ºſºº*, kººſſe s py ſae § §§§ : ******* * * * ™Vs s!!!sae <!-- - ~~ --~~~~ S. § |- * • → s-SJ (5)№ ∞SSS §§ 4 äčší, or MICHIG UNIVERSITY • *.-------- BRAR LI -* * * *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*--- ºš :* -- 3.” J%, * : * sº º * 3. ...Tº *ść # º ; * jº ...y sº 't * * * & * *.* * g ‘. . *. H. * e ºf 6 LA. ſº A * * Hººk º ºr *º. A. D I C T I O N A R Y M A L A Y T O N G U E, 3. PENINSULA OF MALACCA, THE ISLANDS OF SUMATRA, JAVA, BORNEO, PULO PINANG, &c. &c. N TWO PARTS, ENGLISH AND MAE, AY, AND MALAY AND ENGLISH. ~~~ —-mºsºm- *. - PART THE FIRST. At ge. ! * . * TO Wº HICH IS PREF IX tº D A * GRAMMAR OF THAT LANGUAGE. fºr sº *— —i- EMIBELLISHED WITH A M HAP. BY JOHN HOWISON, M. D. * L O N D O N : Printed at the ARAB ic and PERSIAN PREss, by S. RoussBAU, JFood Street, Spa Fields : FOR JOHN SEw ELL, CORN HII. I. ; J. DEBRETT, FI cc.ADILLY ; MURRAY AND HIGHLEY, FLEET STREr'I ; Q? VERNOR AND HOOD, POULTRY ; A. A N D J. BLACK AND H. P.S. RRY, I. EAD,EN HAL L S T R EE J } AND S. ROU S St A C, woo D STREET, SP.A # 1 E.L.D.S. * * I SO 1 . - - i 3. f * • - y t **. * * -º- is * “s *. - * .* « . ; :- > - ' “. ... *..." . . . . Six - * * * * * , , ” *- *: º, ºt:3:...º. Šºk -, *... ." -- ~~$º...-- tº-º-º: 㺠&–-ºk… - =~< − = <- - , - --- “..... "… " sº. + º ..º- & rººk sº-ºº: iº *::: - - -. z-zº. - *... * … * -- * . * - * , f : ; : - - * * - º - sl, º ż. d - 95 - e OO * * oč . 19 ſº - - - O . -- 3 - { ***** : r r *. --- ; *. - - • * . f - -- -. * • . g s: . #. IIIHIII iſſ-IIIlliſſº-ºº: tº ſºlº ~. | - .# gº? B - - - .* * *, * * 3. *., - •, *.*.* * 3. -- 3: ... § 2 -'l - - F. $º” . . .” - * , ºr §%. &# ..s. -* - ~ * J. Łºs. * * .g. sº-º-c-ºf- • 3" r *...*, 2* |||||Williliſi Pººllllllllllitºlibºlº. IllillºtilliLI: §ººlllllllllll:Hilº ||||||III | --- ||||I|||||||||| ſiſſiſſiliuºlijnſultigºm lºſſ IIIHºlºiſilllllllllllllºg IIIHɺſſillſ ſºlºſſºlſ||||ſiſſiºn.-IIIlºilº ºſ - * , ºr *- X- • , > 8 * * : - * * - … E& ºr 3 - 3. *Tºº &º xº~~ +-ºxº~. - . . ; ; 3. Nº . - ºlº : ‘. - cº º lº. - §: tº ſº § *...** * º i sºvº .*, .s “*...,.... . . . . . tº-daterr" * ºf , º, . § - - - *O # %. , , **, Y ſº .A., sº *** - i *— -- * .# ºfteåa, Kłº * * * ... Cape Avarellºs- Biºlºape . ; : ".. º, . . . #. - Sah ãº.7. g / &: .. ps. . .3: & - #ſ - ". “ºr 34, - . . -- Calaiº; fe ºil, © y º Jºha © : “t º * : * j, - º', - . s * - an wº Tablas; … . . Janapacanº . -20 *. Garzancas , fea": . . . • * • { Jºad. . **, * * - Litº Andaian 3t.Suzans/sles S, s - %acori * * * & º:* • , *% º 2%, Sº I A M ºn ‘º aa...wºw. Audi : “... At “” fºrway". Lyº * & Isles seenlythe Warwick L4reetſ? }} at . - & -**Emangs " .. 4B'm p ;-ºdor IIlagº º:Bamban .." observed in 1769 ** - ** * * *Aſſoondore \ / . . . ºr Bo teelwy in Piń 69 - - #### ..º.A.Cornom Pt. (? ga” ** * . \ ^ , , “‘. . - - poa - º *::. S QoI. O O , Siſſº * * O * r *-xiàº. 23-6 Aml Balatae a” Pºgordºg *a. sagasy . Pº #: ſº fa ºf º **2 *& an.Sooºoo; ' ' Mucºſiº sº, * . r º, '' za --~~. *#3; Paléu or Palaos Islands slands or Pelew º <ºllangchong º *ALigor Point *. Nicobar: *Islaxps junkielon §ºgº - - - ... -- sombrerºglannel p - 3. # * ºsagora & . QNicobar P°Bouton, ſº Yy K. Sºperatina Jº Andreuw fºr 3 * i. iłł y ãºlºr: æ ...; à & - Q. * * sº 3. • * ºn ~ ** º •º gº - º 2...º. # 8. º & - ºr * * *g * * & • * * *.*. - Gaya.' 2. Aft:(orzao we " i D iºd %. 24-gustin Aºzada” # V Sºananº º {% - *ś % Załoan arº.....; JºAnns Pº. . Sooloowº ,-7bnky eq Bay & loo gy Atº Jºrlands -- # (sºfºrºad A? 3 A*Zºra.r.se •Alſo Way ë ~ * , , 2 * ,' 3 •, - . - * * Mú º º ‘. Nºta "Patrº ~ Jar *s. I * Ganges.3% :--s f - z: i.e., ". * nados sº SO. arica. Jib º “º. vºy. angau ź tº ſº." jº, . . . . . . . . " 'a sº".9 3 º', ; , , ..., , , , , %9Eulautsei: • True Briton.r.A. Warwick Z Kſº #. $ºzºal, Middle AVatunºv - *...A. § W. Rºwan SEA of CELEB E sº." Warren Hastinas I . 9 - :* *. Jºjosº. º ;"a Morºnambas. e.g. ... flººz; ting.º.A. 45° º: * *3. * Yº..." “,” * - The - s” --- º: ** 2) ~ - º" s sor, O gºtº º { §: if Sangir *&ar 34" is °º, ...Sº -- 3 Anambas : * a ** *_j. $5 Kºrus t • - Jú. JWorth&pe *..." Gºº &zºº, ºp. A woozå.” Rºº." Jº...sº & * * # - Ho •I land. *...iſsalariº * * y gºaquac e - ſº * : * * * * , swº ºedang . . . - g ºf • Ž k ggis à º : *…* & . A *, * - . . . & &_& ºn' - --~~~s ſ' - , ºr . ; * Ouro 5 * }... cºº "A sº a 3, ---- Y a. * */sº - * * JºAnthony&#Point : : º - Popazijack *% §A gº & Y --- . . . . . St. º - - 3. Himmockſt, or-. accordſtoneauch y º, S. Sº. High-g - * &#####as P*Nayas - - X's. º” ºn Zºonga" hº %2, 62 4? "...º. ). - * : *-ºpºnym, a.º. rºximaonº- Fiºre & & A. ºtºged P º *é. Zamb , *º-sºº. Prince ºſſals; A , º, . * ...t, Wºº, ####" ºg, º Angs tº º *> * 33. £ºpalam & Sq 1 <>, ZººZ)indi ɺgº jº . Ž * Ambard’Aº. *Dinding 6. Peradº Cape Felic *Aſſevillrf intan: or Morty F Bötiſaº alide tº sº , tºwar. * JeBora . ºr & - - ri Tºrvus * Ind; 7. *}x tº ^*. Poro or Gºunº 4&yland * jºš. ºatacarang Pº a- \ Poggy Islands * sº 2 * Zalimb &ºez-7). Qºſº, MA’aºsau gº Marlbºx sºbaar tº &, - Sº a (L J/ewing ſhe º º: §§ºº °2 *...ºnara. • _I Ö É LAN GUAGE/ $# ** ***. 's' & "fiº, it | < . . . . . . . . . . . . . * , , , , , ; tº, ſº disticſ ſtimuſºniiniili - —º Illililmilliºtº liſtſ initiſh tºlliſtiliſirlillºlillºlºlilº.ſtlºſſº, *~~ iſ lºſtºllſ---> *tºliiliºu l-iſtillllllllllllllfºllº tº | ". : . . . THºlliſſºt Tº ºr : Tºº . . . . . . . tº fiſſil: ; tº lºſt ºlºlºlºlº. '', ; --> -- - • , , r - - - ! 93 670 ºff & - 115 * 20 =3ozongitude Bartº"A 5.5 Published by J. Sewell Cornhill, Juá 24 zéoo.— Engraved €y A. Arrowſmith, Wºza Rathbone Place , Where may be had: A Chart of the East India Islands, echibitiny the ſeveral Passager between the i . 3. Indian & Pacific Oceans, 7% ºf Chart & arrentially neceſſary fºr every OfficerAVanyating those ſeawa, the Joundings are all ſaid dom. * * . .* {3x. - - * .* i D * . . tº...? 5 4-42. 45 24 * - - - . * ADVERTISEMENT. As to the utility of the preſent publication no objection can be juſtly offered. Before our late extenſive conqueſts of the Dutch ſettlements on the Malay iſlands our trade to the eaſt of Hindooſtan was very confined, but ſince our eſtabliſhment at (PULO Pinang) PRINCE of WALEs's ISLAND, it has become of ſuch conſequence as to render every means of facilitating a communication between us and the Malays, an object of national im- portance. Since our conqueſt of theſe, how much more that has become a deſideratum muſt be ſelf evident. In this view of its utility we confine ourſelves to Britain alone: but when it is conſidered, that we are offering to the public a Grammar and Dićtionary of a language which has become the LINGUA FRANCA of a por- tion of the globe more extenſive than that of any other tongue in the world, we hope, we are in ſome meaſure clearing the way for the future labours of the philoſopher, the navigator, and the merchant of every nation. . - * - Untill now the only affiſtance to be obtained by the Malay ſcholar was through the medium of BowREY's Grammar, printed a century ago *, a work of great induſtry and merit, that diſtant period conſidered, and to which in the preſent volume we acknowledge our many obligations. * In the year 1701, with a dedication to the then directors of both companies, before they were united, in which the names of each are printed at full length. No account can be traced of Mr. Bow REY or his book in the preſent Remembrancer's Office, ſo as to do him the credit due to his memory, or forefight, which the publiſher is defirous of doing, who, though engaged in an ex- tenſive buſineſs ever ſince May 1752, never could ſee more than three copies, notwithſtanding his frequent enquiries. * - iy -- ADVERTISEMENT. Its great ſcarcity, independent of the errors and defe&ts conſequent to its being the firſt attempt to form an Engliſh and Aſiatic Grammar *, we believe, ever made, renders the preſent work not leſs neceſſary. In giving the Malay words in the Arabic character we have followed the excellent example of RICHARDSON and GILCHRIST in their Perſian and Hin- dooſtanee Dićtionaries; and it is, in fact, the character uſed by the Malays themſelves. In languages where all the letters are ſounded as in the Ara- bic, Perſian, Hindooſtanee, and Malay, a knowledge of the charaćter, which of either may be learned in twenty-four hours, is alone neceſſary to enable the ſcholar to pronounce, with the utmoſt preciſion, any word that may come before him, whereas if the words were given in the Roman only, as is the caſe in HADLEY and BowREY, we ſhould ſeldom find a word pro- nounced exactly in the ſame way by two different perſons. \ In our grammatical department it may be objected that we have forced the inflexions of our nouns and verbs into a reſemblance to thoſe of Eu- ropean languages, beyond what the fimplicity of the Malay will admit of: we muſt, however, inſiſt, that although we have made uſe of words as auxiliaries, which grammarians might not conſider as ſtrictly ſuch, ſtill a ten years' acquaintance with the Malays and their language authorize us in adopting the words and arrangements, which, we are certain, will be un- derſtood and are uſed by them. * J. Howison. * Since which Arabic, Perſic, Hindooſtanee, Mooriſh, Bengalee, Shanſcrit, and ſeveral others have made great progreſs. By the late conqueſt in the Myſore, of which country the Tamoul is the current language, it likewiſe appears probable, that a Grammar and Dićtionary of this tongue would be very ſerviceable to the Company's ſervants employed within its extenſive regions; and even this dialeót is not entirely unknown at Madras and Bombay. P R E F A C E. l THE peninſula beyond the river Ganges, which ſtretches down to Johor, the extreme ſouthern point, (indeed it is the moſt ſouthern point of land on the continent of Aſia,) is generally known by the name of MALAccA, or the Country of the Malays; and that appellation is very properly retained, ſince Malay is the true mother tongue of that country. It is likewiſe the chief language of Junkſelon, Pulo Ladda, Pulo Pinang, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Bava, Lombock, Cumbava, Flores, Timor, Ti- morlaut, Celebes, Ceram, The Molucca Iſlands, and innumerable others; it is, in fact, as obſerved in our Advertiſement, the Lingua Franca, or Trading Language of a great part of the Eaſtern world : Again, it is the more neceſſary for Engliſh voyagers to become acquainted with this lan- guage, ſince the European inhabitants of the Cape of Good Hope (which important place now belongs to this nation) have always accuſtomed themſelves to ſpeak to their ſervants in the Malay tongue. In ſome of the iſlands, however, particularly Borneo, the largeſt iſland in the world except New Holland, it being about eighteen hundred miles in circum- ference, there are ſeveral kingdoms, each of which has a dialect peculiar to itſelf: with ſeveral of theſe, Mr. BowREY ſays, he converſed. But that a more general idea may be formed of the extent of country over which the Malay is ſpoken, we ſhall refer to the accurate Map, engraved by ARRowsMITH, and prefixed to this volume; by which it appears, that b tº 7 * Y"1 PRE FACE, ". the Malay is the principal vernacular tongue uſed by the people who in- habit that vaſt region and chain of iſlands comprehended between ninety- three and one hundred and thirty-five degrees of Eaſt longitude, a ſpace of about two thouſand two hundred and twenty miles; and extending from fourteen degrees North to eleven degrees of South latitude, com- prehending twenty-five degrees, about one thouſand ſeven hundred and forty miles. Aº * * The inhabitants of this immenſe group of iſlands are ſuppoſed to have proceeded originally from the peninſula of Malacca; and of this there can be little doubt; ſince it is the neareſt continent, from which the iſlands proceed in a regular and conſtant progreſſion, all over the ſouth- ern and eaſtern ſeas, as far as New Guinea. *. ** - With regard to the religion of the Malays, they are now Mohamme. dans, although they ſeem formerly to have been mere Pagans, for there is not to be found in their language any word which fignifies God, or Angels, or Prophet, or Church, or Devil, except what has been bor- rowed from the Arabic, whence they received many other words. Hence it is, namely, from the KoRAUN, that they received their alphabet, ex- cepting a few peculiar ſounds which the Arabs had no character to deli- neate. Excluſive of the words borrowed from the Arabic, there are ſe- veral from the Perſian and Hindooſtanee; as, for Wheat, Bread, &c. articles not growing or made in their own country, they received the name, together with the article, from the diſtrićt whence it came. Mr. BowREY acquaints his readers, that by nineteen years' continuance in the Eaſt Indies, and that time wholly ſpent in navigation and trading in moſt places in thoſe countries, and much of that time in the Malay countries, Sumatra, Borneo, Bantam, Batavia, and other parts of Java, by his converſation and trading with the inhabitants of which places he. acquired ſo much of the Malay language as enabled him to negociate his buſineſs, and converſe with the natives without the aſſiſtance of a preva- PREF Ace. vii ricating interpreter. And indeed it was well if the native interpreter, º who has frequently been employed as negociator and broker in mercan- tike tranſactions, did not agree with the native merchant to cozen the ſtranger, and divide the profits between them. # The Eaſt India Company have long, and not without reaſon, com- plained of the defective manner in which fone of their concerns have been condućted ; and this has aroſe from want of ſkill in the native dialects. This want of knowledge among European gentlemen has been even known to prove prejudicial to the Company’s intereſts in a political point of view. In ſhort, the neceſſity of a knowledge of this language to gentlemen who go to Malacca, or any of the iſlands above mentioned, for trade or any other purpoſe, muſt be obvious ; ſince, if an inhabitant of France, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, or Ruſſia, were to viſit the coaſt of England, with an intention to improve his fortune, he would, doubt- leſs, deem it a matter of the higheſt importance to become acquainted with the language of this country, that he might not be under the diſa- greeable compulſion of confiding in an interpreter. But to return. We muſt now give the reader ſome reaſons for the orthography uſed in the following work. In writing any of the Eaſt- ern languages in an European charaćter, ſome ſmall variation in ſound will be ſometimes diſcoverable; but a little pračtice will correct a trifling error of this kind. The beſt method that can be uſed is to ſpell every word in ſuch a manner, in Engliſh letters, ſince this work is principally intended for the uſe of our own countrymen, that an indifferent perſon might, upon inſpection, give it the ſame, or very nearly the ſame found that a native of Malacca would give it when he read it in the character adopted by his own countrymen. If this method had been generally obſerved by Engliſh gentlemen who have travelled in various parts of the Eaſt, ſo great a diverſity in the orthography of the names of places would not have appeared; and the perſon who reads only for amuſe- viii PR E FA C E. ment would be no longer diſguſted with the trouble he is obliged to take to reconcile the different modes of orthography, that he might fully comprehend the name of the place, deſcribed by the author. But that we may not fall into the ſame error ourſelves which we complain of in others, and that the reader may be the better able to give the Malay tongue its exact pronunciation, we muſt requeſt he will pay particular:. . . . attention to the following rules: 1. In general we have endeavoured to expreſs the Malay words agreea- bly to the Engliſh orthography, by giving the vowels and conſonants the ſame ſounds which we obſerve in reading and writing the Engliſh tongue, without the leaſt regard to any other language. 2. Where (a) has no accentual mark it is to be founded as in Iman, Can. - * 3. But where (a) is to be ſounded broader, as in rābā, bápá, Āwa, it is then marked with an accute accent, and is to be ſounded like (a) in ſhall, fall. sº 4. The (e) is to be ſounded as in Engliſh words, and where marked, the accent is to be laid on that ſyllable, as in ſélémoot, the ſyllables (ſé, lé) are to be ſounded long as (re) in regard, require. - 5. The (e) final, or at the end of any word, is not to be ſounded, but ſerves as in Engliſh words to draw out the ſyllable longer, as in pohone, mohone, which words conſiſt of two and not three ſyllables, as po-hone, mo-hone, and the laſt ſyllable, hone, is ſounded as we pronounce the mock Iriſh lamentation O hone O hone. 6. When any words end with double (e) or (ee) as in jarree, nantee, which conſiſting of two ſyllables, as jar-ree, nan-tee, the accent lies on the laſt (e) and the laſt ſyllables, ree, tee, muſt be ſounded as in Engliſh me, ſee. ~ * 7. When the (i) is accented as in titah, tiang, it is then to be ſounded as (y) and the ſyllable reſts on that letter, as in title; in all other caſes, like the Engliſh ſhort (i) in thing. * PRE PACE. iz * 8. The fingleſ(o) is ſounded as we uſually do, as in ſobat, hóbat, the firſt ſyllable f(ſ) has the ſame found as the Engliſh monoſyllable ſo : but where the double (o) or (oo) is uſed, which is very frequent in this lan- gadge, they are ſounded full, like the Engliſh words foot, good, tooth, &c. Thus in the word oojong, the firſt ſyllable (oo) has the ſame found 3S we give it in the above words. -* * #..ig.'The' (u). has the ſame ſound as in all Engliſh words, as in juree, which the Malays pronounce juſt as we do the Engliſh word, jury. . * Io. The (v) conſonant has its own proper ſound as in Engliſh. ... ii. The (y) is always founded like a conſonant, as banyak, minyak, like yawn, your. If (y) be ſounded at the end of a word, as in moolay, toonay, it muſt not be ſounded like (e) as is uſual in many Engliſh words ending with (y), but is to be ſounded broad, as in the Engliſh words, lay, pay. Where (y) is accented, as in ayer, ayam, the ſylla- ble reſts on the (y), and is to be pronounced as the (y) in the Engliſh word, ay. 12. When two vowels come together, as in máin, láin, they are to be pronounced má-in, lá-in, and where ſuch acute accent is found over any letter, the ſound of the ſyllable is to reſt on that letter, as ing’in, tang'an, are to be reading-in, tang-an- 13. The diphthongs every where ought to be pronounced according to their true Engliſh ſound, and to avoid confuſion, we have omitted all im- proper ones, and as much as poſſible all thoſe whic might ſeem doubtful. 14. Awn is uſed at the end of many words, as caſſéawn, mood- awn, and is to be pronounced as in the Engliſh words, lawn, fawn. 15. (Ch) is always to be founded as in the Engliſh words, child, chip. … 16. The ſingle letters (c) and (k) being of the fame ſound, perhaps may be often uſed indifferently. 17. (G) is always ſounded hard as, in the Engliſh words, gather, get, girl, but never ſoft, as in gentle, ginger, for in all ſuch ſounds we have C 3 & , - F.R.E.E. A. C.E. * . . . * adopted the (j) conſonant, ſo that the word pégee, is by narmeans to be pronounced péjee, but pégee, giving to the (g a hard ſound. … ... tº 18. The vowels in thoſe words which ſeem to have in them improp. diphthongs are all ſounded diſtinctly; thus, mangáléat, is four ſyllabies *º * i. man-gā-lé-at, and ſo of the reſt. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 19. When any words end with, more, dore, as timmore, tidors, which conſiſt only of two ſyllables, as tim-more, té-dore, then the laſt ſyllable is to be pronounced as the Engliſh words, more, ſome. . . . . . By following theſe directions the reader will be able to pronounce the language with its true accent; which, as it is not difficult to be attained, ſo it is perhaps more eaſy to the Engliſh than to other nations, there bes ing no ſounds in it, but what will very well ſuit an Engliſh mouth. . . ; Whereever a ſmall capital (A) occurs, in A Nabbee, it ſhews that the word to which it is affixed is Arabic, many of which are uſed by the Malays ſince the Mohammedan faith has been the eſtabliſhed perſuaſion of thoſe countries. . . . Should the reader ſeek a Malay word anſwering to any Engliſh one, the true force of the word, in ſeveral places, will be better underſtood by turning to the Malay word in the Second Part, anſwering to the En- s' gliſh word. As for example, if I would know the Malay word for large, to that I find anſwering in the Engliſh Part, béſarr, then turn- ing to the Malay Part, and anſwering to beſarr, I find large, great, big, greatneſs; and ſo on the contrary, the true meaning of the Engliſh word anſwering to a Malay word is ſometimes better to be underſtood, by turning to that word in the Engliſh part. The following rule is obſerved in the Second Part of this work, viz. look for the word négree, the next line under it is printed -------- attas angin, with a long ſtroke before it, but is to be read, négree attas angin, and in like manner the initial word is to be added in all places where > **.*.* *. s * "s. 4. 3. gº * fº, * ~ * * *- * #. * , #. g 3r º - * ...d. * *. £ * zº . . .”. , , .* PR E FA C E. xi # *. • , ** . . . •. • ‘’ * * * * … . . * *~. there is ſuch along ſtroke ſet before the word or ſentence, but where no ſuch ſtroke is uſed, there the initial word is not to be inſerted. ‘. …&#he above rules are laid down in as plain, ſimple, and conciſe a manner as poſſible, that the learner might not have the leaſt cauſe to * & £,* ** complain of obſcurity on the one hand, or of remiſſneſs on the other. And we are very certain, from our own experience, that a moderate por- tion oftime allotted to the ſtudy of this moſt ſoft, elegant, and eaſy language, will prove to the ſtudent that the difficulty of attaining it is not real but imaginary. * * t * * * * -- 4. * d As it is ſuppoſed that the Reader is already acquainted with the ge- neral terms of grammar, it was deemed unneceſſary to inſert them in the following eſſay; therefore thoſe parts which are in common with other lan- guages have, for the moſt part, been ſuppreſſed. : The Malays have not any proper national character, except that which has been introduced by the Mohammedan prieſts, who have from time to time ſettled on the peninſula of Malacca and the adjacent iſlands; therefore it reſembles the Arabic Niſhki alphabet, excepting ſome ſlight alteration to expreſs a ſound which the Arabians had no charaćter to delineate. In con- formity then with. the principal. of the Eaſtern nations, Arabians, Turks, ..it * * - '. ** ** - * Perſians, &c. they read from the right hand to the left. The following page contains an alphabetical arrangement of the Malay 3& * w *. *--. ) * - -* * f r f /* * - - * * - i. \- B t - } *** * ..I Alphabet, ſhewing the Names, Forms, and Powers of the Letters: r * *. Jº • * , p A * - } ºw ** * *s 5. *** w *A Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume 3. - “. . . . • * * * , & ‘ 3. 6, A GRAMMAR OF THE * > * THE MALAY ALPHABET. Iv. III. II. I. - FINALs. MEDIALs and INITIALs. Connečfed. Unconneéted. Connected. Unconnected. . . . ** Name, * * Form. - Power, - w Auliſ - TT ' A in all, wall. Bé Q-> *- & B Pé * “P * 3 P Té º Stº X § - T. Jeem * at , a = - J in jar. Hhé a z ~ = Hh ſtrong aſpirate. Khé * : = ~ Kh guttural. Dal CX c) CN CŞ D Af Ré ^. J ~) J L' R. Zé j J j J Z Sin O” O’” 9NNA, Nº S . hº Shin C& Cº. & & Sh w Oain & & x - c : A very ſlender. Fé * * ~3 3. 3 F " . Kiaf C –y 3 & C or K ſofter than 3 - Kof Q-º. G 3. 3 K ‘Gaf GT 3. 3 G * Laum J. J A J L Mim - f f ... • M * N. Nun cº Ǻ • *, 3 N Vau 9 –9 _% - 3. Oo, o Hé & 3 G y < * H ſlight aſpirate. Yé Gºs GS a g . Y. *. **, Ché aft & …” = = Ch in cherry. . . Ngé f & ~ . & 3. * Ng in hang. . . . . Laum-aulif JM, X X J. Xy La *. ºmášA# ToNGUE. * fºe #bóve alphabetical arrangement the ſecond and fourth columns from the right hand are uſed only when they are connected with a preceding letter; as, banyak tº many. Every letter ſhould be connected with that which follows it, except theſe five; iſ aulif. e dal, _y ré, j zé, and3 vau ; neither of which can poſſibly be joined to the following letter; as Koolittee esº to ſkin; jure kāta &G GSP- a ſpeaker. *... * ~ * Here let it be obſerved; once for all, that in the various provinces over the vaſt extent of country in which the Malay language is ſpoken, there muſt be ſome difference of pronunciation ; and the word which is here pronounced banyak is by others called banya. This is likewiſe the caſe with ſeveral other words, which it may be unneceſſary to emumerate, ſince cuſtom will render them familiar. O F N O U N S. Nouns are either Subſtantive or Adjećtive; and, in conformity with the Perfic and many other Eaſtern languages, the Malays place the Adjećtive after the Subſtantive; as, * *- * * Orang &: a man : Orang deal J31 &9, a wiſe man. Cooda solº a horſe; Cooda gaja a-U. so× a ſtrong horſe. Rooma &ºxy a houſe; Rooma kécheel Jº & 9 y a Iittle . . houſe. Péhone cº, a tree; Péhone tingee Csº cº, a tall tree. NUMBERS OF NOUNS. The Plural Number is fiequently expreſſed by repeating the word in the , Singular; as, * * orang &!, a man, or human Orang drang &15 &12 men, or human perſon; 4. perſons. • * [Obſerve, the acute accent, thus ( ) is always uſed to mark a very long fºund of the vowel over which it is placed; but when inſerted after a conſonant it Jhews that the ſyllable ends with it.] * g * A. g st 3. s: *\ r ** .r * * § * - vº - & t A GRAMMAR OF THE . . . . #. * -* sº-, * * *, - v Cº . . " Cºda sex; a horſe: ; , , , Cooda gooda's ºf so; horſº, -* * * . * * A As • * * * * * . . . . Bátoo * a. ſtone; * ~ * Bátop bitoo._ººk: ſtones... throº * e ſ * eº *—, * º, r. & :- * .. * 3. . . . . . . . . ; * tº iº. º * §: * & * ‘. * * dº * * k When a Numeral Adjećtive is made uſe, of, the 'Subſtantive is. or * + - “ . . . . . . . " & < *; ; ; ‘’ the moſt part not repeated; as, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & *. * ~ * * * ** $ A * *. 3. $.', * . * - • ‘ : pr ; : * $ 4 * * * { … I * $ * L º * * & * * * . *g º w º * , & * 3 $. * . * * Cooda, so33% a horſe; Cooda ſapooloo &cor 2:3 3: Us sº ten horſes. 4 * • & ...~ *-*-** : *, *, *, *Y. S, º Cooda banyak -ºº so; many horſes. . . . Bátoo ºl, a ſtone; , Bátoo dua pooloo bitoo 25l. 2: .ge _53tº twenty } f * w --- * * , * * gº- •, $ ſtones. \ Bátooſédékit sº ºt, a few ſtones, ^, 4 $ -- ** * 3 : ~ *s ~ * 4. * ..., * . . . . ; ~ CASES OF NOUNS. This language admits of no variety of termination, either in Nouns or in Verbs, therefore all the Parts of Speech in the Malay may be ſaid to be indeelinable; and the Caſes of its Nouns are expreſſed by certain Particles pre- 2’ fixed; as in the following example: *- ... • * ; ' W Singular Number. Plural Number. ' Péhone cºx, a trees Péhone páhome 53,*::cºP33 trees. Derree pāhone cº, Ç9e of a tree; Derree póhone pāhone cº*::: G934 QSyð • , Öf trees. * Acan páhome coº  to a tree; Acan páhome pāhone cºcº coºl * to trees. - - E’ang pāhone exº, & the tree; E'ang páhome páhome cº cº: & , - ‘. . . . . . ... the trees. . . - J y Hºy pāhone cº, C.- O tree; Hey pāhone pāhone vº.cº. Cs- º * . . . . . . . " . . . . . . " p. * > * [** " . . . . . . . .” - ºr - O'trees. - . . . . . . . . . . . " . A. Af * . ... •' - 'i'i Dálam pāhone Gºº: *Jſe in a tree; Dálam phone phone cº, &934 º ky ... " * * +, * • , º, \ . . . . * 1ſl treeS. ... i {.. • *~~ Ji º * - £ # + \, . g g * Iº. * . . ." g * --> f # Prepoſitions ſerving to the Ablative Caſe will be fºund in the Vocabulary under their proper heads: the principal, however, are, Dung-an ; ſima ſº J "e •'rs 7 ... s ºf x3 . . . . . .”.’,‘st,” º $ L.L., with ; dung-an cºe alſo fignifies by: De 9, Aada sº, de * @Sº. derree pada sex, Q99, from : Dálam rºle , de Q in ‘...Paddº ...bahºy." • * * # * ... . . . , , , ", \ y. , .º.º.º. º. º. gº # * A zº ** *... * \, Y * * *, * * * * . . . . # . • -ºr MALAY TONGüE, s, 9 * (\ * *y *. GENDERS. In the Malay there are, like as in Engliſh, ſeparate words to mark the Maſculine and Feminine Genders; for the Malays have no Neuters, unleſs ſtones and inanimate things may be reckoned among that claſs. Thus, Orang &12" ſignifies a human perſon. -es- Orang lakkee Cs;) §2. a male human perſon, or a man. Orang parampoan cº-ey! &1, a female human perſon, or a woman, Coda sex ſignifies the genus of horſes. ** Cowda jantan cºls- so; a male horſe, or a ſtone-horſe. Cooda bétána & Kºº gº 35 a female horſe, or a mare. Ayain g! ſignifies the genus of poultry. Ayamjantan cºl= |g| a cock. . Ayam bétina & 2"; a hen. Anjing &= | ſignifies the genus of dogs. *. Anjing jantan ox3- isºl a male dog, or dog. Anjing betína & &= a female dog, or bitch. Obſerve, that lakkee cº is a word of excellence peculiar to expreſs the male of human perſons, as parampoan cº-sº is uſed in the ſame manner for the female, and are never applied to a bird, or a beaſt. As, on the con- trary, the words jantan coºl- and bétina axº, are words of inferiority, and uſed to expreſs the male and female of all other creatures exceptman, ſince they are not eſteemed ſufficiently elevated or polite enough to be applied to the human ſpecies; and therefore to ſay Örang jantan OUGl- &2 for a male human perſon, or a man, would be extremely improper: and it would be equally ſo to ſay cooda lakkee C-33 so; for a ſtone-horſe. This excellent rule is, however, ſometimes diſregarded, and they ſay ayam lakkee çº 2. a cock, cooda lakkee lakkee Csº y cº sè 3 horſes, &c. &c. º It has been already obſerved, that they have no declenſion of Nouns, or conjugation of Verbs; and as to the compariſons of Adjećtives, they are thus expreſſed: t 1. The poſitive by the word itſelf; as, Teggar' r& hard. Moora sys-- cheap. \ Loomboot sº-sº ſoft. Galap ºº dark. a Poatee Cº. white. Keecheel Jasº little. . . . . Etam S cº, black. * Tooah slº old. ' C iQ * A GRAMMAR OF THE 2. The Comparative Degree is formed by the word lebbee es' which tignifies more ; as, - . . . . Lebbee teggar G& cº more hard, or harder. Lebbee loomboot Gºº cº more ſoft, or ſofter. Lebbee pootee Gºº Gº! more white, or whiter. Lebbee etam -UX. cº more black, or blacker. Lebbee moora's 2-s - J more cheap, or cheaper. . Lebbee galap - M3 ( sº more dark, or darker. Lebbee keecheel Jº cs: leſs. wº- Lebbee tooah sº cs: older. 3. The Superlative Degree is expreſſed either by the word ter; which ſignifies moſt, the circumlocution of Derree pada ſémoa |-sº soº (99 which ſignifies moſt of all, or terlaloo _3/2; exceeding, very*; as, ** Teggar gº s". hard. • - - - J. Terteggar jº hardeſt; or teggar derree pada ſémoa Lºs 8-N4 (Sjö rº º hardeſt of all. z - Báik Cºlº good. - * Lebbee baik Ögu Gº! better, or as if one ſhould ſay, more good. Ter baſik CŞ.."? 3 beſt, or moſt good; or elſe, Báik derree padaſamoa. 15-slº 8-X. Gºjº cº tº beſt of all. - Loomboot -º-º: ſoft. ºf - Lebbee loomboot *:::::/ J ſofter, or more ſoft. ** 2 Ter loomboot *::::::) y foſteſt, or moſt ſoft; or elſe, loomboot derree pada ſamoa 3-ºls scº, CŞJº ºtº ſofteſt of all. º i Terpootee ( 3-4 y whiteſt; or pootee derree pada ſimoa 894 QSyð Gº L-slº, whiteſt of all. - * P h Ter étam .Lº. y blackeſt; or étam derree padaſimoa 5-slº. **, SSjo f blackeſt of all. - Ter moora ºx- J. cheapeſt; or moora derree padaſåmoa sº Çe 8 J12-s |--> cheapeſt of all. . . º º *. Tergalap ºfy darkeſt; or galap derree pada ſémoa scº Gºye ºf Lºlº darkeſt of all. e & -: * * - Ter keecheel Jºseº y leaſt; or keecheel derree pada ſimoa QSLO Jºsé […L., sex, leaſt of all. ... . . . ' * -- Ter tooah 8 º jº oldeſt; or tooah derree pada Jimoa lºw ** QSye sº oldeſt of all. ^ . . * U. ** * * In theftraits of Malacca the Superlative is almoſt conſtantly expreſſed by the word banya Aºtº or banyak -ºº!, a great many, and is in more general uſe than any of the above mentioned. ** ** * * •w. : -5° * f * - *. “. . … " -º-, * * -, *%-" **- ...~~~} { * * ...” “, --- - - ū MALAY TONGUE. *. il - PRONOUNS. - PERSoNAL PRONou Ns. Singular. & " - Plural. Ako 331 or Saia aglº I. Cámee Gºst or Saia ºrang &15 &tº we. Joo 3- or Loo :) thou. Cámoo ºl, or Loo-orang &Đº'3' ye. Dea ago he or ſhe. Deo'rang &: Jºe they *. " There are ſeveral words to expreſs the ſecond perſon by, according to the quality of the perſon ſpoken to ; as, to a perſon of quality or ſuperior rank, it is proper to ſay tuam coſ; thou or you; to an equal joo 3- thou or you; to a ſervant or inferior, pakánéra sjºjº thou or you *. ...” POSSESSIVE PRO NO.U. N. S. Poſſeſſive Pronouns are ſuch as relate to poſſeſſion or property. Ritta /indirree GSjº. UK; I myſelf. Kitta poonea & 33 U.S$ my, mine. Tuan poonea & 23 col; thy, thine. Cámee poonea & 23 G -slº or Saia poonea aºjº4 &L. ours. Cámoo poonea  sºlº or Loo poonea aº_3) yours. Deorang poonea & &Jºſe theirs, &c. RELATIVE PRON Olú NS, Theſe relate to ſome word or phraſe going before, or which has been pre. viouſly mentioned; as, Seappau * who. Jullan cº- whoſe. Nang mannee Gºs & Seappau _* which, . w. Appau 2'4' whât. *~ *- - Eſtoo _2^ that. º & Enee Csº this. X. .# * Mr. Marſden very juſtly remarks, that the Perſonal Pronouns differ much in different countries. Thus, Saia &Ls the ſign of the firſt perſon ſingular, and ko_x) of the ſecond, are more generally in uſe at Malacca, than āko Šſ and joo _5= thoſe uſed in the Grammar, as are their compounds, Saia orang ºyL' &lº. för the ſign ºf the ſºft perſon plural, and loo orang gy 3' 2 for the ſecošā; Dea ºcy for the third perſºn ſingular, and Dea orang ºr aſy for the third perſon plural, are always uſed; Deo'rang & tºo literally ſignifies thy people. sº #2; A. A GRAMMAR OF THE of VERBS, Verbs may be conſidered either as aétive or paſſive; and ſince they want terminations, as before obſerved, it will appear, that the Voices, Moods, and Tenſes, are diſtinguiſhed by particular.particles, expreſſive of either the Voice, the Mood, or the Tenſe: thus the Verb in the Active Voice is only expreſſed in the Paffive, the ſignification is intimated as ſuch by the Particle ber jº or ta & ; as for example: * Aétive, Paſſive, + Ako kaffee G's _s! I love. A'Roſoda berkaſſee cº soºn sº I am loved. Aſko ćjar ji- 23| Iteach, Ako ſoda beräjar jä- 3 *** 23| I am taught. Akoſooda ta Kaſte Cº.'s & sº25" _23 ! I am loved. TEN SES, The Tenſes are comprehended in theſe three, viz. the Preſent, the Preter, and the Future, MO O DS, w.” As to Moods, they arc expreſſed by ſignificant words; but that I may the better explain the whole, I ſhall ſet down an example in both the Aétive and Paſſive Voices, throughout all the Moods and Tenſes that this language is capable of, as follows: wº- A CTIVE V OICE, Poocool c)º to beat, ^ Y. * INDICATIVE Mood. Preſent Tenſe, * .* * Singular, Plural. Ako poocool Cº. 23. I do beat. Câmee poocool Jºº Cºst; we do beat. Joo poocool J,523 2- thou beateſt. Cámoo poocool Jº 5.3 ye do beat. Dea poocool ºyº age he or ſhe doth Dedrang poocoo! Jº &9539 they do bcat. beat. Preter Tenſe, Singular. { ** Ako ſoda poocool Jyº, so ºn 53' I did beat, or I have beaten. Jooſooda poocool Jaš º ve º' 2- thou didit beat, or thou haſt beaten. Deaſooda poocool Cº. 33 sex &e he or the did beat, or hath beaten. MALAY TONGUE. . 13 - • . . . Plural. Ca'mee ſoda poocool J);3. 893" cº we did beat, or we have beaten. Ca'mooſooda poocool Jºseº 2.3 ye did beat, or ye have beaten. Deorang ſoda poocool c));% 34 sº &23.9 they did beat, or they have beaten. Future Tenſe. * - . sº Singular. Ako mano poocool Q:34 5- 53' I will beat. Joo maoo poocool J25 23 ×× - thou wilt beat. Dea maoo poocool.)),333 x-, age, he or ſhe will beat. Plural. Cimee mano poocool Q:34 × C - 3 we will beat. Cámoo maoo poocool J, 33 3-, 3-ºl ye will beat. . Deſ'rang maoo poocool J.5% ºxº &12|Je they will beat. IMPERATIVE Moop. º Singular. Poocool lajoo 3-&J Jºſ; beat thou. Béar dea poocool c)333 age ׺ let him or her beat. Plural. Béar la camee poocool c));34 e sºlº & j” let us beat. Poocool la camoo 5-slº & J:3. beat ye, or do ye beat. Béar deorang poocool J):34 &1949 j” let them beat. The Optative Mood is generally expreſſed by prefixing ſome words of wiſhing to the Infinitives; as, . De bree can 4/lah ſºya poocool Jºº &º, JJI J3 QS; e I wiſh, or God #3. * grant I beat. . D. $4 - A GRAMMAR OF THE PotentIAL Moop. . Singular. - . . . . Ako bo'lee poocool J.333 es34 33 I may or can beat. . " Joo bo'lee poocool J, 23 G Jº 2- thou mayeft or canſt beat. Dea bo'lee poocool J.5% C.J., &e he may or can beat. d * * Plural. Ca'mee boºlee poocool J,334 Csº Csº we may or can beat. • Camoo bolee poocool J,333 C.J.3 × 3 ye may or can beat. Deorang bolee poocool Jºº Cº. &1949 they may or can beat. / Preter Tenſe. * Singular. - * -. Tº Ako ſoda boºlee poocool J);33 cº13; sº 3. ! I might, could, would, or • ſhould beat, or have beaten. Joo ſooda boºlee poocool J93. Csº 893° 3- thou mighteſt, couldeſt, wouldeſt, . --- or ſhouldeſt beat, or have beaten. Déa ſoda bo'lee poocool J);33 cº sºn &e he might, could, would, or * • ſhould beat, or have beaten. Plural. - - Ca'mee ſoda holee poocool J2%_53 Gº se25". cº we might, could, would, - : or ſhould beat, or have beaten. Ca'mooſooda bo'lee poocool Jºº ( -); soy's 3-sº ye might, could, would, or ſ 2 - r ſhould beat, or have beaten. De'orangſooda bo'leepoocool J);% cºlº sº." &Jºe they might, could, would, .” . or ſhould beat, or havebeaten. Future Tenſe. . . Singular. . . . A'ko maoo bo'lee poocool J 334 cs: 5'-- 33 H will have beat. Joo maoo bo'lee poocool Q);3.34 G.134 5'--> thou wilt have beat. Dea maoo bolee poocool J);3. Gº134 * & Q he will have beat. Plural. . . Ca'mee maoo boºleepoocool-O55 _3: cs: 3'-- c -sº we will have beat. ‘Ca'moo maoo bo'lee poocool c)3._3: Cs'|,4 5'-- 3-sº ye will have beat. Deorang maoo bolee poocool O);’33 c 2. - ...** * * * * 16 A GRAMMAR OF THE Plural. . . : #. * * A - Cameeſhodajaddee berpoocool c));3; CŞe-seº Ǻrs' wewereorhayebeen 3. * --- beaten. -- Ca'mooſºodajaddee berpoocool.)); % ºr CŞel-se* c s sº ye wereorhave been. t ~ º – beaten. Deorang ſoda jaddee berpoocool c));3; QS o'- sº &Llºy they were or have - A. been beaten. Future Tenſe, . * * Singular. w 4'ko adda jaddee berpoocool O);33; GSea- ge _53' I ſhall be beaten. Joo adda jaddee berpoocool c));’.:: QS cyl- ><\! _2~ thou ſhalt be beaten. Deuaddajaddee berpoocool J}:3; GSet- £ol &e he or ſhe ſhall be beaten. Plural , - Ca'mee adda jaddee berpoocool Q:3; CŞels- £e Csº we ſhall be beaten. Ca'moo adda jaddee bercoopool c)}:3; ÇSès-go! ( sº ye ſhall be beaten. Deoran addajaddee berpoocool c));’ºr GS ol- go &Jºſe they ſhall be beaten. PMPERATIVE Mood. --- • Singular. - .* .* Jadiº la job berpoocool c));33; _> & CŞels be thou beaten. T - Béar la deajaddee berpoocool Q);’_5394 CŞel- &Q & j* let him be beaten. Plural. Béar la ca'meejaddee berpoocool J);Lºy! GS cyl- C = sº & j *º let us be beaten. Jaddee la ca'moo berpoocool c)}:{33} 3-sº & ÇSölsº be ye beaten, *- Béar deorang jaddee berpoocool J):3: ÇSotº- &92.9 >+ let them be beaten. £ -* OPTATIVE Mood. De bree can Allah ſaya jaddee herpoocool c));3; GSetº- & &J'ſ cº GSr. e God grant I am beaten. * z 4 y • - MALAY" TONGUE. - 17 * † -... . . * . . . . . . . . # / - *:: 3. <- 't † :- A * * t PotentIAL. # * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. * .# ºf Preſent Tenſe. t - r *... - . 1–27- - ? bertoocool ...) e” §,wa º lee judiº º . . . 9);3; QSetº- çº &b. I may or can be # - 2 . . . r ^ beaten. And in like manner the other Tenſes of this Mood. - INFINITIVE. . . Dee poocool J,334 & 5 to be beaten. There is no need to multiply examples ; for, by a curſory obſervation on the mode of conjugating this Verb, if the above may be called a conjugation, which does not admit of any difference in termination, any other Verb may be *—x. eaſily formed ; as, f §: * -> * * e AcTIVE Worce. INDICATIve Mood. , - ' ' ' Preſent Tenſe. Afko ba'cha &= - _3/ I read, or do read. • Aſko ſooda bacha &=l, soº. 23/ I did or have read. …” 4ko maoo ba'cha & L. 2- 23| I will read. IMPERATIVE Mood. Ba'cha la joo 3-8) sº read thou. And ſo of the reſt. PARTICIPLEs. By placing the Participle ba before any Verb, it becomes a Participle of the Preſent Tenſe ; as, JBa'oha &ºl. to read 3. Ba bacha &=º reading. Dungarjee to hear; Ba dungar jº hearing. Kéna Uś to apply; . Ba Kèna Lº applying- . E \ ºś §º. -- -------- -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: ºğ º la." ~ --> * * * * *-ºs &&. **ś ºšº § gºs §§ º §§º 3. § ºf * 4. *** - - Fº º º º * º #5 * •z º. f. “. .* *- : * - ~ * - * * * : " : : , ;" ºf º § º §º sº. *** º ~x *, * *. * ** 3. º, - --- * f. ** A sº- Hº fºr assº &zºr •Tº * ~ f * *: - º *. An * .* -- fºr t Jº •. * Af 13 A GRAMMAR OFººHE The Particle ber 4 or ta & placed before the Verb, turns it into a Par- ticiple of the Preſent f. ; a S, , * * Kera 8jº to think; * Ber kérasjº 3 or Ta kéra is 23 & * or did § t - * * ink. . Killip J.3 to bind, as a book. Ber killip wº 3 or Ta killip ºrds & bound, º -** .* as a book. Coomſpool Jºs; to gather; Ber coompool Jº r; or Tacoompool J 22-25 & gathered. And here obſerve, that all Paſſive Verbs are made up of Participles of the Preter Tenſe, in the ſame manner as they are in Engliſh; as, 4'ko ſoda tafoocool J,'” & sex.” 23. I am beating. 4ko ſooda ber poocool Jº: j? -- * _53 I am beaten. From the above imperfeót ſketch of this very elegant, but ſimple, Ian- * guage, many perſons may be led to ſuſpect that it is exceedingly barren; but herein they are greatly miſtaken, for the Auxillary Verbs may be formed as regularly in the Malay as in the Latin, or any other European tongue, which the following example will ſufficiently evince : sºc. To be. - * INDICATIve Mood. Preſent Tenſe. Singular. Gooa ada sºc gº I a Iſl. " * Looee add sºc CS3. thou art. Dea ada scºs agº, he, ſhe, or it is, I Plural. Feeta ada scºr (*23 we are. t .* Cimoo ada sexe 2.3 ye are. * * Dew, engºda sec 22 gº they are. tº gº. *- * \- - _t ºf Aſſº. ºONGUE, $9. Perfect Aso fwreſtreet'Tesses. * Singular. * Good ſhoda ada sexe, sºy". 3. 1. was, or have been. , Looee ſooda ada see sº25° §ſ thou waſt, of haſt been. Dea ſoda ada so-c se?” age he, #e, or it was, or has been. Plural. Keeta ſoda ada so-c sex.” UK; we were, or have been. Câmooſooda ada so-c sex, 3.3 ye were, or have been. Deorang ſoda ada ses soº &25'43 they were, or have been. *...* Firſt Future Tenſe. 1 Singular. Good maco jaddee (gol-3- &º I will be. Looee maoo jaddee GS els-_2~o QS3) thou wilt be. Dea maoojaddee (Solº-* &o he, ſhe, or it will be. , Plural. Keeta moojaddee ÇSets-5* U-3 we will be. - Cámoo maoojaddee CŞel-_2-c_2-sl: ye will be. Deºrang maco jaddee (Sol-3- &12|Je they will be. Second Future Tenſe. Singular. Gona manteejaddee (sels-cººls ºf I ſhall or will be. Looee manteejaddee (get- Cººl, SSº thou ſhalt be. f Dea manteejaddee CŞe's Cºl; as he, ſhe, or it ſhall be. $ Plural. wº Keeta manteejaddee Cºe's Cºju Us we ſhall or will be. Cămoo manteejaddee Jºols- sºils 3-s: ye ſhall or will be. - Deºrang manteejaddee (gelº Cºu §249 they ſhall or will be. # * * * tº X, * , .ºgº." ~A → c → * ***** ****** º, ºxºs tº $º: A.Ş., 134°.” *...*** º: *-ºs- &sº fº.º. § x * . . . . . . gy”: ... ', " rººººººº, ºr **ś 㺠* * A. tº ºva. * x . *; * ºf ‘. º, ºsº wº, * x º: tº: * º *: ... * *š. S + -* * x * * * § {& ! . §§ *...*** * : * # º “... • ** * 8. Tº s ºf * , º * * 3. .# * *. #3 .*&^% ºf .; , ; ,” .* * “x ** A * -, * 20 * A GRAMMAR OF THE ~ *- **** : Mood * . . . Pot'ENTIAL; Mogo. -- . . ; $. *. *. * * * * * , a * i. # * * * * 3, #. Jº. * *s Preſent Tenſe. - a . . . Singular. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " Good bálee ada scº C.J.; &:^ I may or can be." Af & * • ** : & § - * kº " . * * Looee bólee ada soc Cººl thou mayeſtor canſt be. ºre f Dea bólee ada scºc G!: &S he, ſhe, or it may or can be. Plural. Keeta bólee ada so-c cº154 Cºš we may or can be. . . . . . Cámoo bálee ada sos ºf 2-stº ye may or can be. Deºrang baleenda scº Cs'124 &ºlde they mayor can be. *. PERFEcir ÁNB IMPERFECT TENSEs. *** Singular. Good ſoda bólee ada so-c Cºlº soºn &3’ I might, could, would, or ſhould be, or have been. Looee ſoda bólee ada scº cº! 3: 8°»” CŞ3) thou mighteſt, couldeſt, wouldeſt, or ſhouldeſt be, or have been. tºº Deaſooda bólee ada scºs Csº so»” &c.) he, ſhe, or it might, could, would, or & e g ſhould be, or have been. $ Plural. * * Keeta ſooda bólee ada sºc cº sº Uº we might, g" be, or have been. Cámooſooda bółee ada sºc cºſº sº. 5-5 ye might, could, would, or ſhould be, or have been. Deo'rang ſoda bólee ada scºs Cs'9. tº 3’s &1949 they might, could, would, or ſhould be, or have been. could, would, or ſhould Firſt Future. Singular. . Good maoo baleejaddee (g et- esº_* &... I fhall have been. Looee maoo balee jaddee CŞol- Cs'54 5-9 QS3] thou ſhalt have been. Dea maoo bo'leejaddee GS otº- º34.5° &e he, ſhe, or it ſhall have been. * Plural. Keeta mao blee jaddee (Sel- c_s); 3-5 U.S.; we ſhall have been. Cimoo maoo báleejaddee. CŞetº- ( ), 2-, 3-ºl, ye ſhall have been. Deºrang maoo bo'leejaddee (gols. es!: 5’-- éſ24e they ſhall have been. Second Future Tenſe. Singular. Good mantee baleejaddee ÇSolº- Cs''54 c. ** &º I ſhall have been. Looee mantee baleejaddee ÇSeº- Cs''54 cº U GS3] thou ſhalt have been. Dea mantee bo'lee jaddee ÇSotº- cº 34 cººl, &cy he, ſhe, or it ſhall have been. sº a Plural. Keeta mantee bdlejaddee CŞe- G 34 c sºlº Cº.; we ſhall have been. Cámoo mantee bólee jaddee GS els-C ='3- C-3- _2-stº ye ſhall have been. Deorang mantee báleejaddee (gol-c = 3; C-3U &ºte they ſhall have been. IMPERATIVE Moo D. * * * Singular. Ada la joo 3- & so- be thou. Béar dea ada six- age j” let him or her be. Plural. - Béar la câmee ada soc cº & 5* be ye. Ada la cémoo 3-sº & s&c beye. Béar deórang ada scºc &1549 > ºº º hourly. Arree (&l a day; Thop tiop arree 'Gº! Sº Gº daily. Boolon cy!; a month; Top tiop booſon cºſº º ºxº monthly. Tawon cºl; a year; Tiop tiep tawon cy: U →º ºf yearly. Adjećtives of diminution in reſpect of quality are expreſſed by the word ſédékit cºcº, ; as, ë t - Pootee Ǻ: white ; Pooteeſº # “Sexº, cº; whitiſh, Or alittle white. Eſtam & black; Etam ſédékit 5% - 8. Délépan cººks 9. Sambélan cº,” - 1 O. Sa pooloo 30.34 tº . 11. Sa blas o” tº ** 12. Dua blas O.J., & 39 : PP 13. Tºga blas Gº & 1é 14, Ampat blas O.J., exº-.ſ ſo 15. Léma hlas O.J., * 2° - Pſ 21. Dua pooloo Jätoo ºl. _º: $5 59. -, F P 22. Dua pooloo dua $39.5%: * > FP' 23. Dua pooloo tºga & 2/2; s 29 Pé 24. Dua pooloo ampat exº~! _º sº Fo 25. Dua pooloo léma & _º* 3: 8 39 H4 26. Dua pooloo mam 23_º'54 & 59 Fw 27. Dua pooloo toojod. 5-533): sº PA 28. Dua pooloo dělápan cºde 3/53 s 29 Eq. , 29. Duapoolooſambélan. cº,” 2'54 §29. º' 30. Tºga pooloo 33 & • ' 2s q | | || } | . | 4 || | Ps Fº's | | | | | 40. , 50. * * ÖO. A GRAMMAR OF THE Amparpoºloºl, ºf Léma pooloo x)23 &J * * . Nam pooloo 5/23 * or annam pooloo 5/23 -ºil 70. * 8O. 90. 1 OO. 200. TOOO. 2OOO. 3OOO. 1 OQ00. Todjoo pooloo 3/33 3-57 Délápan pooloo 3}× cºe Sambélan pooloo 5/33 cº- Rátoos orºly or ſa rétoos oº!, U- Dua rétoos Cººly ºxo Réboo ºy or ſa réboo sºy ls Dua réboo_ºy s 59 . Tºga réboo_ºy & Laxa as XJ or ſa laxa & KJ L. 4, , , , 100000. Keetee C ºs or ſa keetee Cºș tº Fraćtions of numbers, or thoſe common parts of integers, which are moſt familiar to us, are expreſſed thus, º Sa ſoocoo _3%3" tº a quarter. Sa ténga & Ls half. Tºga ſoocoo _2%_* & three-quarters. Sátoo ſa ſoocoo 3% 3" U._º one and a quarter. Dua téga ſoocoo _º_* & spe two and three quarters. But then they ſay, Tèng'a dua sºe & one and a half... Téng'a téga & & 2%, and ſo on; which is as if they ſhould ſay 2-#, 3-#; for though the word leſs is not expreſſed, yet it is underſtood; but in all other broken numbers they reckon as we do. In numbering of things they have expreſs words for the ſeveral kinds of things ſo numbered, which they always repeat after the number; as for ex- ample: Orang &, ſignifies human kind; ºrang Ja Grang &12 b. &: one human - perſon. Orang lakkee cº &J12 a man, or male human perſon; trang lakkeeJa 6rang $25' " Gº &: one man. | MALAY TONGUE. # * * 29 Q'rang parampoan, cos35% ºr, &15| a woman; drang parampoan dud drang §12 º' (vºj: &: tWO WOmen. ~. Orang anak &s $2, a child; ºrang anak tºga ºrang &2,' & Cººs & * three children. - Where it is to be obſerved, that the word drang &25' is ſtill repeated after the number. . . . ^ To denominate all other living creatures they uſe the word ácor 2:3 ; 3 S2 Cooda so; a horſe; Cooda ampat Écor_jv3 ºrs soº four horſes. Doamba &sº a ſheep; Doomba lema cor_º ** *sºo four ſheep. Binnátang &l. a beaſt; Binnátang nam écor J1-3 º &tº ſix beaſt. Booroong §2): a bird; Booroong téga ecor Jº & § 2994 ſeven birds. Ecan cºg a fiſh; Eſcan délápan écor 2× Jºſeo X, eightfiſhes. Where it is to be obſerved, that the word ácor J123 is ſtill repeated after the number as before. --> Obſerve the word ſa L., in numbering is uſed both for one and alſo for the particle a, as the note of the ſubſtantive ; as, * Gaja as alſ] elephant; Gaja ſa 'cor 2.4 Us assº one elephant, or an - elephant. To expreſs a natural entire ſolid body they add the word bátoo ºl, after the number; as, Bátoo ºl, a ſtone; Bátoo ſa bétoo ºt 0. _* one ſtone, or a ſtone. Giggee Csº a tooth; Giggee ſa pooloo bátoo ºl,_3): “ Jº ten teeth. To expreſs artificial things, which are compoſed of ſolid materials, they add the word booa º after the number; as, * Káta  a caſtle; Köto dua pooloo booa 3: 34 2.º: 839 & 53 20 caſtles. Rooma aºy a houſe; Rooma tégapooloo booa *:::'34 & al.29.30 houſes. Kºtal J43. a ſhip ; Képal ampat pooloo booa ºf 5/33 ºxº-Jº's 40 ſhips, 3O A GRAMMAR OF THE To expreſs vegetables they add the word bidjee C-2, after the num- ber; as, **- --> Po'home C3,233 a tree; Po'home lèma pooloo bidjce _3)13; &J cº, * •r ( =>-\! fifty trees. Roompoot bädooree cºlº exº-sy Roompgot bádooreenám pooloo bidgee ev-a-sy a brier; cºCNJ _º 25 GSyed fixty briers. But to all fruits they prefix the word booa sº which ſignifies fruits 3 aS, Pöſang &º a plantain; Booa pſang toojoo pooloo bidjee 2-2} &“. s: Cs-X: 2]! 3: ſeventy plantains. Déléma & Jºe or hooa déléma Bood déléma dilapan pooloo bidjee & Jºe sº &^%!e sº a pomegranate; Q sº-Cº _º15% cºe eighty pomegranates. To expreſs anything that grows naturally thin, they add the particle ley Cs' after the number; as, Duwon cºlò a leaf; Dawon ſambélan poolooley 3/33 cº, Q ſo s ninety leaves. & Coolit cº, a ſkin, or ſhell; Coolitºſa rétoos ley Gº! Gº!, L., ed|33 one hundred ſkins.' Artificial things that are thin have the word képing &# ſet after the number; as, Cartas o”;’ paper; Cartas dua rátoos képing & oºl, s 29 o”; - two hundred ſheets of paper. y Pédang §º a ſword; Pédang téga rătoos képing & O”27, & & CN: three hundred ſwords. - Thus they ſay—I have one houſe, one wife, one child, one ſervant, one horſe, one leaf, one ſword; adda la pada ko rooma ſa booa, beenee ſa drang, amakſa Órang, ambaſa drang, cooda ſa €cor, dawon ſa ley, pédang ſº képing; £2 tº *-s & U" —” & “” “sº sº,” “w” sex & sºs & b & Gº! Gº &SL-3 tº sex MALAY TONGUE. 3 1 weighTS AND MEASURES OF ACHEEN. The weights, are the báhar Máláyo, pécool, cat- báhar Málayo,pécool, cattee, tee, booncal, miam, which they reckon thus: 16 Miams i Booncal. 20 Booncal Cattee. 100 Cattee 1 Pécool. 2 Pécool 1 Bahar Má- lºyo. The bahar contains of Engliſh Avoirdupoisweight, l, oz. dw. gr. 396 11 OO 14 The boomcal contains of Troy weight, oz. dw. gr. 1 8 23 The aforeſaid are the Máláy weights, but they alſo uſe the China weights, which they reckon thus: Bátoo timbanggan ea, boomcool, miam, Éang de be- lang buggétoo. Namblas Miamſa Booncal. .* Duapooloobooncal/acattee. Sa rētoos Cattee ſa Pécool. Dua Pécoolſa Báhar Má- láyo. - E’ang bahar bratgantee bátoo timbanggan en'grees 7tamánea, Avoirdupois, téga rātoos ſambélan pooloo nam pounds,ſablasounces, ampat blas, grains. Eſangbooncal bratgantee bátoo timbanggan engres Troy, ſº ounce, délſpan penny-weight, dua pooloo téga grains. Eang dauloo ſoda ber- cáta, too la bétoo timbang- gan Máláyo, tétápee dedrang lágee pakee Chena maoo ber- timbang brat, dang de bélang buggétoo. Coonderin, mas, tial, Coonderin, mas, tial, cat- cattee, pēcool, bahar. 10 Coonderin 1 Mas. 1o Mas - 1 Tial. 16 Thal 1 Cattee. tee, pēcool, bahar. Sa pooloo coonderin ſa mas. | Sa pooloo masſa tial. Nam blastial ſa cattee. *L. L. cº _2^4 çº Q:-ºº: 24). & egº -º-; ),334 © º 3 JLº, tº cº-s gºeli çº (“ Jº: * 29 Jºº Cºoºl!" 34°-sjºlº, Jºe cººr ºº & cºil cººl. * Jºerg' ºf co-º-º: cº Jººl cº,# 23L. cºe Cºx' - QS 25 Cºyº alſº so,” 2'le Šº * Qºscº o'-s' owoº!'" cººr Jº Jº — 32, 1 OO Cattee 1 Pécool. 3 Pécool l Báhar Máláyo. The China pécool, con- tains of Engliſh Avoirdu- pois weight, l. oz. dw. 131 13 4") * The tial contains of Troy weight, oz, dw. gr. 1 4 1. Rice, oil, butter, and ſome other merchandize, is ſold by a meaſure called a bamboo. The bamboo contains of Engliſh wine meaſure 3; pints. The longmeaſure which is uſed here, and in all places of the South Seas is the cubit, which con- tains eighteen inches En- gliſh. j A GRAMMAR OF THE Sa rātoos cattee ſa pécool. Tiga pécool ſa béhar Má- láyo. *. E’ang pècool Chéna brat gantee batoo timbanggan Engrees Avoirdupois, ſa pounds, téga bias ounces, dua blas penny-weight. E'ang tial brat gantee bátoo timbanggan Troy, ſa Ounce, ampât weight, ſº too grain, Braſs, minyak, minyak ſappee, dang'an ba'rang jénis daganggan la’in de jewal ba ſoocatan, mama mea bamboo. Eſang bamboo de mooat gantee ſoocatan angoor Engreesteng'aampat pints. Oocoorawn éang de paſ- / A. e. ſa'moa ca bava ang 1ſt ea rátoos téga pooloo ſtoo penny- kee ſºmee la gee de tampati \ Jº lº cº Cºx' 9. *** Q,& cºlº, 3% •". * >!:: *º Jºy Jºvº ****, Cº. 859 tº GS3: Gºtº §4 . * soºººo-oº: . . . . coyº º | Gºº Gººs o-'; . & Cº ºbs * * e T e e ºr Q-34 ° 34.9/93 * ecs” cº- lº cº-33' 334 Aſ $5-a- *3-, o a J 5% º GSM-_º Jº Jºe o-ºw->! ºx--o25- # zººs º . : s tº -- * . - . - $ . . . * * - rº. A - - -- -- - - 3. - - -- - - - ; * * - • . . . . . . ~~ ~ * * * * * - \. ... " . * * - ** . . . - - * * + * : * +. • ? - *, • * * – * * * - - - * - * * - . . * * º - a - * - . - . . * 4 …- t - * . f --- & • r - • *r ... " t - r - * º **, *, * * * F *-*. * r - *. - - • * *.. * - +. • * - , , ... “ . . ... • * - - * : " : º, Lº tº . ** ***. ºf ºf iº tº . a . . . f - - * *, *, *, ; , 2. ... yºr.”gr?”:-º-º- a º * * * i - - - • * - * - - * - * - . . * -- - ‘. . . , , , , - . - * * - *.* w - • . ** 3: ..., " … • *- f %. *****g, *::... ** { . . . . . . . . ; c. 3 ..”: º f : ; : . . . . . .” * } § ###: #3 * ## * * * . . . . . . . . . . ; ºf 3 .* * * * .. 3- * * º, 2. ; : * #. * - , - t - - - # - *.. * . . . . . **, , . . . . . . . . . . . .”; , , "t tº a sº... º. f.; ' ' tº * **, * ***...* * * * * * > . . . s - • … . . . ; “ tº .5 ºzłºś , . * ...’ī;3 * ... " -: , ; 5. - : a ... • * - × < * * * f • * * --- * J& - \", * * -- - - - - -- * - * “s a tº * * * * > . " y; * * * r & ~ - ' , § ºf - & “ . . ; * .. •- *, * * ~ * 3 * : * :- * '. - * * * : * ~ * * - - 34 /s – 4 x * 'rºs - 5 * - 2 * * ~ * * #. r- - - º z * - " - * • *-* * ~ * * - s * . . . . . ** - - (> : *. -. - - * , * . *. - - • * : X - -- * - * > . 3. * t & “ .* . . . . . . cº; ; ; ; ; ; * : *, - - º The more enlightened Arabians having made war with Mohammed and his followers, in the year of Chriſt 622, Mohammed was forced to fly from Mecca and gö to Medina, but he afterwards prevailing, ſettled his Epocha from the time of his flight from Mecca, and named it Hegira, which ſignifies a flight or departure. The year he made conſiſt of twelve moons, and began with the moon named by the Arabians Mooháram e;-- in the ſaid year of Chriſt 622, July 16th, being Friday. * - The Malays having received the Mohammedan faith, did (as all other na- tions have done, who have imbibed the opinions of Mohammed) receive therewith their Epocha, and likewiſe their method of computating time as abovementioned; of which the following is an enumeration: ** *** The Malay Months or ||Máláyo poonia Boolon Na- Oy!134 & 53 54%-- Moons, their Names, mánya. Glsº (taken from the Arabic). . . . . . . . . . . . " *.*, *, * : * : . . . . . Mooháram - r -sº . . . . . ; , lºrr, c * - || 2 . . . . . . . . . . Rábee ool awał - - J|2) | Csº . . . . . . Rábee ool Ākir > Cºl. ‘. . . . . . . . . . . Joomadoolawal Q3) elº- . . . . . . . . . Joomad ool ākir Sºl els 4. --- . Saban * * - Q yºu ... [Ramaſin or Ramédan oſely or CL.L.) ... . . . . . Pºkédar || <-2 =Uxpe . º "… . . . . . |Doolhadiat +. t * ºr 4. # * * * • ?: * -b. * > * ^{x ... º. Their moons or months begin when the new moon is firſt ſeen, the day af- ter being accounted the firſt day of the moon or month, but if the weather be cloudy, they then compute 29 or 30 days from the preceding moon, to be- ? A GRAMMAR of 34 *the gin the next, by which mean the firſt day of every moon or month of the Mohammedans falls out about 11 days ſooner every year then it was the preced- ing ſolar year, and ſo conſequently their lunar year, begins about 11 days ſooner than in the preceding ſolar year. By obſerving this mode of computation for every year, and allowing 12 days to one year in 19, which is the ſame as our epači, the time of each moon or month of the Mohammedans may at any time be found...: bia, India, all over the South-Sea Iſlands, a ral in all Mohammedan countries. ; PRAXIS ON THE MALAY TONGUE. A Letter concerning Merchandiſe. I received your letter. by the ſhip Dolphin, to- gether with a thouſand dollars, and by reaſon it would be ſome months. before any ſhip could re- turn to Surat, I delivered the money to Maſter Songo, the China mer- chant, to be allowed ſix per Cent. per annum inte- . . . . . • ? * = p ... . . .'; . . . . . .'; CCO A di- r x :3. , Ara- • ." * . ~ * * -- ... -f nd Malay countries, and in gener - *F • ?: & 8 k- . . A t : \, \ x- - ' Y. • * - * . * ; : " ...} : : ; ; ; . . . .", ~. * ‘s * ~ * Jº... . ; ; , ; - } : º * . . *... ? -. .# * * - :- ^y ; * * ; bernéâga. . . Kitta ſoda tdréma ſoo- rat kirrimawn moo pada cápal namánea Dolphin, ſima dung'an ſa réboo kčall, tetapee ſebab adda. bdrang boolon, dauloo cala. cápal bălee poolang ca Si- rat, Carna ètoo kitta ſoda ſårácan moodal capāda In- - che Songo drang ſodagar Chéna, égar dea bree fada Ja rétoos boongan nea, nam. pada ſa ta'wom, ſºláma de tang'an nea too laſooda ea léma boolom, méka ſäcáram ſooda de tang'an koſa reboo Soorat kirrimawn kéna | & t : g h * * ** - * * ; , ; * . * > . . . . " .* s - . . . . . . . . . .. " $ - - r * - r - . . . . ; ; , , , ; ; ; ; , ; } | . . . . . # <> ** : - * * * * * * * , º " * : 3. . . . ' * = * ©º a'a © r: - * & © e e * \, e = * - tº ** * + * - i - e. J: : - - * ... • ... • ‘. . * , , , ... ." § { * Jº sº. 3's clº Q sº Jºy!” cºe &! 3: §y'. ses ºvº, Lºg ~, ºr a £y,3 9:30 tº sº, Çs; * **, *, *, cº-3, * cº e <\º cºls Jºaº sº, cº-ºº sºw &yºts asl., dua pooloo lºma réall. reſt, for the time he had it, which is five months, fo that now I have one thouſand and twenty-five dollars. - - • - & X-> ſ .A.) a × 8 ic) a.J. bi, aş © º * £5 _**) -> - . . . . . . . . . - . is . . . . . . . i. Jºy º' MALAY, TG). YGUE. * 35 tº it The ‘Malay language, although uſicommonly ſoft, is not poſſeſſed of that ſtrength, of metaphor, for which moſt of the languages of the Eaſt are ſo juſtly famed. # , , , ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . It is indeed, as Mr. Marſden properly to trace in their poetry the connexion between the figurative and litteral & ** *g, obſerves, often extremely difficult *s. ſenſe. ". . . . . ." %. - . . The following ſhort piece or pantoon, as it is called by the Malays, which has been quoted by that gentleman in his Hiſtory of Sumatra, may be conſi- dered as an exception to this remark: What ſignifies attempting to light a lamp, If the wick be wanted What ſignifies making love with the eyes, If nothing be intended ? Apogoono paſſang paleeto, Calla teedah dangan ſoomboonia A Apo goomo bermine matto, Calla teedah dangan ſoongoonia & 3%" & "3 º' *º-sº co-to so; Aſº * cº-º-º: As illuſtrative of the ſimplicity of the Malay manners, and deſcriptive of a cuſtom, which generally prevails in that country, of the young men attend- ing the young women while bathing; we inſert the following ſtanza: t ... ." ". . Go bathe my fair, near the bank of the river, I will guard, I will attend you. Inchy piggy mandi, dikat mulo ſungy, Seia mow be-jago, ſeia mow be-manty. * - ' g •f ~, Cº- ºr “º sel, cº º 36 # A GRAMMAR OF THE **** How far the beauties of Engliſh poetry are capable of being trafisferred into Malay, thoſe acquainted with this language. will have an opportunity ºf judging from the following tranſlation of three ſtanzas of ... . . . . .'; ºr: * , ; f a", * * ** *4 * * * * -; X # 3 is j : ; 5. 3 af * g ºxº : , ; } \ f' . . . . . . . . , i. * . . . . . . . . . . º PO PE'S UNIVERSAL PRAY E.R., . . . Father of all, in every age, s: In every clime ador'd; is . . . . . . . . . . . . . By ſaint, by ſavage, and by ſage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jehovah, Jove, or Lord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { * * * * . . * Bapa de ſomonia, de ſomonia dunia, . . . . . . . . . .” De ſomonia ningri ſuffudº * * * * . - Dery Criſian, dery Cafer, deny Hindoo, deryſalam, Allah, Jehovah, tudnºllah. 33 ºf . . . ; *ie ºr eºs e tº 2XL's GSye sº CŞe jº CŞe cºjº Çe *. $. y WA d ***** 3. This day be bread and peace my lot, All elſe beneath the ſun, Thou know'ſt if beſt beſtow'd or not ; And let thy will be done. Caſſée ſiah harree-ko makanan dangan riſkimo, Somonia, lain apa apa, Tuan tow calla be caſee calla tida, “s ' ' . Tuam alla punia ſuka. . . . . . § * Gºo oust 25.9° sº cºlº * * * 0.42 axis.” seg at Gº cº, * : &l; e & Q t • ‘º & & 9 * { \º s *† # * ~ * * * *** -- * * Tº Y- MALAY TONGUE. 37 * Teach me to feel another's woe, To hide the faults I ſee: , That mercy I to others ſhew, That mercy ſhew to me. Adjar/fahſyang atee lain orang punia chelaka, Adjarſiah tutup matta lain orang pumia ſalla, Pilgimanoſiah ampong ſamah lain orang …” Caffèe ampoong ſamāh ſah. *** & eº ºf 3~ sº-º-o: * & 32, cºax ºf slºw Jºel &: Jº alsº & sºlº * ################. ** ############# *######### -* . ######3% º - *### §§ - Bººzºº; '... .” * - > * > 3, ** º rt ºś * §§ ź. º §§ º § % 2- § . * , - - - **, • *. r * * : Aw f - w ,” *šešº *.*.*.* * * ~ * × X * *** **,\ º vº, 4 ' { - §4 ; , * * * , , § r" * * * *, * , & Y. & §,” * ... . . . $.2% **, * ſº ~ *, * ‘. . . ... we'e - * * V O C A B U L A R Y of THE • * •. a- ~" i ~ *. 4. _* M A L A Y TO N G U E. * *, 2. . assesseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseases-aesessesseeseeae ENGLISH AND MALAY. <><><>3 º' .** <> <><><>3><><> A 8 A or one (the article) tº ſa, ºt, ſåtoo Abandon J-35 tingal, Jº me- nin'gal—Divorce -*]; toolak Abaſe sº renda, Gº || N) rendácan Abaſed.soj 8°5's ſooda renda To Abaſh, make aſhamed, _3). Gºr' bree máloo Abaſhed 21- máloo To Abate, leſſen, colº25° coorang'can Aſſwage º: powwas . *A Abated, leſſened, &15%jº bercoorang Abbot wº pengooroo, & portapa Abbey cººr pertāpaawn. To Abet £24, tooloong—in war ºxº bantoo '. . . . . . Abhor Gº” binchee, clºs” bin- cheecán, º tºbat—I did abhor that _2^4 cºs^* 893" 5- | Aſko fooda bincheecan étoo—To abhor or loath (meat) 3.25-joomoo 4. Abide, or remain, A. © e e tingal Abjećt UKAS' hina A B Ability, power, cyl-[33 cáwäſaawn, • Cs'|32-, ſabólee bólce Abyſs o-ſº lowas To Abjurcº-ex”, C;) L. bālik ſoompa Able or. ſtrong º COOat, a-U gaja Abode, habitation, Cºeº doodooc, Cº., 3 tampat ºf " Aboliſh cy.º-s! ampoos Abominate 29'> háram Abominated 2M-5 berháram Abomination ...jºs håram Abortive y»º 3 anak googoor Oºle deattas To Abound Cº. ban'yak, _53) lakoo, —212-3'-- mámoor—To cauſe to abound 3&ºr; berban'yak - About, round about, &\º|23 cooleeling About, in number, &yº bárang—Con- cerning &A3 kéna Abraham -sºlº! Ibrahim Above, Jºl attas, |Abroach &º'-y bercháboot |Abroad, without, Jºſé délooar A C ( 4 To Abſcond cº-ºxººmélindoong- C3IIl - Abſent, far off, 2'- jaoo To Abſolve cº-slampoon Abſolution Cºx. maaf To Abſtain or indure cºt; tāhan— from vićtuals & pantang, *** jémat º Abſtemious_3\", modoo. Abſtinence Go!39-w modooawn, & tº as pantangjémat e Abſtruſe gº." Abſurd Jºly bábal Abundance &ºbanianea, cºban'- yak, cºlº ſacálee,_j15-sº mámoor Abundañt cº, ſang at • j. To Abuſe or rail, , sº makkee Academy ºwl XX. mendarſa To Accelerate olóti. bang'atcan Accent or ſound i> boonee To Accept a rºyº táréma. Acceptable, pleaſing, woºl ſédap. Acceptation cytºy Gºtárémaawn. Acceſs J .ſºlº máſooc,. G sºr" Csº bólee ſampee, Gº,” “gle dépat ſampee & Yº Accident &=3; &=}} koonjong koonjong Acclamation. 395° ſoorak, G99"; berſoorak t To Accompany º écot, << meng'écot, §rº- meng irring To Accompliſh cytºtº pootoſácan, Colytºsºl ab'iſãcan. -- Accompliſhment cº lancapan. To Accord Clsº dammee * femboonee .* - - ~ * * * * wº *: • o ) According as Jºſe déméken–Ac- F. cording to Qs';*. ſépertee, e-º tooroot tº- ** - To Account, reckon, sjºš #5 kéra—number ºbélang Account cºlsº Réraawn. Accounts, a book of, els; ºU3 ki- tab perkéraawn Aſ Accumulate J34-23; coompool; Accurate cºlº chápat To Accuſe ſolº-, men'gādau, |, |ydä- wä, sºlo tódoh, 3332-, menódoh— To Accuſe falſly #32;g so, ſº tôdoh. bóhoong, cºsts)= chélákácan Accuſation ocelºs men'gådauawn, C) tºp29.3Sºlo têdohaw rº r Accuſed ſolºs men'gådau, sºle; ber'dawa. A C. } ^3 kéra, F Accüſer ſelºs &1, Örang men'gådau, |eLº's G.S.º jure men'gádau. Accuſtomed &by beaſa. Ache, pain, cºls, ſåkit—Smart &cytº padih •º- To Achieve ext{2}} lákoocan, . c.333)\º mélàkoocan, Acknowledge25" aco, 2-1tº menţáco, Acknowledgement o' 35tº meniãco, , a WIl To Acquaint 25 ºr bree taoo, Acquaintance GXU Aş kénélan. Acquainted Jºr berkénal, 25 taoo. To Acquire or gain G 2),jº bérôlee— gather together Jºssº coompoot To Acquit or let go Cºllèpas Acquaintance Oºſe-yº, fooratlépas. |A&t or Deed cºlº booatan, cºlº. Y- * †: : - < *, & yººšº. ºrs --> ſººre.z º: ; º **** wº, # s: 3 # wº". ... Sº, º, . 3:... "t 3 ºr s sº, - ºf- 3 3- * ... * ... ', 3. ~ * * * * D . . berbooatan--dºeree ºf . To Aét, do, sºlº booat . Aéted sºlº berbooat Aétion cºlº booatan Aétive Cºxº; pantas Aćtor ;) ſo dálang Adam Zel Adam To Add, increaſe, & 3 tamba-to add together cº- jooméláhee Added **; bertamba To Addićt to a buſineſs CŞjº mengooſahcan dirree Adéléd Cº._3^2+ booſooc To Adhere to cº,'3953 tooroot Adjacent rºs' ampir Adieu jº ..ºf ' is i C sº tabee, JU33 tin'gal To Adjöurn colº.) lambatcan Adjudged by law ~55% cotte bree dung'an hookoom To Adjure <-ve baſoompa To Adminiſter GS}* bree Adminiſtration, office, exº~3 pa- ÇSr. carjaawn . Admiral ºilº X. laxemána, A.A.R.L. - pangléma, * §*º toommagoong To Admire Colº-.hérawn - Admirable cºlº Cºlº báick ſacálee, sy lah—moſt admirable Q sº- , herawnee, 9| as, terhérawn Admit, ſuffer, & jéka, GSy? bree, J'é béár Admoniſh > ājar, cº- ājarcan, >~~ meng'ājar Admonition or- ājarawn, cº-tº- * meng'ājarawn Adopt ºil an’cat . t 41 cººl |Advantage A 19 ) : To Adore &º ſoonba |To Adorn cºlº* tº bágooſácan, colºlº by ſeeácan Adorned O.23. tº bágoos, Cº Gr, bertá- tak, Gº”y? berby'ſee—with jew- els after, Cºe Cºlº; bertátak dung'an permáta Adornments colºuſly pariahſan To Advance on high, over head, A 2–3 sº s — in place 3="3- Joonjoong 1n p tºº. béſarcan, cº-º-º-, meng'attaſcan r &: 235 oontoong, &X lába Advantageous *i; }; bergoona To Adventure, try, GQ's charee, agº- chóba;-for gain &sº & 3- chóba oontoong, §#52-53 S$9- char- ree oontoong - Adverſe cºlº méláwan, alºus ſåbla Adverſary 9 º GS>jure méláwan, &\ºlº 㺠ôrang ſábla—or enemy, _2;tº ſätroo---or oppoſite &Ls, &: | ôrang ſábla *w. Adverſity cºllºw ſoocáran Advertiſe gº G$53 bree cábar, GSr. Ü bree taoo Advice, counſel, sº cºst-jámat béchara---to aſk advice cºvets & mintajāmat---bad advice &J's sº béchara fåla---deceitful advice sº: &ley bechara dāya, a ſky dāya º To Adviſe, counſel, Cºlsº becha- rácan---to adviſe together ajlsº axle a-st, bécharaſāma fåma Adviſedly ;3 clée dung'an fikr, H. J31 cºe dung an ācal - L f A f : Adviſer ºt-sº béchara To Adulterate Jººst: champoor Adulterer & 3-stº &2' 6rangbámooca ÇSy: 9 ë'. éang de bree Adultereſs & 2-su. olºs; parampoãn bámooca • * > → Adulterous cº-su bâmooca % Adultery & sº bámooca, cº-º-º: ^ bámoocaawn, * > 3 bermooca Advocatc < C & j=-jure bacáta—at law 25% baggoam Affable in behaviour 3-ºxº-c Csº rämee—in ſpeech G-25)|-- hoombo, Gºl's mooloot manis O-3.3% { Y cátamanis Affair OUs haul—work &r=9| 5 careeja To Affect, deſire, Cox, ing’in, & º' fooca Affected, proud, G'=-3 kachak—or inclined to love ºx, & 2, ſooca pa- da, & 3' 894 Gº caſſee pada fooca Affeótion colas’_* ſoocaawn, cººl e JJ caſſeeawn tillik To Affiance, betroth, &; toonang Affianced & jº betroonang Affinity & J.JG cálooarga To Affirm (§ 23; tantooee, , inda 3. Affix 242, bébo To Afflićt agº! -->4 booat ànyāya Afflicter & Xºpanſixa Afflićtion oxalºg anyāyaawn, cy'” * * * ©5. ber- ſoocáran Afford, ſell, JL-jewal º * ( 43 ) . . Affraid ºt; tācoot, A ilAfterward cºeſ.º Å & sº & joot—as when alone- 23 3&s; * termangoo angoo—to make afraid Cºty técoottee . . . . . . Afrèſh, again &J; poola. . . . " Affront ( →l cºst... ſakit attee tº A To affront cº <&l. CŞ3:… frien. bree ſakit attee :, , : tº After, back part, toº bláean—in courſeolgot- ‘comádéan—intimo ~30) láloo, aſ J-télah, Oºº lépas —or following 㺠maſſing— what manner agº. buggémána. —when aſt& tatcála, <13L. mánácāla, AJAjls, ſátélah—according to ºw157 Ü tátooroot, ºy25 tooroot —after that 23 sex, Gºjo cºelº comádéan derree pada étoo—after how long time 8-Nº Q.99 oleº &X &r, cómádéan derree pada brá- palāma-after a while Gºy Jºlº, ſābahtar lagee—after he is come ülo &o &MºU, ſåtélah deadátang —after he has read ago allºt;U, * { * asse-º". ..º: # *. $ ł 3 * x, *. *** cómádéan * . Afore o: | àlow'wan Again & 24 Jº “combálee poola - zémawn, A G. —bring again cºlº combélé- can—come again aºlº‘combá- 1éla—begin again aſ: CSX:-- moo- lay poola—again and again §2.'55- . . . ºl, mongoolang oolang w Againſt, oppoſite, cºlò addapan—|| contrary to colº) láwan-or to ſtrike againſt anything. JºtU; tāgal —againſt the law & sexº colº láwan capada titah—ſtrike againſt the tree co-º: Jºly J);34 poocool tágal póhone—who is againſt me # c - sº cº agº.” fiappa láwan câ- mee—to go againſt the ſtream Uſers moodic . . . . Age Jº-º; oomoor, slº. tooah—old age §lsºp5-93 oomoor panjang– age, period, co-stº-jámawn, cºlºj Aged sº tooah \ * Agent, factor; Jºš's wakil Ages cytºj zémawn—ages paſt cytºj * >!!o zémawn dawloo *. Aghaſt Q3 ºf bingon, &F ter- , ching on .s - Agila-wood, lignum-aloes, lamba . Agility Cº. pantas Tô Agitate Gº!,' 2 bergrácan Ago Öº lépas—two days ago. Gº! Q99 s9e lépas duá harree " . Agony “j” cº ſoocăran bir'at, * Gºº bingon. . . . . . . . . . To Agravate j-sº chára &J'ſ câ- JLS an'cat be- as ) A. L. to agree together as friends (93.'ºrº bertoolan—bargain Q = tº- janjee —aſſent to cº-º móhone—in a diſcourſe &juſt, ſacáta—be of one opinion &lºus ſacáta—make friends w ſer, berdammee Agreeable o:º'- hároos, e.25-53U cátoojoot Agreed cº"> berjanjee, so** sºlº ſoodajanjee—agreed, con- deſcended to, ø, tº cabool Agreement G="> janjee, cºsts. janjeawn Ague cº-o,-Løe démam ding in Ah, ah fie, > chee Ahme;5& Jºhey padako, cºol _23 Nº adohee padako * * Aid in war ºxº bantoo—aid, help, §$3'ſº tooloong, cºſº tooloong- gan Aider Gº!|35 &Jº 6rang tooloonggan To Aim Lº, 5 timbak, jºs mítar Air of the face & 2. F' ay'er mooca— the air, ſky, cºy lang it—to air ** * -3J5 -óorak, -º-, mengoorak Aired 32y befoorak Airing Cº. oorak Alabafter 2XL23 ºt, bátoo pooãlam Alarm jLéº Jºling'ar bang'ar Alas Cºol adóhee To Alledge --> jow'ab, Gºtº ſax'ee Alien cº horgay To Aliénate GS3 Us.” menjaoowe To Agree in Öpinión cºlº..carooan– z Alienated Cº.25-y berhorgay ºr. Alight, deſcend, cy;” tooroon— A La perch as a bird &ºi= chanking Alike alsº ſáma, a.:* &lºw ſima ſároopa Alive ºxed édop r All, in quantity, 85-slºw famoa, ºsts ſámónea—in number tº ſa, syC޺ * fégalla—all things sº-sº *! &Júl bárang appa ſämoa—every lºw ſa— all times &J Gexºs, ſedácala—all but two are done ºx-slº, sº cº- Oººl sº han'ya dua fåmoa fooda abis—all things have their ſeaſon aºlºl, sº sºlº & §9% bárang appa ſämoa adda maſánea—it is all one, it is no matter, &#! sº téda appa, *3- &L's ſåma jooga—all alike & 2- &cle ſamajooga To Allay, abate, a tºe dehaga Alley, lane, & v: loorong - Allowance, Íhare, wº25-9 mooſára, - cº bágee—of vićtuals 29 law'oo Allóm G.55 towas, Çsº Çs”5jº tá-l roofee pootee To Alloy _*- champoor To Ailure ->'3-54 boojok—with the eyes &Jº mengarling, cº15-y &L's goolingcan mäta Allurement & 2-32 boojoknea Ally, confederate, cºº toolan—friend cººr fêbat x Almighty **','º',' tercăwáſa Almond colj3× lawzan—a bitter al- mond exº~~ mazejon • Almoner o'-le dermawan Almoſt × - ampir—almoſt all. * ...i ( 44 ) 2 A lºſ Alms &Qº ºve, derma ſédéca Alms-houſe _* &y rooma piátoa Aloes, aloe, cºlºſ, oolowaton Aloft Qºlqo deattas Alone, ſingle, ÇSyº' findirree, -CŞjºxº; kindirree—only cºlº cáchoilee—in ſecret & six ſoonee Along, to lie along, &Jú báring—by the way cºlº six padajálan Aloud §9%; niaring , Already soºn fooda . . . . . Alſo a 3- jooga, es’ X #gee, exº poon—your will is alſo my will hendak mookáhendakko jooga. . . Altar e º sº cºli tampat ſam- billee - * º: To Alter colº) laincan, cºlº, ſalin —as the moon cºvets; peráada- rawn—the voice sw!»” &) łáin- can fooára—ſhift sº pinda— change assic & 2 oobah mengoobah Altered ex-bºx berſalin, cº sº. fooda láin 3/Gº-jékáloo Although ex-sº lámoon Altitude cytºſſ ting'éawn - Altogether e-slºº &sº sº-sº fāmoa ſā- ma ſäma Always, daily. Ǻlº cºlºus ſaharree harree—all times &J.K. Nº ſédécála continually 353 Nº fédooto: & Am sol adda, sº fooda—I am here ſénee—am not sº tº teadda, cº boocon wº- x- 25ºys' ampir ſåmoa Amazed cºlºt; tächang'an g a 3 ºl.