and general character of the sewer. Thereupon said board of assessors shall apportion and assess the cost of said sewers and the other 267 expenses arising under this act upon the lands and premises affected thereby in proportion to the amount of benefit derived by each of Said lots without regard to the assessed valuation thereof, as in their judgment shall be just, and shall prepare a list showing the separate parcels so benefited, and the amounts So assessed upon the same respectively, and thereupon the same proceedings shall be had for confirmation of said assessment and apportionment as is provided in this charter, and said assessment and apportionment shall include interest to the date of such confirmation. The confirmation of said assessment and apportionment shall be final and conclusive upon all owners of land and all persons affected thereby. The board of assessors shall thereupon divide the amount propor- tioned and assessed upon each parcel of land affected thereby into twenty equal annual parts or instalments, together with interest upon each instalment at the rate of six per centum per annum from the date of such confirmation of the apportion- ment and assessment to the first day of December in each said twenty years successively, and shall duly enter their said apportionment and assessment, with interest as aforesaid, and in said twenty yearly instalments, in books which they shall properly certify. Thereupon said board shall deliver to and file in the offices of the comptroller and of the collector of assessments and arrears, respectively, one copy of said books of apportionment and assessment. On the first day of Sep- tember in each of said twenty years, respectively, the said assessment for said year shall be and become a lien upon the lands or parcels of land affected thereby, and the said filing in his office of the said apportionment and assessment shall be to the collector of assessments and arrears a full and proper warrant for collecting the instalments so levied, as they re- spectively become due in each year. The said instalments so levied shall in each case be due and payable on the first day of December in each year, and according to said apportionment and assessment, and shall be collected in the same manner and subject to the same rebate and default as is provided by law in the case of assessments in the said city affecting the lands in question, and all the provisions of law applicable to the sale of lands for the non-payment of assessments in the said city affecting the lands in question shall apply to the said assessments provided for herein. Each one of the said sev- 268 eral annual instalments levied as aforesaid in each year shall, notwithstanding any other provisions of this charter, be a lien upon the lands or parcels of land affected thereby only from the time the same shall be respectively levied. The owner of any parcel of land so assessed may at any time after the first instalment shall have become due and payable, pay to the comptroller of The City of New York all the instalments not levied of the sum made chargeable on said land, as ascertained by the board of assessors as provided for in this section, with the proper deduction or rebate for any interest for any period subsequent to the date of said payment and included in said unpaid instalments respectively upon said books. Thereupon the said land shall be discharged from all further liability on account of such assessments. For the purpose of making such payment, such owner shall present to the comptroller the certificate of the collector of assessments and arrears showing the amount of the said instalments not levied and paid, and upon receiving such payment the comptroller shall certify the same to the collector of assessments and arrears, who shall thereupon cancel the assessments so paid. The collector of assessments and arrears shall cause to be printed on all bills made out in his office for instalments of said assessments a reference to this section and a notification that the remaining instalments may be paid and cancelled in the manner herein provided. Whenever the petitioners or their assigns or nom- inees shall have paid, or shall have caused to be paid, to the comptroller the sum of money required to construct and build said sewers or any portion thereof, as specified in the said contract or contracts, they shall be entitled to - receive the moneys and all interest thereon to be assessed and collected under this act, and all such moneys and interest so collected upon said assessment shall forthwith be paid over to the said petitioners, or their nominees or assigns. Whenever the said money shall have been so paid by said petitioners, or their nominees or assigns, the comptroller shall execute to the person or corporation so paying said money a certificate in writing, stating that said money has been so paid, and that the person or corporation holding said certificate is entitled to receive the money so assessed together with interest thereon at the rate of six per centum per annum, and that the city will pay over from time to time said moneys and interest as they shall 269 be received and collected under this section. The petitioners, or their assigns, may from time to time designate various portions of Said sewers, not less than the amount above speci- fied, to be built and completed as herein provided, and there- upon the same proceedings as above provided shall be taken for the building and completing of the said sewers So succes- sively designated, and for assessing and collecting the amounts expended for constructing said sewers. In Iconstructing.I construing this section, sewers twenty-four inches or less in diameter shall be deemed to be lateral sewers, and all sewers exceeding twnty-four inches in diameter shall be deemed to be trunk sewers. If, in any case, the moneys deposited with the comptroller shall exceed the cost of building and complet- ing the sewers for which the said moneys were deposited, the comptroller shall, upon ascertaining this fact, pay over such surplus to the petitioners or their assigns or nominees. If the moneys so deposited shall not be found sufficient to complete the sewers for which the same were deposited, then the comp- troller may demand of the petitioners or their assigns or nom- inees the balance required to build and complete said sewers, and in case of their failure to pay the same, the comptroller may retain any such balance out of the first moneys coming into his hands from assessments upon the property upon which the said sewers were constructed. The petitioners shall have the right to appoint in writing an attorney or nominee to rep- resent them in relation to said sewers before any of the authorities of the city, and to receive any moneys payable hereunder or do any act or receive any notice required here- under. Such appointment of a nominee or attorney shall be irrevocable without the consent of said nominee or attorney. Nothing herein contained shall in any way prevent The City of New York from taking such action as it may deem proper to build lateral sewers upon or do any other act in relation to any of the property mentioned in said petition. This sec- tion shall apply to the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens in The City of New York. Construction of sewage disposal works or plants and appurtenances, and providing for the payment of the cost thereof by local assessment. § 401. I568.IWherever in this act known as “the Greater New York Charter,” or in any other act or acts applicable to 27O The City of New York, or the mayor, aldermen and common- alty of the city of New York, the words “sewer’ or “sewers ” or the words “construction, repairing and cleansing of Sewers and underground drains,” or the words “map or plan for the proper sewerage and drainage,” or the words “the construc- tion and care and maintenance of the sewer system and drain- ages,” or the words “local improvement" shall occur, the said words shall be construed to include and to mean Sewage disposal works or plants, and the necessary appurtenances thereto. It is the intent and meaning of this section that sewage disposal works or plants and the necessary appur- tenances thereto, shall be construed as being a part and parcel of a sewer, and the cost of constructing and erecting the same shall be paid for by local assessments upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby in the same way as the cost of construct- ing a sewer and appurtenances is Inowl paid for in The City of New York, and the cost of repairing, cleansing and main- taining such sewage disposal works or plants and appur- tenances, shall be paid for in the same way as the cost of repairing, cleansing and maintaining Sewers and underground drains are Inowl paid for. Power and authority to con- struct and erect and maintain sewage disposal works or plants and the necessary appurtenances thereto in The City of New York is hereby granted to the same authorities as the power to construct sewers and appurtenances is granted, such con- struction and erection and maintenance to be done under and pursuant to and in compliance with the same laws and regula- tions as apply to the construction and maintenance of sewers and appurtenances thereto. TITLE 2. Bureau of Buildings. Appointment of superintendents [commissioners]; qualifications; jurisdiction; salaries. $405. I644. The head of the department of buildings shall be called the board of buildings. Said board shall consist of three members to be known as commissioners of buildings. They shall be appointed by the mayor and shall hold their respective offices as provided in chapter four of this act. Each 27 I of said commissioners shall be a competent architect or builder of at least ten years' experience. One of Said commissioners shall be the president of the board, and shall be so designated by the mayor. In appointing such commissioners the mayor shall specify the borough or boroughs in which they are respectively to have administrative jurisdiction, to wit: one in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx; one in the borough of Brooklyn; and one in the boroughs of Queens and Richmond. The principal office of the department of build- ings shall be in the borough of Manhattan. There shall be a branch office in the borough of Brooklyn, and a branch Office may be established in any of the other boroughs, in the discre- tion of the board. The salary of the commissioner of build- ings for the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, and the salary of the commissioner of buildings for the borough of |Brooklyn, shall in each case be seven thousand dollars a year. The salary of the commissioner of buildings for the boroughs of Queens and Richmond shall be three thousand five hundred dollars a year.] There shall be in the office of each borough president a bureau to be known as “ the bureau of buildings for the borough of .” The presidents of the boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Brooklyn shall, each within the borough for which he is elected, appoint a superintendent of buildings for the borough. The presidents of the boroughs of Queens and Richmond may, whenever appropriation is made therefor by the board of aldermen upon the recommendation of the board of estimate and apportionment, each within the borough for which he is elected, in like manner appoint a super- intendent of buildings for the borough. Every superintendent of buildings so appointed shall be a competent architect or builder of at least ten years’ experience. The president of a borough may, whenever in his judgment the public interests shall require, remove the superintendent of buildings of his borough. Every such superintendent shall hold office until his successor is appointed and has qualified. The salaries of the superintendents of buildings in the boroughs of Man- hattan, The Bronx and Brooklyn shall, unless otherwise fixed as provided in this act, be five thousand dollars a year. The 272 salary of the superintendent of buildings in the borough of Queens (if that office is created) shall, unless otherwise fixed as provided in this act, be three thousand five hundred dollars a year. The salary of the superintendent of buildings in the borough of Richmond (if that office is created) shall, unless otherwise fixed as provided in this act, be two thou- sand five hundred dollars a year. In case no superintendent of buildings is appointed by either the president of the borough of Queens or the president of the borough of Richmond, then the presidents of the said boroughs respectively shall each within the borough for which he has been elected, exercise all the powers and discharge all the duties of a superintendent of buildings for that borough. The words “superintendent of buildings ’’ wherever used in the subsequent sections of this chapter shall be taken and held to mean a superintendent of buildings for any borough lawfully appointed by the president thereof, under the preceding provisions of this section, or, in the case of the boroughs of Queens and Richmond, the bor- Ough president in case he shall not have appointed a superin- tendent of buildings. Duties of superintendents [commissioners]; appointment and removal of subordinantes. $ 406. I648.I. Each superintendent of buildings Icom- missionerI shall, within the borough or boroughs in which he Iis appointed to exercise administrative I has jurisdiction, have charge of the administration of, and it shall be his duty, subject to and in accordance with the general rules and reg- ulations established by the Iboard I president of the bor- ough, to enforce such rules and regulations and the provi- sions of this chapter and of such ordinances as may be estab- lished by the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, and of the laws relating to the construction, alteration or removal of buildings or other structures erected or to be erected within such borough. Ior boroughs. Each commissionerI Each superintendent of buildings within the limits of his ap- propriation shall have power to appoint and at pleasure to 273 remove subordinate officers, as follows: Such Isuperintend- entsI chief inspectors of buildings, and such inspectors of buildings, engineers, clerks, messengers, assistants and other subordinates as in his judgment may be necessary and proper to carry out and enforce such rules and regulations and ordi- nances and the provisions of said laws and of this chapter within the borough Ior boroughs] under his jurisdiction. The IsuperintendentsI chief inspectors of buildings shall each be a competent architect, engineer or builder of at least ten years’ practice. The inspectors shall be competent men, either architects, engineers, masons, carpenters, plumbers or iron workers, who shall have served at least five years as such. It shall not be lawful for any officer or employee in the Idepartment1 building bureau of any borough to be en- gaged in conducting or carrying on business as an architect, civil engineer, carpenter, plumber, iron worker, mason or builder while holding office in the Idepartment] bureau, or to be engaged in the manufacture or sale of articles entering into the construction of buildings, or act as agent for any person engaged in the manufacture or sale of such articles or own Stock in any corporation engaged in the manufacture or sale of such articles. Each IcommissionerI superintendent of buildings shall have power to designate in writing one of the Isuperintendents of buildings or any of the in- spectors so appointed by him to act on any survey author- ized by law, or to perform such other duties as the said IcommissionerI superintendent may direct. Each Icom- missioner] superintendent of buildings may designate a Isuperintendent I chief inspector of buildings, who, during the absence or inability of such Icommissioner, I superin- tendent shall possess all the powers and perform all Ithel his duties so far as they relate to buildings. Iof such commis- sioner]. Any employee, for any neglect of duty, or omis- Sion to properly perform his duty, for violation of rules, or neglect or disobedience of orders, or incapacity, or absence without leave, may be punished by the IcommissionerI of ficer appointing him by forfeiting and withholding pay for a specified time, or by suspension from duty with or without 18 274 pay; but this provision shall not be deemed to abridge the right of said Icommissioner] officer to remove or dismiss any inspector of buildings or other subordinate appointed by him or by any predecessor in office from the service of the Idepartment] bureau at any time in his discretion. Any officer or employee of or in the bureau of buildings of any borough, or police officer thereto detailed, who shall ask, solicit or accept or receive any money or other compensation for enforcing or not enforcing or for modifying or changing any order or requirement of said bureau shall be guilty of a felony. Continuation and repeal of existing laws; building code. § 407. [647. The several acts in effect at the time of the passage of this act concerning, affecting or relating to the construction, alteration or removal of buildings or other structures in any of the municipal and public corporations included within The City of New York as constituted by this act are hereby continued in full force and effect in such mu- nicipal and public corporations respectively, except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or are modified by this act; provided, however, that the municipal assembly shall have power to establish and from time to time to amend a code of ordinances, to be known as the “building code,” provid- ing for all matters concerning, affecting, or relating to the construction, alteration or removal of buildings or struct- ures erected or to be erected in The City of New York, as constituted by this act, and for the purpose of preparing such code to appoint and employ a commission of experts; and provided further, that upon the establishment of such code the several acts first above mentioned shall cease to have any force or effect, and are hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not take effect until such “building code * shall be estab- lished by the municipal assembly as herein provided. The provisions of such “building code * shall be in conformity with and be subject to all general laws of the state concern- ing, affecting or relating to buildings, or classes of buildings, or other structures.I. The board of aldermen is author- ized by ordinance to regulate and restrict the height of buildings to be hereafter erected in the city. When any 275 ordinance on that subject is introduced, the board of aldermen shall provide for public hearings in reference thereto, before it or before appropriate committees; and no ordinance restricting the height of buildings shall be passed unless it is approved beforehand by the board of estimate and apportionment by a resolution or vote of a majority of the members of such board entered on its minutes or record, and unless it shall be passed by a majority of all the mem- bers elected to the board of aldermen, the vote being taken by ayes and noes. The building code which shall be in force in The City of New York on the first day of January, nine- teen hundred and two, and all then existing provisions of law fixing the penalties for violation of said code and all then existing laws affecting or relating to the construction, alter- ation or removal of buildings or other structures within The City of New York are hereby declared to be binding and in force in The City of New York and shall continue to be so binding and in force except as the same may from time to time be revised, altered, amended or repealed as herein pro- vided. No right or remedy of any character shall be lost or impaired or affected by reason of this chapter. This chapter shall not affect or impair any act done or right accruing, ac- crued or acquired or penalty, forfeiture or punishment in- curred prior to the time when this act takes effect or by virtue of any law repealed or modified by this chapter, but the same may be asserted, enforced, prosecuted or inflicted as fully and to the same extent as if this act had not been passed or said law had not been repealed or modified. The board of aldermen shall have power from time to time to amend said building code and said laws and to provide there- in for all matters concerning, affecting or relating to the construction, alteration or removal of buildings or structures erected or to be erected in The City of New York and for the purpose of preparing or amending such code to appoint and employ a commission of experts. 276 IGeneral powers of commissioners under existing laws.] General provisions relative to existing building laws. - § 408. I646.] The Icommissioner for I superintendent of buildings appointed by the president of the borough[s] of Manhattan [and The Bronx I shall within such borough[s] in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly conferred or imposed upon him by this act, possess and exercise all the powers, rights and duties, and shall be subject to all the obli- gations heretofore vested in, conferred upon or required of the board of buildings of The City of New York and of the commissioner of buildings appointed for the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx Iof the department of buildings or the superintendent of buildings of the city of New York as heretofore constituted] so far as they relate to the borough of Manhattan and except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or are modified by this act. The superintendent of build- ings appointed by the president of the borough of The Bronx shall within such borough, in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly conferred upon him by this act, and except as hereinafter expressly provided, possess and exercise all the powers, rights and duties and shall be subject to all the obligations heretofore vested in, conferred upon or required of...the board of buildings of The City of New York and of the commissioner of buildings appointed for the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, so far as they relate to the borough of The Bronx and except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or are modified by this act. The Icommissioner for I superintendent of buildings appointed by the president of the borough of Brooklyn shall, within such borough, in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly conferred or imposed upon him by this act, possess and exercise all the powers, rights and duties, and shall be subject to all the obligations heretofore vested in, conferred upon or required of the board of buildings of The City of New York and of the commis- sioner of buildings appointed for the borough of Brooklyn Idepartment of buildings in the city of Brooklyn as hereto- fore constituted] so far as they relate to the borough of Brook- 277 lyn, and except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or are modified by this act. The Icommissioner for I presi- dent of the borough of Queens, in case he shall not appoint a superintendent of buildings, and if he shall appoint such a superintendent, then such superintendent Iand Richmond] shall within such borough I's respectively I in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly conferred or imposed upon him by this act, possess and exercise all the powers, rights and duties, and shall be subject to all the obligations heretofore vested in, conferred upon or required of the board of buildings of The City of New York and of the commissioner of build- ings appointed for the boroughs of Queens and Richmond Iany department, commission, board or officer of Long Island City as heretofore constituted or of any town or village as heretofore constituted which is comprised within that portion of the county of Queens included in The City of New York as constituted by this act or which is] so far as they relate to the borough of Queens and except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or are modified by this act. The president of the borough of Richmond, in case he shall not appoint a superintendent of buildings, and if he shall appoint such a superintendent, then such superintendent shall within such borough, in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly conferred or imposed upon him by this act, possess and exer- cise all the powers, rights and duties, and shall be subject to all the obligations heretofore vested in, conferred upon or required of the board of buildings of The City of New York and of the commissioner of buildings appointed for the bor- oughs of Queens and Richmond, so far as they relate to the borough of Richmond, Iof any department, commission, board or officer of any town or village in the county of Richmond as heretofore constituted so far as such powers, rights, duties, and obligations concern, affect or relate to the construction, alteration or removal of any building or structure erected or to be erected within said boroughs or either of them] and except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or are modi- fied by this act. 278 Rules and regulations. § 409. I645. The board] Each president of a borought shall have Ithel power [by a vote of a majority of its mem- bers] to establish general rules and regulations for the admin- istration of the building department of his borough, and such other rules and regulations as were authorized by law at the time of the passage of [this actl chapter three hundred and seventy-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven to be established by the superintendent of buildings in The City of New York, or by the commissioner of the department of buildings in the city of Brooklyn, as said cities were formerly constituted. Such rules and regulations shall, so far as prac- ticable, be uniform in all the boroughs, but the Iboard I presi- dent of the borough shall have power, from time to time, to amend or repeal such rules and regulations when in Ithel his opinion [of a majority of the commissioners] it shall seem necessary or desirable. IThe board shall also have the power to appoint a secretary, and within the limits of its appropria- tion to appoint such subordinate officers as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the office of the department.I Power to vary the provisions of law. § 4 IO. I65O.I. Each superintendent of buildings Icommis- sioner], shall have power, with the approval of the Iboard I president of the borough in case the superintendent of build- ings is a different individual from the president of the borough, to vary or modify any rule or regulation of the Iboard] presi- dent of the borough or the provisions of this chapter or of any existing law or ordinance relating to the construction, altera- tion or removal of any building or structure erected or to be erected within his jurisdiction upon an application to him therefor in writing by the owner of such building or structure, or his duly authorized agent, where there are practical diffi- culties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the law, SO that the spirit of the law shall be observed and public safety Secured and substantial justice done I; but no such variation or modification shall be granted or allowed except by a vote of a majority of the board I. Where such application has been filed with a [commissionerI superintendent of buildings. the owner of such building or structure or his duly authorized 279 agent shall have the right to present a petition to such Icon- missioner and the board I superintendent of buildings, setting forth the grounds for the desired variation or modification, and may appear before Isaid board] him and be heard. The Iboard I said officer shall fix a date within a reasonable time for a hearing upon such application and shall as soon as prac- ticable render a decision thereon, which decision shall be final. The particulars of each such application and of the decision Iof the board] thereon shall be entered upon the records of the Iboard I building department of such borough, and if the application is granted a certificate therefor, together with a statement of the reasons for such decision, shall be issued by the IcommissionerI officer to whom the application is made and shall be countersigned by the president of the bor- ough Isecretary of the board.I. IDecisions of commissioners;l Appeals. § 4 II. I649.I. Each [commissioner] superintendent of buildings shall have power and it shall be his duty, subject to the provisions of law and the ordinances of the Imunici- pal assembly I board of aldermen, and the general rules and regulations established [by the board,I according to law to pass upon any question relative to the mode, manner of con- struction or materials to be used in the erection or alteration. of any building or other structure erected or to be erected within the borough Ior boroughs] under his jurisdiction which is included within the provisions of this chapter, or of any existing law applicable to such borough [or boroughs] relating to the construction, alteration or removal of build- ings or other structures, and to require that such mode, manner of construction or materials shall conform to the true intent and meaning of the several provisions of this chapter and of the laws and ordinances aforesaid, and the rules and regulations established by the president of the borough. Iboard I. Whenever a LcommissionerI superintendent of buildings to whom such question has been submitted, shall reject or refuse to approve the mode, manner of construction: or materials proposed to be followed or used in the erection or alteration of any such building or structure, or when it 28O is claimed that the rules and regulations of the Iboard] president of the borough or the provisions of law or of said ordinances do not apply, or that an equally good and more desirable form of construction can be employed in any spe- cific case, the owner of such building or structure, or his duly authorized agent, may appeal from the decision of such Su- perintendent Icommissioner to the board in any casel where the amount involved by such decision shall exceed the sum of one thousand dollars I; provided, however, that in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx such appeals shall be taken to the board of examiners, established by chapter four hundred and fifty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five and the several acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. The commissioner for the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx shall be ex-officio a member and the chairman of said board of examiners. The other members of said board of examiners shall be the persons mentioned and described in section thirty-one of said chapter four hundred and fifty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five and the several acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto]. Such appeal shall be heard by a board of examiners consisting of one member of the New York chapter of the American Institute of Architects, one member of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, two members of the Mechanics and Traders' Exchange of said city, One of whom shall be a master mason and one a master carpen- ter, one member of the Society of Architectural Iron Manu- facturers of said city, and one member of the Real Estate Owners and Builders' Association of said city, who shall be an architect or builder, all of whom shall be appointed by their respective associations and so certified to annually to the mayor of The City of New York, and the chief of the fire depart- ment of The City of New York. The said examiners shall each take the usual oath of office before entering upon the performance of their duties. The mayor shall annually designate one of said examiners as the presiding officer of said board. At least five affirmative votes shall be necessary to the granting of any petition by said board. No member of 28 I said board shall pass upon any question in which he is person- ally interested. The said board shall meet once a week upon notice from any of the superintendents of buildings. The members of said board of examiners shall be entitled to and shall receive ten dollars for each attendance at a meeting of said board, to be paid by the comptroller from an appropriate fund to be provided by the board of estimate and apportion- ment and the board of aldermen, upon the voucher of the clerk of said board of examiners. The clerk of the board of examiners shall be appointed and may be removed by the mayor of The City of New York, and shall receive a salary of one thousand five hundred dollars. The ap- peal authorized by this section may be taken within ten days from the entry of a decision upon the records of the superintendent of buildings Icommissioner] by filing with the officer Ithe commissionerI rendering such decision and Iwith the secretary of the board established by this act or I with the clerk of the board of examiners [as the case may be a notice of appeal, stating specifically the questions which the appellant desires to have passed upon by the board of buildings or by the board of examiners as the case may be] and by filing with [the secretary of the board of build- ings or I the clerk of the board of examiners [as the case may be] copies of all papers required by law or by the rules and regulations of the Iboard of buildings] president of the borough, to be submitted Ito the commissioner upon an application for a building permit, and [the board of buildings or I the board of examiners [as the case may be] shall there- after fix a day within a reasonable time for the hearing of such appeal, and upon such hearing the appellant may be represented either in person or by his agent or attorney. The decision of Ithe board of buildings or I the board of examiners, [as the case may be, I upon such appeal, shall be rendered without unnecessary delay, and such decision shall be final. Accounts; annual estimates; expenditures. $412. IG5I.I. Each Icommissioner] superintendent of buildings shall keep accurate and detailed accounts, in a form 282 approved by the Icommissioners of accounts] comptroller of all moneys received and expended by him, the sources from which they are received and the purposes for which they are expended. Iand shall prepare itemized monthly state- ments of all receipts and expenditures in duplicate, one of which statements, together with all vouchers, shall be filed with the comptroller, and one of which shall be filed in his own office. Each commissioner shall, on or before the first day of September in each year, prepare an itemized esti- mate of his necessary expenses for the ensuing fiscal year and present the same to the board. The three estimates SO prepared as revised by the board shall together constitute the annual estimate of the department of buildings, and shall be submitted to the board of estimate and apportionment within the time prescribed by this act for the submission of estimates for the several departments of the city. No com- missioner shall incur any expense for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated therefor; nor shall he expend any money so appropriated for any purpose other than that for which it was appropriated.I Record of applications. § 4 I 3. I652.I. Each Icommissioner] superintendent of buildings shall keep a record of all applications presented to him concerning, affecting or relating to the construction, alter- ation or removal of buildings or other structures. Such record shall include the date of the filing of each such application; the name and address of the applicant; the name and address of the owner of the land on which the structure mentioned . in such application is situated ; the names and addresses of the architect and builder employed thereon ; a designation of the premises by street number, or otherwise, sufficient to identify the same; a statement of the nature and proposed use of such structure; and a brief statement of the nature of the application, together with a memorandum of the decision of the IcommissionerI superintendent upon such applica- tion and the date of the rendition of such decision. The books containing such records are hereby declared to be public records, and shall be open to inspection at all reason- able times. 283 Books, plans, etc., to be delivered to borough presidents. § 414. Each commissioner of buildings as constituted by chapter three hundred and seventy-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven is hereby required and directed to turn over and deliver on January first, nineteen hundred and two, to the president of each borough so far as the same shall apply to the borough of which he is president, all plans, records, books, and papers relating to buildings filed with or deposited with said commissioner or turned over to him by his predecessor and all official records and papers of every kind in his possession. In case any doubt shall arise as to the proper disposition of said plans, books, papers and records, the presidents of the various boroughs shall meet together and devise a plan for such distribution, which plan when approved by the mayor shall be followed by the said presidents and said commissioners in their distribution of all such plans, books, records and papers relating to buildings. CHAPTER X. ITHE BOARD OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTs. Title I. Board of public improvements. Title 2. Map or plan of The City of New York; map of sewer system and sewer districts. Title 3. General provisions relating to departments. Title 4. Department of water supply. Title 5. Department of highways. Title 6. Department of street cleaning. Title 7. Department of sewers. Title 8. Department of public buildings, lighting and supplies. Title 9. Department of bridges.I CoNTRACTS AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENTs. Title I. General provisions relating to contracts. Title 2. Local boards. Title 3. Local improvements. Title 4. Maps and plans. TITLE I. General Provisions Relating to Contracts. IMunicipal assembly;l Board of aldermen; restriction on powers of. $417. I414..I It shall not be lawful for the Imunicipal assembly] board of aldermen to enter directly into contract for any public work or improvement whatsoever. IWhen proposals to enter upon public work of any character falling within the jurisdiction of the various departments repre- sented in the board of public improvements originate in the municipal assembly before an ordinance or resolution 285 authorizing the same or providing money therefor shall be adopted, a report must be had from the board of public improvements as to the desirability thereof. Said board shall report in as much detail as possible, and shall Submit an approximate, and whenever practicable, a detailed esti- mate of cost. If the report of the board of public im- provements be favorable to the project an ordinance or reso- lution authorizing the same may be passed in the usual manner; but, if the report of the board of public improve- ments be unfavorable, an ordinance or resolution authorizing the project shall be passed only by a vote of five-sixths of both houses of the municipal assembly, and be approved by the mayor.I & LMunicipal assembly;l Board of aldermen; further restrictions. $418. I424.I. It shall not be lawful for the Imunicipal assembly.I board of aldermen to release any contractor with the city or with any of the departments, boards, bureaus or officers thereof, from any fine or penalty incurred under his contract, Save upon the unanimous recommendations of the board of Ipublic improvementsI estimate and apportionment. And it shall not be lawful for the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen to extend the time for the performance of any Such contract Save upon the unanimous recommendation of the board of estimate and apportionment. Iboard of public improvements.I contracts for work or supplies. § 4 IQ. All contracts to be made or let for work to be done or supplies to be furnished, except as in this act otherwise provided, and all sales of personal property in the custody of the Several borough presidents, departments or bureaus, shall be made by the appropriate borough presidents or heads of departments under such regulations as shall be established by ordinance or resolution of the Imunicipal assembly..I board of aldermen. Whenever any work is necessary to be done to complete or perfect a particular job, or any supply is needful for any particular purpose, which work and job is to be under- taken or supply furnished for The City of New York, and the several parts of the said work or supply shall, together, 286 involve the expenditure of more than one thousand dollars, the same shall be by contract, under such regulations concern- ing it as shall be established by ordinance or resolution of the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, excepting such works now in progress as are authorized by law or ordinance to be done otherwise than by contract and, unless otherwise ordered by a vote of three-fourths of the members elected to the [municipal assembly I board of aldermen; and all con- tracts shall be entered into by the appropriate borough presi- dent, and heads of , departments, and shall, except as herein otherwise provided, be founded on Sealed bids or proposals, made in compliance with public notices, duly advertised in the City Record, and the corporation newspapers, and said notice to be published at least ten days; if a borough presi- dent or the head, of a department shall not deem it for the interests of the city to reject all bids, he shall, without the consent or approval of any other department or officer of the city government, award the contract to the lowest bidder, unless the board of estimate and apportionment Ipublic im- provements] by Ithe vote of a majority of its members, of whom the mayor and the comptroller shall be two,I a three- quarter vote of the whole board, shall determine that it is for the public interest that a bid other than the lowest should be accepted; the terms of such contract shall be settled by the corporation counsel as an act of preliminary specification to the bid or proposal. The bidder whose bid is accepted shall give security for the faithful performance of his contract in the manner prescribed and required by Ordinance; and the adequacy and sufficiency of this security shall, in addition to the justification and acknowledgment, be approved by the comptroller. All bids or proposals shall be publicly opened by the officer or officers advertising for the same, and in the presence of the comptroller, but the opening of the bids shall not be postponed if the comptroller shall, after due notice, fail to attend; if the Ilowest] bidder whose bid has been accepted shall neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his bid or proposal, or if he accepts but does not execute the contract and give the proper Security, it shall be readver- tised and relet as above provided. In case any work shall be 287 abandoned by any contractor, it shall be readvertised and relet by the appropriate borough president or the head of the appro- priate department in the manner in this section provided. No bid, shall be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to The City of New York upon debt or con- tract, or who is a defaulter, as Surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the city. Every contract, when made and entered into, as before provided for, shall be executed in duplicate, and shall be filed in the department of finance; together with a copy of the resolution or ordinance of the [municipal assembly, or of the resolution of the] board of aldermen and the local board Iboard of public improvements,I and together with the approval of the board of estimate and apportionment wher- ever the same is required by the provisions of this act, or copies of both, as the case may be, authorizing said work; such copies shall be so filed within five days after the contract shall have been duly executed by the contractor; a receipt for each pay- 1ment, made on account of or in satisfaction of the same, shall be endorsed on the said contract by the party receiving the warrant, which warrant shall be only given to the person inter- ested in such contract, or his authorized representative. No expenditure for work or supplies involving an amount for which no contract is required shall be made, except the neces- sity therefor be certified to by the appropriate borough presi- dent or the head of the appropriate department, and the expenditure has been duly authorized and appropriated. Proposals to be advertised; deposit to accompany bid. § 42O. Whenever proposals for furnishing supplies or do- ing work are invited by advertisement by any department or officer, such department or officer is authorized and directed to require, as a condition precedent to the reception or con- sideration of any proposal, the deposit with such department or officer of a certified check upon one of the state or na- tional banks of the said city, drawn to the order of the comp- troller, or of money; such checks or money to accompany the proposal, to an amount not less than three nor more than five per centum of the amount of the bond required by the department or officer for the faithful performance of the work proposed to be done or supplies to be furnished. 288 Within three days after the decision as to whom the contract is to be awarded, the comptroller shall return all the deposits made to the persons making the same, except the deposit made by the bidder whose bid has been accepted; and if the said bidder whose bid has been accepted shall refuse or neg- lect, within five days after due notice that the contract has been awarded, to execute the same, or to furnish the re- quired bond, the amount of deposit made by him shall be for- feited to and retained by the said city as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal, and shall be paid into the sinking fund of the city, but if the said bidder shall execute the con- tract and furnish the required bond within the time afore- said, the amount of his deposit shall be returned to him. Certificate of completion to be filed. § 421. It shall be the duty of Teach] any borough presi- dent, or head of any department, Iof the commissioners men- tioned in section four hundred and ten, of this act,1 having in charge any work, within five days after the acceptance of such work, to file with the comptroller a final certificate of the completion and acceptance thereof, signed by the chief engineer or head of his department. The filing of such cer- tificate shall be presumptive evidence that such work has been completed according to contract. It shall also be the duty of such borough president, or head of department, Icom- missioner, I in the case of work to be paid for in whole or in part by assessment for benefit, when such work shall have been completed and accepted, and all the expenses thereof which may be legally assessed shall have been ascer- tained, to execute a certificate of the total amount of all the cost and expenses which shall have been actually incurred by The City of New York on account of such work and forward the same to the board of assessors in accordance with section nine hundred and forty-six of this act. Accompanying said certificate shall be a copy of the resolution of the board of estimate and apportionment or of the resolution or ordi- nance of the Imunicipal assembly, I board of aldermen, or of the resolution of the local board or department, Iboard A 289 of public improvements,I or copies of any or such of them as may be required, Iboth, as the case may be, I authorizing such work to be done, and also a copy of any resolution or ordinance, if any such has been passed, determining that any proportion of the cost and expense of such work shall be borne by The City of New York. The board of assessors shall, upon receiving such certificate, assess upon the prop- erty benefited, in the manner authorized by law, the amount of the certificate, or such proportions thereof, as is author- ized by law. The proceedings relative to levying, confirm- ing and collecting any such assessments shall be in accord- ance with the provisions of chapter seventeen of this act. Comptroller to pay contractors. § 422. I423.1 When a contract for a public improvement shall have been entered into and a certified copy thereof shall have been filed with the comptroller, in conformity with section four hundred and nineteen of this act, said comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the contractor or his assigns, from time to time as the work progresses, Sev- enty per centum of the estimated value of the work actually done under said contract, until the same shall have been completed. The estimate of the value of any such work shall be signed by the surveyor and also by the chief engineer of the department having the matter in charge, and upon the final completion of any contract, and the filing of the final certificate of completion, the comptroller shall, within thirty days thereafter, or within thirty days after the expiration of the time within which according to the terms of the contract, the city has to accept such work, pay to the contractor or his assigns, the balance of the amount due under said contract, provided, however, that the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, upon the recommendation of the board of Ipublic improvements.I estimate and apportionment, may authorize contracts for asphalt or other pavements to be made, with a guaranty upon the part of the contractor for one or more years, with a provision for the retention of a percentage of the amount to be paid, which shall be paid within thirty days after the expiration of the guaranty, upon the filing of a cer- I9 * 29O tificate signed by the chief engineer of the department having the matter in charge that the terms of the contract have been complied with. The payments to be made by the comp- troller pursuant to this section shall be made out of the “street improvement fund,” if the cost and expense of said work are to be assessed in whole or in part upon property deemed to be benefited thereby. The amounts collected from any and all assessments for local improvements paid out of such fund, together with all defaults and interest on the same, are to be paid into said fund. It shall be the duty of, and lawful for the comptroller, when thereto authorized by the board of estimate and apportionment to create and issue such additional amounts of the corporate stock of The City of New York as shall be necessary to provide for the cost and expense of such work, or such part thereof as is to be borne and paid by The City of New York; and the pro- ceeds of the sale of such stock shall be paid into the street improvement fund. TITLE 2. Local Boards. Districts of local improvements. § 425. I390.1 For the purposes of local improvements the territory of The City of New York is hereby divided into IcertainI twenty-five districts of local improvements. IThe districts so constituted shall be named or numbered or other- wise distinguished by the municipal assembly. As first con- stituted by this act there shall be twenty-two districts of local improvements which shall together comprise all of the territory by this act consolidated into The City of New York. The territory in each of the senatorial districts of the state of New York, situated in whole or in part within the limits of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, as such districts are divided by the constitution of the state of New York in force January the first, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and to the extent that they are within the limits of said city, and as therein bounded and described, shall constitute a separate district of local improvements, that shall be bounded and described in the same terms as is the same territory when contained in a senatorial district, as aforesaid. The municipal assembly 29 I shall, whenever necessary, supplement and complete the de- scription of the boundaries of any district.I. The first district shall consist of the county of Richmond, and shall be called Staten Island; the second district shall consist of wards one and two of the borough of Queens and shall be called New- town; the third district shall consist of wards three, four and five of the borough of Queens and shall be called Jamaica; the fourth district shall consist of the territory comprised in the third senatorial district of the state of New York, as such dis- trict is divided by the constitution of the state of New York, in force January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and shall be called The Heights; the fifth district shall consist of the territory comprised in the fourth senatorial district of the state of New York, and shall be called Bedford; the sixth district shall consist of the eighth, thirtieth and thirty-first wards of the borough of Brooklyn, and shall be called New Utrecht; the seventh district shall consist of the tenth and twelfth wards of the borough of Brooklyn and shall be called Red Hook; the eighth district shall consist of the territory comprised in the sixth senatorial district of the state of New York and shall be called Carlton; the ninth district shall con- sist of the territory comprised in the seventh senatorial district of the state of New York and shall be called Williamsburg; the tenth district shall consist of the territory comprised in the eighth senatorial district of the state of New York, and shall be called Flatbush; the eleventh district shall consist of the territory comprised in the ninth senatorial district of the state of New York and shall be called Bushwick; the twelfth district shall consist of the territory comprised in the tenth senatorial district of the state of New York and shall be called Bowling Green; the thirteenth district shall consist of the territory com- prised in the eleventh senatorial district of the state of New York and shall be called The Bowery; the fourteenth district shall consist of the territory comprised in the twelfth senatorial district of the state of New York and shall be called Corlear’s Hook; the fifteenth district shall consist of the territory com- 292 prised in the thirteenth senatorial district of the state of New York, and shall be called Greenwich; the sixteenth district shall consist of the territory comprised in the fourteenth senatorial district of the state of New York and shall be called Kip's Bay; the seventeenth district shall consist of the territory com- prised in the fifteenth senatorial district of the state of New York and shall be called Central; the eighteenth district shall consist of the territory comprised in the sixteenth senatorial district of the state of New York and shall be called Chelsea; the nineteenth district shall consist of the territory comprised in the seventeenth senatorial district of the state of New York and shall be called Riverside; the twentieth district shall con- sist of the territory comprised in the eighteenth senatorial district of the state of New York and shall be called Yorkville; the twenty-first district shall consist of the territory comprised in the nineteenth and twenty-first districts of the state of New York and shall be called Bloomingdale; the twenty- second district shall consist of the territory comprised in the thirty-first and twenty-third assembly districts of the state of New York and shall be called Washington Heights; the twenty-third district shall consist of the territory comprised in the twentieth and that part of the twenty-first senatorial district of the state of New York in the borough of Manhattan and shall be called Harlem; the twenty-fourth district shall consist of the territory comprised in the twenty-first senatorial district of the state of New York west of the Bronx river and shall be called Morrisania; the twenty-fifth district shall con- sist of the territory comprised in the twenty-second senatorial district of the state of New York east of the Bronx river and shall be called Chester. Provided, however, that none of the above-mentioned boundaries shall include any portion of a senatorial district not contained within the limits of the city. The board of aldermen may, whenever necessary, supplement and complete the description of the boundaries of any district, but such districts shall not be affected by any change in the senatorial districts. 293 The local board; how constituted; jurisdiction. § 426. IG91.I There shall be in each and every district of local improvements a board of local improvements to be known and described as “ the local board,” to be entrusted with the powers by this act prescribed. The jurisdiction of each local board shall be confined to the district for which it is consti- tuted, and to those subjects or matters the costs and ex- penses whereof are in whole or in part a charge upon the people or property of the district or a part thereof, except so far as by this act jurisdiction may otherwise be given over matters of local administration within such district. Each local board shall consist of the president of the borough wherein the district is situated, by virtue of his office, and of each member of the Imunicipal assembly, I board of alder- men who represents an aldermanic district within Iis a resi- dent of I such local improvement district, by virtue of his office and during his term as such member. IRemoval from the district shall vacate their offices as members of the said local board.I. The members of the local board shall serve as such members without compensation. If any proposed local improvement specified in section [three hundred and ninety- three four hundred and twenty-eight of this act shall embrace the territory or affect the property of more than one district of local improvements, the members of the local boards of all the districts so affected shall, for all proceedings in the matter of such improvement, constitute the local board for the purposes thereof, and its proceedings shall in all respects conform to the provisions of this act that regulate the proceedings of any other local board. Id.; procedure. § 427. I392.1 The action of a local board shall be by reso- lution, Subject to the procedure governing resolutions passed by the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen and conform- ably thereto save that they need not be submitted to the mayor of The City of New York for his approval II except as pro- vided in the next section. Every resolution of a local board shall, before it takes effect, be approved by the borough pres- ident. 294 Id.; powers. § 428. Iº93.I. A local board, subject to the restrictions pro- vided by this act, shall have power in all cases where the cost of the improvement is to be met in whole or in part by assessments upon the property benefited, to Irecommend that proceed- ings be initiated to] initiate proceedings for the following purposes: to construct tunnels and bridges lying wholly within the borough; to acquire title to land for parks and squares, streets, sewers, tunnels and bridges, and approaches to bridges and tunnels; to open, close, extend, widen, grade, pave, regrade, repave and repair the streets, avenues and public places, and to construct [lateral] Sewers within the district; to flag or reflag, curb or recurb the sidewalks, and to relay crosswalks on such streets and avenues; to set or to reset street lamps; and to provide signs designating the names of the streets. All resolutions affecting more than one local improvement district or the borough generally, shall be adopted only at a joint meeting of all the local boards of the borough, and by a majority of the members of said boards. Id.; further powers. § 429. I393.T IA local board, subject to the restric- tions provided by this act, shall have power in all cases where the cost of the improvement is to be met in whole or in part by assessments upon the property benefited, to recommend that proceedings be initiated to open, close, extend, widen, grade, pave, regrade, repave and repair the Streets, avenues and public places, and to construct lateral sewers within the dis- trict; to flag or reflag, curb or recurb the sidewalks, and to relay crosswalks on such streets and avenues; to set or to reset street lamps; and to provide signs designating the names of the streets.I. A local board shall have power to hear complaints of nuisances in streets or avenues, or against disorderly houses, drinking saloons conducted Iwithout ob- servance of the licenses therefor], in violation of the laws regulating the traffic in liquor, gambling houses or any other places or congregations violative of good order or of the laws of this state, or other matters or things concerning the 295 peace, comfort, order and good government respecting any neighborhood within the district, or concerning the condi- tion of the poor within the district, and to pass such resolu- tions concerning the same as may not be inconsistent with the powers of the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen or of the respective administrative departments of The City of New York, and to aid such Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen and departments in the discharge of their duties respecting the good government of the said district. All resolutions passed under the authority of this section shall be submitted to the Mayor; and if he shall within ten days there- after declare the same to be general in character, they shall be invalid; otherwise, they shall take effect upon the expira- tion of said period of ten days. Id.; meetings; secretary; quorum. § 430. I394.1 Meetings of each local board shall be held at the main hall or public building of the borough. It shall be the duty of the president to call such meetings whenever in his opinion the public business shall require, or whenever he shall receive the written request of any three mmbers of a local board. The secretary of the president of the borough shall act as the secretary of each local board, in the borough, without additional compensation. He shall keep a record of all resolutions, proceedings and determinations of each local board, and shall file the same in the office of the presi- dent of the borough, and he shall discharge such other du- ties as may be prescribed by this act, or by the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, or by the president of the bor- Ough, or by a local board. The president of a local board and one other member thereof shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting duly called. 296 TITLE 3. Local Improvements. President; duty on receipt of petition. § 432. I400.I. When a petition for a local improvement within the jurisdiction of a local board has been received by the president of the borough, it shall be his duty to appoint a time for a meeting of the proper local board, not more than fifteen days thereafter, at which meeting such petition will by him be submitted to the said local board, and he shall there- upon cause a notice to be published in the City Record, that such petition has been presented to him and is on file in his office for inspection, and of the time when and of the place where there will be a meeting of the local board at which such petition will be submitted by him, to said board, which time shall not be less than ten days after the publication of the notice. Local board; proceedings after petition. § 433. I4OI.I. The local board, after the submission of such petition and consideration of the same, may then, as the petition shall ask, Irecommend that proceedings be initiatedI pass a resolution to bridge, to tunnel, to open, to close, to extend, to widen, to regulate, to grade, to curb, to gutter, to flag, and to pave streets, to lay crosswalks, and to construct [lateralT sewers within its district, and generally for such other improve- ments in and about such streets within its district as the public wants and convenience of the district shall require. Id.; to transmit resolution; further procedure; expenses to be a lien. § 434. I4O2.I. If the local board shall by resolution decide Ito recommend] that proceedings be initiated for a local im- provement within its jurisdiction, it shall thereupon, forthwith. transmit a copy of such resolution to the board of Ipublic im- provements.I estimate and apportionment. Said board shall promptly consider such resolution, and approve or reject the same, and return said resolution if approved to the president of the borough, where it originated, and he may thereupon proceed in the execution of the work covered by said resolu- 297 tion in accordance with the provisions of this act; but no public work or improvement, involving an assessment for benefit, shall be so authorized until there has been presented to the board of estimate and apportionment an estimate in writing, in such detail as the board may direct, of the cost of the pro- posed work or improvement, and a statement of the assessed value, according to the last preceding tax-roll, of the real es- tate included within the probable area of assessment. [and if, in its opinion, the work proposed ought to be proceeded with, it shall take such steps in regard thereto as are in this act pro- vided in the cases where public works are proposed and initiated by said board of public improvements.I. The ex- pense of all such improvements shall be assessed and be a lien on the property benefited thereby in proportion to the amount of said benefit; but no such work shall be done by the borough president on any item which imposes a charge upon the whole city of more than five hundred thousand dollars, except with the approval of the board of aldermen. I, and in no case shall extend beyond the limits of said district.I Local boards; power to flag sidewalks, etc. § 435. [403.] A local board shall have the power to cause the flagging or reflagging of sidewalks, laying or relaying of crosswalks, fencing vacant lots, digging down lots or filling in sunken lots within its district, by resolution approved by the board of Ipublic improvementsI estimate and apportionment; provided, however, that when the expenses to be incurred by any one such resolution shall not exceed the sum of two thou- Sand dollars, the approval of the board of estimate and appor- tionment shall not be necessary. When such public work or improvement shall have been duly authorized, the Iboard of public improvements shall direct the proper department to I president of the borough within which such work is to be done shall proceed forthwith in the execution thereof. I, as in cases where public works are proposed and initiated by said board of public improvements.I 298 Power to assess for local improvements. § 436. I422.I. In all cases where the board of estimate and apportionment Ipublic improvements] or the Imunicipal as- sembly I board of aldermen or the board of Ipublic improve- mentsI estimate and apportionment, and the Imunicipal as- sembly] board of aldermen together, with or without the concurrence or approval of any other board or officer, are authorized to determine that a local improvement is to be made, the said board of estimate and apportionment or the said [municipal assembly,I board of aldermen, or both, as the case may be, shall determine whether any, and if any, what proportion, of the cost and expense thereof shall be borne and paid by The City of New York, and the remainder of such cost and expense shall be assessed upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby; and the assessment shall be laid [out] and confirmed and collected in accordance with the provisions of chapter seventeen of this act. The deter- mination or decision of such board as to the proportion of cost and expense to be borne and paid by The City of New York, and as to the proportion to be borne by the property benefited, after it shall have been made and announced, shall be final, and such determination or decision shall not be re- opened or reconsidered by said board. The words “local improvement’’ as used in this section shall be construed to mean any work the payment of which was, prior to the pas- sage of this act, provided for, by the laws in force in the territory of the corporation formerly known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, in whole or in part, by assessment upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby or the owners thereof, other than assess- ments which are confirmed by a court of record. Construction of this title. -$ 437. I4O4.I. Nothing in this title contained shall be con- strued to in any way limit the power of the board of aldermen Ipublic improvements or of the municipal assembly or of the board of public improvements and the municipal assembly conjointly,I in authorizing any public improvement. Inor shall anything herein contained be construed to authorize any local board to incur any expenditures other than as authorized by the board of estimate and apportionment.I 299 TITLE I2.14. - The Map or Plan of The City of New York, Establishing of Grades, Changes Therein, Map of Sewer System, and Sewer Districts. The map of The City of New York. § 438. I432.1 The map or plan of the territory lying within the borough of Manhattan, as heretofore laid out, adopted and established by the municipal authorities of the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, and the map or plan of that part of the territory lying within the borough of The Bronx, laid out by the com- missioner of street improvements of the twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards pursuant to chapter five hundred and forty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety, and the acts amendatory thereof, as heretofore duly laid out, adopted and established by such commissioner, with the con- currence and approval of the board of street opening and improvements pursuant to law, and the map or plan of So much of the territory laying within the borough of Brooklyn, for which a permanent map or plan has been adopted, as hereto- fore duly laid out, adopted and established by the proper municipal authorities, and the map or plan of so much of the territory lying within the borough of Queens, for which a per- manent map or plan has been adopted by the proper municipal authorities of Long Island City, as so laid out, adopted and established, showing the parks, streets, bridges and tunnels, and approaches to bridges and tunnels, as heretofore laid out, adopted and established pursuant to law, and the maps and profiles included in or accompanying the same, showing the grades of such streets duly fixed, adopted and established, shall constitute the map or plan of The City of New York to the extent and so far as they cover the territory lying within the said city, and as such is hereby laid out, adopted, established and confirmed, is to be deemed final and conclusive with re- spect to the location, width and grades of the streets shown thereon, so far as such location, width and grades have been heretofore duly adopted, except as herein otherwise provided. Map to be completed. $ 439. I433.T. It shall be the duty of the president of each borough comprised within The City of New York, as consti- 3OO tuted by this act, Ithe board of public improvements,I subject to the limitations hereinafter provided, to prepare a map of Iso much I that part of the territory embraced within the borough of which he is president, IThe City of New York, as consti- tuted by this act, I of which a map or plan has not heretofore been finally established and adopted, as set forth in section four hundred and thirty-Itwo eight of this act, locating and laying Out all parks, streets, bridges, tunnels and approaches to bridges and tunnels, and indicating the width and grades of all such Streets so located and laid out. It shall be the duty of the president of each borough under the direction of the mayor to continue and complete the system of exact triangulation inaug- urated in the borough of The Bronx, over that part of the bor- Ough of which he shall be president, of which no map or plan has heretofore been established and approved, provided that such system of triangulation, after the most approved and exact method, shall be finished before the first day of Janu- ary, nineteen hundred and seven. The duty of conducting such system of triangulation shall be entrusted only to a civil engineer who shall have had at least five years' experience in the method and manner of precise surveying, and whose fit- ness and competency shall have been determined in a civil Service examination. He shall prepare and furnish, for pri- mary stations, the latitude and longitude determined in con- formity with the method used by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey; for secondary stations, the rectangular spherical co-ordinates; and for all stations, rectangular co- ordinates referred to a given fixed central meridian, or assumed meridian. Such co-ordinates shall be official and binding upon all officers making any map or plan relating to any borough or part thereof. Whenever and as often as the presi- dent of any borough Ithe board of public improvements.I shall have completed the map of a part of the territory aforesaid, he shall report the Šame together with the surveys, maps and profiles, showing the parks, streets, bridges, tunnels, and approaches to bridges and tunnels, located and laid out by him, and the grades thereof, to the board of estimate and 3OI apportionment Ipublic improvements,I for its concurrence and approval, subject, nevertheless, to such corrections or modi- fications as in the judgment of the majority of said board may be advisable; and the said board thereafter shall cause such map or plan, and such profiles, as finally adopted by it, to be certified by the president and secretary of said board, and filed as follows: One copy thereof in the office in which conveyances of real estate are required to be recorded in the county in which the territory shown upon such map is located; one copy thereof in the office of the corporation counsel, and one copy thereof in the office of the president of the borough, who shall have prepared such map. Iboard of public improvements.] Such map and profiles, when so adopted and filed, shall become a part of the map or plan of The City of New York, and shall be deemed to be final and conclusive with respect to the loca- tion, width and grades of the streets shown thereon, and the same shall not be subject to any further change or modification except as provided in section four hundred and Ithirty-six I forty-two of this act; provided, however, that the local boards at a joint meeting of all the boards comprised within the bor- ough for which said map was adopted, Iboard of public im- provements, I within three months after the opening of a street, shall have the power to alter the grade of such street, and to alter the grades of intersecting streets, so far as it may be necessary to conform the same to new grades of the street opened. President may be required to complete map. § 440. I434. The board of public improvements, I The board of estimate and apportionment, Ior the municipal assem- bly,T with the approval of the mayor, may at any time require the president of any borough Ithe board of public improve- ments.I to complete the map or plan of the whole or of a part of the territory for which the map or plan shall not at such time have been finally established and adopted as specified in sections four hundred and thirty-Itwo Ieight and four hundred and thirty-Ithree Inine of this act, and to report the same to the board of estimate and apportionment Iboard of public im- provements, I within a fixed and specified time. 3O2 Grades established by user. § 441. I435.I. Whenever any street in The City of New York shall have been used as such for upwards of twenty years without having the grade thereof established by law, the level or surface of such street as so used shall be deemed to be and to have been the grade thereof. Authority to change the map or plan of the city or to change grades. § 442. I436.I. The board of estimate and apportionment Ipublic improvements] is authorized and empowered, when- ever and as often as it may deem it for the public inter- est so to do, to initiate a change in the map or plan of The City of New York, so as to lay out new streets, . parks, bridges, tunnels and approaches to bridges and tunnels and parks, and to widen, straighten, extend, alter and close existing streets, and to change the grade of existing streets shown upon such map or plan, by pub- lishing notice of its proposed action for ten days, in the City. Record and the corporation newspapers, and giving an opportunity for all persons interested in such change to be heard, at a time and place to be specified in such notice, such time to be not less than ten days after the first publication of such notice. After the due publication of such notice, and after hearing protests and objections, if any there be, against the proposed change, if the said board shall favor such change, notwithstanding such protests and objec- tions, it shall transmit its resolution to that effect to the Imunicipal assembly, I board of aldermen, together with the objections, if any, which have been made in writing, and filed with it, and a statement of its reasons for such deter- mination. If Iboth houses of the municipal assembly I the board of aldermen concur in such resolution passed by the board of estimate and apportionment [of public improve- ments, by passing an ordinance adopting and approving the same by a two-thirds vote, and the same receives the ap- proval of the mayor, such change in the map or plan of The City of New York, or in the grade of any street or streets shown thereon, shall be deemed to have been made. The board of estimate and apportionment Ipublic improvements] is authorized and empowered without the concurrence of Imunicipal assembly,I board of aldermen, but with the ap- 3O3 proval of the mayor, to change the grades of bridges, tun- nels, and approaches to bridges and tunnels, and the location of approaches to bridges and tunnels. Maps of city to be kept in office of corporation counsel and office of borough presidents; Lof board of public improvements;l maps showing changes where filed. § 443. I437.1 The map or plan of The City of New York or a certified copy thereof, showing the streets and parks within The City of New York as constituted by this act, shall be kept, one copy thereof in the office of the corporation counsel and one copy thereof so far as the same shall apply to any one borough in the office of the Iboard of public improvements.1 borough president of such borough. Whenever the map or plan of The City of New York, as heretofore laid out, adopted, established and confirmed by this act, or as here- after laid out, adopted and established pursuant to this act, shall be changed, and whenever the grade of any street shown thereon shall be changed, the board of estimate and appor- tionment Ipublic improvementsI shall forthwith cause the maps and profiles, showing such change in the map or plan of The City of New York, or in the grade of a street or streets shown thereon, to be certified by the secretary of said board and filed as follows: One copy thereof in the office in which the conveyances of real estate are required to be recorded in the county in which the territory shown upon said copy is located; one copy thereof in the office of the corporation counsel, and one copy thereof Iin the office of the board of public improvements.I so far as the same shall apply to any one borough, in the office of the president of such borough. Drainage and sewer system to be completed. $444. I438.I. It shall be the duty of the said president of each borough Ithe board of public improvements, together with the commissioner of Sewers, and I subject to the approval of the board of estimate and apportionment, Ipublic improve- ments, I to devise and prepare, so far as the same has not al- ready been done, a plan for the proper sewerage and drain- age of the borough of which he is president [the whole of 3O4 said city,I for the purpose of thoroughly draining and car- rying off water and other matter proper to be carried off by sewers. The president of the borough of Brooklyn and president of the borough of Queens shall confer as to such part of such plan for each borough as shall adjoin the other, and shall endeavor to make said plans harmonize with each other so far as may be. The said president of each borough Iand commissioners] shall, so far as the same has not al- ready been done, and subject to the like approval, lay out the Isaid city.I borough of which he is president, into as many sewerage districts as he may deem necessary for the afore- said purpose, and shall also determine and show, on suitable maps or plans, the location, course, size and grade of each sewer and drain proposed for each of said districts, and the proposed alterations and improvements in existing sewers, and shall also determine and show, on said maps or plans, the contemplated depth of said sewers and drains below the pres- ent surface, and also below the established grades of the streets and avenues in each of said districts, and such other particulars as may be necessary for the purpose of exhibiting a complete plan of the proposed sewerage therein. Drainage plan to be filed. $ 445. I439.1 Upon the completion of the map or plan for the drainage of any sewerage district and its approval by the board of Ipublic improvements,I estimate and apportion- ment, such map or plan shall be the permanent plan for the Sewerage of such district; subject, however, to such subse- quent modifications as may, in the opinion of the Icommis- Sioner of sewers] president of the borough to which said plan shall apply, and the board of Ipublic improvements, I estimate and apportionment, become necessary in conse- quence of alterations made in the location of grade of any Street or part thereof in said district, or for other reasons. Copies of such complete map or plan and of the maps show- ing modifications therein shall be certified by the Ipresident] mayor and the secretary of the board of Ipublic improvements] estimate and apportionment and shall be filed as follows: One copy thereof in the office in which conveyances of real estate 305 are required to be recorded in the county in which the terri- tory shown upon said map is located ; one copy thereof in the office of the corporation counsel, and one copy thereof in the office of the Iboard of public improvements.I presi- dent of the borough to which said plan applies. All sewers to be in accordance with general plan. § 446. [44O.I. It shall not be lawful hereafter to construct any sewer or drain in the city unless such sewer or drain shall be in accordance with the general plan, approved Iby the board of public improvements] as aforesaid, for the sewerage of the particular district in which such sewer or drain is pro- posed to be constructed. Raising of grade for drainage. § 447. [44I.I. Whenever the Icommissioner of sewers shall report to the board of public improvements] president of any borough shall determine that it is necessary to raise the grade of any street or streets for the proper sewerage of the sewer district in which such street or streets, or parts of streets, are situated, the said [board I president shall prepare a plan show- ing said proposed change of grade, and shall present the same to the board of estimate and apportionment, which said board is hereby authorized and empowered to change the grade of such street or streets, or parts of streets, so far as shall be necessary for the proper drainage thereof II in accordance with said plan. Power to mark boundaries and to make surveys. § 448. [442.I. The Ipresident of the board of public im- provements] mayor shall have power to direct the presi- dent of any borough to mark any boundary line or lines of the municipal corporation constituted by this act and known as The City of New York, as said boundary line or lines is or are determined in and by this act, so as to distinguish and define the boundaries of said city, the boundaries of the boroughs thereof, and any other bound- ary line or lines determined in and by this act, by such monuments as may be authorized by Iresolution of the 2O 306 board of public improvements] the mayor. IHe] The president of any borough shall upon the request of the board of aldermen, Ipublic improvements, of the municipal assembly I of a local board, of commissioners of estimate, or Of commissioners of estimate II and assessments, furnish surveys, diagrams or other information as may enable them to fully discharge the duties imposed upon them by this act relative to street and park improvements. It shall be lawful for the president of [the board of public improvements,I any thorough, and all persons acting under his authority, to enter in the day time into and upon any lands, tenements and here- ditaments and waters which he shall deem necessary to be surveyed, used or converted for the laying out, surveying and monumenting of parks, streets, bridges, tunnels, and ap- proaches to bridges and tunnels, in The City of New York, or for marking any boundary line or lines. President to appoint surveyor; appropriations to be made for maps, etc. § 449. I443.I. The president of [the board of public im- provements] each borough shall have power to appoint a sur- veyor or engineer who shall have the custody of the maps filed in the Office of the Iboard of public improvements] president of Said borough, Iand to fix his salary within the proper appro- priation]. There shall be made in the final estimate each year such provisions or appropriations as may be necessary for the preparation and making of maps, plans and profiles, and for the setting of monuments. [and the president of the board of public improvements shall be authorized, within the limits of such provision or appropriation, to employ such engineers, surveyors, clerks and assistants as may in his judgment be necessary for any part of such work.I CHAPTER XI. DEPARTMENTS OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELECTRICITY, STREET CLEANING AND BRIDGES. Title I. General provisions. Title 2. Department of water supply, gas and electricity. Title 3. Department of street cleaning. Title 4. Department of bridges. TITLE I3.I. I. General Provisions [Relating to the Departments of Water Supply, Highways, Street Cleaning, Sewers, Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies, and Bridges.I Heads of departments. § 450. Each of the commissioners hereinafter provided for in this chapter shall in all respects administer his department in conformity with the ordinances of the [municipal assembly] board of aldermen relating thereto, and each shall be vested with the sole executive power in his department, and be subject to the laws of the state and the ordinances of the city for the conduct and the work of his department. Deputies. § 452. The commissioner at the head of each of said depart- ments may appoint one Ior more] deputy commissionerIS one of whom I who shall be located at the main office of such department, and there may be a deputy in each borough in which is located a branch office of such department, if provi- sion is made therefor by the board of estimate and apportion- ment and the board of aldermen. Ior the same deputy may have charge of more than one borough, as the commissioner appointing such deputy may deem advisable.I. A deputy com- 3O8 missioner located at a branch office shall, under the direction and control of the commissioner appointing him, have charge of the office work of his department in the borough or bor- oughs for which the office was established, and of the execution of all work devolved upon his department therein. The com- missioner at the head of each of said departments may designate one or more of said deputies, who shall, in addition to his other powers, possess every power and perform all and every duty belonging to the office of such commissioner, So far as specified in such designation, whenever SO empowered by such commissioner by written authority, designating there- in a period of time, not extending beyond a period of three months nor beyond the term of office of such commissioner, during which such power and duty may be exercised, and such designation and authority shall be duly filed in and remain of record in said department, but may be revoked at any time. A deputy commissioner so designated shall possess the like authority in case of absence or disability of such commissioner. Engineers. § 453. The commissioner at the head of each of said depart- ments, excepting the department of street cleaning, may IshallI appoint and at pleasure remove a chief engineer of his department, with power to appoint, remove, and detail a staff of assistant engineers. If the commissioner of any department Iand the board of public improvements.I deem it advisable that more than one chief engineer be appointed for such de- partment, such commissioner, when authorized by the board of estimate and apportionment and the board of aldermen, may IshallI appoint such additional chief engineers, each with power to appoint and remove at pleasure, and detail a staff of assistant engineers. All chief engineers and assistant engineers appointed by them respectively, must be civil engineers of at least ten years’ experience. An engineer located at a branch Office of his department in any borough may be appointed a deputy commissioner for the borough or boroughs to which he is assigned. An assistant engineer who has been appointed a deputy commissioner may be designated as the engineer for the borough in which he acts as deputy. Any engineer may be designated by such title as shall properly describe his prin- cipal duties in the judgment of the head of his department. 3O9 Consulting engineers. § 455. IThe commissioner of water supply, the commis- sioner of highways, and the commissioner of Sewers, shall each appoint, without definite term, when thereto authorized by the board of public improvements, a consulting engineer to their respective departments, who shall be an expert in all matters relating to the work performed by the department in which he is appointed and who shall have had at least fifteen years' experience as a civil engineer. The commissioner of public buildings, lighting and supplies shall appoint (each without definite term) when thereto authorized by the bord of public improvements, a consulting engineer of lighting and electricity to his department, who shall be an expert in all matters relating to lighting and electricity, and whose training shall also have included instruction in the capacity of civil engineer, and a consulting engineer of public buildings to his department, who shall be an expert in the matter of construction, repair and maintenance of public buildings, and a consulting architect to his department, who shall be an architect of recognized Scien- tific and artistic standing of not less than fifteen years' experi- ence.] The commissioner of bridges [shall] may at any time employ [appoint, without definite term], when thereto authorized by the board of Ipublic improvements] estimate and apportionment and the board of aldermen, a consulting engineer, who shall be a recognized expert in bridge con- struction, and who shall have had not less than fifteen years’ experience as a civil engineer. The commissioner of water Supply, gas and electricity may at any time employ, when thereto authorized by the board of estimate and apportionment and the board of aldermen, a consulting hydraulic engineer to his department of at least fifteen years' experience as a civil engineer, and a consulting engineer of lighting and electricity to his department, who shall be an expert in all matters relating to lighting and electricity, and whose training shall also have included instruction in the capacity of civil engineer. Commissioners; power to appoint, etc. $459. If the commissioners of two or more departments named in this chapter shall at any time determine that the 3IO duties of the chief engineer or the deputy commissioner in each of said two or more departments in and for any bor- ough can be adequately performed by one and the same person, then it shall be lawful for said commissioners, each acting in his department, to appoint the same individual as chief engi- neer or deputy commissioner, or both, of such departments for any of said boroughs; such appointment as chief engineer may be revoked by the proper commissioner or commissioners, respectively, as to all but one department. Iwhenever the board of public improvements shall so authorize; and the board of public improvements shall also then determine and decide for which department the said person shall remain and shall be chief engineer.I Transfer of employees from borough to borough and from department to department. § 460. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed to limit in any way the power of the commissioner at the head of any one of the departments named in this chapter to transfer any employee or employees from the office of his department located in one borough to the office of his department in any other borough. IIt shall be lawful for the board of public improvements to transfer employees of one of the departments named in this chapter to another of said departments, pro- vided that in each case the heads of the departments affected shall consent to and request such transfer.I Transfer of appropriations. § 46I. No appropriation to any one of the departments named in this chapter, which is specifically appropriated to be used in one borough shall be transferred for expenditure in any other borough [except by the unanimous vote of] by the board of estimate and apportionment, except with the consent of the president of the borough from which the transfer is to be made; but if any public work within the cognizance and control of any one of said commissioners must be executed in more than one borough he may, in his discretion, direct that said work shall be done through the joint forces of his depart- ment in the boroughs affected, or he may execute such work with the force of his central office. 3 II Definition of word “street.” § 462. Whenever the word “street,” or the plural thereof, occurs in this chapter, it shall be deemed to include all that is included by the term “street, avenue, road, alley, lane, high- way, boulevard, concourse, public square and public place,” or the plurals thereof, respectively. * TITLE I4.1 2. Department of Water Supply II, Gas and Electricity. Commissioner of water supply [;], gas and electricity; appointment; salary. - § 468. The head of the department of water supply, gas and electricity shall be called the commissioner of water supply II, gas and electricity. He shall be appointed by the mayor and hold office as provided in chapter four of this act. His salary shall be seven thousand five hundred dollars a year. The main office of the department shall be located in the bor- ough of Manhattan. A branch office shall be located in the. borough of Brooklyn and may be located in the borough of. The Bronx. Id.; jurisdiction. § 469. The commissioner of water supply, gas and electric- ity shall have cognizance and control: I. Of all structures and property connected with the sup- ply and distribution of water for public use, except the same shall be owned by private corporations, including all fire and , drinking hydrants and all water meters. 2. Of maintaining the quality of the water supply, and of , the investigation for, and the construction of all work neces- sary to deliver the proper and required quantity of water with ample reserve for contingencies and future demands. 3. Of the collection of the revenues from the sale or use of water from the public water supply. 4. Of the enforcing of the regulations concerning the use of water, and of recommending to the Iboard of public im- provements] board of aldermen proposed ordinances relat- 3I 2 *. ing to any of the matters within the province of his depart- Inent. 