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Accident Prevention. 7. Insurance— (a) General Provisions. (b) Mutual Insurance. (c) Regulation of Rates. 8. Miscellaneous. 1. EMPLOYMENTS COVERFID Chapter 807, Acts of 1913, which extends the application of the Workmen's Compensation Law to certain public employments, is amended so as to provide, in Section 7, that the Compensation Law shall not apply to any persons “in public employment” other than laborers, workmen and mechanics employed by counties, etc., having the power of taxation. Under the wording of this section in its original form, it literally limited the application of the Compensation Law to the public employments enumerated, thus excluding private employments and to that extent conflicting with the definition of employee in Section 2, Part V, of the Compensation Law (Ch. 807, Acts of 1916). . 2, WAITING PERIOD .. The waiting period is reduced from two weeks to ten days, com- pensation to begin on the eleventh day after injury (Ch. 90, Acts of 1916). - . - 3. MEDICAL EXAMINATION See “SETTLEMENT OF CIAIMS AND DISPUTES.” 4. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS AND DISPUTEs A new clause is added to Section 8, Part III, of the Workmen's Compensation Law, providing that the report of the physician ap- pointed by the Board to examine an injured employee shall be admissible as evidence in any proceeding before the Board or arbitra- tion committee, provided copies thereof have been furnished to the employee and the insurer (Ch. 72, Acts of 1916). ... . . . . . * if *, * * * —2– - - 5. MoDIFICATION OF AGREEMENTS AND Awards A new clause is added to Section 4, Part II, of the workmen's Compensation Law, providing that compensation shall not be dis- continued except with the written assent of the employee or the approval of the Board or a member thereof, but that if the injured employee earns wages at any time after the filing of the original agreement, payment shall be made as for partial disability under the provisions of Section 10, Part II (Ch. 90, Acts of 1916). - . 6. AccIDENT PREVENTION See “INSURANCE"—(c) Regulation of Rates. 7. INSURANCE (a) * General Provisions.—A new clause is added to Section 2 of Chapter 183, Acts of 1915, providing that the annual license of a foreign insurance company doing a workmen's compensation busi- ness shall not be issued or renewed until it has filed with the Insurance Commissioner the bond required by such Act (to secure the payment of its obligations in the State after its withdrawal from business), for a period at least as long as that covered by its license (Ch. 29, Acts of 1916). - - - (b) Mutual Insurance.—It is newly enacted that any mutual liability company authorized to do business in the State may, with the approval of the Insurance Commissioner, be placed on an equal foot- ing, in the transaction of workmen's compensation business, with the Massachusetts Employees Insurance Association; and that the latter, subject to like approval, may exercise the same rights and privileges, both within and without the State, and be subject to the same laws, as domestic mutual liability companies (Ch. 200, Acts of 1916). (c) Regulation of Rates.—A joint special recess committee, composed of three senators and six representatives, has been appointed to investigate the subjects of rate-making and accident prevention under the Workmen's Compensation Law, and to report thereon to the next General Court on the first Wednesday in January (House Order R-10). . . . : - 8. MISCELLANEOUS - The salary of the present Secretary of the Industrial Accident - Board is increased from $3,000 to $4,000 a year, and that part of Section 2, Part III, Workmen's Compensation Law, which limits the salary of the Secretary to $3,000 a year is repealed; but it is specially provided that the salary of the successor to the present Secretary shall be $8,000 a year (Ch. 275, Acts of 1916). • = r LIST OF NEw CASES TO SUPPLEMENT 1915 DIGEST OF MASSACHUSETTS WORKMEN'S : compeNSATION LAW ALTERNATIVE LIABILITY (IN CASE OF EMPLOYER'S NON-ACCEPTANCE) . Ashton v. Boston & Maine R. R. Co., 109 N. F. 820; Henshaw v. Boston & Maine R. R. Co., I 11 N. E. 172. - : EMPLOYMENTS COVERED Gove v. Royal Indemnity Co., 111 N. E. 702; Devney v. City of Boston, id. 788, - - - INJURIES COVERED In re McPhee, 109 N. E. 633; In re Reithel, id. 951; In re Savage, 110 N. E. 283; In re Madden, 111 N. E. 379; In re Von Ette, id: 696; In re Harbroe, id. 709, - NoTICE OF INJURY AND CLAIM FOR COMPENSATION In re Bloom, I I I N. F. 45; Lemieux v. Contractors' Mut. Liability Ins. Co., id. 782; In re McLean, id. 783; In re Fierro's Case, id. 957. COMPENSATION FOR TOTAL DISABILITY Crowley v. City of Lowell, 111 N. F. 786; In re Branconnier, id. 792. - - COMPENSATION FOR PARTIAL DISABILITY In re Durney, 111 N. E. 166; Lemieux v. Contractors' Mut. Liability Ins. Co., id. 782. l COMPENSATION FOR DEATH Gove v. Royal Indemnity Co., 111 N. E. 702. - | EFFECT OF PREVIOUS DISABILITY In re Madden, 111 N. E. 379; Crowley v. City of Lowell, id. 786; In re Branconnier, id. 792. ~ - AVERAGE WAGES-How compUTED In re Durney, 11 I N. E. 166; Gove v. Royal Indemnity Co., id. 702. - - – 4– who ARE DEPENDENTS ºr . . . . Kenney v. City of Boston, 111 N. E. 47; In re Newman's Case, id. 359; In re Kelley's Case, id. 395; Gove v. Royal Indemnity Co., id. 702; In re Fierro's Case, id. 957. - . . . - MEDICAL, EXAMINATION, In re McLean, 111 N. E. 788. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS AND DISPUTES In re Doherty, 109 N. E. 887; Lemieux v. Contractors' Mut. Liability Ins. Co., 111 N. E. 782; In re Fierro's Case, id. 957. RIGHT OF APPEAL . In re McPhee, 109 N. E. 638; In re Doherty, id. 887; Kenney v. City of Boston, 111 N. F. 47; In re Von Ette, id. 696; In re Fierro's Case, id. 957. . WHERE INJURY is CAUSED BY THIRD PARTY Barry v. Bay State Street Ry., 110 N. E. 1031. PENALTIES In re Fierro's Case, 111 N. E. 957. CHAPTER 29, ACTS OF I916 | House, BILL 25] AN Act to Provide For the Issue of TERM Bonds to companies - TRANSACTING work MEN's CoMPENSATION IN sur ANCE - Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SEction 1. Chapter one hundred and eighty-three of the General Acts of the year nineteen hundred and fifteen, is hereby amended by striking out section two, and inserting in place thereof the following :-- Section 2. Every such foreign insurance company shall, within sixty days after the passage of this act, furnish a bond running to the commonwealth, with some surety company authorized to transact business in this commonwealth as surety, for such term and such amount and in such form and with such surety as may be approved by the insurance commissioner, the bond being conditioned upon the º — 5– making by such company of the deposits required by section one of this act. The annual license of such a company shall not be issued or renewed until it has filed with the insurance commissioner a bond as aforesaid covering a future period at least as long as that covered by the license. In place of a bond as aforesaid the company may furnish other security, upon a like condition, satisfactory to the insurance commissioner. ' . : SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved March 8, 1916. * CHAPTER 72, ACTS OF 1916 [House, BILL 34] AN ACT TO PROVIDE THAT REPorts of IMPARTIAL PHYSICIANS SIIALL BE ADMISSIBLE IN EVIDEN CE IN PROC EEDINGS FOR THE COMPENSATION OF IN J U RED EMPLOYEES. . - Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SEction 1. Section eight of Part III, of chapter seven hundred and fifty-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eleven, as amended by section ten of chapter seven hundred and eight of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, is hereby further amended by adding at the end thereof the words:–The report of the physician shall be admissible as evidence in any proceeding before the industrial accident board or a committee of arbitration, provided that the employee and insurer have seasonably been furnished with copies thereof.-so as to read as follows:–Section 8. The industrial accident board or any member thereof may appoint a duly qualified impartial physician to examine the injured employee and to report. The fee for this service shall be five dollars and travelling expenses, but the board may allow additional reasonable amounts in extra- ordinary cases, and the association shall reimburse the board for the amount so paid. The report of the physician shall be admissible as evidence in any proceeding before the industrial accident board or a committee of arbitration, provided that the employee and insurer have seasonably been furnished with copies thereof. - SECTIon 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved March 28, 1916. –6 — CHAPTER 90, ACTS OF 1916 . . . . . . [SENATE BILL 328] . . . AN ACT To PRovide For compensating IN J U RED EMPLOYEES who ARE IN CAPACITATED For MoRE THAN TEN DAYS Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTIon 1. Part II of chapter seven hundred and fifty-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eleven, and acts in amend- ment thereof, is hereby amended by striking out section four and inserting in place thereof the following:—Section 4. No compensation shall be paid under this act for any injury which does not incapacitate the employee for a period of at least ten days from earning full wages, but if incapacity extends beyond the period of ten days, compensation shall begin on the eleventh day after the injury. When compensation shall have begun, it shall not be discontinued except with the