º.º.º. ºf $º º § * º º: º º º *º-sº * º Ambaſſador. Jºšl, wakeel, &º ootooſang, yºu; faſooroo ` Ambaſſage & º ootogfang Amber rºsſ ambar Ambiguous Cºº" 'ſemboonee Ambitious & 3~ choonka Toamble cytºſikas, oºlºº líkas—ambling horſe #4 * or 94. cooda éang mélíkas Ambuſh Cº. intee—Tolje in ambuſh X, intee, ( &#-e mengºintee Amel (Soy's j}. ‘lazawardi Amendo ºbákkee,c_*.*mem- baikkee : To Amerce G glºio dendaee A Igle- * se;’ & ºvº * *...*, *.*.*...** º ;#sº *zºº; gº 2. . . *::::: *g, * * ~ * : * ***.*, *:# - sº * , ** * & * * # 3. * * ( .45 ' ) ... " • f = ′ *: 4-4- se Amazement culélé-ºtáchangānan Ancle Amiſs aſl, ſīla, evºl's ſåſat—out of order in matter ºf bºla Ammunition GSsº pågåwee, cººls. kálancapan — of war &º 0.32% kálancapan Prangays & }: ſerba prang . Amóng 903 antára, sjD3tgo deantára - Amongſt & © detenga,  tenga Amorous Cººl, birrahee Amount, ſum total, Gºjº toonay—to amount to Cº-ºl's ſampee, CŞels- jaddee y Ample, large, or': low'as Anceſtor &:-- móyang, à45-0 ºf nének méyang Anchor * ſaoo-to anchor 2. _ºx 1ábo ſaoo, ºxtº bálábo—to anchor or ſtop in the port rºy lang'gar— to weigh anchor _* ;& boomkar|| ſaoo *. } f• * A Nº. Anchored 943A beriábo Anchoring place cºx láboawn Ancient, old, sº tooah—a ſhip's an- cient ºf e Jºjº booritan * 3U &L, máta cakkee And cºse daen, a tº máca Angel ecº- mélaïcat—of darkneſs Cººl iblis, ºxº hantoo--angels exº cº-º mélaïcat mé- laícat © Anger cylººº gooſáran—wrath of a ſuperior CŞy moorka—refrain yourſelf from anger Gºjo Cºlº-. cy!”ºscº ménéhan dirree pada gooſáran . Angry_j's,ºgooſar—quarrelſome &: Toºr, prang proos—to make angry cºlº toon'gal de gooſarcan Č. Angle-rod Qºlş.kail, Jº's cy:-joo- ran kail—to angle J,ULC's menkail —angle, the inſide of an angle, _2^* ſékoo—outſide or point of an angle colº,” fembooneawn Angler Jºlº penkail, Jººs &13| 6rang menkail. Anguiſh J): 3. foogool—diſtreſs Q-ºbs, ſåſak Aniſeed oil- *> jera manis, Ovo! O.3L. adis manis Aniſeed-oil oºl-e Jºe #! âyer adis Hºſla, IllS Annals cºlº hékay'at To Annihilate clºſelº- maniadda- C3I). Annihilation o'celº maniaddaawn A. P. To Annoy & Anyāya, aºlº me- nányáya *. To Annul Cº-slampoos - To Anoint Glººs min'yakkee, ºr ber’oobat, 3Lºs Gºlso 33, ſapoo dung'an min'yak, cºttº oobatican Anointed ºr: ber’oobat, -º-º: bermin'yak Anon, by and by, jºbs. ſābantar—he will come anon jºlº Cº.3 age igley dealággee ſabantar dátang . Another G4) láin—one more cº X 2.3L. lágee ſtoo—another than's & Cº. &1, Örangláin poonea To Anatomize, cut up, Mº bela Anſwer sºlº, ſaoot, cºlº’s ménía- ootan—To anſwer sºlº ménia- oot—defend, excuſe, ºlºr=~" men- jow'ab, u-12- jow'ab–a letter cº, Cºlº bálas ſoorat—not to be anſwered, unanſwerable cºlò scº <--> GSr. o teda dăpat de bree jow'ab–a prepoſterous anſwerer O-233-9 °º” mooloot rampoos Ant, piſmire, ºr ſémoot Antidote J,Ul; pânăwar Antipathy s^4 binchee Antiquity SG ,º dauloo cala Anvil colºo.J lindóſan Any §y- bárang—any one aglºw £yl, bárang fiappa–any thing & §º bárang appa–any where exa, 3 jL. bárang tampat, Ajlº &Lso demāna Iſlaſha, Apace, quick, ex, bang'at Apart, aſide, aſſº caſābla—he is ſooda caſābla—apart by itſelf _530s. ſåkoo Ape &º móniet Apology ºly-jow'ab × Apoſtle Jºsºl injīl, Jyº'ſ rāſool Apothecary cºe dookon " Apparent 2xx, tantoo—manifeſt &tº niata—moſt apparent AJLJ, terniáta. —it is apparent to all the world ' Jºº. scº < niáta pada fégalla doonea—Apparently true tantoo Apparel cºst; pákeean—becoming for men scº minda—becoming for women ( sº- chantee—to pull off apparel Cºst; Jº tingal pákeean To Appear before ºols., mengaddap —to appear by riſing, as vegetables, as the fun J32.3 timbool—to appear unexpected Cº-sºlº taſāroompak otºs i,j terníata dung'an Appeared.)); ºr: bertimbool,º mengaddap To Appeaſe cº tätappee—anger jº ſåber, cº-sle dammécan T6Appertain to aº poonea, Aºsſ ampoonea. Appertaining & kéna Appetite cº, ingin—mind to axº~ - chéta, _5\}, rindoo. - To Applaud C-33 poojee Apple cºst; tāfāon. Pine-Apple O.jūl Ānānas Application, requeſt, & minta To Apply to cºlºſ kénécan p. \ -- A. R. To Appoint, agree, C = - janjec- ordain fooroo Appointed sºlelsº terfáſat, Cºlº-. bájanjee To Apprehend, arreſt, º tancap —underſtand c ºx-, mengartee ToApproach cº-slampircan, rºsa- maampir, olºr:--> mengampir- : can—Approach to him cº-º-º- & ſo mengampircan dea To Appropriate, attribute to one's ſelf, *º-s! #4 alº poonea 4. To Approve, encourage, we- hároo Apron for a girl &l=. cháping—for a boy gº péleran Apt -ºº! ariſ–he is apt to learn &c.) >Lºs Lºy! dea Arif mengājar— handy cº-chápat—ready to learn work <& pandee Aqua fortis O”o J1,++. ;: ay'er meng'an'choor mas, 2/3', 2'3” rºl ay'er ſow'am ſow'am. Pºº Pººj; Arabia Q-9'> Ǻ négree bararab Arable land ; lovº bendang To Arbitrate syC3|r ber'antára Arbitrator :wººl; &12' 6rangber'antára Arbour §ºUrindang, 24.sys ſå- mayam' Arch §sº langkoong, exº coobat —in building, the inſide of an arch cº) langit—the arch of a bridge cººl--> &33 £) lang koong jambá- tan—arch, witty, GSe» boodee— ... arch, cunning, Lºcº- chérédik Arch-angel e-Sºº. pangmélaïcat * cáta bárang am- Arched ;; ºr berlangkoong |Archer S-º peninback, &12 gº *…* ôrang mémáno. Ardent &=} rajing Are, or is paſt, so25's ſooda—or is soc adda—are not sexº teadda, Cy;’_3+ boocon To Argue sº bechara, & banta Argument colxxºlº bábantaawn—of ſtrife sº- chídéra To Ariſe, from ſleep, cº benkit, cº, bangoon—as the fun *; terbit. Arithmetico erºs kéraawn 2." ſelmoo, &l cºlº catawan anka Ark, Tent, &lrº trata Arm co-ºº! ling'an—of a tree cº-º] langgar, K=X&º mélanggar-. - cº campoon—We aſſemble here to pre- ſent outſºlves to you cº,3J.' Çs.” el; ºvel», cº" Q s” cy camee bercampoon de ſénée àcan meng- addap tuan - 2 Aſſembled cº,’” bercampoon Aſſembly colº campoonan, cº $22' campoon Örang - Aſſemblies colº exº campoon campoonan * To Aſſent & 3's ſooca To Aſſign Jºlg pāſan Aſſiſt. §3); tooloong, ë3);3-c men'- ooloong—in war ºxº bantoo Aſſiſtance cºJºº bantoo too- loonggan * TO Aſſociate ºr bertummun Aſſurance &º ſoongoonea . To Aſſure GS 3:33 tantooee To Aſſuage, as hunger, U-354 powwas —grief Cºt; tātap - j931&s ménéeootee Aſtoniſhed cºls-U táchang'an—They which heard this were aſtoniſhed sº Špºſe ºfte sº $439, tº-tº-U 6rang éang fooda dungar étoo deo'rang fooda tâchang'an' - Aſtoniſhment coulêlsº tachang'anan Aſtray costs, ſåſat Aſtride, to fit aſtride, ë:- joolang . Aſtrologer 2-3 majam x- Aſtrology as 2.1 elmoonajam - Aſunder _33 Us, ſåkoo ... ( 40 ) *. : …* - A { wº- '' A. V. At & ca, scy, pada, & de—at any time _º §º 8 Cº. pada bárang waktoo—at the ſame time & 33 scº 2:... pada kotika čtoo—at home cy : a sy de rooma—at preſent cyst. ſācāran—at once G/[tº ſácālee— at hand jº,” maāmpir—at leiſure &clampa. To Atchieve ex3332/3-, mélákoocan. Atheiſt st: căfir, &ly15° dooráka Atlas, a ſort of ſilk, & 3 kimka Atonement --> Jow'ab Atop, above, cº attaS To Attack, ºx.~! cáta bárang ampoonea Attribute of God &AJſ Jº fael allah Attorney at law .l.º. baggoam To Avail, profit, &$3.33 untong, aiº goona • * N * A Wº Avarice cº kik'irawn Avaricious jº #9, ôrang kik'ir Auétion for goods, Mºj neelam To Avenge 2335- hookoom Averſe to the mind & piah Averſe, loathing, _2~3- joomoo—Hel has an averſion to me J31.3-,5-8.9 &Ls deajoomoo fican ſāya | Auger (goº goordee To Augment, increaſe, sº toombo. * |Azure ºg biroo langit Augmentation ola--, tambaawn Aukward cºlº solº téda chápat Aunt & Lº máma, soº-º-, māmooda —great aunt s >! owa To Avoid Jy láloo—ward off, as a blow, *X} tankis Avoided G33/2 lálooee To Avouch Cs”Us GSJ. bree ſax'ee Auſtere o-sº binjis, Gº; gs” attee cras—Auſtere look --> & 3.9 mooca maſſam Author, inventor, cºlºg pendápat —cauſe cºº poſhone—he is the author gº §4 & JC dea €ang po'- hone—Author of books sº e-L3 pénioorat kitab–Author of a diſcourſe &LC& pencáta * Authority, greatneſs, corºl; kábé- faran—power all, cówáſa Authoriſed Jºšl, wakeel Autumn º-, ;3 ākir moofim, 23, sº evºº waktog poongoot booa -* *. Awake & 5"> jaga, **r berjaga—to awake cºx, bangoon—awake from bangſoon la derree pada tédore. f ( 50 ) iBackſlider Cº-o moortad ºr * * * t *. Jº A Tº -º- *- # |Away! be gone! Gº! pegge, 93 * láloo-abſent solicy&-téda adda Awl -99 lárac ** Awning Ceºils, sº attap ſarambee Awry _2^*. benko, §5?” ſéroong, ſ:ºjº * érom | Ax '-º'; kápak, & campa - Axle-tree & Ls 34% cºyoo málintang, Cºlºg_y> x 23's cay'ooboojoor pédátee. sº ! BABE so 2-9 S-33' anak mooda, Jºsé Lºl anakkécheel To Babble, tattle, 2331gangoo, jºt, báléter Babbler2& Sº-9] 9-9 ‘mooloot gangoo, &= ex- sº leda pan jang, sº chora, XL- chála, *~~ àjooja, Cº-wrampoos Babblingo's2-&- gangoOawn g Baby, child's toy, cº15| &1, orang orangan Bachelor & &15' 6rang booj o'ng Back G3 Jublácan—of a knife co-º: 2.43 poonggon péſoo—put back —'1995 oondoor—look back' &\; Sully palling cépála—back again G U.S.; combálee. To backbite *~º men'goompat, jºbs. fálonkar ~ \ Backbiting &AXAs féténa Backbiter exºss:< ë'. éang men'goompat Back-bone J. M. £2|33 toolang blácan a. &: orang Av. º: * Baggage for travelling co- *}” ſer- |Bandy-ſtick Cºlº- chátoke—to play Balcony, $3)=3 nanglong Ball sº booa—of wicker, made by the * - - , ºr “s -ºp. *** * , * º ... ºr ( & B. A. Backwards toºk Sºde blácān—to gº Bacon ; Csº; bobbee kining. Bad Cºlº-jāhat - Badge ex-s) ālāmat i Mat-bag cºl: căroon—money-bag GSO334 poondee t bajálan o Bail, ſecurity, Cºol: gädge Bailiff &23.3 tamanggoong. * To Bait, ſtop at a place & ſingah, 2-Y lampoo–bait, travelling-meal, & Agu bânian—for a fiſh cº-º: oompan, Jºx3 cº-º-º: oompan kail Baited cº-sº-s mengoompan Baker Çy CŞeº &19| &rangpandee rootee - Balance, ſcales, &lyū nárácha—large cº timbanggan *- Balds—sº bºtok—pie-bald & SL, pá- lang—to make bald -ºº-, mem- bótok *, . . ** Bale &º, buſta, §geºſ gundoong, &JU3L bantála Balk of timber –$2.9 rāſok Malayo's for a foot-ball, a 5.|y|3: booarága—fire-ball & 3-91.9 marchon —ball, as of thread, Jºs; goom- pal—of the eye &Ls Jºe bidjee máta—of the foot Gº C#5 tápak cakkee Ballaſt of a ſhip syl, J. 395 toolac bára I } yakoobat B A. Band, company, clºcaw'an—of ſol- diers ##$!!! cL's caw'an 6rang | prang—cord Cs” tallee, “Pºst: ** / - penjérat * Bamboo _3^+! bamboo, a fort of cane ; alſo the name of a concave-meaſure, uſed at Achee on Sumatra «» ºr at bandy Cºlº chátoke, Cºlº- | memátoke To Bang Q333 poocool, 3/4 páloo To Baniſh §: booang Baniſhed §[3] Ü tálooang, §ºſe déboo- ang, ecsº péchat Bank, foot-way raiſed, Csº C#2 lá- pik cakkee—dam Gºjū tarbis—To bank in land cºJG tarbiſcan— ſand-banks, over-falls in the water, C޺!!! lobak-ſand, ſhoal in the ſea, x Xºy beting Banner ...) | Alam, Jºãº toongal Banquet 2-3-jámoo, cº-le- jámoo- awn—To banquet 3-ºls.” menjá- moo , To Banter_j. Nº findir Bantering, enſnaring diſcourſe, &= *}^* champa jérat w To Baptiſe, dip, **** ſélam, CŞoºl- mandee Baptized 2 Maº's méniélam, Qs ºil-sº bermandee - Haptizer QSOGL, ÇSj- jure mandee <=* panjee, Balſam - 3 oobat, eº; Cº- min'- $ iBarbarous |: bow'as Barber ~153% penſoocoor B A Bare, uncovered, isj)\; talanjang cºſ télélee-To make bare G-XAJJAj telelécan — bare-headed Cºº allº cépála télélee © To Bargain Jº-jinjee, colºrsº- jinjeeawn—to make a bargain sºlº G=-booat jinjee * Bargained gº; beijinjee, C-sº-L, bájimjee Bargaining c. **** bajinjee, C-sº- jinjee " • Barge _2}: praw . - Bark cºlº coolit—of a tree cºlº 3 coolit poſhone—To bark as a dog GXL, ſālak, Gyl: gälak— To bark, peel, Ǻ15% coolittee, O”º coopas Barked as a dog —3)Lºs méniálak Barker GOLö pengálak Barn 342.'3- joołópang Barr, croſs-barr, Jºël's ſåkat—boom acroſs a river &l. bátang—iron-bolt &=º kanching Barreh §5? toong - Barren, as a woman or beaſt, Jºexº, mandool, &A'sſ ampa-as any vege- table 8 ºr se: teda berbooa To Barter jº25 toocar, jº3’-e men'oocar Baſe, common, as people, Gº!!!ºpa- rålentee, jº', cº 93 parálentee páſar Baſhful_3). máloo. Baſket &='',' cranjong, Jºlº bécool —a canon-baſket to fill earth in ©2×-s! C)×'s amboon amboon Bań Jºſ bátil, oxº comiſtan' ( → ) *~ - º * * * * r * * hº * & Tº-. –4. B. E." —to waſh hands in 1932, bookdor’. To Baſte, as meat. cºsº, min'yakkee #Baſtard se;--y's hāramzāda, Cºf sersyl- anak haramzāda, , ;3| Jeº anak’ foondal, &=º C;3 t anak kinching, & Cº | anak gampang ,” Batavia sº- jakätra. . Bath, hot bath, G-37 tangas To Bathe CŞexjL. mandee Bathed Gº bertang as Bathing-tub &its tº báchána—place CSX3-0 ºvº tampat mandee—To bathe the body jº cº-Kºlº tang- aſcan tooboo . . . . Batt copy's kālāwān _2}xt; kálálowar To Batter ºxy rooboo - Battle ężprang, cºrºbápranggan, Csº co-º;: papranggan kélihee —place of battle ; r; C'exº's midan prang—battle array £1.4 c. 3 Écat prang—bloody battle Jºlº. §}: prang ſábil—to looſe a battle XJſ §Jºaº alla pécha prang—front of Battle >5- choochook—flank ée U’ gading—body ºf tooboo— - rear ºf tootoop . . . A- Battlements, flat on the top of tification, Cºx; tıngkat * Bay Cſ._2\º télooc-bay, ruſſet colour. i553 sº méra kóning Be, to be, sexe adda, Çgols jaddee, la—be watchful, a) *r ber- jaga la—be it ſo ºº & Jº bear la bugétoo-be come “sels- so23's 3. &3' ls kaloong, a for- *- *- B E * foodajaddee-be not ex33- jangon —be not troubled Cºl cº- ~30 yjangon attee rooſak Being, exiſtence, Golcoc addaawn, Golcºxsts kaaddaawn. Beads jº bootir, G.sº Gº ooby ooby, Cºx's mon'ík—of glaſs &B rºº bootir cacha. * Beak, bill of a bird, 3 3wº pároh ar Beakor -35 tallam . . Beam of a houſe ;33 U gålágar, cºs!, ráſok—of a ballance cº-le dáchin' Beams, rays of the ſun, _j\}\; pánar, JLº, finar, CŞjº &Le jº, finar máta harree Beans &=3 káchang, syūt; cácāra Bear Śºr brow'ang To bear, carry, sºlº bava, J\; ſubab, &yU carna, J_YU; tāgal—Becauſe of you men do l deſpiſe me evlº- § 2 ºr &j'ſ | _2}lex, so 3-2 carna angkaw 6.ang méléat mooda padako To Beckon Glytºsº" ſchárat Become, come to paſs, CŞols (get==~ jaddee menjaddec-To become, be ſuitable, tº láyak– He is become, or turned Moham- medan, Cºls' CŞe- sex & © parampoan páras báick— dea foodajaddee Iffalam—His cloths O E E do not become him scº &lºšly ≤ Cº. pākeannea téda láyak padánea Becoming cº láyak—or proper to do sºlº pátoot—proper or becom- ing words Cºx ê'. coºl: cătaawn éang láyak Bed_3-x} e^{-s} tampat tédor, alsº cáma, Lºst: căfoor—in a garden £cNX, bendang Beiſellow _5\} cº-º tummun té- dor *. Bedſtead, clayº: pertédoréan, CŞjLºgărce, Jº &XAS ketta tédor| —or canopy 32-XU calambo Bee sel's maddoo § Bee-hive eL §:Jº ſaroong maddoo Beef ( sºlº Gººſe dag in ſappee, Cºl's ſappee Bec; cyºtº-játoon & Beetle, wooden maul, O) 3:3- chópool Beetle-leaf C.G.A.s, ſeeree - Beetle-nut is eaten with the leaf & º tº º pénang—beetle-box, ſalver, 239ts. chárána To befall, happen, Cºots jaddee Before, in courſe, "eºles addápan, alsº partama—in time :Jſe dau- loo—in diſtance c, âlow'an— firſt time all: 21ſo dauloo cála—be- fore that time _º, sº GSjø 3' |cy , 32, dauloo derree pada waktoo €too —before you eat scº CŞye 31ſe e-1tº dauloo derree pada mácan— before the world was *Q3 QSjö _3/ſe CŞolº asse dauloo derree pada ( 54 ) B. E. doonea jaddee —before the face. (33lCNs addápan, a 3-so demooca– before, a little before in walking, & 2 so demooca—before, on the fore part of the body,..., cºlòlſo deaddápan—wear that jewel before cºlos e 23 ≤ Cºl; Pākee permáta étoo de addápan—before your face … aſ 2-, cºlos addápan mooca moo-before the king cºlos &=>y addápan raja—to bring before e-geº- mengaddapcan, sºlº upols-s bava mengaddap—before the wind cºcºol-e mengaddap ang in & Began (gyº-e moolay Begat Cº.; !; ber'anak To Beget (3-3ol-jaddécan To Beg &XX's minta - To Beg alms &sjö & minta derma —for God's ſake &JJſ adjlſ & minta carna Allah. Beggar cyclº-ºl; §92' 6rang pamin- taawn—a Mohammedan religious beggar jº fákeer Beggars bag Cº. ſitak Beggarly, poor, agº papa, cº-º-o miſkin To Begin CºxǺmoolay—begin to tell | | an old tale Ǻ moolay, i. JL)|x-bélanghaalawal—to begin again J33 (SX5’s moolay poola Beginning&ºx 3-cmoolaynea, ºols- jaddénea--thebeginningGs 29-smoo- lay, colº. 3's moolayawn, cºol=2 •ex $. kajaddeawn - of the world |Bº E 5 cºol= .. kajaddeawn doonea . . . . . . . Begone & Gº & pégee la, §2): poolang " * Begot Cºſrº ber'anak — firſt begot child &ºw -53ſ anak foolong To Beguile ºr bertipoo, CŞ5-54 boojok . . . * ~ * Beguiled º Aº kéna tipoo Behaviour & pree, 33 y lácoo— good behaviour .32-25- choombo To Behead &July is.” pälä, JLL JUs, pangalcápalá Beheaded *ºlº & cy de pan- chang capálánea Beheld JLJA-cméléat, &L- men'an- tang - Behind C3 \g blácan—behind all, hindermoſt U. L. cº e de blácan ſa călee—leave behind Jº cº, o tingal de blácan—one behind another & “ &” maſſing maſſing ** ** { Behold & cºlº) leatla, &G nantang, º &lºs men'antang-ſtare upon §º pandang Behoveth Gºy's håroos—or is proper to do ºlº pátoot—or is neceſſary &J º bergoona Being, conſiſtent, olcots kaaddaawn —To give being to Gºlolº meng- addácan wº. Beir S-º ootak . . º: To Beleagure. § 34-5 mengāpoong Beliefcagºpéchéyāawn, &l=4=}. º *º- ( 55 ) # panchang cé-|- IB E >&# moora pécháya {To Believe &=r. percháya, &l=43. péchaya—I believe you &l=3; * 3-sex; ſaya perchāya padamoo Believed **r; berpercháya Believer Guts: pécháyánee, &l=4; terpécháya, ºlºr. &12! ôrang bernéat : Beleiving &l=3; berpécháya &l=& pécháya ** * Bell & ginta–of China &º goong —toring a bell & Lºu tärik ginta To Bellow, as any beaſt when caught, sºlº bátango—or cry out Glº; teríak Bellows(pairof) cº-slambooſan—to blow with bellows Cº-slics meng- amboos Belly e-ºr, Prot, sº poorot—ake *2; GºśLs, ſåkit prot — much twiching gripes ºr exé!, rang'at prot—twiſting of the guts Cº., mólas—paunch belly rºº cº,53 prot béſar–burſten belly G.,2994 booroot Belonging to &º poonea, a six-st ampoonea Beloved . cºlºš kécaffee, Cºlº caffee—a beloved man J.LX3 &15' ôrang kéaffee—of God C}\} &^3 &JUI kéna tillik Allah Below &º debava—below and above Jºe cºre ssºlo debava dáen deattas Belt, girdle *.Nº. ex3 &at pinding percháyáawn—gaſy of belief 825-9 Belt (ſword) &ejº finding B E. To Be-lie 0.Uº.ye; berdooſtácan Bench &J réba To Bend e333's baw'oorcan—or bow exº~ ſingit—as a bow &33: Mº’s mélang- koong—as iron or wood -º bantok — as the branch of a tree that will come to its place again the body _2^{3} toondoo, $33,35- choondong Benefactor (goº -ºu bâik boodee Benefit ag) ãº, oentoong lába . Benevolence, alms, & sycy derma—or kindneſs cºlº Lºlº báik boo- deeawn Benjamin co-º-º; céminjan Bent, crooked, _2^ benko, _*: baw'oor Benumbed 233 kákoo To Bequeath QSj? bree To Bereave Gº!, rampas Berry ºxº booa Beſeech & minta, cº To Beſet jº- mélanggar—fur- round cºxº cooleelingcan Beſetting cº-ºº!1,3 cooleelinggan Beſides, over and above, Cº. lebbee, 2% solº Q99 derree pada étoo— beſides that cº- mékáincan, J/4-5 cóchóálec To Beſiege êº kápoong Beſieged $2.34 mengāpoong To Beſmear, dawb, cº15°s: loomoor- Cºlº-c minyakkee can—or anoint To Beſpeak Gºtº pāſan Beſprinkle, as herbs, 3 rº, ſirang—a garden $º Cºº ménirang- ( 56 ) UC-8 mintácanſ -* Iš I can coobong Beſt –ºu; terbáick, Lºgº §4. éâng terbáick " " ... *s To Beſtow (gºr bree To Bethink ºs fik'ir To Betide Cóðts jaddee Betle, an infect, JºJ lipas To Betoken sº tanda To Betray ejº, ſemoocan, ºne- hiſmoo—or ſell Jº- jew'al Betrayed 3,4- ‘. w s.r.º. berhiſmoo To Betroth, for marriage, &; toohang Betrothed &ºbertoonang-one that is betrothed Cºxx; toonanggan To Bett, lay, yū taroo Better Cºlº cº lebbee bäik–It is better, or I had rather, Lºx3| Angor —to make better Cºlº báikkee— better to die than do that º _º &#;" se; CŞje Gº- ºu lebbee báik mátee derfee pada ca- reeja éteo Between &xicy detenga, 91.31 attara Betwixt &J&sjes deteng'a-tenga Bewail gºt tangis, Cººs iné- nang is Beware, take heed, _*}} toongoo To Bewitch sºlº-cº, membobat hóbat Bewitched sºlº * & & kéna hôbat ºuldyer: berhóbat Beyond, over, à ºbs, ſābīang-ſea ev;) ºxlºe defabranglaeot Bezoar { &Jſº gôléga—thonkey be- Zoar. &yo &Jlºgéléga mooriićt To Bib, fip, sº23; irrop - g • Bible. Cº-U.SM Alkitab, * $ .# imawn Allah'. . * To Bid or command, as a king, coºl: päſan, 0.34%ajLº mánítácan—a price - gºt taw'ar Big & béſar–with young &: boonting—or flat -3 2-sº-ſgömook Bill, chopping-knife, &jº Párang, C#3 º kápak — or bond cºlº, Q-15's "foorat ootanggan—of a bird sºyº pároh ." t Billet of wood ºly cay'oo Bind cox. €cat—To bind or tiec, ºxº écatcan — or conjure by an oath co-º'- háramcan — by an oath * ( 57 ) *J|cºls; fer-l B #, anak—birth-day -ºj/r: CŞ,” harret ber'anak * . . . Biſhop cºlº. uſkafan, & Nºg pan- déta ar ‘Y” * * . Biſket &; Cºy rootee kirring . Bit, of a bridle, £33 S-2:19-e mooloot kákang—a ſmall piece Jºël L. ſa- pångal, eviºtº ſacrat, ºst, ſāké- ping ¥ & " * e Bitch & .&= |anjing betina . To Bite cº giggee—Bite cºº ſagiggée-Bite off O.35: cº giggee pootoos—to bite, as muſtard, &c. to the taſte, 0.94 pádas . . Biting dog, Cºxº &=| anjing gālak &ºlº báſoompa, cº-º; ber- janjee, o'---95° Gée dung'an foompaawn—to bind about ex3 AJ35 €cat cooleeling—as a book cºś killip—up, as the hair C));30s & ſangool—together, or bundle << & slº, &Ls, &cat ſåma ſäma, §-3%933. mengoobong Binder of books -U3 - Jºg penkillip kitab–ofbales, &c, &, pengé- Cat - © Binding. GJ.S., &catan Binn & !) rāga - * * Hird §:yº–ſea bird &eºgó §3/32 boo- roongdingding—bird net &jsjáring —bird ſhare Cº-ly ráchik—bird- catcher , ºs-SºlóU. 6éantáhan * . . e. i -- Ǻ * J sº #3 * ſº • ‘rāchīk le, * Birdlime cº perkat, -UU gātah Birth, cornmencing, &ls-jaddénea —bringing forth young , ; ; , ber'- ging forth young Gl, ber —tiger Cºl: Zoºlºo mâchan bow as Bitten cº-, men'giggee, cº-3 bergiggee • * . Bitter cºl; páit—very bitter *; terpáit Bitterneſs cºlº páitan Blab-tongue jº', báléter º! mooloot, 2315 gangoo Blabber zº-jºº bibbir jow'eh Black ºf étam Blacking a 53-jálága Bladder of any creature Cºy! Gº! - arree arre& - * * * * Blade, of a ſpear or arrow, Cº.,L. ſampak—of mace allº boonga- pála, Gº! tº ſa Iey—of graſs Jºlº, sº-sº ſáyoor roompoot—or ſtalk c >90s ſaràwan * Blade-bone _39 tº §2.33 toelang bahoo, e-Qu §3; toolang bálécat § Blain, bliſter, Jºº bintil . P 'B #, Blame aſt... ſala * To Blame one allº, sº po -Håka, exº~ chélákacan Blameleſs &JLs <333 sec scº téda adda poonea ſäla se Blame-worthy aſl. §º Jºyl- hároos ménan'goong ſála *To Blanch ToBlaſphemée- hºjatācan Allah, JJ Jºº-hôjatan Allah Blaſted sº-howa Blaze allº-, menniäla. º * ongoot To Blaze, publiſh, exºtélékécan To Bleach Çsº CŞjº bree pootee Blemiſh, märk, Lºg intik Blear-eyed & tº cººlſ carnyt máta To Bleat as a ſheep -*;& tériak Bleating of ſheep & 55-3 lº tériak doomba, To Bleed 3ple; berdara, syle §:- booang dara t To Bleſs, honour, cº-ey mat—or take care of jºſt, páléara —or increaſe one's ſtore Boiled, ſtewed fleſh, 9.2:49 cº cy dagin rāboos Bold, daring, C sºlº bránee—courage- ous Gyºl-Ü pahālāwan Boldneſs, cººl ! bráneawn Bolt, of a door, as * kanching—To bolt º Bonano 23'54, &º péſang, an In- . . .dian fruit Bond Csº oº cartas ſapſee— ( 60 ) R. Q- ºlelº Q3; Asºº & cartas ſap- pee nea fooda de bree padako—for debt &ºr; ºw ſooratºber ootang —or contract G =~ ºn ſoorat Janjee - * Bondage ׺ laſcar, opiº bituan Bondman; Sºx. £9 6rang laſcar, &c. amba—To free abondman ofLºſers mardékácan—to redeem a bondman gº tooboos Bone §2.L3 toolang—a dead bone §3.$33 sº toolang bankee—jaw-bone & §2.); toolanggiggee—thigh- bone &L, £3.); toolangpaha—ſhin- bone K. §2.!» toolang betis, &;3 §2.); toolang kirring—bone of a fiſh, cº §2.'3? toolang écan—To break a bone §2.$53 a' * memátah * toolang . . . sºl amboo am- boo, 3-, 5-sl. cºx. €can amboo amboo, O.J.5-ºxº coomoolmas . Bonnet & 55 cépea Bonetto, a fiſh, _> i- º Book --U.3 kitab–of accounts - cle;3 3 perkéraawn Y Bookbinder, sº tº £)º o'rang penkillip kitab — bookſeller º Jº-yº &12 o'rangberjew'al kitab–compoſer of a book &9: Gº-U.3 o'rang men'garang kitab–one book * * L. Q.-L3 kitab ſa booa. -- * - Boom ºil, bátang * I- Booncal booncal Jº a weight for gold, uſed at Achee, on Suma- Lºſ * He gave me his bond Qs” Jºj’ tra, equal to 1 oz. 8dw. 12gr. Troy • *****, , ; - e : ... • * * Sºº-ºº: º 2- " ":-> < *; ºgº * -- * . *. * Sºs # 0 Booth CŞexºş, kédée, Gºet; kádee 2%, ’’. > º: .*.*, ** * : * #3. Booty, plunder, …tº *...*.*, ºr º: at ſea Cºtº roompac Boºx> páterree * e * * Border, of ſand, ot}ly cy dárátan—or edge. -º tépee—or frontier Gººl GSrººf tépce négree—To border upon, or be near, rºsſ ampir f To Bore Q_39:- górek, -ºš killim— or drill Gººs- choochook-bored with a drill -ºs, berkillim-bored with a gimblet, or auger, C.1,3- CŞey; cylèë men'gårek dungan goordee—Borer, drill, AAJA3 killim —or auger GSGº goordee Born Löl, ber'anak, Çgels. jaddee— he was born ex; |; Q Solº &o dea jaddee ber'anak—a new born child CŞe-yº §4 Cººl anak &ang bá- roo jaddee-laſt born, youngeſt, _º-boongfog-in whatcountrywas you born C޺ CŞjö CŞels tº &Ls angkaw jaddee derree négree mána—of a genteel family clºse bangſåwan—or carried J);& pécool To Borrow scº Cºjö cháya – ſhining a 's- wlºw ſoodara foodara — of one cháya—as a coal of fire jº- chāyir * * Jº R. —polliſhed jº- cháyir Brightneſs coºls châyaawn Brim, edge, jº pingeer—of a cup jºº bibbir " Brimſtone §3% blérang Brine eºſ ay'er gāram i Bring's sº bava—bring, lead, ×3 an- tar—Bring thoſe things º §948.5% bava bárangètoo—Bring him here Cººs e &o cººl āntarcan dº de ſénes—bring hither Cº., sº bava ſénee—bring out 33° Jºjº cálooar can—bring before c-Kºloſ addapcan, co-ºe- mengáddapcan —bring again co-QL, combálécan —bring up, nouriſh, sjLºg péara— bring low, humble, Cºtejj rendá- can—bring to paſs 03233A's mélé- koocan, (.. ºxº~ mémootooſcan —bring through O-233-9 sºlº bava menooroos—bring into -3-(º- mémáſooc—bring forth fruit sº berbooa—bring forth young Cº iſ: ber'anak—He did bring himſelf into trouble cº - **** sº &c.) cºyº rºle ÇSye dea ſooda mé- máſooc can dirree dalam ſoocáran Brink of anything Cº tépec Briſk Cº. pantas " Briſtle of a hog Cºl. 2); booloo bab- bee * Brittle sº!, råpoh Broad 3:4) lébar, Çgel addy—an inch broad ×4) CŞy- _3^. U.S. ſa iboo jar- rce lebar—and flat & pépeh—To ( 64 ), B'R' , ; cious oºl, low'as—way cº- only jálan low as . . . . .iº. Broke & pécha, & sexºſooda. pécha, J3_3-93) roomooc * * > *A Broker §3 U. tálang, & Ü êº Órang tálang * - Brokery CéXU tálangee To Broil & panggang—or ſcorch on coals §3 gáring Brook, running into a river, Cºil #5" anak ſoong'ey—or reſerva- töry of ſtanding water,j: co-º-º: se ſimpanggan ay'er Broom 330, ſāpoo Broth &°53 kóha * Brother G2 sylè** ſoodara lakkee —eldeſt & sylex's ſoodara àbang —ſecond &ls sploº, foodarakaka youngeſt Go! syloº ſoodara àdek, _*: sylozº, ſoodara boongſoo— by one father and mother syle** of 343; L. G3 foodara lakkee fa. poopooan, U. &lº Us çº's9|cy25° _3^4 ſoodara lakkee ſabãpa ſa iboo —in law, half brother, who25" CŞxº in law, ſiſter's huſband, 3) J Csº Y ipar lakkee lakkee— foſter- biother of ºbs, ſaſooſooan — sy ſoodora lakkee tirree— Brothers-in-law, that are married to two ſiſters Q-32 Q-32 oº:: bíras lakkee lakkee Brought sºlº bava, 8 º’s membava —brought forth, born, a 31- ber'a- nak—ſhe brought it to her mother * * * * * * * ſpread abroad Lºſ amboor—ſpa- - -*. :: **ś ***, ºr , * gºº... º.º. rº ,” *śTº ºx "x,-gº” < *.” * *...* ... c <^* $, ºr > * § sº , ***** **** 3:ºrºs., * * , 4 * * : * * **śrº- *. * ºf *t *- * * - ( 65 ) * Bºwºośćhe eyºkéning—of a Buffet :=35 $...hº" f * : * ~ * r " … &: B ºf membava ètoe-cápédaiboonca . j - FAº ‘ . . .” * * * **, *º ºf ~~~ * * * A. ** * } ºf Buffale ºr' curbo - . .” gócho : hiſt,& iyº3& bojoonggoonoong Buffoonery scº. ſanda, 29.5%:... ſº- -º-hăir of the eye-brow & _3)'54 bggloo, kéning— to knit the eye- brow. & Gºo Gº ken'yit dungan kéning. - Brown or its º, 6tam manis—tawny $3: pérang—as paper &Jº Pála Browniſh º ºxº, fedekitpérang To Bruiſe diffolve, 25- ânchoor. Bruiſed s 24!y rápoh, Jºlº, beran- choor, º * º y: -* - Bruſh cº, síkat — whiſk Jºº- jambool — To bruſh co-e 53's cº, ſāpoo dung'an ſikat—Bruſh one thing againſt another Jºš kiſſil & - Bruſhed againſt Jºšū takiffil To Bubble, rain, §2-ºxº~. men'ga- lamboong — as boiling water : 2. A A U MUC-8 men'galágaw Buck as y rooſa—roe-buck Jsº kanchel—To buck -923U- men'- andoc * & Bucket, to draw water, ;: & Cºl. bákas timba ay'er Buckler, ſhield, that is round, J. priſee—that is long §33.3/Lº, ſåloo- kong " * - Budºkootom—flower  boonga that is blown into leaves º25-35 coonchoop—To bud out J22.5 tim- bool - Budded.<2\, báboonga loroo Bug, chinck, cytºsº cyl-s: pejad pejad To Build, edify, J-s! àmal, cº33 too- can—make &=;’ careeja, exº-. membooat --- Building gº; berbooatan—This is a curious building G s”? Cs” cºlº; berbooatan énee by ſee Builds-lº- membooat—Who builds this ſhip Cº, Jºº sºlº &º síappa membooat câpal énee Bull cººl- _*,” lemboo jantan, coºl- cs:-" ſappee jantan Bullet _2:\; pélóroo, _5vº * +! booa pélóroo Bulwark & 23 kóta Bump C-54 bochak, J!º boong- kool Bunch, knob, c)yº=34 boongkool—on on the back jº candoong— cluſter Gº rankee — of grapcs –’1,3 | s: Gº rankee booa angoor —of any fruit, or an ear, as of corn, Cºy rankee — ſwelling -***** bóongkook—of fruit, corn with the ftalk Goyy's färäwan Bundle O.º booncoos, L54 écoor — of flowers, noſegay, sº, sei.5° * * ~ *. --> coonchoop—truſs, as of wood, corn, O”jº berkas—Tobundle &Ls, cºx, * 2 2 _^ . “ &L, £cat ſima ſima, co-º:323- booncooſcan, -3 mengoobong Budget C* sitak, Çoºš kendee : * Bung-hole &37 -º:- mooloot toong, ** wº. Buoy &JU nána B G * - §45 clºg pantat tëohg “- Burden, burthen, 02:3: pécoolan, cº- mooatan - -3. 3. - * ſe - A * To Burn jº baccar, O.25: angoos— ſet fire to ſtº, a membaccar, cºlº-, meaniálácan—the ſkin ~532%-- meltop, > * mélájor—l f to aſhes oºloºl abisangoos— with deſire *: lóba Burned ; tº oºl abis baccar, oºl O”** ab'is angºs -- Burning Gs: |; bg: appee To Burniſh G3* goopan Burns tº o de baccar, aſtºg, berni- āla—the fire burns, flames, Cs: allºr appee berniála — the houſe burns; tº e a-sy rooma de baccar Burnt up sºº cº abis baccar, cººl Jºël abis angoos, Gº! jºU bac- car abis, Jº Jºsé! angoos abis —alive .5°Le 3Lº mátee de baccar - J" "… Sº w Burrow assºgoha, &º! loobang To Burſt, ſplit, &\º béla—out as wa- ter Cº. terbit -- Burthen, load, Cº. U.S. ſapécool, L. mooatan—that is heavy S-yº, ſărat,f . ." is . . . . . .23% ...: º. .*.* * * ~ . . & *:::: ; : », w" - . , - * . . . . . . 3. : ' ' ' ... ." w \ , . -- & * :: , , ; , ; , , , , , ~ : ... * * * * * * ... .s * *. .# º šº Buſhy hair sº tamboosen: * bangº º żºłºgºs ºf . : * - J. * - *... º, *.. gº . . . Buſineſs &; careeja, 9 txs haal." Buſy assº; sexe adda careeja—hand- d . . .” - **** - -º-º: 'A sa ed 3.xxx Cºyºtanganºgan'goo Buſy body & !e sº tipoo dāya; &13' & & 6rang fiaſia. * * * : . . . . . . But, more than, & han'ya—ne- once cºlº as ºs han'ya ſa călee | . c. F. . . . . . . . . . . . .”. —if & C gº tétápee jeka— if this comes to paſs & Cº. Qgels- ºg tétápee jéka čtoojaddee —there is no more but five selº, Héma-Man's life in this world is but >55 &= &ºe exle cºº -' cº 33; 6rang manoofia poonea édopan dálam doonea han'ya toojoo ooloo taw'on # * * p Butcher & cº &Joſérang ban- tee binnátāng " . . . . . Butchery, fleſh market, JL- e.g., : ~~~~! : ** = . . . . . * * - Gºetampatjewaldoginexº, banteawn º . . . . . . . . g s Butler cº-e āºs #4 &ang º: t § Butt, caſk, $5. toong–To butt, as a ram, & 5 Xºbālāga 3. º3e33 tandoc- ean—to meet full butt &=jº ber- j amp a |Butter Gs: tº ºx's minyak ſappee, © Butterflyºx koopang . . . .” ©. f ſeventy years *::: **** §25'. vertheleſs cº tétápee—-with, & &=-C_º teaddalagee han'ya ~ *- : & 3. º ºrr" ºrº, ºx. $3.3 ºzº *Y” * * +x- }: frº * * * # <ºz º.º. º ** {3.3 *...* > * rºw a. *. ~ - - ºf * * * --~~~ .* * º *... zºº * A * ſº e A. .* l - • * $ ºr ºf ja- wada—cake of bread º! apam—pan- % * C A pan-cake of eggs Jº Joſe dādar télore Calamity C.wº ſoocaran & Calamus aromaticus > - * * : º º ºf &\l, * ºr. - sº * * *-ºs r *. - º - ‘- w -- w ~" - * * : * 1 º berhentee bálátantra-camp of anar- CSys, tohoorce, Ǻ-º-º-1 2, -3, 3.3% *-ºx. *º -t- .:* ," - . - ..,’’- sº .*... ." * - i- . . . - - º- * - t t 4. - -*- º tº R > *-*. G - t •, ~ . w - “. - - - - - - - * T , , , . . . - ** ** .* º - - - t - - º "... * . º 3. • . *** * * * º; 33.1). OOºſs, yºu. Călărºpoº. . * * *śń º 'º • , . 3) Tº + § ... → - - - - * * , w .* -; º w- • t r 3, . . . . . . * * - C r 'ift Iá *& - *::::::: Jan VaS. r # iclyºl , ºr:#; - º -* †, , .* → & Cap a 3× cépea-cap of theºfas | faſhion cº- cº boolan boolan Capable Cºl arif Capacity cºl ärifanº "...º, * & Cape &_2=” tanjoong—cape that is ſharp pointed £º oojong—the moſt extreme cape or point & _2=5. § - oojong tanjoong—cape of a cloak Gº25.3% º' 1éhea ſélémot Capon G& rº, 3 ºf ayam cambirree. Capital mºney.) e;- moodal Capricious is.& panchinggan Captain 3.| 934. pangooloo—captain in chief, or general at ſea, &ºs, pang- léma — and ſuper-cargo º jointly sex;13 anácooda . Captious cy.º;; ër. prang proos To Captivate cº-Ü taw'an Captivated in war octyl: cătaw'an Captive of war C-Utº &: | 6rang cata- w'an, cºcº taw'an—captive, ſlave, &ºsſ amba - , . . . . Capſtan cyū24 pootáran, cº-ly rāhat Captivity GU-U, taw'anan • Caravances &=3 káchang Carbuncle ºld máneékam Carcaſe that is dead c. * bankee To Card, comb, G3 cº, síkat can Cards tº kíaw, 0.95 cartas–a pack of cards Lºs oº:: Us, ſa booncoos kiaw—to ſhuffle cards tº 24,- champoor kíaw is . . . Cardamoms &Ju's képálaga. not be cºlò scº téda dāpat Care, , fear, & chinta – trouble, C. A. ** ſooſa, Jºº. ſoocar—diligent care & chinta, & 9.3 párentah— To have a care, look to, sº tº .*, toon'goo—To take care, thought, axº~chinta, ºtºlinggat, GS3/L. cálooee—To take care of, attend, Jºel, pilooleº-I dº nº & Jºe's sº tºda fidoolee kitta " " . - Careful, diligent, aº ; ooſah, 3-ly rajing—He is careful over his chil- - dren & U”s & Age dea berchinta attas anaknea Carefulneſs cy (cº- chintaawn Careleſs, forgetful, & solº téadda chinta, & J alépa, ex& solº téadda inggat, agº) loopa-ſlothful oºl's málas–To caſt off care ë!: &= booang chinta TO Careſs -*~-54 boojok, S-515-s GS; o'- bree mooloot manis, _3-93- choombo—flatter e-ºs-22 boojok— complement *25- choombo Careth G|sols fädoolee Carnal knowledge cº-s! ampoot Carp syl-sty tambara, JU cala Carpet, any coverlid for a table, cytºs' sex ampáran cooda—of tapeſtry Glºrs; permédánee, Lºl Cl elcátif. Carpenter 24% cº 53 toocan cay'oo To Carreen cº, ſing it—ſhip -ºs, Jºly ſing it câpal Carriage, mein, & 5 jroopa, 3%J lácoo, GS3: pree—By his carriage he is like one who does not underſtand sex, ( 20 ) . _º| tº pádoolee—I do not carel cºa sº & Cº. &e ºw Gºjº, pada'roopánea deafépertee örang téda mengartee—or, Chaiſe &jſy carata * - Carriage-money cº, tampanggan º . & wº º —Of letterS, G-y A. § 1 a Örang membava ſº * 2° 89: To Carry O, X& pécool—away J9& Carried C)\;<\; bápécool Carrion – sº, sº texx, bankee booſooc Carrying.));&QX4, Lºbápécoolpécool, Gº O\; **Y-9* © - ſéda, CŞxº cambirree |Caſual CŞe- jaddee, oxel- jad- déawn Cat Gº cóchin—muſk-cat §3-Nº. CŞyºl indong caſtoore—civet-cat - &3) LXX tangálong—pole-cat &25-9 mooſang—ſea-cat &” ſoontong, &º cº écan ſoontong To Catch, hold, & pégang—in the hand ºº:: poongoot—arreſt, ſur- priſe, ºr XX5tancap—overtake cºlò dépat-fiſh ex3 & tancap can —birds § 325. º tancap boo- roong—fiſh with nets cº-s mé- moocat—birds with nets cº- jaringcan, §jº- cºe ºf tancap dung'anjaring - . Catched <& bértancap—the horſe is catched º sº sº35% cooda ſooda bértancap - - Câtee ( glº catee, is a weight, 1oo make a pécool - Caterer Jºel, CŞJ5-juree paſſar * Cat-ſtick -*** châtoke - Cattle &lº binnátang—that are tame cº-haywan, <-º-&lºbin- nátangjénak – * Cave &s.ºgóha, & dice GSyº 8.33 ë!: boogng booa parree – off, to, o”. gampas, o-º-º: men'gampas— toſs Gº! loontar, jº's meloontar — lots C޺ jº's méloontar parree—up into the air, as a ball, § 22-s) lam- boong–down to the ground Cº-sl & jū's ampas catána—into the water cº1,4- cháboorcan—off, let go, as a rope, JºJº ooloor-untimely as the young, as leaves, 2,333 googoor— aCCOunt §tº €tong, &\º bélang— away, abominable, 29'> háram— out, pour out, ë!; tow'ang—found, as guns, ëlsº tow'ang - cºcooranggan &º loobang - ( 7 a ... • * . $ 8 c E. • Caught º ley dápat, º bértancap To Cavil rºle héroobiroo gº, | * . & Caul, thin ſkin, sº22:20, ſālāpoot—or the guts ºr: <ºlº - ſālāpoot proot-net-caul to bind on the hair cº| cºlº boolan boolan Cauldron, great pan, Gº-G tache To Caulk Jºta påcal Cauſe 93.3 perkära-matter J-haal —original cº, póhone – reaſon ...ºlº fébab–For that cauſe I came &leº- & 53 ---> ſubab étoo kitta mendátang. t To Cauſe, mirth, Lºs2 oofik–anger • * > āj ok--tobee,” so-3-smeng- addacan, cº-X45=º menjaddécan , -to do sºlº,” _5Jº ſooroo mem- booat—without cauſe &=53 &=53 koonjong koonjong Cawſey &/º gålong To, Caution _º toon'goo, cº-º: pantangcan — caution, forefight, 430s e Gº! béj ac ſåna—to give cau- tion -ºs. GS3:… membree ſébab Cautious, that has ſome foreknow- ledge &Ls, CG-: béjac ſana To Ceaſe, forbear, ( ~r. berhentee let alone UGX låtac—from v=U tåhan . . . - Ceaſing exº~; berhenteawn | Cedar Go»y aſ ZOIl To Celebrate G3 UAJ cºlº)'3-rºo mémooliácan mooliácan, &’ & Nº 1. ) |Center evºº pooſat - Centinel §:42%) léláboong, -: > * Cº. -4 a zº * -- * Cement es; perkat * - º Cenſor cº oocoopan, ~! o'-3' *A bákas ber aſſap . Cenſurer, correótor, & Lº máta Centiped (º: lipan Ǻ & 6rang intee • * - Centurion O”ºyº Gºs _º: poong ooloo attas ſarátoos Ceremony sºlel addat, cºyº sº; tooroot toorootan Certain, ſure, 3XX tantoo * . Certainly23× jº. ſoon goo ſoon"- goo Certainty colsº tantooawn, cylºº bénáran - Certificate Jº-Yº Gº! 2", ſoorat ſax'ee To Certify 333 x3xº~ méníoon goo- can - - Ceruſe Gº &º téma pootee Ceſs, tax, sexjo denda Ciſtern &J's L, báchána Chaff … ſécam - To Chaſe, rub in, -**vº góſoke, cºy, ooroot–fret syl-, mārah — heat, as the body, _3=52. ſåhoo Chain C-3) rantee—of gold Qsº o'-- rantee IIla S. . . & • * e - e To Chain cº-º;3.9 rantecan—unchain Cºy cº-X3.1% ooreycan rantee Chained C-3.jlº bárantee * Chair Cº.2; croofee—of ſtate &Uí gáta - To Challenge to fight, cº-º; J & Cellar.gº tambor—ſalt-cellar cºst. 20 bikas gáram |pan'gil kélihee, & tañtang, & cº, ménantang Chalice cºls chawan * * Chalk o”;& ~!1943 capoor en'grees Chamber e-º-, billik — an inner chamber 2)ſe o –º billik de dálam—bed chamber Jº ºvº tampattédore, colºr, pertédore- an, obeſ; péradowan – bride chamber Cº., Lººkºº billik mampélee-council chamber –º sjlsº billik bechara—chamber-fel- low y15 Nº cº-o; tummun tédore Chamberlain Cº. _º Q.92* juree toon'goo billik - Chamber-pot cº-sº O.3tº bákas kin- chin To Champ, ſqueeze, cº, 5 J, ooroot Champaign, plain, as land, &L ráta Champion £2 […], ooloobálang Chance, lot, GSyº parree—To Chance, happen, Çels.jaddee—by chance, without cauſe, &2={x} §3-353 koonjong koonjong — good chance § 23; solº pada oontoong Chancellor ºls. &&. ê'. éang mémégang chap - To Change, transform, C-90s, ſålin— exchangeº 35toocar-money-2,3-y goorop — remove scº pinda, sexº~ méminda – place 8-XX& º, pinda tampat—as the mind, taſte, ſmell, colour, & oobah, **** mengoobah—pervert Lºſ l, balik—come in the room of cº gantee—He did change his mind *i; sº cº &33-9 &o dea ( ; ) Charcoal §9| Arang, sy c H mengoobah can kéra kéránea " ' J. (TY * - ** *k. ...! ~ ſix! . . * |Changeable as the moon GººgBºleº péréadárawn—as colours ºl, ſº lang, gylºr, ber'ſélang Changed cº; ber'flin, 532, men'- OOCâr . . . . . . . . . . . . . Changer jºs &p: ôrang men oocar Changing o'c 33-5 men’oocarawn - Channel, gutter, Go25%. ſéléran—be- tween two banks cºſt: pārit To chap, crack, as the dry ground, &\º-chéla . . . . . . . . . Chappel jº langgar º - Chapter cº bägee, - Jº fatſal, cºsy, berhenteawn Character, letter, G 225-hooroof lº bára, ºU% para Charge, expence, as 3}L, bálanja– coſt cy;3tº bácool—duty cº-º-º: tan'goonggan—command &XA titah To charge, forbid, &jX lárang— in a book cº2.932” ſoorat—ſet upon rººs mélänggar—conjure 29'> háram—accuſe 8 59.5% tódoh—as a gun cºlºrs mooat-command _3.Jº's ſooroo, (3*. º pāſan–To take charge &235 tangoong, & ;3 U-2 men'an'- goong—I take that charge on me _2^*}|_2^2 §235 agº. ſāya étoo ataſko Charged _2_jº e de ſooroo Charger §: péring . . . . Charitable cº-sº Gºcattecloomboot Charity clºs•jē dermawan, etxº caſſeeawn . . . . . . . / tangoong w C H . ( .. 7 Charm cºlº-hôbatan, & takana To Charm. cºtº bºth 6batácan –charm frce #24;tº injapáyoong - Charmer cºlº- ë!!! ôrang hôbatan Chart, Map, & péta - To Chaſe, hunt, barrak Chaſed_2}5^,” membooroo Chaffe G sº-3- choochee, &293-9 mengoorang To Chaſtiſe ſºlº báloer, cºx. fixácan—accordin gtolaw gº933.5- us hookoomcan—rebuke J1933; tégor. - To Chatter, prate, jº!!! báléter, 893- chóra — as the teeth Cºlº r cº- s men'gålatok giggee, “; Carrat - Cheap 85-9 ăring an - - - - TO Cheapen_y !, tawar,–2 ſºlº men'a- w'ar—I did cheapen that so33° & Us Y. moora, cyligy ºf arga 2% _2} taw'ar.étoo. Ch * taw'ar Cheaper w:- c 24' lebbee moora Chear up &J. & _j\º bear ſooca la Chearful, merry, Cºl & 2, ſooca at- tee, &= &2’s ſooca chéta Cheat Cººl's málépootee To Cheat, deceive, _º tipoo, _2^** manípoo, aglo daya—in play cº- hélat, cº- chéran — defraud 23-5)→jáloojoor To Check , taunt, J15-X:- joolajoor Checker-board cº, º tan ápitápitan eapener Lºlº §4. &2: ôrang €ang _5254. booroo, -5, To Chide, rebuke, 2:33, tógor ch * * Check Cº., Pypee, cº, Pépce- bone * *:::: £2.93% toolang pypee - Cheeſe Cºoley dadee - To Cheriſh, nouriſh, s,tº péára Cheſs board cººl āpitan—man s 34 cººl booa apitan–To play at cheſs º! cº's máin àpit - Cheſnut cºlº barang'an—tree cºº Gºlº póhone barang'an — colour • .83% perang Cheft Cºq pittee—cheſt of the ſto- mach solo dada - * > To Chew, as vićtuals, &cLº mámah— and chew &Ls, ſåpah Chicken ...! Gº! anak ayam—The hen gathers her chickens together & Lºſ cº cº,’ & clºſ āyam meng Campoon can anak anaknca - y Chief, head, agº. cāpāla—main §ºf ăgoong — principal cauſe, cº 593; póhone perkära—Head of the people ºly scº Q.99 & 5-S moolia derree pada rāyat-moſt in eſteem &,3,4 partama—in degree, ſtation, - & fang—prieſt --- & pang imām Child -ºj/ anak—of a firſt marriage GSºf Lºſ anak tirree—with child & boonting—to go with child Cºj| 6 29.3% candoong anak Ghildren -ºj/ - 53' anak anak Child's clouts xxxx lamping Child's play -ºj e <3 cº máin anak anak *. Chill, cold, Gºo ding in T - ** , C. H. ( 7 Chimera ecºs kéraawn Chymiſt 9.2 × 3 pen'coocoos Chin231& dagoo 3. China & C޺ négree chéna— root & ºrº- chob 'chéna Chinch cºsº penjit Chink, cleft, &MAs chéla Chineſe & §J2ſ6rang chéna Chip JJU tátai, isº- chinchang— ſplinter GS)15° doorce, _23% GS) 5° <> * dooree cay'oo § To Chip Jºjº bertătal, CGUº mé- nátac - \ Chiromancy (93.5 solº Jºël's fang'al pada tang'an Chiſel e-l, páhat To Choak (;...] lémas Choaked oº: _jLo mátee lemas— for a ſmall time, as by forcing any thing down the throat, • —by any thing ſticking in the throat Coylxx tº cébangkálan - Choice oxº-pilleavn—a good choice Cºty Cºxº, pilleavn bäik - Choler —-U gāhak - Cholerick O”5;} ë!: prang proos To Chop, hack, g== chinchang, CGU—mince O:3: irris—off, to hack to pieces, J.X.3 pangal—off, diſmember, &2°33' coodong, &=& panchang - - Chopping knife §). párang Chop ſticks uſed to eat with <--> ſoompit Chopped, minced, g irris To Chooſe C.A. pillec-to let chooſe 33t- chákol 4 ), c 1 94 CŞ; bree pilee . . . |Chöſen ( ºr terpillee—that is cho- fen cº pilleavn, Gººge depillee Chriſt & eſa, & Ǻjnabbee éſa. Chriſtian Graj naffarānce - Chriſtmas-day& “HSS ol- Q&tº harree jaddee éſa, ūets mauledon Chronicle CŞel- &\º §4. “y”. cººls. Soorat éang télah jaddee hakāyat * * - Chriſtal cº, ſº ºld bâtoo pálumban Church cºº bétule, GS ---25" & sy £| rooma foombáy ang, choochee s' To Claſp, embrace, -->'3: poolok, ºë dékap-Button e-Gº,” ſambatcan - -- Clattering noiſeLºUliding'ar bangar Clauſe ºr perkara . . Claw º fowl, beaſt, 5353 kookoo- To claw, with the nails, *''}} carap —hard Jºſex, bádágoor—as a cat 53tº chákar Clay Q-s) at tana I * ambec, &lj 3. eateſ tána liat, L2:4-25' loompoor l ( 75 ) Clean n, 3-225-choombo y * jº. ingar cºt. *** choochee To Clean CºLº-choocheácan Cleanneſs exº~5- choocheawn To Cleanſe cº-tº-> choocheácan, 54's ſápoo - Cleanſed Qs>>y. befehoochee ... tº Cleanſing coºl, tápifan, c'exº's ſāpooawn Clear, fhining, 2'- chayir—tranſpa- rent £1; trang— as the weather <-2's châwácha—as liquor a jº- jerneh — poliſhed cº léchin, C-4 • goopan—day **** ÇSylº harree châwácha—asthe voice sºlº niáring—in ſpeech, plain, cº-slºº caláwäſan — manifeſt _2& tantoo, &laj niáta—as the ſight 2-5 tájam —fighted—es-G &ts máta täjam —To clear, 'diſband, cºs^4 péchat payoff infull Gºjº', bāyar toonay Clearly ºf Gºo ≤ niáta. tantOO . - - To Cleave &\º bála-cleave that wood _ºº c53 &\º bela can cay'oo étoo Cleaving to <. goompal—of earth L. &\} Jº ſå goompal tăna—To make clod exº~~ goompalcan Clodded Jº, bergoompal - Clog 5%; loongoo — To clog, glut, _3-95-joomoo - Cloiſter oxº;; pertāpaawn — To cloiſter up, keep women cloſe, as the Indians do, cº-s; > memboojook . . . . . To Cobble, botch, Jº; bertampal Cobler oº Jºãº &: 6rang men'ampal caoos Cobweb & ſy ag) 㺠ſåroong laba laba -- - Cock cº-,-ºf ay'am jantan—of the - game &JXL: 21, ayam balálang— comb;3/4 báloong—with a comb -&2/Lº -ºf ayam bábáloong—gills ºr X bidéhir—ſnvirs ..., ~ C ~ 1. 3.x: gidébir—ſpurs _º fooſoo, 23 ºn ſoofoo ayam-armed with gamlets Cº-Glº Plal ayam bátájee -heap, as of hay, cº, tamboon Tof hay &;3 cº-sy cº, tº ' fatamboon roompoot kirring—tap ºbts charrat — weather-cock **. c & * ar—cockle &L5 cépah, à2× pang'ap *J lipas crong—cock-roach - Cocoanut, young, ~!1943 nior—old &g) (3° cálápa–ſhell agyū &yº tam- pooroong calápa-meat J343 ( sº iſſee nior—milk &s fantang " Cod, of a male, gº evºli ſãlapoot - péler, 3% * 3: “”2932 Ls, ſålápoot booa péler—ſtone of a male ſº 85-? booa péler—as of peaſe ed; coolit —of a net &J's cºg pantat jala— cod-piece j% 25* ***y rooma booa péler - - . Coffer Cº. pittee Coffee & sº cáwa - Coffin ëx lang, Gº! pittee Cogitation cylcyº kéraawn To Coil CŞJ33 torac, ºut. bálit— coiled ºlº berbálit •º. Coin jºgambar—To coin Gº- men'gambar — Coin that filver _º - x^4 exº~~ men'gambar- can pérac Čtoo - Cold cºe ding in — extreme cold Gºo O.'ſ craſs ding in—ſtiff with cold 3s cakoo-to catch cold & J-34o kéna ding in - Collar £oº ſandang, 3-4 < warna bétool—pale or wan colour ex-53 &jlº warna poo- chat, º &l warna cootoom—|| pale in colour of any kind sexºl mooda, so warna tooah—lively colour #3 &l, cºlºkº, sex, Lºgº warna Čangbaikl pada pangléât—durable colour & 9_5 3-3, warna tägo, scº ê'. &l, _535); faded colour soºn ºJyº & 59'> warna berrooboo ſooda—fading colour ºl, _ºjº warna berrooboo-changeable, mixed colour, ºbs, ſålang—colours, ſeveral colours, &;9, &l; warnal warna—flags Jº toongal, cºs alam - , - Colt Cºil anak—of a horſe so 33 -ºj/ anak cooda—of an aſs C޺ſtºl anak calédee * Colwort & agº! 16balóba Comb Cºsſéſee—for hemp *** fíkat – curree-comb soº _%yº penggåroo cooda — To comb on ſpikes, as hemp, C3-XX To Combat £ºt, báprang—man to man ſingle Cº keli To Combine ºbsº méſaurat Come (91.8 marree—here es” GSM- * marree ſeace—hither Q9ts & &9- marree ca marree—in C.Lº má- ſooc-over ** ſābrangla—out adj19) (3 calooarla—up –K. Uj näik— &Jw!» warna mooda—|| deep in colour of any kind sº &9, - 3 warna čang teda berrooboo— * ** ſkatean | Comforted. —Jºjº ber'éboor, 78 . ) - C O. t jóopool—from far 5'→ çSye &le dátang derree jaoo-is come gº &lefooda dātang—When they were come out of the water, they went home, Q-ºl; so25° à2:le &JütjLa *::vºc Sºśsemi- nácāla deórang ſooda näik derree ay'er de bejálan ca roomânea—firſt - ~sº f &le dátang partama-forth C)º tooroon—often &: &!, j4 º befoolang oolang dātang—in the place of t → &J C slº combálee la — almoſt come & |cy * ampir dátang—he is come &le sºn &e dea fooda. dátang—the time is come sº G sº wakto fooda ſampec-off the horſe 3 cy35% Jºe (Sjö Gyºtooron derree attas cooda—The letter is not yet come to me º!º gº sºlºs _5394 Cº.'s ſoorat kirrimawn boo- loom ſampee padako ~. Comedian. £2's dálang Comedy &l, wayang, Comet ºr & bintang ber'affap, _ºr & Bintang ber'écor Comfits cº-s maniſan Comfort cle/344 eboorawn—To com- fort Gººg &oorgan, Jºy ber'é- boor, lancap— as a piece of work ºgénap— intire º génap, º2535- choo- koop - * * * Compleated, done, Oºſt- habes—fi- , niſhed ºl. bálancap, ~32; terlancap - Complement 32-89: choomboo-That is general to all occaſions and perſons • cº tabbee - - Complemental 32-25-35 §4 &angtaoo choombo Complexion & … jºc àyer moocca Compoſed in mind $º G.sºs attee fédang • • Compoſitor, ſetter or joiner of letters, -*.92-3.Jºg pengārang hooroof To Compound, mix, _1}^* champoor To Comprehend, conceive, Jººs meng'artee . . .”. Compreſſed -ºssus, ſåſak • - Compulſion & 3 pax'a, as tº gaja - Comrade, at gaming, &jl, wärang— companion (3.3 tummun r Concave 23 y lákaw - To Conceal .# 59%-- mélindoong— hide exº~ mangandon, cºlº bootácan oº: tangis, - JLots fädoolee—What does that Concerned cºols fádoolee, careeja—To concern, intermeddle, * * * * concern you, 3×3 × exº~ &s appa berchinta, ºr ber’ſooſa jº. . . . To Conclude oº:: pootoos - Concluſion 5(clox” ſoodaawn . . choor beac - Concord cis- c) dammee - Concubine -ºxi, goondik - To Condemn co-º-o:35- hookoonjean, cºl= háramcan — to dić _5394 & cº- hookoomcan de boonoo ** - * A d. - - **...* Condemned cº-r berhookoom, . . . cº- GS5- Jurce hoo- To Condeſcend, agree to, Oyºtſ cábool Condition, caſe, Ols haal—How is * the condition of the buſineſs in the s city CŞrº role Jºe GS3? alº buggémána pree haal dālam négree— good conditioned –ººl, CŞ; pree Condemner koom | báik—ill conditioned, croſs, g; e-lº-pree jahat Conditions, terms, syGr, perkara - To Conduct, lead, ºxeantar, gºs antarcan—by the hand &pimping Condućtor, guide, * málim Confection cºlº mániſan Confederate, ally, cº toolan º *::: * † * x - # Conceited, proud, Lºs's káchak .* Confederated co);jº bertoolañº - co, To Confer tº bechara Qonference & sº bºcharaawn. To Confeſs 25 tº méniãco Confeſſed sºlº sº, ſooda méní Confeſſion colsºº méniãcoawn $ To Confide ºy's hārap—rely on . . . se: - àsºlº gántoong pada—I can confide in him ºl- c 3.5 tampathookoom —The court, the men who compoſe the court of juſtice, 2:3:- sylsº bóchara hookoom—To call a court C. § was ºf Jig pangil bechara—The —The court is ended, Gº, sº sylsº ſooda pootoos báchara Courteous 34-3- choombo, co-ºw ſoopan, oºl." manis — courteous man co-ºw &1, 6rang ſoopan Courteſy, manners, 3-ºxºs choombo, Q: 543* foopan Courtezan Jojº, ſoondal Couſin, firſt couſin, 34.930s, ſapoopoo, _3-5- choochoo- ſecond q=tº chéchee Cow & º' lemboo betína, cs:” ſappee | Coward ºl- $y 5' 6rang chábar, $ ) Q-9 t; ºść…, &25 Cowardice clerºle- chábarawn, Çsº Jº-sº attee kécheel Cowardly cº Jºcºs âttee ké- cheel dung'an, Jº Kc attee kécheel, Cºl; sº tédé brince— cowardly bully as-l's ſº $912" ôrang gantar ſaja Cowheard &JLº.3 combála To Cozen, cheat, ≤ dāya, _º típoo - Côyan cº, cóyan cº, a COncave meaſure uſed, or accounted in many places of India. Crab Cººl: cătan, &ls kátang, &lº cápéting Crabbed, ſour, Us maſſam Crack &AA-chélà, &\º béla–Tocrack, ſplit, cºlº, bélácan—with the nail, as a louſe, Q-Cº tindas— ſnap, as the fingers, LR3) lantik * ( 87 ) C. R. —with the teeth Jº goonjil– break open, as a nut, _2~95% toombo —ſhap, as wood, rope, Jºjj rántan —as in the fire –337) látok Cracked aſ ºr terbéla, Geº ſepy— broke in ſmall pieces sºly rápoh Cradle cºlº báway'an—To rock a cradle cºlº GSL3 béway bâway'an Craft, trade, clasſ(4 pácarjaawn, CSCNº pandee - Craftineſs e-Mºº-, moſſelaat—crafts- man CŞovº &15| Örang pandee, cº33 toocan Crafty -**** chérédik—crafty knave age ºf tipoo dāya Cragged –vº gaffap To Cram Cº- mangiſſee Cramp cº |y|3t: căcărăſan Crane, a fowl ſo called, cº-º £2- hálang ingin cyliº pootáran-neck of a crane, cº-sº ſoombat—Block of the crane GSjls káree—rope Gº eyº pootáran — To crane up cylºose cº-Xºjºskarečcandungan pootáran To Craſh, grind, as the teeth, cº- annettee sº Cratch, ſpace between the thighs, *** chéla, as tº Jº-chéla paha & * * To Crave & XX-2 minta |Craw of a bird G3/23.5 tambooloo- kee To Crawl & mérancan—as a ſnake &J)\º méláta—Creep private- ly as a thief &le G.S.):- Ç9;s” menchoorce chooree datang C. R. Cream _*º Lººs min'yak ſooſoo Create sjæs miára, co-X, Xs=" men- jaddécan Y Created Qs Jºs” menjaddee Creation o[xº~\s-(3 kājaddeawn * * - “Sºs Creator x UA s: iuree miára. &Ult syº GS-J , 8% 3-39s" éâng menjaddecan Creature, living, sºlº, berniãwa Credence Jºs!, wäkil—A letter of credence J-3/, evº, ſoorat wakil To Credit, believe; &l=x, percháya— Creditor ** ë'. &92 &rang €ang munjam Credulous *:: sp;'< moora percháya Creek Cy_2}^ ſérooc, Q._5\º télooc —of the ſea sº cº-ºr's fim- panggan laoot Creeks (.33'_j^* Cſ_2}^* ſérooc ſéroo- can–To creep, as a beaſt going ſlow, co-º-e mérancan Creeper, any creature that goes ſlow, cºjºs mérancan • Creeping creatures Aj)\º- §4 &lº binnátang éang mélata, §: &tº Lººs binnátang éang méníoolar Crew sºc àwa—of a ſhip J-35 sºc âwa cápal—of a boat 22 ºr àwa praw Cricket, an inſeót, C3jºx- chinkárek Crime &JLs ſăla—deſerving death &JL. _5394 O º:- ſála hookoom de boo- IlOO Criple &” &p! 6rang timpang Criſped, curled, J.J., ekal To Croak, as a frog, Löts G.s.º. boo- nee kátak ( 88 . ) |Crocodile &l; boãya C*R,” Crooked ºxy benko—as wood #. bâwoor, Gº bantook—as a leg Q-º'-chápik—as a path co-Gº,” ſimpanggan - To walk crooked -*** cytºsº bejálan canchook Crop of a bird J. Nºsſ ampédal—To crop, nip the end, © © & © ; gintaſ. .* can—the hair, cut ſhort, ovº rā- gas * Croſs & bentang—bow_yº, boo- ſoor-barcºs...ſakat-beam -**!) ráſok, >Q) Lºgălăgar—trouble *º ſooſa—croſs, ill-conditioned, GS: ex-tº- pree jáhat—thwart 2, sº * boojoor—legged, as taylors ſit, it is the common way of ſitting in India, & lintang, JU, tálintang, & tº málintang—ſit croſs-legged & Ü Jºege doodooc tàlintang —one thing croſs another &Jū tálintang—To lay one thing croſs another ex3xxJ lintangcan–To croſs over, as a river, §jºbs ſábrang —a river Cºw & jºbs sábrang ſoongey—the ſea × 3.5 tampang To Crouch Cy_2^35% toondooc t Crow a 513’ §2932 booroong géga–To crow 353 c6co, sºlº bácóco— The cock did crow 935 tº so.” º āyam ſooda bácoco–as a child 3Jº- chóra * Crowd Goyº cawan— preſs cºas cºc àpit àpitan — To crowd through &\º mélápang, (* > & ºKºº méníáſatcan C. R. ( 8 Crown tº-ly jLºwe diſtar rāja, aºl. makóta—Crown of the head colº co 3t, 3 ooban oobánan, aſ Lºlº Cjºº: pooláran cápála To Crown cºÜ53-9 makótácan Crows feet, irons ſtrewed on the ground to wound an enemy's feet 2-3)] ranjo . To Crucify cº bentangcan Crucified &; terbentang Crude & mantah Cruel G sº- o”; cras attee, oº::=* binjis, Oºs” ( s.s attee binjis —cruel looks, sjLs <>, mooca - mára—hearted Q s^s sºlº miára attee Cruelty Cºsº binjis Crumb of bread Cºy g iſſee roo- tee—cumb & j L. ja répeh, L. J-34 fa pangal, Cs-O- bidjee— crumbs &!y rápéh rápeh, Jº \ J-ºk, pangal pangal, Cs-O ! Q =>\! bidjee bidjee . To " Crumble C-X=#|y rápchcan, cº-º: pangalcan, _2^*• 27 toombo, C-xº~~x bidjécan—very fine Q. jº ºve: bree loomat •- w Crump-handed -*3 (= chápik Cruſe &º bóyang g > hojat, S-32353 koo- tok, º tobat Curſed ºl. bátóbat, Cº-º'- há- rammee, Csº o de'kootokkee, &JL-sºº & kéna benchana Curſt, as a wild beaſt, oº:: bow'as Curtain, pavilion to draw round a bed, *}} călambo—window or any drawing curtain, GSjº tirree— Draw the curtain Q93 & *** ſangkap la tirree Cuſhion JJ's bantal Cuſtody 3:33.5 º ſo dálam tang'anko Cuſtom, manner, GS; pree—uſe &L- béáſa — faſhion cºloc àddat, cºloº, eſtéaddat, sy's chara— pračtice cº2yº *3)157 tooroot toCrOO- tan—of a country Csº cºl, Nc àd- dat négree—law .233- hookoom— law of a country Šs;& e535- hoo- koom négree—according to cuſtom ev'CŞc Cº., fépertee àddat—toll ( 90 ) . | | C U . 3. * inwards, 398- chookee—outwards cº-ſ; kārājat—A receiver of cuſ- tom & J ë); 6rangréba, Q-º-º-º: $3rs Órang mengſambil chookee Cuſtomed sº béáſa—that has paid cuſtom G3-; berchookee Cuſtom-houſe sy; foorza – officer cº- &1, 6rang chookee—officer in chiefjcXX & ſha bendar . To Cut ºly crat, º Pótoong— off Cºx, e-yº crat Pootoos— girris—through oº:: irris —hack in bits $35- chinchong— pare with a knife, as the nails, as a quill, §3+.y ranchoong — the throat of a beaſt devoutly, after the Mahometan way, Cº. ſambillee —chop to peices cºg pangalcan —off, diſmember, cº, COO- dongcan—up, divide as a beaſt G3 May belácan—notch, as a tally, cº,” ſimbatcan—corn 23's câ- tam—make ſharp pointed ecºlº pá- pat, Jºž paraſh—prune 2, Kj rant- ing—with a ſword CGlā tītac—croſs § 5%" cºljº cratſérong—the fingers CŞy- $33.3 p6tong jarree-chop with a bill j … memārang—ſlaſh with the point to mark on the ſkin, on wood O. 2.5 gooris, Jºyº gåris —asa knifecy: Lº mácan—Thisknife will not cut 2'-- 8° C sº *** G3 tº péſoo €nee téda maoo mácan Cutlas rººs, famſeer Cutler, of ſwords, êº a=y CŞ Qº & in land, Cº. oopettee—from ſea, © | mince pandee careeja pédang T) A Cypher, figure, & iſ anka—To cypher axiſ sº smºkéra kéra anka Cymbol ºf tuéra z’ DAGGER cºr’ creš To Daggle cº$15-chöringcan Dainty <=& penjéjam—dainty vic- tuals &Qº.coºts mácānan ſédap —To eat daintily, well, Cºl. º, mácan ſédap Dale &J lemba •º To Dally ,vº gooroo, 32% bergoo- I'OO . . Dam, mother, & ma—dam, for wa- ter, º: tarbis—To dam up o”; “ […, membooat tarbis Damage, loſs, ( ~2.9 roojee Damaſk, ſilk, Čº telokee, jº- moſſáyer—as a ſword Cººs köree— damaſked ſword CŞ1:33: 394, Pé- dang ber kóree Dame, miſtreſs, CKUAj néay—familiar- ly cººl awan—in a higher degree Çsºp! awanchee To Damn Gºś kootókee Damnation -ºs kootok Damned Ǻ kootookkee, r) le; 3:=y berhookoom To Damnify Gºy roojee Damnified cº-ºxº~ méroojee Damp G.Us) langas, Jºs; oombal– damp, vapour, Ajū ºl ow'aptăna Damſel syley – 31 anak dara Dance C&Lºs ménarree, C&G tar- ree—Todance Ç95 narree, CŞjº's §. ( or ) D A CŞjLºs 3/233 poong'ooloo ménar- ree—To take a partner out to dance C90-s ex3' ancat ménarrce Danced cºlºs ménarree Dancing." clayLºs ménarreawn— dancing-maſter ÇSyº's CŞ22- ju- ree ménarree To Dandle ***, pépang Dandled & perpépang Dandrif Gly*górak, Gle daki Danger cº-3-Ü tajanggan Dangerous Jºs miſkill, *s-U tá- jang Dapper Gºpantas To Dare, be bold, Cs; bránee— Dare he appear beforé me ( -3/, ago _53/C4 aſ2-, ºlor dea bránée ber- addap mooca padako Daring C-3 º bránee Dark ºpyl gālap–dark, miſt, -yº oxºly Ar * *- clam—ºntence Q sº.” cátaawn ſemboone e To Darken e-QU’ gālapcan—ſha- dow . CNA teddohan & e |Darkened JSG, bergālap Darling, beſt beloved child, Cºl cº anak ſoopan To Darn c…sºyl-jároomat Dart &c.) lambing—To caſt a dart sº &2--> lamboong lambing— To dart, as a porcupine, Jºº- méníoonkill To Daſh, as water -ºs-i: perchik Daſhing cº Ú táčontoawn Dates &99- choorma ménarree — leader up of a dance Date-tree&ºp2=-& 9:3póhone choorma * D A To Daub_jºy láboor _* Daubed )vº; berláboor Daughter coLºg -83ſ anak param- poan—daughter-in-law, the daugh- * ter of a wife by a former huſband or . of a huſband by a former wife, Cºl olºvº CŞrº anak tirre param- poan—daughter-in-law, ſon's wife, cºlº sº menantoo param- poan-grand daughter >> →3' clºssyl-, anak choochoo parampoan —of a king cºlº tºly Lºs anak raja parampoan — a maiden daughter sylcy Lºïl anak dara David cyºlº daood Daunted Cºc & M4 elang attee Dawning Öf the day >3 fajer, j” SIIla.I. g Day C&G harree — of judgement “lºs 3 fajer—light, broad day, $Uº ſeang—by day light QS jºb §º sex, pada ſéang harree —high day c -º ÇSJLS & Lo máta hárree ting'ée — noon-day & Cºyº tenga harree—To day, this day, cº GSj9. harree énee—on that day 22, Çyli, soº; pada harree étoo—on a good day ê'. CŞy's scº Cºlº pada harree éang báik—To defer from day to day &J léna— ( 92 ) the promiſed day 84 ÇSyº sº. s^*r pada harree éang berjanjee —holy day, feaſt day, agly Qºlş har- ree rāya—dark miſty day-Slºgº harreecālam—inthedaytime; Lºgos Cºylä, pada ſéang harree–A day's journey cºl=& QS jºb L. ſahar- ree béjálan—day before yeſterday _3/ſe GSrºº călarnarrce dauloo— the next day, & 32”, “Syū harree eſſonea—next day after to-morrow *2] looſa—three days ago o” Q919 & 1épastéga harree-three days hence cºlº toolat—a day and a half (Sºlº sº a 33 tenga dua harree—the laſt day jº CŞjlsº har- ree ākir D. E. |Daily CŞyl- º ºxº, tioP top harree—continually JLº, ſédé- cala—day after day –º -**4; ber'éſook Čſook * Dazzled J3tºr, berpánar Dazzling of the eyes julº pánar, 39A. ſeilaw f Dead Cºle mátee, sºlº; Oºº poo- toos hiáwa—by fickneſs GSLe Cºl." cºsts, scº mátee derree pada ſäki- tan-born &c= scº GSye Glº mátee derree pada jaddénea—he is dead Cº., sºw &e dea ſooda mátee—of hunger **2 (SJe Cºl's 32 mátee derree pada lápar—as wine jº- plºt; tāwar ambar—Dead man Cºl. $95' 6rang mátee—Carry the dead to the grave & Y Csº Q:-ºre ſtar êº & bintang ſéang—on Lºlº memécool bankee cacaoboor sº ºßſº sº ºf Sºº's "... → ... * * *** * : * > º gº;*** .…: tºº, tº: J. & Y" *. * § gº; * **-tº- * - 4. zºº $ *.* ‘. . . . 2. ". - **.e ** ~~~ .* * § *- :* -- * DE luntarily, aº-Li, Jºe Jºs má- tee dungan ſajanea . ** * *. Deadly J-Lº ſabill, sºlº páyah Deadneſs, numbneſs, ºv/loompoh, s!…] lémah . . Deaf o cº tooley—hard of hearing Jºban'gal—become deafc gel- cº!, jaddee toolee—To make deaf cº-º; toolécan, cºſºménoo- leecan de * To Deal, diſtribute, cºtºu bâgečá- can, Csº º; berbägee—a great deal x- Cºban'yak º w" Dealing 33 tº: véniágo * Dear J-Lo máhal—To make dear cº-X)=-Lº máhalcan, cº-lºmé- máhalcan—grown dear, X-Loc Sets- jaddee mähal—This is a great deal too dear & Cºg evºl J-Lº máhal am'at enee la—My dear Cº.º | agooſtee, **** kecaſſeeko, _slº; niãwako Dearth;3 a...Lº máſalápar Death ºl, maoot—pangs of death a sºlº báiſſa–To put to death 23 .boonoo, cº Lºo mémátecan ToDebaſe cºlºgy rendácan, 93 | To Debate sylsº bechara— debate ecºlsº becharaawn To Debauch -** QSj: & stºº bin- náſa pree-báik * Debt . & ootang—the whole debt * * , (. 93 ) s: He was dead GC, jº vºiceº dea ſooda ber matee—dead wilfully, vo- jº Deceiveth Yo E  *2,393 toontoot ootang–To pay a debt &: _j\,L, báyar ootang– indebted 2. *3): ber’ootang > . Debtor  &9, 6rang ber ootang To Decay, in quantity, J1:- | anchoor Decaying man in eſtate c5-3Jºlº &º: ôrang cétooroonan To Deceaſe, JU's mātee Deceaſed, deåd, G' U.s mātee, O”.5% ºfº's niáwa—he is deceaſed &Q *** Gºº: sex.” dea foodapootoos IllaWa Deceit ºf tipoo, º fémoo, eaſe dāya, à>54 b%h99ng, A-hiſ- In OO, cylcuts” benchánaawn, ~34 boojee Deceitful &le dāya, age, berdāya, ~544 báboojee—advice syls: &ley bechara dāya To Deceive (33°34 bédóee, S-35-54 boojok, cººl, mánſpoocan, sºlº Qsº booat boojee, 3, sº- hiſ moo Decieved sº & kéna tipoo—I am deceived &JLº, so** _53 āko ſooda ſála p. Deceiver ºr &1, 3rang bertipoo &l=s** benchána, cº| • e hiſmooãcan Decent, becoming, Cºgy láyak To Decide, end, e-º23333 pootooſcan |To Deck, adorn, cº Gºtº bágooſá- Aºi by’ſeecan—deck, as of a ſhip, J4934) Ubáleew capal, cºx, J40 tingkap capal *A CŞūº toonay—To demand a debt -> |Decked, adorned, Gs”; berby'ſee, A a - E. E. t ( 94 ) ſº ******** *... .…. ... --~~~~ *-> t * £x E * . * , cºu bágoos - ITô Đefeat eru alládanº, eylºli, Decking, ornaments, cº-tººl: pāri- ahſan - ... To Declare, publiſh, e-Q4% télé- lečcan - HDeclared 85%jºr ber'chéritra,_yvºt bátootoor ! Declaration colsº tootoorawn : Decoy, hole made in the ground, and ſlightly covered with baits laid to catch wild beaſts, cLeº's kālā- boorawn 4 Decree & titah. . To Decree, purpoſe, 333 páyoo ; To Dedicate cºlºs mémooliácan —offer &• * foomba Dedication, offering, cyclº-sº ſoom- aWIl l To Dedućt solº C&Jo Jºsſ ambil derree pada • sº Deeds cº bootan, cy»; berboo- aton—His words are like his deeds &lº co-so a sle ºut câtánea ſáma dungan bootannea . To Deem & ſanca $ : Deep -)lo dálam—The great deep AAA's).ley; terdálamnea—as water 25 tºbir—How deep is the water &^3 cyle &P 5% 3: ayer étoo brä- padálam nea To Deepen cººle dálamcan Deer, buck, & 3) roofah, cºlºs ménéangon—doe isº kéjang — hunted deer 2933 e §4 **) rooſa éang de booroo * *- 2 |Po. Defend, affiſt, mengallawan ..., - -, ; ; - f; £2, tooloong, §3/3-, men'ooloong - Defends us from evil Gºº Gº tº jº ex-la- solº memleiracan câmee derree padajáhat . . . . . To Defer & Jºléna, Caº lambat Deficient, weak in argument, º! 1éteh . . . . . . . To Defile J22-sºº báchooméor, cº-sº choomoorácan * |Defiled ſºlº báchoomoor . . . To Define &lsº mengartecan, To Deflower, a virgin, i)9:3# per’oo- gool—a woman Cºsſyl-, meng- araſſee ve - |Deformed e-tº- & y roopa jáhat Deformedneſs olcºs- hinaawn, aſ! :) ex-le-roopajáhat i • – , To Defraud, cheat, &3-54 bohoong, - _y>3)-jáloojoor To Defray as-ºxL. jº báyar bálanja To Degenerate ºf sex Cºyo &: coorang derree pada iboo --- To Degrade cº-tºes” menghinácan Degree, ſtep, cº, pankát, exx; tingkat—order of men e-RX4 parikat —by degrees, gradually, exº º cº, berpankat pankat—by dé. grees, ſlowly, cº-X'. cº-93 pálá- han páláhan—of conſanguinity _3:34 poopoo--of honour asſº's exºpan- kat moolia . . . . . To Deface_ºy rooboo <º- * • ?- , deer +te A ... I Dejeded Çsº cºy renda atte, 82° moorang 4. f * : *** : *. *::: º ºrcs: * * * ... º. ºee * A $.” 3 **** - - {r-x. ºrsesºzº.” 2 gr *** * Jr. **, * • * : *:::" ſº & rºse ºz * wº A’zºº,”; r 3. sº ~ * ***. * s' wº *Y. 32- , sº 3 ºr w .* } ſ * . D+: { 95. } # E t Tºpeiſy <berallali . . . . . . To Demand as a debt ºf toon- ſ Deity AV !, berallah -- . . . ; toot, Den assºgoha, cºsE)sºCooranggan Denomination, name, a-sti náma |Dent _3's bâwoor, §334 bákoong To Denounce co-ºº: pāſan |To Deny Cºxx's ſan'cal Denial cyl-Cº.L. bāſancálan Denied Jºlº báſan'cal Denieth J-Gºlº báſan'cal Depart 2]) láloo—begone aſ J) láloo la—from a haven colºſ).U. o:25% tooroon câláloan, Mas hil’ir *~ |Departed 5/2 láloo, 3]2- mélaloo -He is departed to another place fooda láloo ca tampat láin Departing cols 34) lábooawn Departs 343 láboo To Depend, confide on, ºlyte- hárap To Depoſe, put away, § 34 booang— humble cºlogy rendācan Depth & 9)|ot 5 cadálamnea Deputy CŞ331 akoee, sº bertanda To Deride, laugh at, co-1|35U tata- WalCarl Deriſion cols; 2,312 bágoorooawn - ſow'al, oxºjö täneaawn . To Derive CŞtº CŞels- jaddee -- D # menjaddee, Deſart & sy rimba * Deſarted, loſt in a deſart, *rºjº ber- imba * , To Deſcend oxº tooroon, sexi, º, tooroonda – { Deſcended gy;ly bâtooroon Deſcending cy; c. :Jºlº bátooroon tooroon Deſcent, race, Jºl affal—general de- ſcent &, bangſa To Deſcribe, write, orpourtray, o”Jº toolis—by words cºyº. mengº- artéban ** Deſcribed O.J123; tertoolis Deſcried colºs méléat To Deſerve, merit, O”ºw- hároos Deſert, merit, O” y's håroos—Pu- niſh him according to his defert &ºwl- cºo &c.) co-º-º: fixácan dea dungan härooſnea Deſerter &jºr & tº €ang berchéree Deſerving, valuable, & 5Jr. ber'arga To Deſign L. maoo Deſigned costs, terfáſat Deſire, will, #leº candátee, C =Xc = }|> bočjok, Q sº- bódooke—invention Jºſe To Deſiſt ºU) låtak, o°44' lépa dápatan yr- 2. rº. ... ...:3.5% ºf * a sº tº " … rººf z' 3-2. * ... • *-* , ** -gs z.b. I - ſhitan . . . . . . . . To Deviſe, make, e-3- pandéca Devotion cylºº bactean: ‘ū. To Devour, eat up, gºal cºlo má- can abis— greedily o's334 bocas Devoured o” £25 tálang ab'is Devour ( -ºxº Bačtee—Devout man, one that ſtudies the law of God, a lºs &92 6rang ăgáma–A man man given to worſhip God, &25 &44-•y's 6rang ſoombay'ang P Dew Cy533 Oobon Diadem Ajºs- makóts Dial cº->=º cº-ºp Joo Jam t Dialect, manner of ſpeech, alsº oo- páma - Dialogue cle/5335 &L., &Ls, colº tootoorawn ſāma fåma, a slº, a slow ſºlº bá- tootoor ſāma ſáma 1)iamond Cº inſtan Diaphragma, ſkirt in the body;cºlº, Cº. Sº ſálápoot proot ſenee Dice GSM, sº booa parree-To play at dice Q Soº-joodee -To jº. meng'cátácan, cºtyly catácan - Dićtionary &L lººs kitāb báſa Did ºl; a berbooat, sºlº so;'s fooda booat—not cºg boocon, 3. Nº teda—He did that himſelf age 5% ºr CŞjº dea findirce berbooat étoo 4 ToT)ie sº ot.2:34 pootoos niãwa { âg gåw ee toon- tootoorawn, • ? ( 97 ) Devil oºl iblis, cº-jen, cº | £) { Q sº mátee—Like to die c'è", &L, fakit pāyah Diedapper as ºr checha, Diet cºil ſlo mácānan asſº-booroong chécha To Differ cºláin Difference Cºurk . . Different cº láin, Çs’ tº ( sºlº bágee bágee ºw tº e Difficult ×3, foocar—to do Q3.9 miſkill Difficulty cy M.J.'s miſkillan Diffident &l=} &95 coorangpcrºchá- ya e To Dig cº gálee Digged JLºs men'gálce To Digeſt — Lºſ )vis' an’choor beac Digeſted 2:-"; teran'choor — as a wound A3Urſ bernánah Digging Gº- men'gilee Dignification_j)[y gălar Dignity cylºº béſàran To Digreſs, wander, coºl, ſåſat 33.95% & Diligence cº-3-ly rajinggan Diligent, ready, &=ly rajing’ Dim light ( -ºo ºt) langit dénee Dim-fighted oºl; caboos Dimenſion o-, low'as To Diminiſh * êºjº bercoorang, cº233 coorangcan Diminiſhed &25%, bercoorang Dinner CŞyſ & colsº25-joomaawn teng'a arree tº To Dip ºs méniélop Dipped sº méniélop (To Direét, ſhew, _2=53 toonjoo B. b ** **** * D f —That city is under his direction &yº & age _2^4 QS}%; 'négree étoo dea poonea párenta * Dirt, mire, Jº loompoor—of the ſtreet & lécha—ſweepings & * r t ſampa Dirted, ſoiled, J15-sº-yº berchoomoor Dirty_2-º- choomoor -* To Diſable e-lºſ cºcoorangcan COOat To Diſagree, wrangle, sycº-Jº ber- chídéra Diſagreement sºoºº- chídéra To Diſannul Cºlolº.jLº mániaddácan To Diſappoint Cº- Gº & oobah can Janjee * To Diſarm &l="Jū tingal finjáta Piſaſter & Mas chélāka "To Diſband sºlsº péchat Diſburſe (33°t=}L, bálanjácan To Diſcern Gºtºs méléat—under- ſtand C ºx.” mengartce, 2:35'- haucom * To Diſcharge oºl lépas pay 34% biyar—pay off in full gº CS º bāyar toonay -- Diſcharge, receipt, -** wº foo-l rat maaf Diſcharged as from an office Girlsº péchat l Diſciple, follower, S-95-9 moorit—|| learner >\! &Jº ôrang beiðar Diſciples Sºº-o ey 2-0 moorit moorit To Diſcipline cºL.Lº beáſácan To Diſcloſe exºſ télélécan l ( 08 ). * tº & As º * - * * * * * & •. º Direétion, juriſdićtion, &jly párenta **** D f Diſcloſed & G taboo.ca Aº Diſconſolate cºwº e eqle sexºté- da dāpat de éboorcan - . Diſcontent * , odooca-trouble **** Cºxe ſooſa attee—forrow Q:3" ſoogool * . . . . . . . . . . . . Diſcontented Cºc & & 23 dooca , chéta attee—troubled &º, sº téda ſooca . . . T)iſcord sig, Xas chídéra. To Diſcover, diſcloſe, exºſ télè- lécan Diſcovered & 335 tábooca, §jºr lo trang * * To Diſcourage cº lsº men'châbar- CâI]. $ $: *x * 3. * * * ~ * * † - r * Čísº. Diſcouraged Cºcº long attee Diſcourſe oGU cátaawn, cº to Otoorawn * * , To Diſcourſe _º tootoor, &l: căta To Diſcredit cºtLºsº, menghiná- Can & Diſcreet, cautious, Cytºsº bejac – }- . Ǻ2×3: berboodee, Jº ºr. Diſcreetly J3’;: ber’ācal TO Diſdain 893-9 <-tº-s méléat moo- da—He did diſdain -º-, &C) _5394 89 2-8 dea * dako Diſeaſe cºls, ſåkitan, &Ajūt-e sex, deterbit la ay'er derree pada mátánea *Diſtillation cºcoocooſan Diſtiller 9,23& pencoocoos Diſtinét 23L, ſikoo Diſtinétly cºſ 2XL5 calāwāſan—ſpeak diſtinctly cºlºu &l: căta călă- wāſan Diſtinétion o'clolº beódaawn To Diſtinguiſh solº beáda Diſtracted skºgela Diſtreſs cytºs, ſoocáran To Diſtribute C-5Lºt, bágéâcan— d about : •º º -I 1 OUIIl Cl a DOUl &!, Gºtº-, mem- bágee coolleeling • * To Diſturb, move, sº bégra, cºlº begrácan Diſturbance jº_J's hároo bíroo Diſturbed mind u_x, 5.) cº attee rooſak Ditch Gºjº, párit i .* 100 ) Do To Drive. 334-clampoh ** |Divers, ſeveral ſorts, cº- jénis— colours A3, oºº- jënis, warna, ejl, ay!, warna warna - . Diverſion cººl, 3 pamáinan. To. Divide, ſhare, tº º * cººk.” m embágee Divided cº ... berbägee Dividendºc, cººl, bágéawn bágee Divideth cº ºrs membágee Dividing Gºtº Cºlºr, berbägee bágee -& © To Divine, foretell, Jº ſangall |Divine, holy, Cycyc àdil |Divinity º:-" _º|| elmoo clhoo- OOIY) w Diviſion, ſtrife, sº-Na- chídéra To Divorce Cº- chéree ...” Divorced, ſeparated, GS jºr ber- chéree |Divorcement c < *s-U bâchéree To Divulge #3, bercábar |Dizzy with fickneſs & pening, allº Åxag cépála péning — with eating any drug, with eating beetle Jºls chajal • Dying co (x&L,Lycémáteawn Dying-man cyl-ºl-3 &y: 6rang cé- mäteawn . Docile colºvº ë...)º ôrang pen'goo- I’OOail Z ^, 'Dočtor _3-95- boomo, cº-ºº: tábeib {Doétrine C sº ājarawn § wº tº º × fe - .