ium - S FOR THE lu O s of C PA. THESIS N, mb OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL QUIREMENT DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY aSe PHILADELPHIA , , , .-.- · ·, e , * *: : …!- !º GERMANTOW THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO. li FULFILMENT OF THE RE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA IN PARTIAL T 3. ' > * ſ= -] $2 Ci- CCla ± |- -· O (l) {| ſ== ~~); Q [×] ſ- Z. [r] -(/) ſrl [× n- |-$§§ ! * §@₪§§§-|------· - ----·- §§*,\!---- --·-·-- |-··ë:ºsºſ,-·---·- --*.*) §§$$ ∞§§ ¿¿-??¿ $§§§-- : * …---- **. ::--~~~ ~ ~ ~;~~§§|×-ſae~~~~·-* -->sº: ,,№·|---.•:---- ~- - ..|----- - --§§§§§§- - - - --×--!!!! -- -|- *… * *.- --§§ "I'm -: * I . * * * * * * f : , , ■** * . . . # º','!'." '', , , , , , , ſaeſ §§§ ¿№ ž.);'); 、、、。 șºğrgº; łOE ș « ¿ (5)) 3}}§. §§§§ �ț¢º º ſaeſ) §§§§ ºº!، §¶√∞',-· -! 3-,§§ſae ¿),·· ·§§§: ſae §: *** §§*();、、、、、、、、、、、) §¶√≠√∞ſe ºff,¿șº: º№saeº. §§§§§§§ ¿ «№ Chemical Libay G. W. \% \ .Nº \\? $*\ Halide Bases of Columbium THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY HERBERT S. HARNED GERMANTOWN, PA. 1913 PHILADELPHIA THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO. 1913 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The author wishes to express his sincere thanks to DR. EDGAR F. SMITH, under whose suggestion and direction this work was carried out. ` *S ** : INTRODUCTION. In 1907 Chabriël reported a lower hydrated chloride of tantalum to which he gave the formula TaCl2.2H2O. He obtained this substance by heating 7.2 grs. Of tantalum pentachloride with 15.2 grs. Of 3% sodium amalgam in a tube of hard glass which was sealed at One end and evac- uated by means of a suction pump. The reaction mass was allowed to cool completely in a vacuum and then treated with boiling water containing a little hydrochloric acid. A deep emerald green solution was obtained and from this, on evaporation, a green powder separated. This was dried and analyzed. From the figures obtained by the analysis, Chabrië felt justified in assigning the formula TaC12.2H2O. In 1908, Van Haagen” was working with the halides of tantalum and the products of reduction obtained by passing tantalum pentabromide through a red hot tube in a current of hydrogen. In this latter reaction, he invariably noticed, beyond the metallic deposit, a greenish black sub- stance which was soluble in water to form an intense emerald green Solution. Every attempt to produce by this method a sufficient quantity of this substance for investigation proved of no avail. During the winter of 1908–1909, Chapin8 continued this work. He decided to use the Chabrië method of reduc- tion on tantalum pentabromide with the hope of being able to obtain an amount of the green compound sufficient to be investigated. For this purpose, he prepared 200 grs. Of tantalum pentabromide. This was mixed, 10 grs. at a time, with four parts by weight of 3% sodium amalgam, and heated in an evacuated tube until reaction set in. The temperature of the tube was then raised to a bright red * Compte rend. (I907), I44, 804. * Thesis—University of Pennsylvania, 1908. *Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc., 32 (1910), 323. (3) 4. heat and the tube was allowed to cool to room temperature with the vacuum pump still in use. The reaction mass was boiled with water containing a little hydrobromic acid. An intense emerald green solution similar to that described by Van Haagen was obtained and, on evaporation, black crystals separated. These were filtered off and dried. From 200 grs. of tantalum pentabromide, only 20 grs. of these crystals were obtained. When ground to a powder, this substance had a green color. It was very soluble in water, the Solution possessing a remarkable Coloring power (1 gr. in 100 cc. of water giving such an intense coloration that a layer half an inch thick was opaque). Ammonia precipitated a brown hydroxide from this solution. There was a doubt at first, on account of the small yield, whether this was a