5. Of the making and performance of contracts when duly authorized in accord with the provisions of this act, and for the execution of the same in the matter of furnishing the city, or any part thereof, with gas, electricity or any other illuminant or of steam; of the selecting, locating and removing and changing of lights for the use of the city; of the inspecting and testing of gas and electricity used for light, heating and power purposes, electric meters, electric wires and of all lights furnished to said city; and of the use and transmission of gas, electricity, pneumatic power and steam for all pur- poses in, upon, across, over and under all streets, roads, ave- nues, parks, public places and public buildings; of the con- struction of electric mains, conduits, conductors, and sub- ways in any such streets, roads, avenues, parks and public places, and the granting of the permission to open streets, when approved by the borough president, and to open the same for the purpose of carrying on therein the business of transmitting, conducting, using and selling electricity, steam, or for the service of pneumatic tubes. This section shall not be construed to empower the said commissioner to grant permission to open or use the streets except by per- sons or corporations otherwise duly authorized to carry on business of the character above specified. Id.; power when more than one borough involved. § 470. If any of the public work within the cognizance and control of the said commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity must be executed entirely outside of the city limits, Iand I he may direct that such work be done by any of his force Iof any borough] as may seem to him most advanta- geous. Id.; restriction on power to contract. § 471. It shall not be lawful for the commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity to enter into any contract whatever 3 I3 with any person or corporation engaged in the business of supplying or selling water for private or public use and *Consumption, unless, preliminary to the execution of the -contract, the assent of the Iboard of public improvements, and the approval of the I board of estimate and appor- tionment, together with the separate written consent and approval of both the mayor and the comptroller of The City of New York of the proposed contract in all its details, shall be given by resolution to the execution of ‘such contract as submitted, and it shall not be lawful for the said city of New York or for any department thereof, to make any contract touching or concerning the public water supply, and especially the increase thereof, with any person or corporation whatsoever, save in accordance with the provisions and requirements of this act, which said provisions and requirements are hereby declared to estab- lish the exclusive rule for the making of such contracts. All proceedings relating to the making or approval of any such contract may be reviewed by the appellate division of the Supreme court in the first or second department on the ap- plication of any resident taxpayer. Id.; power to determine source of water supply; condemnation pro- ceedings, etc. § 472. The commissioner of water supply, gas and elec- tricity, with the approval of the board of Ipublic improve- ments,I estimate and apportionment shall have power within and throughout the state of New York, to select and to deter- mine all sources of water supply that may be needed for the supply of the public water-works of said city, and for the sup- ply and distribution of water in said city. Any sources of water so selected and determined by him shall be deemed necessary for the public use of The City of New York, and thereupon, with the approval of the board of Ipublic improvements and of the board of I estimate and appor- tionment, together with the authority of the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen expressed by its resolution or ordinance, it shall be lawful for The City of New York to acquire by condemnation any real estate or any interest therein that may be necessary in order to acquire the sole and -exclusive property in such source or sources of water supply, 3I4 and to wholly extinguish the water rights of any other person or corporation therein, with the right to lay, relay, repair and maintain aqueducts, conduits and water pipes with the connec- tions and fixtures on the lands of others, and, if necessary, to acquire by condemnation lands for such purpose in any county or counties thrpugh which it may be necessary to pass in con- ducting such waters to The City of New York; the right to in- tercept and to direct the flow of water from the lands of riparian owners, and from persons owning or interested in any water, and the right to prevent the flow or drainage of noxious or impure matters from the lands of others into its reservoirs or sources of supply, provided that [he] it shall not have power to acquire or to extinguish the property rights of any person or corporation in or to any water rights that II are in actual use at the time of the initiation of proceedings for condemna- tion for the supply of the water-works of the people of any other city, town or village of the state, or for the supply and distribution of waters to the people thereof; or which in the opinion of the court on such proceedings may reasonably become necessary for Iwere in whole or in part devoted to the I such supply Iof the water-works of the people of any other city, town or village of the state, or to the supply and distribu- tion of water to the people thereof, I or to take or use the water from any of the canals of the state, any canal reservoirs, or waters used exclusively as feeders for canals, or from any of the streams acquired by the state for supplying the canals with water. It shall be the duty of the corporation counsel to take the necessary legal proceedings, as provided in this act, for such improvement, upon the request in writing of the said commissioner of water supply. In the ascertainment of the compensation for any property or property rights SO acquired, such compensation shall be based upon the actual values of the property or the interest acquired therein at the time of its tak- ing, and there shall not be taken into consideration any pros- pective or speculative value, based upon the possible, probable or actual future use of such property, or property rights, if the same had not been acquired by the said city of New York for the public use. The commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity is hereby authorized to examine into the sources of 3 I 5 water supply of any private companies supplying The City of New York or any portion thereof or its inhabitants with water, to see that the same is wholesome and the supply is adequate, and to establish such rules and regulations in respect thereof as are reasonable and necessary for the convenience of the public and the citizens; and the Iboard of public improve- ments] said commissioner may exercise superintendence, regu- lation and control in respect of the supply of water by such water companies, including rates, fares and charges to be made therefor, except that such rates, fares and charges shall not, without the consent of the grantee, be reduced by the Iboard of public improvements] said commissioner beyond what is just and reasonable; and in case of a controversy, the question of what is just and reasonable shall be finally determined as a judicial question on its merits by a court of competent juris- diction. The City of New York is authorized to acquire by purchase, lease, or otherwise, lands or water in any other state, Or rights, interests, or privileges in, to or over any lands or water in any other state for the purpose of supplying water to The City of New York. Nothing in this section contained shall be deemed in any manner to limit the rights, property rights, power or jurisdiction now possessed by The City of New York in relation to the possession, maintenance, operation or completion of its present water system. [Municipal assembly;l Board of aldermen; power to fix rents, etc., for water supply. § 473. The Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen shall hereafter have all power, on recommendation of the Iboard of public improvements, I commissioner of water supply, gas. and electricity, to fix and to establish a uniform scale of rents, and charges for supplying water by The City of New York, which shall be apportioned to different classes of buildings in Said city in reference to their dimensions, value, exposures. to fires, ordinary uses for dwellings, stores, shop, private stables and other common purposes, number of families or Occupants, or consumption of water, as near as may be prac- ticable, and modify, alter, amend and increase such scale from time to time, and to extend it to other descriptions of build- 316 ings and establishments. All extra charges for water shall be deemed to be included in the regular rents, which shall become a charge and lien upon the buildings upon which they are respectively imposed, and if not paid, shall be returned as arrears to the collector of assessments and arrears. Such regular rents, including the extra charges above mentioned, shall be collected from the owners or occupants of all such buildings, respectively, which shall be situated upon lots ad- joining any street or avenue in said city in which the distrib- uting water pipes are or may be laid, and from which they can be supplied with water. Said rents, including the extra charges aforesaid, shall become a charge and lien upon such houses and lots, respectively, as herein provided, but no charge whatever, shall be made against any building in which a water meter may have been or shall be placed as provided in this act. In all such cases the charge for water shall be determined only by the quantity of water actually used as shown by said meters. Commissioner; power to contract for water supply for the twenty- fourth ward; duty in relation to. § 474. The commissioner of water supply, gas and elec- tricity is authorized, on behalf of The City of New York, with the preliminary consent of the Iboard of public improvements and of the board of estimate and apportionment, to contract from time to time with the city of Yonkers, or the board of water commissioners of the city of Yonkers, for a supply of wholesome water for the twenty-fourth ward and other parts of the borough of The Bronx, from the water-works, or water belonging to them or under their charge and control, for such time, in such quantities, and at such places as may be agreed upon by them. The said commissioner [of water supply] is authorized and directed to procure, purchase and lay, provide and make ready for use, from time to time, so many mains and pipes and other means and appliances, and erect so many hydrants as may be necessary and sufficient to distribute and supply the water so procured under contract with the city of Yonkers to and through said Twenty-fourth ward, or such part of it as may require or be in need of the same, and which cannot be, or in his judgment ought not to be supplied from the Croton water-works, and to purchase, provide, do, and perform all things necessary or proper to enable the said 317 twenty-fourth ward, or said part, and the inhabitants thereof, to obtain and have an abundant supply of water at all times, and for such purpose, in case of necessity or convenience, to arrange and agree with the owner of lands in said ward for an irrevocable license or permission to enter upon, lay, repair, keep in order, protect, and maintain mains, pipes, conduits and hydrants in, through and upon said lands. The Imunic- ipal assembly I board of aldermen is authorized to fix, and from time to time to alter, on the recommendation of the Iboard of public improvements, I said commissioner, special rates or charges for water supplied to any house or building, or to any other erection or structure, in said twenty-fourth ward, including washers and hydrants, and to make such arrangements and rules as may be proper to ascertain the quantity of water used therein, or by means thereof, and such rates and charges shall be a lien until paid upon the lands upon which such house, building, or other erection or structure may stand or be situated, and shall be collectible at the same time and in the same manner, including sales for unpaid taxes, as the ordinary tax imposed on the same lands. Meters. $475, The commissioner of water supply is authorized, in his discretion, to cause water-meters, the pattern and price of which shall be approved by the board of Ipublic improve- ments,I aldermen, to be placed in all stores, workshops, ho- tels, manufactories, office buildings, public edifices, at wharves, ferry-houses, stables, and in all places in which water is furnished for business consumption, and, if author- ized thereto by resolution or ordinance of the board of alder- men, in all apartment houses, tenements, flat houses and pri- vate dwellings, so that all water so furnished therein or thereat may be measured and known by the said department. and for the purpose of ascertaining the ratable portion which consumers of water should pay for the water therein or thereat received and used. Thereafter, as shall be deter- mined by the commissioner of water supply, the said depart- ment shall make out all bills and charges for water furnished by them to each and every consumer as aforesaid, to whose consumption a meter as aforesaid is affixed in ratable pro- 318 portion to the water consumed, as ascertained by the meter on his or her premises or places occupied or used as afore- said. All expenses of meters, their connections and setting, water rates and other lawful charges for the supply of water shall be a lien upon the premises where such water is Sup- plied as now provided by law. Nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to remit or prevent the due collection of arrearages or charges for water consumption heretofore incurred, nor interfere with the proper liens therefor, nor of charges, or rates, or liens hereafter to be incurred for water consumption in any dwelling-house, building, or place which may not contain one of the meters aforesaid. The moneys collected for expenses of meters, their connections and set- tings, shall be applied by the commissioner of water supply to the payment of expenses incurred in procuring, connect- ing and setting said meters. Additional charge for non-payment of rent. § 476. The annual rents which are not paid to the depart- ment of water supply before the first day of August in each year shall be subject to an additional charge of five per centum, and those rates not paid before the first day of No- vember in each year shall be subject to a further additional charge of ten per centum. No valve, etc., to be used with royalty. § 477. No patent hydrant, valve or stopcock shall be used By the department of water supply unless the patentee or owner of said patent shall allow the use of the patent by said department without royalty. Printed notice of rules and regulations. § 478. The rules and restrictions for the use of the water printed on each permit shall be notice to the water takers, and shall authorize the exaction and recovery by process of 1aw of any penalties which may be imposed in addition to cutting off the use of the water for any violations of the rules, and this section shall be printed on such permits. Commissionerſsl; duty in regard to sources of water supply and property of department. § 479. The commissioner of water supply, gas and electric- ity is charged with the preservation of all lakes and all waters 319 from which a water supply is drawn by the city, with the pres- ervation of the banks of and of any river or other body of water from which the water supply is drawn, from injury or nuisance, and with the execution of such measures as may be necessary to preserve and increase the quantity of water and keep it pure and wholesome and free from contamina- tion and pollution, with the management, preservation and repairs of the dams, gates, aqueducts, bridges, water towers, reservoirs, mains, pipes, pipeyard, and property of every de- scription belonging to the water-works, and shall have the construction of such new works and the purchase and laying down of such mains and pipes as may be authorized in ac- cordance with law. The department of water supply, gas and electricity shall be responsible for the supply of water and the good order and security of all the water-works, for the exactness and durability of the structures which may be erected, and for the daily work to be performed and for the sufficiency of the supply in the pipeyards to meet every casu- alty, and for the fidelity, care and attention of all persons em- ployed by the department in watching the works, and in mak- ing constructions and repairs. Assessment on lands used as reservoirs. § 480. The lands heretofore taken or to be taken for stor- age, reservoirs, or for other constructions necessary for the introduction and maintenance of a sufficient supply of water in the city, or for the purpose of preventing contamination or pollution, shall be assessed and taxed in the counties in which they are or may be located, in the manner prescribed by law, at the value of the lands, exclusive of the aqueducts, and the construction and works necessary for its purposes, provided that the assessed value of the said lands shall not exceed the assessed value of the lands in the immediate neighborhood thereof. But nothing in this section contained shall prevent the assessors in the county of Nassau from assessing the pumping stations and buildings located in such COunty. Certain acts misdemeanors. § 481. It shall not be lawful for any person to throw or de- posit, or cause to be thrown or deposited in any lake, pond 32O or stream, or in any aqueduct from or through which any part of the water supply of The City of New York shall be drawn, or either of the reservoirs, any dead animal or other offensive matter, or anything whatever. Any person offend- ing against the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment, or both, in the discre- tion of the court. Such fine not to exceed the sum of one hundred dollars, and such imprisonment not to exceed a pe- riod of three months. Such imprisonment to be in the jail of the county in which the offense shall have been committed. Id.; continued. § 482. If any person shall willfully do or cause to be done any act whereby any work, materials, or property whatever, erected or used or hereafter to be erected or used within the city or elsewhere by the said city, or by any person acting under their authority, for the pur- pose of procuring or keeping a supply of water, shall in any manner be injured or shall erect or place any nuisance on the banks of any river, lake or stream from which the water sup- ply of said city shall be drawn, or shall throw anything into the aqueduct, or into any reservoir or pipe, such person, on conviction thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Duty of commissioner. Iof water supply.] § 483. The commissioner of water supply, gas and electric- ity is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to carry out the provisions of this act, in the manner hereinafter pro- vided, for the purpose of maintaining, preserving and in- creasing the supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of the city, and for the purpose of preventing or removing contamination or pollution of any supply or source or sources of supply of water heretofore acquired by or on be- half of said city, and for the purpose of preventing the con- tamination or pollution of any river, water course, lake, pond, stream or reservoir hereafter acquired for the purpose of supplying said city with water. To take proceedings to acquire title. § 484. In all cases where the commissioner of water sup- ply, gas and electricity shall hereafter enter upon, acquire, 32 I take or use, or shall deem it necessary to enter upon, acquire, take or use, any “real estate,” as the term real estate is de- fined by this act, for the purpose of maintaining, preserving or increasing the supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of said city, or for the purpose of preventing the con- tamination or pollution of the same, as hereinbefore set forth, the said commissioner is authorized, for and in behalf, and in the name of The City of New York, in the manner herein- after prescribed, to acquire all rights, titles and interests in and to such real estate, by whomsoever the same may be held, enjoyed or claimed, and to pay for and extinguish all claims or damages on account of such rights, titles or inter- ests, or growing out of such taking or using. Definition of “real estate.” § 485. The term “real estate ’’ as used in this chapter shall be construed to signify and embrace all uplands, lands under water, the water of any lake, pond or stream, all water rights or privileges, and any and all easements and hereditaments, corporeal or incorporeal, and every estate, interest and right, legal and equitable, in lands or water, or any privilege or easement thereunder, including terms for years, and liens thereon by way of judgment, mortgages or otherwise, and also all claims for damage to such real estate. It shall also be construed to include all real estate (as the term is above defined) heretofore or hereafter acquired or used for railroad, highway or other public purpose, providing the persons or corporations owning such real estate, or claiming interests therein, shall be allowed the perpetual use, for such purposes, of the same or of such other real estate to be acquired for the purposes of this act as will afford practicable route or location for such rail- road, highway or other public purpose, and in the case of a railroad commensurate with and adapted to its needs; and provided, also, that such persons, or corporations shall not directly or indirectly, be subject to expense, loss or damage by reason of changing such route or location, but that such expense, loss or damage shall be borne by the city. In case any real estate so acquired or used for public purposes is sought to be taken or affected for the purposes of this act, there shall be designated upon the maps referred to in this act, and there shall be described in the petition referred to, such portion of 2I 322 the other real estate shown on said maps and described in said petition as it is proposed to substitute in place of the real estate then used for such railroad, highway or other public purposes. The supreme court, at the special term to which said petition is presented, or at such other special term as the consideration thereof may be noticed or adjourned to, shall either approve the substitute route or place or refer the same back to the Said commissioner for alteration or amendment, and may refer the same back, with such directions or suggestions as the Said court may deem advisable, and as often as necessary, and until the said commissioner shall determine such substituted route or place as may be approved by the court; an appeal from any order made by said court at special term, under the provisions of this section, may be taken by any person or corporation interested in and aggrieved thereby, to the appellate division of the judicial department in which the real estate is situated, and shall be heard as a non-enumerated motion. The commis- Sioners of appraisal herein referred to, in determining the com- pensation to be made to the persons or corporations owning such real estate, or claiming interest therein, shall include in the amount of such compensation such sum as shall be suffi- cient to defray the expenses of making such change of route and location and of building said railroad or highway. The said commissioners of appraisal shall suggest in their report, and the court, in the order confirming such report, shall deter- mine, Subject to review by the said appellate division, what reasonable time after payment of the awards to said persons or corporations shall be sufficient within which to complete the work of making such change, and the said city of New York or the commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity thereof shall not be entitled to take possession or interfere with the use, for the aforesaid purposes, of such real estate. before the expiration of such time. This time may be subse- quently extended by the court (subject to review as aforesaid), upon sufficient cause shown. After the expiration of the time SO determined or extended no use shall be made of said real estate which shall cause pollution to the water in said reservoir, Or the construction of said reservoir, or interfere with its flow. Commissionerſsl to prepare maps. § 486. Whenever in the opinion of said commissioner it is necessary to acquire any such real estate (as the term “real 323 estate’’ is herein defined), for any of the purposes herein- before set forth, or for the purpose of extinguishing any right, title or interest thereto or therein, the said commissioner, for and on behalf of The City of New York, shall prepare a map or maps of the real estate which in his opinion it is necessary to acquire for the purposes hereinbefore set forth, and shall submit the same to the board of Ipublic improvementsI esti- mate and apportionment, for approval. The said board may adopt, modify or reject such maps in whole or in part, and may require others to be made instead thereof. A copy of the map or maps so prepared, with a certificate of the adoption thereof, signed by the commissioner and the Ipresident of the board of public improvements, I mayor, shall be filed in the s office of said commissioner and be open to public inspection, and shall be the map or maps of the real estate to be acquired, subject to such changes or modifications as the said commis- sioner may from time to time deem necessary for the more efficient carrying out of the provisions of this act. And the said board of Ipublic improvements, I estimate and apportion- ment, prior to the final adoption of such map or maps, shall afford to all persons interested a full opportunity to be heard respecting suéh map or maps and the acquisition of the real estate shown thereon, and shall give public notice of such hear- ing, by publishing a notice, once in each week, for three suc- cessive weeks in the City Record, and the corporation news- papers, and in two papers published in the county or counties in which the real estate to be acquired or affected is situated, and in two daily papers in The City of New York. At such hearing or hearings testimony may be produced by the parties appearing before [him] it in such manner as said board may determine, and the Ipresident of said board'I mayor is hereby authorized to administer oaths and issue subpoenas in any such proceeding pending before [him.I it. Power to enter upon lands for the purpose of making maps. § 487. The said commissioner, his agents, engineers, sur- veyors, and such other persons as may be necessary to enable him to perform his duties under this act, are hereby authorized to enter upon real estate, as the term real estate is defined in this act, and any land or water on or contiguous to the line, 324 course, site or track of any pond, lake, stream, reservoir, dam, aqueduct, culverts, sluices, canals, bridges, tunnels, pumping works, blow-offs, shafts and other appurtenances, for the pur- pose of making surveys or examinations and preparing and posting the notices required by this act. Details of maps. § 488. After the final adoption of Said map or maps the said commissioner shall prepare six similar maps or plans of the proposed site of any dam, reservoir, aqueduct, sluice, cul- vert, canal, pumping works, bridges, tunnels, blow-offs, ven- tilating shafts, and other necessary appurtenances for the proper completion of the work so proposed by him. Upon these maps there shall be laid out and numbered the various parcels of real estate, on, Over or through which the same are to be constructed and maintained, or which may be necessary for the prosecution of the work authorized by this act. On said maps the natural and artificial division lines existing on the surface of the soil at the time of the survey shall be delin- eated, and there shall be plainly indicated thereon, of which parcels the fee or other interest is to be acquired. The said maps may be made and filed in sections. One or more sections may be determined before the maps of the whole construction are completed. The proceedings hereinafter authorized may, in like manner be taken separately, in reference to one or more of such sections, before the maps of the whole are filed. The work upon one or more of such sections may be begun before the maps of the remaining sections are filed. The map or maps when adopted by the said commissioner and board of Ipublic improvements] estimate and apportionment shall be by said commissioner transmitted to the corporation counsel, with a certificate of approval written thereon and signed by the said commissioner and the Ipresident of the board of pub- lic improvements.I mayor. Maps to be filed. § 489. The corporation counsel shall cause one of said maps to be filed in the office of the clerk of each county in which any real estate laid out on said maps shall be located, except that in any county in which there may be a register's office, the said map shall be filed therein, instead of with the county clerk. 325 The fourth, fifth and sixth maps shall be disposed of in the manner indicated in section four hundred and ninety-five of this act. Corporation counsel to conduct proceedings. § 490. After the said maps shall have been filed, as provided for in the last section, the corporation counsel for and on behalf of The City of New York, shall, upon first giving the notice required in the next section of this title, apply to the supreme court, at a special term thereof to be held in the judi- cial district in which the real estate to be acquired or affected is situated, for the appointment of commissioners of appraisal. Upon such application he shall present to the court a petition, signed and verified by the said commissioner, according to the practice of said court, setting forth the action theretofore taken by said commissioner and board of Ipublic improvement.] estimate and apportionment and the filing of said map and praying for the appointment of such commissioners. Such petition shall contain a general description of all the real estate to, in or over which any title, interest, right or easement is Sought to be acquired for the said city for the purposes of this act, each parcel being more particularly described by a refer- ence to the number of said parcel, as given on said map; and the title, interest or easement sought to be acquired to, in, or Over such parcel, whether a fee or otherwise, shall be stated in the petition. Notice to be given. § 491. The corporation counsel shall give notice in the City Record, and corporation newspapers, and in two public news- papers published in The City of New York, and in two public newspapers published in each county in which any real estate laid out on said maps may be located, of his intention to make application to the said court for the appointment of such com- missioners of appraisal, which notice shall specify the time and place of Such application, shall briefly state the object of the application, and shall describe the real estate sought to be taken or affected. A statement of the boundaries of the real estate to be acquired or affected, with separate enumerations of the numbers of the parcels to be taken, in fee, and of the numbers of the parcels in which any interest or easement is to be 326 acquired, with a reference to the date and place of filing the said map shall be sufficient description of the real estate sought to be so taken or affected. Such notice shall be so published, once in each week, in each of the said newspapers, for six weeks immediately previous to the presentation of such peti- tion; and the corporation counsel shall, in addition to the said advertisements, cause copies of the same, in hand-bills, to be posted in at least twenty conspicuous places in the vicinity of the real estate so to be taken or affected, at least six weeks prior to said application. Motions for appointment of commissioners of appraisal. § 492. At the time and place mentioned in said notice, unless the said court shall adjourn said application to a subsequent day, and in that event, at the time to which the same may be adjourned, the court, upon due proof to its satisfaction of the publication and posting aforesaid, and upon filing the said peti- tion, shall make an order for the appointment of three disinter- ested and competent freeholders, one of whom shall reside in the county of New York, one of whom shall reside in the county in which the real estate acquired or affected is situated, and one of whom shall reside in the county in which the said real estate shall be situated, or in an adjoining county, as com- missioners of appraisal to ascertain and appraise the compensa- tion to be made to the owners and all persons interested in the real estate laid down on said maps, as proposed to be taken or affected for the purposes indicated in this act. Such order shall fix the time and place for the first meeting of the commis- S1O11621 S. Commissioners to take and file oath. § 493. The said commissioners shall take and subscribe the Oath required by the twelfth article of the constitution, and shall forthwith file the same in the office of the clerk of the county in which the real estate to be acquired or affected is situated, and shall file certified copies of said oath in the office of the register and county clerk of the county of New York. City to become seized of real estate. § 494. On filing the Oath of the commissioners of ap- praisal, in the manner provided by the last section, the said city of New York shall be and become seized in fee of all 327 those parcels of real estate which are shown on the said map hereinbefore referred to, of which it has been determined by the said commissioner, that the fee shall be acquired, and shall be entitled to take and hold such interest in the parcels of land in which it has been determined that the fee shall not be acquired, as has been shown on said map and described in said petition, and may immediately, upon the filing of such oaths and such certified copies, or at any time or times there- after, take possession of the lands shown on said map, or any part or parts thereof, without any suit or proceeding at law for that purpose. Proceedings of commissioners. § 495. Any one of said commissioners of appraisal may issue subpoenas and administer oaths to witnesses; and they, or any one of them, in the absence of the others, may adjourn the proceedings from time to time, in their discretion, but they shall continue to meet, from time to time, as may be necessary to hear, consider and determine upon all claims which may be presented to them under this act. In case of death, resignation, refusal, neglect or inability to serve, of any commissioner or commissioners of appraisal, the corporation counsel shall, upon due notice to be given by advertisement in the newspapers designated in this act ten days prior to such application, apply to the Supreme court, at a special term thereof, to be held in the judicial district in which the real estate is situated, for the appointment of one or more commissioners to fill the vacancy or vacancies so occasioned. Whenever the commissioners meet, except by appointment of the court, or pursuant to adjournment, they shall cause reasonable notice to be given to the attorneys for such parties who have appeared. It shall be the duty of the commissioners of appraisal to procure from the corpora- tion counsel the fourth, fifth and sixth copies of the maps provided for in this act. They shall view the real estate laid down on said maps, and shall hear the proofs and allegations of any owner, lessee or other person in any way entitled to, or interested in said estate, or any part or parcel thereof, and also such proofs and allegations as may be offered on behalf of The City of New York. They, or a majority of them, shall also determine the height to which the waters of any lake, pond or natural stream concerning which such pro- 328 ceedings were instituted may be raised and the point to which such waters may be drawn down by The City of New York, such determination to be made before any award of damages shall be made on account of such proposed raising or de- pressing of such waters, and they shall also determine what sum shall be paid to the general or special guardian or com- mittee of an infant, idiot, or person of unsound mind, and to the attorney appointed by the court to attend to the interests of any unknown owner or party in interest, or to the attorney or guardian of any party in interest whose interests are unknown or the interest of any person or persons not in being. They shall reduce the testimony, if any, taken before them, to writing, and after the testimony is closed, they, or a majority of them, all having considered the same, and having an opportunity to be present. shall, without unnecessary delay, ascertain and determine the just compensation which ought justly to be made by The City of New York to the owners, or the persons interested in the real estate sought to be acquired or affected by said proceedings. The said commissioners of appraisal shall make reports of their proceedings to the supreme court, as in the next section provided, with the minutes of the testimony taken by them, if any, and they shall be entitled to the payments hereinafter provided for their services and expenses, to be paid from the fund herein provided. Commissioners to prepare report. § 496. The said commissioners shall prepare a report, and a true copy or copies thereof, as may be required, to which shall be respectively annexed the fourth and fifth copies, and, if required, the sixth copy of the maps referred to in this act. The said report shall contain a brief description of the several parcels of real estate so taken or affected, with a reference to the map as showing the location and boundaries of each par- cel; a statement of the sum estimated and determined upon by them as a just compensation to be made by the city to the Owners of or persons entitled to or interested in each parcel so taken or affected, and a statement of the respective owners of or persons entitled thereto or interested therein; but in all and each and every case and cases, where the owners and par- ties interested, or their respective estates or interests are un- known, or not fully known, to the commissioners of ap- 329 praisal, it shall be sufficient for them to set forth and state, in general terms, the respective sums to be allowed and paid to the owners of and parties interested therein generally, without specifying the names or estates or interests of such owners or parties interested, or any or either of them. They shall also recommend such sums as shall seem to them proper to be allowed to the parties or attorneys appearing before them, as costs, counsel fees, expenses and disburse- ments, including reasonable compensation for witnesses. Report to be filed. § 497. Said report signed by the commissioners, or a ma- jority of them, shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the county in which the real estate is situated. The commission- ers of appraisal shall notify the corporation counsel as soon as the said report is filed. Notice of motion to confirm report. § 498. The corporation counsel, or in case of his neglect to do so within ten days after receiving notice of such filing, then any person interested in the proceedings, shall give notice that the said report will be presented for confirmation to the su- preme court, at a special term thereof, to be held in the judicial district in which the real estate is situated, at a time and place to be specified in said notice. The said notice shall contain a statement of the time and place of the filing of the report, and shall be published in each of the newspapers referred to in section four hundred and ninety-one of this act, once in each week, for at least four weeks immediately prior to the presen- tation of said report for confirmation. Confirmation of report. § 499. The application for the confirmation of the report shall be made to the supreme court, at a special term thereof, held in the judicial district in which the real estate is situated. Upon the hearing of the application for the confirmation there- of, the said court shall confirm such report, and make an order, containing a recital of the substance of the proceedings in the matter of the appraisal, with a general description of the real estate appraised, and for which compensation is to be made; and shall also direct to whom the money is to be paid, or in what trust company it shall be deposited by the comptroller of 33O The City of New York. Such report, when so confirmed, shall (except in the case of an appeal, as provided in Section five hundred and five of this act) be final and conclusive as well upon the said city of New York as upon the owners and all persons interested in or entitled to said real estate; and also upon all other persons whomsoever. Payment of awards. § 500. The said city of New York shall, within four calen- dar months after the making and entry of the order confirming the report of the commissioners of appraisal, pay to the respect- ive owners and bodies, politic or corporate, mentioned or re- ferred to in said report, in whose favor any sum or sums of money shall be estimated and reported by said commissioners, the respective sum or sums so estimated and reported in their favor respectively, with lawful interest thereon, from the date of filing the oath of said commissioners and certified copies thereof, as by this act required. And in case of neglect or default in the payment of the same within the time aforesaid, the respective person or persons, or bodies, politic or corporate, in whose favor the same shall be so reported, his, her or their executors, administrators, legal representatives or successors, at any time or times, after application first made by him, her or them, to the comptroller of The City of New York for payment thereof, may sue for and recover the same, with law- ful interest, as aforesaid, and the costs of suit in any proper form of action against the said city of New York in any court having cognizance thereof, and in which it shall be sufficient to declare generally for so much money due to the plaintiff or plaintiffs therein by virtue of this act, for real estate taken or affected for the purposes herein mentioned, and the report and order confirming report of said commissioners, with proof of the right and title of the plaintiff or plaintiffs to the sum or sums demanded shall be conclusive evidence in such suit or action, and entitle plaintiff to judgment therein. Sum awarded to be deposited in certain cases. § 501. Whenever the owner or owners, person or persons interested in any real estate taken or affected in such proceed- ings, or in whose favor any such sum or sums or compensation shall be so reported, shall be under the age of twenty-one years, of unsound mind, or absent from the state of New York, and 33 I also in all cases where the name or names of the owner or owners, person or persons interested in any such real estate shall not be set forth or mentioned in the said report, or where the said owner or owners, person or persons, being named therein cannot, upon diligent inquiry, be found or where there are adverse or conflicting claims to the money awarded as compensation, it shall be lawful for the said city of New York to pay the sum or sums mentioned in the said report, payable, or that would be coming to such owner or owners, person or persons, respectively, with interest aforesaid, into such trust company as the court may, in the order of confirmation, direct to the credit of such owner or owners, person or persons, and such payment shall be as valid and effectual, in all respects, as if made to the said owner or owners, person or persons inter- ested therein respectively themselves, according to their just rights; and provided, also, that in all and each and every such case and cases where any such sum or sums, or compensation, reported by the commissioners in favor of any person or per- Sons, or party or parties, whatsoever, whether named or not named in the said report, shall be paid to any person or persons, or party or parties, whomsoever, when the same shall of right belong and ought to have been paid to some other person or persons, or party or parties, it shall be lawful for the person or persons, or party or parties to whom the same ought to have been paid, to sue for and recover the same, with lawful interest and costs of suits, as so much money had and received to his, her or their use, by the person or persons, party or parties re- spectively to whom the same shall have been so paid. ‘…. Who may present claim before commissioner. § 502. Every owner or person in any way interested in any real estate taken, affected or entered upon and used and occu- pied for the purposes contemplated by this act, and any owner or person interested in real estate contiguous thereto, and which is affected by the acquisition, use or occupation of the real estate shown on said map, whether such contiguous real estate is shown on the maps or not, if he or they intend to make claim for compensation for such taking, entering upon, using or Occupying, shall, within one year after the appointment of the commissioners of appraisal, exhibit to the said commis- sioners a statement of claim, and shall thereupon be entitled to offer testimony and to be heard before them touching such 332 claim, and the compensation proper to be made, and to have a determination made by such commissioners of appraisal as to the amount of such compensation. Every person, corporation, or body politic, neglecting or refusing to present such claim within said time shall be deemed to have surrendered his, her or its title or interest in such real estate or his, her or its claim for damages thereto, except so far as they may be entitled, as such owner or person interested, to the whole or a part of the sum of money awarded by the commissioners of appraisal as a just compensation for taking, using and Occupying, or as damages for affecting the real estate owned by said person, corporation, or body politic. City protected by payment. § 503. Payment of the compensation awarded by said com- missioners of appraisal to the person or persons, corporation, or body politic named in their report (if not infants or per- sons of unsound mind) shall, in the absence of notice to The City of New York of other claimants to such award, protect the said city of New York. Separate reports may be made. § 504. Said commissioners of appraisal may, in their dis- cretion, take up any specified claim or claims, and finally ascertain and determine the compensation to be made there- on, and make a separate report with reference thereto, an- nexing to said report a copy of so much of the maps as dis- plays the parcel or parcels so reported on. Such report shall, as to the claims therein specified, be the report re- quired in this act, and the subsequent action with reference thereto shall be had in the same manner as though no other claim was embraced in said proceeding, which, however, shall continue as to all claims upon which no such determination and report is made. Proceedings in case of an appeal. § 505. Within twenty days after the making, entry and service of the order confirming the report of the commis- sioners of appraisal, as provided for in this act, of which no- tice may, as to the parties who have not appeared before the commissioners, be given in the manner provided in this act, either party may appeal by notice, in writing, to the appellate 333 division of the supreme court of the judicial department in which the real estate described in said petition and shown on said map is situated. Such appeal shall be heard, on due no- tice thereof being given, according to the rules and practice of the said court, and pending such appeal the comptroller of The City of New York shall deposit in such trust com- pany as the court shall direct, the amount of the award, with interest to the date of such deposit, and the funds SO depos- ited shall remain with the trust company, subject to the fur- ther order of the court. On the hearing of such appeal the court may direct a new appraisal and determination by the same or new commissioners, in its discretion, and either party, if aggrieved, may take a further appeal, which shall be beard and determined by the court of appeals. In the case of a new appraisal the second report shall be final and con- clusive on all parties and persons interested. If the amount of compensation to be made by the said city is increased by the second report, the difference shall be paid by the comp- troller of The City of New York to the parties entitled to the same, or shall be deposited, as the court may direct; and if the amount is diminished, the difference shall be refunded to the said city of New York by the trust company. But the taking of an appeal by any person or persons shall not Operate to stay the proceedings under this act, providing such award and interest have been deposited. Such appeal shall be heard upon the evidence taken and proceedings had before such commissioners. How defects may be remedied. § 506. The Supreme court of the judicial district in which the real estate is situated shall have power at any time to amend any defect or informality in any of the special pro- ceedings authorized by this act as may be necessary, or to cause other property to be included therein, and to direct such further notices to be given to any party in interest, as it deems proper, and also to appoint other commissioners in place of any who shall die or refuse or neglect to serve, or be incapable of serving, or be removed. And the said court may, at any time, remove any of said commissioners of ap- praisal who, in their judgment, shall be incapable of serving. or who shall, for any reason in their judgment be an unfit person to serve as such commissioner. The cause of such 334 removal shall be specified in the order making the same. If, in any particular, it shall, at any time, be found necessary to amend any pleading, or proceeding, or to supply any defect therein, arising in the course of any special proceeding authorized by this act, the same may be amended or supplied in such manner as shall be directed by the Supreme court, which is hereby authorized to make such amendment or cor- rection. Agreements with owners of real estate. § 507. The said commissioner of water Supply, gas and electricity, subject to the approval of the board of Ipublic im- provements,I estimate and apportionment, may agree with the owners or persons interested in any real estate laid down on said maps as to the amount of compensation to be paid to such owners or persons interested for the taking or using and occupying such real estate. And in case any such real estate shall be owned, occupied or enjoyed by the people of this state, or by any county, town or school district within this state, such rights, titles, interests or properties may be paid for upon agreement respectively with the commissioners of the land office, who shall act for the people of the state, with a chairman and a majority in numbers of the board of supervisors of any county, who shall act for such county, and with the supervisor and commissioners of highways in any town, who shall act for such town, and with the trustees of any school district, who shall act for such district, and with the president and a majority of the board of trustees of any incorporated village. The commissioners of the land of- fice shall have power to grant to the said city any real estate belonging to the people of this state which may be required for the purposes indicated in this act, on such terms as may be agreed on between them and the said commissioners; and if any real estate of any county, town, or school district is re- quired by said city for the purposes of this act, the majority of the board of supervisors, acting for such county, or the supervisors of any such town, with the commissioners of highways therein, acting for such town, or the trustees of any school district, acting for such district, or the president and majority of trustees of any incorporated village, may grant or surrender such real estate for such compensation as may be 335 agreed upon between such officers respectively and the said commissioners. Compensation and expenses of commissioners. § 508. The commissioners of appraisal, appointed in pur- suance of this act, shall receive as compensation for their ser– vices the sum of ten dollars per day for each day upon which the said commissioners shall be actually and necessarily employed in the performance of the duties imposed upon them by this act. They may employ the necessary clerks and stenographers. The corporation counsel shall, either in person or by such counsel as he shall designate for the purpose, appear for and protect the interests of the city in all such proceedings in court and before the commission- ers. The fees of the commissioners, and the Salaries and compensation of their employees, and their necessary travel- ing expenses, and all other necessary expenses in and about the special proceedings provided by this act, to be had for acquiring title or extinguishing claims for damages to real estate, and such allowance for counsel fees, expenses and witness fees as may be recommended by the commissioners and ordered paid by order of the court, shall be paid by the comptroller of The City of New York, out of the funds here- inafter provided, when they have been taxed before a justice of the supreme court in the judicial district in which the real estate is situated, upon five days' notice to the corporation counsel. Issue of bonds. § 509. The comptroller of The City of New York is hereby authorized and directed to raise, from time to time, on bonds of said city, in addition to the amounts which he is now authorized to raise for such purposes, such sums of money as shall be sufficient to pay for any real estate, or for the extin- guishment of any right, title, or interest therein acquired, and all damages appraised to persons interested therein, together with all expenses necessarily incurred in acquiring title to such real estate, or in extinguishing claims for damages thereto, and for all other expenditures herein authorized. Description of bonds. § 510. The bonds to be issued by the comptroller of The City of New York in pursuance of this title shall be called 336 “Corporate stock of The City of New York,” and shall be issued in the manner hereinbefore provided for the issue of corporate stock, subject, however, to the limitations of the state constitution. And the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen of said city is hereby authorized and directed to raise, from time to time, by tax upon the estates, real and personal, subject to taxation in The City of New York, the sum or sums of money which may be required to pay the interest on said bonds and to redeem them at maturity. Jurisdiction of state board of health. § 5 II. Any lake or reservoir constructed or maintained under the provisions of this act shall be subject to such sani- tary regulations as the state board of health shall prescribe. Highways and bridges. § 512. The City of New York is hereby required to build and construct such highways and bridges as may be made necessary by the construction of any reservoir Iin the coun- ties of Westchester, Putnam, Queens or Suffolk under this act, I and to repair and forever maintain such additional bridges as may be made necessary by the construction of such reservoir or reservoirs. Account of expenditure to be filed in comptroller’s office. § 513. The said commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity shall, in every calendar month, file in the office of the comptroller of The City of New York an account of all expenditures made by him, or under his authority, and of all liabilities incurred by him, during the preceding month, and an abstract of each such account shall be published in the City Record. Limit within which Lake Mahopac may not be drawn down. § 514. Nothing herein contained shall authorize or em- power or permit any water in excess of the ordinary flow thereof to be drawn from Lake Mahopac, in the town of Carmel, Putnam county, between the first days of March and September in any year. 337 Present proceedings to be continued. § 515. All proceedings pending at the time this act takes effect for the acquisition of title to or the extinguishment of rights in real estate for any of the purposes in this title speci- fied shall be continued and prosecuted to a conclusion ac- cording to the respective provisions of law under which said proceedings may have been begun, and as to all such pro- ceedings this act shall not be deemed applicable. Id.; corporation [s] authorized to use ground under streets, etc. § 516. All persons acting under the authority of The City of New York shall have the right to use the ground or soil under any street, highway or road within this state for the purpose of introducing water into The City of New York, on condition that they shall cause the surface of said street, highways or roads to be restored to its original state, and all damages done thereto shall be repaired. Devolution of powers of former boards. § 517. For all the purposes of this act all of the rights, powers, privileges, duties and obligations, heretofore created by law or otherwise, of the city of Brooklyn, or of any of its departments or officers respecting the water-works of said city are, so far as they are consistent with the provisions of this act, hereby vested in The City of New York, as constituted by this act, and as matter of administration devolved upon the commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity of The City of New York to be by him exercised in accordance with the provisions, directions and limitations of this act, and all of the rights, powers, privileges, duties and obligations of Long Island City, or of any or either of its departments or officers, or of any town, village or district in any of the territory hereby annexed to the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, and by this act consolidated into one city, in respect to any of the public water-works or the public water system, or the public water supply thereof; the sale and distribution of the same, are hereby vested in The City of New York, and for the pur- pose of administration are hereby devolved upon the said com- missioner Iof water supply of The City of New York, I to be by him executed pursuant to the provisions, directions and limitations of this act. 22 338 Legal effect of act upon new aqueduct. § 518. Nothing in this act contained shall be deemed or con- strued to repeal, or in any wise affect chapter four hundred and ninety of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-three, entitled “An act to provide new reservoirs, dams and a new aqueduct with the appurtenances thereto for the purpose of supplying the City of New York with an increased supply of pure and wholesome water,” or the several acts amendatory thereof, but the said act and its amendments shall remain in full force and effect, provided that the commissioners therein specified, shall not hereafter begin the construction of any new work, except such as may be properly and necessarily appurte- nant to work, the construction of which has been begun before the date upon which this act takes effect. The term of office of the commission appointed and existing under the aforesaid act shall cease and determine on the completion of the work, and thereupon all papers, documents and records in possession of the aqueduct commissioners shall be delivered to the com- missioner of water supply I.I., gas and electricity. Commissioner [of public buildingsl to inspect electric lights; to cause tests to be made, etc. § 519. I575.1 The said commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity shall cause inspection to be made of electric lights furnished to the city, and of electric meters and electric wiring, as such tests may be provided for by the proper appropriation; the said commissioner shall cause tests to be made of all meters in use in said city for measuring or ascertaining the quantity of electricity or steam furnished by any corporation or person in said city within one year after this act shall take effect; and there- after no corporation or person shall furnish or put in use any electric or steam meter which shall not have been inspected, approved and sealed by the inspectors, and every such corpora- tion or person shall provide and keep in or upon their premises a suitable and proper apparatus to be approved and sealed by the inspector for testing and proving accuracy of meters fur- nished for use by them. Whenever a meter shall be inspected the inspector shall attach thereto some seal, stamp or mark, with the inspector's name, the date of his inspection, and whether or not the meter is accurate. Meters in use shall be 339 reinspected and tested on the written request of the consumer, or of the company, in the presence of the consumer, if desired. If any such meter on being so tested shall be found defective or inaccurate to the prejudice or injury of the consumer, the necessary removal, inspection, correction and replacing of such meter shall be without expense to the consumer; but in all other cases, except where the change is beneficial to the com- pany, he shall pay the reasonable expense of such inspection and the reinspection shall be stamped on the meter. Provided, However, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring to be sealed, electrolytic or other electric meters, which in their construction or use are not susceptible of being. Sealed, nor the apparatus employed in taking the usual periodic readings therefrom ; but all such meters shall, in all other respects, be tested and stamped in the manner provided herein for other meters; and every corporation using such electrolytic or other meter shall at all times admit the inspectors of meters at the meter department and reading rooms, and permit the inspection by him of all meters and of all the processes, meth- ods and Operations of measuring electric current consumed by it. Laws repealed. § 52O. I576.1. The provisions of sections sixty-two, sixty- three and sixty-four of chapter forty of the general laws, known as the transportation corporations law, are hereby re- pealed in so far as they affect the inspection of Igas meters and I electric meters within The City of New York. Interest in manufacture of gas, etc., and certain acts by officers, etc., of department prohibited. § 521. I577.I. No officer, agent or employee of the depart- ment of Ipublic buildings, lighting and supplies] water supply, gas and electricity shall in any way, directly or indirectly, be interested, pecuniarily, in the manufacture or sale of gas, or of electricity or steam, or of gas or electric or steam meters, or of any article or commodity used by gas or electric companies, or used for any purpose for the consumption of gas or of electricity, or steam, or in or with a gas or electric or steam company, and no such officer, agent or employee shall give certificates or written opinions to a maker or vendor of any such article or commodity. 34O Inspection of illuminating gas; tests. § 522. I578.I. The illuminating gas of every company shall be inspected at least twice a year, and may be inspected as fre- quently as the commissioner may think best, but not oftener than once a week. The gas shall be tested for illuminating power by means of a discphotometer, or other approved appa- ratus, and during such test shall be burned from a burner best adapted to it, which is at the same time suitable for domestic use, and at as near the rate of five feet per hour as is prac- ticable. When the gas of any such company shall be found on three consecutive inspections to be of an illuuminating power less than twenty sperm candles of six to a pound, and burning at the rate of one hundred and twenty grains of spermaceti per hour, tested at such place as the said commis- sioner shall specify by a burner consuming five cubic feet of gas per hour, and shall not comply with the reasonable and proper standard of purity as fixed by said commissioner, a fine of one hundred dollars shall be paid by such company to the city. Commissioner to submit proposed ordinances relative to wires, etc. § 523. I579.I. The said commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity shall from time to time submit for the considera- tion of the board of Ipublic improvements] aldermen such proposed ordinances in regard to electric wires, appliances and currents for furnishing light, heat or power when introduced into or placed in any building in said city. Such proposed ordinances shall prescribe the method of construction, opera- tion, location, arrangement, insulation and use of such wires, appliances and currents, as said commissioner shall from time to time deem necessary for the protection of life and property. Inspector of electric wiring; qualifications; all wires to be inspected; rules, notices, etc.; penalty for violation. § 524. I58O.T. Any inspector of electric wiring appointed in the department shall have a technical and practical knowledge of the construction and operation of electrical lines and appli- ances. After this act takes effect, the commissioner shall cause to be inspected all such wires, currents and appliances that may be introduced into or placed in any building in said city, and the said commissioner shall furnish a certificate of 34. I such inspection to any person or corporation applying therefor. All notices of the violation of any of the provisions of this section, or of any ordinances relating to said department, or any regulations, rules or orders made thereunder relating to electrical wires, currents or appliances, shall be issued and served in the manner provided in this act for the Service of notices. The violation of any of the provisions of this Section or of any of the said ordinances or any rules or regulations thereunder shall be deemed to be a violation of the Iprovisions of the department of buildings] building code of said city, and shall subject the person or corporation committing the same to the penalties prescribed herein for such violations. Removal of electric wires. § 525. I58I.T. Whenever in the opinion of the board of Ipublic improvements] estimate and apportionment it shall be practicable to remove the electrical conductors above ground in any street, avenue, highway or public place of that part of The City of New York which lies within the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, after the grade of said street, avenue or highway shall have been finally determined and established, and to place the same underground, the com- missioner of Ipublic buildings, lighting and supplies I water supply, gas and electricity shall notify the owners or opera- tors of the electrical conductors above ground that such electrical conductors must be removed within a certain time to be fixed by said commissioner, which time shall be suffi- cient for such removal, and in the case of a corporation duly authorized to lay and operate electrical conductors under- ground in such street, avenue, highway or public place, suff cient also for the proper laying of conductors underground in place of those removed. All electrical conductors author- ized to be placed underground, shall be placed underground under and in accordance with the provisions of chapter seven hundred and sixteen of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, chapter two hundred and thirty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, chapter two hundred and sixty-three of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety- two, and the laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. Whenever application shall be made to said com- 1missioner of Ipublic buildings, lighting and supplies.I water 342 supply, gas and electricity for permission to place under- ground electrical conductors in any street, avenue, highway or public place of that part of The City of New York which lies within the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, the subways therefor shall, if such permission be granted, be constructed or provided, and such electrical conductors placed underground under and in accordance with the pro- visions of said laws. But such permission shall be granted only in accordance with the provisions of said laws. Underground electrical conductors. § 526. I582.I. Whenever the said board of Ipublic im– provements] estimate and apportionment shall deem it desir- able and practicable, after hearing all parties interested, that the electrical conductors in any street, avenue, highway or pub- lic place of The City of New York, lying within the boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond, be placed underground, the said commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity shall notify the owners or operators of the electrical conductors above ground in any such street, avenue, highway or public place, that said electrical conductors shall be placed under- ground within a certain time to be fixed by the said commis- sioner, which said time shall be sufficient for the proper construction of underground conduits or other channels in said street, avenue, highway or public place. Whenever any duly authorized company operating or intending to operate electrical conductors in any street, avenue, highway or pub- lic place in that part of The City of New York which lies within the boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond, shall desire to place its conductors or any of them under- ground, it shall be obligatory upon such company to file with the said commissioner [of public buildings, lighting and sup- plies] a map or maps made to a scale, showing the streets or avenues or other highways or public places, which are de- sired to be used for such purpose, and giving the general location, dimensions and course of the underground conduit desired to be constructed. Before any such conduit shall be constructed it shall be necessary to obtain the approval by said commissioner of said plan of construction so proposed by such company, and said commissioner shall have power to require that the work of removal and of constructing every 343 such system of underground conductors shall be done ac- cording to such plan so approved. Id.; procedure when board of Lpublic improvements] estimate and apportionment determines upon. § 527. I583.I. Whenever the commissioner of Ipublic buildings, lighting and supplies] water supply, gas and elec- tricity in accordance with the resolution of the board of Ipub- lic improvements] estimate and apportionment shall notify the owners or operators of any electrical conductors in The City of New York, that said conductors shall be removed or placed underground within a certain time, the time within which said electrical conductors shall be placed underground shall be fixed by the said commissioner, giving all persons or corporations owning or operating such electrical con- ductors, an opportunity to be heard on the question of the time necessary to place said conductors underground, and after hearing the engineer of lighting and electricity, and such other expert opinion as the said commissioner may think advisable. Said owners or operators of electrical con- ductors above ground in such street or locality shall be re- quired to remove all of said poles, wires or other electrical conductors and supporting fixtures or other devices from any such street or locality within thirty days after the expiration of the time so fixed by said commissioner. Id.; permit necessary to take up pavement, etc.; commissioner of Ipublic buildings, etc.], water supply, etc., to determine method of extension; [municipal assemblyl board of aldermen may enact ordinances regulating use, etc. § 528. I584.I. It shall be unlawful, after the passage of this act, for any person or corporation to take up the pavement of any of the streets and parks of said city, or to excavate for the purpose of laying underground any electrical conductors, or to construct subways, unless permission in writing therefor shall have been first obtained from the said commissioner of Ipublic buildings, lighting and supplies] water supply, gas and electricity with the written approval of Tendorsed by the commissioner of highways] the president of the borough within which it is desired to lay such conduits or to construct 344 such subways. And except with a like permission therefor Ino electrical conductors, poles, wires or other electrical de- vices or fixtures shall be constructed, erected, strung, laid or maintained above or below the surface of any street, avenue, highway or other public place, in any part of said city. And the said commissioner [of public buildings, lighting and sup- plies I shall determine whether any extension of the existing electrical conductors of any person or corporation in said city shall be by means of overhead or underground con- ductors. And the Imunicipal assembly] board of aldermen may establish, and may from time to time enact ordinances regulating all the construction, maintenance, use and man- agement of the electrical conductors, poles and fixtures above ground, the conduits and subways therefor con- structed underground, and for regulating the number and 1ocation of overhead lines. The four preceding sections to be police regulations. § 529. I585.I. The provisions of the four preceding sections of this act are made police regulations in and for The City of New York, and in case the several owners of said poles, wires or other electrical conductors, fixtures and devices shall not cause them to be removed from such streets or localities as required by said commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity or by the determination of the board of Ipublic improvements] estimate and apportionment, or shall neglect or refuse to comply with any of the Ordinances as herein provided, it shall be the duty of the said commissioner to, cause the same to be removed from said streets, roads, ave- nues, lanes, parks and public places. Separate contracts for lighting each borough; duty of commissioner. $530. I587.I. The commissioner of Ipublic buildings, 1ighting and supplies] water supply, gas and electricity, under and in conformity to the ordinance regulating contracts shall prepare the terms and specifications under which contracts shall be made for lighting the streets, public buildings and parks of said city. Separate contracts shall be made for such lighting in each of the boroughs of The City of New York, or in such subdivisions of the 345 city as may appear to the board of Ipublic improvements and the municipal assemblyl estimate and apportionment to be for the best interests of the city. The number, kind and location of lights to be furnished under each of Said contracts shall be determined and prescribed by the said com- missioner. Iof public buildings, lighting and supplies.I Such bids shall be prepared and advertised for, and Such contracts shall be executed in the manner prescribed for herein as to other contracts entered into by said city or the departments thereof. Contracts shall be made for the term of not exceed- ing one year, and shall be awarded to the lowest bidder, unless the board of Ipublic improvements by a vote of a majority of its members, of whom the mayor and comptroller shall be two I estimate and apportionment shall determine that it is for the public interest that a bid other than the lowest should be accepted. Contracts made for a given borough or district shall include all lights of a given kind used by said city in said borough or district then ordered or thereafter to be ordered by said commissioner during the term of said contract. But no bid shall be entertained unless the said commissioner shall be satisfied that the party or parties bidding are possessed of suffi- cient plant to carry out the provisions of the contract. Maps, etc., to be turned over to commissioner. § 531. The commissioner of public buildings, lighting and supplies, as constituted by chapter three hundred and seventy- eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, is hereby required and directed to turn over and deliver to the commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity, on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two, all maps, plans, models, books and papers and all official records and papers of every kind in his possession relating to the construction and location of electrical conductors, conduits or subways, filed with or communicated to said commissioner. 346 TITLE ISI 3. Department of Street Cleaning. Commissioner, appointment, [terml and salary. § 533. The head of the department of street cleaning shall be called the commissioner of street cleaning. He shall be appointed by the mayor and shall hold office as provided in chapter four of this act. His salary shall be seven thousand five hundred dollars a year. The main office of the depart- ment shall be located in the borough of Manhattan. Branch offices may be located in the boroughs of Brooklyn and The Bronx. Id.; jurisdiction. § 534. The commissioner of street cleaning shall have cog- nizance and control: I. Of the sweeping and cleaning of the streets of the Icity,I boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx, and Brooklyn, and of the removal, or other disposition as often as the public health and the use of the streets may require, of ashes, street sweepings, garbage, and other light refuse and rubbish, and of the removal of Snow and ice from leading thoroughfares and from such other streets within said boroughs as may be found practicable. 2. Of the framing of regulations controlling the use of side- walks and gutters by abutting owners and occupants for the disposition of sweepings, refuse, garbage or light rubbish, within such boroughs, which, when so framed, and approved by the Iboard of public improvements and the municipal assembly board of aldermen shall be published in like manner as city ordinances, and shall be enforced by the police depart- ment in the same manner and to the same extent as such ordi- 11211CeS. Streets; what streets and wharves not included. § 535. The term streets as used in this title shall not be deemed to include such macadamized streets as are within any park or are under the control or management of the depart- ment of parks, nor such wharves, piers and bulkheads or slips and parts of streets and places as are by law committed to the custody and control of the department of docks and ferries. 347 Street cleaning department; members of; clerical and uniformed forces. § 536. The members of the department of street cleaning shall be divided into two general classes, to be designated, respectively, the clerical force and the uniformed force. The clerical force shall consist of a chief clerk, medical examiners, not exceeding three in number, and such and so many clerks. and messengers as the commissioner of Street cleaning shall deem necessary. Ibut the aggregate salaries of the said clerical force shall not exceed in any year the amount appropriated therefor by the board of estimate and apportionment.I. The uniformed force shall be appointed by the commissioner of street cleaning, and shall consist of one general superintendent, one assistant superintendent Ione superintendent of stables], one superintendent of final disposition, one assistant Superin- tendent of final disposition, district superintendents, not ex- ceeding twenty-one in number; time collectors, not exceeding eight in number; section foremen, not exceeding one hundred and twenty-five in number; dump inspectors, not exceeding forty-three in number; assistant dump inspectors, not exceed- ing forty-three in number Itug and scow inspectors, not exceed- ing twenty-five in numberi; sweepers, not exceeding thirty- one hundred in number; dump boardmen, not exceeding forty- three in number; drivers, not exceeding sixteen hundred in number; stable foremen, not exceeding twenty-one in number; assistant stable foremen, not exceeding twenty-one in number; hostlers, not exceeding one Thundred and forty-six in num- ber;I head hostler to each stable and additional hostlers not exceeding one for each ten horses; a master mechanic and such and so many mechanics and helpers as may be necessary Ibut the aggregate salaries of such mechanics and helpers shall not exceed in any year the amount appropriated therefor by the board of estimate and apportionment and the municipal assem- bly]. The commissioner of street cleaning shall have power and is hereby authorized to increase the said uniformed force, from time to time, by adding to the number of sweepers, drivers and hostlers, provided the board of estimate and appor- tionment and the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen shall have previously made an appropriation for the purpose of permitting such increase. The annual salaries and com- pensations of the members of the uniformed force of the 348 department of street cleaning Ishall be fixed by the board of estimate and apportionment and I shall not exceed the follow- ing: Of the general superintendent, three thousand dollars; of the assistant superintendent, two thousand five hundred dol- lars; Iof the superintendent of stables, two thousand dollars;I of the master mechanic, one thousand eight hundred dollars; of the superintendent of final disposition, two thousand dollars; of the assistant superintendent of final disposition, one thousand five hundred dollars; of the district Super- intendents, one thousand eight hundred dollars each; of the time collectors, one thousand two hundred dollars each ; of the section foremen, one thousand two hundred dollars each; of sweepers or drivers acting as assistants to the section or stable foremen, nine hundred dollars each ; of the dump inspectors, one thousand two hundred dol- lars each; of the assistant dump inspectors, nine hundred dol- lars each; Tof the tug and scow inspectors, one thousand two hundred dollars each;I of the dump boardmen, seven hundred and twenty dollars each; of the sweepers, seven hundred and twenty dollars each; of the drivers, seven hundred and twenty dollars each; of the stable foremen, one thousand three hun- dred dollars each; of the assistant stable foremen, one thousand dollars each; of the hostlers, seven hundred and twenty dollars each. Hostlers may receive extra pay for Sundays if an appropriation therefor is made by the board of estimate and apportionment. The members of the department of street cleaning shall be employed at all such times and during such hours and upon such duties as the commissioner of street clean- ing shall direct for the purpose of an effective performance of the work devolving upon the said department. In case of a snowfall or other emergency, the commissioner of street clean- ing or the deputy commissioner may hire and employ tempo- rarily such and SO many men, carts and horses as shall be ren- dered necessary by such emergency, forthwith reporting such action with the full particulars thereof to the mayor, but no man, cart or horse shall be so hired or employed for a longer period than three days, except that any person registered or eligible to appointment as a driver, or as a sweeper, may be temporarily employed at any time as an extra driver or sweeper to fill the place of a driver or sweeper who is suspended or temporarily absent from duty from any cause. 349 The rate of compensation for such extra drivers or sweepers. shall be two dollars per day, and the driver or sweeper whose place is so filled shall not receive any compensa- tion for the time during which he is so absent from duty or his place is so filled, unless such injury or illness was caused by service in Icontracted in the service of] the department. The services of any person employed, and of carts and horses hired pursuant to this section, shall be paid for in full and directly by the department of street cleaning, at Such times as may be prescribed by such department; and they, and each of them, shall be employed and hired directly by the department of street cleaning and not through contractors or other per- sons, unless the commissioner himself shall determine that this requirement must for proper action in a particular instance be dispensed with. Nothing herein contained shall affect any existing contracts made with or by the department of Street cleaning in regard to the cleaning of Broadway below Four- teenth street in said city or the renewal thereof, if deemed best by the commissioner of said department. Neither the com- missioner of street cleaning, nor any deputy commissioner of street cleaning, nor any member of the uniformed force of the street cleaning department, shall be permitted to contribute any moneys, directly or indirectly, to any political fund or to join or be or become a member of any political club or asso- ciation or any club or association intended to affect legislation for or on behalf of the street cleaning department or any mem- ber thereof or contribute any funds for such purpose. Id.; removal of members of clerical and uniformed forces. § 537. No member of the clerical force of the department of street cleaning shall be removed until he has been informed of the cause of the proposed removal and has been allowed an opportunity of making an explanation and in every case of removal the true grounds thereof shall be entered upon the records of the department. The commissioner of street clean- ing shall have power, in his discretion, on evidence satisfactory to him that a member of the uniformed force has been guilty of any legal or criminal offense or neglect of duty, violation of rules, or neglect or disobedience of orders, or incapacity, or absence without leave, or conduct injurious to the public 35O peace or welfare, or immoral conduct, or any breach of disci- pline, to punish the offending party by forfeiting or withhold- ing pay for a specified time, suspension without pay during such suspension for a period not exceeding thirty days, or by dismissal from the force, but no more than thirty days’ pay or salary shall be forfeited or deducted for any offense. The said commissioner is also authorized and empowered, in his discretion, to deduct and withhold pay, salary or compensation from any member or members of the force for and on account of absence for any cause without leave. All fines imposed and pay deducted or withheld under the provisions of this sec- tion, shall be retained by the comptroller to the credit of the apportionment for the department of street cleaning, and shall be applicable, in the discretion of the commissioner of street cleaning, to any of the purposes of said department as if originally appropriated therefor. Absence without leave of any member of the uniformed force for five consecutive days shall be deemed and held to be a resignation, and the member so absent shall at the expiration of said period cease to be a member of said force and may be dismissed therefrom without notice. No leave of absence exceeding twenty days in any one year shall be granted or allowed to any member of the uniformed force, except upon condition that such member shall waive or release not less than one-half of all salary, pay or compensation and claim thereto or any part thereof during such absence. The said commissioner of street cleaning is Thereby authorized and empowered, from time to time, to make, adopt, enforce rules, orders and regulations conformable to the provisions of this act for the government, administration, discipline and disposition of the said department and of the members thereof, and to prescribe and define the duties of each Imember. When and as soon as a member of the uniformed force has been fined, suspended, or dismissed the true cause for such fine, suspension or dismissal shall be entered in writing in a book to be kept for that purpose by the commissioner of street cleaning, which book shall be a public record. A copy of the rules and regulations or of any or either of them of the said commissioner adopted by him may, when certified by him or by his deputy, be given in evidence upon any trial, investi- gation, hearing or proceeding in any court or before any trib- unal, commissioner or commissioners, board or competent Body, with the same force and effect as the original. 35 I Members of department not liable to military or jury duty. § 538. No person holding any office or position under the department of street cleaning shall be liable to military or jury duty. Division of streets into districts; allotment of sweepers. § 539. All the paved avenues, Streets, lanes, alleys and places in said city which the department of street cleaning is by this act charged with the duty of cleaning, shall be cleaned and kept cleaned by hand labor, and for that purpose each sweeper shall provide himself with such tools and implements as the commissioner of street cleaning shall prescribe, and to each sweeper shall be allotted a fixed area of street surface according to the character of the locality; of which allotment a record shall be kept in the department of street cleaning and shall be a public record, but nothing in this section contained shall be deemed to prevent the commissioner of street cleaning from causing the labor of the sweepers to be supplemented by the use of sweeping machines in such streets and avenues as to him may seem proper. It shall be the duty of the commissioner of street cleaning to divide the city into a suitable number of districts, not exceeding twenty-one, each of which shall be under the charge and supervision of a district superintendent who shall be directly responsible to the general superintendent, and also to the commissioner of street cleaning for the clean- liness of his district. Each of said districts shall be by said commissioner subdivided into sections in charge of foremen responsible to the district superintendent, as well as to the general superintendent, and to the commissioner of street cleaning for the cleanliness of his section. It shall be the duty of said commissioner of street cleaning to make such allotment and designation of the area to be covered, and the duties to be performed by the uniformed force, that each mem- ber thereof, except the general superintendent and his assistant shall have one particular district or section in which to perform all the work to which he is allotted. But nothing herein con- tained shall be so construed as to prevent the commissioner of street cleaning from transferring, at his discretion, members of the uniformed force, from one district or section to another, nor from temporarily employing all or any number of said uniformed force in a particular street or streets, section or sec- tions. 352 Department of docks; to keep wharves, etc., clean. § 540. The department of docks shall have power and authority and it is hereby made its duty to cause the wharves, piers, bulkheads, heads of slips, and portions of any streets and places by law committed to the custody and control of said department of docks, to be thoroughly clean and kept clean at all times; and to remove from said wharves, piers, bulk- heads, heads of slips and portions of streets, and to dispose of all sweepings, ashes and garbage. And for the purpose of disposing of the sweepings and other refuse removed by said department of docks, the said department of docks shall have the right and is hereby authorized to use concurrently with the said department of street cleaning, such dumping boards, slips and piers as may be assigned to and set apart for the use of said department of street cleaning, and all contracts made by the commissioner of street cleaning under this act for the removal of ashes and garbage and sweepings shall provide for the removal of such ashes, garbage and sweepings, as may be required to be removed by said department of docks. Commissioner of street cleaning; power to obtain plant, supplies, etc. § 541. The said commissioner of street cleaning shall have power, and it shall be his duty, to purchase or hire from time to time for his use as such commissioner, at current prices, such and so many horses, carts, steam tugs, Scows, boats, vessels, machines, tools and other property as may be required for the economical and effectual performance of his aforesaid duty or to contract for the construction of any such tugs, Scows, boats, vessels, carts, machines, tools or other property; or for the Sweeping of streets and the re- moval of street sweepings by machine, and also to contract for the cremation, utilization or burning of street sweepings, refuse and garbage; or for the melting or removal of snow upon or from any streets or avenues or parts thereof. The title to property so purchased or constructed shall be in The City of New York. All such hiring, or purchases, or con- tracts, however, exceeding one thousand dollars in amount at any one hiring or purchase, shall be let by contract to the lowest bidder therefor, founded on sealed bids or proposals made in compliance with public notice advertised in the City Record; such notice to be published at least ten days prior to the opening of such proposals or bids. Provided, that 353 nothing herein contained shall prevent said commissioner, whenever it shall be necessary, to hire such boats, steam tugs, scows, vessels, machines, or tools Ior other property] for a day or trip, and for successive days or trips, without adver- tising of contract founded on sealed proposals or bids, at compensation by the day or trip, notwithstanding the aggre- gate compensation for such successive days or trips may ex- ceed said sum of one thousand dollars. The said commis- sioner is hereby authorized, whenever and as often as, in his opinion, the public interests shall require, to reject all bids or proposals received in answer to any such advertisement, and to readvertise for bids and proposals as hereinafter pro- vided. Whenever the said commissioner shall deem it nec- essary, he shall and is hereby authorized to sell, at public auction, any plant, material, horses, carts, Scows or other property, used in any way in connection with the work of cleaning streets; but before any such sale shall be made a notice thereof stating the time and place of sale shall be pub- lished in the City Record and corporation newspapers for at least ten days immediately preceding such sale, and the pro- ceeds arising from such sale, after deducting the necessary expenses thereof, shall be paid into the city treasury to the credit of the general fund for the reduction of taxation. The said commissioner is hereby authorized, with the consent and approval of the board of sinking fund commissioners, to hire or lease for periods not exceeding ten years suitable and suffi- cient offices for the transaction of the business under his charge, and also such stables and other buildings or parts of buildings or plots of ground as may, from time to time, be necessary. All carts used by said department of street clean- ing shall be of such size, form and construction as to prevent escape during transit of dust, or of any refuse carried therein, Piers, docks, slips, etc., for use of department. § 542, The department, bureau or city officer, authority or authorities, which shall from time to time have the manage- ment and control of the public docks, piers and slips of the city, shall designate and set apart for the use of said commis- sioner and for the borough presidents of the boroughs of Queens and Richmond suitable and sufficient slips, piers and berths in slips, located as the said commissioner or borough 23 354 presidents may require, and such as shall be convenient and necessary for his or their use in executing the duty hereby imposed upon Thim, I them, or either of them, excepting slips, docks and piers on the East river set apart for the use of canal boats. The said commissioner or borough presi- dent may, with the approval, in writing, of the board of esti- mate and apportionment, lease piers, slips or wharves for the necessary purposes of the duties by this Ichapter] act con- ferred, upon them or either of them whenever suitable piers, slips or wharves owned by or under the control of the city cannot be obtained or are not set apart and designated as in this section provided. Uniform, badges, etc., of uniformed force. § 543. The commissioner of street cleaning is hereby authorized and directed, from time to time, to prescribe dis- tinctive uniforms, badges and insignia to be worn and dis- played by the several members of the uniformed force of said department and to prescribe and enforce penalties for the failure to wear and exhibit the same by any member of said force while engaged in the work of the department. Special contracts for disposition of sweepings, ashes, garbage, etc. § 544. Said commissioner shall have power to enter into contracts with responsible persons and parties for the final disposition, for periods not exceeding five years, of all or any part of the said street sweepings, ashes, or garbage, and such other light refuse or rubbish when collected; provided always that such contract shall be approved both as to terms and conditions by the board of estimate and apportionment. All contracts shall be entered into on behalf of the city by the commissioner with adequate security. He shall advertise for proposals in such newspapers in the city as he may desig- nate, not exceeding three in number, for ten days, to perform the work in such form and manner and on such terms and conditions as he may prescribe. Such proposals may be for the performance of all or such part or portion of the work as he shall require. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check on a solvent banking corporation in the city. payable to the order of the comptroller for five per centum 355 of the amount for which the work bid for is proposed in any one year to be performed. From the proposals so received he may select the bid or bids, the acceptance of which will. in his judgment, best secure the efficient performance of the work, or he may reject any or all of said bids. On the ac- ceptance of any bid by him, the checks of the unaccepted bidders shall be returned to them, and upon the execution of the contract the check of the accepted bidder shall be re- turned to him. The surety or sureties upon all contracts hereby authorized shall be approved by the comptroller, and all contracts and bonds securing the same shall be approved as to form by the counsel to the corporation. Proceedings for removal of trucks, etc., from streets, regulated. § 545. It shall be the duty of the commissioner of street cleaning to remove, or cause to be removed, all unharnessed trucks, carts, wagons and vehicles of any description, found in any public street or place, and also all boxes, barrels, bales or merchandise and other movable property found upon any public street, or place, not including, however, any portion of marginal street, or place, or wharf, which, by the provision of any law or statute, is committed to the custody and control of the department of docks. The said commissioner of street cleaning is hereby authorized, with the consent and approval of the board of sinking fund commissioners, to lease a suitable yard or yards to which the trucks, carts, wagons and vehicles, boxes, bales, barrels and other things, removed under the authority of this section, shall be taken, and the said commis- sioner shall, from time to time, as often as he shall deem neces- sary, sell, or cause to be sold, as hereinafter provided at public auction, at such yard or yards, the said trucks, carts, wagons, vehicles, boxes, barrels, and other things so removed. When- ever the said commissioner or deputy commissioner shall have removed or caused to be removed any such trucks, carts, wag- ons, vehicles, boxes, barrels, bales or other things, and shall deem it necessary to sell them, and before making the sale thereof, he shall file with a justice of the municipal court of The City of New York, a written petition, verified by oath, setting forth the facts which bring the case within this section, together with a brief description of each of the trucks, carts, wagons, vehicles, boxes, barrels or other things so removed in his custody and possession as street cleaning commissioner 356 at the time of filing such petition, stating either the name of the owner or that his name is not known to the said petitioners, and can not be ascertained with reasonable diligence, and pray- ing for a final order, directing the sale of the property so seized or removed, and the application of the proceeds thereof as herein prescribed; and, upon the presentation of Said petition the justice must issue a precept under his hand, directed to the persons whose names appear in the said petition as Owners, if stated in the petition, or if not stated, directed generally to all persons having any interest in the property so seized and removed, and briefly reciting in substance the other facts stated in the petition, and requiring the person or persons to whom the precept is directed to show cause before a justice at a time and place specified therein, not less than ten nor more than twenty days after the issuing of the precept, why the prayer of the petition should not be granted. The said precept shall be served by posting a copy thereof in at least two public and conspicuous places in said city, one of which shall be the office of the said commissioner of street cleaning, and the second of which shall be the yard to which the property shall have been removed, and a copy of which precept shall be so posted within three days after the precept shall have been issued, and a brief abstract of said precept shall be published in the City Record and corporation newspapers within five days after the issue, and not later than three days before the return day men- tioned in the precept. At the time and place when the precept is returnable, the said commissioner or deputy commissioner must furnish proof of the service of said precept as herein pre- Scribed, and any person named in the petition and precept or otherwise, having an interest in the property seized, may appear on the return day of the said precept and make himself a party to the proceeding by filing a written answer, subscribed by him or his attorney, and verified by the oath of the person subscribing it, denying absolutely, or upon information and belief, one or more material allegations in the petition, and set- ting forth his interest in the property seized. The subsequent proceedings before the justice shall be the same as in an action in the municipal court where an issue of fact has been joined, and if the decision of the justice is in favor of the petitioner, the justice must make a final order, the same as though no appearance or trial were had, except to recite the appearance 357 and trial before him. If no person appears and answers, the justice shall make a final order, directed to the commissioner of street cleaning, commanding him to sell, at public auction, all of the property seized and described in the petition, at the yard to which said property was removed, for the best price which he can obtain therefor. Before making any such sale, the said commissioner or deputy commissioner shall give public notice in the City Record and corporation papers, as by this act prescribed, not later than three days before the day of such sale, and such notice of sale shall specify the time and place of such sale, and shall contain a general description of the property to be sold, but no particular description of any article shall be contained therein. The sale shall be made at the time and place specified in said notice of sale by the commissioner or deputy commissioner, or by an auctioneer designated for such sale by said commissioner. Immediately after such sale, the commissioner of street cleaning shall pay to the comptroller the proceeds of such condemnation and sale, and shall, at the same time, transmit to the comptroller an itemized statement of the articles sold, with the price received for each article and a certificate of the costs and expenses incurred by the said commissioner in making such condemnation and sales. The comptroller shall credit and add to the appropriation for the department of street cleaning from the proceeds of such sale the amount of said costs and expenses of such condemnation and sales, as hereinbefore provided, and in addition thereto, such an amount for each incumbrance seized or taken, con- demned and sold, as hereinbefore provided, not to exceed ten dollars, as may be estimated and fixed by the commissioner of street cleaning as necessary to pay the cost of seizing, removing and keeping or storing such incumbrances; and the remainder of the moneys realized from such sale shall be paid, without interest, to the lawful owners of the several articles sold. Any payment to a person apparently entitled thereto, under the provisions of this section, shall be a good defense to the city against any other person claiming to be entitled to such payment, but if the person to whom such payment is made is not in fact entitled thereto, it shall be lawful for the person or persons to whom the same ought to have been paid to recover the same, with interest and costs of suit, as so much money had and received to his, her or their use by the person 358 or persons to whom the same shall have been paid. The owner of any truck, cart, wagon, vehicle, box, barrel, bale or other thing removed from any public street or place under the provi- sions of this section, may redeem his property at any time after its removal upon payment to the commissioner of street clean- ing of such sum as he may fix, not to exceed ten dollars for each article redeemed. The sum thus paid shall be imme- diately transmitted to the comptroller, and by him added and credited to the appropriation for the department of street cleaning, under the provisions of this act, and may be used by the commissioner for any of the purposes of said department, as if originally included in the appropriation thereof, by the board of estimate and apportionment. Nothing in this section contained shall be deemed to authorize the summary removal of materials for any public work or improvement in course of construction. Limitation of amount of expense for street cleaning; bonds to be issued by comptroller for purchase of plant. § 546. In no case, except as in this section provided, shall the amount expended by the commissioner of street cleaning or the presidents of the boroughs of Queens and Richmond exceed the amount appropriated for the said department or boroughs by the board of estimate and apportionment and the Imunicipal assembly,I board of aldermen, but, for the more effectual carrying out of the provisions of this act, the said commissioner of street cleaning and said borough presidents may, with the approval of the Iboard of public improvements and of the I board of estimate and apportionment, purchase or construct stock or plant, including houses, dumping boards or places or buildings or structures necessary for any purpose pertaining to the business of Ithe department, I street cleaning of durable character intended to be used for a term of years, to be paid for by the issue and sale of bonds. Land the comp- troller shall issue such bonds as may be necessary for such purpose. Such bonds shall be of such amount and to run for such term as may be determined by said comptroller, by and with the authority of the municipal assembly, not less than ten nor more than fifty years, and shall bear interest not exceeding four per centum per annum and shall not be sold at less than the par value thereofI. If the necessary cost of removing 359 Snow or ice from the streets and avenues shall, in any one year, exceed the amount appropriated therefor, the board of estimate and apportionment may authorize such additional expenditure as may be required for the removal of such snow or ice to be paid out of any unexpended balance of the appropriation made for the purposes of said department; and the comptroller shall raise the amount of such additional expenditure by the issue and sale of revenue bonds, and shall place the amount so raised to the credit of the department of street cleaning, or of said borough presidents, as the same may have been apportioned by the board of estimate and apportionment to supply the amount of the deficiency occasioned by such additional expenditure. Devolution of powers of former boards. § 547. All the powers and duties conferred upon the corpo- ration heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and common- alty of the city of New York, or upon any board or officer thereof, or upon the corporation known as the city of Brooklyn, or upon any board or officer thereof, or upon the corporation known as Long Island City, or upon any board or officer there- of, and upon any other municipal corporation, town or village, within the county of Richmond, or within so much of the terri- tory of the county of Queens as is by this act annexed to the municipal corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, and consolidated into the municipality known as The City of New York, relating in any way to the sweeping and the cleaning of the streets, avenues, highways, boulevards, squares, lanes, alleys and other public places of the city, and of the removal, or other disposi- tion as often as the public health and the use of the streets may require, of ashes, street sweepings, garbage and other light refuse and rubbish, and of the removal of snow and ice from leading thoroughfares and from such other streets as may be found practicable; of the removal of encumbrances; of the issue of permits to builders and others to use the streets, avenues, highways, boulevards, Squares and public places, but not to open them; of the framing of regulations controlling the use of sidewalks and gutters by abutting Owners and occu- pants for the disposition of sweepings, refuse, garbage or light rubbish, are hereby vested in The City of New York, and as matters of administration devolved upon the commissioner of 360 street cleaning of said city, as to the boroughs of Manhattan, the Bronx and Brooklyn, and upon the presidents of Queens and Richmond as to those boroughs, to be by Ihim] them executed pursuant to the powers, provisions and limitations of this act. *— TITLE IQ.I 4. Department of Bridges. Commissioner, appointment, Iterml and salary. § 594. The head of the department of bridges shall be called the commissioner of bridges. He shall be appointed by the mayor and hold office as provided in chapter four of this act. His salary shall be seven thousand five hundred dollars a year. Id.; jurisdiction. § 595. The commissioner of bridges shall have cognizance and control: (I) Of the management and maintenance of the New York and Brooklyn bridge. (2) Of the operation of the railroad on the New York and Brooklyn bridge. (3) Of the collection of fares and of tolls on the New York and Brooklyn bridge. (4) Of the construction, repair, maintenance and manage- ment of all other bridges, that may at any time hereafter be constructed in whole or in part at the expense of The City of New York, or that may be acquired by said city, which extend across the waters of a navigable stream, or have a terminus in two or more boroughs. (5) Of the construction, repair, Iand] maintenance and management of all other bridges that are or may be in whole or in part a public charge, not included in public parks, or within the control of a president of a borough, within the territory of The City of New York. Texcept the East River bridge authorized by chapter seven hundred and eighty-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five.I. The board of commissioners established by chapter seven hundred and eighty-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five —s 361 is hereby abolished, and all its powers and duties are hereby devolved upon the commissioner of bridges of The City of New York. The engineering and clerical force of said board is hereby transferred to the department of bridges of The City of New York; provided, however, that nothing herein con- tained shall prevent the commissioner of bridges from abolish- ing unnecessary offices or positions or shall in any way limit his powers of removal as determined by this act. (6) Of the construction, repair, maintenance and manage- ment of all tunnels that hereafter may be constructed in whole or in part at the expense of The City of New York or that may be acquired by said city which extend across the waters of a navigable stream or have a terminus in two or more bor- oughs; provided, however, that nothing in this section con- tained shall in any way limit or affect the powers now pos- sessed by the board of rapid transit railroad commissioners. Id.; to make daily report to comptroller. § 596. The said commissioner shall keep accurate accounts of all moneys received or collected by his department for fares, tolls, and any other purpose, in such form as the comptroller of the city or the ordinances of the Imunicipal assembly] board of aldermen shall require, and he shall pay over the game daily to the chamberlain and make a daily report of the same to the comptroller. Persons not affected by passage of this act; exceptions. § 597. The engineers, officers and subordinates, with the exception of the attorneys and counsel, of the New York and Brooklyn bridge in office or employment at the time of the passage of this act and heretofore appointed by the trustees of the New York and Brooklyn bridge shall not be affected by the passage of this act so far as their positions are con- cerned, but shall continue to hold such places and positions under the commissioner of bridges, subject to the provisions of this act. The New York and Brooklyn bridge, a public highway. § 598. The New York and Brooklyn bridge is hereby de- clared to be a public highway for the purpose of rendering 362 travel between the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn cer– tain and safe at all times, subject to such tolls and prudential and police regulations as the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen shall adopt and prescribe; provided, however, that the passageway of the bridge now set apart for foot passengers shall remain free and open to all pedestrians coming or going at all times. Concurrent jurisdiction in boroughs of New York and Brooklyn over crimes, etc., committed on the said bridge. $599. Concurrent jurisdiction shall be possessed by all courts located in the borough of Manhattan, and by all courts located in the borough of Brooklyn, and by the judicial and administrative officers of The City of New York, over all crimes and offenses, committed upon said bridge and upon any other bridge that may hereafter be erected between the two boroughs. It shall be the duty of the said commissioner of bridges, and he hereby is authorized to execute the ordi- nances of the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, rela- tive to said bridges and to have in immediate charge, the con- trol and disposition of such members of the police force of The City of New York, as may be assigned for duty in his department. Certain acts declared to be misdemeanors; penalties for. § 600. Any person wilfully doing any injury to any of Said bridges or any of their appurtenances, shall forfeit and pay to the said city of New York three times the amount of such injury, and shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be subject to a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars, and to imprisonment not exceeding six months, in the discretion of the court. Devolution of power of former boards, etc. § 60I. Upon the appointment of the commissioner of bridges, the respective offices of the trustees of the New York and Brooklyn bridge shall be and they hereby are declared abolished and all the powers and duties vested in and devolved upon said trustees of the New York and Brooklyn bridge by any law or statute shall, so far as they are consistent with and conformable to the provisions of this act, be devolved upon 363 the commissioner of bridges of The City of New York and upon the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, and they shall in all respects exercise such duties and perform such powers, subject, however, to the provisions, directions and limitations of this act. CHAPTER TXI.I XII. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Title I. The parks of the city. Title 2. The art commission. TITLE I. T H E P A R K S . Administrative jurisdiction; board; president; salaries Ibranch offices]. § 607. The head of the department of parks shall be called the park board. Said board shall consist of three members who shall be known as commissioners of parks of The City of New York. They shall be appointed by the mayor and shall hold their respective offices as provided in chapter four of this act. One of said commissioners shall be the presi- dent of the board, and shall be so designated by the mayor. In appointing such commissioners, the mayor shall specify the borough or boroughs in which they are respectively to have administrative jurisdiction, to wit: one in the boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond; one in the borough of The Bronx, and one in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. The principal office of the department of parks shall be in the borough of Manhattan. There shall be branch offices in the boroughs of Brooklyn and The Bronx. [and a branch office may be established in the borough of Queens, or the borough of Richmond, in the discretion of the board. At any time when requested so to do by said board, the mayor may make a new specification of the borough or boroughs in which said commissioners are respectively to have administrative juris- diction.I. The salary of each of said commissioners shall be five thousand dollars a year. Title to parks, squares and public places. § 608. The title to each and all of the parks, parkways, squares and public places comprised within and belonging to 365 the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York, or the corpora- tion heretofore known as the city of Brooklyn, or the corpo- ration heretofore known as Long Island City, or the county of Kings, or the county of Richmond, or which are owned by the county of Queens and are comprised within that por- tion of said county which is included in The City of New York, as constituted by this act, or belonging to any of the subdivisions of said counties, is hereby vested in The City of New York, as hereby constituted. - Gifts of real and personal property. § 609. Real and personal property may be granted, de- vised, bequeathed or conveyed to The City of New York, as constituted by this act, for the purposes of the improvement or ornamentation of the parks, Squares, or public places in said city, or for the establishment or maintenance, within the limits of any such park, Square, or public place, of museums, zoological, botanical, or other gardens, collections of natural history, observatories, or works of art, upon such trusts and conditions as may be prescribed by the grantors or donors thereof, and be accepted by the department; and all property so devised, granted, bequeathed, or conveyed, and the rents, issues, profits, and income and increase thereof shall be sub- ject to the management, direction and control of the com- missioner for the borough or boroughs in which the same is situated or to which it appertains, and except such surplus animals and duplicate specimens as the park board may deem it judicious to dispose of by sale or otherwise, the same shall be forever properly protected, preserved and arranged for public use and enjoyment, subject to such rules and regula- tions as the park board may prescribe; provided, however, that whenever the park board shall determine to discontinue the maintenance of the zoological collection in Central Park it shall be lawful for said board, with the approval of the mayor and the board of estimate and apportionment, to trans- fer such collection to the New York Zoological Society. The said board shall hereafter, with its annual report, make a state- ment of the condition of all the gifts, devises and bequests of the previous year, and of the names of the persons making the S3.1116. 366 General powers of the board; ordinances. § 61O. IThe park board shall by a vote of a majority of its members]. The board of aldermen shall by general ordi- nances from time to time establish all needful rules and regu- lations for the government and protection of the public parks and of all property placed in charge of the park board and under its control by the provisions of this chapter, and the same shall at all times be subject to all such ordinances as to the use and occupation thereof and in respect to any erec- tions or encumbrances thereon. The park board shall have power to establish and enforce general rules and regulations for the administration of the department, and, subject to the ordinances of the board of aldermen, to establish and enforce rules and regulations for the government and protection of the public parks and of all property in charge of said board or under its control, which rules and regulations So far as practicable shall be uniform in all the boroughs. All ordi- nances, rules and regulations of the park board which on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two, shall be in force in The City of New York, are hereby continued in full force and effect until modified or repealed by the establish- ment of new ordinances, rules or regulations as herein pro- vided. ISaid board shall have power to appoint a secretary and, within the limit of its appropriation, to appoint such subordinate officers as may be necessary for the proper con- duct of the office of the department. The board shall also have power by a vote of a majority of its members to enact ordinances for the government and protection of all parks, parkways, squares and public places within the city, and the same shall at all times be subject to all such ordinances as to the use and occupation thereof and in respect to any erec- tions or encumbrances thereon.] Any person violating any Lof such I ordinances relating to the parks or other property mentioned in this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall on conviction before a city magistrate be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or in default of payment of such fine by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. 367 Landscape architect; appointment and duties. § 6II. The board Ishall also appoint without definite term] may employ when thereto authorized by the board of estimate and apportionment, a landscape architect, skilled and expert, whose assent shall be requisite to all plans and works or changes thereof respecting the conformation, de- velopment or ornamentation of any of the parks, squares, or public places of the city, to the end that the same may be uniform and symmetrical at all times. It shall be the duty of such architect, from time to time, to prepare and submit to the board, or to any commissioner, as he may deem proper, or as he may be requested by said board or by any commis- sioner, plans for works or changes thereof respecting the parks, parkways, Squares or public places of the city. IThe salary of said architect shall be fixed by the board within the proper appropriation]. General powers of commissioners as to the management of parks. § 612. ISubject to such general rules and regulations as shall be established by the board, each commissioner shall have charge of the management and be responsible for the care of all such parks, parkways, Squares and public places as are situated in the borough or boroughs over which he has juris- diction and of the streets and avenues immediately adjoining the same; but such jurisdiction shall not extend to nor include the buildings which are now or may hereafter be erected in such parks, squares or public places for governmental pur- poses, other than those of the department of parks.I. It shall be the duty of each commissioner, subject to such general rules and regulations as shall be established by the board and in con- formity therewith, to maintain the beauty and utility of all such parks, squares and public places as are situated within his jurisdiction, and to Iinstitute and I execute subject to such rules and regulations all measures for the improvement thereof for ornamental purposes and for the beneficial uses of the people of the city. Subject to the general rules and regula- tions established by the board, each commissioner shall have power to determine the line or curb and the surface construc- tion of all streets and avenues lying within a distance of three hundred and fifty feet from the outer boundaries of any park, square or public place in his jurisdiction, and he shall also 368 have power to plant trees and to construct, erect and establish seats, drinking fountains, statues and works of art, when he may deem it tasteful or appropriate so to do, on any part of the public streets and avenues within such environments, sub- ject to the provisions of title two of this chapter, and to deter- mine when and where new lamps or lighting appliances shall be placed and lighted. All contracts made at public letting by the department of parks shall be made by the park board. Maintenance and management of buildings in parks. § 613. It shall be the duty of the commissioner for the bor- oughs of Manhattan and Richmond to maintain the meteoro- logical and astronomical observatory, the Museum of Natural History, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Central park, the Aquarium in Battery place, and such other buildings as now are or may hereafter be erected in such parks or in any other park, square or public place under his jurisdiction by authority of the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen. It shall be the duty of the commissioner for the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens to maintain the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, and such other buildings as now are or may hereafter be erected in any park, Square or public place under his juris- diction by authority of the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen. It shall be the duty of the commissioner for the borough of The Bronx to maintain the New York Botanical Garden and the buildings appurtenant thereto, and such other institutions or buildings as may be established or erected in any park, square or public place in his jurisdiction by authority of the [municipal assemblyl board of aldermen. It shall be the duty of the several commissioners to provide the necessary instruments, furniture and equipments for the Several build- ings and institutions within their respective jurisdictions, and, with the authority of the Imunicipal assembly] board of alder- men, to develop and improve the same, and to erect additional buildings; but the maintenance of all such buildings and insti- tutions shall be subject to the provisions of the acts incor- porating said institutions, or either of them, and the acts amendatory thereof, and to the powers of said corporations thereunder, and of the boards by such acts created or provided for; and shall also be subject to and in conformity with such 369 contracts and agreements as have heretofore been made with such institutions respectively, and are in force and effect when this act takes effect, or as may be hereafter made by the author- ity of the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen, and no moneys shall be expended for such purposes unless an appro- priation therefor has been made by the board of estimate and apportionment and the Imunicipal assemblyl board of alder- men. Out of the moneys annually appropriated for the main- tenance of parks, each commissioner may apply such sum as shall be fixed by the board of estimate and apportionment for the keeping, preservation and exhibition of the collections placed or contained in buildings or institutions now situated or hereafter erected in the parks, squares or public places under the jurisdiction of such commissioner. Appointment of subordinate officers. § 614. The park board shall have power to appoint a secre- tary and such subordinate officers as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the office of the department. Each commis- sioner shall have power to appoint such superintendents, engi- neers, subordinates, clerks and assistants as may be neces- sary for the efficient performance of the duties of the de- partment respecting the parks, Squares and public places within his jurisdiction [and as may be authorized by the municipal assembly and provided for by the proper appropria- tion. He shall, subject to the approval of the board, fix the salaries of his appointees within the limits of such appropria- tion. Each commissioner shall] and also have power to employ all of the mechanics, agents or laborers needed or required for the work of the department in the parks, Squares and public places in his jurisdiction within the limits of the proper appropriation. Iand to arrange and classify the various appointees and employees in such manner and under such titles or designations as the board may prescribe I Each commis- sioner shall have in immediate charge the control and disposi- tion of such members of the police force of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, as may be assigned for duty in the parks, squares or public places subject to his jurisdiction. 24. 37O Permits [to] for buildings for fire apparatus. § 615. Each commissioner is hereby authorized in his dis- Cretion, on the application in writing of the fire commissioner, to permit a building or buildings for fire apparatus to be placed in any of the parks, squares or public places situated within the jurisdiction of such commissioner of parks, provided the said building or buildings are so located and constructed as, in the judgment of the commissioner granting such permission, will not disfigure or encumber the said park, square or public place, or interfere with the purposes of public use and recreation, but will tend to the protection of the public and their property. General powers of commissioners under former acts. § 616. The Icommissioner for the boroughs of Man- hattan and Richmond I park board shall in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly conferred or imposed upon [him] it by this act, possess and exercise all the powers, rights, and duties and shall be subject to all the obligations heretofore vested in, conferred upon or required of the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, or the department of parks in said city, or the commissioners of parks, or in any other board, body or officer therein or thereof, or Tin] any commission, commissioner, body, board or officer in or for the county of Richmond, Iso far as such powers, rights, duties and obligations concern or affect the control, care, management, government, extension, mainte- nance or administrative jurisdiction of the parks, squares and other public places situated or lying within the boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond or either of them at the time this act takes effect or which may thereafter be opened or estab- lished therein, so far as the same are not inconsistent with this act. The commissioner for the borough of The Bronx shall, in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly conferred or imposed upon him by this act, possess and exer- cise all the aforesaid powers, rights, duties and shall be sub- ject to all the aforesaid obligations so far as such powers, rights, duties and obligations concern or affect the care, man- agement, control, government, extension, maintenance or administrative jurisdiction of the parks, squares and other public places situated or lying within the borough of The Bronx at the time this act takes effect, or which may there- 37 I after be opened or established therein, so far as the same are not inconsistent with this act. The commissioner for the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens shall in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly conferred or imposed upon him by this act, possess and exercise all the powers, rights and duties and shall be subject to all the obligations heretofore vested in or conferred upon, or required of I or the corporation known as the city of Brooklyn, or the depart- ment of parks in and for said city, or the commissioners of parks, or any commission, commissioner, body, board or Of- ficer of said city or of the county of Kings, or [in] any com- missioner, body, board or officer in or for Ithat portion of] the county of Queens, Iwhich is included in The City of New York as constituted by this act, I so far as such powers, rights, duties and obligations [concern or affectI concerned or affected the control, care, management, government, ex- tension, maintenance or administrative jurisdiction of the parks, squares and other public places situated or lying within [the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, or either of them at the time this act takes effect or which may be there- after]. The City of New York as constituted by this act or which have since been or may hereafter be opened or estab- lished therein, so far as the same are not inconsistent with this act. Nothing contained in this section shall be con- strued to limit the administrative control of the several com- missioners over the parks, squares or public places situated or lying within their respective jurisdictions. Accounts; annual estimates; expenditures. § 617. Each commissioner shall keep accurate and detailed accounts, in a form approved by the comptroller Icommis- sioner of accounts] of all moneys received and expended by him, the sources from which they are received and the purposes for which they are expended. I, and shall prepare itemized monthly statements of all receipts and expenditures in duplicate, one of which statements, together with all vouchers, shall be filed with the comptroller, and one of which shall be filed in his own office.T. Each commissioner shall, on or before the first day of September in each year- prepare an itemized estimate of his necessary expenses for 372 the ensuing fiscal year and present the same to the board. The three estimates so prepared, as revised by the board, shall together constitute the annual estimate of the depart- ment of parks, and shall be submitted to the board of esti- mate and apportionment within the time prescribed by this act for the submission of estimates for the several depart- ments of the city. No commissioner shall incur any expense for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated there- for; nor shall he expend any money so appropriated for any purpose other than that for which it was appropriated. IThe commissioner for the boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond shall annually include in his estimate of the amount necessary for the maintenance of the parks, the sums now authorized by law for the maintenance of the American Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, not exceeding, however, ninety-five thousand dollars per an- num for each of the said museums.I. It shall be the duty of the board of estimate and apportionment and of the Imunic- ipal assemblyl board of aldermen to provide in the annual budget the proportionate part of the appropriation for the department of parks applicable to the administration of [the department in each borough of the city, borough by borough.I each commissioner. Advertisements for supplies. § 618. The board shall from time to time as may be neces- sary, advertise in the City Record and corporation newspa- pers for not less than ten days, for the proposals for such arti- cles and supplies as shall be necessary to be used in the parks, squares and public places of the city, and shall award con- tracts for the same to the lowest bidders, who shall give ade- quate security for the faithful performance of such con- tracts, excepting such perishable articles as may be excepted by the rules and regulations of the board. In case of an emergency each commissioner may purchase articles imme- diately required without calling for competition at an ex- pense not exceeding one thousand dollars during any one month. Battery place; boat landings. § 619. The commissioner for the boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond shall have power and control over all that por- 373 tion of Battery place lying south of the line of the south side of pier number one, North river, and west of the easterly line of West street, extended in a southerly direction, and also over the waters of the North river and soil under the waters thereof, in front of said portion of Battery place, and to the extent of two hundred feet westerly from the westerly end of said Battery place; and it shall be lawful for such com- missioner to erect, construct and maintain on Said part of Battery place, and over or on the lands under water before mentioned, suitable buildings, docks, piers, or basins for the accommodation of small boats that may be engaged in the business of attending on shipping lying in the said river, or the bay or harbor of New York, and also to make, prescribe and enforce, from time to time, such rules and regulations for the use and enjoyment of the same, as to the commission- ers shall seem meet and proper for the public interest. Such commissioner may also prescribe and enforce like rules and ordinances for the control and government of all small boats frequenting or using the water basin at the south end of the Battery. Harlem river improvement. § 62o. It shall be the duty of the commissioner for the bor- oughs of Manhattan and Richmond to continue and complete every and all plan or plans, work or construction, respecting the improvement of Harlem river, heretofore devolved upon the department of public parks of the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, by chapter five hundred and thirty-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and by all acts or parts of acts amendatory thereof, so far as the same remain to be continued and completed according to the provisions of that act or its amendments. Metropolitan Museum of Art. $ 621. The commissioner for the boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond is hereby authorized and directed to continue the contract with the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the Occupation by it of the buildings erected or to be erected on that portion of the Central park east of the old receiving reser- voir, and bounded on the west by the drive, on the east by the Fifth avenue, on the south by a continuation of Eightieth 374 street, and on the north by a continuation of Eighty-fifth street, and for transferring thereto and establishing and main- taining therein its museum, library and collections, and carry- ing out the objects and purposes of the said Museum of Art. American Museum of Natural History. § 622. The commissioner for the boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond is hereby authorized and directed to continue the contract with the American Museum of Natural History for the occupation by it of the building erected, or to be erected, on that portion of the Central park formerly known as Manhattan square, and for establishing and maintaining therein its museums, library and collections, and carrying out the objects and purposes of said museum. New York Public Library. § 623. Whenever, pursuant to lawful authority, the land at present occupied by the reservoir at Fifth avenue and Fortieth and Forty-second streets shall be made a public park, and the removal of said reservoir shall have been duly author- ized and directed,—the commissioner for the boroughs of Man- hattan and Richmond is hereby authorized and directed to make and enter into a contract with the New York public library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations, a corporation duly organized under the laws of this state, for the use and Occupation of said land, or of any part thereof, by the said corporation and its successors, for establishing and maintain- ing thereon a free public library and reading room, and for carrying out the objects and purposes of said corporation in accordance with the provisions of the agreement of consolida- tion between the trustees of the Astor library, of the Lenox library and of the Tilden trust, and the several acts incorporat- ing the said several corporations; and said contract may provide that such use and occupation shall continue so long as the said the New York public library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations, or its successors, shall maintain such free public library and reading room upon said land. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. $ 624. The commissioner for the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens is hereby authorized and directed to continue the con- tract and lease with the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, for the occupation by it of park lands and of a build- 375 ing or buildings erected or to be erected on that portion of Prospect park bounded by the Eastern parkway on the north, Washington avenue on the east, a line parallel to Old President street, and one hundred feet south of the southerly line of said street, on the south, and on the west by the easterly line of land reserved for Prospect Hill reservoir, and in continua- tion thereof, for establishing and maintaining therein its museum, library and collections. For carrying out the plans and purposes of said institute and for the maintenance of Said museum building or buildings, and for the keeping, preserva- tion and exhibition of collections placed therein, a sum not less than twenty thousand dollars shall be appropriated annually by the said city of New York, as constituted by this act. New York Botanical Garden. § 625. The commissioner for the borough of The Bronx is hereby authorized and directed to carry out the existing con- tract made by and between the department of parks of the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York and the board of mana- gers of the coroporation known as the New York Botanical Garden pursuant to the provisions of chapter two hundred and eighty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled “An act to provide for the establishment of a botanic garden and museum and arboretum in Bronx park in The City of New York and to incorporate the New York botanical garden for carrying on the same,” as amended by chapter one hundred and three of the laws of eighten hundred and ninety- four, which contract provides for the allotting and setting apart for the uses of said garden of two hundred and fifty acres of land or less in the northern part of Bronx park as shown upon a certain map thereof numbered five hundred and sixty-eight, and signed by Messrs. Vaux and Parsons, and filed with the former department of public parks of the cor- poration known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York. New York Zoological Garden. § 626. The commissioner for the borough of The Bronx is hereby authorized and directed to carry out the contract made by and between the department of public parks and the sinking fund commissioners of the corporation heretofore known as 376 the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, with the board of managers of the corporation known as the New York Zoological Society, pursuant to the provisions of chapter four hundred and thirty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, entitled “An act to incorporate the New York Zoological Society and to provide for the estab- lishment of a zoological garden in the city of New York,” if such a contract shall have been entered into prior to the passage of this act. If no such contract shall have been entered into by the said department of parks and the said sinking fund commissioners prior to the passage of this act, then and in that case the said commissioner for the borough of The Bronx, with the consent and approval of the sinking fund commissioners of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, is hereby authorized to enter into a contract in behalf of The City of New York with said New York Zoo- logical Society allotting and setting apart for the use of said Society, a tract of land in Bronx park in said borough of The Bronx upon such terms and conditions as shall be approved by the said commissioner and said sinking fund commissioners. Military encampments and evolutions; public fairs. § 627. No military encampment, parade, drill, review, or other military evolution, or exercise, shall be held or per- formed in any park, or in any part thereof Inor shall any military company, regiment, or other military body, enter or move in military order within any park I without permit from the commissioner within whose jurisdiction such park is situ- ated. No military officer shall have authority to order, di- rect or hold any such parade, drill, review, or other evolu- tions or exercise, or encampment within any park, except in case of riot, insurrection, rebellion or war, without such permit. It shall not be lawful to grant, use or occupy, for the purposes of a public fair or exhibition, any portion of any park, square or public place. TITLE 2. Art Commission. Art commission; how constituted. § 633. There shall be an art commission for The City of New York, composed as follows: 377 I. The mayor of The City of New York, ex officio. 2. The president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, ex officio. 3. The president of the New York Public Library— (Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations), ex officio. 4. The president of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, ex officio. - One painter, one sculptor and one architect, all residents of The City of New York; and three other residents of said city, none of whom shall be a painter, sculptor or architect or member of any other profession in the fine arts. All of the six last mentioned shall be appointed by the mayor from a list, of not less than three times the number to be appointed, proposed by the Fine Arts Federation of New York. In all matters of which such commission takes cognizance pertain- ing to work under the special charge of a commissioner or department, the commissioner having such special charge shall act as a member of the commission. Members of commission; how chosen; vacancies. § 634. The painter, sculptor and architect, members of the commission, shall choose by lot one, two and three year terms of office; the three other appointed members of the commission shall also choose by lot one, two and three year terms of office, and the appointment of their successors, after the expiration of the first year of this commission, shall be for a term of three years. All appointments to fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired term. In case any vacancy shall occur in the commission, by reason of death, resignation, in- capacity, refusal to serve, or otherwise, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment, as provided in section six hundred and thirty-three of this act. In case the Fine Arts Federation shall fail to present a list of nominees as aforesaid within three months from the time when any appointment is to be made, the mayor shall appoint without such nomination. Officers. § 635. The commission shall serve without compensation as such, and shall elect a president, vice-president and secre- tary from its own members, whose terms of office shall be for one year and until their successors are elected and have qual- ified. The commission shall have power to adopt its own 378 rules of procedure. Five commissioners shall constitute a Quorum. - & Offices to be provided; expenses, how met. § 636. Suitable offices shall be provided for the commis- Sion by the board of estimate and apportionment. The ex- penses of the commission shall be paid by the city and the amount of the same shall be fixed annually by the board of estimate and apportionment and the Imunicipal assembly] board of aldermen. All works of art to be submitted to and approved by the commission. § 637. Hereafter no work of art shall become the property of The City of New York, by purchase, gift or otherwise, unless such work of art or a design of the same, together with a statement of the proposed location of such work of art, shall first have been submitted to and approved by the commission; nor shall such work of art until so approved be erected or placed in or upon, or allowed to extend over or upon any street, avenue, square, common, park, municipal building, or other public place belonging to the city. The commission may, when they deem proper, also require a complete model of the pro- posed work of art to be submitted. The term “work of art '' as used in this title shall apply to and include all paintings, mural decorations, stained glass, statues, bas reliefs or other Sculptures; monuments, fountains, arches, or other structures of a permanent character intended for ornament or commemo- ration. No existing work of art in the possession of the city shall be removed, relocated or altered in any way without the similar approval of the commission, except as provided in sec- tion six hundred and thirty-nine of this act. When so re- quested by the mayor or the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen the commission shall act in a similar capacity, with similar powers, in respect of the designs of municipal build- ings, bridges, approaches, gates, fences, lamps or other struc- tures erected or to be erected upon land belonging to the city, and in respect to the lines, grades and plotting of public ways and grounds, and in respect of arches, bridges, structures and approaches which are the property of any corporation or pri- vate individual, and which shall extend over or upon any street, avenue, highway, park or public place belonging to the city, 379 and said commission shall so act and its approval shall be required for every such structure which shall hereafter be erected or contracted for at an expense exceeding one million dollars. But this section shall not be construed as intended to impair the power of the park board to refuse its consent to the erection or acceptance of public monuments or memo- rials or other works of art of any sort within any park, square or public place in the city. Time for decision limited. § 638. If the commission shall fail to decide upon any matter submitted to it within sixty days after such submission, its decision shall be deemed unnecessary. Removal or relocation of works of art; duty of commission. § 639. In case the immediate removal or relocation of any existing work of art shall be deemed necessary by the mayor, the commission shall within forty-eight hours after notice from him approve or disapprove of such removal or relocation, and in case of their failure so to act within forty-eight hours after the receipt of such notice, they shall be deemed to have approved of the same. CHAPTER XIII. IDEPARTMENT OFI PUBLIC CHARITIES: Title I. Department of Public Charities. Title 2. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals in The City of New York. TITLE I. Department of Public Charities. Commissioner of public charities; jurisdiction; salary. § 658. The head of the department of public charities shall be called the Iboard of public charities.I commissioner of public charities. ISaid board shall consist of three commis- sioners, who shall be designated commissioners of public chari- ties of The City of New York. They shall be appointed by the mayor and hold their respective offices as provided in chapter four of this act. One of said commissioners shall be the president of said board, and shall be so designated by the mayor. In appointing such commissioners the mayor shall specify the borough or boroughs in which they are respectively to have administrative jurisdiction, to wit: One in the bor- oughs of Manhattan and The Bronx; one in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens; one in the borough of Richmond.I The terms of office of the members of the board of public char- ities, except the president thereof, appointed pursuant to the provisions of the Greater New York charter shall cease and determine on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two, and the president of the said board of public charities shall thereupon become the commissioner of public charities. The salary of the commissioner Ifor the boroughs of Man- hattan and The Bronx, and of the commissioner for the bor- oughs of Brooklyn and Queens] of public charities shall [in 381 each casel be seven thousand five hundred dollars a year. IThe salary of the commissioner for the borough of Rich- mond shall be two thousand five hundred dollars a year.I. The principal office of the department shall be in the borough of Manhattan. There Ishall] may be a branch office in each of the other boroughs. Rules and regulations; subordinate officers. § 659. The said commissioner shall [board shall by a vote of a majority of its members] have power to establish general rules and regulations for the administration of the department and the government of the institutions under [the] its juris- diction Iof said several commissioners,I except the institu- tions specified in section six hundred and sixty-one of this act, and except as provided in title two of this chapter, and such general rules and regulations shall be so far as practicable uniform in all the boroughs. ISubject to such general rules and regulations each commissioner shall have jurisdiction Over the several classes of public institutions hereinafter speci- fied which are situated or may hereafter be established within the borough or boroughs for which he is appointed.I. The commissioner Ifor the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, and the commissioner of the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queensl, shall Leach I have power to appoint and [at pleasure] in his discretion to remove Ia deputy] not more than two deputies, to be known as first deputy, and second deputy, and shall define their duties. IEach I The first dep- uty Iso appointed] shall during the absence or disability of the commissioner Tappointing himT possess all the powers and perform all the duties of Isuch] the commissioner except the power of making appointments. Ipowers conferred by sec- tions six hundred and sixty-one and six hundred and sixty-four of this act. Whenever such absence or dis- ability shall continue for five days, or in the judgment of the mayor it is necessary, either of the other commis- sioners may be designated by him to exercise such powers.I. In the absence or disability of bºth the commissioner and the first deputy, the second deputy shall possess all the powers and perform all the duties of the commissioner, except the power of making appointments. [The board of estimate and 382 apportionment and the municipal assembly may from time to time provide for additional deputies in the last named bor- oughs and also for a deputy in the borough of Richmond. Any deputy to serve in the borough of Richmond shall be appointed by the commissioner having administrative juris- diction therein, and shall be subject to removal at his pleasure. Each of the commissioners,I The commissioner, within the limits of his appropriation, shall have power to appoint and remove subject to the requirements of the civil service laws Land at pleasure to remove] such subordinate officers and assistants as may be necessary for the efficient performance of his duties as Isuch] said commissioner. IThe board shall have power to appoint a secretary, and, within the limit of his appropriation, to appoint such subordinate officers as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the office of the depart- ment.I Public institutions under the jurisdiction of the [commissioners] commissioner. § 660. IEach I The commissioner shall have jurisdiction Over, and it shall be his duty to take charge of and to establish and enforce rules and regulations [not inconsistent with the general rules and regulations established by the board, for the government of the following described classes of public insti- tutions situated within the borough or boroughs for which he is appointed, viz. I for all hospitals, asylums, almshouses and other institutions belonging to or hereafter acquired or estab- lished by The City of New York, which are or shall be devoted to the care of the feeble-minded, the sick, the infirm and the destitute; except Thospital wards attached to penitentiaries and to other prisons and institutions under the jurisdiction of the department of correction; and except such hospitals as are or may hereafter be established and conducted by the depart- ment of health pursuant to law; and except the House of Refuge for Juvenile Delinquents and the House of Detention for Witnesses; and except] the island known as Ward's Island and the buildings and improvements thereon, and the equip- ment, fixtures and furniture of the asylums for the insane on said island during the continuance of the lease thereof hereto- fore made by The City of New York to the State of New 383 York, and except the hospitals specified in title two of this chapter and such other institutions as are by law placed under the charge of some other department or board. Such build- ings and grounds on Blackwell's Island as are now used for the care of the insane pursuant to the provisions of chapter two of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-six shall, when the insane shall have been removed therefrom, Ibe under the jurisdiction of the commissioner of public charities for the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx.I and the buildings and grounds, together with the equipments, fixtures and fur- niture of the buildings now leased to the state by the county of Kings for the care of the insane, Ishall] when said lease expires, shall be under the jurisdiction of the commissioner of public charities [for the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens]. Payments to private institutions. § 661. No payment shall be made by the city of New York to any charitable, eleemosynary or reformatory institution wholly or partly under private control, for the care, support, secular education, or maintenance of any child surrendered to such institution, or committed to, received or retained therein in accordance with Sections six hundred and sixty-four, six hundred and sixty-five, six hundred and sixty-six and six hun- dred and sixty-seven of this act, except upon the certificate of the commissioner Ihaving administrative jurisdiction] of public charities that such child has been received and is retained by such institution pursuant to the rules and regula- tions established by the state board of charities. Moneys paid by The City of New York to any such institution for the care, Support, Secular education or maintenance of its inmates shall not be expended for any other purpose. Whenever the com- missioner shall decide, after reasonable notice to the institution and a hearing, that any such child as aforesaid who is received and retained in such institution is not a proper charge against the public, and notice of such decision in writing is given by him to such institution, thereupon all right on the part of said insti- tution to receive compensation from the city for the further retention of the child shall cease. He shall file in the office of the department [in the borough within which the institution is situated, a statement of the reasons for his decision and of 384 the facts upon which it is founded, and shall furnish a copy to the institution where the child is detained. His decision may be reviewed on certiorari by the supreme court. Powers of Icommissioners] the commissioner as to destitute and other persons. § 662. The commissioner of public charities Ifor the bor- oughs of Manhattan and The Bronx] shall [within said boroughs I have all the authority concerning the care, custody and disposition of insane, feeble-minded, sick, infirm and desti- tute persons heretofore conferred upon the board of public charities and upon the several commissioners of public char- ities [which the commissioners of public charities of the smºmºmº" corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York had at the time of the taking effect of this act1 and he shall be subject to the same obligations and discharge the same duties in respect to such persons, except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or are modified by this act and the amendments thereof. IThe commissioner for the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens shall within said boroughs have all the authority concerning the care, custody and disposi- tion of such persons which the board of charities and correc- tion of the city of Brooklyn and county of Kings as formerly constituted, or the Superintendent or overseers of the poor of the County of Queens had at the time of the passage of this act, and shall be subject to the same obligations and discharge the same duties in respect to such persons, except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or modified by this act. The commissioner for the borough of Richmond shall within said borough have all the authority concerning the care, custody and disposition of such persons which the superintendent and overseers of the poor in the county of Richmond had at the time of the taking effect of this act, and shall be subject to the same obligations and discharge the same duties in respect to such persons, except in So far as the same are inconsistent with or are modified by this act.] The Isaid several commis- Sioners] commissioner shall be the Doverseers] overseer of the poor of The City of New York, as constituted by this act. INOI The commissioner shall not have power to dispense any form of outdoor relief except as expressly provided in this 385 chapter, but Ieach] the commissioner shall have power to pay for the cost of the removal or transportation of any person who may come under his charge whenever in his judgment the city will thereby be relieved from an unnecessary or improper charge. IEach I The commissioner [in his borough or bor- oughs] shall make provision for the temporary care of vagrant and indigent persons, and shall provide for an investigation into the circumstances of all such persons, and shall cause every person who is found upon investigation to be a vagrant, to be brought before a magistrate pursuant to law. The board of estimate and apportionment and, the [municipal assembly] board of aldermen shall in each year appropriate such sum as in their judgment may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. Classification and instruction of inmates. § 663. It shall be the duty of the commissioner of public charities to investigate the circumstances of every person admitted to an institution under his charge and of the near relatives of such person. Such investigation shall be made, when practicable, before the admission of such person, and the results of investigation shall be placed on file and preserved with the records of the department. It shall be the duty of the Ieach] commissioner to cause all the inmates of public institutions under his charge to be classified So far as prac- ticable. The inmates of the almshouse or almshouses shall be classified at the time of their admission upon the basis of previous character and conduct, but such inmates may be trans- ferred or reclassified in accordance with their conduct in the institution. Every inmate of the almshouse whose age and health will permit, shall be employed in cultivating the ground under the control of the commissioner, or in manufacturing such articles as may be required for ordinary use in the public institutions under the control of the commissioner, or for the use of any department of The City of New York, or in pre- paring and building sea walls upon islands or other places belonging to the city, or such mechanical or other labor as shall be found from experience to suit the capacity of the 25 386 individual. The articles raised or manufactured by such labor shall be subject to the order of, and shall be placed under the control of the commissioner, and all such articles shall be utilized so far as practicable in the public institutions under the charge of the department of charities or in Some other depart- ment of the city. All the land under the jurisdiction of the commissioner, not otherwise occupied or utilized and which is capable of being cultivated, shall in the discretion of said commissioner, be used for agricultural purposes. IDestitute children shall be kept apart from criminal children, so that youthful and less hardened inmates shall not be rendered more depraved by association with and the evil example of older and more hardened inmates. Each]. The commissioner within the limits of his appropriation, may establish and maintain in the public institutions under his charge such schools or classes for the instruction and training of inmates as may Ibe authorized by the board of estimate and apportionment and the municipal assembly] in his opinion be desirable. Powers of [commissioners] the commissioner as to destitute and other children. § 664. IEach I The commissioner of public charities shall have power to commit, to indenture, place out, discharge, or transfer any child who may be in his custody, or who may have been placed by him in an institution as a public charge, whenever in his judgment it shall be for the best interests of Such child so to do, and he and his successors in office shall have power to revoke and cancel any such indenture or agreement, and to make contracts for the maintenance of any such child; Tin accordance with the general rules and regulations of the board] in placing out or indenturing such children the commissioner may assign one or more of his subordinates to make the necessary investigations and he may employ any duly incorporated charitable institution or society and may reimburse such institution or society for any expenses other than salaries, actually incurred in the placing out, supervision and transfer if necessary, of children who are public charges. The word institution, whenever 387 used in this chapter shall include any charitable corporation, one of whose objects is the care of children or the placing of children in families. An institution to which a child has been committed as herein provided, shall have the authority to place such child in a family, or bind out such child by in- denture, or consent to his adoption. I; but in I In indentur- ing, placing out, transferring or committing any such child Isuch] the commissioner or any institution or Society em- ployed by him shall, when practicable, indenture or place out such child with an individual of the like religious faith as the parents of such child, or transfer or commit such child to an institution governed by persons of the same religious faith as that of the parents of such child. In respect to such minors so committed to or otherwise placed under his charge Ieach I the commissioner shall Twithin his borough or bor- oughs] have such additional powers as [are] were on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight [at the time of the taking effect of this actl vested by law in the corresponding officers of the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, of the corporation known as the city of Brooklyn, and of the coun- ties of Kings, Richmond and Queens mentioned in section six hundred and sixty-two of this act. The commissioner shall not commit children to any institution which shall have been certi- fied by the state board of charities to have failed to comply with the rules and regulations established by that board pursuant to section fourteen of article eight of the constitution, nor shall he commit any child to any institution not situated in The City of New York unless such institution shall have been certified by said board to be properly protected from fire and other dangers. Notice of commitment of children. § 665. Whenever any child, actually or apparently, under the age of sixteen years, is brought before any court or mag- istrate in The City of New York, as constituted by this act, pursuant to section eight hundred and eighty-eight of the code of criminal procedure, or is found destitute of means 388 of support the magistrate presiding, or court before whom or which such child is brought shall thereupon fix a day not more than [threel five days distant for the hearing and final disposition of the charge against said child, and shall, at the same time, in addition to such other notices as may be re- quired by law, give notice, in writing, of such arrest to the commissioner of public charities [of the borough in which said arrest is made,I and to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children duly authorized to carry on its work in the county in which said arrest is made, [if there shall be one incorporated in the borough, I which notice shall state the name of the child, its age, either actual or apparent, its sex, color, birthplace, residence, father’s name, mother’s name, parents’ religion and parents’ occupation, each if known; the specific charge upon which the arrest is made; the name of the officer making the arrest, and the name and address of the complaining witness, if any there be. And such court or magistrate may temporarily commit such child to the custody and care of an institution to which said court or magistrate is authorized by law to make final commit- me11t. Children committed as public charges; investigation. $666. IIt shall be the duty of the commissioner so noti- fied to investigate forthwith the charge against such child.I The commissioner may appear either by clerk or by counsel on all hearings [and] proceedings for the commitment of children. He shall investigate the circumstances of their relatives, whose duty it is to relieve and maintain them, and shall on or before the final hearing therein, file with the court Or magistrate a statement in writing of such fact or facts as in the opinion of the commissioner render it proper or im- proper that such child should be supported as a public charge at the expense of the city; and such written statement of fact or facts when so filed shall be preserved with and form a part of the record of the proceedings instituted by the ar- rest of such child. Omission or failure to file such state- ment shall not be ground for delaying the final decision. Term of commitment of children; discharge. § 667. The term of commitment of each child committed in The City of New York, as constituted by this act, under 389 any of the provisions of section six hundred and sixty-four, six hundred and sixty-five, and six hundred and sixty-six of this act shall be until such child shall attain the age of sixteen years or until it shall be duly indentured or placed out as an apprentice by the institution to which it shall have been com- mitted, or until it shall be given over in adoption by said institution to Some suitable person, or until returned to its parents, relatives, or guardians, or otherwise discharged. Each institution mentioned in section six hundred and sixty- one of this act, shall file with the commissioner Ion or be- fore July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight], at the end of every three months a list of all the children [therein.I referred to in sections six hundred and sixty-one, six hun- dred and sixty-four, six hundred and sixty-five and six hun- dred and sixty-six of this act, received by or discharged from said institution during the month, which list shall contain the names and residence of the parents and guardians of the children as far as known. Every such institution shall keep a book in which it shall cause to be entered the name and address of each parent, relative or other person visiting an inmate of such institution who is in whole or in part a charge upon The City of New York, and such name and address shall be entered upon the occasion of each visit by any such person. IEvery three months thereafter each such institu- tion shall file a similar list of all such children received, dis- charged or otherwise disposed of in the interval.] Saving clause as to certain existing layws. § 668. Nothing contained in the foregoing sections shall be construed to alter or effect any provision of chapter one hundred and seventy-two of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, or of chapter four hundred and thirty-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, or of chapter three hundred and fifty-three of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-six. Record of inmates of institutions. § 669. It shall be the duty of Leach I the commissioner of public charities to keep and preserve a proper record of all persons who shall come under his care or custody and of the 390 disposition made of such persons, with full particulars as to the name, age, sex, color and nativity of each, and in case of minors the names and residence of parents and their re- ligious faith so far as ascertained, and the religious faith, and residence of the persons or families with whom or of the persons in charge of the institution in which they are placed, together with copies of any instrument of indenture or agreement executed by such commissioner. And it shall also be the duty of the commissioner to keep and preserve such records of all persons who are inmates of private insti- tutions, who are accepted by him as proper charges upon the city. Temporary care in accident cases. § 670. Any person injured or taken sick on the streets or in any public place within said city, who may not be safely removed to his or her home, may be sent to and shall be re- ceived in any public hospital within said city, for temporary care and treatment, irrespective of his or her place of resi- dence. Temporary care of the insane. § 671. IEach I The commissioner shall provide and main- tain as may be necessary suitable rooms or wards for the reception, medical examination and temporary care of per- sons alleged to be insane for the boroughs other than Man- hattan and The Bronx. Alteration and repair of buildings. § 672. IEach I The commissioner, Isubject to the ap- proval of the board, whenever the increase of inmates in or the proper care and government of the public institutions or establishments under his jurisdiction shall in his judgment render it necessary or expedient, shall have power provided an appropriation has been made therefor to enlarge or alter the buildings occupied by such institutions or establishments or any of them I;I, and Ishall also have power1 to make all needful repairs to buildings and property under his control Iprovided that an appropriation has been made thereforl. 39 I Potter's field; power to establish crematories. § 673. IEach] The commissioner Iexcept the commis- sioner of the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, I shall have charge of the Potter’s IField or I Fields, Isituated in the borough or boroughs for which he is appointed, I and Ieach and every commissionerI shall, when the necessity therefor shall arise, have power to lay out [a] additional Potter's DField'I Fields or other public burial place for the poor and Strangers, Iwithin the borough or boroughs for which he is appointed, I and from time to time to enclose and extend the same, to make enclosures therein and to build vaults therein, and to provide all necessary labor therefor and for interments therein. Provided, however, that the Potter’s Field on Hart’s Island shall remain under the con- trol of the department of correction, and the burial of de- ceased paupers therein shall continue under rules and regu- lations as provided in section six hundred and ninety-five of this act. The commissioner of public charities and the com- missioner of correction are respectively empowered to cause to be cremated the bodies of deceased paupers and criminals where relatives do not object to such cremation; and the board of estimate and apportionment, with the approval of the board of aldermen, may cause to be erected and equipped proper facilities for such cremation. Accounts; annual estimates; expenditures. § 674. IEach]. The commissioner shall keep accurate and detailed accounts, in a form approved by the comptroller, of all moneys received and expended by him, the sources from which they are received and the purposes for which they are ex- pended. I, and shall prepare itemized monthly statements of all receipts and expenditures in duplicate, one of which state- ments, together with all vouchers, shall be filed with the comptroller, and one of which shall be filed in his own office. Each]. The commissioner shall, on or before the first day of September in each year, prepare an itemized estimate of his necessary expenses for the ensuing fiscal year, Iand present the same to the board. The three estimates so prepared, as revised by the board, shall, together, constitute the annual estimate of 392 the department of public charities, and I which shall be sub- mitted to the board of estimate and apportionment within the time prescribed by this act for the submission of estimates for the several departments of the city. INoI. The commissioner shall incur [any] no expense for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated therefor; nor shall he expend any money so appropriated for any purpose other than that for which it was appropriated. Advertisements for supplies. § 675. The Iboard I commissioner of public charities shall, from time to time, as may be necessary, advertise in the City Record and the corporation newspapers for not less than ten days for proposals for such articles and supplies as shall be necessary to be used in and for the relief and support of the poor of the city, and which cannot be supplied by his depart- ment or by the department of correction, and shall award contracts for the same to the lowest bidders, who shall give adequate security for the faithful performance of such con- tracts [excepting such perishable articles as may be excepted by the rules and regulations of the board I. In case of an emergency or in the purchase of perishable articles Teach] the commissioner may purchase [articles immediately re- quired1 without calling for competition at Ian] a total expense not exceeding [one] three thousand dollars during any one month. The commissioner shall in the case of each such purchase, enter in a book to be kept for that purpose, a detailed statement of the facts which render purchase by con- tract impracticable. Expenditures for the relief of the blind. § 676. The Icommissioners are I commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to insert in [their] his annual estimate of expenditures an item of expenditure for the relief of the poor adult blind not to exceed in all seventy- five thousand dollars. TUnder such rules and restrictions as the board may deem necessary, each I The commis- sioner shall distribute the sum so appropriated each year Land assigned for use in his jurisdiction,I in uniform sums 393 not to exceed one hundred dollars to any one person, to such poor adult blind persons, not inmates of any of the public or private institutions in The City of New York, who shall be in need of relief and who shall be citizens of the United States, and shall have been residents of said city continuously for two years previous to the date of application for such relief. Detail of inmates of correctional institutions to work in department. § 677. The commissioner [of the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx I may, from time to time, in his discretion. request the department of correction to detail and designate inmates of the correctional institutions of the city [on Black- well's Island.I to perform necessary work, labor and services in and upon the grounds and buildings which are under the charge of the said commissioner Ion Blackwell's Island or Randall's Island.I, and such inmates of such correctional institutions when so employed shall at all times be under the personal oversight and direction of a keeper or keepers from such correctional institutions as the department of correction may deem necessary; but no inmate of any correctional insti- tution shall be employed in any capacity whatever in any ward of any hospital under the jurisdiction of the department of public charities while such ward is being used for hospital purposes. [and in like manner the commissioners for the bor- oughs of Brooklyn and Queens, and for the borough of Richmond may request the department of correction to make a like detail or designation when the persons so detailed or designated can be properly guarded and restrained.I. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to limit the power of said commissioner to make requisition upon the commissioner of correction as provided by section seven hun- dred and one of this act. Care of non-residents in DBellevue and Kings County] city hospitals. § 678. The commissioner of public charities Ifor the bor- oughs of Manhattan and The Bronx I is hereby authorized in his discretion to permit the reception and treatment in IBellevue Hospital] hospitals under his jurisdiction of per- sons who do not reside in The City of New York, provided that every person so receiving treatment shall be required to 394 pay such sum for board and attendance as may be fixed by such commissioner, and provided that no such persons shall be received to the exclusion of patients who reside in said city. [and in like manner the commissioner for the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens may permit the reception and treat- ment of such persons in the hospital now known as Kings County Hospital.I Such commissioner shall collect and pay Over all such moneys to the chamberlain once every month, and the amount so collected shall be paid into the general fund. IEach I The commissioner shall upon making such payments to the chamberlain report the same to the comp- troller of The City of New York. Requisitions of subordinate officers. § 679. Each superintendent, warden or chief officer of every institution under the charge of [any] the commissioner shall make his requisition in writing on Isuch] the commissioner for all articles deemed necessary by the said officer to be used in the respective institutions under his charge, and shall keep an accurate account of the same. Reports of subordinate officers. § 680. Each such superintendent, warden or other chief offi- cer of every institution under the charge of [any] the commis- sioner shall once in each week report in writing to [such I the commissioner the number of persons who have been received or transferred, who are sick, who have died, and who are remaining in the respective institutions under his charge, the discipline which has been maintained therein, the punishments imposed, and the quantity and kind of labor performed, and such other information as the commissioner may require. - Hours of labor; discipline. § 682. The hours of labor required of any pauper or other person committed to or placed under the charge of [a] the commissioner of public charities shall be fixed by the commis- sioner. Ithe board and shall not exceed eight hours per day for each such person.I. In case any such pauper shall neglect or refuse to perform the work allotted to him or her by the person in charge, or shall violate the rules and regulations of 395 the institution, it shall be the duty of the superintendent of the almshouse to report such insubordination or violation to the commissioner Ihaving jurisdiction], who may thereupon direct the punishment of such pauper by solitary confinement and by being fed on bread and water only for such length of time as he may consider necessary. In case any pauper shall neglect to perform the work assigned to him or her, or be guilty of any such violation on three or more separate Occa- sions, the said commissioner may cause such pauper to be brought before the proper court or magistrate, and such court or magistrate may commit such pauper to the workhouse or penitentiary as a disorderly person. * Support of poor persons by relatives. § 683. The grandparents, parents Ifather, mother] children and grandchildren of sufficient ability, of a poor person who is insane, blind, old, lame, impotent or decrepit so as to be unable by work to maintain himself, and the grandparents and parents of a destitute child, must at their own charge relieve and maintain him in a manner to be approved by the commissioner [within whose jurisdiction such person resides I. If the relative of a poor person fails to maintain and relieve him as in this section provided, the said commissioner may apply to any city magistrate for the order authorized by law in such cases. The action authorized by law for a failure to comply with the order of the court requiring the payment of a weekly sum for such support must be in the name of the commissioner of public charities Iwithin whose jurisdiction such poor person resides I. Conduct of bastardy proceedings. * § 684. All bastardy proceedings shall be conducted by and in the name of the commissioner Iwithin whose jurisdiction the person charged with being the father or mother of the bastard resides I, and the amount collected shall be paid to the commissioner, to be by him applied to the support of the child or of the child and its mother, and shall be accounted for by him in a manner approved by the comptroller. Icommissioner of accounts.I LEach I The commissioner shall have authority to compromise bastardy and abandonment cases [arising in the borough or boroughs for which he is appointed]. * 396 Maintenance of abandoned wives and children. § 685. Every person in The City of New York, as consti- tuted by this act, who actually abandons his wife or children without adequate support, or leaves them in danger of becom- ing a burden upon the public, or who neglects to provide for them according to his means, or who threatens to run away and leave his wife and children a burden upon the public, may be arrested upon a complaint made under oath to a city magis- trate and a warrant thereon issued, and brought before such magistrate, as provided by section nine hundred of the code of criminal procedure. And if thereupon it shall appear by the confession of the defendant or by competent testimony that he is guilty of the charge, the said magistrate shall make an order specifying a reasonable sum of money to be paid weekly for the space of one year thereafter by such defendant to the com- missioner of public charities [for the borough in which such proceedings is had] for the support of the wife or children. But nothing in this chapter contained shall apply to or affect an order for the payment of money for the support of a child in an institution, pursuant to the provisions of section two hun- dred and eighty-eight of the penal code or of section nine hundred and twenty-one of the code of criminal procedure. Commitments in abandonment proceedings; surety. § 686. Any person convicted of any of the offenses herein- before recited shall, upon being served with such order, enter into a bond to the people of the state in such sum as such city magistrate shall direct, with good and sufficient surety to be approved by the said city magistrate, that such person will pay weekly for the space of one year such sum for the support of the wife or children or either or any of them, as has been ordered as aforesaid, to the commissioner [of the borough in which such proceeding is had] of public charities. In default of such surety being found, the city magistrate shall make up, sign and file in the office of the clerk of the county in which such conviction is had, a record of the conviction of such Offender as a disorderly person, specifying generally the nature and circumstances of the offense and the names of the wit– nesses by whom it has been established, and shall by warrant commit such offender to the workhouse on Blackwell’s Island, or to the penitentiary or jail in the borough where the convic- tion is had, there to remain until such surety be found or such 397 offender be discharged according to law, or he shall sentence such offender to imprisonment in the penitentiary, for a term not exceeding six months or until such offender gives the security as hereinbefore provided or is discharged according to law. Upon the trial or hearing of all complaints for any or either of the Offenses hereinbefore referred to, the wife shall be a competent witness therein against her husband, as to all matters embraced in said complaint. Actions on bonds in abandonment proceedings. § 687. Any suit, action or proceeding brought or instituted upon any bond or recognizance given in pursuance of the pre- ceding section shall be brought and prosecuted by and in the name of the commissioner Ifor the borough in which such bond or recognizance was given I of public charities, and all moneys recovered in any suit, action or proceeding shall be paid to Isuch I the commissioner to be by him applied and expended for the support of the wife and children, or either or any of them, of the person against whom the order mentioned and provided for in section six hundred and eighty-five of this act shall have been made. If the person charged with the offenses hereinbefore recited or either of them is admitted to bail, the undertaking of his bail shall be for the future appear- ance of the defendant according to the terms of the undertak- ing, or that the bail will pay to the commissioner [of the borough in which such proceeding is had] a specified sum in the event of such failure to appear, or if such person deposits a sum of money as directed by law instead of giving an under- taking of bail for his future appearance, and if such person shall thereafter fail to appear in accordance with the terms of said undertaking or the terms upon which the money was de- posited, then the said magistrate shall enter the fact of said person’s non-appearance upon the minutes and the undertaking of his bail or money deposited instead of bail shall thereupon be forfeited. Recoveries in abandonment proceedings. § 688. When such an undertaking is forfeited, an action may be brought in the name of the commissioner Ifor the borough in which such proceeding is had I of public charities to recover the amount specified in such undertaking, and the amount recovered in Said action shall be applied and expended 398 for the support of the wife and children, or either or any of them, of the person charged with the offenses hereinbefore recited or either or any of such offenses, and when any money has been deposited instead of bail and which shall have been forfeited as hereinbefore provided, said money shall be paid to the commissioner, by the person with whom the said sum of money is deposited, upon presenting to him a certificate from the city magistrate certifying to the forfeiture thereof, which said certificate shall state the name of the person mak- ing the deposit, when it is made, the name of the defendant, and that the said sum of money was forfeited on account of the defendant’s failure to appear as directed, and shall be signed by said magistrate. Appeals in abandonment proceedings; costs. § 689. An appeal to the court of general Sessions may be taken from the conviction before a city magistrate under this chapter within the county of New York, or to the county court in any other county [which is wholly or partly I within The City of New York [as constituted by this actl, which said ap- peal shall be conducted under and in accordance with the provi- sions of the code of criminal procedure of the state of New York, except that the judge allowing the appeal must take from the defendant a written undertaking in such sum and with such sureties as he may approve, that defendant will abide the judgment of the appellate court upon the appeal, and will pay all costs which may be awarded against him, and except that all notices required by said code of criminal pro- cedure to be served upon the district attorney upon such appeal shall be served upon the commissioner Ifor the borough in which the conviction from which such appeal is taken was had, I of public charities and the commissioner may appear by clerk or counsel upon the hearing of such appeal. The court must award costs to the party in whose favor the appeal is determined, as follows, besides disbursements: To the appel- lant upon reversal, thirty dollars; to the respondent upon affirmance, twenty-five dollars. When awarded to the appel- lant they must be paid by the comptroller of The City of New York, on the delivery to him of a certified copy of the order of reversal, and must be charged to the contingent account of the commissioner Ifor the borough in which conviction so reversed was had I of public charities. When awarded to the 399 respondent the payment of costs may be enforced as in a civil action, and in an action brought therefor against the Sureties upon the undertaking given on the allowance of the appeal, the production of a certified copy of the order of affirmance shall be conclusive evidence. When new security be required after conviction in abandonment proceedings. § 690. Upon the recovery of a bond given by the defendant upon conviction in abandonment proceedings as prescribed in section six hundred and eighty-six; or upon proof by affidavit by the commissionerIs of the borough in which the defendant was convicted, I that he has caused diligent efforts to be made to serve personally upon a surety on such a bond, a summons in an action brought thereon for a default in the terms thereof, but has been unable to effect service upon such surety; or that a surety has been adjudged a bankrupt, the city magistrate then sitting in the court in which such bond was given may issue a warrant for the arrest of the defendant, in whose be- half the bond was given, and require him to give new security or in default thereof may commit him, under the original order and conviction, in the manner prescribed in section six hundred and eighty-six; provided, however, that the total imprisonment upon such order shall not exceed six months in any year. Support of bastard children. § 691. If any time after an order of filiation in bastardy proceedings shall have been made, and an undertaking given thereon, in accordance with the provisions of this act and of the code of criminal procedure such undertaking shall not be complied with, or that for any reason a recovery thereon can- not be had, the overseers of the poor of any county, city or town or the commissioner of public charities Ifor the borough of The City of New York, I where the bastard, for whose support the order of filiation was made, shall be at the time, may upon proof of the making of the order of filiation, the giving of the above mentioned undertaking and non-compli- ance therewith, or that for any reason a recovery cannot be had on such undertaking apply to the court, in such county, city, or town, having jurisdiction in bastardy proceedings, for a warrant for the arrest of the defendant against whom such order of filiation was made, which shall be executed in the 4OO manner provide in the code of criminal procedure for the execution of a warrant. Upon the arrest and arraignment of the defendant, the said court upon proof of the making of the Order of filiation, the giving of the above mentioned undertak- ing, the non-compliance therewith or that for any reason a recovery cannot be had on such undertaking shall make an Order requiring him to give a new undertaking in the manner provided in subdivision one of section eight hundred and fifty- One of the code of criminal procedure for giving an under- taking on conviction, or upon his failure to so give a new undertaking, shall commit him in the manner provided in sec- tion eight hundred and fifty-two of said code of criminal procedure. TITLE 2. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals in The City of New York. Board of trustees, jurisdiction, powers and duties. § 692. I. On the first day of July, nineteen hundred and one, the jurisdiction of the department of public charities of The City of New York over Bellevue Hospital and the Fordham, Harlem and Gouverneur Hospitals and the Emer- gency Hospital in east Twenty-sixth street in The City of New York, shall cease, and the care, management and control of such hospitals shall be vested in a board of trustees which shall on said date succeed to all rights, duties and powers here- tofore vested in said department of public charities so far as concerns said hospitals. Said board of trustees shall consist of seven residents of The City of New York, together with the president of the board of public charities until January first, nineteen hundred and two, and thereafter the commis- sioner of public charities, ex officio. It shall be known as the “Board of Trustees of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals.” In the month of June, nineteen hundred and one, the mayor of The City of New York shall appoint one resident of The City of New York to serve as such trustee for the term of one year, one for the term of two years, one for the term of three years, one for the term of four years, one for the term of five years, 4OI one for the term of six years and one for the term of seven years, from the first day of July, nineteen hundred and One. On or before the first day of June prior to the expiration of the term of office of any trustee, the mayor shall appoint his suc- cessor for the full term of seven years. The mayor shall fill any vacancy in the board caused by the death of a trustee, his resignation, removal from the city or otherwise, by the ap- pointment of a trustee to hold office for the unexpired term. Every person appointed to serve as such trustee shall before entering upon the duties of his office take and subscribe the oath of office prescribed by the constitution of the state. 2. For the purpose of making the appointments aforesaid, the said mayor shall call upon the president or other executive head of each of the following organizations, to wit: The United Hebrew Charities of The City of New York, the Par- ticular Council of New York of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in New York, and the New York Association for Improv- ing the Condition of the Poor, to present a list of not less than twice the number of persons to be appointed members of said board of trustees, to fill a vacancy or otherwise. Notice in writing of the dates on which appointments, including the first, to said board of trustees are proposed to be made shall be given by the mayor to each of said presidents or other executive heads at least five days prior thereto, and such list of names shall be so presented within three days after the receipt of such notice. Said presidents or other executive heads may each submit, or two or more of them may jointly present, such a list of names. Appointments to said board of trustees may in the discretion of the mayor be made from such list or lists. 3. No trustee shall be subject to removal under the pro- visions of section ninety-five of this act, but any trustee may be removed by the mayor upon proof either of official miscon- duct or neglect of duty or of conduct which tends to discredit his office or for mental or physical inability to perform his duties, but before such removal he shall receive due and timely 26 4O2 notice in writing of the charges and a copy thereof, and shall be entitled to a hearing on like notice before the mayor and to the assistance of counsel on said hearing. No trustee shall receive pecuniary compensation for his services or be inter- ested directly or indirectly in the furnishing or performing of work, labor, Services, materials or supplies of any kind to or for said hospitals by contract or otherwise. No trustee shall hold any office of emolument under the city, county, state or national government, except the offices of notary public, or commissioner of deeds, or offices in the national guard. 4. The commissioners of the sinking fund of The City of New York shall within thirty days after the passage of this act prepare a plan for the separation from the department of pub- lic charities of the said Bellevue hospital, and the Fordham, Harlem, Gouverneur and Emergency hospitals. Such plan shall apportion to each of said hospitals the lands, buildings, fixtures, furniture and other appurtenances and property, and the books, records, vouchers and other papers hitherto used in connection with or for the purposes of said hospitals and provide in detail for the transfer thereof to said board of trustees of Bellevue and allied hospitals on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and one. It shall further apportion to each of said hospitals, the employees and subordinates of every grade in the service of the department of public charities who shall be in service in and about the said hospitals exclusively on said date. To enable said commissioners to prepare such plan, they shall have access to all of the books and papers which are the property of The City of New York in the custody of said department of public charities, and to visit said hospitals and to require at any and all times the attendance before them of the commissioners of public charities and of any of their em- ployees and subordinates. 5. Said board of trustees shall organize within ten days after said trustees are appointed. It shall annually choose from its members at a regular meeting to be held in the month of July, a president and a secretary for the term of one year. 4O3 It shall establish rules and regulations for the administration and government of said hospitals. It shall administer the moneys appropriated for said hospitals, subject to the general provisions of this act relative to the audit and payment of claims. Said board shall have power to ap- point and at pleasure to remove such superintendents, med- ical officers, subordinate officers and other employees as may be necessary for the efficient management and conduct of said hospitals, subject to the civil service laws and the rules and regulations of the municipal civil service commission. The board of trustees shall keep accurate and detailed accounts, in a form approved by the comptroller, of all moneys received and expended by it, the sources from which they are received and the purposes for which they are expended. It shall dur- ing the month of January in each year transmit to the mayor a report as to the condition of the hospitals under its care and the management thereof during the year ending the preceding thirty-first day of December. 6. The medical board of Bellevue hospital, and allied hospitals, shall be composed of the attending and consult- ing physicians and surgeons of said hospitals on the first day of July nineteen hundred and one. They and such successors as the board of trustees may appoint shall serve without pecuniary compensation, and shall hold office So long as they shall perform their duties in a manner satisfactory to the said board of trustees. Vacancies occurring in said medical board shall be filled by the said board of trustees by appointment from the medical profession in The City of New York. The said board of trustees shall, on nomination of the said medical board, appoint medical and surgical house officers to the said hospitals, all of whom shall serve without pecuniary compensation. 7. Any person injured or taken sick in the streets or in any public square or place within The City of New York, who may not be safely removed to his or her home, may be sent to and 4O4 shall be received in the said hospitals for temporary care and treatment, irrespective of his or her place of residence. The said board of trustees shall provide and maintain suitable rooms or wards for the reception, medical examination and temporary care of persons alleged to be insane. 8. The said board of trustees may permit the reception and treatment in the said hospitals, of persons who do not reside in The City of New York, provided that every person so receiving treatment shall be required to pay such sum for board and attendance as may be fixed by said board of trustees and provided that no such persons shall be received to the exclusion Of patients who reside in said city. The said board of trustees shall collect and pay over all such moneys to the chamberlain Once every month, and the amount so collected shall be paid into the general fund. The said board of trustees shall, upon making such payments to the chamberlain, report the same to the comptroller of The City of New York. 9. The board of estimate and apportionment and the board of aldermen shall in each year appropriate such sum as in their judgment may be necessary for the support and maintenance of said hospitals. It shall be the duty of the board of trustees thereof to send to the board of estimate and apportionment, on or before the first day of September in each year, in the same manner and general form as the heads of departments and other boards of The City of New York are required to furnish. CHAPTER XIV. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. Jurisdiction; salary; regulations; subordinate officers. § 694. The head of the department of correction shall be called the commissioner of correction. He shall be ap- pointed by the mayor and shall hold office, as provided in chapter four of this act. His salary shall be [seven] six thousand Ifive hundred I dollars a year. The commissioner shall have power to establish rules and regulations for the administration of the department and the government of the institutions under his control. He shall have full and ex- clusive jurisdiction over the several institutions hereinafter specified which are situated or may hereafter be established within The City of New York as constituted by this act. He shall have his principal office in the borough of Manhattan. Iand a branch office in the borough of Brooklyn. He may establish such other branch offices as he may deem neces- sary.I. He shall have power to appoint and at will to re- move a deputy and to define his duties. The salary of such deputy shall be four thousand dollars a year, Iand such addi- tional deputies and assistant deputies as the board of estimate and apportionment and the municipal assembly may from time to time authorize, and to assign them to duty in such borough or boroughs as he deems proper, and at least one of such deputies shall be assigned to the branch office in the borough of Brooklyn.I. He shall also have power within the limits of his appropriation to appoint and [at will] to remove, subject to the requirements of the civil service laws, such superintendents, wardens and other subordinate officers and assistants as may be necessary for the efficient perform- ance of the duties of the department. IEach I The deputy so appointed shall during the absence or inability of the com- missioner possess all the powers and perform all the duties of such commissioner except the power of making appoint- 4O6 ments. Iwithin the borough or boroughs to which he is as- signed.I. The commissioner may delegate to the superin- tendent or warden in charge of any institution in the depart- ment the power to appoint and remove subordinate officers or assistants in such institutions. Institutions under the jurisdiction of the commissioner. § 695. The commissioner shall have jurisdiction over and it shall be his duty to take charge of and manage all institu- tions for the care and custody of criminals and misdemean- ants which belong to or [are] shall be hereafter acquired by The City of New York Das constituted by this actl except the house of refuge, the house of detention of witnesses, the Brooklyn disciplinary training school for boys, incorporated societies for the prevention of cruelty to children Tall jails] and such places for the detention of prisoners or persons charged with crime as are Dunder the charge of the sheriff or the police department] by law placed under the charge of some other department, board or officer. The commis- sioner shall also have charge of such other institutions be- longing to the city as have been or may be hereafter placed under his jurisdiction by the Imunicipal assembly..I board of aldermen. Whenever the state authorities shall have caused the inmates of the lunatic asylum on Hart's island to be removed elsewhere and shall have vacated the buildings now on said island occupied by said asylum, the said build- ings, with the grounds thereto appertaining, shall become and be under the charge and control of the department of correction; provided, however, that the burial of deceased paupers shall be continued on said island under regulations established by the joint action of the departments of public charities and of correction, or in case of disagreement be- tween said departments, under such regulations as may be established by the mayor of the city. Transfer of inmates to Riker’s island and Hart’s island. § 696. The commissioner, whenever, in his judgment, it is expedient and practicable to do so, may cause to be removed to Riker's island, and in case Hart's island shall have been placed under the charge and control of the department of 4O7 correction, as in section six hundred and ninety-five of this act provided, then also to Hart’s island, the inmates of the workhouse and of the penitentiary on Blackwell’s island; and he may direct such removals to be made, from time to time, as accommodation for the said inmates may be pro- vided upon Riker’s island and Hart’s island or elsewhere within The City of New York. And whenever in conse- quence of such removals or otherwise any of the buildings theretofore occupied or used for said workhouse or peniten- tiary shall have become vacant, such building or buildings, with the grounds thereto appertaining, shall be transferred to the department of public charities. And whenever any of the said buildings or grounds shall have been so trans- ferred, the commissioner of correction shall have no further rights, duties or obligations in respect to such building or buildings or grounds, but it or they shall thereafter be in- cluded in and appertain to the department of public charities of The City of New York, and shall be under the jurisdiction of the commissioner of charities. Ifor the boroughs of Man- hattan and The Bronx.I Powers of commissioner over criminals and misdemeanants. § 697. The commissioner shall have all the authority con- cerning the care, custody and disposition of criminals and misdemeanants which the commissioner of correction of the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York, or which the board of charities and correction for the city of Brooklyn and county of Kings as formerly constituted had on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven [at time of the taking effect of this acti, and he shall discharge the same duties and be subject to the Sante obligations in respect to such persons as the said commissioner and board respectively, except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or are modified by this act. The commissioner shall have no authority and be Subject to no obligation in respect to any destitute person not charged with or convicted of crime or misdemeanor. Classification of criminals and misdemeanants; instruction. § 698. It shall be the duty of the commissioner to cause all the criminals and misdemeanants under his charge to be classi- fied as far as practicable, so that youthful and less hardened offenders shall not be rendered more depraved by the associa- 408 tion with and evil example of older and more hardened Offenders. The commissioner may establish and maintain such Schools or classes for the instruction and training of the inmates of the institutions under his charge, as may be author- ized by the board of estimate and apportionment. And to this end the commissioner Twith the authority of the municipal assembly,I may set apart one of the penal institutions for the custody of such youthful and less hardened offenders, and said commissioner shall have the power, in his discretion, to trans- fer such offenders thereto from any other of the penal institu- tions of the city. Records of inmates of institutions. § 699. It shall be the duty of the commissioner to keep and preserve a proper record of all persons who shall come under his care or custody, and Of the disposition of each such person, with full particulars as to the name, age, sex, color, nativity and religious faith of each, together with a statement of the cause and length of detention of each such person. Such record shall be supplementary to and shall be kept separate from the records required to be kept by section seven hundred and nine of this act. Employment of inmates; articles manufactured; cultivation of lands. § 700. Every inmate of an institution under the charge of the commissioner, whose age and health will permit, shall be employed in quarrying or cutting Stone, or in cultivating land . under the control of the commissioner, or in manufacturing such articles as may be required for ordinary use in the institu- tions under the control of the commissioner, or for the use of any department of The City of New York, or in preparing and building Sea walls upon islands or other places belonging to The City of New York upon which public institutions now are or may hereafter be erected, or in public works carried on by any department of the city, or at such mechanical or other labor as shall be found from experience to be suited to the capacity of the individual. The articles raised or manufac- tured by such labor shall be subject to the order of and shall be placed under the control of the commissioner, and shall be utilized in the institutions under his charge or in some other department of the city. All the lands under the jurisdiction 4O9 of the commissioner not otherwise occupied or utilized, and which are capable of cultivation shall in the discretion of the commissioner be used for agricultural purposes. Detail of inmates to work in other departments [of public charitiesl. § 701. At the request of any of the heads of the adminis- trative departments [commissioner of public charities] of The City of New York (who are hereby empowered to make such request) the commissioner of correction may detail and designate any inmate or inmates of any of the institutions in the department of correction to perform Inecessary] work, labor and services in and upon the grounds and building or in and upon any public work or improvement under the charge of such other department. Icommissioner of public charities as provided in chapter thirteen of this act, and subject to the restrictions therein contained.] And such inmates when so employed shall at all times be under the personal oversight and direction of a keeper or keepers from the department of correction, but no inmate of any correctional institution shall be employed in any ward of any hospital, except hospitals in penal institutions, while such ward is being used for hospital purposes. The provisions of this act or of law requiring advertisement for bids or proposals, or the awarding of con- tracts, for work to be done or supplies to be furnished for any which may be done or to the supplies which may be furnished under the provisions of the prison law. Hours of labor; discipline. § 702. The hours of labor required of any inmate of any institution under the charge of the commissioner Ishall not exceed eight hours per day for each such person and I shall be fixed by the commissioner. In case any person confined in any institution in the department shall neglect or refuse to perform the work allotted to him by the officer in charge of such institution, or shall wilfully violate the rules and regu- lations established by the commissioner or resist and disobey any lawful command, or in case any such person shall offer 4 IO violence to any such officer or to any other prisoner, or shall do or attempt to do any injury to such institution or the appur- tenances thereof or any property therein, or shall attempt to escape, or shall combine with any one or more persons for any of the aforesaid purposes, the officer or officers of such institu- tion shall use all suitable means to defend themselves, to enforce discipline, to secure the persons of the Offenders and to prevent any such attempt or escape, and it shall be the duty of the officer in charge of such institution in which such person or persons is or are confined to punish him or them by Solitary confinement, and by being fed on bread and water only, for such length of time as may be considered necessary; but no other form of punishment shall be imposed, and no officer of any such institution shall inflict any blows whatever upon any prisoner except in self-defense or to suppress a revolt or insur- rection. In every case the officer imposing such punishment shall forthwith report the same to the commissioner and notify the physician of the institution. It shall be the duty of such physician to visit the person so confined and to examine daily into the state of his health until he shall be released from Solitary confinement and return to labor, and to report to the commissioner and to the officer in charge of such institution whenever in his judgment the health of the prisoner shall require that he should be released. Accounts; annual estimate; expenditures. § 703. The commissioner shall keep accurate and detailed accounts in a form approved by the comptroller, of all moneys received and expended by him, the sources from which they are received and the purposes for which they are expended. Iand shall prepare itemized monthly statements of all receipts and expenditures in duplicate, one of which statements, together with all vouchers, shall be filed with the comptroller, and one of which shall be filed in his own office.I The com- missioner shall, on or before the first day of September in each year, prepare an itemized estimate of the necessary expenses of the department for the ensuing fiscal year, which estimate shall constitute the annual estimate of the department of correction, and shall be submitted to the board of estimate and apportionment within the time prescribed by this act for the submission of estimates from the several departments of the 41 I city. He shall incur no expense for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated therefor, nor shall he expend any money so appropriated for any purpose other than that for which it was appropriated. Advertisements for supplies. § 704. The commissioner shall from time to time, as may be necessary, advertise in the City Record and the corpora- tion newspapers, for not less than ten days for proposals for all such articles and supplies (excepting perishable articles) as shall be necessary to be used in and for the institutions in the department, except ‘such as the department itself can produce by the labor of the inmates of institutions, and shall award contracts for the same to the lowest responsible bid- ders who shall give adequate security for the faithful per- formance of such contracts. In case of an emergency the commissioner may purchase articles immediately required without calling for competition, but the amount expended by the commissioner for articles so required or for perishable articles shall not exceed the sum of two thousand dollars during any one month. Requisitions and reports of subordinate officers. § 705. Each superintendent, warden, or other chief officer of any institution under the charge of the commissioner shall make his requisitions in writing upon the commissioner for all articles deemed necessary by the said officer to be used in the institution or institutions under his charge, and shall keep an accurate account of the same. It shall also be the duty of each such superintendent, warden or other chief of ficer to report once in each week to the commissioner the number of persons who have been received, discharged or transferred, who have become sick or who have died, and the number remaining in the respective institutions under their charge, the discipline which has been maintained, and the quantity and kind of labor performed, and such other infor- mation as the commissioner requires. Collection of fines. § 706. The department of correction is hereby authorized to demand and receive fines imposed for intoxication and 4. I2 disorderly conduct in The City of New York as constituted by this act in the manner and for the purposes now pre- scribed by law. [Commitment of disorderly persons and vagrants.] Commitment of persons convicted of public intoxication, disorderly conduct or Vagrancy. § 707. Whenever any person is convicted in The City of New York as constituted by this act, of public intoxication, disorderly conduct or vagrancy, the court or magistrate, be- fore which or whom such conviction is had, shall, if it or he do not suspend sentence as hereinafter provided, impose upon the person SO convicted one or other of the penalties herein provided. Upon a charge of vagrancy Ithe person so con- victed shall be committed to the workhouse in said city, or to a county jail to be detained until discharged pursuant to Sections seven hundred and ten and seven hundred and eleven of this act, and for a term not exceeding six months from the date of such commitment, and the warrant of com- mitment shall so recite. All persons convicted of any of the Offenses last mentioned in any of the boroughs of The City Of New York, shall be committed to the workhouse on Black- well's island, or to a county jail, except as hereinafter provided, but may be thereafter transferred by the commissioner to any branch workhouse in the control of the department] if the person so convicted be a prostitute between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one, the court or magistrate may commit such person, for not exceeding one year, in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, to the Roman Catholic House of the Good Shepherd, the Protestant Episcopal House of Mercy or the New York Magdalen Benevolent Society; in the borough of Brooklyn to the Wayside Home, House of the Good Shepherd or the Bethesda Home, and in the other horoughs to one of the above named institutions or to any other similar institution for women incorporated to carry on reformatory or rescue work in The City of New York. All other persons convicted upon a charge of vagrancy, includ- ing persons convicted as prostitutes and not committed to a 4 I 3 reformatory as hereinafter provided shall be committed, in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, to the work- house on Blackwell's Island, in the Borough of Brooklyn to the penitentiary of said borough, and in the other boroughs of said city to a county jail, for the term of six months. Upon a charge of public intoxication or disorderly conduct, the court or magistrate may impose a penalty as follows: I. Commit the person so convicted Ito the said work- house or jail to be detained until discharged pursuant to sec- tions Seven hundred and ten and seven hundred and eleven of this act, and for a term not exceeding six months from the date of such commitment, and the warrant of commit- ment shall so recite] in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, to the workhouse, in the borough of Brooklyn to the penitentiary of said borough, and in the other boroughs of the said city, to a county jail or to said workhouse or to said penitentiary, to be detained for the term of six months. 2. Impose a fine not exceeding ten dollars. Upon the payment of the fine imposed, the person so convicted shall be forthwith discharged from custody. If, in the judgment of the court or magistrate, the person so convicted may be re- lied upon to pay the fine imposed within a reasonable time, the person so convicted may be conditionally released, and shall be furnished by the clerk of the court with a written certificate that he is released upon condition that the fine im- posed be paid into court within a time to be named in the certificate. If the fine be not paid within such time, the court or magistrate sitting in the magistrate’s court in which such conviction was had, shall issue a warrant for the arrest of such person, and shall commit him pursuant to the provi- sions of this section, as to commitment in case of the non- payment of a fine imposed, in the same manner as if he had not theretofore been conditionally released. If the fine im- posed be [two dollars or less and be] not paid forthwith, the person so fined shall, if he be not conditionally released as hereinabove provided, be committed Ito a city prison or county jail] in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx 4I4. to a city prison or county jail, and in the other boroughs of said city to the county jail of the county in which he shall have been convicted, for not exceeding [two I ten days, each day of imprisonment to be taken as a liquidation of one dol- lar of the fine. If the fine imposed exceed the sum of two dollars and be not paid forthwith the court magistrate shall commit the person so fined to a city prison or county jail and the warrant of commitment shall contain a direction that if the fine be not paid before five o’clock in the afternoon of the day succeeding such commitment, the person so com- mitted shall be transferred to and detained in the workhouse until discharged pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, and for a term not exceeding six months from the date of such commitment.I. 3. Require any person convicted of disorderly conduct to give sufficient surety or sureties for his good behavior for Iany time not exceeding] a period of time, to be recited in the commitment, of not more than six months. In default of giving such surety forthwith, the court or magistrate shall commit such person Ito the city prison or county jail, to be thereafter transferred to and detained in, the workhouse I, in the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx to the city prison, to be thereafter transferred to and detained in the workhouse, in the borough of Brooklyn to the penitentiary, and in the other boroughs of said city to the county jail of the county in which he shall have been convicted or to said workhouse or to said penitentiary to be there detained, unless sooner dis- charged pursuant to section seven hundred and eleven of this act, until such surety is furnished, or until Idischarged pur- Suant to sections seven hundred and ten and seven hundred and eleven of this act, not exceeding, however, a term of six months from the date of such commitment. But no such person shall be discharged by the commissioner prior to the expiration of the time for which he was required to give surety, except by order of the magistrate who signed the last warrant of commitment, granted as provided in this chapter] the expiration of the period of time fixed by said commitment as aforesaid. 4I 5 4. Nothing in this section contained shall be so construed as to prevent any court or magistrate from committing any person so convicted to any state institution to which, and for any term longer than six months, such magistrate may now be authorized to commit by law. 5. Any court or magistrate may suspend sentence in the case of any person convicted as in this section provided and release such person upon probation upon such terms and con- ditions, and for such period of time, not exceeding six months, as the court or magistrate may deem best. A person released on probation in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be placed under the charge and supervision of a proba- tion officer, to be appointed as provided in this section, and shall be furnished by the clerk of the court with a written statement of the terms and conditions of his release. If at any time during the probationary term of a person convicted and released under the provisions of this section it shall appear to the court before which, or the magistrate sitting in the magistrate's court in which the person so convicted was con- victed, by report of the probation officer under whose care such person was placed, or otherwise, that such person has violated any of the terms or conditions of his release, the said court or magistrate may issue a warrant for the arrest of such person, and if it shall appear that such violation has occurred, it or he may commit him in accordance with the provisions of this section in the same manner as if such person had not theretofore been released upon probation. 6. The court of special sessions of each division of The City of New York, and the board of city magistrates of each division of The City of New York, shall have authority to ap- point such number of discreet persons of good character, either men or women, to serve as probation officers, as said courts or boards may deem necessary, to serve during the pleasure of the court or board of magistrates appointing them and without compensation. The board of city magistrates of each division of The City of New York shall assign the probation officers 416 appointed by it to the various city magistrate's courts in its division, and each probation officer shall act only as an officer of the city magistrate's court to which he is so assigned. The court of special sessions of the second division of The City of New York shall assign the probation officers appointed by it to each of the three boroughs in that division, and each proba- tion officer so assigned shall act only as an officer of the court of special sessions of the second division, in the borough to which he is so assigned. 7. It shall be the duty of the probation officers appointed under the provisions of this section to supervise the conduct of each person placed under their charge respectively, and to report any violation by any such person of the terms and con- ditions of his release; to make such investigation as may be required by the court or magistrate in the case of any person accused or convicted of public intoxication, disorderly conduct or vagrancy, and to furnish such information as may be neces- sary to assist the court Or magistrate in making a proper disposition of each case; and to render such assistance and advice to the persons placed under their charge as each case may require. If two or more probation officers are attached to any court of special sessions or city magistrate’s court, the court or magistrate shall designate the officer under whose charge each person on probation shall be placed. ISuperintendent of the workhouse: reports.l Reports by superin- tendent of the workhouse, warden and sheriffs. § 708. IIt shall be the duty of the superintendent of the workhouse.I. Where a commitment has been made to the workhouse, penitentiary, or county jail, under any of the pro- visions of section seven hundred and seven of this act, except subdivision two thereof, it shall be the duty of the superin- tendent, warden, sheriff, or other person having charge of such institution, to ascertain from the records Ithereof. of the institution under his charge, and from examination and inspection of the person committed as aforesaid whether such person has since IApril fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety- 4 I 7 five] January first, nineteen hundred and two, and within two years next preceding the date of his commitment, been pre- viously committed to such institution upon conviction of public intoxication, disorderly conduct or vagrancy. Within twenty-four hours after the commitment of any such person to the workhouse, penitentiary or county jail, the Said Super- intendent, warden, or sheriff, as the case may be, shall make an examination and take the measurements of any such person according to the system known as the Bertillon System, and shall transmit to the commissioner a written Istatement, I certificate showing the name, aliases, Sex, age, residence, Occu- pation, height, weight and the color of the hair of any such person, and describing [any] the measurements, Scars, marks, Iori deformities, or other signs whereby such person may subsequently be identified, the date of the commitment, the offense for which such person was committed, and the name of the court or magistrate by which or whom Ithel such com- mitment was made. Such [statement] certificate shall also show whether such person has been previously committed to such institution within the period, and for any one of the causes above specified, and, if so, the number of times that such person has been so committed during that period, the date of the last previous commitment of such person for either of said offenses, the name of the court or magistrate by which or by whom and the offense for which such last previous commitment was made, and the period of detention under such last previous commitment. Record of persons committed. § 709. It shall be the duty of the commissioner to keep a took or books, card index or other register in which shall be properly recorded the names of all persons Icommitted under section seven hundred and seven of this actl, whose commit- ments have been certified to him as required by section seven hundred and eight of this act, and all other facts which shall be certified to him Iby the superintendent of the workhouse] as herein required by the superintendent, warden or sheriff having charge of the institution to which such persons shall have been committed. Such book or books, index or register, • * * * *. 418 j are hereby declared to be public records and shall be open to public inspection, and shall be indexed and kept so as to show whether any person Icommitted as prescribed by this chapter] whose commitments have been so certified to him have been previously committed after January first, nineteen hundred and two, and within two years next preceding such commit- ment for any of the causes herein specified. ITerm of detention to be fixed by commissioner.l Time of discharge: how to be ascertained. § 7IO. Within three days after the commitment of any person upon a conviction of vagrancy or under subdivision one of section seven hundred and seven of this act [as herein pro- vided] it shall be the duty of the commissioner to ascertain from the aforesaid records whether such person has been com- mitted to the workhouse, penitentiary or county jail after IApril fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five], January first, nineteen hundred and two, and within two years next preceding the date of such commitment, for public intoxication, disorderly conduct or vagrancy, and to make a written order Specifying the date at which such person shall be discharged, as follows, namely: In the case of a person who has not pre- viously been committed for any one of the offenses herein Specified within two years next preceding the date of his last commitment and after IApril fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five1 January first, nineteen hundred and two, the said order shall direct that such person shall be discharged at the expiration of five days from the date of his commitment; in the case of a person who has been committed once before within the period of two years next preceding the Iday.I date of his commitment and after IApril fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five] January first, nineteen hundred and two, for any of the Offenses herein specified, the said order shall direct that such person shall be discharged at the expiration of twenty days from the date of his commitment; and in case of a person who has been committed more than once during the two years next preceding the date of his commitment, and after IApril fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five Janu- ary first, nineteen hundred and two, for any of the offenses 4 IQ herein specified, the said order shall direct that such person be discharged at the expiration of a period equal to twice the term of his detention under the last previous commitment, but not, in any event, exceeding Isix months] the period fixed by the warrant of commitment, provided, however: First, that in case of a person committed upon conviction of vagrancy Ithe said order may direct that the said person shall be dis- charged at the expiration of a period to be fixed by the commis- sioner and stated therein, not exceeding six months and not less than the period of detention above specified for first and subsequent commitments as the case may be no order for the discharge of such person before the period fixed by the warrant of commitment shall be made without the written consent, endorsed upon such order, of the court or magis- trate by which or whom such vagrant was committed. Sec- ond, that whenever the period of detention of any such person under his last previous commitment shall have exceeded the period of detention provided for by this section, I(Ieither by reason of his detention on failure to furnish security for his good behavior or by reason of [the action of the commis- sionerI the detention of such person upon a conviction of vagrancy,I)I beyond the period of detention so provided for, or by the ceasing, as hereinafter provided, of the right of such person to be discharged before the expiration of the full period fixed by the original warrant of commitment, then such excess of detention under his last previous commitment shall not be considered by the commissioner in determining the date of his discharge under the existing commitment. Third, in specifying the date at which such person shall be discharged, the commissioner shall not consider the records of any other institution than that to which such person has been committed by the existing commitment. The said order shall also con- tain with respect to the person thereby discharged the dates of any of his previous commitments after January first, nineteen hundred and two, and within two years next preceding the date of the existing commitment and also the actual periods of detention under any such previous commitments and the said order shall forthwith be transmitted to the superintendent, 42O warden or sheriff having charge of the institution to which such person has been committed, who shall discharge such person accordingly. It shall be the duty of the said super- intendent, warden or sheriff, as the case may be, whenever the date of discharge named in such order is more than five days from the date of the warrant of commitment, to serve, within twenty-four hours thereafter, a copy of said order and section seven hundred and ten of this act upon the person named therein, and such person may, within twenty-four hours after such service, notify the superintendent, warden or sheriff, in writing, that he claims the date of discharge named in the said order to be erroneous, for the reason that he has not in fact been previously committed upon one or more of the dates Specified in said order as those of his previous commitments under section seven hundred and seven of this act. Upon receipt of such notification, the superintendent, warden or sheriff shall cause such person to be again brought before the court or magistrate by which or whom he was last committed. If such court be not then in session, or if such magistrate be not then sitting, then such person shall be brought before any magistrate sitting in the borough in which such person was last committed. No such person shall be so brought before the court or magistrate, except upon twenty-four hours’ notice and after an opportunity has been given him to retain counsel and subpoena Such witnesses as he desires. It shall be the duty of the court or magistrate before which or whom such person is brought, thereupon to hear and determine the ques- tion whether such person has in fact been previously com- mitted at the dates and detained for the periods named in said Order, and to make an order modifying said order so as to provide for a date of discharge under the last commitment, in accordance with the facts and according to the provisions established by this section for the guidance of the commis- Sioner. If upon the hearing, the said court or magistrate shall determine that the facts recited in the said order are true, lie shall make a written finding to that effect, and thereupon 42 I any right of the prisoner to be discharged before the expira- tion of the full period fixed by the original warrant of commit- ment shall cease, and the said prisoner shall be detained until the expiration of said period. The date of any order made pursuant to this section and the name of the person whose period of detention is fixed thereby, and the period of deten- tion therein specified shall be entered in the records required to be kept by section seven hundred and nine of this act, and the said order shall forthwith be transmitted to the superin- tendent of the workhouse. Upon the expiration of the term of detention of any such person Ispecified therein.I and upon the discharge of the person named therein, it shall be the duty of such superintendent, warden or sheriff, as the case may be, forthwith to return such order, with a written certificate endorsed thereon, specifying the date of the discharge of the person named therein, to the commissioner, who shall preserve the same as a public record. Discharge of persons committed. § 7II. In any case where a person has been committed under subdivision three of section seven hundred and seven Of this act, and in any case coming under section seven hun- dred and ten of this act, where the Iperiod of detention fixed by the commissioner shall exceed twenty days and shall be less than one hundred and sixty days] date of discharge named in the commissioner's order shall be more than twenty days and less than one hundred and sixty days after the date of the last warrant of commitment, the magistrate who signed the last warrant of commitment, may, after the expiration of twenty days, direct the discharge of any person so committed, but no such order [or mandate I shall be granted by any magistrate in any case where the order of the commissioner has been reviewed by a court or magistrate as provided by section seven hundred and ten of this act and the facts recited therein have been found to be true, nor shall such order be granted by any magistrate except upon the written certificate of the commissioner specifying the Iperiod of detention fixed] date of discharge named by him for the 422 person so committed, and upon an affidavit setting forth facts which, in the opinion of said magistrate, shall justify such discharge. The said affidavit and certificate shall be filed and preserved with the complaint upon which such per- Son was last convicted. Upon any subsequent commitment upon a conviction of vagrancy or under subdivision one of Section seven hundred and seven of this act of a person so discharged, the commissioner shall Ifix the period of deten- tion] direct the discharge of such person [at] after the ex- piration of the term for which he would have been detained under the existing commitment if no such order Ior man- date] had been granted. Transfer of inmates by commissioner. Iof correction of inmates from one institution to another.] § 712. The commissioner may transfer and commit and cause to be transferred and committed from the workhouse to the city prison, IpenitentiaryI or to either of the peniten- tiaries or to any other of the institutions in the department, any person committed to the workhouse under section seven hundred and seven of this act, whenever such transfer shall be necessary for the proper care and management of such city prison, IpenitentiaryI penitentiaries or other institution or for the proper employment of such person. The com- missioner may also transfer and commit and cause to be transferred from the workhouse to the city prison or said penitentiaries [penitentiaryI any person committed to the workhouse under section seven hundred and seven of this act, whenever, by reason of the number of offenders actually detained in such workhouse at any time, there shall not be accommodation therein for all the persons committed there- to ; and in like manner the commissioner may in his discre- tion transfer prisoners from one penitentiary to another penitentiary within the department or from one district prison to another district prison within the department. The commissioner may also transfer and commit or cause to be transferred and committed from the city prison or either of said penitentiaries to the workhouse to be detained and employed therein any person who shall have been duly committed Ito the city prison] thereto. 423 Alteration and repair of buildings. § 713. Whenever the increase of inmates in or the proper care and government of the institutions in the department shall in the judgment of the commissioner render it neces- sary or expedient, he shall have power to enlarge or alter the building or buildings occupied by such institutions; and he shall also have power to make all needful repairs to such buildings and the appurtenances thereo, provided that an appropriation has been made therefor. The commissioner shall when practicable cause the work of such alterations or repairs to be done by persons confined in such institutions. Additional gifts to be given to inmates on discharge. $714. In addition to the donations, provided by the gen- eral laws of the state, to be given to inmates of penal institu- tions upon their discharge, the commissioner of correc- tionIsI shall donate to each inmate serving a term longer than three years the sum of five dollars upon his discharge. CHAPTER XV. F I R F D EP A R T M E N T . Title I. Organization, duties and powers of officers and men. Title 2. Fires and their extinction. Title 3. Prevention of fires; explosives and combustible mater- ials. Title 4. Fire marshals, and investigations of origin of fires. Title 5. Relief fund and pensions. Title 6. Tax upon foreign insurance companies. TITLE I. Organizations, Duties and Powers of its Officers and Men. Fire commissioner; salary. Iwarrant clerk.l § 720. The head of the fire department shall be called the fire commissioner. He shall be appointed by the mayor, and hold his office as provided in chapter four of this act. The salary of the fire commissioner shall be seven thousand five hundred dollars a year. IHe may designate in writing, to be filed in the offices of the mayor and comptroller, a clerk or chief of a bureau, to sign warrants and perform such other duties incidental thereto, as may be required during the absence, by illness or otherwise, of the said commissioner, and for a period of time to be designated in said notice.I. The fire commissioner shall have power to appoint and at pleasure remove two deputy commissioners, to be known as first deputy and second deputy. The first deputy shall during the absence or disability of the commissioner possess all the powers and perform all the duties of the commissioner, except the power of making appointments. In the absence or disability of both the commissioner and the first deputy commissioner, the second deputy shall possess and perform all the duties of the commissioner, except the power of making appoint- ments. The commissioner shall define the duties of the deputies and may delegate to either of them any of his 425 powers except the power of making appointments. The salary of each of such deputies shall be four thousand dollars a year. Consolidation of departments; volunteer departments. § 722. The officers and members of the uniformed force and legally appointed firemen in the corporation formerly known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, and in the city of Brooklyn and in the city of Long Island City are hereby made members of the fire department of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, and shall be assigned to duty therein by the fire commissioner, with the rank and grade now held by them respectively, as nearly as may be practicable. The paid fire department system shall, as soon as practicable, be extended over the boroughs of Queens and Richmond, by the fire commissioner, and there- upon the present volunteer fire departments now maintained therein shall be disbanded. Any real property and likewise any apparatus, equipment or other personal property owned or used by said volunteer forces which may be deemed useful or necessary for the use of the fire department, shall, upon extension of the paid system to the boroughs of Queens and Richmond, respectively, be purchased by the fire commissioner at the reasonable value thereof. In the meantime, and until the said paid fire department shall be extended over said terri- tory as herein provided, said volunteer fire companies shall continue to discharge the duties for which they have been asSociated or incorporated, and said companies shall receive from the city such sums as are now awarded to them by the villages or towns in which they are respectively located, except that in the boroughs of Richmond and Queens, there shall be paid on the first day of June in each year to the treas- urers of the several volunteer fire companies, by the comp- troller of The City of New York, the following sums: to the treasurer of an engine company or chemical engine company, twelve hundred dollars, to the treasurer of a hook and ladder company ten hundred dollars, to the treasurer of a hose company eight hundred dollars, and to the treasurer of a patrol company eight hundred dollars. Whenever hereafter the paid fire department shall be extended into any part of the territory of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, in which now or hereafter there shall exist a volunteer fire 426 department, such members of said volunteer fire department in Said locality as may be in active service shall, so far as prac- ticable, be preferred for appointment as firemen in the paid department and the volunteer benevolent associations existing within said territory shall possess all the privileges, and be entitled to all the rights now conferred by law on such asso- ciations. The board of estimate and apportionment may, in its discretion, appropriate such sum of money as they may deem necessary for the purchase of apparatus for use of the several volunteer companies in the borough of Queens, and for the maintenance of fire alarm systems in such borough. The cer- tificate of incorporation of any new volunteer fire company in The City of New York shall, in addition to the requirements therefor provided in the general laws of the state, also require the approval of the fire commissioner. Treasurer. § 723. The fire commissioner shall be the treasurer of the fire department, and shall file in the office of the comptroller a bond in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duties as such treasurer. Powers. § 724. The fire commissioner shall possess and exercise fully and exclusively all powers, and perform all duties for the gov- ernment, management, maintenance, and direction of the fire department of the city, and the premises and property thereof. The said department shall have sole and exclusive power and authority to extinguish fires in said city. All real estate, fire apparatus, hose, implements, tools, bells, and bell-towers, fire telegraph, and all property of whatever nature, in use by the firemen or fire department of the city, belonging to said city, shall be in the keeping and custody of the fire department, and for the use of said department. But the said property shall remain the property of The City of New York, subject to the public uses of said department, as aforesaid and for the pur- poses provided by this chapter. And whenever any of the said property shall no longer be needed by the said department for the purposes of this chapter, the commissioner shall sur- render the same to the city. 427 Horses, apparatus, etc., to be provided. § 725. The fire commissioner shall, subject to the other provisions of this act, have full power to provide supplies, horses, tools, implements, and apparatus of any and all kinds (to be used in the extinguishing of fires), and fire telegraphs, to provide suitable locations for the same, and to buy, sell, construct, repair, and have the care of the same, and take any and all such action in the premises as may be reasonably necessary and proper. To control and manage property, etc. § 726. The fire commissioner shall possess and exercise full and exclusive power and discretion for the government, management, maintenance and direction of the several build- ings and premises, and bell-towers, and property, and ap- purtenances thereto, and all apparatus, hose, implements, and tools of any and all kinds which may belong to or be in the use of the said department. Bureaus. § 727. The fire commissioner shall have power to organize the fire department into such bureaus, as may be convenient and necessary for the performance of the duties imposed upon him. One bureau shall be charged with the duty of preventing and extinguishing fires and of protecting prop- erty from water used at fires, the principal officer of which shall be called the “chief of department.” Another bureau shall be charged with the execution of all laws relating to the storage, sale, and use of combustible materials, the principal officer of which shall be called “inspector of combustibles.” The salary of said inspector of combustibles shall be three thousand dollars a year. Another bureau shall be charged with the investigation of the origin and cause of fires, the principal officers of which shall be called “fire marshals.” A branch of said bureau shall be located in the borough of Brooklyn. Selection of subordinates. § 728. The fire commissioner shall have power to select heads of bureaus and assistants and as many officers and fire- men as may be necessary, and they shall at all times be under 428 the control of the fire commissioner, and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by him, under such names Or titles as he may confer; provided, however, that assign- ments to duty and promotions in the uniformed force shall be made by the fire commissioner upon the recommendation of the chief of department, and in case any recommendation so made by the chief shall be rejected, he shall, within three days, submit another name or names, and continue so to do until the assignment or promotion is made. Promotions of officers and members of the force shall be made by the fire commissioner as provided in section one hundred and twenty-four of this act on the basis of seniority, meritorious service in the department and superior capacity as shown by competitive examination. Individual acts of personal bravery may be treated as an element of meritorious service in such ex- amination, the relative rating therefor to be fixed by the municipal civil service commission. The fire commissioner shall transmit to the municipal civil service commission in advance of such examination the complete record of each candidate for promotion. Location of fire alarm telegraph, etc.; penalty for interference there- with. § 729. The fire commissioner shall have exclusive right and power from time to time to designate and fix the location of all fire alarm telegraph, signal and alarm stations in the city, and to have access to and the control of the same for the purposes of the department; to fix upon and adopt the colors or combination of colors in painting the poles, boxes, and fixtures thereof, and the kind or style of keys and appli- ances by which to operate the same; to select and designate the places of deposit for keeping the keys of the various sta- tions, and to designate the officers and persons who shall be intrusted with duplicate keys and authorized to use the same, and to make from time to time such rules and regulations governing the possession, return or use thereof, and as to the use and control of said telegraph, as he may deem neces- sary; and no person other than the said commissioner or the officers and employees specially authorized to operate said telegraph, or to use the same for instruction or drill, or po- 429 licemen or citizens using the same for communicating an actual alarm of fire, shall make use thereof; and no person shall use the keys or appliances thereof for communicating a false alarm, or experimenting or tampering with the same for any purpose whatever, or have or possess any key thereof, without such authority; and no person, association, corpo- ' ration, or company shall post, paint, impress, or in any way affix to any pole connected with said fire-alarm telegraph, or any box, wire, or other appliance connected therewith, any placard, sign, broadside, notice, or announcement of any kind, or cut, mutilate, alter, mar, deface, cover, obstruct or interfere with the same in any manner whatsoever, or paint or cause to be painted, the poles of any other telegraph, or any other poles on the lines thereof, of a similar color or colors, or in imitation thereof, nor consent, allow, or be privy to any of said things being done for them or upon their behalf; and any offense against the provisions of this section shall be punished as a misdemeanor, and subject the party or parties violating the same to an additional penalty of one inundred dollars. No kite shall be flown, raised, or put up in the streets or avenues adjacent to the lines of said tele- graph, or allowed to become entangled with the wires or ap- paratus of said telegraph, under a penalty of ten dollars for every such offense; and the police board and their officers are specially charged and directed to aid in the enforcement of this section. Business offices; seal. § 730. The said fire commissioner shall, subject to the other provisions of this act, provide such offices and business accommodations as may be requisite for the transaction of the business of the department and that of its subordinates. The commissioner may adopt a common Seal and direct its 11S6. Suits and actions. § 731. The fire commissioner is hereby authorized, empow- ered, and especially charged with the duties of enforcing the several provisions of this chapter; [and may, subject to the other provisions of this act, incur any expense necessary and proper therefor;I and said fire commissioner is hereby author- ized and empowered to receive and collect all license fees 43O mentioned in this chapter, and to sue for, and shall have the exclusive right of recovery of, any and all penalties imposed under this chapter, and may sue for and recover and collect the same, with costs, in the manner provided for in actions under the code of civil procedure, and shall apply the same to the uses and purposes of the relief fund of the fire department in The City of New York, and the said fire commissioner may bring any suit or action for the enforcement of its rights and contracts, and for the protection, possession, and maintenance of the property under the control of said department; and any action to recover any fee, fine, or penalty under this chapter may be brought in any of the municipal courts in said city; and the assistant corporation counsel assigned to the fire de- partment shall, under the direction of the fire commissioner, take charge of the prosecution of all suits or proceedings instituted for the recovery and collection of penalties; and the enforcement of the several provisions of this chapter; collect and receive all moneys upon judgments, suits, or proceedings SO instituted; pay all costs and disbursements, and discontinue suits and proceedings, and execute satisfaction of judgments upon payment of penalties or costs, and in compliance with Orders made in such suits and proceedings; shall keep a cor- rect and accurate register of all suits and proceedings, and account for all moneys received and paid out thereon; and shall pay over to the treasurer of the relief fund the amount of all license fees, penalties, and moneys received and collected by him, and the said fire commissioner is authorized to settle or compromise any such suit or judgment for less than the amount of the same, in case, in his judgment, he is satisfied that the full amount cannot be collected. Members of force to decline nominations to office. § 732. Any officer or member of the uniformed force of said department who shall be publicly nominated for any office, elective by the people, and who shall not decline the said nom- ination within ten days succeeding notice of the same, shall be deemed to have vacated his office in the fire department. Uniforms and badges. § 733. It shall be the duty of the fire commissioner to make suitable regulations under which the officers and men of the 43 I fire department shall be required to wear an appropriate uni- form and badge, by which in case of fire and at other times, the authority and relations of such officers and men in said department may be known as the exigency of their duties may require. No employee of any contractor for the making of uniforms for the fire department shall have an office within the said fire department. It shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for a period of not less than sixty days, for a person not enrolled or employed, or appointed by the said department, to wear the whole or any part of the uniform or insignia prescribed to be worn by the rules or regulations of the fire department, or do any act as fireman not duly author- ized by the commissioner, or to interfere with the property or apparatus of the fire department in any manner unless by the authority of the fire commissioner. Any person who shall falsely represent any member of the uniformed force of the fire department, or who shall maliciously, with intent to de- ceive, use, or imitate any of the signs, fire caps, badges, signals or devices adopted or used by the said department, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars or more than two hun- dred and fifty dollars, and to imprisonment for a term not less than ten days, or more than three months, such fines when collected, to be paid over to the trustees of the New York fire department relief fund. Qualifications of force. § 734. No person shall be appointed to membership in the fire department or continue to hold membership therein, who is not a citizen of the United States, or who has ever been convicted of felony; nor shall any person be appointed who can not read and write understandingly [in] the English lan- guage, or who shall not have resided within the state one year immediately prior to his appointment, or who is not over the age of twenty-one and under the age of thirty years. Every member of the uniformed force shall reside within the limits of The City of New York. -------- --- --------------------- Resignations and absences. § 735. No member of the fire department shall, under pen- alty of forfeiting the salary or pay which may be due to him, 432 withdraw or resign, except by permission of the fire commis- Sioner. Unexplained absence, without leave, of any member of the uniformed force, for five days, shall be deemed and held to be a resignation by such member, and accepted as such. Military and jury duty; arrest. § 736. No person holding office under this department shall be liable to military or jury duty, nor to arrest on civil process, or, whilst actually on duty, to service of subpoenas from civil COurtS. Warrants of appointment. § 737. Every member of the uniformed force shall have issued to him a proper warrant of appointment signed by the fire commissioner. Oaths of office. § 738. Each member of the uniformed force shall take an oath of office, and subscribe the same before an officer of the department empowered to administer an oath. Discipline, etc. § 739. The government and discipline of the fire depart- ment shall be such as the fire commissioner may, from time to time, by rules, regulations, and orders prescribe. The fire commissioner shall have power, in his discretion, on convic- tion of a member of the force of any legal offense or neglect of duty, or violation of rules, or neglect or disobedience of orders, or incapacity, or absence without leave, or any con- duct injurious to the public peace, or welfare, or immoral conduct, or conduct unbecoming an officer or member or other breach of discipline, to punish the offending party, by repri- mand, forfeiting and withholding pay for a specified time, or dismissal from the force; but no more than ten’ days’ pay shall be forfeited and witheld for any offense. Officers and members of the uniformed force shall be removable only after written charges shall have been preferred against them, and after the charges shall have been publicly examined into, upon such reasonable notice of not less than forty-eight hours to the person charged, and in such manner of examination as the rules and regulations of the fire commissioner may prescribe. The trial of any member of the uniformed force upon charges 7433 shall be held in the borough within which the accused member was serving at the time the charge was preferred. The exam- ination into such charges shall be conducted by the fire com- missioner or by a [the] deputy commissioner; but no decision shall be final or be enforced, until approved by the fire commis- sioner. INo1 Neither the fire commissioner nor any deputy fire commissioner nor any member of the uniformed force shall be permitted to contribute any moneys directly or indirectly to any political fund, or to join or become or be a member of any political club or association, or of any club or association intended to affect legislation for or on behalf of the fire depart- ment or any officer or member thereof, or to contribute any money directly or indirectly for such purpose. The rules and regulations now Iestablished in the respective fire departments of the city of New York, the city of Brooklyn and Long Island City,I in force shall continue in force until modified or repealed by said commissioner. The rules and regulations of the fire department, Iwhen] as established from time to time by the fire commissioner, shall be printed, published and circu- lated among the officers and members of said department. Grades, ranks and salaries of officers and members of the uniformed force. § 740. The ranks and salaries of officers of the fire depart- ment shall be as follows: Chief of department, whose annual salary shall be not more than six thousand dollars Inor less than five thousand dollars]; deputy chiefs of department, whose annual salary shall be not more than four thousand two Ifive I hundred dollars Inor less than three thousand five hundred dollars]; battalion chiefs, whose annual salary shall be not more than three thousand three Ifive I hundred dollars Inor less than two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars]; captains or foremen of companies, whose annual salary shall be not more than two thousand one [five I hundred and sixty dollars [nor less than eighteen hundred dollars.I; lieutenants or assistant foremen of companies, whose annual salary shall be not more than eighteen hundred dollars Inor less than one thousand five hundred dollars]; engineers of steamers, whose annual salary shall be one thousand six hundred dollars. 28 434 From and after January first, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, the uniformed members of the fire department who are firemen shall be divided into four grades, to wit, first, second, third and fourth, and shall receive an annual pay or compensa- tion as follows: Members of the first grade, fourteen hundred dollars; members of the second grade, twelve hundred dollars; members of the third grade, one thousand dollars, and mem- bers of the fourth grade, eight hundred dollars. The members of the uniformed force who are appointed after January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be assigned to the fourth grade; after one year of service in the fourth grade, they shall be advanced to the third grade; after one year of service in the third grade, they shall be advanced to the second grade; after one year of service in the second grade, they shall be advanced to the first grade, and they shall in each instance receive the annual pay or compensation of the grade to which they belong as herein provided. All persons who, when this act takes effect, are firemen in the uniformed force of the fire department of the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, or of the city of Brooklyn, or of the corporation heretofore known as Long Island City, shall thereupon become firemen of that grade having a salary thereto attached equal to the salary or compensation paid such firemen, respectively, at the time of the taking effect of this act; provided, however, that any such fireman who has been a member of the uniformed force in the city of Brooklyn, or in Long Island City, whose salary falls between any two of the grades hereby established, shall within three years have his salary made equal to the salary of the first grade by equal annual additions. Nothing in this section contained shall be construed to change in any way the salaries or grading, present or prospective, of the firemen who are or shall become members of the uniformed force of the New York fire department prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight; and nothing in this section contained shall be construed to affect in any other way than as provided herein the rights and privileges secured under the provisions of this act to uniformed members of the various fire depart- ments consolidated into one department by this act. The pay or compensation of the officers of the fire department and each of them mentioned in the first paragraph of this section, and 435 also the pay or compensation of district engineers and officers ranking as such, and of any other officers who, when this act takes effect, belong to the uniformed force of either of the fire departments hereby consolidated into one department, shall be and remain fixed at the amount which they and each of them were severally receiving or entitled to receive from the respective municipal corporations in whose employ they were prior to the taking effect of this act; provided, however, that the salaries of all such officers in either of said fire depart- ments other than the New York department, so consolidated into one department, shall be made equal to the Salaries of corresponding officers in said New York department within three years from January first, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, by equal annual additions; and provided further that if the difference in the pay received by such officers and the pay received by corresponding officers of the New York fire department as heretofore existing, is not more than fifty dol- lars, when this act takes effect, the pay shall be equalized at Once. The pay or compensation aforesaid shall be paid monthly to each person entitled thereto, subject to such deduc- tions each month from the pay or compensation of said persons as are or shall be authorized by law or by this act; and no pay or compensation shall be allowed or paid to any such fireman or officer, except as in this section provided for and declared, any other law to the contrary or otherwise notwithstanding. Police department to co-operate. § 74I. It shall be the duty of the fire department and of the police department, their respective officers and men, to co-operate together in all proper ways, and the said police department and fire department may respectively provide for protection against fire, and for the arrest of all persons who may, at or near any fire, commit, or attempt to commit, any crime against the laws of this state, or violate any rule or regulation of said police department or fire department. TITLE 2. Fires and Their Eartinction. Right of way of fire department; obstructing. § 748. The officers and men of the fire department, and the officers and men of the insurance patrol respectively, with their 436 apparatus of all kinds, when on duty, shall have the right of way at and in proceeding to any fire in any highway, street or avenue, over any and all vehicles of any kind, except those carrying the United States mail. And any person in or upon any vehicle who shall refuse the right of way, or in any way obstruct any fire apparatus, or any apparatus of the insurance patrol, or any of said officers while in the performance of duty, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be liable to punishment for the same. Hose=bridges on railway tracks. § 749. The fire commissioner is empowered to provide for laying over the railway tracks of the city the hose used by the department for the extinguishment of fire by such hose- bridges as he may deem necessary. The various railway companies operating cars within the limits of The City of New York as constituted by this act shall provide, pay for and use such hose-bridges as may be designated by the said commissioner. Fire hydrants not to be obstructed. § 750. No person shall in any manner obstruct the use of any fire hydrant in said city or allow any Snow or ice to be thrown or piled upon or around the same, or have or place, or allow to be placed, any material in front thereof, from the curb line to the centre of the street, and to within ten feet from either side thereof, and all snow and ice accumulating within such space shall be removed by the owner or owners, lessee or lessees, of the premises fronting the same in the same manner as is prescribed for the keeping clear of the sidewalk, under a penalty of ten dollars for each and every such offense, and any and all material found as an obstruc- tion, as aforesaid, may be forthwith removed by the officers or employees of said department and at the risk, cost and expense of the owner or claimant, and said fire commissioner may take all proper measures to keep said hydrants from freezing, and in proper condition for use at all times. Sappers and miners. § 751. The fire commissioner is hereby empowered and di- rected to maintain in the fire department a corps to be known as the corps of sappers and miners. Said corps shall be 437 composed of not exceeding three members, either officers or private firemen, of each company in said fire department, and said members shall be appointed by said commissioner, upon the nomination of the chief of department. The said commissioner shall appoint a suitable officer, who shall be skilled in the use of explosives, whose duty it shall be to instruct and drill said corps in the use of explosives, and to give said corps such other instruction as may be required to qualify them to effectually discharge the duties imposed upon them by this title. Such officer shall receive an annual salary of two thousand dollars, and such salary shall be raised and paid in the same manner as the salaries of the other officers appointed by said commissioner. Id.; duties of. § 752. Whenever, under and by virtue of the acts relating to the extinguishment of fires in the city, the destruction or pulling down of any building or buildings shall be deemed necessary and shall be ordered by the officer in command at any fire in said city, it shall be the duty of said corps, or any member or members thereof, by the direction of said officer in command at such fire, to level and destroy such building or buildings by the use of explosives, for the purpose of ar- resting the spread of such fire, and it shall be lawful for them to enter and take possession of the same for such purposes. Explosives; depots for storage of. § 753. The fire commissioner shall establish in The City of New York, one or more depots for the storage and safe- keeping of such explosives as may be required for the use of said corps, and may limit the quantity of any such explo- sives to be kept at any one of such depots. Pulling down buildings to prevent spread of fire. § 754. When any building or buildings in The City of New York shall be on fire, it shall be lawful for the fire commis- sioner to direct and order the same, or any other building which he may deem hazardous, and likely to take fire, or to convey the fire to other buildings, to be pulled down or de- stroyed. Upon the application of any person interested in such building so pulled down or destroyed or its contents, to 438 the Supreme court, in and for the county or any adjoining county, in the judicial department within which such building is situated, it shall be its duty to issue a precept for a jury to inquire into and assess the damages which the owners of such building and all persons having an estate or interest therein or in the contents thereof, have respectively sustained by the pulling down or destruction Ithereof, I of said building or its contents. Such IwhichI precept shall be issued, directed, executed, returned and proceeded upon, and the proceedings thereon shall take effect, as nearly as may be, in such manner as is provided in the case of land taken for public purposes; and, the said inquiry and assessment having been confirmed by the court, the sums assessed by the jury shall be paid by The City of New York to the respective persons in whose favor the jury shall have assessed the same, in full satisfaction of all demands of such persons respectively, by reason of the pulling down or destruction of such building or its contents; and the court before whom such process shall be returnable shall have power to compel the attendance of jurors and wit– nesses upon any such assessment of damages. Idle persons, etc., may be removed from fires. § 755. During the actual prevalence of any fire, it shall and may be lawful for the officers of the police and fire depart- ments to remove, or cause to be removed and kept away from the vicinity of such fire, all idle and suspicious persons, and all persons not fit to be employed or not actually and usefully employed, in their judgment, in aiding the extinguishment of such fire or in the preservation of property in the vicinity thereof. TITLE 3. Prevention of Fires—Evplosives and Combustible Materials. Hoistways, iron shutters, etc., to be closed. § 761. All hoistways, well-holes, trap-doors, and iron shut- ters shall be closed at the completion of the business of each day by the occupant of the building having use or control of the same, and in case of a violation of this provision, such occupant having the use or control thereof shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars for each and every neglect or 439 Omission so to do. And for any accident or injury to life or limb, resulting directly or indirectly from any neglect or omis- sion to properly comply with any of the requirements of this Section, the person or persons culpable or negligent in respect thereto shall be liable to pay any officer, agent, or employee of said fire department injured, or whose life may be lost Ire- Sulting from such neglect or omission I while in the discharge or performance of any duty imposed by said commissioner, or to the wife and children, or to the parents, or to the brothers and sisters, being the surviving heirs-at-law of any deceased person thus having lost his life, a sum of money, in case of injury to person, not less than one thousand dollars, and in case of death not less than five thousand dollars, such liability to be determined and such sums recovered in an action to be instituted by Isaid fire commissioner for and in behalf of any person injured, or the family or relatives of any person killed as aforesaid; and any or all persons for any fire, resulting from his or their wilful or culpable negligence or criminal intent or design, shall, in addition to the present provision of law for the punishment of persons convicted of arson, be liable in a civil action for the payment of any and all damages to the person or property, the result of such fire, and also for the payment of all costs and expenses of said fire department in- curred in and about the use of employees, apparatus, and ma- terials in the extinguishment of any fire resulting from such cause, the amount of such costs and expenses to be fixed by said commissioner, and when collected shall be paid into the relief fund of said department herein created; and shall also be liable for injury to person or loss of life of any officer, agent, or employee of said fire department in the same manner and like extent, and to be sued for in like manner as in the preceding part of this section provided for. Criminal liability if death results from violation of foregoing rules. $767. In case any person is burned by the explosion of any compound, the sale of which is prohibited by any law or Ordinance Isection of this title], or which has not been sub- jected to sanitary survey, or licensed as therein provided, and death ensues therefrom, the person found guilty of selling the same shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one thousand dol- 44O lars, nor more than five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the state prison for a term not less than one year nor more than five years; and in case of a bodily injury the party injured may maintain an action for damages against the party violat- ing the provisions of this title. Any dealer who shall present and deliver for sanitary survey a sample of oil different from, and which does not represent the quality of oil actually kept by him or her for sale, and not taken from the actual stock being offered for sale, and of the same quality therewith, shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars. If any fire insurance company, organized under the laws of this state, or any insur- ance company of any other state, or any foreign insurance company authorized to do the business of insurance in this state, shall endorse upon any policy issued by them the right or privilege to keep, deal in, give away, sell, or use any article or compound of a combustible or explosive character, the sale of which is made unlawful [by any act of the legislature of this state, I or shall cause or permit such indorsement to be made by others upon their policies of insurance, they shall for each and every such offense forfeit and pay a fine of five hun- dred dollars. Right to enter buildings, etc., for purposes of examination. § 771. The commissioner and his officers or agents, under the direction of the commissioner, or either of them, are hereby empowered at any and all times to enter into and ex- amine all buildings, dwelling-houses, livery and other stables, hay boats, or vessels, and places where any merchandise, gunpowder, hemp, flax, tow, hay, rushes, firewood, boards, shingles, shavings, or other combustible materials may be lodged, for the purpose of ascertaining all violations of any law or ordinance [of the provisions of this title I, and also the places where ashes may be deposited, and upon finding that any of them are defective or dangerous, or that a viola- tion of any law or ordinance [this title] exists therein, may deliver a written or printed notice, containing Ian extract from this title, I a copy of the provisions in reference thereto, and notice of any violation thereof, and notice to remove, amend, or secure the same within a period to be fixed therein. And in case of neglect or refusal on the part of such occu- pant or of the possessor of such combustible materials, or 44 I any of them, so to remove, amend, or secure the same with- in the time and in the manner directed by the said commis. sioner in such notice, the party offending shall forfeit and pay, in addition to any penalty otherwise imposed, the sum of twenty-five dollars, and the further sum of five dollars for every day's neglect to remove, amend, or secure the same after being so notified. All the expenses of any removal, alteration or amendment as aforesaid, shall be paid in the first instance by the occupant, but shall be chargeable against the owner of such dwelling-house or other building, and shall be deducted from the rent of the same, unless such expense be rendered necessary by the act or default of such occupant, or unless there be a special agreement to the contrary be- tween the parties. Information to be furnished by holders of permits. § 772. All persons or corporations who shall be required to have and obtain permits shall furnish such information as may be required, touching the condition of any building and the business therein proposed to be conducted, preliminary to obtaining such permits. TITLE 4. Fire Marshals and Investigation of Origin of Fires. Investigation of fires, etc. § 779. The fire commissioner is hereby authorized to ap- point and remove a fire marshal for the boroughs of Man- hattan, The Bronx and Richmond, and a fire marshal to be seated in Brooklyn and to exercise his powers within the bor- oughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Said fire marshals shall, within such boroughs, respectively, to which they may be assigned, have and possess all the powers heretofore con- ferred by law upon the fire marshal of the corporation here- tofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York. The salary of each of said fire marshals shall be three thousand dollars a year. The fire commis- sioner, himself or by said marshals, is hereby authorized and empowered to investigate, examine and inquire into the ‘origin, details and management of fires in the city, and also of any supposed cases of violations of any of the provisions 442 of this chapter, or of any of the several regulations, orders or special directions issued by the fire commissioner for the pur- pose of the discovery of any delinquency in the non-perform- ance of duty or violation of discipline on the part of any officer, agent or employee of said fire department, or any supposed cases of arson or incendiarism, which may be brought to his notice; and said fire commissioner in and about any examination, investigation or inquiry before him or his marshals, touching any matter or thing there with connected, may subpoena and compel the attendance of any person or persons, and the production of any books, papers, archives or documents in his or their possession, or under his or their control, in the judgment of the fire commissioner connected with and necessary to such examination, investigation or in- quiry, before him or his marshals, at the time and place there- in named; and for the purpose aforesaid, the corporation counsel may, at any time, obtain to be issued subpoenas out Of the Supreme court, attested under the name of a justice of said court, in like form and with like effect as though issued by said justice in any action pending in a court of record, and said subpoena may be served, and proof of such service may be made, in the same manner as now by law provided for the service of subpoenas out of said court; and upon proof of service and proof of non-compliance, failure to attend and testify on the part of any person or persons, as required by said subpoena, or failure or refusal on the part of any person or persons to produce any such books, papers, archives or documents, in his or their possession, or under his or their control, or a failure or refusal on his or their part to answer any question put to him or them, and pertinent thereto, upon any examination, inquiry, or investigation as aforesaid, ap- plication may be made before any justice of said court, who shall, in case he shall decide such question pertinent and proper to be answered, thereupon cause to be arrested, and may punish as for a contempt of the orders of said court, the person or persons named in said subpoena, and in such case the laws, rules, and proceedings relating to punishment for contempts, and usual in said court, or before any justice thereof, shall be applicable thereto. Said commissioner and fire marshals, in conducting any examination or inquiry as aforesaid, are hereby authorized to administer any oath or 443 affirmation in the matter, and any false swearing under said oath or affirmation thus administered shall be perjury, and punishable as such in such manner as now provided under the laws applicable thereto; and said examination or investi- gation may be continued and adjourned by the said commis- sioner or fire marshal conducting the same, from time to time, and at such time and place as shall be designated, and any person subpoenaed as aforesaid shall attend and testify upon said adjourned day or days, and at the time and place designated, and of which they shall have been notified, as though the same had been named in said subpoena, and with like effect as to any failure to appear and answer under the requirements therein contained; provided, that any testi- mony or evidence taken as aforesaid shall be for the infor- mation and instruction of said fire commissioner in the dis- charge of his duties, and in the prevention of future fires, and the protection of property, and shall be carefully kept in the archives and possession of said fire department, and shall in no manner be used in any criminal proceeding or action, but may be placed before any grand jury in said city of New York. Such investigations in relation to the subject matter hereinabove defined within the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, shall be carried on by the deputy commissioner and fire marshal seated in the borough of Brooklyn, under the direction of said fire commissioner. Fire marshals may enter buildings to examine them. § 780. It shall be the duty of a marshal or his officers and agents, when authorized by him in writing SO to do, to enter into any building or premises within said city for the purpose of examining, or causing to be examined, the stoves and pipes thereto, ranges, furnaces and heating apparatus of every kind whatsoever, including the chimneys, flues, and pipes with which the same may be connected, engine-rooms, boilers, Ovens, kettles, and also all chemical apparatus or other things which in his opinion may be dangerous in causing or promot- ing fires, or dangerous to the firemen or occupants in case of fire; and upon finding any of them defective or dangerous, or in any manner exposed or liable to fire from any cause, he shall report the same to the commissioner, who may thereupon issue orders or special directions, either printed or written, directing the owner or occupant to alter, remove, or remedy 444 the same in such manner and within such reasonable time as may be necessary, and in respect thereto may authorize and direct the use of such materials and appliances as shall be deemed proper and necessary; and in case of neglect or refusal so to do within the time prescribed by such orders or direc- tions, such fire marshal, under the direction of said commis- sioner, shall cause said alteration, removal or other necessary act or work to be done and the expense thereof shall be charged to the party so offending, to be sued for and recovered in the manner herein provided for the recovery of fines and penalties under this chapter. And in addition thereto the party so offending shall forfeit the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered in said action or in an action brought therefor by the fire com- missioner. Id.; to trace the cause of fires; arrest of suspected persons. § 78.I. It shall be the duty of a fire marshal to examine into the cause, circumstances, and origin of fires occurring in said city, by which any building, vessels, vehicles, or any valuable personal property shall be accidentally or unlawfully burned, de- stroyed, lost or damaged, wholly or partially; and to especially inquire and examine whether the fire was the result of careless- ness or the act of an incendiary. Such fire marshal shall take the testimony, on Oath, of all persons supposed to be cognizant of any fact or to have means of knowledge in relation to the 1matters herein required to be examined and inquired into, and cause the same to be reduced to writing, verified and trans- mitted to the fire commissioner with his report in writing, embodying his opinion and conclusions in relation to the matter investigated. Such fire marshal shall report in writing to the fire department, to the police department, to the district attorney, to the New York board of fire underwriters, to the owners of property, or other persons interested in the subject matter of investigation, any facts and circumstances which he may have ascertained by such inquiries and investigations which shall, in his opinion, require attention from or by either of Said departments, officers or persons; and it shall be the duty of such fire marshal, whenever he shall be of opinion that there is evidence sufficient to charge any person with the crime of arson, to cause such person to be arrested and charged with such offense, and furnish to the district attorney all the 445 evidences of guilt, with the names of witnesses, and all the information obtained by him, including a copy of all pertinent and material testimony taken in the case; and he shall specially report to the fire commissioner, as often as such commissioner shall require, his proceedings, and the progress made in all prosecutions for arson, and the result of all cases which are finally disposed of. Id.; may compel attendance of witnesses. § 782. A fire marshal shall have power to issue a notice in the nature of a subpoena, in such form, and subscribed in such manner as the fire commissioner shall prescribe, to compel the attendance of any person as a witness before him, to testify in relation to any matter which is, by the provisions of this title, a subject of inquiry and investigation by the said marshal. The said marshal shall be, and hereby is authorized to admin- ister and verify oaths and affirmations to persons appearing as witnesses before him; and false swearing in any matter or proceeding aforesaid shall be deemed perjury and shall be punishable as such. Upon the presentation of satisfactory proof of due service of any such notice in the nature of a sub- poena, upon any such witness, and of a failure by such witness to obey the same, it shall be the duty of the fire commissioner to make an order that the said witness be arrested and brought before said marshal, to testify what such witness may know in relation to the subject mater of inquiry. Such order may be executed by any member of the police force, by arresting and bringing such witness before the said marshal, but such witness shall not be detained longer than is necessary to take such testi- mony. The fire marshals shall have authority at all times of the day or night, in performance of the duties imposed by the provisions of this title, to enter upon and examine any building or premises, when any fire shall have occurred, and the building and premises adjoining and near to that in which the fire occurred. Id.; commissioner may supervise investigations by. § 783. It shall be the duty of the fire commissioner to super- vise and direct, whenever he shall be of opinion that the public interest will be subserved thereby, the investigations, examina- tions, and proceedings of said marshals, and make all needful and proper rules and regulations in relation to the duties of the office, and the manner of performing the same. 446 TITLE 5. Relief Fund and Pensions. "Of what fund consists; officers and investment. § 789. The New York fire department relief fund shall consist of : - I. The capital, interest, income, dividends, cash deposits, 'securities and credits formerly or now belonging to said funds in any of the municipal and public corporations, or parts thereof, hereby consolidated into The City of New York. 2. All forfeitures and fines imposed by the fire commis- Sioner, from time to time, upon any member or members of the fire department force by way of discipline. 