* - Divider G” --> ÇSyº-juree mem- §: 33 º; bertánoong, - * - - 3×9 . . . ~ * ºpoº:: booat, *** mem- awbgoat, as; careeja - Do not gººjangon, scº tºda-do ſo . . . . . . . . jooatbūggétoo—do not º ºlºgb&oat biggº oo-ºon ** .*.* º34, exº~Jangon booat buggéto-do amiſs &JL. ºlº-c membooat ſäla—Do not ſay more of that: sex CŞjec sºlºe,»º- •e f * A. A. •º ºr ... 2 jangon câta lágee derree pada étoo. —Do not call upon the name of God in vain AJF&sj “23” 2- oxº~ *** ***, jangon joo ſéboot náma allah ſia ſia–To do what one can W. * Cs): C.J.; a 3/4 - 24 booat bárang ſabólee b6lee—Do not forget that 3:3 & 4) cº- jangon loopa £too—I have ſomewhat more to do &=93 §y- cº sos &º ſaya adda lágee báráng careeja I}oe, female deer, &=& kéjang Does elº, o membooat se Dog &=} anjing–To hunt &=" * * cº's 2.54} anjing perboorooawn—for * the water r: C_ººl's &='' anjing máſooc ayer—that watches &=" &l= anjingjaga - To Doge ºldºg in'dap , Dogs &=" Ås" anjing anging—dogs ^ ſcent * &=l–2º º choom baw'oo -anjing * Poing cºlº booatan, coºl: ; berboo- atan * Doleful axº~ & so dooca chétat Doleful ſong ºly Cº-ºº bidjee rātap * ‘Doller Juj réall *. Dolour a** fixa, céls, ſåkit f( -101 ) HD 40 Dolphin O”º âboonuſe * Domes-day ºccºlas Cºyº harree kia" mat wº To Domineer cºts-jº mérajácan Dominion cº-ly rājat—To hold do- minion cº-ly & pégang rājat Done U-4 äbis—made GS cº-sº men- jaddee—ended Oº34 Pootoos— away £42.5 tabooang—is done sex, Cººl fooda abis—deſtroyed, gone, - any thing of ſubſtance Cºl abis— That wood is done away by burning Gºśl o” & ©!” º 24 l_s^ cayſog étoo ſooda ab'is angoos—well done s ) lah—quite done (s/U &. c” Cs' Uſabis ſa călce călee Door 2×3 pintoo—fore door © 2.24 cºlor pintoo de addápan—back door cº, o ºx3 pintoo de blácan –croſs piece over a door way Cºlo darnee–Side poſt 3xx; §tº "tſang pintoo—Door-fill s—ºx Tambang— Knocker of a door_2^*, *, * ſooſoo pintoo—Door-keeper_2^* QS 24:34 penſoongoowee pintoo—Shut the door ºq Gº tootoop pintoo— Lock the door ºxº cº G=='93' cooncheá can pintoo—Open the door _2^*, a 24 booca pintoo — within door 2X|o dálam — without door _ylºe délooar |Doorean clºse, doorean ol,259, a fruit in India - Doored ºr berpintoo Dotard co-lº-' $15! 6rang mérában |To Dote CŞxº bºdóce—love with C c *~" # Dio. deſire Cº-ºº birrahee . . . To Double in value, profit, sex3 gan- da, sº berganda—make tW6 82°F. berdua—Double gain & 3) sº lába ganda—double-tax sojö sºdenda ganda—double tongued sea' ssº dualéda—Double minded 255° Xc attee dua, 859 Gº! alº- tee duá—double meaning 8 ye cº artee dua * To Double, fold, o” lápis, cº lápiſãcan—How many double ag|r. Cºx brápa lápis—Theſe words afe of a double meaning & c sºlºſ o 40 páta énee arténca dua Toubled Oº yjº berlâpis—That cloth is doubled Gº; $º 24 cºlº cay'in Étoo ſooda berlâpis . . To Doubt, waver, G ºr sei: goonda attee ! º Doubtful, ſuſpicious, sejº goonda– doubtful man gºs sei:3 &2 Örang goonda attee } * Dove, turtle-dove, ty1933%t; §305- boo roong tacoocoor, ( 94;& merapa- º sº tºº Ç 2 | tee—wild dove, pigeon, G-333 p6- nay—houſe Gººs &yº, ſaroong mérápátee Dough cº rägee, §5? 35 tepoong Dowager sexºle déyanda Down of birds _º booloo *g Down sºlº bava, sºlº débava–caſt. down sºlº & rºck-s mélimpar ca bava–Throw down forcibly to thei ground Gº & cºs men'- ( ro2 ) | down, cºyº tooroon-goºdows àpitäpitan ‘bºt cxxi tooroon—The fun goes down, - . ~ + ... • * * sº * O yº CŞhails nºta arree tegoroonk –To keep. down, * under, y G&N K} tindee—Togo downby water jºke- hilºir $ . . . . - Downs, plains, §eº pádang Dowry-cyst; G ºg iſſee eaw'in Draft, map, & péta *. To Drag &\º-héla—after evº, ſam- pat, Gºrº mengirit Dragon a tyJ), oolar nāga Dragons błood §3-5- jernong, §ºjº- jarínong. . * * * * To Drain cº Kirringcan Drake cº- tº €teck jantan. To Drap 349 láboo—anchor L. _*} iáboo fado .* o Draught of drink -3.3% tégook, Lºyºl's fatógook *. Draughts, to play, cºxºf āpitan, Gººg! apitápitan – To play at draughts cº * | cºlº máin To Draw, hawk, AMAs hela—up & , timba-up water, jºſ &A, 3 timba ayer—deſcribe O-435toolis–pull off Qyº bantoon—off a horſe cº- '# O»3 O's Q99 bantoon derree attas cooda—with a jerk — sº, ſin- tak-tap Gºals châboot-tooth cº S-9*** châboot giggee, cºcº tingalcan giggee— as a plaiſter ºf Íſap, Jºtº oopas —fuck ºvº, iſap—near jº-º/Lº ma- | gampaſcan ca boomi—let, lower! ampir, cº-º'- mengampircan– § { * tº ſtretch-ºwtarrik-in,as the breath; º, fºll 2.4 mémáſoc-the breath a -. Ž sº *:::: .. º 2 ; # toºk Sº-2jū. tarrik náfas—ſuck, as imoak, ºu... Íſap-ſcope up with …the hand wºº chºdoocan- cloſe, as a purſe, cºlj Cºyº tarrik rápat—out; as a ſword, Cºoonoos, exº-cháboot—as a curtainº ſangkap—the ſhape of cº-tºy roo- pácan—as a bridge ºf an cat- " Rift up one end *55- jóonkat Draw-bridgecº, Gjº-joonkátan Drawed &\;=}} terhéla Drawer -ºj UK, penſarrik Draws_3, ... ſolwar, jºizar Drawn cy.J.; tertoolis Dread cº-lº cajoot Dreadful Gº23-33 tercapot Pream oº::c- mimpceawn. To Dream Cºco mimpee Dreamed Gºes; berminpee. Dreggs CŞū tai, ayū käroo * * •. To Drench into the throat 33-chákoſ To; Dreſs, cook, Cs” tº ſájee, Lºst's máſak, -º-; GSr. bree máſak, ākee * Q mémákee – make p 3- Gºrºs arºl fine cº-Kºº byfeecan, cº-ºr- membyſeecan—as a wound . . Ju & §lſº * 3. y * * + * º *. Gs' 35 oobattee. Dreſſed cºlºr berfºjee s' Erift cº- âny'ote: gº'; ter’-k any'ote—The ſhip is a drift Qºlş t C.sºs *. tºyº Cápal ſooda âny'ote Prill, , £O bore, º pootarwéla, * kélim, ‘Soyº goordee—To * ( 103 ) 10 R. * drill through e-º-º- choochook Drink Go (*~, minnoomawn—ſtrong drink o”; o'-º'- manoomawn cras—To drink 25° minnoom—all off o-cºminnoom abis, **** * -e’ ſoomjam—to one * >3. anſcat minnoom mábooc } Drinking cº-º-, minnoomawn – drinking-cup cyl-sº-s cº-chá- Walth II)in F100ſ flaw Ik To Drive, make depart, C333/9(3-9 x A T /* Q. ~ y, “ * niéláloocan—as a beaſt J.c àlow, 5. • A * -* ke 2/3-, mengålow — To hunt Jº * L^* booroo — as the clouds Cº.,LXX, pangăſae—out of a hole, as a nail, g- s' choonkillcan—out of a houſe štº booang, cºlyſtſ câloo- arcan–back &25 J 8-Nº GSjºy Q-3)'53 toolak derree pada rooma—in, as a nail, Lºxi) lantak, -º-; mé- lantak—in the water Gºjºc àny- ote—perſecute 2, oofir Driven &tº tábooang, 309&s mélá- too. wrº- Driver of beaſts, a ſhepherd, *Jºſ combála, t To Droop, hang the head, ex- ſing it Drep -ºj tetik-To drop —ºxºg tétik–as rain Lºsº, perchik—leak apace &Mºs méſéleh — let fall cºts-játoocan—let fail on *3.3 timpa. .** º |Droppeth -*>35 tàperchik Dropping • *Xº3r bertétik – apace, leaking, Gº!}* tirrifan—dropping or eyes Maj &Lº máta nilas Tropſy ;: cºsts, ſåkitay'er Droſs (g, e-dawey Drove ex's caw'an Drowſy Cººl antooc, Cºlº- meng'antooc, J_2^3| ter'antooc— I am drowſy Cºlis &le fºya mengantooc—eyes -º-, &Ls máta meng'antooc — very drowſy –3a 3 ; ter'antooc . - To Drown, ſink, 2.2LXX5 tingálam Downed ;: 2X ley o”. Cºle mátee § # lémas dálam ay'er Drudge, one to do drudgery, kring—To dry e-º; kring- can—Dry, thirſty, Q’.2 àOOS, lºſe daghá—dry pit -3.3% cóchak— dry place in the ſea, a ſhallow, cº; kringgan—The ſhip is on the ſhallów cº-º; a sexº Jºº cipal fooda ca kringgan—To dry, in the air, 22-9- joomoor—in the fun ( 104 ) *- * ... - .--" + máta arree—in the ſmoak segº * ** 3) ty *** | lálay, pada aſſap — Dry land .* cºy!cy dárat—To haul a ſhip idry Jºº §5? GSR breekring cápal Dryed fiſh J22,5- e-3 écan joomoor, §33 e-gécani.ring # *, . . . . Duck slºt, Lºxa etik batik—To duck c*** filam, Cº- me- níélam |Due, right, Gl-haak, exº~hankt |Duel Lººkélihee Duelled C =% bakélihee t Dugº, ſooſoo-that is round º, . 322 ſooſoo boontar TXuke Qwº pangáran Dull, ſlow, exº-s) lambat, Dumb º byfoo To Dun Gºjº toontoot—for a debt &: sº toontoot ootang Dunce Jºlº bábal, U3222 b8doc, 23 [5" cágoo Çs y lálee * * 2. Dung CSU tai—of ſheep *- 39 jº bootir doomba—for land &=l. baja —To dung (331-19 bajácan |Durable (9.sº94 3 Cº.; téda berpoo- - tooſan ſº º f Durable colour 533, ai, warna tägo, _542; sº ë'. *322 warna €ang téda berrooboo - Duſk of the evening Cºl & pétáng arree–twilight ex L., ſåwan Duſt, fine, ºl āboo-ſweepings &º ſampa — flower, very fine duſt, de Q CSy! ~~ 293 )15-25- joomoor pada s: loomat, ºvos: _3: âboo loo- Imat **- - .* ( 1 To Duſt, wipe off duſt, _º| _º's ſápoo âboo Duſty_*} beribog. * ... Duty, change, cº-Xè335 tanggoong- gan—office ºpankat, ox=9% pacarjaawn Dutiful C-3!», ſoopan To Dwell -3e 29 doodooc, _ºr. II] OOIl OO Dwelled J3e3e, berdoodooc Dwelling cocº-s moonooawn, Cy sº 29 J_º ºr berdoodooc doodooc To Dye, colours, ºs chélop Dyed ºr berchélop -z-z-z-y: º - As Dyer ºf ÇSoº! pandee chélop , - E. A. / .* 4 - * EACH & & ſa ſa-man & & §y12 ſa ſa Órang—diſtinét man him- ſelf CŞjº &: & & ſafa Örang Hindirree -- Eager, willing, &-y rajing- Eagle G |: &y raja walee, &_2_1% * L. booroong wálee, cº |: wälee Ear & Jº télinga—of corn Csº rankee, O99. farāwan, &Lo máta —of a pot ºn ſooſoo-flap of the ear &\; §3-5 ocjong télin'ga— box on the ear jº tampar Ear-ring & anting—put in a large hole made in the ear, the ring is hollowed for the flap of the ear to lie in, &º foobang—Put on your ear-rings sº 3-9 & & U- Lº; KMA; kenácan anting anting moo O E #. * * ) * foomping, &º ſoonting—Ear " picker & Jºë3- choongkill télin'ga—noiſe in the ear #23.9% bádangoong—ſinging noiſe \ & ſolº bádaffing Eared, as corn, C sº-º:jº berbidjee Early, in a morning, GS J| cº pá- gee aree—in a ſeaſon C)),' awal, Jº' ~5-e āwal moofim To Earn *2; berlaba, Cºl. Earneſt, diligent, &=y rajing–Penny e > Chincram, cgelº gádee— I gave him carneſt is, soºw. & !, C-kitta fooda bree • Dyſ can • e”. ≤ * chin- cram padánea—in earneſt _**** ſoongoo, cºlº scº teda máin Earneſtly ~~~~ ſangat Earth, the whole earth, ( sº 34 boomi —earth, ground, &ty-tána Earthquake Jºs: *~5 goompa boomi Eaſe, from ſickneſs, AXA, bétah—con- Cs" º-cº, ſºdap attee Eaſt J13.6% timmore—wards &Ju'..., tº e co- _yºrº ang in timmore—ſea -:) _2, ºlaoot timmore—parts – 343 tent Lºcº ſābla timmore—wind _2,…} fihak timmore — country Jºrº Q Sº, négree timmore—He is gone eaſtward Awl, as soºn age Jºrº dea ſooda caſăbla timmore Eaſter-day cºs^* &! (Sylº harree rāya fichon Eaſier sys Gº! lebbee moora Eaſily sys-o moora pada télinga—Ear-flowers &- 5* Eaſy, as to belieye, sº moora—To D d º gº ºp tº ( believe &=r. sy × moora percháya to do &º gampang, cººl ar- ringgan - Eat (331.9 mäcan – daintily Gºtº º'-Nºs. mâcon ſédap—meanly Gºtº §eº mácan ſédang — greedily Cºlº cº-5Lº mácan bow'as—refreſh by eating Cº. fantap-up cº- o” mécan abºis—To eat as acanker, ruſt, C-5 Lº mácan—give to cat cºlº GSyº's membre mácan Eatable cºſt-e Q cº's Š. éang dépat de mâcan Eatable . .) láwoo To Ebbº, ſooroot --- Ebbing water ºyº jº | ay'er ſooroot Ebony ºl 24ty cay'oo àrang * * wº Echo G.sº cº L., bálas- boonee, § sºlº badangoong # (..** & : , Eclipſe cyl-bºy gáraawn—of the fun 'CS', aſtro cyl-ly L: gäraawn máta. arree—of the moon, Q2:34 co'sjºy. gáraawn boolon. *. Eddy iayer Dooſar. ºddy rºyer Pooſar . . Edge & Lº máta, 85-5 oojong—of a knife yº & Cº máta péſoo-border tº º Aº y -: § - - g /* y ( sº." tépce — brim jº, Pingcor, jºº bibbir Two Edged &J s59 cºlºs mácan dua bla, AJ3 s 5° &L's máta dua bla To Edify, protećt, cauſe to be built, J., ámal—build gº toocan. Edifying, profitable, agº meng'appa Eel > 5 o-s, écan oolar, º bé- loot * }- to Effºa, finiſh, 9.4-label, ºrº 42' lancap—happily e-ºº: mélé- koocan—of no effect *i; }; soº teda bergoona º Effectually 332; berlákoo Effeminate evº! loomboot Effeminated clº-sºº (solº- jaddee parampoan Effeminate voice -**rs w!», ſooãra. marſik Efft & U.S., bangkárang Eggjº télore—yolk_3).j sº mé- ra telore—white_2\} c_º pootee télore—tread Jº evº: "pooſat télore—ſhell yºkºj e J33 coolitte- lore—with egg yºu bâtelore–To ſet eggs to brood J15%; 93-, men'- garam telore–To lay an egg_15%;" bertélore—rotten egg U_*. 54-y º télore booſooc & Egypt GSjº mizri, CŞ25° (,S jº né- gree mizra. To Eject §: booangº Either 331. &. &ſº bárangfalſātoo. Elbow as koo, _2^*. ſékoo-To lear: on the elbow C&OJA… mélindee Q-ºil anak. ſoolong—Elder. sº &2}9| ôrang tooah. —Elder,’ older, s!; G =9 lebbee: tooah—When the judge came to the . place of judgment, and they that: were with him, they did take coun- ſel with the elders of the city &J (313ts, ***** *** -º-Gº- cºo & Xs $4 $25"cºse º:- CŞjº, cºyº sº ºbjø. Elder, firſt born, &3.'3” * - * * & © à A A. dº sº sº &13 *i: mánácāla jurce Sºśs tº: ãº, sº.; *: & ". . . . ºf ...tº. • 4 x * .* * ~, * , * *::::::::::::::: ******* **, *, +, +37.3 ººº- -i. * *; , , “ . . > * , º; :3:... g.º.º.º. ". . . . . a 3 º' ºrºž/s, . * : * > ..” “. . " * . ºr ... r. º, "...”: < *. º. 2, 7,2,3,...’,” . . . . * * * “. . - * * * ... * * * * * g EM hookoom ſooda dātang ca tampat hookoom dungan érang eang adda dung'an dea deórang ſooda béchara dung'an négree poonca Örang tooah tooah. - Eldeſt brother &! syº. ſoodara àbang Ele&t, choſen, cº terpillee—To elect Cºg pillee Elected ( 2/3º terpillee Election Öxº, pilleavn Elegancy O.30s &t: căta mänis. Elegant &lºt, Cºcº pandee bacáta. Elegy, mournful ſong, ºly G ==º bidjee rátap tº a * £lement **; cº & & 29 doonea poonea bagéan partama Elephant ast gaja—trunk cº &ly, boolálee gaja—tooth êe U’ as Lºgading gajã - - To Elevate # 3-3- joonjoong, Cºtº, tingeåcan Eloquent &Utº C Goºg pandee bácāta Elſe cººl láin, cº-º-, meláincan] |Engliſh man Jºjº', &J, 6rang Enº- —where cº evº tampat láin. Embers sºlº para. Emerald, Oº zamoorood, alsº s' permáta.eju. Eminent & 3-5 moolta. Emperor collak's fooltavn, go 2}t-sº- ſooltawn ch ejálam. usº. Empty &lampa-To empty cºlºs' ampácan—That caſkistwelve inches' empty GSM- _2^4. cº- lº º §sº ( 107 ) (3 & s'; tooah ſa călee— E KT. Emptied &A-s! ( Colº-jaddee ampa Emulation it; irríattee To Enamel Cºljº, bertátak End;3-2 oojong—farther end **.& 4-5y s teroojong—of a diſcourſe cºcoº- foodaawn—point > , oojong- tip o-Cº gintas—of the world: &ºe colcox's ſoodaawn doonea To end, finiſh, o” abis Gº23334 poo- toos—To what end, purpoſe, e.g. ai:- appa goona–For what end, purpoſe, &l &º ſébah appa - To Endeavour & 3- chóba—fruitleſs endeavour & eºs a=;’ careeja. sia Síá, &lº féja º Ended Oºººº tápootoos Endleſs cº-º: solº teadda poo- tooſan Enemy _º ſätroo–To death ºl. º2'-s &ls, ſåtroo ſáhinga maoot Enemies _5 * jº Ls, ſåtroo ſátroo Engine «ç »Lº pågåwee Englandoºrs; CŞyº Négree En’-- grees, O-grx3' ºt; Tána Engrees. grees. 3N. & - • *.ſ ... 3 x7.7 tº ". Enmity o'sº fătrooawn, |Enough scy as fooda – It is enough: & sº ſoodala Enſign, flag, Jº toon gai–To carry. in the hand C sº panjee-bearer cº .. & &1: ārang pégang. panjee. Enter J3. Lºs máſooc. - Entered Cºlº- mémáſooc—He is. &A-sl toong étoo duablas iboo jarrce anapaº—as a bag -2's ſoc. - E. Q ( 1 fooda memáſocc ,-- - Entering C ºst- Cººl, bámáſooc máſooc, cº-º's máſoocan ! ternriſe ... ? *-i- n- Enterpriſe oº:: perbooatan. To en- terpriſe, try, & 3-chóba - To Entertain, receive, Sºrº ſam- boot . - Entertained sº... ſamboot—I have cntertained the truth so 2. &L. cylºº &" Sº, faya fooda fam- boot 6ang benáran . . . . E. 4- * * * * {3}, Entrails *::: Q sº iſe proot Entrance cºlº máſoocan Entry, porch, ( e^^) lº, ſårambce Envy, back-bite, <53 goompat— emulation Cºl; irriattee Envious Q-se; berdamdam–envi- OuS man Cº-A-0sº pen'goompat, -**; berſédoot, - >3. cs” attee booſooc - Epicure -, Cºpen'démab Epiphany-day exº~e & harree táya dhinon !y QS,.9 Epiſtle to ſend o'-º',: “21°. ſoorat kirrimawn - , - Equal, alike, *** ſima, &ls. Jyº &Ls, bétool ſäma ſäma To Equip, rig, -3) lancap º Equipage cº lancapan, cººl; kálancapan—of a ſhip exºx3)[s J40 kálancapan câpal, Q4U. *}” ſerba cápal, Jºº Cººlg pågåwee cápal , Equipped -39L bálancap Equity cyjºbénaran |To Err &JLº, ſíla, &JL. & 3 kéna fél |Eſaias o". *º- Jeſajas * . . . . . -ºšº º #º - S. ... º. ººº-ººººº. §3. §§ g §§§. º - - * †, jº - - *s- - : S. - 'º, ... • {{.. ". . . . .3°º º 'º' - • *- . ... ". ; : *** * * * * : * ... ." §3. - - * , ... “… - ... , -- A z . . . ", , , , . . . . . . . . . - * •, - • * o8 ). *E*S cáta dung'an dua arténea • º Equivocator 3| <) aſ 6rangättee ‘. ** Qs & - sº Equivocation sise 255° attee dua To Erect G-3 Jolly bádirrécan * * , cºl attee duº, Gl ~ 3. Erred &JLº. berſâla . Erring,&JL.'s báſála Error JLº, ſāla, Cºx/Us, ſålaawn J - * * 3.2 * * * To Eſcape, run away, Q s^^4 GSj} Harree pégee—To let eſcape cº12/3 lálooãcan, 0.24) 1épas * , Eſcape cote; y lálooawn |Eſcaped o” lepas–out of danger **, ocº CŞe cºllépas derree pada fooſa . ... • * Eſcaping cy's 2/2 lálooawn To Eſcue_3/2 láloo To Eſpie sºlº-c méléat To Eſpouſe ] bertoonang To Eſſay, try, oojee Eſſay, teſt of metal, C <^*. oojee Effence, being, Colclóſ's kaaddaawn Eſſential sol adda - * To Eſtabliſh 233; tºgo, cº-º; tº- gócan • - Eſtabliſhed ºt, bátógo Eſtabliſhing 3-33 3-ſºlº bátógotégo Eſtabliſhment cº's23 tº bátógoawn, *º-35 tégónea - |Eſtate, riches, Colclº[5 cáyaawn—ſub- To Equivocate &ºl sº cº-e ajtº ſtance Jºlº bákal, &larta—in land &JLº, taalla *- - • , , MR-5 º wº sº. 3 ºr “.... * *:: *- : * ~ * º:§§§ º: 3.x: -; ; ; . . ,-4 2* .* *: . . . . . . . * * • * * - A * ~ * - E V To Eſteem, magnify, cººbéſarcan —raiſe ones ſelf Jºe Oºls-- (gyo co- mengattas attas can dirree —of little eſteem & hina, solº-. sox's méléat mooda–To Eſteem little co-Kºlo 3-8 moodaćcan Eſteemable 23), berlákoo Eſtimation o's; sjº kéra kéraawn | To Eſtrange cºl=~" menjaooécan Eternal Jºly cécal—life colº O31; 6dopawn cácal Eternity Jºt câcal, Jºlº tercácal —from all eternity J$15 scº, Gºjo derree pada cácal—To all eternity Jº tº cº- ſampee cácal Evangeliſt Jºsé evyº; Pénſoorat injil - Evaporate &; terbang To Evaporate cº-º; terbangcan Even, plain, &ly rāta-he a 3- & © dea jooga—ſo 23.4% buggétoo—as many. Cººl, ſākien—in number ºgénap-odd Jºlºgé- nap gáſal—to make even G-1Üly rā- tácan - - Evening C޺ & pétang harree— duſk of the evening & c5924 Pó- hone pétang N \ Event Goºgol-jaddeawn Evere); lºcácal—for ever Jºtſo sº. ſampee cácal—to all ages & Cº." _15-95 ſampee ſa oomoor—Cañ that ever come to paſs Cs' 24 J5-9 * _53 (Solº ſaoomoor b6lee jaddee étoo - Everlaſting Jºº tercácal ( 100 ) YE X Ever ſince sexy Cºyo derree pada Every, each, & A. ſaſa-man a... a. G2 c 32 &º, ſa ſa 6rang lakkce lakkee-all. Jº ſegalla – way. cyl-a/Lººſégallajálan—manner wº;; &JLº, ſegalla perkara—where ºrſ allºw 8-X4 pada ſégalla tam- pat, S-363 aſºn ſégalla fihak— day (99 Q919 & . ſaharree harree —of themſelves ÇSyºğ)15 & eº ſa ſa Órang ſindirree—where & Ls cy &L's de mâna mána Eves of a houſe &23.9 º' ſing it I’OOTY) a. Evil ex-la- jãhat, cº-tº-jáhatan, J313 nácal—He is an evil man ago ex-le- $25' dea 6rangjähat Evidence Cº-Kº, fax'ee Evident _º tantoo, Ajlº niáta—It is evident, Ajla, soyº, foodá niáta Eunuch scº, sº fêda féda, GSjº cambirree Ewe & &exe doomba bétina Exačt, right, Oyº bétool To Exalt, elevate, §3-5- joonjoong —on high C3T3-3 tingéâcan—lift up ex3|an'cat Exalted c. 3 3 ber'an'cat To Examine aº prix a Examination, enquiry, co-º-º: prix- alal WIl Examined * l, báprix'a Example, form, Goo Maj teládan— compariſon & slº, oopáma To Exaſperate cºy's håroocan, E e • …, x- -, * * * ~ * g re. ; : « , — » : -ºxº~ ***, r*& S tº . . . . .” -->, * : *, *...* †...' - - *- : * ~...'. “ - * * * * *a*- * * * sº *... . . . . . . . . . . . * ***. c - ºr- . . . . . . ." § 3 - , , , § - . . . . . . . " : * : * : ... “ 23. - º, 3 * * . º. º.º. ºf º & “s. • ‘‘ ... … ?" sº.” . . . . . .-àº, , , , +. 3. * , , , . . ." § 3× ºf wº. - Y. a zerº, ".. & Żº * - ^- - * * * ** * , . * * - - - * - -> 3. ** - .” - “ . * * ~ *. - %. * *- - > *, *.xv, xv. 3, § "& 3" **.* .* *** *{Yºyº *...*&^ -.” ********** :: **** . ...ºf a $º-º-º: **.*.*.*.*…*&^*}º ...sº sº.s. sº g.º. gº º sº tº , ºººººººº...º.º. º.º - * . *'. * * ** * -- . . . . . . . . . ; ; . . . . º.º.º.º.º.º. º.º." *::::::::: * * * - : * ~ * - * … ** * Sº, - * - * * ~ sº * x ( 110 ) / ex se A • * & © tº º * Gºl Ājok—beaſt --> --> chok chok - -- - To Exceed, abound, ſº-sº mámoor— in goodneſs 23) lákoo-in quantity Aa's mélebbee—His riches does abound 12-stºs & cyl-[30 céyaawn néa mámoor - Exceeding in quantity evº! amºat, 3 cº, ſang'at ter—in goodneſs ‘.3), terlákoo-heavy Gºvrº ºvo amºat bir'at—in high degree ºvel; teram'at, º y terſang'at -- Exceedingly cºxºn, ſang at º To Excell 23) lákoo Excellency 23) lákoo * Excellent 23) lákoo-moſt excellent s}_j terlákoo Excellently done & la .* Except, if ſo be, axº~ jéka—if Ul attau--He wants nothing, except all, ^. &=&\g & 25 sº téda coorang padanea han'ya, sºlº famoa-Ex- cept he will do that, I will not go, 2:3 as; 9% 5-- *** cº- mélaincan dea maoo careeja Čtoo, cº 2's scº & kitta téda maoo pégee Exceſs cº-º! : Y'; terlåloo amºat, co's::) yjº terlålooawn - To Exchange ×3 toocar-money *5 J35 goorop :-- Exchanger ºy1-Gº- juree men'- goorop ~. Exchanging ºn1,3- men'gooroop Exclamation, ſcreaming, Q-RA, 3 tam- pik © To Exclude §5? booang Excrement c >3's ſakojof máta — twinkling eye ~~ y &Ls máta carlip To leer, look wanton, &!, &l. máta carling—To caſt an eye on, behold, Śº pandang—of a needle ºxy- &!. loobang Iaroom, sº 22.9- pantat järoom—ſmall hole in any hollow thing :…sº toombong —of a cocoa-nut eq}~ ; 94-95 toombong calápa - - FABLE, tale, clerºs chéritraawn.| Face & 3-5 mooca — face to face, cººl. ſamoocácan–brazen face cº', ~3. mooca pápan—pale face *>34 3. ſº mooca ay'er poo- chat—To face over, cover, Cºlj tátak * Faced -ºr bertátak Fact cºlº booatan Fačtion cº, ſífat - Fa&tious > gampar Factor cººl, 9,235 cabitmaal wakit To Fade, as leaves, O.3.132 booroos, 242 láyoo—as colours, _345.J rooboo, náſa - Faded JºJº, booroos, 34: Jr. berroo- boo - Fading 24, tº bárooboo—fading colour 233,4 & 5 warna barrooboo Fagot 24U 0.3tº berkas cay'oo To Fail, miſs, JLº, ſāla, _2< mid- ( 112 ) To ſquint asus ". cº-3L3’ goolingcan º cootoom—decay *Lº bin-l F A . doo-don't fail sexº, cº- jangon téda Failing, infirmity, 23 MAs chéléka— human failing ºil, sº ché- láka mänooſia Fain, would, *** ſooca To Faint away Cºx; pangſan Faint-hearted Jasºº ( -jl attee ké- cheel, cº jº's chábar attee, cº \-ºw 3.9 attee rooſak w * Faint-heartedneſs etcytºchábarawn Fair, comely, Geº by’ſee—as the weather &L's châwácha —dry weather cyl-Ü cámáran—God give me a little fair weather &JJ| Cºry cy cºexº, cylºl de bree Allah cá- máran ſédékit Fair rºl; paſſar Faith exº~3 percháyaawn Faithful Gilsº percháyáánee Faithful, juſt, Joë àdil - Faithful man ol,Lºlº ſátiawan—that can be confided in o cºlò §4. &: ºy's 6rangeang dépat de härap Faithfulneſs oxºlº ſátiaawn, cyl-glºr, percháyááwn Faithleſs &95% & *:: percháyá coorang Faithleſs man 2.9. &: | 6rang ſémoo, &lo $25' 6rang daya - |To Fall 53'-játoo—down atº exºt- játoo de bava flat 242) rooboo—upon sex, ºlº- játoo pada — headlong _3-x_2-y googoor—as a tree sº-233 toombang—into 2}ſe _2}ls-jatoo dálam-by degrees Cº.L., ſåſat—pro- ſtrate sº-sº" ſºjoot-out, quarrel, *::y’s gº tºº...; $º :*. ,< *. º. - , , tº: *: ; A. • . . . . . . . . . . * , r *…*.*. *::::: “... “ - ***.*, * * ... * * **** * - ...:” ; : * * * * A. .**-.....” } F A - s *** chídéra-out, come to paſs, cºotsjaddee—out, to end with a man, age cºe & sº ſooda la dung'an dea—To let fall, drop, Jº335 ‘googoor—To let fall upon, ſtrike upon, &A, 3 timpa,-ready to fall 53-3-0 cºQ lágee maoojátoo —Fall of the leåfs), loora—untime- ly fall Jvº2- googoor—untimely fall of fruit 83- )1,3- googoor booa Falling _ºlº- ºl-lº bájátoo játoo— falling Colcºts-játooawn-ſickneſs cº º pétam bobbee Falſe-hearteds 5-05-joomawa, O.J.5- choolas, &le) dāya * Falſeneſs, lying, colº.ge dooſtaawn Falſehood £2-53 b%hoong, &le dāya To Falſify ºx-s mengoobah . . . Fame & breta—of fame cº-º'ſ cábélanggan – man of fame &25 - cºlºrang cábélanggan Famed sw!”; berſooãra - Familiar friend, c** - föbat, cºº toolan—To be familiar cºlº bá- ſébat—Familiar, evil ſpirit, _2~ hantoo - . . . . Familiarity, friendſhip,cºlºſébatan, cº'59 toolan - - Family, kindred, Jºl e553 cawum aſal, & L'U calooarga, Jºs! #ſal —houſehold &**) --> —of one family, .223 as ſa ca- wum, Jºsſ & ſa’āſal—genteel fa- mily &º Jº...! #ſal bangſa Famine jºjº lipar béſar, gy & L. máſa lápar ( 113 ) »l iſſee rooma * A To Famiſh cººº:: méláparcan Famiſhed jº Qºl- máteelápar Famous' jºr bercábar, Jºs” miſ- choor—Famous city ºf C޺ négree tercábar Fan _5×3 níroo—fly-flap O'º kipas— To fan cº lº nírooácan, Gsjº- men'girey—winnow by toſſing up Csº tampee To Fancy, think, 853 & jº kéra kera Fanned 2×3 tº báníroo * Fantaſtical cº-3=* panchinggan Fa: _- jaoo-how far 2'- &; brapa Jaoo Fardle O.23: booncoos, J1,3 écor To Fare well, eat well, ºxº 0-1L. mácan ſedap © - Farewell, good bye, Gº tabbee, evºlº, ſālāmat, Cº 3 berkat, - cº-3-ºls kabidjécan - To Farm, hire, sº ſéwa Farmer, countryman, Cox3's 29 êº 6rang dooſoon—renter sº, &13| ôrang ſéwa - Fart sº coontoot Farther es' 2 :=-jaoo lágee Fartheſt Csº &_3=-jaoo ſa călee Faſhioneel 9's chára addat To Faſhion, form, cº3.J roopäcan —What faſhion is this &l syl- Clsº chára appa €nee - * Faſhionable, of a good ſhape, ag| jº ſédérána Faſt, apace, G-3, beng at - To Faſt, religiouſly, *::: póáſa—The F. A time of a religious faſt, ejºy ramá- Zail . . . . - To Faſten, claſp, bolt, co-ºº: fam- batcan—tie cºx. €cat Faſting costs; poăſaawn—as in a morningo tº 2:132 booloom mácan Fat Lºyal lémak—tallow zºº Gº! lémak cháir—big of º; —º-sº gómook-To grow fat (get- -**º jaddee gömook—To grow fat as a beaſt cº, ºr: bertam boon Fat, tun, 0.3U bákas To Fatten, as a man, splºg peãra—as a beaſt cº oyººr. bertamboon tamboon * Father agº, bápa–to a king sexºlº báginda—in law, mother's huſband, GSjº agº bápa, tirree — in law, wife's father, huſband's father, sº-c g Csº y cº mintooah lakkee lakkee grandfather GX cº Cºxº; nének lakkee lakkée — great grandfather cº &:-- Cºxº; nének mó- lakkee — forefathers S-ºxº; nének méyang—god- c.32 yang lakkee 25-9 father Qsì;”9 evº ſax'ee naſ- faránee " tº - Fathom &Ago dépa To Fathom cºlº dépácan Faucet Gºjºs- charrat Fault al. ſala, eley's ſalaawn— It is not my fault 23%. Q 5° 5. con ſālako r ºr Faulty *Jus; berſâla \ Favour, love, Coºſ caſſéawn, •-ºr ( 114 ) |To Feaſt _-sl=* menjámoo, ! boo- 5' - F #. Sºº' - Favour, kindneſs of profit, s: 㺠ânoo- gra s' <-- * , To Favour, profit, cº;333 ānoográ- can—well favoured ºglºy roo- pabáik—ill favoured _3.54 booroo Favourite ( → Kºškécaffee, ºg & kéna tiliſk, CRJ &as §§ eang kena tillik, Q sº &3' 6rang. caſſeawnee - -* To Fawn *—º:*::… membodjok Fawn assº • *śl anak rooſa |Fear cº,2.9%tº tácoot, cº-l: căjoot, cºttäcootawn—To fearsºt tãcoot—do not fear eºlj Cºx- jang on täcoot Feated S-225°º; betticoot, & ber- chinta f -- * *. Fearful *::=-53 U. ticojoot, Q-5-9% tercoojoot, cº §:*: élong attee, Gºtº ticoitee -- Fearing ºt, e.ºt; bertăcoot ta- COOt - * - Fearleſs Çs'; bránee Feaſt cºlº-joomaawn, cº-stºs. jámooawn—day ag') q99, harree rāya • * _2-stºr, berjámoo—marriage feaſt GotcLs. joomaawn, Geº-, mampélee— funeral feaſt as 2.0's hārooha—The feaſt of epiphany coyº-e &ly GSjºb harree rāyā dhinon—of Palm-ſunday evº!' &!, Gºjº harree rāya el- ſabaſib—of Pentecoſt ag!, Gºjºse *...* | harrce raya elechamfina— • © . caffec-affection –º tillik | of tabernacles &jº & !y Cºyº harree Feaſting co-tº cº-lº- joomâhan F E ( rāya tráta — of Eaſter a L Q.93 as “” harree rāya baſcha—at a chriſtening ºl ākikat To Feaſt, gluttonize, * Nº men- démab • . Feaſter &..)15 2-las” ë'. éang menjá- moo 6rang mãhan-place cº-tº-evº, tam- patjoomáhan Feather 29: booloo—of an arrow _º|*| ajl, Lºjl booloo anakpána—plume of feathers J. GjLX4 &catan boo- loo–To pluck feathers 212, º'- cháboot booloo ~ : Feathered 2Jº berbooloo N. N a 2-s pree mooca, Oyly páras, 3.j lácoo—and ſhape 23 y lácoo. Fed, full, &=º kinjang Fee +3+... ſow'ab - Feeble AXA) létah, arº lémah, sº e-'43 teedda cooat g Feebleneſs & 325 º! loomboot toolang 115 ) Fellows Q: 5-r’ F E mencharree roopa-in actions s95% 8124 poora poora—in heart o”'3- choolas Feigned sº wºº poora poora-ſickneſs &A's cºls, ſåkit fia Feirceneſs O-32 pow'as - Fell ºt-játoo-down sºlº e >3's játoo de bava To Fell, lop, & Lºs menábang—ſtrike down any living creature Cºº ban- tee Fellon (gjºs” &2' 6rang menchorce Fellow, companion, Cº-º; tummun To Fellow, pair, G-5ºgoocan 3. Cº-º; tummun tummum f Fellowſhip, ſociety, co-º-º-º: per- Feature Cº.wº páras—of the face GS3. himpônan Fellowſhip, in common, & 5-8 moo- sína - Fellowſhip, company, cº-, jūbātummun Felt ~~~r. berjábat—as cold &A3 kéna * Female & betína, cº-wl, pa- rampoan Fence -3° tº pagar . To Feed, graze cattle, allº-L, bá- jangala—give to eat cºſts GSr. bree mácan To Feel, touch, ext- jábat—Feel this cº, a cºlº- jábat la €nee Feeling Jºy ráſaawn Feet Csº cakkee—To ſtand with the feet joined together es” CŞze- eaglju bâdirree cakkee bárápat— cloſe Lºts e-º-º:J loompat kátak To Feign, outwardly, as3) SSjlsº \ To Fence in cº-3' > tº berpagar ácan —fortify & 33 sºlº booat kóta– up a way cººly ràbat, e-Glº fékat Fencer U-XX, < &12' 6rang batankis. Fencing maſter cºe cººl's 225-y &l=^* gooroo máin dung'an finjáta To Fend, ward off, Oº tankis Fennel O.cxcadis To Fery OVer &jº's ſábrang, 8.gº menábrang - Ferry-boat cº, ſampan F. I Ferry-hire cº tampanggan Fertile-land Cºl. &Jū tána báik Fervency cº, ingin, & chéta, 300) rindoo g Fervent deſire 393) rindoo Fervent, willing, &=y rajing To Feſtèr ( )_5-54 booſooc, To Fetch sºlº bava • *. ~ F ettersº: ºbáloongoo,23, loon"- goo, sylsº panjára Fettered & e 33.1% báloon'gooee Fever 2, 30 démam - Feveriſh cºcº, ... or berdémam fédékit—I am feveriſh cy ºeº. Prejº ako food berdé- mamſédékit - • Few cºes... ſºdékit - *- Fewel jºtº o jū bárang debaccar Fickle & bimbang, A.J.) lálim Fiddle Cººl, º Jº pen- kiſſil • Fiddle ºv, Jºs é º ºrang kiſſil rábab - * - Fidelity cylº bánáran, aºlº ſatia Fie G sº chee *> t Field, corn-field, §loº bendang—of pranggan - Fierce oºoº, pèdis—as a dog —syl; gálak—hearted oº:: Gºl atte bow'as—fierce dog GyU’ &=" anjing gålak - Fifth & J & Y ë'. éang ca léma Fifteen O.J., […] léma blas - Fifthly & J & ë'. Cºſt: călce éangca léma ** * , -- ( . 116 , ) ** 23|| Filed jº-, men'kékir, ºy F 1 Fifty_2.!: “…] léma pooloc - Figs, sº booa ara, a.º. caffèma— tree sy' cº póhone ára-dry fig 33 sy! sºboga ara kirring Fight, battle, oº:: pápranggan— duel C-39.3 kélihee—To fight, in numbers, & prang, §34 báprang. - Cºgºş kélihee, e” —Inan to mari cºlº bákélihe |Figure, cypher, &lanka—of any liv- ing creature jº gambar File jºš kékir, elejº kékirawn sº, síſoo–of men in an army _15-54 ow- báris boojoor, ow- *XXJU's bârismálintang berſi- ſoo - Filings bok To Fill, pour into, £3% tow'ang— jºs & taikékir, ºr ſº- *. meaſure Gyº tamboon—any veſſel . Cº., ifice, Gºtº, iffeácan, J-1|3323 poonooãcan — the belly ==* kinjang—in numbere, tº gen'apácan Filled a jº., berpoonoo, x=º., ber. ..:” sº poo &= -2 ºr Fillet écº fandāng * Fillip cº- jiatit, S-ºxº, plétik— Film, on the eye, o”º'- cáboos - sº Filthy, mire, 1:…' loompoor 1. Filth, in fin, or sº neſis Fin of a fiſh *}^* sirep, ºr ſy'rep —prickly fin e-3 Ç$35° dooree écan Finally &# scº pada ékirnea * * f } x F1 ( 11 Find 3-sº 3 bertámoo, cºlò dépat, cºl. XX. mendápat—To find the way cºlº cºle dépatjálán Finder cºlò §l. &1, 6rangeang dépat Finding e.g. Q-ºil anak an'cat, Lºſ - &ºanak gampang 7. ) Jº <25 bermáin oobat buddeel —ball cy 3- marjon — arrow , ºJº-chórówat—arms soy U&- ſtingarda—work like rockers with irons. Cºlj rábak—fly 5 - 5 koonangkoonang Fine as cloth oº::/ âloos—as al. voice Fired G 24 ;: ber'appee, Cººl y terºpper e sº fênce , “ . Fire fork Cºl Lºº; oopak appee Finédoglexjer, berdendace, sexie & Firm 3.525 togo kéna denda Firmament cº langit—ſtarry firma- Finger Gºº GS Jº- jarree tang'an— ment & tº Gé) lang in bābintang fore 5-sº GSJUS-jarree toonjoo— Firmneſs ots:3.25 tógoawn middle & GS Jº- jarree tenga—|Firſt GS y* 3-9 moolay, CSX'3”; bermoo- fourth, ring-finger, O.3L. CŞJº- jarree mánis—little oxxJú CŞyl- lay—foremoſt 2','e dauloo—born § 203 foolong, &ºr ſºlong jarree kalingkin—thumb ( Syls_º|Fiſgig &ly!,' ſarampang cº, iboo jarree tang'an—ſpace be-Fiſh cº écan–Fiſh, ſuppoſed by the tween the fingers CŞsyl- *** ché- lah jarree—To fuck the finger º!' q9ts looloom jarree–To 'ſnap, play with the finger, Cºyl- *3; terka jarree–To rap the finger-x}lsº CŞy's cétok jarree—light fingered • Jºſeº tang'an gangoo To Finiſh, perfeót, C-X3) lancap, * <3%. mélancap-end cººl ab'iſãcan, cºlº,º pootooſácan Finiſhed -3)'; berlancap, Cººl ab'is Finiſher C-3) Ǻ- jurree lancap Finiſhing exºgy lancapan, cº-sº Pootooſan, º ºxyl, bálancap p:" Jancap - Fire Gs: appee—-coal syū bára—brand Gs' §3.333 poontoong appee— flame Cs' &JLº, niall appee—works cs: & boonga appee—cº-sy Mahometans to be under ground, and cauſes earthquakes, cy; cº écan non–of the ſea ex) cº-º. écan laoot—of a river Gº" co-º écan ſoong'ey—that is "tranſparent gºy:- co-3. ecan chérémeen— ſalt-fiſh Cs slyly cº-X, &can găram- mee—pickled fiſh sº cº écan bódoo-dried fiſh gºs ex-3 écan kirring—fiſh-baſket-ºx, banglok —To catch fiſh G3.x. & tancap écan—To catch fiſh with hooks Jaxx's menkail—To fiſh with hooks Jº menkail—with a caſting-net aſſ=&s menjala—with a hoop-net 2334’s menango — with a ſayn -3,4- mémaoocat—with a purſe- net ºr ménféroo Fiſherman, that fiſhes with hodºs G g t F L - J& penkail, Jºs &2' 6rang menkail—that fiſhes with a ſayn ex; 2,4's 95' 6rang mémoocat Fiſhery cº G-A-K×3 tancapan écan Fiſh-hook Jººs & Lo máta kail Fiſhing with a ſayn exº~s mémoocat cºlº calang'an. * Fiſt doubled Cºx; tang'an—To ſtrike with the fiſt 5-3 .gócho f . . . Fiſtula cº-le- 3.253 pooroo jáhat | To Fit, prepare for uſe, Cº-lº ſajee cºlºs-Lº ſajéâcan—fit, in bigneſs, º- chookoop—Thoſe cloaths are fit for him — 43 5% cººl &Ajlot, pákečan étoo láyak padánea Fits, falling ſickneſs, Gº! Kº pétam bobee—by fits, ſometimes, £e's * £et; kádang kādang --- Fitch, bean, &=3 káchang Fitted -3). balancap Five ** iéma - *- To Fix, gate, O”2:34 pootoos Fixed 2- 3 togo Fizzle &L's 23 boomáta Flag Jº toongal—water graſs cº-º carjoot—ſtaff Jº &G bátang toon'gal, J-34; §§ tſang toon gal To Flag, droop, ecº fing it Flagon GS Jºcundee - - -- - Flame &JLJ niála—of fire cs: altº; niála appee—water, as on a ſword, GSJ5° kóree To Flame &J'º menniäla Rºmed GSJ33y: berköree ( 118 ) #To Flea F lank §:º loombong—of an army sºlº £elº gading balátantra º-s, tº Flap § 5-8 panchong—of the ear & cº233 p6Mone télinga, &3-5. AMA, oojong télinga — for flies. Cºº kipas—To flap, as the wings, oºl; tāpis—the wings cº O-35 * Gºo tápis can dung'an ſāyap. Flaſk G-ſº ſoorahee, Çoº cun- dee—thin glaſs bottle § 29 bálang Flat, level land, ée": pádang—even &ly ráta—low & pépeh, cºs. képee—noſed cs: §3-4 édong képee—as liquor, dead, > ambar •' jº- _U tiwar ambar Flat, ſhoal, cº-º; kirringgan—diſh cº, pëkan–To make flat & Cºº bree képce ". To Flatter -º-, bºok, sº bódoee Flattered 3 :=2~ membodjok - |Flatterer -->>.3 pemboojok F lattering C-54 boojee, -->-** <-->3' "boojok boojok – words Cº-º cºstill bacátaawn boojee Flattery -->3' boojok . Flax •ly rammee * Flea &= | _2}53 kootoo anjing - -. cº coolittee, oº::ſ coo- pas, oºl: căloopas Flead oºſt câloopas Fleame -º-º: gāhak Fledged _3) 53; berbooloo, -5 º men'gorak-not fledged -ºxº~ hin'- gap - • Fleſh cº- ( . 119 ) F L - F 1. w Fleet, of ſhips, Jºlº cºlºſ an'catan To Flow, as the tide, 3' - &º pāſang cápal. . . . . . . . . ayer . . . a-r fo dagin—that is hunted Flower & 33 boonga—with the ſtalk cº,1943: cººle dagin perbooroo- awn-ſalted Cººl/U cººle dagin gārammee–tender els) e-le da- gin liat—ſtuffed O”.5% cºlò da- gin toomis—luſt of the fleſh ºx3 * . cº ſo nafsoo dag in Flexible, tender, Gºlºſ liat—as metal -º-ºx lambec | To put to Flight cº99.42, mélarrécan, 933/93-9 méláloocan, as: pécha To Fling 33) loontar, away º booang Flinged jºkes mélimpar Flint-ſtone C-3ſ ºu bâtoo appee To Float, drive, cººl āny'ote—drive down yº-hirir–drive up alsº méléleh—Float, raft, c.39 rákit •o e Flock olº caw'an—herd cºcan- dan . . . . . Flocked o!º bercaw'an Flocks colº clºt: bacawan cawan Flood, flowing water, a.s.l., jº' ay'er| pāſang—flood, inundation, as ayer bah, jº." 3. ayer limpar Floor, ground-floor, as 2.9 × 9 booa rooma—of boards, deck,_º Ubáleew an upper floor Cºxx; titinkat To Flouriſh, encreaſe, 3-sº toombo Jºl To Flout, mock, 22*. gooroo-joke on soºn ſanda—jeſt on C-5 GLAS- w jénákácan—ſcorn cºtº,+ champá- can - .* } > limpar— - -3.33 bº & boonga ſakootoom— that is blown 2 A, 3 & aşi, boonga ba cambang, &’ & & X332 boonga ſa cambang—bunch of flowers, noſe- gay, &=º &zew & boonga ſa koonchop—garland of flowers axis. §yºtº boonga ſacarrang–To wear behind the ear &" ſoonting Flower, meal, #3:35 tepoong, e-cº! loomat—Monthly courſes (Menſes) cº_3-95- choomoor cay’in, Je. colº-sylg hill parampoan–fine flow- er evº! 3: áboo loomat—grind to flower ex-sºl (gols” 2.3 kiffar menjaddee loomat—To flower, as filk, cºlº Jº kóreeácan - Flowered, as ſilk, GS 1:3; berkóree Flowing water s.l., Fl âyer pāſang Flowing ſtream &JAMA-5 3. ayer méléleh Flown, as a bird, &jºr beterbang Fluent in talk &JUt, CŞoº; pandee bacáta - - Flung rººs mélimpar To Flutter, as birds, —ºſt- men'- gáléſik Flute, pipe, C sº bangſ—To play on the flute Gºº GºKº pétik bangſi Fluxe- * chérit—of bloods) ſe-ºs- chérit dara—bloody flux cº-ly rājan, cº-yeºl” fakit rājan, evsº ºbs | yet, flkit proot bádára " Fo Fly SSX 1álad—gnat ->| mánooe Foamed GS3-ºxº bermooe A Foaming ÇS5's GS; :--> main OOC mooe Fodder &tº co-tº- mácānanbinná- tang - Foe _j^* ſátroo Fog cyº-e? oombon Foggy weather Cºl. 53, waktoo cé- boos - . Foh ( = chee To Foiſt &L.524 boomâta - To Fold, double, Cºx lapis, cºtºx lápisăcan—fold of cloth vºl lipat —Fold that cloth _2^4 cº-ºe-º! lipatcan cay'in étoo Folded exº J3 berlipat e Folk &º &j, 6rang 6rang—ordinary cºlyrāyat, &Ju bâla - To Follow ër. irring, § jº- meng- irring—Put on your cloaths, and fol- f - ( so ) Folly &º bódocnea . . . Y * # . Fo Followed º, 33-, meng'écot r . . Follower Q-333. Çs J5- juree meng- écot, Gºjº (Spº- juree tooroot, *2,334 : º º --. rº. ring—to a funeral , -jl-e āj al & Axa. º Örang i. - 8.25 ** . Followeth Gºel's 23 c6mádéan, ºxº-s meng'ecot . . . . R. * @ º e Following <-2 137 ° 2 Jº G titooroot tooroot, cº, écotan, <-2J153r. Q-25.0157 bertooroot tooroot—Three times following ººr Çs' tº axº sº téga călee bertooroot tooroot To Foment G-3J-héroocan, Q-3 #5 oopak Fond, longing for, sexy rindoo Font, place for holy water, al-L bá- chána, &º-ºº: jº º tampat ay'er foombáyang • Food cºLº mácānan, 25 Fool a\º géla y láwoo ... |Fooliſh, ignorant, 94U bábal Fooliſhneſs & MA-5 gélanea - - The Foot Gº cakkee—ſole ºf * cºlº tãpak cakkee – ſtump-foot ºglº- chápik—ſteep, print of the foot, C-39 – 30 tipik cakkee, sex; º cakkee—to go on foot- Cº U1, cyl- jálan bäcakkee—to ſtamp with the foot — sº injak- to ſtamp under foot – º irrik—to ſet the foot firm on the ground low me, cººle 2-, cºlº & G 34 ºlcº sº. Sº pákee la pákečan mool daen écot padáko º rººs mélanggar—to go dancing and ſtamping with the hinder foot | Lºw spak–to trip axº~U taſan- Fo ( šº lápiktiang Foot-ſtool. c 23U -º y cºst Jºſélas For cººl ăcan—God's ſake AJ a;' carna allah - . " . . . To Forbear, ſuffer, cº-Lº-e J-G ta- *han ménéhan Forbearance 2׺ ſáboor To Forbid, change,&y) lărang—hinder exºt tăgahcan ,-- Forbidden, on a religious account, 29'> háram—in ſickneſs, as meat, & pantang—That fleſh is fortià- den to me 53/C4 29'> * e-le dag in étoo haram padako Force, ſtrength, sºlº cooat—T force & X3 pax'a Forcible alsº cawáſa Ford C&OJ) landee, GSO3) evº, 3 - tampat landee — to ford-over cºex landécan, sex. §rº- C&OGX → ménébrang pada tam- pat landee • . - To Forecaſt, think, 8×3 kéra Forecaſtle of a ſhip J.4% ol;"| âlowan cápal Fore-father &º Cºxº; nének méyang Fore-finger_º GSjl-jarree toonjoo Forehead C =le dáhee, &le dāya Forehead-cloth ºne diſtar, exº ex32 boolan boolan Foreign cº- horgay, &ºl affing, GS 23'-jaoowee lápik cakkee, cakkee—for a pillar 121 ka—for a pillar to ſtand on Cºy ) Fo - & &: Órang affing, Ǻla- $25' 6rang Jaoowee To Foreknow §º Újº bertánoong Foremaſt &; étº tſang tôpang Foremoſt, chief, & Gr, partáma Forepart of a ſhip, a houſe, colº!' âlowan—before a 3,43 démooca– of the body cºloº addápan Forerunner colº, ſooróan Fore-ſail #45; r.) láyer topang jº. ajL. Cºsº bejac ſāna, sy-sº bechara Foreſkin º!ſºcooloop Foretell, preſage, ;; G tánoong, &335- bátánoong, §4 co-tº- ouët-º méniátacan éang cémá- déan Foretop J-le Gº-º-s, ramboot dāhee Foretop-maſt sºlº &37 étº tang topang pengápoh Foretop-ſail sº &º láyer tā- pang pengápoh - Forever Jºrº & Cº.'s fampee ſa OOIYIOOI - - hammer, & 3 timpa— miths-forge e-3 Jºſé dépoor toocan – iron-ſmiths-forge Jºſe Cs” cº33 dāpoor toocan beſſee Forged &ºr; bertimpa To Forget & 3] loopa Forgetful <& &2: T cooranginggat Forgetfulneſs & JToopa a . Forgotten & 3) loopa-He has forgotten &5) soº, age deafooda loopa. Forgive cº-s! ampoon rº To Forge, Foreigner cº- ës' 6rang horgay, To Forgive, pardon, exº-. ‘Sr. bree H h Sy? - dº ( & J.' oº::/lé- - F O. ampoon—a debt pas can Ootang * -- Forgiven G six-slampoonee Forgiveneſs cº-s' ampoon, cº-s! ampoonan — aſk forgiveneſs & exº~! minta ampoon—to receive forgiveneſs cº-sl Jºjº poon Forgiving exº~! cº-sl ampoon am- poon - Fork – 399, ródoke—with ſeveral teeth AA-sylls, ſārampang Form, ſhape, - ' roopa-pattern co)\º télédan—order Jºſ àtor— t][) a.ſ.l..I). Cf &sº oopama — ſtool tº_º Lºcádoodoocan—laſt, as for ſhoos, Cº'- āchāwan º . To Form, make the form of cºt:3.) roopäcan, cºtºjº's méroopäcan Formed, made, colºr, berbooat Formed, firſt, Ceſ, sº bermoolay Formerly G Úºle dauloo calee— Forming cºlº booatan Fornication Jºr berſoondal, >es... ſoondaluſ - cº CJ25's OOI) Chalal Il Fornicator Jºjº', &J12 ôrang ba- ſoondal - - . . . Forreſt & J rimba * ? To Forſake, leave, cº tingalcan $5-54 & 95" foompaſ → ... it * > ... bóhong, & 32” – Ju bâlik foompal. To Forſwear Fort & 23 kóta, e.955 goorett * Forth out 9/2) looar, J.L.A.!e délooar Fortification & 3 kóta—the out-works cºyº pélarrean, ºi ( sº té- 12 Fortitude ºx-y pinda Aº Aº , | bérôle am- Fo lsº booat kóta, ºxº 2 To Fortify aj,3 … & 3 &cat kóta , . . . . Fortune éxi, oontoong—good ś, ... . . ... . . . * ãi —haſ ºf $ • * e . List, oontoong baik—bad, 85-3 . &MA- oontoong chéláka—bad in trade C-29 roojee—bad at play £30s målang To tell Fortunes J3. ſangol *Forty 3053 cº-s! ampat pooloo Forward, before, colº!' âlowan, cºlò's caaddāpan. Forwardneſs cº-0 rajinggan - F After father _º pangáſo—brother & !:-25° L. ſaſooſooan Fought Gºgºl, bakélihee - Foul, unclean, on a religious account— or a foul diſeaſe – 30 cépik Foulneſs cy:--> choomooran $ Found, incountered, 2-stºr, bertámoo Foundation Gº cakkee— of ſtone sºlº Gº cakkee bátoo, cº-_2}{4 bátoo moolay—heel ev.s: toomit. Fountain, ſpring head, 3. &Lo máta ayer — pipe that ſprings cº29'> charat g Four cºst ampat —ſquare exº~! cº-lºgamyat perſaji—ways jámoo minta ſalāmat, &ºxy- há- rooha — To give a foy GS> as-39'> membree hárooha Fragment alsº siſa, Jºg pangal Fragments J-3, Jº pangal panº- gal . . . *- F ragrant G="> wanjee Frame 3jL, ſaroong—of a table 8 Oº 3U cakkee cooda To Framé, make, cº-º-º: pandécan, sºlº booat :- ... * Franceo-º; CŞ PºnégreeFrancees Frank, free without reſerve, cººlſ călăwáſan - Fraud, deceit, &2-53 bohoong, agſo dāya, _º típoo Freckle oy) CSU taſ làlad Freckled OX) CŞ ºr, bertaſ làlad Free, from ſlavery, &cyrs mardéka Free-man &ers - &: 6rang mardéka To Free, from flavery, cºLºzère mardékácan–To let go O'º) lepas To ſpeak free without reſerve, &lsº ... s.l.).U. Căta călăwáſan rºi. cºlº candátee, Gloux-l: kähendak, as L. fija Freedom o'clºgers mardékaawn Freely as-b. Jºli tägal ſaja To Freeze ºst, bákoo 123, ) F R. Freight, carriage money, cº tampanggan - To Freight cº tampangcan, r e-º-º: men'ampangcan — ſhip that is to be freighted cº Jº [5° cápal tampanggan Frenchman oºl; &12' 6rang Fran- CCCS - French pox Csº 3.134 pooroo kóchee Frequent aſ Xºcºs, fedecala Freſh, as water, J155 táwar—water 3. - –25 Ü fly'er tāwar To Fret -º-º-e meng'ājok Friday-tº-joomat, ex-55-Q&tº harree joomaat Friend cº-Jº ſóbat Friendly **jº berſäbat Friendſhip cºlº” ſóbatan Frigaſſe O”2×ly rábooos - To Frighten Gºtº-, ménécoottee Frightened cº,º37 tercoojoot, ex=5 tº técoojoot “. . . . Frightful, as when alone, 23| _2~3 tamangoo angoo ‘Fritter, of flower, êº Jolò dédar tépoong Frizzled cº JGr, berkäroot Frivolous Ajºr sº téda bergoona Frock &=& _>L. baju panjang Frog Cºey 33 c6dook, Lºt: kåtak— croaking of a frog -ºts Gº boo- nee kátak - Frolickſome **** ſoocachéta, Cars, rämee From Q de, sº pada, CŞJo derree, sex, Gºye derree pada—henceforth & - F R. ran—whence &J Ls GSJö derree mána . —who alsº sex, sye derrce pada flappa–before cºlet (gye derree addápan — the beginning C&Jey &2'3-9 solº derree pada moolaynea —one to the other &Bºlº' soº (Sjö) cº §4 scº derree pada 1átoo ca pada éang láin—above, to below, 35 34 & Cº ÇSyð derree attas ca bava—near jº's sº, Çye derree pada ampir * - - Front colºſ Álowan Frontier of a country tépee négree, | * * Csº tépee benoa - - Froth, ſcum, GS:254 bovi-of water 15y ãroo . . . . . To Froth 29.3-, mengåroo Frothy QS,ºr: berbovi - . Froward, quarrelſome, 0.ºr. prang- proos . - To Frown ºUs as 2-, mooca maſſam Frozen ºld Q gel-jaddee bákoo Frugal cº-jémat - Fruit sº booa Fruitful sºlº bábooa Fruition, enjoyment leavn Fruitleſs endeavour, as Us ſaja, as;’ *** *** careeja fiaſia, &333% sº téda bergoona . . Fruits sº sº booa booa, cºcº booa booaawn—Firſt fruits in a ſeaſon *2-e Jº's 34 booa aw'al moofim ( 124 ) |Full grown, at maturity, as ma |Full-tide_5394 jº |ayer ponoo Fully, comple |Fume, vapour, º: F trº * Frying-pan of iron cºlº căwallee, - C =Utáchee—of earth Ajº axºl. bálanga tâna . . . . . . Copulare, to have carnal knowledge Q-º-s, ampoot—a male to know the female ºbs, ſåtooboo—a female to know * - the male coº-yº beijantan + Cºxsº menjantan . . . . Fugitive &Lº gaibana Full 3323 poonoo—of vićtuals ſatiated &=* kinjang, sº berkinjang -up to the mouth & tº six, cº-spoonoo ſahinga mooloot– To fill full 23: Cººgiffee poonoo Fuller, waſher, _*: pembaſſo. To Fulfil c-113343 poonooãcan Fulfilled 23:32 berpoonoo—it is ful- filled &J soºn fooda la . . . nkind, < báleng - Fulneſs cle:35; poonooawn, aº poonoonea * -- . #6, ºtºgénapº- chookoop - ow'ap—To fume, fret, rº gooſa, • Fundament 82°5' toombong Funeral cºus º- meng antar mait, *33, bertánam–ſong ºly Gº-oº: bidjee rātap—feaſt as 2.jt-hárooha Funnel cº,sº tambooſan Furious cy»º bingon To Fry, &\l randang To Furniſh, garniſh, cº- meng- * -ay'affee, e.g.) lancăp—Furniſh the . . . (# A - ( --houſe with its utenſils intºlº-. | rooma dung'an ſerbanea”, tº ºr Furniſhedºberlan'cap, cº-si mengāyaffee • . . . . . . . . Furniſhing taxj) - 3 yu balancap lancap • - º s . . . . . . Furniture, utenſils, age ſerba—orna- ments cºggjú , páriahſan—of a houſe & 39 &rºſerba rooma—orna- ments of a houſe a-ºy cºlºgy': pā- riahſan rooma—of a ſhip Jºlsº *}” ſerbacápal–riggingof a ſhipexºlºgy Jºº lan'capan cápal—inſtruments ** # , ºr frº .. ** * a CŞ334 pågåwee—of war CŞ:3", • ‘gº º $ -. |Gallingal sº ê; pågåwee prang . . . . * Fur, ſkin, 3/3; *Jº coolit berboo- loo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Furrow, in a field, Ślº &yū párit bendang, Jººls, ſalájor. Further 3- G =XX légee jaoo . . . To Further buſineſs J-e-3 5'Oº- mendauloocan haal Furtheſt Cºº &2'- jaooſa călee Fury syl-e īnārah * Fufe _2?-95." ſoombo Future cºe's53 c6mádéan Fy cº-chee GAG. J... fimpal •, Gain, profit, º, ontoong, aºlº To Gain, prevail, &s ménang—He did gain all men's hearts soºn &e sº-sºº. §ys! ( ºf Jºls., deafooda tº gº.º.º.º. mengambill åttee Örang fāmoa Gained *X; bedº, §:33; beroon- 125 } G A toong, A bérôlée—I gained thereon only ten dollars agy, &L. a-la, Jay 5/549, 5% or ºf flya berlába attas Étoo ſapooloo réall ſaja To Gainſay & banta, o!,” láwan Gainſaying co's253.1º3% COOCOOIO.Q.-- booawn Gallant, fine, Çs”? byſee, ~~}} tar- tib Q - Gale of wind coºl º a ſa tiop ang in Gall _5\º-s! âmpédo—nut Qs's tº-Le majakānee Gallery &3/33 nanglong – covered G.sºsyº farambee i) lancooa To Gallop, as a horſe, O93, oongool |Gallopped cy93.” men'oongool Gallows, auy other thing to hang things On, [. Łºgantoonggan Galley CŞU23 goorak To Gambol, play tumbling tricks, § º- meníooſoong To Game cº-º'-- máin Gamed G-3 ºr. bermáin |Gameſter cº-e QS 25- juree máin, - GSO3- cº, pen joodee, GS<>33-3 ôrang berjoodee Gamman &L paha Gander exº~~~* 3 Pºler, ºf Genteel, noble, alsº bangſa ... c. Gentility cºlº bangſawan Gentleman towº & ôrang bang- #3% ſawan Geſtures, merry, ºy. rea - . To Get, obtain, e.g.3. & bérôlee—Get a good name ºuts; Jºjº be- rólee náma báik . . . ." . Giant as-ºil ºranggaja Gibbet s e-ºsº gantoonggan Giddy, with -- turning round, or with drink, & P cápála poofing . . . Gift, grant of profit, sº ānoogra To Gild, waſh over, alsº gold, cº- mas . • Gills of a cock, fowl, gºes; gidébir —of a fiſh &= heſang Gimlet Q's cºgoordee Gin, ſnare for birds, e-º-y Cºlº- jábak ráchik—for beaſts & * <> 9's járing Ginned Cº-ly & kéna rāchik Ginger ag| alia. To Gird up exº~s mengécat Girdle A32 e-Q &cat pinggang, Csº tindey—belt £oº. ſandang —to ſtick in the girdle cº-º. siſeecan #. looma—with tºo &º looma dungan * poan Girt êeº ſandang iſ |Given to, addićted to, solº |Giver (gjºr, pembree ooſing, &"º: &J Lºlº “rº- jérat, anak parampoan,ſ C) 2-cyl: *lex, boodak param-| c 1. Give 493. bree, &J &# bree lar—the hand city cºlº- jábat tang'an, cºij :=º oonjoo tang'an . . . - º & _2^* foo- capada—by law cº- co-e QSy: bree dungan hookoom ) Giveth &º membre . Giving Gº cººlu bâcaffee caſſee Gizzard of a fowl Joº-sl ampédal Glad a 3. attee f ſooca, cº & 3", fooca Gladneſs o'clº’s ſoocaawn, & 3" &XAs fooca chéta To Glance by 0~ mas choochee, sº 0.9 mas tooah— courſe soº- mas mooda—ore, rock gold, Jºš cy... masképall— - duſt SSJtº 9° masoorey, - j” O” mas paſſir — teſts, touches to try gold by, O’s Cº- oojee mas— touchſtone O” ( sº-3 _*: bátoo oojee mas . . . . Gold-ſmith Q Scº; pandee mas Gone sº so,” fooda láloo, sº G^*. ſooda pégee |Good –ºlº báik—very good -3% -Kºlº báik báik, -īg-, ex. amat - bāīk—To do good Çsº “lºº,” membooat bačtee—for nothing so…? alsº - téda tº bergoona—in a good time –ºu ë'. _233 sºlº capada waćtoo eang báik—Good men have two lives, one is the life in this world, the ſecond life is after death, and his name lives in this world, becauſe all the virtuous, will name his name with reſpect S-ºld &2. : •3 co 㺠º sºs º-, see & G Cºle cºlº & JLXX, & a′ &S rºle º & sº cº-ºxº~ ºvº- Gºd órang baik dua oo- moornea adda ſätoo €ang ca €dopawn dálam doonea ca dua oomoor tatcála ea mátee daen námánea €dop dálam doonea, carna fégalla kabidjécan mé- niébootcan nămânea dungan hormat Goodneſs co-ºo: Lºlº báik boodé- awn - Goods, ſubſtance, &y! arta Goong, China bell, §33 goong Gooſe &ºl angſa * - Gore, long guffet, Lºpéſak Gorgious Gº byfee º To Gormándize s:-lº pémajoh, cº, ſº mendémab - Goſpel Jººl injil Goſſip yºu cº-oº: leter - - Got II] OO- at buddeel—To prime a gun _3^* 5* - Jº foombo buddeel—To level, point a gun, Jºë3. jº's mitar bud- deel—To fire a gun Jºjo, &s lº paſſang buddeel—To ſhoot at a mark s—º.3 timbak, -º- menimbak Gunnel of a ſhip Jºlsº rºº bibbir To Guard, ward off, Cºxx; tankis— • * - cápal - ( 13 Gunner jºr- Çg Jºº- jurce mitar, S-ºxº, penſinbak Gurgulet, a bottle for water, uſed India, Gº!, ... ſoorahee, CŞeº cundee To Guſh out &AAAA’s méléleh H. A. º Guffet –º péſak, sº kikew | Guts-yºg Pooroot, ºys; C sº iſſee pooroot, cº tallee — ſmall guts <-2934 Gº tallee pooroot * # Gutter cºnféléran–ſpout 9.915-sº penchóran To Guzzle _5 yº- cháro • HABIT, garb, cºst, pikan—cuſ. ton GSr. pree—of body ºf GSy! pree tooboo - * Habitable sexo cººle ë): ôrang dápatdoodooc - Habitation, dwelling, C-534-9 moo- noonan – dwelling place cº-, j e-y233.5 tampat doodooc To Hack &sº chinchang Had & C\ºt adda, 89.5°. ſoo soxº teadda Haft 3', ooloo - | da—not Hail yºu &=3 oojang bao, jº cº-sly ayer ramboon Hailed Go»s'; bertamboon - Hair of mankind, long hair, cº-sly ramboot—of beaſts, ſhort hair, :)'3? booloo—of the privities Goy5Ojº toondoon, (t)} C-53 Q-2×ly ramboot toondon—of the eye-brows 3/32 iXº3 booloo kéning—of the eye-| inſ ). it A • loopak máta—on the breaſt £yūbā- lang, & tº cº-sly ramboot bálang —lock of hair;2xx-tº-cheenintong —an artificial curled lock CŞoj} lan dik, 3.xxº gandik–hair lace u &: 3XX-tº- Gº tallee chechintong lank hair cº - sº rOOIn- ; boot tangly, 2,-U cájor—curled s hair Qº J º-ly ramboot ber'é- cal—hair a little curled $53 º º-s, ramboot bákoong—that is plaited e-Ju jº sº.23-gly ramboot berbálít— that is thin §y's cº-sly ramboot járang—that is thick, buſhey, c.194-9 &- ramboot cambang—that is coarſe Jºly cº-y ramboot tabbal —To tie up the hair cº-sly cº, ſangool ramboot—To rowl up the hair cº-sly cºlº bálitácan ram- boot—without hair, bald, S-ºx: bótok—grey hair cº º22*, ram- boot ooban — looſe hair cº-sly Q923 ramboot taoorey — ſtaring hair, hair ſtanding upright, ºrs'J 2.jL. ramboot ſáram—younghair3' 34 booloo—hair cloth c J.A.; cambálec £30 bálang, Hairy on the body S-22-yº báramboot Halberd &s) lambing Halberdiers Ojºyet. bādówanda . To Hale, call to, & tantang. Half, in quantity, & tenga—in num- ber 5 jº, Us, ſåpáro—one half  tº ſa tenga—one and a half a39 & tenga dua-done Gºl & teng'a laſhes &tº -*. º!º booloo ca- 2 - abis H A ( 1 Hall ©JU394 pálantáran º Hallowed, ſanctified Gººg Halt, limping & pinchang Halter cis-lº fantajee, jº. G G| tallee léher - Ham (sºlº pāha . . . - Hammer J.3º-s, pámoocool To Hammer &&.3 timpa Hamper &1U - rāga : . . . . Hand ex; tang'an—right jū cº tang'an cânam—left Gºjº co-º tang- an kirree—ball of the hand co-º: ºr: co-º pergåloongan tangon— palm i To Hollow, call out Cºy15°; berſoorak|. ... berſaćteel 33 ) . H A •. To Hang up §sº - gantoong— ſtrangle ex-5 coo hook §345 oobong-down ºr chindong O.J. QS jo º: bow'at coojoot—as on a over, as a fat belly cº, ſingit– together, ſtick cºxal lécat Hanged 6.xxx... bergantoong—as a ged 8 ×2 bergantoong man §5?- CY cº- mátee de gantoong §º sº cº- mátee pada gantoong Hanger jº” ſamſeer, -*:ºgólok Hangings Šej cy dinding Cºgy Cº tang'an tapak — back &\º.” tampéling—Hand breadth ‘º tampoop, sºº Lºſatampoop —at hand jº- ampir—writinge-Jº. & e. e. C-33 ſoorat tang'an—withered hand 23's J-35 tang'an kákoo-ſhaking or P^. 2.--> - - - - gómittar tang'an the handco-ºxº~50 —one-handed §º coodoong, C-33 &\Us, tang'an ſābla - - Handful LöU L. ſa gangam - Handkerchief - §º 54." ſāpoo édong #594 24's J45 cay'in ſapoo €dong G33 230s, ſapoo tang'an Handle, helve 3.| > 991oo To Handle, hold & pégang Handling Cºlº- jábatan Handſome, beautiful -ºº oxylº páras báik * . . . . . . * Handy, ready handed *** chápat 4. Handicraft CŞeº pandee . - Handicraft-man GSO33. &25 ôrang- pandee - -- . * Hangman 3332.3 pemboonoo Good Hap §*: sex páda oontoong Hap koonjong koonjong §2=º To Happen CŞools- jaddee, J249- chópool . . . Happened GS ools--- menjaddee To Live happily &º,” fempoorna Happy, bleſſed cº-º-, moomin Happineſs, peace & Jºº ſantoza Harbour, Cy 5%; To Harbour lodge a man & L., ſåling Hard, ſtiff, ‘O’’ y cras, Jº tabbal To Harden, cºyº teggarăgan * as iron *>3'. fápoh, cº- yº teg- garácan • - - Hardened, 3., • jºr - as iron, 8330s, ſåpoh—body or char- télooc berteggar — Jº's kab'al Ll derree attas—droop * ſingit– on one ſide, as the head; re mirring med body to be ſhot and cut free, as is ſaid to be done by the Malayos <3 Hardly, ſcarce enough *3- * º téda chookoop , Hardly, couragious colºr, pahālāwan Hare ºxº, plando, LººxxJº pálan- dok • . To Harken to jée dungar, - jº- mendungar . . . . . . Harlot JoJº, ſoonda Harm ex-tº-jáhat Harneſs for horſes so; G =}} cooda ... Harp cº 'kéchappee Harping iron ºº's ſang'oot Harrow evjLög panggårat To Harrow cºlº gårat Harſh to the taſte o-oº: pádas - Hart, deer & 3.) roofa tallee ( - 18. a ..) * Hated, hateful.cº. berbinchee - Hath ºccº adda . . . . . . Hatred, enmity, clº fătrooawn Have so-c adda, soºn fooda—I have Harveſt o” 2 * máſa irris, *C *> möofim charroot, §yº blºg plavan báring Has soº, fooda, scºs adda ~. Haſte, ſpeed cº-ºx, bang'at, sixa o”.9 ſegra lécas—make haſte ex- &J bang'at la, &J sjº, ſégra la To Haſten C-5 cc. bang'at can, cº-º-º: berlécaſcan • * ~ * , Haſtening o'-3' Jº!ºr berlécas lécas Haſty, unadviſed exx bang'at Hat a^23% cópea, ≤’3. kokódáng, *323; terandok — of ſtraw _2%= ^* chélo chélo º. - To Hatch eggs Jº Q-Lº- men- garrammee télore—the hen has hatched rºtº-• - sº ſooda men'garram | ay'am| Hatch-ways of a ſhip Jº e;9- rt E. mooloot cápal . . . Hatches or covers on a ſhip's deck -*::)ly căloopak, - - . - To Hate Csº binchee, cystºs"? binchéâcan . tº ºft eaten cºtº sº. mácan _531 ako fooda Haven, bay Ǻ tdoor-ancho.in § place colº) lábóan . . . . Haughtily —º-Geºe dung'ankáchak, Jºº Cºl Jºe dungan attee beſarr . . . - Hauk Cº. ºº is waii. 32. Gº", &ly boorong raja wali To Haul e 5'; tarrik - gº Hay 3jº ºf roompoot kirring - —cock Sº-25%-93V Qyº Us fatamboon - roompoot - - - • * Hazard jºin fangſåra—an apparent hazard He &go dea . . . . . . Head &July capāla—to turn the head altº & palling cépála —to hang the head, droop <U ecº-to hang the head on one fide al [4.5 êr- mirring cépála — to bow the head to the ground -=~ ſoomjam to ſhake the head &Jútº Gº | * 2° grácan cápála—to ſtrike the head againſt any thing aſtº cºs^*. —to cut off the head aſº Jº blºs méníarrálee s - H. E. pangal cépála, aſuº &2=º pan- chong cépála—of a ſhipy3×3× joon- goor --- Head-piece, helmet Ş94;U cátoo- poong—of a pillar & July cápála; tiang—of an arrow - sº * © JJ sº .” g Head-land #4-º' tanjoong Headlong 2,335 googoor Cº.'s ſampak ſoombooãcan oo, C&eta- ( 133 ) H. E. Heaved yºu bálimpar Heaven tº- ſoorga Heavenly cºlº ſoorgance Heavens, ſtarry firmament, c.33) iXºlº lang it bábintang - Heavy cºlºg bir'at—hearted cºſjº G =}| attee bir'at -- - |Hebrew 3:- § J1, 6rang heber Hedge j^4 págar—of thorns (94e & pagar, dorree To Hedge jº * berpagar • Healed _º y bertoomb 54-95." jaddee foomboo Healing clº-º, ſoombooawn Health . _3^05”. ſoomboo lagee . * Heap cº coompoolan To Heap Qsº bertamboon—as corn on a meaſure &-s:-- moombong —gather together Jºº-sº coompool Heaps (95* oxº tº ba tamboon tamboon * Hear JLeo dungar - Hearer & J'écºle eang mendungar Hearing Co jLéo dungaran—thick of hearing Jºãº bangol Heart & jantong \ To Hearten, comfort Jºy ber'éboor Heartened sºlº CŞel-jaddee cooat ºvº tampat para para Heat, that is artificial ex3 an’gat— of the fun, natural heat oºjº pānas —of the body, chafing, To Heat cººl angatcan To Heave, fling; - Hearth by: 8 J: rºl limpar ſoomboo-he is inl _2=5. f6hoof ... [Hemp C sºy rammee–rope ( --J C sº tallee" rammee–ſeed ºf ayſam, | Hedge-hog Goj) landak Heed *i; toongoo Heel -s; toomit To Heel, as a ſhip cº, ſing it Heifer so 3-9 & _> femboo betína mooda t Height gotº ting'cèawn, Cºx, tingee Heir a 5t.• 34 GSJº- juree pooſaca, & aſtº; & éang berólee pooſaca Hell & JG narca, & 5 jū náráca- fire & 53 Gº! appee naráca Helmet &33 ...[3 cátoopoong Help &º tooloong, cº-º:º to O- loonggan - To Help, at work _3^*95.7 - toompo |Helped &º:ºr: bertooloong Helperºx#2);& l, Örangtooloonggan cº-º!Lº pen'ooloonggan Helve 33. ooloo Hem J3 kellim * To Hem, call one that's paſt P-3 * dehem, H I ( & º ayam bétina—Guinea hen cº, 212 ayam ootan Hence Cº., fence Her & CS dea Herbs 230s, ſåyoor - Herd &\º candan, olº Câwan Here -º, ſénee, ( sº e defence Hereditary ſickneſs" & 5 tº cºlº péniakit baca . Herefie cºelº bádingon Hermit, any one living recluſe &G 2 pertápa, ] &_)12' ôrang pertápa Hermitage cº-stºr. pertāpaawn Hermaphrodite as: 2) roobéha, -ºº: Heroick man oxylºlº paháláwan, co- tº: 5 ooloobálan - Heron Jºš & 2): . booroong koon- tool t 136 ) H I derree pada ſämoa & º Hill C-3234 bookit—mountain &32iº goonoong Hilt 21, ooloo-of a ſword £24.{5}: ooloopédang |Him &go dea—ſelf Gºjoº age dea findirree To Hinder gºt; tāgah Hinder part 3.324 booritan, cº blácan—of a ſhip Jºlº cºyº booritan cápal * Hindrance, trouble cy'” ſoocăran, & 3" ſooca *. -* Hindermoſt Geſù as cº o §4 €ang de blácānſa călee, 3. cºol-5- sº, Çye éang cómádéan derree pada Hinge *333 kókot Hers & 24 &e dea poonea To Hew Cºl; tātak Hickup solº 1ádoo To Hickup selºr bersádoo Hid G sº ſemboonee, G sº rºy terſemboon ec To Hide cºlº ſemboonéâcan Cº., J-33 tingal femboonee Hide ed; coolit --- ar Hidden gº;' terboonee Çsº,”9? berſemboonee . Hideous eliº; terchingónan High C-33 tingee—very high Csº Cºſt; L. tingee fa high Cºlº prieſt Jºãº r cálif călee—on deattas — High- [.… imam béſarr, Lülş|. Hypocrite sº góléſoonda Hipocriſy C g! O'Jaiº choolas attee Hip tº påha, cºg poonggon To Hire Lºſéwa Hire, wages, &, oopa-freight of a ſhip cº tampanggan—your hire 3-8 & 9 oopa moo Hired sº berſéwa *: jº ber’oopa Hireling &ºr & J2' 6rang beroopa, oº:: $25 ôrang oopaawn # His a six, &e dea poonea, ' poonea, &Aj nea Hiſtory, annals sºlºs hekāyat To Hit, touch & Kºś kéna Hither GSr.’ camarree, Qºse de- ſénee, ( sº fênee " * Hive #:yº ſároong Higheſt 85-slº so; CŞje Gºs” ting eel 2 Ho Hoarſe, as a voice UG gáraw—with cold Gra -*** S$ elsjaddee ſérak ... " Hoarſe voice 90 s.l... ſooara gåraw Hoarſneſs Cº. ſérak To Hobble & pinchang Hoe cºlº panggälee bobbee ootan—of the ſea, porpus §ºº dóyang To Hoiſe, hankar 4. ‘anchor L. Jºëx boongkar ſaoo Hold “U”ºš kolmooat, • *Xº, * pétak, *::: proot—of a ſhip cº,23); Jºl; proot câpal To Hold a & pégang Holding to, ſticking to exºſ, ber- lècat—opinion Cºcºl, båtindis Hole to let in light 2JU nátang — in cloth Gºtº páſok — to dig a hole &:) Csº gálee loobang * tº º Holland soj)'3- QS jº négree h6. landā, odº-ast; tāna hôlanda Höllander 3, X5)'3- &2: ôrang hô- landa ** Hollow, empty, &c' ampa,  pangſa . . . . To Hollow as:93 garooha Holy G sº-5- choochee Holy #an , -XX. &J2' 6rang ſaćtee, Q-5 A 4. - Q sº- ë): orangchoochee Hólineſs orº- choocheavn, * o'-ºx2s, ſačtéawn *** Holy-water &lºw sºlayer foombá- yang - ( fa/ ) ſérak—to be hoarſ: |Hone cº kárécan— |Home &oy rooma Homely, ugly, 2234 booroo sjlºs.” _53tº bátoo menchánee Honeſt Jº bétool - |Honeſty cyLºbenáran, cladoc àdil- l. ... if aWII. Honey 2:50, jº! ayer maddoo-comb sel's § 5Jºſéroong maddoo Honour asſ,” moolia, cºlò daulut To Honour cºu!12.2 mémooliácan —Title of honour coyU gålan Honourable ex-sy15-y: berhormat Honoured *~~; berhormat To Hoodwink co’ Ú54 bootácan Hoof_2}53 kookoo Hook to hang any thing on cºſts kait Hooked, hanged on a hook, cººl, mengkait Hoop Csºr" ſimpee To Hoop for joy –º Lºs ſoorak ſoorak To Hop &AA's sipah To Hope Cºla hárap Hopeleſs as Jºž pootoos-áſa To Hord Olººº coompool—hord exº-sº coompoolan Horizon &A,iº º154 boolat doonea Horn U_2-xx, tandoc-—of a rhinoceros GòU &JU's chala bádak—To butt with the horn Cy_2~ menandoc —To toſs the horns, as a beaſt, J sº ménioongool — ſtruck with a horn Jºoºº… men'andoc Horned -3eº bertandoc Horrible 23144-hay'bánoo Horror &22-U cajoot M m J’ ber- H O Horſe so; cooda—ſtone-horſe sº exx- cooda jantan— mare sº A.A.A. cooda bétina — To ride à horſe cy Joº candáran—draught horſe – jLºg oc, 3% cooda penſarik— tamed horſe – Cº-ºº ºl; seº cooda éang menjenak—horſe-fly CSyl, CŞjº barree barree—To ſpur a horſe sex exº~ mengartócan cooda — pack-horſe a]); sº cooda berpálála — To un-horſe so 33 894 QS Vo Q-3 º bantok derree pada cooda Horſe-man sºlº &!, 6rangbécooda Horſes se:3 so 23 cooda cooda Horſe-leech & J lintah Horſler, groom, so : Q Sº pen'- oongoowee cooda Hoſe Gº &_5Jº. ſaroong cakkee Hoſpital e-GL., &2 a.s.º.) rooma örang ſkit-for orphans _2}{4 *: J roo- ma piátoo Hoſt, army, sº L bálátantra Hoſtage, paywn, Cºol y gādee—ſecuri- ty CŞeº &15 orang gédee Hoſtile ºbs; berfätroo Hot Cºl; pānas ‘. . . Hot-houſe, humum, cº tangas Hound -39; & anjing barrak, a WIl Hour 2-jam Houſe & 999.9 rooma–ſummer-houſe cº" ballee—ſummer-houſe OWeſ. the water §3-vº cº" ballee ( 138 ) o'-xy1535: & anjing perbooroo- H ty ºs- joolápang — GLºkºlº bábleån t market-houſe Houſed *3)}: berrooma How &L, X, buggémána j To Howl, as a dog, ğlyL: márawang º: C →". J .. Huckle-bone cºxº $2.25 toolang poonggon * Hue, colour, & 5W!: Warna To Hugº 32/33 poolok Huge j” béſarr Humane &ºl's mánooſia . . Humanity, love, cotxº caſſeawn Humble, meek, sºy renda To Humble cºſlexi) rendácan, cº logºs mérendácan Humbled sexjL, bárenda Humbleſt souj terrenda Humility coºley rendaawn, Gº! sexy attee renda Humming ºeu bâdangoong Humour, conſtitution, GS3? pree—ha- bit of body ºf Çgjº pree tooboo— good humour Csº rämee—ill-hu- mour Cºx & Prang proos Humourous oxº-sº panchinggan Humum, hot bath, oº tangas |Hundred O” 27 ſJ rátoos—one hundred. Gºly tº fa rātoos—by hundreds Gºly Cºly a barátoos rátoos— hundred thouſand &ºy _º134 &n ſa pooloo laxa, C-Xº3 as ſakeetee Hunger jº lapar, cºlº) läpäran— To ſuffer hunger Jº Cº-U tahan lápár, Lylº) os-Lº's ménahan lápár goombong — ſtore-houſe, granary; —To aſſuage hunger _j\}) “O'” º powwas lápár - J. A. : Hungered yºxº memlápár . HungryJºx lápár, Jºy! berlápár To Hunt ºf booroo * Hunted 395-9 membooroo—hunted beaſt cºlºr, pemboorooan Hunting 2.92.9 membooroo | Huntſman colºº §9, Órang pen- boorooan , * Hurly burly * gampar Hurricane Jºséº tófawn, jº, coºl £LJL angin pootar báliang Hurt, harm, cº-lº-jáhat—To hurt cºlº GSR bree ſkit, c. * fá- kittee . Huſband Lºs ſawämee, GX lakkee—man Coº 59 §...) : 6rang dooſoon, eye āj, 6rang dérat Huſbandry, country huſbandry, cºe dooſoon, éeºex=}careejaawn cy”39 Öxas;’ careejaawn doo- ſoon $ Huſh sº diem i. Huſk 'cºſ|2% coolit—To huſk oº:: coopas Huta, y tráta, cº-s: Jºº- jooroomoom Hymn olxºlº; niáneawn Hypocriſy ... s 5'--> '.!, ºn Hypocrite sºlº- §9, Órangjoomawa, sexº~. §2, 6rang góléſoonda *. joomawa, I & betta, alº ſya, aºs kitta, 23! ako, &l amba-myſelf axº cgr/cº, kitta findirree—too &als ( 180 } J E Jacal (ge;º cherdie, ÇSejº. jerdee Jack, fruit in India, a 35 nanca—jack, to turn, Q)wº pootáran Jacket 3-lºbaju Jacob -ºxx, Xäcob To Jag #3-sº- chinchong Jail &ºlº paſſong, a jºsº panjára * Jailoré.L. 33.3 ~ iuree toon"- Šº C$25-j goopaffong, &3-4 QS 2#2k, Pen- oongoowee paſſong Jambs of a door ºxº § Lj tſang pintoo To Jangle sºciº- chidéra Jar sºlº tópáyang—little jar cº boolee B. Javelin & lambing—To caſt a ja- velin **) Š2-ºx lamboong lam- bing Jaundice 5 cºlº ſákit kóning Jaw Ceº pypee—bone cº$3.2% toolàng giggee e ‘º - Ice 23U ral ay'er bákoo Idiom of ſpeech &l: 2-st;tº oopama cáta Idiot U33, bédoc Idle &A-s! ampa Idol aſſ!!, berallah Idolater 2001; &J!?! ôrang berallah, &J13' a/Jr. 893 & exº~ Š U.6rang eang méníoomba pada berallah Idolatry & Jr. sex, co-º-º: ſoom- baawn pada berallah, “rºlº cáfirat Jealous é º chimbóroang,  pongkah . Jealouſy cºJº- chimbórðanggan To Jeer, flout, J.XX, findir & X ſay'a lágee—am here cy &J 53 * ... àko la de ſénee e”; i . Jeered JoJo's findir, Leº; berfindir M Jering in ſport ©!e: 233 goorooawn . . Jehovah &JLº, ak/FAllah taallah Jelly & Paakah, CSXXJ linde - Jeopardy syles, ſangſåra To Jerk, pull with a jerk, sº - fintak, s: *finjoh, cº9. roon- toon . . . . - . . . . To Jeſt jºy gooroo—injeſt gº Le cºl's main main, &lºr, bermain– To be jeſted on 2 25% ºr berſéléroo, sº * berſanda # & Jeſter Jój Gºv &!" berſèlóroo péní indir Jeſus Gs” Eſſa, , Eſſa. " To Jet, to walk mimically, axx; &ºy tinka lácoonea Jew CŞo 3-2 &º orangjehoodee ©so &;" foobang - Jeweller ≤ J **** &12 orang menjéwal permáta Jews-harp ; :=*-jenjoong & oo, exºg poon, exº~jéka- he comes ºld &o &A= jéka deal dátang—you will Go9-sº lámoon Ignoble cºlº & sº téadda bang ſåwan—of a mean extract & hina Ignominy els;” málooawn Ignorance GS<>34 & 22- .coorang boodee, asj)\º gélánea, Jºubábal, Ignorant, unwiſe, GSO34. &19% COO- rang boodee—dull Jºlº bábal Ill e-le-jāhat - - To Illuminate y'º- meníoolahee ( 146 . ) ºlºrs v . . . s • *ſ. . . . • Fo Imbark Cºlj náik rangi Cs” Csº inabbeel |Imbroidering ne Jewel ≤4 permáta—for the earl To Impale, ſet 6 | ſoolácan .* To Imagine, conceive, axx, ſanca --- gundongcan - To Imbelliſh cººby'ſécan Imbelliſhments cºstg jº pariahſan To Imboſs C ºr foºjee . . To Imbolden C3 Qār bree attee, | cºlºrs membráñécan To Imbrace *:/54 poolok, _º póło To Imbroil exº3rº's håroo biroo- Ca.11 - { - . . . . . . . To Imbr . | - - oider, with ſilk, º: ſoo- lam, 22Lººs ménioolam—with fil- ver or gold Cºsºs fooje - ? e - * i– ...A. . . . . i-, ºr ... •. r". . . Imbroidered, work, cºxº~3° ſoojé- awn - . . . . Iering needle º 25Jº- Ja- room ſoolam—ſilk ſº *jº ſoo- tra foolam. . . . - * * º • - A ſº .* Imbroiderer c >5x3 pen oojee + fe is ºp gº - 4. " . *~~ - To Imbroil cºjºv's héroo broo- i can . . . jº- ºlº boostgambar . . . Immediately a U.G naſtáya, jºbs Immortal sºlº & sº tédakéna maoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - • * * • :*.. A ſº , . " |To Impair, deface, -**º y rooſak To Impart 25 & bree taoo n a ſtake, cº- Image coe), teládan, jºgambar Impatience, ill-humour, ~~a. & J. * oº prangproos * - * * ºr M - % * 141 To Impeach sº tôdoh, spexº-. ** a 2-, mooca pápan, ménédoh, cotxº~ mengádán Impeachedoylerberdâwa, cº-exº-. ménódohhee . . . . . . . I mpeachment 9's:33; todoawn *. Impediment, P_3^* ſoocar - Imperfect 33 sexºſ tédalákoo, solº Qgets-teaddajaddee , f Imperfection & Mºchéláka Impious man º (; 25 sº é. &1, &0ſ sex, orang éang téda taoo tá- - cootpada allah - - Implacable oºs” cººl attee binjis To Implore & minta - Imploy &,3 GS3? bree careeja Imployed as; see adda careeja Important *i; }; bergoona Importunate §2. 3 §3) 33-, mengoolang oolang Impoſſible eqlec Jºseº teda bo'- - r -> - ſ . . lee dápat, G'34. scº téda bo'lee, cººle soºtéda dāpat Impoſthume ast, 2.23 pooroo báca, Impoſtor, liar hoong - | - . Impotent, weak, sºlº sexº téda| cooat • . To Impoveriſh, make p miſkincan *- Impowered Jºsſ, wäkil Impreſſion, ſeal, sºlº chap To Impriſon cº |Jºãº penjárácan Improper sºlº sº téda pátoot Imprudent º exºbo'doc, Jºubábal, -º §º cooranginggat. oor, co-º * 3 # => $º orang bo'- º # * > . mooch pérang, alſo do'cána |Impure, foul, _5-95- choomoor To Impute ( grº-, membree ~ * In 2)ſo o dédélam, o de—within 2)ſo dálam, cyloge dédálam— come in AJ Cy3-'-- máſooc la Inacceſſible Cº-L. Gºlo soºj tºda dápat ſampée - - Inadvertency y lálee . . . To Incamp, reſt, Cº- , berhentee |Inceſſant Csº coſtallee To Incenſe, provoke, • 35-3- mengº- ājook .. Incendiary C º! —º &15' orangoopak appee - * Inceſt &sy's ſombang Inch QSyl- >3 iboo jarree - To Inchant sº exº~~34 booat ho'bat pada, Ajšlj takána Inchanted cº-2-& kéna hobat To incite to mirth – : ooſik Inclination, affection, ex-3”, ſoo. caawn - To Incline, addićt to, as buſineſs, &c. 5 ooſah, & 5-8 mengooſah - Inclined to sex, a 5%º, ſooca pada To Incloſe, fence, ;3 sºlº booat pagar — ſurround §33-, meng'à- poong, ax, & pegga pegga |Incloſure, fence, jº Pagar Incomparable c35 a.s.l.. escºxºſ téad- da de ſãma can - - y co-Kº COO- - Incompaſs, ſurround leelingcan N n I N ( 142 ) IºW Incompaſſing cº-ºº!|33 cooleclinggan; han—not indurable o cºlo s Cº Incomprehenſible sy; º; ſo s sºs téda dāpat kéra kéra Inconſiderate, wilful, aºlºlº. Jºe dung'an ſājanea ! Inconſtant, not firm, 233; sº téda to go ** To Incorporate sºlº ſátooboo Incorruptible & sº scº téda binnäſa To Incounter_2-stºr. bertámoo J Incountering cols, stºr, bertámooawn Incourage c-Kºrº-e membranécan To Increaſe 24-s3; toombo Increaſe of the moon CŞel- c.5/5: º, boolon jaddee beſarr Increaſed _º bertoombo, ºlºr Cºx, Go!… berbooat booat ban'yak Incredible &t=r e^3 ley ocº téda dá- pat percháya Incredulous **): § 133 coorang per- cháya * To Incroach;3/4's melanggar To Incumber oxº~ fancotcan Incumbrance, hindrance, evº fan- kot - Indebted &:Dr. ber'ootang Indeed ºn ſoongoo Indefatigable sy'AJ scº téda lélah *. India solº & jū tana Hindoo, CŞjº 22.3, négree Hindoo Indian exº $2: orang Hindoo Indifferent £oº. ſédang Indiſcreet CŞeº &2× coorang boodee To Induce, ſuffer, G-U tähan, C-Uº ménéhan a- Indurable co-U e cºlò dépat detá- wº * |. e e-uted, dipat dethan Indured, ſuffered. C-Uº-, ménáhan Induring oxºly ráſaawn Induſtry, care, cº- chintaawn Ineſtimable &Ujl exºle sexº téda dăpat argánea Inexorable _ylèxk, ocº téda men- dungar Infallible, ſure, ºf tantoo f Infamous ex-tº- a slº náma jãhat, &= hina - * Infant ºil anak To Infect x-s) lampar, jº,” ſampar Infected, poſſeſſed, cº-jankit Infe&tions, as ſickneſs, x-y lampar Infelicity cylºs, ſoocăran Infidelity ºlº cáfirat Infidel j}ly cáfir Infinite J313 cacal Infirmity, paſſions of man, 0.33 §yº fáel cºrang Inflamed with anger asſº's moorka, 5-5 cºlº ſang'at goofar To Inflićt e_/2-s mooat To Inform, teach, | s' éjar Informer as:- &2 o'rangájooja Infortunate 23Jºss chéláka To Infuſe, inſpire, cy Jºe ménoo- TOOIºl - --- To Ingender ºbs, ſåtooboo Ingenious, wiſe, CŞeºr. berboodee, |r, berälim Ingenious, work, cº-ºr: cºbº booa- . tan permee—workman ºgº º13| orang pandee * * I N. ( To Ingraft rºyſ cambar Ingrafted Cºrº, 3 cambarret Ingratitude 9.3L._5\} sº téda taoo bálas - To Inhabit (95.53-5 moonoon, &25Jº bárooma C exe doodooc Inhabitant exº~ &º Gºngmoonoon 143 ) 1 N &JLº, téadda ſala & Innumerable §24. C-134 sº teda bólee bélang To Inquire, aſk, a 3.5 tinca, aºj: prixa Inquire diligently ºt, Cº.,L, & 3"j: prix'a báik báik To Inhance a price ej! -84G náik Inquiry oº: prix'aawn arga To Inherit *:: Gs'2×3 bérôlee pooſaca, a tº poofācā Inheritance cºxºlºg pooſácaawn Inherited&tº;: berpooſáca, &tºº terpooſaca * Inheriter & Lºº; GS 19-juree pooſáca Injoyment coº!135° bérôléawn To Injoyn 2.293 peñooroo Iniquity cytºti nácālan Injunction cºls, ſº pen'oorooawn To Injure, defame, solº & Xº3 evº booat feténa pada—hurt cºst. GS3? bree ſakit * * Injury, defamation, & Rºss féténa Injuſtice Lºlº 2:32- hookoom ter-l bálik - Ink sºle dawat, sº»le; layer dawat Ink-holder cas' ſoonjat, Oºst cºlò jº | bákas ay'er dawat * Inlander Cº. &1, 3rang paſſak Inlands - ºg paſſak To Inlarge cº23ſ low'aſcan To Inlay sy15-ſºcóra. Inlayed ºr bercóra Inn Gºer. “95.) rooma berhentee | Inquiſitive, given to inquire, s/syū’ cálangara . - Inraged aſſº ÇSolº- jaddee géla, cº bingon K. 4- Inſatiable &=~ cs: 3 Jº téda bó- lee kinjang, &=s © º'o scº tédá dápat de kinjang To Inſcribe cle º Inſcription : 3) loh Inſenſible asſrºº scº téda méráſa Inſeparable GS:- e ājar—him &e ofjº- ājar can dea Innere: U as cyle dálam ſa călee Innoceñt Cº- choochee, sex; Inſtructed >; ber’ājar y-N ( pargājor-maſter 21,233 pen'gooroo Inſtructing jº- >}: berijar ājar Inſtruction cleº- ajarawn Inſtrument, tool, .GS23 tº pågåwee © º Inſurrection & 23 géga, zºº º- góga gampar, syl-392 ooroohára To Intangle, as thread, sº kooſoot Intangled sº mengooſoot Integrity Colcloc àdil'awn Intemperancy --rºccº pendémab To Intend 5'-- maoo, & ſanca Intended costs...