compound of tantalum at all. Four grs. were converted to the double fluoride. Analysis of this compound proved without a shadow of doubt that the metal contained in the green compound was tantalum. Chapin carried out a number of analyses which indicated that this body possessed the complex structure represented by Tag Brix] Brº.7H2O. Molecular weight determinations. by both the freezing and boiling point methods also indicated the above constitution. Only one-seventh of the bromine acted as ion. The tantalum seemed to be present in a com- plex cation. From this compound Chapin was able to prepare the compounds indicated by the following scheme: [Tag Brial Cl2.7H2O i à --- (TaBril(OH), IoH,0. ! E: [Tagbriz]I2.7H2O (TasRTlal Brº.7H2O NaOH equivalent to two bromine atoms. He also prepared Chabriè's chloride from tantalum penta- chloride and proved that this was [TagCl2]Cl2.7H2O. 5 The object of the present investigation was to find out whether these compounds were peculiar only to tantalum and whether it was possible to obtain similar compounds with any of the other members of the fifth group. Molyb- denum in group six furnishes compounds of similar but not analogous constitution e. g. [Mo;C14]Cl2.6H2O, [Moabral- Br3.6H2O. Columbium on account of its great similarity to tantalum and its position in the periodic system, prom- ised best. In this investigation, the Chabriè reaction has been used in an attempt to prepare a similar lower chloride of columbium. PRELIMINARY WORK. The steps in the preliminary work were: (1) Purifi- cation of the double fluoride of columbium and potassium. (2) Conversion to oxide. (3) Preparation of columbium pentachloride. It will not be necessary to go into details. Reference to the papers of Hall' and Balke" will be sufficient. The pentachloride was obtained by passing vapors of Sul- phur monochloride and chlorine gas over the moderately heated oxide; 200 grs. of the three times distilled penta- chloride were obtained. Analysis of a 2 gr. Sample gave a very satisfactory result. REDUCTION PRODUCTs of PENTAVALENT COLUMBIUM. It has been known for a long time that columbium pentachloride dissolves in concentrated hydrochloric acid and that, on addition of metallic zinc to this solution, reduc- tion occurs, giving first an intense blue and finally, on con- tinued reduction, a brownish black solution. It was thought that strong hydrochloric acid might precipitate from these Solutions a compound similar to that prepared by Chapin. It was found that a blue and a black powder could be pre- cipitated by concentrated hydrochloric acid but neither of these compounds answered the description of Chapin's * Hall and Smith: Proc. A. Phil. Soc., 44, 177 (1905). * Balke and Smith: Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. (1905). 6 compound since they readily oxidized, and since they gave the corresponding blue and dark brown oxides on dilution with water. Incidentally, it was found that when the hydrochloric acid solution of columbium pentachloride was boiled, a white powder separated which dissolved on dilution. This substance was evidently related to the blue and black powders precipitated by concentrated hydrochloric acid from the reduced solutions, for both of these, if kept in strong hydrochloric acid, oxidize to the white powder. The following table will show to relations of these compounds to one another: Valence. Concentrated HC1. d.º.º. Diluted and Boiled. V. . . . . . . . . . . . . White powder... Colorless solu- | White oxide. tion. III. . . . . . . . . . . . Blue powder. . . . . Blue solution . . . . Blue oxide. II–III. . . . . . . . . Brown black Brown black Brown black powder. solution. oxide. These substances were all very easily decomposed and the conditions of reduction seemed to exclude the possibility of preparing a stable hydrated chloride of columbium by this method. It was thought that if this substance was to be prepared at all, higher temperatures would be neces- sary. This attempt was abandoned and it was decided