3. All rewards, in money, fees, gifts, testimonials and emoluments that may be paid or given for account of extra- ordinary services by any member of the fire department force, except such as have been or shall be allowed by the fire commissioner, to be retained by said member or mem- bers, and such as have been or shall be given to endow a medal or other permanent or connpetitive reward. 4. All proceeds of suits for penalties, under title three of this chapter, and all license fees payable under the same. 5. Ali proceeds of sales of condemned horses and other personal property in use by said department. 6. All moneys, pay, compensation or salary, or any part thereof forfeited, deducted or withheld from any member or members of the fire department force, for or on account of absence from duty, to be paid monthly to the treasurer of the said relief fund, by the comptroller of The City of New York, and the fire commissioner is authorized and empowered, in his discretion, to deduct and withhold pay, Salary or com- pensation from any member or members of said force, for or on account of absence from duty, except when such absence shall be caused by sickness or disability, for which leave of absence shall have been granted, in accordance with the rules of said department. 7. Ten per centum annually of all excise moneys or license fees belonging to The City of New York, as constituted by this act, and derived or received by any commissioner of ex- cise or public officer, from the granting of licenses, or per- 447 1mission to sell strong or Spiritous liquors, ale, wine or beer, or of any moneys paid for taxes upon the business of traffick- ing in or selling or dealing in strong or spiritous liquors, ale, wine or beer in The City of New York, under the provisions of any law of this state authorizing the granting of any such license or permission; the said ten per centum thereof to be paid Iquarterly I by the comptroller of said city, who is here- by authorized and required to pay the same to the treasurer of the said relief fund, for the benefit thereof, without any action or authority of or from the board of estimate and ap- portionment, such sum to amount in each and every year to Inot more than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, nor to exceed such an amount, if any, as may be required at the end of any fiscal year to bring the surplus in such relief fund Over and above all charges then existing against the same up to the sum of two hundred thousand dollars. The com- missioner of the fire department of The City of New York is hereby constituted and declared to be the trustee of the New York fire department relief fund, shall receive all moneys applicable to the same and deposit the same, as such trustee, to the credit of such relief fund, in banks or trust companies to be selected by him, and continue to receive and deposit the funds applicable to the same, as received, to the credit of said fund, or to invest the same in bond and mortgage on improved property worth twice the amount loaned, or in public stocks, as said trustee may deem most advantageous for the object of such fund, and said trustee is empowered to make all necessary contracts, and to take all necessary remedies in the premises. The treasurer of said fund shall give a bond, with one or more sureties, in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, for the faithful performance of his duties, said bond to be approved by the comptroller and filed in his office. And the said trustee for and on behalf of the uses and purposes of said fund, shall be entitled to re- ceive, and there shall be paid to him all duties, taxes, allow- ances, fines, penalties and fees to which the fire department of The City of New York, as at any time heretofore estab- lished, has been or is now entitled, except as in this act other- wise specially provided, and the said trustee may take, by gift, grant, devise or bequest, any money, real or personal 448 property, right of property for other valuable thing, the an- nual income of which shall not exceed thirty thousand dol- lars in the whole; and in any year, when the condition of the said relief fund shall render it, in the judgment of the said trustee, necessary, he may receive from the board of esti- mate and apportionment of The City of New York, a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars, to be included in the annual estimate of the fire commissioner and drawn and col- lected by him in like manner as the other moneys applicable to his expenses; and such amounts so obtained shall, in like manner, be paid to and applied by the treasurer to the uses of said fund, by deposit or investment as hereinbefore pro- vided, as the trustee thereof shall direct; provided, that the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, which may be received and accumulated under the provisions of this title, shall be reserved and retained as a permanent fund, the annual in- come of which may be made available for the uses and pur- poses of said relief fund. 8. On or before the first day of February of each year, the trustee shall make a verified report to the mayor of his pro- ceedings as such trustee, containing a statement of all re- ceipts and disbursements on account of Said fund, together with the names and residences of each beneficiary and the amounts paid to such beneficiary for or on account of said fund. There shall be an auditing committee consisting of three members to be appointed by the mayor as follows: two members to be selected from among the Officers and mem- bers of the uniformed force of the fire department and one member to be selected from the retired members of the fire department. It shall be the duty of this committee on or be- fore the first day of March in each year to examine the con- dition of said relief fund and to audit the account of the said trustee. Retiring members of fire department; pensions, etc. § 790. The fire commissioner shall have power to retire from all service in the said fire department, or to relieve from service at fires, any officer or member of the uniformed force of said department, who may, upon an examination by the 449 medical officers, ordered by the said fire commissioner, be found to be disqualified, physically or mentally, for the per- formance of his duties; and the said officer or member So retired from service shall receive from said relief fund an annual allowance as pension in case of total disqualification for service, or as compensation for limited Service in case of partial disability; in every case, the said fire commissioner is to determine the circumstances thereof, and said pension or allowance so allowed is to be in lieu of any salary received by such officer or member at the date of his being so relieved or retired from fire duty in said department, and the said depart- ment shall not be held liable for the payment of any claim or demand for services thereafter rendered, and the amount of such pension or allowance shall be determined upon the follow- ing conditions: In case of total permanent disability, at any time, caused in or induced by the actual performance of the duties of his position, or which may occur after ten years' active and continuous service in the said fire department, the amount of annual pension to be allowed shall be one-half of the annual compensation allowed such officer or member as salary at the date of his retirement from the service, or such less sum in proportion to the number of officers and members so retired as the condition of the fund will warrant. But should permanent disability caused by injuries received in the active discharge of his duties disqualify him only from per- forming active duty in the uniformed force, he shall be em- ployed at the salary received when such disability occurred in Some position in the department not requiring active service as a fireman. In case of total permanent disability not caused in or induced by the actual performance of the duties of his position, or which shall have occurred before the expiration of ten years' active and continuous service in the said fire depart- ment, the amount of annual pension to be allowed shall be one- third of the annual compensation allowed such officer or mem- ber as salary at the date of his retirement from the service, or in proportion to the number of officers and members so retired, as the condition of the fund will warrant. In case of partial permanent disability, caused in or induced by the actual per- formance of the duties of his position, or which may occur after ten years' active and continuous service in the said fire department, the officer or member so disabled shall be relieved 29 45O from active service at fires, but shall remain a member of the uniformed service, subject to the rules governing said force, and to the performance of such light duties as the medical officer of the said fire department may certify him to be quali- fied to perform; and the annual allowance to be paid such member or officer shall be one-half of the annual compensation allowed as salary at the date of his being so relieved, or such less sum, in proportion to the number of officers and members so retired, as the condition of the fund will warrant. In case of partial disability, not caused or induced by the actual per- formance of the duties of his position, or which may occur before ten years' active and continuous service in the said fire department, the officer or member so disabled shall be relieved from active service at fires, but shall remain a member of the uniformed force, subject to the rules governing said force, and to the performance of such light duties as the medical officer of said department may certify him to be qualified to perform, and the annual allowance to be paid to such officer or member shall not exceed one-third of the annual compensation allowed as salary at the date of his being so relieved, or such less sum as the fire commissioner may, in his discretion, determine, or as the condition of the fund will warrant. Any officer or mem- ber of the uniformed force of the said fire department of The City of New York, who has or shall have performed duty therein for a period of twenty years or upwards, shall upon his own application, in writing, or upon a certificate of the board of medical officers showing that such member is perma- nently disabled, physically or mentally, so as to be unfit for duty, be retired and dismissed from said force and service, and placed on the roll of the relief or pension fund, and awarded and granted, to be paid from the said relief or pension fund, an annual pension during his lifetime of a sum not less than one-half the full salary or compensation of such member SO retired. The pensions granted under this section shall be for the natural life of the pensioner, and shall not be revoked, repealed or diminished; provided, however, that no member of either of the uniformed fire departments by this act consoli- dated, having a right to retire on pension at the time this act takes effect, shall be deprived of such right by reason of his remaining a member of said fire department, or of anything in this act contained. 45 I Trustee of relief fund; when to pay pensions. § 791. The trustee of the relief fund is authorized and em- powered, from time to time, to pay a pension out of Said relief fund to the widow, child or children or dependent parent or parents of any deceased officer or member of the uniformed force of the said fire department, if the death of such officer or member occur during his service in the said uniformed force, or after he was retired from service in said uniformed force; provided, that the amount of any such pension to be paid by the said trustee to each of the several representatives of such officer or member as aforesaid (in case there shall be more than one), may be, from time to time, determined by the said, trustee according to the circumstances of each case, and that such pension may be ordered to cease and terminate at any time if, in the opinion of the trustee, the circumstances should warrant the same; and further provided, that not more than three hundred dollars shall be paid in any one year to the representative or representatives of such officer or mem- ber, and that no part of such sum shall be paid to any such widow who shall marry again, after her remarriage, or to any child after it shall have reached the age of sixteen years. In case any officer or member of the uniformed force of said department is hereafter killed while actually engaged in the performance of duty, or if death ensues as the immediate effect of injuries so received the trustee of said relief fund shall have the power to award to the widow of such officer or member an annual allowance as a pension, to be paid out of the said relief fund, in an amount not to exceed one-half of the salary or compensation of such officer or member at the date of his decease. If such officer or member dying leaves no widow surviving him, but leaves a child or children, under the age of eighteen years, or dependent parent or parents, the said trustee shall have the power to award to the legal guardian of such child or children, or dependent parent or parents, for its or their support and maintenance, an annual allowance out of said relief fund, in amount not to exceed one-half of the salary or allowance of such officer or member at the date of the decease. The amount of such annual allowance to any widow shall not exceed the sum of one thousand dollars, and shall cease upon her death or remarriage, or if she shall have been guilty of conduct which, in the opinion of said trustee, renders further payment inexpedient. The amount of such 452 annual allowance to any one such child, or dependent parent or parents, shall not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars, and in every case such payment shall cease upon the death or mar- riage of such child, or upon its reaching the age of eighteen years. If such payment to the widow of any such officer or member shall cease by reason of her death, remarriage or mis- conduct, the said trustee shall have power to make payments to the child or children or dependent parent or parents of such officer or member, if any, as though he had died without leav- ing a widow surviving him. The widows and Orphans and retired members of the Brooklyn fire department, or of any other fire department of any of the municipal and public cor- porations or parts thereof hereby consolidated, shall be entitled to receive from the fire department pension fund herein created the amounts which they would respectively have been legally entitled to receive on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, from any fire department pension or relief fund heretofore existing in any of said municipal corporations or parts thereof. Life insurance fund. § 792. The life insurance fund shall consist of all moneys that are now to the credit of the New York fire department life insurance fund, and the Brooklyn fire department widows' and orphans' relief fund; and all persons who have paid into the said respective funds, and who shall continue to pay into the life insurance fund, shall receive the benefits of said fund as provided in this chapter. There shall be deducted from the monthly pay of each officer and fireman of said department, and from the monthly pension of retired members of said de- partment, and from the pay of such other employees of said department as shall heretofore have availed themselves of this provision, the monthly sum of one dollar, which shall be received and Iheld I deposited by the treasurer of the relief fund to the credit of [in the like manner as the other moneys herein provided to be paid to him, and which shall be known as] the New York fire department life insurance fund, in a bank or trust company to be selected by him and to continue to receive and deposit the funds applicable to the same to the credit of said fund. The said treasurer shall make a semi- 453 annual report verified by him of the condition of said fund containing a statement of all receipts and disbursements for or on account of said fund, together with names of all bene- ficiaries and the amount paid to each, and file said report in the office of the comptroller. When the amount of such fund shall equal the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, assess- ment shall only be made to maintain said fund at the said sum of twenty-five thousand dollars. Tand inI In case of the death of any member or employee of said department in the service thereof, who has availed himself of this provision, or of any pensioned or retired member of said department, and so contributing, there shall be paid to the widow, or, if there be no widow, then to the legal representatives of such de- ceased member, or employee, or pensioned and retired member, the sum of one thousand dollars out of the moneys so assessed; and in case, by reason of the number of deaths, the aggregate amount of money so provided to be assessed and collected should prove inadequate to make such payment, then the assessment may, in the discretion of said trustee, be increased to not exceeding the sum of two dollars in each month's pay or each month’s pension of pensioned and retired members of said department. None but members of the uniformed force shall hereafter be eligible to membership in this fund. If, in any year, owing to an excessive mortality in the uniformed force, the condition of said life insurance fund shall render it, in the judgment of the said trustee, necessary, a sum not ex- ceeding five thousand dollars may be transferred and paid Over from the said relief fund to the said life insurance fund for the use and purpose of said life insurance fund. TITLE 6. Taar upon Foreign Insurance Companies. Corporations liable to taxation. § 798. Any corporation or association created by or or- ganized under the laws of any government other than the states of this Union, and having assets, funds, or capital, not less in amount than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, invested in this state, shall be liable to taxation upon such 454 assets, funds or invested capital as the same is levied or as- sessed yearly by law, which tax shall be paid as follows: Such an amount thereof as would be equal to two per centum upon its gross premiums received for insurance upon property, in The City of New York shall, except as otherwise in this title provided, be paid annually to the fire commissioner as treasurer of the fire department, and the residue of said tax requisite to make up the full amount of taxation upon its capital shall be paid to The City of New York, as in the case of Ordinary taxation; and the payments so made as afore- said shall exempt such corporation or association making the same from any and all further taxation upon its premiums, capital or assets; and whenever such capital shall be reduced below said sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or withdrawn entirely, then, and in either event, such corpora- tion or association shall be liable to pay the tax upon its pre- miums as heretofore provided in this title. Moneys paid to department by insurance companies, etc. § 799. There shall be paid to the fire commissioner as treasurer of the fire department, for the use and benefit of said fire department, on the first day of February, in each year, by every person who shall act in The City of New York, as agent for or on behalf of any individual or association of individuals, not incorporated by the laws of this state, to effect insurance against losses or injury by fire in The City of New York, although such individuals or association may be incorporated for that purpose by any other state or country, the sum of two dollars upon the hundred dollars, and at that rate upon the amount of all premiums which, during the year ending on the next preceding first day of September, shall have been received by such agent or person, or received by any other person for him, or shall have been agreed to be paid for any insurance against loss or injury by fire in the city effected, or agreed to be effected, or promised by him as such agent. Account of premiums by city agent. $800. Every person who shall act in the city as agent as aforesaid shall, on the first day of February, in each year, render to the fire commissioner as treasurer of the fire de- partment a just and true account, verified by his oath, of all 455 such premiums which, during the year ending on the first day of September preceding, shall have been received by him, or by any person for him, or which shall have been agreed to be paid for any such insurance effected, or agreed to be effected, or promised by him. Undertaking. $801. No person shall, as agent or otherwise, effect or agree to effect, or procure to be effected, any insurance upon which the duty above mentioned is required to be paid, until he shall have executed and delivered to the said fire commis- sioner as treasurer, an undertaking, under seal, to the fire de- partment, with such sureties as the said treasurer shall ap- prove that he will, on the first day of February, in each year, render a just and true account, verified by his oath, of all such premiums, which, during the year ending on the first day of September preceding, shall have been received by him, or by any person for him, or which shall have been agreed to be paid for any such insurance effected, or agreed to be effected, or promised by him, and that he will, on the first day of February in each year, pay to the said fire com- missioner as treasurer two dollars upon every hundred dol- lars, and at that rate upon the amount of such premiums. Id.; renewal of. § 802. Whenever, by reason of the failure of the sureties or either of them, or for any other cause, an undertaking given under the last preceding section shall have or may be deemed insufficient by the said fire commissioner as treas- urer to secure a return of the account and the payment of the duty aforesaid, or either of them, the said commissioner as treasurer, at his election, but not oftener than once in each year, may require such undertaking to be renewed. Id.; penalty for not executing. § 803. Every person who shall effect, agree to effect, promise or procure any insurance mentioned in the preceding sections of this title, without having executed and delivered the undertaking hereinbefore required, shall, for each offense, forfeit one thousand dollars, for the use of the said fire department; and every person who shall have been required by the fire commissioner as treasurer to re- 456 new his undertaking, pursuant to the last preceding section, who shall effect, agree to effect, promise or procure any such insurance, without having executed and delivered the re- newed undertaking, shall for each offense forfeit one thou- sand dollars, for the use of the said fire department. Demand for accounts. § 804. It shall be lawful for the fire commissioner as treas- urer of the fire department, on or after the first day of Feb- ruary in each year, by written or printed demand, signed by him, to require from every person who shall act in the city as agent, as aforesaid, the account provided for in this title, and payment of the duty provided for; such demand may be delivered personally to such agent, or at his office or place of business to any person having charge thereof, or who shall, for ten days after such demand neglect to render the account or to pay the duty demanded, or either of them, shall forfeit fifty dollars, for the use of the said fire depart- ment; and he shall also forfeit for their use twenty-five dol- lars in addition for every day that he shall so neglect, after the expiration of said ten days, and such additional penalty may be computed and recovered up to the time of any suit for the recovery thereof. Place of business to be reported. § 805. Every person who shall act in the city as agent, as aforesaid, shall, on the first day of February in each year, or within ten days thereafter, and as often in each year as he shall change his place of business in the city, report in writ- ing, under his proper signature, to the comptroller of this state, and also to the fire commissioner as treasurer of the said fire department, the street and the number thereof in the said city, of his place of business as such agent, desig- nating in such report the individual or individuals and asso- ciation or associations for which he shall be such agent. And in case of default in any of these particulars, such person shall forfeit for every offense the sum of one thousand dol- lars, for the use of the said fire department. Suits for violations. § 806. The duty provided to be paid by this title, the dam- ages for any breach of the undertakings, or either of them, 457 provided for therein, and the pecuniary penalties imposed therein, or any or either of them, may be sued for and recov- ered, with costs of suit, in any court of record within this state, by the fire commissioner, for the use of said depart- Innent. Arrest of defendant. $807. The defendant in any action to be brought for the recovery of any penalty incurred, or any duty or sum of money payable under this title, may be arrested, if he is not a resident of this state, or is about to remove therefrom. An order for the arrest of the defendant must be obtained from a judge of the court in which the action is brought, or from a county judge. The order shall be made when it shall ap- pear to the judge, by affidavit, that a sufficient cause of ac- tion exists under this title, and that the defendant is not a resident of this state, or is about to remove therefrom. Tax on receipts of foreign fire insurance companies. § 808. The corporation known as “The Trustees of the Exempt Firemen’s Benevolent Fund of The City of New York,” shall be entitled to collect, and there shall be paid to it until the seventeenth day of January, nineteen hundred and seven, the percentage of tax on the receipts of the foreign fire insurance companies doing business in The City of New York, as hereto- fore constituted, as provided by this title, except as to business done by said foreign fire insurance companies in that part or portion of said city, known and designated as the twenty- third and twenty-fourth wards, and all returns and under- takings required by this title, except as to such business in the said twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards, shall, during such period, be made to the treasurer of the trustees of such corpora- tion. The trustees of the exempt firemen's benevolent fund, of The City of New York, shall render to the fire commissioner of The City of New York and to the treasurer of the Fire- men's Association of the state of New York, quarterly, in each year, a sworn statement in detail of the amounts collected and received, and from whom and from what source, on account of Said tax, during each quarter; and shall, at the same time, pay over to the said fire commissioner, as treasurer, forty-five per centum of the amount so collected and received in each quarter year, for the use and benefit of the relief fund of the 458 fire department of The City of New York, and to the treasurer of the Firemen’s Association of the state of New York, ten per centum of the amount so collected and received, for the endowment, benefit and maintenance of the Volunteer Fire- men’s Home, at Hudson, Columbia county, New York, and the moneys so received by the treasurer of such association shall be paid by him to the treasurer of the Volunteer Fire- men’s Home Association, upon the order of the board of trustees thereof, as provided by the by-laws of the said Home Association, and the balance of said fund shall be applied to the uses and purposes of said corporation, as defined and pro- vided by chapter fifteen of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-six. The said corporation may maintain in its cor- porate name any action or actions in any court of record of this state to recover the tax or percentage aforesaid during such period, and also to recover for the breach of any bond or undertaking, which has been given or may be given to it pursuant to the provision of this title, or any penalty imposed thereby. The corporation known as “The Exempt Firemen’s Benevolent Fund Association of the Twenty-third Ward of The City of New York (late town of Morrisania, in the county of Westchester), in the county of New York,” shall be entitled to collect, and there shall be paid to it until the seventeenth day of January, nineteen hundred and seven, the percentage or tax On receipts of the foreign fire insurance companies in the twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards of The City of New York, as provided for by this title, and all returns for such business in said twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards shall, during such period, be made to the treasurer of said last-named corporation. The said last-named corporation shall, during said period, render to the fire commissioner of The City of New York, and to the treasurer of the Firemen’s Association of the state of New York, quarterly, in each year, a sworn Statement in detail of the amounts collected and received, and from whom and from what source, on account of said tax, dur- ing each quarter, and shall, at the same time pay over to said fire commissioner, as treasurer, forty-five per centum of the amount SO collected and received in each quarter year, for the use and benefit of the relief fund of the fire department of The City of New York, and to the treasurer of The Firemen’s Association of the state of New York, ten per centum of the amount so collected and received, for the endowment, benefit 459 and maintenance of the volunteer firemn's home, at Hudson, Columbia county, New York, and the moneys so received by the treasurer of such association shall be paid by him to the treasurer of the Volunteer Firemen’s Home Association, upon the order of the board of trustees thereof, as provided by the by-laws of said Home Association, and the balance of the moneys so collected and received by it during such period shall be applied to the uses and purposes of said corporation, as defined and provided by chapter four hundred and ninety-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five. The said last-named corporation may maintain in its corporate name any action or actions in any court of record of the state of New York, to recover the tax or percentage aforesaid upon such business done in said twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards during such period, and also to recover for the breach of bond or undertaking which has been or may be given to it pursuant to the provisions of this title, or any penalty im- posed thereby. From and after the seventeenth day of Janu- ary, nineteen hundred and seven, the said percentage of tax shall be collected by the treasurer of the fire department of The City of New York, as provided in this title, and thereafter until the seventeenth day of January, nineteen hundred and seventeen, the treasurer of said fire department shall render to the said corporation known as “The Trustees of the Ex- empt Firemen's Benevolent Fund of The City of New York,” and to the treasurer of the Firemen’s Association of the state of New York, quarterly, in each year, a sworn statement in detail of the amounts collected and received, and from whom and from what source, on account of said tax, during each quarter, excepting the amounts collected in that portion of said city, known as the twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards, and shall, at the same time, pay over to the said treasurer of the corporation known as “The Trustees of the Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Fund of The City of New York,” forty-five per centum of the amount so received in each quarter year, for the use and benefit of the said benevolent fund, and to the treasurer of the Firemen’s Association of the state of New York ten per centum of the amount so received in each quarter year, for the endowment and maintenance of the said volun- teer firemen's home; and the money so received by the said treasurer shall be paid over to the treasurer of said volunteer firemen's home in the manner aforesaid. The said treasurer 46O of the fire department shall appropriate and apply the remain- der of the moneys so to be collected and received to the uses and purposes of the relief fund of said department. Until the seventeenth day of January, nineteen hundred and seventeen, the treasurer of said fire department shall render to the treasurer of the corporation known as the trustees of “The Exempt Fire- men's Benevolent Fund Asociation of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of The City of New York (late town of Morrisania, in the county of Westchester), in the county of New York,” and to the treasurer of the Firemen’s Association of the state of New York, quarterly, in each year, a sworn statement in detail of the amounts collected and received, and from whom and from what source, on account of said tax, during each quarter, in that portion of the said city known as the twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards, and shall, at the same time, pay over to the said treasurer of the said corpora- tion known as the trustees of “The Exempt Firemen’s Ben- evolent Fund Association of the Twenty-third Ward of The City of New York (late town of Morrisania, in the county of Westchester), in the county of New York,” forty-five per centum of the amount so received in each quarter year, for the use and benefit of the said corporation, and to the treasurer of the said firemen's association of the state of New York, ten per centum of the amount so received in each quarter year, for the endowment and maintenance of said volunteer fire- men's home, and the moneys so received by said treasurer shall be paid over to the treasurer of said volunteer firemen’s home in the manner aforesaid. The said treasurer of the fire depart- ment shall appropriate and apply the remainder of the moneys so to be collected and received by it to the uses and purposes Of the relief fund of said department. The said corporations known respectively as “The Trustees of the Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Fund Association of The City of New York,” and “The Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Fund Association of the Twenty-third Ward of The City of New York (late town of Morrisania, in the county of Westchester), in the county of New York,” shall each make an annual report to the comp- troller of the state of New York, on or before the first day in January in each year, duly verified by the president and treas- urer thereof, of the amount of money received during the year, and from whom and from what source received, and giv- ing in detail the names and residences of all persons to whom 46I and for what purposes any moneys were paid, with the amount paid to each recipient, and of the amount of money on hand, and how invested.' No trustee, officer or agent of either of said corporations shall grant or give to any beneficiary or other person any greater sum than shall have been determined by the board of trustees of such corporation by a vote of a major- ity of such trustees, after due investigations of the circum- stances of each case, and all payments of pensions or donations shall be made by the treasurer upon such order of the trustees of the corporation, and for all such payments the treasurer shall take receipts from the beneficiaries receiving the same, which receipts shall be filed with his report to the trustees of the corporation. Tax on receipts of foreign fire insurance companies doing business in the borough of Brooklyn. § 809. There shall be paid to the fire commissioner, until the seventeenth day of January in the year nineteen hundred and seventeen, the percentage or tax upon the receipts of for- eign fire insurance companies doing business in the borough of Brooklyn; and said commissioner shall cause the moneys so paid to him to be paid out and disposed of as follows: I. To the New York fire department relief fund, forty-five per centum. 2. To the treasurer of the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York, who shall pay over the same to the treas- urer of the Volunteer Firemen’s Home at Hudson, New York, ten per centum. 3. To the treasurer of the widows and orphans fund of the late volunteer fire department of the western district of the late city of Brooklyn, twenty per centum. 4. To the treasurer of the widows and orphans fund of the late volunteer fire department of the eastern district of the late city of Brooklyn, thirteen and one-third per centum. 5. To the treasurer of the widows and orphans fund of the late volunteer fire department of the former town of New Lots, three and one-third per centum. 6. To the treasurer of the widows and orphans fund of the late volunteer fire department of the former town of Flatbush, two and one-third per centum. 7. To the treasurer of the widows and orphans fund of the late volunteer fire department of the former town of Graves- end, two and one-third per centum. 462 8. To the treasurer of the widows and orphans fund of the late volunteer fire department of the former town of New Utrecht, two per centum. 9. To the treasurer of the widows and orphans fund of the volunteer fire department of the former town of Flatlands, One and two-thirds per centum. The fire commissioner shall quarterly in each year render to each of the foregoing associations a sworn statement in detail of the amounts collected and received by him as afore- said, and from whom and from what source on account of said tax during each quarter. And the custodian or trustees receiving moneys under the provisions of this act in the bor- ough of Brooklyn shall annually make and render to the fire commissioner in the month of January a sworn statement as to the expenditure of said funds, and upon failure so to do the fire commissioner may withhold the said percentage and it shall be paid over to the New York fire department relief fund, and any use of said percentage for purposes other than pro- vided by law shall be a misdemeanor and be punishable as such. Tax on receipts of foreign fire insurance companies doing business in the borough of Richmond. § 8IO. There shall be paid to the fire commissioner until the seventeenth day of January in the year nineteen hundred and seventeen a percentage or tax upon the receipts of foreign fire insurance companies doing business in the borough of Richmond; and said commissioner shall cause the money So paid to him to be paid out and disposed of as follows: I. To the New York fire department relief fund, forty-five per centum. 2. To the treasurer of the Firemen's Association of the State of New York, who shall pay over the same to the treas- urer of the Volunteer Firemen’s Home Association at Hud- son, New York, ten per centum. 3. To the treasurers of the exempt or veteran volunteer firemen’s associations existing in the borough of Richmond at the time this act takes effect, forty-five per centum. Said forty-five per centum shall be apportioned by said fire com- missioner among all such associations in proportion to the actual bona fide membership of each such association on the first day of January next preceding the time when such appor- 463 tionment is made. In determining the membership of such associations only exempt or honorably discharged volunteer firemen shall be considered as members. The fire commissioner shall quarterly in each year render to each of the foregoing associations a sworn statement in detail of the amounts collected and received by him as afore- said and from whom and from what source on account of Said tax during each quarter. Tax on receipts of foreign insurance companies doing business in the borough of Queens. § 8II. There shall be paid to the fire commissioner until the seventeenth day of January, nineteen hundred and seven- teen, the percentage or tax upon the receipts of foreign fire insurance companies doing business in the borough of Queens; and said commissioner shall cause the moneys So paid to him to be paid out and disposed of as follows: I. To the New York fire department relief fund, forty-five per centum. 2. To the treasurer of the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York, who shall pay over the same to the treas- urer of the Volunteer Firemen’s Home Association at Hudson, New York, ten per centum. 3. To the treasurers of the exempt or veteran volunteer firemen's associations existing in the borough of Queens at the time this act takes effect, forty-five per centum. Said forty-five per centum shall be apportioned by said fire com- missioner among all such associations in proportion to the actual bona fide membership of each such association on the first day of January next preceding the time when such appor- tionment is made. In determining the membership of such associations only exempt or honorably discharged volunteer firemen shall be considered as members. The fire commissioner shall quarterly in each year render to each of the foregoing associations a sworn statement in detail of the amounts collected and received by him as afore- said and from whom and from what source on account of said tax during each quarter. CHAPTER XVI. Docks, PIERS, HARBOR, PORT AND WATERS. Title I. Department of docks and ferries. Title 2. Piers, slips and wharfage. Title 3. General provisions. TITLE I. Department of Docks and Ferries. Board of docks, commissioners, appointment, term of office, presi- dent and salaries. § 816. The head of the department of docks and ferries shall be called the board of docks. The board of docks shall consist of three persons, to be known as commissioners of docks. They shall be residents of The City of New York, and shall be appointed by the mayor, and hold their respective offices as provided in chapter four of this act. Said commis- sioners shall elect one of their number president of said board. The salary of the president shall be six thousand dollars a year, and the salary of each of the other two commissioners shall be five thousand dollars a year. Extension of jurisdiction to new territory. § 817. All the powers and duties heretofore vested in and devolved upon the department of docks, of the mayor, alder- men and commonalty of the city of New York, are devolved upon and vested in the department of docks and ferries hereby created, and in addition thereto the powers and duties of said department are hereby extended so as to include all the water front, wharf property, lands under water, wharves, piers, bulk- heads and structures thereon situate, within the Icity of Brooklyn I county of Kings; the county of Richmond and Ithat portion of Queens county by this act consolidated with the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and common- 465 alty of the city of New York;I the county of Queens; and the said board of docks shall have the same powers, subject to the approval of the commissioners of the sinking fund, to adopt and execute a plan or plans for the water front of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, and to fix and estab- lish the line of solid filling, bulkheads and pier-head lines, the distances between piers, methods and character of construction of wharves and piers within the entire territory of The City of New York, as constiuted by this act, that the said depart- ment of docks possessed at the time this act takes effect within the territory of The City of New York, as heretofore known and bounded. Jurisdiction, powers and duties. § 818. The board of docks shall have exclusive charge and control, subject in the particulars hereinafter mentioned to the commissioners of the sinking fund, of the wharf prop- erty belonging to the corporation of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, including all the wharves, piers, bulk- heads and structures thereon, and waters adjacent thereto, and all the slips, basins, docks, waterfronts, land under water and structures thereon and the appurtenances, easements, uses, reversions and rights belonging thereto which are now owned or possessed by the said corporation, or to which said corpo- ration is, or may become entitled, or which said corporation may acquire under the provisions hereof, or otherwise; and said board shall have exclusive charge and control of the repairing, building, rebuilding, maintaining, altering, strength- ening, leasing and protecting said property, and every part thereof, and of all the cleaning, dredging and deepening neces- sary in and about the same. Said board is also hereby invested, except as otherwise expressly stated in this act, with the exclusive government and regulation of all wharf property, wharves, piers, bulkheads and structures thereon, and waters adjacent thereto, and all the basins, slips and docks, with the land under water in said city not owned by Said corporation. The board of docks shall not have power to change the exterior line of piers and bulkheads, established by law. The board of docks shall also have exclusive charge and control, subject in the particulars hereinafter mentioned to the commissioners of the sinking fund, of all ferries and ferry property belonging 30 466 to the corporation of The City of New York, as hereby consti- tuted. The said board of docks is hereby empowered, when the approval of the commissioners of the sinking fund shall have been obtained, to establish, from time to time, new fer- ries, the franchises of which may be leased in the manner now provided by law. Plans for water fronts. § 819. The plan or plans for the whole or any part of the water front of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, including the water front on the westerly side of the Har- lem river from the easterly line of the Third avenue where said line strikes said river along the water front from said line to the northerly side of Eighty-sixth street on the East river determined upon by the department of docks, of The City of New York, as heretofore known and bounded, adopted and certified to by the commissioners of the sinking fund, and filed in the office of said department of docks, in accordance with the provisions of the third subdivision of section ninety-nine of chapter one hundred and thirty-seven of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy as amended by section six of chapter five hundred and seventy-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one and such plan or plans as may be determined upon pursuant to section eight hundred and seventeen of this act, by the board of docks created by this act, adopted and cer- tified to by the commissioners of the sinking fund and filed, or that may be filed in the office of said board of docks shall be and continue to be the sole plan or plans, according to which any wharf, pier, bulkhead, basin, dock, slip or any wharf structure or superstructure shall be laid out or constructed within the territory or district embraced, or that may hereafter be embraced in and specified upon said plan or plans, and shall be the sole plan or plans and authority for solid filling in the waters surrounding The City of New York, and on said Har- lem river, and for extending piers into said waters and erecting bulkheads around said city, and on the westerly side of the Harlem river, and all other provisions of law regulating solid filling and pier and bulkhead lines in said waters, are to be deemed to be repealed whenever said plan or plans is or are inconsistent with such provisions of law and all laws giv- 467 ing any power or authority as to said water front in the territory embraced in this section, to any other depart- ment of The City of New York, as heretofore known and bounded, or to any department of any municipal or public corporation which, or part of which, is consolidated by this act with the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, are hereby repealed. No wharf, pier, bulk- head, basin, dock, slip, exterior street or any wharf, structure or superstructure shall be laid out, built or rebuilt, within such territory or district except in accordance with such plan or plans, provided that said board of docks, with the consent and approval of the commissioners of the sinking fund, may, from time to time, change the width or location of the piers laid down on said plan or plans; and provided, also, that said board of docks may build, or rebuild, or license, or permit the building or rebuilding, of temporary wharf structures, and said board may lease land covered with water belonging to The City of New York for the purpose thereof, such lease, license or per- mit to continue and remain at the will and pleasure of said board, or for a time not longer than until the wharves, piers, bulkheads, basins, docks, or slips to be built or constructed according to such plan or plans, shall in the judgment of said board, require and need to be built or constructed; and pro- vided, further, that the board of docks with the consent and approval of the commissioners of the sinking fund may alter and extend the present pier head line, as now established on the Hudson river, between Battery place and Seventieth street, and establish a new pier head line between these points, and may authorize the construction of new piers out to said pier head line, and may extend those piers already built out to said line; and may build new piers or extend piers already built, out to such pier head lines as are now or may hereafter be established by the secretary of war under act of congress. The board of docks is hereby authorized and empowered, with the consent and approval of the commissioners of the sinking fund, to alter and amend the plans of the improvement of the water front determined upon by the department of docks, and approved by the commissioners of the sinking fund of the city and county of New York, in eighteen hundred and seventy- one, between the Battery and Grand street on the East river and between the Battery and West Sixty-second street on the North river. Whenever the plan so deter- 468 mined upon and adopted, or hereafter to be determined upon and adopted, shall include the widening of an exterior Street or avenue, or the opening and construction of a new exterior Street or exterior avenue, or the abandonment or clos- ing of such street or avenue already in existence, the power to widen, open, construct, abandon or close the same shall exclu- sively reside with the said board of docks, which is hereby authorized to take such steps as may be necessary in that regard, and after the same shall have been so widened or opened, the right to maintain the widened portion of a street or avenue already opened, and such new street or avenue shall also reside with the said board of docks; but the street or avenue so widened to the extent of the part so widened, or such new street or avenue opened under this plan shall not be a public street, but shall be a marginal wharf, and shall be used in that regard in such manner from time to time as the board of docks shall, by resolution, determine. The board of docks shall have exclusive power to regulate the use of marginal streets so that the land and buildings upon all such marginal streets may be used to the best advantage in connection with the wharves and bulkheads; and the board of docks shall have the power to regulate, by license or by any other suitable means, the transfer of goods and merchandise upon, Over or under all such marginal streets; except that the said board of docks shall not, under this section, have any power in respect to, or jurisdiction over, the public driveway authorized by and constructed under chapter one hundred and two of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-three and acts amendatory thereof. Surveys of water front. § 820. The board of docks is authorized to cause to be made the necessary surveys, soundings and other examinations of the water front of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, where the same has not already been determined, and to ascertain the capacities and requirements of said water front for adaptation to commercial and other uses. Construction of piers and docks regulated. § 821. In executing the plan or plans mentioned in section eight hundred and nineteen of this act, the board of docks shall proceed, according to said plan or plans, to lay out, estab- lish, and construct wharves, piers, bulkheads, basins, docks, or 469 slips in the territory or district embraced in such plan or plans, and in and upon or about the property owned by The City of New York, without interfering with the property or rights of any other person except So far as may be necessary to insure the safety and stability of the wharves, piers, bulkheads, basins or slips so to be constructed. And said board may commence and carry on such construction in sections of Said territory or district from time to time, so as not to seriously incommode the commerce of said city. The work of said construction under such plan or plans shall, unless ordered to be otherwise performed by the affirmative vote of all the commissioners of docks, be performed as follows: The said board of docks shall prepare full and minute specifications for such work, and advertise for proposals for doing said work under said plan or plans, and according to such specifications; proposals there- for shall be signed by the bidders for the said work and be sent to the said board within the time specified in such advertise- ment, accompanied by a bond in the form set forth in said specifications, duly executed. The said board of docks shall open said proposals on a day to be specified in such advertise- ment, and shall examine them, and unless the said board shall deem it for the interest of the city to reject all bids, shall award the contract for said work to the lowest responsible bidder complying with such plan or plans and specifications; such contract shall be executed by the said board of docks on behalf of The City of New York, and shall always contain provisions as to the time of commencing and completing said work, and for the retention of at least one-fourth of its contract price, until the completion of Said work, as security for its perform- ance, and for the forfeiture of said contract for non-perform- ance of the terms thereof. Said board of docks may, upon the forfeiture of any such contract, proceed to complete the work thereunder without contract or may readvertise for pro- posals to complete said work and award a new contract there- for in the same manner as provided herein for awarding the Original contract; but no bidder under this section shall be en- titled to a contract until his bid be approved and accepted by said board of docks, provided, however, that repairs may be done by day’s work, and without contract, whenever in the judgment of the board of docks it is expedient so to do and the consent of the board of estimate and apportionment shall have been first obtained. 47O Purchase of wharf property for corporation; proceedings to acquire. $ 822. The board of docks, with the approval of the com- missioners of the sinking fund, is authorized to acquire in the name and for the benefit of the corporation of The City of New York any and all wharf property in The City of New York, as constituted by this act, to which the corporation of The City of New York then has no right or title, and any rights, terms, easements and privileges pertaining to any wharf property in The City of New York, and not owned by said corporation; and said board of docks may acquire the same either by purchase or by process of law, as herein pro- vided. Said board of docks may agree with the owners of any such property, rights, terms, easements, or privileges, upon a price for the same, and shall certify such agreement to the Commissioners of the sinking fund, and if the said commis- Sioners approve of such agreement, said board of docks shall take from such owners, at such price, the necessary convey- ances and covenants for vesting said property, rights, terms, easements or privileges in, and assuring the same to The City of New York forever, and said owner shall be paid such price from the city treasury as provided in this act. If the said board of docks shall deem it proper and expedient that the said corporation should acquire possession of such wharf prop- erty, rights, terms, easements or privileges, for which no price can be agreed upon between said board and the owner or own- ers thereof, the said board of docks may direct the corporation counsel of said city to take legal proceedings to acquire the same for the city, and the said corporation counsel shall take the same proceedings to acquire the same as are by law pro- vided for the taking of private property in said city for public streets or places, and the provisions of law relating to the taking of private property for public streets or places in said city are hereby made applicable, as far as may be necessary, to the acquiring of the said property, rights, terms, easements and privileges, and the said board of docks is also empowered to acquire in like manner the title to such lands under water and uplands, within The City of New York, as constituted by this act, as shall seem to said board of docks necessary to be taken for the improvement of the water front. And for the purpose of attempting to agree upon a price with the owners of such wharf property, rights, terms, easements, or privileges, 47 I it shall be sufficient for the said board of docks to serve upon the said owners of Said wharf property, rights, terms, ease- ments or privileges a copy of the resolution of said board of docks offering a price for the said wharf property, rights, terms, easements or privileges, with notice of the passage of said resolution, by personal or substituted service in the same manner, so far as the same can be made applicable thereto, as is provided for personal or substituted service of a summons in an action by chapter five of the code of civil procedure, unless the Supreme court, upon application of Said board of docks, shall direct some other and different mode of service. The just compensation to which the owner of property taken under the foregoing provisions is entitled shall be ascertained and determined upon the following principles. If all of the prop- erty of such owner is taken, the compensation awarded shall be the fair and just value of the said property. If the prop- erty of the riparian proprietor has been built upon.or improved, and if such buildings or improvements are upon a single tract contiguous to or adjoining lands under water, or which were originally under water, and used in connection therewith, and part only of such property is proposed to be taken, the fair and just value of the entire premises shall first be ascertained, and then there shall be ascertained the like value of the prem- ises in the condition in which they will be after the part is taken, and the difference in value, be it more or less than the separate value of the part taken, shall constitute the measure of compensation. Provided that said board of docks, with the approval of the commissioners of the sinking fund, hereby is empowered to agree, license and permit private owners of any bulkheads, piers or water rights, to make the necessary improvements upon their bulkheads, piers or water rights, SO as to conform to the plan already adopted by the department of docks, and approved by the commissioners of the sinking fund of The City of New York, as heretofore known and bounded, or to be hereafter adopted and approved, pursuant to this chapter, during the period which shall intervene prior to the extinguishment of such private ownerships by The City of New York, such improvements to be made by such owners under the supervision of the board of docks, or by the board of docks itself, as may be agreed upon, at the cost and expense 472 of such private owners, in the first instance, and upon such reasonable terms as to reimbursing said private owners for Such improvements, and as to wharfage and other riparian rights thereon and therefrom, as may be agreed upon. All agreements, and licenses or permits heretofore made or entered into between the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York and any private owners, as to the making of like improvements upon their property, are hereby ratified, confirmed and made valid. Acquirement of certain wharf property on North and East rivers. $ 823. In all proceedings taken by the board of docks of The City of New York for the acquirement of wharf property, rights, terms, easements, or privileges, or lands under water and uplands in The City of New York, if said wharf property or lands under water, or wharf property to which said rights, terms, easements, or privileges are appurtenant, is or are, situ- ated between the southerly side of Bethune street and the northerly side of Gansevoort street, upon or adjacent to the North river in The City of New York, or between the south- erly side of East Eighteenth street and the southerly side of East Twenty-first street, upon or adjacent to the East river, it shall not be necessary for the said board of docks to make any attempt to agree with the owners of any such property, rights, terms, easements, privileges, uplands or lands under water, upon a price for the same, before commencing the pro- ceedings authorized by section eight hundred and twenty-two of this act. In a proceeding brought for the acquirement of any such wharf property, rights, terms, easements, or privi- leges, or uplands, or lands under water situate, as in this sec- tion set forth, the title to the said wharf property, uplands and lands under water, rights, terms, easements, and privileges shall vest in The City of New York four months after the filing in the office of the clerk of the supreme court, in the first judicial district, of the oaths of the commissioners of estimate and assessment in said proceeding appointed, and all of the rights, title and interest of any and all of the owners or persons interested in the said wharf property, rights, terms, easements, and privileges or lands under water, or uplands, shall cease and determine and be extinguished at such time. All the awards made in such proceeding for the value of property ac- 473 quired or interests extinguished, shall draw interest from the time of the vesting of the title in The City of New York. Acquirement of wharf property in which city has some interest. § 824. In all proceedings by the board of docks of The City of New York, for the acquirement of the interests of any person or corporation who is an owner in common or a joint- tenant with The City of New York, of any wharf property, rights, terms, easements, or privileges, or lands under water and uplands, it shall not be necessary for the said board of docks to make any attempt to agree with said person or corpo- ration who is a tenant in common or joint-tenant as aforesaid with The City of New York, upon a price for the same, before commencing the proceedings authorized by section eight hun- dred and twenty-two of this act. In a proceeding brought for the acquirement of any such right, title, or interest in or to any such wharf property, rights, terms, easements, or privi- leges, or uplands, or lands under water, owned as in this sec- tion set forth, the title of the person or corporation who, or which is the tenant in common or joint-tenant with The City of New York to the said wharf property, uplands and lands under water, rights, terms, easements, and privileges, shall vest in The City of New York four months after the filing in the office of the clerk of the supreme court, in the first judicial district, of the oaths of the commissioners of estimate and assessment in said proceeding appointed, and all of the rights, title, and interest of, in and to the said owners, persons or Corporations interested in said wharf property, rights, terms, easements, privileges, or lands under water or uplands, shall cease, determine and be extinguished at such time. All the awards made in such proceeding for the value of property acquired or interest extinguished shall draw interest from the time of vesting of the title in The City of New York. Wharfage and dockage charges; leasing property; oyster business; designation of water front for. $ 825. When any of the wharves, piers, bulkheads, slips, docks, and basins constructed under the provisions of this chapter shall be open to the public use, the board of docks shall, subject to the provisions of law, regulate the charges for wharfage, cranage and dockage of all vessels admitted thereto, 474 and may alter such charges from time to time as the public trade may authorize and the said board of docks deem proper; provided that the rates of wharfage on boats navigating the canals of the state shall not be increased beyond the rates in force on April eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-One, except as hereinafter specifically provided, and no restriction of the amount of wharf and slip room occupied by them shall be made; and said board of docks may appropriate any of such wharves, as the owners thereof may apply to have SO desig- nated or appropriated to the sole use of special kinds of com- merce, or of steamboats, or of any other class or description of ships or vessels, and may restrain and prohibit any ship, steamboat, or any other vessel or water craft whatever from coming into, or lying, mooring, or anchoring at Or within any such wharf, pier or slip of said The City of New York, except such as may be so designated for their use respectively. Said board of docks may, in the name and for the benefit of the corporation of The City of New York lease any or all of such property, and any and all wharf property belonging to The City of New York, as constituted by this act, for a term not exceeding ten years, and covenant for renewal or renewals at advanced rents of such leases for terms of ten years each, but not exceeding in the aggregate fifty years. The board of docks may set aside, designate and appropriate a suitable loca- tion on the water front in The City of New York, for the sole use of the Oyster business. Such designation or appropriation shall be subject at any time to revocation by said board. Ferries; establishment and leasing of. $826. The board of docks shall have power and is authorized to lease in the name of and for the benefit of The City of New York in the manner provided by law, the fran- chise of any ferry or ferries belonging to said city for the highest marketable price or rental, at public auction or by sealed bids, and always after public advertisement and appraisal under the direction of said board but not for a term longer than Iten I twenty-five years, nor for a renewal for a longer term than ten years. And said board shall also possess the power and is hereby -authorized to lease, in like manner along with the franchise of a ferry or ferries belonging to said city, such wharf property, including wharves, piers, bulkheads 475 and structures thereon and slips, docks and water fronts adja- cent thereto, used or required for the purposes of such ferry or ferries, now owned or possessed, or which may hereafter be owned or acquired by said city or to which the said city is or may become entitled, or of which it may become possessed. But said board shall make no lease authorized by this section, unless the terms of said lease are approved by the commis- sioners of the sinking fund. The proceeds of said leasing shall on receipt thereof after paying all necessary charges be immediately paid to the credit of the sinking fund. But nothing in this section contained shall be held to apply to that portion of the East river which is, by law, exclusively set apart for the use of canal boats engaged in the transportation of freights in the Hudson river coming to tidewater from the canals of this state. Whenever it may be determined by unanimous votes of all the members of the board of docks and of the commissioners of the sinking fund that the interests of the city will not be best promoted by leasing the franchise of a ferry in the manner hereinbefore directed, it shall be lawful for said board of docks and said commissioners of the sinking fund by resolutions adopted by such unanimous votes, to lease such franchises by private agreement for terms not exceeding twenty-five years and under such conditions as, in their judg- ment, will best protect and further the interests of the city and the traveling public. Leases of such franchises may in the discretion of the board of docks and the commissioners of the sinking fund provide for the character of transportation ser– vice to be furnished by the lessee, including the character and speed of the boats to be used, frequency of trips, rates of fare and commutation and freight charges and may provide for forfeiture of the lease in the event of failure to comply with its provisions in regard thereto. ITo establishl Establishment of rules for government; penalties. $ 827. The board of aldermen Idocks.I shall, by general Ordinances, from time to time, establish Land enforce] all need- ful rules and regulations for the government and proper care of all the property placed in the Iits] charge of the board of 476 docks and under its control by the provisions of this chapter, relating thereto. The board of docks I, and I shall furnish a copy of such rules and regulations to all the owners and Occu- pants of such property, shall enforce such rules and regula- tions, and shall make all needful orders necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter relating thereto into effect, [and fix penalties for disobeying such rules, regulations, or orders,I and shall publish such orders. All rules, regulations or orders of the board of docks which shall be in force in The City of New York on the first day of Janu- ary, nineteen hundred and two, are hereby continued in full force and effect subject to repeal or modification as in this section provided. The violation of or disobedience to any rule or regulation or any [or] order of said board of docks, shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceed- ing five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, on com- plaint of such board of docks. The penalties aforesaid may be recovered by suit in the name of The City of New York, and such suit shall be prosecuted by the corporation counsel when directed by the board of docks, and no defendant in any suit shall be permitted to plead ignorance of any such order, rule or regulation. All rents, fines and penalties, and all other money collected by said board or by its direction, shall Ibelong to the treasurer of said city, and I be paid into the sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt. The board of docks shall hold stated meetings, at times to be specified in its by-laws, which said board shall prepare and may alter from time to time. Offices and officers; duties and salaries. $828. The board of docks shall have power to furnish and supply offices, provided in accordance with law, for the trans- action of the business of the department of docks and ferries. The board of docks shall appoint a secretary and other officers, clerks and agents to assist said board in the performance of its duties and the exercise of its powers; and also the necessary employees for the work of construction, repairs and mainte- nance. I; and shall fix the compensation of all persons so ap- pointed.I. But the annual expenses of said department for rent, 477 furniture, supplies, and compensation of secretary and subordi- nate officers, clerks, and agents shall not exceed in the aggre- gate the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, except with the consent of the commissioners of the sinking fund. The president of the board of docks shall be elected annually by the members thereof, and shall preside at all meetings of said board, and in case of his absence a temporary president may be elected by the board to preside. Any member may resign his office by written resignation sent to the mayor. If any member of said board of docks shall cease to reside in The City of New York, as constituted by this act, his office as a member of said board shall become vacant. Annual report; contents. § 829. The board of docks shall annually present to the mayor of the city a report containing : First. The name, Oc- cupation, and compensation of all officers, clerks and agents appointed and employed by said board. Second. A statement of the actions of the board of docks for the past year, classified with reference to the various subjects and duties which have engaged its attention. Third. A list of the orders and rules made by said board of docks, and a description of the contracts made by said board, the payments made by said board, and the purposes and amounts thereof, and the leases made by said board, for what term, at what rent, to whom, and for what property. Said board of docks shall at the time it presents its said annual report to the mayor also file with the civil service supervisory and examining boards of The City of New York a complete statement of the name, address and salary, or com- pensation of all persons employed in any capacity by said board of docks, which shall be published in the City Record. Iand the corporation newspapers.I Seal. § 830. The board of docks may adopt a common seal for said department of docks and ferries, and direct its use. Said seal shall be a device of the arms of The City of New York surrounded by the words, “Department of Docks and Ferries. The City of New York,” engraved upon a metal disk two and one-quarter inches in diameter, and the same may be renewed whenever necessary. An impression of such seal made directly on paper shall be as valid as if made on a wafer or on wax. 478 Every lease, contract or other instrument, executed in pursu- ance of any authority conferred on said board of docks by law, and sealed with such seal, attested and proved according to law by the secretary appointed by said board, shall be received in evidence, and may be recorded in the proper record- ing offices in the same manner and with the like effect as if sealed with the seal of the corporation of The City of New York, attested and proved by the clerk thereof. Lands under water owned by state. § 83 I. The commissioners of the land office are hereby authorized to convey by proper instruments, in writing, neces- sary for the purpose, all the property, right, title and interest of the people of the state of New York, in and to the land under water, which the board of docks may deem necessary for the construction of wharves, docks, piers, bulkheads, basins, and slips, under this chapter, whenever said commis- sioners may be required by said board of docks to make such conveyance to The City of New York. But such conveyance shall be made after compliance with such reasonable rules and regulations as the said commissioners of the land office are now empowered to make by law; and nothing in this chapter shall be so construed as to remove or limit the powers and duties of the said commissioners as now conferred upon them by the statutes of the state and as prescribed in other sections and provisions of this act. May deepen water adjoining wharf, etc. § 832. It shall be lawful for the board of docks to order and direct that the water near and adjoining any private wharf, pier, dock, bulkhead or land within the limits of The City of New York, be deepened by excavating or removing the earth, mud, dirt, or sand therefrom, and to cause the same to be done in such places and at such times as the said board may deem necessary and proper. Property and wharf property defined. $833. The terms “property” and “wharf property” when- ever used in this chapter, shall be taken to mean not only all wharves, piers, docks, bulkheads, slips and basins, but the land beneath the same, and all rights, privileges and easements appurtenant thereto, and such upland or made land adjacent 479 to the said wharves, piers, docks, bulkheads, slips and basins, jurisdiction over which said upland and made land may be assigned to the department of docks and ferries by the commis- sioners of the sinking fund. Sites for floating baths. $834. The board of docks shall, upon the requisition of the respective borough presidents, Icommissioner of public build- ings, lighting and supplies, I furnish free of charge in the vicinity of such locations Ilocation] as shall be designated by such presidents respectively Isaid commissionerI accessible, convenient, and safe berths for mooring the free floating baths, authorized by law. Public markets and wharves. § 835. It shall be lawful for The City of New York, in case it shall find it necessary, to cause public markets to be erected, and kept over the waters of the East and North rivers adjoin- ing to any of its docks or wharves; provided, that such mar- kets shall not interfere with the flow of the waters of the said rivers, nor be built beyond the pier or bulkhead line established by law. Docks to be set apart for street cleaning department and board of health. $836. The board of docks shall designate and set apart for the use of the department of street cleaning, the board of health, and other city departments, suitable and sufficient wharves, piers, bulkheads, slips and berths in slips for the use of said departments. Setting apart piers for recreation. § 837. The board of docks is hereby authorized to set apart the following piers in The City of New York, to wit: A pier at or near the foot of Perry street, on the Hudson river, and such other piers along the Hudson river water front and the East river water front of the said city, as the said board of docks shall deem, from time to time, necessary for the use of the inhabitants of The City of New York, as hereinafter pro- vided, and for the convenience of dealers in country produce and other merchandise transported to The City of New York 48O for sale. The purpose of this section is to afford the inhabit- ants of The City of New York greater opportunity for health- ful recreation than they now possess, and to accomplish such end the said board of docks is hereby authorized to construct or rebuild the piers set apart under the provisions of this Sec- tion for public use in such manner as shall provide a platform or upper story thereof, and the approaches thereto shall be constructed under the direction of a skilled architect, who shall be employed by said board of docks for that purpose. The intention hereof being to permit the upper story of each one of the piers herein authorized to be set apart for public use wholly free to the inhabitants of said city for the purpose aforesaid without interference with business occupations, and the said piers on the lower stories thereof shall be open to use to boats and vessels plying upon canals, rivers and lakes of this state which may bring merchandise to the city for sale therein. The occupation of positions by boats at the piers herein men- tioned shall be under the control of the board of docks, and order shall be maintained by the police authorities of The City of New York in and around such portions of the said docks as may be set apart for recreation purposes aforesaid. Except as hereinbefore provided, no wharf, pier, bulkhead or shed shall be required by the board of docks to be so constructed as to admit of the free public use of the roof thereof for the purposes of resort and recreation. Water front to be set apart for use of fire department. $838. The board of docks, with the consent and approval of the commissioners of the sinking fund, is hereby authorized to set apart, for the permanent and exclusive use of the fire department of The City of New York, so much of the water front owned by said city as shall be deemed necessary for the exclusive use of the said fire department of The City of New York. TITLE 2. Piers, Slips and Wharfage. Sheds for protection of property upon piers or bulkheads; con- struction of the same regulated by board of docks. § 844. Whenever any person, company or corporation, en- gaged in the business of steam transportation, shall be owner 48 I or lessee of any pier or bulkhead in The City of New York, and shall use and employ the same for the purpose of regularly receiving and discharging cargo thereat, it shall be lawful for such owner or for such lessee, with the consent of the lessor, to erect and maintain, upon such pier or bulkhead, sheds for the protection of property so received or discharged, provided they shall have obtained from the board of docks, in said city, license or authority to erect or maintain the same, and subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in such license or authority; but when such license or authority has been granted and has been acted upon, it shall not be revoked by said board without the consent in writing of the mayor and of the com— missioners of the sinking fund, after due hearing of such licensee. All sheds or structures erected or maintained upon any wharf or pier in The City of New York, as heretofore known and bounded, under any license or permit heretofore granted by the department of docks of said city, or hereafter erected or maintained upon any wharf or pier in The City of New York, under any license or permit granted by the board of docks of said city, are declared to be lawful structures, sub- ject to the terms and conditions of the license or permit author- izing the same. Such sheds hereafter shall be constructed subject to the regulations and under the authority of the board of docks. Any such owner or lessee of a pier, or of a pier or bulkhead, or a part thereof, in respect to which the board of docks shall have granted the license or authority herein speci- fied, shall be entitled to the use of the premises so owned or leased by them and no vessel shall be placed in any berth on such pier, or bulkhead, or part thereof, without the consent of such owner or lessee, during the continuance of such license. The board of docks shall have power to build the above struc- tures on any wharf or bulkhead belonging to The City of New York, and shall have power to lease the same; and any lessee thereof shall have all the rights and privileges above granted. Provided that all sheds or structures lawfully erected or main- tained at the time this act takes effect upon any wharf or pier in any part of the territory embraced within The City of New York, as constituted by this act, are hereby declared to be law- ful structures. U 3 I 482 Wharves, slips, etc., not to be used as dumping grounds. $ 845. It shall not be lawful to permit the use as a dumping ground of any wharf, pier or slip, or bulkhead adjacent thereto in the navigable waters of the East river, in The City of New York, which has heretofore been used for the loading and discharging of sailing vessels regularly employed in foreign commerce and having a draught of more than eighteen feet of water. Storehouses, booths, shops, etc., on sheds not authorized. § 846. Nothing in the two preceding sections contained shall be construed to authorize the erection or maintenance on any pier of any storehouses, booths, shops, or other structures than the sheds mentioned in the last section but one, with the proper doors and gates appertaining thereto, nor to impair any powers conferred upon the board of docks, except as provided by said section. Offices abolished. § 847. The offices of captain of the port of New York and of harbor masters of the port of New York are hereby abol- ished. The dock masters appointed by the board of docks of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties conferred or imposed upon the dock masters appointed by the commissioners of docks of The City of New York, as heretofore known and bounded, by chapter one hundred and ninety-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight and the acts amendatory thereof, and supplementary thereto. Dock masters; certain powers of. § 848. The dock masters appointed by the board of docks of The City of New York shall be vested with all the powers and perform all the duties conferred on or imposed upon the harbor masters of the port of New York by a certain act, entitled, “An act to provide for the appointment of a captain of the port of New York, and harbor masters of the port of New York, and defining and regulating the powers and duties and compensation of said officers, and repealing chapter four hun- dred and eighty-seven of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-two,” passed May fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty- three, and known as chapter three hundred and fifty-seven of 483 the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-three. Nothing in this section contained shall entitle the said dock masters to any additional compensation for performing the duties and exer- cising the powers hereby imposed and conferred. Each of said dock masters shall personally perform the duties assigned to him by the board of docks. He shall not appoint any dep- uty, or assistant, or delegate the powers of his office to any person or persons whatever. He shall not collect any fees except such as are now or may be authorized by law, and which shall be specified by the board of docks. He shall not take or receive, directly or indirectly, any money, or thing of value, or compensation for his services, or on account of the exercise of his powers of office, except as now provided, or which may hereafter be provided, by law and the regulations of the board of docks. Any dock master violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof by any court of record, be punished by a fine of five hundred dollars, and in addition thereto may, in the discretion of the court, be imprisoned in the county jail for a term not exceeding thirty days. Removal of obstructions, etc., from piers, etc. § 849. Whenever any pier, wharf, or bulkhead in The City of New York, shall be incumbered or obstructed in its free use by merchandise, or by any material not affixed to such pier, wharf, or bulkhead, the board of docks is hereby authorized to require the owner, consignee or person in charge of such mer- chandise or material, to remove the same without any unneces- sary delay, and the said board shall have power, from time to time, to make such general rules and regulations and give such directions as will Secure dispatch in loading and unloading vessels, and the prompt removal of the same from the piers as Soon as completed, and also such as shall be necessary to prevent any unnecessary accumulation of freight or merchan- dise upon any pier or wharf, while any vessel shall be engaged in receiving or discharging her cargo; provided, however, that the power hereinbefore conferred shall not be exercised in reference to any obstruction or incumbrance upon any pier or wharf Occupied by any regular line of steamboats or steam- ships, or by any railroad company, except upon the written request of the Occupant or lessee of such pier or wharf. 