} terfáſat Intent, purpoſe, &=-Lº ſája To Interceed --!> QSjº breejow'ab To Intercept tº tancap * Interceſſor 53 baggoam Interceffion cyl-º-º-, ménioomba- awn . Intereſt, uſury, co-º: boongan Interim of time ex-Us ſāhat To Interline, Oº94 & 5 º méníoorat de teng a báris To Intermeddle clºse's fádoolee, _2^*jlº báchampoor Intermiſſion, from ſickneſs, & betahſ To Intermit, reſt, Gºer berhentee Intermixed_23,-Lº'báchampoor To Interpoſe, ſhelter, &39.94-9 mé- lindoong To Interpret, make clear, 9-5 UAJ niátácan # Interpretation Cº artee, co'sºlº niátaawn 144 ) Inſtructor >! (gyº-juree jar, jº-L33) * tº gº • 2. º I N &l (S25-juree báſa To Inter JU, tánam *. To Interrupt oº::-9 rampoos Interval .)|QU cadálam ..To Intice, Gº boojok, 5º,” * memboojok Inticing -ºxº~34 • 33-34 boojok boo- jok, Csº C-54 boojee boojee To Intimate, by a ſign or nod, Gºjºs” ſéharat . . . - Intire, in number, tº génap—not broke &=& º booloom pêcha, &J 22 boola' '. . . . . . Into Xley S de dálam, ...) ſolº cadálam Intolerable co-Lº- Cs'54 ocº téda bólee ménéhan To Intomb 15:59, lee ménahan To intomb 2,25% 22e :3.54 bóbo dálam cooboor 4. 4 - Intoxicated, with any drug, Jº-tº- chajal y " & Intrails cº,'53 Cº. iſſee proot To Intrap Cº [sº menjábak Intreat &s minta, & pinta Intreaty oxº pintaawn, cº-sº méníoombaawn - - Intricate Jººs miſkill To Introduce cº3=}} toonjoocan To Intrude -93°C. máſooc To Intruſt, confide in, Gºy's hārap To Invade jº langgar, jº- mé- langgar es'.” sº téda bó- |In-vain, for nothing, º, º ſia ſia Interpreter Q-10s CŞ.15- juree ſälin, . -- 2 To Inveigh, backbite, & Jooja - - J Q. ( 14 To Invent, by handicraft, co-º-º: pandécan Invention cºlò dépatan ºf Inveteracy 2-1 Achoom - Inveterate 23-16choom Inveterated 25-3-, mengāchom Invincible, as a man, 0)[.2:)'3- ooloo- bálan - Inviolable agº; soº; tédaber’oobah To Inviron &333.8 mengāpoong Inviſible cºlº U seº téda căléatan To Invite to a feaſt, Jºg pangill, exº~20, ſālahican * > Invulnerable 8.5% beetooah, cºlºkabat Inundation & sºlay'erbah To Invocate, pray to, &º foomba, &º ménfoomba Inured & Lºſ beáſa 3. Inwards 2)ſey &MºUs ſåbla dālam, cy Xle de dālam–more inwards Gº! Jſo lebbee délam • e J ob --25: Yob Jocund &a= *3. ſooca chéta To Jog &#:3 goonchong Joice §: póting To Join together cº,” ſambatcan Joined cº, ſambat Joint of the body CSCNº CSONº. ſédee ſédee, £34, oobong—of reed cane, ſtraw, ..O.L rowas—pain in the joints J-XX. ſangal Joiſt Go 5334 bangkawan - To Joſe –2215-yjº bergooroo, &^* champa Joſeph -º-º: Yooſoof "Joyfulneſs o Irreſolute 5 ) J UF Jot, tittle, Jasº G 313 ooroof kécheel Journey G_i) (ºr, perjálánan Journey-man Colº2 &9, orangoopaawn Joy CºuJºe daulut, & & Yº, ſooca cheta, cº-3- ſoodaawn Joyful &a= º: '3" foocar * Cs” beſſee—mine Gs” _*}” marreaw beſſee—work cºlºr, G s” perboatan beſſee ſooca chéta ſoocaawn Irkſome jº_* Iron Cºl & bimbang attee, glolº bádábar - Irrevocable cºlº, o soº; téda de oobahcan Is scºs adda, *Q3" ſooda, aſ la, CŞose jaddee, & ea Iſaac Glºg Iſāak Iſland 3/54 pooloo Iſlander 3/33 º' orang pooloo Iſraelite Jºy” &92 orangiſráel Iſſue cº, chérit * It & jo à.j la, so º, fooda Itch JJU gétal º -- To Itch JJU gåtal, Jºlº, bergătal Judge © * := SS- jurree hookoom, * > // alfaki To Judge, ‘think, & Cº. ſanca—give ſentence exº~3- hookoomcan Judged A berhookoom Judgment oº::= hookoomawn Judgment, ſentence, ~3= GUly cá- taa W In hookoom—ſeat *_z=-Q_s”; -5 crooſee hookoom To Joſtle Jºſſ takiffel Judicial, wiſe, J31jº berical O o # E ( Jug CŞeº cundee—of ſtone 23, ponggo * To Juggle, ſhew tricks, ber'- Oojoong . + KEEL exº, pantat—ofa ſhip exº Jº pantat cápal º Keen, ſharp, ~15 tajam To Keep, take care of 2:2; toongoo Keeper C޺ penoonggowce—or cattle «Jº-sº combála Kept jLº-, ménaroo Kernel;24 bootir, G.5” iſſee, Jºj nior Kettle -3 ºr priok - Key cº Cººl anak coonchee © º To Kick § 5%; toondong, ºwl, 146. ) K N táſoonto Kicking coºl; tāſoontoawn Kid #2,5 –ºſ anak cambing Kidney cº gélee To Kill 3 jºy boonoo * Killed ºr berboonoo, cº berſambillee - Kiln for lime 2,3333 exº, tampat baccar cépoor Kind, fort, Oºººº-jénis To Kindle º paſſang Kindneſs Cus, Q-ºld báik boodé- aWn, Sº 34 31 attee loomboot Kindred, family, J. ăſal, Jººl āſal King A-L, raja eº CaVWUILº; Kingdom -->y rajat, co-lyrajaawn . Kingly, majeſty, es 39 doolee To Kiſs cºlºr, berchoomácan, cºtº- choomácan Kiſs 25- choom Kiſſed 25-y: berchoom Kitchen Jºgle dépoor, GU's bétak Kitten co-33 -ºj/ anak cochin Knave cº- málépootee, Csºy; paralentee, aglo sº tipoo dáya To Knead, as dough, Gº-sly rámas Knee eº) lootoot * To Kneel sº téloot Knew 3G taoo Knife »º péſoo To Knit eºs, ſeroot Knob, bump, G3x3 boongkook To Knock, ſtrike, Jºº poocool Knocker of a door 2×3 × 4, ſoofoo pintoo I, A - To Knot cºlºw ſimpoolcan To Know any thing sº taoo, Cºxº kenak—I do not know 23 scº & kitta téda taoo Knowledge of a perſon Gojūº kénálan —wiſdom CAST âcal, GSO3: boodee, colºgo ºf boodemawn Known, apparent, { niáta Knuckle CŞexº~ (Soºn fedee fedee LABOUR, work, &cs=8JU careeja Labourer cº5 §y13| ôrang oopaawn - Lace scººp rainda Lace C-U30s fantájee To Lace C-U.3L. cºe cº €cat dung'an fantájee To Lack &’ coorang Lackey Cºlº ſåkee Lacking £1,315 tacoorang Lad so 3-9 §2. orang mooda, ~5|Q3. boodak. Ladder &G tanga To Lade colºrs mooat Laden e-lº-'4 bámooat, <-lº-er ber- mooat. Lading coºl- mooatan Lady _2? | J rátoo Lake Lºº; e-2:) laoot taſſik Lamb & 953 Cº! anak doomba Lame & timpang To Lame cº cºvº. coodongcan lameneſs cº timpanggan To Lament ºly rātap, &ljL's marâta Lamentation o jl's marátaawn Lamp < pâlita, exyl, lamáran timpangcan, ( 147 ) L A Lance ºf lambing To Lanch gº- hilir Land e-j'o dárat To Land ;3. langgar, evylo Lºu naik dárat Lane &15) loorong Language &L, báſa To Languiſh, faint, & AJ lémah Lank, as the hair, Çsº tangly, 23-lº cajor * Lantern AJAX35 tangéling Lap, fold, o”;2 lapis, cººl lipat Lappet éºlº panchong Larboard GS3 kirree Large, big, º beſarr Laſcivious *Q.: édam, 22*. meng'é- dam *** º * To Laſh Jº; paloo, Lº getik Laſs sylcy Lºſ Ának dara Laſt colºolssº comádéan -*. 2 To Laſt, endure, &lº báca, J-X- tin'gal Laſt, form, coºl- āchāwan Late <--> lambat Lattice -ºj tinkap Laundreſs cº-e94 _**** pembaſſo parampoan To Laugh s UU tátáwa Laughter cºlº tátáwaawn sº. Law of God scul's ſabda, ~33 ſégáma Law book cºlº e U3 kitab taurit Lawful, needful, U-3y= hároos Lawn, muſlin, & 5 caſſa Lawrel cyclip randon Lawyer cº- &J5' réang baggoam } To Lay down 210 tároo 1. E . Lazy Lo málás Lazyneſs cºſts mélaſan Lead 2x4 &, sº téma €tam To Lead cºſts cº, Écatjálan Leader in a ſong …l., mámoom Leaf cºlº dāwon League 3-Y gow To Leak, run quick, &MAJ&s méléleh Lean O-235 croos To Lean upon JoJº, ſandar To Leap cº-º] loompat, exº~5%. méloompat Leap exº~s: tº ſa loompat To Learn - éjar, ;-(+s meng'éjar J Learner jº-2'- £2, 6rang belájar Learning Jſ, ber’ālim Leather c>0|33 coolit Leave, permiſſion, (ty 5-5-0 móhone, ( sºlº candátee, Glºxº~ hen- dak Heaved, as a tree, cºlò 3 berdâwon Leavened bread --> Çsº J rootee maſſam Leaves Go»le dāwon Lecherous 2CNAx-e mengédam . Lechery -º-, édam Led, conducted, X31, ber'antar Leech cº-sº patchet, &J lintah To Leer A.J., & Lo máta carling HLees Leeward coºl sºlº bava angin Left CGjº kirree—hand C &jº cº-3- tang'an kirree—ſide GSjº &\ºlº ſa- bla kirree * *. <> Hleft, remained, Jº tin'gal, Jºe • A :2 . A * - / J. " bertingal, Jº- men'ingal, 3 Ö23's. ( 148 ) ſ I, E Jº ſooda tingal *3 cakkee—crook- Leg Cºbºtis, Cº | ed leg –ººls. Chapik, *:::: qsº cakkee éroot Leg of any fleſh &L, páha—of mutton &sje agel páha doomba Legacy by will Jºl, wärits Legate & sº ootooſang Legerdemain º. foolap Legion &;-joota * - Legiſlator & CŞxº~ ë'. éang mem- bree titah, cººrs” ſcheringon Legitimate J5xº Göl anak betool Leiſure &A-ºl ampa Leiſurely cº tº páláhan Lemon --> jerooc, Orº ~)_2}º- jérooc tépis º Lemon juice ºjº- ;: ay'er jérooc ToLend so; ***, pinjam pada, *~ minjam Lender ** §tº ë, minjam ôrang éang Length *=& panjang — of time ex=x] loonjoot, a.s.) láma |To Lengthen G-X3-& panjangcan— time co-º-º: loonjootcan, e-ºs--3)4-, méloojootcan Lent, time of a religious feaſt, cº-sly ramázawn cyl-JLsly ramā- lawn, - Leopard ; gº- harſman akar Leper Ooly cédel . Leperous Jeº bercădel Leproſy Ocy's cºsts 14kit câdel 3. taí, 2.93 käroo Leſs $222 Coorang, $25% cs: lebbee coorang—not leſs nor more sº * I, I ( sº scº.; ë!” ...téda coorang téda lébbee To Leffen º*}3 bercoorang Leſſer Jº Gº! lebbee kécheel Leſſon cyl-a-UX34 penggajeawn Lethargyrºº! Lºi ſãlop - Let, ſuffer, J.Lº bear—let it be ſo JLº. R. 3.4% &J bear la buggetoo Letter, charaćter, G as huroof Level, even, Ajly ráta—land §e': pá- {. dang * To Level cºlº mérátácan—a gun, aim, rººs mítar, Lº, 5 timbak ToLevy J} %~25% coompool, G3 ׺ coopoolácan—an army 34-9 .9, coompoolcan 6rang prang ewd perſon Csº jº parálentee Liar aº pendooſta Libel, that is ſcurrilous, JoJo, cºy15 s ſoorat ſindir Liberal sys-9 (9-33 tang'an moora, 8.25-0 cºl attee moora Liberality 895-9 cºxsº careejaawn moora, colswº-sº cámooraawn Liberty cºlº) lépaſan—freedom from ſlavery oxx jorº mardékáawn Licenſed, lawful, O”.5jl- hároos To Lick cº-jélat, ºs-jélap Licking exº~ jélápan Lid Q: 333.3% tootoopan Lie & 39 dooſta Nº. To Lie, cheat, &3-3, béhoong Lieutenant so 3-0 25%: poong’oo- loo mooda, so 3-8 Allº!: căpăla mooda - P 149 ) - L TI Lifeleſs - 3-X. sexx & teadda édop Lift C-3ſan'cat Lifted c. 31, ber'an'cat Light, of the day, êº fang—clear §5? trang – bright light &l= º ~\;. ber'édop—dull light colº ſåwan–Twilight rºw Sinar To Lighten; happen, C));43- choo- pool, CŞeyl-jaddee Lightened, as the day, Śº ber'ſé- ang—as fire & berpaſſang Lightening cºlºš kélat |Lightneſs in weight cºlºyſ 3ring'anan Lights : yºº pópároo, _52:4 _º_V5 baurew baurew U. º - *- Lignum aloes &A-s)[5 cálamba, Cº-s)Ü cálambak Like, alike, a cle, ſāma—in like man- ner co-ºrde déméken - TO Liken, ~~ jº beſima, * cºº berfännácan, &_& sº fépertécan & 29 roopa . * * * e. Likewiſe C sºy laggee, cyºg poon, & 3-jooga Lilly §23, bákoong— of the water 3: §93L bákoongayer “. Limb a . (xã) angauta, _5423 & 2 ×3! angauta tooboo |Limbek Gºvºcoöcooſan Limber, ſoft, Gººss: loomboot— faint AJ léteh Lime jºb capoor—a fruit — jº- jé- rooc-birdlime º perkat Limit, border, G sº tépce Life; ºr sex. €dop, oxº33-X4 &lopawn To Limp &=& pinchang : P p * T, I Line, cord, cº tallee To Tine, ciel with thin boards cºs ſélatcan—as with cloth C-Kº lápiſcan To Linger, in buſineſs, &J léna Linguiſt & L. CŞyº-juree baſa Lining O-32 lápis Link of a chain Csº9 & Lº máta rantee * Linnén cloth G-UX Linſced C-sy Lintel of a door ºxº;tº tiang pintoo Lion style,' aſſada, & ſinga - Lips e-º-, jºº bibbir mooloot Liquid jº ls cháyer } cay'in Liquor sºlay'er • To Liſp º gákap, Jºkºlº &L' cáta bátélore Liſt of cloth *}} kellim—as you liſt * Cº CŞexº~U cahendak attee IYY OO To Liſten c sº intee, Cº., mengº- intee—give ear &c,…, mendungar Little, in quantity, cºcº fedekit —in magnitude Jasº kécheel— by little, ſlowly, co-ºº: cº-Yº páláhan páláhan To Live ºedop—again&Jºjº £dop poola * Livelihood cytºſº bérôléawn Liver &&.] limpa, cs' autee, cº aOOtee * *, • * Liver colour &J & warna limpa tº º . . . . •., N. PS Living º; ter édop, º Csº Hågee édop, sº'yºr ber'édop, ( 150 ) To Load *!” Loadſtone |Loaf of bread G →º bidjee rammee |To Lock cºlº i. 6 Lizzard a sº- chichah, ārang Load cyº Ls, ſapécoolan, cº-slº. ſámooatan $Jºj bank- mooat jly, ºlº bátoo bránee 35J rootee To Loath, as "meat, _3-95- joomoo, JL-s mow'al |Loathſome, dirty, &:-- §25- chöring mooting * Lock sº coonchee coonchéâcan, cºus $ºjº bercoonchéâcan |Locuſtº billalang To Lodge, by night, 2.) Usly bâmálam Lodger & L. & 2, 6rang báſingah Loft, garret, Cºx, tingkat Lofty C ==3 tingee Log, , dry, Jº toongul — green cº-Gºli tābanggan - *. Loneſome Csº ſoonee Long &=% panjang To Long, wiſh for, C-33 ingin, _2~ rindoo y Long-pepper Cºli tābee, Csºlºs chi- âbee *. tº e Long-ſuffering & C =}| attee pan- jang ºl-e Look, ſee, cºlaj feat Look, caſt of the ſight, ſakójof máta Looking-glaſs cº-chérémeen Looſe, not faſt, Q93; teroorey To Looſe, let go, cº lépaſcan— - untie cº-X2), ooreycan & * * #: ;” º, ºr § { 3. ** *. jº, ºft ( To Lop, was a tree, &tº ménábang Lopped & |r! berranting * f Lopping-knife &; perranting, Q- 2* * Lord, name of God, aula; tāallah— God &JJGj &JU'ſ Allah tóallah, cº AJi tuan Allah — nobleman exº.), ooloobálan—rich man &1, a U Grangcaya—maſter eſ; tuan * > To Lord over cº; pertuan To Loſe, miſlay, £213 elong Loſs in trade co-ºxy roojéawn, Cº-ly raajee Loſt, #. sº fooda élong, #39; ber'élong & Lot, chance, Çjº páree Loth to do cº ang'an Loud, ſee, cy») howd Love ( → caffee, oxº caffèawn —Töbe in Love Cº- jº- birrahee— Love ſong &se damping Lovely, beautiful, ºld Cºyº paras bäik, &ºlº paraſºta Louſe 3353 kootoo Low s24 báva sº. To Low, as a cow, 3׺lº bátango Lowd, clear voice, &yº niaring ..' Lower, in ftation, Çs’3) Jº kécheel lágee ; Loweſt, undermoſt, Cell: «», « »ue debava ſa călee dº gº Lowly, meek, scº, renda, 8-X), C3 attee renda }. * - tºº. Loyal, truſty, ºbs, ſåtia Loyalty cºlaºtº ſátiaawn, cytº be- Ilarº Il • * ~~ f 3. 1 5 + f ) #M & |Loyns &º loombong-reins & pinggang Luck &23, oontoong |To Lug &= héla Lukewarm £cº, cººl ang’at fédang To Lull –º oofik Lump Jº-sº goompal—To make into a lump cº-º-º- goompalcan Lunatic cºlº ex3L. fakit boolon |Lungs 293 ºt, pároo pároo |To Lurk ;23Ju bâlindong Luſt, deſire, _*.*. nafsoo—To Juſt af- ter &= chéta _2^3j rindoo Luſtre §º gélang, §2%.º gómé- łł - lang Luſts, deſires, _**_*}} nafsoo nafsoo. Luſty in health _3^-95." foomboo Lute cº kéchápee To Lyé, reſt, Jº tédore MACE aſ tº assº boonga pála Mace ex345 toonkat Mad oº::=* akº géla binjis, sº géla Madam G.G.Lº, néay |Made cºol-jaddee, GS otsº-, men- jaddee, **** membooat • MadneſsO.·sº binjis, Gºs”&ºi)\ºy gélánea binjis Magazine Jºº bangſal Maggot evy, oolat, &l=> chäching Magician Jºux-Éy, Örang hôbatan Magic Cºlº- høbatan Magiſtrate GS23-, 32 2' 6rang mantrec, j” &º 6tang beſarr Magnificence coxs); sº camooliaawn ( To Magnify O.J. O.33-, cº-º-º: béſarrcan meng attas attas Mahommed Q,3sº Máhumud T Mahommedan SL-4 iſſālam– Ma- hommedan religion -> Leg, aºlº ăgăma iſlālam Maid sylcy Cöl anak dara Majeſty Gºedoolce—the titles ſerpada. To Maim co-Kº33°ºcoodoongcan Main, principal, £33. ăgoong—body of an army & _3437 tooboo prang, 8.yºu _º tooboo bálátantra— land ºº & G tana béſarr—maſt &23. | §tº tſang agoong To Maintain, affirm, soºr, berinda Maintenance &r=}}L, bálanja . Make, do, --> booat, &J *:: boo- at la, e- 5* ro membooat . Maker &#y QQ2- juree carrceja C sºlº QQ2-juree báikkee Malady Jºlº, fakitan Male, of mankind, cº lakkee, $2: 3X 6rang lakkee. * Maladićtion, curſe, -º:.3 kootok Malefactor &J[... &2' 6rang ſala Malice, ſecret, 2.x so damdam Malleable Q Stºj e cºlò £13 eang dà- pat de timpáee t º Mallet J25 2.44 pemoocoo Mammocks & sº siſa M A k - 94;" * w Man £2' 6rang, cº £12' orang lakkee, &ºil., mánooſia—ſervant Cºus ſakee To Manage, govern, cºtxylº páren- täcan t 2 # 52 |To March oyle-jálan ) M A. Management, government, a jºg på- renta Mandate & titah' Mandrake -->[3}}] loofahhat Mane of a horſe. &32-253 kombong Mange, ſcab, ove¥5% coodis Manger &lº cºlº <º tampat má- can binnátang To Mangle, hack; ;3rºchinchong Mango, fruit in India, 3& 25%. ampullum mango Mangoſtan, fruit in India, cºº mangoſtan º Mangy O-39%jº bercoodis Manicles Gºju bâloongoowee sº |Manifeſt, plain, _º tantOO To Manifeſt . J. Lê.5 Gºtº tº: 2 Manifeſted & G taboo.ca Manifeſting cotx333 boocaawn Manifeſtly _2~ tantoo Manifold Oººº-jénis Mankind &ºjLº mánoofia Manner, cuſtom, Gº, Nc addat, G. cxc addat Manners, civility, Cº-3 * foopan trangäcan, Xº eſté |Mantle **** ſélémoot To Manure, plough,. &JGº- men'- angála t Manured land cy” 39 dooſoon Many Cº. ban'yak Map & péta * *. * ; sº marmar, º:_5}\! bátoo poalam • * March, journey, cº-ix ley, perjálánan. * “º rº - M. A. 'Marches of a country çº Caº tº pee négree nº ºl Mare & so ºf cooda bétina Margin Geº tépee Mariner Jºlº º' awa. cºpal, &p' cºlº 6rang callaſee Mark, Impreſſion, º's chap To Mark G31.xx; tandācan, sº.54% bóbo tanda Marked C&lex tandaee, cºloº ménandare “ . | Marked sº bertanda Market place yº baſſar, otºlº bá- blean ** { To Marr, ſpoil, Lºs 5.) rooſak Marriage cºlº cawinan Marriageable < J&T âcal báleng Marrow ſoomſoom, -º: §2.); obtak toolang To Marry Gootſcăwin Marſh &sº bancha Marſhall, one that direéts a war, &J15| §y: << §: érangeang menge- cat prang Marvelled c'exº~ hérawn r Marvellous Gº- hérawnnee Mary º29-. máréam Mas, a weight for gold uſed in many parts of India, Oºº mas Maſk 9 tooping Maſon Lºlº }*. penookir bâtoo, 35u Gº toocan bátoo A Maſquerade & tinka, &Uº-jénáka ( * } ! M A —topmaſt agº. §º tſang pengā- poh *8. * Maſted §§: bertſang 'Maſter olº tuan — in complement, highly, cºlº tuan – in complement, familiarly, # & inchee—teacher >Lº, Pengājār-owner cº,# per- tuan, &ºsl ampoonca, ét, &Jºſéangampoonea—head &Jūtº cápála, _3)13:34 poong ooloo—of a houſe, owner, &23.9 *º-s! cly tuan ampoonea rooma Maſter-piece of work ;25' coºr: QGoºg perbooatan Örang pandee Mat “º técur Mátábooroong, a ſmall red pea uſed in many parts of India, for a gold weight, §3)ºut, mátábooroong To Match, pair, C93'33 goocan—fit, equal, co-ſtºl, ſāmācau Mate, fellow, J-3 tummun Material, needful, Qºsº ooſee, Çsº ber ooſee Material, conſiſtence, Golco's kaadda- a WIl Matrimony Gº 2.5 câwinan Matter, conſiſtent, Golcots káddaawn —corruption, & JU nánah Mattras G.sºs metty, J12.3 cáſoor Maul, of iron, .cy»3 g6dam Maw C *::: º tam boolookee, 8 :yº. ſåroong Maxim, way, Monſtrous Ovº; terchingon Month cy '54 booloon—and a half cy!º 83.5  teng a dua booloon Monument scº tanda * t cy!º booloon Morality cº-º's kabidje'can Moraſs &t, pāya, aglº . AJU tána pāya More, in number cº2) laggee Moreover Gox34 poon, & 53- jooga, cº º, sel; Q& ſelebbee derree pada eſtoo - • Morning ( &lsº <'', págee haree Morrow, to-morrow, ~º e’ſook Morſel J-34 pangal, Jºlº, ſápangal, agly rápeh, ag|JLº, farā- peh t Mortal, deadly, Jºbs, ſåbill Mortality cº,º'-- maoot Mortar &º le'ſong Mortar, lime, *3; perkat Mortify & póting Moſes assº a mooſa To Mollify e-º-º: meloom- 2 Moſquito, gnat, -º-º: niámoke, w M U (. *~. -º-º: yámook, J 5-sl - Csº ilí- ãmooc f . . . Moſs 9-25°º! loomot Moſt lebbee Mote in the eye *-ºlº ſampa Moth oº gégas, ed13 oolat Moth-eaten ed ºr befoolat Mother, vulgarly, Lº má–in a higher degree zºº ibíoo–of a king sºjº, boonda—in law, huſband's wife's mother Cº Lº mátirree—in law father's wife clºs; sº-c mintoo- ah parampoan * Motion (S3) y lálooee , Motionleſs, ſtiff with cold, or ſickneſs, 23's kákoo - * Motled &J's. &/ºr berſâlang ſálang To Move *P* gra, º bergra. Mouldineſs 3) lápo, Gºlº báſee Mould, to caſt into &º calboot cºlº! achâwan To Mould, faſhion, Çs”.95% proeſee To Moulder, decay, ..)Jºs' an’choor To Mount cºs^4 panjat Mountain To Mourn, mérátap Mournful, ſad, &= & 5_39 dooca chéta Mouſe Gº-Kº tecoos Mouth evºlº-s mooloot Mouth of a river Cº. aſſo's kāwāla ſoong'ey • Mow cº,ºwls charroot Much -º-; ban'yak—more -º Cº. lebbee ban'yak—how much & ;: brápa | §#23 goonoong ament, ~~}ly rátap – 5 jº- i 157 ) M (ſ Muck, for land, &L bája |Mudj93-251 loompoor |Mulberry cº tootoon |Mulét, fine, sojcy denda |To Mulét Cºlcºcº's mendendaee To Multiply & tamba, L&;? berban'yak Multiplication GLº GLºts katambaawn Multitude cº's hāvan To Mumble, diſguiſe the yoice, &: tooping, &º- mooning To Mump, chew & sº máma Murder 332; boonoo, cº boo- nooawn Murderer colºr: pemboonooawn, 3...! ammook Murdering colº boonooawn To Murmºur _345.J1: .as coocoorooboo Murmuring cl: 3vº3- COOCOOTOO- booawn Muſcle × 33 coopang, O...sly rámiº fhell §e-J!º sº of the Body GS oU &..)º oorat nádee To Muſe -ºs fik'ir Muſician, that plays with a bow, Jºš £1, 6rang kiſſil ~ Muſic Jºº.U réboor * Muſk Çgyº caſtooree — cat GSyº §º indong caſtooree Muſket Jºëcu buddeel Muſlin & .3 caſſa Muſt, is needful, O.25J's hároos Muſtachos Q =&º méchee, Cºrº koomis tambaawn Muſtard ( 4.yºu" ſåſåvee — ſee R r " - N A ( G&L.L., cº-e bidice fiftyee To Muſter, number, &\º bélang - Muſty, mouldy, _º tº bálápo, Qsº bábáſee w Muſtineſs cº báſee, 23) lápo Mute _*: by ſoo Muteable, vaniſhing, ** linjap Mutiny ×3 gampar *- Mutineer Gº “lººr: sº. & J15" ôrang berboot gampar, jº-º: pen'gam- par - To Mutter, grumble, ºſº º|33 cooloom cooloom Mutton & so cººle dégin doomba To Muzzle sº-c ºx; tootoop mooloot My 33 ko, 23 āko, &, betta, & & poonca betta,  & kitt" poonea t NAIL, of the body, _5323 kookoo- of iron 23L, pákoo-ſpike &º lábang —tack -3.3 pāſak Naked &= yU tálanjang—To make naked cºx U talanjangcan Nakedneſs Colºr=3)[5 tãlanjangan Name &ºti náma—his name &Lsº námanea—To name & J C &r bree náma, cºs cº lsº bernáma- can ménamace—What is your name &G agſ appa náma moo Named a U. bernáma Nape of the neck ºx tenko Napkin co-s}_º Sápo tang'an Narration Colcº º- cheritraawn 158 ) st såſak—confined cº-ºw foompit. Narrow path -º cºlº- jálan foompit-Tomake narrow cº-º-º: ſoompitcan Naſty, dirty, Lºs** choëmoor Nation Jºl º cawum éſal, Jº, ăſal, 2334 poopoo sº. Native, country, Agu gigº négree bápa–language (gjº; alsº báſa négree—a native Q&As, Lºilanak négree º Nativity Cºl; ber'anak Natural, true, Jyº bétool Nature Jº's fael Navel Gºos,sº pooſat, º J% soº tenda pooroot Naught ex-la-jāhat Nazarite cº Lej naſaránee Neap tide Jasº 3. ayer keecheel Near, in diſtance, cºcy décat Nearer cºe Gº! lebbee décat, “sº * A-2ſ lebbee ampir © Néareſt > cº é! éanglebbee am- pir Neat, faſhionable, -*,\! élok, O) 5:3-9 moobool . Neceſſary, needful, as93. bergoona, a 9-5 goona Neceſſaries, utenfils, *}” ſerba Neceffity cº Neck jº kher - Neck-lace O”33 ootas, & 5–15% seley dada booroong. w Y. ºf Coorangan |Neck-cloth jé! e.Sº peng'écatléher Need, want. § 25 coorang * Narrow jº tabbeer—ſtreight -ºl's Needful alsº bergoona. N I Needle 2,2'- järoom—To thread a needle ºyº- • *** choochook Jaroom * & Needleſs y sº téda ooſee Needy, poor, cº-emiſkin Needy man cºlº#2' 6rang coor- ang'an * To Neglect C.J.) lálee, &e àiépa Negligent, careleſs, & scº téda chinta . r Niece clºs; _5=9- choochoo par rampoan - To Neigh, as a horſe, C3L, & tétiak Neighbour &lºsſ amsāya—townſman cº,' &c. $95) ôrang ſa campoon Neither cº, nen—this nor that cº, 5% cº-3 Cº., nen enee nen étoo Nephew, by a brother, cºCómon —by a fifter sºlº fépéyang—cofin C-3) 5-yº choochoo lakkee Nest $2.jL. Sároong Net, ſayn, drag net, c. 23 poocat— net-work cºrº, ſérootan Never scº cy: Cell: «», ſa căleej poon téda tº-e Nevertheleſs cº tertãpee, cºs) 5 wellakin " w New 290 bároo—new comer jº &º! Örang baroo - Newly ( &_2ju bâroo €nee Newree, a parrot of the Molucas, SSJ2:) looree, GS2: Iſle Wree News 39 cábar º Next 33 ſo êº éang détang : Nib, of a bird, sſº jº pároh ( 150 ) ; } To Nickname Gº." makkee N I Niggard; 3)1, 6rang kikir Niggardly, frugal, cº-ºº-jémat Nigh exºe décat, gº-sl-ampir Night 2JLº málam Nimble Gº! pantas |Nine cº, ſambélan Nineteen O. Mºjyº,” ſambélan blas Ninety or 5); c, Mººre ſambélan poolos Ninth 0%;" & §4 éang ca ſam- bélan Ninthly cº,” a slº C.JU cálee éang ca ſambélan * @ To Nip, with the fingers, co-sº péchit with the nails cu1:37 coobit—with nippers cº sápitcan, Cºlºs méníápit Nippers, a pair, ecºlº ſápit Nipple º- J\,: pintul fooſoo, 5° 5'''. &=3 oojong ſooſoo Nit_5753 ~!jº télore kootoo Nitre 8; : X^* ſandawa . No sexºſ téda—matter &gl=cs sº té- da meng appa * Noble &ºx bangſa Nobleman Gyū23); ooloobálan, cylig pangáran Nod, ſign, e;=” ſcharat—To nod &Júliº e;="2 berſcharat cipála Noiſe G six boonee, coºl, baboo- néaWn To Noiſe abroad, diſcover, c 24%; télélee e Noiſed Cs'* báboonee |Noiſome, rotten, Jºº booſooc To Nominate c sºlº ménámae \ No ( 160 ) N o Nominated cº,º; terſéboot Nouriſhment, food, cº-slºt… mácānan, None, in number, sexº cºils, ſå- too poon téda __. A -- * ~ſºnſ: t * * > 2 dº Nonſenſe, *_2^* &ly cata cham poor baw'oor --> * Nook, inſide of an angle, corner, _2^* ſékoo --- * * @ º * Noon GS) tº  tenga harree—fore- noon GSJºax}_ſſe dauloo tenga harree * Nor co-, nen, º!º booloom North sy tº: Oótára Noſe §3CŞ., edong Noſtril &39; £al liang €dong Not Go 33-jangon, sº téda—that _2^4 cº boocon étoo—it is not oº:: boocon Notwithſtanding cºx wellakin Notable colxºlºgº caniátaawn Notch, crack, &\º bála-To notch, chop, UGG titac Note, mark, solº tanda—To note, mark, cºlº tandácan, cº loºr * bertandācan Nothing &g! §yº scº téadda bárang appa, sº cy: &ly & ſa råpeh poon téda, cº £OOIſlažiſl To Notify G3 U.Lº méniátácan Notorious, public, &tº niáta, _º tantOO *- Notoriouſneſs cotx}{3tº niátaawn Notwithſtanding tétápee, cº 5 wellakin Novice 2013 §J3 orangbéroo To Nouriſh Jº péára U. tº º * * tº * * * * #) rézékee yº Now cytºtº ſácāran—juſt now (goº taddee, QSON] 3 Jº bároo taddee, Csº : jº bároo €nee Number cº bélanggan — number §º bélang Numberleſs śJºãº o cºlò sexºſ téda dăpat de bélang .. Nun, any woman living recluſe, agº; cºlºr, parampoan pertápa Nunnery cºlºr, pertāpaawn Nurſe, wet, QS 5°334 pengooſooee— dry 23-XX-2 mindom Nutmeg Ju 833 booa pála To O Q sº hey, Cºxe ădohee—man $93 C-2 hey"orang * Oak Q- jattee—oak tree exº Xs poſhone jattee Oar ºlº dáyoong Oath ox-ex”, ſoompaawn—To ſwear an oath cº-º-º- ºr foompa ſoompaawn—a falſe oath cyl-4-2. #39;... ſoompaawn bo'hoong Oats Jºgji=> charthal Obedience ©!!!- hábarawn, cylècº-o mendungaran Obedient, humble, sexj) renda To Obey, hearken to, Jºão--, men- dungar To Objećt & banta—obječt Cºlºſt;" cáléatan Objected & berbanta Objećtion Cºx & bantaawn .* Nouriſher sy'A)\,…, §º éang memléára 2 Oblation &--- * foombāyang f To Occupyland alº. men'angala Ocean jºº º2X laoot béſarr Odoriferous, Cº wangee, 239 -ºld dºr, ºbligation, covenant, Cº-º-eyº ſooratºjanjee-bond Cº., O.J.93. - . . ." . . .”. - tº eartas'ſapſee: s , , " . . . - “...ºrº To oblige, perſuade, custº, feaſatº Obliging, civil, cººl foopan . ,- Oblique #3; sº ferong . To Obliterate & 33-ºl ampooſcan. T Obſcene aslºe docana obſcure, dark, ºlºgălap, cyl: că- - lam Obſerve, ſee, cºlº! léat. Obſtacle cº, ſankot. . . . . . . . . obſtinateo, Qºl attee cras, algº o”, 'cápála cras . . . To obſtruct, incumber, cºljrábat - Obſtruction, ſtoppage, Cº.L., ſåſak To Obtain, get, exſo dépat Occaſion for, need of, Cs". 9. ooſee, ( s”º ber’ooſee—no occaſion for Csº 8-Ns scº téda adda ooſee w Occupation, trade, GSexº, pandee Odd Jºlº gáſal - Odor, perfume, &ge doopa-ſmell _2,\} bâwoo - báik báwoo " . * Of Ślą eang, ocq pada, Q & ſo derree, & v. scº G.S Jo derree pada Off, in ſunder, Gº! Pootoos Offal &º, síſa . . . . . . . Offence &JL. ſala, G (c)0s, ſālāawn— offence, cauſe of anger, cy lxºe dhinkéawn . . . ( 161: ); |Oh' > hey * * Q: E2. To Offend, anger, cºtºo dhinké- ãcan . . . . . . . . . . . Offended &J “r. ber'ſila, Cººey! berdhinkee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To Offer, preſent, **. &-95's foomba w & 23.2 berſoomba, w " -, --. $ |Offered &**; perſoomba . . . . . . Offering cylºs.. . ſoombaawn, co-º-º-º: perſoombaawn - Office, place, &=; careeja, clas;’ careejaawn, ox=} |g pacareeja- awn, cºg pankat, cº-jabbatan Officer, of a king, as-y GS59 tº pá- gåwee raja, & y &L's máta raja, asy 212.3 faſooroo raja—bailiff £23.5 tamanggoong— meſſenger colº ſoorooan—in chief of a cuſtom-houſe jcXºlº, ſhābendar Offspring, race, Jº, äſal, Jºl G R3| anak Aſal Often Q- tº célee—how often *!; Cs' U.5 brápa călee - hey padako, - * Gº°53' adóhee ſiya Oil -º-; minyak—To oil -º-º: cº" bermin'yak &can — oil fruit cºs.jéton - oobat—ſweet * > . . . . . . j-, ber. To out wit cº indi, _2:4; tº T- tipoo. - " - - . . . . . .” $º. ( 163 ) . To Owe' tº ootăng 323sº pen- * Packer |Padlock cºº - Page, a boy, Csö25- boodak—of a book | _2~}L, falájor - Pain, ſickneſs, céL. fškit, P. A. Owed sº &ºr; berOotang |Owl;x& poonggo |To Own & 33 poonea—my own & ~923 kitta poonea, findirree poonea |Owner, aº-champoonea, colºr. per- tuan—of a ſhip J. gly poonea cápal Ox º' lemboo - ſéſee *º-sl gºl- coolit' tirram, ry’ G s” tirram •-e . PACE, tep, a 3-janca, axº~ a. fa janca To Pace, as a horſe, o-ºº! ligas, To Pacify clºselºbādammee, Cs-sºº's Q93 mendammee can Pack, bundle, O”23. booncoos—To Pack cº-ºx323 booncooſcan §2-ºxº**: pengécat gun- dong $ Paddle, ſmall oar, §34tº, pangáyoong coonchee - Paik, to draw up water, }: *** Oslº bákas timba ay'er * fäkitan—ſmart & Jº padih Paint &: warna–To paint, landſCape, . . oº:: toolis, oº: lookis P A. oº::); &: 6rang berlookis . . . Pair, couple, 53.•. goo, 33 U. ſagoo— * To pair cº33 goocan Palate of the mouth sº13-0 cº lang it mooloot — next the throat soº! Cººl ānak leda * Pale, wan in body, *** Poochat To Pale in > ºr. berpágar. Palace & UK. aſtána, as-Lo maje- lis—king's palace &ly &JLº. aftāna raja - Palm, ſpan, J. the hand C-33 -ºj tapak tang'an Palm-funday -ºº! &ly ree raya elſabaſib . . Palmiſtry cºg's faicat, sº J 2-&- Co-º; ſangol pada tang'an Palſy sº-º: loompoh, sº-sº cºsts Pan, of iron, Çs'LUT câwallee—of earth & X3Xlº bálanga * Pancake * _jolò dédar tépoong, sel3. āwāda - Pander C޺xxy cundak ſº ºr Pangs, ofdeath, & AJúbalíſa, *** Cº- mangálíſa * Pannier, hamper, & ſy rāga To Pant O° 5y's harroos Panther 3, 4 je haríman Pantry cº-lºt's co-º-º- ºr tamp ſimpan mácānan e Pap, of Flower, Jºjº coontool Paper Jºj’ cartas Paps, breaſt, 95° ſooſoo Parable & 3 obpama, Çojl ande :e Painter O.J., & penoolis—of landſcape ^ cylºº coobong caſoocár |To Parboil & • Pardon –ºx. maaf, cº- To Perſevere, remain firm, 2% tógo - Perſia Ǻvº C޺ négree parſee To Perſiſt_º togo Perſon &1916rang Perſonable asſº's ſédéréna To Perſwade, intreat, c,»”bº-º móhone Perſwaded y-la-- mengājar Perſwaſion, opinion, cº, sífat Pert, nimble, Oº3 pantas Pertinent cºlº pátoot, -č) láyak Perverſion J) lálim - Pervert, #54 pootar—To pervert the ſenſe of a word A.J) lálim Perverter J) &: ôrang lălim To Peſter cºloss ſankot Peſtilence tº ſampar, ſåkit lampar - - Peſtle 2/1 aloo, §2” _5} âloo léſong Petition co-ºº-yº” ſoorat pémin- täawn Petees, ſmall coin, O'º pétees Petty-coat ( →º tappee Phäriſee Q) sº jū Phariſon Phenix Cºyol; nádirat Philiſtine cººls falásáthion 'Pilgrimage ( --> Cºg'; ( 167 ) P Philoſopher Lºkas philoſoof, ex Philoſophy Phyſician cºaſt: tábeib Phyſic ex, oobat Phyſiognomy & 29 roopa To Pick out, as of a hole, cº-º §3- choong kilcan—To pick, as birds, ºt. págoot, Q-ºl; pátok—and chooſe 4 pillee Pick-axe JLº. pangálee as-U.º cargaja hakim - |Picker Jºº- choongkil |Pickle ºſayer giram–To pickle _5°25: bódoo Pićture, landſcape, C. cººl lookiſan — of men gambar Piece, bit, CŞ. tº képing–To piece, & tampalcan Pic-bald Lºgºs, Šxt, bálang foopak Piety (9)ol ādilawn Pigeon Gº, 5's meräpattee, 895° à wº booroong déra—wild ce;23 p6nay— *J35 toolifan, ~3 pangal, agy rápeh, - patch, houſe cººrs § 29. Häroong merá- pattee Pike Cº-º; toombak—man &2 colºr, ôrang pertékámawn Pile (9yº tamboon—To pile, heap, cº-º-º-º: tambooncan Piled Goyºyº bertamboon, bertindee To Pilfer, ſteal, Çg 22-sº men chooree GS Qº |Pilgrim Cº-o-hodjee, & &12/6rang affing náikhodjee # ºf Pill jº, Péléreo, 534 bootir Pillage cº-ºw rampaſan, roompak Pillar ; LJ tiang . Pillory 233 ºu bâloongoo tenko Pillow Jºy bantal Pillowbier Jº #3 jº, ſaroong bantal Pilot JLs málim - . " bíſol lada - Pin alsº 23.9G-jároom bercăpăla– Topin co->29-jároomcan Pinacle C-22-534 boomboongan Pinchers, pair of, equi ſãpit To Pinch, with pinchers, cº-ºº: ſā- pitcan To Pine after sexy rindoo, & chéta . . . Pine-apple O.33 anánas To Pinion a man cº e cº-º; evº £cat tang'an de blácan Pioneer –?)º penggårek Pious Oel ádil - - Pipe, muſical pipe, Cºº banxi- for tobacco *** chillim, cºol-sº pamádootan, ºxes: poongoodoot —gutter, for water, cy2-& pen- chóran - Piper Gº & 6rang banxi, &: & : ºf Örang top banxi Pipkin — ºr, priok. Piracy cº- S-º-e99.9 roompak can Pirate -º-, 3.) §Jº o'rang roompak– ſhip –ºxy Jºly cépal roompak, Piſmire G-25 rºº ſémoot © e. e. Piſs &=" jº |ay'er kinching, Ǻj: if ayer -**3, Csº * . . Pit, hole, & loobang |Pitch, raw, ºld rºle damar |To Pitch aſ U AJU' To Pitch, ſet up, Pimple §3.9 raftoong, sex Jº | kaláboorawn Pith of a tree_j1994 pooloo ſènee–To piſs & kinching ** F.' sºlº booangay'er ſénee bátoo— boiled J3 JG gala gala . . ſº Jºe, se_ºx láboor dung'an gálagála . . . . . . . ex, &cat-houſe *3) ex3 &cat rooma . |Pitcher £493, béyang ... Pit-fall, to catch wild . beaſts, clºs r - Pittance, ſhare, Gºtº bágéawn . To Pity &l" ſāyang, cºtºus, ſå- yangaean, o, ø, rahmad . Place º tampat—office • * cº- jabbatan . . . . . . . To Place, ſet, jū taroo-before, be- tween jū |y yū taroo ber'antara in order J15? y: 2 JG troo berator |Place, inſtead of, cºlºgantee - Plague jº.J lampar, 2%." Gº (w ſákitan lampar, Alyºs chérana Plain, ſmooth, &ly rāta r = Plainneſs, in garb, cºcº fédangan Plaiſter, ſalve, eºs oobat 'ſ-e • * © - - 2 - Pºſter Gs”.5% Jº tampal ber'oo- battee - . . . . Plaiſter, as a r - 3. Plane, tool, cyl-Ülº cátámawn, cº-3 påhat, cº-º neſis To Plane, as a board, cºlº cátám- can, cº-Kºrsº' néjiſcan . Planet cºy's járat Plank cº'. pápan ... • *. - P. O. Plant gºl, sº tánamawn . . . To Plant citi tánam, ºre' ănam-treescº cu tinam Pé- hone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plaintain, fruit, &º - péſang . Plantation ext, it tanamawn Planter jº. 3,' &rang ménanam jū Cºre juree támarn To Plait, braid, ejº jº º belittécur Plate, of any metal, crº chéper. To Plate, cover over, . . r * * * Çt, titak Play, merry ſport, cºmáin, cº-º-º: pamáinan—gaming (Soº-joodee To Play, make ſport, cººls máin – ſtage play &lºwayang, cº-º- cºlºr ménantanggan bermáin . Player cºlºr, Gºjº-jurce bermáin . Play-fellow cºls cº-º; tummun máin To Plead, in law, , ºx3 baggoam Pleader, at law, 253 à Jºl Grang bäggoam . . . . . . . . . Pleaſant, good humoured, cºsy ránee t Pleaſantneſ, good humour, Qs's2) ramee . . . . . . . . . . . . To Pleaſe, ſatisfy, J-49 cábool Pleaſing, grateful, _5=24 penoojoo— acceptable sº fêdap .V. Pleaſure, will, glº candatee, -3|exº~ hendak . . . - Pledge cºelºgădee Pledget, for a wound *3) cº" ſoomboo, äcan looca Plentiful **** ban'yak . . . . Pliant sºº loomboot i _3^-95's ( too * Lºs mén-l. | allº penangala, Cº-ol bélit—mat, & 33 noc P. G. … alsº ſemoo dáya ſämaſāma, asſºo &-slº, a.sb dooraka ſåma ſāma Plotter &le_3, ºw &9, 6rang ſémoo dāya , |Plow allº tangala, O-23-ºl empus, J\;<> changool — ſhare ~~U nájam —tail aſtºj nangala —man ë): 6rang empus : To Plow aſ xxx, men'angala, o”; ber'empus, cs' gálee e |Pluck, pull, Cºju tärik–off cºxº bantoon – up, out, cºlº chá- boot - * * Plum ×24 boolo, o” 5 JLº. 3. 34 booio Af 4- mároolis | Plum cº-º; ! antingcan |Plummet x 3ſ anting— to ſound the depth & 3) _ºl. bátoo löga Plump, round, Jºjº, boontar Plunder cº-sly rampaſan, 39ttºjº boníáco t -- To Plunder o”! rampas To Plunge, waſh, QSQ-9 mandee |Pocket C&OJº, poondee Pod, as of peaſe, ) alº! loomba loambaº, :::::: , ;...&#f Port, larboard, cg; ‘kirree-ſea port, ºlābó'an— town Jovº bundariº -, - . . . Portcullist à- 353 per'ancápanº * , . Porter, door keeper, ºf 3:33 C޺- jurree toongoo pintoo—carrier of burdens º' ºrangooſebng, ºpengooſo ong-letter earrier * * foorat :- ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Porter's cord (3*.xx's ſandanganº Port-hole ºxy rinkitº. * * Portion, ſhare, obsº © Portmantle cºl * * * *::: *...*. * -- * * ~ * -- -: * & Lybágéawn º' gáláſan - Portugueze cº #): ôrang frangee ive. . ...ºſ. ºf toſso attas . . . ºf : Poſitive Cºl 233; to go attas 9), Gº Pākee, cºjº, *** • * a : ; : * ... b. * * * . . * béro lee fábolee bolee * * Poſt exi; toonkat, ;t& tang—a door poſt sº sº tiang pintoo— To ride poſtºy-smeñoongdo— poſt-haſtee ºf terlåloobang'at rº. * * * * A - - *. * - -# ...,' * - sº, i ... * * * * - ... * * * ** * * * ... . . . w” .2. .* * * Poſture “sº pree º' ... -- ---, - . . . ~ * º . & Pot, a little water pet, c < 53 gooree |Potatoe Jºs”. Gº boby-kécheel 3. Pores of the body 2/3 ºxy ãº) loo- * |Potent, powerful, alºcáwāfā, - &lsº3. bercăwáſa ftrong, sºlº * * , , - " . . * . . . .” * §. - 3 - ' cooat, as-lºgāja -- - Potter -º cºprooſe priok, S-23; CŞoºg pandee priok Pouc h sº ly gālāſan * . w cătee en'grees—pound, p ſºroo, cºw ſºroocan To Pour o choor . . . . . . . . Powder, gunpowder, Jºex buddeel Power, might, aºlº cawáſa Powerful asſ, tº bercăwáſa Powerful work cºlº cawáſaawn Pračtice, uſe, & Lºſ beáſa–To practice, try, & 3-choba en, 3,4- > Practitioner agº. §..)º orang choba Pragmatical Glºsſ; káchak Praiſe evºy12- hormat, C-33 poojee Praiſes clº-33 poojéawn . . . . . To P rate, fooliſhly, 35wº-chora Prater ºr chora, ***. sº léda Panjang-babler ºf evºlº-, moo-l. loot gangoq- . . . . Prawn ão, oodang To Pray, worſhip, & 95°. ſoomba, &^^cº ménioomba. . Prayer s 35 doa—a place of P langgar - To Preach sº-chéritra . . . . Preacher & X& pandéta, als im'am Precaution Gº-K& Pantanggan . . rayeryº) To Precede, go foremoſt, ºle Cºxº • *. |Pretence, deceit, 3-ºltipoo, sº 5° pégee dauloo . . . . Precinét & jū párenta . *: * s ºf * ** -- " .. " - : Poverty co-ºw. miſkinan,  pápa Out, as teafs, _** choo- |Prerogative, of a king, & |Preſident 3' |Preſs cºlápitan–To preſs out cººl To Preſume, dare, Ge 71 ) P ºr sº Precious, coſtly, ºf garib, a j', ber'argar-ſtone &l-s; permáta - Precipitately ºwl-charap . . . To Predeſtinate, deſign, 34% páyoo r Predeſtinated cººls; ter fáſat Preface cº/2-, moolay'awn To Prefer §º- joonjoong. Pregnant x Xx bunting |Prejudice, hindrance, cº, ſankot To Premeditate 345° ;3 fikir dauloo Preparation o'ºe'> hádirawn . º To Prepare, make ready, Jºe'> hádir, coº33e- hādīrcan, cº-XX&ºrs mooſteytcan . . . . y & |->|->| 4. cáwäſaawn rája + To Preſage §34º tánoong, $33 Baber- t tánoong, J-XX. ſangol In Preſence of cºlor addápan Preſent, offering of reſpect, o-º-º: perſoombaawn—To preſentax:**): perſoomba, &25° foomba—preſent, before one's face, cºlos addápan— preſent time Cº. ex: ſăhat énee, Kł & 23 kotiká čnee |Preſervation colº; toon gooawn Preſerve, keep ſafe, _3^333.toon'goo Preſerver, - keeper ſafe, _2^3, G.S.):- juree toon'goo - - sé23 poongooloo āpitcan, cººl-e mengºpit = ; bránee Preſumptuous Glºbránce | * a y * , º, -* lCićl. . . goléſoond --> . . ºf To Pretend, diffemble, J.J. schoolas Pretty -kjº O'ºlº páras báik > * To Prevail, gain, & ménang To Prevent, hinder, 95335 to'goor Prey, booty, cº-ºw rampaſan Price <- hirga . . To Pick •-º-> choochok, tº tikam . . . . . . . . . Prickle, - thorn, GS J15° dooree * Pride, of mind, - choonka To Pry into, liſten, P R 3. XX4 intee Piet &:-- moon, cC. imam, - cº- $ chálee , “ - * * - Primitive a stºpartáma, GS yº:-- C޺- moolay moolay . - Prince, ſovereign king, &ly raja Princeſs, exº~yº &=ly ºf anak raja parampoan, QSjº poore - : Principal, chief, & sº; partama, &25-y | ágoong - Print, mark, scº tanda–To print, mark, G-3 (OC3 tandācan Printed sº bápra Printer G35- &tº pengārang hoo- roof Printing iron -> - - * * Priſon & “. paſſang, s9tsº panjara– • To put in priſon 93tyles”; pan- * jarácan . ang panjara, cº-**, §y15' orang paſ- ſongan . . . * * . . . . Priſoner, of juſtice, sylsº &12 o'r ivacv , . sº ſemboonéawn Privacy cººr" • * § 5% ... ſemboonce • Proceeded |Proclaimer _2yº. |Proclamation, ordina |Procurator, one |Prognoſticatio Pr ivate Cs' 3’-->y? - berſ.em boonee s - |Prognoſtica o 2 : ) pat mélindoong - Privy-houſe cº-jamban To Proceed, out of, _jlºſt câlooar, CŞol=** menjaddee, P R - Jº; bertimbool * To Proclaim, a law, axºg cº lºſt 3. º mengeålooarcan titah . . . ! ºn 2. ºr §2 orang berſäroo ſaroo ſoorat titah s Procreation G3Glå-sm Proctor alsº baggoam empowered, Jºs!, eng'anakan wakil . . . To Procure cºſey dăpat * Prodigal, profuſe, oº:: booroos -: Produce _2^-957 toombo - ' Profane Cº-º', its háram néſis To Profane cº-Kºoy's hāramcan To Profeſs_º | àco, _2^tº menţáco Profit, gain, § 23; oontoong, ag) lá- ba—intereſt, of money, cº-º: boongan—advantage alsºgoona > Profitable, neceſſary, *i; }; bergoona. Profound, intricate, Cºlº-. y * foo- Profuſe cy. 2.954 booroo: Progeny, race, Jºsſ āſal - * To Prognoſticate § 3. U tanoon; £25 Gr bertánoong, scºr, bertanda - 2 < . . ... 1 A . .2 º It c-ºbº bátánoong- C811 IIl CI] g'artee gan Privileged place §jº- cº, tam-l tor $33 Ül. &13' &rang bá- tánoong -- \ P R Progreſs cº ex: periálanan ..To Prohibit §y) lárang To Projećt, cauſe to be built, J. ãmal * y • * To Prolong º-s, loonjoot, cºlº; berlamacan wº ...) - ~! Prolongation loonjootan, - cºlºs) lambatan -To Promiſe Cº-º- janjee—Promiſe exº~ janjéawn - Pramiſed, bargained, G=* 3. berjan- jee—in marriage "5 toonang, • ' bertoonang Propifing cº-sºlº bájanjee Promontory;2=~ jani oong To Promote, advance, ;3-'3- joon- joong, cºlººting'éácano-Kººl-4- méng attaſcan—increaſe & tamba, &; bertamba To Prompt ºl ājar Prong, * forked tooth, - & pang To Pronounce & US nounce alſ _5°. ſoocar cata Proof oxº25- chóbaawn—proof, ſam- ple, jº25-9 mooſtar—touch of metal C-2 oojee Prof cxxi.; toonkat, toonkat ſandar To Prop Cºxxx; 25 exº~~ ménoonkat &=*. panjang, Çsº 3-wº ſaram- cáta—hard to pro- JQº Cºx.'3- toonkatcan, Proper, tall, tingee To Profane, curſe, cº--> hojat, Prophecy ( 23 cyl-3 cataawn nabbee T o Prophecy, as a prophet, Cºsº; ( ; ) P R bernabbéhee - Prophet ( -23 nabbee Prophets Csº Csº nabbee nabbee Proportion colºu bâgéawn Proportionable, in ſhape, as any living creature, Cº. sſkap - TO Propoſe, deſign, 34. páyoo To Proſecute * 2°39 tódoh Proſecutor Gºo»º $4 eang ménó- dohee—at law ...,xt baggoam Proſpect cºlºſt; cáléatan—glaſs &3:2; ter’oopoong * To Proſper co-Xa-Oº3 kábidjecan, 23) - berlákoo Proſperity, ſafety, asJºrº ſempoorna, evºls, ſālāmat To Proſtrate e-2=^* ſéjoot - To Protećt, plead for, C9,9.>>s méhone Proud in heart ºf ( ºl attee béſarr To Prove, try, *::= chóba Proverb Jºº matſall, CŞoºl andee Proverbs of Solomon cº'5" Cº-o matſall ſólimawn — compariſons G&oº! (Sojl andee andee To Provide, prepare, Jets hädir, cºol-hádirean ProvidedJeter berhádir Providerj”; GSy:- juree paſſar |Providence, of God, &JJſ &2^3 oon- toong Allah Provident ejle Cºsº bejac ſana— ſparing cºas-jémat - Province 20 caum Proving &!--- báchóba Proviſion, ſtore, Jºšu bâkal, t →...: rézékee QºS- >: Q s”;2. X x ( * ) P'U' , - P U Provocation cº pāltān, ove: pé-ſtopulverizec 2:) loomatcan, 34-35° dis . & toombo * * To Provoke, to anger, _5 ye- házoo, cº J-hároocan, Gº-3-, meng- ājok, cºlº päitäcan Provoked o.o.º. Gºl attee pédis Provoked man O'C޺ Gº! &12' 6rang attee pédis & © Prudent al. Cºsº bejac ſana Prune cº-edidiats f To Prune ºxy ranting Pruned &; berranting - - Pruning cºy rantinggan—knife &; perranting, ºvel», ſādap Pſalm Cºsº Q 363 mianee poojee, Jºj Žáboor Publican & J &...)2 ôrang réba, &J1: Cº- orang chookee obsº opºlº bátootoorawn Publicly &lºg niáta To Publiſh C 9.4% télélee, cºlº!' călooarcan, 0.5°3'- cábarcan—de- * Publication to Otoora Wn, clare Jº tootoor, 8×4;6= chéritra Pudding solº-jawada—boiled Lºgº nának - Puddle 2); kólam Puff, blaſt, Sºlº ſatiop—of wind Cºl Sºlº ſatiop angin To Puff, blow, Sºº tiop Puffing ºilº bátiop To Pull, hai, jū tarik Pulley Q.93 káree Pulpit ºx-s minbar *. Pulſe G & CSU, nádee—To fe Géolº &ly rába nádee 4 y el the pulſe Pumice-ſtone J22.53. tº bátootimbool Pump cº-s! ambooſan To Pump oºº-clamboos, oº::- meng'amboos - Pumpkin ºx laboo Punch Jºëº choongkil To Punch out toº choongkilcan - To Puniſh G3' L., & fixacan Puniſhable, worthy of puniſhment, ** O Gº.y- hároos de ſixa - Puniſhed & Xº,jº berſix'a * Puniſhment & Xs ſix'a, wº ſén- ſára—of God AJ AJ3; toolah Allah Pupil, ſcholar, cºy 3-5 moorit. - Puppet cººl &- )º Örang 6rangan Puppy isºl Cººl anak anjing Purblindo.ºlº cáboos - To Purchaſe, acquire, cºlò dépat— buy Gºº billee - -- Pure, clean, c sº-3- choochee Purge sits cháhar To Purge &== cháharcan To Purify cºlºssº choochéâcan Purification cº-º- choochéawn Purity Co º25- choochéawn Purple 812333 poopoora, 23, oongoo, Ł &12 warna Oongoo Purpoſe, intent, & U.S. ſaja . f Purſe (Sojº poondee, Sºlº cádoot, & 25 toca—bag § 29- candoong # . To Purſe up cº-º candoongcan Purſer of a ſhip o'; GS 22- jurce toolis , - |Purſlain, the herb, ãºgeying t ‘Q U - To Purſue, hunt, oº:: booroos To Puſh from 3Leº oondoor Puſhed from CJ|; tertoolak Put, pour in, _*: bóbo—to put, lay, 3. _5 JU; tāroo—on _5 JU tároo Putting o:JG tárooawn Putrify U*34 booſooc QUADRANGLE cºlº cººl ampat perſaji • v - Quail & 5). ſalwa º To Quake Gºgomittar—an earth- - quake a jū &23 goom patána Quality, condition, Çg; pree, 233 lákoo-of quality, noté, co-3 MºU: cábélanggan - Quarrel, ſtrife, sº chídéra Quarrelſome oºr, §3. Prang proos— Quarrelſome noiſe 5* j”, ingar bangar, A, 3 gampár Quarry of ſtone _º _ºr. marreaw bátoo Quarter *; per'ampat, *!; &N ſa per'ampat, sº ſoocoo-one quarter × 2. & ſa foocoo—three quarters exº~ 5: & tega per'am- pat—canton of a city cº, 5 cam- poon - ©r Quarter-ſtaff jº- chokmar 4. Queen _2}ly rát0O, clºs; as-y raja parampoan, . - - To Quench colºpädam Quenched -ot, pādam, ſooda pādam * Queſtion Colzajū taneaawn — To Queſtion, aſk, &Ajö tänea ( 173 ) . . |To Quicken, ou Quick, make haſte, cy. Aſ lécas— Quick ſailing ſhip 3-) Q4U cápal lájo—with child – 31 sº begra anak—in ſight 2-li tājam—ſighted >U &Lo máta täjam haſten, cº-º-º: lé- caſcan - Quickly oº! lécas Quickened o'-3' 2 berlécas |Quickening O.K.J o'-º'; berlécas' lécas & Quickſilver —3. ;4|ay'erpérac, awl, raſſa - Quiet, ſtill, jºr ſoonee To Quiet cºe diemcan—be ſtill &\,...ſo diemla—reſt &J Cº-rº ber- hentee la—quiet, harmleſs man, G-52'sº! &92 ôrang loomboot Quieted 24.5lº bádiem - Quietly acy *49'? bádiem diem Quill_2}} booloo Quilt sº fêlémoot, §2\º. ſélindong - To Quilt exº~ foolamcan Quince Jºjº's ſafarjal To Quit, let go, O…] lépas Quite, totally, G lºts, ſacálee, * JU facálečcălee Quittaſol §:-- páyoong Quiver &ly ºil &: 9 Jls, ſåroong anak pána * To Quiver &:33 gºyang Quivering &:- &:23: bergöyang goyang csſº- ; R A ( 170 ) , R. A t - RABBET, ºpindoo-eyºſhameº &ºe doomba jantan. pálandoot . . . To Range, in order, J1533.-- mengátor Rabble cººl J rāyat, cº-ºp § 1, 3rang —in a row, exº~~ jajarcan rāyat e | |Rank, in ſmell, Lºſ su baw'oo Race, place to run in, SS JX cººl āpak, Lºg ápak—as butter gº tampat larree — running oty) sº tangee --- pélarréan—tribe es=" panjee—|Rank, row, Owly bâris, 25-54 Owl- deſcent Jº...! #ſal & bāris boojor, Jº-tº- jarjar . To Race out ow- ampoos * |To Rank Cºlº-tº- jarjarcan l Race, runner, GS JXL: QSL 5- juree To Rankle ey_** CŞelº- jaddee bálarree booſooc - - • * To Rack, torment, cºL., Xs, ſixácan To Ranſack cº-º- choongkilcan Radiſh -ºº! lóbak * Ranſom Cº.34; toobooſan Raft colº Cºx, tittee tittéan—float To Ranſom O-233; tooboos, cº23:35 cº-3D rākit * toobooſcan Rafter lºst: căſaw, Csx32 lantee To Rap _3). páloo, S-335tſ cátok Rag cºlº - Jº ...] tampal cay'in Rare, ſeldom, §y- járang—ſtrange Rage, anger, & 95-8 moorka scº scº indah indah To Rage, be mad,&º CŞotº-jaddee Raſh Q-tº-jāhil ; ' - e géla * . - |Raſhneſs, paſſion, Q)yº bing’on, 83%º Ragged, rotten, G292, boorook— g6poh - cloths – º cºlº pákéan boo-Raſor 1:23- 3.3 peſoo choocor rook-rocks east; kaffap To Raſp cy;323 kokooran - TO Rail. 3rº _5ul- héroo bíroo * Raſp ~)153 33 kókoor Rail yºu, 343 cay’oo pagar Rat Jºº técoos — ground rat Railery, joking, JoJº, findir & jū oº:: técoos téna Raiment cºlº pákéan Rate, price, aºl arga * Rain &=- ogjang * To RateJºº- mentawar, cº-º: - Rainbow Gº", &: 53 koong pálan- a j| pootooſcan arga # gee, asj & benang raja Rather 2-langor To Raiſe, from ſleep, cº Ratſbane O’’’ & &º tóba técoos bangooncan Rattan cº.J rótan - Rake Cs 29 3.) ródoke - . Raven & 3* §3.15% booroong góga To Rake cº-ºpe, rödokécan, Ravenous O-32 bow'as . . . Q-3395 K.'s menródoke To Raviſh, take from violently, o”:- J Raiſins -ºj zabib 3. rampas—force a woman cº-º-, *) - * • ... • asſ ºr E ... elºſ, men'gajaheed parampoan - —maid sjle Q-ºl. Çs”) ºxº~. men- garaſſee anak dára. " . . . . . . . Raw & mantah—fleſh & dag in mantah ** Rays Jº sinar — of t cs, aj-, sanaa mata arree. . Reach, of a river, cºſy rantee To Reach out the hānd :=53 toonjoo Reaching to Cº-slº, ſampee To Read &ºlº bácha, & Lººs mem- - * - eſs º + • & 3. * : * * º bácha - Reading & Lºlº rajing * “ Ready, diligent, ºr &=9. rājing fiop . - f |To Recal, revoke, |To Reckori R. E. |Rebukee Lºtégoorawn, cº" bátógoorawn . . . . . . . . . . cº9 oobahcan, cºttº * , mengoobahcan 4- |To Recant, scº] CJU balik léda, alº- &J's chála choola |To Receive &r:JU' táréma, cºLe mácan—bribe -3". Cº Lo mácan ſouab — wages & 3 cºſts mācān oopa, & 5 cº-sl-ambil oopa gº º * . . . . : * Aº * = - --- y. Receiving Jºº-sº-sº #): orang meng- ambil - , * * , , º ... ? “. . . . . . . º Receiving cotxe.jū tarémaawn t To Recite, tell, 331 Prº- chéritrácan *...* kéra-number £220 sº cº-aumee, sº Real, truſty, Jº, betool, &ºls, ſåtia Realm ex- J rājat ; : TO Reap oºr. irris, ºl: cătam—mow “º jº charroot" - Reaper Cº., &J1, ôrang mengīrris, -- ~ bélang To Recommend, to one Reckoning Golcrºš kéraawn To Recognize Jºš kénal s care, Q-T yº. ſárácan e * 2. º ." . . . & ºl-Fº &J13| 6rang mencharroot Recommendations, of obedience, exº~. * Reaping cºy, iriſan . Reaſon, underſtanding, J31 fical To Reaſon, debate, 25jlsº béchára —diſpute &L banta — For what reaſon agſ & JU carna appa Reaſonable, needful, O” 9 its häroos To Reaſume 5); Jºli's meng- ambil pooloo - as To Rebate cºlº coorangcan Rebel & Jºe dooráka, 231 × ôrang dooráka góga . . . . Rebellious & 5 ſex-s mendaga To Rebuke L-35 tógoor . . . § 2"| Rebellion cºxsly15° doorákaawn aº - - º To Recreate, divert, cºlº cºls máin foomba - To Recompence o”). bálas, terbálas - * . Recompence cºlº bálaſan To Reconcile co-º-sle dammécan, ley berdammécan * Reconciliation Cºle dammee Record & ºvº, ſooratinggatan To Recover, regain, *]: Gs', jº bérôlee poola, Jºg cºlò dapat poola-health 3-5. (Solº-jaddee foomboo máin |Recreation, play, cºlºlº pamáinan Yy Tº º º-pleaſure cº, ſoocaawn To Rećtify c sºlº bäikkee Red & jºo méra - . . . To Redeem G sº ménoobooſteº | éang, ménôobooſee, juree tooboos. Redemption gº toobooſan - - Redoubt, ſmall fort, ºt, pagar To Redreſs Cºlº báikkee To Reduce J-º - coorangcan Reed e-ºly rátík, Cºly 3.º booloo rätik, 3/24 booloo. Reel, to wind on, Kyºſ likas To Reel, ſtagger, 2sº (35 takálincho, & gºyang . . . . . . Reer of an army ojº \; º; too- toop balátantra - Cºx' CS2.5- - To Refine, as metal, Cs-> —as ſugar G3x3 ningkan Reficćt &A'. -- champa • . To Refrain, abſtain, & pantang. To Refreſh, cool, cº •=ls fäjoocan * _^.”.” —the memory cº-XXX-3 inggat.can Refuge. § 29% [4 dong - , , - - To Refuſe, deny to give, GSjº scº téda bree—ſay no scº; «U cáta téda. Refuſal cylºlº báſancalan To Refute ~15-QSy: bree jow'ab To Regard & chinta Regeneration -k3 anak º, tampat bálin ; a!; pooloober'- |Regions of death ***& U. | yang báyang magot |Regiſter book To Rehearſe, rela Redeemer Gº?tºº•o 㺠&;" 6rang . . . . . To Relate six. schoochee R. E. ĺl, bá- - • * > * © e - * - ‘t tº A. 2-) SO , “ -U.3 kitabing- gatan ºr . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . te, sº cheritra ..—repeat g )|2=-& mengoolang ; Rehearſer #3, #3; #22 orang ber- oolang oolang |To Reject §5? booang To Reign as-yº bārāja, C =|rº- mérájácan–govern *** & pé- gang céwāſa - - Reins Å3; pinggang. * To Rejoice & 3× ſooca, Cºlº- ſooca attee, & & sº ſooca chéta Rejoice, be joyful, &J & 5 ºr berſoo- ca la J Rejoicing, ſhouting, Cºyº ſoorak As chéritra–tell & \, bélang Relation, kindred, a 5.JLJU cálooarga, Jº, aſal - To Releaſe Cºllépas, Cº-e mé- lépas—from ſlavery cºLºgers mar- dékácan . To Relieve, come in the room of, cº gantee T. Religion cº, sífat Religious a...[31, 'ber’āgāma, ãdil—religious Maho > To Relinquiſh J.K.K. tingal - To Reliſh, taſte, alsº rāſa—ſeaſon Jºº-yº foomboor - metan beggar Region G&jº négree - hárap pada . . . . . . . . . . R E Remain J&tingal—here aſ J& Cº., 3 tin'galla de ſénce Remainder &º, síſa, cºlº básiſa. Remaining Jºël bátingal Remnantaºlº básiſa z Remark, note, cº-|CXX3 tandācan Remarkable, notorious, &tº niáta, agº; terništa Remedy, in buſineſs, &gly dāya & inggat &e To Remember-coº Remembrance, memory, Cºx3. ing- To Remit, forgive, c,xxº~! ampoon Remnant & sº siſa, J35 ê'. éang tin gal - * . Remorſe. 5 &=chinta attee, Jºb. ſåſal Remote 2'- jaoo Remove, ſtir, sº bergra—from one place to another sexº, pinda Removed sexºr berpinda - To Rend, ſplit, a.k.a., béla To Render back, reſtore, cº poolangcan To Renew cº" J. jº bároo ãcan Renewed , yº; bcrbároo To Renounce J. XX. ſancai Renowned sºlº bercábar Rent, ſplit, A35 tabéla-rent, crack, & bela—To rent, hire, s34" ſéwa To Repair G sºlº báikkee Repaſt, vićtuals, C-3UCo., fantapan To Repay &Jº: jº', báyar poola To Repeal cº-Kgº oobahcan, cº-Kagºs- ( 179 ) R. E. - To Repeat, ſay again, £):-- mcng- oolang - , Repeated $2. 3 £3.'3; bér'oolang oolang Repeater §3.! 3 § 23; &J12 orang ber- oolang Oolang - To Repel -3); toolak—ſend off Oº tankis . - To Repent Jºlºkº's mé tóbat, Gl; 33 toocar attee niáſal, ~~3. |Repentancé J.L. ſiſal, Cs' Jºº. ſåſal attee, G' cylºº too.carati attee - ,- To Repleniſh al; cº iſſee poola To Reply sºlº ménáoot, GSr. 8°5''' bree ſooda Report cº- chéritraawn To Report J3 jºjº chériträcan To Repoſe, reſt, A sº-yº berhentee To Reprehend 232; togóor # To Repreſent Gº tº3rº méroopácan— liken Gºlsº ſámácan Repreſentative GS33 ākoee º To Reprieve C sºlº mengampoo- IleC Reproach, diſreſpect, &A, sº champa To Reproach, curſe, <> hójat— x_s makkee t *. 2 ºf **. ^ * revile |Reproof &lº tógoorawn, o;- ájarawn . To Reprove, chide, cº-35 tógoor- Cà Il - - To Repulſe -3X 25 toolak, ; a Oon- . 5. - º * Reputation – Aly &U náma báik— bad reputation ex-le- &G náma jáhat - - 2 R. E. ( To Requeſt, aſk, & minta . Requeſt cyl-º-, mintaawn, oxº~! pamintaawn To Require, charge, P9'> háram . . . Requiſite, needful, *i; }; bergoona To Reſcue cº lépaſcan Reſemblance, in form, cº téládan To Reſemble, make like, ' U ba roopa-be like  y L. &L's fäma ſaroopa - - Reſervatory cº, ſimpanggan To Reſerve cº- fimpan Reſidue aºlº báſa, Jºj č, ćang tin'gal - w Reſignation cºst:Tytº ſárácanan To Reſign (33 pºss ſárácan To Reſiſt, in words, & Cº. banta -- Reſiſtance cºlº bantaawn, cºlº láwanan - - Reſiſted clºs méláwan Reſiſting colº) o!” méláw láwan - - * - To Reſolve, intend, cºsts fäſat Reſolved evºls5. terfăſat - Reſolution clºto'goaw moºr berto goawn - To Reſort Jºsºcoompool To Reſound Cejº oº: bálas boonee To Reſpect & | evealed 23wºu bâtootoor, * …,' ter booca • e <> tº . Jºlº bátootoor too- toor - - º * , º * - * * . • To Reyeſ gº?” sº cºoze doodooc berſooca ſoocaawn as - ( 131 ) R I Revelationedºtootootawa,e,bºl * °-, J. * º ; - . * @ * * . . . 3. boocãawn Revenge, malice, 2cºse damdam— of God s3; toolāh . . . . . . . . . . . Revenge cºlº bálaſan ~. Revenged cºlºrs membálas Bevenger cºlºr Gº-jurce mem- ºbálas... . . . . . . . . . . . . Revengeful cº cºlº bow'as attee Revenue Jººls haſil, clºſ,5* bero- - Af 3 * leavn . . . . $ i Reverence, honour, evºwº- ho'rmat, |To Ride cyl-N-5 candáran, cyloº To Revile, reproach, Cº., makkee To Revive, live again, J| 34°5°. édop ... poola. . . . . . . . . . . . . - Revived sº berſédap Reviving, pleaſing, Sº-Cº ſédap . To Revoke & 5 oobah, cº- mengoobahcan . . . . . To Revolve, 33 fikir -ºš * Revolution, turning of the firmament, <) ºs kitar langit * } Reward, for merit, *4. pahla, alº toolah . . . . . . . . To Reward extºl, bálaſican Rewarded cºlºrs membálas Rewarder. o” * CŞ.,15- juree bálas Rhime coº; pantoon—verſes of love cºy rābee . . . . . . : Rhinoceros -Polº bádak—horn alsº solº choola bádak r Rhume —-U gåhak Y- º Ribs -**29 roofok—of a ſhip, boat, £olºgíding *. high grounds bºſãwa-breadex;3 with the huſk on Çolº pádee |Rich &ly caya, &Ur, bercáya Rich man aºl;" §J19| orang caya Riches cylxal-ſcayaawn |Rick, ſtack, gº tamboon Riddle ºv) (3 cºlºtº pacitaawn gº Cºlº: CŞ2.5 Ut, pågåweepédátee meng andáran - Rider Qvoº §J 3' orang candáran |Ridge – sº poonchak To Rifle Cº-º-ey rampas To Rig, prepare, ex3)4-, mélancap Rigging, materials, cº lancapan, cººl-Gyt; kálancapan Rigour cylxºlºl ānyāyaawn Right, ſtrait, Oyº, betool Right ſide ºil: cănam—hand ejlºc,33 tang'an cânam Right forward ºf cºlòl ode ad- dapan bétool, cy!!! O de ålowan– due —sts haak To Righten cºlº bátoolcan Righteous Joc àdil Righteous man Joe &: ), orang Ādil Righteouſneſs Coyoc àdilawn Rind of a tree, fruit, c0 coolit Ring is sº- chinching—ring finger sº * ÇSyl- jarree chinching— To ring a bell & &tº góyang Rice G. jº braſs—growing in low wa- o . * * * º/ * AP tº tº º sº ginta, & y &Jº-héla ginta, -ºl; Z z tery ground a; (3. gága—growing on coolat—boiled , -ºj naſſee—boiled | in clods – 313 nának–boiled to pap lap &mitſa, Cºleºpédétee, : Is º*,% Rate, cuſtom, evec àddat, w= ºf . To Roll co-Kº|33 |goolingcan, &! č * R 6 ( 182 ) . at &tarik ginta Rock §9%ºt, bétoo cºung, gºes. Ringing ſound &rol, bádaſſing rang Ring-leader Ö>sº póhone To Rinſe, waſh,3,..., baſſo, Cººs way boway ". --- t • * |Rocket Gºl,Jºchórówat . . . choochee * * w |To Rock, as a cradle, sº gº bo- * ‘. -- * *. s & * º, . . & Rioting, feaſting, cyl-, cº- joo- Rockey $993: tº bercárang maawn määWrl over ripe 235, rannom * Rod tº chamboot, 3-ºxº- choome To Rip -9's charik, -kº flyak Roe, of fiſh, hard, cºg telore Tipe -5.Usmāſak—unripexº-s man- écan . . . . . . . . . . tah, Cºnt- e9); booloom mal- Roe-buck Jºseº kanchel Rogue ~~~ &º! ôrang jihat, To Riſe, from ſleep, eº; benkit, Çs.*** málépootee, solº) rºl- cº• wº ban'goon * k hāram ziáda Riſen cºse,” fooda bangoon Roguery, deceit, ºbółoong, 2:5 cººr berbankit Riſing, ſpringing up, ºft terbit’ Cºlº náik - - chára - , Rival colºyº cº" c sºlº •ls §4 éang ſáma birrahce àcan parampoan River Cºx's ſoong'ey - tipoo, &le dāya Roll, wreath about the head, o's - cºlº boolan-tuabanjº-je dooſtar men'gooling 3. <> * * Roller, one that rolls, &lsº pen goo- ling—rolling pin. - &: pengéling |Roll ing-ſtone &!º yºu bátoo men'†º anak ſoong'ey Rivulets, creeks, cº_j^* J3rº” ſé- rooc ſéroocan i Road way &L cºl=> jálan raja, ex-cy ālamaan—path cº, sipat To Rob, ſteal, GS25- chooree, |Rome ºf Sº, ºgree room Roof-ºc attap—ofahouſe alsº ºx= attap rooma – of a porch Cºx- cº-º" ſárambee-roof of the rāouth ºr easy langit moo- loot . . . . . . . . . . cg, sº menchoore&–on the high Room —º billiº-place e. * tempt way 9º ſárnoon—break open a houſe ºf2543;º merooboot & Robber, on the highway, cº-sº péniámoon—pilferer G.S Jº &~)º 6rang penchooree - Robe, weſt, sºº féléphoot - Root ºf ácor—To take root Cs''ºjº $1 bérôlee àcorº . . . . . Rópe G sº tallee - Rope -maker cººp,' oran § pin- tar tallee. -- Ropy, ſlimy, foºdXº- inder * * - Re ( 153 ) H ºf Roſe alsºnáwar, L. at boonga - sº A. " tr; 25- E3: ongº maWar - Roſin ºl, ºle démar batoo, 22- jāwar | To Rot, as cloth, wood, C;334 pow- wee—as fleſh, to corrupt, Cy _3^*} booſooc, Jº_*:: QS otº-, jaddee booſooc . . Rough, as a board, ºv's kaffap, ºvº gaffap Round, as a ball, 23:4 boontar : To Rout, overcome, cºſ)! allácan, tº mengallacan - . * f{ow >> jájar—rank O”wº báris, jº Cº.9t, bāris boojoor—of men Jºlº báris - To Row §ºle déyoong, ºler ber- dáyoong - * Rower §#le; & | orang berdáyoong Rowing;233Ubádáyoongº, Royalty º doolee -** . To Rub, one thing againſt another, Cºgoſoke—between the hands ºškiſſar Rabbiſh as,” ſampa . - Rubbing-ſtone –ºu bâtoo go'- ſoke - tº Ruby *** Lº mánékam - Ruddy so 3-9 sº mera mooda Rudder, of a ſhip, CŞe - QSex-sly camoodee moodée - Rude, diſorderly, CºxxJyl, párálentee –clowniſh, in ačtions, sº pan- Rue, the herb, a...,x, fidah kle, cººls kärootcan ruin, deſtruction, cyl-...tº binná- ſaawn, -** > J rooſak To Ruinate_3-3][=” menjálómo ~. To Rule, hold dominion, ex-L& pégang rājat - - Ruler, guide, evº, sipat Rulers, ſupreme council, QSr* º:- hookoom mantree * |Rumbling noiſe sº ſº beloe béláy - 49. To Rumble, as the guts, -** 2:3 gó- roke - Rumour, report, aº, bréta To Rumour cºCºr: brétácan |To Rumple cº-º:JUS károotcan To Run ( 3 y) larree |Runnagate alº gaibiina, c. xx!!!, parálentee . Runner, racer, cºſt £99" &rang bi- larréan, <} tº CŞjº-juree bálarree Running fore ajūy & 3) looca berná- nah Ruſh –ºly 2.123 booloo rātek—To ruſh upon rx's mélanggar Ruffet, bay colour, &;3 *xº~ méra kóning - Ruſt Jºlly carátan Ruſtical, clowniſh, &L 25 scº téda taoo báſa - koh-unmannerly as tº *25 R; ) Aft é- datado báſa iron cº933. Cº., beſſee bercárat Ruffle cºlskäroot—To ruffle, wrin- To Ruin, demoliſh, _*:23.9 rooboo— . Ruſty cºl: cărat, Gºyt;"32 bercárat— *: S. A. SABBATH out... ſibad, &- & as-y bátang rāja - " To Say &ls cata—nothing &l; sº teda cáta . . . . . 'Schiſmatic cºol. b ãdingon 3. A --- § C Schiſm cačelº bádingat Scholar J Scholars Gº93-0 º-'95-9 moorit moorit ~\º &2 orang belájar School, univerſity, & JoJº's mendarſa, ~3–s cº, tampat mengajee— for children -[3-3 cº, tampat ) 22 - - mengajar . School-fellow .-lx's G-3 tummun // s y- mengajar Sciatica as tº cºsts fäkit påha Science, art, 3. elmoo, Go933. * pang cétáwan Sciſſars ºxi,... goonting To Scoff, joke, _5 Jºy gooroo, sº ſanda To Scold 3}^! : J- Scoop, thin ſpoon, -3e3+ chédoc `To Scorch § JU gåring, O,93 |angoos Score, twenty, QSO 33 codec To Scorn so?-- sºlº)&méléat mooda, cº-Lº- hinácan, &= champa Scornful words sº- &l=50 cataawn nároo bíroo hína * Scornfully &A= Gºo dung an hina, &= - co-e dung’an champa Scorpion Cºx- &Jú pala jinkin, cº-jinkin To Scour, cleanſe, ~5- choochee —rub –º go’ſoke - Scouring ſtick for the teeth, much uſed in India, Gº-º. 243 cay'oo foojee Scourge exºſ ambat—whip 2.3L. ſi- poo-rod 3-25- choomo To Scourge 3ºl. ſåſåpoo, “… gembat Scout, ſpy, ºn foolo ( . 186 ) $ |To Scrape, dig with the nails 2.5 § E gároo ; Scrapings cºaskékiſan Scraper Cº. penkékis To Scratch _5 Jºgároo - f Scratched _5JUG-0 menggåroo To Screak, Scream, Cº.; tampik Screen Čeje dinding, cºisex lin- doonggan-hand ſcreen & XXs ſangah Screw -ºpéler'étek, cylix, poo- táran—of a preſsex, -ºº: pé- ler'étek ápitan - . . . g Scribe, that writes accounts, O.J.2% juree toolis - Scrivener, writer, ºº, pénſoorat Scripture & Uſ cºs; fermawn Allah Scrall cº, ſoorat - * , To Scrub —ºgo’ſoke * > * . \, * GS2'- * g. |Scrubber –32.sº pen'go’ſoke To Scruple, miſtruſt, “Sºlº calooee Scull &’sºr foombing, s );35 tencora Scum (g … bovi–To ſcum (ºº: boviácan, C޺ cººl Lºcaloorcan bovi - - Scummy SSºjº berbovi ... * Scurf, of the head, Lº153 go'rak, Csº |cy dakī—of the body _ºs:--> {}^ Cálámoomoor, ( -sſey dakſ . . Scurfy Cº.1,3- men'go'rak - Scurilous, jeering, JoJº, findir, Jºjº ber'ſindir - Scuttle, cover, -**º! l: căloopak-hole, hatches of a ſhip, Jºly Sº 4] 3-0 moo- loot cápal Sea evº) laoot—wave -º-,23 oombak —ſea, rolling wave, jº,” ſampar— _* *- 3 x-y-.” “-º, --- *r *** -- *_& - • , *::: :* : +: ; ſº '..sº * ---> º... *...*-> , - a . . ... --> • ** - 3 * * , Fº- -' 3: 3. *''' * - * '.av - "." * - - - " -" 4 ' . , W w - -- * w R & rough ſea –ºr, º laoot ber- oombak—ſmooth ſea sº º 6rang péléyeran, Jºly'sº &: | 6rang ãwa cápaſ—fowl &xie &3.25% boo- roong dindang ea-ſick –º-º: -34- mábooc oom- bak . . . . . Sea-ſhore tº23' Cº, Pantee laoot, \-9º Csº tépée laoot Sea-weeds &jº \ boonga cárang . s Sca-green &" ſénang, º _2}^! bí- roo laoot-bay, arm of the ſea, ~JL. Seal, ſea dog, §º & berangbérang —marker tº chap - To Seal ~3. bóbo chap Seam * kellim - To Search G.S.) º charree, GS mencharree º * To Sear, ſcorch, O”2x3' angoos— mark scº GSr. o.2X3) angoos bree tanda Seaſon, time, A.Lº máſa, 233 waćtoo —of the year *::: moofim—win- ter ſeaſon Gée *5-9 moofim , ding in—ſummer ſeaſon oº:: **** jlsº moofim pānas To Seaſon, ſalt, mee—reliſh G35)J345". Seaſonable time ºl; _2~_5 waćtoo patoot - - Seaſoned 22-5. tº báſoomboor s". Seat, throne, cº- maligéi, &U gáta \ * - Cs-y-º-, men'gáram- ſooboorcan ( 18? ) Sº, Second spel: căduay spel & Secondly s23 a.º ê'. C.J.; calce éang ca dua ... . . . Secreſy cº-ºw ſemboonéawn ~. Secret, myſtery, &A.lºy rhaſia, Cºlly gaip, Gº” ſemboonee—To be fecret, hid, Çs. : 92 berſemboo- IlêC, ~4% bérgaip Secret place Qsº º, tampat ſoo- | nee - - Secretary ºf pénioorat Scćt, religion, a UT âgáma Sećtary cºelº bádingon Secure in mind -jū tätap €ang Security, pledge, CŞel*gidee * - Sedition ׺ gampar, jº gó- gágampar - - To Seduce --> boojok, -***** memboojok, & st-sº benchána - To See <-tº léat, *44. méléat See, behold, Śº pandang, §eº- mémandang–To let ſee, ſhew, cº télélécan - Seed, grain, G =><^* bidjee—ſemen Csº cénee, clºs ménee, Csº --- cº ménee bence, O);35% coon- tool - *- Seeing, the ſenſe of ſeeing, cºlº! léa- tan, cºlº Lycéléatan. - To Seek (sºlº charree, rela To Seize - Q& tancap Seldom &Jº- járang To Select Csº pillee &\g5* char- * Self c < Jo dirree sº (. r To Sell J/5-jew'ai . . . . . . . Seller. Oſ:- &J1, 6rang jew'a J 5-y &rangberjew'at º * : Selvage, border, Csº tépee: Selves (Syº. &3. & Örang * * g. C&JoJo's dečrang findirrce . . . Senate cºxº mantree • Senator CŞıxº~ āj:/6rang mantree To Send 2×3 kirrim—To ſend away co-º-º- menjaoočcan Senſe (g94 pree - - Senſible, feeling, &c.yº &ljº- mérá fa pangráſa . . . - Senſitive ox'sſy ráſaawn Senſual, ſuſt, _º nafsoo Sentence, decree, cols; mawn, cº- koom To Sentence co-º-º:32-hookoomcan Sentinel ;º! lélábong, Gº #1," ôrang intee To Separate, go from, take from Çrº- chéree Sepulchre 9343; cooboor, ºyle-járet ra kéra Serious, conſiderate, *}^3 8×3jº berké- Serpent_j) 5 oolar Man Servant GL, ſåkee—maid ſer- vant, that is free, & ſo dáyang—ſlave &lamba—menial ſervant &lam- ba—ſervant of God &\!! &-s! amba Allah—chfef ſervant 895-9. &JLU ca- pala mooda To Serve, worſhip, **** ºr ménioomba 2 8& ), - - Service, work, Glasy carjaawn's : . . Serving gº findiree, cgjº findirtee—themſelves;1949 - a- hookoo- CLºt: cătaawn hoo- ſoomba, báyangcan * - ...” - * - §§ * r º - º * . . * sº Servile:&ºil finia's , . . . . . # * . ‘. . . . . . . " ity) ºbálayánegºla f : …jºsº U.S. bºlſåºyºkº l8l- * * * * º's 5 * * ~ * k - º * * - - - - •" v ×". " - S. ** * * *. yánee ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . Servitude cotxº carjaawn . . . Seſſions, courto juſtice, 22:3-8Jº | béchara hookoom . . . . To Set, kay, _5JG too—put _º. bºbo —plant 23U tánam—as the ſun Cº.Lº máſooc |Seven 2-3 toojoo—ſeven ſtars &# | kartika - . . . . . . * Seventeen oº: _3=53 toojoo blas Seventh >> & §4 éang ca toojoo |Seventhly _2~55 & §º cº călee | éang ca toojoo . . . . . . Seventy 2)9:3-5; toojoo pooloo : To Sever (grº- chéree Several Cs' lº Cºt bágee bágee Severe, Čruel, Oºº binjis, o”;ſ cras, o”; jl attee cras . sº Severity only Cs' | attee cras, U’sº binjis .’ To Sew -ºs.ºrs munjib, cºlº-jáit Sewet – sº loomak, Cº., aſ lémak Shabby (baſe) man &= $ )5| ôrang hína, Gº!!}} parālentee . Shackles," fetters, 23.3/tº báloongoo, &JGºfangkala * , - Shad, fiſh, cº tamban, cº-sº co-º: écan tamban > Shade, ſhadow, sº tédoh, §oºl, rindang, sºlº báyang * To Shadow, ſhade, cº-3°5' Xº, tédoh- can, sº gº breetºdoh, cº-ºº: * s h - Shadows, ſpirits, &Q &Q biyang báyang * } • Shaft ajta L. t pána, . . . . . . . - . To Shake a little, jog liquor, #3-sº goonchong. . . . . . . Y Shall soc adda—no j| 322. ſároong anak tº scº téadda, . & $33. boocon—be Çget=" so-c adda menjaddee - Shallow cº Aşkirringgan—ſhelf that runs ſº Shallow water Jºgº téhoor Shame 3/L. máloo - Shameful 200, cº dung'an måloo Shamefulneſs clºts málooawn Shameleſs JLS 23 scº §§ éang téda taoo máloo—words Jºls: chábool Shank, ſhin, Gºº Gº bétis cakkee Shape, form, "še Mº télédang, & 3) roopa-of a living creature × - gam- bar • Share, part, c. * bágee, exºt. bágéawn * To Share cºLºlº bágéácan, cºttº- membägee . . . - Sharer º* QSyº-jurce membá- gee * Shark, fiſh, 2-ox. €canjoo Sharp e=U tajam, A-G &L's máta ta- jam-pointed §:=3; ber oojong— fighted 2-3 &L's máta tajam To Sharp ext, sel ahſäcan, cº-b tajamcan — grind cºſts chänee, Cºls” menchánee” * * Sharper agſo _2:49 tſpoo dáya Sharpneſs est; tajam * ( 180 ) Sheaf O-3r beikas - ſhore §3.ºgóſoong § ºf . To Shave Jºº chobcor : She ago dea She, female, & betſna. To Shear, clip, cº goontingcan Shears(pair of) &º goonting Sheath § 3Jºw ſåroong - To Sheath §5?'." 2}le U_*(* má- ſooc dálam ſároong *. Sheath-maker &: Jºlº pánſárong Shed º; Cº-jL. ſarambee ber- attap tº To Shed, ſpill, &c.; toompa—as hair ~!ºgoogoor Sheep &25° doomba, GSjº béree Sheeps dung azºo Jº bootir doomba. To Sheer, to and fro, Jº &" ſim- pangſior r Sheet sº fêlémoot, Śeºs ſélindang—of paper Jºy cº Córas cartas - Shell, of a nut, §2994, tampoorong —of a fiſh ** ſeſee, e-Jº'ſ COO- lit—of a ſhell-fiſh &y's exº coolit cárang * Shell-fiſh goºgódang - Granado-ſhell ;*rs marchong To Shell, as peaſe, O-43 coopas To shelter, protect, 3.29JJ lindoong, § 3.xº~ mélindoong Shepherd &JL-235 combála Shepherds hut soul, 24 booranda To Shew & booca Shield, target, round, 3rg priſee— | long ;233).L. ſalookoong Q To Shift, change, co-ſlº, ſalin 3 B - | §: Hº § addapan cakkee—bon ºs toolang kirring To Shine &ºts= cháya, alsº bercháya Shihing & berchāya chāya 2. Shining exº~chāyaawn . Ship Jºly capal Ship carpenter J4 U cº2, toocan cápal . . . . . . • * * Ship's after part, ftern, Jº cº J54 booritan capal—fore part co's!! Jºlſ âlow'an cápal—head Jvº- Jº {{joongoor cápal—bottom, keel, JU exº, pantat capal-timbers, knees, J4% geºgáding cápal– hold ( 100 ) Shin c.33 Gºbétis cakkee, ºr e £2; (sºlº bácháya, &la=&ºr;| sit tároompa . . . . . . To Shogºgºyang To Shoot Jºe. & “: paſſang bu at a mark e-º.3 timbak, ºr men'imbak ddeel, | |Shooter Q-Rº, ºpenimbak . . . . |Shop J-X39 deecan, Gºts kádee, (goº kédee—keeper Ji ôrangberjew'al Shore cº, Pantee To Shore, prop, 93 . Caill Short –Fox, pendek . . . . . . Short ſpace of time excus ſăat . . . To Shorten cº-Koº pendekcan Shorteſt -5°Nº Gº! 3. éanglebbee: pendek, -ºxº Gº! lébbee pen- dek, 85-slº sº, Çyū derree pada fāmoa :=; $25% eº toonkat Shot 3.01944 péléroo, _5.)2% * 34 booa péléroo—ſmall ſhot cyºs, fam- booran To Shove from -*]; toolk-forward J»rs') lan'choor, § 3.95" ſoorong— back_2\ , oondoor . . . . Shovel Olº- chankool Should got adda—not (*)335- jangon be Cºots” menjaddee. Shoulder sºlº báſoo — blade-bone cººl, ºxº toolangbélécat To Shout for joy –º. ſoorak, s—ºr ber’ſoorak . . . Shouting, as of an army when going t battle ºf tampik --- Show, fight, cºlºg pangºslatan Of zº “. *. sr. . . —ſtage play &4's wāyang. * - * * * Shºwcrofrain -ºxy as & objang ſa rintik - hº Shread Jº, tampal, cº irriſan To Shread ( ºr irris Shrill, as a voice, §y's niáring Shrimp £e, obdang To Shrink Gºjškárookoot Shroud, grave cloth, cº caſſan, exº~ Oº. 04, cayin boon- koos máit To Shroud, ſhelter, 3×4 min- doong . . . . . Shrub – ºbs, ſåmak To Shuffle, mix, Jºº-champoor To Shun, go from, _3/2) láloo—ward off O.R.K. tankis To Shut, out, • */27 toolak — in 2)lo º j tootoop dálam—from the ſight, as the women are kept in India, eas, ping it Shutter, to a window, < tingkap, ... sº yºg pintootingkap Shuttle Cºq pékan * Shy, wild, JLJ liar * . Sick cºsts fäkit—deadly ſick cºsts, aggſåkitpāyah-love ſick Cºu báláſénee—love fick, as a man, . clºw: cº" C._* mábooc àcan parampoan i Sickle tº i.e. éſoo meng irris ‘. Jºjº” sº P giris col, U catamaw ... charroot Sickneſs, cººls ſåkitan, cºlºpé- niákit ... . . . . . . n, ºJls"; pen- ( igt X Side of the body 3. E. - #94-9 lambog, n * * §:4). lábong º . To lay Siege to £333- mengāpong To Sift -ºº! Ayak, cºtºl āyakácan, \lºgliº mengāyak Sifting013'ſáyakawn—baſket-ºláyak Sigh 8.5/ſ āloh, 3/4-jélo To Sigh sºlº mengåloh, 31&s” menjélo Sight, ſenſe of ſeeing, cºlº) léatan, cºlºg pangléat, aº &Lº máta. booca w Sight, look, AL. Cº-ºst, ſikoojoof máta. - Sight, ſtage play, &l; wāyang Sign from heaven Cºve)| alāmat To Sign with the hand writing 2/3 cº -ºgº tároo tapak tang'an Signet, ſeal, ** chap Signification ( -jl artee To Signify to one, to make underſtand, co-º'- meng artécan Silence »,«y diem - Silent *39 diem, rer berdiem Silk $5jº footra Silk-worm 8373*r e-J!, oolat berſoo- tra, sºr ºld) lábalába ber- ſootra Silver Cy-jº pérae Silverſmith Jºgº CŞexº, pandee pérac Similitude colº º ſéperteawn Simple Cy ºf bodoc Since, ſo long as, & Mºº ſeláma— long ſince & 9) lama Sincere Oyº betool – unfeigned s 1. Sincerity &Jº, bétoolnea . . . . Sinew ey oorat . . . . . . . To Sing tº niánec To Singe Cº | angoos, _º Singer of fooliſh ſongs dow'an ~ Singing Gs' lº anee, G'A3'Ajniánéawn Single, not double, oº:: scºxº; té- adda berlâpis . - Single, unmarried man, §:=: boo- jong—condition êº GS: pree boojong Singly, man by man, &. & &N & 23U, ſafa Örang ſa ſákoo Sink, gutter, gyº, ſéléran To Sink 2)33 tingálam Sinner & 5°; &Jy' 6rang berdóſa To Sip ºr irrop . . . Sipped ºjºs- meng'irrop. Sipper Sº94-#3 pengirrop . Sir cº tuan - Sirrup alº 2 ayer goola Siſter clº-cyl spley. ulso clº-yº, syle23's. ſoodára pa- rampoan ädek—in law, half ſiſter, ÇSjº cºsyl, sºle ºr foodāra pa- rampoan tirree—in law, brother's wife, clºsey'4. ×4 par parampoan —in law, married to two brothers, sy; sy; sº tédā poora poora Csº méniánee ni- Skirt, "in the body, ſoodára param- poan—eldeſt & US cº-eyº syles” foodára parampoan kāka—youngeſt cº-ey! Cºyº bíras parampoan . Siſter's huſband lakkee lakkee 2 Jº cº jº. ſpar - * w ‘. . is " - r - * |Sit U_\º doodooc & tº . Si - .e., & J &rang berdoo- *: Jºº & Grang beidoº- i OOC - . . . . . . . . . . . | |Situation G434 pree toenoo • * > . . cºol, bá- six ** nam, ~annam . . ; ... . t Sixth 23 & #13 eang ca nam |Sixteen O.J., ºi nam blas . . . . . . Sixthly, jag äu Quº calee éang ca Ila IIl . . . Sixty ºr man pooloo Size ºf beſarnea - Skeleton G.sº bankee Sky cºy lang it , - . . Sky colour eº) ºbſroo langit º Skilful, at work, Çok pandee Skilful, underſtanding man, #2 | Cºlā; 6rang pengartee To skim cº3e3+ chédoccan * Skimmer U ×xº~chédoc Skin c.123 coolit • * To Skin, J., ſcoolittee * To Skip, leap, <-->] loompat Skirt Cºº tépee. . . . . . the diaphragm,. cº, sº ºn tºpoet proot ſénee . . . Skittiſh jºy liar Slack, as a rope, J1:) 5 ooloor, ***) loomboot—water ižº- r!' ayer he- ning—ſtill water speº; 2 ayer tédoh - - - To Slacken cº"..)y's . ooloorácan, cº-º-º/ loombootcan . . . . º K. y lambatan To Slack, aſſuage, o's93. powwas To Slander, curſe, *::= hójat Slackneſs, ſlowneſs, 2 : º ºs º-'. "' - - - * * * : : *...: "º * . ." ;...