to try the Chabriè reaction. REDUCTION OF COLUMBIUM PENTACHLORIDE BY MEANS OF SODIUM AMALGAM AT HIGH TEMPERATURES. The details of the method and the form of apparatus used in this reduction are given accurately in Chapin's paper, so it will not be necessary to describe them here. It seemed desirable to investigate a little more closely the temperature conditions. To this end, 10 grs. of columbium pentachloride were mixed with 70 grs. of 3% sodium amalgam and allowed to react at a temperature just high enough to cause the 7 reaction to propagate itself entirely through the mixture. On treating the reaction mass with water a brownish black oxide was obtained and a brown solution which quickly decomposed giving more of the brown oxide. On repeating this experi- ment and on heating the first product of the reaction to a red heat for a period of one hour, then allowing to cool to room temperature without breaking the vacuum, and finally boiling the mass with water, an intense olive green solution was obtained and, at the same time, a precipitate of the brown oxide. Two reactions seemed to take place here: firstly, at lower temperatures, the columbium pentachloride was reduced to a chloride which was easily decomposed to the dark brown oxide on the addition of water, secondly, this chloride, at higher temperatures was partially converted into the substance which gave the green solution. The olive green solution was stable and promised to be very similar to the emerald green solution obtained by Chapin; 150 grs. of columbium pentachloride were reduced by this method, the most satisfactory temperature used being just sufficient to collapse the Jena tube. The substance which gave the olive green solution was only soluble in boiling water and a large quantity was needed for its complete solution. The hot solution was filtered from the brown oxide and evaporated after the addition of a small quantity of hydrochloric acid. Small black shiny crystals sepa- rated; these were filtered off and recrystallized. The crystals obtained from this second crystallization seemed perfectly homogeneous and, since they were so difficultly soluble in water, it was thought that a high degree of purity must have been reached. They were filtered on to a Munroe crucible and dried in an air bath at 80° C. to constant weight. From 150 grs. of columbium pentachloride only 6 grs. of this stable lower chloride were obtained. PROPERTIES OF THIS COMPOUND. This substance could be heated to 100° C. without decomposition. The crystals were so small that the crystal- 8. line form could not be observed. When powdered the sub- stance was olive green in color. It was insoluble in cold water, but soluble in boiling water, giving an intense olive green colored solution. On addition of ammonia to this solution, little or no decomposition took place, and, even after long-continued boiling with ammonia, it was not com- pletely decomposed. Chapin's bromide was completely decomposed by boiling ammonia. On the addition of con- centrated nitric acid to a boiling solution of this compound, decomposition took place, giving first a brown coloration, and finally the Solution oxidized to the pentavalent form and columbic hydrate separated. The compound was com- pletely soluble in concentrated alkalies giving a dark brown- ish green solution. ANALYSIS OF THE OLIVE GREEN CHLORIDE. Since the chloride was not easily decomposed by boil- ing ammonia, the following method of analysis was adopted: The chloride was dissolved in boiling water, concentrated nitric acid was added to the boiling solution until complete decomposition took place. This required about one minute. An excess of ammonia was then added and the solution was again boiled for a few minutes. The columbic hydrate, thus completely precipitated, was filtered off, washed with boiling water, ignited and weighed. Ammonium carbonate and nitrate solutions can not be used in washing columbic hydrate precipitated in this manner, because they dissolve quite a