484 Expense of carrying out last section. $ 850. Whenever the board of docks shall make any order or give any direction in pursuance of the power conferred by the last preceding section, it shall be the duty of the owner, consignee or person in charge of the merchandise, property, or vessel in reference to which such order or direction is given, to comply with the same without any unreasonable delay, or, in default thereof, the said board of docks may employ such laborers and assistance as may be necessary to carry out such order or direction, by the removal of the material, merchan- dise, or vessel in reference to which the same was given; and all expenses actually and necessarily incurred in effecting such removal shall be paid by the owner, consignee, or person in charge of the material, merchandise, or vessel so removed, and the amount thereof shall be a lien upon the same in favor of the board of docks, and may be enforced in the same manner and by the same proceedings as liens on vessels are enforced by warrant of attachment, under and pursuant to the provi- sions of the act entitled “An act to provide for the collection of demands against ships and vessels,” passed April twenty- fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and all the provisions of said act, so far as the same can be made applicable, shall apply to the liens hereby created; and the said board shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed a creditor of said Owner, consignee, or person in charge, and each of them, for the amount of the expenses so incurred, and may have and maintain an action against them, or either of them, to recover the same. Removal of obstructions, continued. $ 851. Whenever any pier or bulkhead or marginal street, wharf or place in The City of New York, shall be incumbered, or its free use interfered with by merchandise, lumber, trucks, wagons or any other obstruction, whether of loose materials or built upon or affixed to the pier or bulkhead or marginal street, wharf or place without authority of law, it shall be the duty of the board of docks to notify the person or persons placing or keeping such merchandise or other obstructions on such pier or bulkhead or marginal street, wharf or place, to remove such merchandise or other obstructions within twenty- four hours after such notice; and in case of failure to comply 485 with such notice and to remove such merchandise or obstruc- tion, the person or persons so notified shall be liable to pay to the board of docks the sum of twenty-five dollars for each and every day during which such merchandise or obstruction shall remain on such pier or bulkhead or marginal street, wharf or place. And the board of docks shall have power, in its discre- tion, to remove any merchandise, lumber, trucks, wagons or any other obstruction so incumbering any pier or bulkhead, or marginal street, wharf or place, and to store the same in a warehouse or other proper receptacle, and a sum equal to the amount of the expenses of removal, together with the charges for storage, shall be paid by the owner of such merchandise to the board of docks, and shall be a lien on such merchandise until paid. Storage of obstructions. $ 852. Whenever merchandise discharged from a vessel and incumbering a bulkhead or pier, in the port of New York, shall not, in the judgment of the said board of docks, be of sufficient value to pay the expenses of removal and storage, as provided in the last preceding section, such merchandise shall be re- moved and stored at the expense of the owner, consignee, or master of the ship or vessel from which such merchandise shall have been discharged. Unclaimed merchandise to be advertised. $ 853. At the expiration of every six months it shall be the duty of Said board of docks to advertise, for one week in the City Record [and the corporation newspapers] the mer- chandise, lumber, trucks, wagons or other obstruction which they have stored and which has remained unclaimed, setting forth the marks and numbers of each package, or parcel, the description of the merchandise, or material, the pier whence such merchandise was removed, and the date of such removal, and if any of such merchandise or material so advertised shall remain thereafter unclaimed for three months, said board of docks may then sell the same, after further advertisement for one week in the City Record [and the corporation newspapers], at public auction, to the highest bidder, to pay the expenses which have been incurred on such merchandise, lumber, trucks, wagons or other obstruction, and the remainder shall be held in trust by the said board for the owner or owners thereof, for 486. twelve months, when, if not claimed, it shall be paid over to the commissioners of the sinking fund. Canal boats; territory appropriated to. $ 854. All that part of the water adjacent to the wharves of The City of New York, as heretofore known and bounded, from the west side of pier number three, to and including the east side of pier number eight, East river, shall hereafter from the twentieth day of March to the thirty-first day of December in each year, be set apart, kept, and reserved for the exclusive use and accommodation of canal boats and barges engaged in the business of transporting property on the Hudson river, or coming to tide water from the canals of the state, arriving in said city from the city of Albany or any part or place north or west thereof, and for the use of lighters engaged in loading or unloading such boats or barges; and it shall be the duty of the board of docks and of all officers who now are or hereafter shall be empowered by law, or by any ordinance of The City of New York, as consti- tuted by this act, to regulate or station ships and vessels in the harbor of said city, to prohibit and prevent all other boats, ships, or vessels from entering any of the slips or ap- proaching or lying at any of the wharves between the piers aforesaid, during the period above specified, when such slips or the wharves connected therewith shall be required for the use and accommodation of the canal boats and barges herein- before mentioned; and the said board of docks, or other offi- cers, aforesaid, shall assign such other accommodations for said canal boats and barges in other parts of the port of New York. as may, from time to time, be necessary in receiving or discharging their cargoes. Derricks for unloading canal boats authorized. $ 855. It shall be lawful for the proprietors of any regular line of canal boats or barges using the waters within the limits aforesaid, or any other limits to which they may be assigned, as provided in the preceding section, to erect and maintain upon any of the piers, or wharves adjacent thereto, suitable derricks, to be used by said proprietors and their employees in loading and unloading said canal boats and barges; no derrick or structure so erected shall be deemed an obstruction or incumbrance upon such pier or wharf, 487 within the meaning of any statute or ordinance prohibiting the incumbering or obstructing any such pier or wharf, or authorizing the removal of obstructions or incumbrances upon the same. Occupation of waters by ships not entitled thereto. $ 856. Whenever any portion of the waters mentioned in the last section but one shall be occupied by any ship or ves- sel not entitled to occupy the same according to the provi- Sions of that section, and the proprietor or proprietors or person in charge of any of the canal boats or barges specified in said section, shall desire to use the berth or slip occupied by such ship or vessel, it shall be the duty of said board of docks, upon the request of the proprietor or consignee or person in charge of said canal boat or barge forthwith to remove such ship or vessel as far as may be necessary to accommodate such canal boat or barge. If the said board of docks to which such request is made shall neglect or refuse to comply with the same, the members thereof shall, for each such neglect, or refusal, jointly forfeit and pay to the pro- prietor or proprietors of the canal boat or barge, in refer- ence to which request was made, the sum of fifty dollars, to be sued for and recovered by and in the name of such propri- etor or proprietors, for his or their use and benefit in any court of competent jurisdiction. Failure to remove when ordered; penalty. $ 857. Any person in command or in charge of any ship or vessel which the board of docks is authorized and required to remove, as specified in the last preceding section, who shall neglect or refuse to comply with any order or direction of the said board in reference to the removal thereof, or who shall resist or obstruct the removal of such ship or vessel, shall, for every such offense, forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, to be sued for and recovered, with costs, by and in the name of said board of docks in any court of competent jurisdiction. Certain docks and piers set apart for garden produce. $ 858. The docks, piers and bulkheads on the Hudson river from Gansevoort street to Little West Twelfth street, shall be set apart by the board of docks, or such department 488 as shall have control thereof, and kept for the use of boats, barges and other vessels engaged in the business of trans- porting farm and garden produce, at such rates of wharfage as have been, or shall be lawfully established, and said board of docks, or other department, having control of said docks, piers and bulkheads may, from time to time, when said docks, piers or bulkheads are not in actual use for the purpose above mentioned, allow the same to be used for other and additional purposes, and they are hereby authorized and empowered at any such time to designate and appropriate any or all of said docks, piers or bulkheads for any public or general use, and such designation or appropriation shall be subject at any time to revocation by said board or depart- ment making the same. Wharfage and dockage rates enumerated. $ 859. It shall be lawful to charge and receive, within The City of New York, wharfage and dockage at the following rates, namely: From every vessel that uses or makes fast to any pier, wharf, or bulkhead, within said city or makes fast to any vessel lying at such pier, wharf, or bulkhead, or to any other vessel lying outside of such vessel, for every day or part of a day except as hereinafter provided, as follows: From every vessel of two hundred tons burden and under, two cents per ton; and for every vessel over two hundred tons burden, two cents per ton for each of the first two hun- dred tons burden, and one-half of one cent per ton for every additional ton, except that, save as hereinafter provided, ves- sels known as North river barges, market boats and barges, sloops employed upon the rivers and waters of this state, and schooners exclusively employed upon the rivers and waters of this state shall pay for every such vessel under the burden of fifty tons, at the rate of fifty cents per day; for every such vessel of the burden of fifty tons, and under the burden of one hundred tons, at the rate of sixty-two and a half cents per day; for every such vessel of the burden of one hundred tons, and under the burden of one hundred and fifty tons, at the rate of seventy-five cents per day; for every such vessel of the burden of one hundred and fifty tons, and under the burden of two hundred tons, at the rate of eighty- seven and a half cents per day; and for every such vessel of the burden of two hundred tons, and under the burden of 489 two hundred and fifty tons, at the rate of one hundred cents per day; for every such vessel of the burden of two hundred and fifty tons, and under the burden of three hundred tons, at the rate of one hundred and twelve and a half cents per day; for every such vessel of the burden of three hundred tons, and under the burden of three hundred and fifty tons, at the rate of one hundred and twenty-five cents per day; for every such vessel of the burden of three hundred and fifty tons, and under the burden of four hundred tons, at the rate of one hundred and thirty-seven and a half cents per day; for every such vessel of the burden of four hundred tons and under the burden of four hundred and fifty tons, at the rate of one hundred and fifty cents per day; for every such vessel of the burden of four hundred and fifty tons, and under the burden of five hundred tons, at the rate of one hundred and sixty-two and a half cents per day; for every such vessel of the burden of five hundred tons, and under the burden of five hundred and fifty tons, at the rate of one hundred and sev- enty-five cents per day; for every such vessel of the burden of five hundred and fifty tons, and under the burden of six hundred tons, at the rate of one hundred and eighty-seven and one-half cents per day; for every such vessel of the bur- den of six hundred tons and upwards, to pay twelve and a half cents, in addition for every fifty tons in addition to the rate last mentioned, for every day such ship or vessel shall use or be made fast to any of said wharves; but no boat or vessel over fifty tons burden shall pay less than fifty cents for a day or a part of a day, and the class of sailing vessels now known as lighters shall be at one-half the first above rates. Every other vessel making fast to a vessel at any pier, wharf, or bulkhead within said city, or to another vessel outside of such vessel, or at an anchor within any slip or basin, when not receiving or discharging cargo or ballast, one-half of the first above rates; and from every vessel or floating structure, other than those above named, or used for transportation of freight or passengers, double the first above rates, except that floating grain elevators shall pay one-half the first above rates; and every vessel that shall leave a pier, wharf, bulkhead, slip or basin, without first paying the wharfage or dockage due thereon, after being demanded of the owner, consignee, or person in charge of the vessel, shall be liable to pay double the rates established by this section. 490 Id.; on vessels in clam or oyster trade. § 860. Vessels of two hundred tons burden, and under, which shall be actually engaged in the clam or oyster trade, and which shall make fast to any pier, wharf or bulkhead within The City of New York, shall pay one and one-half cents per ton per day, and every such vessel which shall make fast to another vessel lying at any such pier, wharf or bulk- head, or to any vessel lying outside of such vessel, or that shall anchor within any slip or basin in said city shall pay one cent per ton per day; provided, however, that no vessel shall pay less than twenty-five cents nor less than one day's wharf- age, nor shall more than one day's wharfage be charged un- less for a continuous use of the pier, wharf, bulkhead, slip of basin of more than twenty-four hours. The board of docks may grant permits for vessels or floating structures engaged in the oyster business, and used for the receipt, preparation and opening of oysters and other shell-fish to remain contin- uously moored to or at any of the docks, piers and bulkheads within The City of New York, not otherwise specifically ap- propriated by law to the sole use of other kinds of commerce, upon such terms as to wharfage and otherwise, and subject to such regulations as said board may prescribe. All permits So granted by such board shall be subject at any time to revocation by it. Upon any such permit being granted the person or persons, or corporation receiving the same, shall be entitled to moor such vessels or floating structures, con- tinuously and until such permit shall be revoked, to or at the dock, pier or bulkhead designated in such permit for that purpose subject to the terms of such permit; provided, how- ever, that where The City of New York is not the owner of the dock, pier or bulkhead designated in such permit, the consent of the owner or owners of the same, or of the person or persons entitled to collect wharfage therefrom, shall have been obtained. Id.; canal boats and vessels carrying brick. $ 861. Every canal boat and every vessel engaged in freight- ing brick on the Hudson river occupying a berth next to any pier, wharf, or bulkhead in The City of New York, and engaged in delivering cargo upon said pier, wharf, or bulk- head, or receiving cargo therefrom, shall pay wharfage at the rate of fifty cents for every day or part of a day while so 49 I engaged; but when unloaded such canal boats or vessels afore- said shall pay wharfage at the rate of thirty cents per day or part thereof; but no canal boat or vessel lying in any slip between two adjacent piers shall be required to pay full wharf- age to the owners or lessees of both said piers for the same day, notwithstanding such canal boat or barge may, during said day, have changed her location between said piers; pro- vided that they shall pay one-half rates to each owner or lessee when they have changed their locations between said piers; preceding section, shall be taken and construed to mean twenty- four hours. Rates for goods, etc., remaining on pier or wharf. $ 862. It shall be lawful for the owners or lessees of any pier, wharf, or bulkhead within The City of New York, to charge and collect the sum of five cents per ton on all goods, merchandise, and materials remaining on the pier, wharf, or bulkhead owned or leased by him, for every day after the expiration of twenty-four hours from the time such goods, merchandise, and materials shall have been left or deposited on such pier, wharf, or bulkhead, and the same shall be a lien thereon. and the word “day,” whenever it occurs in this and the last Rates to be printed in wharfage bills. $ 863. It shall be the duty of every person owning or having charge of any pier, wharf, bulkhead, or slip in The City of New York, to cause to be printed on the backs of all bills, pre- sented by them for wharfage, section eight hundred and fifty- nine of this act, and the owner, consignee, or person in charge of any vesel shall not be required to pay the wharfage or dock- age due on such vessel, unless upon his demand the bill printed in conformity with this section is presented to him. Any person Owning or having charge of any pier, wharf, bulkhead, or slip as aforesaid, who shall receive for wharfage any rates in excess of those now authorized by law, shall forfeit to the party aggrieved treble the amount so charged as damages, to be sued for and recovered by the party aggrieved. M’ What waters included in port of New York. § 864. The port of New York, wherever the same is men- tioned or referred to in this chapter, shall be deemed and taken 492 to include, unless otherwise expressly stated, all the waters of the North river and East river and the harbor, embraced within or adjacent to or opposite to the shores of The City of Ne York, as constituted by this act. - Additional accommodations for canal boats. $ 865. The board of docks shall, in addition to the piers and waters especially assigned thereto by law, assign such accom- modations for canal boats and barges engaged in the business of transporting property on the Hudson river, or coming to tide water from the canals of the state, or arriving in said port from Albany or any place north or west thereof, as may from time to time be necessary in receiving and discharging their cargoes. Penalty for vessels wrongfully entering canal boat territory. $ 866. No vessel, other than canal boats, barges or lighters receiving or delivering property from or to said canal boats or . barges, shall use or enter into for the purpose of using any part of the port of New York set apart for the use of canal boats and barges without the written consent of the board of docks had and obtained therefor, and then only between the first day of January and twentieth day of March in each year, and when not occupied by canal boats, under a penalty of one hundred dollars for every day that such vessel shall remain in said part of said port so set apart after being notified to leave by the said board, and said penalty shall be a lien upon any such vessel, and be enforced by proceedings against it, insti- tuted by and in the name of the said board of docks, according to the provisions of the laws of this state concerning attach- ments against vessels. Powers of dock masters to assign and regulate stations for vessels; penalty for refusing to obey direction. o $ 867. Each dock master appointed by the board of docks shall have power, within the district assigned to him, subject to the other provisions of this act, to provide and assign suit- able accommodations for all ships and vessels, and regulate them in the stations they are to occupy at the wharves or in the stream, and to remove from time to time such vessels as are not employed in receiving or discharging their cargoes, to 493 make room for such others as require to be more immediately accommodated for the purpose of receiving or discharging their cargoes, and shall have power to determine as to the fact of their being fairly and in good faith employed in receiving and discharging their cargoes, and shall have authority to determine how far and in what instance it is the duty of the master and others having charge of ships and vessels to accom- modate each other in their respective situations. And if any master or any person having charge of any vessel, canal boat, barge or lighter, shall refuse or neglect to move his vessel, canal boat, barge or lighter, when ordered to do so by a dock master, or shall resist or forcibly oppose said officer in the discharge of his duties, such master or persons so refusing, neglecting, resisting or opposing, shall, for every offense, for- feit and pay the sum of fifty dollars to be recovered with costs of suit, by and in the name of the board of docks before any court having cognizance thereof. False personation of dock masters. $ 868. Any person who shall falsely represent himself to be a dock master, or wrongfully perform the duties of dock master, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned in the county jail for a term not exceeding sixty days, and fined, in the discretion of the court, a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars. Violations to be reported. $ 869. It shall be the duty of the dock masters appointed by the board of docks to report to said board all violations of any of the provisions of this chapter, and of the rules and regulations of the board of docks which may confle to the knowledge of said dock masters, or which may be known to them by complaint or otherwise. Floating docks authorized. $876. It shall be lawful for the floating docks of the New York Balance Dock Company and of the New York Floating Dry Dock Company, to be used, with the consent of the owners of the piers or bulkheads, respectively occupied for such use, or of the persons entitled to collect wharfage for such piers or bulkheads, for the purpose of taking up ships 494 and vessels for repair, coppering or finishing, in the manner beretofore practiced in the port of New York, subject to the authority established by this act to regulate by ordinance the use of the slips, piers and wharves of The City of New York. TITLE 3. General Provisions. Grants of land under water restricted. $876. No grants of land under water shall be made by the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen of The City of New York, or by any officer, board, or department thereof, be- yond the exterior lines of The City of New York, as fixed by an act of the legislature, passed April seventeenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, entitled “An act to establish bulk- head and pier lines for the port of New York,” as amended by subsequent act, unless as expressly authorized by acts passed subsequent thereto. Time for improving lands adjacent to water on Harlem river. § 877. The period of time fixed for the appropriation to the purposes of commerce by the construction of a dock or docks, and filling in the same, in all letters patent issued by the people of the state of New York to the owners of the adjacent upland for lands under water and between high and low water mark in front of and adjacent to the lands of the said owners of the adjacent upland on the easterly shore of the Harlem river, is extended until two years after the time when plans for the improvement of said river shall have been or shall be completed by the proper authorities, and copies of such plans, filed, one in the office of the register of the county of New York, and one in the office of the secretary of state at Albany. Dumping snow and ice from piers. § 878. It shall be lawful for the commissioner of street cleaning to cause to be dumped, or authorize to be dumped, snow and ice between the piers near their inshore ends, into the waters of the East and North Ör Hudson rivers. 495 Injuries to vessels lying at exterior end of wharf. § 879. It shall not be lawful for any vessel, canal boat, barge, lighter or tug to obstruct the waters of the harbor by lying at the exterior end of wharves in the waters of the North or East river, except at their own risk of injury from vessels entering or leaving any adjacent dock or pier; any vessel, canal boat, barge, lighter or tug so lying shall not be entitled to claim or demand damages for any injury caused by any vessel entering or leaving any adjacent pier. Certain substances not to be dumped in port of New York. § 88O. The placing, discharging or depositing, by any pro- cess or in any manner, of refuse, dirt, ashes, cinders, mud, sand, dredgings, sludge acid, or any other refuse matter, floatable or otherwise, in the tidal waters of the port of New York as defined by this act, except under permit of the United States supervisor of the harbor, is hereby strictly for- bidden, and every person violating the foregoing provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred and fifty dollars nor less than five dollars, or impris- onment for not more than six months nor less than ten days, one-half of said fine to be paid to the person or persons giv- ing information which shall lead to the conviction of such misdemeanor. Scows to receive ashes, etc., from steam tugs and vessels. $881. The various scows employed by The City of New York, or by the contractors for removing ashes, garbage and refuse of said city, while moored at the various dumping boards of said city are hereby designated and required to receive directly any and all ashes or rubbish from any steam tug or vessel in the harbor, and in addition to the foregoing provisions two or more scows shall be located at such points within the harbor as the supervisor of the harbor may direct for the special use of boats and vessels wishing to discharge ashes or rubbish. CHAPTER XVII. TAXES AND ASSESSMENTs. Title I. Department of taxes and assessments; powers and du- ties. Title 2. Assessments for local improvements other than those confirmed by a court of record. Title 3. Vacating and modifying assessments for local im- provements other than those confirmed by a court of record. Title 4. Opening streets and parks. Title 5. Sales of land for taxes, assessments and water rates. TITLE I. Department of Tares and Assessments, Powers and Duties. One of the departments of the city. § 884. The department of taxes and assessments shall be One of the departments in said city. Department, how composed; terms and salaries. § 885. The head of the department of taxes and assessments shall be called the board of taxes and assessments. Said board shall consist of a president, who shall be designated in his appointment, and four other persons, one of whom at least shall be a person learned in the law, who shall be called com- missioners of taxes and assessments. IThe president, unless Sooner removed, shall hold his office for the term of six years and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified. The other commissioners shall, unless sooner removed, hold their respective offices for the term of four years, and until their successors shall be appointed and have qualified. The commissioners first appointed under this act shall hold office by designation of the mayor for terms of one, two, three and four years, respectively. The commissioners thereafter ap- 497 pointed shall hold office for the term of four years. The salary of the president shall be eight thousand dollars a year, and the salary of each of the other commissioners seven thou- sand dollars a year. Devolution of power. § 886. All of the rights, powers and duties heretofore de- volved by law upon the board of taxes and assessments in The City of New York, upon the department of assessments of the city of Brooklyn, and upon like departments, boards or officers of taxes and assessments other than for street improvements in the other municipal and public corporations or parts of municipal and public corporations consolidated by this act with the municipal corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York are hereby devolved, unless otherwise herein expressly provided, upon and vested in the board of taxes and assessments in The City of New York. Deputy tax commissioners; how appointed; their duties [term of office and salary.] § 887. The board of taxes and assessments shall appoint persons to be known as deputy tax commissioners, not exceed- ing forty in number, who shall perform, under the direction and Supervision of the board of taxes and assessments, such duties as the said board shall prescribe. The said board shall give such directions to the deputy tax commissioners as it shall think expedient to secure in all the boroughs and parts of the city equality of valuations of property for the purposes of tax- ation. ISuch deputy tax commissioners shall hold their office during the pleasure of the said board of taxes and assessments, and shall be subject to removal by the said board as deputies in the other city departments.I. The number of deputy tax commissioners above prescribed may from time to time be increased by the appointment of the board of taxes and assess- ments, provided such increase is authorized by the board of estimate and apportionment. IThe salary of each of said deputy tax commissioner shall be fixed by the board of taxes and assessments.I º Appointment of deputy tax commissioners among the boroughs. § 888. In making the appointments of the deputy tax com- missioners the head of the department of taxes and assessments shall apportion such appointments as nearly as may be, among 32 498 ** persons residing in the several boroughs created by this act, according to the population of the several boroughs; and Ithe persons performing similar duties in the several boroughs, when this act takes effect, shall, so far as the board shall deem then fit and competent, be preferred for the said appointments first to be made hereunder.I after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two, no person shall be appointed to the office of deputy tax commissioner unless he shall be at the time he is appointed and shall have been for at least one year prior thereto an elector and freeholder in the borough from which he is appointed. No deputy tax commissioner shall be as- signed to assess property in any other borough than that from which he is appointed, except by the unanimous vote of all the members of the board of taxes and assessments, and in that case the reasons for such assignment shall be stated in the minutes of the board. Deputy tax commissioners; duties of in assessing taxable property. § 889. It shall be the duty of the deputy tax commissioners, under the direction of the board of taxes and assessments, to assess all the taxable property in the several districts that may be assigned to them for that purpose,by said board, and they shall furnish to the said board, under oath, a detailed state- ment of all such property, showing that said deputies have per- sonally examined each and every house, building, lot, pier, or other assessable property, giving the street, lot, ward, town and map number of such real estate embraced within said dis- tricts, together with the name of the owner or occupant, if known; (also, in their judgment, the sum for which said prop- erty under ordinary circumstances would sell), with such other information in detail relative to personal property or otherwise, as the said board may, from time to time require. Such dep- uties shall commence to assess real and personal estate on the first Tuesday of September in each and every year. Offices of the department in the boroughs. § 890. There shall be an office of the department of taxes and assessments in the borough of Brooklyn, a like office of the department in the borough of Queens, a like office of the department in the borough of Richmond, and a like office of the department in the borough of The Bronx; at which the 499 duties of the department of taxes and assessments pertaining to the assessment of property in the said several boroughs shall, under the direction of the board of taxes and assess- ments, be performed by such number of the deputy tax com- missioners or other employees of the department of taxes and assessments as the said department may decide to be necessary and assign to such duties. Such offices shall in law be a part of the main office, and the main office of the department of taxes and assessments shall be maintained in the borough of Manhattan. The books, maps, assessment-rolls, files and records pertaining to the department of taxes and assessments of the municipality heretofore designated as the mayor, alder- men and commonalty of the city of New York, of the depart- ment of assessment of the city of Brooklyn and of each and every of the like offices in any of the municipal and public Corporations, or parts of municipal and public corporations consolidated by this act with the municipal corporation of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, shall be delivered into and thereafter be in the custody and control of the department of taxes and assessments hereby constituted, to be kept in such of the offices of the said depart- ment as may be most convenient to the taxpayers and suitable to the proper discharge of the business of such department, and shall be public records, and at all reasonable times open to public inspection. Surveyor. $891. The said department of taxes and assessments shall appoint a surveyor from one of the city surveyors, whose duty it shall be to make necessary surveys and corrections of the ward maps, and also to make all new maps which may be required for the more accurate assessment of real estate within the territory consolidated by this act with the municipal corpo- ration known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York. He shall hold his office at the pleasure of the department of taxes and assessments, and may have such assistants as the said department may decide to be necessary and provide. Annual record of assessed valuation; what to contain and when to be open for examination and correction. $ 892. There shall be kept in the several offices estab- lished by the department of taxes and assessments books to be 5OO called “ the annual record of the assessed valuation of real and personal estate of the borough of —,” in which shall be entered in detail the assessed valuations of such property within the limits of the several boroughs of The City of New York as established by this act, which said books shall be open for public inspection, examination and correction from the Second Monday in January until the first IMonday.I day of IMay 1 April in each year; but on said last men- tioned day the same shall be closed to enable the board of taxes and assessments to prepare assessment-rolls of the several boroughs for delivery to the Imunicipal as- semblyl board of aldermen. The said board previous to and during the time the said books are open as afore- said for inspection shall advertise the fact in the City Record, [and in the corporation newspapers] and in such other newspaper or newspapers published in the several boroughs created by this act as may be authorized by the board of city record. Iprovided, however, that for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight it shall be sufficient if said books be kept open from the first Monday of February to the first day of May of that year.I Annual record of assessed valuation of real and personal estate of corporations to be kept in main office. § 893. The department of taxes and assessments shall cause to be prepared and kept in the main office of the department of taxes and assessments, books to be called “The annual record of the assessed valuations of real and personal estate of corpo- rations,” and it shall be the duty of the deputy tax commis- sioners in the several districts in the several boroughs which may be assigned to them for that purpose by the board of taxes and assessments, to furnish to the department of taxes and assessments, under oath at their main office, at the time that such statement is filed in any office of the department of taxes and assessments in any borough other than in the main office in the borough of Manhattan, a duplicate detailed statement of the assessable property of corporations, both real and per- Sonal, which said statements of said deputy tax commissioners shall be entered upon the books to be kept in the main office of the department of taxes and assessments, to be known as the “Annual record of the assessed valuation of real and per- sonal estate of corporations.” 5OI Assessed valuation of personal property; how to be entered. § 894. The assessed valuation of all personal property shall be entered by said deputy tax commissioners, or by such Other persons as may be assigned to that duty by the depart- ment of taxes and assessments in its several offices, in books or rolls, in alphabetical order, of the names of persons and Corporations subject to taxation. No tax or assessment shall be void by reason of the name of the rightful owner or own- ers, whether individuals or corporations, of real estate in any of the said boroughs not being inscribed in the assessment rolls or lists; but in such case no tax shall be collected except from the real estate so assessed. The assessed valuation of all real and personal property of corporations shall be entered in dupli- cate in the office in the borough where the same is assessed and in the main office of the department of taxes and assess- ments in the borough of Manhattan. If, at any time prior to the first day of May in any year, it shall appear to the tax commissioners that a person assessed for taxation on personal estate on the books or rolls of one borough should have been assessed therefor on the books or rolls of another borough, they shall forthwith cause the assessment to be cancelled and a new assessment to be made on the proper books or rolls, and within five days thereafter shall cause writ- ten notice of the new assessment to be mailed to such person at his last known residence or business address within The City of New York, and an affidavit of the mailing of such notice to be filed in the main office. The person so notified may apply for correction of such assessment on or before the twentieth day of May, with the same force and effect as if such application were made on or before the Ithirtieth.I thirty-first day of IApril1 March in any year. Applications for correction of assessment. § 895. During the time that books shall be open to public inspection as aforesaid application may be made by any person or corporation claiming to be aggrieved by the assessed valua- tion of real or personal estate, to have the same corrected. If such application be made in relation to the assessed valuation of real estate, it must be made in writing, stating the ground of objection thereto. The board of taxes and assessments shall examine into the complaint, as herein provided, and if in their judgment the assessment is erroneous they shall cause 5O2 the same to be corrected. If such application be made in rela- tion to the assessed valuation of personal estate, the applicant shall be examined under oath by a commissioner of taxes and assessments or a deputy tax commissioner, as herein provided, who are hereby authorized to administer such oath, and if the assessment as hereinafter provided be determined by the board of taxes and assessments to be erroneous, it shall cause the same to be corrected and fix the amount of such assessment as the board of taxes and assessments may believe to be just, and declare its decision upon such application within the time and in the manner hereinafter provided. But the commissioners of taxes and assessments may, during the ImonthI months of April and May in any year, act upon applications, examine applicants under oath and take other testimony thereon, for the reduction of assessments upon either real or personal property filed in their offices on or before the Ithirtieth.I thirty-first day of IApril1 March preceding, and cause the amount of any assessment as corrected by the board of taxes and assessments to be entered upon the assessment rolls for the year in which such correction may be made. When assessed valuation may be increased or diminished. § 896. The board of taxes and assessments may increase at any time before the first of IMay 1 April in each year, or may diminish at any time before the closing of the books of “an- nual record ” on the first day of IMay 1 April in each year, the assessed valuation of any real or personal estate of any indi- vidual or corporation, as in its judgment may be just or neces- Sary for the equalization of taxation; but it shall not increase Such valuations of the property of any individual or corpora- tion after said books are opened for correction and review, except upon notice given to the individual or corporation affected by such increase at least ten days before the fifteenth day of IMay I April in each year. Power of the board to remit or reduce a tax. § 897. The board of taxes and assessments is hereby invested with power to remit where in the opinion of the corporation counsel lawful cause therefor is shown. It may reduce if found excessive, a tax imposed upon real or personal property. It shall require a majority of the commissioners of taxes and 5O3 assessments to remit or reduce the assessed valuation of per- sonal property, and no tax on personal property shall be re- mitted, cancelled or reduced unless the person aggrieved shall satisfy the board of taxes and assessments that illness or absence from the city had prevented the filing of the com- plaint or making the application to the said board within the time allowed by law for the correction of taxes. Any remis- sion or reduction of taxes upon the real estate of individuals or corporations must be made within six months after the delivery of the books to the receiver of taxes for the collection of such tax. Applications for revision and cancellation of assessment in the several boroughs; when and how made. $898. The board of taxes and assessments from the whole number of persons appointed as deputy tax commission- ers shall for each of the boroughs wherein one of the offices of the department of taxes and assessments is established and maintained designate one or more deputy tax commissioners, who shall, between the second Monday of January in each year and the first day of IMay 1 April following, receive applica- tions for the revision and cancellation of any assessments entered in the books of annual record of the assessed valuation of real and personal estate in that borough, take testimony on such applications and reduce the same to writing, and when so reduced to writing transmit such applications and testimony, with his recommendation, to the board of taxes and assess- ments at their main office, in the borough of Manhattan, or to any office of the department of taxes in any borough as the board of taxes and assessments may prescribe. Such deputy tax commissioners as may be designated for the purposes and as prescribed in this section, are hereby authorized between the second Monday of January and the first day of IMay1 April to administer oaths for the purpose of taking testimony upon all applications for the revision or cancellation of assessments, and they are hereby required and directed to transmit the evidence so taken and reduced to writing, within ten days after the evidence upon any application is taken, with their recommendation, as hereinbefore described. The board of taxes and assessments shall hear at their main office all appli- cations of corporations for revision and cancellation of assess- ments; and as to all other applications, the said board may 504 prescribe the time and place of hearing thereof in the several boroughs and give such public notice thereof in the City Record and in at least one newspaper in each borough as they may designate, and the board may make such rules and regu- lations as may be appropriate and expedient to the end that the taxpayers of each borough cther than corporations, may have a hearing in the borough in which they reside or in which their property assessed is situated. All testimony taken by the board of taxes and assessments by any commissioner or by deputy tax commissioners as herein prescribed, shall be reduced to writing and shall constitute part of the record of the pro- ceedings upon any assessment. The decision of the board of taxes and assessments, upon any application for the revision, reduction or cancellation of any assessment and upon the evi- dence taken thereunder, shall, where the evidence is taken by the board of taxes and assessments be rendered within thirty days after the hearing upon such application is closed, and in no case later than the first day of June. And where the evidence upon any application is taken by any commissioner or a deputy tax commissioner, the determination of the board of taxes and assessments shall be rendered within thirty days after the application and the testimony thereunder shall have been filed with the board of taxes and assessments, at the main office of the department in the borough of Manhat- tan, and in no case later than the first day of June. Deputy tax commissioners to make up aggregate amount of assessed valuation in the boroughs. º § 899. It is hereby declared to be the duty of the deputy tax commissioners, or of such other persons as may have been assigned to the charge and direction of any one of the offices of the department of taxes and assessments in the several boroughs, to compute from the annual record of the assessed valuations of real and personal estate in each of the said several offices, the total aggregate amount of the as- sessed valuation of real and personal property appearing on said books for each of the said boroughs on the second Mon- day of January in any year, and to transmit a statement of such aggregate amounts of assessed valuations of real and personal property in the said several boroughs to the depart- ment of taxes and assessments at their main office in the borough of Manhattan on or before the second Monday of 5O5 January in each year. The board of taxes and assessments are hereby invested with the power and charged with the duty before opening the books for the public inspection as herein prescribed, to fix such valuations of property for the purposes of taxation throughout The City of New York at such sums as will, in their judgment, establish a just and equal relation between the valuations of property in each borough and throughout the entire city. To this end the board of taxes and assessments is authorized to require the deputy tax commissioners to transmit a report to them of the assessed valuation of real and personal property in the several boroughs at such time prior to the Second Monday of January in each year as the board of taxes and assess- ments may prescribe. Comptroller to submit to [municipal assemblyl board of aldermen a statement showing the amounts necessary to be raised. § 900. It shall be the duty of the comptroller of said city to prepare and submit to the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen, at least four weeks before its annual meeting in each and every year for the purpose of imposing the annual taxes, a statement setting forth the amounts by law authorized to be raised by tax in that year, on account of the corporation of The City of New York, as hereby con- stituted, or for city purposes within said city as created by this act, and purposes for which said city is liable, and On account of the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond, and also an estimate of the probable amount of receipts into the city treasury during the then current year from all the sources of revenue of the general funds, including Surplus revenue from the sinking funds of the mayor, alder- men and commonalty of the city of New York and of any of the municipal and public corporations, or parts of municipal and public corporations, by this act consolidated with the municipal corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and com- monalty of the city of New York, other than the surplus of revenues of any such sinking funds for the payment of interest on the city debt of the municipal corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, or the like debts of the municipal and public corporations by this act consolidated as aforesaid, and the said Imunicipal 506 assembly I board of aldermen is hereby authorized and di- rected to deduct the total amount of such estimated receipts from the aggregate amount of all the various sums which, by law, they are required to order and cause to be raised by tax in said year, for the purposes aforesaid, and to cause to be raised by tax only the balance of such aggregate amount after making such deductions. How county charges and expenses in New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond counties [and that part of Queens county within the city] are to be paid. § 902. In the statement submitted by the comptroller to the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, as above provided in this chapter, he shall each year include and state specifically the sum or sums necessary to be raised to pay during the current year the salaries of the county officers and the other county charges and expenses in the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond, respectively, Iand the sum or sums which should be paid for like pur- poses by that part of Queens county included within the city.I and the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen is hereby authorized and directed to levy upon and collect from the tax- able property within each of said counties, [and part of county,I respectively, the sum or sums so necessary to be raised to pay the salaries of county officers and other county charges and expenses of such county Ior part of county]; to the end that each of said counties [and said part of Queens county I shall ultimately bear and pay all expenses necessary to be incurred within the county Ior part of county] for county as distinguished from city purposes. Permits for buildings, etc.; copies to be sent to the department of taxes and assessments. § 903. Whenever any permit shall be granted by the proper officer of the city government as created by this act for the erection of any building, pier or bulkhead within said city, a copy of such permit shall be within five days after its issue furnished by the officer granting the same to the de- partment of taxes and assessments. Exemptions. § 904. The exemption from taxation of every building for public worship, and every schoolhouse or other seminary of 507 learning under the provisions of section four of the tax law, being chapter nine hundred and eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-six, shall not apply to any such building or premises within the limits of The City of New York, as defined by this act, unless the same shall be exclusively used for such purpose, and be exclusively the property of a re- ligious Society. Exemptions, continued. § 905. Nothing in this chapter shall affect any existing and valid exemptions from taxation heretofore created by law respecting any property, real or personal, within the limits of The City of New York, as constituted by this act. Certiorari to review final determination of the department. § 906. A certiorari to review or correct on the merits any final determination of the board of taxes and assessments shall be allowed by the supreme court or any justice thereof, directed to the commissioners of taxes and assessments on the verified petition of the party aggrieved, but only on the grounds which must be specified in such petition, that the assessment is illegal, and giving the particulars of the alleged illegality, or is erroneous by reason of Over valuation, or in case of real estate, that the same is erroneous by reason of inequality, in that the assessment has been made at a higher proportionate valuation than the assessment of other real estate of like character in the same ward or section or other real estate on the tax-rolls of the city for the same year, speci- fying the instances in which such inequality exists, and the extent thereof, and stating that he is or will be injured thereby. Such certiorari and all proceedings thereunder may be had and taken in the judicial district where such real estate is situated, and may be begun at any time before the first day of Novem- ber in the year in which the determination sought to be re- viewed or corrected has been made. 508 When assessment-rolls to be made and delivered to the Drmunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen. § 907. Beginning with the first day of IMay1 April in each year the board of taxes and assessments shall cause to be prepared from the books of annual record of assessed valua- tions of real and personal estate in the several offices of the department of taxes and assessments in the several boroughs, assessment-rolls for each of Said several boroughs, and shall, as soon as such rolls are completed, annex to each of Said rolls their certificates that the same is correct in accordance with the entries in said several books of record. The rolls so cer– tified must, on the first Monday of July in each year be deliv- ered by the board of taxes and assessments to the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen, which shall meet at noon on that day at the city hall, or usual place of meeting, in the borough of Manhattan, for the purpose of receiving the same, and for the purpose of performing such other duties in relation thereto as are prescribed by law; except that whenever said first Monday in July shall fall on a legal holiday, said rolls shall be delivered by said board of taxes and assessments on the next succeeding day thereafter to the Imunicipal assem- bly I board of aldermen, which shall meet at noon on such next succeeding day, at the place and in the manner and for the purposes hereinafter specified. In the event of the board of aldermen failing to meet to receive said rolls, the same may be delivered to the city clerk with the same effect as if deliv- ered to the board of aldermen. Meaning of the words “board of taxes and assessments * in this chapter; majority clause. § 908. Whenever any act is required or authorized to be done or any determination or decision made by the board of taxes and assessments, or any other body or board, then in the absence of express provision to the contrary, any such act, if done, or any such determination or decision, if made by a majority of the body or board shall, within the meaning of this act be held to be the act, determination or decision of the body or board. 5O9 Assessment-rolls to remain in custody of [municipal assemblyl board of aldermen. § 909. The tax or assessment-rolls, when finally submit- ted to the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen on the first Monday of July in each year, shall remain in Ithel its custody Iof said assembly I, but the president of the board Icouncill may, by written permission, permit access to them, and he is hereby, in the name of the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen and as its act, authorized and directed to cause to be properly estimated and computed the taxes annually im- posed, and cause the same to be properly set down or extended in the several assessment rolls or tax books, as required by the next section. It shall also be the duty of said president to cause the items of said taxes to be carefully added, and to set down the amount of the same therein; and when completed to deliver the tax books relating to real estate to the Icollector of assessments and arrears, I comptroller, in order that the unpaid water rents of each preceding year may be entered therein. After such completion of the assessment-rolls or tax books it shall be the duty of the city clerk to procure the proper war- rants authorizing and requiring the receiver of taxes to collect the several sums therein mentioned according to law, and such warrants need be signed only by the president of the Icouncil and the president of the] board of aldermen, and counter- signed by the city clerk, and immediately thereafter the presi- dent of the [council] board of aldermen shall deliver the said assessment-rolls, with the warrants aforesaid annexed thereto, to the receiver of taxes, at the same time notifying the comp- troller of the amount of taxes in each book, in order that he may cause the proper sum to be charged to the receiver for collection. Id.; duties of [municipal assemblyl board of aldermen, respecting. § 910. At such annual meeting the Imunicipal assembly] board of aldermen must make such alterations in the descrip- tion of real property belonging to non-residents as may be necessary to render such descriptions conformable to the pro- visions of law; and if such alterations can not be made, they must expunge the descriptions of such real property, and the 5 IO assessment thereon from the assessment-rolls. They must also estimate and set down in a fifth column, to be prepared for that purpose in the assessment-rolls, opposite to the several Sums set down as the valuation of real and personal property, the respective sums, in dollars and cents, to be paid as a tax thereon, rejecting the fractions of a cent. They must also add up and set down the aggregate valuations of the real and personal property in the several boroughs as corrected by them; and must transmit to the comptroller of this state by mail a certificate of such aggregate valuations, showing sepa- rately the aggregate amount of the real and personal property in each borough, as corrected by the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen. Corrected roll to be delivered to receiver of taxes. § 9II. They must also cause the assessment-rolls of each borough, when corrected according to law, and finally com- pleted, or a fair copy thereof, to be delivered to the receiver of taxes in and for the city on or before the Ifirst] fifteenth day of September thereafter, with the proper warrant or war- rants annexed, signed by the president of the [council and the president of the] board of aldermen and countersigned by the city clerk, directing and requiring him to collect from the several persons named in the assessment-rolls the several sums mentioned in the last column of such roll, opposite to their respective names, and to pay the same from time to time, when so collected, to the chamberlain of the city. Penalty for [municipal assembly's] board of aldermen’s neglect. § 912. If the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen shall wilfully refuse or neglect to perform any of the duties required of them by the two preceding sections, each member so refus- ing or neglecting shall forfeit to The City of New York the sum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered in a civil action; and shall also be punishable for a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall forfeit his office. Where taxes due and payable. § 913. The receiver of taxes upon receiving the assessment rolls and warrants shall immediately cause the assessment rolls 5 II and warrants for each of the several boroughs wherein he shall Iunder the designation of the municipal assembly I have an office, to be delivered at and filed in such office, and shall thereafter proceed to collect and receive said taxes from the several individuals and corporations assessed in the said assess- ment-rolls in the manner hereinafter prescribed. Receiver of taxes to give public notice. § 914. The receiver of taxes shall, immediately after he shall nave received the assessment-rolls, give public notice for at least five days in the City Record Land the corporation newspapers.I and in such newspaper or newspapers published in the several boroughs as may be designated by the board of city record, or in default of any newspaper being published in any borough, in such newspaper or newspapers having a gen- eral circulation in such borough as the board of city record shall direct, that said assessment-rolls have been delivered to him and that all taxes [are then I shall be due and payable at his office in the said respective boroughs on the first Monday in October, and that in case of payment Ion or I before the first day of November thereafter the persons so paying shall be entitled to the benefits mentioned in the next section. All taxes shall be and become liens on the real estate affected there- by on the day when they become due and payable as above provided and shall remain such liens until paid. Rebate for prompt payment. § 915. If any person who shall be assessed in any of the said assessment rolls shall pay the amount of his taxes Ion or] before the first day of November, succeeding the delivery of the said assessment rolls and warrants to the said receiver, it shall be the duty of the receiver or any of his deputies to receive the same, and to deduct therefrom interest, at the rate of six per centum per annum, between the day of such payment and the first day of December then next succeeding. Interest on unpaid taxes. § 916. If any such tax shall remain unpaid on the said first day of December, it shall be the duty of the receiver of ée * c e º – º * * e - e. o *º e © e taxes t 5 I 2 to charge, receive, and collect upon such tax so remaining unpaid on that day, in addition to the amount of such tax, one per centum on the amount thereof, and to charge, receive and collect upon such tax so remaining unpaid on the first day of January thereafter, interest upon the amount thereof, at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from the day on which said [assessment rolls and warrants shall have been delivered to the receiver of taxes] taxes became due and payable, as provided by section nine hundred and fourteen of this act, to the date of payment; and such increase or percent- age shall be paid over and accounted for by such receiver from time to time, as a part of the tax collected by him. Id.; continued. § 917. It shall be the duty of the said receiver, in person or by his deputies, to charge, collect, and receive upon all taxes remaining unpaid on and after the said first day of January, interest at a rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calcu- lated from the day on which the said [assessment rolls and warrants shall have been delivered to the receiver] taxes became due and payable as provided by section nine hundred and fourteen of this act. Duty of receiver where taxes remain unpaid on the first of November following the delivery of assessments and warrants. § 918. If any taxes of any year shall remain unpaid on the first day of November next after the assessments and war- rants to collect such taxes have been delivered to the receiver of taxes at his office in the borough of Manhattan, it shall be the duty of the receiver to give notice by advertisement for at least ten days in the City Record Iand the corporation news- papers], and in such daily paper having a general circulation in any borough as the board of city record shall designate, that unless the same shall be paid to him at his office Ion or I before the first day of December, in any such year, he will immediately thereafter proceed to collect such unpaid taxes as provided herein. - Public notice to be given by receiver after December first in each year. § 919. The receiver of taxes shall immediately after the ... first day ºf December, in each year, give public notice in the & © º & : Qº gº º tº © © & © tº gº 5 13 City Record, [and the corporation newspapers] and in such daily paper having a general circulation in any borough as the board of city record may designate, at least ten days, notifying all persons or corporations who have omitted to pay their taxes to pay the same to him at his office in the borough of Manhat- tan or to his several deputies in the several boroughs. Undivided parts of taxes; payment of. § 92O. If a sum of money in gross has been or shall be taxed upon any lands or premises, any person or persons claiming any divided or undivided part thereof may pay such part of the sum of money so taxed, also of the interest and charges due or charged thereon, as the said comptroller may deem to be just and equitable; and the remainder of the sum of money so taxed, together with the interest and charges, shall be a lien upon the residue of the land and premises only, which residue may be sold to satisfy the residue of such tax, interest or charges, in the same manner as though the residue of said tax had been imposed upon the residue of said lands or premises. Corporations, tax for; how collected. § 92I. The said receiver of taxes shall proceed in enforcing the collection and payment of taxes against corporations or associations and their officers and directors, or trustees, in the same manner as against individuals; such taxes shall be paid out of the funds of the company and shall be ratably deducted from the dividends of those stockholders whose stock was taxed, or shall be charged upon such stock, if no dividends be afterward declared. Daily statement of taxes received to be rendered to chamberlain. § 922. The receiver of taxes shall enter into suitable books, to be kept by him for that purpose, the sums received by him for taxes, and at the expiration of the office hours for each day, and before three o'clock thereof, shall render a statement of the same to the chamberlain and at the same time on each day pay over to said chamberlain the amount received on such day; he shall also thereupon receive from the said chamberlain a voucher for the payment of such sums, which he shall forth- with, on the same day, exhibit to the comptroller of the said city. But the duty by this section imposed may, in respect to the borough of Brooklyn, be discharged by the deputy receiver 33 5 I4. of taxes and the deputy chamberlain located in the borough of Brooklyn, and likewise by similar deputy officers for the bor- Ough of The Bronx, the borough of Queens, and the borough of Richmond. 4. Receiver's account of taxes received; how to be kept. § 923. It shall be the duty of the receiver, and of deputy receivers, from time to time to enter in a column to be made for that purpose, upon the assessment-rolls in his possession, Opposite to the names of the persons mentioned therein, and who shall pay their tax, as aforesaid, to the receiver of taxes, personally or by deputy, the fact of such payment, the amount thereof, and the day when paid, and to enter into suitable books, to be kept for that purpose, on each day such payment and the names of the parties respectively on whose account the same were paid; and at the expiration of the office hours, and on the same day, he shall furnish to the comptroller of the said city, personally or by deputy, a detailed statement of such sums of the borough for which received, and the names of the parties respectively on whose account the same have been paid, which shall be filed by the said comptroller in his office. The comptroller shall, on each day, immediately after receiving from said receiver or deputy the statement, compare the same with a voucher furnished to him by the chamberlain for the payment thereof to the chamberlain, and if the aggre- gate amounts thereof shall correspond, shall credit the said receiver of taxes in his books with such amount. . Penalty for failure to report to chamberlain. § 924. If the receiver of taxes, or any deputy receiver shall on any day, omit or neglect to furnish to the chamberlain or to the comptroller, respectively, the statements and vouchers required by law, or to make the daily payments hereinbefore prescribed, it shall be the duty of the comptroller forthwith to suspend from office the party delinquent. In case of such sus- pension, the comptroller shall appoint a suitable person to per- form the duties of the officer so suspended, who shall continue to act as such officer, with all the powers conferred upon him by this title, until the parties suspended shall be restored, or another person shall have been appointed. On making such temporary appointment, the comptroller shall be required to 5 15 take from the party SO appointed a bond, with two sufficient Sureties, to be approved by the chamberlain, and filed with the said comptroller, in such penal sum as the said chamberlain may deem just, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the Office during the continuance of the person so appointed therein; and all the provisions of this title pre- scribing the duties of the receiver of taxes, and the deputy receiver, shall apply to the person or persons so appointed in their stead by the comptroller. Provision in case of sickness. § 925. In case of inability of the receiver to perform the duties of his office by reason of sickness or absence from the city, the comptroller shall designate some suitable person to perform the duties of his office during such inability or absence, and shall, in his discretion, take from such person a bond, with sufficient sureties, in the manner prescribed in the preceding section. Collection of unpaid personal tax by distress and sale. § 926. It shall be lawful for the said receiver, if any tax for personal property and the interest thereon, as hereinbefore provided, shall remain unpaid on the fifteenth day of the month of January, succeeding the receipt by him of the rolls, to issue his warrant under his hand and seal directed to any marshai commanding him to levy the said tax, with interest thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum from the day [of the delivering of the assessment-rolls and warrants to the said re- ceiver Ion which said taxes became due and payable as provided by section nine hundred and fourteen of this act to the time when the same shall be paid by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the person against whom the said warrant shall be issued, or of any goods and chattels in his or her possession. wheresoever the same shall be found within the said city, and to pay the same to the said receiver and return such warrant within thirty days after the date thereof. For the purposes of this section the jurisdiction of the marshal is co-extensive with The City of New York. The comptroller of The City of New York, however, may from time to time as may be necessary to insure prompt collection of said tax, extend or renew such warrant, but no single extension or renewal thereof shall in any event exceed sixty days. - - 516 Id.; may add costs of distress and sale. § 927. In all cases where the said receiver shall proceed by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of any person for the payment of any tax due and payable, it shall be lawful for him to authorize and empower the officer making such distress and sale to collect, in addition to the tax and the interest thereon, the costs of such distress and sale, which costs shall be in addition to any disbursements five cents for every dollar collected to the amount of one hundred dollars, and two and one-half cents for every dollar collected over one hundred dollars. Id.; sale to be advertised. § 928. The marshal to whom a warant for the collection of any tax is issued shall give public notice at the time and place of sale of any property distrained by virtue thereof, and of the property to be sold, at least six days previous to the sale, by advertisements to be posted up in at least three public places in the ward where such sale shall be made. The sale shall be by public auction. Id.; disposition of surplus. § 929. If the property distrained shall be sold for more than the amount of the tax, the surplus shall be returned to the person in whose possession such property was when the distress was made, if no claim be made to such surplus by any other person. If any other person shall claim such surplus, on the ground that the property sold belonged to him, and such claim be admitted by the person for whose tax the same was distrained, the surplus shall be paid to such owner; but if such claim be contested by the person for whose tax the property was distrained, the surplus moneys shall be retained by the said marshal until the rights of the parties shall be judicially determined. Id.; cases to be sent to corporation counsel. § 932. It shall be the duty of the receiver of taxes to send or cause to be sent to the corporation counsel, monthly, all cases of personal taxes embraced in the assessment rolls, when the assessment is one thousand dollars or more, and upon which a warrant to any of the marshals of said city has been issued and unsatisfied for a period of sixty days, or re- 5 17 turned unsatisfied in whole or part, and of all other cases of personal taxes, except in those cases where the comptroller may extend the warrant, when application to any court may be made for the collection of the tax, and the said counsel is authorized to make requisitions upon the said receiver for all such cases. Id.; duties of corporation counsel. § 933. The corporation counsel shall be charged with the prosecution of all suits or proceedings, in any court having jurisdiction, for the collection of all cases of personal taxes sent to him by the receiver of taxes, or where, by any law of this state, any suit or proceeding may be instituted by such receiver, or any marshal acting under a tax warrant, in any court for the collection of any tax or personal property, and shall, subject to such control, act as counsel to the receiver of taxes, and to any marshal acting under the warrant of said receiver in the collection of any tax for personal prop- erty. Court to dismiss proceedings if satisfied that taxes on personal prop= erty cannot be paid. § 934. The court in which any proceeding may be com- menced to enforce the payment of any tax for personal prop- erty, may dismiss the proceedings absolutely without costs, or conditionally, upon the payment of costs, or may, on the facts, in its discretion, dismiss such proceedings on the pay- ment of such part of the tax and costs as shall be just, in any case where it shall be satisfied that the person or persons taxed are unable, for want of property, or other reason to pay any tax. In cases where any proceedings shall be dis- missed under this section, on payment of a portion of the tax, a copy of the order of the court shall be filed with the receiver of taxes, and a note of the contents of such order entered upon the assessment-roll, and it shall be the duty of said counsel to report all cases dismissed on account of the inability of the person to pay the tax to the commissioner of taxes and assessments, annually, on the thirty-first day of December in each year; and said commissioner is hereby authorized to strike the names of all such persons from the assessment-rolls for the succeeding year. 5 18 Counsel to keep register, etc. § 935. The corporation counsel shall keep, in proper books. to be provided by the corporation of said city for that pur- pose, a register of all actions or proceedings prosecuted, and upon the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation thereof or removal therefrom, the corporation counsel shall deliver to his successor in office all books and papers in his hands belonging to his office, or delivered to him by the receiver of taxes, or any marshal of said city, and in any way connected with his office, or any business pertaining thereto. The said counsel or any marshal shall pay over, under oath, to the receiver of taxes of said city, monthly, or oftener, if required, all taxes collected by him. Receiver; when may sue for personal taxes. $ 936. Any tax duly imposed for personal property upon. any person or corporation in The City of New York, which shall remain unpaid and in arrears on the fifteenth day of January succeeding the year in which it shall have been im- posed, may be recovered with interest and costs, by the re- ceiver of taxes of said city in the name of the city, in an action in any court of record in this state. Unpaid taxes and assessments, levied prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight; special provision. § 937. All taxes [and] assessments and water rates levied. before the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, by lawful authority, in any of the municipal and public corporations hereby consolidated, including the counties of Kings and Richmond, and that part of the county of Queens included [with] within The City of New York, as hereby con- stituted, and which shall remain due and unpaid and have or may become arrears of taxes, assessments or water rates as provided by the laws relating to either of the municipal and public corporations hereby consolidated, Ion said first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, I shall become and be due and payable to and collectible by said city, and all tax and assessment lists relating to said unpaid taxes, assess- ments and water rates in the possession of any officer of any of said municipal and public corporations and counties hereby 5 IQ consolidated, Ion the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven I shall be [delivered] transmitted to and deposited with the comptroller or his duly authorized representative Ion or immediately after the first day of Janu- ary, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight]. All such lists [ex- cept those of the boroughs of Manhattan, the Bronx and Brooklyn, I shall thereupon be transmitted by the comptroller to the collector of assessments and arrears, to be collected by him, or by one of his deputies, by suit or under and pursuant to the laws in force when the said taxes, assessments and water rates were levied or in force on December thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. Such collections including all sales of property for said arrears of taxes, water rates and assessments and the preparation and publication of the lists of parcels of land upon which any taxes, assessments or water rates have been returned unpaid, shall be held and completed under and pursuant to the provisions of the laws in force at the time said taxes were levied or in force on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, pro- vided, however, that any restriction as to time of publication and sale in said laws shall not be held to be a limitation on the right to sell such lands for unpaid taxes, and such sales may be made at any time; and provided further that in the borough of Brooklyn, the collector of assess- ments and arrears, or his deputy, shall not be confined to the month of December for the preparation of said list. ITaxes on real estate and water rents in the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx levied prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be collected by the receiver of taxes, or by one of his deputies, in the same manner as heretofore provided therefor, and shall be payable in the office of the said receiver of taxes in the borough of Manhattan until June first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, when return thereof shall be made as provided in section one thousand and twenty-three of this act. Arrears of taxes and water rents and assessments for local improvements in the borough of the Bronx, confirmed prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, including assessments confirmed by a court of record, 52O shall be collected by the collector of assessments and arrears at his office in the borough of Manhattan until such time as the comptroller shall provide for the proper collection thereof at the branch office of the collector of assess- ments and arrears in the borough of the Bronx. Taxes on real estate, water rates and assessments in the borough of Brooklyn shall be collected by the receiver of taxes of The City of New York, or by one of his deputies, in the same man- ner and up to the same time as heretofore provided therefor by the city of Brooklyn, when return thereof shall be made as provided by section one thousand and twenty-three of this act. Taxes on personal property unpaid on January fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, may be collected as elsewhere pro- vided in this act for the collection of taxes on personal prop- erty in The City of New York.I TITLE 2. Assessments for Local Improvements Other than Those Con- firmed by a Court of Record. Assessment; term, how construed. § 942. The word assessment, wherever used in this title and in the next succeeding one, shall be construed to mean an assessment for any local improvement which may be lawfully confirmed in any other manner than by a court of record. Mayor to appoint a board of assessors; salary; subordinates. § 943. The mayor shall appoint three [five I persons, who shall constitute the board of assessors. The salary of each member of said board shall be three thousand dollars a year. The said board shall be charged with the duty of making all assessments, other than those required by law to be confirmed by a court of record, for local improvements for which assess- ments may be legally imposed in any part of The City of New York as hereby constituted. The said board shall appoint a secretary and such clerks and subordinates as may be neces- sary. [and shall fix their salaries, not exceeding in the aggre- gate the appropriation made for such purpose in the final estimate. The secretary, clerks and subordinates of the board of assessors, of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty 52 I of the city of New York, shall be and act as secretary, clerks and subordinates of the board of assessors herein provided for until and unless they shall be removed or superseded by the last-mentioned board of assessors.I The board of revision of assessments. § 944. The comptroller, corporation counsel and president of the Iboard of public improvements] department of taxes and assessments shall constitute the board of revision of assess- ments. The said board, or a majority thereof, shall have and perform all the powers and duties relative to the revision, cor- rection and confirmation of assessments specified in the various 1aws and ordinances relating to assessments in any part of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, other than assess- ments made by commissioners appointed by a court of record, and other than those confirmed by the board of assessors; said board shall have power to consider, on the merits, all objec- tions made to any such assessment, and to subpoena and exam- ine witnesses in relation thereto, and to confirm said assess- ment, or to refer the same back to the board of assessors for revisal and correction in such respects as it may determine. The revision of such assessment shall be made without delay, so that unless the same are referred back for revisal and cor- rection they shall be confirmed within thirty days from the time they shall, respectively, be presented for confirmation, and if not so confirmed or referred back they shall be deemed to be confirmed at the expiration of thirty days from the time they shall be, respectively, so presented for confirmation. All such assessments, immediately upon confirmation, shall be transmitted to the comptroller for entry and collection. Powers of the two boards. § 945. In addition to the powers herein specifically conferred upon the board of assessors and the board of revision, the said Boards shall have and exercise, as to the whole territory em- braced in The City of New York, each and every power and authority conferred upon and exercised by the board of assess- ors, and the board of revision and correction of assessments, respectively, of the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York. 522 Certificates on which assessments are made. § 946. All assessments shall be made by the board of assess- ors on the following certificates, to wit: I. The officer or head of the board or department charged with the execution of the work in question, shall certify to the board of assessors the total amount of all the expenses which shall have been actually incurred by The City of New York On account thereof. * 2. The comptroller shall certify to the board of assessors the amount of the interest, at the legal rate, upon the several instal- ments advanced or payments made on account of such work, from the time of such payment or advance, by the city, to a day sixty days after the date of such certificate. Thereafter the board of assessors shall assess upon the property benefited, in the manner authorized by law, the aggregate amount of such certificates, or such proportion thereof as is authorized by law, and the said board shall not in any way be enjoined, restrained, hindered or delayed in the performance of this duty, provided that nothing contained in this section shall be con- strued to affect the powers of the board of revision of assess- ImentS. Assessment not to exceed one-half the valuation. § 947. The assessors shall in no case assess any house or lot, improved or unimproved lands, more than one-half the fair value of such house, lot, improved or unimproved lands. Assessment for repaving; when forbidden. § 948. Unless it shall be petitioned for by a majority of the Owners of the property, on the line of the proposed improve- ment, no assessment shall be imposed for the paving of any street, or any portion thereof, which has been once paved, and the expense thereof paid by the owners of the adjoining prop- erty; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to relieve or release the owners of property, grantees of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, of or from any covenants to pave or repave or otherwise physically improve such streets. 523 How property shall be described by the assessors. § 949. In all cases the assessors shall describe in the assess- ment the property assessed by the same ward or block numbers, or other designations as shall be used to designate the said property on the tax books of The City of New York. They shall also describe the houses and lots assessed by their street numbers, if any. The assessors shall also state the name of the Owner or owners and occupant or occupants, if they be known to the assessors, and it shall be their duty to ascertain, as far as may be, by inquiry from the commissioners of taxes and assessments or others, such ownership and occupation, and such commissioners shall afford the requisite information. Notice of completion of assessments to be given. § 950. It shall be the duty of the board of assessors, when it has completed any proposed assessment, to give notice of the fact and that it is proposed to lay the same to the owner or owners; such notice shall be published daily in the City Record and the corporation newspapers for at least ten days successively. The notice shall describe the limits within which it is proposed to lay the said assessment, and shall contain a request for all persons whose interests may be affected thereby, and who may be opposed to the same, to present their objec- tions in writing, to the secretary of the board of assessors within thirty days from the date of such notice, and specifying a time and place after the expiration of the said thirty days when and where the said objections will be heard and testimony received in reference thereto if after hearing and examining such objections and testimony, the assessors shall not deem it proper to alter their assessment, or having altered it there shall still be objections to the same, it shall be their duty to present such objections with the proposed assessment to the board of revision of assessments. If no objections shall be received, or if the board of assessors shall alter the assessment so as to satisfy the objectors, said board shall forthwith declare the said assessment confirmed, and shall transmit the same to the comptroller for entry and collection. An assessment so con- firmed shall be of the same force and effect as if confirmed by the board of revision of assessments. 524 Award of damages for changes of grade; liability in such cases. § 951. All cases where a change of grade of any street or avenue has been made prior to the taking effect of this act, shall, as to the liability to make compensation for damages caused by such change of grade, be governed by the laws in force at the time such change of grade was made. After the taking effect of this act there shall be no liability to abutting Owners for originally establishing a grade; nor any liability for changing a grade once established by lawful authority, except where the owner of the abutting property has subse- quently to such establishment of grade built upon or other- wise improved the property in conformity with such estab- lished grade, and such grade is changed after such buildings or improvements have been made. In such cases damages Occasioned by such change of grade to such buildings and improvements shall be ascertained and assessed in connection with and as a part of the expenses of grading or otherwise improving the street or avenue in conformity with the grade as changed. A grade shall be deemed established by lawful authority within the meaning of this section where it was Originally adopted by the action of the public authorities, or where the street or avenue has been used by the public as of right for twenty years and been improved by the public authority at the expense of the public or of the abutting owners. All laws inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. In case the grade of any such street shall be changed, and the same shall have been regulated and graded according to . the new grade, after the certificate of the cost of such regulating and grading shall have been received by the board of assessors, it shall be the duty of the said board to cause to be published in the “City Record ” and the corporation newspapers, for at least ten days successively, a notice which shall contain a request for all persons claiming to have been injured by the said change of grade to present, in writing, to the secretary of the board of assessors, their claims, specifying a place where and a time when the said board will receive evidence and testimony of the nature and extent of such injury. After hearing and considering the said testimony and evidence the board of assessors shall make such awards for such loss and damage, if any, as it may deem proper. The amount of the said awards shall be in- 525 cluded in the assessment for the regulating and grading of the street in question, as a part of the expense thereof, and the said award, and the proceedings of the assessors in rela- tion thereto, shall be subject to review by the board of revi- sion of assessments. Foregoing section; how construed. § 952. The foregoing section shall not be construed to authorize the making of an award for loss or damage caused By change of grade in any case in which an award could not legally be made under laws existing immediately previous to the passage of this act, and affecting any part of the territory of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York nor shall it be construed to affect the powers of any commission acting under any laws of this state. Awards; when to be paid; action for default. § 953. The City of New York shall, within four months after confirmation of any assessment, including awards made in pursuance of the last section but one, pay to the respective parties entitled thereto the amount of such awards, and in case of its neglect or failure to pay the same at the expira- tion of the said period, and after demand, it shall be lawful for the persons entitled to the same to sue for and recover the amount of their awards. In case any such award or compensation shall be paid to any person not entitled thereto, when the same ought to have been paid to some other per- son, it shall be lawful for the person to whom the same ought to have been paid to sue for and recover the same with in- terest and costs, as so much money had and received to his use by the person or persons respectively to whom the same shall have been so paid ; provided that when the name or names of the owner or owners, party or parties, are not set forth in the report of the assessors, or where the said owners, parties or persons respectively being named therein shall be insane, a married woman, under the age of twenty-one years, or absent from the city, or after diligent search can not be found, or their title to receive such awards disputed, it shall be lawful for The City of New York to pay the sum men- tioned in said report, or that would be coming to such owners, parties and persons respectively, to the chamberlain, to be secured, disposed of and invested as the supreme court 526 shall direct, and such payments shall be as valid and effectual in all respects as if made to the said owners, parties and per- sons respectively themselves, according to their just rights, if .fhey had been known and had been persons of full age, single women and of sound mind. Assessments for deepening water in docks, etc. § 954. The expense of conforming to any order or direc- tion made in accordance with section eight hundred and thirty-two of this act, or of carrying the same into effect, shall be estimated and assessed by the board of assessors upon or among the owner or owners of any or every wharf, pier, dock, bulkhead, piece of land, water-right, or privilege, near or adjacent to which any such water may be deepened, and which may in any manner be benefited thereby, in pro- portion, as nearly as may be, to the advantage which each shall be deemed to acquire. Every such estimate and assess- ment, after confirmation, shall be binding and conclusive upon the owners thereby assessed respectively, and shall be a lien or charge upon the property or premises in respect to which the same may have been made. TITLE 3. Vacating and Modifying Assessments for Local Improvements Other than Those Confirmed by a Court of Record. Remedies limited. § 958. No suit or action in the nature of a bill in equity or otherwise shall be commenced for the vacation of any assess- ment in said city, or to remove a cloud upon title; but owners of property shall be confined to their remedies in such cases to the proceedings under this title. It shall be lawful, how- ever, for the comptroller, acting under the written advice of the corporation counsel, to compromise and settle claims for assessments for local improvements heretofore confirmed and interest thereon, and payments made in accordance with the terms of such settlements shall be in the nature of accord and satisfaction and no action shall be maintainable to recover Back amounts thus paid. - —- - - -—--—— —x. 527 Petition to the supreme court in case of fraud or substantial error. § 959. If in the proceedings relative to any assessment or assessments for local improvements, or in the proceedings to 5. An action upon a surety bond or undertaking taken in said court or in any district court of The City of New York or by any justice of the peace. 6. An action upon a judgment rendered in said court or in a district court of The City of New York or in a justices' court, or in the municipal court of the city of Rochester, or in the municipal court of the city of Syracuse, or in the municipal court of the city of Buffalo. 7. An action to recover one or more chattels with or with- out damages for the taking, withholding or detention thereof where the value of the chattel or of the chattels as stated in the affidavit made on the part of the plaintiff does not exceed five hundred dollars, subject to the qualifications specified in Sections sixteen hundred and eighty-nine, sixteen hundred and ninety, sixteen hundred and ninety-one, and sixteen hundred and ninety-two of the code of civil procedure. 719 8. An action in behalf of the people of the state brought by the direction of a commissioner of public charities or of an overseer of the poor upon a bastardy or abandonment bond in a case where it is prescribed by law that such an action can be maintained in said municipal court of The City of New York or in any court not being a court of record. 9. An action to recover damages for an escape from the jail liberties as provided by chapter two, title two, articles four and five of the code of civil procedure, where the sum claimed does not exceed one hundred dollars. Io. An action upon the bond of a marshal of The City of New York in a case where it is prescribed by a special statutory provision that such an action can be maintained in a district court or in said municipal court. II. An action for damages for fraud or deceit in the sale, purchase or exchange of personal property where the damages claimed do not exceed five hundred dollars. I2. A summary proceeding under title two of chapter seven- teen of the code of civil procedure to recover possession of real property which, or a portion of which, is situated within the district wherein the application for such recovery is made. I3. To render judgment upon the confession of the defend- ant or defendants as prescribed in title six of chapter nineteen of the code of civil procedure where the sum confessed does not exceed five hundred dollars. I4. Other civil actions or proceedings of which district courts in The City of New York, or justices of the peace shall have jurisdiction on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, except such as shall be expressly excluded by this act. Id.; continued. § 1365. The said municipal court can not take cognizance of any civil actions in either of the following cases: I. Where the title to real property comes in question as pre- scribed in title third of chapter nineteen of the code of civil procedure, and sections twenty-nine hundred and fifty-one to twenty-nine hundred and fifty-eight of said.code, both inclu- sive, apply to an action brought in said court; and in an action brought in Said court the Surety upon the defendant’s under- taking is liable in the case specified in section twenty-nine hun- dred and fifty-two of said code to any amount for which judg- 720 ment might have been rendered by said court if the answer and undertaking had not been delivered. The provisions of section thirteen hundred and forty-nine of chapter four hun- dred and ten of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-two shall govern in such cases. 