º: ' ' , º, < *** * > . . . * -- ~~ Ż- ? • - * ~ *, * . * *... .. * * * - * - - . . . - - .* *:- - 2. …- *** 3 #, s: - * wºr * g- • Zsa fêt Af" - £ 3 * * … - *. " ... - 3 teteſłł. . . . . . . . . . ‘...” º, Slander & - Slandering \- 2s 3-hôjatan, . . . Slanting $3,4- férong To Slap rº, tampar To Slaſh ºxyrºntingcan Slate 35ts ºf loh bátoo . . . Slave jºx laſcar, jº .."J: Grang laſcar—born in the houſe …,' amba —priſoner of war cy!;5 tiwan, cºlº tawanan—bought co-º: toobooſan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slavery jº laſcar . Slaughter colºr. pemboonooawn . To Slay ºf boonoo-knock down Cºbantee - . . . . . . . . . . Slain ( ºr berbantee Sleep_j} & kena jérat f To Snarl, as a dog, 3*** - 5- chok] chº-sold jº ty báléter, ->;-- merajoo - To Sneeze cº; berſin Snipe CŞeº candiddee, £- 5.1% C&Ocº booroong candiddee To Snore ey ràban, cº- lºs mérában To Snort Jºſeº bádágoor - Snot oº ingoos, & 394 &JU nánah édong * Snout & sex. €dong Snow & XU tálaja To Snuff up, ſcent, cº- choo- macan Snuff 24! Éboo—of a candle © àboo dian ( : 194 ) . . . |To Soak r. |Society, of few, co-º co- so To Snuff a candle cºe goontingcan dian - . . . . . . : , ; ; . . . * • ... x --- º ->. * * * * : s & 3 Q3-XXXG 35 géon" . w y - º ...' - \ Pair of Snuffers colo tinggan dian To Snuffle e-y rºban So, juſt ſo, cºe déméken cº-X-cody rindamcan |Soaked 2.xylº bárindam Soap cºlº ſáboon To Soar cºs^4 panjat * To Sob, weep, oº: men'ang is Sober, moderate, $oº fédang Sobriety, moderation, cº-º-º: ſº- danggan, else25-9 moodooawn tummum tunnun - . . * * Soft evºl loomboot 3. To Soften co-º-;85) loombootcan Softly, ſlowly, es?'. co-X'. pälä- han páláhan Softneſs. cº-e3] loombootan: , Soil, for land, as tº baja, Gºº cá- loolee Soil &º mooting, 2:…' loomoor, J3-95- choomoor To Soil cº- choomoorcan - Sojourner exº~ āj, 6rang moonoon Sold Jº-sey's ſoodajew'al, Q:- º betjew'al, J|2=^* menjewal, _532 soºn fooda lákoo, Jºº-jew'al Soldier ër." & 3' 6rang báprang Sole of the foot Cºx y Lºgu täpak cak- & kee, cº º233 toomit cakkee .. Sole, only, as tº ſaja . . Sole fiſh soº! cº-ºccan léda Solemnize cºlºra's mémooliáean so To Sólicit axes minta - . . . . Solicitor at law.fºº baggeam Soliman cºlº 9. folimaan' Solitary Cº., ſoonee Some ºjlº bárang " ' ' '. Son C: y – jFanak lakkee—firſt born • ‘ §3/5." Cººl anak foolong—youngeſt ºf C-3) →3' anak lakkee - boongſoo-in law, the ſon of huſ- bañdºor wife, by a former marriage, cºcº CŞ; Cöl anak tirree Iäkkee lakkee—my ſon ( ; ) –Kj' 3 anak lakkee ko—in law, daugh- ºter's huſband, t →X tº 3) men'antoo º - Song cºlº niánéawn—a love ſong &se damping — mournful ſong Jºly Cº-O, bidjee rétap Sonnet cº pantoon Soon, quick, Cºxx; bang'at—preſently &tº ſábantar * To Soothe, flatter, -º-º: boojok Soothſayer noong Sop sº qua To Sop, dip in, Sorcery cº- ſwangee Sore e sus, ſåkit Sorrow claſſ25 doocaawn Sorrowful, troubled, .5°_* fooear, e sºlº S ſooſa attee . Sorry for &; berchinta Sort Oºººº- jénis, *3), W3.1"Ila, Sot, drunkard, ºrg& pendémab * . . A & © e & & jūr; &2.p ôrang bertá- &sº chécha s". 2 - hóbatan, c sºlº e Q- *. * 93 ) 5 . . . [Sought ( hantoo, * * Spear, long, Lº tambak—ſhort rite syſ arrak-double diſtilled ſpirit * …Y. lambing - - . . . 4 gº 3)' arrak appee . . . Spcck –ºxy rintik Spectacles & Le cº-ºrsº- chèremcen rnáta, &L's 3 Jº ſooroo máta Specch, language, Ast báſa-talk Gol-jl- cataawn - olzºty cataawn, cylcyºs chéritraawn Speech, ſermon, Speechleſs sº by foo --> * * * * - ; *. A Speed cºax bang'at, sy-tº- ſégra Speedy, nimble, Oºg pantas To Spell —;'3.93- §Jº men'gårang hooroof To Spend asº U bálanja—waſtefully rta, & cº; Oºl ai/ §: abis can arta -- Spendth ift a="t, itſ eang bálanja Spent & tº sex... ſoodabálanja 2 º booang al Spit –Kº–U péchak To Spit –tº-Lº- mémáchak—to turn thc ſpit S-º-º: & 54 poofing páchak Spite, envy, <2 Spoils _5%lsºi53 béniáco Spoon CŞ*Nºw fandook ſy rooſak | pámáinan - - {} p Sporting, jeſting, 2,4 bágooróo Spot, natural, Q-RXiy rintik, *** ſoopak, 334 pánoo -- To Spot with dirt cº-chöringcan, cº-ºº-chomoorcan - Spotted .233, bāpānoo-with dirt &: Jºs” menchöring Spotleſs C sº choochee Spout, pipe, ey;=&penchóran ... To Spout out_g12-sº lan'choor a To Spread open a 32 booca—as a cloth rºclampar - - Spread, opened, & 349 tábooca Spreading, opening, colzº boocaawn Spreading tree -º-y cy;233 péhone rampak * • Sprig &l= chábang, oº ranggas Spring ſeaſon cººl, rābingon To Spring, as water, e.g. terbit Spring of water;| &ls māta ayer To Sprinkle with the hand choochoor w sprinkled - exº~ méntrom, ºr ber- S113 I\l Spritſail a yokº, ×2 láyer ſeman- dria . Sprout, of a tree, cºy ranggas To Sprout oºjº toonas, Jºlº bá- toonas—grow big 32-325 toombo Sprouts, of trees, Go, 2934 co-º; tam- baawn páhone . . . . Spunge º ſoojab Squirt cº-sº ſoompitan To Squirt ~)12-sº lanchoor, co-º-;25° foompitcan - To Stab ºf tikam, Cº-º- choo- chook—with a lance coºr". ſam- pakcan Q. Stable, firm, 335 tógo Stable §º kandang - Stack Q32.3 tamboon — of hay &. S-33-93) (ºr, ſa tamboon room- poot . Staff aſ Lºgăla, &tº bátang—of a pike, lance, -** ſampak, -**º tº-us ftaff Jºjº. *jlº bá- 3. ~ . º - . ... S. T. tang toon'gal—walking ſtaff técam Stage, theatre, § 233 nanglong Stage player §xle dálang Stage play &l; wāyang To Stagger &ºgóyang Stain &º- mooting To Stain cº-º-, mootingcan Stair, ſtep, & XXī tanga - Stake, poſt, º toonkat— of a fence jº tº 230 céyoo pága—at play _5JUL, bátároo Stale, old, &c.) láma Stalk, of corn, herbs, xjlº bátang, is's châbang—ſtem of fruit, corn, Stall, ſhop, CŞols kádee—in a ſtable & e e © & ringga ** To Stammer -3U gākap To Stamp upon Gºirrik Stamper, peſtle, ºfâloo. . . . To Stanch, ſtop, Cºlºlºs. ménāhā- nee—blood aJ'S Cºlºlº méné- hänee déra - To Stand Gºyet, bádirree Standard, flag ſtaff, Jº § tº tiang toon gal—king's flag cº panjee Standing (gjë Gjelº bádirree dirree Star & bintang—the morning ſtar 㺠& bintang fèang, & C-29 bintang bobbee—the evening ſtar *5 & bintang záhar—ſeven ſtars & º kartíka— blazing ſtar ºve." A. & bintang ber'affap, & Jºjº Bintang ber'écor—ſtar that ſhoofs aſy & bintang beräleh |Starved 3:2 s r. Star-board jLſcánam - Starch oºlºgároos, C-3 Jºlay'er kanjee |To Stare upon ãoº pandang Starry &l. bábintang - Starry ſky &L, cºy lang it bábin- tang -- To Start, for fear, ºt; täcoojoot - —from ſleep cº-ſpºt; tācārājat To Starve #2 cºe Jº Jºs mátee - can dung'an lápar " . © Qs” máteelápar, Cs” - 3:2 soº (Syo mátee derree pada lápar Starving;3 (*)Jºº. ſoocăran lápar - State, condition, C4 - pree Stately, proud, sº Station exº tampat Statue, image, jº gambar Stay, tarry, G.sº nántee: To Stay Cºtºjnantéácan. Stay ºst; kákang - - - - Steak, of fleſh, cº |cy O”; & ſa irris dágin - -- .. - To Steal GS 2-& penchooree, Ǻ men.choorce, Çgy:- chooree - Stealer cº-sº penchooree Sted faſt235 tógo so , Stediaſtneſs, firm, olº tógoawn To Steer CŞex-sº & pégang cé- moodee. ^*. . . Steer's-man C4 cy moodee ". - - Steel &ly bájah, G'+', ' cooloolee, * CŞy-juree cá- s T Steel, to ſee the face in, is poliſhed and uſed by the Indians, inſtead of a look- ing-glaſs, as tº cºyº- chérémeen bájah Steel to ſtrike fire cs: Csº appee * Steeple, tower, C & moonára. º e Stench Cſ3"> 2yºu bâwoo booſooc beſſee CŞtº tandy, wº- Step, pace, a cº- janca—foot-ſtep $3 Cºl; tāpak cakkee Step by ſtep a 3- & berjanca janca - Step of a ladder, ſtair, cºg pankat Step-mother CŞ; ~ ma tirree Stern, countenance, * & _2-s mooca maſſam - - To Stew, boil, C&CSOJ.'s mendiddee Stew, lewd Houſe, cºlº are: J rooma péſoondālan Steward (Sycº bandarree, Çgy:- &tº Lº: juree pégangartánea Stewed Oºty ráboos To Stitch, ſew, cul-jáit toong cayoo—little ſtick anak cayoo To Stick in -->-5- choochook Sticking to c. KAJU balécat . Stiff, numbed with Cold, ſickneſs, _533 kákoo - • To Stiffen with ſtarch cº., Lºs mengárooſcan, cº 3Jºgárooſcan Stiffneſs, by cold, ſickneſs, 333 kákoo 34% Q-33) ( 100 ) |Still, place, |Stinking ſmell e Y_* +! 5 T. To Stifle or ºf lèmas, co-Kºçºſ 1é- maſcan - Stifled Gº! Gº!, mātee lèmas Stite, form, a’sº oopama, Çg94 pree Stile, idiom of the court, &sº35 Gº-Lº. oopama majelis Stile, to go over, & tanga Still, calm, sº tédoh Cº. ºf tampat ſoo- nee—to diſtill, liquor, Gº 3. 3% COO = cooſan To Still, diſtill ſpirits, Gyl cyº.Jº gſ bercoocoos arrak appee Stilts, crutches, Lºlº cº toon- katkétéak, 249 Gº cakkee cáyoo Sting that is forked #23.xx... ſangoot To Sting cº- choochookcan, “tºxºlº- ménian goot Stinking, rotten, Jº booſooc - _ºu bâwoo * booſooc Stipend oº:: Oopaawn To Stir 8 > gra, 8 jº bergra Stock, block of timber, Jº toongul Stocks, fetters, 23.) loongoo, Stick tº ciyoo, Lºx, poon-ſºº.” -ºf” “” * * _*:14 báloongoo - Stockings sº meeza, -33° # w!” ſároong cakkee Cºs” & Stoker Gº! —º, oopak appee Stomach, maw, Joº-shampédal Stone, brick, 37- bátoo Stone-wall _ºu godo dinding bátoo Stone of any fruit Q = \! bidjee Stone-cutter 534;33%. $25' 6rangpen- ookir bátoo - —by the cramp cºw!Júl X cákáráſan Stone, diſeaſe, ºil estºn ſākit bátoo * ~ X. §: g & bátoo - Stoned to death ºu rºi;) is tee de loomtar bátoo Stones ju_ju bâtoo bátoo Stone's throw it, rºſt, ſālimpar bátoo - . Stony, rocky, §9% 3 bercárang To go to ſtool sº bera, ; ë!: . . e. “ booang ay'er beſarr To Stoop, bow, Jºeº toondooc To Stop, ſtaunch, Stop, hindrance, " … ſankot—in writing, a point, --G tijam Stoppage of the Stomach solò -º-º: ſåſak dāda dº Stopped sºlº bátootoop Stopple cº-05°. ſoombat Store, treaſure, scº benda—ſtore of Cºy rézékee, Jºu proviſions bácal *- To Store up cº-X/32-33 coompoolcan Storm Gº22:49 réboot To Storm, as a caſtle, Gº langgar, × Mºs melanggar Story, tale, clerº chéritraawn— of a houſe, upper floor, a.2.9 -º tinkat rooma - Stove, to bathe in, oº tang'as Stout ( ºr bránee Stout man Jºy! &- J!?! Örang bránee Stoutneſs C ºr bránee *, *, * - ( 200 ) To Stone, caſt a ſtone at a man, xi, - _2}{4 loontar bâtoo, ºt jº, limpar Gls má- *. |Strait. * |To Straiten e-d1934 betool Stool Jº!' allas, cººGeº cºoo- doocan—chair Çs”ºr’ croofee— ;|&txº~ménahánee! ,” “ & T. kangkang, S 23 tº it &º '9"> To Straddle ! berkangkang To Straggle, go aſtray, east, jálan ſáfat To Strain, liquor, O** Ü tàpis Strainer Jºº tápiſan Straining cºl} tápiſan Jyº bétool Carl - Strand, ſea coaſt, Q& Pantec, Cºsì tépee - . Stranded, caſt a ſhore, rº-so dampar Strange, uncommon, §Jºº-járang } * Stranger, foreigner, Cº- §y: Örang horgay, QS3'- &15 Grangjaooee, &ºl §2. Örang aſſing To Strangle ex-5 coojoot Strangled sººty técoojoot - Stranguary 3. §: Çs'º scº east." ! gº ſákittéda Bólee booang ay'er ſéhee - - s Strap Šoks. fandang, cºlºécatan Stratagem agle dāya, _2^*} tipoo - Straw ( -9'> járammee, &tº bátang Straw hat_*- }** chélo chélo • 'To Stray, err, e.JU's fäla — wander exists, ſåſat 3." Stray ſheep ev.L., &l, éang ſåſat - Streak, line, Cºlº básis Stream, tide, O”ºy! âroos Street * 22:) loorong, cº- jálan—a bye ſtreet co-X*… fimpanggan Streight, narrow ſpace, &2 lápang To be Streight, confined, **** - ſoompit r - ****) doomba - * - § T. Tº Streighten, confine, cº-ºbs ſåſak- can . . . . . . . Strength cºcooat, as U gaja—by ſtrength <-15% cree dungan cooat *. Strengthen sºlºGSr. bree cooat Strengthened cºlºr, ber'cooat * To Stretch, lengthen, cº-X'. # pan- jangcan . To Strew 95-s! amboor Strigly, diligently, &=ly rajing– mightily cº, ſang at * Stride, pace, <> janca To Stride, ſkip over, cºlº) lan- kawcan, 23394-5 mélankaw Strife, contention, sGº- chídera, &XXL, bábanta - To Strike J3323 poocool String ( -\j tallee sº Gº kénácan tallee pada—as beads'0.52x mengootas To Strip, peel, Cº coopas, C.J.' coolittee - - Stripe, blow, cº poocoolan Stripped, naked, &=95; tertälan- Jang * , . . . To Strive Cºl; tāpik Striving el,” el,” méláwan láwan Stroke, blow, _3/?b= ſápáloo To Stroke ºxooroot t Strongelº cooat, oº, cras Strongeſt ** 894 (SJG o”;” Cfa,S derree pada ſāmoa, ~15% cº leb- bee cooat - - Strongly o'ſ cras, cº & so dungan Cra S. . -- ( 201 ) COOS, g J Strong waters o”%3’3' ay'er coo- es: Q-ºp! arrak appee - Strong wine cº;'L33 an goor cras To Strow, ſcatter, 2:lº táboor - To Struggle \! &=jrajing belájar * > To Study cº gajce, G --!> men'gajee o -- Stuff, material to work on, o'cocts káaddaawn - - - To Stuff into a hole To Stumble *** ſoontoh, 3935-5 táſnontoh, Gº” 8:35 U. táfoontoh cakkee •º toomis To String, as an inſtrument, cº- Lºs Stumbled sºli tāſoontoh Stumbling colº**** Ú táſoontohawn Stump foot –ºtº-chápik Sturdy, ſtrong, as3. gaja To Stutter ºU’.gágap To Subdue «Uſalla, AUL., mengalla Subduer &- Š'. &12 Örang éang ménang |Subjećt &J's bála, ex-y §Jº! 6rang rājat Subjected colºlº bátuan Subjećted people &JUx} &J 5' ôrangtaalla Subjection &lºlº bátuannea Subjećts in arms, a lawful army, sºu bálátantra To Submit, obey, jº'- hábar—reve- rence & sº foomba o Suborn Cºlis mengancat 3 E . t § tº To Subſcribe To Subvert 2,29 rooboo * Suburbs & 33 Jºe gyº, X campoon déloor köta <> To Succeed, in place, cºgantee— in buſineſs 233 lákoo w Succeſs, profit, & 3×3is oontoong Succeſsfully performed 23)'; berlákoo Succeſſively, in order, & “ *** maſs- ing maſſing - Succeſſor, in a family, _3=-3- u-83 anak choochoo Succour cº-º:#3); tooloonggan To Succour. §2); tooloong Such Cºx buggénee To Sučk -º-; iſap To Suckle Cº-o mengooſooe, _3”.5" GS3? bree footog Sucker, branch, Cº- gintas Sudden exis bang'at, srºn ſigra T o Sue & minta—at law clº bag- goam • Suet – 3-2º gómook, Lº, J lemak To Suffer, permit, JLº, béar diya ( 202 ) n Sufferable Ø-G 3 cºlò ;tº €ang dá-. 8 U. pat de táhan . - To Suffice aſ seu padah la Sufficed G o-º: powwas at ice Sufficient, able, C3, Arif * To Suffocate o” Hémas A. Suffocated O.6/ Gls mātee lémas. Suffrage, vote, * chakap Sugar aſ 3 goola . *. º &JL3’ goola bátoo Sugar-cane º téboo, 2.º tóboo— mill, preſs, 2.º coº! ăpitan 953 cºſ Ápit tdboo w Suit of clothes ºx3) colºštº pákéan lancap tóboo, Suitable, convenient, cºlº pátoot Sulphur ;jº blérong * . To Sum up ***** joomélat Sum Jº- moodal . Suniatra Cºcºl andélis, 33 ºil. mánan'cábo - º * * Summer o”34 & Lº máſa pānas, oº: mooſim pānas Summer-houſe Csº ballee To Summon Jig pangil Sumptuous, as buildings, o”Jºs" w majélis • * - *** Sun Gºjº &L's máta harree—beams GSjlsº &l. jº” sinar máta harree —ſhine C&J's &Ls men'gajahee Tyranny Gºl Ānyāyaawn Tyrant agº! el; ; ; ), 6rangber- booat ànyāya, as U & Vºl 6rang gaja - . . . . . * - … ... * * VACANT, empty, # Aºf...?.…..}{& Cº. | * * b º_* : ; ; ; ;... } ; Valāedājſ, ber arga - **. - - sº. - vraº ºr ºn... . . . & , lºsiº.º. ºº Vane of a ſhip ex: Jºš'toongal * *. * - • * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; \ : . .../ s ang IIl * ~ * * $ 3. * * - * • * ** sº P.; rºº 3’s f : 3 riſt gº sº tº * linjap .# , , ; ;s: *... - . , x, º ‘. . " - *...* …, a . Tº Vanity of the world agge 24.33 nafsoo doonea . . . . . …º i: , - *g * “...?' --~~~ * *... ... " - “... º' wº .# . . ". … " F & × %. : f wº • *S. 2) I, all3.Call. . . - , - - - - , ********g y” t - * ~ * • . . . * * * , * sº !. Ila ſºlº ** • * * * * * .” - * , , , ; ; , , ; * : * * * * * * , , ” “ , . . . ~~ * . . . ; , , , & * * * * * ... * --. < * * *, *, * - } & - " * - . . . . ~ *- -> • * > . . * * * * ** > * > ... . . " • * ~ * *- : - .4 * . - we ºn - - - - * , # -- *} * $. - - - . . . . . . N - , -: , , * : *, . * , 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . * earth & rs- Ajj Sºlº ow'aptána º To Vapour, boaſt. Q-º-tº káchak . . Variable ºf sexº téadda tägoº Variance _5}: * 29'> hároo broo s ' Varniſh Jºjj rangas . To Varniſh oº:: mérangas… . . To Vary, differ, sexxº beida, . Vaſſal aſſº - &, 6rang taalla . . . . Vault §2x=} langkoong. º *-* # , : * sº ... • \ 2. Udder _5°.º ſooſoo To Vault, leap, ºloompat * . . ;13 dag 'in anak 23. - ſappée * -- To Veer, ſlacken, ~13's o Óloor - - n . . . …ºf a 3: ... . . . Vehement, earneſt, &=U rajing . . . . . . . Vein, of the body, ºw: oorat, cº, —Valiant, man • . sylcy oorat dára -- x- ºt: căy'in footra Wendable O § - |CW al - . . . . * - . '• - -- J Value, price, a - hargaº ... . . Venery ..cx+&damº ‘. . . . . . ºº v e Wengeance, judgement, exº~ hoo- koomawn ' ". . . . . . Veniſon, the fleſh of any hunted beaſt, . . . . " ... (Adacºn nart Venom of a ſnake &º bíſa . . . Venomous ſhakeaºyoolar bifa– ... . b venomous, drawing as ſalve, oº, 6opas , , * > . . . . . . . . . . . Vent, to give vent, yºu & bree câlooar • - º . . . . . . . . . . . To Venture, 7. try, *> chóba Verdigreaſe & ſénang . . . . . To verify Ǻ cº,” Gº- me OOCa, Il membénar can ~ * * . Verily ºn ſoongoo ſoongoo, $3.9 ſeſoongoo—yes, verily, & šº, bá ſoongoo Vermillion - **** ſédélingam, cºlº, 5 cambāyat, - Vermin c.'3 oolatº Verſes, love poetry, G'j rābee—of other matters cº pantoon Verſe, paragraph, sys; perkara Very & Ls maha, exx's fang'at, ºvel - tantooee, •r níoong- am'at Veſſel, any hollow veſſel of uſe, as a pot, pail, O.3L. bākas Weſt eºs, ſélémoot Veſture, coat, 3-U. baju - Vetches cº &=3 káchang képce To Vex, trouble, ºr ºw. GS: bree ſooſa, cº ºlº CŞxº~ membree ſákit attee, cº- chintácan Vexation, care for, Glaxº~ chinta- ( 213 ) |Ugly._5 2: booroo ". . Vidualler cº-slºts J jew'al mácānan |Vićtuals cº- Lyle mácānan v. 1. , -->422 roopa jãhat “... . . . . .” - ** Vice, infirmity, - chéláka Viceroy sº as-y rajá mooda Victor cº-º-º- & 5 &95. Órang camé- nanggan, colººl; cº- jow'an páháláwan ... ". Vićtory cº- maenanggan 5- &25' 6rang £ Vigour Gº!; cooat Vigorous cºlºr, bercooat |Vile, evil, cºst-jáhat To Villify Cs.” makkee, cº(398- chélákácan |Village cyº., sº cº-5 campoon doo- ſoon, Jasº Çs;& négree kécheel |Villain, rogue, cº |y|. páráleentee, • tº º Cºlºs málēpootee, ex-lº- &...)1: Orangjähat |Villainy cººl-tº-jáhatan |Vine J, X31 exº, pohone angoor Vinegar & 2- chooca coobong angoor Vineyard Jº Viol, bottle, Gº boolee—muſical inſtruments, sº tuora—any muſical inſtrument to be played on with a bow --!y rábab |Violence cº-s) rampáſan º º © Or s e * Violet 2::: oongoo, sº &sº boonga oongoo — colour 55 & 2 warna oongoo - º Vipers, 330 célanggara awn-trouble, -jla. As ſooſa attee, * * ... ', . . * *. Q-s’ • ** ... * r .* & º: * ...”. Virgin syle –Kil anak dāra 3 H ty Nº. Csº syle Virginity cly, praw'an, choochee . . . . . Virtue exº~~xt; kábidjécan, QS Cºlº ë'. pree éang baik Virtuous, chaſte, - ( sº- choochee s Viſage & mooca - ... * * Viſion estaſLG: pang céléatan To Viſit Cºets fidoolee Vitriol ( sº. 5 JG tarooſee - Ulcer <> 2 J34 pooroo &ly pooro báca - Unable Cs'|32 sex; tédabólee Unacceptable cº ang'an i Unacquainted booloom kénal * Unaccuſtomed alsº º: booloom beáſa . . Unadviſed, heedleſ, Jylilee Unalterable **** 8-Xxº teadda lin- jap - Unanimi ty Cºlº ſa attee, wºa. ſa béchara, cººl ăſăawn, cº-3 käſaawn - . . . . Unanimous & Åſa Unanſwerable QSjº 9 < *. -'ºs-téda dāpat de breejow'ab Unarm &lr=~" J.XX5 tingal finjáta Unarmed &l=*; sex; téadda ber- finjáta Unavoidable CŞ3/2 • Cºle sº té- da dāpat de lalooee - - Unawares &l=Us esses sº - §2=3,3 §3+.'93 téda dungan ſjanca koonjongkoonjong Unbeliefs. rº33 céfirat - j: Unbeliever 3U cañr, sex, ºu < 1, |Unbeliever yºu cant, seº & 4 & 15'. U. N. | Cºtédaláyak, Cº., ... • > 0, ºf boo- con láyak . . . . . . . . . . . . - * * t Uncertain xxx; 25/23 booloom tantoo | Q & © * * ex'; - ~, ^, ſ | ≤ scº téadda tantoo - Unchaſte —5.xxx candak - Uncircumciſed ºlº coolop Uncircumciſion ºpº coolop |Uncivil a.u U sº téda taoo báſa, - - - º 3% d º * x AA-sa= AU scº téda taoo choombo _2^*::= 2* * * * Uncle sex-sº pamooda |Unclean, dirty, _1~~ choomoor - Uncleanneſs co93-95- choomooran -- Unclean, as liquor, _2 jū käroo To Unclothe colºst; J-35 tingal pá- kéan, cºlº Jſ, ſº cálooar pákéan Uncomely, ugly, ex-lº- O.wº páras jáhat - > Uncommon &J-jārang Unconcerned àºlgºsº injapáyoong Uncondemned 2:32-33 solº teda ber- hookoom . . . . - |Unconſtant, changeable, & 5 Jlsº pencharo'bá Uncorrupted —3*. scº téadda booſooc . . . . . Uncover, open, & 39 booca—make bare Cºlºſ télélee—the body 3-53 cº-º; telelécan tooboo Uncovered Csº télélee Undeceive Cºx, tantooee Unbecoming, as clothes, not fit, scº Unders* bava, ** o de bava . . . . U N To Undergo, ſuffer, ex-U tãhan, co-º-e ménáhan To Undermine sº e cº wº U’ gálee de bava g- , , , Undermoſt sº-Lº. Under ſentence hookoom - ~ To Underſet cº-33 Mº mélápikcan Underſtand Jirº mengartee e Underſtanding, wiſdom, J31 fical, GSeºboodee, otºboodémawn To Undervalue scy25-9 sºlº-, méleat *549 debava ſamoa mooda, e, cººl āringan can, cº-º- gampangcan Undeſervedly O”5 J- sº téda há- roos Undiſturbed, quiet, 3º tantóza g To Undo coºley, ooreyácan — ruin - cº 2.) rooſakcan — ſpoil & Lºg binnäſa Undone, ruined, Q-Rºy rooſak Undoubted truth _º tantoo To Undreſs colºštº Jºº tin'gal pá- kéan—make bare ex-34%; télélécan Uneaſy, troubled, 23- ſoocar Uneaſineſs, trouble, S.)9-3- ſoocáran Unequal alsº scº téda fåma Uneven, rugged, ~~~gaffap, ºvº kaſſap, &ly scºxº teadda rata wº * Unevitable GS3]) c). * ſº s Caº teda dăpat de lálooee - Uxexpe&ted, without cauſe, . §:=º § == 3. koonjong koonjong . . . - Unexperienced &J335- . §J15% coorang chºba, Jºš 2×3 booloom kénal ( 21.5 ) rº- cyle dálam - u ºf Unfaithful, not to be believe bóhoong Unfaithfulneſs §5-44 bóhoong Unfeathered, callow, Cºxxº~ hingap Unfeigned C));º bétool, $9.34 sº sy124 teda poora poora . - Unfiniſhed oº:: c 2] 34 booloom poo- to OS - - Unfit, improper, Gº,2334 sº téda pá- toot, ºr 535- sº téda chookoop To Unfold as 22 booca - - Unfortunate & Mºº- §$55, 6otoong ché- láka, § 323 ºr beroontoong Unfrequented, ſolitary, cº- foonee Ungodly Jºts nácal, ~(~háram d, §5-54 Ungrateful O.JU, soº; teda bálas Unguent cº, oobat, cº, -º-, minyakoobat - Unhandſome, ugly, 224 booroo Unhandy cººl-scº téda chápat To Unhorſe, ſtrike off a horſe, G,* ocy»” sº Q SJG bantoon derree pa- da cooda - Unicorn Cºol, bádak Uninhabited C sº, ſoonee To Unite, ſtick together, cº-Cº mélécatcan Unity cºlº ſåtooawn Univerſal cº,3 & a ca ſégalla tampat , “ * Univerſity & JJJ-s mendarſa Unjuſt 0.25 yl- soºjtěda hároos Unkind Cº- soºjtěda caffec * Unknown Jºš scº téda kénal To Unlade & poonggah Unlawful ...'s hāram $ U plearned Jºe334 bódoc, Jºlº bábal Unleavened Cºlºs mánis . . . . . ; Unleſs Gyº-e? lámoon . . . . Unlike & J & & sº scłºtóda fåma. - fa roopa' - Unlikely **º percháya To Unlock & 23 booca Cº., lè 3 Qº téda d āpat Unlooked for Tº: §3-33 koon- jongkoonjong jénáka . . Unmarried §3-54 boojong - Unmerciful sy- mára, G' | gº cras attee, Oºs” cº attee binjis Unminded solº cº-º solº teda mé- léat pada Q , - Unmixed –)vºl. sº téadda bá- champoor . . - Unmoleſted ;3°jº sexº téadda ber'- ſoocar *. goona Unpardonable C six-sle exºle scº téda dāpat de ampoonnee U nprofitable, not uſeful, *i; }; scº , téda bergoona Unreaſonable cº-s! _5}}; terlåloo am'at, cº-º sº téda pátoot Unregarded sº “lººs 8 Cº téda méléat pada, scº jêº-e scº téda mendungar pada º Unrighteous Jº(; nécal Unrighteouſneſs Coylstj nācalan Unripe – “... 25/23 booloom máſak, & mantah 4C) .* ( 216 ) . . Unſavory ;sº tãwar, jº - |Unſeemly, un Unlucky, waggiſh in actions, 2.3Lºs trn Unſatiable &=* Cºle sº tº pat kinjang & -:l cly téwar am'bar, ºsſ ambar To Unſay, recant, a US Cºju bâlik cáta, alº- AJUG-chála choola ~ * |Unſeaſonable §§ -* , sº cº- * \-º) boocon pada wačtoo €ang láyak becoming, G-54), sº téda láyak, Q-Rºy cº boocon láyak ' ' .. To Unſheath oº:: oonoos § Unſkilful cºexº, sº téda pandee Unſpeakable alsº o “ºle soºtéda * dápat de căta, ãº; sex; téadda - terbélang, o°35' * c b, c, čo dungan ſa- janea, cº & 3’ exºe dungan foo- Ca attee - " - Volunteer, in war, Jyºts & Joº. £r, findirrénea máſooc prang Voláptuous man ºp 33 §4. &15 ºf 6rang eang tooroot naf- ſoonea - *. • . Voluptuouſneſs agº rea, oxº3's ſooca- sº awn . . - Voice splºº. ſooãra To Vomit 232’s moontar Vomiting coºrs. moontaawn Vote -&lº-chákapº, . . . . 'loº can- r : ** - To Vouchíaſe, permit, G dátee, Gox- hendak” * - Vow & sº ſoompa, eº; néat Vowel esyl-járákat - Voyage exºs, tampanggan Up, above, cººl attas To Upbraid cº bankit * . To Uſe, enjoy, |Uſeful, neceſſary, ai, kādang, |Upright J!º betool, Joc àdil Uprightly J) º cº-to dungan bétool Uprightneſs &lº bétoolnea Up-riſing cºº; terbanggönan Uproar jº gógãgampar, _5 p- _j^4 hároo bíroo, j” jº. ingar bann'ar ---- Upwards Cººl & Cal attas To Urge to mirth –º, ooſik Urgent, needful, G*: ooſee, ( sºjº ber’ooſee • • Urine Cº. #' ay'er ſénee To Urine & kinching—ſtoppage of the urine &Lºſ L., ſāheſāma Us Cº-slº camee, £99" & betta Örang, §y: e-J bet Örang, §pºla's kitta örang–To us ( sº coºl ācan câ- mee—for us Cºl; sex; pada cámee —with us Cººl: Jºe dungan câ- mee . - *. Uſe, cuſtom, Gºoc addat Csº Lºpäkce Uſed, accuſtomed, &ºlº báſa 3% bergoona * Uſeleſs & & fia fia Uſher in a ſchool od Jºg pen'- - gooroo mooda 2-22 . --- Uſually, ſometimes, £ots &ots kādang i To Uphold, ſuccour, 3.34 bantoo 3 I .* ** w A ( 218 ) w A , 6rangéangminjam dung'an boongan Wallowing cººgoolinggan Uſury gº boongan Wan, pale, glaj, warna ayer . . . Utenſils agº, forba Wand Cº.,] …×3; toonkat lampee Utmoſt Gº & terlebbee . . . - - TO Wañder, ſtray, evºlº, ſåſat, altº, - To Utter &L'ſ cáta—make known fåla, allºw cºſt-jálan ſāla . . . . T 29 CS; bree taoo , To Want, have need of. 㺠coºrang Utterable &JU cy <>, moongol cooranggan-in want, poor, Cº., moongo - miſkin . . . . . * , ww-r - Wanting $2wºcoorang. - WADE through the water exºxx/Wanton, ſporting, 3 Jºlº bágooroo landécan War &# prang, cº pranggan— To Wag, ſhake, &ºgóyang, sy- gra To make war $544 báprang Wager, to lay a wager, 2.90.3 batároo To Ward off, as a blów, O.Kºtankis Wages ag, oopa - Warder ºgsº penoongooe Waggon & Uráta Ware Cºxxy ſo dáganggan Waggiſh ºr fêléroo Wared ºu bâprang To Wail, lament, Ajjls mārāta, Gº Warehouſe §ºgo'doong tangis |Warm cºlási angat Wain, of the moon, CŞels- Ç)º To Warm cººls ang'atcan - Jºs” Cºols boolon jaddeejad-Warmed ężelºt, bábádiang, sº dee kécheel . . - c. [&l fooda ang'āt Wainſcot, thin boards, cº, ſélat Warn, admoniſh, ~! ājar To Wait Cºxx; nantee . Warning3- >|r. ber’ājar ājar Waited, ſtayed, Cºs ménantee Warped, as a ſtick, Jºlº baw'oor Waiting cº-XX&º ménanteengan |To Warrant, aſſure, GS3.23 tantooee - To Wake from ſleep cº-º-º: banſ- warrior &J: §y: orang prang, &15 ſ gooncan . - | #3. *º-orang choba prang Wakeful & 5 |-> berjaga Wart &!!!! báloolang, sºlºſ(3 kā- To Walk cºll-lº bájálan, cºſt-jálan cowat . . . . . Waiking Ju-J-lº bájálanjálan Wary, cautious, ajL., CGsº bejac Wall ºcuo dinding—of a fortification. ſána & 23 kóta & Was sex” ſooda, CŞels- jaddee, º To Wall cº-Geº- mendindingcan &J étoo la—not ocº téadda, . Wallet cºlº gālāſan &sº 34 boocon . . . . y . . . . . To Wallow 3.25 gooling "Fo Waſhq go… mandee A f wr ( 2 Waſher, of cloaths, 2-ºxº Pembaſſo, sjLºbénara. . . . . Waſhing cºcº-slº bá bábaffo, Gºlº báchooches Waſp cºlº tábow'an . . . Waiſt of the body a Jºe diſtar—the waiſt-band cºx, cº-Gº €cat pinggan. ~ * * Waiſtcoat_2=l, baju Towaffe co-º-º: J rooſakcan Waſte land sylxjº Ajū tana ber'antára Watch, guard, Jº's kaw'al * . To Watch, by night, a tº-jaga, a 5ts. *JLS & jaga ba málam ~. Watchful & ºr. berjaga, a tº menjaga * , Watchman JL's &l= ës' ôrangjága Water; ayer Water-ſpout cº-º penchóran Wateriſh, as land, &=º bencha—a Weak & létch. mandee, 5* : _* ... " - - - ~ * , Weakneſs cºreº loombootan & Pinggang, 4. Wealth ºf arta, GU230 céyaawn Wealthy &lſ cáya . . &12' 6rang kaw'al, 0 } w iſ To Weaken. cºgº' létehcan, cº-º-º: loombootcan Weakneſſes cº-º S-92-9 loom- boot loombóottee * - * To Wean, as a child, e ºbs, ſārak |Weapon of defence &l=^* ſinjáta to Wear, uſe, Gº! pákee, cº "… mémákee ... • Wearing Glº bápákee - . Wearied &AA) lelah, & ſégang Weather & Lº máſa, º L wactoo— fair weather GojLºlº camáran—hot weather O.3L &tº máſa panas Weather-cock j4 Låg pangápar ' . To Weave Goyº; tenoon, 534; toonoo Weaver _532.7 &13 | orang toonoo Weaver's beam &º péſa—ſhuttle cººpékan—webb &*ś: loong- ſong - - f the eyes, fore, oº: &l's máta nílas . . . . Wave, of the ſea, e-Rºss oombak To Wave, ſhake, &vº-  Ooyang To Waver Wavering & jlsº pencháróba Waves –-s: oombak . Wax CJA) lelin • Wax-candle JºJ exte dian lélin cº t ei, goondah attee | Way, path, &Jº- jálan, G3', påkan Weed (g25 Ways, means, sjūr; perkāra We C-33 camee, 㺠&X, betta Weeder Cºywº- #95 Web, of cloth, ;º::/ loongſong— ſpider's-web & y &g) &29. ſåroong lába lába - To Wed cº eåwin Wedding çº's mampélee, cº-3's Cal Wilſlålil ... • * • . Wedge cº-º bájee Wedneſday >, >, Q93 : 3) rooboo A harree rooboo ot, sº J roompoot bá- oraig &J, & kittà drang dooree - * orang men'- gooreyt W. E Weekly ex-sº- ºr ºxº top tíopjoomaat . . . . To Weep O.K. tangis, Oºººo mé- nang is - . . . . the action, cºx j.nangiſan Weeſel Jºsé5-0 moongóos x. Weevil Q32: boºboc Weigh &” timbang. Weigher cº & gang timbanggan sº . . Weight, to weigh by, cº sºlº bátoo timbanggan, Gjylgly cébára- tan * ê'. éang pé- Weighty ºr brat To Welcome, receive, Cºxº~ fam- boottee ... ºp - Welfare, ſucceſs, co-º-º's kábid- jécan — welfare you, good by, _2~ ocº, evºlº, ſālāmat pada mool cºś, berkat - well, good, Cºlº báik—well Çsº prejce * , . Well's mouth Lº;; 2-83 bibbee préjee Wen, bump on the body, &º y ríſa Wench, girl, cº-wº Cº.; anak pa- w rampoan, cº-wºº Gº boodak boodak parampoam Went cº pégee, Gº •e23's ſoo- - da Pégee, cº-º: sex. fooda bá- jálan Were Cºyº” ſépertee—if it were goº &A= jéka adda—if it were ſo 2% see & jčka adda bug- gétoo - * . 2 ( 2 i | coºtººl ahſäcan 20 ) wºn Weſt lºſt, bárat, o” ;4 bároos – wind cºyly cººl angin bárat Wet 2.4 baſſo To Wet o:3” baffocan #" ... ........ ........ Whale & A-3 gaja sina, c)-3 Weeping Gºju bânang is—weeping, º • . * ~ * . . & asſº êcan gaja mina Wharf £JJG kandang What agſ appa - Wheat .º gendoom * * Wheel cºlº: pédétee, cº-3153 goolinggan Whelp &=} -ºil anakanjing º When cºlº cápan—whilſt §eº ſé– dang * - Whence, from whence, AjL. ÇSJG derree mána . . . - |Whenſoever &J'stºls mânăcăla - Where &JU's māna, &lºſe. démána— every where Lºs A&º ſegalla fihak—any where a Lº al.,e dé- mána mána—no where cº, jū sº Gyº bárang tampat poon téda Whereas, if that, &U's máka Whereby ejL. Gº je derree mána Wherefore, for what, &! *3; Car 113. appa, 243C, mānapa - Wherefrom AjL.csJo derree mána Wherefoever &L. J., e de mána má- na, at al., e §ju bârang de má- Ilº Iſlalºlºl * . - Whereto AJLSU camána -> Where with, with what, &g cºe dungan appa, agº bootápa To Whet, ſharpen, J3 Us! aſſacan, .* . . . . * r “. . . - - - w II Whet-ſtone a lºt bátoo affa, yºu , a.º. bátoo ahſa Whey gºeſe, ſay'er dádee . Which agº, flappa, £2 eang, als *...* mána, ajL. : [. éâng mána, *! appa While, at that time, JLº, tatcála– while, ſpace of time, 53 wačtoo Whilſt, ſo long as, & Mºº ſeláma– until & L. ſahin'ga - To Whine J.K. tang - rátap . . . . . . ; : Whining voice -ºxº~ w!” ſooãra mérátap - - Whip cº- chabook # To Whip cºº chambootácan Whirlpool jºy. | ay'er pooſar Whirlwind £ºlºge: angin poo- tar báliang, £4/4 & Gº! angin ‘is, “º 5'-- mé- chamboot, Cºlº- pooting baliang Whiſk Jºº- jambo Whiſkers, on the u koomis. To Whiſpe ménáfit , - Whiſperer * @: 6 Whiſtle Geº bangſi ol, ºš kípaſcan * e-e Pººr lip, ovs r –º befik, -ºlº's rang ménáfit tik bangſi–with the mouth Jº. stol, Jººls básiol White Gººg Pootee To Whitenº, &;: berpootécan Whither 23U.[5. ( 221 ) To Widen co-º: low'aſcan Widow sejºs danda, colºs, w i. Whitherſoever ajº Ajk, 33 démána mána *, Who.aºlº ſiappa, £t2 éangº Whoever agº's &94 bárang ſiappa. Whole &J! 34 boola, º!º booloom, &=^4 pécha—whole, in quantity, sº-sº ſámoa Wholeſale § 3jº baw'rong - Wholly --Jº génap, cº''' Qs' vº ſa călee cálee - - - Whom #2, &lºw flappa ôrang Whore JOJA. ſoºndal Whoredom oyſ, jº, ſoondélan. Whoremonger -º-º- candak, &º: - Je. *y 6rang berſoondal, &–)º! -32.0%rang candak Whoſe & 33 &tº ſiappa poonea, &:334 '44". fiappa Órang poonea Whoſoever bárang fiappa why &! Ajº carna appa, agil's má- nappa - * flappa, agº. & Jº * |Wick of a candle_2~e- ſoombo Wicked ex-lº- jãhat, J313 nácal, Wickedneſs cºst-jáhatan, cºtt; nácālan, cº-º néjiſcan Wicket, in a gate, 2×3 –83 anak pintoo |Wide ºf 1ébar. J {4,3/4 báloo parampoan * : U camána, &lrºe dé- mána, . . . . . . *- “. . . Widower CŞy ſu baloo lakkee. 3 K " - - * - jong " | nee - Wilderneſs & syrimba - Wile, ſtratagem, 2: tſpoo ~ * ~. Will sex- adda, 2L, maoo-I will come sºlò tang - . . . . To Will Cºleº candátee, Goºsts káhendak—Towill, command,! 3.15° ſooroo — will, teſtament, oº: sex=233 kitta adda dā- 3. warits Willing &L, ſaja - - Willingly ags-U. cºe dungan ſa- jánea . . . # - Willingneſs &Ls ſaja, jinggan To Win, conquer, exº-L ‘far- * &’s ménang To Winch, be afraid, º coojoot, cº-ºt, tácoojoot-winch cººl angin t - 3. Whirlwind §[4] L. jº: o: angin poo- tar báliang To Wind, in a ſkain, cº-º-º: likaſcan Windlaſs gyū 23 pootáran hat, Lyle dāwer Winding ſheet 335 caffan Window, light hole, &G nátang Windpipe cº-º: § 2253 coorong koongan 2 <><><><><><> º MALAY AND ENGLISH. #. <> <> easeeeeeeeee . A c ABANG > Al eldeſt—ſoodara àbang | iſ sylly 3, eldeſt brother Abantára oglºsſ a ſword-bearer to a king - * Abis oºl done, finiſhed Abſis angoos Jºël Cººl burnt up— minnoom a'bis o” 25° drink up Abisſa călee călee C sº cº tº U. o” quite done & gº # e. w Abiſcán GoCººl make away, waſte, finiſh, complete Abiſcan arta aj away wealth . *. Abſiſta &ºl ending, finiſhing Aboo 34' duſt, fine duſt, aſhes — tepoong &tº º' fine meal, fine flower f • . dian cºex, ſnuff of a candle — loomat cºs; º' fine flower cººl to make Aſcal, \;1 wiſdom, underſtanding, rea-l - - -- } - - * \ <> A C ſon, wit, policy, cunning, grave, ſa- gacious - Acal attas Gº! J31 faithful, loyal Acal báleng &J'ſ J31 grown to ma- turity, as mankind, marriageable, at years of diſcretion * - Acal boodee (Seº Jº'ſ a wiſe man, &c. See Aſcal J31 Aſcan cºI ſhall, for, to, unto A can āko 23 cº" for me Acan câmee Csºlº cººl to us A’can de jew'al Jº- c) cº | to ſell— bree ăcan dea &e cº" (š; give unto him - - A'châwan coſyl- a former, laſt to make any thing on, a model, a mould to caſt any thing in A châwan cakkee cº Q) l, |= 3. ſhoe-laſt ... - Achom º inveteracy, envy, malice, open malice ~ * * B t Å D. - a Akabáhar;-L =l black coral knowledge A cor £1 a root Adam 23 Adam Adda so-c ſhall, ſhould, had, has, have, hath, will, am, are, is, it is, there is, be, to be, ſubſtantial, of a conſiſtence, eſſential Addaawn Cºcloc a being, effence, ſubſiſtence, conſiſtence t Addaca axlec is it, is there Addaca buggétoo 2% &T, Xc is it ſo Adda careeja asº occ buſy, em- ployed -- ( . ) Aſco 5% | oblige, bind, confeſs, ac- A K Adil Oce holy, divine, righteous, de- vout, religious, faithful, juſt, vir- tuous, pious, honeſt, upright * -- Adilawn cºes holineſs, devotion, righteouſneſs, integrity, piety, vir- tue, juſtice, honeſty s A'dis Cºol fennel - A'dis manis O.3L. Jºel anniſeed - Adéhee Cºº! o! oh! woe alas ! Adóhee Häya &b., Gºeſ oh me! woe to me ! Adºy CŞse, see Adhee gºeſ Agáma & Treligion, divine ordinance or law, a ſect, a religion or opinion. Aſgar jº ſ that, left that Addala &J occ is there, there is, is * the, am, am he, it is, have you Adda lágee cº sºc it is yet Adda menjadide Çge=” ocyc ſhalf be A goong &231 main, chief, principal– tſang Āgoong §: ſ &L main maſt A'gooſtee ( ºf beloved, dear, a fweetheart - * - Addap - Nº over againſt, oppoſite, before, in preſence of Addápan cººles before, the fore par of the body - Addápan cakkee Gº cºlor the ſhin Addápan mooca moo _2~ & _5-9: cºlos before your face g Addápan raja as-y cºlosc before the king Addas oves affidue - Addat ºcc ceremony, cuſtom, uſe, right, tradition Addat négree GSrº e-o's cuſtom of 3. country Addy (go-c broad Adek Go! youngeſ—foodára. ădeki • 3 of sºlº, youngeſt brother Ahbad Cººl Sunday * Ahſa aºſ to ſharpen, whet Ahfä can Q3 &ºl to ſharpen, to whet - Ajar - reprove, admoniſh, warn, ad- vić, teach, learn, educate, direét, inſtruct, exhort, inform, prompt Ajarawn clº- reproof, &c. See Ajar º-l ‘jarawn dooſta &ºse colº- falſe re- proof, &c. See Ajar > Ajok G3- to provoke, urge, entice to anger, exaſperate - Ajooja. <>! to ſlander, to backbite, to babble, to inform againſt, to in- veigh, a tell tale. Akikat cººl a chriſtening feaſt -- a Aºkir33 f faſt, laſt end, laſt flate—Édoo éang partáma daen €ang Ākir §: 3% | §4. cººle &sº the firſt and the la : - . . . Aſkir’at º the world to come, laſt times Akir moofim. ** #! autumn, the latter part of a ſeaſon. Aſkirnea &;3| his laſt . . . Aſko _531 me, F Aſkoee Gº! a repreſentative, a Aſkolah de ſénee Gº” 9 &J _53 ! I am here gº tº - - Aſko poonea & 23f mine A’lam -)f a banner, a flag, a juriſ- dićtion: - A’lāmaan Cºx-ºx'ſ a court-yard, a road- way, a broad open way A’lāmatc…syſ a miracle, a wonder, a ſign, token from Heaven, a ſacra- ment, an omen, a badge Alámat ſooratan cºl ſº evs) a ſu- perſcription -- A'leh &Jſ to ſhoot as a ſtar, to circulate as the ſtars, as the blood Atlépa aºſ careleſs, heedleſs, forget- ful, negligent, neglect & A. Alſaki Glaſſ a judge Alia &J' ginger Alim ...! learned, wiſe Alim boodee (goº e'ſ a learned man, ... a wiſe man . . . . . A A'lkit'ab. --U.KJ1 the Bible Alla &MJſ put out of one's right, taken, deputy ( 3 ) | h éang Ākir ; §4.230, the laſt gaſp. wº Alla prang ë!}: &JJſ to looſe a battle Allah can ºwl to abdue, deſat, r - A. L. en, to ſubdue, to looſe, as at play, as a wager maſter, overcome, prevail againſt, vanquiſh, rout, convince Allah & MJ'ſ God - Allah éang benar ſåtoo faja štº a UI *-* ºbs jº the true God is only OHºlò’ - Allah poonea. Élámaan &º &J' Gol-cy! the way of God. Allahhee Ceguſ godly AAllah taallaha.]]{x}^JJ|Jehovah, Lor Lord God - Allas o'-0 a foot under a pillar, prop, a ſtool. Allas cakkee C-53 C.JJſ a foot-ſtool Aloe Gº! aloes A’loh. s: | a ſigh - Aloo :) a peſtle, a ſtamper A’loo léſong &º _3/ a peſtle to a d, fine—cay in àloos oº:'' cºº fine- linnen. -- A looſcan cº-X, 311 make fine Aſlow 3'ſ drive, chaſe, expel A low'an. clº!' forward, the front, the fore part, afore, before - A’low'an cápal Jºlº o!,' the fore: part of a ſhip. |A'low'an ſédékit cºexº, colºſſ a In Ortar Aloos oº::/ fine, as linnen, thin and . . little before overcome, conquered, worſted, beat-l Aluis Oºſſ the eye-brows A M A'mal Jºsſ to edify, to buil be built Amára syls' wrath - Amat ev, a great deal, much, very, to, exceeding Amat bäik – tº ecºl very good Amba &s! me, I, a captive, a ſlave born in the houſe, a menial ſervant, a vaſſal, a bondman -- Amba Allah &JJ &A-s! a ſervant of God Ambánea &L-s! his ſervant. Ambar 2-s! amber - d, cauſe to . Ambar jº', Or > y 3U tāwar ambar, flat, dead as liquor, unſavory, taſte- leſs - Ambat exº-s! a ſcourge . Ambil Jº-sl receive, take, take or conquer Ambil bava sºlº Jº-s! take away & Ambil derree pada '894 GS.J.) Jºs' take from, deduct from, ſubtract from r Ambil menchooree GS22-sº take pri- vately Ambil oopa & Jºsſ to receive wages Amboo amboo _> 2-s, a boneta, al fiſh ſo called • * Amboon cy--- a cannon-baſket earth in to fill Amboor_3-ºl to ſpread, throw about, caſt about, ſtrew, ſcatter, ſow, open, aS COTIl * Amboor paddee ÇSoº-º-º/ to ſpread abroad, open rice, &c. See Amboor ( 4 ) a M. Amboos cº-sl to blow with bellows, to pump * * * * * * } | a pair Amboan cº- of bellows, pump. . . - - Amettee Cº., | gnaſhing Amettee giggee GºG.s...' gnaſh- . ing of the teeth" Amis G. rammiſh in ſmell - Ammook G3's a deſperado, one that kills all he can, murder calm, barren, deſtitute, idle, leiſure, at leiſure, lank * " . Ampácan exºtº- to make hollow, to empty, &c. See Ampa &A-, A. Ampar jº- to ſpread, as a cloth * Ampar cay'in Cººl: jº- ſpread the cloth, as for to eat - Ampáran crº-s! a ſpreading Ampáran cooda ocy; cytºsſ a table- cloth, a coverlid for a table Ampas Oº-s! caſt down, as in wreſt- ſº ling - - - Ampas catána JU & Oºsſ caſt down to the ground & Ampat cº-s! four Ampat blast ºr ! cº-sl fourteen --- Ampatjálan coyl- -º-, four ways, paths - |Ampat perkara svºr: **, four man- In CT *. Ampat péſajee C =lºg exº~! four ſquare, a quadrangle Ampat pooloo :); cº-s! forty Ampédal Joº-s! the gizzard of a fowl 2×-- Ampèdo sexº~! the gall Ampa & hollow, empty, vacant, * 4: M . Ampirgºnigh, near, adjacent, border- 'ing, at hand, hard by, almoſt, near A. all º * . . . . . . . . . . . . - Ampirgan. coºl to approach, draw| near . . . . . . . . . . . Ampir dátang &le rº- almoſt come Ampir de mooca ... & gr:--> next before Ampir pootoos náwa os . . |<ººt, GS3:- the wind op sºlº cººl windy, the A's Angin loomboot cº-º] cººla gentle wind 1.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * 3. cººl *—moolay bâtiop calam hałree began to blow yeſterday * * * |—— ootára &yº, cººl north-wind — = pooting báliang Śląſº &: co- a whirl-wind, huricane – réboot Gº, cººl a bluſtering wind, a ſtorm - . . timmore 2,3 cºl eaſt-wind fálátan Gj)0. Gº! ſouth-wind ...& |Angkara sylx&ſ ſurly, wilful Ankaw 2-3 | you, yea, thou, in a baſe degree - - |Angor 3| better, it is better, rather An'goorL-3 | wine Cra.S o','~)1,3 | ſtrong wine 2 * . . ºsmºssºmsºmº mānis cº-e –)15-3' ſweet wine An'goos O”23| burnt, ſcorched, burn, ſear - - - abis Gº! burnt up . bree tanda ocuº; GSr. 2-&G' burnt a mark . . . . . . . An'gooſcan cº-º.9& | to burn, ſear : - - ſcorch, * |Angſa &ºl a gooſe, the female jantan cº-aºl a gander Aºnia Aajl ſervil - Anjing &=}| a dog — bārak -ºjL &= | a hound. bétina & Ås, a bitch gálak –3)[5 & a biting, curſt dog -32 . • ** —jäga & ºl-Ass'ſ a watch dog f * * — derree lowan cºlºgye & ...a contrary wind. * . A N - a ſpaniel . . . # Anjing ootan cº &=3| a wolf tº perbodrooga cº- hunting dog. . . . . . . . * : ". - Anjing anjing &=" *- dogs Anka & 3" a figure, a cypher Anoo 25 | the ſaid, that ſame, ditto- * * * * * Anoogra sºil a favour of profit, a gift, grant of profit, a kindneſs, a a gift of God . . . ‘. . A'noográcan Gºº | to favour, grant Antar ºl lead, conduct, convey bring - • * * , . ſåſat evºl lead aſtray, miſ- lead -- * * . . . Antára ºf among, betwixt Anteh & X31 to ſpin, as thread by hand — benang aloos Cººl! & &|| ſpin fine thread Anting & an ear-ring, a pendant, a plumet Antingcan ex=231 to plum Antooc Cº.33 drowſy, to fumber d foot Anyam as mats, to plait, as the hair, baſket or mat work - An'yāya ag|Ajl to oppreſs, perſecute, afflićt, trouble, annoy Anyāyaawns cºlºg' oppreſſion, perfe- cution, ri gºur, tyranny, violence, cruelty, afflićtion, tribulation An'yer ºf tainted, a ſour finell, a four fume of the ſtomach. f • * > *...* -ºšº #º: } # * # * • , .33 ** * t * tºº. ' t sº ) 4. -- - - • - § *.. * * , * I - £." § . . . . {A^oos. |Apak Cºl rammiſh, rank in ſmell. Aſpitan tooboo 54.5% cºſ 3 * Appee cakkee Cº U23 to ſlip the 23 to braid, as baſket work, ºt ſom, a redemption, *-sº A R *** t f : * º * $: s º $ be adrift, to floatºs º .3 - * Aootee cºst the liver -ºº º t º *. § Apam *! a loaf, cake of bread - | cloſe, compact, to preſs, throng" - ; : . . . . . . . . Aſpitan cººl a preſs . . . . . . . . A pit àpitan cººl ºf a cheſs, che- quer board, the game of cheſs, che- quers, a crowd a ſugar mill A pitcan oº: | to preſs - |Appa ag what, which appa & * ſomething, anything naráka &ly U. Çs: hellfire -fire work Aºra syſ 3. fig A rang. &9| charcoal , bārabára ** 8vº &9t or ārang pára pára syū sy', &9| coals offire — penampa * &jt a coal burnt to aſhes • ? . . Arga ºl rate, price, worth, value — firing an oºl & 3) a cheap rate Arganák – AU ºf the price riſes — tooroon cyy: 235 º' the price falls § nea & a jſ its price nea ſäkien cºlº & price is ſo much • — too booſan Cº.º4; aº!. a ran- 231 the Any'otes-ºlto drive on the water, to Arife-syl able, apt, ſufficient, tračiable º: s . A sº A'ring'an 3 º' light in weight, mean, of little worth, of ſmall eſteem, eaſy to accompliſh * wº- derree pada fåmoa ( Syð (93) sº-sº seglighteſt, &c. See Aring- 3.11 --- , A'ring'anan GjLêſ lightneſs, &c. See A ring an Aringancan C-Kilsyſ to lighten, &c. See A'ring an - * Aroo 29 froth of the water Arooda sexy! rue, the herb Aroos oºl the tide, ſtream, current draſs ey.9e Jºy! a ſwift ſtream Arrak -ºj/ arrack, or ſingle ſpirit -— appee 3! -ºj ſtrong arrack, double diſtilled ſpirit. - Arree arree C&J Cºyſ the bladder of a man or beaſt, a bubble Arta &J'ſ eſtate, ſubſtance, goods, means, riches, wealth — cayaawn Goºglº treaſure — doonea aº Ajſ temporal goods pooſaca ≤ aj eſtate of inhe- ritan Ce *. — cº-slºº &ºl ſtolen goods on the highway Artee cººl interpretation, ſignifica- tion, meaning A Arzon ©»)y! cedar Afa es' unity in opinion, unanimous in mind, peculiar of one only, only of one mind - Aſaawn-clash unanimity, fixedneſs in mind. | ( g ) &jſ rich goods, * A*r Aſſal Jºsſ family, tribe, nation, kind, poſterity, progeny, feed, offspring, ſtock, generation, relation, kindred, deſcent, race, lineage, genealogy, pe- digree —bangſa aws, Jºwſ a genteel fami- ly, &c. mardéka aſſer, Jººſ a family free from ſlavery - rāja &ly Jº...! a royal or kingly family, &c. Aſſa Asſ to ſharpen, whet Affacan Q3ts! make ſharp A Aſſada solº, a lion Aſſam sº! tamarind, four Afſap Cº., ſmoak Affing & foreign, outlandiſh, a pil- grim Aſta &X, a cubit, and is eighteen in- ches Engliſh Aftána &Us,' a king's palace, a court, a hall * A rº Aftingarda sexxx...] a hand gun, a J firelock Attor_jyº order, form, array—dung'an ător J25 Gºść in order Aºtorcan cººl put in order Attap exil a covering, roof báta aºlº ºf a covering of tile —járammee (29ts ºf a covering of thatch rooma a.s.º.) --G| roof of a houſe -- farambee Cº-yº, wººl covering of a pent houſe, ſhed, or porch, awn- ing. D At ( 1 Attas Jºl above, over, up, upon: — angin cºloºl to wind-ward cátako 23Ulſoºl upon my word — 6too º 0.jl upon that, thereon —Déadda de attas Gº! e solºe he is above—de attas daen de bava Gºlo sºlº e cºlò above and below— lebbee attas derree pada étoo ( s. _2^4 8 C-4 QS JC) oºl above that ". r Attau_Uſ or, or elſe, except—Kécheelſ énee attau beſarr €too Cº., Jº _2% j” 53 this ſmall, or that great Attee —— béſarr jº cº haughty, arro- gant, proud, ſelf-conceited, high- minded . . . . — bimbang Gs' mind, conſcience, heart & Cs' doubtful, ir- reſolute .* oº: Lº! cruel, unmer- ciful, implacable " —— bir at e-jº ( º! heavy hearted — booſood Uºº! Gº | envious rººmsº º ‘A’ • . jl Co - § . ." bránee º jº Ç ourageous — choochee Cº- ( ; pure hearted © . .. —— coorang &15% Çs" deſpairing, de- ſpair • — cras o'; Qs" obſtinate, auſtere, ſevere . —— damdam -Cºco G' malicious dua e >e Cºl "double-minded, equivocation " ——kécheel Jasº C ºf cowardice, cowardly, | tender hearted, meek O ) aw ; : * ~ * º ** -: . . * * * , compaſſionate, kind hearted . . . . . . Attee mänis O-3U's cº" courteous moora wºº ( ; liberal — nea & Gº! his heart — panjang &=% cs” patient, long- ſuffering - “ . . . Pédis ow-X& Gº! provoked ráſa attee G' ºs', Qs" a feel- ing heart, conſcience * . — renda ocy ( ºf humble, humi- lity, lowly, mečk. - ...” !: mind, doubtful, faint hearted ſåkit ~30s 3 vexed * * ſédang ãº', sº ſober, quiet in mind • * —— tátap -Gly hearted . - • * —— tingee Gº ce" high minded Attélas cººl fattin A'was, a crew -- cápal Jºlº ox! a ſhip's Crew. Cºl chearful, ſtout *- |—praw _2}: O 2 a boat's crew Awāda sel; al pancake, fritter |A'wal O 5' early, as in time, in ſeaſon, the former time, or age paſt, the whole world, all the elements |— moofim ſºº Q: early ſeaſon A'wan o!, miſtreſs, dame (in a fami- faint hearted, * feeble liar way) . . . — inchee ( = 2 cl: young maſter, maſter's ſon . . . . . . . . . minded . . . . . . . . . — loombeot *::::: Ç charitable, A ~. e. • * * º • . * Awanchee Q sºlº miſtreſs, dame, in a high degree . - . . . . . . . \ 11 ) * A y A. Y. ( Awangºls' a miſt, a cloud º |Ayer dºom. -ſe J.' ſtanding water —— cálam 2Xtº $';!, awang galap ºb #9 a dark miſt boulter Ayakcan C-341 to ſarſe, &c. See Ayak Ayam *: adunghill foul, a cock or hen —— ayer ºf 24! a moor hen & —— bátájee Cº-ºº: & a cock armed for fighting ——bétina & Pg! a hen — cambirree C޺,” aſ a capon { . . / . . . . º. f* **- —— en'grees oºl º a turkey —jantan cº- º à cock bácóco ××l. -: the cock crows —bálálang £390 g! a game cock: — §3/4 * a cock that has a comb gáram jºy ºf brine, pickle --- #. — goola &J23 g firrup Ay’ak –º a ſarſe, five, a culendar, a héning & 2 × | ſlack water, ſtanding water hii'ir yº #! a running water —-jerneh 23,- jº clear water ——jérooc U3,4- #! lime juice *=ººm, kanjee cº > ſtarch or pap of rice, water that rice is boiled in käroo _%y;3: thick water kécheel Q-sºº iſ low water kól 3.3'- &nd Water olam *** } p * limparjº, 2 an inundation, a great flood - g lior_2 * * * * * • * * * . 3 * * & £r º' ye. Báprang. §: Lſ combating fighting, warring ‘. . . ) Báprangangstºl, a battle S Bára oyu burning coals Báraja & 9', to reign, reigning Baramboot sº-cyl-, hairy . . . . . . . . . . Bārang &yū a, any, ſome, about, all appa & §y. ſomething; any thing, whatſoever . . . . . . . appa fåmoa ox-sºº ag! things *. – bárang &Jº §Jº thing bárang ban'yak -stax. §Jº &Jú many things . . . •e ** .# Šyº all ~$– * călee, JUſ §yº now and then, ſometimes de baccar rºº & &JU fewel . de mâna mána &L, &Le cy §º whereſoever * de mâna mána déadda & Leo §yº scºxycy &JU's whereſoever they are dua ope two things, about two things . éangber'arga & jº 㺠ë'. 3. thing of worth or value éang berniãwa 8*; #3 §jº any living thing r # , éang indah scº derful thing étoo 5% thing $4.99 awon- **** §4 thoſe things, that Bápillee C sºlº chooſing, ſelecting | ôrang &...)º §y'. any body- \ / 3. #3 A. * ( . 19: ) 3 #" * Bºngipakaraºğl, any means Bärenda sexyl, humbling , * * §§ ºby no means, in no wiſe -º-, ſashflee bółee Cs''34 & &yº …tº anything that can be done, tº do what one can ſapooloo _ºſºlº #yl, about ten ſa ſätoo sºlº & §yº either, any OTIC , , . ſédékit cºax... Nºw gyū any little — flappa alſº &JL all thoſe, who- ever, whoſoever, any one —tampat ºf . &4 any where, any place tampat poon teda (954 evº §yº soºj nowhere - ſadápat dépatáko cººle & §y- 23| cºlo any thing that I can, Bárang'an cº ly a cheſnut Bárantee ( - Kijū chaining Bárápateºſyl, touching, cloſe together Bárápee C.9% crumbling Bărat cº,yū weſt – dāya &ley cºyly ſouth-weſt ſamáta ſalátan alsº Gj)0s, ſouth-weſt ſamáta ootára &Lºlº, JG 2 north-weſt – Angin bárat cºlº Gé! weſt-wind — láoot bárat e-ju Gº weſt-ſea—négree bárat coyly Cºxºi weſt-country- fihak bárat &L Ligs; weſt-parts —sábla bérat Gºju &MºUs weſt-ward, weſt-ſide Bárátoos rétoos oºl, cºyº by hundreds lº * i. ºw- e-yº Aº perkara poon tºda w|3}: &yº Bárindam º jºy ſoaking " Báring §yº, lying at length, to lie fáma fåma &L. &Ls. &jū lie together fédap evoº, &H lie at eaſe Bárintik -ºxyl ſpotting, dropping (as rain) Bāris O”9t, a row, ſtreak, ſtrait line boojor J3-34 ovt. a croſs line, or rank, * málintang & Lo Jºy', a file, or line in depth — toonjoo angin cººl _2=3; ow!? a point of the compaſs Bäriſcan cº-ºwl, to line, &c. Báris Bároo yº new, newly, lately, freſh bároo yº yº newly bácareeja as:;tº _5JU, lately done énee G*_5jujuſt now, newly -— lágee cº 2.jlº ſhortly — méléat cºlºrs ºld the firſt time of ſeeing taddee (goº ºld juſt now, a little while ſince Bárooácan cººl, JL to renew, renewed }*. ea See Bárooboo ºld fading Bárooma & 2 Ju to inhabit Bároong £299 a hut built on pillars in a field, to ſecure from wild beaſts Bároopa A329ts forming, reſembling Bároos Cººl, weſt, Borneo camphir Barrak -jū to chace, hunt # A. Báſa A.L. ſpeech, tongue, language Báſa négree GS ;& A.U. vulgar tonguel native language Báſájee ( >Lºlº preparing, dreſſing Báſálin Junº tranſlating, copying Báſancal J-Cºl. denying, refuſing Bāſancálan coyl-Co., a denial, refuſal Báſander_0\ºlº leaning againſt Báſee Cs” mould, muſt with mould—ápam baſee C- mouldy bread & © Báſélah &Mºst the hams Báſélémoot cººl, covered, (as with a quilt) Básſol 022.3 to whiſtle with the mouth Bāsifa aºlº remaining Báſábat Gºtº familiarly, friendly Báſoodāra syle ºt, brotherly Báfoomboor_ºut ſeaſoning Báſoompa & sºlº ſwearing, adjuring Báſoomping &2.4 to wear flowers in the ears Baſſo yºu rinſe, waſh, wet cº-º-º 5 Wet with dew bácoolit ed;tº Jº caked! dung an oomban cºe _*: dung an oojang &= Gºe_*! wet with rain *- tang'an moo _3-9 cºlºs. your hands a Baffocan Gºld to rinſe, to waſh Baſta & a bale U waſh * £º ń. & A * * .* %. * § 43 *; §º tº š i w . º * * rior of Sumatra . . . . . . . . . " * g :: *- 2 *.* º * * K. - * ** * ºr s ~~ & 333. $f ** **** - §3. 3r - a tile sº-ºº: º ºg d with falſe ſpurs *. ,” -- a - ** * *A*; 3% * * attap ºf aºlº Bátájee cº-º arºle as a cock - . . . . . . Bátambooncº,5u growing, increaſing Bátánea &^j\}\} aſking . • Bátang išl, a boom, a log, a billet, a ſtaff, a ſtalk, a ſtem t booloo 3.'54 , iśl, a ruſh, a reed — calápa agyly & L; the ſtalk of a cocoa nut cay'oo 343 & tº a club, a piece of timber raja &ly &\! a ſcepter, a king's ſtaff & - + toon'gal Jºjº &l. a flag-ſtaff Bátanºgo 23Ju to bellow, roar out, (as any beaſt,) the forced noiſe of any beaſt (as when caught) Bátánoong $33Ulº to prognoſticate, propheſy, foretell -: éang cómádéan dátang #3;UL, * &le cººl-º ê'. to foretel what is to come Bátánoongan cººl a prognoſtica tion, a prophecy by divination Bátároo Jºlº laying, ſetting at play, laying a wager Bátédore yºu ſleeping fāma fåma &L. a.s.º. )15°ºlº ſleeping together Bátélore_y13) ºld to lay eggs .* Bátéloot sºlº kneeling, ſtooping Bátéfiak Glºu to bray as a beaſt, crying out loud \ B A. Bátétik -ºt, dropping, trickling tétik -ºxº; Lºlº by drops Bathrik Grčil, a patriarch Bátil Ojl, a baſon, bowl Bátindan coºl, piled one upon ano- ther, as books Bátingal Jºlº remaining Bátiop ºu puffing, blowing Bátirrisoºl, leaky, leaking Bátóbat cºlº curſing Bátok -ºu a cough, to cough Bátógo 33.º eſtabliſhing. See Togo Bátógoor_jyºu rebuking, &c. See Tógoor <> Bátógoorawn cols)vºl. rebuke Bátoo ºl, a ſtone, the ſtone of any number is to be expreſſed ſa bátoo ºl, as ºt, one ſtone –Giggee ſa bátoo ºld als, cº one tooth — ahſa alsº — appee Gº' ºtº a flint-ſtone aſſa alsº a whet-ſtone ju a whet-ſtone — attap ºf ºl, a tile & attas cooboor Jº O'ºl ºld a grave ſtone bátoo ºld sºlº ſtones cárang §JUſ 33-, a rock góſoke -**º sºlº a rubbing ſtone ^. kiſſãran * eyes; tı a mill ſtone - 16ga & Jººl, a ſounding lead, or ſtone *. t º, ( 21 ) B A. |Bátoo menchánee caſts" ºt. a. hone tº. men'gooling &1,3- jºu a roll- ling ſtone moolay Çgy, ºu firſt ſtone, foundation ſtone oojee ( >3 ºt, a touch ſtone palumban cº, Jú ºt, chriſtal Pépisoº; _2}t; a mill ſtone pooalam -2134 35l. alabaſter, marble, coral tépee C sº 23, a boundary ſtone timbanggan & ºt, weights, to weigh by timbool c)Yºº_º a pummice ftone fruit; it is alſo a denomination added Bátoonas oº:: ſprouting to the name of any ſolid when the Bátoonjoo _2=ºl. holding to be ſeen, ſhewing Bátootoop ººlº covering Bátoor_3;U, a cough, coughing Bátooroon cººl, a deſcending tooroon exº cººl, is de- ſcending Bátootoor yºu talking, communing, declaring, revealing, publiſhing Bátootoorawn colºu talk, com- munication, &c. |Bátuan coºl, ſubjećted, maſtered, bránee Gly ºl. a load ſtone bound Bátuan nea & colºu ſubjection, bondage Bátummun co-rºº conſorting, joining company $ dung'an ess cº-cºlº conſorting with G # *- # , - ~- sº A - *...* - Bátummun nea & Cº. ſhip • - : . . . . Bava sºlº under, below, fetch, bring, bear, brought, carry - angin cººl sºlº leeward º ba candoong; seº & oxº bring in a bag tºld partner- bajoonjoong §:--> a o;', carry on the head, carry, lifted up on high — ba ooſoong §3.5 & 8º carry between two on the ſhoulders ca attas Cººl & sºlº bring up cábargº ou bring word, carry word about. - cooleeling négree &!º O 2. GSº carry about the city . men'ābrang §º Ö 5- carry OVCI" pégee ( -º, sº carry away— de bava daen de attas cºlò sºlº cy Şſ cy below and above—charree la de bava cooda étoo y &J GSM- _2^4 se353 &54 ſeek under that table Bávang §23 an onion - méra oxº-. §2U an onion, or {halot , - Pootee cº, & 33 garlick Baurew baurew2.94 2Ju the lights gº Băwoo 25% a ſcent, a ſmell, an odour āmis O-3) 2º'- a ramiſh ſmell an'yer rºl 29% a four noiſome ſmell ( 22 ) . | rotten ſmell . . . cooleeling &º o,' carry | tice - wa. " . . * - -- - . . . * , ** * -- º E Báwoo booſoog. Jºsua ſinking i • tangee. cº - 254 a rank’ſmell. - wan'gee "Gº _534 a fragrant ſweet ſmell . . . . . “ . . nea booſooc —y_*:: * 24 it ſtinks . . . . . . Baw'oor J.:º bent, warped, dented; crooked *{ , - . .” Baw'oorcan cº- to bend, &c. . . . Baw'rong to foreſtal, monopoliſe; en- groſs, wholeſale * Bāyang &" a ſpirit, a ſun •,• w - ſhadow of the bāyang maoot cºlº ſhadows of death Báyar jº pay, paid - bálanja &=3). 3'- pay the charge or expences, defray. gádee ‘self344 pay off gage, or pawn ** abis a mort- Ootang &: jº to pay a debt poola &J; yºu to repay Pootoos Cº. jº to pay off toonay Çsº jº to pay in full Beáda ocyxº to differ, as in accounts, in opinion, in price, to diſſent, di- ſtinguiſh, to vary Beádaawn olcoxº difference, &c. See Beéda - * Béar JUs! perm - - it, let, ſuffer, tollerate, admit . . . Béáſa aºlº cuſtomary, uſual, wont, accuſtomed, innured, uſed, uſe, prac- * * : * . . * ë. 2 * : £ Bébék. – * → * .. 2 ! . . . . . . { Béchara sy diſcourſe, advice, con- fultation, to , reaſon, debate, argue, treat, conſult, -confer, a council . - — dāya agle ºl=& deceitful advice − ſala &J's s9tsº wrong advice —— hookoom rº syl=^* a coun- cil, the men who compoſe a court of * : , ; * = º 3 * : * * 3: * - tº tºº * 3.4% «ă. o, e º e '. * tº law, a ſeſſions, - Bécharawn cylcytºsº a diſcourſe, &c. See Béchara - * . sº Bédan Goº a midwife Bédey (J. O.A., a worm bred on any ve- getable, a caterpillar, a worm bred in the fleſh, uſual in India to breed in the legs, and cauſed by drinking bad water Bégra oº: move, remove, diſturb, ſtir 2 anak-ºil 25º quick with child Bégrácan G3' ;3 to move, &c. See Bégra - Béjac ſéna aglº CG-4 one that has ſome apprehenſion of a matter, cau- tious, caution, foreſight, knowledge, provident, prudent, wary, circum- fpe&t * Beika beika & courſe Békam. *** to cup, or let blood by cupping Béker º a circle Béla &AA- ſeparate or ſplit, ſlit, tare, but not through, anatomize, a cleft, a notch, a crack, burſt, rip, cleave, ( 23 |Bélang & unſeemly diſ- } . B E miſchance, misfortune, diſaſter, ifl matter or occaſion * . Bélámána &jLºyº, when, while iMº number, tell, count, reckon, muſter, relate, rehearſe ſála &JU's & number, wrong haal awal J, Jt- &\º to re- late an old ſtory Bélanggan cº a number, &c. See Bélang Bélanja &= \º expence, charge,main- tenance, ſpend, ſpent, expended Bélanjácan cººts' Mº to expend, Bélit cº See Bálit . - Béloobélay Çg Mº2%, a rattle, to rat- tle or make a rumbling noiſe Béloot -25% an eel Bénang & yarn, thread -- mas O.-- & gold-thread $. raja &=ly & a rainbow. fáley Cºllº & a needleful of thread " ſootra ojºs & filk twiſted, ſewing ſilk . - - Bénangcan Cºxx… to thread Bénar jº certain, ſure, true, not coun- terfeit, honeſt, loyal Bénára oyL.A., a waſher Bénáran cylºl certainty, truth, ho- neſty, loyalty, fidelity Benchána ajlsº miſchievous council, deceive; ſeduce - Benchánaawn cº- lsº deceit, miſ. chief -" e amiſs, or out of order, diſorderly, Benda scº treaſure, ſtore 3 E Bendang ; c)3.3 arable, incloſed lands, a corn field, a bed in a garden -- Bendar JoJº, a capital city, a city of trade, a port of trade . Bendáran cyl-NK, a treaſury Bendáree (gyloº a treaſurer Bénee Cº., the ſeed or ſperm of any| living creature -- Benko ºxy awry, aſkew, bent, crooked Bénoa oºg an inhabited country Bentang cº iXX: to crucify Ber’áboo_2, Jº duſty Ber’ācal Q33jº wiſe, judicial, politic, prudent, diſcreet, ſenſible, ſharp wit- ted, wiſely, diſcreetly Bérak -3,4- to go to ſtool, to ſhite Ber’ácor Jº" jº rooted . Ber’addap ºvery oppoſed & a croſs mooca pada ocq & 3-, ºvexerſ to oppoſe face to face, to rebel, reſiſt— Dea bránee ber’addap mooca padako !,' &e dare he reſiſt or oppoſe me . . Ber’ádil Jes; juſtified Ber’ádoo exer ſleepy, to repoſe or reſt Ber’āgāma & lyrº religious Ber’ājar >; learned, taught, inſtruct- J * /*- e ed, warned, exhorted, informed Ber’ájar ájar >''}- , learning or does learn, or receive inftrućtion, &c. See] Ber’ájar Ber’álec ( , !!!, to ſhoot as ſtar Ber’álim ...]" 3 ſkilful, ingenious, learned Berallah &MJſ r: an idol, a falſe deity, to ( 24 ) r B E Ber’allah param goddeſs • Beramboor ſºlº ſowed, ſcattered Berampar Jºly ſpread (as a cloth) Ber’ampoon cyyººr forgiven Beranak Q R3|r, born, begot, begotten, brought forth (as young), birth, na- tivity r Ber'anakácan. bring forth poan ol; *-wº agº, • co’Uğly to beget, to |Ber'anakan coºl; a begetting, travail of a woman with child |Ber’ar, cat <&lr. lifted up, to travel or begin to travel Beran'choor J15°; bruiſed, diſſolved Bérang §gº a ſeal, a ſea dog Berantar X3ſ, led, condućted, brought X - ſåſat co-lº ºr miſled |Ber’antara sylx3|r to arbitrate, me- diate, interpoſe, go between Berantooc C ºr ſlumbered, ſtumble, ſtumbled Beranyam cº l; plaited • . " (as mat work) - - to |Ber’ānyāya agºj, wronged, oppreſſed Beraoo, O”º; thirſty, thirſted Ber’ápit ... ,- * , - . t . . * * - **, . ... i. 3. . x^*_ idolize, to conſecrate an idol # order a -4. * * «. * - - % -º - tºº. CºVéſºlº. (33.3 retºfº, *:::::::::: *.*.*.* *: , ºxº~~~ ***** : * > 3. * - - - - - * - - - | ” 2. * - - & • . * , ; . . . . . . . . . . * si' •/ , " . -- - - • - - • - -3 - r - • * -- w ed : × - * -4 - ... • . . .3al: 3 * . . 3 Q-ºſ.º. 1 & - 2. r. * -- - w : ... [.. '" * * w? f Ex --~~~ - - i- - º . , * * © - A - hearted " ' ' Ber’âwang . &2|r! cloudy Berbägee Cºurs diſtributed, ſhared, parted, divided & by ſhares, by parts, particul arly, par- ticularizing - - Berbájah *º-ºr: fteeled Berbäikkee Cº., º; mended Berbálik – Jº turned *. - roopa & 3) -*Jür. transformed Berbálit ºut; coiled, &c. See Bálit Berbankit ºr riſe, &c. See Bankit Berbantah alº objected, diſputed, contradićted * Berbantal capāla &JLt Jºx,º lay the head on a pillow º Berbantee XXJ- knocked down. See Bantee - Ber’ban'yak -ºr abounded, multi- plied, increaſed Berbaniyāran cylºr, increaſe, multi- plication Berling §jºº laid at length Berbāris Ojº ſet in rows, ruled Berbároo 2.jºr renewed - Berbăwoo 29, ſcented ( 23 ) urageous, ſtout • {} Berbinchee \–5 Betooloo _3): I, E: . ** Berbeida eqxxºº diſagreedin opinion, in account Berbéjee Q =*;4 eared (as corn) |Berbeika beika & & unſeemly diſcourſe - - Berbéſarran c,yº; greatneſs, glory Berbétool c)).5%; ſtraightened, rightened º - =*; hated, deſpiſed Berbimnáſa & UK, ruined, deſtroyed, ſpoiled, periſhed, undone Berºbiſtooee C޺jº offended by words Berbooa 8.5%; fruitful, to bring forth. fruit Ber’booat -lºgº did, formed ānyāya & Lºſ *::::: to tyrannize baktee ( sº **; to do good Ber"booatan cºlºr works, doings, aćts, deeds, buildings Berbooat booat -> -: 3 working Berboodee GS ©ºr, diſcreet, prudent, wiſe, ingenious jº feathered, fledged, hairy - Berboonkool c) *i; }; knotted, knob- bed (as wood)—Cayoober'boonkool J: kiss, 29 knotted wood Bercábarº divulged, ſpread abroad, - renowned wanjee ſcented . . Ber’boonoo_ºr. killed |Berbootir 33- 3 grained, corned |Berbow'ay ( ; º; rocked in a cradle Berbyſee Q sºr' decked, adorned Berbyſoo ºr become dumb e='', 2-lº2 ſweet -ºš. Ber’bàyang &\; over ſhadowed Berºcádel Jolsºjº leprous H - * * * *. # #. ther, met together, aſſembled, ther together, &c. . . . . Ber'campoonácan coºliºjº to together, to aſſemble Ber"candak -Poºr whoring *. gather P to go a whoring • Ber'cárang §jºr rocky j Bercárate-yº ruſty—Beſſee ber'cárat Gºjº, Cº., ruſty iron Bercáta > 3 ſpoken Bercauts cºlº ſhooed Ber'caw'an exº º flocked together Ber’cāwāſa as:33j4 able, powerful, potent - - Ber’cáya & Lºy enriched, grown rich Ber'châbang &l=r. branched Ber'oháboot Gº,º'-jº drawn (as a ſword), plucked out * Berchanggan cº-º: wonderful to hear Ber'chop º25-r ſealed Ber'charik Cºylstrº torn, rent Bercháya aglº ſhined, ſhineth – Máta arree ber'châya CŞy &le &alsº the ſun ſhineth Ber'châya cháya &l=> &l=r, ſhining Berchélap ºr dyed (as colours) Berchéree ºgjºy! ſeparated, ſevered, parted, divorced, divided from Ber’chéritra grº-rº declared, men- tioned, related, réhearſed, reported, publiſhed - Berchídéra s jºr ſtrife, wrangling, contention, diſpute, diſcord ( 20 ) ga- 4. * - ing, &c. |Ber’choomoor_y15-ºxº-yº defile Berºchinta &rº vexed, a ſorrºwful; careful, troubled, grieved, ſad, ſorry Ber’choochee Gisºº; See Choochee * . Ber’choochéawn oxº~~r, a cleanſ- See Choochee Berchockee Çsº cuſtomed, that has paid cuſtom . Ber’choom 24-, ſmelled, kiſſed * ºr " " ** ‘. ſåmå fåma A.L. a.s. fºr: kiſſed together d, dirtied A cleaned, &c. - , & • * J 3 crowed Ber'cooat Gºl; ; ſtrengthened Ber'cooda oo:3: horſed - Ber'coocoos Cº.º3%jº diſtilled Ber"coodis oº::jº mangy, ſcabby Ber'cooleeling &\al 2 encompaſſed Ber'coolit c. 25.2 ſkinned, that has a ſkin. Ber’coolittee cººjº ſkinned, flayed Ber"cooloolee (s |33 3. fteeled Bercoompool " Jº-sºº, ſwarmed, thronged together, gathered toge- ther, hoarded up Bercóco • * 2 locked Ber'coopas oº: ſkinned, peeled Ber'coorang §25% » abated, leſſened, di- miniſhed . . . . . . . . Bercóra sº, inlaid -- Berdábar rºley, grieved, irreſolute atte 3| jºle * grieved in mind Berdágoor Jºſer. ſhorted . . . Berdamdam Over envious, mali- | cious, revengeful , * Ber'ooonchee G=% * Ber'da. kº. pacified, recon- U. - ciled, peaceable . . . Berdammécan cº-3.ler to * , , , º, “ pacify - Berdańpit dampit exº~le cº-sler oppoſite, facing one to the other Berdára sylor, bloody, blooded Berdawlut e-JLley, bleſſed, ſaved Berdawa ºle, accuſed, impeached Berdaw'on oyer. leaved, that has leaves - - Berdáyoong §::::le; rowed Ber"démam ...or feveriſh Ber’dendáee GS ſouer, fined, muléted, taxed . ~ - Berghinkee gºe; offended Berdinding &\ier, walled Berdoa spe; prayed Berdooca aſsey, grieved, ſorrowful Berdoodooc C3e3er dwelled, to fit Ber'doorce (gy19°F. thorny Ber'dooſta &ºr; lied, belied, lying Berdooſtácan cºtxººër, to bely Berdóſa &ºer finned, ſinful Berdua oper, to double in two, to make two of one in profit - Ber'dungar & ©r: heard Ber’ébor p33; comforted, to comfort Ber’écat & 3 tied, bound - .r Ber’ékal Jºjº curled—Ramboot ber'é- kal Jºjº cº-sy curled hair Berºlong §5%; loſt Ber empus gº-sº plowed. - Ber’éſookéſook Cº., Gººgy from day to day, to put off from day to day Bergaip º in ſecret - ! ( ; ) | in value Berºgantoong - E. E. Bergálee Bergiggee cº toothed, that has teeth, bitten . . . - Bergirgådee (sºlº ſawed Bergooling &!:33, rowled Ber'goompal Jºeºr: clodded Ber'goona *i; }; need, needful, pro- fitable, requiſite, advantageous, im- portant, uſeful, valuable, neceſſary, that will ſerve for ſome uſe, impor- tance & Ber'goonting & clipped, ſheared Bergooroo 2,3} trifled, &c. See OOTOO * **. Bergöyang &93; ſhaked, quivered Ber'grasjºr ſhaked, moved, ftirred |Berhádir Jolsº jº prepared, provided, ready, prepare — coolit ; abominated, &c. See Háram * Bergālap ºſº darkened Ber'hentee Ǻr to intermit, pauſe, # E. reſt, eaſe, incamp, defift, reſpite, {tay, intermitted, reſted, ceaſed Ber’hentee attas Gºl Q sºr reſt on Ber’henteawn cº-ºr an inter- miſſion, &c. See Berthentee — pranggan exºr cºlºr 3. truce Berhentéâcan cºlºrs to intermit, &c. See Berſhentee Berthina &ºr; deſpiſed Ber’hiſmoo **** betrayed, deceived Berhóbat cººr charmed, bewitched Per'hôbat can cº <--15°; to charm Ber'hookoom CCŞilis- judged, demned, damned, ſentenced . Ber’horgay sº159; alienated Berhormat -923, glorified, ho- noured Berjábat ~~~; touched, felt Berjaddee C & placed in a row Berjálan cºlsº walked, went Berjámoo 5-ser: feaſted Berjampa &=r, met unexpected, met full butt, to run againſt Berjanca ]!º to receive poola aſ: Gºjº to poſſeſs ... ºe erº ; * * * † # kº) # tº * \t ºf ge -- § * a , ” |Bérôléawn ſataw'on a year's rent Ber'oobah as:9, changed, &c. Seeoo- bah * Ber'oobat *3r anointed, to anoint ‘. Ber'oojang &=3; pointed, cornered, to jut out T. s *. Ber'oolang oolang often dátang &le §3.yº to come often Ber'ookir jºr carved Ber'oolatº) ºr moth eaten Ber'oombak -º-,ºr. to ariſe as the waves, waved * - §2.'3 §3.º repeated, Ber'oombon cº-ºr dewed, wet with dew Ber'oonjoo _3=}3r ſhewed * Ber'oontoong §32.3ºr: profited, gained, bleſſed with encreaſe, proſperous, thriving sº Ber'oopa &tº hired Ber'oorak -º ºr aired Ber'ooſee Geº.ºr urgent, needful, uſe or occaſion for -- Ber'oofir ...ºr perſecuted, driven Ber'ootang &ºr; indebted, owed Ber'owap Sººr to vapour (as the earth) * Ber'pácoo 5%; nailed Ber'paggar jºr fenced, hedged Ber'pákee cºlºr cloathed Ber'pāleāra Śląjºr bleſſed Berpánah agº ſhot with an arrow. Berpánar glºr, dazzled (as the eyes) glittered or ſhined (in rays) Berpangil Jº9, made into bits $ * . $4 tº £erpan'gil J & called, ºf # Ber’pankat pankat cº, ex& gra- dually, by degrees, climbing ſtep by ftep (as on a ladder). Berſpánoo 534; ſpotted Ber’pantoon c.yº; compoſed (as { . (verſes) # * * Berpáriahſan cºlºJºjº ornamental *, (as a building) Berpárit cºlºr, moated cooleeling &|33 &94; moated round . . Ber’péloh 8.2%; ſweated, to ſweat Ber'pépang &; dandled Ber'percháya &=}} believed Berpéſaji G=ºr, cornered or made with corners (as a ſquare) Berſpille 3y2 choſen, ſelected Ber’pinda soº; ſhifted place, changed place, removed ay'er mooca & 3-0 ;: oexº, to change the countenance * náma &sj sexºr to change the Ila Iſle Jº. négree QSº changed country Ber’pintoo ºr doored (as a houſe) Berpoojee Qs>>3; praiſed, glorified, to praiſe " Berſpoonoo 33,23r filled Ber'pooſaca &*:::j' inherited Beſpoofing &ºr; giddy (with turn- ing round or with drink) Berpº sy; preſſed Berrádop rādop up39 3. $ d !y ºr over- ( 31 tº { |Beramboon cº-lº hailed sºr, ſhifted or | ) Bºe Beirãmeet --!