considerable quantity of it. On washing the pre- cipitate with boiling water, a small quantity of the hydrate invariably dissolved forming a colloidal solution. This was boiled with a little more nitric acid and again precipitated with ammonia, filtered off, ignited and weighed. The filtrate from the columbic hydrate was acidified with nitric acid and the chlorine was precipitated in the usual way with silver nitrate, filtered on to a Gooch and weighed. The following results were obtained and all through the 9 following discussion on the constitution of this chloride will be compared with the results calculated from the formula [Ch;C112]Cl2.7H2O, analogous to [TagBria]Br2.7H2O: WT. SAMPLE=0.2Ooo Obs. Calc. Obs. Calc. Wt. CbzOs . . . . . . . . . . O. I349 O. I353 %Cb 47. 25 47.38 Wt. AgCl. . . . . . . . . . . O. 33.95 O. 3394 %Cl 4I .99 4I .98 It was thought that it would be well to determine the columbium in this compound by two methods entirely dif- ferent from the above: (1) To ignited a weighed sample with nitric acid and obtain columbic oxide directly. (2) To decompose the substance with concentrated sulphuric acid, heat to fumes, dilute with water and boil, filter off the precipitated columbic hydrate, wash with boiling water until free from sulphuric acid, and finally ignite to the oxide and weigh. The following results were obtained: WT. SAMPLE=0.2000 Obs. Calc. Obs. Calc. Method I. . . . . . . Wt. CbzOs o. 1342 o. I353 % Cb 47. Oo 47.38 Method 2 . . . . . . . Wt. CbzOs o. 1349 . . . . . . % Cb 47.25 . . . . . DETERMINATION OF THE IONIZED CHLORINE. This determination seemed at a glance to afford con- siderable difficulty. The determination of the ionized chlorine by the gravimetric method would necessitate the precipitation of silver chloride from a cool solution not containing nitric acid, for, if nitric acid be present, decom- position of the complex cation would be likely to occur. If a hot solution be used, a high chlorine result was to be expected, due to the Secondary dissociation of the complex radical. Chapin found in the case of [Tag|Brig) Brº.7H2O that dilution affected the result considerably. Since 0.2 gr. of the chloride of columbium required at least 100 cc. of water for its solution, high results were to be expected It was thought best to titrate the ionized chlorine with a 10 0.1 N silver nitrate solution using a silver concentration cell." The E.M.F. of the cell will remain nearly constant as long as chlorine ions are present in the solution. After all the chlorine ions have been removed, the E.M.F. will rise rapidly due to the rapid increase of silver ions in the solution. The apparatus used was identical with that described by Hildebrand and Harned" in their paper on the determination of magnesium by means of the hydrogen electrode with the single exception that a silver coated platinum electrode was used in place of the hydrogen electrode. The determination of the ionized chlorine in the chloride was carried out as follows: 0.2 gr. sample was dissolved in 150–200 cc. water and the solution was allowed to cool to room temperature. The silver electrode and calomel elec- trode were then placed in the solution. Leakage of the solution of potassium chloride in the calomel electrode into the columbium chloride solution was found to occur. To prevent this, a solution of potassium nitrate, free from chlorides, was drawn up into the side arm of the calomel electrode. This proved entirely satisfactory. 0.1 N silver nitrate was then added, 0.2 cc. at a time and a reading of the E.M.F. of the cell taken after each addition. The curve (see page 11) was obtained by plotting E.M.F. of the cell against ce. of 0.1 N silver nitrate. The inflection in the curve shows that 3.9 cc. of 0.1 N silver nitrate were used to titrate the ionized chlorine. WT. SAMPLE=0.2OOO Obs. Calc. (one-seventh total chlorine) Grs, ionized Cl. . . . . . . . . . . O. O.I.38 O. OI2O This seemed to indicate that one-seventh of the total chlorine in this compound was ionized in Solution. This was exactly analogous to the behavior of Chapin's bromide. * Behrend: Zeitschr. Phys. Chem., II, 426 (1893). 