2. Where the action is brought against an executor or administrator as such and the amount claimed is in excess of fifty dollars. I3. Where the action is against The City of New York as hereby constituted.I 3. I4.T. Where, in a matter of account, the sum total of the accounts of both parties, proved to the satisfaction of the court, exceeds one thousand dollars. Removal. i § 1366. In an action specified in the last section but one, excepting subdivisions eight and ten, where the damages claimed or the value of the chattel or all the chattels claimed, as stated in the complaint, exceeds two hundred and fifty dol- lars, the defendant may, after issue is joined and before an adjournment has been granted upon his application, apply to the justice holding court in the district in which the action is brought for an order removing the action, and if it be in the second district of the borough of The Bronx or in any district of the borough of Manhattan, to the city court of The City of New York, if in any other district into the county court of the county wherein the district is situated, if the said county court has jurisdiction of such action, otherwise into the supreme court in such county. Such an order must be granted upon the defendant’s filing with the clerk an un- dertaking in a sum fixed by the justice, not exceeding twice the amount of the damages claimed or twice the value of the chattel or of all the chattels claimed, as stated in the com- plaint, with one or more sureties, to the effect that the de- fendant will pay to the plaintiff the amount of any judgment that may be recovered against him in the court to which such action shall be removed. From the time of granting the order, the city court or county court or Supreme court, as the case may be, has cognizance of the action, and the clerk of the district must forthwith deliver to the clerk of such court to which the action shall be removed all process, plead- ings and other papers in the action, and certified copies of all 72 I minutes, entries and Orders relating thereto, which must be filed, entered or recorded, as the case requires in the latter's office. Appeals. § 1367. I. An appeal from a judgment rendered in the mu- nicipal court of The City of New York may be taken to the Supreme court in the cases and in the manner prescribed in articles first and second of title eight of chapter nineteen of the code of civil procedure. Such appeal shall be heard in Such manner and by such justice or justices as the appellate division of the supreme court in the judicial department em- bracing the district wherein the action is brought shall direct, except that the appellate division of the second judicial de- partment may direct that such appeal be heard directly be- fore that court. The appellate court may reverse, affirm or modify the judgment appealed from, and where a judg- ment is reversed, may order a new trial in the municipal court in the district in which the action was brought. Where a judgment is modified or a new trial is ordered, costs shall be in the discretion of the appellate court. 2. In all cases of appeal from the decision of the said mu- nicipal court, where a transcript of the stenographer’s min- utes of testimony on the trial becomes a necessary part of the justice's return, the stenographer’s fees for making such transcript shall be at the rate of five cents for every hundred words, and be paid in the first instance by the appellant, and afterwards taxable by him as a disbursement on the appeal. Process. § 1368. The municipal court in any district shall have power to send its process and other mandates in an action or special proceeding of which it has jurisdiction into any district or part of The City of New York for service or exe- cution, and to enforce obedience thereto, and Such process and mandates may be served in any district or part of The City of New York, as constituted by this act. Procedure, etc. § 1369. In so far as the same are consistent with this act, all provisions of law relating to the procedure and organiza- tion, the summons, precept, attachment, arrest, subpoena or 46 722 other process, service and execution of the same, time, ap- pearances, parties, attorneys, practice, proceedings, plead- ings, amendments, adjournment, defaults, judgments, tran- Scripts, docketing, executions, offers, fees, costs, disburse- ments, joint debtors, depositions, taking testimony by com- mission and de bene esse, guardians ad litem, trials, jurors and drawing of jurors, and all matters incidental to the same, the powers and duties of the justices and clerks and other ..employees in district courts in The City of New York which shall be in force on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, shall apply to and control and govern the same in Said municipal court and the branches thereof in each district, except that a marshal of The City of New York can not appear or act on behalf of either or any party in an action or proceeding in said municipal court. Sections eight to fourteen, inclusive, of the code of civil pro- dedure, excepting subdivision seven of said section fourteen, are hereby made applicable to and shall govern said munici- pal court. But in all cases where in any statute relating to said district courts the power and authority of said courts is limited to the city and county of New York, or to persons residing in or who are about to leave the city and county of New York, the power and authority of said municipal court is extended to The City of New York, as constituted by this act, and to all persons residing in or who are about to leave said city, of New York, as so constituted, except as in this chapter otherwise expressly provided. In an action speci- fied in section thirteen hundred and sixty-four of this act (except subdivisions eight and ten), where the damages or the value of the chattels as claimed in the complaint, exceed one hundred dollars, if, at the time of joining an issue of fact the defendant demanded a trial by a jury of twelve men, the justice shall order such a jury to be summoned to try the same, and the proceedings and fees shall be the same as are prescribed in section thirteen hundred and seventy-three of chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen hun- dred and eighty-two. Actions, in what district brought. § I370. An action or proceeding of which this court has jurisdiction must be brought: I. In a district in which either the plaintiff or defendant or - * 723 one of the plaintiffs or one of the defendants resides, unless all the plaintiffs or all the defendants reside out of The City of New York, in which case the action or proceeding may be brought in said court in any district. 2. If the defendant be a corporation created by law, in a district in which the plaintiff or either of the plaintiffs resides, or in which (if it be a corporation) it transacts its general business or keeps an office or has an agency established for the transaction of business or is established by law, except the corporation of The City of New York, which may sue in any district, except as in the next section provided. 3. By plaintiffs not residing in The City of New York, in the district in which the defendant, or one of the defendants resides, and against a defendant or defendants not residing in said city, in the district in which the plaintiff or one of the plaintiffs resides; but where all the parties reside out of said city the action may be brought in any district. No person who shall have a place in said city for the regular transaction of business shall be deemed a non-resident under the provisions of this title. 4. If the district in which the action or proceeding is brought is not the proper district, the action may, notwith- standing, be tried therein, unless the action is transferred to the proper district before trial upon demand of the defendant made upon or before the joinder of issue in writing or in open court, followed by the consent of the plaintiff, given in like manner, or the order of the court. The demand must specify the district to which the defendant requires the action to be transferred. The court must make such order when the dis- trict in which the action or proceeding is brought is not the proper district, as specified in this section or the next one if such demand be made. 5. All actions by or on behalf of The City of New York to recover a penalty or fine for a violation of any corporation ordinance, when the amount of such penalty or fine shall not exceed five hundred dollars, must be brought in the district in which the violation of such ordinance happened or occurred, and the justice holding court in the same judicial district may direct any of the city marshals to collect the payment and make returns in the same manner as now provided by law. And all actions to recover a penalty or fine for a violation of any pro- vision of the sanitary code Iadopted by the board of healthI 724 or of any regulation of the fire commissioner or of any laws or ordinances which either Isaid board or commissioner isl the health or the fire department is authorized, empowered and especially charged to enforce, where the amount of such penalty or fine shall not exceed five hundred dollars, must be brought in the district in which such violation happened or occurred. Where held. § I37I. The said municipal court shall be held in each of the aforesaid districts by a justice of said court as hereinafter specified, at the places provided by the [municipal assembly.1 cominissioners of the sinking fund, and in accordance with law, at such hours in every judicial day or so often as the board of justices of the municipal court shall direct, and must continue in session so long as the public interest requires; and it shall be the duty of the Imunicipal assembly] com- missioners of the sinking fund Iwithin thirty days after the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, I to provide a suitable place for the holding of said court in each of said districts, provided that more than One place for holding such court may be provided at any time after this act takes effect in any district, if the said board of justices shall certify that the public convenience requires such additional number of places. Seals. § I372. The said court in each district shall have official Seals furnished at the expense of the city, on which shall be engraved the arms of the state of New York and the words “Municipal Court of New York, Borough of Manhattan,” (or whatever the borough may be), “First District” (or whatever the district may be), but nothing herein contained shall authorize such court to issue certificates of naturalization. Clerks and assistant clerks. § 1373. There shall be in and for each district a clerk of said court and in each district in the boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn Land of] The Bronx, and in the first district of Queens, an assistant clerk, who shall be appointed by the 725 justice elected Ior appointed from] in said district, as herein- before provided, and shall hold office for the term of six years from the date of appointment; and before entering upon his duties each such clerk or assistant clerk shall file in the office of the comptroller of The City of New York a bond in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duty and the due accounting for and payment of all money by him received or with him deposited in any action as such clerk or assistant clerk, to be approved by the said comptroller to be endorsed thereon. Each such clerk and assistant clerk shall receive a salary of three thousand dollars per annum, except in the boroughs of Queens and Richmond, wherein the salary of the Iclerk] clerks and assistant shall be two thousand dollars per annum each. Such salaries shall [to] be paid in equal, monthly installments; and neither said clerks nor assistant clerks nor other employees of Said court shall receive any fee or compensation whatever for their own use for any services performed by them by virtue of their offices other than their salaries; and the duties of such clerks and assistant clerks shall be the same as those now imposed by law upon the clerks and assistant clerks of the district courts in The City of New York. No such clerk, assistant clerk or other employee of such courts shall hold any other office or be interested in any other business, except as permitted by the next section, but shall give their whole time to their respective duties and shall reside in the borough in which the district for which they are appointed respectively is situated. For any treach of said bond the appellate division of the supreme court or any justice of the Supreme court in the judicial department wherein the district for which such clerk or assistant clerk is appointed is situated, may order the same to be prosecuted in the name of any person damaged by such breach. The clerks, assistant clerks, stenographers, interpreters and attendants of the district courts in The City of New York and of the justices’ courts of first, second and third districts of the city of Brook- 1yn, who shall be in office on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall 'continue until the expiration of their respective terms, in the like capacities as officers of the said municipal court. Each justice upon appointing a clerk or assistant clerk shall make duplicate certificates of such appointments, stating the term of the appointment and when 726 it will expire, and one of such duplicates shall be filed by him in the office of the city clerk, and the other with the Secretary of the board of justices provided for in the next section. The said justices shall in like manner also appoint the officers neces- sary to attend the court in each district, not exceeding three, at an annual salary of one thousand dollars, and a stenographer in and for each district at an annual salary of two thousand dollars. Land in and for each district in the boroughs of Man- hattan and Brooklyn an interpreter at an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars.I. Each of said attendants and stenog- raphers [and interpreters] shall be appointed for two years or to fill the residue of an unexpired term. The said justices may remove any of said attendants or stenographers [or inter- preters], provided that before removal such officers shall have notice of the cause of their proposed removal and an Oppor- tunity to make an explanation; and the reasons for any removal shall be briefly entered on such minutes. Board of justices. § 1374. IOn and after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, the I The justices of said court shall constitute the board of justices of the municipal court and discharge the functions thereof. They may elect a president from their own number and at pleasure remove him and elect a successor. All meetings of said board shall be public and all proceedings shall be recorded in its books of minutes by its secretary and shall be preserved. Such board may desig- nate a clerk of said court for one of said districts to act as secretary of said board, and from time to time substitute another and fix a Treasonable] compensation to be paid for such service, not exceeding the sum of five hundred dollars per annum. Such board shall establish public rules relative to its meetings, which as far as possible shall be held at regular times, to the keeping and preservation of its minutes and the appointment of clerks, assistant clerks and other appointees, and to the public inspection of its minutes under the care of the secretary at reasonable times. Board to make rules. § 1375. Said board of justices shall adopt, and from time to time may amend or add to rules relating to the following sub- jects: 727 I. As to the justices who shall hold sessions of said munici- pal court in each of said districts at times and places to be specified in said rules and to provide for a rotation of the justices holding the same, provided that the justices elected or appointed for any borough shall hold court in said borough; but if a vacancy exists, or the illness or other inability of any justice assigned to hold court prevents his attendance, any other justice of said court may hold the same. And if, at any time before or after the commencement of the trial, it shali appear to the satisfaction of the justice that he is a necessary witness on the trial of the cause, or otherwise disqualified to try the same, he shall by an order entered in the cause order the same and the papers in the same to be transferred to an adjoining district, or adjourned to such time as his successor in holding court in said district according to such rules for rotation, may be holding said court as justice may require. Such rules respecting rotation and the designation of justices, shall be published in the City Record in the month of Decem- ber in each year. Imade on or before the twenty-fifth day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and shall be pub- lished in the City Record, and one newspaper published in each borough at least once before the first day of February.I. 2. As to the hours at which said courts shall be opened on each day and what officers shall be in attendance. 3. As to the order of business and manner of its discharge. 4. As to the manner in which the clerks [and] assistant clerks, attendants and employees shall perform their duties, the manner of keeping records and papers, the collection and disposition of moneys and keeping accounts of the same. 5. As to the maintenance of order in and about the courts and offices thereof. Concurrence of majority. § 1376. The concurrence of a majority of all the members of said board shall be necessary to adopt any resolution thereof. Rules of supreme court applicable. § 1377. The rules and regulations of the Supreme court, as they may be from time to time, shall apply to the municipal court so far as the same can be made applicable. 728- Clerks to administer oaths. § 1378. The clerks and assistant clerks of the said munici- pal court are authorized to administer oaths in The City of New York in the same manner and with the like effect as clerks of courts of record. Justices to administer oaths, etc. § 1379. The justices of said municipal court may in The City of New York, by virtue of their office, administer oaths, take depositions and acknowledgments and certify the same in the manner and with like effect as justices of courts of record. Sections nine hundred and fourteen to nine hundred and seventeen, inclusive, and section thirty-three hundred and nineteen of the code of civil procedure apply to the justices of said court. Access to court-houses. § I38O. The justices of said court shall have on and after the first day of February, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, the like access and possession of the court-houses that there- tofore were enjoyed by the justices of the district courts and justices of the peace in the territory included within The City of New York as constituted by this act; and it shall be the duty of the Imunicipal assembly] board of aldermen of The City of New York and its several officers charged with duties in that behalf to supply and pay for whatever may be neces- sary for the transaction of the business of said municipal court and the justices thereof, and to supply all proper accom- modations, books, stationery and furniture, and to pay all salaries, compensations and expenses and disbursements herein authorized, and the board of estimate and apportionment shall annually include in its final estimate such sums as may be necessary to pay the same. , Removal. § I383. The justices of said court and the clerks and assist- ant clerks thereof may be removed for cause after due notice and an opportunity of being heard by the appellate division of the supreme court in the judicial district wherein the district for which said justices were elected or appointed, or wherein the district for which such clerks or assistant clerks were appointed, is situated. 729 TITLE 3. Inferior Courts of Criminal Jurisdiction. Division of city for such purpose. § 1390. For the purposes of administration of criminal justice The City of New York, as hereby constituted, is divided into two divisions, as follows: The first division embraces the boroughs of The Bronx and of Manhattan; the second division embraces the boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond. Board of magistrates. § I39 I. In each of said divisions there shall be a board of city magistrates composed of the city magistrates therein, in office on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two, and such as thereafter may be appointed pur- suant to law. The board for the first division shall consist of twelve magistrates, each of whom shall be a resident and elector within said first division. In filling vacancies occurring after the first day of January, nine- teen hundred and two, the mayor shall appoint two magis- trates from the borough of The Bronx, so that the board for the first division shall consist thereafter of twelve magistrates, ten of whom shall be residents and electors of the borough of Manhattan and two of the borough of the Bronx. The board for the second division shall consist of thirteen magistrates, eight of whom shall be residents and electors of the borough of Brooklyn, three of the borough of Queens and two of the thorough of Richmond. Appointments and terms of office. § 1392. The city magistrates in office on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two, shall hold office until the expiration of their respective terms. Their successors shall be appointed by the mayor and shall hold office for the term of ten years, to commence on the first day of January next succeeding their appointment. Upon the happening of any 73O vacancy in said office, whether by expiration of a term or for any other cause, the mayor shall appoint some proper person to fill such vacancy within thirty days after the same occurs; and in case such vacancy occurs otherwise than by expiration of a term, the person appointed to fill the same shall be appointed for the unexpired residue of the term. Upon making an appointment of a city magistrate the mayor shall make three written certificates thereof, each of which shall state the title of the office, the borough and the division from which and the term for which the appointment is made. One of such certificates he shall deliver to the person appointed, and of the others he shall cause one to be filed in the Office of the city clerk and one to be filed in the office of the clerk of the county in which is situated the borough from which such per- Son is appointed. e Organization and powers of the boards. § 1393. Each board of city magistrates may elect a president from their own number, and at pleasure remove him and elect a successor. All the meetings of such board shall be public, and its proceedings shall be recorded in its books of minutes by its secretary, and shall be preserved. Each board may designate a police clerk to act as its secretary, and from time to time substitute any other; and the salary of such police clerk as such secretary shall not exceed five hundred dollars per annum. Each board shall establish public rules relative to its meetings, which, as far as possible, shall be held at regular times—for the order and transaction of its business thereat; for the keeping and preservation of the minutes of its doings; for the appointment of clerks and its other appointees; and for the public inspection of its minutes, under the care of the secretary, at reasonable times. The concurrence of a majority of all the members of a board of city magistrates shall be neces- sary to adopt any resolution of said board. 73 I *. Police clerks [and employees]. § 1394. The board of city magistrates of the first division: shall have the authority and duty of appointing seven police clerks, and the board for the second division shall have the authority and duty of appointing thirteen police clerks, and each board shall regulate the time, place and manner of the discharge of the duty of such police clerks; but the police clerks in office on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two, shall continue to hold office until the expiration of their sev- eral terms. Each police clerk shall be appointed for the term of four years, and, on making the appointment, the board shall cause three certificates to be signed by its president and secre- tary, each of which shall state the term of the office, the bor- ough and division from which and the term for which the appointment is made, and when it will expire, and the Secre- tary shall deliver one of said certificates to the person so appointed, and shall cause the other certificates to be filed, one in the office of the city clerk, and one in the office of the clerk of the county in which is situated the borough from which such person was appointed. Upon the question of the appointment of a police clerk or other appointee, the members of the board shall vote as their names are called by the secre- tary, and the vote of each member shall be recorded in the minutes. The salary of each police clerk in the first division, and in the borough of Brooklyn, shall be two thousand five hundred dollars, and in the boroughs of Queens and Richmond two thousand dollars a year, payable monthly, and no such clerk or other officer or employee appointed by a board of city magistrates shall hold any other office or be interested in anv other business, but they shall give their whole time to their respective duties, and shall be residents of The City of New York, and of the divisions within which they were appointed, and, in the second division, they shall each be residents of the borough from which they are appointed. 732 Bond of police clerks. § 1395. Before any police clerk appointed, as provided in the preceding section, shall enter upon the discharge of his duty, he shall file in the office of the comptroller of the city a bond in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, with two sureties, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duty as a police clerk and the due accounting for and the payment of all money received by him as such clerk, such bond to be approved by said comptroller, whose approval shall be evi- denced by his certificate endorsed thereon. Other appointees. § 1396. The said boards of city magistrates, and each of them, may appoint police clerks’ assistants and Stenographers. Such appointees, including those in office when this act takes effect, shall hold their respective positions so long as they are faithful, capable and of good conduct, and before removal for want of either or all of said qualifications, the individual against whom charges are made shall have notice thereof, and an opportunity to make an explanation in the presence of the board, and the reasons for any removal shall be briefly entered in the minutes. The police clerks’ assistants, and other assist- ants in any city magistrate's court, shall obey the reasonable directions of the police clerk assigned to that court, subject, however, to the proper orders of the city magistrate presiding and of the board of city magistrates. The number of police clerks’ assistants in the first division shall not exceed fourteen, and in the second division shall not exceed sixteen. Police clerks' assistants in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx shall receive a salary not exceeding two thousand dollars per annum; police clerks' assistants in the borough of Brooklyn shall receive a salary not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars per annum. The salary of the stenographers shall not exceed, in the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, two thousand dol- lars per annum; in the other boroughs eighteen hundred dollars per annum. Any police clerks’ assistants now in office beyond 733 the number herein allowed shall be removed by the board of city magistrates. There shall be no police clerks’ assistants in the boroughs of Queens and Richmond. Authority to adopt rules. § 1397. Each board of city magistrates shall adopt, and may from time to time amend or add to, rules relating to the following subjects: I. As to the magistrates who shall hold city magistrates' courts at times and places to be specified, and for a rotation of the magistrates holding such courts. 2. As to the hours at which said courts shall be opened on each day, including Sundays and legal holidays, and what officers shall be in attendance. 3. As to the order of business and the manner of its dis- charge, including the taking of bail and entering into recog- nizances. 4. As to the manner in which the police clerks and their assistants shall keep complete records of the doings of said courts and magistrates, and perform their other duties. 5. As to the collection and disposition of any moneys by any police clerk, and as to keeping accounts of the same. 6. The board of city magistrates in the first division shall further adopt, and may from time to time amend, rules rela- tive to the organization of a part of the court for the hearing of children’s cases as provided in section thirteen hundred and ninety-nine of this act, and to the assignment of magistrates of the first division to hold the said part. -- Maintenance of order in courts. § 1398. The said boards of city magistrates, and each of them, shall also have power to make needful rules and regu- lations for the maintenance of order in and about the said city magistrates’ courts, and the Offices appropriated to the use of the magistrates, clerks and officers thereof, respectively, and all persons wilfully violating any such rule or regulation may 734 be arrested and punished in the same manner as is now pro- vided by law for the punishment of disorderly conduct tending to a breach of the peace in said city. And said boards may proceedings before any city magistrate in respect of any charges, pending attempts to make arrests, and also in cases where there is good reason to think such publicity is sought for the gratification of malice or pernicious curiosity Subject to the rules which may be established for the holding of a part for the hearing of children's cases as provided in section thir- teen hundred and ninety-nine of this act, a city magistrate shall be in constant attendance in each of the city magistrate's courts between the hours of nine o’clock in the morning and twelve o’clock noon, and between one o'clock and four o'clock in the afternoon on every day except Sundays and legal holi- days, but including election day. [and the rules for rotation of magistrates to be made as provided in subdivision one of section five of said chapter six hundred and one of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five shall not require the magis- trates appointed in said second division to hold court in any other borough than that for which he was appointed ; provided, however, that if a vacancy exists or the illness, absence or Other inability of any magistrate assigned to hold any city magistrate's court in either division prevents his holding the same, any other city magistrate in the city of New York may hold such court.I Establishment of part for children’s cases in first division. § I399. The board of city magistrates of the first division shall assign a separate part for the hearing and disposition of cases now within the jurisdiction of said magistrates involving the trial or commitment of children, which part may for con- venience be called the children's court ; and in all such cases the magistrate holding said court shall have all the powers, duties and jurisdiction now possessed by the city magistrates within said first division. Said children's court shall be held by the Several magistrates in rotation in such manner as may be determined by said board, and shall be open on such days 735 and during such hours as the said board shall in its rules pro- vide. Whenever, under any provision of law, a child under sixteen years of age is taken before a city magistrate in the first division sitting in any court other than the children’s court, it shall be the duty of such magistrate to transfer the case to the children’s court, if the case falls within the juris- diction of said court as herein provided, and it shall be the duty of the officer having the child in charge to take such child before that court, and in any such case the magistrate holding said children's court must proceed to hear and dispose of the case in the same manner as if it had been originally brought therein. The board of city magistrates shall appoint a clerk for the children’s court and such assistants as may be necessary, whose salaries shall be fixed by the board of alder- men on the recommendation of the board of estimate and apportionment. The said court shall be held, if practicable, in the building in which the offices of the department of public charities for the examination of dependent children are located, or if this shall not be practicable, the court shall be held in some other building as near thereto as practicable, to be selected by the commissioners of the sinking fund. Nothing herein contained shall affect any provisions of law with re- spect to the temporary commitment by magistrates of children charged with crime or held as witnesses for the trial of any criminal case, or the existing jurisdiction of the court of special sessions. --- ------------, Court records. § I4OO. Each police clerk shall keep books of record con- taining the name and sex, as near as may be, the age of all persons against whom complaints or charges have been made, the nature and date of the complaint or charge, and the name and residence of the complainant, giving street and number; the date and nature of all warrants or other process issued, and against whom ; the dates, nature and result of all exam- 736 inations; the date of the reception and the name and the disposition of all prisoners; the names of all persons waiving examinations; the names of all persons giving bail and its amount, and the names and residence of all bondsmen; the name, residence and the age, as near as possible, and the Sex of all persons committed, fined, convicted, held for trial or sent to any other court for trial, and for what cause, and by what magistrate, and at what date; the date at which any fine is paid, by whom, and the amount; the name, residence, age and sex of all persons discharged, by what magistrate, of what . charge, and at what date, together with a suggestion of the cause of such discharge; the place and date of filing and the result of the prosecution of recognizances; the name and address of any attorney appearing in respect of any charge or on any hearing, and the reasons for any unusual delay in any proceeding. Qualifications of city magistrates. § 14or. No person shall be appointed to the office of city magistrate unless he shall have been admitted to practice as an attorney and counselor at law in the courts of this state at least five years prior to the date of such appointment, unless he be a city magistrate in office on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two. No city magistrate shall receive to his own use any fees or perquisites of office; nor shall any such magistrate hold any other public office, or carry on any business, or practice as an attorney or counselor at law in any court in this state, or act as referee or receiver; but each magis- trate shall devote his whole time and capacity, so far as the public interests demand, to the duties of his office. Salaries of city magistrates. § I4O2. The salaries of the city magistrates now in office, and of their successors, to be paid in equal monthly install- ments, shall be as follows: The salary for each city magistrate for the first division shall be seven thousand dollars 737 per annum. The salary of each city magistrate appointed from the borough of Brooklyn, in the second division, shall be six thousand dollars per annum. The salary of each city magistrate from the boroughs of Queens and Richmond shall be five thousand dollars per annum. Inability of magistrate to act; transfer of charges. § 1403. If a vacancy exists in the Office of city magis- trate, or the illness, absence or other inability of any magis- trate, assigned to hold any city magistrates' court in either division, prevent his holding the same, any other city magistrate in The City of New York, may hold such court, and the fact of such vacancy, illness, absence or other inability shall be adequate cause, without further entry upon the record, for the transfer of all pending charges or complaints in Said court, if the magistrate appearing and holding such court shall elect to proceed therein. No charge, complaint or person brought before one city magistrate, except as provided in this section or in section thirteen hundred and ninety-nine of this act, shall be sent before another magistrate, except for ade- quate cause, to be fully and at once entered upon the records kept by the respective police clerks and signed by the magis- trate, and no person shall be committed or recommitted for examination save for necessary cause, to be then clearly stated upon the record; the hearing upon any charge shall not be adjourned to another day without the reason therefor being entered upon such record, nor shall any charge be dismissed or any prisoner discharged without record thereof made as above provided. Appeals from city magistrates. § I4O4. II.4.12.1 All provisions of law conferring the right of appeal and prescribing the procedure on appeal to the court of general sessions of the peace in the Icity and I county of New York from any judgment, order or other determination of a city magistrate Ipolice justicel, including a Ijudgment 47 733 of] commitment under section two hundred and ninety-one of the penal code, or of any court held by a city magistrate, in force on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two Ipolice justice], shall apply to and regulate all appeals [from any judgment or other order or determination of a city magis- trate in the county of New York, I and the right of appeal in all cases hitherto existing Ito said court of general Sessions from such judgment or other order or determination of such city magistrate in the county of New York] is hereby pre- served and continued.I; and the likel The right of appeal Iis hereby granted and conferred] from any [the] judgment, order or other determination of a city magistrate Ielsewhere within The City of New York I in the second division, hith- erto existing, to the county court of the county where the Isame is made I said judgment, order or other determination is made, is hereby preserved and continued. Special sessions [in first divisionl continued. § 1405. II.39 I.I. The court of special sessions of The City Land county] of New York Inow existing] is hereby con- tinued with the same powers, duties and jurisdiction as it shall have by law on the first day of January, nineteen hun- dred and two. Ithirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, except as herein otherwise provided, and shall be known as the court of special sessions of the first divi- Sion of The City of New York, and the justices of said court, and the clerks, deputy clerks, and other employees thereof then in Office, shall continue to hold their offices until the expiration of their respective terms. Their successors shall be appointed in the same manner and have the same salary, powers and duties as are provided by chapter six hundred and one of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five.] The justices of the court of special sessions of the first and second divisions of The City of New York are hereby continued in office until the expiration of the terms for which they have been appointed, and their successors shall be appointed by the mayor for the term of ten years. 739 Vacancies. § 1406. II.4O2.I. Any vacancy in said office shall be filled by the mayor of said city by appointment within thirty days after its occurrence. If such vacancy occur otherwise than by expiration of a term the person appointed to fill such vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired term of the justice whom he succeeds. If the vacancy occur by the expiration of a term, the person appointed to succeed the justice whose term has expired shall hold office for the term of ten years. The salary of the justices of the court of special sessions in the first division shall be nine thousand dollars a year; and in the second division shall be six thousand dollars a year; to be paid in all cases in equal monthly instalments. Clerks. § 1407. Justices of the said court of special sessions for the first and second divisions respectively shall appoint a clerk and deputy clerk of such court. Such clerks and deputy clerks shall respectively hold office for the term of five years from the date of their appointment, and the clerks and deputy clerks now in office shall serve until the expiration of their present terms. The clerk in the first division shall receive a salary of four thousand dollars a year, payable in monthly install- ments, and the clerk of the second division shall receive a sal- ary of three thousand dollars a year, and payable in equal imonthly installments. Any vacancy in the office of clerk or deputy clerk shall be filled by the justice of said court by appointment. If any vacancy shall occur otherwise than by expiration of the term of office, the person appointed to fill such vacancy shall hold office for the balance of the unexpired term of the officer whom he succeeds. The said justices shall also appoint such and so many officers and attendants, includ- ing a stenographer, as may be necessary for the due transac- tion of the business of said court. The said justices may remove the clerk, deputy clerk or any officer or attendant, but no deputy clerk, officer or attendant shall be removed until he shall have had notice of the cause of his proposed removal. 74O and shall have been afforded an opportunity of making an explanation before said justices or a majority of them and the reasons of any removal shall be entered in the minutes of the COurt. Court of special sessions, how held. § I408. II.405.I. The court of special sessions of either of said divisions of The City of New York must be held by three Of the justices of said court, and any order, determination or judgment of two of said justices shall be the order, determina– tion or judgment of the court. Said court shall sit in every month of the year in said first division and in each of said boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond. Jurisdiction. § I4O9. II.4O6.] The said courts of special sessions shall have jurisdiction as follows: I. Except as otherwise provided in this title, the said courts of special sessions of The City of New York shall have in the first instance exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine all charges of misdemeanors committed within The City of New York, except charges of libel. Provided, however, that the same shall be tried in the county wherein such misdemeanors are charged to have been committed. The said courts shall, however, be divested of jurisdiction to proceed with the hear- ing and determination of any charge of misdemeanor in either of the following cases: First. If, before the commencement of the trial in said court of any person accused of a misdemeanor, a grand jury shall present an indictment against the same person for the same offense; or Second. If, before the commencement of any such trial, a justice of the supreme court in the judicial department where such trial would be had ; or, if the charge be triable in the county of New York, the recorder of the county of New York or a judge authorized to hold a court of general sessions of the peace in and for the county of New York; or, if the charge be triable in another county, a county judge of such county shall certify that it is reasonable that such charge shall be prosecuted by indictment. No such certificate shall be made upon the application of a defendant, without at least two days’ 74 I notice to the district attorney, but pending the determination of the application therefor, any justice or judge authorized to make such certificate may order that all proceedings in the court of special Sessions, except to admit to bail, be stayed for a period or for successive periods, which shall not in all exceed ten days. Upon the service of said order upon the clerk of the said court of special sessions in the county wherein the charge is triable, all proceedings thereon in Said court, except to admit the defendant to bail, shall be stayed until the expiration of the time specified in said order. Upon the filing of the certificate aforesaid with the clerk of the said court of special sessions, in the county wherein the charge is triable, all further proceedings thereon by said court of special sessions shall be stayed, and the said clerk shall within five days there- after make a return of all proceedings had in the said court of special sessions relating to such charge and transmit such return and all papers relating to such charge, together with said certificate and any undertaking given by the defendant to the district attorney of the county wherein the misdemeanor charged is alleged to have been committed. The said district attorney shall without delay present the said charge to the grand jury of said county. 2. They shall have jurisdiction at the request of a defendant to remit a fine imposed by them and in place of such fine to substitute in their discretion imprisonment. 3. They shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance of all proceedings respecting bastards within The City of New York and the jurisdiction conferred by sections eight hundred and thirty-eight to eight hundred and sixty inclusive of the code of criminal procedure shall be exclusively exercised within said city by said courts. The application specified in section eight hundred and forty of said code of criminal procedure shall be made to the court of special sessions in the county wherein a bastard is born or where the woman pregnant of a bastard likely to be born is. 4. The said court and its justices shall have and exercise all the powers and jurisdiction not inconsistent with this act which on the Ithirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven,I first day of January, nineteen hundred and two, shall by law be vested in the court or justices of special sessions in The City [and county] of New York. Iand in the 742 police courts, police justices and courts of special sessions in any part of the territory embraced within The City of New York as constituted by this act, excepting that conferred upon police justices of the city of Brooklyn by section twenty-two hundred and thirty-four of the code of civil procedure; and the same jurisdiction and powers in all matters relating to the administration of the criminal law not inconsistent with this act which on said thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, shall by law be vested in justices of the peace in any part of said territory.I Practice. § 14 IO. II.4O7.I. On and after the first day of February, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, all sections of the code of criminal procedure consistent with this act regulating and con- trolling the practice and procedure of the court of general sessions of the peace in the city and county of New York shall apply, as far as may be, to the practice and procedure in the said courts of special sessions, and shall regulate and control the practice and procedure of said courts in so far as their jurisdiction and organization will permit. All trials in said courts of special sessions provided for by this title shall be without a jury. Justices to be magistrates. § I4II. II.408.] The justices of said courts of special ses- Sions are magistrates, and shall have and exercise all the juris- diction and powers not inconsistent with this act which are by law conferred upon magistrates. Adoption of rules. § 1412. II.4O9.] The justices of said courts of special ses- Sions shall meet and adopt, and from time to time amend or add to rules relating to the following subjects: - I. Regulating the procedure and practice of said courts. 2. Prescribing the duties of the clerks and other officers and attendants of said courts. Regulation of time, etc. § I413. II.4.I.O.I. The justices of said courts of special ses- sions of said first and second divisions of The City of New York, respectively, shall meet and adopt and may, from time 7.43 to time, amend or add to rules relating to the following Sub- jects: I. Establishing the times and places at which said court shall be held within each of said divisions, respectively. 2. Assigning the justices to hold said courts from time to time, but if any justice assigned to sit in said court at any time shall be absent any other justice of the court of special sessions in The City of New York may sit in his place and stead. Appeals from special sessions. § L4 L4. If any judgment or determination made by the said court of special sessions shall be adverse to the defendant, he may appeal therefrom in the same manner as from a judg- ment in an action prosecuted by indictment, and may be admitted to bail upon an appeal in like manner; and if the judgment of the Supreme court upon such an appeal shall be adverse to the defendant, he may appeal therefrom to the court of appeals as prescribed in the code of criminal pro- cedure. In case of any such appeal to the supreme court or to the court of appeals, the procedure in, and the jurisdiction of, the said courts respectively, shall be the same as from a judg- ment of conviction after indictment. Duty of district attorney to attend court, etc. § 1415. II4 II.I. It shall be the duty of the district attorney of each of the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Rich- mond to attend in person or by an assistant at all sessions of said courts of special sessions within his county. No district attorney or assistant district attorney of the counties of New York or Kings shall appear as attorney or counsel in any actionſ or litigation, except in the discharge of his official duties, nor accept an appointment as referee or receiver in any action or proceeding. Qualifications of justices of special sessions. § 1416. No person shall be appointed to the office of justice of the court of special sessions in The City of New York, un- 744 less he shall be a resident of the said city and of the division of the city for which he shall be appointed; nor unless he shall have been admitted to practice as an attorney and counselor at law in the courts of this state at least ten years prior to the date of such appointment. No such justice shall receive to his own use any fees or perquisites of office; nor shall any such justice hold any other public office, or carry on any busi- ness, or practice as an attorney or counselor at law in any court in this state, or act as referee or receiver; but each such justice shall devote his whole time and capacity, so far as the public interests demand, to the duties of his office. Possession of court-houses. § 1417. II.4I 5.1 The city magistrates and the boards of city magistrates and the justices of the court of special sessions [appointed or continuing in office pursuant to this title shall have on and after the said first day of February, eighteen hundred and ninety-five,I shall continue to have the like access and possession in respect to the court-houses [or other places provided for the proceedings of police justices within said city, as hereby constituted, as were theretofore enjoyed by the police justices in the territory embraced within said city as so constituted] as they have hitherto had. And it shall be the duty of The City of New York and its several officers charged with duties in that behalf to supply and pay for what- ever may be necessary for the transaction of business of the said city magistrates and courts of special sessions and the justices thereof, and to supply all proper court-houses and accommodations, books, stationery and furniture, and to pay all salaries, compensations, expenses and disbursements that may be herein or otherwise authorized by law Therein author- ized by said chapter six hundred and one of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five]; and the board of estimate and apportionment shall annually include in its final estimate such sums as may be necessary to pay such salaries, compeñ- sations, expenses and disbursements. º 745 TITLE 4. The Marshals. Marshals of the cities of New York and Brooklyn continued. § 1424. The marshals in The City of New York as hereto- fore known and bounded, and the marshals and constables in the cities of Brooklyn and Long Island City, and in the several towns mentioned in section one of chapter one of this act, in Office at the time this act shall take effect, shall continue to hold such offices and perform the duties thereof until midnight of the thirty-first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, and said terms of office shall then expire, except those of the marshals in the late city of New York and the marshals in the late city of Brooklyn, who shall continue to be marshals of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, till the ex- piration of their respective terms. Mayor to appoint marshals; term of office. § 1425. On or before the twentieth day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, the mayor of The City of New York shall appoint ten marshals in the manner provided in the next section, who shall hold their respective offices for six years; and there shall be appointed in like manner every sixth year hereafter the same number of marshals for the like terms. Any person appointed after the commencement of the term, as herein prescribed, shall hold only until the expiration of the term and until a successor is duly appointed and has qualified. Id.; marshals for the boroughs of Queens and Richmond. § 1426. Six of said marshals so to be appointed shall be residents of the borough of Queens, and four residents of the borough of Richmond; and said marshals shall be assigned by the mayor to such duty within the boroughs wherein they reside respectively as is or may be provided by law. Successors to present marshals of New York city. § I427. On the expiration of the terms of said marshals of The City of New York mentioned in the last clause of section fourteen hundred and twenty-four of this act, the said mayor shall appoint their successors for terms of six years respec- tively. 746 Powers, duties and fees. § 1428. In so far as consistent with this act, the provisions of law relating to the bonds, duties, powers and fees of mar- shals, and all other matters concerning marshals in The City of New York, in force on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, shall apply to the marshals appointed or continued in office pursuant to this title, provided, however, that the bonds of said marshals so appointed pur- suant to this title shall be filed in the office of the city clerk, and that in the prosecution of the official bonds of all marshals, application for leave to prosecute the same shall be made to a justice of the supreme court at chambers in the judicial depart- ment wherein the borough for which such marshal shall have been appointed is situated, and such leave shall not be granted unless it appears that a transcript of the judgment against Such marshal has been filed in the office of the clerk of the county within which such borough is situated, and such justice may order such bond to be prosecuted in the municipal court of The City of New York or in the city court of The City of New York if such borough be within the county of New York or in the county court of the county wherein such borough lies, if in any other county. Removal of marshals. § 1429. The mayor may remove any marshal, after giving him an opportunity to be heard, upon charges in writing pre- ferred against such marshal, and filed with the mayor. TITLE 5. Interpreters. Interpreters. § 1430. The president of the municipal court justices, the president of the board of city magistrates of the first division, the president of the board of city magistrates of the second division, a justice of the court of special sessions of the first division to be selected by the justices of said court, and a justice of the court of special sessions of the second division to be selected by the justices of said court, shall constitute — — — — ————-mºs 747 the board of control of interpreters for the inferior courts. All interpreters of the inferior courts of The City of New York other than The City Court of New York now in office, except those appointed pursuant to chapter six hundred and twenty-three of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy- five, are hereby continued as such, and shall be subject to the control and supervision of said board of control, and shall report for duty in the court, or courts, to which they may be assigned by said board of control through the presi- dent thereof. Said board shall make rules and regulations governing the time and place of service of said interpre- ters and shall hold them amenable for any infraction of said rules, shall fill all vacancies and make removals for cause after due notice and hearing. The number of inter- preters shall not exceed the number from time to time fixed by the board of aldermen on the recommendation of the board of estimate and apportionment. All vacancies in such posi- tion shall be filled by appointment by the board of control hereby created. CHAPTER XXI. THE ACQUISITION OF LANDS AND INTERESTs THEREIN FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. Procedure for acquirement of lands and interests therein. § 1435. Whenever The City of New York, or any of the departments, including the department of education, Tor1 boards or officers of the said city government, shall be authorized by law to acquire title to real estate or any tene- ments, hereditaments, corporeal or incorporeal rights in the same, for any public use or purpose by condemnation, the proceeding for that purpose shall be taken and conducted in the manner prescribed in this title, except as provided in sec- tion fourteen hundred and forty-eight of this act. Maps to be prepared; entry on premises for examination thereof. § 1436. When any such lands have been selected, and the said department [or] board or officer has determined to take proceedings for the acquisition of the same, said de- partment [or] board or officer shall cause two similar sur- veys, maps, or plans thereof to be prepared, one of which shall be filed in the office of the said department [or] board or Officer, and the other of which shall be filed in the office of the register or county clerk of the county in which the lands are situated ; and it shall be lawful for the duly author- ized agents of the said department [or] board or officer, and all persons acting under his or its authority, and by his or its direction, to enter, in the daytime, into and upon any and all lands, tenements, and hereditaments which it shall be necessary to enter into and upon for the purpose of mak- ing such surveys, maps or plans or for the purpose of mak- ing such soundings or borings as the said department [or] board or officer may deem necessary. 749 Appointment and duties of commissioners of estimate. § 1437. When the said maps, surveys or plans have been filed as hereinbefore provided, the said department [or] board or officer of the said city, acting by and through the corporation counsel of said city, is hereby authorized to make application to a special term of the supreme court, in and for the judicial district in which said lands are situated, for the appointment of commissioners of estimate, and the said court shall thereupon name three discreet and disinter- ested persons, being residents of The City of New York, as such commissioners of estimate, for the purpose of of performing the duties hereinafter mentioned. Ten days' notice of such application, Sundays and holidays excluded, shall be published in the City Record, and the corpora- tion newspapers and also at the option of the corpora- tion counsel in other newspapers, not exceeding three in number, published in said City of New York. Upon the appointment of said commissioners they shall severally take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, before some officer authorized to administer oaths, in the form required by sec- tion one of article thirteen of the constitution of this state, which Oaths shall be forthwith filed in the Office of the clerk of the supreme court in the judicial district in which said lands are situated. It shall be the duty of the said commis- sioners, after having viewed the said lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises required for public uses and pur- poses, as above set forth, to make a just and equitable esti- mate of the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled to or inter- ested in the said lands, tenements, hereditaments and prem- ises, and to make report thereof to the said Supreme court with due diligence. Reports of commissioners of estimate; presentation thereof to the court; when title to vest in city. § 1438. In each and all and every case when the owners, or parties interested, or their respective estates and interests are unknown, or not fully known, to the said commission- ers, it shall be sufficient for them to estimate and set forth and state in their said reports, in general terms, the respect- ive sums to be allowed and paid to the owners and proprie- tors generally of such lands, tenements, hereditaments and 75O 191 emises and parties interested therein, for the loss and damage to such owners, proprietors and parties interested in respect of the whole estate and interest of whomsoever may be entitled unto or interested in said lands, tenements, here- ditaments and premises respectively, by and in consequence of the taking of the same, as herein provided, without speci- fying the names of the estate or interests of such owners, proprietors, and parties interested, or either of them, and upon the coming in of the said report, signed by the said commissioners, or a majority of them, the said supreme court at a special term thereof held in and for the judicial district as aforesaid, shall, by order, upon application of the said city, or the said department or board of the government thereof conducting said proceeding, after hearing any mat- ter which may be alleged against the same, either confirm said report in whole or in part or refer the same back to the same commissioners for revisal and correction, or to new commissioners, to be appointed by the said court, to recon- sider the subject-matter thereof, and the said commissioners to whom the said report shall be so referred shall return the said report, corrected and revised, or a new report, to be made by them, as aforesaid, in the premises, to the said court, without unnecessary delay, and the same on being so returned shall be confirmed or again referred by the said court, as justice shall require, and such report when con- firmed by said court, in whole or in part, shall be final and conclusive, as well upon the said city and the said depart- ment or board as upon the owners, lessees, persons and par- ties interested in and entitled to the lands, tenements, here- ditaments and premises mentioned in said report, and also upon all other persons whomsoever. And on the final con- firmation of said report, the said City of New York, except as hereinafter provided, shall become and be seized, in fee simple absolute, of the lands included in said report, the same to be converted, appropriated and used to and for the purposes for which the same shall be acquired accordingly. And thereupon the said city, acting by and through the de- partment or board instituting and having charge of said pro- ceeding, shall immediately take possession of the same, with- out any suit or proceedings at law for that purpose, and all leases and other contracts in regard to the said lands so taken, or any part thereof, and all covenants, contracts or 75 I engagements between landlords and tenants, or any other con- tracting parties, shall, upon the confirmation of such reports respectively, cease and determine and be absolutely dis- charged according to law. When title may be vested by resolution. § 1439. Should the department [or] board or officer of the said city government instituting the said proceeding deem it for the public interest that the title to the lands and premises, or any interest therein, required for any public im- provement or for any public purpose and acquired here- under, should be acquired by The City of New York at a fixed or specified time, the said department [or] board or officer may direct, by resolution passed before the applica- tion to the court for the appointment of commissioners of estimate, made under section fourteen hundred and thirty- seven of this act, if said resolution be approved by the board of estimate and apportionment by a three-fourths vote, [and] which said resolution and approval shall be recited in the peti- tion for the appointment of such commissioners, that at a date four months after the filing of the oaths of said commissioners, the title to any piece or parcel of land, or to any interest therein, to be taken or acquired in the said proceeding, shall vest in The City of New York. At the expiration of said four months from the filing of said oaths, the said City of New York shall become and be seized in fee of said lands, tenements and hereditaments and all interests therein in said resolution mentioned, that shall or may be acquired as afore- said, the same to be held appropriated, converted and used to and for the purposes for which the said proceeding is in- stituted. In such cases interest at the legal rate upon the sum or sums to which the owners, lessees, parties or persons interested in the said real estate or interests therein are justly entitled upon the date of the vesting of title in The City of New York, as aforesaid, from said date to the date of the payment of the award made to such owners, lessees, parties or persons in interest shall be paid as hereinafter set forth. And at the expiration of the said four months and upon the vesting of said title, the said city, acting by and through the said department [or] board or officer conduct- 752 ing said proceeding, shall immediately take possession of the lands included in the same and the interests thereby af- fected, without any suit or proceeding at law for that pur- pose. And all leases and other contracts in regard to said lands so taken, or any part thereof, and all covenants, con- tracts or engagements between landlords and tenants or any other contracting parties shall, upon the vesting of said title, respectively cease and determine and be discharged accord- ing to law. Notice of deposit and presentation of report; payment of awards with interest. § 1440. The said commissioners of estimate, at least four- teen days before they present their report to the Supreme court, shall deposit a true report or transcript of such esti- mate in the office of the department [or] board or officer conducting such proceeding, for the inspection of whom- soever it may concern, and shall give daily notice by adver- tisement in the City Record and the corporation newspapers, and also, at the option of the corporation counsel, in other newspapers, not exceeding three in number, published in said City of New York, for ten days, Sundays and holidays excluded, after depositing such report, of the said deposit thereof in said office, and for the day on which the said re- port will be presented to said court, and any person or per- sons whose rights may be affected thereby, and who may object to the same, or any part thereof, may, within ten days after the first publication of such notice, set forth their ob- jections to the same in writing to the said commissioners, who shall, after hearing the parties so objecting, thereupon reconsider their said estimate and assessment, or the part or parts thereof so objected to, and in case the same shall ap- pear to them to require correction, but not otherwise, they shall and may correct the same accordingly. The City of New York shall, within two calendar months after the con- firmation of the said report, pay to the parties entitled thereto the respective sum or sums so estimated and re- ported in their favor, respectively, with lawful interest from the date of the confirmation of the report of said commis- sioners, or if title to said lands shall have vested in the city under section fourteen hundred and thirty-Leight] nine of this act, from the date of said vesting; and in default thereof said 753 persons or parties, respectively, his, her, or their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, may, at any time or times after application first made, by him, her, or them to the comptroller of The City of New York for payment thereof, sue for and recover the same with lawful interest, as aforesaid, and the costs of suit. Owners unknown, infants, or of unsound mind. § 1441. Whenever the owners and proprietors of any lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises to be taken for any of the purposes aforesaid, or the party or parties, person or persons interested therein, or any or either of them, the said owners, proprietors, parties or persons, in whose favor any such sum or sums or compensation shall be so reported, shall be under the age of twenty-one years, non compos mentis, or absent from The City of New York; and also in all cases where the name or names of the owner or owners, parties or persons entitled unto or interested in any lands, tenements, hereditaments or premises that may be so taken for any of the purposes aforesaid, shall not be set forth or mentioned in said report; or when the said owners, par- ties or persons respectively, being named therein, can not, upon diligent inquiry, be found, it shall be lawful for the said City of New York to pay the sum or sums mentioned in the report as payable, or that would be coming to such owners, proprietors, parties and persons respectively, into the su- preme court, to be secured, disposed of, invested and paid out, as the appellate division of the supreme court, in said judicial district, shall direct; and such payment shall be as valid and effectual in all respects as if made to the said owners, proprietors, parties and persons respectively, them- selves, according to their just rights, if they had been known, and had all been present, of full age, compos mentis; and provided, also, that in all and each and every case or cases, where any such sum or sums or compensation, so to be re- ported by said commissioners in favor of any person or per- sons, party or parties whatsoever, whether named or not named in said report, shall be paid to any person or persons, party or parties whatsoever, when the same shall of right belong to and ought to have been paid to some other per- son or persons, party or parties, it shall be lawful for the per- son or persons, party or parties to whom the said sum or 48 754. sums ought to have been paid, to sue for and recover the same, with lawful interest and costs of suit, as so much money had and received to his, her or their use, by the per- Son or persons, party or parties, respectively, to whom the same shall have been so paid. Payment of the compensa- tion awarded by said commissioners of estimate to the per- Sons named in their report (if not infants or persons of un- sound mind) shall, in the absence of notice to the comptroller of The City of New York of adverse claims thereto, protect said city. The said commissioners of estimate shall include and set forth in their report the names of the respective Owners, lessees, parties and persons entitled unto or inter- ested in said report, and each and every part and parcel thereof, as far as the same shall be ascertained by them, and add a designation and description of such respective lands and parcels of land aforesaid, and also the several respective Sums estimated as and for the compensation and recompense or allowance to be made for the loss and damage of the re- specive owners of the fee or inheritance of such lands, tene- ments, hereditaments and premises respectively, and for the loss and damage of the respective owners of the leasehold estate, or their interest therein, separately. And the said commissioners shall also include in said report the amount of their fees and all costs and disbursements for expenses of surveys, maps and other things. Appeal. § 1442. Within twenty days after notice of the confirma- tion of the report of the commissioners as provided for in section fourteen hundred and thirty-eight of this act, any party interested and deeming himself or themselves ag- grieved may appeal by notice in writing to the other party, to the appellate division of the supreme court in said judicial district from the appraisal and report of the commissioners. Such appeal shall be heard on due notice thereof, being given, according to the rules and practice of said court. On the hearing of such appeal, the court may direct a new ap- praisal and determination of any question passed upon, by the same or new commissioners, in its discretion, but from any determination of the special term, an appeal may be taken upon the merits to the said appellate division of said court, and from any determination of the said appellate divi- 755 sion any party, if aggrieved, may take an appeal to the court of appeals, but only as to a question affecting the principal of the assessment of damages by the said commissioners. In the case of a new appraisal the second report shall be filed and notice thereof given, and such review, upon appeal or otherwise, be had as in the case of an original report, and So, from time to time, until a report shall be presented which the said court at special term shall finally affirm, and shall be affirmed upon appeal, should any appeal be taken. But the taking of an appeal by any person or persons shall not Operate to stay the proceedings under this title except as to the particular parcel of real estate with which the said appeal is concerned. Such appeal shall be heard upon the evidence taken before such commissioners, and any affidavits as to irregularities. Removal, etc., of commissioners of estimate. § I443. In case of death, resignation, insanity, disqualifi- cation, refusal or neglect to act, or removal of any such com- missioner of estimate appointed as in this chapter provided, it shall arid may be lawful for the court aforesaid, at a special term thereof, held in the judicial district as aforesaid, on the application of the department or board of The City of New York, conducting said proceeding, as often as such event may happen, to appoint a discreet and disinterested person, being a resident of the said City of New York in the place and stead of such commissioner so dying, resigning, becoming in- sane or disqualified, refusing or neglecting to act, or removed, and the surviving commissioners, as the case may be, shall have full power to proceed in the execution of the duties of their appointment until the successor of the commissioner So dying, becoming insane, resigning, being disqualified, neglect- ing or refusing to act, or removed, shall be appointed. Ten days' notice of said application shall be given to all parties who have appeared in the proceeding. Powers of commissioners and of a majority thereof; fees, expenses. § 1444. In each and every case of the appointment of com- missioners under this act, it shall be competent and lawful for any two of such commissioners, so appointed as afore- said, to proceed to and execute and perform the trusts and 756 duties of their said appointment, and their acts shall be as valid and effectual as the acts of all the commissioners if they had acted together would have been ; and, further, in all cases, the acts, proceedings and decisions of a major part of Such of the commissioners as shall be acting in the premises, shall be as valid, binding and effectual as if the said commis- Sioners named and appointed for such purposes had all con- curred and joined therein. In the said proceedings any of the said commissioners of estimate may issue subpoenas and administer oaths to witnesses. Each commissioner IThe commissioners] appointed under and by virtue of this chap- ter, who shall enter upon the duties of his [their] appoint- ment, shall Ieach] be entitled to receive Isuch compensa- tion as shall be awarded by the court, I upon the confirma- tion of Itheir respective reports, I the report or other deter- mination of the proceeding, not exceeding ten dollars for each day upon which [they shall meet and beI he attends a meet- ing of said commissioners and is actually and necessarily em- ployed in the performance of the duties imposed upon them by this act at the offices provided for said commissioners by the corporation counsel or at a meeting of the commission- ers to view the premises, Itheir duties as commissioners,I besides all reasonable expenses, to be taxed and allowed by said court for maps, surveys, clerk hire and other necessary expenses and disbursements, and the same shall be included in, considered and paid as part of the expenses of acquiring the lands or interest therein for the acquirement of which the said proceeding is instituted. « Amendments of defects. § I.445. The special term of the supreme court in the judi- cial district, as aforesaid, shall have power at any time to amend any defect or informality in any of the special pro- ceedings authorized by this chapter that may be necessary, or to permit any person having an interest therein to be made a party thereto, or to relieve from any default, mistake or irregularity, or to direct such further notices to be given to any party in interest as it deems proper. And the said court may, at any time remove any of said commissioners of estimate who, in its judgment, shall be incapable of Serv- 757 ing, or who shall, for any reason in its judgment, be an unfit person to serve as commissioner. The cause of such re- moval shall be specified in the order making the same. If in any particular it shall at any time be found necessary to annend any pleading, proceeding, or to supply any defect therein arising in the course of any special proceeding authorized by this act, the same may be amended or supplied in such a manner as shall be directed by the said special term of the supreme court, which is hereby authorized to make such amendment or correction. Corporation counsel to appear and protect interests of the city. § I446. The corporation counsel shall, either in person, or by such counsel as he shall designate for the purpose, appear for and protect the interests of the city in all such proceed- ings in court and before the commissioners of estimate. Source of payment of awards and expenses. § 1447. The amounts of the awards made in a proceeding brought under this chapter for the value of lands and inter- ests therein taken hereunder, shall be paid out of the fund created by the act, ordinance or resolution authorizing the ac- quirement of the said lands or interests therein, and the money for the payment thereof, together with the fees of the commis- Sioners of estimate, the compensation of such necessary clerks Or assistants as they may employ, and all other necessary ex- penses in and about the special proceeding instituted under this chapter, including the fees of counsel employed by the corpo- ration counsel in the proceeding, and all other reasonable expenses incurred by said corporation counsel in the conduct of Said proceeding, shall be also paid out of the said fund so provided. Such fees and expenses shall not be paid until they have been taxed at a special term of the supreme court in the judicial district as aforesaid, upon five days' notice to the corporation counsel of The City of New York. Upon such taxation due proof of the nature and extent of the ser- vices rendered and disbursements charged shall be furnished and no unnecessary costs or charges shall be allowed. All such costs, fees and expenses or disbursements to be taxed, as aforesaid, shall be stated in detail in the bill of costs and charges and expenses, and shall be accompanied by such proof of the reasonableness and necessity thereof, as is now 7.58 required by law and the practice of the said court upon taxa- tion of costs and disbursements in other special proceedings or actions in said court. What proceedings excepted from provisions of this chapter. § 1448. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any proceedings for the purpose of opening any streets, ave- nues or public places, parks or parkways, or to any pro- ceedings for the improvement of or in connection with the water supply of The City of New York, or for the acquisi- tion of lands for sewers or drains as provided in section [five] three hundred and Isixty-onel ninety-six of this act, or for the acquisition of wharf property for the improvement of the water-front of said city, or to any proceedings, of any nature, instituted prior to the time of the taking effect of this act, and such proceeding shall be conducted in all respects as if this act had not been passed. CHAPTER XXII. General Statutes. ITitle I. The streets.I ITitle 2. Amusements.I ITitle 3. Birds.I Title I4] I. Commercial paper during epidemic. Title I5] 2. Pharmacists and druggists. Title I61 3. Board of city record. Title I7] 4. General provisions. Title [8] 5. Coroners. TITLE IAI I. Commercial Paper During Epidemic. Persons, etc., in infected district may have names, etc., registered by city clerk. § 1499. Whenever the board of health shall, by public no- tice, designate any portion or district of The City of New York as being the seat of any infectious or contagious disease, and declare communication with such portion or district dangerous, or shall, prohibit such communication, it shall be the duty of the city clerk during the continuance of such disease in such district, to provide and keep in his office a book for the purpose of registering, in alphabetical order, the names, firms, and places of business of any inhabitant of the city who shall desire such registry to be made. Id.; must register place at which commercial paper to be presented. § 1500. It shall be the duty of all persons and firms usually resident or doing business within such infected district to register, in the book so provided by the said city clerk, their names or firms, with the place or places out of such infected 76o district, but within The City of New York to which they may have removed the transaction of their business, or to which they may desire any notices to be sent or served, or any notes, drafts, or bills to be presented for acceptance or for payment. The sum of twenty-five cents may be claimed and received by the said clerk for every such registry; but the book in which the same shall be entered shall be, at all times during office hours, open to public examination, free of all charges. Commercial paper may be presented at place designated. § 1501. During the continuance of any such disease in such infected district, all drafts, notes, and bills, which by law are required to be presented for acceptance or for payment, may be presented for such purpose at the place so designated in such registry, and all notices of nonacceptance and non- payment of any note, draft or bill, or of protest, for such nonacceptance or nonpayment, may be served by leaving the same at the place so designated. On failure to register, commercial paper may be presented to city clerk. § 1502. In case any person or firm usually resident or do- ing business within such infected district shall neglect to make and cause to be entered in the book so provided, the registry herein required, all notes, drafts, or bills which by law are required to be presented to such person or firm for acceptance or for payment, may be presented to the said city clerk during the continuance of such disease, at any time dur- ing office hours, and demand of acceptance or payment thereof may be made of the said clerk, to the same purpose and with the same effect as if the same had been presented, and acceptance or payment demanded of such person or firm at their usual place of doing business. On failure to register, notice of protest, etc., may be served by leaving at post-office. § 1503. In case of the omission to make the registry here- in required, all notices of the nonacceptance or nonpayment of any note, draft, or bill, or of protest for such nonacceptance or nonpayment, may be served on any person or firm usually resident or doing business within such infected district, by 761 leaving the same at one of the post-offices for the said city, which service shall be as valid and effectual as if the notices had been served personally on such person or one of such firm at his or their usual place of doing business. When epidemic deemed to have subsided. § 1504. Whenever proclamation shall be made by the board of health or other proper authority of the city, that an infectious or contagious disease in any such infected district has subsided, it shall be deemed to have subsided, for all pur- poses contemplated in this title. TITLE I5.I 2. Pharmacists and Druggists. Registered pharmacists only to conduct pharmacy, except, etc. § 151O. It shall be unlawful for any person unless a regis- tered pharmacist within the meaning of this title to open or conduct any pharmacy or store for retailing, dispensing or compounding medicines or poisons in The City of New York as constituted by this act, except as hereinafter provided; pro- vided that the widow or legal representative of a deceased person who was a registered pharmacist within the meaning of this title may continue the business of such deceased phar- macist, provided that the actual retailing, dispensing or com- pounding of medicines or poisons be only by a person who is a registered pharmacist within the meaning of this title. ld.; qualifications of registered pharmacists. § 151 I. Any person, in order to be registered, shall be either a graduate in pharmacy or a licentiate in pharmacy or a grad- uate having a diploma from some legally constituted medical college or society. But a license as a pharmacist granted any person after the examination by any board of pharmacy legally created under the laws of this state shall entitle such persorſ to a license or certificate of registration from the board of pharmacy created by this title, upon presenting to said board his license and complying with the formal requirements of the laws. Any person who, at the time this act takes effect, shall be entitled by law to open or conduct any pharmacy or store for retailing, dispensing or compounding medicines or poisons 762 in any part of the territory included in The City of New York, as constituted by this act, shall be entitled hereafter to open or conduct any such pharmacy or store in said city and to be registered by the board of pharmacy created by this title. Graduates and licentiates defined. § 1512. Graduates of pharmacy within the meaning of this title shall be those persons who have had at least four years' experience in stores where prescriptions of medical practi- tioners have been compounded, and who have obtained a diploma from any college of pharmacy within the United States, or from some authorized foreign institution or exam- ining board; and licentiates in pharmacy shall be those persons who have had at least four years’ experience in stores where prescriptions of medical practitioners are compounded, and who shall have passed an examination either before the board for the examination of and licensing druggists and prescrip- tion clerks in the city of New York, as heretofore existing, established by an act passed March twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, or before the board of pharmacy in the city of New York, as heretofore existing or before the board of pharmacy of the county of Kings or before the board of pharmacy created by this title, for The City of New York as constituted by this act, or such foreign pharmacists as shall present satisfactory credentials or certificates of their compe- tency and qualifications to the said last-mentioned board of pharmacy. Junior assistants or apprentices in pharmacy shall not be permitted to prepare physicians’ prescriptions until they have become graduates or licentiates in pharmacy. Board of pharmacy; election, duties. § I513. The members of the college of pharmacy of The City of New York, which is situated in the borough of Man- hattan, the members of the German Apothecaries’ Society of New York, and the members of the Kings County Phar- maceutical Society, shall, on the first Monday of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and on the same day every third year thereafter, at a special meeting held for that pur- pose, elect five competent pharmacists, who shall form and be known as the board of pharmacy. Of these five members, two shall be elected by the said New York College of Phar- macy, one by the German Apothecaries’ Society and two by the Kings County Pharmaceutical Society. The members of 763 this board shall, within thirty days after their election as aforesaid, individually take and subscribe before the clerk of The City of New York, an oath faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties prescribed for them by this title. They shall hold office for the term of three years and until their successors are duly elected and have qualified; and in case of any vacancy in this board, the organization which elected the member or members whose position or positions have become vacant shall fill such vacancy or vacancies at Once by an elec- tion at a special meeting. The said board shall organize for the transaction of business by electing from their own number, for the whole term, a president and secretary. The board shall meet at least once every three months and three members shall constitute a quorum. The duties of the said board shall be to transact all business pertaining to the legal regulation of the practice of pharmacy in The City of New York, and to examine and register pharmacists. Any pharmacist applying for examination shall pay to the secretary a fee of five dollars, and should he pass such examination satisfactorily he shall be furnished with a certificate as to his competency and qualifica- tion, signed by the said board of pharmacy. Books of registration of pharmacists, etc. § I514. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a book of registration at Some convenient place, of which due notice shall be given through the public press, in which book shall be entered, under the supervision of the said board, the names and places of business of all persons coming under the provi- Sions of this title. It shall be the duty of all such persons to appear before the said board of pharmacy and register, and the fee for the registration of pharmacists shall not exceed two dollars, and for assistants shall not exceed one dollar. The secretary shall give receipts for all moneys received by him, which moneys shall be used for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the board of pharmacy, and three-fifths of any surplus shall be for the benefit of the College of Pharmacy of The City of New York, situated in the borough of Manhattan, and two-fifths of such surplus shall be for the benefit of the Brooklyn College of Pharmacy, situated in the borough of Brooklyn. The salary of the secretary shall be fixed by the board, and shall be paid out of the registration fees. 764 Pharmacists responsible for quality of drugs, etc., sold, patent medicines, adulteration, etc. § 1515. Every registered pharmacist shall be held respon- sible for the quality of all drugs, chemicals, and medicines he may sell or dispense, with the exception of those sold in the Original packages of the manufacturer, and also those known as “patent medicines,” and should he knowingly, intentionally and fraudulently adulterate, or cause to be adulterated, such drugs, chemicals, or medical preparations, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in addi- tion thereto, his name shall be stricken from the register. Poisons; retailing of. § I5I6. It shall be unlawful for any person to retail any poisons enumerated in schedules A and B, as follows, to wit: Schedule A–Arsenic and its preparations, corrosive subli- mate, white precipitate, red precipitate, biniodide of mercury, cyanide of potassium, hydrocyanic acid, Strychnia, and all Other poisonous vegetable alkaloids and their salts, essential Oil of bitter almonds, opium and its preparations, except pare- goric and other preparations of opium containing less than two grains to the ounce. Schedule B–Aconite, belladonna, colchicum, conium, nux vomica, henbane, savin, ergot, cottonroot, cantharides, creo- Sote, digitalis, and their pharmaceutical preparations, croton oil, chloroform, chloral hydrate, sulphate of zinc, mineral acids, carbolic acid and oxalic acid, without distinctly labeling the bottle, box, vessel or paper in which the said poison is contained, and also the outside wrapper or cover with the name of the article, the word “poison,” and the name and place of the seller; nor shall it be lawful for any person to sell or deliver any poisons enumerated in schedules A and B, unless upon due inquiry it be found that the purchaser is aware of its poisonous character, and represents that it is to be used for a legitimate purpose. Nor shall it be lawful for any registered pharmacist to sell any poisons included in schedule A, without, before delivering the same to the pur- chaser, causing an entry to be made in a book kept for that purpose, stating the date of sale, the name and address of the purchaser, the name and quality of the poison sold, the purpose for which it is represented by the purchaser to be required, 765 and the name of the dispenser; such book to be always open for inspection by the proper authorities, and to be preserved for reference for at least five years. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the dispensing of poisons, in not unusual quantities or doses, upon the prescriptions of practi- tioners of medicine. Application of preceding sections to practitioners of medicine and wholesale dealers. § 1517. Nothing contained in the foregoing sections of this title shall apply to or interfere with the business of any prac- titioner of medicine who does not keep open shop for the retail- ing of medicines and poisons, nor with the business of whole- sale dealers, but the preceding section, and the penalties for its violation, shall apply to such persons. Fraudulent registration, permitting unlicensed person to compound medicines. § I518. Any person who shall attempt to procure registra- tion for himself, or for any other person, under this title, by making or causing to be made any false representation, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars. Any registered pharmacist who shall permit the compounding and dispensing of prescriptions of medical prac- titioners in his store or place of business, by any person or persons not registered, or any person not registered who shall keep open shop for the retailing or dispensing of medicines and poisons, or who shall fraudulently represent himself to be registered, or any registered pharmacist or dealer in medi- cines who shall fail to comply with the regulations and provi- sions of this title, in relation to the retailing and dispensing of poisons, shall, for every such offense, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, be liable to a pen- alty of fifty dollars. Penalties to be paid to College of Pharmacy. § 1519. Three-fifths of each and every penalty recovered under this title shall be paid to the trustees of the College of Pharmacy of The City of New York, situated in the borough of Manhattan, and two-fifths of the same to the Brooklyn College of Pharmacy, situated in the borough of Brooklyn. 