> merry Berrantee Cººlr; chained Berranting &ly pruned, lopped Berrápee ( ºr crumbled Berráſa alſº perceived, known, to know Berréboot ºr: ftormy, bluſtering wind Berréhat *4; comforted, to give eaſe or reſt Berrenda ocyj, humbled Berrindam Q3; ſoaked Berrintik S-ºr ſpotted naturally, ſpeckled Befrooboo _542;4 overturned, over- thrown, overſet } |Berrooma *3P houſed, has got a houſe Berroopa * 3r: reſembled, made the ſhape of Bef row as O-35): jointed (as cane, reed, or ſtraw) Berºſidoo 2elºr, to hickup Ber ſäjee C = } diſhed, ſerved up, dreſſed Ber ſäji Cº-le; cornered Bef ſākit cºlº.2 ſickly, fickened booloon Q3/54 cºlºr lunatic Befſäla aſts, y committed a fault, tranſ- greſſed, erred, faulty, erroneous, miſtaken Befſälaawn cºl- “r. a fault, &c. See Sálaawn * Berfälang &Jusy changeable (as co- caſt (as the ſky) lours) #35. Befálang flang Jus sºmettled Bef ſálin cºlºr to turn into, change, tranſlate, interpret, transform, turn- ed into, changed, tranſlated, inter- preted, transformed Befſåma & Lºr, likened, compared Bef ſampak -**; {tabbed with a lance Beſſancal Jºey denied Bef ſanda sex.jº.jeſted, to be jeſted on Befſånoonoo 2333,y: modeſt Bef ſārak —ºybºy weaned from the breaſt * Befſåroo _5 Jº 4 proclaimed, cried out J “º & färoo ºl. 2Jºjº proclaiming dungan boonee namfyrree _%.jºr Csxº, C.six cºe proclaimed by ſound of a trumpet Bef ſátia &Ls, confederated, truſty, and familiar Befſätroo_5 jºr hoſtile, like an enemy Bef ſaxee cº 3 witneſſed, teſtified Befſcharat’sºyº", nodded, made a ſign cápála &Jū'ſ wºr: nodded the head * Befſédang §ºy? temperated Ber’ſédap Joº revived, refreſhed Beſſédoot Gººr: ſpiteful, envious Bef ſéjoot Gº2=^*, proſtrated Beſſélémoot Goº; vered with a cloak or veſt Befſékroo_5.)15%-9: buffooned, jeered, jeſted on Befſemboonee G' **r hidden, hid, ( 32 ) | cloaked, co- J3 ºt 2 * * Af @ 4, & befſembooriee. _X^* Fº Q sºr"; do that privately Ber’ſémoo 3,49.5% deceived º Beſſéſee Gs”: “j” ſcaly Beſſéwa *** y lett, rented, hired Bersiar _ylºr ſparkled, to ſparkle Bef fimpak -***; kicked (as a beaſt) backwards, to kick * Berfimpool Jº knotted (as thread), to knot Bénang bef fimpool * Jºº.” jº & knotted thread * * Beſin cº; ſneezed, to ſneeze Ber sínar rºa º breaking of the day light * - Bef findil Jºr two by two, two only in company, to bear company in talking or ſinging, two only Ber findir Jeºr jeered, &c. See Sindir & * / & 3. © * × Ber ſinjata &t=s*r armed # Bersipat *r meaſured by a line, lined out º Bersirang §jºjº ſprinkled (as water) Befsiſa aº, remained in fragments Bef'sſee C ºr fide by fide, one by another, to put near the ſide Ber siſooºººº; filed, to file Bef fixa a.º.54 tormented, puniſhed, perplexed, grieved Beſſbat **; friendly Bef fooãra oylºx famed. Bef foodara oyle22*r made brothers / º Ber ſooca **; rejoiced, recreated, privately, ſecretly—Booat la €tool pleaſed, glad * - B E a. Ber’ſoocala angkaw UK: a!. ye rejoiced Ber’ſoocácan coº“”; to rejoice, pleaſe, make glad Ber’ſoocar jºjº difficult, trouble- ſome, moleſted Befſoocat cº_*}: meaſured (by a concave meaſure) Berºſoogool Qº*jº encumbered, moleſted, grieved - Ber ſoojee Ǻr embroidered with gold or filver, ſcoured or rubbed (as with a bruſh) Bef foolam ſilk Bef foomba &ex"; offered, preſented, ſacrificed Bef foombang x- yº inceſtuous ºº”; embroidered with Bef foomboor Lºr feaſoned Bef foompa ºr ſworn, to ſwear attas fermawn Allah **r &M'ſ cºs; oºl ſwear on the word of God º Jºy Bef foompit **; ſquirtcd, to ſhoot with a trunk 4. Koondal JºJº”; whored, to go a whoring - Ber’ſoondalan cº lº; wdoredom Ber’ſoonoot “5” ºr circumciſed Ber’ſoorak -3vºy: hollowed, ſhouted for joy, joyful acclamations, to hol- low, ſhout . - * Ber’ſooroo 229sº proclaiming, Pro- claimed Ber’ſoof, ºr troubled ( 38 ) 33 E. Ber’tácoot cº,ºt; ! feared, reyerenced Ber’tácoottácoote, aſty cº,95%U; fearing Bertai lálat cºſ) CSU, freckled Ber’tálanjang &=}} º naked Ber'tamba &; growbigger, encreaſed, thriven tamba &J **): growing, en- creaſing, thriving, multiplying, aug- menting - Bertamboon cººr grown bigger, heaped, piled, fatted (as any living creature) Bertámoo _2~5; find, found, caught, encountered Bertamgoawn cº-º; a finding, catching, encountering Ber’tampal Jºr patched, cobbled, to patch - Bertánam -3Urs to bury, buried Ber’tandok **ºr horned Ber’tánea &A3Ur, aſked Ber’tanggas oº:: bathed Ber’tánoong £330r to divine, preſage, foretel, divined, preſaged, foretold Befºntº &Jiº peaceable Bertápak tang'an Gº S-ºxº to clap the hands - *. Bertärang §jºr to grunt, grunted Bertátak -ºjūry covered, faced, platted over, overlayed, enamelled, to cover dung'an fêlat cº-e GūU, e-Jº's covered with thin board dungan mas Jºe) ºu º plated over with º QX- ..” Ber’tátal Jºjº to chip, chipped *~~ * Ber’ſéyak -*** jº torn, rent in pieces Ber’tédore J ºr ſleeped K - B E Bertédoh § sº ſhaded, ſhadowed | Berteggar jºr to harden, hardened Bertéloot Gºjr to kneel, kneeled Bertélore_yº; with egg, layed (as a fowl) * Ber’tépis O'ºr' daſhed againſt Berterbang &; flown (as a bird) Bertériak Glºrs to cry out (as a man or beaſt) Ber’tétik -ºj is dropped, leaked, ſpeckled Bertiang §§ maſted Bertikam **º pricked, ſtabbed Bertimbool c));ºr grown up, ſprung forth Bertimpa &A, jj; forged, hammered Bertindee CŞ Qºr, piled, laid one upon another \ Bertingal.J. ºr continued, remained, left, abode, put away Bertin'galam 2\º ſunk Bertiop Gºº blowed Bertipoo ºr to beguile, over reach, out-wit, beguiled, over reached, out- witted * Bertóbat ºr curfed Ber’tógo 33; reſolved, eſtabliſhed, confirmed -can cº; to reſolve, eſta- bliſh, confirm sº Bertógoawn, Ucay 55.3 reſolution, eſta- jiàº. Bertoodong &jºr veiled, to veil Bertoolan JJº confederated, to confederate ( 34 ) * . B # Bertoom pa ºr ſhed, ſplit, to ſhed Bertoonang ' eſpouſed, affianced, betrothed, promiſed in marriage Ber’toonas o” ºr budded out Bertoonjoo *::: ſhewed, proved, to ſhew, prove |Bertoonoo 2523, woven, weaved Bertooping & ;: diſguiſed, maſked Bertooroot ev, Jºr followed $ tooroot-wºº; following —Téga harree bertooroot tooroot <-2257 *3233; ÇSylº & three days following - Bertórak -ºr winded about, wold- ed (a ſea phraſe) Bertrang §Jºjº lightened (as the day) diſcovered Bertuan ol; jº maſtered Ber’tummun co-ºrº aſſociated, joined company, to aſſociate y Béſarr jº great, grand, large, big, huge, greatneſs am'at evºljº very great derree pada famoa ocºCŞJejºº ox-U. greateſt of all–Sáma béſarr j” &-sus, the ſame greatneſs Béſarran Gorº greatneſs, dignity Béſarrcan G3'jº to make great, &c.- to advance to dignity W Béfarrnea &Ajº ſize, dimenſion Béſik -ºº to whiſper -béfik –Kºº Lº whiſpering Beſſee Cº., iron w fire Bertooloong #3Liz helped, to help | appee Gº! Gº! a ſteel, to ſtrike t B, E a.º.) ( s” -º-º: old iron " *- méra méra s?” sjº Çs” a red hot iron méléla alº- 3 ſteel Betah &A, eaſe, intermiſſion from pain Bétak -º a kitchen, a cook-room Bétína & ºf the female of any living creaturebut mankind—Ay’am Bétina & sº a cow Béting & a bank or ſhallow with deep water round it Bétis O.K., the leg cakkee' Csº Oº the calf or ſhank of the leg Bétook Jº {trait, even, upright, ex- aćt, right, truſty, real, ſincere, fure, true, unfeigned, juſt, honeſt, vir- tuous, loyal, natural (not falſe) de bava &ſº e J)3X& right down - daen häroos. O”.5Jºe cººle Jº right and reaſonable ſāma fåma & stºl & slº, Jº equal alike, exact alike—Warnabé- tool Jº Ajj, a natural colour Bétoolácan Cº.9.5%: to ſtraighten, &c. See Bétool Bétoolnea &Jºy truth, fincerity Betta & I, me, my 6rang §95 & we, us Örang poonea as; &15 & our, , Olli S. - - — poonea  & my, mine aſ a hen—Lemboo bétina * ( 35 ) | Beſſee. booſooc ºbeſſee láma : Qºs” Bétule B I Aſ a church Bibbir jº brim, edge, ſide, gunnel, lip. cápal Jºbſ jº a ſhip's ſide or gunnel º - joweh o:15-yº blabber lipped kirree cápal Jºlº GS3? jº the larboard ſide of a ſhip monºchong §3=- jº long Hipped mooloot cº,2: 3-oxº the lips prejee sºr ºf a well's mouth or the edge of a well's mouth Bídjee. Cs-Cº a corn, grain, kernel, ſeed, ſtone of fruit, a crum máta &L's Geº-Cº the ball of the * eye rammee ( sely Cº-Cº hempfeed, lintſeed º e — rátap ºly Cº-oº: a mournful ſong, a funeral ſong, an elegy, a la- Inentation Bidingon Géolº an apoſtate Billálang &JO's a locuſt, a graſshopper Billee Cs), buy, purchaſe, bought Billik -º), a room, a cloſet, a private chamber dálam cyle Lº an inner chamber f mampélee cº-s Q-ºk, a bride chamber ** Bimbăng đU.S., inconſtant, irreſolute, unſteady, changeable, fickle attee cº éº- inconſtant in mind Binchee cº deteſt, hate, abhor, an- tipathy, ill will \ * I ( 3 findára sylexx, precious, valuable Bingon C-54 enraged, aghaſt, paſſion- ate, furious, raſh, arrogant, ftunned, agony, vexation, paſſion, raſhneſs Bingon àcan J31 cºi, to enrage, &c.| Sea Bingon Binjis Cºsº haſty, paſſionate, ſevere, angry, froward, auſtere, cruel, pe- viſh, paſſion, cruelty, ſeverity, pee- viſhneſs Binkis Cºx, a preſent, gift or token of friendſhip Binnáſa & UK, periſh, decay, deſtroy, ſpoil, ruin, periſhable — pree báik -ºgº (gy & Cº. to debauch, deſtroy a good habit Binnăſăcan Gºtº UK to cauſe to periſh, to deſtroy, &c. See Binnáſa Binnáſáawn Cºx...U., perdition, de- ftrućtion Binnátang &lº a beaſt, cattle, crea- ture ampat cakkee Gº cº-s! &lº a four footed beaſt " éang bína & é'. &lº a de- ſpicable beaſt —— éang méláta & Mº- ë'. &lº a creeping Creature éang méníooloor §4 _5\º a creeping creature –Jenac –Cº- &L& a tame beaſt kécheel Jasº &tº a little beaſt * liar jLºſ &tº a wild beaſt — ootan Gº 3 &lº a wild beaſt of the woods—Sa caw'an binnátang & Lºg * 6 ) &tº cºlº as a flock of beaſts Binnee Csº a wife º Bintang & a ſtar ber’āleh &J[.., xXX, a ſtar that ſhoots ;: a**! ber'aſſap *"; Åxx, a blazing ſtar, a comet ber'écor Jº & a blazing ftar $ ** bintang Ā $3, ſº * & e e º e & © tº & ftars bobbee Cº. & the morning ftar kartika aſſº & the ſeven {tars _^ ootára oyº, sº the north ſtar ſang £u. Axº the morning * ftar záhar Selj ºxy the evening ſtar tº gº 2 de Bintil Jº a blain, a bliſter Bíras lakkee lakkee çº Gº oº:: brothers in law (that are married to two ſiſters) Biras parampoan colºwº Jºjº ſiſters in law (that are married to two bre- thers) g Birat sº heavy, grievous Bíroo jº blue ! langit *) × azure, ſky co- lour laoot sº _3}^3 ſea blue mooda sº-c_2}º pale blue tooah 8º _yº deep bluſe Birrahee ;: to love with deſire, to enjoy, to be in love, amorous Bíſa &º poiſon, venom of any crea- ture or of a weapon—Oolar biſa JX, 3-0 ( 37 ) B O *** a venomeus ſhake-Creeis bißBódágoor Jvº ſº to claw hard with * * Jºy a poiſoned dagger . Bºsécan cºſt.… to poiſon § finjata &l=^* cºſt sº poiſon the armour - Biſol J)3.44 a bile, a blotch, an im- poſtume, a running ſore lada sey. Jyº a pimple Biſtooee Gººg offence by words JBla al-, fide, the ſide of any thing— Ca duahla &A, sº aſ on both ſides Blácan of Mº the back, behind, after, hinder part, backwards Blérang § 394 ſulphur, brimſtone Bo 34 to roaſt Bóāya aglº an aligator, a crocodile Bobbee Csº a hog, ſwine bétina & Cº., a fow kirring #3 Gº bacon jantan cº-º- ( sº a boar jantan liar JºJ cº- G.s. 54 a wild boar * ootan cº, Gº a wild hog | Bóbo _3434 place, ſet, affix, pour in, put in, put — attas O-3ſ sº put upon dálam cooboor Lºſ rºle _5254 entomb —lémak v R, J 3453 put greaſe on — tanda ooº sº put a mark chap --> 343, affix a ſeal - Bóbok -*::234 a maggot of fruit, a we- vil or corn worm, a wood worm * Bóchâk **** a ſwelling, a knob, a bump •ºr * 3. |Bólee the nails |Bódoc Jo», unlearned, unwiſe, im- prudent, fenſeleſs, ſimple, indiſcreet, blockiſh, dull, an ideot, a dunce, a fool |Bódocnea & ©y; folly, ignorance |Bódoee Gºzoº to deceive, delude, fal- > T_* * , fify, counterfeit Bódoo 2934 to pickle Bohoong § 2934 to cheat, deceive, de- fraud, lie, falſehood, fraud, unfaith- fulneſs, untrue, a liar dung'an taoo nea 39 cºe #3934 &Aja wilful cheat Bóhoongcan cº-ºº: to cheat one, &c. See Bóhoong 3 can, could, may, might jaddee CŞeº- Csº canbe, could be, may be gº tº — moo 3-3 Gs); can you—Cámoo bólee menjaddécan raja cs!” 5-sº as-y Jºel=~" can you make a king Bóniáco 33 tº plunder, ſpoils Booa o;4 a fruit, a berry, a ball, a de- nomination added to the name of any hollow thing, when the number is to be denoted, or to a thing of ſub- ſtance—Rooma ſa booa sº & & ) one houſe—Cápal dua booa Jºlſ o: sº two ſhips sº — angoor jºx3' sº a grape ăpitan U-23ſ sº cheſs men ſ* Béchocºa running leak. A' .*** * * āra oyſ sº a fig āra ſa booa § 5% & 8. 8.33 O Il C L ‘B O Boða-āwal moofim of the firſt ſeaſon --— baſſo 2s., sº fruit that is moiſt. * booãan cº-sº ox! . fruits of ſeve- ral ſorts, the growth of fruit — boolat ex; sº a ball, a bowl, a globe cálápir 34.9% oº:: bobbins (to weave with) châtoor_2}l-ox, table men déléma arºſe ox, a pomegranate — min'yak -º-, sº oil fruit — pāla Jº, sº nutmeg — parree CŞytº oxº dice péler 3% o: the ſtones of any * male — péléroo _525% oº: a ſhot, a bullet sº rāga A31!y oº: a ball made wicker roo 3 y 8 + a button -- rooma « ») : 33 the ground floor of a houſe Booang §: to thruſt out, caſt out, put away, depoſe, baniſh, expel, drive out, throw away, ejećt, rejećt, exclude, put out, exile ärta &J' é!” to ſpend money waſtefully ( 38 ) . | Care of , 13, º | , “; & — dālam ay'er into the water — dāra syle $12, let blood — de blácan C32A, o ël: caſt be-, hind ^, * — parree q93 $1,3 caſt lots - - --- troos oºº; §: caſt through Booat sºlº commit, deſcribe or draw, make, do, cauſe, commit —— àgar F | cºlº cauſe that ānyāya aglºlevſº to miſuſe, op- preſs, perſecute, wrong * * — bárang ſa bólee bólee ju cºlº Çs'3- Gs'24 as to do what one can — dina &e cºlº make experiment – feténah &AXA3 “ſº to injure, defame j: | º ſo §: throw —— gambar ×3 el, to make an image, to imitate in ſhape —— janjee Casº- sºlº make a con- tract, bind by promiſe —— kóta Ajºs sºlº to fortify, ſtrengthen —— la &J sºlº commit, deſcribe, do —— paggar gº sºlº encloſe — ſédo 3-X&º cºlº mock tanda inoo _3-, sº ºlº make your mark Booatan cº a fact, a work, ačt, deed, making, doing, forming ——beflee Jº cºlº iron work t —ayer beſarr;” y §: to go to ſtool, to ſhite & — ay'er ſénee CºwFl §: to piſs —— booa parree ÇSy: * 34 §: to caſt dice Cálooar_ylºlº' #!! thruſt out of doors ſ |— heraen. o º coºl 34 a. wonderful work |--jáhat cººl- º a wicked act B © . * wonder -- permee cººr; cºlº an ingenious; curious work * - — lakkee lakkee cº gº coºl: a manly deed .* & cºlº, a counterfeit aćtion * Booboor_º pap of any thing boiled or ground on a ſtone (as paint) Booca & expoſe, uncover, unfold, unlock, untwiſt, unwind, diſplay, open, extend, ſpread, reveal, explain, expound, ſhew, break open —járing §y's agº to ſpread a net -- mooloot sºlº & 24 open the Booataſtindah —— tinka mouth — pintoo 2:3 as open the door — poáſa *::: & 24 to break a reli- gious faſt Boocon ofTº not, are not, am not, did not, is not, ſhall not, was not, have not, it is not, not that, not ſo, not with, without, contrary-wiſe — láyak -º) cº, unbecoming, undecent, unſeemly, unſuitable, not becoming Boocor jº24 a grain of any thing made into grains—Gáram ſa boocor 2,13 33 &.. a grain of ſalt-Oobat bud- deelſa boocorrº as Jºx, a grain of powder ** * Boocorcan Q3 × 32 to grain Boodak Q Scy 3° a boy, a lad, a youth, a page *. ( so ) ooil tº a miracle, f 43 O. oodee Gºoyº witty, underſtanding, ſenſible * s Boodémawn cºre234 wiſdom, wit, ſubtilty Boojee C-54 to entice, flatter, deceive Boojok Cº-34 to coax, flatter, allure, careſs, entice, induce, perſuade, de- ceive, ſeduce, beguile, mock, an ar- tifice, enticing, device, deceit, flat- tery, allurement Boojong &º fingle, unmarried— Pree boojong 33-34 GSR, a ſingle condition * Boojoor_2-x, croſs and croſs, thwart, croſs * Bookit Q-33, a ſmall hill bookit cº, C-334 hills Booko _5394 the hollow between the joints of cane, reed, or ſtraw Bookoor J1932, a water pot, a baſon to waſh hands in Boola &J12, whole, not broke Boolákee cºº the ſnout or trunk of a beaſt " • - — gaja at-lºcº34 an elephant's trunk & © Boolan boolan oxº c)|33 a caul, to bind over the hair of the head, a forehead cloth or fillet for the head, a Java cap, a wreath about the head Boolat ca)12, a circle, a flat round \ |—— doonea &^3;3°). e-J'54 the horizon. or circle of the world Boolo 3/5: a plum. carcápoolee Gs''33 º 3ſ3/34 a ſort — parampoan Jºy!; Go33: a girl of plum about as big as a cherry # *) Book mároolis cº-º: ſort of plum * Boolee C2/33 a little bottle, phial, pot jar " - Booloo 3''3. of a beaſt, reed, the beard of corn anakpána ajlº Cºl 2); the fea- thers of an arrow — angſa as: 2), a gooſe feather. c. * º anoth * { g- — bobbee ( sº 2) sº a hog's hair _ºmmº căloopak máta &L, -***) U3"º 34 the eye laſhes doomba &× 5], ſheeps wool — gen"doom r yeº _3)12, the beard of wheat —— kéning & _5}: hair of the eye brows —— ménioorat eºs 3); a pen — naamoon cº-sG _3)|2, an oſtrich feather —-- rātik -ºjly _ºſº a reed, a ruſh Booloom e.3/34 not yet, is not yet, have not yet, has not, have not, do ye not — ab'is O-3' º!º not yet done, im- perfeót 4. } béáſa & Lºſ º!12, unaccuſtomed — choochee Q sº-3- º unhal- º -- i —— kénal Jºš º unacquainted; unexperienced —láma & sy 2:34 is not yet long —— mácan cºlº º: faſting (as in a morning) . . . . - i máſak -ºs.[… º'54 unripe, not yet ripe - t lowed ( to 3 #3 & colomptcha º 24, whole, nºt yet broke º * – Pootoos dº eº! 34 unfiniſhed 3 down, feathers, wool, hair Q. º * In Ot yet |-- tantoo º ºx!24 uncertain Boolon co- 34 moon, month —— bároo bertimbool _594 o'13: Jºy the new moon — beſarr jº (2034 full moon — lankoong à2×J cº-ſº a crooked IT). OOIl pernáma alsº cº full moon ta béſarr béſarj”;” & cº an encreaſing moon w timbool OYºº co-ſº new moon —Tiop tiop boolon º ºxº cºlº monthly sº- Boomáta Ajle254 a fizzle - Boomboonggan co-Kºº-ºº: a pinnacle Boomſ Çsº the whole earth, the earth * * Booncal Q_Xjºy booncal, is a weight for gold, uſed at A'chee, on Sumatra Booncoos oºjº, a bundle, pack, par- cel, fardle | Booncooſan Gº23. a wrapper Booncooſcan Go-Gº,jº to bundle up, &c. See Booncoos Boonda sojº, the mother of a king Boonee Csº accent, noiſe, found. note, hidden contents, contents angin cººl G six noiſe of the wind — kátak -ºts Gº -or noiſe of a frog" 3: the croaking 3:1;O ‘( 41 ) ^ E. O. * * º & & g * & * * > ** ‘Boonee namfyrree (Sº Gºsłż ſound Boonoo º murder, kill, ſlay, deſtroy, of a trumpet * }- execute, put to death —oombak -º-º: G =jº noiſe of the Way:CŞ ; g ... ºr ſoorat °952 G s letter ~ Booneawn colºgy, a ſound, a ſong 3. te 334 contents of a Boonga & a bud, a flower — appee Gº! & fire works, a ſparkle of fire º * *emººr cárang &95° & rock or ſea weed, ſponge o º — máwar y >0s & a roſe —oongoo ºx axi, a violet — pála aſtº & X392 mace J. — ſa cambang & &Nºw & à. flower full blown © — ſa carrang :jlº & & a noſe- gay, a garland of flowers º ſa koonchop º*** as axis. a noſegay or bunch of flowers Boon'gan ox3jº intereſt, uſury, uſe Boon'gan boongan co-323- oº:: per- quiſites Boongkar jº to weigh, — dung'an pootáran cºścy jºš–34 eyº heave up with the capſtan —faoo ºbs, jº weigh anehor Boongkook º a ſwelling, a knob, a bump * to heave up * *. Boongkool Jº a bump, a knob cay’oo 34tſ Jºë: a knob in: Boonooawn colº murder, killing, eXecutIOn Boonoocan dirree ÇSre cº5334 to murder one's ſelf Boontar jº: round (as a ball) plump and round 3. Boonting 6 big with child, with child, to breed with young Booranda ocyj994 the great cabin of a ſhip, a cabin or diviſion Boorit cry'134 the hinder part Booritan Gºy154 the hinder part, the ſtern cápal Jºbſ cº-ºpJ34 the ſtern of a ſhip Booroo _2_34 to hunt, purſue, chaſe, homely, ugly, ill-favoured, unhand- ſome Boorooãcan Cº!, J94 to hunt Boorook Q 3ºf rot, rotten (as cloth), ragged Boorong §2 ſº a bird, a fowl candiddee CŞookſ $22, a ſnipe —chécha as-tº- §2.):- a die-dapper, a diving bird —— de wata &l; c) §322 a bird of Paradife — dindang §eº &3.954 a ſea fowl * !—dóra º §:2: a pigeon H– géga a 3. a raven, a CrOW § koontool J2X353 #2234 a heron láyang &X § 2.29 a ſwallow nooſoor_º §3.1: a kite * A. * is wood' Boongſoo sº youngeſt, laſt born— Afak bºoagſoo yº child * * * # Cººl youngeſt —márak -ºlº &3.13. * peacock |M JB O Boorong pépitº $2.254 a ſparrow |. tºmma- ponggo º, $32 y an owl raja walee Gº a-2 §3.25° a. hawk ‘. . . —— ſalwa s3\", §3.1% a quail — foopan o-, 3-, &2.93 a bird of Pa- radiſe täcoocoor_{231} § 225; a crow- ing bird, a turtle dove, or pigeon wälee C.J.; $222, a kite or eagle Booroos oº to fade, wither (as leaves), faded, prodigal, profuſe Booroot sº burſten belly, ſwelled cods Booſooc -3”,º rotted, corrupted, pu- trified, filthy, noiſome, addled (as an egg), to feſter, rot Booſoong $3.54 a ſtoppage dára oyle) &tº ſtoppage of the blood Booſoor_j13° 34 a croſs bow Boota & 24 blind derree pada jaddenea (Sye & 24 &ºols- oc.; born blind dung'an pangléat cºe & 24 \ºtºx., blind with looking Bootácan ot334 to blind, hood-wink, conceal Bootápa agº for what, wherewith, why ſo, how, by what means, in what manner, upon what, to what Boothoom 2324 fir, turpentine, wood Bootir jº a grain of any thing made round, a grain (as of pepper), a pill —— cácha &lſ 754 glaſs beads ( 42 ) | doomba &sº jº ſheeps dung— | | B. R. ' lada ſa bootir jº & co) a corn of pepper–Garam ſa bootir; 24&; yū’ a grain of ſalt—Oobat buddeel ſa bootir jº & Jºoz Gº 3 a corn of gunpowder—Booa angoor ſa bootir jºx *_1,3 sº one grape Bootircan Cº.º to grain. Bootoo sº the genitals of any male Bótok -K× bald wº- Bovi GS354 foam, froth, ſc on liquor. um, mother Boviácan cºlº to ſcum Bow'as oº:: barbarous, fierce (as a beaſt), curſt, greedy, ravenous attee Cs' oº:: fierce-hearted, revengeful." * g Bow'at derree attas Gº! (Sjø ** to hang down Bowāya aglº an alligator Bowayan coºl: a cradle - Boway boway (Sº GSL34 to ro cradle Bóyang & ** a pitcher, a cruſe, a pot to carry water in Brănee cs"; courageous, daring, va- liant, preſumptuous, ſtout, venture- ſome, fearleſs, courage, ſtoutneſs, ck a confidence, to dare, to preſume. Bráneawn coºl; courage, &c. Sea Bránee - ſ + Brápa & 5. how much, how many, as many, how, how as ; much lebbee Gº *!; how mu II].OTC * ar'gánea & is the price U} *::: how much. …? ** B & Brăpâbéſarr }* ag!r; how great * { 4 greatis it . *. — calee Cºlº agly, how often - láma & ) agr: how long time — láma lágee es'X als) *}. how much longer time Braſs 9. g rice, raw rice Brat ºr weighty, heavy, burthen- sº ſome, ponderous, grievous, hard (as: labour)—Brapa brat “jº *::: how heavy * * Bree q6, to contribute, adminiſter, give, beſtow, bequeath, admit, make, let . attee ( ºl QSr. embolden, heart- en, encourage boonee Çsº ÇSy? make a noiſe gººmsºmºmº cálooar y!!! Gºyº give vent careeja &=; GS3. employ, give employment $ chápik -º- ( Sri to maim cooat sºlº CŞr to ſtrengthen, hearten, comfort # coorañg &º GS3? make leſs dung'an hookoom co-so ÇSr. adjudged, given by law dungan tang'an moora. GSr. oyº-e Jºj e cºLo GSjº | to bribe málim ejL. CŞy divulge, make known máloo JU-8 GSy! make aſhamed máſak -ºlº GSj? let be dreſſed or cooked. * máſooc Cº._* CŞ;: let in, give acceſs máta &le GSR to wink móhone cº- GSP condeſcend, permit, grant mooloot Gººrs ÇSr. to kiſs náma «U GSr. to name — pillee CA 32 let choſe — ſakit cºlº. GSy: injure, hurt ſåkit attee cº ºlº CSjº to offend º, sº- -- ſax'ee Gº-K's GSri to teſtify, make appear Sy? ſcharat méta ajt's Gºyt to wink or make a ſign ſºbab ºrº Q Sy: provoke, give * QSy: occaſion. ‘C’ A Bree ſooca & 2. Cºyº to recreate ſoocar j'.13" GSR moleſt ſooca & 3" GS: moleſt, trouble, vex, diſpleaſe , ſooſoo yº" (Sº ſuckle, give fuck tãcoot cºſt, Cºx, daunt taoo G & impart, tell, diſ- cloſe, advertiſe, bewray, make known, expound, notify, declare, let know, underſtand t JBréta &; fame, rumour, report, tidings Brooſa away to make by hand Buddeel Jºy a gun, a muſket ſe tº a great {{llſ ſ1&Iſl cº- Jº g * gun , Buggee ( & as . Buggémana & º how, as how, how is it, as, which way, by what means, after what manner Buggénce c.º. ſo, ſuch, like this, this way, on this manner Buggétoo _º ſo, even ſo ban'yak -ºº ºx! ſo much béſarr j” _º ſo great 4 By ſee G s” fine, fair, gorgeous, hand- ſome, gay, neat, adorned, beautified, embelliſhed Byſee can cº Gº” to make fine, &c. . See Byſee Byfoo ºf dumb, mute, ſpeechleſs CA& on, the, on the, is it, or, at, tol * attas Cººl & upwards, to the upper part & * *- ( * ) £ A * Câbâbanggan cººl, a child Both with the death of the mother - Cábábang kálan oys sºlº choaked by any thing ſticking in the throat Cábang &\ſ courſe (as cloth) throat. |Cábang kálan cy)[3 &lſ to ſtick in the ; , , Cábar ºl; news, fame, tidings Cábarcan cºGº to fame, tell news of Cábelanggan cºulſ of fame, of quality, of note Cábitmaal cyl-, X'ſ a factor Cábool yºl; ſatisfied, contented, con- deſcended to, agreed to Cáboong £233 mourning cloths Cáboos O”2333 purblind, dim-fighted, ſhort-ſighted, film or ſcale on the eye, a fog Cábratan cººl, tº a weight or heavy thing Cácal Jºly endleſs, infinite, eternal, perpetual, ever, eternity J. Cácápa > 13 a ſaddle Cácāra ojºtº garavances, beans Cácārāſan cº-plºt; the cramp Cácaffee ( →31; a ſweetheart, beloved, favourite, well beloved Cácha as tº glaſs Cáchaw 2|=tº to finake (as a tree haſtily), to ſtir about (as meat in a pot haſtily) * * Cáchew _*-ºſ cauch, terra japan Cádákarn º lotſ inwards, terval r * $ Cádálan nea & 2) lots’ depth '? . . **- | * & 4 © into, an In- f * ãdoodoocan of 29potſ a form, aftóol #CWA ( Cádel Jolº the leproſy it. '' . Cádoot togetºa purſe, a bag ‘Cádua oxyly both, the fecamd — blazed. sºlº tºoth fides * 45 ) |Cálákooawn colº tº a cir | ftate, condition !C (A Cáláboong $34.31% to cover (as with a quilt) cumſtance, — ſama.a.l., 's solº both together. Cálam zºº dark, obſcure, gloomy, Cáduánea as;|2-13 both them. 4 miſty'. * Caffan cººkſ a ſhroud, a grave cloth, a winding ſheet. ‘Cáfir ºtr an infiddl, an unbeliever, a Godleſs man . . . Cáfirat  infidelity, unbelief Cágoo 23 tº iblockiſh, clowniſh, rude (in ſpeech), ruftical, a blockhead, a :dunce . . . . . Căjang &tº exten s d, ſpread, ſtretch :Cálám Cálamback -º, ſº lignum aloes, agila wood Cálamſharree GS J18.35 yeſterday Cálamºharree dauloox/le ÇS J'é, J.; the day before yeſterday Cálambo 3&tº a canopy, a pavilion, teſter (of a bed, curtains of a bed oomoor 915-25-2% ſcumf of the body ... • Căjangcan cy.X-9 to extend, &c.|Cálang £ylº tin See Cájang . - -tang'an cºe, Kºlº extend or >ſpread oper, the hand Cájor Jyºtº lank (as hair) Cájoot &2-ly dread, fear, horror Cakkee Cº a foundation, foot, ground work, leg, paw, a frame — bâtoo jºl; cº a foundation of bárápat cºlº e º the fleet joined together Yºº *. - — cooda ee>3' cº a frame of a table . . . . ; dien co-ſo Gº a candleftick.’ éroot sº; "c sº acrooked legi pintoo sº; Jº a threſhold H Cálangan tang'an 935 cºls the fiſt doubled * * *. Cálanggara syCX&YU inquiſitive, given to enquire, a wiper |Cálápa Agyū a cocoa-nut (full grown) Călăparan cy. Yuſadaintymouthed man * |Cálápir jº tº bobbins to weave with Călăwāſān cºpy's clear, diſtinctly, frank or free, without reſerve—Cáta cālāwāſan cº-lºatſ fpeak diſ- tinétly * • *. Catbooſoong §º a cover that laps over the edge (as papertied over) Calboot cººk; a mould to caſtin * — rootee . sºJº an oven } 2 2. awſ * & y - as - |Cáléatan cºlºſt; ſeeing, the ſenſe of feeing, an objećt, a proſpect, an ap- pearance, appeared, viſible, manifeſt |Cálédee goals an aſs. Câla-dû`a carp . . . . . . . . . . A As -- : . … Naj 1–2 .*la • . . i Cálábo mátask. º (5 a blenniſh in the Cálee Gº time, often N - § . C. A Cálee éang ca dua o so & #t3 ( -)tº - ... the ſecond time e . º — — eang ca. téga & a′ $º Jº thirdly, the third time—dua călee lebbee ( - J C Jº spo two times as many—Téga călee G [3° & three times—Brápa călee & J tº agly, how often ? how many times ** A Călife-Jū a high prieſt Călinchir sºlº to ſlide, ſli maoo Le Jºſif you will } Cálooar _ylºlº go out, take out, went out, put out, come-out, proceed out of, come forth, take off, put off — ay'er lior_38) jºllylyſtſ to drivel, ſlaver - - ——ayer máta &L's 34 y!ºſtſ to ſhed tears - bovic.gº jºb take off the froth Cálooarcan cºſts to go out, &c. See Cálooar, pull out, make manifeſt, divulge, publiſh, reveal expel, in- - -, *- ppery * form 25% Lycoriander ſeed Cătoombooawn o:sº the ſmall- pox, meaſles (. 50 ) nabbee C-23 cyl- U a prophecy e (as boards), to cut |Caw'a o20 coffee |— raja &ly ex-LU migh |Căw'in &55% to marry, wed—Bree ca- . . C. A. Cătoop ºl' to ſhut (as a book, as a door, or any thing with hinges) Cátoopoong - helmet |Cátooroon (9y5.1% cay in eſtate' &yº a head-piece, a GU to go down, to de- Cătooroonan cº, 2: a decaying Caum U a province Cauts Ö.3L ſhoes Cáwallee CsLUT an iron poto pan. * Caw'an Go99 a multitude, a throng, a troop, band, company, crowd, drove, herd, flock - bálátantra syºu O29 a COINºl pany for war, an army —— binnátang &tº Q)29 a be beaſts - — 6rang prang & &º! C29 an allº- my of ſoldiers ——órang rāyat eq9 ble - Caw'an caw'an P9- c.29 bands, COIYl- panies, herds, troops - Cáwāſa as, U potent, mighty, pow- r frying id of erful, omnipotent * * Cáváſſaawn clasſ, UT might, power, ability, omnipotence CŞxº~ el-Lº. power mantree of judges t of kings give to marry, or gi- ven in marriage . . . . . C. A. Caw'inancis's marriage, matrimony, a wedding , , Cawool J,' a grant of profit, a pat- tent, a permiſſion in writing Caw'um . .'; a nation —— aſſal J...! f*.5% kindred, kinsfolk, family Cáya &A's rich, wealthy Cáyaawn Colza's riches, wealth Cáyew 2:13 a whole piece of cloth, or linnen, woollen, or ſilk Cayin Cºl; linnen cloth ampáran cooda sº Cwº-s! cº a table cloth *. berlâpis oº:: cººl; doubled cloth * — booncooſan cº-Kiº coºl; a wrapper — booncoos máit Gº Gº cºlº cººls a ſhroud or grave cloth — géja as-U cºls long cloth, a ſort of callicos —— láyer Gº Gºtº a ſail cloth — lamping &J cºls a child's cloathing, a wrapping cloth fāpoo €dong #594 33, cºſtſ a handkerchief ——footra berboolooººr. ojº” cºlº velvet * tootoopan cº cººl; a cover of cloth Cayoo 243 wood, timber, ſtick ārang §y'_*. ebony . . — appee Gs: | 34% fire wood * ( 51 .C H. ) Cayoo báwoor_la_233 crooked tim- ber & — berboongkool Jºy, cºlº knotty timber *. — boojoor pédatee J15-34 cºlº Cºlº an axle tree → cayooan clºt: 235 a plantation * of trees, woody mānis -0.3L. 34'ſ cinnamon, caſſia lignum málintang &JL. ºlº an axle tree oocor_3_2_333 a meaſuring ſtick, g al long meaſure paggar jº 333 a pale, rail, a ſtake of a fence fimbi (sº 24b or cay'oo fimbat **** jº a tally or piece of wood to notch an account on foojee ( >3's 235 a ſcouring ſtick for the teeth Céſer j” a fiſh ſcale, &c. See Séſee Cha as tea Chábang &l= a bough, branch, twig, ſtalk, ſprig Chábar rºls cowardly, daunted, faint- J.-- ~~ tº hearted, patient or not reſiſting, fee- ble asºns ºf attee Gs' ſjº'- faint-hearted, not reſiſting * Chábarawn Go! 3's cowardice, faint- heartedneſs Chábarcan cº ** to make faint- — bantok -º 240 crooked tim- ber ... - hearted #. !Chábong &33tº pulſe, grain . . . Yº H Cháboof ºtº baudy, unſeemly, rude talk, to riſe (as a wave) . . . . . Cháboor Jºº- to caſt, throw, thruſt into the water Cháboot sºlº to pluck out, pull out, pluck up (as by the roots), to draw ( 52 ) c H Champaj enſnaring diſcourſe - . . Champak -º,- caſt or ſtrike away in ſcorn A • * , * t ~ * •. r crat “yº- &- banterin3. * ChampoorJº-temper, mix, mingle, compound, ſhuffle, allay, adulterate (as a ſword or knife), to pull to pieces, to tap (as liquor) ſ Cháchall Jºlsº dizzy, intoxicated with any drug or with eating beetle nut * —báwoor ſy1994–95%, ºr to confuſe, diſorder, mix or mingle, confuſedly * '. , sº * . Champoorawn colº, s a mixture, &c. See Champoor . . •, Chandook –3, Nº a ſpoon Us, the pox Cháchar is Cháching &l= a worm, a maggot Chāhāqat cºlòlsº familiarity, conver- ſation & Cháhar jºla- a purge, to purge Chájal Jºls. See Cháchall Chakap -3ts a ſuffrage, vote ! Chakar 3'- to claw, paw, ſcrape (as a beaſt) - - \ Chako st- choaked for a ſmall time (as when any thing goes the wrong } : way, a ſtoppage in the throat, tol drench into the throat by force) | Chála as to babble Chálab Jū, a fox Cháláchoola a|-> * light, uncon- ſtant, to recant, to ſay and unſay t Chálee ( -jl- a preacher, a writer Chamboot *…* a whip, a horſe whip . Chambootácan Gºtº, sº to whip Champa &- to ſcorn, flout, joke on, refle&t on, reproach, diſreſpect, un- i | Changánan cº- 3. |Chankee Cººk a clove Chandookcan co-º-º- to lade with a ſpoon .* * Chánee cº- to grind or ſharpen |Changa &= a mark on the body by s a blow, ſwelling, or otherwiſe - wonder, to hear * Chanking & to alight, perch or ſit (as a bird) - Chanko ** to make a branch take root by binding earth about it, and then cutting it off to plant in the ground, uſed in India ** Chankool O15*** a ſhovel, a ſpade, a plough º * * Chantee G^** genteel, neat, fine in cloaths (as a woman only), becoming . * | for women Chantik -ºs. See Chantee Chap --> a ſignet, a ſeal, an impreſi- on or mark with a ſeal - — éang téda bétool sº sºlº ~ Jº a falſe ſcal—Tároo chap jū dervalue ** to ſeal or make an impreſſion— - - g iſ asy * & Xº-e a chancellor Chápat cºlº accurate, ready, expert, . docile, - ingenious, exquiſite, handy, nimble, ſharp. or diligent in buſineſs ed or footed - - Cháping &l- an apron or ſmall plate of metal to hang before a girl's privi- ties, uſed in many places of India Chára oy's cuſtom, faſhion, manner — andée andee CŞoºl CŞoºl oy's parables, proverbs © g Chárana ajj's a box, a ſalver or baſon, a fruit diſh - Chárap ºwº- headlong, precipitate, un- *- adviſed Chárik -39's rend, tear A Chárif Gji=harveſt time Cháro _5 v's to guzzle -- Charrat Gºyl- a rap, a broach or cock, a pipe or fountain that ſprings up - Charree ( &J * look, ſeek, ſearch —ing in coiº CŞy's to recreate Charoot S-3J- to reap, mow A Charthal Q'º';* oats - Châtoke -º- a bandy ſtick or cat ſtick, or hammer • Châtokécan &ls. to ſtrike as at bandy, to ſtrike fidelong + Châtoor ſºlº the game of tables— Booa châtoor ſºlº ox table men Chátooran cyºtº a pair of tables Chávácha *::= clear (as the ſkies);| clear weather Chávancy tº a cup, a challice ſ Chépik Lºgº-bow legged, crump hand-| .C. H. Chávan câcha aºlº cºlºr a glaſs to drink in . . . ." Chávat cºls a ſmall piece of cloth juſt to cover the privities of a man tied behind, and coming up between the thighs, much uſed in ſome parts of India by the poor . Cháya &Ls to ſhine, glitter, be bright ber'édop ºr &l= a bright light - máta arree Gºy! JU's agº, the ſun ſhine g Cháyaawn oxºts- a ſhining, glittering Cháyer F- liquid, thin * Cháyir 3- clear, bright, poliſh (as metal), clear (as a looking glaſs) Chécha & sº to dive, ſop * * |Chéchee C+* a grand child, ſecond couſin " ** Chéchintong * @ a lock of hair or wool that is curled or plaited - Chédoc S-394- a ſcimmer, a thin ſcoop - * Chédoccan cº- to ſcim, to ſcoop up * Chee ~ fie, oh fie, a word of de- teſtation Chéla &\º a crack, flit, cleft, gap, any opening that meets inwards, the ſpace between the thighs . —— giggee Ö3 **** the ſpac tween the teeth ... ' --- - —jarree G & 9ts &MA- the tWeen the fingers . - |—pāha & L AAAs the cratch or ſpace e be- ſpace-be- * *. between the thighs P C. H. Chéláka' &\º- a failing, infirmity, diſaſter, misfortune, imperfeótion, unfortunate, a vice, fault, defamation -— manooſia &A'sºil's & Mºº- human failing, &c. — Oontoong chéláka aşº- §3.35 unfortunate, ill-for- tune 4 - g Chélákácan Gº(393- to blame, ca- lumniate, defame, villify, abuſe Chélo chélo 2) As-_3\º a ſtraw hat Shélop Sºº- to dip' (as in ſauce, as cloth into the colour to dye), to dip in any matter to be retained Chéna & China Chinkee Cº- cloves, a clove Chéper jº- a trencher, diſh, plate Chérána &jºr the plague, peſtilence, a canker - Chérdee GSexº~ a jackal Chérédik –$oº crafty, cunning ſubtle - Chérémeen cº- a looking glaſs máta aºlº co-ºrº ſpectacles Chéree GSy:- ſeparate, go from, part from, forſake, relinquiſh, ſever, diſ- perſe, retire - - * Chérécan co-3,4- to ſeparate, &c. See Chéree - * - Chérit cºlº an iſſue, a flux — dāra oyie *}^* a bloody flux Chéritra sjºjº- tell, declare, report, rehearſe, relate, mention, preach Chéritraawn oleº- a tale, a rela- tion, report, narration, hiſtory, ſer- ( 54 ) In OIM | See Chinta * &H Chériträcan cºlºs to tell, &c. See Chéritra Chéta & expectation, to wiſh for, long for, deſire to have, mind to, pine after, zeal, fervency Châbee c sº- long pepper |Chicha & sº a lizard Chídéra ºxº~ ſtrife, diviſion, con- tention, controverſy, diſcord, diſſen- tion, jangling, difference, diſpute, diſagreement -- . * Chillim ** a pipe, or tobacco pipe Chimbóróang élº- jealous, zea- lous ~ * Chimbóróanggan zeal Chimmélagy es'*~~ tamarind Chinchang x hack, cº-j ealouſy, &= to chop ſmall, jag, mangle, mince - Chinching Arsº a ring mampélee Csº.” wedding ring º -* Chincram 2, XX's earneſt, God's penny Chindána & lexº~ ſandal wood, yellow ſanders © •. Chindong §: 39-º- to hang down s Chinkárek –ºxxº~ a graſs-hopper, a cricket * Chinta & careful, diligent, troubled in mind for, a dilligent care or trou- ble for, to do one's endeavour, to forecaſt, to concern, vex, be ſad, friendly ſorrow or trouble for a friend . \ Chintaawn claxº carefulneſs, &c. J *. e is 5 ( Chintáean º º See Chinta 2 Chóba aº try, prove, affay, attempt, tempt, entice, endeavour, venture, enterprize . - —fantapan exº~ a22- a taſter Chóbaawn ol-4,5- trial, &c. See] ; : Chóba Chok chok G3- -*** to ſnarl (as a beaſt), to exaſperate a beaſt Chokmar jº- a quarter ſtaff or colt ſtaff - - * Chooca & 3- vinegar Choochee >5- innocent, chaſte, virtuous, holy, hallowed, clean, pure, ſpotleſs, wipe, waſh, rinſe, ſcour, poliſh (as ſtones), refine, clarify, garble Choocheavn cº-º- innocency, &c. . . . See Choochee • Choochoo _3=-3-cozen —— lakkee Csº y _3=5- nephew — parampoan cº-wl: 2-3- niece Choochook G3"3-2- a ſharp pointed ſting of any creature, a piercer or drill with a ſharp point, the front or an army, to ſtick in, prick, ſtab, lance, bore, to thread or put through Choochookcan cº-º-3- to ſting, &c. See Choochook, º Choochoor _25-3- to ſlaſh ſprinkle, pour * Choocor -3°3- to ſhave sChookee * 33- cuſtom, inwards * to be careful of, &c.) * Choomo Out, to * Choondong § 3 Nº- to bend or bow 5 ) ch ſufficient, fully, compleat, entire”. enough to compleat, fit (in bigneſs).” amounting fully to - Choola bádok Gol, aſ 3- a rhinoce- ros's horn tº Choolas O...)'3- pretend, diffemble, falſe-hearted — attee cº O”)'3- diſſimulation, hypocriſy *. Choom -- the ſenſe of ſmelling, to ſmell, ſcent, kiſs — anjing &= rº- a dog's ſcent — baw'oo_L. ex= to ſcent, a ſmell Choomácan cºl'sv= to ſmell, kiſs Choombo _3-93- humble, affable, gen- teel, courteous, civil, complimental Choomboawn exº~~ humility, &c. See Choombo *, - Choombool J, &* a ſmall box of any metal g 95- a rod, whip Choomoãcan Cºlºs 5- to whip ChoomoorJ3-95- foul, dirty, impure, unclean, naſty, filthy, a foil, ſpot — cay in cºl; J 3-2s:- monthly courſes of women Choomoorawn cº-º- foulneſs, &c. See Choomoor Choomoorcan G.3315-sºº to foul, &c. See Choomoor down (as the branch of a tree) Choonka &35- proud, ſtately, ſtout, — cépála &JU Uſ Cº- pole-money ambitious, arrogant, haughty, high- Chookoop º13- expired, fulfilled, minded, inſolent tº 0 ( 5 Choongkill Jāś- a poker, a picker, a punch * - — * çº Jºº. a tooth- picker — télinga & Jºš5- an earl picker Choongkillean exº~ to pick out, poke out, punch out, drive out Chooree G.S.)v- thieve, ſteal Chooréawn colºg2+ theft, robbery Choph chéna axº~ G3- China-root Chópool c)).344- to happen, Hight on, a wooden beetle * Chóra oy as to chatter, tattle, tittle tattle, prate fooliſhly, ſcold, babble Chöran cyJ2- to cheat in play J. Chöring $2.5- blot, blur, draggle, foul, dirt, ſmut mooting &#x- &J3- ſpotted or ſoiled with dirt, naſty, filthy, ſlovenly, draggled, loathſome Chöringcan cº-º- to blot, &c. See Chöring Chórówat G. 33.92- a rocket with a re- 35.1% |A Coobat cº-153 an arch or vault port, a fire arrow Cóchak -ºs-33 a dry pit Cóchin Q: 5-s a Cat Cóchóálee Cºlº except, ſaving, unleſs, only, alone, beſides that Cóco _*.33 to cackle (as a hen), to crow! (as a cock) Códee CŞeº a ſcore or twenty Codjee Cº-Cº an officer like a juſtice of peace in all Mohammedan towns 6 ) £ 6) Combála aſº a ſhepherd or any cattle at grazing * Combálácan G: )Lº, 5 to graze, Combálee e sº again, back again, return, reſtore, do again Combélécan cºſts, to return, re- ſtore Combong $22,3 coarſe in grain (as ſand), powder, big grained, a fºwell- ing Cómádéan cºols; laſt, after, after- wards, then, it followeth, future Cómádéancan cºol-sº put laſt Cóminjarn •=º Benjamin Commédékey Cºxe, a gourd Commégarjº ſapper Cómon cº-sº ſon of a brother, nephew by the brother Cómoot cº-sº a ſpire, ſteeple Cooat ºlº force, ſtrength, power, vi- gour, potent, ſtrong, powerful, vi- gorous - ! Coobang &º a puddle or ſlough, hole in the ground keeper of \ t. Coobéchéna ≤ cubebs Coobit cº; to nip, pinch Coobong §::3% a yard, garden, orchard. tánam tănamawn riº §: col, it; a garden of plants, a garden of delight, a plantation — ca ſoocăran ojº” Aſ ºf 3. garden of pleaſure, a paradife * Cooboor_j sºa grave, tomb, ſepulchre Coocoorooboo 2:wº to murmur, * .# Códook —º al frog gainſay ‘C O Coocooroobooawn cl:23215%35' muring Coocoos oº::_3 Coocooſan diſtillation – . Cooda sky»; a horſe, a table — betína & ocy33% a. [Y] all C — cambirree Q& oë; a gelding — perpálála &JX º;; so; a pack horſe —berfimpak -º-rº so; a kick- ing horſe menjénak -**** soy; a tame horſe * jantan cº-ocy; a ſtone horſe liar JºJoo; a wild horſe pénarik Gººg sex; a draught horſe Coodálee Ceſky; a bridle Coodis Öºyº mangy, ſcabby, a ſcab Coodong &º diſmembered (lame,) for want of a joint w & cakkee ſabla & Ls, cº $39.5% diſmembered of one leg, one legged Coodongcan cºe× to diſmember Coojoot cº-•5% to wince, ſtartle, hang, ſtrangle, terrify al Coolam e!; a hole in the ground, a pond - * Coolated; a ſpunge, rice bread Cooleeling &\º!; a circuit, round about,' on all ſides Cooleelingcan cº-ºº!|5 to encompaſs, ſurround Cooleelinggan Gºxx. Aſ15% all CIl COTY)- mur- 3 to diſtill * ( 57 ) 33 a limbick, a ſtill, -- rootee ( ºy e-J15% s C 0 Coolite.J.'ſ ſkin, hide, leather, huſk, bark, cod, pod, ſhell, rind g — berbooloo ºr ed; a fur, a hairy ſkin º §yº ex, a dry ſhell of cárang any fiſh — coopan c3% e-J|33 a muſcle fhell — men'oorat Gojºs ex!º parch- ment oonam 23, cº, a ſnail's ſhell cruſt of bread télore _3% e-Jº an egg ſhell — tirram 2; c.13% an oyſter ſhell Coolittee Gºº to ſkin, &c. See Coolit Cooloolee G|3}35 fteel Cooloom cooloom º 3% ºº! to mut- ter, murmur, grumble Coolop º2:|33 the fore-ſkin, uncircum- ciſion, uncircumciſed Coolutc.); a ſponge Coomaan co-º nothing, not a jot, none in quantity A Coomaſra sº-sº a pear Coomoolmas oº::º a Bonneto fiſh, dry Bonneto Coompool $ J3-ºxº gather together, heap up, ſtore up, reſort, aſſemble, ſwarm, levy, raiſe, acquire Coompoolan ex' ºº a heap, &c. See Coompool Coompoolcan co-º-º to heap, &c. See Coompool paſſing, ſurrounding Coonchee cs=9% a lock, , button claſp º * f Q * C.O Coonchéâcan cºlºſ to lock, but- ton, claſp Coonchoop -º the bud of a flow- er that begins to blow, a knot of flowers Coonhet cºg, turmerick Coohir 25% turmerick Coontool J, 33 pap of a flower, ſeed or ſperme Coontoot Goº5% a fart Coopang & º a muſcle, alſo the name of a coin paſſable in many parts of India - Coopas O-3 25 to ſkin, peel, huſk, bark (as any fruit or vegetable) Coorang êº wanting in quantity or number, leſs, lack, need, ſhort in tale —— boodee GSO34 §J15% ignorant, in- diſcreet, wanting wit chinta & &J15% wanting a care- ful confideration, heedleſs —— câwáſa asſº §25% wanting power, unable chóba *5-39.5% unexperienced ——inggat sº $25 heedleſs, im- prudent, inconfiderate, unadviſed, negligent, careleſs, forgetful percháya & *:: §...)15% incredulous, diffident derree pada bépa iboo GºJeš95% º! &L scº degenerated k Coorangawn otºyº want, neceſſity, penury ( 58 ) ° C R. tity or number), abate, rebate, re- duce, dedućt, impair * Coorangcan cooat evſ; cºxæ25% to able, abate in ſtrength Cooranggan toº2× a den, cave Coorcoor_205 to grunt (like a hog) Coorma &wº dates Coorong § 9.015% a cabin, a partition to hold goods in, a pond * — €can cº &J3; a fiſh pond - Coorongkoongan coºké3.12% the gul- let, throat . - Cooronggan cº205 a cage Cootoom º pale, wan, faded (as a colour)—Warna cootoom fº &5) L a pale colour Cópea & 33 a hat, cap, bonnet Córá 32× to inlay diſ- Córas Cº.); a ſheet of paper - - A Corban cº, an offering to the dead Cótallee Gº to continue, be inceſ- fant " Côyan C-5 c6yan, a great concave meaſure or rather a denomination of a certain number of ſmall meaſures, at Borneo, 1000 gantons is accounted one côyan _ " ' * a baſket Crap º; cloſe together, many (as trees, as bars of a window), thick, and cloſe ſet, quick or thick in ſpeak- ing—Caryin crap ºl; cº- woven cloth—Cáta crap º;' fpeak quick Cranjang *= cloſe &lsº Coorangcan cº-325 to leffen (in quan-l Cras O. y ſtrong, hard, faſt, ſtrongly, auſtere, ſevere * Adº A. ( 59 .) º A Cras attee-cºlo'ſcruel, ſelf-willed Dādar télore Jºkº Joſe a pancake of auſtere, ſevere 3. | eggs Crat cºil ź cut, 'chop, gaſh Dádee Gºoſe cheeſe — kookoo 2533 cºlº cut the nails |Dáen cºlo and —— Oorat Gºy12 ºly let blood ferta Ajº, Cº-ſlo and when — pootoos Cº. > virginity, a maidenhead -jerneh &35- 8glo clear or wateriſh blood Dárat cºyſey land, dry land, ſhore hate |Dāratan Cºyle coaſt, fide, border # A - Darnee t eigy the lintel of a door Daſtar ºld the waiſt or middle Dátang ºilo came, come, cometh. derreejaoo 3's QSjö ºle come from far — men.chooree men.chooree *jle (g_3=* < x=" to come ſteal- ing or unexpected, to ſurpriſe partama ººr. & |cy come firſt Dátanggan cº-Xxºle a coming Dáto _2}le whole, entire world Dauloo_3/ſe former, before, heretofore, that has been, principal or firſt — céla Jº _2}le heretofore, for- merly, aforetime, long time ago cálee Cs' Lºſſe the firſt time 3/ſe 3% º ox! ( 9e before that time ſédékit sº. 3/ſe before . . º * - teng'a arree “gy! &#}_3)|e before noon. - Dauloocan cº ly put forward or fore- moſt " - . ~ cakkee C ºf 3/ſe put forward the foot & e Paulut } *Jaky jey, * proſperity, ſalvation, honour, bleſſed, ſaved: Dáxa 32k, wire . Pāwon of ly a leaf * , derree pada waćtoo €too a little ( .61 ) |Dâwon googpor doonea &Þe _jle the whole! D.E. * _1,333 cºks watime- ly fall cfa 1-af * láyoo _x) C 5's a faded leaf loorah by19 Cyºkº fall of the leaf fáley C2/L, cºlo one leaf Dávat Gº alo ink Dâwer_ºle a windlaſs Dávercan cº,ºle to wind Dávey GS2'e droſs Dāya aglo the forehead, to cheat, de- ceive, crafty, knaviſh, ſubtle, fraud, deceit, falſhood, knavery, villainy, ſubtilty, roguery, means or craftineſs to do a thing ſlyly, a ſtratagem to deceive, a remedy Prang & &ſo a ſtratagem of war—Appa dāya &ley &#! what re- medy • Dáyanda ooº-ky a dowager Dáyang &le a free woman, a dow- ager Dáyoong §sºle an Oak, to FOW De Qin, the, in the, on the, to, to be, that, on, on the, from, at RS ting a málam º U.S & © at mid- night—Deadda de rooma cy sexcey ***) he is in the houſe—Tuandátang de mâna *L. 9 º'e colº where come you from * * Dea & 40 he, ſhe, him, her, it Déadda ocyxºcy he was, he has, he did, he is, he will, he ſhall de attas oºl <) o above ſº ; *— boor998.0%5.15% of ky a withered| |Déaddapan cyle=ge before, right be- R leaf happineſs, - Cºxºo he is Af &B; E ( fore, before the face, the the body **, Déâlowan cy 3/Le right forward Beánea &Ajlºo they, them Déantára syC3b;cy amongſt, betwixt Deápoonea & 2339 his, hers Deaſindirree poonea & CŞjºlºe his own, her own Déattas Gºlgo above, aloft, on, on high, upon cooda so; Oºlje on a horſe ſa călee Cs/lº as Oºle above all, uppermoſt daen de bava o cºlò Oºlºo 25 39 above and below Déattaſnea aºlº the top, the up- per part - Debaccar rºº burnt—Rooma ſooda debaccar Jºe 8°5's & 92.9 the houſe is burnt Débárang tampat poon téda §ylºe scº cy:4 ºr no where Débava o Lºſey below, under, down A— tána &U opºſe under ground ſāmoa ox-slº. 8 º'e under all Debérôlee Gº! 3×e acquired De bétoolee C-Jºº o juſtified De blácan Cºu o behind, after, laſt ſa călee Jº as cy behind all, after all, laſt of all Debree C&e grant, would it might, would to tº ocº, God grant us — Allah &\!! GSre would to God Décat cº-Sºo near, very near 6.2 ) fore part of - | Allah pada cámee & Uſ ÇSre * fo É Décatamate…le.ºge extraordinary In Call" Déchooree (gyºrse ſtolen Dédélam *Jºey in, within Déhem -640 to hem, to or call one that is paſt * Dékap Cºy hug, embrace Délápan cºe eight Délápanblas O. Mºe eighteen Délápan pooloo :); Jºe eighty Dékootokee Cºe to be curſed, the curſe " Déléma &AMºo a pomegranate Délooar _y3)39 out, without, forth, abroad, except Gº tº as Jºe outer- * ſa călee moſt * Déloocãhee Cºlºo wounded Démab --rºy gluttony Démam 2-acy a fever * , ding in Gºo -rºo an ague Démána & it...ſo where, whither Démána mána Ails & Lºyo any where, wherefoever, whitherſoever Déméken Gºo ſo, juſt ſo, it is ſo, in that manner, in like manner, in ſuch manner, according to Demooca & 2.39 before, the fore part, the next y Denda sojcy tax, fine, -ment *~- —áring'an cºſ' sº a light fine brately sºjo a heavy fine ganda scº scº, a double fine Dendaee (s' cº-º; a amboo amboo 3-ºl bonnetto, ſkipjack —bédoo sex, e-3 pickled fiſh — beloot sº co-X2 an eel — chérémeen a bright ſhining fiſh na & e-U cº-º; a — gaja mí whale ārammee evº cº ſalted fiſh joo 3- cº-º; a ſhark fiſh joomoor_3-25- G-3 dry fiſh — kirring §963 cºxº dry fiſh —ºs & Pond fiſh —léda ocyºſ cºx, a ſole fiſh —— lembooroo _5 2:…] cº a ſmelt — laoot *5X cº-3 a ſea fiſh which Mohammedans earthquakes believe cauſes & &LE'can páree (3/14 cº a ſkait, a maid, *; §4 the greateſt || non c350-.x: a fiſh under ground, . E C a ſting-ray , —- ſoong'ey Cºº cº a river fiſh –— tamban & cº a ſhad tambára oyº cº-X2 a carp E'cat c-K, tie, faſten, pitch or ſet up, bind - * — booloo 3/24 ex; a plume of fea- thers - *. — cooleeling &135° ex3 to bind about - -- - jálan cy)|= c-X, lead the way kóta aº cº, to fortify — niánee Csilºje 3 to lead in a ſong º w - — niárree (Sylºg ex3 to lead in a dance g - —— pinggang & º a ſaſh, belt, girdle. § . prang & ex4 battle array . — ſama ſåma &Ls, together tang'an de blácan o oxy (SJCº. that ſame - - *s Etoong £3% to ſum up, reckon, caſt account FADoolEE Jºels to meddle, concern, regard, obſerve, viſit, con- cerned, regarded, viſited Fael Jaš nature, natural, kind — Allah &Jł Jas the attributes of God ... *. jáhat cºlº- Jºs illnature — ôrang &..)12 J-3 nature, paſſions, infirmities of man. . . . A Faicat ex3 palmiſtry a Fájer A-3 dawning of the day A Fákeer jº a religious Mohammedan. beggar , - * - - - A Fáláſáthion Qsºlº a Philiſtine Fáraćt cºls difference in value Fáſat costs intend, intended, purpoſe, purpoſed, deſign, deſigned, reſolve, reſolved, reſolution, determine, de- termined, determination, predeſti- a ( 09 ) g a Fáſooroo ºl; an ambaſſador, meſ. ſenger, officer of a king A Fatſal J.33 a chapter Fermawn colº a permiſſion or grant in writing — Allah aſ cols, the Bible Féténa & Xº3 to backbite, calumni- ate, defame, ſlander, accuſe falſely, evil or miſchief, defamation, ſlander Fihak -ºgºs ſide, part s bárat Gºju u gº? Weſt part— Ségála Éhak doonea – 4:3 aſlº. agº all parts of the world–Cadua fihak -ºº opet on both ſides Fikir J3 to muſe, conſider, deliberate, think, ſuppoſe Foorna adjº an oven Foorza sjj; a cuſtom houſe GADEE céeº a pawn, mortgage, pledge, ſurety, bail, hoſtage, earneſt Gáding £33” ivory, an elephant's tooth, a knee or crooked timber, the ribs of a ſhip, the wing (as of an army) |——bálátantra oyº l, & the wing of an army . e ~- gaja a-L3’ goº an elephant's tooth, - Gaga a U rice growing in low watery ground . . Gagap -3U to liſp, ſtutter Gāhak; Cºl; choler, flegm, rhume Gaja as U an elephant, ſtrength, force, nate, predeſtinated, predeſtination | very ſtrong - T meditate, premeditate, ponder, ſtudy, & g a Gaja mina axºs &L a whale . . . . . Gajahee Cºlº-U by force, by ſtrength, by violence, to compel by force Gaibana ajuºli, a runagate, fugitive, loiterer, truant Gájee cº-ºto ſtudy Gaip -º- a ſecret Gais G.U to ſcrape (as a h en) - Gákap -3U to liſp, ſtammer, ſtutter aff, tiller, boat Gala aſ a pole, ſt hook . - méloompat leaping pole . . Gala gala aſ a dungan gala gala &JU' cºe J1942 &J[3 to pitch & Galagala loomboot Stºre tar—Láboor dungan gala gala loom- boot Gºº &JU &J[3' co-e-vº to tar * Galagar ;3313 a beam o croſs beam º a dog & ." . . . . Gálang; ) a bracelet, an arm ring Gálap º U dark, obſcure, darkneſs Gálapcan cº-Kºźly to darken Gálar_j)l3 a title, dignification, name, cogniſance, arms Gáláſan cº- a pouch, ſatchel, nap- ſack, portmanteau, wallet g Gálee JU to dig, mine - —— débava o 349 Cs U.S. undermine loobang &45) Cºlº dig a hole — párit ºwl; Gº.dig a ditch —- troos oº; tººto dig through * ( zo ) ** at al. Uí º pitch–Laboo: ſ: s, allºu. f a houſe, a wº * . . Gander_jöJ.3 al Gálak -3)[3 fierce, curſt, to bark (as - G A Gálir JG to circulate Gálong §2/3. a cauſeway. * , . . . Garmbar ×3 a carved image, the carved, painted, or molten ſhape of any living creature * . . . . Gambarcan exºgº to make the form. of any living creature by carving, painting, or impreſſion Gampoong $23,3 a ſummer houſe on the water . . . . . . . . . Gampang &3 a clamour, confuſed noiſe, a hurly burly, a mutiny, a quarrel, a rebellion, faction, ſedition, uproar - Gampas cº throw away, throw to the ground, caſt off * Ganda sexº double in profit or value —Denda ganda sixx; sexie a dou- ble tax—Labaganda o Nº.3 a y dou- ble gain • - Gandang £leº a dru m of war º lock of hair artificially curled . . . . . . . Gandérang §º a drum of war— Páloocan gandérang &\º cº'', beat the drum ' ' ". . . " ' Ganga mooloot exº- a 33 to gape ſur- Gangam 23 3 the fiſt, the hand ſhut. —Sagan'gam º &n, a graſp, a handful . Gangamcan ex,& to graſp in the hand . . - . . . . . Gangoo 233 to babble, tattle, ſpeak unſeaſonably . . . . - cápála ajul: ; º; 2-& to ſhake or make a ſign with the head …- Gº A Gangooºmooloot. babble . . . herb in India. . . Ganſa aº ganſa, a mixed metal like bell metal -* * Gantac e Cº to lance, prick (as a boil, or ſore), , Gantarº ; boaſt, brag, vain-glorious, faint-hearted er —ſaja as-U. jºto brag only Gantee , 233 to ſucceed, ſupply the place of, come in the room of, change by courſe, to be bound for another man, to relieve, ſhift or change, in the room of inſtead of in the place of, for * Gantécan cº to ſucceed, &c. See Gantee. To make ſatisfaction for a loſs, to ſupply a loſs Ganton Oyº ganton, a COIl CaVC uſed in many parts of India Gantoong §2×3 to hang sº —pada solº §tº hangon, confide IIl Gantoongcan cº to hang Gantoonggan cºsº a gallows, gib- bet . * Gáraan cºlº an eclipſe . — boolon cy): cºlº an eclipſe of the moon . . . ~. —— máta arree GS J! &l's cº-9L’ &I) eclipſe of the ſun Gáram 24% ſalt . . . Gárammee Çsº93 ſalted “A * * ( 71 *º- 2& to Ganja as” sanja, an intoxicating s— G. A. gyº to compoſe ) Gárang ooroof ~39.2 or ſet letters . . . Gárat G-yū’ to harrow, grind, gnaſh, (as the teeth) * Gáratan cºlº a h Gárat Gáraw JU' ‘hoarſe, or manly, (as a voice)—Sooára gåraw LU' w!” a manly voice g Gáree (SJ [3 a bedſtead, a couch A Gárib ºl rich, coſtly, precious Gáring §9L to broil on the coals, to toaſt, to roaſt or ſcorch, dry Gáris O.93 to gaſh, ſlaſh, ſacrifice, to cut a line in the earth Gároo _5JU’ to claw, ſcrape, ſcratch, curry * Gárooha ***JLº. a diſtance, ſo far as a man may call, to hollow to—Sagá- roohajaoo 5's agº,Jºaº, a diſtance of a man's call off * Gároos O”5JU ſtarch -. Gárooſcan oº:ºjly to ſtarch Gároot ºv,jº to cough arrowing, &c. See * Garro ſemper vivum _3).”. Gáſa &ºlº alongmeaſure (about a yard) Gáſal Q\s' odd in number—Máin génap gāſal Jºº.cºlo play at even and odd *t - " Gáſap *U cragged (as a rock) rough (as a board) *: Gáſing &ºt a boy's top Gáta &G’ a throne, a chair of ſtate Gátah &ly gum, glue, birdlime * cay'oo 24'ſ &L gum of a tree J t & E ( 72 ) a 1 Gátah can cartas €nee o”;ſcºſ & U’ſ plete, entire, full in number, juſt, © ...A G sº glue this paper Gátai Q33 to itch Gaw'al O123 flow of underſtanding wholly, fully, completely |Génap géſal J.; º; even or odd Gendoom yºwheat “A Gaw'ap º*U to yawn (as for want of Géram cºto go dancing, tripping ſleep) Gāwool J3cº to diſorder, intermix, Gétik Lº a rod Gétikácan cºlº to whip with a rod tumble, put in confuſion, confuſion Geylang & Quºpurſlain, the herb of words Gidébir ºxº the gills of a cock Gávoolcan co-º] 393. to diſorder, &c. Giggee cº a tooth, a tuſk, teeth, See Gāwool Gáyoong §sº a ladle made of a co- coa-nut-ſhell Gaz ;3 See Gaſa Gégas oº a canker-worm, a moth teeth to bite º se- º e graham *P* “sº great or ye-teeth booſooc ~3°.*34 cº Totten Géla & mad, a fool, ſenſeleſs, di--— Pootoos 9°53'54 cºbite off ſtraćted mad Gélanea & Mº madneſs, fury —binjis cº-º & Mºdiſtration Gélang ºy to glitter, ſhine, twin- tooth kle (as a ſtar), luſtre Géle géle cº gº the kidnies roonga *3,J cº 1InêWen binjis O-sº sº a mad man teeth, by looſing ſome" —Jaddee géla & Cºos- become ſåroo ºl. <& fore teeth ſéſee Qsº csºthe tooth of a comb ©e finskill Jºs. c.33 a ho ow gilau 22.4% a hollow tooth—Sa giggee cº& a tooth, a bite Géling 㺠to rowl or wind on algſlau 2×3 a hole into any ſubſtance rolling pin (as cloth), to furl (as a (as a nail hole) fail), to grind on a ſtone (as paint) láyer jºx & to furl a ſail Gélétik Cºº tickliſh . Gélétik Åcan cº" -º-; to tickle Gembat <-- 3. whip Gillégátan cºcruel, fierce, cru- elty, fierceneſs * Gingoong. & a rattle for children: Ginta & a bell, to tinkle on muſic Gintas oº the outer end or tip of Gembatácan cºſLºtowhip, ſcourge, anything, a ſucker . ſlaſh Gintaſcan e-ºxº to nip off the end AP o *. º | 4- Génap ºº even in number, come of any thing G. O. Ginting ºxy a tile ſélórang $9.9% & a pan tile * *ś, , . " Giºegsºa ſaw Qöchd >}}.to ſtrike with the fiſt Gódam ..oºa great hammer, a maul Gódang éeSºa large ſort of ſhell fiſh Gódoong § 23; a warehouſe —finjáta &l=^* g. so, y an armory Góga & 2 × an inſurreótion, rebellion, uproar, tumult, a raven , #. Gógagampar × U23 an inſurrečtion, confuſion, ſedition, rage Gógow 2.93. to gulp or ſwallow (as liquor) . * * - wr, & Góha agº a hole under ground, al burrow ney burrow Góléga &º bézoar Góléſoonda ocºl;3 hypocriſy, pre- tence. wº Gólok -ºš a hanger, a ſabre or cutting ſword . Gombéra ojº to go dancing, trip- ping s'. Gomélang *…* to glimmer, twin- kle (as a ſtar), glitter, ſhine, luſtre Gómittar jºsº to quake, ſhake, ſhiver, tremble tang'an Cºx; ſhaking of the hand Gómittarawn co';**** a ſhaking, &c See Gómittar Gómook C޺ fat, big, corpulent, groſs ºz g Gooey a couple, pair, yoke, male and ( 73 ) palandok • *3232% aº a CO- G 0 female—Sa goo lemboo º,' * dºw one pair of oxen rº- Gooa sº a cave, a hole into the ground, a burrow ~} Goobar jº: 3 goobar, a painted callico ſheet, worn on the body in India Goocan cº33 to couple, to pair, ſel- low, match, to couple, a malc and a female Googoor_j1,335 to caſt, ſhed, fall un- * | timely, fall headlong, to drop or let fall unawares • * anak LR3|_jvº to miſcarry of a child * <> booa * 3: Jvºº untimely fall of fruit & A. — daw'on cy»le ~!vº untimely fall of leaves * -º ramboot ºw_vºſhedding of the hair Goola aſ 2.5 ſugar . bátoo _5}\; &Jſº ſugar candy Gooley csL3 ſauce Gooling ... . | roli, turn, wallow, ſwaddle, wrap e — dungan lamping cº-e &ſº &s) ſwaddle with clouts tootoop sº &J, roll up cloſe Goolingcan cº-Xx)º to roll, &c. See Gooling * máta &Ls C-3',5' to roll the eyes, to ſquint, to allure or turn the eyes wantonly Goolinggan cºxxJº a wheel, a roller, a rolling U G. O. ( 7 Goompa tâna Ajū &º an earth- quake & Goompal Jºsºa gobbet, clod, lump, a bottom or bail (as of thread)—Sa goompal benang & Jºes: e. al ball of thread p Goompalcan cº-ºto make into a gobbet, &c. Goompat cº-º to backbite, envy See Goompal Goona alsº of account, eſteem, value, profit, purpoſe, uſeful, neceſſary— Téda adda goona & 23 oxe scº of no value—Appa goona alsº &gſ of what account of what purpoſe Goonchong §3-ºxº to jog, ſhake a little (as liquor) Goonda ses, doubt, doubtful, ſuſ- picious, ſuſpicion . attee Gs' 8-X35-5 doubtful, ſuſ- icious, inconſtant, wavering, reſt- 5 & D leſs in mind. . Goondik –3 ei,' a concubine Goong &33 goong, a ſort of bell Goonjil Jºs':- to crack with the teeth Goonoong # 33 ;3 a hill or mountain Goontar jº:3 thunder Goonting &jsºſhears, ſciſſars, to clip pootoos Cº. & clip off Goontingcan cº-º-y £C) clip s". Goontinggan dian cylºo cº-XXX33) a pair of ſnuffers Goopan (9.4 :-. to burniſh , poliſh Goorak -ºgºa galley 4 ) Goordee (go), a piercer, drill, gim- blet, augur, f Gooree (gyyºa little, water po Gooret Gº)23 a caſtle, fort Gooreyt cº-Y to grub up by the roots, to root up - * Goorinda ocºwºa grindſtone * Gooris O”)13-.e See Gáris Gooroo –5215-y to trifle, dally, mock, jeer, jeſt or joke on, ſcoff Goorooawn cl:223 trifling, &c. See Gooroo * Gooroo anak anak Löl <3 3 23 3. ſchool maſter to children G O t Gooroo máin dung'an ſinjáta _5 25% - &l=^* Gºo Gº!, a fencing maſ- ter - sº Gooroo mendarſa & JoJº's 2 2:3 3. ſchool maſter. Goorop ºyvº to change money Goofar j”23 to be angry, to fret— San'at gooſary.ºcº, exceeding angry • -- & Gooſáran Gyllsº anger, paſſion Gooſarcan cºj”a 3-5 to make angry Gópoh sº haſty, teſty, peeviſh, raſh, paſſionate, paſſion, raſhneſs Górak -3)vºſcurf, dandrif Górek –º to bore, pierce, to pene- trate by boring Góris O”)25 to raſe -out, cancel Góroke G2 2: to ſcratch into, to ſcrape or dig (as with the fingers in the earth), to deepen with the hand Goorda scyºa griffon l proot ºr º- griping of the guts - '* * - *...* * ... * H. A ( 75 ). H. A. Góſoke –$3s.º to ſcour, rub, chafe! Hálaal Oyle defiled on a religious ac- in, rub one thing againſt another Góſoong sº a ſand bank or ſhal- low that runs from the Gow23 a league . - - Góyang + &#:3’ jog, ſhake, ſtir, wagº. quiver, ſtagger, reel, ſwing, tottér * ſhore Göyangean ex39;3 to jog, &c. See Góyang * º Göyanggan cº a jogging, &c.) See Góyang, a ſwing Gra ºf move, ſhake, ſtir, wag Grácan Gº |-5 to move, &c. See Gra cápála &July cº !, move the head • Gundong & 22- .a bale, Gundongcan cºeºto imbale HAAK --- due, right Haal Ols. buſineſs, concern, affair, matter, caſe, cauſe, circumſtance éang ſoocar jº_3^* ë'. Ols a trou- bleſome buſineſs Hábar sts obey, ſubmit Hábarawn or's- obedience, ſubmiſ- fion - . . . & Hādir Jots prepare, make ready Hádirawn clºſe ls- preparation Hádircan Gºjo"> to prepare bárang ſámoa §wº cºol- a 3-ºls, prepare all things . A Hájal Jºls an impoſture in religion A Hákáyat ºbt- a chronicle, hiſtory Hakkim ; Kºs a doćtor in phyſic or a learned man in any ſcience count Hálang & Sle. a crane or ſtock Hálee lintar XXJ JU- a thunder-bolt, a ratling thunder—Kéna hálee lintar yº! G"> & thunder ſtruck - Hankar lºs to hoiſt sº . Han'ya & but, no more but, ex- cept, ſaving, then ſa călee Geſù as &= but one t1me , Hantoo º- an evil ſpirit, an evil angel - Háram ſ:J's charge, threaten, require on pain of a curſe, forbidden (as meat on a religious account), pro- fane, unlawful to do, abominable, Curſed, abomination, abominate, condemn, condemned, condemna- tion, damned, damnation Háramcan cº-º'- to charge, &c. See Háram - Háramee Ge:y's charged, &c. See Háram ” * Háramziáda ocyjºy's a rogue baſe-born Hárap -jl- confide, truſt, depend on, rely on * Hárapan Gºyts confidence, truſt, re- fuge Haríman Gºj's a tiger, panther – akar ;3 cººl- a leopard Három 22 J's a perfume Hároo biroo _*}^*_5 v's to brawl, cavit, a hurly burly, contention, diſſention jº y = *49 U-2y- de fix'a & Xs cy O° 5 ple- worthy călam 22 [5 GSjºb a dark gloomy. “. . - sº º: * . . . H. A * - Chriſtmas day . . . . . . ——joomaat Gºssºs —— kum is • Oºººº. sºsºsºs kºsº mampélee Gº”. &Q. ding day. . . .” r ºš -" a feaſt - *. – rāya ag!, Gºjº day 3, . . ." béſar 3” &ly GS j9, a great feſtival . . . - — rāya €ang tôgo £4 &ly GSyº 233; an eſtabliſhed feſtival – rāya , elchamſina & J C Cylsº *.* | pentecoſt * * rāya ciſabañb ag!, Gºjº exºlºlº'ſ Palm Sunday. *āya. paſca & 4 alJ GS Jºë Eaſter day ar rāya tráta &; &ly (g)(9 feaſt of | Tabernacles * . . - - róboo 33.3/ c gy's Wedneſday ſábad CN30s. & JLS Sunday —— ſālāſa *** sJlsº Tueſday — ſaptoo 2:30, Q99 Saturday finneen cº-ºw, GSjlº Monday Harroos O”.5jl- to pant, ſnuf up Hatſil Jºs revenue 5%ls diſcerned Haukt cºsts due, right Hāwa o 5'--a breath, blaſted . . . – booſooc Cº._*54 op- a ſtinking breath , - Haybánoo _23-º'- hideous, horrible, | terrible, fearful to behold, , . . . . . . . Haucom $º * * ** * - * 3. - • - H.I. Haybatiºs to diſſemble - - Hay'wan 1. yº- tang cattle, a tame … beaſt: ºº Heakimawn cºt ºts. hope, expecta- ºtion º ºs ºf . - Heakin exta- to hope, expect, deſire Hékáyat cºlºs. See Hakayat Héla alº-hawl, pull, tug, draw, drag, ſampat **** &J as drag after * - f Hélat evolº- to cheat in play Hendak Gox- to covet, deſire, will, vouchſafe, permiſſion, leave, pleaſed . — la & Lºok- be pleaſed, give permiſſion ...” Héning & ſlack (as the tide) * . (as any liquor ſtanding to fine) Hérawn cº- wonder, admire, won- dered, admired, ſtrange, wonderful, admirable —la.*! col;4- to wonder, admire Hérawnee ( -jl- a wonderful thing | Çs'9% 85 Héſang Āsº the gills of a fiſh Hey cº- oh he alas ! - – Padako Sºlo: G => oh me ! Hilir rººs to launch from the ſhore downwards, to go down a river, to go down with the ſtream, to put out from a river, port, or haven ay'er 2,44-4 current or ſtream running downwards — ſoong'ey Cº. rºs- to go lāyer, X as hoiſt ſail º tárik Cºgjtj &MAs hawl and pull #I fo monthly courſes of women |Himpônan cº, 2 a general council Hina & abjećt, baſe, vile, ſhabby, deſpicable, deteſtable, of little eſteem, ignoble, infamous, poor, miſerable Hinaawn cotxº~ abjećtneſs, &c. See Hína Hinácan Cºlº- to deſpiſe, ſcorn, diſgrace, diſpraiſe—Téadda de hiná- can Cºlº- o oxx; not to de- ſpiſe Hinjap cºsº- callow, not fledged, unfeathered Hingo 2 × < affa foetida * is ſtill Híob G-234 Job. Hiſmoo s deceive, betray Hiſmooãcan cº- to deceive Hiſmooawn cº- deceit, treachery, treaſon - Hóbat cº, craft—Booathóbatpada cº-el- to conjure, do witch- sex, to bewitch, enchant—Kéna hô- bated33- bewitched Hóbatan cºlº45- conjuration, witch- craft -- Hodjee ( -oxº~ a pilgrim Höjat *~ reproach, blaſpheme, curſe, profane, revile, ſlander ãcan Allah Ak!! Gº! ~~~~ blaſphemy againſt God Hójatan cº-> reproach, blaſphemy, &c. See Hôjat Allah &J.J cº-> blaſphemy of down a river | God . *. -- J A - - Hooloo lººsa haft, handle, helve Hookoom 2.3- to correót, judge, law: juſtice - cánon cº rº- inſtitution, common law Ciſa S o”; cº- grievous juſtice de boonoo 3i: c) • judge to be killed - - - – mantree GSyº-e P-X- rulers, ſu- preme judges, the great council of a nation º * , ; . mirriam 24%. --a gunner country cree, ſentence, inſtitution, law, con- ſtitution * - - Hookoomcan Go-K, X- to judge, to condemn to puniſhment - Horgay cº- ſtrange, foreign Hormat “…a glory, honour, praiſe, reverence, glorify, hallow, reſpect éang binnáſa & UK glº ever- glory which periſhes—Bree hormat *> GSy: give honour Hormátácan ſcºCº- to glorify, &c.| See Hormat - Allah *] gºCº- glorify God Hon'an 9-º- ſkill, knowledge JABAK Cºlº- a trap, gin, ſnare Jábat cuts handle, feel, touch, to hold between the hands, to lay the º - - ºf ( , 78 ) - ‘A - 4 - 2% * - *. § - | come to paſs, happen, betide, chance, négree grº; ex-law of a - terbálik - Jº -> injuſtice Hookoomawn Col. K-judgement, de- * ; - -J A Tábat tang'an (.335 exile ſh; ke hands; give the handº • * : ... •. . |Jábatan cº's feeling, handling, touching * Jábbatan coºl- miniſtration, office, .." place, trade, occupation, turn, lot Jakátra or Lºs Batavia . . . . . Jácob Cºxx; Jacob * - Jaddee C< to grow worſe - - ſáma parampoan & sº, CŞos cº-eytz effeminated & e . fäkit cºlº, Gq, Xº- to grow ſick foombo 3…" CŞexº~ healed, cured . s— tooah s!; (go- to grow old Jaddécan J.K., X- to make, &c. See Jaddee . . ; Jága Ağ's awake, to watch bamálam ...) ºr: &ºttº- to watch. hand on - by night . . J A Jägala & a;tº be watchfūl Jáhat cºasts- bad, naught, ill, º evil, wicked, harm Jáhatan cº-> miſchief, vice, vil- lainy, wickedneſs - Jāhil J.-- raſh # Jáhilawn cº-tº-raſhneſs Jájar >> a rank, a rew - baſe, Jájarcan cº-lº- to make into a rank Or roVW *. Jáit eſts to few Jála alsº a caſting net Jālāga Ağts blacking - Jálan oyts a way, a path, paſſage, ſtreet, to walk, travail, go, march —bétool Jyº oº ls a ſtrait way, to go ſtrait €nee Csº cºl= this path paſſages * irring & Coyl- to go after - - — low'as 0.13) cºls a wide paſ- ſage raja as-y cyl- the highway, road-way - - . . ſála &JUs, oyl- to go aſtray, to ſtraggle, go wrong - - ſåſat ev.L., cºlº- to wander - ſāma fåma aºlº accº cyl- to go together - ed way - - to wander to and fro ( , ) jálan cºls cº-ways, paths, påkan cººl; co) tº a beaten way - ſåſak –ºbs cº- an obſtruct-l J. A way . . . . foompit exº-sºº, exyl- a nar- row way—Sa harree jálan Gºgyº &. Coyl- a day's travail. º - |Jálánee cº- to travail - |Jáloojoor 2-3/G- to cheat, defraud Jálooroo x)19- to pull (as feathers) Jam a watch, clock, an hour, a diſtânce of ground, about three miles, or an hour's walking Jāmah &ºts to grope, feel, lay the hand on - Jámat cºsts advice, counſel—Minta jámat cºsts & aſk advice Jámaawn cyl-ºl-age, period mooda ocy25-9 o'--> period of youth - — tooah sº ol-º'- period of old age Jamban cº- a houſe of office Jambatan cº-a bridge an'catan cº exº~ a draw bridge - éang berlangkoong ë'. cº- &:*); alil arched bridge Jambool J,2,- a bruſh, a whiſk, a diſh clout, a duſting cloth - Jámoo 2-stº- to feaſt, banquet Jámooawn cº-sl- a feaſt, a banquet mampélee cº's cl:--> a marriage feaſt " – minta fälämat & cº-sle e-exts, parting feaſt - Jampa &= to joſtle, run againſt, | meet full butt, meet unexpectedly J. A. Janca & Kºs a pair of compaſſes, a pace, ſtep, ſtride, a ſpan—Bajanca janca &= & Xº-lt by ſteps - Janeåcan cºU3- to meaſure with compaſſes, to pace over - Jancal J. Q.-- See Janca Jangála allº- to graze, feed Jangon Cºxº~ not, ſhould not, be not, do not, may not, may it not booat buggétoo cº, _º do not do ſo *** * A téda ocyº &*> do not fail Jangoot ev2,3- the beard, berbooloo 3.ºr “”º- a thick beard - - w. Janjee Cº-º- a promiſe, contract, i Covenant, bargain, league, agree, ap- point, to primoiſe, contračt, &c., Janjéawn cºlºr=º- a promiſe, &c. See Janjee Jankit cºxº~ overtaken, poſſeſſed, in- fedted - dung'an teddre cºe exº~ _5\} overtaken with ſleep * Jantan cº- the male of any living creature (except man) Jantik -ºxºs the leg hanging down Jantoong &2׺- he heart of any living Creature k Jaoo 2'- far, far off, remote, diſtant, diſtance, a long way, abſent w- facilee gºal. 2's fartheſt lágee Cs’y 5'-- farther, more * ( so ) |Járammee - |Járang &y's wide, thin ſet (as trees, ſº cº- | J. A Jaooee (33lº- to keep at a diſtance or far off, to alienate . . . . . . . |Jápoh sºlº- a ſmelt, or a fiſh like it in | India w Járákat -39'> a vowel . . . . . . as bars of a window, as cloth openly wove), thin (as hair), ſeldom, rare, ſcarce, ſtrange, uncommon. ... . . . —jaddee CŞo-fly- that ſeldom comes to paſs—Menáboor járang #y's ſºlºsſow thin Járangcan cºls to make wide, &c. See Járang . . . . . . A Járatews a planet Járet Gºyls a ſepulchre Járing &l= a toil, gin or net, birds or beaſts) - Jarínangº- dragon's blood Jároom e?glº- a needle, a bodkin, a ſharp ſting (for bercápála allººr p: — méníoolam ſtitching needle — ſoojee Gº”. dering needle Jº- a pin 39% tº a º:yº an embrei- |Jároomatc.25 J's to darn Jároomean co-º-º- to pin Jarree gyl- an inch, a finger cakkee Gºº Gºjº, a toe --- chinching &== GS jts the ring finger, any finger that a ring is WOTI). Oil r - remote—Brápa jaoo — kálingkin cºi 2-&ly, how far |{i}º: G&Jº- the hit- . . . . . . . . . tle finger T. *. .4 * - J. E. .*-e-r- toonjoo _2= # (SJ tº the fore finger - Játoo sºlº to fall, tumble down, drop, ſlide off *— dálam cyle 5'- fall into—Lá- gee maoojátoo _** ** cº ready to fall . . . . . • Lºts a falling, &c. See &J's the middle Játoeawn 0 Játoo Játooean wº- to let fall. See Játoo . . - g 1áyer 3:2 cº33t- let fall the ſail A Játoon cººl-beer - Jattee cº- oak-Póhonejattee oº:: cº- an oak tree Jāwāda sell- a cake of dough, a pudding A Jāwars gº'- reſin ... Iblis G.J.ſ an evil ſpirit, the devil Ib'oo _3: mother, in a general way of ſpeaking — jarree cakkee Csº CŞy-º: the great toe - - . . . * —— jarree tang'an cº CŞy's ºl the thumb, an inch — tang'an ex}_º| the thumb, an inch . . . . . . . Ib'oo nea & Żºl his mother Ibrāhim sº !,' Abraham I'dang an cºe! a platter * Aldjats Gº! a prune Jébat exº~ civet . ( 8; O - J E ſo be, in caſe, provided, if it were, except, if when Jéka téda sex& Axº~ if not Jékáloo _3) U.S.- if, &c. See Jéka Jélap - Maº to lick |Jélat cº- to lick, to lap Jélo 2)4- to figh - Jémat cº- wary, frugal, provident, ſparing, ſaving, thrifty, temperate, niggardly - * Jen Gºjºs- the devil, an evil ſpirit Jénak -ºxº~ tame, tractable, gentle —Binnátangjénak Cºxº~ āşUK, a tame beaſt—Jaddee jénak C&O's. Q-ºxº~ tamed tº e Jénakcan cº-Xxxº~ to ta Jénak Jénáka & Lººs to trifle, jeſt, merry jeſting, to mock in actions, to maſ- querade, ſporting, waggiſh, wanton in ačtions Jénákácan cº-3U as to mock in ac- tions, &c. See Jénáka Jenjoong § --> a Jews' harp Jénis Cº- fort, kind, ſorts, divers, manifold warna & 5 o'ºs- divers colours Jénon cºxº~ See Jen Jénong &3- a weigher of goods. Jéráka &ſjæ- to check, taunt, ſnap me, &c. See |Jéra mänis O-3U's sjº- anniſeed, mint Jérat *}^ a gin, a ſnare, a ſliding knot * báloompat Cº-ºº-º- a trap, a ſpringing ſhare * - 3 * • * * Jéka & if, if it be, if it ſhall be, if Jerdee CŞe;- a jackall, a fox Y " I.N. Jerneh ** fine, clear, tranſparent (as any liquor) Jernong&23;º- dragon's blood Jérooc a lime, lemon º- S-> 3rº * * curbo º Sºº- a Cltron Jeſaias o-ºº: Eſaias. Jéton exº~ a fruit to make oil Jéwa sº- life, ſoul Jew’al Jº- ſell, ſold, betray * bárong &:Jº Jº- ſell by wholeſale . . . Jinkin exº~ a ſcorpion Jindir Jºº- to mock Jinjin cº-º- a tiptoe—Jálan berjinjin cº-º- jº Coyl- to go a tiptoe Jintan Cºx- cumminſeed. Jintit cºxs a fillip with the finger | Ilíámooc Cy_>''. s. • -. |Inggat.can cººl to remember one, put one in mind,' &c. See Inggat Ing in coºl to affect, ºf deſire, covet, fancy, will to have, wiſh for, long for, to delight in, zeal, fervency, appetite - mâcan cºt's coºl a deſire to eat Ingo 2:3] affa foetida g * |Ingoos O.