7 Hildebrand and Harned: Communications, Vol. I, Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry. 11 The contents of the cell were then washed into another beaker, the silver and calomel electrodes were washed and the columbium and total chlorine were determined by the EMF jj 030 H. jitſ#Rºnſ, -0.053, Cſ. 070 (). Iſ) | | | | 000 1.00 200 j00 400 500 ſ: H9N0, method outlined above, namely, decomposition by means of concentrated nitric acid and ammonia. The following results were obtained: 12 WT. SAMPLE=0.2Ooo Obs, Calc. Obs. Calc. Wt. CbzOs . . . . . . . . . O. I358 O. I353 % Cb 47. 55 47.38 Wt. AgCl, . . . . . . . . . O .3396 O. 3394 % C1 42. OO 4I .98 WATER DETERMINATION. The method used for the determination of water in this compound was the same as that used by Chapin to determine water in his bromide. The chloride was in- timately mixed with about 10 times its volume of ignited 1ead oxide and heated to 300° C. in a tube in a current of dry air. The water was carried over into a calcium chloride tube and weighed. For further details, see Chapin's paper. The following results were obtained: WT. SAMPLE=0.2OOO Obs. Calc. Obs. Calc. I. Wt. H2O . . . . . . . . . O. O.224 O. O2 I3 %H2O II .. 2 IO. 64 2. Wt. H2O . . . . . . . . . O. O2 I& o.O2.I.3 %H2O IO. 9 IO. 64 The results obtained by this time show conclusively that this compound is analogous to [TagBria]Br2.7H2O and that its formula must be [CB6Cl12]Cl2.7H2O. NOMENCLATURE. Chapin gave to his compound the name “bromo- tantalum bromide” and to the complex cation the name “bromo-tantalum.” The other compounds he called by the corresponding names, e. g., bromo-tantalum hydroxide, bromo-tantalum chloride. The same nomenclature will be adopted here and throughout the remainder of this paper, the chloride will be referred to as chloro-columbium chloride. PREPARATION OF CHLORO-ColumBIUM HYDROxIDE. One gr. of chloro-columbium chloride was dissolved in as little water as possible and the Solution was allowed to cool to room temperature. Just enough 0.1 N sodium 13 hydroxide was added to replace the two ionized chlorine atoms with hydroxyl groups. On standing a black micro- crystalline body separated. This was filtered on to a Mun- roe crucible, washed with cold water and then with ether. It was dried in a desiccator over calcium chloride. One gr. of chloro-columbium chloride gave 0.6 gr. of this supposed chloro-columbium hydroxide. PROPERTIES OF THE HYDROxIDE. This compound was insoluble in water but soluble in both acids and alkalies. The acid Solutions were olive green in color and probably contained the corresponding salts (e.g., chloro-columbium nitrate, chloro-Columbium sulphate). The alkaline solution was dark brownish green in color and probably contained [ChéC112](ONa)2. aq. but attempts to isolate anything from this solution stable enough to analyze, proved fruitless, ANALYSIS OF THE HYDROxIDE. The method used was essentially the same as that used in the analysis of the chloride. The weighed substance was washed into a beaker and about 100 cc. of water were added. The solution was brought to boiling, concentrated nitric acid was added and the boiling continued until the nitrate, which was first formed, was completely decomposed and oxidized. The Solution was made ammoniacal and the analysis was continued in precisely the same manner as described under chloro-columbium chloride. The results seemed to indicate the formula [Ch;C11ol(OH)2.8H2O as shown by the following: WT. SAMPLE=0.2OOO Obs. Calc. Obs. Calc. Wt. Cb2O5 . . . . . . . . . O. I379 O. I376 % Cb 48.28 48. I5 Wt. AgCl. . . . . . . . . . O. 2998 O. 2956 % C1 37. O8 36. 