766 The sums so paid to the trustees of said College of Pharmacy of The City of New York shall form and be known as the library fund of said college of pharmacy, and shall be expended for the purchase of books for the library of said college, and the sums so paid to the said Brooklyn College of Pharmacy shall be known as the library fund of said college, and shall be expended for the purchase of books for the library of said college of pharmacy. Boards of pharmacy abolished. § 1520. The board of pharmacy of the county of Kings and the board of pharmacy in The City of New York as heretofore existing, are both hereby abolished. TITLE I6.I 3. A Board of City Record. City record, board of; publication and contents; newspapers to be designated in which corporate notices to be advertised. § 1526. There shall be published daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted), under a contract to be made as hereinafter provided, a paper to be known as the City Record. And said City Record, and the newspapers now by law designated as corporation newspapers in the present city of Brooklyn shall be the only papers to be included within the term corporation newspapers as the same is used anywhere in this act; but no notice or advertisement shall be inserted in said newspapers now by law designated as corporation newspapers in said city of Brooklyn, except such as respect matters occurring within or relating to the borough of Brooklyn exclusively; and the aggregate amount to be paid to said newspapers now desig- nated by law as corporation newspapers in said city of Brook- lyn, for the publication of all advertisements provided for by this act, shall never exceed in any year the sum now agreed to be paid to said newspapers annually by said city of Brook- lyn. The mayor, corporation counsel and comptroller shall constitute the board of city record. Said board, by a majority vote, shall appoint a proper person, together with such assist- ants as may be required, to supervise the preparation and pub- lication of the same, and they shall also fix the rates of com- pensation of said supervisor and his assistants. All the ex- 767 penses connected with its publication and distribution, except the salary of the person appointed to supervise the same, and the salaries of his assistants, shall be covered by a contract for printing, to be made in the same manner as other contracts. The board of estimate and apportionment shall provide for all the necessary expenses of conducting the said City Record. There shall be inserted in said City Record nothing aside from such official matters as are expressly authorized. The contract for the publication of the City Record shall provide for fur- nishing, free of charge, to The City of New York, not more than two thousand copies thereof; also for a gratuitous dis- tribution to every newspaper regularly printed in The City of New York, when it shall apply for the same, of two copies, and to every public library or public institution in Said city which apply for the same, of one copy. Copies of the same shall be sold by the supervisor at a price to be fixed by the officers making the contract, and the proceeds thereof shall be paid over to the city. All advertising required to be done for the city, except as in this act otherwise specially provided, and all notices required by law or ordinance to be published in corporation papers, shall be inserted, at the public expense, only in the City Record, and a publication therein shall be a sufficient compliance with any law or ordinance requiring pub- lication of such matters or notices; but there may be inserted in two morning and two evening, and two weekly or semi- weekly papers published in the English language, and in one newspaper published in the German language, all in Said city, to be designated, at any time, by said board of city record, brief advertisements calling attention to any contracts intended to be awarded or bonds to be sold, and referring for full information to said City Record; said designation of such newspapers to continue in effect until another or different designation shall be made by said board. Where such notices and advertisements respect matters occurring within or relat- ing to the borough of Brooklyn, they shall also be published in such newspapers as are now by law designated as corpora- tion newspapers in the city of Brooklyn, the rates of payment therefor not to exceed the compensation now paid to said newspapers for like advertisements in the city of Brooklyn or county of Kings. In case, however, of the sale of bonds or stocks of said city or of any real estate belonging to the 768 city, such advertisements may be also inserted in such other newspapers published in said city as said board may determine in the case of each sale. But nothing herein contained shall prevent the publication elsewhere of any advertisement required by law; provided, however, that no such publication shall be made unless the same is authorized by a concurrent vote of the members of said board. No money shall be paid from the city treasury, and no action shall be maintained or judg- ment obtained against The City of New York, as constituted by this act, for any advertising done after April thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, except such as is herein authorized or such as at the time this act takes effect is a lawful charge against a municipal or public corporation, or part thereof, hereby consolidated with the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York. The copies of the City Record furnished to the city shall be distributed to the Several departments and officers, and to such persons and in such manner as the board of city record shall direct. The comptroller shall cause a continuous series of the City Record to be bound, as completed quarterly, and to be deposited with his certificate thereon, in the office of the register of deeds of the county of New York, in the county clerk's office of said county and in the office of the city clerk, and copies of the contents of any part of the same, certified by such register, county clerk or city clerk, shall be received in judicial proceed- ings as prima facie evidence of the truth of the contents thereof. Supervisor of city record to arrange lists of registered voters. § I527. It shall be the duty of the supervisor of the city record to cause the lists of registered voters, made and deliv- ered by the chairman of the boards of inspectors of election to the captains of police, and by them delivered to him, to be arranged by assembly districts, and by elections districts of assembly districts, commencing with the first, and in such manner that the names of all registered voters residing at any given number of any street shall appear together, and those of each street in each election district shall appear arranged by house numbers, in consecutive order, each street separately. And as soon as the entire registry of voters shall be completed, and the copies thereof made and delivered, the said supervisor shall forthwith cause the same to be printed and published in 769 the City Record, and in the form and manner herein pre- scribed; and such publication shall be made within one hundred and eight hours after the close of each annual registration. The registry of each assembly district shall be printed sepa- rately as a supplement to the City Record, and each supple- ment containing the registry of one assembly district shall be sold separately to persons wishing to purchase the same at not less than five cents per copy. All money received therefor shall be paid into the city treasury to the credit of the general fund. .* & Printing and stationery to be supplied by contract; City Record to print certain matters. § 1528. All printing for said city and for the counties con- tained within its territorial limits, including the printing of the City Record, shall be executed and all stationery shall be supplied, under contracts, to be entered into by the said board of city record. All proposals for printing and sta- tionery shall be based upon specifications to be filed in the comptroller's office, which shall set forth with accuracy the number of every description of printed blanks; also each de- scription of stationery or blank books in ordinary use in the municipal assembly and the respective departments, and likely to be required during the year for which such contract is to be given, and the bids shall be given for such number of each printed description of blanks, or of each article of stationery (including under the head of stationery, letter or writing paper, or envelopes, with printed headings or in- dorsements) as are specified, and for such additional number as may be required, giving the price for blanks of every de- Scription, and the price of all other printing “per thousand ems,” or for “rule and figure work; ” separate contracts shall be made with the lowest bidder for any one description of printing, or any article of stationery, involving an expense of more than five hundred dollars. Ten per centum of the amount becoming due, from time to time, shall be withheld by the comptroller until the completion of the contract; and in case the contractor shall fäil to fulfill the same to the satis- faction of said board of city record, then said board may declare said contract to be annulled, and said board shall im- mediately give notice for other bids for such printing during the remainder of the term of contract. No judgment shall 49 770 be recovered against The City of New York as constituted by this act, for printing or stationery done or furnished after April thirteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, osten- sibly for the city of New York as heretofore known and bounded, unless done or furnished under a contract where, under the provisions of chapter three hundred and thirty- five of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-three, or of the laws in force at the time this act takes effect or of this act, a contract was or is necessary, or under a valid contract, or unless upon evidence of a contract made as provided in this section. Separate contracts may be made at any time for engraving, lithographing, wood-cuts, maps, or other picture work, as the same may be required; but nothing here- in contained shall be construed to require a separate contract for each engraving, lithograph, or wood-cut, or map, unless the board of city record shall deem the same advisable for the interest of the city. No more than two thousand copies of any message of the mayor, or report of any head of a de- partment, and no more than one thousand copies of any re- port of a committee of Teither branch of the municipal as- sembly I the board of aldermen shall be printed apart from the City Record. There shall be published in the City Rec- ord within the month of January and within the month of July in each year a list of all the officials and employees em- ployed in any of the departments, bureaus or offices of the city government, and of the counties therein contained, who have been or have become such officials or employees during the preceding six months. Said list shall contain the name, residence by Street numbers, nature of position or service, date of entrance into the service or employment, date of ces- sation of such service or employment, if such has occurred during said period, Salary or wages, and a distinct statement of the increase or decrease thereof during said period of each of said officials or employees. All changes of such officials or employees, or the amount of their salaries, with a distinct Statement of the increase or decrease thereof, shall be so published within one week after they are made. It shall be the duty of all heads of departments or bureaus, or offices not in a department, to furnish to the person appointed to super- vise the publication of the City Record, everything required to be inserted therein. It shall be the duty of the said person 771 appointed to supervise the publication of the City Record, on or before the first days of February and August respect- ively in each year, to certify to the comptroller that the several lists so required to be furnished have been furnished to him by said heads of department, bureaus, or offices, and the comptroller is hereby forbidden to pay the salary of any such head of department, bureau or office who has not fur- nished such list until the receipt by said comptroller of such certificate. The said person shall have the power to make requisitions in writing upon the heads of departments to fur- nish the information necessary to make up such list accord- ing to the rules prescribed by him and approved by the board of city record; and such information must be supplied by the department within ten days after such requisition. He shall have power to require such information in the same manner, every three months, and all other information in the control of said heads of departments, necessary to perform his duties, under this section. He shall include in his list the number of laborers, designating the department in which they are employed, and, if practicable, the numbers employed in the prosecution of specific works, and the amounts paid to them. He shall also cause to be printed in each issue of said City Record a separate statement of the hours during which all public offices in the city are open for business, and at which each court regularly opens and adjourns, as well as of the places where such offices are kept and such courts are held. The detailed canvass of votes, at every election, shall be published in the City Record. A list of the regis- tered plumbers shall be published in the City Record at least Once in each year. The mayor may order the insertion of any official matter or report in the City Record. Nothing herein contained shall apply to the printing or supplies of stationery for The City of New York, as constituted by this act, where by the concurrent vote of the mayor, counsel to the corporation and comptroller, it shall be decided to have such printing done or such stationery furnished without con- tract let after advertisement for bids or proposals, but in such cases such printing shall be done and such stationery pro- cured in the manner and on such terms and conditions as the said officers shall deem to be for the best interests of the city. se 772 TITLE IZ.I 4. General Provisions. Officers; not to be [privatelyl interested in contracts. § 1533. No member of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly], head of department, chief of bureau, deputy there- of or clerk therein, or other officer of the corporation, shall be or become interested, directly or indirectly, Iinterested] as contracting party, partner, stockholder or otherwise, in or in the performance of any contract, work, or business, or the sale of any article, the expense, price, or consideration of which is payable from the city treasury, or by any assessment levied by any act or ordinance of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly; nor]; or in the purchase or lease of any real estate or other property belonging to or taken by the corporation, or which shall be sold for taxes or assessments, or by virtue of legal process at the suit of the said corporation. If any person in this section mentioned shall, during the time for which he was elected or appointed, knowingly acquire an interest as above described in any contract or work with the city, or any department or officer thereof, unless the same shall be devolved upon him by law, he shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit his office, and be punished for a misdemeanor. All such contracts in which any such person is or be- comes interested as above described shall, at the option of the comptroller, be forfeited and void. No person in this section named shall give, or promise to give, any portion of his com- pensation, or any money or valuable thing, to any officer of the city, or to any other person, in consideration of his having been or being nominated, appointed, elected, or employed as such officer, agent, clerk or employee, under the penalty of forfeiting his office and being forever disqualified from being elected, appointed, or employed in the service of the city, and shall, on conviction, be punished for a misdemeanor. Id.; may be summarily examined. § 1534. Any member of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I, commissioner, head of department, chief of bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the corpora- tion or person, may, if a justice shall so order, be summarily 773 examined upon an order to be made on application based on an affidavit of the mayor or of the comptroller, or any five members of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assemblyl or any commissioner of accounts, or of any five citizens who are taxpayers, requiring such examination, and signed by any justice of the supreme court in , the first or Second judicial - departments directing such examination to be publicly made at the chambers of said court in either of said judicial depart- ments, or at the office of said department, on a day and hour to be named, not less, however, than forty-eight hours after personal service of said order. Such examination shall be confined to an inquiry into any alleged wrongful diversion or misapplication of any moneys or fund, or any violation of the provisions of law, or any want of mechanical qualifications of any inspectorship of public work, or any neglect of duty in acting as such inspector, or any delinquency charged in said affidavit touching the office or the discharge or neglect of duty of which it is alleged in the application for said order that such member of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assemblyl, head of department or other aforementioned officer or person, has knowledge or information. Such member of the board of aldermen Imunicipal assembly I, commissioner, head of department, clerk or other aforesaid officer or person shall answer such pertinent questions relative thereto, and produce such books and papers in his custody or under his control as the justice shall direct, and the examination may be continued from time to time, as such justice may order, but the answer of the party charged shall not be used against him in any criminal proceeding; provided, however, that for all false answers on material points he shall be subject to the pains and penalties of the crime of perjury. The proceedings may be continued before any other justice in said judicial department, and other witnesses, as well as the parties making such appli- cation, may, in the discretion of said justice, be compelled to attend and be examined touching such alleged delinquencies. Such justice may punish any refusal to attend such examina- tion or to answer any questions pursuant to his order, as for a contempt of court, and shall have as full power and author- ity to enforce obedience to the order or directions of himself or any other justice, as any justice of the supreme court may now have, or shall possess, to enforce obedience or to punish contempt in any case or matter whatever, and shall impose 774 costs upon those promoting such an examination, not exceed- ing two hundred and fifty dollars, if he thinks there was no probable cause for making the application hereinbefore pro- vided for, the said costs to be paid to the officer or person examined, and for which the said officer or person may have "judgment and an execution. The examination hereinbefore provided for shall be reduced to writing, and be filed in the office of the county clerk of such county within the first or second judicial departments as the judge making the Order for the examination shall direct at the time of making such order, and the examination so reduced to writing and filed shall be at all reasonable times accessible to the public, and notice of the same shall be given to the department in which said officer is employed. Barber shops may be open on Sunday. § 1535. The provisions of an act to regulate barbering on Sunday, being chapter eight hundred and twenty-three of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, permitting barber shops or other places where a barber is engaged in shaving, hair-cutting or other work of a barber, to be kept open, and the work of a barber to be performed therein until one o'clock of the afternoon of the first day of the week in The City of New York, as heretofore known and bounded, shall be ap- plicable to and be in full force and effect in all of the territory of The City of New York, as constituted by this act. Territorial operation of contracts, grants and franchises not extended. § 1538. This act shall not extend the territorial operation of any rights, contracts or franchises heretofore granted or made by the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, or by any of the mu- nicipal and public corporations which by this act are united and consolidated therewith, including the counties of Kings and Richmond, and the same shall be restricted to the limits respectively to which they would have been confined if this act had not been passed; nor shall this act in any way vali- date or invalidate or in any manner affect such grants, but they shall have the same legal validity, force, effect and oper- ation and no other or greater than if this act had not been passed. 775 Price of gas in Richmond and Queens counties. § 1539. The price of illuminating gas in the county of Richmond, and in Ithat part of] the county of Queens, Tin- cluded within The City of New York, as hereby constituted, I shall not be affected by this act. Platting of lands and dedication of streets and public places. § 1540. No map of the subdivision of lands or the platting thereof into streets or avenues and blocks within the limits of The City of New York shall hereafter be registered or become effectual and binding as a dedication of the streets, avenues or public places on such map or plat until such map or plat has been submitted by the owner to and approved by the board of Ipublic improvements, I estimate and apportionment, which in acting thereon shall examine and determine whether the streets and avenues are of adequate and suitable width and laid out with due reference to connecting Streets and avenues. Upon such approval the title of the owner or owners of the land to all streets, avenues and public places designated on the map or plat, shall immediately vest in fee Iclear of all incumbrances] in The City of New York in trust for the designated public uses. Such map Ior a copy thereofI shall Iremain of record in the office of the board of public improvements, I be filed in the office of the president of the borough where the lands affected by said subdivisions are located, and a copy thereof with the approval of the said board endorsed thereon shall be filed and recorded in the of- fice of the registrar of deeds or county clerk of the county in which the land is situated and indexed therein as deeds are now required by law to be indexed. The Imunicipal assem- bly upon the recommendation of the board of public im- provements] board of aldermen may from time to time pass appropriate ordinances not inconsistent with law and this act to carry the provisions of this section into effect and reg- ulate proceedings thereunder. Majority of boards of departments; quorum; powers. § 1541. A majority of the members of a board in any de- partment of the city government, and also of the board for the revision of assessments, shall constitute a quorum to fully perform and discharge any act or duty authorized, pos- 776 sessed by, or imposed upon any department or any board aforesaid, and with the same legal effect as if every member of any such board aforesaid had been present, except as here- in otherwise specially provided. Each board may, except as herein otherwise provided, choose, in its own pleasure, one of its members, who shall be its president, and one who shall be its treasurer, and may appoint a chief clerk or secretary. No expense shall be incurred by any of the departments, boards or officers thereof, unless an appropriation shall have been previously made covering such expense, nor any ex- pense in excess of the sum appropriated in accordance with law. Expenses not to exceed appropriation. § 1542. It shall be the duty of the heads of all departments and of all officers of said city, and of all boards and offi- cers charged with the duty of expending or incurring obli- gations payable out of the moneys raised by tax in said city, or any of the counties contained within its territorial limits, so to regulate such expenditures for any purpose or object, that the same shall not in any one year exceed the amount appropriated by the board of estimate and apportionment for such purpose or object; and no charge, claim or liability shall exist or arise against said city, or any of the counties contained within its territorial limits, for any sum in excess of the amount appropriated for the sev- eral purposes. It shall be lawful, however, for the board of estimate and apportionment in its discretion, and upon the certificate of the district attorney of any such county that the public interests demand for the proper conduct of a criminal tion be made for that purpose, to make such appropriation and to authorize the comptroller to issue special revenue bonds to provide the necessary means therefor. Heads of departments; control over subordinates; removal. § 1543. The heads of all departments and all borough presi- dents (except as otherwise specially provided) shall have power to appoint and remove all chiefs of bureaus (except the 777 chamberlain), as also all clerks, officers, employees and subor- dinates in their respective departments, except as herein other- wise specially provided, without reference to the tenure of office of any existing appointee. But no regular clerk or head of a bureau shall be removed until he has been allowed an opportunity of making an explanation; and in every case of a removal, the true grounds thereof shall be forthwith entered upon the records of the department or board or borough presi- dent. In case of removal, a statement showing the reason therefor shall be filed in the department. The number of all officers, clerks, employees, laborers and subordinates in every department shall be such as the heads of the respective depart- ments and borough presidents shall designate and approve, not exceeding the number limited by any ordinance of the board of aldermen. The duties of all such officers, clerks, heads of the respective departments and borough presidents shall designate and approve, subject to the provisions of law and to the ordinances of the board of aldermen. The salaries or wages of all such officers, clerks, employees, laborers and subordinates in every department shall be such as shall be fixed by the board of aldermen upon the recommendation of the board of estimate and apportionment in the manner provided in this act. IThe numbers and duties of all officers and clerks, employees and subordinates in every department, except as otherwise herein specially provided, with their respective sala- ries, whether now fixed by special law or otherwise, shall be such as the heads of the respective departments shall designate and approve; but subject, also, to the revision of the board of estimate and apportionment; provided, however, that the aggregate expense thereof shall not exceed the total amount duly appropriated to the respective departments for such pur- poses.] Any head of department or borough president, may, with the consent of the board of estimate and apportionment, consolidate any two or more bureaus established by law, and may change the duties of any bureau; and it shall be the duty of the head of the finance department to bring together all officers and bureaus authorized to receive money for taxes, assessments or arrears, in such manner that the payment of the 778 g same can be made, as nearly as practicable, at one time and place, and in one office. Every head of department or borough president and every officer of any of the counties contained within the territorial limits of The City of New York, is em- powered to make ratable deductions from the salaries and wages of the employees and subordinates of his department or office on account of absences from duty without leave; pro- vided, however, that nothing contained in this Section shall affect departments or officers as to which other provision is fines and penalties. Wherever in any department or institu- tion an office, position or employment is abolished, or made unnecessary through the operation of this act, or in any other ——- &–——--------- manner, or whenever the number of offices, positions or em- ployments of a certain character is reduced, the person or persons legally holding the office or filling the position or em- ployment thus abolished or made unnecessary shall be deemed to be suspended without pay, and shall be entitled to reinstate- ment in the same office, position or employment, or in any corresponding or similar office, position or employment, if within one year thereafter there is need for his or their ser- vices. Whenever such offices, positions or employments are abolished or made unnecessary, it shall be the duty of the head of the department or institution to furnish the names of the person or persons affected to the municipal civil service com- mission, with a statement in the case of each of the date of his original appointment in the service. It shall be the duty of the municipal civil service commission forthwith to place the names of said persons upon a list of suspended employees for the office, or position or for the class of work in which they have been employed, or for any corresponding or similar office, position or class of work, and to certify the said persons for reinstatement, in the order of their original appointment, before making certifications from any other list. The failure of any person on any such list for reinstatement to accept 779 after reasonable notice an office or position in the same bor- ough and at the same salary or wages as the position formerly held by him shall be held to be a relinquishment of his right to reinstatement as herein stated. - –– - -- -- - -- Id.; to render reports; publication. *. § I544. The said departments, borough presidents and all commissioners appointed by the mayor, pursuant to the provi- sions of this act, and not constituting heads of departments, shall once in three months, and at such other times as the mayor may direct make to him, in such form and under such rules as he may prescribe, reports of the Operations and action of the same and each of them, which reports shall be published in the City Record. The said departments, borough presi- dents, and commissioners shall always, when required by the mayor, furnish to him such information as he may demand, within such reasonable time as he may direct. Id.; to furnish copies of papers on demand. § I545. The heads of all departments, except the police and law departments, and the chiefs of each and every bureau of said departments, or any of them, except the police and law departments and all borough presidents, shall, with reasonable promptness, furnish to any taxpayer desiring the same, a true and certified copy of any book, account or paper kept by such department, bureau or officer, or such part thereof as may be demanded, upon payment in advance of five cents for every hundred words thereof by the person demanding the same. All books, accounts and papers in any department or bureau thereof, except the police and law departments, shall at all times be open to the inspection of any taxpayer, subject to any reasonable rules and regulations in regard to the time and manner of Such inspection as such department, bureau or officer may make in regard to the same, in order to secure the safety of such books, accounts and papers, and the proper use of them by the department, bureau or officer; in case such inspection shall be refused, such taxpayer, on his sworn petition, describ- ing the particular book, account or paper that he desires to inspect, may, upon notice of not less than one day to such department, bureau or officer, apply to any justice of the 78o supreme court for an order that he be allowed to make such inspection as such justice shall by his order authorize, and such order shall specify the time and manner of such inspection. Records to be kept and abstracts published. § 1546. In every department, office of a borough president or board there shall be kept a record of all its transactions, which shall be accessible to the public, and once a week a brief abstract, omitting formal language shall be made of all trans- actions, and of all contracts awarded and entered into for work and material of every description, which abstracts shall contain the name or names and residences by street and num- ber, of the party or parties to the contract, and of their sure- ties, if any. A copy of such abstract shall be promptly trans- mitted to the person designated to prepare the City Record, and shall be published therein. Notice of all appointments and removals from office, and all changes of salaries, shall in like manner, within one week after they are made, be trans- mitted to and published in the City Record. Certificates of appointments. § 1547. Every person who shall be appointed or elected to any office under the said city shall receive a certificate of ap- pointment, designating the term for which such person has been appointed or elected. Official oath. § 1548. Every person elected or appointed to any office under the city government shall, within five days after notice of such election or appointment, take and subscribe, before the mayor or any judge of a court of record, an oath or affir- mation faithfully to perform the duties of his office; which oath or affirmation shall be filed in the office of the city clerk. Officer not to hold any other civil office. § 1549. Any person holding office, whether by election or appointment, who shall, during his term of office, accept, hold, or retain any other civil office of honor, trust, or emolument under the government of the United States (except commis- sioners for the taking of bail, or register of any court), or of the state (except the office of notary public or commissioner of deeds, or officer of the national guard), or who shall hold 781 or accept any other office connected with the government of The City of New York, or who shall accept a seat in the legis- lature, shall be deemed thereby to have vacated any office held by him under the city government. No person shall hold two city or county offices, except as expressly provided in this act; nor shall any officer under the city government hold or retain an office under the county government, except the office of supervisor, or when he holds such office ex officio, by virtue of an act of the legislature; and in such case shall draw no salary for such ex officio office. Officers; when may receive and retain fees. § I550. No officer of the city government, except the city marshals, shall have or receive to his own use any fees, per- quisites or commissions or any percentage; but every such officer shall be paid by a fixed salary, and all fees, percentages, and commissions received by any such officer shall be the property of the city. And every officer who shall receive any fees, per- quisites, commissions, percentages, or other money which should be paid over to the city, shall, before he shall be entitled to receive any salary, make under oath a detailed return to the comptroller showing the amount of all such fees, commissions, percentages, perquisites and moneys received by him since the last preceding report, the person from whom received, and the reason for its payment, and shall produce the receipt of the chamberlain, showing the payment to him, by said officer, of the aggregate amount thereof. All sums received as above, or for licenses or permits, except as in this act otherwise expressly provided, shall be paid over weekly, without deduction by the officers or department receiving them, to the chamberlain, and a detailed return under oath shall at any time be made in such form as the comptroller shall prescribe, stating when and from whom, and for what use such moneys were received. No city officer who is paid a salary for his services from the city treasury shall receive to or for his own use any fees, costs, allowances, perquisites of office, commissions, percent- ages, or moneys paid to him in his official capacity; but all fees, costs, allowances, perquisites, commissions, percent- ages and moneys so paid or received by any such officer or person, shall be the property of the city and shall be paid by him into the city treasury; and every such officer or person who shall receive any fees, perquisites, commissions, 782 percentages, or other moneys which belong to the city, and should be so paid into the treasury, shall, before he shall be entitled to receive or to be paid his salary, make under oath a detailed statement and return to the comptroller in such form as he may prescribe, showing the amount of all such moneys received by him since the last preceding statement and returns, and shall produce a receipt showing the payment of such sum into the treasury. The comptroller may require any such person or officer to make such statement and return to him, if it be not made as herein provided, and may examine any such officer or person under oath touching the amount of any fees, costs, allow- ances, perquisites, commissions, percentages or moneys paid to or received by him in his official capacity. IBut nothing herein contained shall be construed as prohibiting the receipt of fees by any public officer on account of the collection of the in- heritance tax as now provided by law, or as repealing the pro- visions of chapter two hundred and ninety-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-two.] Id.; defrauding. § I55 I. Any officer of the city government, or person em- ployed in its service, who shall wilfully violate or evade any of the provisions of law, or commit any fraud upon the city, or convert any of the public property to his own use, or know- ingly permit any other person so to convert it, or by gross or culpable neglect of duty allow the same to be lost to the city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, in addition to the penalties imposed by law, and on conviction, shall forfeit his office, and be excluded forever after from receiving or holding any office under the city government; and any person who shall wilfully swear falsely in any oath or affirmation required by this chapter shall be guilty of perjury. Money not to be paid to sectarian schools; public property; how *. disposed of. § 1552. No money belonging to the city raised by taxation upon the property of the citizens thereof, shall be appropriated in aid of any religious or denominational school, neither shall any property, real or personal belonging to said city, be dis- posed of to any such school, except upon the sale thereof at public auction, after the same has been duly advertised, at which sale such school shall be the highest bidder, and upon 783 payment of the sum so bid into the city treasury; neither shall any property belonging to the city be leased to any school under the control of any religious or denominational institu- tion, except upon such terms as the city property may be leased to private parties after the same has been duly adver- tised. Property to be sold at auction. § 1553. All property sold other than land under water shall be sold at auction, after previous public notice, under the superintendence of the appropriate head of department. The proceeds of all sales made under and by virtue of this act shall, except as herein otherwise specially provided, be by the officer receiving the same immediately deposited with the chamberlain; and the account of sales, verified by the officer making the sales, shall be immediately filed in the office of the comptroller. Patented articles; how supplied. § 1554. Except for repairs no patented pavement shall be 1aid and no patented article shall be advertised for, contracted for or purchased, except under such circumstances that there can be a fair and reasonable opportunity for competition, the conditions to secure which shall be prescribed by the board of estimate and apportionment. Special provision as to papers formerly filed in offices of town clerks. § 1555. Except as otherwise provided by this act, all papers now required by law to be filed and recorded in the town clerk's office in any of the towns by this act united and con- solidated into The City of New York, shall after this act takes effect, be filed and recorded in the office of the clerk of the county in which such town is situated, and all such papers filed and recorded in any town clerk's office of such towns, and the records thereof shall, immediately after this act takes effect, be deposited in such county clerk's office by the town clerks of such towns, and shall remain of record therein. Code of ordinances; when to be prima facie evidence. § I556. A code or other volume containing either the ordi- nances Iand I or by-laws of the city published by authority of the Imunicipal assemblyl board of aldermen shall be prima facie evidence in all courts of justice of the authenticity of such ordinances [and] or by-laws. 784 Responsible guaranty company may act as surety. § 1557. Wherever this act provides for the giving of an official bond with surety or sureties, such surety or sureties may consist of a responsible guaranty company, provided the same shall be satisfactory to, and be approved by, the officer or officers, or body whose duty it is to approve such bond or sureties. Tenure of office. § 1558. All officers elected or appointed under this act shall, unless otherwise expressly provided and unless sooner re- moved, hold their respective offices until their successors are respectively elected or appointed and have qualified. Publication to be made in City Record, unless otherwise provided. § I559. All publications required by this act shall, unless otherwise provided, be published in the City Record, and one publication therein shall be sufficient, unless it is herein other- wise prescribed. Officers or employees not to be members of political associations, etc. § 1560. No officer, subordinate or employee of The City of New York or of any of the counties comprised within its territorial limits, who receives compensation for his services, shall be a member of any political party committee created or existing by law, or be a member of a committee or an officer of any organization or association of citizens for the election of city officers, or be a delegate to or representative in any political party convention; and any person violating the pro- visions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall forfeit the office, employment or posi- tion held by him, and shall also be punished by a fine not ex- ceeding five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year. Any violation of the provisions of this section by any person shall be sufficient cause for the re- moval of such person from his office by any officer or authority that under the provisions of this act has power to remove such a person for cause; and on evidence satisfactory to the munic- ipal civil service commissioners by the declaration of any 785 person or otherwise that he has violated any of the provisions of this section, they shall strike the name of any such person from the list of those who would otherwise be entitled to pro- motion under the provisions of existing laws or rules applicable to the civil service of the city. Pensioners not to hold offices, etc. § 1561. No person now receiving or who may hereafter receive any pension from The City of New York or any of the departments thereof, or out of any fund under said city or any of its departments, shall hold any office, employment or position under The City of New York or any of the coun- ties included within said city. Any officer, subordinate or employee of said city or any of its departments or any of the counties included within said city now in receipt of any such pension shall forthwith forfeit such office, position or em- ployment. Officers and employees not to perform work outside public employ- ment. § 1562. No officer or employee of The City of New York or of any of the counties comprised within its territorial limits, shall detail or cause any officer, employee or subordi- nate of the city or of any of said counties to do or perform any service or work outside of his public office, work or employ- ment; and any violation of this section shall constitute a mis- demeanor punishable by a fine of not more than five hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than one year. Waters and shores to be kept pure and clean. § 1563. No swill, garbage, dead animals, decayed or other vegetables or fruits, bedding or refuse or rubbish of any kind or any light or offensive soil or material that will not settle in the water when dumped shall be dumped or deposited in the waters of the port of New York or in the ocean, sea, rivers or waters adjoining The City of New York, or in the waters of * 50 786 New York harbor, or New York bay, or in the Hudson river, the East river, Long Island sound, and waters adjacent thereto west of the middle ground shoal, or in the navigable waters lying between said sound and the East river, nor in the waters bounding or adjoining the port or harbor of New York, or the upper bay; nor shall any article or thing that is liable to convey disease or is putrid, unwholesome, noxious or dangerous to the public health or calculated to defile or to render unclean the coast or shores of The City of New York, be cast, thrown, placed, deposited or suffered or permitted to be placed or deposited in said waters or placed or suffered to be placed where said water would ordinarily or naturally rise upon, take or receive them, excepting, however, the ordinary discharge of sewers constructed under the authority of the laws of the state within which they are located. This section shall not apply to the erection or construction of any pier, dock, bulk- head or the making, by filling in, in a proper manner, of the land, in case where the erection of such piers, docks, or bulk- heads, or making, by filling in, of land is now authorized by the laws of the state; nor to works undertaken by the govern- ment of the United States in the port and harbor of The City of New York, or authorized by the laws of the state of New York. Any pilot, harbor master or port warden of the port of New York, the police of The City of New York, or any city marshal or constable within The City of New York, shall have power to arrest all persons and deliver into custody any person or persons taken in the act of violating any of the pro- visions of this section. Illegal to assist in towing or sailing vessels laden with garbage, etc. § I564. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to sail, navigate, or move, or to aid, direct, or assist in sailing, navigating or moving, any boat or vessel engaged in the trans- portation of any dead animal, carrion, Offal, or any putrid, offensive refuse, decaying or decayed vegetable or animal mat- ter, or any garbage or sweepings, taken from the streets of any 787 city, upon the waters referred to in the last section for the purpose of being dumped or deposited in said waters; and it shall not be lawful for any steam vessel to tow or carry any of the articles mentioned in this or the last section. Penalties for violation of two last sections. § 1565. Any person offending against the provisions of the two preceding sections shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and liable to imprisonment for a term of not less than six months or to a fine of not less than five hundred dollars, in the discretion of the Court, for each and every offense, and may be arrested by the authorities of the city or of either of the counties of New York, Kings, Queens, Westchester or Richmond. The courts in said counties re- spectively shall have power and jurisdiction to try said of- fenders, whether the Offense be committed within their re- spective counties or not. Out of any moneys received for fines, such sum or sums shall be allowed and paid for the ex- penses and disbursements attending the arrest, as the court or magistrate may deem reasonable and proper. The owner or owners or charterer of any vessel used in violation of the preceding sections shall be liable to The City of New York in a penalty of one thousand dollars for each offense, and an action may be brought for the recovery thereof in the name of The City of New York. Public armories; armory board; president of the board of aldermen to be a member of; its duties. § 1566. All powers and duties relating to the construction, repairs and maintenance of and to public armories in The City of New York, and to the purchase of Supplies therefor, so far as the same have heretofore been conferred upon the commis- sioner of public buildings, lighting and supplies by chapter two hundred and twelve of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, known as “the military code,” are hereby de- volved upon the armory board having jurisdiction within The City of New York as in said military code provided. The powers and duties heretofore exercised by the commissioner 788 of public buildings, lighting and supplies as a member of said armory board are hereby devolved upon the president of the board of aldermen, who shall be a member of said armory board. TITLE [8] 5. Coroners. Coroners to be elected in the boroughs. § 1570. IFour. Two coroners shall hereafter be elected in the borough of Manhattan, two in the borough of The Bronx, two in the borough of Brooklyn, Ithreel one in the borough of Queens and Itwol one in the borough of Richmond. They shall be elected in the same manner and at the same general elections as are the sheriffs in the several counties in which such boroughs are situated, shall hold their respective offices for the term of four years and shall be removable in the same manner as sheriffs. The coroners in the borough of Man- hattan shall hereafter keep open on every day in the year. including Sundays and legal holidays, the coroner's office in such borough, with a clerk in constant attendance at all times of the day and night. & Id.; officers and subordinates provided for; salaries and compensation. § 1571. The coroners in each borough shall have an office in said borough and shall appoint a clerk who shall receive an annual salary to be fixed by the board of estimate and apportionment and the Inmunicipal assemblyl board of alder- men, and such and So many assistant clerks as shall be pro- vided for in the annual Testimatel budget. They shall also appoint a stenographer in each borough whose duty it shall be to take accurate and full stenographic minutes and tran- Scribe the same, of all proceedings and testimony taken be- fore a jury in any coroner's court, held by any one of said coroners. Each of said coroners shall possess all the powers and perform all the duties vested in or imposed upon coro- ners by any existing laws relating to coroners in The City of New York as heretofore known and bounded, or by any law of this state. The salaries or other compensation of said coroners shall be fixed by the board of estimate and appor- tionment and the Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen. CHAPTER XXIII. PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE COUNTIES AND REPEAL PRO- VISIONS. Title I. Provisions relating to the counties. Title 2. Repeal provisions. TITLE I. Provisions Relating to the Counties. Wards in the borough of Brooklyn; how designated. § 1577. The wards of the former city of Brooklyn are here- by continued, with their present boundaries and numbers, and shall be known and designated as wards of the borough of Brooklyn. Wards in boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx; how designated. § 1578. The wards of the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York are hereby continued, with their present boundaries and num- bers, and shall be known and designated as wards of the bor- ough of Manhattan and The Bronx, respectively. Towns and villages in Richmond county abolished. § 1579. The five towns and all the incorporated villages within the county of Richmond are hereby abolished. Wards in the borough of Richmond. § I58O. The territory included within the towns of Castle- ton, Middletown, Northfield, Southfield and Westfield, in the county of Richmond, shall, in the order named, be known and designated as wards one, two, three, four and five, respectively, of the borough of Richmond. 790 Towns in Queens county abolished; wards in borough of Queens. § 1581. The towns of Newtown, Flushing and Jamaica, and all the incorporated villages in that part of the county of Queens included within The City of New York, as constituted by this act, are hereby abolished. The territory heretofore known as Long Island City shall be known as ward one of the borough of Queens; the town of Newtown as ward two of said borough; the town of Flushing as ward three; the town of Jamaica as ward four; and that part of the town of Hemp- stead included within The City of New York, as constituted by this act, shall be known as ward five of the said borough of Queens. But the supervisors of said towns who are in office when this act takes effect shall serve out their respective terms of office as supervisors of the wards in which they respectively reside, and shall continue to be members of the board of supervisors of the county of Queens. [Municipal assemblyl Board of aldermen; power to change boundaries. § 1582. The Imunicipal assembly I board of aldermen may from time to time by ordinance change the boundaries of wards and create other wards as the public good and convenience may require. Salaries of county officers in New York, Richmond, Queens and Kings counties; how met. § 1583. The salaries of all county officers in the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond shall unless other- wise provided by law be fixed by the board of aldermen on the recommendation of the board of estimate and apportionment, Isubject to approval by the municipal assembly] and all county charges and expenses and salaries of county officers in said counties and each of them shall be audited and paid by IThe City of New York, in the same manner as the salaries of city officers and city charges are paid] the department of finance out of the fund or appropriation applicable thereto, and the audit of said department in respect to such charges and expenses shall extend to the reasonableness thereof and shall be, in all respects, as full and complete as the audit of city charges and expenses provided for by section one hundred and forty- 791 nine of this act; but nothing in this section contained shall be construed as in any way changing or modifying the provision. contained in section nine hundred and two of this act, to the effect that the sums necessary to defray the salaries of county, Officers and to pay county charges and expenses in said counties shall be levied and assessed upon the property of said four counties, respectively, so that each shall ultimately bear and pay. all its own county charges, nor to affect the county of Queens until after the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. s Election of county officers required by the constitution not affected. § 1584. Nothing in this act contained shall be deemed to interfere with or hereafter prevent the election, under and pursuant to laws relating thereto, of all county officers required by the constitution of the state, to be elected in either of the counties, in whole or in part, included within The City of New York, as constituted by this act. Public administrator of the county of New York. § 1585. Upon the taking effect of this act, the official desig- nation of the public administrator in the city of New York, as heretofore known and bounded, shall be the public adminis- trator of the county of New York, and such officer shall con- tinue a county officer with the powers, duties and obligations now prescribed by law, and the present provisions of law and the present ordinances relating to said public administrator shall not be affected by anything herein contained. Devolution of powers vested in boards of supervisors in New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond counties. § I586. [All powers of local legislation and administra- tion in the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond which are not, at the time of the taking effect of this act, vested in boards of supervisors of said counties by an act, entitled “An act to provide for boards of supervisors in counties wholly with- in the limits of a city, but not comprising the whole of such city, and defining the powers and duties thereof,” or which are not vested in other county officers required by the constitution of the state to be maintained in said four counties, respectively, are hereby vested in the municipal assembly of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, except where otherwise vested 792 by this act in administrative departments or officers of said city. And in the county of Queens the board of supervisors hereto- fore elected shall exercise their duties as supervisors of the county up to and including the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, their audits and expendi- tures however to be limited to the amount of appropriations or sums now or heretofore included in the budgets of The City of New York or the county of Queens and said supervisors shall possess no power to raise any further sums upon the credit of the county nor to incur any new liability on behalf of said county except as herein specifically provided.I. Any and all of the powers and duties of the several boards of supervisors hereto- fore existing in any of the counties within the territory of The City of New York not transferred or devolved upon adminis- trative departments, boards, commissions, officers or other functionaries, are hereby vested in the board of aldermen of The City of New York. --- - - - - - - - - - - - -------- The office of county treasurer in the counties of Kings, Queens and Richmond abolished. § I587. The office of the county treasurer of the county of Richmond is hereby abolished, and after the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, the office of the county treasurer of the county of Queens shall cease to exist, and after the thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and one, the office of county treasurer of the county of Kings shall cease to exist, and all the powers, duties and obligations of said county treasurers are hereby devolved upon the comp- troller of The City of New York as constituted by this act, except as otherwise provided by section one hundred and ninety-seven of this act. The clerical force and employees of the county treasurer of Kings county shall be assigned by the comptroller of The City of New York on January first, nine- teen hundred and two, to corresponding positions and duties in the department of finance as nearly as may be without preju- dice or advantage; provided, however, that nothing herein con- tained shall be construed to repeal, limit, modify or abridge any provisions of law or civil service regulations relative to the removal of subordinates by public officers or heads of depart- 793 ments, nor to affect the right of abolishing unnecessary posi- tions. Disposition of real and personal property owned by or held in trust for the town of Hempstead. § 1590. All the real property owned by the town of Hemp- stead and situated in that part of said town included within The City of New York, as constituted by this act, is hereby vested in the said city of New York and divested out of the . town of Hempstead, and all of the real property owned by the town of Hempstead and situated elsewhere in said town is hereby vested in the town of Hempstead and divested out of the said city of New York. All of the property owned by the town of Hempstead other than real property, including money, investments, securities on investments and money held in trust for the benefit of said town, directly or indi- rectly, shall be divided between the said town and The City of New York, as constituted by this act, and the proportion of the same to which each shall, in equity and good conscience, be entitled to receive upon such division, shall be ascertained and determined by agreement by and between the town board of the town of Hempstead, upon the one side, and the mayor and the municipal assembly of the said city of New York, upon the other side, and in case of their inability to agree upon such division within six months after this act shall take effect, the supreme court in the third judicial district is hereby empowered to divide the same between them and to ascertain and award to each its equitable proportion thereof, and to enforce its determina- tion thereon, and either of the said municipalities may insti- tute and prosecute, in its own name, an action in equity in said court for that purpose after the expiration of six months and before the expiration of one year after this act takes effect. * Proportion of funds and moneys received by the city which should be returned to Queens county, or paid to the comptroller of the state; how determined. § 1591. The mayor and municipal assembly of The City of New York, as constituted by this act, and the board of Supervisors of the county of Queens, are also author- 794 ized and empowered to determine what proportion of the funds and moneys that may be received by The City of New York, pursuant to the provisions of this act, from any officer of any of the municipal and public corpora- tions or parts of municipal and public corporations within the county of Queens, and hereby consolidated with the corpora- tion heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and common- alty of the city of New York, should be refunded or repaid to the county of Queens, as representing taxes levied and assessed for the payment of county charges and expenses within said county, and in like manner what proportion of said moneys that may be so received, were levied for state taxes payable by said county of Queens for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and should therefore be turned over to the comptroller of the state in payment and discharge of said county’s obligation to the state in that regard for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. If the mayor and the municipal assembly, and the said board of super- visors of the county of Queens be unable within three months after this act takes effect to agree as to any or either of said matters, then the supreme court of the third judicial district shall have power to determine in each case where a disagreement occurs upon said matters, and each of them, and to enforce such determination and deci- sion in a suit in equity, to be brought in the name of the supervisors of said county of Queens, or of the comptroller of the state, as the case may be, not less than six months nor more than one year after this act takes effect. Comptroller of state to transmit to the city a statement of the state tax to be paid by New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond counties; how levied and collected. § 1595. It shall be the duty of the comptroller of the state annually to transmit to the comptroller of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, for levy and collection by said city, a statement of the amount of tax for state purposes to be paid by the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond, respectively. The amount, of which a statement is thus trans- mitted by the comptroller of the state to the comptroller of said city, shall be levied upon and collected from the entire property within the territorial limits of said city in like manner as other expenses of said city. * 795 TITLE 2. Repeal Provisions—Effect of this Act. Inconsistent provisions of consolidation act repealed. § 1608. The act of the legislature of the state of New York, passed July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, known as the New York city consolidation act of eighteen Hundred and eighty-two, and acts amendatory thereof, and supplemental thereto, and other acts of the legislature of the state of New York now in force relating to or affecting the local government of The City of New York, as heretofore con- stituted, are hereby repealed so far as any provisions thereof are inconsistent with the provisions of this act, or so far as the subject matter thereof is revised or included in this act, and no further. So far as the provisions of this act are the same in terms or in substance and effect as the provisions of the said consolidation act, or of other acts of the legislature now in force relating to or affecting the municipal and public corporations, or any of them herein united and consolidated, this act is intended to be not a new enactment, but a continua- tion of the said consolidation act of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and said other acts, and is intended to apply the provisions thereof as herein modified to The City of New York as herein constituted, and this act shall accordingly be so con- strued and applied. wf '... " * * * Omission of previous acts not to be construed as repealed. § 1609. The mere omission from this act of any previous acts or of any of the provisions thereof, including said consoli- dation act of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, relating to or affecting the municipal and public corporations or any of them which are herein united and consolidated, shall not be held to be a repeal thereof. Acts applicable to The city of New York. § 16IO. All the provisions of all acts of the legislature of the state of New York, including said consolidation act of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, of a general and permanent character, relating to the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, in force at the time this act goes into effect, which are con- 796 sistent with this act and its purposes, and which are not revised and included in or the 'subject matter thereof covered by this act, are hereby extended to The City of New York as herein constituted, so far as they are consistent with this act, and are not in their nature locally inapplicable to other portions of the city than the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York. And the provisions of law thus extended to The City of New York as herein constituted shall apply to said city throughout its whole extent, anything to the contrary notwithstanding con- tained in the charter of any of the municipal or public corpora- tions or laws relating thereto, which are by this act united and consolidated with the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York. To take effect January 1, 1898. § 16II. For the purpose of determining the effect of this act upon other acts and the effect of other acts upon this act, this act shall, except as in this section is otherwise provided, be deemed to have been enacted on the first day of January, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. This act shall take effect on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight; provided, however, that where by the terms of this act an election is provided or required to be held or other act done or forbidden prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, then as to such election and such acts, this act shall take effect from and after its passage, and shall be in force immediately, anything in this chapter or act to the contrary notwithstanding. Invalidity of one section not to invalidate any other section. § 1612. The invalidity of any section or provision of this act shall not invalidate any other section or provision thereof. Interregnum; how prevented. § 1613. To guard against the inconvenience and effects that might arise from the changes in local government effected by this act, and to prevent an interregnum, and otherwise to carry out the purposes and provisions of this act, it is hereby enacted that until this act and its several provisions shall take effect all existing acts shall remain in force, and all officers in office when this act takes effect shall remain in office until their 797 successors are respectively elected and appointed and shall have qualified under the provisions of this act. And for the purposes aforesaid as well as for any other purpose necessary or proper to effectuate the scheme and objects of this act, and to carry into effect the powers granted by this act to The City of New York, the municipal assembly shall have power by ordinances to make from time to time all such provisions Con- cerning the local rule and government of The City of New York as herein constituted, and each and all of its departments as it may find necessary or deem needful not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the state and the express provi- sions of this act. Existing rights and remedies preserved. § 1614. No right or remedy of any character shall be lost or impaired or affected by reason of this act. This act shall not affect or impair any act done or right accruing, accrued or acquired, or penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred prior to the time when this act takes effect or by virtue of any laws repealed or modified by this act, but the same may be asserted, enforced, prosecuted or inflicted as fully and to the same extent as if this act had not been passed or said laws had not been repealed or modified; and all actions, suits, proceed- ings or prosecutions under the New York city consolidation act of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, or amendments thereof, or other laws relating to The City of New York and herein repealed or modified, or under any charter or law re- lating to any of the municipal and public corporations which are herein united and consolidated, and pending when this act takes effect, including the counties of Kings and Richmond, may be prosecuted and defended to final effect in the same manner as they might under the laws then existing, unless herein otherwise specially provided ; and such actions, suits, proceedings or prosecutions may be continued without change of name or title, or on motion The City of New York may be substituted as plaintiff or defendant, as the case may be, in the place of the existing party to whose rights and obligations the said City of New York has by force of this act succeeded. The corporation counsel shall assume the charge, direction and control of all such actions, suits and proceedings in behalf of The City of New York. All future suits by or against The 798. City of New York as herein constituted or against any of the municipal and public corporations in this act united and con- solidated shall be in the corporate name of “The City of New York.” - Powers of corporations consolidated devolved upon The City of New York. § 1615. Upon the taking effect of this act on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, all the munici- pal and public corporations, except counties, which by this act are consolidated with the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, shall cease and determine, and their powers to the full extent of legislative power in this behalf are respectively devolved upon the corporation of The City of New York as herein con- stituted and the municipal assembly thereof, unless other- wise expressly provided in this act or by law. And all offices forming part of the local government of the said municipal and public corporations and parts thereof, including cities, villages, towns and school-districts, but not including counties, which, by the first section of this act, are united and consolidated into The City of New York as herein constituted, are hereby abolished as to all the territory embraced within the limits of said city, except as herein otherwise expressly provided. The foregoing does not include the office of recorder of the former city of New York, which is hereby continued under the name and title of recorder of the county Of New York. Forfeiture or loss of property not worked. § 1616. Neither the above nor any other provisions of this act shall work any forfeiture or loss of any property or rights therein or relating thereto held in trust by said municipal and public corporations or any of them, or to which they or any of them are or may be entitled; and The City of New York as herein constituted is hereby declared to be the successor in respect of such property and rights of the said municipal or public corporation to which the same was granted; and the said city of New York shall hold the same, as well as all other property and rights to which such corporation may be enti- tled, as successor, on the same trusts and charged with the 799 same duties as the municipal or public corporation to which it was granted. Franchises and other grants not affected. § 1617. Neither this act nor anything contained therein shall affect any grants of franchises or properties or rights of any nature in, to or concerning property of any character or other grants made by the Nicolls' charter, the Dongan charter, the Cornbury charter, the Montgomerie charter, by the eon- firmatory act passed the fourteenth day of October, seventeen hundred and thirty-two, or by any other charter or act granted to the corporation known as the mayor, aldermen and com- monalty of the city of New York, by the state of New York, or granted by said state to the city of Brooklyn or to any of the other municipal and public corporations which are herein united and consolidated into The City of New York, and each and all of said grants are to all intents and purposes hereby ratified, granted, confirmed and extended to The City of New York as constituted by this act. This act; how repealed or amended. § 1618. This act or any section or provision thereof shall not be deemed to be repealed or amended by any act of the legislature, unless it be so expressly stated, or the legislative intention to that effect is unmistakable. Chapter 942 of the Laws of 1896 not repealed. § 1619. Nothing in this act contained shall be deemed to repeal the provisions of chapter nine hundred and forty-two of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-six. This act a public act. wº § 1620. This act, providing for uniting into one munici- pality various communities, including the city and county of New York, the city of Brooklyn, the county of Kings, the , county of Richmond, and part of the county of Queens with the municipal and public corporations therein, as in this act provided, is intended to be and shall be deemed and held in all courts and jurisdictions to be a public act, of which the courts shall take judicial notice. And this act shall be con- Strued not as an act in derogation of the powers of the state but as One intended to aid the state in the execution of its 8OO duties by providing, subject to the constitution and laws of the state and the provisions and limitations herein contained, an adequate scheme of local government for the communities and people affected, through the instrumentality of the corpo- rate body herein constituted under the name of “The City of New York.” Section Two. The several sections of the said chapter three hundred and seventy-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, the numbers and titles of which are set forth in the first schedule annexed to this act, entitled “The First Schedule. Sec- tions of the Greater JVew York Charter repealed,” are and each of them is hereby repealed. The repeal of any of the sections mentioned in the said First Schedule shall not affect or impair any act done or right accruing, accrued or acquired, or penalty, for- feiture or punishment incurred prior to January first, nineteen hundred and two, under or by virtue of the sections so repealed, but the same may be enjoyed, asserted, enforced, prosecuted or inflicted as fully and to the same extent as if such sections had not been repealed ; and all actions or proceedings, civil or crim- inal, commenced under or by virtue of the sections so repealed, and pending December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, may be prosecuted and defended to final effect in the same manner as they might under the sections of the said chapter three hundred and 8OI seventy-eight of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven then existing, unless it shall be otherwise specially provided by law. The pro- visions of this act, so far as they are sub- stantially the same as those of laws existing on December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, shall be construed as a continuation of said laws, modified or amended according to the language em- ployed in this act and not as new enactments, and shall be applicable to all matters contained in the several sections of the said chapter three hundred and seventy-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven which are repealed, modified or amended by this act. References in laws not repealed to pro- visions of law incorporated into this act and repealed shall be construed as applying to the provisions so incorporated. Whenever by the provisions of this act a section which is repealed hereby and the number and title of which is contained in the First Schedule annexed to this act has been replaced by a section containing the same number, the repeal of the former section shall in nowise affect or impair the full force, effect and validity of the new section so substituted by the same number, Section Three. The several sections of the said chapter three hundred and seventy-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, the numbers and titles of which are set forth in the Second Schedule annexed to this act entitled “Second Schedule. Sections to remain in force until changed by the Board of JAlder. men,” are and each of them is hereby continued in full 5 I 8O2 force and effect until the board of aldermen as consti- tuted by the foregoing provisions of this act shall pass ordinances regulating the matters provided for in the said several sections mentioned in the Second Schedule, all of which ordinances the said board of aldermen is hereby expressly empowered to pass. Upon the passing of any such ordinances regulating the matters provided for in any one of the said sec- tions respectively, such section shall cease to have any force or effect, and the same is and shall be repealed. Section Four. At the general election to be held in The City of New York in the year nineteen hundred and one there shall be elected, as provided in the Greater New York Charter as amended by this act, a mayor, a comptroller, a president of the board of alder- men, presidents of the several boroughs, and coroners and members of the board of aldermen, to the number herein provided, all of whom shall hold office for the terms and possess the powers and perform the duties specified in said Charter as amended by this act. Section Five. This act shall take effect on the first day of January, in the year nineteen hundred and two. Provided, however, that section nineteen of the Greater New York Charter as amended by this act, entitled “Aldermanic Districts,” shall take effect im- mediately; and it shall be the duty of the municipal assembly of The City of New York to divide the said city into aldermanic districts in the manner and within the time set forth in the said section. And provided, further, that title two of chapter thirteen of the Greater 8o3 New York Charter as amended by this act, entitled “Bellevue and Allied Hospitals in The City of New York" and section ten hundred and ninety-one of said charter as amended, entitled “Power to fix Salaries'’ and relating to salaries in the department of education, shall take effect immediately. And provided that where by the terms of the Charter as hereby amended it is provided that any act shall be done or forbidden prior to January first, nineteen hundred and two, then as to such act this act shall take effect from and after its passage and shall be in force immediately, anything in this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding. And provided, further, that the board of estimate and apportionment as now constituted and the municipal assembly of The City of New York shall during the year nineteen hundred and one make appropriations for the year nineteen hundred and two, so far as practicable, as though this act had fully taken effect at the time of preparing the annual budget for the year nineteen hundred and two. 8O4 SECTION. II. I9. 2O. 2I . 24. 26. 43. 5.I. 52. 53. 54. IO2. I3 I. I32. I33. I3 I37. 233. 234. 247. 286. 287. 295. 296. 3O4. 322. 325. 326. 327. THE FIRST SCHEDULE. Sections of the Greater New York Charter Repealed. TITLE. . Expense of public schools for the year 1898. . Council, how chosen; council districts. . Term of office of members of the council. . Mayor, an ex-officio member of the council. . Board of aldermen, how constituted; term of office; vacancies, how filled; salary. . Id. ; how president elected and removed. . Id. ; to restrict height of buildings. . Id. ; licenses to second-hand dealers; penalty for vio- lating Ordinance. . Id. ; designating common jails. . Id. ; assignment of places for holding courts of gen- eral and special sessions and magistrates’ or police CO111ſtS. . Id. ; assignment of places for holding municipal COurtS. . Department of buildings. . Municipal statistical commission; how constituted. . Meetings of commission; quorum. . Place of meeting. . . Powers and duties of chief of bureau. . Publication of statistics. . Salaries of certain officers. . List of persons and salaries not within a department. . Comptroller's duties. . Police force; chief of police; first appointment. . Id. ; other officers; first appointment. . Police board; president and treasurer. . Id. ; duties of treasurer; bond; deputy treasurer. . Id. ; regulations of civil service commissioners. . Id. ; to provide lodgings for vagrants ,etc. . Applications for medical attendance; registered phy- sicians. . Compensation of registered physicians; certificate, etc. . Physician to report to department of health. 805 SECTION. TITLE. 328. 329. 33O. 358. 359. 36I. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 37O. 374. 4IO. 4II. 4I2. 4I 3. 4I 5. 4I6. 4IZ. 418. 444. 45I. 454. 456. 457. 458. 523. 524. 555. . Nearest physician to be called; penalty for refusal to attend. . List of registered physicians.to be posted. . Hours of service of registered physicians. . Elections; powers transferred to police board; board and offices abolished. . General bureau of elections; control of ; branches. . Id. ; appointment of chiefs of branches and assistants; salaries of assistants; detailing members of police force. . Id. ; employees continued in service. . Id. ; appropriation for expenses of. . Id. ; superintendent the chief executive officer; annual report. . Id. ; chiefs of branches; duties; location of offices. . Id. ; election expenses a charge against the city. . Id. ; existing records and property transferred to cus- tody of. . Id. ; application of preceding section. . Police matrons to be members of uniformed force. . Board of public improvements; how constituted. . Id; president; salary; powers. . Id. ; secretary; office; meetings; quorum, etc. . Authorizing public improvements. . Board of public improvements; power with respect to certain subjects. . Id. ; to prepare ordinances, etc. . Public improvements; further procedure. . Board of public improvements; power to prescribe rules, etc. . Board may detail employees to assist president. . Department branches; where located. . Engineers’ duties. . Commissioners; powers to appoint and fix salaries. . Id. ; other duties. . Id. ; to organize bureaus. . Commissioner of highways; appointment, term, sal- ary. . Id. ; jurisdiction. . Commissioner of sewers; appointment; salary. 8O6 SECTION. 556. 565. 572. 573. 574. 586. 588. 68I. 72I. 90I. 93O. 993. IO6O. IO61. IO65. IO66. Ioz7. IO86. IO88. Io89. IO90. IO92. IO93. IO94. TITLE. . Id. ; jurisdiction and duties. . Devolution of powers of the commissioner of street improvements in the twenty-third and twenty- fourth wards. . Commissioner; appointment, term, salary. . Id. ; jurisdiction. . Consulting engineer; duties. . Former boards to turn over maps, etc., to commis- sioner. . Devolution of powers of former boards. . Employment of inmates; articles manufactured; cul- tivation of lands. . Deputies. . Special provision for taxes of 1897–1898. . Enforcing payment of personal taxes; fine may be imposed. . . Id. ; order to prosecute; when operates as assignment of bond. . Subdivision of plots. . Special and general school funds; all moneys received by board of education. . School board, how constituted; vacancies; members to hold no other office except, etc. . Board of education and school boards to administer funds; apportionment thereof how made. . Id. : may direct comptroller to withhold certain ap- propriations. . Id. : advertising for contracts; security for perform- 3.11Ce. . Continuation of yearly contracts with teachers in ter- ritory consolidated. . Oath of appointees to school office. . School board; organization; secretary and employees; duties and bond of secretary. . Id. : powers and duties. . Id. ; duties of secretary; chief clerk and secretary may administer oaths. . Id. ; powers to establish kindergartens, etc. . Id. ; power to establish evening schools, etc.; may establish, discontinue and consolidate schools in boroughs. 807 SECTION. TITLE. IO95. . Id. ; power to establish special classes for persons who cannot use the English language readily. IO96. . Id. ; power to establish high schools, etc. IO97. . Id. ; power to create school inspection districts, discre- tionary; mayor appoints inspectors; terms, organi- zations, etc., of inspectors. IO98. . Duties of inspectors of common schools. I IOO. . Id. ; to provide for payment of salaries to principals and teachers and for disbursements. I IOI. . Id. ; annual and other reports. I IO2 . . Id. ; power to appoint and remove borough superin- tendents and associate superintendents of schools; qualifications. I IO4. . School boards; changing grades of schools and classes; fixing standard of qualifications for principals and teachers. IIo5. . Id. ; by-laws governing transfers of principals and teachers. I IO6. . Id. ; transfer of unemployed principals or teachers. IIo?... Id. ; board of superintendents of the boroughs; how duties regulated. IIo8. . General duties of borough superintendents and asso- ciate superintendents. IIo9. . Borough board of superintendents; lists of principals, etc., to be kept by ; where principals report. II Io. . Id. ; promotion of pupils; transfer of teachers by city superintendent of schools; preferment where schools are consolidated or discontinued. II II . . Id. ; recommendations of and requisitions for text books and scholastic supplies. III2. . Miscellaneous provisions as to powers and duties of borough superintendent, borough board of super- intendents and principals. III 3. . Id. ; qualifications for special branches. III6. . Borough superintendents; enforcing compulsory educa- tion law; nominating, assigning, suspending and discharging clerks. 8O8 ſ SECTION. TITLE. IIIQ. II90. I IQI. I28I. I336. I38I. I382. I384. I392. I 393. I 394. I395. I396. I.397. I399. I4OO. I4OI. I4O3. I4O4. I4I3. I4 I4. I4I6. I4 IZ. I418. I458. I459. I46O. I46I. I493. I536. . School board of the borough of Brooklyn to control and administer the public school teachers’ retire- ment fund created by chapter 656, laws of 1895; composition of fund; retirement and pensions of teachers. . Registrar of records. . Id. ; and payment for night medical service. . Parties to suit brought after twelve days; costs against department. . Pension for twenty years' service. . Delivery of papers, etc. . Disposition of causes pending in district courts, etc. . Justices of district courts, etc., to act till February I, 1898. . City magistrates in first division continued. . Office of police justice abolished. . City magistrates in second division. . Salary, etc. . Powers. . Board of magistrates. . Transfer of charges. . Clerks and employees. . Justices of special sessions appointed. . Qualifications. . Clerks. . Appeals from special sessions. . Delivery of papers, etc. . Pending actions. . Designation of magistrates. . Justices to act. . Stages and omnibuses; consent of property owners necessary before franchise granted. . Id; application to mayor, etc., before route estab- lished. . Id. ; stage route to be disposed of like other franchises. chises. . Id; not to be run except in conformity with preceding sections. . Killing or selling certain birds prohibited. . Retention of office by clerks in public employ in terri- tory consolidated. 809 SECTION. TITLE. 1537. . Books, papers, etc., where filed. 1588. . Proportion of the debt of the county of Queens assumed I589. I592. I593. I 594. I596. * ºr I597. by The City of New York; power of board of super- visors of said county to bind that part thereof in- cluded in The City of New York restricted. . Proportion of the debt of the town of Hempstead to be assumed by the city; power of town board to bind that part thereof included in The City of New York restricted. . Board of supervisors of Queens county not to levy any tax upon that part of said county within the city. . Comptroller of state to determine amount of county charges of Queens county to be borne by that part of county within the city. . Comptroller of state to determine amount of state tax to be paid by the part of Queens county within the city; how levied and collected. & . Comptroller of state to apportion Queens county school moneys. . School moneys for New York, Kings and Richmond counties to be transmitted to the city. 8 IO THE SECOND SCHEDULE. Sections to Remain in Force Until Changed by the Board of Aldermen. SECTION. 346. 347. 348. 349. 760. 762. 763. 764. 765. 766. 768. 769. 77O. 773. I2O7. I2O8. I2O9. I2 II . I2 I2 . I2 I3. I2 I4. I223. I227. I454. I455. I456. I457. I462. I463. I464. I465. I466. TITLE. . Police board; licenses for public exhibitions. . Id. ; licenses to emigrant boarding-houses; bond. . Id. ; licenses to bookers of emigrant passengers. . Id. ; licenses to runners; bonds. . Shavings; how to be stowed away. . Lights, precautions against fire and use of aisles in places of amusement. . Gunpowder and other explosives; sales thereof regu- lated. . Fireworks and explosive compounds; manufacture and sale thereof. . Petroleum and coal oils, etc.; sale thereof. . Id. ; continued. . Fires and lights on vessels transporting petroleum. . Storage of certain chemicals regulated. . Id.; of certain vegetable products. . Fines and penalties. . As to rags, hides and skins. . Unsound cotton. . Unsound articles, or deposited contrary to orders. . Penalties for disobedience. . Offensive trades. . Filling in lands. . Yards and cellars. -º- . Separate receptacles for ashes and garbage. . Driving and slaughtering cattle, sheep, Swine, pigs or calves regulated. . Municipal assembly to regulate driving, etc. . Law of the road. . Rubbish, nails, etc., not to be thrown in streets. . Processions and parades; regulations concerning. . Willfully breaking street lamps, etc. . Id. ; detaining offender until name ascertained. . Id. ; preceding sections no bar to suit by person injured. . Id. , informer relieved of penalty, etc. . Definition of “street.” 8 II SECTION. TITLE. I472. I473. I474. I475. I476. I477. I478. I479. I480. I48I. I482. I483. I484. I485. 1486. I487. . Public exhibitions to be licensed. . Police department grants license; fee; penalty for neglect to obtain license. . Id. ; commutation of license fee. . Id. ; fees to be paid over to comptroller. . Revocation of license. . Penalty for violating provisions of this title. . Police, etc., to arrest offenders. . Corporation counsel may enjoin exhibitions without license. . Preceding sections not applicable to certain perform- 3.11CCS. . Fxhibitions on Sunday prohibited. . Minors under fourteen unaccompanied by adult not to be admitted to theatres at night. . Prohibition of sale of spirituous liquors and employ- ment of female waiters. .Violation of preceding section annuls license. .Violation of any provision of the two preceding sections a misdemeanor. . Police, etc., to enter places of amusement and arrest offenders. . Doors and exits to be conspicuously numbered; dia- grams to be printed on programmes. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SCC. 10 Of Article VIII. Of the COnStitution. Counties, cities and towns not to give or loan money or credit: limitation of indebtedness. § IO. No county, city, town or village shall here- after give any money or property, or loan its money or credit to or in aid of any individual, association or cor- poration, or become directly or indirectly the owner of stock in, or bonds of, any association or corporation ; nor shall any such county, city, town or village be allowed to incur any indebtedness except for county, city, town or village purposes. This section shall not prevent such county, city, town or village from making such provision for the aid or support of its poor as may be authorized by law. No county or city shall be allowed to become indebted for any purpose or in any manner to an amount which, including existing in- debtedness, shall exceed ten per centum of the assessed valuation of the real estate of such county or city sub- ject to taxation, as it appeared by the assessment-rolls of said county or city on the last assessment for state or county taxes prior to the incurring of such indebted- ness; and all indebtedness in excess of such limitation, 813 except such as may now exist, shall be absolutely void, except as herein otherwise provided. No county or city whose present indebtedness exceeds ten per centum of the assessed valuation of its real estate sub- ject to taxation, shall be allowed to become indebted in any further amount until such indebtedness shall be reduced within such limit. This section shall not be construed to prevent the issuing of certificates of in- debtedness or revenue bonds issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes for amounts actually contained, or to be contained, in the taxes for the year when such certificates or revenue bonds are issued and payable out of such taxes. Nor shall this section be construed to prevent the issue of bonds to provide for the supply of water; but the term of the bonds issued to provide for the supply of water shall not exceed twenty years, and a sinking fund shall be created on the issuing of the said bonds for their redemption, by raising annually a sum which will produce an amount equal to the sum of the principal and interest of said bonds at their maturity. All certificates of indebtedness or revenue bonds issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes which are not retired within five years after their date of issue, and bonds issued to provide for the supply of water, and any debt hereafter incurred by any portion or part of a city, if there shall be any such debt shall be included in ascertaining the power of the city to be- come otherwise indebted ; except that debts incurred by The City of New York after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and four, to provide for the supply of water shall not be so included. Whenever the 814 boundaries of any city are the same as those of a county, or when any city shall include within its bound- aries more than one county, the power of any county wholly included within such city to become indebted shall cease, but the debt of the county heretofore existing shall not, for the purposes of this section, be reckoned as a part of the city debt. The amount hereafter to be raised by tax for county or city purposes, in any county containing a city of over one hundred thousand inhabitants, or any such city of this state, in addition to providing for the principal and interest of existing debt, shall not in the aggregate exceed in any one year two per centum of the assessed valuation of the real and personal estate of such county or city, to be ascertained as prescribed in this section in respect to county or city debt.