º ſhot, ſnivel Iníak – Stºj| See Eniak Injápáyoong §;34% t=}| charm, free, un- concerned, free from trouble, that cannot be affected with trouble . Injat cas.jſ to daſh againſt, to ſtrike one thing againſt another Injil J-3ſ an apoſtle, evangeliſt Intan cº a diamond * Intee Gº liſten, hearken, ſpy, peep, lye in wait, way-lay privately ** e o e néſis Gºº Gº! a foul ſpot Joeſoof º-ºº: Joſeph º § 393 mother of pearl . . . . . , - . |Joo_3- you, thou J O Joo Grang Poonca aº £2, … yours - 6rang findirree Gºyoº. &12' > yourſelves * - —— 6rang findirree poonea &12' > 6 (Sycº, your own Joodee ÇSoº- to play, game - Jooga &3- alſo, likewiſe, moreover, only - Jooja as-y- to ſtrike plummet Joolájoor_j19-X3- to check, taunt ground with a Joolang £2,5- to fit aſtride, to fit on a man's ſhoulder * * Joolápang '5- a granary, a ſtore houſe (for corn), a barn (for corn) Joomaawn co-e25- a feaſt - –– maawn colz-s o'--> feaſting pétang & co-ºxº-ſupper teng'a harree dinner Joomaat ex-sº- a week, Friday— Tíop tiop joomaat Sº Sº ex-º-weekly, every Friday Joomavas Lº- an hypocrite, diffem- bler, falſe-hearted, hypocriſy, diffi- mulation i Jooméláhee Cº-º- to gather to- gether, heap up • Joomélat cº-º- to ſum up, to add numbers together, the total, the whole ſum * Joomoo 2-oxº~ ſurfeited, ſatiated, weary of any diet, cloyed, glutted, to ab- hor, loathe, nauſeate, diſlike, aver- ſion, loathing, abhorency ( 83 ) I R. Joomoonca & 5-5- abhorency, liſi- willingneſs Joompoot coº-º- to meet ſuddenly or unexpectedly, met ſuddenly Joomoor _3-93- to air, to dry in the all I’ - & - pada máta arree &L, sex; J3-95- C&J'ſ dry in the ſun J oongoor~!wº- the beak or head (as of a ſhip) |Joonjoong §3=5- to elevate, ad- vance, exalt, lift up on high, carry on the head, raiſe, promote Joonkat -533- a draw-bridge Jookátan cºlº 3- a draw-bridge Jookatcan co-º- to lift up one end ÇSyº & cº-º- Joopool J);45- to come to paſs Jooran Qwº- a rod -> káil Jºls cy;= an angle rod Jooroomoom exº~ * hovel, hut, cottage Joota aº- a legion, a million—Sa joota & 5- as one million Jow’ab sºlº- to alledge, defend, ex- cuſe, anſwer; atone, apologize, a ſurety, atonement Jow'an páháláwan Q35XLºlº cº- &l vićtor, conqueror Iſpar lakkee lakkee G2 $)J; !.bro- ther-in-law or ſiſters' huſband - I'par parampoan cº-w'. 3' ſiſter-in- law or brothers' wife Irrik ~3; to ſtamp on, tread, trample on, to go ſtamping or dancing Irring & # to follow after * * Y 2 I S t (, 84 ) . . . v ~. Irris, v.2 to carve, engrave, cut throughliffee rootee ( ; , , , … the crum of minée, ſlice, ſhread, reap—Dag in bread . . . . . . . . . , , ; 4 --- irris C”; cºle minced fleſh |Iſſee nea &Aj Gº its fulneſs, fulneſs, Irriſan Cººr, carved work, a ſlice, a contents -- . . ; ; ; , ; ; ; , . ſhread—Sã irriſan dag in Gº; a`. Iſtree ÇS,” wife, betrothed wife - Gºle a ſlice of fleſh . Irrfattee cº envy, hatred, emula- thing tion Irrop ºº; to bib, ſip, ſup I'ſaac Lºſ Iſaac I’ſrael Jºy” Iſrael I ſap -oº! to ſuck (as in ſmoaking to- bacco), to fuck into the mouth, to orator, advocate ſoak up (as a ſponge), to draw (as a plaiſter) — toombáco ×12-253 º' to ſmoak tobacco & Iſſälam 220. a Mohammedan–Agå- - ma iſſālam cº- alsº the Moham- a racer medan religion |Juree. Q3- one that performs any ajar > Sy;- a teacher, in- ſtructor * - âmboor_y> • * * : S$2. e * "çºÅ; digbvernor of a country Pégangrájatºs) & CŞy- a goyèrºof &ft kingdom greatneſs Kábidjécan cº-ºº-oºts bleſfing, pro- ſperity, ſucceſs in buſineſs, happineſs, Z beans K. A. welfare, goodneſs, good deeds, mo- rality, happy Kácaffee cº"> belo elected * Káchak -ºs-(3 haughty, ſtately, arro- gant, *. affected, ſelf-conceited (in ved, choſen, ſpeech), to vapour, bounce, boaſt, Vaunt, proud Káchal J-3 a perriwig Káchang &=3 beans, peaſe &=3 a flat ſort of 2 * - tºumºs képee Çsº Kácówat colºts a wart - Kádang kādang £els §e's commonly, often, uſually, by fits, by turns, now and then, ſometimes, by flaſhes Kádee CŞets a ſhop, a ſtall gººmsºmº jewal CartaS cº;' Jº- CŞels a ſtationer's ſhop - ——órangjew'al roompa roompa C Cots & 2) *º-sº y Jº- #): a. grocer's ſhop Kádeſh Cºol; a maidenhead Káhendak –3, XX-3 to will, deſire, covet, be pleaſed with — Allah & J Q-3.Nx=3 the will of God —— attee Cs' GOJ-3 the will, de- fire • ? — attee moo 3- Gs' -Poº-3 your will - - g Kájaddeawn colºcy-l; the beginning the creation - — doonea aº cºex-G the be- ginning of the world ( so ) |Kaite's a hook to ha K. A. * Kájang &=G, mats made with the leaves of trees for covering of houſes. Kall J43 an angle ** . . . . . . ng anything on, a tackle hook … . . . . Káka asts ſecond in kindred–Soodára káka A$5 oylox”. ſecond brother Kåkangas's a ſtay, a bridle, a ſnaffle Kåkang can cooda so25 & &ls bri- dle the horſe-Kéna can kákang pada cooda ocy; sex; &ls cº & bri- dle the horſe Kákoo 25ts benumbed, ſtiff in the limbs (as with cold or ſickneſs), wi- thered in the limbs Káláboorawn o!ºys a trap or hole in the ground, covered ſlightly to catch wild beaſts * Kátálowar_l, Üls a bat Kālambo 2-ºxt; a canopy, pavillion Kálan'capan cº-X3)[5 ammunition, equipage, furniture, materials, uten- fils, rigging, preparation - cápal Jºlſ cº's the rigging or furniture of a ſhip . - cápal capal Jºlſ Jºlsº a fleet of ſhips - prang # exºts tion, utenſils of war Kālat cºx's the brace of a ſhip's yard - G) Ver cº [3 & ammuni- º Kálédee CŞoºls an aſs berpálála ajylºr (ºſts a ſad- dled aſs - |Kálembor rº US a large ſort of ſhell fiſh like a perriwinkle Káloomat ~! ls a ſhip's hold w : , K. A 8 Káloong §2); a bat . Kálow'an ol,JG a bat . . . ( Kámooraawn elºs's bountifulneſs Kanchel Jºs” buck Kanching,& a bolt button . . . . . . . . Kandang &\s a ſtable, a wharf Kangkangºs to ſtride, ſtraddle Kangkoong. §2333 a toad - a wild goat, a roe- - * * * * * Kápak Cºts an axe, a hatchet Kápoong ãº's to beſiege - - - Kára oyts wormwood Kárajat cº-93 cuſtom outwards Káram 2/6 ſhipwrecked Káramawn cols93 ſhipwreck Káree CŞ's a block, a pulley, tackle, crane block Kárécan C-396 to crane up, to hoiſt up - - 4. - * - f - - .* ... • * dungan pootáran cºe C-Xylº cylºº to heave up with a Crane block * - Károo _5 jts yeaſt, dregs, lees, unfine (as liquor) . . . Károocan cº_5 jls to make unfine Károokoot Gºjš to ſhrink, to ſtoop with age , - . Károot cºls, a wrinkle, frizzle, rum- ºple (as in cloth) . Kárſk –ºy's gravel Kartika &# the ſeven ſtars * . As a ~ * ~3 ragged (as a rock), rough ** * thick, Kaſſap º (as a board) . . . Kátak -ºts a frog . . . . * biſa wº Lºts a toad . ... " (Kátambaawn coºts of a door, al. |Kaw'al OL3 a night watch, a night |Kécaſſee |Kékis 7 ) K E - addition, mul- tiplication . . . . . Kátang &ls a crab Kátooroonan Gºji, 233 decaying — Orang kátooroonan o-, J573 &J 5'' a. decaying IO 311). guard |Káwála &J |23 the points or entrance out of the ſea into a river or haven — ſoongey Cºw &J'º'; a river's mouth or point of entrance See Kácaſſee * * * g e or ſhut the eyes cº a harp, lute, cit- tron — Pétik kéchappee -ºº: Csº to play on the harp S; to drop . (äs an anchor) Láboan colº an anchoring place, a haven, port, road ižbong gº the fide above the hip Láboo sº a pumkin - º frangee Gºjº _532. a muſk- melon Láboor ~!vº to daub, (as with lime), to paint (as with pitch) - Láchap <>> detained, kept back Lácoo 3.y countenance, viſage, fea- tures, mein, behaviour, carriage Láda soy pepper Lágee cº more, alſo, and alſo, like- wiſe," yet, ſtill * - booloom ſéang ë!” 2:|: Ǻy - º ſtill coming – €dop Gºº ºy yet alive — jaoo 2'- cº more diſtant, farther N ſátoo_2}ls - gºy one more—Sé- dékitlágee C-33 cºexº, a little In 101C - Lāh AJ rare, excellent, bravely done, well done ; e or great nail . fpread, plaiſter plain, to pay not yet day dátang & ſo * & Láin (3-3) other, another, different, elſe •º. 1. ) ‘. . A Effincan c343 to transform, turn, alter, vary, change * . . . . . .'; * * * •º alter the voice Lajo >> quick, ſwift in the water } (as a fiſh, as a man ſwimming), ſwift on the water (as a ſhip, a boat), | ſwift in the air (as a bird)—Cápal lajo 2-3 Jºlsº a ſwiftly ſailing ſhip Lájoor. yº-> a leaf of a book, a co- lumn, page or ſide of a leaf in a book Lákaw (3) concave ºf Lakkee cº J male, the male kind, huſband - bálew ºu GX a widower Lákoo _3) ſucceſs in buſineſs, ſucceſs- fully to perform, to effect, perfeót, quality, gain or profit, excellency, ſtate or condition of wealth, excel- lent, current, paſſable Lálad JJ) a fly Lálay pada affap ºf sex, c gy) to dry in the ſmoak . . Lālāyānee cºlº to ſerve, attend, miniſter Lálee ( /) careleſs, negligent, with- out "conſideration, inconſiderate, heedleſs, unadviſed, forgetful, ſlow, to neglect Lálim Jy to pervert the ſenſe of words, perverſion - - Láloo _5}} after, withdraw, eſcape, go from, ſhun, ſtand aſide, ſtand out of the way, give place, paſs away, go by, away, depart, avoid, eſchew, paſſed by, departed, gone, with- I. A drawn, eſcaped, &c. Reaching to in length Láloo ca rooma aºy aſ 93 gone home , la &! 3]) withdraw, &c. * — derree pada étor sex; CŞJö 3/X gº to go from order - ; Lálooawn col}}} a withdrawing, eſcap- ing, &c. See Láloo - Láloocan cºſ2J) to withdraw from, &c. See Láloo … Lálooee (g:/X motion, withdrawing, &c. See Láloo Láma & S) long ſince, a long time, diſtant in time, ſtale, old (as any thing which has not life) láma &-s) &-s) very long ſince, See Láma. &c. —Derree láma & ). GSJo of ol tline º v Lámáran cºlº a lamp Lambang &c.) the threſhold of a door Lambat cº-ºx too late, ſlow, ſlack in buſineſs, to defer, delay, prolong, hinder, detain, retard, linger, ad- journ Lambatan cº-s) ſlowneſs, &c. See Lambat - - - .. Lambatcan & Cº.) to make late, &c. See Lambat Lambec -Q-9 flexible ... " Lambing sº-c) a dart, lance, javelin, ( , ) 1. A Lambong §º a man's ſide or ſhort ribs Lamboong #34-3 to caſt up into the air (as a ball) . . . . . . — lambing &º &c.) to caſt a ſpear Lámoon cº-sy unleſs, if ſo be, al- i. though, albeit that Lampar 3-ºx - infectious (as any ſick- neſs), to roll and break (as a wave of the ſea), to overflow (as a river), an inundation, to run over (as li- quor) Lampee Cºy ſlender–Toonkat lam- pee Gº-cy ºxº; a ſlender ſtick Lampécan co-Kºº make ſlender Lamping iA-2) a covering cloth for children - |L X to bait, touch, ſtc — fooda sex” als) it is long ſince ampoo 2:3 to bait, touch, top or make a ſhort ſtay at a place . . . . . Lancap ºx to perfeót, complete, accompliſh, finiſh, effeót, furniſh, : rig, perfeóted, &c. Lancăpan cºlºgy a perfeóting, &c. See Lancap, tacking, equipage, fur- niture, materials - - - Lan'choor 22-ºx to launch from, puſh, ſhove from, ſpout from, ſpout out r Lan'cooa o 3-3) gallingal, Landac COUX a hedge hog, a porcu- pine - Čº Landee (g CJ) a ford or ſhallow place 1I] a r1 Ver Landécan Jºe's to *-* * * * * halberd | over ford or wade f. A Ländike-soº allock of hair curled ar- tificially Lang §x a coffin Langgar x=} to arrive, aſſault, in- vade, land, run aſhore (as a ſhip), anchor or ſtop in a port, to ſally out on, a chapel, an oratory Langas oº wet, damp, moiſt Langaſcane-3, 3X to moiſten . —bree pootee. Cºx, GSH cº to wet, to whiten (as cloth) Langir ;3X. to ſcour (as with ſoap in waſhing Lang it cºx the ſky, firmament, the infide of the roof of an arch, vault, or ceiling - —s—bábintang ſky *Xºlº cºx the ſtarry châwácha as-L's Cºx a clear ſky * — dénee Gºº a dark gloomy ſkyº & & Ł, - mooloot º!'s exex the pal- late or roof of the mouth - daen lang it bábintang cºxæx &ly ca:) cºlò the heavens Lankaw (33) to ſkip, to overlook, omit, ſtride over, ſtep over. Lankawcan cºtx3x to ſtride over, &c. See Lankaw. - Langkoong, §2×3× an arch, vault, ſe- micircle - — jambátan cºlºrs ºx the arch of a bridge Lanquas o. 33 gallingal Lantak -ºj) to drive (as a nail) ( 03: ) f, A. " Lantee Csº a rafter, a floor timber, a raft of wood, a houſe built on a raft Lantik Cºx to ſnap * Jarree QSyl- \-ºx ſnap the fingers t * Lantor ºxx the palmeto tree Laoot Gººx the ſea beroombac Cº.,ºr “º a rough, waved ſea béſarr rºº Gººx the ocean ootára oyº, Q-)ºx the north ſea ſálátan cº tº sºº the ſouth ſea tafſik -ºj ev9) a lake, an in- land ſea tédoh sº e-º a calm ſea Lápang & X a breach, gap, ſpace be- tween, a ſtreight between two lands giggee cº-2X ſpace between the teeth " Lápangcan cºx to make a breach, &c. See Lápang Lápar ºx hungry, hunger - béſarr j” jºx a famine Lápik -ºx a pedeſtal, a foot under a pillar º Lápik cakkee Csº Q-ºx a foot ſtool, a bank or foot May Lápik pintoo ºxº ºx a threſhold of a door Lápik tſang štº Lº a foot under a pillar Lápis cº to fold, double, line, lining — báju_3=1. Cºx lining of a coat B b I. A –Sapooloolápisoºl_3/54 as ten- fold Lápo _º mould, muſt, mother quor Lárace XX a bodkin, an awl Lárang §J) forbid, hinder, prohibit Lárik Jºy) to turn ſwift (as a turner turns, as a boy's top) Larree QS JX run, gallop báchampoor 2º GS JX run intermixed, pelmel about, encompaſs — bertámoo _2-stºr, Q93 run Inect pégee GºssJX run away. to w together, run a race Larreawn colº, a running Laſcar, sº bondage, ſlavery Látac CGX leave off, ceaſe, deſiſt, let alone, let down, lay down, ſet down! Látok Q-ºx to crackle in the fire ( 04 ) on Ji-l bercooleeling &\4!ºr CŞJ) run ! | sáma sáma & slºw & sºn (SjY run! L E fary, pertinent, opportunely, ſeemly, ſuitable—Boocon láyak -º) cº, not becoming, &c.—Cátaawn éang láyak -º) §'. colzºtº becoming words . *- Lāyang -&4). to ſoar an end (as a bird into the air) - _ * - & \ * lāyang & y & y ſoaring |Layer; a fil —— ăgoong #* ſ gy 3. main-ſail ăgoong peñgápoh £231 g) oxº a main-top-ſail - pengápoh sºjº a top-ſail — penjooroong &2.95% jgy a mizen-ſail - penjooroong pen’gápoh rix | 8º §–5212+*. al ºf fémandria & yºujº a ſprit- ſail - S ºr - i ſémandria pengápoh 34) oº::UK-4 & Joºs a ſprit-ſail, top- fail º * * A Lauzan GojY an almond Láwan coſ,” to oppoſe, contradićt, gainſay, reſiſt, ſtrive againſt, againſt, contrary - Láwanan cººl}} oppoſition, &c. See Láwan Láwar yº) brag, vaunt Lax'a alsº ten thouſand Lax'émána & it, º an admiral, a ſea general - Lāyānee cºlº to ſerve, attend . Láyak Cº.) becoming, proper, fit, tópang &# jº a fore-ſail ºpen; peºgápoh ºf ºy oxyl Kº a fore-top-ſail—Hankar läyer jº jº- to hoiſt fail–Héla láyer ºx & to hoiſt fail—játoocan layer : 3.3 cº33t- to lower ſail—Tooroon- can láyer jº Q93, 193 to lower ſail –Géling láyer gy Åkº to furl a ſail - Láyoo _2? to leaves) - A Lazárdee ( go!}X amel | pine, fade, wither (as convenient, decent, meet, neceſ- Léat elaſ ſee, look, perceive, obſerve I, E Léat la &J cºlaſ ſee to, behold, heed, beware. . — ſala &JL cºlº! to overlook . . — teda méleat cºlºs ooº; cºlº! to look glancing (as if one did not look on a thing), to look through the fingers - Léatan cºlºſ ſeeing, the ſenſe of ſeeing Lébar rºl broad, wide, breadth—Sa iboo jarree lebar rºº! (Syl-_2^4 & one inch broad - - Lébarcan cºſ to make broa Lébat evº! thick (as hair), rain, leaves Lebbee ( - and abóve, reſt, remain, exce paſs, more than take ſee amiſs, to f more, much, moſt, over ed, ſur- — ampiryºl G sº more near — báik -ºlº" cº better, more good - — ban'yakº-Kºç º! much more béſar légee Cºjºcºſyet more great - eve — derree pada étoo ox! (gye Gº! X, moreover, more than that — derree pada ſätoo sex;q gyo Cº.) t * more than one moora 895-9 (sº cheaper — tooah ol; cº older - — poon téda coorang poon teda *** cy; $25% sº ox! ( sº not roore nor leſs—Mákin láma mäkin lebbee es: coºl’s & X coºl- ! Y1OTC • . " and moré, the longer the more Lebbénea & overplus L E Lécaso, KJ faſt, quick, quickly, haſte, immediately, preſently Lécat cººl ſtick to, cling to, cleave to, hang to - - - Lécatan cºxæ] to make ſtick, &c. See Lécat r - Lécha as:' mire, ſlime Léchin &=' poliſh, plained, ſmooth Léda sexeſ the tongue — nárácha &lyū odº) the tongue - p poliſhed, - of a pair of ſcales — panjang x=º ocº) a long tongue, a prater . nea & sexeſ his tongue Léher jº the neck - linjang x=9 jé, a long neck ſélémoot **** jº the cape of a cloak - Léléboong; 24 Mºjacentinel, a guarder, a ſecret ſpy Lélah oMº weary, tired with walking, to tire Lélakkee cºº! brethren - Lélang &J an auðtion, outcry, ſale of goods Lélin Cººſ bees-wax Léma A, aſ five —blas O.M., & AJ fifteen pooloo 2.! 3: &aſ fifty Lémah &A) faint, feeble, fickly, lan- guiſhing, numbneſs in the limbs sákarnea aºl. e.g. impotent, bedridden Lémak -*…] fat, greaſe, ſweat F. E. Lémak, cháir 2's Lººſ melted fat. tallow * , , Lémas cº flife, ſmother, throttle, choak, drown, ſtrangle, ſuffocate Lemba & a valley, dale Lemboo º' a bullock, ox, cow, the kind of cows •º •- l bétina & 2. a cow bétina mooda sex, & 3", a heifer * * —jantan cº-3-ºl a bull —— men'an'gala alsº _º a plough-oxº 4 Lembooroo _5.)1:…' a ſmelt . Lémoon béſarr jºy coºl a poomple- moos, a fruit in India •º Léna &J defer, adjourn, delay, hinder, prolong, linger, put off, ſlow, de- ferring, adjourning, &c. Lendee Cºok] a ford —— can ſoongey €too Gº CŞeº _2^4 c sº ford that river * Łépas Cººl let go, acquit, diſcharge, deliver, let ſlip, quit, give liberty, releaſe, exempt, looſe, forbear, leave off, omit, deſiſt, ago or paſt in time, acquitted, diſcharged sº téga harree Q.93. & oº::/ three days ago Lépaſcan cº-ºº! to let go, &c. See Lépas Lépaſan cºº! acquittance, liberty, &c. See Lépas ( 0.6 ) ...! ! l; |. I, .I. impotent, feeble, limber, out of breath, tired Ley C.J is a denomination added to the name of any thing that is natural and thin, when the number is to be-de- noted, a way: of expreſſion uſed by the Malays–Daw'on ſa Iey cºlo J as one leaf Liang §4) a hole in the ground that a. poſt came out of : édong & sº £4! the noſtrils Liar Jºj ſavage, wild, ſhy, ſkittiſh, wanton * • * Liat cºlº) flexible, tender (as meat)— Dag in líat cºlºſ cº!e tender meat. Lau liungan gº tº a kite of paper . Ligang & to ſling (as a ſtone), to roll (as a ſhip) • Ligangcan cºº! to ſling, to roll. Líganggan cº a ſling Ligas oº! to amble, to pace (as a horſe) Likas Gº! to ſkein (as thread), to reel, to wind Y. bálik - Jº O'ºs) to unwind ſkaſan cººl a ſkein (as of thread), a reel or wheel to windson - ſkaſcan cº to make into a ſkein, to wind. Limpa &A. J the liver } t L t Léſong § *4) a mortar Léſoo léteh & AJ ** to faint, ſwoon kécheel Jºsiº &J the melt I impar, rº throw, toſs, caſt, heave, fling * t Létch & weak, deficient, ſickly,ll— bátoo ºl, jº, throw ſtones. I, O ( 9 Linder JJJ jelly, paſte (as for paper), thick (as pap), clammy, ſlimy, ropy, pap 2 Lindoong &23 J to ſhelter, protect, preſerve, cover, cheriſh Lindoonggan cº390 a ſcreen Lindóſan coºk/ an anvil Lingan cº-XXJ the arm, a ſleeve baju 5-tº cº-XXJ a fleeve of a COat - - Linjap -** vaniſhing, tranſitory, mutable, to vaniſh, glance by derree pada máta Gºjo <=” &L's odº to vaniſh from the eyes Lintah & J a horſe-leech Lintang XXXJ croſs, thwart, one thing acroſs another, croſs-legged Lintangcan co-Kº to lay acroſs, &c. See Lintang Lípan cºº! a centipee, an inſect Lípas Gº! a cockroach, a beetle, ſorts of inſe&ts Lípat cºs) to lap, fold, plait, double, wrap; a lapet, fold, plait, double idatcan co-ºº! to lap, &c. See ſpat Lóba *: zeal, fervency, to long for, to deſire or covet greedily—Dungan lóba &!,' co-o with zeal Lóbak -ºº! a raddiſh, turnip Lóbak Cºx) overfalls in the ſea, deeps and ſhoals Lóbalóba &23) & 3) coleworts Lóga a 3. to ſound the depth Loh ox) a copy for children, an inſcrip- tion 7 ) 1, O Loh pāpan Jºlº sº] a board to ſtrew dry ſand or aſhes on, in which children learn to write, a way uſed in India bátoo _5}l. s: a ſlate to write on r Looar pl;] without, in the open air, out, forth Loobang &:9] a den, a pit, a hole, a cave, a valley, a borough, a ſtye. binnatang&lº &23, a cave for beaſts bobbee Gº &gº! a hog-ſtye pálandok -339.93 &; a co- ney-borough booa roo _3.J 834 &23) a button- hole jároom exº~ &45) the eye of a needle rooma booloo 3/34 & 9, ź the pores of the body Loobaun Gºº olibanum Looca & 3] a wound bernánah & 5 Gr aß) a wound come to matter, a digeſted wound, a running ſore éang mémátee Cºlº-. §3 º! a deadly wound - * éang pāyah agº ë'. & 2) a deadly wound fooda bernánah Ajū., od..., & the wound is digeſted '; oe: 2] Looda ocy») ſpittle, vomit A Loofahat casels#3) a mandrake Loocan cº3] a ſhell fiſh, called in the | Weſt Indies a ſoldier, a calapee or the C c t 1, 9 ( 93 ) to whole back ſhell of a turtle, or crab, Loomoorcan - ? wºº! to daub, foil, or any ſuch like ſhell ſpot Lookis Gº to paint, draw (as land- Loonot º-s, moſs ſcape) - Loompat cººl to jump, leap, ſkip, Lookiſan Jºš, a picture of landſcape ſpring Looloom .º: to lick, ſuck gerS & D - Looma to howl, yelp Marchon cººrs a rocket, a granado Marchoo 2-ys a watch-houſe on a hill 102 ) M A Mardékácan ext{zeºr, to make free. Marnékáawn Glaxºers freedom from flavery {- Máréam .LU's Mary A Marjan cº-rº coral Márika & Ls a people Marjon exº~ yº a fireball, a granado A. A Marka fåjerjºls as5° the red of the morning Marmar jºrs marble Marree GSJU's come Cà, Iſla TTCC CŞy's & CŞy's come here, come hither de ſénee Cs” © QS JU's come here © tº padako 53' x ç jºs come to me Marréaw tº jLs a mine bátoo ºld tº jº, a quarry or mine of ſtone beſſee Csº ºpt-º an iron mine mas Cº-o lºyl-, a gold mine Marſik -**,” effeminate (as the voice) Mas C-5 golp, is alſo the name of a gold weight ſixteen whereof are ac- counted one tial, and uſed in many parts of India and China - choochee Çsº-oº-- Pure fine gold mooda so?-- 0-9 coarſe gold oorey Q's Jº O'º duſt gold tooah sº O'º fine gold. Máſa & Ls a ſeaſon, time, weather * bäik -ºu &L's a good ſeaſon - Mardéka *ºrs free from ſlavery l— irris ow J. &ntº harveſt time f M. A ( Máà láparº as a hungry time, a famine *. - men'âboor 2540. &L, a ſowing or ſeed time pānas O.33 a...Lº a hot ſeaſon, — poon'goot booa oº et*:: ** time of gathering fruit—Pada máſa &l-º scº in ſeaſon wº- Māſak -...L. boil, feethe, cook, dreſs, mellow or ripe (as fruit) mantah & Cº.,L, to parboil Máſáwoor J125-sº unſteady, wavering Máfin cºst... ſalt in taſte–Ayer máſin coºl- 3. ſalt water Máſooc Cº.Lºlº enter, go in, intrude, put, turn, turned, become, going down or ſetting (as the ſun) Máſoocawn cº- an entering, &c. $ee, Máſooc Maſſam --, four, ſharp, crabbed, auſtere, ſourneſs —ſédékite.º.º. ºº's ſouriſh Moſſamcan 1. to make ſour, &c. See Maſſam Maffing sº, uſually Maſſing maſſing &º &ºs uſually, commonly, ſucceſſively, to follow orderly (one after another), from one to another .* * ºrt t 103 ). Tú At Máta, arree kóning & Gº! ast, a yellowiſh watery ſun — goonoong $3i,' &glº- over the mountain Menácoottee Cºlº- to ſcare. frighten & º' Menafit cºlºs to whiſper Ménáhan G-Uº to ſtanch, ſtop (as liquor) from running, refrain, bri- dle, forbear, endure, fuffer, undergo, a ſtaunching, ſtopping, &c. dirree CŞre co-lº-' to refrain one's ſelf — fix’a alsº cº-º-, to ſuffer pu- niſhment tangis O-33 ex-Uºs to forbear to cry t Ménáhannee Cº-Cº., a ſtaunching, &c. See Ménáhan — dára syle cº-º-, a ſtanching of blood & vº Ménámahee C-L-Lº's to name, no- malnaté Men'ambil Jº-suk's take, took Men'amboor 1,4-tº- to ſow, ſcatter, ſowed, ſcattered (as ſeed)—Máſa. men'amboor 154-slºº & La ſowing ſeaſon f KılğılçC. * to begin, com- Men'ampangcan cº-Ki-sºo to freight *M E Men'ânam -3U-9 to plant, bury Men'an'cap' - XXX-9 caughtsunawares, taken, arreſted Men'an'cat e_3&s to raiſe ſála &JLº, e-Cº., to raiſe a bad report Men'anda o XXX's to ſignify Men'andaee C - Men'chooree GS2=º to rob, ſteal, | pilfer, ſtole M. p. .( Men'dága-33 loºks rebellious, to rebel * + * * Men'dammécan cº-slºº's to Pacify: make at peace : Men'dăpat º'exº~ to invent, - found out, overtake w Mendarſa & JCV-2 an univerſity, acca- demy, a great ſchool Mendátang &lexº~ coming Mendauloocan, cº3//exº~. to further, put forward Mendémab -,-,-XX's to feaſt plenti- fully, gluttonize, make merry with good cheer . Mendendaee (g |CUCNA’s mul&ted, fined Mendiddee G goºd to feethe, boil, ſtew • * Mendinding §º walled Mendirrécan G-3JoJº's to make ſtand, raiſe (as a houſe) Mendoodooc Cſ_5°»exº~ to ſit Mendungar jè-\º hear, hearken, mind, regard, obey Mendungarcan cºſ3ée- to hear, &c. See Mendungar Ménéang on G&lsº a deer Ménee Clsº the ſeed or ſperme of any living creature Méneebénee Gºº See Ménce find out, Menſaat exº~ uſeful Meng'ab'iſcan G-Xºls., make an end Mengāchoom cº- to exaſperate, inveterate Meng'ādau ſolºs to inform againſt, toj lay to one's charge, to witneſs againſt, 109 ) |Meng addácan |Meng'ājar M. E. Mengſadda adda.oOc sox *-s to brag of riches + . . … * * * , cº ſo-3-3 to give ex- iſtence or being, to cauſe to be, to deviſe, invent, compoſe Mengſaddap ºxxx… to appear before, to paſs before, turn towards, look on, confront, appeared, propoſe, pro- pound, caſt the eye on * — angin cººl ºpe-3-8 before the wind —- máta &Le Gºdºxx's caſt the eye on, before the eye máta ca attas & 25ts º'cº-3-o . Cººl caſt the eye upwards ſāya &L. ºccº's appear before me—Bava mengaddap --> *-s opt: bring before Mengaddapcan cº-3ox3- to make ap- pear before, &c. * See Meng'addap Men'gádécan cº-geº- to pawn, mortgage . . Men'gaga aºlº to laugh at Men'gaja as-Lº, to compel, force, OVCICOIſle e º Mengajahee cººl-tº- compelled, &c. See Men'gaja > * learn, teach, admo- niſh, reprove, -ſhew how to do Mengājārawn coſyl-L-2 learning, &c. See Mengājar Mengajee Gº-Gº's to ſtudy Mengājok G3-L-9 to fret, incenſe, urge, anger, teize, threaten Men'gīlāgaw Lººs to boil up (as to attaint, accuſe, arraign, impeachl water), to boil quick * F £ M E ( 11 Men'gālamboong §;34.) LXX's to bub- ble up, a bladder on water or any liquor Men'gálátok giggee cºG3533. to chatter with the teeth p Men'gálee cºlº dig, plough Mengáléfik -“Lº- to flutter (as birds) Mengáleh &JG., to ſhoot (as a ſtar), to circulate (as the ſtars, as the blood) Meng'alla &M/US-2 conquer, overcome, maſter, rout, take, ſubdue, put to flight Mengallácan Cºx(x-s to conquer, &c. Meng'allas O.)[3-3 to put a foot under a pillar or prop Meng'āloh sºlº to figh Meng'ālow 2] lx., to drive before one Mengſambar > to feaſt, banquet Menniampee Geº-slºo to keep (as a promiſe) " Meniandang can cº £ojºs to put into a belt . Menian'goot cº,2,3,4- to prick or fting with a forked ſting Menjantan cº-Fº gendering of the female with the male Méníaoot co**** to anſwer, reply Méniaootan cºlº an anſwer k * to pull (as fea- Çs'Łºsºs to enter- 113 ) Méníarrálee M. E. Ménépit e.gº to nip with the fin- gers © Méniépoo 2:14:44 to ſweep, wipe Cºlºrs hazard, appa- rent danger of life Méniãſac can Gy -º-, to crowd through Méniãfal Jºlº to repent, repen- tance, remorſe |Méniéſat ºvstº oppreſs, conſtrain Méniétácan cºtylºs to make known, notify, explain, expound, demon- ftrate éang cémádéan ël. cºulº- cºol-sº to make known what is to come, preſage, foretell Méniétoke –ºtº-, to play at bandy Méniéboot cºax mention, tell, name, publiſh, give out • * * > * > Méniélop º22% º to dip Menjénak Cºxº~~" tamed Ménièroo º Men'imbak -ºx's ſhot or hit with a gun, to ſhoot at a mark with a gun Men'in'gal Jºs left, to leave, ceaſe dungſan ſoorat cº-so \ºs “lºº left by writing Men'in'galcan cº- to leave, ceaſe from Men'ingécan Co-Kºº-, to promote, i . ... . . i raiſe up Ménioocácan make glad G g cº 3&s to pleaſe, \ . M E Méntooláhee e.º.º. to illuminate, light © Ménſoolam 2);&s to embroider Méníooloor Jººs to creep (as a worm) tâna & J393& to ſail or creep along by the ſhore Ménfoomba & sº to invocate, ſerve in worſhip, pray to, bow in re- verence, intercede, intreat Méníoombaawneyla--º invocation, &c. See Ménfoomba Méníoompa &º to ſwear ibºlis Gº! ºr to conjure or raiſe an evil ſpirit Ménſoongoocan Cº.3é:** to certify, confirm, prove true, make appear, true Ménſoongool c)):<#33 ºr to roll (as a ſhip), to toſs (as the head up and down Méníoongkilt Jºaº to poke, to ſhoot out (as a porcupine his quills) Ménioorate-lyxºs written Ménfooſoong §tºo to gambol, tol play tumbling tricks Menjowab ‘P!::=* to bribe, fee Ménitahean C-Xsº to command, ordain by a kaw *Menkail Jººs to fºſh with hooks Menkärookoot cºsylxx... ſhrinked with age, to ſhrink Menlápar ºuts to hunger Mennarree CSJººs to dance. Mennarréawn v. JUvs a dance, dancing ( 114 ) * • * , Nº ºf Menniéla aſtºs to blaze, flame, flani- ing Menniäläcan cºlºs to make flame Menniänee Cºlº- to ſing — niáneo Gºj e sºlº finging Ménédoh oxº~ to accuſe, impeach Ménódohhee Gº” accuſed, im- peached º -- Ménégécan cºº33.3'-e to confirm, eſtabliſh * — dungan ſoompaawn of3%. cyl-3-ºxº cºe to confirm with an oath, - º i Menooboos O-345- to redeem Menoobooſee Cº-º redeemed Menoocar jº, barter, exchange Menoocarawn co';%2- bartering, ex- changing Menoochee Q sº: conſecrate, cleanſe - méſagit &tº- C sº-c con- ſecrate a church gº tº Menoolas Cºxx… to diſſemble Menoolee es33-9 to deafen, to make deaf & sº Menooloong &2/3-, to affiſt, protect, help Menoongool Jºs to gallop, ride full ſpeed Menoonkateºs to prop Menoontoot º to dun, to de- mand;a debt Menoorate-lyxºs to write ãcan dea ago Gº! e-by-stowrite to him % } § # t ; * } }. i fi {− derree délam cº *CŞyo evºke 3 to Copy * 4. - Mºg ( 1 Mºnoost de tungº baſis owly. Gºyu  to interline -- náma moo - alsº wºve write ... your name – ſalin cºſt, colº to €opy * +- ... } Menoorooncan cº-ºve to infuſe, in- A , A w |Mérátácan cy'ſGlºs to make level, ſpire , Menooroos cy.2.95-9 through Menoorooſcan J-Kw, 595-9 put through Menooſoo_*º to milk, to fuck Menródoke CŞye;jº to rake Mény'ram cº- to ſprinkle water Méra oº's red köning 5 sy” a bay colour mooda. sey's 3rº a pale red tooah ºbj sjæs a deep red * —télore 2.5%; orºs the yolk of an egg .* i. 3. méra exº~ oxº~ red hot, glowing Mérában co-lº-' to ſhore, to talk or be diſquiet in a ſleep, to dote with age Méraja <>;-- to reign over, to domi- In C& Mérájatcan e-º-º- to govern force Mérajoo_3=}* to grumble, ſnarl. Mérampas Cº-º-, extorted, confiſ. cated—Arta mérampas Cyº-erºs & confiſcated goods Mérancan G-3 A-6 to crawl, creep, go! ſlowly (as a beaſt or any thing hay- ing legs) . Méran'gas O-Gº to glaze, varniſh by: 15 ) # iſ Mérºtes Cºlº- a tute dwe, a pigeon Méréſa A.!ºs to feel, ſuffer, endufe, be ſenſible of, to taſte Méráſaawn cotxe. jº feeling, &c. See Méráſa even, plain Mérátap -jlº to mourn, whine Mérendácān 931.x.yºs to humble, de- baſe, put down, ſuppreſs Mérooboo 2:3rº demoliſhed Mérooboot cº,º houſe robbing Méroojee C = 5^* damnified, da- maged, waſted Méroopácan cºlºrºs to imitate, re- ſemble, repreſent, make the form of. to form Mérooſakcan cº-3- 3rº to grieve Méſàjit ex-Lº, a Mohammedan. church, a temple Méſaurat cºljLººs to combine, conſult Mettrettee Cºyº a concave meaſure Metty Cº., a mattraſs - tédore Jyº cº- a bed to ſleep on Méty ( -ºc coriander ſeed Méza, s}~ ſtockings—-Pākee rhéza o;& Glº to wear ſtockings Miam Lºs miam, a gold weight uſed at Aºchee Miára oyla-2 create, created Míáraawn colºlºs creation Midan Cocºs a plain or open place be- Mérápatcan cº-º:jºvº centračt, draw cloſe fore a palace, or any building, or any open plain ground- t M. H. ( 1 Midan prang ër. cºs place of battle, a place to fight on Middoo _5\'s to miſs narrowly, to err, tranſgreſs la fäya &L. & 3 Nº I do err A Mikáel J.L.A., Michael Mimpee Cºre to dream Mimpeawn cº- a dream A Mimbar rº,” a pulpit * ~ \ e º Minda sex… genteel, neat (as clothes for a man only), genteel, neat (in clothes as a man only) Mindom f30J-s a dry nurſe Minnéak CŞtº a camelion Minnoom exº~ to drink o” abis -> drink all up § drink round about mábooc -533. ºjº to drunk Minnoomawn GoC's25° drink liquor, drinking * *. ot-sº-s a drinking cup Minta &X-9 to aſk for, crave, requeſt, beg, ſue for, deſire, hope for, wiſh, to woe, ſolicit don for God's ſake * derma & ejo & beg alms neſtly *as Mintaawn CºaXX., requeſt, prayer bercooleeling &\º 5%3, 25° drink, CIa S o-yeº- ftrong drink — Chávan minnoomawn cºls. ampoon exº~! & aſk for par- carna Allah &Jſ &; &c to beg rājing &=! & ſolicit ear- 16 ) *Mii Mintácan Cººk's to aſk of, &c. & See Minta . . . . ... ' **. * * * Mintádoa opeLº's prayers ** * & * 4 * Mintooah lakkee lakkee cº wº • G2 foſter father . . . . . . sº —parampoan a cº-wº, º foſter ; . mother , Min'yak -ºº-soil ' ' . jéton cº- -º-, oilo olive oil - - - > * • oobat ~2.43 –º balſam, un- guent . . . . . . . . f a fruit, * *: — ſappee Cº., Lºs butter, tal- low . & ſº : ſooſoo 3” **** Crean). tána ajū Lºve oil of earth Min'yakkee Cººs to oil, anoint, ſmear, baiſt f Mirriam 4×-- a cannon, a great gun ſ: ſápir’ampat 34 3. & 3- face 117 ) M O Mooca berchinta & a′,′s a careful COUIntenance — éloc Cy_3). & _5-9 a pleaſing cheer- ful countenance mānis C-3'-- & 3-, 3. fweet ſmiling cheerful countenance mára 89-9 & 2-0 a cruel fierce COuntenance maſſam • & 3-9 a. ſour, frown- ing, auſtere, ſtern countenance — pápan cººk. Aſ3-0 impudent, con- fident face — pérang & J & a-e tawny coun- º § & _3-0 y terfinjom cº; & 2-9 a ſmiling countenance–Adda de mooca occ &2-, o it is before Moochee G sº-5-9 See Móchee Mooda ocy;... young, youth, light or pale of any colour, little in any degree, of age or office lágee c --> so 2-9 more young, younger–Méra mooda sox's ojº pale red Moodaawn etcox's youth, &c. See Mooda ** Moodačcan cº-Kºloz-e to diſgrace, eſteem little Moodánea ≤’s his youth Moodal Joy's money, capital, princi- pal money Moodee CŞo 3-9 a rudder Moodik –$ox's to go againſt the ſtream, to go up a river Moodoo _293-9 ſober, abſtemious Moodooawn cºexis ſobriety M. O. Mooe (9 × foam of the mouth Moola &J 2-s a prieſt Moolay Ǻ-s firſt, begin * —poola & 23 cºx's begin again Moolay'awn colº),” the beginning doonea asje colº 2-9 the be- ginning of the world Moolay moolay Ç3-5 (.62 × in the beginning Moolſa & J.'s honour, glory, to ſo- lemnize, celebrate, account of, eſteem, reſpect - — derree pada rāyat solº &J 3-0 cºy Q gyò honoured or chief of thel people Moolíácan cºUs!15-9 to honour, &c. See Moolía Moolſáawn exº~ honour, glory, reſpect Mooloot cº,23);-- the mouth -* —béſarr ºf e-º:-- a great mouth, a boaſter, boaſting —— cépal Jºtſº2,3- the hatches or ſcuttle holes of a ſhip ganga & º:-- open- mouthed tºº gººm- gangoo 2& º! 3-0 al babbler brawler, prater, tattler, one that ſpeaks unſeaſonably, ſaucily — káchak -º-; Sºlº arrogant, proud in ſpeech —— kakang &ls º!»o the bit of a bridle mānis oºl's Q-)ºº affable, courteous in ſpeech ( 118 ). M Q Mooloot pantas oºg ºr nimble- tongued - poonoo sº; evº!,” a mouthful . — priok *::::: Sº-º mouth of a ! •, ; w pot — rampoos cº-sy ºvº an inter- rupter, a prepoſterous anſwerer, one that ſpeaks in another's diſcourſe, in- terruption in diſcourſe —— toong §: 53 S-º!” a bung-hole— Bree mooloot mánis Gºº!ºr CS3? 0.31.8 to ſpeak courteouſly Moombong &34-95-9 over-meaſure, over-running meaſure, over-plus, heaped-meaſure * Moomin cºre bleſſed, happy . Moominawn GU's2.s bleſſedneſs Moonára oyº-e a tower, ſteeple Moonchong. ; :-º'--- long and thick Moondok -º-, a mole º Moongo moongo_53- 53's ordinary, common, vulgar Moongoos oºº-e a weſel Moonoh sº-c to gratify . Moonſet Cº-o an ape, monkey Mooning tooping ãº; -9 to diſguiſe the face or voice Moonoo _º- to dwell, inhabit, reſide: Moonooawn colºr, a dwelling, habi- tation * Moonta -9 to vomit Moontaawn cotx32-s a vomiting Moora 39 5-0 cheap, eaſy to do, liberal Mooraattee Cºs25-9 liberality * Moorapercháya **º- eaſy to be- | lieve M. O. , ( 119 ) # Nº A. Moorkaejºrage, wrath, anger of a ſuperior w --- Moorit Gly; a diſciple, a pupil, ſcho- 3 lar, ſtudent, learner, clerk Mooritnea & 5-8 ſcholar, &c. See Moorit * Moorong §3.15° melancholy, ſad, de- jećted, penſive, to 'pine, languiſh Moortad Ojºs a backſlider - Mooſa & 3-0 Moſes Mooſang & sys a pole-cat Moofära 8yº portion, ſhare, allow- ance of proviſions Moofim -º-, a ſeaſon of the year — charroot co, jºr **** harveſt ſeaſon ——ding in QºS ºr winter ſeaſon, cold ſeaſon — pānas O-33 *** ſummer, hot ſeaſon Moosina &ºs in fellowſhip, in com- mon, in general Mooſo yº-e an enemy Nooſtar Jºs -- a marking line, a car- penter's line, a proof, ſample Mooſulmawn ol,\sº a true believer, a Mohammedan .* INMootiára oyº-e pearl - Mooting &;-- a ſtain, ſpot, foil Mootingcan cº-s to ſtain More Jºzº mirth n sº º Moſkit exº~ See Meſajit Moſáyer glº- damaſk p * Moſsélaat -->Jº 3-9 ſubtilty, crafti- neſs, miſchievous cunning Moſséd cº-, See Meſajit tº: etº ready oſteytcan cº 3-0 make ready Mow’alley, to loathe or be weary of any ſort of diet, queamiſh in the ſto- mach * > Möyang &:-- anceſtors A NAAMOON cº- an oſtrich— Booloo naamoon exº~ _º134 an oſtrich feather |A Nabbee G.sº a prophet Eºſa '83-4 C sº the prophet Jeſus ** Nabbee nabbénee C sº C sº Pro- phets ºv, * @ Nácal J51, ungodly, evil, wicked, unjuſt Nácālan Gyls" : ungodlineſs, &c. See Nácal Nádee Gºo G the pulſe—Rába nádec ko 53 “Set &gly feel my pulſe A Nádir Jol, a point in the heavens A Nádirat Gºlyol; a phoenix Náfas O-3U breath of the body Naffoo _533 humour, will, ſenſual de- fires, luſts, worldly pleaſures, Vanlf.1eS • dag in e-ſo 233 luſts of the fleſh Nágow'am 2:3 U a client A Nájam -->U aſtrology, a ploughſhare Näik -ºu up, go up, come up, went up, ſprang up, riſe, mount, climb, aſcend, embark, gone to arga Ağl Lºts raiſe the price berpankat pankat evºr Lºals # t - * * evº aſcend by degrees Y A Näik capal Jº's Cºu to embark on board a ſhip 3. cooda étoo 3% oë5 – 33 mount that horſe dărat evyle -ºu go on land, go a ſhore * Näikhodice cº-o- \lºg\} to go a pilgrimage " máta arree C&J &J's -53U to riſe (as the ſun), riſing of the ſun Nam -j fix blas O.M., º ſixteen pooloo 3/34 * ſixty Náma & SU name, denomination —— àſal Jº! &-old ſurname ——bäik -ºlº &G a good name or reputation —-jáhat east- a--U a bad name, in- famous —— nea &A_j & U his name k — nea Daood oxley & & st; his name is David—Appa náma moo 3-9 &U &! what is your name Namfyrree GS343.3 a trumpet Nána Ajū a buoy - Nának Cºlj to boil till it is dry (as rice), to boil (as a pudding), boiled dry > Nának Cºl; corruption, matter, the running of a ſore t edong §39 Cºl; ſnot Nanca A.Kö a jack, a very large fruit in India * Nangála Aſlög a ploughſhare Nang is O-33 to cry, weep Nangiſcan co-Kºº-j crying, weeping * ( * . Naſſaránee .N. E. Nanglong £933 a ſcaffold, ſtage, thea- tre, gallery, balcony; playhouſe * Nantang & behold, look on Nantee Gººg ſtay, tarry, abide, wait —— nantee C sº cº ſtaying, &c. . pada sex, Cº ſtay for Nantéácan cºtºx3 to make ſtay, &c. See Nantee * Narācha *}} a ballance, a pair of ſcales -º- Narāka Niátacan Cºtilºj to make remarkable, &c. See Niáta H éang cómádéan dátang cºſtillº; &le cºols; ºt, make known what is to come, foretell Niáwa oº life, ſoul, ſpirit, beloved, dear, well beloved choochee ( → *º the Holy ſpirit º º ko 33 85%; my life, &c. mánoofia aºlº ox!º the ſoul of man—Sáya Sárácan niãwako pada tang'an moo 33 sºlº cºſt.” a.º. 3-0 (93.5 ocº I deliver my ſoul into ( 122 ) {} Q Nilam - M43 a ſapphire Nilas Gººg wateriſh, eyes) Ningcan e-G3 to refine (as ſugar) ãcan maniſan étoo cººl cº-X53. 22, Jº refine that ſweetmeat Nior J2a3 a young cocoa-nut Níroo _5 jº a fan, a winnow Nirooãcan cºlº; to fan, winnow gendoom étoo ºcºº 2.3 winnow that corn Nokta & 23 a point, tittle, prick Nooree (S25 ſore (as the 3 mooree, a bird ſomewhat like a parrot, bred only on the Mol- luca iſlands A Nooſoor 23° 33 a kite, a fowl ſo. called O OBAH &45 recall, revoke, repeal, alter, vary, break, or go from a bar- gain, covenant, promiſe, word, peace, to deface, impair, decay, leſſen, to ſpell a word—Dea ſooda oobah jan- jee nea &A3 C = - & 5 *** &Q he did break his promiſe Ooban cº, grey (as hair), hoary or thin of grey hair Ooban oobánan co-º: Gº the crown of the head | |Oobat cº, drugs, phyſic, medicine, ſalve, ointment, balſam bābāwooe GS:sºlº furped ointment buddeer Jºx, e.g., gunpowder oopas Gº Gº drawing ſalve cº per- your hands foobattee ‘sºº to apply phyſic, &c. . & Cº. ( 1 z Ooby Geº a bead. - Ooby beſarr jº Cº., a yam Ooby kaſtella &AXº3 Csº parſhips Ooby kecheel. Jºs” Cº potatoes Qeby ooby G45 (3.5 beads º Oobong £293 to faſten together, to join together, paſte or ſtick to, ſplice, tie together, a joint in the body, ajoint. in any work . . . . . Oocoops,1983 the ſmoak of any incenſe, a perfume by ſmoak. . . . . Oocoopan cº, a cenſer, a perfum- ing pot ... . . . . . Oocoor Jºſ, to meaſure any thing that is long . . . . . . . Oocoorawn colºſ, a long meaſure Oodang ée 3 * prawn, a ſhrimp Oojang &=5 rain . -bátoo ºilº à * tº 3-9 hail º —kbat */ &=3 violent, ſudden Tallº * looma alsº &=25 to mizzle rintik -ºj &=2 dropping rain wº. raining Oojee C-2 touches or teſts of any me- tal to prove by Oojéâcan cºtºs to touch or affay any metal * Oojong §5-9 a. ſharp point, the point or end, the edge, a corner, a cape or ſharp point -- a bráneh . . . . •, $ 2. — gºonoong 3 º ** the brow of a hill, the top of § tédoh 3394 &=> to leave off | & §3-9 the end of 23 ) ey of |Oojong péſoo_*: §3~5 the point of a knife § ſooſoo _*}” §3-3 the nipple of the breaſt tanjoong §2=* &3-5 the moſt extreme cape of any land télinga & #2-3 the flap of the ear * Ookir #2 to carve, engrave Ookirawn o!;33 carved work R 2 $ • |Oolang oolang §2. 5 &), often to do, or repeat often Oolar 2, a ſnake, adder, venomous WOrn. * ay'er jº JX, a water ſnake bíſa & JX3 a venomous ſnake nāga & U JXtº a dragon tána & G JX 3 an earth worm Oolat (ex, a maggot, worm, vermin, mite, moth bédey (Sexº sº a caterpillar, a worm bred in the legs in ſome parts of India, cauſed by drinking bad Water berſootra *jºjº ºx3 a filk WOIII]. cay in cººl: º, a moth Ooli C.2), to ſtir about (as meat in a pot)" Ooloo _x): a helve, hilt, handle, up a river, upper part (as of a river) – pédang ée: _313 the hilt of a ſword péſoo ºx! handle of a knife ſoong'ey Cºw 3. 3 upper part of a river y h. 'o o ( 124 ) Q) O' Ooloobálan oxus), a champion, an Oonoosoº unſheath, draw out, full heroic gallant, invincible man, a no- out w * ble man, a lord Oonta & a camel Ooloor ,15) 9 caſt off, let go, make ſlack, Oontoong &yº profit, gain, intereſt, veer let go that rope, veer that rope Ooloorcan cºº to caſt off, &c. See Ooloor A Oolowatoo ºl,5] 3 aloes Combak —º-º-º: a wave, ſea Oombal J-3, damp, moiſt Oombalcan oxº-.5 to make damp, to moiſten $ Oombon cº ºl. dew, fog - life, old panjang &=º J5-95 long age Oompan cº-º-o: a bait for a fiſh - can tallee étoo 33 ( ); cººl2 chance ſédang §º J2-93 middle aged | luck, ſucceſs, good fortune, good d bäik –ºgle &23, good fortune jáhat ex-la- § 3.35 bad ſucceſs |Oopa  hire, wages, pay, ſalary nea brápa &gly ºf 45 inow } much is his hire . . . . . . Oopaawn cºlº hire, &c. See Oopa Oopak -º, to foment, ſtir up (as an- ger, or fire) " * * |Oopáma & stº2 a. parable, fimilitude, Oomoor Jºs, age of anything that has & ſtile, form, . compariſon, diale&t, or manner, idiom" in ſpeaking, a me- thod, a pattern of goods s cáta ajt a tº ſtile of ſpeaking Oopas 0.93 venomous, drawing (as — káil Jº's exº~25 a bait for a fiſh-l ſalve) hook Oonam i5 a ſnail Oopétee Csº tax, tribute, exciſe, toll, inland cuſtom, contribution Oondee C< C-53 a lot, to draw lots with Oorak -95 to air Oondoor ººxi, ſtand back, put back, Oorately, a finew, a vein puſh from, put from, keep at a ; 4. ~ * dára oyſ.) “wly, a vein of blood * diſtance, go back, give back, recoil, H. nádee (Selj ºwly15 arteries, muſ- * repulſe . Oongoo 232 violet, purple | cles of the body. . w" Oorey CŞ, ſand, looſe ground, to loſe, Oongoel O\;3 2 to gallop or trot (as a untie .* * * horſe), to nod up and down (as the Ooreyácan Gºty15 to looſe, untie head), to pitch forward (as a ſhip) rantee ( s.3) cºtºp 3 unchain Oonjoo _2='; ſhew, make appear, Ooroof -3$29, a letter, character. prove, hold forth, ſhewn, made ap- pear, proved kécheel § –3. , s a tittle, -keepee Jº- ºr “. | prick, jot, . . . . . . . . . . ~ * *.. "Ooſah A.2 addićt, addićted, inclined, ſ Ootak \ tº a bier w 9 @ Ooroohára wºº an inſurrection, tu-f a mult . . . * 3 ºr Ooroot ºw; to ſtroke gently with the hand, to chaſe in, rub in diligent, ready to do, mindful Ooſahcan co-84”25 to addićt, incline to buſineſs • Ooſee Çs”? needful, occaſion for, uſe for, need for, material to a purpoſe —Téadda ooſee 2 odº not needful, no occaſion for Ooſik -º, to cauſe or provoke to mirth, to incite, entice to mirth, to lull or quiet children Oofir to throng, preſs, drive, perſecute Ooſirawn co'y.9 a thronging, perſecu- tion Ooſoong §3.5 to carry between two on the ſhoulders, to carry on the fhoulders cápala aſty'ſ Cº., the brains — toolang §3.$33 –º marrow Ootan cº, a wood Ootang & debt, owe, owing éang tin'gal J-XX5 §4 & ar- rears, a debt remaining Ootára 8wº north- bărat coljū ol, north weſt ſamáta bárat evºlt &L, & wº, north weſt, — timmore Jºº &yū? north eaſt — ſamáta timmore Ajls & oyº 22*, north eaſt—Angin ootára Cºl º north wind – Laoot ootára ( 125 ) PA oyly, cººl north ſea—Négree ootára 8wº ÇS5%; north country—Bin- tangootára syli, & north ſtar Ootas O., a necklace, a ſtring of beads Ootooſang &º25.3 a legate, ambaſſador, ambaſſage Ooyong géyang &º 323 to ſhake to and fro, to ſwing, to totter, wag, Wave Orang £21 man, a denomination ad- ded to the name of any ſpecies of mankind when the number is to be denoted, a perſon, mankind anak ſa &rang $92 a. e-ºil $25 one child lakkee dua 6rang oyº c 32 &º §y 3' two men gº — parampoan téga 6rang &13| &º! & cº-wº, three women Owa op! great aunt Ow'ap ºf 31 a fume, damp, vapour, exhalation - aſſap ºv'ſ ºl, a fume of ſmoak tána Ajū ºl, a vapour of the earth P A'BAOOAN Clºut: a yard for a _ºf * * , ſail, a ſail yard |Păcal Jºt; to calk or caulk Pácareejaawn ox=; tº a craft, trade, office, duty foocar rºw ox=} bleſome office : a trou- Păcătaawn colzºtt; a ſaying, a ſpeech gālap sºlº • dark ſaying K k Lºtt; a riddle, a P. Aſ Páchak -º-º-tº a ſpit—Poofing-pâchak -ºl; sº turn the ſpit Pada sex, in, in the, at the, on the, to ... the, at on, by, for, to, towards, unto, of, from. * t ākirnca *; scº finally, laſtly — harree éangberjanjee GS Jºse sº cº-ºr §4 on the promiſed day * - harree étoo 5% (£ J's so; in that • * day * laſtly, at the laſt kootika čtoo 3% & 33 ocq at that time V. máſa & Ls song in ſeaſon, in time *. w máſa béik -ºg & Lº so; in a good ſeaſon oontoong $33, sex, by good for- tune W. ſéang harree q99. §º e-Nº by day light himſelf waktoo €ang láyak §: _*, sº \ j} in a proper time Pädah solº content, ſatisfy, pleaſe, ſuf fice - Pädahcan cºol, to content, &c. See Pädah tent him Pädahawn colºot; contentment, ſatiſ- faction Pädahla. &\ºol; be content, be ſatisfied ( ºr ) éang cómádéancylºols9%ë'. sº pangléat colº gº to the fight findirrénea & Jex-ow ocºq for pada nea ºf ooº cº-Xºotº een- $º º Pädam & quench, extinguidi" - C Pädamcan co-X-solº to quench, extin- guiſh . . , ** apped cs: ū tº an inſtrument, en- gine, tool, utenſil, furniture, equi- page, animunition, cápal Jº Gººg furniture of a ſhip' * . . ; kálancapan prang gºt; & co-º-GXts an inſtrument of war – raja & Cº.33% a king's officer — toGnjoo jam" *::=';*S$ºt; à" clock, a dial . . . . . . . . . . . . Págee harree CŞy's cº morning, early in the morning" - ol; extinguiſh *. * |-- f { * * * énee C sº cº early this morn- a sº-sº vº- Págee pågee de 4. # * Paganjº see Piga i Págoot cºſt; twºpeck (as Birds). Pāha as tº the digh, the brawn of the *. +* - ~- - - thigh, a leg, a ham or gammon of : any meat t — doomba &º asſº a leg of mat- ton. * — kakkee de bava sºlº e Cººs asl. the calf of the leg º o —— lingań Cºx) as tº the brawn of ‘the arm Pāhālāwan cºlºl, a hardy, courage- ous, heroic man Påhat cººl, a chiffel, plaining iron, graver * néiso-sº cºl; a plaining iron Pahla &Mg., deſert, merit Páit cºl; bitter Päitäcan ºtºl, make bitter Páitan Cºl; bitterneſs Påkan cºst; a trencher 4. Pákánéra sºlst; you, thou, to an in- ferior —— poonea aº orºlst; yours Pākéan cytºtº clothes, raiment, ap- parel - báſájee c =lsº extºl; daily clothes * @ & — berlépis gº cºst; lined clothes 4 — ſangap. u-ex33 cºlº a ſuit of * clothes complete Pákee G'+ to put on, wear, dreſs, at- tire, cloth, bear, preſs, enjoy, uſe -- lancap . ( f 27 ) P # Pākee náma & U Gº to bear a name pákéan cytºlº c. 33 to wear -clothes' félémoot º' Gºtº wear a veſt • Pákoo 333 a nail of iron Pakſa &º muſt, perforce Pála all; brown (as paper) Páláhan Cºx; ſlow, gentle, ſlowly, ſoftly, leiſurely, low (as a voice) pālāhan cºlº cºlº ſlowly, ſoftly Pálána &J), a ſaddle Pălajinkin cºs' a ſcorpion Pálandok -32-Xj); a hare Pálang §2. bald, pie-bald Pálangee ( -º), a rainbow Páléâra syJig bleſſed Páléârâawn o'cylºſ tº bleſfing Pálíta &XAJU, a lamp Palling x a turn from —— cářála ajul: A turn the head from, look off, look on one ſide — mooca derree pada (gye & &\; ocy; turn the face from, run away from Páloo 5'4 beat, bang, ſtrike, clap, rap, laſh, a blow, a laſh dung’an câyoo ºl; exte_ſly beat with a ſtick “. . —— dung'an choomo _2-s:- Gºo 3/4 laſh with a whip — fiaſia & eº- 2013 a miſſed blow — tang'an Gº 3/4 clap the hands Pălumban cº, IL, ehryſtal *3} Gº dreſs com- plete. . . . . . . . - {Pămădootan cººl; a tobacco pipe P A Pămăinan cº-stº game, paſtime, play, diverſion, mirth, recreation, ſport Pámintaawn cyl-3-ºl, a ſuit, requeſt Pámoocool Jºº-sº a hammer Pámooda oex-sly uncle — tooah sº sex-slº great uncle Pána & L, a bow Pánar iſ: beams or rays (as of the ſun), to ſhine in beams, dazzling of the eyes Pānas oº: heat, warmth, any natural heat, hot (as the ſun) Pānāwar J1934 an antidote, a counter- poiſon, a cordial Panchang &=% to ſever, cut off —— cápála ajtº'ſ & cut off the head tºº. Panchinggan cº-sº capricious, hu- mourſome, peeviſh Panchóba aswº a tempter Panchong #2-3 a tail or trail of a ºr- gown, a flap, lappet or corner of cloth Panchoom º the ſenſe of ſmelling Panco 23; boſom, breaſt Pandang §º behold, ſtare on, fix the eye on, gaze on, look on, take aim with the eye º Pandécan cº-º-º: to frame, invent Pandee Csº occupation, trade, ſci- senCe, craft, knowledge or ſkill in work, artificial, crafty, cunning, ex- pert, ingenious at work — hacáta &lºt, Cºcº, eloquent, fluent, elegant in ſpeech ºf beſſee Gs” Sº, an iron-ſmith, one crafty in iron ( 128 ) P A Pandee careeja pédang-a-s:4 Sºu $oº; a f.. º §ſ CŞoºg. —-cáta &lſq Cºxº an orator, an elo- quent man * . . . . . . ––cáta mänist JU, ajt ( coºk, one eloquent in #m. ...}} * — chélop ºs-CŞoºg a dyer — mas Cº., QSOJº a goldſmith — membooat ºwlsº,” GQuº a maker * Q& © — pérac eyjº (Sºº a ſilverſmith — priok -354; C޺xº, a potter réboor 2×49. Sexº, a muſician tambága & Stº QSexº, a copper- ſmith f Pandéta & Cº., a preacher, a teacher, inſtructor in divinity Pang & chief, principal, upper —— àjar > i; chief, teacher, maſter Pangal Jº a fragment, remnant, bit, morſel — Sa pangal mācānan & cº-slºt's Jº a bit of vićtuals Pangalcan cº-º: to make into frag- ments or ſmall bits Pangal pangal Jº Jº fragments, . bits a. Pangápar rº a weathercock Pangáranc,yº. a duke Pan'gåſac UG.Lº to fly or drive (as the clouds) o ' . Pangáſo ºli; a foſter father, a nou- riſher ſ Pangáyoong §24& a paddle to row with JA Pang'cáléatan Cºla/UK: a viſion, ſhow Pang'cátaawn ox3LX3; art, ſcience s * N Pangºšćagwn angka” & arithmetic, art of figures Pangdarſa awºk; a maſter of a great * ſchool . . . . . . . . . Pangdooſta & ºxº a liar, lying Pang'écat cº, a binder —gundoong;jeº cº-34 apācker Pan'géran crº a nobleman, a duke Panggalee 4 gº a hoe, a pick-axe, , a digger . * H Panggang & to broit on a gridiron Panggangan cº a gridiron JPanggarately $3.4 a harrow * Panggäyoo 2:3: a paddle to row with Panghimam *** chief prieſt Pangil Jº call, called . — bechára oys: J & council . . . e sº kélihee ( seºš J33 to chal- lenge, to fight . Pangilán, cº, a calling Pangkait cºulxx; a great hook - Pangkaw U.S., the lap Pangléat sºlº ſight, ſenſe of ſe Pangléma aº an admiral Pangmélaicat <2*.*. an archangel Pangooloo 3/3+, a chief ruler Pangſa amº hollow, empty călâpa ag); alsº the hollow of . . . a. cocoa-nutia e ; :- i # g gº *~...~x. # * * * : - ... f $ call a eing Pangſan Gº to faint, ſwoon, lan-l guiſh. Pang'ſix’a & Kºji, a tormentor, af- flićtor ( 120 ) bºx;t&# = Lebbee panjang f & Cº longer . . . . . Panjangean cº-3-4 lengthen .P. A jPanjāra oyºsº a priſon, goal, fetters |Panjarācan cºlytºsº, to impriſon. |Páníároong £29.34 a ſheath maker Panjat cº-sº to mount, ſoar up, aſ- cend, riſing bookit <334 cº-º; the riſing of a hill Panjee cs=* a tribe, race, banner, ſtandard, enſign Pankah & jelly Pankat cº, a degree or order of men, a ſtep of a ladder or ſtairs, an office moolia &/3-, -ºg a degree of honour * • tanga & cº; a ſtep or ſtair Pankoh. sº rude, clowniſh, unman- nerly * Pannat G. L., weary, tired, or uneaſy of any poſture Pánoo_*: a ſpot Pan'ſix’a & Xº3 a tormentor Pantang & abſtain, refrain, be tem- perate in diet, be cautious, take heed, forbidden (as any thing in ſickneſs), beware Pantangcan cº-º: abſtinency, tem- perance, precaution Pantas Oº quick or ſwift of foot, , nimble, ſpeedy, pert, dapper, active, briſk, ſwiftneſs of foot, agility Panjang &=% long, tall, patient, length — ſédékit cºcº... ºrsº longiſh Pantat cº, the bottom or under part, the buttock, fundament, arſe L 1 * A Pantat capal Jºlº cº, the bottom or keel of a ſhip jála &J's cºg the cod of a net toong §5? <& the bung-hole of a caſk * jároom e:j's cº, the eye of a needle, or the end next the eye Pantee 3 coaſt, ſtrand, ſhore, or edge of the ſhore * laoot ººx G^*. ſea coaſt, &c. Pantoon cºg metre, rhime, verſes, C & a poem } * Pányoo ºl, a land tortoiſe Pápa &ly poor, beggarty, mean, in want Pápak Cºlg a hermaphrodite ł Pápan cº board, plank āpit cººl cºl; a port or ſhutter | châtoor ſºlº cº-º; a pair of tables * Páparee ( gºtº wormwood # y º * Păpat cº, Ug ſharp or tapering (as a peg or ſpoil) *-* & A , t omb Pápoojoo 2-4. the w Pápranggan co-º;; tº a battle Pára 9t, coals of fire, embers Pärålentee ( &J94 rude, diſorderly, lewd, ſaucy, baſe, common, arrogant, diſſolute, a knave, a rogue, runagate; lewd perſon t | * Parampoan clºs9% a female, a woman bálakkee. Gºt o'º'; a ſºlar- ried woman - báléter yºu cº-ey!; a goffip A. J.--- g sº t — bámooca aſ2-4. clºsyº an adult treſs. { 130 y P A. Pārampoanbäikº coºl, a godd WOIſlan. . . . . . . . . º 2 ... p * •º . * = ***. –párasbäik -ºlº Cºlº Gºwº, t a beautiful woman |— pertàPaºlº cºlººl, a nun or { a woman living recluſe. . . . |Pârâng §99 a chopping knife, a weed knife, a bill, a cleaver A’ |Páras O.wº the features of the fac * báik -ºlº Oyº good features, -handſome, béautiful, comely, lovely, beauty, -comelineſs , F ." jähat 'ºlº-. o:94 ill features, ugly, uncomely . . . . . . * } : |Paraſch zºyla along round (as a maſt), a pillar, to cut a ſtick-round and 'ſharp pointed |Paráſéta axiºlyt; lovely Páree GSJº allot, chance Párenta &lg. a government, juriſ- dićtion, precinét, direétion, manage- ment, extent of an office. *** |Párentacan cºtºlº to govern, direct, manage, overſee * Päriahſan cººlayt, adornment, gar- niture, ornamént embelliſhment, decking tº ºt * rooma a-ºxy cºlºlº adorn- ings of a houſe ". . . . . . . Pärite); a moat, canal, ditch, trench, a furrow\in the ground, the furrows. between the beds in a garden * bendang ãoºl; a furrowiin, a field. ‘. . . . Pároh oxyg: the beak or bill of any fowl; * * -$, |Pároogool º y!; to force, raviſh. 2- ºr ºl **. ( 131 ) P & Päroopérooºººººº the lungs. venient, pertinent, proper, neceſſary, Pároot ºyº a ſcar of a wound | ought, behoveth, that will ſerve for Partáma *sū; firſt, foremoſt, chief, ſome uſe - principal, uppermoſt, before in fia- Pátootfa călee all; as cºlº very law- , tion, preceding —- Sa harree partá- ful, &c. ma a stºry & Jºaº, a day before Pºcheſ. pauch, a phyſical herb in Pāſak Cº.,L, ſmall nails, tacks, little India pegs - Pāwoos oºl, nauſeous Pāſan J.L. to will, ordain, aſſign, be: Pawpoojong §3-544 a pocket * * ſpeak, to be made, command, bid, Pax'a *3 force. charge to do, denounce, the law of gaja as lº “. compulſion, Iºtaph . conſtraint s * — membägee-arta cºtº cºst:Pāya aqq brackiſh &jſ a will or teſtament * |Pāyah ogly deadly Pāſang ay'er jº &" tº flowing water, to Páyoo _*: to conceive, propoſe, deſign, flow ºf 's i - decree, appoint, determine, predeſti- Páſok -3iyºtº a hole in cloth nateſ *" †Paſſak —º inlands, uplands, within Páyoong;34% a kittaſol, ſombrera. land i . . . . Péâra oyº, nouriſh, cheriſh, bring up, Pāſīang’s...}} to kindle, -to-fire ſuſtain, provide for, ſupport, main- appee Geºlºg to kindle a fire tain º —buddeel Jºg. &ºlº to fire a gun gómook sº**º ojº, to nouriſh Paſſar j”, a market place, a marker, a fat, to fatten • t fair .* |Péárácan cºL'ég to nouriſh, &c. See Paſfir jºg ſand | . Péára. - Paſſong, $5'4 & priſon, jail - 4ºz Péchaas: break, break open, break off Páta &l; a word * * } foompaawn exº-.º  to Pátah olyg to ſnap, in two, break-in break an oath ſunder, break off * - ||— - troos. Q"25;} &^% break through toolang $335 stºl; to breakabone Péchat cºsº baniſh, caſhier, diſband, Pâterree çgy, borax, ſolder | diſcharge from an office, clear, put £átok *—ºº a ſhing-orbite, a peeko | away, exile, ſuſpend : a fowl. ... . , , Péchit cºsº, to nip with the nails, to: Pátoot cº,95% lawful, becoming, fitting pinch º reaſonable, ſuitable, requiſite, com-Pécool J2X^3 to earry on the back, a modious, meet, fit, expedient, cond load, burthen, a weight uſed in many P & ( *parts of India and China is called pécool : the Malay pécoolis, of En- gliſh Avoirdupois weight 1981, 5 oz. 9 dwt. 10 gr. e $ Pécool pégee cº J);3. carry away —Sa pécool J);% & a load, a bur- then Pécoolan cº23, a lading, a burthen Pédang Śº a ſword, ſword-blade bercháboot cº,º'-3' ëº, al naked ſword berkóree GS J5°r. §º al da- maſked ſword — macan dua bla o25° cºlº Śº &\; a two-edged ſword Pédétee ( gloº, a coach, cart, a wheel, a riddle tº Pédis cº provoked, fierce Pégang & hold, take hold, handle, catch, ſave, keep, obſerve, grapple, retain, keep back from bäik Cºl. 3:33 hold faſt — câwáſa & sºlº & to hold power º párenta &94 & to hold juriſ- dićtion . Pégee & go, went - tº e gº º J. bäcakkee Cºu G& go on ya- ſº d foot Y F. tº bäcoodo soºty Cºxº go on horſe back . . Pegga pegga as: & to encloſe Péjad Jºsé, a chinch, bug i Pékan Cº., a weaver's ſhuttle, a flat diſh f 122 ). r x Pékan bertórak *—º ex-ºia ſhuttle filled or winded with thread 3, . . . Pélantáran oyū32kº a hall or open room, a porch, a court-yard *. Pélarrécan cºjº, a courſe, a race, the out-work of a fortification Péler yºg male inſtrument of gene- ration * f Péler'an clºg a ſmall plate of metal to hang before a boys privities, uſed in India * , Péler'étek -º-º: a ſcrew, a vice ăpitan cººl -ºº: a ſcrew of a preſs t - Ah Pélo 34& to ſweat Péloawn clºg ſweat, ſweating . . Péléroo 3J 5% a ſhot, bullet, pellet, pill Pémájoh ºx-l, sº to gormandize, eat wantonly, greedily Pémájohawn colº-tº gluttony Pembaſſo ^r, a waſher -. |Pembóhoong §39;…; a cheater, liar, deceiver * ... * Pemboojok -º-º: a flatterer |Pemboonoo 3392,3 an executioner w bápa cºlº ºr a parricide Pemboonooawn colºr, a murderer Pemboorooawn colºr a hunted beaſt * Pembree (gjºr a giver Pemmácan Gºt, a glutton Pémoocool c)33.64 a hammer, mallet pintoo_º Jy.3rº the knocker of a door wº ‘. Penſäboory:Ug a ſower of corn º |Pen’āboorawn cºlº ſowed land p E Penangala'ajº a ploughman Penſarik Cº.jº a drawer, a puller Pen'cáta alº author of a diſcourſe Pencháróba & . jlsº inconſtant, un- {teady, wavering t Pen'charrop º jlsº. one that eats greedily Penſcharroot “tºjlsº ſickle «º roompoot “…) ºyº a ſcythe Pen'chóran cy15-sº a gutter, ſpout, pipe for water Penſchooree GS215-sº a thief, to ſteal, thieve * — Örang &15 GS2,+% a kidnapper Penſchooreawn cytºsº theft Penſcoocoos O”2×3×g a mediator Pendek • *exºg ſhort, low in ſtature, brief—Orang pendek Goºg &13' a fhort man s Pendekcan C-3, Nº to ſhorten Pendémab cºcº, a glutton, ſot, epi- Cure, intemperance Pendooſta axºxº, a liar Pengāſoh oxºlºg a nouriſher Peng'éboor J3:33 a comforter Peng'écat < * A ~. jº f ** Fenggºwn. QX tº-lº a leſſon Penggålakºtº a barker (as a dog) ( 'I' 33 ) & P E Penggålee C.JL& a digger, miner Penggampar *** a mutineer Penggårang ooroof -3ºn 3 &93, 3. compoſitor, a ſetter of letters, a printer & Penggaroo cooda ocy; 2Jº a curry- comb Penggéling fºx, a pin or roller, to roll cloth on, a rolling pin Penggögow 3%º a glutton, epicure Penggoompat <-º-º: an envious Iſlalºl Penggooling &93, a roller of wood or ſtone . . Penggooroo : 2:34 a maſter, teacher, tutor * mooda ooº-o : 2:34 an uſher in a ſchool © pertápa &ºr; _2 2:34 an abbot or abbeſs < * Tenggórek -º-º: a piercer, borer, one that bores holes Penggoſoke –ºvº a ſcrubber, one that ſcrubs Peng’irring §º a train, retinue, fol- lowers ôrang mátee ( 3L. &...)º §jº fol- lowers at a funeral Pengirrop ºjº, a ſipper Pengkáil Q\;\xx; one that fiſhes with hooks & | |Pengoocoor_2^*, a meaſurer by long meaſure |Pengooſooee (33°533 one that gives milk, a wet nurſe TM m F H. Pangooſoong gº944, a porter, a car- * 3 & rier of burthens cay'oo 33% §º a wood car- 1 lef .* - Penjáit cºl=& a taylor, a ſewer . Penjáitan cºl=& ſewing p Pentákit estº infirmity, diſeaſe, bäca & L. *sº a durable, here- ditary diſeaſe o téda dāpat ſoomboo odº cºlº 32-52's, cººle an uncurable diſeaſe . • . & º * * * Péniámoon &»sº a robber on the high way Péniántap -C3'AXA, one that eats at pleaſure e * * ge Péniarrot cº,Jºga ſickle Penjégam & sº dainty Penjérat ºlº a band, cord to bind Penjew'al Jºs” a ſeller Péniindir JoJº, a jeering, deriding IY}31). " Penjot ex=& a chinch, vermin Penimbak Cº.,34 a gunner, an archer, ; \ a ſhooter Penſinbat exº~, a carver ( 134 ) & }* • # r n |- an angle, a flat ſquare-Athpatipen- jooroo vasºcºs four cornered Perikáil Jºlº See Pengkáil ... Penkélis - ºkºg a ſcraper. Penkillip - Jºg a binder or coverer: — kitāb -ºº-ºº: a binder •. ." " Penkiſſil Jºjº, a fiddleſtick Penſoocoor 2×3* a barberº, . * tº Penoojee ( >5x3 a toucher or prover of metals. . . . . . . ." * * books * * *. * * $ t ng, delightful, t take delight, in — Jéka ºpenoojod. pleaſe, if it be * •º- * * Penoojoo _3=3% pleafi 2-534 & if you pleafing . . . . . . . . . sº /* tº **, *** . x * Pen ookir jºgs carver, engraver bátoo ºld jiº, a maſon º Penfoolis t yº a drawer; a deſcribet of any figure , , , . . . .# Penſoongoowee (.92333 a porter of a door, a warder, keeper, overſeer . . – coobong #3: “Sº, a gar- dener cooda sex hoſtler *A } * {{ * \ QS 39:24 a groom, paflong #3* $º a jailor Péning & giddy, dizzy-headed, a ſwimming in the head by ſickneſs Penjoodee GS cyy;=*. a player, gameſter Pénioorat Gºy13& a writer, ſecretary, one learned in writing. . . . injil Jºs" -ºº: of the goſpel — kitab -U3" “ſº a writer of a book * * a writer “. * pintoo. _* Q32:54 a door keeper. & •. l * * * *** *** ** & Penooroo 299-3 command, enjoin Penſoorooaywn o:15% ‘a’ command- ment *. * • * * ~ * Pényápa agº a drudgery Pény'oo ºf a land tortoiſe drudge, one to da * *… |Pépang & to early in the hand, to Penjooroo 225-4 a corner or point of | dandle, poize in the hand tº F. E. f *. ( Pépee Geº the cheek Pépch & low, flat-Killim pépehl. & \; a flat hem—E'dong pépeh & 3-Ng a flat noſe Pépis Cººtegrind Pépit cº, a ſparrow Pérac CTjº filver Perodowan cºyely: a bed chamber or ſtate - Per'amba la x.) &lr, I am your ſervant Per'ampat ºsſ; al quarter, a fourth— Tégaper'ampât exº-slºº & Xº three quarters Per'anakan cº; the womb Per'ancap -ºil; a trap Perancapan cº ;: a trap, a trap door, portcullis . técoos Oºº co-º-S ;: a rat trap * Pérang #24 tawny, brown, cheſnut colour Péranting & lºg a pruning knife Perbendáran cºlour, a treaſury Perbooatan cºlºr, an act, work, ex- ploit, enterpriſe indah indah soil oed cºlºr. a wonderful work —órang Pandee C޺xº &Jº: cºl:º , work of an artiſt párálentee Cºbº, knaviſh work, — permee Çs"): wº ingenious, curious work " — raja asy º an act of a king — tambága & ; work , , , f cº; º oº: copper t 3. i P. E. º: a place of exe- .# * 35 ) Perboonooawn cy cution Perboorooawn co's ture Jºy! a hunted crea- Percháya *r. believe, credit, truſt coorang &95% *4'-x. faithleſs, Percháyaănee (sºlº; the faithful * believers t Perchāyaawn cyl-ºl-3 faith, belief, truſt --- Perchik -->y, to ſprinkle with the hand, to drop (as rain), to daſh (as water) Péréadárawn oble';*. inconſtant, changeable, to alter in ſtation (as the ſun, moon, ſtars), the motion or courſe of the fun * Péres O”;&to ſtrike (as a meaſure) faſting Póhone o59.234 a tree, author, original cauſe º an‘goor J23| cº; a vine ca Čdopawn colºº & Cº 3953 the tree of life coorma & 95 cº, a date tree f āra oyl cy 39°34 a fig tree délémaa, ºe cº, a Pomegra- nate tree dooree ÇS.15° o59 54 a thorn 3. tree N n P D ( Póhone éang berbooa ox; ë'. Q)595. a fruitful tree sº jattee ( sº ex5994 an oak tree lantor ºx) cºº the palmeto tree perkära oyº cº, the original cauſe pétang arree Cºyl & Cº., the duſk of the evening rampak -º-y cyº93 a wide ſpreading tree téda berbooa 85-y: ocº cyº a barren tree télinga & cº; the root - or flap of the ear Pólo _º'3? comprehend, contain, em- brace Pónay CŞū; a wild dove or pigeon Pongkah axé23 jealous Poocat ex; 22 a ſain, a drag net Poochate-33 pale in colour, wan (as the face)' Poocho 3-33 coſtus indicus Poocool J):34 beat, ſtrike, knock, thump, ſmite dāda oele J33, beat the breaſt dungan cay'oo 33% Jºe J53; ſtrike with ſtick º * koºnjºngkoonjong &º J): 53 §º:3 ſtrike without cauſe Poocoolan Goyº a ſtroke, blow Poojee ( >54 glorify, praiſe, applaud, commend, extol Poojéawn cytºs-34 glorification, &c. See Poojee Pookee C-323 privy part of a woman 138 ) P O Poola 2023 again, afreſh, do again, re- | double Poolang §2.|23 depart back, return from whence you came, retire, give back, return, deliver back, went back, gone back from whence he came, re- turned, be gone from whence you Cal IſlC Poolongcan C-33), 3 deliver back, re- ſtore, give back, make return from whence he came Poolas 0.223 to wring out any wet, ſtroke off Poolok -32/33 claſp, embrace, grap- ple, hug, contain, comprehend Pooloo 3/34 an iſland Pooloor 23123 pith of any vegetable Poomplemoos oºº-ºº: a fruit brought from India by Captain Shad- dock, the ſeeds of which were planted at Barbadoes, and afterwards obtained his name Poon cyx34 to, if, and, alſo, likewiſe, moreover, at leaſt—Dea poon jooga | &- cy;4 &S and alſo he Poonchak -**** a ridge or ſharp top — goonoong $3.5% • *; the ridge of a mountain, a peak Poondee GSO33; a pocket, purſe; mo- ney bag g Poonea as;23 appertaining to, belong- ing to, own, proper owner—Dea Poonea cººk his own Poonggah &23 to unlade, gather, pluck off. * Poonggo 2%#33 an owl, a ſtone jug , p O. - ( I Poonggoh ºf ſtiff or thick (as oil) Ponggon cº the back part, but- , tocks, the hip sº. — peſoo _3^*. cº55: the back of a knife : Poongong $554 to roaſt Poonggoodoote, ºxºatobaccopipe Poong'ooloo _>]º chief, head, cap- stain, principal, preſident, com- mander, ruler, governor, general - kaw'al J/53 _ºº captain of the night watch - — korkon cy;3,53 2/5:24 chief ac- ‘Countant . . - mooda oe25-9 _º: a lieutenant — ménarree QSJLº, 5); #53 the principal in a dance - négree QS5%; 3/254 a ruler of a country - º — panjara sys”_ºſº a jailor, or head of a priſon —rāyatºly 3/233 principal of the people — prang $34_3)!º a general of war — timbanggan co-X**, 3]15:54 a , chief weigher - - - * 39 ) P. O Poontoong appee Cs: &ºº:: a fire- brand 3. “ - —cay'oo_2:\{ §*:: a ſtick of wood, a ſhoot of a tree Poopoo. 5333 kindred, generation, na- tion, conſanguinity, lineage Poopooawn o:54 kindred, &c. See Poopoo - Poopooerjºy to paint (as the face or body) |Poopoora of 2334 purple Poora poora on 23 s 23 to counterfeit, feign, diſſemble, feigning, diffinula- tion - - - Pooroo 2993 an impoſthume, ulcer, running fore, blotch bäca as tº 223 See Pooroo : chábok -23's 2994 a ſcabby ſcurfy diſeaſe - —jáhat cººl- 2.1% an ulcer, fiſtula, gangreen, old fore kóchee C sº _2.1% the French pox, or ſmall pox wáree CŞy's 22:3 the ſmall pox Poorot ºn 23 the belly, bowels, guts, a concavity Poongoot Gº See Poonggah — ſala Jº, sº diſpleaſed at, diſguſted with, to blame Poongboroo 3.95:33 a maſter, teacher Poonoo _5394 full \ - Grang &95% ºf populous -— ſº hiraºrea tº rve “... Yºdel... . . .] ſāhingst mooloot coºle ºf º!º full unto the mouth — cépal Jºls ev, ſº a ſhip's hold Pooſaca & Lºg to inherit, enjoy, to heir Pooſécaawn coast, 23 inheritance Pooſar rºº to turn round on a flat (as a diſh on a table, as water in a whirl- pool, as a hand-mill lying flat), to twiſt (as the crown of the head) |— cápéla aſtºls’jºg the crown of the head Poonooawn exiº fulneſs Poonoonca ºf its fulneſs Pooſat evº centre, navel wººs F G Pooſat boolat sº evº, the centre of a circle - . — telore Lº evº'54 the tread of an egg * - #. * & tº dº Q - - — orang é): cº, a man's navel | Poofing &".24 giddy, dizzy with drink or with turning round, intoxicated, to turn round — capāla &Jū'ſ headed * -- --— páchak -º-; ãº, turn the ſpit Pootary 24 to twiſt, to turn round any thing which goes up and down — ballik - Ju 3.23 untwiſt, turn * ~. &º drunk, giddy- , back, return to its place, return in words or actions, pervert, turn out of order, confuſion, confuſedly —— tallee cellº º: to twiſt a rope. Pootáran o'}: a wheel to twiſt with, or to crane up, a capſtan, windlaſs, jack, winch * Pootarwéla &tº a drill to bore holes Pootee G'3. white • . étam º Gº, grey A. * * •º & 4 mâta Ajls GS’ —télore Jºj Gs' 5. —Bree pootee bleach Pootil Jºy; a man's privy members Pootoos Gººg leave off, conclude, finiſh, fulfil, accompliſh, break off (as thread in ſewing) — ăſa & O”º hopeleſs, deſpair- ing, comfortleſs, diſconſolate, deſpe- rate 3 white of an egg ( 140 ) . — dagha & 523 white of the eye . . . Cºx GSjº to whiten, *s P. R. . Pootoos janjee Jº oº. fulfil a — niãwa oºlº; Oº3 to expire, dead, expired : * Pootooſan Cº.ºf a leaving off, &c. See Pootoos . . . . . . arga a'ſ cº-º: conclude the price, fix the price, to rate or value Pootree GSjº a king's daughter º Pópároo _5 jlº 33 the lights Póting &º a joiſt, mortice . . . Pótoong £3333 cut, chop, cut off, gaſh — booa péler&: 954 &2333 cut off * the ſtone, caſtrate jarree QSyl- § 5% cut the finger Powwan cl:23 a ſalver, a large fruit diſh -- Powwas o':353 to aſſuage, mitigate, take off the fury, abate, leſſen, ex- tinguiſh the fury of anything -- attee ( ?/ Gº! 3:2 content, ſatis- faction, contented '. 4. - ~..ºf 3. ſo G-253 to aſſuage * 3. thirſt * Powwee (g 223 rotten (as cloth, ropes, paper, wood. . . . -º Pra ey’ to ſqueeze ſ by hand, wing , pre Out . . . *s — ſoofoo º” or, to milk - —— ſooſoo cambing étoo 3°5's 8; 2X2 ºr 3 milk that goat Práda so); a leaf or plate of any metal Prang §; war, a fight, battle } cáta ajº Jº leave off ſpeaking oº:: $; paſſionate, peeviſh, teſty, captious, quarrelſome, chol- - P R. ( leric, froward, haſty, angry, ill-hu- moured . . . . . -- Prang ſábill J.L., $y, a bloody war —— ſáma kindirree CŞjº a slº & a civil war . - Pränggan co-º: warfare, a ſtate of war Praw 55: a barge, boat —— tampanggan co-xxº 2}: a boat to hire . . . . . - - Prawan o's',: a maidenhead Pree C&yż manner, method, way, faſhion, carriage, nature, habit, con- ſtitution, diſpoſition, humour, con- dition, circumſtance, caſe, ſenſe, quality, ſituation, cuſtom or uſe, poſture —bäik -ºu (g; gºod natured nea buggétoo yº & CŞjº his manner is ſo — caléatan cºlº!'ſ GSr. ſenſe of ſeeing --- —— cáta nea & * & his way of fpeaking -- --- —choom ex= cº; ſenſe of ſmelling wºme-smºs dungarān Gºo Gº ſenſe of hearing . — eang bik -ºu şū ineſs, a good habit . . . . —jáhat cººl- ºg; ill-conditioned ——jálán cº-CŞ; a gait in walking — jálan nea buggétoo gº 3- GS3: 3X^X., & his way of walking is ſo sº good- y “º —kº jº GSy: a covetuous hu-l. . . . - |RABA a ſly to feel about for, to grope . . mour . . . . . . . - — mooca aº CŞ; faſhion of the face . . . . . " * .. 141 ) R. A. Pree nea téda báik -ºu o Xº & CSr. his method is not good | négree C<5%; Cº., ſituation of a • tº •e Z * city - ráſaawn cº-ºp CS; fenſe of taſting ve º' GSr. — toobee conſtitution of the body, habit of body Préjee Cºsº; a well ayer 2 Q =4; a well of water Prémáta & Lºyº See Permáta Priok -->4; à earthen pot to boil in Príſee Jº a round buckler, a target Prix'a & 33 enquire, examine, ſearch, enquired, examined, ſearched baggoam cº “; to en- quire counſel of a lawyer báik báik -ºu Lºlº *—ºr, ſearch or examine diligently Prix'aawn oxº; enquiring, &c. See Prix'a Proot ºr See Pooroot Proofee Cºx, to mould (as a potter) priok -->4; c sºº; to mould a pot, a potter Puddómawn Colº25° a ſea compaſs Puchuk -->4, coſtus indicus Pypee & the cheek, jaw * * * * * * QUA 953 ſauce, a ſop Quala &J/53 See Kāwāla (as in the dark), to feel if fine or coarſe - -4 O O R A ( Rába nádee nea & C GCSU feel his pulſe .. rába &!y &ly &c.