56 This chlorine result was not very satisfactory. Therefore, another 1 gr. sample of chloro-columbium chloride was 14 converted to the hydroxide by the method outlined above. Analysis gave the following: WT. SAMPLE=0.2Ooo Obs. Calc. Obs. Calc. Wt. CbzOs . . . . . . . . . O. I380 O. I367 % Cb 48.32 48. I5 Wt. AgCl. . . . . . . . . . o. 2968 O. 2956 % Cl 36.70 36.56 Water was determined as with chloro-columbium chloride, only in this case, it was necessary to raise the temperature of the tube higher in order to drive off the last traces. WT. SAMPLE=0.2Ooo º, Obs. Calc. Obs. Calc. Wt. H2O. . . . . . . . . . O. O275 o.o.278 % H2O I3.75 I3.90 This analysis corresponds very closely to that calculated from the formula [CbéCl12] (OH)2.8H2O. Per cent. Calc. Obs. Cbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48. I5 48.32 Cliº . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.56 36.70 9 H2O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3.90 I3.75 O (by difference) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. 39 I. 23 | PREPARATION OF CHLORO-COLUMBIUM BROMIDE. Two-tenths of a gram of chloro-columbium hydroxide was weighed out in a platinum crucible and was then dissolved in dilute hydrobromic acid. The solution, was evaporated to dryness on a water bath and the crucible and its contents reweighed. It was to be expected that the bromide would have an analogous constitution to the chloride and there- fore be [Ch;C112 Brº.7H2O. The theoretical increase in weight calculated from the ratio [CbgCl2] (OH)2.8H2O to [CbsCliº) Bra.7H2O equals 0.0185 grs. The observed increase in weight was 0.0186 grs. This is confirmation of both the formula of 15 the hydroxide and bromide. The bromide was similar in appearance to the chloride but differed by the fact that it dissolved in a small quantity of cold water. Ammonia precipitated from the solution of the bromide small shiny crystals, probably the hydroxide, but no decomposition took place. The analysis of the bromide was carried out by the same method as that used for the analysis of the chloride and hydroxide. The following results were obtained and agree closely with those calculated from the formula [CbgCl2]Br2.7H2O : - WT. SAMPLE=O.2 I86 Obs. Calc. Obs. Calc. Wt. CbzOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . O. I377 o. I375 % Cb 44. II 44. O7 Wt. AgCl-HAgBr . . . . . . . o. 362 I o. 36O2 % C1-HBr 46.25 46.03 A water determination of the bromide was not made. THE INVESTIGATION OF THE ALKALINE SOLUTION OF CHLORO-COLUMBIUM CHLORIDE I. Koppel” in a paper on “The Constitution of the Halogen Compounds of Bivalent Molybdenum” mentions the series of compounds prepared by Chapin and their similarity to the above-mentioned molybdenum com- pounds. Since (Moscl)Cl·6H2O is soluble in concen- trated alkalies and since double salts of the type (MoAC1)C13.2KC1.2H2O are precipitated from these sol- utions by concentrated acids, the question is naturally raised as to the constitution of the alkaline solution of chloro-columbium chloride and whether double salts can be formed by the addition of strong acids to this solution. Chapin had mentioned that bromo-tantalum hydroxide was soluble in concentrated alkalis and that the solution probably contained Tagbriel(ONa)2, aq. He went no further than this point with the investigation of the alkaline solution. It has been mentioned that both chloro-columbium * I. Koppel: Zeits. anorg. Chem.: Band 77, Heft 3 u. 4. 16 chloride and hydroxide were soluble in concentrated alkalies giving a dark brownish green Solution. On evaporating this solution in a vacuum, no Substance of a homogeneous nature separated. On the addition of a large quantity of concentrated hydrochloric acid, a brown powder was pre- cipitated. INVESTIGATION OF THE BROWN POWDER. One gr. of chloro-columbium chloride was dissolved in a 20% caustic potash Solution and to this, a large excess of concentrated hydrochloric acid was added. The brown powder, thus precipitated, was filtered on to a Munroe crucible, washed with cold water, then ether and dried in a vacuum desiccator over calcium chloride. Yield 1 gr. PROPERTIES OF THE BROWN COMPOUND. This substance appeared perfectly homogeneous. When ground on a mortar, the color of the powder was brown and was