written assent of the employee or the approval of the board, or a member thereof: provided, however, that such compensation shall be paid in accordance with section ten of Part II of said chapter seven hundred and fifty-one, as amended by section five of chapter seven hundred and eight of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, if the employee in fact earns wages at any time after the original agreement is filed. - - SECTION 2. This act shall take effect on the first day of January in the year nineteen hundred and seventeen. . [Approved March 31, 1916. m - - CHAPTER 200, ACTS OF 1916 [House BILL 1510] AN ACT RELATIVE to workMEN's compeNSATIon AND LIABILITy - IN SURAN CE - Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION I. Any mutual liability company authorized to do bus- iness in this commonwealth may, with the approval of the insurance commissioner, have and exercise any or all of the rights, powers and privileges relating to the transaction of the business of workmen's compensation insurance by law vested in or conferred upon the Massachusetts Employees Insurance Association. . - SECTION 2. The Massachusetts Employees Insurance Association may with the approval of the insurance commissioner have and exercise, – 7– • within or without the commonwealth, all of the rights, powers and . . privileges vested in or conferred upon domestic mutual liability com- panies under general laws, and shall be subject to all the laws now or hereafter in force relating to such companies. - SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved May 12, 1916. - - | - .. CHAPTER 275, ACTS OF 1916 - [House, BILL 704] . # | AN AcT TO ESTABLISH THE SALARY OF THE PRESENT Sl. CRETARY OF THE . INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT ROARD Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. The salary of Robert E. Grandfield, as secretary of the industrial accident board, shall be four thousand dollars a year so long as he shall continue to serve in that capacity; but the salary of his successor shall be three thousand dollars a year. - SECTION 2. So much of section two of Part III of chapter seven hundred and fifty-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eleven, as amended by section seven of chapter five hundred and seventy-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and twelve, and by section one of chapter forty-eight of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen, as is inconsistent herewith, is hereby repealed. '. | Section 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved June 1, 1916. º i f CHAPTER 807, ACTS OF 1916 - [SENATE BILL 536] AN ACT RELATIVE To THE PERSONS ENTITLED To compFNSATION FoR INJURIES SUSTAINED IN THE course of THEIR EMPLoyMENT Be it enacted, etc., as follows: . SECTIon 1. Section seven of chapter eight hundred and seven of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen is hereby amended by inserting after the word “persons”, in the fourth line, the words:–in public employments, so as to read as follows:–Section . — 8 — 7. The provisions of chapter seven hundred and fifty-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eleven, and acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto shall not apply to any persons in public employments other than laborers, workmen and mechanies employed by counties, cities, towns, or districts having the power of taxation. . . . . . . . SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passagd [Approved June 2, 1916. - | s | * REGULAR SESSION OF 1916 [House ORDER R-10] § ORDERED, That a joint special recess committee, to be composed of three members of the Senate and six members of the House of Representatives, be appointed to sit during the recess of the General Court to investigate the subject-matter contained in the message of His Excellency the Governor, printed as Senate Document number four hundred and forty-four, with special reference to the problem of rate making, and accident prevention under the provisions o chapter seven hundred and fifty-one of the Acts of the year nineteel hundred and eleven, known as the Workmen's Compensation Act, an Acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto. The Committed shall report to the next General Court, on the first Wednesday i. January, the results of its investigation with drafts of such legisla tion as it may recommend. The commission shall have a room in in State House assigned for its use, shall give such public hearings as it may deem necessary, may employ such assistance, clerical or other- wise, as it may require, and shall receive such sums for clerical assist- ance, travel and other expenses, and for the compensation of its members as shall be allowed by the Governor and Council. [Adopted by House and Senate, June 2, 1916. : - I d