—Bájalan barába rāba & Cox's-U &ly agly to go feeling about for (as in the dark) - Bábab -ºj any muſical inſtrument to be played on with a bow - Rábak Cºyly fire works like rockets with irons, uſed in war Rában cºl) to ſnuffle, ſhore Rábána &July a kettle-drum Rábat cºl) to fence up, to ſtop up a paſſage, incumber, hedge up Rábee A Rabingon cº, the ſpring ſeaſon Csº rhime, love verſes Rábok -32ſ, tinder, touchwood, or any combuſtible matter to kindle a fire with - Ráboos Jºy to ſtew, boil gently, 3. ſtew, fricaſee—Dágin rāboos cºlò 0.349 ſtewed fleſh - Ráchik -º-y a gin, ſnare Ráchoong &3-9 poiſon, a poiſonous drug - Rádap 's-ey a little drum Rága & 3 y a wicker baſket to ſhut, a hamper, pannier, hutch, bin * Rāgam -3.!y a tune | Rāgas Gº!, to crop (as the hair), if to a woman is a token of ſlavery w can ramboot cº,º:9 cº cº!y crop the hair - i 142 ) feeling about for, |Rájat <>y See Rajaawn |A Rahim ºy the womb - A Rahmat ex,9.J clemency, commiſe- ration, pity, compaſſion * Rahſia &ºly a ſecret enterpriſe Raja &ly a king, a ſovereign prince mooda sex- cº-ly a viceroy parampoan cº-wºº ºly a queen * * * Rajaawn class-ly a kingdom, realm, do- In 111101). - - * * \ Rājan cº-ly the bloody-flux Rajawálee C2)/2=ly an eagle, hawk. Rájing à-5 eager, willing, earneſt to do, ardent, diligent, careful, atten- tive, fervent, vehement, inſtant, ſtrićt belájar jº-Mºº &=ly eager to learn Rájinggan exº~!y eagerneſs, &c. See Rájing ~ * Rainda scºy lace |Rakit cºśly a float, raft Ráma &ly a butterfly - --- Ramalawn coyly the time of a Mo- hammedan faſt which is for a whole. moon, all which time they eat only in the nights -- Rámas O.sly to knead with the hand doubled (as dough) - Ramázawn 0<\Lºy See Ramalawn |Ramboot cº-sy hair of the head bálang body * §xu <294-9 hair of the Rágee G’ ly dough Ráhat excely a capſtone, windlaſs, bálar Jyu Q-94-3-0) hair of the body fpinning wheel, ſpindle to wind on 1 berbálit ed t; “tº plaited hair ( Jºy! -->w curled R A. Ramboot ber'ékal hair, , , cájoor J3-5 cº-sy lank hair * cambang & “3-0) buſhy hair — dáhee Cºle º-y hair on the forehead, fore top * -jārang &yº-º-º-ey thin hair ooban cº-º-º-ey grey hair ſåley & 29 a houſe of worſhip - Roomooc. -> 29 to break in pieces with a blow, to daſh or kick to pieces Roompa & sº ſpice Roompa roompa aº Aºy ſpices Roompa roompácan cº lºs23.9 °59 ſeaſon with ſpices Roompac Cº-23 y piracy, to pillage, plunder at ſea . . . - º Roompacawn cº-sy goods of piracy, plunder at ſea . . . . . Roompoot -ºº-ºp graſs . —bádooree GS Jºel. Sºº's2:y weeds, briers - —booloo lº & the pores of the & ºv, hay-sa kirring P p R & tamboon roompoot kirring cº, * §§ eºs; y a ſtack of hay * * Roonga Ağ29 rough way, ſhrubby, im- paſſable way Roontoon Q)yº3.) to pull with a jerk, to pluck Roopa & 5.) form, pattern, likeneſs, ſhape, figure, ſize, method, pretence, carriage, mein, phyſiognomy, coun- tenance, viſage - hina & &!ºy a baſe form, de- formed, a monſter - —jáhat cºls agº, an ill ſhape, ugly —— mānis Cºlº &y a ſweet coun- tenance f mólec -Q- ' well in ſhape, any inanimate thing - —— sikat eºs & 5.) well in ſhape, any living creature Roopácan cºº(49.9 to make the form of, &c. See Roopa - - Rooſa alsº a deer, buck—Sa écor rooſa de booroo ſº e axy _º as a hunted deer - Rooſak -º29 ſpoil, ruin, deſtroy, im- pair, undo, ſpoiled, ruined, deſtroyed, undone, waſte, loſs –— attée ſpairing, troubled in mind cápal Jºlº Cºy ſhipwreck Rooſakawn ox.” 3.) lóſs, deſtrualon, *. ruin r - - Rooſakcan cºy to ſpoil, &c. See Rooſak - ( 146 ) #! -ºxy deſpair, de- Rootee gºv brºad . . . . - kirring §§ Cºx) biſcuit - —— mānis cºlº Csºy unleavened bread , — maſſam * Çsº leavene d bread - - - Rótan cº, a rattan •. —— béſarr j” vºJ a cane Row'as only a joint (as in cane, reed, ſtraw) - - SA & one in number, a, every - — harree ( &jlsº & a day - — harree harree C&J's gºtº &. daily, every day — harree jálan cytºs. Cºyº as a day's journey bátoo ºt, Kº, one of anything ſolid, Ibátoo is a denomination to be added to any ſolid thing when the aumber is to be denoted] w 4 bidjee ( > beyond, on the other ſide, the contrary ſide, the other ſide, go over, croſs over, ferry over, come over, tranſmit * — bácakkee Qsºtº §Jºlº go over a foot — ſoong'ey Cº. §340, the other fide of a river can foongey Cº. of #;" go over the river — De ſabrang foong'ey Csº}* : #!" cy on the other ſide of the river—De fabrang bookit cº, ; jº cy on the other ſide of a hill—Ca ſábrang bétool aſ Jyº $y's right againſt, on the other fide Sábrangcan o-ºº: to croſs over, go over, carry over, tranſmit Sácālee G.2/3', one time, at once, to- tally, fully, quite călee C2/3 Jüt, wholly, to- tally, fully, quite, extraordinary —— poon téda ocº cyyº G lºts, ne- Węr WaS Sácáta &lºts to agree or be of one mind, to agree in a relation or ſtory Sácāran cytºtº, now, this preſent time énce Gº! Gºyºtº, even now, this preſent time Sacaw'um .* of one kindred Sácoota &ºts, a partner in trade Sacrat Gºl; tº a piece, part Saćtee ( sº holy Sačtéawn colº, holineſs, ſanétity Sádácat cºlòl, the tenth, the prieſt's tithe - | ( 145 ) . S A Sádap ºol, a pruning knife. . . Sádoo solº, a gaſp or breath, a hickup, a reſpiration - . . . —— €ang Akir s! ë'. the laſt gaſp Sadſab cºcº, rue, the herb A Sáſáran cyst, ſaffron - A Safarjol Jºlº, a quince Ságangam ºtLº a handful, a gripe Sågårooha jaoo - as JUL, the diſtance of a man's call off Ságo ºtL. ſago, is made of the pith of a tree in India, and is healthful and pleaſant to eat Ságoo * L., a couple, a male and fe- male Sáhat cºlº, a moment, a ſhort ſpace of time, an interim, juncture —— énee Csº cºlº, this moment Sáhinga & U", up to, unto, ſo far, until, whilſt, ſo long as ma.0Ot-Q-9ºts &ºts. until death —— 6rang bálee leat &Jº & Gº sºlº) (s/59 ſo far as a man can ſee pooſat evº,º &L. unto the navel º l — rooma alsº axºlº, unto the houſe <> — waćtoo appa ag! _2^3 5 axiºus un- til what time # Sāhitan Gººls, a witneſs, teſtimony bétool JYºº coºl", a true wit- neſs bóhoong § 39: cº- a falſe witneſs Saja & U", will, free will, wilful, wil- fully, intent, purpoſe, voluntary, S A, ( willingly, purpoſely 2 raſhly, unad- viſedly, for nothing, nothing but, only, ſole—Cataſaja as L., &l; only talk—Sédékit ſaja as-L. cºexº, only a little–Boocon étoo ſaja cºº • *-Lº 9% not only that Sajátra s5'-º', a perfeót, upright man Sájée C-L- prepare for uſe, fit for uſe, to dreſs, diſh, ſerve up vićtuals Sájéawn cytºtº anything prepared for uſe, a preparation or diſh of vićtuals, , a courſe of diſhes of vićtuals — eangăkir;| ê'. cº-lºw the laſt courſe Sájécan co-Ka-lºw to prepare for uſe, &c. See Sájee sº Sáji G-l's a ſolid ſquare or cubical ſquare, a corner of a cubical ſquare Sákáhendak – cº-slºw of one mind, like minded Sákat cºsts, a croſs-bar, a grate with croſs-bars can Jºſe slºw to croſs-bar, to fhut with a grate can jalan coºl- cº-slºw to croſs-bar the way * J Sákee GU, a lackey, a man ſervant Sákélat sº tº wollen cloth Sáképing &s Ls anythin thing which is artificial, a ſmall piece of money ſo called --- Säkien cºlº ſo many fo many —lágee , ſo much, even * e * Csº3) cºsts ſo many more —láma a.s.) cºlºnſo longas, whilſt 149 ) ; } S A Sákin cºlº, a great knife to hang by the ſide Sákit c.3L. ſick, diſeaſed, in pain, to ail, ache, to be ſore .# ——báláſenee Cºu cºsts, a con- ſumption & attee Cºl cºlº, ſpite, envy, oſ- fence, vexation, vexed, an affront, ſorry for, offended 3! --&lºw the dropſy, tim- — ay'er J. pany |—— bátoo ºt cºlº, the ſtone boolon Q»): cºślºw lunatic cádel Jol; cºsts, the leproſy chérit sº-c-30, the flux. — dāda solo cºlº purſy, ſtoppage in the ſtomach . giggee cº cºst... the tooth- ache * * * köning & 53 cºsts, the jaundice — limpa &J e-GU, the ſpleen — loompoh o:3-5] →30s the dead palſy — maco ber'anak -3ſ, * -30. labour, travail of a woman in child- bearing — pāha &L, cº-slºw the ſciatica pāyah agº; ests deadly fick piah otº cºlº ſick in mind proot º;3 cºst, the belly-ache * rājan Cº-ly ex$Us, the bloody-flux fáléſáma & Lºlº cºlº, a te- naſma which cauſes frcquent occa- fion to go to ſtool with much pains and can void little Q q Ş A. 8ákit ſålop ºu... cºls a lethargy, drowſy diſeaſe *. s — proot bádára ole's ºr east- the bloody-flux — fia & cºsts, a feigned fickneſs téda bólee booang ayer £nee the ſtranguary—Membree fakit attee Glºbº CŞjºrs to give an affront Sákitan cºst, a fickneſs, diſeaſe, ail, fore —— báca & tº cºlº, a laſting ſickneſs lampar 3-2 cºlº, the plague, peſtilence T *A* ſampar jº." cºsts, the plague, peſtilence Sákittee , .3L. diſeaſed, ſick Sákoo 23's. aſide, apart, by itſelf, aſunder, diſtinét, ſingle, ſevered, take from, to part out of company la & 53's fet aſide, &c.—Tároo fákoo 53*._3JG ſet apart Sákoocan Gº33's to put aſide, &c. See Sákoo * * Sákoojoof máta &t's G3-530s, a look, a ſight of the eye Sála aju, a fault, offence, tranſgreſſion, error, miſdeed, miſtake, overſight, wrong, crime, blame, failing, cul-| pable, miſtaken, tranſgreſſed, erred, to ſtray, wander, fail, or miſs, to err in accounts, to tranſgreſs —— hookoom de boomoo S >> aJu. ( so ) — pada moo 3-9 sº evºn $ A Sala mengartee cºs;” &J | derſtand wrong . — nea as; ajun his faults,' &c." Sálaawn Colaſts, a fault, &c. See Sála Sálahcan ex-3XLs to invite, bid Sălăjor L2-XU, a furrow, a page book, a leaf of paper - Sálak -3).L., to bark, yelp Salām Mº to welcome, ſalute Salāmat ex-s)'s farewell, go in peace, good bye, peace and quiet, welfare, ſafety, proſperity, fucceſs, bleſſing, proſperous, ſafe Lºw to under- $ 2 : º of a Y. fare- well you Salāmattee Cºus to wiſh a farewell Sălampooree g 2×3-ºxº~ ſalampore, a ſort of callico Sálang ºxts, a changeable colour, a mixed colour, ſtreaked (as wood) Sálápoot ºbs a caul or thin ſkin — gélee gélee Qº- Csº\-2×lº. the caul of the kidnies —— looca aſ3. Sºlº, a ſcar or the thin ſkin over a wound |— ootak º ºbs the caul of the brains - proot \t)'3; sºlº the caul of the guts ~ — proot fénée Ǻ *9): cºlº the diaphragma or ſkirt in the body Sālāſa & Jus Tueſday Sălate-ºbs, a narrow, or ſtreight of the * 3534 a crime deſerving to be put to * - - ſea. death | Sálátanº Jº ſouth - *. A . ...6% . . - s A. • { Šálátani ſãmáta bérat &tº * 3. & , cºjº ſouth-weſt “º ". — ſimātā. timmore &beta- (55). 22.3 ſouth-eaſt–Angin falátan gº cºlº ſouth-wind—Laoot ſálátan exº L. cº) ſouth -ſea-Bintang ſå- látan exºus & ſouth-ſtar—Né-}. gree ſálátan cºxlºw C޺ ſouth- country — Fihak falátan -k33 cºx's ſouth parts—Sábla fälátan Gj}L, &Jºlº, ſouthwards Sáléſàma & Lºlº, a ſtoppage of urine, or excrement - Sáléſee Sáley C-J & one of any thing - Sálimpar bátoo 33 • throw -jaoo 3'- diſtance . Sálin C.JLº, ſhift, change, turn into, put out of one thing into another, rack (as liquor), interpret, tranſlate, transform, copy Sáling &lle lodge, harbour, quarter Sāloonkar jºjºbs to backbite . Sálookoong §533't." along target Sálop ºts, the lethargy, drowſy dif- ... eaſe . . . -- “. . . Sālot cºſt, the pommel of a ford Sālowance C-5 lºſt, a Saviour AJUs, to entangle (as thread) natural thin tº ׺ 3. flone's jºbs a ſtone's throw A Sälwa. o:Jt." a quail Sáma &Ls, equal, alike, like as, alike in goodneſs, or value, as, with ( f5 # } 8 & | like minded, unity, agreement, of one mind, mutually Sámabāīk Cºlº alsº alike good — cáta &l; a sus, to coheer, alike in words , *º- jampa &= &cts to me meet with º 4. " -jooga &= one, the ſame - — ſama alsº a L., with the ſame, together - ſa roopa ' & &Ls alike in form, reſembling Sāmāca as L.L., a poomplemoos, a fruit in India - - Sámácan Gºt slº, equalize, liken, match, ſuit with, repreſent, compare Sámak -ºst... a buſh, ſhrub, ſhrubby wood ~. - Sămăragda soºt... an emerald Sambang & “a night-watch that goes the rounds - Sambatº join, joined, faſten, claſp Sambatcan U-XXº, to join, &c. See Sambat Sambélan coyºs, nine — blas O.M., exº~ nineteen w poolo_3123 cº-º ninety Sambillee Cº." to kilt any living creature, by cutting the throat de- voutly, after the Mohammedan cuſtom, holding the throat towards Medina r Sambooran colº.” fmall bird ſhot et, to a L., no matter, all * Samboote,25-sºº. to entertain, receive, - attee Cºf a slºw to agree, or be * go to meet, lodge S A ( See Samboot & Sancal J-Co., to deny, diſown, re- fºl{}llil CC Sanda scº, buffoonery, jeſting, flout- ing, to jeſt, joke, flout Sandāwasisle.* nitre, ſalt petre Sandang §º a ſaſh, girdle, belt, a fillet, ſtrap — cakkee Sandar J.N... to lean againſt, reſt upon, throng Sandára syſokº, to deliver up to juſtice Sandook -32-XX, a ſpoon, a pot ladle Sandookcan cº-X35 Nºw to cat with a ſpoon, to ladle out Sanégree QSº of one country Sang ingo9s Gºl Ā... blow the noſe Sangah & Xºss a hand ſcreen Sangal Jº pain in the joints, the gout Sang’at cº, extraordinary, extremely, ſtrićtly, abundant, too, very exceedingly, earneſtly, caya > cºx's very rich gooſar j”º c.c., extraordinary angry—Babanta ſang'at exis &ll to conteſt earneſtly Sangkála &JU, sº ſhackles Sangkap -ºxos, edge-ways, corner- wiſe, to draw (as a curtain) can gº *** to put edge-ways la tirree QSjº & * draw the curtain # r Sangol c):* preſage, foretell . Sangol pada tang'an cº o-X, J);& 152 : ) Samboottee Cº. entertained ,&c.; Gº & Xº, a garter | .* #. S A palmiſtry, to tell fortunes by the band Sangool Jyº to tie up (as the hair), the ſtockings, to tie up from falling * ramboot Q-32-8) J);& tie up the hair . - *- San‘goot º a biting claw (as of a * crab), the ſting, or a biting of a ſcorpion) © can exº º to bite with a claw, to bite or ſting (as a ſcorpion) Sangſåra oylºxº~ hazard, jeopardy Sankot Gºº an hindrance, ſtop, ob- ſtacle, incumbrance, impediment, prejudice, to peſter can esſ º to hinder, &c. See Sankot Sanoonoo ºil." modeſt ſting (as Santajce C-Uº a halter, a lacing, or lace to draw together with ** e ere Santak –º to ſnatch from * Santang & cocoa-nut milk, or the water contained in the cocoa-nut Santap -Cº., refreſhed by eating, to junket - Santapan Gºos a refreſhment by eating - -- Santapcan cº-ºw to refreſh by eating Santóza sjºº happy, free from trou- ble, quiet, at eaſe, ſecure, happineſs, proſperity . . Saoo ºbs, an anchor Soomoor Jº-º never, never will, ever, or at any time, always. . . * . . Saôrang § Jº lºw a man, one man . . *. f *- * * * * * T}. * * * : ^s > mätee ( & º &22' º a dead man - # 8. A * . ( 1 Sağrang érangºlº every man poon teda goºj cy; $99 º, no : man - . . . . . . . . poon téda han'ya ſäya §J13ſ. [... &lº &º coº cº, no body orno man but me . . . . . . .” • *s ; : , A- r * * ... ? xº~ ** ſoonee Gº” êy' L. one man alone Saôot sºlº an anſwer Sápah ot;U. chewed beetle-nut Sápan'gal Jºlº, a bit, crumb, morſol, flice x * ... . ; .. w * - 4. Sápáro jº al moiety, a part { * * * ~ - Je;-- wºlº co-º" part money Sáperampat º-sºº's a fourth ... , ; *... ." . . . . . . . Sápertéga & Xºjºbs a third *.*. ... ." rºy : * * º - ~ * . " Săpit. ºf pair nippers, or pincers -— can gº to Pinch, nip Sipah, sº to harden, or temper metal c) part goods, -* ** *** { * ‘. . § Sápohawn colºgº, a ſmith's trough Sápoo sº to cleanſe, wipe, ſweep, 3. broom, whiſp, ſcourge, whip A • * **, *- : * -- º - ++ can:#99 º' ºbs, wipe off the duſt S \ . . . . . X-- . . . . º. A tº a tº ** * —rººts.cº. 34:La handkºr. £hiſ gºpkinº towel, J co, it:, ; ;) - Sápooloo ... • * * * * * ls ten ~ : * * * : 33 ºf ºf . . . . . * : - , ſ: , 3 º'. . 3:…' Jašº J. L., a hundred * { **** . *.. ** §3- } * * ~ * w iſ ºn 4 “ --~~~~~ **** ** * * * thouſand $º- §§Rººm ºbº, a cow, thºſºe, cies of cowsład a * * V ** : * * s ºr * * * *i. J. **** *...*. 2 . > ; º; ... * * s * *. - * * dágang'an ſāpāro moodal 2.93. $ A 53 ) Sápoopoo ºl, nephew, couſin, of one kindred . J Sápoopooan clºſe of one. kindred Saptoo ºl. Saturday * Sárácan Cºyſ, yield up, reſign, fur- render, give up, deliver, commit to one's care or charge, recommend Sárácānan G3'3"yº, a ſurrender, &c. See Sárácan . . . . Sárak -ºjº, to wean ( dry up the milk - C <^*yº, a porch, entry, pent- houſe, covered gallery, awning . ber'attap cºlº ( sº-yº, a covered porch or ſhed that is roofed Sárampang &:yº, a fiſgig, a fork, with ſeveral teeth Sárápeh &!jº, a crumb, ! f kindred, .* as a child), to 3. Sárambee more, ſmall k * Qº cy; &#!/ºr not a crumb; none, nothing in quantity Sărat cºſyl, to over-lade, a heavy bur- then, overladen ; t Sárátoos.gººgly Us one hundred Sarāwan colº a bunch, or ſtalk of fºult, or corn, * part of poon téda 8 3 § •jº W. C.’ x * * : A & *~ |Sároo 200, to proclaim Sároºg #2 º' a ſheath, a ſcabbard, caſe, coop, hive, neſt, frame (as of ... a pićture), , quiver for arrows, the maw of any living creature, a web |-- anak pána & lº Cöl & 2)" 3. quiyer for arrows →-bantal Jºlº, a pillowbier, * º © i e *-* *º-ºrie. w bull +janštigiºsºtis a bull — K ... * * * w * * 3'- N. .. A. 23 ... S. § s: r .g. or pillow-caſe . . . . * ~ * ~ * * R r < * **- * -isſ 3. At Sároongboolee cécha asºcºſºl. a caſe for glaſs bottles : – booroong §3.17. §2. tº a bird's Ile cakkee Cºſ § 3 º' ſtockings, a caſe, or cover for the legs jarree CŞ Jº- § 5 jLs a thimble lába lába & J & J §: jbs a ſpi- der's web, a cobweb • * lába lába berſootra asy #2. L. ojº”; & X the web of a ſilk worm maddoo _2<>e §_5 J's a bee-hive, al honey-comb mérápattee ( sºlº §: JLº, a dove-houſe pédang 㺠§ 5JLº, a ſcabbard of a ſword péſoo _*: § 29's a ſheath of a a knife tang'an 9-53 cover for the han Sároongean cº-º:jls to put into the fheath, &c. Sároonee G 5JLº, to fence *. Sároopa A330L, alike, of one form Sáſa &ºts, each, every f3.jlº a glove, or by man, every perſon ôrang lakkee lakkee Cºx GX every man * — 6rang ſa ſåkoo as # 9 *b* _530. every perſon ſeparate — 6rang findirree &15' as tº (SJoJº, every perſon themſelves Sáſátoo ſátoo ºl, ºſt.L., one by one §2) a lºw ( 154 ) |Sátampoop ºt, a hand's * ,” s sº 8. A confined, narrow, bound in, anguiſh, , -diſtreſs ... , Sáſak attee Gl mind • , . .* * --. - dāda solò Lºlº, a ſtoppage in the ſtomach, ſhort-winded * édong $223 Q-ºbs an obſtruc- tion in the noſe * Sáſakcan co-º-º: to cauſe a ſtoppage, &c. to obſtruct, ſtraighten, &c. See Sáſak 2- * * l Sáſal J.L. remorſe, repentance attee ( sº Jºlº, remorſe, &c. Sáſápoo lºst." to ſcourge, whip, wipe, ſweep, ſcour *. Sáſat costs to ſtray or wander out of the way, to miſs, digreſs, crr in meaning, ſtray in religion fimpan stor Jºs co-ºw evºlº, to wander to and fro—Doomba'éang ſåſat evºlº, 3(4 & 55 a ſtray ſheep Sáſatcan .. to make to ſtray, &c. to ſeduce - *...Lº diſtreſs in 3. 4. lsáſávee GSjºbs muſtard . Sáſingay Gº." L. caught, overtaken Sáſoocoo_3. f Us, one quarter &rang &12' assus every man, man Sáſooſooan clºtº a foſter-brother or ſiſter Sātambool Jºlº, a meſs of meat breadth Sátaw'on oyºu.” a year ; ... taw'on cºlº cººl" yearly, every year Sátélah oyºtº, after, ſo foën as, when • 3. *.* Sátenga &Ls, one half Sáſak -ºlº, a ſtoppage, obſtruction, pada angkaw ſétenga pada ke § A #. 33 sº a sºlº Gºłº ocq as tº one half for you, and one half for me Sátia &AjL., truſty, faithful, real, loyal, to contračt friendſhip, contračted friendſhip . Sátiaawn Gºtº truſtineſs, &c. Sátiáwan cysºil” a truſty friend, a ſworn friend, a confederate Sátíop ºil, a puff, a gale, a blaſt angin coºl ºbs, a gale or wind * Sátógook -ºil- a draught . minnoomawn colº-. -º-º: a draught of drink . Sátoo ºbs, one * attau lain Gº! Gl the other —poon teda o Xºcºl's notone, none in number ſoonee G4's 53tº one alone, alone, only Sátooawn clº- oneneſs, unity ¥ •r. © tº _ºls OIAC Of Sátoobo ºbs, to engender, the male with the female -- Sátroo ºl, an enemy, adverſary, foe J — #hinga maoot axºl. 2 i- ºl. an enemy unto death ſätroo jºb" 3Fº enemies * Sátropawn coºl". erimity, hatred Saurat Gºjº, adviſe, counſel Séva, 65be fice: growing on high ground t Sáwan cººls twilight, duſk of the . . morning qr evening, a dark ſky, a dull light , ( 155 ) 5 E Sáwárang $jºbs a conſort, partner at play, cornrade 2" Sax'ee ... a witneſs, to atteſt, evi- } dence sº dooſta &ºe cs” a falſe witneſs pānaſſáránee c sºlº Jº al godfather—Breeixee Qs” GSy? give evidence Sax'éawn colºs, K., teſtimony, evidence Sāya aglº me, I légee cºal. I alſo Sáyang ºil, merciful, tender, com- paſſionate, pitiful, commiſerating attee Cs' *als merciful, &c. Sāyangcan &C., to be merciful te, &c.—Sáya 1āyang can dea &ls &'s &o Jº I pity him Sáyanggan cººl, mercy, tender- heartedneſs, compaſſion, pity, com- miſeration Sāyap ºilº, a wing . Sáyoor 1930s, herbs, herbage Saharat cºlytºsº" a nod or beckon, a wink, any ſign of intimation máta &Ls cºl=s* a wink or ſign of the eye A Schering on cºšº a law-giver, legiſlator Séang £º light, day light—Jaddee ſéang $';* CŞel-growing daylight —Padā ſéang Šº solº by day light —Dauloo derree pada ſéang harree ÇSJºãº's oeg CŞye ºle before day light Séâſat ºwnlºw to compel, perſuade, W. # * ( 156 ) *: § E * *. conſtrain, oblige, ºlefire, compelled, Sédap påda raſa &nly scº ºfa- perſuaded, conſtrained, obliged, de- vory to the taſte ſired - ‘Sédéca & Xººxas alms Sébab -ºs, occaſion, cauſe, becauſe, Sédécála &JUKłoº frequently, con- **, f a * t Jr." Or;, wº tº 4, A. - occaſion fore Sébeip Cº. raiſins. ſtantly, all times, all ways ^ appa & ~~~~ for what, what Sédérána airº's of a good ſhape of form, well ſhaped, proper .2 — étoo 5% -º- for that, there-Sédec ſédee (goº & Sºxº, a joint of the body, a knuckie of the fingerä Or toe t . . . --r *s, * Séboor ſº a ladle made of any Sédékit * ... 'a, Yºs Séjoo 3+3° cool, freſh, cooling, re- freſhing ... : :" Séjoocan cº-sº" to cool, to refreſh? Séjoot cº-sº" to ſtoop down, fall proſtrate J. : ...9 contented in mind , e. *...* * se ( Sélam, Mºw to baptiſe, to dive, to dip, or duck under water Sékoo ** the elbow, a nook, or in- fide of a corner, or angle º máta &L's ºr corner of the eye —Dálam ſékoo ºw cyle in a COriºl Cr * , ...” Sélak - 3 Mºss to ſtop or ſtay work Séléma & Mºº ſo long as, whilſt tingal doonea J & a solº &A, jºy ſo long as the world endures Sélang $24. See Sálang Sélat sº thin board, thin ſplinters of wood , board Sélémoot cº, a long robe, gown, cloak, veſt, coverlid, quilt, ſheet Sélindang 㺠a ſheet, quilt, co- -verlid " - | Sélérangäg1994's a ter, ſink -j- Séléroo 39,143, flouting, jeſting, tri- fling, bantering, mocking, ſcoffing words . . . . . Semboonee 353 º' hidden, ſecret, myſterious, obſcure, private, hid, un- known, abſtruſe, ambiguous, covertly Semboonécan exº~~ to hide, to make ſecret, &c. Semboonéawn cºjº, a hiding place, the turning of a corner, the point of an angle, a ſecret, a myſtery canal, chanel, gut- * 157 ) can cºcº Mºss to line with thin & E * Sémoocan cº, to deceive, be- guile, defraud dāya agly _3^* treachery, trea- ſon, rebellion, conſpiracy, private knavery dāya fåma ſåma &L., &ſo _3^* &olº to conſpire together Sémoot Sºrº an ant, piſmire Sempoorna *9%, ’’’ proſperity, con- tentment, eaſe and quiet, peace of mind, ſafety, happineſs Sénang &” verdigris, ſea-green - **. Sénee ( ºr here, hither, in this place, fine, ſmall, ſlender (as a wire, as a ſmall ſtream of water) - făna &L. Cº. hither and thi- ther — Marree ſénee Gº” GSvl, come hither—Bava ſénee Cº. sºlº bring here — Sooãra ſénee w!» Aw a fine voice Seniāra syllºw torment, pain, puniſh- ment Sépertee Grºw as, as if even as, like as, according as, according to addat négree evexc Çs';* CŞrº according to the cuſtom of thé country binnátang &tº Cºjº" like (as a beaſt) tº boonee ſoorat Gº Gº}* sºlº according to the contents of the letter dálam fermawn Allah Q sºrº == All out, ºxle like as it is in the . Scripture S ſ Sembóyan cº, a watch word, a token to fetch a thing by Sémoo_3^* deceit, guile, fraud **. *. *- & * ... ſº * & S tº { tude, compariſon, parable Sépertécan cº-Kºrsº, to liken, com- pare, make the likeneſs Sépit eºs, a pair of tongs Sépoh oxº to temper or harden any metal Sépy Gº” cracked Sérak -ºº hoarſe Sérang §jº to pour ſoftly Serba agº, neceſſaries, utenſils, furni- ture of common uſe, working tools, equipage journey — cápal Jºlº ºr utenſils of com- mon uſe in a ſhip sº common uſe in a houſe Serbok -** s filings * 3) * > Séree GSjº, betle-leaf, much eaten in India Séro _3;ºr a net with a long cod A •", Sérooc CCA's a rivulet, creek lets, creeks, a bite Sérong £934, aflope, acroſs, awry, obliqué, athwart, ſlanting Séroo 3rº” pound, encloſe, confine – can Gºjº, to encloſe Sérooan colº, a pound for cattle, a cage for birds, a trunk for fiſh Séroot -3rº to ſplice, braid, make net-work Sérootan coºrºº, net-work, braiding 158 ) Sépertéawn cº, likeneſs, fimili- jSéſee jálan exº~ *}” equipage for a prang & *}” neceſſaries of war rooma & 3) &r. furniture of féroocan exº~ ~3;" rivu- $ I Serpada six,” a title for a king, ma- jeſty * Serta &” when, and when, ſo ſoon as dea dátang &le age ar, when he is come t poon, cy; &;” now when Serwal Ol 3rs breechees Lºw a ſhell or ſcale of any tortoiſe ſhell, a comb - écan ex-X3 Cº., a ſcale of fiſh g fiſh, }. koor koora on 23 J53 Cº. tor- toiſe ſhell * . * * *. tiram exº Gº an oyſter- ſhell * Séſécan cº-ºw to ſcale . . . . . Séſoondall Jºjº, adulterous. whoriſh - , ... . . . . . . . . . , 3 Séſoongoo _53 sº truly, verily. . . Sétoo ºthere, in that place, thence, yonder—Derree ſétoo 3%'s Sye from thence ... . ... . . . . . *, *z F. Séwa oxº to rent, to hire, to, to rent . . . . * : - . cápal Jº's oxºn hire of a ſhip Shābendar JCNºslº, governor of a port, chief cuſtom maſter, receiver of a king's revenue, treaſurer Shābendára oylºxºl. See Shābendar Shítan cº, the devil . . . . Síappa aglºs, who, which — cadua nea €nee &ºi o»elſ &lºe Cºg which of theſe two *: — la dea ajo aſ agº, who is he 6rang &13| 3.4Lº, whom " poonea agº, whoſe, who, who is owner g - *. * . . . & farm, *, * * * * gº } W * * , t , t → " * : * * , *~~ k | 2. ** t y + $ E ( taoo 3 U ** who knows, per- haps sº. Siar yº a ſparkle of fire, a ſcale of hot! , , iron. £ Siaºſiaº & unneceſſary, uſeleſs, needleſs, to no purpoſe, unprofitable, ... fruitleſs, in vain, trouble without pro- fit, to looſe one's labour—careeja ſia , -ſia **** Asººlabour-in-vain Siélaw:Uº. See Seilaw Sijat cºs^* religion, opinion, perſua- ſion # * Sikap -ºs, proportionable, well- ſhaped ... # = ~ * * Sikat cº-ºw a bruſh, a card for wool . Simbat cases, a notch in wood can cºcº," to notch . . Simpak -ºvº. to kick backward (as a beaſt) . . . . . . . . Simpan exºr's layup, ſave, reſerve, re- tire or keep out of the way, ſtand aſide, make room, ſet by, preſerve, keep ſafe, hide, hold . . . . . . . . . . |Singit cº, to lean on one ſide, to Simpanſior Jººs, to and fro, to wander, ſheer (as a ſhip), crooked, to traverſe (as a compaſs). . . Simpanggan cº-ºw a crooked-way, 159 ) -Siappasiappa aglºw agº, whoſoever [Simpee beflee Q sº Q sº.” an iron § I tº º hoop Simpool Jºº,” a knot (as a thread or rope). – can cº Jººs to knot Sinar º dawning of the day, beams, rays, break of day, twilight máta arree CŞylajlº jº, the fun beams Sindil cycºs, to bear a part in a ſong, to ſing, or talk two only, or in two º parts Sindir JoJº, ſcurrilous, jeering, jeſting words, to mock, jeer, aſperſe, banter, deride, fleut, ſcandalize Sindirree ÇSr. X^* ſelſ, itſelf, by it- ſelf, alone poonea *::: ÇSr. Nºw own, the only, or alone owner Singa & a lyon Singah & to ſtop, or make a ſhort ſtop by the way; to touch or bait at a place in a voyage, or journey over hang, hang down, heel (as a ſhip), droop, bow, or bend down cápal Jºlº exis to heel, or careen a ſhip, wº cápala &\gl; cºxs to hang the head forward rooma « ») – 3. eves of a houſe — tooboo catána JU & 242} e^*. bow the body to the ground Singkill Oxx..., a ſmall hole into any a corner, angle, the point or outſide »f an angle, a bye ſtreet, a lane, a re- fervatory * * ; . . . . —ayer ... for water, a canal. . . . laoot Gº25) cº a cloſe-har- bour, , , , ... * > * & Simpee Gºes a hoop ~ & $ * * # - " " - a 3 -º $. ? º t sº *3 * # F. : : < *...*. * $ t ** t sº * jº cº-º-º: a reſervatory." ! ſubſtance S I Singkill giggee cº J33, a hole into a tooth *. * Sing ſing &º & to tuck up (as the clothes), to hold up from touching any thing, to turn or roll up (as the ſleeve) & Sinjaddee GS es” a ſovereign prince * Sinjáta &l=** armour, weapon of de- fence dāda solo alsº breaſt armour biſa aº &l=* poiſoned ar- IYAOUlf meng aſſammee poiſoned armour Sinjoh o 3=” pluck, twitch, pull ſuddenly Sinjom - cºnti-sails” fnatch, .5-sº ſmile Sinneen Jº, Monday Sintak -ºs See Sinjoh Siol J, sº to whiffle with the mouth Sipah ºn to hop Sipak -º-to go dancing or ſtamping with the hinder foot Sipat ºr a ruled line, a line marked OY). any thing, a path way, a road way, a ruler to rule lines with Sipatcan exº~. to rule Siram ... to ſprinkle water ( 160 ) S & Siſee Cáil cº Cºº" to put to put by the fide Siſoo ºn to file Sitak -ºxº, a beggar's bag Six'a & K, bodily pain, puniſhment, torment, rack, miſery, grief, per- plexity k. éang terſang'at adda ladálam ap- pa naráka agſ &J *; 㺠** &lyū the puniſhment, or pain, which is moſt exceeding, is in hell fire Six’ācan cºlº to puniſh, &c. Sóbat ** a familiar friend, confede- Ilexit, to, •er * rate, ally - Sóbatan cº25" friendſhip Soch zºº”, empty (as a bag). A Sódóño 2-ºxoº, a ſodomite * Soff -** camlet Sófo _23'5" al partridge Sólímawn Gºo Solomon Sóhoo º heat of the body, of the ſkin with heat Sólong £313. elder, firſt born Solwar y!!... breeches Sómāyam - tº22* a cloſet, private roo arbour Sooára oyſ fretting * a voice Sírang & 9 fprinkle water. âloos O.2" olº, a counterfeiter fine ſmall voice . . . . . ; *. .* Siranggan cº-ºº: a ſprinkling Sirepºrº. the fin of a fiſh Síſa &ºw a remnant, fragments, leavings, oughts, mamocks, over- plus, offal Síſee călăwāſan cºlºuſ tinét, clear voice - gáraw 93 92", a manly voice marfik -ºr oyſ,” an effe- minate voice oyſ,” a diſ. niáring A*, next to, ſide by ſide, by the ſide * - §y's w!” a loud, ſhrill voice . . . . . . . . . . - * ***** * ~ $o ( Soeira ſtrak -º olºw a hoarſe *. voice, . . . … 3. Soobang " an rolls worn in the flap of the ear Sooca aº rejoice, inclined to, fain would, delighted in, contented, pleaſed, willing, conſenting, joy, deſire, love, addićted to, merry — pada sº aſsº inclined to — minta & a′ 3's a wiſh, a deſire to aſk. . attee ( ; ! & 5* rejoiced in mind, &c. * Soocaawn colaºs rejoicing, mirth, de- light,' &c. - Soocácan cºſts?', to make joyful, &c. Soocáchéta axºl. 3... deſirous of chearful, frolic, jocund, joyful, mer- ry, pleaſant, gladneſs, joy, mirth Soocar ... painful, troubleſome, intricate, mo- leſting, toil, labour, pains, trouble , care, difficulty. e mengartee intri- *. & gº cate to underſtand, myſtical, obſcure, profound —r-. cáta. &lſ. troubleſome way—Wačtoo €ang ſoo- ... ca.#3's $º a frowful tlme Soocáran cylºs, forrow, uneaſineſs, miſery, moleſtation, peril, perplexity, 3 calamity, danger, diſtreſs, hindrance, infelicity, woc, adverſity, trouble, af- 161, § {} ) ** Soocáran lápar 33 C.91.3's diſtreſ; of # Soocat caſ_3" forrowful, uneaſy, irkſome, , troubleſome to i t , ſpeak—Jálan ſoocar 3% 3” cºl= a M. k. * 3. flićtion, * . . * : " . " $." " * * : $. * *ºr `- * & * **. # * * * tº º * 7. * —bºat *;& Sº2'3” heavy ſorrowl $ * hunger . an ear ring, or large|Soodar ſobcáran cy93” 33s, ſorrows, &c. a concave meaſure Soocor J1983'' thanks — mengoochop ſoocor 25%3” *5-33-9 return thanks Soocoo sº, a quarter Sooda 89.5° it, it is, it was, had, has, have, have been, are, am, enough abis Cºloe25° it is done bangoon coº soº is riſen bélang §2% ocy” is told booat Gº! 34 soºn did make choocoop wattoo, º sº. 23, the time is fulfilled chooree (£25-ooºº have ſtolen dátang &le sº am come de boonoo _3}× 9 899". is mur- dered élong #3); soºn is loſt, loſt jaddee (SO-soº was done, done * janjee Cº-ºº- ocyºs is agreed la A.J. od 32, it is enough láloo 32 so» is paſt, paſt menjaddee CŞos” soºn is done * * Pākee C-3; ooºº worn, uſed , pan'gil Jº sº called Pégee C = \º sº gone fájee Gº-Lº. oeº prepared for uſe famPec Cºos sex” is come, did come <> ſooroo 3.15° sº commanded. T t * * § 6 ( 18? ) ' 2} * ... * ºf * se Boeds téréma Aºyly ºn seeepted Soeſes Jºys to emboſs ºr embrºides Soodaawn cotc.)** fied, concluſion, ending, #fiſhing — doonea & 39 colcev” end of the world Soodágar > loys a merchant, adven- turer, that lives à ſhore Soodāra oy!e 2, of one blood *g. lakkee cº oyle»” brother lakkee abang & Cºx o'eye' eldeſt brother lakkee Adek Gol C-3) oyſey's youngeſt brother lakkee káka A$13 c 232 sylè25* ſecond brother * * ~ -- lakkee ſa bápa ſa ib'oo oyley's _* as agº as cº brother, by fa- ther and mother f — lakkee tirree QSjº G” ºjlo25's half brother parampoan clºswº oyſey's * sa fiſter —parampoan ädck clº-cyl: oyſey's e Sol youngeſt ſiſter w parampoan tirree cy ºwº wk)»” CŞjº half ſiſter - i ſa jaddee (SQ- as oylox”. twins ; ſoodaránea aºlº syloxº brethren Sódoot máta &L's Gºº the eye holes Soogool c)º to diſcontent, diſturb, diſpleaſe, moleſt, grieve attee ment, &c. tº º f * end, laſt éné, pe- cº" J); 3” diſcontent-f with gold or filver, to ſcour or cleanſe jee ( → 33'3' a ſcouring ſtick Soojeawn colº embroidery Sookat cºw a concave meaſure can cºſº, to meaſure by a COncăWC Sookatan moombong §3-ºxo crººr. over-running meaſure Soola aſ;... a ſtake to impale a man on — can cº-ſa/2- to impale Soolah alsº to light (as with a candle). Soolam ...)'3” to embroider with ſilk, to quilt, ſtitch with ſilk, embroidery, &c. of ſilk # Soolap º juggling, legerdemain tricks, to juggle Soolo 2/3', a ſpy in war Sooltawn cotlake, a monarch — chejálam colºr cºllaº an em- peror * Soomba & sº to ſubmit, adore, reve- rence, worſhip, a ſalute by holding both the hands to the forehead, by bowing the body to the ground, in ceremony, to invocate, preſent, offer to, dedicate, a recommendation of obedience ãcan cººl & sº to ſubmit to, &c. - kirrimawncºs &º recom- mendations of obedience ſent Soombaawn exº~ ſubmiſſion, of fering, &c. padaber'allaha.]] U: oº::cyl-, ** A Soojab -->>, a ſquirrel | an offering or preſent to idols " with the end of a ſtick—Cayoo ſoo- i. “. * - so - Soºnbaawn herſambillee. elsey- G ºr * ſacrificed offering Soombång &“5” inceſt * Soombat cº-º; a ſtopple, cork, ſpig- got, the neck of a crane or engine Soombáyang oblation Soombing tº a ſcull, a hollowiſh * thing, a potſherd Soombo _2^* a wick, fuſe, priming, quick-match º º — buddeel Jºex4 ×-ºw priming of a gun - can looca a?! coº" zº-ex” a pledget, or tent for a wound | dian cylie _2~95''' the wick of a candle * Soomboo _2^*}” ſound, well, healthy, recovered ãcan cººl _3-93° to heal, cure, make ſound — derree pada ſåkitan QSJö _3-93° t A' d -- cºsts, odºg recovered from ſickneſs -Jaddee foomboo 3-ºxº, Ǻ- healed, cured Soombooawn o!». health . Soomboor Jºº reliſh, ſeaſon Soomjam sº to drink all up, to bow the head to the ground Soompa aº-ºw to vow, ſwear bóhoong &3934 º' to for ſwear *. | { ( 168 ) º Soonpatºsy, • " • ſº ip, &!--º, divine wom P. “so Soompaawn béhoong'$';*º cº-ºw a falſe oath. . . after, following after -Héla foompat **** &\º to drag after - Soomping &4--> flowers worn in the CarS º Soompit exº-. narrow, ſtraight, a hole that is long and confined (as the bore of a gun), ſmall ſticks uſed by the Chineſe to eat with—Jálan foom- pit cº-ex” coyl- a narrow way Soompitan cº-e22* a trunk or wooden gua, a ſquirt Soompitcan cº-ºw to ſhoot with a trunk, to make narrow Soomſoom sº marrow Soondall Jojº's Soondallan cºexiºs whoredom, for- n1Cation Soonee Cajº quiet, ſtill, ſolitary, de- ſolate," unfrequented, uninhabited, alone—Tampat ſoonee Cº, e.g.; a ſtill place—Sa órang ſoonee &29' as cº" a man alone - Soongey Gº, a river Soongkor jº. to grub or rout in the earth (as hogs) Soon goo ** certain, ſure, true, in- deed, truly, in earneſt • ſoon goo jºy." jº" indeed, without doubt Calºt exº335- to prove true—Ca a harlot, whore dooſta & 3) & sº to forſwear floompaawn colº., a vow, oath, ſwearing * ſoon goo 23," aſ yes, truly Soon'goot ºn to grumble, mut- ter, mumble " * S @ Soonjat es', an ink-holder Soonoot cº,25, 5* circumciſe Soonootan cº" circumciſion ( Soonootcan co-X5355° to circumciſe dea & eo-Kºjº, circumciſe him Soonting a 33s, flowers to wear be- hind the ears, a noſegay, an otter Soontah oxixº to trip againſt, ſtum- ble at Soontong ;3.35° a ſea cat, an otter Soopah , any thing that is chewed, chewed beetle Soopak • *g 3, a mole in the body, a natural ſpot, ſpeckled, ſpotted (as a beaſt) Soopan cº, breeding, civility, com- placency, courteſy, manners, genti- lity, modeſty, civil, complaiſant, courteous, mannerly, genteel, modeſt Soorahee C-293, a bottle or flaſk with ... a long neck. Soorak -º, a, rejoicing, ſhouting, hollowing for joy or vićtory, accla- mations of joy Soorat -92.2 a writing, a letter, note, ſcroll, to write, deſcribe caſſee C sº e-jºo a love letter dálam ºle ºw 3.2 to inſcribe * éang télah jaddee & ê'. º203.2 C&Cº a chronicle $ 164 ) éborcan cº, Gºo a letter of janjee C = * S-1346 a written comfort covenant, 6f contračt inggatan cººl 9-1522 a record § 0 * ! Soorat kirrimawn cº Gºwº a letter, e of advice. . . . " * lépas cººl wºo an acquit- tance, paſſport * maaf ºxº º,522 a diſcharge, móhone Q 595-9 ºzd a permiſ- fion in writing OOtan for debt ber’ootang. & Q-9)1942 a bond for debt * Pémintaawn cºg eyºxo a petition, a brief, a letter of requeſt fălin cºllºw * 1942 a copy -A —— ſax'ee Csº “yº-e a certificate ––findir jokº, c.2º a libel that is ſcurrilous -- * * tang'an Gºº Gº); 2 hand writing —— titah & Gºy13-6 a commiſſion, proclamation of command, patent, a written law, command, or ordi- nance of man . wäkil J31, ey; 2 a letter of cre- dence, a letter of attorney $ Sooratan gºo writing, deſcription * ggan cº, Q-9)15° a bond Soorga &:- heaven. Soorgânee cº-312, heavenly º Soorong &275". to ebb (as the tide), to ſhove forward, to puſh forward, to launch off the land. - ? la cápal ca dālam ay'er & # 2.92. x:1 ºxle & Jºº launch the ſhipin- to the water t; & $ 2. f • * ~-tar-e- - -sa Sooroo 3.)13° ordain, appoint, bidºgm?" mand, charge, order, ſend .32;Y wº * * * - * so ( Sooroo 'máta &L, 3Jºw a teleſcope, - ſpectacles Soorooan cy!; Jº, a meſſenger, fore- runner, miniſter, an officer that is ſent —— berſoondall Jºey cºpy a bawd, pimp * Sooroot Gº3.15° to ebb (as the tide), to retreat, give back * Sooſa &ºw care, trouble, diſquiet, in- cumbrance, moleſtation, labour attee C3 &N * vexation of mind, diſcontent, ſorrow, grief, trouble of mind * ſaja as-Lº, alsº trouble only Sooſácan Cºtº,** to cauſe trouble, &c. — attee nea &Aj cº cºtºs trou- ble his mind . " Sooſat télore 2vº evº” oval (as an egg) f Sooſoo _3^* a pap, breaſt, udder, ſpur, milk, roe, a ſucker or any ſmall thing joining to the out-ſide of a greater thing —— ayam *!_º a cock's ſpur boontaryº ~sy's round, plump breaſts écan cº ***, roe of a fiſh — kópe breaſts. w — lemboo sº.) ºr a cow's udder pintoo º ºx” the knocker of a door priok -*::::: 29- the ear of a k —º 33 º' long and lank 's pot -- -- can cº, to lay one within another (as cups, diſhes) 165 ) ºr A: Sootra sjº, ſilk - foolam 2×3. ojº” ftitching ſilk Sópáya *443” that it may be, that they may * Sópáyang &#;" ſon of a ſiſter, nephew Sow’ab Ul a bribe, fee—Mácan fow'ab --!> cºls to receive a bribe Sow'ammee lº a huſband Söyak -**** to tear (as cloth), to rend, rip . . . Stingarda serº fire arms Sut ev, a concave meaſure Swangee cº * witchcraft, ſorcery | TA & it, is that—Rooſa ta étoo &. 3.9 3x3 & is that a buck Taalla &J[xj conquered, ſubjećted, vaniſhed – Négree taalla C6,33 a/Gº a conquered country—6tang taalla &J[x] §yº a ſubjećted people Taallah & Utsj Lord, a name of God Allah Taallah &MUx} &JU! Lord God Tabbal Jº; hard, thick (as a board), ſtiff (that cannot be bent) – tooboo 34º Jº; thick in body Tabbalan cº hardneſs Tábang &G the body of a growing tree Tabbee C-2J a greeting or ſalute to an equal;" it is uſed on all occaſions of ceremony Tabbeer gº narrow (as cloth) Täbee ( sº long pepper A Tábeib --&lla a phyſician, ſurgeon |Tábeib'at cºllo the art of phyſic Tábéla &MºU ſplit, &c. See Béla Tábir ;G a veil, cover U u Tº Á ( Tábo 2.0 a watch or part of the night sº & a′ §4 ºl, the eang catéga third watch Tábooang £340 put out, baniſhed, chaſed away, put away, that is put away, exiled, rejećted Tábooca & G opened, manifeſted, made known, diſcovered, diſcloſed, open or flying (as flags) Táboor 239 to ſow or ſtrew (as corn) Tábow'an o'º'; a waſp Tácálinchir º (315 to ſlip, ſlide Táncarajat cºsſ, Gū to ſtart in ſleep or from ſleep * Táchang'an co-º-º: amazed, aſtoniſhed Táchangánan cº-G anna Zement Táchee ( ->U an iron pan, a frying pan Tácoocoör J1933%tº a turtle dove Tácoot GººU} fearful, cowardly, tim- morous, to be afraid, fear, cowardice —Téda taoo tácoot cºst; 25 scº featleſs — Jang on täcoot Q33- S-º ly be not afraid * Tácootan cº Ü fear, cowardice Tácootee fearful, terrify Tácoojoot -->3'U. afraid, terrified, frightened, ſcared, dreadful, horrible ſight, to ſtart or wince for fear, ſtrangled with a rope Táco rang §J15% Ü lacking Taddec C& JJ juſt now, lately A Táfaon (9*** (lo an apple Tāfētar ºst; a roll, regiſter L’.'. g § & Tágah & YU, detain, hinder, ſtop, with-l ſtand, forbid ^ 166 ) cº tº frighten, ſcare, make Tº A. Tágah can gº231U to detain, &c. Tăgahawn cºlº tº detention, &c. Tágal Jºt; for, for the, becauſe, at, againſt e — too º Jets for that, therefore póhone ex33-33 Jºly againſt a tree — ſaja &Ls JºtU; freely, voluntary Tågåléat evºlº to retch or ſtretch- the body wº Tågålécho 2=4 U’U numbed, ſtiff in the limbs, out of joint, wrenched Tågålinchat cºsº U’ū to rebound or ſpring backwards, to ſtart backwards, to ſtruggle backwards - Tágan'ga &t; gaping-Mooloot ta- ganga &G cº-s open-mouthed Tágap ºtÜ thick and ſhort Taggap -CŞ healed, cured of ſick- neſs º Tágooling &Jº Ü rolling, rolled Tāhan Cºl; abſtain, bridle, withhold, | refrain, ſtop from running (as li- quor), reſtrain, detain, deſiſt, leave off, ceaſe from, forbear, endure, ſuf- fer, perſevere, to bear with, to hold Tāhanan Cººl; an abſtaining, &c. Tähoonoo 2529 U. a mill Tai C&ty dregs, excrement, lees, dung kékir rºº ( 4 U filings lālat &y) Ögly a freckle, a fly's dung * * $ télin'ga & CSU car-wax Tajam 2-0 ſharp, keen, quick, a ſtop or point in writing, dangerous —can cº**t to make ſharp, &c. i t k \ T. A ( Tajam canoojong; as at. tº ſharpen º point j géºgº- p can måta cºlº Gº* ſharpen ſ the edge Tájee ( >! a ſpur for a horſe, an ar- tificial ſpur for a cock, a lancet Tājang *>[j . See Tajam Tájanggan cº-º-º: ſharpneſs Tákálincholº's to ſtumble, reel, ſtagger * Tåkan (23U to kncad with the flat of the hand, to ſqueeze with a flat hand, a walking ſtick with a handle to ſup- * port 167 ) T At thing acroſs another, croſs-legged (as taylors ſit) Tallam 2); a large diſh Tallee cº a rope, line, cord, ſtring, the ſmall guts, craw anting & cº a plummet line booſoor J.5" 24 cº a bow-ſtring —— chéchintong §3.x=^* cº 3. hair lace or hair ſtring ** cooda ocyº cs” a harneſs for a horſe kail Jºſ; Gº; a fiſhing-line leher 34: cº a halter — loga & J C.J.; a lead line Tákána &tsū a charm, enchantment Tákiſſil JºšU to bruſh againſt (as in going), to joſtle in paſſing by Tālāga Ağ); a pit, a pool of water A Tálája & XU ſnow Tálan Coyly to ſwallow, devour — ab'is Oxyl ox U ſwallow all up Tálang §2. Ü a broker Tálanggar ×3×3 invaded, &c. See Langgar . Tálanggee cºº brokery Tálanjang &=XU naked, bare, unco- vered -— Carl &c. nea & Års'); nakedneſs Tālap ºp)|U, a ſmall box (as for tobac- ... CO2 ſnuff, &c.) ——oobat cº, ºxt; a plaiſter box y — toombácoo 2:12:º º Ú a to- bacoo box Tálintang &JG over-thwart, one ex'&=X Ú to make naked, — pootáran cº º: Csk; a crane rope proot ºr, JJ the ſmall guts – rammee C-º) G =\; a hemp rope ſaoo slº. cº cable Tāmanggoong §; : X-G a bailiff Tam'angoo angoo 3: 53.3 fearful, frightful (as when alone) Tamba aº to multiply, add to, en- creaſe, to toſs to one, to grow big, to thrive, to join together, augment Tambaawn Colzº a multiplication, &c. póhone cy;934 cytº ſprouts on a tree <> Tambiga a tº copper kóning ! ºtº braſs méra sº a tº copper Tambak -º, a pike or long ſpear Tamban cº-º; a ſhad Tambára sºlº a carp fiſh * T A ( 168 ) TA **- Tambérang & the ſide of a ſhip, Tampang & to make a voyage, to waiſt clothes of a ſhip go by ſea, to croſs the ſea s. Tambool J 32,; a ſhare or meſs of meat Tampanggan co-º; freight by ſea, Tamboolookee cº3-ºxº the crop of a paſſage money by ſea or land, a voy- bird, the maw of a beaſt, the ſto- * * paſſage by ſea Iº. mach Tampar rº, to ſtrike or ſlap with the Tamboon cº, a flock, troop, a heap, T palm º a ring bridle- ſt pile, cock, ſtack, full or heaped, to ampat exº, a place, part, room, ſta- ſtop up or fill up mole hill cock moondok G3º:-- cyº a roompoot -ºº-º-y cyº, a hay cáyoo sºlº cº, a pile of wood tion * —— ay'er ſoombáyang 3: º &lº a font or place for holy water baccar cépoor 23.5° ;3 evº a lime kiln —ba tamboon tamboon Qy^3 & =---bálindoong 8.29J [. •º a hide- C)yº.” by heaps Tambooncan co-º-º: to heap, &c. up that hole in the ground Tamboong $34, to tumble off Tamboos O-32.3 to clinch, to pour through a funnel Tambooſan Cº.; a funnel Tambor 932, a cellar Tampa & an impreſſion, a blow with a hammer iſion by a blow, to ſtamp a mark liang étoo º §º cº ſtop can cº, 3 to make an impreſ- ing place, a refuge ba roompoot ºy & º 3. graſſy place — berbāris O”94; exº~ an exer- ciſing place * berhentee bālātantra cº,3 sºlº cººr a camp in a march ...” choochee Qsº- º a holy place º * dálang & Sle < a theatre doodooč - )_2^*) -º a dwell- ing place hookoom - Ke ºf a court, place of judgement Tampal Jº a ſhred, bit, or little- & piece (as of cloth) plaiſter — cay'in coºl; Jº a rag with a bit of cloth - beroobattee Gº”º; Jºº a jaddee gåram ſ:9° GSX-evº a ſalt pond |—jámooawn cº-slº cº, a feaſt- ing place g — jew'al Jº- cº,3 a place to can exº~}^3 to botch, patch, ſtop ſell in láin cº -º another place T. A. ' ( Tampat landee (god) evº, a ford low'as o-ſ, .*.* a wide place mácan binnátang Gºtº cº,3 išUK, a manger — mandee (SOM-2 exº a bathing place * 9 o *. mengéjar jº-li-' exº, a ſchool, a learning place heam'at evolº exº, a delicious place * s pára Pára wº ojº º a fire- hearth ramee Us', evº, a pleaſant place — ſambillee Cººs º an altar finjata &t=^* evº, an armory — ſoocaawn cylaſ * -º a place of delight ſoonee Gºwevº, a deſolate, quiet, ſolitary place — teddre Lº Gº a ſleeping place — tédoh s5°9′ ºr a calm, ſhady place * toomboo 2-93 exº, a threſhing floor • — toon'goo ºf exº a place to keep in ...téroojong’ §3-º ºf a place at the further end, loweſt place (as at a table) Tampee Qsº to winnow, by toſſ- 1ng up Tampéling & the back of the hand can cº, to ſtrike with the * ? r * 169 ) |Tampik -ºj to ſcream out aloud for | back of the hand T A. £ help, to exclaim aloud, an outcry, or ſhouting (as of an army when going to battle) Tampoop º a hand breadth Tampooroong §: 1:2.7 the ſhell of any nut, a ſhard or piece of any hollow thing lootoot evaja) ; a ſaw 3 the pan of the knee 2::/ & 32” p Tána &JU earth, ground, land bäik -ºlº &JU good, or fruitful ground báloobang &9/4 &U valleys, ground with pits and holes ber'antára oyº!, &JU waſte land béſarry” at the main conti- nent En'grees oºl &G England — Hindoo solº &G India Hólanda oxi),9 &U Holland lambec Cº-Jajū clay ground pāya agg &U a moraſs Tánam jū plant, ſet, bury, inter jū to plant, &c. Tánamawn GU, SU a plantation cay'oo cay’ooan 343 cot.jū colºl, a plantation of timber trees Tancap - XX; ſeize, apprehend, arreſt, catch, take, intercept booroong &2.934 - JC; to catch a bird écan co-3 e-Q3 to catch fiſh Tancapan cº-XX, a ſeizing, &c. — €can cº-X, cº-º a fiſhery, or catching of fiſh X x —- Can ſº T. A Tanda ocy!º a fign, tokén, monument, mark, print fhoot arrows at cakkee gº scº; a foot-ſtep chap -º- sex; a ſealed mark choomoor 22-ºxºs ooº; a dirty ſpot * inggat cººl ooº; a memo- randum 1ſpat cººl scº; a wrinkle looca &3] odº a ſcar of a wound Booroot -3.1% scº the navel ſaſápoo 94U tº scº aftripe, or mark of a ſcourge Tandáhee Cs” |CXXī to mark, imprint Tandácan Ö31. NX to mark, note Tāndas Cºexº, a houſe of office Tandoc Cy3-X. horn, a horn Call cº-º-º: to butt with the horn ë Tanca & XX} aſk, queſtion, demand, en- quire, examine can gº& to aſk, &c. Tâneaawn Gºjū a queſtion, demand Tanga & XX, a ladder, ſtairs, ſtile Tangála a/Lº, a plough, a yoke for two beaſts tº º Tangálong £2) LXX, a civet cat Tang'an Cºx; the hand cánam - 933 the right hand gangoo }<3 Gº buſy handed, light fingered * * ..— kákoo _533 Gº a withered hand ( 1zo ) * berpána ajº sex; a butt to T A Tang'an moora ºs cººliberal, boun- tiful . . ** • 3. ſābéla aºlº cº one hundred tang'an Cºx, Gº hands Tangara o U33 South-eaſt “Tangas oº: a hot bath, a hummum can cºo-33 to bathe tooboo ºoº-ºbathethe body Tangee esº rank (as butter) Tangélang §94-5 a lanthorn * g * Tanggo235 a hoop-net, a ſcoop-net to take fiſh -- Tangis oº: weep, wań, cry, mourn, whine, complain, bewail Tangiſan cºº weeping, &c. Tangly 33 lank (as hair) Tangool ºx; a dry block of a tree, | > Tangoong £2.33 a taſk of work, to up- hold, ſupport, to bear, lay on Tangoonggan Gº#º a charge, du- ty, taſk d Tanjoong #2 s” a cape, head-land, promontory Tankee ( - 3A, a bunch, cluſter Tankis Cºxx; to ſend off, ward off, guard or ſhun a blow Tánoong £250 preſage, prognoſticate Tantang. & calk to aloud, hale, pro- voke, excite, urge, challenge to fight Tantoo º notorious, public undoubt- fed truth, manifeſtly known, perfeót clear knowledge, infallible, apparent, evident, certain, fure -— kirree GSrđ Gº the left hand Tantooawn cº notoriouſneſs, -cer- tainty, &c. T A. Tantooee cº to make notorious, make appear true, &c, to affirm, ve- rify, warrant . . . ; — dungan ſaxee Géo (gº Cº. to make appear true by wit- neſs. j Tantóza ojº content, quiet, peace and quiet, inward peace, undiſturbed Taoo 25 know, knows, knew, known, intent, purpoſe báſa aºl. 2U gentle, civil la enee Jº U knew this — pada sex; 25 acquainted with, known to * * Taboan clºt; knowledge Táoorey gyū looſed, looſe, ſeparated * Tápak cakkee C-33 – 315 the ball or ſole of the foot, a foot-ſtep, a track tang'an cº–º the palm of the hand - Tārootápak tang'an cº-ºº ºld to ſet the hand (as to a writing) Tápakcan cº-Kºlj to preſs with the palm of the hand -- ; Tápik -*. Ü to ſtrive * Tápiscºgº to cleanſe, ſtrain (as liquor , from filth) - " i "..., —— ſāyap “rºle 3-49 to clap-th ºwings, (as a bird). . . , Tápifan. cº ’8, ftrainer. ... } Tápiſcancº to ſtrain hands , t Tápootar ;:35 confuſed, confuſedly, perverſe | Tappee Csº a painted callico worn (as *r t | * clap the * ( 171 ) t .* ; * º | } ceive comfort T a a petticoat) by the Malays, men and WOII len, |Tārang #93 to groan, grunt Tarbis Cºr a bank, dam º ACarºl cºGºjº to bank in Tarboot ºr a peg of wood, ſpiggot irr, , ºrs * e Tāréma & rº JJ accept, receive, poſſeſs, received, accepted —— caſſee cº _ thankfully éboorawn o!!!… & jū to re * Tārémaawn co-rºyº acceptation, re- ceiving Tarjan cº-rº to hop (as a bird), to run fluttering Tárik -º jū to draw, pull, haul, ſtretch, heave dung'an pootáran cº-cy -ºjū C.yº, to heave with a capſtan ginta axº~#.yū to pull or ring the bell náfas O-33 • *. JG to draw the breath, reſpire |—rápat cºlj Cºju to draw cloſe (as a purſe) Tároo _5JU lay, lay down, place, ſet, inſtitute – ba tindan Gyº & 290 lay one on another (as books) bérantára jºirº Ayū place be- fore ber'âtory25%; 395 place in order |— bertindee Cº. Cº.Jü put one upon another |—— de bava oº • ? jū lay under, lay down T. A Tāroo de blácan cº e > y hind —— dálam hookoom Ü ſet be- T hoºkoom -->le 295 to put to juſtice - * — ſakoo 330, 200 ſet apart by itſelf -— tãpak tang'an cº Gºlj –5jū ſet the hand . . . . Tārooawn o! JU i ting t d aying, placing, ſet- i. Tārooboº,tºyº ſalted roſes of mulets Tārooboo ºly ruined i Tāroompa aºyº ſhoes, ſlippers, fan- dals Tāroopa & 2013 ſhoes, ſlippers, ſandals Tāroofee Cºyº copperas, vitriol Pootee cº, Cºyº allum Tarree C&Jū to dance Tartíb CŞ; gallant, fine *. Táſanka & KºsU to ſtumble, trip againſt Táſároompak -º-º/Lºt; by chance, unexpected, to meet unexpected Táſélat cº, MºU wainſcoted Táſoonto 2:32.5 to ſtumble at, run againſt * at, trip Táſoontoawn colºº a ſtu &c. mbling, r& chop off, to cleave aſunder, to notch Tátak -ºjtj to enamel, over-lay, face- over, cover over, plate over, to adorn (as with jewels) * Tátal OJU, a chip, ſplinter báblérang §ºu Jiu matches made of wood y Tátap Cºlj contented, ſecure, not ( 172 ) * | Tátac CGU to chop with a ſword, to T A Tátap attee Cºlºly chearful, con- tented, patient, reſt of mind, ſatis- faction, contentment, conſtancy Tátapan ex{tºt} contentedneſs, &c. See Tátap Tátapcan cº-3UU to content, &c. See Tátap dirrée GS38° co-º: UU content yourſelf * * Tátappee C-3UU contented, &c. See Tátap * Tătăwa o Ulj laugh, laughed -— ber'ſemboonee sºrºr! a 3GU to laugh to one's ſelf . e —gålak gålak GXL3’-39L sºut, to laugh aloud unmannerly * — terlåloo amat ºvs' 3) 3; Oºut; to laugh exceedingly & can cºo,513 to laugh at Tătăwaawn cols,GU laughter Tátéling &U a wry neck, ſtiff neck. Tatkála &JU'X', at that time, then, after, when, mean while —-dea abis Cºl &e allº after he has done *. dea dátang he is come —sº &lo &c &J[XX} when Tátoorootto oroot Gº15.93_º.1933 a C- cording, following, imitating, after Tátootoop ºù covered, ſhut A Taurit e-jū law, ceremony Taw'an eſ; a captive, priſoner of war, fubjećt, captivated, ſubjećted Taw'anan oil; captivity S. Taw'ar y!; to value, ſet a price, bid a doubting, confident, ſtedfaſt price, cheapen § . T E Tāwar ambar > J/5G taſteleſs, freſh * or favory (as water), flat, dead (as liquor)—Ayer tāwar plºt; ; freſh water Tawſon cost; a year — eang láloo 2}} §tº QX3G the year —Tiod tion taw'on C : . . . . . G paſt—Tioptiop on G-54, Gº- ex-U yearly—tenga dua taw'on & Q)º sºe a year and a half Tay'oong cayoo 34% §: 235 a piece of timber - Teadda sex; is not, without, want- ing, abſent . . ——bábénee. c sºlº sexº, unmar- ried, unwived, is not wived báchampoor yºu sexº, un- mixed, is not mixed —— bálakkee ( -3Xtº scº unmar- ried (as a woman) . —bangſåwane, slºg o Xxº ignoble —— berbooloo _5}: 4 oc'xº callow berlápis O-3)'; sº ſingle . • berpootooſan cº; oº in- violable, endleſs berſinjáta &l=** ocº un- armed * —berſoocar leſted - — booſooc º sexº, uncor- rupted -- — berſänoonoo 33 33b*jº sexº, rude, awkward, clowniſh - —chinta & odºxº careleſs, un- mindful —cooat ºf tent Š 2 x. 3 unmo- jºr se” *- ( 173 ) . odºxº weak, impo- “s . . . - of ſeaſon J ºr E Teadda édop ºx, soxº lifeleſs de dépattee Cºle & sexºxy is not to be found — de ſãma can Co.; A.L., cy soxº is not to be paralelled han'ya léma & J & soº is not more than five —jaddee (Sex-sexxº imperfect, is not done -— in'dah oc.jſ sexxº is nqt admira- ble tº - - inggat sº sexº, forgetful — linjap --sº scºxº not vaniſh- ed, unalterable - — pada câwáſako &ºlº o, Nº sº; 33 is not in my power — pootooſan cº, scº endleſs — ráſa &sly oc'x43 taſteleſs ſála &JUs. sex; innocent. — tantoo º sexxºj uncertain tógo 3-33 scº inconſtant, doubtful, wavering * * * Téboo ºf a ſugar cane Técoos O.º a rat, mouſe —ayer; Cº-º; a water rat —-moondokº–93953-5 cy.23; a mole tána ajl, Gº-Kº a ground rat Técur ºxº a mat - Téda scº; no, not, do not, did not, ſhall not - —adda ocyc odº away, abſent, is not, it is not, there is not, have not, has not, had not, ſhall not, are not, am not, was not, will not — adda waćtoo 233 sos sex& out not, is Y y. • T E * ( Téda appa & sex; no matter 'i —— báchampoor ºlººk & sº up- mixed . . . . . * — báik Lºgº sex; not good - . 174, ). T E * . . . Téda bólee coorang étoo padá ko sº; 53 oe, 2% $95 cºsº I cannot - want that . . . . . . . . |--— bølee dépat cºlò. Cs'34 sº —ballas Oºº sº; ungrateful -— bárang appa * ſ &jº 8-X^* nothing —béáſa & Lºg sexº, unaccuſtomed — belang £2%. scº to ſlight, not aCCOUnt º ——ber'arga &# sº not valuable —— berbooa sº soº barren, un- fruitful * bergoona alsº scº frivolous, fruitleſs, needleſs, unprofitable, of no effect, of no account, good for no- thing, unneceſſary \ —— berhookoom demned berlákoo 332; sex j not current ber oobah *ºr ooº inviolable — berpooboo º233; sº durable, unalterable **=} scº uncon- t— impoſſible — bólee kijiang inſatiable r . . . bólee ménahan . Gº sº Gººs intolerable —--- bránee cs'; ocº cowardly ~ bree (gr. oeº to refuſe cáléatan Gjlºſt; scº inviſible '. no where caſſee . *— chápat ecºlºr ocº unhandy, aukward * * — chinta & solº negligent, careleſs *. r * . chool:oop **** sº ſcarce enough to complete, ſhort in quan- tity, unfit -- g — beroontoong §sº scº unfor-l. tunate, not gainful berpootooſan evº ce. laſting, not ending dépat ºle ooº cannot be ——dápat argánea aºlº cºlò sex& ineſtimable * bétool J)* *CXຠnot true - —— binnáſa & Lº scº not periſhing — bolee Cs); sº cannot, could not, may not, unable —— bélee bélang & Mºº ( -12, se: innumerable — bálee booang ay'er beſarr &c.; $. 3” F' §: Qsº coftive — cata troos Gº &G 39.37 un- dépatbélang $24, cºle sea; cannot be numbered — dăpat de bree jowab ºlò sexes --!> ÇS; e unanſwerable —— dăpat chéree C &y^* “ºle sex; inſeparable . . ; . . . . . — dépat de căta &tſ & cºgley sexº, ... unſpeakable f * ſpeakable jº . . . . *-i- dépat de légaee is eagles sexº, c ºx2] unfathomable . . . & &=^* Gºº sº camána mána ajlº alsº scº . . . . . ( Téda dāpat de ampoonee e cºlò sexº, 1. Cº-sº unpardonable * – dépat de éborcan CŞ cºlò º Xº cº diſconſolate, that cannot be comforted dăpat de lálooe cy CS3/2 unavoidable —- dépat detáhan < *gle sº cººl} unſufferable dápatjaddee CSO = — dápat pada ko 33 sº eq'o scº cannot be to me —— dápat percháyacºlºr. sºle soº incredible dápat ſampee G.sºr" inacceſſable — dăpat foomboo sºle ocº * * * glo O . º ** cºlò o Xº uncurable de oobahcan cº25 revocable — dungan ſaja nea as-Lº 9:3 scº &A3 unawares, unwillingly —gápa alſº oº no matter - goona alsº scº of no eſteem, no value *— hároos O”3 jle sexº, undeſerved- ly, unworthy kéna & sº to miſs wº- kénal JJºš scº unknown — ko kénal padanea Jºš-53 scº &log I do not know him → lákoo sy ceſsful : * —— láyak -ºx sexº, unſeemly, un- * º cy 8-Nº ir- 175 ) } sexº imperfeót, unſuc- -- i * $ T E Tédalinjap cººl sex; not vaniſhing máin cºlº solº not in play, in earneſt & t maoo slº sº; will not, would not, to refuſe, to be unwilling jée 5'-- scº in- w * Af maoo dungar $ exorable méléat pada solº solº odº unminded Gr —— mendungſar pada jée- ocº ocy, unregarded mengappa . o-Nº, no matter — méráſa & lºs ocº inſenſible — ooſee Qs"> o, Nº needleſs pandee (Soº odºš unſkilful pátoot cººl, oxº unreaſonable, 1mproper poora poora oyº on 33 ocº un- feigned, ſincere M rāta &ly ocº uneven — ſacáran cytºts, o&Aj not now ſála &JLº, ocº unblameable ſåma & slº. oOºº unequal fāma ſaroopa A329 as a slºw ocº unlike * as ſooca & _2~ oJº diſcontented, diſpleaſed, not willing to, to diſlike taoo ballas C-2'- 25 o, Nº un- grateful — taoo ballas ſoocor o” L. 25 ocº Jº, unthankful taoo báſa A.L. 25 oce; rude, ruſtical, unmannerly taoo choombo –5 becoming, irºproper <--> 33 oxº unmannerly *T E { told <> * tógo 23; ocya; inconſtant Tédoh opeº ſmooth (as the water), calm (as the weather), ſtill, ſhady —Laoot tédoh oº S-ºx a calm ſea—Bree tédoh o»º fhady — can Cºo sº to ſhad Tédore 13 Nº ſleep, lye báring §Jº Jºexº, lye at length bersíſee Çs”; Jpea lye ſide by ſide • bertindee ÇSoºy Jºº lye one upon another C bodjoor J5-54 Jºcº lye acroſs — cras O.'; ) ºxº faſt aſleep de looar ºl,Jo Jºj lye without — dungan Jºe J2X& lye with mirring §× 2.29% to lye on one ſide ſound together .* fédap Gºlcº, Jºº ſleep, qui- etly — tiarap ºyº Jº to lye grovel- ing on the belly Télaee ( QA; a ſmall red bean uſed in India for a gold weight Téga & three . -- blas G.M., & thirteen — calee, Jº axº three times lápiscº & three fold perſaji Qs>"y: & triangular 176 ) Téda terbélang §º oçxº not to be GS3? make nídàra oyl-N& Joeº to ſleep ſāma fåma e-slº, a.s.l., Jºexº, lye T E is Téga pooloo 3/33 & thirty • , Y * |Teggar G& ſtiff, tough, hard, ſtubborn * attee Cº. ;3 hard hearted can cºjº to harden Téhoor 2569 in ſoundings, in reach of , the ground, ſhallow water Téládanoë93; a ſample, ſhape, image, pattern, model, form, reſemblance . cakkee Gº cº; a form of a foot, or a ſhoe laſt : * Télah oyº when, after, until, time paſt dea ab's oºl age oJº after he has done étoo 2:3 o)\} until now Télan co-Maj to devour, ſwallow up Télélee Gººg publiſh, diſcloſe, diſ. cover, declare, make known, reveal, tell, communicate, make bare, un- covered a can Gºo Mº to publiſh, &c. can tooboo 3253 cºo)\º unco- ver the body 3, Télinga &Mºjithe ear, a handle (as of a pot) Télékee Csºkº damaſk filk Télooc Cº an arm of the ſea, a bay, road, harbour, gulf, haven, creek Téloot sº to kneel Télore Jº an egg *m. booſoocely_* 3: J 3%ja rotten egg — écan cº-X, Jº the hard roe of a fiſh, ſpawn of a fiſh --- F- kootoo 3353 Jº a nit |Tºma €tam AXA &º lead -méra dºs arº red lead d ( Téma pootee Cº *: tin, ceruſe, Témang témanggan oxx -º &rº tri- fles, toys, children's play things Tencóra oºº; a ſcull & T E Tenga & half, the middle of any thing, among, between ab'is cy…! & half done —— harree C&J's & noon, mid-day dua o Sax; one and a half — málam.) L., & midnight teng'a &x3 ξ in the middle, be- tween—Jálan detenga & © Cox's- walk between Tépee Çsº border, hem, bound, li- mit, ſkirt, ſelvage, edge, coaſt, ſtrand, fide **. — ayer ºf Ceº the water ſide, or edge e +cay'in cºlº Caº the ſelvage of the cloth kittab Gºº Gº the margin of a book - kóta aº; G sº the out-work of a fort sº h —— laoot Gºº Qsº the ſea coaſt négree CŞjº Qsº the border of a country Tépisoº; to daſh againſt Tépoong §3.4% paſte, dough, meal, flour Ter; moſt. A particle which adds a greater force to anyword it isjoined to Terädil Joey moſt righteous Teralla a!'; conquered - * 177 ) |Terboonee |Tercábargº very famous T E Ter'am'at ecºſ; extraordinarily much, exceedingly much Ter'an'choor 2-sº !, digeſted, concoct- ed, diſſolved, melted Terandok Cºxil, a hat Ter'antooc Cº.33; drowſy Terányáya agº; oppreſſed * Terány'ote “º |}} a drift, floating Ter'appee C-3' y fired • Teráring aſ Gºy |}} eaſieſt, lighteſt Terbäik —º; the beſt—E'ang ter- bāīk derree pada fåmoa -śl, ë'. ox-slº, o X4 QSyð the beſt of all Terbálas oºl; vengeance Terbang &; to fly, evaporate Terbang can Jº&; to make evaporate or fly • Terbanggònan “J.X3.5 flying, riſin . cº-º-; flying §s Terbéla &\º ſplit Terbélang £933; counted Terbentang &; crucified Terbéſar *}” greateſt Terbit ex; to riſe up or ſpring up (as the ſun, as water out of a fountain, as ſweat out of the body, as tears), to come forth, iſſue forth giggee Gº cºy, breeding (as teeth) Terbooca & 3;’ diſcloſed, diſcovered, revealed, expounded, opened, mani- feſted, made known, wide open, fpread c sº; hidden Ter'allah AJ |F godly Tercácal Jºlsºjº eternal, everlaſting Z z ( Tercájoot tº25-tº dreadful, ſcared Ter'caſſee 3 well beloved, beſt beloved $ Tercăwāſā a-Lº, moſt migh powerful Terching on Gyº, terrible, mon- ſtrous, º” Tercómádéan cytotº33 laſt of all Tercooat cºſ 33.3 moſt ſtrong Terdálam nea & 2xley, the great deep ~~~~ Ter'écat ex3.5 tied Ter'édop ‘Pºy living, like to live long Terät e.g.; fully intended, &c. See Fäſat Tergantoong §sº hanged T E Cs”; 178 ) ty, moſt T E <+ * Terláloo_j}.; extraordinary in eſtima- tion -- º am'ât e-s! :]}; extraordinary in quantity, very extraordinary, too much, ſuperfluous bang'at exit 3/3; extraordinary haſte gooſarj”93.3' yy extraordinarily |- angry er. panjang &= 43/2; exceeding- ly long w Terlálooawn o!:/X tº º exceſs Terlancap ºx; moſt perfeót ** Terlebbee. cs: F utmoſt, moſt of all- am'at evº! ( = , more than enough, ſuperfluous — tingee G” cº'; moſt high, Terhéla *>}} drawn, pulled Terhéraen cº-º-; moſt wonderful, moſt marvellous Téríak Cºlºra noiſe of any man or beaſt cooda oopſ -3 º neighing of a horſe | doomba &s25° -ºš bleating of a ſheep — Örang &13' -*tº the call noiſe of mankind Terjähat ***; worſt Teringgat <ā; thought of Terka as; to play with or ſnap —jarrce (Syl- as, ſnap or play with the fingers Of Terkéra ºjºr reckoned Terlákoo 332; moſt excellent, exceed- º: \-º!y prolo the natural unforced higheſt - * nged Termaſſúree G.S.) ºr diſcloſe, make known * e Terniáta Ajº, remarkable, notorious dungan tantoo 2:3 cºe & º - notorious, with truth Ter’oojong § 3-5 y laſt end, further end Teroonoosoºj; drawn (as a ſword), unſheathed — Pédang teroonoos O”53jºy §944 a drawn or naked ſword * Ter’oopoong §342; a teleſcope, pro- t * ſpect glaſs. Ter’oorey. G.S.):y Foofed Terpäit cºl; moſt bitter T erpécháya & (=&; one of much faith. Terpillee C-93; choſen, eleáed, ſelect- ing in goodneſs . ed, the choice Tºt Terpilleavn 0%; the choſen, &c. Terpoojee C-23; much praiſed Terpoonoo_532.5% filled Terpooſéca &L. 24; inherited Terrenda ooj; humbleſt Terſângat cºs; exceeding much in quantity, more than enough Terſéboot cº,*F. mentioned, nomi- nated, rehearſed Terſinjom ***; ſmiled Terſoorat Gºjº, º written Terſooroo 3.25"; ſent, &c. See Sooroo H Tertálanjang &=}x Üß ſtripped naked | Tertib cº, mannerly Tertoolak GX$53,7 divorced, put from, &c. See Toolak Tertoolis Jºy written, drawn, de- ſcribed Tertootoop º25.5%; ſhut, cloſed Tétápee ( -3U ºbut, nevertheleſs, not- withſtanding, and yet Tétek Cºxº; a ſharp point (as of land, as of a needle), a tittle or point in writing - Tétik Lºº; a drop, ſpeck, tittle or point in writing, to drop, leak, fall on, to ſtrike right down (as with a hammer), to let fall on mánétik -ºxºglº-ºxº; to ham- mer or ſtrike on, many together (as ſmiths)—Ba tétik tétik Lºja. • *Xº drop by drop Tial Otay a gold weight uſed in many parts of India and China Tſandy Gºoglº a ſpire, ſteeple, tower Tiang tº a maſt, poſt, pillar § ( 170 ) sº |Tiangágoong § 53 | §§ the main maſt }* f t T I bátoo ºu &tº a ſtone pillar lāyer, 3. §§ a maſt of a ſail pengapoh ox;' a wad Toon'goo jº over-ſee, ſurvey, look after, watch, over-look, keep, pre- ſerve, ſave, beware, take heed, note, caution * > Toon'gooawn olº an overſeeing, &c. º Toon'gul Jº a dry log, a piece of timber Toonjoo *; ftretch or hold out (as the hand), put out, reach out, or ( 184 ) *T O eyes, to direét, guide, point, to prove, ſhew, demºſtrate, make appear Toonjoocan ex32=3; to ſtretch or hold out, &c. See Toonjoo Toonkat exi; a peſt, pile, ſtaff, cudgel, prop, ſhore, ſupporter, ſtake, mace, truncheon attas tang'an cº-º oºl ºf to ſupport or lean on the hand * debaya sºlº è Gº to under prop, ſupport * kétéak – tº ejº crutches, {tilts } *… as lampee cº-sº º a wand raja as-y ex333; a ſceptre, or Iſla CC T , , ſampak –º.” evºjº a ſtaff of a pike — ſandar Joºs ºjº a leaning + poſt Toonkatcan co-ºº:3 to prop, ſhore, ſupport § Toonoo 3353 weave, wove * * Toontoot cº,*5X353 to dun, aſk peremp- torily, demand (as a juſt debt) Tooping &; a vizard-maſk, to diſ- guiſe - Tooree Q.933 to carve images Toork C. y a Turk Tooroon o3153 come down, deſcend, alight, going down or ſetting (as of the ſun), to depart from, come from 257 the ſide of a * bookit *34 Q_5 hill *. — cálabooawn colº ex:J57 to de- & ſhew by holding out, ſet before the part from a haven Tooroon derree pada cooda cºſ; sº oc.; 4 Sye pº from the horſe . . . - derree, J43 & a ſhip Toorooncan co-º:J57 to cau down, to lower down -lāyer r;2 co-ºp123 lower the ſail Toorooſanejº a water-fall, a gully Tooroot cºpy; follow, imitate, ob- ſerve, do after, after that faſhion, ad- here to, conform to, obey - →la flya al., & sº follow me Toorootancº); imitation, tradition, obedience Tootok Gº to ſtam - mortar - Tooton oyº; a mulberry pada cáp deº * Çe cy: §º nd from on board ...“ - & ſe to come Tootoop º ſhut, cover, cloſe up, encloſe, ſtop up bálátantra 8yºu Sº the reer of an army * > — dálam e? ley º ſhut in -— dung'an cay'in cºcº º cover with a cloth — mooloot -º! 3-9 º22525 ſtop the mouth —— pintoo _2^4 \r-23.5% ſhut the door 1 Tootoopan cº 33.3% a ſhutter, cover, lid Tootoor ..)15.3% reveal, publiſh, declare, mention, commune, diſcover or talk together - Tootoorawn Go!Jº a communica- 185 ) p or beat in al T ty. Tópáyang &! ; a jar for water Tórak Gly93 to coil (as a rope), to wold, to wind about (as thread on a ſhuttle, as lace on a board) Towac J ſº any ſtrong ſpirits Tow'ang §133 to pour (as out of a bot- tle), to caſt or found (as guns) Tow'as Trang; tranſparent, light, manifeſt —Cácha €nee trang £5 Cºg &lſ this glaſs is tranſparent " * * máta arree GSy! &lo &y light the ſun riddup ºvoºj č; a ſhining light only allum ofg —Boolon trang 9. cº- a clear or light moon * - Tráta &ſ; a tent, tabernacle, hut Troos O.25; throughs: can cºo-2; put through, pierce through, penetrate A Tſaaidat evolºzza, a burnt offering Tuan ol; ſir, lord, maſter, miſtreſs, you or thou, in a genteel way of ſpeaking — 6rang §92 olº ye, you men —— parampoan cº-wºº coſ; miſtreſs Tummun cº-rº companion, partner, fellow, mate, partaker, confederate —- jálan cº- co-º' a fellow tra- Yeller. mácan cºst-e Jº a meſs-mate máin Gºl-e J-3 a play fellow —— mengájar > * Q3,5 a fellow tion, diſcourſe, dialogue, declaration learner 3 B * W A Tummum pra dier & sº * — tºdore J, Xaº gº a bed fellow — tummum cºcº companions, ng & Gº a fellow ſol- ºr ". . . . * #A a company, a ſociety a | * * º e sº Tuéra ox!; a muſical ſtringed inſtru- Enent VENIAGA a tº25 trade, merchan- dize, trading Ulcadus owoº!' holy f tjlcaduſawn cºcº | holineſs A Uſkafan cº-ºw! 3. biſhop WACTOO 3.3 2 time, ſeaſon, term or ſpace of time, awhile, weather ampa & _23 5 calm weather ber'anak -ºil; _*: time of a woman's travaif —— beräwang ⪙_*: cloudy wea- ther ——ber'hentee cº-ſº yº: a reſt- ing time, a vacation — betool Oyº _*: a right time, opportunity —— caboos oº's 23, foggy wea- ther a $ — châwácha a-ºl- _2^3 2 clear weather — comádéan oldels; 23, the laſt t] me bäik –ºlº 23, a good time — €ang détang &le §4_*: the] ( 186 ) Wálee w A * Wačtoo lain tº-3 º another time %. 533 the time paſſes * ***** prope: time, **º pátaqt *ue time tº iº is—— Yºkºro"Ha. *. 2- sº. =-penchároba &ºts="33: certain ſeaſon **. 3. &Il ºn- -- Poongoot booa o!º sº; 5%; ſeaſon of fruit gathering . . . — ſºdékit cºxº. 23, a little while * tédoh sº ſtill calm wea- ther * * * *- - * §§ o & — trang & 23, clear bright wea- ther—Páda waćtoo _º oc)3 in ſea-- ſon—Láloo wačtoo jº 31} out of ſeaſon—Adda waćtoo. yº: ocºs time enough, to have time Wākille); saprocurator, conſul, agent, Oil:C empowered # !, an eagle A Wali Çs2 a guardian to a child, a tutor *. Wanjee cº fragrant, odoriferous Wárang & !, a partner at play, a com- rade Wárits. oº: a legacy, will, teſta- ment Warna & 5)19 colour, hue, point, fort, kind, manner, means —— berrooboo. _542; a. faded co- lour —bárooboo 24º ai, a fading co- time to come lour bétool Jº &J)tº a natural co- —— gālap sºlº_2^3 5 dark weather lour * ...” .* •º. > a' * , w A - ( 187 ..) + ze w * . sº •. . . warna Ootoon fº & 4 a pale colour Warna têgo 3& &J)º 3. durable colour £ang báik pada fang léat aij > warna &J); ajº cºlours, paints : colº & ox; -*. 3 a lively co-Wäwoo 2: a kite of paper lour y * 3: ... " Wāyang &: a comedy, ſtage play # : #berrooboo §4 *3) : Wellakia cºx 3 foraſmuch, never- º &g fºurable colour . ... theleſs, notwithſtanding, howbeit, * . _543r:3. sº — limpa &Jay3 a liver colour yet — mooda ocy-, adjº pale in colour, Wronggon cyyº25.15 arſenic in any kind — oongoo º Aº violet colour YACOOB ºxx, Jacob –pérang & AJ, a brown, tawny Yámook -ºu a moſquito colour , “ . . * poochat exº~34 &ly13 a pale, wan|A ZABIB -j raiſins .# colour * A Zábour Jºj a pſalm ſälang &º aj); a changeable co-A. Zamoorood oxyº an emerald lour Zémawn Glº j time, age, period of tooah slº Ajº deep in colour of time *s, any kind —— dauloo 3' ſo Golº j times paſt * sº Printed by S. Rousse AU, at the Arabic and Perſian Preſs, Mood Street, Spa Fields. ***“v” ſ º, , , , , º.s.: , , , , , , , ,§§§§§§ț¢.-, º, , , , ,}&#!!!!, ¡ ¿ #-* … *·ș-*-• ,× t »,·, \,., , , …*- . ; * •:•· * ,· *· · ·ș+ *-|-, è à**¿ºſ ►*';...º** *; ;x./;.·º ae,ºgº ~·}}***-… ; * * → → *}*•{-+ + +•% ſº* a † (? - ? .. .».→... •? ., , , ) eſ « º. 3.- ***rA';-----§ →*■r 3. * #::-* -|-«^' .→** •w،· • • • • ► º*--|-Ķ&<>* ,iſ. *-|-|-+ →¿? &*»، -* *! -** …). »|-• , ; • •±%§. ∞}«→*…· ×ș→| r \\ … ,\ſ*:))?'; „“|-+•»�**,·*; *· -??? ·�’,|-** ,x'&ýrae * , ;'.}•ș» «, , ~ ~ ~ º ': ,~* •× șºs·|-… •\,r. ſº`…? • !... • .J• .-! 2† º.● --.*ș�„*~ -*. · * * · · ·~, ,|-, !· · ·.· · · ·*}; | :} ·-† • •�» + ·*…; ;**ae *.-: *• • •• ** ,|-::=---, ! • 3 •-…*#*•. *º «• & -? .|-ș● |-·-,, . ”...”: .*- }*>.x*.» § ^.” (w§ . . --.*• ș.|-*·- ** - ),; : , & . . ».3 · @ :-„ • • •••*-p·· , &: …’’ - ~|-→}·* , , , :. *�•*|-* • • * ,· « , ;|- x,-}*«.-• }ł, ž.,…, 3. ** * ș *… *|--* *&* ,2`... :}}, … . ^ær|-à £-• • • .gn:; ; · *|-· ·-· · ·ër: „.“ *-|-:&• • • • • • • • •« . »* ...· · · · · · * |×·� ·z**{ ,,*ș,** ... + s.>~ *•· · · · -;, , !• • § *·|-* *** *· • × × {}, { ) {:: --~ º.».*(~; º s-ºſſeſ.→•• 2,}}* • §.-: *¡ ¿ ºs ·*=* ģ.!," , ,* ·a * * • .' : ?*», zł.; &º%;&##$ $, º “º”, ~ -…}}*.* --###', #, , §.w• .º. -,-- ,!# §:* ,p*„, , * »ę }}----�•' , º ,a „º, ,�-* . . ”-*-*! *. . . » ‘= -�Ä •- -|--*/* * # …;xºr ,··*! 3- 3 · ·! ?° ). . .". .ſ ≡ . 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