distinctly different from the olive green color of chloro-columbium chloride. It was soluble with greater difficulty in boiling water than chloro-columbium chloride and its solution at first appeared a yellowish green but changed on boiling to an olive green. From this olive green solution, chloro-columbium chloride could be obtained by evaporation after the addition of a little hydrochloric acid. ANALYSIS OF THE BROWN COMPOUND. The same method of analysis was adopted as with chloro-columbium chloride and hydroxide, There was a possibility that this substance contained potassium and was a double salt. To determine whether this was true, the filtrate from the silver chloride precipitate, which contained the excess of silver nitrate, was boiled with hydrochloric acid and the precipitated silver chloride was filtered off. The filtrate was evaporated to dryness, heated until the 17 ammonium salts were driven off, and the weight of the residue was obtained. This amounted to only 0.3 mg., showing that the brown compound was not a double salt. The following analyses were obtained and agree very closely to the values calculated from CbgC114.9H2O. - WT. SAMPLE=0.2Ooo No. 1 Obs. Calc. Obs. Calc. Wt. CbzO5 . . . . . . . . . O. I285 O. I3 I3 % Cb 45. OO 45.98 Wt. AgCl. . . . . . . . . . O. 332 I O. 3293 % Cl 4I. O.8 4O. 74 WT. SAMPLE=0.2OOO No. 2 Obs. Calc. Obs. Calc. Wt. CbzO5 . . . . . . . . . O. I3 I7 O. I3 I3 % Cb 46. IO 45.98 Wt. AgCl. . . . . . . . . . O. 33 I4. O. 3293 % Cl 4O. 99 4O. 74 WT. SAMPLE=0.2OOO No. 3 Obs. Calc. Obs. Calc. Wt. CbzO5 . . . . . . . . . O. I3 I4. O. I3 I3 % Cb 46. OO 45.98 Wt. AgCl. . . . . . . . . . O. 3322 O. 3293 % C1 4I. O8 4O. 74 ... A water determination was made by the method previously used and the following result was obtained: WT. SAMPLE=0.2OOO Obs. Calc. - Obs. Calc. Wt. H2O. . . . . . . . . . . O. O.28O O. O.266 % H2O I4. O I3.28 Since on going into Solution the brown chloride was con- verted to the green chloride, an ionized chlorine determina- tion was not made. These figures seemed to indicate that this brown com- pound had the formula CbºCl4.9H2O. If the difference between the brown chloride and the green chloride was due only to two molecules of water of crystallization, simple heating of the brown chloride to 100° C. should give the green chloride and the loss in weight should indicate the completeness of the reaction. Therefore, 0.2 gr. of the brown chloride was heated to 100° C. but, at this tempera- 18 ture, it decomposed, giving off a white powder which coated the inside of the crucible. At the same time, no change from the brown to the green chloride was noticed. On the other hand, the action of boiling water or the action of water at room temperature for a long period of time (a week) gave an olive green solution, from which the green compound could be precipitated by evaporation with dilute hydro- chloric acid. These experiments would indicate that there was a constitutional difference between the brown and the olive green chlorides. Since the action of water converts the brown to the green compound, it was thought that, if the solution of the green compound be precipitated by concentrated hydro- chloric acid, the brown compound could be obtained. A powder was found to be precipitated by concentrated hydro- chloric acid but, when this was dried and ground in a mor- tar, it gave the same olive green color as [Cb5C112]Cl2.7H2O and on analysis proved to be this compound as shown by the following: WT. SAMPLE=0.2Ooo Obs. Calc. - Obs. Calc. Wt. CbzO5 . . . . . . . . . O. I34O O. I353 % Cb 46.92 47.38 Wt. AgCl. . . . . . . . . . O. 3394 O. 3394 % Cl 4I. 98 4I. 98 The fact that the brown compound could be prepared from the alkaline solution but not from the solution of [Ch;Clel- Cl2.7H2O in water afforded additional evidence that there was a constitutional difference between the brown and the green chlorides. The present investigation had to end at this point because the material had been exhausted and lack of time prevented the preparation of more. As a final proof that the element contained in these compounds was columbium, a portion of the oxide obtained from the analyses was con- verted to the double oxyfluoride of columbium and potas- sium and this was analyzed. For this purpose, 2 grs. of the oxide were fused with potassium bisulphate. The melt 19 was boiled with water and the precipitated columbic hydrate was washed on a filter with an ammonium carbonate solu- tion until the filtrate gave no test for sulphuric acid. The oxide was then dissolved in hydrofluoric acid and a calcu- lated amount of pure potassium carbonate was added. Plates of the oxyfluoride separated. These were recrystal- lized with centrifugal drainage and finally dried in a desic- cator over calcium chloride. A sample was weighed out into a platinum crucible, carefully decomposed by concen- trated sulphuric acid and finally heated to fumes in order. to be certain that all the hydrofluoric acid had been driven off. The contents of the crucible were then boiled with water and the precipitated columbic hydrate was filtered off, washed with boiling water until free from sulphuric acid, ignited and weighed. The filtrate was evaporated to dryness and the residual potassium Sulphate was ignited and weighed. The following results were obtained and are compared with the values calculated from K2CbQF5.H2O: WT. SAMPLE=o.3 Io2 Obs. Calc. Obs. Calc. Wt. Cbz O5 . . . . . . . O. I384 o. 1378 % CbzOs 44. 6 I 44.42 Wt. K2SO4. . . . . . . o. 1792 - O. I796 % K2SO4 57.77 57. 90 SUMMARY. 1. Columbium furnishes the compound represented by the formula [Ch;C112]Cl2.7H2O exactly analogous to the bromide of tantalum prepared by Chapin. 2. The table on the following page sums up the most important characteristics and relations of the members of this group of compounds: - HC1 NaOH [ CbóCl il Cl2. 7H2O e * > [CB&Cliº) (OH)2. 8H2O equivalent to 2 Cl Olive Green (Sol. in boiling H2O) Black (Insol. in H2O) O O º # .# ſº. E. 3| c. § #| 3. O 3. #| # ** 1. Cú {I} ;I. alkalies , [CbCliº) (ONa).aq . concentrated # (Brownish green solution) • e O (Formula given is hypothetical) 3. CbsC114.9H2O concentrated [Ch. ClijBrº. 7H2O * Olive green (Easily sol. in H2O Brown Š Xà, ¿? §§ ș, §§ §§§§§§ §§§§§ ſºſae;(&#§§-ſae §§ ¿ íč, ·§§§§-¿№ $(/^(<(}(ſ)\,\!;¿ș§§§§§-¿ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ºwł.:-ſºg§§§§§! §§§ §§§ğă º: } § x # $º & g * ſº §: *:)*?< */****¿§,: |-。 § 3:3,§§§§§ Ř■**¿ -¿ (§§§º, §§ *、、。 §§;:? .·、&& ! 3·&ș,ſae}§§***ſ.ſ, ſºº§§§§§§§§§§§§§ſaeae * &çº, º;:. →- ~ -…-… (...*_--,。: º? § §§ §: #: & §< � * * ?. |-Ř 3,3Ģ*|- ∞ ∞∞∞ N §§§ §§§ | ~,ģ¿?}, ≡ ≈≠≤ , **): §§§§§ ¿ O CO * ¿ -、、。 Ķ § gº ~º.ſae;:§§§&}。º, :k!:§§§§§§£ - ::*, ** * *·、。、、、。žºſ،¿:، ×~§§: -§§! !! !! !! !!§§! № №r, ſº º §¶√≠√∞ §§ :··§@₪¿º:ſaeſaeſë- · %§, №.)€:ſae№ae,---- ·≡§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§;&#;&#ffffffae&#ffff;&ēšķī£§§§§§§§§§§§§:¿ §§§§§§§§、、~--~ §§§§§§§ –========== _–=====* == CO =— …–=====* ===== ===) § º ¿№g 、:→ · §§§§§§§ ſae §:ſſa § ; Ll– O ëſ ſ CD și CC iſ;ĢĒ:…º…ſaeſae… ·***¿.*; *()??± m.§§§§§ &3&$$$$$$ ſ. ¿ | 90.1505 E § 3 º º §§§ §§§§§§§§§§ UNIV | ~!}§§§ Ģe -, º§§§§", și -Ķī£§!§§§§§¿? - º¿S$§§§§§ * ſae*}}: -*$،§§§, - :-) … ►}*** ¿ $¢ £ €§§∞ √∞:: ·:x.·§§· →·-->…--~~، !- ،§§§:-( ... -:- :●ſ-~-----, !№ºr№ ا§§、、、。、、。:·~~); №. !!!.§§§§§§§§). №§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§● ſae!§§ſae----±:§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ºº_y(:,- §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§:::* 3 : §§ §§ nº … •ſërae · ſ:);ſae:ģ§§ :• …,---, -, -, -:-º.}§§šķ§§§§ ¿?·¿·ſaew:،¿?ſae§:ſae<!--( :-( :-)¿¿. ¿$¿№£3,5±(√≠√∞aeſae :E, v, 3 , 33;№r= №sſae ~·¿¿.*¿¿.*§§• 3;&§ 2ºº5º?§§§§¿§§§ §§§$3 $,!º:· - 0 。 șğģķğģ ſaeae§§。𧧠ſae §§§§§§§ 。 | 3¿§§§§§ #№ſ:...…. ~,。 -§§§§§§ §§§§§ ¿? -§§§ ·ſae:¿}ī£8 ſ',§§šð|- ¿ # **, º Y. §: ~--~--~× × • != ∞ tº: { § # Saeeae rºſsº!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!?!… ► * * * § a ºf º 3. . à % .." % : 2. % .*.* */ ‘e 3 % 3.- : . º §º f sºº ſº º